The Morning Record, May 05, 1897

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The Morning Record, May 05, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TUrtToar-No. l.


TRAVERSE crrr. MICH.. WEDNESDAT, may 6, 1897.


ehanees In eatehlng dogs for tha fan at
U. For tbatiaaaoohe has laid aside
hla grappling books onUl the next
OOL. /OSV D. BZLLXVM BA8SID meeting of the oonneU. when be hopes BOABD OP XOtfOATIOH OPPOBB
soma arrangement wlU be made to


TEXT BOOK PROBI^M These Are Inventory Days!

oatohlng dogs not worth the prioe to
Baaolution la Protant to ba sent to
get'ont of thapennd.
the Lagislatera—Tha Act Wonld Ba
a Serare Blew to the Bdaoational
Byatem of Kiehigan.
The aew board of education mat and
Ohaa. Hoeeathal'WiU Blape
organised last night On acoeant of
the death of their late ooUegua the
It was arranged by Cbas. :
and the Knights of Pythias ladga that membere were not partknlarly llrely
and Si eort of qalei perraded the oooacu'
that orgaaUatlon ahoold lay the
room until the Orabam-Fonyth tmrt
ner etooe of and dedicate the
Boaaathal block, in riew of the fact book bUl ereated aa aaUaatad diaousthat thia lodge was the Ant whkk Mr.
Before prpmoding to the regular <»Boeenthal entered by card in this city.
The date was at Aral Axed on the. der of butinesa, Bar. D. Coehllh offered
day of the Elks' big Iwowse, but owing the following roaolntioo:
That la tbe death of CoL
to the okaage of date for that erent it J. AcMloed.
D. Billiafs, ,the cause ef edaeatloa
was ocesaaary to make new plana. loaea an earnest friend and the board
Now. as the bnUdiag U eo far ad- of education la TrarerMOitr a faithraneed, Mr. Boeenthal has arranged to fnl. eameat and conaeienUons mem­
gire a banquet to the Iddge in com
The resolution waa ananimontiy
Deration of hia enterpritiag resadapted.
tore. The erent wiU take plaoe to­
morrow nigkfln Uie lodge rooms and 'Profeaaor Urawn Ibti
lyth text book Wll which
all tha memben will enjoy one of the
Aneat spreads la the power of Ckterer waa the subject of much dieenaaton by
time ago, aad tbe in­
Fletcher, who rrlll aerre the feast
Besides the banquet a Ane program of troduction in the legitiatore of which
inrited the antagonism of nearly every
wUl he giren. Erery member of the city of any considerable else in the
lod^ is cordially InrUed to enjoy Mr. stete. The bdanl^l the meeting acted
in harmony. with Grand Baplds and
Hoeeathal’s hbapitality.
other large cltiee la pro^
the passage of the propSed measure,
and. a reaointion to that end was sept
▼U1 Oocnpy the AtUntion of tiie to-tbe legislature. The bill i^ent to
Athlrtlo Aaocciatioa.
the eenate and there an amendment
The Athletic Aasodatton held a as proposed exeaipting from tbe proBe eame to TraTeree City to take meeting last ni^t to take prellmUary Tlshms of the bill all cities baring a
charge of Park Place hotel ta 18TV. at atepa to popare for Aeld aporU for the ■ebnol attendanoe of more than
It was daeided to gire pupils. The amendamnidid not prethat time resigning the management
of ike FarwelL the leading hotel on the up the gymnaainm during' the warm rail and the bill went back to the
west tide. Id Chicago. Be spent eight nMathsaada
yeem here before falling health com- ed to ascertain if pririlegea lor the | bees btfetofore gives oat to tiw pub«■ ^
^widea for a ualforraity of text
. pelled hU retignatioa and daring that Twelf^
j time, under hla capable management, gronads oonld be eeenred for the sea- : books aad a plea whara^ the atote
af eduoatioa ahall have the pow­
tha hotel acqalred a tar-reaebUB sad
Bal Perry aaA Oaear Fried­ er to ooBtract for text hooka tor the
onriable repntetloa. Hia baalth berich.
state seboola for a term of tea yeaz%
cemlag poor, he for a time aeled as
Baee baU waa-;dIaoumed aad it waa aad to select tha variera books, etc.
wsnager of a hotel in Salt Sprlnga,
Profemor again showed the beard
Ga-.knd afterward ran the HantariUe decided to iastract the athletic
and MonU 8ano. Ala., botela timnl- miUee to pretest plapi for baee baU. the dlsadvantagee and injuatioee of Um
■ taneontiy, aomiag back at last to Chi- tennis, foot kali aad kindred ^orta. It bUl. He argued that under the pro­
nago. whdre he bed entire charge of the was also decided that memben be ad- posed set the educatienaluyatem of tha
^te would rweive a eerfous Mow.
great Chamber of Commerce bnlldlag atiUed for tSe Ui
October let for »i. The proapecto are
an Inferior system would be faatowned by Haanah, Imy d Oe.
Three yean ago ba retoraed td Trar- bright for aa active aeaaon la athletic*. ened upon the acbooU ef the etate.
Be also argued la favor of' the free
eoe City to take* hla old potitUa aa
text book plan in toroeln many citiaa
manager of Park Place, whart he has
In titia he waa aapported by E, L.i
alnoe rematned. ,Pew men are better
Imwreaee Olaaoa had Bnalaaai with Sprainta. a former member of the
board for many years, who has
bsing eoattered thrangbont the entire
United States. We was a member of
Some time ago E. B. Kaaelaad mtaa- made a study *of the subject
the Maeonk fnMrnity. uking the ed from hla farm a large Itoa kettie Sprague etated that he had
Knight Templar digram in this el^. whkk ha formerly need at' hla tiaagh- ed the eyatem as need in Sagiaaw and.
Colonel BUllngs has beea a member of tor bo«aei,p^ aavarmt other artklm of toaad that the eoet to the tity was but
•0S eento per pupU. aad that the brat
the Board of Edneatiotr tinea the city mere or leca value, la Wylag to
Ueorporation, Be-1earee a wife and teia what had baeema of them Fiad books ware la use. Be also agreed
two ehildm*: Mks JnlU and Enin C KaeeUad learned that a boy named with Profrarar Orawa that nader the
BUllnga, i^^wlU hare the sympathy of
Oleeoa. Uvlag ^ of the proposed laeaenre the fact that the
all In their loea. Fnneral serrkei will Black aohool houae, bed a kettie aae- ooetraet waa to be4at to tha lowest
Wa held at the boipl this aftemeon at weriag the description of the ■u.i^g bidder would destroy tbe preofat ext:Me'oleek.
veeael. A aaareh wmnaatiw Maned eelleat grade of text books not <nly as
aad served by Under Sheriff Ashton to quiaUty of raatorial hot aa to aubjaet
^terday. Tbe boy gave ap tiie kettie
Should this bill para, the l.MO pupUa
with tha explanation that be had
Spatial Bates Arraagad fay K A V. 8. bought It of another boy. Theeearoh is this city would be compelled to porehaaenew books, the booto they aow
aad Abb Arbot Ballroads.
rwealod some of the other miaalagaro^lraa. These facte
A. H. Brown ef this city baa eom- tiolea. which tbe led admitted had beea
were imprraeed dpoa the board aad
pletad arraagamanta with the M. A 8. stolen.
with one exoeption it was the eeatiE. aad Ann Arbor rtilroada for ^etial terday betwon tbe boy aad Kaealaad
meat of tbe members that aU poralble
(ataa and special traia serrloe, for ^a •fur payment of »5.oo. aad Uwreaoe
efforts ahonld he exerted to defeat tire
graatOddFeUewq; etiebration and an­ promiaed tha efBoerto Introdnoe him to
la pnraaaaee to this kr. ^bert
nual gathariag totake place io Fraak- oertaln boyn who were latereeted la
Cartoathe Mtk of thia month. The pnrloiaiag the kettle.
ReMloed. That we. the board of eduarrangement le for riaiton from CadU
oatioD of Traveree City, are unalterably
lae, Maaistaa. Trarane City and lotar-------- J
passage of the Orahambill, aad that it b onr desire
Mediate points. Tha rate for tbe ronad.! Wen a Talnabla Trottw la a MafBe.
and direction that our repreaeatativra
trip from Trareree.Ci^ will be Ai AO.
Some time' age Landlord C. A. Lake I the. legislature exert their brat ef■IxbetatOlkeiiiuitioBaare being made of the Hkermaa Botal beeama tha owa- wto to defeat the meeau
for a grand trateraal
Tbe only member voting agalnt the
arof the oelehrated trotting staUioa
aM »l«T«BBB^'of Odd. Fellows of Pstshea. Aehtnt tltoe aixee the etal- motion waa Mr. Bounds.
tUatity are prepariag to attend.' The* Hob wee laMed, tiekeU being taIke eommittoe on teaobera ahd
tftia wUt leave here at V:8K a. m.. and qaadnadaoIA Serarat young man aad aeheoU waa Inatnicted. to
rotam when the calebcatloa k over at boras teoeiera ia tha city invested la
of ^ teaeharu and mlarlet
______________ _
tieketa, but thuy were all dL
fer-fhe eomli^ year to praaeat at tha
won by Mim Ni^emoa, who livm lug that there were to be alae vaeantiaeand that tbe taaohsra dralriagto
Heoad XMtn Moody Don't Want to abont four miles from KlagBloy.
remain ware anxioas to learn the daOhteb Oait for Bna.
etakw of the board.
PenaA Master Moody did not catch
The following eommlttera ware ap­
t this City aad Bk
asy aalioeaeed dogs yeeterday. It
pointed by Mayer Sadth.
waa Bot beeauaa there were not eoeree
BchoobaadTuaehara-rP.a Gllbrat.
s< them that would grace the city
maaa meatfag of Weyele rfdari was
ponad praperly, but beeaaae the pouad bald at Elk Bapkb Saturday sight to Biohard Boaads. Doa. A Draa.
Wayaaad Meaaa-a I^boa, Jaa. A
■aeter hathought him at the Mat moMoore, 0. A. JohaaoNt.
aaoat toaMlfhawotidha efaUgod to plaaa aad Tkaveiw aty. Thera era
BuUdlaga aad
tiremida Fvaak
.corral worihlam oan without hops of many paopla bars who will toka aa laFri«drieh,8NleboU.Jaa.A. Moora.
l•maBefatton. A aaareh tbroogh the tonat la saeh a mad aad who, wm ha
Text Booha, Appaimtaa aad Oeuiara
eharter rwnalod the feet that dogp ro> wUliag to do thair abara io push H
^Btady-D. OoehUa, P. a eUharL'a

from the pound eouM be paid along. .
PopoUr Landlord of Park Ptaeo Ba*
His Sofftiittcs—TravarM
Oitjr has Lost an Xstosmsd Oitlssn
Ool. John D. BUllnpt passed swap
yastarday momlnp at P:S0, attar a loay
and painful iUneas. of Brirht's dtsaasa.
Ba had baen In poor haalthior a nnmberofyaaiaandhadbaenoonfined toUs
bad most of tha tima for the past two
moatha Colossi SUilnya was bom In
Utehflald. Maine, Jana tfi. 18SS. The
greater part of his life was spent In the
latnayement of hotels and he has at
different times had <d>arge of some of
the leading hoalelriee of the west and
nen^ altboogh he fonnd time, in the
midst of his datles to, answer to bis
oenntcyb oall and aerre gallasUp U
tha army daring part of.the cMl mr-

Two dents.





Just completed our annual stock-taking and find
we have many things, one or two of a kind, which
we’d rather sdl at a great saprihee than carry. Wall
Paper, Books, Ladies* Pocket Boolfo, Bill Books,
Etc. Can’t tell you all of them. Come and see.


M. B. HOLLEY. ManaqcR. ,

Where am I at ?
This is no jok< -1 am at


It’s Dangerous, and
Foolish as well^-^Not tp get myprice^n

----- ^


before buying, as I have
■ j -I
a large stock and decided­
ly the lowest prices. If
you need a new Couch
now is yoijr time. I have
too piany high priced
Couches and 1 will close some of them out at a big

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,

OpposlW asskeU's Bookvtorv.

Factory should have deliv­
ered them two months *ago<
This is the handsomest line

that we have ever s^own, and
as^ is late in. tbe season we
<Qffer the tot at prices away
undervalues. ^ "

Sooth Union Street.

The Quality and
Price Question...

lor by thaowaar. hut there was ae
profiakia for dogs whose ownmu would
» to ^Lkm Barber ahbp.Aor hair
not lake tfaa trouble U rudaam. Thart- outa^
hatha, 16 eaataea^ .
Imp Mr. Mao4y naoleoA to take no

TUm a look at Oao. Wlaalak adrarbamanteatthpaga.

ShduM always be considered ail your
-purcha^. We claim the lowest prices
on the Aame quality of-------

Best Grades of Footwear
We are prepared to demonstrate the fact.







The liene^ the Baoaa» tola moraThe Omnd Opera Boom WtU be Xnlag ia 1,700.
The Heaaeh Biflea wUl ho)d a reffo*
'Vravxbse orri5
Jultae Stelnberf, praprietor of Steinraearn'orrMiM
Ur drill this ereaiBff ia Library Hall.
berf'a Orahd. U preperinf to ealerye
Jaeob Porteoh haa baea appolnled
pretty play house, ao aa to seat
aceat tor toU city tor toe Fmabiliy hU
almt one-tolrd more perwna, mod add
ISpO*. T. Batm akd J. W. Bahsb*. braa^ of floor.
frUUy to toe faeUItiea for prodndaif
At uietr
toelr aaeuap
aaetloff laat
Uet >av
.alpht toe
W. BAKMpr. EdUof MdmntfUT. LlUle boye' Baod ebaafed iU aaate to
vary food. BomeUmee it hto been dlf•Tbe Greeceat Baod."
fionlt to procure oelebmted attradtiona .
Tbe artealaa well beloff drlvea la on aooount of the llmiutlone of the '
toe rear of toe Broach blook hae reach­ etafe. Ur. Steiaherg la preparing to
ed a depth of 300 feet.
obvUte thU dlffleolly by making, toe
ThaMuanso Raooan oaa be found etage oonalderably larger. The build­
OmCiaciiATUB oa aale at toe City New* SUad. City ing will be extended to the nlley In toe
0«M, uf'rr«oi au««ii.
’ >tee«ea Book Htore and If. E Haakell'a aUtioa- rear, a diatanee of «o feet, Upu allow­
ing for enlarging the atage to much
ary etore.
U evwauiteMtoM to ll«nd^r >M«r4
The Womaa'a Home aad Poreiyn greeter proportloae. •‘nie addition will
MUaiao Circle of the BaptUt ohorofa be ao oooatrueted aa to make a drive­
Dm M(uuu;u B«'^ prmmU tMall will meet at ^:30 toU afternoon with way ender the extonaion, by whleh
gooda can be delivered and aoen^ re­
to toe pnWk of TnVm» Oitj
Mre. Northrop
moved direct to tbe eUge. Tb^ im­
Ttotoltj %adaf, wito toe enfidOBoe laH. D. Campbell A ftooa' hare been
toked bj eutaMlUl eDooBnc««at, awarded the emtraet for toe wlriaff provement wlU add a large tpace'bf'
eeeUng cepaeity. and permit of a re­
lor % brtffht
eueoewfnl (otore. aad'electric lUhOny fljctorea of the
ef toe boxee in a more erThe paper wUl be repoblioui la new Beaeathal blook.
tUUe muner, which will be an im­
foUUae, 'aad aa aegreeeife fatoerer
The topper eerred by toe ladlea of provement greatly to be eppreeiated.
M local newa and cventt of yea- the BaptUt ohhrch laat nlyfat wae en- The plana are not yet ema^eted, but
«nl iatereatiroB all toe world, which >eyed I7 a lai^ crowd aad wae a uc- thea* Ideaa forma fododatloa for the
frill be dUpeneed each meralny in Ume oem ftnMclally and aoelally.
remodeling of tbe honae.
Tbe etoamer Petoakey arrived at tkU
far breakiaat. The aim of toe Bacuan
will be to keep la mind toe intamu
of port laet aifht at alz o'clock after bej Inf delayed two days on aooeunt of the
I City
recent etona which ewept the takee.
in, and their varied iaiporvTony Novotny, Fred Beohteland Em.
aat ladosinea. aad to atd In toe dcrelWpmaatel toe reeoureeeof the entire Wilhelm Uft thU morhiaf for Bear
Grand Trareiee recion. It wUi aUa be Creek, on their ananal trout flablnf
trip. They will rem^ ewaye week.
toa porpueeof the paper toenooora^
Tbe Qneea City llleyele Club wiU
the torlrlDf wgantutUane in toe olty
meet thU eveninff la the We-qne-tonf
and to record every toinc ttotabaU be of Clttb honee. for the pnrpoae ef eleotlof
Intertot aad beaeflt to toe oommaalty. oftieere and makiap plana for the eeaIt U toe purpoee aiao of toe pabliehen
—Fire Insurance a .
leaUalnate from theitouoJu>.allatatThe ladiea of Amanda Hive L. O. T.
that woold be obJeeUoaable. and to M. will give a ten cent kMh supper In
—Reai. Estate.
make a papev that every oitUw will be McNamara hall tonight to be f^lowed TXLsraoiri n.
g]aA to hacB every member of bU fam- by. a dance. Supper will be eerved
from 6 to 0.
.fly paruea.
Tbe Baooan tbU atomInf dUplaya Ten female patiente were tnmeterred
I of a proeperooe fotora, by yeeterday from toe Kortbera Hteblgan
s repoeed la the a^lam is thle city to the a^lam In
a of toe e
lieaalaad beat- Newberry, U|to«r Penlasala. in charge
trwtare by the ]
of Or. NUker.
■men. aad toepro^wet ef e eoatianPrank A. Bari and Btoaghtoa Bone
•nee of toeee favoraU extremely bripht.
went to Acme yeaierday tnomlng on a
With toeee fbw obeervatioaa the Bactroat fiehlog ezeoraloa. Blnatdo Ful­
eif to toe food will of ler la la ebar^ of Mr. Bcaeb drug


we have
fop boys.



at Haskell’s Bodkstore.

E. W. Hastings,


Honesty of Goods

store in tbe meantime
The Womaa'a Home and Foreign
Hiaalonaiy aodety of tbe Congregatioaal ebarob will aieet with Mm. B.
J. Cnrtia. weat 7to street, toU after­
noon at three o'clock.
The Good Templara are preparing!
f-,r an open meeting aad enter)
t> aoc Saturday night in piaoe
of tbe legutar lodge meetiag. Mem­
bers of toe lodge will Invite friends
The Octahedral Club relnraed from
Olea Lake with the ftrat large eatoh of
the iraaon, They oaptored 370 trout,
of whieb toe veteran iehermaa, B. D.
Campbell, oaught toe largest string.
Tbe Bxcobu having purchaaed the
eubecrtptloa l^t of the Momtag
BaUetin, Utoly publiabed by A. P.
■engb. tola paper will be eerred
regularlyto thoae who have beea cubaeribere to the Ballstia.
Tbe Bdw. Buckley will be la today
to take a load of maple lumber to Chioegn from Wm. Beltaer'a factory. Mr.
Beitoer te alao hanllag elm lumber to
toe doek to be shipped ia a few days to
Erie, Pa..end to Glevelaad.
Tbe flrat advertlaemeni for toe Bao
uan wae haaded la by Juatloe Brown.
Tbe first edvertlaemeat paid la advaaee
was for toe Oily book Store: the eeoIUtob Surra la bis iaaagaral ad- oad ky toe Treveree City Lumber Co.
dreii to toe city eeuacil bee etraek toe WUllaa Beitner wee toe first paid-inkay-aoie of maaleipal eeoiwmy. Be
has givaa eoaalderable thonght to the
Him. J. K. Gowdy, of Indlaaa, who
•rr*- of the eity, aad years of valnable bee jnat been appointed Oonaul Oeoeral
•^wieaoa oa the board aad in mat- toFreaoebyPrr
»y. waaa
oouala of tbe late J. B. Gowdy
«0 of pabBc momeat. make hie ear
rty of earaaat caaslder- of toU eity, and toe resemblance be^
tween the two men wae as greet that
■ by toe preeaat ooaaoa
to«y were frequently mUUken tor eaeh
Tax aaaaal reports prei
iodto toe
The Bxewai) baa arranged
aoudl at Monday aigbt'e awetiag
tooald be oarefuUy perused by every .^eeUl featarea at latorraU each weak
after the rash of aBvertbing adjnsw
•aa payer. That of toe Board
itself. Aatoag these will be artwlm
lie works is eipeeially wortoj of aV- on adeoee aad Isdaatry: ChriatUa BalMtom.wblU toe report of Fire Chief deavor oolema, which wUl appear oa
Dtopree U of groat importaaea. The Batorday, and other featores eqaaliy Iw•u me>U«u4 wiU b, piUU- toresUag.
]• U» oOcli.1 pnoMdlup.
Ed. Cblklna, aa employs la the BantU
ottee, met with aa
Academic Training.
aftomooa whleh made It aeeamary tor
At toe meeting of toe board of ada. him to go to a doctor to he ^tehed ap a
g^km last Bight Mr. OUhart oOerod Wt Be was removing a form from toe
IBa foiUowtBg iTnendmeat to para- elevator when by aa aecMeat toe form
gmph No. > of SeeUoa VUl. of the al^ved between tbe Boor aad elevator
ly.lawi of too board:
and feU through tram the see
Be peraob ahaU be employed M toaeh- floor to toe haaemeat Ed's fingaia
a laoeratad aad hla face tamiaad.
•oareeof aeademic Iralalag equal to Take a look at Oea WiBaleb adver:en«thpage.
la toe deeto of Col. John D. BUilnfa
lUe eommualty bae lost an honored
mtiaea ana oae of lu meet profroealve
•pirlU ana eunaervative buaiaeae men.
Be wea hifhly eateemed by everyone
nnd wju one of tbe moat naefnl mamhm of toe board of ednoailoa. where
he beeaervedalnee toe Incorporatton
d toe city. He wUl be greaUy
^ toe«>mmarcial traveliag )fratemieofwbUb have foand
■tf. •
fa him a genial friend and courteona
Uadlord. la whose cl
pUyee tbe blgbw^ elemeau of boepilitllty aad gaollewaaly culture. Trav0* City WiU ntoura with toe bereaved
ary demand
lor advertUiag ta tod'firat laaoca of toe
Monuu Bpeoap.'eoaetderable reading
tatter bagbMa crowded out- Several
•dvertiawe bibe alao bees toroed to
•oeapt less epa^ than they desired,
hat after toe paper becomes eeUled
4owa to a aormal boeiaM ooadittoo
e diffienlUee wUl adjust theanaeivc*
••d toe BauoBD wUl be dblarged if


Have your pianos tuned hj our reelwmu¥ taaer.
»ussr, Prof.
r(\n. J. W.
TT. vune.
CUffe. oaiu
ordan to N. A Btroagb Mnale Sima.

Keokwoar from ....‘.........................go up
Overflhlrtd from............................. iSc up
Short Pants (a otaek of them)
for all agea, at........
Sweater* from........... ...................i9o dp
I<6ng Stocking*, ezoeUent for
the money......... ..................8 pato 860
P»P»..............................................lO'to 860
Brown Overalls........ ...................... ;S6o
Short Pant Suite, prices from . .48c up
Extra h*avy wool Sweater*
with cape........................... *.......... ,60c
(Oar lowest prioed gooda are equal to any in the
market, eo are toe higher prioed goo^)

$1.39 buy* a Suit from a large lot we
■hall oloae, and in this lot are good*
■old last seasonfor $8 to $8.60—they
are cheap.
$1.60 for a suit in Uie lot eol^ at $8.60
i See them, it will pay.
*We never showed a ohoioer line of
Short Pant Suita at $8 and above
than now.
All wool Pant* from a lot of *1111*, well
aasorted sice*, running to 14 yrs 606
4n extra good lot at 76c and $1.
Children's Tamoshanter Cape........ 86c
The prettieet lot of chUd's end boy's capa evar

Children** cotton and white Kn*.
Un Waists from..........................860 Up
Children** Umbrellas for......... ....... 60o



Honesty Purpose

Never before could we sell ^e novel styles in
hat* aa low as 6O0—Fedoras, Cubans, Derby*—a
great variety of colors and mixtures.

Our Shoes are made
on honor, and we nev­
er misrepresent them.
We sell them on their
merit, and on their
merit we have built
up one of the most ex­
tensive shoe business*
e» in Northern Michigan.

Out a great figure this year, 18 to 60a 60 cents
buys aa Imported cap, silk lined, while S60 some
some handsome patterns in silk U|iinge also.


is full frfthe latest dteigns in colors and shape.
See the colored Cubans the staple Fedoras, the
*‘Queen City Stiff** hat, the'^'Marwell’' grads


■ —Pingr^ &, Smith
—Fiiie Shoes.
$3.00, S3.S0, $4.00, USO

The Rindge Line
Rinj Shees, Hard Pans aad

One big lot 89o; one lot 660: one lot99c; one lot
$1.19; one lot $1.60. New designs for young
men in stylish, well-made pants at $8 and $8.60.

Here U a line at 6.00,7.00 and $8.00 that are at­
tracting much attentioa. Xdnea a few years ago
sold for 10.00 and $18.00. We bought them
oheap aad are eelling them cheap. $10 and $18
lines are handsome. Great takera among young
men. $18 to $14 Stein Blochs* unequalled by
. J

Per Mem. Sare m»4 Yooiha.

The A, E. ISettleton
Shoe For Men

Frank Friedrich’s
Mew «bee •tors.

118 Front Street,
'Wurzburg Block.


Suits aa low in price and argood value aa any one has
them. If a cheap salt la wanted, aae onra at
$1.70, $3.18 and $4,96. ,

!■ Bi/lua mat BlchOrade.'’

The Douglass Shoe
for Cbod Service..




Hamilton Clotliing Co.

Front Bt, Traverse Oitx-


. y


•it, >



MIm Steele of Northport la the gncH
of Mfu. W. J. llobto.
Hra. T. O. Ouston haa ffooe to Big
RapIda to Tiait r^Urce.
doba Fpiucb of Carp Lake waa in the
&• $9 lUt* oa^iimbw ITrtvmU* with elty yeaterday on boalneea.
▼wrioM »MptloM b« OftdM.
Aloe Stelaberv returaed ye«ter^y
WaUlaftoB. May 4.»«iii«tar Aid- aftomeoB from Fetoakey, where he baa
riebprcMBted tkc uriff bUl to Ike ara been apeadyw a week with relatirea.
S. H. Uaydea, who for the peat three
Ato to-day aad fare ooUoe that it would
ba eallod up ToMday, th« 18th loaV yean haa oooduetod a wagim and
The time for the hill to take effect U bla^amlth ahop At Lake Aon. baa reJuly I. IMT, iaatead ofI May
Mi 1. ae pro- aored wiUi hla family to Trareree
Tided in the houM aad the wcwdi in City.

the flnt phncrapb, "or . withdrawal * H. a. Olda. a fomer reaideatof Baalor cottBi^ptiMVi" are aitnek out
doa. baa mat hU lot at Inland with hU
The reportinff of the hUl .today waa a family and will enyaye la farmlay.
aarpclae to the aeaaton had pobUe. He waa la the city yeaterday dolay
When the aenate ffaaace ooaunittee I eome tradlBy.
the idea premiled that the bill j CapUia and Mru. J. P. D. Smith.who
would be held la theeoanalttee for^ti
married here laet week, returaed
daya. All membera of the oommittee from their wedding tour to MUwaokee.
Chioago and other ciUea yeaterday.
load the MU forvoearly an hour, mU- They left laet eventoff for their home
toff ruanluff oommenta upon it- They to Calumet.
Uodfray Eagatrom. -who went to
dtha they were affuinat the
blU aa a whole. They eoon uaderatood Sweden to vialt hU old heme and relathat Jodeaof Nevada waa ffotoff to rote tivea laat fall, retnraed, yeaterday aowith the repnbticana. Tb^ had no de- eompanied by hU aUtor Ida aad Hlaa
to make* lactioua oppealtion and Peteraon. Godfrey enjoyed hU viait
iffbly aad la now ready to grap­
when the motttm by the republleana to
report the Mil at once waa made the ple with boaiai
ud Jonea voted afBnaative
The Kerntoff Jtoeord.
ly and the motion prevaUod.
The M<4JUI!vo Bkcou> will be deliverThe lumber eehedule waaohanged by
rceideam in Traveiee
addtoff after the word ."Umber.'
I "hewn.- aided
r equared and ; City the drat three dayt of ite publloafized '
Borntoff. It U the
tet..!. U,,h«,«,bUl.


A Oarload of BopA
The Hannah A Lay MercaoUle Oo. ve>reeln Bo'ding Their Own aad ceired yeeterday a ear lead of rope'
Turks are Beetlng.
j from Boeton. Thli la an extraordlnariMV <._A dlH»UI> from ' '> >•'»«
~~«»dllj to
th.l tk. Torto ..oldnl
•* “■» *t*“
BftkiOd .07 further .tuck Dpao Vein- out? »hont once k yeur.
ttne, cententlng toemee)v«e with reDeg Went Kad.
eonaoiteriag in toe ncigtabocbood of
that plaoe. The Greeks occupy strong ^ Laat Snn^y night the favorite'^og
was taken with hypcuitioBB which win enablAtocm to re­
___ toe enemy.
dropbobta la a vkdcnt form. After aa
A dtapLwhfiim Aeu tkb kflemoon i

'*•“ "t'

maaded by Colonel I*airactoaria while
ThomMoo, a poor fanner of
A. P. Thou
on u._.._i..ei. —_.e~e^
; Meyfle\d townsnip. Lepeer county, has
ed by toe Turkk The b
'received toeg led Udlnge that be has
to tole now In progrt

Pennell’s We Make The Prices
That You Want. -



Their Ar^y WUI be Ucreaaed to


It isn't everybody who-llvee to celt
, I Mate
their 87tb wMdlag anuivereary,

Bargain Values all through our stocks of

Dry Goods, Carpets and Clothing;


The Man Millinerj j

Everything desirable and up-to-date merchandise.
We always give the greatest values.



Choice Groceries

Reliable Trading Plac«.

If You Have Logs to Sell

.Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. Wc have for sale Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber.- Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple \Vood. Lands for sale. Mill Madiinery. of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.



Thurtell & Gane.
Wr wake a spM’lallr •!


Geo. P.



.Contracting and Practical
Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.
OeU aad

«■ ee4 «• vUl 4« rea fWd:

Cor. 7th end t'ntoa sta.


. With this A No. i issue of the Morning Record we place McLellan & Ash as A. No. i in the line of

Ice Cream. Ice Cream Soda
I am the agent for this Yfam*
and P me Candies.
bus Brand.


Delivered to aar pert •( tbie eilr.'

IM On«m Frul^Tor.-v„iu., ch»»i.«.
Kwpberry, TuUi FrutU. Ormmf, Punch. Lemon. Bnnnnn. I>tonUn. CManr.


- Obituary: At CleveleoA Miller M.
■pangler..S4. At SeatUe. Wash.. Colonel
Oranvllle O. Haller. AJ. B. A., retired,
91. At Parte. Henry* Havemeyer. son
•f the late Henry Havenii.yrr. of New',
Tcrfc. r. At London. Sir William C. F.


GFeo. B. Wmiiie,


I year by tbr farmen of south’
•re Michigan a larxMr tnervaard acre.
d«e ami be devoted tbere to ralMng
tnbere the e«mlag see eon.
The king at Italy baa oooferred npoc
WBUam Pottar the order of'Bante
MnartaloB aad rataere. Potter wim
mlnleicr to Itely before aad at the tUne
«r the eetUemmt of tbe New Orieaiu
Aa tmmenee tract of rtrii muck land

The WlacoaMn Beet Bngar company,
vbiota has fast completed a pUnt at
tfeomnliMe Falls, la In the beads of an
While waiklttg' on tbe Baltimore end
Ohio Vailway tracka near Martlnpbnrg,
W. Va. Benjamin Bbeiwrd and Martin
ipm* Ifliled. Both were turmem.

Are Others!

Uptodaic Palsue aad Paper Baa«*r.
Bat there nee so Ctgnra a
----- fUnklto-----

• <


r^Cberrj. Lemon. I

We elso put up Brick Ice Onum-Aii CknM. ou b> On.

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

6 0BNT8.

ie Btorfc. Ualaa BWaa*.

Uniqac I^esigns 1

N. Martmek.


cto™ le

^ brick. We driiver to nil pnrte of the eity no4 ont of toe city.

Try a Pound Box of oar Find Chocolates.
We mnke them every dny.

McLellan & Ash,
•ruck Beaik Cnloa SL,
lUer WeU'a Dn^ More.

For yoer boue tkap c«o4 wkite
Irad and oU PBOPBSLV alied aed
applied. Tbel'e lae hind or stork 1
ysc. Tkat's the way 1 wia aad pat

Oer. Front end Pnrk ate.

The Blue Room
In The White House

..Kimball Piano..


it was President McKinley's Personal Choice.

Fragrait aad Deliciaas I

lU* Pinao I* Inabraed by toe eelebntod nrtUto
of the world.

•w. ■w.


8’FUlt ledi—Lemon. PiDC-Apple.Yhnngo, En^pbei^, Cherry.

Fleischman's ComyrtssM feist SherbartB-^Rwpberry. Orange, Ste

The total appropriations of the Ktchlgen lectaUiure will be full>- half a
dollars less than two yeara ago.
Frank Adams, who haa bera truffering
a paralyala at Me home in Bamboo.


The Following FUvor. «r« mod. to ordn;

Oanatantlao^. May 4.—It baa been
laUe ■ • •

daeldad to iocFt^ toe strength ef tbel^llera^ bis wife, who live in Hur-- 1 _ -------- ------BIkton. did on
Tince* to WO.OOD. Including toe tri^
In Anitolin. Turkey wUi soon hnve
Fmeh Yegeteblea DaUy.
Hava yonr planes tunedI by our reei*.
M»,«» troops under nrmA Fonrtrane- dent
toner.-^f. S. W. Cliffa Sei
porte with iWlrieb . troopa pamed ordera to N.. E. Strongb Hnaic Stora
thrangk toe Dardaaellea Sunday es
nwte tor toe Aegean Sca Their nlUante daUnatioB U milnowa.
ilSUafonSt. ^
Telephone 3%.


Frladiteh Block...



, v_lsoo,ooo.







I in their enhecrlpUona. Names may be
one aide toe addiUonal rate
Ift instead of M cenU per thoiuand; handed toto toe ofiee of the Banuai* in
when planed, toognedand groorad^ the toe Herald Building, telephoned to
additiopal rate was made of 70 eente number 83 or sent to IS O. Curtla, toe
It lathe expreminpar thouaand instead of one doUv; if dtycirculator.
plaaed, on two todea. tongned and tonUon of toe pnUUbem to have toe
anbeerlbcru before
.gmv^ oae dollar and five eenU per
fast, and • tboae who fall in re­
dofone dollar And fifty
are urged to notify
eeata. The honae ptovlao for aa addi
toe oBoe or eirenlator at onee.
ttonal 85 per eentad valorem upon InmThe Vmit Orower’s Aaeoeiatien.
bar Impo^ Itm any foreign country
t duty la
There wUI be a meeting of the Fruit
ee M to add the amount of export duty Irowen and Hbippen' Aasoelatien imInstead of any fixed a
The bonaO nedlately after-the address of Mr.
isteoDAlaclaiiUud lithiMUtUlWDoduii. >t the Oi>iv.
tSonUrvIhouud. Poplu.tdoUi.
h»ll. oe««TOO=.
er palp wooda were placed on the free It ii hoped there wiU be a good attendUat.

•( .

IWe Have The Goods


LlaalX Oo-

N. E. Strong, Mgr. for Northern Mjch.


Kowraro RBOOKD, WBDNBBfiAr, iJAY 6, 1897.

OlMk MInMry Not YM Rndv to
«ivo Up tho Fight.

AT mE8T30.

T«rka BiM mt fUf a»4 Tkat U All-rkar*
miaa Ukaly te Fall l«t« Tarklah BamU
—Frtao* ami Prtama of Wain Takiac
•• Bi-lF Kla«Of«*»a
—BmM af Iba «MaFk» at Paat«>plcaila.~
tMtmt War Krwa.

*rm Tnnraday momlny the Turkish
fire was brisker and our yuna on the
crest of the hill'fur some reason were
«l!ebl. The fury of the fire culminated
at l;M p ra. The Turkish Are was easl*
ly dtsilnyulahed by reason of the aharp*
er crack of the Martini rifle, and It de­
veloped in the apace of a quarter of an
hour into the most lenifle mar ever
heard in any haute,
Iny u|ion the alopes cm our Hyht front,
preparatory to rusbiny the bill.
our yiUM on the central hill were snem
after twenty amuiea and were withdrawn.
"1 aak^ a seryeant where the yum
were yolny and he replied: *To a better
poslUon.' As a matter of fact they were
belny romped back to Hanopoulo aa
fast a* the mules could take them. The
Bvsones on the crest of the hill made a
yallant reply to the murdrmu* Are. and
held outmanfully. loslny 100 men. until
0 o'clock. «'hen ch'eers beyan to mlnyle
with the rattle of the Martinis. A mo*
{pent later the Evsunes tumbled over
the crest, Ariny a* they came.-the Turks
followlny and Ariny Inceaaantiy at the
kilted men Aeelny down the hill side. It
only remained to make yuod our rr-treat.
ITie Tucks continued to pour a smart
Are at the Evaonee. The latter Myerly
responded, but It was obviously use­
"TfaeA some one yave an order and the
Evaouey with a yroan of dlsyuat left
their potions, motiny sullenly Ihouyh
In perfect order." *nte correspondent
of The News then describes the Alyht
of the Greeks Itefure the Turks, numterlny about 8,000 men. who scaled the
mountain, which U covert with bushes
'snd rocks. They Ared continuously end
rapidly, driviny the Evxonc* and In......—•_
........ ........,1,^ latter t-arry-

liOndoa. May 4.—Tbe chief pointa of
Intereai in the aituatlon In Oreece are:
Flm. that the dedeion of the mlnUlera.
Wbc have returned from fhe Greek fron*
tier, aeema to' be in favor of a contlnumice of the war; and eecond. that fleht'
las continued almotf inceawantly ai Vel*
eatino ttom hiB Tueaday until Sunday,
with the revult that General SirKSenaki
had been prevented from actually as>
•umlnr hlfYiew dutle* a« chief of rtalt.
An a further rewlt the Greeka at Veleetlno have manayed to retain thdr poal>
'tlona but they are loo much faiiyued
to follow up their racceaa. AUoyether
fourteen officer* have been recalled fiwn
Crate to be eent on to Thcaaaly, and thia
alfo la a proof of the Intratlon
fcaw cabinet to continue the war. The
fnov-ement la actuated by necemity.'
the heat officer* are belny eent u»
front, nor i* there any intention-yet diaplayed to evacuate Crete, '
Mat* M ItoWeal of Ibe Greek*.
The“Turkl*h army I* ad\-ancln(
three colatifna on Pharaaloa. while
addltthnal column la operatliw In the di-rectloit hf Yolo. A* the Volo column
could eaelly take V^lratlno In the tear
D says:
the Greek poritlon I* very precwiioua
"When I left Arts on Friday morniny
Thl* pnibably explalna the retebUon of the Greeks had not a man left-on the
General Smoleorki there, aa it wa* nat- Turkish sl0e of the River Arkaphoa I
, oral to expert lUm te yo to Pharaalo* to have nevef seen men so d.-morall*ed for
aaaume the rupreme command. Every* BO sntsil a cause. Indeed, it was a ease
thlny point* <o «n Inevitahle retreat by of almost no cause whatever. They had
the Greeks on Domoko*. The dlptomallc neither seen the enemy nor felt his Are.
altuatiun continue* obacure. with a con
yet 11.000 men and forty yuns melted
atant Interrhanye of dlspstche* l>eiwc*t away.
Had tbe Tusks pursued the
fuyltive* much further—accompanied as
lervlewtny of ministera.
they «-ere hy the peasamry. women and
Fiiaee-sor Walr* far (be Orwka.
children, and SO.OOO sheep, besides cattle
New. York. May 4.—A copyriyhted dl»- .—the massacre would have
■e beet^wful.'

Has Your
AttentionPore Powdered Spioee,

naSM. C OILSKBT. Attorney. RpselsI M'
X tonUoti to Probsto proeUee. Kook* S.aDd
" ircaatlls Co. Block.

-Hew Ideas in-

1. CItr Opera Bouse Block.

BsbbwTabiB«.aU«lm*.tyattf Bottles <ywMitoea foe two yoen.) rsoDUik arriofto.
wear ktot*. Throat Bruabea, and Atowtjen,
aiyeertM and Witeh Batol Letfaw tor tbe

Fancy Toilet Articles.
-----Pretty Effects to-----

At Our
Soda Fountain

Cut Glass.

Motor we aro oeror eontool to "Im w
sMUyh alooe*' bat always try to IstpeBee.




Hotel Lralanan.

Union Drips, per gal....... 20c
Yellow Crawford Peachy
per can............................ lOc
Dried Apples, Peaches
and Nectorines, per ib..

g ir^BBOWK.

t * CRnSB, Attoniers-

Pore Oream Tarter,

See ^



tiiacELLAS-Bous WAyra.
r Drivm. ApMr to T. C.

W‘It prnoa.
city, or spbiy a

PaBllr of four ekUdi^ A««B«^«rdoae•.

*>/"! ACK*B ttKD-Fuirlr yood tmlMlay*.
Hu two milM fron tbe cUy. to tradTlar
wall toestod city properly. Laryc porUoo IBpn>Ttd mill U«to. wm aarasto sbuU syoBStoBce.
Iieil .


—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Fuk stmt, MwtM Front 4 Can.


Early Vegetables
s and'

. Rates; $1.50 per Daj.

I- •'

Greece in the east is ocHToborated by tbe
London preia. The piincesa. accom­
panied J>y the prince, takes, tbe unpeeesdmted course of askiny the assistance
at Oladstooe. They have made an eq■ayement to rtsli the
Hawarden May 10.
Athena May 4.—The Greek , yoremment has rfcalled Colonel Va^ fram
'Crete. He will be replaced Uyeommand
•f th* Greek foryes In IBt lala&d by
Colonel Sialkoa.

M It Is to
Athens. May 4V-It is said here on good
authprlty that tbe powers have made
overtures to Qfeece on fhe subject of
peace, but that thf yoVemment declines
to Invoke tbe mediatiun of Europe. The
klny has decided to remain here for the
appears that the Turks
•aked an arfihsUce Tb order to bur^-'
their dead. TT*^ request was referred
to the comnjandhr-in-chief. from whom
BO deAntte reply is forthcominy. but the
armistice Is tacitly observed.
Greeks sfwak with emution of tbe «•
amy’s yallantry.
Canca, Island of Crete. May t.—There
are rene«'ed reports here that the Greek
troops are about to be withdrawn from
the island of Crete.
London.' May 4.—The
«if The Dally Teleyraph at ^'p]esttno.
-throughout the day. U.OOO Turks made
repeated asaaulis on the Greek post
at the railway junction. They
finally driven from the Add."
London. May 4,-The
4.—The Athens corre-'
•pondent oPThe Times «
The n«
paper damor-ayatnst .1
continues, but the msjority of the educsted and reAectIny people reyard the
p^Wliry of revolution with dismay
BQd are prepared to aiipport tbedynaat;
abould the danyer i>»comp Imminent. 1
must be undervt'jod that there are- n6
•oclaHsts. anarchists or similar oryaniyatlohs In Greece.
Therefore. ev?n
t Shoqld -royalty take lU departure, there
la tM prospect or llkellbuodof aA.v move-*
ineni like the Paris commune.
Aih*e*s, correspondent «f the
BUndanS nys'.that on Sunday a.croa-d
•ummoned bf the Vinytny of church
bells proweded to the residence Of
Crown PHmv Constantin, hi Achaia.

wnx oobE Mt'cH ABoyE

OB. 'nie vlllaye a-as greatly excited by
tbe Incldem and there were further distortaance* In the churches diMny tbe
-ppsyer for member* bf the'royal family.



With our friends

arr BlgM It—Tnu»snetla«»^
SprlnyAeld. Ilia.. May 4.-Thr 1
land title bill Is now a.1aw. Ge
Tanner alyned U s.t Chicayo Saturday,
and it I* now on Ale In the secretary of
alate'a office. Tbe agnate met yesterday
without a duorum preaeift. and ad­
journed. In the bouse a number of appropriimon Wll# were advanced on tbe
Nohe's antl-depariraent store
bUI was brought up by lis^ author, who
moved to make jt the rpefcl^ order on

l^ondon. May. 4.—A dlapatch to The'
rmily New. from Patraa on the wmt,
Greece, dated Sunday. E*»W * |
I batt K^. I ***
• Turl
k and of the retreat
of the former from that place. It ahows
that the rout and panic of tbe Greeks
»t Penieplyadla was as complete as the
^Tytampede .which foUowed the AybUny
Bt Tyrnavoa. and the retneot <m Ixrlasa
nod Phar«alos. In Tbebsaly. Tbe Dally
Ksws ooirespondent aays;
‘The net
.affect of tbe Greek retreat to Aria |s
that oAHb army l^ow in tbe poaition
Which It occupied before war was de.clarcd, bat with aU prestige gohe from
the Gmka Tbe Orodu had held tbe
lilU near Panteplyadla on Wednea^y
yvaatoE ByKlast fleroe Tatklsh aiU^
The OraMui obvkmsly needed to be reiJfToroed. but though

vm p«sr SP Itelp nm jol.-

—Groceries. Meal Tickets at Rofued Ratos.

yaeh an Arekltoet a*
Wi • I'aele
Sam to Employ.
Waahlnytoo. May 4 —The request yes­
terday for the rcstynatlon of eupert^Iny Architectof the Treaaury Aiken had
been anticipated for a week or m«*.
First Class Day Board. ,
AUbouyh no official statement In reyerd
to the 'matter has yet been made by the
Cor. 7ih a»d taloB Sts.
secretary of ibe treasury. H has been
Rates by the Week.
known that Aiken's work has not been
alloyelber satisfactory to Gaye, and
and hence bU determination to make a
ehanye. Aiken Is comparatively s yogny
man and. It Is allcyed. has not had sufAclem experience In bU prufrssluo to
justify bU reientioB In an office that
should be ntled only by men of the.i
hiyhcst standlny and widest experience
as archfteets and builders.
Who will succeed Aiken Is not known,
but It Is said that Oaye's Idea is to yet
the best talent in tbe country by an examlnation is be conducted by a board
of architects of natlonai ret>utation. In
which tbe amount of hlyh class work
done by tbe applicant would laryely de- :
tertalne his rstiny. Tbe salary of tbe I
of our Bswly
We kermWi the foti
office Is 84.WO a year. It may be stated |
here that . Burnham, the Chicago archi­ bqm infant, the MoBJnse Reoobd. and through her brifht and heUtby oemntect. lesiiAed - duHny tbs World's fair tenanoe we wiah to expreas our Mneere tt^^ to tbs public for the good earn
that hU Intpme was tSQ.Wi a year..
taken ‘in brin«riD|r oa up to the blf and heathy bounelBY boy of today. Hardly
three year* old yet, aad we have already ont-Yrowa the capacity of an ordinary
coBoera. Not ^dlny any ready-made attira Mg enongb fo^ tbe boy giant w*
fnlirraltn Waritutoa to Ad^ That Sort at had to have onta------ made U order, big enough as if we were full grown and a
a Platform.
moostar at that.
Vlclor. Colo.. May 4.—A largy number
Our new store
oompletad will have more space than any two eonceras
of the deleyatCB te the state labor con­
vention which «-at In session here last is the city, lexeepting tha Bannah * Lay Co.,) fiUed with a new stock of
week, met yesterdsy to. consider .the ad- eral merchandise from the grouad Boor up.
Oar aim for the next fio days will he to dlapoae of bur enUre ato^ at a great
vUabiUty of independent political action
by members of union labor orysnlaa- ■aciiSoa. To move our mammoth etoek would he a big axpauie and It would
tlon* of tbe Slate. A permanent oryanof boslaeas for a time. Ton oaa readily aea thea that we
laatlnn aaa formed aith John C. Caidsrwdod. who was presMeni of the Min­ eao afford to make a reduetioa i^all of o
We ahaU etart from this date ob U quote job prioes on merohandlse wUel
ers' union during tbe ywBi Crtpide
Creek strike tt^ years ago. as presi­ will-pay you to laveat in
preaeat aa waU aa futora.
The plan of action as outlined In the
A full staodaid print 3c per yard.
'^dlscuasloD win Include a soclallsUc plat-

a bill Axing
liny &e «circuit oourta
In tbe new judicial Sirralu; advanoed
to aecood reading.
iMtotsd sgTrM MlwCoia^*.
Marquette. MIdb. May 4.-E.
tenetL ths old man who la under arrest
nere awaiting trial for counterMUng,
a queer dtlsen. Bennett's coins w«
Just as pure and See as thoae of Uncle
Sam, but h« turticd to his advantage the
famous 16 to l ratio at Uw and U to 1
ratio of h«. An aoddent led to thsdlscevery of Bminett's valuable mint. One
day he ordered a lot of nppUcs from
Chicago. It was such an factraoMlnary
ordar that suspidoii was aroused, aa
officer shadowed tbe gooda, and the
test resulted.

3,000 yards dimitieB, fully wyrth 8c for 5c per yard.
3,000 yards latest effects in fancy dimiUes, a I Oc product for 6c.
ISDOO yards fancy duck sold formerly for | 2 I -2c We offer at 7c.
5^ diMien Biunmer oorsets fally worth 50c for 29c«
JIO Men's Bicycle Suits made np with best of workmanship, worth
5.00 for 2.95,
Hen's strictly all Vool Clay Worsted Saits well mads, for 5.00.
A yoAth’s strictly all>]fool suit, nobby and styiikh for 3.75.
so boy’s all-wooi ffood weight Trioot suit, made te retain at 5-00,
bntsUj^tly shaded for ^-25- ■
Men's - heavy cotton worsted pants, an exact imitation of wool. for

I* enjoyed all the more whoa you have
a pretty eerrioe of eUverware te
make your UMe look InviMug a^ nppetixlar far the morvlug meat We
have haadwmie berry eete aad table
■Uverwarc of all Iriad*. in aew and
attractive deaigaa. at prioea lower tkan
it waa ever aold at before.

GANNETT BROS., Jeieleit.

Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.

A job of 60 down men's msdraas ahirta, made up in first class style
to retail at 75c for 39cA miseee up to date fine oolored shoe, all solid, called ths Maid^’s
2 00 for U l S-

For Bargains
Call on your money ^vers.

The Boston Store,
Whitixkg Block, Traverse <bity.

Bujo, OM-i. CU. uni

ilstmmits aiit Shrat Mnie.

Terms BMaoumble.


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