The Morning Record, January 01, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 01, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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cjr CTy <grx.


A rmw or



Auul tooUl EwMob Of
»)u o
BriUiut Eoeifti Xr«it-Llbw«A X>oBO*i4M for ObaHUU*
OrMtten «»i«phoaod to Xtol«7
hoif ia Ofud BopMa.
Tke Blto an rtftUj tmod the
People OaKartk." as4 thehoepttalU^ of theleeal lod«« m uesplt«ed Uet i^t ia oopiooe d«trM at
their aaaaal oaetal itariua Good cheer
Was dlipeaaed irith a loTieh head aad
a faaaqoet of ebotea riaad* fraeod two
Ung taWca aomwaded bf TS of the
aaUared brathrao. The bobb waaeUb. orata. Baal; pr«pafad aader the a^|nr>
Tiatoo of 8. C. Ueapraa. aad oow^katad
of the foUowloe;

iBiu ariMiiie)






of about IM aad the reporU abowad
I The oirrbr hoys of the Bacnao will
I prapaat their flappy Now Ywr eoa*
tbe teat iB flra\ claaa abape. There are
oow 947 meiaben fa irood au '
I to the eahacribars tbb aoraJACK
After the boaiBaaa a(«loa a
daaee waa aajoyad. The oBoera alaciBev. K; W. Baith aad wife, forawly
ad are aa followa:
lOf thbeity. ao^ loeatadatOld Mtaaloa,
Sir KsiffhtCai
Hat tosiaat Dsath Whils Trato wss | are is the city oa aeooant of the llloesi
Sir KBirbt LlMtaaaot OoMaadei*in Kotioa-Logs BeUad Pitna a of theb danghter Bealah.
Qaorfe Pox.
Oar aad Be was Oau^ Bessath
The white dev recently aonatod by
SirKaiebtR-K__ J. T. ShtaldB.
Thaa—Was Pspalar Among Ball, Jia PUbeaa b cxhThlied la the barber
Sir Saipht F. K.-d. O. Bird«ai.
shop of H. L. xnier. laetead of HUbr'e
road Kaa.
Sir Kairbt Cbaplala—Wat Bdaevda.
drag store, ss prevloasly aaBouaced.
Aoother railroad fataUW ooeorrsd
Sir Koirht PbraA^oa-Or. Wai. B.
The ladlee of the First M. B. ehnreh
yesterday ia which a yeoag asa Wbll
kaowB in thbeityaot lastoat death. wm serve a tarkey dlaaer la Grange
Sir Kaicbt 8arreaot-Bd Peaae.
Ball froa II tiU 8 o’eloek today.
Sir Kaicbt M. at Amw-Wai. Basba. Jack Lyoaa a braksaaa oa the O


»<“■ “■■I'
Br Kaicbt Ut M. of O.-L. Bairlatoa. W. »„ wu kllM ,t W.11.UD SUUt. L"*
Sir Koifbt Sad U. of O.—Prad Moraa. afaout 4» ailcsacath of tha «dty. Ha'
Mta. J. A MarUa went to Klagsley
apos a ear loaded with logs la a
Sir Kal^t SeaUael—Uareas Sailtb.
trala (olaf alx inllea aa boar, wbaa last ntghk aocoapaaled by Mbs Praae
^ Kaiffbt Plekat—Klaier Haff.
90f tha toga beeaua looae aad atari* Pnller aad Leoa P. Titoa to give an
for Ah# beaeflt of the
ad to reU from the ear. Ia Janplag
aeapa Lroaa fell aader the falUag Baptbt dbnreb at that plaoa
Uiaber aad. waa oreabad to death ia*
•taaaar Prtm Kaatetaa Baar^ac
itly. Coadoetor Derlae waa oa the
for tha Klaatar Craft. Aiioa
e ear, bat toeeeaded ia eai^ping
Wbat’a Uie matter with
The aafartaaate maa lived ia .WblU
Praaktort. Uteb.. Dae. SI.-The taf
B. U. HoUoa aad ataaBier LawreoM aoad. wbare be leavaa a wife aad three
left thU port aarlr tbU roaraiac la chlidrea. - He waa la Travotae City
•*o»«b of the mlaalac ateamer Aliee Tharaday aad apeat a few plaaaaat
a with trieode. Be waa oae of the
i popalar'brakemaa oo the C. d W.

. E^ted Baler,

Dr. 1. A. Tho



to the boUoB or hae epraag a leak aad
gooe apoB thy beach, as she was leaklag ellghUy whea she left tkte pork
Uced weather has prevailed for the
peat «0 hoan aad it b thought that
-Bbould all have been well ehd weald be
heard froa. Talegraaa seat aU along
Ue ahere Kllad to locate her as yet.
The Stafford bastes veael of 008
tens harden aad was in charge of Cap*
tain C D. Baae ae aasiar.
The Aliee Suffoid wae oa the Uaabtee aad Maaoaiaae roate daring the
» than knows

u cailsd to onr line of Wal«r Color,^Jrayon, Posaepartoot,
Hot aod Drawing Papers, Water Color Board aod Raw
Bilk Papers.
All colors and styles.
Tbs finest srer
shown in tbs city.

aial. charitable aad beaerojaat feat*
area of the order, aad reailaded the
brothera that every Elk'e lodge ia the
"aaoBtry waa eacveS ia a eimitor acaafoa. thie belag the ti^
haoored eaetoei oa hew Year'e eve.
Aa the eloek was oa the stroke of 11
a preaaat aroee aad
to the toaat. ■'Oar Abaeal Brotbere."
Tbla taader aaaUmeat is axpreaaed
aaoqg Blks the world over wbeaever
there b a catheriag of meabare of the
ordhr at that hoar of the Bight: aad U
b expreaelve of the Matiaeot of brothBeys' Bead wiU Bajoy Their Aaaoat
orly love, which U the coraer stoae of
Peasrt Today.
■ne social event of the vaor for the
After the good thiage to eat had been
proparly dbpoeed of cigars were peteM Boyi' Bead b their aaaaal dlaaar oa
They wiU ea^y their
aad while, the brothera eejoyed the
aoothlag lo&aeaeee of the eedaetire feast today a\ 12:30 in the Leelaaau
weed an laproajita prograa wae giv­ Hotel, where Laadlord Boatraa wUl
en. 1‘raebely at IS o'clock, while belli serve a floe haaqucL Thb will be one
aU over the lead were eoaadtag the of the beat baaqueb la the. hbtory of
.\aell of the dying year aad joyoasly the head aa'd they will have a good
welcoaing the dawn of the new year, liae. After the banquet the boys will
Bxalted Baler Thoapeon eeot the aajoy a slei^ride around Iowa aad a
paatlngs of the new year froa the few eoaieerts will be given, aeeordlag
Travane Gly Lodge to Deuy Lodge ia toj^.bsublbhed enatoa oa a holiday.
«raad ,Ba^ds by long dbiaoce Ule- In the evoalng the band
fa?abfa aaab fa the F

Haskell’s Bookstore.
The First Day of the New Tear

A Nice
Odil IResser


Maabtaa Dea Sl.-Nsw Yeaia day
im wUl be aewsbey's day for the
lUabtas Bswsbqys la a way that they
have aever kaowa betors. All the
aawsboys of toe city wUl be eater*
tmiBti ^ toe Elks at thslr elegant
parlors in the Winkle Block aad at two
o'clo^ la toe aflorabOB the little aer*
ekaab wiU altdowa to a coorae dinner.

b a gpod Ume to plan a eyitem fra BOONOMV IN PUBCUASBS
doriy,toe■ ^1 toe r^t good* aad toe right prirae—


We are
Still Very Bu^

Oraed BhpUb Laat Wight.
When Daiv Lodge. U P. O. B.. in 411 Soato UaieaSL
Grand Baplds rocatved the greaUag* of
Travane City Lodge last night they
la tarn froa %by Lodge.
loaioylag toe gnadeet aoeial aee*
Sion in toe hbtory of that ledge. One
thmt wen eepecially e
of the featarca of tha regalar laeatlBg
Song. “By B^by’e Mothar/'-J. T. Timvaiaa City Zetabar Oa wUl
Cattiiig BaU Week,
waa the initiation of Clay Cleaewt. the
Song. "Bight fioaraa Day'-^Dr. A.
r'eparatloas ara ia pragtoii for the celebrated actor, who b ao well koown
B. Bolliday.
etartiag of the mill of the Traversa ia Traverse City. There were over
BXogj of "Ky Trsthfal O^dlather" City Lnaber Ca next Wedaadag or soo present.
—M. B. Oates.
Tharsday. The first work wUl hb the
Oratlon-U K. Gibbs. '
sawing of feet of ela for Har­
Seng, "The That Split]
rison Broa When that b cut the
BegtiB Agaiaat a Ohioago
Wood"-"Dad" Llaoola.
wUI eoBUuus work on logs for the
Doctor for SM.OOO.
r. Bowell.
Kcgro It
Lnaber Co. The boyars are seehring
NeUic Rroopa of Bower* Harbor has
Comb'Song—J. T. Haaaah.
large qoaaUties of logs which the good
agalaet Dr. J. B. Etheridge
Soag—Condactor MeClookey.
BlU meviag rapidly.
of toe Bush Medical opUege la Chicago,
Irbh character sketch-C. F. Hnnier.
Action has been oomAfter the dance ia the City Opera
Flight of FiUmore’s Taam
Bteoead by C. O
Hoaae Profeaeor Martaogb>s
E. FiUnore'e team obJecUd to wait­
The charge b a
furnished anslc-----ing ta the eily yesterday. The horMS
The prograa waa enUrtaiaiag aad were drirea into oae of toe ehid stalle l^ed againm the doctor, «ho perform­
ed aabperetioa on Mbs Kranpa while
good cbear was the predoataatiag
of B. J. Morgan's livery barn and while
she was at the Kush college for treat*
aeat. Aaoag those preeeat froa
the driver was la the barn to get a
of the city were: Barry U. Baailtoa hitching suap the team backed oat nteoL
of Cleveland: H. B. Aldrich, ^orneiias aad started for home. They reached,
Burke. Bobart WUson. Dr. B W. Oolw Kroat street and made things bmn
The cheeks iMt U the paMteSce by
mau. C. Barton. WUiiaa Ha;
with the gait they maiaUiaed. They WUUam Anger of MUwaakaa have
Cadillac: A. I- Coalber of a
coaUha^ on aoato of toe city passing
I the busbies* meetiag the lodge everything on their way. natil they beea reeovared. It seems that several
boys wereseaflliag in tos room, whea
voted 870 for cksriubledbtrlbutioe to
leached Broekway hUI where they were toe checks were bftshed off the desk.
the needy p^ of the eiiy.
caught. Seata robes^mad other move* The boy* divided the cheeks among
ablm were dbtrfheted along the roqU ttem ^ot knowing their value aad
but there.waoiJia damaga
whea they found out what they were
tory delivered them to JaMioe Brown,
<Pval Woed Dub Factory Will Bagla
Danced the Kew Tear Za.
who gave them late the eeetedy of Pat
A Weak BarUer Than Bxpaetad,
Burden of the SUlaao. Horae for .fhe
The party la the City Opera He
With A Force of 325 Baployoa,
acHpaad la aeverai way* aU tyevioas owner. Taere mere eight of toe ohraka
The aaUre plant of the Oval Wood aoebJeveateofthe.scaaea. IBrn was of fiU arah.
Dbh Co. will start up Moaday mbrslag, a very large atteadaace aad the masie
e. B. Sunrira Fraj
wiUiafaUforeabfabont32::cBployes.jby Prof. £■ E Xartaogh'a
The a E. UaloB wiU hold th^
It was laU^ad to start the factory on ! waa partleabrly laspirlag.
regalar moathly aunrbe prayer meet­
the 10th of Jajkary.hul arrangeaeaU i before thedaneen dbpened.
iag in the Oeagrefatianal ehnreh par- ad to beglB a week I
loratomarrowat 'T:80am. M. B. Hal­
earlier. Bhe pay roU of toe compear '
Swedbb Brothera* Bocial.
ley, wtll lead and toe aubjeet fra the
ovary two weeks
will eat quite
* ss figure j
The lodge of Swedish Brothera ef
Bteetiag b. "1 will atrive to do what­
! America wUI enjoy a social partr thb
ever He wooldhke to have me do.”
I evening at toe home of John Bead^kAa tma b the flnt maetiag of the oew
wm Cloee nt 10 A K. '
! eoa. ea Ebst Froat streeL A ecrdbl
it b eoraeotly dsalred that all
The letter earrien wm make but
iavlutioa b egtoaded aU to job the
will make aa extra effort
drilvery today, which wm be la the | hrothen la a goodtlma The proceeds
to attend, ood o
. »U1 ge for the beaefll of the lodge.
aome part ia toe meeUng.
10 a m. for toe remainder ef the day.


IMS patteraa whetorafra her own

should buy


for a CbristmaB or. New Year's
We bare a oice lot of
them in erery style aod finish.
White Enamel, Antique MapTe,
Antique Elm, Ash, MahogAoy and'
Birch in aqnare and long glaaa,
patent dnat*proof dmwera, aodfwe
ara aelling them at pric«« that will

House Famishing Store,
Chock for $100 for Soiling Kora Soap
Tkaa Any Other Sabaman.
18S-in Prdat SL TBAVBS8E CITY.
It hae been theeaatoa every year
for toe Jaxoa Soap Oa to present a val*
aabb gift to the wleaaaa srlliag toe
largeat aaonat of their scape la Mkh*
igaa. The prUe thb year faU to Joe
Ziaaerwaa of toe Haaaah A Lay
aaUle Oo. Nr. Zlaasrass sold
! Jaxoa eo^ daring ir«7 than- any
r ana la toe state aad yesterday
Bat there b always room U
he received a check for tioo.
“ Bore. Therefore come at oaqp for
yoar PHOTOS. We have a eouspleta
UaeofPlctare MoaIdJags aadwUlftU
all ontara prompUy. If we have to work
Olay Olsnuet Joiaad the Xlka la aU night.




|lsiaea that tlaie. Bor owaere
brtui..u, ..ii'""““ ““ »“
; tlwt ebe hae either foaadeiwd aad gMa

aad bcfraa the NbUeiUca of Ibe

A Happy New Year to AD.

. tH,E


U»oSbw"maSl^todHutibd ofeol^iac^'te^ TIBJ Ut bfit lOC,
r Any Styb-at thb priea OaU to-a Paahioa Sheot. fisa at


To buy apAirofour

msw sr/^

They are great bargalna. No ahoddy.


Unrttie Rush, What?

I Rush Some More, of Course.



will be eBpecially
busy as we are making
Taking Prices on some
of tbs latest product­





Ketbediet BevlTal VeeUnga
A aeries of eraagclbUe aervioas wUl
be held ia toe First Methedbt ehnreh,

Write It
'Mra Jaka BeUriek of 880 Went Sev
lasting for -two wseke «r mora The oath atrasl b very QL
Tlte aanaa] review ef Travene Olty pastor WiU U aeabted I9 Dr. J. B.
hnaider gave a da*
Mira MoUe Sehaaider
Tnt Sa •?!. K. O. T. M*. ww held Braady. who waa at one time engaged Hghtfo] pink tee at
Hherhomeoa Web*
iaat evealag- Thenevneon aUeodaoee In ■voag^latb work in OaUfomia
ater strrai Thareday evoning.
• at Annual Beelew

Unquestionably So..
XtlHt A Floor is known by the results it produces.

# Thkt-The success of the Flour is best judged by
\ the testimony given, and by that judgment we are
^ willing to sUnd. It is the “BEST.*’



Hannah & Lay Co.
- .

Ladies' Ready Made
Dress Skirt

Cambric Lined ra p
Velvet Bound f |*
Covered Beams f . 1
Good for Money 1 U


of all kinds must
go.' It will pay you to







»H» >COBjfIHO laooap. BATTraPAY, JAHUABT 1, 1888.

DoUr bpu»d ew to
^ tto pwee,
tkm ww ootklv
ia tbB eimmUBOM to wvTMt Nneh
howBW, ttet
DoUr kad DMd ImoIUbc aad iadettAND tBAVE^ HE&AU>. ' east taaroaffe toward* kin la the
^r^ioMO -wt kia a.ter.
B«n> wa.
«m. 1.
ACT J. W. BAntn. Um propir ffrouad for a ooapUlnt
l.y Hawm. BdHor mi Mu«c«. aad os« wa* made and a warraat UBMd>r tk« Jiadea. W aftorwar^
Dolar wa* afreaUd and kmfkt laBe ^ead'valltjr aail after a-KObd aural
leetaia Jaitloe Bidwti impoood a fine
of $10 and eoote •f'tt.M. Dolar aeaoied
rprfaed at tko price, knt prodaded a
rail of bill* and p^ the Boaep. Be
revprked at the time tkav ke kad
aaonck toft for ebraral bon *aek ftaea.
Aa kawaaabontk) depart kelndalred
lae Bare swear wordsi aad tkerc
tadtU la tka oftb at the Usb.
Brown aerarBlj reprlBaadod
Dolar aad reminded klm that It
Tec HoSEiBe Bscobd wishes a Bap5nst neb labynare as that that ooat
yj New Year this nornlnc to ereitklB tbe $W.tO. Dolar saw the point
bedf. The old year has departed aad
and want away wlthont sweariaK any
whk It hard tlBes. Tke befUalaf of
-tfM Bark* the dawn of a new proi
tty pad the rorfral of bosloeB all orer
BEB rXBST LXnBBthe ooaatry tocaueeforr^Joldaf. —
•oDzoe. Urera are always sme who aro Ida Boitacr is AdTaaciac Bovldiy at
'Boma for ^bla iCindad.
BOt blsBod wtUeobdIUoas to larite
to3elelitf. hut the Kkoobb bplleres that
His* Ida M. Brilaer. yonnyast dan^'
yeaarally.the term "Happy Sew Year" tor of Mr. and Mn. WilliaB Beltnar.
^ haee Bore aicatfloaaea this year has been In the borne tor the feeble
than for sereral years paet. Wkaterar minded aad epileptics at Lapeer for tea
Bay ke the ooaditloH al tMoos-phaeea
Tbe menu of »be care and
of aeelety. the Bocoaa is doosre la tU tralalny in tke Institatioa Is remarka­
wkh that all Bsy ke bleceed tke <
ble and all who know the lltUe yiri
iar year witk prosperity aad freedoB srlU be yratlApd to learn of her rapid
«raB oara, serrawaadniafcwUM of aU
swat. She is flfUea years of
aye aad tbs facility with which mbs has
aeqnlred lateDactiial streayth wlU be
Jt waa>anoaBoad open reliable ao
snrprisiny to'thcee who know ber. Tbe
--Ihdrity U Detroit last aitrbt thst Oorfollowlny letter, while no better thaa
BOOT Placree woold call a apedal seamany ytrls of ber aye wonld write. U a
•loa af the lavialataTe for Fabroaiy 1st
apleadM eompoalttea tor one ao Bdlr
The rwcreor has baea c««tiac ttfliics
aflUeted. aad the penmanship, thonyh
to ahapa tor a battle royal aad he wUl
is extremely yood:
ask the livlelatare toooasider on
My Darllny Papa:—I rota Uttor from
- railroad Batters lAd d& a little a
dlstar Minnie net lony eyo and jest the
thtar with the elaeUoa laws aad othar other day 1 yot one from Marie. Tbe
BsaaotB which tha (onreor has bean box came eafely and also the boohs
from Minnie. I wnat to thank yon all
piaanlarooBstlBe. ifthaaaaHc
for Ahem, for they are
what I
mlly oaUad Aora is a probafaUity that waatad and were loraly. TeU Mamnw
tke laM iBiloi wlU ealy ke a jaaBory I call my dolly lees, after my dear
tenehar. MIb Cramer. I woold rsally
like a wkael wtoeh tbe sprira bye
cotM, BO I on yo ridtay wlfo WMs
Cramer. 8be raid I ml^t- l had a
Very merry Christmas, aad hope tbe
■feMHBB «*«n aawM bsmt* mbmt.

tr;±Aii:'. •.;.




Wkea Ida esterad the eekool Mr.
Beltnar praBlsed her a klcytle wbea
. aba wrote her first letter. This is tb
Brat Utter and sow she brfl] raeaive bar

Kl^ard Boabd rataraad Bob Eaat
^ocdaa yeatoiday.
Ohtaar> V»kot.
A. L. Coalto'of^arlaralx.'waB la
: jaaaarr. S3c; May. Mftc:
Mra. M. A. Weatyate Is eiMtiaf rba«rak at Boath Arm.
«ke: Febraaiy. fTKc: May. W.MwXe.
Mm l>arks of Elk Rapida (s Ttsltii«
data—DcermW. »ke: Jaaaary.
MMs Grace WUhen.
SS>,e; May. tiSe.
Hanry Oakley came ap froB Maatetae
Grand Eaplda. Dee. M —WhaaV Me.
yeaterdsy to attend the social aa*ilon
ad the Elks last airkt.
MMs Grace Canain|rhaB rotoraed
Tbe nnperor's ‘TieblinysblnBe’' has
laM aifkl from CkdUtsc.
become the nstional flower of Uermsn;
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baehaat hare
aad Ibe , symbol of patriotism, bat it
baraed from their. TielUa KalaBiroo, will aerer be fontoctra why be lortd
L. r. Pprkelt letcrned Tbarsday it. aod'tbe beaatifal aad tooebioy story
Siyht <r«B an extended trip to Sew ,
interest when told
Tork and Phlladelpbla. He wDl rotnrn | in his own weeds. Findin* bow mspy
to New York Monday.
' li>«irr«-t rrtsioa* were spnad aboot to
Ur. ^ Mn. C. W. lltK«l
tb, dnifc

u... u« sfjsr.iSjrfJss'


Barriaye of their aleee. MiL
-A. tnyaiot; ' IM with myralf
o boyeae
Eoyeac seowia.
Bedwia. ;
weev to
de.*ssed brother' from Meaiel to
Prank rriedrick. Alfred V./Piledrieb i KauiBSberji
__ „ ____ _ -be troSl
•ad Oscar'Friadrieh hare rat^rDfd froB I at tbe b««ioniii|t cd oor centary. tbe
nisfoenne hsiqiaoed to w that dl^ of
cd oor eoacb far^ idthe
Barrlnfn of their sister
midst of the plala So villsip- 'wpi
within rrseb. and we Bated onreel^
Hot Good Klondike KaMria^
oo Ibf edire of tbe dttrU while tbe damA jolly party of yoany people braved
3aat alybl’* storm aad started to drive
•at to Ur. Paratelee'set Old Mlssioa. shd I were n-odered ImUi tired sad hnakowaiok tbe old year oat and the new gry by this dela.v. sod partirntarly 1,
beingswenk and deltoate litflefellow,
- yenrin.
Bobo of tbe yonny men invited np- gart- my <b«r moiaer mneh trooble
>enrad to be more friybtened than tbe With my DmiplsintA Jn <ird<T m -dis­
tract oar •

yitls nt the little florry of mow.
pointed <
Tbe ylrU propeeed that tha next g,y, n,® g.-ld* aad rrqmwtcd ns
Mme tboae yonny men were invited for [ to tmiber tb<m and lirinR ibem to her.
n alelyfa tide they ahoald be cent «■ : Then she -msdr wreatbi. of them, sad
ahsad In either a heated omnibos or ! with j<? we watched tier skillfol hands,
ths Old MMoD auye.
bash tender ^ Thereby Us- wm) state of tbe cmntiy.
•lants wonld'Seorlab in a ao-thern i
iuR ber son*’ fniore may well have cnee
man- psyaerd bi-avi)y cn my mdUrer’s
• ’*Iv tea

itifni <
1 That Oovatnor Piairrai my dpvutwf mother went deeply to my
bean. aad. fattminp lar own chHdisb
soTTOw. 1 attrmptnl to enusok- ber wftb
Pebrnary Ink dari^ wbirb die placed the
D^t. Dec. Jl.-Tbe Evenlny Newe bine wtvatb. rii
ikie aftsrnhan wUl meke the definlw my bead. 1 wui ile-n 10 years old. bet
nanonncCBent that Governor Playrne thUUmcblngarebebas nevvr faded Irdm
kaadralfiedtoenllaepaelal eceelon of my meatory. and if now. la my old aye,
«bel«taUtarebyJnaanry 10. the nea- I bebold tbe sweet bier flower, f tniagine t sec tbe tean of tbe mart devnfod
Mmi to begin Febranry 1.
The call wUl demand action npoa of mntbeis rhintng npon it aad tb
fore love it above all ntbera ”
klUa. aome of which are new in prepar.aUaa, to repeal the Charter of the
Thv Wemacr W. kar Kspee*.
Vicblyaa Central railrand. to psovlfie . VSifalaptoB. Sre. •. PcOuwfac *tv
■ Ue <|oaai-!
r>w b
paVllc corporatioa*. lacindlny the ule- DlbAv
Lr.lrj-taali mmimBiM Aairn* I 1“ moiiMs |»sttiju». enUrr: WirUtveaterl
PWBC eeu VI <w
tHrUsu aad Viwutali.—On.
baaineasin Mieblyae.aad aTSoy other > eraiiy
wbUwt;nieeli<«)arT:iswkaertbby the go*.'Wvrteriy Wla<u For
*" : mvotlH-r; o-ld-r; Durtkv-sUrly to eonPwly


XMar Paid a StiH Pries. to
Xosttea Brown.
went bafatk Jnsliea
Brava yaMBday to swear rat a war­
rant for Xnak Dolar. who aeaaM to hnva
Bod 1* “to
atsyekrf" ter aoma Msaa.

Wireligw.telqnnpby it atill bring ex-*
perimtvted with I7 tbe Briiiib po^
^Uusities It is stated tlifci tiitBiinrs
Ml- u<^ beihg sent and receivi-d at tfaree
mU.w distdroe. bnt the nsnlts are not
'nearly ao aatidactory as they wei
tsro milea. at which BuB of the expect*
sprats thns far have bora sradn


ar slBea ska was bon- ^ooMawIma
a bri^W mind or a bappler iMMob. Iran'tnndetaBndit. Osddwba
LORO KELVIN PREDICTS THE UTILIZA­ the life and beaoty of every ooBpany
la. Ooee tbe go ontT’
CP* Adv* or
DysoBa aaO tha Twr^
m Wbmi BM> OpvaiC a Maw rad

Lord Ki-lrin aaeated
bit lielief that the that) wonld come
. If not all. of tbe
. . - _____ jld be ntilis^ for
tadanrial porposes. and that on belay
rakid if be wonld not ngret the Icra of
the Igniudenr sod (raaty of tbe tsUs
which wj-nlfi nrair be stated that in
view of the vs« iadnstoial benefit to
D- gained ba wonld not regret iL
Whether tbe distlngiihdiod arimtiit
was corrrcdly repotted or hot th«e are
good granndt for belirving that the tntore will sms tbe new. or rather newly
dcvelnpod. soarre of mergy ntiUaed for
ladnririsl power pnrpiMee tea degree
that will' moke it imly lem naiverasl
than mal abd the steam coglBb Time
was when water was tbe leading sonrne
of i-ncrgy few the power neceerary to
driv>! ti>o mschiuerv of mills and fuctorUn. bpt the cambersame nud other­
wise nnmtiifactory natnre of the old
tmdi r or over shot wImvI and the uoces■ity for looatiny Ibe factorios where tbs
power was gcucnied wa* a acvi-n- draw,
back to its owfolnc-Mi. Tbelntnvlurttnn
of Htoani. w ith it* advoathge cd bi-liig
gvo<-rated wbirevir tbe Inrtoey miglii
be sitnated. led to the dlraw rf watir
powir in* almost all caara whir* oial
was available.
Tbe advent of tbe dyuumo and the
andwidB apbere
lotn oMDcd an
r hBfoltMB fiW '
ig of thi-iii'd
power sad atiwoniiil tlic ebsiu* wblcli |
hsd lied it ilowu to ili<-bulk* of the
a nod strrami. Tbe water wbee)
gave place to tbe tarbioo. aad elwTricat
tarasmistina ba.-rarriid tbe silealenergy to distaat ritira sad tta^ erattered
OBDten nf indtutry. And wbo Hball
place a limit to tbe distance that may
be covered?
reoetit developments
•lectrical srirare point to the pnwiibility eg traimitting tbe stored entrsy
td oor rivers and waterfalls to vast distanora with bat a trifling lost, and with
tbe improvements which analogy teach­
es as to expect in ttale comparatively
new braaoh «f engloeering wa may look
Ks eneoMital ' eompetiticB wM
stram in districts far maared frmn ^
Whan thUtltMbhan co'mA
conoeivable that Niagara will be de­
pleted of Itswalasif tha aatbraittM
are m atiUtxriaa asto allow iL
Tbe Batistics
the pfravpl. e^fo of
tbe an toow that it Is advandag with
rapid strides, /.merira leads tbe world
with a toBl lastalisticsi of over Td.OOO
burnepower. Switxerlabd edmes next
With $a,D00 beraepower. Fran^ has
IK.oOOborBpowA-, and the graAt t»wer
plant at Bbolnfelden. Oenn^. vrill

Uie unracr, vuni« >i>
bim «•
withontlha sllglitsB tatradt Ik Oa todalwblrL I would give baUl’a worth
tolie bar tbe girl 1 Bea^ ”
"Dene." snApped the doctor, aad be
wrote oat the suwigaB preecripMce ra
reoard. It cnDed'tor horma duftagea.
tstt raimeot jewels and a well ftUad
perm. At tbe botioa was a raosipt in
fnU for ft60,<K>a .'Oere was no okanot

^ Corner Park hnaFprat-.

, traufcWBfe.
When a rifle U pboed to tbe eteolfler
and the trigger polled, tbe time that
elapaa between tha fall of the.haBBcr
and the flash at the masdr is so brief
-Yet. daring
time tbe firing pin was moved forward
and explnded the parmadtm rap. whkh
itttnra has fired tbe powder charge, aad
a o-rtsiu piriod of lime lisa been consnmod in itn- oumbaMtiou of Ibe powder;

tire jrojwtile mavea yway from tbe
mnsxle tbe powderganm. roahiagoat at
a moch higbir ve&^iy than tbe vir­
tue. impinge upno it snd kre Oit^m
oatward at right anjBc* to the gon in
tbe form of a dUk. in exwtly tbe rame
maamr as tbnogb tbe projratUe were
in that pQMticn. bach.
tn spile of tho eridenre of OBI
tbe reUtivUy of velocities and Oba—
Joonal United titatra AniUety.
Hotice to Tax Fayera.

paid betoT* Jaaaary 10th. I6M. a pea^ ^f raly rae per cent for oollaetfon
Attor Jaaas^ iOlh. im. a penalty
•f tear per cent for ooneetiaa ^Ul ba
OAm boon. * e-cleek to 11:10 aVioek
. B. rad 1 •'clock to 4 n-aleek n.'B.
OOoe ia rram :. Herald BaU4ii«.
Dated Dee. I. !$»;.
. Wikatx,

l^imwOl bexntoraatodU'therag
rarrato by the Hgahhnrae Opahl On

A Happy New Year
To all our Patrons and Friends
is quite in line. We thank yon allTor the lib-.
eVal patronage bestowed upon us daring toe
outgoing year. Inthe ineantlnie We do not
wish to forget the little folks.
I^t them all faU in line Uew Year's morn­
ing, Into our spacious quarters, and receive a
little New Year's token.
Kittens wi^ be the order of the day, to cov­
er the rosy little hands. Come one, come alL


Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Front flteOflC.

We Extend
Hearty Tfaftoks




To our costomers for the b'beral holidaf^tronage
acoortled os, and asgore tfaem that we shall continne to keep a
full stock of tbe be«t quality of OrooerijM Had Provisions.
,, Prompt peltvery. Prices Alwsye Right. ’


Real Estate
Fire Insurance.


Thera is no ■
Be it cloev andji notMUslyalarined. It
is noaearpnnnA thru, that the doctor
Aw-omed the ntidori gravity when QriaIrr called to pr<meot the case of bis wlla.
"I’m greatly afraid." mid tbe hnsband, "that ber mesita] ‘eqoilibrinm it
di4arhod .She is uoc like other wamen
aad not as she used to be."
"Yon may regard them at a negMive
character, dnotor To begin with, abe
never opens her (aebioo pB]hn of late."
"Bad! bad! Vivy badl"
"1 laored asmuch. Tbe woman wbo

aIm» FqU t.Ihb

"Yon dear old tool."


wfaiT« tho old waterwheel ont»- slowly
timisd on its well worn godgniai. and
moth as I admire tbe grand engineerbig
of bday, now that tbe bard
toil (d my yonib it over, I loiA hack to
toe old tjinp with a tfaAukfnI heart that
friiid iu grime and dirt, amid iu bard
Work and tui]Kild MTvirtw. 1 Irarmd of
patii-oee. of pnacventooc. of self reliana- and handicraft, and above all I
If-amrd nndtT meet trying and diaDonragtug cirrnmttancM to cIoho tightly
li])H I'lgi-ther and tot
Wonld make it go s

Boitablo for the Tfiflr*e HoUdB7 Feotlvltiefl.
Bob Bou, OhoooUtM and Best 0«ifoctioDa.


cohntriea. as ; wmraara»asiMM(svraeca3 suragva rale, ar« d><flcUgt in vrator power.
SwitaerUnd. Italy. Norway iuid Swedra
bavK in tbn new tyat*m a powerfnl allv
that will aiwigt to bring them well to
tbv fnwt as todnstrial nationa To the
Unitn) Statea. which alraadr posMBes
depoeits of coal, tbe fall dej
velopnHtit of its batnnl water gowta
will Bean tbe more qieedy eon tog nf OraMX K. A K. A DvpM.
imcrHal npremacy Vhich U altrady well kitbin iia

mirad it to other*, bnt fcrall that I
have a aost ktod^ fivliog , tor my
'■aliM mater. " thnuldtiTpi'cxBniiytiia-

Bnt Wfl B«T0 a Wn* Dlqilay of

Brnaek Store nnr Maaonle Uoek. ra Caion 8t^

cleeallMm -of material U aAtaiaod.
Priera Iob thaa Chirago ratra. Tbe
Washbarne Oraby Go. ara now iUing
an order for the catirc new Arlington
bole] at Fetcekey. abdjwe doing eatenelve work for shlpBenl atrroed. Tke
work n No. 1 to evsiry reepecL Faeilh
Um fer doiDg ths largeet work in tbe
Uelud Sutee. Tbeee rags are beeadm ara racb credited
Ub. Call And eee the eamplea, aad get
power, la Onst Britain then is a to­ u explanatory dreolar.
tal installation of atmni 4.000-barse^"l^sefigoRB raageM 'that tbe develop­
ment of lu water pows may have a
in reananging tbe
eentevs of iadostiy throoghi
-• ------^--oftl

Christmas is Over!

* I

Ilf You Have Logs fo Sell

Correspond with
the Traverse City
Good. 'Sound -Hem*
MOflfiY ifl I nSM Lumber Company. We fiSive for sale Go
Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank,
Plank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill MacKinery. of .all
* -ON“
descriptions, including 2 EniQnes, Set Works, Carriages,
Improved Farms and and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Planufor sale.

City Property.
JohnaOD Block.

’Fhonfl 73.


Pash TMs in Your Ha).

Saoond a&aUty Babers are tile

»w Jersey Ifubber Shoe Oa
Couaecticat Rubber Ca
Pats Rubber Shoe Co.
Federelfi and B«y State
Old Colony and Giant Rubber
Keystone BubYief Co.
Rhode Island Ce. and Woonasqaatoeket.

The above Bobbers ere Deer at Any Prioe.

to notirihg each thing*,
ne^ teemed to eee it and mid nothing
aboot it after tiU ralUr had foax "
"AwfaL "eicUlmedthe dootor. “swftiL I'Te khowa poor vito. Urlater.rav-

118 Front Street,

Wnrriwrg Blook.



Pr«d<camtftt of ^ Cone«nn
Window Claao.

i:- - MAHTHMillll
81. Loola. Dac. aL-Bearr W. ttaiahtya. elected oatluoal aerretarr of the
United ^oUdlBc Tradea' rouncll at Ita
dtr *—
mecUnR held - ------^
« poalHea.
■ nea dutlea woold


•H thmitened. After the BetilPtiiMt of
- the wave dlfferenm the f*ctory of W.
P. JQBM a Co^ at Baton. Ind..suma trtth rotter* and (laUenen erho
are not mehibere Of the le«ct>a.^Bt who
are eonnerUrd irltb the bk>iren' aa
air of the KnIsbiB of Labor. The Hat<«Mra and cutler^ claioi that thejr


of tba ao*
called UBderwrltera' potldea tinder the

lawa of this aute by ftn iDsuraneeoentanlea baa been ptraeoted to the state
Inaarmace departTnent. and Bnperinndent Van Cleaw
•a of Ia Ur«e aumer of
ike a rulloK thereon.
In a Wnititay npimhn tn «tjch
krylacte Manhal a MafaHty aCtba tecte- ^oi aupremr court dv'Jalone are qnoted
.raAnalaUlhejrrtawaerMcKlatay-I TOltiiDlnoBBlr. the raperlntendent Ban
of the
It be I that frotiw
bla ezamln
I arc aa (ol—VW. ; and the law bta o*(.l.
ilowt: That I
I combine sad laeue a Joint potiry, pro------elded #tl<yf oomWbatKmr —*~", O.. Dec. U. — Teaferday ! ing nf rach pebriee do
t iT-natltuta
was a day of conferracea with the anti- j partnership cootntrta.
Hanna Republicans and from the beat j That romblnatlooa in which tbe protnfonnaUon obulnable tbe reaultn have j wlum tccelpu conitluite a common

Lut Month Exoelled All Put Btutmtu

CarllorlUe. Ilia., Uec.'tL—lihe coal
Blaen and operatora of the Cbleaco
and Alton dlatrlct. cotnpoaed of the
■tinea at Anbon. Cbaiham, CarlloTiUe.
KU*Dod. Cirart. t>reea Rld*e. Virden
aitd Pawnee iMt at VIrdes tn Joint eon*
terrace and adjoated for tbe neat yw
all dlfTcrenrca between enploret and
Vhb b Their Kew TwW Oin.
WHkeabam. Pa..Drc. IL—Tbe Black.oas mine, operated by tbe l.«blab Val­
ley Coat company, atiapanded operatioM
yeateidaytndeftnltely. tbrv.wlnr SOOsnen
and boys out of work, nullnea* In tbe '
tf«l trade 1* ftven aa the reawn for
tbe auipcpalon.


hoB'iiaioB mea, aad aar a airtke *111
he ordered if -meiDbera of the Satienera’
aad eattera' oritmnlaatl<in are not aub--‘
•mated. Prefrid-m nurna of tbr biev>
era asd aatherera Itiain that tbc men
-^hat if the marmtartuieta dlerh

Manufactured by

-W. J-.A.fidRj^TTS,
ToDDeller Block.

A Few of Them Left

**”“^ ^*’
'•proflt* *ared amoew the companlea
*>‘*t ••eeo modified In tbe least. Tneee oompoaltia the combination conalltole
contm-nce* have been fcllh the leaders partneiwhlps of siVh rorpomtkm* and
of tbe D<-niocncy «bo are la favor of companier. and are In violatlun nf law.
a fualun with ibe anti-Hanna RepubU- That ihe use by aduptl' O or otberw lae
ran* to defeat Hanna.
Tbe central by a dncle company or by several comfigvrea have been Cbarica L. KorU. ; penleS of a dUTerrtit nsm.- from the


Those pretty Soli^J^ickel Qutdrqple SilverFibte


'""■“I' -

leader o
I roinpsnlm in proeuriny and csrrylny on
and Alien O. Myers, wbo Is endeacorlny
eorreapi'ndeoL of tbe New York World, to brine the IVmocrallv raemt»-rs-elect
and Hiw. Sciivel. returned lAt ntcht of the l«itl»l*ture Into iipe tor the profrom ibalr visit to Maxlroo Garnet
tbe Demalayua eatmte. Sau<-u SpIrtlBS. ’ which leyan yiwterdsy n
mKs QsanrsI lavib* OrtenI wltlF Agy
They wvtc two days and ntctais .sitb continued Into tbe nlyhL
tbe InsuTTenta.
Insuirenta. who dined and SrtW- crats were asked to State
stat juM I
naded them. Mrs. Bcuvei eiprevwi-* her­ many of their meoilwrs they on
self as very much pleased with tbe trip, count upon in the proposed fusion.
n was the first lime that an American U understood to have Is-en stated that ! squadron wms definitely ^instructed to
woman had visited tbe camp of Denefsl seven Democratic members had refused/: assemble off
off ChqmnlpO
Chqmnlpo to
to support
support a
Domes. BcoVel says lhal Senor Rafael
Siu. aenalir- ^
Madrlcal carried a contmlKilon from the DepiocA't-for united 8tal
•ra .srtU strike. In tbr mranilme
Untied States governtnenl. and that as not even a free Mlvaf BepubUenn.
banufacturm are keei'lng quiet and
be (Bcovel) Md none be went through
ivwomb Sammaaed to a Ooafereafsw
who, under the adtice Of
irstnas to say what Ifaeir nourse will be.
U is also understood that tbe sum- < the British omsul. bW twice returned
the Bpantsh tines with a permit from
VtiMsCUss Pewa laC.lsisds,
Oenersl Blacro. wbo gave It on U» un- brr of Dei^-rau who win oppose a the notice of dismissal served upon
. . Denver. Dec. XL—As a rvault of tbe dersiandinz lhal he would talk autono­ fusion may' be Increaimd
•rder iseuedaby tbr esecullve evimma- my to General Gomes, which he did.
teen. .Almost the entire Democratic
-With regard to Port Arthur. The
W of tbe miners’ urlons of northern
lei refused tbe overtures, baniiig vote oKhe leglslaturr wUI be required 1 ^
that there is #t... .r,a the ! tmiiy t.rspnic
Colorado, calling upon ih* men lo de- bis refusal on the conviction lhal Pimln
nand higber wages or strike, the Rez could not hold out two years longer.
Onal Mlnlnc compyn has fiosed down
•• aatls- enter into any arrangement which may I the end of ihc winter, and there ta
Its two mine* at l-^Kstille. This action fled *Uh the present condition
fall of sucres*, as It would ezpoM tbe ' therefore no grtiwnd for-curaplaUil on
will probably le followed by tbr other fair*. He said also that he wa* grate- --------.rty to ridirnle. It w aa at unoa deter- I Ihe part of EngUnd. Neither doe* tbe
companies operating la northern Colo­ ful for President McKinley s InvUaUon mined
sniriinon all the Deni
governiaent regard the occupation of
rado. and all the miners tn the dlatrtrt to American citlsroa to render
meml>ets to Columbus at once.aad tele- ,
„ calling for action, bewlU be tbrow-n oDttrfemployment. There beIpKws I'ubans. 8rovel aci
Penor ; grams sere sent lo all of
British InlereM •TO not IhrsalM grsai diWAUafacUun affli ng tbe mlo- Madrigal were someltmr* In consider- ! questing
............. them
.................. r*-i«>n
ened. Accotdlng to Tbe Dally Graphic
0n at l.ouUvillr over tbe accioa of the able danger, owing to the fact that tbc j w ithout tall tor a conference. The only
both the foreign office and the admiral­
asscutlve cui.imluee. and prsparailons American flag the* carried look* at g i Republican members coasplcuoun at
ty are agreed upon tbl* poiat.
MS being made to bold a masa-neet- dlatanee Ukr tbe Insurgent Oag. Gencr- { tbe ami-Hanna headquarter* In the
B calling upon tbe ezer
al Gomes bad an mm of from 4M to , Great ^Southern hotel yesterday were RAiLWAVS «UKE A GOOD SHOWlNOf
• to rescind Its action.
j RepresentaUves Brsmiey aod Mason.
m cavalry.
---------------------‘ of Cleveland.
M>fse Olcfc O
Hew York. Dec. XL-A dlapatch from
•prtngOeia.. lUa. Dec. gl.-ProfeM»r
rhlcags. Dec. fl.—Tbe Railway Age
Major Dick, who baa tbatge of B«Ewwistoc. Me., to The Cnmirerrial-AdIsruls *oldan. of Si. Louis, addressed
ator Hanna'* personal Interests, wae make^be following senirmeei of r»Tcrtjaer says: It is conceded Umt the
the nilool* teacher* oo "The Teaching
ferltng very confident that the proposed oelvership* arel foreclosure* for' MM:
n Maine will tail into '
of Moxalliy to Pub.ic Bchoola. '
srilb other Nrw Kngland mills carly Meetloo of nffleers resulted as follows: fusion arrangemvnl Would be broken. No year since Itr: ha* shown so few
Sentiment among tbe Kepubllcsn* of rends or ao small a mltcorv confri
>ezt month nnd reduce the wages of
PrekldcDt. 3. H. Collins. Springfield:
tbe Mte la rapidly rryrtall*i«s «mder insolvt ncy. while cemparvd with
the operstlvea. Tba Lockwood mill at
accretsJT. J M- Bewiby. Melri^Us:
the Mgaroti* asaanlts of tbe ■
-WalerslUa. tbe Bdward
rnilnmd •eereiary. W. C. Payne. CW1 Kuna and i
Ibe CM at Brunswick, the Fkrwell at tagn. Recitations were adopted faeorHanna movement. It I* claimed that it reraiverWltw last year t$ surgclMngly
EiMbon and tba BartMT mill In AuUus.
log the making ..f lAncoln'a birthday, a
the anti-Hanna
RepuUlcan* foroe a small la respect t.. tbe number of itasa
tbe York Corporation of Baco. the Lanational holiday: a change in tbe rev­
oonla aod the Peppsreil mlUa and those enue lasrs. and eUmlnaling tbe county deadlock It wUl bring more people lo mllewse aod capital Involved
the capital city than have ever been
at BldSrtord wTU make a raducUun.
In UK no lew* than avveoly-fMir com
auprrintendencies from poUtics. The aahere before. The supporter* of Hanna panles. with 3>.S4« mile* of rt*d and
Twelve tbouaaad employes will be afaoclation adjourned la« night.
n.TXl.CW.fdO In bonds and stork defaull*d In their obllgatloes and were
.-The fol- that ntms of th-memlwr* Hslmcdtobc over to the control of the raurU.
opposed to (tanaa has aald pubUclr
In MM the numltcr of slmliariy unfortsta:
that he wni not votv for him.
tuoata-romla was elghlera. their ro«»Duolsii. Savoy: aecretao- L. B. Brt'an.
I.UI. and tbrlr cwpiialUaUon
Dac. Xl.-Tbc r
Princeton. A renoluUim was adegtted
:haa gkf.mow. In ItH the
K Iqa* thl
wage wale for the employcwof tbe Edthirty-four, the
petlUonlag Governor Tanner to amend And Kwrt* >*1 U* M s. -h>«sr €
g^ TbonwuB Hleel works and the bla«
tbe call of the special aessioo of the
to tb* tl
mileage LMl. and rapItaUsatien tMLtaraaesa has been made and will go in­ MgiHsture so a* to Include ad.-qo*te
._______ _
A brecac <
'created by a report to an Ul.DOC.
to effect tomorrow. ;Tbe aignaturea of , iegiriatlon to protect tarmer*
farmer* ana
and tru.t
fruit iI
Kong' Heulrnanl*
the men to the contract arc required on
agalasl the deadly San Jose I
written pledge fromEa'u Clalrv. Wla.. Dec: It.—G. Jf. Bnf■ rUlm
claim thai
that .I «t. ;
*" »>■" *
or before Jan l. Tbc .dlirtal*
' RcfgeapntaUve Snider, of Greene oouo- fingt.iB. receK-er nf the Commenlal
thITTV will be an equ»ablr adjusunenl I___________ ______
ty. that he wcftild n<it support Hums. bank, wa* yesiettlay granted hi* dis­
of tbc wageW^-rf the tonnsg, mra. but ,
-Tesle^ay ftn,a*r ^ve out a •lalamrat last night charge Ills re|«rt idrow* XZT.7S In cash
tbc wage# of the day men will remain |
the foll.m ingS’
' dflcsra of thel,„
reatued out n( the asaelt asdtJt.fTT dis­
practitwlly the same a* they were dur- |
bursed. The face vslue of the asseU
log the past year. It is *ald that tiwing ' «d: Prvsldvot. A. N. Currier. lowaCItyi ,
tutped over w hen the receiver was apto improvrd marblnery lo the at^l de- ^ secretary. C'srrie OteelcII. C«»rydon.
le.lntrd was about
and the llabll.
partmem the cut in tannage wl^ «ie |.
KiUrd Mi. Wtto.
RIe* about W.OOC. The dep.Miltora will
r Uuahnell i
get nothing unlsae the stockholder* are
I clear vor skirt*
held retlable.___________ __
the iwrl «-hlch *or

Get One Before They are

i.'w..,... i J.


Cl l»- taking li
Ih- iv-ele. Hot, of Henalor Uwniia to the
United States iwnale. I aeiii a letter of
which tbe following-I* a copy, lo OorAB'BrVviaTEo' TELEGRAliia
mo* Btnhneli. and m-w desire to aay
publicly that for niyaelf and my county
Chicago capitali*U will Qrure on
We shall support Senatiir Hanna first,
building th* NTroragua canal,
laal and always, betlvvlng iliat the time
Batvador tr ihreaiepfd with another
ha* I'omc wlieo anything else Is t reachtevnulilon. 'Salvador t« a J-atlh AmeriIhe Retiubllrwn parly."
ran republic.
The letter lo Uushnell referred
Honds In Wasblrgton and Briitah ColymMa Jtave <-a>i-rd damage of on various railway Unee

lea pledge from Bnlder Ui I’ole for till
o*haloo«a. la., the rarmers- and governor for cenaior. and •Thl# lOmT„ders' Mate Iwnk II* doora |H 1* me. in Older to preserve your g^d
because the l.ualiirsa 1* not profitable.
namt. la come oui In public declsranim
Dra. Eugene I. tlage and B. F. that 1 am for the return of Ur. Hanna
BjiafigUr hace b-<n apisilaird penMon III the I'n.lted BUlea aenate.*' Referring
axanitr.lng surveon* al Me-1lord. Wla.
to Snider's eiaicmeni last nlrhi Kuns

.leaning .Mg'-shotgun.
! When It woa dlM-harsed. the cunlcnU
. ] enterins the woman'* ride.


Printers’ Ink Says:
- “Among the best advertising media are papers that
Kpend money liberally on themselves, first in secur­
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, nf course, shares.”


The Moning Reconi
Providfts Fresh General and F'oreign News,
a Complete Local History Eveiy- Day, and on
Spnda>’S sets before its Readers Up-to-Date

Popilir iistrated Fmlures.

IJ.*d Ws Msatb* wMb • BnipkeB Nee*.
Deciiur..IUa.. Dec SI.—After nearty
Bis moBlh* of anffertng with a broken
neck Eddie 'Wood, a lad of M year*,
died Toenday nliht In thl* city. Laal
July tbe boy was dirlitg al the tern
in ib- Bv***"'"'’
*h.n be strode
a log and brn^e hi* neck.

• j
t had a <
Superinterd.nt Oowier J-me*. thert^n i
of which w*» an amt.wWe aelll-iiientlof '
a strike.begun Wadnewdiy. All the iJrn j
discharged are u> be relnalaied and to-'
day work at both Hotie>bn>uk and Au- ■
■I. PtM r«v ■•ray..
deurted WM rsaumed.
In a bog stwling twee in a Orarglg
KUlanalag. Ra.. Dev It.—An advance I
Jnaticoomtrt tbe jt»<lAeai*ed ttaepnaoBof 1!% peg cent. In the wage* has bewn,,
bad to Mty !«■ himralt
-granted lo fhe employra «f the Wick
Cblra < mpi.ny. and lb* men will go
back to a.
c*barlM..n, W. V.. Drr. Xl.-The Unlled Mine Wnrkera yrslerdsy elected
stale omcer* and an ezecutlvc hoard
light, kase be g« way fum me no tara
and adoirt-^ a rraolutloo exieDglng an
msde the first autbentli utteranee upon dan MX tiBira. ra 1 sprain Two legs an
Invltailor. ’ll the uperaiv.r* of West Vir­
y pltose of the aenBti.nal n
one am to i finallv kotctieel him ca fot
ginia to atn-nd the lutcreiace meeUng
binoiiicfliv. -AilauUUoustiMnaM. I
at 'Tiicxjjo Jan. 17 l<> agtw upon a acale
of prli-.-s fuj ml'ilne In this atalR The
Erick Hsllanal look and Icy bsth In |
tfUtlraii..ii| are that tht! o|>erat<>fs of
■Weal Vlrvlma wilt n-fua. -to attend the , ^
. Chicago meeilng.
I R*hvd -'ui V had be.
Bull. _________ _____
Pittsburg. Dec . a,-Tbe main tO|ric,of‘"•n-l-d woman.
Ing Blmllaf sisiemegts by Mm
Tht busii
n tfi- rireei* Ilf'Uomaotead
> thl* ■ liv |.. s •Cray of frirrid*.
a ndnlng i>
Tcatanlay. »ay* Th- 1
aitly t.*yid ulescriptenr perA TVVtSlI
have reset l...ked urrai him a* a relia­
aetu. was th- r. Oucuim in wage* given kalocisa. la., was praci
Ucrlin ii iuieadKi to receive
r. v< r <^nud him in our lectiwl iu
the tonnage m.-n employed at the Car- by fire. laws. tS.i^
raleolallor* .ii ran vole."
Tbe WlBcmsTo Bute Tsachrt** asi
■egte aleel mill- H is rtilH. uU to estltbe abraucc of, ibc peny oallcd. Ry il*
posiamte the number <rf to- n the r-dui-Uun ciailoff ol-ctol s»woman. Miss Rose
uee a-ekiUtol apentoi ran tninnuit lUO
srtll akccl. but It is i.- ti. i-d chat at Bwai t. irfMdcnt of tbelr aaaoetatlon foe
•ute InrtJtuUcms Bad In lb* rarioua Irticre a miuntc. It oaoebra of a keyMbm L«e men are emi4..>-d on a ton- the ftntt time slocn their organlzatloB.
slat* deiiartmeni* who arr'actlreiv in- bnatil wblob makra omuct wbvn tbe
Mfe taaata at Hnm.-siead al-ne. with
Hush MrlUughUn. for many yrars
In the rami^skH) Bgaiasl Han- key it ptvraad and arade manMotary
ly in Iterested
, i*-^
e IVni'ura
' an ««nal number at th- ICdgiir Ti
the Vader of tbe
' noUd-able fixture of the
btrquraae planU. scu eevea.1 hun- | Brooklyn, has dsCniuly announrod bU i
cumsU into tbo
tbe line. Thaee
These act spon
at ih* Upper and U-w-r t.'ni-m i ,«trvment from political iraderohl^
• polartged nufinet. which wiatroli a



F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
MuDBon Block,



All Df«len Sell Them for

Aami w a BMle fcr a Tor.

PittBbntr. Dif- *L—AeothCT •Mka of
*«Utdow glmm worken obtcb iBB]r pre•VBBl the ce&enl ttoumpUoB m Jbm. t

Raghd with lner«B8lng Warmt
.lh« Cipitnl c« th« Buck,
•y* etath.

Gaiiting- in Popularity-

Bpiilaiiab»it Two Qbaaeaa Balca 9aab.

ping fomrd. raid:


it Costs Money to Do It
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that

Ilie RECORD Hu a Resewll Seat la ttie Baad fa«H.
Advertisers Profit by It.


nis phane
posra of
o. t^
./-s.ooivs t' , , _____ '^ .
__ .
i___ u_____ 1__
be eznecud lo sign U„ ,..-w ,obdenies that -Boas" Sbraiieyd. Thl*
eonuet le ^nnl^
excite a great deal of comment aiid ( «>« tiioTciiient ramcs n Mwn PMm«
nege ecale.
.v.u—*■* --• -; no little critlrtsm of fioverner Brabnetl. • otw a gmUoa-er digtrtbut.T, witb 2S
lempt U give en adequate d>-w^rlpu>ir>
sbephenL i k* BHys. M enjoying the
! wbo 1* cogmiani of what ^going on.
i ooDtneta, and to tbc samckiiiodle is fixed
«f the average redoction. as
b man !
I tyi»-wbvi'l. A naiTow paptT tape pe*p..ken to bad a dlfferral average, run- ,
remalnluz asset* of Ihe defunct
Tw» xtratog Mew Itbe impnmacxi in tbe usaM way.
Bing Dorn 6 to 71 P»r «*°t. , Maverick NsUooal bank of Boalon. «mV imrTible dlaTbe telfiscripleiir may first act a* »
Tw'o extra saw* tora
‘h- j i.r«.ing unpaid notek execuUona and
wriUiic aarbine. Tbe railing
cot girder ralla, wMch will remm* th» I .u<jementa amoanung to tl.vM.W. were day-grternonn by the finding of tbc
snlebed workjiulrtdy frro the mllL Imt
ethiioB depreirara two lor«a« seen above
tend bodies of Jlenry Bebher.-a bi~
(be k*.rbavd. and tbeKoeiring staUon
maker, and Josci* BrownelUe. a
............ ........................
wht> bad been ml
, lowen «n of tbetea bTen. Wbeo ceralrt- of New York, ysstvrday led to th* dresser.
Ing tbe year to increase the oatpuL aifd alur Ml** Pearl Voorhlea. niece of hi# lazt Baiurday night. The men bad hewn ,
^ ttanmuited. both iustnimcats
the only Increane bad Iwvn brooghi
^ operaUg merely deprostog
lal- wife, at Lexlngicr.. Ky. Haggle 1* eufforaied by the fume* of burned ga*
'abw< by tbelr own toil. The men In
74 and hi* i-rlde » kvar* old.
which earaped
i tbe key* in tbo tumal way. tbe' tape bothe XJ-lBch irJll met w ith the MijarinBay llin;1t-raon. of la CrosM. Wls..
ing fed ibe proper distaare after eai-b
taodrait of the mill bun evening to duatutnpied to h-.ierfrrv in a fight on the
Dec. XL-No tele- Irttfc^a printed. When rbe noeiviug
«Bne the redaction, bui the men rafnned
street In which hi* dug was Invoivad.
graph eommunkariim has yet been reto Mgn the new scale. Tbe warUngmnn
to trangmiL tbe: to snld that when Abe S-liub when the brute torned on hi* maztcr rariwd from the ctoamer mnfford, wblefc mg a dejge^hg tbe lenga is revened.
and Inflicted painful tnjurica.
left Manlatlque Tuesday night and waa
,^ir- were ln«1ted into tbe ofUce to
Henry Woolscy. an ax-memher of the (Mi«ht in a ba*iT atorm on rouU tot It ran aira te eomhinod with tbe teletbe sew a<^ they bacaipe ao intdxmertbeaemewin*rngviacfir
2Smm that they evsD rsfueed to look BelratloB Amy at Biouz Ctty. la., has ttila place, haariiy loaded with flour.
»ppra and tbe telepbramer tbe^W
Wedneeday noon tbe teka baa
—Tebo towle. Many of them refnaed to •ud tbe army for W-OO* damaa^ bebel^ oaed. aa draind>>l]y tbe rimple
Smk wbUc ether* gry'raJd to have chMga. a* be clMm*. tbe cMUde •«- been (dear aaWac, anfi bar owwre age
■biftlnc (ff a awitoh.
I matter a second thought ewed Um «t immoralHy and aOuded alarmed for her aafety.
aa an "awTul example.**







213 Front SL

Baltimore Stook Reeelred Three Tl»«a-» Week
Counto.. 40e per quart
StiuuUrdk aOc p«r

Fletchu's Orster Dtpot ui Resiumt

We wish youdU

A Happy

New Year..
186 Front Street




wm be jolMd br Utf r«i)k(U«D meuM
poiiw. About tony
thr t<*D foroM •■)!
Kother to the peinu
U to b* StatHboted.

That Ragulata tha Import of 8mW
olrfr)* Irito Uneia Sam'a

Is namtwr. Aod
thrn pn>c«ed t»>
vb«n tta« relitt
No 4nlt« trill be

Yni. ALSO 011I8E J

. Tetemee


Ool •* Oau«.

«nder the ert of eonercee »l*oed
WMneeday txohlbUlaa the taktne af
aealBlclDe b> Amerieaii rtlUen* except
OB the Prit ylof Uiaade. aad InhlblUne
the'Importation Into thla country of
Tide that no heaUlclaa. raw.
dyed or oUhtwIm manufactnred. ahall
«e admitted

to entry In lha




Be le Ks.Vomr<rolloe Ketr.

WaehlnirtoD. l>or. :i.—Comptroller
fttae Currrniyr Je.iiII. Eckela. vboee
reetcnoilon took efrtr.1
lodt}'. Called
t^iOB the preeicliQt ytieSrrdejr'AfteniooD
, to pay hie reej-oew enO e»y (oud>bre.
I EckeU left for Cblra^o tble moraine.
7^PMpUV1ioP*n frttl.»»»eelM
Bla anreeaaor. Chari.'* O. Da«e», will
—mu tvuetr MUkU Tr—«4 Ub^e
.Bnallfy as comptroller lodey. aad take
riecms or More *• - C.
; t^rgat'f (he office n<xl Monday.

WaeblBcton, Dec- tI.~Tbe oecretarr
of the trea^uiy. with the ajipraval of
the pnoldent. haa leaned resnlatloBc



Tbe Uniertniyof deuB tbuyoar oelabntee fti tbma bnodred auif Efdetb anjBivemtT. It waa foBuded in 1647 by

: Fiiooc Jobauu Krmdrich. who. baTinii
I lorn W» own UniTi-ndiy cf WiUenbniK.
reen Code at; iqgatber wKb iHa iperwBa] libeny, at
lapaah Vaaea riBc battle Of MnUbTry. took tbe Art
a of Jena
a *f *heaU-} atei* KiwaM tbe ft

.O. P.


Suits to Order.


baa attnbqhd to U>e 4xbi ane a femi-

tbe prluoe to a^p<^aae them.


ome end to tb(! dark oo| a
Alto ibia bardy nw symboliaeB a



ILSKBT a MATES. Atloiweya. SpaeM ^
I y Pm*—^praeUce. Boo—•aud

Imporiant to Property HoMen!

a(ie that baa witbnuod tbe

lo (be pinea on eitber nde are act Rraoe-

Prince of Retail Merchants

fnl atenuof bamboo, wbich. nAnfi erect
witb moceanoo of ruiRo. toma
tymbol of bale lllc and fnilneat of ytara
The dlftanoe between tbe pioea—abunt

' rlllolW


Jfihn Wanainaker

Mx feet—It apenned by a great rop«>,




ebolor Irbai aaiOBa tvwslT.two laadlag aad te-


“The Science of_
* a «

Bisbanwn. tboiiextagtms. Utbebeaswinner. Uitendthsae
u>e special
I. with-face and body *o batterod
painxi of all wbo wish tot
leave no dosbl of your •Incerlty.
I, borscuirp and wbolara He
while I. the loaer. Uau-ned with never
a bruise or acraich from head to foot stnuda Brand cap-a-pie. gTnaiuug a long
which could contradict you. '
■prar in bis right baud, while is bla
iiarka almut wl
...................., Irfi be bolds a mistatnre fagoda wbicb
him to do. Corbett
public expecta
ttett pro- oontaiiu tbe tool of tbe derotit Tbowi
— .e day
c4eds aa follow*: -The
] who pmy i<-hiia ate wid that “he «an
articles I wUl give you $1.0M
grant them good furtsse more fwiftly
nltlon of your courtesy. Tbe moment
than tbe Sight of an arrow tram tbe
yon enter tbe ring, ready to offer me
battle. I will «ve you a second ll.OOO bow "
Nem to this
In token of my pleasure.
I'pon tbe
tbe Venna of tbe oonsauiy. a
bn of the tenth rtmnd. If you
undefeated. 1 will give you a woman, bolding
third tt.OOb as a a>nvenlr of my attraf'mnsle. the emblem of haimuny
prise. L'pom defeating you. no matter uir* and people wbo make tbtsir tiribflggi
In what round. I wUl gUe >t>u XI.OOO by aaissinB tbe pnbltc look to her for | **(
more aa a reminder that 1 am nut an
aurartiveoiga and abtliiy to acquire j
ungenerous foe.
tbe other hand, sbonld yon again
Hotel, tbr ifstt dignified of tbe ws-;
defeat i le. I promise If still able lo
fiL but tbe greateet tavonte of tbe
place my hat upon my bead,
and then removing It In j-nur honor tn pt^mlaoe'et targa u aoppowd to he*e
beenaprlesL rwneinbmd iewhu portly'
procUIni you In frank a
terms to tx- my auperlo
form, htt love of cbildm end for a
1 then and there quit fi
' Poe>>large cloth taqi. wbicb be elsrayi ear
hip .
Be u tbe Jaisioe—8aou Claoa
CodieU c.mB himself "rham.
■ bean reuiD*:
a merry old telli
plon of America.”
a boTuh

6nnd BipUs a iidiui R. R


7V>00E * OOVgtX. Aliorttrr* a** coso«»lXJ lorn at I**. OOm. Clly Opera Bom* Blh.

ly ttstias is sSsat Drc.
A. a.

ior| Ta'EsikMkA





T VIBT-Oa PrUay. brlarrc tb* MafrsBtUr
Xj Ca'aatatT sb4 BatvondsT* ,t«o bosdW
». lu^ab^.^tynwr
Jramoe sad

*>r**t. BC a



ora Bapd*


again on i-ertalc

conrlUioDs. j —thing* which be bn* gatbvrrd.

-- -----

guU wbo

pyiXalON ATTOghet dCT OF DaTK.

id Ibal he
~ ———
h.. should
.ho,H ■I ■"

'ccrheit has de- '■
i^i* wppowkJ toooottm. or tbo
...lied Maher and after MeCoy had tmuntry from which be diapensea gifts
defeated the man named by rne. I have to all good ctaildm; fer b* u of k(»n
diwemmeA witb eye* Jn.^ back of
aaed ]Choyn*U.''
bit bead. and. able to see ^Jroiuid oorCL&te OF THE BIG WHEAT DEAL
nen. be ean «—ity dlttuigvtab U>e good

* Be WUl Have tC. RaM .c If OiMBlBtaslals.




PI- Warma

of peastons Evans baa been giving some
suentlon to a piupoalUon whereby the
services ^ pension attoraiys engaged


tn the pr.*>aecUtl>« of c lalms before tbe
ofliew may be dl^nsed nlth and their
work d>ne hr oaclals under]


■W'Jf'S'.iflUSS-'S.™'"’' *"

Cblrago. Dec. SL-elb* dosing aeeoc*
In the belter deal In December w heal
will have been enseted by 2 o'clock
this afteraoon and tbe curtain rune
down on everything of a apmitallve
nature pertaining to tlje affair.
that time. loo. there <<IH pfi.hably hare
been delivered about «.OOO.n6 buabela
of wheat. .
Teoterday'* action of tbe martew and
the purchaaea vt December by ladter
broker* »eem proof that there 1*j«o
December shortage now oulsundfhg.
ta generally expected that Ijhe great
Dd up wltbOOl the sen, *41100
looked for.
ArawIMMi ef Embrw^mei
Cfilrago. Dec. J! -The.^«t Bchinta.
.lawy-T and private hanker, who failed-

and trade*
He is ebr tbud *oa of 1. anagi and Iranami 00 luikdto. tba oea*
tor* of grrai Japan and tbe pragvnttor* of ebe mikadq. but be refiecU little
mriii un hi* illiutnoiu pnrenuga. fur
be IS a OTppla He u repreatmted in
■pictures a* ciitigg by tbe ma cm a rock,
srttb a flshiug rod 10 bis bands and a
lart» red laiL the tnrl«ot of the Japanese
twuquct. under fits arm. and on bla
bviiil a cap warn by pursutu of nuik
Daikoku. the ^ of srealth. u a
. abort, stoat, well to du looking flguro.;
I standing nyui a patrol nee bales, bold-!
: tngs huge jmUetan «oe band andshlb

Several Fine
lUustr^cd Features

Neit Sunday’s Record.

U. Leabt I1’.! !.

WsBhlDgtun. Dec. 3L—ft I* said that
enfc..or the purposes of tbe present vtalt
to Washington of tbe L'nlted State*
minister lo Veneiuda. Doomls. I* lo
Mart ntgoUations for a foetproelty
treaty betwecoVenesuela a^d the Unitad State*.
l»ls Is rather an unexpcctad step, a* Ven*xuela was one of
the few Booth Amerlean eouatrlas
which did not make a reHproelty treaty
under lb* foraoer system. At that tune,
bowarar. Vanesusla anffered by havtag

BelkM 4>r C^KWIke r~plw
Wsahlngton. Dec. XL—TYw arrange

twwof tkelwiUo roml—.
Calcutta. Dec. D.-Ti Is officially anBOUDCcd that the rseent famine nst tbo
tiaajory XbW.COO, while loan* to tgrleulniriai* and the auapenaloni of t**e*.
malcty repayable, aboorbed aaotber
ClL«M.«lO irrespoetli
t El.Tfa.4M.
•Maw York. Dec. SL—President Mc­
Kinley ha* accented tbe Invitation of
the National Manufactnrara’ saaodaattend Its banquet at the Wal-


of Cknada. aad tb*
to relief for tbe KloBdikera.
tamplaies that tbe relief expedition
•Aall iw kxaeuted JulnUy by tbe UnlUd
States areoT and a force of the mounted
police Of esanada. whli* conaUtutao tbe
•>* 0»* Dorolnioo.
United Bute* force will pjweeed srlth
tl».r^i*f atore* to Bkaguar. where they

j». r: Tt. pr»M«..
the tariff.


OsletLa. JUa.. Dec. Il.-Mr, and Mr*.
sreddiBg rcatarday.

Oalena'a «UM realdenL harlnc Uvad

btaul ptoveua too btgb look* and keeps
(be eyte intent epua tbe reatinas of
Ufa smboai wbkb tbme ean be <00 sdoTbe mallet u tbe oymbol of Ubor
by which wealth U aoqaized. aad tbe
balm of noe CM which be Rand* show
that be M the patren of agncaltnral
AU. dame* of the people

TNOB aALE-Lowbrr. UU sad shlagtas.
•P TrsrefSsCHyLsBkerCo.' l*»-tf



tawoek srrtsssot IIBOa m.



West Michigan.


i II

y.o. i*. B.


■Q-niOCE LCXBSB lor soK M tt
JO. fo*L Apply «« TrsTsra* Oly


-Money to Loan

unsns in ntnusnii li

Os iBssored rtty prepeny.






The Celetested Spedfilifti,


Hotel Whiting
Tbatebsk City, Mich.

rt..* have b-n mad*, one of which olpng over bi. ttK.oider raprqi

---------------------- I--------- itb. hnrd to baactioired: like
I ediy to be cootrolled and;
to eacape. tberafore to be bold
Tbe capcomlug well twortbe tmttui'Id^*.. De<. ti.—Tesurdsy
Imurd fur the akrest of
* vere
v ere Is*
C. I'. BiurKi*. late pr.siaetit of the Otllsink-> f'<^*lweln. wr.o. attempted
>:lng. f.»rembea*lemeiftof
BUlckle by *hpe:ln
Wt.-n the officer* called
whorj fun.D. Wl

i_t •bIuM* f«r llgki boMoca*. tomwiy oerspi*dbyik*TTsa*pH(w tpHy <0 Prsak Pried-


OBee* orer Nonlagse'* ki

thf pension Ixireau would have direct
control.of the |ier«oas apt»lnu>d to t>ok
after tjBca*e*. who*- biielne** It would
that ait honest claim* were
' fT>'' oibt'f grasping thr tnoaib of a bag.
proiKpf^ and IntrllJgenUy prvaented.
Oiled wub wind, slung uvor bis abotUThe ••ommlsshmer note* the fac .that
Hv i» painted bloc, tbe color ol
|wtd out duiii r the ' sev-ral m<nth* ago with llabilltle* of
beasim. w«..rta black cap tbe (crown
tlU.OM. was a.qaltted yesterday
pe'Dslon attorp^ thirteen year*
t)e larreoy of ll.OOO from Hulda
of wbu-b project* lorwardoviThB brow,
ney* ii} app'icwht* for tbe
who rlalmed RchlntB
ttiuiidcd ^ a rafwitn wbicb be
«f their claim*.
(Uiey from
! wnnwimes •Miitmo* bmiaeU
Tbe bkcsJ
TaTkiQg alxmt iM-nalnmi the postuBIce
department has ruled that an ex-Unlon hlpmelf lo he In an Ineoh
a*, banian aatore u pnue to ambmexL
of the Theo­
■PHler drawtng a p-aal.rti under the, Emil H BrhlnU. cashieralso
acquitted 1 »b«vfore a low figure and b>m_ble am
dependent penilon law may Iw rttn- dor- PchloU iiank.
atated In a position be formerly occu­
pied In the lu rvlce.
The ^*ae arose
. In eonnnion with the application of a
veteran employed In -tbe Philadelphia
posloffi.'v. In order to oMain a pemloif
tind.r the Bependeni act a claimant
must awear tliai he ta without maan*
of support and Is imaMe to do manual



Kb OAE L008 WANTED—CsD OS or ad£v dtsssj. E UrriUekCo. ItO-U

Iron tbe bad




PlV^mOmS' £pldw D*troK *04






;3; a’iiiS

rpKAIKXn Xt'ltaB-Bis* budi* Bclnaib. a
i xradttsirtti tbrCol«Ttb/B«^laL^

Scenes along the Water
Front of a Great City. A tni WATCH AMD rtaAlR tOBT-n*A*r



hm.Nonkpitrt. »ar*-


with bun a* with a pUyniatcaod claim,
him as ibeir own Hi* bag. alwayu fnlL |
may be put to many nsra It may be a,
brd gpon which he can reel hi* Imiba at;





Apply at • W**-Wr

:s Is

Mseh. I^y

bystaavlk* at



s.B. 1 r.s. :L*.
ink *«».Trs».CIly

to(|>.Bi. Tilipkiaip.n.

Sunday’s Record.

would do in regart tc. Cotbetfe formal
Chall.-nge. “We told Corbett what he
can dll." continued Julian. 'Itob did
at aU.



I. BBOWN. aumtey

pine OT» with a reddlab atem and « i folk lofnaed to narbcir ibe atu.letirf any
tbe left ooe wtib a black atem.
Fancy | ioo*.t. and it took tbe iotercemiuu of

...j that aatd aklna were not taked
ChaUeaaee ptia wd hayt lha LaMar A«- '■ aril llilUgs from crnwing tbe tbraabold.
frum aeals killed TritblB the waters
Among toe deeorationa bong in ibe
Wendoned In said acL sprcityinf In de­
Cincinnati. Dec. II.—Jamea J. Cor- 1« tbe lakara-bnne. "tbe ahip of
tail tbe loealfty of auah taking, whether
ben yeetrrday lave cut for publUw- j srcelth. ' a rainutnre ahip of twiated
on land or at sea. and also tbe iienon
Don bla challenge to Rghi Itobert Fits- straw. In wbicb are anted tbe ween
elmmona The document la irofllral to | ^gdi of fortune and bapptoen Tbo
tbe point of inaulUng. Jim cbooaee. he , nameeand Innctiotuxd tbew aerca goda
her.Consula ahall requireaaitatauiuiy |
to aaauroe Abai Doh a allegrd In- : gf fortniio ate worthy of eihstion.
e>-ldeoce of Ihrtruth ofauch facta by ajupnce on Jim proving himaelf In ! Fnkuri^ujL tbe flrat figure which atMtb or ottera lae.
^Maa. la a mistake of tbe pren. I iracta ucHice. u an old man with a VHiy
taii bund
He u konim as tbe BDcieut
Ttie regulaltona then proNde that
j “You c-aiiiiol so •O..0 have l..rgotten star of tbe sooih pole, tbo Inmiuary
ory artl< le manufactured in « bole or in j

r at Carson, just after I ^iMcb pnsnda over baman Ufe and by
- part fnim fur aeelaklna to l>e Imi-orled^^. battle

iB*caiK-n unleaa "
It is llabte t
Using thereof b
ptit of t
•U«j*ed for examlnatio
owner shall have Ukeo
U-fore starling on her voysure to obtain
•a cerimcate of ownership from
colleitor of caatoms' of the port Of delanure.”




t the Place of exporta-


ZXT8TTYl.A^039o ' i.v.puebia.


T— New NaUMal Banka.
Waahlngtuii. Dec. XL—The eomptroUer'a certlScaie*. eotborlalnc (IH
followinx national hanka to beeln busIneaa were Huued yMtcrdayr The Corn
National hank, of Chlcm»o.
pliai. ll.MC.OOO; the National bank. *t j

Uient su|B-rvlal»n.
been discurslng the mati>-r
N't* of the house committee
penMnns. tail I* nut .
outline the details of his blan. Tbe
present »>-aleiii. hi- says. l*/w#uig and
should bac-e been done awgy with long
ago. Dis-ontlnalng the serylee* of the
attorneys would result in ajtre
Ing to both
menl. and UabtUly to frauds In ,.
pensions would be reduoed to aiminl-

Eyer Burned On|1
If ao yon know

Odlee* la MMtagwe moei .TiseersrCllr.Bleh.

norma and atmartea of exiatenoe Cloae

Of coun>.- sealafiin artlcd** which are
taken oui of this country aad brought
Wk are spared,
but another rule
make* them llolde. notnatler bon little
Sealskia there .Is In them, to toa ripped
to piece* Id order lo llnd out whether
pru|e-rly stamped on the Inner surface,
and iwld.w must lx- accompanied with
a consular certlfkatr. A tiealakln purw

to hare breu firmer in
yom- diwipliur w ben tb« boy wae little.
8pare tbe rod. and yon apoil tbe ebild. ”
‘know it, and if I bad it to do om
attain I'd r(nb faie iodnlgeul old ffrendfatber black and bibe.Cblcago Tfib-

<t Melancfatbon, Lntber’s fricjiil. hot be nwiyued ibo eame
,ln JaiAu ••ihc xUid i w yew" la a ; ^i-ar in oonaeqaenoe of relifrions dbwet|.
a-atcB of lunch '(vauvfiy and Innonent. ______
rioua. Tbe firil aoote of atodeals camo
and : tram Witienberi;. and tbttir «ninb*7«
tmnli. Every portal la de

B—te'aeod Kenefte r-bfc
Wanhlnrcon. Dec. It.—The aecreiary
Of elate haa directed the dlsburalox offtoer of the state department, rra&k
A. Branaaaa. to taXe charce of any
Bwney and suppUee for Cuban deaUtuU
that may he delivered
0 Conaul Oenerfi Laa
ward the

.of the manufacturer pnd the I'lar-e of
" manufactun. and ahall be an»mjMnled by a-utatement In wnung under
the oath
tl>e msnufactorvr that the
aUna usc.4 In nld article were .taken
from aeals not killed at aea a-lthln the
proacrlbed waters mentioned. apeetD'*
Ing tbe |ocaHl> In ileulL and also the
person from whan aald Milns weir purchased in their ras and dreiu.d slate,
the date of said purchase and the lot
number. Thli* role would lake from a
man's band*, the aealakin
glove* be
wore cm arrival at Sew Tork If heoonld
nut prove them made of skin Uken on
the Pribvinf lalanda All MwJaklnB or
manufacture* thereof not cvir.Ing Inside
the ceculattons • are, setxed
and de­
. .


The oasaasr.


FRIDAT. JANDIRIf 7th. 1838.
' Oaf Day Oaly Bach Voatta.

. Oonraltulaii ud EzunlnsUoii FtIm and Strictly

boner bun. aad >M 4BAE* » u ««Bi7
' maa
JlTOjin, tbo Besaath of tbeae goda U
tbe doplicBteaf FUnrokajn Bate^raeated as a scaenble man of digni­
fied bfaanng. d»d in loug (obos of a bygcue tima bearing a tan BOdsoppming
tail footsiap* by a crooked ttaff tnaa

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
TYw^mAnoAvena w

Tbw aevai dlsutinea like tbe nine
BmM. aie tbe* chaiged witb foncaan*
of great import tn relauoo to tbe lower
world. Tbeir 1
oradle mga to tbe aooad of which
many a Japaoeae diUff u boabed
(Brtteat Infant sleep
Tbit «»g 1
^lectaUy Kr-annoonoe the rosnn
port cd the tnaanra ataip, arUb U
m gods of fomuM aboard. <b Mew

krtsflwaw tkrsa


at urta*


at*0*Sca—' JeneUa^ tak* thlS^uSs sad

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