The Morning Record, October 10, 1897

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The Morning Record, October 10, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Rrrt Tear—No. 187.


H« *e»ttoW*Jk« «b ronto
for tb»t ewpoM. bet


Tkto tosoe of Tun Mohciko Bmxwt>
eoutoUvO! elybl pa«e*. and buidu
bring fllled with freak local aad
“t,i Ly dl.- OFFtOBB HABTZH BAS BBBH reaeral news, to a raloable buinees
OBl>KB FOB BOHOOL 8UPPUXS Lcrried tb« lolouko •'bee aboet two
Tbelaadlag bull
Same tmj with oar frnmti^—DO and to it. 8peak>
1 mllM from Waltoe. By ««ni«M ptcwlof tbe city hare taken adrantafe of
iog of <^Iea, bare yoo Been thoaa new CircnUr and
B. 3. Xorgaa tr Oae^UMBe;
ingi the undocuir wu Indooed to stop I DiaKrTOad Twsnty-Ftre Who Should a>ls edltioB to make knoWo to the pebOval
The neweat thing oat.
In eerenl
Attend School Some SUy Awdy:»«tbe epedal futaru of their buifbr SUrw Md *SOO Hu Bun Dr- the uUn aad let Fred alight. He
widths 8nd><»lofB. The Dark Fleminh with gold
poniud to Fiotoet film u Suiety— walked back to Waltoa and arrirsd
of Poor Olothlnff-Wor* to *>•“:
«>» »»»•“ "• ™»»ble, aad
▼aUuB'* Bzaminadu WU TaJu
Frorlac a Baoeeu and the DSoer
of the train for Ralkuka. Mr. SUsby
n of the readem.
PlMO Eext TBendny.
to WMehflit
amused'blBuIf the remainder of the
Aaotber of the nll^ irrtc«tar day.natil Ume for tbeoralnr train tor
Tmant OfBeer Marvin ku been work­ Shepard, who have bera rtoiUnc ia
•cboal apply BraU bu bun BRUt^.
e City, by duennelaff the rail- ing usidoouty to require tha ehildm Maatotee. retarned lut alfbt.
M. B. HOiXEY, «
O. YbBuo. wbo WU worlrier lb
id bettiae with hlmulf ea the in the
t city who do net attend school to
o^naettOB with
H. bUrcr. who
iftheraoMhesrua eac«r Uf uVe advantage of the pririlern* nc.
wu BryutBd An CbdiilBC. bet U
corded them of seenriof an edaeatlon. j Belli ihi Oak HealuDlar BeaUay Stove.'
now roluMd on baU. wu Ukea Into
Mr. Marrin bu foaad ?S childta who *
cortody ‘atuBday nlabt bI KBlkaakB
do aol atteadecbool aad be bu virited
by UndBTBhBriir Aabton Bad broorbt
their families and ia aeveral cnau
to UriB city yo»t«rd*y; He wu
Ojaieii uf the beet qaalily at the
eomtaka befoTB JuUoc Brows and re- BnOdinc to Oocnpy Ooraer of Oau peUed to attend ubool. In some reltoUe oyster . honae—Fleb-her's Oolombian.
ud WaAiagton Struts and
Icand epoB $400 ball wbkb wu fateaiu he b^ feond that parents have
WiU be Xmprevad.
Bisbod br L. K. Glbfaa Vallun wu
permitted their children to abunl tbemBTTUtod Bpon B wBTTBBt cbaryiaf bio
At thelutmeaUngof theOranre ii iJ^vu bMsuie of their loaWllty to prwwith fMxety. Oe is chsiY«d «ltb liB*- u decided to move Gmase Hall from I ^de euluHe clo|htnr In oAer cases
tsy altered the face of as order tor lu praunt loeatlea to the comer of i.,ome have parwM-ly abustod them-1
school sappIicB, il^ed by'a 3. BeBsn. 0am aad iVaehlnirtoB itreeta.
vnowledire of their!
of .Bebool DUtrlcl .\o. 7, PwlSkelB building to now receiving a coat of: p^^ta. Tbe result of tbe appoiav i
towBsbip. Vallua bu retained Fateh- paint and when moved wlU be ratoed |
/ '
tmant officer,
:er. however, to
- iBdCrotMrBDdtkebearinswm take
.Iberwtoe improved. Tbe object
jja notI a*Aad-uhool|
of moving the ballding to to provide
now doing ao from fear
Vallcaa mikes a eery plauible ex- for tha erection of team ibedi npon the I
plsBstioa of tbe tr*n»aetion. tVbeo property and them wUi be bolU oalnrriasive rampaln against tn'snta
surer wu arruted E J. BorRaa of the alley.
the result to are to be uttofaetbU .«ii.r and Sheriff Trey of CadUlac
to abida the runlt of
The Grange also paaaed a realntion
care the neoesary secarity-for bis ap­ prohIbHing the placing -of bicycles In
pearance .an4 yuvmday Mr. Morjfaa
room of the building, while
rooeired a telegram from the inrit tha rooms are ued by other aociellci
Natioaal Bask In Cbicaso cUtinr that and for the (^realt eonrt. 4<idge OorInjury. Becelved by W. E Hiiler U
¥300 bad
bettand Court BteBOgTapher Baadar1995 Bunlud Fatally Yaatorday.
tool him u nrety for SUrer. A simi­ lOB are the priaeipal offielaU wbo have
W. H. Miller of Odgeubnrg.' died
lar uamaaAeatioo wu rusirod by fenad the room eonveBient for the stor­
Man's, Tooth's and Children s Suits, Overcoats, TTlste^Mt^
' Patehln A Orotaer rsffardinf Us bond* age of their bicycles while oonrt to In yeaterday afternoon on Barlow street,
of Vallun.
i. but even the conveniace of a from the eSecU of a kick by a borne,
We bought onr stoeka la Jnly, at prieu way batow preaut valnea.
he received Nov. 18, liu.t. Be
. Mr. SUrar hu rurired a letter from judge to disregarded by the Grange.
the mhaacer of the ‘Aawrieaa Snpply Now the eonrt must leas hto wheel
Co. ia whiek the meat tmpUrit ouS- agalul the aide of the ballding to­ better and wuable to get ateuV
dmee U axprsuid in the hoao# and In- gether with thou of lew dtotlngntohed abcew formed aad abont six weeks ago
aad 700.11 findi^ compartoon—that year doUan will bey mere and bettor
he moved to Traveru City for medical
tecrity of Bilrer:
tmatment. DeeeaaedlcafM a wife and to what we claim for oar ¥8.S0Conebw goods at this atcre than at otbeca. TEST ODB CLAIMS,
It is probable t£nt Uare will be ai
fonr athall ebUdraa. two boys and two thatwearewmnrnowforld.W). Can't'
lateruUac deralopmuta la both a
Good for tbe Blue Boys.
girto. and two brothers aad one eUter.
bafore they arc flnWtnd.
The Bim Uoyt drove ever to WeatsohavT
ley'yeiterday foragameof ball with a, He wu well knewB on, tbe Patunla
ksiuus S17 Owds, Ouprt tai OotUag Bobm.
nine 4>f that place. When they came ' ‘”1’'*^, ‘
be held Monday at
Some Bai^ains
heme lut night Uey were Jobliuit,
The funeral will
t^def of Follu Bonie Eu Taken aad jwUy so. They defuted the S p. m. from tbe hoau and the latarin Odd Beds. yik» Eamu of Many Violateia of 'Kingsley boys baadaomely, by a seore aent wUl be la Oakwood.

A Circle Has No End..




Haskell’s Bookstore

We’re Well Pleased




and Artistic..




BlcTeie Ordlnaau
CUef of Polios Banlchu berna a
slccrou campalfB araiut riolatora of
tha bieyde ordiBMce. Yeoterday he
kept tab oe a namber of well known
' ridsa aad the’ runlt to tbU abeit a
demo wiU SOM be retioired to an
to the aalhorittoe for their mtodo
wOl be •
e Are BrnmiTod.
A pretty feod Indtoatioa of im
bm of inqblrtca beinr made of north­
ern Miehlcaa miU ma for hardwood
lombar far 18M delivery.- Ou iutanee
wu a letUr receirad by tbe 0^1 Wood
Dtoh Co. yecteroay from a Cblcafo ooa^
esra aakinKfar&ynruoaabUlaCTTeCatiar t.MO.OOO feet of hardwood lornbar. This to bat oae ef many almllar

«* *1 to
Work of Having Orsoe Obnreh WOl
^ Computed This Antnmn.
At tbe lut meeting of the vestry of
Grace Eptocx^al ch'arcb the ruigii*iAen
of the rector. B^. A. C. Wells, wu reeaivod aad ae£pted. Ur. Walls aad
(amUy have made many warm frirads
since be bu hadehanre of too ehnreb
ravarec City aad all will be glad to
lean that they wUl eoBtUae to lira in
Tiavonc Ctoy. Mr. WelU to eoatemplatiag mllgtom work on toe Wwl
»de. Bis roctgsatioa vrtu taka affect
October isto.
Steps arc ia |angi'ew to smare a new
rector -for Grmee chnrcb aad arrangoueato being made to more the chaitA
from Ito prewBt location on Btato
strut to the northwiat comer of Washlagton strut and Boardman avane.

wUi be grutly imprered.

ealrad here dnrinr tbe lut few weeks.

L O. O. F. Bneampment.
I. Brown leftywterday aftoraoon
to Kalamazoo, where be will attend
UtOa Mm Eaaaa Buoyed DlMino. the graad eacagiP^n^
th» I- (*• <>.
F. next week. Mr. Brown to a mem­
__ •
toon of HsTin* Tbru.
UtUe Ezra Uaua, 1< moetbs-old, ber of one of tbs sundlng eommlttow.
IC. A. «.g~»v-u**v,
Bdgeeome will attead tbe i
boee parente liw near Monru Cen-|^- _
8xlra thamb removed' from City lodge, going to Kal
_________ .
m it

Yeetorday Wae Chicago Day pt Eaab.
Kuhville. Tenn.. Oet. »-Chicago
Yka Hinnah A Lay Oo. WUI Bepply
^ celebratod apprepriaiqly at
ZUotoWadmeerthStiutOioamng. | the ezpwdtton today. Delsgatiou from
At the maotiag of tha Board of pab-1 Chicago were m«t this morning by a
Ik wwrka lut night the eontraet to' tvcepllon eowmlltoe of raprwuUUve
famtohlag the city S70 feet of heat viv 1 civ: tens.
rero held <m tha to­
ot tlu llltntoa baUdlag. Theadavmrded to tha Haanah A Lay
Uto Oa.. tbe prtw being M euU per drau to welcome iabatolf to the atoto
delivered by Governor Taylor. Lyfoot. This Jdpe to to be nsod at the
1T. Gage, aeereUry to tha trauary
wu the next spuker. Mayor Harrisaa
to Chicago responded in behaU of the
city aad Major John W. Thowu and
Second Team to High School Woa a Tally ^vm weleomed the viaitora in'
Clou and Bnitbig Oontoot.
behalf of the exponltioe.
Kalkuka. Mich. Oet. e.—Tbs aeemd
Obipagn Karkat.
team of the Traveru City High sehool
dtoeated the Kalkuka foot hall elevu
Chicago, Oct. 9—Wheat—October.
today in a clou aad hotly uatwtod 89\c; December,91 Me; Jasury. *0Se:
gams- Only bas tocebAown wu May. 91^0.
•oored aad the visitors gkiaad n victory
by a seore of 4 to 0. The girts to the t9)ic: May, tlK^Ke.
High aebool tendered tha victors n
Oau—October. »gMc: Daeembar.
ptesaant reception this crealng.
19’f0.Vc; May,-SSi*cDidn't Su the Game.
Fred Sttoby, eirealator to the Bcoono
and aa utbosiaat npm toot bail, atoo
a member ef \tbe first Blgh sehool
team, wanted to ^ to Kalkuka yeotorday to witneu tha game betwem

Aitor Being Ont IS Boots Jtuan
Oonld Hot OW Together.
Yeetorday asomlagthe ^1 of the
case of Mary L. Vanderltp va. lYaak
Beitner. et al. wu began U tbe Cireolt
eoaii. This to a caw broogbi by Mra
VaaderUp against the defendaats for
wiling Hqnor to her hubaod. The
eoori adjoamed at aoon oaUl Monday
Tbe Jnry U tbe cau of Thiriby va.
Dake oonld net agree and at thru ywtorday aftomooa they were di^ehanted.
after belag oat MnoeO o'clock tbe puviou menlng.
Tow Shane retarned ywterday from
Mieago. While away be parebaead a
ear load of Su farm and draft borua.
fra Chaw of Neal hu bun grmtod
a peaalon and Tmman Proper of Wal­
ton. hu hem granted an laereau of
Tbe ladies of Traveru Bay Hive. No.
"1. L. 9. T. M.. will serve a toa-ust
»»PPW Mopday erealag from t to 7
A. Bagar of Archie.bring* the Bacoap
qnaatityof Montmorency Ordinary
eberriw pieaed ft^ the tru Uctobw
a. which are u fresh And delleions w
though it were Jnly.
Mtok Edna Wilhelm hu bees employ­
ed by Manager Barry of the telephone
excbnnge toawlst Him Edna Thacker
-the burd. These two ladies will
form a good force to the exchange.
At tbe eocial <ff the Eutom Star Fri-

138-132 Jnmt Stnrt.

6ot0KladIkelor6<H ;

intcMsted in toot
yoa to use


nnd Advis*

Floor, bMsoso it is the eheapeet


gold IB Alaska thi* season of the •
year, but perfectly ufetobuy of J
oa More, it's sonad Judgment. •

For 3tls feek-Ve Olhr



Men's buvy Byralc. fleece *
taonlal of his urview u Janitor
llnad.CitderwearatSOcagarment •
for tbe chapter aloee lu wganluUon.
AnoUer lot fleece lined onder- *
wear at 39^a garment.

The Hannah A Lay Go-'s Sour mili
1 lot mm's extra hwvy wool 8
aught abont 1.000 bnabeU to whut
lined onderwur. lut rear •
yeaterday at 75 osaU per boshel- This

to aa average day's porchaw and Ue
1 lot men's extra buvy

salwof whut sad potatow are pat­
hair nndarvrear. WOOL UMk.
ting in elrenlaUoa a large amoont to
1 lot mu's extra huvy Mertoe •
money daily: far exaeediag any period
nitowvFu^Mpatilan w*em ,
for several years.
S3 9* bays a man'B huvy winter 8
E Moatagu left ywterday for Ann

Arbor where be will remaia vriU hto
daagbtor. Miss ttotnde over Sonday.
going on to Chloago for tbe rwt of Abe
*4 77 bays a man's heavy brown 8
wuk. Be will visit Ue large grocery
cashmere soit.

honaw Uere and parchau goods. He
*8.39 boys a man's extra huvy, t
doable wool and 8
will atoo visit several uaanlutaren to
np-toAaU in pattern.

read making machlno in bekalt to the
We gnaraaUe Ue above Soito *
to be worU fiwn *5 to *10. or 8
Mika Obertin of Bingham hu shipyour money back.

pad wiUin the put few dsys a cargo
Pbrit-Oetober, r.«7M; E
of wood and bark to MBwanku by tbe
Lard-Oot^mr. S4.I7M: C
tiw by Ua schnoMr ttereobal to Chi**-«*H._' ____________
eage. Be bu abont eowpletod ^mX.
3. W. Slator. the Hoou 9
buiaew for Utoaenoon aad wilt de^
BhlBe.foralittU money. the fall to baying aad nfalppiag pe'Utou
MmwnuVMaanehHIk. Trsverst ettr-






I* unheceflBnry here. All yon need to do is to
locA nt tbe goou and then the prioen. That is nil
that is Deeeesa^ to show too that the bargaiiu we
offer in SHOES are worth Becnring. No one enn
match tbe valaea we offer.



Bad weather, and the children, Boys and Girls, tvm require BETTER SHOES. We
have Better Value in this line than ever before.




Aeuqious thought.
Md ttit rroom tTti L*wU. • popo^U«pWy.^O«lVtoo4Di.k Oo.
e SB. Hale Set!
The ■errlece »—-I---------- <awef^ll>e—^
2«fce Huraa.
r^eUree belof preeeet lo wilaeee the
nATXRSEcmr. • miohioaw tmtmtmr wbtob wee pertoreied by Port Hoioo. Ool. #.-The steeaMr S There u bo power oo^t
VM .m arm «r t»
B«, O. S. Korthrep. After the cere- B. Bale, booed fro-I—1m to MURobtnsoo Memorial
sptsooe weddlsr eapper wil^ with etael Wllett. fooadered Chuiuh, 1 oisTllle.
wee eerred ead stoey Bee flfu ee- off Lake Horoa yeeterdey eftarseoa
ttos. T. B*T» *JO> J. W. H*»**»- keowledped bythe heppy pelr. Mr. The crew were jdpked op by tb«
Tbeiu ere a Is^ Bomber of griefr
1. W.
&itu» >*» »U«*er. esd Mrs. Lewis wUl rceUe la the oot etoemer Nebitoeke ead Unded here Chat aru eoltrrly aoorcesssry sod sell
ImjMsed tMssuae of the lofenar eodt
The Hale eaooontei
tefe no the eereer of «tb ebd Pieaklie :
gale bell way eeroea Haai- for which many llre.—ReT, Ororge D.
etreeto. The Bacon. )ota* srllh »eoy
hey. A etoem pipe bureiad leee- Baker, PreUyteriaD. Pblladelphis.
other trieadc U wtohlag them a leaf aew hej
belpleee. With the
aad happy life._____________
a^plag orerberehe
w«at U the bottom. Tbe loet boat
ATS. xan>8 OF itifUQv.
owned by M. A Bradley of Oeea
Time for tou to begin to think abont it
». *. Btr«ac~SiM «aay Xdttle
A. J. Wells, eoiiariaa San Fraaetooo.
Baarte Sappy Tertaraey.
Per A^re ad AsUa.
Is It 001 a ftrsoge fact thst«re«7, . H there to Ml caeie eaoafh la the
existeity today to wear oot wo «eooth-cr- Twin Viecte Wotdea OItub the
iM ro
Unde^wsa- on ^ market-Call for
eoeel All that is good has'to be torOeld Shoulder by the Hefonni
ceae U wlU be beoasM the chlldrea
tored before it becomes great.—Bev.
who wore lortaaeto to grt thoee laetimSea Ftaactooo, Oot. U.—Eogea
Catalogue concerning it.
— oat of breath, Deba hae iwfuead to aestot Walter G. O. B. Wellaee. Ooogitgatieaal. of QhiTW Kkow prt"»« »»“•
eago, St Bt. Louis.
t the W. W. Worden, wbo to oceueed of wreckiag
brtef htaiorr »f 8t. Pt*m4* OHholie The heedqi
PwOe «( Um BsIlrMB.
Um Mnr JmbU.e of which wai Kimball Plaao Q»- oa Froat etreel the Mthbarand paeeeoger train
. Too often the fair maiden Is iotro«• celcb«««l wUh l»p«-l« Md Toaterder wee a plaamat reeort far iog low of lif».dmflag the strike of dooed to aocii-ty in tbe ballraom. nod
«|*bw»M ecrcMlM UMUy. While the little lolke aad l\ required l«M. Aeetoiaaoe wes asked of Debs- there nr^entitini are dereloped which
thto orrmTir- to the eUw joWlee o( the hot
a ihort Ume lor Maaager Biroag, haioB to defray the ezpesem of Wor- gire a wrong raoceptlno of life aod
—----------------lu res
«ki«h tt to Ukea «* attiM ew»»r.
Hatch, Baptist, Camdaa.
^..lU (or the btoeeind «f the belto,
the ioablllty of the orgaoixation to ae:U> Bwp* a« 0«r KsUsa.
«khsh to to be • oon^toooM pwt of like eaaweratloa to eay that th«
stov -owing to bad Baaoclal state aad
The i^ope of our ostion .is io oat
eaougbtbgcarooad: bot each to
^ MlebretloK.
Is preseottsK Ue
UeAmeHcaa woseanbood. beoaose women train our
Aeloh ef Uio esriy htolory of the the fact, aad those who were aot oa Faderatloo of labor. ^ Wordea. boweblldi^. Again, the hope of oor oatloo
Aveb. brerlty to el secceelty sa ^ head early were the ©see to be dtoapwroae Deha, askiag for tbe sym­ to t^lUi the young msobood that follows
•ntisl festnrt. bot »»i>y locldeatt in polated.
pathy of the unloB._________
tbif materual tratoiog.—Her. Dt.
«be psM ere touched ow.b »»d the ear-B^ber, Metbodisi. Kansas City.
It eUBMiee of thoee who Uboted lor
Aolueno days are upon aa and as the
the choreb ere referred to. Seeerel
A man may c 0 the prodoots of art
H. W. Car
keodeose lUuelreUos. ere riee. eod yeetarday.
toa«ee are turalM,.-ertloeoo
•Jtocetber this iMoe of the Escx>ei> to
under the collar or in'the breast pocket of erery Coat made by L.
J. C. Kramer of Elk Eaplds. bee re- thoughts turn to litert^rc ^tUog
ily U
«M of ooBeidereblerelee. m. thto le the toraed from aerelaad. where he risIn the October te^sloes
Adler Brae. A
there is a linen label, of which tbe following is a
«m re<»nJ of the htotory of St. Pres­ iMd hto brother.
articlue soUed to one's mM aod on legal owner.—Err. Dr. Va!eBtiD^ Lo•prodnetioD in print.'
et. ekerch erer eebBlltwi to th.
Mra. Heary Oakley «mme ap from ue shelvee of the City Book titore
spwid Baaday Maoa^ Holley bu
' fshWo._________________
What are wo dniog for tbe oommon
book, which oo. to wont U
at | ^
<««mnnitT> Th. men wbo
Tne E*ci>w> to lo receipt of the Brel with Mr. Oakley '
Arch CbmetoBi the well kaowa laia- Ui. time of Ue year. Some
ue fraix-hlm luikf
of the Setsrdey Cbroelele. few
e found in cheap paper ooeeru.
adtoiatorratlon of the
orly The Work-es. pobltohed Is Greed beraiaa of Torch Lake, was lo the city
too; acme of Ue celebrated'authors | ptlintionA Thry ate w
Beside, which bee been porchsewf lro« yeetarday ea bustneeer
and what you cannot find Mr-'Holley makes them.-Bee. George W. Mead.
r^MUto esd Preok Leoserd by tV.
will get for you^_______ ' .
Presbyterian. Kew Ywk.
Aaotbar Jewtoh Faetieal.
B. Weeloa. Mr. Weetoe to e eeteree
At UsskeU*. bookstore Uere to a
Aaother Jewtoh eelebraUoe. which to
Mwapeper nes. fvmerly the
Tbe poor nidier wbo knew little of
large stock, of new bocks, among
- 4,1 pobltoher of the Uresd ^pld.
erd. bnl wbo gsre bis life for tbe
Uem many popular works by bml
Breolsf beeder. BeheetheebiUtylo
Umoti. was a better Christiau than the
stayed at home ai^
Uors. The I iperooeered book depart-,
oj the Bhtordey Chttailele e pementcoBialns fine
asked God to are Uto uatiou. bnt did
per of wide iDBneoce la the eieU esd
When yon btiy your ''Adler’s” Sait this fall, write your name
tumn readiog aad all Ur Inteet maga- aothiog for it bclcollectenonooasinla the syaagogue Uto eTeolBg.
of freet ^ »eloe
and the
of purchase on the label and when yon are finally ready
Eer, A: Eahiaer. the Babbl, will of- sioee are on eale or can be ordered uo . trmt —Bee. W. a ..................................
to discard it you will be sorprised to find how long it has lastedjoo.
It Presbyieriau. Ocurcr.
abort notice. Mr. Haskell to Ukiag
Tbb wtodem of the ai.
There is no clothing that is cheaper than that made by this cele^t^ ,
.meat oBwr to already maallwt aad
Upeeial pains wiU bto book department
The queen of Hrota baa been popalar- firm, because no other ready-made clothing will wear aa I<mg anil preOBWHOH SEHVICEB TODAT.
Ofieer Marrla to laoklag oleaely after
bod oor can be sore of a arlrettoo lo
ty canuiiited by Caibolica for bn steadthe ahlldreo who bare heretofore
soil hto mood. Tbe latest taUion peri­
eeiTO-itaemenlial style and perfect shape. Only custom made gar­
K^oiaedatteadlag eebool. laeomeii:- Funtohed by UeBe^ectnre Ohurcht odicals. too. form a part of the stock fast sdberenee to Ue proscribed faith.
Had she accepted (be ptiuciples of tbs ments at donble tbe price can be compared with it for durability.
he has fooad femlltoa who are
and wbat cannot be eeca at a glance In refoTBiailoB n is mute than probable
-- too poor to jtfOTide suitable clothlag. ae«. j. A. Bieesy. peMoc
Ue way of reading matter can be that sbe would bare retained berctown.
Iw their chlldreo to appear lo ot ecbooL
found by a careful msprclioo of tbe her liberty and her life -Err. Joseph
MoralBg eol4«rt: "Th*
V. O'Connor, CaUolie. Philadelph Farbape cbariubly loclloed ellUeas Bely Bplrit." .
____ , .
. _
M aod here ao epportonUy for praoErealog subjeet: "The HIbie a wi
be dignity of King Aprippa was as
|1>»1 charity.
dertul book.”
e pn-m wosucn of Luniidana aiu
as that of a enrrapt United Scales
All are eordtally ioTited.
ooriy irngniud by Ueir brutbesu
wealth IS. but giitter. all
raicxpe' lui-oi*.
s^ani—the liMlruem
'uem of
lowers KBSte seS Msr, Moor*. Psoter.rpTfreiiri i* ' always
- abal_
The Oily of Kaiahali Kakw Oaad Uei
MdolBg aerriee. llK»a.ik
to ,u.-..,b.«hip. Bpmking of;lowhi--A Me,,isutl
«iU gather upiben«ea
up the robe.
of lie Surplus Xatarial.
Bible sehdbl. bits.
petty P-'pride ‘»1
aod "<"•
dmtb »"■
out of
Ihu, Tta D.I1J
I ol &>. eW
n> of pious iuflueurm.—Be*.
JuBlo^deeeor.« p. m.
‘'Th.'w.uuun i-ngagwl cm Ue news-1 ihe'^pbere
The followlog from the Krealag
papS ia KToriJ^are ptehap. aot: C. W, Wiihams. Baptut. Denrer.
C K. iSeeUac. S:«t P- m.
Frees of Oraod Eaplds, regarding the
Breoiag eerrloe. •;«) p. m.
the Iivtaoioag tbe groat Uklyof wio-kof craebrd stooe for toad boildlog,
en. and it wa* a graciout nixi^itiim 1 The tnenme of rrery man. wotnaa
AQ are Iselted to tawe aerrloea.
will prore of oousidctable ioteresl to
of tbi'ir wirth to acowd Uem niumber- { ud child In our rouuiry is U cents a
the tas payers ot thU eUy. lo argolag
ship in th<-gmtt ncwstnpiT liagoe. l([day Tbe tithe of this wonld be fSO
U feror of the aee of crosbed stooe
Farewell meeUag at tbe Saleatloa tos mid that the New
____ carh
. ,year. Tbere are SD.OOO.
Nrw Orleaas
Orleans Prem'o
PrmaVlub from
for roads ^.e Frees glrfp ao example Army thto erealag. Cbpt. I-utoy and to the first in the ociautry to admit ooo tnumualcaDU
unlcaDU in Ammca. and tbe
wblcb shows to what proBl hardb
Lieut. Vlaee wy fareweU aad gu to women to iiHsnto-nfaip. The act waDaBm^eal streugib of the efaueeb to
r-t. he used OB the BtteeU. lo Tra<
cbaractectotic of Ue wvU known cbiTaJ- double that number. If the 40.000.000
aaother part of the Said.
. City and THilBlly thrre are aalloMted
ryof onranthurn cnfL Tbunowspapar gareUe tithe, it would be tSOO. 000.000
wnsncti of Kew Urltmu n-rtaialy apptu- ayear.-Ker^ M. Foster. Kefomed
qaaatlUes of etose admirably adapted
ciate U<> complimmt extmded. aad in
fler toads if crashed properly. As there
tbe i»wiB clnU as on the i*om wiU gim
has baeaboatldetableairiuUao regard«f their hmt ft* Us nocManad derek^
Say what we w,II. tbe question of
lag the future of the atreeU of the dty
tbe future demauu. inor-. Uunghi than
Llent-Col. aad Mrs. Berroa of Otaad mmt.'.'
thto wlU be of ^ectol laterwl:
we often auppem. Keen «>cked<»t>
•‘The reported d«jlsk.B ot the alder- Bapids. will have charge of Ue pratoe
Uink aboDt It He e I r I ,<,t(a muMer.
lee at * p m.. and will bring wlU
"What tbe pleoaoeHto.--mid then
Maa to buy a etoae crusher for uae lo
ilB> II
a a maodolin. haa}o aad <s»em
aaadpoasibly for the
some fine maale Ispijmtoed.. Et- pbm."
em'meoi pomitleaod pni. a mfeguard
eoestructioo of uew roadways ea
. "That'aexaeUyuUatlmiil.’' replied arooiid oor homes and oor material inbe a eeoeible oec. The use of e
UeaianagfU-. -'I bdd the Uwdiug lady teresti! Why will y
Vqu Itf
go K>:
to yonr ofBcu
Ceaal r>P*l meeting at S p.
e lo plaee ef the dirt aad alleged
gustrsiiay that wbtsi she plays that i»rt MmorTow and n-tnrn home
grarel oowammmooly ueed lo repaifiog
Ue ought to pot onmmainL’’—Wash­ without dlsturbauce to yuor pnaoal
Ue dirt roadways, which are alloguth- Bit. O a. Menkras. Psmar.
ington Star.
How near yon may atand to a Tolcano
w toe onmerous for a city ot this etsa,
The aabject of Ue morniag dtoooarae
of human musioff! What to it that anp-.
wUl erentually ruaolt lo moeb better will be ••Cbrtollan Work."
Iceland, in the north Atlaatto; the premes ns «>rupiioof U >i tbe repuaiat
8undey school after Ue monOag ess- Isle (d Mm twtwea-u Kuglaud and !t«-1 of lawf Koi sliogetber. It it belief ia
otrMto aad the espeote -will oot be
much ^ aay greater, lo faeV if tbe Tiee.
land, apo
and lac
U<- i-iuwim
Filoaun itOanda. ia Ue I , futore —Bor. Frank Bogeiu Mmrn.
aaperlor wearlog qualities ef
The Young Feople's prayer meeting aonU Itociflc. hare full
' Bapusi. h'ew York.
and eTuaing serrlre at Us ueual hours. ;
•raUed etoocai
of rapaln will be much less. A propAll arooonllaUyloTUed.
«rly eoastrasled macadam roadway toOUKOKMATIOIIAl.
mack superior to much of Ue paring Bae.n. Oorklia. ssmar.
4oas In clUes and maay streets la
next two Sunday
.................... ®
S<w<fT la iatww Ibr ti‘°A <(»' > b<
Grand Bapids might well be Irented in
,111 be npoa • How to toe rich ]
^ mf suvk or Merrl—
that way.
jabd bow W bo poor.” Olre oae an-j
I So»e ot ,h»e
Union Sttvet, Near Front,
"Tbe IlMle city ot Marabatl In Uto {^
abahp at Ue cloae j
•tato las* epriag purehamd a
u,, „errica
ftlKl s <«wstow •(«-*
«uber aod Us oorporaUon Itself wentl
special attention U the
Uto Ue tousinese ot sUeet making. |
^tmol leseona Bead Ue leseon
The etoae used wore Ue bouWeta.
orer wlU Ue chlldrea. Paraau
k^b'eada fouad la profuskm aH orer help Ue ehlldnm la order that Uedua,IJIesia»C n>ewp> suiailm.
I In Big Glass Block.
Travam City. Mieh. |
the sutc. aad Ue aeUal coat of amk- day echeol may aoeompltoh ito work.
• ptecetsiBrnijuibai ■
Ug a first-clam macadam roadway was
I The Junior Ckriatlaa Eudmron wUI
fouad te be about forty-fire eenu a hare aa latercetiag atectiag oa Max0 slue mnei. Resr tYMil.
aquareyard- The expeasa of pacing a
ico ml J p. tn. Boys aad girls shtmld
rooiwAT twenty-four feet wUe would
all toe premaL
too at Uto figure about slxty^ dollars
Y. P. 8. C. E. at 5:45 p. m-- Budy
Mar oaoh fifty-foot lot. Tho Marshall subject aad toe ready to taka part
mdway to superior to the macadam .moag Ue fliak
otreau la Uto city hacauae Ue hardOoapel moetiag at 7 p. m. Bill
hmds an more durable Uaa the lime- your triaada to Uto helpful meeting.
atoae used beru aadprodnoe lem dash
Offoratary calendar for toalaaee of
8aeh etoae <ma be obtained here, how- year ma be had at Ue eloae of the
Ue price oo 3364 Palm
Given by.-:
If doeired. aad It U to be b«med Tioea Yoor aid to Deeded to forward
that praperty ownera wbo are bow Ue work (ft Ue church.
tmring hmry taxm for Ue grareled
^ways will tooh Hi"
Irm of Ctolklae A Swift hare dtoHr. B- Swift atiU ooctiaaiag la
fn»m 10 to » pm eeat. Special
wbeslaam. Aay furUer lalorLew Prioee are foaad oa narrow widUa
October 7, « and O
Laaoea aad Fred Imwto Ware
;toad mall Mate la ladies' aad gmUaVarrtodLaat Might.
A T«ry pretty wmUlag wan ^
One hundred TriouMil Pnttern Hnln. Newest nud mont
lawl 1^ alghl at the rmtgmca af Mra. Uroa tlmm a waU-A 1. HtaadaiM ^
hnndnome designn copied fcom the luted Prendi pntterA..
B. Immaoa. oa Maw atiuot. TW BattaSclaetoa^nataharto OMmmWaa.
btUto wMttedc^torcf Mra lm»-






Hamilton Clothing Co.

In Black and White

Wilhelm Bros.




Boston Store.!

j T>___ J_____


O J_______ 3

DcMber 8 ari 9 fgr
Friiiii aad Satarda; Oal(

I sassS'-






We Haveieduced



Hiet Grade footwaa

Fx?a,-nTc I'arf.oajrf.oiL,





Thursda5% Friday. Saturday,


Th% State in tha LiMteart Wtf^
Murdw Trial ComplatM Ite
Chain of Evidanoa.

New Tortt Oct krJohii Itodertck MrPbenon; on* time D

ll—I ^7* ti »U1 Ka«r Fit—* t ItrMhtk.
CUruti. Ocl. a—n>* rrtd«K» fw Ibf
pnMcuUcc iu Uh
trUi U now
bctor* tbe JIUT. TIm MU r—trd l.«
CM* rMlcrdar BticriKm. 1%t c)<Mc
usUiDODy wat ol (b« ■am* t(npMr||BS
..^^cbaracUT tbal marked the evldeeei vi
\nur»dar. '.McMor U«orxe Donrybad
dortr-d' the *tunj«* *mAon and bt made maicer* ucrd««*aBU>'
warm for Dr Allpon. H« «a* Iffimed
vUb Sam concemioc boot, bat ibe
pcWCQtlOB eoaOsed Ux yuunf octeoluct*
ca] aspen to maitaia undiac to coamer*
an and refate ibe aiaiethenU mad* by
AUport wbf« b* «a* cslled upon to
tdaBtU}- buoe* be bad never aces batur*.
Dartaf bt* ezamtnatiaa Allpun ld<*li­
fted the fetnur uf a surllla as that of a
Btn; mid tbai lemmold of a buSak)
«ra« the patrUa of a.dns and bad (tvea
n ft* bl* uplnloD that tbe |.iroc of lempoaal boo* ofahepticnl d«K aaatbe tem.
poaal of a monkey.


When eaaiBlnnl a* u> tbe qaeadou
Ibat ate the real Imue—«« tbe femur that
of a bumacT 1* the temporal bone bnmao? eic. DutMT Jun care a nat cootradlrlloo to tbe ezpene for tbe defenec
iimi Ir devlaKd that he «-aa rt(bt at
flnm A* far a* thu pan of tbe tesUmo£y aae contented he aald nucblap
Oat war nut already In thr record a«
bla leeilmoiir. The prvai-ezamlnation
«a* bnef. At one iHilni In (be dlrete rzanUoatitm, ll wa* uked: "What are all
tbeac lliUe bonee
« (^enli
(gemmed tiy PrcfeMr
Allpon me patelU* of a
•mamcdd* troo; a bufraht. One of ibem
li (be pattlU u

Auyusta. Ark..
Woody agtn lo wklcbabont a dom« nun
participated was received ben from
Devicn.a small place m Woodruff coun­
ty. ymterdny. Pour meb were —1101181)weunded. three of whom arv dm ex­
pected to Itva The wouaded are: E. J.
Dauylasa, Frank WUllnma, Tony Bow­
er*-and fl W. Wltaon. Several other
men were badly brulaed. Tbe riot ocnirved at Charia* Upman'i Maee. where
ere drtnUny and carourink.

ThoM Who Pftid Cufttoms^utiM
on Jtw Rotreaetiv* Plan Un*
dtrtha Oingtay Uw.






Bulled from heart falluto.___





a member of L.uelyert't bouaebold tbi
three months fpid thal the<^m<aatDl
A aeamtlcB era* created in tbe coun
room nrben -a woman attired in mouretay yarb ascended lo the wUnrer •-'and
and held, up bee hand to tie nwom.
There were team In her eyes aa abe
tank Into tbe nltiiem cbmlr. The wornan wa* Mm. Wllhelmtna MDler. «i*ter
af Mm. Luelyen. 8o firmly Imprewnl
fa ^ that Ur*. Luriym l* dead that
ift* aome week* ayu dunned the yarb
bf mouminy In memory of her alater.
Mrw MOIer tutlBed. while be* brtmmlny


M*wws et.MMis.
Cblcayo. OcL l.-I--Uh Hiigyh.lhe boy
murdrrvr of Owsiouna. UlBH. sbo. It
U alleyed. vbupt'ed * compsnu*i Into'
shred* with an nz Sept. L and f.u whom

Uaracar^of Steele ^ Minn., and

fl.inl-mr'i ThiT, r.|.h.

Veneru-:*. with, ut hi* ,pre*.t.e

from yemerdaj
•d^-. ^

t&MO. Tbe coat t
trlaU iastluy two i
fourth tb* cent
anarchist trtaia.
OasOBbaaea Measly m.
Capeteam. dec k-Cae» Rbodaa tba
ftmar pramltr af Cap* Cotap', la awW

•Htr 01 at latansk.


. *or AkjibiPr 4b (k* liw o(
8au>)»n> UaurUa. «J1 o«

. W. J'.A.SCZ^TTS,

Fire Insurance.


Jao. R. Santo.


Fed*)*. kBbY-t«kalU.M
___ .vT*bm. c**a *D*w.ewrb7...
Other ausdfWw U Priiurtlw-

Grand Opera

prescnts the best
•I spaTh> lakv*. fruit » I line of good goods cbeap to




Lederle's JTfSyt



NrhewA- Dw.* a’ RwAvlllw.
N*.hv1Ile. tv-t ».~The reletiwri'? "f
Nchraska Day at thr T-

Enterprise Grocery,

prewmt. eKWy tvffular and *|.^U1 tralB
*hMBy rrewded. Hon. William J. Hryan.
t;<A-erTior Holcmib and *taff. <h.vert>or
Tayb-r ard ■i«fr. promlneet rtiUeh* cf
Nebraek*. T-nne*s«ee and adJarent
*tatee. fotmed • a

W. J. BOBIb'SBN. Manager.

1^. 0,-1 » -The prRSint
dtimehl Is w-it^oit rwratW for ih:» Urnef year In the hi-t-D of the weather
bureau. Pmetba'ly It l-aaB Auy II.
the dale oT : I. U*i heavy rainfall, and

th-r Cherk.d . winy to the prol.iiiRed
druuyhl in Kentucky. Illlnol*. Kausas.
poniooa „f Mtooun. .VrUaeka. Iowa.
Ulnnemita and the Dakutae. Telo^phic.
adtk-e* u, liiadMre,-i * rejeirl Tsviiou*
t* and paru of Neluwe-

elybl day*. The .jily rainfall In that ‘
lime wa* (e . r an tuch Auv. N. .41 of an '
._.-b Auy S». .D <rf lu^ln.h Sept, t pt>d
.07 of an
• The prertpliatkjt
for Seiirml. e wa* » of an In-h. Ibe ;
■mallem In i-’ e m«,.ih of .Wepiember i
aliice the w-<*ihrr i>ureau wa* e»lab- j
The d.-firtl
helow tbe mean '
piwrtpn*tla» f -T wvrnleen year* U JSAI j
tiMhea Beptemher. 11*7. wa* alio tb* !
b..tiiet Fe; I.-.I ber on record
Tbere .
Were ihlrleer d*y* w ith a temr»-r*ture
n record ’

U up and buddlny out, hut that idai
Uter I* sot
likely to sprout.Fall
Inc U now Impu—ible. eiz week* without ;
twio batliiy dried up paMUre* and comHanrhe»ter,
pelW farmer lo feed Mock. Uanutacf”> «‘ «»’'
turin* Indunrle* ibroiiybcnil the 'west.
R verBment lo ewrry oul It* pledr*
particularly Iron and *«eel. coetUne ar- *" <>« •“ powdble to necure a *Ubl* par
live, and there U an IncrvaUnf teodecey
exebaaR# betweco Rold and aUwr.
on Ibe part of tbe Inlerior mrtvham* lo »"4 ■unrewHBR a compromUe between
rv-plt promptly.
Ibe extreme view* of botn partlez. ConWhile the vidu-ne of trade ha* d»- •Idetwhiy over I.4M riywalure* have alcrewned at Cnirayo It U ahead of the like irady been obtained
• of aeveral mono—
lecord In reRviu rent*. 'Tfce;e
, ,he raetnllliua
Improvement In bufint


The Eaterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
just west of

Cycle OmersLootfiere!

d i
Flicker'* houx- and iwn were U-eVy
de*.tr“Vfd. ..Tether -Ith*. Tte
e»:lr-*tcd I-‘-» It COO,!!**, taeuranre

he (riended r.U»-t»e •*>*rk w henever he ‘ “W art of ItK.
Rot the eip»w.riunl:v Mo««h denies thal I
he I. cullly
He d(-w iiMt l.^di (u lie
over H ye*m -la.
MRI the V-»*-.if Trade 1. (iwatev »


So a, v; !. il.ykrd

still on Deck
I at the Old Stand.



porter who la nald To have heard tbe
youny woman's aUtemenU Bute * At­
torney Deneei) aod First Aaolatant
State's Attorney
McKwea are both

Cor. tUlon and XUtk M*.


•«n. The faly Bauaayemakrr returned
the yaze of bl* risler-ln-Uw coolly. •
Mr*. HlUcr told of i)ie kindly dlepualtloB of her Blaler, and aiarTtnl that no
mother waa ever more patient ur more
kind lu be* rhlldi.-rL
h>ed. Miller, u
nenai-w. leve.Al f-rm.-r mayors, a es-|..
a* a whole remain active
nefihew of Luetyert, and Blcknear, the
rvarniAtIve o* iwo. the prenldent -t»f the ‘fd fl»m
„ .
__bt»llHe of Mr*. Loetycrt. teeUBed to
™*“** .*
bavlny lieen frequent vMton at tbe I'nltvtkliy Of OhIcaRo, and mam nir..r
men prominent In putdir and buatnrte. J-nei thn u«h«qj.U:-l nied
bom.- of lhel.uet««rt» and to klndneoM
f Oblewyn and IlllnnU
tn,‘> had mllneofM Hn
, In «h- w-erV a >-E-ar ftysE J74 two ye
a evides
I am. Tit three year* ayo and 4*4 In I
.peach i
Bpoewt. WIr.. tvt. t -Al Phllllpa a
and kiro. | r.eor.-e
'eorye Beers
Bern wa* abt.t by.E Uiewv.
Maty Charle*. wh-^rsi
beartnR »omr ncHe In the bru*.
luetyert treated Hff i-hlldrts Obtlly.
Wlin this eviiS.-n.- ..1. .dote rested.
Pblllir* ... 'r^^- York t-emed lo I- Smash Tkmmar.y
s.'.s cmo.iw
Judye Tuttalll at oikv adjourned court
uma Monday.
h Tnm-.
Amoay the flrat w-ltn'**e* heard yew- Both are badly hurt,
Itrpubt—day w**e Ih-tecilve IieC.-Ile. who Dr. Ainsworth probed
party.- aer-ral Harlann then
awote that be Baw Scliolcy at Kenosha wns enable lo brale i
■d II. srrue ihsi Republic* of all
before Uie trial beyan and that be d«Aaatbsr MIoIor wrike KrttlML
non* rhooM sup
eUred he expeeied to i-ecelv« tl.UU for
ll Tracy. Tb*
C^rllnvIHe. tlla, Oct.
Tbe mtnlnx Rvni-ral said h* wa* rot a ramnairwcv
. rmtiUi>e* at trouble In thU city In acltled. aol (he, and would n>.t aiiend the. Republican
tbe faclory.who tealUJod thal they wen ; men bavv yone to work al tb* noale m.-rtlny faecaua* he »w» n« • rampalcrcent* a ton yroa* weiytat. Tb* ' er ard did not wabi to make a Speech.
both at tbe factury May 1 aod that nc sof
barreU uf meat or bonea were there,
rt,., ,
_____ .
and fuKhermore that the fartory was Bteuwiii were'onthr lilacfcllat.btil moat ’
fairly clean, and Mrs Scblintke. who
awere (bat the riyn - to reaf wraa not
up lo her window uptll May 1»—Kuaa OUve. ntUciple. Staunton and Horeaby
are Iklll onemplcycd.
Sleirh swore It was there May 1.
.Next Uoaday. ex-Judyc Vincent ankouiued. sur-rebultal vvidence Would
be putfun. Tb* defen— will undertake
the unusual taritof Impeacblny a Judya.
A wllneas w-lll be called to teaUfy Is re­
buttal to JudeeCbeUaUi'sevIdeocv aa to
Mary BleraeMi«'a ylatameot to him.




ohUTow.-sep* by Fisme..
TPIedo, Oct. » -«n broke out Ic Brl(^.^k’* mb.w. at Cliwcnlmry at N- oVH <
■he p-ei,
yroeer)-. Smith A
*bH.. Knetp * resi iurar.:

able money. Tlir.e week* as" Ih* m.n
im any pmjnus h<
returned In the wa*<-n i" Owaionru and
tlwl the lariir ai-t <
went Into <-sni|> In the )-SFd <■£ Ibe t'liy
hotel, nte
.. ....~
.lire stier
•tier their
iheir arrival ....
ih» retnair.ed anrrpeakd nrd l
brdy of rurk. horrlMy mutUaled. wa* «*» pred- moment wh-o nid
found lyiny n..r the *wmv fire. Nearby Ju'F
"*•- »»» approved
ws* . Unrriyaz Ilol.hetv waMihe mo. ,
* .Thai y.»d. Iihpoyl.d and entered for
Murd asleep In the '
.he a£no.m ofJMy

, wymiwth
ithy with wooli. wheat flour and
ere*. Print cloth*. Urd. Iw. f and euxar
have de>-l|ned. Hides are weaker, lead



the .provtfitm* of parayrapb ritt of
'' •r •“
the tariff act of UM. which pUced ta •'o»l«lU«d the rei^rter*." as he i-sl i-l
tbe free Ui| nIMmptwied wool The enwbet he ta*»*-nbrourh New- Yii>
Irl-t were afterward* llQuUsied bj the •*»*
Auyuri. ,ai;d
w. t
co!lri-l..r so a* to cU*».fy and ante** the ;
... _ , .

a#o and w,t.t on a borw ttadln* tdtir uf <»«
»>reome oper^ltv a* a law until
luw-a ard Mlnoetnta.
mlrolee afier 4 oyiptk p. m of *sld
e •wpliallei of the party
**■'* ** wn* nppipced by (be preai-


cat AM.


' taval officer s
........................ .......... ... ............................................ ...........


bino MMtnlna.nB4 Waem lB(ke Wl


............... ....lOMtdlSl
Dwwd Poultry............. 8 and .09
E«f».t«»do*Fftlor....i.... .25
Pins Apple* I6to20cpeck.^

Duarf dancley with bl* aUler.__________
tbe Utter dead at tbe yirl'i feet. A*
Bkof ataned to daab out uf tbe room
he waa eeUed by If. I-. SuRon. -a
frlewd of the nmidervd man. fU<.f riwt
Sutton In the and he died an
boor Uter. A« Bkof ran freim tbe ball
•ee-eral of the dancerv fired aboU at hl.m
look effect 04 the carlleM po*alU« B
throuyb tbe daritors*. nod n trail of
Mood Indlcnied that be waa wounded,
enl.of tb^te oo wbicb It
attbemyh he jumped on a borae aod e*.
Rird. Th'
‘‘“•nl ymtrrday *u»i.
prote*w of tb* ImporlcT* ayaln*
raped. Duarf.
irf. and S
Sutton were bulb
uken by the yurvrnmeot and _ prominent
tBrtracled cullectors of cuMoma lo rr- |
iktuktal* the entries aoeondlnyly. The !
opinion of the board wa* wrUien by
Oeoeral ApprsUrr SomervilU. formeriy
amociaU JuMkp of the *upn4n* conn of
New Tprk, OcL t-Hanen 8. Plnyree.
Alabama. The n>«m«- ca« ot. wbleb
overt^if Ulchtymb. vz-nmyor of !>—
the dedaon s-a* bared wa* of Importapnlt--Seri expert .ntknHte
authority nn tK.i
tion nf wool by Stoddard. Haserkk.
bomclyJiul nn.caiy luler, ibe potai..
Rirhord* d Co., of Boston.
1. once more .n tbe ftilted Stale*, lie
arrived yeeierday frosn Venesuela. ard
alrea^- have numeroustekyramsllan^^d
durlny tbe furecovn of Jul^l
to lAhidny
reiti of delivery from Ibe co

aryumee.i* of the importee. a^ M lb*

Ir* avrora.
Judyr Cheiuin d
and tbe youny *
police ^tloi



New Tork. Oct.
Untem the copi'
board of yanwal'nppralari
IrapbHer* wbote Rood*
tbe cuetom boum on Saturday. .July fit
befotv lb* alytiluy of Ibe tariff art. will
be aid* tu cullect tram tbe yoveramcnt
tb* rzira duUee—amountlay to pvrbapa
»ia6.g*(>-they were compelled lo pay a*
a r**uU of Ibe yovrrnmrnt'a elatin'that

1.1. I..1 .M. .
taU laM nlybl at J«>»"
Ur. Ml l*ber»in bad been ,
alayiny at the hotel for over a murlh. i
He had DQt been wrti for aume time. 1«. I
Iny shk with lateetlnsl Iruublc.
Tuesday Uat h^wa* oUlR.-d to Ub. t-i
bis bed. HU condition s «* noi nUniilny
until t..wntd» Ibr last- l4.*i r.Ubt bv.rl
trouble *fi In a* a mmpll.-atloo sbl
tbe former nmalor'* wife ana dauRt.ier. j
WaabiBKlao >>md ;


For Frid.7 >nd

1 (be XM^toy | of the tevelem which laae Involved e( •
TWft^l.nw iHd Nai.Take K»M I'aUI ifte ^ etybedy in Ibe place and a frve-tor-all
dmwl Appe*e«dand«yaaatb*|tebl enmed.. In which knlve*. ctuha.
.1. *4
*4 *14 F. ■
; ***“ knucklea. lead pipe* and oottoa

erltb refererce t

tftes JudfF Anbur H. Cbetlaln war
caled lo tbe itiutd to add tbe CnUblnc
tonrfa to tbe uniaarbment <d Mary KleWhen Ibu yuuna
!»led a
:e of tl
her-,atlorrey appll
Cbetlaln ><r a vrtt of habea* coirua.
Cbetlaln. eunnd In cfaamlvre. had Uary
BIcmeHnc brcuphi before blm and <jue»ttaed her. ill* bonne on-ore *he itid
Mm *be had not made apiUkeitInr. fur reiieaae. but that her la»ret, Arnold Trtpp.''
. bad done »o. and had i»i up the cbarRO
In the petition.' 8be I. Id the Judae (hat
ahe had not beer mlMieatcd at the poItee MBlion. and thal ehe had sore there
Tidumeniy and »;a» nlllinf -- - —^
there a« ehe knm rite nrouli




.............................................. «*— X.>iem*rM
Twu Ibem* rw**^ Away.

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.


Good Horses!

T>* W*wlb*r 1
-a*bln«t^ (let. » POOoomx a**
wmibav tUhratewa tor twente-fov b
fro-.i « p. m. e * ert*For Isdkna.
aob ciraasd Wl«wi •r»iv eool-r west' •

i-i aartbwsstavtr wm-

I have just receiTed 15
head of fioe

Farm and Dralt Horses
which are the best ever brooght lo this region.

An cvp-niucot of ■
r^aylcd, tuadu with a vittw to dctcrmuit'. if {siudble. -(be ewiffin of uatnral
fata imwjiartivo cf tbecnaa bitbertu
lavralept For this piupoae dried acaweed wa* ateeped lu water whkah batl
*ns.d fr.wu air. and «o Oia third

Look Thei Oyer My—They’ll Go Qflick!



State Street
tba loath day. wbvu hOft eebie cezittznatenbad bit-n culliL-tod. Tbaevoloboa had endeat4T coumd. thoayh after
nndiuk two year* and a haSf SO eabio
oBDtimetera more of jm* rollected Jo Ibe
appanttua The MTundfiu differed tram
the flm. caozisnuy. it is
tooat aatiivJ^ of meihaa
of ontnni gaa-tnm which
it u intered that this

Pana. Ilia, rjet. fi.—(feverai depnlT pas* In vlrulerre any prevloua
abenns have been eworn in her«
... > U>
lo iro- and aMo that '
A new and intecoriiDg trie for gfftmlnei* who will y<. to wwrk IB , quickly drawn into tbe ftybu
tta hna b«a diacoverod tu (txineirtioa
. en are cuttlny price* mrtit WDd.Icft.
the IV nwell company * rolnr. The
pany haa refused to jwy the anal* and
arm mart with non-union men. The
York. Pa.. Oct
Mrs. Jame* shon- . fooDd that hr *"»«"£ ■ ctMiu quality
atriken mr (bey wlU try to keep tbe
IfcllM her 4-year-old bey' «Bl then
tbe oooaisteocy of a thin paM« And ap­
] placed Ibe revolver to her
plying it totbne lartaof aateelcufa*
if Ibe ap- : and fired. Thr haU entered ber ecalp
which it ia^aairvd that tb* malted hram
tbe gtapblte aSecdespondent throuyh poverty ai
fwvcats thu adhemtm. and tbetwfor tbe Sixth dlstrirt of Indiana, and I that nbe wn* Rotny to lone her r
by doea away wlOrmacb flUng and othDavid W. Heery. colleclar of internal
•r wofk foRDtfly nuiviMy to temova
Aapaa siow NM.. BalM W tw.
rarrnne for tbe Seventh duirict of InPhltaddpbia. OeL
fnformatiem arm tbwbnxiBg matertai. IhiamMiatomdvro out Is Ibis rity yaaterda)- that tbe •alt frotn tbe fact that the fi^ibite baa
a aotdgwfliBiiy fcraeml aorfaeaaaDd
..................................... - ------------ - bad Jam
It tbe nilnoU B
attbamme OmetoiMt affectedtbe
paay lor M.«M tem
b«eL Thw it Mmply ke^a Its piece
Mateolaria. Tlmat n
kjRMitbe tBbsadnriiM teebeaBagand

Traverse City. Mich.

Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure. ^
''tarrb MedtciM ueed by Va|>or lahaladari.

S. £. WAIT, DroggbL .

Bicycles to Rent ^.ssji'.gaa.."”*- ■“

______alee g«t tbe beat w«B fer leaat


4m. I-^U.

------ Mm.

rw(IA.i^ .1

« dollar at A. S. FEYMAXTl. S14 But Freat StraeL

If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber-Company. We have for sale Good. Sound HeiH'
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floorii^,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of aD
descripdons, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and S^ws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.





• I
N«w OrtcAOB. Oct. l.~Tt*terdar
^ . .
,____' A tACQltt lavAktr her*. A» BArty M •
Spanith CabiiMt Council MakM
cB*r»hAd beta reported

tbredey. ertra the (erer bed
tv (ht iiaeieacbrdhixb-«sttrmer«-4i
CoaCA At Ae earn* hour tbere bod been
»oRi« teerr dr«th«
rvporti^. wltb a
leof paUrDUlD very crltlrel coodlThr »«»« c»*r of «h-- d*r »»».
KlljBb PortteU A OroiKl
----------------------j tbet of KlUBti
ParttB- Porta
nnny of tbr KppuMIt- man. Hr bed
AIM M T»k» »0A00 M*e wltb 8tM WAm i
hreltb for p yoAT. Thureravebse
Helu-CermpeodrBM U>«aeaa W*>. ! ^,y
j,, ,i|^ ,od hU d*Atb notice
Mr Wl M«Mte ©tree W Ibe PeMIc- I B!pp««red In tHrcm.rrln»
fir*eemlMi}*MeHMtheKebele«'ht|iiped Attend>4 the |•^eperBttoa'O
for burial aiid a wake waa heM. An
expert trm* al uocc aenl in the aoenr
•r »s.l»y eed neyler Went Do
lllr eaperlenred eye enabled bln IbibkUAiina. Oct »—The <abliMl bAJ de­ dlately to dlapooae the care aa yellowOan Day Only «Mb MpaiA.
cided opoo the tmisediAle recall of Gen- fever.
Yenrrday the couiieni of the
CTAl Wtjler ftom Cota. A docrec
boArd of heAllb were Induatrloorly
aeArebInc t'T thoee who attended tbr.
Aa. Haiti’
rral of the taaad.
The drcsalnt of the b.4y. In order U&t they
enlglit be renun-ed to the drtenllun
• «f the are. Bar. «
dueer repent will atm the decree today.
MB. a A A a CO. dmte tb
camp. Board of hralth omrlal report;
Aeeordlpy to K1 HeraMo ».«n reinforce, New (WMt of yellow fever. t»; deathA JwUiM had (kBMUBpliaa. ^ at
neou trill accompany Oeneral Blanco t; total cue* to date,, Mt: total
to Cota. In the couioe of the etbfe Aeaiha. M.
meaaace tom by Captain OenWAl Weyler 10 Premier Sapaata. placItiK bla peat
»e« al Mobile and two
In Cota ai the dl»i««al of the »o»- j 8U ww
«f Infection found.
* Uutaie. Cow. a
ttf«t he Mid: "If the functlooa wtih ............... ....
deaUi* at Kdwarde and Ihirtm
which the povrrament eniruated me bad
Bltoxl report* eleven anr
merely thoic of povertor peoetal j
e deaih.
of Cuba I ahould have haitrned to rea. aeeasylTeiwrtBaMBI relief. .
naden/g froBi any
Alpa. Bur ibe two-fold diaracier of ray



AttewM^n at IMW.

Ever Barned Oott


Hotel Whiting





th« OocTM and Quaan Ra^t
Chjidtina Sign* th# Sama.



o. P. CARVER. Atm

j ^ItAkBT * OATWA. AlUifwej*. npeela;

• Suits to Order.

Crrr. Mica.


TMa}, Octolwr 14, lg9T.:S-~^

PoBBoKation a



the toverr.ment recognlaca your aervlee*
and value* Untn a* they dcaerve, but It
think* a ebantre of policy. In order lo
aurceed. reqDirws that tbb' aulhorttle*
Miould be at one with Ihe mlnUln-. Thla
baa notblnc to do wltb the confidence
(ell Ir yon by the ^oreniment. ter tbe
l.Overabi have alwayi aald that tbe rtBponalblUtr for a.given petiry
•etiry doea pat
ry 4t oct. »ul
«n (
(he Koven
to the gnvertimeni taortly,"
aoTUat Msartod teUler la Npalm.
Harahal Blanco ha* been described as
the •'»i>fte»l hearted eoldler In Spain."
and hie whole rareor Irtdlcatea hi* ulsposition to employ mild rather than elo.
lent me*sure*
Fver since Ihe-fa’i of
the Azearraga cabinet the name of
Maiatial Itla-rxsiha* l<een themoet prora-


Weyler and ih«‘ I
home well-informed duartera has been
that If apiwvlnted governor general ef
Cuba he would lie emxwvwered to approarh Ihe. insurgeota with a view of
amlvlrm at a mutual agreeraeil for Ihe
esraatloo erf boslllltles.' He enh'rs the
personal friendship and entire cobfifience of the queen regent,
takes TIMS to Dewy a Report.
Barana. Oct.
Oeneral Weyler gave
rerterday an erapbailc afid ataailute deplal to Ihe report* that he would mdal
removal from hi* command In Cuba and
-In csrtaln oontlngar.cle* mighi espouse
the Cartlat cause. Hr said ancwrdliv to
tbe omciA] acecunt; -My principlee and
rav mniury record ar» firm goaraeteeo
that ! am never pppoM the con
government, whatever. II n»ay
never have .pui otaiarte* In-I Ihe
ihe scar of
I. and
ver Aatl. I
have alwav* obeyed ordem. and 4 al­
ways ehall
fto far as pi>|>ular detnor.ol.-silons go'T accept ihem only aa exprestaiin* of approval of my mlltisry
policy and a* tokma of penunal aymCAMPAION IN GREATER NEW VORK.
Heeay Gewrge Mea ladofsaa ttlasd MM
of nekel Mr Caaaly Oa*M«.
New York. Oct. * —The moat mbtionsi event of the 'day In the rauBlrtpal
campaign was the action "taken' laai
Bight by tpe Henry neorge-cwrapalgr
conimliiee Th* Cllltene'
Cllltens' I'tiloi.
xkhei In N*a V<.rk cuunfy.
Lsugiillii liemurrallr lirkei In King*
couni> . the l^Ilec ■De.mucralic lirket In
nichibut.d. aflV tbe U^den I>eni«'ralk'
t^vuiii, ticket In OiiMD* an all lo be Ind.vrwil
At 11 O'clock II wa* aald that
Ibe an* mbly and aldmnanJc and bor>ugh lU.
a <vf Ihe
iiad' alec
1 Ir.iloraed, t


Whlih firW rvnninaled George, declai
laei rUhl through Its leader* that It was
donr allh the Oeurgr moveni'nl. Secri-tan Plover, of (be Demu«-r»tlc Alllonce, wa* -viUflly outapokeii. and mid
tale orgBiflBatlun aviuld kr.lfe Grotge If
the ticket war forced on It. TTie Popullsl* eeem loiake Ihe mme clem-.
The Her.ry George camfwlgn commit­
tee was appolrted yesterday with WIIU*
J. Abbott, a newFpaper man. as chslrtnaii
Tbr bonimmer agreed to arrrpr
the v'Junleered servleew as speaker* of
Jlepresi-niBlIve* Simpson. erKaneaa.and
dames (i. Maguire, of Callfurola; Loul*
r. plat, of develand. and Arthnr Ste­
venson. the rtefa alogle-Uxer of PbUadelphla. The eommlttee gave out die
folloaing lelagram fttan Jame* K Sover­
eign. gvneial maater. workman of ibe
Kitlghi* of Labor, to Her.ry George;
• Accept my congtalulalloBa. Tlie lalwrIng peoplt nf Nea York abould five you
M.0M inalnrtly/;______________

m r^lUeehlac In It* !>• a* the
MaUaid Ull ewnpuy.
ilninbu*. O.. Oct. * —A M*-ret
• held here durlny
the paat few daya. and rloaea Thur^ay
ai«hl. lhafmeana much to the entire
Ulan* Indualry of lh» rounlry
men who a'.re here represented I'lwetkwily the • r.urr jrlana iitduetry of the
I’nli.d Stab v and the reault uf Ihc i.
delilwratlob* waa. t.i Irring undar tine
brad ptaciualt,
evr-ey rtaia manufactory In the fnoriry
t««methii s .jf
j^e mACi.lludi- .
•• aBair U BIAled
In tbe Tpci lhai i ^ >.m.bloallQn'Dr aaaociailun of giAxa i. . ..try of the United
Slatea re|'r-eem« a*.much. If not more,
capllal. and la a* far-rrachlnf and forrntdabl* In Us nay. aa the great Btasdard Oil vomjwny
The preeldem of tbe

Picture Mouldings
BUeelMa u> ULmm of eye. Mr. acaeaad tLnst.
(llMee •ri«ntiMllr dlMd.

P08TKR. Auocoer al Law. I


Ripids t liii^ g. 8

flCABAKTEE To rare eree, caw of Ihfrt-ala. IttcA Biadarbe. PiIm. Tape «'rc


^ TnSJ^to arentiildihieall^ writefaU Mftleala».of Ifaeircc
•«u*u ei|>rea>.«ilh full lo.lruei/iui. bow Is U>iatea.
slU. a eaidial
Tbe tlrw ..I t>r., B. k A tSmy*. iurorpemied several;
aM well ktwwu
beoee jnu >ohrBuceAOrss It i^eBivlor tbea*. Tbayard


DRS. B. S. & CO.

Tu>. waitoB •........■ Itfc'710





Pleat, of Haber ter ' '


Vatio* to Taxpayan.

.... -i 1

I and school tazea. 081ee hour* 8 e'el
.1~.l. stCMUvar gaJooB
oa V
Tna» suwet. Traewto
On the vmgt wh.-ai tarraa of the waM' U> H’M d'elpck a. ». and from lo'cl^ m ^
. Use or ter eaak. F*t
idm* Jaba B. SMlr,
traeod Umxdcm imponant adinaotsad
* n'eloek p n.. a»d on Tusaday/,^,
that^ dooe;^‘»n»t«»
«be rap* to make the wu«
' Offin. ,u ' /T.I8I- WAXT*0-ror geBctal bowse wwrte

muring coneem
In America. Tb«
,ry la K. 1. PhlUlpa, of Sew Ca»the latge«t rU»* ipcat Jgopeytiea poasibl
tie. Pa., and
Herald Balldlag. Boom S.
raangfacturera In the country.'
.» ^A. thnMMK In')!* lateat form It doe* aw«y
Mau»lu Wig«g.
Chamber*, erf t>tit*burg, who ranks with
with the Uburof niaey raeo and autoCity Tressnrer.
tbe gen­
ynsdoally aooomphabes In a few boora
Dated OcA. 7. 1807. iS8-tf
eral managar of (he iww concern. Tbe
board of director* chosen Include* the
prtaldent. neerelatr and general man­ old molhoda
Tbe develbianenl of thU mechanlgiu
ager above named, and Ueaare. T. FHart. of Mnncle. Ind.: H,. B. Smith, of
Hartford Clly. Ind.; W, A. Ovrfby, of
Gas City. Ind.. and William LneOer. of
a by tre
Pittaburg ___________
rd by «
tbe power fsntiibrd
Labor to Mesert li
hones. Thea(wm»lb«cliwBingattgchChicago. Oct.
The firentlve crni- BMxit and an ii>crena> cd aite until four
ralllee of fhe filreel Car Men's union or five hcram were naod. ‘fcttaw i»at«sha* decided to prdtaed against the Chi- sd tn valut'. and to mve ll and fadHrago Oly railway by asking tot aa In­
tatfl the haodliiig of it the "atiuw car­
junction resiralnlng fhe oomiiary from
rier" was attacdirtl, and then the stack- j
Clichargtng union men. Pai-er
er. a asparute affait (hat was |ilunv] in'
case are no* being preparrU
Jud<e Ambroae and the ners-surr -tt-pa truot of the ihnsbiv. rMviTvdlho Bliaw;
' takVh nut later than Jlonday.
and dolivrrwl U at anv’point cm the V

stack. These sroreaU horse-marbiiKw.; *
and th* M and kt«p of borww were !»*«»«>■ **x**‘'*Hd*ut; J.T.Hae'ihwimniglon Ilia., (V-l. k-Rpuh’IcAj

pollilclansor Uilsdtyarrbui^ preparing
wben ratuy weather kept
tu enb-naln tbe lewder* uf 'he pariy
throughout Ihe stale next wsfk
tar arveral dnya at a tuna
meeting win be held about the U'b In
Btsam cnlgnes woe tbvrofore i&cro-: DieECTORS-PurfT Hannah. A, Tracy
to dlarua* an ertra-aesAon of the leg
dacad lo opstste tbe thraahar.* but l^y. Jaraea Haefaa. i. T. Baaaab,



' CfTOL*S-;Or “litisd by misfire" a» tbr Bse-

I rtaAsrwUlSATenb-tweestopWk- If wo—-A
m>lt 'lULB-ieaO nvptn
T T*a (VB1* W W. Klai
rraaisirsvt. g S airaog. M

Bviralt. ‘

F?W^“o^ £pte*. D*ir«m aad


pHOTT FiKK FutftalewEi^j^ior . . ..

Chicago —
West Michigan.

« at K par tern
M City Lwiator



grvaslonal districts Great intenei :
btiiig Uken In the gathering.'
WaaMngton. on. • —Hecreury Wll
mn. of tbr agrlcullural dopartinrni
ha* derided to devote all of r.«gt week t
speecb-maklng In Ohio._______

horsea were adU- requited to drug tb*; Samiiel Oariaad.
maobines from fans to-fann astbey'
««• required tUI tbe Cracbcgi aagine
WM applied for this purpom.
Thai tbe thraaher waa thought to be Matter to tbe Traverse C3ty State Bank,
perfect, but in a few yean came furttae* Travaiae City. Hick.

with the U___
__________ ___ away with
hm of Six or arraD men in Ibe batda*t|
and dustiest position* The «raw is
now handlrd on tbe stack aoiomaticalBishop Pottar denlea th* report that
)y. the abearea are fed autoiuaucwHy,
It* son U lo wed Helen OoulA
aad tbe tianda for tbsa are out and ap­
By Nov. 1 a cooking school wlU be In
plied by tbe msetunn The stacking of
the high gebooL Oabkoah.
' '
npreamd air. tbe
................ w jtiat srhere il
- PreMdent McKinley prabuUF wfll go _____ ___
Tbe kmg tube tbrou^
lo Cantuo to vote at Ibe November is wanted.
which U paaaea U imdta-tbe oaotrol (d
General A.
Warner ba* drallenged the man <m tbe aepmutor. and it <«a be j
Srnaiur Hanna to a Jolot datate ua the Tuind « lowured at tbe srill of tbe <q>-1
money ^esthm,
(gator. Tbe blast is *o stroog that tbe i
. Blivet scored a rl»e of 1 penny to TT etiuw i* aametinies thrown 60 (eat high. {
pence In- London, and t cents lo U and stacks can l>e tnade 86 or SO feel i
ceot* le Nea- Yuik.
high wltb ease. Anotber improvement!
Aecordlui to Bccrtlary of Stale Oard- Istbalby whinK-thewbent IssredgM’
Ir.'rf Michigan's whrwt cr«p Ibis year
aa it runs fromilMapoot of the threaaer
1s f4.XA.flO: buaheta
Inatead of being mewnred. and there
Hoke Smith, former secretary of theInterior, bar iwen elected (irealdrtit of ar* aotcmatic Barken to taeunm the
aumbor of boahal* as sroU..Nuw. York
the Uwrd of educailur. irf Atlanta.
‘GermanlOB-D. a' ]>anvllle suburb, la tbs Trtboaa
Urn lown In Illinois to gram a fiftyyrwr franchise tu a aln^ car (empany.
Oonatless attempts have bwai made
Tbe aiablr* of Dr. w'. T, Prady. near
Marietta. Ind.. were destmyrd by Are to deal with the rust prohlero in iron
all their conicnu. Inyludlng Bfiy- stmctuiva. A new procom has Imo auge horsea

-Money to Loan
PATOBur * gNpnxK.A



going home. He was thrusm
ut and rub "vrr by the wagon. AyliA
I a lew mlnuirs.
Hra. . Augusta Kruger, who reside*
ear Ablrmana Wla. wa* artteuriy
It Injured In a ninasay accident. She
srs* iniee-nally hurt and ber leg wa*
broken It. two plare*.
I wedding In Sharna. Wla. th*
war presrnled with" two allver
cm* made from the *hoe-huckles

of Mcmti-llo lodg*. was boro In 1M7. and
Bl Bawkeabury. Canada.
antrdaUnr tbr record of
rf Waupaca, by etevea

This farms a coating of cyaaids of troR
kbai U stated to be unironn asd ImpcrUGBble aud«f such a uabuvaa to effeebTbe
ledvarDi*b to which has herti added a little
tarpoDtiiw or fenaAl. sons toeanae a

MrcMlenewterOiaadBesUeat CXBww
a Uaoa.Af*BkTiB*ar*s<Mr
X Dg KATIR, OsaeiJPMigT Agaah



Thla it the B »t oroamenul of them all and very roamy as
k- welhua atUucUra. You tbonU aot be wlUiMtIL


lUBiB iu Kmnimu li.
Ca tob* sfibM fiaadnr. run* SB. Uar.
asltos'etoekn a.



OOOM Boots..

be andinl without difficulty. Tbe wupontkm of Ibe aloobol leaves tbe flazaned
vamiah. wbitdi foctut a coat aad protee» too cyanide of inn which is dapoMted upon the metal Tbe iron nqnlies no prcpaiutloti for this treatment
beycod removiug aav rust that may ah
nady Imve heea (urmod. and wbiob
nay be too thick to admit cd toe actios
of toe teracyaslda—Iadutriea

8 i

A am —j-efi** fi.TW cf Ills filing la
fined for aeveral n
eoatootti sou when' flying flto ahouad.
ronsplracy against the crown of 8pi
Tbeywoald *um«tisM« in tbMrflifki
and of an atlempl open the life nt G
in toe ai^ocaae aboard the tolpaad
eimor nerca. gov-ernor of the Me
drop tt>% deck He had three calx
w/ O. Downs uf deveUnd. 0„ c
j&Uted suicide by abootlsg htmselt In V—'
tbe neunr. wosua aenr u*e *ubbu wamevas
brad in Niw Turk.
He was an old ! ^ ^
(be deck aad would roto
trlrsd ef Prasldesl Oraat. u echoolraaU ap (o ggg {l l!b^ Ai.a<m(p,lAsA tbte
ot Senator J. K Jones aad aa
frtan all otho soanda Tbe otew
of Oacrfg* X. Pullman. Hf sms a radi­
cal tree aUvar Man and atumped fur



»»,... w «.

^^l2ffmriU’*Bbraeeba»Trt*aB«iidea m.

OBpItal, $100,000
SoTplos, $86,000>


TV*la. arm?* tmw CToclo-sul. Gnad Bap-

wnrt. 0,'itaif*. IS-SM

a OiBrie y-Clanaros

tbelr eonventkin yasterday by electing
»meer» for (he ensnlng year as folknf*:
Pretild<rf;l. John Slocum. Kansas Cliy;
accrcury-lrwas-jriy, John Shortey. Cbl-


la^'e will ci" »p>eiAl itMarloe to dlScoli raww and
fa’ledloeore. IVraP^LwM^MiraMr Uwatweai w m pleaM

Lock Box 160.




To Youi^, Middle Aged, and Old Men

BiraioD and my duly aa c«mroa»der-inchief in tbe fare of the enemy prevent
my tenderins a realpnatlon.
Adn the twndenw of the tMeerai
"Neve'rtbdleiw. allbouirh I
r, u'ori-1
a and cor.alliuiloral par-|
jle*. nf well a*
ar upon public
opinion, thla
would h» tnnmrleni wlthi ut
dnirr of the not
' !
ever neceeaary
e oeneure |
jf whlrh J have I««d made tbi nl(|ei-l by,
the member* ard lourTAl* of the Liberal .
party and by: public
<«iiiion In the I'nltad Ptalea. whh
Ificr 1*
I* larprir
laretJe Iinfln. '
fcirmer. Thie ranfld
would b
■eary to enable a
0 put I
an eon io ine war. which has already '
been vlrttrally'concluded from our llsta
at Juraco to Cape Antonio."
•aanata's-Bepiy to Veylwr.
Senor Sagas la gepUed: 'I thafOi yoa


*^l^MaMe-Wert. Cat

NO 10

Cupboard Safe
Inrksa. Oteto 4o<n ao Iqp. rarrad pansl *
panel snda. Invar fem vsatUatsd.










: KOBimra bboosd, svhday, oot<obbx lo. issr.
«h«r^ «M berea U lem It me a'OamUU. Martha aad Bottom a. ttaoa iaaa feflpd to matar^Mlaa, ao Uka a wlB*
•sell frame baUdiec. ttxto.
From I thea Ue order bae laereaaed to over faaaral be maatewd U* larem lo bla
Sattoaa Bej be
(4 to too member*, aad tbej bave dtarfe o -------- aad daddad opoa tb* pvmiat
TM7ao<MiapplMtoBlah«p Ltttm
tebaoie ia all the larcMt dUae of the flam* ebnreb. Tbe toraer atoae for
tba a*w Aarcb wae laid by Bt. Ber.
Of Dettoll. (DalroltOBd Oroad Boptdh
Beary J. Rkbter. Btebw of Oraad BapbolBf »t tbat time lit the seme dioeoee)
The Bebool aad OobtoM.
Id Ute fall of leTD be wae followod
ids. 00 tbe istb day of May, im.
Tbe eiater* befaa their adwot bar*
BMbop Richter aiao.praaekad tb* dedl^1*er*diaev*r7 OatboUe family In the sritb 00I7 eUt pnplla aad tbe aember
catica aarmoa oe tbB DCtarida
bM iBBfiaiad aatU it aew coQata 175.
of tbe aew b
is all j la lilt the etetm moved to their aa»
by 100 and Ua coat vraa geU.OO.
inadaTravarea aiy alao.
tadlaae ware arareet aad deareet' Oonveni of tbe Holy A^eU. which bad
UeCbUoIka of
Work e^^k*tb*r Ki*k Amoac tbe to bU heart.
He bald eerriee* la 1 beea erected at a emt of «a(jOO. a food
Traeaiae City Pr. Myasea'a grant drab*
City oeee a moaib. Be com-1 part of tbe moaej- bcin( doaatad by
Briar HiBtoir or tha Ohoreb Work and a QlanM at what
was to arect U* sew ebsreb a* qaickij
Maay}0T Ue older raeideata of tbe pleiad tb* ebareb began by Pr. Herb- Pr. Zrlgler froo bU palrimoay.
Has B*an Aoeompliahed in Daraloplnc the PariBh.
being poor ool«lea will eUU remember Patbar atreat aad mid maes for Ue first Ume: bborUy after bU arrival bera Ua litleeiiona did not matarialUe a* rapidly
Mrakaad rmpaet aad reveraaoe bim la Ue aew eirocMre la Deeember, 1 Ue frame oboreh became too
>o»mM aad
as he had hoped. AU bla afforta to
for bla ealaUy character aad model irra At that time tbere war* ooly be boUlaa additioa lo It eojaet"
lala* Us rurmsary amodnt for a fl«,Ufa BU first ebaryo was tbe ladiaas aboDt twenty CaUoIie famlllm Is' wTU two wUige eeeb IOkti:;'
I:;' aleo
*1*0 r
Belac a Eerlew of tbe Paet BUuey of 01. rrmaelM Choreb.-8tor7 of
at Artire Croebe. aow kaowa as Orom Traverse City. BU charge eevpred ' mcrUty 8zl5 ia aiaa. Bavtag bow ob 'tos.^ehusb meoting wlU bat poor aneUe Early etrarrlaa aad Sacrileee of tbe SelaUy I'alber Mrak.-HU KaltbViUac* I
ira* aeat Uars In IIU. ] eevea oosstias asd U* mentloa of buj talned a eommodioo* place tor worship. bma he daeldcd to rtatga Uo parish aad
fnl Work Amoait tbe lodiaae and tbe Baaolta.—Tbe Parish io Ita ladplbat osring
U* lack of prioeto in liule pony sod travelUng ostfil even] a ebolter for U* cUteia aad a eaUoUe laava for Earopa. Bo mllad on Uo
eaey aad Bow It Developed late iB IVeeeat Proportioae aad lafluooa—
wa* obliged U ad-[today provoice* a amUe from maay aa;aebool (or Ue eblldraa Of Ue parisb. lat of May. Tb* aoeosata of U« pnr>
aketeb of Mimioo Work In tbe Grand Tranne Becian aad BfforU of tbo
mlhtoter to Ue waaU of all Ue UaUo-1 old eetUer. In hU seal tor Ue work i bU neat move svaa to bolld a peatar'e Mb oa U* Boadav before bit dapartar*.
or aad Moaey la tha Good Wmk.
IloB in tbe eevea aarroandlng coantles. be often anderwem aewre prlvaUoas. I rmidene* for himself ea tbe mm* site April tSU. Bbow a depoall of gt.Mf.H
•^Befereaeet to the Convent, bebool and Cbnreh b
InlSU be was transferred to Bagl* | Many a time, as Ue piosr«r* aUeau! where ateads lb* paator's boas* at at Ua bank for U* bolldlng of Uo
or PshawbatowB, where be [ Ue cenopy of beevr formed hU onlyjpreaeot l|e erected Ue boom from new .ebsrek. For tb* next Uroo
moaU* UeekotohwaalaftwiUoBt a
take pipe* at a o’clock. TbeJabUo*
resident prieat, Btabc^ Mrak ooming
■. PBANCI8 ebsreb U
from PahnwbatowB every oUer ffanday
a gala atUre today aad Ue plaUarm erveted la front of Ue
to bold •ervleaa. After spending a few
moaU* is Bartrpe Pr. Nyasea’* baarV
Tbe eeremesles of Ue day wUl fiUy
tuned again to U* field of hi* effort*,
' Biobtar wlH marh an opocb eommemorate Ua ellvar Jsblleo of U*
aad haariag Uat Ttavataa -aij wan
^ ia Ue bUwy of U* i»rWb.
BtiU wlUost a priest be asked Biabop
Li Ue deooratioBi ars oomRiebtor to ngala give him ebnrga of
iBooaaeetioB wiU UU eeoaslon
lete aod eaqoUiU in dealgn.
Ue work here had allow him to eom'I Bbowiag U* artUtie taeU of llUle bUloryot UebaUsaad Ue iray
plate Ue ebareb. Be reaamod U*
. . Ua commute* in charge. Memra. Uarb
charge on Friday, Asg. 3rd. ami oa
Bsoday. Asg. 5U, be aanosaoed that
Bolmet. Bart Hall aad tVlU Neadbam. ordar. Some Ume ago a liberal Detroit
genUemen offered to donate $500
Ue araetkm of U* ebsreb woeld begla
toward cblme* for Ue ebsreb If Ue
Oa Ue feUowiBg day Ue work
parish wosld raise an eqsai amooai.
Md. BveryUlag n»ved hnr>
It was derided to bold a spring fesUval.
ly, all worked wlU a wUl. and
aed Ua members of Ua ebnreb asd
wr* sapplied so generoatly nad
Ue vsriosa aoeteUss all took up Us
r Uat Ue ebsreb was ready
work WiU a will. Tbe foatiral was bold
atreo oa Angnst Ii> of Ue tol*
ilnUe City Opera Uonte. lasiiag from
lowiaryear. 18m9. Tb* cboreb was
I Jsaa I to 1, and was one of'tbv amat
dodteatod by Ru Bev. Richter. wiU
i ascccaafsi affairs of Ue kind ever given
■ i-, i •
elaborate eeremoalc*. Very Bav. Joa.
ia Ue el^. boU sociatly and fiaanBeaalag officlatiag at High Naaarially, Ue enUre acm being raised.
Blsbop RIebter pnachedU* dodleatton
Ibe Detroit paaUemaa was randy
sermou to a great eoaeoerae of 'Tpaopto- Tb* eoal of Ue ebareb wtu pews and
rh slur was f7.M0H5.
When Ue
Clly Tnmday.
IT». A I
arch was eomplatad Fr. Nyasea roporary pla^orm was bsllt for them la
algaed bis poslUea aad travaliad la
front of the rirareb. and Ury were'
Ub oosatry for a few years, nttarplaced spoD It, ready tor tbe eeromo-.
ward going back to hb borne UBaiAipl
ales wbieb will lake place today.
where be aUil realdea.
The belU are composed of fta* SMtal
Mev. Pr. Bauto 0am* ia IBBB.asd: cost fil.ooa Tb* total wrlgbt of
Be was followed by tbe preaeat pas­
Ue foar, iaelodiDg Ue staadards. U
■' ■ I.
tor, Brv. Pr. Baser, wbe cam* bars
7,»ao pouada They ware maastaetared
from Prevrmeai asd aasamsd ebargn
by Ue B. W. VaadnabaCo. of Ciaoiaoa Repp. 4. I81W. Slaee Uaa Uo pnr■/.paU, Okie.
lU ba* floartsbfd aad bs* iaerenaod to
The largeet beU. Ue oas wiU a deep
baas toae. weigbs S,50i poaad* aed la
.Wis Utroatof-tbeebaretailB
Tb* old Usreb now faring vaesnt
( faUy draped wlU fsatooaa of bsaUng ieacribed as follow*; -lo hemambraBoe
wsH rSapvatod and remodeled for a
nad .cvergroesa The large msc^ U of Pr. Joaepb Baser, pastor, aad Rev.
scbool. ^o December of tbe mme yau
profusely etodded wiU fiaga Tbe II. y. Mass. aasUiaot. Bt. Praaeta
Ue achodl ehildreo were trsstfeiTOd to
'tbe beralis of Ue chsreb. Travers* CTly. Mich.. IW
w {* :
Ue' new qsariera prepared for Uem.
•---------- ‘—Tb* second weighs l.flui nound* and
'jwaaeat Joy”
tv. Baser'anext eflorlt. were to faralab
U* anUelle charge of Ua ladim. aad bears Us laseriptfoe: "In-vem^
tbe ebsreb with .besOag appacatna
rv^^ membera of Bt.
are oa* mam of drapery aad ribbaaajbraac* of
which trat dm* el a coat of •»». Next
«bt off by a rteh profaaloa _________________
wore procare<1 tbe beastlfsi altain
of eel fiower*.
Tbe ea- .
which now sdors Ue ebareb, a comtorior of Ue chareb i*
msDioa railing, •tstoee stations, vestbang wlU baatlag. A larga
maats. ato . aad tbeeha-ch was wired
Amerioaa fiag U empeadod
for rieetric lights, airat a eott •( ,
from U* belfry, while two
grotS.M -Pr. Bsse--* psreau bolag
amaller ease saraumat Ue aldo
aid sad'*tbe>Ie be went to Alsne*.
piBBacle* of Ue ebsreb.
Bnrope. Jsae 8.1890 aad remalaod for
BafisQfsl a* arc Ue deoam
Uree moaU*. b>* p'aoe here bolag .
tloas OB tbe ataad aad raterior
sapplladby Bev. Asgu«t Shiaaer. now
of Ue ebsreb. yet Ue oonBee. of MUwasko.. Arc!
aammaUoD of Ue oommlttoe's
bit retore' be m*de p'ei
artiatk taste U eepeelally dls-.
loto oe tbe aorth- side of BlevaaU
. playwl by Ue elaborate deooBtrect, behlsd the eba-vb and c'tavaai.
ratlona of Ue Intorior. A pro‘TbU deal was eoo-nismated at a coot
taaloD of Amerieaa bsoUog U
----- ebkbomaandeaiabliabadaaebaol covering at aigbt and gome -grusy-U* bwn moncyataeostof $l$00. Ba­ of $3350. Bishop M-ak d-iBsUag U*
bnag la cross seeUons from
tor U* ladlam. BealM> atteodad tbe kaollbiaanly eooU. Beeoralag ea- side* the ardaoo* work of baUdiag ap aiatora' ahsreot$i<50 The parochial
> Ue oelliag of Ue ebareb. endOttawa aad Cbipprwa ladlaaa at Mas-; feebled be ^ tramferrwc to Harbor U* parish at Traverm aiy be was aebool waabegsQoaUefiaiof Jsa*.
lag la a large bow draped
totee. and weal a* far sorU a* Peua- Bpriog*. and from iheres. v> Hart, obliged also to atu*ad to the ^Irltaal
from Ue aide window* Bv
key. nalag an ladlas eaao* for kl* Oomaaeuaety H.' fellAd to r*. wasi* of the cnibolie* of Pneemoab
ary aook of tb* beaatifsl
tibval* wbea possible, aad at other over, aad was fliaily obliged to tvtire Leland. Ssttoas Bay. NorUport, Ma^
large altar U graced wiU a
a making hte rosods oa a little .from active work, belag placed as City. Bmpira. Cleoo. Haanab, Pila
vase of natanl fiower*. Tb*
Indian poay. borne aUU earry la Uelr Ubsplalo of the Merey-bd>p tol at Big Lake, iiarker Crwk. Itadore, Arcadia,
mitftaary ilaelf U one large
memories the pktera of Ue good i Rapid*.
ICaJlIlac and Mapleton
Be baUt
mcopiarln of beasiifsl plaats.
prisat traveUag Urosgb Us deep! While Pr. Zom wis ail'l is Knttona rhsrebra at laadore. Barber Creek.
Broetod 00 Ue paat plde ataada
skoes. Bay. being overbardened with work,
snows frf wiator
and Pife Uke and a prleai's
promiaenUy tbb large tompoHrharkr* of Big iUplds was rtaMeBerat i'roremoat.wbieb waaUea
T*ry Urone draped by Bort
T and draggiog behlat him . his HtUe;Rrv.
wiua aav news^sr^ vuMi,
Blfil tor
,or. given temporary t^uAigv
charge e,
at Arsvesw
Traverse formed into a parish. Pismb U1s tiote. i
alelgb. wl
BaUfer Bishop Rlehtor. who>.wlH o(B-; ir,^. ebsreb. Tr*v*m City, Mich., siciga.
aervioee. and Ue provialoat for bis j City, and attended b-n-a*a siiaaloe for ^ Ue fsll of
dates tbe bridiag of r«g- ,
elau dariag ibc i-ervj^uay.' .
' imi?."..
inoaths. after which pr. I olar buads'y eervieca at Traverae Oily,
Tbs Program for To-day.
1 Tbe Uhd la sl*e weigh* 1.351 pooBd*
o cfasnA la|Z<iwa Pick temporary ehstgeaad t*
After wu'f-kisg faiUfsIly for' eight
Al Uat Ume Urre
,.’aad eagraved spoaliiaUl*: -’ia reUis vlelBlly. and U*
'ioea jeers I aided here fur alewit 'hree moaU* year*, uavriieg day aad night aad betiervioe* la U* mortriag will be held ,
bU transfer Kr 7. ts again rw- tag rxpoacd toall kioda of
at a. 7 aad B a m.. followed by ttolama ^ wiranls Ue bells of St. Kraacis taaally held at Ue reaideaoe of Martin
Bbnridan, where now ataad* Stepan's [aumod charge at Trav<->-.egTty Uli the hb bealtb began to fail, and feeling at
High Mam ooram apl*oopo at >" ebareb. Traverse City. Mich . Irw7. "
at ibr [arrival of Rev ileorge/elgler la 1*77. Ur sane time e desire to spend U* rsB'eloek. Rev. 4oa LauihO. S B. wlUi xb* smaller bell of Ue f,ur Is 70l
eriebrau Mam. assUtod by Rev. J
^j^bt sod iuscribed as fol borne oPDomlaie Dsas. wbieb was j WiU Bev. i>. llegrier beglo* properly maluder.of bb life is a higher stato ha
Basar as dcaeoa aad Rsv. H. I’. Mass 1eommeboratksa of
»-'s—- Dear tbe prsaeal site of U* Bagla jUe development aod growU of M naaigacd bb paatoral charge al Trav­
ers# City aod entered U* PraariaeaB
ofilod, or al Ue reeldeaoe of Praak | Prancleehnreb as a parish.
aaasb-deaeoa. Aftor Mass U# Ri. Rev.j
uis belU by Bt Rev. I
. Blsbop will confer oonfiratsUoa spoa
[ Devriopmea) ofSt Praaeli Parish. Order at bt. Loob. Mo. As a Praaeiatar. BUbop of Grand Rapids. Sv Pma- PohoraL
At U* desU of Bishop Baraga, aarly
caa be ws* teat to Aabland. WaUbnra
elam of 50 ebUdrai aod preaU Ue ris ebareb of Travara* City, Mieb.. Oc­
Hb memory b sUll frank la U*
aad CleveUad. waere be died at Rt.
meralag aermoa. The Unreb ebolr tober. 1197.”
mlads of Ue people of Ue parish. BeUe blsboprlc «f Martiaelto. and was
Alexb boapitalonUcMU of Aagnat
has prepared eperial alagisg for Ue
PaM Btatory aad aoma tf U* Bat
of Ub year, at tbe ago of 07.
Ua followtag September, at a cam nf
ownoiw as feUow*
$$050.66. UwBsbteemdbytbeBLBa*.
Xaargy Vbioh BaUt tba Prosont
MoniBo mmric*.
a. he came to give bb arnbtUb new field of work ala* year*. %
Bbbop Rlcbtar oa Ua ITU of Ua mm*
Ue CaUoIie*
CQxwob Bdlfioo.
-Booe fcamdoa.” A. Woraar.
Y»mlBg eafeeblad la baslU be realgaJ
Mieblgaa. Oa arriving be left aoUlag
••AapeggOB Me." W..C. Petom.
Kr. Zeiglar waa followed W Ba*. menu It was given to ebarga of U*
bb See in 1878 sad ramsined io Msr- aadoeato orgaalu Ue QtUoHca of
Ismbar ladnatry aad werk was plaaty
-Mam la 0." 0. B. WItska.
Theophila Nyaaaa wbo prwrioatfy was Sbtera of St. Domiab and .rpaosd wlU
ciaatt* to lacspersto. Having beard
aa attendaaoa of aboat 150 chlldma.
Solo —-Bt la enmatna aal." MIm la Ue pins woods, there was aa iafiss Uat U* ladbaa whom be had ooavert- Travara* City into a n
staUoaed at Road City and Wrlgbt,
Tba pastorb rasldeace oa TbnU
Michigan. He bald bb first pnbUe
J. Barimr.
od to ebrisUaalV were wlUoal a
> obUdraa sarrioea beraoa Saaday. Dae.. 0. 1U5. atonat waa mmodeled to Jsly, IWO.
8ok>-“Bl la Bplritam." MBs Bnall- Among U* fim to eetUe bare war* prUst be ratamad to them aad raAfter eonaldaiabl* tronble. as aeoom- TheaumbarofCbUolbfamUlaalB Ua maktog it a oornmodioss aad oomlortmany davotod Oatbolio*. It U Impaamalard
abto dwalltog asd a ataadiag oradil to
modstlons aror* *o poor, haiodseedU* city had U Ua maaaUma inor*
Dari-’-BlvIviflcnatom.- MlamaDtoa aihla to gat a complato Uel. bat Ue
Ua oongragaAtoa- AlUaaiU toada
foltowlBg. many
whom are aUU brokoa down by hb long aad falUfsl SUtora of St. Domiab of Now Toric. to
sad Pops.
aarvlcaa, obligod him to ralirs from oand six sbtor* and aatablbb a branch
naarty twba aa large as bator* tte
Do*V-"Bl oaam Banotam." Mimas all** and well kaowa rasldeeu of
.tamlli** Hb first move waa'to pat Ua
‘''[aottvework lB 1891. Ha weot to St.
work was doM wiU grmt aomomy.
Traverae City aad U*
pariah oa a aoaad flnaarial b
Bondraaa aod J. La Boot*Ua Umber ia Ua old frame Usinh baamong tboa* who
BoIo-’-Av* Marie." MIm J. Bbekar.
Throagk bU satlrlag ailorto
tog ntUbml for Ue parpma. Tba
Union atraet. baiweea B|ghU
at baart U* iatoraato of tb* ebareb saftitn—Del." Mrs. La Bonto.
Urosgb Ue Uflox of Oatbolio
KlaU atraata. Bev. Pr. Zolgler psr- Ue liule frame ehsteb bermme too boam wm alao fitted apwtth.toodam
Ul on* was ragslarly organlaad hef*; I aad rant.
Sarviem Only Ono* a Btoatb.
ebaaedUeballdlagfromhb earn pri- amall, U* Uriviag .little city of Trav­ Improvemeata.
MarUa Sheridan. Patrick Dyer. 8t^-Magitlfioat.’' LnmbiUotto.
aa McBaiy. Thoms* McOary. Mlebael
Wban Pr. MraA beoaab Bishop of vat* mdaaaata eeet of $1000 aad U erse City baaplag march wtU Ua pro- Ktoatoa Votk to Orand TtoTaana Mo•■OBalataria," Moxart.
be wax' aaeoaeded by Bav. waa^rabbed tor tba alster* by \b* graae of U* world.. Pr. Nyaaaa wtabod
Plaaaigaa. Hr.. Mlobaal Plaaalgaa. Jr..
••Tbntnm Brgo." P. SbmM.
Rev. Pr. E
Tb* aarricea ^ U* aftomaon. ^U Piaak P6S&^. DomUic Dona. Oaorg* A. Horbatreet of Ohio, wbo aiade hb oongregatloB at a east of $M0. Tbe
reel a pbnrcb ia kaepl^ wiU U*>
fata—iwg of Ua brila by tA* Bt. Bov. OaafiaU. Baazy McManas. Wm. Bar- boma at Rnttoas Bay. B* attoadiad fint sUtoraof tbeoadarofSt. Dominie growU of U* tows and aii^ Uat a Ua chareb attar Fr. Myoma, atm took
Mabag. loUowad by foapma and bane- dan. BaaU Barnaln, Alfrad Oanvtan. Trafofaa Qty <mo* a monU and to arrive U MleklgaB warn MoUar briek odUtoe ba bnUt. Pnmbm at aewtml aftor Urn of Ua
rmdiotfan of Ua biaaaad aaemmaal, wtU PkUipBaeor.KIU. anallmantol. Patar Umngb bb nfforlB U* im CbUoUe Aqslapta aad Sbtor* Boniboa. Angela. trat earn* to profasriy bnt tbam prom- aaatod viUthaebarU. OwU«totba


Impressive Ceremonies to Commemorate an
3pocb in the History of the
Catholic Church.

. "i* &

■ ’...

‘ SVri


THE KOBHINQ EEOOED.^tfHDAT/bbtO^ 10, 1897.
from ISU to Hept. 1. lUU, whea ho was
trmaatorcd tothe TraeeroeCIt/ehaffa,
tort oUic^ VO (It* Us ndl<rkM »V- to eboet el«ht SMBthe.
The eeeret of the eooMee that h»e whteb he has «iled la aa able aaaaer
iMttM W the wOTk of the locol porUk.
Bs^UodfDroooMlstaiitvtdls Her loliowod 8V BTwbohMohtiwa the oeer aiaea la all Its hlstor.r BL PlaaIto net oolp lathe aeol eU eharUi has had ao auwo deroted
UBbor, IWt. Be*. Btephoa Novokowepastor, and )|U earnsat. eeaseleatieos
td WM eui to otuod to the wliUaae aod eOoieaej of iU porton. h«t la the
wvk has eadsarod hin to the hearts
of U»»iah, Mepleloa. Borker OMh. malted effort, aod eepehle work of the
of hie people, who hope that he ai*/
la tktt the/are aided h/
rUe L«ke UHl KUhMte- leedore. Bapin Md Mepte Oltr <rwe Ueo true- _ ^ber of eoeieUee wboeo objeeis ere; looc romala with them.
ferred to the eherfe of T™*«m Oty. ^ritoal.beae*DleBtaadene>el. Anoarl Be/. H. P Haas. AaoMaat Paetar.
Be*. B. V. Meoe was bora ia Ba/
Be roMised ha« two ymn. heioc them are the C. M. B. A.. Ue A. C. P..
9clet/. Pollah yaloo. Behe-lQw. K»eb.. Jelyl, 18T0. Us stodted
timaUecred MheeUuotto 8v JoMphll




the thd that WOR7 wiU UU More lema^ble stiU. it has beeo able to do:
-tenuioe. ton reomt dlaoonrlaa jaat
bow worry does kill
It Is beUeved b/ maa/


Of the edcott cd braio diseoM chat
Moceiof the deaths eel down tootbv
oaases an doe to worry, and that alona
Ihe llMuty U a einiple car eo siniple
that an/ one can nwdil/ oadersiaad It
y pot. it anna

I When you got nev slioea.
, for fal^ wear be sure jon ‘
get them with the new
style toes. We are show' ing the finest . styles in
. town—all the new toes.
Onr prices will conrince.
yon that this is the place - |
to buy shoes.

brum. Bud. (be* brain being the u
tritivr cwnter at the bod/, the other orlaiu Uec«to
taiuod. and
when eosae dlseaw of tbeae organs or
a oombinatitai of thto arisee death
flaall/ earaea
. That dace worry kill Insldloaal/.
like mao/ saotber disease. It creeps
npOB the brain la the fern of a angle,
emstant. aerer lost idea. and. as the
drot^dag of waMr orer a period of
yean will wear a groore iaaotoae, eo
doee worry gradnaUy, U


atlaa Mataa) aeeiot/. Lodtrs C. B. A-.' lo Saod*rieh. Canada. 4a IMt-Sd. and
Altar Society, the YooV todlee' ^ leowpleted hU eoone to the printalit/. the ChUdrea of Mary, and the hood at St. Praads aoalaaty. MllwaaLitrtaiy Sodot/to the yoaac asea.
kee, from 18« to l*#i. Ue wh or
1 *■>“«* »» ‘■"'*'1 Baplda by Bt. Be*. H
Bo*. Joseph Baoor. Partar.
j Rjehter. Jnae ». 1«». aod was aent
Be*. Jwpb Baaor was bori( in Al-|atow« loTraeene City where he has
Be jataea folfliled his detSee as aseistaat to
at KIk Baplde and at Scm» at/- la eaee. Barope. Jaaaacy 4U. IMS.
Angaet be *>as ande pastor of St etodlod la Parts. Praaes. from iST» to yr. Kner la a capable amaaor. Be
Aaa’e ehnreh at OadiUae. At hto ro- ISM.aad wasordaUsd atOraad Bap->bebas made boeUof friends, and has
ids by Rv Bs*. Bishop Blehter Dec. ST. «oa to bimnlt a ropatatkiB as a
IMS. He «ras statloeed at Proeemoat 1 briittaat orator and a good *r<»ker.

pariah. Maaietoa. la Jaaneiy. 18U.
fr«a where he etlU attoads to leadoro.
M^e at/ and sUpira.
Elb eawoidf was Be*. & M. Prod-

matal power, health and mociaa
' JKorrj. to make the theny still
i^ongm. it aa irritant at certain pMOta
wfaidi {rodaoes little harm if it conn
attmerraUcr lm«nlarly Ocosnottal
wmrying of the systriu the brain can
oops with, bnt the ttwatioa and reitera­
tion of one idea of a disqoipting sort
the oeUe of the brain are uot pruuf
against. ItUssif the ekull wire laid
bare and the sorCaoe'af the brmui stmrk
lightly with a hammer every tew wcooda, with mechanical precisian, with
r n sign of a let op or the failnre of
a Broke
Just in this way does the anaoylag
idea, the maddening thonght that wiU
not be doue away with, strike or tall
apon certain nerre eelU aerer ceasing
and week by week dimialsbing the *itality of riMse ddkalo orgaaim that
are K> rafarate that they oan only bo
wen aader the nierotocpa—Phai
casukal Prodneta
Waur rower frd»Bs

The derelopment of wato power In
eennection with electric transmiasioo is
Jaat now a farorite sab}eot to jiroutotera A sebmoe is on foot in Bichmead
to atiliae the power of the James ri*tr.
It U cetiamced that 6a 000 hcrsepo*rmr
eonld be developed. The local |wem is
advocating a similar develofanmit (d
power on the Sevannab river, near Aagnsta. Ga. and based nptai an invtaCiAtioo Blade by Captain O. M. Carter,
United Sutes engineer It is estimated
that bO.OOO aonial benepovrer eoald be
•eeued. In New York scale one of Ihe
latot aebemes in this directaon pro]
to take water from the Cbeottng river
at Big Flats and lead it to Hormh
and thence dovm the valley to Bencca
lake The dUrtnnee in gtade beet----Elmira and-Watkins, on the prop
rooie. uover ilS foct in
miles, aad
between Pine Valler and Millport the
tol U Ifbfret iu8 miles.-while from
Millport to HsTsns the fall ii 814 fuM
la 6 milea—Eagtneeriiig Kewa
Ayonng man maployvd at «l.80a
day in cue cd the totoriM in New Brit­
ain. Coon.. reoEfiUy invcuicd an at*
tnehmcoi to a machine on which be
wai working which promian to be (d
great value. Poor men were employ^on thia tuachine prior to hie inrmitibn.
and ita uw waa aboot to be abandoned
becanae of the expi-nae attending the
mnning of it. The yuong man dMiaed
an attacitmoit whidi vrbeo rappUed to
the machine pens>tted one boy to at­
tend it. aadbecnnRini <H>t aa mndi'
vnak aa the toir men ounld proviooely.
TUi machine U r^ regolarly every
day. and it •• doing good work at a mving of S« a day over former com. The
meoldeot ot the company gave the

I into culluiun vrilh a n
I Befon- they had fi
■ev the Tbvtoer a Hrym* M4 «e Mm-' tolvra a poIintuaB apprared. Hia firm
baiiaiaua c—piiiattwia
I ptopnddon vraa'to “rnn them all in”
the ctraage oampliratiooa to - for acarchiOR. bet. impaaaaed by the anWhich the ttcydv ban been n*qii*i<iMe j 0*n«l cieittniwit «d hia primnmi. who
the following it nthvr a _____ j............................. ^ betuoiv diaturlcd in mind
w-pf«»au who' than ordinary n-urcheta. be vraitod to
d to tIvw , bear

Alfred V. Friedrich.

Wben it oomea to the gemcral am of
gas. the price of the gas has anciKhlng
to do with it We ell know that the
gas engine is mote oranmonly naed in
England than In the Unilad Statea. but
the explauauon is simpla Boston aad
Manchester have neerly the satM popu­
lation The oonsuffiptiai of gaa in
Manchestor In one year was 8.«».«00.000 cubic feet, or more than waa naed
In the
bat the price of gaa in Mam^uator w


Waabtngton, and any number <f other
offlacn are aimilarly grorided to.
thoagb their farma are not to extensive.
They seem to want stretphUig room,
and it will be natind that when they
do loeaii-they monre big plarae Their
miudaruu into stuck and chicken raiaiag. The oflltvn of the marine corps
.have hero notid for ycaa as the owneta
■ cf the upeediewt beraea owne i or OriTen
abuut Waahinguu. and they bare been
alwa.vB imimlnenl In ounneotion with
our raoiug aiwiriatlans and irganimtianr. Naval offleen have been stmllsrly prunimeiL It is different with army
oOetr*. 1-beir amMiion awnu to be to
Bice hunae* iu the eitie*. The naval offloers' ideas all rou toward the oountry.
I don't like to give uamra. bnt 1 oonM
give doaena of illoatrattoia to prove
what 1 my. if it were neoeamry. Take a matun next ahead.' and wbm demred
lock at the
«wg ears from any ^ with the train dispairher or any pnhUe
the mborban plaorn artond Waahing- toUgraph madan.—Electrieal Brviewton any morning, and thcra will be

•mphof oaaftudcn and B
lug not Hkely to be dnplicnted.
^ town,
____ ________
Knowing that he had mithlng to
B.. who live^^____
far np
sioB lo viait
bii-rcle m<i
m<irt- tm the-Bon- my to Liuiaadf. he atood by and grinlit a biiyrle
levard a few day*■ ago. He left bit
bto ned.. whil<
the ahopkmiier audhia M*.
Wheel oBtaido. near the rack in which tamer apoiti-nd aat angry aad confliet■tood aevtaal macbinia for rtmt While ; lag acroant* of theafiair. But the troth
be waa attending to hia errand Imide wa» linallv aaoertainHl Aa be oollarad
the ahop be chanoed to glance out. the guilty man ai»d diamlmed the other
throBgfa the door Juat in time to eee a' two the polioensan anu<BiBoed that no
nan apring apon bit angnarded wheel charge of morebing wuold be 4ireaMd
and ride off at a fnrioaa pace down the' againm anybody.
toeet. With an etclamaticm of rage B. ■
”« X have tvro or three more eaaea
ririNd to the sidewalk, miaed one of , Uke .tbit to tetUe,*’ he remarked to a
the wheels tnsn the rack and marted off liyWaarter. '•Ife a Uwytr I’U be mllin
is hot pnanit of Ihe thlM.
tomlf iMtod of on ofllcer.”—Mew
The proirieto of the shop atood ftB i T«rk TiibtBW. '
a moment agfaatt. He bad not aeee the
htgiiming <f the croobla. and the only THEY LIKE THE COUNTRY, j
tl^ ulmr to him waa that hU mpAlthoogfa many physicians advooato
pomd^ bemem cnaumarhad madean WWBstM.Pavel Otosa*aeW-mlive' M advantages derived from long pmtodl
ie Lara* Tewne sr Oltlaa
...................... Od atttmw to Meal a
-‘Naval ofBowi alvraye mttle ia the of fasting and some even go tar eogogh
• only
my that no eertuns chaiute cf iMm
tma thing to be done. JnmpiBg span CoaBtrywben they
need rcsalt. the (taestioa ariaee. Why
aaolbw wheel, be Jotned in the dmaa
the tnvariablo lorn iu welghtf Food of
_ __
tod the
three _________
toorohad ap
Bosle-Daring their actlTe oaivera—I
kind U neamary u naintain the
In admirable racing Kyle. The' dwUw
time they are at rnto they
teal thkf proved the puarrat rider of are neoeemrily oramped to room, a^ budy amT^ind in' a beahliy oonditiaa
^ three, as the abopke^n was ongoee- while acme of themcntbelargemod- and to iratore the inevitable wasta Aa
«kmahl}\tb* bnt. aad the jranltcf thia -WTiihipi ^ elegant a^mmptow a rosnh of craitinaoa* ahstimmcie from
BUte of aralrawas that the diatanoee goartera there ................
a Umlt to food the blood beeoruea impoveridied
toeweeo the different members «d the , it ThU thing giowe m ajM to ^ and di,..i«<^i md oerefaral anawnia
Mo mrw fw^»y Ito. Aa they draw an extent that the firm thing he dom Often toUowa
! when he ie redrad. and in handiad. tff
to Ikomelf the height ed boom BobK'
maee long
Xa to hunt
.................................... -kVA th-t-itTWf
ana tom wrd locate cn it T^eeoftho thtwMtoof't^i^ ^

..... ..

It to mid that a French themiat baa
ude a bloe soap which will render
BMommiy the bluing in the Unndiy.
n mdumry map he tnoorporato a mudan at aniline green in mrong aoetk
cid. The alkali of the soap oaoverv
he gram tato btna

Now York. A Mx etoy. firapoof b
hag was recently sold ter «5. and a tm
mvy. brick bastnem building wmt to
____________ ____

dtheftotef driUlngahoto
oosimm pda tom btod to

The Popolar SbosHooM
of Ttststm Clt'

The Savings’Bank
The “Bargain Store” will hereafter be callefl The Sav­
ings’ Bank Baxaar.
It will be a change in name
only, as you will receive the same cordial welcome as ever.
A grater assortment to choose from than ever before,
with prices so low they are scarcely worth mentioni^.
Just now we are offering some good valnes in
' ^

An immense Holiday SlocV of Toys, China and Fancy
Good have jnst begun to arrii^


Notice Most Extraordinary
From now until after the hoHda>’S this store will be

TheCentre of Attraction
We shall receive each week something new and
attractive. Space -wHl not permit the enumera­
tion of each article—you will have to watch our
-windows, read our ads and stop in the store
whenever you have the time to spare. No trouble
to show the goods. We will just mention our
line of OVAL'FRAMES in various sizes—the
swellest thing cm the market.

Our Glass Medallions
are selling fast. We are taking orddrs for the
holidays for larger sizes and different subjects.
We shall endeavor to get any subject you -fnay
want. Our line of Picture Mouldings is the
finest ever displayed in the city. We shall keep
up to our high standard of Artistic Framing.

Dainty Gift Books in artistic bindings- AH the
latest- books soon as published. Make our store
' your headquarters at all times.

880 Front atTML

X. B. HOLLET, Manager.

TH^ KOBBiBa y»ooyD,.»mrpig, ocTQggn >a. »Wi^i-dust.


«(lb* »Mr% vUL
Vmfb tM (NB li
rroB maM'm <Ub>

^iitoiSlrt‘i!3£ ?2iuSIi2''.'T _

“ -Ay*,



*»»«d *»»• «».•»«►
M 1 toM bin. 1b •■•

ISw^loBle « ‘WO

•k« tiwnh. MKl w« «*«»o«0 «*»a 'b^
••^sS»d b.flk. piMp».'
omc«. ipe.Wii|t iB * euioat. bw^
kirdcd way. u>d tbea-lnw tbal b*
Li . olatol Id bit l«ft bud. *Dd tbit tb*


You Should

wrigblnp no torn tbaa
thr«o poonda. ap to tbe leral fld tbe rocd
TCfUHate EXPLOSIVE fo^ of fwe- Of a lbi*a BUty booea. Lyeopodlam
powder ia aothi^ iaca«nar lem tbaa
tbe poUen of a certain mom. lueSieacy
ta Ibit experiment u da* to tbe SaeBcm
of iU particlea

___ ___


loci of dun bar* reoently
! ^ aeOBcd 10 Uk« M DOUe* ol W.
;, ound a mimber of acTwe an^denta
T«o ^
of tb*
tb* me#
BM }ii»p*«l
)amv*A «lt.
oaL *»d
ud , On« ««fct of Uuae raUmltiea baa bM
Umd *r* aaw that tbm wai aoo^ to ncall to obacrraot aiitd* tbe fact
natt weU sr dn u teTwIj tiwnBi«»d.
panoD iB tbe boat a wtanaa. bb* vat that, many materiali ai« Ur polroriaed
aittlBK OB tbe bottom board*, lyiac form explonTm oi exoeediacty bl^
acaUiat tb* atem abeati, aad moaed to ] powm. Not only coal, at U abovn io
Dm* !>• la butw pak th* tlBbnd bif^ ba eltber atlaafi or dead. Tbe offioar: f^ja^t etploaJoM In mine*, but tbe
A v«allb te7«od tbt otKladMc dnoB.'
belpiai tbem. Ibey lifted ber np and ; wwder fawn snin. mudBatand aiinUar
oeb<d tb* boat aod oanM b«r aabore. i
b^ esploded wladimmraa*
Then tb* oBom tm to lae, and 1 mv ! ^«ot.
tbatlbC(wbb*faudto*peak^Bi«dyb*| Ibwoo^ndentendlai itf tbenbva* io a Sorry orer mniethiiiA.
Jeet of doat explodoq it oomparattrely
•“WbatV all tbtar 1 aalA ■Wbat'a nev. Oamla'CmBioott.(a<oltyob«ataalMMiriv
tbfa ; iK o( Cfakofo, t« as aotbority on tbe
read before tbe Aeade-


___________preaeat mill that tbe aploaioB left no two sonwof tbeorifinal Btmctare ttandlng one npcai tbe
Other. Ihe people of Minaenpoli* at
8r*l mitiook tbe expbMton tor an eartbd tbeet Utm raeSnc 6 by
S laat wore thrown
two mika. eictata.
llTOi were loet and property damroyad
to tbe rain* of orer •800.000.
Tbe pmetally accepted theory of tb*
oaaae of tb* exploeioa la that tbe doat
in tbe air had tkooBw Ipnlted br a qmrk :
faom*"dry riooe"—that la. a pair <<i___

Hsw Moon Tea.

■ taau.i.dirM.1
nSx* It bom*'B
‘Pleam taka bar to year baoM.'
my* tbe cOob, and ae moo a* we
have towed tbe ^ip ont of danger tbe
mptato will eom* sibore and meyco.'
•’■Bold oaraaya L end I grabbed
blml^tbaarm. ‘Do yoo mean » my
yon're going 9ff to this faabloo witbmt
tailing nw anything fnrtberl Wbo are;




Ui» Soar miU. Tbe etotua beeooie rsy
botnndertbe eircnmrianoe* and knock ]
iparkafaws each other. Tbe eaploaion!
is tb* NmtbwwieRi elevator waa doe,)

loiofc, and tbas.
tbes. apeaUac ao rapidly
taiddly I expert teatimeny ow
moM hardly (oUoi^ hioi, mid that tbe,
B tb* eaptalB'e vife, and tbe ^
;be UaMbaU ' I beea taken iU rery eoddcnly, and t
tal*ndaTbenlabtwaebrim*stlyiDO(«.lberh«b*nd.*eeli« my boose ao^om >
Ut and tbe ball- aod apar* of a Uttl*' **>. had determined to acud her aehor*
mthmitbi* TbeooneeoneoteApaod.
A number of derioe* to ledoaetb*
bbS««J in—,.
tb*‘wd*eeif anythUiB ooold be done for »
___ e tei*
----------------_i undaicT itao rodd«i that imped- dangertrom diur eiplmion harebeeo
ISMmaboota mile diitant fans tb* *>«»•
-qnem.’lmlA *Wby j
given a riolent irnpS.
mader'a boose rteod ont a*
aod |
That $
dUtioet ae If ib*w« bat
‘ ‘ 00 yard*'
------- SWB’t beoome with herblmaalff liook ' to* gtm tbe load U glveb4.*t$W.*t*rt. ; to coal**!^Jm*
ber*-l dool biUev* *U tbi* How did [
eiploaim M?be erdled a » ■^F^***”
•way frooi where they
*®.*?!*" *
Three of Cbe men p**eentwereTl«il- b* know, even tboagb tbe boom it bei*.' »pid
on tb* other ban<:. be ^idered 1
*?*”?*• ^
«r*»Ned Packenbam, tbe enptalo: Har­ tbatawbitemanUvealnitf Aodlwaol
vey, tbe mate, and DenlMB. tbe enpetI tloa in tb* two inMaiwe* diffw* only to t ^ wc^d expand aod
•UBO of tbe Indiana. Tbe foortb was might be dead for all 1 know.'
-By this Ume my j»»le and on* of, ntdnt of tUoa to either e«e it U aim-1 «I «•> witboot l^.nee cd Sr*. OoUl*^
tbe trader bimeelf.'* grioM old wan.
Eotan’ewivaehadrmeoptctbewom-! pj,**oo,WnatiQii of tbe combnMible I wploutau are lita^ to he partie^ly
dmerof pa«80.


■ ^
..rtk. >ir Xnw sever* throngb anion of tb* coal doK
Xi was'kmg put midnight, and tb* ' *n. and I
old trade*’* mioeroiii ball
To make mill* dori expioaloB proof
boor* be-' «7«« wei* closed, and abe neemed qnlte , of tbe bnniiig wOI tom-ose with tb*

yroviooely. and Packeobam and DeniSOB. to whom tb* tod had bMO waU
teown. aekad hiefatber wbm* tbe boy
bad bem boned. ‘
-to tberu" replied tbe old man.
J^tlng to s mnall white walled InClosore Bboat a •time'* throw- from
mbete we weresitting. "Tbeie’ta good



' ^.4 YV


tbe toteot of blowing tbe partieles
far apart ai to preveat tbem from ignit­
ing from one another Antogeaion.devic* need to aome mwmiUi ii to blow
«eam oa to tbe diut. wetring
it and making it mttl* — Chioago

■ UW* IWwMtol 3

ii£*^DawneT.'tbe afciw of tb*l
~Be beslutad }ut a
Maid of Bamoa. and Un*e of^to* crew: I bbI^-' ’’ft** lnoaPiinoe,OaptatoBnagb*K2«»^r^tchman-him that got •«- Bat I oan’t Bay to ttlk now. Tb*
ftSTtotobi* for looltog aromid S ' oapUto hi—dl wiU taU yon aboot it to



irespeeiilties.| Thc»rat,i>...t;ia i. ua(m’ Wew.iost tbe right ebape for
comfort and besoty.

Tbe most complete
line of

Also oar

Men’s, Boys’ snd CbUdren's Wear.




Our prices
are absolutely
the lowest.

Tb* largem and moat powtafnl appaistn* in the world for gmsactog tbe X
ay hai jori bnea mannfartnred for Dr.
r A. Gardner of Waahlngwm. With
tbi. new ap{wratni tbe dreams of tboa*


Is St Wilhelm. BorUk & Go’s.
Also mairnfactorera of

Fine Harness.

-^Uva*. wbo wanted to be bnrled to the boel. and the Iw aail^ tw^
■for tbe comic aP*r* have been folly
' my boneyard beoatue they tboogbt to !'•horn were ninjewof ao
teolued. kton ba. been reodared trans­
.. tbpy
.. went BltoiB.
task* m* some rettn forkeeptog tlwtr I oS. ud away
parent. HeoDbeKenibroagbUterally.
'Well, we
we carried
carried t^
tb* woman op to
lamille* aftertbey w«r* died; my boy : ”^*11.
■- -Stienl
ber in a ebair.
Tom and tbe white woman.”
.».»« M and tbe moment my wife took aS
oS tb*
electric machine and U lb* bandiwtrt '
n _X 1. IL /I
Ih.^ ^^ST* wto» wii2 dto woolMiwapper that covered bn bead
ni^unxxTU nmixxFumoi..
,« Meona Write
BarUett.-<a« Wl|)tA]m I^^aV ft Pa
wemma OM ^
cried ont that then tU at length tbe vooAiaenu of tbe trical expert* Tbo machine proper >■ a | 11 ilUCUli] Ulll lOA' O. W,
404 Union St
”l’ll tell von all 1 do know, and a ■ »“ hJood rnnuing down ber neck. And wood baa nnited with tbe oxygen of ; maerive eflaU, todoaed to a glam ^ ‘
— craenr vam it le too. to ttowedar* It didn’t take me long to diasoret that tbealr.
j 11 fwH kaig. 6 feet wide a^ « f^
rroot StraeuTiavana atgA. T. Johnson. Proprietor.
wii^oS^wWW wn bei^l S ‘ the woman fa. dying from a bnllet ^ ” If tbe log Imd hern epUt toco
high. N^i. -oppRed with eight revolvw^ wonnd ip tbibafk of ber bead.
! wood, tbe baming wonld bav. taken tog plau*. which at* 4fc« in diametm
Sii^i big borine^ Ti^ were not' -Wedid all that we pomibly eonld ptoa in S tnnob diortn tin^ If tbe j Tinm revdee go a 4 inch wt-f
idr* of the .power of tbi. n
r wbaleabipt here then, bet eveey A*r tbe poor thing, bat ebe never re-| cogd wood wn* split into kindling
nr'wi ■ Ternel euM hm^ i*»Bed ootuiciooaDeaa and toward *np- and piled » that tbe air had free ac- i ater marhine *mi be gained from tbe
and 1 «u nakina mcmev ri* *he died qnietly. Tbe^ wai noth- ‘ orm. tbe bnniiug wvnld ink.- pUoe .till tori that tbe ptote. make «5 levoln*"®*»*y ;
h« clothing to ebow wbo ab* mor* rapidly If the wood were ground tloai a mtootn Believed of ibeir ail*
Sana over n*L
. _ .
... ZT_
wm rings___-u..
aneb a* __ia
wonld into powder^powdi-r. ao *,»
fine ts.i
that it ] and rerolring m
( * level b<ue. they
> lived
e to wbicb 1
in belong to a woman of aome poeiUon. i wonld Boat to tbe air-cnmbnrtK.
rather adorer epot^an thia Yoo can That abe tori been murdered I oonld not' ^Id
is a e
S» (be place from here and *1*0 see; Spot^ “d
may oome to SnetMe of tbe divisinu that many cobtbataboiiMttairitostoanchapcaitloa>U tlMUKean.
Peopl* sre sot only losing is
' aDcea which to bulk are either tvia- tbe amt of all llUw
wonld be virible not only fRim all part* U<>>L’
bat are oconing right io to onr place of
■-feotwbatbecamaoftbeablpr’aiked UvnlynoncwiiboriiUe or to be ignited by mean, of tbe S raya b
of tbe toeide beacbeelof tbelag
bw^eas. and their look of enriodty
ilue tbe rlectriciiv g
I ndlui
tbe mate of tbe Indiana.
' only with «^def»We difficulty
faom tbe aea *■ well. '
a look of sarprise when
”Oot of right by 8 o'clock in tba wbm to a ftoe etate of diviriun. rrwdily maebine to treat
*‘My wife—not tb* preeent one. yon
• : A cage will be cB*cted
Ih’tweeo tbe poathey note tbs elegant line of good* we
know—was a Bonin iilairi^^^ bl^ morning. ■ A* aoon a. 1 saw wbal wa* , ignitihI*L A. ao example of a mbetance ; ............................................................
tbe matter witbtbewomu 1 knew that: not caaibomible iti ibe ordinary miw itire and negative pole*, and to thi.
ore showing and the ostooi^ing low
’inBoiruh and had ,io w* new! not eipem to aee any one from J of the wru ^ ^ be laki-n tVhm 1 patient wUl be wated. He wiU^to
prices at vUeb we ore rooking them.
ad to Bit tbe ebip hock again. ”
1 Bnelv divided. cith«- iuio Sling. <e by I nwderedcnmplelelTtrapqwvni throngb
"lw<md«rwh*ttb*tme*tmyoflb*t tbe prooem of tn«iiig.ii bum. readUy.” | «n-powerful flnaoacope. and then he
«. aw»d. woman',
woman’, death was?”
8l«ide a* lb* above eiptonation
eiptonatian is. I will be mbjeeeed to an *lmo*pl«
.aid Packeobam! Siuide
ba* been i ibenvtly
barged with riwtrioity.
dancing and otberwim amnrii« tbem- tboQgbtfnlly a. be looked toward tb* the dnri expio
ptoee where .be wai bnried.
j explained by a nombev of tbeorlea ! Gardo« baa a Rnaig belief to tbe
salvts on tbe beach. ■•Heaven only know*” annreted tb* : wboeefalrity w*» etjoaled by their to- eocy
•‘Bocan. tbe bend chief of tbi* la­
«k Herald
Wbetber it
it wai
wa* a
a mutiny
mottoj ! ^nity
gonnity -- Argnmeoi once w*. advanoed York
A nice wool suit mode to four ,
goon. one nlgbtkold w that aeanoe bad old
meosare, in the latest style and evary.
come faom Mini. snUIand about tbrea •«>
bwhand wa* murdered, or ttat tbe
,. Otbenhave j
.^aya’ mil to tbe lewrard of Waller’* wbolber tbe offi<« wbo <«me aaboi* of apooti
stitch of the worit done right here at
I* devioe ba. been inreatelM and reported that a ahip bad
b«r wartbe eapuio bimaelf and endeavor
home, with s perfect fit ^ ^
______a ..
vibrntlan of the dnri { m incrome tbe power of
: ber hiuband a* well _______________
1 cannot telL Any- faom
paaaed onlte
gumnle^Uor^y.......... $16.00
learned that there paniolea afloat to tbe air Tbe fact U it emriri* of powerful magneuanaebed
I way. 1 bare ■
a week befes*.
talking for awbO* ' nevwwaeaabtpuamed the Inoa Prino*. that the ignition nnUt come from aotn- ______________ -k of the engine, so that This U the time of yMr tbst peofde want clothing snd we ore right m
••Atiar we bad
my wife enOad tbe ofaUdreo
in and pot ' I’«
it to supply your wants and -at rod bottom prices—so come in and let
tbem to Bleep, and BotM and 1 and bU written
netabout a good deal to tbe Eng- that otb» poaribto origto.fortb**xplo-! «ffect that placing a weight of *.000 or | OS Ulk. with yoo
you sW
sbont onr hangmi
bargains snd we will save yoo money and
and Ameri^newp..^ ^
__________ j 8.000 poaito_over -mb_ drim w^ j give yoil the W deal ID the City.
’ I would have. Expa
^a**iLr’pi;»dt-"S i anotber ench toitog!^ Wvrret may ' with dn« exptoricn
so riniple as to ba^-1 wbeeU to tbe track wQ1 enable a looo..
am«*h. to fact, that Ibeiewa* not even law come oat”—London Chronlcl*.
------ -------from
three to........
• ly dam
. to draw
_ .
c ttpoD tbe reef. and. tbe trade r'
I it doe*, only a pair cf hellowa an aloo- ‘ car. more tK».i u
Traverse City, Mich.
215 Front Street.
wind bavtog died away, then wa* not <
The prtvrmi made in engipemtog to b«J
^ f_«?l | *»“
tbe aoosd of a leaf rtirring in tb* palm
thatof Pie.-ol Aicka faMoaed on edge to tbe < (,mcb will reduoe tbe*
j »ottbly exhlUited to the
toitme.! Am of a Y. For material (toe floor bed.
••We bad been ritting like tbii for j late year* Iron pliMafor
wdll do. Put a oouple of b ‘
. oboat half an boar, wbes Nora, my tten of boilem have been i
' or *0 of flour to tbe point of tbe V.
Wife, jnet ae toe wat coming ont of Uto ly npccaeded by homq
I ha* been ralad to
pu,^ urmr
--".IU ! »here tb* two ride piene eboold be
door to )olo Bi. gave a cry.
' ^tm.
tbea* U...UB
baring -- “
‘ a^gtb tbao iron plue* and a greater Jotoed mogly ^ tbi* amogement a
••-•To Eaibnkel Look at itbe eblp.’
fo^reito for India have been
•*I Jumped op and looked, and theiu
awarded to Ametlmn rolling mi^ but
son enough. w*i a big ship
Jnet .bc..|
abow- i —...nvb..
teeu now require .Wbdl. —bjtlol
and close to. not:facm68,000to6fl.000pouadi pereqnaru
ingfooBdtb* poial
Befcn making thto poS. bowever.
•-that to, tbe quality to tbe
U»n a mile iway from tbe reef.
U^ttbemndleartom^ tbanpototba plied with aU tbe r
•*Fcra BOmeDt 1 waa a Ut Kured, r*-1 platej ie requited
aod would i ; only about
beUow* toarply. and woofi tbe olood qoklity
inch eqaare would
* wa* not a btealb
aboot 187.80
•88.80 per Ml aaagatoae
aa agaii
■tog. ! f«w to 60.M0 pound, to poll it asnii- i 0*
of wind and yet eeetog ber
^flamegoeeootalmoetim- par bm bid by tbe ^iglirii raU milto
Tbm 1 remembered tbe current mididw. endinmebprooeeitbedoetiUtyto
kMW that abe mnri have run up to>tb*
tb* tbe steel would cause it to «r«tehBom*Eeaentially
t«~t from tbe weriwaid before dark j wbm. ao that at tbe point c
A new fiuoreaeait &ai*riaL macb
be applied to tbe oo
perbapa, and that ae Mon a* tbe breeae ! there would bu e marked re
•SinriartoaU tboee Uttoorto nmd. ba*
bad died away tb* ourrent. which rsM | area to tb* bar. tbe air----meame tb*
aboot four kDoa.
knot*, bad
had caught ber and ! dactiou deciding in a great
Dvtog ber

alcmg. 1 took ber ' quality
--------------------------to tbe etoel m adaptod to boUat'
Are those wbo nee pure drugs .wheil attacked by disease.
or Brlttoh Mmtb I ounstnietion. to making apeeifleBCioM
to be eltber a Yanbae

M Side Shoe Stoic,

Merchant -i* Tailoring,




ohicuMy. Tbe lid. being
“Jntt m 1 bad aiked Botan to get on*
inder (semore. to tbe port
to bto women to bunt op a boat's oiew
Ibaabov* named tenrile mrength per
tbe appormw which to to show lU
toe oaag out: •tostan, TuA ’
* to ieroe to tbe eiplorion. Itoe ohimDey. to
I square iauh. end that tb* reduction
••In anotber moment or two I baord \ ate* at tb* potot of freotni* nnder a
It myerif plain enough—click clack. ] teet like tbe aboratball Unto lem than
t dowajaad Jam tbe lid
{tag. it was l«*a than one-balf tbe origtbe land.
I Inal area of tbe bar. 6oeb teats deter- down on to tbe chimney. A puff with
•'1 knew tb* ship wa* right
the brilow*. Inserted at a amall bol*
and could not get into euy danger, aa mto* tbe quality and ability to tbe etml suitably Bitnated near tbe bottom to the
pleiee when made up Into a boiler to
box. blow* op tb* flour tosids. The oxftosMi immedtotoly following btowi
tt* ehimaffir Ud aeroral feet op to tb*
I ai ab* WM wltbto IM

■ it to -sto up oito

fa«a ta toMt totoed.
- (kemtoti aiy that tb* blood to
omtalB* a larger percentage to
thad -that of hoy other cnature. and
beef to tbe'moat noortohtog-animal


We haadle no other. Our.dmgs and medidnesareobtained from tbe best and'most reliable sources, and in such
quantities that we can always have them fresh and conUunining their beat properties.

d floruss

Our Fres^ption D^xartmeot is fully snppUed

I my toat tow earto*B

with evciything necessary for the compounding of jdiysidans’ prescriptions.

18,000.000—to wbkto 18.000,000 are
%riog a »sD quality to lyuoindtom ^m-tor tbe period to ergaoie botoga.

Uasoxic Block.




it, «r wtoM

^]l,l ba<r M oa* alcht I •! "lltlt
* liMT >«*•“*•

is? sf 2Sr SsfwS."???: ™k electric spark
^ *w!ir«h^ tCItNTWTS ARE NOW ABU to SEE
B«,wl»(ybWtr«*ict»A*ty. 8b* Umh i


ed witbqrt making a tigs and «W
- ' bi*«i
fTldant bia woida coav«7«d BMfaing to
■<Pobai» aba
I Iba elaotrie a|atk haa at last been
pboampbed and a aeientifie pfcUen


ShilsoD House


«b* 6mr UttH



Oor. SaTAutb ft 9b1ob 8U.

Fbit Clus icNUidittnis.

Gntlait tiiiai.

I atodim for yearn hare jnst been made
‘••^ipnblia EngUab-Tmrta bold that
. Th. «, I
day amber wa» dlaooVmad to be the



and BifianDUy «iiboat tbongbta She
lofadtobeontcddooraandmlaedwUb ,.,ilera of tbe crlgtn and o
Mber ymsi^ aeeialug by all aMorior
to be like them, ittbii®,^
table of tbe marqoia In Ibe ^ily of a
itAned apdani raee, aba cazried bataalf
rln truth m>eab-af tba aloctrio fluid,
erlthtbegnoa and dignity
one aotare U no anch thing. Daoorloity la
enaiomed to a elmilax world, and fon*
tM often said. ~Thb oblld U a great
In spite of Ibe mom tborongb inraetigationa not a ray of light, ermi tba
tainteet. pieroad tba rnyMorf. U mid
, not eTeo be <«nJeotoxed wbat tba boat
Wt at tbe coaat bad bean or wbo
tbia woman waa wbo aoeapted plaoidly
tbe mre of atrangera, abowad neliber
aadneaa nor >07. bad no dertrea and
Urod nnoonaelanaly tba Ufa of a beantifal white bird la a cage of gold. Lit*
------------tla by little tbe manjnia grew atterbed
Tbe oamaiartca of dtlea are like great tober. Hit honaa waa la^ a^ be^
feotela. Where tbe rime proilinity of, fnaed to bare her oonflned Ina boepltal.
wtxle in different claaaee of life la sot! repealing that abe waa bia cbarge ^
nlwaya happy. Tba walla of partiUmi aaoeed to him abore ere^i^.
•iMntO leii a aeeret borror of onrem; eometlmaa when be walebed ber walk.
Wfblng Of eonitraint. of Ing in the park of. tba chtteao Fcnm
Is ti>a, would grow rery aad
m and mntmnr. * 1
r, of oold dignity
1 bad
dt^tory r^atkmi of body to body, tbit beautifsl
bad aa aonl.
aool. bow
would lore herl" And PootM. w^'
Bete_______ In tbe gToeeyarda of tbe oountry. then in bia tbirty-alatb year, reluacd
to marry-^ aoeount of tba
aniong tbe thick flowering underbraab
■ad tbe quiet of tbe wide flelda ia a
«or na
u« after
i —— — —- . ,
better repoee for
mngglee. A cemetery tbna aituated. year, came a deeper maJancboly. HowS^terof farrawebing borltcna, i*-{ erer. in bit \olnntary aeclnawn them
rkomaas^ or KLacruic arsKC.
mdica one with a desire to dia To lie'--.7---------—............
Sows here and Beep aaema good. Bnt to like to
nmr him. tboogb ber man- BOtbing but a purelT rwtex muTemeet.
moat peaoefnl of all ate tba realma of 1 ner .wm like that of s petted mlmat }UB( snob a moveinwit as we see wb«*
tbe rings of rinoketbat laaily
*a da^ in marina Tillagea, at tba edge , 8be ran to him when ahe mw bim and
drift from tbe moutb cf the aninkur. A
Tvtcx moremexit means that tbe eleotriatr.
the mnoke. tnoree orer and
« tbe etemal aleep. amid | «« and^rotlou. but tbe sea^
dicumtorenae of the ring that
*e waO ^ Ibe wind Otar tbe aneiaDt I abe would run away again, oftenI into
it U nifaed in by <ma face ci tbe ring
I tba woods, where abe wandered 1
----------------all day,
One day
about leyaaaa ago -----------*
I onterrt jail
day. retomlng always at duak, for und ahot oot by tbe otber Tbe tacx is
wonderful in its rimpUcity Uka all
■be bad a great dtead
ma of tbaae plaoea of iopretbe real be-1 abe
dtesi of tbe
One atormy nigbi
■'» tbr waets on tbe Birton ooaat.
nigbi in J»oeemb« abe tbe baaie principlm of artenoa.
^ Ks ensaea
« pointingiosraid
tnittting toward beneen.tbnddaedat
bmren. abnddered at tbeaou
the sound of tba wind from ckMer we gM to ibem tbe more riraple
they are And ao it la wilb tbIa
-MnV of tbe
the aea
am end
and groaned
aroaned aoftlT...............
fa away wbicb makes one think
aofUy. with ber
D an
an attl.
alti. one. which may teT«4nrionue many the^
ntamlty. Beside a Utcle old cbor*. be- bands clasped to ber breast in
ia otabliibed exoraria ago
S7hekhl«»ow of. stone bell lurret. Wde of deep aadnem. Ali^eUtm'abe
Bvwy electric current haa two imda—
mt tbe foretatbera wbo. wbetber they- ntieredaboayaerryandfeUlotbefloor
It waajoit I* years aio« the positiTe and tbe Dt«BtiTr pol»» Of
d died in yoetb pr in age. wen all, nncoDseions.
I abo bad come to lUa in tba ebaleao. CMirao there is a differeort- brtwen
time. And then wu no aadneaa in tbU P«mioa. eery nioch alarmed, burned to tbi m !>ci<'nUsti know that lung
aeidesoe of a fatal dwtiny. bnt rather, Ibe Tillage (« help. A dwiarwai aom- Tbe tronUe baa bcyti that th.-y hare
tbappyibllef in the thoogbt Ibal the'mooed and relorwd wilb blip In great bMu unable to »an .■laclly wlisi ibal
Bsrdra Cf soBemig will not always bs^ Tbe^j»rimt w^exwlW^^ dlffcnuce waa Kow. bu«wig. come
Lord Annstruug'i pbotograpba. at|yjr.
Siaf^o^"bM^iu'*^esrribed IlmiL ; Uon. b^bad cairled the germs of tbe ing tbe exact differvooe to tbe eye. Tbe
And pleasanL too. waa tbe flow apelU, *■«•! diiftse in ber system for some fint of^tbe pbut<«nupha taken by Lord
Arnismsig is
fag oot Of Iba InacriptlOBa on tbe tombs, time. Pontoa wu In despair,
ice ti poafa the warmih of tbe fanlight wbicb ; One morning in tbe winter tbe so­ inUrcating, ev«j if to leiitice
as that of
ao gnat a valueV »
fas flottenim. intoxicated blrdt greeted , knows passed quietly away is tbe-arwa
srttb a swaat dclinnm of song. Tbroai of themarqota At ibcsniwememomeot tbe o(b<aw It U tbe one with ibe black
MBturiea of time eepuated tbs old, Ibe rnywerioua rick woman aermed to qul in tbe oeuier fiwro which aueama
of light are aern rddUting
A <am«u and a very powerful eltctrie ma-dilna Trrre placed in a darkened
romo Tbe camera ooDtaioed a arusiUTa
plau> ovir wbli b a light and fine pow­
One tomb in tba formof a cballoe ar- langotge. bot death. je*l««» "f .*be der bad bMB allied, tbna msurug the
fact that whr* tbe electru-iiy was die(farged tbe dn« upon tbe plate would
gslar epiupbi "Here Itai an onkoown. “"'‘•
ba dnm about by tbe ■eotrie Kreama
Em «. 18T1. Tacit-, trasfif i,«Mbaa
and the light would at tbe mme tima.
Msed silently >affect the .plate The eleenricity would
I wished to learn all that ww fcoows
thus give tbe Inmlnoaity which would
her. and id tbe ereoing I tnqoirad is
».W.. It to be oaugbt in die aa of mt*
fae Tillage, and tbU ia wbat I leaned;
ting the dnM in orminioricxi, tbe rima
required for iu Imprint bring but tba
«lihtrf^l^^^'n?ai?l^a“tiS ^ 1“
■nail trsetiou of a aeamd.
laota slept in
In tbeirhs^,Pl^__*b^P'^^‘^
•“ "T “J'
Kever didcalcolatiuD pr.
•baton up by tne
that tba a.rt„ion*l
traditkmal IPaddy recL and Ibe re-alt u ebown in tba
^ dnlT*bMor
pUte dm nftared to Tbe black spot U
fae dlamm of a ship oot no tbe waters | de** I Bngliib lilcntore. haa been
of agr.T..tody. m tbe oentar <d tbe picture it tbe mriallte
difa which rested upuD tbe pbon
. port did not palneaa a single Ufa-1 '•^^h bit inowoi •tnpidln
^le and received tbe poritiTediecbarge
ii to depart in each a fully aualyawl
He .a oolhi
ihrn.bertnruwould Irssiban
l”«‘ban a ctconrenrent
-------- .pi-rwmiflcsuoD
iDXbebarkst rihrn.bertnvnwould
fa aimplT folly,
. I rooiiod
braoiy like the i
gfa found ooold <
9 eloctriclty. wblob ,
Bat donbtlre* the noises of the I and coouiries lo • France b»a sayinga-. plant are rmlly

Host Msfactoi? Prices

Pint <Oan T»bl*.




P. BURDEN, Propr.




as 1 do foe tbe moon Voo see.
"Bar bean atill beatal" oriad tba _
tbe sun only eomea after it geta day­
light. wbon we could see )un u well
^Carry b« to my bouse quickly a
it. bnt tbe mooo'i aoma.oaa—
vnp this cloak around ber."
It tbinea at night."
Be waa obeyed In fan. tba worn
Early oata morning, wban Calioo waa
■in lived and after boars of fatoDte
I. beaaw a robin in tba
fafar optoed ber eyau.
"Ask her nothing.’

I. a-..

Goode proropUy delivered. Olden bj Pboae given Quick sttestioB.

.Fresh Oysters..


DitMtfroin Biltinon.


Cor. rrtmt aud Park 81a..
■o St enr UraarS at eael-ekis Htrsft.

«T^ A T7"nvRgfHl Ox'X' * ,.


fee Sespstiois...


ah. boat that bad ^ ^«Ta momenL One day a( acbool be ; electricity as u eoma fromi the bi
!!^!fi;. .Sn.IT^'. mn^lr^doriM
fight with a rehipanioo and ; body and pboiograph IL and it will ba
that nishi cMertor Tbe aadiiea* of the came borne with a gash oo bis forehead. : found ib» while it iwduuw undm ,


H anow TMt aAgrum MAweTi

Also ev«r}'tbiDg io the line of


It abow* ocmcluavrly that riccmcicy ,
; in the tnginal. as it wire, la vastly ;
began dtfferwii in geovial appearanw from
craft . (fa cnrrtot afutr it baa aodumptiibed a

• What cut. papa’ *
WbT. that great gash oo your fore
Marquis de Pontna. mailer of Ibe eba-,
d."faou. emme op to tbe group of people to bead
••I bit mymlf tbero. papa."
ten the end of tbe nigbria drama
"Bit yooralfi Why, yon eouMn'l
Tbe cry bad come from a peasant wbo
faddisooTMad tbe body of a woman fate Tonrself on yoor forebead."
1 got up w a vbair to do it. papa
•iMbed in a long white ««ba throws

Ti«T«n« Oi^, Mloh.

und aU otbm nutoaudiaa.

Salted Peanuts
end Hoe Cake

fag the msstniched wide under the.'be ustioo
Mm aky. aribpi elear-nol a speck ou ' C.hno’e blondertug^.il «-





Leave orders at office or ’Phone No. 3.

A Pew Good Line»-^
to Close at ■


About 500 Kimball Piaaos
and organs, because of their low prices, splendid mus­
ical qualities and general construction, have been sold to
“t^^and n



qnalitv cunsidered, of an, goods on the market. ijvery part of these goods is made m
our own factory, corner %th and Rockwell
streets, Chicago. We meet all competition ia '
prices where quality is considered. Our Ladj
of Angels Seminary, at Lyons. Iowa, saysi

Tht In o net- KIM'S:!LL SMXOS Mely purchvai

mdlati'uD ti«u tba poritiTe dirii u aean
to be much tbe mme aa In Ibe Orri pbo-

a«nca * u»o.~ WK b.1 <•

Inns aide tbemyaaia drawn towara
tba negativedlfa and oooaolirtated into
thia-tor tinea Tba pbougmpb aim
tbe disefarga baa
shows elaariy faat
This latw faoi ia one of the mori
raluabla laMtlta of Lord Armatroag'f
Not. as prerloualy etatod.

ata^^rcSTrLd to rirSItTn^Jh- bouae. crept up mif. softly, stole into „ dor a. day N« ooly U the diffto
«K» eiaoUy known, hot it uoaaetly

"The weman will tell m

gut glass

Latest Styles,

from you are vett liked tolh by the teachers and pufilt of
the Itulilulion. We lake pleasure in'recommending them
Sisters of Charity, S. V. X.

Fine Goods •»>

Low Prices Prevail
ai the store of

L McNamara

We have lately added to onr atock of
Pianos and Organs a complete line Of-

of every dcacripU™ 1°''right prices. 1000 cop­
ies of popnlsr NEW MUSIC at 10c. per copy.

W. W. Kimball Co.

mim OtJ, HA N. E. strong. Mgr.

236 Front St.. Traveive OHy.

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