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The Morning Record, September 04, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Fh«t Yw^No. 106.
wzLx. as TBS KtnMxoT oy «roi>r
tety. He Atroled aehorttlMto the'
rallglon ride of tha Oreeki, and their
Mthoda of werehip. ahowUg that
their laUgion waa BUmalatiag ra|ber
than reatialaiag and ooneladed with
WTT.T.wm WXTB rax fWllV
yint ICMtUt of th» T«m T«t«rd
BmUMt Bddnw by th« ymldMt,
Xn. «.A. Hostt«w-Bkl«y»|»n
bf yrot a& Sonted BEn. t.fi.
Batae reoeired the ledUa flint prbe,
eat glmae raee. and Mn. Bolden Ue
eeetmd. a g^d lemonade epooa.
Noyea wae Ue wlaaw among Ue gaatinmen, racolriag a foantela pea aad
Dr. Rowley came eeMad, wiU aa onyx
card marker. Tbe eaaaoUtioa priaae,
whtoh wmn wonky Mba Jowta Wil
helm and Bd. ) Wbaalar wera “The
r lBTbIble“ by Jamae Lane Alien,
and ‘The «all Beloved- by Hardy.
The aeora for Ue gantlaoma'a cemeolathn priaae a tla betwwa Dr. A. H.
Holiday aad Mr. Whoelar. aad the law
■aoeeaded la gattlag Ue lucky eat.
thoachta Of Kb. J. O. BamaduU.
Bapkla Bor Attack On Traeerae
Bra. J. a. RaMdell fiallowad with a
Oity-OoBunltteea Appointed Imri
fine paper on the geography and Mdera Urimry ofGraaM. It wae AunWlght-Xasalfloeat XUnatratod
la^ writtaa. abouadlng la niytholeg▼anlraToBeUkued.
lore aad poetie gllapeaa of the
1W fti«t mwttaw «t tk« WoMob teal
The KalghtaofPythlaala thte otty
life and hlriory of a grand peopla
Onb for the mw jt»r wm b«U ym
do not Intend to be outdone by any
doy ftftwaooo, osA jodciac by tb*
preriona eeeat of a frateraa} nature in
' <—litpoa Md tb«
BMilMtod, raphy of Qreeee, which.
theee purta At the meeilnij^talght
■third ae large ae Hlehlgaa. hae
OlBh SoBM Party.
tba yaor wiU be a noet Ma»l«le«e ooe.
UeThe nbjMU io be etiidlea UiU year
n of the Trart
^ be the kiMory. UUrataie and art
D O. E. K. S .
of Oieeea aad ReMta. aad Ute new i«oporfeelien of the work of oi
evaaiag br Mr. aad ifra. A.( F. CamefraMi jaid iwaed. rl*e proaiM of a etreain and glen hae lie iegeada of goda the vlaltofB from abroad. At the Grand raa. Mr. and Mn. J. V. Mclnlouk aad
ecrfaa of Metiar* tkat wUl be of aoek and goddmeeu. ito talea ot.b«rok deeda Eaplds end ofkhe Una atlU more elab- Dr. and Mrv 3. B. Martin.
of ralor. which ndda to ,Ue traraU of
ealae to the oiembeia.
urein pragnaa The
WaUoped Ue Oolta.
The eeaUac oayacity of the room claaaUal aeholan aad alndeaU of hieilr program far the erent U beiag
wae land yeeterday. there belnr May tory a doable ebaras. Breiy beaatlfal printed in Oraad Raplda It wiU be a
Tbe Oabaa OlaaU tnraad Ue Ublae
apot haa oonseetrd with It aoifie Impor
Tielton preeeaL
magnlfioent work of art aad wUl be oa tbe Oohe at Nanbue yesterday
The prealdeat. Mia-'J. K. Moattrae, taut bit of the world*! hlitory, aad te aa Qluilrated trlumpk of the priatorni won by a aeora of 7 to «.
•ailed apoa Uie. IClay to open the etmply ealalotae ^e eeeaee, erente. handiwork. The program ae Jar aa
Obeait Court Jurora.
aftenaoB with piayer. attar wkiph a and plaoea aiade immortal in the Uad
It U aa follows
brief barioM meeUa< W held, at Where Helen lored and Sappho eaag
Leave Grand Raplde«:M a. m.; din
Tbe following'b the Ibt of peUt
whleh It waa decided «> hold the loay- would require a rolume In iteelf.
ner at Travorae City. 1:20 p. m.; baal- iron drawn for Ue fall term of cir
talked eoneert for the benefit of the
■eating at Sulabarg'e Opera cuit court called for Ue 27U day of
olnb hoaee faad. In aboat two week*. the eadder period of the natlMb life,
2:» p.
A abort addreae wae |rl«aB br the from the date of the R<
grand torohUght proeeeeloa. 7;io p m :
A. M. C. Lewb. GrM Lnka
prerident. in whi«h ahe oatUned the la US B- C. to tbe'Oreek reroloUoa of confeniag of work upon
John McGill. Long Imke.
woric of the eomlaryaar, and Ita poe- IMt. For Marly 2.000 year! the aatioB opera houae, ft p. m ; banq-iet. II p. m.:
Laeioae G. BralL Mayfield.
la.v dormant, and U wae a marrel that
ribUltlea ae toUewi: '
aurt tor home. 2 a aaKathan Bonae. Paradbe.
at the taat they had the atreagth, with
Tbure wUt be two banda ia the parThe Praaideat'a Addraaa.
F. L. Johuaoa. Jr.. Pealnaala.
eretythlng agalnat them, te liae and
O. a MeSatL lat ward. Travaraa City.
“Ae we oase torether acala after throw off the yoka The eonleat by ada and a long line of kalgbU. Foreatare'ball at Trarera^Olty baa kindly
T. L. Bates, tad ward. Travaraa City.
the eaatMr Taeattoa. 1 an vary irlad which they fiwed themeelrce waa
beet donated for the
Geo. W. Bargravee, 2rd ward. *IkavOf thli oniarianity to thaak yon for nnpanllaled in modern hlriory-. i
preeent the hloodthlraty Turk waa
railroed Ian and the baaqaet, wlU be
Tbomaa Shiboa, 4U ward, Travcrec
ajp4 the eoafidenoe reepoeed la naklar mltted to do bU woruW while all
eoid tor only »S. The regnlar tan b Oltyi
rope looked oa U oa^ ladifleraaea
Arend Dyke, 2U ward. Trararae Uty.
/ “At the irrowth of elaba hae bean laat the aaUooe were areaeed aad an twice tbb amount, but the «x«
omparod with that of a tree, la elrelee alllaaee waa farmed to lave plucky
n* following eommitleaa w«
M. L. Moure. Whitewater.
iron a Raall beclnalaf ae a
lltUa Oraeoe from eztermiaaUoa. pointed lari night W make Ue
W. B. Jaekaoa, Acma
each yearh wtwk sarrocadlaf the piaorte ware auceaeafol. bat la
reOavb Swalaaue. Blalra
aedinf one. thoaoar daty U to eoelr- the maaaUme orer halt the popalatloa mry preparaOoua hen far al
A. C. Stiiea. Beat Ba.v.
cU the work of lari jmr, aad add one of Oraeoe waa estormlnated aad the oeptloa tor Ue rblUng ka'igbta:
Parade-E. R. MeCoy. U. B. Holley.
Frank Gbx^. Fife Jmka
part taeoppert the fatare yrowth aad bitter coafilet IK Oreeoe a barrmi
J. Stover, Garfield.
pneperity of the elab. 1 aik the eaine
From thA time antU the preeBanquet—F.lJ. Beaoman. H. W. Cun
F. L. Rrraolda. Grant.
oaraeri aeeletenee that yoa hare eo
her biatory haa beea an aaningham. C S. Oavb.
Wiltore E Batey. Qraaa Ukc.
Idadly (IreB before, that with oar ani- eraatfnl one.
Maat<>-A. U. HoUMay. O C. Itgrig,
Leater Welb. Long Lake.
ted effortt we zaay aeeoiaplUh thia
A. W.
T Rlckerd.
Joha Paffboueea. Mayfield.
“Oar wlater’e work, ae yoa hare
Ball aad Deaerate -B. C. Compton,
Hairy Sparliag. Paradba
planned. U the hUtory, ilteratare and
H E VanFleeU J. Ki
W. H. Baohan. Jr.. Pealaaala.
art of Oreeee andRaetia. neat''careFlnance-J. T. HaBaab. M. R. Griae.
J. E Bowen. Ut ward,TravarwCity.
tally and attraetire^v laid oat by oar
proyraee. eomnluee. The hlriory U
ExecuUve Commlttee-E R. McCoy.
the tadet iaUreetlaf to Btaoy: there it
___ s her patbab that owing to Ul
F. G. Bcomaaa. A. U. Holliday. B. C
•aeh a fond to draw from. Ko home
ee Uc wni. for a Ume. be anable t
It XntlMd to n Comptop. J. T. Hannah.
howerar eamptaape, te a real home
Wnd to her practice.
Oornfield Where AUeged Crime Was
witboat the refining inflnehec pf good
literature, and we realise that the
Oomminod-Jaatice Caater of Blm-
Olnb belpe uc In our litecmry eriUeUnu.
"la tbeartdepertBentweexpeei a
real treat U etorc for aa
•’One new feature will be 'RedproeIty Dey.’ and I think we will greaUy
onjey a day aet ^art for pnpeta from
membare of other elnbe of oor etate.
In the department of Seleaee aad Bdn•atlon we look forward to reavbing
outward with a helping hand la .the
Ofimmanlty at other elnbe are doing,
atadying practical mb>eta
hare eriabllehed pri^r milk latpec-.
tion, free kindergarUne. waye of deralo^ng aelf enUure amoog workiag
firte. aad
d glring pnhl^^fe
true art.
U^ have been favored the greater U
*v.j. —apoaalblllly to use Uelr gifts of
r fortone fur those lem lavoro'i
Tbe soebty
Of today b not Idle or trivalons. hot b
a woawn of enltnrc aad tboaghL
“I know of no way Uat Ue year's
work may ao beaefll u ae for ereiy
tnemfaU to write a Uort paper on Ue
anb)eet of eaUmimlag meeting,
oompare and correct her own paper by
Uooe read before Ue eloh. In Ub
way Ue iatercht in Ue subject will be
doubled, tbe imporUnt facte firmly
fixed in thememary aad Ue know],
edge aad bcneSi graaGy Increae^
Tbb aeate a diUenU taU. but I beUeve we would uU be weU prid U we
mould undertake it.
“Oar aim b to advanee; let n* keep
Ub eoDSUuUy in riew. Let all our
pt^wrachowUta. Let them bv
or talks Uat we can earry home wlU
■a aad profit by.'
“1 hero grrotly admlrod Ue m
glram to her own Club by Leer Stone,
whe b kMWB ae Ue Motha of Xiehigaa dabe. •Oaltirote ti
each oUw; know aaU other: do each
other good. TUetoaMTOUan Uleratnra. ueoro Una erieaee.-H b Ue eririt
Uat b going to fipee Ue worM.*” ,
• to Ap- To Oo to Vanlate# Sunday On a
prahead Ue But.
Special Train for Ue BaU Game.
tee of Ue most eKoni
Aa exeontoB to MaabtM Saaday b
allied riimlaal amaall cume to llgkt being planned to allow the eaUaeiaeU
in Elmwood lowaahipyeaurday aftor- aad admirer* of the HaeUere to eee the
noon, and at It o'clock lari night Ja>- bull game. Tbe feellag which has been
tlee-of Uc Peace E A. Caetur of Elm- {created between Ue fan* U boU citim
wood, drove la baste to Travoae City j ragarding the merib of Us two Mama
Uly by Ue beasb
aad aought legaladvice tram Attorney has b
A.-Lorangar. who gave In a fswiof Manbtea and it b now to be deterUe modns operand! to be I mined wbeUer.Ue IJaU City hee aaeh
ponaeu ia saeh a ease.
Jastloe i a wonderful ball team as b claimed
Caster immcdbtoly drove bMk to I and bragged about. Agent Cunning
ham elated yeetorday tbal if fifty tieWtake the i
•tepe to cause the mrreet of the guilty cbooaldbeeoldattl. a specbl train
!>arty. ''Before leaving Ue oily, how will be ran from here la the morning
rourn after tbe game. Tfab will
ever. he tel^nphad to Lelaad to Proalor Traverse
Attorney Daytoa. whe will be a I
probably be on hand early Ub morn City to help Ue Harilers oak Tboee
who decide to go are rvqt><ni^
Tbe crime b aaid to have been ,Ue Uelr aamea before two o'clock Ub atraTbhlag of little Lent Rumbaeh, tenoon to U. W. Cuautngbam. Jainee
danghter of Joseph Ramhach. a farmer KUoe. Carey Hull or Will Genaslne.
living near Hateh'e Ckossiag. about It mast be 'aaowa before Ue 2:40 traio
five B
of Travwae CUy.! goae out wheUer Uera b tobeeaongb.
train if Ue requisite number ceaaot
man about
who was auying at Ue Rombi^ be bad for Ue epeelaLi
bonte. Tbe alleged crime b reportod
Trouble on Gton Lake.
to bare been oommitted Thursday
night also yaaUu-day Dorning. 12 b
Lari week D. B. Dey enlerbUDed a
said Uat tbe wretch eaUoed Ue girl | party of friends ap<« hb steam tug oo
Into a eornfleld yesterdsv morning np- Qlen Lake and while ronniag across
Ueprelenaeof gaUenugcorn sad the Uke the bow of Ue boat ran
Ue Uere oommltted Ue dc^cable i against a snnkea plleoad a bole
driven Uroagh Ue hnlL After dee« of Ue girl w
istobaUoat Ue water
ions last evening Uat ber moUer im- Ue party finally reached chore without
mediately began laqalriee ae to Uc ue- fnrUar damage, ’tbe eompany
■ben Uc horrifying de- risted of Captain Day. Mwatn. Wiles.
tnlb were made known JaeUce Caster ~ dareon. Daily, OoUIm and Upton.
Botlfiad at OBM. wbieh was nheat
nlM o'clock last nl^L
Tke J
to have Ue man token into Good • Stock Brought aa Blgk aa
eastody to answer for Ue erlM
Ihlity-nro Oimta Taatard^.
to arroet him aa i
sTwml huadrodi of buakab of potoae Ue jastjee ratarnad .to HnMh*a
I wera brooght into Ue eity ywMrOroaalng.'^bk was after mldnlgbL
day and Ue preroUlag prbe wn
^ynbaaor BorA XstrodBetonr. •
A lew loads ot fine stock
All Ue base ball oranks should make
At Ue eoaelaeloa of Mra. Monta. It a point to go to
brought 27 oenta Higher prieaa eUll
ffMbaddrass, Mn. J. & Remedell, Ue
an prombed and tarman arc not par. leader of the dey. iatroda
tiealarly eager to cell.
OUeaffo XarkaL
.daete* to Ue yeer'e ooaiae of atody.
Piofoior Bora gave a ririd dMcriptea
ler, niie: Daaembar ftlKe: Ma^
of Ue gaogr^by of tbe oountry, ehoftr. UMe.
lag Ue inflaaacc of Ub apoa Ue
ra—Saptomhar. WKc; Oetobar,
acta Dt Us peopla Tbe origin 6l ^ Allie: Deownbar, URw Msy. WMc.
UheMtMb mas traced hack, and Ue , Oats Sepumbar. Iftej DommlNr.
new dweriktid Tbrir early bbtovy
May. IIMarae briefly manteaed. and Uta of
rk Saptombw. fiAMHi Oetobw,
Urir charming myUtAogy toU. a. muU
. «B aome of Ue heroic deeds of thclri
lar, fAHH; <
gnat men mhlehheropeenadinto hb-i
of-Ue moat enjoyable card partbe olUeeeaMm wae given Tburaday
•vealag by Mra W. O. Holden. In Ue
^zfc Place parlctu.. Bight uUm wan
~ 1 wtU guMtaframUe batal aad
Ua city, and pmgraastro eUbt maa Ua
•rfiarotUaavaniag. Tbaprbaemaro
rory ^tlfal and alatamtA Mbs
Hudson Maxim’s New 6un..
Will bur! a ton of gnn-ootton nine miles and will
destroy the most, powerful warressel without even hitting:
her. We have many a ton of School Books and Supplief .
that next week will be carried more than nine milM bjr
the scholars.
September 6, 1897, School Commences !
School Books and all the necessary things
that go with them, at-----
Fur Collarettes....
Are Very Stylish-We’ve the only
In Ue city—Bought trcmi first haada. at loweat poaeible priem, wUU
adrantage b yean
$3.- ^0 SIO."
-Mew doaka and Capsa. at.....
Reliable Dry Goods, pirpet. and Clothing House.
.We Still Lead.
NotwitliBtaiidmg: the general
depression in the milling
business, we are having a
phenomenal trad^ and are
shipping to all ’ parts of
.Northern Michigan onr....
flour. Send in an order.
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in ouf.New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
040 Woo) Soou
... ' .27
■w-o AU Wool Koroor PUMO
. 1.79
boon r^WooM rwu.
Iro* Pook
P^-Loro Paan. ear. toevy
•ff—'T-'r-..... .25
■ra*. OMifwo tolM. tool
visr^.?^.rT... 4.33
Fresh Meats-always fresh. Salt Meats.
1^. •!.» W«nl PnM
Town. aaxlM to P
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse CiQr
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good.
Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptioas, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
We bn jisi nceini II ■■tin In Uie of....
Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoos
Bast Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in tbe city, at--------
Vo WObar B. Btaatoa Aa Tnmtoa-
J. W. Baxub. Bdltcr ud Mamcv.
to Cbicayo for a few waaka* Tklt wlto
AiflbtoaOrBaakXBlCBddlad Qoadi- '
ttoa-FraMea Daeltoad To Aaoapt .___
I WUIic*, BhnH., • MX BdUh
h- »i.a.
«. ■»->-» tSTJSL"____
Mka Ktoaald asd Bra. Kaltb, wbo
hoTO baaa Tkdtfay trloBde to tba dty, wiita, I.
ratoiBod to.tbair botow to Laaatoy
bard^aUofimaaaak. Tba cadi-,
Cm CaccuToa
Bra Dr. Millar of Otoayo, wbo baa tore that ara Boamd to tba lattrmmaai
baaa akittoy Mta. J. B. Martto ei iM tbaOoe
a Natkaat of Sayl
WaabtoytoB atewt. leaaaa te bona
w rs; a «. B
toM.to: ate'dapoaitora •a.aaa.aa.
Mia Sarah B. MUlar aad Bandd M.
Tba aaaaea ara aot atatod aad tbay
Harroy retoraA to Orud Bapido yaa* ra oakaowa baeaoaa of tba.mk
Gas BlnlBff eWn»e— b* ^ »t tarday, aftoraTidtwitbllr. aad Mra boeka. Tha kiowa aaana m tba aaslt
ttea ioek. aad a taw other artiW((mlu lx tke KkUrtexttt dlMriet.
Mra A D. Bany aad aaa r^.' wbo elaaofoOoafaTaltara. Tba mortt
IliyantatBrbo^xtti.aQaBd N
rm MM. TUiMMtto b* MCT nx- bate baa* tklttoy Mr. aad Mra W. B. waa axaoBtad aad reeoedad witboat
mmUa. m tb« Indlu* of that vteialtT natohar, ratarnad to tbdr hose to tba kaowladya or ooomat od.W. B.
Proatoa to whom It waaSdade
bmiorakMwtbMlMUUlxf Mo^ MoabayoB yaatarday.
F. B. Hassakd aad family, who that (
IM of vwt 4oaatittM of jtilow nelal
Msf food U> aad Moud Um OoolM bare baaa vUttoy tba family of C A. M9.
Hammoad. ratoraod to tbdr boma to iSaotam ttod bk retaaal to aeoept t
MMttMl Md d«Mrd rt«m.
........ .
Prettiest cap on the market—made with
year to tba mnpkyaei
bk pte«
'PaoBBany,” waamka a teadea
liar, “ iho Bai^ of Lana baa qella
km bk
gtofclm.,d toddle am
gj^TTla Bnsikh diitor»to&
patent lesther visor—in all latest doths,
isclnding all shades of Cordaroj.
Also the flew Cassimere Hat—tvr^
JobaA Bcakatelkr k 1
amehc/eld Gtoretoad manthanm ac a i
yoeby man to tbe oil bMlnam wbo waa
ofton aara with face, bandc and ektbm
muntoy with tba llloaitoanL
shape—made with one or two colors, as
desired—prices fifty cents to one dollar.
We wsnt yoar hat and cap trade, and
wish to show every interested enstomer onr
aad oae of bii ran. wbo to preperiny
to entar tba Brttkb aery at OtaaDTrleb,
baewem hk way'to ui^ tear* of Iba
new stock in this department.
Bnylkfa by blatoill aaafootoaU ptoyar.
Mr. aad Mra Fraak BasUtoa aete nUtui of ^rkcy ituda sot
Arebbkhep Oenbrna of Mew York
pMaWHa orar the yrantmt Oatbrtte aaa
by Mki•f'
fana FowaU aad
to Gbrtmaodcnn. oomprktoy tba eUy
tbi PWM of hk doMlM or tkcM who
Vo Cake meanyaaa Oaaal
oooaty ed Hew Tort, tbe coanttoe
to?odariC»ap«^ r—Kfa^ Sortbport yeatorday.
FMm Dnitod Stotoa
of Weatebater, Pntsam. Ikitobem. Die
Mn. Benbaa Batch of Otoad Bapida
New York. Sept 8 —A Bcimld dl«- ter, SalllTaB, Oranaa,
wbo k Tklttoy Mra E. & Piatt, waai
•OHM tt tii* tetMM
patch from Uaaayaa, Nicarayaa. aaya:
•rte boM bM MstoMed to d«tb. to Elk Baplda yaatarday ter a abort
Or. Cbariaa Frederick WoUlycba. tba
atoy with Mia H. B. Nokia
Meol SMlaya oe tbe etotoment that oldem pbyelctoa to Obfe. atUI keaia ap
Mka Ada BaaadkV oaa of too MaebTxrbiabJwttM
bk prarttoa. altboayb be k M yean of
ere to tha public aebook. rataraad Japan aaa eoeratly neyotiaUny with ana. Be nya that erety nxDber of bk
Dcxuie tb» tnd ci Lotocort. tbe Thatwlay alybt from laaatoy. where tbe Greater Bapeblic of Central Amer family for tba tom bOO yearabai
ica for permkakm to Uke tbe Nicer- orar 100 yaaia. and bk yraadfatbei. at
•MMf* MAbar of CblMCO. OMWOd of to ^aat tba aammar Toeattoa.
a«rd«!loc bU wife, tbo eoort room k
Mr. aad Mra Domlar rataraad to ayoan canal project oat of tbe bandi tba aye of 10«. craotod wbaal tat tfaiaa profraor k a tborowh toaabar of tbe
>—< dally to Ito otant ao^ty. lelr boma la-Biehmoad. ladlaaa. yde- of tbe I'nlted Statea. aettlny aaide tbe daya to aaooemiaa
art of dancing and UtUc Oortona aaSir Oeorpe Gray, the AratraUan ei- tookbed all by bar elaror work to parU p bM otBy *7 toot Cbkoca iwoylo tarday. They haia bara Tklttoy Mr. treaty rlyb'a of tbe I'altod Stttoa.
Ever Burned
Tbe praeident declared that tbe etoie- plorm and admtoktranr, recently oeto- forming aU tbe meet diSlealt more«u fot o irliBfM of o pony wbo k aad Mra Cbaa Uoaaer.
i waa abadataly falie. Ba aay* taatod tbe etfbty-foaith anniTetmiy of emnu with eeae and yraee. Thry are
If to yoo know.
SlTMtobcdUorbkwlfa to a MOMffo
Mra B. Oos of WtoebrntO’, laA. who
.i all tbe ________
modern danen
htoUrtb. Pttly-aiybt yaata MO be waa famUlar with
vat, aad toty aaasot ba blaaod far tea baaa aMtlay bar ebildiaa, Dartd, that wbUa ha ardently dealrea to bare yiTanaptar dead wbltoexptortoy tbe
UMlelady. altboayb eltybUy
m, waa p^Mt to erery dance,
toalr ewteolty.
Gay aad Myrtle Cox aad Mra Claraaoe tha anal eompleMd aaaoos aa pomlbla, warn eonm <d AemraUa. Ha Heed to ba
ofemor haa been aoocrafal
Biekaid of tbk dty.TMraai to bar Japbn aerer elferdd a hand in the
y Soatb Aaetrali
atriktor atom daelato that
and of Hew Seatoad.
yenUeman wbo k npriybt to bk bail.
wUl oat aaaqpt Itm tbaa the
Mra. <itoa Htekay of MkMari. who
Vba Daka of Knrf«tfk. whoee popo- aem dealtoya, and aboald be retora
^ vS«|r«toaeaotratotorbaodltoc aoaT baa baaa TteUay to Bly Baplda, artorlty aert miinlfiecoee arr h.'a-eholi brra ayato to oryaaUe a daea will i*>
■■ I. <. n .
eeira hearty aonport. Tboae praaewt
that tbay I itradtotbkeityyaaurday toTklt bar Vorfcara to Three I
a Want Bank
after tbe exklUttota to enter tbe aerrloe of tba rbarcb. eajeyed a emtef
wm aat pay that prtoa. That k tba aaab Mn. Mary A, Browa. aa ayad
bat wai prercnced by tbe IntaTenticm ttoa. ProL SUrera and daogbur bare
of tba aitoatioo aad tbo ttrtka lady wbo la iU at tba aaylam.
Baaeltoa. Pa.. Sept I.—Tbe V>a of tba pope, wbo waa ooorlorrd tbit no bra at Mackinac liland tbk week,
mIhm to ba bo Bou«r
Hra. CUoa BaaBoa motbar of B. L. W ekla. Coleraln and MttoeaTlIle sit - Eutlkh Dobleman of eoeh wraltfa mid aad set rrlib ynod ene
Batorpriae. Aoyait |9.
tteaat Afok__________.
Raaaom, Aliarado Baaaom aad Mka
reacsed work IMay. Labiirh and toUnenne eoald be toora amfal aa a toy
Flonaea Raaaam, wbo hara baaa
man than n a prieat.
l>rof. B. E SUreiaand danybttr. LitMUkeabam atrikera ara atUl oak
may B. L. Baaabia aad faaUly,. bara
ito Cnrlnna of Orand Bapi^L fare a
Dr. Haito ■. Bertoa k rraflaad to rataraad to BBoeb oooaty. Bra. BaailMttoa at tba rink tort
eaicfaUylntaerTed a mall ptoce of bar daadny eaklMUoa
. karbadbylltooM
liny fellowad by a bon.
The Enterprise Groceiy
wadding drraa lud oranye btoawm
kuyaatooULbatabak ae te>7
and danybtera ara the champioi
Tha barfo WUUaa Badolpb k loadeat Udlaa of Mrtj-flTa, aad ebe ta- b«*aMl.ina:Ba>a«pwUwarth» a«^w- WTcatb. Her waddtoy ring, na k tba ball-ruom daneara cf America and eba! is still dojng .bnsioess on
Wnwkhix HorL
to France, k made to two por- IrnKera of tbe a
lay alapa at tba Hannah A Lay Oo. joyed bw rkit with bar an aaxoedThey dL
Street, jnst west of
trtbei tiybUy. nany ea forty dlflrrent rodnd dancra
Durasd failed to
lie doorr ycaier- Wbi_ —v- v. rtog u fbood I aad are amnilny ■» well aa eatoetttoGrand Opera
Prefataor B. E. Martoatb yava a
dap ard Cbaiiea A. Nurtoa. raihitT and 'the naaie of tba brine, a tbe otber tbe toy. A )arre crowd atendrd tbelr per- Steinberg’s
vary pUaaaat ptr^ to bk^daBOtoy
grntral manai'r ct tba icatlcutiofi. baa
of tba Impattol to
fortcanc* lait ereBlny.—Dally Beaert* Honse. and presents the best'
■kipped torn. II la UMevad. Ukiog
er. Petoekry. Aortul
aeadamy UA nly^ton 117. IW7.
Bt^tOfXkas TeaadOall^Ia Ooa- nturb. If noi lU. <t ibe monrp oc bud
cheap to
A. FbuaUto. tbr kartoa, wQl yo to
blBi. Ur roic d tbr namM ot
be fonnd in the citj.
Xtk Baplda Labor Day to-parUelMto to
prvrnlonl fknmrt ic iwrntp-arvennoire at toe BmteeaaODllara. after Sa^mStpV
A tpadal tram fir
night by tbe large crowd that ail_____
f>r varioua unuji ta ot _____ ^
oer UL
88-«. o. d. in
a Wfoatltoy vablMtlOB.
tbe dancing exblbiUoa at Lewk Opera
iplanya: Blyfaloftbe Ar anh thr Rockfoid hark. Thir Ifd to tbr
Maay froa ibh Aty ara prapartoy to
Oo u tbe Lira Barber Sbim for bair Hoaee. Prof. Sllren bae yraeefal
anoBd tha atata fair wbleh will b^to
G> a amoaek SUren
eata and batba. IS eenu raeb.
taktoy part to tbe raeaat bomb oataad Cortone exemplify the " poetry of
to Orasd Bapidk Koaday.
rayaa bare been aeaunead to daatb
Nortnn |a K yi^ara eld and proirin.rl .
Mra. C D. KiaywlU apaak at tlw Two Armaataaa wbo ware ebaryad la eburrb and
war ri.-cli >. T*ir I
bank k ■ prlBaptkt rbvrcb Bnadap sorntoy. Sabhav iK«e runT** boTa cine for Hx rran. IIac£
wu aui.L-1
>aet. ''Lorlay ona'i aalybbgr aa
Tba OBtrayaa rafarrad ireacttr u a mat* back. Nmi
Pant E E BUtww and daogbtor
Bat n to a Oeod Thto|-to Ftoride a
ooeattad Aayaat latb oa tba priiato tbrar m-rrcaali. the peekMa cf wbick
Letter Boa tbr Pee Wbaa FTee
daaetoyntGonld Oily Monday erentoy. <
na Tranrae CUy Lnbar Oa. baa road bataraaa tbe otSofa of the Oraad wrrr Ailed, ud b« rarriad a aarfam wbm
MlTeiy la BaUbliahad.
OTcrSeoattaodlte. It wae a eraditaaoU 1,000,000 feat of batolott to aara- Viator aad tba State OooaeU Boom. hr drorr aaajr Wederrter clXhL Tha
btooteiUlton. UtUc Oortoaeb teaeloy
Rockford bank ha* aRoird tba proirrBaff baa ___ appotofed
laai partlM aad two carfoaa bsaa bow One aaaa WM kaiadaadaararal Jejarad UoB of lla clalra.
rrasUeot for one so yoiag, wbito
bkelty for.J. S. Mao..o A Co. belay
tbe prefseor ehbwed hlmaalf a maetor
aoaalyaad to Toledo.
and May wtodowaabattorad. Aare
of letter drop of the art A danee waa ^reo a^
—Watch Repairing.
at tbk time to
itai toitar bok rtaie»
Tka rayalar taaeUny of tba Good
Proridenc*. R, 1.. P.pl. l-l---------m that free delieery
^.Saiaplan will take plaoetbU araatoy.
Acdiraa rahl ymrrtay thal be bad
beeeubikbed aboat
-John Verly.
Tbara wUl ba tolUaury work aad tba
Ukrn under ronddrralloa tbe r«qac« of
the Rmwn uidvenltr nrporaGoa that looked
aBtortatoinaBi will be to abarya of
. . . after,
after. wr..................
While tocra k no com- bk wife aaddanghieryaTea
he withdraw hk mlgnatioD.
-Front Street.
palate aboat II adrop box will be a . ........ ^ dancloy at tbe opera
OoBpaay Ko. 1. Dlatriet Depoty B6bAU tba Taacbata of Pabbe Srtioeto
Tbo WcMWe Wo Mu KapoM.
boom Wrd imdsy slybu Tbe ekUl of •
art B. Walura will be praooat.
VOl Mart Vbto AttomoaB.
tokiaftoa Bwa. A-PoOowtaa ara too roableUtbel ............ aa well as tbe Mr. Sllrers aa a teateer k well Qlra- '
TharewUibeayameof ball oa tba
dbw todtatka. for tweetr.foar >«ae airier. Mr. Beff haa a
tratodby theSc
tbe little yiri'a
TbarawiUbaaaMettoyofaUof tbe
■ • p. m. lowedee; Poe I dra-yUr. anytog from U eeata to
work and Mr*-----------------SilTcrv wbo k aiao a {
laebara of tbaclty pabUe acboola to|
all at hm Ullor abop to
abowa rapid adTsneaL___
ia aaylum team aad Old Miaaioa. The
-urtp. P.
tba Central beildlny at three o'clock 1
t block and lotto thorn w
r Ib roatn
temer k tbe only team wbleb bat deof to Grand Bapide. Mite., bat aeTotbU afurnooo. Profea«ir Orawn defaatodtbe Old Mimioo aiae. aad tbe
had Uie pleaaoee of witneasiog hk akIH
alree the attoadanoe of alL
raeort ayyrayatloa U oomtoy rcM
Fire Insurance.
to defeat tbelr oppooeota.
Marino Motto.
red lij B
Tbo Ncrtbcra Michlgap TTanaporUTbe yaaeltoa Uuneh Fox. of North- * t~ki.t^wB^:
oo^rrtr w ad-, in Uon O. will tear a rooad trip «|0
itlrliet from TraTerae ttty to Chlcaro,
Prof, aad Mra. E Sllran and IltUe
Mill Oeioher tot. Tbk wDl inlogbter. CortonA gave a danetog ex
Bidy or yoaepb HofUla Fbtmd Bear
eredi urd Ueh tern- ' dude meaU aad bertha.
los «t
ibiUon at toe opera bouee. WedneaTorch Lake.
Oaptaln Napier, commander and own- i«wi«r« »»thew.i*rtr ■«,, o
day crenlng. The ProL gave toe fcrty
----------------The body of Joeepb BaflUe of Torch or of toe ateara barge Wm. Bodulpb. |
round daooea atooc. tfaea manr rt
them wito Mia. Silrei
loadtog here, k a brotoer of Cap-1 __ * "■** ■“**»
'' itlr.n
Imka, who wae drowned off the exearv
Coiione atoo exhibited
■loa ataaoMT OMkama. tba niyht of trtn Napier who went town to toe iU-'
*;*“■ ."*•
knowledge of aereral of toe latest and
Aayaat Ird, wbik rataminy from tbe
faabteable roond daneee to a
ofaOM at Trarerae City, baa baaa reHtrmoeenMSt k
The Grelllck boya bare rwtarned'from' yramt. with a fm borira at 1
•orarad aaar tbe dock at Toreb Uke.
with tbe new ataamboar
aad clear gremi beryl, war tbe
. afiar katoy to tba water aboat three
fion roaod aon. an CDacinoaa balk of
exeeotorof toe Terpatoborcanvrt that
araaka Tba ramatoa were towrred to
poreat molten gold •
waa ever to toe«ily. Bk mnnimi
1 PB0F.S.E.S1LYEB8 AKD to toe many diaealt rooad«anere w...
«he eeawtoiy at Eaatport—Caatral
rpeeUta of kalk and bollera of dnatoiM brilliance atbwert tbe tin•ary aad graoefoL Nearly every ome
> rku of tbe •fey that
of toe daneca ware bHrtUy eneorad.
Btoeokar and Imnyley. who bare been
It k toe totentte of toe SOvore to
infold on
here to Inapeet lake craft, were taken
b toe art of danetog dnrlHI the
Bra. M. Vtotoa baa n
d D«m a to Nortbport Tbaraday by Fraak FVledand winter, aad elready 1
amber and porpto and ehrynUto and wai Bntamin Wsdnesday
rite, cm bk yateL B. S. Ptogiaa. Jr.
ototi to Totodo bad Datnrib
atofaamcf and porphyry, amid wfaat
r m I
W. A Seadder aad family wiU kaea
Higbt, SaptambsrS.
•eraMd half drawn eartote of prtoOOHFLIOT WITH DKFOtlBB tedayloratowdajBaamptoy at Loay
matto foam. Delicate etni. that might
ProL E E SilTorateiMriy of Orand SepL 11, ISM.
Brt Kaiabtoy Kama Ungoafeded to bare ban white winited lelnceM on tbe Baplda. one of U|b mmt ett^t InWa toe .<
dgned memben
peaerfal baeom of a nepkndmtt ttalian rtrnctcnofdandnytotbettata. karMka- J- B. Spaaom left yaatarday for
Bcretoy Tbcir Way.
of Grand Bapte.
M •aitod
to mtont glory down from fanytoytoglTeanexhlbltte. emkted
• vWtwtteharaoa, JamaaSpaaear, to
nttobory, BepL I.—A body of etrik_____________________
,te tteamtohto- by bk daaybter. Corinna, of aU tbe
togmtomwacetoppMibydepntkatbk to toe ortetal eMgroMN of tbrt ooel. latert aad moat artktk daaeea. to
Jmaia M. Sttlaa rataraad Ibaiaday
• ‘
auralag while marching to the Center, dental flood, tbelr pearly wii^ tipped ■.......................
We have ao bcairom Coldwator, ready to raaama bar Ike mte >«« IB eqaads of twee aad end foatbwed with a ttanelneent tera
tklbluoa wUI locinde forty dlffirat ^ “r to
hlm aa tbe
aebealdaltoay .
toreea. bet a ecowd of eeTantT-fire wae 1
bararakpialy from jmitoto
Mka Alloa liobmto aad Mka AUea
nut Wi_____ ,
and we aU aaito to Hying that he'
he errCrawford amktod at a ebareh maataal yfraa by toa leader, a rate ww made
■pcctome. too wondrooe to tort, too
aad they went tbroogb deraiU tbe dep- bwtifal to deecrtbe.
wQl ftrekh maato.
Mra Mary Paaatoytoa left yaatarday
A ebarp. abort confltot ancote
It wee Uik eoeae that CboUy Fli
tor a mooUi'a rkit with taUtirae aad batnofartbrnoppotittewacmade by
WiLMca Foaoa.
kneed Btriate^ Opmm Boam.
top. toe ptomklng yoong toiforadPi . .
Fluxa Ti-ana.
totoadato ladkaa.
IT the irtotar. The prtoe of adWith a eoafliteae bora of Mx moMba’
the dMutka aad tbe men marebad
Orand Baphk, Nov. It, IBM. 1H«
Mr. aad Mra. A. T. Peek. Alva 1>lor
■ will be 10 eeata and I8 eeata
teperteoe, mt bimeelf down to rape*Bkffn^
welmad Boy Pack of Sosth Boad. Indiana,
daae 00 oanree for tbe benedl cd fatarc
Molloe to Wator OoB—era.
me* wlU be
Ike Boys' Band wUl ran an m
amimttea-.ArtbocGttoHB to Hew
Theoaeef wator farrarlakltog pm>
Mon to CbartoTrtk Sonday. toartny bare.
POOH k. by oor rate rained to^
Ortte and Ida, retonwd to thair'kame
t:M aad rctaraiay toare Cbarlerolx
boonofBfoH. andtn.H.,ako
to Qra^ Bapide yerterdsy.
at 4iM
— ^
p. m. Boaad
^ H eenta.
. —MrktoondrvaMra. J. r. Pratt a^ m Wtothny ^ Tha rtaaam Ooiambia baa bra
trfam bm ova btoyoton**
tokratowOl beebat
••I ofo,
___1 I
BwtaasratotbaoltyTWttoytoafam. M aad toma will ba good sai
i4 MwUparHltbaa
Prof. E E seven and mT a
BtoeatAaBMUaaiBA Pratt
" ‘od daaybwt. UtMeOaevtea.
~~H. E OfeniMi A amra
Hamilton Clothing Co.
StiU on Deck
Old Stand.
Enterprise Groceir,
----- -
U- Cl, or
Om tM of ^ t«g lake ttaipcMn wbo wt
Minm of Uw acremesL It t« oloo
•old that erWT ei»rator on tb*
TougUoebooF divlBloB of the PItUburs,
>icKt«Bport and Tooablocheay aad on
tbt MeOonaU hraoeh of the Panhandlt
haa ttcoM. Clvlag mar* thao tb* W
p«r oetiL of tb« rail aperaiora Ttr-rirr
to makp ihr acraemctit rSactlTt. -Tbt
tloa new of the rlrer operator* to risa.
bowvrar. baa vauaad the belief ta aom*
Quarter* that tbe aeceaBary number of
operator* win not be obtalaed, thua
caoaltiK the Mlure of the entire ar^ama
thw Way and TMr fndeee Am Cvrtnin
«hW a Tal* WaaM Be WwW ef T*
■aad aay< That Bit Man Pnmv the Oaaf
Newcastle. Pa.. topL L-The sMke «t
he Newcastle wire nail works, which
■DM Urns, last
ttaiMM'a Plan for th« 8«
«f lha Grwt etrika «r tha
Coal Minara.
Wednesday several oecrues
to work at wtr* drawloy. which raQulne skilled labor. Laat evenlna a
newd of at least MO etiiket* ysthered
In front of tbe mllL thbor Bon Pat
rick HcLnnyhlln. who has chaice of th*
De«roas M work, was at the min at the
tlDC and be redclemly walked to the
frunl door and faced the etrlkera "Any
body that saya I am a bUck eheep or a
scab te a Uar," be said, "and t am her*
to back It up.”
He had scarcely spoken tbe words
when there waa a crowd at him. Re
called to help, hot th* mtn bidden Is
an tbe local labor leader*
the mUi refused to coi»e to his ascUj have adv&cd ■troncly to a eon- Mstance
and be was knocked down and
tlhoatioii of tbe flchi alo(« tbe prewoi beaten In a terrible manner. It was at
toe* and to the biner end.
a.wt tbonctat be was dead, btivhe was
• tamThanmO
carritd loto the mlU in an unconsdons
•ecrtlarr Warner a-lred .
aondxior. and may recover.
_ } ftatehfcrrd chat tbe miners
' hare want da renu or deftal. and to
Wasblnyton. Ind. Sept. L-JudyeHetnhwtt the Hanna propoalUon. a* It
M called. <0 a vote would only entail von has yraDted a temporary restralnloy
order ayntrst striker* to preveot them
. aaaillrw expenditure of time and i
Mr result, be wid. would not be in from Inicrferiny with men who want to
In tbe Gabel mtnea. Prank Set
doubt for an inaunt. Tbe miner* baharc tkey have vtriorT well wittain tbelr ter*. James McRensa snd Aiile Wsllaoe
and bartne a firm belief Id the Were arrertfd for assauItiDy Aycait
Sirasaer. srho
iiun-uiuuuloatlec of tbelr caoM tbey wiU net aob. oMaeecv,
tnit to anytkloK ttiat wvet* of temporta- Isis to tbe bank Tuesday. There Is eonMderable 111 teellny In mlnlny circles CB
tng or partial retreat frea the orlf
account of ibe revtminlpy order.
atand. Tbe member* of the dlatrtct
•cntlve board arc In hearty acoord vttb
BM At Hseehoa.
thla view of thayaae.
Bamlton. Pa.. BepC 1.—Hob law now
. Win Betot the Hanna PrepwaL
‘prevails on the south ride. Two ttaouA dlMiatrbfrom Columboe my«; **Sep> mnd mSD stopped every colliery lb the
arau atalcna were held lest olyht by Silver BrtMk dMrIci end then attarted
the wUonat cxerBGve board of the mln- Superintendent Jones’ house at Tort■mtf/UA the eommlliee of tbe Plmbur* (uwD and smashed every door la It.
tuMtera. Both meetlny* were of an Joam la la hldley semeahera.
lOKiaal nature, but that of tbe miner*’
,^aard waa ImportanL Ihe ' member*
hftead to rejnet tbe propoaltloc of the
Palrmont. W. Va.. Bept.-d.—Anotber
oparatoa It appear* that the prjee to 0 unction was lamaed ayalnst tbe strik' h* paid far aachlM wloliw la the ptlnly miDers yesterday and notices were
ettde ftawboos Uoch. The operttos mrved here to prevent the strikem from
otEer to pay only oae-baUoCtha price on trewamloy on mine property or In any
pkB BlBiiiK to machine mlnlDC. and manner laterferlny with ttaoar who are
^ mlattp demand cwo-lhird*. Were worklny or wanUny W. work.
this otdtotloD diapoaed of It le doubtful,
CmwIwM m came Oat lar Omd.
however, wbether the -other dlSereneer
Sprinyfleld. Illaf Sept. k-The miner*
at SanynmoD shaft So. 2. of whom
tanfcommittee Uootempoweredte atake about twenty went to wort at « cents
per ton. an advance of t cent* over the
a new one. Another Jt
old price..im'l last nlybt and decided to
wfl] be held thU roomlDi
work no lonyer at eny wice.
s that Prealdeai ;
omted HlBC Woliccra. and h
wtU reject the offer of tbeopera'
retniB to wort at tbi
• pendlac aiWtraUon. Great
taaa been browbt to bear
«p tbe BUtka leader* from till*
dbMet to lodnoe tbtm to aeaueh an attltuda
tirh will
_ 0
ratlcnr of the commllloee
. lambn* aed upon the strike sItuatloB Id
fiAeral. At the last meetltp of the natkmal eiecDtlve Hoard of.the Ignited
Hhie Worker* cf America a retolmlon
. waa paand to allow the mlncrt to decide
by a lefeieiidam vote all propoMlIons to
aetUc the strike. Therefcre. If the min-
WMe. ard endi a procedure will not only
Cbtsll a larpe expendllvrr of money, but
It wm eoDSume a sreat de^ of time.”
D- W.Vau Bman. cf Onstonville. maoayer of Uw Piitaburt and Cbleayo Oas
Qaatebmpany. went to WasbInxtcD ywttrday tor tbe purpote of wcuriDs d«patlca Tbe compary. be eaya. ir deter*
Dined to surt tbe mine* Tnerday next,
and the miner* ttow' oceupylna the company'a hovm have beer
called to see what they oouM do tor
him. LueUert was aaked to tell hie
theory of his wife’s dlaappearaoM.
be (Old tha oScers bs believed the
luaant and bad wandered away,
said she had been actins atranyely to
snme time. The witness aaked toietcert why he had not DOtUled the police
AOOUKCD lUTS 6QV DCFEAGEED. Instead of keepins sllrot. Loetyert salt
he fell It wae a dlayracc to him and hla
children (hat hla aife bad become
InaaDb and did nut like to tell about
He cald be had last seen fait wife short
ly after U o'clock thenlyhtof her dlaappearanee. before be went to tbe factory
for (te DlybL
1. Which nmese
Tbe police diayyed ................. ......
searched dayht^ Id tbe vicinity of tbe
Chicayo. Sept, t—The trial of Imet- factory, tmetyerl iht witnefy mid. lotk
f»rt opened yceierday with Prank Odorofaky. Luetyerfa ymokehouse i^D. iim
Id the wltoem chair. Wedoeeday OdoroMcy yave hM testimony In German, .vtnne prtlce stitloo 10 comptaln of .
Testerday mornlBg be abandoned that &«wHAi>er ankle Irilmatisy that hlr
lanyuaye tor PoUA, his native tonyue. lirti wife bad not di-.d a natural death.
was niftemry. , but while al the suiloe be did
tmcoy was eon^d«ifo\a <!>»»« whether tbe police had ftond hny
Rls dtrtct testtmeny
I tew minutes. and was not ImhonbBt 1
.W. I
! Odoroftiky was. turtod over ir.
to the
ihtj>»blmrelf. JrApecter
I fense for eiuse-examlnsUoo and Atlorv ber of offlrer* to ihe'musau facl<
; ney VUtcent questioned him dm sboot and tbe dndlny of tke riey* It tbe '
: bis eoanerOoB with the police stoee the The rlnc* one a ydatn ycld weddiny rirm
! arrtm of Lacyevt. The witnens saM an and the other a ynard riny, were |
dBeer faad been aiib him ncariy all tbe evUence. and Atterner Phalen i
I tima No money, be mid. bad btnn yiv- tbe crou-rtamlrAUcFB of Captain 6
f m him and no position prucDlaed him, Her and asked bln to tell the Jury
but his wife bad received money from' the police had done to aseenaln wbether
Inspector' Brhaack. "Just a few cents." Hr* l.uetym was alive or dead. Tha
mU Odorafiky. "u> keep body and aonl wltnem detaned various steps of tbe In
toyelber. 1 an not ytiiry my UsUmony T*«l(«clona Phalen asked it he bad
r. 1but fur cuuscivoce.”
nol beard that Ur*, toietyert had beci
tor money.
A ffamWia of raSiistaoJIaa.
Kenoeha. or In that
With a Arewdeem woHhy of a far bood. Ih* captain mid the police had
more clrverAnan. the amuker evaded all received iMcere. meet of them at
atiemptf to enunyle him by brlnymy up moos. Matin* that Mr* I-nvtyeri bad
teriirtvony before Justice Rersten. "I been wen wanderiny near Kenoeha. and
hla tei
- half they said
be sent two offleen tbere to InvesUyale.
^or* Justice Kernel)." I declared | The omeci* dlscoveetd no irac* of Mi*.
"Hid Luetyert. ____________ _
you my anrtblny before Justkr Kwslen
about lb.' d'lor* or yur.ny sarksT" cun J
llDDrd the defeimo. Here came an
wBmo to Inifcinw Ibe laillallevaod Brt
avallon. T could n« urder«iand th*
FaatMnaf«Ha Taalimony of CapL
Sotroattiar In tlM Uataart
Murdar Cam.
Reinmber: ^ Smokers!
, -------------
Meats and Groceries
At ooraton.
Oifiit if Teltpkne Pmif;
Oer. Calmaadmathy
Tat Street. Mwesa Treat I Csss.
nnr etokya
Iks Recogil2eD Leaders
la S sad lOe. Clfmn
^ yvery Und of—>-
alwny* in stock.
. *W. JATTRj
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
MeilTiclets it RefBcef Itaits.
PWM Clam Day Bomd. apmUlBsim
Now for Business!
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
CAEP T.Atni!
"Did Ur. Luetyert talk to you in Pol- wbleh
lahr- asked the ddefense. "No.” he r»- luUons. DIscustlon was precIpRated by
piled. "He usoally talked In Gertr-m.” aUeoipta by U. L. Looc
LAuck* and U B.
‘efben.’' continued Atteipey’ Vlb<-<al Welkr. of Wasboa. la.
triumpbanlly. "you could not have ur.- domrmeol of variout
dentoud all that be raid to ynoT”
c tham. The committee a_______________
Where II WIU Help the tiilisii
reported edvetiely upon remlaUoni ofOdorufsky mw the mlateke be had fered by the yrnllemen and Mra.
made "Hr only yave me order*” he Loucks, as a member of the committee.
detJared. "and I could understand them In each InsUorc returned a rnlnortty
rtyht." The-defenaeWwIll malnule report.‘nkmajority report waa adopted
t the
..................................'----------------- --------------------- ---------------_._id
him as he waa cleaning
_ va
oD't ray anytblny about ihl* i
Frank, and I wUI ylvt
tor speculative purpose*
...................... ... ...........RriH.Iulion* were adopted as follows:
-Frank L-ewardowriil. ato a Pde. waa cormnendlny Ihrsccretaryof syrlrulture
tiled n#*L He le al peewnt employed f«r hla effort* in behalf of tbe dairy
ny reduction of all nfa* a lalwrer by tbe Norihweetern
ruvldlny (or a commitway I.cw-aodowtU teas amplnyet ...: Oclal a
May Iasi, to to report lo Ihc next conyrnis a plaii
Cmp Cost More to tUlM Tkea tta Tain*'
eo-operaUun between
naO Tlwee 1* Soar m ML
corroberated ndorofMiy. oncer Charira the pervenUnn of conuytous diseases
Sprlnyfield. Ills.. 8^ k-The lUlBOU , U Gtiebnow t.id of L^irUeii * appfe- amen* domestic animals; ufyiny
slate board of ayricullure bas Issued a ( bentlofl of arrest, officer Antfls: KUnyer preai to hurry wort on the harbor* of
summary.^ r*ports received from corre- icsilBed to a cunvemlloD which be rtfaye on the yreat lake*; favotiny
duty In favor of yooda
• countle* of tbs
__ ..........
under the watch- iimponed In Amerlran Teasels.
man's M.,but lDld nortiny rtew. GorMadtaM.II>*. eietatcirtii;nwd.
Clark, of Lord. Owen A Co., le*g,
Madlsoa elethat
I : pounds of are
iraenlc and a barrel of crude
t,y Are last nlyht. emalllny «
; ; potash In Mat ________
leartny but i
laa* of about 1*0.000. Hw b«|ldlny was
whhdi 41.0T3 aerra was spiiny wheat.
Seventy tot talyh and eOBtalaed 4k*s*
-----bushel* of trteat.
Nothmy but tb*
The ceural portion of tbe state anfBMalaHehaWUee,^ tbs Mice FW«* flays book* Of tbe ofOcv wera raved. *o flera*
tered the yrealesl lea* where but XJ
the B*r Mm Usd.
did the Or* became sad so quickly did H
per cent, was baivc/ud. The qualKr
harvested 1> excellent.
I CapUln fichuettler, of the police feree. spread.
Tbe tabulailoa uf wheat ahowa tbe ' was tbe star wltnem of (he day. to be
fuUewIny rvsults: Number of acre*nk- flaUy eontradlated Louis Luetyert the :
the IMS
;*t: av'raye y»d, ner acre. 11 t>u«bels: boy who mid be heard hi* moth-r In the
total Duipber buahelB twoduevd. IkBi.- house after mldnlcbt "The boy told ayalnst the mlaston of Wfofay
Stt; pniT i .r tausnel.
me." declared Sphortllcv. "that the last t. Woodford, the nee Cnitsd Statm
K per acre of prodi t^. tkU: total time be mw hi* nmther was at lOo'clock I minister to Ppsln, tbu causlny sndeUnited
"t of i>n>du£lkn. $T. k«*S: total Km. when he went to bed. H*-rald he had | spread tmiailoa ayal
rtkfSk On the above basis It will take not awaken'd durlny the nlyht. • • • Suie*
'The boy was positive that he had not
CbIM nrswiwd ta a BM
awmkeni-d durliuc the nlyht.'' Scboettler
klrylnl* Ills.. Sept k-A 1
' saM be was first informed sf tbe dleId child or James Nor
at Hr* Lnetyeii on May 7
broiedrlck Bl. kneeae, ber brother, and fell head down into a
Fred Miller. Tbey y*v« him a de^rlp. ;
! lion of tbe misriny woman. That nlyht
tD them BDlew Oie Id forceiK
by that time.
time, Van Eidfn fei
and wanu the deyutl^
It le mM th<re war at ftr« a
mand for «rty deputies, it was espeeted
«*—< Bnator Tlllmsn. who it Msltlra
ir-e Smith to
. ___________________
Beaver. Pa., fust below the clly. woold f. Waahlnytoo 5l*i Brooklyn-Clevela
make Inquiries lo the r lyhborbood c<
BMmamk VMM by Maai*f Slay.
take a band la strike raaltert. hut li
rriedrieharuhe. Sept, k — The klny
- rawoDsr to d telesram askirc bim ti
; Luetyert.. Next day OOcert Dean and of 81am paid * virit to Prince Blamarrk
PUtsbarr the senator replied vlllr «. Fhlladii;:ht
cw yot*- i Qnaley were deulled to Ir.vestlynu the yesterday. His majraty lunched
**rome to Bears If yen want to *e< Cinrlncall k New.
I Bosioir- • cam.
| the ex.chancellor and they remxlnr
Wei yrruttds.
Khortlv aft" that, (he captain raid, j converratlon for a long time.
Rian> TAUIA TO « I HiJip.Ra,
I —Ksnra* City «. Detroit Id: at InThey Anwe thnOitraanOpernhwnD the
dlanai<o1ls-St. Pant «. Indlanapohs »:
Rnnnn PratHwIllon Halts nem.
- Ootumbus - MlnaeapolU *. ColumPltUbBiT. Bppt. X. — Colonel W. P.
Send yesterday met his l.aoo miners
Western AaBoclaCtai): At Cedar Rapthrouyh a eommlut-e of twelve roCD ne*
loeted for the puni?se at McDODaM.
Pa. There was a larre iratberlny bf X Peoria—Wet yruunda
mlaersL tbalr wives sod children, aboot
taaH L-ader Mw CtvU )w4to law
.................. _j)ry Hot___________ _____ .
.the place of conference. The best of
Wasblnyton. iiept. s -John C. Woods,
inrtdl A Oane. Ltd., oorner Sovaath and
fhetoy preraUed. and Colonel Rend an- superiDtmdeiit' of iralla at tbe LouisCallIon slrattk
vlUe. Ky.. pcaloBce laa brouybt suit
ayalnst Pcatmaater General Gary and
Tbaihtb* Paris OroMwaasn. It
tbe menu of tbe last plan proposed the pomoAce department anthoritlev to
wtll pav yon to boy your P. O. of
for aetUement of tbe strike. He rays prevent them from removlny him tram Ut
M«>rht and ywaiuteed to IdlfAmn. 8 & Walt, Druy
tbe committee thaj waited on him as- the service. *nie rase prolahly win be
:e*l of the power to remove a yovaniad him that tbe plan had tbelr
iment official embraced wUbln the
oofdlal sopport. and they Wt (bat tbe
body e< the mlnef* would Indorse It if civil service rule*
Sb^ Sll Xaat Front i
aubmltUd to them, the colonel pointed
Fnll line matortaL
KUM by Two Aayry Bull*
out to his man hew an enforced mtGe*
Weal Bend. Wia. Sept. S-Ooor«e
ment weald result In only temporary
•ale to ettter aide, and repeated tr Bcbucqscbcr. ayrd 7J yean, rcsldlnc
them hls well-kDOWB views tn f*ror of about a mUe southof AIleDt<m.tbi*eounty. was killed by two IntuHaUd balls
He said H cerrta was not a nrtny rate. owned by a man named Weonlyer.
Sooth t’aioB Stredt.
f hut tb^ uxbt da ceoU too nzDch. He BcbninaebeT left hla bone rariy tn tb*
•ondudwlbyBajiM; "to my Jod«menl noralny in.cet one of his ealvte which
the proper courw«^ to pursoe Is this^ had rtnyed onto Und where the bnll*
JolBt carvenUon of operator* apd mtn__________________________ PrtBt 8b, adjolnliv McKamara'a shoe atora.
DS ta western PennaylvanU should be and killed btm.
ealM to censldpr tbe terms of adjustr. lTotttnyy»d fioad hone* a apeMiehlyaa-sWostcmam Bmd.
Dtnt DOW otfered and that are today
Third doar wmt of Haesan's Urosy Barn.
tbe subject nf discaiDoa at tbe CoIambus cobfrrmce." No action was his borne In Wato
____ ______
horn to: ye*™ ayo In Umcrirt. Ireland,
hot bas been a resident of HlcMyan
elyhty-tevee year* He was a erippl*
, II1^, ..II^ wu.
bet had amamed as ininifc fortane.
d today, at which It U said that He never used tobacco or ilqiior in bl*
VMdiag 7RnB6»’ Hones • SpMdalty. Bones Boarded.
I be adopted deela&
that Cdcnel Rmd's
md's men will retura'
wort at th* rate propoaed b), the OoTSSStMS RBLASOBTABraTHl^
HBvankee. Sept. 1—J<Dn F. UcDon.
w. p. De Ajmit'B sicDatyra to (he did. aa cx-toeriff of HDwaokee eqanty,
BDltofnlty pMm ha* Indnead atx etbera ■pd who at vartoos tlmm bm mtocMfate pautkal -poalUoM ly thin dty; waa
to CoBow stoL «1M '
« of
<rf tto
to fee mamber*
county Cann^to votranry- WhMky.
, Bine; or "tty U” aed make eomplato
From this date* this boat
will net make regfnlar con
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangements
for the ^se of this handsome
yacht, by commonication by
mail' or wire, with
Leland, Mich.
Ste Om Hi* Un
PBonkncTOB or thR
Gjeie Owners Lookfierel
Cornar of Union and-Hay SBweU.
nasr M. A N. R. depob ’wlahm to anatsM to tbe pabUe (hat he baa refltto^and (nraiabed the Botol Pang- offSto^^Srii* a-«ai»Vm. pot --
Iry paUie In good Bb^ SaUatamion
----- -T ....rln Id fmaniam.
rijriLSTCi--------- -
Bay sc. mar M. A X. a D*p«.
Lederle’s rrTiRS:
E Here's Another!
Hot so BABy Mils ma SOBS Otbyra *ra ntoky, bvt
% Roomy, Attractive, Durable. ^
The Pure Juice SilJffi.Tk'E S',:r.3r',r„S."'
Butter, First Class S;
Green that will kill Bugs .
Bicycles to Rent '^."|,s^ss‘S
Soda Water
Ice Cream Freezers
Angus McColl gsyi.
Sill S.. fat« h» nut M.
B. J. XOlKlAB, Prop.
^ Ttaj'ra iMSMaUi ii Prim. ImI Itoa Onr. ^
syccEssFOLLy nisEfl
Hirte PartiM DividaThr** Moirri*
nttion* ‘BttwMn 'Hiam
in Nabraska.
• Otoe U Tp Mid
BHMTCd U to dw <
• Pn*«H>r (>e tke toncHe l» CMt.
•cade-FMiMTlTaBto GoU DaaobnM M
toMoaifato aTt^M.
Ltoeala. Neb'.. 8epL X.—AB predicted
at the atan by the party leaden, the
three partlea—I>e<BeeraUc. PopuUat aad
BUrer Beputdlcan-have Jolaed haixU
la tuBtoa. and the Ucfcet «daeed In the
fleld U: For surrcme Jadae. John ).
BuiUran. Democrat. Colosbna: for «ne
«Uto untrersltr repcaL B. Toe ForeU.
.Kearoer. PopaUst: for the other recent.
'Oeoffe r. Kenowcr. Wlaner, Silver BepabtteaD. Many delacatea maintain
that the tuilon was perfectly barmonlooa while there ue othen who claim
e may yet be dls
as about
ter* tb« nport adoritA. bat tht
OUkw (£• Hod «d the Iki*.
Gnil Kipldi ft Iidlui L I
^ » Bwr tatftqtioB ■ flue aprarcf PATCHIN & CRC^ER.
MlM. a.
rmmmtm hj- B«e. a a. DarU.
Wlnfleld. U- S«pt.
The r^cortOflon IB Moetogee ItokjiBrerMOkr.
Tanc.^3ar dfta frea God: ear lUleta
inokliig dcaOeek in Uw Teeth tfletrict
--------ccBverlloe vai Ood. ~
broken Wednesday morslBg In the Dom-i Chrstlaulty U a religloo of glrlng. H i
y*”: I* )>m been known that
tnaUce of Colcnrl D. 1. Palmer. He was!bod its nrulu in »bc detRiniution of I ®** oo^“«4d om tba aoifaceefi tbe wa-_______________
choeen by acclamation on motion df wJ tha
qol« (be acliou of tbe wavM, ^ w
tlM Son cf tiod to
ro give tbe
tl bMt ifiU Be
r. Koj*.hlt opponent from Henty coun- , eoold give. Htmself.
P«»Pt»ltlon to tdUbe ^ { 8.
Hinmif, to tbe wwld.
world It,
ty. The end war remched after (.00 bel- ! t... Jt. fullst cvuunletiim In mmn re-'
• knUU reoel red with giMt favor * --------------------------------t* had
hod been taken, each
earh retulUr^
retulUrc la
Is a
i !
Mt, .tJ
' There is ao abrnbent oM.yc-tt<Tm mta'.
ling ,ui.
Attoroeya. Spselalee
Ood tbrongh Jens Ohr.-..
and qreadof tbe
tlfnl laugnapr of Panl ccutalhed id the ; nf"?:
re get w
idee of '
to a in
)letUi« la Ibol S«vMt ef a Bee
lod. wbet Ood ! ‘* » P«TW»Ooo of talk w. oarhoo and a
bow precioos nieo is to Got
Uae ef M Ktoadyke.
Washington. Bept. L-Oemral -Dof- baa Ocat for mao. and with what as-1
It iaol^med
field, superintendent of the eoaat and ■onuK^ we
nlatiooa of life. In oooi
..... V.UU
Tmeelaahoot S9 per
fact that
God is for ns and ....
that MWU.-1
ing can ai^wrate os tiW the lota of
God in Cbriti Jemu onr Load.
probatdllty of trouble between thla cov.Oaics
•*Po« JOM* met a palafol end
ernment aad Great Britain over the le- give Blm onr lore. Tbe love of Ood to
t «o|pk W<
calloa of the Klondyke geld flelda. "li la man is breathed ihrowboot this entire tarday."
true." he aald. when diovn the ditpatch
"Deor.dearl Wbet was it-Jwartdletm'kiehMMd ..
from Port Townsend cuollng a deputy read It we cannot bnt neall m wmds aamr'
United Btatea marital as saylcc In ef of John iU. id. ”Qod\eo loved the
‘'Ob,oo. It waa tba and of a wan.”
II to LostaTlUe
fect that the United BUiet win Men world (bet He gave His baly begottn —Web Me Dp
oontral over that aecticc. "that the loca- Son that wboaoever believetb in Him
'i'ik.l L..U 1 ...
tlOB of the line between the two coun
Aftor the TampliJ sad KlpU«
TmlBS arrivs froM Claelaeanl. 0._^
tries has not yet been formatly accepted, ■boald DOtperisb, bat abonid have ever- A tool Share wok aad hr tioBksd hu urs
T]T n. rOKTER. Atunsr at Uw. BpMial
W. aitenUuatotastituL
bat the location bae been very dednlle- laMing life.” First of all Ood gave man
tSmi to yes sad II
ly determined. Tbe Mist meiidlaa waa Bis love. It was Ibis gift that M to With a sank, or a boar. «c s pwes ef wwe.
^Jtoeal (relfkt sa faraaek erriTss et II ona. ai^
deatenated as Ih^ boundary between tbe otbera Tbeloveof Ood for bnman- Thai he stroek a (eaos. sad the iktos kakad
BtUHIa and Great Bflialn and nothing ity wai ao broad and deep tbai Be waa
remained after oar ac^unre of that willing to give Hi» best gift that man ABd ha harrisdly salM Bibwan s wars
tCvtw Bsyoaor II
andermaodlng but to Ibcaie the mert- might be saved. In retnm for this gift
!£Sa^ :::
earty yesterday rooming before fuston
Ihe location was made . on the
a effected. For awhile In tbe three north nt Porcupine river by our surconventionsyesterday moralng It looked \ veyon and In the vicinity of the Tnkoa
rather precarious (or harmony, as tbe I
the Canadians under OgUltie. and
surer Bepobllcaas had a yrry warm 1 »>elr work there was checked by onr
time, a nambetTof the •ml llle-of-the-1 men. We found that where Ogilvle's
road” driegatea talking In f.tvor of the ' Hne crumed Forty Ulle creek H aas Unonilnailoa uf a atralght Kepuhlican : 100 of a second or tdx feet and nine
ticket In order to preserve their orgmnl- ' Inches too far eaH, and «-hes It cromed
| the Tukcn'lt waa 14 aeeonds or CIS feet
| too far we*. Thns II may be
«.3v foe !
^ «»rtlvk is sulv
Lri^l iZ ! •‘"‘'•UJ- ~r^- There I. no po-UWlB after
““ emT the correction of which
bate eiri many liallots tbe 811
could place the n-w
B»w region It American
pntUcai^ finally nominated Jpdge
pedot Dawsos
llvasL tbe Demcrntlf aomlnce. tbe Pop.
U ilfiy miles on the Canadian ride
uJUU veered around and also ananl- .City
of tbe OglP — - —
g urged
■s the report U falrc.. -y Jodge NcrIUe In a
finally, reached and thy rest ot the procecdlnga were of abort duration. It be.
came very er ldent near tbe close of the
DCS HolBsa. ta.. BePC k—At tbe aeseoaventlon that nrither Scott. Kevllls. Blon yesterday of, the Iowa Cbriattan
nor Thompwir. could be aemloated by eonvesUos the foUowtag resolnUoa waa
any two of the oonvenUons. and the
manoeuver of the Democrats In sub.
siitatlng Sullivaa'
d a coup
lo.i cut short what might have i«. !
suited la a long drawn, knotty conves- | “•
tloAfallof Agfal.aad ultlmstelyaepa
---- —^------Ing the three parties ao widely
fusion would have bees an tmkn... . this convention were It noi their
vole will be ___
oondltloB for years to come. ThU I
I preted ar an Indorsement of his polplcal
I attloo In signing the roatiufactures Mil.
I ••Therefore, rea-.h'ed. ta.l the ennvenThe noralasUons were dnade In tbe tkm declare that no vote or votes for or
three separate convratiuns the con. against Governor Drake be Interpreted
as Justification of or condemoktlon of
ference committee glrin* It up at . A | JT, ^“f^r-cto
lal a
for him
m. yesterday. The uyminutee. however. *“
of cnafidence In hU
agreed to leave It to the conventions by
booesty. Inugrity of character and hla
, which
was adoi>ts< y said convenUoBs: •*We ' great, warm, ffraurnsl heart.”
Fw-ad IS* -r-eOe- ^ . TVWt
meet S't.aratPlr and ballot for Judge.
Btepbeason. Mlrh-. SepL E-John
All oomir.alloiii shall be presented to Roth, aerirnced last week to two years
the three convencUms and haRoliBg
shall rontinur unlH one man shall re
ceive a majority of two conventionE fiour. wrote a Irtler to his wife InstructEach ballot shall be announced to each Ing her tc aril or destroy somes goods
of the other conventions before another hidden in a bam. “
s Interballot Is taken. The regents shall be eepied by- the offl«x._............
^ven to the parties which do not seenre and the ofilcera aecured bky-rle shlrtE
i boota blankets and other articles IdeaKsMlas. Wakto a Brtof Rpt.eh.
| titled as belonging tn residents here and
Judge Builivao. the nominee for au- !
"•"* —
preme Judge, gave a ahoR speech and ' Imllsaa N<
BSMhpw Tarh.
said: T mwt kindly appreclat
New rfrk. BepL E-Lwwb B. Root,
manner In which 1 -received tbe
firm of L. B Root fi Co.
Ltloa nnd tbe more atneere because
tbe least we. can do (o ebow oar uppreeiatiQB and gntifndc is tagive God tbe fiskag to os an BBIU WT kwfwsinceresi loveof oorlH-arek Lovetmal- aad seaoe ef ns knew that we an« wtU
kaowly begets love. klayCTod's love for as
Shs way to alreddls a wfassL
begi t is na a firm aud steadfast lore
A God givee os Hitrsrif. Wc .boold
give outaelvte to God. God parr m His |
8oo. "He gave Uis ool.v U'Sfott.vt Son.” I XTOBE WAKTtil)^
"He wbospared pctHisouu Sou. bulr*
Ai chkMo;.;:;:.."'
Him np for os all, will give nas-u '
V clap," says Pnnl. la giv, "V“*
Christ fcGod fravc Himstlf. •"Tbe
MidCbrist. God
Ketbw and I
ive Bimsi-ir to msu. In return we
I gave
;,Bbou)lid give ua^eJvis to Him. By that
As. Bseber^p^^'
Ar BiyrSt'.'.V.'.V.";;
act Be boogbt na Tbereforc we an not
oar own and ibould glorify God in oor
bodies and epiriu, which are ocToon,
....... ’
tmtOod'a In abort, wc abuold coomorete oursclvea entirely and nnoooditlouUy toGod. In salvation Ood gives
to na. In conascratiiB we give to Ood.
ooao »
Let uh then, give to God oorwlvce and
oor all. and, tbe gift once made, let It be OttyLuBbtoCo.
made fomvts. noe to be oaed aaoor own
sole SI IS per MOD
or to be reealled at oor own pkasnre.
—* City iMtor
A Ood givea ns aaJvatiae. This is
*s tshs sOsn Osaday, Joss to, Itor,
tbe icanltant gift of His lore and tbe
■criflea of Bis Son for tbe worlA It is
weU towncrober that all tbe alept In
aalvBtlou,oalJing,Iastificatiaaeod glortfloation are gifts from Ood. This He
Os layproTto city peopeny.
' blemedfacL It makrs aalvatioo ____
Mot ao mocb as one step depends upon
OBCM erer Mraitagse-a kardwsre s
HE We are saved by grace tfaro^
faith and that not of oanelvcE Idea
gift of God.
Bible BesMlings: Gen. xkTilL fiO-SI;DeuL xvi. la, 17; Pe 11. 8; «d*. 11;
XEXTiL 8-6; taxir. 8-lt; cvlL l-«; Fine Merchant Tailoring. I
» .
ussBus wnen sss aom
Prov. xxilL M; MatL vll. 7-11; *,
JEon End Mlohigan 8L. Chicago.
l-S; John Hi. 10; *. 97, 98; AcU xx.
86; II Cor. viii, 1-16; ix. «. 7; Eph..
0, 8; Heb. xiii. 19-lA
Igrtheri liclil|u
-^.- .Imipomuon Co.
•W'S5?asti'stS”^ ■
West Michigan
lUBRi ill ■onuunu LI
'W'GK;;‘c7"“ ■
—Honey to Loan
Suits to Order.
st?!rs'rSr^:. “
In 1.800 yean tfaere has never been
failore of any promise of Christ when
Ibe oonditioais have bera oomplied with.
There have bean failnm everywbem
else and in almost everything, but there '
never baa and never will be a faiinre i
‘3Ian Wants
But Little
> oaked njocb and rs- •
' "------ r.'.T.
j!^tert7y at'osa :
***. in tbe place of being •
asking Jceot is ooo- 8
Fifth Avenue bolel. He was U years ;
make except that I shall admlnlht.
old. Root for ■ number ol years had j ««ntly saying to UE-ApkUygely.thdt *
whmitute my own Wvi
^laT ,
yonr joy may U fnII.”~Chritolan|8
Tbe cpmmon _^ple .ball twcelve fuU '
5« Woomer Rrsec
and tmpaniol AUce at my handE How■>«* leload !• Dtoag Miee.
CWllag rpM Ood.
w« Jt may vuli n»y Ideas! do tmt know, j Chicago. Kept 1-Estlmatsd gross reMercy moat be naked for. It vrili not
but I do know that iny ofVlal action , eelpts of Ibe entire tywem of itie Rock
•hall have the sanction and ap- I*l*nd road fer August. IttT. are «.7tE- be given nosolicited; God most bo
proval of my own conscience, a I "«• An Increase as compared with eatl- oalied apm for ik Tfau calllbg .s nrajJudge has nu favors to give or with- j »n«‘vfi earnings of August. ItM.
,- * tog. toeking for mercy, knorkiug at tbe
bold. All you can expect fiura one Is a ' <16door of merry. Ii most be tbe caii at
m»er aad Just admialstralloti of the
nerd, tbe call of prming
*— ana 4 •
ptagne of rin nraat be frit.
rortb.) n ntr* ptth pebUe bpfborw or HrE Lenar la going to Alaska afier vraot The \siu
gold, so It Is said abv saya.
As tbe drowning man
rpunciftx coLOKApa .
colls for bcip. as tbe ioai .iuan calls for
ing from bis horns In Chicago.
FsarPanksltolTher«<.Twssr Thsm Bto
Tbe sullan of Turkey has acnt rich direction, as the starTiug man r«iu for
food, an mast tbe sinner call npon God
, tog KepobUfsa.
preasBts to tbe ameer of Afgbanlstan.
Denver. Scpi. i-The PopuUat sUls
Mayor Paatoureau. of Toulon, was for salvgtidn.—Gbrinian Intejligenegr.
I y-'sierday at Ballda. rubbed and daageraaaly wounded by a
Psnalaiag U the Ktogiias.
Onr risen Christ did not make and
Tom Sharkey, tbe poglllsL saya be
the rVgoUr (HcKinlry-Woholtj Re- has mved tfC.WO during his prarearional aet np a cbnych. as men sun a aociity.
on adopted coustiRiliaiL Tbe
paMIcat) coorestlun today la Ihte city.
It is bStorted that Governor PUtgree cbnrcb is not a mere bimian society nuThe Dcmucra'.lc
state convtnlion
Will be held m this city Moo- win call a-special searioc of tbelilrit- der any cneb view. Tbe kingdom of
dry, Bept. E rir.ly one state of- ran legtslature to leglitate on tbe rev Christ U not anything like a cast iron
fic-er. a Justice of tbe sapteme csnrL enue.
machine eet in motion. It ia not a cut
8tx Chicago groeers have been ar- and dried elUix baaed ou bnman acbemea
0 be elected this faU. It la under-
ootxa aotm.
Here Below,
But Be Wants That Little
j * QUICK. *
a fiiJVFr bciiubllcon and voted for
n Ust year. Judge Hayt toI likely
a be She nuroinee of the Bllv.
puWloans and tbe DemocraU County
officers art to be elected thr ughout the
aute aad the inurcat In the campaign
wiU center mainly In these conteom. The
HcRlnlry RepuUtcaia ate seeking an
alliance with tht other wing of tbe party. aad to a few countlee their efioru la
this dlrertlop have been sucoemfuL
Testsrtay afieraooa Judge William
Gabbert V.s nominated by (he PopoUat
convention at Ballda for the m,pr«ns
exiort beach on a rtalng vote. The plat
form demands the todepetidml free cotn-
PhlladripblE Sept E—The state axecttUve comratuse of tbe •■J^ersoolan”
ar g^ Democrau yeaterdg^ decided by
a vote of IT to 10 not to pipcEgny eaadidatee to the field for aUU treasurer and
gndUor gri.erat Thla dscision ou ar
rived at after a general «onretM<e af
a an
» by
rteotnmeeded to tba
s vote of »
SUM commute..
ia tbe field. When tbto
ttekot h. rtansd
WES owda by tbeoe dstotl^ a tkfat ta
colored baitertaE
ne Mrfke in Plngroc A Bmlth'o Am
WkME Ami oathofiospsto
(aetcry In Detroit has beea «nft^ by a
l>totrinet -wbtefa rest on tbe genpek
coapromlse and the qperativea have oU
g» maonable and an Hving, and docretnrrwd to wwfc.
Henry WIUIebm whs fined IS by CM- trinoa wbiefa bave oo support In tbe ifoeago Justice Martls
■onabla and omdyoeillng for plamo a t
This world would ha tondM with
angels if cad) man wanM ant npon tba
It hand by gsttiiv next to a rtp- advice bo ia ready to give tOotboE*litob
OwlDg to tbe fan in the price ef Mfrar,
the MahaU mtiw. at LsadvUlE Colo.,
omploylng ‘
wtxk is tbe cboaee form
a rsduclloc to wagro from St to (tM.
of aarviea fi» tba eoning year In K«rtb
Tbe meet bave agnod.
J. R- Oorrla. ex-raeraber ef tbelegUla- OaroltoE
tnie. FK-bonker. and oaeofthe eldestgnd
Tbe Sunday acbooi to cam atm of Ibe
most premtoeet asttlsrs 0t-4Iaeon coon- eftmeb and Cfaristian Endttovor ia (bs
ty. niE. was foond dead to bod to hlo otbcE—£ev. A. D. Thaator.
horns at Decatur. IOe. aged tE
Tp repeat vrbat baa baen oaM befon.
Pratodent H. B. Ingalto. cf tbo. 'Blg
Pour and the Cbsatneahi and Ohio ran- Vbdto U tbe Mate tbat boa a better
niadE has cooHaded a ceotract with the
PuUman Palaca Car oompany to con
Tbe aeoiec of work hx tbe Lord Jeans
struct as early as poatoble E«M box to aplritaal powet. We are not fitted for
freight caiE
Oorenwr TaiuMr. of lUtootE has ap tbe W0k nbtU we are endoed wiib tba
pointed to tbe national 1 trigsUon con- Holy OboaL—Sev. W. a WbitE
grtof at lanecln. Neb.. Bept S-K. C A.
Tirrnsrr ttandl in tbe (ml rank o(
FaikE B. M. Stahl and U. K. DavtE BOUbmn omtM to tbe CtoriatiaD &doavGMOMe: A 8L Knox. Prtacriee: Fmak.
I. aad far praetioal woA
OMfiNda. MISL aad a. A BadoDa. andoonmentad t
with toe bMl stotea to tba Dnioal
An Advmiseiiiente..
Want Department.L.
001X0 XOBTa.
Is known to be Effective.
ootito goarn.
If You Have a Want
Fh«t Yw^No. 106.
wzLx. as TBS KtnMxoT oy «roi>r
tety. He Atroled aehorttlMto the'
rallglon ride of tha Oreeki, and their
Mthoda of werehip. ahowUg that
their laUgion waa BUmalatiag ra|ber
than reatialaiag and ooneladed with
WTT.T.wm WXTB rax fWllV
yint ICMtUt of th» T«m T«t«rd
BmUMt Bddnw by th« ymldMt,
Xn. «.A. Hostt«w-Bkl«y»|»n
bf yrot a& Sonted BEn. t.fi.
Batae reoeired the ledUa flint prbe,
eat glmae raee. and Mn. Bolden Ue
eeetmd. a g^d lemonade epooa.
Noyea wae Ue wlaaw among Ue gaatinmen, racolriag a foantela pea aad
Dr. Rowley came eeMad, wiU aa onyx
card marker. Tbe eaaaoUtioa priaae,
whtoh wmn wonky Mba Jowta Wil
helm and Bd. ) Wbaalar wera “The
r lBTbIble“ by Jamae Lane Alien,
and ‘The «all Beloved- by Hardy.
The aeora for Ue gantlaoma'a cemeolathn priaae a tla betwwa Dr. A. H.
Holiday aad Mr. Whoelar. aad the law
■aoeeaded la gattlag Ue lucky eat.
thoachta Of Kb. J. O. BamaduU.
Bapkla Bor Attack On Traeerae
Bra. J. a. RaMdell fiallowad with a
Oity-OoBunltteea Appointed Imri
fine paper on the geography and Mdera Urimry ofGraaM. It wae AunWlght-Xasalfloeat XUnatratod
la^ writtaa. abouadlng la niytholeg▼anlraToBeUkued.
lore aad poetie gllapeaa of the
1W fti«t mwttaw «t tk« WoMob teal
The KalghtaofPythlaala thte otty
life and hlriory of a grand peopla
Onb for the mw jt»r wm b«U ym
do not Intend to be outdone by any
doy ftftwaooo, osA jodciac by tb*
preriona eeeat of a frateraa} nature in
' <—litpoa Md tb«
BMilMtod, raphy of Qreeee, which.
theee purta At the meeilnij^talght
■third ae large ae Hlehlgaa. hae
OlBh SoBM Party.
tba yaor wiU be a noet Ma»l«le«e ooe.
UeThe nbjMU io be etiidlea UiU year
n of the Trart
^ be the kiMory. UUrataie and art
D O. E. K. S .
of Oieeea aad ReMta. aad Ute new i«oporfeelien of the work of oi
evaaiag br Mr. aad ifra. A.( F. CamefraMi jaid iwaed. rl*e proaiM of a etreain and glen hae lie iegeada of goda the vlaltofB from abroad. At the Grand raa. Mr. and Mn. J. V. Mclnlouk aad
ecrfaa of Metiar* tkat wUl be of aoek and goddmeeu. ito talea ot.b«rok deeda Eaplds end ofkhe Una atlU more elab- Dr. and Mrv 3. B. Martin.
of ralor. which ndda to ,Ue traraU of
ealae to the oiembeia.
urein pragnaa The
WaUoped Ue Oolta.
The eeaUac oayacity of the room claaaUal aeholan aad alndeaU of hieilr program far the erent U beiag
wae land yeeterday. there belnr May tory a doable ebaras. Breiy beaatlfal printed in Oraad Raplda It wiU be a
Tbe Oabaa OlaaU tnraad Ue Ublae
apot haa oonseetrd with It aoifie Impor
Tielton preeeaL
magnlfioent work of art aad wUl be oa tbe Oohe at Nanbue yesterday
The prealdeat. Mia-'J. K. Moattrae, taut bit of the world*! hlitory, aad te aa Qluilrated trlumpk of the priatorni won by a aeora of 7 to «.
•ailed apoa Uie. IClay to open the etmply ealalotae ^e eeeaee, erente. handiwork. The program ae Jar aa
Obeait Court Jurora.
aftenaoB with piayer. attar wkiph a and plaoea aiade immortal in the Uad
It U aa follows
brief barioM meeUa< W held, at Where Helen lored and Sappho eaag
Leave Grand Raplde«:M a. m.; din
Tbe following'b the Ibt of peUt
whleh It waa decided «> hold the loay- would require a rolume In iteelf.
ner at Travorae City. 1:20 p. m.; baal- iron drawn for Ue fall term of cir
talked eoneert for the benefit of the
■eating at Sulabarg'e Opera cuit court called for Ue 27U day of
olnb hoaee faad. In aboat two week*. the eadder period of the natlMb life,
2:» p.
A abort addreae wae |rl«aB br the from the date of the R<
grand torohUght proeeeeloa. 7;io p m :
A. M. C. Lewb. GrM Lnka
prerident. in whi«h ahe oatUned the la US B- C. to tbe'Oreek reroloUoa of confeniag of work upon
John McGill. Long Imke.
woric of the eomlaryaar, and Ita poe- IMt. For Marly 2.000 year! the aatioB opera houae, ft p. m ; banq-iet. II p. m.:
Laeioae G. BralL Mayfield.
la.v dormant, and U wae a marrel that
ribUltlea ae toUewi: '
aurt tor home. 2 a aaKathan Bonae. Paradbe.
at the taat they had the atreagth, with
Tbure wUt be two banda ia the parThe Praaideat'a Addraaa.
F. L. Johuaoa. Jr.. Pealnaala.
eretythlng agalnat them, te liae and
O. a MeSatL lat ward. Travaraa City.
“Ae we oase torether acala after throw off the yoka The eonleat by ada and a long line of kalgbU. Foreatare'ball at Trarera^Olty baa kindly
T. L. Bates, tad ward. Travaraa City.
the eaatMr Taeattoa. 1 an vary irlad which they fiwed themeelrce waa
beet donated for the
Geo. W. Bargravee, 2rd ward. *IkavOf thli oniarianity to thaak yon for nnpanllaled in modern hlriory-. i
preeent the hloodthlraty Turk waa
railroed Ian and the baaqaet, wlU be
Tbomaa Shiboa, 4U ward, Travcrec
ajp4 the eoafidenoe reepoeed la naklar mltted to do bU woruW while all
eoid tor only »S. The regnlar tan b Oltyi
rope looked oa U oa^ ladifleraaea
Arend Dyke, 2U ward. Trararae Uty.
/ “At the irrowth of elaba hae bean laat the aaUooe were areaeed aad an twice tbb amount, but the «x«
omparod with that of a tree, la elrelee alllaaee waa farmed to lave plucky
n* following eommitleaa w«
M. L. Moure. Whitewater.
iron a Raall beclnalaf ae a
lltUa Oraeoe from eztermiaaUoa. pointed lari night W make Ue
W. B. Jaekaoa, Acma
each yearh wtwk sarrocadlaf the piaorte ware auceaeafol. bat la
reOavb Swalaaue. Blalra
aedinf one. thoaoar daty U to eoelr- the maaaUme orer halt the popalatloa mry preparaOoua hen far al
A. C. Stiiea. Beat Ba.v.
cU the work of lari jmr, aad add one of Oraeoe waa estormlnated aad the oeptloa tor Ue rblUng ka'igbta:
Parade-E. R. MeCoy. U. B. Holley.
Frank Gbx^. Fife Jmka
part taeoppert the fatare yrowth aad bitter coafilet IK Oreeoe a barrmi
J. Stover, Garfield.
pneperity of the elab. 1 aik the eaine
From thA time antU the preeBanquet—F.lJ. Beaoman. H. W. Cun
F. L. Rrraolda. Grant.
oaraeri aeeletenee that yoa hare eo
her biatory haa beea an aaningham. C S. Oavb.
Wiltore E Batey. Qraaa Ukc.
Idadly (IreB before, that with oar ani- eraatfnl one.
Maat<>-A. U. HoUMay. O C. Itgrig,
Leater Welb. Long Lake.
ted effortt we zaay aeeoiaplUh thia
A. W.
T Rlckerd.
Joha Paffboueea. Mayfield.
“Oar wlater’e work, ae yoa hare
Ball aad Deaerate -B. C. Compton,
Hairy Sparliag. Paradba
planned. U the hUtory, ilteratare and
H E VanFleeU J. Ki
W. H. Baohan. Jr.. Pealaaala.
art of Oreeee andRaetia. neat''careFlnance-J. T. HaBaab. M. R. Griae.
J. E Bowen. Ut ward,TravarwCity.
tally and attraetire^v laid oat by oar
proyraee. eomnluee. The hlriory U
ExecuUve Commlttee-E R. McCoy.
the tadet iaUreetlaf to Btaoy: there it
___ s her patbab that owing to Ul
F. G. Bcomaaa. A. U. Holliday. B. C
•aeh a fond to draw from. Ko home
ee Uc wni. for a Ume. be anable t
It XntlMd to n Comptop. J. T. Hannah.
howerar eamptaape, te a real home
Wnd to her practice.
Oornfield Where AUeged Crime Was
witboat the refining inflnehec pf good
literature, and we realise that the
Oomminod-Jaatice Caater of Blm-
Olnb belpe uc In our litecmry eriUeUnu.
"la tbeartdepertBentweexpeei a
real treat U etorc for aa
•’One new feature will be 'RedproeIty Dey.’ and I think we will greaUy
onjey a day aet ^art for pnpeta from
membare of other elnbe of oor etate.
In the department of Seleaee aad Bdn•atlon we look forward to reavbing
outward with a helping hand la .the
Ofimmanlty at other elnbe are doing,
atadying practical mb>eta
hare eriabllehed pri^r milk latpec-.
tion, free kindergarUne. waye of deralo^ng aelf enUure amoog workiag
firte. aad
d glring pnhl^^fe
true art.
U^ have been favored the greater U
*v.j. —apoaalblllly to use Uelr gifts of
r fortone fur those lem lavoro'i
Tbe soebty
Of today b not Idle or trivalons. hot b
a woawn of enltnrc aad tboaghL
“I know of no way Uat Ue year's
work may ao beaefll u ae for ereiy
tnemfaU to write a Uort paper on Ue
anb)eet of eaUmimlag meeting,
oompare and correct her own paper by
Uooe read before Ue eloh. In Ub
way Ue iatercht in Ue subject will be
doubled, tbe imporUnt facte firmly
fixed in thememary aad Ue know],
edge aad bcneSi graaGy Increae^
Tbb aeate a diUenU taU. but I beUeve we would uU be weU prid U we
mould undertake it.
“Oar aim b to advanee; let n* keep
Ub eoDSUuUy in riew. Let all our
pt^wrachowUta. Let them bv
or talks Uat we can earry home wlU
■a aad profit by.'
“1 hero grrotly admlrod Ue m
glram to her own Club by Leer Stone,
whe b kMWB ae Ue Motha of Xiehigaa dabe. •Oaltirote ti
each oUw; know aaU other: do each
other good. TUetoaMTOUan Uleratnra. ueoro Una erieaee.-H b Ue eririt
Uat b going to fipee Ue worM.*” ,
• to Ap- To Oo to Vanlate# Sunday On a
prahead Ue But.
Special Train for Ue BaU Game.
tee of Ue most eKoni
Aa exeontoB to MaabtM Saaday b
allied riimlaal amaall cume to llgkt being planned to allow the eaUaeiaeU
in Elmwood lowaahipyeaurday aftor- aad admirer* of the HaeUere to eee the
noon, and at It o'clock lari night Ja>- bull game. Tbe feellag which has been
tlee-of Uc Peace E A. Caetur of Elm- {created between Ue fan* U boU citim
wood, drove la baste to Travoae City j ragarding the merib of Us two Mama
Uly by Ue beasb
aad aought legaladvice tram Attorney has b
A.-Lorangar. who gave In a fswiof Manbtea and it b now to be deterUe modns operand! to be I mined wbeUer.Ue IJaU City hee aaeh
ponaeu ia saeh a ease.
Jastloe i a wonderful ball team as b claimed
Caster immcdbtoly drove bMk to I and bragged about. Agent Cunning
ham elated yeetorday tbal if fifty tieWtake the i
•tepe to cause the mrreet of the guilty cbooaldbeeoldattl. a specbl train
!>arty. ''Before leaving Ue oily, how will be ran from here la the morning
rourn after tbe game. Tfab will
ever. he tel^nphad to Lelaad to Proalor Traverse
Attorney Daytoa. whe will be a I
probably be on hand early Ub morn City to help Ue Harilers oak Tboee
who decide to go are rvqt><ni^
Tbe crime b aaid to have been ,Ue Uelr aamea before two o'clock Ub atraTbhlag of little Lent Rumbaeh, tenoon to U. W. Cuautngbam. Jainee
danghter of Joseph Ramhach. a farmer KUoe. Carey Hull or Will Genaslne.
living near Hateh'e Ckossiag. about It mast be 'aaowa before Ue 2:40 traio
five B
of Travwae CUy.! goae out wheUer Uera b tobeeaongb.
train if Ue requisite number ceaaot
man about
who was auying at Ue Rombi^ be bad for Ue epeelaLi
bonte. Tbe alleged crime b reportod
Trouble on Gton Lake.
to bare been oommitted Thursday
night also yaaUu-day Dorning. 12 b
Lari week D. B. Dey enlerbUDed a
said Uat tbe wretch eaUoed Ue girl | party of friends ap<« hb steam tug oo
Into a eornfleld yesterdsv morning np- Qlen Lake and while ronniag across
Ueprelenaeof gaUenugcorn sad the Uke the bow of Ue boat ran
Ue Uere oommltted Ue dc^cable i against a snnkea plleoad a bole
driven Uroagh Ue hnlL After dee« of Ue girl w
istobaUoat Ue water
ions last evening Uat ber moUer im- Ue party finally reached chore without
mediately began laqalriee ae to Uc ue- fnrUar damage, ’tbe eompany
■ben Uc horrifying de- risted of Captain Day. Mwatn. Wiles.
tnlb were made known JaeUce Caster ~ dareon. Daily, OoUIm and Upton.
Botlfiad at OBM. wbieh was nheat
nlM o'clock last nl^L
Tke J
to have Ue man token into Good • Stock Brought aa Blgk aa
eastody to answer for Ue erlM
Ihlity-nro Oimta Taatard^.
to arroet him aa i
sTwml huadrodi of buakab of potoae Ue jastjee ratarnad .to HnMh*a
I wera brooght into Ue eity ywMrOroaalng.'^bk was after mldnlgbL
day and Ue preroUlag prbe wn
^ynbaaor BorA XstrodBetonr. •
A lew loads ot fine stock
All Ue base ball oranks should make
At Ue eoaelaeloa of Mra. Monta. It a point to go to
brought 27 oenta Higher prieaa eUll
ffMbaddrass, Mn. J. & Remedell, Ue
an prombed and tarman arc not par. leader of the dey. iatroda
tiealarly eager to cell.
OUeaffo XarkaL
.daete* to Ue yeer'e ooaiae of atody.
Piofoior Bora gave a ririd dMcriptea
ler, niie: Daaembar ftlKe: Ma^
of Ue gaogr^by of tbe oountry, ehoftr. UMe.
lag Ue inflaaacc of Ub apoa Ue
ra—Saptomhar. WKc; Oetobar,
acta Dt Us peopla Tbe origin 6l ^ Allie: Deownbar, URw Msy. WMc.
UheMtMb mas traced hack, and Ue , Oats Sepumbar. Iftej DommlNr.
new dweriktid Tbrir early bbtovy
May. IIMarae briefly manteaed. and Uta of
rk Saptombw. fiAMHi Oetobw,
Urir charming myUtAogy toU. a. muU
. «B aome of Ue heroic deeds of thclri
lar, fAHH; <
gnat men mhlehheropeenadinto hb-i
of-Ue moat enjoyable card partbe olUeeeaMm wae given Tburaday
•vealag by Mra W. O. Holden. In Ue
^zfc Place parlctu.. Bight uUm wan
~ 1 wtU guMtaframUe batal aad
Ua city, and pmgraastro eUbt maa Ua
•rfiarotUaavaniag. Tbaprbaemaro
rory ^tlfal and alatamtA Mbs
Hudson Maxim’s New 6un..
Will bur! a ton of gnn-ootton nine miles and will
destroy the most, powerful warressel without even hitting:
her. We have many a ton of School Books and Supplief .
that next week will be carried more than nine milM bjr
the scholars.
September 6, 1897, School Commences !
School Books and all the necessary things
that go with them, at-----
Fur Collarettes....
Are Very Stylish-We’ve the only
In Ue city—Bought trcmi first haada. at loweat poaeible priem, wUU
adrantage b yean
$3.- ^0 SIO."
-Mew doaka and Capsa. at.....
Reliable Dry Goods, pirpet. and Clothing House.
.We Still Lead.
NotwitliBtaiidmg: the general
depression in the milling
business, we are having a
phenomenal trad^ and are
shipping to all ’ parts of
.Northern Michigan onr....
flour. Send in an order.
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will observe in everything in ouf.New Meat
Market in the Brosch Block.
040 Woo) Soou
... ' .27
■w-o AU Wool Koroor PUMO
. 1.79
boon r^WooM rwu.
Iro* Pook
P^-Loro Paan. ear. toevy
•ff—'T-'r-..... .25
■ra*. OMifwo tolM. tool
visr^.?^.rT... 4.33
Fresh Meats-always fresh. Salt Meats.
1^. •!.» W«nl PnM
Town. aaxlM to P
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse CiQr
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good.
Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptioas, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
We bn jisi nceini II ■■tin In Uie of....
Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoos
Bast Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in tbe city, at--------
Vo WObar B. Btaatoa Aa Tnmtoa-
J. W. Baxub. Bdltcr ud Mamcv.
to Cbicayo for a few waaka* Tklt wlto
AiflbtoaOrBaakXBlCBddlad Qoadi- '
ttoa-FraMea Daeltoad To Aaoapt .___
I WUIic*, BhnH., • MX BdUh
h- »i.a.
«. ■»->-» tSTJSL"____
Mka Ktoaald asd Bra. Kaltb, wbo
hoTO baaa Tkdtfay trloBde to tba dty, wiita, I.
ratoiBod to.tbair botow to Laaatoy
bard^aUofimaaaak. Tba cadi-,
Cm CaccuToa
Bra Dr. Millar of Otoayo, wbo baa tore that ara Boamd to tba lattrmmaai
baaa akittoy Mta. J. B. Martto ei iM tbaOoe
a Natkaat of Sayl
WaabtoytoB atewt. leaaaa te bona
w rs; a «. B
toM.to: ate'dapoaitora •a.aaa.aa.
Mia Sarah B. MUlar aad Bandd M.
Tba aaaaea ara aot atatod aad tbay
Harroy retoraA to Orud Bapido yaa* ra oakaowa baeaoaa of tba.mk
Gas BlnlBff eWn»e— b* ^ »t tarday, aftoraTidtwitbllr. aad Mra boeka. Tha kiowa aaana m tba aaslt
ttea ioek. aad a taw other artiW((mlu lx tke KkUrtexttt dlMriet.
Mra A D. Bany aad aaa r^.' wbo elaaofoOoafaTaltara. Tba mortt
IliyantatBrbo^xtti.aQaBd N
rm MM. TUiMMtto b* MCT nx- bate baa* tklttoy Mr. aad Mra W. B. waa axaoBtad aad reeoedad witboat
mmUa. m tb« Indlu* of that vteialtT natohar, ratarnad to tbdr hose to tba kaowladya or ooomat od.W. B.
Proatoa to whom It waaSdade
bmiorakMwtbMlMUUlxf Mo^ MoabayoB yaatarday.
F. B. Hassakd aad family, who that (
IM of vwt 4oaatittM of jtilow nelal
Msf food U> aad Moud Um OoolM bare baaa vUttoy tba family of C A. M9.
Hammoad. ratoraod to tbdr boma to iSaotam ttod bk retaaal to aeoept t
MMttMl Md d«Mrd rt«m.
........ .
Prettiest cap on the market—made with
year to tba mnpkyaei
bk pte«
'PaoBBany,” waamka a teadea
liar, “ iho Bai^ of Lana baa qella
km bk
gtofclm.,d toddle am
gj^TTla Bnsikh diitor»to&
patent lesther visor—in all latest doths,
isclnding all shades of Cordaroj.
Also the flew Cassimere Hat—tvr^
JobaA Bcakatelkr k 1
amehc/eld Gtoretoad manthanm ac a i
yoeby man to tbe oil bMlnam wbo waa
ofton aara with face, bandc and ektbm
muntoy with tba llloaitoanL
shape—made with one or two colors, as
desired—prices fifty cents to one dollar.
We wsnt yoar hat and cap trade, and
wish to show every interested enstomer onr
aad oae of bii ran. wbo to preperiny
to entar tba Brttkb aery at OtaaDTrleb,
baewem hk way'to ui^ tear* of Iba
new stock in this department.
Bnylkfa by blatoill aaafootoaU ptoyar.
Mr. aad Mra Fraak BasUtoa aete nUtui of ^rkcy ituda sot
Arebbkhep Oenbrna of Mew York
pMaWHa orar the yrantmt Oatbrtte aaa
by Mki•f'
fana FowaU aad
to Gbrtmaodcnn. oomprktoy tba eUy
tbi PWM of hk doMlM or tkcM who
Vo Cake meanyaaa Oaaal
oooaty ed Hew Tort, tbe coanttoe
to?odariC»ap«^ r—Kfa^ Sortbport yeatorday.
FMm Dnitod Stotoa
of Weatebater, Pntsam. Ikitobem. Die
Mn. Benbaa Batch of Otoad Bapida
New York. Sept 8 —A Bcimld dl«- ter, SalllTaB, Oranaa,
wbo k Tklttoy Mra E. & Piatt, waai
•OHM tt tii* tetMM
patch from Uaaayaa, Nicarayaa. aaya:
•rte boM bM MstoMed to d«tb. to Elk Baplda yaatarday ter a abort
Or. Cbariaa Frederick WoUlycba. tba
atoy with Mia H. B. Nokia
Meol SMlaya oe tbe etotoment that oldem pbyelctoa to Obfe. atUI keaia ap
Mka Ada BaaadkV oaa of too MaebTxrbiabJwttM
bk prarttoa. altboayb be k M yean of
ere to tha public aebook. rataraad Japan aaa eoeratly neyotiaUny with ana. Be nya that erety nxDber of bk
Dcxuie tb» tnd ci Lotocort. tbe Thatwlay alybt from laaatoy. where tbe Greater Bapeblic of Central Amer family for tba tom bOO yearabai
ica for permkakm to Uke tbe Nicer- orar 100 yaaia. and bk yraadfatbei. at
•MMf* MAbar of CblMCO. OMWOd of to ^aat tba aammar Toeattoa.
a«rd«!loc bU wife, tbo eoort room k
Mr. aad Mra Domlar rataraad to ayoan canal project oat of tbe bandi tba aye of 10«. craotod wbaal tat tfaiaa profraor k a tborowh toaabar of tbe
>—< dally to Ito otant ao^ty. lelr boma la-Biehmoad. ladlaaa. yde- of tbe I'nlted Statea. aettlny aaide tbe daya to aaooemiaa
art of dancing and UtUc Oortona aaSir Oeorpe Gray, the AratraUan ei- tookbed all by bar elaror work to parU p bM otBy *7 toot Cbkoca iwoylo tarday. They haia bara Tklttoy Mr. treaty rlyb'a of tbe I'altod Stttoa.
Ever Burned
Tbe praeident declared that tbe etoie- plorm and admtoktranr, recently oeto- forming aU tbe meet diSlealt more«u fot o irliBfM of o pony wbo k aad Mra Cbaa Uoaaer.
i waa abadataly falie. Ba aay* taatod tbe etfbty-foaith anniTetmiy of emnu with eeae and yraee. Thry are
If to yoo know.
SlTMtobcdUorbkwlfa to a MOMffo
Mra B. Oos of WtoebrntO’, laA. who
.i all tbe ________
modern danen
htoUrtb. Pttly-aiybt yaata MO be waa famUlar with
vat, aad toty aaasot ba blaaod far tea baaa aMtlay bar ebildiaa, Dartd, that wbUa ha ardently dealrea to bare yiTanaptar dead wbltoexptortoy tbe
UMlelady. altboayb eltybUy
m, waa p^Mt to erery dance,
toalr ewteolty.
Gay aad Myrtle Cox aad Mra Claraaoe tha anal eompleMd aaaoos aa pomlbla, warn eonm <d AemraUa. Ha Heed to ba
ofemor haa been aoocrafal
Biekaid of tbk dty.TMraai to bar Japbn aerer elferdd a hand in the
y Soatb Aaetrali
atriktor atom daelato that
and of Hew Seatoad.
yenUeman wbo k npriybt to bk bail.
wUl oat aaaqpt Itm tbaa the
Mra. <itoa Htekay of MkMari. who
Vba Daka of Knrf«tfk. whoee popo- aem dealtoya, and aboald be retora
^ vS«|r«toaeaotratotorbaodltoc aoaT baa baaa TteUay to Bly Baplda, artorlty aert miinlfiecoee arr h.'a-eholi brra ayato to oryaaUe a daea will i*>
■■ I. <. n .
eeira hearty aonport. Tboae praaewt
that tbay I itradtotbkeityyaaurday toTklt bar Vorfcara to Three I
a Want Bank
after tbe exklUttota to enter tbe aerrloe of tba rbarcb. eajeyed a emtef
wm aat pay that prtoa. That k tba aaab Mn. Mary A, Browa. aa ayad
bat wai prercnced by tbe IntaTenticm ttoa. ProL SUrera and daogbur bare
of tba aitoatioo aad tbo ttrtka lady wbo la iU at tba aaylam.
Baaeltoa. Pa.. Sept I.—Tbe V>a of tba pope, wbo waa ooorlorrd tbit no bra at Mackinac liland tbk week,
mIhm to ba bo Bou«r
Hra. CUoa BaaBoa motbar of B. L. W ekla. Coleraln and MttoeaTlIle sit - Eutlkh Dobleman of eoeh wraltfa mid aad set rrlib ynod ene
Batorpriae. Aoyait |9.
tteaat Afok__________.
Raaaom, Aliarado Baaaom aad Mka
reacsed work IMay. Labiirh and toUnenne eoald be toora amfal aa a toy
Flonaea Raaaam, wbo hara baaa
man than n a prieat.
l>rof. B. E SUreiaand danybttr. LitMUkeabam atrikera ara atUl oak
may B. L. Baaabia aad faaUly,. bara
ito Cnrlnna of Orand Bapi^L fare a
Dr. Haito ■. Bertoa k rraflaad to rataraad to BBoeb oooaty. Bra. BaailMttoa at tba rink tort
eaicfaUylntaerTed a mall ptoce of bar daadny eaklMUoa
. karbadbylltooM
liny fellowad by a bon.
The Enterprise Groceiy
wadding drraa lud oranye btoawm
kuyaatooULbatabak ae te>7
and danybtera ara the champioi
Tha barfo WUUaa Badolpb k loadeat Udlaa of Mrtj-flTa, aad ebe ta- b«*aMl.ina:Ba>a«pwUwarth» a«^w- WTcatb. Her waddtoy ring, na k tba ball-ruom daneara cf America and eba! is still dojng .bnsioess on
Wnwkhix HorL
to France, k made to two por- IrnKera of tbe a
lay alapa at tba Hannah A Lay Oo. joyed bw rkit with bar an aaxoedThey dL
Street, jnst west of
trtbei tiybUy. nany ea forty dlflrrent rodnd dancra
Durasd failed to
lie doorr ycaier- Wbi_ —v- v. rtog u fbood I aad are amnilny ■» well aa eatoetttoGrand Opera
Prefataor B. E. Martoatb yava a
dap ard Cbaiiea A. Nurtoa. raihitT and 'the naaie of tba brine, a tbe otber tbe toy. A )arre crowd atendrd tbelr per- Steinberg’s
vary pUaaaat ptr^ to bk^daBOtoy
grntral manai'r ct tba icatlcutiofi. baa
of tba Impattol to
fortcanc* lait ereBlny.—Dally Beaert* Honse. and presents the best'
■kipped torn. II la UMevad. Ukiog
er. Petoekry. Aortul
aeadamy UA nly^ton 117. IW7.
Bt^tOfXkas TeaadOall^Ia Ooa- nturb. If noi lU. <t ibe monrp oc bud
cheap to
A. FbuaUto. tbr kartoa, wQl yo to
blBi. Ur roic d tbr namM ot
be fonnd in the citj.
Xtk Baplda Labor Day to-parUelMto to
prvrnlonl fknmrt ic iwrntp-arvennoire at toe BmteeaaODllara. after Sa^mStpV
A tpadal tram fir
night by tbe large crowd that ail_____
f>r varioua unuji ta ot _____ ^
oer UL
88-«. o. d. in
a Wfoatltoy vablMtlOB.
tbe dancing exblbiUoa at Lewk Opera
iplanya: Blyfaloftbe Ar anh thr Rockfoid hark. Thir Ifd to tbr
Maay froa ibh Aty ara prapartoy to
Oo u tbe Lira Barber Sbim for bair Hoaee. Prof. Sllren bae yraeefal
anoBd tha atata fair wbleh will b^to
G> a amoaek SUren
eata and batba. IS eenu raeb.
taktoy part to tbe raeaat bomb oataad Cortone exemplify the " poetry of
to Orasd Bapidk Koaday.
rayaa bare been aeaunead to daatb
Nortnn |a K yi^ara eld and proirin.rl .
Mra. C D. KiaywlU apaak at tlw Two Armaataaa wbo ware ebaryad la eburrb and
war ri.-cli >. T*ir I
bank k ■ prlBaptkt rbvrcb Bnadap sorntoy. Sabhav iK«e runT** boTa cine for Hx rran. IIac£
wu aui.L-1
>aet. ''Lorlay ona'i aalybbgr aa
Tba OBtrayaa rafarrad ireacttr u a mat* back. Nmi
Pant E E BUtww and daogbtor
Bat n to a Oeod Thto|-to Ftoride a
ooeattad Aayaat latb oa tba priiato tbrar m-rrcaali. the peekMa cf wbick
Letter Boa tbr Pee Wbaa FTee
daaetoyntGonld Oily Monday erentoy. <
na Tranrae CUy Lnbar Oa. baa road bataraaa tbe otSofa of the Oraad wrrr Ailed, ud b« rarriad a aarfam wbm
MlTeiy la BaUbliahad.
OTcrSeoattaodlte. It wae a eraditaaoU 1,000,000 feat of batolott to aara- Viator aad tba State OooaeU Boom. hr drorr aaajr Wederrter clXhL Tha
btooteiUlton. UtUc Oortoaeb teaeloy
Rockford bank ha* aRoird tba proirrBaff baa ___ appotofed
laai partlM aad two carfoaa bsaa bow One aaaa WM kaiadaadaararal Jejarad UoB of lla clalra.
rrasUeot for one so yoiag, wbito
bkelty for.J. S. Mao..o A Co. belay
tbe prefseor ehbwed hlmaalf a maetor
aoaalyaad to Toledo.
and May wtodowaabattorad. Aare
of letter drop of the art A danee waa ^reo a^
—Watch Repairing.
at tbk time to
itai toitar bok rtaie»
Tka rayalar taaeUny of tba Good
Proridenc*. R, 1.. P.pl. l-l---------m that free delieery
^.Saiaplan will take plaoetbU araatoy.
Acdiraa rahl ymrrtay thal be bad
beeeubikbed aboat
-John Verly.
Tbara wUl ba tolUaury work aad tba
Ukrn under ronddrralloa tbe r«qac« of
the Rmwn uidvenltr nrporaGoa that looked
aBtortatoinaBi will be to abarya of
. . . after,
after. wr..................
While tocra k no com- bk wife aaddanghieryaTea
he withdraw hk mlgnatioD.
-Front Street.
palate aboat II adrop box will be a . ........ ^ dancloy at tbe opera
OoBpaay Ko. 1. Dlatriet Depoty B6bAU tba Taacbata of Pabbe Srtioeto
Tbo WcMWe Wo Mu KapoM.
boom Wrd imdsy slybu Tbe ekUl of •
art B. Walura will be praooat.
VOl Mart Vbto AttomoaB.
tokiaftoa Bwa. A-PoOowtaa ara too roableUtbel ............ aa well as tbe Mr. Sllrers aa a teateer k well Qlra- '
TharewUibeayameof ball oa tba
dbw todtatka. for tweetr.foar >«ae airier. Mr. Beff haa a
tratodby theSc
tbe little yiri'a
TbarawiUbaaaMettoyofaUof tbe
■ • p. m. lowedee; Poe I dra-yUr. anytog from U eeata to
work and Mr*-----------------SilTcrv wbo k aiao a {
laebara of tbaclty pabUe acboola to|
all at hm Ullor abop to
abowa rapid adTsneaL___
ia aaylum team aad Old Miaaioa. The
-urtp. P.
tba Central beildlny at three o'clock 1
t block and lotto thorn w
r Ib roatn
temer k tbe only team wbleb bat deof to Grand Bapide. Mite., bat aeTotbU afurnooo. Profea«ir Orawn defaatodtbe Old Mimioo aiae. aad tbe
had Uie pleaaoee of witneasiog hk akIH
alree the attoadanoe of alL
raeort ayyrayatloa U oomtoy rcM
Fire Insurance.
to defeat tbelr oppooeota.
Marino Motto.
red lij B
Tbo Ncrtbcra Michlgap TTanaporUTbe yaaeltoa Uuneh Fox. of North- * t~ki.t^wB^:
oo^rrtr w ad-, in Uon O. will tear a rooad trip «|0
itlrliet from TraTerae ttty to Chlcaro,
Prof, aad Mra. E Sllran and IltUe
Mill Oeioher tot. Tbk wDl inlogbter. CortonA gave a danetog ex
Bidy or yoaepb HofUla Fbtmd Bear
eredi urd Ueh tern- ' dude meaU aad bertha.
los «t
ibiUon at toe opera bouee. WedneaTorch Lake.
Oaptaln Napier, commander and own- i«wi«r« »»thew.i*rtr ■«,, o
day crenlng. The ProL gave toe fcrty
----------------The body of Joeepb BaflUe of Torch or of toe ateara barge Wm. Bodulpb. |
round daooea atooc. tfaea manr rt
them wito Mia. Silrei
loadtog here, k a brotoer of Cap-1 __ * "■** ■“**»
'' itlr.n
Imka, who wae drowned off the exearv
Coiione atoo exhibited
■loa ataaoMT OMkama. tba niyht of trtn Napier who went town to toe iU-'
*;*“■ ."*•
knowledge of aereral of toe latest and
Aayaat Ird, wbik rataminy from tbe
faabteable roond daneee to a
ofaOM at Trarerae City, baa baaa reHtrmoeenMSt k
The Grelllck boya bare rwtarned'from' yramt. with a fm borira at 1
•orarad aaar tbe dock at Toreb Uke.
with tbe new ataamboar
aad clear gremi beryl, war tbe
. afiar katoy to tba water aboat three
fion roaod aon. an CDacinoaa balk of
exeeotorof toe Terpatoborcanvrt that
araaka Tba ramatoa were towrred to
poreat molten gold •
waa ever to toe«ily. Bk mnnimi
1 PB0F.S.E.S1LYEB8 AKD to toe many diaealt rooad«anere w...
«he eeawtoiy at Eaatport—Caatral
rpeeUta of kalk and bollera of dnatoiM brilliance atbwert tbe tin•ary aad graoefoL Nearly every ome
> rku of tbe •fey that
of toe daneca ware bHrtUy eneorad.
Btoeokar and Imnyley. who bare been
It k toe totentte of toe SOvore to
infold on
here to Inapeet lake craft, were taken
b toe art of danetog dnrlHI the
Bra. M. Vtotoa baa n
d D«m a to Nortbport Tbaraday by Fraak FVledand winter, aad elready 1
amber and porpto and ehrynUto and wai Bntamin Wsdnesday
rite, cm bk yateL B. S. Ptogiaa. Jr.
ototi to Totodo bad Datnrib
atofaamcf and porphyry, amid wfaat
r m I
W. A Seadder aad family wiU kaea
Higbt, SaptambsrS.
•eraMd half drawn eartote of prtoOOHFLIOT WITH DKFOtlBB tedayloratowdajBaamptoy at Loay
matto foam. Delicate etni. that might
ProL E E SilTorateiMriy of Orand SepL 11, ISM.
Brt Kaiabtoy Kama Ungoafeded to bare ban white winited lelnceM on tbe Baplda. one of U|b mmt ett^t InWa toe .<
dgned memben
peaerfal baeom of a nepkndmtt ttalian rtrnctcnofdandnytotbettata. karMka- J- B. Spaaom left yaatarday for
Bcretoy Tbcir Way.
of Grand Bapte.
M •aitod
to mtont glory down from fanytoytoglTeanexhlbltte. emkted
• vWtwtteharaoa, JamaaSpaaear, to
nttobory, BepL I.—A body of etrik_____________________
,te tteamtohto- by bk daaybter. Corinna, of aU tbe
togmtomwacetoppMibydepntkatbk to toe ortetal eMgroMN of tbrt ooel. latert aad moat artktk daaeea. to
Jmaia M. Sttlaa rataraad Ibaiaday
• ‘
auralag while marching to the Center, dental flood, tbelr pearly wii^ tipped ■.......................
We have ao bcairom Coldwator, ready to raaama bar Ike mte >«« IB eqaads of twee aad end foatbwed with a ttanelneent tera
tklbluoa wUI locinde forty dlffirat ^ “r to
hlm aa tbe
aebealdaltoay .
toreea. bet a ecowd of eeTantT-fire wae 1
bararakpialy from jmitoto
Mka Alloa liobmto aad Mka AUea
nut Wi_____ ,
and we aU aaito to Hying that he'
he errCrawford amktod at a ebareh maataal yfraa by toa leader, a rate ww made
■pcctome. too wondrooe to tort, too
aad they went tbroogb deraiU tbe dep- bwtifal to deecrtbe.
wQl ftrekh maato.
Mra Mary Paaatoytoa left yaatarday
A ebarp. abort confltot ancote
It wee Uik eoeae that CboUy Fli
tor a mooUi'a rkit with taUtirae aad batnofartbrnoppotittewacmade by
WiLMca Foaoa.
kneed Btriate^ Opmm Boam.
top. toe ptomklng yoong toiforadPi . .
Fluxa Ti-ana.
totoadato ladkaa.
IT the irtotar. The prtoe of adWith a eoafliteae bora of Mx moMba’
the dMutka aad tbe men marebad
Orand Baphk, Nov. It, IBM. 1H«
Mr. aad Mra. A. T. Peek. Alva 1>lor
■ will be 10 eeata and I8 eeata
teperteoe, mt bimeelf down to rape*Bkffn^
welmad Boy Pack of Sosth Boad. Indiana,
daae 00 oanree for tbe benedl cd fatarc
Molloe to Wator OoB—era.
me* wlU be
Ike Boys' Band wUl ran an m
amimttea-.ArtbocGttoHB to Hew
Theoaeef wator farrarlakltog pm>
Mon to CbartoTrtk Sonday. toartny bare.
POOH k. by oor rate rained to^
Ortte and Ida, retonwd to thair'kame
t:M aad rctaraiay toare Cbarlerolx
boonofBfoH. andtn.H.,ako
to Qra^ Bapide yerterdsy.
at 4iM
— ^
p. m. Boaad
^ H eenta.
. —MrktoondrvaMra. J. r. Pratt a^ m Wtothny ^ Tha rtaaam Ooiambia baa bra
trfam bm ova btoyoton**
tokratowOl beebat
••I ofo,
___1 I
BwtaasratotbaoltyTWttoytoafam. M aad toma will ba good sai
i4 MwUparHltbaa
Prof. E E seven and mT a
BtoeatAaBMUaaiBA Pratt
" ‘od daaybwt. UtMeOaevtea.
~~H. E OfeniMi A amra
Hamilton Clothing Co.
StiU on Deck
Old Stand.
Enterprise Groceir,
----- -
U- Cl, or
Om tM of ^ t«g lake ttaipcMn wbo wt
Minm of Uw acremesL It t« oloo
•old that erWT ei»rator on tb*
TougUoebooF divlBloB of the PItUburs,
>icKt«Bport and Tooablocheay aad on
tbt MeOonaU hraoeh of the Panhandlt
haa ttcoM. Clvlag mar* thao tb* W
p«r oetiL of tb« rail aperaiora Ttr-rirr
to makp ihr acraemctit rSactlTt. -Tbt
tloa new of the rlrer operator* to risa.
bowvrar. baa vauaad the belief ta aom*
Quarter* that tbe aeceaBary number of
operator* win not be obtalaed, thua
caoaltiK the Mlure of the entire ar^ama
thw Way and TMr fndeee Am Cvrtnin
«hW a Tal* WaaM Be WwW ef T*
■aad aay< That Bit Man Pnmv the Oaaf
Newcastle. Pa.. topL L-The sMke «t
he Newcastle wire nail works, which
■DM Urns, last
ttaiMM'a Plan for th« 8«
«f lha Grwt etrika «r tha
Coal Minara.
Wednesday several oecrues
to work at wtr* drawloy. which raQulne skilled labor. Laat evenlna a
newd of at least MO etiiket* ysthered
In front of tbe mllL thbor Bon Pat
rick HcLnnyhlln. who has chaice of th*
De«roas M work, was at the min at the
tlDC and be redclemly walked to the
frunl door and faced the etrlkera "Any
body that saya I am a bUck eheep or a
scab te a Uar," be said, "and t am her*
to back It up.”
He had scarcely spoken tbe words
when there waa a crowd at him. Re
called to help, hot th* mtn bidden Is
an tbe local labor leader*
the mUi refused to coi»e to his ascUj have adv&cd ■troncly to a eon- Mstance
and be was knocked down and
tlhoatioii of tbe flchi alo(« tbe prewoi beaten In a terrible manner. It was at
toe* and to the biner end.
a.wt tbonctat be was dead, btivhe was
• tamThanmO
carritd loto the mlU in an unconsdons
•ecrtlarr Warner a-lred .
aondxior. and may recover.
_ } ftatehfcrrd chat tbe miners
' hare want da renu or deftal. and to
Wasblnyton. Ind. Sept. L-JudyeHetnhwtt the Hanna propoalUon. a* It
M called. <0 a vote would only entail von has yraDted a temporary restralnloy
order ayntrst striker* to preveot them
. aaaillrw expenditure of time and i
Mr result, be wid. would not be in from Inicrferiny with men who want to
In tbe Gabel mtnea. Prank Set
doubt for an inaunt. Tbe miner* baharc tkey have vtriorT well wittain tbelr ter*. James McRensa snd Aiile Wsllaoe
and bartne a firm belief Id the Were arrertfd for assauItiDy Aycait
Sirasaer. srho
iiun-uiuuuloatlec of tbelr caoM tbey wiU net aob. oMaeecv,
tnit to anytkloK ttiat wvet* of temporta- Isis to tbe bank Tuesday. There Is eonMderable 111 teellny In mlnlny circles CB
tng or partial retreat frea the orlf
account of ibe revtminlpy order.
atand. Tbe member* of the dlatrtct
•cntlve board arc In hearty acoord vttb
BM At Hseehoa.
thla view of thayaae.
Bamlton. Pa.. BepC 1.—Hob law now
. Win Betot the Hanna PrepwaL
‘prevails on the south ride. Two ttaouA dlMiatrbfrom Columboe my«; **Sep> mnd mSD stopped every colliery lb the
arau atalcna were held lest olyht by Silver BrtMk dMrIci end then attarted
the wUonat cxerBGve board of the mln- Superintendent Jones’ house at Tort■mtf/UA the eommlliee of tbe Plmbur* (uwD and smashed every door la It.
tuMtera. Both meetlny* were of an Joam la la hldley semeahera.
lOKiaal nature, but that of tbe miner*’
,^aard waa ImportanL Ihe ' member*
hftead to rejnet tbe propoaltloc of the
Palrmont. W. Va.. Bept.-d.—Anotber
oparatoa It appear* that the prjee to 0 unction was lamaed ayalnst tbe strik' h* paid far aachlM wloliw la the ptlnly miDers yesterday and notices were
ettde ftawboos Uoch. The operttos mrved here to prevent the strikem from
otEer to pay only oae-baUoCtha price on trewamloy on mine property or In any
pkB BlBiiiK to machine mlnlDC. and manner laterferlny with ttaoar who are
^ mlattp demand cwo-lhird*. Were worklny or wanUny W. work.
this otdtotloD diapoaed of It le doubtful,
CmwIwM m came Oat lar Omd.
however, wbether the -other dlSereneer
Sprinyfleld. Illaf Sept. k-The miner*
at SanynmoD shaft So. 2. of whom
tanfcommittee Uootempoweredte atake about twenty went to wort at « cents
per ton. an advance of t cent* over the
a new one. Another Jt
old price..im'l last nlybt and decided to
wfl] be held thU roomlDi
work no lonyer at eny wice.
s that Prealdeai ;
omted HlBC Woliccra. and h
wtU reject the offer of tbeopera'
retniB to wort at tbi
• pendlac aiWtraUon. Great
taaa been browbt to bear
«p tbe BUtka leader* from till*
dbMet to lodnoe tbtm to aeaueh an attltuda
tirh will
_ 0
ratlcnr of the commllloee
. lambn* aed upon the strike sItuatloB Id
fiAeral. At the last meetltp of the natkmal eiecDtlve Hoard of.the Ignited
Hhie Worker* cf America a retolmlon
. waa paand to allow the mlncrt to decide
by a lefeieiidam vote all propoMlIons to
aetUc the strike. Therefcre. If the min-
WMe. ard endi a procedure will not only
Cbtsll a larpe expendllvrr of money, but
It wm eoDSume a sreat de^ of time.”
D- W.Vau Bman. cf Onstonville. maoayer of Uw Piitaburt and Cbleayo Oas
Qaatebmpany. went to WasbInxtcD ywttrday tor tbe purpote of wcuriDs d«patlca Tbe compary. be eaya. ir deter*
Dined to surt tbe mine* Tnerday next,
and the miner* ttow' oceupylna the company'a hovm have beer
called to see what they oouM do tor
him. LueUert was aaked to tell hie
theory of his wife’s dlaappearaoM.
be (Old tha oScers bs believed the
luaant and bad wandered away,
said she had been actins atranyely to
snme time. The witness aaked toietcert why he had not DOtUled the police
AOOUKCD lUTS 6QV DCFEAGEED. Instead of keepins sllrot. Loetyert salt
he fell It wae a dlayracc to him and hla
children (hat hla aife bad become
InaaDb and did nut like to tell about
He cald be had last seen fait wife short
ly after U o'clock thenlyhtof her dlaappearanee. before be went to tbe factory
for (te DlybL
1. Which nmese
Tbe police diayyed ................. ......
searched dayht^ Id tbe vicinity of tbe
Chicayo. Sept, t—The trial of Imet- factory, tmetyerl iht witnefy mid. lotk
f»rt opened yceierday with Prank Odorofaky. Luetyerfa ymokehouse i^D. iim
Id the wltoem chair. Wedoeeday OdoroMcy yave hM testimony In German, .vtnne prtlce stitloo 10 comptaln of .
Testerday mornlBg be abandoned that &«wHAi>er ankle Irilmatisy that hlr
lanyuaye tor PoUA, his native tonyue. lirti wife bad not di-.d a natural death.
was niftemry. , but while al the suiloe be did
tmcoy was eon^d«ifo\a <!>»»« whether tbe police had ftond hny
Rls dtrtct testtmeny
I tew minutes. and was not ImhonbBt 1
.W. I
! Odoroftiky was. turtod over ir.
to the
ihtj>»blmrelf. JrApecter
I fense for eiuse-examlnsUoo and Atlorv ber of offlrer* to ihe'musau facl<
; ney VUtcent questioned him dm sboot and tbe dndlny of tke riey* It tbe '
: bis eoanerOoB with the police stoee the The rlnc* one a ydatn ycld weddiny rirm
! arrtm of Lacyevt. The witnens saM an and the other a ynard riny, were |
dBeer faad been aiib him ncariy all tbe evUence. and Atterner Phalen i
I tima No money, be mid. bad btnn yiv- tbe crou-rtamlrAUcFB of Captain 6
f m him and no position prucDlaed him, Her and asked bln to tell the Jury
but his wife bad received money from' the police had done to aseenaln wbether
Inspector' Brhaack. "Just a few cents." Hr* l.uetym was alive or dead. Tha
mU Odorafiky. "u> keep body and aonl wltnem detaned various steps of tbe In
toyelber. 1 an not ytiiry my UsUmony T*«l(«clona Phalen asked it he bad
r. 1but fur cuuscivoce.”
nol beard that Ur*, toietyert had beci
tor money.
A ffamWia of raSiistaoJIaa.
Kenoeha. or In that
With a Arewdeem woHhy of a far bood. Ih* captain mid the police had
more clrverAnan. the amuker evaded all received iMcere. meet of them at
atiemptf to enunyle him by brlnymy up moos. Matin* that Mr* I-nvtyeri bad
teriirtvony before Justice Rersten. "I been wen wanderiny near Kenoeha. and
hla tei
- half they said
be sent two offleen tbere to InvesUyale.
^or* Justice Kernel)." I declared | The omeci* dlscoveetd no irac* of Mi*.
"Hid Luetyert. ____________ _
you my anrtblny before Justkr Kwslen
about lb.' d'lor* or yur.ny sarksT" cun J
llDDrd the defeimo. Here came an
wBmo to Inifcinw Ibe laillallevaod Brt
avallon. T could n« urder«iand th*
FaatMnaf«Ha Taalimony of CapL
Sotroattiar In tlM Uataart
Murdar Cam.
Reinmber: ^ Smokers!
, -------------
Meats and Groceries
At ooraton.
Oifiit if Teltpkne Pmif;
Oer. Calmaadmathy
Tat Street. Mwesa Treat I Csss.
nnr etokya
Iks Recogil2eD Leaders
la S sad lOe. Clfmn
^ yvery Und of—>-
alwny* in stock.
. *W. JATTRj
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
MeilTiclets it RefBcef Itaits.
PWM Clam Day Bomd. apmUlBsim
Now for Business!
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
CAEP T.Atni!
"Did Ur. Luetyert talk to you in Pol- wbleh
lahr- asked the ddefense. "No.” he r»- luUons. DIscustlon was precIpRated by
piled. "He usoally talked In Gertr-m.” aUeoipta by U. L. Looc
LAuck* and U B.
‘efben.’' continued Atteipey’ Vlb<-<al Welkr. of Wasboa. la.
triumpbanlly. "you could not have ur.- domrmeol of variout
dentoud all that be raid to ynoT”
c tham. The committee a_______________
Where II WIU Help the tiilisii
reported edvetiely upon remlaUoni ofOdorufsky mw the mlateke be had fered by the yrnllemen and Mra.
made "Hr only yave me order*” he Loucks, as a member of the committee.
detJared. "and I could understand them In each InsUorc returned a rnlnortty
rtyht." The-defenaeWwIll malnule report.‘nkmajority report waa adopted
t the
..................................'----------------- --------------------- ---------------_._id
him as he waa cleaning
_ va
oD't ray anytblny about ihl* i
Frank, and I wUI ylvt
tor speculative purpose*
...................... ... ...........RriH.Iulion* were adopted as follows:
-Frank L-ewardowriil. ato a Pde. waa cormnendlny Ihrsccretaryof syrlrulture
tiled n#*L He le al peewnt employed f«r hla effort* in behalf of tbe dairy
ny reduction of all nfa* a lalwrer by tbe Norihweetern
ruvldlny (or a commitway I.cw-aodowtU teas amplnyet ...: Oclal a
May Iasi, to to report lo Ihc next conyrnis a plaii
Cmp Cost More to tUlM Tkea tta Tain*'
eo-operaUun between
naO Tlwee 1* Soar m ML
corroberated ndorofMiy. oncer Charira the pervenUnn of conuytous diseases
Sprlnyfield. Ills.. 8^ k-The lUlBOU , U Gtiebnow t.id of L^irUeii * appfe- amen* domestic animals; ufyiny
slate board of ayricullure bas Issued a ( bentlofl of arrest, officer Antfls: KUnyer preai to hurry wort on the harbor* of
summary.^ r*ports received from corre- icsilBed to a cunvemlloD which be rtfaye on the yreat lake*; favotiny
duty In favor of yooda
• countle* of tbs
__ ..........
under the watch- iimponed In Amerlran Teasels.
man's M.,but lDld nortiny rtew. GorMadtaM.II>*. eietatcirtii;nwd.
Clark, of Lord. Owen A Co., le*g,
Madlsoa elethat
I : pounds of are
iraenlc and a barrel of crude
t,y Are last nlyht. emalllny «
; ; potash In Mat ________
leartny but i
laa* of about 1*0.000. Hw b«|ldlny was
whhdi 41.0T3 aerra was spiiny wheat.
Seventy tot talyh and eOBtalaed 4k*s*
-----bushel* of trteat.
Nothmy but tb*
The ceural portion of tbe state anfBMalaHehaWUee,^ tbs Mice FW«* flays book* Of tbe ofOcv wera raved. *o flera*
tered the yrealesl lea* where but XJ
the B*r Mm Usd.
did the Or* became sad so quickly did H
per cent, was baivc/ud. The qualKr
harvested 1> excellent.
I CapUln fichuettler, of the police feree. spread.
Tbe tabulailoa uf wheat ahowa tbe ' was tbe star wltnem of (he day. to be
fuUewIny rvsults: Number of acre*nk- flaUy eontradlated Louis Luetyert the :
the IMS
;*t: av'raye y»d, ner acre. 11 t>u«bels: boy who mid be heard hi* moth-r In the
total Duipber buahelB twoduevd. IkBi.- house after mldnlcbt "The boy told ayalnst the mlaston of Wfofay
Stt; pniT i .r tausnel.
me." declared Sphortllcv. "that the last t. Woodford, the nee Cnitsd Statm
K per acre of prodi t^. tkU: total time be mw hi* nmther was at lOo'clock I minister to Ppsln, tbu causlny sndeUnited
"t of i>n>du£lkn. $T. k«*S: total Km. when he went to bed. H*-rald he had | spread tmiailoa ayal
rtkfSk On the above basis It will take not awaken'd durlny the nlyht. • • • Suie*
'The boy was positive that he had not
CbIM nrswiwd ta a BM
awmkeni-d durliuc the nlyht.'' Scboettler
klrylnl* Ills.. Sept k-A 1
' saM be was first informed sf tbe dleId child or James Nor
at Hr* Lnetyeii on May 7
broiedrlck Bl. kneeae, ber brother, and fell head down into a
Fred Miller. Tbey y*v« him a de^rlp. ;
! lion of tbe misriny woman. That nlyht
tD them BDlew Oie Id forceiK
by that time.
time, Van Eidfn fei
and wanu the deyutl^
It le mM th<re war at ftr« a
mand for «rty deputies, it was espeeted
«*—< Bnator Tlllmsn. who it Msltlra
ir-e Smith to
. ___________________
Beaver. Pa., fust below the clly. woold f. Waahlnytoo 5l*i Brooklyn-Clevela
make Inquiries lo the r lyhborbood c<
BMmamk VMM by Maai*f Slay.
take a band la strike raaltert. hut li
rriedrieharuhe. Sept, k — The klny
- rawoDsr to d telesram askirc bim ti
; Luetyert.. Next day OOcert Dean and of 81am paid * virit to Prince Blamarrk
PUtsbarr the senator replied vlllr «. Fhlladii;:ht
cw yot*- i Qnaley were deulled to Ir.vestlynu the yesterday. His majraty lunched
**rome to Bears If yen want to *e< Cinrlncall k New.
I Bosioir- • cam.
| the ex.chancellor and they remxlnr
Wei yrruttds.
Khortlv aft" that, (he captain raid, j converratlon for a long time.
Rian> TAUIA TO « I HiJip.Ra,
I —Ksnra* City «. Detroit Id: at InThey Anwe thnOitraanOpernhwnD the
dlanai<o1ls-St. Pant «. Indlanapohs »:
Rnnnn PratHwIllon Halts nem.
- Ootumbus - MlnaeapolU *. ColumPltUbBiT. Bppt. X. — Colonel W. P.
Send yesterday met his l.aoo miners
Western AaBoclaCtai): At Cedar Rapthrouyh a eommlut-e of twelve roCD ne*
loeted for the puni?se at McDODaM.
Pa. There was a larre iratberlny bf X Peoria—Wet yruunda
mlaersL tbalr wives sod children, aboot
taaH L-ader Mw CtvU )w4to law
.................. _j)ry Hot___________ _____ .
.the place of conference. The best of
Wasblnyton. iiept. s -John C. Woods,
inrtdl A Oane. Ltd., oorner Sovaath and
fhetoy preraUed. and Colonel Rend an- superiDtmdeiit' of iralla at tbe LouisCallIon slrattk
vlUe. Ky.. pcaloBce laa brouybt suit
ayalnst Pcatmaater General Gary and
Tbaihtb* Paris OroMwaasn. It
tbe menu of tbe last plan proposed the pomoAce department anthoritlev to
wtll pav yon to boy your P. O. of
for aetUement of tbe strike. He rays prevent them from removlny him tram Ut
M«>rht and ywaiuteed to IdlfAmn. 8 & Walt, Druy
tbe committee thaj waited on him as- the service. *nie rase prolahly win be
:e*l of the power to remove a yovaniad him that tbe plan had tbelr
iment official embraced wUbln the
oofdlal sopport. and they Wt (bat tbe
body e< the mlnef* would Indorse It if civil service rule*
Sb^ Sll Xaat Front i
aubmltUd to them, the colonel pointed
Fnll line matortaL
KUM by Two Aayry Bull*
out to his man hew an enforced mtGe*
Weal Bend. Wia. Sept. S-Ooor«e
ment weald result In only temporary
•ale to ettter aide, and repeated tr Bcbucqscbcr. ayrd 7J yean, rcsldlnc
them hls well-kDOWB views tn f*ror of about a mUe southof AIleDt<m.tbi*eounty. was killed by two IntuHaUd balls
He said H cerrta was not a nrtny rate. owned by a man named Weonlyer.
Sooth t’aioB Stredt.
f hut tb^ uxbt da ceoU too nzDch. He BcbninaebeT left hla bone rariy tn tb*
•ondudwlbyBajiM; "to my Jod«menl noralny in.cet one of his ealvte which
the proper courw«^ to pursoe Is this^ had rtnyed onto Und where the bnll*
JolBt carvenUon of operator* apd mtn__________________________ PrtBt 8b, adjolnliv McKamara'a shoe atora.
DS ta western PennaylvanU should be and killed btm.
ealM to censldpr tbe terms of adjustr. lTotttnyy»d fioad hone* a apeMiehlyaa-sWostcmam Bmd.
Dtnt DOW otfered and that are today
Third doar wmt of Haesan's Urosy Barn.
tbe subject nf discaiDoa at tbe CoIambus cobfrrmce." No action was his borne In Wato
____ ______
horn to: ye*™ ayo In Umcrirt. Ireland,
hot bas been a resident of HlcMyan
elyhty-tevee year* He was a erippl*
, II1^, ..II^ wu.
bet had amamed as ininifc fortane.
d today, at which It U said that He never used tobacco or ilqiior in bl*
VMdiag 7RnB6»’ Hones • SpMdalty. Bones Boarded.
I be adopted deela&
that Cdcnel Rmd's
md's men will retura'
wort at th* rate propoaed b), the OoTSSStMS RBLASOBTABraTHl^
HBvankee. Sept. 1—J<Dn F. UcDon.
w. p. De Ajmit'B sicDatyra to (he did. aa cx-toeriff of HDwaokee eqanty,
BDltofnlty pMm ha* Indnead atx etbera ■pd who at vartoos tlmm bm mtocMfate pautkal -poalUoM ly thin dty; waa
to CoBow stoL «1M '
« of
<rf tto
to fee mamber*
county Cann^to votranry- WhMky.
, Bine; or "tty U” aed make eomplato
From this date* this boat
will net make regfnlar con
nections with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangements
for the ^se of this handsome
yacht, by commonication by
mail' or wire, with
Leland, Mich.
Ste Om Hi* Un
PBonkncTOB or thR
Gjeie Owners Lookfierel
Cornar of Union and-Hay SBweU.
nasr M. A N. R. depob ’wlahm to anatsM to tbe pabUe (hat he baa refltto^and (nraiabed the Botol Pang- offSto^^Srii* a-«ai»Vm. pot --
Iry paUie In good Bb^ SaUatamion
----- -T ....rln Id fmaniam.
rijriLSTCi--------- -
Bay sc. mar M. A X. a D*p«.
Lederle’s rrTiRS:
E Here's Another!
Hot so BABy Mils ma SOBS Otbyra *ra ntoky, bvt
% Roomy, Attractive, Durable. ^
The Pure Juice SilJffi.Tk'E S',:r.3r',r„S."'
Butter, First Class S;
Green that will kill Bugs .
Bicycles to Rent '^."|,s^ss‘S
Soda Water
Ice Cream Freezers
Angus McColl gsyi.
Sill S.. fat« h» nut M.
B. J. XOlKlAB, Prop.
^ Ttaj'ra iMSMaUi ii Prim. ImI Itoa Onr. ^
syccEssFOLLy nisEfl
Hirte PartiM DividaThr** Moirri*
nttion* ‘BttwMn 'Hiam
in Nabraska.
• Otoe U Tp Mid
BHMTCd U to dw <
• Pn*«H>r (>e tke toncHe l» CMt.
•cade-FMiMTlTaBto GoU DaaobnM M
toMoaifato aTt^M.
Ltoeala. Neb'.. 8epL X.—AB predicted
at the atan by the party leaden, the
three partlea—I>e<BeeraUc. PopuUat aad
BUrer Beputdlcan-have Jolaed haixU
la tuBtoa. and the Ucfcet «daeed In the
fleld U: For surrcme Jadae. John ).
BuiUran. Democrat. Colosbna: for «ne
«Uto untrersltr repcaL B. Toe ForeU.
.Kearoer. PopaUst: for the other recent.
'Oeoffe r. Kenowcr. Wlaner, Silver BepabtteaD. Many delacatea maintain
that the tuilon was perfectly barmonlooa while there ue othen who claim
e may yet be dls
as about
ter* tb« nport adoritA. bat tht
OUkw (£• Hod «d the Iki*.
Gnil Kipldi ft Iidlui L I
^ » Bwr tatftqtioB ■ flue aprarcf PATCHIN & CRC^ER.
MlM. a.
rmmmtm hj- B«e. a a. DarU.
Wlnfleld. U- S«pt.
The r^cortOflon IB Moetogee ItokjiBrerMOkr.
Tanc.^3ar dfta frea God: ear lUleta
inokliig dcaOeek in Uw Teeth tfletrict
--------ccBverlloe vai Ood. ~
broken Wednesday morslBg In the Dom-i Chrstlaulty U a religloo of glrlng. H i
y*”: I* )>m been known that
tnaUce of Colcnrl D. 1. Palmer. He was!bod its nrulu in »bc detRiniution of I ®** oo^“«4d om tba aoifaceefi tbe wa-_______________
choeen by acclamation on motion df wJ tha
qol« (be acliou of tbe wavM, ^ w
tlM Son cf tiod to
ro give tbe
tl bMt ifiU Be
r. Koj*.hlt opponent from Henty coun- , eoold give. Htmself.
P«»Pt»ltlon to tdUbe ^ { 8.
Hinmif, to tbe wwld.
world It,
ty. The end war remched after (.00 bel- ! t... Jt. fullst cvuunletiim In mmn re-'
• knUU reoel red with giMt favor * --------------------------------t* had
hod been taken, each
earh retulUr^
retulUrc la
Is a
i !
Mt, .tJ
' There is ao abrnbent oM.yc-tt<Tm mta'.
ling ,ui.
Attoroeya. Spselalee
Ood tbrongh Jens Ohr.-..
and qreadof tbe
tlfnl laugnapr of Panl ccutalhed id the ; nf"?:
re get w
idee of '
to a in
)letUi« la Ibol S«vMt ef a Bee
lod. wbet Ood ! ‘* » P«TW»Ooo of talk w. oarhoo and a
bow precioos nieo is to Got
Uae ef M Ktoadyke.
Washington. Bept. L-Oemral -Dof- baa Ocat for mao. and with what as-1
It iaol^med
field, superintendent of the eoaat and ■onuK^ we
nlatiooa of life. In oooi
..... V.UU
Tmeelaahoot S9 per
fact that
God is for ns and ....
that MWU.-1
ing can ai^wrate os tiW the lota of
God in Cbriti Jemu onr Load.
probatdllty of trouble between thla cov.Oaics
•*Po« JOM* met a palafol end
ernment aad Great Britain over the le- give Blm onr lore. Tbe love of Ood to
t «o|pk W<
calloa of the Klondyke geld flelda. "li la man is breathed ihrowboot this entire tarday."
true." he aald. when diovn the ditpatch
"Deor.dearl Wbet was it-Jwartdletm'kiehMMd ..
from Port Townsend cuollng a deputy read It we cannot bnt neall m wmds aamr'
United Btatea marital as saylcc In ef of John iU. id. ”Qod\eo loved the
‘'Ob,oo. It waa tba and of a wan.”
II to LostaTlUe
fect that the United BUiet win Men world (bet He gave His baly begottn —Web Me Dp
oontral over that aecticc. "that the loca- Son that wboaoever believetb in Him
'i'ik.l L..U 1 ...
tlOB of the line between the two coun
Aftor the TampliJ sad KlpU«
TmlBS arrivs froM Claelaeanl. 0._^
tries has not yet been formatly accepted, ■boald DOtperisb, bat abonid have ever- A tool Share wok aad hr tioBksd hu urs
T]T n. rOKTER. Atunsr at Uw. BpMial
W. aitenUuatotastituL
bat the location bae been very dednlle- laMing life.” First of all Ood gave man
tSmi to yes sad II
ly determined. Tbe Mist meiidlaa waa Bis love. It was Ibis gift that M to With a sank, or a boar. «c s pwes ef wwe.
^Jtoeal (relfkt sa faraaek erriTss et II ona. ai^
deatenated as Ih^ boundary between tbe otbera Tbeloveof Ood for bnman- Thai he stroek a (eaos. sad the iktos kakad
BtUHIa and Great Bflialn and nothing ity wai ao broad and deep tbai Be waa
remained after oar ac^unre of that willing to give Hi» best gift that man ABd ha harrisdly salM Bibwan s wars
tCvtw Bsyoaor II
andermaodlng but to Ibcaie the mert- might be saved. In retnm for this gift
!£Sa^ :::
earty yesterday rooming before fuston
Ihe location was made . on the
a effected. For awhile In tbe three north nt Porcupine river by our surconventionsyesterday moralng It looked \ veyon and In the vicinity of the Tnkoa
rather precarious (or harmony, as tbe I
the Canadians under OgUltie. and
surer Bepobllcaas had a yrry warm 1 »>elr work there was checked by onr
time, a nambetTof the •ml llle-of-the-1 men. We found that where Ogilvle's
road” driegatea talking In f.tvor of the ' Hne crumed Forty Ulle creek H aas Unonilnailoa uf a atralght Kepuhlican : 100 of a second or tdx feet and nine
ticket In order to preserve their orgmnl- ' Inches too far eaH, and «-hes It cromed
| the Tukcn'lt waa 14 aeeonds or CIS feet
| too far we*. Thns II may be
«.3v foe !
^ «»rtlvk is sulv
Lri^l iZ ! •‘"‘'•UJ- ~r^- There I. no po-UWlB after
““ emT the correction of which
bate eiri many liallots tbe 811
could place the n-w
B»w region It American
pntUcai^ finally nominated Jpdge
pedot Dawsos
llvasL tbe Demcrntlf aomlnce. tbe Pop.
U ilfiy miles on the Canadian ride
uJUU veered around and also ananl- .City
of tbe OglP — - —
g urged
■s the report U falrc.. -y Jodge NcrIUe In a
finally, reached and thy rest ot the procecdlnga were of abort duration. It be.
came very er ldent near tbe close of the
DCS HolBsa. ta.. BePC k—At tbe aeseoaventlon that nrither Scott. Kevllls. Blon yesterday of, the Iowa Cbriattan
nor Thompwir. could be aemloated by eonvesUos the foUowtag resolnUoa waa
any two of the oonvenUons. and the
manoeuver of the Democrats In sub.
siitatlng Sullivaa'
d a coup
lo.i cut short what might have i«. !
suited la a long drawn, knotty conves- | “•
tloAfallof Agfal.aad ultlmstelyaepa
---- —^------Ing the three parties ao widely
fusion would have bees an tmkn... . this convention were It noi their
vole will be ___
oondltloB for years to come. ThU I
I preted ar an Indorsement of his polplcal
I attloo In signing the roatiufactures Mil.
I ••Therefore, rea-.h'ed. ta.l the ennvenThe noralasUons were dnade In tbe tkm declare that no vote or votes for or
three separate convratiuns the con. against Governor Drake be Interpreted
as Justification of or condemoktlon of
ference committee glrin* It up at . A | JT, ^“f^r-cto
lal a
for him
m. yesterday. The uyminutee. however. *“
of cnafidence In hU
agreed to leave It to the conventions by
booesty. Inugrity of character and hla
, which
was adoi>ts< y said convenUoBs: •*We ' great, warm, ffraurnsl heart.”
Fw-ad IS* -r-eOe- ^ . TVWt
meet S't.aratPlr and ballot for Judge.
Btepbeason. Mlrh-. SepL E-John
All oomir.alloiii shall be presented to Roth, aerirnced last week to two years
the three convencUms and haRoliBg
shall rontinur unlH one man shall re
ceive a majority of two conventionE fiour. wrote a Irtler to his wife InstructEach ballot shall be announced to each Ing her tc aril or destroy somes goods
of the other conventions before another hidden in a bam. “
s Interballot Is taken. The regents shall be eepied by- the offl«x._............
^ven to the parties which do not seenre and the ofilcera aecured bky-rle shlrtE
i boota blankets and other articles IdeaKsMlas. Wakto a Brtof Rpt.eh.
| titled as belonging tn residents here and
Judge Builivao. the nominee for au- !
"•"* —
preme Judge, gave a ahoR speech and ' Imllsaa N<
BSMhpw Tarh.
said: T mwt kindly appreclat
New rfrk. BepL E-Lwwb B. Root,
manner In which 1 -received tbe
firm of L. B Root fi Co.
Ltloa nnd tbe more atneere because
tbe least we. can do (o ebow oar uppreeiatiQB and gntifndc is tagive God tbe fiskag to os an BBIU WT kwfwsinceresi loveof oorlH-arek Lovetmal- aad seaoe ef ns knew that we an« wtU
kaowly begets love. klayCTod's love for as
Shs way to alreddls a wfassL
begi t is na a firm aud steadfast lore
A God givee os Hitrsrif. Wc .boold
give outaelvte to God. God parr m His |
8oo. "He gave Uis ool.v U'Sfott.vt Son.” I XTOBE WAKTtil)^
"He wbospared pctHisouu Sou. bulr*
Ai chkMo;.;:;:.."'
Him np for os all, will give nas-u '
V clap," says Pnnl. la giv, "V“*
Christ fcGod fravc Himstlf. •"Tbe
MidCbrist. God
Ketbw and I
ive Bimsi-ir to msu. In return we
I gave
;,Bbou)lid give ua^eJvis to Him. By that
As. Bseber^p^^'
Ar BiyrSt'.'.V.'.V.";;
act Be boogbt na Tbereforc we an not
oar own and ibould glorify God in oor
bodies and epiriu, which are ocToon,
....... ’
tmtOod'a In abort, wc abuold coomorete oursclvea entirely and nnoooditlouUy toGod. In salvation Ood gives
to na. In conascratiiB we give to Ood.
ooao »
Let uh then, give to God oorwlvce and
oor all. and, tbe gift once made, let It be OttyLuBbtoCo.
made fomvts. noe to be oaed aaoor own
sole SI IS per MOD
or to be reealled at oor own pkasnre.
—* City iMtor
A Ood givea ns aaJvatiae. This is
*s tshs sOsn Osaday, Joss to, Itor,
tbe icanltant gift of His lore and tbe
■criflea of Bis Son for tbe worlA It is
weU towncrober that all tbe alept In
aalvBtlou,oalJing,Iastificatiaaeod glortfloation are gifts from Ood. This He
Os layproTto city peopeny.
' blemedfacL It makrs aalvatioo ____
Mot ao mocb as one step depends upon
OBCM erer Mraitagse-a kardwsre s
HE We are saved by grace tfaro^
faith and that not of oanelvcE Idea
gift of God.
Bible BesMlings: Gen. xkTilL fiO-SI;DeuL xvi. la, 17; Pe 11. 8; «d*. 11;
XEXTiL 8-6; taxir. 8-lt; cvlL l-«; Fine Merchant Tailoring. I
» .
ussBus wnen sss aom
Prov. xxilL M; MatL vll. 7-11; *,
JEon End Mlohigan 8L. Chicago.
l-S; John Hi. 10; *. 97, 98; AcU xx.
86; II Cor. viii, 1-16; ix. «. 7; Eph..
0, 8; Heb. xiii. 19-lA
Igrtheri liclil|u
-^.- .Imipomuon Co.
•W'S5?asti'stS”^ ■
West Michigan
lUBRi ill ■onuunu LI
'W'GK;;‘c7"“ ■
—Honey to Loan
Suits to Order.
st?!rs'rSr^:. “
In 1.800 yean tfaere has never been
failore of any promise of Christ when
Ibe oonditioais have bera oomplied with.
There have bean failnm everywbem
else and in almost everything, but there '
never baa and never will be a faiinre i
‘3Ian Wants
But Little
> oaked njocb and rs- •
' "------ r.'.T.
j!^tert7y at'osa :
***. in tbe place of being •
asking Jceot is ooo- 8
Fifth Avenue bolel. He was U years ;
make except that I shall admlnlht.
old. Root for ■ number ol years had j ««ntly saying to UE-ApkUygely.thdt *
whmitute my own Wvi
^laT ,
yonr joy may U fnII.”~Chritolan|8
Tbe cpmmon _^ple .ball twcelve fuU '
5« Woomer Rrsec
and tmpaniol AUce at my handE How■>«* leload !• Dtoag Miee.
CWllag rpM Ood.
w« Jt may vuli n»y Ideas! do tmt know, j Chicago. Kept 1-Estlmatsd gross reMercy moat be naked for. It vrili not
but I do know that iny ofVlal action , eelpts of Ibe entire tywem of itie Rock
•hall have the sanction and ap- I*l*nd road fer August. IttT. are «.7tE- be given nosolicited; God most bo
proval of my own conscience, a I "«• An Increase as compared with eatl- oalied apm for ik Tfau calllbg .s nrajJudge has nu favors to give or with- j »n«‘vfi earnings of August. ItM.
,- * tog. toeking for mercy, knorkiug at tbe
bold. All you can expect fiura one Is a ' <16door of merry. Ii most be tbe caii at
m»er aad Just admialstralloti of the
nerd, tbe call of prming
*— ana 4 •
ptagne of rin nraat be frit.
rortb.) n ntr* ptth pebUe bpfborw or HrE Lenar la going to Alaska afier vraot The \siu
gold, so It Is said abv saya.
As tbe drowning man
rpunciftx coLOKApa .
colls for bcip. as tbe ioai .iuan calls for
ing from bis horns In Chicago.
FsarPanksltolTher«<.Twssr Thsm Bto
Tbe sullan of Turkey has acnt rich direction, as the starTiug man r«iu for
food, an mast tbe sinner call npon God
, tog KepobUfsa.
preasBts to tbe ameer of Afgbanlstan.
Denver. Scpi. i-The PopuUat sUls
Mayor Paatoureau. of Toulon, was for salvgtidn.—Gbrinian Intejligenegr.
I y-'sierday at Ballda. rubbed and daageraaaly wounded by a
Psnalaiag U the Ktogiias.
Onr risen Christ did not make and
Tom Sharkey, tbe poglllsL saya be
the rVgoUr (HcKinlry-Woholtj Re- has mved tfC.WO during his prarearional aet np a cbnych. as men sun a aociity.
on adopted coustiRiliaiL Tbe
paMIcat) coorestlun today la Ihte city.
It is bStorted that Governor PUtgree cbnrcb is not a mere bimian society nuThe Dcmucra'.lc
state convtnlion
Will be held m this city Moo- win call a-special searioc of tbelilrit- der any cneb view. Tbe kingdom of
dry, Bept. E rir.ly one state of- ran legtslature to leglitate on tbe rev Christ U not anything like a cast iron
fic-er. a Justice of tbe sapteme csnrL enue.
machine eet in motion. It ia not a cut
8tx Chicago groeers have been ar- and dried elUix baaed ou bnman acbemea
0 be elected this faU. It la under-
ootxa aotm.
Here Below,
But Be Wants That Little
j * QUICK. *
a fiiJVFr bciiubllcon and voted for
n Ust year. Judge Hayt toI likely
a be She nuroinee of the Bllv.
puWloans and tbe DemocraU County
officers art to be elected thr ughout the
aute aad the inurcat In the campaign
wiU center mainly In these conteom. The
HcRlnlry RepuUtcaia ate seeking an
alliance with tht other wing of tbe party. aad to a few countlee their efioru la
this dlrertlop have been sucoemfuL
Testsrtay afieraooa Judge William
Gabbert V.s nominated by (he PopoUat
convention at Ballda for the m,pr«ns
exiort beach on a rtalng vote. The plat
form demands the todepetidml free cotn-
PhlladripblE Sept E—The state axecttUve comratuse of tbe •■J^ersoolan”
ar g^ Democrau yeaterdg^ decided by
a vote of IT to 10 not to pipcEgny eaadidatee to the field for aUU treasurer and
gndUor gri.erat Thla dscision ou ar
rived at after a general «onretM<e af
a an
» by
rteotnmeeded to tba
s vote of »
SUM commute..
ia tbe field. When tbto
ttekot h. rtansd
WES owda by tbeoe dstotl^ a tkfat ta
colored baitertaE
ne Mrfke in Plngroc A Bmlth'o Am
WkME Ami oathofiospsto
(aetcry In Detroit has beea «nft^ by a
l>totrinet -wbtefa rest on tbe genpek
coapromlse and the qperativea have oU
g» maonable and an Hving, and docretnrrwd to wwfc.
Henry WIUIebm whs fined IS by CM- trinoa wbiefa bave oo support In tbe ifoeago Justice Martls
■onabla and omdyoeillng for plamo a t
This world would ha tondM with
angels if cad) man wanM ant npon tba
It hand by gsttiiv next to a rtp- advice bo ia ready to give tOotboE*litob
OwlDg to tbe fan in the price ef Mfrar,
the MahaU mtiw. at LsadvUlE Colo.,
omploylng ‘
wtxk is tbe cboaee form
a rsduclloc to wagro from St to (tM.
of aarviea fi» tba eoning year In K«rtb
Tbe meet bave agnod.
J. R- Oorrla. ex-raeraber ef tbelegUla- OaroltoE
tnie. FK-bonker. and oaeofthe eldestgnd
Tbe Sunday acbooi to cam atm of Ibe
most premtoeet asttlsrs 0t-4Iaeon coon- eftmeb and Cfaristian Endttovor ia (bs
ty. niE. was foond dead to bod to hlo otbcE—£ev. A. D. Thaator.
horns at Decatur. IOe. aged tE
Tp repeat vrbat baa baen oaM befon.
Pratodent H. B. Ingalto. cf tbo. 'Blg
Pour and the Cbsatneahi and Ohio ran- Vbdto U tbe Mate tbat boa a better
niadE has cooHaded a ceotract with the
PuUman Palaca Car oompany to con
Tbe aeoiec of work hx tbe Lord Jeans
struct as early as poatoble E«M box to aplritaal powet. We are not fitted for
freight caiE
Oorenwr TaiuMr. of lUtootE has ap tbe W0k nbtU we are endoed wiib tba
pointed to tbe national 1 trigsUon con- Holy OboaL—Sev. W. a WbitE
grtof at lanecln. Neb.. Bept S-K. C A.
Tirrnsrr ttandl in tbe (ml rank o(
FaikE B. M. Stahl and U. K. DavtE BOUbmn omtM to tbe CtoriatiaD &doavGMOMe: A 8L Knox. Prtacriee: Fmak.
I. aad far praetioal woA
OMfiNda. MISL aad a. A BadoDa. andoonmentad t
with toe bMl stotea to tba Dnioal
An Advmiseiiiente..
Want Department.L.
001X0 XOBTa.
Is known to be Effective.
ootito goarn.
If You Have a Want
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