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The Morning Record, May 11, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
. FintTMr-No.«.
ai. FAAMPb aBOBCB.-Wni
HAva TSaK.
XV aMHnd IM W«k •> TUa
Month—Ptopoatd DoaotloB of
Ubonl Ooboll Mu.
Tu uoahou o< at. rush CWhoUo
ohBKh ora hoof, eouftotlv aomacomnta lor » froad IU7' teUna to' te
firm the iMt WMk of U»j hi tto
€Uj OfhTh Howe. It will W held tor
IkrwtttottaaotoaltofWMaMA «*«i‘ itofs hMd tk» «sMt
wU U MBouaad ia-a lew daj» The froeeede
wUl he dwTotod to heylar a eet of
ehfmai ter the ehaiah. SoaettoMaco
a Uberal Detroit reaUemaa offend to
4oaato isoo for that »arpoee proridimg the eharob woald ralM aa e«aal
aaoaat halH* the ffito of Jme:
It wae deeided that a paad
woaU be the beet setbod of latefar
the aaoM. Ber. Fr. Baoer hae the
Matter to <harte.aad to aaleto^ bj a
oeoeaittee eoaatoUnr of HeedaaiM Jao.
P* Perkett aad N. Mertoa.
Thep have thefeiieral ptoaolar aad
oeenl^t of toe Itotirol bet wUl be
a>l7 eeeoadad to toe>ro«ort> by toe
Altar eoeletp. the Too^ Ladlre eodaUtp aad toe other bmaeh ooototlea of
The bmIii feetare wiU "be booths of
all aattoae, where tea ernt eapperi
drill be eerred bf prettj ladtoo in ap
propriate aattoaal eoetaaea, the rlaade
betoff to eaeh eaae peoattar to toe
fiyTapreaeatod. Id the enatoge eaba
aad toe anas wiU be iaeleded la the
bill of fare. Bach erealv a j^eaatog
aad ehried profraa will be gtrea.
The baatoeea am ef toe ^ an
toaktof liberal doaatMaa of their
' wane, aad toeee will be ea mle.
A featen that will exeite maeh totoraei to a rottog eoateet to dedde
whlto to toe meat popalar. B. J. MorCaa. J. T. Haaaah. J. T. B«adle or &
Moatagaa. The fortapato^wtoaer will
egold headed <
A eet of ohimaa wiU be a ralaable
aeqatoitkm >aet esly to the OathoUe
ehanh, bM to the eatin eltp. a^
eearr. eae wUl-be glad to eeatot to
AnaagtoBWita to Be made to«lfht
fb^^lteectol Dap.
ThenwUlA* ameattog to«lght at
the oOee of a P. Oarrer to amka
laagemaata tor the aaaaal road ^aoe
totahaplaeeoB MeaMrialDv.atTiM
aboat to taeae a eoavealr program. The
raeoaM aot favar tbair alstor lodge with the eats bseaass tosp
have bsea seat apon argeat taqaast
toitbe ‘'PbelBeBlk,’'a}oQraal devoted
to the totoneto of the erder, oa tbe
thdte ooast, to wbieh tbep wUl he
itber> with a wrtto-ap ef
tok lodge, itoieh h*e gained a aatloaal fapatatloi tor entarprlap and erlgto>u*y.
OnESBUffrtBff TO OTO^fftS.
slpbJobasonpald Jostles Vortp to
pestardsp tor toe aatWhetomeC having
---- -v-i Loata sMekar to toe Csee aad
otoarwiae onktog H anplaasaat far.
tafansatlom AbootOood Beada and
getoflemen. Tbe two met on toe
read (tondap, words lidlowsd: tbsa toe
Tbe Btk Bapids epeUste an entbaslastle over good roads sad an aettvalp JAaaea kaew he madehiinself liable
oivagad taltoproviagtlMalna^r «>• to errsitfer aamaltaad betterp. He
aeUsat thorengfaton Isadtog bars bed bad hie fan sad was wUHag to pap
Thsp start oae mUe oat, aad have n- tor to toeagb be wantod to do all toe
BwredtoeaodforapaUsWtMt wide
irtog btmaelf. 80 he went to Jaetaad a mile long, and have used a heavp ioe Darga and made a eomplatot
roUer mtotog a hard, smooth path, aghast bimaelf for aaaaalt and battorp:
whrn it strikes the marl again, which be alee ewotd oat a warrant tor bk
oanttanaLfoar milsa, making a total of own arreetand pending toe aeUoaof
six milto of tbe bast biepcOe path in toe eonatabU ta tos pnmkm be pat ap
this region. Wbea <be sidewalk at tl0forbi(_„_________
MttebeUb sbsli have been sompletad bkbnsiaeae. Ja toe sMantlme toe eonibe raa will be toe mast popalar of
oar maap good roads.
before making toe arrest. /
WhUs tbk was going on Strieker was
Tbs oSssrs of tbs Ne-sh-ta-waata _jfleriagphpsIoalpain aad mental hn•Boeiatlea an sager tor tbs eo-o|tors* mUatlon, and as soon as be ooald get
tloa of Tivene Clip to the eonstrnw swap peetordap morning he hastened to
tloa of a path between here and the TneereeCi^eadtotbejadlela] sppertThe editor of the Rxcdxd has mesta of Jortke Vertp. Then be told
letter from 3th. A. Hnat the eorrowfal tele end swore ont s
«iho' ntfm top epellstt of Ttavens Olw warrant for thearreat of Jobasoo la
to toke toe matter totoserloas ssastd- doe form with all the legal trimmings
eslenlatod to make It warm for tbe
who emesbed bk vkega.
Than never was s Urns' iriien the poeng
Bk boaor eared aot that tbe ponag
lads wan so faU of little bite ef win
mSabad sworn oat a warraata^nst
and aUeks as Chk spring and whealmsa have tokaspasbarp lookout to bimseU beeaiub then k ao sneb law
avoid smnp aa a^ panetinwd tin. if iriSto gives a man that right. Bven
evarp rider woald atop for a moment tooagfa be bed given eeeeritp for bk
oe in order to be praperlp.eoaand throw the wlm oat of toe wap it
viotod and pnnkbed, that was not
woald aot beloagbefon the etreete
most bakgallp arrested
weald be in better oeadltioo.
bp 1^1 sntoorltp aad U doe 1^
Street Ooamkslener Kellp bee eeme form, else toe porpose ef tbe law eoald
good Mms In regard to bkpoU paths aot be snbserved: tbentora JasUoe
Varip eommandsd Sheriff Simpson to
that If earried oat woald do swap with
befonbkboscw forth
tos nsoMitp for asUg the sidewalks
ovaa an r^p or mad^ ddps. Be with, to ansa r for abasing bk neigta
woald have blspcle path of saOetoat bor. Bkeriff
width, madaot 14 iato boards laU and mead, and Jehneon was pnperlp ar
to oad. Thep woaU be ae sahstaatial raigned. ^e pleaded gaUtp aaA gas
that thep woalAoeldem need repairs, fined as r^tod. Thn he went home
aad ifvM in toe leag ran prove maeh to get baek the tM Ashers he left with
JasUoe Datga and the law was mtka Inrxplwnive than elap ar grav«l
roads, and at tbe aamc time ssabe verp fisd. tooagfa Strkkar saffsred as mato
palasstoervfa fakj
sasp tiding.
n te rn front oteaet
Or a-pick can be made from iron, steel or ouf*
* mammoth s«>ck. In picking out a pick, be sufG
the picked out article is a good pick. W« ha^
2,000 for a nickle—of course we re ulking pi
Balpk Jtowm Pvt ap $10 tor Bis
Appsanarw to Aaewsr Oharga of
The six poeag men who rode oat to
Kilkeaka Sendep were so nleelp entsrtaiaei bp friends that thep did not
anilanmi Aanpal Booklet at the G
rstarn vaUl Mondap toaralag. Tbsp
. B.AI.BP.
keport toe roads from Ksikaaka to
-UieUgaaiaSammer.’'k the Utia
WlUlamebarg^ bad eoadltion. bat
of the aaaaal bookist keaed bp the
C XtoBTSUr BIOTOLB PAXASX. tram then home thep an axeelleat. Grand BapldsiA D
Thepmadetoe last twain mllm in
panp. It k bae ef the neatget aad
Ml tor toe Qaeon OHp Simoat artkUe ever keaed bj toe eomOfcuapb.
Prlmstp School Taada.
panp and k profaeelpr lUn^todwlI
lUostcatod with
t hMbeea 1
The following k the semhauasl ap. BaooBD that the Qaooa Cl^ BtopeU porUonmeat of tbs prlmarp ad
I to the sum
eipelpolateofa--------------dab arrange tor a gread erealag laa- monep for oonnUm In tbk region made
toeri^aUatong tbe tine,
tora patpde of all the epdlMe to Tiar- bp toe SaperintoaAent of PaWfas la- laripin tbe northern raaort region.
r«aadtf. Then bee beea anto eaa- ■troetloa pmtardap. Tbe amoaat k at Tbe immedkte vieialtP of Tnveree
' ieetan ae to toe aaaibar of wheaU be toe rate of M seats par eaplta:
Cltp k not B^leetod. Omaaa. Noah'
ing and to this aitjr, bat do dedaito
to-wasta and other aaasnser raeortebet~TT— *-----ever beaa emplojed to delag glvaa Uberal epaea.
taraMae how-maBT then are. The ear
It k aanoaaoed that the popalar
«aeted panda woald earve this paipase,
Northland Bxpreaa. asoUd VcsUboIed
also afford a Aae street satsrtaiaa
toroogb train from CinotaanU to Pator a pleasant eraatog. wbieh woa^ be
tosksp asM Maeklaaw (Xtp. wUl^ ran
iatsreettog to the riden aad give aa
as test pear, bsrlaalag Jams list, leav
exhlUttoa that woald be eejoped hp Wexford.......iZZ
ing ClaeinaaU at 4 o'eloek in toe aftergreat erowds oatoe prtoeipal atreela.
s. niuAing Grand Bapids at t:M
Tbe nggeattaa lea good oae aad the
in toe mernlng aad Kaeklnae Island at
biepeleeleb eoald eanpHoatto per- Bat Bverp Grand Armp Post Bap BOOB. A eonneetlng train wUl leave
toetloa. _______________
Baas a Bribk from Oranth Tomb. St. Lock. Mo., at 1 o’clock in the afMapor Stroag of Saw York refmad
Biffas WUl Attend OhBi^
looa aad Ghteage at »:M In toe
ting. Otoar tnOM WiU leave Grand
Then was an eathnsiseMe drill of the •lOforoneoftoe bricks from tbs did
r----- ^ Biflci last ai^t vtoloh proved Grant tomb. Ha said tos briofas an Bapld* at So'closk in the aftenumn
that the bops sr* esger to inaka a good aot for sale nor for iadlvUnal dktriba- and U o’risek at night, the former arUoo.
tiving at Harbor Springe at 6:t0 in the
Imprsseiea npea Inspsetor (loaenl Oass
everiag aad theUtb
whsa hs oooMa ben FWdap hight- wboapplpfrsr '
It woald be a good Idea lor MePborw to Mackinaw Citp. e_______
There whs a vaip large attoadsaee aad
to reacA toe tetaad at doon the next
aaontdoeir'drill was held. Attbsbesidap. Theae tralM wiU make ooe
aaas msstlng sftar the drUltos emp- woald -be an appreciative eoot
UoM on'toe Traveras dtp braato.
aap aeesrtsd sa tovUaOna from Me“Benvar Oottoge.”
phsrsoaFoat;O. A. E.to net as tbs T. B. A Tkagaa bee too fo
assort ef the post to the eharto oa laid Cora pnHp eottageon hk «mMemerlel dap. The Eifln also tovitod wood aveaoe preportp. The leasthsn WOl be One featnro at the OadUtee
the peat to meat aft toe amorp topra- k a fine one and apletareaqae bro^
OriebraUea, Jalp StA
proe tor the amreh to obareh.
rans thresh the groooda. Mr. Tngea ^ OadiUae te preparing to wfaobp*ar ap
for ladepeadeaee dap aad the eatloek
ebarming hoses rtovh ♦•Bearer Oot- k for tbe Mggeet eelebratiea
knowa in' that seetUm. Tbe dai
I ofOoraOtB
etroUea wUl take plaee oa toe trd
At Tbs Theatn.
of Jalp, aad beridm a let (ff e^le
The mentrtloai in tbe eoavenfr, rw
Prank Tnoker k pr^saring a gsod asraams and hip, hip, hnrrahl there
'gmiUp keoed fre^ toe Berald ofin
«l tos wiU he a hoea tovmnmeat given beTvavone Oitpfrbdge. So. m, B.P. O. leeal tosbtnd for tooMmiw night in
twadn toe loeal eoappaap aad to# vkltmkn harosttiasted the ettentinn
aip Opera Hooaa. ••AI 0^
Cap of Tro" iag ikemea. nra-Chief Decree haa
praks ofaeoemrffledgm aU ovar toe
I aaontertaiamaat fiUed reerivad aa lavitatten for the depariSMatfp: aad aeraral have mgaaated of
medtia tokcHgrloamri.atsAmto ea
tok taiga toe MdeMfcbgMn lor sim
ter toe eontmta.
ilar parpoees. the latert being peaterA«p tram Bigknw lodga, . wkM k
—at Sc.; 6c., 7c.,
and 10c. per »1L
—at J<c., Ic., 2c. and 3c per yard
And its all la tok pear’s pattema. No old stoek to work eC afi
Making a Conquest
When sitting on. one of
our luxurious sofas is an
easy matter for the^Iainti|y dressed maiden.-Time
slips by when so comfort
ably ensconsed, and tbe
.visitor realizes, when he
leaves, that between wo
man’s sweet fascination
and. the beautiful effert
of Slater’s furniture ar
tistically arranged, that
his mind turned to home
comforts and thoughts of
love. We have the Fur*
niture at decidedly the lowest prices.
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
198-189 TBOVr ffTBBBt.
0|if—tw ■mMl‘1 bn
.. Ladies' Fine Bose..
For a Limited-nme We Offe^----- —
Ladie.' 2SC. H<» (.t................ ...Me."
Udies-soc! Hosoat.... ........ ...87c.'
; -
South UhiOB StTMt.
The Quality and
Price Question..
Should always be comidered in ypnr
purchases. We dauii the;lowdst prices
Best Grades of Footwear ' ; ^
We arc prepar^ to demonstrate the fact.
' . •'*1
vnUlaA Msml Mdaaa Joha eaufbt
»1 treat Irea the BoordBaa rlT«r.
▲. A..MeO^' A 8oa m leedlajr
Every Man
J ‘
Has In His Mind
What He Wants To Pay
For a Suit....
Him. John ieaala oetorand puterThUWUlBea Blow to.Xxu
dap fro^ a^dihlat trip with 106 1m
in T. BAt»« i»» J. W. EAnn.
.WaabtogtoB, Map }0.->The Bril Tele
Bert QaaneU polled a two-pooad
phone eempaap wtos the eau braai^t
trodt from the Boardmaa river at Eep'
agaiut it bp the United Btatae. to
aaaul the lut Berliner paVnt. The
ThB daalu Biku will meet at four dedsloa bu the effect of eoatlai
o’clock thie afternoon at 404 H Uaton Ue oontrol of the triepboae I7 the
oompuap tor
Sandap afteraooa a good elud flock Ue dale ef the lut patont. which,
of qoallwlltkted m Bute etreet near grsated to 1891.
The govarameat uked to have the
HaL fmrj qwnt Rasdap with hla patent ut aaide eo Ue grenad that the
faarilp at their camp aa the chore of deUp of thirteen pears to the patent
oflUe wu toandclent and Urongh Uy
fault of Ue triepbone companp. the
Mu J. B. Martin le prepariag
applkarioB for
patent having beea
give ac eoteitaiameat at Lake Ana
Bled to. 1877, bat Ue patent not betog
one ei|^ the Utter part of thie wwk.
J. W. HAinm. Bditor and
Opiyeef. byeU.
F. D. CTKTa,
•_____ -
CBoe.m rroMeweBtaetoewUec—peicaUi
Th* raaaway aocWent Satordaj
^fht. eaeed ^ a liorM belaf fri^htea;
the drame of eae of the relictou
tediee" which hold eerrleeB on ^e
. atceeU at nlffht.U an arr>neat la (aeor
Ob Boadap Fbllet'a creek wu a far*
•faMW aethod of attracUnf atteaorlte reaort for treat fUberuea. There
tioa and praUlng the Lord in pnbUe. A
weu flftp'two anglers there at one
attraeUnn might eerre
themmeeada and not danger bnmaa
S. H. Hapden hu bongfat the blaek
itfe aad property.
emithlng and wagon repalrlag bnai‘
Wbu the''Sapremeb Court of the neu on Vront straet lormerlp rna bp
. United 8Utea teadere a deeiaUn it W. B. Bduonda.
Dr. O. P. Dillon will remain in ’lUv
foea. Ycetard^ that tribonal gare a
inniaiirn in teror of the Beil Telephone eteeatpnnril tbeflratof Jane, when
Coaapaaj which girea Ha^tenta aeeeral be vrill go to hie cottage at Torch Lake
jaara fartherleaedofUfeaad the re- iot the rammer.
' aalt wiU bo that aevaral iadepeadOBt
Ike Bnrier pitched hla eeeead toeing
Mephoae companieowUItore to go.
game for Dolntb Boadap. Be la
mg a record, having lut bat two ont
. Tn Tdrka are are not aa*lad at
^ pra^aa of a mere nlUamte vietmr
pnr the Qredm. bat the ladamitj
•hap demand la eaae of a aettlemeat of
•he difficultj, will jut abont equal the
aaooat made bp King Oeerge la hie
The faraace of the Elk Bapida Iroa
Worka bu ahot down for two weeka,
on acconnt of the atoek of ore being
temporarilp rabanated.
toned unril isBl.
The conrt'e opitfioa. delivered bp
Jurioe Brewer, held Uere wu ao evi-
It la BO wonder thdt pedeelrlane ob
ject to eldewalk riding after dark, for
•ha mijorl^ of the wheelmen \La
wheelwumen hare neither laotemaj
bnlla. Unleu tbep remedp thie
•rill be ctill farther rutricted.
Mews of the Boats.
The schooner Alice M. Beeu of
which Mike Oberllnof Bingham la part
^wner. IFUktog on a ea^ of wood at
•attona B tp tor the MUwankee marketMr. Oberlin alao eompleted loading the
rahuner WUUe Loetet with wood for
•be aame port, frwn'^oha Larkto'edoek
MBUghaao^_________________ ^
Amatonr Bell Tea^
- Dnrtog-the past week the Otp Beak
••ere hu flued ont amatenr bm bell
•raau In Interlochen. Fonch,‘ Cedar,
Old Mkaion
Bower* Harbor.
In Mea^p of Jo&a Doan.
At the meeting of the Tuvenw Clip
l^edge, Mo. U2, F;^'A. M. tost aigbt
The reeldeoofl of SaoL Garland on.
State etreet. U aow one of the prettiut
to the tiX9. becaara It hu reeeaUp reoeivod a eoat of attractive palatal the
haade of Oeerge wtoato
Thaa any oUer firm to Ue dtp.
Have poo ever seen onr new
They imitate our methods,
but can’t match the goods.
Prices alone don't tell the
tale, its the quality. Our
goods will bear inspection
for comparison.
friend and oompaai^ John
Thera Wets Or^
Oo 4o the Lion Barber shop for hair
The Uegut treat bronght to the dtp
and bathe. 16 canto each.
M. H. Oatrm.
thia eeaeOD wu bp Freak Germatoe,
vrito'e^rtured eae puterdap aftemooa
waigbi^ three poaada, aad BManrtag
Save poor vtoam toned bpoorindMlaebas. The next Urgbst wu bp
Irat ti^. W J. W. CUAa Bead
Oar Checker CUih of the C. A W. M..
prdsm to M..A etsnegb MoaU StaM.
•h Uearared 17M tacihea
Low Prices^—50c. to $2.25.
$3.25 to $6.00.
CIS. ud H. Oe end.
Flour I
le Ue place to bnp
Also a good article to
I am the agent for this Fam'
ous Brand.
LBdies* 0)rford8-63c
Not Bhoddp.BlaeknadTaa.
atoo eeU Ue batter to go wiU tV
Men’s CongresB Shoe8-90c Webread.
boU Grewetp and Dairy,
IMIvwraio up pan of the dtr.
All Blzee.'
Men’s Dress Shoes
»5e-«i no-si i5-si.K^i;»
•I 50-S1.7S-SS.00.
Children’s Tans
and Ox Bloods
The tort two dspc, hu stopped to admire Ue uleet line.of
raw SPMIMO SEIBT.WAISTS /Itoplsped Uereto. Msap hare slreedy
made pnrehaaw from oar immenu a—ertmrat. We’ve Ue nobbiest and mostB^ltoh effeeto, Ue pretUut patterm, aod Ue ganamto are pertoet-fltttog.
Palace Mery Pillsbury
M. B. Leoiaea, well kaowa u a
home fancier, wu tojnrwl to Maaiitee
a few daps ago bp betog thrown from
Ua bnggp- Hla nose wu broken aad
E. L. Benum hu shipped to Cblcal^t in ihe dedth et onr
teotber ihU lodge hu raatolned the go reeeoap 1.331 buhela of poUtoea
lau of an ever cwlpu and worthp from which be hu not pet heard, and
500 euke were delivered on Ue dock
Bcaolntf. That we keulp realiu oar putudap.* Todap there will be ptooed
lou aad we do at thU time tender to
on the dock abont 700 eacka more, all
•he beruved wife aad famiip c
for (Utoago alao. The meka eonuto
rare aad heart-felt epmpathp
hpor of their beruvement.
thru buabcla seek.
Itoaoloed. Tbet theu reeotoUou be
Arms A Cole kave been awarded the
rareed oa the records of onr lodge and
ac^ be sent to the famiip of the di contract far a aew Fi
for the artsMsa well et the jaB>.< ’nils
A. B. Goon.
la one of the mut powerful
O. C. MorrATT,
of the kind made, and will upplp a
W. C. Bou..
want which hu beea keealp frit elnoe
the well wu driven. It la a too-mlU
Mormai Outorleal Oontfrt.
naotor aad a steel tower 60 fut to
Miu LllRaa Downing, who a
hrigM la a part of Ue ontflh
taaap friends dnring her visit 1
X. 0.0. B.ltooarioB.
•hto spring with her sister. Miu Ee•MU Downing, wu the wlaaar to th^ TV I- C. O. F. lodge, of I^vcne
Sonul N.W. oi.lori.sl ooolott ml Yp- Cl^, bavekiadlpdoaated two beaqriT. T. C. of
Sflaari the lut of the week. The oOa- ful chandriien to the
tart wu between fonr of the Udp Tatoa to be need to the bnlldtog now
•tadcata. aad Miu Downing’s rabJecTt betog erected bp thp Udiu u that
pUee. Tbd' buUdtog when oomptoted
WW “laternattooa! ArMtnrioa.**
wfll be usd for union ehnrrih seutou
Mane poor waata la the ’'waat” de and the rSgnlar work of the W. C. T.
partment of the Eamao.
ReiscAmai's Campressed Taast
at right prieea. Try onr new brand
Mocha and Java Coffee. Ue beet to the
dtp. et 40c. It U tlmply elegant
Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.,
Mc-60o-T5c-no..-,l m
Infants' Fine Shoes
We have to etoek a fall lira of
Men's Working Shoes-80c
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
The Oval W6ed Diefa Ga is preparing
to ahlp te Otovela^ bp veaael 75.000
fe-i of taamwood aaS^m Inmbw.
wvu oe vu Bret ahipmeat ever aaade
' bp the cuuipaap qo CtovelaaA
Chariie Lawrence end C. K. Buck retarned Setnrdap from a two d^' flahing trip np the Boardman. totogtog
with then 1S8 speehtod bwntlea The
aeigbbore are feuring. u a reralt.
B<¥iram, the emtwbUe pitcher of the
Hutteu ia ptoptog bell with the Port
flnroa team. Be was to a game Bandap agatoat Saginaw aad wu kaoeked
ont of the box to the eeoead toatog.
Clinton C. Barlep, tonnerlp a comfor Cappen A Bertech.
Ten and TwelYe Dollar Snits,
presuming that they are about what the people want to buy
for a spring suit—ten or twelve ddlarg buys well tailoredhandsome—stylish suits'in novel wealres—plaid^plain, aad
more, we want to show ours to anyone who has been thinking
oi having to pay from eighteen^ to twenty dollars for tailor
made suits.
Every lady that
passed our window
WeMakeMore Picture Frames
Landlord Wutgate, of the Wut
Michigan earing hoora. treated bU
noardera te a troat breakfwt ae an erideneeof the eklU ofHerk draw'and
Marion Black.
We have. Suits at all prices.
Torilay we wa^t to speak ,
' .............. of our........
Ue prteat ofiee by Ue t
paap. aad that Uere wuao evidence
Urt Ue delay to graattog Ue patent
had beea bronght about hP Ue oompS'
ap. The delap wu Ue fault of Ue
patent oSee.
Jnrtlee Barlaa dlMtad. ' Jwriees
Qrep nad Brown took no part la Ue
case, preaomablp beeaau Uep were toThe ralt involved Ue praoileal eoatrol of the art of telephoatog.
W. S. Lawraaoa. of the J. B. Folger M.B.BOLLXr,lUT.
Co. In Grand Bapida. la workUg the
PaaBan U wiU be hamUiatteg to eoft driak trade to thia region fer A.
Sing Ueorge If the Tartu wU oat ef- L. Jopu A Ca to thto dtp.
laetaallp. However, tboee miUloBa of
Among the new atodento at the
Cnau won on a loelcp apeoolattoa la
Tnveree atp Baatocu Oollage au
Tnrko-Oreciaa boada, wiU help make
Chartoa Helm and Lee Horaabp of thla
* «ha defeat eaaier to bear.
d^mnd Caddie Berrp of Maple <atp.
Tn-nltUBatam of Oomnor Aagree
^'uoae the legialatore to take it
eaop aad lengthea the aeoaioa, or to
feanp n» and dx op thooe ■ i^lroad
tax billa aad paoa them, or It amp do
Cor. 7tb end t'nion Sta.
Ox Blood Shoes
and S5.00.
Ladies’ Kid Shoes
90C-SI 00-Sl.S*-Sl 60-S1.76
andSS OO. AllBrild.
Men's Bicycle Shoes
SI 5U-si.7^-S:-O0aBd SS.so.
Are Others!
Jacob Furtech,
416 Union Se.
Telephone 34.
Black and'^n.
Bicycle Leggings
Bat then ere DO Ogsre aude
60C'75c-9Uc-S1.00 aad SI.3S.
------ AND—
Ladies'Tans and
Ox Bloods
Si.5(^1.75-Sl.O(F-S8.00 and
Ladies’ Fine Sandals
Sl.oo-Sl.SS-Sl.iOaad fLSa
Ladies* Black and
Tan Kid Oxfords
- e5c-Me-Mc-Sl.10-Sl.25
51.50- S1.7S aad SS.00.
Not Sbeepakla.
Tb« OU BcUabto BtovAraa,
And the VBRY Bwt Ooodlk
We Shine Colored Shoes Fre«
If Bought of Us.
Groceries I
YFrigriit Hd OslitiiiK I
Frank Stepan.,
• A. W. JAHRAUS^ >;
ttophoM erdsn to No. 106.
KOBimra sboord, touday, xay ii, is»t.
ms moops wiTBi>&4ini
noM zsxuiro or obits.
Tmbm oTTMMOflmd ^ T«k*r~
Otmm hM Kwl* OrarUirM to th«
r^wrn Invitlaf XtdtoUos—Prto>
▼i«lt«d braDuMtranB Fti«.
Oae of the werat irea at Kalkaeka
for aeany yearn etoltdd toat plaoa <
few days ago. The fire origiaatod ia
the wooden bailding oooaplad aa a aaiooaby UiU H>Vbt. The baildto|r>
helagdoeatod to eloaely together the
got betweea the pariitloBS, and for
a while it wee thooght the towo woold
Goods ware moved oat Into the
street for some dtotaaee down.
Damage to wooden bnlldlnga' abant
•200.. tneerea; damage to ealoon atock
and flxtoreiTabeat 9600. ito toanranoe.
B. M. OotooB waa the heaeieet loser,
nearly hla enUre atoek waa loa\ by fire
nngETwia T
a pewter body ^ d ot^r tail, and to
said to bevc U? medu by Paul Berere
when abont HO yean old. It to aeid that
the weitberoook wee oriRinally placed,
in 1766. on the old cborch bailding
that wai dmuoltiibed to 18S7. There to
•OCDC diqiate abont hie ownenbip, the
OBiterleM cUlmtog that bewaeeimply
foened to tbo MeUmdtoti wbeq the lat
ter bniit their chorcb to 1847, while the
Methodtou cleim that they boagbt him
foenn the town. Ho will probably I
riatbnited to tlie Watertown Htotaricai
aodety. —BoetooTranecrjpt.
I .A v'V \ ^ '
NotWhg more be»uti-
. Lawn. In order to.produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut- and watered. ‘
LAWN MOWERS. From.......................S*.7B lo $5.00.
RUBBER AND COTTON HOSE.... 10 to IBc per ft.
i also put in Taps and Connect to city water ^at bottom
prices. Give me a call. '
N«w York, H»y 10—& AUfatok to
from Aiheu myi: Prime
mitorter B»m mj% tlmt Uw Greek
troop* will be withdrawn fren Crete.
*e BM la* Bmm of Bla^'Amw ' Tko ffoeenmeat boTinr oeed of ell
Yon may exterminate black anta by
tk« troope poMible. he eald be b# deddod po irraddeUy withdrewloff all
Correspond with
tb«dr troope from Crete. Greeoe offioielIf DoUSed the forelre mleleteni pt her
The dry good* etock
laYender, grodnd
^ the Traver« City
letont to withdrew from Crete end de- of 8. Cokea d Co., formerly of Trarorae irjoTM, or, tmtteri, oam|dior.—Imdim'
Lumber Company. We have for 9ale,rCood. Sound Hem
■eeded the edmteekm of Greek ehipe City, was nearly a 1 oared by being Qame JonmaL _
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
witble' eke blockede for this porpoee. carried onV Small damage to haildBvMM Btascr Thaa MaaW.
Oreeee new eweita the ofliciel offer of ing.
Aocordiiig to Pndefpc» Huz Webia- of Short Maple Wood. Lands for s^le. Mill Machinery,-of all
th*.powere to make propoaeU of
Aamcrdaiu. the only uniniato which de^riptions, including a Engine, Set Works, Carriages,
auipoMuan to ihc ahaolnie weight of
betwees her ead Terkej if thej pleeee.
their bruins are eie{ilukDW and wbalea, and Saws. A complete Saw^Mill Plant for sale.
, bat thej will not eek for it. Tbe efltmt there ant svveral that rank aboad
etol »eto from the powma will prob^
bmiu weight
eSif be preeestod et once nod it ell
peedeoaitotoeme. The report in the
pepere of erminttoe to oot troe. bat erBtotlee wUlprobeblfbe .erreed epoa
if peeee neffoUetioM ere opeaed.
Guo. P.
• Vleoae, Hey 10 —It to reported here
that the Torktoh term* bf pMoe with
Oreeee ioolnde the pejrmeatof an indemaitf of pi s.ooo.ooo, the
. _
eqonled cn
meat of the Greek fronUer, the eoaBllinr of the treatiee fsTorinc Greece. bis extended erpefience in all tbc r.
of the Greek fleet to Tar- ■ ph*w* warlure. His ciirar bad ^n j
^ meninry anfflctoDt to
thrown aside. hU hand* were clasped 1 ,«aiD the minoteat t_______________
hay and the-aetUamentof the Cretan behind
him. and be seemed lost in
^ bare banumed to os and yetnot cnongh
oouteaplatiOD of the spectsole. The to lenMOuber bow often we have related
AlltoBa. May tO.-Thao
givat bridge WM (be scene of a oootinn- them to the name ^craonl’—La Boobeof the AaaoelaUd Pram laarae on the ouWweaent of tolanUyrolBBinm bat
vary beat aaibortty that Greece baa teries of artillery and wagon traina
Dorwln and TymUlpeovedwhat
mada a written appUoaUon to the pow- The Bpproacbei to tbe river on both
ara, thraagh th^ raprsaentatiree at -banka wen corered with maom of nralists before their time enspeoted, that
dthana. with a view of obtointog mad- troo^ moving briskly to their podtions the air U UtenUy foU of plaotgf
or wsitiog patiently their tnni to csom. and aeeda_______ ^________
ttotiom All the r^rmeatatirae bare At tbe two improvised ferries ateom••Garrleoan” .
pRMstosd to thair rapltoa to oae thalr boata wen glidiag beck and forth with
best o&eaa, azoept the German mtoto- ,tbe regnlarl^ of weavers’ abottko. A
Name year wants to the "
tor, wbo bnh'mately aeknowledged the fleet of troDspprta oorerod tbeenrtooe of partnseat of tbe Rro«d.
raoaipt of the note from the eabinet, tbe water below tbe bridge, and gonbosta
The porfo la tocllnad to eupport* the
powm with n view to the faellltotlon gakrding the river above.
Drama wm beaUng tbe mardu bands Trsvrrar Cli» awr oo« crirbrslv »b» tourlb.
of negottotlooa, bat U deolinea to ooa- were playing aticring qoickstcpi, tbo bill
r>a ruo oelrbruU ftp* bj- ha«tof rour
neat to an arminloa on the groond that distant booming cf cannon on WaRco’i boUM pslDtvd to UB unlaUrassDcr by---this woold oMblo Oraeee to raorgaoiM Ittmt abowed that be and tbe enemy
were stiU exchanging compliments,
Cp-lo-dote Poioicr a»4 Puprr Bsogrr.
As a aoatter of toot Tarkey eoattooea and mingled with these soanda wen •88 PrOBt Btrsat.
to Bead troops trom Satoslca home tbodreersef tbe aailora, the abuotingof
ward and it h probable thot Owman tbe ltoopa.'tbe ronibltog Of wheels and
tbe abritks of-steam wtaistlea Tbe
The FoUpwing FUTora are made to oraer:
Pasha has returned to
Ever Burned Out ?
In view of both toots bright eon, sbiuing tbroegb a clear sky
npou the ocene.'csst its sheen npon tbe
If so yoa know
loo Cream Pmitrtavore^v..nia Choo>i.t.. 8b.wbnT7. n.. Anda
water, wu ttflecled frean tbe bnrnUbed
la expeetod. bat the
the value of
Bnaoea of a
Unvla and glittering cannon, and
Raspberry, TaUi Fretti,'Orange. Peach. Lemon. Banasa. PUtoahlo. Chany, t
atote of war ie rega
aa the varyiwoogbt ont with inenawed brilliancy
lOBB—Lemon, PlBe-Apple..OraDgq, Eaapbeny, Cherry.
of haatanlng tbe efforts ’ the gey colors of the waviog buiueta
O. P. OAXY8K. Aaaat.
The calmly flowing river rcflretcd tbo
SharberU—Raspbeny. Oraago. Strawberry, Cherry. Lemon. Pine-Ai^a.
bine cf ibe hcatens and mirrotad on ito
miface tbe beaatitw of natnre that barWe also pat up Brick Ic« Oreun-^AU flavors, one to three fla^ to
JWU. EO.U.-U-E.,.™, U^U.
, U., ; dered it The rich yraln w a* standing
a brick. We deliver to all parte of the ci^ and oct of the city.
Si. BuU. I«riduw...»
Fine Merchant ^ailorin^.
Tr>'a Pound Box of our Fine Chocolates.
d. O. Hiduno.. ol eumd.. — 1"
n«„lM d-Ioi. Ui« «lo«. rf ieWe otoke them every day.town yeatorday.
etneCioo. and in li-oking from the
Miie Block. CstOD Blreet.
Dr. O .C- Joslln, of Sottone Bay, | grow ing crops to tbe marching oolnibna
mtSaaday totheeity.
| tbe giutki smile of peace ccutrasted
is the { strangely witb tbe savage frnwn of war.
' M. OtMiliB, (i{ U.og(.ai
I- It was a matrblees pageant that
Oor. PrastaadPatoete.
city ysatorday on bnsinasa.
eonld not fait to insptn all U.boldcn
Oliva Kornto, of Bennett, ta riaiang with the gruudi'or of achievement and
—Fire Insurance &
the tomily of George Galkina.
the majmty of military power. Tbe
—Real Estate.
Mias Ids Pfokard. of Leland, apont
I rc^n.o».a
Bnnday with Mn- A. tC McCoy.
. Mrs. WiU Holdswortb has bean vlslV mevement stood wotrbiug tb« spectacle I------------ ----------------------------------‘tn profoond silence. Wbetbi-r his mind
tog at her old home in Charlevoix.
was or^tpled with tbe ccnumplutioD of
Hon. II. B Badsab."of Mancalona. its niLtiuitoue and sncoHsiorwaa busied
ato dtonar at 1‘ark Place yesterday.
witb matoriug plans for the fntuni no
Miss Uafy Soahrith of Grand Rapid* one cuu telL Aflitstime bewoke frum
Is risittogWfamily of John Qrailiek bis reverie, monntid bis bnrse and gave
We want to sell you a PIANO: We don't disguise
oions to bate bcudqaartcra ferried
Mim Mary Toh^ has
the fact that we are extremely anxious to do so. - y/e
from an azton^Tisit
d visit to Graad Bap- aonaa to tbe nmib tuii.k of Ibt* river.
want every sale that earnest, honest, legimate effort
LtMie. MMl PaperDr. and Mn. OanaUvU left Monday
will bring us. and we try hard to please you, , We be*
Here ia a tale of a strange nnlmtl
qwmtog for BapM Blvar for a woak*a
Meuclcbip told by a writer in a recent
. lieve we have a good chance to do so. Our prices can
tome of The AVesimiustcr UsaeRe. Tbe
Mr. and Mia. B. J. Morgan arova Biiny is nuiqiUL Aooordtog to tbe writer,
ISO Fnmt Btraat.
not be equaled. We have solved the problem of how
over to bberman Saaday alght and ra- a liaD'ss that waa kept in captivity to FrMrieh Btoek.
to make a saving in buying. This solution directly
toroad last evening.
8otuiiliiatida(k)|iteda boll terrier. There
J. B. SUmaoB and Mrs. L. B: fltimaon, were several boll terrier poppies near
benefits YOU.> We arc the makers of thg^ pianos and
of. Old Miaaton. ware gseata at the the place w-bete she vroa eoutiued, and
can save y9u money. Any questions cheerfully ans
once in avriiile Uje little fellows woald
•Siting yeatorday.
Pl- I come ckae to tbe cage. Then she woold
Dr. Till, vetoraary
wered. whether you wish to buy or not.
,^ .miael.nud the puppira-woold scamper
of this city, now of Mani»to8. drove:
back, bnt there was one that sr-emnl to
over from Empire last Wight.
have tbe good will of the ii«mu«aa fv
Hebert, of MapU Oty. coe day when >10 approaebed ibe Vege,
•peat Hatorday and Bonday with MU# lurtead of gruwlipg, abe obowed aigus
at pleasora.
BPa O'Neal, of 2GI West Pnmtfiu
'ibe pappv waa encooraged, and after
Bari Oarris left tor Boise City, Idaho,
layaftoraoM. If be la pleased
N. E. Strong, Mgr. lor Traverse City Branch.
146 Float St.
w. yj. HOBBS.
If You Have Logs to Sell
..Contracting and Practical
The 4th of July.
GFeo. K. ■Winnie,
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
' ari4 P'ine Candies.
fi .
Suits to Order.
E. W. Hastings,
The Hamilton Watch
Railroad Men !
McLellan & Ash,
I We Warn Your Business! 1
L-bsOl Co.
'W. -W.
killed, tbc Uonem. MKtcbcd oat tor.*________________^___________
dfova to itotorday evaatog from Otoa host. i«w and gratly dRw4bod(«
" - and retoroad
----- -----------------Tbs little fellow waadeUgbtod with
Mrs a. Bauer asd daegbtor Loole.
and be oqoggkd tato bar
I for and baa rematord witb bqp
wbo have bon vlaidag Mta. r. M.
Patoo, rttoraod toCbarlovolx yaater- cvcrainca. Tbs oorioos tfatog la that YOU NEVER
tbe lUmem will have nothtogtodo with
day Booo.
hlr. aod Mia. Baary ‘Toudlar were the ulber poniie*. If they oome to the
«all«d to Deeator. tod., yeatorday by a
aloqg, she giowls ai them to !
toUgnuD aaauaaMag^ death of Mr. getting
Ummoolood and mwnaciiig that they
TooBeller'a mothm. an trigbcnied off. Moanwhile the
Harbart Moatagaa west to Oraod adopted pa^ is treated' by tbe Uonea
Baplda yeatorday attoraoaa to attood a Jnat as If be wars a cob of her own. '
maattog of the Mlehigaa W>olemto
a WaaMursM# tlMto to P»al Bmm.
Ofooora' Aasprtatlon.
In tukiug down Ibe ate-eple of tbe old
HMi Dorfea. wbo has tmra speadiog Mstboditt cbaicb in Watertown, which
the wtotor'to GUsago, has raloraad the Yonog Men'a Catholic assoc tartou is
Md will pam the mmmm with her fcmodrling for its oae, tbe bistorio old
panati at Travm Beach,
weaiheioaqk o«-t(S «1 tfaa attoUlo bad to
The Man Milliner,
Shoes For $1.00. Unique J^esigns
Shorn at aU prloea from
this to*fll.W.
ImmBnse New Stock From
N. Martial
MoaiPKCi udoUrTxr^AV, xat n,
8lal*tn PtrNAt P*ri*h in thn
Hold oft Ship.
» 00MI|‘
MMiWra or
Civw—TMlaw■ (Mahi Dto« I
■Mk mm
|itr *r a»*.
tarn Tbam■ Mih
AlaM ■.let. It Wm aob4«ed-Pn«ita
hml rutte B«bm at Bmmcnm.
KTew Tone. Hay U.-The KallarrUBa
Kaanter Lieona. which left her pier on
nafurday bound for . Oalvcatoo, took
fti* at aaa. pul back, and an^ved in
port laat nlyht with alxteen' oorpaes on
board. The dMd were thirteen ateer‘ membera of
tbe crew who auodumbed to. a terrible
ftrt which occurred off the DeUware
eapaa at an early hour yeaterday morelas. The Itpnior of the atory can hardly
be told. Thoae who are dead were
penned below decka. airt atlhoush fran
tic efforta were made by tbe ofllpeni of
the veaael to aavd them, the fire had
sained auch terrMc.headway before the
danger waa dlaoovered that all eaoape
m-aa cut Off The ateaaier carried In her
carso many hplM of cotlua. It ic not
certain how tbe Are orialnaird. but
«-bm U waa dlaoovered It burM forth
with auch fuo' that |t waa lauigaaibla
to reach tbe ateerase. '
a or Um rteUM «f the nrei.
Bveti then the ateerase paeaeitsers ap*
dful of the daaser.
elae the am<4u and Samet had not
feaohad them. The
were Aiwt arouacd, and In auch a man
ner aa to oocaalon little alarm When
It became apparent that the Are had cut
off the ateerase thj; captain and hla men
poured sreat quantltlea of water down
tbe ventllatora and the moel frantic efforta were made Atr the eacape nf thoae
penned up. In thia way elsht of the
ateerase paaaenfera made thair eacape.
The dead are: Bteeras* paaaengere—
Brtdfet Sullivan, R. Callne. Mra C.
Gurea. Miaa Ouiaa. Mba Ratmah Bnlor
enahann. Mra. Valclrka, Mlaa Valrtrka.
Sophie Bchwsrta. Marla Wadea„ two unknown children
hlldrei and two unldenllAed.
eVBiiims CAiws.
________ *OSt ool of thti boaV than4er«d Wallace. Tbe atokeia refuaed »
tfbejr. and wMit ob cutOnc awa|> U>e
laablnc* of the t>oat.
•• -Cwne out oT that boat.’ echoed Tay
lor. Then he ruahed forvfard reactilnf
“Orsses, Hsr Kn** in Supplitnon
Bsnt«** fh« P«6tion»r.
man who cute away the boat-'
The ppanlarda lo<Aad at Uie ohiefr an4
*'Durtns the ezHtemetit of tbe Arat
hour we did not know that any one had
sotten out of the ateerase aliva but
later we found in the cablp that elsht of
them bad aianased to set out. Their
bunka bad been nearaM to the
pantonway and they had beraaWakenad
out of
by the part of the crew ruahlns
the forocaatle.
‘The Are crept up throush crarfta
about the {rilot houae and then ioto the
bonaa ttaelf. The quartermarter atuok
to tha wheal uaUI the Aamre almoK hid
him. Captain Wilder ordered alsnal
lishta of dlatreea burned and In a very
few mlmitee there Aaahed up In tbe
darkoeaa far to the north'an anawerlns
It came from the City of
Ausuata, of the Savannah line, which
Ih tbe
meanwhile the deck forward of the
The Other Orent PewM«: PjeenyWy Ba
aing to l>o Their Be^Toihe Met laetloea TW Be Hud to PUme. bat WUt
ly —Tolo la tha
Turkh Haada—Tueoa Mye Creta U iaSi
—Oreayattaa at Tala by Bdhan| Paeba.
Athena, Haf 10.—Tbe correapondent of
the Aaaortai___
ated Preet
. the
beat authority that Qreeee baa made a
arrllten application to the poa-era
throush their repreaentaUvw at Athena
nith a view of obtalnbis mediation
I have promla^ In
thair repilea to uae ibetr best oOoea,
Iron croea beame bare and red boiTbe Iron pUUns of the ahlp'i aide
slowed red hot
"The paaaenseru ware all traaaCeirad
to the City of Ausuata In aafety and
Unued. About •
the Aamea were under control and the
ateaaer out ef daaser. Tbe paaacosers
were aent back do tbe I-eona and the
AbvahM IteeilBctal Aet.
Riba. Ala., May 10.—Oerar Wltliama.
a .colored DaptUt preacher realdlng in
rmwaw wabtta
the negro
ihree mile, from
the^«St« minuW. who baa
umn. went daft Ulely oyer the at*^ of 1
«,kWowledged tbe receipt of tha
Abraham and Uaac. which «. hieja.torica teat and which he held aa hla pat
cUoed to support the powera, u-iik a
l tern of faith. Hla Idlorencrmay developed ;
i Into hla havlns vlalonS In which he aald !
*** facllluUon of nesollatloaa;
he had been commlaaloned from on hlsb i •>«‘'««»~Un«n to conaent toan armhrtlce
i to repeat
Abrahain-a teatimonlal of «> «»»* ground that th|a would eaaMe
j Greece to reorganlte her forcea. Aa a
e to aend
M'ben the old man atarted into tbe matter of fact Turkey
wooda with hla t-ycar-oM atm. wboae;
Sklon*** homeward, and It
name. laaae, helped to carry out the >• probable that Oaman Paaba baa reAdArad I.
crexy man’a conception, no'one auapect- I turned to Conataminople from Sakmka.
Bartmann. buteher. New York.
ed anything wrong. In a half bo(ir-e ‘ *" 'lew of both tecta it may be areumed
Pletmeery afthe PIre.
A pareenger teiu the following atory Ume teiTinc acreama were heard and »*»» nothing acfioua la expected, bui the
of a> aute of war ta re
af the dlarevery of the Are; "Flrat Mate , nelghbora ruahed to \he wood* In the
WatUre waa pacing tht bridge about t; heart of a thicket they dlacovered the girded aa the very beet meaiu of hahtenlng the efforts of diplomacy.
a. m. wbrn he thought be smelled | hoy strepp^ to a log and the oM
To He
Btandlng over him with a bloody knife
am oke coming from the forecaatle.
went down terwrard (o the companlre- in hU hand: The boy died soon after tbe ' Without doubt hopes have been ralaed
way and oi>ened the dnor to the au4r- nelghhora arrived, the old man having In Turkey that the Ottoman govern
ment might annex Theaaaly and restore
age. The motnret be did thla there was cut hie throat.
the old frontier of ifiu. but the sultan
a bur« of flame which burned hla face.
is not inclined to risk such a step. On
Wallace turned and ran on deck and
the contrary, he oppoaes It uneompro'arled the alarm of Are to the forward
mlalnsiy and will not yield to the preawatch, telling him to wake the steward
aure of the war patty at C<
and have aU the paaaongera aroused as
Chicago, May la — Cbarlea Panl. a
cuickly aa porelMe. without creallns any former cfnpdoye of the ChleagD, Milwau He will be aatlaAed with a reasonable
Indemnity and a allsht rccUAcatten of
axcHcmenL The steward did this ^ a
kee and Bl. Paul Railway company, la tbe eastern nuarellait front'er. auch a
guiet manner, going to eat4i state room
aha Waking the occuimnta. Captain mlmlnc. attd hla U-yeartSd artfe BDda, one aa would give Turkey ^several
Wilder ruahtvl n deck at tbe AnRaUrm. has gone to her home in Michigan Gtty. atratrglc poalUona tn tbe vicinity of
A dlwatch from Lamia,
clad only In an nnderahirt and Irouaeim. ft waa * runaway match. Paul met Neaeraa
Saturday, days that CrownPrinca
:ity three awntha dated
icd command and at once or- j HI:Uds at Kichlsan City
till at Domokoa
And that
• of. _______
ietVe/at ____
Aral i Ct
Oered the..........................
r to reacur
the ............
steerage' *C<>.
the couple Aed ; Oeoerai Bmolenski la at Alrnym. Rlepaaaregera. On the mme-deck with the I Mght. and oa March
gteerege, on the port aid* of the ship, a I
MUwaukee. a-here they were married, ootu Oaribaldl and tbe Itallqn volnnteeru
large quantity of coMoa tetsaing waa '
brought hla young wife to Chicago
aeparated from tbe steerage paxBaturd^. and then secured rtwma diapalch says that the exodus of In
I. aepa
habitants from ‘Domoko* Lamia «««<<
at the Linden hotel.
ra by I .hoard partition.
Saturday evening be quietly took hto the surrounding country conUnuea
Bat OneI Kxit froBa tW M«
"The tMln deck aaa almost
t patro
:ro1 tbe
^etely A^ with freight, cutting off aU
e that more
axil from \^e steerege to the after part
triegraph la working to Doi
way. The trea rwabed for the com- ,
daughter returned to Mich- that the Turks are hatf way between
panionwar and attempted to descend.
ntaraaloa and Domoko* and
Ykay were driven back by dimw vot- Igan City.
lleved to be planning an attaek upoe
wmre of smoke, and flames quickly fotWoaM Urelt tbe aaprema Caart.
tbe latter. Tbe Turks do not Tnoleot
The smoke and Aamea also came
Kanmc City, May Ifl.—The convention the Inhabltanta of tbe villages they
'rntU.lo™. .na «
B.mraw have occupied, but they have burned
to .IJ .h.
™ atckMt
-w. houses and plundered oevcral chufehea
baiow deck^^ J a nartng furnace. Then
at Pharaalo*
Aye, There’s the Bah, CetoMk
th?'on"fSSatre "rulij “rei^w^!^ ^
rf the UrillM SUte*
IB the coorae of an laterv-lew yester
our day Coitmel Vasm said: "Tbe ualoa
Wilder mw hie erVw driven hack from lliI|IUw*°"cJurtjiforever
prevent any
................ ............. from declaring
between Crete and Greece la now an
mwivuce of legiaUtlcn to be null and
ad (be hciTor below made him deaparatc. void after It hA> bren enacted Into law." actual fact, and nothing te laitang bin
the conamt of Burepe. Tbe forHgn ad
BOT A Bopw raoB ram sn>tH*
mirals receotly asked my authority to
advance tMlr troops In Crete beyond
« AtteapI to Oto Itowa
tbe none previously occupied. Ybe pow
■eUv—Bcmw Meiar at Bead.
era may do what they like. The union
“He ruahed to the ataira and hold|y' <>»i*
«»»« areiator in thla (Thirty- of Crete and Greece it InevtiaU* and
attempted to go below: He did not get!
a. neceastty." It la reported In olBclal
Mnr. than half ■ Anaan atana dtswo from the Aeld, lesving Jofan Mc- circles that Queen Olga has sent a telegram to the exar sollclUng the madiaUon of Rutot*
asd the Aamea shooting up around him |
senator A. W. Wella
■ TwtaeOvar.
drove-fatal back on deck. He stepped'
------------------ ----------CoaM Mot Hm
.hack to the abelter of the pUot houae.
Janesville. Wl*. May lO.-dn tha case
of George Simms against the Motaal
Plre.Insurance company «t aL Judge
Banneit>uc lui a*ujutuviii. Aucru ua
tbe (ThIoagD and Northwestern Rail
akcUlmed: 'My Ood. no man can goj White cleaning out an unused well on
road omnpany. one of the defendant*
Blmma' properly waa destroyed by
: -n
iM wu,.™.!.. Htarka from a locomottv* and the com
ware -rudBlng They varied InMength from U Inches to
pany settled for the damage* Then
ha brought suit against the Insurance
would be able to reach them In some
Tbe< cabin of Laurea Tucker, white, oa company to collect on hla policy, but
way. 1 llaiened for sound* but couM
the plantation of W. S. Gray, nntr the company refused to pay on the
Mar nothing mve the roar of the Aamea
Lauren* 8. C.. was burned and four ground that the rattroad conipAny had
as they grew steadily ts volume below
aoHledI for the toe*
and roUed ngmd sad roand in the nar- children were cremated. The father and
s ta a Olvarev Care.
tow quarter* There waa not a scream, mother had gone Ashing.
Drake, of Iowa,
aat a Mwtek; no aign of life below.
LaCroea*-Wl*.May 10.-Mr* CJIemtoit
liquor bin. Including the aeoltims I. Bpettel w
atood In the tee of the pilot houae, the llqw
waa granted a divorce Friday
land crew
from her husband. During Friday even^ the wUI of the UU Rev. Qtleb tag they met anid at midnight sumtUeamtatoreaohthhatrerage. Tbe deck
.u «.u>nc l.U«.rli» hot. Th. 0.m»
Drttoi^llUA. 0.1. oolt.I.n CWIU
«ta hl»h^ j
O^l—m.. WU., U to reoolvh taken
i every outlet from
married, founren boura after the di
David 3. Dey, railway
vorce was framed.
Mck. The pouring of water down'the
aoanpanlonahlp and through the veatl- running between RhlnetaBOeraad AMiArrest »f a Ckk
latora had no effect save to aend op the land. Wl*. who was recenUy arveated.
Ctelcago. May td.-Beatamln t. Jenamolie In great puffa and cause angry pleaded giAUy ta th* Meral court at
spurts of An to dart menaelotfy into Madison ef enbesallng Bumey. Be was kin* the ex-caahler of tbe grain ta-~'
tbe tecoB of the crew. When the news aeBtaneed to tblrtsea necatto ta auu ipactor’a ofBoe. who waa indicted by the
grand Jury un two charges of larceny
•f the Are reached tbe lower depths of PHsonaad aa aa apceasary after the fact, was
The bakarW coavesUioa has adjoa
the chip, where the stokers were teedrlU*. Ky.. BtraMed Saturday In this city and
at Cicvalaad to n
atartad otUta try aad aeoua a boa
n of them the Aret Monday tn Kay. HOO.
tMOkm all
Baveyoar iMuareWM hyourraa'“lhay cMmhered into tha SMond host ar-taan the port side and began cuttlag It of WlaeooMn. waa tawd dead About 'd«Bt tanar, trof. J.W. Cliff* Shad
awv. Vbat oaoer WaUaoe and Chief two BUM MUta «t Otaffou. WM. Sul- ofdasa to V. B. Strernffb Matae Btora.
■vhHar Tpytor were aftar tbMB In a
a M- BBOWM. Attoniay aed OeaaaaUorat
'O. taw. BpMiial alMmMO te rnUmieui
—'eoavayaaelBg. tlireoatat.
L W. B. MOOM. PhValeiaa and t
Brarbaeaeanedtotbefaet that yea
eaa fM at tbe Dras Store (ear atore)
piAIta^OILWT ^
Pura Powdnrnd 9pioM«
Pam Orenm TnUttr*
SptolBl av
A ■leiiillna M perireuag I
I.OttrOAMBeaae Bteek.
(aa« Pare Baking Paadar. It yaa want ne to
make It. t ponade for IU».
BabbwTBHas.aUalaM,WaUrBotUaa igaaraatood tor two yearn.) Pbuatatn ayriagea.
many made. Threat Breakea. aad AtomUern, aaA ACSa LaKtwpiUHr good buUdlBf*
Wyeertaa aad Wltcb Baxal tottoa ter tbe 3SU two mitem from the fttf. te tratote
«r«U loeawd
petRMTty. Laj^ porUos
prOTwd n^t wore. Win aarewe awall er
a. m. BROWK.
At Our
Soda FoBDtalB
‘CUBOT CtaiBi nuilaed mml Pool tablae (or
r sale. BtUiaW* for BMaifr re^ ^
OoBBUr we are aeear coaieet to •■let weU
aaoQfb atooe" bot alwayn try w improve.
at lat Froat street, opetotra.
YWB AALB OB TBADE-A m ladire Wavmr lyMrytoaterHOerwIUtradeteracaao*
Addiarn Lock Bos US.
S It*
;T to LOAX-- ti
Bava Qsv for bat OB* whori. 8mbc and wake
a tens* OBA&B.BAJ
Wash•U •
ry. rxraab. BSST WILBELK. OoMr
Thompson, The Artist
-New id«M In-
Fancy Toilet Articles.
has aerod bla gaUnr te the career of rreat
a^ Parh nra^riigMby^..A.*Ldepet.^
wlU BMske the tost gradaauMaeto for oa^Tto
per dntea. aite ov^^^^re^vyramod.
—Pretty Bffecte In----
Cut Glass.
S’, a. aoxu:..
-■■-Jewelry; —
r-Watcb Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street.
See !Union Drips, per gal.. : 30c
Yellow Crawford Peache.
per can............ ............ 10c
Dried Apples. Peaches
and Nectorines, per lb., 6c
Early V^tables
Cor. fthaad Cmioa Sta.
<Mn BAvgr aae Ufc throuffb tiie Mjue
palrofrUuBc* But fm-all tluiM wM>
Band fflaaae* either old or /•uag, they
wilt ffad that, at wtpart optieUaa, wa
eaa AdjuAt glAAbW Abd teat tbecYewith
•eeara^. OnrAtoek of ^tkal ffooda
fiaeat in tows.
6ANRm.HR0S., Jnden.
&ilaoB a»d Bresta*
Hotel Mara.
FBtCetiwt, Mwre rnst a Oua,
Take Lessons
Murtau^’s Academy.
Rates, n.S0,per Day.
AM Y!oHb. HaatellB.
Ban>o, Guitar, Cello aed 1
, First Claaa Day Board.
Special Rates by the Wetfc
• N - ; .r •
H 8. mrjpprnrn Kfmaa So^
. FintTMr-No.«.
ai. FAAMPb aBOBCB.-Wni
HAva TSaK.
XV aMHnd IM W«k •> TUa
Month—Ptopoatd DoaotloB of
Ubonl Ooboll Mu.
Tu uoahou o< at. rush CWhoUo
ohBKh ora hoof, eouftotlv aomacomnta lor » froad IU7' teUna to' te
firm the iMt WMk of U»j hi tto
€Uj OfhTh Howe. It will W held tor
IkrwtttottaaotoaltofWMaMA «*«i‘ itofs hMd tk» «sMt
wU U MBouaad ia-a lew daj» The froeeede
wUl he dwTotod to heylar a eet of
ehfmai ter the ehaiah. SoaettoMaco
a Uberal Detroit reaUemaa offend to
4oaato isoo for that »arpoee proridimg the eharob woald ralM aa e«aal
aaoaat halH* the ffito of Jme:
It wae deeided that a paad
woaU be the beet setbod of latefar
the aaoM. Ber. Fr. Baoer hae the
Matter to <harte.aad to aaleto^ bj a
oeoeaittee eoaatoUnr of HeedaaiM Jao.
P* Perkett aad N. Mertoa.
Thep have thefeiieral ptoaolar aad
oeenl^t of toe Itotirol bet wUl be
a>l7 eeeoadad to toe>ro«ort> by toe
Altar eoeletp. the Too^ Ladlre eodaUtp aad toe other bmaeh ooototlea of
The bmIii feetare wiU "be booths of
all aattoae, where tea ernt eapperi
drill be eerred bf prettj ladtoo in ap
propriate aattoaal eoetaaea, the rlaade
betoff to eaeh eaae peoattar to toe
fiyTapreaeatod. Id the enatoge eaba
aad toe anas wiU be iaeleded la the
bill of fare. Bach erealv a j^eaatog
aad ehried profraa will be gtrea.
The baatoeea am ef toe ^ an
toaktof liberal doaatMaa of their
' wane, aad toeee will be ea mle.
A featen that will exeite maeh totoraei to a rottog eoateet to dedde
whlto to toe meat popalar. B. J. MorCaa. J. T. Haaaah. J. T. B«adle or &
Moatagaa. The fortapato^wtoaer will
egold headed <
A eet of ohimaa wiU be a ralaable
aeqatoitkm >aet esly to the OathoUe
ehanh, bM to the eatin eltp. a^
eearr. eae wUl-be glad to eeatot to
AnaagtoBWita to Be made to«lfht
fb^^lteectol Dap.
ThenwUlA* ameattog to«lght at
the oOee of a P. Oarrer to amka
laagemaata tor the aaaaal road ^aoe
totahaplaeeoB MeaMrialDv.atTiM
aboat to taeae a eoavealr program. The
raeoaM aot favar tbair alstor lodge with the eats bseaass tosp
have bsea seat apon argeat taqaast
toitbe ‘'PbelBeBlk,’'a}oQraal devoted
to the totoneto of the erder, oa tbe
thdte ooast, to wbieh tbep wUl he
itber> with a wrtto-ap ef
tok lodge, itoieh h*e gained a aatloaal fapatatloi tor entarprlap and erlgto>u*y.
OnESBUffrtBff TO OTO^fftS.
slpbJobasonpald Jostles Vortp to
pestardsp tor toe aatWhetomeC having
---- -v-i Loata sMekar to toe Csee aad
otoarwiae onktog H anplaasaat far.
tafansatlom AbootOood Beada and
getoflemen. Tbe two met on toe
read (tondap, words lidlowsd: tbsa toe
Tbe Btk Bapids epeUste an entbaslastle over good roads sad an aettvalp JAaaea kaew he madehiinself liable
oivagad taltoproviagtlMalna^r «>• to errsitfer aamaltaad betterp. He
aeUsat thorengfaton Isadtog bars bed bad hie fan sad was wUHag to pap
Thsp start oae mUe oat, aad have n- tor to toeagb be wantod to do all toe
BwredtoeaodforapaUsWtMt wide
irtog btmaelf. 80 he went to Jaetaad a mile long, and have used a heavp ioe Darga and made a eomplatot
roUer mtotog a hard, smooth path, aghast bimaelf for aaaaalt and battorp:
whrn it strikes the marl again, which be alee ewotd oat a warrant tor bk
oanttanaLfoar milsa, making a total of own arreetand pending toe aeUoaof
six milto of tbe bast biepcOe path in toe eonatabU ta tos pnmkm be pat ap
this region. Wbea <be sidewalk at tl0forbi(_„_________
MttebeUb sbsli have been sompletad bkbnsiaeae. Ja toe sMantlme toe eonibe raa will be toe mast popalar of
oar maap good roads.
before making toe arrest. /
WhUs tbk was going on Strieker was
Tbs oSssrs of tbs Ne-sh-ta-waata _jfleriagphpsIoalpain aad mental hn•Boeiatlea an sager tor tbs eo-o|tors* mUatlon, and as soon as be ooald get
tloa of Tivene Clip to the eonstrnw swap peetordap morning he hastened to
tloa of a path between here and the TneereeCi^eadtotbejadlela] sppertThe editor of the Rxcdxd has mesta of Jortke Vertp. Then be told
letter from 3th. A. Hnat the eorrowfal tele end swore ont s
«iho' ntfm top epellstt of Ttavens Olw warrant for thearreat of Jobasoo la
to toke toe matter totoserloas ssastd- doe form with all the legal trimmings
eslenlatod to make It warm for tbe
who emesbed bk vkega.
Than never was s Urns' iriien the poeng
Bk boaor eared aot that tbe ponag
lads wan so faU of little bite ef win
mSabad sworn oat a warraata^nst
and aUeks as Chk spring and whealmsa have tokaspasbarp lookout to bimseU beeaiub then k ao sneb law
avoid smnp aa a^ panetinwd tin. if iriSto gives a man that right. Bven
evarp rider woald atop for a moment tooagfa be bed given eeeeritp for bk
oe in order to be praperlp.eoaand throw the wlm oat of toe wap it
viotod and pnnkbed, that was not
woald aot beloagbefon the etreete
most bakgallp arrested
weald be in better oeadltioo.
bp 1^1 sntoorltp aad U doe 1^
Street Ooamkslener Kellp bee eeme form, else toe porpose ef tbe law eoald
good Mms In regard to bkpoU paths aot be snbserved: tbentora JasUoe
Varip eommandsd Sheriff Simpson to
that If earried oat woald do swap with
befonbkboscw forth
tos nsoMitp for asUg the sidewalks
ovaa an r^p or mad^ ddps. Be with, to ansa r for abasing bk neigta
woald have blspcle path of saOetoat bor. Bkeriff
width, madaot 14 iato boards laU and mead, and Jehneon was pnperlp ar
to oad. Thep woaU be ae sahstaatial raigned. ^e pleaded gaUtp aaA gas
that thep woalAoeldem need repairs, fined as r^tod. Thn he went home
aad ifvM in toe leag ran prove maeh to get baek the tM Ashers he left with
JasUoe Datga and the law was mtka Inrxplwnive than elap ar grav«l
roads, and at tbe aamc time ssabe verp fisd. tooagfa Strkkar saffsred as mato
palasstoervfa fakj
sasp tiding.
n te rn front oteaet
Or a-pick can be made from iron, steel or ouf*
* mammoth s«>ck. In picking out a pick, be sufG
the picked out article is a good pick. W« ha^
2,000 for a nickle—of course we re ulking pi
Balpk Jtowm Pvt ap $10 tor Bis
Appsanarw to Aaewsr Oharga of
The six poeag men who rode oat to
Kilkeaka Sendep were so nleelp entsrtaiaei bp friends that thep did not
anilanmi Aanpal Booklet at the G
rstarn vaUl Mondap toaralag. Tbsp
. B.AI.BP.
keport toe roads from Ksikaaka to
-UieUgaaiaSammer.’'k the Utia
WlUlamebarg^ bad eoadltion. bat
of the aaaaal bookist keaed bp the
C XtoBTSUr BIOTOLB PAXASX. tram then home thep an axeelleat. Grand BapldsiA D
Thepmadetoe last twain mllm in
panp. It k bae ef the neatget aad
Ml tor toe Qaeon OHp Simoat artkUe ever keaed bj toe eomOfcuapb.
Prlmstp School Taada.
panp and k profaeelpr lUn^todwlI
lUostcatod with
t hMbeea 1
The following k the semhauasl ap. BaooBD that the Qaooa Cl^ BtopeU porUonmeat of tbs prlmarp ad
I to the sum
eipelpolateofa--------------dab arrange tor a gread erealag laa- monep for oonnUm In tbk region made
toeri^aUatong tbe tine,
tora patpde of all the epdlMe to Tiar- bp toe SaperintoaAent of PaWfas la- laripin tbe northern raaort region.
r«aadtf. Then bee beea anto eaa- ■troetloa pmtardap. Tbe amoaat k at Tbe immedkte vieialtP of Tnveree
' ieetan ae to toe aaaibar of wheaU be toe rate of M seats par eaplta:
Cltp k not B^leetod. Omaaa. Noah'
ing and to this aitjr, bat do dedaito
to-wasta and other aaasnser raeortebet~TT— *-----ever beaa emplojed to delag glvaa Uberal epaea.
taraMae how-maBT then are. The ear
It k aanoaaoed that the popalar
«aeted panda woald earve this paipase,
Northland Bxpreaa. asoUd VcsUboIed
also afford a Aae street satsrtaiaa
toroogb train from CinotaanU to Pator a pleasant eraatog. wbieh woa^ be
tosksp asM Maeklaaw (Xtp. wUl^ ran
iatsreettog to the riden aad give aa
as test pear, bsrlaalag Jams list, leav
exhlUttoa that woald be eejoped hp Wexford.......iZZ
ing ClaeinaaU at 4 o'eloek in toe aftergreat erowds oatoe prtoeipal atreela.
s. niuAing Grand Bapids at t:M
Tbe nggeattaa lea good oae aad the
in toe mernlng aad Kaeklnae Island at
biepeleeleb eoald eanpHoatto per- Bat Bverp Grand Armp Post Bap BOOB. A eonneetlng train wUl leave
toetloa. _______________
Baas a Bribk from Oranth Tomb. St. Lock. Mo., at 1 o’clock in the afMapor Stroag of Saw York refmad
Biffas WUl Attend OhBi^
looa aad Ghteage at »:M In toe
ting. Otoar tnOM WiU leave Grand
Then was an eathnsiseMe drill of the •lOforoneoftoe bricks from tbs did
r----- ^ Biflci last ai^t vtoloh proved Grant tomb. Ha said tos briofas an Bapld* at So'closk in the aftenumn
that the bops sr* esger to inaka a good aot for sale nor for iadlvUnal dktriba- and U o’risek at night, the former arUoo.
tiving at Harbor Springe at 6:t0 in the
Imprsseiea npea Inspsetor (loaenl Oass
everiag aad theUtb
whsa hs oooMa ben FWdap hight- wboapplpfrsr '
It woald be a good Idea lor MePborw to Mackinaw Citp. e_______
There whs a vaip large attoadsaee aad
to reacA toe tetaad at doon the next
aaontdoeir'drill was held. Attbsbesidap. Theae tralM wiU make ooe
aaas msstlng sftar the drUltos emp- woald -be an appreciative eoot
UoM on'toe Traveras dtp braato.
aap aeesrtsd sa tovUaOna from Me“Benvar Oottoge.”
phsrsoaFoat;O. A. E.to net as tbs T. B. A Tkagaa bee too fo
assort ef the post to the eharto oa laid Cora pnHp eottageon hk «mMemerlel dap. The Eifln also tovitod wood aveaoe preportp. The leasthsn WOl be One featnro at the OadUtee
the peat to meat aft toe amorp topra- k a fine one and apletareaqae bro^
OriebraUea, Jalp StA
proe tor the amreh to obareh.
rans thresh the groooda. Mr. Tngea ^ OadiUae te preparing to wfaobp*ar ap
for ladepeadeaee dap aad the eatloek
ebarming hoses rtovh ♦•Bearer Oot- k for tbe Mggeet eelebratiea
knowa in' that seetUm. Tbe dai
I ofOoraOtB
etroUea wUl take plaee oa toe trd
At Tbs Theatn.
of Jalp, aad beridm a let (ff e^le
The mentrtloai in tbe eoavenfr, rw
Prank Tnoker k pr^saring a gsod asraams and hip, hip, hnrrahl there
'gmiUp keoed fre^ toe Berald ofin
«l tos wiU he a hoea tovmnmeat given beTvavone Oitpfrbdge. So. m, B.P. O. leeal tosbtnd for tooMmiw night in
twadn toe loeal eoappaap aad to# vkltmkn harosttiasted the ettentinn
aip Opera Hooaa. ••AI 0^
Cap of Tro" iag ikemea. nra-Chief Decree haa
praks ofaeoemrffledgm aU ovar toe
I aaontertaiamaat fiUed reerivad aa lavitatten for the depariSMatfp: aad aeraral have mgaaated of
medtia tokcHgrloamri.atsAmto ea
tok taiga toe MdeMfcbgMn lor sim
ter toe eontmta.
ilar parpoees. the latert being peaterA«p tram Bigknw lodga, . wkM k
—at Sc.; 6c., 7c.,
and 10c. per »1L
—at J<c., Ic., 2c. and 3c per yard
And its all la tok pear’s pattema. No old stoek to work eC afi
Making a Conquest
When sitting on. one of
our luxurious sofas is an
easy matter for the^Iainti|y dressed maiden.-Time
slips by when so comfort
ably ensconsed, and tbe
.visitor realizes, when he
leaves, that between wo
man’s sweet fascination
and. the beautiful effert
of Slater’s furniture ar
tistically arranged, that
his mind turned to home
comforts and thoughts of
love. We have the Fur*
niture at decidedly the lowest prices.
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
198-189 TBOVr ffTBBBt.
0|if—tw ■mMl‘1 bn
.. Ladies' Fine Bose..
For a Limited-nme We Offe^----- —
Ladie.' 2SC. H<» (.t................ ...Me."
Udies-soc! Hosoat.... ........ ...87c.'
; -
South UhiOB StTMt.
The Quality and
Price Question..
Should always be comidered in ypnr
purchases. We dauii the;lowdst prices
Best Grades of Footwear ' ; ^
We arc prepar^ to demonstrate the fact.
' . •'*1
vnUlaA Msml Mdaaa Joha eaufbt
»1 treat Irea the BoordBaa rlT«r.
▲. A..MeO^' A 8oa m leedlajr
Every Man
J ‘
Has In His Mind
What He Wants To Pay
For a Suit....
Him. John ieaala oetorand puterThUWUlBea Blow to.Xxu
dap fro^ a^dihlat trip with 106 1m
in T. BAt»« i»» J. W. EAnn.
.WaabtogtoB, Map }0.->The Bril Tele
Bert QaaneU polled a two-pooad
phone eempaap wtos the eau braai^t
trodt from the Boardmaa river at Eep'
agaiut it bp the United Btatae. to
aaaul the lut Berliner paVnt. The
ThB daalu Biku will meet at four dedsloa bu the effect of eoatlai
o’clock thie afternoon at 404 H Uaton Ue oontrol of the triepboae I7 the
oompuap tor
Sandap afteraooa a good elud flock Ue dale ef the lut patont. which,
of qoallwlltkted m Bute etreet near grsated to 1891.
The govarameat uked to have the
HaL fmrj qwnt Rasdap with hla patent ut aaide eo Ue grenad that the
faarilp at their camp aa the chore of deUp of thirteen pears to the patent
oflUe wu toandclent and Urongh Uy
fault of Ue triepbone companp. the
Mu J. B. Martin le prepariag
applkarioB for
patent having beea
give ac eoteitaiameat at Lake Ana
Bled to. 1877, bat Ue patent not betog
one ei|^ the Utter part of thie wwk.
J. W. HAinm. Bditor and
Opiyeef. byeU.
F. D. CTKTa,
•_____ -
CBoe.m rroMeweBtaetoewUec—peicaUi
Th* raaaway aocWent Satordaj
^fht. eaeed ^ a liorM belaf fri^htea;
the drame of eae of the relictou
tediee" which hold eerrleeB on ^e
. atceeU at nlffht.U an arr>neat la (aeor
Ob Boadap Fbllet'a creek wu a far*
•faMW aethod of attracUnf atteaorlte reaort for treat fUberuea. There
tioa and praUlng the Lord in pnbUe. A
weu flftp'two anglers there at one
attraeUnn might eerre
themmeeada and not danger bnmaa
S. H. Hapden hu bongfat the blaek
itfe aad property.
emithlng and wagon repalrlag bnai‘
Wbu the''Sapremeb Court of the neu on Vront straet lormerlp rna bp
. United 8Utea teadere a deeiaUn it W. B. Bduonda.
Dr. O. P. Dillon will remain in ’lUv
foea. Ycetard^ that tribonal gare a
inniaiirn in teror of the Beil Telephone eteeatpnnril tbeflratof Jane, when
Coaapaaj which girea Ha^tenta aeeeral be vrill go to hie cottage at Torch Lake
jaara fartherleaedofUfeaad the re- iot the rammer.
' aalt wiU bo that aevaral iadepeadOBt
Ike Bnrier pitched hla eeeead toeing
Mephoae companieowUItore to go.
game for Dolntb Boadap. Be la
mg a record, having lut bat two ont
. Tn Tdrka are are not aa*lad at
^ pra^aa of a mere nlUamte vietmr
pnr the Qredm. bat the ladamitj
•hap demand la eaae of a aettlemeat of
•he difficultj, will jut abont equal the
aaooat made bp King Oeerge la hie
The faraace of the Elk Bapida Iroa
Worka bu ahot down for two weeka,
on acconnt of the atoek of ore being
temporarilp rabanated.
toned unril isBl.
The conrt'e opitfioa. delivered bp
Jurioe Brewer, held Uere wu ao evi-
It la BO wonder thdt pedeelrlane ob
ject to eldewalk riding after dark, for
•ha mijorl^ of the wheelmen \La
wheelwumen hare neither laotemaj
bnlla. Unleu tbep remedp thie
•rill be ctill farther rutricted.
Mews of the Boats.
The schooner Alice M. Beeu of
which Mike Oberllnof Bingham la part
^wner. IFUktog on a ea^ of wood at
•attona B tp tor the MUwankee marketMr. Oberlin alao eompleted loading the
rahuner WUUe Loetet with wood for
•be aame port, frwn'^oha Larkto'edoek
MBUghaao^_________________ ^
Amatonr Bell Tea^
- Dnrtog-the past week the Otp Beak
••ere hu flued ont amatenr bm bell
•raau In Interlochen. Fonch,‘ Cedar,
Old Mkaion
Bower* Harbor.
In Mea^p of Jo&a Doan.
At the meeting of the Tuvenw Clip
l^edge, Mo. U2, F;^'A. M. tost aigbt
The reeldeoofl of SaoL Garland on.
State etreet. U aow one of the prettiut
to the tiX9. becaara It hu reeeaUp reoeivod a eoat of attractive palatal the
haade of Oeerge wtoato
Thaa any oUer firm to Ue dtp.
Have poo ever seen onr new
They imitate our methods,
but can’t match the goods.
Prices alone don't tell the
tale, its the quality. Our
goods will bear inspection
for comparison.
friend and oompaai^ John
Thera Wets Or^
Oo 4o the Lion Barber shop for hair
The Uegut treat bronght to the dtp
and bathe. 16 canto each.
M. H. Oatrm.
thia eeaeOD wu bp Freak Germatoe,
vrito'e^rtured eae puterdap aftemooa
waigbi^ three poaada, aad BManrtag
Save poor vtoam toned bpoorindMlaebas. The next Urgbst wu bp
Irat ti^. W J. W. CUAa Bead
Oar Checker CUih of the C. A W. M..
prdsm to M..A etsnegb MoaU StaM.
•h Uearared 17M tacihea
Low Prices^—50c. to $2.25.
$3.25 to $6.00.
CIS. ud H. Oe end.
Flour I
le Ue place to bnp
Also a good article to
I am the agent for this Fam'
ous Brand.
LBdies* 0)rford8-63c
Not Bhoddp.BlaeknadTaa.
atoo eeU Ue batter to go wiU tV
Men’s CongresB Shoe8-90c Webread.
boU Grewetp and Dairy,
IMIvwraio up pan of the dtr.
All Blzee.'
Men’s Dress Shoes
»5e-«i no-si i5-si.K^i;»
•I 50-S1.7S-SS.00.
Children’s Tans
and Ox Bloods
The tort two dspc, hu stopped to admire Ue uleet line.of
raw SPMIMO SEIBT.WAISTS /Itoplsped Uereto. Msap hare slreedy
made pnrehaaw from oar immenu a—ertmrat. We’ve Ue nobbiest and mostB^ltoh effeeto, Ue pretUut patterm, aod Ue ganamto are pertoet-fltttog.
Palace Mery Pillsbury
M. B. Leoiaea, well kaowa u a
home fancier, wu tojnrwl to Maaiitee
a few daps ago bp betog thrown from
Ua bnggp- Hla nose wu broken aad
E. L. Benum hu shipped to Cblcal^t in ihe dedth et onr
teotber ihU lodge hu raatolned the go reeeoap 1.331 buhela of poUtoea
lau of an ever cwlpu and worthp from which be hu not pet heard, and
500 euke were delivered on Ue dock
Bcaolntf. That we keulp realiu oar putudap.* Todap there will be ptooed
lou aad we do at thU time tender to
on the dock abont 700 eacka more, all
•he beruved wife aad famiip c
for (Utoago alao. The meka eonuto
rare aad heart-felt epmpathp
hpor of their beruvement.
thru buabcla seek.
Itoaoloed. Tbet theu reeotoUou be
Arms A Cole kave been awarded the
rareed oa the records of onr lodge and
ac^ be sent to the famiip of the di contract far a aew Fi
for the artsMsa well et the jaB>.< ’nils
A. B. Goon.
la one of the mut powerful
O. C. MorrATT,
of the kind made, and will upplp a
W. C. Bou..
want which hu beea keealp frit elnoe
the well wu driven. It la a too-mlU
Mormai Outorleal Oontfrt.
naotor aad a steel tower 60 fut to
Miu LllRaa Downing, who a
hrigM la a part of Ue ontflh
taaap friends dnring her visit 1
X. 0.0. B.ltooarioB.
•hto spring with her sister. Miu Ee•MU Downing, wu the wlaaar to th^ TV I- C. O. F. lodge, of I^vcne
Sonul N.W. oi.lori.sl ooolott ml Yp- Cl^, bavekiadlpdoaated two beaqriT. T. C. of
Sflaari the lut of the week. The oOa- ful chandriien to the
tart wu between fonr of the Udp Tatoa to be need to the bnlldtog now
•tadcata. aad Miu Downing’s rabJecTt betog erected bp thp Udiu u that
pUee. Tbd' buUdtog when oomptoted
WW “laternattooa! ArMtnrioa.**
wfll be usd for union ehnrrih seutou
Mane poor waata la the ’'waat” de and the rSgnlar work of the W. C. T.
partment of the Eamao.
ReiscAmai's Campressed Taast
at right prieea. Try onr new brand
Mocha and Java Coffee. Ue beet to the
dtp. et 40c. It U tlmply elegant
Thurtell & Gane, Ltd.,
Mc-60o-T5c-no..-,l m
Infants' Fine Shoes
We have to etoek a fall lira of
Men's Working Shoes-80c
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
The Oval W6ed Diefa Ga is preparing
to ahlp te Otovela^ bp veaael 75.000
fe-i of taamwood aaS^m Inmbw.
wvu oe vu Bret ahipmeat ever aaade
' bp the cuuipaap qo CtovelaaA
Chariie Lawrence end C. K. Buck retarned Setnrdap from a two d^' flahing trip np the Boardman. totogtog
with then 1S8 speehtod bwntlea The
aeigbbore are feuring. u a reralt.
B<¥iram, the emtwbUe pitcher of the
Hutteu ia ptoptog bell with the Port
flnroa team. Be was to a game Bandap agatoat Saginaw aad wu kaoeked
ont of the box to the eeoead toatog.
Clinton C. Barlep, tonnerlp a comfor Cappen A Bertech.
Ten and TwelYe Dollar Snits,
presuming that they are about what the people want to buy
for a spring suit—ten or twelve ddlarg buys well tailoredhandsome—stylish suits'in novel wealres—plaid^plain, aad
more, we want to show ours to anyone who has been thinking
oi having to pay from eighteen^ to twenty dollars for tailor
made suits.
Every lady that
passed our window
WeMakeMore Picture Frames
Landlord Wutgate, of the Wut
Michigan earing hoora. treated bU
noardera te a troat breakfwt ae an erideneeof the eklU ofHerk draw'and
Marion Black.
We have. Suits at all prices.
Torilay we wa^t to speak ,
' .............. of our........
Ue prteat ofiee by Ue t
paap. aad that Uere wuao evidence
Urt Ue delay to graattog Ue patent
had beea bronght about hP Ue oompS'
ap. The delap wu Ue fault of Ue
patent oSee.
Jnrtlee Barlaa dlMtad. ' Jwriees
Qrep nad Brown took no part la Ue
case, preaomablp beeaau Uep were toThe ralt involved Ue praoileal eoatrol of the art of telephoatog.
W. S. Lawraaoa. of the J. B. Folger M.B.BOLLXr,lUT.
Co. In Grand Bapida. la workUg the
PaaBan U wiU be hamUiatteg to eoft driak trade to thia region fer A.
Sing Ueorge If the Tartu wU oat ef- L. Jopu A Ca to thto dtp.
laetaallp. However, tboee miUloBa of
Among the new atodento at the
Cnau won on a loelcp apeoolattoa la
Tnveree atp Baatocu Oollage au
Tnrko-Oreciaa boada, wiU help make
Chartoa Helm and Lee Horaabp of thla
* «ha defeat eaaier to bear.
d^mnd Caddie Berrp of Maple <atp.
Tn-nltUBatam of Oomnor Aagree
^'uoae the legialatore to take it
eaop aad lengthea the aeoaioa, or to
feanp n» and dx op thooe ■ i^lroad
tax billa aad paoa them, or It amp do
Cor. 7tb end t'nion Sta.
Ox Blood Shoes
and S5.00.
Ladies’ Kid Shoes
90C-SI 00-Sl.S*-Sl 60-S1.76
andSS OO. AllBrild.
Men's Bicycle Shoes
SI 5U-si.7^-S:-O0aBd SS.so.
Are Others!
Jacob Furtech,
416 Union Se.
Telephone 34.
Black and'^n.
Bicycle Leggings
Bat then ere DO Ogsre aude
60C'75c-9Uc-S1.00 aad SI.3S.
------ AND—
Ladies'Tans and
Ox Bloods
Si.5(^1.75-Sl.O(F-S8.00 and
Ladies’ Fine Sandals
Sl.oo-Sl.SS-Sl.iOaad fLSa
Ladies* Black and
Tan Kid Oxfords
- e5c-Me-Mc-Sl.10-Sl.25
51.50- S1.7S aad SS.00.
Not Sbeepakla.
Tb« OU BcUabto BtovAraa,
And the VBRY Bwt Ooodlk
We Shine Colored Shoes Fre«
If Bought of Us.
Groceries I
YFrigriit Hd OslitiiiK I
Frank Stepan.,
• A. W. JAHRAUS^ >;
ttophoM erdsn to No. 106.
KOBimra sboord, touday, xay ii, is»t.
ms moops wiTBi>&4ini
noM zsxuiro or obits.
Tmbm oTTMMOflmd ^ T«k*r~
Otmm hM Kwl* OrarUirM to th«
r^wrn Invitlaf XtdtoUos—Prto>
▼i«lt«d braDuMtranB Fti«.
Oae of the werat irea at Kalkaeka
for aeany yearn etoltdd toat plaoa <
few days ago. The fire origiaatod ia
the wooden bailding oooaplad aa a aaiooaby UiU H>Vbt. The baildto|r>
helagdoeatod to eloaely together the
got betweea the pariitloBS, and for
a while it wee thooght the towo woold
Goods ware moved oat Into the
street for some dtotaaee down.
Damage to wooden bnlldlnga' abant
•200.. tneerea; damage to ealoon atock
and flxtoreiTabeat 9600. ito toanranoe.
B. M. OotooB waa the heaeieet loser,
nearly hla enUre atoek waa loa\ by fire
nngETwia T
a pewter body ^ d ot^r tail, and to
said to bevc U? medu by Paul Berere
when abont HO yean old. It to aeid that
the weitberoook wee oriRinally placed,
in 1766. on the old cborch bailding
that wai dmuoltiibed to 18S7. There to
•OCDC diqiate abont hie ownenbip, the
OBiterleM cUlmtog that bewaeeimply
foened to tbo MeUmdtoti wbeq the lat
ter bniit their chorcb to 1847, while the
Methodtou cleim that they boagbt him
foenn the town. Ho will probably I
riatbnited to tlie Watertown Htotaricai
aodety. —BoetooTranecrjpt.
I .A v'V \ ^ '
NotWhg more be»uti-
. Lawn. In order to.produce one it is necessary to keep it well cut- and watered. ‘
LAWN MOWERS. From.......................S*.7B lo $5.00.
RUBBER AND COTTON HOSE.... 10 to IBc per ft.
i also put in Taps and Connect to city water ^at bottom
prices. Give me a call. '
N«w York, H»y 10—& AUfatok to
from Aiheu myi: Prime
mitorter B»m mj% tlmt Uw Greek
troop* will be withdrawn fren Crete.
*e BM la* Bmm of Bla^'Amw ' Tko ffoeenmeat boTinr oeed of ell
Yon may exterminate black anta by
tk« troope poMible. he eald be b# deddod po irraddeUy withdrewloff all
Correspond with
tb«dr troope from Crete. Greeoe offioielIf DoUSed the forelre mleleteni pt her
The dry good* etock
laYender, grodnd
^ the Traver« City
letont to withdrew from Crete end de- of 8. Cokea d Co., formerly of Trarorae irjoTM, or, tmtteri, oam|dior.—Imdim'
Lumber Company. We have for 9ale,rCood. Sound Hem
■eeded the edmteekm of Greek ehipe City, was nearly a 1 oared by being Qame JonmaL _
lock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
witble' eke blockede for this porpoee. carried onV Small damage to haildBvMM Btascr Thaa MaaW.
Oreeee new eweita the ofliciel offer of ing.
Aocordiiig to Pndefpc» Huz Webia- of Short Maple Wood. Lands for s^le. Mill Machinery,-of all
th*.powere to make propoaeU of
Aamcrdaiu. the only uniniato which de^riptions, including a Engine, Set Works, Carriages,
auipoMuan to ihc ahaolnie weight of
betwees her ead Terkej if thej pleeee.
their bruins are eie{ilukDW and wbalea, and Saws. A complete Saw^Mill Plant for sale.
, bat thej will not eek for it. Tbe efltmt there ant svveral that rank aboad
etol »eto from the powma will prob^
bmiu weight
eSif be preeestod et once nod it ell
peedeoaitotoeme. The report in the
pepere of erminttoe to oot troe. bat erBtotlee wUlprobeblfbe .erreed epoa
if peeee neffoUetioM ere opeaed.
Guo. P.
• Vleoae, Hey 10 —It to reported here
that the Torktoh term* bf pMoe with
Oreeee ioolnde the pejrmeatof an indemaitf of pi s.ooo.ooo, the
. _
eqonled cn
meat of the Greek fronUer, the eoaBllinr of the treatiee fsTorinc Greece. bis extended erpefience in all tbc r.
of the Greek fleet to Tar- ■ ph*w* warlure. His ciirar bad ^n j
^ meninry anfflctoDt to
thrown aside. hU hand* were clasped 1 ,«aiD the minoteat t_______________
hay and the-aetUamentof the Cretan behind
him. and be seemed lost in
^ bare banumed to os and yetnot cnongh
oouteaplatiOD of the spectsole. The to lenMOuber bow often we have related
AlltoBa. May tO.-Thao
givat bridge WM (be scene of a oootinn- them to the name ^craonl’—La Boobeof the AaaoelaUd Pram laarae on the ouWweaent of tolanUyrolBBinm bat
vary beat aaibortty that Greece baa teries of artillery and wagon traina
Dorwln and TymUlpeovedwhat
mada a written appUoaUon to the pow- The Bpproacbei to tbe river on both
ara, thraagh th^ raprsaentatiree at -banka wen corered with maom of nralists before their time enspeoted, that
dthana. with a view of obtointog mad- troo^ moving briskly to their podtions the air U UtenUy foU of plaotgf
or wsitiog patiently their tnni to csom. and aeeda_______ ^________
ttotiom All the r^rmeatatirae bare At tbe two improvised ferries ateom••Garrleoan” .
pRMstosd to thair rapltoa to oae thalr boata wen glidiag beck and forth with
best o&eaa, azoept the German mtoto- ,tbe regnlarl^ of weavers’ abottko. A
Name year wants to the "
tor, wbo bnh'mately aeknowledged the fleet of troDspprta oorerod tbeenrtooe of partnseat of tbe Rro«d.
raoaipt of the note from the eabinet, tbe water below tbe bridge, and gonbosta
The porfo la tocllnad to eupport* the
powm with n view to the faellltotlon gakrding the river above.
Drama wm beaUng tbe mardu bands Trsvrrar Cli» awr oo« crirbrslv »b» tourlb.
of negottotlooa, bat U deolinea to ooa- were playing aticring qoickstcpi, tbo bill
r>a ruo oelrbruU ftp* bj- ha«tof rour
neat to an arminloa on the groond that distant booming cf cannon on WaRco’i boUM pslDtvd to UB unlaUrassDcr by---this woold oMblo Oraeee to raorgaoiM Ittmt abowed that be and tbe enemy
were stiU exchanging compliments,
Cp-lo-dote Poioicr a»4 Puprr Bsogrr.
As a aoatter of toot Tarkey eoattooea and mingled with these soanda wen •88 PrOBt Btrsat.
to Bead troops trom Satoslca home tbodreersef tbe aailora, the abuotingof
ward and it h probable thot Owman tbe ltoopa.'tbe ronibltog Of wheels and
tbe abritks of-steam wtaistlea Tbe
The FoUpwing FUTora are made to oraer:
Pasha has returned to
Ever Burned Out ?
In view of both toots bright eon, sbiuing tbroegb a clear sky
npou the ocene.'csst its sheen npon tbe
If so yoa know
loo Cream Pmitrtavore^v..nia Choo>i.t.. 8b.wbnT7. n.. Anda
water, wu ttflecled frean tbe bnrnUbed
la expeetod. bat the
the value of
Bnaoea of a
Unvla and glittering cannon, and
Raspberry, TaUi Fretti,'Orange. Peach. Lemon. Banasa. PUtoahlo. Chany, t
atote of war ie rega
aa the varyiwoogbt ont with inenawed brilliancy
lOBB—Lemon, PlBe-Apple..OraDgq, Eaapbeny, Cherry.
of haatanlng tbe efforts ’ the gey colors of the waviog buiueta
O. P. OAXY8K. Aaaat.
The calmly flowing river rcflretcd tbo
SharberU—Raspbeny. Oraago. Strawberry, Cherry. Lemon. Pine-Ai^a.
bine cf ibe hcatens and mirrotad on ito
miface tbe beaatitw of natnre that barWe also pat up Brick Ic« Oreun-^AU flavors, one to three fla^ to
JWU. EO.U.-U-E.,.™, U^U.
, U., ; dered it The rich yraln w a* standing
a brick. We deliver to all parte of the ci^ and oct of the city.
Si. BuU. I«riduw...»
Fine Merchant ^ailorin^.
Tr>'a Pound Box of our Fine Chocolates.
d. O. Hiduno.. ol eumd.. — 1"
n«„lM d-Ioi. Ui« «lo«. rf ieWe otoke them every day.town yeatorday.
etneCioo. and in li-oking from the
Miie Block. CstOD Blreet.
Dr. O .C- Joslln, of Sottone Bay, | grow ing crops to tbe marching oolnibna
mtSaaday totheeity.
| tbe giutki smile of peace ccutrasted
is the { strangely witb tbe savage frnwn of war.
' M. OtMiliB, (i{ U.og(.ai
I- It was a matrblees pageant that
Oor. PrastaadPatoete.
city ysatorday on bnsinasa.
eonld not fait to insptn all U.boldcn
Oliva Kornto, of Bennett, ta riaiang with the gruudi'or of achievement and
—Fire Insurance &
the tomily of George Galkina.
the majmty of military power. Tbe
—Real Estate.
Mias Ids Pfokard. of Leland, apont
I rc^n.o».a
Bnnday with Mn- A. tC McCoy.
. Mrs. WiU Holdswortb has bean vlslV mevement stood wotrbiug tb« spectacle I------------ ----------------------------------‘tn profoond silence. Wbetbi-r his mind
tog at her old home in Charlevoix.
was or^tpled with tbe ccnumplutioD of
Hon. II. B Badsab."of Mancalona. its niLtiuitoue and sncoHsiorwaa busied
ato dtonar at 1‘ark Place yesterday.
witb matoriug plans for the fntuni no
Miss Uafy Soahrith of Grand Rapid* one cuu telL Aflitstime bewoke frum
Is risittogWfamily of John Qrailiek bis reverie, monntid bis bnrse and gave
We want to sell you a PIANO: We don't disguise
oions to bate bcudqaartcra ferried
Mim Mary Toh^ has
the fact that we are extremely anxious to do so. - y/e
from an azton^Tisit
d visit to Graad Bap- aonaa to tbe nmib tuii.k of Ibt* river.
want every sale that earnest, honest, legimate effort
LtMie. MMl PaperDr. and Mn. OanaUvU left Monday
will bring us. and we try hard to please you, , We be*
Here ia a tale of a strange nnlmtl
qwmtog for BapM Blvar for a woak*a
Meuclcbip told by a writer in a recent
. lieve we have a good chance to do so. Our prices can
tome of The AVesimiustcr UsaeRe. Tbe
Mr. and Mia. B. J. Morgan arova Biiny is nuiqiUL Aooordtog to tbe writer,
ISO Fnmt Btraat.
not be equaled. We have solved the problem of how
over to bberman Saaday alght and ra- a liaD'ss that waa kept in captivity to FrMrieh Btoek.
to make a saving in buying. This solution directly
toroad last evening.
8otuiiliiatida(k)|iteda boll terrier. There
J. B. SUmaoB and Mrs. L. B: fltimaon, were several boll terrier poppies near
benefits YOU.> We arc the makers of thg^ pianos and
of. Old Miaaton. ware gseata at the the place w-bete she vroa eoutiued, and
can save y9u money. Any questions cheerfully ans
once in avriiile Uje little fellows woald
•Siting yeatorday.
Pl- I come ckae to tbe cage. Then she woold
Dr. Till, vetoraary
wered. whether you wish to buy or not.
,^ .miael.nud the puppira-woold scamper
of this city, now of Mani»to8. drove:
back, bnt there was one that sr-emnl to
over from Empire last Wight.
have tbe good will of the ii«mu«aa fv
Hebert, of MapU Oty. coe day when >10 approaebed ibe Vege,
•peat Hatorday and Bonday with MU# lurtead of gruwlipg, abe obowed aigus
at pleasora.
BPa O'Neal, of 2GI West Pnmtfiu
'ibe pappv waa encooraged, and after
Bari Oarris left tor Boise City, Idaho,
layaftoraoM. If be la pleased
N. E. Strong, Mgr. lor Traverse City Branch.
146 Float St.
w. yj. HOBBS.
If You Have Logs to Sell
..Contracting and Practical
The 4th of July.
GFeo. K. ■Winnie,
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda
' ari4 P'ine Candies.
fi .
Suits to Order.
E. W. Hastings,
The Hamilton Watch
Railroad Men !
McLellan & Ash,
I We Warn Your Business! 1
L-bsOl Co.
'W. -W.
killed, tbc Uonem. MKtcbcd oat tor.*________________^___________
dfova to itotorday evaatog from Otoa host. i«w and gratly dRw4bod(«
" - and retoroad
----- -----------------Tbs little fellow waadeUgbtod with
Mrs a. Bauer asd daegbtor Loole.
and be oqoggkd tato bar
I for and baa rematord witb bqp
wbo have bon vlaidag Mta. r. M.
Patoo, rttoraod toCbarlovolx yaater- cvcrainca. Tbs oorioos tfatog la that YOU NEVER
tbe lUmem will have nothtogtodo with
day Booo.
hlr. aod Mia. Baary ‘Toudlar were the ulber poniie*. If they oome to the
«all«d to Deeator. tod., yeatorday by a
aloqg, she giowls ai them to !
toUgnuD aaauaaMag^ death of Mr. getting
Ummoolood and mwnaciiig that they
TooBeller'a mothm. an trigbcnied off. Moanwhile the
Harbart Moatagaa west to Oraod adopted pa^ is treated' by tbe Uonea
Baplda yeatorday attoraoaa to attood a Jnat as If be wars a cob of her own. '
maattog of the Mlehigaa W>olemto
a WaaMursM# tlMto to P»al Bmm.
Ofooora' Aasprtatlon.
In tukiug down Ibe ate-eple of tbe old
HMi Dorfea. wbo has tmra speadiog Mstboditt cbaicb in Watertown, which
the wtotor'to GUsago, has raloraad the Yonog Men'a Catholic assoc tartou is
Md will pam the mmmm with her fcmodrling for its oae, tbe bistorio old
panati at Travm Beach,
weaiheioaqk o«-t(S «1 tfaa attoUlo bad to
The Man Milliner,
Shoes For $1.00. Unique J^esigns
Shorn at aU prloea from
this to*fll.W.
ImmBnse New Stock From
N. Martial
MoaiPKCi udoUrTxr^AV, xat n,
8lal*tn PtrNAt P*ri*h in thn
Hold oft Ship.
» 00MI|‘
MMiWra or
Civw—TMlaw■ (Mahi Dto« I
■Mk mm
|itr *r a»*.
tarn Tbam■ Mih
AlaM ■.let. It Wm aob4«ed-Pn«ita
hml rutte B«bm at Bmmcnm.
KTew Tone. Hay U.-The KallarrUBa
Kaanter Lieona. which left her pier on
nafurday bound for . Oalvcatoo, took
fti* at aaa. pul back, and an^ved in
port laat nlyht with alxteen' oorpaes on
board. The dMd were thirteen ateer‘ membera of
tbe crew who auodumbed to. a terrible
ftrt which occurred off the DeUware
eapaa at an early hour yeaterday morelas. The Itpnior of the atory can hardly
be told. Thoae who are dead were
penned below decka. airt atlhoush fran
tic efforta were made by tbe ofllpeni of
the veaael to aavd them, the fire had
sained auch terrMc.headway before the
danger waa dlaoovered that all eaoape
m-aa cut Off The ateaaier carried In her
carso many hplM of cotlua. It ic not
certain how tbe Are orialnaird. but
«-bm U waa dlaoovered It burM forth
with auch fuo' that |t waa lauigaaibla
to reach tbe ateerase. '
a or Um rteUM «f the nrei.
Bveti then the ateerase paeaeitsers ap*
dful of the daaser.
elae the am<4u and Samet had not
feaohad them. The
were Aiwt arouacd, and In auch a man
ner aa to oocaalon little alarm When
It became apparent that the Are had cut
off the ateerase thj; captain and hla men
poured sreat quantltlea of water down
tbe ventllatora and the moel frantic efforta were made Atr the eacape nf thoae
penned up. In thia way elsht of the
ateerase paaaenfera made thair eacape.
The dead are: Bteeras* paaaengere—
Brtdfet Sullivan, R. Callne. Mra C.
Gurea. Miaa Ouiaa. Mba Ratmah Bnlor
enahann. Mra. Valclrka, Mlaa Valrtrka.
Sophie Bchwsrta. Marla Wadea„ two unknown children
hlldrei and two unldenllAed.
eVBiiims CAiws.
________ *OSt ool of thti boaV than4er«d Wallace. Tbe atokeia refuaed »
tfbejr. and wMit ob cutOnc awa|> U>e
laablnc* of the t>oat.
•• -Cwne out oT that boat.’ echoed Tay
lor. Then he ruahed forvfard reactilnf
“Orsses, Hsr Kn** in Supplitnon
Bsnt«** fh« P«6tion»r.
man who cute away the boat-'
The ppanlarda lo<Aad at Uie ohiefr an4
*'Durtns the ezHtemetit of tbe Arat
hour we did not know that any one had
sotten out of the ateerase aliva but
later we found in the cablp that elsht of
them bad aianased to set out. Their
bunka bad been nearaM to the
pantonway and they had beraaWakenad
out of
by the part of the crew ruahlns
the forocaatle.
‘The Are crept up throush crarfta
about the {rilot houae and then ioto the
bonaa ttaelf. The quartermarter atuok
to tha wheal uaUI the Aamre almoK hid
him. Captain Wilder ordered alsnal
lishta of dlatreea burned and In a very
few mlmitee there Aaahed up In tbe
darkoeaa far to the north'an anawerlns
It came from the City of
Ausuata, of the Savannah line, which
Ih tbe
meanwhile the deck forward of the
The Other Orent PewM«: PjeenyWy Ba
aing to l>o Their Be^Toihe Met laetloea TW Be Hud to PUme. bat WUt
ly —Tolo la tha
Turkh Haada—Tueoa Mye Creta U iaSi
—Oreayattaa at Tala by Bdhan| Paeba.
Athena, Haf 10.—Tbe correapondent of
the Aaaortai___
ated Preet
. the
beat authority that Qreeee baa made a
arrllten application to the poa-era
throush their repreaentaUvw at Athena
nith a view of obtalnbis mediation
I have promla^ In
thair repilea to uae ibetr best oOoea,
Iron croea beame bare and red boiTbe Iron pUUns of the ahlp'i aide
slowed red hot
"The paaaenseru ware all traaaCeirad
to the City of Ausuata In aafety and
Unued. About •
the Aamea were under control and the
ateaaer out ef daaser. Tbe paaacosers
were aent back do tbe I-eona and the
AbvahM IteeilBctal Aet.
Riba. Ala., May 10.—Oerar Wltliama.
a .colored DaptUt preacher realdlng in
rmwaw wabtta
the negro
ihree mile, from
the^«St« minuW. who baa
umn. went daft Ulely oyer the at*^ of 1
«,kWowledged tbe receipt of tha
Abraham and Uaac. which «. hieja.torica teat and which he held aa hla pat
cUoed to support the powera, u-iik a
l tern of faith. Hla Idlorencrmay developed ;
i Into hla havlns vlalonS In which he aald !
*** facllluUon of nesollatloaa;
he had been commlaaloned from on hlsb i •>«‘'««»~Un«n to conaent toan armhrtlce
i to repeat
Abrahain-a teatimonlal of «> «»»* ground that th|a would eaaMe
j Greece to reorganlte her forcea. Aa a
e to aend
M'ben the old man atarted into tbe matter of fact Turkey
wooda with hla t-ycar-oM atm. wboae;
Sklon*** homeward, and It
name. laaae, helped to carry out the >• probable that Oaman Paaba baa reAdArad I.
crexy man’a conception, no'one auapect- I turned to Conataminople from Sakmka.
Bartmann. buteher. New York.
ed anything wrong. In a half bo(ir-e ‘ *" 'lew of both tecta it may be areumed
Pletmeery afthe PIre.
A pareenger teiu the following atory Ume teiTinc acreama were heard and »*»» nothing acfioua la expected, bui the
of a> aute of war ta re
af the dlarevery of the Are; "Flrat Mate , nelghbora ruahed to \he wood* In the
WatUre waa pacing tht bridge about t; heart of a thicket they dlacovered the girded aa the very beet meaiu of hahtenlng the efforts of diplomacy.
a. m. wbrn he thought be smelled | hoy strepp^ to a log and the oM
To He
Btandlng over him with a bloody knife
am oke coming from the forecaatle.
went down terwrard (o the companlre- in hU hand: The boy died soon after tbe ' Without doubt hopes have been ralaed
way and oi>ened the dnor to the au4r- nelghhora arrived, the old man having In Turkey that the Ottoman govern
ment might annex Theaaaly and restore
age. The motnret be did thla there was cut hie throat.
the old frontier of ifiu. but the sultan
a bur« of flame which burned hla face.
is not inclined to risk such a step. On
Wallace turned and ran on deck and
the contrary, he oppoaes It uneompro'arled the alarm of Are to the forward
mlalnsiy and will not yield to the preawatch, telling him to wake the steward
aure of the war patty at C<
and have aU the paaaongera aroused as
Chicago, May la — Cbarlea Panl. a
cuickly aa porelMe. without creallns any former cfnpdoye of the ChleagD, Milwau He will be aatlaAed with a reasonable
Indemnity and a allsht rccUAcatten of
axcHcmenL The steward did this ^ a
kee and Bl. Paul Railway company, la tbe eastern nuarellait front'er. auch a
guiet manner, going to eat4i state room
aha Waking the occuimnta. Captain mlmlnc. attd hla U-yeartSd artfe BDda, one aa would give Turkey ^several
Wilder ruahtvl n deck at tbe AnRaUrm. has gone to her home in Michigan Gtty. atratrglc poalUona tn tbe vicinity of
A dlwatch from Lamia,
clad only In an nnderahirt and Irouaeim. ft waa * runaway match. Paul met Neaeraa
Saturday, days that CrownPrinca
:ity three awntha dated
icd command and at once or- j HI:Uds at Kichlsan City
till at Domokoa
And that
• of. _______
ietVe/at ____
Aral i Ct
Oered the..........................
r to reacur
the ............
steerage' *C<>.
the couple Aed ; Oeoerai Bmolenski la at Alrnym. Rlepaaaregera. On the mme-deck with the I Mght. and oa March
gteerege, on the port aid* of the ship, a I
MUwaukee. a-here they were married, ootu Oaribaldl and tbe Itallqn volnnteeru
large quantity of coMoa tetsaing waa '
brought hla young wife to Chicago
aeparated from tbe steerage paxBaturd^. and then secured rtwma diapalch says that the exodus of In
I. aepa
habitants from ‘Domoko* Lamia «««<<
at the Linden hotel.
ra by I .hoard partition.
Saturday evening be quietly took hto the surrounding country conUnuea
Bat OneI Kxit froBa tW M«
"The tMln deck aaa almost
t patro
:ro1 tbe
^etely A^ with freight, cutting off aU
e that more
axil from \^e steerege to the after part
triegraph la working to Doi
way. The trea rwabed for the com- ,
daughter returned to Mich- that the Turks are hatf way between
panionwar and attempted to descend.
ntaraaloa and Domoko* and
Ykay were driven back by dimw vot- Igan City.
lleved to be planning an attaek upoe
wmre of smoke, and flames quickly fotWoaM Urelt tbe aaprema Caart.
tbe latter. Tbe Turks do not Tnoleot
The smoke and Aamea also came
Kanmc City, May Ifl.—The convention the Inhabltanta of tbe villages they
'rntU.lo™. .na «
B.mraw have occupied, but they have burned
to .IJ .h.
™ atckMt
-w. houses and plundered oevcral chufehea
baiow deck^^ J a nartng furnace. Then
at Pharaalo*
Aye, There’s the Bah, CetoMk
th?'on"fSSatre "rulij “rei^w^!^ ^
rf the UrillM SUte*
IB the coorae of an laterv-lew yester
our day Coitmel Vasm said: "Tbe ualoa
Wilder mw hie erVw driven hack from lliI|IUw*°"cJurtjiforever
prevent any
................ ............. from declaring
between Crete and Greece la now an
mwivuce of legiaUtlcn to be null and
ad (be hciTor below made him deaparatc. void after It hA> bren enacted Into law." actual fact, and nothing te laitang bin
the conamt of Burepe. Tbe forHgn ad
BOT A Bopw raoB ram sn>tH*
mirals receotly asked my authority to
advance tMlr troops In Crete beyond
« AtteapI to Oto Itowa
tbe none previously occupied. Ybe pow
■eUv—Bcmw Meiar at Bead.
era may do what they like. The union
“He ruahed to the ataira and hold|y' <>»i*
«»»« areiator in thla (Thirty- of Crete and Greece it InevtiaU* and
attempted to go below: He did not get!
a. neceastty." It la reported In olBclal
Mnr. than half ■ Anaan atana dtswo from the Aeld, lesving Jofan Mc- circles that Queen Olga has sent a telegram to the exar sollclUng the madiaUon of Rutot*
asd the Aamea shooting up around him |
senator A. W. Wella
■ TwtaeOvar.
drove-fatal back on deck. He stepped'
------------------ ----------CoaM Mot Hm
.hack to the abelter of the pUot houae.
Janesville. Wl*. May lO.-dn tha case
of George Simms against the Motaal
Plre.Insurance company «t aL Judge
Banneit>uc lui a*ujutuviii. Aucru ua
tbe (ThIoagD and Northwestern Rail
akcUlmed: 'My Ood. no man can goj White cleaning out an unused well on
road omnpany. one of the defendant*
Blmma' properly waa destroyed by
: -n
iM wu,.™.!.. Htarka from a locomottv* and the com
ware -rudBlng They varied InMength from U Inches to
pany settled for the damage* Then
ha brought suit against the Insurance
would be able to reach them In some
Tbe< cabin of Laurea Tucker, white, oa company to collect on hla policy, but
way. 1 llaiened for sound* but couM
the plantation of W. S. Gray, nntr the company refused to pay on the
Mar nothing mve the roar of the Aamea
Lauren* 8. C.. was burned and four ground that the rattroad conipAny had
as they grew steadily ts volume below
aoHledI for the toe*
and roUed ngmd sad roand in the nar- children were cremated. The father and
s ta a Olvarev Care.
tow quarter* There waa not a scream, mother had gone Ashing.
Drake, of Iowa,
aat a Mwtek; no aign of life below.
LaCroea*-Wl*.May 10.-Mr* CJIemtoit
liquor bin. Including the aeoltims I. Bpettel w
atood In the tee of the pilot houae, the llqw
waa granted a divorce Friday
land crew
from her husband. During Friday even^ the wUI of the UU Rev. Qtleb tag they met anid at midnight sumtUeamtatoreaohthhatrerage. Tbe deck
.u «.u>nc l.U«.rli» hot. Th. 0.m»
Drttoi^llUA. 0.1. oolt.I.n CWIU
«ta hl»h^ j
O^l—m.. WU., U to reoolvh taken
i every outlet from
married, founren boura after the di
David 3. Dey, railway
vorce was framed.
Mck. The pouring of water down'the
aoanpanlonahlp and through the veatl- running between RhlnetaBOeraad AMiArrest »f a Ckk
latora had no effect save to aend op the land. Wl*. who was recenUy arveated.
Ctelcago. May td.-Beatamln t. Jenamolie In great puffa and cause angry pleaded giAUy ta th* Meral court at
spurts of An to dart menaelotfy into Madison ef enbesallng Bumey. Be was kin* the ex-caahler of tbe grain ta-~'
tbe tecoB of the crew. When the news aeBtaneed to tblrtsea necatto ta auu ipactor’a ofBoe. who waa indicted by the
grand Jury un two charges of larceny
•f the Are reached tbe lower depths of PHsonaad aa aa apceasary after the fact, was
The bakarW coavesUioa has adjoa
the chip, where the stokers were teedrlU*. Ky.. BtraMed Saturday In this city and
at Cicvalaad to n
atartad otUta try aad aeoua a boa
n of them the Aret Monday tn Kay. HOO.
tMOkm all
Baveyoar iMuareWM hyourraa'“lhay cMmhered into tha SMond host ar-taan the port side and began cuttlag It of WlaeooMn. waa tawd dead About 'd«Bt tanar, trof. J.W. Cliff* Shad
awv. Vbat oaoer WaUaoe and Chief two BUM MUta «t Otaffou. WM. Sul- ofdasa to V. B. Strernffb Matae Btora.
■vhHar Tpytor were aftar tbMB In a
a M- BBOWM. Attoniay aed OeaaaaUorat
'O. taw. BpMiial alMmMO te rnUmieui
—'eoavayaaelBg. tlireoatat.
L W. B. MOOM. PhValeiaa and t
Brarbaeaeanedtotbefaet that yea
eaa fM at tbe Dras Store (ear atore)
piAIta^OILWT ^
Pura Powdnrnd 9pioM«
Pam Orenm TnUttr*
SptolBl av
A ■leiiillna M perireuag I
I.OttrOAMBeaae Bteek.
(aa« Pare Baking Paadar. It yaa want ne to
make It. t ponade for IU».
BabbwTBHas.aUalaM,WaUrBotUaa igaaraatood tor two yearn.) Pbuatatn ayriagea.
many made. Threat Breakea. aad AtomUern, aaA ACSa LaKtwpiUHr good buUdlBf*
Wyeertaa aad Wltcb Baxal tottoa ter tbe 3SU two mitem from the fttf. te tratote
«r«U loeawd
petRMTty. Laj^ porUos
prOTwd n^t wore. Win aarewe awall er
a. m. BROWK.
At Our
Soda FoBDtalB
‘CUBOT CtaiBi nuilaed mml Pool tablae (or
r sale. BtUiaW* for BMaifr re^ ^
OoBBUr we are aeear coaieet to •■let weU
aaoQfb atooe" bot alwayn try w improve.
at lat Froat street, opetotra.
YWB AALB OB TBADE-A m ladire Wavmr lyMrytoaterHOerwIUtradeteracaao*
Addiarn Lock Bos US.
S It*
;T to LOAX-- ti
Bava Qsv for bat OB* whori. 8mbc and wake
a tens* OBA&B.BAJ
Wash•U •
ry. rxraab. BSST WILBELK. OoMr
Thompson, The Artist
-New id«M In-
Fancy Toilet Articles.
has aerod bla gaUnr te the career of rreat
a^ Parh nra^riigMby^..A.*Ldepet.^
wlU BMske the tost gradaauMaeto for oa^Tto
per dntea. aite ov^^^^re^vyramod.
—Pretty Bffecte In----
Cut Glass.
S’, a. aoxu:..
-■■-Jewelry; —
r-Watcb Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street.
See !Union Drips, per gal.. : 30c
Yellow Crawford Peache.
per can............ ............ 10c
Dried Apples. Peaches
and Nectorines, per lb., 6c
Early V^tables
Cor. fthaad Cmioa Sta.
<Mn BAvgr aae Ufc throuffb tiie Mjue
palrofrUuBc* But fm-all tluiM wM>
Band fflaaae* either old or /•uag, they
wilt ffad that, at wtpart optieUaa, wa
eaa AdjuAt glAAbW Abd teat tbecYewith
•eeara^. OnrAtoek of ^tkal ffooda
fiaeat in tows.
6ANRm.HR0S., Jnden.
&ilaoB a»d Bresta*
Hotel Mara.
FBtCetiwt, Mwre rnst a Oua,
Take Lessons
Murtau^’s Academy.
Rates, n.S0,per Day.
AM Y!oHb. HaatellB.
Ban>o, Guitar, Cello aed 1
, First Claaa Day Board.
Special Rates by the Wetfc
• N - ; .r •
H 8. mrjpprnrn Kfmaa So^
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