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The Morning Record, July 21, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Firet Tear—Ko.67..
asxnie OBvxsirTo VAjrxMVA
» at Berth Kaaiton la.
pled aad Pleaty of 1
spaoUoaorLtfeBanac BWioa aad
VMt to Oharirrofx-
»M«7^ Park Piae*. Aa ta^MtlcatioB
ako«r«d ttiM a pane of flaM la Msk at
and loMT aaakaa la *inir
badram window «aa akaUwad. The
lower eaah «aa lalead, wt
for the tea^dnf of the two paaea A
S»<aHbre boUet wae found on the floor.
d to eoae Irooi' the
I of H. D. Camphell'a reaideaoe. bat nothing fortbkr wae thongbt
of the odcnTTeeoe until a abort time
afterward aaother report wpa b«rd.
Than Mr. Holden aude aa iBreettfrettoe and laamad that raraage upon a
poleoat wae the eaaae of the bullet and
IteraTagea. The bullet had erldently
atraekaataae aad glaaeing. entered
the window of the hotM. Thla te aa
eridenoa o! the danger of the uea'of
fliaama where bundlnge are
meporta of Xmmaoee Fortoam Onafimed hy Meltable Atttbority--Over
«S,0OO,OOO to •oMTukae Out LaM
Winter - Madway ta Takou
ipteg OB the hoy shore at
the foot of Monroe atouet.
The doctor has aa
In the form of a double croea or cruelfix of rilver, which Wu* dug up five
yearn ago by a party of eweyera at
St. Iguaee. aad U beyond'di^to a
relic of Father Marqnetteb band of
miMioaary-explorera. ItU about five
ta^iea long and ii made in a atyte. pe
culiar to that era. and one that b never
made nowdaya. The ring by which it
waa attached to a chain te worn away,
aad U probably waa teat by either
icr MaiqaeUe lilinaiilf or one of hte
e little bead, ac they lobond
among the Indlaac over 900 ymn ago.
Prof. Andnig has startsd
On his great exploration of the North Pole
IB his mammoth baloon.. We have started a
our Wall Paper department. Found some donble rpito,
one of a kind that we’d rather take 3c for thmi carry. -
Beattte, July «.-Ooveruor McIntosh
of the Morthwuat Turritory. who -U
here, freely euboarilM to the tmthfnlaaae of the eteriae aboot the uew gtod
AIgglaga. He emlautea that Klsadyke
of gold teat winter. More than a mlUOLD XmXOM W. a T. o.
ion dnltera' worth of dnat, he eald. aow
1 with MuaUrred In the cablna of the mlaera
ergtote Kemhan.
along the erMk. le'
He mya that the enrveyora are w
t 'a leeent meettog to the
talBlng the teealUUty of making a rail VetbodUt ehnrch at Old Mlmten
road into the Ynkoe regioa.
Mm. Oertmde Mioore. of Ovid,
I«et Might.
a orgaalxer of the W. C. T. U..
mecUng wae held la theM. E.
Aaother Mlg^thiatow.
TAnrcb last evcalng to forthi
B. B. Bruckea
Mte for the AnU-Saloon League
aetead'B aoa Harry went flihing nnlcm at that place: At the eloee of
the. meeting about twen^ of the ladtet
la the Boardman river Monday. The
alaed and the fellowlag offieem
Prof. C. a. Hon wu ehoeen chair- fiah bit well, and among the
tea of the meeUagr
of bout eaaght wore two of the toook
Preaident^Mra. P. A. DeV<d.
The following otBoere Were elected variety walkingsH pouuda each aad
VUa Porter.
for the catalog year:
a rainbow which tipp^ the aoalm at s
TrmnrerwMm. Floreuee WiUowby.
Preeldent-Prof. C. H. Bora.
,. __
two fengpr vfnre landed
Snpt. Mothem' Meettv*—Mm. O. E
Firat Vice erealdeat—Gco. A. BalL
by the doctor aad the latter by Harry
----- -'•v C—.V --------Jamleoa.
Second Vice PrMMcnt-Joha GUlle.
Third Vice Fr^eat-B. H. Aliya.
itou Idand ae thebi
SapL Public Meettage-Mlae Limte
heavy eea wae running hut the “Baaeo
Treararer—M& K. E. Stroag.
&" atood up bravely and aiTired at the
A eornnuttee. muapoaed of Bcv. G. S.
Supt. Fower Committee Mim Alice
I' Waad at s o'clock, aad the night wae Korthrup aad W. H. Dmlor. waa alm> Street park.
apeat there. Tbnieday moralng a run appolated to report on a i
There wQt he a daace laCochrau ball Smith.
% over 10 the South Maaitou Ugbt aad
The firm meeting waa b^ Friday,
Friday evening.
leth. at the home of Mm. DeVot.
' •
fhg .StaUoa wae made, where Tom that the ebalrmaa and v
Tost Garland waa In the city ymterrblch them waa a good aUeudance.
aad Bert Qreea. old' Trav- appoint a ei
day for the firm time aiaee hU.loag
All the memhera are very mneh InterI aad Icglate- Dleem with typhoid fever.
•cea atf boye. are 1^ charge. Bxten- tattoo, tew <
«ted-l8 this
mva lepalra arc being made at the eta>hen of the Thlmhte Clah
There la great need, of this work at
Barney Andenoo. Walter Lyoa aad wUl meet with Mm. Briatoi. 19« Bast
tiou ander the et^errlaion of GovernOld Mlsaloa and it is to be hoped
~ t B. A Thdt.
B. D. Johneon. who are membara of
9th ateeet, Tbnreday
other namm will he added to the rolL
The guaUamenia charge eoadaeted the Vonag Men'* League, aud John
Dr. Moon has ventured to brave the
Every one is oordiallT invited to at
the eatire erew of ■■oflieefe'' oa aa In- GOIU were voted In ae memben. .
u of the etaThe next meeUng will be held Moa- duagere of the bieyele. and vriU at- tend the next meeting wh^eh will be
rmpt to snbdne a new aipper.
held July soth with Mre. DeVol from
ttou. and we la tarn entertained by day evening. July ». In the Frimidi
The achooner C. F. Cterir«f,.a<
lore oa board the yacht.
church, at S o'clock.
• entn « p. mThe ran to North KaMtoa Uland.
Juat befnre adjoarmnent Mr. Cartta lead. U loading hardwood lember for
Senator Turley of T
. dtetaaee of fourteen mUee. waa made waa elected a member of the executive Bnflalo from the Ova! Wood DUh Co.
JbhnsonChy. Tmm.. July SO.-Oovnnder mavae In one hoar and thir^- •ttuaell.The Mimes Belle Johnson and NelUe
night mlnntea. The party
Hawkine gave a delightful eaUiag par emor Taylor test evening made the ofVXXA. BX BBMB TOMOMBOW.
tbat he bad ap
here .hy Captain Andenon and the
ty to to thalr friends to Marian Island
pointed Thomas B. Tnriey of Memphis.
crew of the Life Saving Station
#Uher Will Pitch Bccmd Oai
United Stetm senator to sneeead ths
The crew were tana for a nil and
Agaioat ttu St. iMaie Tmm.
The wheels of Indnstry resumed tam
late Isham (>. Hairla. The
tn Inner man refrcahed from the good
Maaager Kehoe oftbe HnaUera re ing at the mill of the TrarerueCtty
wired Us choice to Mr. Torley aad re-d^tugu mowed In (he tockm of the ceived a telegram yeeterday from Flunk
Lumber Company yesterday, after be
orived a telegram of acceptence.
ya^t. Upon the return to ebore' the W. Fiaher, the pitcher who baa been
ing ellent for two months.
party eat down td^a toe e|wead givw talked of aa a valnable addltton to the
The grand opening of the Bostoe
\iX Captain Anderen and erew at
that he would be here ae aoon aa store will take place Friday aad Satur
Boardmanh Beeort Betel. EereaUve- poattble. It U expected that he wiU
ly enmmm cKf vraedUeorerud. The arrive at aix o'clock tomorrow morn day. A concert will be given and
aonvenim presented to purehaaera.
hotel wae wttl filled with gneeta. and ing. UnleM be ahonld mUa
The keavicet min that has yteiled the
there are fifteen new cottagca and about Uona he will be here to pitch tomor
Ladies' Plngre* A Smith Easoi
alxty rmortera. There are eldewalki row's game against the Sk LonU team. riclBlty of ThompsonviUe for a lony
Toes. Hand Turns, Ooth Tops
and a etreet light in frontof each not- Fisher U smd te be a ftret elaea twlrler time occurred there yesterday a
A. E andC. *4.30 Shoot
tage, making altogether, a very pleee- and has been with the team of Bvans- aad fnrmars are o
ant place.
The seroU work, near theocillag, In
vUle. Ind. He U a brother to FUher.
Alter ennmr the life Seriag Station the noted piteher of the Claelnnati the vwtibsle of Steinberg's Giud has
wae iaapecled. then the fall set of National Leagne'team'. apd comae of been embeUUhed srith another aama.
eigual fiaga, presented to “Oommo- the atoek of which the beet pltchem that' of Bcmenyi the world's greatest
dore" Friedrich by Goveroor nngree
■e brought out and a leoaon in their
Victor Moatagne has sold bb catMC Imparted to theyaebt'e oommander
Fienlc at B
boat. Chip, to .Arthur Morgan of Onand crew, which was interesting aad
This morning the 8b Ftuncis ehnrch elnnati. It was tow^ to Omena.
At every place society, the Children of Mary, will where Mr. Morgan ir resorting, yester
vblted the yacht waa well known etnrt for Ne^h-ta-rrante on the, bay day afUraoon.
through the reports printed of h«
boat to apend the day on a jolly plcale
Thi t(OBxn« Bscobd, which v
The party win number about 95 aniT The Sb LonU team, which created
Father Bauer will go along to look such a favoiuble impresrion here ear
lier in the season, will be hm today
Mrs. Btmrdmaa. daughter, thirty after their pleasure and safety.
aad will cross bats with the BnsUen
gneau. aad some of the llfe-saveTU. over
forty in all, were taken lor a moonlight BFWOMTB UtoQUB ABSEKBET. this afternoon and tomorrow.
A retnetory cow Ucked Mrs. Jose
call of an boor aad a half lathe erenlag. and maay words of pr^ for the Began in Imdlngtoa Tssterday With phine Johnson Monday night white
that lady was engaged In mUklng' the
yueht were epokoa.
animal- Mrs. Johnson's Injarics were
The boat left for Letead Friday
Lodlngton. Jnly 90.—The
moralng aud sailed to that point ia two normal brmaeh of the Bpweeth Leagne severe and medical attendance wns
honra. and left for Oinrtev^ at iO
assembly closed yesterday after a
Men's PatAt Leather aad Bam.,4arriviog there at 4:SD p. m.. and lb snooeiaful week, and today the regular |
of Clareooe J. Martin vs.
of the assembly began. Every Ashley B- Curtis, which was tried te
ameU. former price »5 OO aad
party were the gnests of Oaptaia O. E
96-00. to close out at *S.<M).
WBbnr of that place nntit 11 p.
ooltoge on the gronad is o
the dmalt court ^terdsy, will go to
Daring the et^ h«« the Captain aad big bote! ii nearly fiUed np and snores the Jury this m^teg aad the <mse of
'family were takna tor a aail. and of tenis am being pitched every day. the A. W. Wait Mtg. Co. va. Tena Caris
ttoongb hU eoartov the gnesU were The
promlsae bo be very will follow.
enabled to gefpassee to look over the
S. T. Bjwen. a well known traveling
•teamer Mauitou, the finest steamer on
>an of Chicago, wm eererriy affiteted
the tekeu: ahe U e vmitahle floating
Men's Satin Chit Shorn, rrgnwith a riolent attack of rheumatism at
Of Mpwoim Itoeene to Bs
to Park Place Snnday. Us did not Im
larfil.79 Shoes, now going at
Learie CbartevoU at U o'clock, the
prove SO hit famUy was sent tor. They
party .ncrived agate at Northport at
The Grand Travsrae DlstrietBpwmth arrived test nlghf
SMA. »- Batniday momteg. wbare.
reagne eonventton will be-Aeld at
K. B. Stroag. local maaager tor the
«B(U (he departure at 9 a. m.. the crew
ElmfaaU piano eompaay.
Nmthport Jnly 97 aad 99. Tmi
were gnests’of -‘Plmt Mate"^. M.
Hty wUl he represented by n good deh tree gratified to receive. <
. FromSortbporttoeymUsd/oteme- ^tioD. On Tuesday evening ths BerT stroag-wordsnfpcnlsefarthe toe lo
B L. Kellogg vriU give an addmas, and .strnmeat
Msnb Light Color Taa Bhoss
in the
- na, dU net tend them bet oentinnsd
other Tnvores City people on the ivo- Monday nighL from Remeayi sad the
U to M psrosat daaonat
on toEuttoas Bay.'where a stop w^
gram are Her. A. J. Bldred. Miw Mar emteeat ptealsL Wm. Sanvleb
mads nsttl 9 o'elodt p. m. to glvfe
tha Barney and Howland Dooglaa.
F. B. EUb of the Wolverine Oaso<]Us(< Engtoew OU Idspeetor Prieiffonrth vtee-preeldaat nf the dtetrieb
llM Oa of Grand Bapkto has aotlfled
riA time to Inspect «ve bart^ of oiL
The m was made from Snttoos Bay
Thwe nre sUU teftte the Bkgo«d of Frank FrledriA tkat hs will arrive
hm from Gtaad Rapids with a party
to OrriUekriUe. so mites, te 9 hows fice a tew of the bteyete oidte
Lsdlm' Black aad Taa Hagn
•ad to mtontes. arriving them end cards which cyclists can proenre hy of tri^ today. They wUI do ths
A Smith Jalteta. former pries
distonee from tha VaUey City to thb
making applieatkm.
»9.clo^ out pries BE
•tter being nhsest 95 bows i
out oaths there of Carp Lakn
Dhloegn Kaibet Meport
lUke Ho XlstAks.
- Tbto
the first emiae of ths
CUcago. Jnly to.—Wheat—July,
gb^k. Bssen E Plngree Jr., and TCXo: S^temW. T9}<«
thniitwasenjoyabtenadsnesesstul b
■ilTor Xtenbl# Onielfix Xa FosessslOB
•tmstod by every "oCesr" te thcjwsw,
' orDr J. A Oeaaer.
Con-Jnly. Sfie; September. toK«
Or. J. A. Conaer nf Ionia, who apeat
• Wsadsrtogs nf a BallsL
Otoembsr. 973(e: May. 90Xa
The Original.
Onto—JnlM 17156; September. l?X«: sorns tim here last year, baa -ntamad
. About eoon Sunday Mr. and Mm W.
for aa oatiag. aad a Utils party son- mnomss.
r, ItXe: May. toXa
a. Bolden benid the repeat of a pUtol
*7.79. sisttog efbtoaslLbb dMwhtsr. Mbs
«^tbsenshof brenktegftoasto Ow PdrWriy. »7.67;
Aaab Coaaar. aad MarvidOnaraasy et vs SSln* To* ■ CM y/OT U Snsfbi or ua
Aard-Jnly. *4 IT; ^
Dae wa^ a«n iMt alrkt the yadit
Baaaa S. Plapae left thla pert tor a
eqndM ap tha bay aad out aa Lake
IhaatartwaaaMdeat'll o’aloek ^
w, with OapL Maraer^n eonaad aad
-Oomaodoa'' Friadrlfeh aa chief enttaeer and 8. C. Peepree ae tnx a^V
1 at 1:90 V B.
Wadaeeday. whaia a atop
aatn »:», where the Toyage waa reanaed, with Uland ae the next atop.
At Korthport the erew was aug»eoted
by the addition of Captain G. M. Dame,
who took a downward etep Is rank.
in the petaone of WUllaaD Bit^eoek
' and L. i. Orobben. to whom the
of eteward and eblef cook w
apeeUrely apporUoned.
Aa hoar wae epent at Lelaad and
CITY bookstore,
Fniinlian!iilOloJul]| 10
WUl pirei.
We did not miss a day
. in selling.........
Taking quality into consideration you will
find my prices are as low as the lowest.
Those Shirt Waists
Attract the Ladies
And why ahouldn'tthey?
T ilCD w sijs wAian
We still have an "abundant assortment, and all sizes.
These are all new Waists Just received.
24 Pairs
33 Pairs
The World’s Most Eminent Violinist,
Says of the Kimball Piano:----‘•It is exquisite
accompaniment to my
-And hisaccompanifit, Sanvelt, after using this
instrument, declares that:—”T1ie Kimball piano is
easily the equal of any instrument and I expresa.ffly>
self as being more than pleased."
N. E. STRONG. Local Manager.
Use home made floor, if not
hs good
69 Pairs
mann&ctured by-
Front Street
108 Pairs
118 Pairs
vietoitynf their raomi to tbs eeeood
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
We’d rather you'd get the
Razor Toes-Tlieiilllhist 6a.
A Pew Bargains in Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes!
New Line of Children’s Shoe*.
Tea eaa-AJ way* On MUT at—
The Pure
Fruit Juice
^ nwtrlool Vetao.
Jtot why people will contiaoe
ftoolc ta eee "UnoleTom'eOobla,''
eo-C^ Doadroory wonld any. “Ooo of
tVwe tolars that ao fellow oonld And
H. roohmon. twtiro yooro Ofo oa
oat." Bnt they will fo and eee it jsot
towhatwefiavoroor Soda sfcoyo ^
omployo to too oboe deportmo&t of toe
ae toey have been dolar for thirty odd
We do not OM extneta at ur funtaia. A
yeara No play baa been mon abnaed
. ***. T
W. Hammo.
leOo., orriood
ta toe eity from lowo toot oigbv
than tol* oaa
' J. W. Ha>w. editor taA
at toe rata of too Umca
boo MtbooBtoTroooneOtyto
five cuts. Bverytolng aSrietly deu aboot
tooatooyoore. a day ud la ou nitbt etaads la u
toe foutalB.
boor ud a half, by five or eix peopla.
Vr. Peter MlUo. wile ood doorbter
Oa tbe otoor band It bae beu tiutad
bore Ukea board o\ Mn. Hobbel'o oo
State etroev. Mr. Mltto boo retoraed
imata pradoettaa. Being pntaUe
trem Softoow ood will
proporty. uyue wbo tboegbt they
of toe t
dierye buoioeo. of
Ort oacvurea Mltto Broo., to too pooUffloe boildtoy.
oodld make a few dollar* ont of It kae
a. ta F»B1H fcfWtweU as tbe coantry at large ha* ooffefed fnu toe inflicuus. Bat it wo* not
Bow Oito Beyooldo Woeotod o
nntU Saltar A Martin broogfat toeir
prodoetlu ut that the eda
Tab lomber ^ednto to toe tariff
toe pUy had toe plraenre of eeelng it
Diek BeynoUto bad a fam&y horaa
bill to Btill toe bone of oootonUoa to oad a few days 0(o traded him for a
pet on toe otage in a muaer toat toey
eoold approcUta. Takiog the pleoe
toe aoDote. oo eridoMed yoetORtoy tora*.yeairald oott. Now. Dick totoko
- Whon'toe report.of .toe eonfaroBoe t the vrvpv tolar ta have a family Vtoal fltnirgie la toe Beaata oa toe It wu origieaUy. they give it a dreoBGet them before eeaeu ta over.
tag of complete oad realUtie eoonery.
•emalUee wm> token np. It olao fv
- to ri*« toe
Btobod lon oppertv^ for ooBotom toroe-year-old a tew lemoaa with toe
Weabinrwa. Jnly W.-The Wlff pat the priaclpol ralee lata ec
engaged o anmber of aagraea
ToUm end PetUrrew to Ml bow the idea of Mkiar that eort of a berm of etrarfla woeTemoved ta tbe eenata to
whole aobemeofo two-doltor rota of him. He took to< ffrst tew 1msoae to day. Several aeaatara wbo have been to odd ta toeptetareo and elng aad
daaee in the levoe oeeaea—la tact did
4nty woo derioed for toe boBoOt of the
atattar-of-faet maBaar, Vta laat eren- ebaent from tlta dty were back acain.
power U make the perform
tomber boron* of MtoblfOB, WtoooBoto tor be apparaa'Uy made ap bto mind aatidpatiar that every vote mlrbt be
The nse of water for oprlakliag perBad Mtonmota. and totaadod ta oarieb that bo wasn't boUt for a "family needed. On toe dmk before AUioon of uoe aoeepUble ta the pabUe. Tbe pooeo
ta. by oar rnleo. ooofloed ta too
oapoaee ot too bono. aad wboa Dtok taok him oat oa lowo. who to in cbpr«r of the tariff Seltar A Martin prodnetiu wiU be at hui* of 5 A m. end 8 o. ra. oleo 5 p.
moMOi fcTfae blttar oweoMae dtoplay State etreet.for bto awtal leosoa be' bUI. wa* a manaoeript of toe tariff Suinberg'B Orud tonight
ra ud 8 p. m.
Ail plodM where woter k foond raa•d by ooBOtom Teller aad PaUlfrow, made a foralble ob}«»taa: la fact, be
report. Iiamediataly after
ning eontraiy ta this role will be ebat
beweTer..iwUl BotbelUMyto «baa(0 Idcfcod to a Utatal eeaae.
yayer a mmsec* from the
off>-exeept where e spedal permit hu
- toe rmnlt wblcb ha* oltoody eaaaod ao
beu grutad.
Now Mr. Beynold* eHU bae a oolt, aooBoad the arraement of that body to
a. W. Biehard, E. FeUort and wife. «4-tf
H. D. Cawranu. A Boxa
Boeb debate aad mtary.
bat toe bnciy. oa firewood wUl do (or
L. Clark. Barku OrOek: B. Afterlae.
aad as eoaeoaira It di
WUliamobarg: Mr. Cartis. Peter (Mines.
TU titaation anXM« the ctrtktor
Big Baplda: W. O. Cotton. B1 Poms. UL;
vided amoar Diek’s ralati^ woald tbe tariff report wae coUod opi
Mol mtoer* to quiet, bat too om^oyoe
I led ta aa MraJD. tVUoli. W. Border. Angell; Dr.
Tbe InmberaffiL.
probably^ arosad aad »i»o leaee
HOfalaiaraddUidaooeotyday. lathe
E. S. Cndny. H. Kingdom. B- FUbk
jiaUmata friend*. Sevoaty- oxelud debata. TeUer aad Vmt
taeoaltoie. toe peace commtoetoa to oxand A. Wright M. L. Imke, Lake Au;
torae pImE were pleked op attar taaded* a 83 rata u white
B. Wright C O. Blacken. J. A. Joi ..
arttafforery effort to brtacaboataootM. Di^ey, F. H. Lee. J. B. Bart*. Ben'•aehooL" aot eonntfar the drips.
tlaeoeat by arbittnUoa. Tbe raoiilt to
Tbs bottom of too bnccy and the logs la effect permitted a doable tax. bin Goodrich. T. J. Beet C. P. Hnntar.
tadoobU but it to aot likely toot toe
” Johaaoa. J. T. Webteller deelared toat toe whole thing
r. Elk
Hk Baplda;
etu aad vrife. B. MUlow.
aaeortatoty will be of loofdaTA
Laekay Mr. Reyaolde eeeaped witoont
Antaiu Grut, Omem: Joa. Moaler,
a* elemeataapen both oMoe of toe eoBMra- J. B Nash.
Lottie "TheOceeiselTbInrThet tovTBesyssrStajory. aad the koree with bat a few mUlioaalrea of Mletalgu, Mlnaeuta ' Pravomont; liee-'J.~B
tMTony wUl tooa derelop aew pbaoeo
aad Wtoeoasin, by which they wonld Nosh, Elmwood; H. A. Tboreca. Mra
p. BalUero,
Bailaero, Mra J. Imrkln.
Imrkin. Blagham;
Tbe next leaaoa baa been poatpoaed be enabled to raise toe prioe of pine _i*s
OUle White.
White, Miss
MW Pearle Whlta.
tram S3 to »< per thonoaad. Pettigrew
Frukfort; A. D. Martin
Martu) ud wile, . .
Whilx neorly ererybedy to debotlar fora time._________________
ot SoBto Dakota severely eritlotoed tbe 8. Martin. Mim
0 A. Strickaar,
Utrickaar, C.
. S.
. Mar‘ ae to otooioe between toe fold mtoee
euferuee amendment, making per Ua, B. Matoewa, A.
L Sharp, lapAULKETT & CO.
wAlotoa bribe «i
lochsn: C. A. Blttar, G
" M. 'King*
•ad vote ofFromtoiar Tsoat Br- He eoid toot 8Z woe deelgned to buefit bary,
hot. a &. PUUbnry
-- BelA.
D.' LaForge.
Beltear ktof. to qcietly t
0 few tMB wbo owa what etaadlng. laire: Jobo Hlagco. wife andI eon.
■ tbe world'* rtoible anpplyof
Bramt HiUa. a v
pine toero ta in Mieblgu, Wtaora*!a Monroe Center; Mra UcGrow. *Me__
drawaed wbOe and Mlnnwoia. One Michigan lamber- pletan; Mra
Doyle. Cbicai^h; W. H. Uwte,
man U worth 810,<KW.000 ud U prom B.
Booan V. Dmt* wont ta OtoetonaU
BardtakrUlc: L L BarUey. Grant; A. A. iBBOftal u t
Moaday afteraoaa. It to tooorht that inent in ropoblieu pollOea. Oe W. HiU ud wife. B- B. Dumpatter,
. •oamkoopeeebeaoadhMp the miaero
heart tremble was toe canoe, os be was Is toe mu wbo "mulpnlatea toe Joo Flaltarty, Old Mtaoioe; B. A. HutVia their otrike. One atcnifleoaf
~ Meyere. BurdtakvlUe;
wd ewlmmer. 8e wa* toe only election of suators in Mieblgu."
- B^t of toe effort to that after beariy
______ Mapletao, 1. BomdiUd of Rev. B.-8. MiU*. wbo receaUy asserted Pettigrew. This oudittaa aee of tbe epecebee a lair* namber o1
erick. B. Dowd. Mayfield; Ssm Oatrikero haoteacd to rota to p> bank ta went ta Bensoal* from Cnloa City, made tbe lomber ooetidment u impor Cooley ud wife. Sattlms Bay.
where b< bad enjoyed a long and oac- tant oae ta toe "Micbigan meebiae."
Inl pastoraU. Tbe fcoeral wUl be said. This me 'lumbermu's 810.VIAOABA FALLS
arc differeaoea of ^iaiaa ao take place today. C C- Kaowltan went (UO.OOO'ta eohatad against the inflaenee
to wbieb to toe eaeieet road ta fortanc: toei« last night ta aoetot in the fnaeral ud votes of IO.OQU.OUO men of oraioacr
Pore Powderad Sploaa,
^eeidaUon in OBTar ctaeke or (he AlaancemeaU, wblcb are in charge of mrans. Tbe eonferaace report oogbt
kan cold mineo.
U. S. Carter of this city.
1 ta be rejmted on this one lumber item
Pore Cream Tartar,
Monster Parade at Noon.
It wu fall of Irieki. be mid. ComThe propMUoa ' to beaoUfy the
Boenilng oo the newspaper clipping u DETBOIT. OEAND RAPIDS A WB«'(aaC
Saklny Powder, tf you waal aa io
ta tbe gathering of lombermu In toe
aak«li.Spoited*fer(IAA kcMwr ftktnlnr.
halldtoc to one worthy of cameot e
Scou now on sole at box office.
BioBBlal Betaloa in Port Hnraa boiun'sroom. Pettigrew eaid that it
Xabber TuUng. all ekea. Waier Boutoe <gnar^il^ Mto. vis Detroit ud toe WaMdwatiea. _______________
astaed ter two yeara.) Poaaiak ayrtagee.
showed that toe pine finu4mut
many kloda Tbroal Brntae*. and Alookcra.
Aognst S. vis Detitat ud the MltolPortHnran, Jnly M.—The Supreme woald take over 8«. 000.000 ont of the
Olycerln* and Wiieh Bawl Lmlen te* tbe
P. 3. Cobb of Oediltoe. wae bare oa Tut. Enigbtt ot tbe Modeebee* and pockeU of the people and pat it into gan Centra) R B
bands and teM.
AuguR izto. via Detroit had the
hwlnea* yesterday.
SopruMBIvc. Ladlee of tbe Macca- toe pockeu of "This little groop of Ora^lntokR-y.
Mtoa Clara Braa* oF WOUamabwT to bMA eravUed today la bleanlol sea- lambermea gathered la bareaa's
All tickeu good ta retora Icohiag
in tbe city.
ekm. Following t^ formalities of room." While tbe bill was fall of
from and inclodlog dey of sale. Beta
Mr. aad Mr*. E. W. Uaetiace aa4 •<
trick*. Pettigrew asserted, toe lamV>r from
woisome the
T>a*eT«« City will be 87. Ask
Walter to»“tJ«*t*fday at (torp lake.
devotod wholly ta raadiag toe reporu rate wsm ou of toe worst ud most Bgrau for full Information or addresa.
Ooorye L. Tburetoa of Central Lake, of toe offleera. Sapreme Eeoord Keep barefaced tricks la tb- whole bUl.
Gw DgHsYEs. OP. A.
Urud RaiddA
nde to toe city Moaday OB bio wbeeL er Boyntaa’sreporteay* that daring tbe
Plr*n f>M* Axste^ Tlewi.
Miio Boy end Mtoo Wood of Montotae btannW tarm. ending December »1.
Oo ta toe Lioo Barber Sb<
Ibop for hair
are toe rneoU of Mtoo Florence Jock- IBM. l.MD new tuU were lasUtoled.
time yestenlsy aneraooa at Oroau a s and baths, is cent* ei
M; B. OairvT
irith a membership of SS.IH. Total p. ir.t John R. tSenUT made a mile le -tf
Dr. O. C JoelinotSvttan* Bey. beard amoKBt drawn oet ter benefiriarica :
and Robert J In tiOSEi- Gentry
•iaoayi at Stelnberre Monday eren 8I.7SZ.4S5. Average amout paid bea- bolds toe wofid-a treord at t:OOta—OEO.
eficUriea of deeeaoed membeia. 8II.BdHor Bam 0. Cooley and wife, of
There baa beu dUbarsed from |
> aer> ibe Proepect le Lew
•ottaae Bey. were In tbe city yeoter- toe total ud permadeBt dtoabllity.bu-OAKRISON.
New Toik. July FI—Tbe World say*:
eflu daring toe bleanlol year. 851,371.
Lake of Lake Aon, epeat Mon- The Ladies of tbe ifaocsbeee, bsve en Denlel aucfraheim. of the Arm of M.
A Sooa wbo bas torge
For Rates and any other im. 4ay Bi^taad part of yeeter^ to the joyed woodertnl progrees. admilHng
dilng iDterceu. vbm
81,141 new members in 18U6.aadepudformation, consult,
L.W. Perkott left laat aigbi for Chi- ingonly 84.tniS. maklag e net gain of Long Brancb cottage, confirmed the
n-purted dtseoverlcs In toe Tukoe coun
oofo to opead eome U9e to toe Inlt fiPl.iTU in toe Sopreme Rlveud Great try and propbeeled tost tor new Aeid*
. mrhot..
Hive of Mieblgu ud the state hivu would yield lor in excess ot even pres
ent rrweatr Indk-etJona But tbere ore
Mto. Hdlte Nioboto and dawbtar ot New York and Ohio.
Commenci'g on Monday
tvelMnforaied men wbo look up<m the
Zmio of Oadillae, are coeote of Mra
^OHarO-Y-reported d^vsries as ezegteraled.
morning, Jnly 12. 1897. I
One of them is F. Hobart, aaeoctetv
sell tickets to and from
Mra. Emanaei Wilhelm to eatartatoeditor of the EnglneeHnx and Mining
WUl Wait a Fsw' Journal. "Te*.I hsveceod theseatorlr*."
raoMpr. ooranors Arreiinoie.
all points on .Carp Lake for
tor ber.old ecboolmata. Mtoe B. M Oo^cy Mcoasge
said. "but. to b- fraak. 1 do not
B«ayofW.klya.». Y. •
for the round trip.^
i tbem. Our Infocihstlon. vhlch Is drPhone 73. Johnson Block. Lady Watts
a. O. Wilee one of toe Bmpire Inm
Wasblagtaa. Joiy SO.—It ta suil-of- lalied and posmve. make* It li
can be chartered
her Company, was to the eity from fleially uaoaoeed today toatPresidut for me to accept the rowwte announcrat
for Fishing or
McKlaley wUl withhold bi* earrucy
eWeeco Moadey en roata ta Bmplre.
Picnic parties at very reason
mcosage aatU the coafereace roporl u of virgin gold.
M... Tom Btemu o.
"As s matter of (act oeme peioeas
toe tariff bill taadopted by toe senate. have struck fairly nto
able rates. There is nothing
{com Ctolcaro oe toe Petaekey afUr
>" toe
. .wtolltotoatcityandwithratoeiiroe I
The repabUean momber* in the eenate Yukon district. But the Isrgv ntsjohmore delightful than-a trip
ty of gold seriter* in that barren coun
Warion. lad.
do not desire to have u>
on Carp Lake, these warm
have been stranded. Tbere Is cety
Mra. -Btaroa Fowler of Utcbfield tions thrown into the seute whUe the try
a ptacer yield on record for tokaectien.
Salmon. Bass und
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
arrlred UM aiffbW^ She will debata tana. Lert it might lead loum- No quarts has been dlsecveted—not a
Pickeral fishing best in •
fraxment- Of eourae. the placers fed
otailC. Fowler of
-----------* - plleatloBA
' heated tann.
worn ont durtag ages from the moun
Pint Ck2i ray Board.
' Mra Haaaab Johnooa of drekia
James M. Watts.
tains indlcai* tbe existenos of rlrii
jr—* throng toe city yeotaraby on
quarts depoMta Now comes tol* stery
Btrifcere Are Oatat in the Goal MiaUg that toe woter* of tbe Kloadyfce coan
tom way tram Pimnkfort. She
try run with mingled water afid gold
fey Mies BeUe Jobneoa.
Correspond wiA
dost. I cannot credit It. We bav*
PUUbarg, July za—iWe naiformlty beard direct from tbe Klondyke mine*
Mr. and Mra. O. T. Brawn aad Mr<
tbe Travetse City
aad Mra C. E. Palmer of Footaria.' O. ta largely dependent apm ^
and know that wme of them bsve been
I caanot my poolattained by tbe member* of toe intarLumber Company. We iiave for sale Good, Sound Hem
ware coeota at Park Ptooi
. aa toel'way ta Carp Laka
etata arbitraUu board in thrir efforts
lock Lunfber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
stortes. About two years ago
Sarwor F. S Skeeto. of the A^ ta enlist toe eopport of operatara of of mlnera drawn to toe Yukon by take
Short Maple WixkI. Lands' for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
iffh taws torir statm in the movmnuk lUlaota reports of lU fabulous wealth, were
descriptions, including 2 En^ncs, Set Works, Carriages,
ud other coal operators are oxpeetad qetctly Ewougbt home free of ebarge
y*Wrtay OB hU way ta The
by tbe transportauon compaqiea"
here toatorrww, wtaea a geaeral
Coraw of Dnioa aad Bay Straot* and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
aaoompaaled by Mra Skoeto
of int- near M. A N. ft. depoL wishes ta aaMra Mfllm. of Fraakfort. is eiolUac lag Of toe arWtratiu board wUl be
Mra Haaaab JokaaoD of AisUa Mra beta.
Bonaee ta toe peblie toat be has rest
Hi* condllioa tt n t sertowa but be has
.^obaC>aBeofChebo|BaB.toaloo vtolv ooke vegioB. eay that lltUe cnal ta belag been corapened l cancel oR eigage- ed and fornlsbed the Botol Poagbera
shipped from that region. The eym- a>«nt* for toe pm
batter toon it ovor kos been botore and
lar Mra Jobason, bar ■
"AaauoUu" Howord. o M-ysar eld cu oocMBodat* toe travoUag
potoy Of toe eoke drawere and bard
Charles laaoaeter. Moi.
celortd pewsboy.
la good shape. John Moy formaly
W. Oobel aad Htoale BabhaU ottaadef oeal miaere ta with the
Baled ot * tbe Newboya’ - beme
orito tbe Botri Whiting wQl have
«bo dietrtat eoareattoB of the Oned mlaara bat toey my that saspusk
Chicago by nsney ^ Berry. Tbe •
' FtediDg_ iarDen
r-------- IM
a BtaeUlty.
a npacialtj.
Roma boaidad,
werh by them woald aot buefit toe seem* one of wutoa murder.
charge aftboo oaad Btlead ta tbo
ffhmpUm at KtofeUy ywtmdayAt Central avenue and TsroalyHdxto wutaoftoogta
Mtoe Boaker. of Maekwea. aad ■!« ettfkma’uee. - TRe eitaaHu in outral
Bnsww. of Ana Arbor. p«nodtom«h
State St. weet of
■m la be dweadut e^oa
tai». yooterday oa tooir «W ta opM
oee hoadred posengen were on booifi.
Park Plaoe BoUL
» «fi the atrike M'Wmt
aamalwookeaiWiload tors* cd thorn i
A. A. MaOoj rtoTMdytM toy from'
•mr«l wMkt’ AbMOM from too oi«y.
Ho boo booa to too BuSoIo potote
TmiVKRSEOlTY! - XKTOOAK* rnorkot. oad oloo rioltod K«w York
rtoio OBd Moiytosd. U toe tblko bo0 roj^ toero, it to tooeftat toot
it orUl onoBd to omtrof PooMylroato.
CotuBbu. Oblo. Jaly so.-Oomeron
UUler ot Uoleatowo, Fa. telerapbod
PrwldoBt Botebtord: “AUtoemtoere
oa toe Bed
^ .
tab owmiDf."
WhaoUat. July ta-lio tuUte sttaation bao no marked ebaafiirtaday. A
few of thoee who otraek yaeurday at
Pairmonnt have retoraed ta wosk ead
eome of the otbin have rone onU
toe castarn end of tbe dtotriet. when
toe orrantoere aro worktor. thwo to
p^ioe of a atrike iMtoraw. At the
weet dtotriet tola moraiar foor baadrod of toe atrlken went M work,
eaetara Ohio all to qutot'and toe
are Idle. There bo* been no effort to
totartere with tbe Weet Vlrrtoto oool
_________________ _
Fruit Jars. Canning Season.
2 Quart—60c. doz. 1 Quart—50c. doz.
WmSdl Todar:
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
RM, Port fail, Mcnci,
Pressed Cooked Hon,
Dried Reef, Uier,
Choice Pooltm
July 21st.
P.L SUM & HARMilv.
Uncle Tom's Cabin Qo.
OBowmm IV omTSTAh xtovs.
50 PEOPLE “V,'SiTa7.„
Has Your
SEE Attention-
lOtauudloCu BoodKIlEll-lO
See Tie,.Giaj^reljof,
Prices-25. 35 aid 50c.
Fire InsuraDce
At Oar
Soda Fountain
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
carry a certain amount
at all times.
- **r-
E. W. Hastings’
Now for Business!
TaikBtmt, Utmm Tivst * Csafi,
Meal Tickets at RedMsd Rates.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Uvefy, Bus and Feed Stable
PiosMT lAwm Stable
rsx iiournra ssoobd. wbdvsbdat, tult si, isst.
. Omral Al|«r Mty
aoctaBOB* aa ovar U>« cmuitry. bat bia
pobUc.datlN Mb* It
> ace*|>t aery oaay biTltatlana
"lb* Ufa of a e
Bot only bearaUc. J>nt attracUv*. arcra
ft net for tbe drudyery it antalU.” raBarbed a weil-kBova eonyi uaamaa
troia a waataro aUia aa ba mopped the
hit brow and yaied
tn a moat awlaacboly faahloo at a pile
of tatter* lyl&f on hla ubie. He waa
aaatad la bha room at WllUard'a bit
Cttr>rwterM «£»a
coat off and be bad tocked a bandktr.
eblef Into ibe necif end of hla atalrt
« U
wberawltb W protect hla collar aod eravat from the inro-da or the meltltic
mood. Oocument*. booki. papera and
WmmtuKUrn. inly
derly proJitt hw bmi wuh fait family at Man* What not lay rttuod 1b dlooidei
Idnlgkt ha
«m»»t'r-»ir-thf-Re« for a
« offoru to pe- IB tbe history df the town. Psopie came
•ay* (*Uag a vacaUoa tren Um «oi
from .aU the country arouod and
iDctdect to -the tarts bllL Tbt aenator
-'Juat look lammed the court bouse aouare and
•rfl] probably rrnaln at tbr taa^ior* for acToaa the street
the streeta for bhx*s; hot that thw
ana« Um*. aa be U graaily In nenl of •-1U observe
the cool comer of the Ebbitt •Botae a enma eat of ctmoMly and not fromayma loos vacation. .
8UU araator Bbepard of Oaaaapolta coterte of gentlemen, chattinc and ort- -pathy with the strike b shosm by the
wa* In the oUy recently and took the ioylns each other'* compoBy. Tbf^ fact that tbe Pritchard minem. who
nrtha of the crowd are members of oob> have been out. after hcartas tbe'spaech
eset and voted io retom to srork today.
chicken la a' coop wadtlng
Imat Blshl Deba save tt as hU opinloo
’ boom' iny worthy colleakuiet that the ratten would be cloaad by
n this fash- Tburaday. but the operators say the
Blsbtly dlapon t
t poUUeal to- lea. They muat elthtf cootrol packet
DOW stiiklng wiu be back
boroQSba or eiae shirk their labors and
almoat Invariably pam.
Chapard wlU probably ataamr the doilea taka bis <4taaces. Perhaps, after Mi. by that tune unlem affitaiors get out
meo at work today,
they are the wwer. I have taken tbe
«( hte oOee aboot the let of Aucuttaacy,” conuauc.
eontioued tbe
cool and rooderaie In hla talk, and
Malor R. D. a Tyler, chief of the man. nmey,
flecUvely. 'thaf a conatUuenc}- ha* no offended DO oDe. in Ibe morning be
%ak rapair ahop of the pertoffiee departa reprsscatativewbo b knoun
le at llaeoagah and tbe mea eai
meDi. was raontly relieved'from duty.
IB spite of SB offer of SBother
Tbit aetlon area the outcome of the
and thtnk___________
advaiwe In wages. Tbe strikers
•eaBdala whleb have ccnteivd abont the call tor thlBS* they don’t sant aa wril are hopeful that UUa wlU lead to othar
. aaan-bak repair shop more or 1«b tor aa these they do. just to put him
and It la the direct reauU of an In- hb mettle.
TaajliHlrai vhtefa waa made by the aec. o^r^iuaoi poatmaMer keceraL
Ifk^ltan. Hla reatsuatloB «
tbia had Mmethlng to do with I
. ,
. :
Oan*vaa*» ■aycety.
John Donovan of Bay CHy was
In the dty for aeverol dayt durtni the
week, and received many attetii
the bandf of the Mlcblinn del<
Baaiatar McMillan tendared him the «m
B( bli ocBUBlttec room as bU ht^uarten darinc bU stay, and Donovan held
a nambar of aesatots and representattvea. Mr. I>ocovss became tamons fqy
botdlBS ap tbe Deroccratic banner
threafb the whole term of a hftchlsan
lesblatars alnsb-babded.
Jodge BeBjamln A. Harlan cd Grand
ItapUs' was made chief ofo dlvbfon la
the peabOD office last weMc. The judec
to very popoUr with the eJerta of hi* dlvtoloB. many of whom haw been there
ftarfng the enthe flfuan year* ihsi
Judge Harlan hai been In office. They
premted the ludge »Hh a beautiful and
rare Dotted fwlm as a tokra of tbeir resra* tl. ».» r ineio o* joct.xumwc-t.
Conertaemaa Bpaldlcs • few «■?» ■**>•
in logins over tbe Wyandotte pnatolDee
case, teamed that the rerlgnatloD of ,W.
wl Coitsx. who war
poatroarter of that i
Accepted. BltbOUSb Hr Colfas Inbtos
that It be done General Bpaldlns f«sra
that Mr. Colfax bas nervous prostration.
b6t'hope» be may recover to that he will
•at ba owiged to appciw another.roa
mil Be B€»se by the Sftih.
*7 will ba able
«tart for home In
•ay Of two after
lii'iIiib" taysCongrearmanFaruBmith.
-and 1 can see no reason why I ca-----*
be In Mlcblgan by the mb of
. 1 suem I will be tbe dm Mlehjnsrseman to mum to WarblrgIksncoT
j. for 1 will be back by the middle of
•eptember. J have some burloea* that
» will1 require my pn
presence her* at
e. and beildee. I
efaUdren bare so ae b
a they be[ think It would Interfere with
their *urdlr.g in echoU if 1 xbould wwlt
until Nrvenrtwt befor, entering tkem.“
t; but If there Is
aaythlak which makea my people ragins road U b to recHve answers to
tbetr letter* wrttten In a atrange hand
with my alsnatnra alooe appended.
They.aaaumc It b not my action, but a
................ set rid of the affair.
obitsed to dictate
stentwrapber a formal reply ackoowt.
adslas receipt <g the latter aod staunc
that the matte
;te?. wUI receive
In due coarse, etc. 1 .
day of a conversation which
_______ ___
my conetltuenia
wbon I had Indicted such letters- 'Did
from Consreaaman Blank In
reply to your letterr queried one. 'Tea.
- circular
ved <
1 did: t r
letters! Did you baar from htmT Te«.'
replied tbe llr*t; X got one of tbe ----circulars, too!'•’
When typewriter* fltwt came Into u*o
litem bet of congree* sell a rypewillto letter 40 ..ne of hla cooatltoeiiU who
rstnraed It with a pencil cr.inment: Till
led tgnnrant thal ! can't read
property. The ihinaa there had also
closed down to let tbe aieo meet r
atrikeis and decide whether or not
strike. Tbe mine ^raiots are paying
• cents and my thdr
for strtklBs. eacapt out of fear
nee In ease they ec
The compaar aril] i
. .
I the men are ready
ne atrlklBg ralDats are camped about
the Cook mlneu.
The atrtklng mlnera dlm»eraed yester-
Du OtlabnUl tpoUlim.
Hotel Whiting
To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
sjsauair '
the mine owners at them plu ordered a
auapeealaB until the
made to the effect that It the roes "sr^.mi^spacwm
did not remain out the atrtkMs would
tvn l.«M wroa*. and iBStaad of brlnglBk
whs are saatot is call, aas wme fsU awMi
muBcal tu«romeeu they would bring east m exprase
with fsll uuonMXiaM to>v is be laVss
The Bra of Dm. B.. B. a Oo- vm lawirrmrelri em
- mro»mb«a»rtai.rmlfr>»owpliiyto^
n the regtoa.
declare that If aay
**S*r»isee <^lis s |Mg osim
work tbey will have 800 miners
On tbe Ohio aide cveii-xhiw toi^
Tbe reports that
>ro«been drivw
Operscors aay they win pfct.ct
Into switches « the Wheell^ and Lake
motioue; Jhey do not
Shle to deruM e sal train* at onkmvale p^opnw to have onl. n, men or anybody
t* untnie. No
that road bas
burlnre* It It bHleved
heard of It. Dehs srtll speak today a
laratinn* are sinady made I
poInU In the Fairmont lugloa. O protect the men in case an attempt^ :
Thursday he uil go into the Kanawb
e the non-union r
voted for you for yex^
V 'galled' tf hear frrra me. "
If work cf bandwin h* snnaeh <o Wear rut the
ammgesl woman In a very fhert time."
?Tr*. ArtHJSl P^etmMUr Oetrirul
Death bas mad. the following allowADpwPfor horse hire and carfare forTree
aIi^ prut.fflrer In Michigan fbr the
ir. : •»"
B., c,„.
SUM: Jackson. S*TSr Kalamaaoe,
' can't kill a fritow - b«rC dry air. I
friend who
I sumptbH) who went to Florida three
• made
Mde by
by the
the dvil
dvil Wtvlce
corohas bqH
aerelce commimMn at the T*qiic*t of the Beertury
-• explrai
of the treasury. Before the
of Ibto term there wUl be a dvil nwvice
examlnaUoB.' And If CapTOIn LAngley
suceedi to patodjtg the exAmlnpffon he
will receive a
Mary nowman. who ha»popular a* Mnltress eg the senate
terlea'at lanxlng. to very anxious t
cute a similar pcwitlon at Waffitogti
where the pay to nearty double that
: r,
company charged hi. executor.
1W Boy SM iw-wev.
auskey Cromwell narrated rte story
boy In North CarcOlba. who
of BUI Nye's landlnrff. Nyu
said that the boy would e
he was constantly violating all of tia-,
law* of tie bouse gnd ol the state. Hto
mtber emit him out to round up the
geeM anQ coop them Tbe little
took a quart of com and pattonUy
aewed a long thread through each kerThen he tied tbe end* of thb
Special July.
M ltoim of Moor* A Shafaf Sboeu. Prendi Kid. oommoB BMse torn. <
o. ^
itock. Cloa Men's patent Up Oxforda.
Btbs* aad Men's Ox B.' '
robBSoa. booth Bide bboe Storu.
A.T. J.-
rlegint Hoe. H. E (Hbtm le EllU bWycle shop, ill FroatMX.
Worth Looking Up
Kimball Co . Cble^.
K. E. Strong. Mgr Tiar. CSiy Braneb fkM*.
A. MoBtague. 1ST Fr««t Bt.
wiBBcr. Ttanrtali A Gane. cor. Ttb aod Uaioa.
Cheap Suits
TEA-16,25, 35,60c.
I flavofu. Pruito ahd
it reaideBce free lee e
mowetu. garden hoae. 8ems Aaacu. Bl.
Ladies’'High Bicycle Boots
A. T. t
Friodrleh Block.
for «>«-
Boklaworth Block. Oakw atnet.
TrotUag had ftohd borMs a agm
eialty. TbM door waat ot RCneguBs Ueciy Bhrs..
10 Per Cent. Off
^________ datm priceaUteaamaatmBBat Ftemtat. A. 8. ffryM.
I HavedMoved
406. OhkmSL ChU a»d fftt
origlBal drug mhB.-bat door oaai ofgutottOea
The New Shoe Store,
daatitig the boy** put*. Tbe boy dW
DOt alt down for Bwrul «vi afiarwurta HegouldhottlMic^geM
mb »*t. He win fhtB ID tt wltto
CBttar> Ota paKSdBktt «« the Ismbb
.bufore they arr all guoa
* very fcarce. sad
Sesator Burrow* ha* made a rtroBg together without (oralag their ermwa
•gbt for « lumber and ha* been mp-
^ver Banied Out ?
H.B aOLUCT. Mgr.
damage t
cerriB. Crop* of anroe farmer* h
deeircyed and oUiec* report lar
vpty few women are employed.
pUm wbereby tbey could all go home
ITnlted StAiea Corral Oeoeral 3obB
X. Gowiy. wbo baa bm aertouMr 0<
I Pari*. Is nnwr Improving
The senate h»* conflrtred Wedertck B.
Corot a* ccflcetot of iBiemaJ revehu*
fw the Plm dtolrict
dary B. t.eaie ha*' ufmounced , »•“ w».
win t* a candidate ter the Dp- ]
ultoi coialnaUaxr for governor of Kae— -------------
here ; Canneneburg. Pa.. July S«.—Abcul Kd
Hvrf“rtx "yilir*. g^uatly dying. Mriking miner, from Cecil. Bishop.
d- .y,
3412 F'rames.
p?y to look at
.vi: i
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Great Cut in Bicycles
'tayy WariMV gave out Ibe Informa- of tbe outrages.
tinn yeeierday that a meeting of railway
!• pear of a Com Pwmiwe.
employe* wae held beiv Bsnday and the
HL Lout*. July ».-Acting on tbe ad
Situation •.{ the miner*' *trike tborrugh- vice of coat cnmpanle* which dl«tri1mte
Tlte body of aa t
teuad ia tbe woods near WhIUtoy. a
men secured an appointment for him
duirlrt. passed thnmgb town yea- amsll ataUon Id northern MIebIgaa It
to believed tbal he waa a vlrtin of foul
UBder the last admlnlstialbm a“^ k« ' lerdsy morning, beaded by a brvw hand play.
waa amt to 'T.**p ••^ and drum corps A halt wa. mxde al ' OWiuary: At Omaha. Dan Farrril. Jr
At JanesvUto. WIT; Mrs. Alexander C
leading hotel by bl* n«**“1^
**“‘ _______and cwdseed to kwp of the
I HaMinga Mibiu
Suits to Order.
‘ncketa wUl b* sold via tbs GruBd
Ba^ A IndlABB Eallway to Bay View
a«d return July IS ton. rood rutaratnir uBtU Auffust SI, at obc fare tor
round trip from all Mlebiffwa poioU.
Send for UlMtrated daaeriptlre matter
C. L. LocKU
(j- ?. A T. A .
Oruod Bapida.
difficulty In explalnlBg (<
friend that he wsa -glad'
him. Tb. youa, j f^
naallv owi^
obliged to
to |----*•*♦ ^neme of the rellroad employing the
write to the----- --- the dUchai
p)nl- bow he had made tbe mli
. Cameren Miller and ftecretJ
will fire MW kllBS unpewriter. and tbus exopasal<
I «: W.n..
T-rtl. Cr-irsm.v ”,
The prospect of a
innooent c
a talk with the miners emplo;
wnadtAe coal
c(Wl famine
famlfl In SL LouK la
HM l-wder tl
be New Tork aod Cleveland Gas alarmmg operators in «>ther II
The fooU are act aU
company. They were served with
the etnry-te.lers bare an been luck> In
htlunctlon reetralnlng them from InABBREvVaTAD TEkAGAAMB
haw worked
ecvUhaeapMal Ml
to wad wall ksuva.
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box leo.
TW Ws* Ksrsrtrd.
Tw» Days ObJj ■Mh
and Strictly
OonanlUtion mad Sxk
hurg all the mlDcs are running. SpeakMasnllon. O.. July JB —Earty yestwfor tbe whole state, the operators 1 day mnmlBg three
When C. C. Matson of Indian* was
wrvt-k train*
made a gals of kOhA m«i yestermalrensB of tbe c.im'mlttee on p nal-.m
ke ene road near the DIUonvale
yeung atroograrher who
net hwa la only | mines In »uie instance orwtrwtlons had
took IstlMw rapidly In shorthand,
been pUced on the Duck arul tn the
wrote them out nicely on a typewHter.
the Ballwnya. • j other switch frog* had been splkeo.
bn ooe .wcaaloB Mr. Mat»«i dictated
the ohMruta leiier beginning as foil***: “I am
very glad to hear from you ”
____ sayisg;
A«g.l8sadIB. 1897.
were closed and vint of thoaa dosed
VSBumad. making tbe situailae about
tbe same a> on Saturday. Tbe orksBBleomIngtcB. Tlla. 3nly_ »—Trouht#
Iters ars still hard at work, but some
what discouraged. On the Norfolk and maw Unmlneni In eonectlon with mlBWestern the strike got a gig aetfaack. Ing affairs at Bloomlngtos. After two
All the men at Blkbuni and
' meetlnga of miners both of which voted
vent hack to work, and F
^ voted to ....
■> to atrikb. a meeting raueg
of exeuWvely
Flat. Top miners
stay .t
at ■.
i. the afurThere were only about SOO of tbe 4.0W roloe-wmk^.wa*^^ _l^^
n>M who struck Samrday Idle yesterday. and thtojiumber Is likely to dlmlntoh. Tbe orgaaliers are db
..•# half Ire union men. of whom 1»
unleaa they get more help
: were present at the memln*. Last night
be Btatloc^ I
the iMn-untou tnenwaM they would conthe ffeht night and d^ they will
writer the rums etenegrapher
tbe wTOBg ke»-B and wrote "guld" in
stead of -glad "
Within a week Mr. Mat*
TrffTerM City, Kloh,
lately up
»e« 1
tseelpt of the..............
ficeveeker* - xay* Congtwamao SpaM- . Urn. of aU kind*, when 1 glided Into u
•—tndlanapclla July SB.—The rpeetal
tna. ”1 would rather gel an appoint- popular hotel'thi* after^n and took
Bent in any . tber departmert for a lady • part In a Utile
ei... one In the library. The ladles aay I newspaper mea. And thetBwere aji mi goverucr ------------—................
.iriklagmlnert left fpr tbe al field*
that tt would be so pl.*eani 0 work to under ibe collar, because eoocrees has ,
renttoned *r< b-ng tn sessmti. and there ; ynarrday. A special frcni Cllnlr
such a beautiful bulMing; bt 1 tbey do ha*
pot know that hardly cne of ...a------------ fer a v*?atl th< fact ibi
work where tbe beauty la The freat j But with
majortto of Jhem will be coop<d no m ' trie fan*, and with the active aid t > tamir* UK 4 p of real have
ir.ey Le- tbrc.ugh her- •
room* that are nothlrg more than <
good natured and t Id fwle* by j
iB which are nolhlBg but row gf.er
M cANBqmit'm
Of bouks, with no view from the win- tb» _y>re « altrr Waabharr Irtd ab ut ;
Tom Mantium. who wa* th- wim*m
dow* exr^ a rmall rc.uri whleb to
knewn in Washington JoUP- ^
aST B.U.. c,-..
I VBegnr f*^'K«r-6V. and sent coanalt‘ teas over to (be mines to salher the
BintTw. The miners did not appear to
be IB sympathy with the atrikara. and
a vsrr smaD Burobev were lodBOed
Ooing Btnintwfer th« Mim Strik* bot
to Usten to the spaechaa made hy a
Burober of tba'vtoRlng strikers. Tte
minea of this company closed down yes
terday to aowH tb« dactokm of the infnmSIBODT IB OUT TO ESAS EIIC. aea.
Tbars are a few who at* iDcIhied
to strike, ^t tbsrs to bo pruspset of
a gsnatal strike bars, a* the Btaers ats
BOW being paid to eenu and have nothlag to attika for.unlcaa out of aympoihy
or through fear of violence at the
handa of •irlkert from other mines.,
Tbe operators here aay they wUl run
their Blnaa aa aoon aa the men are willm« to go back to work, but will not
ClBelnBati. July ».-The Ooi
iDtaHere witb tbair M.BMating with
THbane «wclal from Wtaecang.
Teaterday was Dela day at tbe strlksfs. After bolding | a meaUaf
the Btrlkats Boved up the valley
PairiBoat. and It was the blsftM day
C. O. SMITH. Proprietor.
New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 Front St
■ 1
IHB X0SHIS9 MOOM), iraPgBBPAY. fPlT *1. »8W.
•Bbiddad. **fola tor tree wool to the taea.
«* Ute Cbloacu pUtfoRD Irtileb be tolpM
Co defndr
*^c Cbleatb ^tfom Old not talce
Adopt! thi Cenfofono! Roport on the back track oh tbe ptCadpit of tariff
tor reeeotH pnly.'* replied MeMtlltai.
*7’11 prCTB that It dM.~ cried Bailer,
lie Mr. Robemou. of LenlBai>a. te tbe
D TEE VE£ 81U' IKIUS8 OF MOSI feouser- he aMied luoklsf about him.
Rat Rebertsoe «ai not present *«d Balto arcue that the Chicane
!iv>r»Tta uti* •. Bv. «• D.tb*x>iH^ -piatfrrin did rtCura
to the "oM Demoitlc theory.- When
-the aereUbd heresy" and t
thy with hliB cheered lustily.
ItJ-- Balle»'
qioke for about t
hours and a half.
perotatloa Was
led and be «
wannlr eeoffratoK'
McHUUn In tom deh-ed Into Baner'e
tea Jron hr MparlMor kab
WawenOd Iflra tohaee
I haeaaald work done at a cost «t| fasti
cty twodoUaia(ldt.oO). Fine at««ti rafer to Bradstreet « I
a also hem rraeeUed hetween nh oomparattra
oompaiatire raaponslhHUf
raapoasIblUi of
aUaatoataooatof Sity lour Mtton wMh that of the other
aad llth
___ ____
o Public Works be iaatruetIt you are dot^haeiaam the Board
and tSHOOdeUnra
direct with OB and not with a make ed to dineoBtiDut all furthar work on
r^^Mr^uatU otberwlee ordered
abifl bpMpany atandln* betwera the
maau&otnrrr and jrooraell, ta addition
'lloved br Alderman Goodrich
Coamlttoe on Slmelt^dSWewalka to.pBrhapa.a WarmL
mMtd BtotWof Alderman Meatarue
Moead hy Aldemnn Goodrteb that
. layrtbe
tbe whoie
whole matter upon the table.
Uaraa laoa WoBka,
the report be laealead and ordered
G C Marah.
On motion o( Aldornus Modtarbe.
*“S^oas;iad.dale carried, the) roport was received
Kaya-Aldermen Krkw. Montarn^
Tuu UK
the ja<M«orwiN«, inc «
aud ordered filed.
Cook. Desmood. l^lr. euelUnantol.
CouHcU qf the CUy of
rb Che BaaorabU.
CbUMfi of the C
* Oriffioai motion carried by yen and
OomANax— Yout _______
any vote as follows:
wto>m was referred the maUer of aUuc
GeLyTUU(KB —Tour’i o
•feae-Aiderm-o Parker.' >loot«.
eruabaea, baff lanva to report aa folILardlAHnallGretUck. Cook. De
‘ '
oatter of ta«inr the Mlchi^ 1
maatal. and Garrison.
DC Co. at the rate of $ao» per 1
for use of our etrteu and aUi
of Alderman L
ber ieare to report as follows:
la view of £e reeeot redaction in
wo^ fewwtfally refer rutaa made by this oompasy and also I
CUy Oeyk.
OBs to 70U wiibout of iU expeadliures lately Inenirsd in '
We would, bowevnr.
reooamciul that at some Ume this aeaeoa tbe mayor and one member o( tbe
OonaeU be delegated to vleit Giund
j 19th. A D- 1“VT,
Ptp4.t. or Chka^ or both places aa
A. 8. Cook
proper, (tbelr expenoee to be
“I; MuxTAt
le cityl to witnem the exhibi,W. 3. Paai.__.
Gm and operutlon
of the various kinds
ion Wars and Mm
of road nwchiaarv. We think this to
ffettlaff at
be the moat fenal
feaaible nias of f
what we need for
o boorX OlKUMlor. b*ton ibe (uU csatereBO* eoiainltte»-^ past and pointed'oot occasions when'
Dwboctxu ati<: R«pabllcaa*-4tM Id U>« thf Lone Star stateamaD bad voted fot
free coal, free barbed wire, (leesoicar
aad even free wool in fb rifty-soeonJ
concresa. UcUllllD’a eotrunent on tbs
Inconslstenrr o( Bailey's free erool rote
oaosed much nerTtment- In conelualoo
be appealed to the Democracy to.a*
Into (he battle acala atth
beartne the eld moitoea
Oloffley cendoded tbe debate for the
RepobUcaas. Referrtni to the tnmia
Umb offered MDCodioeaU tu tbr report, .................
««t were net witb tbe etaitemeot tbet II
be'cried. "Is to Mabllah t beet
.would nerelr conrume Umc Id v*e
«aiendmenU. us (her would be re>eeted dlatrlcC Jn the country and
make corn*
Wheeler offered omead petition. That Is the aay to dtp tbs
B. GooumcH.
ts pUciuc cotton boCTins' ADdcottoa
GraUiek. Goodrich. Cook.
Committee on Btreeto and Sidewalka. ; Lardle.UoelI^ntai.andGairiaoa.
on tbe free IM; uleo u nbctitult Republican applause.] He then
■altlon for rcbotee
manded the previous questloo «e the
~ '
of tbe report aad dhe demand • The Caimax ,'Eoad Maohitm Co.. n> the Sonomhic, Che Jfopor and Clly
was austalnd. Tbe yeas aad nays
ffmvn. howervr. i
Ihroagh their Western Affeuu. Mr.
Council of Che City of Trouerse TUv.
Shm called, rcsuldna—yoas. ist: naya.
• - to I
propoeitioB relative to
r. Dlr.ffler ir.ored that, (be ]1S Tbe result was cheered and tbe the
Qextuuiiik—We bava repaired the
report be Bohroltird to (be lu-o houses. houae took recess to tomorrow.
brinfflag one of tbelr pUnutoyour bridgea aad sidewalks at the comer of
This prevsllrtJ I'V a party vole, and the
. _ „ , ___i Oak and ProBi Btreeta by replaoking
AMALm.a 9P Tax tariff totm
ned. there a-as lime
We will toiag om of 01^
2 stone |
Ort^ge on Front street: siso reusirwd :
OatMaa Ceewdad TArtn tb* atrsaali erushlnff piants with al«l
revolviag aer^ aUacbwi. wld ernsb«
simets. the total cost of
wd Many KoM F-nW Peasant.
to be mounted-upon stoel tmjda « !,»id work being Fifty-one Dollars aad
July ».-lD the anal
i^'lnsum portabUlw. and the plant
ffisi.o: f
.bate nc (be tariff
.K- rreT respoct as tomsMbed to the mem-;
Demoeeailc and one PopnIW tpeeebes
Wsshlnvton. July to.-Tbe floor of tbe
bouse preaemed an aclmayed appear
ance yaster^y before the speaker
npped that liody to order. Members
d about In yroups
^ In excited tonea. the result of
the confrrmee ssreeanem on the Urtff
UIL The flnaJ cccference report <m the
ffeneral defldency appropriation UU was
'adopted. Thb out of the yray Dtoffley
arose. HUdl^nrr Sion
' the report sad a
*the cccference rtport'oo tbe tariff blU."
Balvos of applause frem tbe RepuUlcao
Mde sreated this anouseemeot. Aa effort
two. Dlnyler refurrd to scree to this,
aayliis "Uik at this time li very ezpaaivo. It cotta the treasury tlW.OOO a
Oiaftoy CapiBiM Ibe Mmatw.
There was a crest deal of talk badt
aad fortb about (he aisar tru«.--and the
•Sort to reach a* acreement tolled
)lr.cley ...................... .
h schedule ard expUlclnx the
lanrte ar.d the am<unt of mesne
were msde. Whrder of AIslBina. Swan<
mn of t'ti^nla. BaU of Texas. Lanbam
at Tekaa felly of North Dakota. Plem4ns of Ooohrta. Handy of Delaware. MrDowelL of Ohio. Berry of Kestucky.
BaOey of Toss aad McMlUio of Tennes
see brtng the speakera. The galrertca
were crowded upao the time the vote
lakcA many distinguished people
being present. Among - them were a
■ber of wBBtors. several members <t
eablDet and a few metnbert of tbe
omattc corps. Every RepublicaB In
tbe house who was present voted foe
report. The Democrau with five ex
ceptions voted agaluM tba ceport. The
exeepUoos were Slayden of Texas,
Btoumard. of Louisiana. Hej-er of Louisiaea. Davv ot Louisiana, asd Kleberg
of Texaa
Tbe PopuUsU aad aUverties did noC
vote adidly. Bhifroth of Colorado and
ed (rum voGcg.
mittae at the meetiog June ft.
Bicxkbd. Clerk.
We arc to pay all-expenses ot bring
Movfid by Alderman Monta
ing mid plant to THverse City, and :
I be accepted and p
also aasaoe all ruaponslblllty «. re-;
garde bmakage. or teaaage to same
while upon trial: we are to ,aiao bear
Board of Public Works
aU'our own expenscB during tbe triaL
CpoB arriml of aaid plant you are to
lend friendly assiatanee In aettlng wp
the plant in poaittoa. and to also bear
tbe expense of traaspoaiing cald plant In
from the freight depot to place < |>
mry to feed crusher duriag
tc.. tbe power and
labor beb^
iug sumeieut to mo aald plant to iU
foil capacity dnri
Meviiairins btU«e
>'TI3>-A If*
n* *• ■'
™r1I C.«1AEBT. Auemry. BfariilJF
a CBOna. AWer^vjL
Ba^^bacUie Tot cuss Oantteseyeer
B«?l/S^‘IWai|Airfiaauj)W.Drr''^ jw
BMP>4sla.wUSPIIkaUs.^SM .. .t •
Lederle’s STTiSi
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Smokers! 6nii RipiB ft IMku LI
Have you tried our makee
of Offanr
Tte RccoliliaC UcCms
lu B aad loe. Clgan
•re my
always in stock.
doing all your work wit
demandingeontinual repairing, ate.,
yon are, to accept aaae at the orlae of
$llto.(X\glrlDf you all the time y
desire to'make payment for
it found to be
Burgess w^le
inted by
r DO ohligatloos
there, you
>n to
MBCklDU* to* FeueDetrolt. CUcaffs aa#
Ttmseller Block.
l-BUC WoBXH. •
Ik.ABb orPi-Bt
ByC. K
I Brrx.
iTltbont additional expense to
Chairman pro tom.
A. W. BtCKE«u>. Clerk.
(USX RoAO Maci
Moved by Alderman Cook that the
es. Mich. Bep.
C- A Barms.
atalement be aoeeptad aad elaliee be
GATES IBON WOBKA | ordered paid tn aoedrdaoec with the
General Offlsas. t»0 Eistou Aemue.
Motioo carried >y yea aad nay vote
CBic«<rt>, July
■ ly 1. tsST. S
I follows:
Mr. ft. 0'<"di
drfe*. Travers* Cit,.
Sty. Mich.
Yeas—Alderman Parker. Moatagne,
I of
of tbe
tl 2Stb
Dasjt Sin—We have
' ' (iood rich. Cook Deenocid. Larid contents noted.
ntel. —
»nUo^ in your letter.
on Gie terms mentioned
letter, | Nays—Ni
eratand where! Tbq
_ A.
_ Langas you will readily undermtand
Thq Mayor appointed
UiU might lead to if adoptod as a regu-1 worthy •adGra.
and Gea Bjooas^ieeial
lar pnetiee.
While it would be a 1 to eerve without pay.
I prt^^tion in many
Moved by Aldermaa Goodrleh ^
r* wc would have all our the appointments be confirmed.
poMibUity of
: know that
___ ling a aaie.
Mov^ by Alderman Goodrich that
the officials are in earneat aud wl
lly^be Instructed to cover the
buy a crasher, provide 1 theyr can
be j Mj,d
a street from lUth to 1 itb
eaUsfied that the machine U what they < •Q.^t to prevent same tram drifting
would be wUling togotoiznd covering the groand. tie expeaee
reme to____ of said work not to eaeeed 9!i,
moat any
their vie*
Oar usual plan is to send
lotion rarried
a definite guara machiue on trial
Moved■ by
•. Al'ihldermau __________
aitlee aa laid dofeoces be built aeroaeCase ateeet at the
blank trial
■ d order enclosed herewith.
itermcUon of said etreet with ioto
Now. we would be wUUu|
and I4to atreeta on August Srd. 1S07.
your citT a machine on even
even broader
Motion earrled.
terms than those laid down 1 trial
Moved by Aldenqpa tiarrlsoo that
MTee adrire be baQt tram Bapkini Uroa. iev
order. For Instamice, if they «
to buy the machine
le if It does ttbe work bouses to the bay under the direction of
in a MtUtncU/ry isoi
isoNttrr P/ o aimmittei toe fire chleL wadmitof toe use of toe
oppolnleri by toe
tU CouneU,
we will be fire engine at a cost not to exceed S25
willing to ship an outfit
OB sueh tenns.
MoUon carried.
itbongb it
It is an
aa unusnal
Moved by Aldermao Bnetimantel
You do not state in your letter what that tbe Committee on Fire nod water
capacity of plant you would want, bat
' lid Judge one of our
di So.
" I ernshera,
having a eapaelly of tram lu to 14 too* Department
per hour, monutodbo
- traeks
witb a '
Motom earrled.
foot elevatas and ebuU uerooB would
probably W«
^nmpla.' However, wu are
goiuto)quot^]^^pricea below in aev- tbe
Plrr Chief Desprre' n
oral ways, aaf .
» in Fire Chief Beanie's n
«4» 00 ed
No. lOu.M skids.
dor toe dlrectloo of toe fire eblet
No. 100. on trucks........................
Motion carried.
14 to I Afoot elevator ami ^ute
Moved by Aldarman Goodriefa that
ueroea.................... .................. 125 00
toe petition relative to the improve14 to le foot elevator and n>
meni of Wret Seveuth. West BIxUi and
lary screen Ipileed of ebate
screen......................................... »00 00
If Nj. »O0erBthar. instead of No. too table.
crasher, add
Id $i?5.«0 tnalihereasa. fn
Motion oarriad by yea and nay vote
will see that a No- 100 onl
aa follows:
Itb elevator audehnteasrt
Yeas-Aiderman GreiUek. Goodrieb,
would ooat yoer etiy $57AU0: with
Cook. Lardie sod GarritoB.
taryseiwaoStBOOO. pnsfiM.OOln oith
Nayu—AMermco Parker, Montagne.
•r case, U m-touted on traeks These Desmond aad Iluellmantel.
prices am delivered at Traverse City
Moved by
and iBclude sanding a ***" to start tbs toe petition relative to the Improv*plant*if neoeasaiy. 'ThU is our Invinci meot-olWeeteto, West7ih and Sonth
ble Crueher.
D«r. emwoiaiij
eapeeially designed
for Cedar atreoto be
« adopted,
' amapt 1
and which we claim uoquaii Oak and tr^l eh
tar the
tfiedly to be by tl
le beat
machine of Iroady ,________
tbe nud la the taarkev __
IS you
Motloa earriad by yea aad any vote
doubtleae awara, we are the oli
as foDows:
by far the largest raauufac
Stone crashers to the basil
have some 4006 or 5000
la use In the United
macblnas are eonaldered Mandard tbe
world over. Tbe bnate s le a Bpackitty
with ns.-and hae beau for amriySO Usd to go Ob wltli the imp)
years. We are oo told e the road ma- WcM 7lA West flto. nod 1
•hlBety tenet and do bntioari oo striet- Btraem in aecordanee with
Iv buauMas prtoripUe. We tenet yoar
eqniwU win look apan tola matur fa
Movsd by Alderman Oarrinoo toat toe
vorably and deelAe to accept our very Cleric proenrea ahair for ton CUy BaUb^otfer to to aaadiflg tbe machine giMwrW ptooe aame Ineide tbe raUoDtefaL TtmiHecaara on ibe baffit
of bavin no agent la...................
, with whom to divide .
, .
™r..ISl™ I
I.CTtyOpersPeaes •
and erei^ kind o
If. after said trial, the whole plant,
leludlng ember, elevator 1^
n^ to be as repreaented by our
are foni
Mr. Bui •a. either before the Coauell
L. sHvertte. of
... voted acainst the report were as
foDows: Baker. Barlow. Botkin. Fowler.
jHt. Lesia Marahaa Martin. Peters,
ftimpaoa. Stroud and Vlnrecl Pour did
vote—Howard. Kelly. Surk and
berMpd. Tbe other PopullSU
nL An analysis cf tbe «ro F shoe s
dC (he stamp tax. he explalaed. wae be- that 1» RepuUtcaas and five D
oaose it would be almcft Impcstlble to voted for the report and It* Demcciais
eoUect It; no yteerd wai kept of .the mies and twelvr Populists a
on the rt'xk rxchar.ee. Referrlsc tc. the
•imar echedu'e. aflir a calrulaticn. be
aflUrmed (hat the refiner 'f suyar under
WlliirJaw had a dtfferene preee
tl of 22 cwls iier lCd pounds acalost Of the Ca^ OouDcU of thefnty of SrayD the r>e(idlr.c WH as affreed
•taa Otty. Mich.
to by the cenferrter. He alec felt com
Begnlar meeting of dV Coohdl held
pelled b>' (be Questlont ralnrd upon him
to explain that It was imporslMe to pre in Council room July 19,.!■
by W.
was called to order
vent fBoflu or products included in a
W. Smith, Mayor.
tartff Mil.
trl^, MoptaPreMOt—Aldermen Pari
the debate focrlKe
' nod GarriDemocrats. erttl'Mec the bUI as tbe
and Mdyor
tnoet bcrdertuiT.i ever Impcwed ec the
Americao perrlc Swanson devoted bw
TTkvertoCliy, July 12. 1991. '
attenllop tc asasHInc the sucar a^r^uk Ito the HoBoroWe. fhe Mnyur and Ctfg
CouneU of the Ckp nT IVorerxe Clip.
Miriilpim.•bear dooHe ihr pr.iiectlrB received un
iD view of tbe fact that the petition
der tbr prrsenl la>v He llcured r>u( that
the eenale ard house mf»r rhcduln heretofore presented to tbe Common
were cxsclly th- tame, wherein be dlf- CouneU of this city for the eonettncGon
ten with the exixTte of the treasury de of a maio srwer from Washlagtoo
part. who. takinc I'C.C pounds cf raw street to Eut Eighth street will neoesMlmr (estlnc K. decres as required to siutc the coDstraction of Uteml_aewlAke in rf hard refined, make public a ers on Webster and Eighth atreets.
•UlemGnt eetlmatlnc tbe eucar dUTereD- therefore we. residenis aad lax payers
tlaJ a* follow*: Act cf ISM. ll.fS cents: in the iocsUiy to be affoclod by the
u of eaid sewers, do hereby
bouse whedule. IS.a cerl«: stBslesched.
vie. IS W «-ri»: (onfemire schedule,IbBt
granted -t
«enl*-per IOC' pouBda
one yearlaid over f^r at least
J W Palcfaie.
B MnUen, W B
Bari. Chss Glouneb. Marten Wert,
■sitoy citarcee HrMIUIO witb Tt
Myran M Keith. W T Roxburgh. <. 1'
' A«sla>< Free WoaL
Orawn, C J Eboer. W PCrotan. N A
The debat< ran alone until late iB the Neleon. A B MeManns, P Kyselka, Geo
I. Wm
Vm Q Laraboe, Geo N Boob.
afteraooB ami the sn aches rao alon«
... .............................
3 Booker. W
J Moody. J BPrioe,
•Iso. Durtn* the Diffht tnalon. Just
vUle. E
before the rloe. of Ba'I«j- a r.-martm Frank Yenlsh. J■ CourvUl
W P Vogloeong. John
t BvnaatloBSl iDrtdt-nt of the
lia, A Q Aadereon. George Lowrie. Jaa
debste occurred He bad
^letou. Marita While, W L JoBaa.
Ibe doctrine ot free taw materials as s
MoM k7 Aldarmaa Moatagne that
ootnparative innovaUoB In the Demoetude
In <»der to demonstrmU thagntltloa be refemd to the oomaltt It Was a prreluet of Clev
Motkm earriad.
^ tbe clerk's dert and
rwd ati exuuci frum a newspaper '
7b (h< J
Rieodoy on tbe (s<i that lb the FortyCototoU of the Cttv of
MtcMpoM - ^
ninth COOfflUM
GEXTtAMCS — Your c....... .........
of the house,
and wo other Democtmar mccul>crt of isrers to whom was referred the peition for a main eewer on Welliagton
the ways and means c'Bunltlee bad
itngton au
atraet to Ath
voted waiiAt free wool. McMIIHb street from Washington
street would report that>e have Is'
lumped te hU feet and demanded
.................. matter and find that tbU
know whether It was chaired
uUfy aU preeeni dmnai^ noidating all who are aaxb^ to
It wlth.lbe eewer from th&-reeibis own Hpa.'
MoMlUlD. whose face eras fluaheA
iinly that, but he said both yku and
Senator Mills voted acainst 9^
•f pul....____________
ancOons In the metal aabednic."
"Since the fwtlemaB bat sen lit te mad with tbe matter in the usaal way.
Very raaoecUully.
•tuck my record sud to mWepreaeet
F. C- Dessioxd.
me"—bessn McMUIln. but Bailey quick.
J. M.^t-CLSUAPm.,
___ I desire to cemnend your action
thcB." aald be. Tbe dlscUimer beluc acc^Kd McMUIln hotly
ly asksd
ar'--* in
«- turn
•— why
BaOry -----------------^.tbe
bad voted Ib the ways and meani the report be aooeptod aad adoptod.
ramnlliee affatnat'tbe
asalnat'lbe woolen Khednle
of the prastat law.wben It was offered
Goodrich. GrelUek, Onek, Dramond, Lardie. BaallmaotelaadOarriem.
r over the Democratic side ■
qaeeOoti. but H was
! 7b to# HoispraWe. to# Mover «nd CUy
(ect etotm of approval thm ffifstto Balto# COp of Tmrars# CUg.
• ley'# reply that
In oongrem would be vote
forts per etot.
duties OB woolen goods and no duOst on
vj •*raw wools Tbe RepubBo ( and the wnom was rvmieu so*
•aUertce J«a»ed
Is-------thta •
e'Bav waw te graUeimui (r«m TttBteapptofiss
West Michigan
.... I I W V M
......! 1 S»' S M
sas «SS. I2H
IS! Is it
e to e 49 stM
r.a.|a- u-'a. Ur.a. V, a- is. a.=
~tig Tto!~nfi'~
.... itmrm
.... I ■ ra.
's.B. StBPa.
ar.TvuFejss Qtj-. t'
imsm UD HimuBu 1.1
415 Union St
BajliHe otSteuBffli
S4 TrarviwBaJ
rrxAMXR ooLtfxatA
eoixu xnars.
as'wbsr. Tewmr Thsrmsrses
00150 SOCTB.
SS.”____ ___
iie Vd
II is
Firet Tear—Ko.67..
asxnie OBvxsirTo VAjrxMVA
» at Berth Kaaiton la.
pled aad Pleaty of 1
spaoUoaorLtfeBanac BWioa aad
VMt to Oharirrofx-
»M«7^ Park Piae*. Aa ta^MtlcatioB
ako«r«d ttiM a pane of flaM la Msk at
and loMT aaakaa la *inir
badram window «aa akaUwad. The
lower eaah «aa lalead, wt
for the tea^dnf of the two paaea A
S»<aHbre boUet wae found on the floor.
d to eoae Irooi' the
I of H. D. Camphell'a reaideaoe. bat nothing fortbkr wae thongbt
of the odcnTTeeoe until a abort time
afterward aaother report wpa b«rd.
Than Mr. Holden aude aa iBreettfrettoe and laamad that raraage upon a
poleoat wae the eaaae of the bullet and
IteraTagea. The bullet had erldently
atraekaataae aad glaaeing. entered
the window of the hotM. Thla te aa
eridenoa o! the danger of the uea'of
fliaama where bundlnge are
meporta of Xmmaoee Fortoam Onafimed hy Meltable Atttbority--Over
«S,0OO,OOO to •oMTukae Out LaM
Winter - Madway ta Takou
ipteg OB the hoy shore at
the foot of Monroe atouet.
The doctor has aa
In the form of a double croea or cruelfix of rilver, which Wu* dug up five
yearn ago by a party of eweyera at
St. Iguaee. aad U beyond'di^to a
relic of Father Marqnetteb band of
miMioaary-explorera. ItU about five
ta^iea long and ii made in a atyte. pe
culiar to that era. and one that b never
made nowdaya. The ring by which it
waa attached to a chain te worn away,
aad U probably waa teat by either
icr MaiqaeUe lilinaiilf or one of hte
e little bead, ac they lobond
among the Indlaac over 900 ymn ago.
Prof. Andnig has startsd
On his great exploration of the North Pole
IB his mammoth baloon.. We have started a
our Wall Paper department. Found some donble rpito,
one of a kind that we’d rather take 3c for thmi carry. -
Beattte, July «.-Ooveruor McIntosh
of the Morthwuat Turritory. who -U
here, freely euboarilM to the tmthfnlaaae of the eteriae aboot the uew gtod
AIgglaga. He emlautea that Klsadyke
of gold teat winter. More than a mlUOLD XmXOM W. a T. o.
ion dnltera' worth of dnat, he eald. aow
1 with MuaUrred In the cablna of the mlaera
ergtote Kemhan.
along the erMk. le'
He mya that the enrveyora are w
t 'a leeent meettog to the
talBlng the teealUUty of making a rail VetbodUt ehnrch at Old Mlmten
road into the Ynkoe regioa.
Mm. Oertmde Mioore. of Ovid,
I«et Might.
a orgaalxer of the W. C. T. U..
mecUng wae held la theM. E.
Aaother Mlg^thiatow.
TAnrcb last evcalng to forthi
B. B. Bruckea
Mte for the AnU-Saloon League
aetead'B aoa Harry went flihing nnlcm at that place: At the eloee of
the. meeting about twen^ of the ladtet
la the Boardman river Monday. The
alaed and the fellowlag offieem
Prof. C. a. Hon wu ehoeen chair- fiah bit well, and among the
tea of the meeUagr
of bout eaaght wore two of the toook
Preaident^Mra. P. A. DeV<d.
The following otBoere Were elected variety walkingsH pouuda each aad
VUa Porter.
for the catalog year:
a rainbow which tipp^ the aoalm at s
TrmnrerwMm. Floreuee WiUowby.
Preeldent-Prof. C. H. Bora.
,. __
two fengpr vfnre landed
Snpt. Mothem' Meettv*—Mm. O. E
Firat Vice erealdeat—Gco. A. BalL
by the doctor aad the latter by Harry
----- -'•v C—.V --------Jamleoa.
Second Vice PrMMcnt-Joha GUlle.
Third Vice Fr^eat-B. H. Aliya.
itou Idand ae thebi
SapL Public Meettage-Mlae Limte
heavy eea wae running hut the “Baaeo
Treararer—M& K. E. Stroag.
&" atood up bravely and aiTired at the
A eornnuttee. muapoaed of Bcv. G. S.
Supt. Fower Committee Mim Alice
I' Waad at s o'clock, aad the night wae Korthrup aad W. H. Dmlor. waa alm> Street park.
apeat there. Tbnieday moralng a run appolated to report on a i
There wQt he a daace laCochrau ball Smith.
% over 10 the South Maaitou Ugbt aad
The firm meeting waa b^ Friday,
Friday evening.
leth. at the home of Mm. DeVot.
' •
fhg .StaUoa wae made, where Tom that the ebalrmaa and v
Tost Garland waa In the city ymterrblch them waa a good aUeudance.
aad Bert Qreea. old' Trav- appoint a ei
day for the firm time aiaee hU.loag
All the memhera are very mneh InterI aad Icglate- Dleem with typhoid fever.
•cea atf boye. are 1^ charge. Bxten- tattoo, tew <
«ted-l8 this
mva lepalra arc being made at the eta>hen of the Thlmhte Clah
There la great need, of this work at
Barney Andenoo. Walter Lyoa aad wUl meet with Mm. Briatoi. 19« Bast
tiou ander the et^errlaion of GovernOld Mlsaloa and it is to be hoped
~ t B. A Thdt.
B. D. Johneon. who are membara of
9th ateeet, Tbnreday
other namm will he added to the rolL
The guaUamenia charge eoadaeted the Vonag Men'* League, aud John
Dr. Moon has ventured to brave the
Every one is oordiallT invited to at
the eatire erew of ■■oflieefe'' oa aa In- GOIU were voted In ae memben. .
u of the etaThe next meeUng will be held Moa- duagere of the bieyele. and vriU at- tend the next meeting wh^eh will be
rmpt to snbdne a new aipper.
held July soth with Mre. DeVol from
ttou. and we la tarn entertained by day evening. July ». In the Frimidi
The achooner C. F. Cterir«f,.a<
lore oa board the yacht.
church, at S o'clock.
• entn « p. mThe ran to North KaMtoa Uland.
Juat befnre adjoarmnent Mr. Cartta lead. U loading hardwood lember for
Senator Turley of T
. dtetaaee of fourteen mUee. waa made waa elected a member of the executive Bnflalo from the Ova! Wood DUh Co.
JbhnsonChy. Tmm.. July SO.-Oovnnder mavae In one hoar and thir^- •ttuaell.The Mimes Belle Johnson and NelUe
night mlnntea. The party
Hawkine gave a delightful eaUiag par emor Taylor test evening made the ofVXXA. BX BBMB TOMOMBOW.
tbat he bad ap
here .hy Captain Andenon and the
ty to to thalr friends to Marian Island
pointed Thomas B. Tnriey of Memphis.
crew of the Life Saving Station
#Uher Will Pitch Bccmd Oai
United Stetm senator to sneeead ths
The crew were tana for a nil and
Agaioat ttu St. iMaie Tmm.
The wheels of Indnstry resumed tam
late Isham (>. Hairla. The
tn Inner man refrcahed from the good
Maaager Kehoe oftbe HnaUera re ing at the mill of the TrarerueCtty
wired Us choice to Mr. Torley aad re-d^tugu mowed In (he tockm of the ceived a telegram yeeterday from Flunk
Lumber Company yesterday, after be
orived a telegram of acceptence.
ya^t. Upon the return to ebore' the W. Fiaher, the pitcher who baa been
ing ellent for two months.
party eat down td^a toe e|wead givw talked of aa a valnable addltton to the
The grand opening of the Bostoe
\iX Captain Anderen and erew at
that he would be here ae aoon aa store will take place Friday aad Satur
Boardmanh Beeort Betel. EereaUve- poattble. It U expected that he wiU
ly enmmm cKf vraedUeorerud. The arrive at aix o'clock tomorrow morn day. A concert will be given and
aonvenim presented to purehaaera.
hotel wae wttl filled with gneeta. and ing. UnleM be ahonld mUa
The keavicet min that has yteiled the
there are fifteen new cottagca and about Uona he will be here to pitch tomor
Ladies' Plngre* A Smith Easoi
alxty rmortera. There are eldewalki row's game against the Sk LonU team. riclBlty of ThompsonviUe for a lony
Toes. Hand Turns, Ooth Tops
and a etreet light in frontof each not- Fisher U smd te be a ftret elaea twlrler time occurred there yesterday a
A. E andC. *4.30 Shoot
tage, making altogether, a very pleee- and has been with the team of Bvans- aad fnrmars are o
ant place.
The seroU work, near theocillag, In
vUle. Ind. He U a brother to FUher.
Alter ennmr the life Seriag Station the noted piteher of the Claelnnati the vwtibsle of Steinberg's Giud has
wae iaapecled. then the fall set of National Leagne'team'. apd comae of been embeUUhed srith another aama.
eigual fiaga, presented to “Oommo- the atoek of which the beet pltchem that' of Bcmenyi the world's greatest
dore" Friedrich by Goveroor nngree
■e brought out and a leoaon in their
Victor Moatagne has sold bb catMC Imparted to theyaebt'e oommander
Fienlc at B
boat. Chip, to .Arthur Morgan of Onand crew, which was interesting aad
This morning the 8b Ftuncis ehnrch elnnati. It was tow^ to Omena.
At every place society, the Children of Mary, will where Mr. Morgan ir resorting, yester
vblted the yacht waa well known etnrt for Ne^h-ta-rrante on the, bay day afUraoon.
through the reports printed of h«
boat to apend the day on a jolly plcale
Thi t(OBxn« Bscobd, which v
The party win number about 95 aniT The Sb LonU team, which created
Father Bauer will go along to look such a favoiuble impresrion here ear
lier in the season, will be hm today
Mrs. Btmrdmaa. daughter, thirty after their pleasure and safety.
aad will cross bats with the BnsUen
gneau. aad some of the llfe-saveTU. over
forty in all, were taken lor a moonlight BFWOMTB UtoQUB ABSEKBET. this afternoon and tomorrow.
A retnetory cow Ucked Mrs. Jose
call of an boor aad a half lathe erenlag. and maay words of pr^ for the Began in Imdlngtoa Tssterday With phine Johnson Monday night white
that lady was engaged In mUklng' the
yueht were epokoa.
animal- Mrs. Johnson's Injarics were
The boat left for Letead Friday
Lodlngton. Jnly 90.—The
moralng aud sailed to that point ia two normal brmaeh of the Bpweeth Leagne severe and medical attendance wns
honra. and left for Oinrtev^ at iO
assembly closed yesterday after a
Men's PatAt Leather aad Bam.,4arriviog there at 4:SD p. m.. and lb snooeiaful week, and today the regular |
of Clareooe J. Martin vs.
of the assembly began. Every Ashley B- Curtis, which was tried te
ameU. former price »5 OO aad
party were the gnests of Oaptaia O. E
96-00. to close out at *S.<M).
WBbnr of that place nntit 11 p.
ooltoge on the gronad is o
the dmalt court ^terdsy, will go to
Daring the et^ h«« the Captain aad big bote! ii nearly fiUed np and snores the Jury this m^teg aad the <mse of
'family were takna tor a aail. and of tenis am being pitched every day. the A. W. Wait Mtg. Co. va. Tena Caris
ttoongb hU eoartov the gnesU were The
promlsae bo be very will follow.
enabled to gefpassee to look over the
S. T. Bjwen. a well known traveling
•teamer Mauitou, the finest steamer on
>an of Chicago, wm eererriy affiteted
the tekeu: ahe U e vmitahle floating
Men's Satin Chit Shorn, rrgnwith a riolent attack of rheumatism at
Of Mpwoim Itoeene to Bs
to Park Place Snnday. Us did not Im
larfil.79 Shoes, now going at
Learie CbartevoU at U o'clock, the
prove SO hit famUy was sent tor. They
party .ncrived agate at Northport at
The Grand Travsrae DlstrietBpwmth arrived test nlghf
SMA. »- Batniday momteg. wbare.
reagne eonventton will be-Aeld at
K. B. Stroag. local maaager tor the
«B(U (he departure at 9 a. m.. the crew
ElmfaaU piano eompaay.
Nmthport Jnly 97 aad 99. Tmi
were gnests’of -‘Plmt Mate"^. M.
Hty wUl he represented by n good deh tree gratified to receive. <
. FromSortbporttoeymUsd/oteme- ^tioD. On Tuesday evening ths BerT stroag-wordsnfpcnlsefarthe toe lo
B L. Kellogg vriU give an addmas, and .strnmeat
Msnb Light Color Taa Bhoss
in the
- na, dU net tend them bet oentinnsd
other Tnvores City people on the ivo- Monday nighL from Remeayi sad the
U to M psrosat daaonat
on toEuttoas Bay.'where a stop w^
gram are Her. A. J. Bldred. Miw Mar emteeat ptealsL Wm. Sanvleb
mads nsttl 9 o'elodt p. m. to glvfe
tha Barney and Howland Dooglaa.
F. B. EUb of the Wolverine Oaso<]Us(< Engtoew OU Idspeetor Prieiffonrth vtee-preeldaat nf the dtetrieb
llM Oa of Grand Bapkto has aotlfled
riA time to Inspect «ve bart^ of oiL
The m was made from Snttoos Bay
Thwe nre sUU teftte the Bkgo«d of Frank FrledriA tkat hs will arrive
hm from Gtaad Rapids with a party
to OrriUekriUe. so mites, te 9 hows fice a tew of the bteyete oidte
Lsdlm' Black aad Taa Hagn
•ad to mtontes. arriving them end cards which cyclists can proenre hy of tri^ today. They wUI do ths
A Smith Jalteta. former pries
distonee from tha VaUey City to thb
making applieatkm.
»9.clo^ out pries BE
•tter being nhsest 95 bows i
out oaths there of Carp Lakn
Dhloegn Kaibet Meport
lUke Ho XlstAks.
- Tbto
the first emiae of ths
CUcago. Jnly to.—Wheat—July,
gb^k. Bssen E Plngree Jr., and TCXo: S^temW. T9}<«
thniitwasenjoyabtenadsnesesstul b
■ilTor Xtenbl# Onielfix Xa FosessslOB
•tmstod by every "oCesr" te thcjwsw,
' orDr J. A Oeaaer.
Con-Jnly. Sfie; September. toK«
Or. J. A. Conaer nf Ionia, who apeat
• Wsadsrtogs nf a BallsL
Otoembsr. 973(e: May. 90Xa
The Original.
Onto—JnlM 17156; September. l?X«: sorns tim here last year, baa -ntamad
. About eoon Sunday Mr. and Mm W.
for aa oatiag. aad a Utils party son- mnomss.
r, ItXe: May. toXa
a. Bolden benid the repeat of a pUtol
*7.79. sisttog efbtoaslLbb dMwhtsr. Mbs
«^tbsenshof brenktegftoasto Ow PdrWriy. »7.67;
Aaab Coaaar. aad MarvidOnaraasy et vs SSln* To* ■ CM y/OT U Snsfbi or ua
Aard-Jnly. *4 IT; ^
Dae wa^ a«n iMt alrkt the yadit
Baaaa S. Plapae left thla pert tor a
eqndM ap tha bay aad out aa Lake
IhaatartwaaaMdeat'll o’aloek ^
w, with OapL Maraer^n eonaad aad
-Oomaodoa'' Friadrlfeh aa chief enttaeer and 8. C. Peepree ae tnx a^V
1 at 1:90 V B.
Wadaeeday. whaia a atop
aatn »:», where the Toyage waa reanaed, with Uland ae the next atop.
At Korthport the erew was aug»eoted
by the addition of Captain G. M. Dame,
who took a downward etep Is rank.
in the petaone of WUllaaD Bit^eoek
' and L. i. Orobben. to whom the
of eteward and eblef cook w
apeeUrely apporUoned.
Aa hoar wae epent at Lelaad and
CITY bookstore,
Fniinlian!iilOloJul]| 10
WUl pirei.
We did not miss a day
. in selling.........
Taking quality into consideration you will
find my prices are as low as the lowest.
Those Shirt Waists
Attract the Ladies
And why ahouldn'tthey?
T ilCD w sijs wAian
We still have an "abundant assortment, and all sizes.
These are all new Waists Just received.
24 Pairs
33 Pairs
The World’s Most Eminent Violinist,
Says of the Kimball Piano:----‘•It is exquisite
accompaniment to my
-And hisaccompanifit, Sanvelt, after using this
instrument, declares that:—”T1ie Kimball piano is
easily the equal of any instrument and I expresa.ffly>
self as being more than pleased."
N. E. STRONG. Local Manager.
Use home made floor, if not
hs good
69 Pairs
mann&ctured by-
Front Street
108 Pairs
118 Pairs
vietoitynf their raomi to tbs eeeood
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
We’d rather you'd get the
Razor Toes-Tlieiilllhist 6a.
A Pew Bargains in Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes!
New Line of Children’s Shoe*.
Tea eaa-AJ way* On MUT at—
The Pure
Fruit Juice
^ nwtrlool Vetao.
Jtot why people will contiaoe
ftoolc ta eee "UnoleTom'eOobla,''
eo-C^ Doadroory wonld any. “Ooo of
tVwe tolars that ao fellow oonld And
H. roohmon. twtiro yooro Ofo oa
oat." Bnt they will fo and eee it jsot
towhatwefiavoroor Soda sfcoyo ^
omployo to too oboe deportmo&t of toe
ae toey have been dolar for thirty odd
We do not OM extneta at ur funtaia. A
yeara No play baa been mon abnaed
. ***. T
W. Hammo.
leOo., orriood
ta toe eity from lowo toot oigbv
than tol* oaa
' J. W. Ha>w. editor taA
at toe rata of too Umca
boo MtbooBtoTroooneOtyto
five cuts. Bverytolng aSrietly deu aboot
tooatooyoore. a day ud la ou nitbt etaads la u
toe foutalB.
boor ud a half, by five or eix peopla.
Vr. Peter MlUo. wile ood doorbter
Oa tbe otoor band It bae beu tiutad
bore Ukea board o\ Mn. Hobbel'o oo
State etroev. Mr. Mltto boo retoraed
imata pradoettaa. Being pntaUe
trem Softoow ood will
proporty. uyue wbo tboegbt they
of toe t
dierye buoioeo. of
Ort oacvurea Mltto Broo., to too pooUffloe boildtoy.
oodld make a few dollar* ont of It kae
a. ta F»B1H fcfWtweU as tbe coantry at large ha* ooffefed fnu toe inflicuus. Bat it wo* not
Bow Oito Beyooldo Woeotod o
nntU Saltar A Martin broogfat toeir
prodoetlu ut that the eda
Tab lomber ^ednto to toe tariff
toe pUy had toe plraenre of eeelng it
Diek BeynoUto bad a fam&y horaa
bill to Btill toe bone of oootonUoa to oad a few days 0(o traded him for a
pet on toe otage in a muaer toat toey
eoold approcUta. Takiog the pleoe
toe aoDote. oo eridoMed yoetORtoy tora*.yeairald oott. Now. Dick totoko
- Whon'toe report.of .toe eonfaroBoe t the vrvpv tolar ta have a family Vtoal fltnirgie la toe Beaata oa toe It wu origieaUy. they give it a dreoBGet them before eeaeu ta over.
tag of complete oad realUtie eoonery.
•emalUee wm> token np. It olao fv
- to ri*« toe
Btobod lon oppertv^ for ooBotom toroe-year-old a tew lemoaa with toe
Weabinrwa. Jnly W.-The Wlff pat the priaclpol ralee lata ec
engaged o anmber of aagraea
ToUm end PetUrrew to Ml bow the idea of Mkiar that eort of a berm of etrarfla woeTemoved ta tbe eenata to
whole aobemeofo two-doltor rota of him. He took to< ffrst tew 1msoae to day. Several aeaatara wbo have been to odd ta toeptetareo and elng aad
daaee in the levoe oeeaea—la tact did
4nty woo derioed for toe boBoOt of the
atattar-of-faet maBaar, Vta laat eren- ebaent from tlta dty were back acain.
power U make the perform
tomber boron* of MtoblfOB, WtoooBoto tor be apparaa'Uy made ap bto mind aatidpatiar that every vote mlrbt be
The nse of water for oprlakliag perBad Mtonmota. and totaadod ta oarieb that bo wasn't boUt for a "family needed. On toe dmk before AUioon of uoe aoeepUble ta the pabUe. Tbe pooeo
ta. by oar rnleo. ooofloed ta too
oapoaee ot too bono. aad wboa Dtok taok him oat oa lowo. who to in cbpr«r of the tariff Seltar A Martin prodnetiu wiU be at hui* of 5 A m. end 8 o. ra. oleo 5 p.
moMOi fcTfae blttar oweoMae dtoplay State etreet.for bto awtal leosoa be' bUI. wa* a manaoeript of toe tariff Suinberg'B Orud tonight
ra ud 8 p. m.
Ail plodM where woter k foond raa•d by ooBOtom Teller aad PaUlfrow, made a foralble ob}«»taa: la fact, be
report. Iiamediataly after
ning eontraiy ta this role will be ebat
beweTer..iwUl BotbelUMyto «baa(0 Idcfcod to a Utatal eeaae.
yayer a mmsec* from the
off>-exeept where e spedal permit hu
- toe rmnlt wblcb ha* oltoody eaaaod ao
beu grutad.
Now Mr. Beynold* eHU bae a oolt, aooBoad the arraement of that body to
a. W. Biehard, E. FeUort and wife. «4-tf
H. D. Cawranu. A Boxa
Boeb debate aad mtary.
bat toe bnciy. oa firewood wUl do (or
L. Clark. Barku OrOek: B. Afterlae.
aad as eoaeoaira It di
WUliamobarg: Mr. Cartis. Peter (Mines.
TU titaation anXM« the ctrtktor
Big Baplda: W. O. Cotton. B1 Poms. UL;
vided amoar Diek’s ralati^ woald tbe tariff report wae coUod opi
Mol mtoer* to quiet, bat too om^oyoe
I led ta aa MraJD. tVUoli. W. Border. Angell; Dr.
Tbe InmberaffiL.
probably^ arosad aad »i»o leaee
HOfalaiaraddUidaooeotyday. lathe
E. S. Cndny. H. Kingdom. B- FUbk
jiaUmata friend*. Sevoaty- oxelud debata. TeUer aad Vmt
taeoaltoie. toe peace commtoetoa to oxand A. Wright M. L. Imke, Lake Au;
torae pImE were pleked op attar taaded* a 83 rata u white
B. Wright C O. Blacken. J. A. Joi ..
arttafforery effort to brtacaboataootM. Di^ey, F. H. Lee. J. B. Bart*. Ben'•aehooL" aot eonntfar the drips.
tlaeoeat by arbittnUoa. Tbe raoiilt to
Tbs bottom of too bnccy and the logs la effect permitted a doable tax. bin Goodrich. T. J. Beet C. P. Hnntar.
tadoobU but it to aot likely toot toe
” Johaaoa. J. T. Webteller deelared toat toe whole thing
r. Elk
Hk Baplda;
etu aad vrife. B. MUlow.
aaeortatoty will be of loofdaTA
Laekay Mr. Reyaolde eeeaped witoont
Antaiu Grut, Omem: Joa. Moaler,
a* elemeataapen both oMoe of toe eoBMra- J. B Nash.
Lottie "TheOceeiselTbInrThet tovTBesyssrStajory. aad the koree with bat a few mUlioaalrea of Mletalgu, Mlnaeuta ' Pravomont; liee-'J.~B
tMTony wUl tooa derelop aew pbaoeo
aad Wtoeoasin, by which they wonld Nosh, Elmwood; H. A. Tboreca. Mra
p. BalUero,
Bailaero, Mra J. Imrkln.
Imrkin. Blagham;
Tbe next leaaoa baa been poatpoaed be enabled to raise toe prioe of pine _i*s
OUle White.
White, Miss
MW Pearle Whlta.
tram S3 to »< per thonoaad. Pettigrew
Frukfort; A. D. Martin
Martu) ud wile, . .
Whilx neorly ererybedy to debotlar fora time._________________
ot SoBto Dakota severely eritlotoed tbe 8. Martin. Mim
0 A. Strickaar,
Utrickaar, C.
. S.
. Mar‘ ae to otooioe between toe fold mtoee
euferuee amendment, making per Ua, B. Matoewa, A.
L Sharp, lapAULKETT & CO.
wAlotoa bribe «i
lochsn: C. A. Blttar, G
" M. 'King*
•ad vote ofFromtoiar Tsoat Br- He eoid toot 8Z woe deelgned to buefit bary,
hot. a &. PUUbnry
-- BelA.
D.' LaForge.
Beltear ktof. to qcietly t
0 few tMB wbo owa what etaadlng. laire: Jobo Hlagco. wife andI eon.
■ tbe world'* rtoible anpplyof
Bramt HiUa. a v
pine toero ta in Mieblgu, Wtaora*!a Monroe Center; Mra UcGrow. *Me__
drawaed wbOe and Mlnnwoia. One Michigan lamber- pletan; Mra
Doyle. Cbicai^h; W. H. Uwte,
man U worth 810,<KW.000 ud U prom B.
Booan V. Dmt* wont ta OtoetonaU
BardtakrUlc: L L BarUey. Grant; A. A. iBBOftal u t
Moaday afteraoaa. It to tooorht that inent in ropoblieu pollOea. Oe W. HiU ud wife. B- B. Dumpatter,
. •oamkoopeeebeaoadhMp the miaero
heart tremble was toe canoe, os be was Is toe mu wbo "mulpnlatea toe Joo Flaltarty, Old Mtaoioe; B. A. HutVia their otrike. One atcnifleoaf
~ Meyere. BurdtakvlUe;
wd ewlmmer. 8e wa* toe only election of suators in Mieblgu."
- B^t of toe effort to that after beariy
______ Mapletao, 1. BomdiUd of Rev. B.-8. MiU*. wbo receaUy asserted Pettigrew. This oudittaa aee of tbe epecebee a lair* namber o1
erick. B. Dowd. Mayfield; Ssm Oatrikero haoteacd to rota to p> bank ta went ta Bensoal* from Cnloa City, made tbe lomber ooetidment u impor Cooley ud wife. Sattlms Bay.
where b< bad enjoyed a long and oac- tant oae ta toe "Micbigan meebiae."
Inl pastoraU. Tbe fcoeral wUl be said. This me 'lumbermu's 810.VIAOABA FALLS
arc differeaoea of ^iaiaa ao take place today. C C- Kaowltan went (UO.OOO'ta eohatad against the inflaenee
to wbieb to toe eaeieet road ta fortanc: toei« last night ta aoetot in the fnaeral ud votes of IO.OQU.OUO men of oraioacr
Pore Powderad Sploaa,
^eeidaUon in OBTar ctaeke or (he AlaancemeaU, wblcb are in charge of mrans. Tbe eonferaace report oogbt
kan cold mineo.
U. S. Carter of this city.
1 ta be rejmted on this one lumber item
Pore Cream Tartar,
Monster Parade at Noon.
It wu fall of Irieki. be mid. ComThe propMUoa ' to beaoUfy the
Boenilng oo the newspaper clipping u DETBOIT. OEAND RAPIDS A WB«'(aaC
Saklny Powder, tf you waal aa io
ta tbe gathering of lombermu In toe
aak«li.Spoited*fer(IAA kcMwr ftktnlnr.
halldtoc to one worthy of cameot e
Scou now on sole at box office.
BioBBlal Betaloa in Port Hnraa boiun'sroom. Pettigrew eaid that it
Xabber TuUng. all ekea. Waier Boutoe <gnar^il^ Mto. vis Detroit ud toe WaMdwatiea. _______________
astaed ter two yeara.) Poaaiak ayrtagee.
showed that toe pine finu4mut
many kloda Tbroal Brntae*. and Alookcra.
Aognst S. vis Detitat ud the MltolPortHnran, Jnly M.—The Supreme woald take over 8«. 000.000 ont of the
Olycerln* and Wiieh Bawl Lmlen te* tbe
P. 3. Cobb of Oediltoe. wae bare oa Tut. Enigbtt ot tbe Modeebee* and pockeU of the people and pat it into gan Centra) R B
bands and teM.
AuguR izto. via Detroit had the
hwlnea* yesterday.
SopruMBIvc. Ladlee of tbe Macca- toe pockeu of "This little groop of Ora^lntokR-y.
Mtoa Clara Braa* oF WOUamabwT to bMA eravUed today la bleanlol sea- lambermea gathered la bareaa's
All tickeu good ta retora Icohiag
in tbe city.
ekm. Following t^ formalities of room." While tbe bill was fall of
from and inclodlog dey of sale. Beta
Mr. aad Mr*. E. W. Uaetiace aa4 •<
trick*. Pettigrew asserted, toe lamV>r from
woisome the
T>a*eT«« City will be 87. Ask
Walter to»“tJ«*t*fday at (torp lake.
devotod wholly ta raadiag toe reporu rate wsm ou of toe worst ud most Bgrau for full Information or addresa.
Ooorye L. Tburetoa of Central Lake, of toe offleera. Sapreme Eeoord Keep barefaced tricks la tb- whole bUl.
Gw DgHsYEs. OP. A.
Urud RaiddA
nde to toe city Moaday OB bio wbeeL er Boyntaa’sreporteay* that daring tbe
Plr*n f>M* Axste^ Tlewi.
Miio Boy end Mtoo Wood of Montotae btannW tarm. ending December »1.
Oo ta toe Lioo Barber Sb<
Ibop for hair
are toe rneoU of Mtoo Florence Jock- IBM. l.MD new tuU were lasUtoled.
time yestenlsy aneraooa at Oroau a s and baths, is cent* ei
M; B. OairvT
irith a membership of SS.IH. Total p. ir.t John R. tSenUT made a mile le -tf
Dr. O. C JoelinotSvttan* Bey. beard amoKBt drawn oet ter benefiriarica :
and Robert J In tiOSEi- Gentry
•iaoayi at Stelnberre Monday eren 8I.7SZ.4S5. Average amout paid bea- bolds toe wofid-a treord at t:OOta—OEO.
eficUriea of deeeaoed membeia. 8II.BdHor Bam 0. Cooley and wife, of
There baa beu dUbarsed from |
> aer> ibe Proepect le Lew
•ottaae Bey. were In tbe city yeoter- toe total ud permadeBt dtoabllity.bu-OAKRISON.
New Toik. July FI—Tbe World say*:
eflu daring toe bleanlol year. 851,371.
Lake of Lake Aon, epeat Mon- The Ladies of tbe ifaocsbeee, bsve en Denlel aucfraheim. of the Arm of M.
A Sooa wbo bas torge
For Rates and any other im. 4ay Bi^taad part of yeeter^ to the joyed woodertnl progrees. admilHng
dilng iDterceu. vbm
81,141 new members in 18U6.aadepudformation, consult,
L.W. Perkott left laat aigbi for Chi- ingonly 84.tniS. maklag e net gain of Long Brancb cottage, confirmed the
n-purted dtseoverlcs In toe Tukoe coun
oofo to opead eome U9e to toe Inlt fiPl.iTU in toe Sopreme Rlveud Great try and propbeeled tost tor new Aeid*
. mrhot..
Hive of Mieblgu ud the state hivu would yield lor in excess ot even pres
ent rrweatr Indk-etJona But tbere ore
Mto. Hdlte Nioboto and dawbtar ot New York and Ohio.
Commenci'g on Monday
tvelMnforaied men wbo look up<m the
Zmio of Oadillae, are coeote of Mra
^OHarO-Y-reported d^vsries as ezegteraled.
morning, Jnly 12. 1897. I
One of them is F. Hobart, aaeoctetv
sell tickets to and from
Mra. Emanaei Wilhelm to eatartatoeditor of the EnglneeHnx and Mining
WUl Wait a Fsw' Journal. "Te*.I hsveceod theseatorlr*."
raoMpr. ooranors Arreiinoie.
all points on .Carp Lake for
tor ber.old ecboolmata. Mtoe B. M Oo^cy Mcoasge
said. "but. to b- fraak. 1 do not
B«ayofW.klya.». Y. •
for the round trip.^
i tbem. Our Infocihstlon. vhlch Is drPhone 73. Johnson Block. Lady Watts
a. O. Wilee one of toe Bmpire Inm
Wasblagtaa. Joiy SO.—It ta suil-of- lalied and posmve. make* It li
can be chartered
her Company, was to the eity from fleially uaoaoeed today toatPresidut for me to accept the rowwte announcrat
for Fishing or
McKlaley wUl withhold bi* earrucy
eWeeco Moadey en roata ta Bmplre.
Picnic parties at very reason
mcosage aatU the coafereace roporl u of virgin gold.
M... Tom Btemu o.
"As s matter of (act oeme peioeas
toe tariff bill taadopted by toe senate. have struck fairly nto
able rates. There is nothing
{com Ctolcaro oe toe Petaekey afUr
>" toe
. .wtolltotoatcityandwithratoeiiroe I
The repabUean momber* in the eenate Yukon district. But the Isrgv ntsjohmore delightful than-a trip
ty of gold seriter* in that barren coun
Warion. lad.
do not desire to have u>
on Carp Lake, these warm
have been stranded. Tbere Is cety
Mra. -Btaroa Fowler of Utcbfield tions thrown into the seute whUe the try
a ptacer yield on record for tokaectien.
Salmon. Bass und
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
arrlred UM aiffbW^ She will debata tana. Lert it might lead loum- No quarts has been dlsecveted—not a
Pickeral fishing best in •
fraxment- Of eourae. the placers fed
otailC. Fowler of
-----------* - plleatloBA
' heated tann.
worn ont durtag ages from the moun
Pint Ck2i ray Board.
' Mra Haaaab Johnooa of drekia
James M. Watts.
tains indlcai* tbe existenos of rlrii
jr—* throng toe city yeotaraby on
quarts depoMta Now comes tol* stery
Btrifcere Are Oatat in the Goal MiaUg that toe woter* of tbe Kloadyfce coan
tom way tram Pimnkfort. She
try run with mingled water afid gold
fey Mies BeUe Jobneoa.
Correspond wiA
dost. I cannot credit It. We bav*
PUUbarg, July za—iWe naiformlty beard direct from tbe Klondyke mine*
Mr. and Mra. O. T. Brawn aad Mr<
tbe Travetse City
aad Mra C. E. Palmer of Footaria.' O. ta largely dependent apm ^
and know that wme of them bsve been
I caanot my poolattained by tbe member* of toe intarLumber Company. We iiave for sale Good, Sound Hem
ware coeota at Park Ptooi
. aa toel'way ta Carp Laka
etata arbitraUu board in thrir efforts
lock Lunfber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
stortes. About two years ago
Sarwor F. S Skeeto. of the A^ ta enlist toe eopport of operatara of of mlnera drawn to toe Yukon by take
Short Maple WixkI. Lands' for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
iffh taws torir statm in the movmnuk lUlaota reports of lU fabulous wealth, were
descriptions, including 2 En^ncs, Set Works, Carriages,
ud other coal operators are oxpeetad qetctly Ewougbt home free of ebarge
y*Wrtay OB hU way ta The
by tbe transportauon compaqiea"
here toatorrww, wtaea a geaeral
Coraw of Dnioa aad Bay Straot* and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
aaoompaaled by Mra Skoeto
of int- near M. A N. ft. depoL wishes ta aaMra Mfllm. of Fraakfort. is eiolUac lag Of toe arWtratiu board wUl be
Mra Haaaab JokaaoD of AisUa Mra beta.
Bonaee ta toe peblie toat be has rest
Hi* condllioa tt n t sertowa but be has
.^obaC>aBeofChebo|BaB.toaloo vtolv ooke vegioB. eay that lltUe cnal ta belag been corapened l cancel oR eigage- ed and fornlsbed the Botol Poagbera
shipped from that region. The eym- a>«nt* for toe pm
batter toon it ovor kos been botore and
lar Mra Jobason, bar ■
"AaauoUu" Howord. o M-ysar eld cu oocMBodat* toe travoUag
potoy Of toe eoke drawere and bard
Charles laaoaeter. Moi.
celortd pewsboy.
la good shape. John Moy formaly
W. Oobel aad Htoale BabhaU ottaadef oeal miaere ta with the
Baled ot * tbe Newboya’ - beme
orito tbe Botri Whiting wQl have
«bo dietrtat eoareattoB of the Oned mlaara bat toey my that saspusk
Chicago by nsney ^ Berry. Tbe •
' FtediDg_ iarDen
r-------- IM
a BtaeUlty.
a npacialtj.
Roma boaidad,
werh by them woald aot buefit toe seem* one of wutoa murder.
charge aftboo oaad Btlead ta tbo
ffhmpUm at KtofeUy ywtmdayAt Central avenue and TsroalyHdxto wutaoftoogta
Mtoe Boaker. of Maekwea. aad ■!« ettfkma’uee. - TRe eitaaHu in outral
Bnsww. of Ana Arbor. p«nodtom«h
State St. weet of
■m la be dweadut e^oa
tai». yooterday oa tooir «W ta opM
oee hoadred posengen were on booifi.
Park Plaoe BoUL
» «fi the atrike M'Wmt
aamalwookeaiWiload tors* cd thorn i
A. A. MaOoj rtoTMdytM toy from'
•mr«l wMkt’ AbMOM from too oi«y.
Ho boo booa to too BuSoIo potote
TmiVKRSEOlTY! - XKTOOAK* rnorkot. oad oloo rioltod K«w York
rtoio OBd Moiytosd. U toe tblko bo0 roj^ toero, it to tooeftat toot
it orUl onoBd to omtrof PooMylroato.
CotuBbu. Oblo. Jaly so.-Oomeron
UUler ot Uoleatowo, Fa. telerapbod
PrwldoBt Botebtord: “AUtoemtoere
oa toe Bed
^ .
tab owmiDf."
WhaoUat. July ta-lio tuUte sttaation bao no marked ebaafiirtaday. A
few of thoee who otraek yaeurday at
Pairmonnt have retoraed ta wosk ead
eome of the otbin have rone onU
toe castarn end of tbe dtotriet. when
toe orrantoere aro worktor. thwo to
p^ioe of a atrike iMtoraw. At the
weet dtotriet tola moraiar foor baadrod of toe atrlken went M work,
eaetara Ohio all to qutot'and toe
are Idle. There bo* been no effort to
totartere with tbe Weet Vlrrtoto oool
_________________ _
Fruit Jars. Canning Season.
2 Quart—60c. doz. 1 Quart—50c. doz.
WmSdl Todar:
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
RM, Port fail, Mcnci,
Pressed Cooked Hon,
Dried Reef, Uier,
Choice Pooltm
July 21st.
P.L SUM & HARMilv.
Uncle Tom's Cabin Qo.
OBowmm IV omTSTAh xtovs.
50 PEOPLE “V,'SiTa7.„
Has Your
SEE Attention-
lOtauudloCu BoodKIlEll-lO
See Tie,.Giaj^reljof,
Prices-25. 35 aid 50c.
Fire InsuraDce
At Oar
Soda Fountain
On your Dwelling,
Store, Factory or Stock,
carry a certain amount
at all times.
- **r-
E. W. Hastings’
Now for Business!
TaikBtmt, Utmm Tivst * Csafi,
Meal Tickets at RedMsd Rates.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Uvefy, Bus and Feed Stable
PiosMT lAwm Stable
rsx iiournra ssoobd. wbdvsbdat, tult si, isst.
. Omral Al|«r Mty
aoctaBOB* aa ovar U>« cmuitry. bat bia
pobUc.datlN Mb* It
> ace*|>t aery oaay biTltatlana
"lb* Ufa of a e
Bot only bearaUc. J>nt attracUv*. arcra
ft net for tbe drudyery it antalU.” raBarbed a weil-kBova eonyi uaamaa
troia a waataro aUia aa ba mopped the
hit brow and yaied
tn a moat awlaacboly faahloo at a pile
of tatter* lyl&f on hla ubie. He waa
aaatad la bha room at WllUard'a bit
Cttr>rwterM «£»a
coat off and be bad tocked a bandktr.
eblef Into ibe necif end of hla atalrt
« U
wberawltb W protect hla collar aod eravat from the inro-da or the meltltic
mood. Oocument*. booki. papera and
WmmtuKUrn. inly
derly proJitt hw bmi wuh fait family at Man* What not lay rttuod 1b dlooidei
Idnlgkt ha
«m»»t'r-»ir-thf-Re« for a
« offoru to pe- IB tbe history df the town. Psopie came
•ay* (*Uag a vacaUoa tren Um «oi
from .aU the country arouod and
iDctdect to -the tarts bllL Tbt aenator
-'Juat look lammed the court bouse aouare and
•rfl] probably rrnaln at tbr taa^ior* for acToaa the street
the streeta for bhx*s; hot that thw
ana« Um*. aa be U graaily In nenl of •-1U observe
the cool comer of the Ebbitt •Botae a enma eat of ctmoMly and not fromayma loos vacation. .
8UU araator Bbepard of Oaaaapolta coterte of gentlemen, chattinc and ort- -pathy with the strike b shosm by the
wa* In the oUy recently and took the ioylns each other'* compoBy. Tbf^ fact that tbe Pritchard minem. who
nrtha of the crowd are members of oob> have been out. after hcartas tbe'spaech
eset and voted io retom to srork today.
chicken la a' coop wadtlng
Imat Blshl Deba save tt as hU opinloo
’ boom' iny worthy colleakuiet that the ratten would be cloaad by
n this fash- Tburaday. but the operators say the
Blsbtly dlapon t
t poUUeal to- lea. They muat elthtf cootrol packet
DOW stiiklng wiu be back
boroQSba or eiae shirk their labors and
almoat Invariably pam.
Chapard wlU probably ataamr the doilea taka bis <4taaces. Perhaps, after Mi. by that tune unlem affitaiors get out
meo at work today,
they are the wwer. I have taken tbe
«( hte oOee aboot the let of Aucuttaacy,” conuauc.
eontioued tbe
cool and rooderaie In hla talk, and
Malor R. D. a Tyler, chief of the man. nmey,
flecUvely. 'thaf a conatUuenc}- ha* no offended DO oDe. in Ibe morning be
%ak rapair ahop of the pertoffiee departa reprsscatativewbo b knoun
le at llaeoagah and tbe mea eai
meDi. was raontly relieved'from duty.
IB spite of SB offer of SBother
Tbit aetlon area the outcome of the
and thtnk___________
advaiwe In wages. Tbe strikers
•eaBdala whleb have ccnteivd abont the call tor thlBS* they don’t sant aa wril are hopeful that UUa wlU lead to othar
. aaan-bak repair shop more or 1«b tor aa these they do. just to put him
and It la the direct reauU of an In- hb mettle.
TaajliHlrai vhtefa waa made by the aec. o^r^iuaoi poatmaMer keceraL
Ifk^ltan. Hla reatsuatloB «
tbia had Mmethlng to do with I
. ,
. :
Oan*vaa*» ■aycety.
John Donovan of Bay CHy was
In the dty for aeverol dayt durtni the
week, and received many attetii
the bandf of the Mlcblinn del<
Baaiatar McMillan tendared him the «m
B( bli ocBUBlttec room as bU ht^uarten darinc bU stay, and Donovan held
a nambar of aesatots and representattvea. Mr. I>ocovss became tamons fqy
botdlBS ap tbe Deroccratic banner
threafb the whole term of a hftchlsan
lesblatars alnsb-babded.
Jodge BeBjamln A. Harlan cd Grand
ItapUs' was made chief ofo dlvbfon la
the peabOD office last weMc. The judec
to very popoUr with the eJerta of hi* dlvtoloB. many of whom haw been there
ftarfng the enthe flfuan year* ihsi
Judge Harlan hai been In office. They
premted the ludge »Hh a beautiful and
rare Dotted fwlm as a tokra of tbeir resra* tl. ».» r ineio o* joct.xumwc-t.
Conertaemaa Bpaldlcs • few «■?» ■**>•
in logins over tbe Wyandotte pnatolDee
case, teamed that the rerlgnatloD of ,W.
wl Coitsx. who war
poatroarter of that i
Accepted. BltbOUSb Hr Colfas Inbtos
that It be done General Bpaldlns f«sra
that Mr. Colfax bas nervous prostration.
b6t'hope» be may recover to that he will
•at ba owiged to appciw another.roa
mil Be B€»se by the Sftih.
*7 will ba able
«tart for home In
•ay Of two after
lii'iIiib" taysCongrearmanFaruBmith.
-and 1 can see no reason why I ca-----*
be In Mlcblgan by the mb of
. 1 suem I will be tbe dm Mlehjnsrseman to mum to WarblrgIksncoT
j. for 1 will be back by the middle of
•eptember. J have some burloea* that
» will1 require my pn
presence her* at
e. and beildee. I
efaUdren bare so ae b
a they be[ think It would Interfere with
their *urdlr.g in echoU if 1 xbould wwlt
until Nrvenrtwt befor, entering tkem.“
t; but If there Is
aaythlak which makea my people ragins road U b to recHve answers to
tbetr letter* wrttten In a atrange hand
with my alsnatnra alooe appended.
They.aaaumc It b not my action, but a
................ set rid of the affair.
obitsed to dictate
stentwrapber a formal reply ackoowt.
adslas receipt <g the latter aod staunc
that the matte
;te?. wUI receive
In due coarse, etc. 1 .
day of a conversation which
_______ ___
my conetltuenia
wbon I had Indicted such letters- 'Did
from Consreaaman Blank In
reply to your letterr queried one. 'Tea.
- circular
ved <
1 did: t r
letters! Did you baar from htmT Te«.'
replied tbe llr*t; X got one of tbe ----circulars, too!'•’
When typewriter* fltwt came Into u*o
litem bet of congree* sell a rypewillto letter 40 ..ne of hla cooatltoeiiU who
rstnraed It with a pencil cr.inment: Till
led tgnnrant thal ! can't read
property. The ihinaa there had also
closed down to let tbe aieo meet r
atrikeis and decide whether or not
strike. Tbe mine ^raiots are paying
• cents and my thdr
for strtklBs. eacapt out of fear
nee In ease they ec
The compaar aril] i
. .
I the men are ready
ne atrlklBg ralDats are camped about
the Cook mlneu.
The atrtklng mlnera dlm»eraed yester-
Du OtlabnUl tpoUlim.
Hotel Whiting
To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
sjsauair '
the mine owners at them plu ordered a
auapeealaB until the
made to the effect that It the roes "sr^.mi^spacwm
did not remain out the atrtkMs would
tvn l.«M wroa*. and iBStaad of brlnglBk
whs are saatot is call, aas wme fsU awMi
muBcal tu«romeeu they would bring east m exprase
with fsll uuonMXiaM to>v is be laVss
The Bra of Dm. B.. B. a Oo- vm lawirrmrelri em
- mro»mb«a»rtai.rmlfr>»owpliiyto^
n the regtoa.
declare that If aay
**S*r»isee <^lis s |Mg osim
work tbey will have 800 miners
On tbe Ohio aide cveii-xhiw toi^
Tbe reports that
>ro«been drivw
Operscors aay they win pfct.ct
Into switches « the Wheell^ and Lake
motioue; Jhey do not
Shle to deruM e sal train* at onkmvale p^opnw to have onl. n, men or anybody
t* untnie. No
that road bas
burlnre* It It bHleved
heard of It. Dehs srtll speak today a
laratinn* are sinady made I
poInU In the Fairmont lugloa. O protect the men in case an attempt^ :
Thursday he uil go into the Kanawb
e the non-union r
voted for you for yex^
V 'galled' tf hear frrra me. "
If work cf bandwin h* snnaeh <o Wear rut the
ammgesl woman In a very fhert time."
?Tr*. ArtHJSl P^etmMUr Oetrirul
Death bas mad. the following allowADpwPfor horse hire and carfare forTree
aIi^ prut.fflrer In Michigan fbr the
ir. : •»"
B., c,„.
SUM: Jackson. S*TSr Kalamaaoe,
' can't kill a fritow - b«rC dry air. I
friend who
I sumptbH) who went to Florida three
• made
Mde by
by the
the dvil
dvil Wtvlce
corohas bqH
aerelce commimMn at the T*qiic*t of the Beertury
-• explrai
of the treasury. Before the
of Ibto term there wUl be a dvil nwvice
examlnaUoB.' And If CapTOIn LAngley
suceedi to patodjtg the exAmlnpffon he
will receive a
Mary nowman. who ha»popular a* Mnltress eg the senate
terlea'at lanxlng. to very anxious t
cute a similar pcwitlon at Waffitogti
where the pay to nearty double that
: r,
company charged hi. executor.
1W Boy SM iw-wev.
auskey Cromwell narrated rte story
boy In North CarcOlba. who
of BUI Nye's landlnrff. Nyu
said that the boy would e
he was constantly violating all of tia-,
law* of tie bouse gnd ol the state. Hto
mtber emit him out to round up the
geeM anQ coop them Tbe little
took a quart of com and pattonUy
aewed a long thread through each kerThen he tied tbe end* of thb
Special July.
M ltoim of Moor* A Shafaf Sboeu. Prendi Kid. oommoB BMse torn. <
o. ^
itock. Cloa Men's patent Up Oxforda.
Btbs* aad Men's Ox B.' '
robBSoa. booth Bide bboe Storu.
A.T. J.-
rlegint Hoe. H. E (Hbtm le EllU bWycle shop, ill FroatMX.
Worth Looking Up
Kimball Co . Cble^.
K. E. Strong. Mgr Tiar. CSiy Braneb fkM*.
A. MoBtague. 1ST Fr««t Bt.
wiBBcr. Ttanrtali A Gane. cor. Ttb aod Uaioa.
Cheap Suits
TEA-16,25, 35,60c.
I flavofu. Pruito ahd
it reaideBce free lee e
mowetu. garden hoae. 8ems Aaacu. Bl.
Ladies’'High Bicycle Boots
A. T. t
Friodrleh Block.
for «>«-
Boklaworth Block. Oakw atnet.
TrotUag had ftohd borMs a agm
eialty. TbM door waat ot RCneguBs Ueciy Bhrs..
10 Per Cent. Off
^________ datm priceaUteaamaatmBBat Ftemtat. A. 8. ffryM.
I HavedMoved
406. OhkmSL ChU a»d fftt
origlBal drug mhB.-bat door oaai ofgutottOea
The New Shoe Store,
daatitig the boy** put*. Tbe boy dW
DOt alt down for Bwrul «vi afiarwurta HegouldhottlMic^geM
mb »*t. He win fhtB ID tt wltto
CBttar> Ota paKSdBktt «« the Ismbb
.bufore they arr all guoa
* very fcarce. sad
Sesator Burrow* ha* made a rtroBg together without (oralag their ermwa
•gbt for « lumber and ha* been mp-
^ver Banied Out ?
H.B aOLUCT. Mgr.
damage t
cerriB. Crop* of anroe farmer* h
deeircyed and oUiec* report lar
vpty few women are employed.
pUm wbereby tbey could all go home
ITnlted StAiea Corral Oeoeral 3obB
X. Gowiy. wbo baa bm aertouMr 0<
I Pari*. Is nnwr Improving
The senate h»* conflrtred Wedertck B.
Corot a* ccflcetot of iBiemaJ revehu*
fw the Plm dtolrict
dary B. t.eaie ha*' ufmounced , »•“ w».
win t* a candidate ter the Dp- ]
ultoi coialnaUaxr for governor of Kae— -------------
here ; Canneneburg. Pa.. July S«.—Abcul Kd
Hvrf“rtx "yilir*. g^uatly dying. Mriking miner, from Cecil. Bishop.
d- .y,
3412 F'rames.
p?y to look at
.vi: i
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Great Cut in Bicycles
'tayy WariMV gave out Ibe Informa- of tbe outrages.
tinn yeeierday that a meeting of railway
!• pear of a Com Pwmiwe.
employe* wae held beiv Bsnday and the
HL Lout*. July ».-Acting on tbe ad
Situation •.{ the miner*' *trike tborrugh- vice of coat cnmpanle* which dl«tri1mte
Tlte body of aa t
teuad ia tbe woods near WhIUtoy. a
men secured an appointment for him
duirlrt. passed thnmgb town yea- amsll ataUon Id northern MIebIgaa It
to believed tbal he waa a vlrtin of foul
UBder the last admlnlstialbm a“^ k« ' lerdsy morning, beaded by a brvw hand play.
waa amt to 'T.**p ••^ and drum corps A halt wa. mxde al ' OWiuary: At Omaha. Dan Farrril. Jr
At JanesvUto. WIT; Mrs. Alexander C
leading hotel by bl* n«**“1^
**“‘ _______and cwdseed to kwp of the
I HaMinga Mibiu
Suits to Order.
‘ncketa wUl b* sold via tbs GruBd
Ba^ A IndlABB Eallway to Bay View
a«d return July IS ton. rood rutaratnir uBtU Auffust SI, at obc fare tor
round trip from all Mlebiffwa poioU.
Send for UlMtrated daaeriptlre matter
C. L. LocKU
(j- ?. A T. A .
Oruod Bapida.
difficulty In explalnlBg (<
friend that he wsa -glad'
him. Tb. youa, j f^
naallv owi^
obliged to
to |----*•*♦ ^neme of the rellroad employing the
write to the----- --- the dUchai
p)nl- bow he had made tbe mli
. Cameren Miller and ftecretJ
will fire MW kllBS unpewriter. and tbus exopasal<
I «: W.n..
T-rtl. Cr-irsm.v ”,
The prospect of a
innooent c
a talk with the miners emplo;
wnadtAe coal
c(Wl famine
famlfl In SL LouK la
HM l-wder tl
be New Tork aod Cleveland Gas alarmmg operators in «>ther II
The fooU are act aU
company. They were served with
the etnry-te.lers bare an been luck> In
htlunctlon reetralnlng them from InABBREvVaTAD TEkAGAAMB
haw worked
ecvUhaeapMal Ml
to wad wall ksuva.
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box leo.
TW Ws* Ksrsrtrd.
Tw» Days ObJj ■Mh
and Strictly
OonanlUtion mad Sxk
hurg all the mlDcs are running. SpeakMasnllon. O.. July JB —Earty yestwfor tbe whole state, the operators 1 day mnmlBg three
When C. C. Matson of Indian* was
wrvt-k train*
made a gals of kOhA m«i yestermalrensB of tbe c.im'mlttee on p nal-.m
ke ene road near the DIUonvale
yeung atroograrher who
net hwa la only | mines In »uie instance orwtrwtlons had
took IstlMw rapidly In shorthand,
been pUced on the Duck arul tn the
wrote them out nicely on a typewHter.
the Ballwnya. • j other switch frog* had been splkeo.
bn ooe .wcaaloB Mr. Mat»«i dictated
the ohMruta leiier beginning as foil***: “I am
very glad to hear from you ”
____ sayisg;
A«g.l8sadIB. 1897.
were closed and vint of thoaa dosed
VSBumad. making tbe situailae about
tbe same a> on Saturday. Tbe orksBBleomIngtcB. Tlla. 3nly_ »—Trouht#
Iters ars still hard at work, but some
what discouraged. On the Norfolk and maw Unmlneni In eonectlon with mlBWestern the strike got a gig aetfaack. Ing affairs at Bloomlngtos. After two
All the men at Blkbuni and
' meetlnga of miners both of which voted
vent hack to work, and F
^ voted to ....
■> to atrikb. a meeting raueg
of exeuWvely
Flat. Top miners
stay .t
at ■.
i. the afurThere were only about SOO of tbe 4.0W roloe-wmk^.wa*^^ _l^^
n>M who struck Samrday Idle yesterday. and thtojiumber Is likely to dlmlntoh. Tbe orgaaliers are db
..•# half Ire union men. of whom 1»
unleaa they get more help
: were present at the memln*. Last night
be Btatloc^ I
the iMn-untou tnenwaM they would conthe ffeht night and d^ they will
writer the rums etenegrapher
tbe wTOBg ke»-B and wrote "guld" in
stead of -glad "
Within a week Mr. Mat*
TrffTerM City, Kloh,
lately up
»e« 1
tseelpt of the..............
ficeveeker* - xay* Congtwamao SpaM- . Urn. of aU kind*, when 1 glided Into u
•—tndlanapclla July SB.—The rpeetal
tna. ”1 would rather gel an appoint- popular hotel'thi* after^n and took
Bent in any . tber departmert for a lady • part In a Utile
ei... one In the library. The ladles aay I newspaper mea. And thetBwere aji mi goverucr ------------—................
.iriklagmlnert left fpr tbe al field*
that tt would be so pl.*eani 0 work to under ibe collar, because eoocrees has ,
renttoned *r< b-ng tn sessmti. and there ; ynarrday. A special frcni Cllnlr
such a beautiful bulMing; bt 1 tbey do ha*
pot know that hardly cne of ...a------------ fer a v*?atl th< fact ibi
work where tbe beauty la The freat j But with
majortto of Jhem will be coop<d no m ' trie fan*, and with the active aid t > tamir* UK 4 p of real have
ir.ey Le- tbrc.ugh her- •
room* that are nothlrg more than <
good natured and t Id fwle* by j
iB which are nolhlBg but row gf.er
M cANBqmit'm
Of bouks, with no view from the win- tb» _y>re « altrr Waabharr Irtd ab ut ;
Tom Mantium. who wa* th- wim*m
dow* exr^ a rmall rc.uri whleb to
knewn in Washington JoUP- ^
aST B.U.. c,-..
I VBegnr f*^'K«r-6V. and sent coanalt‘ teas over to (be mines to salher the
BintTw. The miners did not appear to
be IB sympathy with the atrikara. and
a vsrr smaD Burobev were lodBOed
Ooing Btnintwfer th« Mim Strik* bot
to Usten to the spaechaa made hy a
Burober of tba'vtoRlng strikers. Tte
minea of this company closed down yes
terday to aowH tb« dactokm of the infnmSIBODT IB OUT TO ESAS EIIC. aea.
Tbars are a few who at* iDcIhied
to strike, ^t tbsrs to bo pruspset of
a gsnatal strike bars, a* the Btaers ats
BOW being paid to eenu and have nothlag to attika for.unlcaa out of aympoihy
or through fear of violence at the
handa of •irlkert from other mines.,
Tbe operators here aay they wUl run
their Blnaa aa aoon aa the men are willm« to go back to work, but will not
ClBelnBati. July ».-The Ooi
iDtaHere witb tbair M.BMating with
THbane «wclal from Wtaecang.
Teaterday was Dela day at tbe strlksfs. After bolding | a meaUaf
the Btrlkats Boved up the valley
PairiBoat. and It was the blsftM day
C. O. SMITH. Proprietor.
New Process Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146 Front St
■ 1
IHB X0SHIS9 MOOM), iraPgBBPAY. fPlT *1. »8W.
•Bbiddad. **fola tor tree wool to the taea.
«* Ute Cbloacu pUtfoRD Irtileb be tolpM
Co defndr
*^c Cbleatb ^tfom Old not talce
Adopt! thi Cenfofono! Roport on the back track oh tbe ptCadpit of tariff
tor reeeotH pnly.'* replied MeMtlltai.
*7’11 prCTB that It dM.~ cried Bailer,
lie Mr. Robemou. of LenlBai>a. te tbe
D TEE VE£ 81U' IKIUS8 OF MOSI feouser- he aMied luoklsf about him.
Rat Rebertsoe «ai not present *«d Balto arcue that the Chicane
!iv>r»Tta uti* •. Bv. «• D.tb*x>iH^ -piatfrrin did rtCura
to the "oM Demoitlc theory.- When
-the aereUbd heresy" and t
thy with hliB cheered lustily.
ItJ-- Balle»'
qioke for about t
hours and a half.
perotatloa Was
led and be «
wannlr eeoffratoK'
McHUUn In tom deh-ed Into Baner'e
tea Jron hr MparlMor kab
WawenOd Iflra tohaee
I haeaaald work done at a cost «t| fasti
cty twodoUaia(ldt.oO). Fine at««ti rafer to Bradstreet « I
a also hem rraeeUed hetween nh oomparattra
oompaiatire raaponslhHUf
raapoasIblUi of
aUaatoataooatof Sity lour Mtton wMh that of the other
aad llth
___ ____
o Public Works be iaatruetIt you are dot^haeiaam the Board
and tSHOOdeUnra
direct with OB and not with a make ed to dineoBtiDut all furthar work on
r^^Mr^uatU otberwlee ordered
abifl bpMpany atandln* betwera the
maau&otnrrr and jrooraell, ta addition
'lloved br Alderman Goodrich
Coamlttoe on Slmelt^dSWewalka to.pBrhapa.a WarmL
mMtd BtotWof Alderman Meatarue
Moead hy Aldemnn Goodrteb that
. layrtbe
tbe whoie
whole matter upon the table.
Uaraa laoa WoBka,
the report be laealead and ordered
G C Marah.
On motion o( Aldornus Modtarbe.
*“S^oas;iad.dale carried, the) roport was received
Kaya-Aldermen Krkw. Montarn^
Tuu UK
the ja<M«orwiN«, inc «
aud ordered filed.
Cook. Desmood. l^lr. euelUnantol.
CouHcU qf the CUy of
rb Che BaaorabU.
CbUMfi of the C
* Oriffioai motion carried by yen and
OomANax— Yout _______
any vote as follows:
wto>m was referred the maUer of aUuc
GeLyTUU(KB —Tour’i o
•feae-Aiderm-o Parker.' >loot«.
eruabaea, baff lanva to report aa folILardlAHnallGretUck. Cook. De
‘ '
oatter of ta«inr the Mlchi^ 1
maatal. and Garrison.
DC Co. at the rate of $ao» per 1
for use of our etrteu and aUi
of Alderman L
ber ieare to report as follows:
la view of £e reeeot redaction in
wo^ fewwtfally refer rutaa made by this oompasy and also I
CUy Oeyk.
OBs to 70U wiibout of iU expeadliures lately Inenirsd in '
We would, bowevnr.
reooamciul that at some Ume this aeaeoa tbe mayor and one member o( tbe
OonaeU be delegated to vleit Giund
j 19th. A D- 1“VT,
Ptp4.t. or Chka^ or both places aa
A. 8. Cook
proper, (tbelr expenoee to be
“I; MuxTAt
le cityl to witnem the exhibi,W. 3. Paai.__.
Gm and operutlon
of the various kinds
ion Wars and Mm
of road nwchiaarv. We think this to
ffettlaff at
be the moat fenal
feaaible nias of f
what we need for
o boorX OlKUMlor. b*ton ibe (uU csatereBO* eoiainltte»-^ past and pointed'oot occasions when'
Dwboctxu ati<: R«pabllcaa*-4tM Id U>« thf Lone Star stateamaD bad voted fot
free coal, free barbed wire, (leesoicar
aad even free wool in fb rifty-soeonJ
concresa. UcUllllD’a eotrunent on tbs
Inconslstenrr o( Bailey's free erool rote
oaosed much nerTtment- In conelualoo
be appealed to the Democracy to.a*
Into (he battle acala atth
beartne the eld moitoea
Oloffley cendoded tbe debate for the
RepobUcaas. Referrtni to the tnmia
Umb offered MDCodioeaU tu tbr report, .................
««t were net witb tbe etaitemeot tbet II
be'cried. "Is to Mabllah t beet
.would nerelr conrume Umc Id v*e
«aiendmenU. us (her would be re>eeted dlatrlcC Jn the country and
make corn*
Wheeler offered omead petition. That Is the aay to dtp tbs
B. GooumcH.
ts pUciuc cotton boCTins' ADdcottoa
GraUiek. Goodrich. Cook.
Committee on Btreeto and Sidewalka. ; Lardle.UoelI^ntai.andGairiaoa.
on tbe free IM; uleo u nbctitult Republican applause.] He then
■altlon for rcbotee
manded the previous questloo «e the
~ '
of tbe report aad dhe demand • The Caimax ,'Eoad Maohitm Co.. n> the Sonomhic, Che Jfopor and Clly
was austalnd. Tbe yeas aad nays
ffmvn. howervr. i
Ihroagh their Western Affeuu. Mr.
Council of Che City of Trouerse TUv.
Shm called, rcsuldna—yoas. ist: naya.
• - to I
propoeitioB relative to
r. Dlr.ffler ir.ored that, (be ]1S Tbe result was cheered and tbe the
Qextuuiiik—We bava repaired the
report be Bohroltird to (be lu-o houses. houae took recess to tomorrow.
brinfflag one of tbelr pUnutoyour bridgea aad sidewalks at the comer of
This prevsllrtJ I'V a party vole, and the
. _ „ , ___i Oak and ProBi Btreeta by replaoking
AMALm.a 9P Tax tariff totm
ned. there a-as lime
We will toiag om of 01^
2 stone |
Ort^ge on Front street: siso reusirwd :
OatMaa Ceewdad TArtn tb* atrsaali erushlnff piants with al«l
revolviag aer^ aUacbwi. wld ernsb«
simets. the total cost of
wd Many KoM F-nW Peasant.
to be mounted-upon stoel tmjda « !,»id work being Fifty-one Dollars aad
July ».-lD the anal
i^'lnsum portabUlw. and the plant
ffisi.o: f
.bate nc (be tariff
.K- rreT respoct as tomsMbed to the mem-;
Demoeeailc and one PopnIW tpeeebes
Wsshlnvton. July to.-Tbe floor of tbe
bouse preaemed an aclmayed appear
ance yaster^y before the speaker
npped that liody to order. Members
d about In yroups
^ In excited tonea. the result of
the confrrmee ssreeanem on the Urtff
UIL The flnaJ cccference report <m the
ffeneral defldency appropriation UU was
'adopted. Thb out of the yray Dtoffley
arose. HUdl^nrr Sion
' the report sad a
*the cccference rtport'oo tbe tariff blU."
Balvos of applause frem tbe RepuUlcao
Mde sreated this anouseemeot. Aa effort
two. Dlnyler refurrd to scree to this,
aayliis "Uik at this time li very ezpaaivo. It cotta the treasury tlW.OOO a
Oiaftoy CapiBiM Ibe Mmatw.
There was a crest deal of talk badt
aad fortb about (he aisar tru«.--and the
•Sort to reach a* acreement tolled
)lr.cley ...................... .
h schedule ard expUlclnx the
lanrte ar.d the am<unt of mesne
were msde. Whrder of AIslBina. Swan<
mn of t'ti^nla. BaU of Texas. Lanbam
at Tekaa felly of North Dakota. Plem4ns of Ooohrta. Handy of Delaware. MrDowelL of Ohio. Berry of Kestucky.
BaOey of Toss aad McMlUio of Tennes
see brtng the speakera. The galrertca
were crowded upao the time the vote
lakcA many distinguished people
being present. Among - them were a
■ber of wBBtors. several members <t
eablDet and a few metnbert of tbe
omattc corps. Every RepublicaB In
tbe house who was present voted foe
report. The Democrau with five ex
ceptions voted agaluM tba ceport. The
exeepUoos were Slayden of Texas,
Btoumard. of Louisiana. Hej-er of Louisiaea. Davv ot Louisiana, asd Kleberg
of Texaa
Tbe PopuUsU aad aUverties did noC
vote adidly. Bhifroth of Colorado and
ed (rum voGcg.
mittae at the meetiog June ft.
Bicxkbd. Clerk.
We arc to pay all-expenses ot bring
Movfid by Alderman Monta
ing mid plant to THverse City, and :
I be accepted and p
also aasaoe all ruaponslblllty «. re-;
garde bmakage. or teaaage to same
while upon trial: we are to ,aiao bear
Board of Public Works
aU'our own expenscB during tbe triaL
CpoB arriml of aaid plant you are to
lend friendly assiatanee In aettlng wp
the plant in poaittoa. and to also bear
tbe expense of traaspoaiing cald plant In
from the freight depot to place < |>
mry to feed crusher duriag
tc.. tbe power and
labor beb^
iug sumeieut to mo aald plant to iU
foil capacity dnri
Meviiairins btU«e
>'TI3>-A If*
n* *• ■'
™r1I C.«1AEBT. Auemry. BfariilJF
a CBOna. AWer^vjL
Ba^^bacUie Tot cuss Oantteseyeer
B«?l/S^‘IWai|Airfiaauj)W.Drr''^ jw
BMP>4sla.wUSPIIkaUs.^SM .. .t •
Lederle’s STTiSi
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Smokers! 6nii RipiB ft IMku LI
Have you tried our makee
of Offanr
Tte RccoliliaC UcCms
lu B aad loe. Clgan
•re my
always in stock.
doing all your work wit
demandingeontinual repairing, ate.,
yon are, to accept aaae at the orlae of
$llto.(X\glrlDf you all the time y
desire to'make payment for
it found to be
Burgess w^le
inted by
r DO ohligatloos
there, you
>n to
MBCklDU* to* FeueDetrolt. CUcaffs aa#
Ttmseller Block.
l-BUC WoBXH. •
Ik.ABb orPi-Bt
ByC. K
I Brrx.
iTltbont additional expense to
Chairman pro tom.
A. W. BtCKE«u>. Clerk.
(USX RoAO Maci
Moved by Alderman Cook that the
es. Mich. Bep.
C- A Barms.
atalement be aoeeptad aad elaliee be
GATES IBON WOBKA | ordered paid tn aoedrdaoec with the
General Offlsas. t»0 Eistou Aemue.
Motioo carried >y yea aad nay vote
CBic«<rt>, July
■ ly 1. tsST. S
I follows:
Mr. ft. 0'<"di
drfe*. Travers* Cit,.
Sty. Mich.
Yeas—Alderman Parker. Moatagne,
I of
of tbe
tl 2Stb
Dasjt Sin—We have
' ' (iood rich. Cook Deenocid. Larid contents noted.
ntel. —
»nUo^ in your letter.
on Gie terms mentioned
letter, | Nays—Ni
eratand where! Tbq
_ A.
_ Langas you will readily undermtand
Thq Mayor appointed
UiU might lead to if adoptod as a regu-1 worthy •adGra.
and Gea Bjooas^ieeial
lar pnetiee.
While it would be a 1 to eerve without pay.
I prt^^tion in many
Moved by Aldermaa Goodrleh ^
r* wc would have all our the appointments be confirmed.
poMibUity of
: know that
___ ling a aaie.
Mov^ by Alderman Goodrich that
the officials are in earneat aud wl
lly^be Instructed to cover the
buy a crasher, provide 1 theyr can
be j Mj,d
a street from lUth to 1 itb
eaUsfied that the machine U what they < •Q.^t to prevent same tram drifting
would be wUling togotoiznd covering the groand. tie expeaee
reme to____ of said work not to eaeeed 9!i,
moat any
their vie*
Oar usual plan is to send
lotion rarried
a definite guara machiue on trial
Moved■ by
•. Al'ihldermau __________
aitlee aa laid dofeoces be built aeroaeCase ateeet at the
blank trial
■ d order enclosed herewith.
itermcUon of said etreet with ioto
Now. we would be wUUu|
and I4to atreeta on August Srd. 1S07.
your citT a machine on even
even broader
Motion earrled.
terms than those laid down 1 trial
Moved by Aldenqpa tiarrlsoo that
MTee adrire be baQt tram Bapkini Uroa. iev
order. For Instamice, if they «
to buy the machine
le if It does ttbe work bouses to the bay under the direction of
in a MtUtncU/ry isoi
isoNttrr P/ o aimmittei toe fire chleL wadmitof toe use of toe
oppolnleri by toe
tU CouneU,
we will be fire engine at a cost not to exceed S25
willing to ship an outfit
OB sueh tenns.
MoUon carried.
itbongb it
It is an
aa unusnal
Moved by Aldermao Bnetimantel
You do not state in your letter what that tbe Committee on Fire nod water
capacity of plant you would want, bat
' lid Judge one of our
di So.
" I ernshera,
having a eapaelly of tram lu to 14 too* Department
per hour, monutodbo
- traeks
witb a '
Motom earrled.
foot elevatas and ebuU uerooB would
probably W«
^nmpla.' However, wu are
goiuto)quot^]^^pricea below in aev- tbe
Plrr Chief Desprre' n
oral ways, aaf .
» in Fire Chief Beanie's n
«4» 00 ed
No. lOu.M skids.
dor toe dlrectloo of toe fire eblet
No. 100. on trucks........................
Motion carried.
14 to I Afoot elevator ami ^ute
Moved by Aldarman Goodriefa that
ueroea.................... .................. 125 00
toe petition relative to the improve14 to le foot elevator and n>
meni of Wret Seveuth. West BIxUi and
lary screen Ipileed of ebate
screen......................................... »00 00
If Nj. »O0erBthar. instead of No. too table.
crasher, add
Id $i?5.«0 tnalihereasa. fn
Motion oarriad by yea and nay vote
will see that a No- 100 onl
aa follows:
Itb elevator audehnteasrt
Yeas-Aiderman GreiUek. Goodrieb,
would ooat yoer etiy $57AU0: with
Cook. Lardie sod GarritoB.
taryseiwaoStBOOO. pnsfiM.OOln oith
Nayu—AMermco Parker, Montagne.
•r case, U m-touted on traeks These Desmond aad Iluellmantel.
prices am delivered at Traverse City
Moved by
and iBclude sanding a ***" to start tbs toe petition relative to the Improv*plant*if neoeasaiy. 'ThU is our Invinci meot-olWeeteto, West7ih and Sonth
ble Crueher.
D«r. emwoiaiij
eapeeially designed
for Cedar atreoto be
« adopted,
' amapt 1
and which we claim uoquaii Oak and tr^l eh
tar the
tfiedly to be by tl
le beat
machine of Iroady ,________
tbe nud la the taarkev __
IS you
Motloa earriad by yea aad any vote
doubtleae awara, we are the oli
as foDows:
by far the largest raauufac
Stone crashers to the basil
have some 4006 or 5000
la use In the United
macblnas are eonaldered Mandard tbe
world over. Tbe bnate s le a Bpackitty
with ns.-and hae beau for amriySO Usd to go Ob wltli the imp)
years. We are oo told e the road ma- WcM 7lA West flto. nod 1
•hlBety tenet and do bntioari oo striet- Btraem in aecordanee with
Iv buauMas prtoripUe. We tenet yoar
eqniwU win look apan tola matur fa
Movsd by Alderman Oarrinoo toat toe
vorably and deelAe to accept our very Cleric proenrea ahair for ton CUy BaUb^otfer to to aaadiflg tbe machine giMwrW ptooe aame Ineide tbe raUoDtefaL TtmiHecaara on ibe baffit
of bavin no agent la...................
, with whom to divide .
, .
™r..ISl™ I
I.CTtyOpersPeaes •
and erei^ kind o
If. after said trial, the whole plant,
leludlng ember, elevator 1^
n^ to be as repreaented by our
are foni
Mr. Bui •a. either before the Coauell
L. sHvertte. of
... voted acainst the report were as
foDows: Baker. Barlow. Botkin. Fowler.
jHt. Lesia Marahaa Martin. Peters,
ftimpaoa. Stroud and Vlnrecl Pour did
vote—Howard. Kelly. Surk and
berMpd. Tbe other PopullSU
nL An analysis cf tbe «ro F shoe s
dC (he stamp tax. he explalaed. wae be- that 1» RepuUtcaas and five D
oaose it would be almcft Impcstlble to voted for the report and It* Demcciais
eoUect It; no yteerd wai kept of .the mies and twelvr Populists a
on the rt'xk rxchar.ee. Referrlsc tc. the
•imar echedu'e. aflir a calrulaticn. be
aflUrmed (hat the refiner 'f suyar under
WlliirJaw had a dtfferene preee
tl of 22 cwls iier lCd pounds acalost Of the Ca^ OouDcU of thefnty of SrayD the r>e(idlr.c WH as affreed
•taa Otty. Mich.
to by the cenferrter. He alec felt com
Begnlar meeting of dV Coohdl held
pelled b>' (be Questlont ralnrd upon him
to explain that It was imporslMe to pre in Council room July 19,.!■
by W.
was called to order
vent fBoflu or products included in a
W. Smith, Mayor.
tartff Mil.
trl^, MoptaPreMOt—Aldermen Pari
the debate focrlKe
' nod GarriDemocrats. erttl'Mec the bUI as tbe
and Mdyor
tnoet bcrdertuiT.i ever Impcwed ec the
Americao perrlc Swanson devoted bw
TTkvertoCliy, July 12. 1991. '
attenllop tc asasHInc the sucar a^r^uk Ito the HoBoroWe. fhe Mnyur and Ctfg
CouneU of the Ckp nT IVorerxe Clip.
Miriilpim.•bear dooHe ihr pr.iiectlrB received un
iD view of tbe fact that the petition
der tbr prrsenl la>v He llcured r>u( that
the eenale ard house mf»r rhcduln heretofore presented to tbe Common
were cxsclly th- tame, wherein be dlf- CouneU of this city for the eonettncGon
ten with the exixTte of the treasury de of a maio srwer from Washlagtoo
part. who. takinc I'C.C pounds cf raw street to Eut Eighth street will neoesMlmr (estlnc K. decres as required to siutc the coDstraction of Uteml_aewlAke in rf hard refined, make public a ers on Webster and Eighth atreets.
•UlemGnt eetlmatlnc tbe eucar dUTereD- therefore we. residenis aad lax payers
tlaJ a* follow*: Act cf ISM. ll.fS cents: in the iocsUiy to be affoclod by the
u of eaid sewers, do hereby
bouse whedule. IS.a cerl«: stBslesched.
vie. IS W «-ri»: (onfemire schedule,IbBt
granted -t
«enl*-per IOC' pouBda
one yearlaid over f^r at least
J W Palcfaie.
B MnUen, W B
Bari. Chss Glouneb. Marten Wert,
■sitoy citarcee HrMIUIO witb Tt
Myran M Keith. W T Roxburgh. <. 1'
' A«sla>< Free WoaL
Orawn, C J Eboer. W PCrotan. N A
The debat< ran alone until late iB the Neleon. A B MeManns, P Kyselka, Geo
I. Wm
Vm Q Laraboe, Geo N Boob.
afteraooB ami the sn aches rao alon«
... .............................
3 Booker. W
J Moody. J BPrioe,
•Iso. Durtn* the Diffht tnalon. Just
vUle. E
before the rloe. of Ba'I«j- a r.-martm Frank Yenlsh. J■ CourvUl
W P Vogloeong. John
t BvnaatloBSl iDrtdt-nt of the
lia, A Q Aadereon. George Lowrie. Jaa
debste occurred He bad
^letou. Marita While, W L JoBaa.
Ibe doctrine ot free taw materials as s
MoM k7 Aldarmaa Moatagne that
ootnparative innovaUoB In the Demoetude
In <»der to demonstrmU thagntltloa be refemd to the oomaltt It Was a prreluet of Clev
Motkm earriad.
^ tbe clerk's dert and
rwd ati exuuci frum a newspaper '
7b (h< J
Rieodoy on tbe (s<i that lb the FortyCototoU of the Cttv of
MtcMpoM - ^
ninth COOfflUM
GEXTtAMCS — Your c....... .........
of the house,
and wo other Democtmar mccul>crt of isrers to whom was referred the peition for a main eewer on Welliagton
the ways and means c'Bunltlee bad
itngton au
atraet to Ath
voted waiiAt free wool. McMIIHb street from Washington
street would report that>e have Is'
lumped te hU feet and demanded
.................. matter and find that tbU
know whether It was chaired
uUfy aU preeeni dmnai^ noidating all who are aaxb^ to
It wlth.lbe eewer from th&-reeibis own Hpa.'
MoMlUlD. whose face eras fluaheA
iinly that, but he said both yku and
Senator Mills voted acainst 9^
•f pul....____________
ancOons In the metal aabednic."
"Since the fwtlemaB bat sen lit te mad with tbe matter in the usaal way.
Very raaoecUully.
•tuck my record sud to mWepreaeet
F. C- Dessioxd.
me"—bessn McMUIln. but Bailey quick.
J. M.^t-CLSUAPm.,
___ I desire to cemnend your action
thcB." aald be. Tbe dlscUimer beluc acc^Kd McMUIln hotly
ly asksd
ar'--* in
«- turn
•— why
BaOry -----------------^.tbe
bad voted Ib the ways and meani the report be aooeptod aad adoptod.
ramnlliee affatnat'tbe
asalnat'lbe woolen Khednle
of the prastat law.wben It was offered
Goodrich. GrelUek, Onek, Dramond, Lardie. BaallmaotelaadOarriem.
r over the Democratic side ■
qaeeOoti. but H was
! 7b to# HoispraWe. to# Mover «nd CUy
(ect etotm of approval thm ffifstto Balto# COp of Tmrars# CUg.
• ley'# reply that
In oongrem would be vote
forts per etot.
duties OB woolen goods and no duOst on
vj •*raw wools Tbe RepubBo ( and the wnom was rvmieu so*
•aUertce J«a»ed
Is-------thta •
e'Bav waw te graUeimui (r«m TttBteapptofiss
West Michigan
.... I I W V M
......! 1 S»' S M
sas «SS. I2H
IS! Is it
e to e 49 stM
r.a.|a- u-'a. Ur.a. V, a- is. a.=
~tig Tto!~nfi'~
.... itmrm
.... I ■ ra.
's.B. StBPa.
ar.TvuFejss Qtj-. t'
imsm UD HimuBu 1.1
415 Union St
BajliHe otSteuBffli
S4 TrarviwBaJ
rrxAMXR ooLtfxatA
eoixu xnars.
as'wbsr. Tewmr Thsrmsrses
00150 SOCTB.
SS.”____ ___
iie Vd
II is
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