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The Morning Record, January 08, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Pint TW-No. m.
Read and Profit...
Ooro WoltOrt, Bello Clondlkc;
I give his otwntiee to tbe groeer; bed of
of rMh 7«n*w, (old colorod roMoPKZX. BBXBMKB
ABBBtTKD I ^ boaiema beraoflor.
Bobt.. JlckUnr. EloBdike prooc)
b.,jo»r 'r«di«g. W.h.™th.b«t fiU«i
le^ Boeb'^t. whim
whit* mlDtoteiU
i Mim Ujry
ever aetr, oDd the mast rehdeble Bog^ea that are pabUriwl.
A g>nc« ovkr tbe ooonter viU ooarinoe ;m that oar stai*>
Verto MelBtTTO. Bommdn pole rpH Bocoaeo Be P^h^laTod o Work of Art
JUr>iA<»>» •«oow« of tt*
^ fRid^ mA floftrptek hot wilb
Boood OttJeetloubU b; tbe Avthee- tbo perooM wf tbe bride. «e Bartow
PUnaod bj 'Wi/i Sehoe) r«|>teIHw rmeemitfir Twoddle Peeaed etrpet. T%e oeremoe; wai performed
BircU Wolka-. wUcr: iMu &aA
Xto VlolotloB ft tbe Pow-Wbrt'to b; JesUee Jobe Verl^.
^lOT eal^
«1tb blue, wh^le
Bovlvol eerrlMa at tbe Pint M. B.
uA VoUMt ToBthd U SdMat(.ftao «KM(T «TRECT.
ebareh ood the Prieadaebnreb. ore be
g AUome; Twaddle te emKUo Sbepord. OoIomMo: white dnm,
ing etteaded b; targe eoagregoticao
Tteo k«*o bm mu;
eeomple of A
red oad bine trimmln;. ableld. oad rokver; oveatag ond iberoealtd!o('tbe ef(i*n U Ttotcim Clt;. tbu wkieb no
(Orta of the pastors and tbeir oasistoata
tows in tkonote kmor* fnmod for it*' oettM of rod white oad hleo.
Rote Mocre oad Edith Ebrl. Two. Ut- of aeorolit; in tbe c'it; of New York. ie (be work ore pieesoBt to eeatemboapiuli^. bat a«*«r OM-t^raamoco
Mr. Oomatock baa been e eeaaUet men.
■oral or ebormUc <me Uu Urn luc; tle Oirla In Bine; eoe^lfl^ooMw OMfermne; ;aore to tbe tbeatrteol plou,'
’ 4ram port; r< w >aM evaainr te MonTba racnlor meeUog of tbe Oopd
m Joek tbe Oloet ^Ipr:
You Oka filwAya gut tfe* Lkto
TbmpIoiawUloeeerthieevoBlBg. DiMtnffM lull Iv * oitmbm- of tbe Bifk
wbiu wotat. red ud bli^ daabM
agotae to tbe district ceaveaUca to ^
XAgBAinM And Fmpen nt
donbleu blook boao, tod aippem. fa^
bUdet Fife Lake Joaitor; (S'oad SO.
Tb* ball wu proUU; nnufad for
• '
* thn oeeutoa. Tb« oloetric U(hu la
1 b;tba mee- an to be elected. Ike esoo! good proEthel Hoxte. vBlejreie OIrl: abort
gimmLwUI be U charge of Oompoa;
pole pUk nhadm eprood o rep; (low
bloek ekirt oad lerclna. atrlped aklrt tntioaa posted for tbo poMie e;e
' ow OMj eopmtn }oM bir eaoarb (or
Oom- No. I. Mim CArrie O’Neal, leader.
oiet. ooqaettiah red bod.
two, oad BOoeM oad eoehloDO (oee o
WolterTrambell. OMUemon of tbe etoek'a mhalon la to aaprasa tUa aort of
iMBoUke olr W tbi room.
Bverythlag In tkaKaate Uae. at W,
mb Oentor;: ^erraet erealor eentaeie. odrertlalog oad tba node in art at oeed
W. Ktmbaira pew eten, m Frimt
• Tbe port; woo chfcperoned b; Men.
•. Bortbo Keefe, Dopblee; doint; white iarttea octiea from him U too geaer- ctreeL Mn-tf
-Kaw ZAaa’ FaahlamBb'etafH- Fat
; are HaM-aaUCaro
J. B. Mortin. ond oo eooB oa
bnel; dlapU;ed in poMfe. Tke exam
t^Bed (own ood flehn.
Tkerek Katblng LOm •■*#» lAaa”
tbe rwete bod rrirod oU JolMd U
Ed. Tblrlbj. Jell; Joek Tbr: now ple tbaa oat, backed ep b; tbe Iowa of
iwpli^ moele
tbe (rood'
(rood" moreb.-to
Mieblgoa boa
Mae aoUor eelt
br BUewonbBoU,tbe"aldba^ OoA
Oioee Hnatiara. Spring; white ae t, Tweddlt to nip In tbe bud on; o^i Wbat’s the kiAttef wHh
pletoreeqae coetomee' lenAiv odded
trimmed with rtolett' oad bettorm^. ration for tbe dlapto; of ebjeciifoablo
boost; to tbe ehooree ond liiosee of
inTroTerna Cit;.
Woll Still RMt 7he grn—elfi Oarpei At............
oad 'froga Mg ond ' '
the morcb. Tbe eresinf woe apent In
A pictara boa beea exhibited ie tba
BdU 7oU.
Sevenil go^ patti>nu k£t—pretty da- • t MUr
(omao. ond iU ^
Otto MeCleake;. K^wleon: eoekpd dlaplo; window of tbe Uon aoloon.
Vgn»—good qoaiitiM. If you’ll need a Bcaeeeb Oarpat wiUun tl|»
to power peppiA cokeondtee
whieb tbe proeeeolor deema e eiolotloo
WB« nwrodto^wnaolotebour benext six months, buy it »6W.
of tbe Uw. ocoerdlng to Bowetl'a
rior emperor.
(ere the port; mme to o
Soroh Oreeno, A OLrl of Todo;; Pret- etotntee. »llt f„ which reiotea to tba
nr.tt oMof the moat eojopotion ofmoroUtjond prerentlon
t; brows ooetam*.
■ .tODdaJ'.eM of tbe
Oeotge. Boff oad Arther Jlekll^. Of crime, ond which read* os foUowa:
It ebolt be neUWel for on; penon
Bole ond Sombo: two colored geoUer eloborote
Sererol ef tbe geaUemen did not
orotberob}eet.oriBon; otraeL
to rire A d
nod. or otberdioblio place, oa; alga, br a ChriatmaB or New Tear’a
teoent an; epeelal ehoroeter.
brief tbe; were ea foUowe:.
We have a nice lot of
CkrI SehnMder, pietnre, prteUng or other repremu- prenent?
Mro. J. Be Martin. Ooort latS <*f
Mon of morder. omomlna i inn. eubMog.
Walter Potgo, Joek Pen;.
Igbtlsg. m-ot on; penoeol vlelenoe er Ihem in every atyle auti finisb.
Tmnoe; wbHe broeoded nod oponr>*A
Jobaaoo ond I. J. Ploao.
of tbe eommlaelon of oa; crime, or any White Enamel, Antique Maple,
gown, an mAlU, powdered oMgnrb,
reprseentaHae of tbe bomon form le
Antique Elm, Ash, Mahoguy and
euitode w drem wbUk wonld
Hnleo Moore. Boeolind: pole pink
tbe ooae of a Uving perm ^ch in aqoare and loag glut,
on eo appeared la oa; pob'eoeteme. dolet; Inee debe.
dust-proof drawera, and-we
Kdlib HnaUnre. Jaliet: ooft white Preset Hemlnoted Blm f^ Poet- lie eUneL eqoore or bigbwo;.
AoeordlBg to this etotate, which an selling them at prices that will
■ of Trovano ’Olt;
'Ban; KaeoUad. Oaeto Sam: Mae
law, SberiC SlmpeoB made a eomplaist
seat, radoad'white etriped pasta, wkho
againt PhlL fibenner. proprietor of
l^t with Mna boaA and atwK iMg
XmwkVopaxXaax-maaAw a
tbe Lion aoloon. oad be wm orresud
geotem .
In MiehignaauttolbeaeboU b;'tbe •j Ondcraberiff Aabtoa. The eborge
Troaoea OreUlck. Korelaana; w
■ k;. were thoea*ofOeo.
with ;ellow aoab. and eloberotel; Bnff, Traverse Cit;: C A. Palmer, MenFnniiBhliiff 6Uo«,
Uoacd, .tba day previooa. Sb
istee: WUllom G. QiidBoa. Lndingtoo. want before Jndge Beberts and pleaded
one lo^ flawer forming the coptta-m Fi^^i TEAVBB8B CITY.
Cborim A. Wright woe named for aot gi£llt;. and tbe bnriag of tbe c
MnrioB Pratt. Night: block |
■epUectar of Intemol reveene of tbe was eet fer neat Tknieda;. Veaurda;
aprtekled with oUear eton, ator and
Fiial dUtrict of Michigan.
afternoon the pietnre atill remained
ereeeent mooo is bUr.
the window. Another eomplalnt v
^rt Hnr&nml. COroli; ofioer U fall
L»t Meath EiodledJUl Part Baaayaa. "^411 Dei.r. SaU Theai lar
and Mr. Sbermer was again areoatnme of bloc oad gold, with aword.
Stere Lordta. O. 6. Arm; elBeer ts Olob of Twaat; Ptomlnoat Bnrtneoa reetnd and Ukea before Jadge Boberta.
hloo. with brood red aaah.
Ken Oijgodsed.
data. TbU U tbe firat time aneb a
Pronoaa Palter. Joan of Arc: block
A Bomber of tbe expert wklat pie;- ha* been tried in Traverae Cit; and tba
eolret bodice, red aklrt. little Preach era of Traverae Qly met leat nlgkl ie
i for
But there i* alwa^
wDt bewatebad with leterlose cop.
mere. Th^fcre come i
tbe rooma ^ Jobe A. Laroeger and
yoor PHOTOS. We have a----Bertha Beddeo. Somomr Olri: aoilar orgoaixed a dab to be known ee the
Tbe pietare wbA bee leriied the
hot. Bbirt woiaU white desk ebdri.
Traverae (dt; Wbiel Cleb. Tbe ofiem tMtioo of the eetboriUea U eoop; of e
r, if we have to work
Barr; Porker, Sammrt B«t: white ore:
allnlgbL ^
tamooa p^Gag oad is naed to adve
. 4o^ toaok salt.
fteeldeot—E. McNomoro.
ttee tbe llqocH ef Hnlmaa A Bcgga,
Bnotm, Bed Boee; while moU
SeereUir-J. A. Uxmngar.
wholaaaledealera of Terre Bant, lad.
giSl trimi^ iHtb otfamoo
The plet)^ -repneeaU a barge g*il; tit Soatb L'akwBL
Tbe)officef* wiU serve as a.eommltUe bedecked ~wUh flowan. propelled b;
Aleo T;ler, Monk: in lea
to a^eet aelubla rooms, which it I* Cnpld. and from wbkA a anmber
robs oad. hood. '
Called to keep open ever; evening females are bethlag la tbe eea.
Emma %aMtee, Mold of tbe IBth Ceo- for tbe convesieaee of tbe ■
After bis Beenad'errest Hbermar datoi;; block loeo eeotamo wUb white bera ef tbe deb. Segelar meeUngs
termtnad to avoid fntnre tionble
wOt be held oa Toeada; oad' FriOpal Uebbe. Ooeee Victoria le bar da; evesiega each wash. The mea- tboegb hr did aot remove tbe pletora.
GOLD is what we want forjnoiier* Still
girlhood; pick eeetamo and gold crown.^ benbip is tweet;, as follows: 'E. Mc from tbe window, laataed be piw
cored eome crepe paper and deelgned a
every ^Id coin is adulterated—some golA
-CUaworth Hole. Hooa. jTuloreT from Namara. J. A- Loraager. L Bobarm, Boltoble article of elothlog for each of
'tkm old ooentr;: Oermoe eoatomo. W. 8. Fmur. it. Moatagrm. Tbea- T. tbe onde flgorea. and wbieb he taaUI;
Not so with
some alloy.
Baue, A. F. Camerea. J. W. TlavK
ebed to tbe pietare ia a msaaer
BmthoBosia. Ooddeee of LWt;: M. B. BeUey. O. F. Carver. W. 4X
calcaUted upraventaa; further obwhHo. 'wltb loag. open alwreo. gold dee. C. fi.'Travl*. W. J. Bokb^r^F. «. ieettoaa which mi^t be advanced b;
ooroaet, oad with her J^ong^goldoa Heemaae. W. C Bell. D. A. Wood- tbeofficera
bolr Bowing.
wwrUi. B. H. Bmckea. J-V. Mclejwh.
■ Walton Ora;, Prinee Chorminn; eUb- O. C. Moflatt. M. W. Underwood.
orate eostome of pole Mae paffed oad
Flour—Every ounce is Pure. ALL GOLD,
aei off. with bloek.
XNaagrMabt* Xndlng afa BM^ SM*
ZaUo Vogelaong. Bales ef Ti
and takes the shine.
wbiu Greek gowe with peUere In
The girl inthlfi lecture I* no*
A part; of jxmg ladtaa aad geiUaFiaaaa fbr Ba^iab KhlpbuUdlag.
eer. boir beaded wUb silver,
_.ea of tbs High acbool came to grief a waitress in a restanrant. She
lidltb Tbomao. gipa; dower gtzl; rnd
Large qoanUtim of 6ae pine w|aam
earing a moonlight aleigb ride^ni*-~ <mpond«oab. wbiU waist, bine aklrt Umber are beiog baaled to tbe be;
de; nighv Tbe; aeeared a team from is a child of the xaouataiaB^
with wbiu border.
ebore near the J. E. Orelliek factory.
' B. J. Morgaa'B liver; bare and drove to our own sublime mountaiaa of
George Tblriby. Goorge WeohioglOB Some of tbe largest and beet stick* ef
Elk Bapida to visit the blast foraaoe.
ie keee breeehco: aetln wolsieoet, leee pine ever eat la this eectkra are ia tbi*
UpOD tbeir reura. tomiag a.eornar too the great west
nidea. powdered qaeosoad oeAed koU lot. The Umber la being eat b; Wifiabort' tba aleigb was apeet and badl;
How she became an aitisFs
fetbel Thomoe. 1^101110; Wade frock.
damaged. Several of tbe part; were
Inmber and eqaare Umbtr.
■ WblM cop. rnBed kereblef aiSi enffa.
aeraubed bat none aeriooal; bait, model and lost her heart is
• 'Vm«r Browe. Msxteoa eobellero: Ike Umber la being cat la Blair towkr tbohgb
wide aombraro ood eait heori); tiimmad ship apd there will b* SU ^eeee of h, braiaad aad toreed to aaek aaigteal at* graphically told in the gtory
which will be shipped to Baglaad fer
With gGt oad ertmaon.
taaUoB. Tka parW remained at Elk
In the *prtng. Bapidf ovlr night aad Vatnmad
Be; Oodheet. e BIgh acbool
Beaidee tbe aqoere Umber Mr: Benn|e
opmplati footboU oetdt
The Oha4ren*s fisiet and eee If any of our
the eari; uWln. with tba axeepUoi
fJiiun Woro; tewer girl; deiel; will cat 8O0,OMOJeet of toga
twa ef the jroong man who drove tbe
odd lot of Hoea.WiU fit Touget SOogooda for»6otf
^te (rock end bet trimmed with
«aigbJU0e.DaneenadBnppnr'. . ^elgh borne after it had been fixed np.
wa happen to tove the sine.
a’ nambCT ef .^oreaten and their
Sw Priedriek. move; blue opd
rlvea eajoyed a aleigb rid* Thnreday
gilt coot, red Torkhh trooserm. wbiu
evening oat 'to tbe home of Mr. aad
legglao. red Ie*.
Mrt. Amae Loogabore. A doe sapper
WtaaM FeUar. UUlc Bo Peop; ^ort
was aerved aad tba evening wAs paaaed
,aUow gown, big legkor* bat. Wna
A. B. BdUlte; met with a painId daaeiBg aad maalcal cntartalnmeaL
ah. abepherdb crook.
Tbe gneato experieaoed the prevm ' . ' fol accidqatymUrday which .will canee
Emil Xarilagar. Booaob Bides, with
bespitnlit; of tbe Lengsbor* home vit blmtorwminatkameforafew fiaya.
oaoirof eooo-to be atote troopm.
I atWaL Haalippmloe (he icy Walk
Groes Bdred. UtOa Eva: dowlog
{ Bam^ofiM. MTVontatreeL and la
b»lr. dove eMored gown, piek aotie ood
Obnn. XellePs XMft
a bad (aU anatatoed a aerer* sprVn •
Cbarite Keller «f Brioa. came to tlu
Inee Ummleg.
BeUrtrarth. Mnad Meller; big cli; Tbareda; to bare one of kla ayta
-hoiond long sleeved oprmt^^bo; rake treated b; e pbyalelaa. He met with
•aaeddeat in tbeTogar mw akUl. '
« Un cup.Tk* aannal maating .af tba Ladiea’
Mr. Wood. Tbe Jndge; eveBlag'boe- wUcbaaaU *m* fotoed lata Ua
LOnr; Amaeiattmi wfU be haU at
and eoanteooBoe morM b; qjra. Dr. Oamar draaMt tbo apUe
B&XLLIAHT yjJrOT PUM «0' OIAl.>A»rT. '
. Haskell’s Bookstores
A Nice
Steinberg’s ^,2’oX^i*
Warm Shoes
at Out Prices....
Btff IS NllliD.
Prices 60c, 69c, 7^, 98o, $1.26.
Gaining in Popularity^-=a.
We are
Still Very Busy
-Ah.. :w^i
' Tonu^Ar BlodL
They Say_
OAn TO omxHF.
Hannah & Lay Co.
which wiU be printed-ui
jgdMial gmvlt;.
there ia daagv that Kr. Ul tr
Minnehaha; brt^ loMtheaieoftL
teadaaea ta fimlraA
J. w. ailXLIREl^.
,yg» xoBvnra bboobb.
T. Batm An> J. W. .BAMsn.
W. a«Jni^, Bditar asd UaMfw*
th« r«M«M mt
Wnx the board of eaparrlaere moat
MXt week it wlU be to ceaeider the
wpart of the epectal committee app^ted to eeeare laformalloo recordtac the eoet of belldiar a eooaty ooart
Waee. Tbe myetior was oaUod tar
that perpoM aad the qnratloa of bondtag the eooaty for enoagh toeoror the
eaat 'wUlbedteeoMd. Thb b a mattar that wUl demand oarafal eoaaideriui. of oUen b«bl>
mporrtaeem. aa the 'growtag aaoda of the
ceaaty dewiaad aome better prorloiw tar carrytag oa the
. mt the eoaaty. Tbe oommlttoe will
report that a good aad raitable hoildtag wiU ooat abool 140,000 and the
qaartoa bow b to detennlae whether
the matter of boadiag the oeaaty
ahaU be placed before the people Now
U>ot Um~ on lotlor u, U, ooUook
tarthe fgtare hrigfak thoee who Ure
opUlde the city who oppeaed tbe oew
— ooart hooeo a year acei will prohaWy
taol more Uke rotlag tar ft 1
all ceeam a aedr baUdlag b aaedod,
aad that aaoa.
Tn Earie TV^rodaMd tkte, y«U(AaT
fran UeOntnl-«ak»‘TcRsh; -It i«
>tr. Hsl) of TnroTM
atjr. tkat Um Tbayar }zaA -of tlmbar,
tkat te Wter opaaad «p \>j tta saw
O. R. K. A tL B. raUroad tram Vaa
Saroa, vhea eat, woald rcqatro tbraa
Ikn-nr-* Uaia IcaOtor TS.cm cat
aarry Ik The lanrth of the trala, aap|ilH itall to be pat toretber. wooU he
S.OOO Btlaa" Thle itaai. oalj ■ore of Ik
waa prioted ta the Uotano Bacuao
aavherSI. trea fifaree eompiled by B.
0.HOU. aad It haa alaec been priatad la
a groat my papm in the etate. Bow•ear, tWagb pretty atale. itafforda the
BarU aa opportaalty to dl^y ap-toAata aewepapar aatarpriae aa' noderatoo^ ta that oOea. It alao datooe
suetee the Mtaconias to ■‘prematen
«t«rpriae,'’aa practleod by the Bafta.
B. Bo Popob paper. She garo a ahortj la aatrytag. taeAld boi feal.vilUlig ta felt be bad beqe doped, aad he treaned
cammaty of the Uatory of tha eoaBtryj meriBmbenalf aooardleg to the man- np tbe grtevaaoe. One time, aboet Ms
Bate, aad it therefore devolved a}»o weeks later, the oanmiMan man came
from the war la lasi lo the pteocak,
Kane oeq to tvedpitete Aer over tbe to Hoover's tawa. got oot of the boa
ttaie, aad spoke of the ebarmiag laadi olood nppra mooDtaia. All bet limbs and atarted ta walk down atreek Hoo
aad boaatlfalwoopla Oar owa deaire! beiug bonad except her hMtds, sbe was ver mw him aad iaaUaUy drew bis re
for kaowladga, muale,art aad eloqaeBoal bonw to the verge and IstiDCshed away volver and fired. Hia eye was fairly
abe traced hack to the iaBaoBoe of OtMO^ with all the stdeiam for which tbe la- good. Tbe ballet cot away tbe meraad moatloaed the great deaire of tha diana are famona. Bat here a thing Oc ehaat'a necktie and onfastaaed hia oolpeople for edotmtimi. which leaA them! curred Vrhleb bad aerer been hsowa
Ulirre. In her downward flight abe
ta eadare any hataahlp for Ita aake.
cape la ooataM w^ the leatg branch <g
Mra-B. U hpemgoo gare aa - laterotta pine which avrang oot many taet "bnt I itmkoB yoa'ru as eony aa 1 am. ” {
iag papar oa Byroa ia Ureeoe. Bbej from the roo^ aad, gm^ag it with
“What do ybB-meanf’ demanded tbe
rare a abort hat eompleta akotah of bU tbe cloteh at death, aotaee&i ia brtak- tawD cc^Mable, emtalag the gou man.
life ep ta hb Ulrty-eoreath year, srtth ing the tarn the h^ Adtaiaed. and re“Be toU me to.''aaid Hoorn, oarUe aaaea ^hleh led to hb throwlagj
blamelf lota the'Oreelw war, with all tbo top and beme atUn moutgta.
“Told yoi taT" demanded the white
There abe bong at the merpy at a obeeked city men. “I never did any
hb aaergy aad taUnalasm. A glow
ing doaeripUoB of hb trlamphaat oatr^ tlendcr hraaoh. wfthoot even a hope of thing of the kinA"
reacoe. Tbe rpeM between her and tbe
“Too did.” aaid Hoover, aad.dfawiota (Reeoe aad the great leeeptimi rooks waa {00 moot) to (hink «g taooblog OBt tbo telegram be Rod:
ta^ered.hlm, waa followed by the pa-i tng them, aad her atrength, area in tbe
thatk otat^ of Ab apoody death, kl^ caom of life, waa aot solBcient ta draw
“1 d€^ fk” aeid be.—Cfaloago Poet
laat words abowlag the pent up-Umderi brr ap ta the limb. She <b« ber eyes
aem aad patrtatbm of kb heart M op, bat Bottaiag was there bat ber relemleas enaalea, whom dlmiaiabed and
Oreaee, the eoaatry of bb adopUoa.
Travorae Ofty Xariwk.
At the-baalnem moetiag aome brlgh dnj>ky femu vrore arranged ak>Dg th*
. Below ia a Hat of tbe baying qad sell
aad ttmaly aeioetlone from ‘Tht Clnb edge of the moaot.
They mocked her in fbe titnatioa la ing prices of yeaterday for gns^et.
Woidaa,- wax read by Mra ■. K| wbl<h she waa planed, and tbe aialet at
' ------------- * ' tbe furest rvrerbereted lo their bideoaa
KLuao men.
and oorartbly ycUa Below aJI waa in
ministon—(be rocks vrere dwindled to
Board moeUag w.ih Mrm. U. K. Bi
Monday at S:M p. u.
| alenlwiih the aarroonding vale, tbe
Book Berlow. with Hia. E. U tram had thrank away to boabes; aa old
Spragoe ais:»p. m. Toeoday. Mra chief, who was slttiDg on a rock rtriaglag bis bow, was tmi a speck, and tbe
Balm wlUrerlaw -A Slagalar Ufe.| oatlioe at bii form coold acareely be
by Elisabeth Phelpo-Ward.
1 trated.
ParUameatary DrQI with Mra. iofho
It was mora when ber 'eentcaoe waa
exeented, and iradftioa says that when
GUUa, Satarday. Jaa. U. ht s p. m.
Hooeohnid Eeooomlin a weak from tbe ghailotgs of evening tsgaa to gather
she still was there, and ber ehrill
Wedataday. Plam ta he
I «y was beard diatarblag the qoi.------- ----------later.
<a ilw boor. Sight eamc and passedf Cbccmpm lb.
M^ 3. A. Moatagu gax a hrtaf
awBv, and Kill sbe was------ _
Bommary at tha atady takca op by the this sloping piw. and-the ttoiae which
<!■'' booi BopWobo, lo li. pf«oot abedtiervd told that hanger waa doing
- u
bli work upon her. Idle la (he metn- i ptan^r lou
A aole by Mlaa Alice Crawford was ingaumoof the Indians. Joiag over ta | gockwheat.................
one-of the eojoyable fcalaree of the tbe verge of the precipice and bending
ova, saw a few crows etfeling Toand
tbe nnfomuate victim's bend, aa if im
patient for ber wasting body, wbirb
Ibiy evtneed by diving awPdsrtiug at
He Vm Be • Xombor «f ClvU Rem- her form and iIm-h, rising, atiddealy in
the air with onutretebed wtnga, aa ff
toe Oomauaaioa.^
some motlno of life bed deterred them
^aehlagtaa. Jaa. 7.-Praoideat Me from their pnrpose. Often did they reel
-tbelr weary wings apoa the very tree
KUlay has aeI*«lMi
alroa to bestow ape* ox-Oangr«eemaa by which Mw wm nppotted. aad tbe
Mark -S Brewer of Pontine. MIc'h. He long dv paamd with seme one pf Umm
dealTM to make Mr. Brewer a aaember
(Aloago, Jao. 7—Wkent—Janury.
of the United Stntee dvll aerv^ com- when tbe grasp should fall and fam
Wc: Jhly. «tSe. Beptomber, 76He:
mimkm.wUd> pays ta,SOO» year.
I body fall below.
ll was on tbe algbt of tbe aerond day December, 77a
Oorn-Janaary, KHaXci May. S#X
OifU Of Wataf Oolon.
beeo fergettrn. Tbe nn fell away at i-sXc; Jaly. MVioXe.
oata>HoBB*a siXCi May, *3Xc;
Mambate of thd Soath Bide BhaUa- eve with a peeoUar apleador, taming
■ J
every object ta the valley to a goldni
light and (wnaing the BooHUDio. in
im RTpenfine coarse, to gleam np aad
apaogie Uke liquid fire. Many was tbe
bnutarvrbo lay watching tbe braoiy of
tbe beams which ww flung attend
him, aod wbeo the laK gorgetm streak
bad faded over Mouunmit monutain the
broad beavens were ejear and bine, ex
cept tbe rriusoti folds wbirii flontad in
grandear along tin- west. Yet tbe aqnaw
Kill bang by tbe liraacb of tbe pine.
I her cries
tbe deep stillacm that ratgoed aroond.
Bnt soon a leaden base began to riae
aloug tbeaaurewull of tbe wm and
waa shortly sDrciKled hr dark, diemal
knklug'rlondt. aroouU wboe edge Uw
lightning played, as if ta light them on
ill tbeir aad and gloomy pathway. Tbe
thonder.ruonored fainlly, tbeu aent in
roll Bp to ilie .lueriiiiun, and flnsUy,
with incTeaanf'piiwer.x'rac^nl sudslHiok
tbrongb tbe very benvois. Tbe ahnek
of the aquBW was beard in tbepnjfoaad
panse after tbe roar had died away, bat
its echoes stim-d not ^e sympatbica of
I any <me of the tribe. Uiglntr and hightbeKorm. Tbeliglitaiogrrinkl<<d
ova ibe sky more vividly, aud tbe re
port followed so loon aad heavy tbst
aleigh ride was enjoyed aftar the meetlag.
Tmconoar Di-aaeirr paM the pemliy
mt hb erioie oa tbe acaflold yeaterday
■ornlaf. T>oa cloaoa aaother
tteiaa] chapter is thh dilatory of criMC.
la Vbe ooonA of Bcrksbiiv. auts of
As a mardefer Darraat waa oae of the Mesaachoartu. tbe lofty MoDotnnit
_ aoet breul aad the ua^y which
s ita gray fora. If there
aaytbiiig anbtii
aaded the life of Blaoehe Lamwt has
oat. s rare
does ____
altboagb _
to the
this wild and ,rowetiotlbemotdcrarperalatad in de. ,
iagliD^of rorka Its bold and frown
elariag bis
ing froar rxteads alwot imp niilr. aod
eo roogMytsii flung tagether bv ua.
tora-^ s
aa^Oarenoe Oroaick 'weat ta
Olikngo on boalneea ycatarday after- bnrrics ovi-r tbe body aa tbe i
bebolrter gases ap at ft. A few kaoCij.
dwarfish pines are to be i
P. Cooper of Sherman, wna ta the
«lty yeeurday aad a gnent at tbe UetaBaoBoteL
hope SooriibiDg on tbe borders of de.
Alderman W. J. Parker returned
Tbe red bolt from tbe tl
Thareday alght from a wtalt do the
Kigtal had set in with all Us bla<±tamily of Sia daoghtor. Mra. Boeor, ta tbe winds and tbe power of i
have tom way many fragmentd of aem, wbeu o party af tbe tribe prooeedOraad Baplda.
Kooe trtau on high and sent than enrak- | ed to befaohl tbe ritoation of tbe aqaew.
Htaa Rose Conway, ooe of. tbo tracb- tog to the base' wbi-re already a l<Mg i boou after their arriial a flame of Are
•ra of the pnblie eehools. was (died pyramidal line is Krung along, quitejt lauddenlr lit nptbewooda 'I'beplMWBf
hoiM yerterday Hy a Ulegram annq^ne- mnuntata in itself. Tbe rearof this iKrock bv a ttauDdaluK,ttlng it oa
tagtheaerionaUtaemof ber father.
plsrefaUaeff witba genUealojie, wbicl. [ flte, wMeh. ts-iug parted from the cleft
Mra. Amanda Graham, who hu been , i" overshadowed by tall and regal ImA- ; of the nv-k. spun roand aud roaud ao
with ber son. Dr. Graham at Lndtag .iuft tires, wboae giant roots have aevtr i swiftly tlipt iisoghtraoblbe traced tif (be
.__ fg^ some weeka baa arrived to
bn'ki-n. It pneeuta a fearfaJ yet | tree itself or the squaw whom they eap.
bar homa with her danghter i “wtaemt appearance. Theta it jio ppwti to b. .attsclH-d to IL Ufraard ft
' »Ulsge near to vrakn the aoiemaity W harried into the air. bnmitig aud whia1
, 1 ita aoJitnde, and ailcnoe As aa profoniid ; si,:g i„ its nmrse. tbe torrents of ram
Peter Mnnn, tbe estanilre dealer in j ,i jj,,. .on-, niaidian es at tbe bush bf , not i-veu (litiiming its glare. ITadRitm
Aqaare Umber, who has been In Canada : midnight. It always wvmed to me this i says it wbirli-d with surii velocity that
•everal weeks looking after hia Inmber |apf« was a favoriywitfa tbesnn, for the It did uot seem to the i-ye totara at all.
' tatarwta.' was ta the city. yesterday.! find rosy flush of morolng appeured on- > Away U wenk and it it said ttie IndiBe want ta dberman lastwealog.
| easy nnnl driiAiug tbe dew from tbe | aus gased si it niitil it ai-euied-uo big*
I trees opou its bniw, and his laK nya : gir Ibau a star, when fiiiallv it was lost
lingered (boc at eveniiig. even after a 1 in Um blackuess of the skv. Tbe baiti
partial tw ilight begau to fliag
a dusky
J of lie loouiit
wsi iminedistely
Sum »
the vast valley below. Hot ' tai-d, tmi itatbiuli waa to U< snan eitba
I i ** «be piiw or the
of Tboogbital Work by this luayV imagination.
aiition a r
Xemben of the Woman's '
ta 'n-latinn to thbi mountain wtii^ ^ the work of tbe Urrat Bpint. Tbe Indigave to It the eppaUation wbieb it- bias 1 an>. thcrefon-. rsterd • mononieni by
program at tha Wonma'a Clnb rareived.
rolling stnoes together, whieli suode ta
Once this banlurard slope waa Kod- ; this ilsv. sad from which tbe monatata
jostarday aftaroooa seas oae ahowing
deep raeaarcb and earef nl atady. For ded wUb tbe wigwams of tbe lBdiaa< I tati * iis name
, .The'nan
qkepAatetsmoalhathectab haa been,
tlou has banded down many
mat aa amWg"
' pace wb.ii paming tblBsp^wftcr dayyovtawlBg the history of Uraeoa. Tba
I and chilling tale ta nnsd b I light
:rnm ita
ita ramal
ramait and
............ — departed from
program yeaterday waa ia charge of them. Itwaeaue
Iwbislhw a lively ^otr^lo^ettvate hia
Mra. J. A. Meore. vrho gave the open them that wben an lot
drooping spirita. ghd tbe tearaotar, aa
ing paper on Oreeee tinder Borne, and deed tbe penally of which was
tbe criH'k of hit tihip riaga among
thaBysaatlae Emplra. Bba spoke at be should plnnge himaclf, or, rnfoitag rork>. Ftarte from bis aett as if a ap
•emelength of the deplorable reaulu to do this, be plmiged hr aome oiw of tpnki', so'strange are the’amociati
of Bame'a ayastam of government. The bit tribe, over this frigbtfnJ preciploa.
Many bad beeo daobed lo tbe rocky
'Brighter period of Oonatantine's ehrievale below, and so high waa tbe spot
Maa rale waa described and a brief ftuta where the viclinia were cast off
aketeb given ef the anoeesaful liyxan- that it waa Koirrally Bapiv*d that the
Onnmercial law tema a» not oatiratUe period, with lU great aohteve- rapid deaoent throng the air detaived ly aa& U all timee. Jahn E. Watiema,
•eatk amoag atateemea aad clergy.
them of hreatb. aud few if any had ev deputy ruord Htalos marobal for the
Mra-Oarter foUesred with*-01 able er bn-u oonsctims of'anything wbea ■outbera dUtriot at
aeods la
this Kory:
^er on Greeee nader the rota of Tsr- tfai? bad rracbed the earth.
A iM-antiful Hjuaw transgressed by
Mart Hoover years ego, when Kansas
kay. (^Bhe gava a clear thoogb brief
manyjng inis enotba- tribe, and tbe
gBMiilptlrai of the dlffereet tribaa of penalty for aoch ah offeam wu and rV- waa not the anltivated cctamcaweaUh
It baa idace Imoiiie. bad sent a conatgaTarka. devotiag most of her Urns to er had beep death. Bhe was well aware
meni of earn to a commiarioti merebant
the aubjeettoa of Oreeee by the Otta- what h«r fate wonU be provioos to ber in Kanm City, tbe mochMit tele
maaTarka. Bhe brought the bUtary Maling it, bat ll did not reotiota bar. graphed. teUtag the eoniigiMr:' “Tonr
aptathewaref tedepmideDaata mi. 8be disobeyed, and bothtag eonld atoae credit talST.dO. Dniwoa me at M^k”
battbetallexmntartlietaw. Aftbengb
But Hoover was mad. Be had exwUh Ita weawafal eataame ta lOfi.
HodanOraaoawaathaUsMef Mrs. she had aoaxwga anaetcirt tofaoe death peotad hit moeer. aad aooq ooma. He
Will Boy you
&48 Front Street,
Broeoh Block.
Jnly. sdXd.
•penreaohapeat Thnraday aftanoda
very pleaaaatlv with Mra. Walter Ttadrtall. A pretty watee cdor aoavo^ir
vraa prmentad to eaeh lady by Mra. [).
i. Gray aad a plenanat portira of the
program was the tramiag of the p(ctnna by the pnoM pnrtaat sMthod.
One! Gallon
of Good
Table Syrup
20 Cents
ry.taSi; May.ta JS-
Grand Ba|d^_Jsk. 7.—Wbeak
______ _________
_ _________________
vrlll be tatareetad
ta the rag
namplea at Bngbee and Bozbarg'a drag
are made frota
store. Tbe rngv
fi^ old
-• TaahburaeCroaby
carpets bv 4he
of I’etoek^. by a new f
Tbe ntmoet
■ta any other known,
cteanltaeas of material
Prieu lese than Chicago rales. Tbe
Wasbborae Crosby Co. are now fllltag
an order tor tbe entire new Arliagtan
hotel at Petoakey. and are doing exten
sive work for ehtpmsat abroad. Tbs
work IS No. 1 ta every rupuk Faeill
ties tar doing the largeat work ta thi
Ualtad States. TAeae rugs are bean
Lean ta dance a
wal___ ....__ ______ _
________ __ riib, than blaiqe yeoi.jlvva la the spring for mtaring ea
machfan. Poor. Bu-vaas.
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
TetaMwks las** lh»lr «*««<U viUm* let
es essKrilaa «* ranain Ssrlsf taa vrlalar. I
«U1 caarfv wstatBa tar rare ^ ssoeao*.
OKrga^wasMrasfa^rwwesa fKAetlalk
■■■'I-'The demand for Improved
and TTnimproved City Property is becom
ing hriek. I have
Two or Throe Houses and Lots
and a Number of WeU Looated
Vacant Residence Lois
oppmb* M. A K. A tMuK.
in Traverse Ojty that will be sold
—Watch Repairing.
At Low Prices
—Fi^nt Street.,
E.W. Hastings..
Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Fanus and
Olty Property;'
JolmaoB Block. -Phone 78.
' if sold NOW. Oome and aak about
them, if you want a home or a good
Th-os. T. Bates*
213 Front St
Haltimo** Stock BMeivod Tboa Ttmea a' Wr«ak
Couotn, *Oc par quart
Hatdur's Oysttf Dipii uf Rtsttirait
i.axow pOMMtmt
SHE ymile
Am.iSma Bapr«. Osaipaay al hew teefe
1. L-e**S*raidASt.
New Terla Jaa.
The AmerlcBB
RxMsee company was robbed yester
day of tlC.Skl and Oark Braden. Jr., a
Hanna Man at Columbus CaH a
puwo-u u> 10. ena Of j In tha fianks of tha ■Cotton Mill trusted employe. 1* mlsslna. Three day*
Maas Convantion on tha
Uw un bciBc BtnbblrOaM (Kcp.), at
Hands of tha Naw EnK>
aao the Bicht manaaer tn cbaiye of
Blooailnataa — and dub- aoea to tha
eonatorialStruggla. ■
tbe office at Foriy-eeeood stroet and
land States.
aormor. who will alan it. Tbr BenAtai
Madlsoii avenue aaa takes 111 aad
adoptMl Um raaalULloB to inyoatl*
BradsB—a clerk of tbe company foy
xato ib« CUeaau pollc«. Tb« pnwldeat
BDlAn) TEAT FLEDOEB BE XEFT. ABBounevd ib« u>mmiu«« aa followa; tnmTiB TBT.iKTi Mra am fcK.-n.raa>. more than ten yrara—was temporarily
substituted. This offira the company
Bairx. AapInwalU naktar, Lundln.;
: ttsm as a HeariDg bouee for all iu
lUhcmrj- iDoiiU.Bad
[Ynatter wnl or received from the Oruad
tlx -c—tw**- •> «r.Wf c-_ DffBoer tPop.). PutaaaVa Joint reaolu*
, Oeniral staiiun. Amona the parcel* U>
JUk Ux V-tor. W *r«k Omt Uuo B'Bi adoptfO prutidinc that iba<
j he sent on tbe «i» o clmfc train on
l^-AayU>l*t <•
Bmm Itoir- two hoUMB concur Ifi tho iBcomrooBda- >
i the Hudson lUw road yt-Merday
tlcm» of t^p goporaor relaUTe to iho
' merulaa were ssveral cooulalna the
Poorla incurablu insane aa7lum.'Uttler
A^i-_ iplrslna cash and bonda
BSered a Jotnt- iwaoloiloo provldta*
I llten
t*ben the day empluyes
empb-yei airti^ Bn
Rewe le O
that »-hea the two house* Bdjbvim on
was «ot IB the office. The safe a
CMombm. (L.' Jan. T^A'caQ
Pawtucket. R. L. Jaa. T.—Testerday locked. There were
Friday. «U n'. tkey aund adjourned
I recripu for
BmS lut Btahl t>r the Kepubli«an aute alnc die, baat-« j-eaa, iTnaj-a.
tbe directors of the Valley Fan# oomUUl Udohiaeiyof xli deKriptioDs.iQciiidiog Two EngioM,
Tb* hoop* aareed Open acctlona 1* pany at Albion and.the Albion company train, althouab t
1 for «
Fat Works, CuTugex and Saws. 4 deplete Sav Mil] Plaat
and 4: of the ''^>mi<tun revenue UlL at Valley Falls, the tm reraatslng
p^-ld:ns|br the
------------------ foraale.
eempanlm In tbe BUdistoae valley, . the office. That the robbery
Jl cwrsoBSlOrvpertT and assrte of cur>
hastily earnMl «nt W shown by the tact
oiBllona The Mcinlrj- Wll Impotlna a a-hicb bad not aireonnced a reduction that
mostly in cash, a as left
.aacA decided to post noth-ea to th> In the eaj?^.. Sotleve were sent to ev
the arum rn-elpts of K.>a-and
that erect. ' ikat niatt Ihe sutti
ery banU and ftnaoolal Insiliuilon In
eruth-e vommlttee <d the mule splanere the countn-. warntna them ayalnst
I of Ohio iroouBfr. district BBd ____
_ sdopted Increaelna ‘be rate aasxciaUiA ‘of Rhode laland met. It pnrCbaa.na the stolen aaa bonda
ante codvmtIOBs anaemblrd Uat sprlna of laxall'in fn-m * tu 4 per cent, of the waa etalid that tb* delesates report.-d
and aoBuner. promised tb* people they aroes r«rt|.u. Anulber ttnil-ivrt«ora- that tbe fecllna In tbe sute axalnat a
would return JleA H. A. Hanna to the tlDB t>i:l iDtroduredlAXesteiephnneCom.'
rednctloe of waceB run* eeery hiah. they Sear Thai «a* A—e«. WIU Net Net a*
10 a rear for
amate of the t'nlied Siatta. A pledpr | panic* tio
fur every telephone In Tbe waaes feet feed at the present time
Herb a> f«M.oM
I aacred was peer siven. Upon { use.
OahkoWi. Wla. Jan. 7.-A lively aeaby thee* operallee* ate-muefc loo uraall
tUa taeue out of tb* fierce'politic*! ! dasTARO BLOWS OUT HIS BRAINS. to prorAir support their Caintlles. it slan of the crvdlt€>r* of Heory Sherry
aSBipaliRiB in the btstory of our atste -------war ea d. The averaae pay of tb* mule was held yeeterday.' which waa praWho Maideted a Xaa
a fpuaht until you achieved a aplen- ■Wet-ae*
Wife TUraaab a Wladow.
spton-r* tn.tb* Pawtucket valley le tl Sld^ pv-er by Jadye KamUtoa. of Neeaid-rtctorr. DuHne thU campaian a
Falrbury. Neb.. Jak. 7.-The purauU per week and tn the Ulackstoo* valley Mb ftoene dlsaattsfectlOB was extew coni^irwun. pretended Hepubllc*
praraed hecails* Aastynee Cameron waa
ana. not atvioa heed to- the Uwfully of ar. aaaasslo was uoncluded when tt.H.
not prepared akih an iBvoicv of the
Peeltas b Mraaa lor a naht.
vapreaed will ,vf a veal maJoHiy of WHllam Baker was run to earth and
In thf Blackalone valley the mllle pmpeitle* In hta poaaeaston and could
their party, souaht In every nttkin of forced to kill himself to avoid
Xlv* no definite
the atala to defeat the leelsIiUve acsnl- tnary execiulob. When the mob eleaed msnufseturr much the same class of
«l; party.
I of the HepuhilcBi;
Ovefc iB OB Its victim the man fdew out Ms aoods as are made In New Bedford Re tone}
whrimed and defeated h> >our b«1lot* brains witB lb* same weapon a-lth which ports were received last nJahi m>m
' they have sin.'e ooneorted
►orted ailb your he had assaaalBatfd hU brother. Oeo. fiillla In Arotlc.. Klrar Point, Qoidnlck. ll.jWi.SM. and a Ayle more than
I'ontlac. Natick and other Pawtneket
aaetnlee for the pun-ae of drfeatlna Baker, and hU al». Tueaday the
and Ulackatone valley vlllaree. and llablllHeo. the araeis le^encumhrancea
your will, aoleicaly expreesed at the main* of the murdered couple ai
without exception they favored realat. would have a oomlnal value of leaa
found In their resldenr* near town.
than S4W.«ba
-«•< la AafW. bat to aiwBier
They had been ahot by an aaaaasin who ■Uted 4hkt tbe operaUve* of Rhode
This announrcmeoi enured dlrap••By theee arts they hava Bh«» n (hat Bred throuah the window. Not a clew leland a-urked sixty bonra per week. polnimeot and aunwtw. aad after conthey do not love ihe -areat and beoe- !a-ae left except the footprlnu of the AS ajralnet Ofly-elght hours to Uasaaa^ prlnrlplea of our party SAd that ' «ippoa*d murderer la a near-by fleld. chueeti* cHlea. and yet tbe pay ta la
tbs wishes of the pw>pl« are not to be
pointed to Bid *nd Bsslat ....----- B eperatln
tecarded by them. All that la dear (o aid of bloodhaund* and the fiend was The various mill* above mentioned
in declJlfix upon the'vulldlty of the
is earth In tbe-bam on the prem controlled by the B B.- and R. Knlftit aeveral clalme presented exalnat tbe
Jhem IsI Ipersonal revenpe and spoils.
D ah
anaer. but with ahame, we In laea of an uncle of the murdered mas
" Not iB
.company. >mplc.rlnr several cerporallon* and Henry Bberrjmuffied
form you ihal some of your reprtab -ut i:
people and operaUnx 4S.IM onder the aevern) asalxnirtents. aad tn
amicture aa the croa-d drew near, Bpindlea.
aenutlvce In/be SsBeral a
heXalue of the aaseta of
JetBsd la ibU unhvly cotnpact.asd there nie bulldlna was compMely surronndcorporaHuna and said Henry
ta dAbaer that they will diereaaM your ed by the mob. and with
BheTTTBoaitm. Jan- *
wtsbee asd expreaaed Inaiructlom. We. draarB a dusen men ruahed to the
Mis tl
theratora. call upon you
flf the strurtura. vrilhlo.
Ran DoehUa Prison, UaU Jan. T-—
) howWour state tan be
body of .Baker. Tbe oaly adopied a reaoluUon ealllnx
saved from this Infamy and to peti ........... for tbe crime was a quarrel tional elxht-hour law and Indoralax Durrani belnx asked what he would
last replied: "I Shall onjy
tion your represeniauvea by your ptw Oeorxe had *lth hta brother recently Tleprraentabve Doverlnra bin ealllnx
tor uniform hours of labor In all proclaim my inoeevncv—loudly, atrenu-er a piece of land.
V your
Mate* of thla country. Tt-eraa declared eusly." Then h* added: "Mafc* thla
r duty ahUb you Imposed
by the ddexate* that eompetlUeo 4a del
sironx aa you i>l**s*. I will not
upon them.”
etroylnx capital; also deotroylnc the
ter St the «nd. J wlU die bravely,
AaybaSy to BMt
A report aaa curteni last niant that of the Biiadera of the lunx-dltUmv tele laborers by overwork: that the lower- knunina 1 am poinx to a better world.
Otid n.y hands are clean, not
a telearani had been received by the
eurvatinn. thus ervatlnx a fruitful
Demooratic Itadera from Jobs R. Uc- MlnneatKiUa oAvv and DobcIL Una*. field for dleease. and that Ihe oorepell- stained with blood, but the fair namel
of Callfurnla *111 atabd stained with a
lAAB. requesilna that hU nam| be kept Ct^le* J. Gltdden. president of the
c*B,oever be *1prt out—
Ml -of the Aenstortal matter aad ueaearaera each year than were Wiled durblo(« af an InnoceA
taa the DemderAu t« aaree upon a can tn Minnenpolla. and preaided over tbe Inx the rini war. tt was rvBOIved that
didate fur semtor .to defeat Hanna. repular -roeetlnx of tbe bank direcic
While there was Bo positive confirms^ tn.l-owelt OUdden readily rocoxulaed all InduMrles should be placed In tbe
V%y,w.«ai** a mrlks Pbb4.
of each director ai he spoke hands of the national
tlon of thl» story there were develops
New York. Jam 2~’*'*■' referendom
tnenu whH-h led to the belief that It Into the long-d
vote letyinr *n assesament of J per
____l.WO mtles
contained aomt truth.
el. cm the canlnxe of all membem
erenlns The Frees, a l<«al Deniorrauc
New Tork Typ<«raphleai unWn No.
New Bedford. MaM. Jaru 7.—The spe
paper. itmtaliMd ea editorial ad.visina
cial xenecal merilng of ihr Weavers* 1 for a period of five months from
the Democratic membtre to vole* for a
imlnn last nlxhl unanimuualy voted to Feb. 1 next, has been carried. Tbe asDemoefcut for ecnator. Laal ntaht the tbe l-niieil Mi...
same paper reveraed It* posttb n edi met here yetterday. The xalhertnx »a* Strike. Kotwllhatandlni that Ihe vote
torially and advised the Democratic tbe larxest of the kind ever held •
XTBi-hlval UBlona throuahuut the rouna to vutc for any Republican to Ohio. Thee murnlnx iH-aaloa » S taken stood that It
Ity, and tbe same quenlnr was voted
tlcally all Hie
defeat Henna It la also known that
yesterday by the vBrtous
formal vote *
iafluence IB belra brouaht to furcc all
la the hvarbranches.
the Democrat* tr.to line.
tax of the |ireeldenl’s Annual address MAT rUMC *
JtatosUMs ABMhrrsvBtetifw.
and .the rep«'rt of ^he secretary-ttoaaO
bs MsbSC
Jan :.-natid F-. Races, the
_____ Jl,________
Mxan.lst. waa asain found xuiliy yewABBREVIATED TELEGRAMS.
'PlUatmex. Jan- 7.—Hrveidenl Simon terday. anil as upon his furmer eaiivtc,Uun
waa a fine nfll.*** aitd
ColoBrI T. Cl. La* irr will be appointed ■Hume, of the Window Class Workers' ^cunanvmcnt In U>» penltenltarT.
italloB. and t'barles
.. _ _ _
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
' xerry- | postmaster of Kovkiurd, Ills.
larxed Mower of Phillips A Ce..
It I* said that Senator Flnck. | Jbe chancer are that the 8L 1
Ban Praoctsco. Jan. 7.-The ColutnbU
af Pciry euumy. whom Repreaentaute | base bsH rral^uhlBe will be aold by Von ;msy prove a cumblnatlon that
theatre *ae rutted liy Are last e\-enlax
block the resun^tlon «f op
• Oroeveitor defeated one year axo. I* ' der Abe very soon,
'The praaideoi and tt A total loss. The flre'waa con
enxaxvd In preparlnx the rediatrlctinx
tlnx :■ President, M. Klntrr ta looklnx to ^ ithceatena tofanarlea.
stop operalluns at Ihe fined to the theatre bulldlnx. Ns one
.r seeks
•”. **
.... and I Borthwi »i/fMr ,
i rivli aervtce commlameasure. Hr
u> put himself
r Rlev., tPhllllps factory .unleaa Ahlman Is taken was injured.
Demo- ]alonia-»4eWuiceed Coa
iwcV. cUlmlBx tnai the firm broke
The wesrher Wa Hay ExpM.
WaafclasiOB. Jaa A PoUowtat are the
can be fuuKhi over. Ftnek s bill. It is l the tenipersuirr In the Shade reached S-vairact nllh Ihe aasucfbtlun by. refuaOlalmed. will receive the Mppurt of i 1«* drtjves. end IB Ihe nun 1*1 dexrvea. Inc AMman his old posHiun. Ahlman I* wiBtlie- (D.liBtkmB ter l•mlly fow boats
mma *p. w redordoe Tor lislleae aad na
Ktma who wants to down tbe Athen- | A Hat*acl.u-eiu knltilnx ivmpany IX a bluser who. It Is claimed, contracted ^
Talr wtBiber. followsd by temadoc
:llh hloi llooklna up a aile
D* Pec*. Wla, to work Cur Cunnlnxbam A Cu.. but et-mdiums vartaUo wtods bvomlBC eosth
rial cun- i win tbe Inirntlun of l•Kall^l: In that Iwben liifurmed by the executive coi
«lr • For U-er MWits*i.-7>*mT «4~dy
mltlie that he woukl have tu return
weather; probeUr eaaler le Bvefaera p«vtto»;
! to* B.
(the Jub he had before the lockout he llshi la fioab eorthvcaXeely wteda For Up
-Red key.
entatlVF I. The Can psynoeil to the xoverai
ttl’Plled to the other factory sad waa Bsr Hichlsaa-p. rily deody wsatba-; eolder;
^ui yes- ; by the Union Paeifk- reoqna»ai
• we.twly • - terday fur Hanna He ha# been clstined i „,mmlttee for the Union PacUlc. raU- Refused.
j Tbe eryurrent of the firm la that as •rally fair aeaibar: Usbt aootbwe«eriy «
' r by the antt-Hanna peuplc. way has been tnade.
For lo*a-ra«JT rloBdy weather; •oath
^eral aati-Haj
An BnxUsh sy-nll'Ule M aald to | ^ Uhlmsn l;ml arranei-d tu werk for the erlywMda.
h^ Wedfaesday from Hlxhlhn^^ county ^urrd options on aU but one of t^ Jtuntilnclis'iii fartory he had no further
rUlm'attBlnol ihetii aad bis place waa
Retacivelrto popnlaticm do Earopmn
r wJtb Redkey. He xB'V-4hrm 1 ^m^rKwn rUsa manufarturinx pisi
iuinl by another. The manufactnref* nouniry cuu vie with New EnsUud in
an sudience ta the atn<diinx room of *e
housed and Uateaed-patlrntly until Ihiy ■
Holvhtos. of Black River' held a rueetinx yesterday m i-onsMer napect of ‘mauafactnns.
|h* ease, and' frrm the ifBHmony prewere thrt.uyh At tb* Cti0> lurlon be tdw I p.,,',,
penit-d to ih^m i-onaJdar Prr^dent
them he would auplvrt Hanna When , pbarxc of aUeoalKif the affecU
taaked about the matter last evenlnx n,» wife ..f «.*noond Hesin.
Wbru iiotuer Dnveopan. tbe
JUdko,- said; -Vou tan fil*te lb*t 1 ,
Yrraet. a former resldrnt of It[w A
be unable to resunw. tb* turiaL VM iu EugUjrf anine lumiiba
‘ '*’''’Jrf““hild
; Chicago.' hut A native vf Mlas>.lppl. I maoufarturtrs think tbe other factories Bi:<v his ubillty to Uj-^iu to orexon
of MV.tNW ]
delay operalMhs unUl tbs trou- nsmiiy serTHi him to ituati pOFlXMe.
Mtinuunoed mysetf today |
\he*J*panment of ctwims at
•le has l-eeB a(lju«vd._
U>-wu«oB biawavto Mj- tiUdatune's
and wl'i not re. onstdei Ihe matter, as tt Waauingtan.
has'li-ab tu.ly -ettird in his miad.”
eonuiry place |.i Rrt an iuterview wi^
iB* .T PIllsbatB CM Ommrmtbn.’
The Isteat ivport-Trora Washinxtun ta
Jkeprvs-iiisilt- tu. A. BcolL Jr., of
Pax« Bryan *11! be made
Plllsbunr. J-*L- 7.—The coal operatora tbe Uraud-Old Matt. While juarDcyiDg
^Iton i—ui'iy. said hr preferred to that Ch.ar*s
t..-Turkey.ln the idac* of Dr. 11 Ihr I'lKetarx dtsirlct met yesterday thiUMT be nitslitarud inwacdlv that if
wait until
and appruv-d the I'lptis nf thHr rum- be tulil tbe sax« bovrasfnsu New York
'fore caniinll,ll|p; bitr
(iiltlre-of uriui.t.-ments for the Inter- there waa «mat tianjisr of ettoonuU-riu*
ABd added: 'Yqu ^'sn stale, and taial be *e«t tu tfhlna.
1 tale cuuvemUin of •>i-*iatnr* and m'ofrigid reoeptiuB- ••Tlxai an ideat cauie ; £ /
Urelys that I * ill n»i vote fur any- i Mrs. Julia Le«rd. a white woman, - r* I'l hr h-M .in Chb-ajeu »n Jsi>. IT.>to MIT intad,” aald Daveuport. “anb ■■
- - but
n I!.“L
a atrslubt.
ItepubU.an aexl
.1 rewolulliin wus )ibmw4 ai>i>r>A-tns Ihe
> wbeu 1 tutroduved ra.rsrtf to Mr.
Turadar. rurther 1 do nut . are-ho be ‘ *•*«'
04nh»med in the prawbce of inpurt uf the compillu-e rerunmendlnx
I told him 1 bad oume tram
b^ adoptlen of the Ohio w reen and
the woman s chUdtwn.
Oreiwn to bare a talk with bhn.
RalareBenthUve boutetl. Of Chicaxo. I iHcebythr i'ltisbuncQperaiora orotthe
r\«S|«eaeMM>,,that a
'mabuix acr en.atid price by tb^ Ohio Mruok bini as MaMdiiigly
Vsmphla. Tenn.. Jan : -Jue-Th J. ( h„ introduced ... -------- -- uau
'Jowney all tlir way from
WllUama. indepTiidem H-m-jrai. wa# • propHaUnr dW-Wf for a xun'-oni on the
atom, and instroctlnx the commltr adhere tu thla demand al’aolutcly. Orv|h» h> are Mm. and be tuM me id
aleeted mayor of Memphis ..ver Hon. ; upper leki-a. tu Uke the |4ace of the
The pH’-e queettoB and uiber Important vrry piensantly. Bat it
up tba
Docaa Oapp. the,present !ncumt.ent. by .
outes sta*.m«r MlchlxmiA majority of about »0 vies. Ti.r .-n- . ^ Barrani is-owwat West riuperlor. mailerB were discussed, but tbe ope'ra- noDTuraatitm. and I yot nn viib bin all'
tire indepeadeitt tkkei >as a;*., carthe arrWt of T. A. Casalday. a <ore refuted to say what action, U any. ilgbL-''—Duirott Fmt Preaa
Hed by reduced majoHHee. A feature :
chsrxed with ramovinx bad ■been taken.
WWAee* F-e * Plltow.
of the dqbtest waa tbe arrival In Ilrmwuuara FurJ a lumber camp at
phis of the Cook codniy Marthina dull.
itiur.ey And eecurttlea axThat biasoey rapMita iucU baa jnat
et ChUBXO. in the iniervat of the rexu- *r. cai...s tl.sCd.
receivod auotber pr.sif- boinurean ago
lar Democrat ___________ .
, Preiidenl WlUtam R. Harper, o! Chitbe men of a Bavariaa nxiiiMnt. of
DMSBh WBBt a HaMBaal IMtav
Univeraliy of Chlrtixo. Is now praoldyni
which Prince MaximUlaB waa oMaf. In
Watwklk. lUa. Jaa. 7.—Judx* a W. also of Kuah Medical cullece. Cfatcakeorder that they miebt abow their d»lUyruond,
thla city. has.been ten He w as thusen after Uie term* of sffilla- another strlka there. Carson waa ousM votioQ to him out off tbclr
ivllcxe with the nalveraicy from tb* Slate i>re«idancy aaburt timeaxp and rent tbom to tbe priiunm. who bad
dered and has declined the poali
had l>-en aoepted.
Dnlted Hiate* tdvtl service e
fbr lb* allexed *cce|ftlnx uf brlbm fran just become a matbec, that ab« migbl
A fonuni- of tlT.MdJiM awaits tb* the MoratutB. fur which it was olalmed
**•, The Judx* said Wednreday nlicht
nan them aa a pillow. 8w»etblii| vary
tbai he waa xratlfied. of courae. tn re- heirs ••f Jacob Baker, who waa a col
like a rvpeUtiou of ibis bM just taknn
telvtnx such reengauh n from the pras- onel under Qi-urxe Wa«hlnxton. and
tdeait. but felt Ihal tl would be belUr after the revoiuUonary war settled to ment a* auperlnteodcnt was ukea by plara at BappeiarFoUer. in ALmce.
ftra brijptde w
Pblladelihla There an- 4W heir*, a the
Bm taUn to ronUnne hie law practle*.
ab Bddltl<inal proof of former Tbe chief cf
large uuml<-r of whom n»w«r*uld* at tteardietT. and hence tb* Pirlke,
daya ago praMlad with his •
OaRAM ^ TH paitUe y-eta..
Oilman, la.
a bo.v. Tbe firaaen tlnTPUpa
tVpeka. Kat.:. Jan. 7.-The RupUlMt
"Kid" MurphyJl noted Cblcayoxambler
tBcetiug at wbiofait was decided to n
P^ae* central eomnilttee reeulevd to caU
* Aniebora. Maas.. Jan. 7,-Kotloea oi tb* loiliy boy aa booocary mtaabw of
( ruMoB oesnmutee meetlnx for Jan. if the -uhellworker" '
i.f^BOtioa of wrwes of about U per tbe corps, aad tbe SMB
^ Topeka tos confarence of PcuiBUsta.
•d tn
a and lanid* to ten
paBMirntA and free silver RopubUesM. and Martin Denabde were shot, penh- ttoemOlnal nebaaRvtei and DnixvrfU*
a pUtow for tba baby's wa..-CUea«o
A ndtdBtJM Bwa adopted axalnat any aWy faulty,,dnring a quarrel la a ChimmMI UmIhb of the lexlalaiur*.
«agn aaloon.
r*Mc« *• !•***< icmoa—An
am TkTCmck IMh a«<xM.
Bpnnrtdd. III*.. Job. 7.-»Ib tbt anlU rtai^Yiar ibr »oaa;ori»l apporUoa-
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
-........ FROM THE.......
Mississippi to ttie Attantic.
Col«|^.'in'.r'r-A^l« dels.:
““Reviving a Great
Canal Pfoject”
Original Article in Sunday’s
Record, Correctly Illustrated -with
Detailed Maps. Histray of the
Project in an Interview -with
Senator Thurston.
Modern Methods
of Placer Mining.”
Read These in
Tomorrow’s RECORD.
im KOBniHa BBOoto, »atubdat, jxavAxr-*. isw.
I MUtor u<l »n. •ie«pt
CBD mrmbeni ot Oi* buaar v«lr4 tor t|.
tM tnOofwd t<r BT*t» *n« »k>
rlonai n>nv»ntl<>Tii>.
and stAtva
v»n BdopUiw tt.' The AXDBrtcBB p*ople
B-tiT b^nd tt.
lohnsoo Bttrtbuted the preaent *‘dl»<
cordem Bad d »cr»reftJl
non- beId* enacted in Otato «Ith lu -^liinne of
se nimlne!
a hr »ev. k. a. ttayio.
41K (ice cbBKtad »1 HdQiMHil Aeir
edanertinn. TIw tdiBinh <d Sncland haa
Uh,<i7*. tboariiowliifcctMUbe Ai«licBA
cbnKii la in tbe Biaarliy la that ootwt*7.
An toapeoter Meed to oaptma BUI tba
araee nf................
brlnfa ^
Crackantan. I’nrter
tbir/ be won the mon'a ____
ahMia BeTi mu *.
wa« oBannid. while BUI’hlJJiSSVS
bad a iwvolear In 'V tw_«m p«.ortl,l.p^-w,tb.
Dobn-w Cbriktiana are war
Ae for HU btliiiff yoa. arrer dnaa
bta breaat poelu^
. «< U—b«aih*thotaUrt. . .TbrtWwbo
jailed hk..irll.‘'I
........ Jur the of old. Tba irepuadbilUy of «can|iliig l»i hetm ■afllrieBt sntil i>»w idionld ba
took He'd aw^ aa Uien detactloa aud jncl^-nt ta ebown brtbe UpatMitotbceaML—Epbn>pal Boixader
wane I any man aa wuaJd mko hliB alncta wtmderfnl puw rf Uod'a w.ml. In!
----------- :---------- --hantled.1. evil,
aa tbe mwaid for JiU ^ boldtiw fact. BM only to tbelr Inward 1
B^tatm. Maua.
tore ,wii» a baaty erne, a chap namid Wm.
a e^imaiad that then* «ta l.«a.
4mw hr dll. knowinc.ai • oUoo'.haoBta, HUiOn». »>« *»*«»
A lablM to »
tbe imBBory rd Rea. A.
who llT«l In a »**it «nd help lu the obaraoter erf ibWr ^
hut hriba a euicknij
" Xoptady
- ■ ■ Ibe intbur of "Boc* <d
lon.lyhm on tbe aide trf a derp cutlj Hl^b Pneat. wb«i waa t«oe other than A*ia"ta to iwemwted In ih.amimctbablltatolrthlmtakepiLmalou Jeeoa
Jtoo* tbe 8ou
Son trf Mod.
H<d. who bad jauMod..,
|».at ^ j r
, , i i ‘**?‘****»*
Of the Iflatv forawrak oran iT^a into
i„w. the
the btaerna
h-vona and
aod who
who wa*
to . ,
WW » which be loeineHy
able to
hni whet* J<ie
t to
cynpuibiM witb Uiem brrauw He bad i
when be waniixl to pick npaewetir irria‘ y
.T"'' tbelr expnluu«« >
i.h I
CStrtattan EDdearor aodetlea' <rf
paaawl tbrnoifb
Ever Biir*94 Onrt
* ^-
> IKlI
1 the
Wblte Hbuae Jo im would ha
Kepulillcan twrty hi he rareaant to <u
tniai and ti> aUp In the »are tboae wh*
»r"u« Okte Mbb ira* WaMthe I
believed In ad buneeily mndacled wcrrior. Jobnaon ronrluded with an elnFine Merchant Tailoring.
quenl at^eal <o McKinley loaiand' by tha
principle.upon the pan>etuny of which
the pemaiibnce of oar inatltutloa* de
pended. Tnl'reentally dniins hit apeeeh
Jobnaon advocatfll the nne-lenn law
iraahliictixi. Ian. 1.—The Mendi aad tor preaMenta. Jobnaon waa rtren an
tiiri'Wlhwbimi tbeyo.ml.lofinip«o Ae
«o«nt«a of «hi- rtvil aervtce taw ea* enthue'aatlc demonetrwUoa of Cppiwal
VolouHa lu tbe Unitod
atdd Joe tbta tbitme of paec f'W pardiaa a^ for bvlp.
hta: bat. pal i>r no hJ.
I In ^ bouae yaa- when he eonclnded.
. Tbtee two apli iidid faou' (omorace bn^iiul in that oity. A Chriattan EaMah^
4erday. ' Ttw Martost *uat on oarh
intbeean- deavor yoann man acerea aa Umrian.
•Me wera hraacht iato aoOoa. Oroa*
WaahinatQB. Jan. r-Thfaanale yea.
The aTtnge ooet of aappot^ng a •a*
<|B«ri at tbcir temptotiuoa
taaor and Johnaon of Indtana mtA terday rimflrmed the folloarec notnina.
OmMiami today meet tbe ante irlala dem in Ae PreabyUTiao ^Molofical
aaada an exhauative apeeeh and kept thaa: To be Vnlled Btatea coeiaula
towinariea la abrmt $J90 a year, and for
... M.,
^ ,1 M, I W
teirreapactive aldea inconaunt tvrora. Kdwaid T>. Wlnelow, nf tlhnola,
ikti. "and from
a three year oonrto abimt tl.OM. in adlaTraveiwaiy,
tbe iniamai in the dibate waa asudi rtockbolm. Sareden: Michael J. Burke, to b^'
dlttoe to what tbe atadrata tbonaelvee
Riere Ilv-alr tbaa on Wedneaday. The •r IIUboM. at Pert ftanley apd ttaloi
p«y and to tbe aid «iy«B by tbe edaca*
Tbomaa. Canada: Uoula II. Ayi
' crowded rallerlea. which ware plainly
muna leoktsK tbe ploMir' of a tonch abep- Iflw np «Ar lattb. il we fall away n- tkmaltodety.
ti amiiauiy wttta the oppanaaia of tta
XcOonn, of’bOaooiuUn. at lyunfer* btml.ntKl over tbe Ilia. makltwhUtaa. der terwa temptatlcaia to aln. we canVUKZBCBO BLOCK
Kafwpcam Ttav^
Uw. br<M9 ao very ■
In tbelr dam.
e. Boottand: C-W. Maeriam. ed Wto•• 'Rello. wbnr'e tbe awrkinan tavof pot eaeapr. Ood'e weed will bring na to
laaew' yeepow r to yta the cttiiraotor tkla
a of approval at oaa ioaclure | conaln. at Itrockvtile. Ontario; Itaalel naked Joe. auiUln* Into Mw but and ap- jndgn«,, ^ «,
Caiiidren are telcea eb^oad eo yoang ettr
We have alan
Ibe mi tat at Bweb todarttowi.. aa« thtar
that the rhalr waa compelled to call K- McOInley. <j Wlaconain, at Athena, proechinr the fire, fer Jaewann i alearrxJ
mmr mxxmianetnraU JeMna who that before they bare rtarbed an age to _|h^r- *
r*----— *— T—-f n-*rr •.
- ibein lo order. Jphnaon waa warmly : Oraaca.
ai^ireciaie wbal they aee Eunipe bad'
beeoBie ' a- twico'told tale to Aewi Bo
•uatalned by the frieada of the taW on '
wm liaae tbe'a
the fl<^. but he vot VMT ntUe apptauae | Waabli^on. )a
yoer rbildrcn Ruud AuxTuaaa U to
from uie vallerlea. Oraavaaor did pot*)' nritiea an banUnc and ruirancy made
l.*We ehuald be eiMnrafnd to laeUt
briuR Ibrui np abraari. Unce they
daflnr htaatuiade In detail but cave hla arranrementa yeaietday to ticar tap.
imy Rtf
adbMon to the bill acrml on by tbe I reBeniallrea of ibe Indlanapolta mcme- tton wHh uumh (ever,
lack borw. u U bard to eat^> them
opponenta hf the taw.
> tary comnilaalon on Jan. 12 relathw
.away acain.' WiA each unfaut^ent
ap here In hie place.'
uifffat rappoee that <;briat. faeiwt divine
; Ih.- bill for .
In Ay a|*n«i «Jf our Meaiuen taiiUlMw
‘And who may yon be. *
Oroavenot hecan by laplylnc to Carl' by tbahbody.
muicAiuR • >f tbe gUmooT «rf Eoropr. and
yon'reai hniaof mked Joe eavam-ly. fdr
Tn.ii.„.rino .
Bchun. w ho In hta addiaaa to the Civil
-----------L wo, dl-wolnud m tarimr hi. Iri^
^ tat
Ac crowd, that yearly mb acaow me
Service l.aacue al Cincinnati had ea-'
Whet. Tie at bon*.'twW dlwiaon^Isa aad appnxdBle IveM. A a UteiUXHa
cortated men like Oro»veo»r. who'
Aan oar panaiij did in tbelr tine tour
ftcbuia aaya aUacked him for belny
Irall. r 10 hU
hli part)
while, aald- Schurs,
ihe paaaaac of a^ew bllia of 1
Fbari^aa. ^ mm and
thr«- men wri* atiemptlac to vlulalc
hate of get'Ulna lack Acts. But beliig iU. Uhnst was tempted.' Tbe trials rrf
one of the meet prntnlnml planka In
laii. I tu oulya JalllM'
Ufc *w»
Wl hrovily upim a*.™*Him. wc
Ha knowa
••You ought to bave yoar ean boxed,”
everr Rrpuhllrwtt nall.jnal |>lair..nn for .1 protect tbr n.vmc and lii.tanla of il
wbatwenffer aad b<iw wafrol awl Mid Him bbarplcdeb to • ycn^fnabyeatw. Ifhia brouctii from Uruavenora
tad hot dcnuticlailon of Bchura. wtwwa
aao who bad just stolen a klta.
pHiwm.i, to tlw A>wy Aftwed Ta
polltiral rareer h* rharaeirrlaed aa the'
WaRblnrton. Jan T.- The aenate c«m'•Well," be aatvd, ’‘wliy don't yoa
t or pour imprujMg s»df,' said
neb a lligb Pribst iboold ba a gnat Aiiir*
. Bpolied. jeprau. 'carver of mlttae oa mioury aSaiiw yeatcrdayior. tpilto uuuwved and filling tv
dered a favnnble report cm ipe MII.IB- »«W* wl'A
AeawecIvoed lea.
nocntiragoiueat and help to lu. Vbn
■■Iwoold.'-abekepUcd. ”if I hada
creaMng the mimary force nf the cvain“ ‘Andwlmamll
flffbtiag baides againat gemptation aad bog large Aoogb.
Cbicaga Kewa.
whoer tN-trayata had been hi. only mock
-. - Ae
gto, srs Annld mieenber
In trade m tbe arena of polltica" He
“Jov handled his pistol as cm sorpared m fmakeaawl alcne wiA anotte carWiA Ae exoeption trf birdt, Ben’a
alao declared bchura poliilcally corrupt
tags are longer in rfopoMon to Aair
and called (be men who mri w lib him
body Aan Aoee trf any oAer aniBai
at Ancinnail "foul political demai™..ui, u.. om «“ y “
buoian toot to br«4<^ nod BroagM'
I'd adt bi yoo to pul a tasto of roiu lo IL ' WMtoW »• *»«> sympathtgUlg srlA no.
for Ae Bight’s a nlppiT., You knew wherw’ * We aboald bf wwtmragrf to reoiat Aan Ae toot erf ny oAer animal. m>
■afrt. to the ratty rtodeea.
Whilmere take, Vlrb. Jan.
Tbea. referrtne lo charcee (hat be
Ac tnul- U. ao make no boaet al-nii it. temptattoo. becBOse tfaroncfa nor grrot Aat man alcoe obn stand apoooM toot.
waa antaRcmlctoc the prealdent on Ala Toledo tee company's mammoth Ice B'bn OM Mlke-Aat was tbe .name erf
Frinit wa cao RO boldly to(M for
matter Urovenor Jumped on the house. In o«u<ae of erection here, eollie rfp bwe In bta mercy Bud help Ih Unu> of nwd. God la
’•It's so aeldow,” Mid Uncle Eben.
•'cnckoo" and kept tbe heuae In a roar. tapacd yraterday anemuon. klllinc two piaoe. kcAdn't forget to my who was hla ^ „ fargiTu pant alna Ood U able to
•ttat ■ man jm'
Replying to the chargr made aaalnat m-n Inatanil). probably fatally wound-. trksxta and (mstciMtomsfa.
Ing Dve and Injurinc a duaen others.
"««o. Joe U>c TlBisanaadRimmani'iba
The dcat ay*:' Albert Mofey and.Qmar trap'mtduwntolbelrlmtaifrlher.aDda
tolka ROM ter gorasln W'spicittitn c
Ion and fur bclp 'in oar be'a playtn a migbty sly gaina.''0-Ci.nner. tatar^ Reriotady Tajv
Jolly night I've hrotti they had of H.
<J«i for ponton
ha reviewed t rplaifortti of the 1
“Toward l•K>^llug mpb took to buostlng boars of dimoBrageanniL
tmblbaa pan}- to sboa that Oie «wei4it -^ohn MoBride. Alef earpenier.
Eaahlngttoi Sim
^LeS'fva^UMtawiMMTtvasat llMa. m.
Iw«t1<Tti occupied by the majorl ty of Ihe 1 *>«*“• *™ •"«
broken and jaw of bu powm uf dolDR Ala AIdr ur that M irial let OS iwmlmr Aat
ta'sae waa not InrnniUtem with theae ' ^''vehed: J. Commite. tarpenier. of Alag. and au»u>g oAer Ainga biniiuona. «v refage and our strittgA" aad go to
auLOoinroop o.r
declaration,, "ror I give tbe members i Toledo, iDternallr Injured; Georpe Mar- who'd bueti whoii a mess buy a sort (<paiA A Ae naiM of fjhriA
of the civil torvice commluee notice." I Hn- Iweaai crushed. H. Rtllaon. InterJ.W.Patebta.
»**Uilga-G«. nil. MS;
aald he, -ihal w. have a majorlly on 1 “''I' InJuced: R Fulta. head crushed. Scorns**’‘***®^ “* *^*”*"'
■•“w.'he rnlA ‘mpp— ________ ^
^ alii, il MaA. iv.
f’" hundred and fifty laborers wvre
this n.inr- and you cannot strangle -a
‘‘ " **'
majority In ibe American rongreso." at work on the building, ythlch waB;lSO wOTatairtii»aiId'y<«toto'.w^e^”^
Attorneya at Law.
iAprlausp.1 Hr argued Aal when Ae feel wide and about Ito feet long, idl* etanr a ebort i 1 like you at a bound.
IS: Gal.
( Bl. I. -ulf plsifunn was adopted Ae eg- vlded Inin Ove rooms.' Tbe We«i duttensiens oOBtalaed In the Cleveland or* «de wail ttrsl fell Aa ntbetw tollowkng
I!. Wta'^to^bUl
der of 14ay. U»1 had rirt been under- In rapid euncetoton. uaUl Ae entire
laj' itai
flat upon Ae ground Ath
with | hta cups, deolcd tbik
Ctaritj W -r__ k
stood T».e ItafUbUraas romlng Into etructui* lajBVSIK^ CABIfS.
It. A B>e^>eilruggllng beneath II.
*' ’W'kj'-’l" «»d. 'll you wai toliytol
r. .. j;.:... .
powei ..Q a platform adopted before the men siruggllnc
Aea- v,.i estctialcwis were not In b^r clal train from Ann Arb-r has arrived bwporiwnwaB yuDMy. I'd Juri upwhh; V^ty trfspOTh is m Avim a tiung
of actffnt. To Judge no one a ■ BhOWN. Awmvey aad OsaaaeUaeal
lo take care 6f the Injured. Tbe cause my arms and pin yoar two thmad paper
bound I- agree to them.
haxwbly, ------r——=---------------- •------- O. Lav. aprolal atMWM to eeUsvttaM
of the collaiM- -1, not known aa the ...
nay, tlw pMste Appas, tta Law.
hU words tqr aetkm. . live, to believe Ainga an* aa they
One af flnwrenoria natemeats which building wa, considered perfectly Mfe. Bui bliDin
to be ontUAey'aK provedoAswlse.
evoked an enthoBtasue ouAurst from TVn tboi||and dollars wA cover the
Ae gallertrs waa A tbe aature (rf a
warning that If members refimcd to OHAROE0F DIBLOVALTV RESENTED.
listen to the votre-of the people Ir
boslim> (u (hta taw they would not be
*"“TbaAui»sn.drtnklnfnroMram.geew,®®^^®*^-^____, . .
! Unkind words do as Booh hann aa
reiirescnialiiea. He argued that'
♦•‘rd like tenroyoB uyU. Tou’r* unkind deeda Many a hMit has bMa
Reoplr were ov*
___ ,
of la wiBwuuptBT
grasabgpper than a properly wninded beytBd oore. many a rapntaUMn. uijm
Ae lea. and said that faur
bum n'tan, Aalswfasi you are!' "
' Uou
iMi stabbad to deaA Iv a tew
if Itepubllrana fell 1 secret-aynI'U bet you Ail guMwatrh that youdon't UlUe wceda Then is a tAarity which
pathy wicli Mayor Van Wych, of
clly. which numbers among lu
oohsiida in withhuldiiig wiada in keep
York.: Who announced that none but
ing bark barA jodgiaealA in absula
pemn-ruli would be appointed lo of*
fire under tbe new ciA BoternmenL
t Caaadtana and Ae principal dUboos* and cdtaaB.
floternor Hlack had said a fvw dayi
I of Montrvil. Il Is aald'that'no tawb.y<.u’vegon»yourhdt Aat Iclcar <*«“« •'<»<* t*arity boars tbe tale uf
ago thsl oheti the ' late unlamenled"
aAurichapilkeyoo. bold upyoor bands slandcr.bat does not repalil; Itatcni
ileput.lli-an covernmcni of New TOA
as high aa you call, at a jump: only give A lilisra. bat fnrboar* oomtntmt. tbeai th«(S Bala, stmri. ThUphosw lO.
aaoie ir.io pcwer there weiv u.eoo Tam- W A. An-lruoit.
larks Ae uuplcaaut Mxret up in Ae
isconsln. mmng- nic a nin of a few yard,'
- hbu-irM and
“■DudvI' And drawing Ac bowlo vary depAs <rf Ae besirt. Alemw can
er a predco-sMiT.
plr.d t
I 1L.0W Tammany teemed members of jta club
TWtaaeeSectBuaday.JaMB. W. . *
kul^fromklabrit AchuArangortaldlt Su
„ *, gpe-wh that ktwp.a
. |»ay rofk
allMo'ctoeka m.
Hlttlllgers drfeai
who bed •totyalivoaudlendaitTigor.—Htunane UlassM sHoititawlly AlS
brought sN>ut,.hy
• pubitabt
gOtaBBDh OKPP.BA, ni
I in'a Cbirag.. paper a wseM^ago tast
Brils Hr Tblahs^li - ' •rest- ■to tbe -«
Bunday, which was tcIegrapMd t
tBrinsprinio e^tapa couldn’t do."
publtobMdn All by Ae iorubae'
••Ii atmly a trick. " ividkd Mr. Btaka ’ BcHgiooi brtlefs and lallgioaa meAJohnson of Indiana one ofribe ardent
“a lucTt' rIrctM triok—which every down oda grow Ubaral Jnat A proinmtioo to
defebdi-ra of the law, fnllowga Groove,
In Urn ring undiTstanda Htsa, I'll show Ac enligbleomriil and the'reaM«iugcanor wHh an extended ar^ipent Ir
yon how It's done to a minute—Aat ta. parity nf peui.lr. Haiwh and narrow dooSui4>orl of Ae mi ni system. He Ick
I’ll show you bowBlmmons Boat have trA.wwid-'rr».risootwoni”riAintbeIr
ooeasl-n to review the hMory of Ae
™ and
iguoTMtex. and
cIvU scrSlca, pnlnilng out that prerlooi
tHOKWOS. M. D 0«o,toHa«lltoo
t«ri!5 JlTJiwk tollToSliSr
-itim.. Thoeau* trf llbenU
to the lime of Jackaun Ae sintis sys
smb rnnsT rrf popular eda- i. A milikto Block. BoumSto ii an., t
“I- siii>puw Ad's bow Ae Tlrunao U bound
gpilngfleld. liu.. Jan. I.—At a mwltem did nut exist. Mrn were a^ipolnted
SOM hand in band wiA Ae '“*<P-m. T.I»pbnw.A _________________
oadun. .
to iifB.e for Htnea,. yet never-w as par- log of the alBie board nf agriculture atoodf
- Raise ..
a progtrea trf roirnce, Ae advance A
I Bhonid
tarxy so
'iy ferllng sinutger than then In Bng- Just >>efora adjournmeni an order was
ta above Ae h'vel
h'Vel of your Mad. Thai'e ktmwlMige. Ac gnm ih in Aoogbtand
tanJ. whers As mgrit system prevailed, lias.'-d for the Immediate |ioyment|ot liuta
Thiuw Aem hack a litA). ud I'U. rMWHi among mun. ftsexvat maria'Ae
of the IndebtedIndebb
party spirit waa niusiI vigorous. It waa ! ata'UI M t*S
V show .at Chlcakn.
ahtoird, bt c-wiended, lo aay tiut party ‘ "v* of the-tai
the full trluin]>b bf enU^L- TtTANTKD, a •♦OSinOK to 'iTo r*w^
■wing I
AeA being money
eniDuiL—LUiriMiwu lieKisor.
ervush OB band for (hat purpose. The Ms bainU blgb over bta buad, then led
n.alnlns Indebtcdnen will be pfld tbtan dnJioe slightly to tbe dIreoUon of
his now IricBd.
Tbe lattiT. taking BUTa wrists to bU
Wlwl a prii-v wc W'liuld pay to be
DuriiiK bU review ........... .........
baud., brought then ganUy MgeAer.
till-isuiRktif ocuimiflDrol
smineiii men on Ala question JobnauB , drrweJ Ae arilon of the secret^’AXT*IX-»Wr rwmral ha
- “This U bow AeAlog must have been lldo'k'
o.wanta Ilf os nil. “ We
beeariie involved In a coalrovrigy wlA ‘ drr ldinR
ir^poelUM. apply at «■
doiw.'' be Mid. "tUioraani muiU have nuini.u flj- ir<<iu i>aiwp1v<-a and Ais
as a ringer ,nd Ua ownar hanwd trtrm
give, ns au iden ulni (if God's nauii--1
I Wan oa Washever romiwilng in any ahew held ^by
draw a pair of hudeuff^ fhom hU pocket,
r i>iMiioB Of the lattwr Aat the j Ae inimto slate agrieuliural board.
and. Inlure tbe other eonld make a move- ed fnairniiii n«ir i. anghionverad ti
chair was oldiged to suspend the debate
Hta righi l>‘i n, liMen to wbat <
I. rilpihrmonsD.''
and admonish the spoctaiors that
Ihs gaariUs tawaeh "TsaBa"
if^g waa duos to ^tost^ ^ BDimoi. tt'IU us 1s tmr duty and tbe will 1
nurh detiiODSIrallons must rraar
Gtyl. aad. ihn, idutir
s aoHfl<
luirwii be at peaca I uMtwa. erai
V to enumerating Ae evils of the'
be found btoiiMf amtad to uM trf tba
'^tbe (taiwtor. oin
onrsplrta and all OuUtorihi,
• »' ■'the
^tapolir ayatejn Johnsoa Mid It madn suranoe company w-iiihig Inaurancs- in Aalrs. hta baada tsUCfed aito hta eagW. with
msL—,\tniimaii Hebiww.
oowardi *f legtataton. stormed As MIchlgaa Aat no deductions In the way eatoi and wniiing, matiding over him.—
Whits House, inierfsrad Aih tbs dp> at rstaatao. reinaurancr, abatsmenta or
bard. Pestotaea- r*-*
panmenla:: tt rewAad
rsariiad teto
Into tbe Capitol iwtutn premlurna will be allowed, hut Kew York Kengi*.
aad shaiwd leglalauon: It exalted As Aat Aet'per com. tax be oompuied oa
/■Is Tww VroHsts.
We boMb'i be to a burry to fix and, !R™iw
office brol>er and atis- ked. vlliified ao-l Ibe gras* Michigan earalngik The eianiwnlea have been accusti>med to mahs
'Hearv6«sge,”MTs AeVsstmtostM obooM onr own loL We mnat wait to :
sinmlnated the
MU. "Wlagaatoibniuorof htaowB be guided.. We are led <b. like the lit- .
iX'< rda. he declaiwd. could aot do Jusand could toll a good ewry agsit
blar- tie
_a way Aat we know
childrna, by
tice to Ae Intamy of Als proltOe evil
Hattorwartk’. Cowailto, BMMraglaf.
Itorlrfg bta AtiKmltan tour one <rf aoL
,ot. It if
it a vain Aongbt
*ta«ght to ftae tram
which bad detourbed Ae civil ssrrtaa.
Thoanasvtile. <ta.. Jaa. 7.-The as#a
eii'uitard totta eetv . S:
Aework that God i«s»nts ha for Ae
from Ae slA room of Hoa. Denjarple lili fttmili III njiliiiij
lb that
tha It would
ButterworA ta.daridsdly more an- Ntaiy of a local raetog elob
a greater blearing » ear
to MDd Mr. Oecrge a
roursiglBg. Hebas been improvlag nWw- be a gntcefnllyAlng
Uckat for Ae moe meottog
r by one. -............................
tbes'ot band 'Tbe pepsKwere aithe
’ wbna we ahall find the fnllnMi erf U|g
and anawersd (hem. froQucniiy evoking
oultonne to rvpuria trf dirtoe 4«*auioe Inateod of ieektog It
totiag many ouli
apflouse from the friends af Ae Uw on they hat
Oeorge's mcwtlngs
bta wtea it ta ui.be foond. to loving ebto
Tits talk of a'^fvli pension, he
doBtriiwabotitat,____________ _____
dUHto—Georgs EUoL
Mid. sras a bugaboo designed to fright.
noi iBHl them. ‘H-ho ta Mr. OeorgoV 1
«n the defendnis of Ibe merti aywtem.
HtHmkiDg to the Republicaa side of
orwtsldwlda eelebrliy.'
the houM he told bla ooUkagues Aat
the merit systesn was a It^ubUean
Os Imgwwad eHy^spsew.'
•. aad a tpecial la(rfiUd. WhOa Ommge H. Fliwauton waa
!^h.all«lgbt,’Mld^ldlriB. t06.4SlBaFttoAa.M7 Wa^ FATOB^ A OBOrnOfi. AttaraAe
Ha authar la taception I w ^
'^Suits to Order.
THE Jllp. H. SMTO lUNf
Stud Ri|ddi t iBdiiu 1.1
West Michigan.
---- ------- &
■W’. ”.,.'2SS£iKS2."‘"-
'L*—d—Money to Loa
vy. 'Banhattoksldag | m e.«M Fximtttoa MoAodtoia. fi.SU
BAAGtaftottou LfiM Qhitod MfAf
lUBTis UD lonffiunu li
Pint TW-No. m.
Read and Profit...
Ooro WoltOrt, Bello Clondlkc;
I give his otwntiee to tbe groeer; bed of
of rMh 7«n*w, (old colorod roMoPKZX. BBXBMKB
ABBBtTKD I ^ boaiema beraoflor.
Bobt.. JlckUnr. EloBdike prooc)
b.,jo»r 'r«di«g. W.h.™th.b«t fiU«i
le^ Boeb'^t. whim
whit* mlDtoteiU
i Mim Ujry
ever aetr, oDd the mast rehdeble Bog^ea that are pabUriwl.
A g>nc« ovkr tbe ooonter viU ooarinoe ;m that oar stai*>
Verto MelBtTTO. Bommdn pole rpH Bocoaeo Be P^h^laTod o Work of Art
JUr>iA<»>» •«oow« of tt*
^ fRid^ mA floftrptek hot wilb
Boood OttJeetloubU b; tbe Avthee- tbo perooM wf tbe bride. «e Bartow
PUnaod bj 'Wi/i Sehoe) r«|>teIHw rmeemitfir Twoddle Peeaed etrpet. T%e oeremoe; wai performed
BircU Wolka-. wUcr: iMu &aA
Xto VlolotloB ft tbe Pow-Wbrt'to b; JesUee Jobe Verl^.
^lOT eal^
«1tb blue, wh^le
Bovlvol eerrlMa at tbe Pint M. B.
uA VoUMt ToBthd U SdMat(.ftao «KM(T «TRECT.
ebareh ood the Prieadaebnreb. ore be
g AUome; Twaddle te emKUo Sbepord. OoIomMo: white dnm,
ing etteaded b; targe eoagregoticao
Tteo k«*o bm mu;
eeomple of A
red oad bine trimmln;. ableld. oad rokver; oveatag ond iberoealtd!o('tbe ef(i*n U Ttotcim Clt;. tbu wkieb no
(Orta of the pastors and tbeir oasistoata
tows in tkonote kmor* fnmod for it*' oettM of rod white oad hleo.
Rote Mocre oad Edith Ebrl. Two. Ut- of aeorolit; in tbe c'it; of New York. ie (be work ore pieesoBt to eeatemboapiuli^. bat a«*«r OM-t^raamoco
Mr. Oomatock baa been e eeaaUet men.
■oral or ebormUc <me Uu Urn luc; tle Oirla In Bine; eoe^lfl^ooMw OMfermne; ;aore to tbe tbeatrteol plou,'
’ 4ram port; r< w >aM evaainr te MonTba racnlor meeUog of tbe Oopd
m Joek tbe Oloet ^Ipr:
You Oka filwAya gut tfe* Lkto
TbmpIoiawUloeeerthieevoBlBg. DiMtnffM lull Iv * oitmbm- of tbe Bifk
wbiu wotat. red ud bli^ daabM
agotae to tbe district ceaveaUca to ^
XAgBAinM And Fmpen nt
donbleu blook boao, tod aippem. fa^
bUdet Fife Lake Joaitor; (S'oad SO.
Tb* ball wu proUU; nnufad for
• '
* thn oeeutoa. Tb« oloetric U(hu la
1 b;tba mee- an to be elected. Ike esoo! good proEthel Hoxte. vBlejreie OIrl: abort
gimmLwUI be U charge of Oompoa;
pole pUk nhadm eprood o rep; (low
bloek ekirt oad lerclna. atrlped aklrt tntioaa posted for tbo poMie e;e
' ow OMj eopmtn }oM bir eaoarb (or
Oom- No. I. Mim CArrie O’Neal, leader.
oiet. ooqaettiah red bod.
two, oad BOoeM oad eoehloDO (oee o
WolterTrambell. OMUemon of tbe etoek'a mhalon la to aaprasa tUa aort of
iMBoUke olr W tbi room.
Bverythlag In tkaKaate Uae. at W,
mb Oentor;: ^erraet erealor eentaeie. odrertlalog oad tba node in art at oeed
W. Ktmbaira pew eten, m Frimt
• Tbe port; woo chfcperoned b; Men.
•. Bortbo Keefe, Dopblee; doint; white iarttea octiea from him U too geaer- ctreeL Mn-tf
-Kaw ZAaa’ FaahlamBb'etafH- Fat
; are HaM-aaUCaro
J. B. Mortin. ond oo eooB oa
bnel; dlapU;ed in poMfe. Tke exam
t^Bed (own ood flehn.
Tkerek Katblng LOm •■*#» lAaa”
tbe rwete bod rrirod oU JolMd U
Ed. Tblrlbj. Jell; Joek Tbr: now ple tbaa oat, backed ep b; tbe Iowa of
iwpli^ moele
tbe (rood'
(rood" moreb.-to
Mieblgoa boa
Mae aoUor eelt
br BUewonbBoU,tbe"aldba^ OoA
Oioee Hnatiara. Spring; white ae t, Tweddlt to nip In tbe bud on; o^i Wbat’s the kiAttef wHh
pletoreeqae coetomee' lenAiv odded
trimmed with rtolett' oad bettorm^. ration for tbe dlapto; of ebjeciifoablo
boost; to tbe ehooree ond liiosee of
inTroTerna Cit;.
Woll Still RMt 7he grn—elfi Oarpei At............
oad 'froga Mg ond ' '
the morcb. Tbe eresinf woe apent In
A pictara boa beea exhibited ie tba
BdU 7oU.
Sevenil go^ patti>nu k£t—pretty da- • t MUr
(omao. ond iU ^
Otto MeCleake;. K^wleon: eoekpd dlaplo; window of tbe Uon aoloon.
Vgn»—good qoaiitiM. If you’ll need a Bcaeeeb Oarpat wiUun tl|»
to power peppiA cokeondtee
whieb tbe proeeeolor deema e eiolotloo
WB« nwrodto^wnaolotebour benext six months, buy it »6W.
of tbe Uw. ocoerdlng to Bowetl'a
rior emperor.
(ere the port; mme to o
Soroh Oreeno, A OLrl of Todo;; Pret- etotntee. »llt f„ which reiotea to tba
nr.tt oMof the moat eojopotion ofmoroUtjond prerentlon
t; brows ooetam*.
■ .tODdaJ'.eM of tbe
Oeotge. Boff oad Arther Jlekll^. Of crime, ond which read* os foUowa:
It ebolt be neUWel for on; penon
Bole ond Sombo: two colored geoUer eloborote
Sererol ef tbe geaUemen did not
orotberob}eet.oriBon; otraeL
to rire A d
nod. or otberdioblio place, oa; alga, br a ChriatmaB or New Tear’a
teoent an; epeelal ehoroeter.
brief tbe; were ea foUowe:.
We have a nice lot of
CkrI SehnMder, pietnre, prteUng or other repremu- prenent?
Mro. J. Be Martin. Ooort latS <*f
Mon of morder. omomlna i inn. eubMog.
Walter Potgo, Joek Pen;.
Igbtlsg. m-ot on; penoeol vlelenoe er Ihem in every atyle auti finisb.
Tmnoe; wbHe broeoded nod oponr>*A
Jobaaoo ond I. J. Ploao.
of tbe eommlaelon of oa; crime, or any White Enamel, Antique Maple,
gown, an mAlU, powdered oMgnrb,
reprseentaHae of tbe bomon form le
Antique Elm, Ash, Mahoguy and
euitode w drem wbUk wonld
Hnleo Moore. Boeolind: pole pink
tbe ooae of a Uving perm ^ch in aqoare and loag glut,
on eo appeared la oa; pob'eoeteme. dolet; Inee debe.
dust-proof drawera, and-we
Kdlib HnaUnre. Jaliet: ooft white Preset Hemlnoted Blm f^ Poet- lie eUneL eqoore or bigbwo;.
AoeordlBg to this etotate, which an selling them at prices that will
■ of Trovano ’Olt;
'Ban; KaeoUad. Oaeto Sam: Mae
law, SberiC SlmpeoB made a eomplaist
seat, radoad'white etriped pasta, wkho
againt PhlL fibenner. proprietor of
l^t with Mna boaA and atwK iMg
XmwkVopaxXaax-maaAw a
tbe Lion aoloon. oad be wm orresud
geotem .
In MiehignaauttolbeaeboU b;'tbe •j Ondcraberiff Aabtoa. The eborge
Troaoea OreUlck. Korelaana; w
■ k;. were thoea*ofOeo.
with ;ellow aoab. and eloberotel; Bnff, Traverse Cit;: C A. Palmer, MenFnniiBhliiff 6Uo«,
Uoacd, .tba day previooa. Sb
istee: WUllom G. QiidBoa. Lndingtoo. want before Jndge Beberts and pleaded
one lo^ flawer forming the coptta-m Fi^^i TEAVBB8B CITY.
Cborim A. Wright woe named for aot gi£llt;. and tbe bnriag of tbe c
MnrioB Pratt. Night: block |
■epUectar of Intemol reveene of tbe was eet fer neat Tknieda;. Veaurda;
aprtekled with oUear eton, ator and
Fiial dUtrict of Michigan.
afternoon the pietnre atill remained
ereeeent mooo is bUr.
the window. Another eomplalnt v
^rt Hnr&nml. COroli; ofioer U fall
L»t Meath EiodledJUl Part Baaayaa. "^411 Dei.r. SaU Theai lar
and Mr. Sbermer was again areoatnme of bloc oad gold, with aword.
Stere Lordta. O. 6. Arm; elBeer ts Olob of Twaat; Ptomlnoat Bnrtneoa reetnd and Ukea before Jadge Boberta.
hloo. with brood red aaah.
Ken Oijgodsed.
data. TbU U tbe firat time aneb a
Pronoaa Palter. Joan of Arc: block
A Bomber of tbe expert wklat pie;- ha* been tried in Traverae Cit; and tba
eolret bodice, red aklrt. little Preach era of Traverae Qly met leat nlgkl ie
i for
But there i* alwa^
wDt bewatebad with leterlose cop.
mere. Th^fcre come i
tbe rooma ^ Jobe A. Laroeger and
yoor PHOTOS. We have a----Bertha Beddeo. Somomr Olri: aoilar orgoaixed a dab to be known ee the
Tbe pietare wbA bee leriied the
hot. Bbirt woiaU white desk ebdri.
Traverae (dt; Wbiel Cleb. Tbe ofiem tMtioo of the eetboriUea U eoop; of e
r, if we have to work
Barr; Porker, Sammrt B«t: white ore:
allnlgbL ^
tamooa p^Gag oad is naed to adve
. 4o^ toaok salt.
fteeldeot—E. McNomoro.
ttee tbe llqocH ef Hnlmaa A Bcgga,
Bnotm, Bed Boee; while moU
SeereUir-J. A. Uxmngar.
wholaaaledealera of Terre Bant, lad.
giSl trimi^ iHtb otfamoo
The plet)^ -repneeaU a barge g*il; tit Soatb L'akwBL
Tbe)officef* wiU serve as a.eommltUe bedecked ~wUh flowan. propelled b;
Aleo T;ler, Monk: in lea
to a^eet aelubla rooms, which it I* Cnpld. and from wbkA a anmber
robs oad. hood. '
Called to keep open ever; evening females are bethlag la tbe eea.
Emma %aMtee, Mold of tbe IBth Ceo- for tbe convesieaee of tbe ■
After bis Beenad'errest Hbermar datoi;; block loeo eeotamo wUb white bera ef tbe deb. Segelar meeUngs
termtnad to avoid fntnre tionble
wOt be held oa Toeada; oad' FriOpal Uebbe. Ooeee Victoria le bar da; evesiega each wash. The mea- tboegb hr did aot remove tbe pletora.
GOLD is what we want forjnoiier* Still
girlhood; pick eeetamo and gold crown.^ benbip is tweet;, as follows: 'E. Mc from tbe window, laataed be piw
cored eome crepe paper and deelgned a
every ^Id coin is adulterated—some golA
-CUaworth Hole. Hooa. jTuloreT from Namara. J. A- Loraager. L Bobarm, Boltoble article of elothlog for each of
'tkm old ooentr;: Oermoe eoatomo. W. 8. Fmur. it. Moatagrm. Tbea- T. tbe onde flgorea. and wbieb he taaUI;
Not so with
some alloy.
Baue, A. F. Camerea. J. W. TlavK
ebed to tbe pietare ia a msaaer
BmthoBosia. Ooddeee of LWt;: M. B. BeUey. O. F. Carver. W. 4X
calcaUted upraventaa; further obwhHo. 'wltb loag. open alwreo. gold dee. C. fi.'Travl*. W. J. Bokb^r^F. «. ieettoaa which mi^t be advanced b;
ooroaet, oad with her J^ong^goldoa Heemaae. W. C Bell. D. A. Wood- tbeofficera
bolr Bowing.
wwrUi. B. H. Bmckea. J-V. Mclejwh.
■ Walton Ora;, Prinee Chorminn; eUb- O. C. Moflatt. M. W. Underwood.
orate eostome of pole Mae paffed oad
Flour—Every ounce is Pure. ALL GOLD,
aei off. with bloek.
XNaagrMabt* Xndlng afa BM^ SM*
ZaUo Vogelaong. Bales ef Ti
and takes the shine.
wbiu Greek gowe with peUere In
The girl inthlfi lecture I* no*
A part; of jxmg ladtaa aad geiUaFiaaaa fbr Ba^iab KhlpbuUdlag.
eer. boir beaded wUb silver,
_.ea of tbs High acbool came to grief a waitress in a restanrant. She
lidltb Tbomao. gipa; dower gtzl; rnd
Large qoanUtim of 6ae pine w|aam
earing a moonlight aleigb ride^ni*-~ <mpond«oab. wbiU waist, bine aklrt Umber are beiog baaled to tbe be;
de; nighv Tbe; aeeared a team from is a child of the xaouataiaB^
with wbiu border.
ebore near the J. E. Orelliek factory.
' B. J. Morgaa'B liver; bare and drove to our own sublime mountaiaa of
George Tblriby. Goorge WeohioglOB Some of tbe largest and beet stick* ef
Elk Bapida to visit the blast foraaoe.
ie keee breeehco: aetln wolsieoet, leee pine ever eat la this eectkra are ia tbi*
UpOD tbeir reura. tomiag a.eornar too the great west
nidea. powdered qaeosoad oeAed koU lot. The Umber la being eat b; Wifiabort' tba aleigb was apeet and badl;
How she became an aitisFs
fetbel Thomoe. 1^101110; Wade frock.
damaged. Several of tbe part; were
Inmber and eqaare Umbtr.
■ WblM cop. rnBed kereblef aiSi enffa.
aeraubed bat none aeriooal; bait, model and lost her heart is
• 'Vm«r Browe. Msxteoa eobellero: Ike Umber la being cat la Blair towkr tbohgb
wide aombraro ood eait heori); tiimmad ship apd there will b* SU ^eeee of h, braiaad aad toreed to aaek aaigteal at* graphically told in the gtory
which will be shipped to Baglaad fer
With gGt oad ertmaon.
taaUoB. Tka parW remained at Elk
In the *prtng. Bapidf ovlr night aad Vatnmad
Be; Oodheet. e BIgh acbool
Beaidee tbe aqoere Umber Mr: Benn|e
opmplati footboU oetdt
The Oha4ren*s fisiet and eee If any of our
the eari; uWln. with tba axeepUoi
fJiiun Woro; tewer girl; deiel; will cat 8O0,OMOJeet of toga
twa ef the jroong man who drove tbe
odd lot of Hoea.WiU fit Touget SOogooda for»6otf
^te (rock end bet trimmed with
«aigbJU0e.DaneenadBnppnr'. . ^elgh borne after it had been fixed np.
wa happen to tove the sine.
a’ nambCT ef .^oreaten and their
Sw Priedriek. move; blue opd
rlvea eajoyed a aleigb rid* Thnreday
gilt coot, red Torkhh trooserm. wbiu
evening oat 'to tbe home of Mr. aad
legglao. red Ie*.
Mrt. Amae Loogabore. A doe sapper
WtaaM FeUar. UUlc Bo Peop; ^ort
was aerved aad tba evening wAs paaaed
,aUow gown, big legkor* bat. Wna
A. B. BdUlte; met with a painId daaeiBg aad maalcal cntartalnmeaL
ah. abepherdb crook.
Tbe gneato experieaoed the prevm ' . ' fol accidqatymUrday which .will canee
Emil Xarilagar. Booaob Bides, with
bespitnlit; of tbe Lengsbor* home vit blmtorwminatkameforafew fiaya.
oaoirof eooo-to be atote troopm.
I atWaL Haalippmloe (he icy Walk
Groes Bdred. UtOa Eva: dowlog
{ Bam^ofiM. MTVontatreeL and la
b»lr. dove eMored gown, piek aotie ood
Obnn. XellePs XMft
a bad (aU anatatoed a aerer* sprVn •
Cbarite Keller «f Brioa. came to tlu
Inee Ummleg.
BeUrtrarth. Mnad Meller; big cli; Tbareda; to bare one of kla ayta
-hoiond long sleeved oprmt^^bo; rake treated b; e pbyalelaa. He met with
•aaeddeat in tbeTogar mw akUl. '
« Un cup.Tk* aannal maating .af tba Ladiea’
Mr. Wood. Tbe Jndge; eveBlag'boe- wUcbaaaU *m* fotoed lata Ua
LOnr; Amaeiattmi wfU be haU at
and eoanteooBoe morM b; qjra. Dr. Oamar draaMt tbo apUe
B&XLLIAHT yjJrOT PUM «0' OIAl.>A»rT. '
. Haskell’s Bookstores
A Nice
Steinberg’s ^,2’oX^i*
Warm Shoes
at Out Prices....
Btff IS NllliD.
Prices 60c, 69c, 7^, 98o, $1.26.
Gaining in Popularity^-=a.
We are
Still Very Busy
-Ah.. :w^i
' Tonu^Ar BlodL
They Say_
OAn TO omxHF.
Hannah & Lay Co.
which wiU be printed-ui
jgdMial gmvlt;.
there ia daagv that Kr. Ul tr
Minnehaha; brt^ loMtheaieoftL
teadaaea ta fimlraA
J. w. ailXLIREl^.
,yg» xoBvnra bboobb.
T. Batm An> J. W. .BAMsn.
W. a«Jni^, Bditar asd UaMfw*
th« r«M«M mt
Wnx the board of eaparrlaere moat
MXt week it wlU be to ceaeider the
wpart of the epectal committee app^ted to eeeare laformalloo recordtac the eoet of belldiar a eooaty ooart
Waee. Tbe myetior was oaUod tar
that perpoM aad the qnratloa of bondtag the eooaty for enoagh toeoror the
eaat 'wUlbedteeoMd. Thb b a mattar that wUl demand oarafal eoaaideriui. of oUen b«bl>
mporrtaeem. aa the 'growtag aaoda of the
ceaaty dewiaad aome better prorloiw tar carrytag oa the
. mt the eoaaty. Tbe oommlttoe will
report that a good aad raitable hoildtag wiU ooat abool 140,000 and the
qaartoa bow b to detennlae whether
the matter of boadiag the oeaaty
ahaU be placed before the people Now
U>ot Um~ on lotlor u, U, ooUook
tarthe fgtare hrigfak thoee who Ure
opUlde the city who oppeaed tbe oew
— ooart hooeo a year acei will prohaWy
taol more Uke rotlag tar ft 1
all ceeam a aedr baUdlag b aaedod,
aad that aaoa.
Tn Earie TV^rodaMd tkte, y«U(AaT
fran UeOntnl-«ak»‘TcRsh; -It i«
>tr. Hsl) of TnroTM
atjr. tkat Um Tbayar }zaA -of tlmbar,
tkat te Wter opaaad «p \>j tta saw
O. R. K. A tL B. raUroad tram Vaa
Saroa, vhea eat, woald rcqatro tbraa
Ikn-nr-* Uaia IcaOtor TS.cm cat
aarry Ik The lanrth of the trala, aap|ilH itall to be pat toretber. wooU he
S.OOO Btlaa" Thle itaai. oalj ■ore of Ik
waa prioted ta the Uotano Bacuao
aavherSI. trea fifaree eompiled by B.
0.HOU. aad It haa alaec been priatad la
a groat my papm in the etate. Bow•ear, tWagb pretty atale. itafforda the
BarU aa opportaalty to dl^y ap-toAata aewepapar aatarpriae aa' noderatoo^ ta that oOea. It alao datooe
suetee the Mtaconias to ■‘prematen
«t«rpriae,'’aa practleod by the Bafta.
B. Bo Popob paper. She garo a ahortj la aatrytag. taeAld boi feal.vilUlig ta felt be bad beqe doped, aad he treaned
cammaty of the Uatory of tha eoaBtryj meriBmbenalf aooardleg to the man- np tbe grtevaaoe. One time, aboet Ms
Bate, aad it therefore devolved a}»o weeks later, the oanmiMan man came
from the war la lasi lo the pteocak,
Kane oeq to tvedpitete Aer over tbe to Hoover's tawa. got oot of the boa
ttaie, aad spoke of the ebarmiag laadi olood nppra mooDtaia. All bet limbs and atarted ta walk down atreek Hoo
aad boaatlfalwoopla Oar owa deaire! beiug bonad except her hMtds, sbe was ver mw him aad iaaUaUy drew bis re
for kaowladga, muale,art aad eloqaeBoal bonw to the verge and IstiDCshed away volver and fired. Hia eye was fairly
abe traced hack to the iaBaoBoe of OtMO^ with all the stdeiam for which tbe la- good. Tbe ballet cot away tbe meraad moatloaed the great deaire of tha diana are famona. Bat here a thing Oc ehaat'a necktie and onfastaaed hia oolpeople for edotmtimi. which leaA them! curred Vrhleb bad aerer been hsowa
Ulirre. In her downward flight abe
ta eadare any hataahlp for Ita aake.
cape la ooataM w^ the leatg branch <g
Mra-B. U hpemgoo gare aa - laterotta pine which avrang oot many taet "bnt I itmkoB yoa'ru as eony aa 1 am. ” {
iag papar oa Byroa ia Ureeoe. Bbej from the roo^ aad, gm^ag it with
“What do ybB-meanf’ demanded tbe
rare a abort hat eompleta akotah of bU tbe cloteh at death, aotaee&i ia brtak- tawD cc^Mable, emtalag the gou man.
life ep ta hb Ulrty-eoreath year, srtth ing the tarn the h^ Adtaiaed. and re“Be toU me to.''aaid Hoorn, oarUe aaaea ^hleh led to hb throwlagj
blamelf lota the'Oreelw war, with all tbo top and beme atUn moutgta.
“Told yoi taT" demanded the white
There abe bong at the merpy at a obeeked city men. “I never did any
hb aaergy aad taUnalasm. A glow
ing doaeripUoB of hb trlamphaat oatr^ tlendcr hraaoh. wfthoot even a hope of thing of the kinA"
reacoe. Tbe rpeM between her and tbe
“Too did.” aaid Hoover, aad.dfawiota (Reeoe aad the great leeeptimi rooks waa {00 moot) to (hink «g taooblog OBt tbo telegram be Rod:
ta^ered.hlm, waa followed by the pa-i tng them, aad her atrength, area in tbe
thatk otat^ of Ab apoody death, kl^ caom of life, waa aot solBcient ta draw
“1 d€^ fk” aeid be.—Cfaloago Poet
laat words abowlag the pent up-Umderi brr ap ta the limb. She <b« ber eyes
aem aad patrtatbm of kb heart M op, bat Bottaiag was there bat ber relemleas enaalea, whom dlmiaiabed and
Oreaee, the eoaatry of bb adopUoa.
Travorae Ofty Xariwk.
At the-baalnem moetiag aome brlgh dnj>ky femu vrore arranged ak>Dg th*
. Below ia a Hat of tbe baying qad sell
aad ttmaly aeioetlone from ‘Tht Clnb edge of the moaot.
They mocked her in fbe titnatioa la ing prices of yeaterday for gns^et.
Woidaa,- wax read by Mra ■. K| wbl<h she waa planed, and tbe aialet at
' ------------- * ' tbe furest rvrerbereted lo their bideoaa
KLuao men.
and oorartbly ycUa Below aJI waa in
ministon—(be rocks vrere dwindled to
Board moeUag w.ih Mrm. U. K. Bi
Monday at S:M p. u.
| alenlwiih the aarroonding vale, tbe
Book Berlow. with Hia. E. U tram had thrank away to boabes; aa old
Spragoe ais:»p. m. Toeoday. Mra chief, who was slttiDg on a rock rtriaglag bis bow, was tmi a speck, and tbe
Balm wlUrerlaw -A Slagalar Ufe.| oatlioe at bii form coold acareely be
by Elisabeth Phelpo-Ward.
1 trated.
ParUameatary DrQI with Mra. iofho
It was mora when ber 'eentcaoe waa
exeented, and iradftioa says that when
GUUa, Satarday. Jaa. U. ht s p. m.
Hooeohnid Eeooomlin a weak from tbe ghailotgs of evening tsgaa to gather
she still was there, and ber ehrill
Wedataday. Plam ta he
I «y was beard diatarblag the qoi.------- ----------later.
<a ilw boor. Sight eamc and passedf Cbccmpm lb.
M^ 3. A. Moatagu gax a hrtaf
awBv, and Kill sbe was------ _
Bommary at tha atady takca op by the this sloping piw. and-the ttoiae which
<!■'' booi BopWobo, lo li. pf«oot abedtiervd told that hanger waa doing
- u
bli work upon her. Idle la (he metn- i ptan^r lou
A aole by Mlaa Alice Crawford was ingaumoof the Indians. Joiag over ta | gockwheat.................
one-of the eojoyable fcalaree of the tbe verge of the precipice and bending
ova, saw a few crows etfeling Toand
tbe nnfomuate victim's bend, aa if im
patient for ber wasting body, wbirb
Ibiy evtneed by diving awPdsrtiug at
He Vm Be • Xombor «f ClvU Rem- her form and iIm-h, rising, atiddealy in
the air with onutretebed wtnga, aa ff
toe Oomauaaioa.^
some motlno of life bed deterred them
^aehlagtaa. Jaa. 7.-Praoideat Me from their pnrpose. Often did they reel
-tbelr weary wings apoa the very tree
KUlay has aeI*«lMi
alroa to bestow ape* ox-Oangr«eemaa by which Mw wm nppotted. aad tbe
Mark -S Brewer of Pontine. MIc'h. He long dv paamd with seme one pf Umm
dealTM to make Mr. Brewer a aaember
(Aloago, Jao. 7—Wkent—Janury.
of the United Stntee dvll aerv^ com- when tbe grasp should fall and fam
Wc: Jhly. «tSe. Beptomber, 76He:
mimkm.wUd> pays ta,SOO» year.
I body fall below.
ll was on tbe algbt of tbe aerond day December, 77a
Oorn-Janaary, KHaXci May. S#X
OifU Of Wataf Oolon.
beeo fergettrn. Tbe nn fell away at i-sXc; Jaly. MVioXe.
oata>HoBB*a siXCi May, *3Xc;
Mambate of thd Soath Bide BhaUa- eve with a peeoUar apleador, taming
■ J
every object ta the valley to a goldni
light and (wnaing the BooHUDio. in
im RTpenfine coarse, to gleam np aad
apaogie Uke liquid fire. Many was tbe
bnutarvrbo lay watching tbe braoiy of
tbe beams which ww flung attend
him, aod wbeo the laK gorgetm streak
bad faded over Mouunmit monutain the
broad beavens were ejear and bine, ex
cept tbe rriusoti folds wbirii flontad in
grandear along tin- west. Yet tbe aqnaw
Kill bang by tbe liraacb of tbe pine.
I her cries
tbe deep stillacm that ratgoed aroond.
Bnt soon a leaden base began to riae
aloug tbeaaurewull of tbe wm and
waa shortly sDrciKled hr dark, diemal
knklug'rlondt. aroouU wboe edge Uw
lightning played, as if ta light them on
ill tbeir aad and gloomy pathway. Tbe
thonder.ruonored fainlly, tbeu aent in
roll Bp to ilie .lueriiiiun, and flnsUy,
with incTeaanf'piiwer.x'rac^nl sudslHiok
tbrongb tbe very benvois. Tbe ahnek
of the aquBW was beard in tbepnjfoaad
panse after tbe roar had died away, bat
its echoes stim-d not ^e sympatbica of
I any <me of the tribe. Uiglntr and hightbeKorm. Tbeliglitaiogrrinkl<<d
ova ibe sky more vividly, aud tbe re
port followed so loon aad heavy tbst
aleigh ride was enjoyed aftar the meetlag.
Tmconoar Di-aaeirr paM the pemliy
mt hb erioie oa tbe acaflold yeaterday
■ornlaf. T>oa cloaoa aaother
tteiaa] chapter is thh dilatory of criMC.
la Vbe ooonA of Bcrksbiiv. auts of
As a mardefer Darraat waa oae of the Mesaachoartu. tbe lofty MoDotnnit
_ aoet breul aad the ua^y which
s ita gray fora. If there
aaytbiiig anbtii
aaded the life of Blaoehe Lamwt has
oat. s rare
does ____
altboagb _
to the
this wild and ,rowetiotlbemotdcrarperalatad in de. ,
iagliD^of rorka Its bold and frown
elariag bis
ing froar rxteads alwot imp niilr. aod
eo roogMytsii flung tagether bv ua.
tora-^ s
aa^Oarenoe Oroaick 'weat ta
Olikngo on boalneea ycatarday after- bnrrics ovi-r tbe body aa tbe i
bebolrter gases ap at ft. A few kaoCij.
dwarfish pines are to be i
P. Cooper of Sherman, wna ta the
«lty yeeurday aad a gnent at tbe UetaBaoBoteL
hope SooriibiDg on tbe borders of de.
Alderman W. J. Parker returned
Tbe red bolt from tbe tl
Thareday alght from a wtalt do the
Kigtal had set in with all Us bla<±tamily of Sia daoghtor. Mra. Boeor, ta tbe winds and tbe power of i
have tom way many fragmentd of aem, wbeu o party af tbe tribe prooeedOraad Baplda.
Kooe trtau on high and sent than enrak- | ed to befaohl tbe ritoation of tbe aqaew.
Htaa Rose Conway, ooe of. tbo tracb- tog to the base' wbi-re already a l<Mg i boou after their arriial a flame of Are
•ra of the pnblie eehools. was (died pyramidal line is Krung along, quitejt lauddenlr lit nptbewooda 'I'beplMWBf
hoiM yerterday Hy a Ulegram annq^ne- mnuntata in itself. Tbe rearof this iKrock bv a ttauDdaluK,ttlng it oa
tagtheaerionaUtaemof ber father.
plsrefaUaeff witba genUealojie, wbicl. [ flte, wMeh. ts-iug parted from the cleft
Mra. Amanda Graham, who hu been , i" overshadowed by tall and regal ImA- ; of the nv-k. spun roand aud roaud ao
with ber son. Dr. Graham at Lndtag .iuft tires, wboae giant roots have aevtr i swiftly tlipt iisoghtraoblbe traced tif (be
.__ fg^ some weeka baa arrived to
bn'ki-n. It pneeuta a fearfaJ yet | tree itself or the squaw whom they eap.
bar homa with her danghter i “wtaemt appearance. Theta it jio ppwti to b. .attsclH-d to IL Ufraard ft
' »Ulsge near to vrakn the aoiemaity W harried into the air. bnmitig aud whia1
, 1 ita aoJitnde, and ailcnoe As aa profoniid ; si,:g i„ its nmrse. tbe torrents of ram
Peter Mnnn, tbe estanilre dealer in j ,i jj,,. .on-, niaidian es at tbe bush bf , not i-veu (litiiming its glare. ITadRitm
Aqaare Umber, who has been In Canada : midnight. It always wvmed to me this i says it wbirli-d with surii velocity that
•everal weeks looking after hia Inmber |apf« was a favoriywitfa tbesnn, for the It did uot seem to the i-ye totara at all.
' tatarwta.' was ta the city. yesterday.! find rosy flush of morolng appeured on- > Away U wenk and it it said ttie IndiBe want ta dberman lastwealog.
| easy nnnl driiAiug tbe dew from tbe | aus gased si it niitil it ai-euied-uo big*
I trees opou its bniw, and his laK nya : gir Ibau a star, when fiiiallv it was lost
lingered (boc at eveniiig. even after a 1 in Um blackuess of the skv. Tbe baiti
partial tw ilight begau to fliag
a dusky
J of lie loouiit
wsi iminedistely
Sum »
the vast valley below. Hot ' tai-d, tmi itatbiuli waa to U< snan eitba
I i ** «be piiw or the
of Tboogbital Work by this luayV imagination.
aiition a r
Xemben of the Woman's '
ta 'n-latinn to thbi mountain wtii^ ^ the work of tbe Urrat Bpint. Tbe Indigave to It the eppaUation wbieb it- bias 1 an>. thcrefon-. rsterd • mononieni by
program at tha Wonma'a Clnb rareived.
rolling stnoes together, whieli suode ta
Once this banlurard slope waa Kod- ; this ilsv. sad from which tbe monatata
jostarday aftaroooa seas oae ahowing
deep raeaarcb and earef nl atady. For ded wUb tbe wigwams of tbe lBdiaa< I tati * iis name
, .The'nan
qkepAatetsmoalhathectab haa been,
tlou has banded down many
mat aa amWg"
' pace wb.ii paming tblBsp^wftcr dayyovtawlBg the history of Uraeoa. Tba
I and chilling tale ta nnsd b I light
:rnm ita
ita ramal
ramait and
............ — departed from
program yeaterday waa ia charge of them. Itwaeaue
Iwbislhw a lively ^otr^lo^ettvate hia
Mra. J. A. Meore. vrho gave the open them that wben an lot
drooping spirita. ghd tbe tearaotar, aa
ing paper on Oreeee tinder Borne, and deed tbe penally of which was
tbe criH'k of hit tihip riaga among
thaBysaatlae Emplra. Bba spoke at be should plnnge himaclf, or, rnfoitag rork>. Ftarte from bis aett as if a ap
•emelength of the deplorable reaulu to do this, be plmiged hr aome oiw of tpnki', so'strange are the’amociati
of Bame'a ayastam of government. The bit tribe, over this frigbtfnJ preciploa.
Many bad beeo daobed lo tbe rocky
'Brighter period of Oonatantine's ehrievale below, and so high waa tbe spot
Maa rale waa described and a brief ftuta where the viclinia were cast off
aketeb given ef the anoeesaful liyxan- that it waa Koirrally Bapiv*d that the
Onnmercial law tema a» not oatiratUe period, with lU great aohteve- rapid deaoent throng the air detaived ly aa& U all timee. Jahn E. Watiema,
•eatk amoag atateemea aad clergy.
them of hreatb. aud few if any had ev deputy ruord Htalos marobal for the
Mra-Oarter foUesred with*-01 able er bn-u oonsctims of'anything wbea ■outbera dUtriot at
aeods la
this Kory:
^er on Greeee nader the rota of Tsr- tfai? bad rracbed the earth.
A iM-antiful Hjuaw transgressed by
Mart Hoover years ego, when Kansas
kay. (^Bhe gava a clear thoogb brief
manyjng inis enotba- tribe, and tbe
gBMiilptlrai of the dlffereet tribaa of penalty for aoch ah offeam wu and rV- waa not the anltivated cctamcaweaUh
It baa idace Imoiiie. bad sent a conatgaTarka. devotiag most of her Urns to er had beep death. Bhe was well aware
meni of earn to a commiarioti merebant
the aubjeettoa of Oreeee by the Otta- what h«r fate wonU be provioos to ber in Kanm City, tbe mochMit tele
maaTarka. Bhe brought the bUtary Maling it, bat ll did not reotiota bar. graphed. teUtag the eoniigiMr:' “Tonr
aptathewaref tedepmideDaata mi. 8be disobeyed, and bothtag eonld atoae credit talST.dO. Dniwoa me at M^k”
battbetallexmntartlietaw. Aftbengb
But Hoover was mad. Be had exwUh Ita weawafal eataame ta lOfi.
HodanOraaoawaathaUsMef Mrs. she had aoaxwga anaetcirt tofaoe death peotad hit moeer. aad aooq ooma. He
Will Boy you
&48 Front Street,
Broeoh Block.
Jnly. sdXd.
•penreaohapeat Thnraday aftanoda
very pleaaaatlv with Mra. Walter Ttadrtall. A pretty watee cdor aoavo^ir
vraa prmentad to eaeh lady by Mra. [).
i. Gray aad a plenanat portira of the
program was the tramiag of the p(ctnna by the pnoM pnrtaat sMthod.
One! Gallon
of Good
Table Syrup
20 Cents
ry.taSi; May.ta JS-
Grand Ba|d^_Jsk. 7.—Wbeak
______ _________
_ _________________
vrlll be tatareetad
ta the rag
namplea at Bngbee and Bozbarg'a drag
are made frota
store. Tbe rngv
fi^ old
-• TaahburaeCroaby
carpets bv 4he
of I’etoek^. by a new f
Tbe ntmoet
■ta any other known,
cteanltaeas of material
Prieu lese than Chicago rales. Tbe
Wasbborae Crosby Co. are now fllltag
an order tor tbe entire new Arliagtan
hotel at Petoakey. and are doing exten
sive work for ehtpmsat abroad. Tbs
work IS No. 1 ta every rupuk Faeill
ties tar doing the largeat work ta thi
Ualtad States. TAeae rugs are bean
Lean ta dance a
wal___ ....__ ______ _
________ __ riib, than blaiqe yeoi.jlvva la the spring for mtaring ea
machfan. Poor. Bu-vaas.
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
TetaMwks las** lh»lr «*««<U viUm* let
es essKrilaa «* ranain Ssrlsf taa vrlalar. I
«U1 caarfv wstatBa tar rare ^ ssoeao*.
OKrga^wasMrasfa^rwwesa fKAetlalk
■■■'I-'The demand for Improved
and TTnimproved City Property is becom
ing hriek. I have
Two or Throe Houses and Lots
and a Number of WeU Looated
Vacant Residence Lois
oppmb* M. A K. A tMuK.
in Traverse Ojty that will be sold
—Watch Repairing.
At Low Prices
—Fi^nt Street.,
E.W. Hastings..
Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Fanus and
Olty Property;'
JolmaoB Block. -Phone 78.
' if sold NOW. Oome and aak about
them, if you want a home or a good
Th-os. T. Bates*
213 Front St
Haltimo** Stock BMeivod Tboa Ttmea a' Wr«ak
Couotn, *Oc par quart
Hatdur's Oysttf Dipii uf Rtsttirait
i.axow pOMMtmt
SHE ymile
Am.iSma Bapr«. Osaipaay al hew teefe
1. L-e**S*raidASt.
New Terla Jaa.
The AmerlcBB
RxMsee company was robbed yester
day of tlC.Skl and Oark Braden. Jr., a
Hanna Man at Columbus CaH a
puwo-u u> 10. ena Of j In tha fianks of tha ■Cotton Mill trusted employe. 1* mlsslna. Three day*
Maas Convantion on tha
Uw un bciBc BtnbblrOaM (Kcp.), at
Hands of tha Naw EnK>
aao the Bicht manaaer tn cbaiye of
Blooailnataa — and dub- aoea to tha
eonatorialStruggla. ■
tbe office at Foriy-eeeood stroet and
land States.
aormor. who will alan it. Tbr BenAtai
Madlsoii avenue aaa takes 111 aad
adoptMl Um raaalULloB to inyoatl*
BradsB—a clerk of tbe company foy
xato ib« CUeaau pollc«. Tb« pnwldeat
BDlAn) TEAT FLEDOEB BE XEFT. ABBounevd ib« u>mmiu«« aa followa; tnmTiB TBT.iKTi Mra am fcK.-n.raa>. more than ten yrara—was temporarily
substituted. This offira the company
Bairx. AapInwalU naktar, Lundln.;
: ttsm as a HeariDg bouee for all iu
lUhcmrj- iDoiiU.Bad
[Ynatter wnl or received from the Oruad
tlx -c—tw**- •> «r.Wf c-_ DffBoer tPop.). PutaaaVa Joint reaolu*
, Oeniral staiiun. Amona the parcel* U>
JUk Ux V-tor. W *r«k Omt Uuo B'Bi adoptfO prutidinc that iba<
j he sent on tbe «i» o clmfc train on
l^-AayU>l*t <•
Bmm Itoir- two hoUMB concur Ifi tho iBcomrooBda- >
i the Hudson lUw road yt-Merday
tlcm» of t^p goporaor relaUTe to iho
' merulaa were ssveral cooulalna the
Poorla incurablu insane aa7lum.'Uttler
A^i-_ iplrslna cash and bonda
BSered a Jotnt- iwaoloiloo provldta*
I llten
t*ben the day empluyes
empb-yei airti^ Bn
Rewe le O
that »-hea the two house* Bdjbvim on
was «ot IB the office. The safe a
CMombm. (L.' Jan. T^A'caQ
Pawtucket. R. L. Jaa. T.—Testerday locked. There were
Friday. «U n'. tkey aund adjourned
I recripu for
BmS lut Btahl t>r the Kepubli«an aute alnc die, baat-« j-eaa, iTnaj-a.
tbe directors of the Valley Fan# oomUUl Udohiaeiyof xli deKriptioDs.iQciiidiog Two EngioM,
Tb* hoop* aareed Open acctlona 1* pany at Albion and.the Albion company train, althouab t
1 for «
Fat Works, CuTugex and Saws. 4 deplete Sav Mil] Plaat
and 4: of the ''^>mi<tun revenue UlL at Valley Falls, the tm reraatslng
p^-ld:ns|br the
------------------ foraale.
eempanlm In tbe BUdistoae valley, . the office. That the robbery
Jl cwrsoBSlOrvpertT and assrte of cur>
hastily earnMl «nt W shown by the tact
oiBllona The Mcinlrj- Wll Impotlna a a-hicb bad not aireonnced a reduction that
mostly in cash, a as left
.aacA decided to post noth-ea to th> In the eaj?^.. Sotleve were sent to ev
the arum rn-elpts of K.>a-and
that erect. ' ikat niatt Ihe sutti
ery banU and ftnaoolal Insiliuilon In
eruth-e vommlttee <d the mule splanere the countn-. warntna them ayalnst
I of Ohio iroouBfr. district BBd ____
_ sdopted Increaelna ‘be rate aasxciaUiA ‘of Rhode laland met. It pnrCbaa.na the stolen aaa bonda
ante codvmtIOBs anaemblrd Uat sprlna of laxall'in fn-m * tu 4 per cent, of the waa etalid that tb* delesates report.-d
and aoBuner. promised tb* people they aroes r«rt|.u. Anulber ttnil-ivrt«ora- that tbe fecllna In tbe sute axalnat a
would return JleA H. A. Hanna to the tlDB t>i:l iDtroduredlAXesteiephnneCom.'
rednctloe of waceB run* eeery hiah. they Sear Thai «a* A—e«. WIU Net Net a*
10 a rear for
amate of the t'nlied Siatta. A pledpr | panic* tio
fur every telephone In Tbe waaes feet feed at the present time
Herb a> f«M.oM
I aacred was peer siven. Upon { use.
OahkoWi. Wla. Jan. 7.-A lively aeaby thee* operallee* ate-muefc loo uraall
tUa taeue out of tb* fierce'politic*! ! dasTARO BLOWS OUT HIS BRAINS. to prorAir support their Caintlles. it slan of the crvdlt€>r* of Heory Sherry
aSBipaliRiB in the btstory of our atste -------war ea d. The averaae pay of tb* mule was held yeeterday.' which waa praWho Maideted a Xaa
a fpuaht until you achieved a aplen- ■Wet-ae*
Wife TUraaab a Wladow.
spton-r* tn.tb* Pawtucket valley le tl Sld^ pv-er by Jadye KamUtoa. of Neeaid-rtctorr. DuHne thU campaian a
Falrbury. Neb.. Jak. 7.-The purauU per week and tn the Ulackstoo* valley Mb ftoene dlsaattsfectlOB was extew coni^irwun. pretended Hepubllc*
praraed hecails* Aastynee Cameron waa
ana. not atvioa heed to- the Uwfully of ar. aaaasslo was uoncluded when tt.H.
not prepared akih an iBvoicv of the
Peeltas b Mraaa lor a naht.
vapreaed will ,vf a veal maJoHiy of WHllam Baker was run to earth and
In thf Blackalone valley the mllle pmpeitle* In hta poaaeaston and could
their party, souaht In every nttkin of forced to kill himself to avoid
Xlv* no definite
the atala to defeat the leelsIiUve acsnl- tnary execiulob. When the mob eleaed msnufseturr much the same class of
«l; party.
I of the HepuhilcBi;
Ovefc iB OB Its victim the man fdew out Ms aoods as are made In New Bedford Re tone}
whrimed and defeated h> >our b«1lot* brains witB lb* same weapon a-lth which ports were received last nJahi m>m
' they have sin.'e ooneorted
►orted ailb your he had assaaalBatfd hU brother. Oeo. fiillla In Arotlc.. Klrar Point, Qoidnlck. ll.jWi.SM. and a Ayle more than
I'ontlac. Natick and other Pawtneket
aaetnlee for the pun-ae of drfeatlna Baker, and hU al». Tueaday the
and Ulackatone valley vlllaree. and llablllHeo. the araeis le^encumhrancea
your will, aoleicaly expreesed at the main* of the murdered couple ai
without exception they favored realat. would have a oomlnal value of leaa
found In their resldenr* near town.
than S4W.«ba
-«•< la AafW. bat to aiwBier
They had been ahot by an aaaaasin who ■Uted 4hkt tbe operaUve* of Rhode
This announrcmeoi enured dlrap••By theee arts they hava Bh«» n (hat Bred throuah the window. Not a clew leland a-urked sixty bonra per week. polnimeot and aunwtw. aad after conthey do not love ihe -areat and beoe- !a-ae left except the footprlnu of the AS ajralnet Ofly-elght hours to Uasaaa^ prlnrlplea of our party SAd that ' «ippoa*d murderer la a near-by fleld. chueeti* cHlea. and yet tbe pay ta la
tbs wishes of the pw>pl« are not to be
pointed to Bid *nd Bsslat ....----- B eperatln
tecarded by them. All that la dear (o aid of bloodhaund* and the fiend was The various mill* above mentioned
in declJlfix upon the'vulldlty of the
is earth In tbe-bam on the prem controlled by the B B.- and R. Knlftit aeveral clalme presented exalnat tbe
Jhem IsI Ipersonal revenpe and spoils.
D ah
anaer. but with ahame, we In laea of an uncle of the murdered mas
" Not iB
.company. >mplc.rlnr several cerporallon* and Henry Bberrjmuffied
form you ihal some of your reprtab -ut i:
people and operaUnx 4S.IM onder the aevern) asalxnirtents. aad tn
amicture aa the croa-d drew near, Bpindlea.
aenutlvce In/be SsBeral a
heXalue of the aaseta of
JetBsd la ibU unhvly cotnpact.asd there nie bulldlna was compMely surronndcorporaHuna and said Henry
ta dAbaer that they will diereaaM your ed by the mob. and with
BheTTTBoaitm. Jan- *
wtsbee asd expreaaed Inaiructlom. We. draarB a dusen men ruahed to the
Mis tl
theratora. call upon you
flf the strurtura. vrilhlo.
Ran DoehUa Prison, UaU Jan. T-—
) howWour state tan be
body of .Baker. Tbe oaly adopied a reaoluUon ealllnx
saved from this Infamy and to peti ........... for tbe crime was a quarrel tional elxht-hour law and Indoralax Durrani belnx asked what he would
last replied: "I Shall onjy
tion your represeniauvea by your ptw Oeorxe had *lth hta brother recently Tleprraentabve Doverlnra bin ealllnx
tor uniform hours of labor In all proclaim my inoeevncv—loudly, atrenu-er a piece of land.
V your
Mate* of thla country. Tt-eraa declared eusly." Then h* added: "Mafc* thla
r duty ahUb you Imposed
by the ddexate* that eompetlUeo 4a del
sironx aa you i>l**s*. I will not
upon them.”
etroylnx capital; also deotroylnc the
ter St the «nd. J wlU die bravely,
AaybaSy to BMt
A report aaa curteni last niant that of the Biiadera of the lunx-dltUmv tele laborers by overwork: that the lower- knunina 1 am poinx to a better world.
Otid n.y hands are clean, not
a telearani had been received by the
eurvatinn. thus ervatlnx a fruitful
Demooratic Itadera from Jobs R. Uc- MlnneatKiUa oAvv and DobcIL Una*. field for dleease. and that Ihe oorepell- stained with blood, but the fair namel
of Callfurnla *111 atabd stained with a
lAAB. requesilna that hU nam| be kept Ct^le* J. Gltdden. president of the
c*B,oever be *1prt out—
Ml -of the Aenstortal matter aad ueaearaera each year than were Wiled durblo(« af an InnoceA
taa the DemderAu t« aaree upon a can tn Minnenpolla. and preaided over tbe Inx the rini war. tt was rvBOIved that
didate fur semtor .to defeat Hanna. repular -roeetlnx of tbe bank direcic
While there was Bo positive confirms^ tn.l-owelt OUdden readily rocoxulaed all InduMrles should be placed In tbe
V%y,w.«ai** a mrlks Pbb4.
of each director ai he spoke hands of the national
tlon of thl» story there were develops
New York. Jam 2~’*'*■' referendom
tnenu whH-h led to the belief that It Into the long-d
vote letyinr *n assesament of J per
____l.WO mtles
contained aomt truth.
el. cm the canlnxe of all membem
erenlns The Frees, a l<«al Deniorrauc
New Tork Typ<«raphleai unWn No.
New Bedford. MaM. Jaru 7.—The spe
paper. itmtaliMd ea editorial ad.visina
cial xenecal merilng of ihr Weavers* 1 for a period of five months from
the Democratic membtre to vole* for a
imlnn last nlxhl unanimuualy voted to Feb. 1 next, has been carried. Tbe asDemoefcut for ecnator. Laal ntaht the tbe l-niieil Mi...
same paper reveraed It* posttb n edi met here yetterday. The xalhertnx »a* Strike. Kotwllhatandlni that Ihe vote
torially and advised the Democratic tbe larxest of the kind ever held •
XTBi-hlval UBlona throuahuut the rouna to vutc for any Republican to Ohio. Thee murnlnx iH-aaloa » S taken stood that It
Ity, and tbe same quenlnr was voted
tlcally all Hie
defeat Henna It la also known that
yesterday by the vBrtous
formal vote *
iafluence IB belra brouaht to furcc all
la the hvarbranches.
the Democrat* tr.to line.
tax of the |ireeldenl’s Annual address MAT rUMC *
JtatosUMs ABMhrrsvBtetifw.
and .the rep«'rt of ^he secretary-ttoaaO
bs MsbSC
Jan :.-natid F-. Races, the
_____ Jl,________
Mxan.lst. waa asain found xuiliy yewABBREVIATED TELEGRAMS.
'PlUatmex. Jan- 7.—Hrveidenl Simon terday. anil as upon his furmer eaiivtc,Uun
waa a fine nfll.*** aitd
ColoBrI T. Cl. La* irr will be appointed ■Hume, of the Window Class Workers' ^cunanvmcnt In U>» penltenltarT.
italloB. and t'barles
.. _ _ _
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
' xerry- | postmaster of Kovkiurd, Ills.
larxed Mower of Phillips A Ce..
It I* said that Senator Flnck. | Jbe chancer are that the 8L 1
Ban Praoctsco. Jan. 7.-The ColutnbU
af Pciry euumy. whom Repreaentaute | base bsH rral^uhlBe will be aold by Von ;msy prove a cumblnatlon that
theatre *ae rutted liy Are last e\-enlax
block the resun^tlon «f op
• Oroeveitor defeated one year axo. I* ' der Abe very soon,
'The praaideoi and tt A total loss. The flre'waa con
enxaxvd In preparlnx the rediatrlctinx
tlnx :■ President, M. Klntrr ta looklnx to ^ ithceatena tofanarlea.
stop operalluns at Ihe fined to the theatre bulldlnx. Ns one
.r seeks
•”. **
.... and I Borthwi »i/fMr ,
i rivli aervtce commlameasure. Hr
u> put himself
r Rlev., tPhllllps factory .unleaa Ahlman Is taken was injured.
Demo- ]alonia-»4eWuiceed Coa
iwcV. cUlmlBx tnai the firm broke
The wesrher Wa Hay ExpM.
WaafclasiOB. Jaa A PoUowtat are the
can be fuuKhi over. Ftnek s bill. It is l the tenipersuirr In the Shade reached S-vairact nllh Ihe aasucfbtlun by. refuaOlalmed. will receive the Mppurt of i 1«* drtjves. end IB Ihe nun 1*1 dexrvea. Inc AMman his old posHiun. Ahlman I* wiBtlie- (D.liBtkmB ter l•mlly fow boats
mma *p. w redordoe Tor lislleae aad na
Ktma who wants to down tbe Athen- | A Hat*acl.u-eiu knltilnx ivmpany IX a bluser who. It Is claimed, contracted ^
Talr wtBiber. followsd by temadoc
:llh hloi llooklna up a aile
D* Pec*. Wla, to work Cur Cunnlnxbam A Cu.. but et-mdiums vartaUo wtods bvomlBC eosth
rial cun- i win tbe Inirntlun of l•Kall^l: In that Iwben liifurmed by the executive coi
«lr • For U-er MWits*i.-7>*mT «4~dy
mltlie that he woukl have tu return
weather; probeUr eaaler le Bvefaera p«vtto»;
! to* B.
(the Jub he had before the lockout he llshi la fioab eorthvcaXeely wteda For Up
-Red key.
entatlVF I. The Can psynoeil to the xoverai
ttl’Plled to the other factory sad waa Bsr Hichlsaa-p. rily deody wsatba-; eolder;
^ui yes- ; by the Union Paeifk- reoqna»ai
• we.twly • - terday fur Hanna He ha# been clstined i „,mmlttee for the Union PacUlc. raU- Refused.
j Tbe eryurrent of the firm la that as •rally fair aeaibar: Usbt aootbwe«eriy «
' r by the antt-Hanna peuplc. way has been tnade.
For lo*a-ra«JT rloBdy weather; •oath
^eral aati-Haj
An BnxUsh sy-nll'Ule M aald to | ^ Uhlmsn l;ml arranei-d tu werk for the erlywMda.
h^ Wedfaesday from Hlxhlhn^^ county ^urrd options on aU but one of t^ Jtuntilnclis'iii fartory he had no further
rUlm'attBlnol ihetii aad bis place waa
Retacivelrto popnlaticm do Earopmn
r wJtb Redkey. He xB'V-4hrm 1 ^m^rKwn rUsa manufarturinx pisi
iuinl by another. The manufactnref* nouniry cuu vie with New EnsUud in
an sudience ta the atn<diinx room of *e
housed and Uateaed-patlrntly until Ihiy ■
Holvhtos. of Black River' held a rueetinx yesterday m i-onsMer napect of ‘mauafactnns.
|h* ease, and' frrm the ifBHmony prewere thrt.uyh At tb* Cti0> lurlon be tdw I p.,,',,
penit-d to ih^m i-onaJdar Prr^dent
them he would auplvrt Hanna When , pbarxc of aUeoalKif the affecU
taaked about the matter last evenlnx n,» wife ..f «.*noond Hesin.
Wbru iiotuer Dnveopan. tbe
JUdko,- said; -Vou tan fil*te lb*t 1 ,
Yrraet. a former resldrnt of It[w A
be unable to resunw. tb* turiaL VM iu EugUjrf anine lumiiba
‘ '*’''’Jrf““hild
; Chicago.' hut A native vf Mlas>.lppl. I maoufarturtrs think tbe other factories Bi:<v his ubillty to Uj-^iu to orexon
of MV.tNW ]
delay operalMhs unUl tbs trou- nsmiiy serTHi him to ituati pOFlXMe.
Mtinuunoed mysetf today |
\he*J*panment of ctwims at
•le has l-eeB a(lju«vd._
U>-wu«oB biawavto Mj- tiUdatune's
and wl'i not re. onstdei Ihe matter, as tt Waauingtan.
has'li-ab tu.ly -ettird in his miad.”
eonuiry place |.i Rrt an iuterview wi^
iB* .T PIllsbatB CM Ommrmtbn.’
The Isteat ivport-Trora Washinxtun ta
Jkeprvs-iiisilt- tu. A. BcolL Jr., of
Pax« Bryan *11! be made
Plllsbunr. J-*L- 7.—The coal operatora tbe Uraud-Old Matt. While juarDcyiDg
^Iton i—ui'iy. said hr preferred to that Ch.ar*s
t..-Turkey.ln the idac* of Dr. 11 Ihr I'lKetarx dtsirlct met yesterday thiUMT be nitslitarud inwacdlv that if
wait until
and appruv-d the I'lptis nf thHr rum- be tulil tbe sax« bovrasfnsu New York
'fore caniinll,ll|p; bitr
(iiltlre-of uriui.t.-ments for the Inter- there waa «mat tianjisr of ettoonuU-riu*
ABd added: 'Yqu ^'sn stale, and taial be *e«t tu tfhlna.
1 tale cuuvemUin of •>i-*iatnr* and m'ofrigid reoeptiuB- ••Tlxai an ideat cauie ; £ /
Urelys that I * ill n»i vote fur any- i Mrs. Julia Le«rd. a white woman, - r* I'l hr h-M .in Chb-ajeu »n Jsi>. IT.>to MIT intad,” aald Daveuport. “anb ■■
- - but
n I!.“L
a atrslubt.
ItepubU.an aexl
.1 rewolulliin wus )ibmw4 ai>i>r>A-tns Ihe
> wbeu 1 tutroduved ra.rsrtf to Mr.
Turadar. rurther 1 do nut . are-ho be ‘ *•*«'
04nh»med in the prawbce of inpurt uf the compillu-e rerunmendlnx
I told him 1 bad oume tram
b^ adoptlen of the Ohio w reen and
the woman s chUdtwn.
Oreiwn to bare a talk with bhn.
RalareBenthUve boutetl. Of Chicaxo. I iHcebythr i'ltisbuncQperaiora orotthe
r\«S|«eaeMM>,,that a
'mabuix acr en.atid price by tb^ Ohio Mruok bini as MaMdiiigly
Vsmphla. Tenn.. Jan : -Jue-Th J. ( h„ introduced ... -------- -- uau
'Jowney all tlir way from
WllUama. indepTiidem H-m-jrai. wa# • propHaUnr dW-Wf for a xun'-oni on the
atom, and instroctlnx the commltr adhere tu thla demand al’aolutcly. Orv|h» h> are Mm. and be tuM me id
aleeted mayor of Memphis ..ver Hon. ; upper leki-a. tu Uke the |4ace of the
The pH’-e queettoB and uiber Important vrry piensantly. Bat it
up tba
Docaa Oapp. the,present !ncumt.ent. by .
outes sta*.m«r MlchlxmiA majority of about »0 vies. Ti.r .-n- . ^ Barrani is-owwat West riuperlor. mailerB were discussed, but tbe ope'ra- noDTuraatitm. and I yot nn viib bin all'
tire indepeadeitt tkkei >as a;*., carthe arrWt of T. A. Casalday. a <ore refuted to say what action, U any. ilgbL-''—Duirott Fmt Preaa
Hed by reduced majoHHee. A feature :
chsrxed with ramovinx bad ■been taken.
WWAee* F-e * Plltow.
of the dqbtest waa tbe arrival In Ilrmwuuara FurJ a lumber camp at
phis of the Cook codniy Marthina dull.
itiur.ey And eecurttlea axThat biasoey rapMita iucU baa jnat
et ChUBXO. in the iniervat of the rexu- *r. cai...s tl.sCd.
receivod auotber pr.sif- boinurean ago
lar Democrat ___________ .
, Preiidenl WlUtam R. Harper, o! Chitbe men of a Bavariaa nxiiiMnt. of
DMSBh WBBt a HaMBaal IMtav
Univeraliy of Chlrtixo. Is now praoldyni
which Prince MaximUlaB waa oMaf. In
Watwklk. lUa. Jaa. 7.—Judx* a W. also of Kuah Medical cullece. Cfatcakeorder that they miebt abow their d»lUyruond,
thla city. has.been ten He w as thusen after Uie term* of sffilla- another strlka there. Carson waa ousM votioQ to him out off tbclr
ivllcxe with the nalveraicy from tb* Slate i>re«idancy aaburt timeaxp and rent tbom to tbe priiunm. who bad
dered and has declined the poali
had l>-en aoepted.
Dnlted Hiate* tdvtl service e
fbr lb* allexed *cce|ftlnx uf brlbm fran just become a matbec, that ab« migbl
A fonuni- of tlT.MdJiM awaits tb* the MoratutB. fur which it was olalmed
**•, The Judx* said Wednreday nlicht
nan them aa a pillow. 8w»etblii| vary
tbai he waa xratlfied. of courae. tn re- heirs ••f Jacob Baker, who waa a col
like a rvpeUtiou of ibis bM just taknn
telvtnx such reengauh n from the pras- onel under Qi-urxe Wa«hlnxton. and
tdeait. but felt Ihal tl would be belUr after the revoiuUonary war settled to ment a* auperlnteodcnt was ukea by plara at BappeiarFoUer. in ALmce.
ftra brijptde w
Pblladelihla There an- 4W heir*, a the
Bm taUn to ronUnne hie law practle*.
ab Bddltl<inal proof of former Tbe chief cf
large uuml<-r of whom n»w«r*uld* at tteardietT. and hence tb* Pirlke,
daya ago praMlad with his •
OaRAM ^ TH paitUe y-eta..
Oilman, la.
a bo.v. Tbe firaaen tlnTPUpa
tVpeka. Kat.:. Jan. 7.-The RupUlMt
"Kid" MurphyJl noted Cblcayoxambler
tBcetiug at wbiofait was decided to n
P^ae* central eomnilttee reeulevd to caU
* Aniebora. Maas.. Jan. 7,-Kotloea oi tb* loiliy boy aa booocary mtaabw of
( ruMoB oesnmutee meetlnx for Jan. if the -uhellworker" '
i.f^BOtioa of wrwes of about U per tbe corps, aad tbe SMB
^ Topeka tos confarence of PcuiBUsta.
•d tn
a and lanid* to ten
paBMirntA and free silver RopubUesM. and Martin Denabde were shot, penh- ttoemOlnal nebaaRvtei and DnixvrfU*
a pUtow for tba baby's wa..-CUea«o
A ndtdBtJM Bwa adopted axalnat any aWy faulty,,dnring a quarrel la a ChimmMI UmIhb of the lexlalaiur*.
«agn aaloon.
r*Mc« *• !•***< icmoa—An
am TkTCmck IMh a«<xM.
Bpnnrtdd. III*.. Job. 7.-»Ib tbt anlU rtai^Yiar ibr »oaa;ori»l apporUoa-
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
-........ FROM THE.......
Mississippi to ttie Attantic.
Col«|^.'in'.r'r-A^l« dels.:
““Reviving a Great
Canal Pfoject”
Original Article in Sunday’s
Record, Correctly Illustrated -with
Detailed Maps. Histray of the
Project in an Interview -with
Senator Thurston.
Modern Methods
of Placer Mining.”
Read These in
Tomorrow’s RECORD.
im KOBniHa BBOoto, »atubdat, jxavAxr-*. isw.
I MUtor u<l »n. •ie«pt
CBD mrmbeni ot Oi* buaar v«lr4 tor t|.
tM tnOofwd t<r BT*t» *n« »k>
rlonai n>nv»ntl<>Tii>.
and stAtva
v»n BdopUiw tt.' The AXDBrtcBB p*ople
B-tiT b^nd tt.
lohnsoo Bttrtbuted the preaent *‘dl»<
cordem Bad d »cr»reftJl
non- beId* enacted in Otato «Ith lu -^liinne of
se nimlne!
a hr »ev. k. a. ttayio.
41K (ice cbBKtad »1 HdQiMHil Aeir
edanertinn. TIw tdiBinh <d Sncland haa
Uh,<i7*. tboariiowliifcctMUbe Ai«licBA
cbnKii la in tbe Biaarliy la that ootwt*7.
An toapeoter Meed to oaptma BUI tba
araee nf................
brlnfa ^
Crackantan. I’nrter
tbir/ be won the mon'a ____
ahMia BeTi mu *.
wa« oBannid. while BUI’hlJJiSSVS
bad a iwvolear In 'V tw_«m p«.ortl,l.p^-w,tb.
Dobn-w Cbriktiana are war
Ae for HU btliiiff yoa. arrer dnaa
bta breaat poelu^
. «< U—b«aih*thotaUrt. . .TbrtWwbo
jailed hk..irll.‘'I
........ Jur the of old. Tba irepuadbilUy of «can|iliig l»i hetm ■afllrieBt sntil i>»w idionld ba
took He'd aw^ aa Uien detactloa aud jncl^-nt ta ebown brtbe UpatMitotbceaML—Epbn>pal Boixader
wane I any man aa wuaJd mko hliB alncta wtmderfnl puw rf Uod'a w.ml. In!
----------- :---------- --hantled.1. evil,
aa tbe mwaid for JiU ^ boldtiw fact. BM only to tbelr Inward 1
B^tatm. Maua.
tore ,wii» a baaty erne, a chap namid Wm.
a e^imaiad that then* «ta l.«a.
4mw hr dll. knowinc.ai • oUoo'.haoBta, HUiOn». »>« *»*«»
A lablM to »
tbe imBBory rd Rea. A.
who llT«l In a »**it «nd help lu the obaraoter erf ibWr ^
hut hriba a euicknij
" Xoptady
- ■ ■ Ibe intbur of "Boc* <d
lon.lyhm on tbe aide trf a derp cutlj Hl^b Pneat. wb«i waa t«oe other than A*ia"ta to iwemwted In ih.amimctbablltatolrthlmtakepiLmalou Jeeoa
Jtoo* tbe 8ou
Son trf Mod.
H<d. who bad jauMod..,
|».at ^ j r
, , i i ‘**?‘****»*
Of the Iflatv forawrak oran iT^a into
i„w. the
the btaerna
h-vona and
aod who
who wa*
to . ,
WW » which be loeineHy
able to
hni whet* J<ie
t to
cynpuibiM witb Uiem brrauw He bad i
when be waniixl to pick npaewetir irria‘ y
.T"'' tbelr expnluu«« >
i.h I
CStrtattan EDdearor aodetlea' <rf
paaawl tbrnoifb
Ever Biir*94 Onrt
* ^-
> IKlI
1 the
Wblte Hbuae Jo im would ha
Kepulillcan twrty hi he rareaant to <u
tniai and ti> aUp In the »are tboae wh*
»r"u« Okte Mbb ira* WaMthe I
believed In ad buneeily mndacled wcrrior. Jobnaon ronrluded with an elnFine Merchant Tailoring.
quenl at^eal <o McKinley loaiand' by tha
principle.upon the pan>etuny of which
the pemaiibnce of oar inatltutloa* de
pended. Tnl'reentally dniins hit apeeeh
Jobnaon advocatfll the nne-lenn law
iraahliictixi. Ian. 1.—The Mendi aad tor preaMenta. Jobnaon waa rtren an
tiiri'Wlhwbimi tbeyo.ml.lofinip«o Ae
«o«nt«a of «hi- rtvil aervtce taw ea* enthue'aatlc demonetrwUoa of Cppiwal
VolouHa lu tbe Unitod
atdd Joe tbta tbitme of paec f'W pardiaa a^ for bvlp.
hta: bat. pal i>r no hJ.
I In ^ bouae yaa- when he eonclnded.
. Tbtee two apli iidid faou' (omorace bn^iiul in that oity. A Chriattan EaMah^
4erday. ' Ttw Martost *uat on oarh
intbeean- deavor yoann man acerea aa Umrian.
•Me wera hraacht iato aoOoa. Oroa*
WaahinatQB. Jan. r-Thfaanale yea.
The aTtnge ooet of aappot^ng a •a*
<|B«ri at tbcir temptotiuoa
taaor and Johnaon of Indtana mtA terday rimflrmed the folloarec notnina.
OmMiami today meet tbe ante irlala dem in Ae PreabyUTiao ^Molofical
aaada an exhauative apeeeh and kept thaa: To be Vnlled Btatea coeiaula
towinariea la abrmt $J90 a year, and for
... M.,
^ ,1 M, I W
teirreapactive aldea inconaunt tvrora. Kdwaid T>. Wlnelow, nf tlhnola,
ikti. "and from
a three year oonrto abimt tl.OM. in adlaTraveiwaiy,
tbe iniamai in the dibate waa asudi rtockbolm. Sareden: Michael J. Burke, to b^'
dlttoe to what tbe atadrata tbonaelvee
Riere Ilv-alr tbaa on Wedneaday. The •r IIUboM. at Pert ftanley apd ttaloi
p«y and to tbe aid «iy«B by tbe edaca*
Tbomaa. Canada: Uoula II. Ayi
' crowded rallerlea. which ware plainly
muna leoktsK tbe ploMir' of a tonch abep- Iflw np «Ar lattb. il we fall away n- tkmaltodety.
ti amiiauiy wttta the oppanaaia of tta
XcOonn, of’bOaooiuUn. at lyunfer* btml.ntKl over tbe Ilia. makltwhUtaa. der terwa temptatlcaia to aln. we canVUKZBCBO BLOCK
Kafwpcam Ttav^
Uw. br<M9 ao very ■
In tbelr dam.
e. Boottand: C-W. Maeriam. ed Wto•• 'Rello. wbnr'e tbe awrkinan tavof pot eaeapr. Ood'e weed will bring na to
laaew' yeepow r to yta the cttiiraotor tkla
a of approval at oaa ioaclure | conaln. at Itrockvtile. Ontario; Itaalel naked Joe. auiUln* Into Mw but and ap- jndgn«,, ^ «,
Caiiidren are telcea eb^oad eo yoang ettr
We have alan
Ibe mi tat at Bweb todarttowi.. aa« thtar
that the rhalr waa compelled to call K- McOInley. <j Wlaconain, at Athena, proechinr the fire, fer Jaewann i alearrxJ
mmr mxxmianetnraU JeMna who that before they bare rtarbed an age to _|h^r- *
r*----— *— T—-f n-*rr •.
- ibein lo order. Jphnaon waa warmly : Oraaca.
ai^ireciaie wbal they aee Eunipe bad'
beeoBie ' a- twico'told tale to Aewi Bo
•uatalned by the frieada of the taW on '
wm liaae tbe'a
the fl<^. but he vot VMT ntUe apptauae | Waabli^on. )a
yoer rbildrcn Ruud AuxTuaaa U to
from uie vallerlea. Oraavaaor did pot*)' nritiea an banUnc and ruirancy made
l.*We ehuald be eiMnrafnd to laeUt
briuR Ibrui np abraari. Unce they
daflnr htaatuiade In detail but cave hla arranrementa yeaietday to ticar tap.
imy Rtf
adbMon to the bill acrml on by tbe I reBeniallrea of ibe Indlanapolta mcme- tton wHh uumh (ever,
lack borw. u U bard to eat^> them
opponenta hf the taw.
> tary comnilaalon on Jan. 12 relathw
.away acain.' WiA each unfaut^ent
ap here In hie place.'
uifffat rappoee that <;briat. faeiwt divine
; Ih.- bill for .
In Ay a|*n«i «Jf our Meaiuen taiiUlMw
‘And who may yon be. *
Oroavenot hecan by laplylnc to Carl' by tbahbody.
muicAiuR • >f tbe gUmooT «rf Eoropr. and
yon'reai hniaof mked Joe eavam-ly. fdr
Tn.ii.„.rino .
Bchun. w ho In hta addiaaa to the Civil
-----------L wo, dl-wolnud m tarimr hi. Iri^
^ tat
Ac crowd, that yearly mb acaow me
Service l.aacue al Cincinnati had ea-'
Whet. Tie at bon*.'twW dlwiaon^Isa aad appnxdBle IveM. A a UteiUXHa
cortated men like Oro»veo»r. who'
Aan oar panaiij did in tbelr tine tour
ftcbuia aaya aUacked him for belny
Irall. r 10 hU
hli part)
while, aald- Schurs,
ihe paaaaac of a^ew bllia of 1
Fbari^aa. ^ mm and
thr«- men wri* atiemptlac to vlulalc
hate of get'Ulna lack Acts. But beliig iU. Uhnst was tempted.' Tbe trials rrf
one of the meet prntnlnml planka In
laii. I tu oulya JalllM'
Ufc *w»
Wl hrovily upim a*.™*Him. wc
Ha knowa
••You ought to bave yoar ean boxed,”
everr Rrpuhllrwtt nall.jnal |>lair..nn for .1 protect tbr n.vmc and lii.tanla of il
wbatwenffer aad b<iw wafrol awl Mid Him bbarplcdeb to • ycn^fnabyeatw. Ifhia brouctii from Uruavenora
tad hot dcnuticlailon of Bchura. wtwwa
aao who bad just stolen a klta.
pHiwm.i, to tlw A>wy Aftwed Ta
polltiral rareer h* rharaeirrlaed aa the'
WaRblnrton. Jan T.- The aenate c«m'•Well," be aatvd, ’‘wliy don't yoa
t or pour imprujMg s»df,' said
neb a lligb Pribst iboold ba a gnat Aiiir*
. Bpolied. jeprau. 'carver of mlttae oa mioury aSaiiw yeatcrdayior. tpilto uuuwved and filling tv
dered a favnnble report cm ipe MII.IB- »«W* wl'A
AeawecIvoed lea.
nocntiragoiueat and help to lu. Vbn
■■Iwoold.'-abekepUcd. ”if I hada
creaMng the mimary force nf the cvain“ ‘Andwlmamll
flffbtiag baides againat gemptation aad bog large Aoogb.
Cbicaga Kewa.
whoer tN-trayata had been hi. only mock
-. - Ae
gto, srs Annld mieenber
In trade m tbe arena of polltica" He
“Jov handled his pistol as cm sorpared m fmakeaawl alcne wiA anotte carWiA Ae exoeption trf birdt, Ben’a
alao declared bchura poliilcally corrupt
tags are longer in rfopoMon to Aair
and called (be men who mri w lib him
body Aan Aoee trf any oAer aniBai
at Ancinnail "foul political demai™..ui, u.. om «“ y “
buoian toot to br«4<^ nod BroagM'
I'd adt bi yoo to pul a tasto of roiu lo IL ' WMtoW »• *»«> sympathtgUlg srlA no.
for Ae Bight’s a nlppiT., You knew wherw’ * We aboald bf wwtmragrf to reoiat Aan Ae toot erf ny oAer animal. m>
■afrt. to the ratty rtodeea.
Whilmere take, Vlrb. Jan.
Tbea. referrtne lo charcee (hat be
Ac tnul- U. ao make no boaet al-nii it. temptattoo. becBOse tfaroncfa nor grrot Aat man alcoe obn stand apoooM toot.
waa antaRcmlctoc the prealdent on Ala Toledo tee company's mammoth Ice B'bn OM Mlke-Aat was tbe .name erf
Frinit wa cao RO boldly to(M for
matter Urovenor Jumped on the house. In o«u<ae of erection here, eollie rfp bwe In bta mercy Bud help Ih Unu> of nwd. God la
’•It's so aeldow,” Mid Uncle Eben.
•'cnckoo" and kept tbe heuae In a roar. tapacd yraterday anemuon. klllinc two piaoe. kcAdn't forget to my who was hla ^ „ fargiTu pant alna Ood U able to
•ttat ■ man jm'
Replying to the chargr made aaalnat m-n Inatanil). probably fatally wound-. trksxta and (mstciMtomsfa.
Ing Dve and Injurinc a duaen others.
"««o. Joe U>c TlBisanaadRimmani'iba
The dcat ay*:' Albert Mofey and.Qmar trap'mtduwntolbelrlmtaifrlher.aDda
tolka ROM ter gorasln W'spicittitn c
Ion and fur bclp 'in oar be'a playtn a migbty sly gaina.''0-Ci.nner. tatar^ Reriotady Tajv
Jolly night I've hrotti they had of H.
<J«i for ponton
ha reviewed t rplaifortti of the 1
“Toward l•K>^llug mpb took to buostlng boars of dimoBrageanniL
tmblbaa pan}- to sboa that Oie «wei4it -^ohn MoBride. Alef earpenier.
Eaahlngttoi Sim
^LeS'fva^UMtawiMMTtvasat llMa. m.
Iw«t1<Tti occupied by the majorl ty of Ihe 1 *>«*“• *™ •"«
broken and jaw of bu powm uf dolDR Ala AIdr ur that M irial let OS iwmlmr Aat
ta'sae waa not InrnniUtem with theae ' ^''vehed: J. Commite. tarpenier. of Alag. and au»u>g oAer Ainga biniiuona. «v refage and our strittgA" aad go to
auLOoinroop o.r
declaration,, "ror I give tbe members i Toledo, iDternallr Injured; Georpe Mar- who'd bueti whoii a mess buy a sort (<paiA A Ae naiM of fjhriA
of the civil torvice commluee notice." I Hn- Iweaai crushed. H. Rtllaon. InterJ.W.Patebta.
»**Uilga-G«. nil. MS;
aald he, -ihal w. have a majorlly on 1 “''I' InJuced: R Fulta. head crushed. Scorns**’‘***®^ “* *^*”*"'
■•“w.'he rnlA ‘mpp— ________ ^
^ alii, il MaA. iv.
f’" hundred and fifty laborers wvre
this n.inr- and you cannot strangle -a
‘‘ " **'
majority In ibe American rongreso." at work on the building, ythlch waB;lSO wOTatairtii»aiId'y<«toto'.w^e^”^
Attorneya at Law.
iAprlausp.1 Hr argued Aal when Ae feel wide and about Ito feet long, idl* etanr a ebort i 1 like you at a bound.
IS: Gal.
( Bl. I. -ulf plsifunn was adopted Ae eg- vlded Inin Ove rooms.' Tbe We«i duttensiens oOBtalaed In the Cleveland or* «de wail ttrsl fell Aa ntbetw tollowkng
I!. Wta'^to^bUl
der of 14ay. U»1 had rirt been under- In rapid euncetoton. uaUl Ae entire
laj' itai
flat upon Ae ground Ath
with | hta cups, deolcd tbik
Ctaritj W -r__ k
stood T».e ItafUbUraas romlng Into etructui* lajBVSIK^ CABIfS.
It. A B>e^>eilruggllng beneath II.
*' ’W'kj'-’l" «»d. 'll you wai toliytol
r. .. j;.:... .
powei ..Q a platform adopted before the men siruggllnc
Aea- v,.i estctialcwis were not In b^r clal train from Ann Arb-r has arrived bwporiwnwaB yuDMy. I'd Juri upwhh; V^ty trfspOTh is m Avim a tiung
of actffnt. To Judge no one a ■ BhOWN. Awmvey aad OsaaaeUaeal
lo take care 6f the Injured. Tbe cause my arms and pin yoar two thmad paper
bound I- agree to them.
haxwbly, ------r——=---------------- •------- O. Lav. aprolal atMWM to eeUsvttaM
of the collaiM- -1, not known aa the ...
nay, tlw pMste Appas, tta Law.
hU words tqr aetkm. . live, to believe Ainga an* aa they
One af flnwrenoria natemeats which building wa, considered perfectly Mfe. Bui bliDin
to be ontUAey'aK provedoAswlse.
evoked an enthoBtasue ouAurst from TVn tboi||and dollars wA cover the
Ae gallertrs waa A tbe aature (rf a
warning that If members refimcd to OHAROE0F DIBLOVALTV RESENTED.
listen to the votre-of the people Ir
boslim> (u (hta taw they would not be
*"“TbaAui»sn.drtnklnfnroMram.geew,®®^^®*^-^____, . .
! Unkind words do as Booh hann aa
reiirescnialiiea. He argued that'
♦•‘rd like tenroyoB uyU. Tou’r* unkind deeda Many a hMit has bMa
Reoplr were ov*
___ ,
of la wiBwuuptBT
grasabgpper than a properly wninded beytBd oore. many a rapntaUMn. uijm
Ae lea. and said that faur
bum n'tan, Aalswfasi you are!' "
' Uou
iMi stabbad to deaA Iv a tew
if Itepubllrana fell 1 secret-aynI'U bet you Ail guMwatrh that youdon't UlUe wceda Then is a tAarity which
pathy wicli Mayor Van Wych, of
clly. which numbers among lu
oohsiida in withhuldiiig wiada in keep
York.: Who announced that none but
ing bark barA jodgiaealA in absula
pemn-ruli would be appointed lo of*
fire under tbe new ciA BoternmenL
t Caaadtana and Ae principal dUboos* and cdtaaB.
floternor Hlack had said a fvw dayi
I of Montrvil. Il Is aald'that'no tawb.y<.u’vegon»yourhdt Aat Iclcar <*«“« •'<»<* t*arity boars tbe tale uf
ago thsl oheti the ' late unlamenled"
aAurichapilkeyoo. bold upyoor bands slandcr.bat does not repalil; Itatcni
ileput.lli-an covernmcni of New TOA
as high aa you call, at a jump: only give A lilisra. bat fnrboar* oomtntmt. tbeai th«(S Bala, stmri. ThUphosw lO.
aaoie ir.io pcwer there weiv u.eoo Tam- W A. An-lruoit.
larks Ae uuplcaaut Mxret up in Ae
isconsln. mmng- nic a nin of a few yard,'
- hbu-irM and
“■DudvI' And drawing Ac bowlo vary depAs <rf Ae besirt. Alemw can
er a predco-sMiT.
plr.d t
I 1L.0W Tammany teemed members of jta club
TWtaaeeSectBuaday.JaMB. W. . *
kul^fromklabrit AchuArangortaldlt Su
„ *, gpe-wh that ktwp.a
. |»ay rofk
allMo'ctoeka m.
Hlttlllgers drfeai
who bed •totyalivoaudlendaitTigor.—Htunane UlassM sHoititawlly AlS
brought sN>ut,.hy
• pubitabt
gOtaBBDh OKPP.BA, ni
I in'a Cbirag.. paper a wseM^ago tast
Brils Hr Tblahs^li - ' •rest- ■to tbe -«
Bunday, which was tcIegrapMd t
tBrinsprinio e^tapa couldn’t do."
publtobMdn All by Ae iorubae'
••Ii atmly a trick. " ividkd Mr. Btaka ’ BcHgiooi brtlefs and lallgioaa meAJohnson of Indiana one ofribe ardent
“a lucTt' rIrctM triok—which every down oda grow Ubaral Jnat A proinmtioo to
defebdi-ra of the law, fnllowga Groove,
In Urn ring undiTstanda Htsa, I'll show Ac enligbleomriil and the'reaM«iugcanor wHh an extended ar^ipent Ir
yon how It's done to a minute—Aat ta. parity nf peui.lr. Haiwh and narrow dooSui4>orl of Ae mi ni system. He Ick
I’ll show you bowBlmmons Boat have trA.wwid-'rr».risootwoni”riAintbeIr
ooeasl-n to review the hMory of Ae
™ and
iguoTMtex. and
cIvU scrSlca, pnlnilng out that prerlooi
tHOKWOS. M. D 0«o,toHa«lltoo
t«ri!5 JlTJiwk tollToSliSr
-itim.. Thoeau* trf llbenU
to the lime of Jackaun Ae sintis sys
smb rnnsT rrf popular eda- i. A milikto Block. BoumSto ii an., t
“I- siii>puw Ad's bow Ae Tlrunao U bound
gpilngfleld. liu.. Jan. I.—At a mwltem did nut exist. Mrn were a^ipolnted
SOM hand in band wiA Ae '“*<P-m. T.I»pbnw.A _________________
oadun. .
to iifB.e for Htnea,. yet never-w as par- log of the alBie board nf agriculture atoodf
- Raise ..
a progtrea trf roirnce, Ae advance A
I Bhonid
tarxy so
'iy ferllng sinutger than then In Bng- Just >>efora adjournmeni an order was
ta above Ae h'vel
h'Vel of your Mad. Thai'e ktmwlMige. Ac gnm ih in Aoogbtand
tanJ. whers As mgrit system prevailed, lias.'-d for the Immediate |ioyment|ot liuta
Thiuw Aem hack a litA). ud I'U. rMWHi among mun. ftsexvat maria'Ae
of the IndebtedIndebb
party spirit waa niusiI vigorous. It waa ! ata'UI M t*S
V show .at Chlcakn.
ahtoird, bt c-wiended, lo aay tiut party ‘ "v* of the-tai
the full trluin]>b bf enU^L- TtTANTKD, a •♦OSinOK to 'iTo r*w^
■wing I
AeA being money
eniDuiL—LUiriMiwu lieKisor.
ervush OB band for (hat purpose. The Ms bainU blgb over bta buad, then led
n.alnlns Indebtcdnen will be pfld tbtan dnJioe slightly to tbe dIreoUon of
his now IricBd.
Tbe lattiT. taking BUTa wrists to bU
Wlwl a prii-v wc W'liuld pay to be
DuriiiK bU review ........... .........
baud., brought then ganUy MgeAer.
till-isuiRktif ocuimiflDrol
smineiii men on Ala question JobnauB , drrweJ Ae arilon of the secret^’AXT*IX-»Wr rwmral ha
- “This U bow AeAlog must have been lldo'k'
o.wanta Ilf os nil. “ We
beeariie involved In a coalrovrigy wlA ‘ drr ldinR
ir^poelUM. apply at «■
doiw.'' be Mid. "tUioraani muiU have nuini.u flj- ir<<iu i>aiwp1v<-a and Ais
as a ringer ,nd Ua ownar hanwd trtrm
give, ns au iden ulni (if God's nauii--1
I Wan oa Washever romiwilng in any ahew held ^by
draw a pair of hudeuff^ fhom hU pocket,
r i>iMiioB Of the lattwr Aat the j Ae inimto slate agrieuliural board.
and. Inlure tbe other eonld make a move- ed fnairniiii n«ir i. anghionverad ti
chair was oldiged to suspend the debate
Hta righi l>‘i n, liMen to wbat <
I. rilpihrmonsD.''
and admonish the spoctaiors that
Ihs gaariUs tawaeh "TsaBa"
if^g waa duos to ^tost^ ^ BDimoi. tt'IU us 1s tmr duty and tbe will 1
nurh detiiODSIrallons must rraar
Gtyl. aad. ihn, idutir
s aoHfl<
luirwii be at peaca I uMtwa. erai
V to enumerating Ae evils of the'
be found btoiiMf amtad to uM trf tba
'^tbe (taiwtor. oin
onrsplrta and all OuUtorihi,
• »' ■'the
^tapolir ayatejn Johnsoa Mid It madn suranoe company w-iiihig Inaurancs- in Aalrs. hta baada tsUCfed aito hta eagW. with
msL—,\tniimaii Hebiww.
oowardi *f legtataton. stormed As MIchlgaa Aat no deductions In the way eatoi and wniiing, matiding over him.—
Whits House, inierfsrad Aih tbs dp> at rstaatao. reinaurancr, abatsmenta or
bard. Pestotaea- r*-*
panmenla:: tt rewAad
rsariiad teto
Into tbe Capitol iwtutn premlurna will be allowed, hut Kew York Kengi*.
aad shaiwd leglalauon: It exalted As Aat Aet'per com. tax be oompuied oa
/■Is Tww VroHsts.
We boMb'i be to a burry to fix and, !R™iw
office brol>er and atis- ked. vlliified ao-l Ibe gras* Michigan earalngik The eianiwnlea have been accusti>med to mahs
'Hearv6«sge,”MTs AeVsstmtostM obooM onr own loL We mnat wait to :
sinmlnated the
MU. "Wlagaatoibniuorof htaowB be guided.. We are led <b. like the lit- .
iX'< rda. he declaiwd. could aot do Jusand could toll a good ewry agsit
blar- tie
_a way Aat we know
childrna, by
tice to Ae Intamy of Als proltOe evil
Hattorwartk’. Cowailto, BMMraglaf.
Itorlrfg bta AtiKmltan tour one <rf aoL
,ot. It if
it a vain Aongbt
*ta«ght to ftae tram
which bad detourbed Ae civil ssrrtaa.
Thoanasvtile. <ta.. Jaa. 7.-The as#a
eii'uitard totta eetv . S:
Aework that God i«s»nts ha for Ae
from Ae slA room of Hoa. Denjarple lili fttmili III njiliiiij
lb that
tha It would
ButterworA ta.daridsdly more an- Ntaiy of a local raetog elob
a greater blearing » ear
to MDd Mr. Oecrge a
roursiglBg. Hebas been improvlag nWw- be a gntcefnllyAlng
Uckat for Ae moe meottog
r by one. -............................
tbes'ot band 'Tbe pepsKwere aithe
’ wbna we ahall find the fnllnMi erf U|g
and anawersd (hem. froQucniiy evoking
oultonne to rvpuria trf dirtoe 4«*auioe Inateod of ieektog It
totiag many ouli
apflouse from the friends af Ae Uw on they hat
Oeorge's mcwtlngs
bta wtea it ta ui.be foond. to loving ebto
Tits talk of a'^fvli pension, he
doBtriiwabotitat,____________ _____
dUHto—Georgs EUoL
Mid. sras a bugaboo designed to fright.
noi iBHl them. ‘H-ho ta Mr. OeorgoV 1
«n the defendnis of Ibe merti aywtem.
HtHmkiDg to the Republicaa side of
orwtsldwlda eelebrliy.'
the houM he told bla ooUkagues Aat
the merit systesn was a It^ubUean
Os Imgwwad eHy^spsew.'
•. aad a tpecial la(rfiUd. WhOa Ommge H. Fliwauton waa
!^h.all«lgbt,’Mld^ldlriB. t06.4SlBaFttoAa.M7 Wa^ FATOB^ A OBOrnOfi. AttaraAe
Ha authar la taception I w ^
'^Suits to Order.
THE Jllp. H. SMTO lUNf
Stud Ri|ddi t iBdiiu 1.1
West Michigan.
---- ------- &
■W’. ”.,.'2SS£iKS2."‘"-
'L*—d—Money to Loa
vy. 'Banhattoksldag | m e.«M Fximtttoa MoAodtoia. fi.SU
BAAGtaftottou LfiM Qhitod MfAf
lUBTis UD lonffiunu li
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