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The Morning Record, November 06, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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<1 TRAVEB8E onr. mcs, 8ATDBDAT, MOTEaBEE 6, 18OT.
Itnt Twr—No. 160.
tppolatad to towaaticato Ike I
ral pcaelbaitieq of dlaaka.1
ibodttod tkelr
tkat while I
0UB« Tfoa X>oat L«k« T«n«rd^ to Mta tkere. It U poadMa that aBoafk
Sstar OompUBt »«tt A* Ho fttd of oaWla <eropa of aalmaU may
Hot yowiiliaooMityibr Oooli Ho
▼matt Woe* teMd-WMlHoao
igdal '^totnna Show BopabUoan
XdfoxiW of Tour, in Lagtalatara oa
Joint ----—
Oonnty WIU
flrat-etom alaamtklpa to tba KtowKke
boon ofVaaUed to tbla city, with
Ckarlaa H. Oampoftke ahjpteUdtoy
firm of that name aaprealdoat. Thora
wlU ba flea reoalaa to all. tke firal
atarttoy April next, eleartoy from New
tTork or Pblladrlpbia. Each will meeommodate abeat 4U0 firat-elaia poaaenyera aad aareral baadrad aaeond
olaaa. They will make ocnaaritona
wMk raUroada oa the Parifie aad with
truopertattan boam to tbe raid rc«ton.
Tbma TiMib wUl arrira to Almaka at
tbe opaolny of aaTlyattoa on tba Ta
boo nnd will eoaUnna to yfra weakly
aerrlea betwaoa tka Parifle porta ht d
the Kloadika. Book Tooaal arUl oarry
2,000 tone of frelybt.
Do You Know How Many..
beautiful articles for the home can be
made from Crepe Tissue Paper?
buy^s a fuU ten-foot roll
OpnUl le^to aoanm Saew
BOriekwofLooc Loko. euM flaad to aaaU fvdaaa i« wkiok ara
to tbo
i* hlB poo- frown May of oar aariler Tafetablaa.
■iwlno » pMoUv. iko9fb mm^wou- •aaek raiainf la earriad aa to b nry to oOeMl reMrwBOtor toealTad. tka
ira.ataada T« rapob
iocklac rwkriod rooiof liiw« ptwor- limited eatent. Tka poaalbla axtaoalea Ohio lairlaUWra.Btaada
. oao deoktfal.
Um*. Mr. Strlokor «m U • rofo
UkowMc la taoertak bute. aad ooofkt la qolU ooaaldanbla Batiiaatn ara
oearta pam on 'the
iMtleo for wroafB laSietod apoa made at an expeaaa of tWO par ana
y WO Fine
a Cbnirman MeConrUle
klB k7 a pair of UwUm koya who In prapartair tka aoil far ealUraUoa.
JaitoatoaadCapeaatBnryala Frtoaa
that thaw waa all What afTleolWn tkan wUl ka la Alia- otUl etolma a majority on Joint ballot
w yoa can yet Pletaree fiamad and n
. kMa of fao «o aaaoiriar lio hm wOl ba aapportlar to fiakary aad natll lk« ratarto of all tba ceeatiaa
w bare yoar own pletomo fraaaod.
are to. Ha left for CtoeUnaU tonlykt oaband. k
^ faatlemea. -Mr. Htriekar
to bootar with John R. McLeaa rcyardoUiiad that the;
kin with
toy tka oOBtaata to tba eloae ooutlaa.
aad aMaolted him with roeta.
•M ot wUeb ha kroafkt to towa to
The oontaal for the' ooatrol Of tba
add wel»ht to kia prayer to tba aaihor- Xo^oaa to Tkat Hflkot LaM Hi«kt
lylalatBre wUl ba oarriad into tba
IUm fw a warraat for tbe arraat of tko
Oauaad Xsdtamaat in Haw Tork.
oorta. Official ratnma from abaat
endel w Tu Moexia* Ka«u>.
«a«tdotm. Tka root, bowaror. aor
Now Yark. Nor. ».-Bomora tkat owa-toorU of the elybty-elybt eonntioa
aappUaoto of Mr. Striekar wara w^hObolcaoe ntylaa aatrn vnlMn.
V «woo(b to man Jmtiea Varty. who. RInhaid Stoker waa dead eaaaad treat hare baen rateirad by tbe aeoaUry of
tkk aturaooai oa tba atato. To 'the retama of tke claaa
thoorb Uapremad wltk Ike ralatioa of
tba wToaca of Mr. Strieker, ooald af
xopaaad to ^eaat tbe Idaaaaee of
koworar. Orakar la aaflarlaf
ford kirn aay aatiabtetlOB witkoat
;ifieataa of elactkm to oartaln leyiatram a aeren eoU. hot •othiaf at i
«ari^ for ooala ware Srat Uad.
laUro cnadidatea If Ue eq^ will ao
danctoon natore.
to erimiaal prooeadara la tbla oil.
la aow aaaaatlal tkat aaeb aaearity ia
Tanlyht the totereat eaatan to tka
Wad. aa in eaaa tka oomplalat la not
of vomeo, are io favor of the be^j,
dfielal ooenUay at Bowl^ iMaap of
npoa oaaaiiaatloa tba jaaUdurability and economy in price, of
repokoaa beta no faltk ta tba board of aapar- Wm OSbr Tbama tor Fraaldaat'B Mm- ika role of Wood Mnnly.
our great stock of
Ikaa plnrallty to that oooety Iqr rapra▼laara to allow tkair olatma for aaek
taUre waa radoead yaetei^ to
Waaklaftoa. Nor, &.-The taU
aarrtcaa. Mr. Stridcar alawa jaatka
aity-alybUand today It to annonnaad
tkranfh dttareat apaotablm aad wboo of tka SiMiab reply to tka aoU of the
ba twea^-fire.
Tka demaerato
OalMd Btatto raaeked tba aUW d^arV
toM \k^X than waa oo otkar aooia
claim the rapraaentotlTa by a pinidity
mtarwod hoM with hU root, daelariac mwtlBtkalMtmaaaa&laBow a '
tkat if tka Uw tallad to afNrd klm ezamiaatlaai. Apparently it ia aal
■Visit our Cloak Room.
You won’t fee! poor when
protocUoo bo mlcbt Joat aa wall faU to latentlOo at Ue admiabtratkiB to gim
Talepbona at BatM.
yon see tbe goods and the pri^
It pabliely now. Tba pndidaat wUl
Maniyer Barrr to airaayiay to aa^
amka ihla note nnd tka eorraapoad
qoallty Boa- I CkOdraa'a wool Jaekota.
of yoar Ufa to epant to bad. It to well
laadlof to it tka koala lor tka Baaat imI cto Jaekata. tailor-made. } Id tan«y mlxtamn. at
axtont of ayricaltaral akipmanta from to bare that comfortabla. We baa Jaekala. New Siyla,
pertant ekaptora of kla maaiap
1 SESa
i 52.8a
that lomli^ wlU make tolaphtme eoo- make it to at a eery little enattoyoa. 53.7E
Xato Oaptaln Oonaral of Onba Will ba
•eetian emr MtoTOBleat aad ralaahla.
Ooart-Hartialad In Spain.'
Clonks from $1.25 to $lti.50.
It appeara tkat tka 4<
aa extra rood Worea Wire ^rtoy oomplata tor »S.on. if too want wood brfa
- Madrid. Not. 5.-Tha Spasiah for- tka Spanlak eabiaat t
we can sell you a yood aoUd well made
Mate Saadny Sekaaln
ommaat. aa a raanlt of tba dellben- Ueaatal Warlar. wbtta aot dlraeUydaa
bad aad aa axera yood Spriny for I
Tbe thirty aerantk annaal oearantka attar-1 to tbe reqaeat of thla torarnmaat. waa
tlaawdf tho
ancaa of Uraaral Wryler. haa dMided > probably ' Inaplnd by aa iaUmatioa tiaa of Tba Mkkiyan StoU Sanday
BdJnUi Oiy OMdA OwpM sal CBeUiiag Essm.
riATXUl C9T. JOSSml Amoetotlon will be bald in Port
to ooari-martlal bim. ao matlor whara | from tba aule daparaxaaat ibal kU atanHorember l«, 1? and U.
ka landa. If ba ooaflm tba aeeatacy ot
ware aot cnloolatod v
tka pram nporu ot Ua attoraaeaa.
tba way of o^tiationB.
13&-132 Tro&t Strwt.
The eommaadiar ofBoera at all of tke
•paotah pvu ban keu laatraeted to
Tke ateamer Itotoakay arrired here
damaad of Weylar tbe mooeant be
toat Uybt at aeren o'clock on bm way
a took at tkooc
wM tka exact terma
oC^apeaobtkat be dallT««d in reply Sobool Pnpila Ym
Qranya Hall to eonaectod wiU toled the maaifeatobic at Baxmaa oo
Veaurday aftorw
pboae No. 149 and tba raaldanoe of P.
emborkaltoo for Spala oa Sanday.
F. Heddaa wlU Nn ISO.
ackool papiU to the i
tkat wo boro cot from 82.W to 81.50.
A party of yaony people anjoyed a
apoo -Hew Lowe an Mode." Tba taw boaia to danci^ to Profaaaor MortaU waa dcaifaed parti mlarly for tbe laa^b aeadiany laat niybt.
Wiagedy In
clatoBi la CirU Uormaaent. bat other
Tba NtnerU-wf tbe Hw Major DalxoU
aebolara enjoyed ik Tka Ulk
Detroit. Not. k-^obn Ntodlnf. n Toted to l^ialatin proeaedara and toe wOl take ptooa Sanday afurwoon to
nbeemakar. waa akot nnd totally meikoda adoptfd to tka raaktof and Ua aekool kooaa at OraUiekrUla.
Manly C Dodya of Uto dty wlU daaroandad by a robber wfaQa aalaap at pamtof of towS. Hr. Ceeall'a oxparibla boaaa oa St. Aateiiie atraat early naoa enabled blm to preeant to the llrar bto faibbna addraaa. -Tba tmnd of
thla montof.
pa^ an exkeaatin aad toatrocUn Ue Fraa." ia Leland an the arantoy af
Mra. Nledlnr awoke jaat aa tbe latrader appeared la tba doorway of tkelr
Aboot a doaan Maecabaaa war
bedroom koldinf a Ufkted match.
laterloeban toat niybt I9 nontot to
Tke atranyer. reallxinf tkat
ferrtoy Ue initiatory work npoa a
We show P^ceplioaal
dlaeoTered. Arad a rarolm at tba bed.
nnmberof <mDdidaton
Baryaina in
Tba ballet catered the alaeptaf man'a Ta Ba OiToa Koodny By Trsewna
A eampofUaModeni Woadma
Bay HlTo. L. O. T. K.
braakt. peaetratia* the laay blood eeaAmerica to belay oryaalzed to Sattaaa
or enr*. Kill onr competitors when they
aala. Tba mt at tba famUy waa by
Tra^^ Hay Bira, L. O. T. M.. U Bay- The camp will start wlU a larya
tkia Mma awakpaed. bat the robber pnparinf to yire aa eatertnlaiacnt
Itot of ehartor membera.
try to reach otft stsBdnrd. nnd core onr |
qaiekly aeaaped Niadinir eonaot lire. Beat Monday cTenlac to Moatnytie
Local fisbormea are anxtonaly awalthall.. The attracUon will be tbe Bdiotutomers of the idee thst
toy Ue dectaioa of tbe Sepremc eoart
Saacaia of Tnat XhTtrlng.
aoB pboaqfrapk. of the lataet improred
cm the fish law .oempUcatloa. It will
Tbareday erentof •» a riy betonrinii ; Seetoa. The pheaoyrapb baa baaa exprabably be readered toder.
to W. r. Earsha waapamlay aloBf the biiiiird la aortkcra Micbiyao a good
read near the reeldenoa of Kiaay'deal lately and tbe newtpapeia are a . M. E. Haabell to nofmeklay a larye
Hrooeb, at tbe point where tba roa» unit to yiviaf complimanury no|iaea. qnanUty of holiday aad sUpta yoods
Boys' yood Salta for fil.OO
which will soon make an elaborau dis
way i> marrow, between the banka, anBoy*' U1 wool Soila for 81.«2
play an. Ua akelros of bto atora.
otbec team camr daabinr from tbe opFoot BaU to Mai
poaite dlrc<tlen at a rapid rate ot apaoA.
Prof. E.surer epettad bto daoeiny
Tbe firat fool ball elrren of tbe Uiyb
10 Flour oennot be made et homa
There waa a eenittoa an« Mr. Uareba'a aebool win yotp Maalstoe Uto mom- clam toat arantoy to Siatobary-a ball.
Boya' keary inatera. sold laat
rif waa o*ertarned a«d tba drlear aad toy to meet tke Haototoe Ulyh aebool Whan faUy aUnad Profaaaor Silrer
year for Hl.rs—aa tbe waatker to
--Taiaall boy thrown ont. BoU f^n- team to a retard yaoae. Tbe Trarene will yire waekly partiea U aa anjoy-'
warm, they yo for 84.47
nauly eaeaped Injiicy, bat a etore to aty team to ia better ehapa for Uto abta aatace.
Boya'Corduroy Knee Paata, 48c
tka wacoo wail b^ly brokaa.
Him Ayaea &icb of .Uto city, daoybtyama than
been any time Uto
TkoAc wko hare oonakra to drtn aeaaoa and My expect to yiee tka, or of Made Rtok.
wear iket road aboald be more enrafal Mantoiaa beya a yood hostla. Tbe a
ntnlfhl and refal^ IhMr %fmi aa tea me are araaly matebed and a fine
9 Ue etate board of
tkat oallUiou may Saroldad.
pharmacy to Innalny Tboraday.
yama wUl be ^aped.
Tlekett far Ue Uiyfa aebool laeure
Temparanoa Laetnia at Old Klamon. aaaiaa can ba raaarradat Ua CUy Newa
The mlaa ef‘
' WUl Open tba
Bar. Wnay K. Wri^t of Ttararaa Staad Uto memiay.
cooiaa tlckaea bare boon racy kaary
C*j wUldeliTcra
Saaean tritb a Brilliant Brant.
and a .flnanetol aneeaao to already aaCompany B. Fifth infaaty. M. B. O.. at tka Old Mtontoo M. E ebnreh WadMes*B extra baary wool Ororof Maaiataa. la pnparioy to fire a Bcaday ereatoy.Ai'orembor loU. aadar
eoalo. Nary Bine. 81.M.
(rand mlUlary baU Neramber 12. Tbe tka anaidcoa of tka W. a T. U. Tba
Mea'p extra, fine wool boarar
Haoaah Blllaa of tkia city hare re- Old Mtoaioa band wUJ fontoh moaSe.
DaatolDakawwttoChieayo yoatoreelred an toeltatlon and amoac the
MenW extra beory Dtotera,
Oblcayo ^Uikat.
otkar roaatawmba tba aUto HiUtoiy
hlyMbUar. S2.M
Mra. M. A- Waotyata ta rialttoy
Hoard aad dUtiarnlabad efBeen of tke
Cbieayo. Nor. S.—Oooad—Wheat—
Men'a axuk^toclOUa Ctotora.
frieBda to Ckteayo.
Michiyan National Oaard.
Norember, Vtc; ttoeamber, Mlfc; JnaW. EMUlerotMtHk^en, tarmorly
naiy.-eiSe; May. WSi(»Ke.
Wa otrietly ynaraalee tka
af Utocltj.toto town.
Senior Claaa Party.
Com—korembOr ,n\ci Daonmbar.
abore yooda to yire aattofactioo
a. E Themaa of AMea. waa to Ua
The aealor data of tao Bifh aebool 2lK(«S6c; May.MHbrity yootorday. Ha drvra back laat
yarr a pleaaast party to Ooehran ball
Oata—Norambar. UK91»ci Dewm: alyhu
N.B.—We bare cheap orereeato
Uaiolyht. There waa a laryo atoMid- bar. ll*t.««t<c: May. 21SC.
Tbaadoro Lndyate. maaayer' at Ue
ae.-e of yonpy people who oajoyed
Pork—Norember, r.WX: Daomber. Trarerae City Lumber Co., went to
Uybt refreehmenu. cards and the af>
Cbloayo on boatoem yeotordoy.
tet* of a talented wkbUiay qaartot.
Imrd-Korembar.. fit.SO;
J. W. Bmbroo of Cbieayo, tke well
Also Gent’s Box Calf iorUible cork Shoe at $2,50.
*4.»(a22H. ,
kaownlambmmanafaetarer. toto tke
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Smndaid OyotaA eon ba anenzod at city looktoy after the Inlereata of the
Right in Style,'Wear and l^rice.
FennIbiliUea Suyttotod by Ooram- the Oolnmbtoa reataurant at Baltimcaa flrmof BlMonboaoe A Smbreo.
Stonmar Una-to BMmdiko.
P.DI tMUr. au ul Fnlit*.
tbs Fair to axblbiiiny today WU Ftoa
Hoar York. Nor. 4.-lba 8i*t lisa of if.
MeuPrtoar-.a am.
Bvsin and B.
inokWo and e^ at Baiyato prloan .
Beaton Mlllan,
Haskell’s Bookstore.
the critical eyes and
the careful purses
A Full Third
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Friday «<
ClothlDg. '
Nice Stjle, Good leaikef, lo« of Weir. " -
We Kill
Th.e ‘Best’
Hannah & Lay Co.
Overcoats and
3 Grades of...
Guinea Hen Flannel
Ladies’ Box and KaipDO Calf Sboe for $1.50
tfto fnla
W* bw M> «BW-h < 0 the IW >»el “* be d»d tb» rrrj «cmK tUn« tbmt be
OOT bm asd do aoi rtae to ^ «leTa>
bore dooe. He-dior* bo^ to bit
tioB of tbe tamttfol tblose obnst et.» cbambm and tiM to write.
Brr. a A Kbot. Uajtarioik, «< Axiek-: of tootw be «Mld oot writ^ wtrIJB. OB BonoB OotBDOD
I tM bj li)> teen aud panlraed bf a
^....... .
'eelf dietmt'tkei waeoew to blm. Be
■OA T. Batw axv J. n. Baxrs.
«. W. Haxus. Bdlior Md Mmcv.
taowne tban Flotoooe Klgbungale and
*YonwbJ «!»e to tbe*^*to
CUim Barton In boepttal wformMhaB
Franca WiUard and
& fiUona. OoQsni
He aat bolt ^Kbt and Upped
Faxo Cartfa—It
-It's all rigbA
-Yra. .1 wear It Bad i
f ia ItItoenaeA and it
tow pfoperty 1
n. Ktog Tm Amen
’ I to him. but et tbe end of U>« SO year*
Already out with a well derelopod predioUoa that a freeeUrer candidate will.
»«t wear tbe oongreaalonal bonormaow
aaloyed by Ooagreetmaa Corllae ef Detroiv
Web. Hr. Bakera prediction*
tera beaa toowa, la Umea goae by. to
be ehonld bare
Now that UotoOtokor bae beta re-
J. ▼. Slatar, the Hobm Fimiiabar.
DaDGing Scbool!
I «o*y and tbat be bad foond bia preri-
, too. the reenlt
«< tbo oampaiga aiay wartaat tbe pnroi a few more racer*,
might win faror with tbe royalty of
Oiaat BriUto^_________
“Uncle Jallanr eKlaimed Black1« HI...—.leg tka ablalag example tbom. “lamdelighted. labonldban
dteplmyed In Kaatncky Mr. Bryca bat Tcoogaixed yon.in anotber mcaiiaA
■oi been beard to gloat orer tbe re- tboogb it'a 10—no, IS year* aiiiof we
tana from Sooth Dakota or Maryland.
tbted at alL Itembatraatod bim t/meetootcrm»of warm
taraily intimvy a man who waa in
a tooehdown. there U no poaireality a coBl(9ete irtranger to bim. Tbe
jcatthiaUme that Sena Ber. Jnlian SibweU bad a pnriib. re
tor Hanna can kick go^.
mote and nortbea(. from which be reiy
rarely atirred. Tbe two mm rrere noth
Boee UoaxAX might bow plaeo opoa ing to each other. Tbey bad to jBetend
tbe markM a few attiaeUre togaa at to beaometbing nmnderable. to aaob
Other and to pretetMi it at ooee.
“Twelre yean?" echoed Uncle Jnirecotimeataeeme to hare liaa. "It'a 18. to be accurate. Time
fliee eren taaier than We think,
fat as
ge la Peaneylranla.
hope tbe number mayn't ptore an-,
lacky." be added with a )o»y Uogh.
It ebsDoe tbat w ibara
met DOW, ancle 1 faonld bare .
lloooeater road, but 1 fell arieep
c tbe repBbllcan* of Ohio hare
fa Maryland Coaoadaa Ble
apeeW leTaeUeunM Kkoxs.
BalUaore. MA. Nor. S.—Tbe chair
“1 aee. My lawyer farcmgbt me to
London and tbe old pamloD— mineralogy
if yoo bare notbiug better to do roo
mart Inneb with me; a baoaoD to Ba-
geot atrect. “
Blai^bam gare in to tbe friendly re
lated bore, and aa tber drore «S Unele
•mator Ueraaa oo tbe face of the
Jnlian aaked. "Andwhatareyoodoing
fagUaUre retnra*.
—atiU at literature and jouraaliamr’
'“8U1I at iA" eaid Blaektborti.
Tbe old gentleman grew iuqniaiti
and poured out quactiona. Wbm did bia
man of the demoeratie eoaualttm to
Bight admita tbe appaiwat defeat of
Any timeP It wa* remarkable
what aort of work waa HP Chiefly «totiee? Tbiugi out of bia own bead? And
1 arerage.bow much' in a week?
' ible, but-------^Unele Julian
lie t«ad and read again what he bad
Witten. Y<a it waa gcaxl. but be oonld 1 rntar a«ht. mot. a
not for the life «f bfut rciucmber how | tuu owbewra.
>: AaCiM. U
be bad meant to Snuii it. e<v ooold be I isrirdiar ic—
le eoD. ttowioa for
tbliik of any e-ui that va* at all aatii-! «»i«- tr*eau
» araniec >**( roo
factory. Hii thought had atoiqni like a | aU.»irt«» re*
JDteir o'llora.
tbrrwd cut abotA Tbe «t«rr began well, j
«« ao* haw a «wie
but it waa like ^ atory that' bed been ,
writlfii by another man. Il aemted to'
bim to lead lo notbing.
Ac 8 o'clock he wrote a note of ex------------- ---- ife. Hi* work bad uoTrr been late b(- 078TEK8! 078TEBS.
for<-, hut be aaid that be waa
yraa iU.
iU^ Then
be tried 10 ocenpy bia mtckdhfabnUy.
He bad bought a qoanlity
■w. rrHiaic
irued them ora^Tben
priutA and be tni
•put them away, turning
nine out a big
in an old cabinet
et 1for tbe |
poto- Tlulr
Tbiir wai
wa* a lot of
if robbiah
in tbe
drawer—relic* c
ulidaya abroad. 1
llrer onciflx, a little br*neb cd
li. a baodfol of forei
tbe little red bulb Uial tbe mad Amtrican had giren bim. togetbw <
■omewbat fautoctio Mory.
Tbe day waned and tbe next day
Tfa warip paper banket waa
piled high, and Biaektbam riling from
bii acal looked out at tbe dawn. He
waiqnile nre now tbat be would nert-r
write again, and be bated fata uncle aa
be bad never baled any man. “Hr ba*
token away 'my nerre.'' be raid, "and
tbat U all tbat one wanta—urrre, tbe
brlirf tbatooecaudoiL'' Hiacbeeka
were pale and bi* bauda abook. Be
really wai ill now, and be bad nc*
bfx-u to bed. He wmt into bia bedroom
and lockid blm*eK in. Then in the
early amniiDg be dmned for tbe evenlag aaid aat on bia
waiting onii) tbe
erruiug came; admitting no one, *endlog hi* Rurvant away, tuning over in
bi* bands tbe Uttlu ml bulb. lie would
bold it over tbe claret glax* bi lwccu liU
thumb and tbe aeoood ftogcr and fatwak.
it. It woold not Bbow if be beid it like
P«T- j__
Take Off
Year Screaas
Capital, $100,000
Sorplna, $86,000
J. E. Greilick Cd
OFFICBBS—IWy Haanab. Prentdant;
Misses’ Lace or Button,
A. Tracy fay. mAleaPrealdeatiJami
Morffan. Snd Vice PreaidcBt: J. T. Baanab, Caabler: Samuel Garland. AoriaV
Choeolate or Oxbiood Sboea, afar* IS to :. erery pair warraatod
•olid, to ftte pair, at A. & FBYHAN'ti. IH Gaat Frost 6trooA.
DIBBCTORS—Fairr Banuab. A. Tracy
fay. Jamea Morgan,
J. T. Ban
&muel OariMtd.
N. U -Addraaa all
CoUaeUoa* and
Shoe Department find Floor
Ttaverae City Mich.
. KOT. A-Major
died yeeterdar at hie home
*fea L«clanew county et the age of Tt.
Be enllated In the annr <o U«1 ai a prlwatc in HelBugbllo'e equadron. a pert
«r Bhennen'e regiment. re-eoIUted In
UM and left the army In 1801 with the
mek of major.
r»mM4 HI. Bedy to (ha Ptotd.
Oaltoburg. lUe.. Nor. A—The body of
an unknown men wee fopiid to e field
of here
Wednefaey. HI* bead wee lying
•irelrer end Iber* wee a bullet w
fa hie forebeed.- It la tb.ooght hie i
le Jobnaon and that he bee *0 au
ICew WIndenr. He had been dead «
tkTM daye when found. _
Uio ualformod gnard at tbe cBtn
flf tbe Field Otdumbian tnnaeum atoi.
ia>e man in tbe brown not who waa
.“It'a againri tbe mka Yoa’U bar#
—Bo check it at tbat window."
••What will that ooatr’
“It will cod you B ceatA*'
Hie man in tbe brown enit bodtated.
“Thi* ia tbe Field mntoam. ito't Itf"
ha Diked.
“MarfaaU TTelrtr
“Yto. He'itbomxD iriBmaedfor.
“Well. rU be ererladfagly gnmdaatadtf rUaandUI 1 don’t care fer tbe
■Meal, bail boughtthiacane of MarField, by JockA and I'm not goteto pay him for koeping it half an
hov while 1 look at hi* old faowr
And ba wwit away, uttoifag draadfal
Iteu fa aa aaaedoie of a faodon
Ifabop wba baring rand tbat atory of
John Wariey onttfag oat every word of
hla diacagiifra that bia oerraatmaid ' '
to a country oongregstioo tbe sfaupleat
Be cboacan
d took aa bis texA
“Tbo fool hath eaid in hi* heart tbm
fa no God." On learing tbe oburcb be
aeked tbe pariab clerk wbal be thought
M tbe aermot). "Oh. my lord." aaid ba
“It was very flue—vmy fine and gnari.
I've beoi talking it over with Mr.
Beard, and rie raid bow flue it won
wriltoD 8.000. bat 1 ahall
oerarbring it (0 8.001. Tberowaia
tfaio when tbe aigfat ot faeeta of good
writing paper made me want to pot
writifag on tbau. bat that'* gone, and
araooi don't demand the name orig
inality a* itorieA You abould make
proriaScBi for tbe time to oome. for tbe
day when yoo get to tbe bottom of the
bag. It'i bound to come, and for all wa
know it may come luddenly. Twenty
yean yoo’re bii-owritiiig-ic'iwonder-
So tbe Rev, Joilan^ibwell died in a
Bigeot rroot nwtourant and BlackIborn'a death by banging will taka
place tomorrvw.
In tbe interval between tbe death of
wbb took from him bia nerve
ii aaid to
far above
. prerioni work, ana In
deed amoonta to genlUA But this ii
rumor.—Barry Pain -in BlacA and
away. He I
Largest and brigfateiti Shoe Salearoom in Northern Michigan.
November Days, Look Out for Squalls I!
at H. S. GIBBS',
.y^ w
the Fall and Wiutor asoM
aad to bettor faciUtoto tbe rale a^ i.
,ber of Bargaiu Tablca, and bays
bars only ^ace to i ,o»er»to a-<ew of the priara.
Our Box Calf
faclodfuL .
tbelaadlag mat
_ a'8 aboM at 81 48 ia tbe
eo pair* Woman'i flne Dougola Md
Chrome KM Bolton and L^. fair
atitob. and flexible eotee. faablonaWe
lebaM and torn; regular 82.U good*;
Une ef Shoes
Heie a RcpoteUee
for Weal, Style aed Fit.
all go at 81 48.
ewnt Bupl wm
»S pair* fine Kid and Beavy Sboea.
apring heel* worth 81 to 81 M
for 560.
BSH' BiWli wm
47 nairi Mlmea 11 to S fine Kid. boel
iai^ ep^ heel abora wortb 81.r' '
Bos calf Balinoiafa new
and turn* at very low price*.
Cblldren'e aebool »boel II to 8 ruffufar 81.85. good to 76 oeala.
Felt aad Beaver alippor* lined «to to
and Beaver buttoo aad faoe
shoee In great variety; all *b^ to
75c. 650, 81.10 and 8i.48.
toe tbeao
A lot of Mon’* flae
difforamt good* Md compare them with otbara
Ovarubora for
atv a*. 8^ makcA facludlag C M. at soc Md 75e more.
B^fW^ and otherA worth 88 up men. women aad ebildrea, ovary styl*.
aad priM away down.
.to 81.88.
The fargeat Stock of Lumberman'*
Orera. Felt* and Seeks fa tb* dtiy at
gl-Si) to 65c.
In'sBugili TiUil«.t
MV wall wm It. 4
7S naira -Maa'a Sboea. beukaa sfaaa,
BlLl*Wrtto.^k8ol*A Bagltah E-:
vfalt our farg* dopartmaata.
ClaM Block.
Our Prioea are Bight, and
pmiriU he right U you put
your money in a pairoftbem.
Frank FriMrich,
vary o._ .
.produettoM of
madufaetarer* fa Box Calf.
TT pair* Woman * floe Vtoe Kid and
Md Kink. a.
DoogoU Butto*
Band ‘Tura*
— • i. and Flexible aolee. Some Pls- _. ebapea and toaa. patent factor aad
A Bmltto and other oelabratod ■toek tipA at lowest prtoaa. Wa hsv*
_____a. PfnUr priaei fromSt to 83 to .no eompaUUoa.
8o* our men-a hand well Box tfalf
to 81.M.
tola. .Mfuat ahapa*. baanOra worth
•?5i^abopl« to* rtirto fv* »"«
CbemtaiB aomeiimea have qnes oxpo- ' gjJSlicv I. ito tra
rioneea Tbe following faeta were told
by a proftimi In ooe of our
nniTwxitiea: “For about ten
have mode a specialty of examlj
reporting upon caaes of real or auspeotod
I number ol
have been oonnactrd with mnrder trials |
1 have bad oonsldrrable notice fa tbe [
daily papm. Thi* reputotjoo to mak-'
fau analyaes for potsona has brought me
queer rlaw of pamau.
“Errry year 1 have ooe or more old
BKO come to me with aamplr* of food to
be I'Xamfacd for poison
These men,
wliboQt rxn-piioo. bavr married young '
wivn, and when tbe bnibaud is token
sick and doea not rreover a* quickly aa
far tbiok* bo ebbolrt b« begins to anspect
tbat his young wife wants to get rid of
him and is poimning him gradually
tbroogb tbe mrdiuni of bu food. Of
oourra be does not wont bis wife to
know of bia suqiiciaeA ao be quietly
gels a sample of tbe fond be auspeeiA
and at acme unusual hour to work,
generally either early fa tbe moihing or
very late in tbe evening be oumoe to
me and tell* me very secretly that ba
wiahe* to fa aV e an exam Ina tion for poiaoB
“Now tbe odd part fa that tboogb I
bavo made a number of nob analyaes 1
bare never found poiwui pnaent in any
Then tbe husband is very much
afraid ifau hi* wife will And out be auspected ber, and be geu out of my labotatoiy fa tbequiekeot and qaieteot manIble. So every year 1 expeot M
tnl. wouderfoll"
“fat'* ulk atxwt anmetbing more
cfaeeriul.'' raid tilarkthom.
, Toward ihi- end of Inncbecas be Mked
hi* node to dine with him on tbe fnllowing ermipg. The Ker. Julian Sibwell _WM engaerd, Jmt tbe dinner wa*
airaqged for tbe prening after thaA
Blacktbom went away. He bad
I that be 1
M feeling of i
never had bi'forr. for which be caned
bia nuclA Ttav idea of “the bottom of
tbe bag" wai absurd, provincial, inariigtiA Btoimal. Suggeetion came ia
frmn tbo life aboot qua wa* trans
formed and Brad. Tbe bag waa olwayi
emptyiag. but iLwaaalto adwaya fiUfag It would
ia it to him *o long aa life lawad
There ww. be told himaclf no, reaeou
wby be abould get into thU norvooi
la, but be teaaained fa that stata
'srrtlten tbeaDMlTM OBt" Tibia gift to
oeiring atimolatfag anggeetio(». tfaia
capacity to acfaetlng tbe right iMaiA
might faaak'down, and then ona would
omne to tbe botoa of tbe bag.
And quite suddenly be realised tbqt
to him ail tbe eloquent crowded atreet
mute and empty. Tbe pbnae
alvely up my oflfae atain with a well
,--------d oo Kmger told him the ran
ealed Sample Ot food about him to
ibeorarmatiasiuDd tbe lives of
uuDined for poison. Erery year ba
iLera Tbe bvantifol women imnivl
eua»«A ever year 1 make my analyti*
md Aft notboicbt or dcavipuv* and find no polsoo, and every, year tbe
by auc
word iu bu mfad. AU lbs life bad old gimilemab gets uformation tbkt be
dropped out of Iba •e*Drand left it arid
idet* cheap at the price. “—ObiOMO
bare. Nothing that mt-i bi* eyes or
seemed really to penetrate <w to
. anything. Nothing wm «og.
Everyth was faofatol For
It time <2 bia life Blaokibacn porfa a efaarpcoflt tbiiaeanaf «rt».M
drasalf ormwikraily trying to^
and pot up STORM SASH. If you haven’t
any we’d Hke to make you some.
Hatter to the Traverae City StoU Bank.
Orer tbe luncbran table be gare
Meodly warning. One might go on
writing and lanfang np. bat one wai
boondtocomt^tbeetidof iA Bad-bU
andiew DO feJ of oomiog to Ibe bot
tom of tbe ba^
nerer tbongbt of 1a" taid
Bla^tborn. "It mem* ae uatntnl tome
a* for yoo to do yoar work.. With tbe
Am oomM tbe idea." '■But 1 don't do my work any n
othfiig Co.
At StatitaO DudU BiU
iWad from aaztoty be may taro bU
ectly. and prerent tbe sudden cooling.or ebaoges of the
be body, (the nsoal eanaeaof colds).
If you cau gel
tomperature of tbe
men and woraeo of
* this place to wear thaw i luatead ef tbe ebeap eotton goods) there wtll be but little complafat af' naaal catarrh, cough*.
1. BanFraociaoa
ooold tiw.
He made no fortber attompt-» work.
He pai^ rail, dined oat. went to bed
changed, and got ant at booUi Henalae- early aiid alepi peaoefolly for ten bonra
; Be feh wben be woke tbat be wa* lo
Tbe inoidtoit wa* rtrial rampk
fae beet of bealtb, bol be alao Wt tbat
tor IH effect on Blacitbora e life and h,,
He bad
death. Bad be on tbat day got
Qloawwter road, ae ba intended, all
ytofiniah. Tbe itory
might atill bare been well with bim.
A* it lA be will be banged tomatrow comforted bim; be woo Id not bare to
tbe mnider of tbe Ber. Jalian Bib- make a turt: it would only he necea-
action to hie
b tba “Jaros''0
t eadoraemeatof thee
write. BehadaleotorefioettlMtberej
fa erery oity it, tbe Und
bed alwaye been a rnamn; that be bed f
fcfag in polltioa, m■ onrfatbendid
bemi mentoliy cr pbyric^ly tired or U1
,y,»n, m tpe etoto. Tbe king la tmor diftraeted by aouething wbieb for Amaloen. wbcU«r be be pope or bow
ment aUmrbed bia mind, and’* moiKinoIi«l.—Her William Bader.
'T.S/.TwSSt 5tsss-"S,;rsrT.rs;
Wu. Bkmna—Ffaeat I ever warn.
w It two wlatara. ________
________________ _
oa bet it fa all right Wo«_
CafT- C A. Wxan—Oivaa good satiafaeUoa.
Truvetwe aty; Mieb. Ost ». 1M7.
wiflecaad f Himmcod. at Merritt'* ArenoeOborob.
BlackCbatn wai a banbelor of mod.
, ante riewi and moderate ulenta He
wrote for a rarict; of magaxinea and
a CIV.; be wrote for SO yean, and dorin*r tboee
ranotbing in partlonlarbappeoed
. imUteeiaao tickled orar
«bo oJe«;Uon of Maybuty that he b
_________________ .-taerlT.- P
ima-Tlir.ateBla( metbpev
wUar: brtek mberir
•rtr. F.r riwrr W cbiim . (
vtm rate era
Irttile eriertHn;
leva—Pair erieUer,
rrMaOM er mB>eneaHTt)ileBnrBiBe:eoUer
teeetf ra ponam: eurtli-rir «ad.-
tbe uUe wiib bii naiU '*1 moK poll
myaelfUiietbcr.-’bemia Beenft
that there bad
tSon* seWbicb -be bad been unable to |
Cm OoKiciAW
We Har Beam.
Weutar<& Fee. L-PeOewtaf an tbe
anfter tadtntUam tor ivMtrJav heaie
tp.BLrwertar: P» IrMWeae aa< mt-
lil FnntBt.
Travere* City, Midi.
If You Have Logs lo Sell S.eTrlSS
Lumber Compiny. We have tor sale Good, &uod Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flponog
Short Maple Wood. Lands tor sale. ■ Mill Machmery. of all
descripdons, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant tor sale.
Tidn on th« Ch«
dlvatch from London to The Eveninc
Ohio Fliet the Track
KUIe Four Peroons.
tii. tM>d c« M
I..r—Pll>» BM • caw wm4
can Bn* tewa «a Bni
OauiBwal by Bov. 8. H. .l>ayU.
JbflwMv—why to cet tt, bow ta
^ 11. bow aa nae U.*>-DMt. ax. id. Batb. v,
Our Banner Day!
Ko man Utcd to hWlf in thia
vtrld. Oar livn am oiaiBtantly ooming
Cable comiSany <
In oontact with tbe Utm «1 tboaa abovt
flnnlus of tbe cod
.. idenre upon ibv
UUle4 ■a and Icnving an itnptM opou tbtm
eitlHT f« Rood op ctU. Even ibe wcok.
SbHetfurtableronnecIlonnllb tl
Indlea liui lor Preeldei.l UeveUnd'e taml btnrtod nud cowardly hart' an inKeg land would finance iu life aa well u tbe brave and
_____ luolan war me<
probaU) bar* been lOlle
. conuni to de-1
ju u,e Uw, Rive®'to gormi
pend upon the lliUt.d
d tHatea
iKatea llr.eu vU j
dm., »«
Florida and Cuba, but directly tbe ofllj exemptid trvm aorrico and coe claai it
Uala berc rMUsed tbe poaDbnily
' forbidden to caitiw (D<dt. XS. h). 1%iii
500 Garments
Consisting of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
a «be srl about nccuUatlont t
CbariotlCTlIlc, V«^ Not. a—ObWap«akc w>d Ohio V
M U» “F.. F. V." from diiclBMtl
■TT.e nepollallopa bill rcauU In an
imperial aubald; of IM.OOD yuariy for
Iwcniy jr*r» t. tbe BHlUhH:anadlan
«r«ckrd o.«r (
who own
hallfaxShada-ell. Arc miteo aui «« this place, Bcrmuila cable, for lla eatundon from
BennuA to Jamaica and ulllmaiely to
u l:Zi reaterday aftenraoB. Four
aosa were killed and aeveBieett injured, other leading Weut Indian lelanda and
ttiedcadarv; lieory Buraelt. oolond South America- Tbe cable will lie compleled by Ihe flnt week of February
porter. KesaMu Va^ luUan wenian.
next. Aa abewing tbe uplHl of the new
Mated Uerta kod loboU h-lleved
ecterpriw It may be said that of today's
troB ClacinBaU: Pbdix Harvoo. (died imue of *300.000 in ebam and MOO 000 In
altar mnovaJ to CbarlottrVille>.
4ti per cenL debenlunw m-.re than twe
n>e injured arc: Uom G«ldl>ia(l.aD- thlrda wwre aubecnlied privately before
edtitiatl. kaeecap fractured; Omdoclof the ioane waa offered lu the public. A
8. a Boater, lesa injured; EnclDcei BlmlUn Imperial undertaking, tbe PaDuka, danperooaly bon; Banactmas
FMra.aardooarUle.Va.. badly hurt trom
■bouldera down, probabiy imemally trby a rival pmject to conhi-ci Aunralla
. .badly faun; Uar>
with Bnglar-d via Cape Cnlony. wklf
0, hurt about brad. DM aeriuii:
eut touching foreign terrliory.
> naU ehUdren of fatary blan
one badly. W. L.. Oorhenor, of Siuu
taint benrudf
tiniu bin bouac, lc«t bis bMbrm'a b«ari
taint aa will a« bi» Inuat.'" Tbci-oward
war li« U> entw buUlo lent ho sbooU
infect otbera with bis oowaidicn.
It iR Ood'a dnrirn that liU praiile
■hnnid liavc influioce In ilif wurlrt.
! Tbiu UThue ncuru why we hboold act*
{ Influtdoe. It ir (Jod's dCATv and inteo,4, infitMuot tb« world for gooA
of Hia P'^J.
Jaopla "Ye
- .
. .. 1.
*ro tbe Slit pftbe«irtb,*’UeDiyB. "Ve
arc tbe liRbt «f tbo wiwld." 'Bince ihU
1( Uiid'H diudn-. we ah«nld on-k to do IL
God never aaocticmMl pultinR tbe light
o( Cbriatiunity under a buxboL
liRbt abinu bec "Li-t1 y<ntr
<n." and why! That men may
be thtTcby inflamed 1v good;
0»7 may w*- your good wocka and
glorify TonrFatlHT wbiti i» in braven.
It >■ KrwWn L
way to rK Ihe right kind
of inUncncD ix to live a noble, Christian
Langlng. HIcb.. Nov. L—ll I<h*i very
Men today am Raided mom than
tnuth OJ If the last leslrlatuiv waned
over br what they an? and what they
valuable Unw when H Indulged In a pn>cioued xeaeor. for
Fur Capes, Plush Capes.
REMBMBEB this is the (vreatest Cloak Sale of tbe
season. Our atjent will be with us for a few ds^s only. These
jjarments were^jrought here to be closed out—fences'no object.
Come today. LOOK THfi^ OVER. See OUR PRICES.
You will never get that chanc?*gain.
500 Ladies’ Wrappers at 60 ancTITBc,
(Jouble tbe money.
remember we have rented the vacant store two door.s
east of our present location, for this ^eat Cloak Sale. We will
also make Special Prices in all our Departments—Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' and Gent's Underwear.
Xmti,'Va.. rtctai band cut; J. N. U;:
of Waahlnctun.
Pullman condu.
painfully faurt In back; Richard H«
Jeya. Hanover. Va.. expreaa meoarna<^>.
brtUaed about body and badly afanrkrd;
i. K. Hale. Baltimore, knee rj'ruir^d
oUxbUy: Mre. DuKh. rteeumably Nra
Tork. tamaed aboul U>r bad and annr,
not Bcriouely: Let Crandall. Globe. A. Bnally pMsed » law ••‘•‘•Ua^ a 1
T.. Rishi Bcalp wound and bi.jcrre
aptDlMd; 3. W. Elder, tvaiblnytun.bead
and ii(«e cerAldrrably brulriil: C. K.
O’Brien. lAmlctllle; tllphtly tnii aboul for iht fvb*..n that about or.v-ihinl of meu tliat Owy ghall fcw that We have
head: Jonaa H. Hlnrhrt. Trenton. 0„ tbe eniliv tab b of the yrsr lx obtained been with Jrans and bo InBoaKVd t?
left Up painfully Injured.
during (hr ulx weeks cown-d by Ibe our llVM (O fonauente tbcsnaolTW to
It la reporud that ihe body of another cloaed oemx.iti. iberr baying (•ren no re> j hIw,
Italian child U under,the wreck, but siiiciiun* In thr way of Mxron limita. Onr iaflnrn
this cannot be confirmed
-toft rv. The too
* 1-oterl
argu- ' «
r lightt sl^v tunuDd
LMitfae TIbekMarMTe.
ment advanced In Uhalf of (he new Uw ;
o VijyVeui
The esuM of tbe acldent baa not been was thai U was nw-esaao . K the white- '
; jitMUinmoed I
fniip u(u-r estinv- Him. Tbe Jodgt? of all n
OaOUtely aaccrtalMd. but tbe local raU.
he. naa
jndgmrstt agaiiwt tbnse whci
uxe th«ir
tboir < 044 Front Strdfit.
road oOlclaU. after iBreetlcatlns. d«lnflDcucvf.geviL
**** xrout Dueeu.
In ;vlrw of the fad that tbe law- will
dar4d that It waa
ork B great hatiMdp w>n moai of the HemvA ••Outtoflrtiaracoum. bottfoe."
fblla (oa had been flrtd reiuHcdl. though
tbermi-n of the state by r>-durlns their
they am .unable to give even a ibeory.
They auie that the tracks at the spot annual catch by cne-lhlrd. tbe Asher■re true and egamlnallcn revealed that men ad affected have combined to pre-.
It is a funiemn Cho^'lit that each day
Its eeforeement If pi'sdibir. -Thus
they are tied aecufely. Tbe engfne left
we Dtp "isKnp an cu-rnal inijsvss for
thr Oxhertr.eti a|4x-ar to have the
tbe track on a sharp curve and was
Chatle- good or erl! upon the liv,- of jubcrw.
hurled agalnsi a rocky hill. Alt of the hem of the siluaiinn
•n. Bnllw. F
Byoor word, and Uvrawe an-ditecting
ears excvpt tbe dining car and the Rich- volx. ttagiTiaw. Alpena and several other
' nxuid sloeper were derailed. Two larb places liariied (-.wriher and raised s fund Immortal moU to brarm or to hulL
ptunged eod-foremoal down the steep with Whlih I-. f.ghl the Isw. They ap W)at is ourHafluenre!
Bible Beaaiuga.—Jndgra kvl. i-*i;
embankment, and one of ibem went Ir.io plied to ClrcuK Judge Coriwil.of Chariethe Rtvanna river, which at this place vc.lK, Who iMWKd a temporary injunction Bathl. 10. IT; Esthtfi IT. ibiChroB.
— .V. .—w.
restntr.ing th. slate Ash warden from X. 1-16; Boot. kiv. *0, il : I Oor. Iv.
Interfering In ary manner with Ihe-Aih■n in (he cvnduri of tbelr bUftiMaa
from tbe rails and ov.rtumed, Engineer
Dnke was hurted from thr rab and
Chleago. Nov. t.-The atleodanee *t FaL it. IX, it.
ertuhed nrder (be engine. btBdes biing
he burse show Wi-dneeday nigbi was.
tenibly scalded by ew-splng
w wko leatv tbeir wheel, vlU. we for
a estimated. H.ooo. The f.alures were
was rescued by his
La fireman, and the cooorllBs Of n-ysle. Swrlag the wloier, J
a fo* hum and Jumping cunlesia W«>mU is said that wheu Jolins Cmt
atge aoiblag lor rare and otoragedDctor.
eq taking pari In l»ith. Governor
...................—- Mine to Britain with his gnwl war <w-1
WAS pr-wenl an
As aoon-bfi.er the msfa aa p^lblr tbe filled with a brilliant
uninjured paaoenger* and trainmen be
en arraiEr.e'l bke Fulomwi
un in all hla
Oirae ■■,-d* Ml iwo Eiig-1
gan Abe work of reacue and aiding the glory, and more — ’
, llah gnmnd. and that lb<uv am Howitw i
lafiured. Word wae Bent to thta-plare
.^nd a wrecking train with pbyBclara.
Miea inch. N..V, &.-lM«rfemnr* Of |
havu cotae from fbew ««U tljat
ywm» Immediately dlspaubed to the acene
, Opposlie M. ■ M. B Depoiwetted the--------- '
■ of the wreck. The body of Henry Burhen. the colored porter, wai the laal re- a while deaf twuir named Kelly and ( . . .. . .r.,
eovered. He wap terribly mansled. hav Miss l.olla Haggsid. c+fr-cd; also deaf I
«ard s reUiltvs at
tv,t> thing ranitw seed ahOTt—blrds
ing been in the baggage car. A foot nipTe telegraphed fw. «Ki Us*, roarmg gtorms and wluspcrposed to bare beec hlx was first recov
iir.e ar.d took tbe glH ing bnwacs. And ■■ is it with a good
ered, and later a poninn of tbe head.
! life. It is vf^r froitfil. mid from It arc
• The body waw Uterwlly dlsmetribered.
-- W
. ..
legs r l off.
oworts at nitragw
- acDtteml B«ds that rarry blcmdaga far
Come to Our Store today aud we will make you smile.
Jao. R. Santo.
Fresli Butter
1 Irork of tbe locomoExnMKm or MBrAi.
IfUsraukee. Nov. L—An'erfdoaion 00
coRod in tbe works of the TUIdMs Bled
eompuy last evening, caused by molten
Iron working through ll>e Are brk
one of tbe blast furnaces. .Five
srort Injured, two Calaily. Tbe fatally
Injured are; Peter Hundt. and Oeorge
. Eolinakl: the aeiioualy Injured; Anton
BoyebraU. John Kulka and Allwn 8uckow-nll of Itala rity.
Salt Lake. Utah. Nov, 8.-A B«clal to
Tbe Tribune from Pocatello. Ida., aavs:
eartbauake at
f -M
r shock of eartbquske
at t'M
yraterday morning was felt lb. oaUr.
dislann- from Stiver Boa to Uonlda. j
Mom.. and ai T v ebek tbe a
"'^lowrr i>otB wen ibrtiwn fnim.thrir
•rands, lamp chlif-.neys and
e made
I sway gqd
etnek. '
I thr plainer fell from the
Lanefard. Pa. >Ml. (.—Peter Cbcwim, Ms infant daughter Anna, and John
Blohlfna were aiqihyxialed by coal gas
yeaterday esornlrjr at Chewfxw's borne
an th* outskirts of the tow-n. Mrs. C»ewper and a boarder named Blmon were
found uncoDaeloiis and are dm expoetsd
Oebden. Bis.. Nov. A—Bighteen-ytar>
old James Saddler, who lives a halt
Cblcaco. N<i
thiiillj Wd a rally at the | of iU Xikr that of the aosrer UJ-onr
gaoda at this
'a punble, is Bure to fall into gnod 1
atftnded by several hundred Lord's;
AudlianumI at
I speech favoring the Cu- | ^wds and taiers of
______ :________________
kiudnews in othow
: iowing. Bather let
Mayor Van
i5t- .1 Li.
Tork. has M.wn joiw
at h
his d
I ■ a
The prcsld'ni and Mrs.McKinley have
muroed to Waablngtun. arrlvlat at *
a- m. yesterday.
Alton, nia, will dedicate the Lovejoy
monij^eftt with appropriate aervicet
Per Pond.
Per Doien,
Tbe Euterpribe Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
St^berg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be fecund in the city.
New Departure!
live good.
^be doctor baa ao much 1
Entopme Groceiy,
- proprietor
e not fr(*B our eoml^ to your Town, wlw I* w
•• ’re g» tlwowh tho world may ^ring
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Clay Evan*, and Repreoentatlve Walter
Evana. of jAiolsvflle
LMer.—II la now mated that the acrl-
Leader of Low Prices
M. SAVLAN, Proprietor.
g»" '
—Watch Repairing.
W. J. BOBIR80H. Manarw.
—John Verly.
chronic diseases that be srUl give one
month’s treatment and mediefne free.
Also ya** avaciCAL oragATioiit to
—Front Street.
' .U----------U------------1--------------------in sodal
The'Standard Oil company declared !
Fourth.—Brpnactnal as to (imo, pre-
led Sxp«iTARRH.
as the doctor. He graduated 37 years ago fro^ Cleveland,
Ohio; waa 15 yean lo general prac
tice; after that Itctured as Proieasor
of Anatomy and Ph,
Tbe poaibffice gt Ipava. lUg. waa
broken Into and robbed Wednesday
night: S3M In sumps and DX In esah
waa stolen from the- safe.
The exlenalvr rarabllMCmem (ff Beywoed Hna. and tbe Wakefield pompaBy,
roarufactnreri and dealers In rattan
tutsUure. Boston, was badly da maxed
by fire. Loss. tUOMC.
an old mnttet- The woman n
miaawl her. but tbe bnaeb pin m me
gun blew out and struck him In (he
fbretaesd. entertng the akoB and raakleg
. _______
_ . ton, Ilia, that children In tbe Soldiers*
a bole from which the
It la saM that he 1 Ctipbans’ Home were ouirageouMy. pnnUhed for trifling offenaca
A John O'Oroat'a to Land’s End roc^
ord Cur mutur carrlagea baa been es
tablished In Rngland. (be first esrrU^
r achont children In Kanto make the Journey baling covered the
» Ct.y, a.
1 many others Is other distance In ninety-three boura
rt» tf the
, spent an bntir yesMaria lUrbcrl, of New Tork. who was
ion of Eugene FleU-a
twtoa tried for eutUBg- the throat of her
false lover. Dominloo Catalda was
IdghL She saw him II
s s prtvalC
or go hand in hand.—Eaformad<Jbii«b
> are too poor to pay.
w_"—- sklU to ^1.
__________________ treatment ia aU that u
known by all the sebooU, with the aidf
sf eleetTidty. that moot woodertui of
To live is to have juMion truth, rsa•ixii. derociaa. probiiy. siuaentT, oocnmoil sefua, right and duty welded into nervooB ayttem.
early, aa
Uie beait. To live is to koow what ooe
is weeth. what one can do airi should
da life is omadrow, —Victor Hugo.
A Trio ef Ti sl.mi,
Wealth is nut his Who gt»s it, but Us
Judgeaman I? bU deedA and aot
Anger showetb the cUmcOr «< »
wan.—Heljfcl Tbohidita
Leas the Be*Mr.
If amanham't got gran «bim|^«i>
hasp hit Muper and Ure right, tbe leas
hshMiD Myfcr JtMOaMI ItebM«w.—D. L. Moody.
» 0±”by,
^Ttra’dfvUe^.f i
***’* divioena »r s per .
Fiflh.—B.'lorn Ujrrowrd buuU. nnmariud. nnlnJarcA
John NIK. a woodsman, was Inwandy •
killed by Ihc.giasl-bound train on the
----------—--------------tynars; wasSyeara Hnaeriatendmt of
Chicago and North'
ttaweetern road
Aa VofsMaaara.
fAlaa and
and Vpallaotl
VpallantJ Ssnitaribma. | Lsare
with mai
Tho man who bus uoihiag to do is This experience, comb
The prewiamt has ordervd
c*wiri- anfortnnato; Wc w.tv mad.- to work, years*
year*' atody
atody lo
In tbe
the beet hoepitala
martUI to try Ca|>uln Ixivcring.
For that nnoou ibior taa joy iu aebiev- the country, and examining and treat11 O’clock
ft at
toon wni meet at IJ
o’.' ' Nov.
idg tbousauds of chrunic cases, baa
iug. Our rvward U not mcanmd by tbe
Fort ffhrridan.
iwepared him to cure when the geoerat
inn is in mrtitioacr faila Have yon beea aick
for yearaf
Are you dlaeouragedf
Mm Marianna
-- ai • •
•alts of (jar isdiavura Istbechareh CaU and aee ua. we srill tell yoD whether
tbe same nXe bulda Sam<> good p<ople we can cure you or not. If we cannot
Minn.. Nov. It.
Trouble* of a rTvolnUonary character aye sptuUng fiff wont of good woika cure you, we will teU you what relief
rcpoiirted from the ctsKa of Lara
one nronth wUl be
and Bsllvar. Venesuela. Troope have j its strength iu the arriev of the Lord,
........................... -'cal
been snt there.
! Spiritual siideTimimt andspirinal vlg*0“
Ahin everTtbiug in the line of
Gtxids promptly delivered. Orders by Pbooe given quick aitntion.
autre to cure every case 0:
I RUPTURB. Alao. we k *ve a lying-in
hospital dirpartment ir ^Br Baaitar-
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. JZ*
tHAkndielMRMdby Vppor UhalattoR- S. B. Wa:iT. OrngfMt.
Thrt In OKh) M.y Bn HMtnr Thnn
It Wu B«fer« th« B«net»
Wer» Cut.
■0 VEST OliOeE 0B» LE6IEL&T0B8
» Ap^Hac B. Hm
—I »• rM» «r um
Oaiuiabu. Nor. t-Lat. Uat fJcbi U
kMun« knowB Uut tbe couru would b«
to for tb* porpooc of prrvontIw tomtit of olectloa froa iMolnc
tttcauw to ibc ftepoUleaii candid
tor tb. ItcMatorc Jn oorUlo couaUe*
1*. CMC* wUl b. tiTDusbt lo lb. lower
. alao hu lawjrm proeoBtoK.
I. RepubUcua (VI
______ _________
tl»« on the tac of lb. muTDB li^ D.1a NuU. and Wood rouoc:.^
piuiaiiun aesre^t. only lu and a
ebance of 7X votes would have clv«n
lh» Omocrau control of tb* lirUlaiara.
The KepobUcani cialo that tb. Liemoamts also aiMed iMfDben of tb* !•«.
Mature on cloa. marclns; that then
wo. tan ODuntlea In tb. stale that rav*
Uas than 10(1 pluraUiy aacb for their,
candidate, for tb. ledalatun and that
tb. tVmorrats secured as many metnbera on (bear amsll yduralKits a. tb*
Bapubllcana both aides a» prepartn«
tor couteau Aral in the courts anj after*
ward In Uie ledslatuie.
tbMifli It 4ota B« wipe «iit tkc atott c
smmUBK to ibc front i__________
11 neotMty lo do ahady tblmia to set
tbaiu. woM be anpertor to aorta temp,
tatlon. after bavins achieved‘poaUloo.
r-ecky Sharp Mid H U easy lo be vlfw
tuou. on a tbounnd a year.' TanAtasy
and Crofcer have sot tb* ttaooaaM a
year. Tb* aicctlon miM slv* a sreat
teipMB* to Bryanlvn.''
Al«ut tb^ elMUon t«BeraI!y Stead
was quite cheerful, i^s: 'Tb* Chlcaso plat
iiforiB mtnu* tbe noi
fra ril<
.won’t ocare tb. Bos'
To m.
In the old enuctry
I a much sieat.r nr
to U><
tlU) than lb. E
.n If. ih*r d<
by Cmker
and Tammany Hall. The Republican
tampalsR fund atanered aa much mo
than tbe victory of Van Wyeb."
tbe maJ in l»n m conaeciKM wttn
■ Ocorse Lewta, b behalf of tba
.PHoe* of Wale, a^tbe Earl of Boffotk.
BrlUeh Weekmea - Tma.-IMba 1.
yrm.Mra^ WQ! Ope, tb.amO. wU ,
ehatw—^riJfd In
Tnmty. a. Dm lbs Wmblai :|
___ __________________
----------------RtxriT IN t IR RimRE tCTATE.
the woU-knewn
9- P. GA&VZtL AcoK.
Suits to Order.
Sm Oil Kee Uu
Picture Mouldings
6iud B^idi t bdiiu L I
.... 11
P. Will Kel Hake a RIppla.
New ToilL Nqv. fc-A member of tbe
Union Parltlr ayndkatclspcaklbB of the
In of the United ; arranremenu for depoalUnr t» banks
lerry will act aa ' the
which la to be paid
nr of the senate. 11 Boremraetil (br the release of Its
ulbonty that anas ' upon the Unkm PacUk
uoe i
-......... ............ .ireaty Htased law week at Omaha, tald: “The
ttanaBcUoBS will be carried tbmisb
aithoot a r1pp:c to dtsturh the flaanelal
- Bltnatlon. Tbe money will be dcposlled
____ Washlnpcn.
Jnllan In elsbt or nine bank* and more if they
is «4*.1M. In aplie of the auy-st- Pb«t>ce»o*e. tbe British___ _________ ________ ____
home vote. 8baw-» plarwUly I. M.KS. ; ^ I* JuW back from London, probably bank U Tern
Hta total vote U the Urcest ever cast |
*’""'»»• »»k Secretary Bherman at •«.«« of tbe money, and Itcan arranre
fur a Rrpuhlicar candidate for x<rrern- sn early day ecncemliucihe reopenlnti of to take IM.Ma.MW If neceawy.
or. bcirj! 1C tM hlBber than tbe hlrhest c-mKlatlons for an Ansto-Americae“I do not think any of the
money will
before. It U aim blcber than tbe vote ('^'•9 «f arbliratlan. Then. U said to be deposited la CtaUsBo
for tbe
ea^for yy Repnblkan candidal* for "
li*od lo press lesscm that the money Is In Sew Tort
' "/ 'b-
! >* »® drvelop alour n
oral lines and re-
s..ss=. ssartT.to’T^
tbe nisrottatloea and wa* h..pefui that
a peace trniiy nltlraately would I* #cIcved. ’The BrilDb of"e|*U »-re much
' crariOed at thi. aocc**tlon All tbe ten: drnelcs or the other ride are favorable
cwUe. awacial Hi nil, (tesa to obstMria
tomS Uaiooriroc Tiliiliiai HI.
ICrriratao bn
e .New Tnrk banks do. Bom
It should not be forsutlen that rtrtaally
whatever money D to be depuslled this
i U already 1
3 banks and
Teltow PeW mill a. Wob.
. sttssyidc-
Chicago -u. —wr.
West Michigan.
o. iijssa’
...... w ..we
. iw ..rew.r .
Orteana Nov. i. - The yeOow
.............. .. - Ion* as A^re U a chance
!«““« *>"
'oP~ved any
that It would meet the mm* fkt* as the
Wednesday and tbe unfavorable
Otoey-TanneefoU Ireaty.
^ affair* followlnB In tbe wake
-------------of tb* cold wave and tbe IlBbt fnm is
BB arED TH* rtUkrE or WAm 1 dlmppolmlnB. Her* there were M new
0-1,------------T d««tb*:
bo. at
Rsval ;
naAer win iseerie rewafd kp lewe^ at in
at BOoxL I
•• i—There wa* an eslra- easts: at. Memphis. I new cases and
• beard before tbe bed death; aj MoUl*. 1 new case* aod
veateMie, wrW— e. ■— '<1—ih
wTDUB^IIr paid falm by the late Under !
Bheriff Croll. who was the liquidator-of
the United KInBdom KlecIHc Tele*rspb
..c •< -i™,
„ —..h,
MBitee. Hind* further claimed tbe
-)i ^ ~
of £130.000 from Lutd BuRolk.
that tbe latter had nibumwl .
commit perjury before Lord Ilramwell
■aetM«fewl. I»if
’I70R RALB-;Tw* kosam aa* Icm «• Vew
£ mue: a barsala far the rixkt party. laqalre a» M KoetS Piristea Msea
lb* money bdoriBed to a certain Mr. Al- 1 .
j____ .____ .
-r !
1.000 feet. Seated In the
minutes, and at Brst olwyed tb.
ete-rlrx It; but Utec a rironx wind
wbbh rwvvall.-d rendered tbe »hlj> un-
: w vtD «H
ram .
il ::
C.C. Mae-
uiBia lu I
bsrxsia Is s (0
t I>bed«. oa Van
. ureri I’scam lot srill be
b taka a fo
S«bBVerir.i»y>oai wf.
atiase-etoeka w.
, ._j*ribti. le a'Md oMonsrit^lt u'sM a
^IwmlB.bui w.tIbeeaUtsr wkalUUaciaaUr
u<nee Obo iseaas bo.lawo, ASdrm-K.
|KS.-aj<o«ce. mrif
HixxT. WbaWrirebewp Will trade ti
re or .117 peoprev- I ■-
The Cclebnted SpeciAlistc,
over IfayL Rep. Thr Re^miltlnx that
WUl IrsAe tor eUy soperty
HotelWhiting|^“ “-" ‘
It et styswr-OB Proal
Bee X-B-JUIlrr. ■•Stf
Kansas Cky. Nmr. t.-Tw«e^blrd» <ff
the 103 Kansas cvuntles nj far repurtinB
show thr li<.|>ulillcaA* 10 have eiccied
seven dletriet JudM and the fustonlsu
six. a ealci of two for the rnrionlsta.
......................... - ms shew a n
for the fu^h rl'
that they have lost vote* la almiwt eveeT'connty. and that tbe Refnibllean*
Balned’fully » pee cenL In tb* Wecompared with last year.
C1ABII PORHALB—IwtooeosiasfTrsevrse
f Cly.oaU a A l rwa.: ** acrew. m aaAOT
cslilrsuea. riacte* wlU wtster wkaat aaS
Travebse Cm, Hicb.
I ThondRy and FTidajr,
Kovember 11 aad IB, *97
so acre, at filer bMtoa laad wua Be.
2= ?ss,“7ss: t’STti'
Om Vv Omlr Saeh Koath.
OonsoltRtlon s
Qd Stxietl;
j >wsi«|it4- man ■
the pvbl:
r of .Hlrbard C_____
erbst flalterlnB pm isirtrult o
tsNed Tammany ctUefUan. S-.ead nave !
Byraruse. N. T.. Nov. E-Mbw Ari* B.
1.1a views to a lepresiDtstlvr of iho A»- ' luntirpi-in. Deintwrai, dauBbier <■( RL
socUted Pram ymterday to artglnaj
phrases sunk as eharacteriae hli uittrsnerw Cndter. It appaars. whUk
: electsd acboul
vetsl^ w|U> Burnt ptadlelsd tbal
Tamil.sry majority siwuld b* U
.. ........ -'••'‘-Irc; "If I swre to nm for
Hhould vant an tbe nrwstmpai*
------- Croker added, my* Bi
^^yoB Intend
R Kivc New Turk
1 ever bad. New
«h* Metbodlat grlscapal
J city Of the world and lansloc of
rtiurcb met In thto cUy yerirrday. BtriiWt, WW-Mr 8l Loola ptuJded. T%*
M-««U •■hewed tea btobnp* presmL
' Om r^ort
RjrABn B. Borrmi. ■. D.. rbyaielaB and
Xy bwm at lav. OtocBa. day Opera Rease BIk.
n ' f Oabbert.
rallUrs They also show that tbe
pubUcana hav^ made bwIbs In cwnnly
oOcers. Slxty-aercn opt of eUbty•iBht eonntle* In the state irive Sullivan
ffusloa) for supreme Judin- 73,S5(; Rost
dlaasree with tbe cofMaUtee. The
raiort of tbe eonunlttee was dlmcread
*i> hr an almost unanlmou. vote. ’.
I.pr-s. nl returns ere unfavorable, do not)
_ concede Oabbert’* eiecUoe.
Cosapiete Itetarw. aa dadte a-d Lotria___ ' lore—MeadY View afthe Mafler.
New Yotk, Nov. L-riJUmptelc rriuma
Trnm all couoUa Ui tbe state except
Caliarwuxuar Urernc.
Slnihen »nd
Talas ri. w a plurality for Alton B.
Tarker. Demurrailc candidate for chief
judee of the cinm A appeaU. of K.OOk.
She tlnsl recunis^n redilce Ibis plueaiii*
Cumid.ie mam* from tbe
Nlnousnib arxi I weniy-arst dlstricu of
Near York county, hemofore doubtful
alecl M «U and Mutray. Defboems. Th*
ametably kunds: KifiuUlcwnB. 71: Detn«crai>. S3. Ciusec.' UnJun. f; duutxXfll a.
London. Noi'. &.~An EnBllabmac wbo
dues nut clicnsh a UiUlly Bloomy Mew
' ■
................. e rocem elecitaa la
ibelr report, to Becreiaryof Adeultur*
Wllsoa. Tbe repiwu asree that wbUe
comparatively illtk asrbuliure ealsu
ibere It D i>unable that moush of cer
tain cniim and animals may tie sruwn to
sustain a eonslderaMe pi'pulsilnn pro
vided proper metbodf are pursued. CiilUrated area* In Ataska are cunOned to
a^l kitchen Bardens In wbicb are
,?■ ^S'
^ ‘ tinir-vc-le. and the tssult fflve* Osbhert |
Canties and In some ResuUlcan coup-
Ever Burned Out?
* received the money referred to.
I then
proeoded to ebarf. Lord
jnwell wllb defraudirs Allen’, wtdout of cm.CM. In order lo oMala
promotion and a peerasv^ The pislntlff
was here stepped by tbe court with
the wantins to epntk respectfolty of
ft>ds*a nnslly tbe court Mopped tbe
case aod dtsmum<d tbe artlua. which
was deaertbed a* l-lns “an abua of the
promm of tbe euurt“
Oe Tbera.
■anker WO^Tb^
WashlnstTO. Nov. i-Dr.W. H.
and Beaton Kllim. eomraimie(*i
polrled m ini
«t0ck ralsJns la darrled c
0 a very tlmltsd extent.
Tbe pomfble extendon of tbe pastoras* and Bardbnlns area Is quKa <xm-slderable. Batlmatea am made of aa
the former member of parllameel tor -tog edllortoMy upon tbe reeult of tbe vxpmm of m per acre In prepaHaB tbe
------- -----U4
of QWWrOJlCn.
Sbondllefa. V*.V
election In Middleton, a vnp caprickma son for eultlratloB. What aBHcultur*
district that chansm Its member* nwr- there will b* In Alaska will be subly every election, mys: “The CnlonlK Mdlary to llshtnB aod other induMrlea.
aeeordlnB to KIlUa’a separwle is
def«t must be resqrdfd as due In
BaJllmote. Nov. L—An ofllelal eouat
9 lAMabIre’s d
Fbfaaraiee will locate oq Alaskan 1_____
r tbe ballola cast on TuradaV bua. made
of. reJertloD of the propnaali and make bomee. and these will supply
our navy and merebant marine- Tbe
r Wolcott monetary c
I moet of the countlte yenerday. leavto board tbe Amertoan U
winter is very hm* and tpe feedIn*
B further roten for d uhl that tbe RePant Gmer infurmed
period for cattle will be alSmst seven
pubUcans have c<uitrol of l>otta brabebm
of the pr*m that be w«s the barer of^
tbe lesteUlure and that a RepubUcan
Abd woBld piseent to evkry amator. aa
111 Borceed Arthur H. Gorman In tbe
IbeMeb ■
Onlled Stale* senate.
Ripley. W. Va.. Nov. A-Jobn Morsan:
Five members of tbe anambly aM aiSiM by ov«- 7.000 wroklnsmen. mrb the roefosed murderer of tbe Green
olBcer or
of a trwqra
trwdra nnone senaiir were takeo Trum the Dem- of them belrjr
«“■*«» an omrer
family, wa. Indicted yeeierday by tbe
ocratlc li*t of profaabllllltw and added to^ '“»• »»« rvprmenllns sltosetber &TW.M rmnd Jury. 'HI* trUf will besln toddy
' RelH.I.---------- - ■___________ ____ _____________
(bat of the Reupbileat
Three of tbe BHtlab wortlitsmen, Cootlculns Crem
brfore Judfv Rlltsatd.
Nolhins but
aod tbe aenator are from Tpl-' mid: “On a previous vtak lo tbe Unllrf thU
bot county and one member meb fnan SUtm U was ftequcolly said to me
Prince Georsm and Carroa Tbla slv«
tbe Idea of a treaty of arbitration be
the Republicans if member* in
tween tbe 1’nlt.d Btaifs and Great Brit killed ’rulrlsfat. died la*l nlpht, maklns
boose and the Democrats ttl It alas
ain emauied from tbe Mantuls of Salis - clean vweep of tbe family of four In
« the Repablicans U smaiocs to
'ireaday. tragedy.____________
bury aod the prlvllecvd cUam of Ureal
the Demoerstt and a majonty oa
BrlUin. with the view to tie tbe band*
They Ms** "a** Devi. Day- la C.avsla.
Joint balkx of IT.
of tba United Slaim.
Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. A—Tbe bin by Hr.
The re*uU la Talbot county arose f*om
OelactoCarTTesa Crwi.ifT,
Oliver. ofi Barite county, to make the
(hefaruhat elithieen volrsln Tlirrbmsa
AttorMja at Law.
“But proof of the unanimity of fallnc birthday of Jeireraon Davt. a lekal boUpreclnc* wet* found tuharebeencouci
be tb* .ubjot her* la tbown by the fact day In Oil. »tate. wa. adversely leI wire for tba D
thaithef* wcreOBly bairA-dmearefumb ported-by tbe JndlelarTeotnmUtee la the
...........................m to al«n tbe'addtem lo
boseeiof represrnuilvr* yeeterday aod
a senue ursine the e
Oltva* called up tbe measure aod moved
rnmeu la All Them Oaaatlaa
klnlrylast year. Tb* Demociuts
The nmclal o-unt fnun the Di4aware
tout ty 1. In. ttit with protests and noWee. of content from the Dcmoctsu. and
the same Is true of NoUe county. The
Or-Tear BSm la B
olfirl.1 evum of w.wd county may not
lyiplsvillr. Nov. L—Electloa returns
be Mynplewd till tnmomiw. aUhouxh'
m the recent contew for clerk of tb*
ttey e*pe« to ret tbronrb today.
, wrt of appeal, are comlac In slowly.
Wood oiunty tbe Dei
testej ; ^oae from heretofore mlaaloB prednets
anlnet i^.untlnx <be
ectnet In ih. state raise fibsckelford’. (Sllrer
-^1»aie the place of votlnr was lotside j Democrat) rlurallly to 20.000 Is round
/of the precinct bui within tbe ward- I numbers, or to be exact IIAH. with
Bad this prerinct been throw*___ __
*S7 precincts aot of L77« raimlnx- Tb*
would have elnied the Democratic can- counties which ^ve reported tbe vote
•date for repremnuilvr >y a plurality In full :nake the total t<fr tbe state M..
Of &, Instead of tbe Republican tandl- fTl. and when n are In tbe total will
^te by ». The vole of the precinct I baidly bo
am.OM. Tbt. shows a
led and tbe Democratic protest tremendou fsUln* off from Usl ytar’a
dn the jiroBnn
even for an off-year.
•ouety. In N.>We
r there i
■esatoi^Elee* TelaM Naa-Cewia^
loan eontesi >'ver____
that were fln.lly thrown
Clnclnnall.g Nov.
they were not pmperly marked, ThisJ^Lewls Vt'lxbl ore of tbe Icdcprodenl
wa* a Rernlqiran luwi Every pdnt i^epuMIcan* elected In HamHIon ixiusty.
be1n« conimod In the oflleial count
r-'^wa* asked ho* be stood on pcIIUcai
tbe close eountle*.
Imntirrs. Vuixbi replied: “I am a Re
view. oi ww Twe Chairmea.
| publican, a aonnd money mar. and forCbalrman Nash said Iasinticbl that | thermore 1 am a supporter af the prewtbe BepuUkan. have a lufe maJorUy | ml national administration.’
But he
•r t <m Jcint ti^i.t In the laclMature. would not m Into the RepoMVan cauHe admit, that Ibt pluraillle* are small
'w would not way whether be would
lo .umc countl.-«. but claim, they are Toie for It. nornlmeor whether be would
safe. He bat no doubt of tbe lesuli In ^'o<e for Hanna; br would c«Iy aay that
aiw .>r the counU.-e whltfi be clalma ea-"‘‘'Uld '■!' frr a RepubUcan for
' -nit.d Bute* senator.
* not admit ^1 the Km ; . ri;pall.t. nsliabir sria U Cslsrsas.
pubHcsft* b*»T carried tbe Thirteenth j
Denier. Nov. L—There seem, little
dlsirlm for their paiiaidate 1
imtor. and he alUl rtalm^
n-prv- ;
alms the
d the court dala
Abe tribunal of last rmon In Judslac of derwood. Rep., by 4 voim. ...
tbe quBlIfleatlocs of its member* the roll, tbe recount ahowrt that_______
Republican* have an advantase.ln ibMr Rep., defeated Crouse. DeRw byO votes. I k, viin«a hv
•onlrol of the bouse, over the Democratst. Wbo control tbs seutle. Tber. are WaBilnston copntlaa alto went tnto tbt SUrt
M seuuir* with only two or Ibise nm. Republiean column
Tb* DetDocrailc_____ _________________
tests possible In that body. In tb. bouse
there are lOt membera witb a A^n or were rlcmd yesterday., but before be left
mure oeau that can be cootiwled. and
ebalrman mid tbe oRlclal retui
, MUburu.
tbe Roiohlleane eUlm a mayoMty of 1
I Bute* a
In that body ao'lbat more Democrata
could be unseated In tbe boose than
Ctepubileana In tbe aenalw While both
Dee Molnea. la.. Nov. L-Tbe tmcdB• fr k-eplns aecret aoy ar-
Seates of
yepertatlves to j.revenl the' R<-puhIlcaia
Tran orBantxiriBthehoum aodvpolntlas
tbe commlUre that Yrlll coo.uder contesta DeA-elopraents are expected to
day In thr f 1lc.e.*0f both panirs SO far
as appeatlrd: to tbe courts ara cooecmed
he allesal
I a Mroi
Two engnshmdn Will Carry H on
h) Thn Country, Bdcinnii^
with th« Sofutd.
OCX imnmraals
.Money to Loan
To Youiig, Middle Aged, an^tJId Men
■red wttktPOl wAik. ksife. psUi er Mat. Vew MboAs.
t’ATAkKIl New bets-IresUBCBI. I’l
ClMRANTEb' Tu rare ctoy cm
of --------------- ,'SiJ‘KUclw. Ptisa. Tap,
Br«h CBM aoA lo r
at wUl picas. brtosM
toaoBlyAsThM wkeamWBsbloto ewllewB wTlWtBlI p
tow V
lik iTi'V
e wtih a cwptta) of
DRS. B. S. & GO.
Look Box ISO.
o JJ.S1S": »-.w. HABTDia* m
Fire Insurance.
<1 TRAVEB8E onr. mcs, 8ATDBDAT, MOTEaBEE 6, 18OT.
Itnt Twr—No. 160.
tppolatad to towaaticato Ike I
ral pcaelbaitieq of dlaaka.1
ibodttod tkelr
tkat while I
0UB« Tfoa X>oat L«k« T«n«rd^ to Mta tkere. It U poadMa that aBoafk
Sstar OompUBt »«tt A* Ho fttd of oaWla <eropa of aalmaU may
Hot yowiiliaooMityibr Oooli Ho
▼matt Woe* teMd-WMlHoao
igdal '^totnna Show BopabUoan
XdfoxiW of Tour, in Lagtalatara oa
Joint ----—
Oonnty WIU
flrat-etom alaamtklpa to tba KtowKke
boon ofVaaUed to tbla city, with
Ckarlaa H. Oampoftke ahjpteUdtoy
firm of that name aaprealdoat. Thora
wlU ba flea reoalaa to all. tke firal
atarttoy April next, eleartoy from New
tTork or Pblladrlpbia. Each will meeommodate abeat 4U0 firat-elaia poaaenyera aad aareral baadrad aaeond
olaaa. They will make ocnaaritona
wMk raUroada oa the Parifie aad with
truopertattan boam to tbe raid rc«ton.
Tbma TiMib wUl arrira to Almaka at
tbe opaolny of aaTlyattoa on tba Ta
boo nnd will eoaUnna to yfra weakly
aerrlea betwaoa tka Parifle porta ht d
the Kloadika. Book Tooaal arUl oarry
2,000 tone of frelybt.
Do You Know How Many..
beautiful articles for the home can be
made from Crepe Tissue Paper?
buy^s a fuU ten-foot roll
OpnUl le^to aoanm Saew
BOriekwofLooc Loko. euM flaad to aaaU fvdaaa i« wkiok ara
to tbo
i* hlB poo- frown May of oar aariler Tafetablaa.
■iwlno » pMoUv. iko9fb mm^wou- •aaek raiainf la earriad aa to b nry to oOeMl reMrwBOtor toealTad. tka
ira.ataada T« rapob
iocklac rwkriod rooiof liiw« ptwor- limited eatent. Tka poaalbla axtaoalea Ohio lairlaUWra.Btaada
. oao deoktfal.
Um*. Mr. Strlokor «m U • rofo
UkowMc la taoertak bute. aad ooofkt la qolU ooaaldanbla Batiiaatn ara
oearta pam on 'the
iMtleo for wroafB laSietod apoa made at an expeaaa of tWO par ana
y WO Fine
a Cbnirman MeConrUle
klB k7 a pair of UwUm koya who In prapartair tka aoil far ealUraUoa.
JaitoatoaadCapeaatBnryala Frtoaa
that thaw waa all What afTleolWn tkan wUl ka la Alia- otUl etolma a majority on Joint ballot
w yoa can yet Pletaree fiamad and n
. kMa of fao «o aaaoiriar lio hm wOl ba aapportlar to fiakary aad natll lk« ratarto of all tba ceeatiaa
w bare yoar own pletomo fraaaod.
are to. Ha left for CtoeUnaU tonlykt oaband. k
^ faatlemea. -Mr. Htriekar
to bootar with John R. McLeaa rcyardoUiiad that the;
kin with
toy tka oOBtaata to tba eloae ooutlaa.
aad aMaolted him with roeta.
•M ot wUeb ha kroafkt to towa to
The oontaal for the' ooatrol Of tba
add wel»ht to kia prayer to tba aaihor- Xo^oaa to Tkat Hflkot LaM Hi«kt
lylalatBre wUl ba oarriad into tba
IUm fw a warraat for tbe arraat of tko
Oauaad Xsdtamaat in Haw Tork.
oorta. Official ratnma from abaat
endel w Tu Moexia* Ka«u>.
«a«tdotm. Tka root, bowaror. aor
Now Yark. Nor. ».-Bomora tkat owa-toorU of the elybty-elybt eonntioa
aappUaoto of Mr. Striekar wara w^hObolcaoe ntylaa aatrn vnlMn.
V «woo(b to man Jmtiea Varty. who. RInhaid Stoker waa dead eaaaad treat hare baen rateirad by tbe aeoaUry of
tkk aturaooai oa tba atato. To 'the retama of tke claaa
thoorb Uapremad wltk Ike ralatioa of
tba wToaca of Mr. Strieker, ooald af
xopaaad to ^eaat tbe Idaaaaee of
koworar. Orakar la aaflarlaf
ford kirn aay aatiabtetlOB witkoat
;ifieataa of elactkm to oartaln leyiatram a aeren eoU. hot •othiaf at i
«ari^ for ooala ware Srat Uad.
laUro cnadidatea If Ue eq^ will ao
danctoon natore.
to erimiaal prooeadara la tbla oil.
la aow aaaaatlal tkat aaeb aaearity ia
Tanlyht the totereat eaatan to tka
Wad. aa in eaaa tka oomplalat la not
of vomeo, are io favor of the be^j,
dfielal ooenUay at Bowl^ iMaap of
npoa oaaaiiaatloa tba jaaUdurability and economy in price, of
repokoaa beta no faltk ta tba board of aapar- Wm OSbr Tbama tor Fraaldaat'B Mm- ika role of Wood Mnnly.
our great stock of
Ikaa plnrallty to that oooety Iqr rapra▼laara to allow tkair olatma for aaek
taUre waa radoead yaetei^ to
Waaklaftoa. Nor, &.-The taU
aarrtcaa. Mr. Stridcar alawa jaatka
aity-alybUand today It to annonnaad
tkranfh dttareat apaotablm aad wboo of tka SiMiab reply to tka aoU of the
ba twea^-fire.
Tka demaerato
OalMd Btatto raaeked tba aUW d^arV
toM \k^X than waa oo otkar aooia
claim the rapraaentotlTa by a pinidity
mtarwod hoM with hU root, daelariac mwtlBtkalMtmaaaa&laBow a '
tkat if tka Uw tallad to afNrd klm ezamiaatlaai. Apparently it ia aal
■Visit our Cloak Room.
You won’t fee! poor when
protocUoo bo mlcbt Joat aa wall faU to latentlOo at Ue admiabtratkiB to gim
Talepbona at BatM.
yon see tbe goods and the pri^
It pabliely now. Tba pndidaat wUl
Maniyer Barrr to airaayiay to aa^
amka ihla note nnd tka eorraapoad
qoallty Boa- I CkOdraa'a wool Jaekota.
of yoar Ufa to epant to bad. It to well
laadlof to it tka koala lor tka Baaat imI cto Jaekata. tailor-made. } Id tan«y mlxtamn. at
axtont of ayricaltaral akipmanta from to bare that comfortabla. We baa Jaekala. New Siyla,
pertant ekaptora of kla maaiap
1 SESa
i 52.8a
that lomli^ wlU make tolaphtme eoo- make it to at a eery little enattoyoa. 53.7E
Xato Oaptaln Oonaral of Onba Will ba
•eetian emr MtoTOBleat aad ralaahla.
Ooart-Hartialad In Spain.'
Clonks from $1.25 to $lti.50.
It appeara tkat tka 4<
aa extra rood Worea Wire ^rtoy oomplata tor »S.on. if too want wood brfa
- Madrid. Not. 5.-Tha Spasiah for- tka Spanlak eabiaat t
we can sell you a yood aoUd well made
Mate Saadny Sekaaln
ommaat. aa a raanlt of tba dellben- Ueaatal Warlar. wbtta aot dlraeUydaa
bad aad aa axera yood Spriny for I
Tbe thirty aerantk annaal oearantka attar-1 to tbe reqaeat of thla torarnmaat. waa
tlaawdf tho
ancaa of Uraaral Wryler. haa dMided > probably ' Inaplnd by aa iaUmatioa tiaa of Tba Mkkiyan StoU Sanday
BdJnUi Oiy OMdA OwpM sal CBeUiiag Essm.
riATXUl C9T. JOSSml Amoetotlon will be bald in Port
to ooari-martlal bim. ao matlor whara | from tba aule daparaxaaat ibal kU atanHorember l«, 1? and U.
ka landa. If ba ooaflm tba aeeatacy ot
ware aot cnloolatod v
tka pram nporu ot Ua attoraaeaa.
tba way of o^tiationB.
13&-132 Tro&t Strwt.
The eommaadiar ofBoera at all of tke
•paotah pvu ban keu laatraeted to
Tke ateamer Itotoakay arrired here
damaad of Weylar tbe mooeant be
toat Uybt at aeren o'clock on bm way
a took at tkooc
wM tka exact terma
oC^apeaobtkat be dallT««d in reply Sobool Pnpila Ym
Qranya Hall to eonaectod wiU toled the maaifeatobic at Baxmaa oo
Veaurday aftorw
pboae No. 149 and tba raaldanoe of P.
emborkaltoo for Spala oa Sanday.
F. Heddaa wlU Nn ISO.
ackool papiU to the i
tkat wo boro cot from 82.W to 81.50.
A party of yaony people anjoyed a
apoo -Hew Lowe an Mode." Tba taw boaia to danci^ to Profaaaor MortaU waa dcaifaed parti mlarly for tbe laa^b aeadiany laat niybt.
Wiagedy In
clatoBi la CirU Uormaaent. bat other
Tba NtnerU-wf tbe Hw Major DalxoU
aebolara enjoyed ik Tka Ulk
Detroit. Not. k-^obn Ntodlnf. n Toted to l^ialatin proeaedara and toe wOl take ptooa Sanday afurwoon to
nbeemakar. waa akot nnd totally meikoda adoptfd to tka raaktof and Ua aekool kooaa at OraUiekrUla.
Manly C Dodya of Uto dty wlU daaroandad by a robber wfaQa aalaap at pamtof of towS. Hr. Ceeall'a oxparibla boaaa oa St. Aateiiie atraat early naoa enabled blm to preeant to the llrar bto faibbna addraaa. -Tba tmnd of
thla montof.
pa^ an exkeaatin aad toatrocUn Ue Fraa." ia Leland an the arantoy af
Mra. Nledlnr awoke jaat aa tbe latrader appeared la tba doorway of tkelr
Aboot a doaan Maecabaaa war
bedroom koldinf a Ufkted match.
laterloeban toat niybt I9 nontot to
Tke atranyer. reallxinf tkat
ferrtoy Ue initiatory work npoa a
We show P^ceplioaal
dlaeoTered. Arad a rarolm at tba bed.
nnmberof <mDdidaton
Baryaina in
Tba ballet catered the alaeptaf man'a Ta Ba OiToa Koodny By Trsewna
A eampofUaModeni Woadma
Bay HlTo. L. O. T. K.
braakt. peaetratia* the laay blood eeaAmerica to belay oryaalzed to Sattaaa
or enr*. Kill onr competitors when they
aala. Tba mt at tba famUy waa by
Tra^^ Hay Bira, L. O. T. M.. U Bay- The camp will start wlU a larya
tkia Mma awakpaed. bat the robber pnparinf to yire aa eatertnlaiacnt
Itot of ehartor membera.
try to reach otft stsBdnrd. nnd core onr |
qaiekly aeaaped Niadinir eonaot lire. Beat Monday cTenlac to Moatnytie
Local fisbormea are anxtonaly awalthall.. The attracUon will be tbe Bdiotutomers of the idee thst
toy Ue dectaioa of tbe Sepremc eoart
Saacaia of Tnat XhTtrlng.
aoB pboaqfrapk. of the lataet improred
cm the fish law .oempUcatloa. It will
Tbareday erentof •» a riy betonrinii ; Seetoa. The pheaoyrapb baa baaa exprabably be readered toder.
to W. r. Earsha waapamlay aloBf the biiiiird la aortkcra Micbiyao a good
read near the reeldenoa of Kiaay'deal lately and tbe newtpapeia are a . M. E. Haabell to nofmeklay a larye
Hrooeb, at tbe point where tba roa» unit to yiviaf complimanury no|iaea. qnanUty of holiday aad sUpta yoods
Boys' yood Salta for fil.OO
which will soon make an elaborau dis
way i> marrow, between the banka, anBoy*' U1 wool Soila for 81.«2
play an. Ua akelros of bto atora.
otbec team camr daabinr from tbe opFoot BaU to Mai
poaite dlrc<tlen at a rapid rate ot apaoA.
Prof. E.surer epettad bto daoeiny
Tbe firat fool ball elrren of tbe Uiyb
10 Flour oennot be made et homa
There waa a eenittoa an« Mr. Uareba'a aebool win yotp Maalstoe Uto mom- clam toat arantoy to Siatobary-a ball.
Boya' keary inatera. sold laat
rif waa o*ertarned a«d tba drlear aad toy to meet tke Haototoe Ulyh aebool Whan faUy aUnad Profaaaor Silrer
year for Hl.rs—aa tbe waatker to
--Taiaall boy thrown ont. BoU f^n- team to a retard yaoae. Tbe Trarene will yire waekly partiea U aa anjoy-'
warm, they yo for 84.47
nauly eaeaped Injiicy, bat a etore to aty team to ia better ehapa for Uto abta aatace.
Boya'Corduroy Knee Paata, 48c
tka wacoo wail b^ly brokaa.
Him Ayaea &icb of .Uto city, daoybtyama than
been any time Uto
TkoAc wko hare oonakra to drtn aeaaoa and My expect to yiee tka, or of Made Rtok.
wear iket road aboald be more enrafal Mantoiaa beya a yood hostla. Tbe a
ntnlfhl and refal^ IhMr %fmi aa tea me are araaly matebed and a fine
9 Ue etate board of
tkat oallUiou may Saroldad.
pharmacy to Innalny Tboraday.
yama wUl be ^aped.
Tlekett far Ue Uiyfa aebool laeure
Temparanoa Laetnia at Old Klamon. aaaiaa can ba raaarradat Ua CUy Newa
The mlaa ef‘
' WUl Open tba
Bar. Wnay K. Wri^t of Ttararaa Staad Uto memiay.
cooiaa tlckaea bare boon racy kaary
C*j wUldeliTcra
Saaean tritb a Brilliant Brant.
and a .flnanetol aneeaao to already aaCompany B. Fifth infaaty. M. B. O.. at tka Old Mtontoo M. E ebnreh WadMes*B extra baary wool Ororof Maaiataa. la pnparioy to fire a Bcaday ereatoy.Ai'orembor loU. aadar
eoalo. Nary Bine. 81.M.
(rand mlUlary baU Neramber 12. Tbe tka anaidcoa of tka W. a T. U. Tba
Mea'p extra, fine wool boarar
Haoaah Blllaa of tkia city hare re- Old Mtoaioa band wUJ fontoh moaSe.
DaatolDakawwttoChieayo yoatoreelred an toeltatlon and amoac the
MenW extra beory Dtotera,
Oblcayo ^Uikat.
otkar roaatawmba tba aUto HiUtoiy
hlyMbUar. S2.M
Mra. M. A- Waotyata ta rialttoy
Hoard aad dUtiarnlabad efBeen of tke
Cbieayo. Nor. S.—Oooad—Wheat—
Men'a axuk^toclOUa Ctotora.
frieBda to Ckteayo.
Michiyan National Oaard.
Norember, Vtc; ttoeamber, Mlfc; JnaW. EMUlerotMtHk^en, tarmorly
naiy.-eiSe; May. WSi(»Ke.
Wa otrietly ynaraalee tka
af Utocltj.toto town.
Senior Claaa Party.
Com—korembOr ,n\ci Daonmbar.
abore yooda to yire aattofactioo
a. E Themaa of AMea. waa to Ua
The aealor data of tao Bifh aebool 2lK(«S6c; May.MHbrity yootorday. Ha drvra back laat
yarr a pleaaast party to Ooehran ball
Oata—Norambar. UK91»ci Dewm: alyhu
N.B.—We bare cheap orereeato
Uaiolyht. There waa a laryo atoMid- bar. ll*t.««t<c: May. 21SC.
Tbaadoro Lndyate. maaayer' at Ue
ae.-e of yonpy people who oajoyed
Pork—Norember, r.WX: Daomber. Trarerae City Lumber Co., went to
Uybt refreehmenu. cards and the af>
Cbloayo on boatoem yeotordoy.
tet* of a talented wkbUiay qaartot.
Imrd-Korembar.. fit.SO;
J. W. Bmbroo of Cbieayo, tke well
Also Gent’s Box Calf iorUible cork Shoe at $2,50.
*4.»(a22H. ,
kaownlambmmanafaetarer. toto tke
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Smndaid OyotaA eon ba anenzod at city looktoy after the Inlereata of the
Right in Style,'Wear and l^rice.
FennIbiliUea Suyttotod by Ooram- the Oolnmbtoa reataurant at Baltimcaa flrmof BlMonboaoe A Smbreo.
Stonmar Una-to BMmdiko.
P.DI tMUr. au ul Fnlit*.
tbs Fair to axblbiiiny today WU Ftoa
Hoar York. Nor. 4.-lba 8i*t lisa of if.
MeuPrtoar-.a am.
Bvsin and B.
inokWo and e^ at Baiyato prloan .
Beaton Mlllan,
Haskell’s Bookstore.
the critical eyes and
the careful purses
A Full Third
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Friday «<
ClothlDg. '
Nice Stjle, Good leaikef, lo« of Weir. " -
We Kill
Th.e ‘Best’
Hannah & Lay Co.
Overcoats and
3 Grades of...
Guinea Hen Flannel
Ladies’ Box and KaipDO Calf Sboe for $1.50
tfto fnla
W* bw M> «BW-h < 0 the IW >»el “* be d»d tb» rrrj «cmK tUn« tbmt be
OOT bm asd do aoi rtae to ^ «leTa>
bore dooe. He-dior* bo^ to bit
tioB of tbe tamttfol tblose obnst et.» cbambm and tiM to write.
Brr. a A Kbot. Uajtarioik, «< Axiek-: of tootw be «Mld oot writ^ wtrIJB. OB BonoB OotBDOD
I tM bj li)> teen aud panlraed bf a
^....... .
'eelf dietmt'tkei waeoew to blm. Be
■OA T. Batw axv J. n. Baxrs.
«. W. Haxus. Bdlior Md Mmcv.
taowne tban Flotoooe Klgbungale and
*YonwbJ «!»e to tbe*^*to
CUim Barton In boepttal wformMhaB
Franca WiUard and
& fiUona. OoQsni
He aat bolt ^Kbt and Upped
Faxo Cartfa—It
-It's all rigbA
-Yra. .1 wear It Bad i
f ia ItItoenaeA and it
tow pfoperty 1
n. Ktog Tm Amen
’ I to him. but et tbe end of U>« SO year*
Already out with a well derelopod predioUoa that a freeeUrer candidate will.
»«t wear tbe oongreaalonal bonormaow
aaloyed by Ooagreetmaa Corllae ef Detroiv
Web. Hr. Bakera prediction*
tera beaa toowa, la Umea goae by. to
be ehonld bare
Now that UotoOtokor bae beta re-
J. ▼. Slatar, the Hobm Fimiiabar.
DaDGing Scbool!
I «o*y and tbat be bad foond bia preri-
, too. the reenlt
«< tbo oampaiga aiay wartaat tbe pnroi a few more racer*,
might win faror with tbe royalty of
Oiaat BriUto^_________
“Uncle Jallanr eKlaimed Black1« HI...—.leg tka ablalag example tbom. “lamdelighted. labonldban
dteplmyed In Kaatncky Mr. Bryca bat Tcoogaixed yon.in anotber mcaiiaA
■oi been beard to gloat orer tbe re- tboogb it'a 10—no, IS year* aiiiof we
tana from Sooth Dakota or Maryland.
tbted at alL Itembatraatod bim t/meetootcrm»of warm
taraily intimvy a man who waa in
a tooehdown. there U no poaireality a coBl(9ete irtranger to bim. Tbe
jcatthiaUme that Sena Ber. Jnlian SibweU bad a pnriib. re
tor Hanna can kick go^.
mote and nortbea(. from which be reiy
rarely atirred. Tbe two mm rrere noth
Boee UoaxAX might bow plaeo opoa ing to each other. Tbey bad to jBetend
tbe markM a few attiaeUre togaa at to beaometbing nmnderable. to aaob
Other and to pretetMi it at ooee.
“Twelre yean?" echoed Uncle Jnirecotimeataeeme to hare liaa. "It'a 18. to be accurate. Time
fliee eren taaier than We think,
fat as
ge la Peaneylranla.
hope tbe number mayn't ptore an-,
lacky." be added with a )o»y Uogh.
It ebsDoe tbat w ibara
met DOW, ancle 1 faonld bare .
lloooeater road, but 1 fell arieep
c tbe repBbllcan* of Ohio hare
fa Maryland Coaoadaa Ble
apeeW leTaeUeunM Kkoxs.
BalUaore. MA. Nor. S.—Tbe chair
“1 aee. My lawyer farcmgbt me to
London and tbe old pamloD— mineralogy
if yoo bare notbiug better to do roo
mart Inneb with me; a baoaoD to Ba-
geot atrect. “
Blai^bam gare in to tbe friendly re
lated bore, and aa tber drore «S Unele
•mator Ueraaa oo tbe face of the
Jnlian aaked. "Andwhatareyoodoing
fagUaUre retnra*.
—atiU at literature and jouraaliamr’
'“8U1I at iA" eaid Blaektborti.
Tbe old gentleman grew iuqniaiti
and poured out quactiona. Wbm did bia
man of the demoeratie eoaualttm to
Bight admita tbe appaiwat defeat of
Any timeP It wa* remarkable
what aort of work waa HP Chiefly «totiee? Tbiugi out of bia own bead? And
1 arerage.bow much' in a week?
' ible, but-------^Unele Julian
lie t«ad and read again what he bad
Witten. Y<a it waa gcaxl. but be oonld 1 rntar a«ht. mot. a
not for the life «f bfut rciucmber how | tuu owbewra.
>: AaCiM. U
be bad meant to Snuii it. e<v ooold be I isrirdiar ic—
le eoD. ttowioa for
tbliik of any e-ui that va* at all aatii-! «»i«- tr*eau
» araniec >**( roo
factory. Hii thought had atoiqni like a | aU.»irt«» re*
JDteir o'llora.
tbrrwd cut abotA Tbe «t«rr began well, j
«« ao* haw a «wie
but it waa like ^ atory that' bed been ,
writlfii by another man. Il aemted to'
bim to lead lo notbing.
Ac 8 o'clock he wrote a note of ex------------- ---- ife. Hi* work bad uoTrr been late b(- 078TEK8! 078TEBS.
for<-, hut be aaid that be waa
yraa iU.
iU^ Then
be tried 10 ocenpy bia mtckdhfabnUy.
He bad bought a qoanlity
■w. rrHiaic
irued them ora^Tben
priutA and be tni
•put them away, turning
nine out a big
in an old cabinet
et 1for tbe |
poto- Tlulr
Tbiir wai
wa* a lot of
if robbiah
in tbe
drawer—relic* c
ulidaya abroad. 1
llrer onciflx, a little br*neb cd
li. a baodfol of forei
tbe little red bulb Uial tbe mad Amtrican had giren bim. togetbw <
■omewbat fautoctio Mory.
Tbe day waned and tbe next day
Tfa warip paper banket waa
piled high, and Biaektbam riling from
bii acal looked out at tbe dawn. He
waiqnile nre now tbat be would nert-r
write again, and be bated fata uncle aa
be bad never baled any man. “Hr ba*
token away 'my nerre.'' be raid, "and
tbat U all tbat one wanta—urrre, tbe
brlirf tbatooecaudoiL'' Hiacbeeka
were pale and bi* bauda abook. Be
really wai ill now, and be bad nc*
bfx-u to bed. He wmt into bia bedroom
and lockid blm*eK in. Then in the
early amniiDg be dmned for tbe evenlag aaid aat on bia
waiting onii) tbe
erruiug came; admitting no one, *endlog hi* Rurvant away, tuning over in
bi* bands tbe Uttlu ml bulb. lie would
bold it over tbe claret glax* bi lwccu liU
thumb and tbe aeoood ftogcr and fatwak.
it. It woold not Bbow if be beid it like
P«T- j__
Take Off
Year Screaas
Capital, $100,000
Sorplna, $86,000
J. E. Greilick Cd
OFFICBBS—IWy Haanab. Prentdant;
Misses’ Lace or Button,
A. Tracy fay. mAleaPrealdeatiJami
Morffan. Snd Vice PreaidcBt: J. T. Baanab, Caabler: Samuel Garland. AoriaV
Choeolate or Oxbiood Sboea, afar* IS to :. erery pair warraatod
•olid, to ftte pair, at A. & FBYHAN'ti. IH Gaat Frost 6trooA.
DIBBCTORS—Fairr Banuab. A. Tracy
fay. Jamea Morgan,
J. T. Ban
&muel OariMtd.
N. U -Addraaa all
CoUaeUoa* and
Shoe Department find Floor
Ttaverae City Mich.
. KOT. A-Major
died yeeterdar at hie home
*fea L«clanew county et the age of Tt.
Be enllated In the annr <o U«1 ai a prlwatc in HelBugbllo'e equadron. a pert
«r Bhennen'e regiment. re-eoIUted In
UM and left the army In 1801 with the
mek of major.
r»mM4 HI. Bedy to (ha Ptotd.
Oaltoburg. lUe.. Nor. A—The body of
an unknown men wee fopiid to e field
of here
Wednefaey. HI* bead wee lying
•irelrer end Iber* wee a bullet w
fa hie forebeed.- It la tb.ooght hie i
le Jobnaon and that he bee *0 au
ICew WIndenr. He had been dead «
tkTM daye when found. _
Uio ualformod gnard at tbe cBtn
flf tbe Field Otdumbian tnnaeum atoi.
ia>e man in tbe brown not who waa
.“It'a againri tbe mka Yoa’U bar#
—Bo check it at tbat window."
••What will that ooatr’
“It will cod you B ceatA*'
Hie man in tbe brown enit bodtated.
“Thi* ia tbe Field mntoam. ito't Itf"
ha Diked.
“MarfaaU TTelrtr
“Yto. He'itbomxD iriBmaedfor.
“Well. rU be ererladfagly gnmdaatadtf rUaandUI 1 don’t care fer tbe
■Meal, bail boughtthiacane of MarField, by JockA and I'm not goteto pay him for koeping it half an
hov while 1 look at hi* old faowr
And ba wwit away, uttoifag draadfal
Iteu fa aa aaaedoie of a faodon
Ifabop wba baring rand tbat atory of
John Wariey onttfag oat every word of
hla diacagiifra that bia oerraatmaid ' '
to a country oongregstioo tbe sfaupleat
Be cboacan
d took aa bis texA
“Tbo fool hath eaid in hi* heart tbm
fa no God." On learing tbe oburcb be
aeked tbe pariab clerk wbal be thought
M tbe aermot). "Oh. my lord." aaid ba
“It was very flue—vmy fine and gnari.
I've beoi talking it over with Mr.
Beard, and rie raid bow flue it won
wriltoD 8.000. bat 1 ahall
oerarbring it (0 8.001. Tberowaia
tfaio when tbe aigfat ot faeeta of good
writing paper made me want to pot
writifag on tbau. bat that'* gone, and
araooi don't demand the name orig
inality a* itorieA You abould make
proriaScBi for tbe time to oome. for tbe
day when yoo get to tbe bottom of the
bag. It'i bound to come, and for all wa
know it may come luddenly. Twenty
yean yoo’re bii-owritiiig-ic'iwonder-
So tbe Rev, Joilan^ibwell died in a
Bigeot rroot nwtourant and BlackIborn'a death by banging will taka
place tomorrvw.
In tbe interval between tbe death of
wbb took from him bia nerve
ii aaid to
far above
. prerioni work, ana In
deed amoonta to genlUA But this ii
rumor.—Barry Pain -in BlacA and
away. He I
Largest and brigfateiti Shoe Salearoom in Northern Michigan.
November Days, Look Out for Squalls I!
at H. S. GIBBS',
.y^ w
the Fall and Wiutor asoM
aad to bettor faciUtoto tbe rale a^ i.
,ber of Bargaiu Tablca, and bays
bars only ^ace to i ,o»er»to a-<ew of the priara.
Our Box Calf
faclodfuL .
tbelaadlag mat
_ a'8 aboM at 81 48 ia tbe
eo pair* Woman'i flne Dougola Md
Chrome KM Bolton and L^. fair
atitob. and flexible eotee. faablonaWe
lebaM and torn; regular 82.U good*;
Une ef Shoes
Heie a RcpoteUee
for Weal, Style aed Fit.
all go at 81 48.
ewnt Bupl wm
»S pair* fine Kid and Beavy Sboea.
apring heel* worth 81 to 81 M
for 560.
BSH' BiWli wm
47 nairi Mlmea 11 to S fine Kid. boel
iai^ ep^ heel abora wortb 81.r' '
Bos calf Balinoiafa new
and turn* at very low price*.
Cblldren'e aebool »boel II to 8 ruffufar 81.85. good to 76 oeala.
Felt aad Beaver alippor* lined «to to
and Beaver buttoo aad faoe
shoee In great variety; all *b^ to
75c. 650, 81.10 and 8i.48.
toe tbeao
A lot of Mon’* flae
difforamt good* Md compare them with otbara
Ovarubora for
atv a*. 8^ makcA facludlag C M. at soc Md 75e more.
B^fW^ and otherA worth 88 up men. women aad ebildrea, ovary styl*.
aad priM away down.
.to 81.88.
The fargeat Stock of Lumberman'*
Orera. Felt* and Seeks fa tb* dtiy at
gl-Si) to 65c.
In'sBugili TiUil«.t
MV wall wm It. 4
7S naira -Maa'a Sboea. beukaa sfaaa,
BlLl*Wrtto.^k8ol*A Bagltah E-:
vfalt our farg* dopartmaata.
ClaM Block.
Our Prioea are Bight, and
pmiriU he right U you put
your money in a pairoftbem.
Frank FriMrich,
vary o._ .
.produettoM of
madufaetarer* fa Box Calf.
TT pair* Woman * floe Vtoe Kid and
Md Kink. a.
DoogoU Butto*
Band ‘Tura*
— • i. and Flexible aolee. Some Pls- _. ebapea and toaa. patent factor aad
A Bmltto and other oelabratod ■toek tipA at lowest prtoaa. Wa hsv*
_____a. PfnUr priaei fromSt to 83 to .no eompaUUoa.
8o* our men-a hand well Box tfalf
to 81.M.
tola. .Mfuat ahapa*. baanOra worth
•?5i^abopl« to* rtirto fv* »"«
CbemtaiB aomeiimea have qnes oxpo- ' gjJSlicv I. ito tra
rioneea Tbe following faeta were told
by a proftimi In ooe of our
nniTwxitiea: “For about ten
have mode a specialty of examlj
reporting upon caaes of real or auspeotod
I number ol
have been oonnactrd with mnrder trials |
1 have bad oonsldrrable notice fa tbe [
daily papm. Thi* reputotjoo to mak-'
fau analyaes for potsona has brought me
queer rlaw of pamau.
“Errry year 1 have ooe or more old
BKO come to me with aamplr* of food to
be I'Xamfacd for poison
These men,
wliboQt rxn-piioo. bavr married young '
wivn, and when tbe bnibaud is token
sick and doea not rreover a* quickly aa
far tbiok* bo ebbolrt b« begins to anspect
tbat his young wife wants to get rid of
him and is poimning him gradually
tbroogb tbe mrdiuni of bu food. Of
oourra be does not wont bis wife to
know of bia suqiiciaeA ao be quietly
gels a sample of tbe fond be auspeeiA
and at acme unusual hour to work,
generally either early fa tbe moihing or
very late in tbe evening be oumoe to
me and tell* me very secretly that ba
wiahe* to fa aV e an exam Ina tion for poiaoB
“Now tbe odd part fa that tboogb I
bavo made a number of nob analyaes 1
bare never found poiwui pnaent in any
Then tbe husband is very much
afraid ifau hi* wife will And out be auspected ber, and be geu out of my labotatoiy fa tbequiekeot and qaieteot manIble. So every year 1 expeot M
tnl. wouderfoll"
“fat'* ulk atxwt anmetbing more
cfaeeriul.'' raid tilarkthom.
, Toward ihi- end of Inncbecas be Mked
hi* node to dine with him on tbe fnllowing ermipg. The Ker. Julian Sibwell _WM engaerd, Jmt tbe dinner wa*
airaqged for tbe prening after thaA
Blacktbom went away. He bad
I that be 1
M feeling of i
never had bi'forr. for which be caned
bia nuclA Ttav idea of “the bottom of
tbe bag" wai absurd, provincial, inariigtiA Btoimal. Suggeetion came ia
frmn tbo life aboot qua wa* trans
formed and Brad. Tbe bag waa olwayi
emptyiag. but iLwaaalto adwaya fiUfag It would
ia it to him *o long aa life lawad
There ww. be told himaclf no, reaeou
wby be abould get into thU norvooi
la, but be teaaained fa that stata
'srrtlten tbeaDMlTM OBt" Tibia gift to
oeiring atimolatfag anggeetio(». tfaia
capacity to acfaetlng tbe right iMaiA
might faaak'down, and then ona would
omne to tbe botoa of tbe bag.
And quite suddenly be realised tbqt
to him ail tbe eloquent crowded atreet
mute and empty. Tbe pbnae
alvely up my oflfae atain with a well
,--------d oo Kmger told him the ran
ealed Sample Ot food about him to
ibeorarmatiasiuDd tbe lives of
uuDined for poison. Erery year ba
iLera Tbe bvantifol women imnivl
eua»«A ever year 1 make my analyti*
md Aft notboicbt or dcavipuv* and find no polsoo, and every, year tbe
by auc
word iu bu mfad. AU lbs life bad old gimilemab gets uformation tbkt be
dropped out of Iba •e*Drand left it arid
idet* cheap at the price. “—ObiOMO
bare. Nothing that mt-i bi* eyes or
seemed really to penetrate <w to
. anything. Nothing wm «og.
Everyth was faofatol For
It time <2 bia life Blaokibacn porfa a efaarpcoflt tbiiaeanaf «rt».M
drasalf ormwikraily trying to^
and pot up STORM SASH. If you haven’t
any we’d Hke to make you some.
Hatter to the Traverae City StoU Bank.
Orer tbe luncbran table be gare
Meodly warning. One might go on
writing and lanfang np. bat one wai
boondtocomt^tbeetidof iA Bad-bU
andiew DO feJ of oomiog to Ibe bot
tom of tbe ba^
nerer tbongbt of 1a" taid
Bla^tborn. "It mem* ae uatntnl tome
a* for yoo to do yoar work.. With tbe
Am oomM tbe idea." '■But 1 don't do my work any n
othfiig Co.
At StatitaO DudU BiU
iWad from aaztoty be may taro bU
ectly. and prerent tbe sudden cooling.or ebaoges of the
be body, (the nsoal eanaeaof colds).
If you cau gel
tomperature of tbe
men and woraeo of
* this place to wear thaw i luatead ef tbe ebeap eotton goods) there wtll be but little complafat af' naaal catarrh, cough*.
1. BanFraociaoa
ooold tiw.
He made no fortber attompt-» work.
He pai^ rail, dined oat. went to bed
changed, and got ant at booUi Henalae- early aiid alepi peaoefolly for ten bonra
; Be feh wben be woke tbat be wa* lo
Tbe inoidtoit wa* rtrial rampk
fae beet of bealtb, bol be alao Wt tbat
tor IH effect on Blacitbora e life and h,,
He bad
death. Bad be on tbat day got
Qloawwter road, ae ba intended, all
ytofiniah. Tbe itory
might atill bare been well with bim.
A* it lA be will be banged tomatrow comforted bim; be woo Id not bare to
tbe mnider of tbe Ber. Jalian Bib- make a turt: it would only he necea-
action to hie
b tba “Jaros''0
t eadoraemeatof thee
write. BehadaleotorefioettlMtberej
fa erery oity it, tbe Und
bed alwaye been a rnamn; that be bed f
fcfag in polltioa, m■ onrfatbendid
bemi mentoliy cr pbyric^ly tired or U1
,y,»n, m tpe etoto. Tbe king la tmor diftraeted by aouething wbieb for Amaloen. wbcU«r be be pope or bow
ment aUmrbed bia mind, and’* moiKinoIi«l.—Her William Bader.
'T.S/.TwSSt 5tsss-"S,;rsrT.rs;
Wu. Bkmna—Ffaeat I ever warn.
w It two wlatara. ________
________________ _
oa bet it fa all right Wo«_
CafT- C A. Wxan—Oivaa good satiafaeUoa.
Truvetwe aty; Mieb. Ost ». 1M7.
wiflecaad f Himmcod. at Merritt'* ArenoeOborob.
BlackCbatn wai a banbelor of mod.
, ante riewi and moderate ulenta He
wrote for a rarict; of magaxinea and
a CIV.; be wrote for SO yean, and dorin*r tboee
ranotbing in partlonlarbappeoed
. imUteeiaao tickled orar
«bo oJe«;Uon of Maybuty that he b
_________________ .-taerlT.- P
ima-Tlir.ateBla( metbpev
wUar: brtek mberir
•rtr. F.r riwrr W cbiim . (
vtm rate era
Irttile eriertHn;
leva—Pair erieUer,
rrMaOM er mB>eneaHTt)ileBnrBiBe:eoUer
teeetf ra ponam: eurtli-rir «ad.-
tbe uUe wiib bii naiU '*1 moK poll
myaelfUiietbcr.-’bemia Beenft
that there bad
tSon* seWbicb -be bad been unable to |
Cm OoKiciAW
We Har Beam.
Weutar<& Fee. L-PeOewtaf an tbe
anfter tadtntUam tor ivMtrJav heaie
tp.BLrwertar: P» IrMWeae aa< mt-
lil FnntBt.
Travere* City, Midi.
If You Have Logs lo Sell S.eTrlSS
Lumber Compiny. We have tor sale Good, &uod Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flponog
Short Maple Wood. Lands tor sale. ■ Mill Machmery. of all
descripdons, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant tor sale.
Tidn on th« Ch«
dlvatch from London to The Eveninc
Ohio Fliet the Track
KUIe Four Peroons.
tii. tM>d c« M
I..r—Pll>» BM • caw wm4
can Bn* tewa «a Bni
OauiBwal by Bov. 8. H. .l>ayU.
JbflwMv—why to cet tt, bow ta
^ 11. bow aa nae U.*>-DMt. ax. id. Batb. v,
Our Banner Day!
Ko man Utcd to hWlf in thia
vtrld. Oar livn am oiaiBtantly ooming
Cable comiSany <
In oontact with tbe Utm «1 tboaa abovt
flnnlus of tbe cod
.. idenre upon ibv
UUle4 ■a and Icnving an itnptM opou tbtm
eitlHT f« Rood op ctU. Even ibe wcok.
SbHetfurtableronnecIlonnllb tl
Indlea liui lor Preeldei.l UeveUnd'e taml btnrtod nud cowardly hart' an inKeg land would finance iu life aa well u tbe brave and
_____ luolan war me<
probaU) bar* been lOlle
. conuni to de-1
ju u,e Uw, Rive®'to gormi
pend upon the lliUt.d
d tHatea
iKatea llr.eu vU j
dm., »«
Florida and Cuba, but directly tbe ofllj exemptid trvm aorrico and coe claai it
Uala berc rMUsed tbe poaDbnily
' forbidden to caitiw (D<dt. XS. h). 1%iii
500 Garments
Consisting of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
a «be srl about nccuUatlont t
CbariotlCTlIlc, V«^ Not. a—ObWap«akc w>d Ohio V
M U» “F.. F. V." from diiclBMtl
■TT.e nepollallopa bill rcauU In an
imperial aubald; of IM.OOD yuariy for
Iwcniy jr*r» t. tbe BHlUhH:anadlan
«r«ckrd o.«r (
who own
hallfaxShada-ell. Arc miteo aui «« this place, Bcrmuila cable, for lla eatundon from
BennuA to Jamaica and ulllmaiely to
u l:Zi reaterday aftenraoB. Four
aosa were killed and aeveBieett injured, other leading Weut Indian lelanda and
ttiedcadarv; lieory Buraelt. oolond South America- Tbe cable will lie compleled by Ihe flnt week of February
porter. KesaMu Va^ luUan wenian.
next. Aa abewing tbe uplHl of the new
Mated Uerta kod loboU h-lleved
ecterpriw It may be said that of today's
troB ClacinBaU: Pbdix Harvoo. (died imue of *300.000 in ebam and MOO 000 In
altar mnovaJ to CbarlottrVille>.
4ti per cenL debenlunw m-.re than twe
n>e injured arc: Uom G«ldl>ia(l.aD- thlrda wwre aubecnlied privately before
edtitiatl. kaeecap fractured; Omdoclof the ioane waa offered lu the public. A
8. a Boater, lesa injured; EnclDcei BlmlUn Imperial undertaking, tbe PaDuka, danperooaly bon; Banactmas
FMra.aardooarUle.Va.. badly hurt trom
■bouldera down, probabiy imemally trby a rival pmject to conhi-ci Aunralla
. .badly faun; Uar>
with Bnglar-d via Cape Cnlony. wklf
0, hurt about brad. DM aeriuii:
eut touching foreign terrliory.
> naU ehUdren of fatary blan
one badly. W. L.. Oorhenor, of Siuu
taint benrudf
tiniu bin bouac, lc«t bis bMbrm'a b«ari
taint aa will a« bi» Inuat.'" Tbci-oward
war li« U> entw buUlo lent ho sbooU
infect otbera with bis oowaidicn.
It iR Ood'a dnrirn that liU praiile
■hnnid liavc influioce In ilif wurlrt.
! Tbiu UThue ncuru why we hboold act*
{ Influtdoe. It ir (Jod's dCATv and inteo,4, infitMuot tb« world for gooA
of Hia P'^J.
Jaopla "Ye
- .
. .. 1.
*ro tbe Slit pftbe«irtb,*’UeDiyB. "Ve
arc tbe liRbt «f tbo wiwld." 'Bince ihU
1( Uiid'H diudn-. we ah«nld on-k to do IL
God never aaocticmMl pultinR tbe light
o( Cbriatiunity under a buxboL
liRbt abinu bec "Li-t1 y<ntr
<n." and why! That men may
be thtTcby inflamed 1v good;
0»7 may w*- your good wocka and
glorify TonrFatlHT wbiti i» in braven.
It >■ KrwWn L
way to rK Ihe right kind
of inUncncD ix to live a noble, Christian
Langlng. HIcb.. Nov. L—ll I<h*i very
Men today am Raided mom than
tnuth OJ If the last leslrlatuiv waned
over br what they an? and what they
valuable Unw when H Indulged In a pn>cioued xeaeor. for
Fur Capes, Plush Capes.
REMBMBEB this is the (vreatest Cloak Sale of tbe
season. Our atjent will be with us for a few ds^s only. These
jjarments were^jrought here to be closed out—fences'no object.
Come today. LOOK THfi^ OVER. See OUR PRICES.
You will never get that chanc?*gain.
500 Ladies’ Wrappers at 60 ancTITBc,
(Jouble tbe money.
remember we have rented the vacant store two door.s
east of our present location, for this ^eat Cloak Sale. We will
also make Special Prices in all our Departments—Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' and Gent's Underwear.
Xmti,'Va.. rtctai band cut; J. N. U;:
of Waahlnctun.
Pullman condu.
painfully faurt In back; Richard H«
Jeya. Hanover. Va.. expreaa meoarna<^>.
brtUaed about body and badly afanrkrd;
i. K. Hale. Baltimore, knee rj'ruir^d
oUxbUy: Mre. DuKh. rteeumably Nra
Tork. tamaed aboul U>r bad and annr,
not Bcriouely: Let Crandall. Globe. A. Bnally pMsed » law ••‘•‘•Ua^ a 1
T.. Rishi Bcalp wound and bi.jcrre
aptDlMd; 3. W. Elder, tvaiblnytun.bead
and ii(«e cerAldrrably brulriil: C. K.
O’Brien. lAmlctllle; tllphtly tnii aboul for iht fvb*..n that about or.v-ihinl of meu tliat Owy ghall fcw that We have
head: Jonaa H. Hlnrhrt. Trenton. 0„ tbe eniliv tab b of the yrsr lx obtained been with Jrans and bo InBoaKVd t?
left Up painfully Injured.
during (hr ulx weeks cown-d by Ibe our llVM (O fonauente tbcsnaolTW to
It la reporud that ihe body of another cloaed oemx.iti. iberr baying (•ren no re> j hIw,
Italian child U under,the wreck, but siiiciiun* In thr way of Mxron limita. Onr iaflnrn
this cannot be confirmed
-toft rv. The too
* 1-oterl
argu- ' «
r lightt sl^v tunuDd
LMitfae TIbekMarMTe.
ment advanced In Uhalf of (he new Uw ;
o VijyVeui
The esuM of tbe acldent baa not been was thai U was nw-esaao . K the white- '
; jitMUinmoed I
fniip u(u-r estinv- Him. Tbe Jodgt? of all n
OaOUtely aaccrtalMd. but tbe local raU.
he. naa
jndgmrstt agaiiwt tbnse whci
uxe th«ir
tboir < 044 Front Strdfit.
road oOlclaU. after iBreetlcatlns. d«lnflDcucvf.geviL
**** xrout Dueeu.
In ;vlrw of the fad that tbe law- will
dar4d that It waa
ork B great hatiMdp w>n moai of the HemvA ••Outtoflrtiaracoum. bottfoe."
fblla (oa had been flrtd reiuHcdl. though
tbermi-n of the state by r>-durlns their
they am .unable to give even a ibeory.
They auie that the tracks at the spot annual catch by cne-lhlrd. tbe Asher■re true and egamlnallcn revealed that men ad affected have combined to pre-.
It is a funiemn Cho^'lit that each day
Its eeforeement If pi'sdibir. -Thus
they are tied aecufely. Tbe engfne left
we Dtp "isKnp an cu-rnal inijsvss for
thr Oxhertr.eti a|4x-ar to have the
tbe track on a sharp curve and was
Chatle- good or erl! upon the liv,- of jubcrw.
hurled agalnsi a rocky hill. Alt of the hem of the siluaiinn
•n. Bnllw. F
Byoor word, and Uvrawe an-ditecting
ears excvpt tbe dining car and the Rich- volx. ttagiTiaw. Alpena and several other
' nxuid sloeper were derailed. Two larb places liariied (-.wriher and raised s fund Immortal moU to brarm or to hulL
ptunged eod-foremoal down the steep with Whlih I-. f.ghl the Isw. They ap W)at is ourHafluenre!
Bible Beaaiuga.—Jndgra kvl. i-*i;
embankment, and one of ibem went Ir.io plied to ClrcuK Judge Coriwil.of Chariethe Rtvanna river, which at this place vc.lK, Who iMWKd a temporary injunction Bathl. 10. IT; Esthtfi IT. ibiChroB.
— .V. .—w.
restntr.ing th. slate Ash warden from X. 1-16; Boot. kiv. *0, il : I Oor. Iv.
Interfering In ary manner with Ihe-Aih■n in (he cvnduri of tbelr bUftiMaa
from tbe rails and ov.rtumed, Engineer
Dnke was hurted from thr rab and
Chleago. Nov. t.-The atleodanee *t FaL it. IX, it.
ertuhed nrder (be engine. btBdes biing
he burse show Wi-dneeday nigbi was.
tenibly scalded by ew-splng
w wko leatv tbeir wheel, vlU. we for
a estimated. H.ooo. The f.alures were
was rescued by his
La fireman, and the cooorllBs Of n-ysle. Swrlag the wloier, J
a fo* hum and Jumping cunlesia W«>mU is said that wheu Jolins Cmt
atge aoiblag lor rare and otoragedDctor.
eq taking pari In l»ith. Governor
...................—- Mine to Britain with his gnwl war <w-1
WAS pr-wenl an
As aoon-bfi.er the msfa aa p^lblr tbe filled with a brilliant
uninjured paaoenger* and trainmen be
en arraiEr.e'l bke Fulomwi
un in all hla
Oirae ■■,-d* Ml iwo Eiig-1
gan Abe work of reacue and aiding the glory, and more — ’
, llah gnmnd. and that lb<uv am Howitw i
lafiured. Word wae Bent to thta-plare
.^nd a wrecking train with pbyBclara.
Miea inch. N..V, &.-lM«rfemnr* Of |
havu cotae from fbew ««U tljat
ywm» Immediately dlspaubed to the acene
, Opposlie M. ■ M. B Depoiwetted the--------- '
■ of the wreck. The body of Henry Burhen. the colored porter, wai the laal re- a while deaf twuir named Kelly and ( . . .. . .r.,
eovered. He wap terribly mansled. hav Miss l.olla Haggsid. c+fr-cd; also deaf I
«ard s reUiltvs at
tv,t> thing ranitw seed ahOTt—blrds
ing been in the baggage car. A foot nipTe telegraphed fw. «Ki Us*, roarmg gtorms and wluspcrposed to bare beec hlx was first recov
iir.e ar.d took tbe glH ing bnwacs. And ■■ is it with a good
ered, and later a poninn of tbe head.
! life. It is vf^r froitfil. mid from It arc
• The body waw Uterwlly dlsmetribered.
-- W
. ..
legs r l off.
oworts at nitragw
- acDtteml B«ds that rarry blcmdaga far
Come to Our Store today aud we will make you smile.
Jao. R. Santo.
Fresli Butter
1 Irork of tbe locomoExnMKm or MBrAi.
IfUsraukee. Nov. L—An'erfdoaion 00
coRod in tbe works of the TUIdMs Bled
eompuy last evening, caused by molten
Iron working through ll>e Are brk
one of tbe blast furnaces. .Five
srort Injured, two Calaily. Tbe fatally
Injured are; Peter Hundt. and Oeorge
. Eolinakl: the aeiioualy Injured; Anton
BoyebraU. John Kulka and Allwn 8uckow-nll of Itala rity.
Salt Lake. Utah. Nov, 8.-A B«clal to
Tbe Tribune from Pocatello. Ida., aavs:
eartbauake at
f -M
r shock of eartbquske
at t'M
yraterday morning was felt lb. oaUr.
dislann- from Stiver Boa to Uonlda. j
Mom.. and ai T v ebek tbe a
"'^lowrr i>otB wen ibrtiwn fnim.thrir
•rands, lamp chlif-.neys and
e made
I sway gqd
etnek. '
I thr plainer fell from the
Lanefard. Pa. >Ml. (.—Peter Cbcwim, Ms infant daughter Anna, and John
Blohlfna were aiqihyxialed by coal gas
yeaterday esornlrjr at Chewfxw's borne
an th* outskirts of the tow-n. Mrs. C»ewper and a boarder named Blmon were
found uncoDaeloiis and are dm expoetsd
Oebden. Bis.. Nov. A—Bighteen-ytar>
old James Saddler, who lives a halt
Cblcaco. N<i
thiiillj Wd a rally at the | of iU Xikr that of the aosrer UJ-onr
gaoda at this
'a punble, is Bure to fall into gnod 1
atftnded by several hundred Lord's;
AudlianumI at
I speech favoring the Cu- | ^wds and taiers of
______ :________________
kiudnews in othow
: iowing. Bather let
Mayor Van
i5t- .1 Li.
Tork. has M.wn joiw
at h
his d
I ■ a
The prcsld'ni and Mrs.McKinley have
muroed to Waablngtun. arrlvlat at *
a- m. yesterday.
Alton, nia, will dedicate the Lovejoy
monij^eftt with appropriate aervicet
Per Pond.
Per Doien,
Tbe Euterpribe Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
St^berg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
be fecund in the city.
New Departure!
live good.
^be doctor baa ao much 1
Entopme Groceiy,
- proprietor
e not fr(*B our eoml^ to your Town, wlw I* w
•• ’re g» tlwowh tho world may ^ring
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Clay Evan*, and Repreoentatlve Walter
Evana. of jAiolsvflle
LMer.—II la now mated that the acrl-
Leader of Low Prices
M. SAVLAN, Proprietor.
g»" '
—Watch Repairing.
W. J. BOBIR80H. Manarw.
—John Verly.
chronic diseases that be srUl give one
month’s treatment and mediefne free.
Also ya** avaciCAL oragATioiit to
—Front Street.
' .U----------U------------1--------------------in sodal
The'Standard Oil company declared !
Fourth.—Brpnactnal as to (imo, pre-
led Sxp«iTARRH.
as the doctor. He graduated 37 years ago fro^ Cleveland,
Ohio; waa 15 yean lo general prac
tice; after that Itctured as Proieasor
of Anatomy and Ph,
Tbe poaibffice gt Ipava. lUg. waa
broken Into and robbed Wednesday
night: S3M In sumps and DX In esah
waa stolen from the- safe.
The exlenalvr rarabllMCmem (ff Beywoed Hna. and tbe Wakefield pompaBy,
roarufactnreri and dealers In rattan
tutsUure. Boston, was badly da maxed
by fire. Loss. tUOMC.
an old mnttet- The woman n
miaawl her. but tbe bnaeb pin m me
gun blew out and struck him In (he
fbretaesd. entertng the akoB and raakleg
. _______
_ . ton, Ilia, that children In tbe Soldiers*
a bole from which the
It la saM that he 1 Ctipbans’ Home were ouirageouMy. pnnUhed for trifling offenaca
A John O'Oroat'a to Land’s End roc^
ord Cur mutur carrlagea baa been es
tablished In Rngland. (be first esrrU^
r achont children In Kanto make the Journey baling covered the
» Ct.y, a.
1 many others Is other distance In ninety-three boura
rt» tf the
, spent an bntir yesMaria lUrbcrl, of New Tork. who was
ion of Eugene FleU-a
twtoa tried for eutUBg- the throat of her
false lover. Dominloo Catalda was
IdghL She saw him II
s s prtvalC
or go hand in hand.—Eaformad<Jbii«b
> are too poor to pay.
w_"—- sklU to ^1.
__________________ treatment ia aU that u
known by all the sebooU, with the aidf
sf eleetTidty. that moot woodertui of
To live is to have juMion truth, rsa•ixii. derociaa. probiiy. siuaentT, oocnmoil sefua, right and duty welded into nervooB ayttem.
early, aa
Uie beait. To live is to koow what ooe
is weeth. what one can do airi should
da life is omadrow, —Victor Hugo.
A Trio ef Ti sl.mi,
Wealth is nut his Who gt»s it, but Us
Judgeaman I? bU deedA and aot
Anger showetb the cUmcOr «< »
wan.—Heljfcl Tbohidita
Leas the Be*Mr.
If amanham't got gran «bim|^«i>
hasp hit Muper and Ure right, tbe leas
hshMiD Myfcr JtMOaMI ItebM«w.—D. L. Moody.
» 0±”by,
^Ttra’dfvUe^.f i
***’* divioena »r s per .
Fiflh.—B.'lorn Ujrrowrd buuU. nnmariud. nnlnJarcA
John NIK. a woodsman, was Inwandy •
killed by Ihc.giasl-bound train on the
----------—--------------tynars; wasSyeara Hnaeriatendmt of
Chicago and North'
ttaweetern road
Aa VofsMaaara.
fAlaa and
and Vpallaotl
VpallantJ Ssnitaribma. | Lsare
with mai
Tho man who bus uoihiag to do is This experience, comb
The prewiamt has ordervd
c*wiri- anfortnnato; Wc w.tv mad.- to work, years*
year*' atody
atody lo
In tbe
the beet hoepitala
martUI to try Ca|>uln Ixivcring.
For that nnoou ibior taa joy iu aebiev- the country, and examining and treat11 O’clock
ft at
toon wni meet at IJ
o’.' ' Nov.
idg tbousauds of chrunic cases, baa
iug. Our rvward U not mcanmd by tbe
Fort ffhrridan.
iwepared him to cure when the geoerat
inn is in mrtitioacr faila Have yon beea aick
for yearaf
Are you dlaeouragedf
Mm Marianna
-- ai • •
•alts of (jar isdiavura Istbechareh CaU and aee ua. we srill tell yoD whether
tbe same nXe bulda Sam<> good p<ople we can cure you or not. If we cannot
Minn.. Nov. It.
Trouble* of a rTvolnUonary character aye sptuUng fiff wont of good woika cure you, we will teU you what relief
rcpoiirted from the ctsKa of Lara
one nronth wUl be
and Bsllvar. Venesuela. Troope have j its strength iu the arriev of the Lord,
........................... -'cal
been snt there.
! Spiritual siideTimimt andspirinal vlg*0“
Ahin everTtbiug in the line of
Gtxids promptly delivered. Orders by Pbooe given quick aitntion.
autre to cure every case 0:
I RUPTURB. Alao. we k *ve a lying-in
hospital dirpartment ir ^Br Baaitar-
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. JZ*
tHAkndielMRMdby Vppor UhalattoR- S. B. Wa:iT. OrngfMt.
Thrt In OKh) M.y Bn HMtnr Thnn
It Wu B«fer« th« B«net»
Wer» Cut.
■0 VEST OliOeE 0B» LE6IEL&T0B8
» Ap^Hac B. Hm
—I »• rM» «r um
Oaiuiabu. Nor. t-Lat. Uat fJcbi U
kMun« knowB Uut tbe couru would b«
to for tb* porpooc of prrvontIw tomtit of olectloa froa iMolnc
tttcauw to ibc ftepoUleaii candid
tor tb. ItcMatorc Jn oorUlo couaUe*
1*. CMC* wUl b. tiTDusbt lo lb. lower
. alao hu lawjrm proeoBtoK.
I. RepubUcua (VI
______ _________
tl»« on the tac of lb. muTDB li^ D.1a NuU. and Wood rouoc:.^
piuiaiiun aesre^t. only lu and a
ebance of 7X votes would have clv«n
lh» Omocrau control of tb* lirUlaiara.
The KepobUcani cialo that tb. Liemoamts also aiMed iMfDben of tb* !•«.
Mature on cloa. marclns; that then
wo. tan ODuntlea In tb. stale that rav*
Uas than 10(1 pluraUiy aacb for their,
candidate, for tb. ledalatun and that
tb. tVmorrats secured as many metnbera on (bear amsll yduralKits a. tb*
Bapubllcana both aides a» prepartn«
tor couteau Aral in the courts anj after*
ward In Uie ledslatuie.
tbMifli It 4ota B« wipe «iit tkc atott c
smmUBK to ibc front i__________
11 neotMty lo do ahady tblmia to set
tbaiu. woM be anpertor to aorta temp,
tatlon. after bavins achieved‘poaUloo.
r-ecky Sharp Mid H U easy lo be vlfw
tuou. on a tbounnd a year.' TanAtasy
and Crofcer have sot tb* ttaooaaM a
year. Tb* aicctlon miM slv* a sreat
teipMB* to Bryanlvn.''
Al«ut tb^ elMUon t«BeraI!y Stead
was quite cheerful, i^s: 'Tb* Chlcaso plat
iiforiB mtnu* tbe noi
fra ril<
.won’t ocare tb. Bos'
To m.
In the old enuctry
I a much sieat.r nr
to U><
tlU) than lb. E
.n If. ih*r d<
by Cmker
and Tammany Hall. The Republican
tampalsR fund atanered aa much mo
than tbe victory of Van Wyeb."
tbe maJ in l»n m conaeciKM wttn
■ Ocorse Lewta, b behalf of tba
.PHoe* of Wale, a^tbe Earl of Boffotk.
BrlUeh Weekmea - Tma.-IMba 1.
yrm.Mra^ WQ! Ope, tb.amO. wU ,
ehatw—^riJfd In
Tnmty. a. Dm lbs Wmblai :|
___ __________________
----------------RtxriT IN t IR RimRE tCTATE.
the woU-knewn
9- P. GA&VZtL AcoK.
Suits to Order.
Sm Oil Kee Uu
Picture Mouldings
6iud B^idi t bdiiu L I
.... 11
P. Will Kel Hake a RIppla.
New ToilL Nqv. fc-A member of tbe
Union Parltlr ayndkatclspcaklbB of the
In of the United ; arranremenu for depoalUnr t» banks
lerry will act aa ' the
which la to be paid
nr of the senate. 11 Boremraetil (br the release of Its
ulbonty that anas ' upon the Unkm PacUk
uoe i
-......... ............ .ireaty Htased law week at Omaha, tald: “The
ttanaBcUoBS will be carried tbmisb
aithoot a r1pp:c to dtsturh the flaanelal
- Bltnatlon. Tbe money will be dcposlled
____ Washlnpcn.
Jnllan In elsbt or nine bank* and more if they
is «4*.1M. In aplie of the auy-st- Pb«t>ce»o*e. tbe British___ _________ ________ ____
home vote. 8baw-» plarwUly I. M.KS. ; ^ I* JuW back from London, probably bank U Tern
Hta total vote U the Urcest ever cast |
*’""'»»• »»k Secretary Bherman at •«.«« of tbe money, and Itcan arranre
fur a Rrpuhlicar candidate for x<rrern- sn early day ecncemliucihe reopenlnti of to take IM.Ma.MW If neceawy.
or. bcirj! 1C tM hlBber than tbe hlrhest c-mKlatlons for an Ansto-Americae“I do not think any of the
money will
before. It U aim blcber than tbe vote ('^'•9 «f arbliratlan. Then. U said to be deposited la CtaUsBo
for tbe
ea^for yy Repnblkan candidal* for "
li*od lo press lesscm that the money Is In Sew Tort
' "/ 'b-
! >* »® drvelop alour n
oral lines and re-
s..ss=. ssartT.to’T^
tbe nisrottatloea and wa* h..pefui that
a peace trniiy nltlraately would I* #cIcved. ’The BrilDb of"e|*U »-re much
' crariOed at thi. aocc**tlon All tbe ten: drnelcs or the other ride are favorable
cwUe. awacial Hi nil, (tesa to obstMria
tomS Uaiooriroc Tiliiliiai HI.
ICrriratao bn
e .New Tnrk banks do. Bom
It should not be forsutlen that rtrtaally
whatever money D to be depuslled this
i U already 1
3 banks and
Teltow PeW mill a. Wob.
. sttssyidc-
Chicago -u. —wr.
West Michigan.
o. iijssa’
...... w ..we
. iw ..rew.r .
Orteana Nov. i. - The yeOow
.............. .. - Ion* as A^re U a chance
!«““« *>"
'oP~ved any
that It would meet the mm* fkt* as the
Wednesday and tbe unfavorable
Otoey-TanneefoU Ireaty.
^ affair* followlnB In tbe wake
-------------of tb* cold wave and tbe IlBbt fnm is
BB arED TH* rtUkrE or WAm 1 dlmppolmlnB. Her* there were M new
0-1,------------T d««tb*:
bo. at
Rsval ;
naAer win iseerie rewafd kp lewe^ at in
at BOoxL I
•• i—There wa* an eslra- easts: at. Memphis. I new cases and
• beard before tbe bed death; aj MoUl*. 1 new case* aod
veateMie, wrW— e. ■— '<1—ih
wTDUB^IIr paid falm by the late Under !
Bheriff Croll. who was the liquidator-of
the United KInBdom KlecIHc Tele*rspb
..c •< -i™,
„ —..h,
MBitee. Hind* further claimed tbe
-)i ^ ~
of £130.000 from Lutd BuRolk.
that tbe latter had nibumwl .
commit perjury before Lord Ilramwell
■aetM«fewl. I»if
’I70R RALB-;Tw* kosam aa* Icm «• Vew
£ mue: a barsala far the rixkt party. laqalre a» M KoetS Piristea Msea
lb* money bdoriBed to a certain Mr. Al- 1 .
j____ .____ .
-r !
1.000 feet. Seated In the
minutes, and at Brst olwyed tb.
ete-rlrx It; but Utec a rironx wind
wbbh rwvvall.-d rendered tbe »hlj> un-
: w vtD «H
ram .
il ::
C.C. Mae-
uiBia lu I
bsrxsia Is s (0
t I>bed«. oa Van
. ureri I’scam lot srill be
b taka a fo
S«bBVerir.i»y>oai wf.
atiase-etoeka w.
, ._j*ribti. le a'Md oMonsrit^lt u'sM a
^IwmlB.bui w.tIbeeaUtsr wkalUUaciaaUr
u<nee Obo iseaas bo.lawo, ASdrm-K.
|KS.-aj<o«ce. mrif
HixxT. WbaWrirebewp Will trade ti
re or .117 peoprev- I ■-
The Cclebnted SpeciAlistc,
over IfayL Rep. Thr Re^miltlnx that
WUl IrsAe tor eUy soperty
HotelWhiting|^“ “-" ‘
It et styswr-OB Proal
Bee X-B-JUIlrr. ■•Stf
Kansas Cky. Nmr. t.-Tw«e^blrd» <ff
the 103 Kansas cvuntles nj far repurtinB
show thr li<.|>ulillcaA* 10 have eiccied
seven dletriet JudM and the fustonlsu
six. a ealci of two for the rnrionlsta.
......................... - ms shew a n
for the fu^h rl'
that they have lost vote* la almiwt eveeT'connty. and that tbe Refnibllean*
Balned’fully » pee cenL In tb* Wecompared with last year.
C1ABII PORHALB—IwtooeosiasfTrsevrse
f Cly.oaU a A l rwa.: ** acrew. m aaAOT
cslilrsuea. riacte* wlU wtster wkaat aaS
Travebse Cm, Hicb.
I ThondRy and FTidajr,
Kovember 11 aad IB, *97
so acre, at filer bMtoa laad wua Be.
2= ?ss,“7ss: t’STti'
Om Vv Omlr Saeh Koath.
OonsoltRtlon s
Qd Stxietl;
j >wsi«|it4- man ■
the pvbl:
r of .Hlrbard C_____
erbst flalterlnB pm isirtrult o
tsNed Tammany ctUefUan. S-.ead nave !
Byraruse. N. T.. Nov. E-Mbw Ari* B.
1.1a views to a lepresiDtstlvr of iho A»- ' luntirpi-in. Deintwrai, dauBbier <■( RL
socUted Pram ymterday to artglnaj
phrases sunk as eharacteriae hli uittrsnerw Cndter. It appaars. whUk
: electsd acboul
vetsl^ w|U> Burnt ptadlelsd tbal
Tamil.sry majority siwuld b* U
.. ........ -'••'‘-Irc; "If I swre to nm for
Hhould vant an tbe nrwstmpai*
------- Croker added, my* Bi
^^yoB Intend
R Kivc New Turk
1 ever bad. New
«h* Metbodlat grlscapal
J city Of the world and lansloc of
rtiurcb met In thto cUy yerirrday. BtriiWt, WW-Mr 8l Loola ptuJded. T%*
M-««U •■hewed tea btobnp* presmL
' Om r^ort
RjrABn B. Borrmi. ■. D.. rbyaielaB and
Xy bwm at lav. OtocBa. day Opera Rease BIk.
n ' f Oabbert.
rallUrs They also show that tbe
pubUcana hav^ made bwIbs In cwnnly
oOcers. Slxty-aercn opt of eUbty•iBht eonntle* In the state irive Sullivan
ffusloa) for supreme Judin- 73,S5(; Rost
dlaasree with tbe cofMaUtee. The
raiort of tbe eonunlttee was dlmcread
*i> hr an almost unanlmou. vote. ’.
I.pr-s. nl returns ere unfavorable, do not)
_ concede Oabbert’* eiecUoe.
Cosapiete Itetarw. aa dadte a-d Lotria___ ' lore—MeadY View afthe Mafler.
New Yotk, Nov. L-riJUmptelc rriuma
Trnm all couoUa Ui tbe state except
Caliarwuxuar Urernc.
Slnihen »nd
Talas ri. w a plurality for Alton B.
Tarker. Demurrailc candidate for chief
judee of the cinm A appeaU. of K.OOk.
She tlnsl recunis^n redilce Ibis plueaiii*
Cumid.ie mam* from tbe
Nlnousnib arxi I weniy-arst dlstricu of
Near York county, hemofore doubtful
alecl M «U and Mutray. Defboems. Th*
ametably kunds: KifiuUlcwnB. 71: Detn«crai>. S3. Ciusec.' UnJun. f; duutxXfll a.
London. Noi'. &.~An EnBllabmac wbo
dues nut clicnsh a UiUlly Bloomy Mew
' ■
................. e rocem elecitaa la
ibelr report, to Becreiaryof Adeultur*
Wllsoa. Tbe repiwu asree that wbUe
comparatively illtk asrbuliure ealsu
ibere It D i>unable that moush of cer
tain cniim and animals may tie sruwn to
sustain a eonslderaMe pi'pulsilnn pro
vided proper metbodf are pursued. CiilUrated area* In Ataska are cunOned to
a^l kitchen Bardens In wbicb are
,?■ ^S'
^ ‘ tinir-vc-le. and the tssult fflve* Osbhert |
Canties and In some ResuUlcan coup-
Ever Burned Out?
* received the money referred to.
I then
proeoded to ebarf. Lord
jnwell wllb defraudirs Allen’, wtdout of cm.CM. In order lo oMala
promotion and a peerasv^ The pislntlff
was here stepped by tbe court with
the wantins to epntk respectfolty of
ft>ds*a nnslly tbe court Mopped tbe
case aod dtsmum<d tbe artlua. which
was deaertbed a* l-lns “an abua of the
promm of tbe euurt“
Oe Tbera.
■anker WO^Tb^
WashlnstTO. Nov. i-Dr.W. H.
and Beaton Kllim. eomraimie(*i
polrled m ini
«t0ck ralsJns la darrled c
0 a very tlmltsd extent.
Tbe pomfble extendon of tbe pastoras* and Bardbnlns area Is quKa <xm-slderable. Batlmatea am made of aa
the former member of parllameel tor -tog edllortoMy upon tbe reeult of tbe vxpmm of m per acre In prepaHaB tbe
------- -----U4
of QWWrOJlCn.
Sbondllefa. V*.V
election In Middleton, a vnp caprickma son for eultlratloB. What aBHcultur*
district that chansm Its member* nwr- there will b* In Alaska will be subly every election, mys: “The CnlonlK Mdlary to llshtnB aod other induMrlea.
aeeordlnB to KIlUa’a separwle is
def«t must be resqrdfd as due In
BaJllmote. Nov. L—An ofllelal eouat
9 lAMabIre’s d
Fbfaaraiee will locate oq Alaskan 1_____
r tbe ballola cast on TuradaV bua. made
of. reJertloD of the propnaali and make bomee. and these will supply
our navy and merebant marine- Tbe
r Wolcott monetary c
I moet of the countlte yenerday. leavto board tbe Amertoan U
winter is very hm* and tpe feedIn*
B further roten for d uhl that tbe RePant Gmer infurmed
period for cattle will be alSmst seven
pubUcans have c<uitrol of l>otta brabebm
of the pr*m that be w«s the barer of^
tbe lesteUlure and that a RepubUcan
Abd woBld piseent to evkry amator. aa
111 Borceed Arthur H. Gorman In tbe
IbeMeb ■
Onlled Stale* senate.
Ripley. W. Va.. Nov. A-Jobn Morsan:
Five members of tbe anambly aM aiSiM by ov«- 7.000 wroklnsmen. mrb the roefosed murderer of tbe Green
olBcer or
of a trwqra
trwdra nnone senaiir were takeo Trum the Dem- of them belrjr
«“■*«» an omrer
family, wa. Indicted yeeierday by tbe
ocratlc li*t of profaabllllltw and added to^ '“»• »»« rvprmenllns sltosetber &TW.M rmnd Jury. 'HI* trUf will besln toddy
' RelH.I.---------- - ■___________ ____ _____________
(bat of the Reupbileat
Three of tbe BHtlab wortlitsmen, Cootlculns Crem
brfore Judfv Rlltsatd.
Nolhins but
aod tbe aenator are from Tpl-' mid: “On a previous vtak lo tbe Unllrf thU
bot county and one member meb fnan SUtm U was ftequcolly said to me
Prince Georsm and Carroa Tbla slv«
tbe Idea of a treaty of arbitration be
the Republicans if member* in
tween tbe 1’nlt.d Btaifs and Great Brit killed ’rulrlsfat. died la*l nlpht, maklns
boose and the Democrats ttl It alas
ain emauied from tbe Mantuls of Salis - clean vweep of tbe family of four In
« the Repablicans U smaiocs to
'ireaday. tragedy.____________
bury aod the prlvllecvd cUam of Ureal
the Demoerstt and a majonty oa
BrlUin. with the view to tie tbe band*
They Ms** "a** Devi. Day- la C.avsla.
Joint balkx of IT.
of tba United Slaim.
Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. A—Tbe bin by Hr.
The re*uU la Talbot county arose f*om
OelactoCarTTesa Crwi.ifT,
Oliver. ofi Barite county, to make the
(hefaruhat elithieen volrsln Tlirrbmsa
AttorMja at Law.
“But proof of the unanimity of fallnc birthday of Jeireraon Davt. a lekal boUpreclnc* wet* found tuharebeencouci
be tb* .ubjot her* la tbown by the fact day In Oil. »tate. wa. adversely leI wire for tba D
thaithef* wcreOBly bairA-dmearefumb ported-by tbe JndlelarTeotnmUtee la the
...........................m to al«n tbe'addtem lo
boseeiof represrnuilvr* yeeterday aod
a senue ursine the e
Oltva* called up tbe measure aod moved
rnmeu la All Them Oaaatlaa
klnlrylast year. Tb* Demociuts
The nmclal o-unt fnun the Di4aware
tout ty 1. In. ttit with protests and noWee. of content from the Dcmoctsu. and
the same Is true of NoUe county. The
Or-Tear BSm la B
olfirl.1 evum of w.wd county may not
lyiplsvillr. Nov. L—Electloa returns
be Mynplewd till tnmomiw. aUhouxh'
m the recent contew for clerk of tb*
ttey e*pe« to ret tbronrb today.
, wrt of appeal, are comlac In slowly.
Wood oiunty tbe Dei
testej ; ^oae from heretofore mlaaloB prednets
anlnet i^.untlnx <be
ectnet In ih. state raise fibsckelford’. (Sllrer
-^1»aie the place of votlnr was lotside j Democrat) rlurallly to 20.000 Is round
/of the precinct bui within tbe ward- I numbers, or to be exact IIAH. with
Bad this prerinct been throw*___ __
*S7 precincts aot of L77« raimlnx- Tb*
would have elnied the Democratic can- counties which ^ve reported tbe vote
•date for repremnuilvr >y a plurality In full :nake the total t<fr tbe state M..
Of &, Instead of tbe Republican tandl- fTl. and when n are In tbe total will
^te by ». The vole of the precinct I baidly bo
am.OM. Tbt. shows a
led and tbe Democratic protest tremendou fsUln* off from Usl ytar’a
dn the jiroBnn
even for an off-year.
•ouety. In N.>We
r there i
■esatoi^Elee* TelaM Naa-Cewia^
loan eontesi >'ver____
that were fln.lly thrown
Clnclnnall.g Nov.
they were not pmperly marked, ThisJ^Lewls Vt'lxbl ore of tbe Icdcprodenl
wa* a Rernlqiran luwi Every pdnt i^epuMIcan* elected In HamHIon ixiusty.
be1n« conimod In the oflleial count
r-'^wa* asked ho* be stood on pcIIUcai
tbe close eountle*.
Imntirrs. Vuixbi replied: “I am a Re
view. oi ww Twe Chairmea.
| publican, a aonnd money mar. and forCbalrman Nash said Iasinticbl that | thermore 1 am a supporter af the prewtbe BepuUkan. have a lufe maJorUy | ml national administration.’
But he
•r t <m Jcint ti^i.t In the laclMature. would not m Into the RepoMVan cauHe admit, that Ibt pluraillle* are small
'w would not way whether be would
lo .umc countl.-«. but claim, they are Toie for It. nornlmeor whether be would
safe. He bat no doubt of tbe lesuli In ^'o<e for Hanna; br would c«Iy aay that
aiw .>r the counU.-e whltfi be clalma ea-"‘‘'Uld '■!' frr a RepubUcan for
' -nit.d Bute* senator.
* not admit ^1 the Km ; . ri;pall.t. nsliabir sria U Cslsrsas.
pubHcsft* b*»T carried tbe Thirteenth j
Denier. Nov. L—There seem, little
dlsirlm for their paiiaidate 1
imtor. and he alUl rtalm^
n-prv- ;
alms the
d the court dala
Abe tribunal of last rmon In Judslac of derwood. Rep., by 4 voim. ...
tbe quBlIfleatlocs of its member* the roll, tbe recount ahowrt that_______
Republican* have an advantase.ln ibMr Rep., defeated Crouse. DeRw byO votes. I k, viin«a hv
•onlrol of the bouse, over the Democratst. Wbo control tbs seutle. Tber. are WaBilnston copntlaa alto went tnto tbt SUrt
M seuuir* with only two or Ibise nm. Republiean column
Tb* DetDocrailc_____ _________________
tests possible In that body. In tb. bouse
there are lOt membera witb a A^n or were rlcmd yesterday., but before be left
mure oeau that can be cootiwled. and
ebalrman mid tbe oRlclal retui
, MUburu.
tbe Roiohlleane eUlm a mayoMty of 1
I Bute* a
In that body ao'lbat more Democrata
could be unseated In tbe boose than
Ctepubileana In tbe aenalw While both
Dee Molnea. la.. Nov. L-Tbe tmcdB• fr k-eplns aecret aoy ar-
Seates of
yepertatlves to j.revenl the' R<-puhIlcaia
Tran orBantxiriBthehoum aodvpolntlas
tbe commlUre that Yrlll coo.uder contesta DeA-elopraents are expected to
day In thr f 1lc.e.*0f both panirs SO far
as appeatlrd: to tbe courts ara cooecmed
he allesal
I a Mroi
Two engnshmdn Will Carry H on
h) Thn Country, Bdcinnii^
with th« Sofutd.
OCX imnmraals
.Money to Loan
To Youiig, Middle Aged, an^tJId Men
■red wttktPOl wAik. ksife. psUi er Mat. Vew MboAs.
t’ATAkKIl New bets-IresUBCBI. I’l
ClMRANTEb' Tu rare ctoy cm
of --------------- ,'SiJ‘KUclw. Ptisa. Tap,
Br«h CBM aoA lo r
at wUl picas. brtosM
toaoBlyAsThM wkeamWBsbloto ewllewB wTlWtBlI p
tow V
lik iTi'V
e wtih a cwptta) of
DRS. B. S. & GO.
Look Box ISO.
o JJ.S1S": »-.w. HABTDia* m
Fire Insurance.
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