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The Morning Record, July 06, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
AppMl in OMOToeltp-of Ow PMple
to BAoU of the SoAriot
Aid J.
U**edThe teltowing prortomittoo to leeoed
, ty kUrr tottk:
fhuiow Crnrm—A gnat ealanity
Bdfhhar^ town, 'the
Du Ae i
dead hae, a* with a eln^ blow, ewept
away the hooMB of nearly aereoty-fire
faaUlM, thir^-fire of whlcb. nomwi^
lac IM petBooB. are entirely deeUtote.
Tbeir inmiedlau need* are for foodaad
dothtag, aad-thoe* B
with a Uheral haad yoar gaaeroaMy haa often bees ahown oa oeea" atawof thi* hlDd. and oreey clUeen of
iSjl^araaCltylepttmdofher record,
Pint Tew—No.. 64.
•o TieioBt tket It ^Mwed
ten \tf»
wuifMtla e.horrKie meeeer. ertAimg ttM Joint* end'otfc^'wtae
lt» U«*. Wb« Dr. HollMny nUtratA
beanw Uie •ItoeUoti *t» rUnoe. end «
■hot from hU reroWw pottkepereat
ollUinl-cyMd pwTMUd dMfwto
Only * »*ry ituiet »lae before
etriehen the cUldreo of
the fwnlly.wereploylnr with It The
poC woe o gnnt pet and Dr. and Mr*.
UolUday oouider It reryfortnspU that
tbeehildren were aot the rietlioeef the
terrible malady which afflicted their
faeorite. _________________
-KAimm OOX.TS.
HtwOam Tttoh the Tint. 'Bat Loat
tb* Othata in the Third laoing
Baeh Time-Kanlnta* Will Flay
Her* Thnxnday and Vndny.
Manlatee. Jiily i.—National League
baU la what both teama pUyed yeater^
day. Manlatee playndwltboat an error.
The BesUera. althongh they made er-
L. A. and thalr friaatda wfU raapoad to
thtaeall. It I* womah woih for wom
en. There arc abont forty , famlUae
wbo hare loat erartblng In t^ great
ealamity. Thera are UtUa ehlldrea
and wemea who harp aot only no
home rooft to oorer them, bnt'no bed*
to reat oa when tbe night eomaa. Let
n* help them aa we wonld wtU to be
helped were thalr eaaeaonra. There I*
nothing ao amaU that H wOI not be
bdptal. If It it only a paper of pin* or
needle*. Arttclaa for toIUt naa, tow
el*. handkarehlat*. wlU be aoeeptnUe.
a* wlU dlahe* or eooking ntenalls of
any kind. There 1* no Ume to leae,
and It b hoped the amodatlon wUl appreelate the effort* of the .*Mcn<itire
bonrdjo make th* needed rriUf swift
and Bare, and that fhere will be n large
attendance at the rooms today.
By order of the Board of L. L. A
What Do You Want?
rFor Father, For Mother.
We have eaoogli fc>r aeveral dotens of erery kind of reUtiTe
that mnn b beir to.
M. B. HOLLCV. Makmi
We Have Them AIL.
City and pitched a game that waa
and tlm tan* are aatiafied
that he te a star.' Sneh ^U^ng aa hit
The popoUr rathon in p^ier oorered i
inmld win nine game* ont of tea. Only
Beqaires Prompt Xmaotm In one inning was h* at all wild, and
one ntn waa forced orer.
on-Hardy-Bead-MarUtt, Etc. A 5ne lot to pick fnnst
for B«U«f at Laka Ann.
made tant eight hlta and
earned hnt tno maa- Balnea alao
1 Took a Priaa nt
Btrtick ont aeran man for the Colt*. He
Women and Children With* alaopltahedaffnegamd. BntaixhlU
were made from him. Uaaltle* made
Ralph a Haattags woB eeeoBd money
oot Pood end Clothing.
a pretty doable ^ay. Adame at abort la tha two-mile rnoe at CadUlao. Satora*ld accepted aeren ba^. cbaneea. day. ‘ He waa thrown from hie wheel
ha your mayor .1 now eaU opoa yoo
Park* aeren oot of el^k and, with th* in the half-mile race and aomewbat
- to oontribote In eaah or aoppUea a* UV
apnined, therefom eompallad to auy
Two BnUdiag* X>a*t»y«l-B*vi**d all the team played welL
molly aa yoa can afford to the teUcf of
ont of the road nee.
Xdat of Loaaaa More I>MnU.
i oar frtenda and aei^benat Uke Ana.
For Mx straight inning* good fielding
The detail* a* giyea in Sonday momand i amare yon ^e reiy beat nae will
re ala oe
r. and In M nntlre
only 13
lag** BnconD of tbe terrible dUaeter of
PofiitiValy the bi^eat yoa wiU get this
: £e made of yonr gift*.
Mlm Drila Helse of Yates apeat SnnSatsrday by which the tbriring rilUj^
ere at bat. Tb* aeore:
year. My grMt
it July Oleuranoe
Oleuanoe Sole. I will qi
qnote n few
fBer. aSalshery.
OoatrlboUoM may be left with any
of Lake Ann waMearly wiped ont of
prices that are barguns, bnt space is too expeosire
'yesterday for the
ode of the relief eoaunltlm, eonali
ezlBience by flre.|eare pracUeallySorone oat of erer>- hondred. A good Loange, weU
well made,
•BBimer home of her family at lAkeof J. W. MilUkcn, Thoa. T. BaM and reel, aa wa* ahowa by the InTeatig*-'
wnog.tlXK). A good Coach, fall epring, t5J0. A good
tioni of the Belief Committee appoint
Cooch, oorduroy, 36 springn, 6.50. I will ponitimly eell bat 4
E. USpratme.
Hond^ Konlngb IMeplny
Bert Winnie, wko U now working in
ed by Mayor Smith.
W. W. Swim. Mayor.
Tbe nnlneky third Inidng again!
omlng it • * deemed the
pateot OMtora, for 1L75, A fine Urge S-pece Suit,
better way that a committee go at one* The Hnatler* loot thta momlngb eon- I Mr. and Mra. C. B. Tyler of Menton
patent dnit-proof drawers, pntent castors, for 12£0. A' fine 6to Lake Ann to determine the aetnal teat In that hoodooed part of the game. are rialting their daaghter, Mrs. A- W.
piece Parlor Soil, best plash, silk beads, spring ed(
to'yeaneed* of the fire sbfferera. and Mayor
Lsrge biidi back Dining Chairs, solid oak, SAO.
torday'*. Bale* attempted to pitch two P«k «rf Beat Ninth
George A Letria Touad Daad la Kotd Smith appointed an anch eommittea. J.
Bockers from 93c. op. Iron Bedsteads from‘3.76 op.
and oonldnt stand Mta. Cbariea Snow of Harbor Springs,
preunre. Two baae* on halls, two j mother of Mia. Garner, la tba gnent of
L Spragne, who at once left for the
of these, bat what we bare most be sold by July l5th. So
AbMt 10 o'eloei^ Sunday eight one of
a blue two-haae hit and a alngle' Dr. and Mrs. B. A Garner.
Btriclcen town and *#enl the Mtlr* day
tboee that come early will be happy and those that mias thU
thegnmtaln the Hotel Whiting
and an error netting the Colt* *U rnaa.,
sale will always r^fret it
. loBDd dead Ian bed aa room 44. Tbe
It would not hare been *o bad U thU yeaUrday for a two weeks' risib Be
Belief Airangemcnta.
man waa Oeorge E. Uwia, aboot 30
were ail. In the fonrth inning Bunt will return with Mrs. fihenna.
Upon the nrriml of the oommlttoc
Dr. and Mra. Sawyer were mlled to
year* of age. eridenUy a Norwegian.
went into the box. Tony behind the
Ha waa well dreeaed. dwnly abaren. tbe Tillage cooneil wa* caUed together bat and WaUdn* nt first and In that Marion, Ind.. Saturday, by tbe death bT
try Preeldent Degen and A. £. Shlria.
.and a man of
Inning but one ran wa* made. lathe Mrs. Sawyer's toother, Chan. Brailea.
WUllam Wiener Tbylor ud L. P.
On tbe dreeaer in the room wa* a ot^y W. U. Mattenon and Wm, Bngfacs were next no score; bnt ia tbe sixth * doable
appointed a local Belief Oommlttee to
Of Mnnaey'B magacina Be had
and* alngle and another error were Eddy, prominent attorney* of Grand
Bapids, arrired at Park Ilaoe yeaterdeTOtiagoonaiderablrtlxae to reading confer with the ylrillng oommlttee and reaponrible for three tallies.
whQe at the hotel. Be arrired Satnr- to bare charge of the distribnUon of
In the aeroalh the bnloon went nwny day.
Mrs. Frank Worfri and Mia. John
day ni^t and almply regUtered hU sncheappllcsM might be oontribnted np. Hut hit two men-. Klnmond sin
by tbe oeighboriag towna
name. Sunday mornlv Lewie claimed j
gled. Bnrke singled; Tibald poked Walter* of Grand Sapid* ,onme up yeaVet OyereaHmal
to be 01 and bad water ^t to bU
th* hall orer the fenee tor a fonr bag terday to spend n few daya with the
room aereral time*, bnt retn*ed to £*ye
A eery thorough InTcatigation of Use ger. with two men on ha***. Gleason | famUyof Prank Friedrieh and othmaphyalrian called.^deelaring that he eltaatioD waa made, and the conditio* did the *am* when the base* wer*| relaUrea.
. wonld be aU right la a abort Uma of the enflerer* wa* fonnd fnliy a* had empty ud when Ball ennght Qaiaa’s j
Landlord Compton offered to do erery- a* had been represented. whUe tbe ex-' long fly to center and the agony wa*|
OF THE MOiTF'fiBLBCT PICKING OF----thlng poBBlble for the aiek man. bnt lent o{ the lome* and the anmber of orer there appeared on the score board
ha wonld
hare nothing aaeepi famllie* ^nlring prompt amistanoe another large figure *U.
wator. He was apparenUy oeUer early were eeen greater than bad been anpr
Another ran In the ninth and the to
AT THESE PRICB8:----la the erealng. and stated to a w^Ung |po*ed.
tal wa* 17.
maid that be would be nUe to rite lor
Local Oommlttee at Worn.
Tbe BasUeta managed to get in six
«5 Waista at................................. *i.T5 flAS Walats at..
. •LOS
nnpper. The next rUit to the room reran*
Tbe eommltteea^apeat ceyeral bonr*
yealed a corpee.
ed in tbe aeeond oa hiU by Wheeler,
In iDTe&UgaUon. whea the local
Light shade tbn Shoe*. 133
Dra. King and Martin were eommoant...................................
the foliowlng report: Park* and Bala*, and tour In the fifth
psira at half prioe. ladies' and
ed and prondnneed the man dead only
gentlemen's shoe*. '
on a baae oo error for Watkins, singles
n short time Coroner Moon wa* noU.^XXES—After makihg________ by Bbnt. Hnll and NoroUiy. ud.-the
broken assortments of siies is the only reason for these
flad, also Sheriff Slmpwm. who ehipan- canyais of the eondiUon of oor fire sal- fmtotuofthe game at baU Wheeler'*
ferata, we find ihirtynine (3!<i famlUe*
pretty home ran. Wheeler alao made
cuts in prices on desirable go*ds. Come prCmptly.
of John McDonald. John Lantner, Fer- praotically deetltate. wlthoat shelter, a splendid catch of a fool «y. ranolng
food, or clothing. BaTlag *a*ed eery
Lautoar, Fred Beiditel, .J4. little and now being eared lor by tboea from third baae almost to .the grand
riemlag and Sol Goldmaa. The jury of a* more fortaoate and the rained
viewed the remain* and adjonmed oa- aid already fumUhed by Trarersa City
A strange thing wn* the fact, a* the
Mlymtetday moralDg. Inthe-mean- and Maaistee. C*e yenr own ladgmant
ore iadieatea. of the Hnatlers ouV
wt TOO can for n*. ai
time tbe body wa* tamed oyer to'Un■ufW tbaokfnL
batting and onlfiridlag their opponent
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clx)thing House.
' Acrtak^ Anderaon. ' Tbe inqneat wa*
A. E. SHima.
and »Uino*Ing the game. Theeoore;
W. a. M
emtinned la the morning.
Wm. Him
Birmley teaUftod that Lewi* had w^-'
Bunim.......... O 3004000*-«B
•d for him and that he had tanght
With this report a list waaaabmlttod
aebool In the Birmley echool dlstricL
- irkc. Bower sad niDSOsd.
tb* name* of 39 famllie*
Fnrther erideooe showed that be had
Defeat Vnmber Thra*.
nI.UT. U. B.U1. c™.., wh.r. t.
rss a featorelee*-oenMet today,
to-merly llTodBe grpdi
by Manistee by snparior aU
aekool at that place. Daoeeeed also
araand work. Th* nosMers lacked
bad a brother tiring near Beaxonia titttto, withont food, clothing. laml- ginger and played a lifriea* game in
The brother waa notified of the ooenr- tore, or money to boy. If there wai the Infield- They could n<Jl hit Quinn.
rnenn. There was no ooelUye cridenee anything left in the town toaell. which Watkins pitched good hall and atrack
34 pair* ladies' IHnrree ASmith
That answereth a matter
of Araga,bntthe condition of the body there was not.
ont ten men. Hatnea, of Manistee.
-Baior Toe*. Band Tarn*. Cioto
Bigbty-T*ro BaOdinga Destroyed.
poisoning. In a i easel in Uie
Tope. A. B and C. f (.SO ahoen
s pbenomloal one-hand catch of
before he beareth it, it is
at«t:3S to clone ont'
Two-thlrdt of the rillage had been a fly from Hall'* hat at the fehee. The
ewept slsc by tbe great fire, eeareely third innlag again—third game loat in
a folly aud shame unto
bntUwMbrt^ opanderidenoeofa a reatige of the bnlldinga bring left. thatluing. Qninn pitehed splendid
him." Those that con
label appawntty deatroyed. Tbe jnry Tba burned portion Rinded the en haU for the Oolu. Manlatee play* In
nadered a eerdlci that Uwia came to tire baatneaa aeetion of the town.
Tiayera* 01^ next Thnfaday and
75 pairs Oxford former price
demn pur “BEST*? flour
Ui death by hte own hand ^ an or^ •tore or offloe being left. There
fij.35. 01.50, 01.75 and 03. Onr
price 01.00 to eloae ont
before using it, are yerj
doaeofaomennreotie. Other eridonep 83 bdUdlnga entirely deatroyed, not a
•bowed that the dead man bad beeA Btaadlng wall or poet ahowlng where
foolish, .and will be asham
gim to deepondent mood*. There i* they onee were. The
Uttte donM bnt that it waa* -eaaeef lef^are on the higher gronaA'anat and
ed of themselvesj after
Dr. Mpon ano- ^eat of what waa tb* main part of the
Man'a PaUat Leather and Boamela, fonaar prtcea 05 and 00,
using it.
eemled in ranching the lathm of
nn- town.
to oloB* out at 03.00.
What There la XioA
fortonnto mnn by wire at BatUn^k,
3k I.. A. Takea Onlek Action to B»word waa retomed timt be wnbld ooMe
Tbe chorch. the i
here abd rmnote the body.
j atayeand heading factory, the griat
At the regnlar meeting of the execn'
mUI and Etton A Tbompaoab aaw mill
sin and 4S dwelling a* foUown: tire bovd of the Ladlm' Library Aaao13 nalia Man'a Pinah rery
M. L. Lake. A. B. SnWa. W. H. Mat- eUUen. held yealerday afternoon, toe
etyl& SUmmi*. foraam 01.35
good* going at «3c.
PM Png Strk^ TeMnrday and Mean. O. Snnaiedd. A. Dlx. M. L. Uke.
a of twenty-fiye drilar* w*» rated
Killed by Sr. A B. HoOMny.
coenpied by J. Doyle. Oeo. aerntak. M.
the relief of too anfferqr* by
Ite Au fire. This money will
Teaterday aftemm arhile Dr. A A L. lAke. ocenpied by J. Mitcbril. D.
A to purehaa* goods, etc., made a»
BeUi^y and family were ont tnidng Labbnte, Cec. Habbrier. B. Ulacki
rnhrwUoai the pet png dog belonging A. Sehaelder. B. Brook*, oocnpied by Into bedding, etc. Th* Utoary reoatik
nb UtUa LmeUle wna snddenly taken F. Agen. H. B. Brooke. A L. l«ks, will be opw today after nlke a. m.
Phume A fimito Jttlleta. formar
-with n *#y*re attack of hydrophobia. Tacant. D. Jeakisa. yaeant, Mr. Brw- Thera will be eewing maehlnea prarldprim 03. riming oat prim tt.
The *1.25. W.SOimd'fe.pO.ldBd '
Tba family had nol been gone bnt a *r, oocnpied 1^ Fred Boa*. H. Cnm- ed, and article* wUl alae be In rendlfor.......................................................
Make HoMUtalM.
few momento when John. Use man who
McLond. Mta. BobL Oenm. a vacant who
da not
with to raamln.
hHehaigaof the bam. diaomnrad
article* to
wnnknown. W. M. tUbbelar, oc Any
mmdlticm of the anUtaL Tbe Aog
tied up and tha* prayentod doing dam enpied by Art Famham. Cba*. Oark. eonnrihnm la the w*y of bedding.
age other than to ItaeU, bnt John' ae- Ban. Johaaim. Ono. Moom, B. T. Cenw- elotU^. or anything ^rrioaohU in n
The Original.
•mr^dltmora iqfely atiU la Uiahnm ford, Jeff. Pani eaeanV Om. Berer- home wUl pleaan hrUig them m the
Mdwnitad for the ntam of Uu doc anoa, nhop and dwelUag, Uka Vtow namm nod they wQl be cent on nt cmee.
UMtobehopedaUBembmaef to* L.
n laa aboe* fto* tt BeaiU or Oa
fCenMntMd Mind page.)
tor. Inthemmithaa thedogheeame
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss ThespBargains.
J. W. Slater's Furniture Store,
Your Choice
Fine Shirt Waists
Ladies’ Tan Oxfords:.
Riwiin af InfHR'aad CMIdm’s ShNS,
Th, Eraai ud llacL
■peeler Smith taro kk dopattee mlaMo
laetrAnioABBad oatUaad the workra-
otA Aaoo ae they left the bun thw
nm.aad Mr. Oolo pare ehara.
T»ATXR«0|TT. • laOHiaAl). Ho'falledtooatehtbo thlerea, bat aoolap that they wme psnoad thby drop
nemts* armor nu
ped wkat they bad eloUn aad pare
of----------------------------------------tW the strict letter of the Uw regard
^ oU Inapectloo maot bo obawrod.
^ dktfieta worn raamagid ooae to
ta trarollap aad a eotro•poadiap oapoaae to the state a^
loalara ia olL Other jaattera of Im-
ta». T. Baib AX9 >• W. Rftjnn. thorn bad a wadiap boot, which belonp•d to Ed. Hewtoo. The maaoe of the
J. W. HAjnrn. Editor ud
boya are aakaowB to Mr. Cato.
s:T=:^':r- • ■' •' ■
Xr»*WM av.
>dto«u lAke
Abb wflem t»m tbte oi^ wtU be
chMrMlyBWw.»odw>«M|» wfa bo
loM iB prompt “d effMlin boIkA.
The procJBiBBUoB ol lUfor Smltt wiU
aeei wlib r»dy rrigw emd Uae
is diatiBW will bore
her the neneroelty e( Tnraiw City
l^ueEWheiBtMtr teaawip
AoBtrlbvte to the rtiiti ot the Leke
HofortiiBeUB, ere vryed to do ao
^BldtlyBBdBi liberally Bi thdramsi
wUpwBdt. Ib iiiiiiHiiI BHWee oi
wrariBfBpperal. ptaaeiU. feed. ete.. to
the eommlltee. It ie eepeoUlIy deelrad
tket they bo oectiraly peeked or tied
ap reedy tor eh^wt.
Forty p*>pl« h«m the ol^ •P«t 7»Ahrdey et Ke-eh-te-we«te.
The eoBBcU Btet lett alftt eed edjMiraed to tomorrow Birht
«eorira Imrdie ehlpped 81$ oeeeB ot
ahewberrioeto Cli'
The iafeet of Mr. end Mte. Peter
Bolnfer^ol Mstbei® died haadey.
Two kBBdrad people w^tfram hero
he the Elk Repida oalebratloB yeeter^y.
Dr. J. A. eByderesdfBmUywUlleBeo
hodey for Mottst PlcUBSt for b fetr
AdoMB or ao irf
ywBBf Mka
apoBt yoaterday attersooB e^ ere«lB(
* At Eaat Bay, moat of the per^ golar
Oeorve Calklaa aad Daa Oake
ho Baaa laka flahinr yeeharday and rehuned with l«$ flah.moetIy baae. They
bed aaorebiteetiao flab, OA aeoo«Btof
llrmbere of the Womaa’a Ceweten'
Impreremest AeaodaUoB art arped to
Attend the meeting la -the U L. A.
roona at s;So tbla eftereoon. There
wQl be eleelioiu of dlrialoB mtperia-
BeawiM of the Imte
C. Brittos
laid to Beet Teaterdey.
The faaeral of the late L- C Britton
erae held yeaterdey afteraaos. attamded
hy a lar^ onmbrr of trlesda of the
family. The eerrieee at the roald<
meer Blnyham. were ooDdaeted by the
Ber. D. CoebUs- The oorcmenlo
Oekwood eemptery were nhder the
AB^loet of Trarereo City Teot. Noan, K. O. T. M.. of wbi^ Mr. Britton
wpB a member.
- Oooeaeed waa bora in Btaih oooaty.
Ohio, hi 1858. Bo oamo to Mieblyen
Awolve Toari apo, aad remoTod to Blapbam foor year* apo. Ho amrrlod Mery
B. Miller fodr yean apo, end the wif^
Aad fbsr children ssrrice him, elao bU
Bother and oao brother, A. L. Brittoo.
Be earried $8,000 fraternal laanranoe la
ibeE.0. T. M.
Hrl Biittea had been apTMtaafferer Goa Lthr. res. aad fnraitare..
tor abont a year, belnp affll^ with
:: :
Al atrtll of the Aos Arbor Balranlty
to leliere him of the a^lktioo.
aad Ua death ia the
Well, Tb^ Oaa^ltA^l
Oalria. Dare, aad WUliamtaith aad
Beter FoantalB went fiaht^ Friday
at the forka of the Boardmaa.
,TMer raparaed with m 'fine traat.
three oif theta larpe ralabowa.
Trarerae Oity Hawee Wen. •
ta the half mile renaiap race at
Maalatee yeaterday Baiabow. owned
^ J. E. Maeoo of TrarerM City, won
Bret moaey, and Urery Chariey, owned
by Ommalne Broa. of thie mty got eBo-
G^npeiyier. fnraitara........
Bat the ToaUfal ThloMa Brappod
Than Whoa Poraaed.
ToMday aftermocm two boya wore
Mlikebirid^ Mr. Qela
alias. Mye-
IMlimay abeettkoi iiUbaiiHOoiiMp H. k. CkaSoM.A
Ctek W. A. Xewton. Tha
AOM teoatar.tbe barn and letm amm|o.
Xaepoetor Smith and Z>epatiaa Bad a,
SaH la Franks Tacht-A BaastM
and Oeoeral Good Tima—They XHapUyad Their Appreoiatirau
The deputy oU iaapeetore of UleUpaa came In force bora Satarday, and
Uey otayed Jaat ae toop as they poaslUy eoold becaaae there ie ao phiee la
the yte ia which the oemo amoa
oordlal hoopltallty aad pood cheer can
bediepeaeod ia a'^rea tlaaa They
oamo for beMama, and laetdoatally
UiUo oaU^.
' 8mte OU laepeotor Smith was i
ebmmaad of the oompany aad he a
tended to the bMineoa end of tbo oraaioo. whUe Frank Friodrlcblet loose
thepoodokoerln the priaeely fashion
poeoliar to hldualf, bat which was
so firmly impreaaed upon hla dUttnpnlahod puosu that they wtU not oooo
fvpet their riait to the Qaeea CityFrank win also hare partlealar reason
to remember bia oollaapnea beeanae
they were ao royaUy oateriAiaed that
they Uft eaMaatial eridenee of their
appceeiaUon of the eatertaln'meai
r aad bU
depntiee arrtred the keye of the city
were Immediately and ebeerfoUy earrendered by Mayor Smith, and while
trltola the paMe of the town erery poeeltile alMiMit of pleasure wac appro
priated to the oae ot the riaitora.
Frank began takiag car* of the depaUcaMeooaaatbeyArTired.aad they
were oomforUbly lodped In the BoUl
Satnrday ereainp meet of the Ume
rratderoted by Frank to iatrodaelng
hie trionds to the leading batiaeas and
protmakwal men. ao that by the aeai
mornlap they all felt ae tboopb their
lot had been east la a pleaeant place
Snoday moralnp Inapoetor Smith
I marshaled Us foreee apaa the aieam'bmtdoek, where they were ^ted
with a ^ileiidid ^taele la the form
of Fraak'e baadaome yacht. "B. &
rmprae Jr.," gaily deeirated with' the
flatwrfpi^yaehtiafaipoala. the gift of
G^rernor Pinpree. W whoM honor
yacht U aamed. The colon floalod
peiUly in the braoM from the ripping
aad presented 'the meat plctareMjue
marine eight e*er sees in theae walera
The boat gUded up to tbo pior in eomarnad of CbmaMdora Frlodrleh aad a
crow ooaautiap of Captain Mor^ aad
Captain S C. Deeprra.
The forooastlo of .tbo yaeat waa 1
with pood tUope to inTlporato tte In
ner man aad the oabla fnnlabhd a
Dr.C F. CoSao^, hoo^ barn
aad far......................................... .
the day being hot cnabione were epread
upon the decka After the pnoeU wera
abjard- phoiopnpher Moblo took a
pietore of the yacht ae ehe eaUod away
Uko a Urd. The pieeape to heahtawaota oecnpied one boor aad twea^
minncea Among the party, la addi
tion to thoee mentioned
the ta^leetoca wen E. MoBam^C.'a.
Toner, if. B.
t. Gatos.
J. W. E
WUl Broeeh. alt of this city.
Tbo party marched In a body to the
hotoL wneco C^oael a A.Smltheerrodoaeof blabeetdlnnera Tha ratnra
trip was made ia the early orealag.
The woathor mat porfooa and alttawh
aabore a geatU broeaa para adoUphtMI^ teftraUap MHatioa or:
waa mAMcWijr laMBaiAod by ecateaM
of the foroeeaUe r
S ^ la the
mmiap. Ia-
Pennell, The Man Milliner
pomod, and a ehoor wu piram*^
Fraak FdUwinp thU C. O. Toram
wae laritod to ^drote the ootapaay.
The addrcra wae olothod ia lanpaaga
foralble but eloquent, and la U Oorarnor Plapree who landad. landed la terme
wUeb were emphaUaaUy ladoraod by
cbUriatheWUteHoaaaaoBOt only i
poealblUty bat a etreap probabUlty.
Thwe eontlmoau were also iadoraad,
and with an Indteatioe that the foreraor had a force of deputy oO iaepoa
ton wha uader the leadacahlp of laBpeetor Smith, would ent
orble flpura la bring about the deoirad
b wkat era fiarer ear Soda Syrapo with,
we do net am eatneta at onr loantela. - A
larpe. cool, iparitilap plaid of lee eraam .
soda obc breUa tha elty. toey my) for
fivu eenta Everything strictly eleaa about
V. WiLnnsoB. H. A. WoiPF,
W. T. P. Buaro*.
awrapperor eorne kme parraeat ehd
foot^, aad abaolately aU they
hare la the worid is the litUe they had
apon than at the Uata
Amolwd. That we under to Frank
Friodrteh oar alnoon thaaka for the
splendid maaacr la which w* hare
‘ ontertainod
---------- inT
la Trarerae City, imi
................................... ip oo tbo H. S. IHa-
(Gonta^ied/Tom fA pope.)
hoteL oeeopiod by prirato fatnUlaa,
Peter BrialoL Joa ^Irla, ooeapled by
F. Tosmana. A. Altmaa, B. Boabary.
Cbaa Alosandor. 1. W. BaU. ooeapiod
by Jao. MarMA. Chaa Hewmaa. Bert
lAtbiep. W. M- Orr. Ohaa Hlmea W.
Oer. 8am. Feaater, P. H. Peteieon, M.
L. Laka hotel, A. Sehepham^ oeenplad
Timnedtate Veeda
Ber.- Wm. Jackeaa. library aad
Meda are-heddlnp.
elotbtap of all alaia a few eook etorea,
dlahea kalraa fo^ apooaa malls, salt
Biaata to'd. batter aad etaple fooda la
many eases the womea aad ehlldiea
A ioHy party tpent yeeterday at Meah-to-waate. It wea eompoeedof BelBB and Kate Mooiw, <Mlta Eeelt
Xatelle Sehseider. Edith Earl. Zella
'Vacleeoor, Barry Parker. Barry Ki
Oue MeaDakay. and epraca*
Jadye Campbell aad J. W. Patchla
•erare fiablaf at Lake Ana yeaterda
The foUowispeoBkpoeedaiaUyparty
who tpent the "Fifth" et Ckrp leke:
Hr. end Mra. B. O. Bracken, Mr. aad
Mrs. H. D. Alley. Mr. end Mra. W. F.
Brawn, Hiae Jessie Bine.
Whoa the meeting eloood Deputy
Wilktasoa, the BUI Kye of tha partr.
Mr. Habbeler-wUl rebuild hie mill,
bat aaeh emallar than bafota M.
Stack ia already reballdlap Us nlooa.
8. 8. Baraea has oemmeAoed petting
oat material for Us store. Mr. BaoUitel wiU also nbsUd^ All tkoao
wUnWanaller aad chador beildiapi
than Hfora. Qalte a aamber of aamU
dwoUinfarrillbopebap at oneaAo am
wUl hare employ sat la Mio mlUa aad ib will raSorerdl famUma bayo already
poaaaad more wttl laaye
they eaa Sad a loeation with e^iloyfloont.
Xmka Aaa'e Oimtltada
Tbo moat ytotal peopla In MIcUpaa jast BOW an the elttnae ot LUce
Ana, and they are ready to do anytUw la tbolr power to show tbUr apot the prompti aettoa of
Trarerae City. -Tha eteamcr and Srefram this city mred wkat ie left
of Ac town, and the prompt eSorte ef
the Trarerae City people ia eeadlap
food oupplloo Satnrday night by »podel
train, and apa<& Sssday and Monday
>{Dpa. oared mnobaafterlnp. Tbooo
all that
The Pure
Fruit Juice
booght cheap you can do it SOW.
leo Front Street
Another BooeSt.
Tbe Ladlre' Aid Society of the CoagrapaUoaaV eborch will plve a aeelal
08 the lawn at Jamm 0. Jobnaoa'e rcoUenee thU erwilag. lea cream and
cake wQl be ceruad aad the proceed)
wUl be derated to the bea*tt of the,
sreri of the lAkeAaa fire.. The
praeeada arc cans to be ufastenUaL
Prledrioh BlooiT'''|i^S
Holiday Bargatoi
Prime Beef Swwe and Bogota,
I-'*'-........................... •*«?•
Mattoa Stew* or Booste. perlb. .8 In to
Mr. Turaorb addrau wae eloeod with
the praooatetloB of a beaatifol aad
ralaable aUrar tea •crrloo U Fraak
Friodrieh, apoo behalf of hla eolUpaca
TheaoaUaMBttoapreaood la tbo |woooatetioa opoeob made the boaorod
yooap man Uoab llko a oebool boy i
altboogh bo baa had a good deal of
oxportoiiee la eaUlag this llu'.h floryy
took aU tbo wind oat of hla aaOa aad
ho waa left . eomplately beealmed.
Fraak was ao orereomo with emotion
that be oeold aearoriy expmt bU approelatton.
made the attempt,
howorar, bat waa forced to giro It op
Batororybody kuew tha\ibe gift wae
roeolrcd with ^ lame aplrlt which
prompted iu ^rlng. Other eapreoaloaaof pood wUl wen made aad the
mootlap adiooraod. TIm pleaaar
the oecaaloa were Botorer yet. Attho
door of the hotel throe of B. J. Morpao's ripa wore drawn np to take the
rtcltoru to the«aylam.' Arrlrlag there
Moaeon display^
rery eoartoooa aUcation, aad ahowml
them oror the lasUtatloB. explalalpp
the eatlre perfect ayetem ot operatloa
aad care of the one thooaaad patlenU.
ThU praclteaUy clooed the moat happy
and sDoeeaital meeting erer Mjoyed ly
a body ot oU laapectora They were
dellphtfally eotortalned. and weal
away raady to swear by Trareipe City,
and Frank waarcady to swrar ^ In
spector Smith and the fiacat lot of i
g^ fcUow* and bard Pinpree werkera
that erer atiock tha Grand J^rerae
The oomplete lUt of the rUtoro U
State OU la^tor T. B. Smith, Uwton. and Depntiee W. P. T. Barton, De
troit: a. 6. Uoodala Bonphtoo; C
Blackley, Detroit: T. J. Tempi*. Teenraaeb: A. Boovar. Ooldwater: P. B.
Bon. Kalsmsaoo; Cfaaa. M. BdUoa.
UrantTBapIda; H. A. Wolf. Moakepon:
& W. LaDoa .Coral; A. W. WUkinaoo.
Chelsea: Arthur Curry, Owomo: Darid
A. ItettiaoD, Ba^aty: W. E. Bopera
Alpena: Laiu Aretrup, Menominoe; F.
E. Wlihey, ManUtee; V. L Baldwin.
ManUlnp: C A.' Inperaon. Oreylinp;
Charlm Schwanebodc, Kew Barea;
Willard Bash. Seeralary ot Oorernor
Pinprea aad Mrs. Bash.
VealStewoorBeoMAper lb....8teto
On JalylOth the C. A W. M. and D., Batter.-pm'lb.........................lOtnlto
O. B. AW. lines wiU aell tickelp to Fine Checee, perlb..................... 11 la Up
Ponlaad. Ma.aad ratura'.Tia C P. By.
aad G. T. By. at the lowect ratoe erer
oiade for ooeh aa oeeaatoa. Tioketo
wUl b* pood to retera antit Jaly Slat.
laclosiTA Bound trip rate from Tkarerm City wlU be 817. Oao. DeBa
O. P. A. ________________ _
......... ....
Oer. Catoo am nma me.
The C A W. M. aad D . U. B. A W.
Uam wUl eell tickeU ae below:
Epworth Leapoe iBteraaUoaal ConlaUon. One far* for round trip. Sell
July II. 14 and is. Bctarn limit. 84th.
Eateuammaf Ilatit to Aapaet inh will
be made U dmlrad.
Camp Mootlap and Asarably. Oao
fore for round trip. Sell July 18 to tt.
Beturn limit. AopiMt 81.
National Bepnblican Loopne OooveatIoB. One fare fm round tnp. Sell
PuM Fowdsnd SplosB,
July 18 and it. BeUira limit, July
Purs Cream Terter» :
oaptUt Young People's Unloa Mm.ian. One fare for round trip. Sell
July IS. 14 and 15. Botuni limit. July (and ParcBaktoarPevdar. U yoa «ut as ta
81. Limit WiU be extended to Aupast ■akrli-SiNKiBAefortim. Oateer Otiiltit.
aabterTnUiir.au elam. Water BtoiW (xw
rmra.) panatoto iyrtMm,
Epworth Lmpoe Aaeembty. One fare
> Wltob Bairl LMtoa tor lb* I
for round trip. SfiU inly tOtoW. B*tnra Umit, Aupuet 17.
turn limit, July hv
At Our
Soda Fountain
laator •• am terw eetemt to "lat tml
i—xS^^-tet always tiyulfiwu.
AUColors Only ISc. perdoe
T. X. Ptiai.
Soorehod by Tlra Taatecday Horning
-^^Irat in Kaay JCentba
The flfut fire alarm In thU city whidi
baa oaUed for tbe aae of water sines the
hip oonflapratioB on the mb of laat
r was KMadod yoaterday
at 4 o'eloek. Hre broke oat
la the rear of Locust Qroro Cottage, on
State atroat. The flamm
anted to tbe Iritahea and rained a qaaattty of ooUdap atooaUa aad kiwhen
fnrnitara bat actlre work ot the firegreat daasape to the
other portion of the taUdlap or fnrni
tara The orlfin U naknowa. The
baildlhp STM ooeapled by Mia Powen
aaabeardlepbowe. aad U owaodby
Besrard WUtiap.___________
TrarerM City Boya W<
Chariie O'E^ of thU ei^ took tbe
fifut prUe la the tix-miU road
Elk Baplda yeaterday. Bay Brawa,
^ad. Blaaoby of Bk Bafdda .woo
Sret priM la the taro«Ue-raee'and
Cteriee O-KoUMoonA
BaI]^ Vob la Haatetee
Ralph BMtiopa of thU ^ty won the
halfrmUe opea bteyete race at MaaUtee
yeaterday ia tsro etnight heata Time
1:11 and l:>a
Fourth of Faly WodH^
IHtikew BorahaHH Bk BapUaaad
MUa ftaoMO r. WelA of thUotty,
won manted Samliy ky Be*. HQ^ K.
Wrigfe^ at hU (MAdeaee on ttete otrect
-Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street. ^
Fire Insurance.
Do You Know
ETcrBarned Out?
TltM w« hasAU all Mbs* a( atatioMo M
aU MaAa of PiKm to aalt aOfcSeaf
* w* do:
O.F.'OABTBB, Aouns. ■ ■
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of alL
descriptions, including 2’ Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A compleR
Mill Plant for sale.
, traverse CITY LUMBER CO.
Livery, Bus and FeoiLStable.
-Urmm ■IiorK.
Bto a> opeedaUy. Hone.
Tams rtoaoasbie.
BtftW Bt. WMt of
dOed to remain at work. A oommfttaa.
from ntuitavnie met with tbe n>*o at
Ardmore for. tta pettpom «< aecurta*
tbeir eiMXMtMteii la a atfUw, but ^
Ardaore taib dtt oot r> oettdka ootiiid^e fumu* (o force ^
men of lUa oovnor out. ae Ouir expertenee la emktm a ibt PM* baa been
rtrj aaforawatb.
. Hum tm otrlar tb* Mrfk*
^BMB-OvnBtora mt FIAT* eroMOOMSAiii a rvort.
• Mm, mat Oamantlr Atell
Pitttbor#. July «--Tb6,«mi
iMkt i* oa totey. The raccCBt cf tbi
■tranl* for blsher Trasn Is flv« ctBin
d«peMf cm tb# mlD6ra la Ibe Pltubarc
dMrtcL H tbcy (all lo rctnla rram
worklar (he moretilcet will be a failure.
^Ily 100 mtnea wera repnaunrt at the
y^alaef*' eonveatloa od Saturday by lem*
caty-Bve driafataa. Tbli la a larger atteadaace thaa'at any cooventloc atixa
the sreat itriha ol UM. Many more
miner* came, but havlnr no credeatlala
they eould not caih admlttaac* to (h*
oeaveattoa. The reaoloUon adopted wai
otreaf «aotvh for (be emerireacy. A
/ rcMtutloa waa abo adopted reqneatlnr
Governor Baatinc* lo dyn (be welyhiay
One of tbe alyolScant polrtx about tbe coeveatioB Saturday waa tbe tact that
so repreeectatlrcf were preeeat from
mip»« where ironclad contracta tad
•ifned acreeneata exUl. These mlnea
' Include Ibe Oral ml of F. I- Bobbins *
Co_ Borland mine of the PanhaadleCoal
company. Beowden A Octtonrlllc mlaes
of tbr PltUbuis and Cblcayo Coal com
pany. aad the Oah Bill, Flam CreA and
Sandy Creek mlnea of the New Tork and
Clea-eland Caa Ooal company. Tbcae
employ about IM men. and tbe ladltwtloaa are that if the men at one of these
mtiMi refnae to quit alt the dl«fera at
UK otbeta will act accordlnyly. A strong
effort Is belay made to cat the co-operaUon of the river mlncn bktbe comlny
BybL If they work they can c«t 4«lte
a flynre In sniplytnt coal, as (be fnel
for local points can all be euppUed by
water route*.
k--Sfcro*4 tla plate
workers KJcntlfled with (be Analgamated Amodatloo of Iron and ikes)
workers scored n dectstee viaorr SaU
nrday. They secured as adsanee la
wages and a protecUve danse that
tinned plate mills will not manpfactura
•heel Iron. Tbe wprkera are Jutdlant
and look upon tbe future wub hope, as
It ta claimed that tbe signing of tte remalnlng acales of tbe Baaodatioii la but
a question of tboe. ' .
Tbe conference betwess the scnleesmmlttee snd a committee .of manufaetur.
era ad4«QRied Saturday morning after
having been In session '
Tbe worker* wasted an
perMit., which the mnnufactnrsnwer*
net iDcllnad- to give. A rea^usonent
waa made. wUeb .would give the work
er* an averay* advasce of abom't%
tbe woikera ^qed to the proposition,
provided tbe masufacturer* signing the
«sle would agree to give them a pro
tective danse guaranteeing (bat the
tinned plate mills would sot mannfac^
tore sheet Iron In tbe went o? tbe market for tin becoming derremed. Tbe
propealtloa was agreed to. and both
*Mc an #01
•Ml*, county
■aed by
political corfMeattone “la
only at function* strtcUy belonglag to
Uteen m tbeir ordinary goventmcntal
*nd munidsal oapa**ty-“ it l. «*da gnlawful to have raoorded any taatrument
In wrtUag requiring a eump without
on* mteed. a^
---------------------d sa evidence In
Justice. CesnlerftiSng atampu or die*
' from whk* they are made, or In any
-.8 manlier defrabdlng tbe govwnment in
Pm Tki* Week. bnt-Rm« Watm* Bew- tbeir uw. t* made punlabable pedes
ty mmi Ptap tu am*u<tni»ek Prw heavy pensimea
pa**d-P**rth-TAnly Given tbe Oe-by j
---------- - firTfr* mhv liwH.
j 'Waablngtcn. July t-In Uic aenate
WaMilngton. July L-Tbe outlook for Saturday lb* eecHont of tbelariff UU re*
Ue wedi in the senate U quite nocer>
tain. There U every prubabiUty that cut In Ibe provlnee of New Bivabwiek
the tariff bUI wiU be itaased. but whether (Briilab America) when owoed by
American cltlseM were agreed to wlih
wartg or UU in tbe ^eek U by no mean* further peovten that tbe lumber shall
certafn. Tbe vartoua provialons for a be rat "fay Amerioag labof.**
stamp tax. few a beet sugar bounty sod
tor the suppresaton of trusu (hresteo to
devdop considerable d^nte, aad there
la a prospect of gen<^ speeches by cxploRon of flreworks'ai the celebration
Bate. Cblllon. Alien aad othcra. AIU-. here Saturday two people were killed
ton haa given notice of an effort to se and eeveral wounded. A spark in (be
cure night sraalona today or tomorrow. firework* earned the accidtnt. A >ocket
Tbe preeent Indleatlona vt that there struck Mac Johnson over tbe heart and
wUI be a detfnnlnedwffo^ to force tba another tore half way through lialr
oommtuee on flaance to restore tbe Sweitaeris bead. Both expired loetantsugar bounty provMon. and upon (be ly. No other certOBS Injnrice arc resucceat or failure of this effort probably
will largely depend tbe length of time
yet to be coflanmed U (he senata
. ^
SseehsriM Produet Qirss ths
_________ ____
ate committee on finance held a aeaSap
yemerday and dwMcd to offer no more
niDcndmeou to tbe tariff bilU and also
not to relDtrodnce tb* beetaugarMBendment. It 1* understood. bo*-ever. that
the coenmitice win make no united or
SBrnoahsat east for the aokt 19
dan»*<haCi^Boohatore- ' (MAL
Goto tbe Uon Barber Shop for heir
onto aad baths, U eoata aaeh.
M. H. OstmtR.
Geo, R. Winnie,
VBMM. JPaInter and
Oov.reen wed Catos Sia
A oomplfits
ol the
Ob*«^ ETCTjUiio*.
Have yea trM ear Bahaa
Tt* Heaiffiiail Laailers
lo » aad loe. Ogsra
Ersrjrthing Fresk And la Pnimn,
Bjs best to be hsti-slwfiys.
Ja^ob Furtsoh,
41S DnloB 92.
T elpbOB SA.
We SeUpiyhi cf apoplexy, aged 72 year* The
tid. Dough long fxpecicd. came snd'dtnly tri was preclpluicd by tbe ex
treme heal.
e of the a
by Alien, but that RepubUcan •enstera XsdlaaAM BodaiT.wiU Xataitala at
Oyaaoont SUL
wfU be left free to eupport tt or not ns
aad ev^ Uad of-----^
they may see ftt The Indlentioeia now
Tbe Ladte*' AM Soele^ <4 Maplaloo
ChMMo. July L—Bostoa’s tudey bane are that a maiorttj of them wUI snpwill
at Oeaeast HUL realport
.ball haticre continue to lead tbe Nauob.
al Leayue pennant process^, with tbe
inly loth. Batraahraesls tram S tn 10
other three bcad-enders in (be
always la eteeh.
sition as tbey * e last week. IViUuWp. m. Strawberriea and erram knd
oth*rfoodthia#B«iU^9«^ Bnpaeaaiore feel bound c
p*r»eekia.childr«nI0o*BM. Affood
Bostop ...
Baltimore .........M
i* .sra
And eFerjthiog' in the line
Clndnnail ...AM
Invited to attend.
Tbe operatote i
New Torfc .........U
M .«e
Bt Ofifiox or Coioartgx.
.ttt of mahy pomlliHIlle* and tbe end cantor can be found wbo will not eay that Phlledeipbla ...dt
—WB BAVB MADEof first class jewelry and
21 .«« net Iw pcvdJcted until tbla question la
the miners are eetlUed to wbsl they de Plicahurg ..w-.H
9 AM Ptttled.
mand—dl cenu a ton. No effort will be Brooklyn ...r...67 ■mgsr Mennt) Wahw ‘km Tp.
W .474
..."^Mde to operate the rnfnes. unleey It Waahlngtoei ....H
TlTten Allison offered Ibe sugarbounty Xadea OantBxyStw andwaaTan^
,9 .4M
should be tbe rtver ralam: bence no l-onlavlUe .........61
Mr. atnenlmeni. Jmira of Arkansa*, apeakVp la a Horaa Baea.
trouble is abilduied. Great apprehen- Chicago ............ 6*
Xtotus make eome for v-.n.
MB tng for the mlnorily. soon (onk oecaricD
. gATlT.,
Moo U felt a* to what court* tbe YS»t St. Louis ............ 6*
42 aU to say (hat nt< vote -conid be leacbtd . Harry A. Kant aade'a eentuiy ran to
number of foretyr.era win Mke In tbe
Pdluwlng are the latest League scores; 00 (be bUI Id the nedr fulnre In view of OadUlac aad ratarn yeaterday. Be
'ktrtkc. Mans- of lbe<e epeak no BnylUh At Loulavmr--CtnrlDnaU U. Loulat-lUe this amendment, lie Intimated that tbe Bade tbe return trip In ala bomra and M. B.R(nAgr,aisT.
and care lem..........................................
0; at Chicago—PUlsbutg 6. Chicago I; debate would be very prntractid from alffataen misutaa At East Bay oa hto
tien. They d
al aeveland—8l. Louis 4. CIcri-Und t; this time forward. Teller supplemented
tom* of the Amcrlckn-(peaking miner, al .Sew Tark-Boaton d. -Vew York 2: ible view, uylna that the appearance way home be waa run down
and tbe latter has very little Influence al Philadelphia—Bn-oklyn & Philadel of tucb an aroendment at the lart mo which was racin# with aaothtr. Be
T them. One of tbe point* made by phia S: (eecond game) Brooklyn 7. ment looked as though tbe Repuidicaoe
«ra* badly brntoed and the bleyele aalFUladelphla 6. (Sunday) At Louisville were trying to delay the passage of ly bent and generally dieabled.
—St. Louie 2. Lnulartlle 4: at Cindonstl tbeir cia-n bill. Thurston, one ml tbr
sheriff (bif year than durtny
. ___ —Baltimore-4. CinclnnaU 6; at Chicago prime (nnrer*. then arose anfl wUfadre*'
Fice Merchant Tailoring. Proa tbe New F
la (he history cf tbr trade. *Tbet« are -Washington 7. Chtcago 14.
the amendment, aaylng hi* notion «a*
too many mine..- mid Pstclclt DoUc.
Weetem League: At St. Paul—Min tnipir^ by patriotic motive* and for the
"not too many miners. !l I* the eurplus neapolis 6. 81 Paul 2: at Grand Rapid* purpose of removing alt obstacle* to the ta XcBory of the LaU t. O. Britof operator* that cauw* such niffertnya —Detroit a. Grand Rapl.d* 11; al KanOf the Wli: HI* colleague. A1toa.
VTUar tUMsIc Stock. Cato&awMt,
and low wagea.aa* Clly-Mllwaokee U. K*n*aa City 6:
At a apecia) review held by Trareree
' kertoB. QmlltM Tbm I. tp.
at lnt!lanapoU»-Coluinl>ue 2. Indianap
City tant, Ny 27i. K. O. T. M.. cm Jaly
Tbe ctBclalr of tbe rmted Mine Work- olis 1. (Sunday) At St. Paul Mlcneapera. of PItubnrg dJitrlct. held a meet nHi 70, St. Paul 19: at Grand Rapidt;». |9»7. the following rew>lntlons were
ing yraierdsy and beard reiKiriP frmn 'beti-ili 9, Grand Rapids 2: at Kanaas
Amettg the fraturee disposed of Sv- pooMd;
rarlou* paru of the dtrtrtct. Each of i'lty—Milwaukee 2.Kar**e City 2—raid: orday were the antl-lrust.sections, the
win Hto
tfacB* Indlt^led (hat the men would quit at Columbue — liHUanapuUa 0. Colum- ppivlelonk of the Wilson act on (hat
work. Tbe quertion of aecurlny eusten- l>u» IJ.
subject being re-enacted. Mill* brought wtod -m has again aoen fit to enter oar
A. L. Joyee A Cb.. for Soft Drinks. Just what yea need this
rank* aad oall from aBongst iwonr
ance for tbe vast army of idle men is the
Westeru AesoCtatton; Al Dm Moines forward a new amendment fur a tax
bet weather. Boot Beer. Birch Beer. Ginger Ael. Craun Soda.
T. C.
most aerlou* qoeftlon confronting the of- —Quincy 4. Dee Molnr I U; at Bt. J^ of 20 cent* a pack on playing card*, esteemed brother. Sir
Sherbet. Em., Free Delivery. Family trade a ^wolal^.
Britton; aad
Bclals. Tbr organisation ha* no 'money
0. St J.mcph 7; tt which was agreH to by unanim.'m* vote
WuKxxAB. Ip the death of Sir Kai
In Itattreamry. Tbe jninera have been
amid much amusemeni and sunirise. ae
InsnraBee (iaatfllne Store to ahnolatly
unable to saw anyihlny. and only thore
Mills had not expected tbla result. All Brittoo our teat baa Irat an cai
-------- jd will not explode. It to 9Map. toe. J.
who bare llule garden ratche* win be 2. (Sunday) At Cedar Rapld*-P.«ria of Ibe administrative secllcn of the Mi: bard-workiqg member, aad one
A. MonUgoe. 127 Front St.
able to Uve Independently during the 4. Cedar Rapid* 4
and that rep-allng-the Wllaon'act were baa always bad tbe good of the order
“ '
“ '
eetrattm cf work.
disponed of during Iheday aad tbe para aeareat hto faeart. therefore be it .
ferd 2. Dubuque
Rcaelred. That while Me monra hto
Qnincy 0. Des Moines 1: at 61. Jonrph— graph prop-»lng a Ux on beer waa loeo to uor tant as a brother aad raemwithdrawn by the committee. The sen
Burlington 4. St. J»*^h 17.
ate adjourned to today, no effort being bor, we ranat not forget that there are
Vlr^nla operator* are hiring tnlnera a* TWO more’badlV-bu7lt’^tporii8 made to t)li*erve the national hi^tday. ethera upon whom bis death will tall
quorum pre*-mt moat beavily: and be it further
faat as they apply for tyork Those wbo OI*«* -W*ynmd Let* soo People rail—1
Rmotrod. That we extend to hto rela-'
oi>-nlng prayer
*rt«h Immunity from trouble seek safety
Patalltim Will kmnia
Urn onr bearifelt sympathy and rereferred to tbe approach of the a
by flight Into Weft Virginia, where the
Utchfleld. Til*.. July 6.-Independi
versary of the nation'* itlrthday. an
Bdner* work unmcleated.' Score* cf
B^tl mine* In Braver. Mercer. Law- Day waa ctlehrattd here SaMudayandat ent of profound slgnlflbance to
RraMrocl. Tbal Onr charter he draped
rttice. Cambria arid <ther ciunllea. a remit two llvm'wlll be lost and a arorc civlllaed world. The last arllim Uk<n
wiaaer. Tbnrtclf A Gase. o . Tth aed CnloB.
which have been practiral'y Idle, will re- /I? per*un* hatV been Inlnnd. A Urge' on the tariff bill was to nrike out ib< for the period of thirty days And it to
aume operation* In full to ruppl«- coat platform which had been creclt'd In the relnwctlve claum._____
Peas—Sc. CVm—7c. Tbmau
Rewdred. Ibat o copy of theae resolnto faetorte* and ebop* In. their dlnrtcta city park)gave way during the t<and
Uroemy, 245 Front SL
tloh-'>-9 aoat to the bereaved family,
ci4iterl IB (be afternocc. precipllating
■ow IT UMKH OCT wear.
at*.ui_2!)p prrrct.f (t (hr grmindL. a <1b- rMMaa*wrtbeTaHff Rill That At* Tel aad tba- th»y be printed lo the* daily
aad woah.y papers.
Two Thitnuju Mlar
t. ValUy. unce of air ul nneen fti t. Arocna ebc
lUa. Uui-Iadlaw
victim* ate; Clyde HoHoe. hurt fnterGxo W. Fox.
nally: Roy HoHin. lea brak< : jehn C.
Spring Valley. Ill?_ July ».-The
W. W. FAlB(»IUi
miners of Spring Valley flaed up ___ Miller, head Injured, fatally; Clayten Iff bill pri ttrtlrg fcT a bounty <
Rlchafdwm. arm c*ji«hr.l; Cherlm Seiplaces In the mine* and went on eVike 7e;.'fl;em.;,
will db-': Henry'Feg.;.;™
r^.mcrended by the aerate
At a general meelinjkof broker.: Cherle Scag... ag.d 14. drad; ftr.ancr Mmraltliu and Introduced In tbr Saturday and ttoaday Arrivalo at
mlnara the conpaay men were aakedSio unknown man. leg 'sirufhed: utikiutWn ■< rate: "That • n i...d aflrr inly 1. l2Sg.
i «sc. Spaetal driva
come oin. but they haw had no rare
N y. fautly.
;,*ed until July I. 1902. and no longer,
by (hemselve* yct lo d. lermlne whel
^^^alla. Mo-. July
Grsw Rldg^ (here efjill be (aid frum any moneys
the)' wilt obey tbe request br noL The
Works! Ck> to A. A. XcCoy A Soe and arrange for year
Hli* connty. a grand rtard c< ltap*«d ft,.- irvntJiy t,-A nherwlse apptcpHaled. Frouter John uieaaoo. A B Vugle. A RIFpi RAMfii
coal cnmi^itr ofllclaU will not cotnmir' durit.g
of Xar£m
— g a ball game. The foil-.wlng were
the piovlritc* of sectlcr
Nash, W T Mason. John 1) Liteey. Cbas
themsclTet at to tbe ouicoms^of the bur:: Phil J Murphy, internally ®-i o,, revteed rlatuir
broadfoot. FA Grey. WUI Bbecr and
strike. When General Manager Dalarll
lady, □ Vranisb. S Adsley and wife, C
beard tbe <dher day that Juyy>tb-.jr*j
SC.*!-. JOUagwortby. J AClement.
tbe day set fi>r a nat -mal auiper-^'fidjolningKcKamara'seboeeUwe.
city: .M L Gleason bad J X Kennedy.
be wka much rurprlenl He aaltl
BSltl at
FallMi Dewa the Rreea Plw.
Wexford: 'H N Norton and T D Bbean.
time (bat b> did not thinkK a geomi
F"Ocb: Frank 'Slamoha, Cedar. Bun:
suapenaloo would tie oidened ruia yrar.
coir.mtmloner of Internal rvvmne, B Beatle aad L Johnson. Qrayllag;
for the reaaon that tbe m:nera waiu not consMerable excilemem here Iasi even- ■*
'f the *,CT.urr of the Saul Tbumpaoo. Kalkaska: F K iknitb
arell organiard. but feared a local atrtke ing'over Ihr pullllng down of a number
In northern Illlnole flelda On account of Irisll flag* that were displayed on ircasury. shall rjrefctft>e.
and wlfe.bnitMis Bay: MHn Jonea. W
producer vf a^d sugar to be en, IleaderaoD. Long IaSc: F J Downy,
. of this abapenriun ibi* company ha* not- several bonding*. A large numt-r of
for 2SC. Holdawortb Sleek. Deioo streeA
11 hive
flrtt filed
been able lo alack up their cu.tomrra to men visited these bui dioge and ordered i
Kennedy: X C Cellen, Geo Easlnger.
each year with
any great extent, whhh 1* der'idedly In tbe proprietor* lo uke down the green
Cedar: C Budd. Mr* Bndd. J L Daria.
TrotUag aad Bead boroSs s apaJaCof'W the mlnera.
emhtem. One man refused and the flag
Johb Bndd. NortbporL -W J Dillon.
diorVeet of MotgaaaUvory Bara.
Miners of ibu dty are not In good was promptly pulled down by iheerowd.
Cleveland. Ohio: Mr* WJ Diekerman.
clrenmauince*. and many of them will Rspnas wagon* and backs running to a general deicriMlcn of tbr machinery and Jessie Smith, Oeo White. Sole-: O Shpmethedsto
suffer if auajxmalun la pnUrweted. How- Hibernian picnic were raided and (be
gart. Xtoe Lena Belnfertb. Bingham:
ererr^ey are detennined and hopeful green (Mg* tbal drenrated tbe vehicles eftimelr of tbe amount of sugnr pro O B Lewia BatUe Creek. Xith.; J
posed to l>r produced In thr current or Thompsoe.
of a nsUonal atrike and may be able to were pulled dtrwn.
i. Xaaee:
Xaneelona; W 11 Cox and
next er*ulng year, and an appllratlon wife. L A Briokm
bi4d out as Iona a* any other place.
Xr* Ualletfeeh. BEAOn, COMFORT! *«»*‘«^99happnya8lted. Peettoee Pleoaen to
for a Ik-vnae 10 eo paoduce. to M accom. XlH Killer. CG Denning. Old MtosSoa: UIMIVI*, WBiVni. merely look ot*eer*WBlto* to wear them. Priee,
Telepbon* meiaagt.-a from Sraanvllle.
panled by abond In-'a penalty and with Norman Barncn. Nortbport:
>2 la plaee of 2 50. A. 8. P>yiaaa. 214 BFrowt Stt.add. Marquette and other -mining
cqmpie In the vicinity .report that the fervnee of the Fedoraled Wire Trade* of , euretle* to be approved by the commli- Hndge: J(
Jonepb Bronson. Xs
For a good canvas base hall shpe. XtoMs’
mlnera at those plate* b- mghi tbeir Amrrlc* ha* adjourned to meet In Jnne j •toner of Internal revenue, conditioned Wilbur. 0
ifeit year
Finlay. O. At oul-of- ' that he will fallhfuUy obmrve all rulei
Tans. St. Mao's Bkyclc SboT^fle. A.
work heneffi fynd was estabIMed. Hen and reguUtlonr (hal ahall be prescribed ______' Bono and wife. Kiagebury, J
Sonih Side Shee Stora. 404 Sooth Dnioo St.
of theorder out r.fworktwoweekawUI be for aneb manufacture and produrthn of W Edwards sad wife. Fort Wayne.
j arllbln alx i
He will then recUve a license to Ind : Frank Cbflsoo. Wallace Dove. W
spring VaDcy. exclusive of LaSalle and !
** jj"' *7*
Peru determined to remain out until ■ »««•(' Thri* ■<*'' • riion IntervaJ »
PTownsotod. Grand Baptds: L F Xetbe Price of rhlnlng Is raised. Miners |
P*> ment
1. first door east of p
Oee. Xtoe B B Van Demae, Bensaala;
have the aympaihy of the buslneas men. i ^
benefit winWrraumed.
O D Barnhart. Caster: E Oarroll. LXlarmany of whom ara in bad drcumstances
n'-Re^rMesumw wike naii. Awwy.
roll. Arable: Wm Brown. Klngebvy:
- Boiid*. dehenturea or Certificates 8 Oedin. P J. lArdla, Xapletoa; George
Waahmgton, July i-Ex-Renresmta. rates:
live Scott Wlk*. of Jillnol*. who recently of Indefatedneee hereafter la*u«d b>- any Daily, Escanaba: Wm Smith. HUlaad:
retired from the Office of aesteiant eec- aieuciallon, company w corpdrailub, 00 A Stewart. PfalUip Xogaa. Chicago:
reiary of the treasur)-, aalled Satuiday each one hundred dOlgn of tatg value Charles WblUey. A H Oreea. W B
KnigbL of thr Unit
on the siesmcr Hcvrllus for Hfe Ja- or tracUo) thereof. .S.wnts'i'knd on eeefa Beatty. Xonroe Center: J X Kennedy.
nriro. His bealb la not good, but be es- original Inane, whviber on oqgantsaUon Wexfexd! J X Attrood. Tuba: BA
reorganisation, of certtflente* of etock Dcieh. Bast Bh: A J Fogany. BlMto;
the 2,900 men In the stale. Be says there p«ca to be benefitled by the
I vey. or
by any sock aesot-latlon. company .hr
are fuUy that number of mlnera. al
corporation, on each one bnndrod dpilam
though tbe last annual report of tbe
it purponeof face value or jetton tbereef, I
Bine inepector shew* d,4» al tbe flral
eerie: and on all traaMcra of ahare* or
of the year. He waa at the maaa meet
-—■*------ of Block m any aawiCUOan.
ing of (be blade coal miner* Saturday,
and It la bis opihJon that aU of tke
Waakekhn tu Rxty day*, sad wtthta n
year tbera wW be an eleptrte line be tKm thereof. 1 eent*.”
aSdlt^kxibbaM. J^OQttoaad
Then- fMlom a e<
tween ICUwaokee and Oeo
OkfXaa. UkaVltw;
■■nriitlon itocks afid bood*) irUah^rroak
Maoen, Ma, 49y I
loucblng tbe principal Ukra.
C P Daria, wife aad *oa. Old XMm. .
W| Atysgn^ ■ dbwiw *
•) A. W* JAHRAU8. •
Suits to Order.
j Delicious Drinks...
w. Hcck Serves Them
PfiOKE 143
™ lEEl 98c
I Rsfrigeraters,
Rbw Frocess Vapof^to¥BS)
„ |P5 Graam Flwrs^fic.
146 Front St
On*ofth*De lepmcnti of 1
tb« tnox^ QBtU >bt wnt ruMn* toirmrt PUly-tWf^ mn*l I wm lookiDv «t
b«T ud 1 am turr ihe did sot hare a r*TolTcr in brr.haada. Ai 1 feRtombar tb«
■ItuaitQc. I do not l•eIl«ve It would have
twce'^rwlblr for bar to bav* a '
mac. m war «•>» »•* ittun*
t and the
Baooah. ttoelargia B«r.Cwlltl*a.o( the
flr«d Uie ahot'
U M>e bad anrthlr^ addiUonal to mf.
and aba «atd: ''All Mr. Frecniaa baa Ju.t
laUied 1. (rye. and all I know< Ha waa
able to aae mort. a> J wa* ao axcUad.'*
rrlior — Twa other WllatlM ef th*
m„ to CIW llrr of tito ■•
WioonarMaha a atatontoat.
Chicago, July t-Thrre were two new
fMiurca-of ttae.Ki-l»'c abooUag deveioped Saturday; Two peranni wbb aay
they wiuueaed tbr ahooung of Cbarim
& NelaoD Id Warhlngton perk -Tbunday night—Tbomae R- Freetnan and
J. Pryor—were, found, and Mra.
fltaplee waa taken to tbe booxtal wbm
the implored Selwm to trtl the whole
truth aboBt the trd«tedy. Sbe knelt by
the tick bed of Cbarlei B. Nelaon in the
hoapiu). her .arm* were Haiped-aivund
bit neck and vhe looked Into bit eyae
and he Into ben wiui all .outward
aemblanoe of agccit"n. And there tn the
pretence of the phyairtint. ywUce o»oen and beuapaprr men. tbe implored
Becalaad at Bl. Ohio Bmm with Boom
Canton. O;, July k—Pre^drat MclQaiey and hi* wife were received at tbdr
Ohio home Saturday with tbe booming
of camnon and the chtera of a muiuiuda
whicb congregated at the aUllon. The
weather waa very warm and when Ihe
greeting of hU. old low Dftr.en w aa ovtf
the prealdent donned a Kgbl aerge mcA
coat and Ml about the vtne-clad pp—'
of bli mothri-'a borne. B«lh be and hla
wKe a»od the trip well. During the aftemoos there'waa a conauni etroiin of
calla from nelghbora and frirnda in all
Walks of life. After tea, when the lun'a
raj-a (pant tbetr greateri heat tbe prerident and Mm McKinley look and open
-carriagt for a drive. They wetv accom
panied by bu mother, whe live, al tbe
' hbn to teU all be knew of the crime that
laid Um low. It wat a acene fell of
pathoa and dramatic effect. The broken.
the president of Ih.
/pleadlDg loitf* of tbe woman touched
/ the auditotn.
FwB—t Wa»th. CalptoWtf ThoeaPTwrat.
BantU.DMthara SOto
■ I
or aU who li«teoed.thecalinaatBeeTned
~ I
the patient, who if on Die brink of the Journal frum.Lmd. B. D.. wu-s: Av riU
grave and hat lived hour* after akIUed Dlmmlck. foreman ofAbe Winona . .me. ]
ptayMctant tald be must dla. Heamiled area burned to death, and . > oiheri
Itladly al bW friend aed atrokad bee probably will die at a rceultof a stmnge
hair. But be inaieted that he was una accident. A gaaoUnr pump at tbe bot
ble to tell wbai (be wlabrd him to; that tom of tbe abaft refuted to wom and
It waa all a m>wteo- to him and that he , (be three
but IndlitincU} MW tbe msD who flred I tine had eacapud and covered thk
Ihw ki— ..d ptaCaa- to
raggy WaaHem
a- ■. BOOWg,
Oa tow. spwiial
^ wi& hia'aknll muibad in. oiMav
Aaad At tba foM of tbe otber; 1 have
Goslgv Kobbe baa an articla koMUad : acen^jAen Agbl; 1 have aem womeo
“Staerlng Witboat a Oomptaa" in 8k ‘
at least, they aqp wm women—
SMiulaa Mr. Kobbe aayi:
. | till ibey became a dOBfniitm of blood
! TTF A DUag. An-bitm acid toiwriatsaOsM.
j W A rrirUrito BIbtS
Tbe degree of A. B. Unot eoufthed to '
>>•*' *06 abreddad gatmeaU; bat
eoUege gradoatm AbaaM.sfiIpnmeans ^ (be fullent avnae 1 ever realised of mad.
“able bodied" anamaa.
murdwona pa>»a let tiogovemably
Bvery aaudcal "A. a”k|Wpi?bow’
w> “box tb» eompaw” and bon to steer .
by it, bat yon will be anrpriivd to lean tbal no gocil belmamau wiil steer by a
dnl(« all other tbinga tail
*ooee. eantmd in.one deatroylng aim
bod atunmOoing every pfayaloal energy
4 meUaedwhan
to i<* deeilisb service, k
(bone two spiden nibed
bat. I stood in boyiab terror aa tbeit;
him. Among tfaoae "other Ihinga*' an
ibe borison. the wind, the wake of tba
tangled ItpaV.ropped off. Mint by mntnaJ rage, and as. with vH looa dexteri-,
mwauoLA a <
A sii-iiU4>n lo I
l.CK; Ovrra Hrt,.
Cycle Owners look Here!
ship, tbe Stan, tbe soundings and tbe 1 »T. «bey atreek eacb otber witb tbelri
llne.of tbe auf when running akmg tbe j poisooed fangs, oalng for tbinr own de-1
eoaat And m tbe ablrbodied maman. ‘
the wespona and applianoea.
when a gnenbom takes bia trlok'at tbe i
natnre bas provided them j
wbral. baud, orar tba balm to him: to tba oaptnre and aUnftbU* of tbeiz
I am ■praklDg of miUng vwela I «>tb bretal wratb. aU mangled at b«
etMmcta, Mpedally Ukm ibattrareloo I wax. be bit and tpnnwd fait dead and!
I fJI W»4» prowinl* d«.».
I ralesDUlesor stbrrwlw.
ngnlar rataa^ alter by eompam. They | Umblcaa foe. be wai acltrd with lymp-'
“ran tbrircoararo''fra point to poiol tona 1 took to be paralytic, and in a
' Park Stmt. bEtween fttnt & Csm.
coarse and try-never to pass tbe "aigBfl" at tbe end of IL
When they have
KaamI tl.Ct Hivnal .kav
* m. ^
tbenerf‘nm"orconTae. Tbitiacallad
his book of rtwniniaoenoeathns described
"ronning tbe time and distance:’’ 1
have gone into Halifas on a steamer]
that met witb thick fog from Cape Ood'
One ■taming t^ captain mid to
Ais ftntt meeting witb Qeoeral Grant:
*’la tbe year 1 bSb 1 wae working asa|
Aoy in a ocnntiy atoac al Flat Bock,
Boarbem eoonty, Ky. Dlyssea a Grant
was then a b^! living aJ Georgetown, i
:6rt|d Riptds«iDiim L K
later we bktd. through tbe fc«. a can-1 1« y«« old, awkward, ungainly, denon abot. tbe
_ dUtiuguiabing
fug signtl '(emiMd. ^Analrions and very poorly
OiraiaUoB. la asset
that man' u«pt vricb me in tbe store. It waa a cold
ordeal. PV>r' my aake, chariea aa .
hope for peace and bappinen even after
death, tell tbtae people everything. Do
not conceal any little detail, but make
a complete atorr. I need your help.
' Some people think 1 abot you or that I
was Implicated in some way. Clear me,
•*Whr. dear, they all know yon are
innocent. Yon did not aboot me and
>boui iL Ton
e will do you
' replied Nelaon.
’"But there U *o murh that haa not
tbe oiler rowed. Gray faced and bowed i
toward, they mecbanically, turn by tors. pUed tbe leaden oara llie tern
of ibeligbtbooeebadvantebedtTomtbe
grOBY «r THOMAa m. niKKMAK.
nati Southern railroad. J. D. Blackenrtlp became Involved In a uunwel with
one of the frtendt of the Pemberton
family. A war of wordt followed and
thto pisiolt were drawn and all bands
began ahooitng. After the smoke bad
cleared away Blankemblp war feund to
have been morully wounded ar.d two
other participants had received vcrlous
wounds. Sheriff Ducan wse shot In tbe
leg while tplrg to (top the difficulty.
aieago. July
Fircu-ctka and ganollbe were combined In the tai-lnuon
which l.lew out the front of the buildIng at 5€1S Jefferaon avenue last nigbt.
Tbe followlhg were
Injured: C. M.
Frank, severely burned about the tape
banda miy die; Alice Awchuli'a
'=1 shoaled to Mrs. Pryor to turn the
bead of the Undem around and wemade
a half circle when w-e both lumped off
and Harted back, aearly, 1 could see
smoke rolled kp from the midst of the
bnshea (fo feet from where I saw a man
ataggrr'lo his feel - Freeman aay
man tan to tbe Ucycles and wt
tbemtacnaa the road and . tbon
. prone. He then prm-eeds; Aa tbe last re‘ port from tbe pistol imfinded a wotnap
aerranriO aevrial Haas In a fnuiUc manher. As aha gained h« fM( I r«cogaU«d
ber ai tht Aame -woman t
mlnutca baforo. She loSed . _________
starUed way.and thea ran toward tte
bushes. wakiBg a quarter elrele.andthen
tnmod and recvoqsed her path and dUa thtdcehimpor burtag
moment H>c Jumped up eft
aifflir. and we 6oya kept eloae to tbe
lee of (be ooooter.
"In tbe morning Grant artud me if be
ooold awist me. laaid’Toa.’ Hebclped me take down tbe obniten and sweep
ont tbe store and put stock in place.
After breakfast be drove off. 1 beard
ptaa him afterward of bis drive home.
Before be bad gone far~from Plat Bock
bis horse ran away, and finally bnmgbt
ing broke. Grant jumped out, seised j
tbe trembling borae by (be bridle and.
tied bis baodkerenief over (be beast's :
eyea He drove (be iratm blindloUed ,
aontbem boeiaon. but finally a pale star all tbe way to Geometown, O."
appeared, Jnst lifting fra tbe sea Tbe;
amakgd aaffron in tbe west pewed be-|
toe tbe all merging darkness, and tbe!
-----------------sea to tbe east waa black. Tbelandbad;
Page.^S:08^. bas rceoverad from bM
vanished and was expressed only by tbe. Mmeueaa
drear thunder of tbe surf.
Carya .<:lfiK>
"UII am going lo be drowned-if I Dore'e stable.
to to dra^-if lam ^ l
Break o'
in Leawr
Day. S;UX. hM been band
tbe face by gUm; T. W.,
Coombs. brifUed andcvercomebysmokc;
Barry Hardmaa firemaa overcome by
smoke, ma^ie.
drowo^wby. in tto name of tba to Axtell. 1:11.
tovjm^i^ gods wlm rule tbe sea, was j
William Pena
u tookii«
I allowed to conic ibna far and cootem-1
_„,i (tranv
plate sand
and treeiT Waa I hrongbl:
___________ -e -- - - A fast Viuoaunoo jwoer iw neoi
here merely to have my n
sent to Jock Bowen.
away aa I waa abdnt to njbb
Mcbbedd. S;17, baa bsea placed in
court Saturday the Obs Belt Manufac-1
' y^v i-,.,..', i^tlu
tureiw a&soiiBUin by lu aecreUry. J.
Tbe parient oaptaio. drooped over tbe Jack (.nrry a atawo.
B. Llpplncoit. of Upplncutc lamp chlm-I water jar. wu aomutUBea obliged to.
barrabee, 8:1S^, will make bisflxK
.1 : apeak
atnak to
la the
(Ke oarsnum.
Otari of
nf tbe
St Cleveland.
ney works. iM-gan action against aeveral'
|! Otart
aeasuu at
by leaving oil wells wide irpcn.
ber bead »pl
Keep her bead.
Lord CHotoo, 8:08|<. wiU be raced
I Ibia scaacHi orerSalf mile tracka
FaUuaal Kd-eaUowd AMHatW
'••‘Keep ber
b«d ...•
up.' gfr," in.,
h., 1—1
Milwaukee. July 5.—The thiny-atxtb Yowea were weary and low.
will moke but one start tfaia year.
annual meeting of tbe KaUnkl Kduca- [
This was surely a quiebevetUng.
Uonal a
. . a Hilwap-I save the oaraman
Ban lay heavily and Hat i
II open
kec lomomm
euralng. although the' lemly in the honfabottom. As to hla. • *»!•*"‘**“ *
council W"
------------------ --.......... ......................
ting the
^ a? —
At Mem Oty. A. T.. Dr. D. H. Hemmond. of Sl Louis,
a rimed hla long-l- st
eon. whom be had
yeata The boy. it li said, waa stolen by
gypsies at the InstlgaUon of a rcjecusd
lover oi bis mother.
Ag.ui», ,:0,x,
____ .--A
tated last wlntm, tbe lEnglisb naval an-'
tboiitiea estimated that o( tbe 19 ebipa
lying at Saitoiika e must ,be sacrlAoed'
to do iL Ti^ cords.have'torn atacked .
to BuodA It Icxiki today
if tbe ul-1
ed a boncta cftairly good pacers at Ool-1
orado hivinga, bie fasteat mite being i
- ; »;1TX.
the roadside near Areola. LaTihc was!
on his ^-sy to Amite Ci»j'vhen'waylsid. I
Hiot. >ad It U U-livved t
The hea^aturtoy and yesterday was
eneral over tbe I'nlled States and Irm. eratures* ranged as talgp aa lOt degrees
In the noribwmt. MeanUree Colorado
/had quite a snow on Saturday, occurring
at Gunnison. Telluridt. Crede and l-cadvHIe.
Tom Cooper towered the world's mjle
-record for a paced flylsr'wtart by two
and iwo-flfths saeonds at Atbelq^c park.
RaclDC, Wta., before an audlenc«| of
4.000 peoirie. CoopH waa paced ^ a
quad and made the mile In 1:40 flat.
Tbe Bldgriow Carpet works at CUntea Mam, which employe* 000 hrtda,
have eloaed down tor tour areeka
Tbe reoepitm of the United Butea
basoato, ColonM John Hay. at hia resi
dence on Cartlba Bouae tarrael Satur
day was aneuded by LOW peofge. tbe
highest on record at any MmUar t
of Coostantinople
by Bomia were a foregone oooclnaioa.
be obiDped at once to hoodoo.
Vbal has England- to aayi Tbe mat
ter oonoeins her.' ';It seemedJor a time
that tbe dianoreiycf tbe route by tbe
cape^ff Goody Hope sronld tuovlde on
evaaioD of tbe'eastem qneatlon and tree
ber from tbe seoeaolty of worrying abbot
tba .fgeoB. But tbe opeui^ cd tbe. ffKM white. tU^AwUlbepwtJlor lafoma8oea canal bae changed tbinge,, oad. aa
lo totiTdm^tbe^ebart
flgbtiBg gro<^ to tbe eastern MadilernDean. U she la to bold ludU and Awttalio, bgloDd must eontio) tbe Boea
eonal and its approoctoea.
>e had a spider pet of a Und tbe
tpe Waathev We Mar Bapms.
WadiliifUB. Jsly t.—Putloamt are
'twae UUM. •< wo A »./—WUUM
•v na aaS CdIoo suvela.'
n Wm Ftot aaa.Fuira SM to tto
Tbe delay to tbe
appreh melons
U tbe result.
Parson John JaHiar. the author off tbs
celebrated "Sun Do Move- oarmon. calf
braird Ills tub birthday yesterday.
The cSndltloa of Charles A. Dana, ed
itor of tbe New Tork Sun. who U oocBned to Ms hfniac at 'Oleneove with
oatarrh of the stomach, la seriona
Bara Avia tbe browu gelding that
waa'recmiUy bought at auction in New
york to ILOM by P. D Gilm, wUl
neoiiy toremontba be and 1 took a oloto
iUner'e box. letUng bim ont
wbhn I riaSted him. specially deUffbtIng myotU with aUosring him to drop
from one hand by bie fine qmn thread,
bock again by oppanatly .datiag hia
ownladdax. '
One day I eaptured aaotber gpiflw ot
1 kept him for a few
triHocod him toXiger. IbRTO 89.^1
The readers enjoy it at
the breakfast table.
D*S2“TK5S3aRSia!S?S ■■
Do.p;LaS£to:4S^ '
West Jgichigan
.m' i
*. mlr. mU. a.
m!*. a.
! Paslovearloaro^^Ora^koyld*os UrU
t» Saks o«ael aasday. Jux SO, ur,
by oslng the oolumns of
umra imnnnusnii Ll
■Ueh eew (or
and then either oatobing k^p in tbe
other or gently earn palling him to climb uTari. HonaAii.
r. a.
luelaa STia<M vkk
Rif.H?;- ■r.'r?_!!?'.”¥*_ts—
aoO cohHetkia at U.
intneal ineich other, be for tbe flies I
tomdi^ to him az>d Ito tbe annaato me. ^kept him
T »....
:: iii?S
S4» (CU
CoDstantlocplewUbout great diSculty. wort at Comstock park. Grand Bapida,
When the qnestkui of foretog the Dar-] Mich.
danellea with an Bog^ Jleet waa agi-1
Klamath is indeed racing. He defeat- ,
It coDtaiBs all the aews
whUe it’B fresh.'
I barred at tbe maticieri held bytbeOen-
Mmty tohevi. aay. Benjmnin L ' “r*'*
Wb«»ler In Tbe Atlantic, that OODSlan- i
Eapids toving- club et
tiaople baa been qratematioally ford- ! Onoa Bapids. Mich.. wDl bold ita aofled againB tbe Bngllah to the west, bnl ‘
meeting tbU year. July 87 loSa
not. at least by land, against Bnmla to i
Daisy C. 8 ;88; Flaet. Bnest Beod
th?-«tot. A Bomia!
army can entev and.-•'..r*
Half Interest' at* doing
ecane good
• as
IC40; 4m..„..g*eklcwy
I the eost'ofn tiacka
Tbccocik'abemlwBS<ma tbwari.and,. T R. 8;89^. by McAUater, recently
be looked without inri’test at the water stepped a quarter in 88>q senmda at]
nnder bia uoae. Hr waa deep in otber Uie Cleveland track
tall blaqkf^avM ttiatgwepa forward iai
A starting machine is sooc to to tried
a moat bIuIsut aUeooe, save to an oc- with the trotter; and paoenonone of
OUaiooBl subdued growl of a crest.
Andy Pileuger and George Krouse
Thomas R. Freeman la a cmmerclal
were killed by the exploilon of the'bullagent. Be was out riding W'lth Mtw. en In tbe salt works of Haller. Peck *
JTTor. a wldcw. on-a tardem Wcycle in Co.. Ptusburg.
TTashlngtor park the night of the abool- ^
Mias Bllen M..
lag. When Fretroan gave his statement Bear Admiral 1
' Mm- ITym was present. She wore a
taohlonatfle-goa'ti and U about U r^ra with ber father to aer thv queen's Jubi-,
old Freeman refused to give her ad- lee and took sick on shipboard.
After BDiKixamlnBttoD of (hr cvidenct'
dresB. further than sbe lived on tfaesouib
the Cook cducty. IIIa. grand Jury haa
decided tbal Iit cannot indlctj Samuel
B. Chase, ex-couniy recoroen* because
ridinr north out of WasMagton park on.
a tandem Wcycle. Between Fifty-sec
ond and Fifty-third etraAs ibe chain on
the tandem camv looK and wt both fell
off. ^fier aeataUng Mra. Po'W to her
feel I caned tc It.A for a bench where
my v>tmp«nioo crmld rest while 1 was
iwndlr.g the chain.
About fifty feel
away from me I saw a couple on the
grinind. Wt were walking toward where
they wer^ but whun I saw therk 1 told
Mrs Pryor that we would be all right
where we wnv.
1 >
-"Aftei ■working at least thre«Rnhmtea
T rrplsced the chain and we startednortb
again. All this tlnu 1 had been watch>
Ijig the epupk ao clooc to mo that Ic^d
have heard what they worw'aayldg If
they had been talking. I coCld be*r the
woman alnglng and bummln^-acm^e song,
but It was In a very low voice. Meipnting
tbe tandem wa started off. riding very
Mow. When not over «venty-Srt tevi
north of where the couple were seatedon
the ground 1
slartled by the aound
of a pistol shot. It rang out clear^and
loud and then- must have bt«n a pause
of several second* l>efor* the
The next two sbuu foliQwed In quick or-
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Meal Tickets at Redtceil Rates.
■•We ought to pick npSambrolii half O.. not many miles distant One day j
an boor."
i Orut drove over to Flat Rock witb tbe:
Surely enongb, Abort half an boar!
my employer. Gmnlw»i.tb«|
ana escaped, but Dlmmlck feUem a hook ;
,_cr. aa ll
which hrtd biro under tbe chin wbUe ha !
have mid, to trier by aigns rather than!
burned to death.
by eompaw, and there are
tbe ateamer pilou have
unatianooga. Tenn.. July k—A shoot
ing affray occurred Saturday at HelTHE OPEhl BOAT.
anwood. a mining town on tbe Cincin
towths CMpleJaU Bs«n« fh^sbooriiig
aad Heard (ba,wbato,
Pkwhlaa TlfS k
1 do >mn eui'/M
“>v riir- Give
—tram llgblboaae to llghtbonae. light-' Btlante or two 1 helped bun to bia;
•hip. day mark, bnoy. bell or fog « Ma>' diAtb. And tbit fearleaa gladiator wai |
In thick weaibet they know, tak*! afraid of. 1 remember, and never wcmld i
tackle, a big blD.boUle fly. What ll
lag wind and tide ioio <
bow long they, aboold stand <m oaai oooragel—HanebmerCity Newa
tbelr last earthly m
nobbed blttrriy and tank to her knees
by the bedtide. The dying man amllcd
faintly. Then be turned to the weeping
woman. •'What It ll. pet. you wtah?
Are they treating >x>u wellT They cer
tainly cannoi blame you fbr anything "
' tow>Bim toClMrnCTXaM.
■;Oh. Charica." She entreated, with a
world of angulih and- pleading In her
Tou are going
d l(s trxHiblet and 1 wiu
uen. and
• me' fi^ latL
Dn <
Charisa. that you ase surely dyingT This
may be your
r last OpportunUy.
opportunUy. and do
viw a away. Oo oa speak the
Whale truth.Dr^Fss Be Dm Hat Kmw.
Slowly Nelson repUtd. His words were
noted and be afterward swore to the
It was sboner than ms
declarailoD of tbeprevlousidght.butwas
the same In general deidaL *1 solemnly
affirm that you did not ofaoot me. Oh.
' ho, you bad nothing to do witb It-you
were lying near me on tbe ground. The
abou came frtgn lho« bortes near at
hand. I did not aee who fiped them. I
saw dimly the dgyre of a man and then
I turned wvray. acarccly knowlng what
1 did. 1 was half erased and walked
late one who drvama It vraa not Mrs.
with tbla rantlou. “Ktiep your bead oot J«y. 1 Ti*ibl7 tnmad pale
«f ibr bi&nnola.'’
Tiger vai Um victor, bat cvea wbiie
<*“l'ra igBRed It • <tf tba 6ambi«lightautionCO tbe Kova' Areaae^He diuye a vidoot boma Tba:
(nencad Dr. Ulnkky told HeUem and hli, and they w^ aurronaded b>- are. Itvn. a—iian craat.
‘ niaht Atoe hi. awiewi at FUt Ry«-h ha'
- 'SSTci^itd hi tand m hlrd^c "nl^
* kn^w^^who Sot
■. If you
BwUsr Rsa-Iiis Tor CUpw-Oaat loM your
rWIslA yr :;w^r..................... .........................
The ]»60ple read it and
beoaose it .!• the only
moralnff daUy north at
OratfdSaplda. Also the
bectdaayln this part of
AppMl in OMOToeltp-of Ow PMple
to BAoU of the SoAriot
Aid J.
U**edThe teltowing prortomittoo to leeoed
, ty kUrr tottk:
fhuiow Crnrm—A gnat ealanity
Bdfhhar^ town, 'the
Du Ae i
dead hae, a* with a eln^ blow, ewept
away the hooMB of nearly aereoty-fire
faaUlM, thir^-fire of whlcb. nomwi^
lac IM petBooB. are entirely deeUtote.
Tbeir inmiedlau need* are for foodaad
dothtag, aad-thoe* B
with a Uheral haad yoar gaaeroaMy haa often bees ahown oa oeea" atawof thi* hlDd. and oreey clUeen of
iSjl^araaCltylepttmdofher record,
Pint Tew—No.. 64.
•o TieioBt tket It ^Mwed
ten \tf»
wuifMtla e.horrKie meeeer. ertAimg ttM Joint* end'otfc^'wtae
lt» U«*. Wb« Dr. HollMny nUtratA
beanw Uie •ItoeUoti *t» rUnoe. end «
■hot from hU reroWw pottkepereat
ollUinl-cyMd pwTMUd dMfwto
Only * »*ry ituiet »lae before
etriehen the cUldreo of
the fwnlly.wereploylnr with It The
poC woe o gnnt pet and Dr. and Mr*.
UolUday oouider It reryfortnspU that
tbeehildren were aot the rietlioeef the
terrible malady which afflicted their
faeorite. _________________
-KAimm OOX.TS.
HtwOam Tttoh the Tint. 'Bat Loat
tb* Othata in the Third laoing
Baeh Time-Kanlnta* Will Flay
Her* Thnxnday and Vndny.
Manlatee. Jiily i.—National League
baU la what both teama pUyed yeater^
day. Manlatee playndwltboat an error.
The BesUera. althongh they made er-
L. A. and thalr friaatda wfU raapoad to
thtaeall. It I* womah woih for wom
en. There arc abont forty , famlUae
wbo hare loat erartblng In t^ great
ealamity. Thera are UtUa ehlldrea
and wemea who harp aot only no
home rooft to oorer them, bnt'no bed*
to reat oa when tbe night eomaa. Let
n* help them aa we wonld wtU to be
helped were thalr eaaeaonra. There I*
nothing ao amaU that H wOI not be
bdptal. If It it only a paper of pin* or
needle*. Arttclaa for toIUt naa, tow
el*. handkarehlat*. wlU be aoeeptnUe.
a* wlU dlahe* or eooking ntenalls of
any kind. There 1* no Ume to leae,
and It b hoped the amodatlon wUl appreelate the effort* of the .*Mcn<itire
bonrdjo make th* needed rriUf swift
and Bare, and that fhere will be n large
attendance at the rooms today.
By order of the Board of L. L. A
What Do You Want?
rFor Father, For Mother.
We have eaoogli fc>r aeveral dotens of erery kind of reUtiTe
that mnn b beir to.
M. B. HOLLCV. Makmi
We Have Them AIL.
City and pitched a game that waa
and tlm tan* are aatiafied
that he te a star.' Sneh ^U^ng aa hit
The popoUr rathon in p^ier oorered i
inmld win nine game* ont of tea. Only
Beqaires Prompt Xmaotm In one inning was h* at all wild, and
one ntn waa forced orer.
on-Hardy-Bead-MarUtt, Etc. A 5ne lot to pick fnnst
for B«U«f at Laka Ann.
made tant eight hlta and
earned hnt tno maa- Balnea alao
1 Took a Priaa nt
Btrtick ont aeran man for the Colt*. He
Women and Children With* alaopltahedaffnegamd. BntaixhlU
were made from him. Uaaltle* made
Ralph a Haattags woB eeeoBd money
oot Pood end Clothing.
a pretty doable ^ay. Adame at abort la tha two-mile rnoe at CadUlao. Satora*ld accepted aeren ba^. cbaneea. day. ‘ He waa thrown from hie wheel
ha your mayor .1 now eaU opoa yoo
Park* aeren oot of el^k and, with th* in the half-mile race and aomewbat
- to oontribote In eaah or aoppUea a* UV
apnined, therefom eompallad to auy
Two BnUdiag* X>a*t»y«l-B*vi**d all the team played welL
molly aa yoa can afford to the teUcf of
ont of the road nee.
Xdat of Loaaaa More I>MnU.
i oar frtenda and aei^benat Uke Ana.
For Mx straight inning* good fielding
The detail* a* giyea in Sonday momand i amare yon ^e reiy beat nae will
re ala oe
r. and In M nntlre
only 13
lag** BnconD of tbe terrible dUaeter of
PofiitiValy the bi^eat yoa wiU get this
: £e made of yonr gift*.
Mlm Drila Helse of Yates apeat SnnSatsrday by which the tbriring rilUj^
ere at bat. Tb* aeore:
year. My grMt
it July Oleuranoe
Oleuanoe Sole. I will qi
qnote n few
fBer. aSalshery.
OoatrlboUoM may be left with any
of Lake Ann waMearly wiped ont of
prices that are barguns, bnt space is too expeosire
'yesterday for the
ode of the relief eoaunltlm, eonali
ezlBience by flre.|eare pracUeallySorone oat of erer>- hondred. A good Loange, weU
well made,
•BBimer home of her family at lAkeof J. W. MilUkcn, Thoa. T. BaM and reel, aa wa* ahowa by the InTeatig*-'
wnog.tlXK). A good Coach, fall epring, t5J0. A good
tioni of the Belief Committee appoint
Cooch, oorduroy, 36 springn, 6.50. I will ponitimly eell bat 4
E. USpratme.
Hond^ Konlngb IMeplny
Bert Winnie, wko U now working in
ed by Mayor Smith.
W. W. Swim. Mayor.
Tbe nnlneky third Inidng again!
omlng it • * deemed the
pateot OMtora, for 1L75, A fine Urge S-pece Suit,
better way that a committee go at one* The Hnatler* loot thta momlngb eon- I Mr. and Mra. C. B. Tyler of Menton
patent dnit-proof drawers, pntent castors, for 12£0. A' fine 6to Lake Ann to determine the aetnal teat In that hoodooed part of the game. are rialting their daaghter, Mrs. A- W.
piece Parlor Soil, best plash, silk beads, spring ed(
to'yeaneed* of the fire sbfferera. and Mayor
Lsrge biidi back Dining Chairs, solid oak, SAO.
torday'*. Bale* attempted to pitch two P«k «rf Beat Ninth
George A Letria Touad Daad la Kotd Smith appointed an anch eommittea. J.
Bockers from 93c. op. Iron Bedsteads from‘3.76 op.
and oonldnt stand Mta. Cbariea Snow of Harbor Springs,
preunre. Two baae* on halls, two j mother of Mia. Garner, la tba gnent of
L Spragne, who at once left for the
of these, bat what we bare most be sold by July l5th. So
AbMt 10 o'eloei^ Sunday eight one of
a blue two-haae hit and a alngle' Dr. and Mrs. B. A Garner.
Btriclcen town and *#enl the Mtlr* day
tboee that come early will be happy and those that mias thU
thegnmtaln the Hotel Whiting
and an error netting the Colt* *U rnaa.,
sale will always r^fret it
. loBDd dead Ian bed aa room 44. Tbe
It would not hare been *o bad U thU yeaUrday for a two weeks' risib Be
Belief Airangemcnta.
man waa Oeorge E. Uwia, aboot 30
were ail. In the fonrth inning Bunt will return with Mrs. fihenna.
Upon the nrriml of the oommlttoc
Dr. and Mra. Sawyer were mlled to
year* of age. eridenUy a Norwegian.
went into the box. Tony behind the
Ha waa well dreeaed. dwnly abaren. tbe Tillage cooneil wa* caUed together bat and WaUdn* nt first and In that Marion, Ind.. Saturday, by tbe death bT
try Preeldent Degen and A. £. Shlria.
.and a man of
Inning but one ran wa* made. lathe Mrs. Sawyer's toother, Chan. Brailea.
WUllam Wiener Tbylor ud L. P.
On tbe dreeaer in the room wa* a ot^y W. U. Mattenon and Wm, Bngfacs were next no score; bnt ia tbe sixth * doable
appointed a local Belief Oommlttee to
Of Mnnaey'B magacina Be had
and* alngle and another error were Eddy, prominent attorney* of Grand
Bapids, arrired at Park Ilaoe yeaterdeTOtiagoonaiderablrtlxae to reading confer with the ylrillng oommlttee and reaponrible for three tallies.
whQe at the hotel. Be arrired Satnr- to bare charge of the distribnUon of
In the aeroalh the bnloon went nwny day.
Mrs. Frank Worfri and Mia. John
day ni^t and almply regUtered hU sncheappllcsM might be oontribnted np. Hut hit two men-. Klnmond sin
by tbe oeighboriag towna
name. Sunday mornlv Lewie claimed j
gled. Bnrke singled; Tibald poked Walter* of Grand Sapid* ,onme up yeaVet OyereaHmal
to be 01 and bad water ^t to bU
th* hall orer the fenee tor a fonr bag terday to spend n few daya with the
room aereral time*, bnt retn*ed to £*ye
A eery thorough InTcatigation of Use ger. with two men on ha***. Gleason | famUyof Prank Friedrieh and othmaphyalrian called.^deelaring that he eltaatioD waa made, and the conditio* did the *am* when the base* wer*| relaUrea.
. wonld be aU right la a abort Uma of the enflerer* wa* fonnd fnliy a* had empty ud when Ball ennght Qaiaa’s j
Landlord Compton offered to do erery- a* had been represented. whUe tbe ex-' long fly to center and the agony wa*|
OF THE MOiTF'fiBLBCT PICKING OF----thlng poBBlble for the aiek man. bnt lent o{ the lome* and the anmber of orer there appeared on the score board
ha wonld
hare nothing aaeepi famllie* ^nlring prompt amistanoe another large figure *U.
wator. He was apparenUy oeUer early were eeen greater than bad been anpr
Another ran In the ninth and the to
AT THESE PRICB8:----la the erealng. and stated to a w^Ung |po*ed.
tal wa* 17.
maid that be would be nUe to rite lor
Local Oommlttee at Worn.
Tbe BasUeta managed to get in six
«5 Waista at................................. *i.T5 flAS Walats at..
. •LOS
nnpper. The next rUit to the room reran*
Tbe eommltteea^apeat ceyeral bonr*
yealed a corpee.
ed in tbe aeeond oa hiU by Wheeler,
In iDTe&UgaUon. whea the local
Light shade tbn Shoe*. 133
Dra. King and Martin were eommoant...................................
the foliowlng report: Park* and Bala*, and tour In the fifth
psira at half prioe. ladies' and
ed and prondnneed the man dead only
gentlemen's shoe*. '
on a baae oo error for Watkins, singles
n short time Coroner Moon wa* noU.^XXES—After makihg________ by Bbnt. Hnll and NoroUiy. ud.-the
broken assortments of siies is the only reason for these
flad, also Sheriff Slmpwm. who ehipan- canyais of the eondiUon of oor fire sal- fmtotuofthe game at baU Wheeler'*
ferata, we find ihirtynine (3!<i famlUe*
pretty home ran. Wheeler alao made
cuts in prices on desirable go*ds. Come prCmptly.
of John McDonald. John Lantner, Fer- praotically deetltate. wlthoat shelter, a splendid catch of a fool «y. ranolng
food, or clothing. BaTlag *a*ed eery
Lautoar, Fred Beiditel, .J4. little and now being eared lor by tboea from third baae almost to .the grand
riemlag and Sol Goldmaa. The jury of a* more fortaoate and the rained
viewed the remain* and adjonmed oa- aid already fumUhed by Trarersa City
A strange thing wn* the fact, a* the
Mlymtetday moralDg. Inthe-mean- and Maaistee. C*e yenr own ladgmant
ore iadieatea. of the Hnatlers ouV
wt TOO can for n*. ai
time tbe body wa* tamed oyer to'Un■ufW tbaokfnL
batting and onlfiridlag their opponent
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clx)thing House.
' Acrtak^ Anderaon. ' Tbe inqneat wa*
A. E. SHima.
and »Uino*Ing the game. Theeoore;
W. a. M
emtinned la the morning.
Wm. Him
Birmley teaUftod that Lewi* had w^-'
Bunim.......... O 3004000*-«B
•d for him and that he had tanght
With this report a list waaaabmlttod
aebool In the Birmley echool dlstricL
- irkc. Bower sad niDSOsd.
tb* name* of 39 famllie*
Fnrther erideooe showed that be had
Defeat Vnmber Thra*.
nI.UT. U. B.U1. c™.., wh.r. t.
rss a featorelee*-oenMet today,
to-merly llTodBe grpdi
by Manistee by snparior aU
aekool at that place. Daoeeeed also
araand work. Th* nosMers lacked
bad a brother tiring near Beaxonia titttto, withont food, clothing. laml- ginger and played a lifriea* game in
The brother waa notified of the ooenr- tore, or money to boy. If there wai the Infield- They could n<Jl hit Quinn.
rnenn. There was no ooelUye cridenee anything left in the town toaell. which Watkins pitched good hall and atrack
34 pair* ladies' IHnrree ASmith
That answereth a matter
of Araga,bntthe condition of the body there was not.
ont ten men. Hatnea, of Manistee.
-Baior Toe*. Band Tarn*. Cioto
Bigbty-T*ro BaOdinga Destroyed.
poisoning. In a i easel in Uie
Tope. A. B and C. f (.SO ahoen
s pbenomloal one-hand catch of
before he beareth it, it is
at«t:3S to clone ont'
Two-thlrdt of the rillage had been a fly from Hall'* hat at the fehee. The
ewept slsc by tbe great fire, eeareely third innlag again—third game loat in
a folly aud shame unto
bntUwMbrt^ opanderidenoeofa a reatige of the bnlldinga bring left. thatluing. Qninn pitehed splendid
him." Those that con
label appawntty deatroyed. Tbe jnry Tba burned portion Rinded the en haU for the Oolu. Manlatee play* In
nadered a eerdlci that Uwia came to tire baatneaa aeetion of the town.
Tiayera* 01^ next Thnfaday and
75 pairs Oxford former price
demn pur “BEST*? flour
Ui death by hte own hand ^ an or^ •tore or offloe being left. There
fij.35. 01.50, 01.75 and 03. Onr
price 01.00 to eloae ont
before using it, are yerj
doaeofaomennreotie. Other eridonep 83 bdUdlnga entirely deatroyed, not a
•bowed that the dead man bad beeA Btaadlng wall or poet ahowlng where
foolish, .and will be asham
gim to deepondent mood*. There i* they onee were. The
Uttte donM bnt that it waa* -eaaeef lef^are on the higher gronaA'anat and
ed of themselvesj after
Dr. Mpon ano- ^eat of what waa tb* main part of the
Man'a PaUat Leather and Boamela, fonaar prtcea 05 and 00,
using it.
eemled in ranching the lathm of
nn- town.
to oloB* out at 03.00.
What There la XioA
fortonnto mnn by wire at BatUn^k,
3k I.. A. Takea Onlek Action to B»word waa retomed timt be wnbld ooMe
Tbe chorch. the i
here abd rmnote the body.
j atayeand heading factory, the griat
At the regnlar meeting of the execn'
mUI and Etton A Tbompaoab aaw mill
sin and 4S dwelling a* foUown: tire bovd of the Ladlm' Library Aaao13 nalia Man'a Pinah rery
M. L. Lake. A. B. SnWa. W. H. Mat- eUUen. held yealerday afternoon, toe
etyl& SUmmi*. foraam 01.35
good* going at «3c.
PM Png Strk^ TeMnrday and Mean. O. Snnaiedd. A. Dlx. M. L. Uke.
a of twenty-fiye drilar* w*» rated
Killed by Sr. A B. HoOMny.
coenpied by J. Doyle. Oeo. aerntak. M.
the relief of too anfferqr* by
Ite Au fire. This money will
Teaterday aftemm arhile Dr. A A L. lAke. ocenpied by J. Mitcbril. D.
A to purehaa* goods, etc., made a»
BeUi^y and family were ont tnidng Labbnte, Cec. Habbrier. B. Ulacki
rnhrwUoai the pet png dog belonging A. Sehaelder. B. Brook*, oocnpied by Into bedding, etc. Th* Utoary reoatik
nb UtUa LmeUle wna snddenly taken F. Agen. H. B. Brooke. A L. l«ks, will be opw today after nlke a. m.
Phume A fimito Jttlleta. formar
-with n *#y*re attack of hydrophobia. Tacant. D. Jeakisa. yaeant, Mr. Brw- Thera will be eewing maehlnea prarldprim 03. riming oat prim tt.
The *1.25. W.SOimd'fe.pO.ldBd '
Tba family had nol been gone bnt a *r, oocnpied 1^ Fred Boa*. H. Cnm- ed, and article* wUl alae be In rendlfor.......................................................
Make HoMUtalM.
few momento when John. Use man who
McLond. Mta. BobL Oenm. a vacant who
da not
with to raamln.
hHehaigaof the bam. diaomnrad
article* to
wnnknown. W. M. tUbbelar, oc Any
mmdlticm of the anUtaL Tbe Aog
tied up and tha* prayentod doing dam enpied by Art Famham. Cba*. Oark. eonnrihnm la the w*y of bedding.
age other than to ItaeU, bnt John' ae- Ban. Johaaim. Ono. Moom, B. T. Cenw- elotU^. or anything ^rrioaohU in n
The Original.
•mr^dltmora iqfely atiU la Uiahnm ford, Jeff. Pani eaeanV Om. Berer- home wUl pleaan hrUig them m the
Mdwnitad for the ntam of Uu doc anoa, nhop and dwelUag, Uka Vtow namm nod they wQl be cent on nt cmee.
UMtobehopedaUBembmaef to* L.
n laa aboe* fto* tt BeaiU or Oa
fCenMntMd Mind page.)
tor. Inthemmithaa thedogheeame
Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss ThespBargains.
J. W. Slater's Furniture Store,
Your Choice
Fine Shirt Waists
Ladies’ Tan Oxfords:.
Riwiin af InfHR'aad CMIdm’s ShNS,
Th, Eraai ud llacL
■peeler Smith taro kk dopattee mlaMo
laetrAnioABBad oatUaad the workra-
otA Aaoo ae they left the bun thw
nm.aad Mr. Oolo pare ehara.
T»ATXR«0|TT. • laOHiaAl). Ho'falledtooatehtbo thlerea, bat aoolap that they wme psnoad thby drop
nemts* armor nu
ped wkat they bad eloUn aad pare
of----------------------------------------tW the strict letter of the Uw regard
^ oU Inapectloo maot bo obawrod.
^ dktfieta worn raamagid ooae to
ta trarollap aad a eotro•poadiap oapoaae to the state a^
loalara ia olL Other jaattera of Im-
ta». T. Baib AX9 >• W. Rftjnn. thorn bad a wadiap boot, which belonp•d to Ed. Hewtoo. The maaoe of the
J. W. HAjnrn. Editor ud
boya are aakaowB to Mr. Cato.
s:T=:^':r- • ■' •' ■
Xr»*WM av.
>dto«u lAke
Abb wflem t»m tbte oi^ wtU be
chMrMlyBWw.»odw>«M|» wfa bo
loM iB prompt “d effMlin boIkA.
The procJBiBBUoB ol lUfor Smltt wiU
aeei wlib r»dy rrigw emd Uae
is diatiBW will bore
her the neneroelty e( Tnraiw City
l^ueEWheiBtMtr teaawip
AoBtrlbvte to the rtiiti ot the Leke
HofortiiBeUB, ere vryed to do ao
^BldtlyBBdBi liberally Bi thdramsi
wUpwBdt. Ib iiiiiiHiiI BHWee oi
wrariBfBpperal. ptaaeiU. feed. ete.. to
the eommlltee. It ie eepeoUlIy deelrad
tket they bo oectiraly peeked or tied
ap reedy tor eh^wt.
Forty p*>pl« h«m the ol^ •P«t 7»Ahrdey et Ke-eh-te-we«te.
The eoBBcU Btet lett alftt eed edjMiraed to tomorrow Birht
«eorira Imrdie ehlpped 81$ oeeeB ot
ahewberrioeto Cli'
The iafeet of Mr. end Mte. Peter
Bolnfer^ol Mstbei® died haadey.
Two kBBdrad people w^tfram hero
he the Elk Repida oalebratloB yeeter^y.
Dr. J. A. eByderesdfBmUywUlleBeo
hodey for Mottst PlcUBSt for b fetr
AdoMB or ao irf
ywBBf Mka
apoBt yoaterday attersooB e^ ere«lB(
* At Eaat Bay, moat of the per^ golar
Oeorve Calklaa aad Daa Oake
ho Baaa laka flahinr yeeharday and rehuned with l«$ flah.moetIy baae. They
bed aaorebiteetiao flab, OA aeoo«Btof
llrmbere of the Womaa’a Ceweten'
Impreremest AeaodaUoB art arped to
Attend the meeting la -the U L. A.
roona at s;So tbla eftereoon. There
wQl be eleelioiu of dlrialoB mtperia-
BeawiM of the Imte
C. Brittos
laid to Beet Teaterdey.
The faaeral of the late L- C Britton
erae held yeaterdey afteraaos. attamded
hy a lar^ onmbrr of trlesda of the
family. The eerrieee at the roald<
meer Blnyham. were ooDdaeted by the
Ber. D. CoebUs- The oorcmenlo
Oekwood eemptery were nhder the
AB^loet of Trarereo City Teot. Noan, K. O. T. M.. of wbi^ Mr. Britton
wpB a member.
- Oooeaeed waa bora in Btaih oooaty.
Ohio, hi 1858. Bo oamo to Mieblyen
Awolve Toari apo, aad remoTod to Blapbam foor year* apo. Ho amrrlod Mery
B. Miller fodr yean apo, end the wif^
Aad fbsr children ssrrice him, elao bU
Bother and oao brother, A. L. Brittoo.
Be earried $8,000 fraternal laanranoe la
ibeE.0. T. M.
Hrl Biittea had been apTMtaafferer Goa Lthr. res. aad fnraitare..
tor abont a year, belnp affll^ with
:: :
Al atrtll of the Aos Arbor Balranlty
to leliere him of the a^lktioo.
aad Ua death ia the
Well, Tb^ Oaa^ltA^l
Oalria. Dare, aad WUliamtaith aad
Beter FoantalB went fiaht^ Friday
at the forka of the Boardmaa.
,TMer raparaed with m 'fine traat.
three oif theta larpe ralabowa.
Trarerae Oity Hawee Wen. •
ta the half mile renaiap race at
Maalatee yeaterday Baiabow. owned
^ J. E. Maeoo of TrarerM City, won
Bret moaey, and Urery Chariey, owned
by Ommalne Broa. of thie mty got eBo-
G^npeiyier. fnraitara........
Bat the ToaUfal ThloMa Brappod
Than Whoa Poraaed.
ToMday aftermocm two boya wore
Mlikebirid^ Mr. Qela
alias. Mye-
IMlimay abeettkoi iiUbaiiHOoiiMp H. k. CkaSoM.A
Ctek W. A. Xewton. Tha
AOM teoatar.tbe barn and letm amm|o.
Xaepoetor Smith and Z>epatiaa Bad a,
SaH la Franks Tacht-A BaastM
and Oeoeral Good Tima—They XHapUyad Their Appreoiatirau
The deputy oU iaapeetore of UleUpaa came In force bora Satarday, and
Uey otayed Jaat ae toop as they poaslUy eoold becaaae there ie ao phiee la
the yte ia which the oemo amoa
oordlal hoopltallty aad pood cheer can
bediepeaeod ia a'^rea tlaaa They
oamo for beMama, and laetdoatally
UiUo oaU^.
' 8mte OU laepeotor Smith was i
ebmmaad of the oompany aad he a
tended to the bMineoa end of tbo oraaioo. whUe Frank Friodrlcblet loose
thepoodokoerln the priaeely fashion
poeoliar to hldualf, bat which was
so firmly impreaaed upon hla dUttnpnlahod puosu that they wtU not oooo
fvpet their riait to the Qaeea CityFrank win also hare partlealar reason
to remember bia oollaapnea beeanae
they were ao royaUy oateriAiaed that
they Uft eaMaatial eridenee of their
appceeiaUon of the eatertaln'meai
r aad bU
depntiee arrtred the keye of the city
were Immediately and ebeerfoUy earrendered by Mayor Smith, and while
trltola the paMe of the town erery poeeltile alMiMit of pleasure wac appro
priated to the oae ot the riaitora.
Frank began takiag car* of the depaUcaMeooaaatbeyArTired.aad they
were oomforUbly lodped In the BoUl
Satnrday ereainp meet of the Ume
rratderoted by Frank to iatrodaelng
hie trionds to the leading batiaeas and
protmakwal men. ao that by the aeai
mornlap they all felt ae tboopb their
lot had been east la a pleaeant place
Snoday moralnp Inapoetor Smith
I marshaled Us foreee apaa the aieam'bmtdoek, where they were ^ted
with a ^ileiidid ^taele la the form
of Fraak'e baadaome yacht. "B. &
rmprae Jr.," gaily deeirated with' the
flatwrfpi^yaehtiafaipoala. the gift of
G^rernor Pinpree. W whoM honor
yacht U aamed. The colon floalod
peiUly in the braoM from the ripping
aad presented 'the meat plctareMjue
marine eight e*er sees in theae walera
The boat gUded up to tbo pior in eomarnad of CbmaMdora Frlodrleh aad a
crow ooaautiap of Captain Mor^ aad
Captain S C. Deeprra.
The forooastlo of .tbo yaeat waa 1
with pood tUope to inTlporato tte In
ner man aad the oabla fnnlabhd a
Dr.C F. CoSao^, hoo^ barn
aad far......................................... .
the day being hot cnabione were epread
upon the decka After the pnoeU wera
abjard- phoiopnpher Moblo took a
pietore of the yacht ae ehe eaUod away
Uko a Urd. The pieeape to heahtawaota oecnpied one boor aad twea^
minncea Among the party, la addi
tion to thoee mentioned
the ta^leetoca wen E. MoBam^C.'a.
Toner, if. B.
t. Gatos.
J. W. E
WUl Broeeh. alt of this city.
Tbo party marched In a body to the
hotoL wneco C^oael a A.Smltheerrodoaeof blabeetdlnnera Tha ratnra
trip was made ia the early orealag.
The woathor mat porfooa and alttawh
aabore a geatU broeaa para adoUphtMI^ teftraUap MHatioa or:
waa mAMcWijr laMBaiAod by ecateaM
of the foroeeaUe r
S ^ la the
mmiap. Ia-
Pennell, The Man Milliner
pomod, and a ehoor wu piram*^
Fraak FdUwinp thU C. O. Toram
wae laritod to ^drote the ootapaay.
The addrcra wae olothod ia lanpaaga
foralble but eloquent, and la U Oorarnor Plapree who landad. landed la terme
wUeb were emphaUaaUy ladoraod by
cbUriatheWUteHoaaaaoBOt only i
poealblUty bat a etreap probabUlty.
Thwe eontlmoau were also iadoraad,
and with an Indteatioe that the foreraor had a force of deputy oO iaepoa
ton wha uader the leadacahlp of laBpeetor Smith, would ent
orble flpura la bring about the deoirad
b wkat era fiarer ear Soda Syrapo with,
we do net am eatneta at onr loantela. - A
larpe. cool, iparitilap plaid of lee eraam .
soda obc breUa tha elty. toey my) for
fivu eenta Everything strictly eleaa about
V. WiLnnsoB. H. A. WoiPF,
W. T. P. Buaro*.
awrapperor eorne kme parraeat ehd
foot^, aad abaolately aU they
hare la the worid is the litUe they had
apon than at the Uata
Amolwd. That we under to Frank
Friodrteh oar alnoon thaaka for the
splendid maaacr la which w* hare
‘ ontertainod
---------- inT
la Trarerae City, imi
................................... ip oo tbo H. S. IHa-
(Gonta^ied/Tom fA pope.)
hoteL oeeopiod by prirato fatnUlaa,
Peter BrialoL Joa ^Irla, ooeapled by
F. Tosmana. A. Altmaa, B. Boabary.
Cbaa Alosandor. 1. W. BaU. ooeapiod
by Jao. MarMA. Chaa Hewmaa. Bert
lAtbiep. W. M- Orr. Ohaa Hlmea W.
Oer. 8am. Feaater, P. H. Peteieon, M.
L. Laka hotel, A. Sehepham^ oeenplad
Timnedtate Veeda
Ber.- Wm. Jackeaa. library aad
Meda are-heddlnp.
elotbtap of all alaia a few eook etorea,
dlahea kalraa fo^ apooaa malls, salt
Biaata to'd. batter aad etaple fooda la
many eases the womea aad ehlldiea
A ioHy party tpent yeeterday at Meah-to-waate. It wea eompoeedof BelBB and Kate Mooiw, <Mlta Eeelt
Xatelle Sehseider. Edith Earl. Zella
'Vacleeoor, Barry Parker. Barry Ki
Oue MeaDakay. and epraca*
Jadye Campbell aad J. W. Patchla
•erare fiablaf at Lake Ana yeaterda
The foUowispeoBkpoeedaiaUyparty
who tpent the "Fifth" et Ckrp leke:
Hr. end Mra. B. O. Bracken, Mr. aad
Mrs. H. D. Alley. Mr. end Mra. W. F.
Brawn, Hiae Jessie Bine.
Whoa the meeting eloood Deputy
Wilktasoa, the BUI Kye of tha partr.
Mr. Habbeler-wUl rebuild hie mill,
bat aaeh emallar than bafota M.
Stack ia already reballdlap Us nlooa.
8. 8. Baraea has oemmeAoed petting
oat material for Us store. Mr. BaoUitel wiU also nbsUd^ All tkoao
wUnWanaller aad chador beildiapi
than Hfora. Qalte a aamber of aamU
dwoUinfarrillbopebap at oneaAo am
wUl hare employ sat la Mio mlUa aad ib will raSorerdl famUma bayo already
poaaaad more wttl laaye
they eaa Sad a loeation with e^iloyfloont.
Xmka Aaa'e Oimtltada
Tbo moat ytotal peopla In MIcUpaa jast BOW an the elttnae ot LUce
Ana, and they are ready to do anytUw la tbolr power to show tbUr apot the prompti aettoa of
Trarerae City. -Tha eteamcr and Srefram this city mred wkat ie left
of Ac town, and the prompt eSorte ef
the Trarerae City people ia eeadlap
food oupplloo Satnrday night by »podel
train, and apa<& Sssday and Monday
>{Dpa. oared mnobaafterlnp. Tbooo
all that
The Pure
Fruit Juice
booght cheap you can do it SOW.
leo Front Street
Another BooeSt.
Tbe Ladlre' Aid Society of the CoagrapaUoaaV eborch will plve a aeelal
08 the lawn at Jamm 0. Jobnaoa'e rcoUenee thU erwilag. lea cream and
cake wQl be ceruad aad the proceed)
wUl be derated to the bea*tt of the,
sreri of the lAkeAaa fire.. The
praeeada arc cans to be ufastenUaL
Prledrioh BlooiT'''|i^S
Holiday Bargatoi
Prime Beef Swwe and Bogota,
I-'*'-........................... •*«?•
Mattoa Stew* or Booste. perlb. .8 In to
Mr. Turaorb addrau wae eloeod with
the praooatetloB of a beaatifol aad
ralaable aUrar tea •crrloo U Fraak
Friodrieh, apoo behalf of hla eolUpaca
TheaoaUaMBttoapreaood la tbo |woooatetioa opoeob made the boaorod
yooap man Uoab llko a oebool boy i
altboogh bo baa had a good deal of
oxportoiiee la eaUlag this llu'.h floryy
took aU tbo wind oat of hla aaOa aad
ho waa left . eomplately beealmed.
Fraak was ao orereomo with emotion
that be oeold aearoriy expmt bU approelatton.
made the attempt,
howorar, bat waa forced to giro It op
Batororybody kuew tha\ibe gift wae
roeolrcd with ^ lame aplrlt which
prompted iu ^rlng. Other eapreoaloaaof pood wUl wen made aad the
mootlap adiooraod. TIm pleaaar
the oecaaloa were Botorer yet. Attho
door of the hotel throe of B. J. Morpao's ripa wore drawn np to take the
rtcltoru to the«aylam.' Arrlrlag there
Moaeon display^
rery eoartoooa aUcation, aad ahowml
them oror the lasUtatloB. explalalpp
the eatlre perfect ayetem ot operatloa
aad care of the one thooaaad patlenU.
ThU praclteaUy clooed the moat happy
and sDoeeaital meeting erer Mjoyed ly
a body ot oU laapectora They were
dellphtfally eotortalned. and weal
away raady to swear by Trareipe City,
and Frank waarcady to swrar ^ In
spector Smith and the fiacat lot of i
g^ fcUow* and bard Pinpree werkera
that erer atiock tha Grand J^rerae
The oomplete lUt of the rUtoro U
State OU la^tor T. B. Smith, Uwton. and Depntiee W. P. T. Barton, De
troit: a. 6. Uoodala Bonphtoo; C
Blackley, Detroit: T. J. Tempi*. Teenraaeb: A. Boovar. Ooldwater: P. B.
Bon. Kalsmsaoo; Cfaaa. M. BdUoa.
UrantTBapIda; H. A. Wolf. Moakepon:
& W. LaDoa .Coral; A. W. WUkinaoo.
Chelsea: Arthur Curry, Owomo: Darid
A. ItettiaoD, Ba^aty: W. E. Bopera
Alpena: Laiu Aretrup, Menominoe; F.
E. Wlihey, ManUtee; V. L Baldwin.
ManUlnp: C A.' Inperaon. Oreylinp;
Charlm Schwanebodc, Kew Barea;
Willard Bash. Seeralary ot Oorernor
Pinprea aad Mrs. Bash.
VealStewoorBeoMAper lb....8teto
On JalylOth the C. A W. M. and D., Batter.-pm'lb.........................lOtnlto
O. B. AW. lines wiU aell tickelp to Fine Checee, perlb..................... 11 la Up
Ponlaad. Ma.aad ratura'.Tia C P. By.
aad G. T. By. at the lowect ratoe erer
oiade for ooeh aa oeeaatoa. Tioketo
wUl b* pood to retera antit Jaly Slat.
laclosiTA Bound trip rate from Tkarerm City wlU be 817. Oao. DeBa
O. P. A. ________________ _
......... ....
Oer. Catoo am nma me.
The C A W. M. aad D . U. B. A W.
Uam wUl eell tickeU ae below:
Epworth Leapoe iBteraaUoaal ConlaUon. One far* for round trip. Sell
July II. 14 and is. Bctarn limit. 84th.
Eateuammaf Ilatit to Aapaet inh will
be made U dmlrad.
Camp Mootlap and Asarably. Oao
fore for round trip. Sell July 18 to tt.
Beturn limit. AopiMt 81.
National Bepnblican Loopne OooveatIoB. One fare fm round tnp. Sell
PuM Fowdsnd SplosB,
July 18 and it. BeUira limit, July
Purs Cream Terter» :
oaptUt Young People's Unloa Mm.ian. One fare for round trip. Sell
July IS. 14 and 15. Botuni limit. July (and ParcBaktoarPevdar. U yoa «ut as ta
81. Limit WiU be extended to Aupast ■akrli-SiNKiBAefortim. Oateer Otiiltit.
aabterTnUiir.au elam. Water BtoiW (xw
rmra.) panatoto iyrtMm,
Epworth Lmpoe Aaeembty. One fare
> Wltob Bairl LMtoa tor lb* I
for round trip. SfiU inly tOtoW. B*tnra Umit, Aupuet 17.
turn limit, July hv
At Our
Soda Fountain
laator •• am terw eetemt to "lat tml
i—xS^^-tet always tiyulfiwu.
AUColors Only ISc. perdoe
T. X. Ptiai.
Soorehod by Tlra Taatecday Horning
-^^Irat in Kaay JCentba
The flfut fire alarm In thU city whidi
baa oaUed for tbe aae of water sines the
hip oonflapratioB on the mb of laat
r was KMadod yoaterday
at 4 o'eloek. Hre broke oat
la the rear of Locust Qroro Cottage, on
State atroat. The flamm
anted to tbe Iritahea and rained a qaaattty of ooUdap atooaUa aad kiwhen
fnrnitara bat actlre work ot the firegreat daasape to the
other portion of the taUdlap or fnrni
tara The orlfin U naknowa. The
baildlhp STM ooeapled by Mia Powen
aaabeardlepbowe. aad U owaodby
Besrard WUtiap.___________
TrarerM City Boya W<
Chariie O'E^ of thU ei^ took tbe
fifut prUe la the tix-miU road
Elk Baplda yeaterday. Bay Brawa,
^ad. Blaaoby of Bk Bafdda .woo
Sret priM la the taro«Ue-raee'and
Cteriee O-KoUMoonA
BaI]^ Vob la Haatetee
Ralph BMtiopa of thU ^ty won the
halfrmUe opea bteyete race at MaaUtee
yeaterday ia tsro etnight heata Time
1:11 and l:>a
Fourth of Faly WodH^
IHtikew BorahaHH Bk BapUaaad
MUa ftaoMO r. WelA of thUotty,
won manted Samliy ky Be*. HQ^ K.
Wrigfe^ at hU (MAdeaee on ttete otrect
-Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street. ^
Fire Insurance.
Do You Know
ETcrBarned Out?
TltM w« hasAU all Mbs* a( atatioMo M
aU MaAa of PiKm to aalt aOfcSeaf
* w* do:
O.F.'OABTBB, Aouns. ■ ■
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of alL
descriptions, including 2’ Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A compleR
Mill Plant for sale.
, traverse CITY LUMBER CO.
Livery, Bus and FeoiLStable.
-Urmm ■IiorK.
Bto a> opeedaUy. Hone.
Tams rtoaoasbie.
BtftW Bt. WMt of
dOed to remain at work. A oommfttaa.
from ntuitavnie met with tbe n>*o at
Ardmore for. tta pettpom «< aecurta*
tbeir eiMXMtMteii la a atfUw, but ^
Ardaore taib dtt oot r> oettdka ootiiid^e fumu* (o force ^
men of lUa oovnor out. ae Ouir expertenee la emktm a ibt PM* baa been
rtrj aaforawatb.
. Hum tm otrlar tb* Mrfk*
^BMB-OvnBtora mt FIAT* eroMOOMSAiii a rvort.
• Mm, mat Oamantlr Atell
Pitttbor#. July «--Tb6,«mi
iMkt i* oa totey. The raccCBt cf tbi
■tranl* for blsher Trasn Is flv« ctBin
d«peMf cm tb# mlD6ra la Ibe Pltubarc
dMrtcL H tbcy (all lo rctnla rram
worklar (he moretilcet will be a failure.
^Ily 100 mtnea wera repnaunrt at the
y^alaef*' eonveatloa od Saturday by lem*
caty-Bve driafataa. Tbli la a larger atteadaace thaa'at any cooventloc atixa
the sreat itriha ol UM. Many more
miner* came, but havlnr no credeatlala
they eould not caih admlttaac* to (h*
oeaveattoa. The reaoloUon adopted wai
otreaf «aotvh for (be emerireacy. A
/ rcMtutloa waa abo adopted reqneatlnr
Governor Baatinc* lo dyn (be welyhiay
One of tbe alyolScant polrtx about tbe coeveatioB Saturday waa tbe tact that
so repreeectatlrcf were preeeat from
mip»« where ironclad contracta tad
•ifned acreeneata exUl. These mlnea
' Include Ibe Oral ml of F. I- Bobbins *
Co_ Borland mine of the PanhaadleCoal
company. Beowden A Octtonrlllc mlaes
of tbr PltUbuis and Cblcayo Coal com
pany. aad the Oah Bill, Flam CreA and
Sandy Creek mlnea of the New Tork and
Clea-eland Caa Ooal company. Tbcae
employ about IM men. and tbe ladltwtloaa are that if the men at one of these
mtiMi refnae to quit alt the dl«fera at
UK otbeta will act accordlnyly. A strong
effort Is belay made to cat the co-operaUon of the river mlncn bktbe comlny
BybL If they work they can c«t 4«lte
a flynre In sniplytnt coal, as (be fnel
for local points can all be euppUed by
water route*.
k--Sfcro*4 tla plate
workers KJcntlfled with (be Analgamated Amodatloo of Iron and ikes)
workers scored n dectstee viaorr SaU
nrday. They secured as adsanee la
wages and a protecUve danse that
tinned plate mills will not manpfactura
•heel Iron. Tbe wprkera are Jutdlant
and look upon tbe future wub hope, as
It ta claimed that tbe signing of tte remalnlng acales of tbe Baaodatioii la but
a question of tboe. ' .
Tbe conference betwess the scnleesmmlttee snd a committee .of manufaetur.
era ad4«QRied Saturday morning after
having been In session '
Tbe worker* wasted an
perMit., which the mnnufactnrsnwer*
net iDcllnad- to give. A rea^usonent
waa made. wUeb .would give the work
er* an averay* advasce of abom't%
tbe woikera ^qed to the proposition,
provided tbe masufacturer* signing the
«sle would agree to give them a pro
tective danse guaranteeing (bat the
tinned plate mills would sot mannfac^
tore sheet Iron In tbe went o? tbe market for tin becoming derremed. Tbe
propealtloa was agreed to. and both
*Mc an #01
•Ml*, county
■aed by
political corfMeattone “la
only at function* strtcUy belonglag to
Uteen m tbeir ordinary goventmcntal
*nd munidsal oapa**ty-“ it l. «*da gnlawful to have raoorded any taatrument
In wrtUag requiring a eump without
on* mteed. a^
---------------------d sa evidence In
Justice. CesnlerftiSng atampu or die*
' from whk* they are made, or In any
-.8 manlier defrabdlng tbe govwnment in
Pm Tki* Week. bnt-Rm« Watm* Bew- tbeir uw. t* made punlabable pedes
ty mmi Ptap tu am*u<tni»ek Prw heavy pensimea
pa**d-P**rth-TAnly Given tbe Oe-by j
---------- - firTfr* mhv liwH.
j 'Waablngtcn. July t-In Uic aenate
WaMilngton. July L-Tbe outlook for Saturday lb* eecHont of tbelariff UU re*
Ue wedi in the senate U quite nocer>
tain. There U every prubabiUty that cut In Ibe provlnee of New Bivabwiek
the tariff bUI wiU be itaased. but whether (Briilab America) when owoed by
American cltlseM were agreed to wlih
wartg or UU in tbe ^eek U by no mean* further peovten that tbe lumber shall
certafn. Tbe vartoua provialons for a be rat "fay Amerioag labof.**
stamp tax. few a beet sugar bounty sod
tor the suppresaton of trusu (hresteo to
devdop considerable d^nte, aad there
la a prospect of gen<^ speeches by cxploRon of flreworks'ai the celebration
Bate. Cblllon. Alien aad othcra. AIU-. here Saturday two people were killed
ton haa given notice of an effort to se and eeveral wounded. A spark in (be
cure night sraalona today or tomorrow. firework* earned the accidtnt. A >ocket
Tbe preeent Indleatlona vt that there struck Mac Johnson over tbe heart and
wUI be a detfnnlnedwffo^ to force tba another tore half way through lialr
oommtuee on flaance to restore tbe Sweitaeris bead. Both expired loetantsugar bounty provMon. and upon (be ly. No other certOBS Injnrice arc resucceat or failure of this effort probably
will largely depend tbe length of time
yet to be coflanmed U (he senata
. ^
SseehsriM Produet Qirss ths
_________ ____
ate committee on finance held a aeaSap
yemerday and dwMcd to offer no more
niDcndmeou to tbe tariff bilU and also
not to relDtrodnce tb* beetaugarMBendment. It 1* understood. bo*-ever. that
the coenmitice win make no united or
SBrnoahsat east for the aokt 19
dan»*<haCi^Boohatore- ' (MAL
Goto tbe Uon Barber Shop for heir
onto aad baths, U eoata aaeh.
M. H. OstmtR.
Geo, R. Winnie,
VBMM. JPaInter and
Oov.reen wed Catos Sia
A oomplfits
ol the
Ob*«^ ETCTjUiio*.
Have yea trM ear Bahaa
Tt* Heaiffiiail Laailers
lo » aad loe. Ogsra
Ersrjrthing Fresk And la Pnimn,
Bjs best to be hsti-slwfiys.
Ja^ob Furtsoh,
41S DnloB 92.
T elpbOB SA.
We SeUpiyhi cf apoplexy, aged 72 year* The
tid. Dough long fxpecicd. came snd'dtnly tri was preclpluicd by tbe ex
treme heal.
e of the a
by Alien, but that RepubUcan •enstera XsdlaaAM BodaiT.wiU Xataitala at
Oyaaoont SUL
wfU be left free to eupport tt or not ns
aad ev^ Uad of-----^
they may see ftt The Indlentioeia now
Tbe Ladte*' AM Soele^ <4 Maplaloo
ChMMo. July L—Bostoa’s tudey bane are that a maiorttj of them wUI snpwill
at Oeaeast HUL realport
.ball haticre continue to lead tbe Nauob.
al Leayue pennant process^, with tbe
inly loth. Batraahraesls tram S tn 10
other three bcad-enders in (be
always la eteeh.
sition as tbey * e last week. IViUuWp. m. Strawberriea and erram knd
oth*rfoodthia#B«iU^9«^ Bnpaeaaiore feel bound c
p*r»eekia.childr«nI0o*BM. Affood
Bostop ...
Baltimore .........M
i* .sra
And eFerjthiog' in the line
Clndnnail ...AM
Invited to attend.
Tbe operatote i
New Torfc .........U
M .«e
Bt Ofifiox or Coioartgx.
.ttt of mahy pomlliHIlle* and tbe end cantor can be found wbo will not eay that Phlledeipbla ...dt
—WB BAVB MADEof first class jewelry and
21 .«« net Iw pcvdJcted until tbla question la
the miners are eetlUed to wbsl they de Plicahurg ..w-.H
9 AM Ptttled.
mand—dl cenu a ton. No effort will be Brooklyn ...r...67 ■mgsr Mennt) Wahw ‘km Tp.
W .474
..."^Mde to operate the rnfnes. unleey It Waahlngtoei ....H
TlTten Allison offered Ibe sugarbounty Xadea OantBxyStw andwaaTan^
,9 .4M
should be tbe rtver ralam: bence no l-onlavlUe .........61
Mr. atnenlmeni. Jmira of Arkansa*, apeakVp la a Horaa Baea.
trouble is abilduied. Great apprehen- Chicago ............ 6*
Xtotus make eome for v-.n.
MB tng for the mlnorily. soon (onk oecaricD
. gATlT.,
Moo U felt a* to what court* tbe YS»t St. Louis ............ 6*
42 aU to say (hat nt< vote -conid be leacbtd . Harry A. Kant aade'a eentuiy ran to
number of foretyr.era win Mke In tbe
Pdluwlng are the latest League scores; 00 (be bUI Id the nedr fulnre In view of OadUlac aad ratarn yeaterday. Be
'ktrtkc. Mans- of lbe<e epeak no BnylUh At Loulavmr--CtnrlDnaU U. Loulat-lUe this amendment, lie Intimated that tbe Bade tbe return trip In ala bomra and M. B.R(nAgr,aisT.
and care lem..........................................
0; at Chicago—PUlsbutg 6. Chicago I; debate would be very prntractid from alffataen misutaa At East Bay oa hto
tien. They d
al aeveland—8l. Louis 4. CIcri-Und t; this time forward. Teller supplemented
tom* of the Amcrlckn-(peaking miner, al .Sew Tark-Boaton d. -Vew York 2: ible view, uylna that the appearance way home be waa run down
and tbe latter has very little Influence al Philadelphia—Bn-oklyn & Philadel of tucb an aroendment at the lart mo which was racin# with aaothtr. Be
T them. One of tbe point* made by phia S: (eecond game) Brooklyn 7. ment looked as though tbe Repuidicaoe
«ra* badly brntoed and the bleyele aalFUladelphla 6. (Sunday) At Louisville were trying to delay the passage of ly bent and generally dieabled.
—St. Louie 2. Lnulartlle 4: at Cindonstl tbeir cia-n bill. Thurston, one ml tbr
sheriff (bif year than durtny
. ___ —Baltimore-4. CinclnnaU 6; at Chicago prime (nnrer*. then arose anfl wUfadre*'
Fice Merchant Tailoring. Proa tbe New F
la (he history cf tbr trade. *Tbet« are -Washington 7. Chtcago 14.
the amendment, aaylng hi* notion «a*
too many mine..- mid Pstclclt DoUc.
Weetem League: At St. Paul—Min tnipir^ by patriotic motive* and for the
"not too many miners. !l I* the eurplus neapolis 6. 81 Paul 2: at Grand Rapid* purpose of removing alt obstacle* to the ta XcBory of the LaU t. O. Britof operator* that cauw* such niffertnya —Detroit a. Grand Rapl.d* 11; al KanOf the Wli: HI* colleague. A1toa.
VTUar tUMsIc Stock. Cato&awMt,
and low wagea.aa* Clly-Mllwaokee U. K*n*aa City 6:
At a apecia) review held by Trareree
' kertoB. QmlltM Tbm I. tp.
at lnt!lanapoU»-Coluinl>ue 2. Indianap
City tant, Ny 27i. K. O. T. M.. cm Jaly
Tbe ctBclalr of tbe rmted Mine Work- olis 1. (Sunday) At St. Paul Mlcneapera. of PItubnrg dJitrlct. held a meet nHi 70, St. Paul 19: at Grand Rapidt;». |9»7. the following rew>lntlons were
ing yraierdsy and beard reiKiriP frmn 'beti-ili 9, Grand Rapids 2: at Kanaas
Amettg the fraturee disposed of Sv- pooMd;
rarlou* paru of the dtrtrtct. Each of i'lty—Milwaukee 2.Kar**e City 2—raid: orday were the antl-lrust.sections, the
win Hto
tfacB* Indlt^led (hat the men would quit at Columbue — liHUanapuUa 0. Colum- ppivlelonk of the Wilson act on (hat
work. Tbe quertion of aecurlny eusten- l>u» IJ.
subject being re-enacted. Mill* brought wtod -m has again aoen fit to enter oar
A. L. Joyee A Cb.. for Soft Drinks. Just what yea need this
rank* aad oall from aBongst iwonr
ance for tbe vast army of idle men is the
Westeru AesoCtatton; Al Dm Moines forward a new amendment fur a tax
bet weather. Boot Beer. Birch Beer. Ginger Ael. Craun Soda.
T. C.
most aerlou* qoeftlon confronting the of- —Quincy 4. Dee Molnr I U; at Bt. J^ of 20 cent* a pack on playing card*, esteemed brother. Sir
Sherbet. Em., Free Delivery. Family trade a ^wolal^.
Britton; aad
Bclals. Tbr organisation ha* no 'money
0. St J.mcph 7; tt which was agreH to by unanim.'m* vote
WuKxxAB. Ip the death of Sir Kai
In Itattreamry. Tbe jninera have been
amid much amusemeni and sunirise. ae
InsnraBee (iaatfllne Store to ahnolatly
unable to saw anyihlny. and only thore
Mills had not expected tbla result. All Brittoo our teat baa Irat an cai
-------- jd will not explode. It to 9Map. toe. J.
who bare llule garden ratche* win be 2. (Sunday) At Cedar Rapld*-P.«ria of Ibe administrative secllcn of the Mi: bard-workiqg member, aad one
A. MonUgoe. 127 Front St.
able to Uve Independently during the 4. Cedar Rapid* 4
and that rep-allng-the Wllaon'act were baa always bad tbe good of the order
“ '
“ '
eetrattm cf work.
disponed of during Iheday aad tbe para aeareat hto faeart. therefore be it .
ferd 2. Dubuque
Rcaelred. That while Me monra hto
Qnincy 0. Des Moines 1: at 61. Jonrph— graph prop-»lng a Ux on beer waa loeo to uor tant as a brother aad raemwithdrawn by the committee. The sen
Burlington 4. St. J»*^h 17.
ate adjourned to today, no effort being bor, we ranat not forget that there are
Vlr^nla operator* are hiring tnlnera a* TWO more’badlV-bu7lt’^tporii8 made to t)li*erve the national hi^tday. ethera upon whom bis death will tall
quorum pre*-mt moat beavily: and be it further
faat as they apply for tyork Those wbo OI*«* -W*ynmd Let* soo People rail—1
Rmotrod. That we extend to hto rela-'
oi>-nlng prayer
*rt«h Immunity from trouble seek safety
Patalltim Will kmnia
Urn onr bearifelt sympathy and rereferred to tbe approach of the a
by flight Into Weft Virginia, where the
Utchfleld. Til*.. July 6.-Independi
versary of the nation'* itlrthday. an
Bdner* work unmcleated.' Score* cf
B^tl mine* In Braver. Mercer. Law- Day waa ctlehrattd here SaMudayandat ent of profound slgnlflbance to
RraMrocl. Tbal Onr charter he draped
rttice. Cambria arid <ther ciunllea. a remit two llvm'wlll be lost and a arorc civlllaed world. The last arllim Uk<n
wiaaer. Tbnrtclf A Gase. o . Tth aed CnloB.
which have been practiral'y Idle, will re- /I? per*un* hatV been Inlnnd. A Urge' on the tariff bill was to nrike out ib< for the period of thirty days And it to
aume operation* In full to ruppl«- coat platform which had been creclt'd In the relnwctlve claum._____
Peas—Sc. CVm—7c. Tbmau
Rewdred. Ibat o copy of theae resolnto faetorte* and ebop* In. their dlnrtcta city park)gave way during the t<and
Uroemy, 245 Front SL
tloh-'>-9 aoat to the bereaved family,
ci4iterl IB (be afternocc. precipllating
■ow IT UMKH OCT wear.
at*.ui_2!)p prrrct.f (t (hr grmindL. a <1b- rMMaa*wrtbeTaHff Rill That At* Tel aad tba- th»y be printed lo the* daily
aad woah.y papers.
Two Thitnuju Mlar
t. ValUy. unce of air ul nneen fti t. Arocna ebc
lUa. Uui-Iadlaw
victim* ate; Clyde HoHoe. hurt fnterGxo W. Fox.
nally: Roy HoHin. lea brak< : jehn C.
Spring Valley. Ill?_ July ».-The
W. W. FAlB(»IUi
miners of Spring Valley flaed up ___ Miller, head Injured, fatally; Clayten Iff bill pri ttrtlrg fcT a bounty <
Rlchafdwm. arm c*ji«hr.l; Cherlm Seiplaces In the mine* and went on eVike 7e;.'fl;em.;,
will db-': Henry'Feg.;.;™
r^.mcrended by the aerate
At a general meelinjkof broker.: Cherle Scag... ag.d 14. drad; ftr.ancr Mmraltliu and Introduced In tbr Saturday and ttoaday Arrivalo at
mlnara the conpaay men were aakedSio unknown man. leg 'sirufhed: utikiutWn ■< rate: "That • n i...d aflrr inly 1. l2Sg.
i «sc. Spaetal driva
come oin. but they haw had no rare
N y. fautly.
;,*ed until July I. 1902. and no longer,
by (hemselve* yct lo d. lermlne whel
^^^alla. Mo-. July
Grsw Rldg^ (here efjill be (aid frum any moneys
the)' wilt obey tbe request br noL The
Works! Ck> to A. A. XcCoy A Soe and arrange for year
Hli* connty. a grand rtard c< ltap*«d ft,.- irvntJiy t,-A nherwlse apptcpHaled. Frouter John uieaaoo. A B Vugle. A RIFpi RAMfii
coal cnmi^itr ofllclaU will not cotnmir' durit.g
of Xar£m
— g a ball game. The foil-.wlng were
the piovlritc* of sectlcr
Nash, W T Mason. John 1) Liteey. Cbas
themsclTet at to tbe ouicoms^of the bur:: Phil J Murphy, internally ®-i o,, revteed rlatuir
broadfoot. FA Grey. WUI Bbecr and
strike. When General Manager Dalarll
lady, □ Vranisb. S Adsley and wife, C
beard tbe <dher day that Juyy>tb-.jr*j
SC.*!-. JOUagwortby. J AClement.
tbe day set fi>r a nat -mal auiper-^'fidjolningKcKamara'seboeeUwe.
city: .M L Gleason bad J X Kennedy.
be wka much rurprlenl He aaltl
BSltl at
FallMi Dewa the Rreea Plw.
Wexford: 'H N Norton and T D Bbean.
time (bat b> did not thinkK a geomi
F"Ocb: Frank 'Slamoha, Cedar. Bun:
suapenaloo would tie oidened ruia yrar.
coir.mtmloner of Internal rvvmne, B Beatle aad L Johnson. Qrayllag;
for the reaaon that tbe m:nera waiu not consMerable excilemem here Iasi even- ■*
'f the *,CT.urr of the Saul Tbumpaoo. Kalkaska: F K iknitb
arell organiard. but feared a local atrtke ing'over Ihr pullllng down of a number
In northern Illlnole flelda On account of Irisll flag* that were displayed on ircasury. shall rjrefctft>e.
and wlfe.bnitMis Bay: MHn Jonea. W
producer vf a^d sugar to be en, IleaderaoD. Long IaSc: F J Downy,
. of this abapenriun ibi* company ha* not- several bonding*. A large numt-r of
for 2SC. Holdawortb Sleek. Deioo streeA
11 hive
flrtt filed
been able lo alack up their cu.tomrra to men visited these bui dioge and ordered i
Kennedy: X C Cellen, Geo Easlnger.
each year with
any great extent, whhh 1* der'idedly In tbe proprietor* lo uke down the green
Cedar: C Budd. Mr* Bndd. J L Daria.
TrotUag aad Bead boroSs s apaJaCof'W the mlnera.
emhtem. One man refused and the flag
Johb Bndd. NortbporL -W J Dillon.
diorVeet of MotgaaaUvory Bara.
Miners of ibu dty are not In good was promptly pulled down by iheerowd.
Cleveland. Ohio: Mr* WJ Diekerman.
clrenmauince*. and many of them will Rspnas wagon* and backs running to a general deicriMlcn of tbr machinery and Jessie Smith, Oeo White. Sole-: O Shpmethedsto
suffer if auajxmalun la pnUrweted. How- Hibernian picnic were raided and (be
gart. Xtoe Lena Belnfertb. Bingham:
ererr^ey are detennined and hopeful green (Mg* tbal drenrated tbe vehicles eftimelr of tbe amount of sugnr pro O B Lewia BatUe Creek. Xith.; J
posed to l>r produced In thr current or Thompsoe.
of a nsUonal atrike and may be able to were pulled dtrwn.
i. Xaaee:
Xaneelona; W 11 Cox and
next er*ulng year, and an appllratlon wife. L A Briokm
bi4d out as Iona a* any other place.
Xr* Ualletfeeh. BEAOn, COMFORT! *«»*‘«^99happnya8lted. Peettoee Pleoaen to
for a Ik-vnae 10 eo paoduce. to M accom. XlH Killer. CG Denning. Old MtosSoa: UIMIVI*, WBiVni. merely look ot*eer*WBlto* to wear them. Priee,
Telepbon* meiaagt.-a from Sraanvllle.
panled by abond In-'a penalty and with Norman Barncn. Nortbport:
>2 la plaee of 2 50. A. 8. P>yiaaa. 214 BFrowt Stt.add. Marquette and other -mining
cqmpie In the vicinity .report that the fervnee of the Fedoraled Wire Trade* of , euretle* to be approved by the commli- Hndge: J(
Jonepb Bronson. Xs
For a good canvas base hall shpe. XtoMs’
mlnera at those plate* b- mghi tbeir Amrrlc* ha* adjourned to meet In Jnne j •toner of Internal revenue, conditioned Wilbur. 0
ifeit year
Finlay. O. At oul-of- ' that he will fallhfuUy obmrve all rulei
Tans. St. Mao's Bkyclc SboT^fle. A.
work heneffi fynd was estabIMed. Hen and reguUtlonr (hal ahall be prescribed ______' Bono and wife. Kiagebury, J
Sonih Side Shee Stora. 404 Sooth Dnioo St.
of theorder out r.fworktwoweekawUI be for aneb manufacture and produrthn of W Edwards sad wife. Fort Wayne.
j arllbln alx i
He will then recUve a license to Ind : Frank Cbflsoo. Wallace Dove. W
spring VaDcy. exclusive of LaSalle and !
** jj"' *7*
Peru determined to remain out until ■ »««•(' Thri* ■<*'' • riion IntervaJ »
PTownsotod. Grand Baptds: L F Xetbe Price of rhlnlng Is raised. Miners |
P*> ment
1. first door east of p
Oee. Xtoe B B Van Demae, Bensaala;
have the aympaihy of the buslneas men. i ^
benefit winWrraumed.
O D Barnhart. Caster: E Oarroll. LXlarmany of whom ara in bad drcumstances
n'-Re^rMesumw wike naii. Awwy.
roll. Arable: Wm Brown. Klngebvy:
- Boiid*. dehenturea or Certificates 8 Oedin. P J. lArdla, Xapletoa; George
Waahmgton, July i-Ex-Renresmta. rates:
live Scott Wlk*. of Jillnol*. who recently of Indefatedneee hereafter la*u«d b>- any Daily, Escanaba: Wm Smith. HUlaad:
retired from the Office of aesteiant eec- aieuciallon, company w corpdrailub, 00 A Stewart. PfalUip Xogaa. Chicago:
reiary of the treasur)-, aalled Satuiday each one hundred dOlgn of tatg value Charles WblUey. A H Oreea. W B
KnigbL of thr Unit
on the siesmcr Hcvrllus for Hfe Ja- or tracUo) thereof. .S.wnts'i'knd on eeefa Beatty. Xonroe Center: J X Kennedy.
nriro. His bealb la not good, but be es- original Inane, whviber on oqgantsaUon Wexfexd! J X Attrood. Tuba: BA
reorganisation, of certtflente* of etock Dcieh. Bast Bh: A J Fogany. BlMto;
the 2,900 men In the stale. Be says there p«ca to be benefitled by the
I vey. or
by any sock aesot-latlon. company .hr
are fuUy that number of mlnera. al
corporation, on each one bnndrod dpilam
though tbe last annual report of tbe
it purponeof face value or jetton tbereef, I
Bine inepector shew* d,4» al tbe flral
eerie: and on all traaMcra of ahare* or
of the year. He waa at the maaa meet
-—■*------ of Block m any aawiCUOan.
ing of (be blade coal miner* Saturday,
and It la bis opihJon that aU of tke
Waakekhn tu Rxty day*, sad wtthta n
year tbera wW be an eleptrte line be tKm thereof. 1 eent*.”
aSdlt^kxibbaM. J^OQttoaad
Then- fMlom a e<
tween ICUwaokee and Oeo
OkfXaa. UkaVltw;
■■nriitlon itocks afid bood*) irUah^rroak
Maoen, Ma, 49y I
loucblng tbe principal Ukra.
C P Daria, wife aad *oa. Old XMm. .
W| Atysgn^ ■ dbwiw *
•) A. W* JAHRAU8. •
Suits to Order.
j Delicious Drinks...
w. Hcck Serves Them
PfiOKE 143
™ lEEl 98c
I Rsfrigeraters,
Rbw Frocess Vapof^to¥BS)
„ |P5 Graam Flwrs^fic.
146 Front St
On*ofth*De lepmcnti of 1
tb« tnox^ QBtU >bt wnt ruMn* toirmrt PUly-tWf^ mn*l I wm lookiDv «t
b«T ud 1 am turr ihe did sot hare a r*TolTcr in brr.haada. Ai 1 feRtombar tb«
■ItuaitQc. I do not l•eIl«ve It would have
twce'^rwlblr for bar to bav* a '
mac. m war «•>» »•* ittun*
t and the
Baooah. ttoelargia B«r.Cwlltl*a.o( the
flr«d Uie ahot'
U M>e bad anrthlr^ addiUonal to mf.
and aba «atd: ''All Mr. Frecniaa baa Ju.t
laUied 1. (rye. and all I know< Ha waa
able to aae mort. a> J wa* ao axcUad.'*
rrlior — Twa other WllatlM ef th*
m„ to CIW llrr of tito ■•
WioonarMaha a atatontoat.
Chicago, July t-Thrre were two new
fMiurca-of ttae.Ki-l»'c abooUag deveioped Saturday; Two peranni wbb aay
they wiuueaed tbr ahooung of Cbarim
& NelaoD Id Warhlngton perk -Tbunday night—Tbomae R- Freetnan and
J. Pryor—were, found, and Mra.
fltaplee waa taken to tbe booxtal wbm
the implored Selwm to trtl the whole
truth aboBt the trd«tedy. Sbe knelt by
the tick bed of Cbarlei B. Nelaon in the
hoapiu). her .arm* were Haiped-aivund
bit neck and vhe looked Into bit eyae
and he Into ben wiui all .outward
aemblanoe of agccit"n. And there tn the
pretence of the phyairtint. ywUce o»oen and beuapaprr men. tbe implored
Becalaad at Bl. Ohio Bmm with Boom
Canton. O;, July k—Pre^drat MclQaiey and hi* wife were received at tbdr
Ohio home Saturday with tbe booming
of camnon and the chtera of a muiuiuda
whicb congregated at the aUllon. The
weather waa very warm and when Ihe
greeting of hU. old low Dftr.en w aa ovtf
the prealdent donned a Kgbl aerge mcA
coat and Ml about the vtne-clad pp—'
of bli mothri-'a borne. B«lh be and hla
wKe a»od the trip well. During the aftemoos there'waa a conauni etroiin of
calla from nelghbora and frirnda in all
Walks of life. After tea, when the lun'a
raj-a (pant tbetr greateri heat tbe prerident and Mm McKinley look and open
-carriagt for a drive. They wetv accom
panied by bu mother, whe live, al tbe
' hbn to teU all be knew of the crime that
laid Um low. It wat a acene fell of
pathoa and dramatic effect. The broken.
the president of Ih.
/pleadlDg loitf* of tbe woman touched
/ the auditotn.
FwB—t Wa»th. CalptoWtf ThoeaPTwrat.
BantU.DMthara SOto
■ I
or aU who li«teoed.thecalinaatBeeTned
~ I
the patient, who if on Die brink of the Journal frum.Lmd. B. D.. wu-s: Av riU
grave and hat lived hour* after akIUed Dlmmlck. foreman ofAbe Winona . .me. ]
ptayMctant tald be must dla. Heamiled area burned to death, and . > oiheri
Itladly al bW friend aed atrokad bee probably will die at a rceultof a stmnge
hair. But be inaieted that he was una accident. A gaaoUnr pump at tbe bot
ble to tell wbai (be wlabrd him to; that tom of tbe abaft refuted to wom and
It waa all a m>wteo- to him and that he , (be three
but IndlitincU} MW tbe msD who flred I tine had eacapud and covered thk
Ihw ki— ..d ptaCaa- to
raggy WaaHem
a- ■. BOOWg,
Oa tow. spwiial
^ wi& hia'aknll muibad in. oiMav
Aaad At tba foM of tbe otber; 1 have
Goslgv Kobbe baa an articla koMUad : acen^jAen Agbl; 1 have aem womeo
“Staerlng Witboat a Oomptaa" in 8k ‘
at least, they aqp wm women—
SMiulaa Mr. Kobbe aayi:
. | till ibey became a dOBfniitm of blood
! TTF A DUag. An-bitm acid toiwriatsaOsM.
j W A rrirUrito BIbtS
Tbe degree of A. B. Unot eoufthed to '
>>•*' *06 abreddad gatmeaU; bat
eoUege gradoatm AbaaM.sfiIpnmeans ^ (be fullent avnae 1 ever realised of mad.
“able bodied" anamaa.
murdwona pa>»a let tiogovemably
Bvery aaudcal "A. a”k|Wpi?bow’
w> “box tb» eompaw” and bon to steer .
by it, bat yon will be anrpriivd to lean tbal no gocil belmamau wiil steer by a
dnl(« all other tbinga tail
*ooee. eantmd in.one deatroylng aim
bod atunmOoing every pfayaloal energy
4 meUaedwhan
to i<* deeilisb service, k
(bone two spiden nibed
bat. I stood in boyiab terror aa tbeit;
him. Among tfaoae "other Ihinga*' an
ibe borison. the wind, the wake of tba
tangled ItpaV.ropped off. Mint by mntnaJ rage, and as. with vH looa dexteri-,
mwauoLA a <
A sii-iiU4>n lo I
l.CK; Ovrra Hrt,.
Cycle Owners look Here!
ship, tbe Stan, tbe soundings and tbe 1 »T. «bey atreek eacb otber witb tbelri
llne.of tbe auf when running akmg tbe j poisooed fangs, oalng for tbinr own de-1
eoaat And m tbe ablrbodied maman. ‘
the wespona and applianoea.
when a gnenbom takes bia trlok'at tbe i
natnre bas provided them j
wbral. baud, orar tba balm to him: to tba oaptnre and aUnftbU* of tbeiz
I am ■praklDg of miUng vwela I «>tb bretal wratb. aU mangled at b«
etMmcta, Mpedally Ukm ibattrareloo I wax. be bit and tpnnwd fait dead and!
I fJI W»4» prowinl* d«.».
I ralesDUlesor stbrrwlw.
ngnlar rataa^ alter by eompam. They | Umblcaa foe. be wai acltrd with lymp-'
“ran tbrircoararo''fra point to poiol tona 1 took to be paralytic, and in a
' Park Stmt. bEtween fttnt & Csm.
coarse and try-never to pass tbe "aigBfl" at tbe end of IL
When they have
KaamI tl.Ct Hivnal .kav
* m. ^
tbenerf‘nm"orconTae. Tbitiacallad
his book of rtwniniaoenoeathns described
"ronning tbe time and distance:’’ 1
have gone into Halifas on a steamer]
that met witb thick fog from Cape Ood'
One ■taming t^ captain mid to
Ais ftntt meeting witb Qeoeral Grant:
*’la tbe year 1 bSb 1 wae working asa|
Aoy in a ocnntiy atoac al Flat Bock,
Boarbem eoonty, Ky. Dlyssea a Grant
was then a b^! living aJ Georgetown, i
:6rt|d Riptds«iDiim L K
later we bktd. through tbe fc«. a can-1 1« y«« old, awkward, ungainly, denon abot. tbe
_ dUtiuguiabing
fug signtl '(emiMd. ^Analrions and very poorly
OiraiaUoB. la asset
that man' u«pt vricb me in tbe store. It waa a cold
ordeal. PV>r' my aake, chariea aa .
hope for peace and bappinen even after
death, tell tbtae people everything. Do
not conceal any little detail, but make
a complete atorr. I need your help.
' Some people think 1 abot you or that I
was Implicated in some way. Clear me,
•*Whr. dear, they all know yon are
innocent. Yon did not aboot me and
>boui iL Ton
e will do you
' replied Nelaon.
’"But there U *o murh that haa not
tbe oiler rowed. Gray faced and bowed i
toward, they mecbanically, turn by tors. pUed tbe leaden oara llie tern
of ibeligbtbooeebadvantebedtTomtbe
grOBY «r THOMAa m. niKKMAK.
nati Southern railroad. J. D. Blackenrtlp became Involved In a uunwel with
one of the frtendt of the Pemberton
family. A war of wordt followed and
thto pisiolt were drawn and all bands
began ahooitng. After the smoke bad
cleared away Blankemblp war feund to
have been morully wounded ar.d two
other participants had received vcrlous
wounds. Sheriff Ducan wse shot In tbe
leg while tplrg to (top the difficulty.
aieago. July
Fircu-ctka and ganollbe were combined In the tai-lnuon
which l.lew out the front of the buildIng at 5€1S Jefferaon avenue last nigbt.
Tbe followlhg were
Injured: C. M.
Frank, severely burned about the tape
banda miy die; Alice Awchuli'a
'=1 shoaled to Mrs. Pryor to turn the
bead of the Undem around and wemade
a half circle when w-e both lumped off
and Harted back, aearly, 1 could see
smoke rolled kp from the midst of the
bnshea (fo feet from where I saw a man
ataggrr'lo his feel - Freeman aay
man tan to tbe Ucycles and wt
tbemtacnaa the road and . tbon
. prone. He then prm-eeds; Aa tbe last re‘ port from tbe pistol imfinded a wotnap
aerranriO aevrial Haas In a fnuiUc manher. As aha gained h« fM( I r«cogaU«d
ber ai tht Aame -woman t
mlnutca baforo. She loSed . _________
starUed way.and thea ran toward tte
bushes. wakiBg a quarter elrele.andthen
tnmod and recvoqsed her path and dUa thtdcehimpor burtag
moment H>c Jumped up eft
aifflir. and we 6oya kept eloae to tbe
lee of (be ooooter.
"In tbe morning Grant artud me if be
ooold awist me. laaid’Toa.’ Hebclped me take down tbe obniten and sweep
ont tbe store and put stock in place.
After breakfast be drove off. 1 beard
ptaa him afterward of bis drive home.
Before be bad gone far~from Plat Bock
bis horse ran away, and finally bnmgbt
ing broke. Grant jumped out, seised j
tbe trembling borae by (be bridle and.
tied bis baodkerenief over (be beast's :
eyea He drove (be iratm blindloUed ,
aontbem boeiaon. but finally a pale star all tbe way to Geometown, O."
appeared, Jnst lifting fra tbe sea Tbe;
amakgd aaffron in tbe west pewed be-|
toe tbe all merging darkness, and tbe!
-----------------sea to tbe east waa black. Tbelandbad;
Page.^S:08^. bas rceoverad from bM
vanished and was expressed only by tbe. Mmeueaa
drear thunder of tbe surf.
Carya .<:lfiK>
"UII am going lo be drowned-if I Dore'e stable.
to to dra^-if lam ^ l
Break o'
in Leawr
Day. S;UX. hM been band
tbe face by gUm; T. W.,
Coombs. brifUed andcvercomebysmokc;
Barry Hardmaa firemaa overcome by
smoke, ma^ie.
drowo^wby. in tto name of tba to Axtell. 1:11.
tovjm^i^ gods wlm rule tbe sea, was j
William Pena
u tookii«
I allowed to conic ibna far and cootem-1
_„,i (tranv
plate sand
and treeiT Waa I hrongbl:
___________ -e -- - - A fast Viuoaunoo jwoer iw neoi
here merely to have my n
sent to Jock Bowen.
away aa I waa abdnt to njbb
Mcbbedd. S;17, baa bsea placed in
court Saturday the Obs Belt Manufac-1
' y^v i-,.,..', i^tlu
tureiw a&soiiBUin by lu aecreUry. J.
Tbe parient oaptaio. drooped over tbe Jack (.nrry a atawo.
B. Llpplncoit. of Upplncutc lamp chlm-I water jar. wu aomutUBea obliged to.
barrabee, 8:1S^, will make bisflxK
.1 : apeak
atnak to
la the
(Ke oarsnum.
Otari of
nf tbe
St Cleveland.
ney works. iM-gan action against aeveral'
|! Otart
aeasuu at
by leaving oil wells wide irpcn.
ber bead »pl
Keep her bead.
Lord CHotoo, 8:08|<. wiU be raced
I Ibia scaacHi orerSalf mile tracka
FaUuaal Kd-eaUowd AMHatW
'••‘Keep ber
b«d ...•
up.' gfr," in.,
h., 1—1
Milwaukee. July 5.—The thiny-atxtb Yowea were weary and low.
will moke but one start tfaia year.
annual meeting of tbe KaUnkl Kduca- [
This was surely a quiebevetUng.
Uonal a
. . a Hilwap-I save the oaraman
Ban lay heavily and Hat i
II open
kec lomomm
euralng. although the' lemly in the honfabottom. As to hla. • *»!•*"‘**“ *
council W"
------------------ --.......... ......................
ting the
^ a? —
At Mem Oty. A. T.. Dr. D. H. Hemmond. of Sl Louis,
a rimed hla long-l- st
eon. whom be had
yeata The boy. it li said, waa stolen by
gypsies at the InstlgaUon of a rcjecusd
lover oi bis mother.
Ag.ui», ,:0,x,
____ .--A
tated last wlntm, tbe lEnglisb naval an-'
tboiitiea estimated that o( tbe 19 ebipa
lying at Saitoiika e must ,be sacrlAoed'
to do iL Ti^ cords.have'torn atacked .
to BuodA It Icxiki today
if tbe ul-1
ed a boncta cftairly good pacers at Ool-1
orado hivinga, bie fasteat mite being i
- ; »;1TX.
the roadside near Areola. LaTihc was!
on his ^-sy to Amite Ci»j'vhen'waylsid. I
Hiot. >ad It U U-livved t
The hea^aturtoy and yesterday was
eneral over tbe I'nlled States and Irm. eratures* ranged as talgp aa lOt degrees
In the noribwmt. MeanUree Colorado
/had quite a snow on Saturday, occurring
at Gunnison. Telluridt. Crede and l-cadvHIe.
Tom Cooper towered the world's mjle
-record for a paced flylsr'wtart by two
and iwo-flfths saeonds at Atbelq^c park.
RaclDC, Wta., before an audlenc«| of
4.000 peoirie. CoopH waa paced ^ a
quad and made the mile In 1:40 flat.
Tbe Bldgriow Carpet works at CUntea Mam, which employe* 000 hrtda,
have eloaed down tor tour areeka
Tbe reoepitm of the United Butea
basoato, ColonM John Hay. at hia resi
dence on Cartlba Bouae tarrael Satur
day was aneuded by LOW peofge. tbe
highest on record at any MmUar t
of Coostantinople
by Bomia were a foregone oooclnaioa.
be obiDped at once to hoodoo.
Vbal has England- to aayi Tbe mat
ter oonoeins her.' ';It seemedJor a time
that tbe dianoreiycf tbe route by tbe
cape^ff Goody Hope sronld tuovlde on
evaaioD of tbe'eastem qneatlon and tree
ber from tbe seoeaolty of worrying abbot
tba .fgeoB. But tbe opeui^ cd tbe. ffKM white. tU^AwUlbepwtJlor lafoma8oea canal bae changed tbinge,, oad. aa
lo totiTdm^tbe^ebart
flgbtiBg gro<^ to tbe eastern MadilernDean. U she la to bold ludU and Awttalio, bgloDd must eontio) tbe Boea
eonal and its approoctoea.
>e had a spider pet of a Und tbe
tpe Waathev We Mar Bapms.
WadiliifUB. Jsly t.—Putloamt are
'twae UUM. •< wo A »./—WUUM
•v na aaS CdIoo suvela.'
n Wm Ftot aaa.Fuira SM to tto
Tbe delay to tbe
appreh melons
U tbe result.
Parson John JaHiar. the author off tbs
celebrated "Sun Do Move- oarmon. calf
braird Ills tub birthday yesterday.
The cSndltloa of Charles A. Dana, ed
itor of tbe New Tork Sun. who U oocBned to Ms hfniac at 'Oleneove with
oatarrh of the stomach, la seriona
Bara Avia tbe browu gelding that
waa'recmiUy bought at auction in New
york to ILOM by P. D Gilm, wUl
neoiiy toremontba be and 1 took a oloto
iUner'e box. letUng bim ont
wbhn I riaSted him. specially deUffbtIng myotU with aUosring him to drop
from one hand by bie fine qmn thread,
bock again by oppanatly .datiag hia
ownladdax. '
One day I eaptured aaotber gpiflw ot
1 kept him for a few
triHocod him toXiger. IbRTO 89.^1
The readers enjoy it at
the breakfast table.
D*S2“TK5S3aRSia!S?S ■■
Do.p;LaS£to:4S^ '
West Jgichigan
.m' i
*. mlr. mU. a.
m!*. a.
! Paslovearloaro^^Ora^koyld*os UrU
t» Saks o«ael aasday. Jux SO, ur,
by oslng the oolumns of
umra imnnnusnii Ll
■Ueh eew (or
and then either oatobing k^p in tbe
other or gently earn palling him to climb uTari. HonaAii.
r. a.
luelaa STia<M vkk
Rif.H?;- ■r.'r?_!!?'.”¥*_ts—
aoO cohHetkia at U.
intneal ineich other, be for tbe flies I
tomdi^ to him az>d Ito tbe annaato me. ^kept him
T »....
:: iii?S
S4» (CU
CoDstantlocplewUbout great diSculty. wort at Comstock park. Grand Bapida,
When the qnestkui of foretog the Dar-] Mich.
danellea with an Bog^ Jleet waa agi-1
Klamath is indeed racing. He defeat- ,
It coDtaiBs all the aews
whUe it’B fresh.'
I barred at tbe maticieri held bytbeOen-
Mmty tohevi. aay. Benjmnin L ' “r*'*
Wb«»ler In Tbe Atlantic, that OODSlan- i
Eapids toving- club et
tiaople baa been qratematioally ford- ! Onoa Bapids. Mich.. wDl bold ita aofled againB tbe Bngllah to the west, bnl ‘
meeting tbU year. July 87 loSa
not. at least by land, against Bnmla to i
Daisy C. 8 ;88; Flaet. Bnest Beod
th?-«tot. A Bomia!
army can entev and.-•'..r*
Half Interest' at* doing
ecane good
• as
IC40; 4m..„..g*eklcwy
I the eost'ofn tiacka
Tbccocik'abemlwBS<ma tbwari.and,. T R. 8;89^. by McAUater, recently
be looked without inri’test at the water stepped a quarter in 88>q senmda at]
nnder bia uoae. Hr waa deep in otber Uie Cleveland track
tall blaqkf^avM ttiatgwepa forward iai
A starting machine is sooc to to tried
a moat bIuIsut aUeooe, save to an oc- with the trotter; and paoenonone of
OUaiooBl subdued growl of a crest.
Andy Pileuger and George Krouse
Thomas R. Freeman la a cmmerclal
were killed by the exploilon of the'bullagent. Be was out riding W'lth Mtw. en In tbe salt works of Haller. Peck *
JTTor. a wldcw. on-a tardem Wcycle in Co.. Ptusburg.
TTashlngtor park the night of the abool- ^
Mias Bllen M..
lag. When Fretroan gave his statement Bear Admiral 1
' Mm- ITym was present. She wore a
taohlonatfle-goa'ti and U about U r^ra with ber father to aer thv queen's Jubi-,
old Freeman refused to give her ad- lee and took sick on shipboard.
After BDiKixamlnBttoD of (hr cvidenct'
dresB. further than sbe lived on tfaesouib
the Cook cducty. IIIa. grand Jury haa
decided tbal Iit cannot indlctj Samuel
B. Chase, ex-couniy recoroen* because
ridinr north out of WasMagton park on.
a tandem Wcycle. Between Fifty-sec
ond and Fifty-third etraAs ibe chain on
the tandem camv looK and wt both fell
off. ^fier aeataUng Mra. Po'W to her
feel I caned tc It.A for a bench where
my v>tmp«nioo crmld rest while 1 was
iwndlr.g the chain.
About fifty feel
away from me I saw a couple on the
grinind. Wt were walking toward where
they wer^ but whun I saw therk 1 told
Mrs Pryor that we would be all right
where we wnv.
1 >
-"Aftei ■working at least thre«Rnhmtea
T rrplsced the chain and we startednortb
again. All this tlnu 1 had been watch>
Ijig the epupk ao clooc to mo that Ic^d
have heard what they worw'aayldg If
they had been talking. I coCld be*r the
woman alnglng and bummln^-acm^e song,
but It was In a very low voice. Meipnting
tbe tandem wa started off. riding very
Mow. When not over «venty-Srt tevi
north of where the couple were seatedon
the ground 1
slartled by the aound
of a pistol shot. It rang out clear^and
loud and then- must have bt«n a pause
of several second* l>efor* the
The next two sbuu foliQwed In quick or-
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Meal Tickets at Redtceil Rates.
■•We ought to pick npSambrolii half O.. not many miles distant One day j
an boor."
i Orut drove over to Flat Rock witb tbe:
Surely enongb, Abort half an boar!
my employer. Gmnlw»i.tb«|
ana escaped, but Dlmmlck feUem a hook ;
,_cr. aa ll
which hrtd biro under tbe chin wbUe ha !
have mid, to trier by aigns rather than!
burned to death.
by eompaw, and there are
tbe ateamer pilou have
unatianooga. Tenn.. July k—A shoot
ing affray occurred Saturday at HelTHE OPEhl BOAT.
anwood. a mining town on tbe Cincin
towths CMpleJaU Bs«n« fh^sbooriiig
aad Heard (ba,wbato,
Pkwhlaa TlfS k
1 do >mn eui'/M
“>v riir- Give
—tram llgblboaae to llghtbonae. light-' Btlante or two 1 helped bun to bia;
•hip. day mark, bnoy. bell or fog « Ma>' diAtb. And tbit fearleaa gladiator wai |
In thick weaibet they know, tak*! afraid of. 1 remember, and never wcmld i
tackle, a big blD.boUle fly. What ll
lag wind and tide ioio <
bow long they, aboold stand <m oaai oooragel—HanebmerCity Newa
tbelr last earthly m
nobbed blttrriy and tank to her knees
by the bedtide. The dying man amllcd
faintly. Then be turned to the weeping
woman. •'What It ll. pet. you wtah?
Are they treating >x>u wellT They cer
tainly cannoi blame you fbr anything "
' tow>Bim toClMrnCTXaM.
■;Oh. Charica." She entreated, with a
world of angulih and- pleading In her
Tou are going
d l(s trxHiblet and 1 wiu
uen. and
• me' fi^ latL
Dn <
Charisa. that you ase surely dyingT This
may be your
r last OpportunUy.
opportunUy. and do
viw a away. Oo oa speak the
Whale truth.Dr^Fss Be Dm Hat Kmw.
Slowly Nelson repUtd. His words were
noted and be afterward swore to the
It was sboner than ms
declarailoD of tbeprevlousidght.butwas
the same In general deidaL *1 solemnly
affirm that you did not ofaoot me. Oh.
' ho, you bad nothing to do witb It-you
were lying near me on tbe ground. The
abou came frtgn lho« bortes near at
hand. I did not aee who fiped them. I
saw dimly the dgyre of a man and then
I turned wvray. acarccly knowlng what
1 did. 1 was half erased and walked
late one who drvama It vraa not Mrs.
with tbla rantlou. “Ktiep your bead oot J«y. 1 Ti*ibl7 tnmad pale
«f ibr bi&nnola.'’
Tiger vai Um victor, bat cvea wbiie
<*“l'ra igBRed It • <tf tba 6ambi«lightautionCO tbe Kova' Areaae^He diuye a vidoot boma Tba:
(nencad Dr. Ulnkky told HeUem and hli, and they w^ aurronaded b>- are. Itvn. a—iian craat.
‘ niaht Atoe hi. awiewi at FUt Ry«-h ha'
- 'SSTci^itd hi tand m hlrd^c "nl^
* kn^w^^who Sot
■. If you
BwUsr Rsa-Iiis Tor CUpw-Oaat loM your
rWIslA yr :;w^r..................... .........................
The ]»60ple read it and
beoaose it .!• the only
moralnff daUy north at
OratfdSaplda. Also the
bectdaayln this part of
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