The Morning Record, September 23, 1897

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The Morning Record, September 23, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


«rrloiAx. PAm



Pint Ye*r-2fo. 12S.

'-sUtc Sto^ SatriM Sot Siomk
\ OOtiSAttiMtlon tho lUejrcU Bfti
'MMtetd of tb« Btato-Only On*
OoMMtOBt Tot VhMMn OoUoc*
Priao-AttonteM* Ynj Light.
Sm7 sddittaM Md tmpro*«a
«rw« aodo la th* oahn^lB la the nala
haUdiag yoatardajr. aad tba dUpla^
whUa ia MBarwpMtaBoihalafga m
lart 7MT. gjM (ar ahead of It ia
rmtnr aap^arMaar.
It looked Tacodag ae thoogh the
trait dlaplaj voald be a
bat bj
Booa Tealardar there iraB aeareely a
aaeaat pUteleftla tbe epaee naoaUy
aaaigBed to thia aoctiaa, aod tbe frait.
what Uera iaofU, la tally eqaal ia
<lBalit]r to that of proriooa .vaara. Tbe
largaat di»pU>'la »ade by Mia. H. E.
OoUVta of Old MiMioa who has twenty
eight plaUB of applea. twenty-two of
paara, aiae of idnou, three of etab
applea. three of peaehea and oae of
Joba Menonald «f Ynba ahowa a col­
lection of fine fmlt. opnUlatng twentythree Tarietlea of applea. three of peaie
' aod pltuna. fire of crab ^plea aad two
of peocbea.
A. 8. Dofaaon of Long Lake ahowa
elcToo fine TorieUea 01 plnma and fearteen of applea from bla Pmit EiU
A. K. Moatagne of PentoanU^ a
oboto. otdlecUon of aerentera Tark

Amoag them be ahowe ftfty tarietlea
of batter Bolde aad dainty kltpchen
ateaMle of all oooeeleable deaigaa, beeidee caore oraaweatal artlolaa. each at
paper kalToa, napkin rtnga. etc. ThOM
are all oa aale at bte exhibit, aod be
merm loitiaU and namee on aa deelred
freeef charge. Mr. DodetetadVi work
nakoown la thU Mty, aa ha dM
baadaOBe earrlag In C 8. Ckrla’
cigareloreai^alaoaotae of the work
la huiaberg'a Grand.
axn-axT aveaa can.
Booeekeepera will be ieteraated la
the anU-ant anger caa Ureated aad
ifaetared by Cbaa. Iriah of thU

thla exhibit ia .the way of tobUta and
aehool anptdiea.
One of the chief attractiona in tbe
maU hall neeae to be the dlah toll of
Uay tortiea and turtle egga U
the art departmcav One bnadred
egga were plowed ap In three neeU
by B. D. Ckaapbell ea hU tarm at
Grawn aod while ha,wan waahlng
them free from dirt they began to
bauh oat, till only thrae egga remain
nabroken The tartlee are lirely little
fellowe and make loU of fdn for the
BAan.Tox cu>TBTxe ro. . .
ThU exhibit waa oompleted yeaUrday BOTBlag aad a complete line of
mea'a clothing U aUraeUTely dUpUyed. laeloding Klondike cUthlng
that wUl be a winner in the InAber
wooda of thU regloB thla wUtar.


-eight pUtaa of larga applea.
A. P.Oraypf Pealaanlahaaoneof the SXFUI'1 IHSKirF SASTXS TO
larger axblblu, with thlrty-foar rariete of peara, alocteen of applea.
tMty-threeof grapaa. three ef ante, Board Of SduoatioB WIU Bea That
d^d fifteen ef peocbea. the Utter being
Tbe Tnioacy Xmw le Bnfoiced—
' Ida oatlre CKV of peaehaa for the year.
Snparintendeat'.Beperted SohoeU
Buide theaa eoUecMona there are Itl
Bapidly FiUlag and -UtUe Boom
' alagU eotriaa.
Left Tor Sore.
i may be{,
alwaya do well, and the dltpUy thla
year la a eradit to tha ragioa. Tha
^tatoea ara particularly large and
haadaome and aaTorat fine oallectioBa
are oa exhibition.
Oeorga C^app of ArcbU heada the
lUtwith nUetT TarieOaa.
J. W. Dickermai;'of Solon cornea next
withtaeraatyeighl klada aad Bobart
Barney of Garfield diapUya aeranty
four.. '
Tbara are a anmber of aingle aatriea,
and farmara will be intereated ia tha
ChllforaU BBaaata. Utrodaoed thU year
for the flint Ume.
Tbe TogeUble eoUeeUona are earyfijM. two worthy of apeeUl note being
thoee dUpUyed by H. Brodbagea and
Bobt. Barney.
B. 3. Morgan haa a good exhibit of
T«eUbIea of epeeUl ealne for feeding
ateek and John McDon^d ahowa aome
fine Uangel wnrtub aad rutahagaa.
•BAUi Aim exxsa.
Tha dUpUy of eora aad grain U eery
gmill, bnt U good what there la of it.
John WhiU aad Bobert Barney each
hare oolleetioaa of iora aod Geo. Clapp
abowa alxtaen earietiea of beaaa. .
cwn.naxWa nu’ABnxxr.
The boya and girUAare done themaeleea pr^ in their diapUy of regeUblee. which bare grown jaat aa Urge
and fair at tboae rnUed by the
big folka.
Tbe little booaewiTea
bare made an appeticing exhibit of
eaaned fmlu aod )ellica. Which comparea well with tbeatoreof good tbiaga
exhibited In the aaac department for
the grown ap people. .
rasev woKK.
Laat year thb department waa filled
to OTerflowlqg. aad tbecootraat thla
year b rather noUeaable. but what
there b of it b beanUfuliy done, la

anean axwuu MAcaln oo.
lUt ta in each eariety and eo ex<|obItely doM that it b hard to beilere that
H b not hand worii of tbe higheet
Mita. i. «. BAta’ axiDBiT.
Mra. Elmt haa a apadri exhibit of
faaey work that b aCtineUttly diepUy^ and ahowa exeepiUaal UVent
Aowng the exbIblU placed ainee ^a
wrlU-apglTea la yeaterday'a lUcoiP
THt J. X. oaxiucx 00.
TUa weU known manufaotnring
n—ftny ahowa a fall Una of cabihau
and milk ^ea, a bimaeb of their baalnM that haa been added to tbe factory
' wlthU «kc pact few mentha.
BXAimriTL canrxD «oax.
Bohan baderaUdt of BclUlrc. a
. gradnaU of a German art aehool, baa a
laige exhibit of haad-«»r^w«k. defligMd aikl axMBtcd by hUafaU.


Ideeidad fiaaaelal aa wall aeeoeUl
eeaa. Orer »S0 waa cleared, which wU!
bd need la eompUUag aaoM of the iaterior fiaUhlngaof 8t. Praada aehool.

BwtuaUy To Ooanect Vith Tho a. B. Boater field fieTeral Bond
XnkiBg Knehinaa ta
Vtehigan OMttal-B
Q. B. Boa|»ey haa sold thb aanaoa
Otoekey Here Xmat Sight Leoking
For 100 Saa To. Vork On Tha large 'qaanUty of road making Implemaati and toeb to the Stau. and ha
Saw LUa.
left yaatarday tor Mackinac bland to
Kalkaaka. Mteh.. Sept, tt.—For
pat aoma of Usm ia operation la tbe
time eaglaeera of lha Chicago A Weet fiUt* perk which bheleg fitted up for
Xiehigaa roUroad hsTe beea engaged puUkaee. .
in aukiagout a route trom their north
Tht ladbn of the Oangr^U
aad south Una, which Wuehea the weat
aerre iec cream and cake
aide of Kalkaaka eouaty. thropgh to church
Kalkaska Tillage, where it’interaeeU tonight Pad toaaccrow night ia the
the Grand Bapida A ladUna inUroad. Store ropm on Front street fanacriy
[ded by K. B. filroag.
aad OB tha east towards the Mlehlgaa
Oeutrnl'a Mackinaw extension. Thb
Ameag the Boreltiee et IV. G. Iawproposed lUe will penairoUlarge
cBoe-s tell opealag Ttaoraday, Friday
trneu of Tslnable timberSoW P<^- nd Saturday are plaid, check aad
Boman stripe ribboaa. aad the aeweet
things ia TeUli«.
lUea to Kalkaska aad eUter herth<
towBL Tbe right ef way U now bC
secured aad Sunday WiUUm Aides
Sauth aad o^er offieUb of the roed
were here and the praapeeu are that
the new line will be pushed to earnpletiou et ua early day. though the
railroad officials are somewhat reticent
aa to their UUntioas.
Boadmaater MeClcskry was U the
pity last night looking for mra to work
OB tbe new exleuaioD. One hundred
will be giren empic^meat at onee aad
Mr. McChaskey left word U the city
that he wanted aa many as passible
from TrsTersc City and that aU applieatloiis should be aiade as early aa poaMbla. There will be work for fully
three mentaa
The exUoslon will be made from
Van Burea. su miles northeast of thb
city. Capping the grant lumber tract of
the Thayer Lumber Co. through to
Kalkaaka. Thb b a oouaeetton which
has loag bees sought by Traeeiw City, aad when computed it wUl
fniaiah a ealuabU axtaasloa and open
ap a new territory which will prore of
great Talus W tha C. A V. U. and thb
city, and proriding a direct
to all important potaffi oilI the MUhiganCeatrul.

In Tiles of OlilSiw Knights Were Bold

prized. Today they are
manufactured in different form, but just as b^utiful. \V« have received a new stock sellm^ixnn
15c to $4X0. Seeing is but to purcha^



Some of the biggest thlnn
for the maney in the

Most Men Overlook
Buyinjj Fall Undenw«r
the weather demands
' it forcibly. We’U be glad to anppljr your waate in

Good Underwear!
wheoerer you desire, but Irould eug^t your giving
it early attention. We abow atroag Tulnee at...................

2oc, 3oc, 42c. oOc, 75c, Sl.OO
when alttlag oa one of
notes b an easy matter for the daintily
dreaeed maiden. Time slips by when
•mtortobly enaconsed. and the TinitorroaUsea when he lesTm. that be­
tween womaa'a awaat teseinaUoa. aufl
the baautiful effect of Slctcr’l furni­
ture artbticnlly ertaaged, that bb
mlud tnraed to h<me eomforta and
thoughts oflore.
We're tbe Furaltnie at decidedly
tbe lo'wmt prioea.

night aalda from the regnlar roatine.
The moet InUrmting waa the repOTt'of
SnperlBUadenlf Grawn. which ahow- TODAYS FAIB ATTBAOTXOSM.
ed that thare ha*e been enrolled Una
far thb term ISM paplb la the pubUe
ecbooU Thb b an increaae of m
Tbb iriU be the great day of tbe fair
aboTc the number la(t year at tbb
Anotaer Important matter introdaoad by tha anoerintradeat waa the
truancy Uw. He reported that there
wbie a great many b^, eapeeially on Un e-clock between tha Baal Sid. team
tha Weat Bide, who were watting their
tlaaa o'lft of aehool. Be declared that "Iw^^a'rote'SLfla^'ri'l::^
the achooli were for aneb boya ea well
bicycle race.
aa othara aod that aoma action to- N
Hmlte...... ........gtooil 00 $ M
warda the appointment of a truant of­ too yard hurdle noe
ficer ahould be taken. Tbe matter waa
dbenaaad a few momentt. then Saperinteadent Gnwo waa authorUad to appoUl a aulUbU peraon to that office,
ea proTided U the eUte Uw.
UimwB preaenled tbe name of Deputy
Shkrlff MerrU for the poalUon. and
Mr. Marrle wat coaaidered a fiiat cUas
man for tha ddtiea required. There 1 mile open bieyde
wat ao objection and Mr. Marrln waa
efficUUy appoUted by SuperinUndeut
The truant oftleer will hare all the
powera of a regular policeman and will
garmeau that
make it bb hualneea to arreat ererr , The line-up of the teaou b as follows^
boy or-'girl who does net attend aehool.
BuluaredlffereuL For ip.
oBleaa a eery good reaaoa b adranced
for the approral of the anpMoUndorders to bare ear Working
Salu made np assubetanUally. if
Boi laore ao. than a drsas garTbe bicyelaa of the aeboUia praaeatmaul. With oor Popular Lew
ed another problem for oonalderXlion.
Prices we offer aa article that Is
1‘rofeaaor Grawn auted that there
were about eighty wheeb now iu oae
Ucre are three Iota, cannot be
by pnpib lo going to and trom aehool;
urged that aome prorblon be made I
whereby they could be atored during
aehool bonra. Inatead.of being plied np
kbont tbe gronoda and subject U
SabaUtutM--M. WianU and tralker.
sni^s laya, which wua damagUg to the
pnenmaUc liras. The matter waa taeTHBIB FZSLDfi OF LABOR.
ombly dbeomed aad wiU be gieea far­
Aaaig&BaenteOfWeU Xsown Faatorn
Brokw plsb* npae^sm, wwa aia
ther attcation.
Formerly Of Thb City.
Mr. Moore reported that MtUfae
progieea was being made in the arIt will be Intoreeliag to e grant toany
rangemenu for tbe wUter*s eupply of Trarene City people to know of come
of the farmer paatora ef tbe Methedbt
churck here aad whera thay are. Bet.
Firrt Xonry tor Bleynla Oiri.
O. D. Chaaa bas been amigaad to tbe
Bicycle Girt agalo dbUsgubhed her- MerUy ebaiga. Bar. M. M. Oallen to
eelf Wedaeaday by wlaning first money Bllbdale. Bar. J. W. Carlisle to the
.t Bead Cl^^_____________
East Street Methodbt church ia (iraad ,
Bapids aad Ber. G. W. Sherman to the I
Ohloago Swkat.
tlas Memorial, also la Grand Bap­
Chicago, Sept. SS.-Wheat-Septem- .
^T. W. R. fiUacheomb. who U
■cr.ajc: December. BSiie; May. »l».cCorn—September. t«\c; October. rery well known aad much eeteemed
t9Me; Decem)»er. aiHc; May. Sihe.
' la Trarerae Cfily wGI go to Imke View.
Departaaat U proriag a auoeem'^
Gate—Sep^bm. iBkc; October. Rct. a. W. Smith, formerly paitor of
IBM^sOeTD^ber. *«Hc: May. Mice. the fieeond M. B.. haa beea aa^ed to
Pork-Sepumbar. »8.U; October. Old Mimioa, Instead of Old Baroa as
announeed la yesterday's dbpatebaa.
Lnrd-Septemhar. $4.60; October. It wUl be fdeaaaat tor Mr. Bmltb's
friends to Uara that hb work arill be
$4.60;,Deeember, $4.0M»67.
parfoRDod etoee to lieTsiea a»y. whace
The LndUe Are lavMed to enU at be bas made many friends.
^ W. O. Uwreoce'a MUlUery store
Ikanday, ^dday aad tUtardaywf tbb
Xada a MaBdaema FrofiL
week and a$e her toU opening ef MUUaery. TbC Urgeat nnd hwt line «
The lea cream aodal giTsw Tumday
pnttera haU erer ahown.
iio-tl LbigBt by thaCUldfaBofMAiy was a WriemaurrieWshBlk.




I lot
lloi*s:*'as“ $5.79
I lot




aod upwards, knowing onr aaaortment to* include the ma«t
and comfort.giTing etylee, at Loweet Pri(*A See the goods at............

BallaUa Sry ecada. Oupet asfi OstUaf Ecus.


It’s No .Trouble
To sdl it. Ewfirybody ilkM it
Alwayi FMdy for buslnofis.
No \Mck talk.

i} "


FLOUB yon can boy.


Are suggestive of a little more Bed

A Special Purchase en> '

ables us to offer you a Splendid . All
Wool (Warp and Filling) Blanket at

^ $2.29
It’s a Money Saver
aod Comfort Giver.

Wa hate just maiieil ti entire New liee of.....

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, at---------



«rrloiAx. PAm



Pint Ye*r-2fo. 12S.

'-sUtc Sto^ SatriM Sot Siomk
\ OOtiSAttiMtlon tho lUejrcU Bfti
'MMtetd of tb« Btato-Only On*
OoMMtOBt Tot VhMMn OoUoc*
Priao-AttonteM* Ynj Light.
Sm7 sddittaM Md tmpro*«a
«rw« aodo la th* oahn^lB la the nala
haUdiag yoatardajr. aad tba dUpla^
whUa ia MBarwpMtaBoihalafga m
lart 7MT. gjM (ar ahead of It ia
rmtnr aap^arMaar.
It looked Tacodag ae thoogh the
trait dlaplaj voald be a
bat bj
Booa Tealardar there iraB aeareely a
aaeaat pUteleftla tbe epaee naoaUy
aaaigBed to thia aoctiaa, aod tbe frait.
what Uera iaofU, la tally eqaal ia
<lBalit]r to that of proriooa .vaara. Tbe
largaat di»pU>'la »ade by Mia. H. E.
OoUVta of Old MiMioa who has twenty
eight plaUB of applea. twenty-two of
paara, aiae of idnou, three of etab
applea. three of peaehea and oae of
Joba Menonald «f Ynba ahowa a col­
lection of fine fmlt. opnUlatng twentythree Tarietlea of applea. three of peaie
' aod pltuna. fire of crab ^plea aad two
of peocbea.
A. 8. Dofaaon of Long Lake ahowa
elcToo fine TorieUea 01 plnma and fearteen of applea from bla Pmit EiU
A. K. Moatagne of PentoanU^ a
oboto. otdlecUon of aerentera Tark

Amoag them be ahowe ftfty tarietlea
of batter Bolde aad dainty kltpchen
ateaMle of all oooeeleable deaigaa, beeidee caore oraaweatal artlolaa. each at
paper kalToa, napkin rtnga. etc. ThOM
are all oa aale at bte exhibit, aod be
merm loitiaU and namee on aa deelred
freeef charge. Mr. DodetetadVi work
nakoown la thU Mty, aa ha dM
baadaOBe earrlag In C 8. Ckrla’
cigareloreai^alaoaotae of the work
la huiaberg'a Grand.
axn-axT aveaa can.
Booeekeepera will be ieteraated la
the anU-ant anger caa Ureated aad
ifaetared by Cbaa. Iriah of thU

thla exhibit ia .the way of tobUta and
aehool anptdiea.
One of the chief attractiona in tbe
maU hall neeae to be the dlah toll of
Uay tortiea and turtle egga U
the art departmcav One bnadred
egga were plowed ap In three neeU
by B. D. Ckaapbell ea hU tarm at
Grawn aod while ha,wan waahlng
them free from dirt they began to
bauh oat, till only thrae egga remain
nabroken The tartlee are lirely little
fellowe and make loU of fdn for the
BAan.Tox cu>TBTxe ro. . .
ThU exhibit waa oompleted yeaUrday BOTBlag aad a complete line of
mea'a clothing U aUraeUTely dUpUyed. laeloding Klondike cUthlng
that wUl be a winner in the InAber
wooda of thU regloB thla wUtar.


-eight pUtaa of larga applea.
A. P.Oraypf Pealaanlahaaoneof the SXFUI'1 IHSKirF SASTXS TO
larger axblblu, with thlrty-foar rariete of peara, alocteen of applea.
tMty-threeof grapaa. three ef ante, Board Of SduoatioB WIU Bea That
d^d fifteen ef peocbea. the Utter being
Tbe Tnioacy Xmw le Bnfoiced—
' Ida oatlre CKV of peaehaa for the year.
Snparintendeat'.Beperted SohoeU
Buide theaa eoUecMona there are Itl
Bapidly FiUlag and -UtUe Boom
' alagU eotriaa.
Left Tor Sore.
i may be{,
alwaya do well, and the dltpUy thla
year la a eradit to tha ragioa. Tha
^tatoea ara particularly large and
haadaome and aaTorat fine oallectioBa
are oa exhibition.
Oeorga C^app of ArcbU heada the
lUtwith nUetT TarieOaa.
J. W. Dickermai;'of Solon cornea next
withtaeraatyeighl klada aad Bobart
Barney of Garfield diapUya aeranty
four.. '
Tbara are a anmber of aingle aatriea,
and farmara will be intereated ia tha
ChllforaU BBaaata. Utrodaoed thU year
for the flint Ume.
Tbe TogeUble eoUeeUona are earyfijM. two worthy of apeeUl note being
thoee dUpUyed by H. Brodbagea and
Bobt. Barney.
B. 3. Morgan haa a good exhibit of
T«eUbIea of epeeUl ealne for feeding
ateek and John McDon^d ahowa aome
fine Uangel wnrtub aad rutahagaa.
•BAUi Aim exxsa.
Tha dUpUy of eora aad grain U eery
gmill, bnt U good what there la of it.
John WhiU aad Bobert Barney each
hare oolleetioaa of iora aod Geo. Clapp
abowa alxtaen earietiea of beaaa. .
cwn.naxWa nu’ABnxxr.
The boya and girUAare done themaeleea pr^ in their diapUy of regeUblee. which bare grown jaat aa Urge
and fair at tboae rnUed by the
big folka.
Tbe little booaewiTea
bare made an appeticing exhibit of
eaaned fmlu aod )ellica. Which comparea well with tbeatoreof good tbiaga
exhibited In the aaac department for
the grown ap people. .
rasev woKK.
Laat year thb department waa filled
to OTerflowlqg. aad tbecootraat thla
year b rather noUeaable. but what
there b of it b beanUfuliy done, la

anean axwuu MAcaln oo.
lUt ta in each eariety and eo ex<|obItely doM that it b hard to beilere that
H b not hand worii of tbe higheet
Mita. i. «. BAta’ axiDBiT.
Mra. Elmt haa a apadri exhibit of
faaey work that b aCtineUttly diepUy^ and ahowa exeepiUaal UVent
Aowng the exbIblU placed ainee ^a
wrlU-apglTea la yeaterday'a lUcoiP
THt J. X. oaxiucx 00.
TUa weU known manufaotnring
n—ftny ahowa a fall Una of cabihau
and milk ^ea, a bimaeb of their baalnM that haa been added to tbe factory
' wlthU «kc pact few mentha.
BXAimriTL canrxD «oax.
Bohan baderaUdt of BclUlrc. a
. gradnaU of a German art aehool, baa a
laige exhibit of haad-«»r^w«k. defligMd aikl axMBtcd by hUafaU.


Ideeidad fiaaaelal aa wall aeeoeUl
eeaa. Orer »S0 waa cleared, which wU!
bd need la eompUUag aaoM of the iaterior fiaUhlngaof 8t. Praada aehool.

BwtuaUy To Ooanect Vith Tho a. B. Boater field fieTeral Bond
XnkiBg Knehinaa ta
Vtehigan OMttal-B
Q. B. Boa|»ey haa sold thb aanaoa
Otoekey Here Xmat Sight Leoking
For 100 Saa To. Vork On Tha large 'qaanUty of road making Implemaati and toeb to the Stau. and ha
Saw LUa.
left yaatarday tor Mackinac bland to
Kalkaaka. Mteh.. Sept, tt.—For
pat aoma of Usm ia operation la tbe
time eaglaeera of lha Chicago A Weet fiUt* perk which bheleg fitted up for
Xiehigaa roUroad hsTe beea engaged puUkaee. .
in aukiagout a route trom their north
Tht ladbn of the Oangr^U
aad south Una, which Wuehea the weat
aerre iec cream and cake
aide of Kalkaaka eouaty. thropgh to church
Kalkaska Tillage, where it’interaeeU tonight Pad toaaccrow night ia the
the Grand Bapida A ladUna inUroad. Store ropm on Front street fanacriy
[ded by K. B. filroag.
aad OB tha east towards the Mlehlgaa
Oeutrnl'a Mackinaw extension. Thb
Ameag the Boreltiee et IV. G. Iawproposed lUe will penairoUlarge
cBoe-s tell opealag Ttaoraday, Friday
trneu of Tslnable timberSoW P<^- nd Saturday are plaid, check aad
Boman stripe ribboaa. aad the aeweet
things ia TeUli«.
lUea to Kalkaska aad eUter herth<
towBL Tbe right ef way U now bC
secured aad Sunday WiUUm Aides
Sauth aad o^er offieUb of the roed
were here and the praapeeu are that
the new line will be pushed to earnpletiou et ua early day. though the
railroad officials are somewhat reticent
aa to their UUntioas.
Boadmaater MeClcskry was U the
pity last night looking for mra to work
OB tbe new exleuaioD. One hundred
will be giren empic^meat at onee aad
Mr. McChaskey left word U the city
that he wanted aa many as passible
from TrsTersc City and that aU applieatloiis should be aiade as early aa poaMbla. There will be work for fully
three mentaa
The exUoslon will be made from
Van Burea. su miles northeast of thb
city. Capping the grant lumber tract of
the Thayer Lumber Co. through to
Kalkaaka. Thb b a oouaeetton which
has loag bees sought by Traeeiw City, aad when computed it wUl
fniaiah a ealuabU axtaasloa and open
ap a new territory which will prore of
great Talus W tha C. A V. U. and thb
city, and proriding a direct
to all important potaffi oilI the MUhiganCeatrul.

In Tiles of OlilSiw Knights Were Bold

prized. Today they are
manufactured in different form, but just as b^utiful. \V« have received a new stock sellm^ixnn
15c to $4X0. Seeing is but to purcha^



Some of the biggest thlnn
for the maney in the

Most Men Overlook
Buyinjj Fall Undenw«r
the weather demands
' it forcibly. We’U be glad to anppljr your waate in

Good Underwear!
wheoerer you desire, but Irould eug^t your giving
it early attention. We abow atroag Tulnee at...................

2oc, 3oc, 42c. oOc, 75c, Sl.OO
when alttlag oa one of
notes b an easy matter for the daintily
dreaeed maiden. Time slips by when
•mtortobly enaconsed. and the TinitorroaUsea when he lesTm. that be­
tween womaa'a awaat teseinaUoa. aufl
the baautiful effect of Slctcr’l furni­
ture artbticnlly ertaaged, that bb
mlud tnraed to h<me eomforta and
thoughts oflore.
We're tbe Furaltnie at decidedly
tbe lo'wmt prioea.

night aalda from the regnlar roatine.
The moet InUrmting waa the repOTt'of
SnperlBUadenlf Grawn. which ahow- TODAYS FAIB ATTBAOTXOSM.
ed that thare ha*e been enrolled Una
far thb term ISM paplb la the pubUe
ecbooU Thb b an increaae of m
Tbb iriU be the great day of tbe fair
aboTc the number la(t year at tbb
Anotaer Important matter introdaoad by tha anoerintradeat waa the
truancy Uw. He reported that there
wbie a great many b^, eapeeially on Un e-clock between tha Baal Sid. team
tha Weat Bide, who were watting their
tlaaa o'lft of aehool. Be declared that "Iw^^a'rote'SLfla^'ri'l::^
the achooli were for aneb boya ea well
bicycle race.
aa othara aod that aoma action to- N
Hmlte...... ........gtooil 00 $ M
warda the appointment of a truant of­ too yard hurdle noe
ficer ahould be taken. Tbe matter waa
dbenaaad a few momentt. then Saperinteadent Gnwo waa authorUad to appoUl a aulUbU peraon to that office,
ea proTided U the eUte Uw.
UimwB preaenled tbe name of Deputy
Shkrlff MerrU for the poalUon. and
Mr. Marrle wat coaaidered a fiiat cUas
man for tha ddtiea required. There 1 mile open bieyde
wat ao objection and Mr. Marrln waa
efficUUy appoUted by SuperinUndeut
The truant oftleer will hare all the
powera of a regular policeman and will
garmeau that
make it bb hualneea to arreat ererr , The line-up of the teaou b as follows^
boy or-'girl who does net attend aehool.
BuluaredlffereuL For ip.
oBleaa a eery good reaaoa b adranced
for the approral of the anpMoUndorders to bare ear Working
Salu made np assubetanUally. if
Boi laore ao. than a drsas garTbe bicyelaa of the aeboUia praaeatmaul. With oor Popular Lew
ed another problem for oonalderXlion.
Prices we offer aa article that Is
1‘rofeaaor Grawn auted that there
were about eighty wheeb now iu oae
Ucre are three Iota, cannot be
by pnpib lo going to and trom aehool;
urged that aome prorblon be made I
whereby they could be atored during
aehool bonra. Inatead.of being plied np
kbont tbe gronoda and subject U
SabaUtutM--M. WianU and tralker.
sni^s laya, which wua damagUg to the
pnenmaUc liras. The matter waa taeTHBIB FZSLDfi OF LABOR.
ombly dbeomed aad wiU be gieea far­
Aaaig&BaenteOfWeU Xsown Faatorn
Brokw plsb* npae^sm, wwa aia
ther attcation.
Formerly Of Thb City.
Mr. Moore reported that MtUfae
progieea was being made in the arIt will be Intoreeliag to e grant toany
rangemenu for tbe wUter*s eupply of Trarene City people to know of come
of the farmer paatora ef tbe Methedbt
churck here aad whera thay are. Bet.
Firrt Xonry tor Bleynla Oiri.
O. D. Chaaa bas been amigaad to tbe
Bicycle Girt agalo dbUsgubhed her- MerUy ebaiga. Bar. M. M. Oallen to
eelf Wedaeaday by wlaning first money Bllbdale. Bar. J. W. Carlisle to the
.t Bead Cl^^_____________
East Street Methodbt church ia (iraad ,
Bapids aad Ber. G. W. Sherman to the I
Ohloago Swkat.
tlas Memorial, also la Grand Bap­
Chicago, Sept. SS.-Wheat-Septem- .
^T. W. R. fiUacheomb. who U
■cr.ajc: December. BSiie; May. »l».cCorn—September. t«\c; October. rery well known aad much eeteemed
t9Me; Decem)»er. aiHc; May. Sihe.
' la Trarerae Cfily wGI go to Imke View.
Departaaat U proriag a auoeem'^
Gate—Sep^bm. iBkc; October. Rct. a. W. Smith, formerly paitor of
IBM^sOeTD^ber. *«Hc: May. Mice. the fieeond M. B.. haa beea aa^ed to
Pork-Sepumbar. »8.U; October. Old Mimioa, Instead of Old Baroa as
announeed la yesterday's dbpatebaa.
Lnrd-Septemhar. $4.60; October. It wUl be fdeaaaat tor Mr. Bmltb's
friends to Uara that hb work arill be
$4.60;,Deeember, $4.0M»67.
parfoRDod etoee to lieTsiea a»y. whace
The LndUe Are lavMed to enU at be bas made many friends.
^ W. O. Uwreoce'a MUlUery store
Ikanday, ^dday aad tUtardaywf tbb
Xada a MaBdaema FrofiL
week and a$e her toU opening ef MUUaery. TbC Urgeat nnd hwt line «
The lea cream aodal giTsw Tumday
pnttera haU erer ahown.
iio-tl LbigBt by thaCUldfaBofMAiy was a WriemaurrieWshBlk.




I lot
lloi*s:*'as“ $5.79
I lot




aod upwards, knowing onr aaaortment to* include the ma«t
and comfort.giTing etylee, at Loweet Pri(*A See the goods at............

BallaUa Sry ecada. Oupet asfi OstUaf Ecus.


It’s No .Trouble
To sdl it. Ewfirybody ilkM it
Alwayi FMdy for buslnofis.
No \Mck talk.

i} "


FLOUB yon can boy.


Are suggestive of a little more Bed

A Special Purchase en> '

ables us to offer you a Splendid . All
Wool (Warp and Filling) Blanket at

^ $2.29
It’s a Money Saver
aod Comfort Giver.

Wa hate just maiieil ti entire New liee of.....

Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, at---------




■raoLuaare a oBowma. ;

MaMtm of lev fine rwtotared Sbropiblra'^wB. faer yaarllac ttnwpaUra
A waatlat of tka H>tb aoboel Jeatote
iwa aad flea ftaa Sbropabira laBba.
aad aaalora waa b^ altar aebool hoen
H. K. Beaebala, alee ef WUltama- aa Taaaday to ortaalaatba Blfb Ocbool
berf. aJtUWto twa ftaa yaarllat pan l^oaaB. WiU Ultbtoa waa alaetad
yawa aad twa laaba of tba mbm bread.
B. & BaUer of AoBa, alaa baa d flaa
Itopt^^ tba BlddU wool trade. Two Meatlata erlll be bald retelarly at la
lota ^ year ate. aad two yaari aaS tba peat yaart, aad tba work «r01 be
orar-of that iropablre tiada. Ha alao aapaeially proAtabia.
baa two dae. laaba aad a raflatorad
Shropahlia ba^
OsTaUar, Miatori aad Cowboy walklot bate are tba aawaat aad most atylop BWUR.
iA beta for faU wear. A faU Uae at
awlaa aatriaa are eery U^t, not Mru. W. O. Lawraaeab taU rrranliiir
tba aearata year. Bobert Baniay of mlllloefy. Thurkday. Friday a^
iM a ftaa Poland China aow and a boar
«t tba aaae bread.
Praak Dobaon of Acae. baa
a ftaa Polaad China aow with a Uttar of
Total................................................ 1.&
aix aotlTo UHla plfa. ala waaka bid.
Of the aoBbar fiTaa froB tl
anaual tall
Oaatral m ar« earoUad la tl
Tka ladles
day. Friday
Tbare ate about half tba aa- are iarited to call
Bl|^ Bcbool, wbleb to tA BM
all aadloek
over bar
trlM of poelty that there
ftaa Stock.
tbaa laat year at thUtaBa. Tbto to
food tbowlat aad proeaa tba rrowlnf
lateraat la tbto axoallaat laaUtaUoa
ftaa lltbt Brah:
wbioh to attraetiac Bora tbaa patolai
attaaUoB, aad which raaka with tba Bockt, Brown Lacboma, pea eoeka,
beat blfb eeoooto lo the atata. Tbto terkeyt aad toeaa. Tha moat aotii
. to a treater averafe tbaa
to abowa if many elmllar laatltatioae wboae bodice are ooeered with loft
la larte < lUee. la Maatotee tbe hitb dowB iaataad of tbe oseal feather
illmeat to tcaa tbaa 17&. Tba clotblaf worn by ordinary fowla.

MlaoMMlaPiiUioBebootoef 181
TEAVSM* onr^.^wcHioAii
Thm hM bew •
Ibcmm is
Ua MrellMot «f U>« pataUe Mhooli ol
tha tl*r
opmlac 4*jr. vaOl
«aw:T. b*tt« Ajn> J- w. BAxm.
ywr oo th*
J. W. Ruro. Bll»»
lUW. total WM 1.4U. wbleb thotaa u ia>
e( m. Follotainrm «ho 8r


arsAKiao of bard Ubm; are thm lii
Tnwe Cit7 OM budrod bob wbo
BMd •mpIojBeBtr If thtoo M«, tbm
to a Job of buUdlwr an oztoDaioo to U»
C. R W. M. raUiray froai VaaBvna to
ud tbei« to wofto for a laffo
foroa of«aBfortbn»taOBtka' Boadtoaaurl.lleaeakay wanta tba maa at
0met to barlo tbe work. Tbia looki
Uka old tliDW when praaparity dwelt
si tbe bearth of tba woridaR
While tbepropoeadaxtaoaioa eriU be
• rood tbioK.for a larre aaiabar of
laboriDf .neB. it wUl opaa op a aew
tarritory wbicb wlU In a abort tlma
daralop a oonnUy wblch will be eary
^eeUee aod tbe ootueactioo will be
of fraat ealoa to Trtkrerea City a little

DnparalleM Offer!


A Woman's

ahowiat aiada bare to a atroat airn'
meat for tbe decree of exoelleneo eo
Prank Qruble ,
to iatenelfled by tbe eletaaee of
Ubltobdd and for the abUlUae of tba Hors cow, three
>e yaart
yeaTe old;.
old^ A.-'P.
laatnetore eBployad.
ibowe a Jereev baK. two^
Byroa Woolaey, a Jersey boU calf.
U. itoecbam, a Jeraey cow. tbiwe
J. Lawraaoe’a aew fall ataek at her >-earm, aaS belter, oae year old. ByroD MtWT BEAUTIFLX BPFBCTS la
miUlBorr opealBfv Thoreday, Friday Woolcey alao abowa a yc^llnt Jersey Lataat Paeblooabla Oaalcaa wUl be
aadbatarday. lil-tf
belfer, and L.. O. Baacbam a belter abowa at the
Tbk Board of edaeatloo Bade a
te tbe rlrbtdineUoB laat Blrbt. te proaidior for aciiaa which wiU taad
AnoBt Lheroailttert a etalllon to
•ompeltniaaUtoatteDdaebboi. There
hibttad by D. B. Wyakoop^ two mai
are a treat naBy boye lo tbe city wbo
(ConHnuad /ram f«t Popr.)
^Mod Ume lo Idlcaaea aa^ Blaebtof
Moir, and a thrae-yaar-olc
wbooBrbtW ba.lcaniat aooMtUaf.
Uao.te Hardy.
TBavnsB RITV Buaueaa co».^e.
A ftaa Btatebed taam aad elatla
Dapcty dbertfl MaMa to a
1 B. Doekeray'e Baalaem CaUefe
tloo for traaat efiaar aad ka wUl aaa
to it that ttaere are fewer JoeeaUei oa ooeaptoa a booth la tbe aaat wlat. and M^atooalatle butiry ho2» by U ThUfSllayr FridSf Bid SBtDniBy.
Mr. Doekaray to tbare to explain’tbe K. tiibba and C C. Baowlton.
Ibi etreeto dartat aebool b<
of work pamed la bit oolEvery lady la tbe city will profit
by aa laapectioa of our elefiaat
There am a tew attraetlaea on -the
Uae of MfliineTy.
tronada, tbs oaa which draws tba
Todaji^UI be tba bit day at the fair.
Tbe aebool exblblta are eery flae and larttot crowd bainc tba X-ray Uluehm.
Aadrew BiaUb of thto.elty waa t*aat- ww a atoady adraDcameat la tba The axhlbltlop^ of tbe mummided
•d apaiaatcBbtooa
traded ooaatry achoole of the
riui. S.S feot la baltbt. to alao a
r. U Jobaaoo baa baaa appolated The dtoplay would compare faTorably rare attraeUop and worthy of eoaaidarBaaaia wlU tbe work done In tbe lar«eat able attenUoa- Tba ramalae are aaid
pcaUBaatcr at
eltiaa latbaatato- Bach aebool abotot to bara baaa duf
Mewport. B. I.,

Qnaaa City Camp. S7*.-ft V. of A.. a variety of work la alt braacbea. but laltM.
. . •
wUl bold a a^ial BeaUaf toal(bt la
L. K. Gibbs wUl exhibit tbe Raelae Odb WMk of..
TldaalUy In each eaae.
MoatacaabbU. A fell
obemical flra exUnt»tober eaet of tbe
SuBBlt City bat come fine amp work. ball trounda. duriat ^e momlBt and
' BUI aireet aebool. Grant, baa aomr afurnooB.'
TbefUi>eedaBto rtrei
ball by tbe Boya' Bead laat e
About four o'clock SJ boya aod tlrU.
Amoat the t«>d
•bowa by membera of the lUtb aebool bicycle
waa well attaoded. They will glrr
Nlsbereoa feboal to a clerar aertoe of club, viaited the
•aotber one tbto arenlntlo a body,
The C B. of tbe CoDtrecatioaal baade illukWunt tbe dlffereat naUoa. upon' iooluUon of the maBatemcDt.
^areb are makiat lotoaretltit prep- alltlec.
•ntiaoe t<»en
Seeeral yount b>cb asd wamaa had
Ibe teaebert of the public acboole Fri- eoiored maps.
MaTBcld baa a awialty in tka way «ipr«Md Uteir lotenUon to oompete In
ftay aitbb
the oratorical oontaal foi the Wl
Tbe ladleeJbf tbe Sallotal Eeaeree of mapa of Mlcbixaa abowlBt tb
Il !«. h*cn>i» »
«k» |«tai
rollete acholarubip, but at the appoint- M.Ki
U(1 Iraaiw rlTiinw Uet
AaaoeiaUoD will aerra oyetere aad catioae of the rarlotta ataU laaUtut
«d time only one appeared. MtoaOatoy
Haaeah baa ■
J—iB tba aaatatore room of the eew
knaeb block from aooa uatU teb dBcUoa ma'pa of Europe.
I>r. rwn»eed bliaUff id rawieUiUw*
Orawn to op to date ou maps of tiraad orailsB on "UnwrittoB Mualc.'
«MU>1 eliWMlwn-tourait npuc ra. diWtxiM
•'flock Utaitbt.
showed hereelf to be a keea atmdent of
T^rarae eouaty.
iBBadtotaly after the football tame
laterlocben abowa some tood htaler- Batere, aad her oraUea waa full of
^efteraooa there will baaa elderly
S4>cer«r<«.e<i*<lt''UMw railDral
dainty tooebce.
will «uM rue eultilM end mt
Boeb Wcyela exerelaa aa tba raoe leal drawlutu.
The jBdt«* will wUharid tbeir deMoaroa Centre baa exeellaat worii la
Savft Toar Life.
ttaek. All nea oeer fifty yearu of at*
ctoioa naUl today, aa It to hoped that
eoattaeutal mapa.
__ r*Uao»w>wim»«iiln«oreo»wfio»k- Tee’
are elitlble to ealar.
- . ----------'^■ptoataatara of tba aoDM of tbe etben wbo bad eatorod vlll.b»(o)d»<«<V‘ to rend (race.
tbelr aamea for tbe eoateet will
Jbba Verly waa elected traaamrar of Oraaa Lake exhibit.
WsfiairutaeaOtueiatvnyeaM «f
tba Borne Forum laat{Bitbt and maa.
Une Tree baa wall a: rated pbyaio- able to be vreeaat aad eerapete.
Caunb, Obnole uA PiivaU
bare are requested to pay tbelr aeeeaa- Icttlcal ebaru.
Athletic Beeataand Keyeio Bae
Beau aad duee to blni at bto store oa
Map work ia Uaek and white aad
The yamea aad btoyela racaa attntoV
ftpat ttreab
dlatrama are aiaoat <be fealuras of led a larraabareof tbelBtareat. Tbe
ProfBaor Murtaotb baa orfaaUed a tbe Mapletou exhibit.
moat eloaaly ooatoatod was tba fira_aftuk4 fir Taan.
risB la daoeiat at Blk Baplda, wbleb
Stoay Bbach baa rood axamplea of mtle baadleap. U waa won by t O.
' ha wUl ooBduet durtar tba faU aod
Carrar. •cratob.ia apretoyftBtob with
•iatv Bontbelaooaaaclloa'wltb bto
Tboutb not la tbto oanuty one of tbe Frank Uoldawortb. wba alto atartad
•ebeal la TrarteM City.
most iDtereeUat axhibiu to made by from tba acratob. aeeood; C. E. Switb
Tbe Bnby Lltbl Camera, club wUl Blacbam. It laeledee careful work la of Acme, *<0 yards, waa third. Bernto
““‘A,,.. V
meet with Mia Bard, on West BItbtb maaual tralnlac ia tb* way wbllUiac Stockiof of Elk Baplda. made a placky TtarwwOtr.tUpClf. IWI.
alreel. Saturday areatat- Tba data aad clay work.
rwd umI lon-TW ram
race, after loalaff nrare tbaa bto baadiThe larteet aad mast alaborato ««- cap, UU yards, by a poor start, aad
baa baaa dtaa^B
eoBDt of the taaebere' reoepUoo to be play to Bade by the Acme acboola U uae la fourth.
tfvea oa that avaalat.
Tbe one-mUa norioe aad Aha halfB. a Barber, formerly of tbe O. B. work. exeelloBl mapa aad drewlufe. mile opea were alas hatly ooo
* I., auceeede B. J. Hanaloraky at the pbyalolotical ebarta. etc., and to datnla tbe other framea loma rery irood
M. AS. E- treipbl ofiee la tbto city. Uly rotten up abowlnt bard aad faithMjorde were made. Tba time and e — »i W rllM-l • rsi*.
Mr. Banaloeeky baa been eoaaaetad fol work oa tba part of taacheru aad aamea af tba prue wlnaera wUl be tbe •Urtotaat Oonadeaoa Matetali
with tbe oompaay'e lateraat for tbe JWPUAfound lo tba anmmary below:
CtmRfitin ui buiiuUM FM
paat rix yaare. two yeara of whleh were
One-Mile Sorloa—Oscar Friadrieb
Thera ware a few more eatriea at the
nuTMKirr. imcludixu aixoiciKca.
apaat aa maaatcr'Poatal Taletimpk Co. fair yesterday beeldea Iboee meuUi
let. Berate Stoekiac. Elk Baplda. Sad.
ottoa at Haatotee the bblld- ia tbe Record. Oae of tbe noat ooUee- Percy Noble. Blk Baplda. Ird. Tima,
vrarr «w« wotiib*. Bue
lat of tbe taoaral office ef the U. A S. able to that of tba Potato Implai
%. E'y Co- aad four yeara were qwat at Co., wbleb to prealdad orer by Charley
Flra-Mfle Baadlcap-C. a Chreer 1st,
Ibto cad of of tbe road la Ibe capacity Huek. The eotapaoy ehawa the i
Frank BoldaworU tad, C. B. 8«ltb.
of telatrapb operator M. A N. E. aad
Acme. »rd. Time. U:ia
iplete Uae af potato liaplam
Pwtal Tulecrapb Co. clerk, frrif^i
UaU-Mila Upea-Holdawe. _ . .
r exhibited bwa aad wbat to i
traUfyiDt to that they are all tba pro- Ckarlaa Bock tnd. Bay Brows Ird.
Tba exhibit Tiara, 1:I7.
duel of local enterprto
100 yard daab^Leri Pmaiafftan
itota of Acme plaatere, Peerleea and
Iboaraa O. Ooalon waa one of tbaa
Charles Halm Sad, A R. Dewar 3rd.
Monitor tubular plaaura,
Tima Hit.
lar. aad
<1. o. Tnraar waat to Chicafo yaatorPola Vauli-F. D. Outebar. Blk BapBtolnTliedtotbeAetne
day oa lafal baalaera.
ia. V feet, let; Pennlartoa, 7 feet, 6
ttomlito. Bcaldee these Implaai
iBchaa tad; A. K. UUl, Blk Baplda. 7
MfU. Kab*l Of Sortbport waa a Ibav the company to ebowint the com]
Uae of tbe Eureka Mower Co. of wklch teat. lid.
•ma City etoltor yaata^y.
fttaadlnr Broad Jump—Pennlartoa.
Mr. aad Mrs. B. W. Bouad retaiaad tbe Implemeat Co. are tbe Jobben'
eteatBinMleblcaa. The eatlra exhibit « feat • iacbea, let: Cutober, « feet 3H
M artaiat
Uebae. Sad: Charles Balm. 0 feat. Ird.
Peed S. Tukbory of Blk Baplda. waa^ abowa that tbe Potato Implement Co.
FutOof ie Ib. 8bot-Bd. Broaob, 4t
to <me of the trowlat ataanfactorlaa' in
a«a«tat Park Plaaa yaaurday.
tba Oraad Trararaa retioa. and oaa of feat. 10 lac^ let: Cntobar. 19 last
Mrs. BuUara of Sortbport to tba
t inohea, SSid: Peaalaftoa, U feet 1
fMStof JudfeJ.B Oampballef
yBack Baoe-Oeear Friedrich. laU Peatbe exbiblUiioa of seed outtera, byJ. J.
Mra. John Barry to anjoylbt •
alaytoe. lad: Cotahar. 3rd. .
bom bar father. Jpaapb Schaaek.
The ball fsnra la tba foranooB baTba aatriaa of lira etoek are mat
aomarow. aot nearly aa tnat as laat tweaa Lardiab BInCrm ud the East
C B. Murray want to Oraad Bapids year, bat tboaoskowa are of aaperior Bide team waa wu by the Uacitwa.
Bears le to 10.
ymtatftay raoralat aa baalnaaa. aad quality.

FOR 75





One Week Uinget, iintil
Saturday Night, Sept. 25.


Children’s and Misses’

showti and
Best Stock we have ever shown
Prices never so attractive»at

Wilhelm Bros.


■ tr. Patson s method Cures.

for the Opening of onr





An all wool, extra heavy Keraay Jacket, aitk faced, -oonaidered good
value at (10. for S5M
A St inch Beaver Cape, trimmed with fur and four rowa of braid,
worth $8.60, for (L16.
A ladiea’ Boucle Jacket, aatin faced, good value at (6, for thia apemal
Bitle, (S.75.
A heavier Boucle Jacket, aaUu lined throughout, preaent value S8XXV
our price at this special aale, (6£5.
A ladies' geuuine Bealakiu (pieces) ColUreite at thia apeda! aale $6B0.
Our stock of Cloaks is nearly complete on tbe second floor where you
will find irreat varieties of infant’s Cloaks and Fur beta, misses^
and children’e Cloaka, Fur Edgings and ladies'Muffs.
We BcJicit visits from onr friends and patrons.
shown to all, whether you buy or not.

««..~ »>

Dr. Parsons Clinic

The aheap axli
A.J.ftlaelalr.bMwbewtitoalIla lato tba vlaltor. Tba axblWt
omsMaaadeatabaiWtftA. la la the
el O. M. BlaftfaU of WDUuMbn^.
Mtyfraa Oraad Bi^

- )





42.00T GOING


Courteous treatment

The Boston

Glass Blwh,

Free Concerts

..One Dollar a Pair Saved..
We have reduced tbe price on all Dark Color TAJT and OX
blood BHOB8. OOUt TOB8, PingrM ft Smith and
NetUetem make OXB DOIXAB a pair, for geatlemen^ wear
in Viol Kd and Chlf. On all Light Color Tana we bare
cut the price in two or Ona Half Off regfular price.' These
are not ft cheap U^, but are Oar Bast 8hoaa Ohai^..........


The Old Reliable Shoe Han.

118 Frout Strsbt, Wumbubc Block.

THa Komraro ismks, iBxrBaoAT, npiuonT n, lan.
BUMk BttM •CH^f
•^W»>4^*(DlbtJftkt^ 6>«cttn

ttenttrtdtht HuMkRlflMtetftBM
ei teat teU. M J*t tbe/ batt rtctltti
wantrtraiidwoaUUkttA te*t Ikt
. M «ht
mMImm > 4MiroM of playtaf otbor


aad riMbsfktg. H esnft pm tea; 1
ehtna ruBhers. ( eanta per tea: ma- I

OEPUnMBEGlHS srf.:r'rn?u*nr^‘T;.:TriA^s
Judn lynch to Hatp Probe Into
tho Poet* ortho Shootlnc
■t Lattimor. Po.

Xlonod-Oorrit 0>V««1 WOB
Hmm wm * food ktUttduM f«ttor>
>4B7 ot lh« «(ABt7 W. C. T. U. oodt^-^'-'^ioo, mhkk WM bald te tht Ctaocrtfotlpool obtreb. Tbm ort alfbt ooleat
tai4ba oootV' »•<> ef
aU irara
rtfrtatntad. TiottAa CItr Ualoo.
WUUid Doloo wd Mioart Y. W. a T.
U., oU of TnTcna Qt7. and Fife Lake,
WUllaMbaivandOldlliMioa. Klagv
U7 aad lowrloebeo failed to aead delaftlaa. bat the other tbrM onulde tba
eitj were repreaeotad bj tweat; membatm. Baporta abowed the MdaUee to
be la food workisf oogditioa aad Jibe
laiOTMt aiDODf all boa Ike faia.
M tba momlaf aeeUaf Mra J. W.
Tbaeia wae made tempofair chalrMO
awl Mra P. J. CurtU waporary aeob' taiy aad ofHeen ware elected aa fol­
Preeidaat-Mra J, W. Traela
Saerelary-Mra P. J. Oartta.
Treaaaror—Mbe Alberta Oarpwitar.
The prealdeau of the earioaa aaioa*
ooosUtote the aloe p
After the baeiaeoa of the ateeUaf
waa ooaeleded lira L. aobarta
Mra Kinf ooadoetod a Botberb
faroaoa. which wal feaerally parUclpatad in, asd prored oae of the
, balpfal featarea of tba ooareaUoi
The afteraooB prafraB opeaad with
derotlonal exerclaea ooadnrtad b^ Uca
9. U Eelloff. Uia R. A. Campbell of
ary. waa iatrodaoed aad apoka briefly, after whiek
Mia Pray of WUIlaBaborf. read aa iolaraatiBf papar'on tiaacbiM that protoked aa aBloBted dlaouBioa.
The rwpeaaibUlUee of fatben
a by Mra Wood
of Ttave «CKy. aad tbU aiao called
The freatBt seed*
oota d
at Ibe MW anlba were broofbt ap aad
dlMBed freely, aed the profimm eoawith a foroetal arfaemeat oa
•Ibe oeed of the corfew bell ia to<
; aad eWta. by Sira P. J. Cortia

'W-Ukeaharfe, Pa.. Sept.
Uartln and hie aUty-four drpuUee were
flrea a pTrllmlnary taeartnc before tbe
court yeeierday. charfed wllh thekkllnf
oTIweBty-four ■irlklnc mlnin ovarLaCtimer un Friday, flci>t. la The defwllte
wrere tirouphl up frem UaaUtuti under
mllluo* ewMri. A brae crowd met them
at tbe auilon, but they i>r< creded unmoleucd to the ^ourt houae. Judp<m
Lyacb and Becaett prealdrd. Judjie
Lyach announred that the judset would
■It aajuatlrea uf the pt«<v to bear leetlDwny In ibe caae. Juhe H. Oonnaa
opened for the prceeruiluo and staled
that be wae employed to Inreallcete Ibe
Shootlnc at LalUmer and Inoulre It the
aberllT and bla depullea were Juetined
in klUIng twenty-four men. He began
by referrtng to “Dlcutor" Ooble. who
ivniard (0 allow the depulie* 1° be arrraled when warranta were tmued ten
day* aio. The BUoraey aleo referred to
Ooroner McKee being a-major In tbe
Ninth regiment, to hta tnanr.rr of pro­
cedure In the arrrel of the deputiee and
to hli bringing them here aurrounded by
a military cucapany with gu^aod bayoneu.
Oo*Bwa.tJnHs ia Dtegmt.
Oormaa thee made a moUun abiing
that Ibe warranta of (tqulre tiurman he
given the prvfeivnoe and that the deputie* tw remanded to the regular «ifflcetw
of the bw. Judge I.ynch r-fibd that
the Judges did nut an haai ly but ItMird
the warrant* tfler due d>-lil«ratbm. The
Judge mid that tht> heanng ha* nothing
li> do w llhrthe conduct ot 0> hi-ral tlobln.
The court aald Oie wltn>-*ees wbo were*
not iiresent rhnuld be brought In., and
Ihdl the hearing could be procetded with
■uch wrltnemr* as were pres<rl. Attor.
Bey* Oortnan and Mctlahren then n>.i|.
fled Ibe court that (hey would withdraw
from the ca*e. District Attorney P>ll
then look charge. Pherlff Martin waa
seeled at the defendant'* talde. surround's! by three lawyer*.
Tetw Hsw B* Mtw the WhstStag
>e town*
*ald' hr
Btrlkers coming and went out to meet
them aed to see what would hapien.
Pome rf the men carried elulw Wllneai
Ibe UiatorUl PcIm Coatcaa ia tbe told them to throw away their cluhs and
Ooofn«atiooal cboicb lael erealag.
. waa atteaded by a aiodarately Urfe,
of the de|vullN> named Tumtach »ay; "I
' aad ^tteiatlea aadianea
don't know whal the ..h.elfT im*n*^Hje aaerebea were opeaed by Ihr taking u* aroud like ihl* without errderina u* to ahoB.'' He mid the deputies
flafiaf of America, ie wbicb all '
ioTlted to Jola. aad prayer by Ect. U. got uir the car near l^tllmer. The nrlk& Nortbruo.
lle«e trab one if the tirlket* and cry
A tjaartat, aospoeed of Fbaak Parka "Halt." Thire wa* a rcoltle ard some
Dr. Snyder. Balph Uaelett and lYeo one crl-id "Fire." There w a* -^ne shot.
Baatar. rendered a -ery pleaaief ea- th«n an liter, and then* a volley. The
depulle* kept on eh>s>0ng ae tbe men
toetioa. "ODwardABd Upward.»
ran away. Hr aald the firing bned
Mra Trarb fire aa ioiereetlof talk about flve mlnulea
T«> fMfcer WHamwa Osw DIBeiwIly.
00 tbe work of tbe W. C T- t'- She
Jonathan Licheneberger, a Hialeton
a^ at tbe food eecomplbbed la tbe
ennlrwcior, was Ihe neil wttnesa, He
paat and aaeonrafed tbe worker* to
IM yaida
hope for etUl eeere is tbe fatnre.
striker* when the trouble be­
••Tbe Bird with a Brekea Piah»- gan. He raw Sheriff Martin approach
watebaitnlaflyBaaf by Mbe Beaediea the men. The DherlT bad a paper In hi*
hand, which he read. After reading the
Mte CbiTie 0-Nral wae tbe flreb- proebmatlon hr ordered the crowd lo go
apMkB In tbe PriM Ooatacv aad fare. bach. Then they had a arulllr wtih hlm.
U a tnehinf manaar. a pathetic reeiU- He drew a re\-i lvet. but woroe one
hi* w rlat and held up bb hand
tleo. oatltled ‘Tbe Martyred Mother.
so that he could not do anything. Thee
*' She waa followed by Mba Mamb the Ihooting l>e«mn.
CTtarle* Oumroii. a school teacher of
Orlatt. wbo epoke a dblect ealecUoo.
wBUlyb Plrataad Laat Driak of Ufw." Lattimer. tewtlflrd lo teeing fiberlfl Mar­
tin, arunte with the alrtkers. Ml* test!MIb Oriatt held tbe ekiae atteatioo of
much the aame as Ibe precedtbe aadbone
Bimar Brown recited “Tba Polbb
of Ouawmtl'* teats•B6y- la a rary latarmtiaf way.
Mba Anate Oriatt roeltad a aalaetloa
anUUad “When 1 xia weak, than I am
alroafMba OrUtt baa oonaid«rrbta b eoftclnded Joseph A. Sinn. truR offi­
cer of the Cliy TruR Safe Depocll and
talent and rwsitad in an oriflaal 1
Sorely company, of Philadelphia, utialtfled as bondaman In Ihe sum of taCJM.
“A Piotare*’waa Hfy nleely apcdran After ball had 1»-er fumUbed. a i»ceas wa*'taken until t:M. Several wltby MiB Wmoofkby of Old MbMoo.
nraaes were eyamlned In the aftemtoo.
MIb WlnUred Pratt waa tba laat but
the lesilmony was merelycnrrohoraapaaker in tbeeoniaataadfare a
tlve of prerlou* wltufasea Nol a Slagle
o beartng the ihertatareaUof dlalaet eeUUad. • Fait
srai.K Anomtu fob iluwoib.
Moaella Baanetl recited aad waa e«tkoeiaeUeally aaeored.
Mra N. E- Sjronf abo Rare a raoltation wklcb waa wall appreelatad.
Mr. Hidly waa freatad by ai^bnaa
Bcreelteda oomtc aalaeUoa aed reapooded with Bofene Fieldi peam.
“Joat Before CbrUtmaai"
Prof. Horn fare tba rerdlet of tbe
jadfw. which fare tbe prlee. a allrer
oap, to llba Oarrie O'Sa^.
All of tba parUclpaob did food «
and tbeb efforta wm hlfbly ap
Our BpaniMt aattad peanctb aratakMoinriike hot eafeaa Try tbam.
Lallan A Aeb.
Danville, nb.. BepL tt-Tba atgbtaentk anouel aeaaloa of tbe nuaob
•UU Ucoor Dealer* aBodeflen coo*
waned la the Grand Opera Houae yeaterday: Ihe convrnUoD waa callad to or­
der by. Prreldent JdiD T. Oaelty. of
Chkapa. The moralaa aeaalon
voted to rrporta. Aboot “
are atleedli
There .wi



prenmlnarr comewa maea man aad
Ub ahou at each of tba taafea, M. MO.
•M aad m paida forty Aota b an. The
AMered adAHta of the TwMiy-flearth

Wha*.tbe OpetirfaA Ma* Pay BiBwetW
Mew WUI «• to Wdfk.
.Springfield. Ills. Sept, tt - At the
mcvtktg of the *taie coal mloera' conyeaMao here yesterday the following
ac^ of wagew for tbd entire aUte was
prmmted by the committee and adopted
forllhe easulng year:
tiroib weighi-Bireetcr and Clark
City. 4R cents per ton: Wilmington field,
including Susblng.« eenU: Spring KIIU
•» cents: l^.-talle, M cents: Lincoln. 42S
eenU: Illoomlngton third vein. V canta;
BlOomAjgtcn sHond vein. » cent*; PonUac. M cenu; 1‘roiia and Canton suhdlatricl. ti cent*; Springfield. IT 7-10
cenU; Peoria, so cent*; DanvIUe and
Grape creek. S7 cents: Bellevtlle. «
cenu: Duquuln. S cents; Coal Valley,
il cents; Ollchna* and Wanlock, U
cenU; Assumption. Kt* cent
and Alton railroad
1; Utchfirid,
ta; Lli
field Sa 1 three-foot vein, to
o be proI
portioned, respective condition* of Nsa.
1 and t
Beale of day work for entire state as
follow*: Tii^k layer*. U.U per day.
tlraber'Tnrn./tf.SS; driver*. tJ; oagrr*.
tt: traDPats. U cents; inalde Uborerw.
tS: top band*, not leaa than tt.U:
dumper*, tt: car trimmera. tt; box car
trimmer*, 12: box car shovelerw, tt: Ubor bottom digger*. SL
Machine mlnes-Peoria and Canton,
eubdlftrict: nooUag.'loading aitd tlBbartBg.
oents per ton: Bacblna *«».’
nank tt-M par day; aaehlne katpon.
•LM; ma^lM third meeu H.N.
BaUevlU* diatrict-Bbootlng, iMIhC

a.-Twe slight earth-

per ton above diairtet price*, the**
price* lo govern all ralam ehlpptng eoal
■Mo (be St. Lout* market.
Tayiorvllle-Machine runner*. «M
o«t^pej^uam toot; ahootlng. loading
bUcenta per toniAMparA
f^SSgS^-OeaMeaky fair, vumv
lU oenia
r: Itgkl iMrtbarty irisd*. For Wloxi*Athen*=^Machllw
per square foot; helpera, »-l» .
la axtreae northportko; peehaUy
wtoMra portion;>: Ugkt
v-risUe vtsita, beccotKUere foot; shooUng. leading
Fer Ieoh-Fair obUmr eartUmbering, ntk cents.
■ ■ ' ‘
Glrard-SbooUng and tlm^rtng, 4 4-1* SS.- • •
eanta per ton; runner*. 4li cent* per
ton: a^velers, I l-i» cents: kadan. UK
Clarke City—Machine, ahoollng, load,
leg and Umbertis. tti* cent* per ton:
macblnt ninner* t240 per day; Baohlna
1; the different
- port of the
C. A W. M. BY..
Danville dlilrlct—Marhlitemlne. abootThte la what yon kava baas waUlsg
tag, loeding and timbertng. U 1-i cents tor—a ebaaea to vlalt your trleDda wlto
pen Ion: all ' iner roachtne* lo be ad- mUe axpsBaa.
C A W. M. By. UhlB will leave Tmv(•■ be afIvBiu-ed |•Hce* existingt *s j erne City on above date at 7:&U a. m.
tbla eu*tw*>l.n In piopurtlon
•^* .and arrive in Chicago aboot «:2n p-m.
vanqe ot mining wage.
ImCrosee abaqi h-.OO n. m., aad lletrcdt
We demsna Ihe right tu eraplny
|(vlaD.O.B.AW. B B.)Bbool7:4t pCheck-welghitmn; we Jcnian
m. Boand trip rate to Cbicago fie iiO.
*i'm|.|iii.iithl> : alt otm-i mliw*
ibove j Delrid^
.gAOli. Uetnra
bIU oej. 8
__ TIckeU
_____ J ma-y be 1
to n-ale In their own nmfpetltlve fields I to priBcTp^____________
ataikm* touth uf Uollaad
Tkeoearc yearly jvlcta and nodlatlncUon aad aastof Grand Ladga. Ask agasta
will be made betwveii summer and vrinfull laforamUoD.
Cko. DxBsvKa. U. F. A.


Not Cheap Pianos, but


Good Pianos
Choap Prices...
We are goffering uni^ni^Mnducetneots to purchasers.of
GOOD Pianos in both pn^Sv^ terms du^ng this month.
We do not deal in Gheap Pian^Yjut can astonish intend­
ing buyers of Good Pianos with the quality we are offering
for the money- Don’t expect something for nothing, but
you can. expect the best bargains on earth on Reliable Instruments-riind not be disappcxnted—.....................
An early call at our store may r^ult
' in beneht to you.

VV. W. Kimball Co.
235 Front Streef^
N. E. STRONG, Local Manageir.

pay the pi-ale adopted

U. B. A I.
mume work at once. Greene,

vllle. made a flglit for a difference kh.
iwevn snow weight and coal cleaned
In mine* t.) rake, i.ick or fork. The
conventloii dG-liled that no privileges of
Wadnaaday. September »tb. tka
thiK kjnd nhouki Iv allowed, but all cool Grand Ba»da A Indiana Bnllway will
must be by grtuv weight and the op- run the annual Fnll exenralcHi to tba
eratura could clean the o«l after being shore meationad pointA
00 Detroit.
dumieM. \(»ile. uf the Marqu-tb Coal Kicbmond or La Croaae aad-------1 relnra.
eomiatly, with mine* at Marquette, fiflOC Chicago
____ »-___
atated to the conventiun that large CCS- will be aald from al I eUtloos Macktnu-l* Were made for large tonnage* {gsw City to Big Rapid*. iaclnaWe.
previoua lo the coniraci with the min- [good going only cm apaetol trains
fra. sod.that certain oiwraturw were;«f SeptentWr 20th. and good ralUeralb- belpg fnaeit out of Ihe bualneaa ; taming on regular tralna nnUI and Indcwirou* of working In hsr- eluding Goober Nth. l>Baaengei« may
r with the miner*.
at Kalamazoo. Grand Ladge asd
Hoflasd, or points ionlh or eaal therarvoto la lb*-Hard CM Hegieo.
of. on U. K A 1. R y-- C. A W. M. K'y
Haaletcm. 1^ . Sepb 2L—Peace has or
G. B. A W. B. B . and UckaU cai
been nstored In ihr anihrsette region be D..
made good relaming from end
end nearly every ct.lllery therein w orked poiBte. Through oaaebaa will be ral
yesterday. Included lo tbooe were ihe to the tevmal deatinatlaaa. For tlmi
Lehigh and WlIkesIwiTe ivmpany'e of enadal traine aitd further laforma
Audrnrted mine*. employlDg over tUO
men. The strike «as pracihwlly In­ UoB coneolt G. R. A I. Ueket agoBt or
C. U Lockwood.
augurated by them.'and their mum to
O. I'. andT. A..
wurk^oDday censed^ sUmpedr of the

Grand Sapid*. Mmb.
other e(rlkrra Yesterday, h'lwrver. the
grievai'v leonnlli.e of the .tuQenrIed
men w alled up.>n ;
eadert Lawall
ili.til t
n the
col- IF YOUw
r ^lor Hr told them lo B0l>> and figure* i.< him
and he would gbe It eveo conald.'rallon.


WHhaCaapla ^ Wllaototo (ktowriM Ike
aatnagewtokerk laBaMiralillea.

Chlrag.i, 8.-PI. 22,—The evidence
In the Luetgert ea»e I* In. ai:d Ihe »lale
bs« rested. Rhonly after 2 p. m. yerierwa* heard. Tbi* wllm-»* was Mr*.
L>'ul*e Miller JehniHm. When hkhni
Mrs usilfled that upon one otcoslun she mw Luetgert In a rage ebam
hi* wife out of their house,. The sauMgemaker. wltn<wao*ld. war armed-with a
revolver, He calbd hi* wife namik and
thriwlened to ah.ot, but did r.»t. RxJudge Vliwe-Di .did rot cr«m-rzamln*
Ihl* wltm*e al Iroeth. When she left
(he (land biaie's Atcomey Deneensald:
"It tbe x'urt plcaitr. tbe stale rests."
Kx-Judgv Vlncini arose snd made the
formal m.;U<n that the case be taken
fion, (he Jury on the ground that the
stale had failed to make out a coae.
Jud».e Tuthdl I>]y overruled fb*
niotloti without argumeal. Then esJudge Vliueni stated dial owing lo the
Igivttrss of the hour he would
iiame hi* u|>etilng sddrvs to t1 It Jury
II rttlgmnrrlng. There
o ihD. and adjournment w


>L 22
lyn 22. tloston S: (second game) Brook­
lyn 1. H.«ton »; al Olevriand—Chicago
* aeveUnd t: at New Tork-Balilmoro
10. New York 3: al PhiladelphiaWaabiBgioB S. Philadelphia 4; at Plttaburg-ClBcInnstl U. Pltuburg 2.
klllwaukrospoil* X
20: ((ecoad
"OBd game) IndlanapoUs 4. Detroit •: 1
Columbus-Grand Rapid* T. Colnmbns
«: (accund game) Grand Rsp<ds A Cn*
Iambus i.
We*i.rn Asroctatlort: At RockfordDubuque 7. Rockford 1«: al Cedar Replas-Peori* 7. CNfdar Rapids II; at QulaCT-De* Mlones «. OulDcy 2; at Bnrilhg-81. Joseph A Bnrllngtca IT

Now for Business!

l■aui■»gTu■«r rm




From this dhte this boat
will not make regular con­
nections ivith trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how--•
erer, can make arrangements
for tbe use of this handsome
yacht, by communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

See 0«r New Un

Picture Mouldings

Cycle Owners lookHerel

Coniar of rakta asd Bay Stroeto.
near M A N. R. depot. wUh«* ia 'as- i
ibbvrBaflagTweCUp* Cssf letoyggr
DOuDce to the public UmL be hi* re-: pvCsU. prr pair.............. ............................
alvU* Ups, |>si e*.
flttodaad fnniiabed the Bole) Faag- jrk Uktwtlr
born better thaa it evm- ka* btva bef^ aad COB BceoBBodala Uto uaveliag public la good ohape. Batiataatioa


Uis* to tofolr tkvB. at*gl* Tsto Work a
apM-lolty. Ctoapnt plan la tb« rlly. Olto


Boy at., wsor M. a > g. Daps*.

Bright, Fresh, Neat


Jtoans as tW Hall PHM.

Fishing Parties



A. -W. JA-FTRa-trS,
At tbe opening of the day s wrvkJadg*
Tuihlll decided that the i^ilrouny the
state deelred to oflrr as to motive ronld
come In and rite defense di
two wltncmes—Itlalk - and OdoroOky,
both of whom swore u» •eelng l.uelgert
la the tacgone someH o'cleck- Both also
knew of her being in the bed room la
the farlory with Luetgert. and the door
closed. They had InUi seen Hr*. Luetgert crying over these preof* of her nushand'B Inndellty. They had Seen other
women In tbe factory also.

Lady Watts

Jno. R. Santo*

Is what you will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in tbe Brosch Block.

Fresh Heats—always fresh. Salt Heats.

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
The Enterprise' Grocery
18 still <ioiDg business
Front Strei
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line^f good goods cheap to
be found in the city.


Angus McColl

elalty. Tblrddoorw

The Pure Juice

at Fiaeh-a meyda -Repair 8bov

To Rent
for Peaches and Crab Apples Sls^'SKirSL,';

te- Lodiro.

W. J. BOBIKSON. Mogager.

The $6 Falcon Camera

Maw aad rhfM.«. .«


Bicycles to Rent


DMA onr Ught-^f FOb CWtridgw for n Bspooeiua mA UiAIW
IN DATLIGBT. Improrod mfbty
ohnttor.Mtof thioeatopa. ftn* aehroBBtie IMS. view indor bmI soekat
for tripod aeraw. BAstMAJi Kodak
Co.. Boqbeaw, ». Y. PorMtol^


II You Have Logs to Sell

Correspond -with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale. Good.
Sound Hem­
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, intiluding 2 Engines, S^ Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Hant for sale.


ram Kumifza^ mmoowd, THxmsDAY, ueptbxbbs ss, isot.

vr. J. Voam

H. Monooca
___J on Ways oad---------MoTo^by^AUmiMl^
that tho


HioMihday otSo^nVu. T.*D^IW?.
W. W. Surni.

1 wlU ha is my oflM u
aty and......... ..
tnr the month of iiBtomboe. 1S9T.
from s o'cMk t* il;»0 o'ehsek a m. and
Sapk it-KKlet. A
«7 0o>boUM4 uSTwtc^tod.
Tuk Str$$t. Mw$ta iNBt A OiM.
Motloa oorrlod byyooondnoy uo«a
_ .J. l«7.
STATUKjrr or no.
by tb« OB follows:
MmUm «m eoUedtocntor
Tho Imtort Obook oad Bomu otrina o'eleck p. m.
Yooo—AldoTMB Porker. Mootocus.
~ " ' Cook. Lordlc. Hnollmutoi.
Wo do boreby certify to the eouncll mllllaory opeatnf Tbnroday, Priday tembor with an additioul fae of am
r o^ Ctt.T that tho followiec h u ud Satordar: also tho oewMt thlapo per mnv for eolleetloe. Ob all tazoa
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
seursto oeeouut of the east of repolra U taSeu ribim. Jwlthe -thlof for ramalniar unpaid October 1.1897. then
oaetreeu ud thoeenstructleo thereof, Boek wear.
Smith. .

will be ebanred a penalty of two par
and CUy tbd aaouet of matorla) mod ud tho
MlniiUo of loot rorolor MOllar woro b
cut tor eolloetioB.
Coufuil itf the Cttgvf Trwnt Ctty, oxpeaoo thoruf. and the street or ploco
nod ood opprorod.
OSeo te Barald Baildlnr. No- »>.
where such material wss mad
■nie oUy of Oolombuo extoodo o oo«^
W.r.Omin. ProBt otroet. Boom 8.
UsxTLOMKS—Your Oomsli
diol iorliotioD to yoonoU ood tho
membenoftheCltyCotmcU to ottond Ways and Moons, to whom
ood norUelBoto is tho pro^lnn of fs^ the matter rolatlre to tho rrlorAttornayo, at Law.
lot, 18K.
Ue NotieaaJ Cooforueo of Moyorx ood uooof Mr. Loru Pullor.
Cfrn tsMectaso* IWefc. TtaterwCUT.MIeSOoBDcamoD ot Colomhtto. Ohio, oo 8oprbm
toabtf is. ». SO ud Oetobor 1.(1897.
0r:5Ul’C5S CARDS.
Morod by AldermoB Lordie Shot tho jtloB, aad reporto oo folloes:
•heap Ohio Xxonrsian.
loTiUtloo bo rooolThd ud pUood u
Ever Bttrn^ O^J?
Wo ftad. as par asoommoat rolh ti
Q II- known, anwoor am Ownmllyat
this year Mr. Fuller U
Tho uBBal axeurmleo
Toledo. O..
;eurmloo for 1
If ee you kaur
.... tl8.:
J18. SIP. Sio. isi ud iii (moklnr
and polBUteOhiooBthoW.
bio OB tho W. A L. B..
the ralue of
In oU fin lou) ot $80.00 each, ud for
Sporla] asImproremoata la the way o( a honor.
VT uailM VO Ptebou rnscttcc.
rnwttrc. BaoasSaaO otert from the M. A K. B. E. 1 depot
la ■orcaatUs Co. Black.
at «:to a. m. Wodnoodar. Oetohsr Oth.
$600.00, maklnf a loul ooooaoment of
$1,000-00, Loot year Mr. Fuller was
thf^^ ooacb to Toledo. TIekota te
S.O..Saso OBO fare and vnnaO. P. CARTER. ApuM.
Tho udonirood rcoMonU of South asoemeil only for tbrea lots (Noa. S18,'
and wUl atlead pfwopuj to all Oar w alfBI
sd for
Sarueo strut would lupoetfuUy ook tl»udS*0)at $60.00 ooeh. tho same JJSiber.........................
call*. Special attcallaa k1t*b to ofaatrtHea
as the lots were aooeoood for tbia
Shot you eouso to be buUt o oido wolh
aaO ekudlpa'* Oiaraaaa. Markkaw Block, ey
Lota Nos. i:i ud
md its.
iiS. for 'wh
oo tho wwt side of South Spruo stroot
sr, wen last y
B. W. Ci-nuoBJLn. Apt.
oommooeiiic ot >'rool stroot nuialog
!at$60.00pai '
south to SoTOBth street, sold .wolk to
>t Uat year ao ac<
be oompletod wUhlu sixty dsys.
rata, ha I
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
John 1. Msuo. X C. Youn*. J. J. I
Shlor, J. D. Hobbs. Btlbor Routou. L. i
In tho opiBiOB of your eoaimitlao,
M. Tompkins. A. J. Oofior, W. H.
No«od by A_______
.therefor*, the aaooosmoBt doeo not ateUmont be aeeopted and cUlms bo | «Vestr r<„g«. «Bo*
tr lur llw«Dke BUck. t
.f>n. 6b1wI»»«“ k) bo axeeoolvo. ud we would
paid as
recommend that no chanro ho made In
Motion eaiTiod
Bkiek:rmkleB«- 0
as follow*;
B OB duebu Olid hido- thoruttor.
BooptetfoUy onhmltUd.
y»u—Aldormeii ParkW. WoBtaFuo.>«“‘‘-'“^*^- Tri«.b.*c ii..
walks. '
GnlHek. Cook. Is irdl*. 'HwhllmaBtel.
y\>lh« BonoroMc tht Moyer and CUy
W. J. Pabkkr.
ud OerriitOB.
CemneU of iA6$Ctty of Tnifens City.;
jsUMili.iatoUiiMM<J|i^*ar. iHMOBdihruat. ^
fl. MoxTAia'x,
• Mlehtoon;
Committee on Ways and Moan.
CStr SlaUu. U *0^1 SuruM B. IWT.
d "Ad OnilBasco
OuTi.uiUH-Wo, the uBderolr«od[ Morod by Aldormnn Urdle that tho
amoBdlnr oection one of o
a ao8
ana tax
la payors owo>b( prop­ report be aoooptod and adopted.
MoUoB eartW by yaa and nay rote hontofore pawed by the eouneil of the ■ ------erty os> the north aide of Blghtn atroot
lio' waiMB j.......'uuern
city of Trureroe City oo the 7th day of ■ YT^’
botwoeu Barlow ud Grut atroeu do ao-foUowe.
rospeetfuUy petition your beoarablo
Yoaa-AldermoB Parlor. Montnru',, Judo. A. I> 1897. eDtlGcd:" Ad ordl-1 ” *
li m
> rerruiaU. © _ISU
. ..d pro»,. ! QHJdJj
body to readoa your acUon takan Sop- Orolliek.Cook.
Lardio. Huellmutelu
oar .of bieyclra. rrlodpodoa. tricytember eth. IMiT. ordoriBF'a oldowalk Uarrioon.
clea and.....................
Kimilar rrhlelN
ilclr* •in ua opoa i ^ ,. Morptr
built adjaout to our pramlsoo. Tho i Kayo—Nun
8 » 7 Iv Berecur
nnaoB for this is that not one of the TV/
~ (hr
' fionornbtr,
(he Mayor and CUy the publie atreota. areouea, lanca, I I.J. hMeaadt:
, sm ....
kbridroo and other'publle plaooa., »-de Bkek.
poraoso llelny on the Borth oido of
CuH'icU uf (hr CUy
TVucersr tMy,
...j S«u SnSieliayM.
ipoB Uo aidawalka within the city !, a
Kisbth street ud'Umblo to' build, aaid
...I SH......... Bowarecr
a S to II a
...| S l» >PWM Bays*
Boiling Beef and Roasts
Mdewalk hsee oi^ed s petition for
uy of aucb utp. b. Tsl»(ikw*,tt.

■aid sldswalk. *Tbo poGtloo prosei
ud moans, to whom
>Bblic otreata. amuea. laoea. alleya
Sold h eap Friday and
matter relatiro to the propaai
rks. bridreaud
other pc blir places,
SJI. 'OctniU.
chaio of the propertv
ty coa Cam
.......... r4S;D«jLa
id apoo ths sidewalks uy sahotaace
Saturday, e
_..__j*of propertT o« the ooath_____ immndlalaly oouth ud adjolnlnf the
iBjnrioBS to such reh>ele or to
Btebth otwt and was done to arold enrlBe home, ud owned by 6- C. DooIlls' THSMXM.
tho aoDotrwctloa ot a oidewalk adja- preo, roporia:
.........d by Alderman Lardle tbi
cut to thair premloea.
That rre feel dlalocliaod. u a com­ wdiauee be adopted ud paaeed.
Don’t Fail to try our Cuts and
ess oaicaps
mittee. to make uy reoommoBdaUoD.
Motloa canted by yea ud uy rote | TwcccwintyLambwCo. la-tt___________
but call your atuntlon to the followSlices for these two days.
8 sen Warn
Wji. O. Cawmu.
inf. udaak that the loatter be rafarred
Momd by Atdermu Lardis that t
back to tho council, as a whole
Orellick, Oook. Lardio. BacUi-------------7
pedUon bo tBceired ud plaood oa fl
SCDlUisWI* .......
Motkm imrrlod.
ti-feet froatace OB Caw street, with a
____ ______
... 11 40 UnUrm* ....
To (he Uonoroblc. the Moyor and
CouneU uf the City of TVaoerse-^'
Cer. CetoB and Khatk m
Wo, tho
•ledj lo U. A. BobefTnon. Oinetur.
Idenu and tax payeroof the fourth
btaaeharftvseatlisea •.
ward, do roapectfally petlGua your lap la cueatloB is rented
' honorable body, that as there lea Croat -4rm* A Cole at the t»l* of ?15 3 perl,
c.^uianrooD o.S:
>l of trarel dally from the city to
ith. or tl80 per year. The > le ofi,
-• :bteu___

BaU^ lasBruot USpe
Cruwiap at the K. 11. Co. Bound
.d B<
la this conuoelioB also, rrbald call
ChiC&gO *•*
uuasferriax pamengers
;rs and a* thei.
there is
. Tour aiteDtiota to the fact that the city
also a larpe amount of alreet traffic ud it peyiapjet the preeeat UmTIor offieee
^ by AldFntma Moatapue
trarel orcr thie portion of the city r©- used la t& Berald Bnlldlnp for the
lap back ud forth on Lake areaue, we City ClerkT Cltr “
- walke be aulborized to iueeetlpaU
reepectfully uk tut y»u order the
to the coaditioB of the street curb
rrareliap ot oae block of Lake ar.
the north west comer of Park Place
from Ninth sureel to Tenth etreet.
Sut« streeUud repewt at
equi to aa eamiap. Therefore. Udliar I
loptheeariap e/$3SA00 per year la
the way of real for city offlcea, ud
Hoeed by Alderman Lardis that ths ..
$180 0(1 for rent from Artu A Cole. Board of
autborUed j <
. . Publie
. jouc Works
noTK* be
ue »eM>uri*««i
ShBM, M A Fox.
equU $Mi-vOO-a poeeible earhlap uf to build
- liidei
aidewalk adjaecat
to loU 1, 2.,
.Mored by Aldermu Bnallmutel this property.
8 and 4. block 4. B. L A Co'a.
3ad ad-‘ «• bare
- that the peUtlon bt refwrud to the
Aeu offset apalMl thb would ap- ditioe. mi the eootb tide of 10th etreet, ea ban
Committee on StreeU and Sidewalks.
pear the latereat o
the owner of eaid properly barlnp aepMolten oanted.
plyialbe iasuruce, ud plu the ex-iw^^ refrued to build wld aidewalk.
7b the ilonerohie. the Mayor and City
Council of the e of TravtneCUy.
for city offices la aar way. Interest
'* oa ' Yeas Aldermu Parker. Memtapu,'
naderMpned $8,400.00. esUmated at S per oeet. would Grelllek. Cook. Imrdla BaallmuU]
tax payers of the dty, hereby peUUon he$lS<j00. laenraace'et 3 per cent on and Oarrisoa.
M.OO (la case It should be thonpfat
your honorable body for permlsaioa to
^to iuure It for that amount)
place curbinp la ana ^onp West Bipbtb
by Aldsrtau Cook that the
Id be 9*0 uo. If the aecoad story CUy Attorney notifyy IDS
eu*et at a distance of I7H teei from
tbe eeiMsi
eererul oeaideal­
the lot llna The premise* la which of this bolldlap was ntilited at offi(-ea ers la wood that th<
they mut comply
e partlenlarly latereated
« nrobibUlap the
with tbe ordioaace
a tee etreets.
ecatteriap of wood la
Molten carried,
loeed by Aldermu Maataroe that
sr of tesGap a road pmder oa
u be referred '
APoboial. PKyaelka, Leri . . .
U CourtUe. A W Barlak. J.M Is^lp.
Bicbatd Bcyaolds. E P Wiiulm. K
>B ot Aldemma Moatapua.
WUbelm, Jnrias Campbell.
_ Ia*lhU ooBB^loa. also, mut be AbV?-SSlS"
i. Coobdl adlonmed.
Mored by Aldermu Lardle tkat the borne la mind that, la eaee this prop­
A. W. Bteutma.
peUUoa be rooetred ud placed oa tie. erty wu utilized u city offloea; some
Moiioa carried.
expense would be iaeurred la the way
7b Ux i/onoralps, the Mayor and City of flttiap the rooms up te proper eoaCirttneil of the CUy of TVareree, City.
Anotber p .vsible ecbeme to be pre­
Aa ordina
CuTLCMU—Your eotamittea. on sented it the makiap into, or usiup. tbe .f SB ordlai
Ways end Meau.towhom was referred eecoad story of this property as a coun­
the inetver relatlreto claimed ezeee- cil room, ud turalnp the preaeot oouof day of dae. A. D. '1897.
sire asaeasmeat oo property in 3rd dl room into the offlcea for tbe city of- eatiUed "ao ordlaaBO torepnlate, con<rard bcloaptep to Cbarlee Mahn. lo- fleera. umely; Clerk, Truturer ud trol, and protect the use of bieyclet.
1 OB Weet Ninth etreet. would iw Bnrteeer.
reloclpedca, tricycles and similar reAa Botad hefoip. tbe oommltiee feels bides ia and upon
-i as folio
_ ' public strum,
dUlncUaed te luke ,any reodmmrada- areauea. lues, par
. le prcmriy Ibis year Is
vrks. bridpes and otb$770.00. Lnsl year It ww
er public places, ud apoa
DDoa tbe aideSidemttem
$430 uu. - Tbe difterenee ia the amount
walks within tbe City of TrareruClt).
aad to prereat tbe dapMiUap in aad
*^A- B. Cook.
> be excessive
upon uy of such public au-eeta, arW.
Z the matter, it
enuea. laae*. alleya, parka, bridpu and
H. MoxTsurs,
a that lut
other public places, ud upon the aidea Ways and Means,
much less tbu
walks any snbslaaees or tbinp laicrioos
lerraan Huellmutel. to such rebide or to truTsl thereon.
would be )ut, in comparison with adjaeent proparty. ud yoer committee la
He It ordalowl by tke CouaeU of TravI
uuble to decide that the asaeeament
eru City:
tUs year, of $770.00 la exoaaaire.
Smrnua 1. Ne persoa shall at ur
Tbe----------- in the 3rd ward <Mr
Motion carried.
u„e rideuy
relodpede. bicycle, safely

Ferry) wu unable to come to an unTrareiu City, Mieb.. Sept- e. 1897.
’ on or alonp uy sidewalk on
derutudlnp with Mr. Maha. The as- IV> the' H«aK>mWe. (he Mayor and CUy
| But FWbI strut from tbe taterueciion
Xy. I• of Froi
Council of Ou CUy of Trouru C«v.
Front aad Union struU to WelllnpIds of I
OuxTUiau—You eommittu to strut from Front abut i >ntb to
• oa uy^lnp dlSsrent thu whom wu referred the uGUoa for the
at .year’s aeseeemcat. namely.
of Harlow strut from
$430.00. Tbe asseseor offered to rseom- ^anah arcane
the wut
U Blphtb strut, wou^
loe to
mead to tbe Couhcil a redaction of rboorameBd that
Front strut
$100.00. bat Mr. Mabn refas^ to bear not made this yur. tor
ud Cue strut brldpe. On Park strut
betwun F'ront strut and State street:
that tbe makippof utd I
oa tke untb side of -Suu strut from
tualis- preater sum of moaey tbu eu ufdy Union strut to Parti Place hetel: nor
* of the tact that tbe Board of Equ
attea wu te eeuloa for the ex]
be spared from the peaeral strut faad deriap tbe school year, on the south
after the expenditure of mmseye that side of Wut Seuath strut from Uaioa
etreet te Oak strut: oa tbe north aide
no attempt at plaetep bto prieruM be­
of treat Bipfa th strut from Union strut
fore tbe A^jaeU^^Bosrt. your com­
to Oak etruG aor after alas o'doek a.
We'would r.
m. on the day ©omraonly called Snaday.
the TsaldenU o
be left as It la. belierlnp thil It would strut, beiwun Huaab ai
•a Wasblaptoa strut from Caaa strut
Ue to iwdae* the aaeeument oa the C A W. M. R-y. euier aeceee to eut to tbe G. R. A -1. raUrcad. Oa all
a ptaperty f the basis of last their reeldenoea. that Beitnar strut bs bridpu haelnp but one aidewalk,
jelf#<tep that. U we did so. it PTbded and prarated from Valley strut wheels must Uke the rcadbed.
would h*U tejuttec to adjaoeat prop-^ to Barlow strut.
SBcnox 8.
ThU ordteaBu ahaU
take effeet at tbe ex»lT*tio« of twenty
oTwhleh is lusputfrOly sabdays after Ita pablleattea. Wa do hereby eutlfy that the foremltied.
A.B. OooE,

ortfe* «<y OowU oftfe*
• Pltj.

Meal Tickets at Redaced Rates.








Suits to Order.


■iDMi,' 'iSL“T,5Kr-.£™^:

IS^WaDtAds^ Grud Bipldt i lodiiu R. I
Butter, Butter,

r-------------------- - —- - ■

Fine. Fresh Butter!


----------- ----- .. riSt tei L**BSSkl^*^i^H.

*- >-.'








Fire Insurance.

West Michigan.

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