The Morning Record, October 07, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 07, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



mue— Xvanu Palled Off Be
fora 1000 BpeoUtora.

drew trtek. M It «
driver Bor ulkj were dameod keyoi
e elirht emtek m the boree'e (or
qoerter. bet m f

S:2;e)eee, la whieb there were terea
Vwo were Trota, ese a Boanlnjr Bane. eatriee. bat wltb oa\y eia boreee eagairwl in the trotUaf. The field had
Bnt Banh Feralebed Plea^ ofBpert, rwcbed t« Ue three qaartw whea
- Bobo Bzelteaeat AlBoet Traredp Mejr haaoa, drivm hy (%arlee R. Fox.
•Bd Flentp of Oowedy-BaJaeo of of Oread Rapida and owned hy Hooper
WlBBcra and the Time Beooide Brae., of the eaae eltr. wee omb to
loaf plnnfe over tbe (eaee Into the field
Brerp raeldeat of. and ewp rieltor tnrnlBf a complete oomeraanlt, the
to. Trareree dtp. peoterdap. who wae, enlkp and the drirer. Mr. Fox. follownot at the cloeinc dap’e ooeae of the Inf after. All landed on tbe aod of the
three dapa’ raoe-Beetlnr of the TVar- ' field. There wee a deep froan of hor­
orae dtp D.'iriaf Ctah. aloeed aereral ror and fear went op from the blf
food thlafa.
crowd in the frand otaadaad field, and
The dap prreented tbe moet exhllarfrom a few people with field fflaaeea.
both track and elah. while the attenduo — tl.. 1W.U. U.
•h. w«k-.
Th. .k.w ™
better than a clrene, infect.
There were eaallp one thonaaad peo­
ple on the (rronade. and never before,
at a like attracUon. waa there a preater
tnrnontof vehicle* aod eqaipape* of
aU alaea. d-icriptioae and are*. The
fronnd*. both back aod to the rifSt of
the rrand atand and la the field Inaldo
the raoe track wa* llterallp filled wlU
rica. and la each, from eln(l* boTTF
to preuntioM baroncbe. wa* a bappp
ratherlBC of people, from the *pooBlnr
coBpl* to the ^Up partp. Sverpbodp
•sjored hlmaAf and hereelf. .
The dap waaVeal. There waa aunahln* enonrh to rin » hint of anmmer.
while the
wiU jnet enooffa of a chlUinf edf* to
five a olananrable teat to the anjopmeat of a dap ont in the open air.
ne Dapb laent*.
There were thrae racea, two of them
trou and the third a rannlnf event.
Tbe firet trot wae fiolehed it three
heeta. ^ eecond la five heaU aad the
rnooinf raee wae rnahed toahnrleeqne
flnleb afinr a eomieal oooree in two
•‘heaU ”
The firat haatof the aeeood trot
marked bp almoet a trafedv at tbe
|aat qaartcr, aad tbe two beau of the
mnniof raoea aaw plentp of oomedp.

with five entriee, two of them acrateb•d. The participanu in the racea were
na follow*:
BlUleC. driven bp W. F. Bradlep;
Dugwoo^.^rivea bp F. S. York: and
boalB H., driven hp Sd. Swlnbart.
- The race wae won by Dogwood in
ehree etraight beau. BilUe C comioK
aocond and Lonlae H. getting third
The time bp beau: firat,'*eeond. S:$0: third. 2:30S'.
Goeae, owned bp F. C. Snffertca. of
Patoakep. and HalUe Swift, owned by
Bd. LaoUer, of thU dtp, were both
withdrawn befwe tbe raee began, the
firat beeaoae of departnre from the
dtp, the Booood baeanae of a alight



8. Intaatrp. Thep met in Texa*. laat
aammar. Mia* Smith wa* raieed in the

PlUager ladiani 8tlU BralstIng the iffiiHa,


8 Torai Vnited fitataa fioldiera Killed,;

BxdttngTripofTranaport Berlin te
BasUago de Onba With HalL

An Engraved Card
Is a pleasure to see—so is fine stationery. We
can order the first for you, and the latter we hare the
very latest styles acd colors.

Inolxwlinc Xi^Jor VUhlnaoB-OaBor-


Holley & Gonaable,

Santiago. Oct. 6.—The transport Ber­
al Baooa'a Force Xnadeqaate to Oope lin haa arrived with mall and aeventp
With tbe Bed Kea aod Kora Troope alek aoldien. Five dape ago fire wan
290 Front Street
“City Bookstore.**
eovhred in her eoal bunkm. which
Ordered Ont—ThirtP Indiana Were
etnbbornlp reeUted the efforU of
tbe crew to exUngnleh it that it be­
OpaeUIteTa* Metna* RaooBB.
came neeensaip to pnt into Mapagarx,
Mlnneapoll*. OcL fi.—A apeelal to
he went comet of Porto Bioo. aad
tbe Jonrnal from Walker, aap* that unload all of tbe coal. ThU caoaed a
Major WUkInaon, alx privatee and one deUp of tbrea da^ After the ship
Panl’s—Diamond —Thomas—Arnold*^^Stafford'*
Indian pellcemea are dead. Colonel left Mapagnet she ran into a coral
—A full line—^at
Sheehan waa wonndrd. Tblrtp Indian*
■k not indicated on her chart, and
are dead. '
narrowly eeesped being wrecked.
1-he Journal dlapatch boat ha* Jnat
Baeen at Inziogtea.
returned Irom th* battle fronnd*.
pedal u in* Metaiae Bacoao.
that driver Charirp Fox. waa injnred, I There bad been detoerau (Ifbtinp all
Lexington. Oct. 6^The Fn’ori^
a wreck. Fire tbe mornlnf. Tbe J-mrnal’a boat
.Vo mart premium tickets or premiums, after Jforemher 8ih.
stekes were won bp nur tbe Great:
Wflren to tbeee bronfbt eat IL 8. Tallman.depntp marCharley Err. Limerick and Seiaphina
Please hear this in mini
rta.hp the appoarenee Bhall and Colonel Sheehan. Sheehan
divided eecond.third aod fonrtb monep.
of tbe home, beavp blanketed, beiof wa* abet in the abdomen.
While tbv but was transferring tbe
led acnw* tbe field: tbe enlkp polled
Pretty effertT
back to the atable* aod the nppearance wonnded men. aba waa |red on from
of Charlep Fox hlmaelf. joat a little bit the bnab. ThU wa* a signal for the
in all I
the worae for wear, at tbe jadpeb' immedlau reopening of beatllitiea. Tbe
troop* opened on tbe Indiana aLd in a
etandv Here be wae brnaheid of tbe
a^nd there waa aa fleree a flgnt in
dnat, and pinekllp declared that both
Teeth-Witbont plate*. Dr. Sawrer,
progreasaa that of yesterday. Uealien B. L A Co.'* Week.
he aad the otare would take part la tb*’
waa shot tbrongb the ab'-older. Tbe
vaip next beat and in tbe eotlr* rac
firing was ao hot that tbvp aera compalled to weigh anchor.
The eecape of all eoneernad waa a
The Indian* appear to be In great
marrelena one and all of the faoraemea
eaid it waa e miracle that Map Aomoa (area, ueneral Bacon'e oommand U too
waa not kilied^ntrlrht. Tke eanae of email to take tbe aggreaeiva Tbe De­
tachment U cnireocbed In good pcaitlen
thafall waa tbe home had been polled
np too Ufht- Deaptte the aoeident.bow. and can bold ont aa long a* tbslr amMoat b* left to tbe enstomever, which attracted aerowd of aever- nnltioa lasta
era- deeUlon.
Major Wilkiaaoo was shot and killed
al hnndred people to the tar aide of the
Wa are glad to show oar n«r
Jnil suits — have pon compare
fleld.Map AemoB and berdrivcroontlnn- wklle walking np and dowu, adnu>nlablng hu men to keep their heads low.
eloUia. trtmuinga, makra and
ed te trot In tbe foor next beaU, wlthgeneral “tone” aritb the other
No braver man or better officer ever
{Oonllnned on Face 3 ]
\ Sealer*' goods, and are natUfled
lived. The men in bU oomaaand are
f that we'll get the aalc.
crated with rage. Major Wilkinson
was first shot tbrongb tbe the lag. had
i OTCIUDCDO’C Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
Cnntiniies to attract tbe
the leg dreeeed. Be took tbe field
shoe buyers.
OoTornorFingroe plana a new Oonp agetn but waa ahortip afterward shot
Agalnetoae ofthe Kiehlgan
tbrongb tbe body lying, in a pool of
One customer tells an­
blood. He raiaed blmaelf to one elbow
other of the wonderful shoe
Detroit Oct 6.—Govornor Pingree and sbonted to General Bacon: -Oiva
banfaioB they ffot have, so
thinks that be baa a naw plan to com­ them bell. General, never mind om.”
pel the Michigan Oealral to sell family These were the laat worde he aaid.
that moet of our cnslotners
When tbe fight started paetar^p be
mileage books- H* aapa: “The Snpcome in and say: “Give me
rameeonrt held that the original line ibooted: “Steady, now. make every
of tbe eompanp bad never been consoli­ ebot eonnt. Kill everpWng pon see.
a pair lik^r. 8o-and-So got
dated with any of tbe btwcb llnae that Sqnawe are more to be dreeded than
the other day. I saw them
BOW eoropriae the apstem aod conae- bneka aad Cnba’s vnltorea are not more
Places poor band on tbe throttle of extra beat at no extra cost. It U as
Lieotenant Morrison
and they suit me. 1 think
qnentlp that tbe charter baa not been to be averred.
investment. It U spending II to make Si- Atuebed to stove or furnace pipe,
aim etraight". He sbonted: -Oon’tget
it batches the brat asnallp wasted np tha ebimnep aad pamea It aronnn Ut«
they were your
room. Cosu bnt lltUe.
IS of tbe ebarter we rattled, bops. Tboee devils can't get
can’t compel tbe< mpanptoeell family na Try again,” be eaid, langbing aa a
milage hooka When tbe company got ball tonebed bit bat aod knocked it off
iu charter it bad abont soo mllee of Tbe men cheered him right in thick of
I Larger Store..Double Stock.?
track. Now it has t.600. Inasmoeb aa tbe beiUc.
tbe court taps that tbera baa been ao
There wee a big eonference at tbe
Elegant New Lines..
conalidatioB. tbe ebarter cannot apply ageaep laat oigbL
Lienteaaot Bornto tbe other 1.400 mllea Tfaeae 1.400 phrvya. of tbe agetaep detachment and
miles most be onder tke general rail­ Dr.Hart. ageaep eurgeon. were invited
road lew, whieb given oe tbe right to with half a doun bad ebaracters who
every time.
make the road eell family books "
bad stirred np a sentiment In tbe favor
Increased display Fine Watches. Fine line Silk Umbrellaa.
BrinK your femily wilb
of joining tbe Piltagera. Dr. Hart told
in^d Moaloal Instnunenta. Strings.for all iastmmeDts, Harithem if they went on tbe war patb
you, for yon will sniely want
. China Ware. Everythihe
there wonid not be a live Indian on tbe
to bny when you see these
Take a look th rougl;h oi
Tranavaal Preparing to Beeist Brit- lake in a week. Llenteaant Uumpbreps

Ink, Mucilage and Paste-

Martliani RIacL



i Whatever’s

I Said;

Best Stples,
Best Manrials,
Best Wortmaesbip
aod lowest Prices.

Sliue SalB


} U I CinDbllv U

end Clothing House.




S3.00 Shoe
For $1.98."

Jewelry, Silverwarel


The Beeond Baoe.
Second race; one mile beaU- 8:17
iah Bncroaehmanu, Haa VaUvs
daai. with aeren entries, one eeraldied
Vpriaing on lu Banda
before tbe raoe eUrtod and another
after the fonrtb beat The boraea ap­
London. Oct. A—A apeelal to the
pearing were Map Aeuon, drivon hp C. Daily Mail from Cape town eape Greet
E. Fox: George Patchen, driven bv H. Britlan will Uke over tbe Delegoa bap
Kiogawortb; Frank M.. driven bp C. cnatome. railwapa and telegraph, nine
lagaraoU: Fred Almoat driven bp Cbartnee.
Diepateb adds that tbe TbanaUa Germaine: Culver Bop. driven bp
Prank Talbert: and Dan Bailey, driven vaal letrialatare baa disenssed tbe draft
of a mllltarp measnre. the Transvaal
bp B. MeCop.
Five beau were ran. at the end of tbe and Orange Free Slate to render each
fonrtb Map Aeom being withdrawn. other millurp asaistenee. Tbe action
Tbe record of the heau aunda thus: * of tbe legUlatnre U attributed to (ear
Map -Aemon.................................. fi S 4 r, 3
arising from BritUb
George Patcben........................ 3 4 S S S
o of Delagoa bap.
Prank M.........................................3 3 8 3 8
Fred Almont.............................. !> s i i 1
Meanwhile tbe Transvaal U likely te
Culver Bqy ...................................1 16 4 4 have iu bande (nil In ----------*'-------***■
Dan Bailey.................................... 4 6 3 3 3! an expedition that U being dUpatebed
Tbe time made in each of these five,
a^nai Haefo, a northern chief, who
beau wa* as follows; First 8:30lv; sec
U preparing to make a strong reaUtond. 8;33X: third. 8:83: fonrtb. 8:3314 anee. AU road* leading northwnrd
fifth. 8:33
are held by armed Kaffira.

backed thU autemeot.
AfUr several
boon Ulk, tbe lodlane decided to be
good Indiane. at least for the present.
The aeaoraace map not be worth much.
Tbe IndUna are fighting like manlaca.



X>eUp in Bending AssUtane*.
SpMUIteTealloaena Saceso.
St. Paul, Minn., Oek 7.—A Walker
special to the DUpateb aapa: “A boat
from the aoene of action baa just ar­
rived. The fighting U atlll progreaaing.
Major Wilkinson, one sergeant and
three private* were killed aad eight
wounded. Kap-Bap-Gwap-TUb, chief
of tbe Indian police, waa killed. It
impossible to bring tbe wonnded
into town, for tbe Indians kept np a
> moved tbe stock from my old
oonsUot fire on tbe boat. Not more
ra mi Bast Front street, to tbe
than fonr Indiana have been killed and
only two wonnded.

After reinforcemenu get here it will
take two boors to embark them and
third monep in tbU raee will be antwo boor* more for them to get to
Donaeed eomellmc today, ae tbe jndgre
Sugar Pednt; therefore tbe beat that
were nnable to reach a deeUton last
can be expected U that they will aot
aigbt; darkoeee approaching also, mak­ Party OaUed White has Servad Two
be able to render mneh asaUlaooe ex­
Tenne in Priaon and U Mew
ing retirement from the track deeiracept a* to force of number* nntil dnpin the ToiU Agnin.
light Friday.
The crowded orndition forces
A. White, who regUtered at the Ho­
- The Farce Oomedp.
me to eell a lai^ quantity of
Tbetbirdaod last raee of tbe dap, tel Pangbewn Wednesday night, skip-:
Additional Troop* Boat.
goods at
beaU, ped out pretardap morning, ami before apMtai to Taa Momnuis Ksoona.
wu little abort of a farce eomedp. leaving appiopriaied tbe watch, panU
Washington. Got. e —SoereUrp BlUs
There were six entries, as follows: and vest belonging to Conrad Both. A telephoned the department that be had
make room for new goods. Ton
Lintan Wilkea. Britania. NeUie B.. warrant wae leaned by JusUee -Verlp just received a dUpaWb from' Agent
should take advantage of the
flariem Bop. Bap Diamond and* Keno. aod White wns arreeted bp Ooneuble Tinker, which aUted that a boat bad
bat Bap DUmond was withdrawn ba- Aabton. He wa* wearing the tronaeri,
jnat arrived from tbe aoene of battle
(ore tbe raee was run. leaving five run- partlaHp concealed bps pair of over- and rrpirU that Mvjrr WnkioaoD. one
as fol-jball*. The watch he pawned (or $j.
oeta. Tbe two beaU a
sergeant aod four private* were killed;
that the vest wa* not fonnd.
Be was
286 Front Street.
Ulllae WUke* ................................... 1 ' Uken to j*il aad an examination will also that a deputy marsbal was
wounded and an Indian policeman
be held later.
Harlem Bop........................................... 3
TbU U tbe same White that wae sent
Keno........................................................ 4
wap u tbe battirfleld are no^ enongb.
Nellie B..........................................
5 to Ionia about five pears ago and again
The war department ba* ordered ad­
—Hard or aoft.
Tbe time made in thU “raee” «
to HarqnetU. both Umes having been
ditional troops to start immediately.
SSI* in eaeb half mile beak
oonvicted of laioenp.
Somersaulted Over a Fence.
To KaaUla for a anabaad.
Xnichu Templar Oatheriag.
—AU (or burning.,
What everybodp mi first (eared wm a
OpacUltoTat Moanae Bseoan.
fit. LmU, uetober 0—MUs BmcUoa AUo'tbn Alwapa'Beady Fire Rindlere
tragedy to both home and driver, and fweUl to ibc Uoi
r. Oct.
6.—^ trlaaaUl eoa' whkeh tbe aext InaUnt simmered down elavaof tbe> KoightgTbasplar U falrip BnaUh; daagbter of Ool. O. C. Smith, of
to start poar Area.
to the death of the bone alone, bnt noder way with t£e arrival today of this city, started for Manila, today, to
marry Capk WtalUwonh of the iSth tV
Saally turned out to have beenjasta


Popular Shoe Noose.

In One!


Fancy and
Staple Groceries.

Greatln Redaced Prices







>rc 1. a mr dMtrabl. raaldvaev vo Waaklecioo wivct. No. 4IB. lam « foot M, aaa a(
•O^OoD^o^c^tr. Boudin
MBdlUoo. furnaM. sever. Kodera Is plaa aad


VIEWSA picture pabted for your imaginatiou, which, when yon
investigate, di^lrea from your sight—and the ao-called bar­
gains and i^at stocka are mere myths.
We present to your notice

Which we sn^’etantiate word for word. We cling to our
standard of "one price to all." Each and every article, from a
soit of clothes ur a dreaa, down to a paper of pins marked in
black and white.
We carry by far tbe la^feat stock in the ci^—Onr window
this week is a fair representation, anbatontiating onr claim aa
leaders in bargains.
A collection of “Switz Oonde.” Yonng Kennedy A:IYoaiig%
Wool Underwear—price everywhere ll.OO, onr price 6fe.
Men’s beet;y Underwear from 15c np to the finest
”Wright'e Health Fleeced" Underwear, ball ailk sarfoo^
Sweaters in large varieties.
Overebirta by the case lots.
Men’s Union Snita at prices well worth yonr notioe.
Neckwear in latge profusion of pattems aad latest makes.
Yonr money savers,





yaadid Mr. PatehU *ad

«ij|T»r^>i A» J. W. BAn».






TKatswCitt rMebbd th« aoperU«!*•, WhM it «QMb to dOMripiTO of
iWD OOMU is thil d^. TMUrdoy. One
•no-ia tb# dofTM of brnpathr reoebod
la tbo dmit eoart aad tbo otbor fa
tb* qabaUty of aport aaiojoA *( tbe
raao track- la tbo (onaer Iba aapaimUoled alrbt of aa oatlra ooart
Moai morad lotoan by iu amoUoa, la«ladiac arary paraoa la the eoart. otf •
*«ar. wltaaaa. parUeipaat aad oalookar.
a*a« witsetaed: wbtU oo tba fair
ftoaada. tbe dasiac day
tba Travataa
Gfff Drfrtar Clab'a maat saw a (raat
Ml-aBlhadaaUe oatpoorlac of paepU.
olMMaa aad dalttaf ateaacara. Theaa
pAopla babald oaa apleadU raoa. aaaalqaa la iU aaaxpaelad aarprlaa
a tbird that vaa Iltda abort of
bte a faraa ooatady. Tbroarh U all
•Mta waa a tbriUiaff aleMot of aeaaaM^allaaibnfdarincalmnatrm thatrarie
•ad Ua taatora of'eooaady, brrdariaf
«m tba barleaqaa, waa not laeklaf.


de parapirattea U tbe Tleiaity of Ua •ood Foot BaU OaaM Tea


9, W. HAnn. Bdltor


aad th
tbe' elo4a.

e of tbair.

Dealer in ^gy^lesifficycl^Sundries

me fiMt fipot baU ramd of Ua aaaBOB waa pUqrad yactorday aftaraooa at I
TwalfU atraatpaU batwaaa Ua Maa-'
eelooa alrvra aad tba laeal warn. Tbe
borne team -wM by a eeore of iO ta«. ,
■ tt waa aataaa raata from atari to
Aalah. Tht boy* wbo did etar plajipr i
for tbe home team are Davie. Parrln,
H. Johnw». Eaff and Eokoa. However.'
eredii U dee to tbe oUar plsyera aa
avaryoae played tielr beak Only fiftoea-minata balvae ware played. Hnlbarl of Haaoaloaa did eieraat work >
foe hla team, which ia eompoaed of very ,
manly Mlowa. AUfoola made yeater-'
' and not aa aa-!
plaaaant word wm axebanrad oa alUar

aroMad. bad tMftt aoba bmmme load
e^ar ibat broaebt taara to tbe eyaa
of otbara.
It waa late ia tbe altaraoon. whea
tbe arfameata warn oioaed. aad Ue
aeaatarly abarre of Jadca Oorbett wae
It did aai take tbe Jery toat t« taaeb
fta eerdlet. and it waa an aDeaaal one.
The line npof Ua taama arena folla tba ebaracMr of iU varbiaca, oaa of
moat remarkable aad abortaat tn Iowa:
tba hlatdry of erimteal oaaea la tba
CMnlt ooart.
It waa Jaat 4:10 when tba Jary retir­
ed to tie room in ebarfe of Sheriff
Simpeoa, and azaetly tea nlnatee later
or 4:t0. wbea it filed tmek Into tbe jary
boa with the- annonnoement that It
had imAad a rerdiet.
Hera la the rrrdiet It vatnmad. aar*
baUm. M lu; foreman delivered It is
raavEBU citt.
Juigo Corbett:
Text of tbe Verdict.
“Wa aavs maaesaa x oaAwrwtw
Tcastcr or rot anLcr, Tana aeaoa "
Btavaa words, oaly. bat fiaarbt with
joy. me aad hope to many ia tba aa- finaaba


- *" My work ia ArdbHilAA-aMi^inoMibat are ia reacb of all. ^.aab
prepared at^l timea to taka rare of tbe trade. I make a apedaliy im'
Brnlsff. VolcADiziiig nod XnamelioE. A fine line of wbeela for sal»
J. O. ELLIS, lUl front atreet, «aaU

A* AdverOseA
our Use of Pingreo

Died in Par oVTms.


Word come* froos El Paao. Teaaa. of
tbe death, at ber home in Uat city.
Kept. S4ib. of Mr*. E. J. EocidoeW. wbo
will ba reme40barad by a rood mmiy of
Ue aider retldenU of Traverae City aa
Miaa Barber, who wm a teacher m Ue
pnbUe Mhoole here abont twaaty yean
aro. Mra. Bnddock aleo uarbt at ElkBapida sod Pife Leka.

tba Bara ts Orippe Oara.
Tbara la aa bm anff -rlnr from
draadfol malady, if yoo will aoly ret
tbe rirbt remedy. Y->o are havlnp pain
all tbrooab yoar body. y.>nr liver ia nnl
of order, have no appci
appetite, no life or
ambitioa, bare a bad uuM. la fjctare
oaad np.e:EI-cU'U Bitlara
laly remvd
lame J
prompt and auff
rectly oc yior Liver, Kinmai'l
■h and Kid.
neya. tone up the wb -le ay>-tet
•tern and
make yon feel li.e a a< w being,
Tko local team will go to Haoiatae are guaranty
gnarantm J toenro
tr>cn*e ur p i.» n
refiiBOFriday for aoother game.
[. G. JhiuoB. Ooly 50e

Our complete Fall and Winter Line ia in.
Call and inspect them.


a fraab oatbarst of aoba oa tba partof
Ura. Eorana Ooradn. 'aa aha ambmoad
bar axoaaratad baabaad. and alao by
her Uatar. while the baby bf tbe acquitted maa added iU aboatatotba
motbar'a aoba by a {tUtclaraarlaa of
Tba r^lar maaUay of Ua W- C. T.
■craaaic which were Mat to exproaa
U. will be bald at Ua borne of Mrs. O.L. XvaiTsUatLeUsai
ita rladaeaa.
Oan be pr> car. d of Mr*. C. B R'Cior
Hammond. SM Waahlnrtoa 8k UU
Add to tbeae Ua aiffba of kMrt fait
at 144 Hake Avreae.
44! Set
afternoon at bait past two o’clock.
aympaUy la other parta of Ua aadlMembcra are reqaeatad to brinff wriV
aaea. taara baler wiped away by aoorea
Haw lAMh Oeaatar.
tan aaerad promleca
of haadkareUafa la Ua baaia of Ua
Helaon A Spiciiger.aew Inoeb onnet;Or. J«lifu Wilhelm waa able to vaajndra, eoart ofioara, lawyan, Jaron
er and fittora cent meala. «0S SoaU
tare oot yMtarday after belnffcoaflaed
UaiOD Btreek 44&-«k
aad every maa aad wonean ia Ue aadto bU home aavaral daya. aatfariny.
iaaaa, and one may fona raipa idea of
from a ratapM uf the llloeM ooBiracted
Ue pictva ptaaealadi
It waa ona
. _
. , .
Placed ta voat
aavar to be fortotiaa.
day by »ke
.A taw aUaataa after tba verdict had, :9meat SalenUy, one of Ua Company
Co. 440 Bk
M boy* who bna bean very tick waa
Affboting 8eenM In Circuit baea raaderad. iad coma eaccMary. token woraa Toeeday. YaBterday be
eoart formalUlaa aoaplM wiU. EaOooH On
raaa M. Coraall waUnd oat,' of . Ua waa bronrbt to tbe Cottage Howe
eoart booM a free maa. hia wife baiar where be wUl receive Ue attenti.xi of a
VMari «abbo4 lUa irajtt And Svaa eaebrtad oa oaa arm and Ua happy eompetant nano and more effective
taUar baariar Ua cro^ar Uby oa nwatmaat Uaa be crald reoelve in tbe
Oflena Of
Ooart Wara
Ata Hale received a meeaage y. I'erfba
fatbaUe and affectiof
dayatatiog that Cbarlee Bale wuipid » MH80 in tba kUtory of tk«Cir«aU
rive borne today on Ue 1S:4D inln whb
St Of«ad TraTaraa ooaaty waa wiuaaabia brpUw EHaworU. one of Ue ComM^yMlardayaftamooa la tba cloalas
wko bat bars alek ia a
Ira KcBlU. Wexford Comaxa. oa Trial P«»y M
ef the anbeulenent oaae of Eoreaa IL
beapital in iSew Haven, Cunfl.
Oharffed WHb Aaaaait With XnCoraall- l>ot a ary eye eoald bj Man
C. E. Mnrray. agentof tbe O. B. A I..
taat to Ooemit Karder.
ia tbe oovl room. Even tbe jnron.
raMived notice from tbe amnagemept
tke j edre. the
A Jory before Judge Oorbetk of Ua
^ yvaterday that A adntraCl
•ttoraeyr for tba p.trttM to tbe »nlk ClrcuUdonrtofGraadTrav«,Mo«nty. L^^
leUor th. ooaatracUoo of a
Obd wltataaea adi the partlM moat iB BOW bBariag the onto of Ue People | iar cement walk «ppoai(e Ue properly
Aicpotly caaoamad ia tbe iMaa of tbe varBdBtrail. Ha&m.ebarffed wiUaa-. of the eompany on East Proat airaei,
«aaa, wtfn ia iaart,
Womaa cried. aaaltwlU iatoei to MmoUt marder. aaat of Ue track.
#okbf4 bad llttla dbUdrda Wobbared Tba complaining wluaa U HdwlB HopThe ImprovemeaU eff«^t*d upon Ue
Andb^Oalltd «kile oae lllUe Infant. klne.a young man. TbB MS^a o< Ue al- property of Alderman Uuellmaat.i. at
Uiddi^ of tbe priaoaer at tbe bar legad attemptod crime had Ue bomM of tbe eorncr of BigbU and Cbm a laeta.
bdrieehed iu laagt out la amalatioa of Ua partiee tatotMtod ii near WBxford are noiloable and add groaUy to • he at- Are tbe* beat matt ewea on earth J
diB Botber, whose lean of joy aad eab- Ooman, Uli oottaty. The trial of Ue tiacUoaa of that locality.
for Ibe money—every oin- eoAiun- j
began ymterday afternoon on Ue
Aaad aobe awelled ialoa paroayam of
teed. Tbey don't ona* nn.chtnore{
of tbe Ooraell cmc. and will
baffHaaii. almoat hyatarioal la iu
iban the common $*4
50,13.75 j
J>ba Portaeb retnraed last night
be taanmed Uia morning.
from a buainem trip to Chicago.
Tbe story af Ua erime. aa It bm
•aid Staaorapbar
One.fbird of yonr life ia apent iu •
Imrlnr to tba laoidaat to the EUooao
Him Maggie Boadroaa of Solon, la bed—that ought to be comfurtable.
capiaaaautire. latt alrbt. '<11 wai the Hopkiea, while paMlag Ue borne of vkltlng friends in tbe city.
Boataffeetinr aeaaelerar witaeeeet*. Ira MeElU. wm arged to eater ibe McAm >ag tbe vlaitora on aeoonat of the
, t maet ooafaaa that I wae mored to Blli borne. McElll. U la claimed, at- D. O. K. K demonatraUon.
'daan myMlf. and evaa John PaUsbla temptiag to Uke held of Hc^laa, wbo abroad, were Martin Brown of Leland,
ran away and wm tberaapoa fired at Wilbur F. ft II of Oma Pier. W. L.
•nd Proeeeator Twaddle, bad
BM for their kandberehiefa. into whick { by MoRlH. Tbe v
Freoeh of BmI Jordan. A- L. Cooltcr
boUoftbem freqaatitly burled Uclr klaa of being Ue faUer of an Illegiti­ of Charlevoix. W. B, Chandler and wife
mate child of a danghter of McRill. and A. B. Dougherty of Elk Rapids.
fnoM. and Tweddle, too. remember,
and it ia said Uat It waa la an effort to
tbe man who proaeented Ooraell."
J. W. Travis returned yMterdav
get Bopkiaa to come into Ue booM from Grand R«plda wbere be bM beaa
•obe Were Heard Bverywbare.
and make reparvUon for tbe injory he oa buelncM for Ue iMt tew daya.
Tbe blatory ef Ue Ooraell com i
I told more than once in tbe Rxe-bad-done Ue girl, Uat Ue eboottag
Prank Hopkiaa deniea tbe
rabli>*e Uleb Pai
OSD, and In UeM oolumna, yMteHey
••PrinoeMi *10*1. Mr?” Mid a cabby
morning, wm given a eomprebanaive charges.
octilile • Yoikebire emet railway ala- i
^lew of Ue opeaiDg of tbe trial, Ue
tiooiobufnre •’Why, thafa not half ,
avidenee givaa aad tba ebroDiclc of
Married at OadUtae.
a miDDie'a weak from 'ere.'*
iba oaae up to Ue time of thi trial waa
“Kever niioA drive away." antwwMr. Lucian PoJtor of Kalkaska
Wedaeaday night until
and Mrs. LacreUa Olds of Traverse ad tbe gentlemaa.
'Iboraday morning by adjournment of
”Butl oaa'i charge yoalMi than Ui
City, were married at Cadillac Sep.' 30.
Tbe oertmony-WM performed by Rev ^oe. air: thafa tbe legal faie."
Hageoe Cornell. Ua defendsok re• All righk my good man. only —*
A. M Johnstone.^ Ue home of Mr.
you a ooaple of
• I’ll1
Mmed Ue witnem aUnd yMterday
and Mra. Hurka
a '^Mr.
-^Mr. and
Mn. Potter
morning, wbau court reopeaed. and
bmve reterned to Traverae d^, and
Cnbby jumped upon tbe lioxwitba
a moat telling effect on both jowill make Uelr borne at 901 WmI 14th tea uiDg fare, fl eked np b'la borve and
ry and the great crowd In the court
Sk for tbe prcMnk Tbeir wide cirole Uoutrd joconely tn au imaginary wife:
room, by bU eoolnem and Mlf-oolleet•Ikip i wait rtinDiT if I’m late. Mary
of friendt are extending,' eoegratola*
ed miiner of giving hla leatlmony.
Anil! I'm takiug tbi> kiug o'Kioixiika
i opraMion wat a moat favorable
to 'it bluiperial batMidcr—Loadoa
tss. Bvin Mr.TweddU. U hU argajay Ooaaat a Free Maa.
MPit to Ue jury, eeamed to Iom bis
•• oaiomed fieroeneM of InveeUve and
Jay Conani.Ue aiory of wboae trial
kaMroeaaof artaigameot. apparenUy and
ooBvIctlon by a Jory of Ue
leavea r odor and can be need wbile
having sympaUy In hU beart for Ue Ueft of a circular eaw. valued by Ue tbe glov U OB the hard.
For aale
wife of Ue prisoner and ber baby
jury At 9(< 00 baa beeo told by UeRa- ooly by JamileaO. Johneoa. tbe drug•CSV who oecupied a seat in Ue court cuao, WM in coart for MBteoee yeater- gut
- goom Urooghont the two days of tbe dav. Be wae given tbe alteruative of
illaV, and were quite close to Ue boi. a floe of 910 oo. wiU eoeU of fiskoo'. a
e day by the Northern Telepboae
yy~.l »(id fsUer. Woen John Petebin. total of sot 00, or Uke eo daye la jtll.
Co. .44001
of the attorneys for Cornell, began la lien Uereof. Conaot paid Ue floe
appeal to Ue Jary. (or - me cy at oBoe aoo waa Hberatad. iMvlag the
client, and paioted in court b'>uae with bie wife ou hie arm.
wlowing wo«l«
reord, for bU borne in Ue oeunuy sear hero.
bto happy bomv life, -he fa'rly pnldld
bimMlf m eiiiqoeDcr sod many Umm Aaimort
la hiaaddrcM he followed tbe rxawple
teer'B flee fall anita were received
of oUera ia tbe court room, notably
bvre veatordev
Prieea ere SM 50,
siaoo.lis.oo.si5 00. We claim Ue
ibe members of tbe jury, ia wiping
valaeearveprctal. bot (vave it to
•way fugitive taara from hU ey m At
yenr judgeateat of gooda, wheUer
laaat tt lotked aatpieloaaly like teat,
Shop opposite Eagle office.
we're lighter nok KUlubcrg'*.
for bo one boald bm a baadkareblef

TheAmerican Bagle
Brand of


J.ff. SLATER, HoDseFnrDislier.i


We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat
For fisy df thorn when it cornea to s^tng Cookios.
WeVe got .About—,well, nnywuy enough gimdoo tp
•uit everybody. Prices reeeonnble.


848 Front Street

Is The Best Policy.”
A, )

' ■
That is one reason why we make the
"BEST" Flour.

Another is that we •

have the BEST winter wheat in Michi- ^

We also have, oot the largest, {

but one of tbe BEST mills in Michigan. ■£
Therefore il you want good flour buy X
the "BEST."



The Gentlemen!

• Men’s High Grade Patent Leather Shoes,
Fine "Vesting Tops, Light Flexible ScAes- -A
strictly dress Shoe.'

THE PRICE $5.00.

For street wear we have a fine line of
Black and Tan Shoes, made from Box and ‘Wil­
low Calf, Heavy Extension Soles—The newest
toes- -Leather and Drill Linings.

Vp-to-date Paintei
and Paper Hanner.



6eo. R. Winnie


The Old Keliable Shoenian.
- .
118 Front StToet.
Wnrsborg Block J


UStP 16111.



$3.00 TO $5.00.



captured™ TOWN


,w^C.K. n,jm
D»t« PiuribtaM,I, JohB B. T^lor. J

and tbalatareat that ownate ol hoiaaa

lliTnWnr" ■

dorf. P»Bl P. D»t». C. 0 Mc*br. Pr«d
t C. CwflaM^TIWHW;Hi»>W», P>ho wm


Colonel AldHeh aeeepUd
,h«4hffUr 'food homee to faka part U
honor in ale
etyle aad . tbe eaafoM eeeau. and lendiny a belpd the profram by e abort etory ^
haad.tbamuWee. it ie hal Mt tfl
lHrtla«o».bMdMaot Mbit kta tarUfc
them and to tha tSoem of the Tra<
Xapoilat Pmd* & Uc ftvFSlat »l<wf: UMrr»E.CdtahaL«.W.J>(xlry.
eu City Drieiny Clab, to yire the notloethatla ibaw due. The J-tdyraia
Mle««d by Xfl MtofT
J««k MbUibmo. F.
yaetardayb raeaa. in faet la a<l of uaa
Ool H. A. Aldrich-Chief B-jdoer.
*,«.lMa«ifc MU tmad oo»raeee ibrottybeat the sreah. have beea
t., ,i„ u . tool 1.1Tbe Pru-Will R. Bampton, Cbar- tfae-folldwlny srell kaowa yeetlemen:,
/ttbU*«‘«ad BMt Brut 1q» . Myiow;
W. ▲.
BUrUra. Jamee (Jack) Ftil. of Uraad j
Woman — Alfred WoleoU. Grand Rapide. Jadyeeand time-keepers: Dr.J.
Bayoe. aad
a whole
lam>tayer O.O X.^ '
I of Grand Rapide. Ua tbe eame Rapids.
B. Martin. Thomas Shane. Malcolm
MM u brlonr U tbe DruuU^-'OrdM- train waa Ferry P. Powen. of Oadlllao,
Vocal Selection-Tramme (^ty Goar- Wlanic aod J. F. GUieepie of Trareree
e( KberMM* toto be ellnlneUd from
a rood aewbpaper mao. Bepabllcao UtU. Mmate White, Parka, Habba and City. Seorer. Peter Warsoory. K 0.
MU of the bMt tbliire in life, end u
hauler aad a aaiUble oandldaU for 1 UoaUr.
mpton, of tbe WblUny U^sei aad
be ^oe related into tbe nCu of
what he had thmet epon him at tbe
Tbe Spirit of FraUmity—Georye B. ieeereUryof the Orielny Clab, seat one
dnrtaeeeie oM'eownfenlL At leeet
inlkaUea. .AooompaeylDC Powen from. Perry. Grand Raplda
| of tbe bueleat members of tbe dab and
ttot WM tbe premilisr eeaUmrat la
Cadillac were,WtyAiloraey Wetmore.
In the BstCe Front—Capt J. V. Me- nearly wore hie leys < ff lo* kin; after
Traeeree City yeeurday.
a. C. UarrU, John C. Ihompaoa and loVwb, Traverac City.
tbe seelfarc and o mtortoftheTialUnn
Tbe D. O. K. R. bare eome and cone
aoeeral oibera.
Vocal ao'o-Jobn BeBacD, Grand RapGood Words From all.
aad tbolr eomlair aad yoUiK wae atWhen the delefation allchted they
Tbe memben of tbe raciny fratora- ____
■ •*
t t
. J
taaded with eirmeau which have left

ereewiorud by the oommlttee and
RecKationGatea, Traearae
a UatiBf impreeeloa apoa Travema
band thronyh Park etreet, buu, Case
; lonf In their praiaaa of the bospltamiCity.
and Front to SUinbery'a Orand. which
Tbe prafaee deeotatiooe which aV
was the headqaarure of the day.
Some remarka-Panl P Daria. Orard nasllBiel in tbolr yood word* «or tha
traaUd atuaiioo to the etorc windowa
After the c<mels Were allowed to 8spids.
jtrack in this city and the eclat with
aad tbe YronU of balldlafe ffave c?b
Oariof the proytam Colonel Aldrich | which races were oooduoteid here, to
deaee that the order wee welcome aad Blake their tbirei tbe faithfnl eeparated
made many happy mfereaeee with lit-jeay nothicy ol tbe f^ers^ aad Impsw
tbe cordiality with erhieh the rieitMa
moat of them want to the raeee. Bat tic harett of eloqoenee. for which he it! tlaliiy of tbe indym.
Amony thoec
from abroad ware raoeieed iateo^tjd
Telephone No. 43.
tbere seam enoairb left down to attend noted.
When be called apon CapUln who apect the smek hem in a very
Trsrars* City.
The eleltors Mclotoab be paid a toccblny tribnu to pleaaaat and ayreeable
.Tha bly peaoe jabllea of Kaaha Tem­ the ba«lu(«s meetiny.
the Bannah Rlfl m aod laaded them for tbemeelree and u> their b'JSta. were
ple, Ko. 69. O. O. K. R.. hae pmeed in­
to tha hietory of the elty aad tbe per- and they did net oeea await the forul- toeir Uaecry and fortltadc before San- tbeac well-kaowa yeoUemeo;
ity of reerlelny tbe keye from Mayor tiayo aad mada a pleaaaat rafareaea to Meaara. Booper brolbcrs, and owaera
aoaei of the elalUaf detefatee waa
BmiU. heoaaee they knew tbe tosm hbQratvUittathU city, when be srae of come eanlleai staMca of
aaeh aa to atamp the demoaatiawae thelte aa aeon ae they yot hem.
Jamca F«U, and qciie a member of
theyemt of the company.
t oa with more
Tbe eoeniay demoaatration waa the
Mayor Perry yam one of tbe maater- othera from Granct Bapids, J. W. Forth,
difalty and imporunca
Kot that
blf parade. U etari^, (bat not on ly respoctcaof tbe eeeniny. Bistheu of Maaisue. who had tbe
the mars l^iM
tbcfa waa a conanlenuoa daaioi.etra
eekadale tlu) from the eoraer of W61 wae the epirit of frawmltr aad dariey a ia yeeurday t raeaa, F. S. York, .of
of difalty. QelU the oontrary; bat
linfioD and Front atraeta, and throayb hn murics dtriamd that it eras tbe
Jordao. who carried off a porae
The fraternal spirH ssWch bad tMtainnd srith hie borae Dsysrood. F. C Seffrr- ..^dayllfeltukeii an with aPain
iitraeu alony the line of ur^
kimaelf in time ef tronble and aa ele­ toa, owner of Oaesa, srho sront to Pw
of aUU a^d
aad prieau
Still oa top. Beat d^ars for tha monay on tha marlMt
brOliantly iliomlnaUd with md alynal ment ie hie life srbfoh wonld be treee­ toskey laat oiybt on tha
bCTCU ha*^I little
ftyhU. which eaai a wlaed liyhtapon ared wtaUe life laata.
oompsnied by Prank Tblsrood, owner —Union mnda, too.
n of trade asd «(the animated eroerde whk
The reaponee at «raad Vizier Cere «t LitUe Mania, who su also eatared
•ee. Dwatty aa aaaally czeaialiAed by
waea brlUlaateMert and the emnaer t J race yeeurday and woald kare antbaaa difnlfted eiaitore, waa thrown the etrecia. Tbe proeeeeie
Cnlybu F. U. Bramann. C R. MeOoy, in srhieh he trnaud tbe eaatimena ;donbUdly have made a yood ahowloy.
to tbe wiada aad oeecy dei-fau tor«ot
Tonoelier Blo<±..
andJ A Loranyer. moneted. aod alab. "Onr Hero Dead—Known and On- ' bat lor tbe faet that she bad to lake Sold by all dealers.
MabaalnamoaiaaaadeaubaM Cor a
lUlyeoetamed. Fotlowl^
tmowh,"s*ae«to«hed with more than or Ue boat for home. • fl. B Walker. M
food time. And ha had iv 9>\k «elbiy poilcaun with a thmatentne loak- dicery internet. Tbe cloeiny reepenee, Frankfort, srae aaaikcr dcllykud rin-*
Ueifi^aBdiadlrhtnaily, 4ay cadyal which he wielded laaayaly -Sams Remarfes" by P»cl Daria wm Itor. and him hone. Caleer Boy aaade a
The Int namberoa tbnprofram wee
ra and dlatorbti
sraeoneoftke mdat eojiyaWe wnm- yood record for hlmaeU. M. W. Bald­
tbe arrleai oC the epaelal D O K. C.
thepeblie psoee aad rMraetory eandl- beraof theoeeclnynid Ue enthaelao win, of Mnab^on, wUh KUUe C. arm
traia-from Grand Repida. baartof more
DiiweUy in the wake at thw Me appiaaee whieb yreetod hte esottted aaothor osrner. who will
than one baadrad eotartoe. and many
-one of the teeet" eame a -Bleok to the been i^raeiaiiea of hie -rw Travcfee City ayain. and eo ie X. p.
Correspond with tbe Tnirerse City I/naiber Compsny.
Ht '
Marla," one of thoae eahtelm diaeisd
Rice, of Petoskey.
«Md Um Me^UpaiodleaUd lhavthia
We bsve for «le Good,
to the tranaler of erimlnale. And bo-1
AaothM .oeel Tictor.
-tom the oolamn rmehsd ftaaX etreet
beantaatee bnC caaa.a year in nnrabam.
the riy seaa leaded sritk nafortonaU!
t thMoyball die. whom oe^erybody kaowa.
feme in feed force
FoUowiay the .*«nn]r op" eha praeeedU«s of. tha d^ oad the proadeat m«m in tba city, laat alyht.
baeaaee they know they wonld be
eart came the Boyh Rand in fanUetie fentoree of the banqaet were aAuiny osar the reeord their borne, Fred Alwarmly .raerieed, baeanae ateo. they
ooetame. and next a laryc eynad of eioee to tbe peace jubilee.
ment, made ie the t:t7 Vine* yeaur^
baea beea bare before.
Tbea. they
Company M. who aende the welkin! Tbe-City Opera Ball shoee -brillianta day. Wbile Fred Almoat haa not been
all kaew tbu a new plpo Hne wae laid
riny withcontienonsaelleye from the lr srltb electrie llyhu and tbe eiybt oficially deelaree tbe wianec. he hc;dt
Cram tbe well af aam-erm. Airaot
SpnnyfleldB which they enrrird in: luny Ublce. atlreetiae with .ytisUBlny flrat plaee in the reenlt. He waa driTee
TraeareaCityaad by that tehea they
Coba. Bat they dM not nee the .moke- slleerware aod china, relieeed by thronyhnat the iwee by one ef hm ownAnew Uat tbere wonld be no aufTerlnr
leas sarieiy of powder. A leny line -ef tonehea of floral cmbellUbmentt pra- ora. Charlea Germaine.
from tblnu
*icdms.wbosreredreMnedto(he inlU-1 aeoted a -ecene to dcliybt tbe epicure
Find B. Pratt, of tbia olty. who
QmmdBeyWUBulefati n
ceremony, appeared o«*t bound i ^
afur-dianer craw, aad' there ofi.ttted aa atarter In "Wodoi-aday’s
Mill Machinery pf all descriptions, including Two Engines,
The epeeial palled In at the-S R. A »..r.l,
racea, waa ootyiseo dee credit for the
RM Works, Carriages and Sswa A complete Saw Mill Plant
L depot at *;i« and tte deleyaUon wae
dntiee be a> en>r performed on
»-rtw U.. prop.m Pro.—r M.rfornale.
met by a local reception eommltUe and Fred^
I-j todFO, orch„te, dlM.nniwl iDapiHDp Ul.tdpp, h*\ lb.
b.*leM to
the B yt‘ BanA U wae a dietlaynubed brmk ap Uw whale ,alebr«Jor. bat |
dpaarW mah. iU apo..,ri«. U .ho
party aad eont|neaoa*
ih. baaicn. al^ -~bto.awl.c.aab ,
|„aa «, M,.
wee Mayor Heoroe R. Perre nf Gran>* dates were nipped in'he bed end sbey |
about SWi.OToee in rrspectfel sain., FeiL whose broed ebouldesa were am■epidi. who wae dabbed'tbe ‘>wld.. werc prumisrd aa -*tra ‘ pell" atur
u. the oetienal Moy aed endrd ply ahU to bear the-;roeei" yiseo him
•pan" eandidate before bit election bet the show if they wood be yoed. Tbe
wMiamitelnyeheer. while all jriaed
«r t wo I
illed *-braaks" in
who rot tbere jaet the eeme and bad Creaceni band «ecpi.4 a eonapiccous ie the eoBK
aUftsay the heats. ^ere.
Mayor Perry hae poaltloB ia the line bet thair own
H wae obent tsro o'clook whea the
Antrim Ooucty CandldaUA
diaplayed aaeh eaperior -«<iBHflea.
p-oyram weeAoiataed and the Graad
At the repcblicAn cuaveoUbn fov
0*w HcVsatos-i flb«* flura
Rtrlkmy Miaois With «nca
them, oot eerc by UHr mcsle, hecaoee tlafide deleyation started for their
Mena ae a raaaer that ha
ChriinriUr. ill., Oci. A—Tbe alrikiny Antrim eoanty Wednesday tha followbeea eboaen by iba PIHh dietrlet Leader W.aaas im* berm drilli^ tlxm train, which pniled cat aooe afterloynom
Pemocrau aa their oandldeie for con- in new maste whirii ittcy played well.
_ - Thuaei’-dloy ac epouh ie the’»‘«>«i*t
»>•»*' ••■*«<» ‘bom>1 Ckampton.
Oar of tlM> cirtw-fsraons <«atat«<a was bruUaot history of Kasha Temple aod >«>•«•••«* *'« palroiliny iha town to
fraae.aBdhewillrana heatforaeeat
Clerk and nerlsUr—Ira A. Adame
a-aniua mlMl tbe natioaal honte of rapreaenua nri letter esMt la local traumal
Trraa«-«r-Jamra Wimamatieee withCenfineeamn WUUam Alden Norro tAatle." Tbe yao was nb-ot
Frocecatoe—A. B Dougherty.
Smith, who by tbe way. ta a pretty two ieet ia diamrier, nearly tbirir
Surveyor—Reward Hebdcn.
yood ranpcr himaeir. an wHaesa the
Coroaev*—G. M. PcMlee, B. M. Bern- \
last two enmpalraa. L'cad mp with
RoUiara’ FarJouyha Kzuadad.
Mayor Ferry ia tba deUyaiton was At. Koliowioy this yrcat espiura catD.-toe j
Detroit. Ge’. A—Tbe farlanyha of
IC-mUnond From Faye 1.1
ti Woiu. adiUr and proprietor of Kaiyhu of Kaomsaan. efl olirelj cos- j
tba Thirty-third aod Thlrty-foartb rey(aabion. Aowlny I
the Mohiyan Artlsiaa. who baa been turned iu '
drawinyoely in tha Anal beat, whea imaau harr been esuodad Uom-Gcl. 8
psrauoe ratoeM fur msklMczirsctiM e^
r-^baa. aaahes and torhans yai'y flynrad
io the pulitiaal haroasa Mamait
“ aad •*:------- 77.'”------ I It was SMC that they were aiilaooed. j
Xot. e A.l tbe men need toAo
Brakem.n F-t-Woa Ki’lrd.
i ■ '
haowa all abont it. Ha isprroantad
wotad and mcsically OaspanyJ-d. Tbaendof p^ oondnet of OharleT F»a. thus (a to sur home ansll the moauriry: Maols’ee.Oet S—Charles PeUraoo. oi...__ «
Kant coaaiy in the aUU leyialal
two Urmt aad ereybody liked him.
Ever Burned Out?
not ooly becanse he wm a yood
K »ai Lw-I A-Car..; Venerable! j'*^'****«^F
"'‘h aj
-------- ------------------train today‘<Sa'sravk;l
lator. bat becaase be U a rood fell'
Sheik. Cuarxes U; Grand Emir, I roosloy aboot for both drUer aed the _
Bow to Fraaent Croup,
nod a K K.. and all O O K. K^ Alfred Wolcott: Haoed^ Jobe H J Ac-j oeray Jlule mare. Mr. Hooper, one of ^Anrjnpud RuUtde.
ttrlyt^e two chUd>-eo who
ImUy City. Mii.-h . 0«u A-WUllam
acbare rood fellowa Tbere was Lao Cara s .n:
J*«t lb atuckeof eroap Wbenevar an
O- F. CARVER Aye-:
Oracd V'*'er of Kaaba Temple, alto r'ii.‘tot..‘^«.Sto‘
____ _______ i — ...» uu.
- - yirra
- -'' ^chaal. a German woo recently --stUck iscomiDy
r wife yiveatbem
e»mptroUar of tbe city of Uraed
p oiVu; *T. kaana U-to
' his pr«ip.-riy aod be said Iha drinks herefrom Milwaakee, laat niykt me. . nfaaroberlalD's
B-medy and
Rapidr.aadoDeof the sort who com-, C5yshall: E curt Bdw.4M F. sJiaoe; weraoanim.
bines with efli :ieaer the otLx’-^ualifl-Frrd C. F sber.
Then be cm a setare bat ool laUI yaah i h >nsebold j>e<-etoity
The Mneaway Jtsce.
eaUocs of a K. K
B. F. staoa
'?*•' we rob out
Ksrmpitficationof Rocret W. iJt.
j The of ii.e ruoainy race was in bis own throat iScbaal Is in cu.tody II «•«
woolH 0O-. do to be wit-out Chamber-j
was ie the party, too. He it Csro’s aaTbe rTebioy session ic Sulcbery's eimply a repetition of the erauu of
lalo'sCouyb Bemedr. Mary of it is
aUtaat Ic the comptroller’s nflec aed Grand Operas fioase
Honse sraa the leatcre of Wednesday. Nellie B, m soon aa aba
■ ■ H-rr thani
anoacarof the Temple. Hpeakinyof
irmbera and eandldatca. reached the flrat opeoicy io tbd track
A Eanws City who was a daoi- kle Br-w
Temple, tbere was Fred Temple, o
.the road leadicy w Ue eity.m.k- nnte of SebUy's at .Manzpolis rays that For sale by « E,
Tbe wet
r Grand
_ Wrii
__ ___ _____ s broi
iay a wild break to the yap. ranoiDy tbe admiral was opon aa tba
Old (aebiun ie dnaa u ay be rerieed.
attorneys Anblbar
>mfal Kaaba Temple- There
_.-oii:ioe can re-'
uot a abortdUuoaa and thea ratominr beet Spanish aad FVrueb whoUr in tba .
bet the ez-mplifleaUoc of the to the trace, ooly to make aaolber nary. His deinirtmeni at the acadany »■•<» ^amberi-*-*
• Colic, f'boirra and
lemeay. Poraaleby S E ;
.ho bto hu... Oh .h.
rk rweired hr e»pree. 4i-evt tram
ny Mayor Grorye B broaaouia aeuood oprcicy aed da»h- »«• moil.rn ianyoayn. "I renwBiber ^Va^
n" **
proMcaur of Kant county. Hoc. Wm. Pe.rr * ’
• Bapldh.
- ■ • A V Friedrich
. . loyapa hil>. where aba was lost to one thiny in {nriicolar aUmt him. and
F. HcKniyht waa oonspieinua in the | ^f *
fiance to&lyht.
br»<l^usner« f're^'arMrlMsa}^
^iybt io the woods. In tbeaecond beat that is bia long leya He is oot notice­
ably tall, bothisligsare of woodroas
-parly, loo. McKnlybt is one of tbe ;
’ers' Academy.
Ksaba Temple has a oaUonal repnta-. Shu icpeaud tba performacee. despite
. Lviles fre*. ““'“'“■I __________________
prumincet democraU in tbe aUU and tioR for tbe ezjelleoce of Us workI a.l ibc rSoru I f ber j <cky to reairain leuytb aud he can ran like a de«r.
tbe Ma.J
nary .1..-^.
they never .l.w.
tire of MTi.lWM
tciliny AM/Ui
aboot - ^
---ha bat been ic mind for
and this WM one of ibc red letUr
eveniB in the history of the Uraple.

Form TMtanUy.

Practical Embalmers
anf Funeral Directors.

318 Union Street


Diamond J-10 Ots.
Traverse Belle-6 Cts.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
' Short Maple Wood.



,i S» » »





‘ “tore-r;^'T,r.r„“r.

- ™ OyslersIJysters!
Famous Baltimore Couets,
Selects aed Standards.

hi U <y.duuc .'eeoucwl tbciu,
will be remembered m tbe laU cashier
in tbe Orand Rapids pact cfHee, bat
Mat aay morr^ aioce Bishop look
eharya of tbe red brick. Aoiocy the
most Double of tbe falibfnl was Col.
M- A. Aldrich, a raurao
naod tbe director yeneral of tbe
yreat comioy carn ival in Grand Raplda.
Colonel Aldrich U a maaur band at
earryicy oat plant for bly amusement
onterpriaea and a true disciple of
OhesUrflalA He wm the chief rej Kocr
at tbe hanqaat last niyht and hit
ocndact of the ienat waa cfaaraeu
criatle of hlmwif. rxeiosively. Ara -ay
prtmloaDt *buaM>a%


R. Santo.


General Insnraece.

U-u»c, ubir.; voc
.if liji-uu<ate.aU»ieu...... k.. sxalx. nut
llji-u*uct«.aU»ieu- ..--i.
but wm
was Uuncud
iudaced ui
to j'-m*pid Ulo rnsrimr IO laake a duzb for
TravatM etty. ■ita
track asd
asd lake
lake part
nart in
in'' Ibo C*?**?*^rap.^ pomibly half a mile away.
to Ue track
Tbe feast was prepared by Sam Eller, ralarn
a jiffy be i
^ ^
t In tbe lead was 8cbl-y.
chef of Park Place sod C S. CavU. whn the balance of tbe beat.
^ead of eveiArlbody, bis leys I
bM freqirDtly coodacie-i tbe bacquets
A feature of the attei
e yesUr-' workisy viyiffonely,. aand when tbe em-!
of tbeKoiybUof PytbiM here. Tbe day. WM Uie larya comber of aoldierv. bankmeots were reached be bad pracOP uRAXO RAnna,
Remember that I do all kinds ef r«
menu was as follows:
bitb Tulncteen of tbe recent war with Doalty diiiUucrd all ibe otoeta "
, patriny and,enaraeliiiy, and that I ea
Tba Fasiaiof Retolciny.
land doyive you tbe beat work of sa'
J one
'dl. who were oc tbe yroanda. tbe sole- A Ivltpkeu
^ in tbe city for tbe mdnry. Dim’be deceived by wbat o'hera Uil yon h
Booed in your rrald. nee for 3c ihe^'c^:
•ntrary. but come iand oev fo
'here were also many Eniybta of Kho- i a day bv the Northern Telcpbot'e ^,,grMlf
1 guarantee all my work to be riyh?
rattan, both of thU city, and riaitora
does not prove so I make :l
from abr-rad, amoay tba visitora. and!
Buiv^ral ce
1 right
they made a brave appearance in their j
Suv In till 8 o'clock every ovecinr
badyraand tbe farllliaBt eodorn of the i
except Sooday, in the Chldwell A Lo« prawmslrer* wktrb
All form.atAiwn
xAevTtsiT IreMto to
Unh>I^PMera. Abo
S>>( Wafeea
Orodlt to Whom it ic X>cc.
1 umecia'i )y up.i.
>lu vtc.^ yf ihcbacCeasof the loec'ley

Bicvcie Riders.

Specialist io Diseases of the Eye

At The Cottage Home.

H Want Ads imr



C««Ma*( r«*t tkr.
*‘Sobody «n ten all tbece la weHh
n U • roNoe AOeir
at Akeo.
Oil lu 'fbomm w«o ordorwl oot of tbo
knowlBc IB tMa UMtea.” mU Hr.
'‘And a i»“ "o*kt
•zprw oOoM. iOoHor
Bell 'phooee
On the Utt ^edn^a.r of AnpiM orNow tko
Few peiwma pwfcaUy have beard of »«w » aeaniM te Ma edaeation ia;
II IbttM nt iBimat Trom AU ||
sry year ie ofair, callod the "Timn»«


finlabed. I’m ffsliiit to ke^ Hgbt ahead ‘
wbolMolen koTO tokM sp Uie «rht.

P»ra or KkUgfta.
with mine. I'n «ola|l to atndy aatrono- ---------oad SO lr*i ore------------Modtnc
ootJcee W , Abcrdnu. 8o«U.i Bom Ml o. M Im loc . loo. U». It Im eojojia .
It ia a M
lk«li ooitmon Ui.t U»j
W ' r«m «o n«Bi« <»"M bo bo<«M U it poM topMolm m Ibo o...................
[la wife looked et bin abaiply and
wm paid
"od l^loo. pm
Dovfal E BMkiM b*a aoUted Uie oottod toe oipmo oomimlo. »r.J uk-' Imt .oodoo .rilok* loom .blob mmo
tben in a cold, bard tone exclaimed:
Mnf~db bj
tb.bMb."Tl.„.,.">. tor.,o,.tl„J-.-.
*-Li«nidea yoD’lI bare to think ^
LlMOtoek SMiUi7
M Ibo Uootob bob»wlI.’. U« obum oI' l» kl' "SooooBlr. do V.70«o bb
better eacnie than that for atayaiMiDe bU herd of cattle at Moaber-. freiffau
Tibet' Here Hue apeaka of tbia won
iugootall night "—Waabiugtoo Star.
villa. Syaptome
kaae appeared
M,o, tbo. ..mb
.0 ^
obipcbme. ot
Heed at-heele eed Tallreee.
TboBopCpMom, Mpmp.o,..U.i^^
An anawer tvcoitly filed by
tall, rich and ponr. alike tun out.
■.«oucil” for ibe defendut in
are 7.000,000 ponade of anrar
B-oMb. eet to the brat edrentege te timm religtou fitnree t^o^thy place of , ^
conulni tbe followInteraet.
next year, wUeb neana tkattbeetate
I nuwa^nng pernapa rtA/ an amogeci u —^
"Tbe defendant denyee that tbe
l op ; rows, ample rdfcibBing left for tbe buy- ^oua thing "Ibe tree of e
anat pay the oonpany VTO.OOO.
atoobogabande of tobaeeo \
icripticxi of a coutemplated Ullreoe
I on md plonbro mbon. botwoob. Pmlt iaosm" Tbm inw or.
abont one rod and four inchea



•f Weet Bay City, dropped dead Wed- lion doUare.
•eaday evenlur at bU bone.
I Tbe totel loea of life in‘Ae eonthem
At Hbrbl.bdS.tlb.. Mr. Jo... ... «~tojoh,.. .IH b.
« tb. .Moot pibbOM. bf tbbt ...tlb.. I A srbbt mbbuurr . bol"S l>»llt ••, bt boo ...birbd WbMil.itbnwbicb.lllb.
MTOor. Sbo Irn Hood lb tbbt town loo tb. HoMtolooM. ord.r 1. tb. U.l»d
for over 90 years
An cetlnate of tbe amonnlef prorteSaoUae
Peaib are eo plentifnl
diepoee of then nt any price.
relief expedition this winter. Tbe two
, Tbe annul eneanpinent oftbeeold- ui-__ _____
te' and aallore* of tbe Mnakegon lal- i^~3(,.ooo i^at vari^ polnta
ley ie in progreaa at Newaygo thie n,eri»er.
araak, with a large ati«odte«' ! Alexander BUfford, of IseUibridge.
Ann Arbor expanded tSO.OOO in Sep- Alberta, baa n
I the Kloatenber and the city la aald to be dead
^d reporU the finding on
'clainoT eereral tuke and bonea of
In Worth townablp. Sanilac county,' mammotha and maatodou One pair
Her a c-japle wh - ''**e been married of tuke waa nearly ten feel long and
. for nenrl- B? y ar- Th-r are Mr. eeren incbee in dlaaleter The eocket
and Mra. Bdwani WoodmB. who ware of a hip hone waa eight Inchea aeroe«
married in 18». and have Head In tbe top.
Worth elnoe 184«.
i Sixty ibontand doUare ware etoWn
Shlawa)^ county Uenj>ylng a eea- <««• Wlnnepeg. Manitoba bank on
•on of prAperlty. Judging from the Wednenday. There U no clue u yet.
emnll amount of money paid out for
A freight train on tbe Ene road w
poor ordei^for the month of Septem- beliUip near EamdaU Button, Ohio
ber, fitts «*. During the aame month Wedneaday by two men, and the tea
laat year the amount puld out wua
»board wera foread at the point
t* 900 and all other moatha of the of pietoli to turn orrr their valnablae.
■aue yaar in proportion.
Tbe alleged robbere, Thomaa BUey and
John Dailey, were upUred after h
gfaetoriea of Adrian ,
I abort fight.
are receiving large qnantitlea daily of
The LondoB oorreapondent of the
tomatoea, tbe crop not having been inJourul dee DebaU annonncee Utat

bolidoj Ob tbot Wodbiwlo; jot tb. "mod■■ U.rosolM .t.radobt. I
Up Mid dowb ho pond.. bl..wm«bl.
tmmpM lb tb. iTO-bl ototjob? ..
noon bbd looblbg tboootjplolbnol
By 7 o'clock tbe "tarry mpe" lampa '
aromendthefoncmnmciicea Oocni
bumkina" fetch their
buy them candy and peai—...............
lad .«.•»
that tbe
ie wiabed ior, prorldewj
mjw vum
does not exceed rixpene*. The elite of
both eexee mix with the crowd nnd
'■truftbeonetbeother. When all ie
ahnet aold
.old out,
ooL the studeota
irtudenta aurt
atart for
home withe ruah. upaetiing tbe etalU

1™“k"pl.lbBir. boofl ”-Cm n.4 Coe
obd tbo pinilo ol Ml Ibo DMmim wbo
* S~' obUboHj wn ilom m tb.
Bueklen'n Amiu Salve.
Oni Mood It wo. clMmod tbM It Imd
o.i««Utom tlm. Immomonol. fibi bb
Tux Bxer SaioVX in the world for',
Intertlgation not many yearaego preyed CnU. Brniaea, Sorea. Dleera. Salt i
on tbe trae to be fako The I Rheum, Fever Sor^ Tetter. Chappnd ,
trick -------WMeimpleeoongh.
------------------- like every oth-1 Ban^.'ch‘Ublaiu!toma. and all ICin

power, with hia pocketa fell of band
■t-tnpa c^brf all thn^b t^tree
and atamprf tbe leavea with all eorte of ^ ^
bolj inwgee
t™Woa end obnrectera. the
p. ^ in yonr :
^ moat
Domeroua being tbe following f^ula:
, ^


_________ ______________ __ __

Sf|ttBfa.*wMr niutiw (mViI

. tor ac


to Impot tl» mobibo Obd ibi doj. tbon- Jb^pootiob. ol tb. bork m .old m raLOUDOM.DmUn.O . s la K^kbaw ; ■
of be hai no donbt wbelever from tbe
bead epiitiing nbi« of the laat WedoeaGENUINELY HARD UP.
day in Augoat.
<ro« •rThreeHea«F«AAeeep(taa: Pru aatcoavsTOMla.. fllPreetlH
De4a Oalv PIve Ha4 ‘^he Pvtce.**
OpMtolMI ILBgXT a <i*r
r (Mtlro Wftatotr
pveetle*. SMautaat
A abort tiiM ago a enriow test era*
> With a applied at tbe Loadoo Coogiegatiooal
A Heti I Men’#

^ R>|»rrlei
Prvek Burger.
I Onion'i FreeSbelter ForHomelem Men
"Onoe in awhile 1 have aotM neek ^
Medlend ball, in tbe UH of Lyeidjei
,tward«ue." mid ebotol manager. "One The object ol tbe teri waa to aeoertein 'PbmatOI. lOL IH
time I bad a living Aeleton who came u the men were welly as ppunllew ae
very near breaking me up in burineea j
reprewntod tbcmaelve* to be. Tbe
abelter la intended for men who
here for a long Bay. at be ^
Da. SniNNCV will at at Hotcl '
nOU*. W
WM going to make tbe rounds of all tbe ^
the ft
TkjrAKI-Y V. Donox. aueren eed
mneenmi In town. Ria
gar oaiu to e nighl'a lodging t
J30. lor at U-. OHcaa, tSW Oper. Brea* mk.
I f<w tbe I Bight Edward Wilaon
a (.iateH. tbe shrewd
Aeleton to live at my hotel while be
. of tbe
tbe city. I euppoaed that e llv- work of the union, annoonied that be
log skeleton didn't live on mneb of would give sixpence to each man preent
who could prove that be bad seme
doDOtbavetowaltforapurobaeernor -In *n •««•«»«» firing the former
hnggie abont tbe price.
preponderance in the Yang Tee vUlev, rale away down—fiSewrek. 1 believe— money, bot lees than fonrpenoe. Aebuoand tbe latter preponderance in Man- it WM for board and room. The skele­ fcliug laugb passed over tbe 800, that
. wltbton arrived early ooe mmtng. eo tbe being tbe luximam allowed in tbe balL
"Bnt benv shall 1 know that you have
oonro goRH.
o.t^.,m pooTioc.,^ ttlbi (or 'i-Ml.. ol M. .oldl.r. oI tb. Firo. flret mml he bad at tbe hotel wm breaklam than foarpencer' asked Mr. Oates.
lb. I^om Mc.^ HIcblMtd SuUbb
„ lati
Mo. 9
After be bad finlehed fala breakfast
mgAUfXD jrUEeX-ltlB. Xrtrile Boteow^ *
"Search ni!" cried the mea.
wbb Mbb. . j^ll, of lobwlor
ChiobM. lor borlM. A. end gone to bis room I went to tbe din­
1 ers'fusM ol the Cnlrcraltj Hoaptua. Ana
t, M
A. ■
Arbor, will rvapoDd teCBlU for BBratos. SI
o.Mbor.fbrtbbp.oblb futotju tb.t
ing room and asked the waiter what tbe
X Atbstrwt. ae tf
^ Tb.
.00 ouil bo.M.4
bb% wb.’^t .bolt akelvton had eaten. 1 nearly fell dead
"Very well, bnt if any one objects let
won,, mMoOtltM; ..pmodMitwl
.Mbm 8M..1M1. Im loft b«o b. when the waiter told me yiat the new him go to tbe gallery, mod 1 gjarantee
a'ie i'p
.bring the hodiee back. Be l» a.-med boarder had ccaratned three enps of cof­ that be chall not be toned away."
IJVaB B*LX-XI»1it-r#«r.oid warr^. rarrt»*v.
Only five of rtm 800 went up etahe, T robmond wblt>: r*Btl* boro*, rear *»«vFannera li| wcetem Oakland eonnty
„ p^er from Secretary Alger fee. two erdera of beefstoak, four tried
eggs two big baked potatoes half a loaf and tbe otbera were tbotougbly search- cr: m take* all Xmolrcof Dr. Klas.cK).
are having more than their uual „thorixUg exhumation. The bodlee
of bread and a plate of t
id by. experienced men. Two hundred
nmoent of fall work on acoonot of their
lined uken
Whet do yon think of that? That
_____ ____________
bad nothing,
noe had a
anormoua apple crop, and aa it ie diffi„j„n arrival in Chicago wlU ocruiuly tbe worst entpriee parry lever tothint 11 bed a halfpenny, ooe had
.«nlt to aeeure auSeient farm help, a n*
in u», pi„t regiment ar-----------,
three farthinga 18 had a penny, two
good part of the crop will probably go gaarr
of it 1 had made tbe reiee and I could
, penny fertbing, four had -----not 'fire' tbe akelcton out He staid | balfponoe, nine twopence, tnree
with me nearly six weeka and be oame peuoebalfpeonv and twohadtbrwpence W asd rlir prnpenr No waitlBC for *oD*r
old.-. ... boldln, op won.
rtidmLl .1 tb. T.Htl.b mop. dt.-e to eatiug ae out of honm and halfpenny. Thai ont of the 800 men
896 bad »ot the fourpenoe nroesmry for
At laland Lake. Walter Wright of Co.
oe tbe ialand of Crete.wee preeeoted I
a "fo'penuy dtae" et a lodging boose. -T^trrgtY-CaMVBponBj prvwl^. a larre
B. utn
uth Mich.
whoee nome
Hies, Voluntecre
vomu^re wn««
i-nrUlah goverament today,
It eeoma prMty clear, therefore, that tbe
A deeoription of the old New England ; men were ganaiuoiy "hard op."—Lou­
A Wg eugar factory ie to be eaub-' ,^nte the Uland of Crete within a Salibacb i* oaloulated to make restleM ‘ don Quiver.
TiB.aia* onrcbildivD
liahad at Monroe. Tbe bnildlnga will „oolh from today, their eitbdimwal to
j»,. f« If
■wee Mbb'b Can
fonie of their elders thankful they were
oeenpy 40 aerea of land and will coat commence within a fortnight
oot born two centorim ego.
S900.00U. Abont 400 men wlU be am-' whUe Queen Victoria, ber daughter,
The Sabbath began Saturday after- opens hU month witboot putting hie
picked. They wUl dUtribnU abont t^e ex-Empreea Frederick of Oermany, Boon with the going down of tbe enh.
girl of tb*
SMO.OOO a year among farmere for BugPrinowB Adolphe of'
Snnday tnorniog e horn was loudly
3 the nato Call nr addtvaaU.Lotc surer. Ac*v. 4W tf
«r beau and the annul prodnet will be
^--re out driving at Balmoral. blown to announce tbe hour of worship. ____
YTtOX aALX-Lombrr re-p aad realpwreu
Service began at 9 o'clock and lasted | "Perhapa that it Ibe only way be can
About 2S.000.000 poudda of eugar. Tbe gnotland, cn Mondey, tbe coacbi
-ebmpaoy doee not not nek for any |oei control of the boreee. A eeriou for eight houra. with an intermlmimi of n,ake both etwis meet on bit small mlone
boon* frtMB tbe eitixena. only that they n«eident wm only averted by tbe
« ». —
In tbe earliendaya tbe eongregadao mt' Spokane Spukenuan-Review.
raiee S SOOaereeot.beeU a year for horeea turning Into the wooda. where
on rude benebm. their eeaU being M- j,
pOUriTCWe WA!»TXI>~t.*dlre or rtfoUe
five yenre.
carrlege etock between tbe
signed tbum at towu meeting. Tbe] The dmert of Sahara is aa large ai all
for the boUdara. i*:'b Ml baa fw bj^
«!. AtDetToltWedneedeyevenlng. WUl-lTbemembenof the royal perty were
<d of several parts, which ■ that puttioo of the United States Iji^ ■radrd for link oorv lo rrowa ap folfca.. Kacb
lam Kevby, a Grand Trunk frei^t eeverely aUken np and much ularmed, are chronicled in an ancient diary M ;
of the Mi
rmon form Mr u. SUO. Largr boohs, each MapiaOteva...
brnkenun wm ran over by tbe U. G. H. but not injured.
XaaisW' =na<
Traverae 0i^ Market
"Preliminary pruyer or Invocarion: '
ootis Mllvra. Nothtor Uhr tbe*. Voor npatha
A M. paeaenger train from Grand Bap-1
---------------------------chapter of Bible read and ezpoonded:
Below is a llei of tbe burlug and aell
Ida and iutanGy killed.
Three DoeUwe in Ooaaolteticn.
ig prices of yesterday for groeerire
p»«im in muter, read out line by line
rovleiou and farm products
prMucta in Trav
Benzie county people are all puffed
praa Beciawic rraakue.
by Dtooon & ; long prayer on varioua provleiou
mettere, one hour and a Jialf: eennou eras Caiy:
op wlU> pride becanee they are eating,
exLLms ruoK.
of 100 to 250 pages: at close of mrvioe,
utMo.MM.4omp of .uo-boroio.
. 812 0
Clear Pork per bbl. new....
lettuce, and becauae .luce 19V0 tbe poppia^erwhai' experience tella baptism; alnnera put on ' ’ ’ ' '
Clear Pork per t>..................
_(<we obugregatioD. Minister O. bowed Short Cut Pork......................
uietipo of Benzie eonnty hu doubly,
bml. to be cboeee in tbe eecond befm
right end left, no person stirring till be Short Cut Pork per Ib..........
, -CVOBBALX-AsarelUbrwbouMVreinor^.
and becunae they have eent forth more place: what reaaoo(i, e.. Tbeoryt aaya
had passed down aud ont of llie meet­ Flour, H L. ACo. Heat....
' r for BakoBBOathl/perwrau. MtBW.P.
aehool teacbera per capita during tbe, ia ba« to be cboeee in the iMt pl^^
1 (iriaa.
ing honaa’’—Youth’* Ooropauion
Eye Flour. B. L. A Co. Bee
laet ten yeara than any olh« county in |" j^;i|“^“nd*Dr.%«^D to hold a
Meal. B. L. AOn Meat....
Feed, H. L. AO.. Beet....
OrlalB Bf the Db»v ef Ifce Week.
couulUtion together, they will give
• w.e-nrmoB^
Til. wolf which haa been unaittg eo ybu the beet advice that eau be token.”
of the sun by our forefatbera. Mon­ Lard per A..............................
.MA»m,blof.otb. iMMom M»..d Matp'oTmtlroo^tt^o.^Sb^li'; ship
day. the day devoted to -the worehip of Butter per
Paw Paw becauae of iu liklog for mntTough Remedy becauae it U
Ibe moon by onr forttfatbera Tuee^y. Creamery Butter.D..............
1 D plaaKtoraak. Tiatviasqiy taabreCc.
ton. bee finally been killed, being pteuut aud tafe to take. Dr Experitbe day devoted to Cbo wot
per B> ........................
caught in a trap. It had kUIed many eoce would reeommeod it beut» it
ir be told
or Tyw. the god of war
never fails to effect a speedy and n
valuable aheep.
maueol curA Dr. Rea^n would ree-1 the day devoted to the worritip of | Com per bu., old..
W. PsM-bia. 4B-VI. _
Charles Johaaou. a brakumaa on tbe ommend it ^canae it la propaiwd • a i Woden or Odiu. tb.- god of wind ^
■1988 888888 818 88
BBBBB aaa.BBB aa* a*
Maniatoe A Luther rmilwuy.
lungs, ship of Thor, tho gnd of ibonder, Fri­
SE$=S SS«£RS sza 89
jou w*al tr* er Mr laon Best Lake hUl Wedueaday after- opcaUng the
t and rrotoring day. the dev devoted to tbe wrrvblp of i BtjTfxa RA-rsa OP TXAVxxax cirr wcal j T-KBCRaifCK-Wha
X auraar*. rmrailwrihatlaa ta thr baa)Doon. He slipped and fell between tbe ^he systei 1 to a natural and healthy. Freya .w Friga. tlte Venos of the uortb.
Bare Rojal Xxrhaase tMnraaM. Awertrea
iMiaesBaBesi is 88881
eagiae and flret ear, lix ears pasalng eondltioe. For sale by S. E. Walt.
aaaaaaaaaaaaa aa aaaaa
SatunUy. the day devoted to tbe war­ Wheat, old. per hn......................
8a9=«68«SS8«« 92 £8888
over him before Ue train could be ,
---------------------------*9 OUas, Aataa Ufa M Oaea. sod otber rewpaship of Saturn tbe god of agncnltaiA Wheak new, per hu....................
Data. No. 1, per hu. (new).....
2. Bka. X a. AUjB. PHaSrieh Hack.
stopped. Bis body waa horribly mn- |}nad PtaM 7ubUe%, ChlMge Oct U. IF er Satyr, tbe god of tbe (orest
Corn, per hn..................................
glad and eruhed Into a
Prmideat Me Klnley.Sampaoo.Schley
1 aboot 2S years |aad Hobson will be there—Tbe Northfle WM a aiagle
Co. will
------------- -----------------r.......
"There ie no denying. " exclaimed Rgga. p>-r doten............................ _ _ «
A.Ti. »,« IS .
n,-_; eeli round tnp tickets to Chicago for tj,o Chinese emperw. "tbal China tea
At Litchfield, two ^s named O ea ^
tncluded-good to
C^et».» is one whose
W-AK-XWOODIoraato. TreveraaOllr La*ixL brrOo S«T-U
A aeieew Saa^.
Van Wen and Roy Cos were playing
Ocl 25th. Steamer Pe««Vey
,^1 to
with a gun. not knowing that It waa leavm for Chicago every Salurdav.,
Thankfal words written bv- Mre. Ada ITOB eALX-La*bar. Mb aad aUaslaa.
£ TrararaeatrLa*barO». US-a
loaded. Olea pulled tbe trigger and C**"**;^*
Tueaday. Phwe M.
eountriea are the ooet
-ritb a bad nold which aet’led on cry
, ^ B. Pope^_A£t^__^<4.^l
who larry .ni tbe i»“ul e
lungs: eougb eet in and finejly torminVot’M to Txx Payerx.
*At Maakegon Andrew NaUnder waa Knight Tcmpltr Onelatre at Flttihwg. suggested Li Hung Chang

■» an. mca.

crsL'ilSffiSysrHiiSi,.'- untiH ui mmuTEU It

i^-ln^w.'^i.tdr.:::: o~tBo,Hm.bdEb„,..n»

Is Ji %
is ts










sa: ..iraJs".- sre;, ar.'-a


Grtid gipidi t Indlm t..B
' '"“"j.r'i'rests.-sta;"

A s;;224S?sjr„,-“ "'■'5.3

ametod for cruelty to a horae and glvooe fare for rouad trip. Sell OcL 8‘h
an *0 days in jail.
to I8ih return Oct 17lh. Can extend to
Alma Landon. the Ifi-yearsild gtri
Moat direct routo. .burton
who dlaeppeared from Lapeer laalJnly.
o E MuauAV. Agent.
bM been found wtodclng on a farm la
C. L. LocsvMtu. G. P. A T. A.
Waahtonaw county.
Twenty of the biggest wholeaale
----- 1
buaineea honaea in Grand Rapids have V«W Jb&lrte
4.U4,,.m m: Um
there. Reeentiy theexiwemoempauiea
demanded that tho CttUena’ Telephoae

Front atreet
done atao. 444 61*

"1 know it. Bat we're tboB
Waibiagtoo Scar.

In France the oieii that work In tbe
fields are regularly anug to as an enoonngemeot toesertiou. and nopeasaut
baa tbe slighten donlit bat that tbe animaU llBen to him with pleMura
Elepbnuta on Indian railway# pay et
Ibe rat* of 6 cents a mile The baggL:*e
tsj* Uve compannienm for dogr, data,
1 gnUea pigk tbl-Wt*


gave me up. mying 1 could live bnt a
short time. I gave toyeelf up to rey
Savior, determined if i ceuld not
ifritb my friends oo earth, 1 would m«<'t
myabarot ones above. My bnsband
WM advised to get Dr. Kiug'* New Df
eovery for Consumption. Cougbe and
Colda I gave it a trial, took in ail
eight hottlee. ft baa eared me. and
thank G-m) 1 am mved aad am now a
well and healthy woman. Trial bottlea
!U 8. E. Wait's aad J. G.Johnaon'a Drug Stores. Regular size 90e
and»L- Oahraateed or price refunded.

ina.forthr par^ of colkrMBV too aebee)
sTldr'tri..4wdipre)al aa*a.a alaktiod
'‘oarrhrorsfroBho'dork to i 1-Zo'*-eloek •.
m Bsd iro* 10'rlerk to f o'rlork p. *.. aad oB
TuMdar aad rfdar rrrelas* of rack wash
fro* T o'rlork to* e'clork.
Oa all ta»r* paid bvtorv Ortobrr liL

sssrrj'S.Tjj.zc; K.*:s!



8«88fl S8SE98






b> rbarvrd a peaaltr of two par real for rollerlei. im^ will be rrtarwd utkpatrOkia Car
Leeal breach tnla arrivaa et MM *. a.
BBS 4.p*»a...l*^aj»^
o b.LOOKWOOOQ.P.*T. Am OreadBaeMe

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