The Morning Record, November 14, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 14, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






om, mcH, sukday, November




Jm>OX OOXBXTT8 xxjxfxcnov

oielaitT arread to pot in half an ‘Wo
of potateoa each tbU aeaaoo. tba pro•OM EondMd Additional Wtam to oeada to be rl*ea for bolldlar a ebareb;
It wooldooem that tbe I«ord baa
bo AddodtoTwtSTl ThAo Wook—
Xnr Vow Hombon Addod In Su^
todl7 larro aad
tba jleld b aa
the price blfber tbaa for aaToral Toara
Xako X. O. T. M. OoUbmtfoB a
pact. A aaof aein wlU be raalltad la
tbb wap. aad tbe obnrab baUdlap wlU
ThoBonbtnof-TravotaoCIAr Toat, oooa ba atartod.
Xo. m. X O. T. U.. an aakind fnot
. oSons to iacnaae tht nio«bonk<p of
tboteau Wltb'tkoonUUaeo of Dop■t7 Onot OoBLaaBdar O'CoBBor au«r One Par^ Sooorad Soooa of Which
addlUoaal maaiben an belaf oddad.
Ooa XiUod bp Jad<« Oorbott Waa
Tka tmt bat detonaiaed to add loo
XNoToared bp Woloaa.
BOW npaben tbia waek and jaaterdaT
botaeof tbe deer baaterm froB *rnT»S BOW samn won iMrand. bpacial reo Clip, wbe an anooriar tba aortbafforta wUL ba mada Uta woab to ao- ra pealoanla an bprlnr food lack
csn tba aombor BioDUooed. The ob- and aome othen an not ae fortoBata,
D at larfe
aa poaaibla peadW the'
boa oelebratloB la tbb city next year. |
^ Tra.eiaa CUr and
lb aid la tbe work tb. tafUatio. fe.
u.e ool, oa. wT. baa



'ih.. I..uuI«n,.

lal dbpeaaatioa- When tbe reqalaile
He baa aecored oae deer.
Bomber baa been aocareda ftaad re­
1 of Judfe Corview will ba fIran, aad it la expected
wTweddle. Cite Attorthat the officera of tbe (ireat Camp will
nep Gilbert Alderman Dmmoad. aad
be ben to aaalat la tbe iaitlalloo of the Geo. H. Croaa bare each aecnred
sew memben. ' .
one deer aad iWnOBd and Cnaa two
Deputy Oreat Commaader O-Coooor
each. Jadfe Corbett bad
baa baea workiaf ie tbe a
I with l(U firat price. Be abet a flae
towaa fw aereni waeka and aa- a ooa- -larfe doe oae erealitf and left H a
aesueaec a larfe number of new o
abort diamnee from camp < r Blirtit.
, bar, been added. At later^en
55 wen aecored in two day.. J«>yooad it had baen half eatea by
It nqulr^ but three daya to fain
Mr. Gilbert in a letter written
:e -5U ----------in two daya.
and in^Thc
— ■ •,
' borne atated that the nifbla wen made '

t of StatnW WlU

u, i897.

Bifbt from a TMt to FUat aad Bay
aty. after atteodlof tbe eoBTuUoB of
tbe OoBfederatioB of Wemaab Qaba
la Bafioaw.
Bafrae G. Bar^na. who baa Heed
at Compton, Ilia, baa ooom to Tneerae
City to maka tbU hia porouBoat b
aadeotor tbe Ilifb aebool. Be la a
Bopbew of Ueo. W. Harfraeoa

The Greal^aielin Record..

•triot Xai
ba Xado—Paputy BrowatarAlnadp
OB tha TiaU—Great Lom to T<obornoB, Wbo WlU ba Xdla VstU Dooemboa.lS.
XlebicaB'^Deraatod XiaBaaett-Ha
Tarp'Xalo Oana a Itraw—WiaImnalBf. Mich.. Koe. lA—Tbe Bo; coaalB Xtawaad Obloafo.
pramaoourt^ diwlead tbe lajeoeUoB leaned by Jadfe OerbeU reatnla- pwlalloTaiMe
iBf tbe
CWbridfo. Mam.. Not. lA-Neitbar
aabermon la aainf dda ooond in tba Yole-Hareard foottbelr BMa betweea Oct. 31 aad Doe. lA tmll eoBteat today. Tale had tlie adThe oew law te tbenfinjtpbold. Tbe eaatafe of wind at tbalr baeka. bat
that the law^oet to take tbe eonteat waa a cloae atruffle of
A new line oflrsdlee’ Oombinstion Pocket
effect nnUI l«00 U alao de^W.
ftaata tbroofbonb U.OOO apaetaton
Books lad Handkerchief Holden
will depriea tbe flibermea of
reeka- time, dnriaf which tbe beat
Cbioafo. Noe. 13.—T& the aarpriae of
atcbea an mada.
tbe Chleafo iralemtlty rootora, Wi»Tbe decUloa anatalaa tba eoaaUtn- eoaaia won to-day'a fame by a eeen of
acmx-xtamxzx loom. . . '
tioaallty of act no of 3m. wbleb pro- ta to K. Bat for poor and bad fnmbloa
eldea for the eelzun aad deetraetioa of hj Wiaeonain Cl
BeU aa other apparatna. when abed U abnt oat. Tba weather waa idoal.
eioIaUoB of tbe law.
_ '
Tbe btteodaaee waa lO.oOQ.
The enrtaaya tbe object o^tbe new
OetnlA Noe. ll.-Micbifan defeated
Uw iato pmaeree Gie flablAf indnatry. MinnoU tbia afternoon by a ooon of
aad at tbe aame time reeofnize a rraaoaaUe exerclae of tbe rifbt to lake ifan would abow a larfer aoore. but
aoina of her beat playera did not play.
The court aaya that there U no ex- Loomia. MinnewU'a foU-back. bad aa
! for eoj-iioluf tbe proacution of
eiolatora of the law; for eeea if tbe |
-At THIS STORE you have a most refreshing range of
iDoonaUtolional that fact- Oyatandlrntfrom Baltimonalwi
What's new, what'Sdgood«-.
wopid be aeallable by way of defence! on hand. Mcbellan A Aab. 14S-lf. * I choice in Coats and Wraps.
.1 what’s desirable, are shown here—and many of the styles
to tbe Criminal ebaiwe.
n ■«

Tbe queatlon of cnnitnietloa waa j
I shown here are to be seen nowhere else, in this section.



at Haskell's Bookstore.

it Was a Woman Who Said...

“It takes a great many
" .
things to be enough to choose from.“


Va”, •




r? t-


Ladies' Jackets. $3.76 to $16.60.
Ladies' Capes, tl.26 to $16.00.
Misses' Jackets. Childr^’s Cloaks and
Infants’ wear—fulTlines.


Tbe loJaueUea waa naked by the ^
commercial ffahermea of Cbarlerolx. I
with tbe expeciaUoa that wbeo ^aoa-1
ad it would b. held up. al laaat, bdUI t
tbe cloaed aaaaoD waa at aa end. after i
wbleb tbay would a.t care wbat be- ,
payilO.OOO la
eaoie of U. aa they oould at the befia-1
alof of tbe eloeed aeaaoa next year; lo
tioB of aaw team aad addttkm «f new j
It eo at a very liulc oeat (« yon.
ai^Iy for aaotber temporary lojuuc- —
IKm Red. brans trimmed, aad
Uoa with the aatoe object la view.
— extra food Roreu WlreSpriof com:ted qaicxer pt.u jor »5 iio. If you wast wood beda
tbapurpoimof OieWaccab^ln
ihacrediiora 40 pereanv afur
lell you a food'aolld well made
«raa CUy u> make ibe fatberiof here
_____ ley Gaaaial Maynard auted
Bext year the larfmt aad beat
T-Jlif the eaoaam..
Mlchlna and tba : *' ***
that tba fame warden would puah tbe
kaowB la



■ •


Pock:et Book:S

leof Tl In Frankfort.
I around their camp. They expect tu ne of ibeact aball be of nol.U-aaj
^New lodfe. have been lnatit»ted«,^„„j.^,^„^,5„
|tban afour-iocb me*.^ Tbia U held toj
' Honor and Maple City and another*
will toon be oirauixrd at Suttona ilay. ,
_ CflOTV BCD DCilT Imran that larfer nett aliall not be purOa Monday trifht a cW of 4u «m | WILL GET FORTY PER CENT. [ fbaaed after the act beeomra operat‘’-e
|—on daya after the fiaal adjjurnment|
take tbe workatUrawu and
fne team from Tent number e7l will Orayliaf Bank l>epo«ton Will Getjof ibe leflalalure.
oocfer Ue work. The Maccabeea al
Some of Their
air Money Prom
| OpotJ «»•”• harden llrewtor baaj
Blarud for llcanrtalAida. Ue ehart-'
that place an maklnf elaborate prep-1 •
Btaleyb Partner,
I ared a atoamar'by win laat nifbt and
.»d . |!™.d !»..,
i wlU Uke along axaUtanee enoafh «
•qaet will ba lerred forat leaatdW. It

—hxchanfe,__ .. . ._

afforu BOTT bela,

will begin ModjIbj, Nov. IS. and continue ioY
the week. We must have room and j<m will
be the gainer.
Sales every afternoon and
evening. See other ads.

I praaeat do sot object ta tbb aettlement (
It tbiak that tba flabarmea will
it aaema likely that tbe matter wUl be ofala trBBtfraaa tbe Uw by Babiaf
•aafly aaenrad aad oa Taeoday nlfbi
* cloaad up With little expeaaa.
duriaf tbcapawnlBfaaaaoB. Bararbel
apMlal meetlaf will ba bal4 ia tba
Broach block to oomparo aotaa aad
..—puab tba work.
the ationiay-caaeral.
Thoa* who iatead to fo W Oiawa
Monday nifbt aiw nrfad to meal at tba
OaatrifBfal Pump ia Tbb Olty.
raoma ta tbe Broach block in food’ bobBrariUaa.
A ropmeeutivaof tbaSiaadard Oil
aaa to ioare bare at 0:30 o'clock.
The aty R mkitora will bare aa aueCo. waa ia tbe cityyraUrday atUadInf
'Uoa Bale of booka all next weak.
Tha PorUa Club will meet wlU Mra.
oil. Tba a>item of pumplnf by tba
Moportad that Ba will ba Mext Port- aw of ateam apparmtu* baa bean dla- A. L Bnohaat Monday afuraooa
A inarrUfa lleaDBa araa bated yaemaater la Kaalataa.
I eardad and a bone power- eeatrlfufal
suiuu.. s... is-u
•rauin.ib.J ob.[. Urday to A'raak Bofera aod OoHa
ttUmor.)wb,.pomi.l.».b. U
>b, d..„r o. »r,..a 1. op.-W.b Alice WUIobM
.A ‘ b brief adopted by tha compaay all
The BonU Side Shakaapeara Clnb
tba loaida that at tbe
will meet wiU-Mn. X L CorboAt
arltb Ooofnaamaa BUbop in tbb eity over Ue couoFTMoadar afternoon
Wedaaoday be docidad tbalC. A. Palm­
nermaa ByaiaD baa reeUtod: from
er; the well kooWD circuit court ot^
Much baa beea aald of Ue Imperial ladUaa 31 Hoe bonea wbkh ba baa
Bofropber, abould be tbe next poatirtet, which will open placed
maater. Tbe race baa been cMflaad WaUb Male guarui.
on Ue market.
Ue pact two moaUa betwceo i>almer Ua Ulfh aebool lecture aad
Tbe claaa lo physical oaltare will
aad Waite wiU cbAaeea abool erea. ieounc la Ua aty Open Uonae next meet wlU Mn. M.'K. Bock Taeaday
Mr. Bblu^ baa been BOHM time amt- Toeaday, but everyUlaf atated rcfard- afteraooB al 3 o'clock.
iBf tbe axcellBBce af Ue affTtfatloai
lac at a o<
Work b DOW la profrem on Ua fi«db not owrdnwB. Tbe featlemea will
appear la tbelr aaUve eoaUmee which lug down of Ue Boagbey blU, at tbe
will add rcalUmte tbelr aflorU 'Of eouU end of Ualcm aUeet.
Mn. John Dill-waa aobjectod to a
Mba Ureeawood. Ue dramaUe reciter
who ambto Ue quartat. too much eaa- daagarona aurgleal eperatloa yaatorday
•rtuOBar Olara Vereed Bara from Dot be said ia pnlaa. There are aUU and ber frieads wiU ba fUd to know
BorUport by BorU WUA
•erne good amu Uft which will prob- that aha b dowf aloely.
Bev. U. 8. NorUrap b la Bead <»ty
Tbe aebooBar Cian. which boa been aWyaeoDbeUkea.
today aad wUl supply Ue palpit of Ue
ta Ua bay two daya. entered tba harbor
Tbe Latart Arrivala.
■BapUst .ebareb for Ua pastor. X B.
Bt Nortbport for abeltar, but the etruBf
Mr. aad Mn. pRNl 7.eifler of Cedar Covert, who b eoadaetlag meattnga ia.
BorU wisd forced her Uie4ba bey and
BbeaeaadriTaaalmoettothbeitv. her atraal weleomed to Ueir home yeater- Ub city.
^ebordraCfiarB»rly$o miien She day mornlsf a bright baby boy.
- •
X J. Haaalovaky, aoooaatoat and
b loaded wlU lamber.
timekeeper of .Ue Kalkaaka. Grand
A daughter wai addod to Ue- family Bapids aad Be^Utaaterm rajlroad. b la
Bad Xunaway Alocldoat.
circle 'of itr. aad Mra. Ferdlaaod Unt- tbe city to spend Sunday wlU bU Umlly. He Btatas that work cs Ue exteaA diaatrauB raaaway aectdeot oc- eryaat^.
-eared Bear tM plaee of L H. (Uft yeaTbe Uteat and a welooM airival ia sioD OB Ua road to Omyllag b being
taiday. Miv P. W. Otto aad Mb* Ue family of Mr. aad Mn. 0ns K4Amer puabad. aad
Afnaa Mabu were drivinf to Prova- wbo
__ Solon, b a bright boy.
taoDt when tbelr bone bueatoe friffat- w^u^bb
aaed aad na away. Tba ladtaa wen ^ day i^Biaf
Urawa out aad alifbUy iajarod aad
----Prod BeUtel aad Tony Novotny re­
Laid Up for Xapali^
turned from Chicago Friday aigbt
Tba steamer OotumMa baa gone to after a vblt which begaa at Ue Uaae
of Ue Grpad Bapida carulval.
- Mr. and Mn. Herbert MoBtague
'WUl be BuUt Soon from BAtUS* of
weal to Detroit yeatAday. They will
OooulbuUoaa of Potatoaa. '
fooe out of eommbaloa for Ua wieUg visit Abb Arbor aad bring boato Uolr
Oertrode wbo b Ul.
L'F..Pox baabnlll a Urge warebofas aad wU) be la better abepe tbao ever
Mn. M. X C. Uatoa roturaed last
at Bataa aad baa already stored 4,000 whea baalaeoa ^leaa ap ia Ue apring.

>$UaUa S17 Seedi.
OarpM ^ OrtUac Emik^

we seTli
Baosnu we. aeU OOOC 8HOB8.




U8-ia rrmtKrMt
CcRofort of Body, snd
.Peace cd Mind,

The ‘Best’
FIrOUB hss mors snd strengsr Msnds
thsQ most othsr floors hsvo, sfUr yosrt of
Ubor hsvo booo fxpoadod in msMng it
whst It is, “ths StAndSTd.”

and Long

Everything good in

the line of Corsets
can be found at


Hannah & Lay Co.
There’S a Fortune
for a 'Woman
who can deriae a plan to prevent boya’ etodunga
from wearing oat “whan on tbe boy.”
While waiting for tbU inveotioa, die boya (and girla)
mnat have rtockinga, and we an aatUng good onea. Gotton *r
wool at 15& Any aize.


Ladies’ Box and Kangaroo Calf Sboe for $150
Also Gent’s Box Calf invisible cork Shoe at $230.
Boy’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right ih Style, Wear imdEricc. ' ,




wmao kAXM OOtmoTaMo
•ad lUoMntad. Tte p*rti of ^oeek
•n -■—«o^ thMS «b»t M Bodlfled

«M. T. B4t«»^in> J. w. BAxm.
/. ff. Haxrk, -adimt Md IlMinf-

Tn Tnw« Qtt omukU «U1 •«»
W «Uoa ^ »o l«*»t • op*.M«*ble
m of MMrIooa* Obwieol fin
nrHon^*^ Tk«r« kMbMB la th«
a«r daiiar tb« paat wMk MTaral
a^to for vwiow kiad* of a^woimtaA
•ad «Mb dMsUrw tkAt ilk U b7
kwt to be hwl. Tke borden of tb«
wiUroitapoa tbeooa^it^«*a. «bl«h rMOUaad. » parehMO to
W omaeil aad It U to be bo|>ed that
be able to aake a wlaa ealccWkat AU dly waala ie Ae bMt.
aad tbe
aboold ••• to it that
Aa beat U decided apoa. wbieb they
Tr deeiaiaa of tbe Bapreaie eoort
mpoc tke fiab law eeatroreiejlaairTeat
aar^^ee to aU MRod ia tbe iadoaVy
to Mtehlfaiu Tbe eaforedmeat of tbe
tow •• delermlawi by tbe birheet trila tbe - alate wOl eatai)
tacdtolta apoa boadrede wA. bare
•owidereble capital iarcated la apparAaa. From bow until Deeeiabw- It
toera wUi be ccoeaMoti of tbe flablap
MbsU7 la Mfebipaa aad freab tob
will be a eeat^ty. Tbe eoan nye tbe
tow ie aU Hpbt. bat the fitoerM wUl
aok feel kiadly towarde tbe lecWatare
whleb trwaed it. '

•( nodSaClWL AtottMMoflwKM.
oa aMScMd MbUm wrlUaf ofoU W»a« of
iarlttUtM. BOtloM of foblle
of aoeoute aad eo forth fi*e a
thlac of aa Idea of tbe work doaa
tee of Um beat tbiape that bare beaa
written la proee aad poetry mn read
aad etodied aadobtdoeparu eopaftUd
tonoBMry. Tbti work la ralaable for
toe toalBlapof BoiBery aad alao lor
tbe aacoaeciOBB effect It bBi la nooldimf tbe ehUd'e tBrlito.
TeAaJcal fftBMear, aa a etadp te
ooBpleted ia tbe liet bell of the aiaU
It yrill tone be eeeo that traiaiaff la
df tbe work papUe do la the primary
•ad fiammar fradea By tbe time
Utfj laaob tbe bipk eeboel they bare a
rood foaadatioa laid lor tbo worti'lo
K-piuh rrkkeb tble departmeat nader'
BacOeb to the Blpb Selmol rr^ farm
toe nbjeet of aaether artleto.

oautoOB •nvxoB today.


lU Lreme maesaie
•spected. oonctude tbelr a
M>.c; May. MB.
reeolta of
Deeomber. day. One of tbe t
)<.c: Mby. H3(e.
of tbe Temple cup eerA of enmee. Tbe
proportion from the mlpor leuffuee which
Pock-Moramber. r.SS;
modineo the rulee retotlnff to the draftr.U;‘Jaaaary, tS.U.
luff of player* was adopted. It rwuLwd—Noraabar.«t.lfKi Deoember. eldee that bo plpyer In the Baetera.
Weetem er AUsnA leeffues ehall to
ilnflfd to the major Icaffue irnlU he
■hall hare been two yean with the
minor jeerne eluh.
KMilMUi rtto tow Ie Talto
Black relret ribboa raorttee emtered
tonalnc. MI<-1
11—The supreme
with cat mel bacUee are aaed to btad
a laoe bertha ruffle eiuuad a low aeob. court >>«ter<ls:^.held the euarliuUoB-.
allty of sr s. i psesed by the leclaUtare
Appliqae ’
: «>it« yrar prcvldoff Cor cluelnc of cemmminff tbe front tiort
' mercUl Art.loi: In tbe prest lekee from
mge of rTeatoK Rowaj of white, yellow, I Nor.' 1 to rx<-. IS. The court also eustomoolae. pink. larcudMcr nlle ffreeo I tains an an of ten whleb proridee for
I destrwilon of nets end apparatus
niins mein s..__,_____ ______
toft wet wmtker. Yoe eaa buy aow. tbe best kted at a dlaecmatof SO
M col.liwtrd to Charteri
iflfrts and are CO to
perceak AU Babtor Goods at a redeettoa. A. S. FBTMAF, lit B. FnmtBk
wuiius or the fall
Biitei* to kb« vp u
I «d ptoto popUn trimmtri with

XMy^ Seek ahd a Biaakwator *
Watoed Away.
Patoakey. Mkk.. Kor. Ib-to the
%mrj atorm Friday morafnr Kirkyb
hpreaebl^atlO:BOa.m. aad
erbart which bae ethod maay a eaa. •M'e ralM. and 1^ warabouw oa it
c eeb^ “Kept by tba poww
IMrt wpy aad were dashed <m A
of Oed.* Broaiaraabieet. 'TMt Ood
Tke lem loto.OOO to $3,000. Oae k
b bj Era.'
Arad feet el .the aew fareakwattr
Claae meettoff at B:30 a. at. and atea
also waabed oat.
at the.eloee of tbe ereBliiff emrtee.
Itaaday eAool at if m.
Jaakor Leaffaeal S-.SO p. m.
^worth Uoffae at S:tS p. m.
. XmptftoaV Ktemeat ta a Tbptaocb
Theraday prayer meettoff at 7ri0 p.
.••I may arow" eaye FreMdeat Eilol at
MA BeaodA trill etoff a eolo at Ibo
Jtaarrard Calrend^. “ae a taealtof my mraiaff Mfrioa.
/ nadlaff aad ebeorratioB la tbe
ffTsasffUCAi. cavBOL
«f adacatioD. that I reeofalee bat oae a.T.aeshb>rT, Iter.
WMtal acqoisltioa aa aa‘csfoMiat part
Saaday eerricM aa fallows:
0t a lady or a reatiemen aemely. aa
Frcaehtoff at lOJO a. m.
deaaiatd aad tvflawl dm of the mother
Y. P. A. meettoff at e p. m.
Deaa Swift eaeeeald that ae a ama
Freaehtoff at 7:30.
ie kaowB by the eompaay he keeps, to
All are welotine.
a maa'e eompaay may be kaowa by
Midweek ^yer meettoff at ?:» p.m.
. ibe maaaer ia wbiA he expreeeee UmBAlTnt.
•ett It ie erideat that ia the matter
Bar. O. a KenAna. FMtw.
a« aaprewlBK oae'e eelf aay p
Bee. R. B. Oareet. eraaffeUet. wiU
ar laaoeorMy ia proBoariatinn or la
Ae oMof BafflUbdrstaUraote attea- ,^eak today both meraiaff aad erea|koa. It l» for this reaeoa that laa- iffTbe eubjeet ef the B. Y. P. U. i
iraaffc traialaff beeemea atoattor of
fiaat importaaoe eiaee tret imprew iBff at 6:ti p. BL to the putoce of the
b -What to prv <<'•*'
ploae are eo larfMy deurmiaed by It.
MA Cora MUler wHllead.
Btat this Is BOt the saprbmc parpeae of'
You are cordtolly lariiod to atteaA
Tbe faal'parpoae ia
to ffire'the ^pQ the ablUty to fet tbe
bMt oat of the bmt that bae bma rrrit- BoesH aMf* see KMT Kmk, Paautm.
toa aad thca to eommdant
Serrium today aa tollowa;
toatb aad doty aad fact whleb he bae
Bible echool. 0;ts.
•alaed. for tbe beaeSt of tboee who
MomiBff eerrksa II a. m. Sebjoet:
sar aeed to bear.
•Our Biffh PrAt-- Aa effort will A
to tbe public eehoole laoffuaffe traia- made to show how Cbrist was typified
toff befint the first day the popU ea­ la the tow ooaeeruiDff tbe Blffb Prieet
ten aAool. Ia tbe flnt aad eeeoad of the LerlllMl prieathood.
yM ao formal leeeoos are ffirea bot
Jnuior eadearor. 1 p. m., eoedaetsd
tlto tcacbera are eoaetanOy oa. the by Amanda ammdrmaa.
alert loeorreetaay Inaccuntl
C E. meetinff S:45 p. m.
alcffaat i iprmilnne the cblldna may
Byeeloff .ffoepel eerrica 7 p.m.
-'am Ae aew worde an added Xotiie daeted by Mr*. Moore.
AQd's rocabalary. be U taafffa'tU am
All are cordially torltcA
Aeec worde in^lear aad defiaito Mlw
meaU both orally aad in wriUaff. CapItalUatioD of the flnt word to the
SerrioM wUl to held to Ferasrood
toaoe. tbe pronoM I. aad proper ai-----•a well ae the A of Uie period aad
ptoaebiagat 10:10a m. and 7
^awtioB mark are alee taaffkv
AnaruoatdIaUy torited..
la the third aad fourth primary
yMrt a reffular plaoe b prorided oa
Trarorae Ofty Krttek
Ae pMffram for laaffuaffe ttatotoff.
Vo books are need by the cbOdrea At
aaeb teaeher is proved wUb a
qalrwaeak So formal rules are
mlUA aor doaa tbe teacher ea A tojo
a deAled axtemAn why eertato
terns are right aad otberu srreag. Tba
•Im ft to lead toe poplU to haUtoally
ose the ^bt expreeatoa.
Afore popUs leare tbe primary
gradm toey areglTso definlto tostruetkm and bare much praeUee ta Uttar
trri&Bff. They are Uoght to wrtW
kotler* that ehall to correel to reapeet
to tbe lollDwtog points: Laagaage.
teliag. paantneUna. eapltellssUoa,
fteadtog. sukaeripUoa sad Adraea.
WUb toe fifth, or first grwamai
mfia. more formal toetrwrtfam to law
guBgebeglKS. A bopk ft plate to the
baade ef the papOa. Tto leatew. ae
As aaltof AeaghLUmteAe basis


Hamilten^lothing Co.


Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ST

turerw* afaw^lsilun yrsierdsy drrldod to
Mot aU^Ki mills la th* aseodanoB for
one v^k befflnatoff Monday In order tarrk HodAne need by Vapor lahalatiom & E. WAIT. Draffffftk
»ft reduce the reck cm band. Tbr dlj .... ....-----„„ slutted
adoplrd on that
An orerdrA of pearl pray ffsOM bae arcouht
Ae Mtiie waA and to'erea toczuai
tackn, ixilA sod bell
oranffc colored mtin. Thiejo oe^ over

seDumiee uoew wiiwuei imtiip —^... w
biffh "iwiir otdtor effect'at. tbe back
aoi] in frort'a larite bow of talle <» a

A Weeding Out Sale

Meet btock renras arc rriirred toooltor and belt of black Mtin. faetened wiA
ffUt bocUda a row of emaU gUC battois
demi tbe ride opMitiff aad a aooU
toaidiiiff oTcr tbe waiM float cf btocA
Mtin ribbon edffcd with gift Mataektn
ral of Act ' '
Aick TarkiAtwii
maslin Mrircltoff Ae mawai or rceunff
weU oat oa Ae kfflma At toe trait or
left eide tbcM wrtoks are Aocted and
fioitoed with a -bud with aDtamictod
Braooto flnitofd bine UaA dlk snip
goods stw.ruiy fasbioasbre for utility
ffowna made np all tdack or with a col<nd vA and enltar. Tbi-y are mained
with mtin. relrek braid, jet and eren
b«w*y lace a* a yoke aud take aU <ff tbe

Old Joi Mm's tMii U etm At
ebampiuo maik to biito wheeled salky.
MinBriae Bad ber flil.r teal by Bentow hare bms toipped'io RictmrdOokm's stad farm in Eafftond.
Oraebrnnan. S: 14H. eon of old Buffalo
Oiri. ie tredited wito heTing polled
Oscaer Atim« a mile to >:09toA few Fnmcb tapsdefa bare fta
Mciety the'objeotof which wiU be to
promote tbe breeding of high clam mddletoffwa.
Tbe doable Aamploa bred bacAiwy
toaBkm BoeeDcrana has beM sold kg
bU tom Bnglftb owatia at a r«»d ite
to gn in the ArpcBtiiia.
CAar Amm owns aermi Joe FtotoA
yearlitiffi. and toe yeangstor*
abowa to heraem quarters to 40 moopde
to better.
K. W. HnUngw. who woo ocarly
$10,000 ea BiAb to toe Ti

Bwobletimtoa Don. for biff euke erentt
year. claAtd that tbe
Pointer not ooly bar beat
pacing rccorda tot be bar staid cm edge

.................................... . • - ffbU
of TOT fast inilee be has gooe that is
traly pbiscanukal.
In toe now temcini bicycle hone race
at Holraesbunt. Pa., tto time actuBlly



Ipii;; -

■ rut o
days ypt hh phjklc
will retiree.
. WMihM We MM ffspiih
WatolaffHa. Ko» Il.-toll*wm« era Ko
WMIA ladi'

wanMT WMte
Jowa-PM. wor

Get yoar Oyatora frwm HeLellaa A
Ash. Itoy ars fresh from Baltio-—
Dmt Baade KooAod.
Sow ttot toe deer baatiaff seaoc
to prorTcsB maay wia to dcairtn
barW toe heads of toelr prisM mi
ed. I will to la Trarerm City ie a lew
days prepared to execute all kind# of
taxidermy, aad srill rasraalM to
It deer toads or any ether ktaff of
al. ar birds at low prieea. to the
eatire MAfaction of all, or moaey rutaraed ; Orders mffy to left at Ctolmaa's iMkery. Froatatiwok
FasuK Ci-utan.
J. W. fiOffte, ttie Vot
tolls toe Btaadaid tosriag Mack
«r»t elam macblae, te a IltUe t

'' ----- MADE ON------

--------- AT TBE------- ^



5c per yard.

blaek amoag them, eome sold ae high ae Ue per yard. aU go at

Sc per y^rd.

QIau Block.


Traverw City, Mk*.

•fhe (jhance
ot a tiife Time
To get goods that yon want at yonr own prices.

Beginning Mooday, Novi 16th
we shall hold for one week tbe greatest

Ever attempted.

PIswtT utTte.
WitatM-WeU. jaigt. I'll ttD yOB
Jadge—AU riffbt. go abte ‘
ai« two Bstoates yettofae tee to gd’
Joani.—BraAlya Lila


Wears abt aelltoffa iJJO ihoeaad
reprctoBt It to to a $1.00 shoe. Wo t«A geUky of queenly
thraiM of eerriee to bBmanity today as faud money whea goods are not ee
aerer before. *tio

9. V. Btote.
Salle tto Oak Pei
A gaacaatee to

1M ^ FUCI ID) fLill liioil

diffenwee. touqt -^printe to yards
amomitKl to SOO. Tbecyclists lost $300
to tbe OBDiarticin.—Hoc

FruBom Wiitord and l^Hen^S

------ or-------

pcaetiee peaoa. Bos peace , at aay ftrito
tot Qm pM» of jaecto aad koM. —Brt.
J. a a bmith. ChriAaa. Cbmaga ■


ted for a good mip.
Bbeep aie anaetiiDM tokM oner a
tnad to a gte rostotw
Wbmi we grtunbU mneb, ft to ■ KWa
M«b ftoU.we pray too Uttto.>«


Paaa OertlB—It’s aU rlffbi.
Da. Tamute—Yea. I wear it aad. raeeMmaad tl profeaMcmaUy.
Notbiaff bate
Wh Bminto-FlaMtlerarwaA.
Gbo. LaKdcb—Wera ft two wtotera. UA it.
Pmb BaoacK-Yoa bet Ills aUriffbA Woakda'tdowttbortit.
Can. C. A. Wsaa—Oiraa rood mititetioa.
Traretee a«y. MicA. Get. 37. IW7.
“THh BaKiLTon ^.oratffo Co."
OaaA—I am well aeffeatoted wfth Ao *‘Aaraa’’Ca'
derwear. aadf orapt to ffiie yeamy beartAt eadoraelaeatef'them.
■TbeyanmeoflaeaellolrritaMthoteaderestAto. They atoorb the
molatureao perfectly. »ad prereat the sadden eooltoff.or Aaaffeeof Ae
toe btoy. (the anal eaasca of toUe). If yoe eaa ffet
omen oi
of wie
tbte piece
place w
to w*»«
wear them
itoetcad wi
of tbe
ae*men> ana
aad women
iwaw <i—ireo
tee Aeap
ceoey weetoaffoode)
____ there
to tot
HUto oomalatotof
oomplatotef aaea'
aeeal catarTk. codffba.
rte. Awnher petot to tbelr faror, they ^
■brtok as most
Slaeerely yoara,
ffoods do.
B. F. BffSBtieLBt. M. a

CbieaffO, Kor. 11.—
bar. P4^ Daeea^. *♦!*«; Jaoaary,
Mite; May. BOa.

Taraiabad by toetepeettra ObBiabea.
Bee. a. Ceehtle. pemer.
bt 10;W a. m. rrin be tbe b^tkm of
ebUdrea: Tbii wOl be followed by tbe
peator'e report erf tbe Graad Trarmoe
Biatioa meetinit. A cordial wel>me to all.
Soaday ecbool at U;lft m- m. Balp
tbe childraa by readiaff aad eaplatalap
toe tomoa.
Jaaior Chrletiaa Badearor at 8 p. m.
ChrMtiaa Badmear tople at &ita p. m.
M--Tbe Blmaiaffs that Oome wltb the
Arrioe of Obd"—Deeu
Be ready
daodayerealairffcapel'eerriee at


Imraar. Mo, Nor. U.—Late yceurdey
inemooa trro me<fc^d~^eB CDtered the
lome of Jacob Baeii. a' Zenaer UMsg
jiat asnm eoetb of here, aad fladlof
Mm Bmb alaat eriDleellr amaoUed
e tree orerpewered etae
te etraasW aad tore tbe
meto from tbe tare of co* of her amaUa Mraaper, bat frartat
toe mipW latar IdoitUy him tbe womaa
rrae boaod to a poet. Ctoped. abd tbeo
▼ttrlol eae tbnnm to ber lafir. btladlnc
Sbe WM almoM dmdVbea found
icr biubaad. A body of aice araied
ke teeth Are ecoarlna tbe country,
oii^ clue they bare to a handker« sas tbe poor
f wirtcb r

Frank FricdriGli,
WKRbarg stock

Books—Albums-Fletnre Frsmes-DoUs—
Framed Pictures—Wall Pockets—Box Pa­
per-Writing Beaks and hnndreda of ar­
ticles you will bave to see to appreciate.
Sales ever, afternoon at 2 o’clock. Every even­
ing at 7 o’ckKk.
Private sales daring e^ momi^.

K. B. HOLLBT, Manager.


TH»-MOMmra.MPOKD^tgaP>AT, XOVSiCBntM. 1^.

SMbJwt TW !• Nofr Engtgtnf
th« AtiMtien ef Diplematt
d WMtlnj|Wb

K 6F eiMvy,

M *u totatM ealoMw ud kM
I at lAtaM etamtM at artrr
•ad hta
FroldtDl UcIO^ It «Bas*Ufle4- '^t
mbatarr bt aarw. ~la npldlr iaaama
bm ~ n» »>▼»■ It « oeHtflcale of char-/
•cur ai>d dcclarca It la not a eumibal
axcapt a-bcc my bancrr. He wmiiti
at prtaldrtit to hare conitwa aMfo-


Free Storage
for Bicycles.

AsTtwy Ars Uld OuttyAssist•hi SMrytvjr^ths Nsvjr



ViXlB Tt8 TO fiusm ViZE oun
_ iPtaaten, aod prtwt tha
tamlnatlow of the w>btr lobatar bnad.

still on Deck
at th6 Old Standi

OppaatM B. * B. y D*p*a.

**iT!^ ^lIllU^T^^Itldad ^a«bm

a UThla OoMUr SatCa *»■

The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing basing on
Front Street, jost west o£
Steinberg's Grand Open
-Watch Repairing. House, and presents tbe best
line of good goods cheap to
-John Verly:
be found in the city.

W^natoD.*KoT. U.-Tb* third aaa•iOB of Uu rzpcrta oo aaal lift wma held
M the Mate dtpartiDcet rcaUtdar. all c<
tha repreaeotaUrca of the United etaus,
Canada and Oteat Britain brine U> attandasce. Adama flrat aaririarr ot treBfUia embaaar. took hU pla% aa ibe
dtplematlc fTpcaarntatlve of the Cana­
das ctrranmenL It ritoaM be niidc'atnod that tbli confeernot U a coeferfact or -axtar^-•• The diplomatic rrprtataUUrea hart bxMhllDt to aar; th^
a than asjihlBg alae, tboorb their preecnoe ^
•sable aem to more MUr nndeniAd
report of the • experta when It I*
l^adr. TVhat Ibe experta are after U to
ted aome eoniinon facta opon wbndi
ac7 can aeiae to a reconuneiidaUai for
a* rcCBlatloB of pelaKtc aealloK. asd
ac7 arc doinc all the talklns at the confateaec oow (ulnc on. Dtirtnf reaurdara cenfarance a aertea of proporiUi.Ba
erae peeaentad by tbe Americao repreaeatatlveaeorartne the bumber andbahlU of aeala and (be extent to which
the wal herd bad l>eee rwtnccd dorlnc
the flee yeare to which the Parla award
had been to operaUon. Ifi Uuti tbe 6rit^.Canadlan repreaentaUvea prta> nt-d

New Tom. Nov. U.-The annual ban­
quet of the Society of Naval and
Mochaslcal Bnfflneerk waa hrid Iqat
alrbl atN>tmonlco-a About IM mem'
E. A. Btaren* was the tosatmaster. and
amony ‘the yueau were Aastotant
retary at ae Nqty Theodore Root
and A. r. Tartow. the Nnytlsb torpedo
boat builder. AasUant Saentary
Rooievelt madeae prtoclpal qpeeeb and
wax applauded when he mentioned
need* of tbe department wia whlet
to etinnected. In part he said; ‘Tn upbqUdlns ae nav7 we have to take
account not only the military need* eff
thb country but atou ae poaalblimea
Imposed upon n* by ae necemlty of
proper economic*: and we cannot «o
ahead a* fast a* many of us would Ilka
We ncad a iarye Increase to tbe fore*
boa nf oOceri and of enlisted men:
tba moxt crytoy need of toe navy at ae
momeni to tbe need <ff Sna '
dock*. Next come* the no
ample quaqtlly of amokelesap
Why. Baee We Baas Btori
“W* neml a powerful Aylfuay navy

to taTorable developmeBta. the couraa
a< ae market ha* bees Irrexalar. After
an Improrement to pHeea earijr to the
' ptvteatuaal trader* made an
1 the market and met with
UHla tealaU
witoa arain put up on tl ^aborta
Tha ooal alocka ahowed coo
ebrnca becauae of the srneral belief
that ordere will be Uaued to reatrict
production and check the accumulation
of onutea atocka of coal. Bumr wa* a
fcatnre aie week, deriinlr-c from iss S-d
imi. bat rallyliic yeaterdar to
On the whole the market ha*
been a

A Wise

itpui of tnu) and
t laat weet
suneata the . Improbability of Ibe adeance to price* of Iron and toed next
year which ao many have tuB>cd* for.
The enfavorablc innuencea in prtca
movements thie week are decline* foe
cotton* and print clotba the latter
toucblny the lowest price on record,
^’heat, lard and lead are also lower and
wire nalle have been ahaded. There la a
loos tut of atapto* tor wbk-h prlcea art
ptwdkally unebansed. The more tonportapt advances are conSned to Indlaa
an. oatA hup* and turpentine.
There U an Increaxe In tbe numbar of yotny bauieshlp* and also
btt*lne«B MhireA the total throufhout emtoers wbk-h ahnuld both poa
the Itnlled Btati)* this week belnc 171, durance and to addition carry a
Theproporitlona differed conriderably. compared
Wth SZ3 last week.
dance of rapid Dre yunx: c
bat were not ao wide «pati a* to lead
In torpedo boat* briny'"
te the beUef that they coold not be recmarked. Ueleaa w* t
* felt to
Bu ](•( Bair m and a Owe a* They flhaaU put In the contemptible
tbctoc who bluster wltbiOt t
Save Bade.
Kanaa* Clly. Nov. JA-The Mtototuri to back op tbrir word* by <
. t^ter In toe day the BrItMi«eiipaiane xuWnltted aome further Paelftc pamenyar train known as (be
•naeadmenu to aa-AiperIcan propaal- 8l IsaiB taat mall, whlfh leaves Kauthat we moat bare
tko. It to expected that when tbe aew «aa City at • a. m.. was brid up by ave powerful navy. U-we
annex Hawaii
riob to rtemed today the experU will maakad rubbar* at titob-ctock taat nlfHt
adequate iiavT to en­
at the -Chlcayo and Alton craastoy lust
The propoattlona do ool embody •aB of Independence. Mu.. aSd leas than force our poalUoB on tbe Paclflc. If .w*
any diplomatic fedtorta. boi arc aoMr a mile from the famous Ulue Cut In do not annex Hawaii >* ahall need a
much'larycr navy, aa Hawaii cqsaU
adeoUfle-aa to tbe number. bablU and which three Unto robberies have oc­ stan4
alone: mme other powerTransl
deatraetton of the mala. After the cx- curred within toe past year. Two of the
. Peru hare reranrlltf their prosimmona robber* wi-re dlsyuliwd x* women, and neeeaaarlly take It and that -moment
tbe dlploraata will be«lh to eonalder tlM
enyinecr saw them ewioytoy menace oai whole Parifle c«>a*t "
larce Bublect of pruvldlns an adeauaic a Uoierc aciiim ibr Uwtks. an asII.—Strikini
Ixmdon, :
ramady acatoet teal dcstroctloD. 11 to not patenl Nynal «r danyer. be did not
wxpacted. boweecr. that thto Maya
tate to aio|u The enylne crew war
e dlvpatvh of the MadrM correbe reached before next week and
ConWOBdecit of The Daily Mall, xayl.ny the
flnt plan of coBrludlnc toe meetlny thla
Spanish xnvernmem. ftndiny II linpa**lweek baa bemi (Iren np.
ble to raise the sum of Ct.OOn.aM (tU.AmaberQarerim ef (be tern* Klad.
••o.oeoi by hmn ur toxBOun. to carry
It 1* itated UPOB food entboHty tl
out Its oriylDBl naval plans, baa dtrided
ae Canadlana wUI aak a counter cento buOd two new- rrulmr* only of tOOH
eeaalan from thto counU)- to the way
tons each. Tet In spite of this, accordat a guarantee for the protection of toe
The conduvlor and brwkcmen
aoraerti flahcriea to return for any
eumpclled tv vul a* exprv<x and bay- lay to the correapondent, the Ppan'fb
tor rest of tbe train.
auihorille# Malm tn ^ard
teratlon of the eealtok remlatlon*
.d the
which thej- may yire their cotaent. They and
t enyliicrr and fireman werrmad* , Bpaatoh nary a* briny already
yri down from tbe cab. The robt>m to tb* navy of tbe Unlu Rtalcx whli'h
take toe poritlon that Ihe nrh alone
ilcdUy Jumped aboard and look (be [ may explain some of tl belllroae utCanadian and Newfoundland ccaru
- • prraa in conenytoe and cxpte** ear abuui two mile. iI terancr*
of- tbe
^ mbrh tbe property of Canada sa
raw. wliere they alupp^
and a<
j^nertlon with Spain'*
Oa mala on the Pribyloff toland* Uc- further
- learned l
ptBpeity of toe United Btolea. and eon- compel-.i-d Bxpreaa Measenerr WlUlam* | American dlplomata b
i Spain rcrcnily endn
Und that they, have aa nuicb riybt
Mtoke denmnda for a< protection ct Ibe
Tpr robbers
had evldpntl.v Inici.dcd to atop the St.
haae to aak Canadlana to aaree to fur­ Ixmto llmlic*' niabt exprra*. and havtoy
ther reatH<'tk>Da In the matUr of klllloc made a mlxtakr ihey proceeded to rob In varloa* sblpyarB* J
be Iranxfrired to Siq^n. J
tbe aeala Tbrir apecifli; complaint to ae_ex(.n-s* mea.*vnt;rr of
that while Caitadlan Uwi< prohibit flriiB'BKBK WE BAV NEED BBIFS.
tnc except within certain aeaaoni
American lawa do not Impnar c
CSilcayo. N'liBll- Kddle McDuffST^b* Oomea arwra* lb* (
^ondtof condlllona and ibal wbn<
n hpata
raiC. rrr A'H''*- »a# badly hurt to
- taktac of toe fl*b jan tie prohibited dur- crack
>. Not. lA-A dtopatrh
Jimmy Mlr“—-• —
tng toe doted aeaaon* within their terri bla makh • - with
Tonlrlefrum Havara n
r.'shi. The men were 1 Dally Oroni
tory It canuri -be eomrolled iiutride O! tbe Ct
In tbe
n the flfa mile, when | toes auten>« tx l4 OeneraU Maximo Oo-'
Borinn Imy wabbled,
hto wbeel i mex. Aranyurvn. Arxuyo and the tote
alrui-K (he r< ir-ofbtop
at bl* win* trtpleC and I Adolfo CaatUki. all opp.ato* tbe accupla haa been delepaied I
idprcetty cueetkm, but few rioi» for
Wya that the artlclea Canada w*ni* la
tbatw to a ehira hrre that Canada I*
raaaooaMc andanreailve. and It la cen*
arallr underatoed that If Canada olx
lalnei) anythlnc worth Kariny In a r
prodty treaty the eenale would t
down (be treaty. Rlr Wilfrid le heto* ac­
corded a very cordial receptl. n In a aoelal way. and U la-lny wined and dined
hr the hicb dlynltarlea of cur (oremmeat; but It la frcel}- predicted Ihal he
avcrytblny whk-h I* lin diepuTe betwam
e matter of
ly and trade. _ _
tb. aoeealeol (abrier.
Waxhlnyton. Nov. ll-Capttln C. U
Hooper, of iNe reienue caller aerVjcv.
eommandlnc a* Bchrtny aaa, patrol
flaat, kax made a report to a* aeeretaryot ae lT>ai>urT on ae aubject of a-t
ami otter bank* qfc Ato'riu. Captain
BoopcT reviews ae history of tbe otter
from tbe carllevt umca and anivaa at
tha coBolualon that aey ool only bava
baes yraally reduced in .numbera duriny ae laat ton year* but that acy
hava arioally ebanyvd aelr habit* aed
•o lonyvr arv (quad ax formerly on or
Bar the ebore. He aim iiatct.that a*
Lift natlvex on a* AlruUan latonda
are almoal w-hoUy dependent upon the
attar tor the naeo^Ue* of life, and will
be left deatllute If tbe animal la exterminated, aa aeem* Imminent If no
atapa are taken tor It* preacrvailon.
Captain Hoopar to of tte opinion that
the prtndpal parts of tha preseni bunttoy yrouBda arc wholly wiain ae ter­
ritorial water* of a* United SUte*. and
aertfor* a* preaervaUoa of Ibe otter


- ■■

and dretoriny that astotaom> would not i
be worth the paper It waa w-rillJa cA.
anlah I
...w..—. ------- ll-The Epanlcb
BtlnUtrr )-ewt«rd*y rr,vlved the follow- I
i *** ruble m'rsayr from UaptatB Ocncral

ebrioaui.. H. <"-o1d not rtand when
vliror.-u* rubhln*
.r MimuixM. a.
and admlnlB H.x
,, "*
pluckil) rrm ...
BM o«
evident, howei r 'tbai'b*

. aocrea* by Ueoeral ileTBal In rtnar del
colorlB imr .-S.
•atyaBe b rsHnuuiWMMi.
: enl ro-<.perallon. hut eapolally by a*
Cbicayo, Nov. It.—Ferdinand Frid-^ tobacto Uantrrs. who ayree tucniitrlbui'
ericb Ottatar Bebrins, tbe riertnan w-ho fl for every l«Ie of tubaccu harvtated
rialm* to he (be eon of toe late Oeorye Thto evprraerl*' help to the amriim of
M. Fullman. wax fliied tU and eorix for from tM.OW to IlflO.tlOO. The yreaieat acdlxcrdrrty ronducT yesterday by Jiixtlro ' Uvlly I* dlwlayed all thr.iuyh the Inland
alec, t'nies* rriendx come |t> hlx relief In the fomtoClun of like cunimlUi"-*."
will have in qerd a rorinichl or moTv . Madrid. .Snv. IS —I 'r.litd Stale* Min­
in (hr brldew-ril. He aeem* to have tome ' later YVix.dtcrd bad a cordial tolen lew
klud of harkln* In hi* <-ondurt w-hicb to yesterday w-ia Senor.Mi.ret. mlnlxier of
kt anneyanre to Mra PuUman.
'tbe cnl. iilrs. and it U believed aat be
fwrt maiir*-i'B*~wirt —- __
-alSBrrd Btnor Morel thal tb* Uollxd
V -a,
^ 1 Stat.-# severement lx xoilfflrd wia tbe
roeaaurew taken Ibuv far by Marwhal
Blar.eo. Thr ybvemmi r.i Has receiviS
recent tbe cabled requ.M
open teller. In tbe Jetter Schura xays he 1
win cllni: in Senator Oalllryer with
' Cuba
that her majesty would derilna t
atlenipca b
(be requeat w ill be lyoperation of tbe civil aeri-lcc a
‘ nured. and Ihe a<llor of the party la re••yoij. have admitted Ihe onirulnru
I yarded a*-unlmponant If the yuvernof your, atteracce*."
metiidw-liledio carry cut toe proyramme
No Yeltow Fevar to IIUmW.
' l<7ally and sincerely,
Rprtnirfleld. Illx..
ttoastaa. tohlp BaricM*
ntof tbe state b
of .health, ttoi Wired Dr. F.yan that he I Havana. Nuv Il-Th* Spantob eaval.of the -- ---------------------at Thebek lUa.. and found them
be yollcw- fevea
laHal fever.

, j tann.-province n

tadianapollf. Not-. 11.—The' Preriiy •
terlaa comnilltae of fifteen appointed by
Ae last yeneral aMatnbly to arranye a
Havaaa.Nov. IL-ConilderaUe axcllaSermaneBt home misaton (dan concluded
Ito labotw yaaicrflay. It waa left to Dr. Btent baa been cauwd by ae report that
Wiarow to name at fire member* wbo tbe DaunOeaa hae »»»«wed*d.............
two flllbuaienny expedlUona
aball compcaie the aub-commlttea. .

_ __
Maacoutah. Ilia.. Nov. U.-The
*uanteptvme court ha* decided (hat
, aa not enouyk can be nuptial
laker, outride of the praaertbed limits to
•aeouraye hunUny. He appotsds a act
at rctulatlona which tat auyyvats ba
ktepted for the yoverament of otter
MnUny durtny a* season of fM.
Abd oow bare oomw also tba flab
i and trito (be |
BOoa hava |


■d , twenty InauryentA
j oaMurtoy a quantity of anna luyeiher'
: with ae accoutrt-metila nf General
1 Rodiicuex and a quantity of bayyay*

Eureka. Kan-. Not. U.-OeOTrtO<>bhi:
' and Mra. Joaph New are uiiuer anvst
here charyed with batiny murderad:
Mr*. New'a buriaand. The ertto* with
which they are charyed wa* committed
on ih# Blyht of Get. H *1 the home ot
tbe murdered man to Ottar Creek lown■talp. SoBilcloB was directed ayatost
Dobbi. wbo I* a ^uwar wia two cklldrvB- aooa after a* murder, and whan
be finally want to Ufa at .Mra Naw'a
Mxmc tba Mto* ayalnot Um bcaaaa


priVe of an

-Front Str^e^

Enterprise Groceiy,

Fresh Bntter



Jna R. Santo,

Per Ftui

Beeord nisisGes

atom. Tnearee at*. Hk*.


Bicycle shoe

Fb Duel.




yacag mioM rm CAfirtiIM MAMKETfi

Also ereiything in tha line of

Goods proopUy ddirered. Orders 1^ Phone given quick sttootkin.

Want Ads Fay!
Cost Light



Take Oil

Your Screens
aod put up STORM SASH. If you baren’t


any we'd Hire to make yon some.

J. E. Greilick Go*
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company.,.^We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple W'ood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant fdr sale.

TEA'VEBte Omr LUitBEB 50.


mm 1 PRim
UuhnMp of ttn KnlgMo
of Ubor Organization.

Loooc or E


Tbe truth U that erery nnn Aoeld
hud to edtom God baa glvcB tbe gUtt i
cd lendm^p U be la s Ghrbdian min-1
affair waa brertty Itaelf. be almply awyTbe (Awefa tenda to improve tbe Fxw lKcr.eoBiBcb tbe better. Itlahiaplaoe
Inx that It waa -a coM-hlooded murder
of tooffenalee BuncarUn mlnera by tba maa'a lot and li in rwUty hU beat and bii duty, in tbe pwwiBt ol the wZriepd.—Bee. Dr. tUmpaao. lUoMrial iloiiaxnaralqDeatioDiwbIcbareooBtinObnrob. tianPnuiciaea
r in pobllo ttlain, toip^ If b6
tbe wmd
battoaal atbor mfei^ea held inline . All inidleetnal attaiamtat it limply
paat raar waa demonatrated in tbe; • knowledge of bow Uod plana and
Illy CM tbe onanlaed labor foreea^o j sMka^er. Jidin Pooober af Gnm---------------- a (...a.,I
„ Looia^a

__.____________ ____________________
Pwatuai rHwiwmam.
Harriabniw. Pa.. Nov. U.-Orud Bxaltcd RulerMeadaDDetwOer last evenm« auMKnded the Marion. Ind, lodct ol
Bka and furwarded the papera to DlaDeputy Armaironc, of that state,
irlalny Mm to fecura tbe charter,
parmphemalla and lodce effects. This
to«'<• bl^f*rd vioiitlon

Ever Bvrned Ontt


Suits to Order.

mm or rax muanm ii 6glt.
TIwuMe Brwwlai la thy JUIaolt MlataC hla ill f<atw
Ptm. tk. OMfto M4. tte
■aU MnaMa. •• U apMk.
LoalarOle. Nov. U.-Jua«« B. Bovcr•its. who ba> tKTB rracral masterwork.
Baa ot the Knlchto ol Labor for tha
pan foar r'lan or more, and who baton
and durlnc that Utse baa bMB one of the
ablaat ctaamplona of tbe order and
• aoctrtnM. waa yeotenJay aflemoob reUavad.of hla oom by (he (eaeral aa
biy vhtcb baa been In aeaaloo le Ibtaclty
atom Monday laM. -Under ordlnarr
dUloae HoTrretpb'B tmn of oOec Would
not expire UiilU tlia erkt meelinx. Tbia.
bowaver. It la aald, makaa no difference
with the order, aboae ceoeral ofllcera
durfne a njeetlnjt are aUayi In Ibt
banda of (h<- aaMinbly and can ba cbw
Ob and dUfvieed at the all] of the iDaJoflty. AIrn* alth 8<iverel«ii there wen
three other oOiecra retired—T. w Mc. Onm. rmml anrthy forefoan. and
\ Daniel Broan and. H. R, Martin, t
\ bora of the executive (ommlttee.

Btuldwood. Ula..'NoT. U.—Tbe mlberW
maas-mcellBd at Coal City/yeaterday
Totsd uwtlawusly to rename the atiike
tbroufibont tba WUmlnrton>Brmldwuod
Blrmlor. Hla..' Nov. U.-8ertoua tronble la brawlnc In tbe Wih
tnr dlatrtct. and In tbe prewent ugly
iper of the strlken bloodabed and
U Imminent. This applies particu­
larly to Carbon HIU, Coal Oty and
Bracevllle. Tbe arbllraUon plan baa
UttJc ehanec of aocce^ Colonel A. L.
Bweet retnaes to arbitrau unieaa all
tbe other mttera In the dlatrlrt agree
to the same plan. UnleM tbe IM minera. who have gont back to work at
tbe com prom Im acule. can be brought
out again, there la Utile uae of talklni
aiWtratloii. For thla reaaun tbe alrikera feel more deurmlned than ever to
fore* these mot out again.
Coal City. llla_ Nov. U.—Tbe niewting
called for Bracevllle yesterday morning
esema to bare been a failure. Not
enougb were preeent to call to order.
Most of tbe mlnera are at work at
Streator. While Katlooa] Preaid-mt
Ratchford la yel hopeful of getting Ue
miners all out again It la the«jreneral
epIaloB that all atrlkera will go to work
Monday merniog at the arbltnUon
AGoadmoylB C

and UnM to beJp in tbe apoaloUc and
hrtngiiig ,tiie
Abe kingdom
worb (d hringing
of tbe world into allegiaiKW to tbe Load
and t« BU Ciiri«t.-^up'

ly appears that the lodge net only
fully and flagrantly violated the
ew^bll-ed law. .wllrable U^be

butey. Tryinernncm. Wemaynotl I think we hove read «ou<* of tbe
reucb Ute
tmi toe gcau i Ustorv of
a deallugi
the goal (<w
d Und
d^ing. with
vrith Hla
wUl be lencfaed at laat.—tin. Booth- j people to nndmuad tbai thlt is the I
j WU bT Bina—dial if Heem-Uaiaavt aualTabe
from Hia _
ii it not in their time |
Pi Owl. of tbe Oelpui.
Jeoab i> «■ Me.
• and
• if
• ertr Be dues

(IT. U.—At last a stroni
Tb« is nothing m«a« up to ^date' of direct need,
reof steel tuMngmanutactiir•lengS^ lines of nineuanth OMatury ] t«»1 Htmacll to them aa Be dora noL
m-M the judgmcBt' of Provl-1 onto the wcrld, it is wbeo.thcy are bo- era baa been perfected, and the
denar'rwmdwl In Jonah.—Bor. O. B reaved of all outward ctmaolatioo and corporation win abaoloCely repn
for Hia mke are made to bear tdbola- per c
tikbael, Epiaeintbl. Khiladelpbia.

Fise Merchant Tailoring.

•y OF SAFETY........

Fire Insurance.


BereMfore the chnn-la's rival in tbe
oontMt for the powamdaf tf Bonday iaaa
camen. vacaiiaa goes, but
bofn labor. The Mmu it in aigbt wb<s ^
her rival wUl be amaamuent.—Bor. ; ,/
■tea •• aiBajij.
home" brethica we say. "Bleaacd
2,^^^ijndlbe!^?JI?^!fIf- Ml'»"“"7W*«»»>idelDTliyboaae."
are turi wiej auiue iw vuj w-mw. ** The
- d the church uloeta him,
,broad" colIeasDM wa greet
to aa offloe if he will give a Uthe e< bU I
..r1^ «u they

for iron and steel planu in the Peon
auiutea. W. H. Miller.
Shelby.wmbeihe prceiileBlandgeneral manages-and tbe main oBi*. wlU
Shelby pUnt


6rud Ripids S bdiiu 8. 8

, aylv.nla

m gotw
waa ehoeen to fill 6ot ertlxn'a place.
I. D. Chamberlain, c.f PueUo. Cola. <
[ Waton. tielhodiiiL Chicago
------•elected aa iteheral wortby Tureman.
There is a elam^of men in tbe world
SarrAcId Fftapatrtek. of MoninaL and
today wbirb believes tbia to be aa age
Henry Boaix-k. of aaacmHy 3P0.
dlriDS bcsefleencB. bat mea wbo be­
aorkera. were chooec aa the tao
lieve that they can live a life of vice
bera of Ihr < xecuilve board, the third
member Uma Andrew D. Brat. Tbta
Ckwely RMOibW tbe O
very decided rbarce In ibr 'eorto of conetal offlrera of Ibr Knlyhla of Labor will
eauar coneldrrahle-aatcnlehment In labor
■ drrlea thmuehovi the rouBtry. 8av«
koMi. < aahwr Prenta. of thi- Oertraoaertran- j,
^ ara-geg-p
tidC^Cbritlaa EmUavoAua “Sil I tl.L ol AtMuta. in Ph.UdolpbUb
thnee who were on the "Icride.” ao .. American l«Bk.mra that acanviy a U.
The lyugugut.-. ItLt- the hcan, it an
jjyj ••
w’bat Oeraaa Did.

apeak, for the past thnw mor.lha there j
ta.... alaeluteiy. .....f.!*...
noimng ...
of tkl.
Ibh kne wn. ;
,iaT A ii
or rao\^
Some cf the EiMleavnrer. of Sootfa | DoPra. iolvod the problem of the d«-,
Z TrTifp'g:'
on go.A aclhortiy ti 1- Iramed-th.i « „
an ImUailon a. he ha. ever e.. a the {wei^o l(«- the
Africa have gQDo to the no.llv to fight 1 «•««» «
e.v a t™‘i*
wa. with R. cer-lgn-v tnnal. hrany
wa. banded
a clo.--tim cviu.ulinjN»^relai^ of for lUi-ir cooutry jo
lu '.bo
iho Tiniv
l.inodv niirao
ti.livo : ••
a* »be made tii.t
ti,at fim
fi«l garment Ihal
Ihil .!»:
to him.
him. a.
proVBl thsi heg!cr> diieT and out.
The ,
' The
,he fnotiey would have lak-n ^th.-rb,Mri ^-twivx. matNjnd^
IZXLh .re^....,v,anl!v «.-or,ihg- i «* d.-aling w.lh m. eternal pnnriple;
watne hold,
r.lib th“ oilier ofllcera‘ ji, *.ut > . PreiiU’e trained loach eli­ BebM Jai»b\«jnaug< r. f>ai>.&*ncTO , .nolbor kind of Cbn.Uau clax. a.bin i —soivjDg a prof^-minaouologv.—Kcv.;
who wer- r-lleved.
j .wTSi ^
Whai We wwau
anotUBT glM Ol v.ur..uau
Priwtridg.-. Baptiil. LooifrUJe. •
te riadtiv ncornlxe IL It* SI- r~ * ■ • —
I l.ire the dale of lif'l ahd In all reapdl.
Wuwaut ini}icniaiubli' uamu, char-’
a Brood of Emra.
............. I '
iHenry A. Hick. ex(ir-.w.-d the highest !
ugbireW Ir w.Igbt tbe dollar wa.
aefeni w'bu'li
enuine d-Ui
u.iuiir, -----------. will etuud ibc u.-et pf tiniu.
. : A whole brtiort of rngunte mOTS that
adin.ratl.n r.w tua Hr--(V'c-»«>r. .aylng »
u< rtmll.- ..L<t genuln.that he thought him oi.. of ihc grealert , Th, billed edgi wa. uuli.- badly ricked.
ricklb.i w.ffld'e bwulo' «*'“'• *•“
meuDrage diuiriug. druikliig. raid play-|f
» malerlal i-f names «il it^-rtaS. uud Ibiy sttoiil in a ing and aoforth are ctv({ijug iWO our 1 PATCHIN S CROtSER,
exixT.cnla- <.f the age . f the prim Id-a ; ghowlng the aofiDeiU <-f the
r-iir.-.iT:ii! ty ilie ?:r,lgttr of l-abor. t
,cadc. Mr. rrenii la
grand {in^vaewai licicrc our imagina- rongr, gBiiona aud detuaudiag recogniAll the hv.« ti.-'f ,ir»r».'-ird al Tclcr-]
mu-iKr of the coi
Attorneys al Law.
liiiu.—Ki-v. a U—eoyuiuur. Uuiiuat. tjon. Nothing le« than tbe keen, caaa.
day'» tncdli c VO rl through In thf most , ,.a1>-lt»
nlckie Wiiiadcliilila- tic truib. of iIh-HiMc. tnergixed by tbg
amlcaUr manner pcwlblp. In the fnerr- ; iimilng
AuarcihtM and CleigymagT
Holy Spirit, ran cvt-r rcnw-dy these great
Ing aerwinr '-hi- ...................... . —
Ab nnarubiirt who diia. hoWrrW tnia- c.iU- Wo must rrvalood and spare ncL
bu.innw w hich
aa ,t Dei Molne*. la.. Nov. JX.-A(iJt.
diapooed of. TL- -.......................
. Orn. takenly,
_____ fur buiiiaiirty w a belter Cbria-, —Her. A, W. AdamatCulorud), Metbo..................
nrlghtnaa returnid
rrCurmvl from In- ri«i. Jn
in my In-ucI
Henry H. Wrtghlliaa
prlnHpally taken upylth
the dejlveri'if
la-ljci Ibau
than a cli-TKywan,
a.-TJOinan, dtsL Boslou.
Sovereign's annua] addrefw. which dwa vedtigatlng the alleged armed partidpa- beaver devout bu prav.-ni. wbo will
dekylte aad BydSA
Hater-d'1 to by ihy delegate, w-lih the tion by Clintno racmtwn of the Iowa
cause of o-otioil
aaSVooTexsorlsg til graal
Some meu are so suitable and fickle aaSvooTexsorlsg
^ j.,I interest and grt-eled with en- National Guard in the riot la Fulton.
i**l- I that TOO can never predict what they i
nil, daring tbe trouble over the re- —«®r. v^. r. cii
{ will doJ next
ticxt or woerr
wbem you
yoo can uuu
find' \ ymoval of the Modem Woodmen ofllom . »*. «»«> ft»oc-Uco.
>• order !• FUi
___utwat ettha.
them. They are Christiaus today «>d to. MeresntUe.t
Sovereign prefaced bis addms with from .'that .town to Itock Iatv>d.
TbcGnaicr New Turk auti ihegroai- worldling, tomorrow. — Bev. W. B.
.the atau-meni that the opening <*f this i Oeneral tVrlght aayt there la nothing
regular aeaalon of the general araembly ! in
« gbics«ti are y.-t to Is-- Ihvy wuj pat: G*or*e. Ihrabyicrian, Kansas City. _
Wiu stiei^
rt^ t?’o£««rt!w
prerents to the world the "rame un- ‘
tbeir stamp ajam AuuTica. ibu new '
The Morwl Tots Pawae.
o Blark. sp
. dismayed memUerAlp through whom
Duluth. Minn., Nov. u-CapuIn Hvc- worid and the old. Thom two ciU« ' To sav •'No ' u tbe bean's grautsM aodebi
fortitude and courage the apirlt of
progress cAmbaU greed and avarice anda |;tor. of the rt- a er Dixon, reporm rescu- more than any otbers nfwr London will veto power. Iiisofmoreimportanoeand
—** ^
north shore of bav« tnneb todu iu shaiuiig tbe uomiug of far more signihrauce than timtexerdefies 'the cant aad byi
o^n the j, Lake Ruperlor wbo wire froaen
hiMcxy ot maiiMbd.—Bov. JUursdgs i ciaed by-auy mayor, goveruor or ptusi- M.D^^ie.rdty.P«a«. Ofim la Haraoe Bids.
age.' Me ihen dwelt iefly ~
w ho, It Is hoped. Will WbMlcg. BapluL Chiuiga
i detiL—Bev. J. Fred Uciaas. MstbodisC.
trtumpta. of the principles of tbe order,
,/asylng that It had survived tbe crimes ywover. They were n. p. Hammer and
KM Heysad Heiasdy.
| .WublDgtoa.
/ of its traitors srd prospered In .plte^f Nets Nrisom ot late Royale^
1 am freqmaiily a«li<^ by twison <<B-.
y tbe contumely ol Us eoemles. Tbe or­
Bryaa DvAareats. sf tlaataa.
-----------------------—r----------------------der, be said, was todpy strrmrer In
Boaion, Ncy. fS.—Tbe Bryan Demo- (xinven tboMo aiiiuera. Tb.-y toll me
memberahlp. stronger In charar-lrr imd |
J thls'clly U-Unlgbt nominated
these men arc bankmud beyond all rrauStronger In the besrU ^ tbe people than
r ago. He r
•dv. but I don't believe iL Tixsie btetbthat thla seedott confine Its dellWralloni
u uf oora wbu Bave fallen luve to
largely in the work of.organlxailon. and
SI tra11(« to dlwwaa M era ear. a«ae aad Umat.
that to tMwend plana ahnuld be put Id Operation s hli-h will Insure the service
Bnntlar* brotfe Inio tbe
of the largest pnssP-U numhec of experlenc d and efllclent oefsnlsers In Iso- Tondorf ClnAlng company. rhiOimend
ntr free
carri-d off
Aeven perauDS perUhid la a fire which
broke out among the woodwork ot tbs
abaft of a mine near Aniunleahuue. 81lesia. •
Is MHkrra.
The Rlngllng Brus. have
The wisk (if wholesale reform In the
and when, in the tnllncm ut um«. th», that cannot aee him at hia Raniurium.
K. J. Case fatin.m y Bamboo, wia, work is ready for tbu man. bubuld, tbe! Xh* doctor baa ao much faith iu the
ittd btiUdlags. for
man la ready lor tbv wegk.—A. A. | experience he bae had iu treating
tfiit.Hrtnh bapuat. tit. LonU.
: chronic diaeasea that he will feive one
tbe-pom l.y the bcldrrv of Idle eupllal\\
m-. M—a ta.
I mouth’s treatment and medicine fret.
who d0,ti.nat« the preaa and delauch
two-lhlnls of the
W e asse aa# aa«u
tbe pomiM of the country. wbUe tbe msmbers will vote Tor the annexation of
We need e sbgucr admuixaaChm of
thoss raaT Ats too i-ook to y*v.
courts apply tbe amount Jasb
' ' ot• des<

law. BobUTiee accumpauiwl wttb vioaH that be aaka In return U that
poUm la tbe form of Injunctions
A. man nam^ William Laforge waa Unoe have been ao immuroua that we everypatient willstatc to their friends
agalnR the, freedom of speetb and 'killed by a falllrg Umb of a tfwe In T.
ulboda of tir. Jnsrine tbe resnlts obtained by his treatment.
peaceable araemirtage'of the p«or. 'The
okeinrcm's lumber camp near l*ort
. Atl forma of chrouiediaeaaes and de•
8t. ‘Louis conference." .c raid. “waa
a wmg. Wla.
. formities treated. No i
unitid labor protest against the amst
John Rwinum. wbc became aa asso- i al Tiokmoa tbou tbe laab «
, State baa had
flagranl outrages .ever ommltled eiate edilw of tbe New Tork Bun twen- j ingly used, aaeamiouiied
agaiisi Civil Hbeny Ui thlt coui-lry. M ly-lwo years ago, concluded hla career ' wnna of impriaonmunt for tbe bMatnal
itikuai aims
------ ^£r^<>(Hnat!°Ail SiiesVosX^
waa ihr vox popuU of an outraged na- there last week.
tgiminaL—Bishop Fallows Befcgmed DISEASES aa tbe dovtor. He gradn.!
I thundering
the pomp
sb-I; BplaoopaL Chicago.
Ft>-dcr1ek rFlebel.
leuri, u>c
tbe aci.miiuiua
lated #7 veara ago from Cleveland.; a('tk«l«se*tiMore“os
arrocame of reluming d.-w-tUra, a^ j
Alexander rhlman. of Chkugo.
ain.r that llHK fre- ai^h baa **« | ,„
at Petersburg, Va. He U I ,
Kwt d(wdra. Nlrh. IK >1
that leeturqd
as in
apaue of
Of being
being ton
ura in
la ^“5
been Mpiuesaed by court Inluiuaions. charged with stealing ll» 000.
^ fellgi
Roxervlgn then loak as hi. theme the pff*”
n, i parts? Can ytra add WfiePtber the school Homeopathic Medical Collegu for «
sat miners'
mlnera' auike.
strike. In which he said _
»-iii*^ni Anww on Brvniirt of tha with its improved diacipliiie, the borne. years; *■«««-,.-*
vraafiyeara Sun
Superintendent of
tbe( knlgbu
knlgbu had a
minn the markirL Thla will threw seO- , ibu rtsiourt, the art gallwy. tbe imcy- .A^’ and ^paiUntf Sauitarinm
directly InrelvedWith lupy
anty-Dve hsOid. out of work.
, olopulia, tbo club, the ballot box—can , This experiente, ciimbtt--------------• •That gre« strunle. w
Mias Mathilda' Aederaon. wbo bsd you add all these Iragatwns and ^ve years’ study in <the best hospital
' tween under-paid, half-atarvcd. labor,
_____ _____the
ever ■ the
and exam^ing and
and armgant. greedy coal bsr<i«a It been kept aflve al the Bt. Paul dty bos- ^ m a traplt ^ tinjeh witbemt
i(Mwarehip?jlng tbooaaoda of chronic «seA has
waa a strike
ot bunger and nsces-. plisl
hsrgata las tour rs
ally, and iiipewled to all tbe higher Im­ Uon.
Sarah 8ondldgc,awidow. waa awarded pgwie, Unjiarian.
pulses of bumanlty. On ths side of tbe
!for yeara? Are yon diaeooragedf ¥^.. Vse?«
verdict (or tS.OM In tbe Fulton county
Btrlkere Mood tbe charity and philan­
, Call and see na.we will tell you whether
thropy of the- world, tavkoning onward (Ills.) circull court for Injuries sustained
tbe Have, of t<|^mliM«.- On the other by her on a defevUve sidewalk Ib CMnwiU tell ~you what relief
a&d wumoi who five ytmr» ago wore in . cure yon. we will
band the shotgun policy of the corpore- ton.

e engsgemc....................... .....
Uon and tbe dcsi>lcable court Injunce moutb vriU be ■pOB saL*-«1 serra of
sa Losg Ls*»
tloiia. Tbe armed thugs were more George H. Pullman. Jr., .and ^llclte
f soUsbk far faiBor ■■■Jii ywraows, far
tolerable than the restraining orders of Oglesby, daughter ot ■ ex-Ooveroor
the oourta. The Inluhctiona sought to Oglesby, of IlllDois, baa bsse font ally Ob. «ti«r e...i <•
tar. I
wh. .r.
glvs the air offlclaJ sanction and tbe broken off.
foUy iacnased ia popolariCy- Onr methods of treatment-------color of ludiclei dfcclty to tbe vllr Bdward Doty and wife, of fanesvillA Aa a tesnU cd it all tbe ritnreb la ooci- hnnwo-by
aU tbeacboola,vrith the aid
axpreealons of enereby ever uucred
Wta.. were caught In a folding bed at trobtml with tbe gravest rithaticn shs Bf electridty.tbat most wood^l of
tbU country.
tbe Bcnnlon hoieL Chicago, and they
agents in Paralysis, Loss of
liut anarchy In Judlrlal reties Is
owe their ewape 'from death In some basCsoed ainoe Uw relormaUcm.—Bev. all
'Btepbvu a McUoiinML Kpucopal. Ri.FMm.tism. and all diteaaes of the
more rrapsetable than anarchy In ra;.
very vlgOTCUs screaming.
Go early, as my
A Judge,who wUl suppreaa peace^k
Senator Oerman's trlenda bare an­ BrooklyiL
nounced that be will be a eandidate for
• at tSpn- MR
to this country than was
oongreas Hi Ibe next elrctloa. This Is
Many dinrob menben pay more for
ATBold. and tbe cltlsn wbo
regarded as a preliminary step Co boom tobMbottiaohTWaifiriiegusqxrtaf the
such an Injunrtlon Is so less a patriot Mm tor tbe presidency in iwe.
jp.e. «’«re the slgosra of the DeclareA plan for a rT':7r..:nrr~^Mrh
drelbund of Otllc. Pern
■* l| Uojole
than CO belp
bring about
Uon of Indepeodtsiw or tbe benws of
U in exuienee. wMeh. If
Valley Forge. And If II ever ccmies to a adopted , by
raMtsrts-or bOb laprerad my pr«ps«ySonUil between liberty
od spend
^ dollan
U- «taii. A1F-1- I «ta » o-Itaom M
1 InJUDrilons I wonld'prefer to
men of Kew
PATOBia * OROTSBR.Aetarasyu.
ArgetUna dJ- ;
---------—-----------n pikp. Chile. Peru and
wAp mrarif in-the «« «
' 1 #1,400.000 to bnUd tbe
OBrea over Hootariv". hsrewe-lsr*.
mOperaHonm Ttaerest
to be BO tEouble to raiSD #13.000 tea ho»pital department It our Bauitarprfxcfiidit. bol what s time is mads is ■oBt. Bead for Jonrsa'.
in drlenae of the couris. While thlt
sgalnrt the town of Whitsstowtr. taiaiugsa^anamoimt
great atrlke waa supported by all-recog- Bull
nixed labor organixatlona and war the while traveimg by a large tree wMcb
xrsatest atruggleof theklnd ever known bsd
fsOsn aeros tbs highway.
u Amsrtcm to tbe credit of Ubor It can

al aad drpaftara el irataa at Ti
ataUea. ta elm Bepu 17. t*
. I a. a. I rn. iLv.
.|»l»; eao^Tree.City
' r«B Wallow




ladla'npllv ..

Trml.* arrive f«»a faDcU- sHl. Orwad I

uraaea .mra. at II AO a. m.




"West Michigan.



ertie "O


w. “.I’-ias

1 RATM. Oss^PsasgTi

unsm on HimuRn l i
He. »




.are; T«

: !Tzr,sr^-i«T



__Money to Loan

ReMriWdnt AdSii


_ilaiL iskBl'tMTwyS

d a* iwt to|

Mai^ ohoreh menben pay non (or
loteoqo ^lan toward tbe mppoct

Biee w miiauaw mia B|xaiu uvuiwi*
Jewelry, herenty btuiooai meu of New
Tortaobasibed $1,400,000 to Imild the
Metro^tan Opera Booa Tbeto aecnu
to be ao titAble to raiae f 18.000 (era
prlinfli^t. fast what a doe ia Bade in
tminng each an amopnt for niaaiaoal—
Be*. C. A. JenkinaofNMrftiinfwldk,
N. Jh in New York.


the aafr of the
.. .......... .... .. .............. .. „ ,
Horplara broke
perieoo-d and edlrirnt .«anla<Tf1h lao- , To«>d< rf CbthlRp oomiway. ('htrapo. and
Uted ai.J unorpaMt-d r-M»
I earrl-d •iff irwio.

KaTsySTawVS^toThSar r5£n.

gupoL Many would pay more to Me a
Uoyele t>oe than to help
trt a>«
pllal ia tbaCr'-'"------Bemeaiber. we g5re a
antee to care erery caae of PII.B5 and
a lyiop-in
RUPTVRE. Alao. S7b
r Sanitar
Send for Joitiu’.



Wbtkl Ood wnntaa man lor pecnllar.


CkMIake............ “



•'its.__Honey to Loan

- 0««tso-*rllo«aa««'shaedwaa.«Be..




tD thl*. country than wm
Benedict conprww In the next cteetkiB. Thla la
Anxrtt and the dttses who will r«»il repsrded aa a prellmlBaiT atop to. boom
■uedt an liQuorltOB U «e Waa a patriot hlBi tor the prealdo>ey to twa.
than «-ere the alynen of the DeelanA pUa for a dreRnisd of CAflr 'reni
tSoD of lndej*ena«ice or th« benwn of
•Valltr For»«. AndJf llaverenraMtoa
eootnl belvern coDsUtoUorjil llbert]' will wlp4 Bolirla off the eonth Aoicrl*
and coart Injunctlonn I would prefer to can map. Chile. Pen and ArpeEllna dlwrap mj-eelf In the flap of roy country
vldlrp her terrUofy.
tear down the cuurta to defenw of
the conatllotlon rather than to dlAoiftr
the flap and tea.- dowa the eoMitutlOD
their name the paat aeaaon. havehroititot
While thla
to delenee of the eourU
IhysU recop- anlt apalnrl the towh of Whltatobwn.
(raat atrlke wai
and war the Wla. for daiBBtea for brtnp totormpted
labor - —
while ttmvelSp*y a tarpe ttpa which
(taaltwt atnippieof tbeklod ewer known
p the credit of Uber tt t»a had fata aenaa tbt Uphway.

ekaaeeMSBScUoo (oVa 1. toseoe ealy w tabs

T<\or>cip a OOntLU
U kenatua oneea. citr Opera Hoai
- ■ -


1 broke out amunp the wondwurk
la Tipciiallr OaWimhew aa -fliimawiwi ahafi r.f a mlsr near AaioDk-nhutte. SiThe • »h Cf whM-ealr r-form In the
taw eae ha
a *e«a-.. I

^ Kltipllnp Ibo^ hare

^ , uorauiva.o u* Utotoau. bUwl.


s,'; “„tr5r:r^!ru“:Sri5r^Q.


Tbeddotorbaa Ba MMih faith in the:«^—*. —----------------

• af Mie tna*tal

>d ap|e«lad to all the hlpher l«ly.
the aide of thi'
e chanty and fAllaathropy ef the <
the rtarca of the Dlr.ea On the other
hewd tbe abuUmn policy of the corporaUoo and the deaptcahle court InjaactlcDa. The arm«l thupa were tdore
tolerahl* than thr reatralnlap orden of
the coarta. Tbe liijunctloiu aonpbt to
(Iva tbe air eRldal aanctlca and the
eehtr of fudlelftl dlpnlty to the vllcet
■ of anarchy e r Bllerad to
thla oottotry.
iiut BBarehy in ludh iat robea la no
tooia reapactabic than anarchy la rapm.
A fudpc wbn will anpprrea ]>caeeable
public aaaenMapea is Bo lea a traitor
to this cooBiry than waa
Arnold, and the efttaea who wUl retoat
aoeh an taiOBctleB la ne Ma a patrtdt
than were the sipBen of the Deeiaratiee or iDSepeodenee nr the baioM ef
Valley F<Apt. And tf It erer o
coBtost between conatiinttonal liberty
and court inlumHona I woaid prefer to
wrap myaelf la tbe flap of toy ooaatfy
and tear dewn the courts la defesaa ef
the oesatItuUon rather than to
the flap and tear down tbe eea
■ delenae of tbe courts. WhOe this
* was aopponed
r orcaBlaaiinns
to Atoartoh. t« «•



d anphtcr
«fOowerBor j ^
Uariiw U» mb* period
Ofleaby. ef nunoli. has bMB tomally Si»^S«w^«2a “ttoBdai*^^
bc^an off.
woadecfAUy IbcrMaed ia
Bdward Doty an2 wife, ef JaBaevfUe.
As a aesBli cf ii all the efanmh U «x>Wla, weft oaopbt to_a fitfdlnp
tnxital with the gzareM Mtitoticn aha
hM (BoMt aiBoe the rtfarantitto.—Bee.
• M


keowa by aH the achoola. with

RhMBPtl^ had all diaewBea of the
office hiBliniya

“ “T

___ _ tbe next election. This la
Rpatded as a prcUmtoaiT aup to boom
hhn for the prealdeecT In 1»».

Many cborcb meaiben jay more for
tobaocn than toward tbe anppvt rf the
goapoL Mnny would pay toore to MS B
Ueycle race than to help bring a
aeo Arpenuna is to extstcBce. which. If
- ,,
lloisiinQ. Many will gire pwiadopted by thcM three pocemBienti, i «*
ap^yd doUarv (or
wUI wipe
wine BoUrta
BoUrla off tbe South Ameri­
Anierl* B>M » laiMlona
can map, Chile. Peru asd A^ecllna dlndlnp her territory.
MarAafi Broa.. ef Aecen. Wla.. propneton ef a cirrus which trareled nnder to be no bonblo to niM $lt,000 tora
tbelr naiBc tba paat eeaaon. bavebroupbt iriarfgbt. b«t what a tiow ia laada te
niaiug each an amuont for niMiaoal—
Bbt. C A Jenkina rf Nbw btmpwlok,

Jd s«d
SetBanbar, we ^ee a written narantee to cote erery case of ^LBSand
RUPTURB. A)»o.wefcSTea lylng-ln
- departmet
artmeot Ir onr Sanltarboepital
Ubi. Send for Jen:

'i'JSa—Honey to Lpan
Ob lwpiotB«,etty piwpcMy.

bATOKiH A osenak.A^
OAea 0T*r HOBlepM-a hsrdwBiw ■



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