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The Morning Record, September 07, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
«mot4x> vAnn
^oomsD TLAim sAxp nom
___\ BOTH.
Two Cente.
mmM AlwaifS SomlMiis New..
which WM the mstmet priee of the
he greatly inoeoaed before the w
wlod mill and Uak of the woter wnrhe
Uover. TheBlghechoMwUlbeo
ittheaemetei7. The major end eloric
wm« Mthoriaed to inep^ the wor^
Md if it WM ooooedlnr to eoatzoet to
pey thehUL ________
Ererjhodj ptoorat expected thm
noyod Good BoUbat'lUBiatee Won
woBid be ■ome derolopmeate tKofdloff j
by Stqmrlor Wcik M the Bot-..............................iob
WhMter Bade a Boom Ban la
whea the bin of Arma A Cote m
-WbeniBka tli* Boehwter Magtam
tjhargm too Koch for • **Oium1bc*
Smith ud SaRtaov
Votthnip ttaoo Mi.OoodrkA FUU
eented. The bill wm latrodao
Toac. Too.
pMMd. epeeklBf 1
ThooloOk WMM thootrakocf olom
liar the kick rocardiar
Uot ni^t teforo it oeowred to u.r the qaolity of thdmwerpipa fnnhbed.
mMbm of tbo elty oonoeU thot
the WU WM allowed in folL Ihaie
dhle odjeonmot wm oomothlaf more WM oose dheaaaiaa recordinc
thOB » droom. Soon otur thot hoar it oeUoB of the board of pntdie worim la
M hippoaed thot oothlnr nore eonld not aokinr a report npon Ito laveeUhefooodtoooU forortterkoldiqiUTe, CtttoB, bat Mr. Arseeuted that ha
thw M odJoan>B««t wu srins eoaeld- hod oa afUavit fros the Akron Sewer
At the City Bookstore. Special OffertoadvertisJour
schoolbook sale. We will give away a beantifiiJ
set of Books rained at $6.00. Coupons with every
i^«^j?urchase. See our special offers on inside pages
Bach •ose bat Borne Baa* Boa*!
Atwoya irin Oomea.
apsW to Tm Nenne BvMn.
Moaktee, Sept, e.—The Colu won to
day'e pome with the aUclr. hlttlar
Bntherford frMly. The BrntlBra alao
Ol» Kxsnov BXVB X.. O. T. K.
hit Bobb herd. Whooler ofoia pat the
ball over the fenee for a home
Bew Blve Orgaaiaed end Started!
The bitUnrofboth
With Bright Praepeeto. |
a of fly boUe la
Pipe Oo. wbleh deelorwd that the pipe Wetklne end Qleeeoa were the MatT«ty suu OnmalMr, Mro. Mur.................................... and a Ko. I
A ooeeplMe aod detoiled weowt of
at'Critical rea Morrla, hMorgoaUeda lodge of 2
article. Be wm wUllar, howevor, to
the proeeedlap would oeeopj i
Lady Moecabeae at Old Mlepkm. known
make a dedaettoa d^ed apon by
■peee thw u ordiowj newep
M Old snuloa Bive No. IM, L. O. T. M.
w Oty'e defeat. Score:
oOBld devote to it withoet ieeviiic oat the board of pablie wori» M per cent.
K. H. E. The officer* ore:
oOBtrnet price of tkoM Colu
therefore the only
PMt Lady Oom.-Mr*. Sarah BUI.
ooozM U to deol it oat in ebaakk ead elalmed to be defeeUve^
Udy Cem.-Mia Mae Commlaga
Bettarlee: BobbandKInmoad, Enthloodrieh foiled to moke
leave the deer pablie to reeort to lmer>
Uent. Cem.-Mra MiaaU Buebmc
o oo behkU ofrthe board erford end Bnal. Umpire, Dave Compleethm eod reed tfetweea the eheake.
Boeord Keeper—Ura. Eliza Tompof pablie worke. bat Alderman Moa- bea •
Sonday'e Oome.
torne orooc prompCy mad moved that
FiaoBce Keeper—Mra Ella Bimaa.
«the eooadl to resit the texee opoa the bUI be allowed in foil, »4SI.(U. He
Sandey'e cotae wm ' loet to
Chaplain—Mr*. Maggie Gllk.
' ile propsty ob the oorser of Oos elated that a twenty pereentdedncOon SoeUen beoanee they eouldn't
OBd Pmrh etreete.
'The city etQaloa at opportane tlmea end eleo bw
(CoNiinued on W pepc.)
M.atA.-Mn. KaU UrdlCL
mrBej Bdvleed that the eooBcU
Sentinel-Mra Anna Paeeeg*.
<BBld Bot refBBd toxee peld of the
a time, however, wbeo iblnge
Pickel-Mra. Maud Tompklaa
eoBBtj eod elate, therefore
looked hopefnl for the TravecM boyt.
The lodge aUrU ont wltb bright
OBlj thtac to do WM to pay hoeb- the After BxHrteaclBK Aa Awful Bright 4t wm la the fifth inning; the eeore
•roapeeu. and with the promiee of a
city toxee paid 1b. oad that eoorte wm
BU PoroaU Zuoraed That Be
WM 1 to < in the Colu’ tevor. Three
tokea. The otaord wm olao civied
WMta Oread BepMo.
men were on boace and nobody ont.
pormi^oa to see the etreet for balld■Bad" Momy. aea of J<An Moaray. BnU. WkUdM and Wheeler were the
BkmUy Beonion at Ooip Loko.
iaf satmiol dorlar the eoaetraetioa of
gave hk poroaU a terrible fright when next bauaen. It looked tike a eare
WUllam Beitaer oad hk family epent
be dleappeored from home Setorday thing. One hit would hkve gl<
Sunday at Chip Lake with the tamUy
A petHloB fros pr^erty owBere la
auOen the lead and two wonld have
:lag. »e etory of hk
of Mr. Beitaer of that plooe. wbo k so
the vieiai^ of Testh etreet ead on
I WM given la the Rxooao Seadey eenl la enongb ecoree to win. Thk ic
yearnofogeoad bodooteeca the tarnt^t etreet. wm reeelved. bat their
what happened: Hull hit a hot one to
aiag. After a night of awfal
jnjer for the ooeaeQ to reeoaelder Itt penoe Mr. Merroy wm oiged to iaqalre areond baeeaad Behan threw Butler ily togother tor Is year*. It wi
ocUoa ta orderlof a walk bpUt on the of Condoetor Peek pf the C. B A 1. if a out at tbeplaU. Watklne hit a pop np pldaoaat reoalM aad gnaUy eaj'iyod
eoeth eide of theetreetfrom Cos etreet boy oMweriag a deeeriptioo of ‘-Bad- which Ualnn gathered In. If Wheeler by tae eUidrea aad elder perw>aa
toLokeavesae, wm dniied. A peti had been eeea to go away on the train. eonld only have aared hk home mo hit
The Petoekey Soaday hronght a oe
tion' f<w theoanstroetloa of a woU oa' Sneh e query nut with enrtiiM oad it of the fourth inning till now every- eigament of four draft bofoea fro
tke eaet eide of Imke aveaae to eoaaeet WM learned that Mch a boy hod parlovely, but. alM Chicago for B. J. Morgan.
. with the Tenth etreet walk wm ehoe^ k Ucket tor Grand B^dk. Tel- he atmek ont.«ad the fiMtiere oonldn’t
egrkphlc eommanukUoD to the kathOT- Boore. Their flrat ma wm made io tte
At k previooe meeUa; a walk wm itin in Gmnd ^plde eet k eeareh' in oeeond end the other in the fourth
I B. BoUeyat City Book
otderod ballt on the eoeth eide of Bevt
..d if-.
«th etreet. LMt night after a long tvuid came that ''Bad” wm there and '
dkeuatioa m to the why and where very aorry tor the fright he had given I
fore of a propoted idiaage.a0d a dis- hk family. Mr. Murray vtm atUl rath
eniaSoa m to whether one croee walk er ekeptical but a talk with tha boy ■
.Xarle E. Borob, X D. deeirei to
oad OBOther eros walk would^ really over the long dbunoe telephone wire I
Inform her patienu that owing to Ulmake two waike,
an expimiloB
of eel all donbu at reit. The <iraad Bap-1
^ 'z'-c' \ nea* the will, for a Ume. be huable to
Aoubt upon the reliability of the eetab- idiButhoritieswereinatmctedto keep|H>sa^*s'!.';;;' . ; & o o | i o attend to her practice.
M. B. HOiXEY, MAkoaM.
September 6, 1897, School Commences}
School Books hhd all the necessary thlnmi
that go with them, at-----
i-.s^-HASKELL'S 600KST0IIE,-:sr
For the Girls~
26c., 42c. and 60c.
For the Boys~«
Good Suits
Special Values at $1.26, $2 and $3.
g of relia^ quality, at loweta prlcoe.
Uahed Tole of three, it wm floany de
cided to lay the walk oa the north eide
of the etreet from Barlow to Grant «^.wag^treliefloUieparMta|K^^r,.-..
etreete, tbea eroaa over end lay it on
the aonth eide of the etre^ .
A.ieqncetfromtbeKBighUof Pyth-^
iM to moke a display uf fire works
the ai^t of the icih wm granted. The
16th hM been fixed npoa which oertala
*' XaigbU of the DiomaUe Order of Ehorroaaaaare to oome here from Grand
B^lfi* to iadnlge la a night of terrorMnrt^y. _________________
far a'lot of TraretM City
who are afterwarda to be aoothed with
copiona quantlUea of zem-Mm. etc'
.... ..
n 1: ?
_ 1
f j
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
.We Still -Lead..
i is*'‘
itJotwithstanding the genera!'
depression in the milling'
business, we are haring a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parte of
Northern Michigan onr....
i T-uk.,..
—L. O. end J. G. Fnller were' remitted
oily taxae npon their property in Oak
Pork, which Uey ^med to be exeeyaiie to the aaMnnt of «!1 97.
flour. Send in an order.
le wbatevorymothei k look
ing for. oow that echeot bM
began. We place oa eale
BeetdeaU of South UafaM etreet proteated agoiMt the aqgof v^ka oa the
. -west eide of that etreet by bicycle rid
er* oad petitioned the connell to eo
baueb Could Mot Boiniah
oeaead the bleyele ordlnanee m to InJohn Long, who k eharged wllhbav- j
clnde that walk. There wm do dkpolag attempted a criminal oaeanlt upon <
alUoe todkregardthk reqs
litue Angcliaa Baomboch, near Batcb-i
Alderman UoaUgM <
croaelag, k ii, }sll at lacload. Be '
bound over to the Circuit court of I
latlon M the exkt
LMt year the c
only Saturday, by Jnetic*
conUnually being violated. Aldermaa
.ter of Elmwood and Ukra to
Oarrkoa nrged that eyelkU be
land, n
where be wm joiliA la defanit of
tbc nee of every walk in the ^y. m
the wollm were made to walk on, not
for vehlelea. Alderman Beullma
Irood Bepide League Teem WiU
^y the Hnetlere at 8:80.
Pioneer pMted i
The ••Bobolioke- wUI be here today.
ogaiaat that eoume becauae a oetitien
Moaorer Keboe mode oa orrong*.aeat to |ha eonncQ wm worthy of a
It with the managemeai of
I’*"™**"*-h*» been
better fau. Oo the enggeetloo of Al
Umn of Grand
JZtai witbdrMv hk atotion aad made to pUy a game here with the BneOrr*
another provtdiag that tha eommittee thk afleraooa la Twelfth Stmet Park.:_^^ .
d to draw
It ordinance I
wUI have the remelM taken to Mr.
that thewalk cm the weet aide of Oaloa oat of towm con get away on the oftei^ Ihombarg'e old home, MapleClty. thk
trolne the game vriU be ealled at
Mreet fmCB Uebridge to fith atraet be
moralag. where the interment wUl be
laeleded with the walk* prohndied for S:50 o'clock. The Grand Rapid, team
wCU ^ oaother game ia Maaktee toaae of wbeela Thk moUoa pveva
Thi watering trough on Pine atreet
Tiya week wUl eee the beet beee bqll
voaiag there wUl be e regnlar
at the Central eebOolgrooBda will be
eftheyearinthkelty. The Colte will j meeting of Treverae Oily Copter.
coked ao that boiws alopplBg there to be here Thazedoy oad
aad Friday for two 147. Order of tht fteeinm Star. H»e
4riah need not reqoire their driven to
aad the Bnetier* wUl do their anaa^ eleetiaB of ofikate will be bald.
Jamp ont to naefaeek ttem.
Btmoet tcLgei both
The eommttee oa atroeta and walk*
aaeommended that the Webetar etiwet
X be not mode at the pree- JakekSlnggereLoet a Game to the
ant time. M petitioned for at a provloM.
Beet mdara
meeting. The- report wm rcealvad
The Eaet Side team detaated JakeV
aad the faeommeadatlon adopted.
Inggen at the Twelfth Street Park
The oommlUae ea aalmt oad
ytetarday by a aeore of it to Itr- Thk
1 ^ payment of k the eeooad defmt for Jake’e Slnggora
MoaUag to S1097 45 oaAthe thk aeaeea ont of u gamee played.
idoUon WM adoptaA Uter
Save Xeaey
»«ffiotSN te ataBtvrmphk wia^
. By baying Sehool Booke aad School
flatty aWorweywMpUowed.
dappUta^M. B. BeUey at a«y Book
" jne A Cede pnetaied a btU forSm,'^Biora
The Best
Bright, Fresh, Neat
a that •
r», hariz
.......................r .lock I---------- —
Is what yo^ will observe in everything in our New Meat
- Market in the Brosch Block.
tariff Ull went into effect. i
In that alone we a
40c. OB the dollar.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats. •
Here are z few bareaios;
buy* a Bqy’j good SAq£ Snit. i
If You Have Logs to Sell
baya a wool Salt evDcth St.
buyeea all wt^^^ble broomed |
We have three loU of Boye'e''#
Salte. eizee from 5 to 14 year* 9
regelarpriem are 94-75. $5.
aadss.so. They'all gofor...
BaroUmant Tee
Prevloas Piret Day Of the
Term—Total 188S.
Tho total earotlmeat of pupUe U the
loeol pabik ecbaole yeeterday wm
greater than ever before on the tret
Toon for money Mviag,
^y. The namber aggregated l»e aad
t0doy there wUlbean laerenee to aboat
14S5. ThoattendaaeeUikyaarwUlbe
far iaadvaaee of loot year.
eeboblaboweaaeBRaimentorto more
FopnUr Ciotetor.
than ever bMore and the aomber wQl IMPrmlOCFHtartoa'BIk.
Tra.m., oty.,
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
lock Lumlmr. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood, londs for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
We tare jest fecelred le eatife Hew Uae of.....
i Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
BMt Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city', at--------
THB xourzva BXOOBD, TUB8DAT. BSnSlCBBR 7, 1897.
t UOJCSVSO XBOOXB. BUt MhU» o. tMr btaTOte u OM
bov ud tUrtfflr« minst«.
-------- r»ttawBr«»>afSBtloHB»7.*HMd
tmATXRSE cnr. • laomoAM ttao^»b« «n»7«twdvwHh •j»ht
rMB T«i one* «r fu
I. T. Batsi axt> J. _____
W. Ba:
—— ■ —
J. W.
(Cb:Bt4nwed.ftr>wi i«fgpe.l
UdlM Mn
Mi*fa«towa. M ranto oa the delecdec pipe wodd be only
to tbo ladlu Mhoot »i Borbor aprlnfL r so aqfltha anm wee altofetbcr too
Mr. uUI Mt«. ClUkriw Bo—ittat wtU
ftUend %WW
Um' mrrtare
Fbuy Bomb*
Blllo. »a 1U.WT. ltalu.J9»rt WliU.l«.»« oIMukU..
.•™55iTB. was allowed, bat the bill of 0. W.
• *«* UB»oto«»yfqrlMoiM».wbbt«ohowin Better, the eoBaalUaf caflaeer, did
» Blip throofh
— ■MUi..brm>a,
>• atwUto—UoeboolfertbobtUd. .
.dee Aldermea Ooodrt^ wea oa the
odyror.br—a. •
• <®
w. O. DMHoy.of OtM»dBopM». who
^ ctrt oawuTM
.onaectod with Um Mon of Lyo*. lookoat aad whaa it came aloar he
ceased it te be eidetreeked.
,0 Booehor A Kyswr at that place, to la
amoaat of Mr. Bafterb blU U faU to
the «i%9 aatoaUat ta the City Book Btore
fl.7».l3. Of thto amoaatflCM had aldariat the eehotd eappi; raeh.
rewly been paid,
TodoT wui he the flret time la ttie
MMk-.e.«e««e>-.-«wr. .
Mrtory of TfOTe—Qtj that a Weetero coaid get weU eader way Mr. Ooedrteb eelMd thto. bto flnt opportenity
T«* BMoaoetB oj %oe cuMM > v«a* *-»e“* ““
to my e word, officially, ia regard to
areaboatUh^tormtoefandi for a Ihe Otaad Baplde team wUl play her* the work of Mr. Batter. Be bigaa
Bo—otth^owa. Itto their object at*:»aad ererjbody ahooU aee the with the reflectofm that ha anderatoo^
wwaetabaUdiacthatwtUbeaealta- *m«.
that Mr. Batter woald like the amenai
Mo home for Ue orRaalaatioa aad a
The friaada of the Pint V. E ehareb .boat Oetobar let. ‘Ihto salted Aldert to the intdlaetaalltiy. pro- are ratoladed of the reeeptkm to be aaa Goodrieh flret rate, as the lateriitemeata of ftvea la theeharehthtooroBiaf la hoa- realay Ubm woald allow, the eoaacU
. peotota aptolt aad
■ Brnwi^ aty
vity wiKuoB. ^le project or of Bcr. W. A. Prye. There will be a plenty of Ume to eaeare\ujtea^sed
Mppart of maaieBl
ataaleal aad lityary
literary profram aad eo- bUl of the work of the 4^rlueri eo
ihoald reeeire the beany mppart
_tf 4W. -I.t 4_______ '
0—7 dttoea; aad the cflorta «d
the otol featarea.
(bat the taxpayer* eoald *ee,^^«r*
Udtoa wUl aadoabtedly be erowaed
mMnuMl meetiaf of the Womea'c every dollar of tbair aMbcy wae to go.
with aeaeo—thatwiUbe fraUAytar poreira Mtodcaary lioeiety wUl take vbea it went Ur. Batterbway,
cb became eareaeUeto the elnbaewellaaadd.aaothar at*
u—htow eraalv la the parlor*
tnoti** aad eabotaatlal atractar* to
tfc, m. e ebaroh. Membere are re- ally faoetkme la raterring to the Iteeu
Ihcwt whlA alraady mark the dtp ee qa^ud tehrtiw thetobUte bosee, aad of the bill ea prweated. Be eeemed to
oaa ofeaterprtoaaadatetropoUtaB at- t*> come prepaiad
d to pay their doea. U be very tnoeb la the dark at to Ue
amonat of work perfermad by Mr.
oniar eaet »«• iraeoaior map oabm
Barter; Hr eald that Mr. MllUbeo aad
r—)rt to the paetor. whe atteode a
Tbat doek llae project, wbteb — faeeaee thto week.
bto •ewelates bad floated aoma bottlm
■ forlred eome tiiae ayo. by the eoaadl
for Mr. Rafter; Mr. Mortbrapkiadiaade
te otderiar IM wtebltobmeat. hpt oot
a f«.w aarvtye. Prof—or Sedsto of Aaa
mttoaly paaeed late oltilrtoa. WhileArkwr had made aoaw ehemical teela.
fbe taek of the dty eaylaeer to merely
IBM partlee la Boebmter bed done
to dnw aa liaayieaty tlae, m to apeak,
aadother odd
it mast BOt be eappo^ that thto Ubor
ji'he: aedfor-btopartofUeJob, a lot
fix. BBPXOfl.
^ Jateadad oely to refreeh a plawaat
be pot la a bill of a—tUlPg overll.ocu, la addition to what
Ut 9Uvr M)7*t charged, la aoerlag
iltlllr Hr. 0«4rldl HO 1-B.
6iia of the B
Ipg Srenta and Ibay AttntetfTa
to prove that Rnfter bad reaerted main
to gpeae-work. Thto atrack Bagi^_____ la< the etate fair la
'XorUrap la a Under epot aad be
— ToQraad BHddsyeeterday. The stteeBIk Baplda,
--------smBm wae aearly thirty thooeaad. day witaeaeed a
romlay eelebra- cballeaged Mr. Uoedrieb upon eome of
IB order ioehat off Ue dtocomtoa
Mayed to tateaelfled by ihe'brtcbt com- borriedly. aad the*tttacO«to bad aot aad Imve a little time for oUer Impor■^l aad ayriciiltoral proepeett.
been iboroo^y adrerttoed. bat a food teet mattera, Alderman Jabraas auvrd
Uat when Ue board ndjevaed It be
day algbu for Ue pai
5ow that Aldarmaa Oeodrieh bat Mthodaem eaamerafrd the eoateataato
. ring t^e fl|tel topon c
Mfely laaded the Betealh etcoc* Im- |j
athletic epcrU. which formed
It farther tear of faU the ehlef featere of the day's enjor Ua apeeial water works oomtelttei
The moUoa protalled. Tbea Mayor
arelBfelUoytheworkaeoompmooaecSmith, who waeoaeoflbe committee.
.—dlay to hie likiaf, be wOl be able to
The eporu of the day opeaed at
Ue oommlttee wuuld
' prepare a kaoek-bat for the report of ©’dock, with a^oree race. There were
the apeeial watm works eommtttoe.
uree ealnee. Bey Dlamood, owaed by have a chance to entwr some of Ue
Lyoiaa Baee of Aldw; Bdobow. owned attacks of Aldrrmas Goodrich. Anoth
by H. Masco of Trareree City; ao«T er d'acumloa was eterted br Mr. Good
__ ______
Priam, owaed by U.'l'rioe of Alden. rich. Mayor BmiU became a’ lllUe
aadar Ue eoUar.aad ■
Sacio— MalthpMeporta Ptooty Of The race wae Aalabed la two eualyht
Power aad Water la the Board.
heate, the poeltlooe each Ume belay Uat when Mr. Goodrich broeght EaBey IMamoad. fint; Bdnbow. aaoond; glnmr Gaylord herefrom Ladlngtoa
Goodrich wae the i>oly maa acUve la
the Blatter wbo had any property (bat
light make a irood location for
pamplog atetioa. The repartee begea
to be a little warm wbaa Ue miy.
decided that thera wae oUer baaian
UsattenOoB of Ue
lacU and the water woriis matter
was dropped. ________
Oa Ue anggmtloB of Alderman Good,
"Hooad a Aowaye of tweaty tboae* d catebar eteadlac rich and Ue arglag of Aldermaa Deefoar boadrod ««1 fifty (K^.W)
BUI tb.rf
moad. the board of pablle works was
oiiaad to prepare mUmatm for a
aAtweaW (») fmt bead. wUl
p. D, ootebar. with a road and footbridge aeram Ua ereek et
WedsworU etreet acer Front atreei
om MMtk.br ■■<).
toveadiBgaUcnUaulaUeetty Ue
ga— of Cbarlm aad Uaric Back.
Mr. aad Mra 3. W.mater and Mim
Kate Doekmy left yaeterAey on Ue
4:t» traU for Oraod Baplde to take ia
the state fair.
Ufa. Goodipeed. wbo has baaa vtolting Mra. W 3. Bac^ aad natHiig ia
Uto vieinity. haa ratamed to her borne
la Graad BapUa
Mra. Frank Gardi
rctaraed home ymterdey after a vtolt
wlU her aoUer. Mr*. W. D. tVUoox.
.of Bast »tb atreet. ’
aiatoB Rtohop. aon of Col. L. K.
Btohop of Grand Baplda. arrival ymtertmday-tor a vtaltwiUUe family of
Mte Helen aad Mra John E Boghm
of Chicago, arrived U Ue
from a
mra reaort yeaterday and wUl Btay
at Park Plaee a tew daya
Hie family*,ofEA. Ttoadwey,left
He-ab-te-waate ymtMdey for Ueir
home la Otaad Rapid* after apendlag
Ue anmoer at Ue raaorU
Mr*. Umpllaerand temUy wbo hav*
been gamta of Mia Lewia Suven
Cralne for Ue nmmer. have retaraed
to Uelr home la Clevelaad. Ohio.
Mtoa Carrie fltoae who haa been visitlag her eUter. Mra S W. Batler of
Wmt TU atreet, rotaraed (o her home
in Ue aoaUera pek of Up atete ym
Mtoa (trace Hopkim aad Mra T. 3.
tor a week's riilV after whlek Mim
Ropkiae will retara to her home in
Oraad Raplda
Oapt. J. B. McLeod of Uestmmer H.
E TatUc. raaalBg between Elk Rapid*
aad B*eaaabe. was la Ue city ymter- j
day acoompaaied by R. E Flood of
lx Bablmaaand.MaateraClarepcei
(•me down from Obcbb ymteiday aad .
wfll atey a sheet time at Fark naee before going
. kottie.
MillikCR had family rvtareed
J. W. Mill
ymterday from Chicago. Mr. MUItken
mys that Uere to a tremeadoas rash in
basin— aad every baela— boom to
dotag more Us" eiaee mi>
J. D. Slater arrieed la tM glty teUrday night oa ble way tram St Leato.
Mich., and want on to Elk Baplda rU;
the Petnaka^. atter a abort vtolt wlU'
the tatally of hU brother. J. W. Slater,
the farnltnre dealer.________
aeaa (IIIO) actual hone power poeaible
«ee the BasUete aad----glay hall at t:K) thto afternoon.
Praab flmlth of tha Pa----------t
bra^t a lead of AM Oadh— applm•
ta Ue aty ymterdey.
The G. B. ^ 1. E E pemeagm warn,I.
dae bare at ?4S o'clock laet aighi wae
«M beer aad forty mlaatea Ute.
Mtoe Mamie Oelmaa wQi leave
•edey ter Imaelar. where ahe wfU
• tmo—bar •tedim la Ue aUoal for Ue
ttoae. O. aabyaveaterewaU partg
laat evMlM ^ lx®®- <>f Mim BUM
I>aaB wbo will go to TpeUaatf' to av
Jahaato aad Oeuto SaUr. agai M
•ad' 11 yeara, niipaeUvdy. inde ^
• ^i4,iiM#
Large Assortment.
25 Cents.
Clothing Co.
W« want all lie people of Tranrse City
....aed (icinity to bey Belr....
School Books!
---------- AT THE^---------
Of Mr. Holley, and for that reason we offer
the following Special Inducements:
Grand R*|dde, Sept. «J.-Today was a
reourd-breeker at the SUte Fair la Uto
city la every rmpect. Thealt«daaee
Vxered* aay former first day. Th#
aaober sod slieof exhlbiu are alsej
grestly la exoem of prerloos yesr*
Tha bnlldiags are ioadt^oate for the
of exhiWipt* aad a city of
With all School BcMln. new or Moond hand, we
•re glFiac a ServloMfble Book Oover, th»t will odd
ODo-third to tb« wear of the boo^
JCSET-tS . i... o. 1,
■ “*
Everjfjfetei;.... ^
Teeterdai^ Bocoyd-Breaker at SUto
I wme over ss.ooo paid admtoaioie dariag Ue day. The live
pens are tall to
itmmt eapmdty.
There are apariy
foar Ueamnd animals loclodlagponlOBUagroaad*. iKrbareeeareeatend lo Ue speed triale alone, and MO
Mra will eater Ue different eompetikwa
There to e new deparure noted at
Uto fair. It to a CaoadUa exhibit end
iacladm eD egHcaltomi prodaot*. mlnA reeolallea providlag Uat Ue city, erola, etc. Even Ue Klondike to repabell pay eae-Utrd of Ue
A large proporUm of the vtoltore are
farmer* end ell ere happy la Ue fact
fc.w /U9V1 <*«® •cratch to flatob Utweea P*aUat prceperlty to once more abroad.
aM flfty-alae aad ----------^ aiaytOB aad Caleh**, PeealaytoD wUtwne power*, thaewacttoatly <
rt"——. -—alBjr la nice abape ia a red-hot fialah.
*»wa th« rieer.
City aerk Biekcrd wee graated per- sitiifix ut m
limten to provide salteble filing c
frteods. His .
. .
loot l«r<re bv *111 be
for ble office. ________
abmil or. mitrbee.
Oa Ue eaggmtloB of AMermaa I
Ibe aecm service burpen at Wash.~»b».......
ttgae Ue board of pablie works wae
Ihs balaoee. aboot »5o
poww. to
^ ppmer. with wdfhu tek- loetrapted to extend Ue pipe of Ue
yaaalac to waste thronyh the
third olaca. Catebar woa the ma- Mwer et Ue norU Ualoa etrmt bridge.
yoor dam. Sboald yoo la the fatare
f fe« aad H
furUer oat Into Ue etreem eoae to'
be eelled apoa to laraieh m« power
^^Vayt^l-»«d with 4 feev
Gave Money
more effectively disebarge the refase.
thaa year pleat ea bow orjMtmcted.
By baying School Book* and School
oppUmof M B. Holley at City Book
•riUalloed. yea mast a small expeoa. ,
»hird at 4 feet flee lachee.
The committee OD fir* and water
ratoe the bdrbtb of yoar prmeat oem
, world*,
tracted to
tea (10) feel. wbe. yoo will be able te „^'^L^Snol/T..lUay oonteet
CM of Ue fire Uca *
daedop. dirbt baadred aad eereatybe •iek aad eearcely fit tor
OP. (S71) borm power et yoarpneeal ;^^^*i.dtlaf eoateat i^. at - the department.
Avalve (If) foot dam eosaewbat farther
^ Katebi.
flowatherieerthaatheoaeiiowin-M et the eame bdfht.
Biiafcle Golf Hose
Mra E B. Hope waa la MerUport
Mr. aad Mra. W. A. Mewtoo went
•y OF SAFETY....
With OEOh l%blet wo give yon
Fire loeurance.
flae Aotomatic
Aflaoboxof bolorod Qra^oas «ro idonBtod with
•aeh Dnwiag Book.
Wo ftimSfib • Sponge and Penell wfth oaeh Slate
• Aad then we give yon a •plendld Wata
School Bag to oarry your purebaaea in.
Come at once if you wish to save mone>' by Uking ^
advanuge of these offers as they will be given but this
week only, and remember that we have the largest
stock and lowest prlceSi. of any book store in Northern
M. B. HOLLEY. Manager.
Ever Burned Out?
If *e yon know
Ue value of
un sxTBAjyoa.
o. P. carver. Ag*at
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Mr. aad Mra. & E Whitney apent
ymterday atOmaaa.
Fmab Prtodrieh waat U OhdiUae
Mr. aad Mr* Joba Fowls, Jr., bav*
alagtoa teklag eeeoad eritk M teat •
iBohea. aad Catebar tUrd withMtect. ratarnod from a trip to esoegisti Bsy.
a E B—as wmt to Kalhaska oa
The three mUe btoyele raee wae Uea
paUed off. aad wim by Pareg Xobla.' hto bik* Sunday and rolarn«> by train
wlih Borato Stoeklag a dose aeecmd yimtorday.
Vtos Angte Stfimion wm.rstara Uto
aad rred ^tohl third.
Whilejh— eveata were bdag ee«- waiag from a two wasks’ ririt at
tmted OB r
mat aueei.
street. a
» ball
eai< game wae MorUpertMia. a o. SmlU aad riatar. Mto* Sacbeing played betwem Ek Bapktoaad
tor, ai« vtolUag triaads la Patodny
wiuisiBvwn. VIN Mivwn. B.S tsawgv
U was a «wy hot. prrt^ eoatett. bat la ithtowaak.
Mia. J. W. .atoter hm —orasd bom
UbaeveaU Elk BsplAs wmt te ptooss.
WUliamshorg pilsd. ap fcwalv* nio la Elh Baplda. whara sha ^aat a waak
fhatiaalaf akiM,aad woa U* gaaie wiU relaUva*.
E 0. Tylm of Park a—at. <
todaad Harry OmaaU aad Mtoa Amy
T%* dayto ostebfaUcm wm coadaded
Tyiar of Maataa. Saaday.
wtok a pokito dams this oroalng.
Hr. aad Mm- M-Orawterd of Owaaao.
to*U Uto mwU, aafi m ffiaittejf Mra Qmwfwdto (lator. Mbs
• got tote
**»-* bM aiMly Batria of Uha avmaa.
Laoias HabhaQ of Spri^«ald. Ma.,
Special Dollar Sale.
To clow cat quick,«« have placed on wie a hr^en line of oor best goods only, which include S4XK1, S8A0.
$3.00, SSiOO. SS.60 and $1.73 Shoes and Oxfords at ORE
DOT.TiAR A FAIR. We are doatug out many other lines
and Can aave yoo mowy if yoo want good, reliaUe footwwr.
We do as we advertiw.
Tie Old BeliaUe Shoe Ran.
il8 Front Street, Wurzbiok: Block,
Cbkaco. Sept. I Stncr Adolph L.oe(waa locked up ia the eouaty }aU
Ow» bv an Ei|ri<»lon -of Natural sail
be Bkaeased to write a aertao of ieiirOat In a Suburb ultha Cl^
esUec tettara to a wetnaa wboia be erldeatiy r««ar4ed ae his boat and eloaest
frtsbd. TbU woman waa Mtw. CbrtaUna
ra)dt 141 ayboom ATeous, a widow
from wbom-tae borrowed money. Satur
day abe went on the wUaoas tund .and
did more than «tve a damaytes aocouni
bf her coot-eraatkins sritb bim. She
AU*S VUta .1
pUesd thf ;ettera abe bad rocatvad from
tbs priaoesr in the hands of the poUm
-Olkns lal«o«l. at WibM.>li.
and Idcntilled tbei
em a* a witnam to
........... , to ih.
tmn Ar» lwb«r*t> Ban oJli »
trtaL There were six of ibei
contains a reference to %!§ mltatnd wtfs
I 1-Broad niptdc, I except indirectly in assuBlee that Mn.
Mburb of In<lisr4.noHs. Un ml^ tron PeMI know, that he la Innnesnt of tbt
Ibe rtty prx>f<*t, wm Saturday momint chary* acainst him. and olbar refer
tbs arsac of oas irf tbs nts« urrlMs ences to bM tnaL
One letter cotiuins the aamrtion that
."SiMstert ibat has ever vwisd (bs auts.
at* yarMH wsrs burrM to doatb and happy with the widow.laOIn»
thirty ars tyin* in ms honsi of nslcb- howut-ei, the letters* appear to hava
, hot*, burnwl, acaiTsd and racked with been written fer the purpose, as they
bale from brokce boata Tour buildloas pUlnly Bbow. of saltini a loan from
' occupyiac a bloch U me i«vo art tn Ura Fcldi to assist la iwylnc lawyare*
• rvlns. Of tbs Bx dead aatblng but, faea. It was 1-ueViart himself
charred and biackseed bcBss with bae<- ] <>«natnl*^ that the letter* be made evl.
B wlpa of foul a■nelbei Scab ra^
' At 1« e-dock a fcul odor was noUced In Fridt aMd 1
an or THE vromn m dew
tbt druB nere of J. U. Watta. and a
temp la a dark rOam used for amteur
ptHioBraphy want out It waa licbted.
and as the bumlns msieb was thrown
to the Acer streaks of flams of a blakb
tint lan ahWB the jclnis between the
baard»>«bca-lpB the pnanc* of eecapIBB riaturel BS»-aiMl tbep up the walla
The next instani tbe.axpluaioa came,
the walk were burled In every dlTacUob. and the up of ibe buHdlnB tdlwlth
a cruDcblnf. BslndlBB sound, covetins
alK The rulu Wire bumlQB Immedlstely. and ehrleks cuuM br heard fnan
those burled bLoratb. Of the' arven pernoas^ln the bulldlnr three were buMsd
attva The reat an still «vr aad mar
rectwer A hundred peranae were at
work on the ruins and tryloy to aare
(kash a BTocery adji.inlr*. and pulllap
SI the ruins to save thine buritd beaaath. -White thus enkaatd. and twenty
minute* alter, tbe Aral cxpiosioa. the
asennd tame from beneath the- croceiy
with a mlBhty roar, and burled the
balldlBB to atooa Forty people were
kpocfced senseltaa atrewn la all dlrec-'
tlm with brokn bonea and burned
i wh% many mare eacaped *
made tbs
OottUebe ftcblmpkr was pul on tbe
stand and tcMifled that ab* aaw i-uetBert wd hls wife *0 Inin the musaBe
factasy on tbe fatal ntebt about n
o'clock, Her lesilninny was of Uttle
ase.bokrver, foreltbertbrouchnerrousnens of frlcbt Arc conirsdictM] bertolf
■nka. t> Usasr isaakwl HIrtwy wf Uw
V '
r ruins Plus Orysh. the
mccryman. was cauybl and crushed to
mtb. Hi* body seas recovered before It
kas enyr.1v horr.ed. The ruins were
added to ib..*e of the bnliain* adjolnint.
demoilsbed by the flrsJ explMioa. and
the wbcle maaa tOBetber with an adpratSB frarv cotiace and a livery sta
ble. war bi«ed to anhea cr.ly the bucket
briBade iwirjt
bar.d Id time to do any
Bood. and It I* prohahir
the work
only pndocired the ayocy
ayonj of the vicllrai
who wer* burned- The dlsa.ter
catMed by natural Ba* teadine
cellars of the bulIiUnc*
. ililinc
Iitinys from
fnim a threeinch main that ran In the street, from
Which the houses were mipplled
KAMn nr
tbuuxht more of a domeatlc In tbe houar
than Mra t-iieicert. He alao said that
be had many quarrels with hls wife,
snd when Wta. PvMt asked him why
be did not aecnre a divorce h; said that
as s.H)n as hla flnaricial in.ublsa wore
over hr -would aettle with her." He
repeated this aeveral llmea. and called
-carvasi" and other aamaa
dqually pleambt.
Mrs. Feldt bad Ic
and when she was Interpreted as aayiCh' that luuetmrt told her be "sroold
srlilr with her," toe of the Jurura. a
Orman, declared that the word* were
wrcingly Inirrpieied tto t-urtaert'a dl^
adrantaB*) snd save a much more
lnn«Jcent interprelstlon. Judpe Tuthlll,
referred the matter to Judxe Brentano.
isb mAoi-v atfar.
Lynchbura. Va.. Rept C-Tlw New*
rHnC* a letter from tlnlMfl fttale*
8>«atar John W. Daniel, i-eplytnc tneerUln sutemento made hy Oovemor
O-Ferrall, in hls recently puhUabed ktIn Ibis letter Governor tyFVrrall
say* that Daniel offrmd a nwolvtlon in
aenate commyidlnt Oevelan^
D riofb. and Uter
he t-hlca*o conwntioo when "tbe
cnmmiMx- denounced Mr Clevetand for
dr.lnx ihr very iblnit tor whuh Seaaior
Daniel had praked him." The sevtator
dented that he wae a member of tbe
commKire on resolution* at Chioscu.
or that than^ was a plank In the ptaiform denouncInB Cleveiand
He dertares that tbe clause In Ibe CkIcaBo
plank denounclnx arbitrary interference
by federal,auiboHlIes In local aSalra
was not re«ar<l-d by Cleveland * friend*
In tbe cmnventlim a* Ravina reference
to hi* action duiinx Ibe <%traco rtof.
to cnncluehm Daniel aa>-s be has alwny* defended Olewland for prdlectloB
Ibe poBi rout-* and mall* frmn mob vtoMce. hy ITnlted State* troops, abd
V. Bam Bamd
TestbOay Keminf.
Lanaob K.JtoaradiedattbareaideM
of bk SOB. Obha. M. Beart, U thk dtj
M I0;M Monday moraiat afad »i yaaia.
Mr. Bnertbad bnaa U (aitlaf baalib
tar aotns Use, bat np to alx ^oaUis
•CobsarMamortssdbcUeefor cuof
bla axtramn afa. ^7 la the aoMar
be spent anae time bm wltt tba fam
ily of hk aoa. rerorpii« imtnr (o bk old
bom at Old Mkaloa. 8a <sm baak
bm about two waeka ayo. aMmlarly
in hk naaal baaltb.
yesterday moralny, as asaal. and
testlbs raUkr
poorly and laid down. Tba end of lUa
eame quickly. qalnUy aad paiBtaaaly.
tbe dltuet eatsaa of dnatb belny imaralrib of tbe beart
Mr. Bsora waa bora in HnnUarloa.
Ooaa.. Aar. I0. IMd. Bk aarty Ufa
wasspaattbaruaMl.U waa Umb ba
married Mlsa Babion Brkeon la ISSti.
For 09 ioac years tbaaa two traraled
life’s pathway wretber. aatU Jbm4.
IMS. wbea tbe faUbfni wlfa flaUbnd
ber life-work.
Foraeeeral years Mr. Beers Wm ta
tbe meiabaat taDorlar batlaeea is
York City, with a kraaoh star* ^
Bridreport. Coaa.. bk partaw betaf
Sinclair Touaay.
In IU7 Mr. and Mrs Bern came to
MIehIcaa. loeaUar at Nortbrilla. A
reana frkndsblp was tbea fonaed ba-
lb( aeaass and paaala( yaaiw. b*lD( reMwed wkaa Mr. Crum came w TruvCTU* City ia lMt.and ooBtiButa( uubsvkeii udUI Mr. Oumk death In IHM.
la I6t» Mr. Bear* moved to Oatario.
U(run(e county, ladiana. whera b*
was ea(*(cd la-buBlnam for sercral
yaara. U* was aftarwardt audlMc of
Ls(t*B(e eoBBty.
FaUia( health
obIl(ad bim to ehan(a cllmato aad in
IWl ba came to Traversa aty and in
tba followlB( year ba went to Old Misaioa aad ea(a(ad axuaalvaly ia farmtD(. Heik haramaiaadMiemMtof tba
Uma dnriii( all tba years stoca Ba
sUU ratalaad. at bk death, qutu valua
ble farm boldlan at Old MMIqn.
For aaemal ycara Mr. Beers was prsa
ideat of the Grand TraTaiae. Aalrim
aad Laelaaaw Furman' Insuranaa (k.:
as towDship-clerk of IVala, and was fqj mamy yam
aleadlnyn ibar'lB the Gruaya.
vav tbe oldest aad laat
snrvivlny member of bk family. He
leaves euc son. Cbaa. M. Beers, of tbk
city. Homer Om of Panlasnla. k a
uepbew. There are two Bie«ea Id Kew
York City, one the wlfa of .lady* Cowiny and tbe olber tba wife of Prof
Fiekett of Oalambia ratvmity. Mrs
Or. Kiay of Oraad Kaplda and Mia.
Jamea Uarrayb aad Mrs. Ck»L Moon of
lUy Bapida are also alaem af Mr.
Tha fnoeral aervicea wlU ba eoodactod at tbe reaideaee of Cbaa- N.
Bcara. oa Bixtb streaL at i o'clock p
m. Vadoeaday. aad tba burkl will take
place ia Oakwood oaaatcry, where reat
(be rem^B* of tbe IRa-loay eompai
of the drrraiad.
Mr. Beers waa la every way a aiaat
mar me nra and Hemal •( tbe lajaeed
Tk* Hat of dead aiM] injured Is a* frd4owa: Tbe d.ad-Charlea Tount. Indianapnlisi Jacob Darllns. painter: Plus
Oresh, sraearyaiBn. and Hetwy Ernat.
kborw. nil at Bread RIpfde; Jobif Per-tar, fbrmec. near Broad Ripple; Alban
Bayworth. hncksier. Weatfldd.
Tbe severely and srrtonsly injured—
Bflrsr Watta badly btrreed about tbe
bands, face and tody; Edward Moma
r eiM«ated. compound fracti
officer who. during many terms of aerevery ...........
free and unlimited silver colnase at It
to t. and becomes goreraor thronyb a
Ml kneetap fiaetured and lec tanAen _ eanvas* In which he bnatt* of bis ardent
two placea below knee, wrlou*. hut will devQtlnn to the principle, and of bavtng
tacover; Charles J- net. rut cn the face ruled f.w It msry umea In one day at
Ana all. over the body hy ny(nB xiass. II tn 1. 1; to 1. It tb 1.1* to 1. •• to 1—
wBl-tecover: C A rvlberlaon. Udiy Indeed, at 111 latlo* proposed—and who
braked and cut. not sermu*; J. a after be U in - ■
Wan*, oitent of icjarle* unknown;
land hy
Thomas Jonew had cut rr. temple and
braiaea nn body; flamnel Ktlso. ibot. a
bomber of limaa by .-xplodtox sbotcan
tbelk. rordlMae seH-m*; Th^enas K.
Mitchell, left lew bcAen^EmSlIe JohnSOb, burned ahuulfsoeaMhard*; nilver
Cotor LWw ■■ tbe PwMlr Nrh^K
Craa. e: r-ar* old. raarbt nnder a piece
Al'on. la*.. R*PI
Tbcrt U much
of Jlyira Umber. *ur|Kw«d tnernal Inrxtilrmrnl over two drvd* of vamlallsm toL MiMBk BUm^.
JOTire; Harvey Duxsn. ehnuMer
puNh- sctinnl*
of thU
by hr<A«m fraenwnu of wr*>d. fate cni. ■ .
— .......—......
a*rtou*: Asno* Day. hrulwd ,r.-o» i
T’'’*''***^ "ia™Ur.colu
bmd SEd body, very Mlrful, hut not
acb«VI In upper AUtUi a-ps
rtoaa; JmseDsy. cal np face and num*rcas bru!»u* on body, aorlna*: Virion night Ibe new I-r.vqM srbn.l hulMUng
Record. l ui and barrwd. palrful hui not In this I liy wa* xrvsky miKllaled Both
arrtoui; John Dnk*. haiA Injured. •»- Schixt* were for the aducalloB of col
ored children and these cHmes ar*
An tbe above nauwd Injured ar* reM- ''Ibowgbl to he Ihe work of 1rr«m>nBalM«
10 t ie. wbe resent thr *e|wrsdeatsof Rroad liirtpic ihe rollmrina are colored
wonrded. betna r. *ld<-ttia dsewhere; Unn of their Children from the white*
Frank D NorvlH. irdianapolla flaym m Ihe public whoola All thr rcilorrd
tcra off and arm cut: Marry BoJiev. people rewnt Ibl* scparailun and the
OaklanA cat acroa* the kr.e; Charle* kw-abMIny ckmeul U flyfaitag It u tbe
Itofaarti. New Auguara. <ui over left
Bmaltoat cltfaMa, a trs* fafaad and a
faltbfsl bsafaaad aad father. Bk loay
INewaBotwofsaafalaemaadoancaa- not trim when death comM twlftiy ‘
aad pafalMsI.T tea man srbo baa ao
iraU llred oat bk aearly a naatary of
-------Hk wcr% k done aad be reeta
roil mil aKBWEr
Bbtbtob Rttod our amkaa
TN RecigiM MHrs
who baa noma to aauUkh a
aebool baiw. as am old Mead. FoafteM
years 1(0 Mr. Maes broa^t f
Sllrara brra from retoakey to orgaalM
a serisa of daacla( classes. Tbe reatnre was a (raat snenaaa. as loe pupils
ware earolled, aoma of whom are yet
ia tbe dty aad rvmember ibe profewer
as an efficient and pleasiof Ustruetor
of tbe (raceful art ProfesMr Silrera
aad dau(btar Corinne will (|*u an cshlbton la daDcl8(^ StelaberT'aOraad
tomorrow ai(bt aad a aoclal boa after-
Heats and Graced
Tou sorr bats to.
Bot It ia a Good Thlay to Froeide a
LMtar Boa tor Orn Wbaa Fraa
DaUeaiy U BaUUiabad.
Geo. W. Eaff baa beaa appointed
ayeat la tbk city for J. S. Maaou A Co.
of Boston, manafaetnrarsof letlerdrop
buxas and omaraeatal lavtar box olatos
aad receivera. Now that fr«a daiifery
k aasurad and will ba mttblkbed about
November 1. tbe matter osykt to be
looked after. Wbila there k bo compnlsloD about iL a drop box will be a
yreai eonveaieace aad a sarlny of
trobbla to tbe booaevrifa as waU as tbe
carrier. Mr. Baff baa a few aampleu
ranyiay from M canto to 11.00. Better
call at bk taUor abop ia rear of Maeoi
le block aad look tbem over. Ua-OA.
bad uvuiy kind of ■
Park stmt, bitws«a Proat A Casa.:
oPBji bar AMt> nuBT.
Blwaya in atodfl
-A.. ■W’. JAiraAXTa,
Ratra, $1.50 per Day. '
Seal nclttsitRMietd Rites.
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
Now for Business! oabplakb
From this datej this boat
will not make regular -coo-,
neettons with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangements
for the «se of this handsome
yacht, by cornmnnication by
mail Or wire, with
Leland, Mich.
at the Old Stand
The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business oa
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best HOTEL PANQBOBN*
line of good goods cheap to OucBtr of t'aion and Bny StrucU.
M a K. F. depou wkbM to nnbe found in the city.
Bsonca to tba public tbnt ba bnn re-
Enterprise Grooei?,
(Mirs by Ttliybou Proarily
Immltit Ts.
Oot. Cakaase KtotoBla.
pTWHsal: MeKiatoy ai C*n«iw.
Cantor. W Sept. C.-Prvaidiirt MeKlnlry and bis wU*. arrived here Rsturday and sUyrd until today. Cpos
tbelr arrival they were yivea as o»
tlra. tbouaanda Boiaa
(be siaUsfi
meet tbem. Later a bead scretuia*d
them, and ibare were acrca of cbeerins
peopti behind tb« band. Tbe presldtat
made a br1«t kwecl
1 nad l^Clyuiu'
Sm Oir lew Uei
Picture Mouldings
GydeGfBtfs Look Here!
flitod and furskbed tba Hotel PnnybovB befaer tbnn it aver baa bsen be
fore nod sun uceomaaodsto the U*«sllay puUlc la yood nbnpe. Batklnetka
W. J. BOBIlfSON. Maaaycr.
Bay to-. Bsar M. A V a Oepm.
The Pure Juice i‘„:2“sS:.r8'u
Lederle's STTSU: *
E Here’s Another!
Mot ao mgay frllk na *os»a otkwu wa makn, bm
Green that will kill Bugs
Bicycles to Rent
Soda Water
To Rent
Tbafa tba Park Grm weaeU.
ar P. O. •
^ Roomy, Attractive, Dorabie. H
11 Use materiaL
Ffafst iB tba cl
Ice Cream Freezers Jrs-
West Saperfer. Wls.. sepL 1—A ertmItoebtMer. N. T.. Sepr. L-At thr cloa- hial warrant rharylng tbe embeaalttac mmloB of the New York MIsatnrMry mcBt of tn.cae or the m>di or tbe tnww
todaty ccnveDllcm the Rev F. r. Tyr of Surwnur wa* ewom out Saturday
rell. of Bl. Loutk epnbe on "Roctal R*- aflrriMPn before Judge Parker tor fue
farm la Uw Chureb." and created a atlr emwt of mark* H. OlH. ex-towu ire**,
uervr The case baa been hanging Are
by bla reference t« )
ewv *|TKe the lag! ekeOoa. when OIR
wa* *ucceeded to offic* by Jacob Errrk.
atasds nal on Ibe,highway to fllcb the *on. Tbe Unke war* to had ahap* at
puawre-by. bot bakled ae on fanret. Ibsl «me and GUI was elves *D op.
levylBg toll OB bk (rilow citlsen* la the puMunIty la act matters right. Ba has
to do M. hence lb* warrant for
farm of pmflt. The eaiell of Rochefel- I ^kd
terk mlltlon* will not tmpnwrwte Ihe
^r w«ll cne-hatf of Ihe Meecb as «n bk
C cotlre-e sod ualreralite* of
Menominee. Hkb. Sept. L-Tbc arUcka u( asBOcUtlfr...........................
shoe factory, tai
Stovec* Pnlrt, Wk.. Sept. C-Two 111illDg »
n* SCO* of Adam .WjrwMtl. Hike and wprk on
Anytkt. nged : and t years TUBpectlrelT.
war* drc-wikd while p)ayk« 00 the MO aad Leman, la., parties bold tbe
baifa* of tbe WiseomiD river Ikturfay. balsare of the stoA Tbe factory wUI
It k not known exsrily how tbe nc*4- give vM^eytaent «o »» bands.
desl happened. The hodke wore isIkshe M ae WaU.
ODtervllk. Ia.. SepC &^<ioven>or F.
M. Drake, who has tvmalaed qalcuy at
' Mortob. Ilk.. SepL L-Tbe boUetu eg hk borne her* knee bk recent r?twm
the Mortob eleetrle Ught plaut exptoded (rMetcMMcrflg>rtaya.Mq>kaeiabewyesterday aftarflocB. Two gtolt wm toy tki bnprovaoMSI It wa* axpecud be
tow^ughtor aar &
and Mg kSTum that be
m at obce
Praat Mt.. ad MsIbs MeNamwm'B akoa a
Angus McColl
TrottopyBBd Bond hMas* a aysdnlly. TbM doer wtat of Margus'e UvsiT Bbtu
Fine Farm and Draft Horses. Some
very fine stock at reasonable prices.
^ Tkj'i*
Sute Street, near Union Street
M Tkfl Biir. ^
I J. W. Psichto.
W. P.CPsMsr.
t. NMteca
tb* poall** •Ut*B)*Bla tb tbt
pan tow Oart Uat 8*c waa «*ar tot ibe eit;. Hi* ■so**b
Inr >B com
dlSoatt raaad dasoM
rant*, aod tb* tcn>4i
;pirw m^Sbf
to «olc« to Ohto bsSvpt. la iba
Attumoya at Law.
tUa racrolBc.
lo lb*
------------------- •
____ _ ______________________ jtaua U «o^e i>art
! OMms to Matagee Btock. Ttaranw CkJ. Ktoa
Baturdar that so sm wauM «o to vork. | ti^w aaaMtd ibai b* to t
Masacar Tan Bmac ooulif dm fa» a
(Vatu, a >-»unjr
_____ It to the Uteation et the silvan to
h the art of daaetog dnriug tbe
oavd that do tU
. Ind.. »w bJrh*d on tb«
and winter, and alrsndy many
ram* oDill after
Vtrtotu hon* and kllM o«n>
ocas, a (anoar of Emthsclaaa Over VM pMp1<
rua du»n- b ya aBitlaion
UBOK non ON paradi
<aod Obto awltch vneta* and taiallr tbe exblbltioa —Haatotiqi
BepL 11. IgiM. ___________
Leuit Convention Call Down
Wnth Upon Him.
TEW EtiEh UP n EZB D^£fHE^
Thcr* bavf bean aUered Iratidul*Dt
' eannn* entrtoa at CInctseatl of cherry
Cblrafo. Pepc C—liahor'a boats
, into* .......
will COM tb* (ortrsi
Na In column this momlog. marching \ b^'p^ boo.OOO and Bxamlnw Am*
down uichican anait* and Arksuo Appratocr Scholl* baT* baea called i
•I boalcthrd on their war to th* North*
r Pccrciaray Oaa* to npiau ho
■r' w’catcni ■taElon. there Uklne tb* train
Governor Tannor, of tUnola. baa rstuaed to make a rsqulslticn on Gtcat
^uln for one Pennlnaum. at tbe re*
«««M of Ctalcaao antborltlcs. becana* In
the lato case of tbe kind Cook county ivntubars. Sept. ».-Tb* Cntted Labor
ftusd to par tbe swpenae* and tbora to
arar-d marshals. Ed
X<ta««* of western Pannarlvanta at a
no state fund fee that purposs.
ward CarroU. for the Bulldtnc Trad**'
lar«^ attended and eaetUnc
coundl. and P. P. Doj-le, for th? ChiThe Vealber We May ~-y-n
alalit caTe.ezpraaaloB to aa open
coco FediVstton of Labor, and aids
WssUastoB. KnA c-poltowtna **• «
revolt atalnat Bamnel Oompen. pr^- The W.CWl marchers psJised
daat of tb* Amertcan Federation or La
•treets Used with hundreds of thm-bor, and raanr reflections and oglr aandi of people. ILe line of msirh
was tn Mlrhlaan avenue from Twelfth
ehatvea are made. It waa all ob ac
count <a expreerlone mnd* br Gomtwrs street north to Jackson boulevard: wen
ib referebc* to tb* recent con\-«stloo of In Pirtb avenue and north to the North
western station.
labor leaders at 81. I«u1a He to cred
ited with maUbK unklBd remartu about
ChMp Sato to OblcAC^ by iib« Lake
the catberlnc and oantln< rtflecUona on
We. the uDderslgnod
Bciuien Oroheetra of Grand Baphto.
cheerfully re^mend to the pablle
Prof Silver* aa teacher ei dancing and
I" ^
tboee who were (orcn,a*t In the meettnc- Gompera had a, tew'defender* In
t tb* meetiOA. and at one time there were
nmailu concarnlng- wiaicbodr beinr
tbrpwn outV>r the window. Dnrlns the
dtonu^un on a tropcalUoo to take some
action on Um>«I. Louis plattorre. U. P.
Carrtek. pr^ent of the i;iotberh»d
of Painters and Decorators r*T<-rrcd to
Oomper* as a -ptof-hatted, masr tool
of rsi>ltal." He said aiftvha •liber Iblni;*
that "President Gomper*. throusb Intarvlens andotberwto*.had rruvtd himaitf no true fiie^l of lalior.
C«apw» CalWd a Labor l^ir.
Ocmprt* hid uid that Debs and
Borarnlira are trylo*....................................
disrupt trade*
Dnlonv It
was dolna bto
to accumidish this. "1 want to
that It was not the trades unions
rome 1o the assistance of the mlnIn tbelr irreat Oxhi. but the areat
of organised labor, and dtlaens
D Interest In oraanlaaUona.
srtm bare
s. poUtlrlana. sewlof atr^
Shop workers and people front all crafts
name to the relief of the miners, and
tbalr cause would have been utterly
-lost bad It deiwndej on trades unluns
And such men as Gompera. It
to call a halt <» labor fakirs who
o *11
their ••m<e and thank 0<d t
an not like the poor'workinae
one belnr nepresentative ------- -—
mund Fosa. bto subject bcind "Poatsl
Savinas Banks' As at all picnlrw.
youna WiK.iatrto. races for nnlaa men only, for fat
men. for boys and a free-for-all a sat<c
nee. a Ihroe-leaaed rare, a hlab lump,
a slandir4: Jump, a runnlna Jump, a
be^i. Stef, and Jump: a inarrietl wumen'j
j race, and a rousts women's ccniulat dnaular prtse
tcieu in any cuniesi to the third prise In
the married women's cunsolatJon. belna
one lata* pair of sprlna Chicken*.
Pi. Louis. Sept A—Great prrparat:ons
were msd* tn PL Louis to cele
brate Labor Bay. and aeveral proml*
nent speakers wee* hsr* to make addresses, amooa them beli« Hon. Will-'
lam J. Bryan. A fsalure of tbe day
waa the monster parade, tn which II',.m participaied. At (he ewicluslo-i <t
the parade there waa spraUna. musL:
“'hnd athletic events aLj^nrordla park.
The day w«» obwrve^ veiT a*ner*1ly
at most of the piaess of busloesa tbe
Uerchants' Bxcbai.ai fciul bank* do«‘“n
tVben Prealdent Carrlcfc teisbed be
was arveted with roond after round of
applause. Toe follonlDa restriutiun of-
western Pentpylvanla
they art Inimical to tbe
f oraanized Ubor. and
.• Tortt. Pcpl. A-L*bor Day .
WiU Entertain Wedneadap
Hiffht, September 8.
- Prof. E. E. Sllven, formerly of Oraad
BapMa. ona of tbe moat cfBeient In•
tructufw u>
of —
danetny la tbe etato. to arranrlnr to
girt a
aa exbibiUoa. aaatoted
by bto daurhter,
iter.^Oonnba. of aU the
lateat and moo
moat arUatlc daneea. In
jraad Opera booaa.
ezbiblUoD will Inelnde forir different
danora and after tbe -.............................
hop wni be
girtti. The date to
il and the
tilcl here. The clearlne hruse. hark,
trodocUOD. The Boys' Haad Orchestra
and exebancea. and all similar ianltuwill furnish motic
sad h
c ^r.
Mr. BUvers
Mone w« closed, as well 'ai 'tbe nib^oghtar Imra crac here to. live as
treasuryf stray
efflee and ail other
branched of tbe federal service. The
Hall fer tbe winter, tbe price of ad-.
custom bouse keiu open we hour to the
tnUaion wUl be 1« cents and 1& cento
moralna for tbe entrance and clearsni*for reserved seats. Evcrvbody to welw to. The <
Permanent classes will be
tbe areal halUe for the emsncipatloa
L O.. 8epL
Of labor cannot be woe by trades uokms
The addrem to^ miners’ »j
.alone." It was deddtd to send a d^
cate to the Cbtcagn oonrentiun tu be ommcodlQa (be S&-cer.i r
held Sept.
and every dcUgate present ’ era for adoption did not contain i ■c siawas iBstnicted to urge hu local to do 'nature of Jamvr Carson, mtmlwr bf (he
tbe same..
) board from llUnoto. Inunln at tli
Win Keep Vp tb> Flpbl as Da Anatt.
| J** headquarter* drvHop* Ih* fS'
There was a raport
yeslerday chat aaenu of tbe New York [
o atuefa bto
aeveland Gas Coal___________
w-~ '
Mpeatute to tb* address.
workina amona the
deavortnc to e«t them to rvtum to work
at the &*-c«*l rate on th* prumlw that
Tcrre Hauie. Ind.. Sept, t.—Preldeet
^of lbelr wages which ars^ held
SSon fcpL» a^tbe «h“r^f*on
offaet this mova. and tbe campers’ mto-
Tbe Kortbera Miehlfan TranaportaOoB O. will iMse a round toip Slo
Travena Oty to ChJcaao.
dandna. and reftoebmenl stands are rood unUl Oetobw Itv Tt\» will innet lackJna. ^ formidable list of
*e meals and bertha.
10» et
crises t.i be awarded In lb* ailiVtlo
and Odd sporu has been pr^red.
There are also aorne* experiments at
and an alr-sblp exblMH.n.
'here was 1
bosrd of miner*. Tb* propoalllon of tbe
Pmsbatg operator*, he believes, ooetalns
tbe baiu cf a seitlemeoL but be deiJmi "CO adjustment of tbe strike
There was a large attendance at tbe
opera bouse. Friday erenlcg. to wi*nara tbe dancing exfalbltkm given by
Prof. E. E. Silvers and bto acuompliibed dangbt^. LitUc Corrine. Tbe
r of the
- -. ____ ring and Lit
taatobaJ all bv bar clever week
In perfurmloff all tbe most di«<
-.flicuit move
Its with ease and grace. Thev are
famUiar with all the modarn dance*
the little lady, although sllgbUy
■posed, waa p^ect in everj- dance,
proferaor has been socecrafnl
be has formed a class, to a
genUamaui who to upright in bto boalneas dealioga,
le raturn
hara again to orgaaizc a classI sriU iw
eeiva hearty eupport.
Those preaeat |
enjoyed a social h<^ after the exbibi-,
o_. g(j,era and daughter have
raekinae Uland this week.
wUI go back to work until the strike to
aalUed. Captain I'rlab BlUlnabam. In
(Marge of tb* camp at Plum ctwk. said
last algbt: "I think it woiQd b* foolish
j “•
if tfie miner* A.,
but tn any even >Tju can be our. that |
w* will keep ui ihe flabc aaatnsi De ' Wajblr«tcn.lnd..Sept. 1—Aficrtaklr«
E. E Silvenand danghtar. UtAimll until w*
two day* O tty tl
Ibne of Grand BsphU. gave a
jSslurday t**u<d an Ipjurill
aghlrw 1 dancingr czbibitioa
czbibitioc at
ai the riuk last
Van »)llornaiid evening fallowed
s M.^enna.
McDenna. William
r**d by a hop. Prof Bilktr,g
mine---Mew J-kuw .St* Orlaa rutmatotod to »--- ’ Otobteen other Mrlktr.g (v?al miners.
•bters' arc
tbe champion
( They are prohibited from Irtrrferina
of America
nerica and ckalany manner with the i
lenaer* of tbe worl
____ ,___________
by Cal»I * Co. or with the c
sa forty different round daoeca
high In cval ralnlca circles over tbeprub- ;
of Usemlnea
insing a* well aa entertain
aUe resumption cf work in the mines
ing. A large crowd atended Ueir per
tbrouatiLui ilK country, tn antiriiwtlon
formance last evaning.—Dally Besortof s sHileoitct ai Columbus next
TW Tra KlTuto tor tb. Prauato ef lb.
Pv»oskey. Atignst IT.
Wednesday another plan has been aagriato.
gtslcd l-y a rvbreaeniailve of uo* of the
Chicago. SepL (.<-BoMon.''«»; BalUlargest Ljmraicis which will h* agitated
•nsal to the re*j*ecllv( per- <nl
: night by tbe large crowd that attesded
iffimraiaiely alter the mcD rstura
hat are at the head the dancing exhibition at Lewis Opera
work. It w
ttoll vulumn. Tbe Eouae.
Prof. Silvers bas graceful
ranted tc Use Joint convention of opera
tors and mlneis whk.b U to prop>«ni bi '
riub In the list bas a iwrcenlage dancing reduced to a selpnee. SUvexs
and Corlnoe exemplify tbe •• poeuy of
bold iKxi jsecvmbtr. 1b urdtr to come of «» The club standlrA foUows;
to as undcrsundlng on all qurallcn at .
Ptoy.d Won Lo»l. P. C motion'' with acadence and grace that
laue seiatait wag. ataks are UT Ik
Boston .......................112
.M cannot be excelled —CharlevoU benUformuUlvd for esch mine. The scale to BaltiDxra ................IW
.CM oel. August ii. ISDT.
to provide (nr tneratt to W paid fur
4b* eiitlrv year, and any aperial conccsaloos that aiv to be mad* are le be
Agreed upon by th* mlnets and tbe oparMon and so it'eclAid In the acale
Tbe scale Is to U an adjunct to Um
raUformlty agrecmcol which to cxnertMl
to be in fo- - —
.0 will be
maop by the operator* In the hope of
pulUbg. all tbe safeguard*
agalBH s probable strike, it to weli
■n>hs( there arc no two mine* in
the saUre district where the c
ar* sxacUy alike, ntejmlformlty agree
ment eeven the general points, but even
sritb Its sztotenec Been* operators would
be autdected to dUBenltlca while oUivr*
•roold have special . adrantages. The
scale to to cover all ibsae pomu. tbe pri-
................ **
I ClnMnnaU ................IM
[Cleveland ................ IW
[Chicago .................... lU
[ Brooklyn ............... tU
i Pittsburg ............... 107
1 L»u>ra-‘Ue ................lU
' Wasfalngioa ......... 4M
Bl Louto .................. Ill
Latest Lngue scorss a ' as follows:
At WaablngioB-Loutovill 7, Waablagurn 7-ten iminga. darfcO' *: at Broeklm-C3i!rago s. Brooklyn :
—Ptllsburg 2, Baltimore T;
phla-<'1rveland T.
■ Pbl
" .Dade
leipbla 4;
tan—fanclrnatl A Boston
7i M M*W
York—8L Lovli 1. New York
B’Mera League:
. *.
* 4. Columbus 1»: at t
e friecdly feeling ber
nad re-' -~Eanaa* Clly L DeUolt
game! Kansaa city S, Detro
iUrApoU*-8L Paul A indl
Bt. Paul t I
PbUlp Stambangh. a nousln of Pi^1. (Bunday) At Grand ftapldr—Kontas
taty U. Grand Bapida U: at Mllwaake*
-Detroit t Mnwauke* 12; at Coltimbo*
*L Paul L Columbus A
Wertern A^rtatlor: At Cedar Rap
e WbeMlng dlvtolon of the
BaUimora and Oble raSropd. srouU be id*—Ttwfctord A Odar Rapids to at
sAed to go to work (bit mendeg at tb* QnlRcy-BurUcgion A~'Qnlncr 14: at
Mraflt rate. He was not pttparad to Psarto-Dbbuqoe.T. Peoria 14; at Dee
Melre*-^l Jeotpb t De* Holoes lA
sag bow many^ea wontiPgo b
(Riicdayt At
enpts a a
' T»a. aBMOMd tpore tban n vaek age
that be *reaM fraamt ararfc Inito alnra
Psnrto SI;' nt Das mtnia » Jrae^ 1
Das Mnlnaa U.
Prof E E Silvers and danghtar
Corinne gave aa exbibttkm of r«nod
daoelng at Ooold City Monday esaalng.
over #00 attending. U waa a eraditable axhibitloa, little Coriuie'a danelng
being ezeellcrt for oaeeo yonng. vriiUe
tbe preftnaor showed blmaalf n n
• art
A da____ __
tbe exhibition.—SL Igi
Ju'y SS. ll«.
Prof. Edson E SUvera. aaatoted by
bto wife and daughter gave a finished
exhibition of damdng at tbe opera
bouse Wednesday aighL Tbe akUl of
Mr. Silver, asauneberto weU illnatrai^ by tbe fineneas of the little girl’a
work and Mrs Silvera, who to nUo a
pupU show, r^id advnaesaasL
have often benra Prof, ffilvsra spoken
of in Grand Enplds. Mieb.. but
hnd tbs plananre of wltnciaiag bl
to tbe^^nnUl last Wednradsy ^bt
hiUUon at the opera house. Wednes
day cventog. Tb* Prof, gave tbe fortjr
round lianera nlona. then many of
them vrlUi Mn. Htvera. Idttle Mias
Oorinne ako exhibited her skill and
knowledM of barainl of tka lateat and
flUMt bSiaaabto round daneea to a
obOTk^ iMitilirT. Barraovemsnt to
P^. SOT*ntowiUioa<nUnbt the b
An AMsBinentiii*Want Depnrtmnntc.
a. a> toelr pimmra
. P. A-MRtnU.
Tiai'i«w*CUy. Mlek.
Tnieise Bij Uie of Steainat
cotse Kuan.
LT.TjsjjrwOlT.............................................. I »ssw
II maw
II Asm
Is known to be Effective.
If You Have a Want
..TRY IT..
^oomsD TLAim sAxp nom
___\ BOTH.
Two Cente.
mmM AlwaifS SomlMiis New..
which WM the mstmet priee of the
he greatly inoeoaed before the w
wlod mill and Uak of the woter wnrhe
Uover. TheBlghechoMwUlbeo
ittheaemetei7. The major end eloric
wm« Mthoriaed to inep^ the wor^
Md if it WM ooooedlnr to eoatzoet to
pey thehUL ________
Ererjhodj ptoorat expected thm
noyod Good BoUbat'lUBiatee Won
woBid be ■ome derolopmeate tKofdloff j
by Stqmrlor Wcik M the Bot-..............................iob
WhMter Bade a Boom Ban la
whea the bin of Arma A Cote m
-WbeniBka tli* Boehwter Magtam
tjhargm too Koch for • **Oium1bc*
Smith ud SaRtaov
Votthnip ttaoo Mi.OoodrkA FUU
eented. The bill wm latrodao
Toac. Too.
pMMd. epeeklBf 1
ThooloOk WMM thootrakocf olom
liar the kick rocardiar
Uot ni^t teforo it oeowred to u.r the qaolity of thdmwerpipa fnnhbed.
mMbm of tbo elty oonoeU thot
the WU WM allowed in folL Ihaie
dhle odjeonmot wm oomothlaf more WM oose dheaaaiaa recordinc
thOB » droom. Soon otur thot hoar it oeUoB of the board of pntdie worim la
M hippoaed thot oothlnr nore eonld not aokinr a report npon Ito laveeUhefooodtoooU forortterkoldiqiUTe, CtttoB, bat Mr. Arseeuted that ha
thw M odJoan>B««t wu srins eoaeld- hod oa afUavit fros the Akron Sewer
At the City Bookstore. Special OffertoadvertisJour
schoolbook sale. We will give away a beantifiiJ
set of Books rained at $6.00. Coupons with every
i^«^j?urchase. See our special offers on inside pages
Bach •ose bat Borne Baa* Boa*!
Atwoya irin Oomea.
apsW to Tm Nenne BvMn.
Moaktee, Sept, e.—The Colu won to
day'e pome with the aUclr. hlttlar
Bntherford frMly. The BrntlBra alao
Ol» Kxsnov BXVB X.. O. T. K.
hit Bobb herd. Whooler ofoia pat the
ball over the fenee for a home
Bew Blve Orgaaiaed end Started!
The bitUnrofboth
With Bright Praepeeto. |
a of fly boUe la
Pipe Oo. wbleh deelorwd that the pipe Wetklne end Qleeeoa were the MatT«ty suu OnmalMr, Mro. Mur.................................... and a Ko. I
A ooeeplMe aod detoiled weowt of
at'Critical rea Morrla, hMorgoaUeda lodge of 2
article. Be wm wUllar, howevor, to
the proeeedlap would oeeopj i
Lady Moecabeae at Old Mlepkm. known
make a dedaettoa d^ed apon by
■peee thw u ordiowj newep
M Old snuloa Bive No. IM, L. O. T. M.
w Oty'e defeat. Score:
oOBld devote to it withoet ieeviiic oat the board of pablie wori» M per cent.
K. H. E. The officer* ore:
oOBtrnet price of tkoM Colu
therefore the only
PMt Lady Oom.-Mr*. Sarah BUI.
ooozM U to deol it oat in ebaakk ead elalmed to be defeeUve^
Udy Cem.-Mia Mae Commlaga
Bettarlee: BobbandKInmoad, Enthloodrieh foiled to moke
leave the deer pablie to reeort to lmer>
Uent. Cem.-Mra MiaaU Buebmc
o oo behkU ofrthe board erford end Bnal. Umpire, Dave Compleethm eod reed tfetweea the eheake.
Boeord Keeper—Ura. Eliza Tompof pablie worke. bat Alderman Moa- bea •
Sonday'e Oome.
torne orooc prompCy mad moved that
FiaoBce Keeper—Mra Ella Bimaa.
«the eooadl to resit the texee opoa the bUI be allowed in foil, »4SI.(U. He
Sandey'e cotae wm ' loet to
Chaplain—Mr*. Maggie Gllk.
' ile propsty ob the oorser of Oos elated that a twenty pereentdedncOon SoeUen beoanee they eouldn't
OBd Pmrh etreete.
'The city etQaloa at opportane tlmea end eleo bw
(CoNiinued on W pepc.)
M.atA.-Mn. KaU UrdlCL
mrBej Bdvleed that the eooBcU
Sentinel-Mra Anna Paeeeg*.
<BBld Bot refBBd toxee peld of the
a time, however, wbeo iblnge
Pickel-Mra. Maud Tompklaa
eoBBtj eod elate, therefore
looked hopefnl for the TravecM boyt.
The lodge aUrU ont wltb bright
OBlj thtac to do WM to pay hoeb- the After BxHrteaclBK Aa Awful Bright 4t wm la the fifth inning; the eeore
•roapeeu. and with the promiee of a
city toxee paid 1b. oad that eoorte wm
BU PoroaU Zuoraed That Be
WM 1 to < in the Colu’ tevor. Three
tokea. The otaord wm olao civied
WMta Oread BepMo.
men were on boace and nobody ont.
pormi^oa to see the etreet for balld■Bad" Momy. aea of J<An Moaray. BnU. WkUdM and Wheeler were the
BkmUy Beonion at Ooip Loko.
iaf satmiol dorlar the eoaetraetioa of
gave hk poroaU a terrible fright when next bauaen. It looked tike a eare
WUllam Beitaer oad hk family epent
be dleappeored from home Setorday thing. One hit would hkve gl<
Sunday at Chip Lake with the tamUy
A petHloB fros pr^erty owBere la
auOen the lead and two wonld have
:lag. »e etory of hk
of Mr. Beitaer of that plooe. wbo k so
the vieiai^ of Testh etreet ead on
I WM given la the Rxooao Seadey eenl la enongb ecoree to win. Thk ic
yearnofogeoad bodooteeca the tarnt^t etreet. wm reeelved. bat their
what happened: Hull hit a hot one to
aiag. After a night of awfal
jnjer for the ooeaeQ to reeoaelder Itt penoe Mr. Merroy wm oiged to iaqalre areond baeeaad Behan threw Butler ily togother tor Is year*. It wi
ocUoa ta orderlof a walk bpUt on the of Condoetor Peek pf the C. B A 1. if a out at tbeplaU. Watklne hit a pop np pldaoaat reoalM aad gnaUy eaj'iyod
eoeth eide of theetreetfrom Cos etreet boy oMweriag a deeeriptioo of ‘-Bad- which Ualnn gathered In. If Wheeler by tae eUidrea aad elder perw>aa
toLokeavesae, wm dniied. A peti had been eeea to go away on the train. eonld only have aared hk home mo hit
The Petoekey Soaday hronght a oe
tion' f<w theoanstroetloa of a woU oa' Sneh e query nut with enrtiiM oad it of the fourth inning till now every- eigament of four draft bofoea fro
tke eaet eide of Imke aveaae to eoaaeet WM learned that Mch a boy hod parlovely, but. alM Chicago for B. J. Morgan.
. with the Tenth etreet walk wm ehoe^ k Ucket tor Grand B^dk. Tel- he atmek ont.«ad the fiMtiere oonldn’t
egrkphlc eommanukUoD to the kathOT- Boore. Their flrat ma wm made io tte
At k previooe meeUa; a walk wm itin in Gmnd ^plde eet k eeareh' in oeeond end the other in the fourth
I B. BoUeyat City Book
otderod ballt on the eoeth eide of Bevt
..d if-.
«th etreet. LMt night after a long tvuid came that ''Bad” wm there and '
dkeuatioa m to the why and where very aorry tor the fright he had given I
fore of a propoted idiaage.a0d a dis- hk family. Mr. Murray vtm atUl rath
eniaSoa m to whether one croee walk er ekeptical but a talk with tha boy ■
.Xarle E. Borob, X D. deeirei to
oad OBOther eros walk would^ really over the long dbunoe telephone wire I
Inform her patienu that owing to Ulmake two waike,
an expimiloB
of eel all donbu at reit. The <iraad Bap-1
^ 'z'-c' \ nea* the will, for a Ume. be huable to
Aoubt upon the reliability of the eetab- idiButhoritieswereinatmctedto keep|H>sa^*s'!.';;;' . ; & o o | i o attend to her practice.
M. B. HOiXEY, MAkoaM.
September 6, 1897, School Commences}
School Books hhd all the necessary thlnmi
that go with them, at-----
i-.s^-HASKELL'S 600KST0IIE,-:sr
For the Girls~
26c., 42c. and 60c.
For the Boys~«
Good Suits
Special Values at $1.26, $2 and $3.
g of relia^ quality, at loweta prlcoe.
Uahed Tole of three, it wm floany de
cided to lay the walk oa the north eide
of the etreet from Barlow to Grant «^.wag^treliefloUieparMta|K^^r,.-..
etreete, tbea eroaa over end lay it on
the aonth eide of the etre^ .
A.ieqncetfromtbeKBighUof Pyth-^
iM to moke a display uf fire works
the ai^t of the icih wm granted. The
16th hM been fixed npoa which oertala
*' XaigbU of the DiomaUe Order of Ehorroaaaaare to oome here from Grand
B^lfi* to iadnlge la a night of terrorMnrt^y. _________________
far a'lot of TraretM City
who are afterwarda to be aoothed with
copiona quantlUea of zem-Mm. etc'
.... ..
n 1: ?
_ 1
f j
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
.We Still -Lead..
i is*'‘
itJotwithstanding the genera!'
depression in the milling'
business, we are haring a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parte of
Northern Michigan onr....
i T-uk.,..
—L. O. end J. G. Fnller were' remitted
oily taxae npon their property in Oak
Pork, which Uey ^med to be exeeyaiie to the aaMnnt of «!1 97.
flour. Send in an order.
le wbatevorymothei k look
ing for. oow that echeot bM
began. We place oa eale
BeetdeaU of South UafaM etreet proteated agoiMt the aqgof v^ka oa the
. -west eide of that etreet by bicycle rid
er* oad petitioned the connell to eo
baueb Could Mot Boiniah
oeaead the bleyele ordlnanee m to InJohn Long, who k eharged wllhbav- j
clnde that walk. There wm do dkpolag attempted a criminal oaeanlt upon <
alUoe todkregardthk reqs
litue Angcliaa Baomboch, near Batcb-i
Alderman UoaUgM <
croaelag, k ii, }sll at lacload. Be '
bound over to the Circuit court of I
latlon M the exkt
LMt year the c
only Saturday, by Jnetic*
conUnually being violated. Aldermaa
.ter of Elmwood and Ukra to
Oarrkoa nrged that eyelkU be
land, n
where be wm joiliA la defanit of
tbc nee of every walk in the ^y. m
the wollm were made to walk on, not
for vehlelea. Alderman Beullma
Irood Bepide League Teem WiU
^y the Hnetlere at 8:80.
Pioneer pMted i
The ••Bobolioke- wUI be here today.
ogaiaat that eoume becauae a oetitien
Moaorer Keboe mode oa orrong*.aeat to |ha eonncQ wm worthy of a
It with the managemeai of
I’*"™**"*-h*» been
better fau. Oo the enggeetloo of Al
Umn of Grand
JZtai witbdrMv hk atotion aad made to pUy a game here with the BneOrr*
another provtdiag that tha eommittee thk afleraooa la Twelfth Stmet Park.:_^^ .
d to draw
It ordinance I
wUI have the remelM taken to Mr.
that thewalk cm the weet aide of Oaloa oat of towm con get away on the oftei^ Ihombarg'e old home, MapleClty. thk
trolne the game vriU be ealled at
Mreet fmCB Uebridge to fith atraet be
moralag. where the interment wUl be
laeleded with the walk* prohndied for S:50 o'clock. The Grand Rapid, team
wCU ^ oaother game ia Maaktee toaae of wbeela Thk moUoa pveva
Thi watering trough on Pine atreet
Tiya week wUl eee the beet beee bqll
voaiag there wUl be e regnlar
at the Central eebOolgrooBda will be
eftheyearinthkelty. The Colte will j meeting of Treverae Oily Copter.
coked ao that boiws alopplBg there to be here Thazedoy oad
aad Friday for two 147. Order of tht fteeinm Star. H»e
4riah need not reqoire their driven to
aad the Bnetier* wUl do their anaa^ eleetiaB of ofikate will be bald.
Jamp ont to naefaeek ttem.
Btmoet tcLgei both
The eommttee oa atroeta and walk*
aaeommended that the Webetar etiwet
X be not mode at the pree- JakekSlnggereLoet a Game to the
ant time. M petitioned for at a provloM.
Beet mdara
meeting. The- report wm rcealvad
The Eaet Side team detaated JakeV
aad the faeommeadatlon adopted.
Inggen at the Twelfth Street Park
The oommlUae ea aalmt oad
ytetarday by a aeore of it to Itr- Thk
1 ^ payment of k the eeooad defmt for Jake’e Slnggora
MoaUag to S1097 45 oaAthe thk aeaeea ont of u gamee played.
idoUon WM adoptaA Uter
Save Xeaey
»«ffiotSN te ataBtvrmphk wia^
. By baying Sehool Booke aad School
flatty aWorweywMpUowed.
dappUta^M. B. BeUey at a«y Book
" jne A Cede pnetaied a btU forSm,'^Biora
The Best
Bright, Fresh, Neat
a that •
r», hariz
.......................r .lock I---------- —
Is what yo^ will observe in everything in our New Meat
- Market in the Brosch Block.
tariff Ull went into effect. i
In that alone we a
40c. OB the dollar.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats. •
Here are z few bareaios;
buy* a Bqy’j good SAq£ Snit. i
If You Have Logs to Sell
baya a wool Salt evDcth St.
buyeea all wt^^^ble broomed |
We have three loU of Boye'e''#
Salte. eizee from 5 to 14 year* 9
regelarpriem are 94-75. $5.
aadss.so. They'all gofor...
BaroUmant Tee
Prevloas Piret Day Of the
Term—Total 188S.
Tho total earotlmeat of pupUe U the
loeol pabik ecbaole yeeterday wm
greater than ever before on the tret
Toon for money Mviag,
^y. The namber aggregated l»e aad
t0doy there wUlbean laerenee to aboat
14S5. ThoattendaaeeUikyaarwUlbe
far iaadvaaee of loot year.
eeboblaboweaaeBRaimentorto more
FopnUr Ciotetor.
than ever bMore and the aomber wQl IMPrmlOCFHtartoa'BIk.
Tra.m., oty.,
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem
lock Lumlmr. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood, londs for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
We tare jest fecelred le eatife Hew Uae of.....
i Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
BMt Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city', at--------
THB xourzva BXOOBD, TUB8DAT. BSnSlCBBR 7, 1897.
t UOJCSVSO XBOOXB. BUt MhU» o. tMr btaTOte u OM
bov ud tUrtfflr« minst«.
-------- r»ttawBr«»>afSBtloHB»7.*HMd
tmATXRSE cnr. • laomoAM ttao^»b« «n»7«twdvwHh •j»ht
rMB T«i one* «r fu
I. T. Batsi axt> J. _____
W. Ba:
—— ■ —
J. W.
(Cb:Bt4nwed.ftr>wi i«fgpe.l
UdlM Mn
Mi*fa«towa. M ranto oa the delecdec pipe wodd be only
to tbo ladlu Mhoot »i Borbor aprlnfL r so aqfltha anm wee altofetbcr too
Mr. uUI Mt«. ClUkriw Bo—ittat wtU
ftUend %WW
Um' mrrtare
Fbuy Bomb*
Blllo. »a 1U.WT. ltalu.J9»rt WliU.l«.»« oIMukU..
.•™55iTB. was allowed, bat the bill of 0. W.
• *«* UB»oto«»yfqrlMoiM».wbbt«ohowin Better, the eoBaalUaf caflaeer, did
» Blip throofh
— ■MUi..brm>a,
>• atwUto—UoeboolfertbobtUd. .
.dee Aldermea Ooodrt^ wea oa the
odyror.br—a. •
• <®
w. O. DMHoy.of OtM»dBopM». who
^ ctrt oawuTM
.onaectod with Um Mon of Lyo*. lookoat aad whaa it came aloar he
ceased it te be eidetreeked.
,0 Booehor A Kyswr at that place, to la
amoaat of Mr. Bafterb blU U faU to
the «i%9 aatoaUat ta the City Book Btore
fl.7».l3. Of thto amoaatflCM had aldariat the eehotd eappi; raeh.
rewly been paid,
TodoT wui he the flret time la ttie
MMk-.e.«e««e>-.-«wr. .
Mrtory of TfOTe—Qtj that a Weetero coaid get weU eader way Mr. Ooedrteb eelMd thto. bto flnt opportenity
T«* BMoaoetB oj %oe cuMM > v«a* *-»e“* ““
to my e word, officially, ia regard to
areaboatUh^tormtoefandi for a Ihe Otaad Baplde team wUl play her* the work of Mr. Batter. Be bigaa
Bo—otth^owa. Itto their object at*:»aad ererjbody ahooU aee the with the reflectofm that ha anderatoo^
wwaetabaUdiacthatwtUbeaealta- *m«.
that Mr. Batter woald like the amenai
Mo home for Ue orRaalaatioa aad a
The friaada of the Pint V. E ehareb .boat Oetobar let. ‘Ihto salted Aldert to the intdlaetaalltiy. pro- are ratoladed of the reeeptkm to be aaa Goodrieh flret rate, as the lateriitemeata of ftvea la theeharehthtooroBiaf la hoa- realay Ubm woald allow, the eoaacU
. peotota aptolt aad
■ Brnwi^ aty
vity wiKuoB. ^le project or of Bcr. W. A. Prye. There will be a plenty of Ume to eaeare\ujtea^sed
Mppart of maaieBl
ataaleal aad lityary
literary profram aad eo- bUl of the work of the 4^rlueri eo
ihoald reeeire the beany mppart
_tf 4W. -I.t 4_______ '
0—7 dttoea; aad the cflorta «d
the otol featarea.
(bat the taxpayer* eoald *ee,^^«r*
Udtoa wUl aadoabtedly be erowaed
mMnuMl meetiaf of the Womea'c every dollar of tbair aMbcy wae to go.
with aeaeo—thatwiUbe fraUAytar poreira Mtodcaary lioeiety wUl take vbea it went Ur. Batterbway,
cb became eareaeUeto the elnbaewellaaadd.aaothar at*
u—htow eraalv la the parlor*
tnoti** aad eabotaatlal atractar* to
tfc, m. e ebaroh. Membere are re- ally faoetkme la raterring to the Iteeu
Ihcwt whlA alraady mark the dtp ee qa^ud tehrtiw thetobUte bosee, aad of the bill ea prweated. Be eeemed to
oaa ofeaterprtoaaadatetropoUtaB at- t*> come prepaiad
d to pay their doea. U be very tnoeb la the dark at to Ue
amonat of work perfermad by Mr.
oniar eaet »«• iraeoaior map oabm
Barter; Hr eald that Mr. MllUbeo aad
r—)rt to the paetor. whe atteode a
Tbat doek llae project, wbteb — faeeaee thto week.
bto •ewelates bad floated aoma bottlm
■ forlred eome tiiae ayo. by the eoaadl
for Mr. Rafter; Mr. Mortbrapkiadiaade
te otderiar IM wtebltobmeat. hpt oot
a f«.w aarvtye. Prof—or Sedsto of Aaa
mttoaly paaeed late oltilrtoa. WhileArkwr had made aoaw ehemical teela.
fbe taek of the dty eaylaeer to merely
IBM partlee la Boebmter bed done
to dnw aa liaayieaty tlae, m to apeak,
aadother odd
it mast BOt be eappo^ that thto Ubor
ji'he: aedfor-btopartofUeJob, a lot
fix. BBPXOfl.
^ Jateadad oely to refreeh a plawaat
be pot la a bill of a—tUlPg overll.ocu, la addition to what
Ut 9Uvr M)7*t charged, la aoerlag
iltlllr Hr. 0«4rldl HO 1-B.
6iia of the B
Ipg Srenta and Ibay AttntetfTa
to prove that Rnfter bad reaerted main
to gpeae-work. Thto atrack Bagi^_____ la< the etate fair la
'XorUrap la a Under epot aad be
— ToQraad BHddsyeeterday. The stteeBIk Baplda,
--------smBm wae aearly thirty thooeaad. day witaeaeed a
romlay eelebra- cballeaged Mr. Uoedrieb upon eome of
IB order ioehat off Ue dtocomtoa
Mayed to tateaelfled by ihe'brtcbt com- borriedly. aad the*tttacO«to bad aot aad Imve a little time for oUer Impor■^l aad ayriciiltoral proepeett.
been iboroo^y adrerttoed. bat a food teet mattera, Alderman Jabraas auvrd
Uat when Ue board ndjevaed It be
day algbu for Ue pai
5ow that Aldarmaa Oeodrieh bat Mthodaem eaamerafrd the eoateataato
. ring t^e fl|tel topon c
Mfely laaded the Betealh etcoc* Im- |j
athletic epcrU. which formed
It farther tear of faU the ehlef featere of the day's enjor Ua apeeial water works oomtelttei
The moUoa protalled. Tbea Mayor
arelBfelUoytheworkaeoompmooaecSmith, who waeoaeoflbe committee.
.—dlay to hie likiaf, be wOl be able to
The eporu of the day opeaed at
Ue oommlttee wuuld
' prepare a kaoek-bat for the report of ©’dock, with a^oree race. There were
the apeeial watm works eommtttoe.
uree ealnee. Bey Dlamood, owaed by have a chance to entwr some of Ue
Lyoiaa Baee of Aldw; Bdobow. owned attacks of Aldrrmas Goodrich. Anoth
by H. Masco of Trareree City; ao«T er d'acumloa was eterted br Mr. Good
__ ______
Priam, owaed by U.'l'rioe of Alden. rich. Mayor BmiU became a’ lllUe
aadar Ue eoUar.aad ■
Sacio— MalthpMeporta Ptooty Of The race wae Aalabed la two eualyht
Power aad Water la the Board.
heate, the poeltlooe each Ume belay Uat when Mr. Goodrich broeght EaBey IMamoad. fint; Bdnbow. aaoond; glnmr Gaylord herefrom Ladlngtoa
Goodrich wae the i>oly maa acUve la
the Blatter wbo had any property (bat
light make a irood location for
pamplog atetioa. The repartee begea
to be a little warm wbaa Ue miy.
decided that thera wae oUer baaian
UsattenOoB of Ue
lacU and the water woriis matter
was dropped. ________
Oa Ue anggmtloB of Alderman Good,
"Hooad a Aowaye of tweaty tboae* d catebar eteadlac rich and Ue arglag of Aldermaa Deefoar boadrod ««1 fifty (K^.W)
BUI tb.rf
moad. the board of pablle works was
oiiaad to prepare mUmatm for a
aAtweaW (») fmt bead. wUl
p. D, ootebar. with a road and footbridge aeram Ua ereek et
WedsworU etreet acer Front atreei
om MMtk.br ■■<).
toveadiBgaUcnUaulaUeetty Ue
ga— of Cbarlm aad Uaric Back.
Mr. aad Mra 3. W.mater and Mim
Kate Doekmy left yaeterAey on Ue
4:t» traU for Oraod Baplde to take ia
the state fair.
Ufa. Goodipeed. wbo has baaa vtolting Mra. W 3. Bac^ aad natHiig ia
Uto vieinity. haa ratamed to her borne
la Graad BapUa
Mra. Frank Gardi
rctaraed home ymterdey after a vtolt
wlU her aoUer. Mr*. W. D. tVUoox.
.of Bast »tb atreet. ’
aiatoB Rtohop. aon of Col. L. K.
Btohop of Grand Baplda. arrival ymtertmday-tor a vtaltwiUUe family of
Mte Helen aad Mra John E Boghm
of Chicago, arrived U Ue
from a
mra reaort yeaterday and wUl Btay
at Park Plaee a tew daya
Hie family*,ofEA. Ttoadwey,left
He-ab-te-waate ymtMdey for Ueir
home la Otaad Rapid* after apendlag
Ue anmoer at Ue raaorU
Mr*. Umpllaerand temUy wbo hav*
been gamta of Mia Lewia Suven
Cralne for Ue nmmer. have retaraed
to Uelr home la Clevelaad. Ohio.
Mtoa Carrie fltoae who haa been visitlag her eUter. Mra S W. Batler of
Wmt TU atreet, rotaraed (o her home
in Ue aoaUera pek of Up atete ym
Mtoa (trace Hopkim aad Mra T. 3.
tor a week's riilV after whlek Mim
Ropkiae will retara to her home in
Oraad Raplda
Oapt. J. B. McLeod of Uestmmer H.
E TatUc. raaalBg between Elk Rapid*
aad B*eaaabe. was la Ue city ymter- j
day acoompaaied by R. E Flood of
lx Bablmaaand.MaateraClarepcei
(•me down from Obcbb ymteiday aad .
wfll atey a sheet time at Fark naee before going
. kottie.
MillikCR had family rvtareed
J. W. Mill
ymterday from Chicago. Mr. MUItken
mys that Uere to a tremeadoas rash in
basin— aad every baela— boom to
dotag more Us" eiaee mi>
J. D. Slater arrieed la tM glty teUrday night oa ble way tram St Leato.
Mich., and want on to Elk Baplda rU;
the Petnaka^. atter a abort vtolt wlU'
the tatally of hU brother. J. W. Slater,
the farnltnre dealer.________
aeaa (IIIO) actual hone power poeaible
«ee the BasUete aad----glay hall at t:K) thto afternoon.
Praab flmlth of tha Pa----------t
bra^t a lead of AM Oadh— applm•
ta Ue aty ymterdey.
The G. B. ^ 1. E E pemeagm warn,I.
dae bare at ?4S o'clock laet aighi wae
«M beer aad forty mlaatea Ute.
Mtoe Mamie Oelmaa wQi leave
•edey ter Imaelar. where ahe wfU
• tmo—bar •tedim la Ue aUoal for Ue
ttoae. O. aabyaveaterewaU partg
laat evMlM ^ lx®®- <>f Mim BUM
I>aaB wbo will go to TpeUaatf' to av
Jahaato aad Oeuto SaUr. agai M
•ad' 11 yeara, niipaeUvdy. inde ^
• ^i4,iiM#
Large Assortment.
25 Cents.
Clothing Co.
W« want all lie people of Tranrse City
....aed (icinity to bey Belr....
School Books!
---------- AT THE^---------
Of Mr. Holley, and for that reason we offer
the following Special Inducements:
Grand R*|dde, Sept. «J.-Today was a
reourd-breeker at the SUte Fair la Uto
city la every rmpect. Thealt«daaee
Vxered* aay former first day. Th#
aaober sod slieof exhlbiu are alsej
grestly la exoem of prerloos yesr*
Tha bnlldiags are ioadt^oate for the
of exhiWipt* aad a city of
With all School BcMln. new or Moond hand, we
•re glFiac a ServloMfble Book Oover, th»t will odd
ODo-third to tb« wear of the boo^
JCSET-tS . i... o. 1,
■ “*
Everjfjfetei;.... ^
Teeterdai^ Bocoyd-Breaker at SUto
I wme over ss.ooo paid admtoaioie dariag Ue day. The live
pens are tall to
itmmt eapmdty.
There are apariy
foar Ueamnd animals loclodlagponlOBUagroaad*. iKrbareeeareeatend lo Ue speed triale alone, and MO
Mra will eater Ue different eompetikwa
There to e new deparure noted at
Uto fair. It to a CaoadUa exhibit end
iacladm eD egHcaltomi prodaot*. mlnA reeolallea providlag Uat Ue city, erola, etc. Even Ue Klondike to repabell pay eae-Utrd of Ue
A large proporUm of the vtoltore are
farmer* end ell ere happy la Ue fact
fc.w /U9V1 <*«® •cratch to flatob Utweea P*aUat prceperlty to once more abroad.
aM flfty-alae aad ----------^ aiaytOB aad Caleh**, PeealaytoD wUtwne power*, thaewacttoatly <
rt"——. -—alBjr la nice abape ia a red-hot fialah.
*»wa th« rieer.
City aerk Biekcrd wee graated per- sitiifix ut m
limten to provide salteble filing c
frteods. His .
. .
loot l«r<re bv *111 be
for ble office. ________
abmil or. mitrbee.
Oa Ue eaggmtloB of AMermaa I
Ibe aecm service burpen at Wash.~»b».......
ttgae Ue board of pablie works wae
Ihs balaoee. aboot »5o
poww. to
^ ppmer. with wdfhu tek- loetrapted to extend Ue pipe of Ue
yaaalac to waste thronyh the
third olaca. Catebar woa the ma- Mwer et Ue norU Ualoa etrmt bridge.
yoor dam. Sboald yoo la the fatare
f fe« aad H
furUer oat Into Ue etreem eoae to'
be eelled apoa to laraieh m« power
^^Vayt^l-»«d with 4 feev
Gave Money
more effectively disebarge the refase.
thaa year pleat ea bow orjMtmcted.
By baying School Book* and School
oppUmof M B. Holley at City Book
•riUalloed. yea mast a small expeoa. ,
»hird at 4 feet flee lachee.
The committee OD fir* and water
ratoe the bdrbtb of yoar prmeat oem
, world*,
tracted to
tea (10) feel. wbe. yoo will be able te „^'^L^Snol/T..lUay oonteet
CM of Ue fire Uca *
daedop. dirbt baadred aad eereatybe •iek aad eearcely fit tor
OP. (S71) borm power et yoarpneeal ;^^^*i.dtlaf eoateat i^. at - the department.
Avalve (If) foot dam eosaewbat farther
^ Katebi.
flowatherieerthaatheoaeiiowin-M et the eame bdfht.
Biiafcle Golf Hose
Mra E B. Hope waa la MerUport
Mr. aad Mra. W. A. Mewtoo went
•y OF SAFETY....
With OEOh l%blet wo give yon
Fire loeurance.
flae Aotomatic
Aflaoboxof bolorod Qra^oas «ro idonBtod with
•aeh Dnwiag Book.
Wo ftimSfib • Sponge and Penell wfth oaeh Slate
• Aad then we give yon a •plendld Wata
School Bag to oarry your purebaaea in.
Come at once if you wish to save mone>' by Uking ^
advanuge of these offers as they will be given but this
week only, and remember that we have the largest
stock and lowest prlceSi. of any book store in Northern
M. B. HOLLEY. Manager.
Ever Burned Out?
If *e yon know
Ue value of
un sxTBAjyoa.
o. P. carver. Ag*at
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Mr. aad Mra. & E Whitney apent
ymterday atOmaaa.
Fmab Prtodrieh waat U OhdiUae
Mr. aad Mr* Joba Fowls, Jr., bav*
alagtoa teklag eeeoad eritk M teat •
iBohea. aad Catebar tUrd withMtect. ratarnod from a trip to esoegisti Bsy.
a E B—as wmt to Kalhaska oa
The three mUe btoyele raee wae Uea
paUed off. aad wim by Pareg Xobla.' hto bik* Sunday and rolarn«> by train
wlih Borato Stoeklag a dose aeecmd yimtorday.
Vtos Angte Stfimion wm.rstara Uto
aad rred ^tohl third.
Whilejh— eveata were bdag ee«- waiag from a two wasks’ ririt at
tmted OB r
mat aueei.
street. a
» ball
eai< game wae MorUpertMia. a o. SmlU aad riatar. Mto* Sacbeing played betwem Ek Bapktoaad
tor, ai« vtolUag triaads la Patodny
wiuisiBvwn. VIN Mivwn. B.S tsawgv
U was a «wy hot. prrt^ eoatett. bat la ithtowaak.
Mia. J. W. .atoter hm —orasd bom
UbaeveaU Elk BsplAs wmt te ptooss.
WUliamshorg pilsd. ap fcwalv* nio la Elh Baplda. whara sha ^aat a waak
fhatiaalaf akiM,aad woa U* gaaie wiU relaUva*.
E 0. Tylm of Park a—at. <
todaad Harry OmaaU aad Mtoa Amy
T%* dayto ostebfaUcm wm coadaded
Tyiar of Maataa. Saaday.
wtok a pokito dams this oroalng.
Hr. aad Mm- M-Orawterd of Owaaao.
to*U Uto mwU, aafi m ffiaittejf Mra Qmwfwdto (lator. Mbs
• got tote
**»-* bM aiMly Batria of Uha avmaa.
Laoias HabhaQ of Spri^«ald. Ma.,
Special Dollar Sale.
To clow cat quick,«« have placed on wie a hr^en line of oor best goods only, which include S4XK1, S8A0.
$3.00, SSiOO. SS.60 and $1.73 Shoes and Oxfords at ORE
DOT.TiAR A FAIR. We are doatug out many other lines
and Can aave yoo mowy if yoo want good, reliaUe footwwr.
We do as we advertiw.
Tie Old BeliaUe Shoe Ran.
il8 Front Street, Wurzbiok: Block,
Cbkaco. Sept. I Stncr Adolph L.oe(waa locked up ia the eouaty }aU
Ow» bv an Ei|ri<»lon -of Natural sail
be Bkaeased to write a aertao of ieiirOat In a Suburb ultha Cl^
esUec tettara to a wetnaa wboia be erldeatiy r««ar4ed ae his boat and eloaest
frtsbd. TbU woman waa Mtw. CbrtaUna
ra)dt 141 ayboom ATeous, a widow
from wbom-tae borrowed money. Satur
day abe went on the wUaoas tund .and
did more than «tve a damaytes aocouni
bf her coot-eraatkins sritb bim. She
AU*S VUta .1
pUesd thf ;ettera abe bad rocatvad from
tbs priaoesr in the hands of the poUm
-Olkns lal«o«l. at WibM.>li.
and Idcntilled tbei
em a* a witnam to
........... , to ih.
tmn Ar» lwb«r*t> Ban oJli »
trtaL There were six of ibei
contains a reference to %!§ mltatnd wtfs
I 1-Broad niptdc, I except indirectly in assuBlee that Mn.
Mburb of In<lisr4.noHs. Un ml^ tron PeMI know, that he la Innnesnt of tbt
Ibe rtty prx>f<*t, wm Saturday momint chary* acainst him. and olbar refer
tbs arsac of oas irf tbs nts« urrlMs ences to bM tnaL
One letter cotiuins the aamrtion that
."SiMstert ibat has ever vwisd (bs auts.
at* yarMH wsrs burrM to doatb and happy with the widow.laOIn»
thirty ars tyin* in ms honsi of nslcb- howut-ei, the letters* appear to hava
, hot*, burnwl, acaiTsd and racked with been written fer the purpose, as they
bale from brokce boata Tour buildloas pUlnly Bbow. of saltini a loan from
' occupyiac a bloch U me i«vo art tn Ura Fcldi to assist la iwylnc lawyare*
• rvlns. Of tbs Bx dead aatblng but, faea. It was 1-ueViart himself
charred and biackseed bcBss with bae<- ] <>«natnl*^ that the letter* be made evl.
B wlpa of foul a■nelbei Scab ra^
' At 1« e-dock a fcul odor was noUced In Fridt aMd 1
an or THE vromn m dew
tbt druB nere of J. U. Watta. and a
temp la a dark rOam used for amteur
ptHioBraphy want out It waa licbted.
and as the bumlns msieb was thrown
to the Acer streaks of flams of a blakb
tint lan ahWB the jclnis between the
baard»>«bca-lpB the pnanc* of eecapIBB riaturel BS»-aiMl tbep up the walla
The next instani tbe.axpluaioa came,
the walk were burled In every dlTacUob. and the up of ibe buHdlnB tdlwlth
a cruDcblnf. BslndlBB sound, covetins
alK The rulu Wire bumlQB Immedlstely. and ehrleks cuuM br heard fnan
those burled bLoratb. Of the' arven pernoas^ln the bulldlnr three were buMsd
attva The reat an still «vr aad mar
rectwer A hundred peranae were at
work on the ruins and tryloy to aare
(kash a BTocery adji.inlr*. and pulllap
SI the ruins to save thine buritd beaaath. -White thus enkaatd. and twenty
minute* alter, tbe Aral cxpiosioa. the
asennd tame from beneath the- croceiy
with a mlBhty roar, and burled the
balldlBB to atooa Forty people were
kpocfced senseltaa atrewn la all dlrec-'
tlm with brokn bonea and burned
i wh% many mare eacaped *
made tbs
OottUebe ftcblmpkr was pul on tbe
stand and tcMifled that ab* aaw i-uetBert wd hls wife *0 Inin the musaBe
factasy on tbe fatal ntebt about n
o'clock, Her lesilninny was of Uttle
ase.bokrver, foreltbertbrouchnerrousnens of frlcbt Arc conirsdictM] bertolf
■nka. t> Usasr isaakwl HIrtwy wf Uw
V '
r ruins Plus Orysh. the
mccryman. was cauybl and crushed to
mtb. Hi* body seas recovered before It
kas enyr.1v horr.ed. The ruins were
added to ib..*e of the bnliain* adjolnint.
demoilsbed by the flrsJ explMioa. and
the wbcle maaa tOBetber with an adpratSB frarv cotiace and a livery sta
ble. war bi«ed to anhea cr.ly the bucket
briBade iwirjt
bar.d Id time to do any
Bood. and It I* prohahir
the work
only pndocired the ayocy
ayonj of the vicllrai
who wer* burned- The dlsa.ter
catMed by natural Ba* teadine
cellars of the bulIiUnc*
. ililinc
Iitinys from
fnim a threeinch main that ran In the street, from
Which the houses were mipplled
KAMn nr
tbuuxht more of a domeatlc In tbe houar
than Mra t-iieicert. He alao said that
be had many quarrels with hls wife,
snd when Wta. PvMt asked him why
be did not aecnre a divorce h; said that
as s.H)n as hla flnaricial in.ublsa wore
over hr -would aettle with her." He
repeated this aeveral llmea. and called
-carvasi" and other aamaa
dqually pleambt.
Mrs. Feldt bad Ic
and when she was Interpreted as aayiCh' that luuetmrt told her be "sroold
srlilr with her," toe of the Jurura. a
Orman, declared that the word* were
wrcingly Inirrpieied tto t-urtaert'a dl^
adrantaB*) snd save a much more
lnn«Jcent interprelstlon. Judpe Tuthlll,
referred the matter to Judxe Brentano.
isb mAoi-v atfar.
Lynchbura. Va.. Rept C-Tlw New*
rHnC* a letter from tlnlMfl fttale*
8>«atar John W. Daniel, i-eplytnc tneerUln sutemento made hy Oovemor
O-Ferrall, in hls recently puhUabed ktIn Ibis letter Governor tyFVrrall
say* that Daniel offrmd a nwolvtlon in
aenate commyidlnt Oevelan^
D riofb. and Uter
he t-hlca*o conwntioo when "tbe
cnmmiMx- denounced Mr Clevetand for
dr.lnx ihr very iblnit tor whuh Seaaior
Daniel had praked him." The sevtator
dented that he wae a member of tbe
commKire on resolution* at Chioscu.
or that than^ was a plank In the ptaiform denouncInB Cleveiand
He dertares that tbe clause In Ibe CkIcaBo
plank denounclnx arbitrary interference
by federal,auiboHlIes In local aSalra
was not re«ar<l-d by Cleveland * friend*
In tbe cmnventlim a* Ravina reference
to hi* action duiinx Ibe <%traco rtof.
to cnncluehm Daniel aa>-s be has alwny* defended Olewland for prdlectloB
Ibe poBi rout-* and mall* frmn mob vtoMce. hy ITnlted State* troops, abd
V. Bam Bamd
TestbOay Keminf.
Lanaob K.JtoaradiedattbareaideM
of bk SOB. Obha. M. Beart, U thk dtj
M I0;M Monday moraiat afad »i yaaia.
Mr. Bnertbad bnaa U (aitlaf baalib
tar aotns Use, bat np to alx ^oaUis
•CobsarMamortssdbcUeefor cuof
bla axtramn afa. ^7 la the aoMar
be spent anae time bm wltt tba fam
ily of hk aoa. rerorpii« imtnr (o bk old
bom at Old Mkaloa. 8a <sm baak
bm about two waeka ayo. aMmlarly
in hk naaal baaltb.
yesterday moralny, as asaal. and
testlbs raUkr
poorly and laid down. Tba end of lUa
eame quickly. qalnUy aad paiBtaaaly.
tbe dltuet eatsaa of dnatb belny imaralrib of tbe beart
Mr. Bsora waa bora in HnnUarloa.
Ooaa.. Aar. I0. IMd. Bk aarty Ufa
wasspaattbaruaMl.U waa Umb ba
married Mlsa Babion Brkeon la ISSti.
For 09 ioac years tbaaa two traraled
life’s pathway wretber. aatU Jbm4.
IMS. wbea tbe faUbfni wlfa flaUbnd
ber life-work.
Foraeeeral years Mr. Beers Wm ta
tbe meiabaat taDorlar batlaeea is
York City, with a kraaoh star* ^
Bridreport. Coaa.. bk partaw betaf
Sinclair Touaay.
In IU7 Mr. and Mrs Bern came to
MIehIcaa. loeaUar at Nortbrilla. A
reana frkndsblp was tbea fonaed ba-
lb( aeaass and paaala( yaaiw. b*lD( reMwed wkaa Mr. Crum came w TruvCTU* City ia lMt.and ooBtiButa( uubsvkeii udUI Mr. Oumk death In IHM.
la I6t» Mr. Bear* moved to Oatario.
U(run(e county, ladiana. whera b*
was ea(*(cd la-buBlnam for sercral
yaara. U* was aftarwardt audlMc of
Ls(t*B(e eoBBty.
FaUia( health
obIl(ad bim to ehan(a cllmato aad in
IWl ba came to Traversa aty and in
tba followlB( year ba went to Old Misaioa aad ea(a(ad axuaalvaly ia farmtD(. Heik haramaiaadMiemMtof tba
Uma dnriii( all tba years stoca Ba
sUU ratalaad. at bk death, qutu valua
ble farm boldlan at Old MMIqn.
For aaemal ycara Mr. Beers was prsa
ideat of the Grand TraTaiae. Aalrim
aad Laelaaaw Furman' Insuranaa (k.:
as towDship-clerk of IVala, and was fqj mamy yam
aleadlnyn ibar'lB the Gruaya.
vav tbe oldest aad laat
snrvivlny member of bk family. He
leaves euc son. Cbaa. M. Beers, of tbk
city. Homer Om of Panlasnla. k a
uepbew. There are two Bie«ea Id Kew
York City, one the wlfa of .lady* Cowiny and tbe olber tba wife of Prof
Fiekett of Oalambia ratvmity. Mrs
Or. Kiay of Oraad Kaplda and Mia.
Jamea Uarrayb aad Mrs. Ck»L Moon of
lUy Bapida are also alaem af Mr.
Tha fnoeral aervicea wlU ba eoodactod at tbe reaideaee of Cbaa- N.
Bcara. oa Bixtb streaL at i o'clock p
m. Vadoeaday. aad tba burkl will take
place ia Oakwood oaaatcry, where reat
(be rem^B* of tbe IRa-loay eompai
of the drrraiad.
Mr. Beers waa la every way a aiaat
mar me nra and Hemal •( tbe lajaeed
Tk* Hat of dead aiM] injured Is a* frd4owa: Tbe d.ad-Charlea Tount. Indianapnlisi Jacob Darllns. painter: Plus
Oresh, sraearyaiBn. and Hetwy Ernat.
kborw. nil at Bread RIpfde; Jobif Per-tar, fbrmec. near Broad Ripple; Alban
Bayworth. hncksier. Weatfldd.
Tbe severely and srrtonsly injured—
Bflrsr Watta badly btrreed about tbe
bands, face and tody; Edward Moma
r eiM«ated. compound fracti
officer who. during many terms of aerevery ...........
free and unlimited silver colnase at It
to t. and becomes goreraor thronyb a
Ml kneetap fiaetured and lec tanAen _ eanvas* In which he bnatt* of bis ardent
two placea below knee, wrlou*. hut will devQtlnn to the principle, and of bavtng
tacover; Charles J- net. rut cn the face ruled f.w It msry umea In one day at
Ana all. over the body hy ny(nB xiass. II tn 1. 1; to 1. It tb 1.1* to 1. •• to 1—
wBl-tecover: C A rvlberlaon. Udiy Indeed, at 111 latlo* proposed—and who
braked and cut. not sermu*; J. a after be U in - ■
Wan*, oitent of icjarle* unknown;
land hy
Thomas Jonew had cut rr. temple and
braiaea nn body; flamnel Ktlso. ibot. a
bomber of limaa by .-xplodtox sbotcan
tbelk. rordlMae seH-m*; Th^enas K.
Mitchell, left lew bcAen^EmSlIe JohnSOb, burned ahuulfsoeaMhard*; nilver
Cotor LWw ■■ tbe PwMlr Nrh^K
Craa. e: r-ar* old. raarbt nnder a piece
Al'on. la*.. R*PI
Tbcrt U much
of Jlyira Umber. *ur|Kw«d tnernal Inrxtilrmrnl over two drvd* of vamlallsm toL MiMBk BUm^.
JOTire; Harvey Duxsn. ehnuMer
puNh- sctinnl*
of thU
by hr<A«m fraenwnu of wr*>d. fate cni. ■ .
— .......—......
a*rtou*: Asno* Day. hrulwd ,r.-o» i
T’'’*''***^ "ia™Ur.colu
bmd SEd body, very Mlrful, hut not
acb«VI In upper AUtUi a-ps
rtoaa; JmseDsy. cal np face and num*rcas bru!»u* on body, aorlna*: Virion night Ibe new I-r.vqM srbn.l hulMUng
Record. l ui and barrwd. palrful hui not In this I liy wa* xrvsky miKllaled Both
arrtoui; John Dnk*. haiA Injured. •»- Schixt* were for the aducalloB of col
ored children and these cHmes ar*
An tbe above nauwd Injured ar* reM- ''Ibowgbl to he Ihe work of 1rr«m>nBalM«
10 t ie. wbe resent thr *e|wrsdeatsof Rroad liirtpic ihe rollmrina are colored
wonrded. betna r. *ld<-ttia dsewhere; Unn of their Children from the white*
Frank D NorvlH. irdianapolla flaym m Ihe public whoola All thr rcilorrd
tcra off and arm cut: Marry BoJiev. people rewnt Ibl* scparailun and the
OaklanA cat acroa* the kr.e; Charle* kw-abMIny ckmeul U flyfaitag It u tbe
Itofaarti. New Auguara. <ui over left
Bmaltoat cltfaMa, a trs* fafaad and a
faltbfsl bsafaaad aad father. Bk loay
INewaBotwofsaafalaemaadoancaa- not trim when death comM twlftiy ‘
aad pafalMsI.T tea man srbo baa ao
iraU llred oat bk aearly a naatary of
-------Hk wcr% k done aad be reeta
roil mil aKBWEr
Bbtbtob Rttod our amkaa
TN RecigiM MHrs
who baa noma to aauUkh a
aebool baiw. as am old Mead. FoafteM
years 1(0 Mr. Maes broa^t f
Sllrara brra from retoakey to orgaalM
a serisa of daacla( classes. Tbe reatnre was a (raat snenaaa. as loe pupils
ware earolled, aoma of whom are yet
ia tbe dty aad rvmember ibe profewer
as an efficient and pleasiof Ustruetor
of tbe (raceful art ProfesMr Silrera
aad dau(btar Corinne will (|*u an cshlbton la daDcl8(^ StelaberT'aOraad
tomorrow ai(bt aad a aoclal boa after-
Heats and Graced
Tou sorr bats to.
Bot It ia a Good Thlay to Froeide a
LMtar Boa tor Orn Wbaa Fraa
DaUeaiy U BaUUiabad.
Geo. W. Eaff baa beaa appointed
ayeat la tbk city for J. S. Maaou A Co.
of Boston, manafaetnrarsof letlerdrop
buxas and omaraeatal lavtar box olatos
aad receivera. Now that fr«a daiifery
k aasurad and will ba mttblkbed about
November 1. tbe matter osykt to be
looked after. Wbila there k bo compnlsloD about iL a drop box will be a
yreai eonveaieace aad a sarlny of
trobbla to tbe booaevrifa as waU as tbe
carrier. Mr. Baff baa a few aampleu
ranyiay from M canto to 11.00. Better
call at bk taUor abop ia rear of Maeoi
le block aad look tbem over. Ua-OA.
bad uvuiy kind of ■
Park stmt, bitws«a Proat A Casa.:
oPBji bar AMt> nuBT.
Blwaya in atodfl
-A.. ■W’. JAiraAXTa,
Ratra, $1.50 per Day. '
Seal nclttsitRMietd Rites.
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
Now for Business! oabplakb
From this datej this boat
will not make regular -coo-,
neettons with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever, can make arrangements
for the «se of this handsome
yacht, by cornmnnication by
mail Or wire, with
Leland, Mich.
at the Old Stand
The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business oa
Front Street, jnst west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
Honse, and presents the best HOTEL PANQBOBN*
line of good goods cheap to OucBtr of t'aion and Bny StrucU.
M a K. F. depou wkbM to nnbe found in the city.
Bsonca to tba public tbnt ba bnn re-
Enterprise Grooei?,
(Mirs by Ttliybou Proarily
Immltit Ts.
Oot. Cakaase KtotoBla.
pTWHsal: MeKiatoy ai C*n«iw.
Cantor. W Sept. C.-Prvaidiirt MeKlnlry and bis wU*. arrived here Rsturday and sUyrd until today. Cpos
tbelr arrival they were yivea as o»
tlra. tbouaanda Boiaa
(be siaUsfi
meet tbem. Later a bead scretuia*d
them, and ibare were acrca of cbeerins
peopti behind tb« band. Tbe presldtat
made a br1«t kwecl
1 nad l^Clyuiu'
Sm Oir lew Uei
Picture Mouldings
GydeGfBtfs Look Here!
flitod and furskbed tba Hotel PnnybovB befaer tbnn it aver baa bsen be
fore nod sun uceomaaodsto the U*«sllay puUlc la yood nbnpe. Batklnetka
W. J. BOBIlfSON. Maaaycr.
Bay to-. Bsar M. A V a Oepm.
The Pure Juice i‘„:2“sS:.r8'u
Lederle's STTSU: *
E Here’s Another!
Mot ao mgay frllk na *os»a otkwu wa makn, bm
Green that will kill Bugs
Bicycles to Rent
Soda Water
To Rent
Tbafa tba Park Grm weaeU.
ar P. O. •
^ Roomy, Attractive, Dorabie. H
11 Use materiaL
Ffafst iB tba cl
Ice Cream Freezers Jrs-
West Saperfer. Wls.. sepL 1—A ertmItoebtMer. N. T.. Sepr. L-At thr cloa- hial warrant rharylng tbe embeaalttac mmloB of the New York MIsatnrMry mcBt of tn.cae or the m>di or tbe tnww
todaty ccnveDllcm the Rev F. r. Tyr of Surwnur wa* ewom out Saturday
rell. of Bl. Loutk epnbe on "Roctal R*- aflrriMPn before Judge Parker tor fue
farm la Uw Chureb." and created a atlr emwt of mark* H. OlH. ex-towu ire**,
uervr The case baa been hanging Are
by bla reference t« )
ewv *|TKe the lag! ekeOoa. when OIR
wa* *ucceeded to offic* by Jacob Errrk.
atasds nal on Ibe,highway to fllcb the *on. Tbe Unke war* to had ahap* at
puawre-by. bot bakled ae on fanret. Ibsl «me and GUI was elves *D op.
levylBg toll OB bk (rilow citlsen* la the puMunIty la act matters right. Ba has
to do M. hence lb* warrant for
farm of pmflt. The eaiell of Rochefel- I ^kd
terk mlltlon* will not tmpnwrwte Ihe
^r w«ll cne-hatf of Ihe Meecb as «n bk
C cotlre-e sod ualreralite* of
Menominee. Hkb. Sept. L-Tbc arUcka u( asBOcUtlfr...........................
shoe factory, tai
Stovec* Pnlrt, Wk.. Sept. C-Two 111illDg »
n* SCO* of Adam .WjrwMtl. Hike and wprk on
Anytkt. nged : and t years TUBpectlrelT.
war* drc-wikd while p)ayk« 00 the MO aad Leman, la., parties bold tbe
baifa* of tbe WiseomiD river Ikturfay. balsare of the stoA Tbe factory wUI
It k not known exsrily how tbe nc*4- give vM^eytaent «o »» bands.
desl happened. The hodke wore isIkshe M ae WaU.
ODtervllk. Ia.. SepC &^<ioven>or F.
M. Drake, who has tvmalaed qalcuy at
' Mortob. Ilk.. SepL L-Tbe boUetu eg hk borne her* knee bk recent r?twm
the Mortob eleetrle Ught plaut exptoded (rMetcMMcrflg>rtaya.Mq>kaeiabewyesterday aftarflocB. Two gtolt wm toy tki bnprovaoMSI It wa* axpecud be
tow^ughtor aar &
and Mg kSTum that be
m at obce
Praat Mt.. ad MsIbs MeNamwm'B akoa a
Angus McColl
TrottopyBBd Bond hMas* a aysdnlly. TbM doer wtat of Margus'e UvsiT Bbtu
Fine Farm and Draft Horses. Some
very fine stock at reasonable prices.
^ Tkj'i*
Sute Street, near Union Street
M Tkfl Biir. ^
I J. W. Psichto.
W. P.CPsMsr.
t. NMteca
tb* poall** •Ut*B)*Bla tb tbt
pan tow Oart Uat 8*c waa «*ar tot ibe eit;. Hi* ■so**b
Inr >B com
dlSoatt raaad dasoM
rant*, aod tb* tcn>4i
;pirw m^Sbf
to «olc« to Ohto bsSvpt. la iba
Attumoya at Law.
tUa racrolBc.
lo lb*
------------------- •
____ _ ______________________ jtaua U «o^e i>art
! OMms to Matagee Btock. Ttaranw CkJ. Ktoa
Baturdar that so sm wauM «o to vork. | ti^w aaaMtd ibai b* to t
Masacar Tan Bmac ooulif dm fa» a
(Vatu, a >-»unjr
_____ It to the Uteation et the silvan to
h the art of daaetog dnriug tbe
oavd that do tU
. Ind.. »w bJrh*d on tb«
and winter, and alrsndy many
ram* oDill after
Vtrtotu hon* and kllM o«n>
ocas, a (anoar of Emthsclaaa Over VM pMp1<
rua du»n- b ya aBitlaion
UBOK non ON paradi
<aod Obto awltch vneta* and taiallr tbe exblbltioa —Haatotiqi
BepL 11. IgiM. ___________
Leuit Convention Call Down
Wnth Upon Him.
TEW EtiEh UP n EZB D^£fHE^
Thcr* bavf bean aUered Iratidul*Dt
' eannn* entrtoa at CInctseatl of cherry
Cblrafo. Pepc C—liahor'a boats
, into* .......
will COM tb* (ortrsi
Na In column this momlog. marching \ b^'p^ boo.OOO and Bxamlnw Am*
down uichican anait* and Arksuo Appratocr Scholl* baT* baea called i
•I boalcthrd on their war to th* North*
r Pccrciaray Oaa* to npiau ho
■r' w’catcni ■taElon. there Uklne tb* train
Governor Tannor, of tUnola. baa rstuaed to make a rsqulslticn on Gtcat
^uln for one Pennlnaum. at tbe re*
«««M of Ctalcaao antborltlcs. becana* In
the lato case of tbe kind Cook county ivntubars. Sept. ».-Tb* Cntted Labor
ftusd to par tbe swpenae* and tbora to
arar-d marshals. Ed
X<ta««* of western Pannarlvanta at a
no state fund fee that purposs.
ward CarroU. for the Bulldtnc Trad**'
lar«^ attended and eaetUnc
coundl. and P. P. Doj-le, for th? ChiThe Vealber We May ~-y-n
alalit caTe.ezpraaaloB to aa open
coco FediVstton of Labor, and aids
WssUastoB. KnA c-poltowtna **• «
revolt atalnat Bamnel Oompen. pr^- The W.CWl marchers psJised
daat of tb* Amertcan Federation or La
•treets Used with hundreds of thm-bor, and raanr reflections and oglr aandi of people. ILe line of msirh
was tn Mlrhlaan avenue from Twelfth
ehatvea are made. It waa all ob ac
count <a expreerlone mnd* br Gomtwrs street north to Jackson boulevard: wen
ib referebc* to tb* recent con\-«stloo of In Pirtb avenue and north to the North
western station.
labor leaders at 81. I«u1a He to cred
ited with maUbK unklBd remartu about
ChMp Sato to OblcAC^ by iib« Lake
the catberlnc and oantln< rtflecUona on
We. the uDderslgnod
Bciuien Oroheetra of Grand Baphto.
cheerfully re^mend to the pablle
Prof Silver* aa teacher ei dancing and
I" ^
tboee who were (orcn,a*t In the meettnc- Gompera had a, tew'defender* In
t tb* meetiOA. and at one time there were
nmailu concarnlng- wiaicbodr beinr
tbrpwn outV>r the window. Dnrlns the
dtonu^un on a tropcalUoo to take some
action on Um>«I. Louis plattorre. U. P.
Carrtek. pr^ent of the i;iotberh»d
of Painters and Decorators r*T<-rrcd to
Oomper* as a -ptof-hatted, masr tool
of rsi>ltal." He said aiftvha •liber Iblni;*
that "President Gomper*. throusb Intarvlens andotberwto*.had rruvtd himaitf no true fiie^l of lalior.
C«apw» CalWd a Labor l^ir.
Ocmprt* hid uid that Debs and
Borarnlira are trylo*....................................
disrupt trade*
Dnlonv It
was dolna bto
to accumidish this. "1 want to
that It was not the trades unions
rome 1o the assistance of the mlnIn tbelr irreat Oxhi. but the areat
of organised labor, and dtlaens
D Interest In oraanlaaUona.
srtm bare
s. poUtlrlana. sewlof atr^
Shop workers and people front all crafts
name to the relief of the miners, and
tbalr cause would have been utterly
-lost bad It deiwndej on trades unluns
And such men as Gompera. It
to call a halt <» labor fakirs who
o *11
their ••m<e and thank 0<d t
an not like the poor'workinae
one belnr nepresentative ------- -—
mund Fosa. bto subject bcind "Poatsl
Savinas Banks' As at all picnlrw.
youna WiK.iatrto. races for nnlaa men only, for fat
men. for boys and a free-for-all a sat<c
nee. a Ihroe-leaaed rare, a hlab lump,
a slandir4: Jump, a runnlna Jump, a
be^i. Stef, and Jump: a inarrietl wumen'j
j race, and a rousts women's ccniulat dnaular prtse
tcieu in any cuniesi to the third prise In
the married women's cunsolatJon. belna
one lata* pair of sprlna Chicken*.
Pi. Louis. Sept A—Great prrparat:ons
were msd* tn PL Louis to cele
brate Labor Bay. and aeveral proml*
nent speakers wee* hsr* to make addresses, amooa them beli« Hon. Will-'
lam J. Bryan. A fsalure of tbe day
waa the monster parade, tn which II',.m participaied. At (he ewicluslo-i <t
the parade there waa spraUna. musL:
“'hnd athletic events aLj^nrordla park.
The day w«» obwrve^ veiT a*ner*1ly
at most of the piaess of busloesa tbe
Uerchants' Bxcbai.ai fciul bank* do«‘“n
tVben Prealdent Carrlcfc teisbed be
was arveted with roond after round of
applause. Toe follonlDa restriutiun of-
western Pentpylvanla
they art Inimical to tbe
f oraanized Ubor. and
.• Tortt. Pcpl. A-L*bor Day .
WiU Entertain Wedneadap
Hiffht, September 8.
- Prof. E. E. Sllven, formerly of Oraad
BapMa. ona of tbe moat cfBeient In•
tructufw u>
of —
danetny la tbe etato. to arranrlnr to
girt a
aa exbibiUoa. aaatoted
by bto daurhter,
iter.^Oonnba. of aU the
lateat and moo
moat arUatlc daneea. In
jraad Opera booaa.
ezbiblUoD will Inelnde forir different
danora and after tbe -.............................
hop wni be
girtti. The date to
il and the
tilcl here. The clearlne hruse. hark,
trodocUOD. The Boys' Haad Orchestra
and exebancea. and all similar ianltuwill furnish motic
sad h
c ^r.
Mr. BUvers
Mone w« closed, as well 'ai 'tbe nib^oghtar Imra crac here to. live as
treasuryf stray
efflee and ail other
branched of tbe federal service. The
Hall fer tbe winter, tbe price of ad-.
custom bouse keiu open we hour to the
tnUaion wUl be 1« cents and 1& cento
moralna for tbe entrance and clearsni*for reserved seats. Evcrvbody to welw to. The <
Permanent classes will be
tbe areal halUe for the emsncipatloa
L O.. 8epL
Of labor cannot be woe by trades uokms
The addrem to^ miners’ »j
.alone." It was deddtd to send a d^
cate to the Cbtcagn oonrentiun tu be ommcodlQa (be S&-cer.i r
held Sept.
and every dcUgate present ’ era for adoption did not contain i ■c siawas iBstnicted to urge hu local to do 'nature of Jamvr Carson, mtmlwr bf (he
tbe same..
) board from llUnoto. Inunln at tli
Win Keep Vp tb> Flpbl as Da Anatt.
| J** headquarter* drvHop* Ih* fS'
There was a raport
yeslerday chat aaenu of tbe New York [
o atuefa bto
aeveland Gas Coal___________
w-~ '
Mpeatute to tb* address.
workina amona the
deavortnc to e«t them to rvtum to work
at the &*-c«*l rate on th* prumlw that
Tcrre Hauie. Ind.. Sept, t.—Preldeet
^of lbelr wages which ars^ held
SSon fcpL» a^tbe «h“r^f*on
offaet this mova. and tbe campers’ mto-
Tbe Kortbera Miehlfan TranaportaOoB O. will iMse a round toip Slo
Travena Oty to ChJcaao.
dandna. and reftoebmenl stands are rood unUl Oetobw Itv Tt\» will innet lackJna. ^ formidable list of
*e meals and bertha.
10» et
crises t.i be awarded In lb* ailiVtlo
and Odd sporu has been pr^red.
There are also aorne* experiments at
and an alr-sblp exblMH.n.
'here was 1
bosrd of miner*. Tb* propoalllon of tbe
Pmsbatg operator*, he believes, ooetalns
tbe baiu cf a seitlemeoL but be deiJmi "CO adjustment of tbe strike
There was a large attendance at tbe
opera bouse. Friday erenlcg. to wi*nara tbe dancing exfalbltkm given by
Prof. E. E. Silvers and bto acuompliibed dangbt^. LitUc Corrine. Tbe
r of the
- -. ____ ring and Lit
taatobaJ all bv bar clever week
In perfurmloff all tbe most di«<
-.flicuit move
Its with ease and grace. Thev are
famUiar with all the modarn dance*
the little lady, although sllgbUy
■posed, waa p^ect in everj- dance,
proferaor has been socecrafnl
be has formed a class, to a
genUamaui who to upright in bto boalneas dealioga,
le raturn
hara again to orgaaizc a classI sriU iw
eeiva hearty eupport.
Those preaeat |
enjoyed a social h<^ after the exbibi-,
o_. g(j,era and daughter have
raekinae Uland this week.
wUI go back to work until the strike to
aalUed. Captain I'rlab BlUlnabam. In
(Marge of tb* camp at Plum ctwk. said
last algbt: "I think it woiQd b* foolish
j “•
if tfie miner* A.,
but tn any even >Tju can be our. that |
w* will keep ui ihe flabc aaatnsi De ' Wajblr«tcn.lnd..Sept. 1—Aficrtaklr«
E. E Silvenand danghtar. UtAimll until w*
two day* O tty tl
Ibne of Grand BsphU. gave a
jSslurday t**u<d an Ipjurill
aghlrw 1 dancingr czbibitioa
czbibitioc at
ai the riuk last
Van »)llornaiid evening fallowed
s M.^enna.
McDenna. William
r**d by a hop. Prof Bilktr,g
mine---Mew J-kuw .St* Orlaa rutmatotod to »--- ’ Otobteen other Mrlktr.g (v?al miners.
•bters' arc
tbe champion
( They are prohibited from Irtrrferina
of America
nerica and ckalany manner with the i
lenaer* of tbe worl
____ ,___________
by Cal»I * Co. or with the c
sa forty different round daoeca
high In cval ralnlca circles over tbeprub- ;
of Usemlnea
insing a* well aa entertain
aUe resumption cf work in the mines
ing. A large crowd atended Ueir per
tbrouatiLui ilK country, tn antiriiwtlon
formance last evaning.—Dally Besortof s sHileoitct ai Columbus next
TW Tra KlTuto tor tb. Prauato ef lb.
Pv»oskey. Atignst IT.
Wednesday another plan has been aagriato.
gtslcd l-y a rvbreaeniailve of uo* of the
Chicago. SepL (.<-BoMon.''«»; BalUlargest Ljmraicis which will h* agitated
•nsal to the re*j*ecllv( per- <nl
: night by tbe large crowd that attesded
iffimraiaiely alter the mcD rstura
hat are at the head the dancing exhibition at Lewis Opera
work. It w
ttoll vulumn. Tbe Eouae.
Prof. Silvers bas graceful
ranted tc Use Joint convention of opera
tors and mlneis whk.b U to prop>«ni bi '
riub In the list bas a iwrcenlage dancing reduced to a selpnee. SUvexs
and Corlnoe exemplify tbe •• poeuy of
bold iKxi jsecvmbtr. 1b urdtr to come of «» The club standlrA foUows;
to as undcrsundlng on all qurallcn at .
Ptoy.d Won Lo»l. P. C motion'' with acadence and grace that
laue seiatait wag. ataks are UT Ik
Boston .......................112
.M cannot be excelled —CharlevoU benUformuUlvd for esch mine. The scale to BaltiDxra ................IW
.CM oel. August ii. ISDT.
to provide (nr tneratt to W paid fur
4b* eiitlrv year, and any aperial conccsaloos that aiv to be mad* are le be
Agreed upon by th* mlnets and tbe oparMon and so it'eclAid In the acale
Tbe scale Is to U an adjunct to Um
raUformlty agrecmcol which to cxnertMl
to be in fo- - —
.0 will be
maop by the operator* In the hope of
pulUbg. all tbe safeguard*
agalBH s probable strike, it to weli
■n>hs( there arc no two mine* in
the saUre district where the c
ar* sxacUy alike, ntejmlformlty agree
ment eeven the general points, but even
sritb Its sztotenec Been* operators would
be autdected to dUBenltlca while oUivr*
•roold have special . adrantages. The
scale to to cover all ibsae pomu. tbe pri-
................ **
I ClnMnnaU ................IM
[Cleveland ................ IW
[Chicago .................... lU
[ Brooklyn ............... tU
i Pittsburg ............... 107
1 L»u>ra-‘Ue ................lU
' Wasfalngioa ......... 4M
Bl Louto .................. Ill
Latest Lngue scorss a ' as follows:
At WaablngioB-Loutovill 7, Waablagurn 7-ten iminga. darfcO' *: at Broeklm-C3i!rago s. Brooklyn :
—Ptllsburg 2, Baltimore T;
phla-<'1rveland T.
■ Pbl
" .Dade
leipbla 4;
tan—fanclrnatl A Boston
7i M M*W
York—8L Lovli 1. New York
B’Mera League:
. *.
* 4. Columbus 1»: at t
e friecdly feeling ber
nad re-' -~Eanaa* Clly L DeUolt
game! Kansaa city S, Detro
iUrApoU*-8L Paul A indl
Bt. Paul t I
PbUlp Stambangh. a nousln of Pi^1. (Bunday) At Grand ftapldr—Kontas
taty U. Grand Bapida U: at Mllwaake*
-Detroit t Mnwauke* 12; at Coltimbo*
*L Paul L Columbus A
Wertern A^rtatlor: At Cedar Rap
e WbeMlng dlvtolon of the
BaUimora and Oble raSropd. srouU be id*—Ttwfctord A Odar Rapids to at
sAed to go to work (bit mendeg at tb* QnlRcy-BurUcgion A~'Qnlncr 14: at
Mraflt rate. He was not pttparad to Psarto-Dbbuqoe.T. Peoria 14; at Dee
Melre*-^l Jeotpb t De* Holoes lA
sag bow many^ea wontiPgo b
(Riicdayt At
enpts a a
' T»a. aBMOMd tpore tban n vaek age
that be *reaM fraamt ararfc Inito alnra
Psnrto SI;' nt Das mtnia » Jrae^ 1
Das Mnlnaa U.
Prof E E Silvers and danghtar
Corinne gave aa exbibttkm of r«nod
daoelng at Ooold City Monday esaalng.
over #00 attending. U waa a eraditable axhibitloa, little Coriuie'a danelng
being ezeellcrt for oaeeo yonng. vriiUe
tbe preftnaor showed blmaalf n n
• art
A da____ __
tbe exhibition.—SL Igi
Ju'y SS. ll«.
Prof. Edson E SUvera. aaatoted by
bto wife and daughter gave a finished
exhibition of damdng at tbe opera
bouse Wednesday aighL Tbe akUl of
Mr. Silver, asauneberto weU illnatrai^ by tbe fineneas of the little girl’a
work and Mrs Silvera, who to nUo a
pupU show, r^id advnaesaasL
have often benra Prof, ffilvsra spoken
of in Grand Enplds. Mieb.. but
hnd tbs plananre of wltnciaiag bl
to tbe^^nnUl last Wednradsy ^bt
hiUUon at the opera house. Wednes
day cventog. Tb* Prof, gave tbe fortjr
round lianera nlona. then many of
them vrlUi Mn. Htvera. Idttle Mias
Oorinne ako exhibited her skill and
knowledM of barainl of tka lateat and
flUMt bSiaaabto round daneea to a
obOTk^ iMitilirT. Barraovemsnt to
P^. SOT*ntowiUioa<nUnbt the b
An AMsBinentiii*Want Depnrtmnntc.
a. a> toelr pimmra
. P. A-MRtnU.
Tiai'i«w*CUy. Mlek.
Tnieise Bij Uie of Steainat
cotse Kuan.
LT.TjsjjrwOlT.............................................. I »ssw
II maw
II Asm
Is known to be Effective.
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