The Morning Record, November 28, 1897

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The Morning Record, November 28, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






Decembet Magazines
are Beginning to Come

sight to' bear bia addreas abeat the T

uUre dlaooaraa.
9mtiT *800.000 Pkld Oat is TU*
XioeoUtgr Thl* At
nut 81B.OOO Bi
Bold-106.000 Boahoto ta tStortf*
-KiOrtB* Crop Uapold.

Bobeol Xuun' Club Pra&tod by Good
^Proffwa *sd Spludld ^qi
MU* JlekUsirofaiU dtp OOBUib.
ttted Fine rnpw—Sopwian
Oiawa B»-BMiUd fraaldaat.

wbo baa ben eaiiag tor hU ailldrt-a
here daring hta illaeaa at Cbarlevalx.
retamed to Cadillac todap. Mr. Ctaw
ta galaing In health, thongh It ^11 be
BBauel umUoc of tbe KorUera a long time before he eatlrelp i4oo
beflABiiif of cold wMUur kM
latbe1».llafofp<>!*JL‘7.??..i'-(-.......... ............... ».«»j Michigan Bcho<d Ma.ur’. Auoelattw. from Ue injariee received in the hotel
tatawto tbit dtp
kUty: bat
bat it U eaU---------1
laUreoUac ia tbc bUtoep
pdata iB ibU loluUtp:
Tbtal....................... .................lS5.5i« of tbcaaaoelaUoaaad the
Mt«d that oalp aboot oac-balf tbt
The priaeipal bopera In the eltp are | wae the Urreat ia fpar peart. The
«rop la *tbla raftoa baa been aolA
hooored bp tbe preeWhile it ta probable that tbe majorltp
tbe -aull feruen" and aoue of otber plaoea. A E. PeWer baa been a | eaoe of all of tbe meubera of the 6Ute
baper ta Snmmlt Cltp aed > Hoard of BdaeatioD aod Dr. Booae.
tbe sore exteaatea have aold tbe balk
of their atoek. there are maap who cieiaitp: 0 A. Briphaia at Orawa: F.! preaideat 8(ate Nonaal aebod.
Vlatoa at WilliaauberT: L. K I Ooe of the beet papere oothaprohave thoaaaada of batbela who arc
luldlac OB for better prioea Uter la tbe Dahie. Jack Lltaep aad R B. Dailp atjKram waathatef Mtaa Bopk.nia JiekSuttoot Bap: R. r. S'errit at Ommu: i Hog. of the Traverae dtp Blgb eehool.
aeaeoB aad next eprtap.
Mias Jiekllng't tnbject was -Vrrtlcal
Ibe prioM which ba« preraned tbta Kehl Brae, at Nortbport; L. F Fax aad Writing." Bbe took BO tadieal groood.
jmr are ao far Id adcaaoe of tbe laai <>. W. Wbitauo at Bates: J. L OIbbaat bat favored tbe "Blaat" apatemaa well
two peaja that
aiaoaot of eaoaep Mapdeld; W. P. Steele aad Q. E Olll
at Nerthport: and olbera who have aot aa the vortical. Aap apatem, the depaid pat for potatoca doriop the paat
dared. shoo Id aeeare lv<>>llilp. rapidllp
aod aeataeaa aod the maacalar movoAt tbe earlp part of tbe eeaeoo the.)
maay of the amaller towaa not directly meat eras beet foraU. lathe dtacoaBrtee etarted la below ihlrtp eeata. bat
|k» Mias Bordea of Kalkaaka. Supvroal^foraabortUme^iditreBalB be­ tribota^ to tbta dtv are act meolow the thlrtp mark. It waa aot loaf tloaed. oaaecooatef tbe dlffieoUp la
eipal Hoea of Traveree City, and Priabefora It. rataed ateadUp to thlrvp-fl*a. eecariag reliable flgarca. Therefore
the above flgaroa map be cootldered a elpalGravaa of Patoekep. aaeb gave
coatervatlve astlmate of tbe pots ealigbtealng thoaghtaupoa this im­
-ta the dtp for from SO to » seata. Ia
portant braaeh of atndv.
tbe BarvoaadlBg towaa the average to aalss la this loeallty.
The- teachem ware Indivldoallp preprice wUl prebablp be eaUmaUd at SO
taatod to the Btote Board of BdaewUoa
oeala up to the Irat of November: bat
hick iaelndr^ Seperinteadeatof Pabhlaee that time better prteee have pco1: alee to Dr.
vatled. aaUl the aveiara. ta eatimatad au« Xarkham. .Father of I. W. .goona TbepreaeBee of theaq-dtatlaataboatSS eaata.
Karkham, Btrickea bp Apoplaap
gntabed geaUemeaudded mneh to the
la Traverae at.T ratbdr better prteee
iBteraat ef the meetiag.
ofpoarUfetaepent lahed. IttawcU
have prevelled. the -average for the
'DetaUed CMree la Laagaage aad to have-that oomfortabla We ena
James Markham. Sr., diad peslerdtp
past three moathe belag aboot S« orate Borolag very aaddsalp. at the borne of Grammar for Qmdw" waa thesabject make It so at a verp litUe cr«lMpo«.
geod Iron Bed. braae tri->med. aad
tiome of the baperaaeUmala It at to. ■ta eaa. Jaawe W. Markham, of apo- ef a flao papm- bp Sapsriatowdeat Kape aaAextra
good Woven Wim K,,riag earnThe hlgheat price paid la tbeoltp waa plexp. If he had lived aatU Jaanarp af Cadillac, and the dtacaaetoWsar^ plate for tt.W. If poB want wood taedt
61 eead Oalp a vetp few loade west let. 18W. he a^ld have bcoa 6S peara tlclpatod la bp Dr. Boone. I^eeeoJ we ewa toll poe a good selld well made
aa extra good Spring for S:.75.
for t^l Sgoro.. however. Althoogb
He leaves eevea eoaa and two
there were aeatetold at «» aad 60 eeata. daogbtera. looe eoa waa killed la tha others.
the price was kept below tbe fortp-foar Ute rebellloe) and a bost'of frieada
Tbe erowning oveatof the leeaiaa.
ceat mark. Laiolr ae high ae 46 eeaU whoarvgrievsdtolewniof hU death. U a aoelai wap. was the grand baaqaet
hat bees paid.
Mr. Markham wae aoBiaallv well epread ia the MeKioaoa Boose Fridap
The Eacoat) bat made aa effort to Fridap. Abeat nlae o'clock peeterdsy
iiag.‘ Covers wem laid for 150 aad
aaeartala at acor at poailble. the prob­ moralog Mr. aod Mrs. Msrkbtm heard
moaa vrat eUborate. Bplendid
able aamber of batbd^tfaoogbt la Trav the old gentlemen arise and dress, aa moaic fewmed a part of the program.
eras Cltp and ia the villages which arc' theip tboDght. aod waited tome llUle
Dr. Boooc spoke of the valae of edotribaurp to tbta dtp-Vlllagee whose time for him to eome down aulra. bat estioo for its own sake aad deelatbd
uoaep peitra throagh tha Traverae' he failed to doeoandMrt. Markham
t a maa ta worth at maeh to the
Clip baaka.
■Id at he can do forlt: to himtelf a,
larrmted that Hr. Markham go to bia
Oarefal leqalrlat have been nude of room and tee If taptblng was Iho maV mock aa he can eajoy. Kdocwtloa. he
all Abe baperewbocoiiLd be reached; ter. Mr. Markham went ap aed called. ataerted. ta internal ae well ae exterBoth Portrait aod Views
aad wbereaboprreonldBotbe reached ‘•Father are poo aaloep?'" (seoing
Ineidentellp one mast ehra a
reliable iafonaatiM has bees reed red him Ipdng on tbe bed dreued and Uriag. bat odaentioB tbonld fit om to
bp thoee whose flgurce aup be roMed partlallp cohered.Ibot be received nO' eajop living.
Bo eare and see them before
apea ae beiag aearlp. If aot qalla. eor- rvplp. Re then placed hla band cn tbe
Ex-Lteutenant Oeveraer Giddinga
MlecUagpoor Xmae glfm.....
reet. In tbe euteaeat gives below old gentleman'a face aad foand him mid that the acbcol maa looked open
are tbe aaatea of tboac who have bees cold In death. Deeeaaed bat lived
of abeolnte eqnalitp. The richeeuaiDBleated with, aod from tbe with bta sen J. VI. Markham, for the robed daagbtorof Dives nad tbe pecrlp
town where ad baper ta meatioaed paatu pears aad baa had a^eaaaat clad ehild of Lwmms kit aide bp aide All Union Stiwet.
the reports are .reoesved bp leveral who home and everything was done to maka oa the dame reoltatkmeeav He said
have eagaged ia tha b
him bappp aad comfortable in kU do- that It ta the eharaci srofihe teacher
thef^ret map aotbeesaet. It ta prob- elialng peara.
wot the authed of iaatrai
aUa''that thep are ae acar oorreet aa
t waa a devoted Chrtattaa and moaldi the chUA
aodid be obulaed at Uta time, aad It
n i^alar attondaat at tbe QreUiek
There were too few Tm<
ta hdteved that thep are aot fdr oat of Bondap aehool. Onlf last Soadap be
aad aunp eoaatp
fhewap. Below are gives the qaaati- attoaded and told Mrs. Ma^ham how
mfaUed to appear.
tlea baaght. lodading what hat been vreil ha enjoped IL He aad Samnel An effort wiU be made next pear to
shipped aad what b now u ttonge. Anderson have beea verp warm friends
larger atuadaaee., Oficera
These flgaret do apt laclode the theoe- IT a no'mber of peara.
were elected as fsllowe: ' ‘
aade of bathelt kept U etorage bp
Preaideat—C. T. Orawa. Traverae
In order to give all tbe ehlldrea a
chaDoetoget tbef to attend the fdn- Citp.
It will be teea that the toUl aalu of eral the time la eaCat: p. m. Taeadav
Vice Prealdeat-SapariDteadeat B.
potatoes Id this dtp ahd vidnltp aggre- aftemoce. from tbe home of James W. T. Blodgett. Ludlngtoa.
gato 8IS.0U0 batbelt. while of that Markham, at the brick parda.
SeeretarpaadTreaiarai^. H. Eape,
anwBBt «4n.5oo bntbels have bees
Habnah BUtaa Btattora. .
ablpped. Tbe rvmaiader bdag tUII ta
Member of BxecaUve Commlttoe—
atormga. Tbkiag tha total a mooat sold
aperinteadeat MDler of Big Baplda
Tbe HaBBsh RIOm held i
aad the average price at SS eeate'per
Uag last Bight la the oSoe of
boibel. the total repreaeatod la mosap uieotenant P. C. Gilbert. The object
ta gsSS.tioq. Tbit ta a eoatarvative esti­ of tbe meetiag wm to dlacom importmate. Ub a tlgaifisant lact'tbat tbe aat 'baalaeea la coonectioa with tbe
greater portioD of tfalt mooep reverts fatare prospeeta of tbe compaap. Be- Bappp VaiOB of Two Woll Known
Fetwaa Wldolp Apart la Toara
back to TVaverM CStp. and maap tboa- ecat adviViee received are verp favora­
Sat OloM ia AKoction.
aaadtare paid oot'la the-dtp ererp ble to tbe ehaacea ef the compaap in
John Woodward, age 71. and Mrs.
week, the greator pertioo of it golag rclaUoB to the sute troops, aad it U
KtmbaU. age 77. were aurrled pee' directly ioto the tUta of the merchaalt cxpwtod that tbe bop, will eater opoa
fe^aew goods aad old debit. Tbeeoa- a aeries of algbtlp drilla. There will tardap moraiag bp . Eer. U. A NortbdatioD to be drawn la that bodaeat be another meeting Of tbe compaap nip aad left oa the S a. m. C. A W. M.
' hat been good ia naverae Cltp dariag Moadap to fonher eoarider mattera of trala for Qaliforwla. Mr. Woodward ta
{be put tew moaths. aad that it will great Importasca. Bverp number U the father of Soott Woodward of this
oobUdbc to be good for moatht to- deatoed to be {ffueat.
methlag of a romaaee attaebee to
thta marriage. Several weMcs ago Scott
Bere are tbe •garee aa <
Batertalnad -bp Frank Parks.
Woodward w» oalled to Aldan by the
the Bacoao:
Frank Parka laaj night proved him- aerioBt Ulaeas of bU father, whom be
aelfaropal h<wt- la honor of bta blrth- brought to tbta dtp for teeataat.
ittaaLt aaiimt.
tfap aaalverearp leh ladlae aod gentle- Mr. Woodward toMc momsat tbe Hotel
men were deligbtfnllp eaterUUed at WhitiBg. Ia Mtb. Ida KlmbwU be
-tha home of Mrs. Avorp on Board- fowad a Mihlal aad eBcteat aarae,
man aveana One featare of the wwd-wpSSrhta roaoverp Mr. Woodward
E.'S'mbbgi (I« E,1 Brii
evealag waa a dslntp taanqoet aarved aakad Mrs. KimbaU to bocome bta wife
bp Mrs.
obleh taeladed everp aad go •rith hla to a home OB the Pa­
thing eaitobla for aaeb aa aoanicioBa cific coast. Mrs. KlmbwU. whe was
oecaaloB. Tbe Uble waa Uvtahlp dee- Mtaa Ida Codd of Springfield towaehip.
erated with amilax and ehiTuatbe- Kalkaska eoaatp. married Chaa. H.
mams aad at aaeb plate waa a large Kimball. eoaof&T. Kimball of Fife
“mom." designed to be worn bp the lake, ia 1666. Aboat fire paam ago
gacam at tbe taocp dleUted. Tbe lat­ Mr. KlmML who was a tr^ht eoater part of the evealag was devote
doctor OB tha K. Y. Ceatral toad, was
matie aad eorial paetimea .
klUed hp tha can Bear ODraiag.N. Y.
Mn. Kimball received tlO» insaraaee.
OomJag Hera to Uva.
A' pear cr so ago Mr*. Kimball came
Htrvep bewltt,-emplopod as BtatiM with bar Uule ehUd. a girl, to thta dtp
agent of the G. E. A I. at Maatoa. hat to live. She ta aa estiauble ladp aad
boea imatferred to the poeltioa of oaah- has made maap frieada. here. Mr.
ter lathe Traverse Ci tp frelgb t oScoaad Woodward b a maa of eome wealth,
port...........................................6S.000 erlU arrive hem with hta faailp Mow- luviag 6S0.0U0 or more in cash aad
TlSiOllltFlrr.............................. 6.«K> dap. Thep have laaud the rasldcBee good iatdreet baarlag Menrittee. whi^
oa tbe eomer irf Caios aad 6th streeU. wUl otosro the aomforte aod some of
soerra SIDE
FypmWiUlanmbiii...!..'.^.!.. to.W farmai^ oeeapisd by M. B. Oatea
the laxartas of Ufe to the hap^ ooapla.





A Fiill Third

J. w.


12S-1B rnst Stnrt.








Some 6ne atylea for Cfariatmaa Oifta.
Fancy Bozea and Elegant Papera

Haskell’s Bookstore.
Steinberg's Cloak Department leads in Good \'alues—wheth^ er it's low or medium priced goods you need.

nine dollars
and seventy-five cents

Ladies' Fine $15 Tan Jacket
mad^of very best Eer867 Olottl, 26 inches
long—very stylish. Velvet inlaid collar, fancy pockets,'
strapped seams. Lined throughout with heavy quality
satin. Strictly tailor made, by men tailors.
Yours for.......................


•ilUhle Xliy Oieda.
Oetfit AaiOftUaff Bm


We cao toU yoa good Wet Weather Shoes ter
I very little moaep. We want poe to aee tham.

o Mpnlmr snow Xowaw ex sxe

High Time^..
Ten Bhoold got




These holidsT editioae are the highest type of the printer's art.
Yon cannot atTord to miae a single one.
Buy thm all—^YoM
Mnnot get as mneh valoe reoeired in any other funn.


THe ‘Best’
F .Ton have boss boUtsrsd with poorHknir
f long snoBgh. Eo troabls to find
{ It. B-rMy groom-..lU It.

Hannah & Lay Co.




A Little Flurry
in Ribbons
Closiag at 29c a lot of 36,
40 and 48c goods.

A6 A







Ladies’ Box and Kangano Call Sboe for $1.50
e cork Shoe at $2,50. .
Also Gent's 1
^y’s and Youth’s Heavy Sole Shoes that are
Right in‘Style, Wear aad Price.




mobkiho bbooed.

ttoa. T. Batm
J. W.



ar*MteUow ^

Horn* Rulfi SehMiw for Cuba !•
«t Ufit OffldtBy SifMd

Cb»|dolB-AhWea LoicMoB.

W. B*x*wm.

M to Uw ewxMtship of Pons ond Ata.
asa The cneaioB U whether Pnao
eW Atoeeso. ore ewded by At«ntlno
or Chile.
MtaUridee, Ttmcney. Nor.

eieword-a B. MeMoUeo.
Ahet. 8tewoifi-J. H. Dieherso.
Treoenrw-A. B. HeBoe.

Bdt»or Md IhWig*^SUBBOaiPnOMB.


Secretory—B. E. Browo.


_____________ __
Burdcr him.
Asanciuo. Poreney, Nov. tT.—Coh>oU
Hermoso he. plsn’.ed ibe Pomcnoy.e
flex In Bohls Nesn> l^twy. whieb U
in dlejeite w»b BollxA.. 'j

vehfivea sort at harvest
hoow festival in flie va;
ofpOengthe new oop
of shoes for tbe mcaas cf
coU ud vet aal SOOT and slush. Tbeis'sgotto be 'tnoce Can tbe
ordioaiy amount of wear resbunce n winter shoes, for
s the
tinw tint tria their «qIs«—and the? uppers too. You imy not have
noticed the great lot of shoe cases we have lust received and UDpadied,
but on lookipf them over we have coine to the-------------------- ----that
nov tuvc the best line of
winter times that ever came into the town.
They're too^ood to ke^ and we won’t own
tiiem long if you »ia come in and have a
look at them. The best makers made tfaeaH
and we guarantee them to be worth tbe Btfle
prtes we asL
---------- -


Posooo-Mfs. Pnu.

rioro—DeBtte B. Moom.

tae reta hsU BtaM.

> Chicoxe. Nov. n. lUpriseBtoUvee of
I o number ot leodtnc weetem eutlexee
4 berv yeMentay ^ It wno dreided
smeod Um othleUd rals S srveral
It H hoped thoto lorge onsber of
rUculsta The mceilr; *cn& pretlmloorth fiefree sembere wiU be reody
Inary Id tu nolurv. bat th .v la no doobl
Hodrid. Kov. n.-The OffiriolSonette the Chsnxes suxxvMed will be corried
to tohe the fifth decree. If we nneider
pDblUtxe tbl. mocninx Ihe royol oat. The e
U»e UroBce o eoheel oad expect to proXieBtlna-AntOoteny lo Cubi and P«to was tbe odupiloo ot a moieiten colllax
pmlB theworic weohoeld esbrmee
leas bratolliy ie foot - sB. A «vmRico. ihU. rtmortnx the anxiety that
for p
h.d bexoB to be expreewd on OB side, mlltre «t three is to be v'V-dnird .nd
Mpbyetep reoch the hlfber fredeo s. the team of Xti tmeremoofs reU- tbU committee will chsnc Ihe mk* a>
they thlBh Imt and report tbe rhsnxts
The ooot ie eb*ht. the od»»nce«ne»t eenre ond nnexplalned delay. AHkte 1 to the memher* cf the oonfererre. Tl r
•sreohd Pesooo Omfe neede yoor cxptslas the prioclpW. of the fntnre caramltlee k to moke Its report betorr
We ore orcooUod tohHp -- xovemmont of the two Wsnds. ArUrie Jortian. iK^. A. A. fitoxx. Cnlrprnli}
t deere^xthst the xOTvnmwm of eorh
to. I. to be one .dtherommlttev.
oootber. bet o
other two hove not been opWab be composed ot op InraSr
foorth decree
preeon osoec
psHlament. dlvldeabnio two chomberv.
.^beie thot they len enjoy the prirl- whUe d xm-emor xenerel. rei>rvo«-Bllnx
P party lo Ihr
leceeof Pomooooood yet not becose the home xovernmeot. ihsll vxervlse Id
While this U tnie to ease lu the ai'ptetne outh'Ttty. Arti­ ally. Purdue unlvrrHty. mivcfvUy
cle S drrioreo tlisi the feculty of ensk- Chlcsxn. rnlrvr*ltv of Illinois. I’nlverextent yet in o sorol eenee It U not eo.
tex >.ws for eotoDlel eSsin rwu with sJty of MUhlysB. rrlvcirtiy of Mlr.netor BO «se reolly enjoyi thot in which the Ip.ulsr ebsnibets and the ernemur
t’nlverally •>! Wlscnsln. It was
derided lii.l ito studetit can play on o
he fei^ be boo no poiV Theoeimn- penefoL
(Ollexe fMH boD mm until he hda at­
Uco needo fende for iteown saint*Artick < direot. that the tnmlar rvp- tended collrxe ot leoal one yw.
leose os dose enberdlnote
tnseotAtion oheJl be rompewd of two
Therefore, brothen oad
eorporotlrin. vrllh eousl powers. A
tore, let ni roily ronnd the etoedord «f
Omo-Bsmo Sotm.

Oote Eeeoer^-Wm. D. Bovley.

Udy Ast. 8Sw»rd-BtU Brotoor*.

I TnwM.Cttr,

•d »i tk* ra

On nnrtar twtu* Is ^ Baoun
May >• »^
«f BtreiM Wkitau, tke teltBfnl wtf«
»t MmraM WUtan. wbcM nm wUl
go Aowo IB the


ot UrtocT


ttet of me of AoMrieh'B ooMeot ehV'

It WB» Horen WblWoa who

aored the t«Tltorlee of Orefo^ Idohe
oad WoeUortoa to the fnloa: o>d the
•tocT of the meeeom of the little portj.
tadsdlor U< nU-aooylo*
Who eborod the twrlhle doBfen of the
-^boB^ ooe which hoe been repeoto^liB
UoMOode of hmmm oil the eoootrr

ToBKirTow. Korosber 9»th. will

the fiftieth OBBi««raor7 of



event osd





It will

oity live friend, of the isoMdiot* fosUy end reloUree of Ue sortyted sie-

Braetoi. oUnUoB is colled to


o of the nlee of poutoee in

be reody to do yoor port to the

for eletere, to the secretory oeeoen os
yon orrive so thot thsy soy be voted
ehoeld be
weU reprwenled es it Is o lony tim
since we bsd on elecUoo of oflteere.

thU eeetlen. printed in oaother oolnsn.
pMibaitlea for the forser in Uie reThey orp olee IndlcoUre
i Usee osd ofler o


ledneUon .of




tkm lexuries of life os well os eonnUfes
Mosssiuss denied some yeorm.


alao indicotc the thrift ef the forpMr.
•sd the wcoUh ef Orwd Troveree eeil.
A soBentb thencht will convinee one
thot fists,too ponred into the ^whels
of tnde in Uls tao^ioU lecoUtr

erfU reoch every line of IndpsUy molnteioed in Troveree City.

New York. N«-. r.-fbe Cuban coaKltunil essrtnbly which mvt rpcvnily at
Camexuey iu rvmodrl the cvnstllullan
and rieri a “new prvridrnt ha. tsMed •
with yoa." There w^ be no evaalnc msnirwao which reached tbr uAov of
Uw tiBhw lur.u In tbl. city yesterday.
The document I. dated Layaya. Oct.
Sobdoy KAedl wd B. Y. F- I^ nm •* 10. lO:, sod Is elgned by Domfnxo
Hendea Capote, a. president td tbe asMnbly. The manlfealc l» addre*^ by
All on eordioUy lavlMd.
•The Represvrtailvi-e nf the Cutwn Pd>YOLuitTCKSs OP amboca:
pie. to All TYic-w Who Hs\-e the Inde­
w iRsie St»*w tfpetak*.)
pendence and Future Wrtfarv of Cul a
Ton on Oil invited to ottend o wel- At
Mya that the assembly beforv admeetinc ot t p.
JouRilBX deennd It It* doty to proclaim.
SewloB ot Chieofio, who bos cowe u

XTAXOKUCAl. dicaca.
ttandsy *

a oe follows:

.Prescblnc *t !0:J0 o-m.

H >■ Kerthmp hes retorsed

IroB to frieods la Cbieoco.


hnadsyadiool stll:»Oo.m
Y. P. A. meeUnc ot 6 p. »- •
Prmehincot 7:oa

evoainc ot 610 State street

y Hr. nsd

Mro Thom of the Pei

tave Tetnmed troa o trip ,to Boebestar.

lev.» CwhUs. poem.
Sendoy serriM

Uo fioloBOB left for Ufoaler, Ind..
jnterdsy ofter onother cor iood of


Preoehioc. 10:Wo. m
Snndsy school. U;4»o. at.
Junior C. E 3 p. m.

Annie E Omhom of Loin An n^
OOsJ. Boas of Slichta. were sorried
peeterdey by Bev. G. S. Northrup.
Eocene CoraeTI retomed yeaterdoy


and Oent.’ FumlBblng Goods
) of hi»h-olSta tacrehaadiSA. tailor-msAc solu and ovorWAU, fanto' aw
dl rktecl
. and ortasblrta. Ws srUl close oot tbe entire stock si o*r osoal smaU


, MrietlT tailor made, wm retailed formoriy lor fito. o«r prtoe fit*
The tame, only SOS r>M« Urfi>«rw«ifii>^ retailed formerly torfil»,oar

li>ed.was retailed tormmly tor •l5,«-r prioe


btat tjBslUy SbMlsnd' fiey Ulster, wns retailed tormsriy te filO.

BCYtXO nan* or TmAyxaH a
Su woiM CBinehiUa Beaver Dieter, retaltad formerty te fill. o«r

A Gild’s Astrakhan Beefer. nicely braided, werth *3. te
Imrve sUc fancy Boaele CbUds* Salta, strictly all wool, worth fit. te SIRS.
BeveralleUofchlUivB-sfiebOol fiaitaat Me aadfil.ts.
For want ot .pace we cannot qeote yoa prices on the Oeats' PnaHUnfs.
> Call te^iaotatiota. Opmc satek before smortment Is foee.

Glut Block.

Boihlnx. th abort, that Ihe Spenlsh pevnrmrrt may be wllllrx to xvanl
meann Spanl«h woer.tsnty w.t C
*■11 >» accepted l.y the Cabans i
SMili-mRil cf tbe war.
“Ind«-p.ndrBcr cr death Ie and shall
be the unalirnUde and aarrid mottu of
tbriCulian.. “nie Oubarji have not rrsoricd tr> arm. Ie obtain ary
political mvasurv which doer not at oner
and for all aolve ihr Culian oaeriton.
That Is Ihr rrasen we yUl aerrpt noi^
utc Indf
orderly. |ir.srrr>us ard bsp.
py. over th- ruin • f a worn-out coluny.
Wr arc llrmly drirrmirrd to carry
the war until vb-tory or^death crown.
COT efforts." . ______^

fi44t; Janoaiy.fitlT.

Ob daaeinfi! Why br forever tryiax to
pick up, or in other wneda catch en to
tbe walu aad two-.t^ when yoa fan
Iran them both parteeUy ante hi. in-

Y. P. S-C. E 5:43 p. m.
Ooepel service, "f p.
All on corAlly Invited.

All Bsvr nrra Wslpskwl I

Kimball •
-------ainyv tell, atorir*. tall. |p»o. at aoction. and will prearb a taribon for yoo.
Come in and bte li all free: «oo piece,
popalar 10 cenU per copy
erTihiofilnmaxieaiMt Freat atr


Hevana. V«\. S.—Nn Am-rlcn clllsen Is now connnrd In prls-ui on th.- IK
and of Cul>a.
Advices Just rrrrivrt from I*uruj Rta
A. A. McCoy A Son shipped to Kew
ClosB meetinc ot 9M o. m'. ond olao sey that a rl-U m-currvd there Thurs­
Toth Friday mother trslo ot seven
day. It si-pcsr* that * si-*mrr having
01 the eloee-of the eveoinc aerviee.
aon of potatoeO. Jack Yentah U in
on board a number <if political prlsanera
Sandoy sehoel ot i: m.
rwT-ntiy rvlrsis-d fmm tbr Ptmnlshpenal
ahsrceof thetnin.
Jnaior Leevoeol 3:30 p. m.
aaee new aad eejoy y<
eettlrcnmt.'on ihr African coast. In
Owinc to the WoBOD'e.CInbreeepUen .
Epworth Leome ot 5:45 p. m.
. - jol wait aain the daa.
cordaT.'v with tbr amnesty dar-r^.
Moadsy, the PorUs Clob will seet!' Momioc sobJeeU "The
rtvrd there and the lib. ratrd mrn \
' -------------------wasoa Is over with:. th*a
blame y
allosvo lo Und. Th.-> SHOD found Ihrlr' {selve.
aelve. in tbe .pring tor I
Tmsdsv oflemoon with Mm A. 1. ,^^'.r'.wd io th. evcnloK we wUl<
way l.» a drlr.klm- sal., n. patTfs* ,.f moeb fan. -Pnor. Stl-rxbs.
— Boyle. Mrs. A- J- Brsdshaw will Icod. ■
p eeriee of leeinre. an **Eiernol Mlniulanl*. and t. pan ch.-Tlnx <
Jmtiee Brown lost week oslted in
fnlivd Ciatrs. crylnx -Hurrah f.
Tharedey prayer meetlnt »t 7:*0 p. America." This d-m.nstrallon w
•d liy thr rr-.sds alMUl tbr plSK'.
lUle E JehnaoB of Copembh.
rtotln* followed. Thr police wvr*
' AUo Bcbit E Dernw of HapUbm and
A cardial InvitaUoa ta extended to calica upon to Interfere and crmipel Ihe
Hartba 8ntt ot Grees riUe.
all not wor»hlplii« ebewher*.
llls-raird men to rr-rmbark. Hurinx tl
dJaturlAtu-e tbr police cwpiured tbe I
sxraxP H. e.
BUrpcni Culonrl Allpo Banebca, who la
I A Brusrii. Paster
) in Porto
tbrtaee tbaa aa; otkrr ahup U the rliy. Can
ttorrlom at Xeeood H. E ebarcE
yoa Any color orilailc sialplar sad oraaSenhr Martoa Oarvla. the goremor of (ire
^ be oiven He^ Taseday and
leeelal work, ran wlah. Come and arc me ter
Preachinfi at I0:SB a m. and 7 p. m.
fianta Clara, ha. arrived at ftagua in
Bnnday echoel. IS m. te I p. m.
order lo be belter able to Jndge of tbe
eondlitoDs of Ihr .-oncentradoa
Epworth bSaras. 5:45 to 6:45 p. m.
Travecta DUtriet Graa^ will meet at
a. per pete, fit ta
anf«lunate people
Pikyer meevinx. Thnraday eTeniaf.
-Qiaafie Ball. Travecee City. Sot. ,30th
will fcccivt rauota.' Tbe Spanish adAll nre oordlally Invitad to attend.
- - ^ko wkeela far ask aad te i*eP-0
Md Dec. let. 1W7.
tboiitlea yrsti.-rilay releaind from piiaon
.eels tbe city, naeaaxtvs
Tbomaa J. Jurdan. a.priMDer raptuiwd.
r the Unolnx df an expedition by
Dinner will be eerred te'vWtinf
— ale«nsrr ,Three Frienda
CliKinbatL New. tl.—At tbe remt and 3UoueI lirmandca who la tald to
elerilOD the fnshm ttcbrt arbleb rar3 a m-mber of another filll:»0-FIfth dextjp
Ihl# county contained nine Demo- bn.trriSK rxi-vditlon. Both
al fifth d^ree work.
____ Ic • and flee Republican member*
under .rcten. r of death.
tRO—Peartfa defirec aeaeioB.
Himte. Of the lexlalauitv There has been eoma
Barrvlona. Nov. *7. —Great (aterem
deabt aa to bow thr Republtean fuaton- la felt In tbr trial now In progrdt* here
Traveiwe choir. Mlnate. read. Beporto
lets would rote on Joint ballot for Unit­ of Callls. accu.ed by Atcberi. Iiuttgat^r
of anbordiaaM Orancaa.
Master's aa- ed State* senalnr.
At a meetinx of
t bomb-throwing outrage, daring ‘
naal addrem. Section ot offiori*. At tbeae foalonlata here they derided
the pr-K-wsIm .if
if Oirpo. ChrtaU In the
NOW ta tke Time to Insure Toar
Interral. darutE tbe dtSerenl .teeieni vote for tbe Republican caucua domtt
ar. cif throwing b
pwalUng Botas and OontenU at
which will makr Ihe IrptsUture mand
tke annoal reporU of tke varioos relirCram his hnntlnc trip in the -nortbem

pealnenU. Ue broufht hose twe deer.

Traverse City. Mioti.

otaist Ueav Tonoa in Uie posk HeetlncoleolotTp..iB.

Boa. Ferry Honnoh ie in Chkayo on

Alrmdy larfe U

> tbe Ibronr or Ihe
coDvnke. Mitaesd or
xovrreer xmeml
•r» wHh*<~bbllxedissolve the chomber*
ibetn ^thlD Ihrve
tloe,. to re.


o< sortcoces: bettor slothlor.


AesBS D. Lado. Leetsrw.


Wurzburg Block.


Below is o IM of the bnylof OB
.of ycBtarday for gra
eoiwlrt of ihlrty-flre nwmberm, of wbotn
•Urtilrm i*ibI1 be elected snd seretiK
nomlBStrd by the home xo'-emmnt. .
Oele « pnnldee that the member* of the
council of sdminutrstloo mua be SpanISfiU. » year* of sxe. who were bom io
the l»lsnd pr who have resided thrrvconllounuslr for four yrats. It epertfle.
numerou. o« wnsl.r^
piveiiteDts of cruru and of Ohotplvr* ot
comTweree. ondAither bodies-es ellptble
to election te the eouncS Artick*
Inriu.lve deal


project for sony months to owe.


ooedollorfor heotheieosd fifty eenU

The fienree ore on indicotkw of the

The Old Reliable Bhoeman,
118 Front Street

TioveiwOl^ Koiferi.

Pon^ nod oil who hove not doM eo
) prepored to toke the fifth deem

thto Use reopeetfal refercrest .work of heljdnc othere.
f iBode of' thlB epoeh

■ the htstorr of the for Weeu


Bev.J.A. &rT<.er posMT.
bobboth preoehinc ot I0:W o. m ond





Sei^5is;?rwr;'-i5:riau,.ta x»,

TvtobAT'r. H.. MOV. la


I When le say
I we will save yon money
on a Piano or Organ, we mean that .
we will sell yon a high-grade in­
strument at mannfaclarer‘8 prices.
That instrument is ............ ..............

and when sold Bt these prices the cost will be
about the same as other dealers ask for an in­
ferior make.
Because our goods are .
shipped direct from the factory to the branch
houses, thus saving to our customers the profits
of the middle man.
. MAYBE YOU THINK yon are not r^y to
bay now. Whether you are or oot it will pay
yon to come in and figure with ns.
Yon will
OGofer as great a favor on yourself as ns by bayiog an instmment HERBs—Everything in the
music line from a' Jewsharp to a Grand Piano.



iar officers will be ri’
Beoeaa for aai^ aad feaeral social

Praaperi •) K^»Mt ina
I»Pjjcio. Nov. 77.—The ronf- renr* be­
tween tbr rrpren rt*tl««s of the employ­
PahUe InstaUaUon at ers ar.l the drl.-Kbt-e <-f <ke sttiklitx
feigln. r'T that i.enr tart Wtdiresday
toneec* followed by reporu af offioera.
behind rl-va.d dr. rv hss'J^aken a derided
afifirewte. mnele. ata.. after wbieh. if but- inward a s-itl.-m-rd 'of the j. inis
Aabted. acloeed aatesn will be held In ’dispute l» tbe-ac.-.i.:anre on both
Kdce of the set.cntl pTlrclpJe of Tirntor eontorrtafi tbe fifth fietvM.



persbne were kfUvd and many otben
Injured. Callta was lately condemned
lo t«-«iiy years- Imprfmisinent sa an
accomplice of Asc-heri In the Corpos
Chrtatl. processlou ..utrage, burlnx
trial on that ehanie be cootrseed hi
self guilty of the homli-thipwing of Itat
Brought no* lo trial on that confeaalon
beallritss that It eras extorted frmn him
by tenure at Jlnogul.h furti

bed u

POUClW Written in

Ah adjournnirnt '
„*y next, when the d!
Is viH proceril
A Basinsta Ocdl^

any truth Intbe story, end tbe
ta eridepc^ae axaiast CalUa

W. W. KimbaU Co. I

N. E. Strong,
ZxMal Xanagar, 2S5 Front St

kas etartad another I

I Cmnjlen Lite of Small listromeats. Sheet
aos'it aid Masle Seeks Coestaitir ii Deed.

ln<i«lie Aljtmt tke KBW BA1*E

, wxwntanAr.A. N.. ttaj. 1
•Ai—Foarlk defree


Johawm Block.

fella. WkUe the pnA nnlaafe wwo
mminf there wnaakeh a mak na to
crowd two of oar koreea over tha feUe,
both of tlmm pMked with dry menb
It waa with fftot di&mlty ikpy wm
lU-u.. ..f th. XnM Kl>l> ul HU Tittutl VUk On
rut7 V«M A«»—Tb«. Xm Who SftT^SuwStMMto
Ttk. Came fifteoa mUsa today wltkOBl water, over e dry parched enrtk
eororod with earn. Tka bnatonklUed
J«lt Ifty fwrt aro toa>ofT»w. ot>
Ba*a baas three elka and aaulopae today. We
NoTMiber ts. l»47. ooearred u cmt lirtoc on fraak maat for two mmilka are told many'have tineedled the antlra
that Bark* aa cpoeb is (b« htotoir of exeliaivaij. km tired of it. I do not dUtanee from Beodecron to Walla
tba tar Waat. ti>« MMacre at WaUlaV know bow I akan endara thia pert of WaQa without any fioBfc fame. Uvlaf
pm. WalU Walla. Waabl&ittM, of Mar- tkaionmaj.
Mtlioly npon tha dry.
ew Wbitsiaii and Ua daratad wife,
JnljU. Onrridatodap baa not bean ' Attf. a. Had a preeant toalfht of
Harclna WblUsao. The aiorj of how aa latiruUw or lonjrtkp aa Toaterdap. fried enkae from Mim. McLeod. (Gtrta,
Xareu Whitmaa eorad Orefqa, Waah- Fait a ealB and paaoefml atMo of. mind it yon wieh to know bow they toato
I^bo to Ua United 8Utaa nU da;. Bad awaat eommnaion with yoo cna hare the fUeaara by tokia a familiar one to all'atndanU of oar Him* who daliffata to dwell with tka inr a UtUe fioar and water and
oaaafrr-a Uauu-f. The perilona horaa- hembla and oootrite to haert Bapee- make eome deafk, roU it thin, eat
tha Boekiaa; tka tak- lail;
in tka
moraiar I bad freedom it into eqoare blocka Then ' take
' ' ■'
'f'r —--------------------—--------------- ' — —
— ——
aome beef fet and fry ib Tea need not
Inr of tha land In tka oaBe of tka > in prayer for my dear
United Statea: tka U
Father! necopt the eacriaec. and may pat either'ealt or paarleah into yoar
donph.) Believe me. I rellah IkCM aa
lh«v prove a bleninr to the world.
Jnlyti. Game fifteen mllan today: writ ae I ever did at Itowa
Bnoamped on I Friday eee. Dear H. Tha UtUe
dead of winter to Waakinrtaa and the very menntalaoaa
aarinr of the broad and wealtb; terrl- Bmlth'a Ckoek, a nmaU branch of Bear traak yon fare mo bae eome with me
Birer whkh empUea Into tlalt Lakr, ao far and now I moat leave It berk
wbieh ineiled the Indiana to tarn on naid to be a rreat enrloalty tap the In­ alone. F^.Uttle trunk; I nm eorry
their frienda. and the mertyr-a death; diana. We endared the ride very well to leave tbec. Thoe meat abidi here
all of tkaaa farm aa wild and sUmaf today. Botwithetandlnf ito difitoalUee. alona aol'no more by tky preeenee re­
a tala aa baa ever been told la eoanee* The patba wiadinc and in eome placre mind me of my dear Harrieb Twenty
ao narrow that it waa hard for the anl- milea below the ^1 on hnake Blver.
Uon with the hUtory ofonr Und.
Tkro^h all theae rielaaitodea of tor- male to ptaee their feet. Huband baa TbU ehall be thy place of reeb Fare
tone, klareea Wkitaan'e faitbfel wife bad a todieoe Ume wilb the wapoa to­ weU, little Tmnkl I thank thee for
thy fefthtnl lervlee. end that 1 have
waa hie chief aooree of atreaftk. She day. Qot aet in the croak Ihie
nerer failed him, and inapind by a inf, wae obUfod to wade in fetUnf it been cheered by thy preeenee m loaf.
Aof. 15. They are prep
ooorac* had parpoae almoat dielne, ahd
River. Two of the tnlleet boreee
~km>oBw>ied klm on, hte expedition to
wlmt eeemed almoat certain death, and aome indiaai aet the wUlowa on fire 'ware eeleetod to carry Mta. & and myto What ia reality prored a life lanf near fke cam^ which came near barn- erlf over. Haabnnd bad eoaaldorable
inf na ont.
diflfealty in creminf. Both the cart
oxfle IroB home and frtoada.
STth. Camped on Tbompaoa’t Fork. and the malei were enpeimd In the
d moat valnabla and Intoreetiar Ua- tarieal maaneeript it at the pranont Hr..MelBod aent off about thlr^ of ^ia water apd they woald have d
time in the poanenaton of Perrin I. man today aa tonppata. tteraral lodfee bnt for a deaperato atmffle.
Whltaaan of thla city, whoae rraad- of Indlene left na alao to fo in now cram the maat dlfecnlt etream
tother wm the yoenvnr broUer of Mar^ another dlrectiM and we expect more withoot fear. There ie one manner of
ena Whitman. It la In the form of a will lenre tomorrow. We are etUlin a ereaalnf the itream wbicb hneband has
diary kept by Mra. Whitman dorlnf danfcroai cooBtoy. bat onr company U tried, bat I have nob naitber do I wish
her daareraoe and weariaome trip larfe enoofb tor anfely. Oer entUe to. It is tbU; Teke aa Efk akin.
aerom the pt-t— and it U one of the I endare the Jonraey romarkably well. Btretoklnf It ovar yon. eprendiaf yoarfew ralnable and aothenUsated relkn They are a aoaree of front comfort to aelfoatasma<^aspaaalMa. Then let
left of that momentona jtomey. na i^ Ikia land of aenrdty. We m the Indian women earetally pot yon on
TkitMwh the kiadncm of Mr. Whitman oblifed to akoa aome of tkem on ae- the wafer and with aeord In the month
aecoont of eoro feeb Hare aaen no they wUl awlm and draf yon ov^
-the Bwonnhaa
Baflnlo Biaee we left Bendexrooe. Bad
to. Sab (At Snake Po^ Ltot
amiaa and make oxtraeta from lb
DO fame of any kind except a few nlffat I petmyelGtkee In wnfer tii
The bookitoolf is'llKs8l<lneh
nixc and oontaina nine cloeely written mmeea of antelope wkiah Jobn'a Fhtk- tkia merainf finished wnekinc fetore
uaaeript.kealdeeannmb«r'nr fare ns. We kare plenty of dry
Thla U Ike third Ume '
ot blank lenren. Tka eorer ia of henry Baflnlo meat which wa porehaee of the have waehed elnee I left hoote.
Abc- to. Before noon bernn deeecndeeeam-eeiored peper. dUlaed with are.! Indiana. 1 cnn hatiUy eat it. it appaan
The front ia oraamentod with a nam- > ao filthy, bat It will keep aa allrc, and inf the, worst mooataln 1 have yet
ber of qaalainodcrade wood cate, the: we oofht to be tbaekfol. We kare It wae like wlndlaf elalre In lu delarfoet roprceeaUnf Chriet In the man-1 had a few menU of frerii fiafa wnieh rel- Mat end la aome plaeee almoet per<
far at Bethlehem, bn the beck eorer- Uhed well. Fonnd ao berriee. aelthar peadlcBlnr. The karsce appearad to
pare U a pcrpetnalmaHipneBtion table i bare 1 leand any of ma*e broad, drMd Ue kill aa mneh ae we did:
nnd a poem cnUUed •'Children at pUy,- (Olria, do not waato the bread. If you eooner did we
the foot Pf tkU
all earrottadcd with a heavy omamea-1 knew how well 1 wonld raliah even the moeaUlB wken aaotker. more sfeep
tal border.
| dryeet morMl yoo woald eave erory end dreedfsl waa before ae. (She deThe ioterest centers ie the etory ofiPiKc enrefnUy.) Do not think that I aeribee tbeaecentand joomey dariny
the Joomey. kept Indlary form by Mre-ire^t eenlinr. No. far from ib .1 tbe day. apeaklny of the aoeaery ia
Wbltman to be aent to her deer <wm - *o»W not (o back ter the world. I rlowiaf wordb)
at borne when occaafets oflered. Ta>e|am eoafesfed and happy, notwith-' Anf. 51. Denreet motfaer. let me
ink bae faded with ajfe. nnUl In places ;eundlnc I fat vei7 hnnrry and weary, .’yoo how I am eoetalncd of the Lord Ie
the words have bemme almoat Ul«vi-; We ere told we efaell feel the beet ell Uiia jonmey. YMterday and for
ble, end it reqolree close study to make | preafer as we yo on. Feel to pity the several days past I have felt weetk end
oat the meaoUur. bat in other pnru the . poor Indian woman who arc oontia- rcatieiB and scarcely able losit oo my
wriUnr etamde but clear and briybt aa asll;' tmreUny la tkU manner durtny boras. This moralnrl felt remarkably
tbooyb it had baea peanad bat a few their Uvea and know no other oomforb stroaymad well, bnt e^d not see any
1 am rnaktny aome pmyreae la their reason krby. Then the promise ap­
years ayo.
Tto trials and danyers of the lony. lanyaayc—leny to be able to converse peared la fall view “As thy day, ao
shall thy streoytk be."
haed journey are told of in a aimple. rritb them aboet the Savior.
Sept. 1st. ISM. You ean'betfer Imayr etyle. but betweao the ■ July 2s. Very moanfeinons today,
le over anotbar Bidye. We tbooybt ine onr feclinn this moralny than 1
^llpen cam be read the b
; lonylnys for the eomforw and eaae of. yealerday that the Indians-were all yo- can describe them. I ceold not realise
the CMb thowrh thronyb all shines tbe i Iny to leave us axerpt two or three. that Ue rod ofonr loay lonmey
Bostaininy power from on hiyb. that'hot nolooehaa They fear to on a.- no near. The faUyaeii of tbe lony jour­
makes all tbiB|!S,p4aaibie and life bap-' o->ont of the Black Feet tribe who are ney seemed fe bp focyoNen. 1 Soon Ue
py to t!ie citllured lady who has ylren ' tb.-ir eaemies and would destroy them fort appeared ie elybt. After Ue nsaal
np all for tbe caose of Cbrisb
[ if they could. One of the axel treaejaf iatrodnetioBi and salofeUens we en­
UUbsrdU, make cxtracu from the I the wayon brolJ today.
They are tered Ue fort. After
jdkmal. when every word is trauybl. ntaklny a cart ortbe hind wheels and were ebown .the nor
with Inurest. bat tbe foliowloy nelrc- laehioy fee forward wbeeU to it in placa. While nt breakfast a yonay
tione wUI yive an idea of the story told tandlay to toke it thronyb ia i
cock ' placed
himself apoa
ahape or other,
ia the IltUc voloma
sill of Ue doer and crowed. Now
duly M. Went fen milea off err whetberit <
First coows the *' dedication.*' wriv
bnsbaod and ^Ir. McI.«od
tea by Mrs. Wbltm^. In Ik3T. doobt-. rente wiU.........................................................
white wnmei
leaa at the Ume whM the opporianiiy> vUil Ue Soda Sprinys. U'sa much der Ue eompaey. 1 do not know. We wen
r llyhfed wiU Ue wonders of nature we I soon shown a rooss wbicb Mr. Fambean
came to aend tka manoscript to
saw there.
parentp fb the distant aasb ■
had prepared foroa It was Us want
Any. 2. Had a feast of Service bar- porUon of the Fort, fall of porUoles in
Narefem Whitman's Dia^ of a Mia^oary Tour west of Ue Becky Monp-j ries tods^v Stopped and yaUered some the sidss, bnt so windows, flllee wiU
etna, performed ia IBSA. B.-ioy the which rested me mnch end answerod fin arms A larye cannon always load­
’ first white female ever beyond Ua the place of a dinner very well.
ed. stands behind Ue door. lam ao
- monntoins on the oonUnent. Thejonr- v Any. 3, Came to Fort Unll UU pleased wiU faarlny a room fe shelter
ney was performed on hot«eback-a momlny. disiaaoe riyhi mllim Was me from avreblny rays of Ue ann.
distance of 4.000 milea
|mtcb cheered wiU a viuw of Ue Fort
: Ben Ue diary ends, and one of Ue
She in company wlU her boabaad.! at n oonaidersble dtefence. Anylhiny I stranyt st most perilous tripe ever end•Marcus WbUmaa. M. D.. and the Bsv. Utt looks like a hoaee makes ns yUd.
taken by a white wfjnaa. Uionyh a
B. bpauldinyaadwifa left tbe etau Tne buirdinys of Ue Fort are made of
country filled wlU hoeUle Indians nnd
of New l orU for Ue loor ia Febmary hewed loya rooD covered wiU mud
abonaUlny wiU untold danyers, U
of INW,-traveled thronyb a part of briejea Chimneys and fireplace of Ute brotyfat to a clase.
Peaasylvanim—Ubio—and finally ar­ aama No windowi except a squaie
bole IsUereor^^aadlnUe baatlon a
rived el St. Louis in
%ax'Jol»ed Ur Fur Company ikat tow port boles larye enonyh for yars

This Week We Put on Sale a Line of


only. Tbe bnlldfnyi an all eneloBed
..e wfeo Jriaed by Mcsm Suferly is e sirony ley wall. This affords
Qray. mfeetdnaiW to Ue west
» P**®*
*ken attack, d
Matwra Uns arranyed. they all 'lefi ky boaUle Indians, as Uey freqneaUy
Ue fort beiny In Ue Black Feet
8t- LouU In MarU for Ue • Far W,
Tbe fertherpartienla»of Ue -journey eouatry.
The ladfens all leave ut today except
may be learned fenm the folluwlny exone or two who yo to assist in drivlny
tneu from bar
oor cattle—Kenfeek and the ehlef.
Betten Belly. The whole tribe an very
taken on her way.
anxlons to have ns yo wiU them and
wear «>r noexT norrrArtR.
on not only arynment bet etrateniD
Dear MoUer-Wa
bnt we all think it not best.
Any. &. Did net*arrive b^c Dll nftkr
journey to Walla-Walla Jnly It. 'to.
dcr Ue prouetioo of Mr. McLeod ead - dark The man who pUefed as led ns
- hitooopaay. The FlatHead and Zmz < wvony. much ont of tbe way. inose
any ns to Fort I whs wc expected wonld drive onr catappo
d and my
Ball. Wnile Uey an wiU ns we ehall Ue disappointed
make out one camp la a day. Yeafer-. self fell in behind to aesUt.
4ay. UeJind. waa a fedlons day wiu: throogb several swamps and wan ao
■a. Wa started abont li o'clock e. m. annoyed wlU mosqniioae wa eonld
and rode uil half past foor p. m. Came aennely see. We eonld acnmly yet
21 Htias., I Uonybt of motkmto toond; tke cows alohy far the moaqnlfeee.
and taUer many Umea ae a hnnyry: Any. A Today we ersmid a smaU
ehtti snmld-bnt did not find It on Ue! atrenm foil of falls. Ike only pam was
jeoTMy. I fancy pgrk nnd poUtoca OB the edyc of racks jut above Ue

Beanlne of Tbomaa dobaMa Brenyht
Borne Teofer^.
W. C Johnson of Torch L«ke. pi
Uranyh tbe city yeaterday on hb way
heme from BaVUe Creek wiU Ue Imdy
of bis feUer. Thoasas Johnaoo. who
died at the aaniferiu tkorm
Johneoa wae nkoot 70 years old and
had snffered sriU dropsy tor i
time. He went to Battle Creek aboot
two weeks ayo for relief, bot waa
Ulto be-nlleved. Be has many old
aeqaalnfeasaa la Uls city, bavlny beea
employed la Baanab, Lay A Oo.'a floer
mUl tor Bevenl yean. Ub dsayhfer
waa tha first wife ef Shmiff tiimi
Oalled Xov. 0. T. fltont
The vestry of Urace Bpiieopal eb
have exfeaded a call to Bev. Charim T.
Stoat of Ooaha. led., fe Ue rectory of
Ub pariah. It b expeetod that Mr.
fitont will arrive hen fe bcyla hb
datles ae raetor aboot Janwy first U
bs decidm fe aeerpt the cnlL

For Youiif and Middle Aged Men. bought with a view of suppressing
these figure-bli^ advertisers who feap only a temporary gain by advertis­
ing; vifi! “Overcoats worth fl2 for $7.50." There are exceptions to this
style of advertising, but when it becomes a common occurrence by a house,
then scrutinize closely what yon buy 'and compare goods and prices with
some other house who are less given to jingoism.

Handsome blue and black Kerseys, all wool, fast colors,
cut for all men, fancy lined, wide facing, velvet collar,
a thoroughly good coat. $7.50 is what wewill sell it for,
and all we ask is a comparison of values with these socalled $1200 coats.

AGAIN: A lot of black Beaver Overcoats, guar­
anteed to be equal to those overcoats of superior mer­
it (?) by having passed through the intricate avenues
of either water or fire sale or bankruptcy, for


shoe leather is cheap now, so come our way and see
if there is anything in these coats that nearly approach­
es the values of these wonderful bargain givers.

Yes, we h^tve black Beaver, velvet collar, as good a
coat as can be bought for Sj.95—buy it if you want, but
the readers of this ad, qg out of 100. can and will buy a
better one—We cannot stake our 'reputation on cheap
gootis. “ Keep good faith with the people," is our motto.
Fly-bv-nights. jingoists and .liars' have their day in
trade as elsewhere.

- ULSTERS When we startqd in on our f3.85 Men's Ulsters, we thought we had a year's safety These and $5.95 grade are going faht
We have no talMo unfold to make these more palatable to the wearers, bnt isn't it
enough when we say that we guarantee our prices on these nlsters to be equal to any^
and possibly lower than otiiers are selling them for.
We call a halt bn grade at 15.50. $6.50, $8.00 and $10.00—about the prices people
want—^but oor $12. $15 and $18 grades rank with the tailor-made goods.

. Two desirable articles in our
stock—Jaros Hygiraic Under­
wear and Berkshire Pants.

N. B.
KA suits
Qtii'te are
siv-o meetTTifft
t/ur 9
ing the wants of xnany.

THB Kournra b^oobd, sotpat. movbiibbb as, is87.

mmji (iOTHii G
MMntnc of the EmMculated Pro*
poMie That Are Now Be*
- ing Talked About. '

•iliUatcr yw!'
wlcli 0» ••cnriary ot chc fTM*gfy
behAlf of ih.. fonj-.«tsM AnrtrtBC «*ve
cnttm Trcfnlly *m.-*ipd tn the Mlw »•
(tppl and T. tinrmtf Slave vvjin»«r)’a

• • ’.Ion of the aJl*B wntrarl

OalM «■>>» e*aU-> L-Wia|f>«.
Wmahlnctoii. Nov. ST.—flovitloM '"af.iotUn* the honor dod tnlehrlty of the
aauoo" are to bv exoepled from the
<Mtr at arbItratloD betwees the UBll*
•d Buti» aod Grral'DrltalB. Tbit la a
word U the «tn of the MeKlnley adBlDtaUatloii'a attitude DD thti very Ihtere^llV and Iniportaat auhject. The
TJhlled Suiv* aenate. U would appear.
to to be tbe’judrr of what oueatlons
do *'aSeet the honor aod mtecnty of
tbeoattoo." Mr their vote mambn* of
the aeoalr inlfbl declare any auhlect.
drotn ptia«ic aeaUnc t.i ImmlrntUoB rek mattn toucblod “
Ooa'a honor and Intesrtty." and retuie
to aobntit It to the arbliralln* tribunal.
Aay nibjeci uUsht thua remain a aub}eet at dispute or become a cause for
«ar. Tberefur*. It U aald by eertaln
atatamim whu acre fWendly to the

Waehlctnen. Nov. XT—I-- la ftaled m
Sr Roman Catholic univi rally aod by
Tnlied Blatia
iH-vrre attach
of bronchllto necewlUtKl the'abandon,
of hU lecture art for Tburrday at
report that f
Lune wjurai
nnlvcrvUr authorttira not to permit the
U denied by all panic* eon:aahlnvion. Nov. t;.—The elate de| panmenl
baa been OolIB^ of the release of Rafael Femandrt and CblQbala
Manuel Femandet. two Atnertcans held
prteonrra tn Cuba.

'Kie- Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's -Grand Opera
House, and presents the l>est
line of good goods ^dieap to
be found in the city.

\Jft8. G. Johnson.


ta Late t'a|
Sl Loni*. Nov. If.—General %*lDcent
Marmadukr. of Sweet Bprlnca Mo., who
was recently api«ointed by the ex-Cdhtedeiate vcirrans of Mlnaauri as ebairnan hf a committee to write an authen­
tic hlatory of the part Missouri and
, Mlsaourians look In the civil ar. ry
affair to be offered
the comlncpoa- I terday Issued-----------If oongnae la to be so emaaculated
1 the ex-Cuo
nJtatlon. haUny i)'-t
‘h* a-vldht
r'Missouri and i
a mural obtUnUun. and leavlna the
•subject exactly whore It la now.
Uvair.aa i* la the Way.
tiers ourht Jn Justice to Uemselvee and
ill but tb* moat thetr Atma comrade* to preaeme the
a that ihtr* a« memory of IL WliUe the north and
aome ^esUoiia whirh cannot be aub* Borthem Boldlen are Invelphlnc acalnat
mitcd to arbllrati-m without a aacriffce all tnanlfeaUtlon of seciional feclli
ef our dlhully and virility as one of tb. they are ereetlax mooumenta to tb«
aarth'a treaieal powers. A wanton In­ ancceaafnl leaders and telUr.ji the story
tuit or a liuld ancruachmetit oo our wcU- vet)' mueh to their credit and to
teeocnlanl tarrll..rtal boundarlca would
(breatn our very axlitencc and Impcra"The north tad more than f<rar sol­
tleely demand the reply that only a diers to one In the south. lU armies
raimon can maka The Monroe doctfloc were r»lnfor<ed and amt«ed by <M«:
also Is uauslly recarded aa too vital a •f war. manned l.y M.ooC sallora.
thine to be endancered by aubmlaalon to tad unUmlted credit which meant
Bhy arbllraUve tribunal whoa* declaloo unllialled supply of money. It had farwould admit of no appeal, and li I* tortea^ manufacture everytblnc need­
especially In tb. jntyresis of the Monroe ed
srm and equip, to supply aod
doctrine that ihlf'^ vacue phrase about maintain. Its armies and fleets It bad
Jjonor and lnte*rhy la Inaeried. It la a tallroads runnlnir In every direction
psatter of ptave' doubt In the minde of
of lu troops. It had

Commonly known as
Johnson’s Drug Store.

treaty for
h the ffnal adjua,lm«it
by arbitral
atlnn of
- , Kwvy from the whole world The aonth
cab be made, c.. -hether. belnx made. It
advantaitea. or bad
would have mlure Yhaa a moral
, them only tn a Umlfed estent. But
fU decision* lia any matter of real In- Botarlihalandlnr all ilt* advanlatfr* It
terest kivinx *lay tu an appeal to arms.
north f.«ir year* to crush the
CwMsrI iil-en*M. Ibe Me»*xe.
] nonth and then It did It ta' a xrtndlRB
The cabinet m«Un* called lOfetnar ; proeea* and without havin* «aloed a
o{ the preetdeat * offU-ial .
dtcUlve ynterila) aod Usted fully
an hour luos<
a usual.
aat the
BtaniiiLc this
utl^ i CUdar Waatiwr
cwedlnx* werv (enerally of a
leUrier IWiata.

• - t ha* nut
nature. The
New TortNov.IT.-Bradaireef* nays
eompleied bl* m.-uia«e to eonfresa.
- mauer is, however; In *ucb aBape that Notwlthsumdlnx the appearance of
It can be put In form fur the printer demand for bollday speolalilrs at
• r.oltcv. but this notice has polnu Id the aouth. at Cblcaso, —
- —..........................
yei been
en and the cabinet spew , i^„j, ^
r*«»oiis tributary ihortMo.
trade Giroucbout thecouutry
BO rtheral Improvemew Uil* week. Most
document. One of the portions was the I favorable
report* aie from the territory
very flrst chapter of the mr*>««». treat- vcei of the Miaalas.ppl and north of
tne of the foielcn relations of our aov- Missouri and Esneas. where colder
•rainew. .41 la the InteBlIoc of the
has alUnuialed demaDd In the
pre»iJeo| to devote much atienUea In weather
Interior and ivjuniry menhants have
bis m«aM|m tu the aubjecl of trade
■K » '
bu}-lnc wlih comparative' freedom.
laUems and reclprocliy.
..^em cottoir r>od* loduetry conctlnr the poslUoBS
depreaaed. Ccinsumer* evidently
le xrrat European au*nr j ~
Intend to buy extensively unUl
>irie*. that the tayini W I they believe the price of raw cotun la
ready to advance.
Competition-tifuD aouthem mllla and
more particularly uvfr-pruducllon by
UeCa^dlan gw^nmen^

Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.

when; either a Cham*
oisirimg'Protector or
'Vest- will be,a neces­
sity.- We can Supply
yotf with either, bnt
you can economise and
yet have something
good by buy
ing a chamois and
. making one.
■^values at 30, 50 and
75 cents.

.> nn<a a Waaaa ThToag*-

Enterprise Grocery,

Ever Btirned Dot?
. Waukewha county. Wla.. haa sMeeOd
a woman ae county pbyalcUui. 8b* Is
Dr. Maybcll M. Path.
A factory f'W maktoK i
exlsU in Oltawe county.. Mkh. BolIkndcra buy thr iltoeA
Two (hoUMir.d raanufacturera wfll
mwt Bl N<w Yurk In coovi Btlon Jah. S.'
Tbe conirnUQO I* (o last Ove daya.
The .Vellunal City bank. of. New Tork.
bas on driualt now (M.buv.uuo. probffbly
the laiwat ak^cxatloe of any bank la
the country.
A .Insic firm la California bar oooiracird with the Cbino Sucar cmiany
the plantlrk of t.0M arm Inbeeta next year.
The inmate* of the OabkoMi. Wla.
northem buepItaJ for the InMS* eont.MD pounds of turkey on
Thankactvlns I>ay.
Americanised CblsameB of Cbleavo
tave commenced a flffit for Ibeir ricbt*
of elUtcnidilp denied them by the aatlhloMe ricary Uw.
rive prise eetUe belonxlnc to Walter
A. Brooke, a wealthy farmer near Burr
oak. Mich., were poisoned by unknown

- them are dqa<liLofReadlnk.Pa.waelilted
y Franece
ffve.<.d*>* *xo bl
daunted, Lusbl lodced acoond for an­
other xiH. found her and married

AUor«e7* at 'Caw.


OOCMIB Maotarae Bleek, Tta.erMCIU’.MIca.

a sheriff of Polk
county tor four y
particular. Some attectSen la called U
Cmpae Was MaiUal*d b> Rais,
an unduly large pcit^ which .^bl ! Be^^ce. Nfti.. Nbv. 17,-C. Campbell
prove a d^
Btnith. an aged reelime.' w*. found dead
ting taot and *h*a tat oo the whe^tb*
report is a fsTwaU* as any report aa
Belabor*. Tb* condition of
any of our talpa
,he hhdv indicated that be had been
wo weeka. Rata had mutUated
nalna. Smith was well-to-do, bnt
eccentric and mleevly^______
n Oklahoma by wUtee with the | (an Pranclacu. Nov. XT.—Nxong TtaS.
f forcing upon eoBgroM <k* ota«- as educated Cblnaman. has brought
lag pf the country tn white sefttaitait nnii agsltet Goldberg. Bowes A Cn.. for
Beports bsve Jiut reached the depari- |u.«0a drunage* becanas this firm, b
lamu that eertaln pergew are dedaitt* pnem. mad* (un of Us martUg* at'
dhelr inteattoa U organlta a Mr«t PMW j K m Bmm, a whtU 8lxL

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

ImportiDt to Propertj Helden!

Giud Rtp^t S Iidlin B. R
Rir statiaa.To «Son nopt. tt.

M. aaowlfr AUm-wt sad Oo«a*eU*r»l


aodeoaeayaaetag. tllPmlM/^ILAKRT a <l*Tta. auoroeya. SpaelalaSVT leatlneto Probaiepractice. Baamatand
IS. Merewlle Oo. Blarii.





-js f’.sjse

HERE you (Tan-get Staple f^oceries and Pro­
visions all at once. Everyt^g Fresh....... .






lord Kapds


n. Wayne


im. boala


|^^ rrwffi^Q^J&pMa.P*tre*l and

LEO SOLOMON'JSifSE.-'"- »-“io,L.L«.-OODO.S:h'Sa

Chicago —
West Michigan.

Hu -Gone to Indians After Another Oar I*oad of

Fine Farm and
Draft Horses

\ITX 1) tVE a No. I.» A- Carta, wallloralrd.
W to trade -fnr TTavarne City property Addre^J W. Pawkla or A A LaeaBgrr.Traeere*
Oily. Iritn.

If yon need a good horee at a low price

Addre. Lock Boi tM TVorotne Oiy. MleA
nARX TO BKNT-Beea for pleoty of bay.

I Bfill zetnm with the horeec in about 10 daya.


Call at Rontao oaco. Iridt

213 Front SL


S lI!!

Nno.S rnioo street. TebmbiW* Iff.'




rpo RKgr-grrerm) toMoe to root lor tb*
i. wiDierataxw. ethac intc.
Qrr or nLXfOMB lor aate. or to trad* to
O >|fht lK>b> or BM ewel rnoorn to b* oaod
oBwaeuB. Mark Cron.

Baltimore Stock Roeelved Three Time* a Week.
Count*. 40c per quart

F’S-'iS-ir-ii-'S. IK.,-*'"'-

unsm iiM lOMnsisToti l i

Ftetclier's Ofsttr Depol and Restaurant
S'ii—'L-TlIL-i' ■SS~ " 2iT*k.K-

If You Have Logs to Sell Ji^TriSt

Lumber Company. We have for »Ie. Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descripiions, including s Engines. Set Works, Carnage
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale. ^

ito< ierdao. Mk-h. tXfdf

«o«oU7?rily property. ifi.Wlool*. l« U
JJtOK eaLK-ISIaero*od^lotaso


siS?r3!i^“T 3‘'ibiri..J



oonra aotn.



Money to Loan

,Oo lapcvrod etty propsfty.

two year* auc.-eeding

0.*P. CARVER. Agaat.


at the old stand ? You don't need to
look all over town for............







Wbulcd'mULh cf the flue appearance of
xavereor-elecL ba* aM»lntadda*epb
the ship and her crew to the excellent H. MpGamugh.
McOartaogh. cof Dr* Mt


W. J. BOBINSoir. MaMfcr.

P.ilTCHIN & CRO-rSfek..^

beavlnea* of price*. Iron and aieel have

other Issue* between
and Canada has come to th<
rtroenior to IhellriUfh eml
Th... .. ..... dl.|«.itbm in .JBcial quar- If.‘“Hri
O discredit the ri*lero*-w eomin* ,In^l^l
Tnere are SS buslnea* failures refrom oueaa to ihai effeil,
feared that ihr end td the ..■enllMlInna PoTteff thmuchout the Vnlied Slate*
Is >ei a lone way removed. ■Al cana- tbU week. c«mi«red .with
... ._ ...
year ac. »* i»
d|sn oKvrnate pro|0»al refrrred
years axo.
In l»M andlW In IMJ.
the dlspatehe* lj> bellt
more, than a rir<«*l «
CotaeltTakiacaTamMa. '
proposal to appuUii a Joint eommisalon I New Tiuk. Nov. x:.—A* a result of the
and- allow the gu**tl..i) of tout aus- . war nuw beir.x maard between the Arp^idon of eeallnx 10 po before It with bui-klr Coffee ciimiany and the Woolother matli-rv. This ba* .proved un- WQ.Rplce cumiany the salt* of coffee
acceptaUe In our corerament hereto­ durtilc the week have been tar In
> ______ ^
cf any similar period durlnk
mtk AS TBRBB tS tN TKC WORLD, past
wbk-b U ccotrollcd by the
1* aviuns Klo No. ; at » e
Mamed fur the Hevkeye
o be outdone___
the /
Waahtninon. Nov. K —The naval trial made a reduction 4n thrlr prices. Cofbmrd has made a rei»rt upon the recent fee la n,>w cheaper than It ha* bean
two days' trial of the batlleablp low* alnce before the war.
at oea that ihurDUchly austalna (Mtitmo- ,
dotv Deaiy;* commebl that the Alp was
U a ship of her da*
_________ _______
there le in the world. The board eays '
Uocoln atfoeta. baa iwcelved a
tn part; The visri under all clrcuni- iw.y cunialnlnc
mall human booea
Biancee behaved wcIL betnc very steady The box warn delivered by
_ina rodUnx and pluhlbx but few de- aeoHox himself to be the employe
cree*. Her high free board forward add* Well*-Fai
A leigreatly not onf); to the coofM of the ter dated
' It u^er'W-Kc.lcx emcICncy. and box. It requested Keealer to bury tb*
tb* power of firing her xtu» nnddr
> qursll
ClrcumatasrcK. Altogether her'*
1. Ix-ul* In Ani




If Uier de tbcr «rUI Ikod tB
U VCTT pranplly.

FATimiB • 080«8«B.AHaitataOBoosbtw Mootaene'a bardwako adro.

Take Off
Yoar Seteens

—Watch Repairing.

: !

tbl s

wt|) IH


Ha Is

and pat up STORM SASifc If yon haven’t


any we’d like to make yon some.

. E. Greilick Co.



—Frdnt S^net.




, HIS Message to congress.
Uagioa. Nov.
V. Dec. I or T.
■ hU anixuT i
«bo provlBloa —
4eclaKo tbat be ‘^■ball trom Unie
time Civ* to con«r*M Ibformauon ot
tb* Btate ot the CbIob bbd recommend
to Umlr eonalderatloa «ucb tneuuree
b* be AW' Judse Bccoarf «ad ex-

bero of bU cnblbot u be emrtm«oree. BomeUmee tbe preaiaeat does
not bi^ve ot tbe projecte at a eablael
eflker. aad be bot eal7 Icaoree them in
bU report bot -edlt»“ tbexn oat of the
report ot tbe cablaet oAcer.
But tbe m___
cbIcAr trmn tbe beada ot tbe departmenta. and tbe preeldrnt'a meaaace to
to creat part a eruopale ot ubat tbe

> Nrw Tork aad <

im becretarr Porter | dall>-eced broke taltb aad pnbUabad It
tbe erealsf altb blm: I beCore Hobdajr aeoo. AX other U»ae
a9tee bare bom aMt to eaatoma csl.
ber ot tbe eabtaet to drop Id and aprod loctera or poatmaatera la lam dtlc^
ao boor revtalBf tbe part ot tbe mee. to be delivered to tbe daUr papera
aapc lb wblcta be la odBciaUr iDtaraated. vrbes teleaaed trom Waablacton. Bat
tbto necceauated eloalac tbe. report and
aulted about it. too. and ao baa John W. ■prtbtlBC It too earir. 8o tbe taat aaPoater. our apeolal tur aaal comato- noal meaaace traa aeal br tbe band ot
tbe exaeutlra datlt to Bamnera. PtOJalofMr.
adelpbU and Natr
Tbc preoldeBC to Ultlbc up
aace br aab)ecta. Pint be to eoBalder>
■tut tbe flBbocUJ dincalt> and
and tbe ausceatl
- Mr. Gace
for tbe aolaUon
ot tl
-cecr uneattob. Tbcn be to
I Mr. Oaira propoetUoe for

_ ckbtori tbat day
Baeauae of tbe toaktacm of the esM.
net. Preoldeet Ctevelaad sent la one of
hto messace* without readme U »t a
otblnri mcetlnc. aad II to aald tbat tba
caMart offieer* bouebt tbe wenlito pa< Pruden acstteru abettL
pers of tba] day for-tbeir firs] news of
HraDtImt the public Is «uU* as weB
J what the prealdent had to say te eon- provided as tbe senators or conertm
men. because the -extras^ comalalnc
the first words of tbe- mtaasce bsv«
Hr. ClevelaBd also brr>ke another
bean read to senate a^ h-uae. Tbe
prcaldem would not hf aol^iacoartccnia rule. Hr w:nte one nnsmi devoted
as to cive (o.tbe puUle a an mace to sotely to the uriff. Bvery o:bcr anoudl
conerms before 'eoncrem hod rocelred mreaace bos treated a variety of anbIt.
lecta. coverlac the ranee of aU tbe deNevmtbelcaa. U baa happened aome*
tiDsm that tbe messace. or ibr anbstance of It. bat been printed prema­
turely. In the eaae of eac of Uncoln'a
mcaaacea. n was hM tbat Mra Un.

tlvea ot tbe acrtcuUureJ department at
tbe capliala of Eurtu* romec dcxl Then
toUov tbe reconprendatloiii of tbe othbeada ot departmmta Cuba wta
eocite laat tor dedelve contfdefatiea. betbe Cuban ctieaUen to la
delicate condition. In tart, the praal*
dem may not treat tbe Cuban qaratlon
In hie annual meiaace. but la a apeelal
meaaacr later.
Ae dUteroDl parte ot tbe mreeacc ai«
written, tbe prealdent diarueaes them
with hie advtarra In cabinet mrellnc. It
bc 'foUowe.tbe precedent eatabUebtd by'
moat ot hto predeceaeore. be will read
tbe entire meatace aloud at a meeHnc
of tbe cabinet before be completee It
aad aak 6r1tlelama and auccraUona
tVben tbe meeaace bar t>een approved,
a dwn copy of It wfll be made br one
of tb^ executive cirrke «w tbe typewriter. to be aeol to the public printer. Tbto
copy the prealdent will read tor correctlone. Then two mote coplee will be
made, all bend written on tone abeete ot
heavy paper. Tbeee are the rdplea
wiilrh win CO to coDcreoa tor between
the preeldrnt and/oiucrev If etlll mala.
taOied that old' faahloned formality
wUeh torblde tbe uae of tbe typewriter.
On tbe Saturday blcbl before tb*
BMMInc of eoncTeae tbe public printer
wU keep on duty at tbe cow
prtntlDC oaee a picked force of
Tbe pobUe printer hliaaelf wfll
tbe White
copy of the meaaace. Re will carry It te
tbe prim
nunc office and auperintend iba
aettli of It. cutiinc
will cet an Inklinc
of tu cORtenta The doora will be lock
ed. and a atrict watcb win be kept at
aee tbat ae one cnrreptl-

m .5

McKlmry-s messac* should i
-be ^xaa
price of wheat would .
_________know In advabcc what tbn
president Intended to *ay on tbe CpbU
qursUon could poaalbly make a forinna
la speculation. Pevhap* tb* pretodent

Cttaa meota. ao tbe prcatdce
to not verr tr^ when I
—* Tet DC

1 the ro t will bt Watched and i
>unted f<
b Isicreat.
tempt to aalldpale tbe meaaace In tbe
e , -<■ put to preea and I.OOO coptea wUI be
beu^apcra, and a bic price would be
.( 1 run off. Tbeae coplea tocetbw with tbe
paid for a copy of the manuacrtpt
I. ' orlclnal aad tbe forme ot ty(V». will be
^ui in tbe lauU—all but a email eupply
tof the printa which will be turned over
pne to a confldenllal cleric from tbe White
I Houee. wbo will cive a receipt for them.
‘White Houae clerk, wbo baa bad
I Tbe distribution of tbe meMace If a
tile meeaace tbe ^aerloue bueincaa Naturally, all of tbe
pfsaldent baa done with his own band. papers want It at the same mommi.
Much of It has been done In tbe even- If It was-to be traaemitled over tbe
Mr. McKinley, like mott men of telrcrapb wires after U was dellvelwd
to conarcee, tbla would be trepoasible.
es. of t
brains, finds tbe ■
aifht bart adapted to beadwork. TberelTbe difficulty has bm met eomeiimva
to no one to Interrupt blm when be coca I by clvlnr It to Ibe prree aaaoelatloaa
to hie desk at * of 10 o'clock at alcht. > eubjcct to releaee. after tbe morpins
turae on tbe ctaen shaded electric llcbt papers of Monday bad cone to preae.
aad alts down with a pad «f paper In But (hie was Ukinc a risk, ae aomr of
Bant of blm to smoke a dear and com- , the ariemoon papers to which It was

oomminM wtaetber be will send bis
mtnsace In on tbat day or f
When It to >wady to co In. O. L. Priidrn. who is aaslatant io tbe prealdenfa
of the mesaace far several Ibotuaad aerrelary, takes tbe two manuscript
dullara to a si ndleale of papera. Presi­ copies of the messace and tbe printed
dent Hayes once helped out a oorre- copies and cue* with Ibrm to the eaps|nndt-nt who went to him altb tbe lol. rtdlD* In the office camace. Tbe
atatetneot that a rival bad a ropy of manusTtpl copies are In two btc en­
noon of Monday to tbe local papera. tbe meaaace and would pnbilab It the velope*. on* addramrd to tbe rice pres­
Papers rtoewbere bad te rely on lbs followinc day. Tbe president biraself ident and tbe other to tbe speaker of
pram associations tor copies after tbe Bkeicbed tbe meaaace from ntemory tb* bouse. Each copy to delivered In
aad saved tbe
open session fantutlly and to borne te
messace bad been delivered.
Ibe dcsk -ot tbe presldlnc officer. Wbsa
By whatever means Ibe e^Hes are : lac bealen. t have had
tbe envelope to ellt open, tbe elerk
ut In
the bands of tbe papera. ............................
0 obialnlnc an li
tfoded tbat the mmaacr
_ shall
* prealdent prematurely. I read* tbe fir*t pace Of maau*er1pt aad
tbe day trben tbe preaU Itskrd a carrulous member of Ibr cnM- ttoa lay* aside tbe written for tb*
eoBci^ and not until net about It. aad be told me. wltboui printed copy and drone* tbroueb the
cola inadvertently showed It to a »


rcepyricbt. ItoT.l

• One hundred toomen oB tor the Klon­
This century end theme for epic toraln
urUl be furnished by tbe cood ship Oty
Ot Columbia wben.,ln ber capacity a*
modern Argo, she easts loose from brr
pier tn Nrw Toi* city on Dei: 1 and
stcama away Into tbr distance, ber
proud bow polnUnc to tbe aooth.
Woman and tb* cleam of Klondtks
cold kra.. aubleet* tor the poe^ The
pnm* p^ murt be eonlrnt to ten bow
this expedition earn* Into beinc and
what It •mtends to do. It b^can In this


make It acreesM . There are vlollas.
banjos, cullar*. a orcv>.
mandoUna and peopi - play them, and
•very known mri.
The ablp Itaelf to arranred tor com.
fort as wtol aa for speed, and abe to b^t

. ^ ---- - -------

waa built for'
and aben rvrenily purchased from this
concern abe was refitted with special
reference to this trip. There are four
dedto. aad bar capacity to stoiut m


found herself somb Urn* atoec In a pealtlon when she could make tame and
money If ah* were only able to auperIntend tbe eonstnictlon of rsUroad*
■tike a man." Mrs Hannah B. Gould
come* of clear beaded. Iodc aicbtrd.
perseverinc Quaker stock domiciled on
..Lone Island. She determined to try.
and ber eSorts were crowned with sue.
One hnndred and elebt miles *t
m j ou p
the COVlDI
lovlDctoD and Macon road and U
■ ot tbe Gearda Boutbem and
Florida and Richmond and Danville
tallroads tesUfy tu that fact.
She euprrinlended the laytoc of tb*
IjUs'ln person and lived ta tb* camp will doubtless bectn tor first day out.
Ot the UW racD. wboac wort tow. dl- tb* Mlase* S. E-TbompaoB and A. L.
Sibley. Tbe former to a surclcal aad
ww* reached tbe tbe latter a medk« nurse. Both cradBDcaced her lb oated from IralnlA acbools. and tb*y
fftbat will be aaslned by two ynunk women
ao bettar scent than Mr*. Gould could Cradnates of tb* New York boapltal.
Tbe eblp'e doctor will direct tbeta.
be found to reptumni their in
1* expected tbat from New Tort
bandto tbelr moacy^ eSport on't
Dawson The time consumed will be
dlttoe of tbe new c
•’CTUb stake- miner* 1
to do. AccordlDCly Mrs. u»uia aecursQ Is done tbelr nervloes win
paasac* for berseU aad daucbier on the needed.
Ono* Uaded to tb* Klondike, tb*
flm aad fierieto nUp out from New
portable boapRsl will be ari up. aad
The aesm nprnnd not only to New the BUtae* wUl be asMcned to dub' ta
Tork. but to other elttan. and flret one
The other wome* hav# vartous plana
woman asked to c» alone, then another
aad ao on unto tb* party craw to such Some win actually mine. About a
alse that some sort of tototmal orcan- doses hare provided tbetnaelves with
. Itallon became atcewiiTy. and Mrs. ostfiu complete to every raspeet. Oth­
Could waa cboeen leader, ffince then ers win cook. mend, start boardlnc
every stateroom aronad the aiala saloon
kaa Ixen eocaced by mambera of the
party, and eocb wonM be voyacar baa
tnrnish d references which hav* been
jwiriy there ai
aubiKi.d to tbe leader'a luan aeruUsy make skeicbe* of s
life and type* of
before tbe eppllcasfe feUowaUp haa
sod nature
: to tbe Alaska
eountr}. and
. The ^men ranee to ac* from B ibol anything and everything tbat they
to B years, and they ftprraent pm leem intereatlnc aad oC poaMMt tntura
abpto every lacttlmat* oocopatlon of
tostosakind. There are aebool teacbera.


. G I

persona tier Imctb to M( feet, beam I stout shot*. This Is for ceneraJ wear
a.7. and the 'Underwriter* rate her * A1~ ; In cold weather. Tb* worklnc sulU for
for five years to come, which to tb* | auminer eonatot of a "lumper" aad skirt
blchest eenifleatr a boal can hold
[ mad* of leans, a lone Clnkbam apron.
Tbe dlnlnc room 1* I* by to. and li win wlib bleb front and back, and straps
aea'i comfortably more pnmrair-rs than over tbr aboniders. add as old.faabloo«l
that of any of the larfcr ocean IlDers. j suabonnet.
No lone skirts will be worn except on
There Is a amoUac and a music mont.
library. IInfirmary, laundry and rooms 'drrm occaaloaa for whlA purpom each
for abowi

Tbe meeaace which Prerideal MeKln.
ley seat to the speclsl session In MnsA
was not compleud wten Ibe i,niicr*»
Blonal committee called ai tb* Whttn
Boos*. At 1 o-cloefc la tbe afteraMto
tbe president aent to tbe treasury tor
some ficures which be wanted to am tn
tb* mcsBBce. At
o’clock h* wan
maklnc *ome coneetlon* when the com.
mlltce of eoocrem was announced. Tbn
president bad not expected tbe com*
mlitee on tbe first day of the seasloa.
becatme br knew tb* beam would bn
busy for a lone Um* with tbe eleriJem
of officers. Bat be told tbe cummlUan
be srould send tbe meaaace Id Immn.
diatriy. and wiibio a half hour it hn«
beeaJlBlsbed and aeni to the capitol.
No advance eopto* bad been dlatrib*
atad. and tb* pablie had to be cement
with a brief snmmary ot tbe mrmacn •
until tb* next mornlac'a papers ween
In Alaska to warm, and tbe Hchter
clutbes wlU be miieh used. Esriutov*
of tbe fur clotbes. Mrs. Gould ssra. tb*
isveraefi outfit will svermec toss Ibaa
to*. One hundred mere must b* atlov.
ed for the fora
Every peraoa must have In addltM
to UuB a camp outfit, provislona aad s
medicine^bmt. The i^p outfit cow
Alaska Move. tamp, cot and oleepiaE

and mlninc- with larcr maps aad draw. | of tb* eairwalne** of the volaatary CXtne* lltustrminc tbe aubjerta
, lira.
Every member of the party will pro- 1 In cold weather Ibe carmeot used foe
vide neraelfraiUi tbe necessary outfit 'protection will be tbe native "parfclc.**
Irefore Itavl^ New York, and Ibis, al- : Tbto Is a lone fur sbIrtUke affair tbat
lowlnc for Bllcht varUtlons doe to In- | allpa over tbr baad. swealrrwtae. and to
dividual taatra and meana. consists of ! worn over lone fur trmisen and
Ina. with skin side out. Tbr
rduroy Cult. '
the followinc article*: A cordi
which to a sort o( bicycle siill.
of a bvltrd Jacket. Knickerbockers and a - bood and
skirt. Kleodik* bat and hlpb.
It most


Tbe atov* to made expressly for twn
la that coantiT. It to a combined bekt*
er and cook stove, and bums mosA
j Weeds, sawdoat or wood, aad baa b«*w
thoroncblr tested btfov* beinc racoasmeoded. Tbe fuel U placed ellber ta
pnrparvd for wood. It
The cylinder W
to aOow,.J**:..tbe clmilatloa of tb* att
and to creates draft, and lb* Am to
ready to llcbt.
liy an lacenlons eoatrivniio*
smoke to permitted to e*cupe- Onecyt*
tndrr ot muos. tbr furi of AUska. wID
UPi about two boas* and a

proportion of LIM parts of air to on*
of oa This la a eonniry where traam
poriatloD la *o exprsatve to a matta*
of vast Importance from an reoaotnleat
Tbets wtr* sneb arUetos as ropA
Balls, soap. maicbcA snow glaases and
odda and *od* to be tboagbl ol aad a
carefully prrpered list eras fuintohH ta
tbe women and filled by ibem. This
same iblnc was deoe with rsteuae* ta
Every one has a aletplnc bac. Tbl*
a made of oiled duck Incaslac tkra*
tataffik one of llama eiotk. one of
nacklMW noth and on* of wblio
hsipakto The whole forms a perfect
............................................ and eokU
Other extra artlrie* for proMctlon la
tbrac suits of all wool underwear, tbras
pairs of
a and two pairs of k

MillBC and a D

•tat Rrtsf^U

"TjoNpiK* StM

periatended by Mrs. Gould, who bnd OO
her chief adriaer tb* ce'nllemaa wbB
fitted out the Oreriy reUrf npedmon. ,
No member cd tbe party-wID h* aSoWed to embark wlibout a supply qt p*^
visions for three months at laaat.
In round number* tb* com ed *q«lF>
menu firiCbt and .trsaaportattaa In
about MU. This ladsdcs tb* Jaunay
fyom-Si. aoehari-s on tba amallar mm
pram boat -up tb* Tnkea. to DawsoA
Tbe total Jenttb of the voyac* to •**»
luu mOm. and it to expected that to
stia be April before tbe fields are




• tnonro umkiag wbeeU wbicb effatonolt; prmst
the top wheoli Dod lenrlnc the win
fteCTWCM. «6*0 WAOON FOA UM nd Kill oUow (be fmantoiM tbe


Dothlitt <K lu bnndM. do aet w

tM Bontty oM





ru »*w •apmix ooBUMWhr of «h»
AmMKi aod munrtoai Oite of Koigfali
«( lUlU.
K V. Samari. M- 0-. of »^»a«k)«*«to»«.d»Ooy«4,th«« boencrtrito rfTethto._.
Mooot Cwniel, P...
bom « T«" wouWbeiwwioomfortheculUTrtloooii'lBportKitiKiWcm The iW^ to^oB
MO. ood t* • fiodamte of tte Jdtmo
,-Willtato'englDe bai boeo B*d W aUmltoddetrait beawtiiR pUatt.eolk««. P101addpht& a« to • voJuobte.
RIM. bBtJt dcM not aw-« W
•oaoMfol u tt miRbt bo. . U^t on_____
ofdM Colt- iQiBobila cnmaceo boTO bm naed to
l9del.«oU(tium«nuMl todReo. I ,Q^,ont, and u* U proboUe that in


nnd. ThetwottoUey»Meoon»ect«Hiy:
on faMoUted pntarropb or U17 tn
equipped with eiuieUe gnideo. th
proHdlfic for Mteqnel MMioti 00 tb
traU«7 wine. Tbe poleoeie S4 feet long
and e Incbee la diaMxc^ai tbe toaaU
■id. Ibepaie placed aTidthTTaU of iU
feet Op thp inner or A»d tode of tbeee
p(dce aratwo«i9enocr '-paab;«"cd
y.yiu.«hi. iTCB.
lien..• No. 0........................
areoMd. TbeeoiTeal to inniUed » tbe
wageet* by a oblewbiefa rnu on as a«tonatoe reel ontbe wagoa. permittiag
(he cable to ran ont >00 feet if neoeeeai7 or vind ep to a ebert length, tbna
allowing tbe wagoa to follow^ ordinarr nad and pennittiiig It io torn

__________ _______
Datable M aeon In
gath«tagf (bat bM er«r been held.
T«T moeerfaL owing to tbe ^ent
dde of tbe «dlnaiy read, allow­
Tbe new Uaaoole temple at Wintomeing it to meet <w pa« Tehiclaa witbont
pot will be ooe of ^ o>M tapoelag
Tbe fear wheeled warm baa wbeeU
48 indiea in dtonetM. Tbe ner wbeeli
in CaUlorttU
an fatoreied to a ehaft geared to a (pring
Oeorge Jobneun grand wrtoary.
upended motor The motor to a two
Tbe Rtnad maMr of Indiana bae bedd­
ed that where one haa reedrad Iba Follow-

take the Haeter toa»o
be wae ' uiado
Tbe geonal groDd dtapteta of B<wal,
jcb Haeone «ae foriwd In Boeaoo Oct. 1
»4. 1T»7 TbeorBaBtoaOunwae(oft»edhy|
IraotoStaU MadM lepnaentatltra of tbeebaptcra at Botoon.
Baton. :
ta the iMd FeUaba. I Albany, bow York and Kewbuijpmt. '


pact renest 1-------iSSTa'^S^lMd^he
! *^Sdfotii Nlebol of Tremreaea to general
4ji»Ko7al Araaanm
Samuel to atoo ttoanrer of tbe ‘ RMod maiur
•iBirei MaKUTB
Lam , Sf Bora! and bolM
Mane^ ami Chrto---------— topber Q. Fox of Buffalo general grand,
> aWUtj-. t
eotuage. and
Anoint and Ul«^ | yho Itoeonto Collretore
of •Malta
- - >C KoIgbU
^^yg^ princl|nllr to (be coUadon of
aongraUtlaMd that lu dotl '
^ . dau (hrouirbout die t'olwd Stata and
directed by as able a leader
Canade from wbMi locomplle and pubItobaoompIrlebtotory-oItheMaaoolefraOorlaglbe part year *7 . .... .......
el AOOO meoibere were added to the or- ternity
.IbtoeontliKtit. ae well aa tbe,
2k ^'gTowtb'beTnit equermibat of aay eoUa^ (rf relief rarenire.'
prrvkKuwraiet equal tangtb.
I am. Kdwanl cW to now grand maabw
Tin Bopeerae eemman^r navaledovir of Uaecxu ia IlliooU and Bio. J. B. C.

TimLUT wAcna ruB ooniniT auapa.
weight of tbe norage
on the ni<«(
nitirt u-rfret
pc-rfret roadi that have
___ Tbe aobirct
_ traotamall gtadea.
of the
purtation of farm produce baa engaged
tbe aReoriou of economirta and even of
(My to cite MBdie goveranient. It
ll to
tuidc which ibnw that tbe tannere in
,^^trr dinrirtf loee van auiui annuolwbicb 11 oai) be ebl|^ to ttw
or experud. In England tbe Ilight ml
way bae been med with nm
but (be expenae ii agauut ito

a complete line of both fine and heavy shoes, jon will
find onr store loaded with the best line of warm foot­
wear, We have Pacs, Felt Boots and Shoes, Rob­
bers and Sozs. We carry noting bat first quality In
Rubbers. I#ook onr lines over before baying

yau can obtain wealth
..BY THRIFT Ain>..-<.-

care in purchases-

handle of whiob to within ttr reach of
tbe perm toenring tbe wagon. Tbe
fraot axle to tnund and the epindle*
are pivoted to tbe wheel bob. wHb an tbebeatinDry-Goada, q«^
and ^nraMbW
I. Ctor^ldta^aotUBg
arm extending forward aboot IS inebea.
faAiined rigidlp to tbe ^indle. Tbeee
two anni are oennertad and the
nvet;ling baragain connected to tbe
bar Tbto give* quick turning qaal
Itu. -iifa eaar maniputotiuu Tbe gen
crai need wat a five bone power oomwound Wretiiigboiiee 600 volt
dynamo, ll » eaid that on tbe trial
trip a qned «< 16 milee an hour
reached with a load of f. 600 potuidr
tbe wbeeli Tbe control of both the
Ur*and tbe tleerihg appararei wai all
Good Besver Jackete $3.76.
that wae deuiyed- Tbe trolley moved ( Oocd OotiDfff—dark styles,
Fine aoslhy Boncle Jackets,
earily over tbe wirai and there wac no 8] aod 4c a ya^. Otbera at
nicely tsilorM and trinsed.
difficult? w)ib tbe parebyi.
tiSc AmrficaD

Here are a Few Prices
j)n Various Lines of Goods:

Tbitnxt meeclngot
uadccT will be beld
Unre ta In England a "lodge of reinvented a trolley ulectriinl road j en tel^trapb poire aod trill a^ in
ibM TtnOay «f Ueiobsr. lew.
Dcmmiuea aeareh " f^rmboSaltj end peactiorily ct-; wagon wl.ich to cKtatnlX^retfai^e their place a eteel trnn pula ^new
During the part year 110 memba
aboui «• feet m beigbt and
in tb» wortd tuoraef mitberar
tnitberer to lobe
to be wboa water power
t (be erterat In
pewi to availabUMioBld j about 10 feet broad ai the baae. Tin
be very loccoMfuL
aoccoMfuL Tbe con ufTiinall-1
ufTiiatall-1 poire
will beiwt in _------wyu-M*.
ive been retab- i Sir John GUIlca. grand- eormmander of ing tbe overhead trolley *y«e» to not land cement, to rtbieh (bey will
KJerrey, Ueto- Enigbii TrmpUn in Hl«w»rl. baa tonwid py^ibltiTe. aod where a cheap norta bolted with ateel rode Tbe uppv trameretu and Hln- ' an oidrr requiring nrtrt roaipltoDee with ^ nower i» obiain^e tbe nprere of wuet will have a capacity of tO wlrea
j tbe tow of the jurtnlifttoo ramamlBg ,rorkiiig and maintenance woold not be —Electrical Bmiew.
.___ ^ .. ..... grrek. Mr Caffrey ha* been at wixk
ctdrewM• tatradneri Brio Mana-1
Erwy Mbmu to duty liound to attend on tbto pyatani for tbreo yrere. and
A woolen mill at Almonte. OnL. to
Mio Hay. IBP6. and tboa are m
- tbe BMitlogr of bto kalgef
j wagon bai been treted atmoeadnlly. A tu be run by tomprereed air ai tbe ■
line of ordinary poire wai ret upjiear Uve power
. tb*
to ereimated
tbe Reno foundry und
and tbe
the d^^namo
«aimated that 10
to 8.600.000 preMASONIC.
i placed therein

arein Tbe
two wirre were ,on» in tbir country electricity contrib) tbe inlre abont 16 incbee
„( Itvelibocd.
Tbe nrem power of tbewnrid reayba
■na hasoneO
Iba grand lodge of Indiana hasaial
luorr thaltac
MMOonteDdal and to-ld that a Ubmo ii
> to ami.«l maid and a
ffina tbe fratenilt) wt>«re\CT be may to dt oou. and 61 mon- than fl'i
all Inrlu- ventor bad to aolve was a <RffiouU one,
iba time of bto 1^ and (bat. ate tpana ,,,.p hs avriagr rreoorrre per lodgr are aa a perfect circuit must be maintaiurd
itbottbom oat Mastow. bto 1^ to M IxmndiomKe any ^^ure than
; per
g6A87. ' | ,1 all timre and' tbe contact most be
It »MT always do au at
Rctokah lodcrerenncii legally papregn- flexible enough to allow a wide divreireownoirtlon.—OreDdkuu.terof Indiana.


_____________ _


UDIES' Cions.


Extra fine Kersey CSoth Jacket, tailor made throoghoaL all
lined with taffeta dlk. worth

Prices don't signify—the
eoperior QUALITIES we give
joo st pricre yon’re cherged for
inferior goode elsewhere, Uist
we eerve yon. BEST VALDES
Cbiid’e Dndervesr, too.

Foil awe«. fine aoallty Bende CSpe, 27 inchea long, aU
Hoed, donUe Empire
back, martin fnr on collar and
SO-inch long Ploah Gape, good
sveefMiU Une^Thibet for OB col.
Ur and im front,

$is£o, for

Mn's Suits, Onrcoais, Ulsttrs, UifHWMr, Ete.Great (tines is Nediuni Pritnl Goofs.


. Tto Orderof Rastera Suu- iww nmubare
f.ra ’^'troUw^I^i pr^^ > OS^8b4 pouode of coppre:
J^unitedbun. about iX6.«to m«ui
161.0-1.4T7 poundn und In
tbe grand franiv hsvinx two
TtoHrennlevMeranstf Kratuckyoen.- t^utol or tri’-Diital aii»lnnr of and
tw_o ovrerannltur
ovarrunoing wheels.
wueeis. IBM. 8<B,956.164 pounds
^a an ortrenlsatkoi to
10 wbk-h
whk* ouuo
00m: to «dnn further (wiptolnt brerd f|: —T.—
■Itted wbo ba» uui toun an anUlafed Mas..f im-i.-rttv -__ ______________
Usauo for 81 yrere
todg.-s rey. ih.-Pblladripbla Preas.
/ The grendmaater of the grand lodge e#.' jjre B T.J.haw U piwhknt of the '
Qretoc baa toeued a prcictolbatkm. ttoctor- .Vebreska
-- -........................
RcU-ltab ametuUy.
lag tto lodge ma-OtJyu


J? -.-.-■'.r ^ \
------- ----

Wet Weather
Shoes ?

Tranareaud <
toivi-ur tbr liabn-ami are stall lima tub
regaun-d at Ito aUxtulUK f fruay Point
fniDi tto hxign.
In IT7T h} UmitnoioD Vancouft » grand
r «DU
u» CuuuTb.' Ohio Ot.1 K.-n-.wa'Orphanage at
wbo waa
WM a aurmuu
li army
1 F|iringU>-ld. U . now aticiten 61 chUdreu.
TboeareSlhxbtreofMamosMHamU- "»*»«•»
«»l« T**" Me
T^^aiioqgre ammos
, Xo«.l»nllniror grand todge.Betokah
CaUlorute Ma»o. numbre le.nai lu
,,.Uurtiuate_« g^d
41 m.-nihiT of tto atore
hold aoyai
n w«A> added toal year
exrurrioo. |il<-nu'. ,-11-.. when- the name of
Ex-grand iiiaiBcredMamreof Kanaaa. OwordL-r to ua-d without Orel ..Inalnlng
JaiueaH McCall of tVirtlU baa tto ai«OD ft, o.Awml .d tto-ortt”*'"
Georgr Uaabingtuo umxI to wear at Ma- of thi-lr.)unwlirtl..r^
re^c lodge mreuuga LatayeUteatauwure
Hy all
bareaU ocgm.lst. Musk

BeyaJ and belect Masteie
-wiUwm ruiUillug hit r<r^ obllgailuoa
Ttotoulnumlierol BoyalABiMaiW Ha eann.* prugirealn rollttalu Hecanaoewdjugtothrlarinia^aofgramlctop not atta.i. fata hlgbret good without fureen. la laS.«». a net gam alnoo tto toat ihenng that of oihiom.
Wremial report of 14416
Tbe worker h the Ideal momtor lu our
The heouisb Kite Maaousof tbeaonlh-!
He h.vre tbe order, and partleularrei) jurtodicUuD haaauieiutorehipof about j,
4, « uii„g oo anyUuug
jYbat wUI ptvtuute lu prosperity.
Apcdleoanmandwy KolghuTemptore.i within another yrertherewlll to 900'
Mo 1, of Chicago will not panicira<e In ebHdRii Io IM OhkoUdd Followa bonre.
• t triroiilal cooctoreof- tberedar to to wbitk. ftguriiig ll at aoDUtrevallveirelbald la Kuuburg a
e. will ore 'about

tlta* per child, mak

Make yon wife or Imefasnd a Thenk^ving Preeent
of a

Carpet Sweeper or Carving Set.

of Fbltadelt^lh It was not orKssiscd for
tb* boneei of tbr Bed Men of Florida but
lor tbe sufferers of tbsi state
' Do you appnriste tbe fata that tbe1nto a .W.t tate for the Bid IttaUonearetbedlfeofttotodgpf A lodge
Mco. and
ce a* dredaa a doornail
Id the «
maa of ItooDtnuitteeoo cndenitalaand
mileage of tbe grand lodge of .Sew York
aod to a past dictator of Mooigo
Pauline Dcbeilulre great keeiaw of reeuids lodge No l.tMl, of Brooklyn, ba*
It was tto fouDdets of
pireen I system or imemsients m m
Mended PI Aelnhla fraiii sto ——of
d i^TIk R»lsb“d H«>" prorides .utbclentUitbeBrittab
beribg a vaat aimy eff ’
fnl and loyal
ato tauuntUn


. Oar new Wet Weatbre Sbrea lor
Men aad Woreau are just tbe thing (or
this waathcr. They bare heavy salta.

They will apprecUte it: eee if they won’t.
A nice saeortneut st


Atop and saa

l-tfi Front StreeL

Trsverae City, Mich.



Better Attend to Your Eyes 'Now |
It will not be ao euay to get w^lod upon
when tbe Bollduy ruah beglua



Mun«)ii Block

tolore be cab to luatallMi
I Tto work of Brito. I'aul Oautret and
**V****' 1 Bepiy Baoden of New York ba* toon of
Ttoimprer dOtflerof KedMenhaaap- ,t»o,flt.among ibetiermaa tadgredariug
pnqiriaUidlU.tiw.uuutoiuScring bi
ity ll baa fontotteu ttaelf lb llmeof great
nngylvanU haa tag aocoe members
trouble (Vbm the yellow fever btok* out ',
ID tbe laat l%u yrere but alnoe July I
to Florida mauy yrara ago a relief com- ,
iodgreandermltteawas organised from the Had Men ^ "

ItUkUs Pzy Oeeds,
Caipgt ui GOptUag but.

Do Yoa Want Good

You have B^n.v Things to be Thankful for.

Vo l,thabert|*^"“““*“‘"'"
A band haa m. right to o<e tbe name
world, bat com .' tbr.
Itatriairb* Mllltiinl. Hlber with
pleted arreugauwats lor aUcudli
wltboui pimi—l.-ii •(MhePatriarebs HIII—nty-et-miib trtciuiul ouactore
ulhoritk-a. nral n tbe
Ighu T(
poring tl


this wot wrether. Yon can buy* iw. thebestklndatadiaeonatoim
A. B. PRTMAK, 114 K. FroetSt.
per cent. All Rubber Goods at a reducUon

A Bran New Stock of Goods




kew Goods at “Old Goods” Prices.
We are unpacking this week our Ime^
of fine package and bulk PERFUMK
for Xinas presents.

We also have a

nice assortment of Atomisers.; Don’t
fail to come and look ttem otfer.


Beadle Building.

We shall show each wwk something new and up-todafe.
Finest the market produces. No trouble to show goods.
Come in at all times and look around—Meet your friends
here—Make this your headquarters.

n. B. HOLLEY, Kanagor.

U ill Mil litfiiliff loKr.
^ BnaMtT Iv U* «BMr« atelnr. *

nd W7 plain. Her vbote nol and
‘ affwtian. 1 tblak, U Mtend in b«
bCT- aba vtnbua him*-—
“Ah. aba baa a <AUdr’
•■T«. Tbe UtUa caw waa bora la In-



TMs is the Place to

Tbere ia no mid
(ba apandtbrift and the kiaar. H» art
<d apeoding ia grvatar than tbe art of
- ing aoney.—Ber. Frank Qrano.
all rigbl Bcnr, I belleac, and aba aaataa
ban7 about bin atdMt I got laaae
hboot a DMDtb bafoK 1 azpenad. 8ba
doea HOC know that I am in fnnpa. I
1 ooBgiatnlate y<m who are old.
OU a>ud^lUcUi
wandeiod bov oot of mj vaytbe ntowa of yoor life lie lack of ycm;
Tea'*, pot o« ia» MBki
Mr dada m
in a bnny to gat bca
aU tbe Bina. waaknoaaea and paina are
foond yoo. HaigazBb
bmckot yon. and each eiqi iaoee atop
Tbe tbrill of gladncaa
nearer to you aro«ra of happinon.—
fh. plaMa or tb. HwttWi flUaa
aolee again aa ba nttand bar name, an Bee. J. fi. Oiaff, Metbodiat. PbUadelkeg onapoken. and bia ayea BMad tan- pbia.
Ptrt ta aU «r raar Utm tb«o an
Aaply arery little dataU of bar baaaty.
•Mk Ben JUgM.
tba glitter of ber fair balr. tba eoraea
k W*t* r>^ r-n><» aod dlBlaet
cd ber looaly faoa. tba folda of bar aoft
And aowlr Ho«Or«« MaeBaab.
arbita draaa. Frotn tba teTTOce aboft ttioold be bo qnarreiliag between Ibean.
tba KHiad of tba mnalc eame faintly In ~Tbey are neoeaarUy joined icgetlMT.
Mr eUoMMo U aa<A y ea aarcr OBB I
a draamy air. A warm, light
Vo matapr Wnr Block JOB vox. >
and DO man or organinticn ibmld try
Ca Mr lb. boi* InM d A» UaUoad tOBObad tba laoraaad ribbom of bar
to put tbem aannder..«dl«T. B. Har' diaM and awayed tba leaoea ^nra (baa cemrt. Metbodiat. HtibuMphla.
Nice Solid Oak Stand
$ .50
A nic* Bedrooar^uit, Bed
; till tba littia ligbtaand abadowidaneed
6 ft high, well made, nice fin­
AM naallj. ar. It taatlan bo Xi
to and tro orar bar flgnia and tba Sow.
Doable Blankets from
ao« bard job 8comdi Bmb tr
an on bar Ian Tba yean bad only add-!
TobH Pfw MCBwl B^tb aU ^ r
ad to ber beaoty. and tbay bad beat ao daily
tbcpcdltBaoBMotoicr rja
Father Pillows from 35c np.
Cheap, well made Bed,
have failed to anitably qnalify tbe men
long apart
■‘Bettar that yoo bad not—In tba and in oor ohartee* to help on tbe kingdom
with best woven wire springs,
Qnilts from 50c np.
batter a UMawnd tinea We moat pay of Ood by tbe twofar perfonnanoe of
fcr it afterward with anab a beary their poUtiaal dottea-^er. Cbariaa
One 6f the best Sewing Ma­
Pelton. PreteytoriAB. CinrannatL
prinet Pete baa been aneb a beaey
■ iJice, strong Iron Bed
a na. tny dear."
u •( tb. War.
*Mergueai la it pcaaiblef After ao
' A Beantiful Birdseje Maple If I eonld only pay for both td na."
many eeatal Tell ma yoo are not a
gioai belli being 0« of
cash or payments.
Table, polished,
drMB, MargeTKl Margaretl"
Min tiuir pat oot bia- faasdi aa ba
mote and cangbt both tbaaa of tbe
We can fomiah yoor house oomplete and do it for as iitUe money aa you can get
voeneo draly in bit hold. Sbe, riaing
it done in thestate, for that ia onr bnainew. Will eu;haage any gooda
fkoei ber aoBt gated at bin with
Thneo. R «
not give satistartaon.
MntM cyM and parted lipa, while tbe alone, deareat"
Sowar* in' ber Irp were acatiered in a
totj tuan aboot bar feet
*‘I waa thinkine of you.” tbe man
went on in a aoft raiee bf entire gtadD alone, while for a minnte'i opaoe i
.-•na “In all the year*, tbe long tan
jaoni einoa«oeai<l goodby yon bare life BDd,'ttme and tte nnlTcrae itaelf | mrenuknowed tbmn iatbe nm of alang
-^mdawod bad wotda. wbiob imtil tten
htaD\U> my rwurtnlnai-ce al»-aya. al- were forgotten. Tten with a footfall as Werdan
vaye^' At arery HUle pai^ae in the life Ugbt aa (ba leiTea wbkb the breew bad never entered their bomea—Ber.
wfeiofa hai.bera «o fall uid yet lo iwipty stirred a woman name mnnd the enrre Engcaie M. Smith; CfaristUn. 8L tenU.
your taee baa emne .before tue. and here of the flowery snnen and stood before
jnat DOW, koUbg at tbe aea aod tbe teem. 6be wai
Any di^ilay of wealth in tbe ofaitnb
emUgfat, tbe pain «ae mote than I with a wan, t
eonld boar. I tornod to Irate tbe ler- tte pale bair 1 I parted 1
1 ber b,-.
nea. and (here yoo were aaong tbe _ib b^w
■ Soereit, Hargam. lu alt my life it ia somber foldi upon tbe may blomoma ,
tbp drat good torn that fata bat dotw
W Ite"^^!^
'*» artl.tio^ite^S*ir naFather J. J. R '
Iga- Toll no yoaar« glad toaaene Margaret • knee* lo.tte grooDd. Her
i.rv» ....................................
**Margara( drew bor baDda.ticm bit anoteer. and premed «
ytm—a little While ego.”
vltb a aigb. tUll lorking np at tbe thin,
_______oepbere today ia mtnratedIby
teen far*, tbe grv «yo* bant aagerly ate mid after a moment, while StairandMaigantMt damh. “Iwesontbe tbe
— spirit of lawleameaa. We apeak and
■poo ber.
‘ike'MWr. I
1 benrd Jobn'e eolea and j not aa if It mattered little wbat a
”Ulad-^Tr*. 1 an gUd.” tbe aaid,
toeatet ter Toloe wai aed with .tbe ram
- • had
• • sprang to
• ‘-----------nU
excwtela tte,
bia feet andatood
‘ oapo, aod nndcriying
teaDco of long twin “d fflocb weep
lookiBg down M bra. 'Margaret bnried ' ever preaent one. "The oteer fellowado
**lt will be worn afterT.-ord—bn(
it and I might as well go in
tee juomem—ab. John, bow long
year* bate been I Bowlooely!"
Su^&gim^OMMUtUB*^ anteate
I child ' tionahm Cfaimgo.
e went on gently, “an'dTtere wsa a paaae between team,
ly little BOB—is dead."
and te eat beaido bar niAbe low bamh.
Stair made a step forwaM, bnt tee {
miatakea, we ma
oaeb afnid to braak tbe alienee. erhUe
may Uimdra. arax......
be gathered np tb. (Inwrai and laid aotiimed him hack with a«eatnre.
fie was ill again, a mootb ago. and m.—»u. iiir, tba -hiM learning to walk. OpMlIe M. a W. a Depm.
Chon 00 ber kneee again. Bound then
aBlemi and olraodeni grew in a glow­
dlabwld try a wannra ; uk* tbe pemou taking thMlrat Icaam on
ing rnrre of roay color, ibnttiog ont the ------- -T
blrn^ « “f ; the bhycle. bat the mramt qoeteim.
.. ^bat good thiilr
length of Ucraee. Before tbetn. beyood ann and tbe Bowera He died a wete
my little eon. and 1 came to gal
___ 1 __
tbe elitte* of tba white bonan on tba
do?''<e Cb« firm
beWh. loy tbo rca. bine and aall flerked,
floweri be wae eo fond of and cate beavraT—Bea.'jtei IkddArdr Ch'nich
than lo blm. Ue loved tbe color, and ^ the b
meeting tbe bleircnrre* of t|>e cloo "
tte earth te ao brown and cold npon bia
oky in lu aernneft mood.
‘•TeUneof yDniBelf.''beaald at laal. grave." Again ate clasped bra baDda
In 184B a iftiiegirl foond in Oalifortoaning forward and toncblnit tbe dot. npon her boeom aod looked at Margaret
«ar of black ribbon* oa ber white dreaa. with bra ead eyee that were tearleen. —......
"I know w mUe—^net e few mdagrr "I beard yen. John, and wbat yon get which ^ teoaght to be .mly ■
stone, te Ibi9 tbe,
Unn in tbe paper or a chance remark
swaniuiig with men poorin e man'a letter, t know that be ii
dead, that yon am free, bat that U alL pity. No. indeed. 1 do not blame yon. ing u. ilie Ihn iflc ouiut. Thus we oot g
Yon were vray good. Many men wonld only gaUnd tin- gold, bnt all of Caltfor-; 4
not have draieeoiuiK h. And now—the nia aod tbe coaiO.—Kra. Cbarlee H. 4
OD bra. aod tba long aomw of ber lone., telldfcdead! And.von"-atewniedn> HiebanU Cougt»«aUanaliat. Pbiladel-iJ
ly life eama to ber in a vivid stroke Margaret with a break at lait in b« lAta.
.*aa-» Ul. a terar.
which canght bra te the. diroal in a sob level voice—"yoo have gnihraed all'tbe,
| Follow the river to the floor of tbe g
and dMoed tbe blneorae of Uv ey« in fluwen 1 «nild n-achr
Stcwlv Margaret lif.-ed np bra face ,-valley and find it tte-re Idoo. TbU aig-, |
‘JTben it not mneb to tell," ate an- and looked ui Stair's wi^e—wan. witb nUk* tbe perioduf uuuiliuoA Wlial boy , |
awerr.1. leaving her.flugra* lu l^i* claspi taaitgin;; blurk gehiicni. and. bandi! has gniwn to manbood witeont ft«ling j 4
‘>Siz monihi after you left for India 1 nTelebed flit tnwavd'tlM- bloewims cat | tbe suiling looeb of tbe world? Tbe|l
kae mamed to bitu, as yon reaA of U-rlap. Almost wifbooikBOwing, ate 1 haig.r a riror flowatte darker it bo-: •
lifted their mam of nra color and laid i comra Man l<-ft to binuelf bamoioa , ■
BcT brow knitud aliarply in an in- it in thora empty bauda Martha held i won* tbo Kmgra he livha—Kev. Jamee , J
atest'e motracuuu^of pain, bnt be did tbem gi;;iUy aod aunl locking at tte B. Uir, Oungregatirmaliy,
ofor a mouent—tbe mau who was ciaea
not tsrn away.
CMWr «r All ikal 1.
terfansband and tte--wou)eu that te
Looked at in tte right
“Well, tbrae it U—the eioty of my loveA
“1—will taka ll|m totteohiiA"tea dmreb la tbecwnuirmad acbuol >
Margsri t saiA with a iiiUe amile
that is boat. Uahould I
ladder then her tears "I was 90. pen- oaiA Ste tarnad away. In ooa moment tte uf m________„
ctleal. a
anoligbt darkened to her eyes, and ba- that fuotiTS lauauiA ailHOce, while tte eye* of both wore : f«
brut upon tbe aoa aod tte aooad of mn- , oi
She bad Uken item to tte ebilA—! hard and
jod. stan^iug that, 4
helps to aweetco and mncQiy all - life > 4
tte flov^ aemm ardhnd Madame.
—Bev. J. H. BarTvwa Fnabyteriaa ' 4
r rikis 'tMaaer,
..’•Mar“He wapgeoraooi in-bit way,
Article 6. Our beat MeuV
dinner was given in
.rant oo
m after
•fl.w a
m Ulda
llltla. “He
'*11 frvad
garvt> went
Dieee Overcoete, lot 6272, a
I R*Ug«.a.
r father from tte money be owed
refttiUrvalae 12.50, for.... <
I in tfaeir
Tbera are thoae who are ready b
him. and tte bora got
that material
.lertal prapunt;
Doily mi
beaded hy a pbolo of the jadin' who may my eo. ndigiuua adveraity. becau*
mother gut
g tfaeir port of tbe bargain.
Ipeealded over tte trial, the acrvieltea they bidd that the people are religions
; were inclosed in bandculTs. opd. oa a
'7 wten lu diottum or oc«d and that
; prelnde to the nanal dainties, tte mealie •oddeuiy and torned
'meal porridge, cooked in water, at things 1
Article 7. Lot 7235. regular e aq
“Ah. yoo
served oot in prison, wot served tuaod. tru.-. ii wonld make for aod not against
tarly. “Btuforuie—thiokafit—te
value SjOO, for.......................... l«WO
Bard and mns-rly and coaim, and I ww tbe hand pitying a solemn feoetal , migioo. bacanou a power that stands in
marsh. After that tte baoqoei prooeed- gumd wbrai tte radinaiy aopporta
bU wife aod loved yoo."
Articles. Lot 7511, ceooine A
ed la a mnei aaUdaetory alyla Thii ; dimppmr ^ themby proved its caStair Mrwd to ter again.
Melton, regular vaL 1.00, for
■nnivetmiy w intraded to be kept year- .j «oiial reality and uuqneetxdable oee“BUrow? You are frefT*
“Yea," ate anew.-red slowly, "I am ' ' tlK tbe tolas are revuaeA—Gape I fulDBm.—Bobbi Unacav UottbeU. New
Aitiele 8 Lot 7488. extra
tne. Two yeare ago he died and left
heavy, d'We-breaated Chev- a. OQ
BiefragaDdricbaadchildlrm Tell ma
It SulL w«.
‘valne 7.00, for *TtWO
DCtwr^ohn—Mil me au-nt yoor wile."
"Ab. no; not DOW." Stair mid eager­
Article 10. Lot 7492, fanqr
ly. “tel ns forget fpr a few faoora—
rc^lai valdliUk,
ferget all except fbat we have been n
le 6.00, for..
long apart that we have met again.
“No, DO. yon efakU MU me." Margam cried sbarjdy. •^hy. why did
yon marry? Yon were a man, and
stroog. Tbere wee imeDe to tottnn
yon. YanaballiaUiDa."
Tte oager look 00 Stalr'a keen face
faded, and bis face grew white.
"II wa« in India. 1 wm ill. down
for moTUte witb fever, and ete norted
«e at tte risk of bra own life and good
name. i «rald do tratblng alee hot
Marry ber. I*our Marthal"
“Martha—u that ber namer’
-We Solicit -‘Special Orders” and Fill Them PrompUv.
“Wbat u ate like yoor MaHhaf
Sbwe was a ring of am in Maigsrel'B
veto, bnt ber eyee eew tte eee tbrongk
tte gutter of ter anabedtMra "Wtea
Markham Block,
Traverse City, Mich.
“A homely little body, vkay anaQ
Tw'v* npwaM ev MtUMi auM
«e cfaoa vbft moA



Don't buy trash when you can get good.
well flniebed Furniture at these prices;


.b. Mi. „n «.b.. r~ ™


J. W. Slater’s^mre Store.

1S8-1S2 Front Street.

Free Storage
for filcycles.

You Can Get....





You’ll be

ready for winter

If you wear a suit of our fine Underwear and
one of our new swell Overcoats. Another good idea
would be to wear one of our stylish warm Suits between,
also you can be comfortably dressed at a very small
cost visit the right place. All we say la, come In
and examine our goods and prices will convince you
that you are in the right place. No matter what you
want, no matter where you see it advertised, no matter
wbat price anybody else names, I will Supply that iden­
tical article for the same money or lesa





Late Books
Booklets and Calendars


o/nr cooos. ctor/t/NC.
^0£S, /H/fH'l/SMWG coobs^i

Front St. Broech Blk.

Traverse Oity, Kioh



wauMH w«« ntau ur tb*
Kow they are ao
cialer wotnea aa
tB««M«f the axhiUdon tdaoA SB tw> I
I^Qaitatta* ia another Ujfe ftaU.» Hadoee not qwta kmHa ^y you would wand by - yconelt Wonen
•UT AKt TOR Airrs BAKE K OUlTt dor or two nay be the
«w thimnarti of swiaaiiiea and noww h*Ur7«
thia U ter tMB BManiny wealth.
| p»p«n now eatartnif to the Jaded Mtaa
^ ”*»*****? ■
What. then, are the wsya open to «f the pobllo are thii rery minute ripe
•.---------------------------_ _
women wbo can wield the penoU or
a# eatob at aotoe new fad. Far be it
yoofototbe thrator withthe man.* dw ,
bran me to «a»eoqra«e a 'fad" at the Tim* »«Ue ee^ftleeid <d hla ria- tfarea a matinee girl
' B. A.
PnmtbmldeaiBBlnRiiawideaodnw. exptwae <d rood, honert work, but there
•«>» beaouW be tbon^t bra!


tC®pjrrt«t.t. Un. tT tlw AstkorJ

» alwsyireadyto
a good derign. Thia
QiU iU a 4>ecial
pattern muat be
tasMb in itaelf. The paoeis
•mdad to tba number <d ttrad. in tbe
A praotkal looUng dealgn la

the new woman.
Sii.t and l«iUmate. end It might at» row rf tall|m oendlee hung t
tain ex« the popalaritr <d Aubrey dry^l ar^
BeatdelCT a eBorta witboni
witboai helag bad
bed .. T*""
Then tberr
the ««MD«r
nimper gtrl,
girt an.
««»*' wa» «»
c,^ .
Dr. Bertha V IhompacB teefty phyS^^gretreome ra borrihle.
riolaa of OtAKoab. Wia. '
For tbe newapaper tbe drawing abosld
“ *** woenwi'e c-luteaHoi to ezut mainly to
abow 00
the bouneM and gowue of t
membtre U»U«a
tbe Uat of nelly niwfal a. . u u.
.pu»-« ta- to
__ _____
becraaee wider with each retnmlhg an-______________________________^____
1 and portfolio about
sake a apiilte
Tbte year in Kew Voric city in Kvw York city. It wwtiina ten mHb
nnd fnniriied in
and all a
ureequecbaractfTBl .ii_. „u,.
in a '
1 atyle. Eren Ibealngle
What did be.
licameeting. Take jtmr aketeb
been at any time before. EwA 1
.aiurot.taP=Uutta-tb™,.bi.«. “
#*A A
e fur mayra had clnba tB ----won-1
«1 Ato ^ taulJ Uta «. io U.U
u ta.ota ba^ ^ waUo, a>auatado.II; fa bto.
..A fa hla. ff
Uo«. ai|W..Uiy
^ J.aUf iU-u, a, a f. aa, avaU aoaa. h.ataa,n<.|
ADeertty leceikiiai,
or naaa
haea KTapaiDWBJ
telling lunory. to
--- ah^
. cB a i*™«
• of tbe par-]^
It would aeem aa if erety reriety d
yon «riU amud a good chance of getung had made a wiog fratito
ty bcaadquaiten
to| inentoen that could be dmlied knd
oleridng it In tbe toetinga of
aaignmenta tm the fapra..
Then, after be went oleri
r. did be crer meet a pret^ g
jokw^d illnrtisting them, you ari •» rrenlng party without feeling
Ttry popular and effectTTe qKafarstoa
quite aure to find a aale
aie tor aocn wras. — ~ — — ——
Ifaantime to record of one dnb. a
nth. and eoooen to beyond all otora? And to type- «onnolitkal caw. wiUabow to magniflStrikeout baa
writer with tbe golden hair! Bow dare peot pfiaidbiliiiea r,T^^
i, yowa.
for good that iu|
br iKiwer of «»yta».l—of
That u to Chicago Woman'a
Mia. Elln M. Resrotin baa {re-,
it between
betwren to trad
br^ and Sttil tot wae not to
tbe *<««
worai .He could

_JNn.lni on It
^ pared
to I
It may
meoticai d to dnfa
_____it may come
br abont ^ «“▼»*«*«* l>w W» *awtgeaic
raidjiythat yon wiU do to thing <»1.» awtorcanw Infrum to eonntiyto
UmO you lore beat to do. but you anrely blm-'l^to aktn of fau t.^' frean
viU bare found much aweecnan.
eweeanna. tndeinde- a^i^um
uanyuig aa elderly widow wbo rouged >00
to th
pepdeatre an^ atragtb in working your
ft nppUtd 60.000
Auca H Ivts. -, whom be iwiiered to finew wranan
way to yuor goal

----------- A textUe needt and
L It doee not take long tear<iuim the
Ktde of thii art, and
if the aitim anbenlM deeigna w4^
i pny1« mriB wiu. Ota ItaW
folaal dtaiAi. taino Inu, K ID «U.
'waip.ta'l-a.aAataoi t-U fa
new and artiwicideal Bercagaiuaume
la required to tbe
era and ita acoom“rapeat" of tbe pattern
modatloB to to width of tbe
........ tore
are tbe
{Tinted ailka and ooRona and to makan of diaperiaa and upholaiery fabriea.
large peroeoiage of to Utter goodi
fffian Aptattiibm A
in New York bj- the are DOW imported. Why! Beauretbe
dealera tell you tbe foreign artiau g'
Whmt 6om
in- « to moA beantifnl pattosa both
tend to do with her form and ooto. but ton u no
»n after dM bet ^leot why thUtonldcontlnnem beau. Mm
------ ---------------- J color
time ADd Bioney la
Deeigoing* for ton
' \_1 trainliiKbenelffarit!
teztilea wooia
would eeem
nem m
to oe
be a
TbU]nctical qaee- aumpCDOUii lextuce
tioB pacbapa doer sot only fcrdhly pre- prorinoe partiouUrly tbeir owa
thinking capa,
^ girU
ant itaelf to the yonaft troman wbo hai
pamb to eoppcrt her. or wbo faaa
nr>^ ia^e of her cTwn. To her ai tcnidaaa. and they are willing to pay
fo art'* Bke U the altoftether ddi«bi
Another good Bald for to denr «be Weraee<« cn* tie
M pcoepMt which atretchee ooUndafldiaftaman
1 wonder wbeebo- there ever waa an
But, alaa. cwly to a hapiiy fttw ii it among to Utograiihers Tbeae flnnl

\ ^tce to work la' peace aad.
para and they look upon a quatpt oon> to realme to fact that idw waa engaged,
^ toward their traret ideala
oeit or original bneyaa a poatln gold did not lormnil Uniilf by wundwing
• wbetor be erer loved before and finalWiKtage. Ererytluait you do ia n
Mimy will remember bow eerenl ty aik him to tell ber to mlcmn Wuih
•led by the
t prioe it will trtnR, aitd a
yean ago tore appeared in raiiou* ad- abont it
rertiung ejncee a dainty lltUe golden' “It U dreadful not to knowforoeri. depew
hatredcbild'etecepeeringoottroniun- tain.” alw eaye. and be. of come, deMheti a
der the pointed bo^ of a monk, ire- olarea tot toil hU firm and only lore:
member bow gleefully to Utbogri^ibeir tot be never tboogfat any oeber '
ebowed me to ifcetch. and bow be be- wmtb gUnciag u bAote be
Hard aa it nwy
•Xpert to ears her aalt by the sale cl wailed tbe W that there were not tot. in tact be ored tb wpn
bar oUa or water oolore ia the ordinary moredeeigni tmugfat to him trith to otor fellotre meant by "failing _
way thm^ the uedion d the exbibi- aanw elenwnt of oatefay origtnality and love, and all that There wemed to be
in it until raw day—you re. ttone or the dealwa
The young woman wbo painted to member, den t you. O Angetinai
Tbe aalea ofUta yeara at the aeaUs:
•sal exhitdHaM of the Katiaul Aoad- pretty «bild in to bood got a good were Introdnoed.".
(decyaf Am«r(or

“Tkadawo^.'" patbapayoumy. with of all tbe young mm 1
~ Well, if we mut have adrer- but baa admired half
* - them
** *
4___ they
•&._ ‘a------------ - -.
____________________ .iattata sucCnrcs
a let
good onei fore
promanw'bonitosabidfwreoogniticio U
« pomiblu Are
erane- n« ^ b.
Ar.. yon
4— not doing
e —~
T4_iL:„J.irj Ii:
ft—1- a
d about 1 in 600 of!
worth while if you an educating Irotor wai always admmng Kane otw
Of oonm tbe artirt I
memni in artiiUc form and color? , and eo attentive tot every taw tomgbt
•citing her
_____ going to _
j ^ There to nonseof
any _
of, bs wai engaged. It would qnU aU if
p^eonlem yon taing thmi a; be i Edwin! ^ bom like that
her pictnrea to help ber along arc ont <
e of your work That oiUy motto i Then to givee bca “good, true Ed-


ooooetted idwtf Kot tbeWonan baraaB.
eertainly. The aolid fame and ^mmy
Ac baa oMatnad for banalf an worth
nxn than the fleetii« admiration <d a
‘ - tllow brained Jaekanapm
I and your kind will Bad ont
Ukeyoa. Yonai
Ibat the Almirfaiy
elae tlao merely to be teUaa
ia lore with by foola Firm and formoat
of aU. betrated ber for bere^ to da*
relop a* an indiridual her rapnMIittea
without referenee to anybody eUa.



hi. Anrelina-I wain. "Clh.
no ■ ne
hfi re,,,
*ery bard and firm and to oarner. well
vn. aa.
Iteetahlitod toOhildteoi Ald-io-lau^^^j^ For to oorer eeleM a piew
•U, “uever beforel You are to only jd^^uhL h
of deetrie blue miin Oathwerabroid«1 ererloreiir And.
ew after
aiwr alt
aii. it-U
ii-i* zS'
poor edwol children,
m ia filo fiom a deaign of butteirupe in
quite truA'. only to could not belwre it
if he made candid cr-‘ --- of bii ex’
doll, pale tode of olive g
I 'lidmof firm lore
it K> Tcry diBcrent from a man's
Maar Krtn DaLLAA ^
giren for to mniUn bag. leaving it
It mpparm to mbool fir boyx in to ^en at one aid Stitefa firmly on mu*
___ . .
i*tne. then turn and w« that tbe oorIt toni
aer. are aharp and clear SUptoewh.
caisiog fundi (ortow
leomu- toninaadorerhaadtoendverynmUy
with fine eilk toahadeof to mtin
eorer Make a full box pUimd trill of
ribbon cB to mma ataade and fire
wbcm 1 bare taken eolid oomtert have
}»* » onwe loyal, lymputoti
ample tojw
rsflU w
of raw ramy
dainty m.
ito an
nelprul so 11 muit oe vvonten muil
Wr» Phi.i«l <1«1 umpie
ttaad by cne another with united bands
to articU wiU be complete. t^cuHi____j -A. —.X_______ ••^ »•
|Hmmi WU
and —
.ta If
.. .tav..
they .ever
- . . ——tata
haitet down to
I* Vined
on to
aad,to Chkngo burea„ clom up against the ^ tfaue
arsel iron walls of pn jodice. supmei- Political leagaev
tenaing a deccratire bic and at to
b<"> and greed that are
> tn think of it.
time giving pkotyof room torto <
bwi-elMV .nmw tlw wtwld

l.irA tlAva

4-rwndtanrwa iB w«oi<-n and we osuv
to power and croth ibvre
ikmd word of a wrauan. per.
Btic D taw etoo to eay aneb word in
y«*r {arernra- In ibr day. cB ih. nn

“Wboeonldtell in lore withAhat!*'
exeUimed a man on looking at (hr
Ww W.»t .re Ak. 4B(Ln.1 -■-•—-----ptonreof an American lady wbo »«•
won a noble place in a praferato Wbc
waott you to tell in lovq with ber. yon




multitudes mat crowd our store constantly. Conservatism took a back seat. Our pur bases are of sucb mar -ituds that it borders
almost on carelessness but for aU that we are coostantly abort of items in every department. A sure eirn of prosperity is when the de­
mand is rreator than the supply. The $5,000 worth of fine Clothing and Oent’e Furn-ehing Goods purchased by us under euoh favors*
bio circumstances, is atracting wide spread attention. Among this many things left of thU bankrupt stock are a few numbers worthy
particular mention.
___________ ________________________n___________ _
A child's all wool, hea.T tweed, finely braided. Reefer Suit, formerly sold £y 4joo.

A child's black Cheviot Suit, formerly sold
for 2^0. our price................... ..............
A lot pf children's handsome Astrachan
Reefers, nicely braided in red, brown and
green, sold formerly for 4^X3, our price- •


A fine lot of all wool Children’s Suits, most­
ly small sires, in Clay Cheviots, Twills
and.Heavy Flannel, former price4.00 and
5jOO, our price, for choice........................
One lot of children's fancy Tweed Suits in
large sixes, strictly all wool, was sold for
5.00, our price.................................. .
A youth’s heavy, all wool, styTish plaid Suit
up to 19 yrs of age. was formerly sold for
8xx>, our price............... -...........*............
Men’s fine tailor made, stylish weave Suit
an all wodi imported fabric, was sold
formerly for i8.aS our price...................

Men’s all wool black Tjrill Suit, it puts the
7.50 suit advertised to'shame, our price -.
Men’s exfta heavy Irish Frieie.Ulster, sold
formeriy for 7.50, our price.....................

Men’s extra size Suits up to 5a nicely made
of an extra heavy all w(X>i ^ssim^re. 1 Q QQ
>r 15.00, oufprice----iV/*w
was sold formerly for

Men's all wool fine Camel's Hair Under­
wear, Swits Conde's make, was sold form-


Men's alt Wool scarlet Underwear, krorth
iJXi, our price, as long as they last-.....


Men'sfinestimported KerseyOvercoat. satin and all wool clay lining, strictly Uilor 1 O .KQ
made,retailed formerlyfor.20.oo,ourpnce

Men’s all wool Wordl^ Sweaters. r^pilAF '
made .was sold for 2.50, our price............
Men's extra heavy wocJ Sweaters'"-

1 f>Q

The same, tmly one grade lighter weight, 1 A KA
sold formerly for iSxo, our price............ *

Men’s heavy blue black JerseyOvershirts.

The same. Fanner Satin lined, retailed 4 Q
formerly for 15x0, our price............ .

Men’s Swits Conde wool Overshirts, worth

N/Men’s best quality grey Shetland Ulster.
\ was reuiled formerly for loxo. our pnee


Gent’s Fnrnishing Goods.
Men's heavy wool fleeced lined Underwear,
peari buttons, nicely finished, for, a piece *


Men’s wool twill, fieeced Underwear, peari
buttons, nicely trimmed, a regular dollar
garment for..


Men's extra heavy wool Toxido Underwear
was sold for 85c, our price.......................


. Men’s extra heavy blue flannel Overshiits,
' double breasted, go at...........................
Men’s fine twill flannel, double breasted
Overshirts, balance left of the watered
stock of Peerless Mfg. Co„ was sold formealy (or 2.50, our price ............................
An all wool California Oversbirt, worth
2.50, for....................................................
Men’s extra heavy Mackinaws
Men’s black fine woolen Mackinaws, regular 2.50garment.for...........................


^ qq
1 Ao
^ mq
X. gO

Our Drefis Roods Department is a reguId the Shoe Department we lead them all. Our cloaks are moving at a rapid gait
lar bee hive. We are your money savers.^



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