The Morning Record, November 09, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 09, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Rrat Yoar—No. 162.

«. ir. XcVaU. fMM A OlUMt,
Ohvlw HelBtaalmu »M>t *10,000
Bad*—F»tbM«f Ob7 ▼. EamOtoa^
mt9 Wu BUM, a«glu Similar
Tbe raaetioe o( the Uto
vliwih wKKked the Undmy
«t Cbarie^ji b aow Ma« felt by
Charlmtj: Impi««Me&t Oo. Itb
.UBODBeed that Charlw W. lioNeU
berno ntit for deai«ca ecBiast the
«OD|MytorUcnDot»l0,000 for a)ter>d lejoriee rMeleed when the hotel
«olbiMed ecmie Uate ero. The nit b
broivht by Hc.S'eU thraorb hU «
uye. MeOany ± Beldeo o( Oiaed RapGOlett bare bmrbt cotta for U
thnnwb tbe l

a thb latter eaae proeeedlain have been baroe ia ptobate eoort
la Gimad Bapidc for the a«>potiiti
of aa adalBbtralor lor the ectaU of
"Ooy V.
tha boy who
kUled. a»d hb father «UI probably be
sppolaled. The aatate coaaiab af Ahe
allied elalM afalut .the Improremdst ewapapy fv daaafea
Then eaaea will aaalte atacb Intereat
UTraeoneOtyceeicblaea employed
. aafhehvtelwhoweraaaiBberadaaaaf
tha tejared llTad U thb

. iaveattfatloB proved that the nii\
' here bad catered the etore tkronrh
a retf window aomotlme Bnaday
airbt or earij yceurday mbrnlnf. BABZn OXDAB 00. ' BOVOST
Xadloatkae wwe that the robbery had
been earefnlly plaaaad. The money
tewer waeraacaekedbatacMr. Loediar learea no <aab then over ai^t, To Be Battrely Befitted fhr-Opeta.
tton by Beeamber T to Oat Hard­
they aeeared M aroaey. Ibe valae of
wood aad HmaleA—lU Baalth
tha merehaadlM atolen U ahont dta
Oompeto hoha lartfae tb I
The aathoriUec were aetided bet eo
BeUef ia Oallfatiria.


Potatoes for Onbe.
The Mew Tsrk Prod on* Oa. a corpotatloa of potato bnyera. li bnylaf Urre
aaaatiUea of potatoee for ahipmeal to
Mew York, aad from there to Cnba.
The oompaay has a roproenttUve ia
thto dty who to om of the meat aeUve

Fariera of First K. B. Obardh Knot
be BaUfged to Serre Forpoaoe
lor Which They Arc Uaad.
tataaaln improvemeatc are eo«um>
plated ppoB tba First Hethodtotebareb,
which wersdtocoBMdbythe heard of
atewardc aad the tAdiee hie eoetoty
la the ehareh parlcn yeeterday. Pqr
s time paat it hac beea foaad that
parlon hare baaa aatiraly
tee small to aerva the porpoeae fee
which they are and aad aa Impnrieit to aeeded. it to aoemted
dther hnild a Utehea or eztead
width of the preaeat parlors. The
act plan wae aet decided npoa yseterday. prteented. Thedectoioa wiU he
I at a meeUng Friday aftaneee
The improvomeatwill ooet from bWC

Vrteada of BUM a Oantuy.
Tbs fnaeml of Major DalasU was
Fatmed Ibr 01^ Opara Hooae.
largely attended Snaday by a anmWhen the City Opara Hone b«iae
bnalam each attmUoa wiU be made ber of Ue oldest pioneers of this region
Some of Uem bad known Mr. DalseU
more latereetlnr by a.full orehaatra.
Uaa half a eeatory. Ai
which b aow belaffomed of the beat
Uem were Wm. Mitebell. who had
ia prcyie— and wbea tha theatre be- known decenaed for &7 years, Tbdmss
ffiaa to preaeat dramatic attractleu Ritchooek. George RonU, Jsmes t
tlie orebeitra will beb plaaaisf aoqnl- Onatoa. ^nbea Goodrich, aad qnlu
aitioa. The flrct poblleappearaBce »f. BombS’ more while halrsd men %a
old pioneers ef Ue Oraad Traverse
the sew orraaUatioa will be at the,^
region. The friends who aocompanied
Craad aocial baU
mmaias to the grave filled
«e tba lltb. the fdrmal opeala; of the
remodeled hoiiee Tfaoae who are to vehicles.

ia lambw
The most e
clrelee ia thto aeetloa for eom< time
waa coaled here yeMcrday. The
large mw mill plaatef Joba'Larkla*
at Biagbam to in ptoeeas of transfer
to the Barker Cedar Co. of Chleage.
The deal has biwa ooadneted by I. U.
Winnie aad It was through hto efforts
that the change Is mada
C. i. Barker, formerty of the Trav­
erse City Lamher Co. to the priadpal
member of the Cedar eompaay aad he
wdl have the plant rnb to Ita capacity.
The BiUl wUl he sah)eeted to a thorongb OTerbanllag and refitted for .cntUag hemlock aad hardwood. It to ez' to have the plant ready
operatioB by Deeamber 1. Mr. Imrklns has been snffering from ill health
time aad waa'naabU to give the
will go to Califomto to roeaperaU hto

J. 0. Hocffan Kae Plaoad One in Hto
Oold fftamgo BnUdUff.
J. C. Morgan has pleoad^neir-^der
mOl In hto eold etorago bnildipg. fit to
Uemoet poweafnl mfll in Uq^^kta.
having a pramaro ef 400 tons. Bs to
ready for boslnosa aad wfll boy cider
Hr. KUbrlde*s Cabbages.
Jaa KUbrtde brought a big lead of
big ea^bages U toim yesterday. Two
Uat were waigbod were se peuadp'an'd
pounds tospeeUvely and Ud iast
ed was -laid on Ue Uble’ of tbs
editor of UeRnramo. Mr. Kilbride has
over 14,000 cabba^ beads Uto year,
and M to ne tr.ok at all for him U fiU
np a load of *o pounders any dny.

■vieea of Walter Blakaeley. clarinet, of
Petockey. aad B. C. HeU, flnio aad
pleeole coloUt. ofSayiaaw. Tbb wlU
make the larfcat aad beat oreheetra
arer orraal»d la.thb city and tha
larreet which has ever pU^ Aere at
a poblle evemt

aow eloelna oat bis bosiaeas aad vrlU
soon go to Eorope for a year or two of

Harry Xaesland's Priaa. _
Wbea Barry Aeelaad reUroed from
bis trip to Ohre Satorday night, be
broagbt a fine specimen of opee
or to speak correctly. DIdelphye Vir­
ginia. Barry captnred two of Ue ani­
mals Ue night before he lefu in eon
Local C. X. Union Oomtnittem.
Thb committees/ of Ue locak C. E paoy with a oompaalon. The opossai
UnlOB ia Uis city have been appoieUd to dtopUyed in a cage ia Ue show
window of Ue Bamilwn CloUlag Co.
as fellows:

LeokMt—Hiss Ads L. Waters. Mtos
Were Hot
Chrtouna Pawn. Otw McClotker.
C U. Turner. A. H. Brown and
Mtosionary-Urs. WQey K. Wright.
George Davis drove to Ek Rsplds last
C. A. Bammond, Cbas. Belm.
night w visit Us lodge of Odd Fellows
Social—Barney AnderwMi. Him Ms. ■. .. ■
. ” . “ - .T:'. r

at Ual place. They were eordlally refaospiubly edtertained.
Should Ue KIb Esplds Odd Fellows
Chrtotlaa CiUieaUip—Prof. C.
come to Traveiae City they will find an
Bom. Parker Pennlagton, Dr. H.'B. equally royal welcome.
Tlcketa Bow On Bala.
Tieketo Tor Ue eoelal party which
vriU insaguiate Ue openlag of Ue re­
modeled City Opera Hones vrill
jOlacdd 00 mle Uto moralng at Us aty
Bookstore aad UeCUy News fitanit
Those who hsv^ sobaeribed are reqnesV«d to proenre Ueir tickets at one of Uk
places mssUened as early as pomibla
Also those receivlBg Isviutlons who
intend to be prdsent-mThto wUl be a
hriUlaat aedety event aad those who
do not care to dsnee can find plea
ontortnlament at the card teblas.

Forty Bew ]
the Fire.
-'Lake Ana haS'asadq rapid elridee in
twoorery from Ue big fire of July 3.
Aboet forty eew bnlldings have been
Oaptmod a Lynx.
While hontlng Batarday. Thad WUaoB of'Bingham shot and killed a very
large lyai. It to one of the finest of
tu spe^ aad measBras font teat from
tip to Up.

:hapel UU
erealag at 740 e'eloek.
After Ue meeUng of Ue Foresters
last night ap Informal hop was snJoyed. foUevred by refreahmeats.
dprague Pratt of thto city, has been
chosM) secretary of Ue Preahman lilee
Gub at the Ann Arbor nniveruity.
The stosmbarge Alice M. GUVarrived
here yesterday for a load of lamber for
BIttenboose A Bmfaree of Chicago.
The Oral Wood Dish Co. is loading
Ue stearabarge lehn B. Hall snd con­
sort John R. Moyas wiU Inmber for Us
Baffalo marksV
The first Bumbsr of Ue Michigan
Alumnus, printed in Ann arbor oader
Ue dbweUoB nt L. A. I>raU of thto city,
will be imsed Uto ween.
About 7,000 bushels of potatoas were
broagbt to Ue city yssWrdsy.
price ranged tmm is to 4t cants, but
one load brought 4< centa.
Rev. D. Cocblln has geae to Frank­
fort to attead a mealing of Ue Grand
tee to on Ue program to lend a pastors'
The steambarge Wsatoott loaded yee­
terday Ue last of tha maple lumber
from Us fioeks of the Trowose Gty
Lumber Co. tar Ue SonU Side Lumber
Co. of Chicago.
William E SmIU. traveliag repreeenUUve of Ue Racine Cbamkenl En­
gine Cb. to in Ue city
I fire and water i
gardlng'a new ekemleal for thto city.
Mr. SmlU represents Us ^parutat
which was so snceeasfully tos^ •
purchased at Kingsley last spring.

A Penny Saved
is a Penny Earned...
We can save yon. several pennies on Crept
' Tissue Papir. 7c buys a fuU tea-foot roIL




l*A>*M^BSii PLACE-


Remember y^ can get Ptot^us framed an^nnfrnmed
er have your ovrolSnBres hamed.

at Haskell’s Bookstore.

few of-each kind
but many kinds, and all of them 4i»>
sirable, comprises a lot of ..

Ladies Fur Boas


Bvnngeltotic HeeUngn.
Bet. E a. Covert. Ue well known
evangelist of Reed City, arrived here
eempoM the oreheetra are, t>rof. W. B.
yestarday to assist Bev. G. & NorUrmp
Steffeaa ptaap; Prof. E. E. Bortaocrh,
In a series of evaageltoUc meetings In
Fraakb Stepaa. flrat rioUae: Bd. Bar- 7. LerinsoB ofFetoekry Preparing Ue Baptist ehnrch. The first meeUng,
tak. Tlela; E £. Whiu. oelle; C. fL
to Go u Bnxope.
held last evening, wm weU attended
V^. Jr., double bam; Bert Cartrtt.
J-. Levinaon of Peloakey was la Ue and filled wiU Intmaat.
•e^et: Willard Campbell, drct oor- pity yeeterday. Hr. Loviason wai
Joe Rataer. eeooad eomt; Bd. ' merly In baslneas here aad aboet eight
'liewtea. tromboae: Fred Moeree. years ago west to Petaskey. wkare be
Tha r^ular meeUng ef Ue Eestem
haa made a -pot" of mnney. He to

imsat Saaday ia the ri^y wlU rdatiVM.
Oraat Barriaaa has goas to ttoelt
Bta. Msrie oa baslacm eonoeeted with
hto Iniabar interesta
The Barns Poram will meet Wedaenday erealag at B o'clock. All ■
bers are r«<)Beeted to nttead.
Mtoe Martha Barney rstartfed yester­
day from Cedar, where she eoadnel
religions meeting in the Frieads ehorch
Snaday evsBlBg.
mistake ta the typm Snaday made
it appear that oalyUUeeaaea lor dem
kiuteim had been taaned la the eo
clerk's oOee la thto dty. It should
have read ISS.
Will Oarlaad. who has filled the pedtlcB of cashier oa the Chieage doeka
of Ue Nerthw* Hlckigaa TranapertatioB Co. dnriag Ue Sommer, retaraed
on tbs sUaaorCharievoto last night.

A Full Third
of your life to spent in bed. It to well
*-> have Uat eomfortabla. We can
nke It so at a very litUe cost to you.
A good IroB Bed. brass trimmed, and
a extra good Woven Wire Spring co»
pleto for $S oa If von want wood Weds
ws ean sell yoa a good selid well made
bed and aa extra good Spring forfiZ.TS.

J. w.


we picked np at a small portion of tbo
cost to 'manufactnre. WeVe placed the
lot on sale at corresponding prices, and this
is the range:

29e.33c49li-S9^7S^8^l^HI|l to $2.50.
They indnde all the styles of far. The Real
Values are 75c to $5.50.
Come Soon for theyTl disappear Quick.

IdihU* BrySesdAOupet aad OtothlagBow.

13&~132 Yreat Stmt.

We Keep Them
Get Ready for

A Cold
It’s Sire to Como.
Bey where you el
prices OB good goads, not shoddy.
-For this week we offer the fol­
lowing prices on A No. 1 mer'chandlsc.
Beys'good Sutuforpl.oo
Boys'hll wool Sdts for tl.Gl
Boys' good Gvereoat, wiU es>e.
Boys' heavy ITlstera. sold last
yror for S«.7S—as Ue weaUerto
warm. Uey go for *4.47
Mea's heavy Aeviot Snito to
black or broorn. •&

Overcoats and

Men's extra heavy wbol Oves^
TMagntsn to Saginaw
ooato Mary Bine. SI.M.
The annual meatlagofUs Benevo­
Mrs. M. E C Bales, presldt
MiehigM Womaato I
Uto afternoon at 3 o'eleck. All laterMen's extra heavy mstors.
to from that esaocUUoa. s
high cdlar. H.H
compnnisd by Mrs J. B. MarUa. dele­ eaud in Uto work are eardiaUy invited.
xlfu CbinehOla Utotem.
gate from Ue'lbaverae au Woman's
Clnb. will leave on Uto moraiag-s C. R.
Chleago. Mov. s -Wheat—November.
■ ^ etrietly gnapaatee Ue
A I. train for Saginaw to attend the
Dr. O. C. JoallB of Sail » Bay spent
above goods to'give eattofaeUoa
annual meetlhg of Ue BtoU Federation
or money back.
Sundayin Us rity.
of Womaa's Clubs. wbiU wm be in
Ex-Governor Crrta O. Lnoe to la Ue
sssslen In Uat city Uto wwek. fJf.B
slty on hnalneaa.
S6Vc; Mey, ?0e.
,at »1.», UmnTy to offset
U C. Dempeey of Manistee, was la
the city yesterday.
Xerebsadtoe Valued at *10 Taken
M. C Dodge vrent to Mnskegoh yceFrom Btore of J. O. Loedlag.
toidayto remain twe or Urae davm.
Lerd- VoTember.*4.*?ki Deoambnr.
Wbea John O. Iwedlag, Ue Uaten
Prank M. Allen, a JeweUer of Belslinai grocer, eatered bis etere yester­
lalre, to In Ue dty visiting Mends.
day morning be found that It kad been
The famDy of Acater Melntyrs have
natnrod by Uievea aad a /qnaaUty sf the Oolumbian reatauwnt at BalUmoro. loved to Uto d^ from BurdielrTille.
CM^. Bate ul Fnike.
tohnaeo. elgan aad ants taken. As
Bertff John dune ef Cbeboygan |w*^nc.rMn'be nik.


A>oUm Mbw Lot «f Udiee* Fine Shoee J<Mt la. We
have Mvur before xbovni eueh »n clegMt line M bow.
Mo weader we here to keep them ening.

AT.TTBB3P V. S*£t±HIP:]^ZpS.
Xlx* g>osra3mx- mXMM SwviM or Jxmvwj— 01«r>

Our Buckwheat
TIrOUB is the kind that makec eakee that
taste Uk* BUCKWHEAT, and which start*
ed Ardmlca'. app»Uto for BUCKWHEAT
cakes years affo.

Hannah & Lay Co.
Corset Excellence
1 price in eeleetiag
..------ ----------------- ifrom
___ ,_______ _____
___ _____
There's eeoaomy in eereet buyotherUlngynedyouTl fiad It peye to bnythebest. Tonll
Tha MW etyle ebort eernL loeg wutolad eSeeL Mo. ei. fil.OO.
The new French gored b4>. exeeedingly otalortofale. Mo. tU.-fiLOO.
Jobe et 49-69-79-99.

J. W. miXIKBN.

Ladies’ Boj and Kangaroo Calf Sboe for $1.50
- Alw Gent’s Boi Calf invisible cork Shoe at *2^0.
Boy's and Yontfa’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are

Right in Style,'Wear and Price.



THB in>^jnaro
MBUmfi tttAl *<"■■* MOn aMMT. '

••BASr' «&AM1> PIAMO.
■eat Meted and Laa«Hng KoiMaM

nos Tn cmei or i4b
ttpt. T. Baim


Plane. .

Oar X«T« ef Oel^
--- -----------


• UfbtwUh lU


tat tatooc*

the JaU Ke* York easaaifa.


••The tteeUe-wiih Br^aa and the eeeTetarr et the aalioaal demecraUe eeaMittee b that they eaaaot adapt t^n>•elTM te chaaglB* eoadltieaa


ia^t npoa tolloaler eartaia the



mast affect

aad tafleeaee theee tbeoriee la rarieoe

parte of the

—IfB all right.
-Yea. 1 wear it aad i

B«rea tne la»»o^ WertA

uai*, gyrel eaoellenee aaS dmt^tp.
I bdiere that heaven if the lai|fMt
world have and snodert wvid Almigtatp Obd - ^tta^t tbe~Ctoi»U U the tat bailt. nbUmelp and --------------SSi^ev^'pU^ on the inaritai.
aew Baby Oraad jest received will be
. Dr. F. W. MoCltav. Melhodi*.
CmCkanuros the delight of all lovet* et a flee inSortb Ootagia Oaift««»e;
atrument. All are nrgnd to oall at the
Btadac lb. Child.
etorc aad esamlae the elecant line of
The Important thing to oi b to know
that tbe.obUd of a bad panot b not.;le.
ball b worthy of the cloaeat lafpeetloa.
u T
n the heritage from o
.two iuwta.lmt hastbeTae* baeking
and mmowaging him.—Bov (brolino
mat the Chnedtee WalMwa An BeaDp BarUett.Crane of Kalamasno at Peo-


a oorrert otaerraUea.


ae the at-

tltade of Brpan siaca the aleetioa Uet
fall hae prorea that he

hee iffaored

M atp, Mioh. Oek «7.1887.



plo's Church. CWflaga
WDl Crash PahUc I

the Bea. W. J. Btraa tailed te enrt in


was I
la thwe ditpetebn ftetordsy aboat the
pnrpohr of the visit to this dtp of Pri­
min' Laurtcr and MlnlMer et Hartoe
Danes, of Caneda.~and their probable
connection w»h the aeal eoofereiice.
KUpscer Davlea said, regardme ,the^II spoken of In the faregolag: "The
Cacu are these: When It was arranged
la LondOB between the American authortUee and Lord SaUsbuir that thta
tcBfeienre ahould’ take place I piWBlsed
to altpad the same In pemm. The meet*
hm b to be one et experts, and nolhlu
mcfa. We wilt be precent
qiimtons do

eeadlUoos irbich wiU loee his thoaa the o«veatlon
edncluded we
to his laet fall, in the raU belief that
will be In a postilon ic. advtse our col­
ft«e ailrer ootaafe
leagues wbt'thcr. BcrordlDK to the evi­
11 ladaetrlal iUa
r*»~- — dence submitted, any change* la th*
tW the fallaep of thb regulstlons would l<e desirable."
another motive aederof Premier LAorier
Is uaderMBod that <
Mew Ytwk eerears that hb elecUoa cost purpose of biB visit la company with Sir
to eonf.-r with the
»tm bat SISATS. ’ Me got off cheap; hot
American authcirilles upon the poulblllhe does not swear how aoeh it cost ry of arrangUiK a basis for reciprocal
Bom Croker.
trade relations tM.twMrn'thc two coontrie*. Whrn qurctloned oinc this point
Sir Louis Davie* frankly st^cd that If
Diet Their /ufon ia Xfhicagothe American government ahowa any
Btalee Atloinep Deenan ol Aleago ____-.................
Jlscuia irade matter* the
dies thU ai the esrpenm for the preeeen- premier and himself were pnpared to
tbs in the Loetgprt csm:
•‘The total expaaea of the trial, inolading the salaries of ]aror« ^ dbv
ing of jaroia, aniooata to t8.8Da.S3.
The r^larJoroTs coat tl.3e«; thespeeial jorotatSM; witni'mes. StLflO: dbt'iagjnrora. tl.SSS.M"
Bp thU it will be shown that ta Chb.
eago iorors are fed bp the ooanty.
diflnaace between Cook eeostp and
Grand Travereecoantp ie. that the lat> declines to feed Jar
eshUe in the dleeharge of - dnUce not of

reUUon to any proposals looking toward
The sealing treaty signed Saturday
r the rhited Stales, Japan and Rusma
t acknowledged to bedeflHeat and lame
n account of the rrfusal of Qreat Brit-'
in to Join la (be coD\-rmlnn. Colonel
Foster, ehalrman of the

floipluB, $26,000

tbeoliqty. I am uot hero to etdio pul
etuiiiDtgit. bot locrtate it.—Bev. Thom­

OFFlCBBS-I-arTp Haanab. Prealdoat;

as Dlxtm. Evangdwt. Kew Y<A.

A. Tracy lAy. 1st Vice PreaWeat; James

B. Trwc mmd Fri.

come In. but the straig point
play Is that when three nrlghhon agree
a line for (he Ust Interest* of four,
the three believe, the founh neigh­
bor, that holds out. it In an uncomforta­
ble pssltlon.

their own Aooeing.
■fmxi Wpek’* $16,000 Job 0»lp Xod.

-Rev. J. L. Surtees, Alethodtit,
Camdeu. N. J.

rinuA fasts or V«iatiooK oan take tbe Traverm City Mich.
place of subduing doe's own will to
love, of booortng mim. id

the weak, of trying daily t.
ciery.—Bcv. D. M. Fiak.jCoi

. a^ to the Katlraal latelllgeacer eom-

We »m do yoor BeswrUas ctaprr
belicr th»s an> utbcr shcf I* «h' «“»: C*”


Itrw). Also abcrl* for sale and l« rcai'


Wa^iagmeu have a thculogy.^ did
oot come frum a tbcolugial wmioarp.
but tiam'tbe factory. Labor 4s beoum•e a aoeUl oooscieoaa
ulielievei in sincerity ot Christ whose
carpeotcr shop ia labor's cwtbediuL—

The soul is developed from within,
but shaped from wiiIkmil Tb>-re ia on
exttgior force b>-l<aigiiig to tin- nrel it­
self that may be called the nsl caa>e df
iu devdopnieol. -but thtav are a multi:
tndc of'outside infloeuue* that gn-stly
affa-t the development—Bev. Thomas
H. Otuw. PeopleVthurch. Drover.

and pat ap STORM SASH. If yoa taaea't
any we’d like to make yon some.
< y.

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.

Chocolate or Os blood Shoes, alms t: to s. every pair warranted
eolid. for S«e pair, at A. 6. FRYMAN'S. SH East Front Street.

• Tbe Enterprise Grocery
doing ' taBiness on
Front Street,




Steinberg's Grand Opqra
House, and presents ;tbe best
line of^ood goods cheap to
be found in the city.

tkM. $S9.T3. maklag a total 61 $138.73.

like pooide in the sorial world who gb
about tbe cadre pw withont riianging
their linca. A man might ioat as well
Neitber sunrise eof sunset Is ever a be proad of new having taken a bath,
repetiiionof any that went befose. Bach -^ev. Hugh O. Piait
di^ the tnee wear a new grace, whether
Moric Hall New Yotk.
Tewaiag for a BABread.
of eummer's foliage or winier'e lace4B.ttataxehiag.aapm: Tb* people work agalost the iky.—Bev. Bobm E
Mhoi 1 speak of manner* that taof Ma^ CItp. Leebta eotmtp. arc TbonpscB. Presbyterian. Philadelphia. tribate to sueoaa la life, I do not mean
TX« Awiaer •« "Cwsma,"
Thb b all Mr. Van Wpek paid to be

At—s will make aa extesakw
Txansoe City U that {dace.

•*AU hall tbe power of Jesns' namef"
must be iawee wtittaa by the maa of ■ viotorwas
dividaality. Smae <me mid that n
Mtk Edward Pnrooet. He lived in
loan. 1 mpthatmaa
the time of tbe Weelepe Rad is said to
Tbe good in ns miMt be
have been apart ieular friend of Charbo.
intil it sbincainour Uvee
—Bev. E D. Waikw. Prtaiytertan. St.

Pot ea AdvortMa* Kodiaas.
C*(k«v KnsaM.
I tfouid do sw-sT «itb the reading of
We have put the Ian of ciriUmtiCB
C.B. Malaon.
aotice* io our cburclm which pertain
npou the war dances of tbe Indian, and
Gbarlee B. Nelaon.'*tChdiUae. who to plenlos sod enterialumcnn which
it is high time that we npprom Uk
The ebueb
was ahot in the heart while ailting ia tiave a worldly fiavor.
iu American univvritititA Nobody
tbonld not be uwd as an advcrtisiiig'
a Chkmgo park with a girl last suini
uum. Itoocst s|iort, Imt a reepertaaad wbo reeovered after pbyrielaae
blo public will 0.8 tolmle bloodsb,d
"^ve him up for dead, apparenUp heare'
in a imireraity. They will domand that
' ■ ■■ be a gentle- life.
-'time ago Mr.
a chafmed
A abort t
The doctor will tell you that ebaage
Melacn X^'cairilud near
asai Northport,
of aoeoe slid bright anrrouudings oea
I buf- do more lor bis patient than pills or tiooalist. riLiFra
rix miles ^t la the lake, a
fetud about La the aagip waves a full potioni; that ebcerfulnesa. a happy
UnleoB tbe malevnlrat force <ff tha
hour briore balpMe. - L#ter be was tra^e <ff mind, a light heart and h^tumbling oontlngoDt cau be uuiumaactharied lr*m the t^ of a high wagmi. ful •piyitt are "tv'iivr than raedioiae."
ed bp a more powtsrfol force of rii^itand though he laaded oa his head —Bev. T. T. Eaton. Baptut. Lool*- eDasMan. ualem tbwe U a decisive and
ae aerious iajerp reunited, aad yet
of publio seuthe doctor said any tndd«a ahoek
timmit. it is morallp oortain that tbe
Tbe ministry ia not a pi
bowr elmnenu throughout tbe suto
might prove fatal te him. Mr. Nalaoa
alL not for the natural man at .all, not
^111 carries the bullet of the intaded of nararal origin nor to seesre natural will take frreh oounge and inaugurate
a pracdoos wbirii disgraced
a^MBiaa In hh heart but ea*ms to nnlta. The ministry is not one of any
naffer no Iseeavaaieneetberetram. He oIms of employment.' It is a clam hp it­
M aow ta Chteago aadearoriag to leara self—onlQua. peeaUar. a aaenri ealllog
divine ap^atmenb—Rev. W. F.
why ha waaabat. add who did ik
If a man of Mr. Caine'e talcmte would
PaddotA:. Epiaoopal. PbUadelidila.
himself study the history of tbo GhrisHss^tMA la r»sep»ts.
tian roltgioD and take its tearitiogs into
Wedosot kaowwben the land of his eoul and cfaco would start out to
Barilah was—maewhere not for from write a hoc* partn.Tlng the Cbristiaa
night lor the boaefit of Travoree Bay
le Eaphrawa. There may be there to- ^
„ving St Paul. 8t
Hiva. Bo. 71.1- a T. M-. tae famous 'j dsy. in iboee v»^ fields and hiHs. nch;
John Knox <w any one of a soore
Bdlasa phnastTirh
A fair audleDcs Idcpcaiu of gold fat «tpta>?$ .8tiT! of other* as that type, bo would give te
ao)cpwd the per
which have been discovered. Pmhsps;j,,^„^j^ . vastly difforonl and more
Mta Stana Botk Orael and Ziad te

all that was pt
graph is one of the great Invealions of)
the period whkdi reprod
tbe rcicet of vocalisu. .
u; who choee to talk into the tube of
th* apparatus for the puipcae at hav­
ing their Btteraacea pieearved



goidfiildn—Bev. Johnston' u,
Myers. Baptist.
BapiiK. Cbicoga
' 5^™.-

It the Col1 bulk at

fmeor Sweetlaad unes a laiga aUrer
ban to reproduee th* eoatoata of Urn
■aehiae and t
*a»al aad plaaMag «

J. V. MUtor.ffim S
BeltotbaOak PMlaaBlarB
» hand with avuip atova.


pradiuxion thaa
dqtio.—Bev. tk Parke
ItapU. K«w

ramt aaS Prta.
Bfridea the parent there is but oae
weighted with greater
and that is tbe pnect TCdlfle^onee
lies in Che fact that tbe priest has
mis to answer for.—Bev.

COark, Oatholic. SaaFnmriMa

Shoe Department
Department 2nd
2n« Floor
Largest and brightest Shoe Salesroom in yor^em Michigan.

November Days, Look Out for Squalls !!
We propcae to open the FED aad Winter eseai 1 wUha whirl la tha Sho*
the rwk. w»
artmoak aad to better faeURato the eale aad

taeMd major ef Greater New York, ae

rammed that th* Grao'd B*«ilda A Ip-

J. E. Greilick Co.
Misses’ Lace or Bunon,

MlUlta pwr Ch*wla« 0«m.



Take Off
Your ScreaDs f


fmMJ. ior oswqmper dippings and so-

takm with thg oeUid* world. U baisg





No ooe who has journeyed to the .far
WTAwoome eo4n
•0 4U love-Eha i:
itl^b beaulythat be did o

William Mom. ior photographs. $34.


Hamilton Clothing Co.



TcU mo bow a nmn gets bis mogMP.
egmulp BzpaaalvA
how be ke^ it and how be spi-nib it.
- Tbry Bripg'Oray H^rs.
Mew York. Mov. 8.—Bobert A. Van
and I will tell you what kind .d a
Dselew fr<-(tiiig and wooing bring
Wprit. *ayor:*l*et of greater Kew
aiorc grey hairs to tbr-btsd. wrinkle*
this eounti
Tmk. baa filed a 8Woni atatemeot of to tbe face and cares to tbe miud than raphv. In thUeoontrptb.
ro arc *i«-ut
illy for chewing gum $»>.OD0,i
hb eleeUoB expenaea ia the eocnitp old age and actnal trt'Ubln.—B*v. Bam
w pmnuts $10,000,000—Bev. C.
dArkb office, as foUowa;
C .Dean. Baptist. Atlanu.
A. Jenkins of NewvBnkiswiek. N. J..
To L P. Poft, far statioaerr. po*tage
tamps aad ctcpegrapbic ink. Wti; t*

BeaxMLXT. M. D.

Morgaa. tad Vice Prealdettl; J. T. Baa-

Samuel Garlabd.
Van derErdeo. Caib<Jic. 8an Fnodsoa
N. B.-Addrem all OolleeUoM aad
La^e. B*e«r aad Be
,^te ^ylae- i
Catp State Baak,
ritalnx levitiIcviri.! Matter lo^eTra'
-tericN. circnmciidoas. <rth«dnx



......................... -

Be true t<) your rvligioo mod pray- nah. Cashier: fiamoel Oariaad. AaalstPmy for yooiiwlvea.- tor ooo aaotbm aatCbabbr.
and that the miMlQa will ant be a maledictlao to any thrungb ocglect in eone- DIRECT0E8—Pesrp HaaBah. A. Traep
Imy. James Morgaa. J. T. Baaaah.


derwear. and T want to'gfve you my heartiest, eodonement of tboa.
They are eo eoft as aet to Irritato the touderesi skin. They abaorb tbs
moisture eo perfectly, and prevent the sudden edoliag. or ebaagea of the
tamporatora of th* tay. (tbe usaal causes of colds).
If you can get
men and women of this plaee to wear them (Instead of tbe cheap cot­
ton goods) there wU) be hut little complaint *( naaal catarrh, coagba,
eoldk^ Another potpt ia theb fav^. they do not shrink as most

I don't Mp that I wan-|..tak8 cidei In
thecltpoampaign. I protnibi pon. how•
*1 do
• 1
’ woat
r; that whatever

HAVon-SiJKT VasWvcic of Oteater



3. W. BAnn. lam and rooap etoee be kaepa eereral j jofoer ve sell oar health of. bodp and




V. natar. «ha BewPhmiahar.
Obedienrewae tb.^ aiem <d Peter*B aeU* the Staadaid Bewiag Bacbiae. a
flret claw aaohlac. for a little mao^.
neotm Obedience U the imeowa ol
•wp btwaB life todar.—Eer. W. &
Do^ Preibpterian, San PraadJoo.

aew etera of the KimhaU Flaao U>, oa

J. W.^BAnn. Bdiior u# Main


bboobs, tbubpat bovbkbbb b,

•Enterprise Grocery,

feHAiiy Prices
—MADE O^---------


have only
rntot* to eaumerat* a few of tbe pri^ Not* t$*m rioeely;
irnly apace

77 pair* Womaa'a flae Vlee Kid aad
Dosgola Buttoa.
Baad Taraa aad Walrus oJf. Eaagaroo aad Dak. newWelta, aad n«lbl* eriaa. Berne Pla- ret shapes aad toes, patent leather aad
at lowest prita We have
grre A Smith* and other celebrated, eloek
makes. Begular prtoee tre*>$l to $3.»
See our mea'e haad welt Bos Chlf.
Bala aewret ahapea. beaudea wurih
$4 00 for $3 88.
OSB at $1 48 M tho
Our line of a
eo anil* Womaa'e fiae Doagola aad
Chrome Kid Buttou and Laee. fair etrongret ia tha state. AllahM aad
, OlobeTTioiiox
etitch, a^ flexible aolea. faabioaaUe


■h^iea aad toe*: regular $3.53 gooda:
all go at 81.4A

____ Box Ckir BalmoralB aew
LeuBox toe for $5.43.
A large Itaeof Lodlre' Baad Welt
8 paire fin* Kid aad Heavy Shore, and turas at very lew priere. •
Cbildreo's school shore 11 to 9 raga- ila aad spring heel* worth $1 to $1 30
lar 81.53, good for 79 eeata.
30c. .

mm' Birgtti nui

HOT SniFf.

(7 pair* Mta* n to S flae Rid. heel
Felt aad Beaver elippere lined Sfe to
and *|iriag heel eboe* worth $1.50 to
$5.30 for toe.
*''l^It and Beaver bottou and laee
lehoea ta great varieiy: all akapea lor
73c, 930, .$1.10 aad $1.4&
Bee thsa*
A IM hf Men's fiae aboea -different go(>d* aad eampare them with othcra
styLee, good make*, iaeludlar C. M. at 30c and 73e more.
Ovenboee for
Brntdereoat and othm, wuith $8 up men. wooma and chlldraa. every etyle.
sad prtoet away doWa.

lal iuffil TiUi le. S

prim Hea'a Shoes, btarea |
Band Waits. Ooik SalcB.'Batll^ nw
Boys' Perfeetioa* from S8e.
amela, almoet every kiad of shoe, good
An ia>itatkm is exteadpd to l
value at $t.M to $S.U, all go at one
ririt on- large dopartmeuta.
price $l.«8.

Wear* not aelUaga $1.60 ahoeand
repreaeat it to he a $!,00 -shoe.

We re-

fuod meney when goeds are aet a* we

Frank Friedrich,
1>e CNA BelMhte tftiina
odBorthen MtahMaa.

QIau Block.

Travereo City. Mieh.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hera*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple WoeSd. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, inclnding 3 Engines, Set Works, Carnages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sate.



Whet H» Wwld Do in 9» Matter
of Rafonn of tho National
n£ABU£T VOtEB TO EE kbilhriu :



arUtok DtptowM Iw^lWr* it Oraa
tiram Tittn AolM Vh


New Toia. Not. t.^C«puln WllUun
WynChun. wbo ta» beeo
BrtUsh eoneui st Chi<«r> «ner three
rcM- aervlce In h etmUhr trephctty U
Spain, waa
the LaBretacne which airlvcC from

Out of tho Twenty-Ono Who L 'l
Buftelo Friday on tho Stoam*
. ship Idaho for Milwaukoo.

s^ir^iiJi'i^'uDii^^^ee BTOBT OF A IkhRihTJ; DIBAEZI?.
ia one.of araal bltteraen The bitteraeaa la very marheO. particularly la
^rcrlona. Before
“ ‘
with Cula and Manila.
'n>e war la
Cuba and ibe Philippine lalaada baa c
off thli trade. Barrelona hai ^oal tl
beat and moat lutnllvr market ahe ehJoywi- Only i
hitherto employed 1
n redneed time.

r to lu
(or refoni of the banklnc and currescy

•yatema of the coiyury. aPd amoasthaM I
-The Spanlah raneot undenkand why
Irf one from doha C. BolIIU which, cam- the United State#, a friendly nation.
ii« Usbly lodoraed aa It doaa by naan- ahould allow mo many fll^^erli
pedlUotia to yet away aaf^y to Chiba.
cdal aoiborlUat
teet maken them additionally bitanchtlon and atody.
ter. When I left Spain there were
tewhea erery braseh of the problem beaymptoou of anyer aynlnat the b
B and 111 prtr
minister of tbe United SUten to tbat
bat all of Um eonnlry. Hannla Taylor. Tbe Bpe
areatToIlon-a: That
oUlyatiOOa were too much atmrbed In what <
wmoaBtlBy te about
ahall be eral Woodford, your ww
takee up and car.eeUed. l»ln* -repUeed mknn eay and do. I heard no ulk .of
aecotdlnc to baaiaem ezOtmelee (under war with tbe United BUtea Bpale baa
the direction of a currency board compomd of ihe preeldnil. aecre.urr «d tta
treasury and compirciller oT the cur-j
by a t per cent bonda
Bat Oa. KM mt Camawy.
It to be but ode kind of cur­
rant, namely, national back notea redacmaMe In fold at the bank of laane
and a ael^ed bank of reaenre. and thcae
potea are to be imued vradualty to re- place United Stale# oHlyaltopr at the
latter are mired.. Tbaar rote* are to be
aecared by a drpoalt of U per rent, of
fold In the trraeurr. it per rent, of cold
' .to the bank raulta. and a flmt Her upon
aU of ibe bank aaa< ta at w«H-aa by a
apedal provlalon dvlDy the BnvemmeiU
the rtebt to aiaem afl national twnW
when needed to make rood notetof a dr(Boltli^ bank, the notis of ithic-h «-ouId
then be :
tax It 'lo be laid upon
the exrrnwe of the currency i->om nna
. hlebaUnce held to -ecure rrdempllno
of note# In sold, but It lhia.ex<veda ttS.•M.OOt the anrplut may be covered Into
the treaaury to
irieretf oa United
Biatca bonda and for ceneral purpoaw.
Thla tax tbould be 14 c.f 1 per cent, or 1
' per eent. per aonnin as the
ahatl eli«t

•• JMbow.
1, 'NoT.
'There la a
lutely no foundation for thla Cuban war
•care. Tbefc baa not .been a mrbtlna of
tbe cabinet for Iwo monUia when the
fondast. <ao tar as forelyn affalrr
eonoprned. was aapaclQcalury. Theproapect for tbe navy la so qulriceol that
the captain of our hlsycat ship baa been
ordered "to Waahlnstoei and la attlliut
upon a board- to prepare a bill for (be
reurcanlaatloo of the perw.onel o( the
natal tyree. The re« of the bly ahlpi
are now underyolny their winter re.
That la what Becretary 1.nny. of the
navy department, told a r> rreupondeot,
md the mid


Nor. I.—Tbe foilowlra

the namat of alateen of the nir't • r.
men who loot their Urea on Ihe
Idaho, which aank durlny U» pair »r.
Baturday morrUna abovt Loni Pi.lnt, os
Lake Brie: Alexander 'CHIU*, captnln;
Georye GIbooo. Aral mate; TM.ilain.
Clancy. chl>C.enclnrer: John L>. Taylor,
fteward-all of Buffalo: Nelaoc. Hktrai'er.
ftiut airatrlani enylneer; Loula OIIMore.
watchman'; Richard UcLcaa and Rot.ert WllUama. wheetmen: A. 1. Richard
and Heary Tbompann. lookovta: Will­
iam areyory. fireman; John tlealy. aaalatant ifteward: Frederick MIRbrl. oil­
er; Edward Smith (liocbcMer. N. Y.)
and U. Beri. deck handa. .The name* of
three of the men dmwned are unfcmwn
to Ch* Bteamahip company. One wa* a
Breman. anolhir a deck hand arf the
Tblrd-a porter. Tbe namea o( the lw>.
aaved are Lonla LafureV. Jr., aecond
mate, and William am. a deck hand.
Waal Itawa la Elyhl'Partiam*.
ne capialD of the Ul-fated ateamer
Alex Ginira. waa one of (be moot widely
^ knowp lake aeatnen. He was 41 yeara
old and knew the lake wateri Uke a
book. Hit brother. Doeald Glllleo. Is
.captain of the ataamer Harlem.
Idaho waa of the Wettem Tranall
(New York Centrall and foundered Is
elyht fathom*of water #14:30 tktturdar
Lake Kne.
the Canadian ahorr about atxty-Rv*
BllH weat of Buffalo, aod lu vlrinUy
tfaiy diHMvr*

taeiht flTpaa enaaquints.'
"Thla *«re." Hid ttx> reyscr. raialBg
hit DO( too nuaieal roioe to tltbwB the
talking at the otfam—"thla'm wh
CDce tbe -prirate chapel of ibeDeto
Faetia That atoue tuarka where the al­
tar itood.
Over hern it where Sir Oilbert AitdMnooot.defitid thTittet la the
Tear tfalrMn ’ondted a^flfif. Nottoe
thia 'ere 4
fiser at CwtaeMry,”
growled at
"Pardoo me, .too noal tnean LliMals
—or U it York that I aft thinking of r*
Hid tbe andmologiat.
Tbe deamdmit of the De le
turned aeide to hit aiater. Sbt^ied
and put berMm tbraagh fait. .
"I am H tired I" abe wblapmd.
"Nerer ZDisd. dnar.
We’eo waarij
done, and we eoald not have Mf witboet aeeing our old family tombt, ao"—
"Tbe Le Fanu lomba." broke in tbe
panting eerger. "Tbcy data back to
ISia Tbh ia tbe oldeat of them aU.
Notloe tbe rich work round tbe eidet.
and. H you aee. the flgore it mUng
trtn tbe top. It ia the wife of old Sir
Boland de le Fanu, wbo died in tbe
’OIj l«nd. Bit wife died a grief three
daya after the aad pawa reoebed her.
Tbe etBgr ia aaid to bpre been aiolen,
though aome there ar« wbo aay that life
WH given to it and it walked. I don't
•old with that myaelf. On tbit aide are
tbe tomba of Beginald aad Sir Bert* da
Boland epoke to tbe girl next him.
■"n» efigy," Hid be. "that U miaaing from that tomb ia Ibe one of all
ecben (hat I aboold newt ban liked to
aee. She wax our great, great—I really
cannot ny how gtrat-grandmotber,
and. ob, I beg yoor pardon. I Iboogbl
you were my aiater."
It WM a tall, aiigbt girl, wrapped in
a light grayiafa diiat cioak. to whom be
bad apteen. and wbo now reapooded
gracrfully and u^tb a abadr of amo»ment in ber maaoec.
Tbe tuddep-traudiion fma the dark
nypttotbeibrilliaut nGthiiie wh bewlldenug. fiolBBd and hi> aiater atomj bled' ali__
,______ ______
on a htap Of falk-n aUme------- .
------- . .

T,n,» H„..,

----------------------------------rratty lUavh oW ■**. RmH.*.

Ike*.' A Wrong aoutbweFl gale «w* blowlI lyy' al
*i the time, aud the .weal her ufflxr
atsrm signal* up for th» lak*^'^
BnatoD. Nov.
Rm' Gaory' R«advr. I had r
—. ____
__________ _______________
WlKHeeB Weal l>awB«lih Bar.
ewiony In ador.' den In-Hoigun Tbuta-,! Captain Ollllea (houKht Le could
day night, wax Saturday extH .led from | weather the gale and beaded airtight up
(hr.dlvlhtiy ac-hool of F
Ibe lr-.e. Bhonly after paae’ng Long



Will present the latest and best Dress Goods
at a scale of unifomilj'low prices—so low in
fact they may be called “price concessions.*’
A look will coDTince jon these are no idle
Will yon call and give it? ^
10 pieces good Dress Brocades, worth 15c a yard, for 12c.
Fancy Brocade Dress Goods, worth 25c a yard, for 15c.
15 pieces Dyess Novelties, fancy colors, worth 30c. for 23c.
10 pieces 40-in<± Pompadour Suitings, worth 35c. for 25c.
10 pieces Andorra Plaids, worth 15c, for 9c.
Good'Black Brocaded Dress Goods, worti 18c, for 12c
Belter Black Brocaded Dress Goods, wprth 30c for 18c.
Onr Best Dress Goods in all colors are being
sold at lower prices than ever before.

444 Front St. Brosch Block.


M. SA-TLAR, Prop*.


Also eyerythiuR in the lineof


Tinity to d d tfau ahe had n t followed '

Id Cartnlnater a quift night aoctmada
be pearrful
peara-ful day. Boland,
Holand. Atting Ly
fait window, watted Ibe round
riaing bebind tbe fretted apite of the
eaibedral and wu filled with aaudden
iGed 4o‘ run for Bhelier. The aea wh
rvnnlng very high at Ihe lime, and II
Hit stay in tbe place bad been brief
lurelng the Idaho shipped a big ava'
which qi^nohed the Hrv* In Ihe rngln^ and would end early on tbe morrow.
Tbe tketrbfu be bad made were few,
helpkn tn
and faU Tlxlt* tn tbe ralbetlral bad aU
waya been paid iu mmpauy wiibotbera.

' Goods promptly delivered. Orders by Phone given quick at­


year*. Rei.deT retuxra to ^atr where hi* |
permliwloti from the currency board
home. ta>. tiut U la aomewhere In Ohio, !
iDcreare the note Imue when there U
demand enured by ;nnoauaI flnaricial where hr waa ordained a Weihndut.clrr-;
emeryency. aueh Inciwate to be wib)ect' gymao tbn-r yean ago.
to a tax (to be determined from time tn /
puetlx »-.aad llall.y 'mt K-Her.
time by the cumro' board) npon the
tv... N... i-T- ixn I. ■
onten wblle to Hmilatloe: the tax uix<n
tarrh Medicine oaed by Vapo
tbe note* to be at a rale which would
Bide, atom ..flrat. Only
put aptrmlum upon the bnrta to takeup 1h Ibe drat degre,'. ‘Thla U the third
thenotetwhentheemenrmrs-haa pae- ‘ ' (Hal of Ferilg for tbe killing of Rob- ; of tbe crew managed to retu h the top of
a Blagle apar (hat alood al«\e Uie water.
.. B. OIB^ Repair 8b*
surer and aubrld::irT colba ahiiuld W
, ert Spaulding In im. the vaae hating i
^ done and tbe
only plBce to get your whs
deemed In yold liy the Unbi-dBlaleayov. I been tried by three vlrrhll court JudgH 1
,o Tit«h ID tba clear aky!
enameled ap-lo-date. with artlatie Ktriplhg and unw
------------------'--ta. Union *tre<
eminent when demamled, Thrne amount Fymg • ...................
DfH Front.
Coder baljdlog.
to ahoQt tlM.bOO.MO. No note# tboiild be nye the killing oLBpauIdlng «
taaued for lev than tL
U*w (he Two Haa Were luaeaed.
' woold Study iracery and carviDg under
Lade. '
I The effqrt of those oa i.ard tbe Mali- ] tho magic light which
h made their beau_
________ _ „
Lord, r Nov. A—The anrourefiretil | pOH to tearu,' the two m- n (hvnlved the
n of repoae eon
H somethiog noeartbly.
! Ihxil the l>r'"’her of the k)*dl-f i.f fclglpt. grealrwt pnaailde dnngi'r. Tht- aea war rote and left tbe room. Weadiog acftly Tcyed by tbt grarcfnl poatuie. the arrneinwi. Mi.ihU end (aee.
all Mad. ' Primr Mnh-tn.d All. ir engaged to be ' running veo high, and life brau could *0 at out to diatarb the other iomate* x«ng(.in< Dl of-tbe acolptorrd folds of
and mm
all U^a
... an Am. rlean lady whom he ' not -be launched Liner were thrown ,o
doe the government nhonid he payahle I „„
conaeqiieBCf ; tbe iwa men. but thel*. arm. and lega of the houte. Quietly H be went the raimeoL ihe beaotifolly cbiaeird featorer. all were alike lovely, and Roland
oqe-thirdin gold and (Mo-thlrd* In bank U,
to rer.oun.e the auooea- had atMTened around ih.- »i»5 and they ieoD. sitriiif; at work to (to study,
gaird at tberu long, as if be were liter­
notr^'^l* I* ne,vaaarr to aupidy the | alnn to Ihe Lhedivlate Ir rtder to obtain ' could do nothing tb heli.lhemiwjvea Th« heard hiu> anl op<iKd.his door.
"Auytbtng amia^ EnUod-!-to aaked ally ciitraucrtl and uot under ibr ioOo------ ...
ft the khedive. Is autborl- ; MarlpoH ran as cloae !<• Ibe apar ai
e gold --------ronamt
ence of atnuf delodop <if ihe senses,
i pcArllde and rfforta were Mde lo granp cbwfnlly,
p^y intereat upon its bunds, redeem sil­ tlvrly denied.
Rclaod. half Hbamed. roofraana bll some trick of ovtrexoited nervte. whlebver. and for other purpuaea. Tbe legal
■ *
t— Iw '
orveral times, and wItL *ucc-H rtwiauUc idcH to bis bat. wbo eur- murt soon fade away. Be fell ou bit
tender quallly of gold and alIvVr ahould
•“ at Uat. The two aurvivora wery brought prised him by aympathiriog wiiL them. knees cat the ttepr>-d bate of tbe moon/remain ar now pr<'.vlded Ly law. and
pursuance of hlalnFlrurtlr,i».U.n W .ABuffalo. Both Were In an -xhaurird
- they
y a
ahould Le Ibe only legal lender ex- lngtor.Virlylntheafu,uo.,r.onhl#way,*„p
“By all ni'twus. Oor lovely caibedral
— mcol and gently laid hit lip* oa (be Jilto give a connected
4 tc
t» Ihe exieni of two-ihirdaof ctiacept
I tie while flogert which were so tempt­
never looks mote exqoisite than by
* believed I
the wreck. The Idah. wh an
ingly near him. As be did so a thnll
Rtt. whlrh ah.'ukl
iftafai lory outcome of th* wh *» feet long
"I sboold like," said Boland, taking seemed
to pam through him and
4M aa above stated.
pebdlck negotlsll. na^llh Rpaln.
'nage of 1.1ID.
soanigr.'"to bate one more look at tlie through Ibe figuM on the tomb. Tto
Confer upon the currency tuard power
bedelicBte evrUd* quivered, tto abadowy
to reguUle tbe iuue of
If (•
Dk notes from
TsUaw gate Naasty OM-f a dab.
foM I iMva."
UpB palled iu a fi ini sigh, and tto negt
tlipe to time In lieu of the government
New Orteana. Nov. L—There has been
RlKly-two Htleam Michigan expended
iasuht hi* *uiu< WH indeed imtoed
currency retired. and~ to au'thorlxe new
"Oertatnly. otprteinly. Yon are a di
n.tM.lxs Tor paving, etc., during tbe a Mg decreaae In the number of yelKra:
Lanka and branch banks lo be estabfever coats Bird.# Baturday. and the *ll- . vdeacei
year IDT.
UHed when and where and with such
Th* entire, stable of A. B. ^reekels I nation
imUon W atlU further Imprmod. Very yoo ootr
Boland repressed tbe ai ..
plnces or* now quorontlntd agsJHI
will be dlipoaed of Without feaerve. at few
"Yes. And lAoa't thank ttovandal*
New Orleon* ond there lu* been o gen- wbo ttole her eOgy. 1 abuold bare pre­ toe WH reclining on ber own loabMd
Ban Franclaco. Nov. l« •
MU* Helm Barkley, sang In Cblnogo trol revival of bualnete. There wrra only ferred tbH they had taken aay of the apofca gently usd h if ber preauat poolI require^ for
U new caaa* here yHterdajr.
Boo wm a matter of eonrae:
budnete as th* at a lung dutance irlephonc and wa*
" You are ia tto crypt of Oarmlastw
country ahall grow in populalloo and tn bnrd In Nra Tork. Halurday•‘Bav«
Prank B. German, of Brockton. Mata,
buslMH expanskm.
"1 am aeny. count, but papa aaya aktScbM
broke the Ameriran twieoty-four-bour
A* baoUng capital may hr-Increased
Tto cAgy Ht tqi. preaalBC ber otdd
"No. 1 have bad no good opportunity,
W crvaMon of new banka, the currency bicycle road record by riding >42 mllea bs'd rather are me dead chan married
handa to ber now toning temples.
board Wiould have power to adjbat the
Then abe raised ber great dark eye# »
the ItnItnJ Rtatea. iluteU
net* Itauc. whether normal or extra­
'Inde-e-edl Your fathalrs is evident- before 1 go. aud 1 ahall not have umr Bolabd'a face.
tomnrrnw '*
between the new and old waa signed by aU tbe parties tberato )h aa—what you oali—an eoanomiHls
"lgoiehatin."stofaldeimply. "1
hanke-Mto dlaUncUon being drawn
petanne. Be know* an funeral onat not
lingered a'aKitaent toloMtat thlttomb.
per cent, gold
• tween them.
w Richard Crnker wa* writing letlcra In so muol* M H weddiog."—Cleveland
bseauar—well, becauae yon were so
le noie wue ov|iuel(ed In government bU room In the Murray Hill hfitel. New
"Herv, then.-- h« be. "I ere wbat
Flaio Dnalw
-HBury and the IG per rent, kept In
To*. Baturday. preparatory to taking
ank vaull* should be counted a* part his departure f»r Asheville. N. C.
This larite one open* (to Ufile north- ■.
. ^
raervv on depodt In
The National Btnuk GMwen’ crinveao»e sH lewra^yir^.
■a wuhw* «ir
’’1 can always teJl a novel written bv
»>-*tem of cleaGng tlon. which tia* been under r-.nsldrrar tee wlator. 1
hou~ crrliflcatea adopted ly the banka tlon for *.mt time, ha* l-n n called for
iriC rbor^tHlH^'ra^^
Ir. the large clllea In (lima of pankr
ah' uid be l.'CBllz.d. Th<'V,fatve proved
. Martin J. B. Itradsbaw
"She makH tbe men cteraclm ae ItJi down the Lroix o pl*i™. do not ioa*
tto key* dn not lorpet to Jock up gfter; J”'
to I*, mhat Mlutary and (here can be no Buapended from practice 4n the Chicago deadJ.v acnthnebtal
D 1 hiigbi have aiaid ton in this
tH'ii.r ev'ldencr of the need of such a criminal cun fur six montb* by Judge
yoo and. ubove all. doo'l act the ptece |
•- WeU. 1 baa always tell a
________ place all night." she mormored.
than Ihe faei that II baa been Baker. Charge. .^Indllng a ellenl.
alight, or I’il neverforgtv; yoo
, written bv a man."
i"lf* Btnirly bomble! -tto weat CBHtalllrh.d by voluntary yonaent In
TYic bo«J> of thv unknown woman who i
..|_ —j.., wtv»"
tlteea uf
mm wnu went off

' "You. wouWii'l toliece what nolae*
was killed In the Oentral rallrvud wreck '
"He makes allH^Wi
Vice ri.- d-nt R O. !.««*. of the Na- near Garrison. N. T., haa l-«n Idrnilfinl
Opfiosllv M.-« M. K. Dspm.
tlansl Uni.o. (npk ol New York, for- H lhal of MIH Jennie Xing, of Booth
meriy dlrT. |,.r.-r fhernlied RUtes mint. Buffalo.
hH also pr<.-..iiT.d a lAper lo the cqroGeorge II. Drowti, a
SDlHlOD. addr.1—d m.i bo murb to the
.roof Knox. Ind-who I
medlU of any iwrtiruUr tonn et baokIhediaJ. Tto key made tat lltOe aoiaK
from hi* home alnce Oct. 1
a few stray tear*, which toe hoped be
Ing aratam a* to n.. de^refonns of the
STUD in tto great rilUucsa. and Boland.
to havenieen rubbed and murdeiwd In
tM.aod to poU off the nsokti*
prasHt mlPtlag and . urrency Uwa
groping bit way down, aooo found bim-, ,____
___ (aicago.

Mt tor bead. Than to ftond
self at the back of tbe lirtJe ohapel and
MlHCarolloeBelc(nan.aaebodl tssicher
ba bat for ha in a shadowy aook tad
in great darkaoH Oauig hit eye# for
wbo WH tried at Rau Claire. Wla., for empty. Even tbe a

Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ^
Free-Storage for Bicycles

Fresh Butter


paHlng. ri>'" »-»• vr-

Per Pond.



Per Dun.



Free Storage
for Bicycles.






E0U.\D-S WU'E.

Am* 0*1* MlBod Dp srtU. tbe (wtetttaa of a
N*w ToM> Ma,*e.
New Tork. Nuv. A—The chorui choir
of the People'a ehiifch of which Rer.
Thorau DUoo. Jr., It pastor, uonwMIng
of sJMiot forty Bingen, refused to ting
yesterday out ol aympathy with Frofes•r AgramonU, their iHdkr. becai

Agramonie la a puLan, and a memUT
nt the Junta here. His aon has baan id
a P; aahi> pitaaa OD tbe Ulasd of Cuba
fur two years.
T)i" CuLan* eay that Seth Lsw was
ffi.pu-.4l to ary InierveuUotHd thla coooUy In .'Oban affalra.,aod ha* aloud
«galn-i III, vauae of (hJban liberty alnra
the oni) ,..ak u( the last war. Plxon in
Hf aei yesterday said that hr aympatblaed with Profvmor Agramonta and
bad advocal.d veUhg for Low last Buodar only becauae be stood tba best
ffimaH fur election agalnat Tammasy.
B* waa opposed to Low petsunaUy.

amauJt and battery for wfalffi>in« »- doains, and the only *igM at life
ynr-old Giindrr Thompson In aebooL
Beetoed to to tbe chatter dimly beard
WH acquitted. Major Haody. Uoltad StatM eommla- thnagh tbe dov of tbe quaint old inn.
Koner to the Paris expualtlon of UM.
ia U» ^Ctewt cathedral it wh low aoohH arrived at Neve Tork. He bu *e- ny. but almost equally cine and ot>cured *00.000 square fast at ffi>ao* for
United Stale* cahlMta.
BoUnd de le Funn felt m If the bMt
the executive council rejected aU b4ds
on the low's memorial and historical and dHt of cemuriee W«n
buUdlDg aod referred th* srhole mauer
Lack lo the general assemoly- Approsmall.
A fateweli
reception WH tenBrrrd
Us WH one Pt a party being "abown
Baiurda'y olghl at Ihe Bowery (Nnw nond" the bniiding. Here wa* the inY.-iki
mission to a band of neven
Chrl*i1*n cniradcra who started this ■ f^^^?***
...rr,..MS «.a.
OTUbUsh-4 among tbe miner* a penna- *•« “
cteTRymea, asrhnnlinaater
and hi* olaM and a few young girl*.
neat mi»«:on. .
la the oypt it WH dooter. but damp
Th. Waaihsr W. May Bspaa*.
ndmoftynelliDg. Throkgfa ttobHvy
Wov. L-HMIpw1i^ JOT 4
oak dampHHd thaw

TM|«r. Ui ohalMrteg Bffi* to tea toalA




Jno. R. Santo*

soon distingsito toeonilinw
arm. tod tbe elingiiqr March of ha tn-j"^™'^Chr.Kka.
cf tto archa aad awvwi' forward quite
gers acul a thrill tbr^fa hiai wUto to |

oonfldsoUy. emed to feel long after (h«y bad i
Some might bate toengbt the boor
and plao* deria, tot Bteaod wh naiGtor
"Irsooimited yon again at onto."aba
Bervona ata -npmtlBona and boldly
Hid totem attbeyMotadadtbarluktty
advaaoed lototon Ow moonlight, find­
Haiieate togstba.
ing ohUqw ^tfanm tbiongb tto grat­
"L too. romosba yon quite w«lL
ing in fba^amdaemcaaef ttogmal
s-ware follow tourists a aigbtesm
windewafi ttoCaibsdral.abovs tern,
tbU morsing. and 1' bars tbo^t of
aboM deafly and'hxiftbUy ova tto
you mauy timet tiaa and always H
the lady in (be gray doak."
It hH beso Hid that to wh aeitba'
gbc Mnilnl very bhmuly.
navons nor rupattitiouA but abddrnly
"My real name." tbe Hid BB|4y.
be stopped sbat. gad tto throbbing of
his mvii Lean aenoed tat the' momeot
Boland tterted slightly, and lli b*
to ataitlc bim, for here, just before him,
wirbio touch of hi* band, vru tto
groat table toab and extendqfi npn ii,



—Watch Repairing.


"By toe Sfille of Ood, Jeam. tto b»-

—John Yerly.

lOTsd wtfo 4ff BoUad de is Fteto Kaigte

—Front Street.


TH» Kusvnra uioobd, tomdat, »oy»imai 9. iwr.

DHIarwit 8p«eiM of tho Thug
Won Buojr in DHfmit

OmI —1*»T

w Uw. M l>lac T»W!

fltn heu rwpe.
I. am
and steam arhiatUB bad
to be tsaorted to.
One endne raacbed the mDi^biit Its
work was delayed/ owlnc to the fire*
bud hBTlBK nt holeo In the encUna
plpm whkh mpply water rrom the
hydrant and aerewed up the eeupUnci
ao Ud>t that Ume was loai la. lodoen*
tna them. The Rames spread . from
woodshed astf boiler room, to the kitebd
and then to thedlnlnc room and tbeaird
These Btructures were four eterlea hich
and to the weat of but connecUnc a'llh
the main bulld<hlt. which was s|a stories
hlah. wllb towers In the
. ______________ ____ _ ________
the- furaliore from Ue malo
a large quantity was taken
-cut. the main floor beinc almoet enllrely bate before the fire drove the
workers asray. There were IM guesU
In the boteL

BmalW setae IW Bell Cemsa

Men ef BkM hd a Weee ef Bb- mee KUet OeuM Be Fesed
New HanlnerfUe. W. Va.. Nor. A-At
Pine Fork, thl* county. Saturday WIU.lam Conn, of Cnha, H: T-. drove to the
nltro^yrerlne teapaslne
r Sllth
mlth a twoK cet ts-elve (alloni of
c oil wells

Z>ctmr. Kov. K.—^
to Tb«
SUpubUcu ffom Ail’iHiaeniu*. uy*:
Tte No. t iMraiM’ tnLn ot Um Bust*
rt 'Padflc.
which w«* held up at
Otmsr* naU< o Baiurdajr olffat. raebed

m»w Tart MrasM. at tbs BaHM-s BsgspH.
WUI lararafgais irairsle
New York. Nov. 1—On.tbe iDvttaOeB
ef Um sultan of Turkey. The BenOd
the eondlUon ot the Chrialtae suhj&ts
to lb- Turkish empire and the truth or
falHty of the Tvpurts of Armenian »"■»aaerea with wMch the world has been
floodeA Rev. Gcirge H Hepworth has
been seletled fur this tasjt- and be Is
now oc bis way to Anatolia, where with
eompeteel anrtstanre he aUldevute him­
self to the ImvatlgaUan. The rrtulta
wni be forwarded to The Herald In a
series of letters which will tell the
The sultan agrees that The Herald's
represenutivr ^lall be absointely gntramelled. and be wtn fUmMi to the
world the 1
ble mew as .be eball find them. Dr.
Hepworth is accompanied by aa as*
MstaaL tbnroogbly famUlar. with the
eoontTT arid people. Be left Constaatlnwle FHday morning, and should reach
Trebfaond in a few daya Hli iwporta

he was Inside another two-hora« wacun |
with two men who have cot been tdenti* j
fled drove up. Before theae atranyrri 1

report beard ten ndlee sway. The only
**'ln« found that ever was human
• Pl»<*
• man's fwn. All elw—three
human belngAfour boraea.twowhaan*h»
‘hey bad never existed,
^Tiefu Jhe magaxlne
mayaxlne stood was a deep
cavern. -Windows were taroken In every
dwelling within a radius qf halt s mile.
Texarkana. Ark;.-Sov. A-Plre Batur/■wu. t iiiirtlTs Dheoes •■—■ ■■ la Caart—
morning dcatroyed four steam lum^
five lumber sheds and oot

; satenBoo of the Methodist-Bplaropal
' church, closed with Saturdays eeealon.
H wee decided to ad tl«l.90B from the
, conferences this year for church extraslun and also that » per cent, ot the
, amount received
ahould t

B ha^

McLellan t A

Cblumhua O.. Nov. A.The only 1». ' S? *
portant developmentlB IheaUliu Qtthe
B«zl general aaaemhly was the devUlon
la tbs Wood ooanty ease, which once
Inorc removes that county frtim the
doubtful list to the Republican column.
The court Instructed the election super-

tiM cUr. hi >1:M reMerday morulaf.
Coodurtiw Aldrich auua that Jusi aa
the tralo cav>e u> « halt at Orant'r
a nuUladc of ahou rand out ob (he air.
and aa far a* be cuuld *ee eeveial men
•iwarded the train, ooe on the en«iiia
Sa a»d Bainneer McCarty were on the
ytatfonn, but «an and cauybt the train
aa-IC aaa movlnc out. the fireman. Hen
ry Abel, belna compelled at the point of
a nocked revolver to pull the traln^
.tp the.etock >-arda about two milea dioThe cunduetoc left the train at
, etock rant* where the tobban bad
ordered the train alopped. and ran back
to the atatlon. uteitraphlnc the newt
to Division Buperlnlendent Hubbard at
Oallup and Sherlfr Bubltll. In the
BcanUine. boa-ever. the robbers twho
wore falte I■ea^d1< and wetr unmahk>>l>.
«ut the mall coach, day and chair
. coachee and the Pullman sleeper from
the enylne and ezprcm car. and th«
fireman was apalo ordered to pull th*
latter furtfaer up the road.
Blew (>|M thaKapMaaafa. '

vjsora of Wood county to ranvam the
rstums from ihedlsputsdprsclncl.which
atvsa the deetten to Csotaln f> P Voe
give, the electicn to Captain O, P. Nor-

and Lu^r company. The aggregau
|<« u, ove^ IIW.OOO. The roof of a shed
feU tcjghlle about forty
der U. •and It Is believed aeveval b(41es
*U1 be found la the rulna Several men
ouflnjured. three of whom

Ever Barned Ovt?


Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

r OF SAFETY. .-,.

with uelvrreal Interest.

Fire Insurance.

New Departure!

aevelaod Nov. k-The pbysf^ns in
attendance upon Major BgtieTrtmb.
cammlamoner.of patenta. ffhe ts HI with
pneumonia at the Hollendea boteL glve^
but little encouragemect'rag-Ui.reror-'
proprietor of Kecd City Banitaridm. Is
cry. It was stated last rvnlag that he
comuiAtoyonr town, where le will
would not Ale during the night, but tbs
remaia for ooe day ooly to ^re tbs
.phyaielans could not teU yet whether bs
alek aa opportunity to coosult him
would gel welL
that cannot aes him at hU Banitariaa.
The doctor haa ao much faith in the
eapen«oc« >>« >»• had la
Chicago. New. A — Edmund S. Hol­
brook. tor many years a leading attornew In the weM. died In this clly yesAUO pgBggrxCICal.0rEgaT10KS TO tsrdsy. He s-as born In OraDon. Mass..
AXX THOSE THAT aas TOO POOS TO pav. In ISIA 'Holbrook was widely known as
All that he Aaks la return U that a poet and newspaper coouibutcr.
ersry pnUcat
Ueat srUlatate
wUlktate to their friends
the reaalta obtaiaed by hia tn
Oysturt frsah Avtn BaltiiDera, ro!^f^ro^^
aotf de­
■ ls tbla eoivod at the CtdnmMaa Bsatanrant
aa-'faad aaeh ezteaded exps- three Umas a emk. Take eome bMe
i^ha treatment of CATARn. in bulk or eajoy them eerved in nay
i at natder's O'"
-__________ as the doctor. He graduated~l7 yeara ago from aevelhad.
Ohio; was IS yeara '
----------*-------tice; after

“»•“ Bamn. aa employe of
the %>Uth«tn rumllure company, and a
fatsSlT Injured, i

WIEB WVfrtI ft mCBs
Pr. A. B. Bpiniiey. of Detroit, also

the fire was hoitmt a whlrlM Ind
crested and another Urge shed that
stood nmrby was struck and tom
'Into kindling. SB If a destnirtlve cyclone
had Biruck It.
Oalena. liu. Nov. A-Aadrew KeUey.
) years old. who lived In 1iSssi
have -------------------------been burned
sme grounda
" —"
<»«•“» THurwlay
afurannn. From some unknown cause
ot l«. Doom..,10
““ “t""''"
tale commlliee at
at the

the Great Southern
Were belr« dlsmanlied. only one room aeventy-nve tuns of bay. caught Bra.
bdhg retained for the nse of BccTclary aad with Its eontenis was coaaumed.
Karb and AUn O. Myen. 1o an Id- Kelley haa nut been Been ataee.
tsrvlew Myers said: "The sIluaUoB It
the same now aa tt eras Wednesday I
nernlag. The I*mocrau have the sen- '
ate by a majarlly of taro. The boust |
_____a- U Repuhtlcaas
».___ w.j____ e.tor._______
. 'j
El Dcmocrata
t.ihi. Rn.k
'They commerced dynaimltlaf the •%- McConvlUc will go on cUlmlng unUl he !
pr«B car and the third ezploaloa blrw goes back to Washlnglot. but be won't
of Aikahsas Baturdw
out one eod of the car. Abel baUig do aay good. We'rs bsatea and 1 knew handed down
deciaioB which la of the
grsaiast interest
forced to assist the robbm Ones .0the pubtic In genalde they picked out the safe which
srsL as well as U
they aurmlsrd enntalnnd considerable
Docoenotive Pnglnt
ioiive\ni^#en !yoarai waaSyean Snperintradeni of
five are aMl-PUtf men. A majartty of Is weU known the
all employM under a cuhtfnhl
the amembly la It. Chairman Danforth.
ity TUae
of the Democratic committee, apportions which senlorlly of scrvlee gives priority
AttofMja nt Lnw. '
k that' when ^years’ atndy in the bestihoa^tala la
the tnembers as folkra'S; Dcoiocranc of right
wsafe. T
lands that ooe ‘ thecoastry. aad egaminln|------' *—‘
meoibera 74: putt RepubUcaaa U: <:ntumber of p
.hronie cm
engloeera shall be discharged IbE tbooMndt
of chronic
tsens' rmoa t; anlUputt KepubUethe last engineer employed shall be the prepared him to core when the..
am. A
____ ....n left the car, gulng In the
nra^itioaer fails. Have you been sick
RalUmorv. Nor. A—The board of su­ first-diunlssed. One of the senior
reeilon of the Msipol rieha. where tlietr pervisees of election of BomcTset county gtneem having been discharged
tor yeara J
Are you discouraged 7
horses wer# picketed. The express car met itatnrdar and found thM 4K ballots' brought suit OB the ground that be
Call and aeena,we will tell yon whether
was on fire and AVet thorouybly frlAkl- Ucked the stgnhtura of the ' Judgea dlarharged
l. If w.
___ ______
rr In
or "ot. If we cannst
vloUeoed. and after seelna the robbers ei a There Is a conflict In the Uw. oae sec­
on of his contract <.f employment;
cure you. we will tcU you what relief
aafrdMBbce he backed the engine and tion decUrlng that no ballol Aall l>e
]i was conceded that hlecontracigave * we can give yon.
exprem car Into ihr other portion of the counted which lackt the signature of a him
im the right t.. .iuH at pleura, and
' train left slandlng at the stock yardsi Judge, while another stales that such the cuurt
uurt denied his right to recover. . absolately free—medtanea, surgical
and In consequence tbee-xpress car. uey ballols shall be counted. It will pr<ib- on the
le ground
that no emunet can be operntiooa, and the benefit of all our
Ik HeraaatUe Co-1
conch and chair car were telescoped ably be taken to ibe couru by the Dem- valid Ihsr
tbsi gives only one party thereto rakill to all who are too -poor to pav.
vhnd ail three deslh>>-ed by flee.
the right .................... —............
............,------------------------ --BIHteM TrsMare Left BshlaA
bolds that the right to reacind or ter- known by all 1
nlnate a contract must be mutual.. Th.
The of electririty.
electricity, that moat wonderful of
Express rente agenis who aenl lart
agents in Paralyaia,Loaa of Power,
£rkkaa> aiark.sp
to Ibr scene hsve returned. They slate 'orsst Bsresss cram ahsc«sl asd Bqaiss derision U far-reaching, affecting as It all
sort- Rheumatism, and all diaeaaes of the .wire.
- .
. >T-1sm
does-organised labor of all classes wortthat the Pdibefe did not gel the‘moel
ammipstat-riasurui Less. '
Go early, as my
tng under oontnu-l agreem.nta
loervona syatei
valuable safe which, with .two others.
Chicago. Nor. I.—SUtesn thousand
Iwaya crowded,
office ta always
M bsdiy warped and damaged by fire.
laaoen, Tsworv Blood asd 8W«
....a however,
...,.e*r,. that the
e r
P>Wi^..' P^rrte paid .heir way Into the horse
They ihint
•- .ra lIB, IOC im
Nov. I.—IB I
Bellalrr. <
several hundred do'lUre: but the

Coliseum Saturday nlghl-boat tbs kslfa Fsmals
il all tenw trsatsS saeszaci
not be known Op all bands the show ts decUrsd to
some ^Ime.
the . pa- bwre been a brlllUnt suceeai ^pslng
pers and rwvirds of the car and anything seen In hem Tort The at- Lfae two of Ibe non-1
aafv »vre
»vre In the Ore. The baggage was tendance has le-sn large also. It being ten^bly Injured. Tbe pi.llce could
that those IreaisMsi the leosei of aey
ilrol the mob. It Is1 said
lived before the fire got umler sUted that U.OM people saw U duGng
alL romirv
pltal le tbe Ootlad Sums.
who raised Ihe row
and was saved. The paswn- , the all days of lu existence,
Remember, we give a writtro fuarnot molested. The rubbers areBut It U aUo said that the guaranlora Virginia and iben vs
gntce to cure every case of PILES and
'Uioughl t<
to be nevetal deviate cowboys will bare to make up about ElAOOe that
RUPTURE. Also, we b irCA iying-in
niwsInMIaeisto Meet.
who are UmlUar with that aectlon of Is the gap between the receipts and exBrsldwood. Ills. Nov. t.—Tbe mtnsts- hoepital department i> our Sanitar
Ihe roaC- A pease of offloera U In pur-; PeniUtures.
The whoU^respH ta deBult of the bandlta
j cUred by the managers to mean that sf norihern Illic/Us -will b<ild a delegate inm. 8eud for Joarsa* ■
— ■ ■ ■
'Oilrae" will have a greater home ahow meeting at f p m. Wednesday at SinngoBK ansoBTEP HOhiy-g P otobjeb. ,
i^hUh the stale ter to consMss tbs braseBt status et the
B. FOWrek.
t sfssE
wBs is tad
entatlve. t
1 plurality. TbiB
s received
epubllran i
. sallsractlon. thoufrb It waa pqi differsat from whal be bad expected. TAe
derUloD had s slgnlflraDce which could




Cbkaco. Nor.
of the prln*
diwl foot bell vames Saturday were as
follows; Piinretun IT. Lafayette •;
Tale lA C. A. A (:
lens U; Wlmoniiln U.
. aylvanU
ItyofChlimro n. Notre
•: Ontrerslty^...
...... ............ Mkhlaan
n M;
*4.' Purdue
Pu'^— «;
'■ North•
western l4. Rnab Medics •; Cbampalim
U. lUooenlastoii •i-Willlarae A Amherst


Grud Bqildi S Iidhu K. I

f WK...






8» *ta*^ap»«ii""


... -n,. ...«


^T^raare^how^OUwl^attC Oraad
OraaO kayMa.^rtrah aad
■art afvtraaat-IIMnr'a:

-------------- -

tt.’sstiarChicago —
West Michigan.


Des JloInra. la.. Nor. A-Tkree col­
ored desperadoes armed with a shotgun
.and two revolrrtx hild.up the mUInc
tosi-n of Marqutnille. Are miles north |
of here Saturday-mlchL Tho- walked
into ih. 1-1 room and lallli* <m fifty
miners 10 hi Id up ihvir hands one of Ihe
party sent through ih,elr purketa. The
gilitera bad Just I^D paid. an<(.qnlte a
sum was lakrn. bit It U m-t known Josi
hos mln-h. After the roblwry the desperadi«t» strutted around town and
gloateii i.v-f thvlr wt»rk fOr a few minnlea Tl y Arid many sleua. but no one
was hu,i. 'li-rt srv »..l ai'&rge and
no trace has yet been sl.tsln.d ^^t them.
•Wuhits. Kan.. N..V, fc-llud WllkerBOB. an Indian Te^lury des|M-rad». In-

I iSrX



TiMe BstehAy U the KsUy Family lb.


j,qirtte. Cue.. Nov, A-Thomas Nuliy.
brother ot the ibrve Nulty.
{ ^iru and one lK>y s hn were .murdered
1 nrar Rawdun IsH TJiuriuUy. was arrested Saturday arieniiion.chargea with
having committed the crime. Late 8atj urdad lie made a ft.nfvssloo In which
' he acknowledged the awful deed. No
I details of the vonf.-salon are known at
pi.ram. Dr. Sflilli-y. whu waa called
gmlrv It
to vapmlrv
II..- U«lies of the murdered
' ..........
thii there
Is lu. evldeora to
show that Ihe girls had been criminally
mpirv death.

The Celdbntda SpMUUtU,



t .and "dig up a
cooiplh-d s
--tBsndrd le
whether It

procnptly wired the governor
order out J>e Euuw detachment of
and itic moor* turn oe- i .
>r Duarde to guard the Jail.
he victim
1 and the goveroor telegikphed
.. _ .
Durtap t
out tbe guarda They are now oa
anmnd the Jail.

._____________y times during the
In each rase tbe lucrly brid up would
fcee]> mum about hU^experluice. hoping
that hU trlends would tali Into tbe acme
'^ilse. Ids . Nov g.—News was reeelved Saturday night to the egeet that
the mall Udween Meadows and Warmis was robW by masked men. The
rwrietered leliers were rifled. It la not
known how muih money was seenrsd,
Warrene U a flourishing mining ckmp

Boons and ewfUngx.'

imsTEi ID inmunn t.i'

nnder n~-k naSer -III revel re reward by
lea.lag ai 11» gw»» Web-crawt- H0-«'_________

oomo KOBTS.

1 F* Sldr ; > barsatw for Ch
I QUlra at W kortawrtajra

Tkavebse City, Hich.


I Tbursday and Friday,
November'ligand 18^*97


Apply H


-rjn Tl^ 4
asj SB i
...T> »ttj t



One Day Only In^ Vontb.

. Oonfioltatlon and Examlnatioii Ftm and Strictly
•era of th. kys. Kar-cThraal sM Laasa ;

______ ^uflaadcM Loag Lake ,

fsetaiBar isaart porposea. lev
y^^^gyt^^ A
i^SSViakea at

■■vtlagaf BaptSsb at Cbbags
Chicago. Nov. g-All the BapUtg mill.
Istefs (n iniBols and the middle west
have been Invited to Cblckgo neat week
to attend the fifteentb annual meetlcui
of the Baptist congrem. which will iben
for the first time meet west, of Detroit
and which will be condueied by leading
BaplIsU frorn s '
a-m convene at
J avenne and Twenty-lhlrd s»reet.


T^SMFset SasAay. J aae M, MW.

Hotel Whiting


rumored here that a moh was coming
msn who
pjekens ft.unty to


wii4.n ar

a Ultl' while glri near Itefor
; Ihi-kPD* <—only. Ala., a few day* a
mr .mu.. -. .... ----------------: was brooght here and lodged In 1
lied his bor»e In frunl of a drug store,
county Jail fur aate-keftilBg *
Uoned himself In a
to the store. The


maw Block.

pe os Fraal ^
lUer. Ifel :

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Berinr h-oB aay weakae

ted: good hsss* wHh suae B


• ia^. Km”cd^raTrat & raS**a’w'"SS 1
wW for see who waaU a awed farm. Barema. MT^f

OCAkaSTEi; To eera era
wr We wUl lira .ivelal .1


lleulara S< task caw
.Those who sre nnahleu. rail ran wril* rail parti
wot byeeprew. wits full laMrwetioe* how lots take
Tbe grai ol Drs. IL. a. a Uo. w«< looorparaM er
■ haoeaFOO take noeeanow H yea «wuhs tacaa. Tlx
i. a colored man.
Burg from Baltlmuev- At
Oaesd ta Asbra and Ihnbara.
s thought be was aurferB. as be was aOlletJaeksonvllle. Fla.. Nov- t-A special tog frci
_ m. AuguaUne, to The Times Uflounstanl backing cough,
hm and Clttssa Bayn: The Hotel San 1 urday morntng h4 tad an attart which
------------ ulatloD and br a authreatened strangula
_______ ,_e of the finest and mbst commodius-boiel preparUea la this dlty. was pramr effon r
bunwl 10 the gtoilnd yesterday morn­
ing. CQixillng a lora of about tOAOOe.
with lesa than 160.000 Inagraacs. H waa
a few minutes past I o'clock a. m. When
Jake Uastvra. from tbe Ootagus real.. discuvt-r.<i lire tn Ibe boiler room
..le boteL He Immediately Oesd a
pistol. and notifled Edward McBride, eompany, of Hanford. Conrw tor an tawbo tas chnrke of the prapertr. and junciloB to reatr^ Insoranes Cwnmhrwho itves Ir the henei. It was then atoner FHtae -fpoffi ravcfclng its WMoobdtnravsrsd that the Are was Incendiary Ma Uoense. Judge Oebodur took tbo
and that the lacondlaxlsa had rut tbe



DRS. B. Sr& CO.

s at Mper ime i
• Oly Lsnhcv <


Look Box 160.

Xza-v-eiwe Oi-ejr,





.Money to Loan ‘
Ob laprarad etty praiwny.

' B, J. 3id;OIlC3-.A.IT

FAIOBUr dt-OBOnsaL, AhosBaya.

-I gaxL


OMmc orar Mratagwe'a ^wan atatw.



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