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The Morning Record, July 18, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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BSn OAMX THm 07 ra4S0»
with the UMptioB of the •Utaar7 fw
auteMlli’t pcrtonMace U
MaMlj morel and, famtnmtJTe. The
prtoe will be aoe. to aU reeerred moIb
a»d lOo. geeerel admtoaioa.
TIM Battery Vortc by Se(b Taaau
—Tmy Xade Bme Baa, BaU
• ThMoawnal Qateb-Tzlpl* TJay
By Adame, Parka aad Boeetny.
TL rare aa eotataiomeat Triday alfbt
la Petoeker before a rrsry larre aadleaee. which wae earaptured by the
cpleadid mo^eal er«Uiue of ibe fearttiiniilw
• iooeartiat. The Eeeorter of
tfatktvon, Jbly K.-IBa beet game
«“« **»“ » o^ama .
-efbaUaeantn Vaakegoe thli Maaoa
eBUrtaiameav aad e{maki-<rf
, wM pUyad heca today, betwaep the
Baatiere of Tiareree (^ty aad the
B«da.reealttagiBae«preaf « to a la joyahle eeer gieea in Peloekey.
faror of the Baatlera. ''The game wae wUl appear in Stalnberg-a Monday
______ _
aUed wlthaaBitemeat aad taiUiaat play night
aad both teaae pat apetar work. The
W. B. Bdrt. arfao aru leading aai
Haetlerc were ia floe form aad gare ear- Bhca'a eompany. later the star in the
odllaat apport to t'brry. The feataraa *'Hnaehhaek,*'^<reD in thU city by local
of the game were a boate r» by Perry, talent a year ago. is preoariag to open
a atch of a bome-ran hit by Hull, the the,eeaeon aeat month In Stelaberg'a
battery work by both teaau, aad a Omfed. Be wiU start early to Angtrl^ play by Adaaaa, Parke to Norotwith a repertoire of dM.ptoya.
ay. The aeon:
Hart has Mirooaded 7 ‘
mU with a atrc^ eompany. The eo___ iment will be for three aigbt
tfMibat srtth "The Ban to, the Iron
• •
....... .... ?!?
,wm Play Two Oarneo of Ball Here
Beat Week.
The teUgaae eebedaled tor Moaday
fcetwoea the Baaictee Ooite aad HmItea hae heea oaaeeled. Tharewill be
twogamea, Wedaeaday aad Tbareday.
betweea the St. Loola team and Hosttea la tha Twelfth Street Park, howerer. wUah win
the fane ^belter,
ae the ^ Loaistewhaeappaa^ here
thia aeaaon to eery good adraataga.
Thteia'kMwv to beoae of the fattest
omateor teaae in Miehlyaa, aad when
here {dcoMd ttie beae ball eathuelaata
immeaaely. Ibe Mnek«r»
tim wtU be here Uter.
Bimee Won't Bora.
W. U Brown, the boilder who pard the lot oa the BO
■ of Pwk aad Front streets. U auion
to begin the work of orecUng his new
bttok block, bnt it delayed becaose the
lot ieoeoaptodbya temporary photo
graphic etmctnra, owned by E. B.
Blame refneos to reaaore the
.-landing, clalmtog to hare a two-yepra’
teae of the gronnd. A ienar gir«o by
B. C. Stiles, the fbnaor owner of the
property. Bimee bae set hie prte for
raeaUog bat ao eaUefaetety eetttenent
tMt^ed to A Baaaway by Oottitoh
While OottU^ Bradshaw was dsTrtog down Brool^y hlU yceterday. aejmniad by A. Lonehora. hU employ
er. a hayrick on the wagon boeam'
dUptoood. and atriklng the hotaee,
they became frightened and ranaway.
aad Mr. Bradshaw’s left hip was brok
en. aad the two fltot dogma of hie left
1 no badly braised that ampotottoa
Dra. Holliday and
Wilhelm srere called and attended the
Injnred.maa. Mr; Loosboro. laekUy.
coeaped aahnrt. Two enrriagee wbfch
wore in the path of the raoaway team
managed te get oat of the way to
Tatoteea Want to Whallep the Oarponton at Baoo Baa
The patotort an detirone of gaining
glory on the greea dtomoaA aad har
ing teard that the earpontera are also
to the nae direction, here
in challenge a team eompoeed of the
members of that craft to a gam
base ball, to be played to Twelfth
Street Park, on a day that those
groande can be eecnred. The patoteia
also eaggeat that an admlwhm foe of
ten eooti be charged, aad that tim
amney be taraod oror to the relief
------- —•-* for the benefit of the Lake
Bow Tolaesee Added to City Xdbrary
Ann fire saffereta.
by M. B. BaskoU.
a. T. T. V. Battoaal Oflieem,
Two bonSrod new books for the Cttj
Library hare been rooBred tiOs i
The foUowiag aationai ofSeersof t
. throng M.E.Baekell'B book store aad Bapttot Young Coopleb Daioo were
the library was aerer to better emdi- leetbd at CbaUnooga: Pccektoat. John
ttonthanateraoent. -Maay new books H. Chapmen. Chicago; VicePneld
hare .been added and old. worn-ooV Ber. CartU Lee tewa. Baltimore;
oaee raptoeed.
Goo. B t'oebnig. Colorado; Brr. 3. B.
BcOaoald. Amhorsti K. B.; Boeordtog
Bmpl^ n Bow Toroman.
Seerrtary. Ber. B. W. Bood. U Oruose.
dr. King, formerly of the MU><
WU: .Troasnrer, Frank Moody, MUt
r Oo. at CkoOB Village, and one koo.Wle.
who has
ptoata,*haB beenoagagod as fotamaa
Aa aecident oo the main line of tfa*
lor the Trareree City Lamber Oo.
WiU b«ta at oaoe and take ntiro O. A A t. tost ttlgbt eansed a delay of
the eremtog trala from the eoath.
charge of the mUl aad yarda
King is a man of to^ expoHenee aad
Jakeb Slnggera defeated the Beekot
wUl bo n ralMUa addltkia to U factory team yeetarday to a good game,
with Bmpey aa umpire. The aeon waa
IS to 6.
Bs-Flro Chief Deepree is baring all
aorta of Mnaemeat with a faesUy of
lee Dream tootol aad TloCtaat Bapoleeata. which hare ssada thalr home
The toe cream eocial giran laat night
A telegram was rooeired from Ber.
by the membera of the Swedish cbnreb
A WeU> of AWon txdlege yeaterday.
. on Washington sUert. was a happy aad
anBoanring hie toabtUW to be here to
oouweefnl ereaL The chnrch wae partieipato to the aati-nlooa toogne
flBodaadeToiybody ^>SBt a pleasant osootioga.
The ngator Sonday exeorelon to
Ne-ab-ta-waato aadOmeaa toaio
rrlU/affard opportoitity for a ploe-----ride oa tha bay. Tha Oolambia wUl
loare tha dock at 10 A m.
BeritoWnn, "The Tolnatoer Orgaa-
taf-HCtaa. A HaUberg.
PBofa liowory^Mala
The pniBito to be glron at ■
needay by the Salter A Martto Uaele
Tomb Oabto On..
with the largo Broaoea. It easbi
throe baato of moeie. M head of poatoa,
dankoya and oxen. II Sibcrtoa bloodhoaada, bealdm anmerone cter
sriloBe. pimy carta, etc. The attraetton wUl ^>pear to Stetoborgb Otaad
SaatandUL the great hypaotist, by
opeetol request wUi gire another perdottnanee and teetoie tonight at Stetobwgb Qraad Opera Bowea Thto for
HaataaelU. is a mw daparian, bat
M«y po^U who hare Beea aaabUi to
aae hie oradHabte pertermaaoee !
nqnoetod the managooMBt te hare
^ atay na msea might. The pro|M wlU be aa anllnly now one.
fSret Tear—No. 6S.'
- ncmi Di MDsmi.
Mr. and Mra A. Nlcbcda of Grand
Bapida. an rtolUng the family of Mrs.
Kicbola' totber. Jamaa Oartoad.
C A Bitter and family and G. M.
Klngabniy of GaasopoUs, an gneate of
TqcB ur ooAi.
; Oaputo Webb at K»4h-to-<Taat«.
Wert VlrglBto Operaton Beady to ! MraW.A.GoehtogofCoaneUBtoffa
Otoe Zn-O'ebi Will Aid lOaoia- , will ^d a abort time to the city the
guest of Cbarlee Gooer and family.
Bitahttoa at Otbw FrdntMAtrikA B. Brown ntonted tost erantog
on gotttog Otilora la Xdao.
from Laneiag. when ba attended a
WbeeUng. West Vltgtoto. Jnly 1?-— meeting . ot'tbe Odd PaUona Bosoe
-today te regarded ae a critical one .to ^
tee Keaasrte V0U9.
Beporte Ibb
Min Cronto. bead tetemer to the
mornite todleate that tee Faimount miUiaeiy perior of 3. B. PraaeU. will
meetiagwillbealargeoaa The Mofor her homo
neagah, Wateos and West Falrmoimt
southern MlehlgaB.
atiaeaanthc torgeet oasa to the nMiss Nettle Otay. county eohool eomgion and they an at work, bat big dolhas rotaraed from Milweu
egationa from potott along tte Balti koo. While then she wae the gont of
more and Ohio are arriring at Fair- her sUlor. Mrv WUltom Bate
lo Keaawha. tee operator*
etieally glna op the flgfat and
are sralttog for tee men to setUe thtir
trouMe and ntarn. Tten to ao teango WUl Be OiTsa to the Ooagngatioaal
oa tef Norfolk aad Woetern aad tee
Ohureh This Broatog.
BioniDUit srost thfoagh Ohio has
The enalng eerrioe to the Coagncaueodaoontbnok
Palrmonal. W. Va.. July 17.-Tbe gatkmal chonh to^ wUl gin ptoeo
toUnre of Eugcae Debs to reach ten to .the Y. P. 8. C. A and the moettog
wUl begin promptly ot I o'clock to' of tte ueasl boar, 7:10. MIm
Biggs will ten charge of the prograi
nbleaeltto m
which will bo tentod to the roporu of
latoadA to hare hte arreeted.
tte gnat totorMtiooal eoonatioo Jmt
Moweaqua. fllwas risited by aa lesmenn throng of eloeod to Saa^Fruactoco. As tor ae
mtons from Pane tost aigbt, who per- koowa these wUl be tbe first reporta
enodod aU the men to the ehafte ten of the eontontioa yina east of tbe i
Mewori(. Asa nenlt when the Mississspid. The order wUl oooelet. to t
whistle souadod today, not a man re- aidltkis to tte reports, Ue eioglng of
the coanotloo toags osed to ttoa Fraa•oaded.
Blk Bora. W. Va. July JT.-Tbaigbl ciaeoaBd pspsnby M. B Boltoy, Mias
ererr mlaor la this field wUl Join the Bammond. Mlae Bstoe. Bee. D. Coehlto
ceta The aumbor will reach flee ud J. W. MUUkea.
The church b beautifully decorated
The agiutore lean this
srith tte C. A eolen and emblems, ths
enalng for Flat T<^ flelda
Glean Carbon, III-. Jnly 17.—The
mlnen here qatt work aad Joined the purple and gold, the dati Fraaeieeo
totogetrikwafiom Buuatoa aad colora Thb wlU be a particularly totereatiag
Mouat OU
Tbe eootijtoed foreee an now making wU. be torgaly attended.
pnpaiatlcMto manb to CoUtoarille.
yrott OadUlae Tdday.
CaeeyeUte Beltoeiew. Troy aad other
There srOl be an exearatoa to }hto
to the Beneriew district.
city today from CedUtoc-^ Thto to tee
Victory tor tbe Bias BoyA
first of a s^irn of three Sondey excurA hot game of ball me playto yes- elooa to iWeerse City, the otbera teterdae by the Blue Boys aad the But tog July Utb aad Aagaet let. Tte
Side nlaa Then sron hot eto lasings rate for the rooad trip to 81.
played and the aeore at the finish
is to U to fanr of tte Bias Boys. The
ftetores of tbe game snn a triple play cuts aad baths, H
M. B. Gairma.
by tbe Bastsiden aad a home rna by
tte Blue Bqya' pteter.
Prof. Lockhart, the trainer of the fe_*ni
which are a great feature srith BtogItog Braa.' tamuai aad poontor eireoe.
Hearly nty S«Mton West to Oarp ^>ent tmlre years edoeaUag hto won
Lake Lart lllgkb
Judging fimn tbe oathuMartie lot of before giriag a p
yooag men who left last aigbt on the
Blfiea’ oxearalon to Carp lake
therp promtoea to
be a
time to aton for emybody. Onr
forty memboia ot the Blflee formed
tte pmnj and the nombor will
eweUod today to onr fifwtte
frioado ot tbeoaapaay srbo.will go
dosra teen srOl be quite a popnlooa
rlllago oa the lake ihon today.
A Woman Stayo at Home....
Tsrice as maeb aa a mao. She fibonid hare pleagtnt mrronndinga. Paper ibow rooofi yon .didn't intewl to.
Oor proeent priote are ao tow, yoo can’t balp b«t boy.
M. a. HOLLCV, MMA09.
From March 10 to July 10
Taking quality into consideration yon will
find my prices are as low as the lowest
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss The^e Bargains.
Pcwitlvaly the Uneet yen will get thie
yeer. My greet July CleentnoeBelA 1 will quote a few
pricee that are bargaiaa, bnt apace it too expensire to qoote
one oot oI every bondred. A good Loonge, srell nada, fell
epfing, 84X10. A sood Coach, foil apring, ^.50. A good
Coach, oordoroy, 36 apringa. 6.Sa I wiD poaitisely eell bet i
ot tbeoe at this price. A good large 'Apim Bedroom Soit,
Urge gUaa, patent ceetm^for 11.75, A fine Urge 3-piece
patent dnat-piticd dnwen, psient caatore, for 1230. A fine A
piece Parlor Soit, best pln^ silk bseds, spring odg^ ^00,
Ltoge hif^ beck D^ing Ohsirs, solid osk,*K.5Q, High nuA
Bocken trom d5c. op, Iron Bedsteads from S.75 np. Polished
osk oombtnation Book Oasee from 4A0 np. We baren’t many
of theee, but what we bare most be sold by Jnly 15th. 1m
those that come eariy srilt be happy and those That mis ibis
sale will alwayr regret it
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
te-ts reowr sruszr.Taarxgu cmr.
Those Shirt Waists
Attract the Ladies
And why teouldB'l te^t
■w 8U» «• 8IJ8 wamra
Voedtot for 4195.
--- -
Tte Jury to tte cnee of Lloyd sa.
day morning, to tte Circuit court and
S.-OO to tte atleraooa readcrod a nrdiet asrarding the ptoiatifl »»«■
The can of Sbori^ Ts. Byman followad aad ooeuidod the nmatodr
tee day. Tte caae srill be conttooed
at taaocrow'e aSMion.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
niirty-Ttn Tlokenl Oengbt at Oaip
Lake by Mr. aad Mrs -Biaetotr.
Last oreatog Maaager W. O. Bolden
of the Park Plan rootind a large
quantity of ftnrtplckon from Oarp
Lake, tee gift ot A J. Btoetolr. of
Grand Bapida, who h apeadtog a aeaM»of flshiugatPoaeh. Jtr. aad Mra
Btoetolr caught U beaatifal, ' large
Mr. Stotiair Is an tosnranee maa and tialms tte d
btiagteegTMtoit fiihwmaa to MichIgaa. John Gnea. nmetimee caUed
tte Momitor. rowad the boat for tee
W. B. Bradley, of Battle Crook, has
parw and tee day me tee meat aactokao a position in the shoe depart
eemfnl enr enjoyed by this eathatoaBment of the Bpotoa stoea. Be to •
ealeotnan of lomg nxportoaee aad rriU
be nppreetoted to the mw "Otom
Mra GUman srest to Cedar yeaterdayThe croMiBgaatthe aorthwoat eerHia J. W. Oauatiatt is etattiag to
aer of Front aad Park ebaeto an in k ildMiseton.
condition and wotoi to
Mn. A P. Boagb rotarsed last night
aood of ropalia The present oondi- from Jackaoa
tion of the plaaktog at that poiat angMra Wm. Loodu has rotaraed from
geato damage salts for tojnriee caaaod Grand Bapida
Mra W. r. Calktoe aad Mtoe Lalu a^
J. H. Watte, ftwner of the
rIelUag to Mntimgoa
Potot reaort, was to the mty yeetarday' Atiey Tkrtmse ntaraod yertorday
t a large nombor finsn a sreek's'Tiatt to gatoiaaton and
Graad Bapida
day. The Udy Watte wlU bo at Poach
ProL and Mra C A pockaray and
■oot thomcratog oxeaninn tcato NeUie QUmaa wont to Fooeb yesterday
for Miniitir and will carry a largo ■ adtetotoxoartion..
ProtrA Oonlda of tetoa BapUs,
aamber onr for adayboatli*. Ite
yadttwiUrAaratotteeforthe oooaaMmgUefriaadetera.
lag train to Tiarane CttyMke Bamde Loadea mat to Onad
Bapida yoMwday for a el^ arlth ter
■ LL-.,*.''
We still have Bn abundant mssortoient, end «11 ai«ma
These arc all new Waists just recetved.
Beior Toes. Hand T__________
Tops. A B aad C 84.M eboes
K pair* Oxfnedv tonaer priao
81.25. $1.80, 81.75 aad fit. Onr
price 81.00 to close 00k
Mob's Patost Leather aad Aaamtoe. former artoes 88 and 98,
to ctoee ogt at fiS.oa
•I pain Mob's 'Plash oory
atyl^SUppore. former thto
goods gedng at eic.^
«7 pain todies’ Black and Tha
Ptagtw Atiadth JuUete. fortoto
pries to. ctootog out prteeiL
lUk« No XifitAkA
Tlw Original.
Encourage the fanner by
using a flour made at home.
If you did be wpnkTut have
to ship his wheat to fore^n
marketa, and pay the freight
The "BEST," is made from
home grown wheat and is
all that the name impliei.
Razor TMS~Tlie]i Must 60.
A Few Bargains ia Ladies* and Gents' Shoes!
New Line of Children’s Shoes.
■ ■'4
a will be tabto l*kc UJ BMMm V) etmpA th»
Jaly IT.—In tu
I»n«tr ocmpAny lOMtUe ter ewteis a If the eaai of dtoo.ooo U paid.
netdey Balfour.
BpMtellBpcomMBitem. PoUswiar
tka «OBM eoodl AMUnd Ua to Tory ladiraaav Be aye: ‘*1 am a
nATSKssonr. • ico«aoA)i.
to institau aar pro
«a«paBr*<>whlaafcrteltaA. Aaaoas a remit of the report of «
tkm Uka tut of today. «*a not axpaet- aay oae wbb paya toe ptoca."
Africa eemnuttee.
The Martiato of Patetorate bae mt a
ed, Uwerar. «Btn aaxt weak.
Dutof teat ai^t the poUoa ^aoad a kbte dtopatob to Madrid aboat toe
Uc*taaa road rdUar aeros the car kee- It to ceaerally belterad tUt tU earninye cf t
a. W. Hawm. BdUof maA IbaafOT. tnekateadterto tU maia Uaaa aad marqnte, aa weU ae toe cbM <ff poUee for tot month of June. lin.
- -------------wtSbrf^ii^OeMral
1M4U. a decrease as compared-wlth tbi
faardlaf the oMohlaa afmiaat aay
uirnninriTInc mmith of UM of W.7T1
TU UadUteara aad W^ter.
etocskholdata of tU ooapaay ealnly
Om MMk, Iff uU.
fried to acTM oa a bable of eetUoMet
of the froabte, the oae ooataatioe
iaradebtof tift.OOO wfateb tU bM»d- Somethtoy About OharieameaaatUlb
S^^to^to in cavity. Stadente
CmOOMCuna botden were eawfUlac to aaeaiae
Vew Boaton Store.
of aaMral history never tire of vrateT
teto the atookholdeta weald ooaaeat to
Whoa Cbaa Boseatoal yeta hto terye iay toll caormoui and htotorie baaeb
the appolataraat of a reoelTor. ITaaa- atoto of dry yoode, elothlay aad ^dad
while the pabllo ie oooepeUad to walk. rdd warae morad iaio toe aom Boatoe Vietabwte SU^y ArriTale at tU
aaMpttay tboae wU ride ia -U
SUN*, la bto el^aat -‘ytem bteek,” U
1U eoaaeU will adrertiae for bide tor wUIUtoebapplettmerabaat laTravTaoaa gold baatata wU waat to
City. TU aew etore. whea foUy
Mrii, F. M.'
Atedta from thii teeaU^
year, a^
1 and atoekad. wiU U a
Orlfftb. T. A. Cornwall.
Maaoar derate a aeaaoa to ktekiof
trinmph of ateyanee and buaiawe Jemm Dnen. aty; A Bee
tUuelTM. li»e reporta yeaterday
City: J. dtosra, b...
. mUard.
Maaal a altaaaoa tUt wfU oraate aaw
TU old-atere in tU WUtiay Modi Am: H. O. Bask E. C. Cook. Oraat: B
MlaBoac tboae aazioakto.yat rteh
vriU alow tomorrow to enable tU re- A Bari. Ueo. Cook. I- L. CoaneU, W<
laaUorttima iBuaaaaalyrtebaiteaa
loval of the stock Into tU new
kavebaea fouad aad£freat tertiuiaa
qaarteta. aad te a very few days toe T. A. Thorwa, P. O'firlaa. Jsa. 'Cora,
kavc baea ntade la laaa ibaa tbrra Vertaaea Bade la Lean Thaa Three doors of tU new eetabltohment iriU U Binybam: P. Kelintkte. Carp Lake;
MBtU Oae loeky maa w«t Iran
D. Shardy. Qarffeld: B Oarpeeter. Mrs.
thrown open to tU pablk.
XoBtoa by Zaaaperteaoad Klaai
V^ifaa aad BOW retaraa a aabob.
TU new Boseatoal block to eu of J. BedellS. Jas. Badellff. East B
KtehlfaB Xaa Btoaraa with V<
O Brteu. Dae'l O Briea, “
Traverw Oty’s. recant moanmeata te JoU
ly «ioo.ooa
Tax eonferraa who Ura Uaa dalibyUd business bosUe aad has added
itk C W. Fraser. F. Sbeffer. Han, «tlafBpoa the tariff hUlUwapena*
Port lowaeaU. Wach.. July 17.— mneb to tu enUtaattel aad mefropolFrad Laplow. Jm Luplow. A E
a littte aarprtea apoa tU pabUe by Bariy thto amralaya
Oreayrieb. Loay Iwka; Ooo.
itea appaaraaee of Front efreet. TU
yaetlcally eomiar to aa acTMawat 81. Mlehaale tor Baattte pawed up SmiidUj to eomposed ef brick aad
^oa aaariy all dtepatiad palata. It la toe Boand trito more thU adoa of aolld itoaa. with a fine pratsed-brtek fraat. aaforA J. J. Atkiae.'A Barnard. J.
Jemep. Oodan W. O. Oettoo, El Pam,
mom aaaarad that it arlU U bbt a tew you aboard.
forty feet te vridtb aad a diqrth of lU m.; Geo. W. Cbaia, Doa MiUm.
^ya before the aeaeare baeoM
toe wptaiah eaMa are three feek It to two etortes te ui^t, with Oraad Bapide; J.
'. Jm
eheaU end a terye wte wklto are Sited a terye. airy, in- nnd ooaveaieat base- Oonbara,
WiUtemsbury: A
It lor. toe aapaekiDy aad stormye of Enqotot, Old Mlmioe: A. Otto,>, SetTax appotetmeai of Jadga N. C with Bayyete. TU metal to worth
yoods. TU oompteu front above aad ton's B«i
Sarto aeaMtotaatatWroeyte tU De- aaariy fTOO.O» a»d moat of it
B«t; C a Alien. kalkaeU; J. D.
partmeat of Jnetooe at Waahlnftoa to taken oat of the yroand te AteaU te
na than three montU ten winter.
Me toat wQl meet with tU an>raTal
anioc Center. Def*^C
TU BBtteti raaye from toe riw of a
deeiya. It
ato of tu
•t Wehlcaa people. Jodya Barto to
taSki^J i. Geo. Widriy, Lm KenM able Jortot aad well kbowa la Trar- pea to toe atoe of a yalaea eyy, and of feet deep, with terye plate ytem dto- nrdy. Mebe!
arae City. He to one of tU owaen
bad ime than r.OOO aad obe or tU dtoptey wlndowi In front make the dty; A A Boyers. Michiyan City. In
Iwaa Polat raaort.__________
twe hare aura than •1100,000 te nay- ftawt and teireat dtoptey wladosv* of Jiton A flaondera. Baetinyv Mirix.
any store te smrtbarn Miehlyaa.
It toe teoyto and breadth
we noted where a Mbyte
The floor space of toe ntain floor
“Binyllny Day" to now
hat taken oat ta two aad a to SOOO eqnare feek tU bawmaat
Sat toa. Vow Boetoa Stare mu 1
aetheyrmndeat yate eVeat
half moatU tlM.OOO worth of yold.
same sod toe eeooad story 4760 sqi
Bare a riaa U^tey.
Frank Pbtooator of Baraba. Mich., feek TU apper floor to Uybted aad where Aayliay Bros, exhibit
TU Borion Store wUl eloae too doom wpat to Kicmydke test aatama aad to
made airy by tiro terye skyli^ite aad
- at toe old ,etoBd Mooday al^t. Jaly
»Wy maanfaetariny eoaoerae are
Uviay srltb toe tei^ sriadowe In frost
a bollday is order to eee toe biy
IPto. and wlU annbaaee toe data of worked two elMme vrito alae men for
back make a very terye and liybt wise
apeainy their new etore in the near fa- three BMMtos. He waa oae of
room. Tbe oeater of tU eeUlny be•are. Look ont for toe yraad opuiay. oriyiaal dtoeovemreeol toe BUoraado
twaea tU main floor and npper story
dtofrtet. _________________
there to an opealny which admiU liyhi
from above aad fnratohea s bandy
—of asoeat npetelra Tbe openTVUra to go to Bear Antt-Sa
iay IssnTTonnded by ao arnsMOtal
Sabjecta Pto cawed. ■
Aad Sometoliiy DeUtte May Be Boas and snUteattel ralliny. TU balo*.
• Ber. 3. F. Braat. State Saperlat^
wtth Tariff BIU Mo^y.
fradw of toe stairway are of flnely
Seat of toe Aatl-Learae of Laaafay.
carved oak. Half way np tU stairs to
Waihinytoa, Jaly 17.—The con
wfU apeak ia tU M. £. toarto 1040 on the tariff bUl Uve reached an ayreeterye tendlny with an estea—PAHTTER.
imporlaat Items of die- skw which tofltted ap for a coaveaO. A Wriyht of Delaware. Pbio, wlU ayreemeat oa tU tariff bill and Uve teat and terye offim and eaebter e
^cak la toe ;poDCrffatooaal toarto at notided toe deaMcratie members tUt drpartaieok which to reached by
they wobU be asked to meet with them toe carrier ^mem of basketa
Mam meetiay ia Steiabbryto opera on Monday morality. TU bonae vrlne
Tbe oountm end ehelviny Ulow aad
booee 340 p. m. addrawed by Meefra. In toe snyar eebedale. tU
above ere of fine oek bcanUfnily
Sraatand tVriybL
yteldiny to toe rate of one- flnitoedV There pvlll U eoonteta aUmy
a A Wrlybl will epeiOc in tU B^ clyfatb differential oa redoed eayar aad toe eidm aad toronyfa toe eaoter.
«tettoaito740p BL Caloo aerrlee.
onlyreeediny from tU .provtoloa for Toe mme arranyemeok practically, to
Bor. J. F. Braat wiU epeak la tU dtoeount on jayyery aad other low observed np slain.
BraafeUoal cbercb, Oto afreet. 7:30 p. yrade euprt. TU aeaate rate of i H
TU enUre lower floor will U demoted
m. OUzea* pleeae come oat.
oeate per pound on lead ore wae ayreed to elothlay. dry yoods. hate aad farntohlays.
side wai
to. The ramor has yained enrrent toat
the eonterrya Uve ayreed apon tU be set BSide for earpets, eloakt and
It was la tU mate oonBrmed boiieeforntoblnya Tbe east side the
Vantehed by the Bwpecoee abnrthw by admission ot toe eonferreea TUy entire lenyth will U toe shoe departrifiTarB or canisr (acaurner).
srouldnotwyto the press tost they
Tbe flntotainys aad fi.xturea will be of
SerriewareUldin K. O. T. M. hall had ayreed npon aU items of dlfferanee.
tat they admitted toat the oonferenev toe latest deelyna TUy are fnratobed
«t tO:W o'clock every Saaday.
by toe factory of .tU A. W. Walt Masao tar advanced that tUy b<^
Sabjeet—-Jmu toe Cbrtot Preaebed
Co. The b:>Uer aad coin
plete eystem for steam bcatiny are sap*
tmittee by Monday. •
Triday erenlny experleaoe meeUay.
plied by tbe Hannah * Uy Mercantile
Co. Tbe talMlny was erected br A
k Bpeetel Invitetloa te eatended to
The Pure
Fruit Juice
is wUt we flavor oar Soda Oyrapa vM
WedoaotMeatfMteatoerfoaattto. A
flve ceate. Everytotey strictly keaa aboel
Now for Business!
4tev.D.OBehUii. pit^ior.
UhiO a. m., addrew'by Bev. J. F
Braat of Lanslny. state nperlateBdeat
mt the Antl-mloon Lcayaa
Sanday-echool foUowiby.
There wUl be no Jonlor ametiny. Ut
toe Jnniora will meet with the older C
S. society et 7 o- m.
TU eveniny meetiny wOl beyln at Z
faatead of 7:30 p.m.. and wUl U in
toarye of the Y. I>. A C B.
Beporteof toe national & B. oooveatbmwUlUyiven.
Oanea to U Bombaroed if Sai
aea. Island of Orate. Jaly 17.—In
eqnence of tbe iocreatlpy tarbnlenee of tU Unmnlmans and toe elt incemant ootbreaU of disorder.
tUy woold bombard the town.
Wealthy Onbane Arrested for Aeetot-
Qaarterly meeUny.
Praaehtey at 10:30 a. m.
There will be no Sanday aebool or
Tooay People’s meettey. Ut at 7:30 p.
as. Bev. y. F. Braat of Lanriny, presl*
Awt ottoenate AaU-Baloea Leayne
frUepeto AUarelavtte^
■Otem mwtiay at 0:30 la tU parim
At 10:30 Bev. iton F. Brant. •'D. D.
a^winteadent of anti-aaloon leayne
warir In Miehlyaa. will addrem tU
weetiny. He to practically toe foondmr of thtoyrwt movemaat, to an aUe
apwker sad ao oae ehonld mtoe tU op^.BortoalV of baariny him.
Havana. July 17.—Havana to In tU
'yreateet stele of excitement that bae
existed here ^noe tU war 'U
Eiyhty.rich Spanish martaants and
taankera Uve been arreeted accoaed‘of
selliny metehaadtoe aad^-mediclnm to
toe Caban patriote. Amony them are:
Dion Antonia Qnemada, ex-emy^ of
toe city of Hyvaaa; Jose Sara, a mil
lionaire drayytot: Johnson, naother
wealthy drayytot nnd a prnfemor at
tbe university: Seaores Lpredo. Torral
>ae. Martena. Benito, Alverax. VUI.
averde, tU brotbera CUfro Bamoa
Aryaellea. president of tto Bei
-laUroad: Abert de Xlmrao, man
of the same railroad aad othem.
Beaor Aryoellea' eapitel to estimatod
at ei3.000.000. All toe other perions
arrested represmt toyetUr praUbly
over $30,000,000. It to said, toat tU
mtnot BaUway Syatom Tied ap B*: wealthy Spantob'banker. DonLneteno
eaaes of Local IMfBeolttea.
Bail, wU bu important retetomt with
. Saflaaw. Jaly 17.—TU a'traet rMl•fray eytoem «• eompletMy tied ap toIt i« toid by tu Critads of tU nrreettaj waramltoftoeaeveral mrafU’
Byhi Utweea tbeoityaad tU Uaioa 1 men tout toe whole basinms to
bteekmaQ and toat tU eUaf c< poltee
t BaOway Oo.. —------ •Mtaffy In • deetoten by toe eapswxb SsMT L
rbtoftoe tUylprtoonem IhatAbey wfU U reieaeed
WHUtlHG IN sminw.
Adeley. When completed toe whole
will form one of the most cenvenienk
roomy, and modero aloree In tola seeUon of tu etete Mr. Boeenthal may
be joatly proud of bto new store buHdiay. which will neat about fllAOOO, includlny buUdiny and flxturea.
The electric wirlny is belny done by
tbe Hoardman Biver Co. There will be
IfiO toeaiidenraal aad'elybt t.00(MaadIe
power ere lamps.
Corner of Unlon^ and Bay Streets
near M A N. R. depot, wtabm to
noBDeetotbepablkrthst he has reflt«d and fnrntobed tbe Hotel Panybora
Utter than it ever bm been before and
can aocomodato the fraveliny public in
la yood shapa
John May fora
frith toe Hotel WbUiny will have
ebarye of tbe cffice and attend to toe
wanu of tbe yneeu. Sattofaetkm ynarantoed.
T»e Eyek Cepran. Them' rmm the
BHtlub Amawer Bawr.
London, JiHr 17.—Edward H. Ten _____________Bsj •*- scar If. a M. X- Depot.
Ercfc of WorrvWrr.'Meea. 30 yran old.
yeslerda)' detested tbe best eiastrar
oemnen of Greet Brllsln end won the
dlsmosd eralle . the meet bichlr coveted
trophr tn the ylft of the wwn. In the
mornlnx Ten Brek defeated A H. HowcU In the seml.fltisl: In tbe afirraoce he
beat H. T. Bleckeiaffe In the flael beak
la tbe eeoc«d of tbe eend-Aael bmu In
tbe momlnx RlacksttSr defeated Dr.
W. P. McDoweU. -it Chtcayo.
pernie race I
Ten Eyck U tbe flrat d
•taffe finished Ten Eyck rowed op to
bim and tobok him by the band. While
there wsf aoine applaosc toe vtctory was
iberc te doubt in toe minds of tbe popu
lace as to Ten Eyck^jelnx a ycnulne am
Is tl
lenxe cup New
the Leander club by two feek This was
the evrel of the race to the Bnfltebmcn.
At tu finish tbe two boaU were so clam
that the rtMit was not knoww by tbe
■pectalore until toe jndyei
Leander was three-quarter* of a
lenyth ahaad at tu Istomten Lawn.
Then toe New CoUeye crew faeyan a
etrnyyle such-as bM been seMom par
alleled at Henley. Into by into they dlBteltoed toe dtetaner betwem them xnF
tbe rival boat, then passed It, tom Ml
btolnd ayate. Leander conteetiay UOy.
new teadlny end now-TidlowIny mrtO tU
ttec was frmmd te recurAbrmktey
Fruit Jars.™*"'"'
Canning Season.
2 Quart—65c. doz. 1 Quart—55c. dot
OM them Ulote eeaeon to ovtt.
To Old Soldtera.
1 sriU be te Traveme City, at toe Ho.
tel Wbltlay. Tbaraday. Jaly S3. All old
aoldlers Uviay peoeion mattom to adcaa hi
Uve aa tetervlew with me at
will SeU Today:
BHi.Port.1lMl, Himi,
Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
July 21st.
MAiotOTn avp otaonAL
Oncle Toi’s Cabin Go.
Pnssid Cootid Han,
TBIAraoifS 1«L
al ns toe Dec
DeeteraUom of
Has Your
See TIi6
Monster Parade at Noon.
Prices-2S. 3S ud SOc.
Puw Powdered Spicee,
Pure Cream Tarter,
■aketkapoeeCefernm. Xebter smeMny.
XaWwvTabUig.aUeteefcirat^BoUJee <yaaracueC lor iwe ymre.) roastate nyrlayee.
t Basel imtea far tto
be without
Fire Insnrance
On your Dwelling,
Btore.Factory or Stock,
carry a certain amount
at all tones. .
For Rates and any other imformatioo. consult.
E. W. Hastings'
At Our
Soda Fountain
Cotnmencirg oa Monday
oraing, July 12, 1897. I
sell tickets to and from
pBoxpT. oorBTxocs arrofTtoM.
all points on Carp Lake for
for the round trip.
Phone 73. Johnton Block.
Lady WatU can b6 chartered
at all times for Fishing or
Picnic parties at very reason*abie rates. There is nothing
Ftfh StiMt, Mwm Trent ft Can, more delightful than a trip
Carp Lake, these warm
Ssdmon, Bass and
Rate*. $1.50 per Day.
Pickeral fishing bMt In
■ul Tickets at Redmd Rates. Michigan.
James M. Watts.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traveme City
Lumber Company. We have <for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
Will give oile more per descriptions, induding 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
Saws. A complete S^w Mill Plant for sale.
formance by request which"
will indade an entire change
of program.
Livenr, Bus and Feed Stable...
Feeding humeze botsefl a epeeUl^. Homea boezded,
State St. wmt of
Pioneer Uvenr Btabte
- StriMns MiiMn Tik. >RM« Re
gardiMS of Fom.
W*Hi-1b«1bw ttAko MsMb.
•l Laoib. Juir
«pMd*i to ‘nw
,«nwbUc from Pmim. llto.. wyii The
aiam here were noU&ed Tbundey
tdtht that (be mtsera u Hovetoaoe.
CosrteeD mile* north, had been offered a
lane increaae la wa«^. A eonuBinee
WB8 aeot tbere yeetmar to eoDter
trllb them in aa eadearor to ot (hero
out, but the committee set with' no
Aa a remilt last
mgbt at T:W o'cleck some M« men here
boarded an lUtnolBCeetral tralgbltraia.
rcfualng to be pul off. and went to
hfowcaqua. where they camped last
against tbe large numbera. and aubnffted to tbe men’s demand for tree
Itomege. Word was received here last
Wit that tbe men at HUlaboro would
•Ddeavor to go to work In the eBomlng
against the request and demands of 2M
Blnera frum Ldtchfleld and OiUemle.
and that the sheriff was ewNring In
ffepuUes to protect tbe OMp who wlabad
U the Weet Tlrgtale W%M.
Plttsburs, Jnly 17.—It was toamed
last Bigtat that the programme of tbe
miaera’ offioUls to .to briag cut all the
men poaffble in the West TlrglnU fleld
and then tartng all the orgahtsera to
Pittsburg. It Is expected that tbe terms
will be made here, sa the district to
looked npou as the moat interesting
point,after West Virglnls bsa been dis
posed of. Tbe mlDers' hopes ax« high,
and they arc confident that there wUl
■ a good story to Ull from West Vlrgfnla Monday morulng. The lukewanntkese of National Preaident Ratefaford.
and tbe bellttUng attitude of District
President Dolan, bes put somewhat of a
■jrtnKy plan.
> that not-
power to farther the c
Oeneial UtUe and De Araiitt left Isst
nlng at 8 o'clock tor Pbilade
Philadelphia io
. .. suit with omciaU of jthe W
land.- Peon. Keystone and other coal
- t the line of the Penn.
sylvala railroad with the end In view of
both mlMrauie «
pMrtad to bt the tanlm polot.
Cterinbgiv. W. Vb.. Julr IT.-ttM
ef Celtece reMl* M ~gnine* ar* «1I ««rUnc b«re. uid out*
Chkaca July n.-For thi
trardly •rarthlOK to ronnlor KBootblr.
but Urn* to an UBdormiroBt of oiuoto- In two nKmtha a Jury in
court bar found Charlea
_____ __
taction amonc the mtaera, .
e«.lreaturer of the OnlT»r»lty^i^ImM doubt that today will aelUt whether noto. not (uilty of embeeaUnc the en
a atrike will be declared or' not. Deleca dowment bond* of tbe iiutttuUon. TceUona
OB8 «t
of BmlseiB
will attend the
terday. ai before, the ffncle word 1nI UoDOtunh, where Batchfotd
- It- aa-ired- Rpaldlng.
Tbe -Inetmetlana
Deb8 will speah. andd tthere to a •
to tbe jury by tbe court were that nnlem
It was sure that Spatdtny Ictended to
it must aeunlt him.
tinse to arrive here, and all are ciren T The Jurtw aald after tbe wdlct Ibat
work, and operator* arc loading all tbe erhlle tbere was no doubt that 8pa!dtng
cal to being embeaaled.
sntbesxlod. tbere war a doubt wbetbetl
mended to embextle and nothbic could
dooe but acquit Eight ballou
1 live fer soquiuaL Tbere i
• Quay with Werh
. Ho will be tried again.
Toronto. Ont., July 17,-^Tbe Bpwqrtb
lAagocrs have kepi on coming for two
daya till jw* they mbstcr over tO.OOt
atroag and carry everything In front of
them. Meetings (bey have In profuricn.
I. knowing that.
•peaken from "areetand’s icy paid him Ires than they did other workntalns” and from Indian mlsslOB luen, bat be was eattofled. The unlreta.
fields, all full of eariHatnem Tetlrrday however, objected, and be lOA hto place.
d DO ten than tox. Tbto made him deapondent and salride
teen and as tbere were anywhere
a doaen tpeakets. wbo were limited to
five minutes, at each meeting. It was Impoeelble for any one delegate to Imbibe
Herr Aadree began hto balkxm voy
.^ore than a cenaln part of all the good age Id search of the north pole last
Sunday, starting tram BttKabergea.
book in hand they rushed
Dr. Bngene Kean waa -strarii and In
from meeting to mdetlng, only stopping stantly killed by a Cbleago and Northshow their appreelaUoii of eloquence westem train at the Orove street crassIn Evanston. Ills. Dr. Kean was •
The music bT
to perhaps tbe most pleas
7t years old.
ing festure of tbe conventiou. Choirs of
W. A. Kuect{enberg.^f Ittnean. BTs..
IM td too voices are at each meeting, and baa eetnmenceO an action'against the
as the good 'eld bymns are sung and a
. Milwaukee and BL Paul RaUroad company to recover tlO.000 dam
cborusea and .
ages for Injuries alleged to have bmi
topics under dlKumlca yesterday were caused by reason of bto baring bis leg
spiritual. lUeraly and aoclal work, U___ #■ ■■■ . e-Alae.*
flnscce. merry and help oorresponder-ee. broken white* alighting from a freight
The junior league and misrionsry coe(erences were also held. Last night’s
Two dynamite bmnha « e exploded
meeting was given np t<^ mtoslonary addiessca the tofc being -Tbe World for of that nsme to New CasUe. Boaln.
Oirlst.Beveral persona were IdUed and otbrra
seriously Injured.
Twenty-five men working In (be ar
mor i^e plant of the Bethlehem steri
rmm Is -Oat.*
works baee been IsM off. This action to
-Wichita, Kan.. July l7.-ln tbe pro- said to be due to (he action o( tbe
bdU cutart the case of the Jarris- United BUtes senate fixing tbe price of
ConkUng Mortgage company vs. Mary armor plate at 8300.
Tbe Mason * Mason company, man
E. Lease, serial proceedings In sU of
ufacturers of bicycles at Chicago, has
execution, was called and after ela made an assignment. The llabllltlea
borate argomenta. Judge Haymaker are plac
placed at MQ.000 and tbe asseta at
dismissed tbe proceedings for want of fTLOOii
jurisdiction. Mrs. Lease did not appear
In court, being repnAented by an attor-
Thi OdBtoiitd SpMliliiU,
Hotel Whiting
Txvnr— City, Xioh.
OonsoltBtlon BSd SxajninBtio& Free and Strictly
Btoddw. ■MTV ■umieb saC XeewnadtocMm.Cbera rtl!Viws Dsoeei,
To Young, Middle ^ed and Old Men
s. Tape Wora sn<
ars• BBsbl
BBstateteesU. ess vriu (all Bsntrulsis of tbair CM and have medlelse
fvUI______ •a ko« le be Ukss.
■B qf Dn. B.. a. A Oo-, V_____
take BO ...............If ros •■ploy
They see reepeasible
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
“I Al Gaining Fast.”
TbfloU to bit idenee end ikl.
Bay View Katea.
TiekeU will be sold via tbe Grand
Bi^ ±_lad^
Bay Vl^
return Jnly 12 to 22. good retvnIng nnlU August tl, at one fare for
reund trip (rpm all Michigan polnta
Send (or mnstretad dreeriptive matter
C. L. Loci
O. P. *,T. A..
Grud Bsplda. Mich.
3408 Frames
A pontiTe Bod pemunont clue
anflored in nU cBBCfl accepted. Now
ifl tbe tune to oooiBence treatmeBb
Suits to Order.
»3BO. -w. aaA-ww.
Ever Burned Ont ?
Cheap Suits
TEA-16,25,'35, 50c. ITui
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots S'l.CriLS
10 Per Cent. Off
Haved Moved
Free Consultation
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Worth Looking Up
----- ---- -
.ZC ii.
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 Front St.
* He w*U be her©
6 mn oftee takes tor K<
« or Ugstuiv. Cotne sa« br
Great Cut in Bicycles
. --,
V«ds«ii7 BBd Thundtj.
7nl7 31 ud 2S. 1897. All wbo *re now antler Dr.
Donald’s treatzuent exrjgifli
Tire D8^ Only bob Voatb-
hdd that th*re Binfftlnff Broa. OtmU a i
- If ao you know
Should be a return on execution against
tbe value of
Let na make some for yon.
whb the Lockhart Xlepbanto.
Mra. Lease and her husband, showing
that It hai been Impossible to collect
Tbe anneraneemefii that Loekban's
amons comedy elegants have been se H. B. HOLLXT. Mgr.
O. P. OABVXR. Aaent.
tm Pranl^i.
cured by the noted BinEllnE Bros, for
pletnenury proceedlags could be re
. .
i arbitratlou sorted ta Borne weeks ago a mortgage (heir World’s graatesi shows this sea
baa created a aensallon thronybout
board except B. Frank Sebmidt. of In held by the Conklin company on the son
diana. are no«- out of tbe city. Edward Lease home property was foreclosed, tbe United Sutca:' Tbe Lockhart comRldgely and Hot*» C^f are In Cht,- and when the case was brought Into Hiy elephanu are unleeraallr acknowl*
edged to be the meet marvellously
oago. and L. P. McCormark at Imllanfought collection of tr^ned
• - animal
• actors in tbe ----M. Jn
apoUs. for tbr purposeof interesUng oi>Ura Lease la out oof the' Enro«. where tbey have recently b
eratorc of these states In the proi>osldelighting vast contlDeotal^andlent
<tian for a settlement of tbe Mrike. Tbey
they created a veritable furore and p*y to look at the elegant line. B. E. Gibbs, in Ellis bicycle shop. 311 Front SL
aerators of tbe five autes In Pittsburg Teesg Ullasls Womaa Patally Bert aaS excited more widesptwad interest tbao
KIMBALL PIANOS-Soid at makerto price.
arenlc (eat
next Monday or Tuesday, wbeo tbe
■ajar Qairaid lajerad.'
IMS jobber's profits. Easy paymenU. W. W.
licaMe BctEimball Co . Chid
N. E. Btreug. Mgr. Trar. City Branch Store.
_ Si I’eterbnrg. Theae'
Ouray. Colo.. July K.—Iiy an accideBt __ _
CO tbe toll road late yesterday after pbsnt comedians distinctly depart from
noon Miss Myrtle Bhsw. of Plttaflcld, me old iaaiUiar order of elephant perIlls., was fatstly Injured and several formanqes. Tbry are not simply
A- Montagne, 127 Front 8L
■■trained animals-: they am reriubie
others, til membvs of.ibe T. M. C A. animal
actors, dtoplBvin
dtoplaying sa much good
amo.'.g tthem ____ and Judgment, aa great an appremui u aiu
1. July IT.—A staff eorr«- eaevrsiou. iiumuiiry hurt,
Major B. W. Halford, private seema-y elation of the humor of their-several
(o ex-Prealdenl Harrison during bti ralcaudaa sincere a deatoe to pies e
Front and I'ark Su.
term of office. •Just below Bear Creek and entertain the public as any pv;coal Adds tbto week and teporta a de Palls tbe horses
a first clam loaf Brsad-thr
ferable condition, the miners a'joady which Mlw Shaw wasriding w.tb Maj.^r (•rmer «n the grrai exblWtlon. Their
our Cream Bread.
It to
work U dlsUnetiy
praetlcally facing Mam-ailao. Thebl.ek Halford. O. Kloehart. Dr. BlliotL all
Thnrtril A Oane, cor. 7ifa and Union.
of the stereotyped
ley peveeut
coal miners of Clay county, 2.BOO in of Denver: Mr. Campbell, of Wheelitjg,
constant mpetotlon baa (ackt 'that
that 00
I W. Va.. and Mn. Khurt, of P.ietdo, be. miHsHxed with
Bumber, are all out. and
the pnWle. but give a
lb th<
Look them over.
has been opened at Brasil to feed tben. came ftigbtened and nvenumsd'the
that ■ at
At Fontanel. Ind.. In the bitumliftius carriage with the result sbo»'c sUled.
_a unique.
>ndlMon exlsta These Miss Shaw was injured about the head tronpe of elenbanta. each attired in
and died In the bosplUI here shortly o»ume beBulng
Star Groeery. 245 Front Sl
) wjrk
ting tbe
the character it porpoi
.the iraye, preventing a complete comedy.
serl .us
The euteraent aeems beyoud belief.
and yet It is alaolaiely true. PerbapSossnaa Itos Hall PlelA
f^rago.July I7.—Lesgueclubs yester' tbe meat amnsing comedy prtaenud
'Bgtat thousand Indiana miners are on day reported the following
by these 4
•trike, about SO per cent, cf tbe total scores: At Pt. Louis—Phili
■hiUdriphia 8, tnjing tbe arrest, trial, conviction and
number, The mines In the vicinity of -81. Louie W: st Plttsbuiirg—lioat.in 4. inearcerai ion of an elephant for intoiir store, also lee cream (or the
EvansvUle are the only ones that are
-naltlmorr I. cation. The spectacle of the clown
family uade. delivered at realdence free, fee en
being worked and tbe aperatom there
oephant. rolling from side to tide, apeodA MeLeUaDAAab.cer. Frout and Park, and rear. Masoole Block.
are jubilant. Informutloa comes f.om Loutst-llle »: (second game) Ne
par nt y la tbe last stage* of a drunken
Parke county that the men ssc be Un 7. Lsmlsville *.
spree, is ludicrous in tbr extreme. In
iting to gruw restless In that vicinity.
Western League: Al Ksriai City— th<- mid-i '.r hto revelry the poUceman
At Pontanet tbe miners, wh.lr UVr IndtortapoUs 17. Kansas City Ir at Mln- arrives, armed cap-a-pie with a hnge
adjoining McNamara’s shoe store.
1 aork. we'e foretd
ofBiial be'met and jauntily twirling a
I neapclls—Deui.|t 7. Mlrcsp. Us 4:
cents. 4-ceiits ‘below the recurnlMl s-a e Paul—Columbus II. 8l Paul 7:
Mll- clu’i in hi-trunk /The offending elc
of tbe state. Cove.nor Mount spent a wsukee—Oraid
•id nspids t, Milwaukee I. phs t auempu K> escape but .the pogood deal of tbe time yesterday eoWerirrn Arscclstlon; At Cct'gr Uap'ds lie man to too qniek for him. 'The of
‘savorirjc to complete the orgtnUation Des H'jlttss^. Ctdar Rapids 10; a( P
fer der is seised by the ear. mar«b<-d
Of a committee \>r dtltetis to go to the ona—Hurilngton I.PenrlRlPalDubuq
ay to the magisuate’i office, eolemn
mining dlsuirt'snd Inquire into'the —et. Jcsei.h 10. Dubuque <: at Rockf.
tried and aenteneed ^-an
Friedrich Block.
oondfUon of
ng men. Tbe --^ulncT 6. Rocfch.rd 8.
iudge sUti^ In
- hto jodlelta^di^iiy^npJudicial dl
on I
ilry t
rled awa:,, -------------------, ---------your bicycle to him and get the
10 show to the
Tern., Jely 17.—At the suffer durance in tbe ctophant Jail,
•in oiled, cleaned and the wheel adjusted
need of help. aflercocn se.>sIon of tbe Baptist Toung addition to the several comedies pre
(or 25c. Holdawortb Block. Union sbeeW
•kirg I People’f Union a flfleen-mtnute pratoe sented by tbe Lockhart elephant
liKIgaUun of the number
service was conducted, after wlrich Rev. etUasa. these vrouderful animal t
ting and Road boraea a epedays (hat tbe miners in the bicwk coal Prank Wtklns. D. D., condoned
a dance, march, perform tbe most
olalty. Third door west of Morgana Uvery
Livery Barn.
district of Indians bare worked thepaat -salutstlcn of the fiags." one of
lit at * ----------- ----------------------six roenlha. Ifi thot time then, are ISO bright festUTea of tbe cmvenllon.
yera. play
—---------- -------------------working daya In one mine wber.|pfna. spoDses for the different states i
aresent eompitte pastomlnea. and bee employed the miners gver- made. The evening oeosKui of tbccoBTen. toaT Bomherleas
mberleas < --------.
--------------- '
aged 8t days woik out of the ISO.-' inZn^ tlon was opened by a'rnng oervlee under their' marvelonsl
intelliBSiy ed«
other *S out of the ISO. In oner pick
pick' the direction of
_ they
. can
e give an en
■ but « dayo for banners for the merrd llteratoro.
tire performauee. three wonderful ele
________ dale; prices the same at 114 fiaet Front 8L A. 8. Fryman.
h miner, and In another but D.
quests, mtostosary and Bible readers phant actors coestitute only d
the enUre block coal dUtrict Including courses were presented to tbe auics <d hundreds of superb leatoras only
Clay. Owen imd port of Parke eountlea. MlnpeonU. Indlaxa and pennsylei '
with BlngUng
Broa bmoua exhl
- .
Ftaber aays tbe miners have not had
Medicines or ToDet articlea, O. A. Johnaoa A Oo.
> WUl Ham Her Fsto.
n overage of over 40 daya work la
-to Tra•Milwaukee. July 17.-The Bute Agri Tnewtey. Anguet 9rd.
the past slg moutha.
cultural society win bold Its fair ai
Blngiing Brothers’ .
•usual tolls year In Milwaukee from SepL ment Ibis aaeson to the moat gorgeow
' 20 to a. naltvlthstsntMrg (be btOlef that spectacular entry ever aecB with a dicenaln leglstatlon passed at Madison «ua In this maffnlfleant di^ilay more
last year would affect tbto mris fair.
FaJrmom. W. Va.. July 17.—Ttoeevents Officers are preparing a premluni llrt than a iboumnn people, buodreds of
beantUnlly capitriMned boraea. acorca
pg Tboraday night and. yesterday ffiow containing m.OOO Id awards In addi of ancient Boman chariots and hnge,
•1 drug nia^tat door east of poeloflee.
^ falnlr that it U tbe Intentioe of the tion to this CO.OOO srill be bung up (or golden tableaux, and 25 alepbanU are
miners of this regtim to come out and speeding ctmtosta.___________
ntUtoed. and tbe eccae is a fairy spect
the Urns of the action to suppoaed to bo
PsstS ofa Plosssr WImomIs Won
acle of oriental aplcndor. .
today . when Dc4ia, Sovereign. Batch'
Loekharfa comedy elephanls are preMilwaukee. July 17.-Mrs Bllsabeth
ford and Oompen are billed here for WaHter. widow of the Hon. Isaac P aentedaa a special feature of tbe fam"
Bras, thie season, and
•n addreaa. It 1s the oplnloo that If the Walker, one of tbe first United Btatea
th^b^tS^me a qompUto a^Mt^
men can be got out to tbe meeting they
wHl not go back to work In tbe mines. at tbe Bon>e xa her dsagbter
Tbs geneiol impremloe seems to be that Mnia, at an advanced age. Her death
resOKod from
gueePew«fc»4uasrssd ■iign,
Toronto. July 17.--An American Bag
d pototlvely total the OT>onnon
In booor of the
a will come ouL and from a moou flying at tbe city
rid ^ Momgab ThUiday nlgkt Ttattlng driagatoi to tbe Bpwortb . tbe Bbow tram .___
ad by ceo or two agitatom tt loague emvanUan wds ton down by sharpmeofali kiadA and a
icTCcafdrimrttvw to
--------Q was at ooco
the entire ssMoa .^ praM the
Tbe Specialist.
Office Parlors at
Hotel Whiting,
From nuEdu, Jily ISO.
Dr. McDoofitd locatee and de
scribee tbe moet obeenre diseteeB
jaiit as soon as he sees the patient
withoot askiogany queetiona,4ookins at tbe tougne or feeling tbe
ptHse. He tells at onoe iost what
the trouble is and wbat Uie canee.
He pota his fin^r directly apon
any ache, paia or disagiWble
‘ling, jfivea
juvea a full history bf the
case from b^nnioK to end, moeh
better than the patients can ihemeelves.
1 he reason why bo many. peo|d#
doctor so moch and bo long and
are not cured, is beoanse their case
is not properly snderatood. A conenltatioo iritb him 4 worth evetything, as the patientt are
are' shown
precisely what the trouble is, and
are told what the v mnet do m or
der to get weltr Ke person should
think of doctoring any farther nr
of taking any more mracine until
th^ have consulted Dr. McDmiald.
Htt knowledge and tbe advioe
he givee 4 certain to save endleee
mistakes, trouble, expense and snffering. No matter wbat your cmdition, bow long yoo have been
flick, nor bow many doctors yon
Uve tried, no matter what yonr
uonb4 may be, there is hope. A
perfect knowledge of diseaae is
power and one half its core. It ia
yonr life that is at stake; y-on must
either get well or suffer. No mat-
ed yofi sway aa ioeaimble, bo oMt.
ter wbat anybody sayiL lotA your
neede Bqoarely in tba,aoe; go now .
-^to-dAv—to thifl most' eminent
•peciklut Seeore « ooirect but«7 of yonr om and a foil ttoteraent as to what c«n be dene for
yon. Thifi he givea tree of ezpenee
to all bfittMt Beekeffl after bedth.
from 9«t «. m.. to
UfbM te e faitt iftiawith ten
pUirt Mid save kla m
> • tm> of U0W7 tet ke fngol te
! te»f«w ke bad ran and w«it JoyfftUy
■aa i-DenmorlBf. til PriutAi.
Bare yoB triad oar
Xlivi-oklUnBaUa aad UMoaiilha lA- fcAna. tewa) weekieli^Md. TkcdaiM
abe waa not ao estlrelr.
’■U I bad a third balaata.'* aatd abe,
*‘l am well ooDTiaoed tet I aboald ba
oat danger."
BBAoTbiMbol E*eeoload> ul»|itt7
Bbe tee arat for the preaant, wbb at
Oa i^«avw«iiSerli4ind tom raoA- antwaaonwillingtocoaf. Inattgated.
bowerer, by ac»je evil aptrii, be at
length yielded to te estreailea of te
' Bttdao. bwbol sntvr rtl*. M. «dl U
The Hecogiilzeil iMlws
to S aod iOe-CIgara
.are my'
Ah. tat cut m; «iJ.U bed no »W M wall ta
"Hen I am, nMaiam." aaid be an eooa Mtfth. aod that
Bat the wara>t>i
Wbat dp yoo want with me? 1
'■ lHraK/lbtT'>t«««tl Batacshataol
—Kura fluptKT la K*w Turk Tribaaa.
hope that yoo do not re^nire me to pra
third time for tebalaam. Hearaa keep
aw from doing ao. I bad a great deal of
difBcalty to get back aafe and atrand
from my laat iooroey. 1 tremble yet
I is deli- when 1 think of tt,”
Tke HiMcu
ciou berbt. from « kick tb« moat eOoaThe lady ten eonjnred bim In te
dou kalmi have ten at air tin»cf«Dade. moat pre^ng manner again to brave
Tba iohabiiauu at te TiUas« o( the dangeia which taitberto bad oasaed
£ramubntal flill te eteacta made bim bat a pareing lemr. gbe promired
with tbeae airopleK. usd thiawmappear Um great riebaa and offered him a magle« aupnaiDi: tvLui U ia knoara that Blfloent farm. In abort, abe eo camtbOM intaebiiaiHa are in —- ■*------pUtely daailcd te raah peaunt that be
from tbc nsdnDta of Pragne of te ta' ilabooldooat bim hia
Biooi ackool ot PuteU^ who were life, to go for the laat time to poll a
axpellod dnnsp te war of the HnreiteB, balaam in the euebamed garden.
and wborwitbootdrabt. were Id poiaee“U I come back ftmn it," tboaght
doo of nsninal boUnieal aucrett. the to bUnaelt <*1 aball be
e rich, and I m
_________ of whicb ia at te preaent
It paaa te mat of my daya in ioy and
diV hagteoied. Bat among te barbel aboc
^rhnhteUiewugeUrge|mdaeaaltOtw| He re-entered Ua bonae maWag teae
----------------------- ,a Bia. GLORIOOS PAWiyfr
which baa bKome eeleinted beyond all' refieeciaoa. Nevarteleaa, be did not
te Utentsre of fable. It ia calM te again dan to toderuke tbtptgilooa
yellow balaam and growa only in a
‘‘J(y dear- boy,” be'iaid to te cldeat
kUebeo garden, of whicb Babenhl baa
swerri'd for hiuiarlf te excloaire en of biaehildreu, "I-moat go totecbapel
joyment. A manTlcna power it attrlb- which ia at te aammit of tbe moontaln.
•tad to tbia herb. Tbemomdarabie and Ton will aocompany
They aet off together. The more they
te moat inveteraW tnaladiea do not re-,
riat ih It ariroa eren to noariah te advan^ te more tbe deffka became
mind, and Robetabl permim only a narrow and te monntaioa barren.
amall number at faia faeoaiwa to guber Wben tey arrived on tbo bahta of a
lakevrh^ apread ealmly and darkly
^twp ineripitooi rocks, te fa
Onto open a time a lady of diatinotion wbo treidid at Ldegnita fell dan- ter fell inch a peofonud revtrie. There
raometbing in bisaiKinlet looks ao
gaooaly ill. Fearing for ber life, te
aent for a pi-auot of te moootalBA Btiangu that hia son involnntarily trem
‘ and promiaed him a large reward if bled.
'What ia te matter with yoo, tabe woold bring her a yellow '
’• garden Seduced
by tber?” te asked.
te temptation of gain, te peamnt ren- . Tbefatberremainedrileot. Tbeycon.tnred to nsdertake the adTentote. When tinned to climb te rides at te moanbe bad reached te Wild and deaert place tain. and when they were near tbe gar
la which tbc garden it aitnatod, be pet- den te father aaid:
'EtU aplrita have misled me from
eeiredte woodcrfnl plant and, arising
a apade. he pn-pgred. to dig it np. bat my etrlieat yooth. and ten fore 1 bate
while be wai triuching tihe cnrtfa a fo- always aapdred to tbe poeecuion of great
liooa wind raddenly anaa and a voice rldiea. I bare never bad te f.ar of
like tbnndrr aoooded in bie ear* worda Qod. I bare nerer had pity for men. I.
which be did not eamprebend. He loae bare led a w ild and irregolar life, not
up qrice frightened and advanced to
-hieb ia te duty of
ward te place whence te nedae pro---- WILI. EXHIBIT, HAIN OR SHIHB---called by nun. for 1 -man
oaeded. Scarcely wu be able-wreriat
te wind and keep blmarif npright rob the lord at te mountain of te
;llowbaiaamaDdlbrelotdaftemunnPreaanUy on tbe ndge of a rock te aaw
liowiU destroy me.”
te moTenwat at a gigonHc apparition.
Tbe ton began to weep. "Fatber."
Tbe pbastom bod te haman form; bio
long beard bong down to hia breaat; a be esrlaimed. ' 'renoonce yoor project
tbe boose Ood ia meccifnl. "
Urge, bookid now gave bim a drfonned
Wild, however, with deapair, te
ri^e; bii menariug eyes reemed W
dan ligbtninga. and hia toefca and hia father bad aiieuiy aeised tbc epade and
cloak fluattd in te aiudof tetempaat. •et to work. In an l&atani all te ele BsMrvfid 8»ats and Admiasiona Show Day Witkont Extra
ments appeared to be ««xifoa||ded to
- Charge at X^oktofBoo Hews Stand
In one of bU baudr
gether. tbe winds were nnohained, te
clsh, felt of knota.
•■What are yem abool tercf” cried cicada bnnt. te brooks were' changed
Votlee to Wator Oonaomata.
tbii auprraatsral being to te poaaant into impetauea tenvuta, groans iaaned
Tbi' pe«““*- eouijn>-rittg like a brave from all tbe plants ia tbe gerden. Tbe !
The M of water for eprinUlng nord and from its crat de- j In Ite Bnreian village TJalora there poaea ia. by oar rulea. oonSaed to tbe
man te alum abi:-b at Stat aeiaed
of S a. at and e a aa. alto » p.
bim, aniwered: '‘I aeek te yelia^Mm. and « p. m.
Mm. A Bkk woman baa promlaePto
All places where water b. (eand-rnapay ma well for it”
to tbli rale will be shot
"That which yon bold yoa may take peasant and^mled^bi^ te aU^ |
I given te
onurmuu. .u.o .r.. uvbo
. ofl-e*rept where a epecial persall haa
away.” replied tbe giant, "but take
raina Tbe sod beard te • ^ree of U,. D. by MaKcndree tmi- been gtaated.
good oore not to come a eeoond time.'’ him with iu
eighth ta-tf
a. D CaBremu.A^K».
.At teae worda be brandiabad hU dab
became weaker. For a lo^ time be re„n tnowe
H your grocer does not keep A. L.
, •
Iw. MrrrauUI* Co; Block.
IPWEDD^ A OKOaa. AuorvrrI. CLir 0|vro HOKM Uoek.
uutid preopUrto oU aayer Bight
roU* Sporlol oitreiiee ^t«B u> oUwwics
BBC cfeiidivo'k diwooM. ateto iLriutri Wfea
DIAMOND I Cycle Owners Look Here!
Tobacco f.Sfiss’XSs.. .'MSrws
____________ _________
' Bniiur «-
• A. W. JAHRAU8, •
pusam m soisomoos
r4hHl»ck. Phereta
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
GfiOGERIES; 6nciBtplis&teiUiul.l
«4J, ________
as* rto Baeactly
t SB ......; OBgioBv
B ll«0'Sri'auae<
** «]* C^CBge..
West Michigan
:: fSSeESf
41n Union SL Telephone ».
Aod ererythiog in the line
monaUtmMd the lady tboogbt berrelf' *be tky clearing np. be nee and, tboriMKiT when ate rew teaaeU In poaare- | «»gbly frightened, aongbt the chapel in be preparing in Ban Francisco for enoter trip towanl te nortb.
rico of tbe remedy wbidwaa to aborten I
» rewenmend blmrelf to Qod.
Paris baa a new Bonapartiat cUb
ter-anfleringa. Her illiwaa in fact di- I
**»“«*» •**.*"?**
called te Petit Cbatrea, of which Marmlnbted at te right Kerertheleaa. te
did not obuin a complete core. 8be [ wbo had appe^ to to almori entirely | *al Sey’a grcat-grandacn, te Prince
I recovered, mddenly died:->New Yak de U Moekowa U peerident.
^ain aent for the peamnt..
"Have you again te eoonqre.” aaid
Mra McBUnley, U la said, looks fc«te to him. "to go and seek for me tbe
ward with gennine pleaeore to a «
flw CvtoBOUv-v atrew Jmyellow halretu?"
Sir Samuel Baker, in bU ••'Wild m
!«*««*«»» bat ^ter
"Madam,” auiwmd te peasabL Beerta.”
tet te power of te jaws »cold mid liking it tbe better te bot"te lord of tbe monnuln appeared .to of tbe crocodile is terrific. Once be bad ter it ia
me te first time In a terrible ahape and te mrial of a large book, tbe tbicknem | Prince Lnlgl
Seroy, wbo bm aUrtforbade roe with tbreata to aet my fpet of OTtliiiary telegraph wire, oompletely j ed from Sau Francisco to climb Uoaot
again to thii garden. I bare too moch i i*rt” tc«etbci^.'te teUri”potot’’b^ ‘ St e1 tot.mark- a rope for sealing pnrfeu of bffendi^ bim.
; nreaaed ttobtlv against the aLank and noaea which ii a enriority In iu <
Bowerer. te dame <
of Srst .class jewelry and
toilet articles.
. B A •RT.,
Trtiew Bif Uiu Of Stetiaen.
1)r. D. T. Jeahina of Tfamman. 0..
.bl'. ^.In. tot
I „.o.
rt.,. Cto to. ,i»o..itm to________ ___
! .otob . tob r l,Wb, to
«,» .Uto to bo^totb.
.toH ^ I *<»»»» • Art wriFbing fO poanda bitten ,
•• ^
‘■y •
figare appeared to bim
fThia, agaia, waa te work of a onap
ftill than be bad seen it on bU ®**lft5rii’te jaws of a crocodile. M. Paal
jonrnqy. Tbe pbantom'i locks
CBoe made expetimenia on te
motedlMrdereO; hiicloak floaled in te iMtoto-o, of crocodile's jawi by meant
air in larger folds; lightnioga fitted I
. Be foand tet a
from hU eyea. Be cried, with a voioe I g—odte w
ISO pounds anarted
i « force of Mb pewSdato rioaingbia Jaw,
"What are yoo aboottb^
/ I The lion baa an enemnooa jaw power.
Tbe abyaaea repeated, "Wbat an yoo Oa one ocogrion an Afrioui tnvrier
aboat tiierer'
poabed te boR end of bia gaa Into a
•‘I seek tbeyaUowbalaam,” anewered Uoa’a moaib, and te puaeure Of te
te peasant. "A ri<k woman baa prom . Jaws cracked it as tboogb it bad baan
ised to pay me well for it. ”
atnwk by a steam hammer.
Tbe giant conld no longer ooomto bto
anger. "Madman, did, I not caution
Iiaftr imum.
yoo. and yoo dare leromT-Uow you poaTbe best part of one's Hie ia ibe per. aamit. aaveyouaeUifyoaean.”
formaBM of one's daily dntiu. All
At tbc aune instant flama^appeared bigbet motirea, ideas, ooneeptiona and
to fall on te orimtoal and to bun his
ina man's Ufrareef Itttla
faoe. Tbe pewtrfnl elnb Saw roond to valM if tey do not straiten him tor
te air aod daubed a rook neu bim into te better discharge <ff tbe datiea which
abiveta. Tbe ground trembled under bia derolve npon bim in te ordinary aflalm
feet A frightful clap of thunder aariit- of Ufa—New York Ledger.
•d tp atun bim. and be fell down nmaeJam. Be did not come to himself nnti!
long afterward. Tbe giant bad diaapBoaneo C3itof-8ay felton. te faaMpaued. and te thnator growled tom btaded bearded tody lays over oa all;
' l^ly.
be still tboagbt be beard riie’a a freak.
Clreaarian Snake Charmer—Freak
Dothto; jist aoridental. Oot her faoa lo
tion mixed with ber hair reetoaer, and
leaolt was mortaL—Pbiladriphto
Ob of tetoo yoongQ
^^■daate^m Huwi c^^not
5251^..................... :2:s
Mr. and Mra. Jobn Brinamte of te
great liondon ptounferte making fins
icoeaitly celebrated teir dtonwod wed
ding and tbe riztletb annivemry of te
Bai MoUibai Wadto. a wealthy Fanaa
lady cf Bombay, wbo died leoently at
te age of M years, left 87 iakba cd ropeeo, or rM.OOO, to ebariW- Her aon.
Howrajee Manockiu Wadto, baa given
two more Iakba in roemory of bia motfaec.
Tbe yoong Marqnla of Waterford baa.
beoune engaged to Lady Beatrix Fita-]
manriee, yooagast dangbter of te Mar- j
qatooflMcdowtM. SboaUba dlewitb-'
o« eblldres. te title wonX
anele. Lord Cbarlaa Daririoat
popotor aSoer in te firi&ab
to TyooereeCilv of
rsz SmT EtTNaASIAir
TheCooctrt Enitof ttie.Sea90a
*‘?ro?Ven' t^M. Detail, cadeitfv aad
Splandid ProgTAm Introdao*
inc FATorita Nombarfi.
Morning Record
bring quiotc retumn.
unsm inioniBUTBiii
BSn OAMX THm 07 ra4S0»
with the UMptioB of the •Utaar7 fw
auteMlli’t pcrtonMace U
MaMlj morel and, famtnmtJTe. The
prtoe will be aoe. to aU reeerred moIb
a»d lOo. geeerel admtoaioa.
TIM Battery Vortc by Se(b Taaau
—Tmy Xade Bme Baa, BaU
• ThMoawnal Qateb-Tzlpl* TJay
By Adame, Parka aad Boeetny.
TL rare aa eotataiomeat Triday alfbt
la Petoeker before a rrsry larre aadleaee. which wae earaptured by the
cpleadid mo^eal er«Uiue of ibe fearttiiniilw
• iooeartiat. The Eeeorter of
tfatktvon, Jbly K.-IBa beet game
«“« **»“ » o^ama .
-efbaUaeantn Vaakegoe thli Maaoa
eBUrtaiameav aad e{maki-<rf
, wM pUyad heca today, betwaep the
Baatiere of Tiareree (^ty aad the
B«da.reealttagiBae«preaf « to a la joyahle eeer gieea in Peloekey.
faror of the Baatlera. ''The game wae wUl appear in Stalnberg-a Monday
______ _
aUed wlthaaBitemeat aad taiUiaat play night
aad both teaae pat apetar work. The
W. B. Bdrt. arfao aru leading aai
Haetlerc were ia floe form aad gare ear- Bhca'a eompany. later the star in the
odllaat apport to t'brry. The feataraa *'Hnaehhaek,*'^<reD in thU city by local
of the game were a boate r» by Perry, talent a year ago. is preoariag to open
a atch of a bome-ran hit by Hull, the the,eeaeon aeat month In Stelaberg'a
battery work by both teaau, aad a Omfed. Be wiU start early to Angtrl^ play by Adaaaa, Parke to Norotwith a repertoire of dM.ptoya.
ay. The aeon:
Hart has Mirooaded 7 ‘
mU with a atrc^ eompany. The eo___ iment will be for three aigbt
tfMibat srtth "The Ban to, the Iron
• •
....... .... ?!?
,wm Play Two Oarneo of Ball Here
Beat Week.
The teUgaae eebedaled tor Moaday
fcetwoea the Baaictee Ooite aad HmItea hae heea oaaeeled. Tharewill be
twogamea, Wedaeaday aad Tbareday.
betweea the St. Loola team and Hosttea la tha Twelfth Street Park, howerer. wUah win
the fane ^belter,
ae the ^ Loaistewhaeappaa^ here
thia aeaaon to eery good adraataga.
Thteia'kMwv to beoae of the fattest
omateor teaae in Miehlyaa, aad when
here {dcoMd ttie beae ball eathuelaata
immeaaely. Ibe Mnek«r»
tim wtU be here Uter.
Bimee Won't Bora.
W. U Brown, the boilder who pard the lot oa the BO
■ of Pwk aad Front streets. U auion
to begin the work of orecUng his new
bttok block, bnt it delayed becaose the
lot ieoeoaptodbya temporary photo
graphic etmctnra, owned by E. B.
Blame refneos to reaaore the
.-landing, clalmtog to hare a two-yepra’
teae of the gronnd. A ienar gir«o by
B. C. Stiles, the fbnaor owner of the
property. Bimee bae set hie prte for
raeaUog bat ao eaUefaetety eetttenent
tMt^ed to A Baaaway by Oottitoh
While OottU^ Bradshaw was dsTrtog down Brool^y hlU yceterday. aejmniad by A. Lonehora. hU employ
er. a hayrick on the wagon boeam'
dUptoood. and atriklng the hotaee,
they became frightened and ranaway.
aad Mr. Bradshaw’s left hip was brok
en. aad the two fltot dogma of hie left
1 no badly braised that ampotottoa
Dra. Holliday and
Wilhelm srere called and attended the
Injnred.maa. Mr; Loosboro. laekUy.
coeaped aahnrt. Two enrriagee wbfch
wore in the path of the raoaway team
managed te get oat of the way to
Tatoteea Want to Whallep the Oarponton at Baoo Baa
The patotort an detirone of gaining
glory on the greea dtomoaA aad har
ing teard that the earpontera are also
to the nae direction, here
in challenge a team eompoeed of the
members of that craft to a gam
base ball, to be played to Twelfth
Street Park, on a day that those
groande can be eecnred. The patoteia
also eaggeat that an admlwhm foe of
ten eooti be charged, aad that tim
amney be taraod oror to the relief
------- —•-* for the benefit of the Lake
Bow Tolaesee Added to City Xdbrary
Ann fire saffereta.
by M. B. BaskoU.
a. T. T. V. Battoaal Oflieem,
Two bonSrod new books for the Cttj
Library hare been rooBred tiOs i
The foUowiag aationai ofSeersof t
. throng M.E.Baekell'B book store aad Bapttot Young Coopleb Daioo were
the library was aerer to better emdi- leetbd at CbaUnooga: Pccektoat. John
ttonthanateraoent. -Maay new books H. Chapmen. Chicago; VicePneld
hare .been added and old. worn-ooV Ber. CartU Lee tewa. Baltimore;
oaee raptoeed.
Goo. B t'oebnig. Colorado; Brr. 3. B.
BcOaoald. Amhorsti K. B.; Boeordtog
Bmpl^ n Bow Toroman.
Seerrtary. Ber. B. W. Bood. U Oruose.
dr. King, formerly of the MU><
WU: .Troasnrer, Frank Moody, MUt
r Oo. at CkoOB Village, and one koo.Wle.
who has
ptoata,*haB beenoagagod as fotamaa
Aa aecident oo the main line of tfa*
lor the Trareree City Lamber Oo.
WiU b«ta at oaoe and take ntiro O. A A t. tost ttlgbt eansed a delay of
the eremtog trala from the eoath.
charge of the mUl aad yarda
King is a man of to^ expoHenee aad
Jakeb Slnggera defeated the Beekot
wUl bo n ralMUa addltkia to U factory team yeetarday to a good game,
with Bmpey aa umpire. The aeon waa
IS to 6.
Bs-Flro Chief Deepree is baring all
aorta of Mnaemeat with a faesUy of
lee Dream tootol aad TloCtaat Bapoleeata. which hare ssada thalr home
The toe cream eocial giran laat night
A telegram was rooeired from Ber.
by the membera of the Swedish cbnreb
A WeU> of AWon txdlege yeaterday.
. on Washington sUert. was a happy aad
anBoanring hie toabtUW to be here to
oouweefnl ereaL The chnrch wae partieipato to the aati-nlooa toogne
flBodaadeToiybody ^>SBt a pleasant osootioga.
The ngator Sonday exeorelon to
Ne-ab-ta-waato aadOmeaa toaio
rrlU/affard opportoitity for a ploe-----ride oa tha bay. Tha Oolambia wUl
loare tha dock at 10 A m.
BeritoWnn, "The Tolnatoer Orgaa-
taf-HCtaa. A HaUberg.
PBofa liowory^Mala
The pniBito to be glron at ■
needay by the Salter A Martto Uaele
Tomb Oabto On..
with the largo Broaoea. It easbi
throe baato of moeie. M head of poatoa,
dankoya and oxen. II Sibcrtoa bloodhoaada, bealdm anmerone cter
sriloBe. pimy carta, etc. The attraetton wUl ^>pear to Stetoborgb Otaad
SaatandUL the great hypaotist, by
opeetol request wUi gire another perdottnanee and teetoie tonight at Stetobwgb Qraad Opera Bowea Thto for
HaataaelU. is a mw daparian, bat
M«y po^U who hare Beea aaabUi to
aae hie oradHabte pertermaaoee !
nqnoetod the managooMBt te hare
^ atay na msea might. The pro|M wlU be aa anllnly now one.
fSret Tear—No. 6S.'
- ncmi Di MDsmi.
Mr. and Mra A. Nlcbcda of Grand
Bapida. an rtolUng the family of Mrs.
Kicbola' totber. Jamaa Oartoad.
C A Bitter and family and G. M.
Klngabniy of GaasopoUs, an gneate of
TqcB ur ooAi.
; Oaputo Webb at K»4h-to-<Taat«.
Wert VlrglBto Operaton Beady to ! MraW.A.GoehtogofCoaneUBtoffa
Otoe Zn-O'ebi Will Aid lOaoia- , will ^d a abort time to the city the
guest of Cbarlee Gooer and family.
Bitahttoa at Otbw FrdntMAtrikA B. Brown ntonted tost erantog
on gotttog Otilora la Xdao.
from Laneiag. when ba attended a
WbeeUng. West Vltgtoto. Jnly 1?-— meeting . ot'tbe Odd PaUona Bosoe
-today te regarded ae a critical one .to ^
tee Keaasrte V0U9.
Beporte Ibb
Min Cronto. bead tetemer to the
mornite todleate that tee Faimount miUiaeiy perior of 3. B. PraaeU. will
meetiagwillbealargeoaa The Mofor her homo
neagah, Wateos and West Falrmoimt
southern MlehlgaB.
atiaeaanthc torgeet oasa to the nMiss Nettle Otay. county eohool eomgion and they an at work, bat big dolhas rotaraed from Milweu
egationa from potott along tte Balti koo. While then she wae the gont of
more and Ohio are arriring at Fair- her sUlor. Mrv WUltom Bate
lo Keaawha. tee operator*
etieally glna op the flgfat and
are sralttog for tee men to setUe thtir
trouMe and ntarn. Tten to ao teango WUl Be OiTsa to the Ooagngatioaal
oa tef Norfolk aad Woetern aad tee
Ohureh This Broatog.
BioniDUit srost thfoagh Ohio has
The enalng eerrioe to the Coagncaueodaoontbnok
Palrmonal. W. Va.. July 17.-Tbe gatkmal chonh to^ wUl gin ptoeo
toUnre of Eugcae Debs to reach ten to .the Y. P. 8. C. A and the moettog
wUl begin promptly ot I o'clock to' of tte ueasl boar, 7:10. MIm
Biggs will ten charge of the prograi
nbleaeltto m
which will bo tentod to the roporu of
latoadA to hare hte arreeted.
tte gnat totorMtiooal eoonatioo Jmt
Moweaqua. fllwas risited by aa lesmenn throng of eloeod to Saa^Fruactoco. As tor ae
mtons from Pane tost aigbt, who per- koowa these wUl be tbe first reporta
enodod aU the men to the ehafte ten of the eontontioa yina east of tbe i
Mewori(. Asa nenlt when the Mississspid. The order wUl oooelet. to t
whistle souadod today, not a man re- aidltkis to tte reports, Ue eioglng of
the coanotloo toags osed to ttoa Fraa•oaded.
Blk Bora. W. Va. July JT.-Tbaigbl ciaeoaBd pspsnby M. B Boltoy, Mias
ererr mlaor la this field wUl Join the Bammond. Mlae Bstoe. Bee. D. Coehlto
ceta The aumbor will reach flee ud J. W. MUUkea.
The church b beautifully decorated
The agiutore lean this
srith tte C. A eolen and emblems, ths
enalng for Flat T<^ flelda
Glean Carbon, III-. Jnly 17.—The
mlnen here qatt work aad Joined the purple and gold, the dati Fraaeieeo
totogetrikwafiom Buuatoa aad colora Thb wlU be a particularly totereatiag
Mouat OU
Tbe eootijtoed foreee an now making wU. be torgaly attended.
pnpaiatlcMto manb to CoUtoarille.
yrott OadUlae Tdday.
CaeeyeUte Beltoeiew. Troy aad other
There srOl be an exearatoa to }hto
to the Beneriew district.
city today from CedUtoc-^ Thto to tee
Victory tor tbe Bias BoyA
first of a s^irn of three Sondey excurA hot game of ball me playto yes- elooa to iWeerse City, the otbera teterdae by the Blue Boys aad the But tog July Utb aad Aagaet let. Tte
Side nlaa Then sron hot eto lasings rate for the rooad trip to 81.
played and the aeore at the finish
is to U to fanr of tte Bias Boys. The
ftetores of tbe game snn a triple play cuts aad baths, H
M. B. Gairma.
by tbe Bastsiden aad a home rna by
tte Blue Bqya' pteter.
Prof. Lockhart, the trainer of the fe_*ni
which are a great feature srith BtogItog Braa.' tamuai aad poontor eireoe.
Hearly nty S«Mton West to Oarp ^>ent tmlre years edoeaUag hto won
Lake Lart lllgkb
Judging fimn tbe oathuMartie lot of before giriag a p
yooag men who left last aigbt on the
Blfiea’ oxearalon to Carp lake
therp promtoea to
be a
time to aton for emybody. Onr
forty memboia ot the Blflee formed
tte pmnj and the nombor will
eweUod today to onr fifwtte
frioado ot tbeoaapaay srbo.will go
dosra teen srOl be quite a popnlooa
rlllago oa the lake ihon today.
A Woman Stayo at Home....
Tsrice as maeb aa a mao. She fibonid hare pleagtnt mrronndinga. Paper ibow rooofi yon .didn't intewl to.
Oor proeent priote are ao tow, yoo can’t balp b«t boy.
M. a. HOLLCV, MMA09.
From March 10 to July 10
Taking quality into consideration yon will
find my prices are as low as the lowest
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss The^e Bargains.
Pcwitlvaly the Uneet yen will get thie
yeer. My greet July CleentnoeBelA 1 will quote a few
pricee that are bargaiaa, bnt apace it too expensire to qoote
one oot oI every bondred. A good Loonge, srell nada, fell
epfing, 84X10. A sood Coach, foil apring, ^.50. A good
Coach, oordoroy, 36 apringa. 6.Sa I wiD poaitisely eell bet i
ot tbeoe at this price. A good large 'Apim Bedroom Soit,
Urge gUaa, patent ceetm^for 11.75, A fine Urge 3-piece
patent dnat-piticd dnwen, psient caatore, for 1230. A fine A
piece Parlor Soit, best pln^ silk bseds, spring odg^ ^00,
Ltoge hif^ beck D^ing Ohsirs, solid osk,*K.5Q, High nuA
Bocken trom d5c. op, Iron Bedsteads from S.75 np. Polished
osk oombtnation Book Oasee from 4A0 np. We baren’t many
of theee, but what we bare most be sold by Jnly 15th. 1m
those that come eariy srilt be happy and those That mis ibis
sale will alwayr regret it
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
te-ts reowr sruszr.Taarxgu cmr.
Those Shirt Waists
Attract the Ladies
And why teouldB'l te^t
■w 8U» «• 8IJ8 wamra
Voedtot for 4195.
--- -
Tte Jury to tte cnee of Lloyd sa.
day morning, to tte Circuit court and
S.-OO to tte atleraooa readcrod a nrdiet asrarding the ptoiatifl »»«■
The can of Sbori^ Ts. Byman followad aad ooeuidod the nmatodr
tee day. Tte caae srill be conttooed
at taaocrow'e aSMion.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
niirty-Ttn Tlokenl Oengbt at Oaip
Lake by Mr. aad Mrs -Biaetotr.
Last oreatog Maaager W. O. Bolden
of the Park Plan rootind a large
quantity of ftnrtplckon from Oarp
Lake, tee gift ot A J. Btoetolr. of
Grand Bapida, who h apeadtog a aeaM»of flshiugatPoaeh. Jtr. aad Mra
Btoetolr caught U beaatifal, ' large
Mr. Stotiair Is an tosnranee maa and tialms tte d
btiagteegTMtoit fiihwmaa to MichIgaa. John Gnea. nmetimee caUed
tte Momitor. rowad the boat for tee
W. B. Bradley, of Battle Crook, has
parw and tee day me tee meat aactokao a position in the shoe depart
eemfnl enr enjoyed by this eathatoaBment of the Bpotoa stoea. Be to •
ealeotnan of lomg nxportoaee aad rriU
be nppreetoted to the mw "Otom
Mra GUman srest to Cedar yeaterdayThe croMiBgaatthe aorthwoat eerHia J. W. Oauatiatt is etattiag to
aer of Front aad Park ebaeto an in k ildMiseton.
condition and wotoi to
Mn. A P. Boagb rotarsed last night
aood of ropalia The present oondi- from Jackaoa
tion of the plaaktog at that poiat angMra Wm. Loodu has rotaraed from
geato damage salts for tojnriee caaaod Grand Bapida
Mra W. r. Calktoe aad Mtoe Lalu a^
J. H. Watte, ftwner of the
rIelUag to Mntimgoa
Potot reaort, was to the mty yeetarday' Atiey Tkrtmse ntaraod yertorday
t a large nombor finsn a sreek's'Tiatt to gatoiaaton and
Graad Bapida
day. The Udy Watte wlU bo at Poach
ProL and Mra C A pockaray and
■oot thomcratog oxeaninn tcato NeUie QUmaa wont to Fooeb yesterday
for Miniitir and will carry a largo ■ adtetotoxoartion..
ProtrA Oonlda of tetoa BapUs,
aamber onr for adayboatli*. Ite
yadttwiUrAaratotteeforthe oooaaMmgUefriaadetera.
lag train to Tiarane CttyMke Bamde Loadea mat to Onad
Bapida yoMwday for a el^ arlth ter
■ LL-.,*.''
We still have Bn abundant mssortoient, end «11 ai«ma
These arc all new Waists just recetved.
Beior Toes. Hand T__________
Tops. A B aad C 84.M eboes
K pair* Oxfnedv tonaer priao
81.25. $1.80, 81.75 aad fit. Onr
price 81.00 to close 00k
Mob's Patost Leather aad Aaamtoe. former artoes 88 and 98,
to ctoee ogt at fiS.oa
•I pain Mob's 'Plash oory
atyl^SUppore. former thto
goods gedng at eic.^
«7 pain todies’ Black and Tha
Ptagtw Atiadth JuUete. fortoto
pries to. ctootog out prteeiL
lUk« No XifitAkA
Tlw Original.
Encourage the fanner by
using a flour made at home.
If you did be wpnkTut have
to ship his wheat to fore^n
marketa, and pay the freight
The "BEST," is made from
home grown wheat and is
all that the name impliei.
Razor TMS~Tlie]i Must 60.
A Few Bargains ia Ladies* and Gents' Shoes!
New Line of Children’s Shoes.
■ ■'4
a will be tabto l*kc UJ BMMm V) etmpA th»
Jaly IT.—In tu
I»n«tr ocmpAny lOMtUe ter ewteis a If the eaai of dtoo.ooo U paid.
netdey Balfour.
BpMtellBpcomMBitem. PoUswiar
tka «OBM eoodl AMUnd Ua to Tory ladiraaav Be aye: ‘*1 am a
nATSKssonr. • ico«aoA)i.
to institau aar pro
«a«paBr*<>whlaafcrteltaA. Aaaoas a remit of the report of «
tkm Uka tut of today. «*a not axpaet- aay oae wbb paya toe ptoca."
Africa eemnuttee.
The Martiato of Patetorate bae mt a
ed, Uwerar. «Btn aaxt weak.
Dutof teat ai^t the poUoa ^aoad a kbte dtopatob to Madrid aboat toe
Uc*taaa road rdUar aeros the car kee- It to ceaerally belterad tUt tU earninye cf t
a. W. Hawm. BdUof maA IbaafOT. tnekateadterto tU maia Uaaa aad marqnte, aa weU ae toe cbM <ff poUee for tot month of June. lin.
- -------------wtSbrf^ii^OeMral
1M4U. a decrease as compared-wlth tbi
faardlaf the oMohlaa afmiaat aay
uirnninriTInc mmith of UM of W.7T1
TU UadUteara aad W^ter.
etocskholdata of tU ooapaay ealnly
Om MMk, Iff uU.
fried to acTM oa a bable of eetUoMet
of the froabte, the oae ooataatioe
iaradebtof tift.OOO wfateb tU bM»d- Somethtoy About OharieameaaatUlb
S^^to^to in cavity. Stadente
CmOOMCuna botden were eawfUlac to aaeaiae
Vew Boaton Store.
of aaMral history never tire of vrateT
teto the atookholdeta weald ooaaeat to
Whoa Cbaa Boseatoal yeta hto terye iay toll caormoui and htotorie baaeb
the appolataraat of a reoelTor. ITaaa- atoto of dry yoode, elothlay aad ^dad
while the pabllo ie oooepeUad to walk. rdd warae morad iaio toe aom Boatoe Vietabwte SU^y ArriTale at tU
aaMpttay tboae wU ride ia -U
SUN*, la bto el^aat -‘ytem bteek,” U
1U eoaaeU will adrertiae for bide tor wUIUtoebapplettmerabaat laTravTaoaa gold baatata wU waat to
City. TU aew etore. whea foUy
Mrii, F. M.'
Atedta from thii teeaU^
year, a^
1 and atoekad. wiU U a
Orlfftb. T. A. Cornwall.
Maaoar derate a aeaaoa to ktekiof
trinmph of ateyanee and buaiawe Jemm Dnen. aty; A Bee
tUuelTM. li»e reporta yeaterday
City: J. dtosra, b...
. mUard.
Maaal a altaaaoa tUt wfU oraate aaw
TU old-atere in tU WUtiay Modi Am: H. O. Bask E. C. Cook. Oraat: B
MlaBoac tboae aazioakto.yat rteh
vriU alow tomorrow to enable tU re- A Bari. Ueo. Cook. I- L. CoaneU, W<
laaUorttima iBuaaaaalyrtebaiteaa
loval of the stock Into tU new
kavebaea fouad aad£freat tertiuiaa
qaarteta. aad te a very few days toe T. A. Thorwa, P. O'firlaa. Jsa. 'Cora,
kavc baea ntade la laaa ibaa tbrra Vertaaea Bade la Lean Thaa Three doors of tU new eetabltohment iriU U Binybam: P. Kelintkte. Carp Lake;
MBtU Oae loeky maa w«t Iran
D. Shardy. Qarffeld: B Oarpeeter. Mrs.
thrown open to tU pablk.
XoBtoa by Zaaaperteaoad Klaai
V^ifaa aad BOW retaraa a aabob.
TU new Boseatoal block to eu of J. BedellS. Jas. Badellff. East B
KtehlfaB Xaa Btoaraa with V<
O Brteu. Dae'l O Briea, “
Traverw Oty’s. recant moanmeata te JoU
ly «ioo.ooa
Tax eonferraa who Ura Uaa dalibyUd business bosUe aad has added
itk C W. Fraser. F. Sbeffer. Han, «tlafBpoa the tariff hUlUwapena*
Port lowaeaU. Wach.. July 17.— mneb to tu enUtaattel aad mefropolFrad Laplow. Jm Luplow. A E
a littte aarprtea apoa tU pabUe by Bariy thto amralaya
Oreayrieb. Loay Iwka; Ooo.
itea appaaraaee of Front efreet. TU
yaetlcally eomiar to aa acTMawat 81. Mlehaale tor Baattte pawed up SmiidUj to eomposed ef brick aad
^oa aaariy all dtepatiad palata. It la toe Boand trito more thU adoa of aolld itoaa. with a fine pratsed-brtek fraat. aaforA J. J. Atkiae.'A Barnard. J.
Jemep. Oodan W. O. Oettoo, El Pam,
mom aaaarad that it arlU U bbt a tew you aboard.
forty feet te vridtb aad a diqrth of lU m.; Geo. W. Cbaia, Doa MiUm.
^ya before the aeaeare baeoM
toe wptaiah eaMa are three feek It to two etortes te ui^t, with Oraad Bapide; J.
'. Jm
eheaU end a terye wte wklto are Sited a terye. airy, in- nnd ooaveaieat base- Oonbara,
WiUtemsbury: A
It lor. toe aapaekiDy aad stormye of Enqotot, Old Mlmioe: A. Otto,>, SetTax appotetmeai of Jadga N. C with Bayyete. TU metal to worth
yoods. TU oompteu front above aad ton's B«i
Sarto aeaMtotaatatWroeyte tU De- aaariy fTOO.O» a»d moat of it
B«t; C a Alien. kalkaeU; J. D.
partmeat of Jnetooe at Waahlnftoa to taken oat of the yroand te AteaU te
na than three montU ten winter.
Me toat wQl meet with tU an>raTal
anioc Center. Def*^C
TU BBtteti raaye from toe riw of a
deeiya. It
ato of tu
•t Wehlcaa people. Jodya Barto to
taSki^J i. Geo. Widriy, Lm KenM able Jortot aad well kbowa la Trar- pea to toe atoe of a yalaea eyy, and of feet deep, with terye plate ytem dto- nrdy. Mebe!
arae City. He to one of tU owaen
bad ime than r.OOO aad obe or tU dtoptey wlndowi In front make the dty; A A Boyers. Michiyan City. In
Iwaa Polat raaort.__________
twe hare aura than •1100,000 te nay- ftawt and teireat dtoptey wladosv* of Jiton A flaondera. Baetinyv Mirix.
any store te smrtbarn Miehlyaa.
It toe teoyto and breadth
we noted where a Mbyte
The floor space of toe ntain floor
“Binyllny Day" to now
hat taken oat ta two aad a to SOOO eqnare feek tU bawmaat
Sat toa. Vow Boetoa Stare mu 1
aetheyrmndeat yate eVeat
half moatU tlM.OOO worth of yold.
same sod toe eeooad story 4760 sqi
Bare a riaa U^tey.
Frank Pbtooator of Baraba. Mich., feek TU apper floor to Uybted aad where Aayliay Bros, exhibit
TU Borion Store wUl eloae too doom wpat to Kicmydke test aatama aad to
made airy by tiro terye skyli^ite aad
- at toe old ,etoBd Mooday al^t. Jaly
»Wy maanfaetariny eoaoerae are
Uviay srltb toe tei^ sriadowe In frost
a bollday is order to eee toe biy
IPto. and wlU annbaaee toe data of worked two elMme vrito alae men for
back make a very terye and liybt wise
apeainy their new etore in the near fa- three BMMtos. He waa oae of
room. Tbe oeater of tU eeUlny be•are. Look ont for toe yraad opuiay. oriyiaal dtoeovemreeol toe BUoraado
twaea tU main floor and npper story
dtofrtet. _________________
there to an opealny which admiU liyhi
from above aad fnratohea s bandy
—of asoeat npetelra Tbe openTVUra to go to Bear Antt-Sa
iay IssnTTonnded by ao arnsMOtal
Sabjecta Pto cawed. ■
Aad Sometoliiy DeUtte May Be Boas and snUteattel ralliny. TU balo*.
• Ber. 3. F. Braat. State Saperlat^
wtth Tariff BIU Mo^y.
fradw of toe stairway are of flnely
Seat of toe Aatl-Learae of Laaafay.
carved oak. Half way np tU stairs to
Waihinytoa, Jaly 17.—The con
wfU apeak ia tU M. £. toarto 1040 on the tariff bUl Uve reached an ayreeterye tendlny with an estea—PAHTTER.
imporlaat Items of die- skw which tofltted ap for a coaveaO. A Wriyht of Delaware. Pbio, wlU ayreemeat oa tU tariff bill and Uve teat and terye offim and eaebter e
^cak la toe ;poDCrffatooaal toarto at notided toe deaMcratie members tUt drpartaieok which to reached by
they wobU be asked to meet with them toe carrier ^mem of basketa
Mam meetiay ia Steiabbryto opera on Monday morality. TU bonae vrlne
Tbe oountm end ehelviny Ulow aad
booee 340 p. m. addrawed by Meefra. In toe snyar eebedale. tU
above ere of fine oek bcanUfnily
Sraatand tVriybL
yteldiny to toe rate of one- flnitoedV There pvlll U eoonteta aUmy
a A Wrlybl will epeiOc in tU B^ clyfatb differential oa redoed eayar aad toe eidm aad toronyfa toe eaoter.
«tettoaito740p BL Caloo aerrlee.
onlyreeediny from tU .provtoloa for Toe mme arranyemeok practically, to
Bor. J. F. Braat wiU epeak la tU dtoeount on jayyery aad other low observed np slain.
BraafeUoal cbercb, Oto afreet. 7:30 p. yrade euprt. TU aeaate rate of i H
TU enUre lower floor will U demoted
m. OUzea* pleeae come oat.
oeate per pound on lead ore wae ayreed to elothlay. dry yoods. hate aad farntohlays.
side wai
to. The ramor has yained enrrent toat
the eonterrya Uve ayreed apon tU be set BSide for earpets, eloakt and
It was la tU mate oonBrmed boiieeforntoblnya Tbe east side the
Vantehed by the Bwpecoee abnrthw by admission ot toe eonferreea TUy entire lenyth will U toe shoe departrifiTarB or canisr (acaurner).
srouldnotwyto the press tost they
Tbe flntotainys aad fi.xturea will be of
SerriewareUldin K. O. T. M. hall had ayreed npon aU items of dlfferanee.
tat they admitted toat the oonferenev toe latest deelyna TUy are fnratobed
«t tO:W o'clock every Saaday.
by toe factory of .tU A. W. Walt Masao tar advanced that tUy b<^
Sabjeet—-Jmu toe Cbrtot Preaebed
Co. The b:>Uer aad coin
plete eystem for steam bcatiny are sap*
tmittee by Monday. •
Triday erenlny experleaoe meeUay.
plied by tbe Hannah * Uy Mercantile
Co. Tbe talMlny was erected br A
k Bpeetel Invitetloa te eatended to
The Pure
Fruit Juice
is wUt we flavor oar Soda Oyrapa vM
WedoaotMeatfMteatoerfoaattto. A
flve ceate. Everytotey strictly keaa aboel
Now for Business!
4tev.D.OBehUii. pit^ior.
UhiO a. m., addrew'by Bev. J. F
Braat of Lanslny. state nperlateBdeat
mt the Antl-mloon Lcayaa
Sanday-echool foUowiby.
There wUl be no Jonlor ametiny. Ut
toe Jnniora will meet with the older C
S. society et 7 o- m.
TU eveniny meetiny wOl beyln at Z
faatead of 7:30 p.m.. and wUl U in
toarye of the Y. I>. A C B.
Beporteof toe national & B. oooveatbmwUlUyiven.
Oanea to U Bombaroed if Sai
aea. Island of Orate. Jaly 17.—In
eqnence of tbe iocreatlpy tarbnlenee of tU Unmnlmans and toe elt incemant ootbreaU of disorder.
tUy woold bombard the town.
Wealthy Onbane Arrested for Aeetot-
Qaarterly meeUny.
Praaehtey at 10:30 a. m.
There will be no Sanday aebool or
Tooay People’s meettey. Ut at 7:30 p.
as. Bev. y. F. Braat of Lanriny, presl*
Awt ottoenate AaU-Baloea Leayne
frUepeto AUarelavtte^
■Otem mwtiay at 0:30 la tU parim
At 10:30 Bev. iton F. Brant. •'D. D.
a^winteadent of anti-aaloon leayne
warir In Miehlyaa. will addrem tU
weetiny. He to practically toe foondmr of thtoyrwt movemaat, to an aUe
apwker sad ao oae ehonld mtoe tU op^.BortoalV of baariny him.
Havana. July 17.—Havana to In tU
'yreateet stele of excitement that bae
existed here ^noe tU war 'U
Eiyhty.rich Spanish martaants and
taankera Uve been arreeted accoaed‘of
selliny metehaadtoe aad^-mediclnm to
toe Caban patriote. Amony them are:
Dion Antonia Qnemada, ex-emy^ of
toe city of Hyvaaa; Jose Sara, a mil
lionaire drayytot: Johnson, naother
wealthy drayytot nnd a prnfemor at
tbe university: Seaores Lpredo. Torral
>ae. Martena. Benito, Alverax. VUI.
averde, tU brotbera CUfro Bamoa
Aryaellea. president of tto Bei
-laUroad: Abert de Xlmrao, man
of the same railroad aad othem.
Beaor Aryoellea' eapitel to estimatod
at ei3.000.000. All toe other perions
arrested represmt toyetUr praUbly
over $30,000,000. It to said, toat tU
mtnot BaUway Syatom Tied ap B*: wealthy Spantob'banker. DonLneteno
eaaes of Local IMfBeolttea.
Bail, wU bu important retetomt with
. Saflaaw. Jaly 17.—TU a'traet rMl•fray eytoem «• eompletMy tied ap toIt i« toid by tu Critads of tU nrreettaj waramltoftoeaeveral mrafU’
Byhi Utweea tbeoityaad tU Uaioa 1 men tout toe whole basinms to
bteekmaQ and toat tU eUaf c< poltee
t BaOway Oo.. —------ •Mtaffy In • deetoten by toe eapswxb SsMT L
rbtoftoe tUylprtoonem IhatAbey wfU U reieaeed
WHUtlHG IN sminw.
Adeley. When completed toe whole
will form one of the most cenvenienk
roomy, and modero aloree In tola seeUon of tu etete Mr. Boeenthal may
be joatly proud of bto new store buHdiay. which will neat about fllAOOO, includlny buUdiny and flxturea.
The electric wirlny is belny done by
tbe Hoardman Biver Co. There will be
IfiO toeaiidenraal aad'elybt t.00(MaadIe
power ere lamps.
Corner of Unlon^ and Bay Streets
near M A N. R. depot, wtabm to
noBDeetotbepablkrthst he has reflt«d and fnrntobed tbe Hotel Panybora
Utter than it ever bm been before and
can aocomodato the fraveliny public in
la yood shapa
John May fora
frith toe Hotel WbUiny will have
ebarye of tbe cffice and attend to toe
wanu of tbe yneeu. Sattofaetkm ynarantoed.
T»e Eyek Cepran. Them' rmm the
BHtlub Amawer Bawr.
London, JiHr 17.—Edward H. Ten _____________Bsj •*- scar If. a M. X- Depot.
Ercfc of WorrvWrr.'Meea. 30 yran old.
yeslerda)' detested tbe best eiastrar
oemnen of Greet Brllsln end won the
dlsmosd eralle . the meet bichlr coveted
trophr tn the ylft of the wwn. In the
mornlnx Ten Brek defeated A H. HowcU In the seml.fltisl: In tbe afirraoce he
beat H. T. Bleckeiaffe In the flael beak
la tbe eeoc«d of tbe eend-Aael bmu In
tbe momlnx RlacksttSr defeated Dr.
W. P. McDoweU. -it Chtcayo.
pernie race I
Ten Eyck U tbe flrat d
•taffe finished Ten Eyck rowed op to
bim and tobok him by the band. While
there wsf aoine applaosc toe vtctory was
iberc te doubt in toe minds of tbe popu
lace as to Ten Eyck^jelnx a ycnulne am
Is tl
lenxe cup New
the Leander club by two feek This was
the evrel of the race to the Bnfltebmcn.
At tu finish tbe two boaU were so clam
that the rtMit was not knoww by tbe
■pectalore until toe jndyei
Leander was three-quarter* of a
lenyth ahaad at tu Istomten Lawn.
Then toe New CoUeye crew faeyan a
etrnyyle such-as bM been seMom par
alleled at Henley. Into by into they dlBteltoed toe dtetaner betwem them xnF
tbe rival boat, then passed It, tom Ml
btolnd ayate. Leander conteetiay UOy.
new teadlny end now-TidlowIny mrtO tU
ttec was frmmd te recurAbrmktey
Fruit Jars.™*"'"'
Canning Season.
2 Quart—65c. doz. 1 Quart—55c. dot
OM them Ulote eeaeon to ovtt.
To Old Soldtera.
1 sriU be te Traveme City, at toe Ho.
tel Wbltlay. Tbaraday. Jaly S3. All old
aoldlers Uviay peoeion mattom to adcaa hi
Uve aa tetervlew with me at
will SeU Today:
BHi.Port.1lMl, Himi,
Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
July 21st.
MAiotOTn avp otaonAL
Oncle Toi’s Cabin Go.
Pnssid Cootid Han,
TBIAraoifS 1«L
al ns toe Dec
DeeteraUom of
Has Your
See TIi6
Monster Parade at Noon.
Prices-2S. 3S ud SOc.
Puw Powdered Spicee,
Pure Cream Tarter,
■aketkapoeeCefernm. Xebter smeMny.
XaWwvTabUig.aUeteefcirat^BoUJee <yaaracueC lor iwe ymre.) roastate nyrlayee.
t Basel imtea far tto
be without
Fire Insnrance
On your Dwelling,
Btore.Factory or Stock,
carry a certain amount
at all tones. .
For Rates and any other imformatioo. consult.
E. W. Hastings'
At Our
Soda Fountain
Cotnmencirg oa Monday
oraing, July 12, 1897. I
sell tickets to and from
pBoxpT. oorBTxocs arrofTtoM.
all points on Carp Lake for
for the round trip.
Phone 73. Johnton Block.
Lady WatU can b6 chartered
at all times for Fishing or
Picnic parties at very reason*abie rates. There is nothing
Ftfh StiMt, Mwm Trent ft Can, more delightful than a trip
Carp Lake, these warm
Ssdmon, Bass and
Rate*. $1.50 per Day.
Pickeral fishing bMt In
■ul Tickets at Redmd Rates. Michigan.
James M. Watts.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traveme City
Lumber Company. We have <for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
Will give oile more per descriptions, induding 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
Saws. A complete S^w Mill Plant for sale.
formance by request which"
will indade an entire change
of program.
Livenr, Bus and Feed Stable...
Feeding humeze botsefl a epeeUl^. Homea boezded,
State St. wmt of
Pioneer Uvenr Btabte
- StriMns MiiMn Tik. >RM« Re
gardiMS of Fom.
W*Hi-1b«1bw ttAko MsMb.
•l Laoib. Juir
«pMd*i to ‘nw
,«nwbUc from Pmim. llto.. wyii The
aiam here were noU&ed Tbundey
tdtht that (be mtsera u Hovetoaoe.
CosrteeD mile* north, had been offered a
lane increaae la wa«^. A eonuBinee
WB8 aeot tbere yeetmar to eoDter
trllb them in aa eadearor to ot (hero
out, but the committee set with' no
Aa a remilt last
mgbt at T:W o'cleck some M« men here
boarded an lUtnolBCeetral tralgbltraia.
rcfualng to be pul off. and went to
hfowcaqua. where they camped last
against tbe large numbera. and aubnffted to tbe men’s demand for tree
Itomege. Word was received here last
Wit that tbe men at HUlaboro would
•Ddeavor to go to work In the eBomlng
against the request and demands of 2M
Blnera frum Ldtchfleld and OiUemle.
and that the sheriff was ewNring In
ffepuUes to protect tbe OMp who wlabad
U the Weet Tlrgtale W%M.
Plttsburs, Jnly 17.—It was toamed
last Bigtat that the programme of tbe
miaera’ offioUls to .to briag cut all the
men poaffble in the West TlrglnU fleld
and then tartng all the orgahtsera to
Pittsburg. It Is expected that tbe terms
will be made here, sa the district to
looked npou as the moat interesting
point,after West Virglnls bsa been dis
posed of. Tbe mlDers' hopes ax« high,
and they arc confident that there wUl
■ a good story to Ull from West Vlrgfnla Monday morulng. The lukewanntkese of National Preaident Ratefaford.
and tbe bellttUng attitude of District
President Dolan, bes put somewhat of a
■jrtnKy plan.
> that not-
power to farther the c
Oeneial UtUe and De Araiitt left Isst
nlng at 8 o'clock tor Pbilade
Philadelphia io
. .. suit with omciaU of jthe W
land.- Peon. Keystone and other coal
- t the line of the Penn.
sylvala railroad with the end In view of
both mlMrauie «
pMrtad to bt the tanlm polot.
Cterinbgiv. W. Vb.. Julr IT.-ttM
ef Celtece reMl* M ~gnine* ar* «1I ««rUnc b«re. uid out*
Chkaca July n.-For thi
trardly •rarthlOK to ronnlor KBootblr.
but Urn* to an UBdormiroBt of oiuoto- In two nKmtha a Jury in
court bar found Charlea
_____ __
taction amonc the mtaera, .
e«.lreaturer of the OnlT»r»lty^i^ImM doubt that today will aelUt whether noto. not (uilty of embeeaUnc the en
a atrike will be declared or' not. Deleca dowment bond* of tbe iiutttuUon. TceUona
OB8 «t
of BmlseiB
will attend the
terday. ai before, the ffncle word 1nI UoDOtunh, where Batchfotd
- It- aa-ired- Rpaldlng.
Tbe -Inetmetlana
Deb8 will speah. andd tthere to a •
to tbe jury by tbe court were that nnlem
It was sure that Spatdtny Ictended to
it must aeunlt him.
tinse to arrive here, and all are ciren T The Jurtw aald after tbe wdlct Ibat
work, and operator* arc loading all tbe erhlle tbere was no doubt that 8pa!dtng
cal to being embeaaled.
sntbesxlod. tbere war a doubt wbetbetl
mended to embextle and nothbic could
dooe but acquit Eight ballou
1 live fer soquiuaL Tbere i
• Quay with Werh
. Ho will be tried again.
Toronto. Ont., July 17,-^Tbe Bpwqrtb
lAagocrs have kepi on coming for two
daya till jw* they mbstcr over tO.OOt
atroag and carry everything In front of
them. Meetings (bey have In profuricn.
I. knowing that.
•peaken from "areetand’s icy paid him Ires than they did other workntalns” and from Indian mlsslOB luen, bat be was eattofled. The unlreta.
fields, all full of eariHatnem Tetlrrday however, objected, and be lOA hto place.
d DO ten than tox. Tbto made him deapondent and salride
teen and as tbere were anywhere
a doaen tpeakets. wbo were limited to
five minutes, at each meeting. It was Impoeelble for any one delegate to Imbibe
Herr Aadree began hto balkxm voy
.^ore than a cenaln part of all the good age Id search of the north pole last
Sunday, starting tram BttKabergea.
book in hand they rushed
Dr. Bngene Kean waa -strarii and In
from meeting to mdetlng, only stopping stantly killed by a Cbleago and Northshow their appreelaUoii of eloquence westem train at the Orove street crassIn Evanston. Ills. Dr. Kean was •
The music bT
to perhaps tbe most pleas
7t years old.
ing festure of tbe conventiou. Choirs of
W. A. Kuect{enberg.^f Ittnean. BTs..
IM td too voices are at each meeting, and baa eetnmenceO an action'against the
as the good 'eld bymns are sung and a
. Milwaukee and BL Paul RaUroad company to recover tlO.000 dam
cborusea and .
ages for Injuries alleged to have bmi
topics under dlKumlca yesterday were caused by reason of bto baring bis leg
spiritual. lUeraly and aoclal work, U___ #■ ■■■ . e-Alae.*
flnscce. merry and help oorresponder-ee. broken white* alighting from a freight
The junior league and misrionsry coe(erences were also held. Last night’s
Two dynamite bmnha « e exploded
meeting was given np t<^ mtoslonary addiessca the tofc being -Tbe World for of that nsme to New CasUe. Boaln.
Oirlst.Beveral persona were IdUed and otbrra
seriously Injured.
Twenty-five men working In (be ar
mor i^e plant of the Bethlehem steri
rmm Is -Oat.*
works baee been IsM off. This action to
-Wichita, Kan.. July l7.-ln tbe pro- said to be due to (he action o( tbe
bdU cutart the case of the Jarris- United BUtes senate fixing tbe price of
ConkUng Mortgage company vs. Mary armor plate at 8300.
Tbe Mason * Mason company, man
E. Lease, serial proceedings In sU of
ufacturers of bicycles at Chicago, has
execution, was called and after ela made an assignment. The llabllltlea
borate argomenta. Judge Haymaker are plac
placed at MQ.000 and tbe asseta at
dismissed tbe proceedings for want of fTLOOii
jurisdiction. Mrs. Lease did not appear
In court, being repnAented by an attor-
Thi OdBtoiitd SpMliliiU,
Hotel Whiting
Txvnr— City, Xioh.
OonsoltBtlon BSd SxajninBtio& Free and Strictly
Btoddw. ■MTV ■umieb saC XeewnadtocMm.Cbera rtl!Viws Dsoeei,
To Young, Middle ^ed and Old Men
s. Tape Wora sn<
ars• BBsbl
BBstateteesU. ess vriu (all Bsntrulsis of tbair CM and have medlelse
fvUI______ •a ko« le be Ukss.
■B qf Dn. B.. a. A Oo-, V_____
take BO ...............If ros •■ploy
They see reepeasible
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
“I Al Gaining Fast.”
TbfloU to bit idenee end ikl.
Bay View Katea.
TiekeU will be sold via tbe Grand
Bi^ ±_lad^
Bay Vl^
return Jnly 12 to 22. good retvnIng nnlU August tl, at one fare for
reund trip (rpm all Michigan polnta
Send (or mnstretad dreeriptive matter
C. L. Loci
O. P. *,T. A..
Grud Bsplda. Mich.
3408 Frames
A pontiTe Bod pemunont clue
anflored in nU cBBCfl accepted. Now
ifl tbe tune to oooiBence treatmeBb
Suits to Order.
»3BO. -w. aaA-ww.
Ever Burned Ont ?
Cheap Suits
TEA-16,25,'35, 50c. ITui
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots S'l.CriLS
10 Per Cent. Off
Haved Moved
Free Consultation
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Worth Looking Up
----- ---- -
.ZC ii.
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 Front St.
* He w*U be her©
6 mn oftee takes tor K<
« or Ugstuiv. Cotne sa« br
Great Cut in Bicycles
. --,
V«ds«ii7 BBd Thundtj.
7nl7 31 ud 2S. 1897. All wbo *re now antler Dr.
Donald’s treatzuent exrjgifli
Tire D8^ Only bob Voatb-
hdd that th*re Binfftlnff Broa. OtmU a i
- If ao you know
Should be a return on execution against
tbe value of
Let na make some for yon.
whb the Lockhart Xlepbanto.
Mra. Lease and her husband, showing
that It hai been Impossible to collect
Tbe anneraneemefii that Loekban's
amons comedy elegants have been se H. B. HOLLXT. Mgr.
O. P. OABVXR. Aaent.
tm Pranl^i.
cured by the noted BinEllnE Bros, for
pletnenury proceedlags could be re
. .
i arbitratlou sorted ta Borne weeks ago a mortgage (heir World’s graatesi shows this sea
baa created a aensallon thronybout
board except B. Frank Sebmidt. of In held by the Conklin company on the son
diana. are no«- out of tbe city. Edward Lease home property was foreclosed, tbe United Sutca:' Tbe Lockhart comRldgely and Hot*» C^f are In Cht,- and when the case was brought Into Hiy elephanu are unleeraallr acknowl*
edged to be the meet marvellously
oago. and L. P. McCormark at Imllanfought collection of tr^ned
• - animal
• actors in tbe ----M. Jn
apoUs. for tbr purposeof interesUng oi>Ura Lease la out oof the' Enro«. where tbey have recently b
eratorc of these states In the proi>osldelighting vast contlDeotal^andlent
<tian for a settlement of tbe Mrike. Tbey
they created a veritable furore and p*y to look at the elegant line. B. E. Gibbs, in Ellis bicycle shop. 311 Front SL
aerators of tbe five autes In Pittsburg Teesg Ullasls Womaa Patally Bert aaS excited more widesptwad interest tbao
KIMBALL PIANOS-Soid at makerto price.
arenlc (eat
next Monday or Tuesday, wbeo tbe
■ajar Qairaid lajerad.'
IMS jobber's profits. Easy paymenU. W. W.
licaMe BctEimball Co . Chid
N. E. Btreug. Mgr. Trar. City Branch Store.
_ Si I’eterbnrg. Theae'
Ouray. Colo.. July K.—Iiy an accideBt __ _
CO tbe toll road late yesterday after pbsnt comedians distinctly depart from
noon Miss Myrtle Bhsw. of Plttaflcld, me old iaaiUiar order of elephant perIlls., was fatstly Injured and several formanqes. Tbry are not simply
A- Montagne, 127 Front 8L
■■trained animals-: they am reriubie
others, til membvs of.ibe T. M. C A. animal
actors, dtoplBvin
dtoplaying sa much good
amo.'.g tthem ____ and Judgment, aa great an appremui u aiu
1. July IT.—A staff eorr«- eaevrsiou. iiumuiiry hurt,
Major B. W. Halford, private seema-y elation of the humor of their-several
(o ex-Prealdenl Harrison during bti ralcaudaa sincere a deatoe to pies e
Front and I'ark Su.
term of office. •Just below Bear Creek and entertain the public as any pv;coal Adds tbto week and teporta a de Palls tbe horses
a first clam loaf Brsad-thr
ferable condition, the miners a'joady which Mlw Shaw wasriding w.tb Maj.^r (•rmer «n the grrai exblWtlon. Their
our Cream Bread.
It to
work U dlsUnetiy
praetlcally facing Mam-ailao. Thebl.ek Halford. O. Kloehart. Dr. BlliotL all
Thnrtril A Oane, cor. 7ifa and Union.
of the stereotyped
ley peveeut
coal miners of Clay county, 2.BOO in of Denver: Mr. Campbell, of Wheelitjg,
constant mpetotlon baa (ackt 'that
that 00
I W. Va.. and Mn. Khurt, of P.ietdo, be. miHsHxed with
Bumber, are all out. and
the pnWle. but give a
lb th<
Look them over.
has been opened at Brasil to feed tben. came ftigbtened and nvenumsd'the
that ■ at
At Fontanel. Ind.. In the bitumliftius carriage with the result sbo»'c sUled.
_a unique.
>ndlMon exlsta These Miss Shaw was injured about the head tronpe of elenbanta. each attired in
and died In the bosplUI here shortly o»ume beBulng
Star Groeery. 245 Front Sl
) wjrk
ting tbe
the character it porpoi
.the iraye, preventing a complete comedy.
serl .us
The euteraent aeems beyoud belief.
and yet It is alaolaiely true. PerbapSossnaa Itos Hall PlelA
f^rago.July I7.—Lesgueclubs yester' tbe meat amnsing comedy prtaenud
'Bgtat thousand Indiana miners are on day reported the following
by these 4
•trike, about SO per cent, cf tbe total scores: At Pt. Louis—Phili
■hiUdriphia 8, tnjing tbe arrest, trial, conviction and
number, The mines In the vicinity of -81. Louie W: st Plttsbuiirg—lioat.in 4. inearcerai ion of an elephant for intoiir store, also lee cream (or the
EvansvUle are the only ones that are
-naltlmorr I. cation. The spectacle of the clown
family uade. delivered at realdence free, fee en
being worked and tbe aperatom there
oephant. rolling from side to tide, apeodA MeLeUaDAAab.cer. Frout and Park, and rear. Masoole Block.
are jubilant. Informutloa comes f.om Loutst-llle »: (second game) Ne
par nt y la tbe last stage* of a drunken
Parke county that the men ssc be Un 7. Lsmlsville *.
spree, is ludicrous in tbr extreme. In
iting to gruw restless In that vicinity.
Western League: Al Ksriai City— th<- mid-i '.r hto revelry the poUceman
At Pontanet tbe miners, wh.lr UVr IndtortapoUs 17. Kansas City Ir at Mln- arrives, armed cap-a-pie with a hnge
adjoining McNamara’s shoe store.
1 aork. we'e foretd
ofBiial be'met and jauntily twirling a
I neapclls—Deui.|t 7. Mlrcsp. Us 4:
cents. 4-ceiits ‘below the recurnlMl s-a e Paul—Columbus II. 8l Paul 7:
Mll- clu’i in hi-trunk /The offending elc
of tbe state. Cove.nor Mount spent a wsukee—Oraid
•id nspids t, Milwaukee I. phs t auempu K> escape but .the pogood deal of tbe time yesterday eoWerirrn Arscclstlon; At Cct'gr Uap'ds lie man to too qniek for him. 'The of
‘savorirjc to complete the orgtnUation Des H'jlttss^. Ctdar Rapids 10; a( P
fer der is seised by the ear. mar«b<-d
Of a committee \>r dtltetis to go to the ona—Hurilngton I.PenrlRlPalDubuq
ay to the magisuate’i office, eolemn
mining dlsuirt'snd Inquire into'the —et. Jcsei.h 10. Dubuque <: at Rockf.
tried and aenteneed ^-an
Friedrich Block.
oondfUon of
ng men. Tbe --^ulncT 6. Rocfch.rd 8.
iudge sUti^ In
- hto jodlelta^di^iiy^npJudicial dl
on I
ilry t
rled awa:,, -------------------, ---------your bicycle to him and get the
10 show to the
Tern., Jely 17.—At the suffer durance in tbe ctophant Jail,
•in oiled, cleaned and the wheel adjusted
need of help. aflercocn se.>sIon of tbe Baptist Toung addition to the several comedies pre
(or 25c. Holdawortb Block. Union sbeeW
•kirg I People’f Union a flfleen-mtnute pratoe sented by tbe Lockhart elephant
liKIgaUun of the number
service was conducted, after wlrich Rev. etUasa. these vrouderful animal t
ting and Road boraea a epedays (hat tbe miners in the bicwk coal Prank Wtklns. D. D., condoned
a dance, march, perform tbe most
olalty. Third door west of Morgana Uvery
Livery Barn.
district of Indians bare worked thepaat -salutstlcn of the fiags." one of
lit at * ----------- ----------------------six roenlha. Ifi thot time then, are ISO bright festUTea of tbe cmvenllon.
yera. play
—---------- -------------------working daya In one mine wber.|pfna. spoDses for the different states i
aresent eompitte pastomlnea. and bee employed the miners gver- made. The evening oeosKui of tbccoBTen. toaT Bomherleas
mberleas < --------.
--------------- '
aged 8t days woik out of the ISO.-' inZn^ tlon was opened by a'rnng oervlee under their' marvelonsl
intelliBSiy ed«
other *S out of the ISO. In oner pick
pick' the direction of
_ they
. can
e give an en
■ but « dayo for banners for the merrd llteratoro.
tire performauee. three wonderful ele
________ dale; prices the same at 114 fiaet Front 8L A. 8. Fryman.
h miner, and In another but D.
quests, mtostosary and Bible readers phant actors coestitute only d
the enUre block coal dUtrict Including courses were presented to tbe auics <d hundreds of superb leatoras only
Clay. Owen imd port of Parke eountlea. MlnpeonU. Indlaxa and pennsylei '
with BlngUng
Broa bmoua exhl
- .
Ftaber aays tbe miners have not had
Medicines or ToDet articlea, O. A. Johnaoa A Oo.
> WUl Ham Her Fsto.
n overage of over 40 daya work la
-to Tra•Milwaukee. July 17.-The Bute Agri Tnewtey. Anguet 9rd.
the past slg moutha.
cultural society win bold Its fair ai
Blngiing Brothers’ .
•usual tolls year In Milwaukee from SepL ment Ibis aaeson to the moat gorgeow
' 20 to a. naltvlthstsntMrg (be btOlef that spectacular entry ever aecB with a dicenaln leglstatlon passed at Madison «ua In this maffnlfleant di^ilay more
last year would affect tbto mris fair.
FaJrmom. W. Va.. July 17.—Ttoeevents Officers are preparing a premluni llrt than a iboumnn people, buodreds of
beantUnlly capitriMned boraea. acorca
pg Tboraday night and. yesterday ffiow containing m.OOO Id awards In addi of ancient Boman chariots and hnge,
•1 drug nia^tat door east of poeloflee.
^ falnlr that it U tbe Intentioe of the tion to this CO.OOO srill be bung up (or golden tableaux, and 25 alepbanU are
miners of this regtim to come out and speeding ctmtosta.___________
ntUtoed. and tbe eccae is a fairy spect
the Urns of the action to suppoaed to bo
PsstS ofa Plosssr WImomIs Won
acle of oriental aplcndor. .
today . when Dc4ia, Sovereign. Batch'
Loekharfa comedy elephanls are preMilwaukee. July 17.-Mrs Bllsabeth
ford and Oompen are billed here for WaHter. widow of the Hon. Isaac P aentedaa a special feature of tbe fam"
Bras, thie season, and
•n addreaa. It 1s the oplnloo that If the Walker, one of tbe first United Btatea
th^b^tS^me a qompUto a^Mt^
men can be got out to tbe meeting they
wHl not go back to work In tbe mines. at tbe Bon>e xa her dsagbter
Tbs geneiol impremloe seems to be that Mnia, at an advanced age. Her death
resOKod from
gueePew«fc»4uasrssd ■iign,
Toronto. July 17.--An American Bag
d pototlvely total the OT>onnon
In booor of the
a will come ouL and from a moou flying at tbe city
rid ^ Momgab ThUiday nlgkt Ttattlng driagatoi to tbe Bpwortb . tbe Bbow tram .___
ad by ceo or two agitatom tt loague emvanUan wds ton down by sharpmeofali kiadA and a
icTCcafdrimrttvw to
--------Q was at ooco
the entire ssMoa .^ praM the
Tbe Specialist.
Office Parlors at
Hotel Whiting,
From nuEdu, Jily ISO.
Dr. McDoofitd locatee and de
scribee tbe moet obeenre diseteeB
jaiit as soon as he sees the patient
withoot askiogany queetiona,4ookins at tbe tougne or feeling tbe
ptHse. He tells at onoe iost what
the trouble is and wbat Uie canee.
He pota his fin^r directly apon
any ache, paia or disagiWble
‘ling, jfivea
juvea a full history bf the
case from b^nnioK to end, moeh
better than the patients can ihemeelves.
1 he reason why bo many. peo|d#
doctor so moch and bo long and
are not cured, is beoanse their case
is not properly snderatood. A conenltatioo iritb him 4 worth evetything, as the patientt are
are' shown
precisely what the trouble is, and
are told what the v mnet do m or
der to get weltr Ke person should
think of doctoring any farther nr
of taking any more mracine until
th^ have consulted Dr. McDmiald.
Htt knowledge and tbe advioe
he givee 4 certain to save endleee
mistakes, trouble, expense and snffering. No matter wbat your cmdition, bow long yoo have been
flick, nor bow many doctors yon
Uve tried, no matter what yonr
uonb4 may be, there is hope. A
perfect knowledge of diseaae is
power and one half its core. It ia
yonr life that is at stake; y-on must
either get well or suffer. No mat-
ed yofi sway aa ioeaimble, bo oMt.
ter wbat anybody sayiL lotA your
neede Bqoarely in tba,aoe; go now .
-^to-dAv—to thifl most' eminent
•peciklut Seeore « ooirect but«7 of yonr om and a foil ttoteraent as to what c«n be dene for
yon. Thifi he givea tree of ezpenee
to all bfittMt Beekeffl after bedth.
from 9«t «. m.. to
UfbM te e faitt iftiawith ten
pUirt Mid save kla m
> • tm> of U0W7 tet ke fngol te
! te»f«w ke bad ran and w«it JoyfftUy
■aa i-DenmorlBf. til PriutAi.
Bare yoB triad oar
Xlivi-oklUnBaUa aad UMoaiilha lA- fcAna. tewa) weekieli^Md. TkcdaiM
abe waa not ao estlrelr.
’■U I bad a third balaata.'* aatd abe,
*‘l am well ooDTiaoed tet I aboald ba
oat danger."
BBAoTbiMbol E*eeoload> ul»|itt7
Bbe tee arat for the preaant, wbb at
Oa i^«avw«iiSerli4ind tom raoA- antwaaonwillingtocoaf. Inattgated.
bowerer, by ac»je evil aptrii, be at
length yielded to te estreailea of te
' Bttdao. bwbol sntvr rtl*. M. «dl U
The Hecogiilzeil iMlws
to S aod iOe-CIgara
.are my'
Ah. tat cut m; «iJ.U bed no »W M wall ta
"Hen I am, nMaiam." aaid be an eooa Mtfth. aod that
Bat the wara>t>i
Wbat dp yoo want with me? 1
'■ lHraK/lbtT'>t«««tl Batacshataol
—Kura fluptKT la K*w Turk Tribaaa.
hope that yoo do not re^nire me to pra
third time for tebalaam. Hearaa keep
aw from doing ao. I bad a great deal of
difBcalty to get back aafe and atrand
from my laat iooroey. 1 tremble yet
I is deli- when 1 think of tt,”
Tke HiMcu
ciou berbt. from « kick tb« moat eOoaThe lady ten eonjnred bim In te
dou kalmi have ten at air tin»cf«Dade. moat pre^ng manner again to brave
Tba iohabiiauu at te TiUas« o( the dangeia which taitberto bad oasaed
£ramubntal flill te eteacta made bim bat a pareing lemr. gbe promired
with tbeae airopleK. usd thiawmappear Um great riebaa and offered him a magle« aupnaiDi: tvLui U ia knoara that Blfloent farm. In abort, abe eo camtbOM intaebiiaiHa are in —- ■*------pUtely daailcd te raah peaunt that be
from tbc nsdnDta of Pragne of te ta' ilabooldooat bim hia
Biooi ackool ot PuteU^ who were life, to go for the laat time to poll a
axpellod dnnsp te war of the HnreiteB, balaam in the euebamed garden.
and wborwitbootdrabt. were Id poiaee“U I come back ftmn it," tboaght
doo of nsninal boUnieal aucrett. the to bUnaelt <*1 aball be
e rich, and I m
_________ of whicb ia at te preaent
It paaa te mat of my daya in ioy and
diV hagteoied. Bat among te barbel aboc
^rhnhteUiewugeUrge|mdaeaaltOtw| He re-entered Ua bonae maWag teae
----------------------- ,a Bia. GLORIOOS PAWiyfr
which baa bKome eeleinted beyond all' refieeciaoa. Nevarteleaa, be did not
te Utentsre of fable. It ia calM te again dan to toderuke tbtptgilooa
yellow balaam and growa only in a
‘‘J(y dear- boy,” be'iaid to te cldeat
kUebeo garden, of whicb Babenhl baa
swerri'd for hiuiarlf te excloaire en of biaehildreu, "I-moat go totecbapel
joyment. A manTlcna power it attrlb- which ia at te aammit of tbe moontaln.
•tad to tbia herb. Tbemomdarabie and Ton will aocompany
They aet off together. The more they
te moat inveteraW tnaladiea do not re-,
riat ih It ariroa eren to noariah te advan^ te more tbe deffka became
mind, and Robetabl permim only a narrow and te monntaioa barren.
amall number at faia faeoaiwa to guber Wben tey arrived on tbo bahta of a
lakevrh^ apread ealmly and darkly
^twp ineripitooi rocks, te fa
Onto open a time a lady of diatinotion wbo treidid at Ldegnita fell dan- ter fell inch a peofonud revtrie. There
raometbing in bisaiKinlet looks ao
gaooaly ill. Fearing for ber life, te
aent for a pi-auot of te moootalBA Btiangu that hia son involnntarily trem
‘ and promiaed him a large reward if bled.
'What ia te matter with yoo, tabe woold bring her a yellow '
’• garden Seduced
by tber?” te asked.
te temptation of gain, te peamnt ren- . Tbefatberremainedrileot. Tbeycon.tnred to nsdertake the adTentote. When tinned to climb te rides at te moanbe bad reached te Wild and deaert place tain. and when they were near tbe gar
la which tbc garden it aitnatod, be pet- den te father aaid:
'EtU aplrita have misled me from
eeiredte woodcrfnl plant and, arising
a apade. he pn-pgred. to dig it np. bat my etrlieat yooth. and ten fore 1 bate
while be wai triuching tihe cnrtfa a fo- always aapdred to tbe poeecuion of great
liooa wind raddenly anaa and a voice rldiea. I bare never bad te f.ar of
like tbnndrr aoooded in bie ear* worda Qod. I bare nerer had pity for men. I.
which be did not eamprebend. He loae bare led a w ild and irregolar life, not
up qrice frightened and advanced to
-hieb ia te duty of
ward te place whence te nedae pro---- WILI. EXHIBIT, HAIN OR SHIHB---called by nun. for 1 -man
oaeded. Scarcely wu be able-wreriat
te wind and keep blmarif npright rob the lord at te mountain of te
;llowbaiaamaDdlbrelotdaftemunnPreaanUy on tbe ndge of a rock te aaw
liowiU destroy me.”
te moTenwat at a gigonHc apparition.
Tbe ton began to weep. "Fatber."
Tbe pbastom bod te haman form; bio
long beard bong down to hia breaat; a be esrlaimed. ' 'renoonce yoor project
tbe boose Ood ia meccifnl. "
Urge, bookid now gave bim a drfonned
Wild, however, with deapair, te
ri^e; bii menariug eyes reemed W
dan ligbtninga. and hia toefca and hia father bad aiieuiy aeised tbc epade and
cloak fluattd in te aiudof tetempaat. •et to work. In an l&atani all te ele BsMrvfid 8»ats and Admiasiona Show Day Witkont Extra
ments appeared to be ««xifoa||ded to
- Charge at X^oktofBoo Hews Stand
In one of bU baudr
gether. tbe winds were nnohained, te
clsh, felt of knota.
•■What are yem abool tercf” cried cicada bnnt. te brooks were' changed
Votlee to Wator Oonaomata.
tbii auprraatsral being to te poaaant into impetauea tenvuta, groans iaaned
Tbi' pe«““*- eouijn>-rittg like a brave from all tbe plants ia tbe gerden. Tbe !
The M of water for eprinUlng nord and from its crat de- j In Ite Bnreian village TJalora there poaea ia. by oar rulea. oonSaed to tbe
man te alum abi:-b at Stat aeiaed
of S a. at and e a aa. alto » p.
bim, aniwered: '‘I aeek te yelia^Mm. and « p. m.
Mm. A Bkk woman baa promlaePto
All places where water b. (eand-rnapay ma well for it”
to tbli rale will be shot
"That which yon bold yoa may take peasant and^mled^bi^ te aU^ |
I given te
onurmuu. .u.o .r.. uvbo
. ofl-e*rept where a epecial persall haa
away.” replied tbe giant, "but take
raina Tbe sod beard te • ^ree of U,. D. by MaKcndree tmi- been gtaated.
good oore not to come a eeoond time.'’ him with iu
eighth ta-tf
a. D CaBremu.A^K».
.At teae worda be brandiabad hU dab
became weaker. For a lo^ time be re„n tnowe
H your grocer does not keep A. L.
, •
Iw. MrrrauUI* Co; Block.
IPWEDD^ A OKOaa. AuorvrrI. CLir 0|vro HOKM Uoek.
uutid preopUrto oU aayer Bight
roU* Sporlol oitreiiee ^t«B u> oUwwics
BBC cfeiidivo'k diwooM. ateto iLriutri Wfea
DIAMOND I Cycle Owners Look Here!
Tobacco f.Sfiss’XSs.. .'MSrws
____________ _________
' Bniiur «-
• A. W. JAHRAU8, •
pusam m soisomoos
r4hHl»ck. Phereta
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
GfiOGERIES; 6nciBtplis&teiUiul.l
«4J, ________
as* rto Baeactly
t SB ......; OBgioBv
B ll«0'Sri'auae<
** «]* C^CBge..
West Michigan
:: fSSeESf
41n Union SL Telephone ».
Aod ererythiog in the line
monaUtmMd the lady tboogbt berrelf' *be tky clearing np. be nee and, tboriMKiT when ate rew teaaeU In poaare- | «»gbly frightened, aongbt the chapel in be preparing in Ban Francisco for enoter trip towanl te nortb.
rico of tbe remedy wbidwaa to aborten I
» rewenmend blmrelf to Qod.
Paris baa a new Bonapartiat cUb
ter-anfleringa. Her illiwaa in fact di- I
**»“«*» •**.*"?**
called te Petit Cbatrea, of which Marmlnbted at te right Kerertheleaa. te
did not obuin a complete core. 8be [ wbo had appe^ to to almori entirely | *al Sey’a grcat-grandacn, te Prince
I recovered, mddenly died:->New Yak de U Moekowa U peerident.
^ain aent for the peamnt..
"Have you again te eoonqre.” aaid
Mra McBUnley, U la said, looks fc«te to him. "to go and seek for me tbe
ward with gennine pleaeore to a «
flw CvtoBOUv-v atrew Jmyellow halretu?"
Sir Samuel Baker, in bU ••'Wild m
!«*««*«»» bat ^ter
"Madam,” auiwmd te peasabL Beerta.”
tet te power of te jaws »cold mid liking it tbe better te bot"te lord of tbe monnuln appeared .to of tbe crocodile is terrific. Once be bad ter it ia
me te first time In a terrible ahape and te mrial of a large book, tbe tbicknem | Prince Lnlgl
Seroy, wbo bm aUrtforbade roe with tbreata to aet my fpet of OTtliiiary telegraph wire, oompletely j ed from Sau Francisco to climb Uoaot
again to thii garden. I bare too moch i i*rt” tc«etbci^.'te teUri”potot’’b^ ‘ St e1 tot.mark- a rope for sealing pnrfeu of bffendi^ bim.
; nreaaed ttobtlv against the aLank and noaea which ii a enriority In iu <
Bowerer. te dame <
of Srst .class jewelry and
toilet articles.
. B A •RT.,
Trtiew Bif Uiu Of Stetiaen.
1)r. D. T. Jeahina of Tfamman. 0..
.bl'. ^.In. tot
I „.o.
rt.,. Cto to. ,i»o..itm to________ ___
! .otob . tob r l,Wb, to
«,» .Uto to bo^totb.
.toH ^ I *<»»»» • Art wriFbing fO poanda bitten ,
•• ^
‘■y •
figare appeared to bim
fThia, agaia, waa te work of a onap
ftill than be bad seen it on bU ®**lft5rii’te jaws of a crocodile. M. Paal
jonrnqy. Tbe pbantom'i locks
CBoe made expetimenia on te
motedlMrdereO; hiicloak floaled in te iMtoto-o, of crocodile's jawi by meant
air in larger folds; lightnioga fitted I
. Be foand tet a
from hU eyea. Be cried, with a voioe I g—odte w
ISO pounds anarted
i « force of Mb pewSdato rioaingbia Jaw,
"What are yoo aboottb^
/ I The lion baa an enemnooa jaw power.
Tbe abyaaea repeated, "Wbat an yoo Oa one ocogrion an Afrioui tnvrier
aboat tiierer'
poabed te boR end of bia gaa Into a
•‘I seek tbeyaUowbalaam,” anewered Uoa’a moaib, and te puaeure Of te
te peasant. "A ri<k woman baa prom . Jaws cracked it as tboogb it bad baan
ised to pay me well for it. ”
atnwk by a steam hammer.
Tbe giant conld no longer ooomto bto
anger. "Madman, did, I not caution
Iiaftr imum.
yoo. and yoo dare leromT-Uow you poaTbe best part of one's Hie ia ibe per. aamit. aaveyouaeUifyoaean.”
formaBM of one's daily dntiu. All
At tbc aune instant flama^appeared bigbet motirea, ideas, ooneeptiona and
to fall on te orimtoal and to bun his
ina man's Ufrareef Itttla
faoe. Tbe pewtrfnl elnb Saw roond to valM if tey do not straiten him tor
te air aod daubed a rook neu bim into te better discharge <ff tbe datiea which
abiveta. Tbe ground trembled under bia derolve npon bim in te ordinary aflalm
feet A frightful clap of thunder aariit- of Ufa—New York Ledger.
•d tp atun bim. and be fell down nmaeJam. Be did not come to himself nnti!
long afterward. Tbe giant bad diaapBoaneo C3itof-8ay felton. te faaMpaued. and te thnator growled tom btaded bearded tody lays over oa all;
' l^ly.
be still tboagbt be beard riie’a a freak.
Clreaarian Snake Charmer—Freak
Dothto; jist aoridental. Oot her faoa lo
tion mixed with ber hair reetoaer, and
leaolt was mortaL—Pbiladriphto
Ob of tetoo yoongQ
^^■daate^m Huwi c^^not
5251^..................... :2:s
Mr. and Mra. Jobn Brinamte of te
great liondon ptounferte making fins
icoeaitly celebrated teir dtonwod wed
ding and tbe riztletb annivemry of te
Bai MoUibai Wadto. a wealthy Fanaa
lady cf Bombay, wbo died leoently at
te age of M years, left 87 iakba cd ropeeo, or rM.OOO, to ebariW- Her aon.
Howrajee Manockiu Wadto, baa given
two more Iakba in roemory of bia motfaec.
Tbe yoong Marqnla of Waterford baa.
beoune engaged to Lady Beatrix Fita-]
manriee, yooagast dangbter of te Mar- j
qatooflMcdowtM. SboaUba dlewitb-'
o« eblldres. te title wonX
anele. Lord Cbarlaa Daririoat
popotor aSoer in te firi&ab
to TyooereeCilv of
rsz SmT EtTNaASIAir
TheCooctrt Enitof ttie.Sea90a
*‘?ro?Ven' t^M. Detail, cadeitfv aad
Splandid ProgTAm Introdao*
inc FATorita Nombarfi.
Morning Record
bring quiotc retumn.
unsm inioniBUTBiii
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