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The Morning Record, December 19, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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or m COST.
BUT Hxnc PAIS oont.
CRpn TO A fiffllD
pal|dt of the Baptkt obereb tadey. It is desired that cecty BeBbar
be preaeat. aad tbe paUlc are eordiaU^
larited to be pneant at each aarri^pr mSPOBXID TStTEEDAT PXOH
AeettMd Wtnaa Mot UnQ^ ot AmmUI Kee.y. A BneOr, aasur.
Sabbath BoralBitaableet: "Tbettob dinnte Ool* Olaina to Rbt* Bean
Md BatWir—OompUlMat «m Toroaafraler."
Abnped br His Adopted HeUarriblr Pilai*l>«4 b>t t£* /S17 Acla Uc eecDlisrtbe Pmridlac EUw
Attantim of
nointA »iM»-i>wicht Mir iO»>d srUl bold tbe first qaarteriy BseOaf of
OaUed to tb* Oaea tareetlcariaa
Up in tern* A^ «Bd AiTwUa.
te E* ITade Tanorrow. .
Lore fsaat wUI oi
-------u ►
It w*a »kmt ala* o'dodc Uct alfkt
It is qolte probable that Mis. PbUip
wbaa ajorrUJoaUa* Bnnm'a «oart an Praseblar at?, foltewed by holy
Tbell of ^ Bsy losraablp srlU bssn
braafbt ia a aardiet«( aot fvUtr. la OBBOnlOB.
Mwar lo tbe satboriUee for sUeced
Tbanday erealag payar Beettac at
tke mat at The People n. Cbartca
emelU •• » «bUd. aader tbe stetate cd
Sl*dA 8Ud* wa* aecBud of BMaalt ?:».
All are eordiaUy larited.
18»7. YapMidsy Mie* Bers UbIot. who
Md battary by Oaatra 8«1». That
tbe aeborS st Best Bay. asBc
Bdm wa* U* TkttB «f a mlaaadarto tba el^ ssd mperted a sitaaUoB la
ataadlac tb«r* wa* aot tb* abadew of BeverO Mseei apO Hafy ■site, PeaMes.
wU^ sea of bte yosag papiU, JiBBie
Saaday narrioaa,
a 4MbL. Hapnaeated a aopy ^eoPreaehlar U A n. Ssbjaet. ‘'Vain* OoU, wa* tba oeatrsl Seva.' JIbbU
tacla lo tba l«ry. bat tbaorh b* wa* a
wsa lake* from tb* Slate HriNat about
tamaofaiT orip^. add that tbroarb of life aad safety ef God's eblidma."
two yean aff* by tb* TbleU aad ha*
«ba paatebaaat b* raael*ad at tb* I Seat. »:».
staee Uvod sritb tbcB ea aa adapted
Jnalor C: E s ^ b.
baada «d Blade aad etban. tbe jaty did
be eaB* te aebool Friday
T. P. a C. E
p. B. Topic.-Oar eca.
mat aeaa* warranted la eMrlettac tb*
slat >1* taoe sra* partlaUy eoralas aad bow to
rid of tboB."
Tb* oonrt room wa* jaiaaiad wiib Uader. Mary Wblapary.
reraalad U* feet that
tbe naaal tbrenr of aarer qieeUter*
one ef Uc boyb ears'wa* badly laevaAU are eordipUy Urlle4 to attawL
who alwayi yearn for tb* aMatloaaL
ted aad tern. When naked U* cam*
Tb* aridaae* reraalad tbe etory of a
U* boy answered Uat bis asBaa did
free B^bt at Bdtaar oa Uat Wedaaaday
it. PnrUer laqalry elicited tbe iofor'
airbt. Tb*i« waaa lyeoam ia profBatten Uat'sU wm not as pleasant for
ia tbe acboal boaae. AaMNwrtboae
U* bey Ja Ua TUel bonarWd as
la atteadaao*. ware HeiB. Slade.
aright ba. JiaBlaalao told sob* ef
Adioaraed UatH Jeaaary B.
Dwicht Ely. Heary flaln aad Alec
: aebeolBates that be bad been *eWaeblagtee. Dee- 18.—Both boaaa*
Sbare. Tbare Meou to hare 'been a
•ely pnaishad Uat aomiag for drinkwateb deal b*tw«M Ebar* aad Heary
lag aoBs Bilk Wblcta had bean left on
BeiB, aad Oeorfa, Beary** fatber, ea- nary 8. Tbe Eloadlk*' relief bUl eras Ua breakfaat table.
cared la a dbpota la tbe eebool boaee. pat Uredch tbe fiasl stage betara ad*
Tb* case WM repoited to Proaecntor
CTana worde wer* ladolced in ea both JoaroBeaL
Tb* oeatereaee topert ea the Kloe- Twaddle and Ooaaty Ageat McDonald
aMea and tbe dbpotaata were told tbeb
and. an UroAlgntton aawnad to war«• aebool bo«ae wa^ ^ tbe plaee tor dlke reUef Bcaecra ws* prnaestad sad
I of Ue aaUoria ibeket and tbe parties to tbe qnarret agreed to la tbe home. It oonproBlaia
Uaa Mr. MoDonnld will bring the ber
weM onuide a abort tlBe aftarward*. tb* SBonst of relief st tMO.OOO. pro- here Monday Bornlag for a bearing
ride* for aoearisg tba eesaeat of Cssand if Ue facts an
icladiar Slad* ad* te exteadiag relief to tb* Csasdlsa ted Mr*. TheU wUl be arrested.
aad Mr. McMorray eadearored to qnlet cMasad satboriss* Ue aaeot Uesnny
tbadktarbaaea. Dwlrht Ely I* al«> to carry oot Ue relief Bnaaraa. It
laid to bavapoiiaawwd tostop tb* alee proridn Uat aappUaa bbcV be
flrbt. As tbe Bale* beeama warmer It porebased laatead of deaated.
JackKta XdTtor WUl be Support
it said that Belm was stiw^ a smart
Aatt-Ptagrm Hen. ^
Ha tbonrht be wa* strati
ABFiEnro JbTTB.wAt.twTa
awlee aad beoaaia aailsSad that Mtj
Jnekaon. Dee. 28.—Bx-Cm
was one of U« sea wbb pna^ed him. Seratal Bngbt High S
a O'DonneU he* decided to eUnd
He tboorht Slad* atmek hiaa also, aad
•a for gorrtnoi next fall
ted for ML A. 0. Priaas. •
aot knowlnr Slade's aaaie at tb* Use
Several bright atadeets of Ua High against Piagne, and Uer* 1* so longer
aakad blB wbat It was. Slade dadiaed
aebool eatered for Ue boaem aad aay doubt that be ia to be U* B*a
:ted by Ue aaU-PicigiWri{aer~Toprise* offered for Ue bast written re
ef tbe leetcre of Dr. W. J. Beel at day keaaseaneedUalhahMNdaeldk
Than Beiia aewwtbd Slad* aad told porta
to gn Into Ue flpld aad bk eaBg^l^
farmen' laatitote Friday alghk
blB that b* woald *ee biB laur. Slad* Ue fi
is *aid to bare daelsred that If Belm Tbe first prUin will be free rooB real
r a
la Ue Agriealtnra) eoUcg*.
waatad a raor* iatlaiat* acqnalataae*
aBdUeweoDdtresfacideatals. Tboe*
tb* tiat* wa* rip* fof'eloaer ralatieaa.
who eatered wen Min BdiU TboBss.
With that be I* taid to hare reatored
Kan of M Wadded Held of IE
Bias Agaes Maba. Mias Kelli* Oraat
bi* ooat. Helm U eald to bare follow
' Lkbon, Mleb., Dee. 18.—WlUlaB
ed salt, bat baf*r*>* oooU r*t bk
Ue brightest of U* puplU of Ue local Moroee. -aged M years. bM carprkad
ooatoSbefonad blBaalfflylorUroark
High eebool aad It la a toregeae oco- U* eoBBQSltj by Bsnying Jenple
^ae*. Sob* of tbe BUae**** stated
elnalae Uat Uey will each srrite aa Dmglsq. sgnd 16 yeais.
that Slad* knocked Heis IQ feet. ' Tb*
• k orrrwiU. Uea hi
■ la Ue Bpriog Tor i
There is Nothing'
That e*D siAk* m nice « preMot as n book, and *• av*
beadqnarten for anyUiiBg in that line. We caar tbe
finaat line <d dainty Gift Booka and Beligknu
that hare erar been ahown.
Cbleage. Dee. 18 —^eat—DecoBer. me: Jsseary. MS'e: Jaly, isbe:
SepteBbrr. ttM*
Oarn—DeecBOer, >7Vc: Janaaiy,
»6k«Me: May. mke: Jely. Wk*
Oate-DeeaBber. tlH9Me; May,
d^ur' Janaaiy,
Tiaseiee Ol^r Tonag Maanr-M^part^
for Up-to-date Perfonaaaba
la progreB for aa
take place sob* Ubc daring Ue srla,Tbaaa who arc to partldpaU are
W. b. C. OerBBiaA Leea Titaa. J. T.
Bsaaah, Ue Queea City Qaartet aad
r*l oUer proBlarat teealisw
Dg U* young Bca. Tbe show I*
fB be rlrea under U* aueplee* ot the
Trarere* CUy Bdatlere to swell tbe
tniaanry for tbs taaai ball aaaaoa next
year. A Beetlag srill b* bald la Prof.
Hartasgb's seadeBy Wedaeaday aigbt
te begia aetire work aad all tboea intereatad are larited to be preaAiV
Happy S^ris* Party.
Friday eight Hiss Grace Theobald
was earpriaed by * nuaber of her
yoong friends at ber boas la Pernwood. Tb* erent wn* nicely plaaacd
aed Min GrM wss Ubronghly sarprtoed. Eefrelhaeott were eerred aad
gasea wiU/pUaaaet social featan*
Bade up e rery pleeaaat errnlag.
The Maaittee Kews. edited by C W.
Lee. feraerty of Uls elty.U right op to
date Tbe holldey aamber Inaed laet
erenlag was a splendid editiaa eoneUting of SO page*. wiU* beentlielly IIlaalnated oorer aad filled wiU holiday
featorea. local aad general new* aad a
laiga dis^ of local adtertlater.
Then bM bcM a ebaage in Ua farBltan firm of Thnmia A BarsM aad
Georg* W. ThoBM bM eneeaidii m
Then will be a drUI of Ua Baanab
BiflM M:Wday night and erery .e.ber
and nee eeBBkalonet ofiean nndeeind to be preaaok
Tba B*w Undaey
Inn at Charlerelx k again caclaaed aad partially
p'aatered. Tba laterlor flakblags wUl
be begaaMaoeaMUepUa^ k diy.
Manager Bt^berghMCl^aa eawlU Ue “Old li
ipaor- 'rbisb will appaer la Ua
Grand Opera Hoom . Jaaoaiy 6, wlU
U* fSBODs TIb Murphy la Ua landing
-r I
ffuBBar Gilbert of Barian wm In U*
dty yeaierdayr
Mra W. F. Baribat ef KcrUpart.
WM la Ua city yMterday.
Mk* OertrodetipfBgM went to Grand
Baplds yMterday far a rialt - wlU
Mra W. J. Parker left yeeterday to
riwnd Urae weeks wlU bar dug
U Uraad BapMa
Oecar Cbaae arrirad fioa Ana Arbor
yesterday aad went on to EorUport
for a few days' rialL
a E Taylor. WUlk aad Prank SDsby
eaB* down troa Cbarlarolx yeeterday
to etsy orer U* bbUdeya
Mka Brelya Moegaa ntarned Uat
erenlag from Nattoaal Park ScBlnaiy,
WaaUiigtqa. W spend Ue boUdaya
Mk* Orae* Brngdoa. whok la eberga
of Ue aebed at laterlocben, bu ec
hoB* te spend U* koUdar raoattoa
Mr. end Mn. D. B. Day aad Mka
Parraat eaB* orer troB Oka Harea
yeeterday te ocafer wlU 8anU CUna
MIb Z. BlVbardkf Maple a«y bM
ntarned troa tbe ladoatriel 8U«d In
Big Bephk to apaad Ua hoUldaya at
Miae Veata Petit of Baaaonia. wbo
teaobe* aebpal at Angell, k rkltUg
Mis. j. W. Haanea oa ber way h
to ^MDd U* boUdey raoation.
. Boom for Ue HoUdaya
Traren# City yoong people wb*
atteadlag eeUegt bar* naariy all
taraed for U*. hellday raeaUoa.
Tboee who came borne yaaterday <
N. A. Kroapa. Prank and I^rcy HoMar.viaai^jeai,
worU. Snrngaa Pratt. JaB*a London.
Tbe pester will te at Petoakey
■ aatU Monday oeadaettaf qaarter- Harry Eyaelka, aU from Ana Arbor.
ly BeaUar. It Wa* AaBoanaed that
there would U so praachlar this
ToeUrday'n Eanaway.
oreniBy ewlaf to * qaloa teBperaiine
A fsTBer.' team, frigbteaed by Us
^ aerrioe. but that baa beefi (frea ap. aactioe sale banner aad bell Uat sbsII
sad E Teka wUI preach at 7 p. B. bays paindwl the street wlU yaateiday.
TlMcn will be ao prsemblar tbk aera- lanaway. orertanlaga eattar dritea
•wedkb OhiktBM PestiaaL
bot an ether eerrioae wiU be as ^ Mrs. Elebard Beyaolda and eaariag
The Bkndkb Snaday nriwnl wiu hoU
bar eoBB alight lajariaa Her little
glri, wh* waarriU her, aneaped A- sfestirslstUelrdbnfUos CkrirtBM
nighk'antsrdsy. Deo-tfi. .
'Ber. Jao. C. CaraiaB srm occupy tbe hnrt.
We WlU PiaBc poor PletMM M ywi can hare tlMM M t(B* Mr
Oooa. *Wor^—Zo'uw F^Tioea.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
your choosing
will be satisfactory
A Hudsome HoUdi; Gift
for either Chrl
Mesle Oabiaeta.
or Writlag Deaka ia Ue Ut
aetdMifo*. wbkhare m* * of eonrenleaee and nttUty.
Our etoek of
ebeiea Mta of aaperb Fi
forbolTrarere* aty. Oocm la and look at
U*B. OooM Stored (me of charge
aatU CbristBsa.
io the matter of Christmai remembrances for your friends,
if you buy NOW. Stoeks ai^^t^ill complete. Never before
was there the opportunity to satSfy one’s self with (rift-porchasing as there is thiTseaibn. Useful gifts will more than
ever have the preference. Buy such from our ClotKing stock,
our Furnishing Goods slock, our Hat and Cap stock, our
Dress Goods stock, our Cloak stock, our Underwear stock or
our Carpet stock. Prices the lowest known, on equal qualities.
Prevail in our Holiday Bale of Oloaka.
HormF^rxiidlilnc Store,
m-ltt Prat 8k
sots Ufa CertifiMtd to topeh Art la
uy branch, arm In our own eoutry
Yet our work k pleealng Ue poblk
Oirs yea Just what we reprasent It tc
br. and rqosl to that wblU k pet ba
fore U* poblle at triple Ik CMk
Grarai, Watir Colors
■of lot PortralR-..
There is Nothing ao Pleasing for a Christmas Present
as a pair of
Nice Slippers
We .are-showing a Very Handsome Line.
THE SHOE HOUSE of Traror* Citj.
When Looking for
Ho elsmtor wheat mixtures antarV
Into a single barrel of
orra 'BEST*
Bemember you can
Floor. Try It.
Hannah & Lay Co.
White Aprons,
Imported Baskets,
OeUuloid and Leather
Ton in yonr Christmas buying, our
store will be open every evening from Bec^ber 20
to 25. inclusivE
Bugs, Gloves,
Suits, Overcoats,
Handkercbieb, Gaps,
Hue Neckwear,
Etc, at
ity, at$iJ30—don’tpay $1.10—or Child’s Rubbers, fleece lined,
at~ioc. While we do business here we will not be undersold
by Jew or Gentile.
parke;r bros.^
Bring Them In...
Grand BapM*. Daa lA—Wheat. «7a
appaarsaca of tb* eoBplalaaal jaetlfled
that aaaertloa. la tbatroahle that fal
lowed B*1b was terribly aboawi. Tbk
wa* tbe aabsBaee of the taetlBoay of
tbawltseaaeafertbeproaeeaUoa. Tb*
tasUBony of tbe wluwae ter tbe de-.
feaae aeeaed U Udieau that Bria was
aoBewbat tb* argrasaor. at least that
» arideaUy tb* rtew takes by tb* Jary.
After Uc trial Blade aade orertnrea
to PmaaeaUar AUmey Tweddle to
wards an aeUoa for aaaalt aad battery
afalaat Bela aad be was told that b*
woaf£ first hare Vo famUb asearity for
OQffU. This was not done. Helm, bowerer. had famlabod tb* seea^ry *eeority aad at Ue cooeltwloa of tbe
• trial b* eras aoUSed that it woald be
B*e«**ary for blwto pay
6S costa.
Before tbe trial procMdod Slade
treakaaed aoBewbat aad aiade a -proporitioB to Ueproadeator to plead rrall> ty. proridlar o* ooold be BBaarml the
fiq* aad eoets would aot exceed
Sro. aa that ws* tbe extent of bl* pUa
JoBlice Brown and Proeecoter Tweddle
eeaferred toretber aad fonad that tbe
eoeu wer* eboat tIS. aad from tbe
oeBpI^at eoneloded that a fia* of $S
would ecarcely fll'lbe erlBa 'Aa it
^ taraed oM Slade eecaped both fiaa aad
9 coeta aa4 tb* bnrdea now reata npoa
BalB. ■ The result was not appreciated
by Hals, a* be held a prirate optaioa
that be bad had eDoogb la tb* pualshteeat be noeired wltbMt hariar to
loot tb* UUa Pred Prau defended
' Slada
Yeeterday afteraooB UaderaherlB
Aabtea.Arr«Mod Dwirht Ely apoa a
alBllaf ebarte preferred by HelB. He
'was bmoebt before JosUee Brown,
wbere be r»** baU for bis anrearaacc
■laanaij Srd.
Mra. f. 9. fotonsohto BTaBtom
er watar. aad ahcnld alw ha made rleh
Two paps afflnv.
mn xTlfla X Mc*r tmOl tUek. 9*>»
with hatter If paaalWa.
Oae oupof sweet milk.
JHai ahonld he aaloetad from the •atMmoUlBrboMdMdteNd wall.
oMttai «» BMda Ikjr c»
rorp beat bread. Th« Uaemaeh dll- Wb«B
Oae toaspoan hakto* powder.
*mAT*»8* CITT. - MI0B1O41I
laraaee la the feodaam of eaaaed paha toows'paiMrMAMtte*^.^ »«
Two toblMpooafuU of awltad butterj
M U that of people Yoor froaer wUl ktfim.
Porthoaeby whom Ittapntemdto
teUTOawhhihlathe heat. Bemevatbam
tour taltk. the followtor will he
BqU with tfca bMd tmvt UUle teUa Md
ttM. T. Bai« Airp J. Wt BAnn. from thacaatoadlabaa boar or two
^ half » Bi«lkh ••iBo* -“*■ “ foaad maM exaelleal:
balora prepartaf. aa that takea away p—
Mra. ▲. W. Waltto WaOoa.
t. W. HA»m. BdHtbr maA vlm^, the OMalred «aa-«7 taeto. Beat up ia i each alda.
thdrWlioor.wLohmarhaallawadj t'wcotouDraiw-EoU emails
pm op B bowl half foil of eoor err---eUBBOBtPTlOMB.
with eour milk, add tkrae well heataa
to hoU dowa a little If too abawlaat.' dip lato ebooalaU
imner. hatter,
batter, aad
aad oo the ateao. (8pt the bowl la the top ^fB> b IllUetaIl.a IpMpooBfal of eeda
l. popper,
and Sour enovh to make a batter a
________ apooDfol of Itoor wet to a lit of ataamiar toakattla aad the
lata wUI kaop thla aaoorh.)
litUe thiokor thaa paaoake ^tar.
tle ^h.
OMy»»r.hT—U. ♦
/Me-Haka eaady to loo* roUe aod Baas tha waflto rime thorouphly
(yeameii Porealpa.—Prepare the parapt«M betweaa datea from whleh -------- created with^nod hatter.
ctpe aa aaaal tar eooklar. eattlar
hare haaa ramoead.
rather email plaeaa Let them hail
Coooonui-Work to dry daaatoatod eo■early dry whoa doaa. Poltoaaaooaeoaaot whan doB(h to aoft.
pu a plaea of ba^ the ttta of a larfa
jWpm-Two eepe of eafdr. osa eup
------„ OM P0M«M
OIJ. •Cf. aad whaa ^ttad atlr ink Uhla•
nek.. ■> *mM alM* «wwr.
milk, or cream, hatter atoa of a dollar,
apmmfol. heaped, of doar. Let It hate teaapooa raama. Boll ostU it aoema
hlaaBdaddaooffaaeapaf mtlk. 8tto thick hot »ot hard to water.. Poor od
Boa. Jaan O'Doan
kM -r
opoolj eoaataotly natU It thlekeaa aad pour ■UttwaadattraBtll ooeh aad cot to
•dltor ua
ud u
• -cduk iim
orar Ua paraalpa, whleh reu muai aol
•wovteeod hia eaodldacr ter tbc
-------------to mlt while eooktof.
kMtolkma «onluUn
Kra.J. O.BdtoadaUhOoflba.
Mr. O
U oe»iomii»
-» Mia. S. O. Deapraa' PtoakpjOa Sharbat
■ Doaaall
Here too
---- -----the
witk kia eharmcVerlaUc frasWaraatcUa
Qrata two ptoip^lae, <or uia oaa caa edBare
or Ml it to the oaea mud let H heat
vbat he araau. tbao foea for
Jo of plaeapple) aad mix with two quarto
thoroufhly before
.Use oee
ba will fa lor the prici of water aad a piBi of sufar. Add the
good tahlotoooofol of yroaad coffee to
wUh the aoal which haa marked hla Juioe of two leiuoBS. ptooe to the froex a eup and "one for the poU" Add half
----- AKD THE-----•aeoemfol career aa a brilUaat jaar- oraadfraesa Whea Baarlyfrosee add
Bb err heataa up to haU b eup of cold
•altet. able rapraoeataUre la ooDfreaa the bcatea wW« of four effs. aad
water. Add eefieleDt oold arater to
■ad a rood dUaoD. Perhapa hla es- tura elowly ebouMtoa mtoatoe.
ooaer the coffee well, let It eome elow
pmiaaee U the laateampalfk wUl be
Mia. B. 6. Bull'a Ohickaa Pia.
ly U> a boil. SU with hoUlBT water and
af Taloe thla Uina.
•iwo youBf chlokeas. out to pieeee drawt^ettdeof tbc etoae lor a lew
Without distinftion of age
To EkooKD preaenu to Ita raadara aad Btawed naUl taadar. Bake a rich memeato where it wUl keep batllaff
or claas, and back of ouc
thU momiar a meoa for a model teklac powder btoeuitdoofh aad Itoe bot toff" not boU. Serreat aBoewlih
promiae atandB our aplenr
the cldea hat not the bottom' of a four thick Hcb eream.
tmitataiBB OIBBCr. aowmfuma
did ptock of...........................
mono are redpai far the rartooe dtohaa. cr e{x qoart pea with Ihto, railed
The oompiler of theee ctltoaiy dalnaaa-fdhnh
kiadly fur»tohed by tome of Trereree
ttei was asked ooly for dtotfer recipes,
aty’i rood .hooeewlree, wheae culi Ue chSekra waU etaaoued. Bake a but why should theCkrtotoaes hreaknary akUl to weU knowa amoaf their thia tort rtoh frary of the broth aad lasVffo uB-Beoofd-edT
frtoada. The bUloffare to pteeeated poor orer, flUtof rery full, hafora paV
Aud wbat to better thaa het wattea.
Sat the foaeral food aad there id no tiof OB the top crust, whleh ahonld ho ■erred with delloioiia Oraad Traaeiae
' Boahi that many of the womea who mede rary ehort with fo*^ halter. maple eyrup, as a wlad-up to whateaer
the Bkcoxo will fled maeh to the Bake oae hour to a moderate oaaa. Uefiiatmealoftbe holiday ihaU aah^pcO to totereat them, aad If the Ba aura to haaa pleaty of fraay eared atol or
•DCfMtkm. are fooad of ralue^whleh loeeraewlthUepto
Tha foUaarto« hare haaa triad and
Mm K. K. Bsekto talBOa Iplad
they eof^y wlU ha. the Bk»»d wm
mot laund waatto*.
he amply repaid tar lu eCorv
(Wa aad ooe-half pomade oaaaed ml-
b I dHeral tisk nowKby, from .M U w» ytan ^
that turn out 12(000
Now there are factories
better and soU for k»
paint day, aD made
Weget our shoes fnxn
than underthe old way.
these makers who
the most reliabk of
to be the best in ttie
guarantee their shoes
The shoes made fliis
world for the money,
better and ^ better.'
way look better and fit
in —
our ~
te best of all
an Of
of mem
them t_,
— i are right
We Fror^sCtbe
Tbs Old EsUaUfi Shoeman,^
Lowest Price to All
Ready for Business!
Witcbes, Clods, lerelij,
Silftmro, Honltles, Etc.
W.C.&B.A. Gannett
137 rroBt BMtoSt.
Bow Some of Irararie OUyto i
mawirm Woald Prapara e
tha Tnlatlde Taaat.
TwoheodB white tattaea
Three hard-boiled ecfs.
Oae tohleapaeaful bnUar.
One taa^aod ealt.
One teiwiww
Oae teaapooa Woreeatarahire aaea.
Oae taaepoon made moatard. •
Oae teaeap atoicarPtoeh of eaywaa patter.
Piake the MlBxm. Preparettedreeatof to tha .twnal way aad poor Otar tha
fish aad eerae oa orlep lettaea leaaea
dliea the affs and 1*J
JCm. B. HoaterMh Tndt ^aOy.
Uee twaaty-oaa eheato of falaliaa.
(If the ehredded felpttoe to meed, about
on# «ad oae-haU boaea) Soak to a
ptot of Jukawarm water: Whaa aoll.
add two quarto of hblltoy wator, two
cepe af euyar. aad the jalde of four
as you hare it.-araayoe eat to amaU
pleeaa, baaauea ellood. eaadlad eh«itoa. EnyUib watonU and blasehed
almoade. blu of ptoeepple. ale. Hare
fruit eueuch to make the JeUy »hlck
whea It to etirred to. Pnttoameldto
tUffes aad terra to the oaual way.'
Wonburg Block.
118 Front Street
My OpcaiggJaB b«n.a Grand Success.
Now I am ready for busineaa
in the Brbsch Block. I have a large stock of the
Finest Groceries which I cso sell St the larwest
Your OMstmas Menu
Every thing Fresh,
Goods Delivered as soon as ordered.
No Delay.
Prompt Service.
PrarUo tor'tti OUrf TorOom «f it •wly.
BroKih Block,
Turkeys, Chickens
Home Made Mince Meat.
if tharatohavoae day to tha year
whaa the lamUy
eboald. he fM-----------------------■bouldau^ybeo.
spread, it
Cairtotmae Day. This has haaa done
Th» «• *lw»y» Ft^ •ad or tli« B«»t.
for all t^w years. donbOem. stoce the
fint Christmas day was kept
te* the days af our aheaatora to
Barlead wbo-beyaa to keep the ftotal
MMey BOOM eight eeawrtoaaffo aaUl
Mra. Bonikash Brown Bread.
the preeeat time there has haeo a great
QhVhaapdHf ooflae-cupemdiof cor*
BKWOh Block.
obasge to the fasMoa to whleb tbe ■meal, rye ^
ahd graham
r*ham ftaar. Sift tha
the ’Phone Ho. 4
Ctoristmas dlaaer has been
irinfi, ugetbar. aad beat togeththe
moirom lae
------------------ ^ the ancient days to the E*coaj>»
two esps sweet milk, oae cup
/ieBa eSered today has toea a lanfi eamilk. ----------------- --------------- —
✓ toiHV» There to BO better bill of tore irasr-r- toll.
Poar toto a tto form
to be foaad to the elalllsod world thaa aad place to a ketUe of eold water aad
this, eeraed up from the eutlaaiy lore boU four bouia. Do «ot Ihtok tbe bat
o* Traaeree City boutowltes. than ter too-thto. (Hee it room to awell
wbow there ara.oae bettor, aad tha Aay tia pall with eloee eorer will do.
BnMBD's heart swells with pride as U
, 9OKBS AH© BH08HB8,
Be careful that the wator doeaao.
MR*ds it Bsfore itt readers. It will boU ap oa top of the form, or that Ue
HkBdsome SDtv Backs.
he well etodled dnrtog the aomtofi betUe doee art- hoU dry. Tbh aerer
and ^ far toward tbe reaUiatloo faUa.
. uht the Christmas wtohrn that go to Mio. Wm.^ JabkMak Old BagI
■baodaat measose w erery nou»«ii«ii.
Plum Pnddtog.
the Bmx^ Tiaits during this heUdty
Oae pooad of raialaa (the beowa —
.riety.aotatemralalBs). oae pguad of
now In. Hnvn BometUn* Lnil Anld« tor Presmitn.
Kra. O. A Kaeeland’t Boodle Soup. eurraaU. ooe-balf ^ooad of auet, ooeMake a nice beef stock, smbob with foartb ppaad caadied lemoa peel, one■alt. pepper, aad a dost of OBlery salt. foorU penad of eltroa. ctoaamaB aad
Por tbe aoodlea. take oae beaten egg.
amb^ aU aggs. oaa teaeap of flour,
do much floor me yoo«B»to aad rtm
Muumu Block.
toaodaptocbofealt. B^m rery thin. .Md la dredgtog Ua fruit Mix wall,
Let It lie ou the kaeadtog board for aa aalor caka. aad put to a meld; (a earnboor or too: toratog It orer occbbIou- moB white bowl will aaBwer, er a Ua
ally that it may dry. Eoll ap like jelly pall.) Tie a cloU orer H flrmly. uriag
■aka. SUoeoff toltoyatripaaad cook two Ulckaamss t*at ,to a ketUe of
la (he Beesoaed Btock tweaty mtoetee. belltog water aad boll eight boura
fierre with a alee lemea sauae.
Msa. Terry Baaaah’a Turkey with' If It ia aeeeesary to atop Ue briltog
Oyater Dreeriag.
ta^ Ue mold from Ua wator aad aet
Opster Dressino.—Chop »«y flak
it aside for Ua time, aerer aUowlag it
•Meat broad erembe for the fKUweae. to auy for a moaseat to water that la
gcald a plat of oyatera to tbeto owa ■ot bolUag. Walt Ull tbc water la
Uqoor. asoaoc aa for tha tabto aad Ut WrfUmg OB Ue jump before patting It SeremI c«». mote just received
y.__ oooi before aatog. Pot tkam toagato..
Pricee bed u bllone:
,-^*totototba broaderomba wltktme
Mn. Thirlbyh BakewaU Pnddtog.
V,-.— «gg, a Utile butter, salt, pepThU recipe U aa belrloom ia Uo Men-e.^^.........................^
„r.aago aa*>UtUamaee. Wat with
tewih. betog earatul .aot to Thiriby family, bartog beea made -far
Mba tha teoad too motok It (t^ ChrUtmaa to Ue old BorlUb Thlriby
WaaA) tkoaU not be wet at all before home from Ume "whmo ao maa's mem
ory roaaeU to Ue oootrary."
•SWVM. fmsw.
Oae-kalf ponad of metRooffea Mffar.
luT Id Us aaaal amaaer.
rut s
Women'. »,r.tod.le8hoe.... .7Se
g^rtray fat or butter to the bettom of •na-feurU pouad of butter, the yolks
the paa aad but owV UtUe wator. aad of six eggs. Mix wril add flaror wiU
lemaa. Lay a Uto paato to a tong,
haete while baking very iffum.
COM.E, Ton »ai boy them ot n. lot ih. Prioe.
deep tto. oarer wiU a Uto layer of
Mra. Batea. OoaoaiBtog Veffetobtoa
PobUom ehoald, whM maahed. he Ua abora mixtura. whleb haa been T pay onsh tor my fnems nndnttaad th my own bniinenn
,----------- with toll, a geaeroui piece of btoUu to akraam, a^ haka.
bnttor, aUtUe milk added, a»d the.
Mia. A. A Momtoffuak Baa Bom.
he tboroa^y beatoa aatil they M*
rm f-—XX .tm. «nn4y uka Ua white
STOMb ia to ba steamed, maahed. aad M ees^. aabeaSaa. oae-balf aa egg-bto-ed wlU a DtUemOk dbdU «aU ad ariid wator, ama tuapawi
Frank Brosch & Sons
Sterling Silver Novelties!
F. A EARL, Jeweler,
Robbers Talk!
iiO PRICES Sell Thtm.
aasonosL SHOE KXH.
We have a square Piano; Case, Action
and Tone all in good cendition. We need
the room and don’t want to carry this
over in next year’s account.
We win
place it lu your borne, with new stool and
boot: for
Easy Payments. Come soon if you want it
aod OrgMS ar« sold in every country on the «see of tbe
glob*. WhyP ■ Because their merit and general muai.
oal excellence stands the test ot ciitibal examination
and WINS.
* Great Bargains in these 8TAHBABD Goods dnr>
' ing the balanoe of ©eeember.
I Complete Steel ef SmII listtimeets, Slieet
Mesic iBd iisic Beeb-fetj Apptepriate for
Ghiistmis Pi»s*its..__..._.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
83S rTm.t.e«rt-X.K StoUikmtVOrtod.
I n, t<9^
Banking Commtttaa.^
mvovrd hi*«db«rnK» te tbMcoM aHni]■uUtnn. «Bd tii*
lo ophold asd
Id loci»*» Ih* eo« of the «o»»t bolldlm at U» traiu-«laBlaflppl expoalllnn lU.HB and the ccw of
(be (dvemmeot exhlbitt a like amoaat.
8rv8t6ry Hotel at Grand Ferfca.
N. D.. on Fire and But One '
Way of Eecape.
□ nap □~D~
10 ffisv FOB Aiiarsi.» oeah.
WaahlnclOb. Her. II - U Bha de
veloped that the bin relailDc to peUMo
aAllBX which haeuuat pa»ed «h
braaebe* of concreA and li before the
prealdem cnotakna a pro^'tBlaIl of far,
I reechloe Importance, which haa tbua
atientlOB- ThU pUcea an
atwolute prohibition on tbW
. Dec It—A special to
bHoclna of aealaklna Into the United The Journal frujn Brand Forka
vraa beCora the bouar banklne and cofr Slatea -from any aource whatever. Aa awya: A C. Howe and wUe, and a pasMRcr cotnmiliee aealn yeaterday eWd- the Vnlled Slatea Is the Unreal market sengeragentofMlanrapollaarvnswuup.
the world for aealaklna thU completedatlM the point* In «la Boaoclal bin. In
atoppaae of the trade In ihla country poaed to have hewn burned lo death In
After the whole n>ea»ore had been.read
-vera me.aure«aln* the Bm- CWr fire yesterday morning. No trace of
tbrotajA and explained a eeneral dia- Ub and ranadUn In^atrlee which take IhWn can be found The name of the
cuakn bc«an. In anawer to a cwwa- and core the aWn»>nd then diapnse oi rallrcUid man la not kn-wn.
tritely In ^he rnlled Blati-a
tm of Qoeailoea Case aald the WU rould
Orand Portoa N. !».
ic bin waa proprraed It waajjen. broke out af CM yesletday morning In
not reOBlt'ln a raid uo the tre*urr b>
only puriatoe
bank aotea U vaa not the auppUntlna j erany
Naah Brna- wholesale grocery store,
pn.hlWt American elftaena from
of u "eedlraa chain" of sreeiihacke b>a Thia feal- and half an hoar laser had gone inl
anoth^ "etidloaa rhaln" of hank note*
the only one to attracl atSenw (b« Hotel Dakoiah.ln which bnlldlnlJI
The banka would have V« rrd.-em their ure wna
gvesu were' housed Tbe “Lady I
' IHK the dl
•wn DOtea. and It would be to th«r ad
- - - has passed Black" company ewesped^aa did U
vantage to do ao. Of tbeir would he between Sir Wilfrid Lanrier. the Can- other peoplsln the hotel-tiy the lire «
cloaed. But no ton* a. a dotUr of dd- saian premler. and Qolonel Foster, the eapa a ladder one frag wide ninnls
«o«wa qt.llaatlona waa outalandlh* American negotUlur. touching the seal from the sixth floor tu ih« Brat. The
•0 Ion* thl* "emVeM chain" would BO negolUtlona since the Washington
a Urge number.
«.nf.-rence la»t month has Joat been and but for the
idc- iiubllc. It cmaisu of two ieltera. dreda of perrona would
-A hlep >■ the Wahl n -wtt-a.tbe first BIr Wilfrid passes upon the burned. Half the people
Be aald: Thl* bill ta aimply a alep In
proposUlOB from our povernitu ni which were almo^ulled out of bed, and then
sertBbt directlonand a
was taken back lo Canada by him * shown the only way of e-ape. fSWdh
Step. U Would give the ico'
of the vsfT luwmiea which tbe conclusion of the conft
to enter at once ppon ;
are moet Ukely 'to be brouabl agalnat uy* he Is wimn,
b Bpia.' wholesale groVeriew o^ tbe whole peal gueatlon. 1
it. Of tblB USIAM.MO Is III gold. Then
with Ole further meaauie recommend though tbe ParU award
• • ed by the president giving authority f^ Tinable only at lbs and «t five years,
burned, and all the building* •
lina loan VP to llOB.MP.We « hen required,
both side* of Third atrwel -for ti
porunce to tb* two eouniriee-lmiiiitbe government ja-ould be to strong
lo^e had Aufferad losa
gratlon. rvclpraclty. Ash proiectloa.elc..
Ume of emergency as to reriai a
y^l I .s. w lt**rir a Miiu-a.
utfesa Faith would be rsiabliahed. and be conaideted at tbe aame hme.
Plate glass wa* wreckad; furtiltur*
people would not oome lo the treajurr
from Asia adjoining was strewn In all
lack of faith, but only ---------------“
tbe Aeet would be dlaatpsted >nllrely; pans of the street In tndtocrtmtnale
tbai tbe owner* of vemels would be en- l^ewp*. Naah Brta ouried a stock of
\ PetitkasattMaUwrUl
tilled lo compensation b. >-ond the dl^ llWi.fuc. ■•overed by half that much tnTMa brought on an tntemnmg and positien of parliament to vote, and sursme. and Ibe Grand Forks Herean—iw
of politics as relattlle comjiany about ibc aame..The hotel
that. as. shown by the
tag to fUanve. Brotlin asked if the Anally,
tbei* {a now a tendesiry torra^ If valued at firs.*a# AA bunding* are
aecretaryfelt that the bill would obvlale report,
equilibrium U the maintenance of Ihe owned by the Becurlly Tniai company,
• asT probabUity of
...tbe couoirra being
bnnesu that U a jotbi or HsmM. N. n, and prahably wfu *m
d to a silver basis The serrvury eenl bdrd. Be
:e eobdMer an qucAions at be rolxilll. The burked dtotWel U fb*
thought It would beyond question.
bualnea portion of tbe city and tbe
•Pappose tbe next election should imne. locludlne this, he at once
Mow to the btialnwu to a moet »ever*
bring a house of lepresenutlvaa taeor- pointed. U would be pamible to se.
on*. The burned wholeaale building*
necessary leglaUUon from pal
nblc w free all w." asked FtowUr. "and Ike
- wi the Febnary nemioo and from art valued at IIOO.MO Fagan, whole**!'
a free silver WI1 wa, paasd by the ----drara; John ..kuatlm bale rewer Mbsmgresa during the present seaFon
bonne and by the senate. Kow—•'
eeWIDry: Hoben Hetyh. drugs.'and t^
-I ©»Sct," toterpuaed HHU BepUbU- tosurv the execotlOB of any racom- IVerlem Maebln^ cranpany occupied
en. “as that I* a-n even a hypoihetical mendatlon with regard lo BMiring saa store* lb fbr hotel* and lost everylhlng
osxt season.,
The loaa will aggregate WM-OOO on
•H Is a certainly." declared Oox.
that Sir WIl- atoeka. furniture, eie.. and ISM.OM on
Democrat, amid laughter, la wMch »ec. Mr Wlirnd. Poster asya
decllnatlon of bis building* totally d*Blniy*d. while other
. tetary Cage Joined.
l<Ms* wni prnbaly reach tm.tW nAr*.
•Mg. WsaU Depend so tlw Vsm.
Kanna City, Dec. It.-M iKO**"™**
(. locked ber two Utfbwiar pressed bis questUm "Be tba conference, and tb* prvrident de- Morgan, a
tween WM. whan tfcla free silver memabla posliloo on that
«re might be passed by rongrass. and
herd reach the
IMA wbsa the advocatsa of "sound •qulUbrtum pointed <out by Blr Wilfrid
money'’ returned to power, cmuld tbe K will have paased
country go to a silver liasurWill b
Oagv'a anawer brought another round pigTl'"'—
d Astra
Besides, as the t'nlied
of Uughter and applause: “In vtew of
the ekpenae of tUC.m t
^ Agtal plant <
Ibe sbsoline eenalniy of a presidentui
ird Bnext year pelagic aealbe-patrol
IlM.oa The C
veto," said he. "I think we qouid puU
voluntarily gtvim up
paralysed, as
a Its monectrlc railway l* psraiyaed.
aeighborly Iand inhi
(vnJer was furnished by tbeeleclrie
This cloaed Cage's hearing and be
< that Sir
light plant
The four generatork^beeras given a role of-thanks. Severn] Wllfrid’a visit to Wsahintlon
Dembera sought m have anothee b«nr- llule promise of saitofactory (vault*, longtng to the ntreet car comnany Were
'tbg during the holldayt, but there wki bat entertain* the tu>pe that M may r*' ruined Their original cost wa# IHtMe,
and they arere partially Insured. Be*** I
•tteiaiuna objection in this, an]! tb. bear good tmlL_______
been alnrted running Many of j
original plan war adbeted to of adNemlssUsrabr lb. PiraMesl.
■* depended upon eleettkiy for |
jtfoniiBg until Jan. 11. when the Gage
Washington, free. lawAmong tb
bill, the monetary etihference........... ..
_________ .
named by the president fur o«c- f
terday wen* the foilc.wlng: W«Uam
Tbomaa. Jr. of.M^ine. t- be mlnlater K vnu Depict tbs. Draw^ tw ne He
to Sweden and Norway; Hamilton
King, of Michigan, to be mlnlater '
Liber^. Mo. De<-. IS.-Afier the «iSlaro: Nathan H- fioott, of We*t V
scutlen of Carr, tbe Inhuman father
glBla. iiiterniil revenue rammlaaloii
who drowned hto lltil* daughter by ty
Wsshlngtim. I>cc.
Louto 1' 'Ajme. ..f lUlnola omaul
dent of Intereft In i
Quadel -up*. tVe*t Indie*; Levt 8. WII- ing a weight to h«t and throwing her
Inga yeslejflai
cox. of nilnoto. eonaul at Hankow. into the MMN>urt-aa he Woald a dugNevada ruse t
China; Frank W. Mahln. of Iowa con whlic ibe poor lltGwnne »«* looking
privilege to reply to a charge which b« sul at Relchenbcrg. B-tbemla: Marshall with chlld-Uke trust Into hit face and
I been made against him by Hal*ie«d, of Sew York, consul at aeking him whsi be wa* going to do.
a charge wh rh be character- .Birmlnctiam. England; Charles W it hecamc knnw-n here that a Ihrifiy
Hktiroan. ..f XVlacpniUn, consul at f,hoiograi*et bad been rtmltted to -the
enclosure with n rinetiimtograph mnchlne. and that be had Wn permitted
senator that be iBIewart) bad ^epmaiatU. consul to photugraiih tbe •losing incident* of
rasantsd tbe attitude of Ibc admlniatrathis revolting tragedy to all ila horrible
Mon OB tbe Anoncial qu. allon. He bad >
extraru read fr.un the aialement made
The 1
■ Thursday by Sscreiary C.age before tb*
the moment tfsrr
- bouse (simmlitee-on banking and cur- ,
closure until the body waa <ul down,
It to claimed that on a Aim 1 en feet
rency to abo* that the adtnlntouguon 1 New Tork.Dw
H-Bradaireefa-aayl: and
■ commitled to the gold ataodard.
long K.W ph turra »i-re taken An .at
A aeBstuie qutef ng of demand In whole- tempt win l-e made to exhlhll
.He contended
be bad raid, and further rale* Imra I* leporied aa tbe boHday pictures throughout tbe country When
that It manifested a detemtiaativn to season end tbe annual «oek-taklng Carr wa* a prisoner In the cminiy JaR
plaee the control of the rurreDcy In Ui* period approach. Chief among the M- at Kanas* City lb.- aame parties perhands of the banks, giving them all voratlr feature# of the week has been- susded him to recite h>* story of Uie
tbe advantagea and exacling from them enlarged Inquiry at higher price* At crime Into a phonograph
stwd In variou* forma, arcrmpanlsd by
advanrea in the price* of aorta moat
I aftwted. A eorrewotia'rw'y heavy baa- | ........the m>re<iemali«ra of the atrlkIn pig »
na encloocrs and the employer* rat
u InveeUgste tbe
It abadln,
ate yesterday and arrived at a prodeveloped <5 the . urrert Immenhe pnidu,
Ira* fevertah. rlah.tial agreement, except oo the
wheat market t
•iBtii-hour quewtkm. A* to that polnl,
a long dIsensaiOB..the eraploy)ram the point e>f view if govt
from a wc*k ago. while corn, o
sugar are additions to tb* Hat of the ■ra rtcrllnrd to yield even In the alightrat de(cree. The confereuce adjourned
prodacta ahowlng advancra Th'
r- to enable the men lo lake a
Afclarcd that l
sattofadtory ouOook for ootjra goods to
le polli
raaected in reduction* In b!s*a»ed good# bgltol on the preaenl altuatl m. and It I*
beAeved that the men win abasdM tbe
b tbe liquor qu'-al i •vuragvouaiy Is tbe loweat polul ever rraeswialgbt-bour
Al the east trade (a wboleraie lines to
addlUeaal tax'of ti a barrel on beer tb* quiet, but retail trade has been sUrou*' tiinatlnn of tbe government revenue* toted suinrieotly lo allow «
would »ke care of itaell.
Tb* bottae Klondihe relief Mil Was tt^Vritmtln weM*'and northwest to repurt of tb* preliminary comm
which baa beee Inquiring into Ibe I
sent to wnfereaet a-Joint resolution Me of t
deanng of member* of partlan
A accaptlng Norway * invita
dtotribuaoB of ama
M AntMc Boyer, representing tbe Fifth
tion lo psrtlrlpatc la a nahertea exhibi
dtoirtet of’ Marwelllra. and MM Plantion next year asd m private penal-m
______ ^fanare* ahow a ratber small trau. Lalaapt sad ClUard. former mem
bins were r‘~'* 0"«
__ anW-hoUday
than usual
of the rtiamber Of deputlca. hav*
'-T (-..im ot» .
« 2^™ »,
arreatpd. ,__________
Ctoy! Sr-Tc'f Kenludty. a major general
Harag*^ MM Ora. — Agma.
in tbe Uultad 8ut» army dnrin* the ; » ^ ^ ^ w
wkr of the M-ellioa. Tb* balance of Ah. j *» »» »«
------•—q- Dra tt__Kuberi Annsrs was
aeralon was devoted
accepted by both tbe prosmutton and
defnae In the Luetgert case as a Jnror
yeatetday. He was aelejivd to tnk*^
ated tb* «
•dace rif Bsnry Boaalietg. wbo wna dtt
. legtoUtlre. exeeuUve sad ■
Indirial si<prot>rtatioB MU.eXcrpl:ng tbe freshly sodded. In a lonely spot on tt
Enetgm jary oi
paragraA reUtlng to tbe civil service. south (Ude of Black lake, aaggeated
By agrratrtent the debsU on tbi# laUsr poaalbleexplanationitwt wheaesamlni
ware repealed l
•' araa dlacovered
Barograph will go over until after
bolidaya Noamciidmenu of Impertsnea
■en opened. Mnr- Jurywm* adopted Tbe house refused to dar to feared by his family.
, <tovtDCtoa. Teniu Dee. U.-WUIla«
aoespt lb* aroaie ameodment to lb*
JemnooB died oo the scaffedd yesterday.
MU (or the rallef of the mloers la Ibe
iOmpany B. National Guard, srae presr Yukon and It waa seat to ceatir^ra. During the seaslM Cox of TeaM«a* ««|to of BtMtetmrr Oaas's uaU-.
rawnr befese tbe banking and earrmey
raiMMttsrM a hnab statement of U»
........ SHOWN BY.........
Hamilton Clothing Company.
New Invoices arriving dally —Some
new black and white Satin Fuff Ties
—-Teoks,” “Bows,” “Strings.” etc.—
-We expect another large invoice in s
day. or two.
____ _
Japonette Initials at 10c. Japanese Silks S6c
«iiv and linen ever shown hera
23c Up .to 52.00
AvnsaMfid g<lt-dw*r> »I>piraoUt«l-W. h«v« tdra
in wool, oMbmerd, *Uk and eotton.
...--- -
AND MIHEHS tn^i^t^-^i
Gloves and Kittens—Fine Elds imd Kochas.
nino New Invoice, aU elses. Plush caps
uHl 0 from 48c up. Fine cloth cape 60c to
$1.60. Some very good bargains at 26c.
riMC llflOIEDV An immense line to retail
rIKt nUultnl at 26c per pair. Some fin*
Cashmeres at 60c per pair. A few Oriental
patterns; very the and pretty; see them.
IIUDnEI I 1C Cane Umbrellas for Xmas. A
UNlDllLLLnO gift that U almost always in
season. Good ones from $1.00 to $4 00.
PIIODCUnCCD Something a man can'scarceoUurLnuCun ly be without. Our line from
60c to 76c are beautiful Xmas gifta
26 per cent discount. Twenty-five now ones
just in. This opportunity will not soon be
________________ _
wiU be appreciated at Xmas as well as“St an
overtime. Kany ladies are now payingfor(ui ihster Or Overcoat with which to surprise
their husbands Xmas.
UNDERWEAR c’^^s.^’a.'l^ "tS
good effects—the effeets on the wearer will he
good whether it was received as a gift or
UIE IklUITC vnil
rail “d select your Hobday
nt iRlilC lUU Gifts from our stock. We carry
nothing hut what any gentleman will be eure to need
sooner or later, and a good time to buy is at holiday time.
A useful gift is Honey Saved.
n n
□ g Q □ □ u u -JB
ot bwi>^ o6w«rM
1*4 la br the coiiMamte. bat It la
defaaae fund"
ordered t<
the leter
r. caegDON WAS haholv m rr.
New Totfc. Dec. U.-Normw Betby. Of
U. attain thU eod.-< van adopted. A Wiould be •obnllted to tbc aOUated arreaolutton protritlBC acalnt anil-oealb- ca«laatko*. which report waa adopt' •
eotinty. lnd_ better Known in
liut icKlaUuaa by cotwcrcaa »oa alas ed. The report 'uHb^ Indorsed tbt nn^tlatlc rlrtOea aa "Kid' UCO07. Mun•dooted. ;
, prealdettr. viewa OB the dlv^n aloo«
„«d„,H«bt ehamph*
BeMealniawih. Oo»«a*
^ arortd. Ha met l>ao
The federation adopted a ^ItiOoB tJoB la
^ Ore^.m,^ New Zeataad. lao nlfht lb
tolbecoaatlIt waa ordered that a repreoenlatlra ,h,
of the fun.aa Athletic rtnb
r OrbilBB
clty dlapenoary Ihaniday mamlng. Sll* |
'Bare Fry. cobued. IS .m.>nthe old. waa
taken there by her mother The baby
waaAumlag green and her mother waa
greatly alarmed. Tbe child waa a light
mulatto and lu compiezkm. and anpe- i
dally the wbllea of ha eyca bad a de- |
dded gr.-en tinge. Peralatn^i queetlon- I
las of the mother tiy Ihe dl.rprnaary
—lllon to create a .
phyaMsn elltlled the fact that u>m>
l ol labor waa Indoroed. The elecdaya age the child bod aacallowed a
omcer* may be held Ihia afterbraaa be«r elwch____ Preatflerl Oompera and the old
Ttae check waa atill la the chllda
.. oSteara deeint* ly-electlon wlU. from
•lomadi and. corroded by the ends In
ry. inileatlor-e.
/•»*!!'“JUd a" wonderful neteoce sod tbe alomach. It changed to verdlgna
,e- Inc that then luUuB wpa a
> be the eboka for the next
I tbe matter havliv been ebeered
naewion werv alaaya in e> Ipertce and wa< alaorbed by tbe bloud. The
. A reaolutloB pleda- BiacUDK
: U.-Whep tbe Al^- \
I prove effeetlee
tbe irealmeot doe
1 eball bare to (
■ referred wllbout f^rtber a
Worn the moraem the men put op^eit be aald. _______
at a meefliut yemer- banda In tbe apesiu round HrCo> a
waa adopted attar
reduce tbe wa*ea of lu aloeh ^cab to anemd and K waa bK
T-BOCB D^V.t.! dw^«
Cleerlaad. Dee. It.—It trill be ot loeot
three montho before the next etep con
the n«hl Oetnc •• t» TETAmmk^C ptaitTT* w'oMha^arK^i t *^f«er tbe two preltiBlnary bonta bad be token In forming the Ug wire Ball
up.Uayror 1......
----------wt eB«w«ed In the manufacture of cot. beet wDond....................
- pomUnatlcHi. The dole to which It la
te tbe OluaiioB Ip Cuba. The rewlutlnn
In regard to tbe orcoolaancm of the up m the coustn- and* a
underaiood that the optlona eatend
deelarcn "Thaf tl ta tht nena* of thle
Tberc were load now
for tbe male of properiMw for tbe coeaoieoBvetiUon that tbe United ftiatea oeo- [le-tayera the conTemiO0trotedthat tbe nreen I.WO an^ ».«« peojde.
• for a apeeeb, to wtob the mayor Idotlca ta March n. It will take tbe
-------------------------Crau ahould w aale
: "<
Wrekeb Who *ew TerHm.
replied- He nald In pa^f
expert apprmlaera all of that time to
It Into tbe
lew debate and ' .---------- -................
W move1-^. '| liondoB. nee
The mu who a»* I i nm. not John U Sullivan nor McCoy flniab tbe weg* of determining vnlnca
but ibonld take cucb Inmedlau action went or not. In regard to tbe eigmwKHai- T-f>Wr tbe actnr M. nor Creedon- I am tbe mayor ol thla
gnd folly aa lonk a time moat be et
tend to pul an end to tb» India- boor day and leglalaMoB by oongreoi Rlcbajd Arthur rr»i~*.tommonlycalW diy. and I Md you all welcome.
tbe dlapnaal atf tb* audltora
imittee roported a nUbatUoU ..jigj archer" When hioughl «p In la the Srai Ume 1 have entered
•r of the common poople
OP Idea or tbe bueUMM of tbe dlSerent
of Cuba by the Spanloh luldiery “ Tbe oorerlog tbe
tbe cooea of women and chlU nurt j-eal.-rtar k we'd that Terrtw Uc ring nHenilBcaJIy. but I ca amurr compenlea
the aubatltute waa adopted, h,,
mb, t-, m getting eroploymenl you that any pmun who came here totdbowKv aubathulr for tbe readutlon dren anda thi
The' content In Utah by the unkwa In for ten /e*.w Prorinctal managera night te aee a iwtae flebt had better go
waa Introducod "That It be
tbat-^gialc for tb# conotltOtkinaUly of wbc Uv karwr Pt ree deaeribe him right now to tbe boa office and get bla r Springlleld; lUo. Dee. .U.-Tbe gtf
of tbe convention that Cuba nare .0- (Bg~^fat-boar
-ga-riahtUw waa ezplaloed at aa enentilr ti -a degree bordering on Btbpey bar*. Thla ring will only be oe- ‘ pmne court of IfTlBelB yeaierdoy ren
Snatrlal freodom from wbleb It will re- 'longtb by Whittaker and tbe recom- jnaanity. r.a oneoccanon be ^raot- ! cttpled by men who take port in booing dered a very Important procUee deOder pdlUcol freedom." A motk*/
that the aiea.aB actor at Dundte with a re- enmanta'
dalon. Tbe court held that appIleatlOB
« made .0 uy .be ma.ter op the
of tbe eaive^,
mtiat be mode to It when pan lee deelrc
( and Indome Oh appeal from tbe
to Ole briefa from tbe appellate court,
AeoMa RnllarGaiMy WOurged.
oad that the appHeatloe rauat he ac
depqAfter ootpe •onfaok.n aa to parliamen
11—Jameattutmventloe ordered that
companied by on affidavit ebowing that
tary rullnga a rule «a> Uken and tbe ,
I lor. who haa been on trial In the drcull Burb briefa are Beceeeary and tbe teathe commltloe flea yeenerday. In ajrtu of tbe
woavenclcui ad>oun>ed tu the ofteraoce.
for the killing of ble wife, waa
. ...
eight-hour day of Torrel, the mlnla.er-------poWlc
. : eoart
... ........................
a why they a
____ _a ___
log upon tea . eonvicled of
tbe firat degree,
Including the giving oT aid adopted
Bounced aa fM for aod 1.SM agalnit lay- ano' aaatatance .0 »ucu oe.*B>Mvu.e.. e....-----im
- oa a doya work's* railroad am- j Bitfler'e eounael moeed for a new trial,
yea TbU M to be fdtlowed by tee Judge Dick boa taken the motion under
tag OB the table Tbe queatlon of tbe tbti national and lalematlonal preal- l*oyea
Mbailtute waa then called for and dent* proceed at unce to organlae. be bBnra of rtwL
advtacmrnt. and will annouBce hla do J. J QW
Wougtit beli re the r'oB\eoHi»n. Thevote adopted, and the commmee waa dtadaloB OB Monday. Tbe erimr for whic h tbe eponlng editor of tbe PIltsbnrgDIa'
Butler waa convicted waa a moat brutal patch to beck Peter Maher ogolaot any
Tbe Butim bred at Liabon. a law man In tbe world tor tbe beavrwolgbt
e hereafter I
' ebomplonahtp. Tbe Mober people win
eteim ib^ title If tbc duJIeBge ie ■
appointed by t
i year fought hocked t .
Oecw|ited within o r
ered that tbe or
aMo twdered
d at a hand, of ber bu^d.
i Fall* Back .on Hi
Petition Taken at tht
Quttn City.
wimm- wsmM^
:rr:r.r • *
Cookies, Rats iM Coolies
OTSTEES,'SlM(liifl iBdSdecti
Oor. 8. Union and 7th BtrMta.
Ever Burned Out?
O- P. CA&VX&. Afget.
Suits to Order.
Merchant .Taitofing.
vrazscBO i
Ten days ago we started in to raise $^,000 to satisfy creditors. Our Great
Stock is being rapidly reduced. Come quick for good selections.
AnorBCTB at Lbw.
126 pcs Dark PrintB. the best'(ten ^rd.
to customer) to be sold per yd at........
80 pieces Indigo Blue Calico, American
Print, will go at per yard.......................
10 yards Dress Outing Flannel, 10 yards
to customer, at per yard........................
4,5 and tfS
, 16 pieces storm Flannel, regular value 8c,
will go at per yard............................. ....
lOpiecee better quality, pink, grey and
blue, worth 10c, for per yard................
All our best Amoskeag Outing Flannels, C3former price 10 and 12)40, will go at..
8 pieces L L Unbleached Cotton,
41- ,
for per yard..............
. JiU
10 pieces UnlAeached Aotton, 10 yards to
customer, at per yard.............................
6 pieces Lockwood best Unbleached Cotton, former price 8c, for'per yard........
8 pieces Fruit of the Loom, 10 yards to cubtomer, at per yard........................... — '
c |_
Lonsdale Sheeting, 10 yards to custom- Pi
er, at per yad.....................
. lb pieces Cbeeseolotb. will be sold at
8 pieces White Eider Down, worth 80c, at 111per yard............................................... ... I Tib
Fancy Dress Ginghams.regularvalue 10c, Ol
io yards to customer, will be sold at..
80 pieces Fancy Dress Plaids, former price
lOo, now— .............................................
26 Pib^^ Fancy Dress Qoods. sold before | |||q
8 pieces Fancy novelties, formerprice 80c
. for per yard ..,......................................
_ 80 pieces Toweling, 10 yards to customer,
at per yard................................................
t. BBOVK. AUeimy a
idowmyaiiSr tun
/^ILBKkTaoaT«a.aiM(Mya. ggislal^
kj* waUoeMiTeUeunMtev. BeaM*aad
M. MsTrsetlla Oe. Beak.
I Q13b
AU our Dress Goods during this sale
will just about be sold for
'QgPOgg KACOKI year ftiv tan
^ During this sale we will close out a large line of Boy’s and Children’s Suits ;
^_______________ at the lowest of prices.________________________ :
|.Bemember This Sale will Continue Only Twenty Days Longer!;
F°iJiararai-?a lar
Front Street
Broach Blk.
as ■
.Honey to .Loan
L II.--
J^thw. Ut davcd lo 'mf UiAt tninKEtMlMi or tEe mrtAls was iEf om
Cr«M problom for tb« chnoU^ to aoivc,"
Bo Mid Or. Etepbra H. Bmmrna, alt.
ttM oppotftr mr at Ms dMk lE so oBm
«B tha Mvonth floor of a Me buildia«
OTorlookliar BowUnc Onon Bolow la
Breadwa)- Ux eobi* earo
Bnsrlrosly atooe- AoroM tbs a»y
taoBod tbc blr rod butidkae of ibo
Vndaaa Bsrbanja. wbere mnumalro
vnrid of tbr UbUod Stataa «ma In a
fbrmmt broausB Bnelaad was drawlac
trom iH> oar stock of cold., Tbr mr
of iMs flaanctal crloli were ffli l<v
most evstr ifMk-wiomaa and child
tbr coantrjr, directly or Indirect ly. Tht
wMftiox of tbs tfdanre of trsde. from
one cause or another tatasd the strsan
of yellow metal Lack toward oor aborea
value, after dednetiac i cold, tn tbe ascoad were beaTy.atreaks
the reflnlac chares, of !».«.
of yellow. Tbe third waa an yellow.
Ob tbe XU of April be depoalted •.« I 'Three tbree.*- eald Dr. Bmmeca.
Hexkwa doltar
.» Btivsr
three stacee o(>.tbe procesa. In the
Pollowlac tbeaa. at talcrveU of two third It la richrenouch to hq melted
or three weeka. Dr. Emarens baa made down into aa Incot”
depcaiu. their value ranciac from
From a ease be produced aomc sped*
ll».TX to WtlA A fea day* before was ot tbs (Old .NO Bne. .la places It
my eoBveraatioB with him he dspealtad -as of a drop ruby eolor.
tX.ll ouitccs. yteWlnc .fTT cold and .MB
”1 have prodaced some of a brflUanl
silver of a net value orMAtt. He reld blue." said E>r. Bauneas. "and I believe
that be was turalnc o«t about
ttdO -worth qf metal at that time,
tboufb the producUoe wha not constant
cooMbtsd srith tbs epsrntloa of hla maehlMry.
That Dr. Stranen* tnrna la cold at tbe
smiled aad ahook
srey office there Is no qb
"No one has assn the proeess sxrept
sksd tbs dtrsetor of the tnlat _______
Inrton a few days aco, aad be told ms my psrtaeru and myrelf." he saM. “kad
that tbe assay office had rsrsivod cold for obviou reasons. 1 do not want to
from Dr. Bmmena which tbs doctor ahare my secret with any was. 1 ask
elabnsd hs obtalesd'Crora Mscleaa ill* no one to bsUevs in my process. Bo
donara. All Mexican dollars, the lone as the treasury aee*pu.^y r»M
director of tbe mint toM ms. eontblnsd I am perfectly Mtisflsd.”
“Does BO oaa. then, know year ptooa small amount of coM. Aeeorffiac
the asMT office report, however, i
srer-1 asked.
“Not all of It. I am the ontr psruun
cold la ^-Mexican dollar is oaly "a
trace** and not of any Importanre la who knosra the whole of It. My partner,
dlsprovtac Dr- Eramens' elalma No H. A. etroBC. and ray son share par! a<
one asseru that Ofe Mexican dollar the knowledfs n-lth me."
“Put lbs workmen la your laboratoiT
contains the amount of nld
Bramm reya be obtaliw frocr
-ate-you not afraid they wiU '
your proesreT*
Here are the facu which Dr.
claims, pnt la tbr ptalacst li
piy* that he can put a Mel
' dollar Ihrouch a secret
which wW produce aa amount of cMd
mtwh crSaler In value than the dollar
with which the proccre becaa. More,
over, be claim* that after payiiut tb«
of an expeaslre treatment of the
sliver alloy he can tuke a fsi«r profit
-n tbe firodurt.
Be eUlRU not only that he can do
three thlnce. but that be Is doinc them
everyday. The proflis hs Is makinc. he
IW a wnk. Tbere I* no
latlon to tbe amount of
proflt be can make exrept the ph>-elcal
limitations of bis machinery and tbr
strenrth of tbe three memberv of the
will draw tbe world's attestloa to blm.
And wbai will be tbs oBteomc U hlfl
hopes are realised* It means rerolotlon. of e«i«irsr. flnaiirtal. political. «o»merrlal. “nie cold standard win bO'.
come a mockery If artiflclal cold la
manDfarlured la enonmras quanUtlea.
mlxht offer me a mtlTtna or so for my I the value of
but that srould be paUry com- ! thre
pared with whal I expect to make out The
wUI bK-oiTW the weallhteot
la tl
t'alted Elates. The hol**TS
Is turulBC ont ctdd aad lacrreslnc tbs men la >
of Uir cuid bond* so much covetel
output all tbs Uaw.
"Here U a proposIlloB I have mads day -will find themselves Jmi>nvertBhsd.
) say aatlea that waats tu test tbs Tbe whole rerth will be\uraed topwy
roerea aad that win raaks it worth my lurry Is Dr. emmma prepare-1 lo
hOs: I wiu taken.onjM ooacre or ail. father chaos: Or w;(ll be be oonient to
ver. worth •00.900. and from It I a-lll make lea or flfiy or a hondreq mUltoas
make ffiO-too euacre of cold, worth tU tpr the aryentaunun syndleats aadthtm
aa oonee. Tbs east of makinc the cold brrek hU machinery aad 1st his SMCUt
will hs
Add to that tbe cewt CO with him to the cruveT
<nwre to one raason for bMsvtac ttmO
w miver. tHO.0M. aad subtract tbe
SVM U Dr. Bmmsns Is ytcM the wmMs cram (7400.000, the value of
e woold be produdac
XCM.dM worth, or (7JM.H9 worth la a
ysar. The profit oa Out prodoetton
woold be 11700.000 a year.
*1 think that I cel caU from silver
by my plrweea." eald Dr. Bmiaeas. "but
1 do not laalst oa that. Sometboe may
eUlBw U poasibie..there wfU nerer be think that I BlmpD- evt from the Mlver
aaO. In tbe distance waa tbe Brooklyn another abonade of cold In America SoM which was cqmbltied with it. If
It Is true. 1 still cet cold la comiaar*
briddc and beyond U a vast area of Dr. Bmmena.wlU make a aupply wbldi
l^snmies from an alloy In which
warcbousea KlUMns on mlUlona of
rs oo cold or only a (rscs.
cDllrely M&sBtd. so lope as t evt
the cold. For my own part. I beilfree
rM with the ' BriefTr. Dr. ernmea* cdalms to be that tbe rbaaev which ocrortNi molscIf bis thso- makinc (bid -from sllvrr. On tbe Uth . ular. but I am wllllac to admit Ibat.'lt
of last April be deposited at the tTnIted may nut be."
State* aarey office In New Tork city
Dr. Bmmen* took from hr* desk &ree
a revDimioa. aodaL comttere
7.0C ounces of an alloy which, belac ' strips of metal. The llrec be said. show,
separated, yielded .(U culd and JM all* I ed tn bis practiced era allchl trace* ot
^^Not .loBC SCO the whole
lOBlisapolis. Dec. It-Chqrlre A. RIUsbury, the flour klnc. consented yesterday to be interviewed, on tbe subject
«f dollar wheat and the outlook for futare prices of that eurruL Tbs follow.
My Intervisw was submitted to Mr.
Plltsbury aad by him corrected;
-The present condUlon of tbe wbsut
Market.” be said, ''to aitrtbuiabls ts
uaussf whle*. In my opinion, will keep
price of that eotamod^ at blyber
prlesa than tbe averace for the
(sw ysara for tnhay yeara to conre.
n matter of ffict. we have uncoasel
“AnierIca Is tbe country to whJdi tbe
nations of the future must look for
tbelr supply of this commodity, for In.
dia and Rusala. tbooch they have lacreaoed tbelr arreaye.have ahoutiuacbed their Umtt.and in Baciaad the wbret
crop has diminished Instead of keepiny
abreast of the crowtn* demand.
said that Wheat contains all
the cssenllal* for a perfect diet, and I
Should like here to explain why. If this
be true. It should not be eaten entire
Instead of being separated, os It Is when
made into flour nr any preparation olb.
er than the whole ymln Iteelf.
11 as In leclslatlon. mstame and oth*
ecause tia-'natlon ever at.
details tn ibeir elder brsthiun. snd
e anicly upon wbsat. Other
crlbed to tbe rice diet tbe small stature
of the people of that race. Be that as it
may. one tbiny Is suru. that wheal con.
talas lo Its kernel all the essentlato for
the most wholesoate food tbat man
kind can aaslmllate. This to demohitrahle not only by the chemistry of
experience of iboss
used wheat In eomc
form aa thetr staple dicL
'Fnmi this fan It to evldeat that a*
tbe peoples who now Ik outside of the
modern cimiiatlon mme*sritUn
VM^ and lavtolbls supply Is at tbs
Istosst point kaowB In the Ustory of
tbs wheat markets.
-This fact would have bssn erldeat
lioBC ayo bad It not been for the '
etMsad facimie* of traasportai
vUch have enabled ns to handle a
small supply BO a* to plare It on the
taarkrt with yreat rapidity at point*
Where It was n>ost seriously needed.
spparaaUy the Ihall la this dlrec.
t appa;____
ui has been reached, and
red ealsra Of
ai they have In the
tnber as raplc
• time most Inevlta.
past few yeara
bly ooma when .
irrestcr In order to . supply tbs toylU.
mate demand.
'Too much Btrere has been laid. I
think. Upon the part .that the fall«rv of
the crop In the Anrentlne Republic has
bered ..... ...................— ..................
try does not equal the -mf> (rown In
any one ot our own lUtre of Mldneeota.
Xaasas and North .Dakota.
*To these state* we mustlook la this
noUBtry for increased aersay* ahd pro.
• duetlon. They are the yreat wheat
prodneuru, aad thrlr tarmera only ra.
ffffbu tbs BthaulD* of a sstUed prtoe at
a hlCh flyurs. due tn a constant demand,
to tbdoos tbsm to plant more sxtsnHvely than they are now dome. H to
obvtons that It Is to the western aadnot
to the eantral sutss that we must look
in this eouatjy for more wbsat
'Tbs 'aastcra tarmaiu wtu need eoa.
sUatly BMrc aad more land for eras*
in* and
- -
cold, and you have a profit .of C.700.. lac of cold may not becoi
Dr. Rmmeas says his proetan to part
ly phymeal and partly cheoflitol. Be be.
tleves the cbemlcal Influenre mefely their profiu dwtadUnc to the point
. oiakre easier tbe physical dutneu- He 1 where It would no kmerr pay to man.
"Wouldl^u sen your srere^
^ obwn^ CoM results fr^. tbe|ufaeture cold froma sireer. And Dr.
'If aayyone can shew me bow it' Mexican doUara. but he flnds Cbl
would be of any advaotace to me. 1 sUver. of wUeb -be obtained a small : “money creed.'
from the Chlaese minister at i search foe the
splcuou* In the business and the po- I Washtactoo.
Utlcal n-orid-and offer lo previds capi* I UnUI l>r. Bmmeas produces culd
tal for my procres up lo (tM.000.0M. and i enormous quanUties.
, The flrat use of Nlayara's power wnc
tl It should be
be.xlad means ot veritylnc bis claims, altbouyb mads In ITS. a primitive Mwralll bslaff
1 have always said that
>>la with them If they would show his hich standiny In tbe setentine world. operated. NoUUny more was doae until
bos I bad aaythinc to culn by It. ' haa clven them wericht
which,ehllUeu 1M2. when Auxuutos 'Portr
They have never been able u> show mu. 1 them to the mu
year-a time
led to the prreent-market rate of wheat
aad what tbe causes win be wblcb will
maintain UUa rate, and lafereBlIallv
la that AmertM must ultimate.
bread eatery, for any prqdarUon of
srfaest. however «TMt. to aupplr the
dmnaad. That dlfficuHy win be met In
all probabinty by stm.further aduanere
BO tbst when mesn* of dtotrlbQUoa are
perfecind there need be no fear of s
bread famine In any quarter of tbe
O^eetioa to Stagecooebes.
In lie there were, strange as It
rems. only six stayennarhes running
In all Ebiyland. and of course these were
Ibe-onlr public vehicles for Iravelera.
Even Ibeee were a nnvrOty. and a per
son named John Croaset tbought they
were such s dangerous Innovation that
be wrote a pamphlet ayalaet them.
'These machra.” ha wrote, ''make ceptlemen erne to London upon erery
small occasion, which otherwise they
would nm do except uiH.n urgent neresslfy NaK the cqnveDlency ot the
pamaye mam tbelr wives eomr often
up. who. rather then come queb lony
Journeys on boraeback. would stey at
borne. Then when they come to town
they must be in the w«de. yet fins
clothes, yo to plsys'and iruats and by
these means yet such a habit of Idle-
San Franctaeo. Dec. U.-Tbe laws of I number, arroaced In two storiea- Ms
conyisre for tbe cm-erument of tbe ' on a ride, openln* oa corridors that run
or. as these laws .are popularly alone tbe stdw of-the main buUdlnff.
styled, the "articles of
The floora of the second story ore ot
a bast of offeasca lor which aa enlisted I steel ctuUdm. and steel crates Niut off
man of tbe naval aervtce may be tried tbe side curridor* from those at eo^
by ,a court martial and nenienccd to end of tbe buUdlac. white over the top
Imprisoameat and.labor-and they slip- of this Inner prison Is a Urye ateel grayulair Ibal such sentences may be carri#d lato effect la any priaon or peni
tentiary which the Unlled States may
Tbe prison reutlae Is exactlay. and
be allowed to use by any alale or terri- the strictest dtoclpUne to maintained,
yet tbe pctoosiera. ee a rule, are cheer
Some of these offenses err tbe Mine fuL and bi
nature as iboar which are tried liefore Duriny
Hvll cuurta such as asseult. murder
aad robbery.
by I
requited to work aboutybs baUdtayi
number are acalast mliltery dlacIpHns. and yrsund*. The worC however, la
InBUbardlnallon and llyht and ctves them a chance st exfraudulent enlistment:
rretoe and relief (rora tbe tedium of en»
For many yeara enlIMfd nssa i
forct^ Idlenea beblDd Irtm barreddum^
tenced by courts martial were confined At all time* aa armed sentry pacts Sffi
In the dlflere
______ _ ......................
pense briny borne by Ihe yenerel yov- 'on. so tha\ escape to well alyh Impooffernment throuxh Che navy depariment. j ble. During tbr day tbe prtooneru am
but a great ravine of expensr in keep- ; allowed tti'r freedom of the c»»fridora
Inc these prisoners was effected by the | aad 'lalklny and readme are aWesrsd,
The Deadly Upa» Tree.
the creat states that 1 bare menuooed.
It If equally esttaln 4hat the western
tBimer would noT feel JustUled In plant.
Inc to the lares siteat tbat pluacat cnn.
diuons Bwm to dsnand If be tbouyht
that the demand waa to be tsmporary.
but n to essuy demonffirulsd Md may
be confidently piuflletea that ths de
mand will be constant and win fft^.
rath.v than decrease.
foode .fish. mMi. laaUla nad so on-«re
' Only recenUy the —rr----- coventaken in eonnecUon wUh the pioduct of
meat has been Uklnc wupm lookiac to
wheat itaett. and It la therefore not only
tbe extensive latrodueUeB sf wheat as
aecresary. but unMrabis tbat tbs
a food to eupplsnt the He« diet that
whole cram should ^ ttmaumed. Othbna been the suple of that eouatrr (or as n permsnrot (actor t
enrtas. la tbe attempt to coin variety,
ceatariaa. ThU to daly one taetanee ot
tbere woold be an sxesas of Bulritlvs
the new mnrkrti that mast InevluWy
qualltlM tbat ts quite aa modi to be
opsB as man becomes thore tboroacMy tardy In laying his plans t
avetdsB as a defleleaey of theas quailtnw more aous a* be fenaess w
IM u ^luhaaer m ths markeu s< tJ
^ bare sBdeavdred to Obov urbat In
Oldnlon. are tbe eauese wbKffi hare
^ -
Most people have at least board tbs
story of tbr deadly upas tree of Java,
of which It was at one lime raid itial
to mtrtiy approach It eras certain
dsoth. This story eras treated os an
aboolBU fsble. but now it seems as If
tbere was actoally sene Ooto of real
fact for IL
The npM trre to a real tree aad a
very bly oaa la the old ttess the bark
to orer an Inch tbiefc aad full of a ihieh.
milky Juke, tbe merest touch of wblcb
upon tbe skin produres a most painful
sad IrAlsIlnc rash.
What to more, a yu arises from this
Julcu wbkb has a most potoonnu effecl upon any oar near It. It to somePrteona were thus ntnrted at tbe Bes
Urns* used by tbe Bstlves to* mitafyinc
private reveaye. for a cup of it hidden lan. New York aad Mare Islaad nary
In the room of a sireper produres stupor ymrda and two of these are pow la
operation, the cos nt Bosioa for the
and eveBtaany death:
east ccaai and that at Mare Island for
the West coast.
The prison ^t Mare Island whetp ths
Genaaa foreetera have found a sure raiiora and marine# of the Padfle
atatloas who
retaedy foe tbe destruitlon of tbe pine
tbe heavy r>tne for^s of the seqlenced by naval oourts to Impriaoameot are coaflard to nituate« bade ot
ad. Tbs caierpmsc
tbe Burinc barracks at that statioa and
toiler part of August desr-n(
quarters In the heavy tm«s st the foot la directly under tbe command of tbe
It of tl
of the tresa' Early la the spring they
uaually climb the trunks and sat tbs
tender, yrsen needlea Now tbe foresth tows ot Irea barred windawc.
ere scrape a broad hand m the bark
around tbs trunk and coat ^be etnooth
apace vrltb i afixture of yips, craass
andtnr. Tfett ^Uto tbs inaaeta.
DcMructiofi of the Ptoe Modi-
on bread and water ter five days or
tom the rtffular rati«a Is eirvid out te
them, and emoklBc Is nllouud (or ona
hour after each meal.
Vlritors an only allowed tn tbe prinon by aulbertty of the eoomaadant.
iBtracUona aytlast (be prison died,
pllne by tbe Inmates arc puntohed br
aoutary oonAnemcat an htsad aad wa
ter or la siecle or double IruM (or pe
riods e( several dayk. aceordinc ts tbs
offense. Good brbavtor ha« its rewntd
In a remltvioo 'of k portion of tbs sebtence. In some caasa as much os one(oDrib ot tbe senunre belac remitted.
». C.B.
dljcT Ha waa a tinlr old maa ol malinauit a#i-«l I r«o«cmUTBJ haTing
iSTim at mo toarWr «nth a band*».»
! rmas tir«* wbdoi 1 ■appo-'d to be
1 bit <btW No «*o t»»«
tbeir t*>lariT« {nait.
■TB-KTOvnrair^>MaB^ thioQ«h lb* bom
- ■
' ABdCbrittnwswMclcM M hand—4cv"a.,.,..
Whm tJ»e
ew*ked ttet OttolM
Blrtt Mart* HarUey. wife o« (>>•«■•
«W the doew
MCMMtnl aotbot-ptaywrtjht. »» «»• ooe day. ••!•»« bwn thlnklnR—w/»*t
taring b« wUa afmli for a way to »• aiiidweiWDaitwoBldbeUkelyto------emlT iDdtJoe innj.- thratrical tnaiyggr
EC bor
bvr taDabatni
taoabatnl'B> rcsiub
Rcsiua-- uur
. <0 reotanilie
OtcatBrflndt(ad«|laaiheboaidadnitn»damas ^vered toecbaoically
wnilam Btev«a FleldUig. flnabce
tritb a alow roioe aod__________
a deliboaM
••Tben take
tak« him Beaa. tbew'e a
Ulniaor ti Canada, bem life aa a tetly famlUat.
-latluw adT«ti»d for M«rtOwai tto Mber week me
titt aou»*wiM«a y-*"--"
ttf on a ooontry nt^apapn.
land and take op my qnartort lu
a OToning.’ be •id.
bowing ^lUtT-oametie^^
-id. berwii^
Jdtry .Ward Boeober alwaye nad (c
I.* It dayamoi*.-€■«»»_
dy. TaU. broad and perfaoUy ^be',rted
The V0TW
very 1tblxm!”
break down when aakcd^ be wae I
areiKd. be poaeeaaed a fa«
Gilbert, ncrer •eming to w<*^
_ ^^<^M**laaaretti> la bolUlatbe. everv Sunday -when a boy—to rwdu the
•a by lu eipnaaion "U be aooea^el
oamo from. afw«i
Ah, yea. 1 acehia light la there. Afraid ^ aeeordlngly *bat*n«t d^.
Gewral’wadelUaploB ta writing a
I nns diriwb bia iDfjdtBtkcL. then.
: niaa ere. tonal then hotb MtMi in tte
tatvw. Wbicb a .eenfinel trtee . ook. to be entiuin
entiUtd w Hutoty of
-indeed? Ho ia very bn*y.*'riie rim-• Jollity ifthittaUed>
hot Manon
Marion be^ «ta «acitm to eoe thatiKdgbbora hoW tbeCiUryol tba Afb)y(pt Noctbetn
^ ! T6« pUy oumaieiKwl. bet
•(jt oooraa
----- ■■” n.
He a>*<lnwn
eat down. '‘Er—.
’*Er— .' ...badr_l.____
n« come—toi..
ihrilled FHoJld- DO c«m»onicBtt«i witb.ea^b d«b« Yirslnia."
Biay 1 aak bow the great play prognaa- ij,g tor baabaad a hand tightly. Mw •» Tberv » a nuatl cvmrtyaM ui front of
Sir Arthur eunitan wrote the ---w
^ . etealthily wau-bmg for a eign of dawn- owltrobni. and a doable iron grating— OK/rd” while watching by the bedalde
b hadeome back
tiuM inacxiniarataennooInvain
In vainDnringt^
of • ri(A brother whom be expected
and a«w«id
wwmd acta
noming for thej tonrUi tuno—necuoM. ftm ^
SbKinaeoded to ow until the pool.- Qaiuodall
bot tifcleo. Sodden
ou ail uu>
J|y. t_
i Tbe «-EropT*«a Engml" etlU eberMon g«w unbeattWe and «ban to» ever.
----- ManiB
1..:— cried not
out {Ibthui
' iMiea a true hpuniard’a t»»ti' few etrong
fiageta bad bww tioivcrtng Now. half
wenta. b.» lavtriie odom bolM aandal____ .i.«..k «iu>
*«•Ua bm.
-----wood and lo»on verUata.
cnwmngiy The lighu
npo/ her. own cnwliln^
V.tdi ie fond of fanning, cattle ud
. . bat ahu oonld eee b« eyea diW«ve low.
dngK <>neof bi»peu i. bnri.d In hie
Unlv too thankfol that every
. g^<«> under u tonan iiionuiueBl. Wllb
1 by the play, ehe
the word*. "To a Tnic Friend:
Alexander Veat. »« nf Senator Vert.
ba!r 1.T-" appuimed oommerrial agvnt
of tbe -Texaa Midland xailrnad.'Ui'tty
Oreen'a line, wltb bcadtinartem in St.
—you have let them eteal my tralnal
For the momeot ebe waa onpeded
'Tben. "Nonaeoiw. dear.-*e
When Pat Foley worked aa a carjaBwk -It ta afe
Wr.no one Ibonpkt of .bim otbcrwim
"My very worda." be gaepfd. aM
tlmnaePat.bat onw fhat lie i»"tbf.
"liet megQ Tve been rob
world rrnovnted ba»o" It U “Signor
bed. robbrfi I-UaboQtit aUoverthe
.Sir'Michael Hicka-Broob. who bai
Indeed, rin atared and tried „
attain'd tbe ap- of *0, baa apem
renli» the play, bni he waa a^lliy
‘ ccaiuii’n av Twow'unkw.
|j,<a« than ball, bia life in tbo boom <■
put there wobld bo a eeaoa 8a bold- one row of grattog a fee feet before 4be oo„BWDa and baa twice been Irlab eec
“gut tSMlK.'"
nod tapped at the doewof tbat inner i^hia hand oill. abe followed him out other—koepa tbe iwtwoera from any wwy.
into the oorrMor Bcfcre abe oonld pr^
^ tocma
. -------------1
.fant e pNMBml rontaei with ibe outer world. ; Q^^e the tow* rf Cape Porpedae.
r^^tfd by the rrrtantui.'itt and
„ old couple, Mr. und Mra
btaB)dK.zhe eurgeon and tbeidiapbun
MaiinaL who have beqt married
In the Twim edjomtng mtne were con- | ,j
Tbrir agea an 101 and W
iuSiilng WbatabaU"gned a tir»* and a yonng woman, who —a„-,*pcetlvely.
Why. be waa not acribbling away f^ awell of applanae drowned the man a puwd rnpomoDof their time tnaiog-.
cam de Bellrtnaie, a Frtatcb •crlibly Hia bead had fallen forward reply.
ing in the ninuc nf a guitar and onu- | ^
dirtlnguiabed blmaelf at tbe
rtmiall.vetmnbounDe Mtashidt^be w ^
leTO. baa inbiaoldi
‘^GUbiit Hartley—the author Of thla wfc»apent in eating, drinking and aleep^ 1 *««nKid poet and publlebed a biaWay
eye. M dilated that ebe almori riiraak.
Ing. in judge from ib« long iDtorr^ol
Urt^aUl**^ rwtime l» Term |
-Ollbert. dootr She waa tmeonatimee
ineie were
vne nm^
uw... *P'*"*" .nder tbe riOe ‘^’Bmpire'i a’eet la :
ailniee tnn
But there
■ artooily on her kneee bow "Oh. give It
«frt*»g proof* that
wbirh oonveyed atroog
.— the.
^!tr^ ladv rouM ecold a* well a* ring.
ly, u »t‘a killing yon! I’ll work, hna- <OTdor« Md np m ^
TWO geouemei^
Bnmo^-Bfilnael bt aoutb 0«W i
wnmitimee the quarrel* r>* toe tern
"Eb» Tboet I waa dr*auning-:-«ny laugbiogly wbcti the white fee
hie murt. akbunip followed by a played Mo of Mendelawba’a mart diiBeuH --------- '•
wka wea jQst oomlng to me. and yoat— nod wbitw faced woman barn
TOdiatnrbmemr* beiald.paita^ ^
»De*U'"» inii
”Wy«l Idcmaat-wW Gilbert,
maairay "U t loae gripof It tbla
theeoond of ihertoorcb-----pointing, "tbe Weniity of tbe man who
ne of tbe great manten
be will b
time, it-it—may «w»»
ion. it waa nbluie! Only go away— write* htmeelf the autborof that play.
e.1 me of tbe holy fertivql L*<pe«e- of modem. Hmea
••WhT mid (»e ooollv. "1 happi
One of tbe oldtet pec^de «< wht*n
ridbbnr. «iifN^mD*'|
.. bear my neighbor.
tnbabitant <d
Be found bia pea and atarted. Awed.
Hartley, loaking like « own time w« devoted to ikv bpbke- tbe neweet rrpabUo-BawaU. ^ le
—^eelMsuaive. toa abe Amg then aa
tbr ouly relief to an
tbongb bmltating wbeiber to abey or tart^trom tbe grava. pot out two
loward evening, wbil.- Uie guard Kepoedeie Apau. and rt*e la now Itviiig
■tateb hia pceciom mannwrljg away jTOfcingbanda "Oomeberel Look me alept. I dirtiucily beaut tbevotoe of tbe in HoDololn. Sbe waa rkooiily dlaeovrihally aba atole out and a*ood guard at •in tbe face 1 wrote It—almort aa It man Greek He metued t,» U* growling md by AUmn T. Atkineoc, gtrteral acamoda U my manoacnpl u gaw T**
bia dnor.
tatliar tban ajwik.ng. and ui tb"My hoaband tnnnot we you to. —have itolKi iL "
Tbe finale waa at' band. Tbe aodl- T»l» <d bia rticuce I b«rd tbe female
*nl< Not a very • merry Chnrtmaa.
“^•Oh. very good, madam! BalfthU «»e.-m«lcdrromingof ihal aidedramg. ihooght I Sometime, one votce-rom
fnnuriied with tbe CIW be
unmirtakable chewing roee to tbe rorf. *,..relhe«tbfr Theooe wa* *bnll. the
coolly borrowed through
Auibtw! Antborr went up The other load and angry Thro
• ,_____ 1...1 Knnnalt
a N-uftle: tben til wBtnmqqil Mgnt
don t. want. —----------,
it. PU aell •ZI
waa mticaL tbe manager am- ii*.l Ulleti. and 1 bad lii.iwlxhe puniei
bearance At yoodon
bad gone to »!-ep But again the mur
will not!" She ran aad 1 ^e “autbrn." with N«Non^^ Biurt. tbe expmtnlatioa*. the ontburrta.
oun^i bia
bit arm
m "1
dtd ««
not a*~know it *1 plmdmg eym upon him. bealtated. dmnrbed my quiet And now tbe
• i uia
iV my—if yon
yoB bot knew bow be :] Then be Wo^ Mt: ___
man- on laaitmee vuluble.
vol • ' and epawTMwin
---------- ‘•"
divS^ and tnedl Let me tall you ,
"No frandaialll I b^t tbat nm
m-u who i ol cnef alone ininTupwd the torrent of
« Tait-«idhiapUyw1llbe
u-wipt in
in ia crude
crude auiie
rtaw trom
fn« ■
Wail-and hia pUy will be uionpt
have-prodooedit Tb«e la her eloquence tnun tbeman ealbrt out
i.j. Yt*'
Yt«! TceiUtfat
Tcmlgfat be bbX
bW found eUimed to j,...•
what appeared lobe "Silefice! adding
the «irat idea be hae miaaed I nothing dieerediiable"—
' ____________jooe mat wnicu
wbicb wB» ui»
tomootha Thi-ro!”
I here i iiort cnongb to !»■ tatngbl. in a minattry
"Found hi*plotr- lUrtared liKTedn- |
We can show you a variety
- pwe. Tbeu came another ktruggM.
lo.ll.. .pprann* lo ».»!b Ik. oluoOT-. 1« —
‘ wnrda. Wrier wunla. nifled cnee, e btavy
am Willing to oinoe au —
of handsome Perfume
tall, a Mgmm. rtleooe again
1 will call once’ again , Thecriee fiWAotbor" w«* growing
4 oould not ilwp What bad been the
Packages of standard
- ning. when Manou gave Chat Uule
. Be west out .
■CEk ewia.
istie (d Ibe lart quarrel? Had tba
^tboul ftniabiug it.
make at. prices within the
•ptace and goodwill' taught by the
/ In a Bort of atopor 1
E«l«mer. wbom natal day tbe outer
reach of all. Celluloid
and waited—watted b
CTirirtlan world waa mlcbratuig. altlmatety provailed. and welv tbe Veeect
and Aluminum Hair
one baud prtwed to brfbStThU
iblnking you.migbt nevwkwl ^
jbigcntitt* illnatnnug !!>« Horarian
i™d. boT^iatic Not even ber , that name U you miiV ■>“
mmsun umi the falbag 001 of lovva .
Brushes aqd Mirrors.
Jrhim^d bopeb.. taoc «mck bU at- teeaUileealy. rtanng into tbe other the renevral of lore- Or bad tbe lart
- man'a eye*
tall » Btunned the twPlerol the two
You may ^ find <»ther
*^"u»elt!”beg.rt»d. ••IwBCcmlng i^M'.^m.
indivtdoaita* lorrtKlet ih" n rival ol
to wuke you* Tbcy-tbey «y that ev. Idmp, bi; gnpped Hart W •
items that will interest
ether love or anger temputarily impoawv man ta
u capaiue
capable ut
of one ->•
rtroke of gen- my repntolnJO U at
yjw in our show eases.
««» LAjteiioihia—but tb«
Manon. •—»
1-1; —
- ^
woy. aiajivw.
Tbe mauuaTipt telL She lealUM
loroila cnea ana pbtv
Tbe aodletiro waa upon Ita frot. rtar I protertariou* and enruert aprwtropbea, in
Manettaitig aad apiuag forward. He bad
leg abemt in woDdecmroil wben the cur- -• ,p voKv of tbe man 1 kuncked loudly
•wayud and lb«j toppled down
. Twelve boom later fonod him In tbe
_. tbe wall to auggeel nieuee Hecvlbeat ol unmuiakabledeliriaiD. And the i
droitly did not beed the knn-kiiig J
^y* II we* lying neglected upon hl^
called out ID gund Italian. "He quiet!'
atndy drak Weeks would part, the bivT,
It waa ut DO avail 1 euMd up the
old -duciac aaid. briore bis Boity could ]
guard aad a*ktrt taim wbat wa» tbe mat
return. It mtoat that tbe borne must
ter with tbe genUrouan My custodian
eaniah bit bv bn—bot wbat of tiiat;-1
' •
1 drunk. 1 could not.
Vigbi aod iy abe boverrd over bun- I
divert my mind of tbs idoa
Be bad trted and faUed. t.mly to aave i
that ■ ctevd of darkiHB bad been perpebta traao)! Tben abe would tty bereelf
in tbe ttrrt excitemeoi .abe qtute for
Tbe night wore u'wuy I oroild not
got Mamwaring. and bU lart veil>d
deep 1 no longer brord tbe voice Of
throat, nmil. prociariy aevea day* gfter
the woman Even tbe man e voiro was
bia prevtou* visit, ibe girt mformed b«y
bushed Bot Instead of the qnml sounds
' tbat that gwitlrtnan aad a "frieod '
my ror was naroUed with knocking* on
wera waiting 10 the ntiing room Bata
tbe floor aod a noise a* of a bw or file
tngbtaoed and de*pr«||. Mm went
at wrok. When tbe rert-juraieur cams
down aa far aa tbe dourfi^
round is tbe mocnlog to lake order* for
“He la lU. • abe taid. ber faro a rtudy
bMkto. t told him wbat 1
in aopplieauoo "He know* wKbing—
and suggeeted that tbe lady might be
perh^ never will agam "
*n wnpru rr- .
ill and need medical aid He w<mt next
"Tberel" Mainwanng'a troth rtmp- tainwuve^ Two men stood bowing la dots', but wus lent evray with the tntioid. "Whatdid IroyJ A planned af- Urn fooiligbt glow, and the frorooM manoD that nothing waa wanted Twu
— teirl My tneodberertaatabianioney- wntOilbert-fUrtley Nelthro ventured or throe more dsya elapsed. Tbe time
tw sane eQUivaleoL Throe ia tbe agrro- a speech, end npt e lew people wore had arrived fro toy releaso On tbs vny
Bont 1 may natillaac your husband.
pomlsd afresh when next day • joint day indeed when I wa* to be omaociMarion'maimged to get "Then you e----brouhip wa* publicly announred. but fUad my oeighboro w*«4 also to be
mnrt^y'^^-Ttbe^P in her «ibo^
I plav ’itrolf vrus anauuuoasly vexed a treed. I brord tbe offirors arrive next
. ■a***!- t-ekmM locked
doro- Some wortewBUunrotd. follow! umllui sooCTSs. and That was
Am bedroom
lough—yro! imier
Imter tuai
that nay.
d«y. when
'-i'—.»• Bin« ! .-Enough—yes!
**»»* rti by an altercation. Then tbe manoried
exU. were poaHng. Manon oepi up Utterly.. Wbat ooold be tbe matter?
Mroeotfleertaame. Tbe man was fetter
through the
twi«and tben
mumblud away
«d Md takroi away Where ms tbe wo
g'of holly upon htvt
suddeuly^niet.. i think Uu-y
they w
•Imureied!' rtmwbispcrod "An«l* man? He had stabbed ber in bi* anger,
trightrtwd ‘nmy almort «vp» alliliruUua. dear—my king, my king. and under some abaord notiroi that bro
otlannce would be forgotten by tbe auaowDod onOhnrtmaarver ,
Mtuhl Mtting brt^ from OUtart'a
And Maiswanag? Well tbsy rtmpiy tbfsittes be had taken up two plank*.
Wilder found temponirnUaf »> * allowed Urn to ai^ into roJivtoa A
long wayMdaorrt Utroaiy toa.
• The «i« gleam nfrtMhtaecaartrt
and cUmtaf^ rtiU. OUbrot Hartley rtrt MurtoM which toUowedapcmthaMC^TWbrti 1 was rotoed. 1 rtw w
iiqiirtw nrtgbfaar rtttlag is a vrouoda
^ Front etn>st
of tJ^ »to wbrt. I wwo to toto 1^
wesbtaUTliMHiikronatrrt BttrtiWS
No Cheap, Shoddy Shoes
Boiight for the occasion! But broken lots in
sizes from 2 to 4, C. 0. and E. widths, to clean
up this month at $1.00 Per Pair—Not s^lisb.
• but Solid Leather and Good Wearers. Former
price $2-00 to $4.5°*
U. ffi
A Few Items
Regarding Gliristiiias
:P-^EIgr~FTE, BiROS-
‘Wol/lijjffts moH .diffleull ihan lo emveyhy rords
whal should U under^od by actual peeing.
Howmneh -« tdl yoa of Q.. EXTBAOBDIBAEV
VALCES we-ro offering in onr
Special^oliday Sale
s poanow
gg to oar omraigs. tmi zor lou mnu ndrtSlWrtory
knowlsi^, ooms and see th« goode.
'rtdiM'flse Bsvy blue Kersey Jadeets. extra
Indies’Jackets of very t finest blsck, blue or
mreen Kersey cloth. sUlined, fsney trimmed^
Isgdlee’finest black Peralsn Curl Jacket*, ale- gently msde, aU Un^ ^th beet unslity
- iatln or with finest striped silk, vsluee ere 1 Q *7K
$18to$80.for ....................................
Iggdlee’ Beaver Jackets......................... $3.60 and $4B6
Ijgdies' Boucle Jackets................... ....$4XX) and $4.76
Beliable Dry Goode, Carpet and Clothing House,
Traversa City. Xiclv
but we are always prepared for
U with dainttrot
daintlrot and cooiemt arar
Itelea aa gifts for tboas whom
you would remember. We hare
a Bae dispUy of holiday gifu ie
Band Mitrun. TWlM Seta. Per
fumery. eta. end a great ecrorttpeetjf camera* aed Eodaka at
Jas. O. JolmsoxL
Jewelry k
Cluistineso., OPERA elASSES
Elegant Bings
fucjWudta Indue
u3?tr2rtw b...
J.N. Martinek
Is tbe boBieet week of all tbe jBBr. You in your Belectioa
(weamito and we in sapplpm; your waota. ' We heve
tbe gieateat etodi of tbingB to pleaae yon tbat yoa eeer
saw. Many have already made tbeir eelectiona end they
are happy. Kow don’t you pot it off a-day longer. We
hare hooka in ewy coooeiTsble rtyle and oolyr and
blending and price,-aometking to »ait every one. In
OameBthereareahcrttof new onea ibia year, and they
are all tbe way from five oeots to a dollar. Tbe great
Wave Ware and tbe Tanaberg Statoary ere tbe two senera. m'any UtUe articlae tbat are inexpenaive yet they make
beentifnl giita. Alboma arc joat aa atylkb -aa ever, and ’
they are pot
in aumy new btndiaga,aBd acre to plaaae.
A iramed Picture ia aare to jdeaae, and we can {atde your piotara for
yoointimeforCbristitoeTe. Bring U in at ®oe.
M. B. MOUky.
’ ‘-'.-I
BetekAh rttokl UMlwMadopt•ifni KRitid tOdKe ^ (■vp
d» iolk.win*«>«.
Fw iD«o; y««» Uk- Umoa, cl VcrawDI
el»rtrfirt Ihr <J«1« rf po^B* .
pMMTBt ud b«»uMf»l bane l«
oMdtedsB. Jb IMOibr irnuMlkMUtek>—u, Borllnlttan. and thr pruint hn
bM llowl? Uklac ddlBlte dba)« al&oa.
ton tor tbe Pari* exporitfan wbli^
i mb-' b^Bu S2 F«in
aga ItUtbecnlre^
It U tbe a'
V O- I cf tbe
Und intbe
iuinTeni* ^
M7A The clock.™ by •riaijlo weight,
Oror«e K«», Omari---------TeoBwxrr. and K. U IHUbury. UaawctnWbaa frlnt«J and r—«ly *“ »
} tbv >ndKt->. >1 «n> *■' mbanartt
Crcwot €*«. Tbne te an amutwu* Ibat
tbU R\i«toD WlU rtmiAv cb»'.rf.Jrc«iotiebto
fmtoiv. «I the OOL’ ni« m u»e--Od4 hello*r«- Herald.
At a mnt bamiuft ft the tBWranO^
Peilowa of Ikmoix tbrra were jraaeM »
wbo bad faaaii nHanbarerf tfaeoidar
•verHjimrethe areRltr of
earifUE fo. •»
I- , ---------‘l^l» borneiwdere a>:.d brolbere widow*
and orphan children ui Odd Fellows
vFInanclalarerotary-Utbe lairei
BOW to be aiifdlad to that cOcei. mbich la
wmdi newe la hannuny witbtto duure of
tba ofSce than •perinatwiittooWtoT. ’
Tbe report .if tie- (llreri.raof tb* minoM
, Orphan* boaie *li..w> that since tbe InatlcmluK wa*
th.- »c,th of Januarr,
ms op loOe
faeritf cblldicn
40'wrre resumed l.TJuMinlUii* one died,
aod ilie nuiiilaT In (be home atthadale
of the report waa 1*0.
Tbi-prand lodseof PenmyleaiiU h«)
fioallT BTltltd that Indgia ciKist tay »
HMtlKlt: Trjinx. BLUUKCTO*. Yt.
awt (itBu Oround wa» necnred In a ■»«* eeou faTrwTuwuuUw «o (to bw.L* oi. tha
d«diable«!w In tb. lH«n ol tbedt?. and 1st of April lor the atipport of tbe tour !
■The grand lodge of Cotarado ha* adopt
ttw'ctrw^re will to an a^hllrrtnrel ad- ed tto foltowlng-towlt: -InlUaWfaa.
dbkm of valw to tbe c«7. Atupte^m- bu if acandldau I* nador tbjtwre of age:
uodaclom for all (be boMona and fraler»l for «i -ddltfonal
WbalwUlaiuanpaylf balsluA
■al mtrtlnKs of Vrnnom UaaOM have been
• pforWedfor The latndlo* wHI to c«n '
and ready Jor dedication at ^
MkblgaBRcbekahtmadeagaliiorS.70T , tl^UBedn . „
toenlnir of tto gmod kalRe »*( ytar. All l*« y.ar'prrecot aoubc-reblp. li.871. to
The iberotor la a N.
tbe recelpu aa rental frem the tctni.lr will
e lodges.
b. dermid m oharitj lu oo« *Ul U.
Tto fart that tba lodge ha. a elrittog ! The center diaL whit* to *0 liwb«
aDdr.U.-rco»»o*iteeUnorracr.nwbyBnr,i„ dtoimMer. riiow* CineuiDati time.
^ *^*i^a Mawmic oSenw in Mexico to la otbmiiisubrT.4u>ilnec»lt.a>:<ktowtbrr i ^girgnodiiiR this are 12 diato which
■Utc^a cKII or cTtiiilsal aulw against a
ibtrollwanu tto sotwralgo grand kdga .bow ,jnic in otber InngiWde*. Kew
tnotibr witbom Orel atlemiAlaR to udjn«
Klondike i* rejawonted.
to ISM.
tto -lodge
There *re 1.1?* Retok.to to Vetoaton.
Tbe mrerity of tbe clock to that It to
lowo twtrtairh* rqpurt *
Uw* c-f ^ made entirely by hand and bai M.WO
............ Btorvmentt, tto in
tbr toslitutio annually exceeds reraitii-ni
wrauMt inonne *7 »3.Wb tcbS.OOO.
Miw Mary Cook, ngrd «1 rare.
Seamount niut toobtatoad by an oroUy lDlt**M to VeeSwW But ' lb lodge.
In Texas tbweare » cbaptreaof tba
Btorire oaitiiine to ootne to a*
Order of tbe EaaMn Star, with a---.oooeM and tb* eilandlii* nreof tbe
raraitonbipof t.sn
fended (or relkf toirtng tbe yrer
mow cycle in J’lmnee. It tor^ma^
SWATST.lW: tb* uaal numtorof hrentore that 8,000 are Biyd dally in Pana for
• — -A the total Btunber d^wring aod collating good* *nd
Danhd Irwtoaud JobnJ*. SbaiinoB. There
rinllar bnrinra* bmm. breidm tbe many
are *11 lodgreot Hreons to (teoecta and
tbat are oaed for plreaore. Tbe OoioM
about IS.UU) membwa
de IMcb ree»-DllT rent two of bi* maTto grand l-idge of Canada turaeddowo
..hinre trau Parto to Bertin. they mak
'tha laupmltlao that tto ^ne« of ^
ing *e trip. ?48 mile*, wltbdsjdfi^^
*at£nt lodgre to umirecMd to the third
....ny of oar )iin*lcUoB* nalde or nocldent. in 184 boor*. <w attbe ra^
^Tb^ yon red- tbe tbreaboM of tba
of tbr wllbdrawB OnUrto Jnrl*- of iii mile* an how. Tbe roadgWVledga. lease the icaltnwiee and eamltlea.if dirlkin wbo drdre to arrw tbrir uwnreUw worid bebtod you. When you r*“ tkiD* witb that body and -retato tbrir a* bwrible.—AmeritmB Machintot.
that (hnabold. lease tbe aerreU «d ibe
blpto loyal grand lodgca. Tbe
jXwu^tbew. Take tto .IaaUngof
ledge hre tberKore Ireued aclrrs may
d with yon. bowi
>r eSret that nub B
'Tb* Dukeof Oonaaufhl ta wor»h .
"Prefesring cicditan u all right tf a
maator of (to Anay and Ka«y lodge of
Ibe aecnied lodge (Jntarto. lie thia ond mncaaaSordit.'’cldUMaoxreo
Framawin* a* Aldwabul
Irefiecfiraly. •■bat,farmy pani
R C. Jordan ha« rent to hb rretgn
debtor*.”—Town Topic*. •
blank* for which
M iBfpeEtor geoerel of tto (Upmn* i
gtand nrKirdm.—Oviraew
eU of Seoul* Rlto Harem. aiMitbarB
A gratKl rfiort will to mwlr by tbe
HwUcltoo Tbe «m>ey will not to filled
eral dlwrlcU of tbe tUltfoniU Jurledic
.to rapture tto |>rtn-ofi*,«>(ll>UiBtto« toeB
Brc K .N. Myer. li gr*Bdnia«.
offend by tto *oji?viih- kdgv lor ito gnwt
Karen* in Wen VlrglnU and Bib Q.
CM numlw of ium.here wt ured tariore
klDBD grand awTiHiry *
orit May.
- i
Tto city of Watolupinn ha* be*io retoca
During tto fiKt tm worktogdayaof So
Most Complete Assortment
1 a* (to nm-itog plare r (to genoal
Ilf tto Kreierii
ever shown in this City not
reriOHl 1-alge (dlice
Chris|nias Dinner
' Wl be all the more enjoyable if your table is laid
wi^ handsome and appropriate China and Olassware^
Wc have such, both to Odd Pieces and Sets; plain and decorated to meet
every need, and atprices that you will have something left in your wallet to
make others happy with after your purchase. Thfey are suitable for present
ation. too, and form a most appropriate gift.
Your Dining Pumiture may
need refurnishing and we can meet yout wants, likewise with compassion for
your pocket-book. Dining Chairs. Tables and Sideboards in infinite variety:
Fancy Chairs. Couches, Easels and ^eens^all open for your inspection and
marked at figures yon don’t have to consider before buying. All goods bought
now. stored until Christmas free of charge, at
J. W. Slater’s House FarnisMag Store,
TYayerse City, Mich.
108-132 Front Street
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
i Christmas Slippers i
on sale at
No. 131 State Street.
highland lurigwcf AugiMta. Ma.. brake Traverse Cily, Michigan.
«to YiK-'xl fo ap|>b. m tutu at the
reDtoeiuu. t.vYiTing*appiu*to«U(m Conjg J*, gud look them over.
tto artkmof tbe i>npreme tody iboee memhi-r* who w«e odKriMiK-ky ha* UkoB 1b ntra iww m*inxoittad to tto oreire prior to July 1, IBM.
aix^bo are l-J.ng tto .4d rata* of areaee- h.T» du.v JaJi • I aiider tbe ixre plan than
-h liaatokiin Inin 16 yrare uudw Ito leeel
lurtidktkgia, working 'ondtr tba
Thla nu>m-j r
’ br» gue* luto ibu .
aliie* Jan 1„ hare made a
(daMiflrel1 pUn
• amtrn>(i(.d by the new mra.bore. who
gain of 3.712. fndre ih.' old |>lat> In
nay 18 alngl.- aeawminu rerb year, bat a IBWiltH' aatre- jiuladlctiocu made a Bat
bbte rate than too old meintwr* et tto lore of 1.626.
.^ncMe. Alldratb and diaaliillty rlalnu
of old of
uf new lunhlvre. we paid
trem (hi* one fuud
TexmhM«atoo 0 Ug
fm. thaa heredlwry dtoaee.
tolol.r IU(C tba ahllltj u. Dmto fire oon
Ten* cttA m.TOfc a pnre tam*m
ThV. I- tto tlnw of yrar «liea tbe Bock
eyre an i lrrulid. and t.i**t* ^.iw that
Ohio mL.|uUr.areUndlDg>)aUr aBBB>bM*tbeui tnlo IJtMabn; (rtito
3t rank y all right. Tbn;
mUliNwllug article appearing Id a Cbleagv ;
patior ha* called out a n-poit frain
lllnary abowloy llmlI tocu only ttol
____ I tow by Ito rank an-flj
and aacore beyoid auction, hot that aUi
the iDwwtaniU U tto rank are to exoai- |
tent caudiUuB. itorcby giving gtrabw |
ecafitonae than ever In ibu IrapurtaDt de- ■
partmroi of tto .irdar-Lodgre are IwriiWilBg np tbrir armor ;
« bi Kortb Cbr-
. Ttofv are mcr iT.eOO AiraaomHm In
Maw Tork JuriadWtioB.
Tba* I* a |.yeUar atmatlaa to A*ariUa
C.) eoBBca with 116 laeBbarB, }a
Aki hare oocmtad 16 death* to 16 nan.
yWlbatnOi t6 pareenaf aU toailldnn
Uw bara ntaraa«.toi oa* of tbaaa f
| t
over our window you will see a very few
of the many fine packages of Fine Per
fumes we are showing. In Celluloid Goods
we have some very fine Necktie. Glove.
Rib^n fod Cuff and Collar Boxes. Our
line of Bulk Perfumes is complete—All of
the popular odors. Don’t fail to see our
window and our stock when shopping.
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
JohMonBUK* . ’Phoii.73.
Christpias Turkeys
Oysters, Candies ajid Nuts.
B»«ryililn* for Oompl.M Ohri*tni». Biimor, Includlug OrboeriM And Provigioub,
Traverse City
Candy Co-
Kaapa CbrWraaa Tree Trluinr*, Candiaa. a»d < BdU Upldan. CMdy
Toy* ud a f«Ull»a of OniaBiapt*. Dint forget o
(badyCAsra. We make apeeial prire*
randy to
Oontar Pork Axid Pront.
Order by Thoue and have Qooda 3>ellT®r®d.
. rear Maaoato blodt. OB CaioB street.
* ataonoka
‘nir Knight* of ito-Aoeicot Earenle
Order, a r.-\lLaluf the AnricDt Kwbiw.
wrrr.mgiu.lly ana of ttoprinei^ Jaw-
II ■ *..
Rnyai Are
Ttore wrh- only 21 la
gUiia In the fine ball O
Tto erdre IB Trnni
The Popular Shoe House. |
U«.. rradrad eIgM at a aitaUar narellW.
. Ohio U tto UiiBat. Knight of Pythla.
■ato. more than tW.otW Bockrrre batag
The altrelnalum -I tto .oilclde. Uw
J. H. Saule t» grand ehaaeciUorad Kradrankard ged all utlx Tuiinrlatnanddi
iocky ami Wed* btolB* grand kmpwcd
godo* risk* ba* praved .>r grrat advi
iwxtrdraud aeal.
Ma to tto endratnent nu>i.. aod whik
..-----bare etoaio u> crilWto u.*
board broaa* of IU rigid aatorax|a to XliK-lnnall An-anuiulKw haraoegai
a Buyal AirainiB) eaitdaytuau buruw
Tto Crotoui.liil fJty ba* i.iany lire
Urp-Iy ta tto atnmg fouudatUm upon
rtteb tto laauraooe branch ol ito- ..rder Airanumltre. iid vlflladoB* hare ’
~,u uDonKtheraanetbof Na*t
•'Sf KnlgbU «( Pytblaa now re wv-urely
UiU (all
Breton la agitattox «
iBitnnr of ll» uoKoiir
thu by jululn*
_Kjogb wvwnl ratuiauiloa may to lormcd.
BrtL Pauli.— - of Wre. Virginia and Man* Jenkln. grand Tbe oaUorni wlU roet atanK »*l 1>w mab
Wr camioi totonrarefnl Iu InvIlUg
kccpCTiiln»onl»aDd«mL .
(rlindKiocviiHInto ito.odL-r to topretiy
Tbe grand ludge ortMawara aapendert
.«rwaal aod
glO,6T» for skk and
family ht*h
u tyyear__________
We have many useful articles
suitable for presente. .
Real Estate *»„
CUTTERS^-*- Fire Insurance.
Correct Styles.
M-'-~ 1
Christmas Presents
Christmas Cards,
Backgammou Boards, Fancy Ink Stands,
Paper Weig^ BokPapeUere,
Xfin doubt About vliAttoi^for
OhriAimAA, go to
■oalrad 1
ntttiw’t orm Ant ••4.
3-piece Child’s Sets, triple plate silver.
Elegant Carving Sets,
Bissell’s Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweeper
and a grc»t raaayo^^aa^ttd^ tort
146 Front StreeL
Travene aiy.Rick.
ijYou Have Logs to Sell
.Correspond with ^
the Trsverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Souud Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. ■ Umds for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, includiog a Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws, A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
in^lMUnamltf tts
□ □□□□ □ □□□□
'Tbe Oonn Jeeuaitf BWglatWr U
AiHdkUk, s;io>^. bu ms «]e.ee» tbe'dUe «d an articleby Amelia Voffegd
is St. HUmlaa. Tbe ntbor mya:
•uing tk« fM» tbm 7«MI.
noud obeervw(rf
Pnnk O. Oantow <t Butw bu b
Tnitier B. A. OoneU will Iutb b
■•sw Botbod ot cxOaitaidiiBg fire* «BblB of haww Bt HyrBcawBfBt —w. tfae'cnctom of keeping tooU. Will 6om■«hlc^ pnaaiJM gnBt tliinicB. Jle hBs
ScblraduRcr Bna. of TUoiib hBTB men. or Somwa. wu> tbe beat beloved
of all tbe ounber. He U folly deacribod
in ‘iA Mmt of Ninnim.” a quaint little
0 boniag baUdlasB NaUing.
book pnUiabed in MOfi, by Robert ArfotMBd of WBtor. HU idsB li B no^
ty, IBradfred. Warns and &de, min,ritbobad tbe bunor of being an
II dtj.
tM, to air tb«
and U it U ow- Pa., will coiDpoae a sew wrstem
original petf«ia>q iu many of Sbakea
baU ai reoowfol bbAb elalnis it U it aylrasU dirslt tor next Mhkl
will owtaiiUr be baiM iritb delight
bj all the fire departneots in the eonn*
«•* leuoiAi to Owiij i^^^a'Silf dar.'
try. Bi well aa the popiiUtiaa of dte
-mnteil tolh* Mm- whkh taota dledatam
o Sske hSa br tbe baad. or etee amaB'A
Mx. a Tappas of \'t«naa w sow in
tmr'tr It ww. aa aadeai paoiile «y.
tth woeb Bdce arm. W.B1M to it that daf.
r in appeaiia e to a America and expeeu to nuke wreral ^eaaa
ba na. heUow'evde. aa an rrpen.
■ f4 trotten before be ntnna
laOn UiU u
Trainw & GUytoo arrived from Vitoote,
noa reoeatly with a oominliriM to ptn- trbawBMByrnrata
bepi «itb Oa ktag net*
Aaw n bead of blgb claw AmericaB
Vbm'w^aa mi. Iba klaa a^ bevtmld Ttma:
Twwity tboomod ddllan tethaivios UiBi ftUlaBiUd aada»a ioaii> a U~.
vbteb (be Hem. a K. Seed of ^
klaa wtaiid eaw cna> »bm taa «<s)d
PcrirWJ ba fcae* WIU ao raa<ri«r »“»••
Bat wWbt tba kuw ta dee geud daada gnat
Tktrb waa'd tba aeort M le
. (f all hU tbomsfaUade be ntalai hU
One of tbe go^ deeda that are ondita^ tratriac Mabla
Sommen wa* 6aoi> jo* before toe
me. W. WUliama waa waU pleawd
~ '
en^ pri« tealUad os bU yoans- Hng'e dmtb. aod in favor df B
aiS^ AUwm at tbe recast Parig
atf Twwity bmd avenged gSM.
gniity of ao offenae agaiin^ tbe king.
Dt. a P. SimkU of PbUadelFbU although btadepJwBi what we abooM
bM Martad a bcaeding farm at Fort oonaids an act of efaarity. To pnoiih
Wa*iBgtoa. Pa. Tbe dootor owsi tbe
the offeodw Hnuy eeUed bU property,
. vnty trotur Imaeaawell aaatnnabcr ndoriog bim to great dUtnm. The caae
«d a pUtfono reeting <u poMa. msbla of
good enea
toncU d Summera' lympatby, and-in tbe
<f esueuioe. A eannoo for riioociag tba | Mr. & D. Kelly of WoodUidge. K. kin^laet illnem bo infiturtaed him to
aand'Tecu on tbe pUtfinu Tbe tncee I J,, owa* tbe mare Veata, by Bayoooe manre co Fariuor what wae left of bU
nqoired to throw, tbe mnd in vuppUed Prince, that iwastly abowed a half in
1 aU, and tbe ourntw U ] M and tbe la*t qnartw fa M>t
U TbUosrionaVicA' ooda over a half miU tnxA.
Oroo.wd. roand (be grave of Tbath'
' fire esgiae U propelled
Effie Powera. t:!©!.*. etarted la 17
noea daring tbe paat aeaagi. all of
which. I tblnk. were <m baU mile ttadta. Utrmtart^ art or tbe disma. Autli<my
bIwwcB if of dMK. ttaeUai7af ber TrtiUop-. itar HDvclin: Maak Lem<
on Ibe pUtfonn
being won in Mxaigfat beata.- tbes editor of Pouch: George Henry
lienea, pbiloaopber and critic/bir TbaTarf. Piald and Farm.
cdon Marrin. laaao Bntt, tbe pmdeeeeMr. Otttow'a pha id pstdiil oat
soroC Parnell: Sir W. H BnmeU. Tbe
Timm' war owreapnodent; Sir John
tba bomitig haildi^. elevate the
MtUaia, Shirley Bfooka. afterward
• sladarm np to tbe atory of tbe bsUdLMB'a meeemor in Tbe Pmwh editoroi a level with tbe fin and then altboBgb longer modeU are ky no m
■hip: MimBndikki. who bad bnt te4Uibatge qaaotitiea of aand into tbe
emtly dUdoMsd "Lady AndUy's Se
TUiaw tbe mad qaaoebing tbe fire by
em:" Cfaarlra Matbewm tba actor:
Henry Cole. C. B. of tbe firm eshibiwaMr U thrown «e a fin it only
tins fame: Tom Taylnr. afterward the
to iamaae tbe fiamea. and an anormosa
snomaearofBrooktiuTbe Ptuxb ediqoaatity aaft be naadbefcae tba fiamea
brahip'; John HolliagdMtd, not tbao.
gM tmder ooottol of tba flremtA. More
- • ing ronnd “tba aacced
seal damage U ofM inowrrfd from tiie JackeL It givea perfect freedom a^ U
watw thrown into tbe boUdiagthas Biamtlilly Um bnrinem woman'• wrap
Bobwt Browaiag and
«» tbe fire. Wbas mod U and. a
Tbe demand for fancy velvet U acaae■very amall quMtity. ao Mr. Caotoae thing predigioua Entire cannmeaare many otbm of mme or lem ealebri^
gaya U tmeamry to entirely Knotbar made of it, and enonnoBi wrapt, large were tbere.
Charlie Picknta atood taeeide Brownrim flamm. and then U abaolotely no ONiagb to cover a woman np bodily,
tog and Dianr faraidM myaelf gaaed
damagedooe to tbe boUdlsg ty aboot- axe boUt from thia matwUL
iag mnd into it.
Bonretto, mnel’a balrfafariea and tba with iatoTMt at tbe k^ )p^ci» baadali^tJy rungh raifaoed maietiaU to aome, alarry eyed wriM. Oidm waa
which ao many popolar gndea of anlt- not to monnilDg and was 'Waring
iag belong are eztenalvely naed by tbe troDM of a cbeck t9ttem>w'UBUMwat
of Mane colored pUid. and an open trook
beat Uilcn for bandasme coatomea.
coat. He aeemed laiger in autote and
It ii mla that tbeie are ten diatinot tuore robnat iban I bad ever befim no
Some yean agp
p L
diadea of leddlab porpla aride from tbe ticed him. Most eff those whom names
Off of tbe Rowiaa nMvymi
7 made a aerial of
aocperiitKeita to eetablUb tbe teating of tone domI in bUbegf' robea TbU eoole- ■re mentioned as asaembled to pay tbe
T goodj us a aoond and mtUfaetcBT aiaatieal pnrple ia a moat elegant and laat tribote to Tbackiray are now dead,
. tbe f.JIcning being tbe main con- alt^ve Aade and is flm.goodeia and Merm y<or* later Dickens bimself
wBKun mere. “AlLallaregone. ibeoU
daaiaQ* at wbfeb be arrived. It Will be elmply auperb.
Plain velvet in comhlnadan U mneh Umiliar faces.''—Obambera’ ^uiraBl
xn-ed. and .bUk, with aatin. will be
that cbemical teatiag gave no reUable
Is Tbe Centnry there U an artiole
siedUle fnrare
Pint.—IsdUnbbar ebonld not give wool gonda that aotue deaigBera are try “Tbe Cboms of Povwty” by the Ute
PrancU A. Walker. Oeotral Walker «iya
flie aligbteat lign of raperficU! oncka ing to Introdooe.
«s being bent to an angle of IBOdegnm
Every a«t of for will be won doting
after five boon' espoenre in n cloaedair the (xaning tisrrrii. tbe preferesee being
bath to a temperatme of l>6 degrem C gives to tbe dtert. thick onea, wfaich
Tbe teat pieoea ebonU be abont riz are for many porpoaea mocb htoce •iinple, enverrign oare for tbe woea aod
dteaay. Entire blonaea are made of fur ills of tannianity. We mast attain ont
and eton Jacketa andentawaya are aeeD. Id, tbe blood of tbe race more of tbe
than 60 per oast by weight of metalUo
As entue dreaa of pUid vttvet baa a taint Inherited from a bad aod vldtooc
oaidea aboald auetch to five tlmm ita perfecUy jOain akirt aod a wais with pool before we can eliminate poverty,
Mngtb wftboot breaking.
oloae aidea and a blonae effect in ftesL much mote panperitou. from onr locial
Third.—Pnn cBooicbane free from Tbe yoke, belt aud high, flaring ooUar life. Tbe ecien^ matmmt wbiefa is
sUteneign mattw. «mept tbe aolphi
are tbe only biiaof plain color in tbe applied to pbyncel dUeaee mn« be ex
^Saomary lot ito mloanixatJuD. ebon:
conme. Tbe alosgea fit tbe armalo tbe tended to mental and toinl dUrosa, and
7 and oantoy mnH
/ atreteb Kvao tlmea iu length witi^t ebosldere. wta<5^ere are Urge pdffv
U powm ot '
y breaking.
—Kew Toth Ledger. . Popolaref
_ .
e Korible, i
bonarwifely art*
d IS per erat of tbe original length
iu tbe icbooU.
•of the teat pitas Tbe teat plaeea dio^d
A fool and bit tatber'a money are and there tbe boys most leata to ase
ba from 8 to IS millimetcn wide and ■ocs parted.
to a riom and
sot SMSe than « milllmetan thick and
' TbeqnrredecmlBgfMtmeotspawn- vital 00 bpetation and oo-<ndtoatias.
g oaotimeitn long.
Yet still «-• ahaU have to await with
Piftb.—Tbe pweentage of adi glvw d»op ia tbe tl<4M.
The painftsklng man doam*t~tilwaya latietue the slow, rare aoUim of date,
eat anfctbe all healer. Tbe faalaooe of eeeUl
M and may form a bad. im tbeofaoice
P»lnfaetwees dlfferrst qoaliuea for oactain i Tbe bog may be a aqaeaUr, hot be fureie hax definitively toned to tba side
of tbe lees fortauatc oUitoca. and the
; nevw gives anything away.
BoDrae of events now rnoi in tbalr favor
U on tbe whole a
agataut .tbe
There ia i
and no longiv against tbem. Meanwhile
led to give Did
let phiUutbropy oontinae iu noble
dlcstiou to engioeera ai to tbe
le qnall
Moat people neglm <
warfcinaUevUtiag the affliotionx which
cannot to- wholly cored and U biodtog
, gaai —ioe U laid fw tbe mb-: Pi'opla Hke to lUten to adviM only togoiber rich aud poor to daa of q«uitathy and niotnal r^aid.
Sr it U^ imStoUtteTlt
: '-‘•m it oonllrm. tbrir own opinions
phyricalMftaaatbeae. IndUmbfaeraDb-j luatracton in elomUon may taaeb a
totea made from oil and “recovered ’ mau bow to talk, bat Bnfortanatoly ixs
L e., old mbbrr worked op
detice Wife, mi tbe empmer's aide, an
sgain with dil—bare nothing like the
A good wmd might be aid In (aver admiral, tbe captain of tbe Hobatioleladicity appertaining m new aonnd of nagreM gaiunn, bst dmaa with lera. tbe chBDoeller of the empire, e
nbbet. aud they
toagoea -abo^be abU to epak for general and two valets de cfaambre. In
Praline they, were President Oarnot. M.
SpDler, minuter of foreign affairs; M.
de Prercinet,
of srar. and a
- • lagenu. IfcaOeeman e»Dot soppomd to know of
the voyage till it was over. When tbt
psdtyfor driving not every other knows
prqaiaUnis woe nmnnlewri tbe knlM
tern of lUnminetlou. tbe aatiita editor
ambssked apes his ysoht at KieL and
3*ptn bos M oottom niUi, and Perrin os ibe'plta of laktoga amward Joarney
............iu first gtoaasorka. far norib left his empire sriifarac news
■msfntly dUplaoe coal gas. wsSer gai,
fi~.^t Ulllard* baiU ssd alnatolsm of him for a feraigbt. Tbareatoftba
• •
evolatkculs Jontsgy was .made from Arendal via
t ptoMfor.
BhlUad and Brigii
to Pwia-Gail.
lKiUtodl%btiAg to the iUi -toftosaf
jttoaaeed todsriry <f (be moth Utuse 11 lBtime.,>yMaaric» Lendet.
and too Uke now pring ___
iliinil iilsMlr IlghtllH plini’i iw 'ill gii
^ N)0 tolUi.
Baamkr atoaak
Ktwhing is « nerve trying m a pair
anssol ^net I
of “«}neaky'’ iboen and tbe first
•tea area.
I giaOOO,
(bought <f remedies meet often mak<
Aboot repcremicf (berilkss
To remedy (be eqaeak
«•:« itotoltoi. «»to,to,tooo.to.ttapto».lto )to.
vantlas by s mm flamed Wilm. to muiotoetnra. In ttU btaneb c* lodaa- esoogfa tarpeottoe (o
tbe line of
wbiiii n atonto toesndmom deeme ti, o,e qaesUon of enircmacy appeeri tbelnaerK>!cwitboottoaetalagtbe“ni»
lamp Ufaeteaad ton pm seer to prist tobe^bem firmly and fimaiyeetUed. per"
-Let- tbem
aoekfor « day
to mder to tUatosMe tbt wriMsg “ ‘
_________ and than dry for two days before wear.
B.lfsystem- tag. wbes it will hefoand that tbeariea
. toribars^ont r^Tli^ft.
OuF CompetitoFS
It irritates, even the Holy Sainta who are offering
nothing but honest and true bar;;ains to ^He beloved
public, who never make a mistake, always infallible.
The goods offered by our comj)CMtors must necessaiily come from heaven flawleskv^d indestructible.
What a mockery! Our neighhojg^can-boast of nothing
more than thousands of others who handle goods
manufactured by'human bands on this wicked planet,
at prices decided'y ordinary, as the market dictates,
marked up high enough to afford leductions of 2o per
cent if necessary. Has no one else access to the same
market? Can no one else buy as cheap and deal it
but at all kinds of ofihP
Hear our tale, you people of reason. There are
always hard-up merchants, even in our neighborhood:
J, W. Bell was one of ibem; there are also occasional
fires, hence fire and water sales. As to assignments,
who can foretell the next unfortunate?
We have made it a business to buy up and handle
such stocks. Bad luck does not always make a stock
bad. There are thousands failing with stocks as
good as our neighbors thtown bn the market at 50c
on the $1, and the low prices we offer in consequence
irritates and annoys our competitors.
We will place pn sale to-morrow the retail stock of
[~1 SchloBs Bros, of Butler, Penn., sold at auction at 60c
on the dollar. The stock is exU-emely fine and very
clean. Below are a few quotations and all we ask is
an impartial comparison.
Th« $3-66 Men's Bait is satinet or
a cotton xnixtnre; now be oandl^
neighbor! How, our's is an all wool
Men's Bolt sveiy thread of it, and
tbs prioe ia only $3.66.
$3B6 buys of ns an all wooL fbahionable plaid Bolt Compare valnea.
$6.00bnys of lu in aasorted shadM,
heavy, all wool, np-to^te Men'a
Oaasimere Buita. Our neighbors
boast of its being wor^ $7.60.
||a60 buys of ns a 16 os. all wbol
Clay Bait in sacks and frocks.
$7.60 does not buy here ooarse
grey trash and abort wools, bnt
choice of fine American fabrioa in
froc^ and aaoka, olesm wool and nnadalterated.
For $7.60 we give yon fine Import*
ed Oaasimere and Wonted Bolts,
taOor made, In sacks, frocks and
Mws’a^not cotton, clay flnlah, bnt
purely half wooL fknoy lined, for
Men's Keney ^Pants $1.16.
Men's aU wool Heresy Pants $l 40
We back evary pair to be all wooL
Ho charges for name. Hames do not
keep yon warm nor oompenflate youp
pocket book.
Tenth's TTlsten |lAa
For $8ii6 we give yon a Tonth^
good Chinchilla or Melton mater.
Men's Overcoats from $1.60 up.
Men's black Beaver Overcoats for
A fine Beaver Overcoat fbr $4,60.
An all wool fine Kersey, half silk
lined Overcoat, tailor madSt for $7AO.
Men's knit Ovefshirts 88c.
' Men’s fleeced Underwev S8e.
Men’s Dock Coats 76c.
Men’s Oaasimen Working Ooata
Boys Ohlnohma Beefen $L&S.«
Fine Bonole Baetsra,- assorted
shades, $1B6.
Boy's Knee. Panto of fine Oassi*
mere 38o.'
. -
W« acknowledge had we not bought the above
goods bankrupt our. prices would have been as high
as our competitors.
The Leaders of Low Prices,
We are headquarters for Ohrletmas Gifts in all our de
partments. .Open till e p. nL every night thle week.
□ □□ □
□ □ □
or m COST.
BUT Hxnc PAIS oont.
CRpn TO A fiffllD
pal|dt of the Baptkt obereb tadey. It is desired that cecty BeBbar
be preaeat. aad tbe paUlc are eordiaU^
larited to be pneant at each aarri^pr mSPOBXID TStTEEDAT PXOH
AeettMd Wtnaa Mot UnQ^ ot AmmUI Kee.y. A BneOr, aasur.
Sabbath BoralBitaableet: "Tbettob dinnte Ool* Olaina to Rbt* Bean
Md BatWir—OompUlMat «m Toroaafraler."
Abnped br His Adopted HeUarriblr Pilai*l>«4 b>t t£* /S17 Acla Uc eecDlisrtbe Pmridlac EUw
Attantim of
nointA »iM»-i>wicht Mir iO»>d srUl bold tbe first qaarteriy BseOaf of
OaUed to tb* Oaea tareetlcariaa
Up in tern* A^ «Bd AiTwUa.
te E* ITade Tanorrow. .
Lore fsaat wUI oi
-------u ►
It w*a »kmt ala* o'dodc Uct alfkt
It is qolte probable that Mis. PbUip
wbaa ajorrUJoaUa* Bnnm'a «oart an Praseblar at?, foltewed by holy
Tbell of ^ Bsy losraablp srlU bssn
braafbt ia a aardiet«( aot fvUtr. la OBBOnlOB.
Mwar lo tbe satboriUee for sUeced
Tbanday erealag payar Beettac at
tke mat at The People n. Cbartca
emelU •• » «bUd. aader tbe stetate cd
Sl*dA 8Ud* wa* aecBud of BMaalt ?:».
All are eordiaUy larited.
18»7. YapMidsy Mie* Bers UbIot. who
Md battary by Oaatra 8«1». That
tbe aeborS st Best Bay. asBc
Bdm wa* U* TkttB «f a mlaaadarto tba el^ ssd mperted a sitaaUoB la
ataadlac tb«r* wa* aot tb* abadew of BeverO Mseei apO Hafy ■site, PeaMes.
wU^ sea of bte yosag papiU, JiBBie
Saaday narrioaa,
a 4MbL. Hapnaeated a aopy ^eoPreaehlar U A n. Ssbjaet. ‘'Vain* OoU, wa* tba oeatrsl Seva.' JIbbU
tacla lo tba l«ry. bat tbaorh b* wa* a
wsa lake* from tb* Slate HriNat about
tamaofaiT orip^. add that tbroarb of life aad safety ef God's eblidma."
two yean aff* by tb* TbleU aad ha*
«ba paatebaaat b* raael*ad at tb* I Seat. »:».
staee Uvod sritb tbcB ea aa adapted
Jnalor C: E s ^ b.
baada «d Blade aad etban. tbe jaty did
be eaB* te aebool Friday
T. P. a C. E
p. B. Topic.-Oar eca.
mat aeaa* warranted la eMrlettac tb*
slat >1* taoe sra* partlaUy eoralas aad bow to
rid of tboB."
Tb* oonrt room wa* jaiaaiad wiib Uader. Mary Wblapary.
reraalad U* feet that
tbe naaal tbrenr of aarer qieeUter*
one ef Uc boyb ears'wa* badly laevaAU are eordipUy Urlle4 to attawL
who alwayi yearn for tb* aMatloaaL
ted aad tern. When naked U* cam*
Tb* aridaae* reraalad tbe etory of a
U* boy answered Uat bis asBaa did
free B^bt at Bdtaar oa Uat Wedaaaday
it. PnrUer laqalry elicited tbe iofor'
airbt. Tb*i« waaa lyeoam ia profBatten Uat'sU wm not as pleasant for
ia tbe acboal boaae. AaMNwrtboae
U* bey Ja Ua TUel bonarWd as
la atteadaao*. ware HeiB. Slade.
aright ba. JiaBlaalao told sob* ef
Adioaraed UatH Jeaaary B.
Dwicht Ely. Heary flaln aad Alec
: aebeolBates that be bad been *eWaeblagtee. Dee- 18.—Both boaaa*
Sbare. Tbare Meou to hare 'been a
•ely pnaishad Uat aomiag for drinkwateb deal b*tw«M Ebar* aad Heary
lag aoBs Bilk Wblcta had bean left on
BeiB, aad Oeorfa, Beary** fatber, ea- nary 8. Tbe Eloadlk*' relief bUl eras Ua breakfaat table.
cared la a dbpota la tbe eebool boaee. pat Uredch tbe fiasl stage betara ad*
Tb* case WM repoited to Proaecntor
CTana worde wer* ladolced in ea both JoaroBeaL
Tb* oeatereaee topert ea the Kloe- Twaddle and Ooaaty Ageat McDonald
aMea and tbe dbpotaata were told tbeb
and. an UroAlgntton aawnad to war«• aebool bo«ae wa^ ^ tbe plaee tor dlke reUef Bcaecra ws* prnaestad sad
I of Ue aaUoria ibeket and tbe parties to tbe qnarret agreed to la tbe home. It oonproBlaia
Uaa Mr. MoDonnld will bring the ber
weM onuide a abort tlBe aftarward*. tb* SBonst of relief st tMO.OOO. pro- here Monday Bornlag for a bearing
ride* for aoearisg tba eesaeat of Cssand if Ue facts an
icladiar Slad* ad* te exteadiag relief to tb* Csasdlsa ted Mr*. TheU wUl be arrested.
aad Mr. McMorray eadearored to qnlet cMasad satboriss* Ue aaeot Uesnny
tbadktarbaaea. Dwlrht Ely I* al«> to carry oot Ue relief Bnaaraa. It
laid to bavapoiiaawwd tostop tb* alee proridn Uat aappUaa bbcV be
flrbt. As tbe Bale* beeama warmer It porebased laatead of deaated.
JackKta XdTtor WUl be Support
it said that Belm was stiw^ a smart
Aatt-Ptagrm Hen. ^
Ha tbonrht be wa* strati
ABFiEnro JbTTB.wAt.twTa
awlee aad beoaaia aailsSad that Mtj
Jnekaon. Dee. 28.—Bx-Cm
was one of U« sea wbb pna^ed him. Seratal Bngbt High S
a O'DonneU he* decided to eUnd
He tboorht Slad* atmek hiaa also, aad
•a for gorrtnoi next fall
ted for ML A. 0. Priaas. •
aot knowlnr Slade's aaaie at tb* Use
Several bright atadeets of Ua High against Piagne, and Uer* 1* so longer
aakad blB wbat It was. Slade dadiaed
aebool eatered for Ue boaem aad aay doubt that be ia to be U* B*a
:ted by Ue aaU-PicigiWri{aer~Toprise* offered for Ue bast written re
ef tbe leetcre of Dr. W. J. Beel at day keaaseaneedUalhahMNdaeldk
Than Beiia aewwtbd Slad* aad told porta
to gn Into Ue flpld aad bk eaBg^l^
farmen' laatitote Friday alghk
blB that b* woald *ee biB laur. Slad* Ue fi
is *aid to bare daelsred that If Belm Tbe first prUin will be free rooB real
r a
la Ue Agriealtnra) eoUcg*.
waatad a raor* iatlaiat* acqnalataae*
aBdUeweoDdtresfacideatals. Tboe*
tb* tiat* wa* rip* fof'eloaer ralatieaa.
who eatered wen Min BdiU TboBss.
With that be I* taid to hare reatored
Kan of M Wadded Held of IE
Bias Agaes Maba. Mias Kelli* Oraat
bi* ooat. Helm U eald to bare follow
' Lkbon, Mleb., Dee. 18.—WlUlaB
ed salt, bat baf*r*>* oooU r*t bk
Ue brightest of U* puplU of Ue local Moroee. -aged M years. bM carprkad
ooatoSbefonad blBaalfflylorUroark
High eebool aad It la a toregeae oco- U* eoBBQSltj by Bsnying Jenple
^ae*. Sob* of tbe BUae**** stated
elnalae Uat Uey will each srrite aa Dmglsq. sgnd 16 yeais.
that Slad* knocked Heis IQ feet. ' Tb*
• k orrrwiU. Uea hi
■ la Ue Bpriog Tor i
There is Nothing'
That e*D siAk* m nice « preMot as n book, and *• av*
beadqnarten for anyUiiBg in that line. We caar tbe
finaat line <d dainty Gift Booka and Beligknu
that hare erar been ahown.
Cbleage. Dee. 18 —^eat—DecoBer. me: Jsseary. MS'e: Jaly, isbe:
SepteBbrr. ttM*
Oarn—DeecBOer, >7Vc: Janaaiy,
»6k«Me: May. mke: Jely. Wk*
Oate-DeeaBber. tlH9Me; May,
d^ur' Janaaiy,
Tiaseiee Ol^r Tonag Maanr-M^part^
for Up-to-date Perfonaaaba
la progreB for aa
take place sob* Ubc daring Ue srla,Tbaaa who arc to partldpaU are
W. b. C. OerBBiaA Leea Titaa. J. T.
Bsaaah, Ue Queea City Qaartet aad
r*l oUer proBlarat teealisw
Dg U* young Bca. Tbe show I*
fB be rlrea under U* aueplee* ot the
Trarere* CUy Bdatlere to swell tbe
tniaanry for tbs taaai ball aaaaoa next
year. A Beetlag srill b* bald la Prof.
Hartasgb's seadeBy Wedaeaday aigbt
te begia aetire work aad all tboea intereatad are larited to be preaAiV
Happy S^ris* Party.
Friday eight Hiss Grace Theobald
was earpriaed by * nuaber of her
yoong friends at ber boas la Pernwood. Tb* erent wn* nicely plaaacd
aed Min GrM wss Ubronghly sarprtoed. Eefrelhaeott were eerred aad
gasea wiU/pUaaaet social featan*
Bade up e rery pleeaaat errnlag.
The Maaittee Kews. edited by C W.
Lee. feraerty of Uls elty.U right op to
date Tbe holldey aamber Inaed laet
erenlag was a splendid editiaa eoneUting of SO page*. wiU* beentlielly IIlaalnated oorer aad filled wiU holiday
featorea. local aad general new* aad a
laiga dis^ of local adtertlater.
Then bM bcM a ebaage in Ua farBltan firm of Thnmia A BarsM aad
Georg* W. ThoBM bM eneeaidii m
Then will be a drUI of Ua Baanab
BiflM M:Wday night and erery .e.ber
and nee eeBBkalonet ofiean nndeeind to be preaaok
Tba B*w Undaey
Inn at Charlerelx k again caclaaed aad partially
p'aatered. Tba laterlor flakblags wUl
be begaaMaoeaMUepUa^ k diy.
Manager Bt^berghMCl^aa eawlU Ue “Old li
ipaor- 'rbisb will appaer la Ua
Grand Opera Hoom . Jaaoaiy 6, wlU
U* fSBODs TIb Murphy la Ua landing
-r I
ffuBBar Gilbert of Barian wm In U*
dty yeaierdayr
Mra W. F. Baribat ef KcrUpart.
WM la Ua city yMterday.
Mk* OertrodetipfBgM went to Grand
Baplds yMterday far a rialt - wlU
Mra W. J. Parker left yeeterday to
riwnd Urae weeks wlU bar dug
U Uraad BapMa
Oecar Cbaae arrirad fioa Ana Arbor
yesterday aad went on to EorUport
for a few days' rialL
a E Taylor. WUlk aad Prank SDsby
eaB* down troa Cbarlarolx yeeterday
to etsy orer U* bbUdeya
Mka Brelya Moegaa ntarned Uat
erenlag from Nattoaal Park ScBlnaiy,
WaaUiigtqa. W spend Ue boUdaya
Mk* Orae* Brngdoa. whok la eberga
of Ue aebed at laterlocben, bu ec
hoB* te spend U* koUdar raoattoa
Mr. end Mn. D. B. Day aad Mka
Parraat eaB* orer troB Oka Harea
yeeterday te ocafer wlU 8anU CUna
MIb Z. BlVbardkf Maple a«y bM
ntarned troa tbe ladoatriel 8U«d In
Big Bephk to apaad Ua hoUldaya at
Miae Veata Petit of Baaaonia. wbo
teaobe* aebpal at Angell, k rkltUg
Mis. j. W. Haanea oa ber way h
to ^MDd U* boUdey raoation.
. Boom for Ue HoUdaya
Traren# City yoong people wb*
atteadlag eeUegt bar* naariy all
taraed for U*. hellday raeaUoa.
Tboee who came borne yaaterday <
N. A. Kroapa. Prank and I^rcy HoMar.viaai^jeai,
worU. Snrngaa Pratt. JaB*a London.
Tbe pester will te at Petoakey
■ aatU Monday oeadaettaf qaarter- Harry Eyaelka, aU from Ana Arbor.
ly BeaUar. It Wa* AaBoanaed that
there would U so praachlar this
ToeUrday'n Eanaway.
oreniBy ewlaf to * qaloa teBperaiine
A fsTBer.' team, frigbteaed by Us
^ aerrioe. but that baa beefi (frea ap. aactioe sale banner aad bell Uat sbsII
sad E Teka wUI preach at 7 p. B. bays paindwl the street wlU yaateiday.
TlMcn will be ao prsemblar tbk aera- lanaway. orertanlaga eattar dritea
•wedkb OhiktBM PestiaaL
bot an ether eerrioae wiU be as ^ Mrs. Elebard Beyaolda and eaariag
The Bkndkb Snaday nriwnl wiu hoU
bar eoBB alight lajariaa Her little
glri, wh* waarriU her, aneaped A- sfestirslstUelrdbnfUos CkrirtBM
nighk'antsrdsy. Deo-tfi. .
'Ber. Jao. C. CaraiaB srm occupy tbe hnrt.
We WlU PiaBc poor PletMM M ywi can hare tlMM M t(B* Mr
Oooa. *Wor^—Zo'uw F^Tioea.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
your choosing
will be satisfactory
A Hudsome HoUdi; Gift
for either Chrl
Mesle Oabiaeta.
or Writlag Deaka ia Ue Ut
aetdMifo*. wbkhare m* * of eonrenleaee and nttUty.
Our etoek of
ebeiea Mta of aaperb Fi
forbolTrarere* aty. Oocm la and look at
U*B. OooM Stored (me of charge
aatU CbristBsa.
io the matter of Christmai remembrances for your friends,
if you buy NOW. Stoeks ai^^t^ill complete. Never before
was there the opportunity to satSfy one’s self with (rift-porchasing as there is thiTseaibn. Useful gifts will more than
ever have the preference. Buy such from our ClotKing stock,
our Furnishing Goods slock, our Hat and Cap stock, our
Dress Goods stock, our Cloak stock, our Underwear stock or
our Carpet stock. Prices the lowest known, on equal qualities.
Prevail in our Holiday Bale of Oloaka.
HormF^rxiidlilnc Store,
m-ltt Prat 8k
sots Ufa CertifiMtd to topeh Art la
uy branch, arm In our own eoutry
Yet our work k pleealng Ue poblk
Oirs yea Just what we reprasent It tc
br. and rqosl to that wblU k pet ba
fore U* poblle at triple Ik CMk
Grarai, Watir Colors
■of lot PortralR-..
There is Nothing ao Pleasing for a Christmas Present
as a pair of
Nice Slippers
We .are-showing a Very Handsome Line.
THE SHOE HOUSE of Traror* Citj.
When Looking for
Ho elsmtor wheat mixtures antarV
Into a single barrel of
orra 'BEST*
Bemember you can
Floor. Try It.
Hannah & Lay Co.
White Aprons,
Imported Baskets,
OeUuloid and Leather
Ton in yonr Christmas buying, our
store will be open every evening from Bec^ber 20
to 25. inclusivE
Bugs, Gloves,
Suits, Overcoats,
Handkercbieb, Gaps,
Hue Neckwear,
Etc, at
ity, at$iJ30—don’tpay $1.10—or Child’s Rubbers, fleece lined,
at~ioc. While we do business here we will not be undersold
by Jew or Gentile.
parke;r bros.^
Bring Them In...
Grand BapM*. Daa lA—Wheat. «7a
appaarsaca of tb* eoBplalaaal jaetlfled
that aaaertloa. la tbatroahle that fal
lowed B*1b was terribly aboawi. Tbk
wa* tbe aabsBaee of the taetlBoay of
tbawltseaaeafertbeproaeeaUoa. Tb*
tasUBony of tbe wluwae ter tbe de-.
feaae aeeaed U Udieau that Bria was
aoBewbat tb* argrasaor. at least that
» arideaUy tb* rtew takes by tb* Jary.
After Uc trial Blade aade orertnrea
to PmaaeaUar AUmey Tweddle to
wards an aeUoa for aaaalt aad battery
afalaat Bela aad be was told that b*
woaf£ first hare Vo famUb asearity for
OQffU. This was not done. Helm, bowerer. had famlabod tb* seea^ry *eeority aad at Ue cooeltwloa of tbe
• trial b* eras aoUSed that it woald be
B*e«**ary for blwto pay
6S costa.
Before tbe trial procMdod Slade
treakaaed aoBewbat aad aiade a -proporitioB to Ueproadeator to plead rrall> ty. proridlar o* ooold be BBaarml the
fiq* aad eoets would aot exceed
Sro. aa that ws* tbe extent of bl* pUa
JoBlice Brown and Proeecoter Tweddle
eeaferred toretber aad fonad that tbe
eoeu wer* eboat tIS. aad from tbe
oeBpI^at eoneloded that a fia* of $S
would ecarcely fll'lbe erlBa 'Aa it
^ taraed oM Slade eecaped both fiaa aad
9 coeta aa4 tb* bnrdea now reata npoa
BalB. ■ The result was not appreciated
by Hals, a* be held a prirate optaioa
that be bad had eDoogb la tb* pualshteeat be noeired wltbMt hariar to
loot tb* UUa Pred Prau defended
' Slada
Yeeterday afteraooB UaderaherlB
Aabtea.Arr«Mod Dwirht Ely apoa a
alBllaf ebarte preferred by HelB. He
'was bmoebt before JosUee Brown,
wbere be r»** baU for bis anrearaacc
■laanaij Srd.
Mra. f. 9. fotonsohto BTaBtom
er watar. aad ahcnld alw ha made rleh
Two paps afflnv.
mn xTlfla X Mc*r tmOl tUek. 9*>»
with hatter If paaalWa.
Oae oupof sweet milk.
JHai ahonld he aaloetad from the •atMmoUlBrboMdMdteNd wall.
oMttai «» BMda Ikjr c»
rorp beat bread. Th« Uaemaeh dll- Wb«B
Oae toaspoan hakto* powder.
*mAT*»8* CITT. - MI0B1O41I
laraaee la the feodaam of eaaaed paha toows'paiMrMAMtte*^.^ »«
Two toblMpooafuU of awltad butterj
M U that of people Yoor froaer wUl ktfim.
Porthoaeby whom Ittapntemdto
teUTOawhhihlathe heat. Bemevatbam
tour taltk. the followtor will he
BqU with tfca bMd tmvt UUle teUa Md
ttM. T. Bai« Airp J. Wt BAnn. from thacaatoadlabaa boar or two
^ half » Bi«lkh ••iBo* -“*■ “ foaad maM exaelleal:
balora prepartaf. aa that takea away p—
Mra. ▲. W. Waltto WaOoa.
t. W. HA»m. BdHtbr maA vlm^, the OMalred «aa-«7 taeto. Beat up ia i each alda.
thdrWlioor.wLohmarhaallawadj t'wcotouDraiw-EoU emails
pm op B bowl half foil of eoor err---eUBBOBtPTlOMB.
with eour milk, add tkrae well heataa
to hoU dowa a little If too abawlaat.' dip lato ebooalaU
imner. hatter,
batter, aad
aad oo the ateao. (8pt the bowl la the top ^fB> b IllUetaIl.a IpMpooBfal of eeda
l. popper,
and Sour enovh to make a batter a
________ apooDfol of Itoor wet to a lit of ataamiar toakattla aad the
lata wUI kaop thla aaoorh.)
litUe thiokor thaa paaoake ^tar.
tle ^h.
OMy»»r.hT—U. ♦
/Me-Haka eaady to loo* roUe aod Baas tha waflto rime thorouphly
(yeameii Porealpa.—Prepare the parapt«M betweaa datea from whleh -------- created with^nod hatter.
ctpe aa aaaal tar eooklar. eattlar
hare haaa ramoead.
rather email plaeaa Let them hail
Coooonui-Work to dry daaatoatod eo■early dry whoa doaa. Poltoaaaooaeoaaot whan doB(h to aoft.
pu a plaea of ba^ the ttta of a larfa
jWpm-Two eepe of eafdr. osa eup
------„ OM P0M«M
OIJ. •Cf. aad whaa ^ttad atlr ink Uhla•
nek.. ■> *mM alM* «wwr.
milk, or cream, hatter atoa of a dollar,
apmmfol. heaped, of doar. Let It hate teaapooa raama. Boll ostU it aoema
hlaaBdaddaooffaaeapaf mtlk. 8tto thick hot »ot hard to water.. Poor od
Boa. Jaan O'Doan
kM -r
opoolj eoaataotly natU It thlekeaa aad pour ■UttwaadattraBtll ooeh aad cot to
•dltor ua
ud u
• -cduk iim
orar Ua paraalpa, whleh reu muai aol
•wovteeod hia eaodldacr ter tbc
-------------to mlt while eooktof.
kMtolkma «onluUn
Kra.J. O.BdtoadaUhOoflba.
Mr. O
U oe»iomii»
-» Mia. S. O. Deapraa' PtoakpjOa Sharbat
■ Doaaall
Here too
---- -----the
witk kia eharmcVerlaUc frasWaraatcUa
Qrata two ptoip^lae, <or uia oaa caa edBare
or Ml it to the oaea mud let H heat
vbat he araau. tbao foea for
Jo of plaeapple) aad mix with two quarto
thoroufhly before
.Use oee
ba will fa lor the prici of water aad a piBi of sufar. Add the
good tahlotoooofol of yroaad coffee to
wUh the aoal which haa marked hla Juioe of two leiuoBS. ptooe to the froex a eup and "one for the poU" Add half
----- AKD THE-----•aeoemfol career aa a brilUaat jaar- oraadfraesa Whea Baarlyfrosee add
Bb err heataa up to haU b eup of cold
•altet. able rapraoeataUre la ooDfreaa the bcatea wW« of four effs. aad
water. Add eefieleDt oold arater to
■ad a rood dUaoD. Perhapa hla es- tura elowly ebouMtoa mtoatoe.
ooaer the coffee well, let It eome elow
pmiaaee U the laateampalfk wUl be
Mia. B. 6. Bull'a Ohickaa Pia.
ly U> a boil. SU with hoUlBT water and
af Taloe thla Uina.
•iwo youBf chlokeas. out to pieeee drawt^ettdeof tbc etoae lor a lew
Without distinftion of age
To EkooKD preaenu to Ita raadara aad Btawed naUl taadar. Bake a rich memeato where it wUl keep batllaff
or claas, and back of ouc
thU momiar a meoa for a model teklac powder btoeuitdoofh aad Itoe bot toff" not boU. Serreat aBoewlih
promiae atandB our aplenr
the cldea hat not the bottom' of a four thick Hcb eream.
tmitataiBB OIBBCr. aowmfuma
did ptock of...........................
mono are redpai far the rartooe dtohaa. cr e{x qoart pea with Ihto, railed
The oompiler of theee ctltoaiy dalnaaa-fdhnh
kiadly fur»tohed by tome of Trereree
ttei was asked ooly for dtotfer recipes,
aty’i rood .hooeewlree, wheae culi Ue chSekra waU etaaoued. Bake a but why should theCkrtotoaes hreaknary akUl to weU knowa amoaf their thia tort rtoh frary of the broth aad lasVffo uB-Beoofd-edT
frtoada. The bUloffare to pteeeated poor orer, flUtof rery full, hafora paV
Aud wbat to better thaa het wattea.
Sat the foaeral food aad there id no tiof OB the top crust, whleh ahonld ho ■erred with delloioiia Oraad Traaeiae
' Boahi that many of the womea who mede rary ehort with fo*^ halter. maple eyrup, as a wlad-up to whateaer
the Bkcoxo will fled maeh to the Bake oae hour to a moderate oaaa. Uefiiatmealoftbe holiday ihaU aah^pcO to totereat them, aad If the Ba aura to haaa pleaty of fraay eared atol or
•DCfMtkm. are fooad of ralue^whleh loeeraewlthUepto
Tha foUaarto« hare haaa triad and
Mm K. K. Bsekto talBOa Iplad
they eof^y wlU ha. the Bk»»d wm
mot laund waatto*.
he amply repaid tar lu eCorv
(Wa aad ooe-half pomade oaaaed ml-
b I dHeral tisk nowKby, from .M U w» ytan ^
that turn out 12(000
Now there are factories
better and soU for k»
paint day, aD made
Weget our shoes fnxn
than underthe old way.
these makers who
the most reliabk of
to be the best in ttie
guarantee their shoes
The shoes made fliis
world for the money,
better and ^ better.'
way look better and fit
in —
our ~
te best of all
an Of
of mem
them t_,
— i are right
We Fror^sCtbe
Tbs Old EsUaUfi Shoeman,^
Lowest Price to All
Ready for Business!
Witcbes, Clods, lerelij,
Silftmro, Honltles, Etc.
W.C.&B.A. Gannett
137 rroBt BMtoSt.
Bow Some of Irararie OUyto i
mawirm Woald Prapara e
tha Tnlatlde Taaat.
TwoheodB white tattaea
Three hard-boiled ecfs.
Oae tohleapaeaful bnUar.
One taa^aod ealt.
One teiwiww
Oae teaapooa Woreeatarahire aaea.
Oae taaepoon made moatard. •
Oae teaeap atoicarPtoeh of eaywaa patter.
Piake the MlBxm. Preparettedreeatof to tha .twnal way aad poor Otar tha
fish aad eerae oa orlep lettaea leaaea
dliea the affs and 1*J
JCm. B. HoaterMh Tndt ^aOy.
Uee twaaty-oaa eheato of falaliaa.
(If the ehredded felpttoe to meed, about
on# «ad oae-haU boaea) Soak to a
ptot of Jukawarm water: Whaa aoll.
add two quarto of hblltoy wator, two
cepe af euyar. aad the jalde of four
as you hare it.-araayoe eat to amaU
pleeaa, baaauea ellood. eaadlad eh«itoa. EnyUib watonU and blasehed
almoade. blu of ptoeepple. ale. Hare
fruit eueuch to make the JeUy »hlck
whea It to etirred to. Pnttoameldto
tUffes aad terra to the oaual way.'
Wonburg Block.
118 Front Street
My OpcaiggJaB b«n.a Grand Success.
Now I am ready for busineaa
in the Brbsch Block. I have a large stock of the
Finest Groceries which I cso sell St the larwest
Your OMstmas Menu
Every thing Fresh,
Goods Delivered as soon as ordered.
No Delay.
Prompt Service.
PrarUo tor'tti OUrf TorOom «f it •wly.
BroKih Block,
Turkeys, Chickens
Home Made Mince Meat.
if tharatohavoae day to tha year
whaa the lamUy
eboald. he fM-----------------------■bouldau^ybeo.
spread, it
Cairtotmae Day. This has haaa done
Th» «• *lw»y» Ft^ •ad or tli« B«»t.
for all t^w years. donbOem. stoce the
fint Christmas day was kept
te* the days af our aheaatora to
Barlead wbo-beyaa to keep the ftotal
MMey BOOM eight eeawrtoaaffo aaUl
Mra. Bonikash Brown Bread.
the preeeat time there has haeo a great
QhVhaapdHf ooflae-cupemdiof cor*
BKWOh Block.
obasge to the fasMoa to whleb tbe ■meal, rye ^
ahd graham
r*ham ftaar. Sift tha
the ’Phone Ho. 4
Ctoristmas dlaaer has been
irinfi, ugetbar. aad beat togeththe
moirom lae
------------------ ^ the ancient days to the E*coaj>»
two esps sweet milk, oae cup
/ieBa eSered today has toea a lanfi eamilk. ----------------- --------------- —
✓ toiHV» There to BO better bill of tore irasr-r- toll.
Poar toto a tto form
to be foaad to the elalllsod world thaa aad place to a ketUe of eold water aad
this, eeraed up from the eutlaaiy lore boU four bouia. Do «ot Ihtok tbe bat
o* Traaeree City boutowltes. than ter too-thto. (Hee it room to awell
wbow there ara.oae bettor, aad tha Aay tia pall with eloee eorer will do.
BnMBD's heart swells with pride as U
, 9OKBS AH© BH08HB8,
Be careful that the wator doeaao.
MR*ds it Bsfore itt readers. It will boU ap oa top of the form, or that Ue
HkBdsome SDtv Backs.
he well etodled dnrtog the aomtofi betUe doee art- hoU dry. Tbh aerer
and ^ far toward tbe reaUiatloo faUa.
. uht the Christmas wtohrn that go to Mio. Wm.^ JabkMak Old BagI
■baodaat measose w erery nou»«ii«ii.
Plum Pnddtog.
the Bmx^ Tiaits during this heUdty
Oae pooad of raialaa (the beowa —
.riety.aotatemralalBs). oae pguad of
now In. Hnvn BometUn* Lnil Anld« tor Presmitn.
Kra. O. A Kaeeland’t Boodle Soup. eurraaU. ooe-balf ^ooad of auet, ooeMake a nice beef stock, smbob with foartb ppaad caadied lemoa peel, one■alt. pepper, aad a dost of OBlery salt. foorU penad of eltroa. ctoaamaB aad
Por tbe aoodlea. take oae beaten egg.
amb^ aU aggs. oaa teaeap of flour,
do much floor me yoo«B»to aad rtm
Muumu Block.
toaodaptocbofealt. B^m rery thin. .Md la dredgtog Ua fruit Mix wall,
Let It lie ou the kaeadtog board for aa aalor caka. aad put to a meld; (a earnboor or too: toratog It orer occbbIou- moB white bowl will aaBwer, er a Ua
ally that it may dry. Eoll ap like jelly pall.) Tie a cloU orer H flrmly. uriag
■aka. SUoeoff toltoyatripaaad cook two Ulckaamss t*at ,to a ketUe of
la (he Beesoaed Btock tweaty mtoetee. belltog water aad boll eight boura
fierre with a alee lemea sauae.
Msa. Terry Baaaah’a Turkey with' If It ia aeeeesary to atop Ue briltog
Oyater Dreeriag.
ta^ Ue mold from Ua wator aad aet
Opster Dressino.—Chop »«y flak
it aside for Ua time, aerer aUowlag it
•Meat broad erembe for the fKUweae. to auy for a moaseat to water that la
gcald a plat of oyatera to tbeto owa ■ot bolUag. Walt Ull tbc water la
Uqoor. asoaoc aa for tha tabto aad Ut WrfUmg OB Ue jump before patting It SeremI c«». mote just received
y.__ oooi before aatog. Pot tkam toagato..
Pricee bed u bllone:
,-^*totototba broaderomba wltktme
Mn. Thirlbyh BakewaU Pnddtog.
V,-.— «gg, a Utile butter, salt, pepThU recipe U aa belrloom ia Uo Men-e.^^.........................^
„r.aago aa*>UtUamaee. Wat with
tewih. betog earatul .aot to Thiriby family, bartog beea made -far
Mba tha teoad too motok It (t^ ChrUtmaa to Ue old BorlUb Thlriby
WaaA) tkoaU not be wet at all before home from Ume "whmo ao maa's mem
ory roaaeU to Ue oootrary."
•SWVM. fmsw.
Oae-kalf ponad of metRooffea Mffar.
luT Id Us aaaal amaaer.
rut s
Women'. »,r.tod.le8hoe.... .7Se
g^rtray fat or butter to the bettom of •na-feurU pouad of butter, the yolks
the paa aad but owV UtUe wator. aad of six eggs. Mix wril add flaror wiU
lemaa. Lay a Uto paato to a tong,
haete while baking very iffum.
COM.E, Ton »ai boy them ot n. lot ih. Prioe.
deep tto. oarer wiU a Uto layer of
Mra. Batea. OoaoaiBtog Veffetobtoa
PobUom ehoald, whM maahed. he Ua abora mixtura. whleb haa been T pay onsh tor my fnems nndnttaad th my own bniinenn
,----------- with toll, a geaeroui piece of btoUu to akraam, a^ haka.
bnttor, aUtUe milk added, a»d the.
Mia. A. A Momtoffuak Baa Bom.
he tboroa^y beatoa aatil they M*
rm f-—XX .tm. «nn4y uka Ua white
STOMb ia to ba steamed, maahed. aad M ees^. aabeaSaa. oae-balf aa egg-bto-ed wlU a DtUemOk dbdU «aU ad ariid wator, ama tuapawi
Frank Brosch & Sons
Sterling Silver Novelties!
F. A EARL, Jeweler,
Robbers Talk!
iiO PRICES Sell Thtm.
aasonosL SHOE KXH.
We have a square Piano; Case, Action
and Tone all in good cendition. We need
the room and don’t want to carry this
over in next year’s account.
We win
place it lu your borne, with new stool and
boot: for
Easy Payments. Come soon if you want it
aod OrgMS ar« sold in every country on the «see of tbe
glob*. WhyP ■ Because their merit and general muai.
oal excellence stands the test ot ciitibal examination
and WINS.
* Great Bargains in these 8TAHBABD Goods dnr>
' ing the balanoe of ©eeember.
I Complete Steel ef SmII listtimeets, Slieet
Mesic iBd iisic Beeb-fetj Apptepriate for
Ghiistmis Pi»s*its..__..._.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
83S rTm.t.e«rt-X.K StoUikmtVOrtod.
I n, t<9^
Banking Commtttaa.^
mvovrd hi*«db«rnK» te tbMcoM aHni]■uUtnn. «Bd tii*
lo ophold asd
Id loci»*» Ih* eo« of the «o»»t bolldlm at U» traiu-«laBlaflppl expoalllnn lU.HB and the ccw of
(be (dvemmeot exhlbitt a like amoaat.
8rv8t6ry Hotel at Grand Ferfca.
N. D.. on Fire and But One '
Way of Eecape.
□ nap □~D~
10 ffisv FOB Aiiarsi.» oeah.
WaahlnclOb. Her. II - U Bha de
veloped that the bin relailDc to peUMo
aAllBX which haeuuat pa»ed «h
braaebe* of concreA and li before the
prealdem cnotakna a pro^'tBlaIl of far,
I reechloe Importance, which haa tbua
atientlOB- ThU pUcea an
atwolute prohibition on tbW
. Dec It—A special to
bHoclna of aealaklna Into the United The Journal frujn Brand Forka
vraa beCora the bouar banklne and cofr Slatea -from any aource whatever. Aa awya: A C. Howe and wUe, and a pasMRcr cotnmiliee aealn yeaterday eWd- the Vnlled Slatea Is the Unreal market sengeragentofMlanrapollaarvnswuup.
the world for aealaklna thU completedatlM the point* In «la Boaoclal bin. In
atoppaae of the trade In ihla country poaed to have hewn burned lo death In
After the whole n>ea»ore had been.read
-vera me.aure«aln* the Bm- CWr fire yesterday morning. No trace of
tbrotajA and explained a eeneral dia- Ub and ranadUn In^atrlee which take IhWn can be found The name of the
cuakn bc«an. In anawer to a cwwa- and core the aWn»>nd then diapnse oi rallrcUid man la not kn-wn.
tritely In ^he rnlled Blati-a
tm of Qoeailoea Case aald the WU rould
Orand Portoa N. !».
ic bin waa proprraed It waajjen. broke out af CM yesletday morning In
not reOBlt'ln a raid uo the tre*urr b>
only puriatoe
bank aotea U vaa not the auppUntlna j erany
Naah Brna- wholesale grocery store,
pn.hlWt American elftaena from
of u "eedlraa chain" of sreeiihacke b>a Thia feal- and half an hoar laser had gone inl
anoth^ "etidloaa rhaln" of hank note*
the only one to attracl atSenw (b« Hotel Dakoiah.ln which bnlldlnlJI
The banka would have V« rrd.-em their ure wna
gvesu were' housed Tbe “Lady I
' IHK the dl
•wn DOtea. and It would be to th«r ad
- - - has passed Black" company ewesped^aa did U
vantage to do ao. Of tbeir would he between Sir Wilfrid Lanrier. the Can- other peoplsln the hotel-tiy the lire «
cloaed. But no ton* a. a dotUr of dd- saian premler. and Qolonel Foster, the eapa a ladder one frag wide ninnls
«o«wa qt.llaatlona waa outalandlh* American negotUlur. touching the seal from the sixth floor tu ih« Brat. The
•0 Ion* thl* "emVeM chain" would BO negolUtlona since the Washington
a Urge number.
«.nf.-rence la»t month has Joat been and but for the
idc- iiubllc. It cmaisu of two ieltera. dreda of perrona would
-A hlep >■ the Wahl n -wtt-a.tbe first BIr Wilfrid passes upon the burned. Half the people
Be aald: Thl* bill ta aimply a alep In
proposUlOB from our povernitu ni which were almo^ulled out of bed, and then
sertBbt directlonand a
was taken back lo Canada by him * shown the only way of e-ape. fSWdh
Step. U Would give the ico'
of the vsfT luwmiea which tbe conclusion of the conft
to enter at once ppon ;
are moet Ukely 'to be brouabl agalnat uy* he Is wimn,
b Bpia.' wholesale groVeriew o^ tbe whole peal gueatlon. 1
it. Of tblB USIAM.MO Is III gold. Then
with Ole further meaauie recommend though tbe ParU award
• • ed by the president giving authority f^ Tinable only at lbs and «t five years,
burned, and all the building* •
lina loan VP to llOB.MP.We « hen required,
both side* of Third atrwel -for ti
porunce to tb* two eouniriee-lmiiiitbe government ja-ould be to strong
lo^e had Aufferad losa
gratlon. rvclpraclty. Ash proiectloa.elc..
Ume of emergency as to reriai a
y^l I .s. w lt**rir a Miiu-a.
utfesa Faith would be rsiabliahed. and be conaideted at tbe aame hme.
Plate glass wa* wreckad; furtiltur*
people would not oome lo the treajurr
from Asia adjoining was strewn In all
lack of faith, but only ---------------“
tbe Aeet would be dlaatpsted >nllrely; pans of the street In tndtocrtmtnale
tbai tbe owner* of vemels would be en- l^ewp*. Naah Brta ouried a stock of
\ PetitkasattMaUwrUl
tilled lo compensation b. >-ond the dl^ llWi.fuc. ■•overed by half that much tnTMa brought on an tntemnmg and positien of parliament to vote, and sursme. and Ibe Grand Forks Herean—iw
of politics as relattlle comjiany about ibc aame..The hotel
that. as. shown by the
tag to fUanve. Brotlin asked if the Anally,
tbei* {a now a tendesiry torra^ If valued at firs.*a# AA bunding* are
aecretaryfelt that the bill would obvlale report,
equilibrium U the maintenance of Ihe owned by the Becurlly Tniai company,
• asT probabUity of
...tbe couoirra being
bnnesu that U a jotbi or HsmM. N. n, and prahably wfu *m
d to a silver basis The serrvury eenl bdrd. Be
:e eobdMer an qucAions at be rolxilll. The burked dtotWel U fb*
thought It would beyond question.
bualnea portion of tbe city and tbe
•Pappose tbe next election should imne. locludlne this, he at once
Mow to the btialnwu to a moet »ever*
bring a house of lepresenutlvaa taeor- pointed. U would be pamible to se.
on*. The burned wholeaale building*
necessary leglaUUon from pal
nblc w free all w." asked FtowUr. "and Ike
- wi the Febnary nemioo and from art valued at IIOO.MO Fagan, whole**!'
a free silver WI1 wa, paasd by the ----drara; John ..kuatlm bale rewer Mbsmgresa during the present seaFon
bonne and by the senate. Kow—•'
eeWIDry: Hoben Hetyh. drugs.'and t^
-I ©»Sct," toterpuaed HHU BepUbU- tosurv the execotlOB of any racom- IVerlem Maebln^ cranpany occupied
en. “as that I* a-n even a hypoihetical mendatlon with regard lo BMiring saa store* lb fbr hotel* and lost everylhlng
osxt season.,
The loaa will aggregate WM-OOO on
•H Is a certainly." declared Oox.
that Sir WIl- atoeka. furniture, eie.. and ISM.OM on
Democrat, amid laughter, la wMch »ec. Mr Wlirnd. Poster asya
decllnatlon of bis building* totally d*Blniy*d. while other
. tetary Cage Joined.
l<Ms* wni prnbaly reach tm.tW nAr*.
•Mg. WsaU Depend so tlw Vsm.
Kanna City, Dec. It.-M iKO**"™**
(. locked ber two Utfbwiar pressed bis questUm "Be tba conference, and tb* prvrident de- Morgan, a
tween WM. whan tfcla free silver memabla posliloo on that
«re might be passed by rongrass. and
herd reach the
IMA wbsa the advocatsa of "sound •qulUbrtum pointed <out by Blr Wilfrid
money'’ returned to power, cmuld tbe K will have paased
country go to a silver liasurWill b
Oagv'a anawer brought another round pigTl'"'—
d Astra
Besides, as the t'nlied
of Uughter and applause: “In vtew of
the ekpenae of tUC.m t
^ Agtal plant <
Ibe sbsoline eenalniy of a presidentui
ird Bnext year pelagic aealbe-patrol
IlM.oa The C
veto," said he. "I think we qouid puU
voluntarily gtvim up
paralysed, as
a Its monectrlc railway l* psraiyaed.
aeighborly Iand inhi
(vnJer was furnished by tbeeleclrie
This cloaed Cage's hearing and be
< that Sir
light plant
The four generatork^beeras given a role of-thanks. Severn] Wllfrid’a visit to Wsahintlon
Dembera sought m have anothee b«nr- llule promise of saitofactory (vault*, longtng to the ntreet car comnany Were
'tbg during the holldayt, but there wki bat entertain* the tu>pe that M may r*' ruined Their original cost wa# IHtMe,
and they arere partially Insured. Be*** I
•tteiaiuna objection in this, an]! tb. bear good tmlL_______
been alnrted running Many of j
original plan war adbeted to of adNemlssUsrabr lb. PiraMesl.
■* depended upon eleettkiy for |
jtfoniiBg until Jan. 11. when the Gage
Washington, free. lawAmong tb
bill, the monetary etihference........... ..
_________ .
named by the president fur o«c- f
terday wen* the foilc.wlng: W«Uam
Tbomaa. Jr. of.M^ine. t- be mlnlater K vnu Depict tbs. Draw^ tw ne He
to Sweden and Norway; Hamilton
King, of Michigan, to be mlnlater '
Liber^. Mo. De<-. IS.-Afier the «iSlaro: Nathan H- fioott, of We*t V
scutlen of Carr, tbe Inhuman father
glBla. iiiterniil revenue rammlaaloii
who drowned hto lltil* daughter by ty
Wsshlngtim. I>cc.
Louto 1' 'Ajme. ..f lUlnola omaul
dent of Intereft In i
Quadel -up*. tVe*t Indie*; Levt 8. WII- ing a weight to h«t and throwing her
Inga yeslejflai
cox. of nilnoto. eonaul at Hankow. into the MMN>urt-aa he Woald a dugNevada ruse t
China; Frank W. Mahln. of Iowa con whlic ibe poor lltGwnne »«* looking
privilege to reply to a charge which b« sul at Relchenbcrg. B-tbemla: Marshall with chlld-Uke trust Into hit face and
I been made against him by Hal*ie«d, of Sew York, consul at aeking him whsi be wa* going to do.
a charge wh rh be character- .Birmlnctiam. England; Charles W it hecamc knnw-n here that a Ihrifiy
Hktiroan. ..f XVlacpniUn, consul at f,hoiograi*et bad been rtmltted to -the
enclosure with n rinetiimtograph mnchlne. and that be had Wn permitted
senator that be iBIewart) bad ^epmaiatU. consul to photugraiih tbe •losing incident* of
rasantsd tbe attitude of Ibc admlniatrathis revolting tragedy to all ila horrible
Mon OB tbe Anoncial qu. allon. He bad >
extraru read fr.un the aialement made
The 1
■ Thursday by Sscreiary C.age before tb*
the moment tfsrr
- bouse (simmlitee-on banking and cur- ,
closure until the body waa <ul down,
It to claimed that on a Aim 1 en feet
rency to abo* that the adtnlntouguon 1 New Tork.Dw
H-Bradaireefa-aayl: and
■ commitled to the gold ataodard.
long K.W ph turra »i-re taken An .at
A aeBstuie qutef ng of demand In whole- tempt win l-e made to exhlhll
.He contended
be bad raid, and further rale* Imra I* leporied aa tbe boHday pictures throughout tbe country When
that It manifested a detemtiaativn to season end tbe annual «oek-taklng Carr wa* a prisoner In the cminiy JaR
plaee the control of the rurreDcy In Ui* period approach. Chief among the M- at Kanas* City lb.- aame parties perhands of the banks, giving them all voratlr feature# of the week has been- susded him to recite h>* story of Uie
tbe advantagea and exacling from them enlarged Inquiry at higher price* At crime Into a phonograph
stwd In variou* forma, arcrmpanlsd by
advanrea in the price* of aorta moat
I aftwted. A eorrewotia'rw'y heavy baa- | ........the m>re<iemali«ra of the atrlkIn pig »
na encloocrs and the employer* rat
u InveeUgste tbe
It abadln,
ate yesterday and arrived at a prodeveloped <5 the . urrert Immenhe pnidu,
Ira* fevertah. rlah.tial agreement, except oo the
wheat market t
•iBtii-hour quewtkm. A* to that polnl,
a long dIsensaiOB..the eraploy)ram the point e>f view if govt
from a wc*k ago. while corn, o
sugar are additions to tb* Hat of the ■ra rtcrllnrd to yield even In the alightrat de(cree. The confereuce adjourned
prodacta ahowlng advancra Th'
r- to enable the men lo lake a
Afclarcd that l
sattofadtory ouOook for ootjra goods to
le polli
raaected in reduction* In b!s*a»ed good# bgltol on the preaenl altuatl m. and It I*
beAeved that the men win abasdM tbe
b tbe liquor qu'-al i •vuragvouaiy Is tbe loweat polul ever rraeswialgbt-bour
Al the east trade (a wboleraie lines to
addlUeaal tax'of ti a barrel on beer tb* quiet, but retail trade has been sUrou*' tiinatlnn of tbe government revenue* toted suinrieotly lo allow «
would »ke care of itaell.
Tb* bottae Klondihe relief Mil Was tt^Vritmtln weM*'and northwest to repurt of tb* preliminary comm
which baa beee Inquiring into Ibe I
sent to wnfereaet a-Joint resolution Me of t
deanng of member* of partlan
A accaptlng Norway * invita
dtotribuaoB of ama
M AntMc Boyer, representing tbe Fifth
tion lo psrtlrlpatc la a nahertea exhibi
dtoirtet of’ Marwelllra. and MM Plantion next year asd m private penal-m
______ ^fanare* ahow a ratber small trau. Lalaapt sad ClUard. former mem
bins were r‘~'* 0"«
__ anW-hoUday
than usual
of the rtiamber Of deputlca. hav*
'-T (-..im ot» .
« 2^™ »,
arreatpd. ,__________
Ctoy! Sr-Tc'f Kenludty. a major general
Harag*^ MM Ora. — Agma.
in tbe Uultad 8ut» army dnrin* the ; » ^ ^ ^ w
wkr of the M-ellioa. Tb* balance of Ah. j *» »» »«
------•—q- Dra tt__Kuberi Annsrs was
aeralon was devoted
accepted by both tbe prosmutton and
defnae In the Luetgert case as a Jnror
yeatetday. He was aelejivd to tnk*^
ated tb* «
•dace rif Bsnry Boaalietg. wbo wna dtt
. legtoUtlre. exeeuUve sad ■
Indirial si<prot>rtatioB MU.eXcrpl:ng tbe freshly sodded. In a lonely spot on tt
Enetgm jary oi
paragraA reUtlng to tbe civil service. south (Ude of Black lake, aaggeated
By agrratrtent the debsU on tbi# laUsr poaalbleexplanationitwt wheaesamlni
ware repealed l
•' araa dlacovered
Barograph will go over until after
bolidaya Noamciidmenu of Impertsnea
■en opened. Mnr- Jurywm* adopted Tbe house refused to dar to feared by his family.
, <tovtDCtoa. Teniu Dee. U.-WUIla«
aoespt lb* aroaie ameodment to lb*
JemnooB died oo the scaffedd yesterday.
MU (or the rallef of the mloers la Ibe
iOmpany B. National Guard, srae presr Yukon and It waa seat to ceatir^ra. During the seaslM Cox of TeaM«a* ««|to of BtMtetmrr Oaas's uaU-.
rawnr befese tbe banking and earrmey
raiMMttsrM a hnab statement of U»
........ SHOWN BY.........
Hamilton Clothing Company.
New Invoices arriving dally —Some
new black and white Satin Fuff Ties
—-Teoks,” “Bows,” “Strings.” etc.—
-We expect another large invoice in s
day. or two.
____ _
Japonette Initials at 10c. Japanese Silks S6c
«iiv and linen ever shown hera
23c Up .to 52.00
AvnsaMfid g<lt-dw*r> »I>piraoUt«l-W. h«v« tdra
in wool, oMbmerd, *Uk and eotton.
...--- -
AND MIHEHS tn^i^t^-^i
Gloves and Kittens—Fine Elds imd Kochas.
nino New Invoice, aU elses. Plush caps
uHl 0 from 48c up. Fine cloth cape 60c to
$1.60. Some very good bargains at 26c.
riMC llflOIEDV An immense line to retail
rIKt nUultnl at 26c per pair. Some fin*
Cashmeres at 60c per pair. A few Oriental
patterns; very the and pretty; see them.
IIUDnEI I 1C Cane Umbrellas for Xmas. A
UNlDllLLLnO gift that U almost always in
season. Good ones from $1.00 to $4 00.
PIIODCUnCCD Something a man can'scarceoUurLnuCun ly be without. Our line from
60c to 76c are beautiful Xmas gifta
26 per cent discount. Twenty-five now ones
just in. This opportunity will not soon be
________________ _
wiU be appreciated at Xmas as well as“St an
overtime. Kany ladies are now payingfor(ui ihster Or Overcoat with which to surprise
their husbands Xmas.
UNDERWEAR c’^^s.^’a.'l^ "tS
good effects—the effeets on the wearer will he
good whether it was received as a gift or
UIE IklUITC vnil
rail “d select your Hobday
nt iRlilC lUU Gifts from our stock. We carry
nothing hut what any gentleman will be eure to need
sooner or later, and a good time to buy is at holiday time.
A useful gift is Honey Saved.
n n
□ g Q □ □ u u -JB
ot bwi>^ o6w«rM
1*4 la br the coiiMamte. bat It la
defaaae fund"
ordered t<
the leter
r. caegDON WAS haholv m rr.
New Totfc. Dec. U.-Normw Betby. Of
U. attain thU eod.-< van adopted. A Wiould be •obnllted to tbc aOUated arreaolutton protritlBC acalnt anil-oealb- ca«laatko*. which report waa adopt' •
eotinty. lnd_ better Known in
liut icKlaUuaa by cotwcrcaa »oa alas ed. The report 'uHb^ Indorsed tbt nn^tlatlc rlrtOea aa "Kid' UCO07. Mun•dooted. ;
, prealdettr. viewa OB the dlv^n aloo«
„«d„,H«bt ehamph*
BeMealniawih. Oo»«a*
^ arortd. Ha met l>ao
The federation adopted a ^ItiOoB tJoB la
^ Ore^.m,^ New Zeataad. lao nlfht lb
tolbecoaatlIt waa ordered that a repreoenlatlra ,h,
of the fun.aa Athletic rtnb
r OrbilBB
clty dlapenoary Ihaniday mamlng. Sll* |
'Bare Fry. cobued. IS .m.>nthe old. waa
taken there by her mother The baby
waaAumlag green and her mother waa
greatly alarmed. Tbe child waa a light
mulatto and lu compiezkm. and anpe- i
dally the wbllea of ha eyca bad a de- |
dded gr.-en tinge. Peralatn^i queetlon- I
las of the mother tiy Ihe dl.rprnaary
—lllon to create a .
phyaMsn elltlled the fact that u>m>
l ol labor waa Indoroed. The elecdaya age the child bod aacallowed a
omcer* may be held Ihia afterbraaa be«r elwch____ Preatflerl Oompera and the old
Ttae check waa atill la the chllda
.. oSteara deeint* ly-electlon wlU. from
•lomadi and. corroded by the ends In
ry. inileatlor-e.
/•»*!!'“JUd a" wonderful neteoce sod tbe alomach. It changed to verdlgna
,e- Inc that then luUuB wpa a
> be the eboka for the next
I tbe matter havliv been ebeered
naewion werv alaaya in e> Ipertce and wa< alaorbed by tbe bloud. The
. A reaolutloB pleda- BiacUDK
: U.-Whep tbe Al^- \
I prove effeetlee
tbe irealmeot doe
1 eball bare to (
■ referred wllbout f^rtber a
Worn the moraem the men put op^eit be aald. _______
at a meefliut yemer- banda In tbe apesiu round HrCo> a
waa adopted attar
reduce tbe wa*ea of lu aloeh ^cab to anemd and K waa bK
T-BOCB D^V.t.! dw^«
Cleerlaad. Dee. It.—It trill be ot loeot
three montho before the next etep con
the n«hl Oetnc •• t» TETAmmk^C ptaitTT* w'oMha^arK^i t *^f«er tbe two preltiBlnary bonta bad be token In forming the Ug wire Ball
up.Uayror 1......
----------wt eB«w«ed In the manufacture of cot. beet wDond....................
- pomUnatlcHi. The dole to which It la
te tbe OluaiioB Ip Cuba. The rewlutlnn
In regard to tbe orcoolaancm of the up m the coustn- and* a
underaiood that the optlona eatend
deelarcn "Thaf tl ta tht nena* of thle
Tberc were load now
for tbe male of properiMw for tbe coeaoieoBvetiUon that tbe United ftiatea oeo- [le-tayera the conTemiO0trotedthat tbe nreen I.WO an^ ».«« peojde.
• for a apeeeb, to wtob the mayor Idotlca ta March n. It will take tbe
-------------------------Crau ahould w aale
: "<
Wrekeb Who *ew TerHm.
replied- He nald In pa^f
expert apprmlaera all of that time to
It Into tbe
lew debate and ' .---------- -................
W move1-^. '| liondoB. nee
The mu who a»* I i nm. not John U Sullivan nor McCoy flniab tbe weg* of determining vnlnca
but ibonld take cucb Inmedlau action went or not. In regard to tbe eigmwKHai- T-f>Wr tbe actnr M. nor Creedon- I am tbe mayor ol thla
gnd folly aa lonk a time moat be et
tend to pul an end to tb» India- boor day and leglalaMoB by oongreoi Rlcbajd Arthur rr»i~*.tommonlycalW diy. and I Md you all welcome.
tbe dlapnaal atf tb* audltora
imittee roported a nUbatUoU ..jigj archer" When hioughl «p In la the Srai Ume 1 have entered
•r of the common poople
OP Idea or tbe bueUMM of tbe dlSerent
of Cuba by the Spanloh luldiery “ Tbe oorerlog tbe
tbe cooea of women and chlU nurt j-eal.-rtar k we'd that Terrtw Uc ring nHenilBcaJIy. but I ca amurr compenlea
the aubatltute waa adopted, h,,
mb, t-, m getting eroploymenl you that any pmun who came here totdbowKv aubathulr for tbe readutlon dren anda thi
The' content In Utah by the unkwa In for ten /e*.w Prorinctal managera night te aee a iwtae flebt had better go
waa Introducod "That It be
tbat-^gialc for tb# conotltOtkinaUly of wbc Uv karwr Pt ree deaeribe him right now to tbe boa office and get bla r Springlleld; lUo. Dee. .U.-Tbe gtf
of tbe convention that Cuba nare .0- (Bg~^fat-boar
-ga-riahtUw waa ezplaloed at aa enentilr ti -a degree bordering on Btbpey bar*. Thla ring will only be oe- ‘ pmne court of IfTlBelB yeaierdoy ren
Snatrlal freodom from wbleb It will re- 'longtb by Whittaker and tbe recom- jnaanity. r.a oneoccanon be ^raot- ! cttpled by men who take port in booing dered a very Important procUee deOder pdlUcol freedom." A motk*/
that the aiea.aB actor at Dundte with a re- enmanta'
dalon. Tbe court held that appIleatlOB
« made .0 uy .be ma.ter op the
of tbe eaive^,
mtiat be mode to It when pan lee deelrc
( and Indome Oh appeal from tbe
to Ole briefa from tbe appellate court,
AeoMa RnllarGaiMy WOurged.
oad that the appHeatloe rauat he ac
depqAfter ootpe •onfaok.n aa to parliamen
11—Jameattutmventloe ordered that
companied by on affidavit ebowing that
tary rullnga a rule «a> Uken and tbe ,
I lor. who haa been on trial In the drcull Burb briefa are Beceeeary and tbe teathe commltloe flea yeenerday. In ajrtu of tbe
woavenclcui ad>oun>ed tu the ofteraoce.
for the killing of ble wife, waa
. ...
eight-hour day of Torrel, the mlnla.er-------poWlc
. : eoart
... ........................
a why they a
____ _a ___
log upon tea . eonvicled of
tbe firat degree,
Including the giving oT aid adopted
Bounced aa fM for aod 1.SM agalnit lay- ano' aaatatance .0 »ucu oe.*B>Mvu.e.. e....-----im
- oa a doya work's* railroad am- j Bitfler'e eounael moeed for a new trial,
yea TbU M to be fdtlowed by tee Judge Dick boa taken the motion under
tag OB the table Tbe queatlon of tbe tbti national and lalematlonal preal- l*oyea
Mbailtute waa then called for and dent* proceed at unce to organlae. be bBnra of rtwL
advtacmrnt. and will annouBce hla do J. J QW
Wougtit beli re the r'oB\eoHi»n. Thevote adopted, and the commmee waa dtadaloB OB Monday. Tbe erimr for whic h tbe eponlng editor of tbe PIltsbnrgDIa'
Butler waa convicted waa a moat brutal patch to beck Peter Maher ogolaot any
Tbe Butim bred at Liabon. a law man In tbe world tor tbe beavrwolgbt
e hereafter I
' ebomplonahtp. Tbe Mober people win
eteim ib^ title If tbc duJIeBge ie ■
appointed by t
i year fought hocked t .
Oecw|ited within o r
ered that tbe or
aMo twdered
d at a hand, of ber bu^d.
i Fall* Back .on Hi
Petition Taken at tht
Quttn City.
wimm- wsmM^
:rr:r.r • *
Cookies, Rats iM Coolies
OTSTEES,'SlM(liifl iBdSdecti
Oor. 8. Union and 7th BtrMta.
Ever Burned Out?
O- P. CA&VX&. Afget.
Suits to Order.
Merchant .Taitofing.
vrazscBO i
Ten days ago we started in to raise $^,000 to satisfy creditors. Our Great
Stock is being rapidly reduced. Come quick for good selections.
AnorBCTB at Lbw.
126 pcs Dark PrintB. the best'(ten ^rd.
to customer) to be sold per yd at........
80 pieces Indigo Blue Calico, American
Print, will go at per yard.......................
10 yards Dress Outing Flannel, 10 yards
to customer, at per yard........................
4,5 and tfS
, 16 pieces storm Flannel, regular value 8c,
will go at per yard............................. ....
lOpiecee better quality, pink, grey and
blue, worth 10c, for per yard................
All our best Amoskeag Outing Flannels, C3former price 10 and 12)40, will go at..
8 pieces L L Unbleached Cotton,
41- ,
for per yard..............
. JiU
10 pieces UnlAeached Aotton, 10 yards to
customer, at per yard.............................
6 pieces Lockwood best Unbleached Cotton, former price 8c, for'per yard........
8 pieces Fruit of the Loom, 10 yards to cubtomer, at per yard........................... — '
c |_
Lonsdale Sheeting, 10 yards to custom- Pi
er, at per yad.....................
. lb pieces Cbeeseolotb. will be sold at
8 pieces White Eider Down, worth 80c, at 111per yard............................................... ... I Tib
Fancy Dress Ginghams.regularvalue 10c, Ol
io yards to customer, will be sold at..
80 pieces Fancy Dress Plaids, former price
lOo, now— .............................................
26 Pib^^ Fancy Dress Qoods. sold before | |||q
8 pieces Fancy novelties, formerprice 80c
. for per yard ..,......................................
_ 80 pieces Toweling, 10 yards to customer,
at per yard................................................
t. BBOVK. AUeimy a
idowmyaiiSr tun
/^ILBKkTaoaT«a.aiM(Mya. ggislal^
kj* waUoeMiTeUeunMtev. BeaM*aad
M. MsTrsetlla Oe. Beak.
I Q13b
AU our Dress Goods during this sale
will just about be sold for
'QgPOgg KACOKI year ftiv tan
^ During this sale we will close out a large line of Boy’s and Children’s Suits ;
^_______________ at the lowest of prices.________________________ :
|.Bemember This Sale will Continue Only Twenty Days Longer!;
F°iJiararai-?a lar
Front Street
Broach Blk.
as ■
.Honey to .Loan
L II.--
J^thw. Ut davcd lo 'mf UiAt tninKEtMlMi or tEe mrtAls was iEf om
Cr«M problom for tb« chnoU^ to aoivc,"
Bo Mid Or. Etepbra H. Bmmrna, alt.
ttM oppotftr mr at Ms dMk lE so oBm
«B tha Mvonth floor of a Me buildia«
OTorlookliar BowUnc Onon Bolow la
Breadwa)- Ux eobi* earo
Bnsrlrosly atooe- AoroM tbs a»y
taoBod tbc blr rod butidkae of ibo
Vndaaa Bsrbanja. wbere mnumalro
vnrid of tbr UbUod Stataa «ma In a
fbrmmt broausB Bnelaad was drawlac
trom iH> oar stock of cold., Tbr mr
of iMs flaanctal crloli were ffli l<v
most evstr ifMk-wiomaa and child
tbr coantrjr, directly or Indirect ly. Tht
wMftiox of tbs tfdanre of trsde. from
one cause or another tatasd the strsan
of yellow metal Lack toward oor aborea
value, after dednetiac i cold, tn tbe ascoad were beaTy.atreaks
the reflnlac chares, of !».«.
of yellow. Tbe third waa an yellow.
Ob tbe XU of April be depoalted •.« I 'Three tbree.*- eald Dr. Bmmeca.
Hexkwa doltar
.» Btivsr
three stacee o(>.tbe procesa. In the
Pollowlac tbeaa. at talcrveU of two third It la richrenouch to hq melted
or three weeka. Dr. Emarens baa made down into aa Incot”
depcaiu. their value ranciac from
From a ease be produced aomc sped*
ll».TX to WtlA A fea day* before was ot tbs (Old .NO Bne. .la places It
my eoBveraatioB with him he dspealtad -as of a drop ruby eolor.
tX.ll ouitccs. yteWlnc .fTT cold and .MB
”1 have prodaced some of a brflUanl
silver of a net value orMAtt. He reld blue." said E>r. Bauneas. "and I believe
that be was turalnc o«t about
ttdO -worth qf metal at that time,
tboufb the producUoe wha not constant
cooMbtsd srith tbs epsrntloa of hla maehlMry.
That Dr. Stranen* tnrna la cold at tbe
smiled aad ahook
srey office there Is no qb
"No one has assn the proeess sxrept
sksd tbs dtrsetor of the tnlat _______
Inrton a few days aco, aad be told ms my psrtaeru and myrelf." he saM. “kad
that tbe assay office had rsrsivod cold for obviou reasons. 1 do not want to
from Dr. Bmmena which tbs doctor ahare my secret with any was. 1 ask
elabnsd hs obtalesd'Crora Mscleaa ill* no one to bsUevs in my process. Bo
donara. All Mexican dollars, the lone as the treasury aee*pu.^y r»M
director of tbe mint toM ms. eontblnsd I am perfectly Mtisflsd.”
“Does BO oaa. then, know year ptooa small amount of coM. Aeeorffiac
the asMT office report, however, i
srer-1 asked.
“Not all of It. I am the ontr psruun
cold la ^-Mexican dollar is oaly "a
trace** and not of any Importanre la who knosra the whole of It. My partner,
dlsprovtac Dr- Eramens' elalma No H. A. etroBC. and ray son share par! a<
one asseru that Ofe Mexican dollar the knowledfs n-lth me."
“Put lbs workmen la your laboratoiT
contains the amount of nld
Bramm reya be obtaliw frocr
-ate-you not afraid they wiU '
your proesreT*
Here are the facu which Dr.
claims, pnt la tbr ptalacst li
piy* that he can put a Mel
' dollar Ihrouch a secret
which wW produce aa amount of cMd
mtwh crSaler In value than the dollar
with which the proccre becaa. More,
over, be claim* that after payiiut tb«
of an expeaslre treatment of the
sliver alloy he can tuke a fsi«r profit
-n tbe firodurt.
Be eUlRU not only that he can do
three thlnce. but that be Is doinc them
everyday. The proflis hs Is makinc. he
IW a wnk. Tbere I* no
latlon to tbe amount of
proflt be can make exrept the ph>-elcal
limitations of bis machinery and tbr
strenrth of tbe three memberv of the
will draw tbe world's attestloa to blm.
And wbai will be tbs oBteomc U hlfl
hopes are realised* It means rerolotlon. of e«i«irsr. flnaiirtal. political. «o»merrlal. “nie cold standard win bO'.
come a mockery If artiflclal cold la
manDfarlured la enonmras quanUtlea.
mlxht offer me a mtlTtna or so for my I the value of
but that srould be paUry com- ! thre
pared with whal I expect to make out The
wUI bK-oiTW the weallhteot
la tl
t'alted Elates. The hol**TS
Is turulBC ont ctdd aad lacrreslnc tbs men la >
of Uir cuid bond* so much covetel
output all tbs Uaw.
"Here U a proposIlloB I have mads day -will find themselves Jmi>nvertBhsd.
) say aatlea that waats tu test tbs Tbe whole rerth will be\uraed topwy
roerea aad that win raaks it worth my lurry Is Dr. emmma prepare-1 lo
hOs: I wiu taken.onjM ooacre or ail. father chaos: Or w;(ll be be oonient to
ver. worth •00.900. and from It I a-lll make lea or flfiy or a hondreq mUltoas
make ffiO-too euacre of cold, worth tU tpr the aryentaunun syndleats aadthtm
aa oonee. Tbs east of makinc the cold brrek hU machinery aad 1st his SMCUt
will hs
Add to that tbe cewt CO with him to the cruveT
<nwre to one raason for bMsvtac ttmO
w miver. tHO.0M. aad subtract tbe
SVM U Dr. Bmmsns Is ytcM the wmMs cram (7400.000, the value of
e woold be produdac
XCM.dM worth, or (7JM.H9 worth la a
ysar. The profit oa Out prodoetton
woold be 11700.000 a year.
*1 think that I cel caU from silver
by my plrweea." eald Dr. Bmiaeas. "but
1 do not laalst oa that. Sometboe may
eUlBw U poasibie..there wfU nerer be think that I BlmpD- evt from the Mlver
aaO. In tbe distance waa tbe Brooklyn another abonade of cold In America SoM which was cqmbltied with it. If
It Is true. 1 still cet cold la comiaar*
briddc and beyond U a vast area of Dr. Bmmena.wlU make a aupply wbldi
l^snmies from an alloy In which
warcbousea KlUMns on mlUlona of
rs oo cold or only a (rscs.
cDllrely M&sBtd. so lope as t evt
the cold. For my own part. I beilfree
rM with the ' BriefTr. Dr. ernmea* cdalms to be that tbe rbaaev which ocrortNi molscIf bis thso- makinc (bid -from sllvrr. On tbe Uth . ular. but I am wllllac to admit Ibat.'lt
of last April be deposited at the tTnIted may nut be."
State* aarey office In New Tork city
Dr. Bmmen* took from hr* desk &ree
a revDimioa. aodaL comttere
7.0C ounces of an alloy which, belac ' strips of metal. The llrec be said. show,
separated, yielded .(U culd and JM all* I ed tn bis practiced era allchl trace* ot
^^Not .loBC SCO the whole
lOBlisapolis. Dec. It-Chqrlre A. RIUsbury, the flour klnc. consented yesterday to be interviewed, on tbe subject
«f dollar wheat and the outlook for futare prices of that eurruL Tbs follow.
My Intervisw was submitted to Mr.
Plltsbury aad by him corrected;
-The present condUlon of tbe wbsut
Market.” be said, ''to aitrtbuiabls ts
uaussf whle*. In my opinion, will keep
price of that eotamod^ at blyber
prlesa than tbe averace for the
(sw ysara for tnhay yeara to conre.
n matter of ffict. we have uncoasel
“AnierIca Is tbe country to whJdi tbe
nations of the future must look for
tbelr supply of this commodity, for In.
dia and Rusala. tbooch they have lacreaoed tbelr arreaye.have ahoutiuacbed their Umtt.and in Baciaad the wbret
crop has diminished Instead of keepiny
abreast of the crowtn* demand.
said that Wheat contains all
the cssenllal* for a perfect diet, and I
Should like here to explain why. If this
be true. It should not be eaten entire
Instead of being separated, os It Is when
made into flour nr any preparation olb.
er than the whole ymln Iteelf.
11 as In leclslatlon. mstame and oth*
ecause tia-'natlon ever at.
details tn ibeir elder brsthiun. snd
e anicly upon wbsat. Other
crlbed to tbe rice diet tbe small stature
of the people of that race. Be that as it
may. one tbiny Is suru. that wheal con.
talas lo Its kernel all the essentlato for
the most wholesoate food tbat man
kind can aaslmllate. This to demohitrahle not only by the chemistry of
experience of iboss
used wheat In eomc
form aa thetr staple dicL
'Fnmi this fan It to evldeat that a*
tbe peoples who now Ik outside of the
modern cimiiatlon mme*sritUn
VM^ and lavtolbls supply Is at tbs
Istosst point kaowB In the Ustory of
tbs wheat markets.
-This fact would have bssn erldeat
lioBC ayo bad It not been for the '
etMsad facimie* of traasportai
vUch have enabled ns to handle a
small supply BO a* to plare It on the
taarkrt with yreat rapidity at point*
Where It was n>ost seriously needed.
spparaaUy the Ihall la this dlrec.
t appa;____
ui has been reached, and
red ealsra Of
ai they have In the
tnber as raplc
• time most Inevlta.
past few yeara
bly ooma when .
irrestcr In order to . supply tbs toylU.
mate demand.
'Too much Btrere has been laid. I
think. Upon the part .that the fall«rv of
the crop In the Anrentlne Republic has
bered ..... ...................— ..................
try does not equal the -mf> (rown In
any one ot our own lUtre of Mldneeota.
Xaasas and North .Dakota.
*To these state* we mustlook la this
noUBtry for increased aersay* ahd pro.
• duetlon. They are the yreat wheat
prodneuru, aad thrlr tarmera only ra.
ffffbu tbs BthaulD* of a sstUed prtoe at
a hlCh flyurs. due tn a constant demand,
to tbdoos tbsm to plant more sxtsnHvely than they are now dome. H to
obvtons that It Is to the western aadnot
to the eantral sutss that we must look
in this eouatjy for more wbsat
'Tbs 'aastcra tarmaiu wtu need eoa.
sUatly BMrc aad more land for eras*
in* and
- -
cold, and you have a profit .of C.700.. lac of cold may not becoi
Dr. Rmmeas says his proetan to part
ly phymeal and partly cheoflitol. Be be.
tleves the cbemlcal Influenre mefely their profiu dwtadUnc to the point
. oiakre easier tbe physical dutneu- He 1 where It would no kmerr pay to man.
"Wouldl^u sen your srere^
^ obwn^ CoM results fr^. tbe|ufaeture cold froma sireer. And Dr.
'If aayyone can shew me bow it' Mexican doUara. but he flnds Cbl
would be of any advaotace to me. 1 sUver. of wUeb -be obtained a small : “money creed.'
from the Chlaese minister at i search foe the
splcuou* In the business and the po- I Washtactoo.
Utlcal n-orid-and offer lo previds capi* I UnUI l>r. Bmmeas produces culd
tal for my procres up lo (tM.000.0M. and i enormous quanUties.
, The flrat use of Nlayara's power wnc
tl It should be
be.xlad means ot veritylnc bis claims, altbouyb mads In ITS. a primitive Mwralll bslaff
1 have always said that
>>la with them If they would show his hich standiny In tbe setentine world. operated. NoUUny more was doae until
bos I bad aaythinc to culn by It. ' haa clven them wericht
which,ehllUeu 1M2. when Auxuutos 'Portr
They have never been able u> show mu. 1 them to the mu
year-a time
led to the prreent-market rate of wheat
aad what tbe causes win be wblcb will
maintain UUa rate, and lafereBlIallv
la that AmertM must ultimate.
bread eatery, for any prqdarUon of
srfaest. however «TMt. to aupplr the
dmnaad. That dlfficuHy win be met In
all probabinty by stm.further aduanere
BO tbst when mesn* of dtotrlbQUoa are
perfecind there need be no fear of s
bread famine In any quarter of tbe
O^eetioa to Stagecooebes.
In lie there were, strange as It
rems. only six stayennarhes running
In all Ebiyland. and of course these were
Ibe-onlr public vehicles for Iravelera.
Even Ibeee were a nnvrOty. and a per
son named John Croaset tbought they
were such s dangerous Innovation that
be wrote a pamphlet ayalaet them.
'These machra.” ha wrote, ''make ceptlemen erne to London upon erery
small occasion, which otherwise they
would nm do except uiH.n urgent neresslfy NaK the cqnveDlency ot the
pamaye mam tbelr wives eomr often
up. who. rather then come queb lony
Journeys on boraeback. would stey at
borne. Then when they come to town
they must be in the w«de. yet fins
clothes, yo to plsys'and iruats and by
these means yet such a habit of Idle-
San Franctaeo. Dec. U.-Tbe laws of I number, arroaced In two storiea- Ms
conyisre for tbe cm-erument of tbe ' on a ride, openln* oa corridors that run
or. as these laws .are popularly alone tbe stdw of-the main buUdlnff.
styled, the "articles of
The floora of the second story ore ot
a bast of offeasca lor which aa enlisted I steel ctuUdm. and steel crates Niut off
man of tbe naval aervtce may be tried tbe side curridor* from those at eo^
by ,a court martial and nenienccd to end of tbe buUdlac. white over the top
Imprisoameat and.labor-and they slip- of this Inner prison Is a Urye ateel grayulair Ibal such sentences may be carri#d lato effect la any priaon or peni
tentiary which the Unlled States may
Tbe prison reutlae Is exactlay. and
be allowed to use by any alale or terri- the strictest dtoclpUne to maintained,
yet tbe pctoosiera. ee a rule, are cheer
Some of these offenses err tbe Mine fuL and bi
nature as iboar which are tried liefore Duriny
Hvll cuurta such as asseult. murder
aad robbery.
by I
requited to work aboutybs baUdtayi
number are acalast mliltery dlacIpHns. and yrsund*. The worC however, la
InBUbardlnallon and llyht and ctves them a chance st exfraudulent enlistment:
rretoe and relief (rora tbe tedium of en»
For many yeara enlIMfd nssa i
forct^ Idlenea beblDd Irtm barreddum^
tenced by courts martial were confined At all time* aa armed sentry pacts Sffi
In the dlflere
______ _ ......................
pense briny borne by Ihe yenerel yov- 'on. so tha\ escape to well alyh Impooffernment throuxh Che navy depariment. j ble. During tbr day tbe prtooneru am
but a great ravine of expensr in keep- ; allowed tti'r freedom of the c»»fridora
Inc these prisoners was effected by the | aad 'lalklny and readme are aWesrsd,
The Deadly Upa» Tree.
the creat states that 1 bare menuooed.
It If equally esttaln 4hat the western
tBimer would noT feel JustUled In plant.
Inc to the lares siteat tbat pluacat cnn.
diuons Bwm to dsnand If be tbouyht
that the demand waa to be tsmporary.
but n to essuy demonffirulsd Md may
be confidently piuflletea that ths de
mand will be constant and win fft^.
rath.v than decrease.
foode .fish. mMi. laaUla nad so on-«re
' Only recenUy the —rr----- coventaken in eonnecUon wUh the pioduct of
meat has been Uklnc wupm lookiac to
wheat itaett. and It la therefore not only
tbe extensive latrodueUeB sf wheat as
aecresary. but unMrabis tbat tbs
a food to eupplsnt the He« diet that
whole cram should ^ ttmaumed. Othbna been the suple of that eouatrr (or as n permsnrot (actor t
enrtas. la tbe attempt to coin variety,
ceatariaa. ThU to daly one taetanee ot
tbere woold be an sxesas of Bulritlvs
the new mnrkrti that mast InevluWy
qualltlM tbat ts quite aa modi to be
opsB as man becomes thore tboroacMy tardy In laying his plans t
avetdsB as a defleleaey of theas quailtnw more aous a* be fenaess w
IM u ^luhaaer m ths markeu s< tJ
^ bare sBdeavdred to Obov urbat In
Oldnlon. are tbe eauese wbKffi hare
^ -
Most people have at least board tbs
story of tbr deadly upas tree of Java,
of which It was at one lime raid itial
to mtrtiy approach It eras certain
dsoth. This story eras treated os an
aboolBU fsble. but now it seems as If
tbere was actoally sene Ooto of real
fact for IL
The npM trre to a real tree aad a
very bly oaa la the old ttess the bark
to orer an Inch tbiefc aad full of a ihieh.
milky Juke, tbe merest touch of wblcb
upon tbe skin produres a most painful
sad IrAlsIlnc rash.
What to more, a yu arises from this
Julcu wbkb has a most potoonnu effecl upon any oar near It. It to somePrteona were thus ntnrted at tbe Bes
Urns* used by tbe Bstlves to* mitafyinc
private reveaye. for a cup of it hidden lan. New York aad Mare Islaad nary
In the room of a sireper produres stupor ymrda and two of these are pow la
operation, the cos nt Bosioa for the
and eveBtaany death:
east ccaai and that at Mare Island for
the West coast.
The prison ^t Mare Island whetp ths
Genaaa foreetera have found a sure raiiora and marine# of the Padfle
atatloas who
retaedy foe tbe destruitlon of tbe pine
tbe heavy r>tne for^s of the seqlenced by naval oourts to Impriaoameot are coaflard to nituate« bade ot
ad. Tbs caierpmsc
tbe Burinc barracks at that statioa and
toiler part of August desr-n(
quarters In the heavy tm«s st the foot la directly under tbe command of tbe
It of tl
of the tresa' Early la the spring they
uaually climb the trunks and sat tbs
tender, yrsen needlea Now tbe foresth tows ot Irea barred windawc.
ere scrape a broad hand m the bark
around tbs trunk and coat ^be etnooth
apace vrltb i afixture of yips, craass
andtnr. Tfett ^Uto tbs inaaeta.
DcMructiofi of the Ptoe Modi-
on bread and water ter five days or
tom the rtffular rati«a Is eirvid out te
them, and emoklBc Is nllouud (or ona
hour after each meal.
Vlritors an only allowed tn tbe prinon by aulbertty of the eoomaadant.
iBtracUona aytlast (be prison died,
pllne by tbe Inmates arc puntohed br
aoutary oonAnemcat an htsad aad wa
ter or la siecle or double IruM (or pe
riods e( several dayk. aceordinc ts tbs
offense. Good brbavtor ha« its rewntd
In a remltvioo 'of k portion of tbs sebtence. In some caasa as much os one(oDrib ot tbe senunre belac remitted.
». C.B.
dljcT Ha waa a tinlr old maa ol malinauit a#i-«l I r«o«cmUTBJ haTing
iSTim at mo toarWr «nth a band*».»
! rmas tir«* wbdoi 1 ■appo-'d to be
1 bit <btW No «*o t»»«
tbeir t*>lariT« {nait.
■TB-KTOvnrair^>MaB^ thioQ«h lb* bom
- ■
' ABdCbrittnwswMclcM M hand—4cv"a.,.,..
Whm tJ»e
ew*ked ttet OttolM
Blrtt Mart* HarUey. wife o« (>>•«■•
«W the doew
MCMMtnl aotbot-ptaywrtjht. »» «»• ooe day. ••!•»« bwn thlnklnR—w/»*t
taring b« wUa afmli for a way to »• aiiidweiWDaitwoBldbeUkelyto------emlT iDdtJoe innj.- thratrical tnaiyggr
EC bor
bvr taDabatni
taoabatnl'B> rcsiub
Rcsiua-- uur
. <0 reotanilie
OtcatBrflndt(ad«|laaiheboaidadnitn»damas ^vered toecbaoically
wnilam Btev«a FleldUig. flnabce
tritb a alow roioe aod__________
a deliboaM
••Tben take
tak« him Beaa. tbew'e a
Ulniaor ti Canada, bem life aa a tetly famlUat.
-latluw adT«ti»d for M«rtOwai tto Mber week me
titt aou»*wiM«a y-*"--"
ttf on a ooontry nt^apapn.
land and take op my qnartort lu
a OToning.’ be •id.
bowing ^lUtT-oametie^^
-id. berwii^
Jdtry .Ward Boeober alwaye nad (c
I.* It dayamoi*.-€■«»»_
dy. TaU. broad and perfaoUy ^be',rted
The V0TW
very 1tblxm!”
break down when aakcd^ be wae I
areiKd. be poaeeaaed a fa«
Gilbert, ncrer •eming to w<*^
_ ^^<^M**laaaretti> la bolUlatbe. everv Sunday -when a boy—to rwdu the
•a by lu eipnaaion "U be aooea^el
oamo from. afw«i
Ah, yea. 1 acehia light la there. Afraid ^ aeeordlngly *bat*n«t d^.
Gewral’wadelUaploB ta writing a
I nns diriwb bia iDfjdtBtkcL. then.
: niaa ere. tonal then hotb MtMi in tte
tatvw. Wbicb a .eenfinel trtee . ook. to be entiuin
entiUtd w Hutoty of
-indeed? Ho ia very bn*y.*'riie rim-• Jollity ifthittaUed>
hot Manon
Marion be^ «ta «acitm to eoe thatiKdgbbora hoW tbeCiUryol tba Afb)y(pt Noctbetn
^ ! T6« pUy oumaieiKwl. bet
•(jt oooraa
----- ■■” n.
He a>*<lnwn
eat down. '‘Er—.
’*Er— .' ...badr_l.____
n« come—toi..
ihrilled FHoJld- DO c«m»onicBtt«i witb.ea^b d«b« Yirslnia."
Biay 1 aak bow the great play prognaa- ij,g tor baabaad a hand tightly. Mw •» Tberv » a nuatl cvmrtyaM ui front of
Sir Arthur eunitan wrote the ---w
^ . etealthily wau-bmg for a eign of dawn- owltrobni. and a doable iron grating— OK/rd” while watching by the bedalde
b hadeome back
tiuM inacxiniarataennooInvain
In vainDnringt^
of • ri(A brother whom be expected
and a«w«id
wwmd acta
noming for thej tonrUi tuno—necuoM. ftm ^
SbKinaeoded to ow until the pool.- Qaiuodall
bot tifcleo. Sodden
ou ail uu>
J|y. t_
i Tbe «-EropT*«a Engml" etlU eberMon g«w unbeattWe and «ban to» ever.
----- ManiB
1..:— cried not
out {Ibthui
' iMiea a true hpuniard’a t»»ti' few etrong
fiageta bad bww tioivcrtng Now. half
wenta. b.» lavtriie odom bolM aandal____ .i.«..k «iu>
*«•Ua bm.
-----wood and lo»on verUata.
cnwmngiy The lighu
npo/ her. own cnwliln^
V.tdi ie fond of fanning, cattle ud
. . bat ahu oonld eee b« eyea diW«ve low.
dngK <>neof bi»peu i. bnri.d In hie
Unlv too thankfol that every
. g^<«> under u tonan iiionuiueBl. Wllb
1 by the play, ehe
the word*. "To a Tnic Friend:
Alexander Veat. »« nf Senator Vert.
ba!r 1.T-" appuimed oommerrial agvnt
of tbe -Texaa Midland xailrnad.'Ui'tty
Oreen'a line, wltb bcadtinartem in St.
—you have let them eteal my tralnal
For the momeot ebe waa onpeded
'Tben. "Nonaeoiw. dear.-*e
When Pat Foley worked aa a carjaBwk -It ta afe
Wr.no one Ibonpkt of .bim otbcrwim
"My very worda." be gaepfd. aM
tlmnaePat.bat onw fhat lie i»"tbf.
"liet megQ Tve been rob
world rrnovnted ba»o" It U “Signor
bed. robbrfi I-UaboQtit aUoverthe
.Sir'Michael Hicka-Broob. who bai
Indeed, rin atared and tried „
attain'd tbe ap- of *0, baa apem
renli» the play, bni he waa a^lliy
‘ ccaiuii’n av Twow'unkw.
|j,<a« than ball, bia life in tbo boom <■
put there wobld bo a eeaoa 8a bold- one row of grattog a fee feet before 4be oo„BWDa and baa twice been Irlab eec
“gut tSMlK.'"
nod tapped at the doewof tbat inner i^hia hand oill. abe followed him out other—koepa tbe iwtwoera from any wwy.
into the oorrMor Bcfcre abe oonld pr^
^ tocma
. -------------1
.fant e pNMBml rontaei with ibe outer world. ; Q^^e the tow* rf Cape Porpedae.
r^^tfd by the rrrtantui.'itt and
„ old couple, Mr. und Mra
btaB)dK.zhe eurgeon and tbeidiapbun
MaiinaL who have beqt married
In the Twim edjomtng mtne were con- | ,j
Tbrir agea an 101 and W
iuSiilng WbatabaU"gned a tir»* and a yonng woman, who —a„-,*pcetlvely.
Why. be waa not acribbling away f^ awell of applanae drowned the man a puwd rnpomoDof their time tnaiog-.
cam de Bellrtnaie, a Frtatcb •crlibly Hia bead had fallen forward reply.
ing in the ninuc nf a guitar and onu- | ^
dirtlnguiabed blmaelf at tbe
rtmiall.vetmnbounDe Mtashidt^be w ^
leTO. baa inbiaoldi
‘^GUbiit Hartley—the author Of thla wfc»apent in eating, drinking and aleep^ 1 *««nKid poet and publlebed a biaWay
eye. M dilated that ebe almori riiraak.
Ing. in judge from ib« long iDtorr^ol
Urt^aUl**^ rwtime l» Term |
-Ollbert. dootr She waa tmeonatimee
ineie were
vne nm^
uw... *P'*"*" .nder tbe riOe ‘^’Bmpire'i a’eet la :
ailniee tnn
But there
■ artooily on her kneee bow "Oh. give It
«frt*»g proof* that
wbirh oonveyed atroog
.— the.
^!tr^ ladv rouM ecold a* well a* ring.
ly, u »t‘a killing yon! I’ll work, hna- <OTdor« Md np m ^
TWO geouemei^
Bnmo^-Bfilnael bt aoutb 0«W i
wnmitimee the quarrel* r>* toe tern
"Eb» Tboet I waa dr*auning-:-«ny laugbiogly wbcti the white fee
hie murt. akbunip followed by a played Mo of Mendelawba’a mart diiBeuH --------- '•
wka wea jQst oomlng to me. and yoat— nod wbitw faced woman barn
TOdiatnrbmemr* beiald.paita^ ^
»De*U'"» inii
”Wy«l Idcmaat-wW Gilbert,
maairay "U t loae gripof It tbla
theeoond of ihertoorcb-----pointing, "tbe Weniity of tbe man who
ne of tbe great manten
be will b
time, it-it—may «w»»
ion. it waa nbluie! Only go away— write* htmeelf the autborof that play.
e.1 me of tbe holy fertivql L*<pe«e- of modem. Hmea
••WhT mid (»e ooollv. "1 happi
One of tbe oldtet pec^de «< wht*n
ridbbnr. «iifN^mD*'|
.. bear my neighbor.
tnbabitant <d
Be found bia pea and atarted. Awed.
Hartley, loaking like « own time w« devoted to ikv bpbke- tbe neweet rrpabUo-BawaU. ^ le
—^eelMsuaive. toa abe Amg then aa
tbr ouly relief to an
tbongb bmltating wbeiber to abey or tart^trom tbe grava. pot out two
loward evening, wbil.- Uie guard Kepoedeie Apau. and rt*e la now Itviiig
■tateb hia pceciom mannwrljg away jTOfcingbanda "Oomeberel Look me alept. I dirtiucily beaut tbevotoe of tbe in HoDololn. Sbe waa rkooiily dlaeovrihally aba atole out and a*ood guard at •in tbe face 1 wrote It—almort aa It man Greek He metued t,» U* growling md by AUmn T. Atkineoc, gtrteral acamoda U my manoacnpl u gaw T**
bia dnor.
tatliar tban ajwik.ng. and ui tb"My hoaband tnnnot we you to. —have itolKi iL "
Tbe finale waa at' band. Tbe aodl- T»l» <d bia rticuce I b«rd tbe female
*nl< Not a very • merry Chnrtmaa.
“^•Oh. very good, madam! BalfthU «»e.-m«lcdrromingof ihal aidedramg. ihooght I Sometime, one votce-rom
fnnuriied with tbe CIW be
unmirtakable chewing roee to tbe rorf. *,..relhe«tbfr Theooe wa* *bnll. the
coolly borrowed through
Auibtw! Antborr went up The other load and angry Thro
• ,_____ 1...1 Knnnalt
a N-uftle: tben til wBtnmqqil Mgnt
don t. want. —----------,
it. PU aell •ZI
waa mticaL tbe manager am- ii*.l Ulleti. and 1 bad lii.iwlxhe puniei
bearance At yoodon
bad gone to »!-ep But again the mur
will not!" She ran aad 1 ^e “autbrn." with N«Non^^ Biurt. tbe expmtnlatioa*. the ontburrta.
oun^i bia
bit arm
m "1
dtd ««
not a*~know it *1 plmdmg eym upon him. bealtated. dmnrbed my quiet And now tbe
• i uia
iV my—if yon
yoB bot knew bow be :] Then be Wo^ Mt: ___
man- on laaitmee vuluble.
vol • ' and epawTMwin
---------- ‘•"
divS^ and tnedl Let me tall you ,
"No frandaialll I b^t tbat nm
m-u who i ol cnef alone ininTupwd the torrent of
« Tait-«idhiapUyw1llbe
u-wipt in
in ia crude
crude auiie
rtaw trom
fn« ■
Wail-and hia pUy will be uionpt
have-prodooedit Tb«e la her eloquence tnun tbeman ealbrt out
i.j. Yt*'
Yt«! TceiUtfat
Tcmlgfat be bbX
bW found eUimed to j,...•
what appeared lobe "Silefice! adding
the «irat idea be hae miaaed I nothing dieerediiable"—
' ____________jooe mat wnicu
wbicb wB» ui»
tomootha Thi-ro!”
I here i iiort cnongb to !»■ tatngbl. in a minattry
"Found hi*plotr- lUrtared liKTedn- |
We can show you a variety
- pwe. Tbeu came another ktruggM.
lo.ll.. .pprann* lo ».»!b Ik. oluoOT-. 1« —
‘ wnrda. Wrier wunla. nifled cnee, e btavy
am Willing to oinoe au —
of handsome Perfume
tall, a Mgmm. rtleooe again
1 will call once’ again , Thecriee fiWAotbor" w«* growing
4 oould not ilwp What bad been the
Packages of standard
- ning. when Manou gave Chat Uule
. Be west out .
■CEk ewia.
istie (d Ibe lart quarrel? Had tba
^tboul ftniabiug it.
make at. prices within the
•ptace and goodwill' taught by the
/ In a Bort of atopor 1
E«l«mer. wbom natal day tbe outer
reach of all. Celluloid
and waited—watted b
CTirirtlan world waa mlcbratuig. altlmatety provailed. and welv tbe Veeect
and Aluminum Hair
one baud prtwed to brfbStThU
iblnking you.migbt nevwkwl ^
jbigcntitt* illnatnnug !!>« Horarian
i™d. boT^iatic Not even ber , that name U you miiV ■>“
mmsun umi the falbag 001 of lovva .
Brushes aqd Mirrors.
Jrhim^d bopeb.. taoc «mck bU at- teeaUileealy. rtanng into tbe other the renevral of lore- Or bad tbe lart
- man'a eye*
tall » Btunned the twPlerol the two
You may ^ find <»ther
*^"u»elt!”beg.rt»d. ••IwBCcmlng i^M'.^m.
indivtdoaita* lorrtKlet ih" n rival ol
to wuke you* Tbcy-tbey «y that ev. Idmp, bi; gnpped Hart W •
items that will interest
ether love or anger temputarily impoawv man ta
u capaiue
capable ut
of one ->•
rtroke of gen- my repntolnJO U at
yjw in our show eases.
««» LAjteiioihia—but tb«
Manon. •—»
1-1; —
- ^
woy. aiajivw.
Tbe mauuaTipt telL She lealUM
loroila cnea ana pbtv
Tbe aodletiro waa upon Ita frot. rtar I protertariou* and enruert aprwtropbea, in
Manettaitig aad apiuag forward. He bad
leg abemt in woDdecmroil wben the cur- -• ,p voKv of tbe man 1 kuncked loudly
•wayud and lb«j toppled down
. Twelve boom later fonod him In tbe
_. tbe wall to auggeel nieuee Hecvlbeat ol unmuiakabledeliriaiD. And the i
droitly did not beed the knn-kiiig J
^y* II we* lying neglected upon hl^
called out ID gund Italian. "He quiet!'
atndy drak Weeks would part, the bivT,
It waa ut DO avail 1 euMd up the
old -duciac aaid. briore bis Boity could ]
guard aad a*ktrt taim wbat wa» tbe mat
return. It mtoat that tbe borne must
ter with tbe genUrouan My custodian
eaniah bit bv bn—bot wbat of tiiat;-1
' •
1 drunk. 1 could not.
Vigbi aod iy abe boverrd over bun- I
divert my mind of tbs idoa
Be bad trted and faUed. t.mly to aave i
that ■ ctevd of darkiHB bad been perpebta traao)! Tben abe would tty bereelf
in tbe ttrrt excitemeoi .abe qtute for
Tbe night wore u'wuy I oroild not
got Mamwaring. and bU lart veil>d
deep 1 no longer brord tbe voice Of
throat, nmil. prociariy aevea day* gfter
the woman Even tbe man e voiro was
bia prevtou* visit, ibe girt mformed b«y
bushed Bot Instead of the qnml sounds
' tbat that gwitlrtnan aad a "frieod '
my ror was naroUed with knocking* on
wera waiting 10 the ntiing room Bata
tbe floor aod a noise a* of a bw or file
tngbtaoed and de*pr«||. Mm went
at wrok. When tbe rert-juraieur cams
down aa far aa tbe dourfi^
round is tbe mocnlog to lake order* for
“He la lU. • abe taid. ber faro a rtudy
bMkto. t told him wbat 1
in aopplieauoo "He know* wKbing—
and suggeeted that tbe lady might be
perh^ never will agam "
*n wnpru rr- .
ill and need medical aid He w<mt next
"Tberel" Mainwanng'a troth rtmp- tainwuve^ Two men stood bowing la dots', but wus lent evray with the tntioid. "Whatdid IroyJ A planned af- Urn fooiligbt glow, and the frorooM manoD that nothing waa wanted Twu
— teirl My tneodberertaatabianioney- wntOilbert-fUrtley Nelthro ventured or throe more dsya elapsed. Tbe time
tw sane eQUivaleoL Throe ia tbe agrro- a speech, end npt e lew people wore had arrived fro toy releaso On tbs vny
Bont 1 may natillaac your husband.
pomlsd afresh when next day • joint day indeed when I wa* to be omaociMarion'maimged to get "Then you e----brouhip wa* publicly announred. but fUad my oeighboro w*«4 also to be
mnrt^y'^^-Ttbe^P in her «ibo^
I plav ’itrolf vrus anauuuoasly vexed a treed. I brord tbe offirors arrive next
. ■a***!- t-ekmM locked
doro- Some wortewBUunrotd. follow! umllui sooCTSs. and That was
Am bedroom
lough—yro! imier
Imter tuai
that nay.
d«y. when
'-i'—.»• Bin« ! .-Enough—yes!
**»»* rti by an altercation. Then tbe manoried
exU. were poaHng. Manon oepi up Utterly.. Wbat ooold be tbe matter?
Mroeotfleertaame. Tbe man was fetter
through the
twi«and tben
mumblud away
«d Md takroi away Where ms tbe wo
g'of holly upon htvt
suddeuly^niet.. i think Uu-y
they w
•Imureied!' rtmwbispcrod "An«l* man? He had stabbed ber in bi* anger,
trightrtwd ‘nmy almort «vp» alliliruUua. dear—my king, my king. and under some abaord notiroi that bro
otlannce would be forgotten by tbe auaowDod onOhnrtmaarver ,
Mtuhl Mtting brt^ from OUtart'a
And Maiswanag? Well tbsy rtmpiy tbfsittes be had taken up two plank*.
Wilder found temponirnUaf »> * allowed Urn to ai^ into roJivtoa A
long wayMdaorrt Utroaiy toa.
• The «i« gleam nfrtMhtaecaartrt
and cUmtaf^ rtiU. OUbrot Hartley rtrt MurtoM which toUowedapcmthaMC^TWbrti 1 was rotoed. 1 rtw w
iiqiirtw nrtgbfaar rtttlag is a vrouoda
^ Front etn>st
of tJ^ »to wbrt. I wwo to toto 1^
wesbtaUTliMHiikronatrrt BttrtiWS
No Cheap, Shoddy Shoes
Boiight for the occasion! But broken lots in
sizes from 2 to 4, C. 0. and E. widths, to clean
up this month at $1.00 Per Pair—Not s^lisb.
• but Solid Leather and Good Wearers. Former
price $2-00 to $4.5°*
U. ffi
A Few Items
Regarding Gliristiiias
:P-^EIgr~FTE, BiROS-
‘Wol/lijjffts moH .diffleull ihan lo emveyhy rords
whal should U under^od by actual peeing.
Howmneh -« tdl yoa of Q.. EXTBAOBDIBAEV
VALCES we-ro offering in onr
Special^oliday Sale
s poanow
gg to oar omraigs. tmi zor lou mnu ndrtSlWrtory
knowlsi^, ooms and see th« goode.
'rtdiM'flse Bsvy blue Kersey Jadeets. extra
Indies’Jackets of very t finest blsck, blue or
mreen Kersey cloth. sUlined, fsney trimmed^
Isgdlee’finest black Peralsn Curl Jacket*, ale- gently msde, aU Un^ ^th beet unslity
- iatln or with finest striped silk, vsluee ere 1 Q *7K
$18to$80.for ....................................
Iggdlee’ Beaver Jackets......................... $3.60 and $4B6
Ijgdies' Boucle Jackets................... ....$4XX) and $4.76
Beliable Dry Goode, Carpet and Clothing House,
Traversa City. Xiclv
but we are always prepared for
U with dainttrot
daintlrot and cooiemt arar
Itelea aa gifts for tboas whom
you would remember. We hare
a Bae dispUy of holiday gifu ie
Band Mitrun. TWlM Seta. Per
fumery. eta. end a great ecrorttpeetjf camera* aed Eodaka at
Jas. O. JolmsoxL
Jewelry k
Cluistineso., OPERA elASSES
Elegant Bings
fucjWudta Indue
u3?tr2rtw b...
J.N. Martinek
Is tbe boBieet week of all tbe jBBr. You in your Belectioa
(weamito and we in sapplpm; your waota. ' We heve
tbe gieateat etodi of tbingB to pleaae yon tbat yoa eeer
saw. Many have already made tbeir eelectiona end they
are happy. Kow don’t you pot it off a-day longer. We
hare hooka in ewy coooeiTsble rtyle and oolyr and
blending and price,-aometking to »ait every one. In
OameBthereareahcrttof new onea ibia year, and they
are all tbe way from five oeots to a dollar. Tbe great
Wave Ware and tbe Tanaberg Statoary ere tbe two senera. m'any UtUe articlae tbat are inexpenaive yet they make
beentifnl giita. Alboma arc joat aa atylkb -aa ever, and ’
they are pot
in aumy new btndiaga,aBd acre to plaaae.
A iramed Picture ia aare to jdeaae, and we can {atde your piotara for
yoointimeforCbristitoeTe. Bring U in at ®oe.
M. B. MOUky.
’ ‘-'.-I
BetekAh rttokl UMlwMadopt•ifni KRitid tOdKe ^ (■vp
d» iolk.win*«>«.
Fw iD«o; y««» Uk- Umoa, cl VcrawDI
el»rtrfirt Ihr <J«1« rf po^B* .
pMMTBt ud b«»uMf»l bane l«
oMdtedsB. Jb IMOibr irnuMlkMUtek>—u, Borllnlttan. and thr pruint hn
bM llowl? Uklac ddlBlte dba)« al&oa.
ton tor tbe Pari* exporitfan wbli^
i mb-' b^Bu S2 F«in
aga ItUtbecnlre^
It U tbe a'
V O- I cf tbe
Und intbe
iuinTeni* ^
M7A The clock.™ by •riaijlo weight,
Oror«e K«», Omari---------TeoBwxrr. and K. U IHUbury. UaawctnWbaa frlnt«J and r—«ly *“ »
} tbv >ndKt->. >1 «n> *■' mbanartt
Crcwot €*«. Tbne te an amutwu* Ibat
tbU R\i«toD WlU rtmiAv cb»'.rf.Jrc«iotiebto
fmtoiv. «I the OOL’ ni« m u»e--Od4 hello*r«- Herald.
At a mnt bamiuft ft the tBWranO^
Peilowa of Ikmoix tbrra were jraaeM »
wbo bad faaaii nHanbarerf tfaeoidar
•verHjimrethe areRltr of
earifUE fo. •»
I- , ---------‘l^l» borneiwdere a>:.d brolbere widow*
and orphan children ui Odd Fellows
vFInanclalarerotary-Utbe lairei
BOW to be aiifdlad to that cOcei. mbich la
wmdi newe la hannuny witbtto duure of
tba ofSce than •perinatwiittooWtoT. ’
Tbe report .if tie- (llreri.raof tb* minoM
, Orphan* boaie *li..w> that since tbe InatlcmluK wa*
th.- »c,th of Januarr,
ms op loOe
faeritf cblldicn
40'wrre resumed l.TJuMinlUii* one died,
aod ilie nuiiilaT In (be home atthadale
of the report waa 1*0.
Tbi-prand lodseof PenmyleaiiU h«)
fioallT BTltltd that Indgia ciKist tay »
HMtlKlt: Trjinx. BLUUKCTO*. Yt.
awt (itBu Oround wa» necnred In a ■»«* eeou faTrwTuwuuUw «o (to bw.L* oi. tha
d«diable«!w In tb. lH«n ol tbedt?. and 1st of April lor the atipport of tbe tour !
■The grand lodge of Cotarado ha* adopt
ttw'ctrw^re will to an a^hllrrtnrel ad- ed tto foltowlng-towlt: -InlUaWfaa.
dbkm of valw to tbe c«7. Atupte^m- bu if acandldau I* nador tbjtwre of age:
uodaclom for all (be boMona and fraler»l for «i -ddltfonal
WbalwUlaiuanpaylf balsluA
■al mtrtlnKs of Vrnnom UaaOM have been
• pforWedfor The latndlo* wHI to c«n '
and ready Jor dedication at ^
MkblgaBRcbekahtmadeagaliiorS.70T , tl^UBedn . „
toenlnir of tto gmod kalRe »*( ytar. All l*« y.ar'prrecot aoubc-reblp. li.871. to
The iberotor la a N.
tbe recelpu aa rental frem the tctni.lr will
e lodges.
b. dermid m oharitj lu oo« *Ul U.
Tto fart that tba lodge ha. a elrittog ! The center diaL whit* to *0 liwb«
aDdr.U.-rco»»o*iteeUnorracr.nwbyBnr,i„ dtoimMer. riiow* CineuiDati time.
^ *^*i^a Mawmic oSenw in Mexico to la otbmiiisubrT.4u>ilnec»lt.a>:<ktowtbrr i ^girgnodiiiR this are 12 diato which
■Utc^a cKII or cTtiiilsal aulw against a
ibtrollwanu tto sotwralgo grand kdga .bow ,jnic in otber InngiWde*. Kew
tnotibr witbom Orel atlemiAlaR to udjn«
Klondike i* rejawonted.
to ISM.
tto -lodge
There *re 1.1?* Retok.to to Vetoaton.
Tbe mrerity of tbe clock to that It to
lowo twtrtairh* rqpurt *
Uw* c-f ^ made entirely by hand and bai M.WO
............ Btorvmentt, tto in
tbr toslitutio annually exceeds reraitii-ni
wrauMt inonne *7 »3.Wb tcbS.OOO.
Miw Mary Cook, ngrd «1 rare.
Seamount niut toobtatoad by an oroUy lDlt**M to VeeSwW But ' lb lodge.
In Texas tbweare » cbaptreaof tba
Btorire oaitiiine to ootne to a*
Order of tbe EaaMn Star, with a---.oooeM and tb* eilandlii* nreof tbe
raraitonbipof t.sn
fended (or relkf toirtng tbe yrer
mow cycle in J’lmnee. It tor^ma^
SWATST.lW: tb* uaal numtorof hrentore that 8,000 are Biyd dally in Pana for
• — -A the total Btunber d^wring aod collating good* *nd
Danhd Irwtoaud JobnJ*. SbaiinoB. There
rinllar bnrinra* bmm. breidm tbe many
are *11 lodgreot Hreons to (teoecta and
tbat are oaed for plreaore. Tbe OoioM
about IS.UU) membwa
de IMcb ree»-DllT rent two of bi* maTto grand l-idge of Canada turaeddowo
..hinre trau Parto to Bertin. they mak
'tha laupmltlao that tto ^ne« of ^
ing *e trip. ?48 mile*, wltbdsjdfi^^
*at£nt lodgre to umirecMd to the third
....ny of oar )iin*lcUoB* nalde or nocldent. in 184 boor*. <w attbe ra^
^Tb^ yon red- tbe tbreaboM of tba
of tbr wllbdrawB OnUrto Jnrl*- of iii mile* an how. Tbe roadgWVledga. lease the icaltnwiee and eamltlea.if dirlkin wbo drdre to arrw tbrir uwnreUw worid bebtod you. When you r*“ tkiD* witb that body and -retato tbrir a* bwrible.—AmeritmB Machintot.
that (hnabold. lease tbe aerreU «d ibe
blpto loyal grand lodgca. Tbe
jXwu^tbew. Take tto .IaaUngof
ledge hre tberKore Ireued aclrrs may
d with yon. bowi
>r eSret that nub B
'Tb* Dukeof Oonaaufhl ta wor»h .
"Prefesring cicditan u all right tf a
maator of (to Anay and Ka«y lodge of
Ibe aecnied lodge (Jntarto. lie thia ond mncaaaSordit.'’cldUMaoxreo
Framawin* a* Aldwabul
Irefiecfiraly. •■bat,farmy pani
R C. Jordan ha« rent to hb rretgn
debtor*.”—Town Topic*. •
blank* for which
M iBfpeEtor geoerel of tto (Upmn* i
gtand nrKirdm.—Oviraew
eU of Seoul* Rlto Harem. aiMitbarB
A gratKl rfiort will to mwlr by tbe
HwUcltoo Tbe «m>ey will not to filled
eral dlwrlcU of tbe tUltfoniU Jurledic
.to rapture tto |>rtn-ofi*,«>(ll>UiBtto« toeB
Brc K .N. Myer. li gr*Bdnia«.
offend by tto *oji?viih- kdgv lor ito gnwt
Karen* in Wen VlrglnU and Bib Q.
CM numlw of ium.here wt ured tariore
klDBD grand awTiHiry *
orit May.
- i
Tto city of Watolupinn ha* be*io retoca
During tto fiKt tm worktogdayaof So
Most Complete Assortment
1 a* (to nm-itog plare r (to genoal
Ilf tto Kreierii
ever shown in this City not
reriOHl 1-alge (dlice
Chris|nias Dinner
' Wl be all the more enjoyable if your table is laid
wi^ handsome and appropriate China and Olassware^
Wc have such, both to Odd Pieces and Sets; plain and decorated to meet
every need, and atprices that you will have something left in your wallet to
make others happy with after your purchase. Thfey are suitable for present
ation. too, and form a most appropriate gift.
Your Dining Pumiture may
need refurnishing and we can meet yout wants, likewise with compassion for
your pocket-book. Dining Chairs. Tables and Sideboards in infinite variety:
Fancy Chairs. Couches, Easels and ^eens^all open for your inspection and
marked at figures yon don’t have to consider before buying. All goods bought
now. stored until Christmas free of charge, at
J. W. Slater’s House FarnisMag Store,
TYayerse City, Mich.
108-132 Front Street
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
i Christmas Slippers i
on sale at
No. 131 State Street.
highland lurigwcf AugiMta. Ma.. brake Traverse Cily, Michigan.
«to YiK-'xl fo ap|>b. m tutu at the
reDtoeiuu. t.vYiTing*appiu*to«U(m Conjg J*, gud look them over.
tto artkmof tbe i>npreme tody iboee memhi-r* who w«e odKriMiK-ky ha* UkoB 1b ntra iww m*inxoittad to tto oreire prior to July 1, IBM.
aix^bo are l-J.ng tto .4d rata* of areaee- h.T» du.v JaJi • I aiider tbe ixre plan than
-h liaatokiin Inin 16 yrare uudw Ito leeel
lurtidktkgia, working 'ondtr tba
Thla nu>m-j r
’ br» gue* luto ibu .
aliie* Jan 1„ hare made a
(daMiflrel1 pUn
• amtrn>(i(.d by the new mra.bore. who
gain of 3.712. fndre ih.' old |>lat> In
nay 18 alngl.- aeawminu rerb year, bat a IBWiltH' aatre- jiuladlctiocu made a Bat
bbte rate than too old meintwr* et tto lore of 1.626.
.^ncMe. Alldratb and diaaliillty rlalnu
of old of
uf new lunhlvre. we paid
trem (hi* one fuud
TexmhM«atoo 0 Ug
fm. thaa heredlwry dtoaee.
tolol.r IU(C tba ahllltj u. Dmto fire oon
Ten* cttA m.TOfc a pnre tam*m
ThV. I- tto tlnw of yrar «liea tbe Bock
eyre an i lrrulid. and t.i**t* ^.iw that
Ohio mL.|uUr.areUndlDg>)aUr aBBB>bM*tbeui tnlo IJtMabn; (rtito
3t rank y all right. Tbn;
mUliNwllug article appearing Id a Cbleagv ;
patior ha* called out a n-poit frain
lllnary abowloy llmlI tocu only ttol
____ I tow by Ito rank an-flj
and aacore beyoid auction, hot that aUi
the iDwwtaniU U tto rank are to exoai- |
tent caudiUuB. itorcby giving gtrabw |
ecafitonae than ever In ibu IrapurtaDt de- ■
partmroi of tto .irdar-Lodgre are IwriiWilBg np tbrir armor ;
« bi Kortb Cbr-
. Ttofv are mcr iT.eOO AiraaomHm In
Maw Tork JuriadWtioB.
Tba* I* a |.yeUar atmatlaa to A*ariUa
C.) eoBBca with 116 laeBbarB, }a
Aki hare oocmtad 16 death* to 16 nan.
yWlbatnOi t6 pareenaf aU toailldnn
Uw bara ntaraa«.toi oa* of tbaaa f
| t
over our window you will see a very few
of the many fine packages of Fine Per
fumes we are showing. In Celluloid Goods
we have some very fine Necktie. Glove.
Rib^n fod Cuff and Collar Boxes. Our
line of Bulk Perfumes is complete—All of
the popular odors. Don’t fail to see our
window and our stock when shopping.
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
JohMonBUK* . ’Phoii.73.
Christpias Turkeys
Oysters, Candies ajid Nuts.
B»«ryililn* for Oompl.M Ohri*tni». Biimor, Includlug OrboeriM And Provigioub,
Traverse City
Candy Co-
Kaapa CbrWraaa Tree Trluinr*, Candiaa. a»d < BdU Upldan. CMdy
Toy* ud a f«Ull»a of OniaBiapt*. Dint forget o
(badyCAsra. We make apeeial prire*
randy to
Oontar Pork Axid Pront.
Order by Thoue and have Qooda 3>ellT®r®d.
. rear Maaoato blodt. OB CaioB street.
* ataonoka
‘nir Knight* of ito-Aoeicot Earenle
Order, a r.-\lLaluf the AnricDt Kwbiw.
wrrr.mgiu.lly ana of ttoprinei^ Jaw-
II ■ *..
Rnyai Are
Ttore wrh- only 21 la
gUiia In the fine ball O
Tto erdre IB Trnni
The Popular Shoe House. |
U«.. rradrad eIgM at a aitaUar narellW.
. Ohio U tto UiiBat. Knight of Pythla.
■ato. more than tW.otW Bockrrre batag
The altrelnalum -I tto .oilclde. Uw
J. H. Saule t» grand ehaaeciUorad Kradrankard ged all utlx Tuiinrlatnanddi
iocky ami Wed* btolB* grand kmpwcd
godo* risk* ba* praved .>r grrat advi
iwxtrdraud aeal.
Ma to tto endratnent nu>i.. aod whik
..-----bare etoaio u> crilWto u.*
board broaa* of IU rigid aatorax|a to XliK-lnnall An-anuiulKw haraoegai
a Buyal AirainiB) eaitdaytuau buruw
Tto Crotoui.liil fJty ba* i.iany lire
Urp-Iy ta tto atnmg fouudatUm upon
rtteb tto laauraooe branch ol ito- ..rder Airanumltre. iid vlflladoB* hare ’
~,u uDonKtheraanetbof Na*t
•'Sf KnlgbU «( Pytblaa now re wv-urely
UiU (all
Breton la agitattox «
iBitnnr of ll» uoKoiir
thu by jululn*
_Kjogb wvwnl ratuiauiloa may to lormcd.
BrtL Pauli.— - of Wre. Virginia and Man* Jenkln. grand Tbe oaUorni wlU roet atanK »*l 1>w mab
Wr camioi totonrarefnl Iu InvIlUg
kccpCTiiln»onl»aDd«mL .
(rlindKiocviiHInto ito.odL-r to topretiy
Tbe grand ludge ortMawara aapendert
.«rwaal aod
glO,6T» for skk and
family ht*h
u tyyear__________
We have many useful articles
suitable for presente. .
Real Estate *»„
CUTTERS^-*- Fire Insurance.
Correct Styles.
M-'-~ 1
Christmas Presents
Christmas Cards,
Backgammou Boards, Fancy Ink Stands,
Paper Weig^ BokPapeUere,
Xfin doubt About vliAttoi^for
OhriAimAA, go to
■oalrad 1
ntttiw’t orm Ant ••4.
3-piece Child’s Sets, triple plate silver.
Elegant Carving Sets,
Bissell’s Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweeper
and a grc»t raaayo^^aa^ttd^ tort
146 Front StreeL
Travene aiy.Rick.
ijYou Have Logs to Sell
.Correspond with ^
the Trsverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Souud Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. ■ Umds for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, includiog a Engines, Set Works. Carriages
and Saws, A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
in^lMUnamltf tts
□ □□□□ □ □□□□
'Tbe Oonn Jeeuaitf BWglatWr U
AiHdkUk, s;io>^. bu ms «]e.ee» tbe'dUe «d an articleby Amelia Voffegd
is St. HUmlaa. Tbe ntbor mya:
•uing tk« fM» tbm 7«MI.
noud obeervw(rf
Pnnk O. Oantow <t Butw bu b
Tnitier B. A. OoneU will Iutb b
■•sw Botbod ot cxOaitaidiiBg fire* «BblB of haww Bt HyrBcawBfBt —w. tfae'cnctom of keeping tooU. Will 6om■«hlc^ pnaaiJM gnBt tliinicB. Jle hBs
ScblraduRcr Bna. of TUoiib hBTB men. or Somwa. wu> tbe beat beloved
of all tbe ounber. He U folly deacribod
in ‘iA Mmt of Ninnim.” a quaint little
0 boniag baUdlasB NaUing.
book pnUiabed in MOfi, by Robert ArfotMBd of WBtor. HU idsB li B no^
ty, IBradfred. Warns and &de, min,ritbobad tbe bunor of being an
II dtj.
tM, to air tb«
and U it U ow- Pa., will coiDpoae a sew wrstem
original petf«ia>q iu many of Sbakea
baU ai reoowfol bbAb elalnis it U it aylrasU dirslt tor next Mhkl
will owtaiiUr be baiM iritb delight
bj all the fire departneots in the eonn*
«•* leuoiAi to Owiij i^^^a'Silf dar.'
try. Bi well aa the popiiUtiaa of dte
-mnteil tolh* Mm- whkh taota dledatam
o Sske hSa br tbe baad. or etee amaB'A
Mx. a Tappas of \'t«naa w sow in
tmr'tr It ww. aa aadeai paoiile «y.
tth woeb Bdce arm. W.B1M to it that daf.
r in appeaiia e to a America and expeeu to nuke wreral ^eaaa
ba na. heUow'evde. aa an rrpen.
■ f4 trotten before be ntnna
laOn UiU u
Trainw & GUytoo arrived from Vitoote,
noa reoeatly with a oominliriM to ptn- trbawBMByrnrata
bepi «itb Oa ktag net*
Aaw n bead of blgb claw AmericaB
Vbm'w^aa mi. Iba klaa a^ bevtmld Ttma:
Twwity tboomod ddllan tethaivios UiBi ftUlaBiUd aada»a ioaii> a U~.
vbteb (be Hem. a K. Seed of ^
klaa wtaiid eaw cna> »bm taa «<s)d
PcrirWJ ba fcae* WIU ao raa<ri«r »“»••
Bat wWbt tba kuw ta dee geud daada gnat
Tktrb waa'd tba aeort M le
. (f all hU tbomsfaUade be ntalai hU
One of tbe go^ deeda that are ondita^ tratriac Mabla
Sommen wa* 6aoi> jo* before toe
me. W. WUliama waa waU pleawd
~ '
en^ pri« tealUad os bU yoans- Hng'e dmtb. aod in favor df B
aiS^ AUwm at tbe recast Parig
atf Twwity bmd avenged gSM.
gniity of ao offenae agaiin^ tbe king.
Dt. a P. SimkU of PbUadelFbU although btadepJwBi what we abooM
bM Martad a bcaeding farm at Fort oonaids an act of efaarity. To pnoiih
Wa*iBgtoa. Pa. Tbe dootor owsi tbe
the offeodw Hnuy eeUed bU property,
. vnty trotur Imaeaawell aaatnnabcr ndoriog bim to great dUtnm. The caae
«d a pUtfono reeting <u poMa. msbla of
good enea
toncU d Summera' lympatby, and-in tbe
<f esueuioe. A eannoo for riioociag tba | Mr. & D. Kelly of WoodUidge. K. kin^laet illnem bo infiturtaed him to
aand'Tecu on tbe pUtfinu Tbe tncee I J,, owa* tbe mare Veata, by Bayoooe manre co Fariuor what wae left of bU
nqoired to throw, tbe mnd in vuppUed Prince, that iwastly abowed a half in
1 aU, and tbe ourntw U ] M and tbe la*t qnartw fa M>t
U TbUosrionaVicA' ooda over a half miU tnxA.
Oroo.wd. roand (be grave of Tbath'
' fire esgiae U propelled
Effie Powera. t:!©!.*. etarted la 17
noea daring tbe paat aeaagi. all of
which. I tblnk. were <m baU mile ttadta. Utrmtart^ art or tbe disma. Autli<my
bIwwcB if of dMK. ttaeUai7af ber TrtiUop-. itar HDvclin: Maak Lem<
on Ibe pUtfonn
being won in Mxaigfat beata.- tbes editor of Pouch: George Henry
lienea, pbiloaopber and critic/bir TbaTarf. Piald and Farm.
cdon Marrin. laaao Bntt, tbe pmdeeeeMr. Otttow'a pha id pstdiil oat
soroC Parnell: Sir W. H BnmeU. Tbe
Timm' war owreapnodent; Sir John
tba bomitig haildi^. elevate the
MtUaia, Shirley Bfooka. afterward
• sladarm np to tbe atory of tbe bsUdLMB'a meeemor in Tbe Pmwh editoroi a level with tbe fin and then altboBgb longer modeU are ky no m
■hip: MimBndikki. who bad bnt te4Uibatge qaaotitiea of aand into tbe
emtly dUdoMsd "Lady AndUy's Se
TUiaw tbe mad qaaoebing tbe fire by
em:" Cfaarlra Matbewm tba actor:
Henry Cole. C. B. of tbe firm eshibiwaMr U thrown «e a fin it only
tins fame: Tom Taylnr. afterward the
to iamaae tbe fiamea. and an anormosa
snomaearofBrooktiuTbe Ptuxb ediqoaatity aaft be naadbefcae tba fiamea
brahip'; John HolliagdMtd, not tbao.
gM tmder ooottol of tba flremtA. More
- • ing ronnd “tba aacced
seal damage U ofM inowrrfd from tiie JackeL It givea perfect freedom a^ U
watw thrown into tbe boUdiagthas Biamtlilly Um bnrinem woman'• wrap
Bobwt Browaiag and
«» tbe fire. Wbas mod U and. a
Tbe demand for fancy velvet U acaae■very amall quMtity. ao Mr. Caotoae thing predigioua Entire cannmeaare many otbm of mme or lem ealebri^
gaya U tmeamry to entirely Knotbar made of it, and enonnoBi wrapt, large were tbere.
Charlie Picknta atood taeeide Brownrim flamm. and then U abaolotely no ONiagb to cover a woman np bodily,
tog and Dianr faraidM myaelf gaaed
damagedooe to tbe boUdlsg ty aboot- axe boUt from thia matwUL
iag mnd into it.
Bonretto, mnel’a balrfafariea and tba with iatoTMt at tbe k^ )p^ci» baadali^tJy rungh raifaoed maietiaU to aome, alarry eyed wriM. Oidm waa
which ao many popolar gndea of anlt- not to monnilDg and was 'Waring
iag belong are eztenalvely naed by tbe troDM of a cbeck t9ttem>w'UBUMwat
of Mane colored pUid. and an open trook
beat Uilcn for bandasme coatomea.
coat. He aeemed laiger in autote and
It ii mla that tbeie are ten diatinot tuore robnat iban I bad ever befim no
Some yean agp
p L
diadea of leddlab porpla aride from tbe ticed him. Most eff those whom names
Off of tbe Rowiaa nMvymi
7 made a aerial of
aocperiitKeita to eetablUb tbe teating of tone domI in bUbegf' robea TbU eoole- ■re mentioned as asaembled to pay tbe
T goodj us a aoond and mtUfaetcBT aiaatieal pnrple ia a moat elegant and laat tribote to Tbackiray are now dead,
. tbe f.JIcning being tbe main con- alt^ve Aade and is flm.goodeia and Merm y<or* later Dickens bimself
wBKun mere. “AlLallaregone. ibeoU
daaiaQ* at wbfeb be arrived. It Will be elmply auperb.
Plain velvet in comhlnadan U mneh Umiliar faces.''—Obambera’ ^uiraBl
xn-ed. and .bUk, with aatin. will be
that cbemical teatiag gave no reUable
Is Tbe Centnry there U an artiole
siedUle fnrare
Pint.—IsdUnbbar ebonld not give wool gonda that aotue deaigBera are try “Tbe Cboms of Povwty” by the Ute
PrancU A. Walker. Oeotral Walker «iya
flie aligbteat lign of raperficU! oncka ing to Introdooe.
«s being bent to an angle of IBOdegnm
Every a«t of for will be won doting
after five boon' espoenre in n cloaedair the (xaning tisrrrii. tbe preferesee being
bath to a temperatme of l>6 degrem C gives to tbe dtert. thick onea, wfaich
Tbe teat pieoea ebonU be abont riz are for many porpoaea mocb htoce •iinple, enverrign oare for tbe woea aod
dteaay. Entire blonaea are made of fur ills of tannianity. We mast attain ont
and eton Jacketa andentawaya are aeeD. Id, tbe blood of tbe race more of tbe
than 60 per oast by weight of metalUo
As entue dreaa of pUid vttvet baa a taint Inherited from a bad aod vldtooc
oaidea aboald auetch to five tlmm ita perfecUy jOain akirt aod a wais with pool before we can eliminate poverty,
Mngtb wftboot breaking.
oloae aidea and a blonae effect in ftesL much mote panperitou. from onr locial
Third.—Pnn cBooicbane free from Tbe yoke, belt aud high, flaring ooUar life. Tbe ecien^ matmmt wbiefa is
sUteneign mattw. «mept tbe aolphi
are tbe only biiaof plain color in tbe applied to pbyncel dUeaee mn« be ex
^Saomary lot ito mloanixatJuD. ebon:
conme. Tbe alosgea fit tbe armalo tbe tended to mental and toinl dUrosa, and
7 and oantoy mnH
/ atreteb Kvao tlmea iu length witi^t ebosldere. wta<5^ere are Urge pdffv
U powm ot '
y breaking.
—Kew Toth Ledger. . Popolaref
_ .
e Korible, i
bonarwifely art*
d IS per erat of tbe original length
iu tbe icbooU.
•of the teat pitas Tbe teat plaeea dio^d
A fool and bit tatber'a money are and there tbe boys most leata to ase
ba from 8 to IS millimetcn wide and ■ocs parted.
to a riom and
sot SMSe than « milllmetan thick and
' TbeqnrredecmlBgfMtmeotspawn- vital 00 bpetation and oo-<ndtoatias.
g oaotimeitn long.
Yet still «-• ahaU have to await with
Piftb.—Tbe pweentage of adi glvw d»op ia tbe tl<4M.
The painftsklng man doam*t~tilwaya latietue the slow, rare aoUim of date,
eat anfctbe all healer. Tbe faalaooe of eeeUl
M and may form a bad. im tbeofaoice
P»lnfaetwees dlfferrst qoaliuea for oactain i Tbe bog may be a aqaeaUr, hot be fureie hax definitively toned to tba side
of tbe lees fortauatc oUitoca. and the
; nevw gives anything away.
BoDrae of events now rnoi in tbalr favor
U on tbe whole a
agataut .tbe
There ia i
and no longiv against tbem. Meanwhile
led to give Did
let phiUutbropy oontinae iu noble
dlcstiou to engioeera ai to tbe
le qnall
Moat people neglm <
warfcinaUevUtiag the affliotionx which
cannot to- wholly cored and U biodtog
, gaai —ioe U laid fw tbe mb-: Pi'opla Hke to lUten to adviM only togoiber rich aud poor to daa of q«uitathy and niotnal r^aid.
Sr it U^ imStoUtteTlt
: '-‘•m it oonllrm. tbrir own opinions
phyricalMftaaatbeae. IndUmbfaeraDb-j luatracton in elomUon may taaeb a
totea made from oil and “recovered ’ mau bow to talk, bat Bnfortanatoly ixs
L e., old mbbrr worked op
detice Wife, mi tbe empmer's aide, an
sgain with dil—bare nothing like the
A good wmd might be aid In (aver admiral, tbe captain of tbe Hobatioleladicity appertaining m new aonnd of nagreM gaiunn, bst dmaa with lera. tbe chBDoeller of the empire, e
nbbet. aud they
toagoea -abo^be abU to epak for general and two valets de cfaambre. In
Praline they, were President Oarnot. M.
SpDler, minuter of foreign affairs; M.
de Prercinet,
of srar. and a
- • lagenu. IfcaOeeman e»Dot soppomd to know of
the voyage till it was over. When tbt
psdtyfor driving not every other knows
prqaiaUnis woe nmnnlewri tbe knlM
tern of lUnminetlou. tbe aatiita editor
ambssked apes his ysoht at KieL and
3*ptn bos M oottom niUi, and Perrin os ibe'plta of laktoga amward Joarney
............iu first gtoaasorka. far norib left his empire sriifarac news
■msfntly dUplaoe coal gas. wsSer gai,
fi~.^t Ulllard* baiU ssd alnatolsm of him for a feraigbt. Tbareatoftba
• •
evolatkculs Jontsgy was .made from Arendal via
t ptoMfor.
BhlUad and Brigii
to Pwia-Gail.
lKiUtodl%btiAg to the iUi -toftosaf
jttoaaeed todsriry <f (be moth Utuse 11 lBtime.,>yMaaric» Lendet.
and too Uke now pring ___
iliinil iilsMlr IlghtllH plini’i iw 'ill gii
^ N)0 tolUi.
Baamkr atoaak
Ktwhing is « nerve trying m a pair
anssol ^net I
of “«}neaky'’ iboen and tbe first
•tea area.
I giaOOO,
(bought <f remedies meet often mak<
Aboot repcremicf (berilkss
To remedy (be eqaeak
«•:« itotoltoi. «»to,to,tooo.to.ttapto».lto )to.
vantlas by s mm flamed Wilm. to muiotoetnra. In ttU btaneb c* lodaa- esoogfa tarpeottoe (o
tbe line of
wbiiii n atonto toesndmom deeme ti, o,e qaesUon of enircmacy appeeri tbelnaerK>!cwitboottoaetalagtbe“ni»
lamp Ufaeteaad ton pm seer to prist tobe^bem firmly and fimaiyeetUed. per"
-Let- tbem
aoekfor « day
to mder to tUatosMe tbt wriMsg “ ‘
_________ and than dry for two days before wear.
B.lfsystem- tag. wbes it will hefoand that tbeariea
. toribars^ont r^Tli^ft.
OuF CompetitoFS
It irritates, even the Holy Sainta who are offering
nothing but honest and true bar;;ains to ^He beloved
public, who never make a mistake, always infallible.
The goods offered by our comj)CMtors must necessaiily come from heaven flawleskv^d indestructible.
What a mockery! Our neighhojg^can-boast of nothing
more than thousands of others who handle goods
manufactured by'human bands on this wicked planet,
at prices decided'y ordinary, as the market dictates,
marked up high enough to afford leductions of 2o per
cent if necessary. Has no one else access to the same
market? Can no one else buy as cheap and deal it
but at all kinds of ofihP
Hear our tale, you people of reason. There are
always hard-up merchants, even in our neighborhood:
J, W. Bell was one of ibem; there are also occasional
fires, hence fire and water sales. As to assignments,
who can foretell the next unfortunate?
We have made it a business to buy up and handle
such stocks. Bad luck does not always make a stock
bad. There are thousands failing with stocks as
good as our neighbors thtown bn the market at 50c
on the $1, and the low prices we offer in consequence
irritates and annoys our competitors.
We will place pn sale to-morrow the retail stock of
[~1 SchloBs Bros, of Butler, Penn., sold at auction at 60c
on the dollar. The stock is exU-emely fine and very
clean. Below are a few quotations and all we ask is
an impartial comparison.
Th« $3-66 Men's Bait is satinet or
a cotton xnixtnre; now be oandl^
neighbor! How, our's is an all wool
Men's Bolt sveiy thread of it, and
tbs prioe ia only $3.66.
$3B6 buys of ns an all wooL fbahionable plaid Bolt Compare valnea.
$6.00bnys of lu in aasorted shadM,
heavy, all wool, np-to^te Men'a
Oaasimere Buita. Our neighbors
boast of its being wor^ $7.60.
||a60 buys of ns a 16 os. all wbol
Clay Bait in sacks and frocks.
$7.60 does not buy here ooarse
grey trash and abort wools, bnt
choice of fine American fabrioa in
froc^ and aaoka, olesm wool and nnadalterated.
For $7.60 we give yon fine Import*
ed Oaasimere and Wonted Bolts,
taOor made, In sacks, frocks and
Mws’a^not cotton, clay flnlah, bnt
purely half wooL fknoy lined, for
Men's Keney ^Pants $1.16.
Men's aU wool Heresy Pants $l 40
We back evary pair to be all wooL
Ho charges for name. Hames do not
keep yon warm nor oompenflate youp
pocket book.
Tenth's TTlsten |lAa
For $8ii6 we give yon a Tonth^
good Chinchilla or Melton mater.
Men's Overcoats from $1.60 up.
Men's black Beaver Overcoats for
A fine Beaver Overcoat fbr $4,60.
An all wool fine Kersey, half silk
lined Overcoat, tailor madSt for $7AO.
Men's knit Ovefshirts 88c.
' Men’s fleeced Underwev S8e.
Men’s Dock Coats 76c.
Men’s Oaasimen Working Ooata
Boys Ohlnohma Beefen $L&S.«
Fine Bonole Baetsra,- assorted
shades, $1B6.
Boy's Knee. Panto of fine Oassi*
mere 38o.'
. -
W« acknowledge had we not bought the above
goods bankrupt our. prices would have been as high
as our competitors.
The Leaders of Low Prices,
We are headquarters for Ohrletmas Gifts in all our de
partments. .Open till e p. nL every night thle week.
□ □□ □
□ □ □
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