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The Morning Record, September 01, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Fire tale aotblan Ooae.
Tba MUwankee Oofolag Co. whSeh
-------4 •aonredarednetloBof
UoeaM from tba
~^SD«TUnU OATJI A TOn SZRX- oonaell hat dlmmotlnaed
baeiama 1^ ATETBOBmifi XATB A OLVS
^mov 09 HXATT SXXTXirO. the Broach bloek aad left the elt;.
Thli waa oaa (A tbcae eoaeeraa which
nar«d Toe Fut aiu lor tha Ohl- ooold not eoatlnne to do a profitable Two XyoUrlou Xen.to a Wf W«e
«•«« Anr«t4ttoa-<>fo«ko"
baalaeet kero baeanM tbelr nu
•een XMrlag From fihepheid 00
Smjt Bat TMton OenU Vet Bi edbld aot bo; tpaea U the loaal atweKonlag of the VtudRwTwo Xen
WetktBO Sfltatf*el7-«ht FMtatw papero to adrortiae tbelr good# la «
«m teen to Drive Awn; in Orent
poUtioa with tbe loenl merehnata ■
War* Fine ftoldiarhelp airport the oit; and im inrtltn.FwflTalBalafajraalatdar it iookad
< IDeh., Aognst SL-Wbnt
M tbon^ tba taw Iroia Cbtearo
appeare to be a good ttnee Of Blmer
Lodiagtoak Hmvf Loon.
wooldbaahatoaV Bafora titay took
StrabUk mnrde^me bee at ^t beei
A fire ]
thalr tam at tka tat'ls U>a alxUi tha
feend. On the morning ef Ua mnrder
aeonatoed llto0 Ikteror ei Tnrana tbe baeketfootor; plaat in lAdtagfon. Qeorga BaU. who works for K. L. Lon
IneladlBg a large ^nanUt; of atocb don. a farmer fonr milee norfowest of
''JodM’*8eAealdt waat la tkc bo<
1 ia foe jnrda. A large amoai
bore, stotea that he bad Jaat get ont of
' arata for tba riaitora witk tba datarnlmaaafaotared prodaet in etomge
aatiaa of wtnalar. w at Uatt -abowiar
eared ai wae tba brlek power
tba Tiawaa hoft that tbara wu a
w. Betlmatad' lemdto.ooot Inaar- to be Silfi. Joat then a donl
food fame or two left ia hla atroef anoa, M.ooo.
eanpp; rig. with two horeea, dc64e b;
left ann. It waa aot to be, howerer,
toward Shepherd. Beeonld not eee
aa U» HoaUM bad alao made up tbelr
the oooopentsbetat6:iBn. m.. wbUe
Bilada to aometblai. aad 'tbat eomemilking oows near the lead, the
tblar waa to hit tbe ball. And bit the Total Taxaa OoUeeted Vp to Laat Vight rig drore b; at fall speed going anth
baU tbe; did: rlfbl bard. too.
toward Mt Pleasant. The horeea
OoUected la
Watklupltebed^d fonr btta were
both ba;a, both awaatlng. aad one
Same Period laM Fear.
aU tbe Bdfare ooald make from him.
bad a white tote-fool. Two
The reoelpU of tbe ofBee of Oit;
Tbejbaaahad tbne'ot tbam ia tbe
. alxtb iaalof aod fot one ia the aav- keasarer Winnie ataoe tbe tan roll
oath and ia no other innlaft di< the; waa plaoed In hia haada thU snmi
Mfo a black dorb; bat palled orer bit
hare aceeeded to a eoaAdamble amo
aaoeaad ia teoebiaf him at all.
eyes. Be ooald not eee foe other man
' The atar plajr of tte fame waa a fine foe total token la daring a similar dUUnetl;, bnt says be was large, hear;
period laet .rear. Tbh ■eemi to n^e
mnniiur cateb of Pariaj*a line bit
and qnito oorpoleoL Ur. Undon sa.\-e
Ball in the third laolaf. The ball that there la mme mOner in ’
be aaw the samp rig going north. Ur.
than last gear and that propert; ownwaa hU hard and almoat oa a llna to
Waldrtm and Ur. Depne, farmer* lirare
foirlfbt oaatar aad Cbrerfot It while oa a
Ing on the aame ro^ a mile farther.
deadna at a rlfbt a^e with tbe balL ■ometlmepasL The total amoont r^ MW foemabortl; after S o'doek. A
Lonla Batbarfotd plajed ia left aad eelred ap to last night at foe closing Mr. Nenma rrsiding at Boeebaih,'
bad tear pat-oata ta hla <ndlt; one of hoar was dSS.OOO. The toxea paid la etotos he met them abont ft:45 a. m.
b;!aiBall propert; owners is largel; in
tbam rlfbted tbe faaea.
the Willow Fkrm. a mile and a
mas of last sammer, which U alao half 4hU side of Ut...Pleaaaot. drlrlng
TMfmada a tnacatAof a foal fl;
eridenM that tiM are gniwlng rtrjtMMi. ThemormnentoofthUmyeU tbeiercatb lanlaf.
Belmea for tbe rialtora bad fire pat betttt'. Fromtoda; 1 per cent addi torlens part; bear oat the Ueor; that
tional will be charged on all taxes
la hie padttoB in left deld.
foe mordcr wae oommluod near 4;:o a.
Pa^ waa plaoadattbe
m. Tbe rig eosld eaUl; make tbe trip
battlaf Uatpaateidaraad
between foe boaia stotod and get oet
wru. XA^ xiLBm.
hU appndatkai of the honor b; makof Sbephord before daylight. Ofieen
laf three him. one of them a two-baf- Xastten and Ooitt Are To Ooae To are working fok cine rvy eload; and
for. HnU did hie bem to help Parka
good reealla are expected.
gether For Bevaral Oamee.
, to aeore b; makiof tbe imme anmber'
Tbe Bnstiere meat foeir rid rirals.
of bite, two of them balnf doablea.
Boat alao made three blta, ia fire foe Colu, in Mehlstoe Banda; a^
.Umee at bat, and Salfka two in tbe Monday, and foe Coltt will oome'here Who Monhed To a Xiae Against feft'tr two garaeatbext week. Tbe Trsreame number of llmea op.
forts Of Dnputieo To Step Them.
Clty boye are a oonple of games
Tbe foailade thatfreeted ■'Jocko” in
Plttabnrg. Aagaat 81.—I'nder leader
tbe drat lantnf would bare diaoonrafed behind and they don't want to flnlsb
ship of Bmma Baas, the Joan of Arc of
moat piteben bat be merel; remarked, tbe aeaaob that way witbont a atroag'
Camp leolatloB, twenty-firs women,
-if tbe Seldera can't reach them the; effort toget at leasteren. Let'erer;
rooter forget-pmet troablea and tool for wires of the etriken, marched to the
mnit behlta,” and let it fo at that.
mine back of Center foie morning and
tbe Bastlers.
Parka had a new aUek with him
encoeeded in Indncing four miners to
try; |t U a aecond band one ni
These Two Are Xow One.
jqnlt work. The women rrere stopped
and'fall ofdenmfrom aereral bampa
On Satnrda; erraing Uim Edna
times by depaUea bat forood
afalnettbe ball. Parka madetba drat
one when ha bit for two baaea and Ball Gardner and Frank Plemon were nnited in marriage at tbe realdence of foe
another whan ie did tbe eame
parenu of the bride, on tstb
aeored I’arka.
Qlanto Today aad Tomorrow.
Watkine kept ap tbe food work aad The eereoton; was performed by Bar.
Manager Keboe baa ananged for tbe
Aid tbe aame thing while Care; aeored. Howard Uoore of foe Friends ehi
two daue with the Caban OianU
WaU; aeored alao when UebWeo drop Tbe young coople are bring eong
It was originally toped Whoeler'ed; and BddleUaded on Utod by a large nambor of good nnd HnsUen.
toaded to bars a gams .today
' eeeond. Bant waa bit b; tbe pitcher, friends.
another Saturday, bat it k now ar
and Ton; dew ont to left Adami got
ranged so that the games will be today
dietoaSteUmaa'eerrot. Then Salfka
aiatfod aad Boat aod Wheeler ecored. WiU be Oivan by Piwt X S. •Ureis and tomorrow. Ereryone wbo
attend wUJ be ears of the beet kind of
Bathmfoid wae bit b; a ptubed ball,
and Dangtator Oorinne.
baae ball. Tbe Giants are defeaUng
aad he and Adama aad Salfka were
ProL B. S. Stlren, who oondoct
almoat errry amatear team they b
..40ft when Parka and Bull were retired
danei^ academy In Grand Bapids esr- bet tbe klndot baUfoe Hmtlera
on their oeeond Ume at bat in ttaa Ineral years, has eoms to Trarerss City playing will kee> them playing foe
b; Snlfka^ Parka and Ball,- a to stay aad has leased foe ball in feriarUcle___________ doable elenl b; the two latter and n Btolaberg-s Grand Opera Honse for the
. Xetnmed From Oennany.
oonple of paaeod balla gnre the home winter. Be U aoeampenlsd bj hU
ebarming daaghter. Corinne. aad foe;
Bar. Alex. Zogelder of 1
team two more in fop thliA.Tbree more were made In the fonrfo are preparing to glre an exhibitioa of wbo has been making a rkit u
oa another hit b; Parka, a eingle each roand danoee la the Grand Opera Bones n^re ooontry in aoafoem Germany
next Wednesday erenlag, to be follow, for the past three months, returned
b; Norota; aad Bant, nad baaea
od byaaocialbop. They present
yeaterday, reporting a rery pleasant,
bnlla to Wheeler aod Bntherford.
forty diflerant danoee and will form
In the aUth Boll’e two bagger, two
rinse of {nsiraetioa.
orrora b; Baniab aad one b; Kraagi
fare the Boatlera two more, total If.
Omnd and^riaTam# /nrors.
Giants and BasUers in tbe
Tba risliora atarted their ran get
The Trarerse juon far October term Twelfth Strset Park thk aftemoon.
ting in foe aixth. Gantecbnw reached
leen City Ckmp, No. STS, B. N. of
dret on Wbeeler'a error, Farle; hit for of Coiled StatM Oistrict Coart
two baew. and ao did Krueger. Oant- drawn Monday. Ueary W. Stowart of A.. wiU meet tonight in Moaugne
eehaw aad Parle; scored.
Sshmldt Bellaire, W. L. French of East Jordan, Bali.
made a afogle aad whea Bant threw
Alderman ud Mra..A B. Cook re
Oameron of Cfaarloroix. and fobn tamed last ai^t from thrir oamp at
to catch him Kroeger ecored.
U tbe eemfo Llebbeln drew a bade Wards of Petoakay, are those o)mb Glen Uke.
OB balla and a wild pitch eent him tc from this ririnlty.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. J. Bogws ars entorCharles K. Back of Trarerse City, aT
aeoond,‘ The next two men fanned.
trinlog a new comer in their fomlly. an
Farle; tingled and went to aeoond on a 0. Wheeler of Manktoe, Wm. B. Lee elerea noand boy.
paaeed ball and Llebbeln aeored. Far of Harbor Sprtnga, aad O. A, Lake of
Tbe anneal meetlagof the Woman's
le; took third OB a wild pitch aad Sherman bm among those drawn on
Foreign Mlarionary eoriety of foe M.
•oared when Kraeger bit to eeeond the Grand Jnry.
E ehnreb wUl bo postponed tiU
baae, aad Parka, thinklag there wae a
man oa drat held tbe baU. Bobmldf
The famlllee of Mark, MUo. Bnot and
Joseph Eakrrright, a lad aged eight
years, lirtag in BaUey, near Uoriiegoo, Barrey Cartls enjoyed a drilgbtfal f
haa been adjadgsd Insane, nnd rrUl be anion nndpleaie on tbe peaissnln yaetorday.
plaeed in tbe Korfoton XUfoigan
lam, fok city.
The etonm barge Alloa urTHu k
losrilng a cargo of hardwood lumber
The C. A W. X Bailway Oo. k pre- from Hanaab A bag Co’s, dock for Blt-
. Chicago XafoeL
C^kngo, Aagntl II—Wbern
•Oe:^ Soptomber, MKc;
Con-Angast. 80c:' September, <Be;
Decemtwr, Bt@ke.
Oato-Aognet, iBKe: Septombm,
leXc; October, ISUe.
Pock-Angnet; fo-WT;
Lnrd-Aagmt. 9tn9KBeriv-Cneh. Mo. 8. »8940o.
Bye Oneh nad September, foUe-
A: a. UeOoy A Seo are
tre of pototoea to be ehipped to foo
IndisB^Us markok The price paid
■00 thirty cents per boebeL
Tbe members of foe Bridge BaUders
are reminded that tbe regolnr menthly
meeUng will be held thk erealng at
foe boau of Mka Alice Omsrford. j.
Mine yonng Wye and rlris ware
brought np from Coldwnter yosterdar
' 1 token to bomoa In dlfferant
parts of Omnd Tmrecee and Leeli
T. H. A. Tr^ea has taken poiiiiiiin
of hk aaw dwaUlag on West Smnfo
etteot and hie roeldonoe on Webster
street baa bean leneedb; John Vein-
tori> of foe liostoa Store.
Jea. Kale;, brmkaman so the M. A
K. B-, who hm horn norel^ a rerr
fandl; sprained ankle for tbe pmt ton
dnjra, onased la the jmrds wblU ewttoh.
lag. retnmed to hU dnOee ng^ ;eetaedn;.
e. OohoB. fonMri;ofthmolt;.
runlng a eien in Kalkaakn, will more
bnek tothUcit;eaaa and open np a
olothlng nad |^m fnrebhing store
ngnln. He^wUl attll eontiBae to oon*
dnet a store in Kilknaka
'■DntldyUarriok,'' one ^ the prettlaall and most
antortolnlag of
dies, will be glren by the F
Owen eompany la Stolnbergk
tbU nftomoon, beginning at ItlO.' This
erealng. “Tbs Lore Cbase.”
Ceptoin Kinney, tbe night.
OB foe West Side, hU bee^giren lenre
of nbeenoe for a short time to ran foe
tog boat of foe Trarerse City Lnmber
U filling hia fathar'e place rary effeeUrel; In foe
The Ladles Home and Foreign Ukaionnt; society of the Oongregatlonal
ehurch maeto fok nttemooa at s o'clock
with Mra Prank BamUton at Sonsat
Cottage. A eordlal Inritotlon U ex
tended to the annoal thank offering
The management of the base ball
team has worked bard to glra foe rit;
a first clam ball team. Tbe effort has
been a great enreeae and we claim foe
beet amstonr team in Michigan. Bnt
tbe nttondanee k mlsersbly light. Why
not get a more on ns, and fill foe
grounds as that foe Bnetlare can rioae
foe ecaaon with a brilliant flonrkh and
quit with a snrplns to pay the boye for
their good rroricT
After. Xlondike Wealth.
Frank Bdgeeomh and Walur Laamll i
of Mapleton, are among thoae who see
a fonoae before them l« the grid
fields. They etortod Taeeda; far Brit
ish Orinmbta.
Bkhop OilUspie WiO U Bma.
Bkbop GUiesrie wUl hold aerriota
thk rrening at Grace Epkeopal ebarch.
All ere inriied. .
Two Deelreble boasM. token
aartgagea, will be arid cheap if bought
oon. A ebaner to gel e borne on eery
erma—E W, Uastloga.
0« St
Enta GliBin BT Loy8lty~
“At Buffalo on Wednesday, as all could net persoaallF
greet President McKinley, a long chain of veterans would
gmp handsTand the one nearest him would give the Presi
dent a corcial shake."—/itm. We have an endleM
stock of school supplies that Monday will be passed from
hand to hand.
•90 FfKN«T •TMErr.
Paul’s Inl^ I
Just Received, lat^e assort
ment. New Thing. Good
Thing. Nonspillable.
Haskell’s Bookstore
Fur Collarettes....
Are Very Stylish-We’ve the only
$3.--to $10.'
.-Mew Oenka and Oape^ ri...
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
..V^^e Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the milling
basiness, we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan onr....
flour. Send in an order.
Watered Stock Sale
of last week. Macybargaisi
left tor yon to pick ap.
... .27
Hu's AU W(«l E
; PaDt*
Mujsa^^prms Puis«
n^ Leaf Paata awd eur.
M.W West PsBt ■
ft.n Weel Pula
.. M
. .25
. .29
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will obserx'c in everything in our New Meat
- Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats. '
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse CiQr
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of aU '
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriage!
aod Saws. A complete SaW Mill Plant for sale.
No Larger Nor Better
Selection of..
<a—.-School Shoes
in the city than can be aeeq at
TU MOBBIHO MOOBD, wasniBWr. SHRmnaB i, imi.
it It Rtmmbtf^l by tht Hen.
Benjamin A. Harlan.
that he khowa an the HIchlsan people
in WaehlngtML
Tbe judee and hli wife hpt
•- TTashtagtoB Grove. »
emuty. Hd.," twenty nUles (rom^^
IsgUo. OB the B. and O. railroad, but he
•Un reUtns hie pellUeal reatdenee and
the Fourth ward of Grand
a’ernoB." «id Mr. Waller Howard.
um Mia «a
newipaper man of
- li aun na r-uud
WMtalBKtotk. Axis, a—Boa. Benlwnlii 1 have ever witnessed. 1 was down the
river with a friend a.tew algbu ago.
and the boat was sllvc with a gay
crowd of yoqng people, chsttlng. laughmiUsm A. sod asrali B. Hsrtan. pnm- ins and keeping up such'n merry hub
iMBl loeiBben of ttae r«ll«Mu Bodrtjr bub that one almost {qrgot the butorie
of rrt*Bd». sotDftbDcs csUtd Qosken. surroundings and the beauty of the
botli BSllrM of (he atstc-of Brnrylsad. evening.
"The steamer gracefully ronnded the
H« wu bora OB a tatn at ralWoB.
Md.. April lA U»T. He attended private bend In the river, and as twilight was
glvlas way to tbe aofier rays of the
•chotda occaatoeallr aed acquired the
ndlmcaU (the three riA) of as l£BsU<h
•dacailcB. He rcmeisbeTi the caBopalcB
cf 1M4 very welU when (be hope mbf
“Oear the track, torl*dk roofa plaea
To HarTT Oay and rreUashayaeo.EDa father was an atdant adaxlrer of
Bearr Oay and wept tretiy when be
waa AetaaUd.
IMT aed itU ratms
Bariaa wai a mall carrier on the route
tren Jenual» BUI* to PaUatoe. and
oairied the Bern of the MexteaB war
bard winter is UarylaBd) be walked
UT^ day two and a half miles toaebeoL
aM IB October, ua. emlsrated with Ms
parenta brottwr and tour .listeia to
Wayse eeanty, Blch. He worked on the
(arm atteBdlnc "deestrlch KbooT uatll
October, m*. wbte tbe late W.B. Selby,
pcatmaater at Fanniasic
Mm as asstetaat and clerk
Balbr was rumored to the iprtBS
nroush the (rlecdahlp and influeecc
0< tbe Rev. Heory' 1.. Hayward he fouhd.
a place In the oAce of Hoheea A RobinaoB at |U per anwin. to perform the
dutlei of aleck «< il.eprobate court. The
RrirU^ of mndyins taw wai Included
ta tw eoatruet.
P6w to pay tJS per week board and
SM ciothca etc., tcooi that aatery was
|be hardcM problem .‘Tlea'' ever bad to
deal wttb. tnthaataiy he war promoted,
/ Jndse BoUbbob eoaelodlas to board Urn
w admutad to tbe
tar opoD eaamlaat
iB open court be
fore the Bon. Jodah Turner, circuit
Ridee. IB ColllB* ban. Orasd Bapida
Fred A. Helna Eoq.. aew of Muakesoa.
belas the other candldala Colonel Oeorse.
Gray. Hon. John W. ChampIlB and
LeoDard Bremrax. Bag, were the ekamInera He made qteechei lor Lincoln
and Hamlin In UM.
Ob FepL II. ISM. iB old 8L Marks
church. Grund Rapid*, he wai married
to Him laicr. U. Blak^ce. thee ainwher IB tbr Cclon echiol. During tbeee
early etrusslrs the Hon. P. R. L. Pierce,
then, and -tor fourteen ye*r*. county
‘ ■“
- - .
ir.aod post-
deputy regtsier of deeds cf ifeni gounty
and coptlnoed to bold that offler for ten
•ycaiu Wlcwlng. In April, IBdZ. be srai
Mseted Justk* of tbe peace for tbe Third
ward of Grand Rapids. In 18*4 he waa
slecied Judge of probate of Kent ccunty.
recHvtag upwards of COO majority and
1^ R-eiected tn tttt. nnd ngaln In tSTt
balng tbe Brri man to hold that office
ame than right yearn. His majority in
un wms.i.400. and In in MW.
8tx Mm th« Vlethnt of
ToMion of VAriout Kindt
of OutttwFy.
aaaAtMBmMtyWkM'th* 1
lifc !•
rs Mesa Save Met fm rafcssww
(b* Haade i>t tbe Msideiws it
. by Maasshtb.
•n W>o Ambuah a Party af onwemPnrie mta OSbr* gSOO Bawaid lar Wbat
May Caw Maay Uvea.
Uttlr Rode. Ark.. Aug. It.—Six
» the wild*
sf the u
ounty Budday afternoon. Tw« were klllcff' out-
uaesi a -the baaOia had- dflappsu..^
as waU as two of the depoty ■harlfta.
Tbs lattsr bsre not slaec been beard
from and are beUered eitber to bare
bsee killed or wounded afid taken away
eapOves by the moonshlnera
Pack hurried to RuawUvlUe with tbe
sewn, and the ccroncr. together w1
Mierirs pease, immediately started for
the scene. No news has been received
Ance they departed. Pach thinks tbe
Renfrew brothers will be dead before
the party reaebca them. It was
d by Horace Brace and John Church. wo of the
•S o.,,
yesterday asked to offer a reward for
the arrest of the gang, to wbldithe cute
Will comrUmte. and a dflrnntnrj effort
vaptur. them. It is very
prelalOe that tberff.iti will lead to furtber bloodffittL-'CaptsIn Taylor waa an
ex-enruio in (he Fed. raj army. He bad
Smokers I
^AopizA Uiiws
---- -
leate and Groceries
Orders b|i TeliphoN Promjtlj
Wfl 'or desd 01 u two hiltv n;y»!trinuAy and wa»
disappeared and are. either dead or be- Cooper bar received the lollowlrjt tele
Cor. VaManmaibgis.
lag held captive by thes bloodthirAy
iMuuuimrvty gram from lb( atlon.ey general
Waihingtcr: Expense of perw. subject
bandlu who committed tbe
to executive approval, not tc exceed U.and avay Uad of——
The killed are: Captain B.
WO authorised. Five hundred reward
of Searcy county, a deputy Oplted auiborUed tor capiutv and deli'
BUtee marshal; Joe Dodson., of 8ta» msrrhal uf all persons impileatcd
sounty. a deputy marsAsL The fatally murder. Nc^coa."
jrounded are two brothen named Ren
frew. of Bearer county, fte names o<
alwapu ia stodL
Chicago, Aug. n.—In spite of tbe many
Dead March from Saul to the solemn | tbe mlaslog mtn are not known, but columns of free adveruslng be has reOPKX BAT AXXl glOBT.
Intoning of the s
they are supposed to be deputy sheriffs celred la the papera the man claiming
- *W. JATmi ^TJS,
alwnyu tbou^t t
from an aldkUnlrg county. The vtctlmi to be Fiancls Bcblaettcr, alUs "RattleIhsplrlag cdumonlM o
could witness wet« all officers, deputy United SUlm anake BIU." alias "DUmond Bill* failed
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
was tbe striklag of i colon at suu-, marshals and deputy sberiffa and tbe to draw a crowd yrsierdayat Maabatun
‘down on one of tbe i B-of-war. with , men who dW the awful work of carnage Beach hotel: Mere than that two oi
and the craAi are moonshiners of tbr boldest and three Denver men nay he ts not Scblaeimost despeiate class. ‘The scene of the ter at alL Mure than that be cures nc
bloody crime Was a gulch or lavlae In one. to it U suted. Btlll further, he does
the mounulns of Pope county, nt an not profess to bir n "divine beakr." al1 tribute to patriotism that none o
IsoUtcdrpot (hirly-nve.mlles fr-tm Rus. tboogb be claims to be Bcblaettcr.
aellTllle. the nearest telrgraphalBce.aDd
LMtw carrtms to MeM at 'Fitoe,
Ua miles from Will Springs.
Awd Wberv Was Us -e.rsM MetspWashington. Aug. n.—AnnouBcemeat
le yesterday from the fatadguarThe region has fr.r yean been the fabe National AasocUllon of Letvortte rendesvous for counterfeiters and Itrt of tbe
duiricl In
U which no ter Carriers U this city that the annual
twen lei to a iocsr builder, and the ^boBshlnera and a dUlricl
work cm tbe reconstruction of Wi uh- law-abiding dusen could live. Veteran coaventton of the carrier* will be held
from Bept. < to 11. San
Ingtun's home will be commenced e «rly.
was chosen uriglually.
tn the fall under the dlrvrUnn of
Mount Vernon Ladles' aasoclatloe. 'This Carolina. Tennessee and other etales. »»««• Chicago was aubstJtuied and ye»settled In that mountainous coun- t«*4ay as tbe result of a coafcrcBce by
action laws derided on nl the last meet
ing of the atuoclatloB. A thorough re- try
-- ___
was decided u
o the Paclflc coast.
habllltnlloB. Involving no amnO nmoust of whlshr- Couniertell*rs ___
From this date this boat
of strengthening. Is planncid. Tknt tbe erated thVre and criminals of other
will 4iot make regnlar
latter A necessary is deznonstrated by classes hare taken refuge In the hllU I niaOMoBe. Mkh.. Aug. XI.—Testerkay
tbt. appearance of signs of decay in of Pope county. For yean It has been moralag Ove Ftnlaaders were drowned
cection* with tratos oo M. &
conAdered tbe wont and most danger- la the- bay oppoAtc the furoncs by the
N. E. Fisbiag parties, bow*
•rnpiete reMpratlcB eta aeclton In the stale. 'Tte oOcers capidaaig of a mil boat. .Tbetr ni
have been prepared -br T. MeDoa Rog- for a tong time have been trying to are; Gus Erickaon. John FandL
ever, can make arrangements
am. a PhlUdclphla cotealal-archltect. break up the lawliisnm to that Tidal- ' Andenofi. John -Uenansoa. Botp S
for the use of this handsome
under whose superrUlon Indepectdeocs
yacht, by^commonication by
M~-l Well, toii Lm BW USB.
mail or i^re. with
Captain B. F. Tv >or. tbe riciest mmn
of the Mount Vernon Ladles’ amoclatlon. erhkh conslsto of Msry T. Bameu. In Searcy omnty and a man of modi
George JTHr, a grain trimmer, was
ckalrman; Rebecoa
Flandruu, act-' prambieDce. determined to aid the otB- cut to plrces by, an electric enr nt Chilag chairman; EUeuor W. Harrtooar -eers in putting doan crime la mat sec cago.
Leland. Mich.
Alice Hill. K. A. floldsborough and
About lOf canary birds were suffocated
Harriet C CumeygS. Mr. Buffers made deputy United States marshal and led In aflreai Chicago, parrotsar.d monkeys
a careful inspection of Mount Vernon the pussc IB ihe raid that rcsuiicd in In the mine store were rescued.
and discovered a eUte of affairs that bis death. A few days ago a niooeaEarthquake shr,.ks In China and Ja
amaxed 'KIm as a colonialist, exquis ful raid was made In tbe same locality pan. fullowed by a tidal uave. caused
itely carved wirk was covered with In which n dosen muonshlnHr* were great lo*t rf life and er.ormous damage
several coats cf paint, dellfately tinted captured and brought to Little R.ick. to properly.
... with
___ three
____ One of them told the officers that at
walls were plastered over
neorge W. KoBock. one of the oideal
H3. F.ALjSrC3-i30R2Sr.
mparate kinds of wall paper, and a* >««st gfly large distilleries were o|«rithigh as eight OI ten different kind* and : *»* •" *he same nelghhurhood Tayliir. hulvlkceper* as well as one of the oldest
l•locr«re ir the Wlscocrlo valley, died
raophinog or rug
coats of paint e-re dlacnered to have' »“h hi* p«a*.-. |.>caled a large meoa- at
Merrill, Wla
been j>u1 on at various limes on doors I hhlne outftt Bsiurdsy night and deetdeff
The steam barge aiy of Bangor la
other carved woodwork.
raid un Sunday In daylight.
way from Cbiragu to Buffalo srith
F*MU* AABiia. ITS.OPO buthils Of corn, the targiA cargo
e yaln{f waa
carefully scraped? off.• !i ■__ _ - - - _.r7T
-----Anar of Uniou bud Buy StreeU.
. _
ever carried
carried on
on the
the Ukea.
Akx.cdcr irebtk of Company C and tear M. A K. K. depot, wAhss to an«« «•» f
‘5! rv*.
. J»hn Kehm. e.f Company K. First regl- manes to the pnbtA tbit be has re- go^BaelsgTMCUpv-OMtl—rosr ^
advanre of
.. Us n,,oL 1. N. G.. were drowned-ii
_________ ihe lake
"bglnM. All the old paint will be ) Prw^ng rlighil> In advance
attffdand fornAbsd tbe Hotel Paag- CorSHsaSt* Ortp^ aiekie'UpL pM M
color ; men Taylor
was within
thirty feet of the off Camp
•" heeealed Ual
iplng I dlstlHery when be was suddenly flred
At the plant of tbe Olbsoa (lUa) Can- hora* better than U ever baa bean beupon from ambush and Instantly kUlcd. ning company one of tbe crokeru exaud cam aeeommodata tbo tnvalAs Dodstn ran up to Taylor be was also pkded. kUUng. Fred M. BpauUbng. who ing pabUhin good shape. SatAfaothui
be unifomity In place of tbe sxtsUng ahot'dmd In bu iracka. Riffes bfgazi lo was superlct^ding the eookera.
Tbe geneil polcu to be foJowed. at
wounded and ganlsed at Laming. Mtcb.. by the copcperl^ by tbe arcblleet, are ttae te- lay by the roadside until la...
sulldatlOB of tbe HtrblgBB and AugupUcement of tbe crigtnal coloring, tbe a IrsveAr nanvd Pack ebarod
BayfiL.MarA.AM EDepoL
arrangement cf tbe furniture as II was
in WaihingtcB’s ttffie. and tbe mainten
ance of the iBltgrity of the connntccan peopla came Into view on Us his
toric belghta AmM the Uughtsr sad
noise a Angle toil of the steamer’s beU
Boated out over the water. A aotema
bush fell on the crowd and oootlnusd ,
Puk SttMt, b,tWMB Ilmt e Cos
Meal Tickets at ReMRates.
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
See Oer Hew Uh
Picture Mouldings
Cycle Owners Look Here!
Hiriss-aftt prasv.
Lederle’s frVSia:
teried d
il candidate F
ceerybodylnthe'clly. Judge John
W. Btone. M. C. had pledged hlmself-to
another man and cculd not cocaent
the Judge's appolEtmenL and the Judge
was defeated.
On April T. IKI. one month after Garfleld’e InauguTailoB as preaUeot. Jndge
HarlsB was a
a principal exam-
vice exai
sccoBd-ctass clerk.
kept at the same dcIrik, doing exactly the
work until May. 18*7. when be beviAon. There wa* rejolrinc lu the dlvision over the appclntmenL
’nie Judge has air ay* been known as
an unwavering Jiepubifcae, but has nev-
During the days of the old volunteer
Are departmut In Grand lupids for six
years he was an active lireman. and alwaye an officer. Hoc. John W. ChampUn. late Judge of the supreme court;
Hon. WIIIAin E. Grove, now ctrcult
Jngde of Kent county; L. H. BandalL
cx-mnyor of Grand Rapids: Eliss Mat
ter. and other prominent cltAens were
wsmbsrs sf tbe Klagnra Ko: I whDe be
was a fireman: aud’ai the Inattgurailon
«f a paid department with/steam cnfflucs be was firm arotsisnt chief of the
deiartmcaL He thee volunlarlly re
tired. Most of tbe worm fires by krbicta
Grand 4tapM* has teen afflicted tor
heneflledt oceumd daring thoor ycara
For seven years be was a director of
tbr Phoenix Pumiinie eetnpaay. csoretary six yearn, and vloc preAdeat oar
yedr. He was also a dttecior of thr
Otand Rapids Sstlnfs bank wveral
years: waa a meoiber of tbs vestry of
AC Mark's church tourteceycats.andsff'perlntsodcet of tbe Sunday kAoqI twelve
Templars In Keel o
aud bad Aatge
drpnty aevetal yeara
, He attauM the national couTCBUdA o(
jm In Chicago and was on tht platform
when Grant
tor tbe
At Ctaclnnatl.
itn. M
He ,3^
Mr- Rogers has prepared, and bad
»•»' «»*
'«riK»^ Property and the
' work of renorirg
rlrg tl
the place wUl bt sa
tiRly CB the lines
id down in tbom
Only rne^part of the edifle
paired at a flme^-one mama year prob
ably being tbe allotment, the roomi be
ing restored at tbe expense of tbe remerllve sute representations of the
Mount Vernon Ladles' amoclattoe la
charge of the several rroma ThU meth
od mill prevent thr closing of tbe place
while tbe work le being done.
The «rs» contract
for’the flrri tnd
I------ -- .....
ekjB-nse of
— —......... Alabama, under the leadersBlp <rf Miss Heriiert. vice regent for
that elate. The sperinntlons provide
that new fluted columns..qr«' Piers, and
a gtrder shall be pul In the htU. a girtsr will also be used to stimgthra the
nscond rtury. A new cornier will he
made. snS French and Ivory white paint
will be used. The stalrcare Is In be re^
paired and s bUck walnut effect A to
be imparled to It.
Car* wUI be taken cot to Injure any
ot the orlglBal work, and all rubbtab
wUl be speedUy removed to avoid dan-
Call and Inspect our Cumplete Line.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailortag.
Fire Insurance.
IJ. E. Greilick Co. I
The Pure Juice S:2r'.S?k'I
Butter, First Class
■" -
Boys’ Blouses
Green that will kill Bugs
find tot Wilbrim Brua..
wfiigfat and guMautoad to kllfdlmm.
g R WaM. Drug>
Bicycles to flent ,2r^*£XS:^.ri^.ir 1
Soda Water
- FuU Ua* materML
To Rent
The Best Candies
KfiUUaa a Aab. fiw. Float and Park, and n r HMoak BkMk.
Ice Cream Freezers
When tbe wortt begins in tbe tall tIM
architect. Mr. Bngcn. ulU spend much
tt bA Ume_on/ibe ground, and wUl di
vide hA efforts iargtly betwccen bA du
ties ml Indepsodence ball and tbe supervlsloe of the Mount Vernon reatotutioa.
a garden boaa.
Bernes doora.
Ladies' High Bicycle Boots Angus McColl
changes as may rsMote tbe oM mantlos
8D that yWtoru may see ft as Washing.
«Bt o( Osorgs WaffUtMteAb
—MeunTeatiDB from UH to 1888.
Mont Vernon o^ to briouff t
; «8fii h* t»»at to WuUagton i
lo bay IL
bMb bh aettve mwbsr Of
■« *»
Mouai Vwnoa
MhMffHi wlpay. Is IM aa«
tM MtridgH Bkfiah.
wg pv’Ag Mtn. as «J*«rtefy
Atnm April t*. UM.
I ye,TOjwwA^ MW. BifiTtROfi A
“On account of tbe blatoricai associa
tions connected wtth the bouse Ihe wotfc'
and msterial must be of tbe best obtain
able. and gnat care muA be takea lo
In no way Injure or deface any of tbe
oM work or maurlal. Ail of the work
will be subject lotbe approval of the nperiatendent. Rarriaon Dodge, under tbe
dlrectia of tbe archliecL'*
ThA A an Intercuilsg. but yon muA
understand that afirr alL the home
George Waihlngtoa A used as a meneymaking vrolure. Too can't go tbers
take your lunch wtth you.' U you
I they will ukc it A«m you. They ex
you to pay 78 esAta (or a lunch on
NO. 8
S±d.elDoaa7d. Saf©-
reedlac Parmen’ Hone* a Bpeelalty. Eeraaa Boardad.
AhUqwe. VanAh FioAb. Height & (t I laehee. WldU I <4
Depth 1ft I inches. Curved Psnel Doan, Two
OnsrMk. Bldw VeutOgtod. ,
t>f tht Probktn PrtMnftt byth*
CondHiM ofth* etrik* of
tht MI Wortcm.
mttte« TkkM Rkdickl Action
wHh« Geld Man.
usra i£u>£B8 am ATta. Ifms
Us candMacy.”-
' AttorhiiyB U Iaw.
OMees la MeotaewB Black. Ttarans caw-Btoh.
has placed blmaclf on rtcnrd ai wlUtog
a moddle. It la known that when Pmto accept a nomtoaiton to tbe tnayeralty
Idant ZMan left for the 8t. L«bU eon*
of Oreater New Turk only with tbe 41*^
Tcotlon be a-aa the beam- of an Im
.ttoct undentantfing that U rtecled ba-------portant propoaitkM to be enbenitted to
Mould be en-urely e»mpt fmsn any po- ! g M Bsowir.
Natloeal Preeldcnt tutchferd. nrUeh
Utical dictation by any political
aaki-tbe ptirnese of eiarUnc enme of
nation or oo-called party toader. aod —*«<«^**fi** «urro^--------^^
the mlnea. It has the sanrtlon ot the
dislitct oariaia. and onlr needs the eon*
ic hto aceepiarM by
sent of the blfher oaetais. The smaller
Mt Mettamilt Co. Black.
operator* here will bold a meeUnc toEx-Judge Piwek 'iMes. of the Cook
■AklS E. eOKTOX, B. D.. P>j»lclaa -—
dw to asree to make whatever prem
county court, wbo lived at JM Lcavlli
. SarveoB ba* Ueoted to TrsTorm OMiB I
ises the .national oOeen of the miner* «• ms
Stoeet. Chkago. died Sunday moratog at .aad '________
wUiouevd prowpUr to all day or aM
require. These operator* held a meettbe home of hto ulte's parenu to Bart
I Inc last week, and It 1* said obtained
lett. -Ilk. Tbe weH-knowaJurtst had been
tareotj'-nlne sl^ture* to an acreament.
suffertog from Brigbl’i dimasc stnee
to par the rale demanded, and! not to
party to Apra_______________________________
aeit coal to the “bir ir comhlnatloo
which eontrcls the lake trade.
TtewM. lOt. IP.
Reading Pa.. Aug SI —By a vote «l
*f Ratebford dree hla coDMOt a nnm(I to St the BUte Demoerwtlc commlltec
BL Isonla, Aag. SL—The eeofemee ot her of mlnea wUl be started at once and
Ihhcr lemden vhMi besu rwMtar In that event It I* predicted the strike last nl^i sdopied a resalutlon declar
ing raeant the seat of WUIIam F Marnorelw b»d » ba>r dar, and U«t atHit a 111 soon be ended. One of the “falc U”
ttty. of PhlladcTphta. in the national
(he «ad ww in alchL Wtait the owfw- said Ian rlrbl* "If the mines sUn un
der such an acreement In the Pltuburc Democratic ^mmlltre. ibe committee
MM haa aeeompiuhed. U uiraiLlBa. U la
dWrtct the 11s Is op. a* all ef the states
of the Amrticua
met to the
Ooabc It U net beUered the leader*
Inrolred sra concerned. The hour Cbst
direction of the executive eommUtee
have attained anV deflate malt, and In
TVn»g A COVeU. Auoroey* ood caa^
oonalder the questloa of the encancy
tact the prealdeBt of oBe«( the Dallonal
X/ Ion ot too. OMeoB. City Oprro Usoae BIk.
irs dl
prcaatMtlciei Mid Uat hi^t that the from the ranks of strfken to West VlrtallQK of the ronfercece ««* a ton«oB* SlnlS. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois will
ooBclualoo. "i abentd feel rery much follcw. If twenty-nine miner la the
fdiacrlned." mM ihi* ccDtkBian. "if I PlUsburs distitet tfaoDid Stan they
would not find a marliel tor more than
liad any pan in the coorenlhc of thla
two cars of coal a day each.” Seemary
CMferencc." - The cotnmlttee on reaolura'.a
rpOBEMT-PwaitoBdw akamtobod roua*.
X one block tnm I'caUal MheoL M V. Sto
Ntrthn licUp .
Trulftrtittti Co.
Kerthsrn WoU^ list
Soterelsn a
ceptioo of a few are irllllns t.
uiaied s pUruHiut declined to stre any rate demanded. aM| be U In
detalla The platfcam. It U expected. letUns them start.
•Jlled t -•
... win be submUi
;:.“^ten^m“e%7nto^;! CIEWTO the ^PHERO MUIIDEh.
............... » »*•*' «»«nllon
make an nnwleldly b«dy.
dem that all of them cannot (w aaUrfled
with a pUtform formulated l-y Ove men
r hranihra ot or*
sanised labor.
mawhtoed<. PlM Mot ropslee.
Ratchford's plan' of pellllonlc* PrerSdent McKinley
........... -onvene conyrew In
extra aerelon to enact measures pn,vld-
Uoo. While
Two men were on the front seat with
day Debs d
their hats polled far down dver their
In an appearance at last elKht's msss- eyes. Of these men HaU gives a tnod^ecUng. where be was widely sdver- erwtMy close description, and fats ac
/ Used to make sit address He is repfe- count la enrroborated by other farmers
-- -- -......................
along the Mount Pleasant road. The
bewerer. by Benrer. and as he has re- time given by Ball as to the twisage
She I
and return orthie rig would hare given
t ruBimlUer
_______ __
opportunity tor the nfGrdrr to be eom•ay his Sods] Democracy Idea wiS bs mlttsd. as the tbeorr Is that it occurred
represented. It is thought adyonnuneol ____
somewhere about <:S0 In the morning.
W be r^hed some Ume today. Eighty- iTbt't^m are wortlng th^ clne^iiwry
Intemaitional Typugraptileal union. U
chalmian. and A. M- Pearces eecretary.
Kew Orlea^ Aug. ».-Jack tverPlirsMliMtotheCoafeeeses.
kardt and "■Id" UcPartland fought at
In making bis M>eecb tr. favor of ask cateb-weigba before the St. Bernaod
ing an extra seMon of congttas to pot a Atbetlc club last night. The arena was
curb on Judges In the Issuance of In hot pruperiy constructed to hold the Im
junctions Raiobford*was Imtswlonedmense crowd which attended, nor was
"In case of refusal." aald Kstchford the protection ample, tor the mob got
Impreaalvily. after an outbumof cbeer- beyond control aml'lbere was danger
tag had
verity rounds w
d B
I will than be Ume of a collapse. Twenty
Id diepUyed them
I variy. krt*t pegg
call congress together of a complete
B-lth bis left, punishing I
tBrsOyrle of bnsinees. I believe then In- and Escaping any great dami
not give
■ c Ev.
Everhardt enough
• syrnpatbetlc strike.”
Pat O'NrUl. of Rich Rni. Mo., who punlsbinent to put him out. At the end
aald he repty«rt)ted 1.U0 unorganised ef tAe twenUeth the Bgbt was dwlared
"picks," favored a labor revolution. Re a digw.
was a BoclaUst. he eald. and believed In
the miner* taking things In their «wn
Chicago. Aog. n.-LeMuc baM ball
bands If necessary. His Bery harangoe
At BalUmore-Claclnnatl 1.
pleased the audience graatly.
T; at.Bosion-acvcUnd t.
Boston S: at Kew Tork—Chicago It.
Kew Terk L In this game Anson wanted
It called at the end of
thb would be the last conrentkm
'fusing Aneun
held under present conditions, and thM
Western Lesgue:
At Cdombns—
Khnsas City ». Columbus U; at IndlaB, a^lb-MIlrMukee ». Indlans|»tls k
k-forfelted. Quincy
, J*’”'*
trill Try CmiphIUm ef ArehtUeSe.
I Washlnglon. Aog Sl.-Secmary ftage
^ e..s.. tbe Bnrt experiment with the
, Tatsney law providing for
compell. uon of arebilerta In the deelgn of public
' bondings
JOlldlng* b)- Inviting seven aRbllrcU
Jame* St. Carson, president of the : to submit ccmpellUve designs aod caUimn-to miners then recited at great mate* f..r the Norfolk. Va..-bulldtog. for
langtta the condiUons confronting f"...........................
aod said be belie'
hto men would iw ticaten
been made hy tbe i.
Ratchferd took exception to Car»oo’s After the Tanmey law waa passed four
gUlement that the TlUnols miners bad years ago Sfcretqry Carlisle decided
lott their strike. He said the miners that It was impractlcAhlr aod declined
were winning their strike, and further, to enact thnyqpomftJpmifJi-flurrtdBfrjp
hto B^en f-ere not aaklng this convep- ever, has resolved to give the Jaw a
tlon for aid. They wanted Ihto gather trial
ing to eradicate, If p«8*lble. the power
of Injunction. Taking a fling at Miner
Bessoemer. Hicb., Aug. SL—Ihe dry
Pat IW^y. be Mid a man wbu advooited the use of B*lDchcBtors had no. bouse St tbe Palms mine waa dertix-yed
by llro yesterday. U to said that three |
place In tbe convenll'.n. "Doa-n
------- " aald Itaichford. ':mtn* • how to handle guns,"
dtocoverod, and
there Is a« doubt
2ltcn AX KABLT gEITl
origin, as there were
ip* or stoves In the building.
Its wUl be tomied for the arrest
Ot tbe mao that were seen leaving tbe
building. Ibe sberiff aod deputies are
operator to the Pittsburg district said to charge of toe property, giving pro
last night that the minera' strike would tection to ibe men that an now at
probably be eelUsd—temporarily at least work.
—withto thf next fwty-elght hours. Tbe
CUah AflBBd T* toe a UeasMe.
Llneola.Neb..Aug. <L-The anaounc*.
tent ef Senator Jtdtn M. Tburaton In'
be RepubUcu state convention Uat
-t the end of taU senatorial term be
would not be a candidate for re-eleedoa
la tbe peUtleal aenmUoa of to* hour to
If.the miners would eonacst to such an
Kebraaka.,Bc sUted plainly that be
anwagemroi. with tbs dtaUnct under
flnsBulIy unable to maintain a
standing that the aihHiatora could not
bomeb'^atWashlagtoB andto Kcbraa.
Bx the price below 40 oanta or above •
kaand/baipoUtlcalpurwults hadnottbe
saSF-^aim for him as the practice of
his profesMcU;__________________
D be paid«
ton. S cams of that price to be turned
ever to a unstec or trusten and to be
held until toe arhliraUoo to cosnplrtcd
and then pay H to toe miner* if to* rat* has refused to cchnpty with toe order of
to fixed at ■
tbe provtoelal board of health to retnaa
If the rale to Bxed below that flgui* entrance to tbelf achuuto to cklldren
toen s portto of the amount held by the without vaccination cenlllcatea. and a*
trustee* to to be gtven to toe miner* sod a result toe city win atatl^b offleers at
toe other.rebated to tbe operators. A tel- all the Roman Catholic aebools to vac*
agram ws* received '
doau tbe children.___________
President Rstchford with
to to*
Tvooaor Makor* Bo On a Mho. - '
PhUadHpbla.'Ang. B.-Twelve ban*
dred trouief* makw* Mnito yetterday
o tdl wfeetoer be would a
for akoner hour*, belts* pay and tbs
oolito Korra.
dSBo. to.
«p0^EXT-^,M0d iooaa ■». Ml. and Oak
DelrolL Aus- n.—A ajredaf to The
ss!? “-.rjrra.'S
'cr. that be win o
>nrm^.a,wr<t.watessithat May aa.s
CawWSeheSwMlsits TMr Work.
Shepherd reports a
1 new rtne to the murderer* of CaMOrt
Elmer Btruble. of the rannefW bank.
| Oeor»e Mall, a farm Uborcr four railea
norlhwert of Shepherd, last nidht made
. _______________ __________________________
t l:U o'clock
“** P^"«
! momli* of the murder be saw a doqWr
- *“
-------- '............................................
. If any." did h wi
then too dark for him to see the
bot meet with the approral be had hoped ' ^
bouts Ister he was
Cor. and It is not believed the 1
he Incorpomied In the pUtfa
Mahon, of Detroit, said a resointlona
committee was useless The coneentlon
•hould vote on Batch^wd's propoaltlon
-and thtn go home. ^ power of the
natlon. he said, was In the coarts and
If anybody
Iw convened Ut It be
the conns Hr «vas nppos-tl to Raichford’e proixwmur
Mahon, as did bis
predecesKt. look s Sing at BenaWr
Hanna. Mohan ea'd the president would
have to m l Hanq^s cchaeot to tbe conWning cf RuarresB.
uouro sol'll
Chicago —
West Michigan
VIUJUM *. SAksm,
to the national conunlttee. Tbe pm* TPOB &ILE-ABMcMatoodenn-1-‘-||-| o*
cssdings were exciting from start to Sntah. and at one stage a policeman was
called upon by State Chairman Carman
thy OXs
ng die s;
uiBi^tdB.:: d'«.
Ar.tVaneaa CUy. . TS*________________________
isll uiBBi ID KKininni Li
r ralMB*.
chair to tl'. R. Brmlnteh. ot Lancaster,
to apeak upon the resolution. Immedldlatefy sftcr the meeting was catted
U order John B! Keen, of West More
lsod. oflered a renolutlon "that a va
cancy has beea crested and now exists
Is tbe
>e meniber*hlp^t tke nstlonal >
ec by reason of the voluntary «
ral from politic* and frompartlt .
tioB In the deliberations of the commit
tee of tbe Iste bicumbent. William P.
Barrity. and that Ur. Harrity. not be
ing to acrord with tbe pHscIpIr* of tbe
Democratic party. James M. CuSey. ol
PMtshurg. who BO loyally supported
WUUsm J. Bryan, be and to taereb} se
lected to Bll the vacancy."
Trnnra <
• Ma.to.
'l-tlld—Money to Loan
rtto BiMtoer OoBgn to K
MagUlrate Charli I P. Donnelly, of i
Philadelphia, aald ll
make a mistake If It adopted tbi* r
lutlon on Abe ere of the great battle for i,
goeemor. It war the doty of the organ- | •
taailon, he mid. to bring aluut a coodl- ; f
tlun of affairs that meant <
neaa and harmony In the party, aod the i •
Democracy could not go befor
populace with tbe expectation of wto-[i
nlcg vIctoHes wUh a divided parly or- I •
gantoatlon. Donnelly denied the right of •
the alate coramlllce
crestte a vacancy I •
bau tuUoB-ed. and thee Qhalrn
man. at the request of Donnelly, ivad ' |
the correspondence between blmaelf and I
Ilamty. Oannan folloirtd with a li>ng ' j
argument In favor of the resolution. : |
More heated argument followed.
member suggesili
■ling the rvfereece of tbe
question to William J. Bryan. The vou
followed with the mull suted.
The action of the riate committee will
-- exalting time
daring tbsl Karrlly was not good
enough Democrat to be tn official postUon.
Ar. Bartori|irto*«
kClehigan 8t-. CtdCBSo.
AgealTTOfene aiy.
“Alan Wants
But Little
Here Bel6w,”
eot Be Wantoyhat Little
# QUICK. ^
An AiMsenienti...-
BsfM^ Oomhtoo AmUnto ta*
meeting held Iasi night decided to rtand
alone with Seth Lou and no other as
candidate lor mayor of Greater Kew
Tork. "Hoiiie role ' Is what is desired,
and BUte and catlcnal MBUes arc to be
ahnened. All this was publicly set forth
a reydy sent by Chairman James B
Reynold*. U tbe I'oion.
p lAsnuel I
Qalgg. of the Bepublica
itottee. to the iDvUailon to toe coctcrccKc of anti-Tammar.y organtostlona.
In his ansucr Reynolds says; "1 am I
•trucled by our executive cpmrnmce
reply that loyally to tbe principles of c
first mayor of the Oreater Kew Tork,
and to toe cnodidate whom they I
rttooen render* It ImpousIMe for tbe Un*
Ion to accept the invitaUoa.
"The Union having been argantoa
toe express purpose ot carvytog tot
from sutr and a
Ktloea, and
for toe cUlsrns of
Kew Tork. eatroot oomMn* with parties
represeoUnr-Hate and national issue*
.toe bomlrAilon of candidate* cboen beof their party aflUlallona and ne«.......................................... to ibe party
which they r
appealed to
party, without s
t of toelr party
allegtancc. in the ranee of good otty
ernmesL In response to this appeal
43» voter* of toe dty of New Tork have
unUad to dedarlng toe Hoe. Beto Low
tostr choice for magor.
*rtbe Unlcn prspoM to afford tola
body of voters an opportunity
olae toelr atslulorr right to tm
Bumem oi tnsw sxprrsstn wmn. ana n
ts our oaroMt hope that to* high ebaraetsr a^ abnily of Mr. Low and hlo
■toem te the cOe* wlli Isdnc* «B
Want Oepaflment-L^
Keeryd^ ytumw^y* a coot siBosiM rid* an
Is kiTown to be Effective.
If You Have a Want
MORE mm FOR "J00[0:
Fire tale aotblan Ooae.
Tba MUwankee Oofolag Co. whSeh
-------4 •aonredarednetloBof
UoeaM from tba
~^SD«TUnU OATJI A TOn SZRX- oonaell hat dlmmotlnaed
baeiama 1^ ATETBOBmifi XATB A OLVS
^mov 09 HXATT SXXTXirO. the Broach bloek aad left the elt;.
Thli waa oaa (A tbcae eoaeeraa which
nar«d Toe Fut aiu lor tha Ohl- ooold not eoatlnne to do a profitable Two XyoUrlou Xen.to a Wf W«e
«•«« Anr«t4ttoa-<>fo«ko"
baalaeet kero baeanM tbelr nu
•een XMrlag From fihepheid 00
Smjt Bat TMton OenU Vet Bi edbld aot bo; tpaea U the loaal atweKonlag of the VtudRwTwo Xen
WetktBO Sfltatf*el7-«ht FMtatw papero to adrortiae tbelr good# la «
«m teen to Drive Awn; in Orent
poUtioa with tbe loenl merehnata ■
War* Fine ftoldiarhelp airport the oit; and im inrtltn.FwflTalBalafajraalatdar it iookad
< IDeh., Aognst SL-Wbnt
M tbon^ tba taw Iroia Cbtearo
appeare to be a good ttnee Of Blmer
Lodiagtoak Hmvf Loon.
wooldbaahatoaV Bafora titay took
StrabUk mnrde^me bee at ^t beei
A fire ]
thalr tam at tka tat'ls U>a alxUi tha
feend. On the morning ef Ua mnrder
aeonatoed llto0 Ikteror ei Tnrana tbe baeketfootor; plaat in lAdtagfon. Qeorga BaU. who works for K. L. Lon
IneladlBg a large ^nanUt; of atocb don. a farmer fonr milee norfowest of
''JodM’*8eAealdt waat la tkc bo<
1 ia foe jnrda. A large amoai
bore, stotea that he bad Jaat get ont of
' arata for tba riaitora witk tba datarnlmaaafaotared prodaet in etomge
aatiaa of wtnalar. w at Uatt -abowiar
eared ai wae tba brlek power
tba Tiawaa hoft that tbara wu a
w. Betlmatad' lemdto.ooot Inaar- to be Silfi. Joat then a donl
food fame or two left ia hla atroef anoa, M.ooo.
eanpp; rig. with two horeea, dc64e b;
left ann. It waa aot to be, howerer,
toward Shepherd. Beeonld not eee
aa U» HoaUM bad alao made up tbelr
the oooopentsbetat6:iBn. m.. wbUe
Bilada to aometblai. aad 'tbat eomemilking oows near the lead, the
tblar waa to hit tbe ball. And bit the Total Taxaa OoUeeted Vp to Laat Vight rig drore b; at fall speed going anth
baU tbe; did: rlfbl bard. too.
toward Mt Pleasant. The horeea
OoUected la
Watklupltebed^d fonr btta were
both ba;a, both awaatlng. aad one
Same Period laM Fear.
aU tbe Bdfare ooald make from him.
bad a white tote-fool. Two
The reoelpU of tbe ofBee of Oit;
Tbejbaaahad tbne'ot tbam ia tbe
. alxtb iaalof aod fot one ia the aav- keasarer Winnie ataoe tbe tan roll
oath and ia no other innlaft di< the; waa plaoed In hia haada thU snmi
Mfo a black dorb; bat palled orer bit
hare aceeeded to a eoaAdamble amo
aaoeaad ia teoebiaf him at all.
eyes. Be ooald not eee foe other man
' The atar plajr of tte fame waa a fine foe total token la daring a similar dUUnetl;, bnt says be was large, hear;
period laet .rear. Tbh ■eemi to n^e
mnniiur cateb of Pariaj*a line bit
and qnito oorpoleoL Ur. Undon sa.\-e
Ball in the third laolaf. The ball that there la mme mOner in ’
be aaw the samp rig going north. Ur.
than last gear and that propert; ownwaa hU hard and almoat oa a llna to
Waldrtm and Ur. Depne, farmer* lirare
foirlfbt oaatar aad Cbrerfot It while oa a
Ing on the aame ro^ a mile farther.
deadna at a rlfbt a^e with tbe balL ■ometlmepasL The total amoont r^ MW foemabortl; after S o'doek. A
Lonla Batbarfotd plajed ia left aad eelred ap to last night at foe closing Mr. Nenma rrsiding at Boeebaih,'
bad tear pat-oata ta hla <ndlt; one of hoar was dSS.OOO. The toxea paid la etotos he met them abont ft:45 a. m.
b;!aiBall propert; owners is largel; in
tbam rlfbted tbe faaea.
the Willow Fkrm. a mile and a
mas of last sammer, which U alao half 4hU side of Ut...Pleaaaot. drlrlng
TMfmada a tnacatAof a foal fl;
eridenM that tiM are gniwlng rtrjtMMi. ThemormnentoofthUmyeU tbeiercatb lanlaf.
Belmea for tbe rialtora bad fire pat betttt'. Fromtoda; 1 per cent addi torlens part; bear oat the Ueor; that
tional will be charged on all taxes
la hie padttoB in left deld.
foe mordcr wae oommluod near 4;:o a.
Pa^ waa plaoadattbe
m. Tbe rig eosld eaUl; make tbe trip
battlaf Uatpaateidaraad
between foe boaia stotod and get oet
wru. XA^ xiLBm.
hU appndatkai of the honor b; makof Sbephord before daylight. Ofieen
laf three him. one of them a two-baf- Xastten and Ooitt Are To Ooae To are working fok cine rvy eload; and
for. HnU did hie bem to help Parka
good reealla are expected.
gether For Bevaral Oamee.
, to aeore b; makiof tbe imme anmber'
Tbe Bnstiere meat foeir rid rirals.
of bite, two of them balnf doablea.
Boat alao made three blta, ia fire foe Colu, in Mehlstoe Banda; a^
.Umee at bat, and Salfka two in tbe Monday, and foe Coltt will oome'here Who Monhed To a Xiae Against feft'tr two garaeatbext week. Tbe Trsreame number of llmea op.
forts Of Dnputieo To Step Them.
Clty boye are a oonple of games
Tbe foailade thatfreeted ■'Jocko” in
Plttabnrg. Aagaat 81.—I'nder leader
tbe drat lantnf would bare diaoonrafed behind and they don't want to flnlsb
ship of Bmma Baas, the Joan of Arc of
moat piteben bat be merel; remarked, tbe aeaaob that way witbont a atroag'
Camp leolatloB, twenty-firs women,
-if tbe Seldera can't reach them the; effort toget at leasteren. Let'erer;
rooter forget-pmet troablea and tool for wires of the etriken, marched to the
mnit behlta,” and let it fo at that.
mine back of Center foie morning and
tbe Bastlers.
Parka had a new aUek with him
encoeeded in Indncing four miners to
try; |t U a aecond band one ni
These Two Are Xow One.
jqnlt work. The women rrere stopped
and'fall ofdenmfrom aereral bampa
On Satnrda; erraing Uim Edna
times by depaUea bat forood
afalnettbe ball. Parka madetba drat
one when ha bit for two baaea and Ball Gardner and Frank Plemon were nnited in marriage at tbe realdence of foe
another whan ie did tbe eame
parenu of the bride, on tstb
aeored I’arka.
Qlanto Today aad Tomorrow.
Watkine kept ap tbe food work aad The eereoton; was performed by Bar.
Manager Keboe baa ananged for tbe
Aid tbe aame thing while Care; aeored. Howard Uoore of foe Friends ehi
two daue with the Caban OianU
WaU; aeored alao when UebWeo drop Tbe young coople are bring eong
It was originally toped Whoeler'ed; and BddleUaded on Utod by a large nambor of good nnd HnsUen.
toaded to bars a gams .today
' eeeond. Bant waa bit b; tbe pitcher, friends.
another Saturday, bat it k now ar
and Ton; dew ont to left Adami got
ranged so that the games will be today
dietoaSteUmaa'eerrot. Then Salfka
aiatfod aad Boat aod Wheeler ecored. WiU be Oivan by Piwt X S. •Ureis and tomorrow. Ereryone wbo
attend wUJ be ears of the beet kind of
Bathmfoid wae bit b; a ptubed ball,
and Dangtator Oorinne.
baae ball. Tbe Giants are defeaUng
aad he and Adama aad Salfka were
ProL B. S. Stlren, who oondoct
almoat errry amatear team they b
..40ft when Parka and Bull were retired
danei^ academy In Grand Bapids esr- bet tbe klndot baUfoe Hmtlera
on their oeeond Ume at bat in ttaa Ineral years, has eoms to Trarerss City playing will kee> them playing foe
b; Snlfka^ Parka and Ball,- a to stay aad has leased foe ball in feriarUcle___________ doable elenl b; the two latter and n Btolaberg-s Grand Opera Honse for the
. Xetnmed From Oennany.
oonple of paaeod balla gnre the home winter. Be U aoeampenlsd bj hU
ebarming daaghter. Corinne. aad foe;
Bar. Alex. Zogelder of 1
team two more in fop thliA.Tbree more were made In the fonrfo are preparing to glre an exhibitioa of wbo has been making a rkit u
oa another hit b; Parka, a eingle each roand danoee la the Grand Opera Bones n^re ooontry in aoafoem Germany
next Wednesday erenlag, to be follow, for the past three months, returned
b; Norota; aad Bant, nad baaea
od byaaocialbop. They present
yeaterday, reporting a rery pleasant,
bnlla to Wheeler aod Bntherford.
forty diflerant danoee and will form
In the aUth Boll’e two bagger, two
rinse of {nsiraetioa.
orrora b; Baniab aad one b; Kraagi
fare the Boatlera two more, total If.
Omnd and^riaTam# /nrors.
Giants and BasUers in tbe
Tba risliora atarted their ran get
The Trarerse juon far October term Twelfth Strset Park thk aftemoon.
ting in foe aixth. Gantecbnw reached
leen City Ckmp, No. STS, B. N. of
dret on Wbeeler'a error, Farle; hit for of Coiled StatM Oistrict Coart
two baew. and ao did Krueger. Oant- drawn Monday. Ueary W. Stowart of A.. wiU meet tonight in Moaugne
eehaw aad Parle; scored.
Sshmldt Bellaire, W. L. French of East Jordan, Bali.
made a afogle aad whea Bant threw
Alderman ud Mra..A B. Cook re
Oameron of Cfaarloroix. and fobn tamed last ai^t from thrir oamp at
to catch him Kroeger ecored.
U tbe eemfo Llebbeln drew a bade Wards of Petoakay, are those o)mb Glen Uke.
OB balla and a wild pitch eent him tc from this ririnlty.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. J. Bogws ars entorCharles K. Back of Trarerse City, aT
aeoond,‘ The next two men fanned.
trinlog a new comer in their fomlly. an
Farle; tingled and went to aeoond on a 0. Wheeler of Manktoe, Wm. B. Lee elerea noand boy.
paaeed ball and Llebbeln aeored. Far of Harbor Sprtnga, aad O. A, Lake of
Tbe anneal meetlagof the Woman's
le; took third OB a wild pitch aad Sherman bm among those drawn on
Foreign Mlarionary eoriety of foe M.
•oared when Kraeger bit to eeeond the Grand Jnry.
E ehnreb wUl bo postponed tiU
baae, aad Parka, thinklag there wae a
man oa drat held tbe baU. Bobmldf
The famlllee of Mark, MUo. Bnot and
Joseph Eakrrright, a lad aged eight
years, lirtag in BaUey, near Uoriiegoo, Barrey Cartls enjoyed a drilgbtfal f
haa been adjadgsd Insane, nnd rrUl be anion nndpleaie on tbe peaissnln yaetorday.
plaeed in tbe Korfoton XUfoigan
lam, fok city.
The etonm barge Alloa urTHu k
losrilng a cargo of hardwood lumber
The C. A W. X Bailway Oo. k pre- from Hanaab A bag Co’s, dock for Blt-
. Chicago XafoeL
C^kngo, Aagntl II—Wbern
•Oe:^ Soptomber, MKc;
Con-Angast. 80c:' September, <Be;
Decemtwr, Bt@ke.
Oato-Aognet, iBKe: Septombm,
leXc; October, ISUe.
Pock-Angnet; fo-WT;
Lnrd-Aagmt. 9tn9KBeriv-Cneh. Mo. 8. »8940o.
Bye Oneh nad September, foUe-
A: a. UeOoy A Seo are
tre of pototoea to be ehipped to foo
IndisB^Us markok The price paid
■00 thirty cents per boebeL
Tbe members of foe Bridge BaUders
are reminded that tbe regolnr menthly
meeUng will be held thk erealng at
foe boau of Mka Alice Omsrford. j.
Mine yonng Wye and rlris ware
brought np from Coldwnter yosterdar
' 1 token to bomoa In dlfferant
parts of Omnd Tmrecee and Leeli
T. H. A. Tr^ea has taken poiiiiiiin
of hk aaw dwaUlag on West Smnfo
etteot and hie roeldonoe on Webster
street baa bean leneedb; John Vein-
tori> of foe liostoa Store.
Jea. Kale;, brmkaman so the M. A
K. B-, who hm horn norel^ a rerr
fandl; sprained ankle for tbe pmt ton
dnjra, onased la the jmrds wblU ewttoh.
lag. retnmed to hU dnOee ng^ ;eetaedn;.
e. OohoB. fonMri;ofthmolt;.
runlng a eien in Kalkaakn, will more
bnek tothUcit;eaaa and open np a
olothlng nad |^m fnrebhing store
ngnln. He^wUl attll eontiBae to oon*
dnet a store in Kilknaka
'■DntldyUarriok,'' one ^ the prettlaall and most
antortolnlag of
dies, will be glren by the F
Owen eompany la Stolnbergk
tbU nftomoon, beginning at ItlO.' This
erealng. “Tbs Lore Cbase.”
Ceptoin Kinney, tbe night.
OB foe West Side, hU bee^giren lenre
of nbeenoe for a short time to ran foe
tog boat of foe Trarerse City Lnmber
U filling hia fathar'e place rary effeeUrel; In foe
The Ladles Home and Foreign Ukaionnt; society of the Oongregatlonal
ehurch maeto fok nttemooa at s o'clock
with Mra Prank BamUton at Sonsat
Cottage. A eordlal Inritotlon U ex
tended to the annoal thank offering
The management of the base ball
team has worked bard to glra foe rit;
a first clam ball team. Tbe effort has
been a great enreeae and we claim foe
beet amstonr team in Michigan. Bnt
tbe nttondanee k mlsersbly light. Why
not get a more on ns, and fill foe
grounds as that foe Bnetlare can rioae
foe ecaaon with a brilliant flonrkh and
quit with a snrplns to pay the boye for
their good rroricT
After. Xlondike Wealth.
Frank Bdgeeomh and Walur Laamll i
of Mapleton, are among thoae who see
a fonoae before them l« the grid
fields. They etortod Taeeda; far Brit
ish Orinmbta.
Bkhop OilUspie WiO U Bma.
Bkbop GUiesrie wUl hold aerriota
thk rrening at Grace Epkeopal ebarch.
All ere inriied. .
Two Deelreble boasM. token
aartgagea, will be arid cheap if bought
oon. A ebaner to gel e borne on eery
erma—E W, Uastloga.
0« St
Enta GliBin BT Loy8lty~
“At Buffalo on Wednesday, as all could net persoaallF
greet President McKinley, a long chain of veterans would
gmp handsTand the one nearest him would give the Presi
dent a corcial shake."—/itm. We have an endleM
stock of school supplies that Monday will be passed from
hand to hand.
•90 FfKN«T •TMErr.
Paul’s Inl^ I
Just Received, lat^e assort
ment. New Thing. Good
Thing. Nonspillable.
Haskell’s Bookstore
Fur Collarettes....
Are Very Stylish-We’ve the only
$3.--to $10.'
.-Mew Oenka and Oape^ ri...
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet, and Clothing House.
..V^^e Still Lead.
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the milling
basiness, we are having a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan onr....
flour. Send in an order.
Watered Stock Sale
of last week. Macybargaisi
left tor yon to pick ap.
... .27
Hu's AU W(«l E
; PaDt*
Mujsa^^prms Puis«
n^ Leaf Paata awd eur.
M.W West PsBt ■
ft.n Weel Pula
.. M
. .25
. .29
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what you will obserx'c in everything in our New Meat
- Market in the Brosch Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats. '
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse CiQr
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of aU '
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriage!
aod Saws. A complete SaW Mill Plant for sale.
No Larger Nor Better
Selection of..
<a—.-School Shoes
in the city than can be aeeq at
TU MOBBIHO MOOBD, wasniBWr. SHRmnaB i, imi.
it It Rtmmbtf^l by tht Hen.
Benjamin A. Harlan.
that he khowa an the HIchlsan people
in WaehlngtML
Tbe judee and hli wife hpt
•- TTashtagtoB Grove. »
emuty. Hd.," twenty nUles (rom^^
IsgUo. OB the B. and O. railroad, but he
•Un reUtns hie pellUeal reatdenee and
the Fourth ward of Grand
a’ernoB." «id Mr. Waller Howard.
um Mia «a
newipaper man of
- li aun na r-uud
WMtalBKtotk. Axis, a—Boa. Benlwnlii 1 have ever witnessed. 1 was down the
river with a friend a.tew algbu ago.
and the boat was sllvc with a gay
crowd of yoqng people, chsttlng. laughmiUsm A. sod asrali B. Hsrtan. pnm- ins and keeping up such'n merry hub
iMBl loeiBben of ttae r«ll«Mu Bodrtjr bub that one almost {qrgot the butorie
of rrt*Bd». sotDftbDcs csUtd Qosken. surroundings and the beauty of the
botli BSllrM of (he atstc-of Brnrylsad. evening.
"The steamer gracefully ronnded the
H« wu bora OB a tatn at ralWoB.
Md.. April lA U»T. He attended private bend In the river, and as twilight was
glvlas way to tbe aofier rays of the
•chotda occaatoeallr aed acquired the
ndlmcaU (the three riA) of as l£BsU<h
•dacailcB. He rcmeisbeTi the caBopalcB
cf 1M4 very welU when (be hope mbf
“Oear the track, torl*dk roofa plaea
To HarTT Oay and rreUashayaeo.EDa father was an atdant adaxlrer of
Bearr Oay and wept tretiy when be
waa AetaaUd.
IMT aed itU ratms
Bariaa wai a mall carrier on the route
tren Jenual» BUI* to PaUatoe. and
oairied the Bern of the MexteaB war
bard winter is UarylaBd) be walked
UT^ day two and a half miles toaebeoL
aM IB October, ua. emlsrated with Ms
parenta brottwr and tour .listeia to
Wayse eeanty, Blch. He worked on the
(arm atteBdlnc "deestrlch KbooT uatll
October, m*. wbte tbe late W.B. Selby,
pcatmaater at Fanniasic
Mm as asstetaat and clerk
Balbr was rumored to the iprtBS
nroush the (rlecdahlp and influeecc
0< tbe Rev. Heory' 1.. Hayward he fouhd.
a place In the oAce of Hoheea A RobinaoB at |U per anwin. to perform the
dutlei of aleck «< il.eprobate court. The
RrirU^ of mndyins taw wai Included
ta tw eoatruet.
P6w to pay tJS per week board and
SM ciothca etc., tcooi that aatery was
|be hardcM problem .‘Tlea'' ever bad to
deal wttb. tnthaataiy he war promoted,
/ Jndse BoUbbob eoaelodlas to board Urn
w admutad to tbe
tar opoD eaamlaat
iB open court be
fore the Bon. Jodah Turner, circuit
Ridee. IB ColllB* ban. Orasd Bapida
Fred A. Helna Eoq.. aew of Muakesoa.
belas the other candldala Colonel Oeorse.
Gray. Hon. John W. ChampIlB and
LeoDard Bremrax. Bag, were the ekamInera He made qteechei lor Lincoln
and Hamlin In UM.
Ob FepL II. ISM. iB old 8L Marks
church. Grund Rapid*, he wai married
to Him laicr. U. Blak^ce. thee ainwher IB tbr Cclon echiol. During tbeee
early etrusslrs the Hon. P. R. L. Pierce,
then, and -tor fourteen ye*r*. county
‘ ■“
- - .
ir.aod post-
deputy regtsier of deeds cf ifeni gounty
and coptlnoed to bold that offler for ten
•ycaiu Wlcwlng. In April, IBdZ. be srai
Mseted Justk* of tbe peace for tbe Third
ward of Grand Rapids. In 18*4 he waa
slecied Judge of probate of Kent ccunty.
recHvtag upwards of COO majority and
1^ R-eiected tn tttt. nnd ngaln In tSTt
balng tbe Brri man to hold that office
ame than right yearn. His majority in
un wms.i.400. and In in MW.
8tx Mm th« Vlethnt of
ToMion of VAriout Kindt
of OutttwFy.
aaaAtMBmMtyWkM'th* 1
lifc !•
rs Mesa Save Met fm rafcssww
(b* Haade i>t tbe Msideiws it
. by Maasshtb.
•n W>o Ambuah a Party af onwemPnrie mta OSbr* gSOO Bawaid lar Wbat
May Caw Maay Uvea.
Uttlr Rode. Ark.. Aug. It.—Six
» the wild*
sf the u
ounty Budday afternoon. Tw« were klllcff' out-
uaesi a -the baaOia had- dflappsu..^
as waU as two of the depoty ■harlfta.
Tbs lattsr bsre not slaec been beard
from and are beUered eitber to bare
bsee killed or wounded afid taken away
eapOves by the moonshlnera
Pack hurried to RuawUvlUe with tbe
sewn, and the ccroncr. together w1
Mierirs pease, immediately started for
the scene. No news has been received
Ance they departed. Pach thinks tbe
Renfrew brothers will be dead before
the party reaebca them. It was
d by Horace Brace and John Church. wo of the
•S o.,,
yesterday asked to offer a reward for
the arrest of the gang, to wbldithe cute
Will comrUmte. and a dflrnntnrj effort
vaptur. them. It is very
prelalOe that tberff.iti will lead to furtber bloodffittL-'CaptsIn Taylor waa an
ex-enruio in (he Fed. raj army. He bad
Smokers I
^AopizA Uiiws
---- -
leate and Groceries
Orders b|i TeliphoN Promjtlj
Wfl 'or desd 01 u two hiltv n;y»!trinuAy and wa»
disappeared and are. either dead or be- Cooper bar received the lollowlrjt tele
Cor. VaManmaibgis.
lag held captive by thes bloodthirAy
iMuuuimrvty gram from lb( atlon.ey general
Waihingtcr: Expense of perw. subject
bandlu who committed tbe
to executive approval, not tc exceed U.and avay Uad of——
The killed are: Captain B.
WO authorised. Five hundred reward
of Searcy county, a deputy Oplted auiborUed tor capiutv and deli'
BUtee marshal; Joe Dodson., of 8ta» msrrhal uf all persons impileatcd
sounty. a deputy marsAsL The fatally murder. Nc^coa."
jrounded are two brothen named Ren
frew. of Bearer county, fte names o<
alwapu ia stodL
Chicago, Aug. n.—In spite of tbe many
Dead March from Saul to the solemn | tbe mlaslog mtn are not known, but columns of free adveruslng be has reOPKX BAT AXXl glOBT.
Intoning of the s
they are supposed to be deputy sheriffs celred la the papera the man claiming
- *W. JATmi ^TJS,
alwnyu tbou^t t
from an aldkUnlrg county. The vtctlmi to be Fiancls Bcblaettcr, alUs "RattleIhsplrlag cdumonlM o
could witness wet« all officers, deputy United SUlm anake BIU." alias "DUmond Bill* failed
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
was tbe striklag of i colon at suu-, marshals and deputy sberiffa and tbe to draw a crowd yrsierdayat Maabatun
‘down on one of tbe i B-of-war. with , men who dW the awful work of carnage Beach hotel: Mere than that two oi
and the craAi are moonshiners of tbr boldest and three Denver men nay he ts not Scblaeimost despeiate class. ‘The scene of the ter at alL Mure than that be cures nc
bloody crime Was a gulch or lavlae In one. to it U suted. Btlll further, he does
the mounulns of Pope county, nt an not profess to bir n "divine beakr." al1 tribute to patriotism that none o
IsoUtcdrpot (hirly-nve.mlles fr-tm Rus. tboogb be claims to be Bcblaettcr.
aellTllle. the nearest telrgraphalBce.aDd
LMtw carrtms to MeM at 'Fitoe,
Ua miles from Will Springs.
Awd Wberv Was Us -e.rsM MetspWashington. Aug. n.—AnnouBcemeat
le yesterday from the fatadguarThe region has fr.r yean been the fabe National AasocUllon of Letvortte rendesvous for counterfeiters and Itrt of tbe
duiricl In
U which no ter Carriers U this city that the annual
twen lei to a iocsr builder, and the ^boBshlnera and a dUlricl
work cm tbe reconstruction of Wi uh- law-abiding dusen could live. Veteran coaventton of the carrier* will be held
from Bept. < to 11. San
Ingtun's home will be commenced e «rly.
was chosen uriglually.
tn the fall under the dlrvrUnn of
Mount Vernon Ladles' aasoclatloe. 'This Carolina. Tennessee and other etales. »»««• Chicago was aubstJtuied and ye»settled In that mountainous coun- t«*4ay as tbe result of a coafcrcBce by
action laws derided on nl the last meet
ing of the atuoclatloB. A thorough re- try
-- ___
was decided u
o the Paclflc coast.
habllltnlloB. Involving no amnO nmoust of whlshr- Couniertell*rs ___
From this date this boat
of strengthening. Is planncid. Tknt tbe erated thVre and criminals of other
will 4iot make regnlar
latter A necessary is deznonstrated by classes hare taken refuge In the hllU I niaOMoBe. Mkh.. Aug. XI.—Testerkay
tbt. appearance of signs of decay in of Pope county. For yean It has been moralag Ove Ftnlaaders were drowned
cection* with tratos oo M. &
conAdered tbe wont and most danger- la the- bay oppoAtc the furoncs by the
N. E. Fisbiag parties, bow*
•rnpiete reMpratlcB eta aeclton In the stale. 'Tte oOcers capidaaig of a mil boat. .Tbetr ni
have been prepared -br T. MeDoa Rog- for a tong time have been trying to are; Gus Erickaon. John FandL
ever, can make arrangements
am. a PhlUdclphla cotealal-archltect. break up the lawliisnm to that Tidal- ' Andenofi. John -Uenansoa. Botp S
for the use of this handsome
under whose superrUlon Indepectdeocs
yacht, by^commonication by
M~-l Well, toii Lm BW USB.
mail or i^re. with
Captain B. F. Tv >or. tbe riciest mmn
of the Mount Vernon Ladles’ amoclatlon. erhkh conslsto of Msry T. Bameu. In Searcy omnty and a man of modi
George JTHr, a grain trimmer, was
ckalrman; Rebecoa
Flandruu, act-' prambieDce. determined to aid the otB- cut to plrces by, an electric enr nt Chilag chairman; EUeuor W. Harrtooar -eers in putting doan crime la mat sec cago.
Leland. Mich.
Alice Hill. K. A. floldsborough and
About lOf canary birds were suffocated
Harriet C CumeygS. Mr. Buffers made deputy United States marshal and led In aflreai Chicago, parrotsar.d monkeys
a careful inspection of Mount Vernon the pussc IB ihe raid that rcsuiicd in In the mine store were rescued.
and discovered a eUte of affairs that bis death. A few days ago a niooeaEarthquake shr,.ks In China and Ja
amaxed 'KIm as a colonialist, exquis ful raid was made In tbe same locality pan. fullowed by a tidal uave. caused
itely carved wirk was covered with In which n dosen muonshlnHr* were great lo*t rf life and er.ormous damage
several coats cf paint, dellfately tinted captured and brought to Little R.ick. to properly.
... with
___ three
____ One of them told the officers that at
walls were plastered over
neorge W. KoBock. one of the oideal
H3. F.ALjSrC3-i30R2Sr.
mparate kinds of wall paper, and a* >««st gfly large distilleries were o|«rithigh as eight OI ten different kind* and : *»* •" *he same nelghhurhood Tayliir. hulvlkceper* as well as one of the oldest
l•locr«re ir the Wlscocrlo valley, died
raophinog or rug
coats of paint e-re dlacnered to have' »“h hi* p«a*.-. |.>caled a large meoa- at
Merrill, Wla
been j>u1 on at various limes on doors I hhlne outftt Bsiurdsy night and deetdeff
The steam barge aiy of Bangor la
other carved woodwork.
raid un Sunday In daylight.
way from Cbiragu to Buffalo srith
F*MU* AABiia. ITS.OPO buthils Of corn, the targiA cargo
e yaln{f waa
carefully scraped? off.• !i ■__ _ - - - _.r7T
-----Anar of Uniou bud Buy StreeU.
. _
ever carried
carried on
on the
the Ukea.
Akx.cdcr irebtk of Company C and tear M. A K. K. depot, wAhss to an«« «•» f
‘5! rv*.
. J»hn Kehm. e.f Company K. First regl- manes to the pnbtA tbit be has re- go^BaelsgTMCUpv-OMtl—rosr ^
advanre of
.. Us n,,oL 1. N. G.. were drowned-ii
_________ ihe lake
"bglnM. All the old paint will be ) Prw^ng rlighil> In advance
attffdand fornAbsd tbe Hotel Paag- CorSHsaSt* Ortp^ aiekie'UpL pM M
color ; men Taylor
was within
thirty feet of the off Camp
•" heeealed Ual
iplng I dlstlHery when be was suddenly flred
At the plant of tbe Olbsoa (lUa) Can- hora* better than U ever baa bean beupon from ambush and Instantly kUlcd. ning company one of tbe crokeru exaud cam aeeommodata tbo tnvalAs Dodstn ran up to Taylor be was also pkded. kUUng. Fred M. BpauUbng. who ing pabUhin good shape. SatAfaothui
be unifomity In place of tbe sxtsUng ahot'dmd In bu iracka. Riffes bfgazi lo was superlct^ding the eookera.
Tbe geneil polcu to be foJowed. at
wounded and ganlsed at Laming. Mtcb.. by the copcperl^ by tbe arcblleet, are ttae te- lay by the roadside until la...
sulldatlOB of tbe HtrblgBB and AugupUcement of tbe crigtnal coloring, tbe a IrsveAr nanvd Pack ebarod
BayfiL.MarA.AM EDepoL
arrangement cf tbe furniture as II was
in WaihingtcB’s ttffie. and tbe mainten
ance of the iBltgrity of the connntccan peopla came Into view on Us his
toric belghta AmM the Uughtsr sad
noise a Angle toil of the steamer’s beU
Boated out over the water. A aotema
bush fell on the crowd and oootlnusd ,
Puk SttMt, b,tWMB Ilmt e Cos
Meal Tickets at ReMRates.
Lady Watts
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
See Oer Hew Uh
Picture Mouldings
Cycle Owners Look Here!
Hiriss-aftt prasv.
Lederle’s frVSia:
teried d
il candidate F
ceerybodylnthe'clly. Judge John
W. Btone. M. C. had pledged hlmself-to
another man and cculd not cocaent
the Judge's appolEtmenL and the Judge
was defeated.
On April T. IKI. one month after Garfleld’e InauguTailoB as preaUeot. Jndge
HarlsB was a
a principal exam-
vice exai
sccoBd-ctass clerk.
kept at the same dcIrik, doing exactly the
work until May. 18*7. when be beviAon. There wa* rejolrinc lu the dlvision over the appclntmenL
’nie Judge has air ay* been known as
an unwavering Jiepubifcae, but has nev-
During the days of the old volunteer
Are departmut In Grand lupids for six
years he was an active lireman. and alwaye an officer. Hoc. John W. ChampUn. late Judge of the supreme court;
Hon. WIIIAin E. Grove, now ctrcult
Jngde of Kent county; L. H. BandalL
cx-mnyor of Grand Rapids: Eliss Mat
ter. and other prominent cltAens were
wsmbsrs sf tbe Klagnra Ko: I whDe be
was a fireman: aud’ai the Inattgurailon
«f a paid department with/steam cnfflucs be was firm arotsisnt chief of the
deiartmcaL He thee volunlarlly re
tired. Most of tbe worm fires by krbicta
Grand 4tapM* has teen afflicted tor
heneflledt oceumd daring thoor ycara
For seven years be was a director of
tbr Phoenix Pumiinie eetnpaay. csoretary six yearn, and vloc preAdeat oar
yedr. He was also a dttecior of thr
Otand Rapids Sstlnfs bank wveral
years: waa a meoiber of tbs vestry of
AC Mark's church tourteceycats.andsff'perlntsodcet of tbe Sunday kAoqI twelve
Templars In Keel o
aud bad Aatge
drpnty aevetal yeara
, He attauM the national couTCBUdA o(
jm In Chicago and was on tht platform
when Grant
tor tbe
At Ctaclnnatl.
itn. M
He ,3^
Mr- Rogers has prepared, and bad
»•»' «»*
'«riK»^ Property and the
' work of renorirg
rlrg tl
the place wUl bt sa
tiRly CB the lines
id down in tbom
Only rne^part of the edifle
paired at a flme^-one mama year prob
ably being tbe allotment, the roomi be
ing restored at tbe expense of tbe remerllve sute representations of the
Mount Vernon Ladles' amoclattoe la
charge of the several rroma ThU meth
od mill prevent thr closing of tbe place
while tbe work le being done.
The «rs» contract
for’the flrri tnd
I------ -- .....
ekjB-nse of
— —......... Alabama, under the leadersBlp <rf Miss Heriiert. vice regent for
that elate. The sperinntlons provide
that new fluted columns..qr«' Piers, and
a gtrder shall be pul In the htU. a girtsr will also be used to stimgthra the
nscond rtury. A new cornier will he
made. snS French and Ivory white paint
will be used. The stalrcare Is In be re^
paired and s bUck walnut effect A to
be imparled to It.
Car* wUI be taken cot to Injure any
ot the orlglBal work, and all rubbtab
wUl be speedUy removed to avoid dan-
Call and Inspect our Cumplete Line.
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailortag.
Fire Insurance.
IJ. E. Greilick Co. I
The Pure Juice S:2r'.S?k'I
Butter, First Class
■" -
Boys’ Blouses
Green that will kill Bugs
find tot Wilbrim Brua..
wfiigfat and guMautoad to kllfdlmm.
g R WaM. Drug>
Bicycles to flent ,2r^*£XS:^.ri^.ir 1
Soda Water
- FuU Ua* materML
To Rent
The Best Candies
KfiUUaa a Aab. fiw. Float and Park, and n r HMoak BkMk.
Ice Cream Freezers
When tbe wortt begins in tbe tall tIM
architect. Mr. Bngcn. ulU spend much
tt bA Ume_on/ibe ground, and wUl di
vide hA efforts iargtly betwccen bA du
ties ml Indepsodence ball and tbe supervlsloe of the Mount Vernon reatotutioa.
a garden boaa.
Bernes doora.
Ladies' High Bicycle Boots Angus McColl
changes as may rsMote tbe oM mantlos
8D that yWtoru may see ft as Washing.
«Bt o( Osorgs WaffUtMteAb
—MeunTeatiDB from UH to 1888.
Mont Vernon o^ to briouff t
; «8fii h* t»»at to WuUagton i
lo bay IL
bMb bh aettve mwbsr Of
■« *»
Mouai Vwnoa
MhMffHi wlpay. Is IM aa«
tM MtridgH Bkfiah.
wg pv’Ag Mtn. as «J*«rtefy
Atnm April t*. UM.
I ye,TOjwwA^ MW. BifiTtROfi A
“On account of tbe blatoricai associa
tions connected wtth the bouse Ihe wotfc'
and msterial must be of tbe best obtain
able. and gnat care muA be takea lo
In no way Injure or deface any of tbe
oM work or maurlal. Ail of the work
will be subject lotbe approval of the nperiatendent. Rarriaon Dodge, under tbe
dlrectia of tbe archliecL'*
ThA A an Intercuilsg. but yon muA
understand that afirr alL the home
George Waihlngtoa A used as a meneymaking vrolure. Too can't go tbers
take your lunch wtth you.' U you
I they will ukc it A«m you. They ex
you to pay 78 esAta (or a lunch on
NO. 8
S±d.elDoaa7d. Saf©-
reedlac Parmen’ Hone* a Bpeelalty. Eeraaa Boardad.
AhUqwe. VanAh FioAb. Height & (t I laehee. WldU I <4
Depth 1ft I inches. Curved Psnel Doan, Two
OnsrMk. Bldw VeutOgtod. ,
t>f tht Probktn PrtMnftt byth*
CondHiM ofth* etrik* of
tht MI Wortcm.
mttte« TkkM Rkdickl Action
wHh« Geld Man.
usra i£u>£B8 am ATta. Ifms
Us candMacy.”-
' AttorhiiyB U Iaw.
OMees la MeotaewB Black. Ttarans caw-Btoh.
has placed blmaclf on rtcnrd ai wlUtog
a moddle. It la known that when Pmto accept a nomtoaiton to tbe tnayeralty
Idant ZMan left for the 8t. L«bU eon*
of Oreater New Turk only with tbe 41*^
Tcotlon be a-aa the beam- of an Im
.ttoct undentantfing that U rtecled ba-------portant propoaitkM to be enbenitted to
Mould be en-urely e»mpt fmsn any po- ! g M Bsowir.
Natloeal Preeldcnt tutchferd. nrUeh
Utical dictation by any political
aaki-tbe ptirnese of eiarUnc enme of
nation or oo-called party toader. aod —*«<«^**fi** «urro^--------^^
the mlnea. It has the sanrtlon ot the
dislitct oariaia. and onlr needs the eon*
ic hto aceepiarM by
sent of the blfher oaetais. The smaller
Mt Mettamilt Co. Black.
operator* here will bold a meeUnc toEx-Judge Piwek 'iMes. of the Cook
■AklS E. eOKTOX, B. D.. P>j»lclaa -—
dw to asree to make whatever prem
county court, wbo lived at JM Lcavlli
. SarveoB ba* Ueoted to TrsTorm OMiB I
ises the .national oOeen of the miner* «• ms
Stoeet. Chkago. died Sunday moratog at .aad '________
wUiouevd prowpUr to all day or aM
require. These operator* held a meettbe home of hto ulte's parenu to Bart
I Inc last week, and It 1* said obtained
lett. -Ilk. Tbe weH-knowaJurtst had been
tareotj'-nlne sl^ture* to an acreament.
suffertog from Brigbl’i dimasc stnee
to par the rale demanded, and! not to
party to Apra_______________________________
aeit coal to the “bir ir comhlnatloo
which eontrcls the lake trade.
TtewM. lOt. IP.
Reading Pa.. Aug SI —By a vote «l
*f Ratebford dree hla coDMOt a nnm(I to St the BUte Demoerwtlc commlltec
BL Isonla, Aag. SL—The eeofemee ot her of mlnea wUl be started at once and
Ihhcr lemden vhMi besu rwMtar In that event It I* predicted the strike last nl^i sdopied a resalutlon declar
ing raeant the seat of WUIIam F Marnorelw b»d » ba>r dar, and U«t atHit a 111 soon be ended. One of the “falc U”
ttty. of PhlladcTphta. in the national
(he «ad ww in alchL Wtait the owfw- said Ian rlrbl* "If the mines sUn un
der such an acreement In the Pltuburc Democratic ^mmlltre. ibe committee
MM haa aeeompiuhed. U uiraiLlBa. U la
dWrtct the 11s Is op. a* all ef the states
of the Amrticua
met to the
Ooabc It U net beUered the leader*
Inrolred sra concerned. The hour Cbst
direction of the executive eommUtee
have attained anV deflate malt, and In
TVn»g A COVeU. Auoroey* ood caa^
oonalder the questloa of the encancy
tact the prealdeBt of oBe«( the Dallonal
X/ Ion ot too. OMeoB. City Oprro Usoae BIk.
irs dl
prcaatMtlciei Mid Uat hi^t that the from the ranks of strfken to West VlrtallQK of the ronfercece ««* a ton«oB* SlnlS. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois will
ooBclualoo. "i abentd feel rery much follcw. If twenty-nine miner la the
fdiacrlned." mM ihi* ccDtkBian. "if I PlUsburs distitet tfaoDid Stan they
would not find a marliel tor more than
liad any pan in the coorenlhc of thla
two cars of coal a day each.” Seemary
CMferencc." - The cotnmlttee on reaolura'.a
rpOBEMT-PwaitoBdw akamtobod roua*.
X one block tnm I'caUal MheoL M V. Sto
Ntrthn licUp .
Trulftrtittti Co.
Kerthsrn WoU^ list
Soterelsn a
ceptioo of a few are irllllns t.
uiaied s pUruHiut declined to stre any rate demanded. aM| be U In
detalla The platfcam. It U expected. letUns them start.
•Jlled t -•
... win be submUi
;:.“^ten^m“e%7nto^;! CIEWTO the ^PHERO MUIIDEh.
............... » »*•*' «»«nllon
make an nnwleldly b«dy.
dem that all of them cannot (w aaUrfled
with a pUtform formulated l-y Ove men
r hranihra ot or*
sanised labor.
mawhtoed<. PlM Mot ropslee.
Ratchford's plan' of pellllonlc* PrerSdent McKinley
........... -onvene conyrew In
extra aerelon to enact measures pn,vld-
Uoo. While
Two men were on the front seat with
day Debs d
their hats polled far down dver their
In an appearance at last elKht's msss- eyes. Of these men HaU gives a tnod^ecUng. where be was widely sdver- erwtMy close description, and fats ac
/ Used to make sit address He is repfe- count la enrroborated by other farmers
-- -- -......................
along the Mount Pleasant road. The
bewerer. by Benrer. and as he has re- time given by Ball as to the twisage
She I
and return orthie rig would hare given
t ruBimlUer
_______ __
opportunity tor the nfGrdrr to be eom•ay his Sods] Democracy Idea wiS bs mlttsd. as the tbeorr Is that it occurred
represented. It is thought adyonnuneol ____
somewhere about <:S0 In the morning.
W be r^hed some Ume today. Eighty- iTbt't^m are wortlng th^ clne^iiwry
Intemaitional Typugraptileal union. U
chalmian. and A. M- Pearces eecretary.
Kew Orlea^ Aug. ».-Jack tverPlirsMliMtotheCoafeeeses.
kardt and "■Id" UcPartland fought at
In making bis M>eecb tr. favor of ask cateb-weigba before the St. Bernaod
ing an extra seMon of congttas to pot a Atbetlc club last night. The arena was
curb on Judges In the Issuance of In hot pruperiy constructed to hold the Im
junctions Raiobford*was Imtswlonedmense crowd which attended, nor was
"In case of refusal." aald Kstchford the protection ample, tor the mob got
Impreaalvily. after an outbumof cbeer- beyond control aml'lbere was danger
tag had
verity rounds w
d B
I will than be Ume of a collapse. Twenty
Id diepUyed them
I variy. krt*t pegg
call congress together of a complete
B-lth bis left, punishing I
tBrsOyrle of bnsinees. I believe then In- and Escaping any great dami
not give
■ c Ev.
Everhardt enough
• syrnpatbetlc strike.”
Pat O'NrUl. of Rich Rni. Mo., who punlsbinent to put him out. At the end
aald he repty«rt)ted 1.U0 unorganised ef tAe twenUeth the Bgbt was dwlared
"picks," favored a labor revolution. Re a digw.
was a BoclaUst. he eald. and believed In
the miner* taking things In their «wn
Chicago. Aog. n.-LeMuc baM ball
bands If necessary. His Bery harangoe
At BalUmore-Claclnnatl 1.
pleased the audience graatly.
T; at.Bosion-acvcUnd t.
Boston S: at Kew Tork—Chicago It.
Kew Terk L In this game Anson wanted
It called at the end of
thb would be the last conrentkm
'fusing Aneun
held under present conditions, and thM
Western Lesgue:
At Cdombns—
Khnsas City ». Columbus U; at IndlaB, a^lb-MIlrMukee ». Indlans|»tls k
k-forfelted. Quincy
, J*’”'*
trill Try CmiphIUm ef ArehtUeSe.
I Washlnglon. Aog Sl.-Secmary ftage
^ e..s.. tbe Bnrt experiment with the
, Tatsney law providing for
compell. uon of arebilerta In the deelgn of public
' bondings
JOlldlng* b)- Inviting seven aRbllrcU
Jame* St. Carson, president of the : to submit ccmpellUve designs aod caUimn-to miners then recited at great mate* f..r the Norfolk. Va..-bulldtog. for
langtta the condiUons confronting f"...........................
aod said be belie'
hto men would iw ticaten
been made hy tbe i.
Ratchferd took exception to Car»oo’s After the Tanmey law waa passed four
gUlement that the TlUnols miners bad years ago Sfcretqry Carlisle decided
lott their strike. He said the miners that It was impractlcAhlr aod declined
were winning their strike, and further, to enact thnyqpomftJpmifJi-flurrtdBfrjp
hto B^en f-ere not aaklng this convep- ever, has resolved to give the Jaw a
tlon for aid. They wanted Ihto gather trial
ing to eradicate, If p«8*lble. the power
of Injunction. Taking a fling at Miner
Bessoemer. Hicb., Aug. SL—Ihe dry
Pat IW^y. be Mid a man wbu advooited the use of B*lDchcBtors had no. bouse St tbe Palms mine waa dertix-yed
by llro yesterday. U to said that three |
place In tbe convenll'.n. "Doa-n
------- " aald Itaichford. ':mtn* • how to handle guns,"
dtocoverod, and
there Is a« doubt
2ltcn AX KABLT gEITl
origin, as there were
ip* or stoves In the building.
Its wUl be tomied for the arrest
Ot tbe mao that were seen leaving tbe
building. Ibe sberiff aod deputies are
operator to the Pittsburg district said to charge of toe property, giving pro
last night that the minera' strike would tection to ibe men that an now at
probably be eelUsd—temporarily at least work.
—withto thf next fwty-elght hours. Tbe
CUah AflBBd T* toe a UeasMe.
Llneola.Neb..Aug. <L-The anaounc*.
tent ef Senator Jtdtn M. Tburaton In'
be RepubUcu state convention Uat
-t the end of taU senatorial term be
would not be a candidate for re-eleedoa
la tbe peUtleal aenmUoa of to* hour to
If.the miners would eonacst to such an
Kebraaka.,Bc sUted plainly that be
anwagemroi. with tbs dtaUnct under
flnsBulIy unable to maintain a
standing that the aihHiatora could not
bomeb'^atWashlagtoB andto Kcbraa.
Bx the price below 40 oanta or above •
kaand/baipoUtlcalpurwults hadnottbe
saSF-^aim for him as the practice of
his profesMcU;__________________
D be paid«
ton. S cams of that price to be turned
ever to a unstec or trusten and to be
held until toe arhliraUoo to cosnplrtcd
and then pay H to toe miner* if to* rat* has refused to cchnpty with toe order of
to fixed at ■
tbe provtoelal board of health to retnaa
If the rale to Bxed below that flgui* entrance to tbelf achuuto to cklldren
toen s portto of the amount held by the without vaccination cenlllcatea. and a*
trustee* to to be gtven to toe miner* sod a result toe city win atatl^b offleers at
toe other.rebated to tbe operators. A tel- all the Roman Catholic aebools to vac*
agram ws* received '
doau tbe children.___________
President Rstchford with
to to*
Tvooaor Makor* Bo On a Mho. - '
PhUadHpbla.'Ang. B.-Twelve ban*
dred trouief* makw* Mnito yetterday
o tdl wfeetoer be would a
for akoner hour*, belts* pay and tbs
oolito Korra.
dSBo. to.
«p0^EXT-^,M0d iooaa ■». Ml. and Oak
DelrolL Aus- n.—A ajredaf to The
ss!? “-.rjrra.'S
'cr. that be win o
>nrm^.a,wr<t.watessithat May aa.s
CawWSeheSwMlsits TMr Work.
Shepherd reports a
1 new rtne to the murderer* of CaMOrt
Elmer Btruble. of the rannefW bank.
| Oeor»e Mall, a farm Uborcr four railea
norlhwert of Shepherd, last nidht made
. _______________ __________________________
t l:U o'clock
“** P^"«
! momli* of the murder be saw a doqWr
- *“
-------- '............................................
. If any." did h wi
then too dark for him to see the
bot meet with the approral be had hoped ' ^
bouts Ister he was
Cor. and It is not believed the 1
he Incorpomied In the pUtfa
Mahon, of Detroit, said a resointlona
committee was useless The coneentlon
•hould vote on Batch^wd's propoaltlon
-and thtn go home. ^ power of the
natlon. he said, was In the coarts and
If anybody
Iw convened Ut It be
the conns Hr «vas nppos-tl to Raichford’e proixwmur
Mahon, as did bis
predecesKt. look s Sing at BenaWr
Hanna. Mohan ea'd the president would
have to m l Hanq^s cchaeot to tbe conWning cf RuarresB.
uouro sol'll
Chicago —
West Michigan
VIUJUM *. SAksm,
to the national conunlttee. Tbe pm* TPOB &ILE-ABMcMatoodenn-1-‘-||-| o*
cssdings were exciting from start to Sntah. and at one stage a policeman was
called upon by State Chairman Carman
thy OXs
ng die s;
uiBi^tdB.:: d'«.
Ar.tVaneaa CUy. . TS*________________________
isll uiBBi ID KKininni Li
r ralMB*.
chair to tl'. R. Brmlnteh. ot Lancaster,
to apeak upon the resolution. Immedldlatefy sftcr the meeting was catted
U order John B! Keen, of West More
lsod. oflered a renolutlon "that a va
cancy has beea crested and now exists
Is tbe
>e meniber*hlp^t tke nstlonal >
ec by reason of the voluntary «
ral from politic* and frompartlt .
tioB In the deliberations of the commit
tee of tbe Iste bicumbent. William P.
Barrity. and that Ur. Harrity. not be
ing to acrord with tbe pHscIpIr* of tbe
Democratic party. James M. CuSey. ol
PMtshurg. who BO loyally supported
WUUsm J. Bryan, be and to taereb} se
lected to Bll the vacancy."
Trnnra <
• Ma.to.
'l-tlld—Money to Loan
rtto BiMtoer OoBgn to K
MagUlrate Charli I P. Donnelly, of i
Philadelphia, aald ll
make a mistake If It adopted tbi* r
lutlon on Abe ere of the great battle for i,
goeemor. It war the doty of the organ- | •
taailon, he mid. to bring aluut a coodl- ; f
tlun of affairs that meant <
neaa and harmony In the party, aod the i •
Democracy could not go befor
populace with tbe expectation of wto-[i
nlcg vIctoHes wUh a divided parly or- I •
gantoatlon. Donnelly denied the right of •
the alate coramlllce
crestte a vacancy I •
bau tuUoB-ed. and thee Qhalrn
man. at the request of Donnelly, ivad ' |
the correspondence between blmaelf and I
Ilamty. Oannan folloirtd with a li>ng ' j
argument In favor of the resolution. : |
More heated argument followed.
member suggesili
■ling the rvfereece of tbe
question to William J. Bryan. The vou
followed with the mull suted.
The action of the riate committee will
-- exalting time
daring tbsl Karrlly was not good
enough Democrat to be tn official postUon.
Ar. Bartori|irto*«
kClehigan 8t-. CtdCBSo.
AgealTTOfene aiy.
“Alan Wants
But Little
Here Bel6w,”
eot Be Wantoyhat Little
# QUICK. ^
An AiMsenienti...-
BsfM^ Oomhtoo AmUnto ta*
meeting held Iasi night decided to rtand
alone with Seth Lou and no other as
candidate lor mayor of Greater Kew
Tork. "Hoiiie role ' Is what is desired,
and BUte and catlcnal MBUes arc to be
ahnened. All this was publicly set forth
a reydy sent by Chairman James B
Reynold*. U tbe I'oion.
p lAsnuel I
Qalgg. of the Bepublica
itottee. to the iDvUailon to toe coctcrccKc of anti-Tammar.y organtostlona.
In his ansucr Reynolds says; "1 am I
•trucled by our executive cpmrnmce
reply that loyally to tbe principles of c
first mayor of the Oreater Kew Tork,
and to toe cnodidate whom they I
rttooen render* It ImpousIMe for tbe Un*
Ion to accept the invitaUoa.
"The Union having been argantoa
toe express purpose ot carvytog tot
from sutr and a
Ktloea, and
for toe cUlsrns of
Kew Tork. eatroot oomMn* with parties
represeoUnr-Hate and national issue*
.toe bomlrAilon of candidate* cboen beof their party aflUlallona and ne«.......................................... to ibe party
which they r
appealed to
party, without s
t of toelr party
allegtancc. in the ranee of good otty
ernmesL In response to this appeal
43» voter* of toe dty of New Tork have
unUad to dedarlng toe Hoe. Beto Low
tostr choice for magor.
*rtbe Unlcn prspoM to afford tola
body of voters an opportunity
olae toelr atslulorr right to tm
Bumem oi tnsw sxprrsstn wmn. ana n
ts our oaroMt hope that to* high ebaraetsr a^ abnily of Mr. Low and hlo
■toem te the cOe* wlli Isdnc* «B
Want Oepaflment-L^
Keeryd^ ytumw^y* a coot siBosiM rid* an
Is kiTown to be Effective.
If You Have a Want
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