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The Morning Record, December 22, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Pint Te*r-No. 199.
nos OEXIVBST vow 7AIB1.T
VMfal Inflmulion Vagardinr Collaetloa*. XKlivariM, Aniv«U ud
^mtkiturn of KoU-OwrUn Am
OotdsfrDowDtoBaataMVMd WlU
Som S« TunlUAT Witb tboir Work.
Tho tctur cuTien ore mokiof M|dd
. piudie— Uiworde o perfect oretoB of
the free deUrerr. U woe eopoeUd tkot
torj dnriot Uie wliiter meotbo. but
tkli wiaterUwIUbekept(ol«f
ot tb* tiBe. The eew etylee of kiiebeo
cB^koorde ood B<lk ofn which the
boo )otnx!Dc il will proTidc
work tor o Urpe laivc of employee
o«»rly oil wloter. Another oddltlon U
oboot to he mode lb the prodBCU ot
thefoetory. Ctorehoc Orell.lck U ooBethlnc ot o eporUBoo ond he hoe olwoyt telt tho nerd of eoaethiop In
which te properly core for bU floblop
ood ohootlnp eqalpaeoto. A Bodel
oportooioa'e eooe hoe beeo dcolfoed U
which one coo depooU fowllof ple^aeblnp rede ood coib. oloo drowera for
OBOoltios. fiahlop toeklo ot TorioBo
a/aUB.'k«t IB tolled to oppMr oad tke
wrrim ood PeetBoelar Friedrlek koee
bod to Isooporote the oew ropiBO bciou. ohooUnp eeoto.
witbool ekperleoeed oeektoa^ De- hoe oiraody foand feeor ood It U porllToriw ore mow beiop i^tde ot 7:V3 o. poeed to Boko o opMlolty. ot thaee
Tho footarjr trtH be Idle hot o
B.ood S p. B-oodea L'aloooBdrroDt''
ot «:M 1 ehort tiBO. •
-• Belo.oa-"'-—’
....... ...............
p. to. Thb Utter delireiy to tor the
porpMe ot oeodUp oat the moU troa
the O. BA I. ond Vorthport eUpei ------- ——
1 tolapreeo npoo the oeenpoalo of oSoeo ond
otoree whioh ore not epcoed in tiae ter
the BOTBlop delleery, the neeeeoUy ot
prerldlapo enoU'hox or o plooa where
DOU Boy bedepooited by the eorrUneo
they ore not oUewed U leoee Ultara
uleai loo reeoptoele prorldod tor that
Fcdlowlnp ore the keen tor ooUeetkaotaoU tract the drop booee ot eo,-ri««poUU;
ilaoB Saith. who hoa been le
chorpe of the orel dUh enttinp roea in
the factory of the Oral Wood Dlata Co.
for 13 ycaun. hoa rcslpned that poallioo.
He boa eawpled tbo ponitloB of peoerol
forenaa in the factory ot William
Beitaer oad will bepte work te hto new
plooe next Monday.
Bold to bo at Fotet of Iteatk te
Lodiapton. Dee. tl.-Faeeroral days
JndpeJ. B. MeMahooboabeeaboTortep
between life and death. Ha wna takweek apo from the eirenit
mrt at Baldaria. Be woa aolterii^
from on attack of dUbetea with which
ha hoa bean ofillctad aereroi yaaro.
Yalerday aoralap the phyolcto^ te
tot OBd lUe'eeoBcd te ha alipplnp
Doriop the Ay^howecor o lltthe oorriero ore aokiop their realco..
iBproreBeBt (b BU eoadiUon woe
• Tboee horiap letters to aoU .eon hood
thea to the eorrienoo tbclrdellrensp
tripe It they desire to eoee o trip
the drop boxee or olBoe.
-KUllecttono ore made in Uae tor the OOLLUIOV VBAB HILWATTCBB.
diqiortinp Boito oe the C. A W. V. ot S
a. m. oad 4;W p. a- and O. B. A 1. at fiteoBor Fotookey Bon Into
The ateoaer Petookry kod o eomaton
a wUl he I
the UoM of eolieetioo* ot aoila oad SCOT Hilwoakae o taw dayi opo witb
fixed U Uo pioee prarldhd on ebeh bex the etcoacr lows. The Petoekey
•0 that one eon tell ot o plonee the ioto the loaro atrikinp hyr oaor
heara el oolleeUono
Venad.C^ 0^ M BcM.'.
' Conic Rtioe will po to
{ttab Borolop oB O eieit.
I Copt. Kroitk Wbiiitocy ot Mnol^
SKVATOk VcXILLAV WIIX A E' it in the ciijr to
lod tbo boUdoy t
Vr.ood Mrr.
Mrs. OstTie Hsa’In ot RHtodole.' orD. H. Oay'e Fn
hie Bopport- teae of tbo Arpu. rired lut ereatapto apeud the bollaonte te Fart of Toiaprapbie Oob- dsya witb her niece. Mrs. Joto Chapboll.pt iBksnrcaas.
ncetloa Cr«a the Itlaodo to the
Horrey Hltebeoek.foraerlyof Northpert and well knowa hers, bat who baa
Senator UcMIllaa wilt make a ape- beta located la Detonr ae^l
»l jyears, is
dal effort to hare paari at the preaeni in the dty rlaltinp frieadb U'
aeeeloB of eonpreae hto bill for a eabla
Mia Sofis Watker baa rotarBad frnoi
troa Oten.Haren to the Soath MontUra an extended rtolt ip Cbleapa Ska • xtotMd.
A few dsya ape tbe-senater I peoU te po back the first of Jaansty
rewired the foUowiap letter fraa D.‘aad eater a tmlnlap school for
H. Day. of Oleo Horea: ‘*1 trnat fsrorable aetioo will be taken at tkis 'ereeioa
The Story of Oelostaae aad XdttU So,
By Bob. te the Bbcooh ChiteteBOB a
in the Batter of the
from Vbto point tu the tolaads, and that
!yoa bare not loet track ot the Batter.
: bat will eoaUnoe to fire it poor aaetot*
anoe. A poodarpnaent initafororto
the recent atrsadlnp «t the steamer
Uopebk. Ue Utter pary of last month
•n North liload. Ib order to seenre asstotaaos a crew from her eaae ashwe
la n yowl Ib o fierce northwsol poU ot
o preat rlsk.^ their lirw. oad is oU
ths time opeMthna ware pracredinp
oa her It sreald boTc been of prest orr*
rice.Another orpaaeBt io toror of ifato
MU to the preat desirobilUy of betep
obU to telepTopb to the aoidUnd the
feel thot VeaeeU which bore Uken refope from atenaa. ore aate. HasotorMe
MUUo will eadcoror te here hto mcaeBBo eapTofled on o aalUUe opproprUtkiD bill.
D. H. Day
bard ot work to
briop oboat the
Itobaeat of the
>t only'o losaty bat e
cable for aerernl'yaort. Two where o pereoa ape^ o third of their
petltloB to aotnral life. The ooly dIBcolty with
A fiMd, Mortible B«d
at shippers on the Ukea. Theaot-l^„„ Choaber Snla. Ch.ffoDlcree.
........................................................ Dreeslnp Tobies. Wordrobea. iroo Beds.
Etc.. weorsBclIiiipotaaeh prieao thot
Senator MeMilUa will be aueeeeetal te ao oae need be ariteoBt them.
patttep o heoriap npoa the Aotier.
There to oe doabt bot Uot the coble
woald be of preat rolne te aorlae lateresta. Tbe Moailoat proride ebelter
Hou»Fun3i.hIiiff store,
tor resseU dnrinp aerere etoras oad it
0 cable la cotebitohad o aeoai^lroald b
proTidad tor oeUtyiaf ownersW'shl^
pen of tbe sslety of reaseU onf
eorpoes. else whether the ^eltef^'-Ot
the tolaads hod beea ately pained.
Hea. Perry Uonaoh hoa loot hU old to
the project oad hto Infinoaea hoe beeo
exerted with tbe proper oulborilles to
bore tbe plea oooeldered.
BotthcM to olwoyc raoB
lora Tfaeraforr eome ot oae
yoar PHOTOS. We have o eomi
B. A S. ■ Bteetlaa.
iiac of Pictare Moaldtepo oad wil
At a repuUr oaoeably of Tinre
ly, U we hove to work
City CoBBcil. No. 6t. Boyol aad Seleet
Uoaal Aid SMtetyU Bipfat.
Hoetets. brld lost ersBliiy. the follew» Coapr^^otteBol Udla* Ai<
lop ofleen were cleetMl tor the eaen- dety will bold ooe of their pUaaoat
enriali this esMtep te the ohareh par- 11 Sooth IteleaSL
loro. Home Bade toady srUl be oa
Depsty Hoot
aoU te oatfelpaUM of Cbrtotmos nee
Prloelpol Cor
oalwrery one will be p'rneented altl
W. Cai
ooneeair. Alt ore eordUlly larlted.
Cbptoie of tho Gnord—Walter Troris.
Oohdnckw of the Ooandl — B. W.
Shsteheo of tbe Hoaiteos.
Chos. R deodnle ahde aoae
-M. B Holley.
peacil ekaleha of Noyth and Sooth
T. Boaooh.
MsnitoB toUods oad sea
A. C Desprro.
dnrtep hto stay ot (itea Arbor test
tete. Th^ ore beontlfiil rlewa oad.
worthy of adalroUoa.
Of Apoplexy Teoterdoy
B. Frank Holeoab. who to w^ll
hnoWn la this repka 'died eery andAcaly yeoterdoy aorninp of opoploxy.
a fifty yean of ape oad
looree o wife and fien children. For uo
yean bo woo U the captoy ot P. Ky
oolko. toranriy Bock A Ryaelkn. oad
woo o foallior flpnre apon their delicerywopoo. aiadoily cMutotheoaBereaa potraoa ot the alore laemiai in.
the notnre of friendly eolla letha than
hoAneea rtoia and the potraoa of the
otorertd aony friands besida wUl alnoero» armpothlM with the foaily of
the-^deeeoeed. Be left the eaploy of
Mr. Eyoelko a abort tinae opd. oinee
Fox loUad Ltcbthoaao.
WhUh be hot been mieeed by tboee
The MoaUtee News ssy%: Tbeaore. who leaped to leek for kla erory day. BPBt of the pToln rU the east sboie
The liphthoose oa Ue sooth Fox IsHare to f^ooDy teereasiap. Frldoy Uad will be kept c^n oil wtetar. ter
alpht the steamer F. A P M. No. 4 the fiat Umeslaea it bss^bsio esteV
took out for ladlartne :n.400>basbels IbbccL Tbe object is to benefit o itee
Ltroiy Bon of d. O. Joaeon ToUUy
Its. Ksterdsy aip^No. t took oat Uf bt ateaaers rooniap oil wlater frem
Lndiiiptos eo.oou teiaheU at oots. oad Moatotoe to MoolstKiae. oad wbich
Tte llToiy korn owned by J. O. Job- UstaWriit (hesUoarr WIwwosIb car- poeseo near tbe Pox Uloado. It to oUo
•eo ot Rlnpaley baraed to the rrbood risd oot torOroad Rsreo 43.000 boshrU draipaed to foeer fieharmea wbe ply
Friday oIpkL Nine sheep, a qooatity oteau. ft0.onubeihrlat<t prnla owoU thnir oalltef Ute in the oaaaoa.
of boy ood oinw and oevotol hoodrod shtpawnt to LadlaptoB tram MonitobaaheU of poUtoea were baraed. 'ike
MeCaUey hooae. seoiiy oppooiU. was
F. K.Q BUcUoa Toaii^t.
te doaper ot woe tiase ood woo aoced
The Protaraol Mretle (arete will hold
with diffi:alty. The born woa on old
There will be o repnlor miiitlnf ed
•sa. behip hnllt tweatywipkt yaora ita mrnUr aeetUp this orraiar at h the board et cdacotion tonipht.
•pe. hy duteoD Kinpaiey. oad ot piae o'clock le Moatorae Hell. BlecUoe ot
Hoary Saobr to baylapUmbor te Leewoa aoad In lit coaetroetioo it baraed oflUiTa for'(be eesBiat 7*»r ood etbar
Uoan eeaaly oboot Cbrp loho for Uo
rtoal badnea te be bmarac
with nnneatl fiereen'eao. Tbo loa oa
Troreroe City Lombor Co.
ban oad eaoteeu woa oaply eowed Brery aeaber to i
1 to ba
Tbe Boya' Bond to prwporlnp ior a
pood time at tbeir ^rtotteae doadop
Ualqae oad OrlpteaL
party ttotnifiay aiphv te tho
TbeBlko horetoeaed SOOaalqoe la- Opera ■<
I Will Hold 0 Boetoi riteUeoa for tbeir enanol aodol aea-. Mtoe Apace Poole sHlI leave' today
aloa, to be bald New Veor'e Bre. Tbe far Oaoho. Neb., whero she baa
la priated on o eoaaaea ehlp- o^oud l!y tbe r»«eruteat as
Brxt fiotardny oreater the Good
te the Indtea acheaL
TeaplotmsrUl aoet te a aociol aaaaloo
The Ladles' I^ibrory wOt ha open Friot Moetepae Hall. OaapoayKa l.ied
4tey of this week oad next aa aeeeaat
by HlaCkrne O'Baal, will toratob on
Tbey Vast lifftat oad Voter.
of the (Artotmaa oad New rear's b^
iaiFFStlnp wrofnnL Tbare will oUo
Tbe rUlape of On'trol lab« AatHa
ba other ottroeUve teotorco te theeTco- ennnty. ot preoeat baa aeithar water days DOBlap <m Hotordoy.
inp-a eaUrtalaaAb '' Tfao doreaUc worka Bor eleotrle Uphto, bet the peo
The food eole ot the Frieoda lAoreh.
Teapla ora extended oa teriutka to ple ore
of putdap In n eoa- to ho pivea Tborodoy oad Friday te B
atand. Viaitlnp Ooed TanpUis ora blBsUoB ^ot te earply both wnaio.
B. MUlarb drop atoro. prooisaa to ba
Of ^MOUl tetoMot
Xteoth at Fife Lafco.
Yaoterday area o banner day ter tbe
Mrs. J. U. Lake, swell kaewa oad aoerehoxta Ibe otraeu
bipbly esteemed Fife lake Udy, idled
> sued oU dv wli
bnyera <rf
S. B. Oreiliek Oe Frapoitep te Be
ot bar borne la thot rilUpe Moaday of ChrtoUMO poods oad the >
TNdr Factory Dnrtep the Vtoter.
caaeer. after o Itoperti« oad paA^I fra* the oeaetry woa very Urpo.
Tbe J. E. Grciliek Ox wUl obnt dew ntaoM. She woa 64 years eU.
tbeir factory the loatof the aoath ax
aahjeet. the pleat to o tboraopb ore
-----booltef. Ib poet yoors it hoa beea tl
FU.. to epead the winter.
caateB «f tbe caapoay te drat tbo teeBtey BBter oad fimaHy oad Mn.
^ -
We are
Still Very Busy
Yes Sir, We’ve Got ’em.,
Wbot?' iost what yon FUit for aome of roar Christmas preAents.
•ui. Don't know whot weVe got?
Well, come and see for
yoorself. We can surely show yon something that will fill ^
bill. Don’t wait nntil tomorrow.
sfio FHONT rntCET.
M. B.
Mim —
come: inSome day right away when j-ou are going by and
look over our Holiday Goods.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
your choosing
will be satisfactory
in the matter of ChristmBr"7fcBi^brances for your friends,
if you buy NOW. Si<Kks are still^^mplete. C Never before
was there the opportu^-RTsatis^ one’s self with gift-pur
chasing as there is this season. Useful gifts will more than
ever have the preference. Buy such from our Qothing s'toA,
our Furnishing Goods stock, our Hat and Cap stock, our
Dress Goods stock, our Cloak stock, our Underwear stock or
our Carpetstock. Prices the lowest known, on equal qualities.
PreTail In our Holiday Bale of 01oak«.
There is Nothing so Pleasing for, a Christmas Present
as a pair of
Nice Slippers
We are showing a Very Handsome Line.
THE SHOE HOUSE of Trireme Oty.
When Looking for
Something finsf We havs it.
Vo alerator wheat mixtures antar
into s siagla barrel of
Kemember you can
get elegant
Floor. Try it
.Hannah & L#ay Go.
White Aprons,
Imported Baskets,
CeUulold and liefither
Bugs, Gloves,
Yon in yaar Oiristman bnying, onrntore will be open erery erening from December 30
to 25, indnnive.
Suits, Overcoiats,
Hne neckwear.
Etc, at
You need Felt Shoes. Arctics. AUskas,
Robbers. Pacs or Socks. A full Hoe on band and more
coming. Men’s Arctics 80«, at
j..—.-y •MrawMflWi 1U« Oimf
oora with M uaaaiur t«-laotS«.
,-“h=r r
T. Satw Mxa 3. W. H&xn.
J. W. HAawrMtw Md lUnor.
wiMttfc ttaaxMstfa.
We Promieethe
M. Kov. to tbw* taU dlibM U7 be
•ddod Mltott frfcm*^
elB^ ia a hrtckt mm) dertaed {uw. n nuj diibw mwe.
Wm lUsto
yoaac etocu—t. aad Mte pW tba wbtch »Bk» U» tnU
aadiutee viU a ruluUoB. "na Mk t>».n nro «Dd thirty ditiiMk erhiob U m
moA M cut etBTMientlr ■Mad oo on*
UltoaDyto.- SkaiaayaodadU---------inUe Ta^ ia one meu And aftar tbu
by Mr. and MU* Belin W «han»»«ir»y
*»d a Buand aalaetioa
^ u,e duto aod »bow
^^tch wiU b» both fra»al
j in tba toU^oar. cootaDUnaai w e
cttllad far.
Tb. touhlB* alcry M -Jack the meet and mtiah pleanta aad delight
FtekvoM.- waa told ih Mrt. Martia'a «br iKholdcr."
Sorely a ••mod«ato dlBnu- hke that
but maaaar. Mtae PaUar playiac the
iai«t. Far aa eaecoa , woald make a lord tnayor’e haaqaot
wna Btiagy. y« there toamplemdeuoe
ahe gare a
that neb feaeu were not oucoauace
u—■—»"■ w
«t Matte, hr wait,
«M rear, br wall.
l.a«T work the Ka<U friaX«A aa aa-
Dr. l*ayne. who attooded
~ ra(500 rewud forthe
••In that older day " Not ereay ooa
bowevo*. ert (beb a tobU. en* wbda be
ccmld alfort it, for Pepyt nooed* a <Ubphlae Vader.whoaartaadedtoaB «• acr pireo to the po« by Sir Gwsgr
Downing ooe Chrtonaee at which ootbeat* la bar aaiial pleJlar taasaar.
Tbi pnjfruaeoocladadwllhaaoBf. Idk wb» aw«B bat beoL ptmdge. podHinff and pork. It may hare
I—-••Old Keatoeky Booia.“wlU aolo by
than tbe ncipumcn aeually bud
F. e. Parke and hamatlaf acootar
*T«yday faro, bat tbty r<«ed n a j
Beat by tbe male quartoV
botertuomeat for Uhnuniaa'
Tbe bcub heul at
wt U known, ]
wae for bandrvd. cl y»u> Ua- pirv-e du ;
Piodaeta of tha Morthwaat
Rmttauce of m-ry well repnldtnl Bnt
Tha Eafla -gladly makae rooai” lor a
Mateaiaat fro* Dr. Payae, apoo tba
■ritaat requnt o! the doctor.
Now a
' fluid cyporiuaity ie praaralad lor tb«
»if1a to roi down the »a* who etrealatod the •‘Cro^ lake aiory.- and dle-
Wit boot distinction of nge
or dan, and bock of our
promtoe stands oupfplpn*
did stock of..../..k'....
Ittdits, ClMis, kieby,
Siltemn, loidOo, Etc.
lib Cbnenaai feaeu,and it hw bwn
to-ld by wuiv writer* that it heeauw the
faronto beceone of a gvOCTol dcurc to
pn*tf*t ««»vu»l the Jewiib pmhHSkion
Dacraihar »otbThe display Utbto cuto'bifhly la- <a IKffk A more probaide miwo u that
tertotiar *ad laeUitclire aad to open to the boor e»U the berueet «f all tbe wild
the public loriaapeFlioa freed dta^ le-acu of tbe ooontry. and ktlllng blui
era* tbe blKheol achietonwut <M ih.'
It oaatalne e conprebeaMre ooUectooa
hauiemaa. Tbea. ajiaia. hia bead u
prodacu of Mianeeola, Korth Daketv
rety a<»d to eat
Idebo, WaehlartoB and OreVkTuit. r« tbe reeto*. tbe great dirii
play a lot of pant ap JaaraalUttc eafOB. isandlBC aasplee of wood. wool.
which hae kaiatotore eauped
baUdiar etoae.ooal aad apeeltnena of
loduitrial predaeta. aleo fraite. mlarrT» ulamttx howlaia are urt at thU
«toa fattlaf any ayspathy fro* the eeieatific
MBBBrcUl acaaM of Doa aad Brad-
riewe aod
■» iRT*f«l with gnat potup
It wq*
wned mStrl.. A fnrgottoo poet wrote.
tV woeed il ferwl
Bu foBiuies I u*k> ir1
Itr^ P*UP*e
Bopated blrdi aod aaliaala.
*7 theee two reliable aatboritiu U to
puaat facta and flfarea to ebew that
W. C. & B. A. Ganfiett
toua forced to awly to the <d«y aatborttlufortheaieaitotopiwcarofood aod
Ir tbe Bagla wUl parmit. the Eaooaa
would like to aSer Iba ehaemtiM tkat
aeablaeoanactiaobalweea tba MaaiMu aad tha atalnlaad Would be a good
thlag: but if tba Bagla objeeta—why.
waVa aony that wa apoke.
Kpv tkat tba poweru are poaadng
imwn opca Chiaa with gxudy baato
■My of tba lababltMU of that baUoo
wDl kaably regret tbe l^loaaa excla-
> ^aaaflt.
Tbe pruuy
chnreh on
Want Ninth rtrwI wAa the aeeoe of a
and blwdy .ward. Then two page* in
aarwnet. nmb with a meto
aud la* tbe btuer himaelf. cboMn for
hi. line aqd «r«gtb. prondlT bolding
tba haga Mlver ptoner oo which the
btoT's b«od Uy.
Sodi wa. the nlaiiw* iroeMaa that
entered, alwayl with mtiiUs, f« a
tihrirtina.caTolwualu-ay.wuig. What
toe wouwimBuu>~
■«rflhe--------I may be imagiiied from the fact that
tola, bowerw. that the obaerraace hal
' '■
•aur Upwd *«* EnglUh htotory t»- «.,ug Henry H. having
. dwD.Jifettme.
gan. WblsUecraft. a writer who delved . be crowned daring bi
(V rf’tbebaor'a
dcoplv aaioiR the iradltiaoa and Teeceda HimwU wrred M bear* .
rf'tl^ rriga of Elng Arthur of the beml at bto lou-. table and warme^
Boond Table, dtocaibea tbe Chnstmai by the royal tmtupot»»a *a be emftvd.
Tha uplendor uf tbam anctoot Awrta
dlaaer of that day in wvu*
now. bnt
«» miaKO. vaoSato aed wUd
profonoo of tha vias^ *e*x» ««»derful
la oompartK*' oor modern
na,wd. ap«m RuaU. and one wondcre if
tbe alder day aU men were like tba
..je who dud only Hsiely aod wbo
made m repotation by a nngte remark.
••The torkrv i. u> exrellent birdv,with
•cnoaa tault-^he to too tig for <me i
: And tbwvwiibal ttordruto e«odOMfto*iua
p-nno to aU and not big ea<mgb fer |
! Vllb m«>d nnd *• and eKlw cl oar vn.
w poeue. potob ato toga, uw, •* totoo
D*vU) K Cl—
Tbto biU Of tare U d
AU vwr CtoM Da.
poetic than aoeorata. yet it U not fur
iry »o
*>- the mnutb- m* a'^K-il over tbe tobla
■nae. Normaa ttoltobery. tba little i far it i. told that oo that onartOB ooly
R«r. “
B. —.
Salabery. ooc «...uv
km«ht tuuuw
foond hto awonl abarp
J cm, ■ UI\A. —.
gave a beanUfut madaring ol Bandel'. ' Wioogb
enooRh to
to cure tte boar a h^ or bu
^legato eeu.brightaul Mr' in hto , Band jh^ eao^ to Uflthelaiab*
etour. boytoh
“i'^wtU to*^ici?lhat King Arthtw
toaarty eneore. He reeeooded with a
nenber torkey. nor gceac. thoogb
^n^t litila cmdla aMg. charmlngfy both of tbmi are now dtottnedte fcatnrte of tbe Chrirtmu fuA Tbe tur
BUeyb patbeUe poem, •Tbme Uttla key wu not taken to England from
h oeoRiy.
gW.don'tcry,-'wMgiveBlBa foaliag tbe
tbk. «»le«nUi
oeowiy. and.
the *o*
tort till
nanm- by Him Ftuioaa Puller. Tbe I tbongh the pw*. wa. known befwa bi*
.«. » b..
--been fliamv,.r.'Vl
_____ aent by Mtoa Buntov
Bnt If Arthur'* fea* *eem* gargaaOOaflm
re Uie
.bt gnve
gav. m
a ecwuwu
ieldctloo ui
ia ewupivM .MM It WM a trngal repart oompnrrd
obtoUMt. bat eqaaUy deligktfol.
with thorn that came latvr Uervam
A vieUn *obi by Mim Alice Crawford Markham describe* a "moderato din^_jma glvea wltb great expruaioD aad Dv”. of ahobt A h. lOOO that would
"^WM maeb mijoyed. In Mpooeo to aa a&nr* for Chriatmu in tbe loUowiag
-BrowmleVlBBet' in wUab the cnaBlag UtOe feUnwa in biwwa ooold al- ,
be aeaa
aeao In
In their
their gambela
mat be
Uttlc Mo*ellc.%anett j* alway. a
_____l>. _KI.
With Trave------------, etlglrnm
------------------8ba rectud '■UiUeOrfaat Aanto” la
noeb a realtotle way that ewy one de-
••The firm com* Arrid cnnxlrt of 16
fall ditoiw—that to dirtm. of mmt that
uv of «utotaace and not empty or-fiw
M>nw—a. the*, foe example: Firat. a
___ Ma ^
01 uenuu ^(£
WtUl atirtard:
ulUMaiu, aecond
nuw-..,— 1., —.^.n.
ly, a-biiTid
eapoc; fKI>ri1,r
tblrtUy. •n hoyl'd
peoi- (tf bt^ : foanbly. a chine of beef
mnrrt: fltihly. a neat'* tougoe roMd:
•mbly. a pig rorted: •eventhly. «he»et* hakud. ei^thly. a goou tamed;
ninthly, a ewan roated; taitUy. a Viiri
hey tomedi tbo Mermth. a hauwh <tf
eeniaon RUed: tb* twelfth, a pa*ty of
•>0all ma back,' a eaatralto aele by TMlma: tba •Nbiitetk. a Ud with a
OMb w* gin* by Ite. WUhalto In padaiag ia'lh* brfty; timdaUMmuh.
,MtdlT»«ym«be flhaMth.n eon9t*<«
tarmlaed to -watoh oat' indeed, tor
Sba wu
Reliable c Merchandise
There to ao eseoM ftojrvecbaigea ^emoae of good qeality.
adrerttoe a man’a esit ter »; SV to mnlaad and charge for a better
All Kind* of DolicadM for
the Chriatmu
Place yogrorden in advance
by ThonA 122.
Tbeae wtohing the dollar to go tha tarttomto* CbrtottnM pnehaaea, we-
Oar bo(gaiBa,ia Dmaa Uoeda are actmordlaary.
Oor bugalaa U OeatS Pamtohiag Uoeda ue BB«
Aa for Oothlng. w« down avewthtog In algbb.
Ttoa Uoaqy fievera.
Cor. S: Unio&Bitd 7th StiMtB. Olm Block,
Jewelni for
Frait StnoC.
Your Christmas Menu
Provide for the Chief Portion of it Derly.
Elegant Bings
Turkeys, Chickens
FsDcj Gold and sniff KoidtlB Home Made Mince Meat.
Th6M ere Rlwaya Fiw^ a^ of tile Beet
Front BteFwt
Send Orders Ahead and Have Them Delivered. •
Frank Brosch & Sons
Thone No. 4
Ohristanas Tree Trimminss,
Candle HoldeiB,
Gandies, Candy Toys*
•nd e Full Line of OmAmonts
at the
^ Traveme «ty Oaady Co.’
Co^ Di«*tfarM eu String Onndy and
Ctondy Oanca.. We make *peeial prloe* an candy to eeheeto. eharehea. and
v^-totmu adelala.
Pruh Dyetoia direct tram Baltimore atwaye an band.
Bma^ Store reu k
Comer Park mud Front,
aek. oa Dalo* Btoeet
TmVw City
CHfilSTIU^ HOLlYctolOCntt.Spray
“Womeg Of Mil’’
|nne niustmt^ VdAtar*
With ear
- ^Ito deo prapatou bnelaiM. and thto to be thahouer waeked thw
they arc boond to be the towoot.
IBvlto Into oar diffamat deportmeata
•• • <
uar bargaina
eargaina la
in Ctoaka
i.4oauB are
am a
hair'Mt -eltti*h4( Mnu. h*r •'
gooda. with prioee the loweat and the geMral proaperity at ear daom. we CM-
Best N^arket in Town Offers
tw&e. flvihg two bright and pretty
The plain Sgaitoou-
la^ and attraetlvaplaoe of baaiaem. wiU departmenU foil ofatople and faagy
Hoolihan’s Christmas.
Front SUvtoPPO*'**
Wa do not
A aatforta mU of a living proEl gnidto all of oor bnaincto traBueUeaa
Thto week to aore lo be tbe greateat epoch la oor bnmnea. euuer.
boUdlag. which, by the way. to ope of
gepda are marked aV are mighty wtpoera.
«ISIERS,Studirt iMSdecIs
oat <rf tbe way
One notable omumoo
Tbe bell of the UicomotirewM dangto that ol tbe wauul bowl, for waMlt lOg inctouiitly, and the «dwd in the
tboBRb It wu a dnnk of tbe ancient imln railway twiing room wu mpidly
tbe Mweat. modt modem aad taatafolly Droid, of tbe third oeotuty and protf thinning.
deoeraled eharebe In the city, waa ably eulier. wu lor many bundred
Thto WM bat oaturaL
Study tbe mart vivid optimi* coold^
■•wdad to the daoru wito aa appra- yut* a farorite Bntiah ditnk and come
eiatlva aadleace, who exprauad tbeir to be a dlrtiDctiee funua of ISmaRnaa not eapect aorowd in a railroad rertanw
to taB«L—Cintdanatl &qnii«.
pleuure in Ue entortaiaffleai by liber
WM itaenooD.iderudala ewartaoed with
al appiaoae aad fruquent eneoraa '
mmccbuig that did doty tor tjw more
T&e Btory of OaltoUaa and Uttto Jo,
The program laeloded tha beat laeal modem wpar Jna what that wm i.
tUaat tba city aflorda, and tha concert today nnknewn. bat ii wurweet Tum by Bab. la tbe Raooan ChHrtuu mom.
^ aac of tha moat e'a}oyabla <»ca of there WM coact. aod there wme rrmrted i»r-___________ ____ •
ento. pot biwonc hot tow the bowl—a
ytht year.
Chloago XcHfet.
Tba flivt aomber wM a maadolia and qoeer dnnk. bnt bach u it wm it wu
, Cbioago, Dec. Vi.-Whmt-DeeemgaUar doat, by CbuiM and LotUa Ukrd.
ber. St.00; January. Mife: Hay. OtBe:
A. time went by the recipe wu v»Balm, which WM daligbUolly readmed
Joly. SlHe; Srptomber. Tlihp
Tied uU. perbapa l.OOO ytua or m
JaaouTMd reeaived an enemu.
lam the waualt bowl wm lllled w ith
A raeltaUoB by Utoa Carrie O-Naal wine, well wanned aad •pio.d, with 2fi*;ci May. «*KW s<: July. »He.
Oato-Dmembm. 5B<cr May. «Vo.
araa Itoteaed to with cloee aiteatioa. tmrted bruod and roartod andea H
ST 00:
Pu an aaooru Mia. .^O'Naal gave a wine were oot^Wainable. ale e~a» OABd.
bright mUa bomoroo* raeitoUon that WM
ine ap}>iii
am«b-^-t ----------- ' --------------------- ’^')ird-De<sember.
............... bate bneo aa S4 52.
Ue and tt-il
■M wall raealvad.
DoobUe* —
-On Bilent Mead' wm rapdarad by iniprovemcnt uu craba
Craad Rapida. Dec. 21.—Wheat. SSc.
the white pulp of the apple, that
tba male qoartai in their bo.1 delightwamall itaulcknanw of "Umh-.
fal manoar. and aa aaoore wu Imper-1
i wiiol.- and M wm tbrirfore an aaaob•Uvaly ■
. rouuao that crept into the acootinc at
The .weeten aoprano voloe In the
ArtJ.or-. fm* when tbe boy with
deUgblfol concert Uat evening.
ti-earcaot blladfoldera or Imaginary bargalalivere.'
Take Dctrcdk
iorlMttaco: A womaa aged 7S aad WbU TtovtM to au UttoDtoK
'worth Ma.OOO. toaopurtbat abe haa
Tha Old Heliable Shoemaiu
CooiiK,llns aid Caadiis
•eaordlag to tocaUty.
118 Front St. WorxhurK Block.
187 Front Street.
t* lo k» lOM
The only caDalderation ebowa TS^tod to loapeet the oontoata of. the Tto nwnua »i—
u. which will be at tha G. R. A t. Ae______________ .> -UtlM T.I nlWM.
wMli ploiji, tod
tha ooantry U bow more praspeiaoi
Thru WonCB of aaaltty in Vodom
The mere drusing cd the dirfi did M
ia eerernt yean, and that Uyl
aul&v. bowerar
Tbe. e«em«.»
----- QMiflltlrr*- I------- *-r The exporta of roomaUaBi. la the Baroab Cbrtotma h.-»nglng it Into tbe haaqaet ball rt a
tUaeoaetryareirtotertfaao erere
aoBg, for
gnwt bdOto wa* moM impoong.
for It
lhare to more *ooey belac tdnalauwa« not brought withoot o
U the ehaaacto of trade than hae bees
Firvt cune a rauacr In
raeordid for flea yean
«>Bt with a boar ipwr tn to* nano.
Oli> THIE DINNERS OF AMAZING FRO- TboD a hnnuman in green with a naked
> otoeat-
vebavea sort of himst
^ booM festival in tbe va;
of ptberin? the new aop
of shoes for tbe monOp-of
eoid ai^ wet and mow lod shish. There’s {ot to be more than tte
onlinafyamooiit of wear resistance in wimer shoes, for flat's the
tin* that trks their 8desr-<ud their uppers too. Yob may not have
fhe great-tot
cases we have just received and unpacked,
butooV»kinjthemoyerweba'’ccon*toihc p———
PPfKi^Kinn dal we DOW have the bea ht*^
winter shoes that ever can* intp thii town.
They’re too good to keep and we won’t own
thpm kwig if you will coo* in and ha« a
look at them. Tbe best ttukers made them
and wetuanmlee them to be westh tbe litik
prices we ask.
:-------AND THB---------
-A Poltah Daooc" kj
waabrUllaatlyrUidpradbyliUa Joaa-
alito. of a
t^te*** of
*'• the borlaJ
---- -----------------ptntar Utah at CllVe Piar who died of
~ Sooth Side Ocaanlioiue.
In the Record
InUTMUa* 0M*)um
mo CK GO Dm
One FHh^ ScHoonar Lett with
_ the iU’Omened Thirteen
on Beard.
r>m CiM*La^ Afiw^ Aprti M
Boulnd* of old oemaxxj pM^ cqiP
.XMI »«A Br to*, rp TiiPf^
oi»lly ot in»b b»nl». will wwanbw tb«
ToroMo. Dec. n.-Th* Ont&no (or- ChrlPtinM caadle wOiota U Utbnd aod
cnraeni yc«(erd»> introdure< la tta* pUrad »a ti>e wiadow at aidiucht <4
IcKtiiUtsrc ■ bin which will uadonbccd- CtaNfUDaimandaJIavcd to boni there
w It mbndiM the jiollcr o( the <hi U>c eauuenre olpht* until it le all
« of then
I. maUnc recuUUoe rc*»rd*
Inc ruUlMt of Umher on Crown (•iint of all tl
brrtba Pollowin* U tb« nial clanac: jtheie'iitl
nnoeof tbeUbrutiaB
••Kvpry llcrhsr or permit 1
ibnluw of ODone. of the
To {T^r^
j located, acid, mwmed, palentcd «r
leaped by the crown, which ahall hr 1«• auefl oo or after the 90lh day of April.
UM ItM. ahall centatn and be aubjerl to the
aiw eondltlor that all pine which may be
ifcT ent Into loc* or otherwlae under the aua Uaa— Vewwc IWopta Oo
or permlaalpn of poch Ueof^ ot
hap to Iwih—OaltM— wa the RaU Add* taonty o
be' manufactured Into
pertnit, ..........
' ChM to th* UelL
aawe iomber In Canada-**
OloucMter. Masa.. Dec. SL-Cn OdL I
tta attuoner Anne and Uary. Captain
New V'*rh. Dec.1t-r.At the flrat rapet.loba Sicpworth. nailed from tbla port
tnc and dinner of the Vnliarlan Uer'a
an a ftand.liMnc trip to Ooorce'a banh. Mublaat niBbl Dr. Minot Karaite, of the
Stao carried an exrcpUooally cnod crew Chutrh "f the Meattah. waa one of the
Of Bboul thirteen men. On Oct. ■ the apenbrr*. t>urln« the rourae of hia re
veaael pul In at Done island, hie., for a mark* r>r. tSarace Paid; "If Ibere.ww
ter tbe 'a man In thlpdft Uiday havln* aurh a
«cond Bupply of ball. Soon afl<
Udine* ' chhrneter a* the orthodo* rhurrhe* atremel lefi Lone Inland
becB receltwd- Am-ne iHl.ute to 0.-1 yon would n... apeah ^
of bor hat
- '■nrlti- him to your hcmiea. Take
tboae fcaown to be on her were Captain
John Slcawonh. oauve of Noyp PcoUa:
Adam Head. evok. aioui-eater; t-yman.. . . . .
Oa^C. Nora Scotia- Peter Hoberta :
Oloucaater; David Can'pbelirilace Kd-
Con;ect Styles.
The Record
old amntty pmsdn. compuwlb
iuft. to wbtitn Chriauua* would uot Uwi*
Ua boir nuuaawe wilhoai Iba tali
Most Complete Assortment
ever sBown ita this City now
OQ sale at
No. 131 State Street.
Traverse City, Michigan.
Come in and look them over.
Beacbes dot BmbOe
the .People....
Money to Loan
Improved Farm* and
City Property.
Johnson Block - . ’Phone 78.
Solid Nickel Quadruple Silver Plated
50 CENT$.
FrofesBlonal Men,
Laboring Hen,
A Verj' Pretty and Appropriate Christmas Present.
Look at them—at the same time inspect the
I ■-
ever seen in Traverse Ci?y.
F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
BBT Utter___________
r..^ai b.iiv
^ *"*
. .
« w* brilcvo PUny. lhd
hi#toridn alMl DatoralUt, the holly if a po[ tent trea. ezdiiaiT* of its ChrijaBa#
I priTilrjiea A* far faatt a* bit tiBM it
1 waa plantHl mw dwelllnit batUM to
rr^ov*T » doubtrtn.
from Ugbtnlug.
Society Women,
Club Women,
Church W omen.
Working Women
MadinoB. Wit.. Dee. a.-Thi* cltye J ttu. but eaya that it# flowers cmim
only rrmalnina
........... ............ centenarian. *Thomaa ter to fnttc. and that if a Aff cl itt
KlncHon. died Sunday. Had he Uyed wood be tbrown at any a&lmal. erao U
Ull Jan. fO be would have been IM yean it fall abort of tonctaiog it. tbe abiinal
olA He waa bom In Cork. Ireland, and wUl be ao enb<laed by It*
; sine to America In ItJJ. He waa a oon- to man aod lie downI by it
At the
tractor on ope of the flrat raUroadt to
iB Jnoe it will
holly bl.«
| reach Madl*on, and loat a fortune la be cuy to trydbe eflect on water.
; the work, which waa ^n^ned.
BoUy baa also finmd a place in medlClaelnoaU. Dec. H.-A *t»clal lo Tbe [
BMWer'* TT—t------ 1
cibe. bst it tnrnlvf* soeb betwie ueatneat that 1 fear tte faealtr will Kbroaly ainwie it. In maby distoeta cf Kngland the camuy people adriee yon to
tbnub yoor chilblaiatwitb boUy leans
the -water
Three of
and Meanyon that it li a perfect
dtwwnefL The dead ite: WlUlain N
Uc ocb.uyl fund daring Ma first two It may be. Tbcsu It ha* altt bemrso' ' in a deoocuoD
yearn la office, and U oiOy o-e of a
». The fourth member v
.ilfun and for i
number 1 aiinllar aeiu.
Him Unie Coleman, waa
la Ume. The bodies of lb
pain in tbe klda pommmiy
pareona were lucbvered.
tSb^ Mid drew will f«t bally in hard
rulibeta who brld up a Northern PaU. and rrank Waterman, a«M U. were dfle train near Uixirtaead* la October, wintey, and branrbee an fed to oaule
drowned yesterday wbiJr playing and and one uf the alleged rubber* la now In fortod^ in Etancewbea otterlood
the counu 1*11 In this c liy. Through tbe Uacaroa.
- The bolly of Rttope aud tbe boUy of
offorte of the Fhrso police he.
covered, and Onaily caught at J
j UH) L'lU^fd State* each will grow to be
mday nIgfaL
t a tree gt wane 4U foet in hiJgbt. Tbt
[ wood i» even graiDto). white a* tVegy,
Real Estate \
Fire Insurance.
. _ __ _ _ _
n IB Ufa of Oeqeral Vi.
^ ! piw*rnt moment la to defend
akaUhg «o the Ire^______
CMxUv 'ahUiinc lo tbvu wipdow.
Wyl-t U—K.-**
the John
dne and inven up« h-t la the
R '
to harT’Sj^^TtiSuluI^
MeSenale. The UcKenile
Prcoldent HcKln>y a re,-*nt
larscM and beat Sued r*a**I aaUInft
e. and that bewlU enenietloally profrom ttta port, and her crew Included
t to the oUnlater for war. and to tbe
dchteen pkked »*llc.ra.
ren recent acalnal Ibcoe laaulta.
ratal AccMcDt M a Tiwitoy Uato
Phlladclphu. ttoc.n.—<^ne prraon waa I r*wb*al. Mar4*rby BMket*.
IWolwUy fatally' hurt and MX otbera
jj. y.. Dec. Zl.-Stnee the atrike
were more «r le«a Infured ywierday , hc^.B acveral weeka a*o In U»e W«at
aRermxm In a collliUrm nn the Itoia- ;
foundry In the town of Col<mle. s
bar*. tn<oiahl. ken and Manayunk mil- . ,ui,urb of vrnterrllet. colUiloiia betoad on-thc ouiaklrt* of tnt. city. While
atrtker* and the men who took
deaccndlns a hlB a trolley car became
pucae have been fm,u«'t. Teaunmanarcable un account of allpprry I
thtre rtrtkera went lo the bouae
uafko. and deacendlnu r full apeed It :
Joneph Ib^hltf. one of th> West Slde'a
afrack a borwr car at the foot of th| piYacot foirc. and fired iu'>cral aheta at
—t^^a. ploughed ihrougb one end of If I
one bullet atruok Mr*. Bolder In
• *..
. — .. -.Ti^ht tr
it iblrty-one loaded <ar* liwvel
down the mouBUIn to thU city • loot I
nmtta*«<lfcr**inlaying." Manyoiti
night became unnmtvagrablr lo cpnae.^rv, a irrm or onreB cln* Mid to be of otMoy. aoeb ae the
qdmee of thr slIpperyK^ndlllon of the , monlhs Id -the eaelrm pc-rltenUary for baodlea uf uwpntA ate.. an) boUy gtalUKL
tracks, made the i«clve mllee from forp-ry. Before he lefi livaHr wrole'ln
Mata CiaoM
<Hmu Into Alioona In aa many min- "lall *n aec-o-mi ..r hi* life. «bkh he
Onni Bpon a niidnipbt dreary, aa 1
k and rraahed Into a freight train beaded "LHe Ex[irrlrnc» of a Bbnart
la tb* rarda here, dlcrnly In freol of Irool.
poodwed w«ik and Wcaty orw all tbe
thk pameager alathm. AIkiui nfly car* ,
CbiiRmaa prawnta ttat a boyiab fancy
e« la ibe World.
bsMy-Utowere completely bRAen up. ardOwHcJ-1.
,. J. ,,
n_^ w drawl. While with eleep 1 tried to ttiUday.bun: i‘B**engrr train.Uhlch waa,
iork. D.-c- a.-The an^lcet lot
naZ : in nil. C itj •* a plo. on Ibe Ra.l river 1
«ri«d with all my might and Bl^
aun-llng on the track imtiUde the
aiity. - I via..
aenger *hed. wa* thrown
thrown over
over on*^
on im
• l-i*-een
......... ....................
. .-reoih
Read It.
UuDBoo Block,
ChPistmas Turkeys
Oysters, Candies and Nuts.
Brerything tor Oompleto ChristinM Dinner, inelad*
ing OrooeziM end Provielone,
It reacheathe
Order by *nione end here Goods DeUvered,
Nuts, Baieins, Ci^D, Gneen Olive*
The Home.
That 18 the Reason
Broach Block, '
Front Street.
Want ids.
I in the Becord.. OUR
and it will In
...DEAL IN...
rnnawayiTwlR irrrv helped from the
tM'and i* taxed <1 a
e taVm
oihir tralnroen i
----------------------.. -............. 11 I* aald to .
fatally lnlur—1. , A brakeman named !
TW Weather W. Hay HagM*.
/Corbin and onf aatned TumVr are im- :
blaroa. Dw.'n. FoUdwIbc ai
/ attoomted for and are thought to he
t**etr toar
under tbe wreckage. S. Xueter. of Ha- from*
......... *-•
-D.*. rah-' wralker:
hweatarly wtada
tnd.. -------------------------------------who .waa oacpfniaroir.g
^a carload of poultry, waf fatally lo- |
OeaaMdaaBlekyae Oyaaatito,
New Tork, t>ee.
i>re*byterlao faith.**
-—;---------------- -----------
.ward l.Und: WUUam Phillip.; Prank 1
. the Btove npeet and the
amok caukht Are. J. R. lAmon.
doctor on the runaway ear. auSered
Iklurlea which -wlU nrcc#alutp the
- wnputatloD of a l« and an ora. and
may nwaU In hU deaib. The motunnaa
and paaaeBBera ware oeverely cut and
hraioed. The wrcckatre waa ronoumed
by tbe lUmea
Bl> Wee^w. ItoMrwwl While BhaUac.
Stef Son piFenile Soil
Brills Ricli Rttiiris....
••U«ht of Ibe W(!Tld. ■ hot
that with the oitatletoe. ibe taoUy and
tbe fronvr prartir>« of rbe anaaoa ii got*
back to Druid nr puAan unRUi and u
diwivid frctin ume oldso eymbolliun of
tbe renirniiic warmth of tbe^pwi. Howpeer tbu mar be. u la am iteamlly
kDOWD that the ciMum bat been prea frw
___________ J
N. r
d mjMTMftka 4a»Hi«
•Ur*-: light O
paper boie* |
Tuou 1 likta-ned iBore inieaily to tbe
inond that cp-pt op gently to mv cham
ber. wbera uiy wunder ahaoM oaowd
my bean to louiie, and I beard ^ oaudv (pilling, aa
Hacking be waa filliug. and 1 wubed I 'd I
tberv fordniruld taaoiACIan*
it flllfd mv buart with droad. uwitb
t*n1ih eieam pipe* of * car on th* j
Rikth avenue elevated railway.yealerN»rte Jonren baa hi«B i. year# on MUtden fear b». fled aod isniped into
mamma's’bed—naoglity. aangheySanta
day and explud) d with great force while I tte Mage.
th-train "w.etardtt'T at aaiatioa. Two I
Four Cbiottr playtnre now gwingliM Clan*! .knd tbe Mori<» that we beer
earb year are a* ttiu a* mmmor gaue.
Bi.n V— hurt l.y :he eaiiloMna. and roundtbecirmU.
. ..m.n
-n,.„ ...
t,rl..i«Vu»i oia i™,,. Freod «t>p.-ndo«*—Nuitu Clauat
II ni. t-th»r* were hyt
I dif* and luakiiix moniy with tbom tou
raally Uaraed ~by aa T.
IW -1
A. > eem.i. of I
EerbliBrdi ebarmed tte IMa*' fit
the bMIera at ih- w..rli* of Ute Koaaaa
flour Id toot Pocket.
Aagiooi now to get a peep, down lb*
adly bui
that be wlU pr..twi,iy ,ii, Jaihra Murphy.flteman. and jaiu—uiTler,# ateamHtt Imlie Carter i* mettntt a baadfltter. were oJau **rlou«l> burned. Both
gome miideoue ia DByuoi. O.. her ba>
wtn recover__ _______
♦ive city.
Bring Good ResulU.
Dotwear waa ny lifetime experience. I koow joat vbat to boy
to anit my coetomen.
We SeD tiK Best Bnbbeis Hide (eTtiie Uieit Prices.
All classes need the
Sunday Record
The BB»e of Antbaoy Hope'# sew
EeergreeB. Ala- Dee. fl.—I-aie Raturday afternoen tbe boUer of the engine play ftv £. H. Bottm U "Tbn Adreti•-of tbe Bear Creek Hill eomiwny biirai. tsreuf Lady Umla.”
killing three mm toatamly. fauily
Nat C Goodwin ooatMnpUtM an eorand wounding
wounding three ly prodoctiem of Clyde Fitch'# dttma.
juring oae olherr and
more. Two of tlw klUedAre Jack OUp; |
upon the life td Nathan Uala
Because it is Finely
niustrated with Up*
to*Date Features by
Noted Authors:
Killed by a rremateie Kaploatea.
, brouch givui by the Lemdoo PeUoan fo»
Calumet. Hicb., Dec. tl.-4Tank Det- ;
^temoB crcliat in EngwlfTwa* inaianlly kllledaodhhbrolher 1,^.
w«*-nt sy
fa7«)ie intured tar tba rn~i~1*----- exploe i
In tbe Oaceela mine yea. [
Bmty Miller i* add tO *1»riy »I aetuUu Moart. tbe tnnrioal oenpowr.
lerday afi-rno<ki.
Oflte aod Examine oar Stock—Prioea Viil Be to Yobr Zoterest.
188 Front Street
OYSTERS rietdier's Ofstei Dept eoi Restaoreit
Balteore Stoek Baeeiretf Ttow* Time* a 'Waek.
Count#, 4<le per quart
SUmdarda, Me per quart
Solid Neata.
213 Front St
KeWd Creek Gel, a Drattblew..
New Tvrk Dee. lL-Jo»H fKJ4) HoOoy. a noted l•Bnk -hurgiaJ■ whoee record
la known to itae pollBMOf all aounme*.
era* etru. k >« the heed wlUi e club and
Uco ncmnaiB hai bad hla hand#
pbotognphnl to #bow tbe toaeDalar
tBovntnenu incident to hi* iaa#rHhl*
feat# at palming. ,
A theatrical oolleotkn. tbe iredc A
$0 y«an..wm aoon beoSwed f<woUe
:. n.-Tb*Aa«
boBM caught Art laat nlgfat a
prBHBH»y wrecked by tba t
waa TBiaed #t tm.m.
in tte »
aent him.
ra in eharob dn tta
lOBof Uncle HhMB
t hi# dv eoi
Kotnaaiy cf ga*Hi Vietafia*# a
haviiig beta M year* old at tbe tee at
la BoatOb. UoabalM8«< AOOObaofc#. bar<>craMticai: Ihi# 1# the aiteetev
Man. a baUWadllta
aad FkaBafniSK.
iU Kindi ntldnitMii
RniA in Kind! tlFwple
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidmalk Plank, h^le Flooring,
^ort Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
desqiptions, ioclDdiog a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
anid^ws. A complete Saw Mill Plant fot sale.
thro»ihUie RECORD.
umm LEHEB.
Hh Attack on Ciga and Hit Pot*
icy Sett Natienal Capital
Comment A-Coing.
' Ui* raeord* ta the fn*j»n*r diMf*e.e»ea
tf b* bed *0 dMlr*d. Alez Britten teMfled that the booh* end pa**™ «» the
land offlce bed to ce tbroiwb a eoBbar
of bande and fovr or five divtatene ftf
t!ir lend office. n>iikln» It imporelble <»r I.
.r.r on. «oo o. ,o.„lTOl.» II.™ In ih.;
be*«i iTcrl'-rd to a reeebt letter from
SoCTrluTT ««•** to lb* CtaadUn e
ia*i five montba
tte drive at Beerelary
... Oa**,
•*• and over
hlS bead at thi admlnlatiatloa behind
him The conelualnn arrived at U that
I, „. ^
plan to atUck iny attempt to disturb
the ttilBBcial status la tbe dlrecUoo of
rvid leglsUtlun. SeBStor Chandler I*
reenrded by the tree sUverltes as one of
®alr stnm«p-« men. and fijtm tbe a*rreaslve stand which he baa been lakIn* the last few months they expect
him to line up with the eoqtlnrent
wbldi bsB Senator Teller for It* leader.
Car L«>kl>c far Ot>p~I.Uw.
Jamiarr. The 1111-
■«*. —•
1 laujftK^ *
I a mandamus to compel the company to
him s 1.0»-mlle Soofc under tbe
| net of ISSI f<jr tbe use of Mmself snd
1 famlly f■« HO. The answer attacks the
amonz other reasons. It Is in riolaji
’ of tbe Interatale oommeree law. as t(
I would requtse the company.
I nurit mllenjcv booka.«ood over Its entire
rj-stem. not Ujiiiiliiz them to the Une In
1 this slat*. In addiUqn to this the cumplaids Itsoriclnal ebartsreranted
i,|«. „ constilaUnc a valid contract
, between the siaU and the company,
’ nnd su)>J<Tt to raodlflcaUon erffy |n eaae
the riaie^ys tbe road and-IOi squipmenls.
r. _Zl.il
tampered In remcwln* a clet* Itor laBBciency. If permitted to do w, be could
remmv at least 100 clerks from hUoffic*
WiSmut affectlnr the efflrtency of tb*
<ar"«m—re Ns* t. Cs-mtsa
Chlmiro. Dec II -As many street car
r..r.|.onl's In Illln-.l* na enn be c«t -^kc sr-bemv are to be united Into B
saniaatlon tor mmoal b^i and to
prv'.ide, for a eominon offensive
defenrtve aUlance at a meetti* t
keld in this city Jan. I bext. The call
m*«ln« waa neat ont from
Hlo- mltman and slcned by W.
«• "•'•b prealdent of tb* etr^t
It to all •tbe street
«»>al city. -------------------manaae
Totsi._________- _______
0,1 HUn,
W..1, Mr. .. ™ vot.«
Benry rilrteb, watchman, a
ZJTTZ >—•«
™ i~r.“«"Zr.Zr4S i
Ever BaniBd Oat?
larsxm-AJJT cxHJu
O- P. CARVra. Agnul.
Three Woseo of Oaa'lty In Modern
roemaUsa. la tbe Baaoao ChrtatBea
Importut to Prapertj HoUen I
Bdrolnc. _______________________
«rand Trunk XaUwqr AmuaI Xstiuraion.
Tbe M i N E E. R.CO. will sell
tIeWeU nl one fare the mnnd trip In
point* in Canada via the Onnd Trunk
Rallwny on D*e l« K and tt. retnrn
limit Jan T. IFW.
rstna nqotre of
H W. CcsiosnBaa. AgL
firud Ripiii & Iiiiiu E. I
Tbn ttory of Celenuns aad Xdttln Jo,
~wtlo,li? Sa^ noVe. ln“,lrir at^S
by Bab. in the Bcooco Ctarisuaan ■
and thus fasten tbe national hank arm. «BV«»tiop autbortalnc tlwCOTmla^
It U not known wbat claims have boa ‘•El
trm for years upon tb* American peo
ruled out. bat It It anderstood that the
ple." ArssolottoDcainnc for tberemoval
total approved claims will amount to
of federation bemlquariers from Waabmore lhairll.OOkPOL___________ '
tneton waa reported unfavofabiy and
tbe report adopted.
By renoiutioo
trwtrmal 'delecatea from foivltn ooontries were ctvao prtrileses of voice fend taeraoa. the Il-year-old boy who mur
vote In conventions. An effort to chance dered his' father In Brudh creric. this
the time of tbe annual convention to county, was clven n life aenti-nre In the
the ^Ird Monday In September
of pen. Aecetdlnr to the evld.nce the
«acb year was defeated. Tbe eonven- crime a-ds « brutal one, ard It 1* proba T*ibswwbelmT« ibe'r vbmia wUb m* Isr
tlon decided to Incrcaae tbe per taplu ble tbAl'ne effort will be mad* t-i acecre rw -Misrilsr or renalre darlas Ike wietsr, I
tax to 2 centa. and the Niance cne* tnt« a Bt<r trial. Lnwr.m klll-d hla pareaL wUI iksigi BetWaalereateaOd *tora«*.
effeei Pebf I. im. An amendment to whd was a minister, by sirikli'X him on
tbe conalUuUoo requlrin* offirere bere- thread with a boe. Iiecaua* ih* fntl>er
nfler to be elected on the last day of n bnd corrected him fors-'me mledi-iiienn-'
convention was adopted.
or the lad had l>ren cullty of.
i tt* •«
Free Storage
for Bicycles*
Womea te a Prelsmci rtckx
81. Lools. Dec.
-BockfonL Ilia.. Dec. n —A lively «cnf the .National BulldM'Tra^' Coonteal Is on here over the appolnirncat of
cll was held Id this clC^yesti^r nnd
waa marked by a wanu..^5ni
of the American Federation «
for havlnjc paaaed a rvMlntlon durtn*
iU ronvenUon last week Id NashvtUe
of Colonel T. O. Lawler, who has held
oppoalBc the formation of the national
! tbe office before: Tbcr* are sever.il oth
council. Tberv
er aspirants Colonel Laaler .* nof aa
applicant, but would probably accept It.
Many huatnras men tavv aao sent let
Ipri to form a new orcanlsatlon and ters Indoystnc him.
sUted that the effect would be to eeeau
further dlvMoa In tbe ranks of labor.
The eonocll yesterday w^nt Into execu•
the newspapere.
-nine the
Federatloo of Lal’or'a n
bitterly deDtraoccd. Edward Carroll, of Cbloacu.
was made tempore^ cbajnnan. tbe
usual cSimmltlesa were appointed and
adjournment to today taken,
aUcaco. Dec. fl.-Mta. Geor** H.
I^lman has decided to take ber dower
Interest In the estate ef her husband
Instead of abldlnc by tb* terms of Ui*
wUL by which terms she would not be
able to provide for the two sons whq
were practically disinherited. Under tb*
dower Ttsbt she will be a irt-mtUlonalms la personals and have a Ufe Intereat In one-lblrd of the real edtate.
The whole estate te now estimated at
norfeu ABEAb roK ooai. neat
BL PuuL Dee. tL—diaries Lunn and
J. J. Bcbran.' of Winnipeg, own n coin
which munlnsatlsts any U wurth from
fo 8C.0M. This cola M n Jrwiab allver ahekeL «;blcfa experts nllege was
coined by
Plltsbnrc. Dec. tl.-Tb* coal mlnere
md operators held arparnteeanvemloaa
r to tbe Joint con
vention to be held today
pnae of flxinc the BUolnc rale for llpt
Hoib^cunventlons i^re larxely sUctided. and the----------- ------------- — =
la KerewaiUe 0*. Bleek.
U. O . PUysleUa aa*
ued la Treeerea CUr.
sod WlU euewd proaii
OBO. DC HAVE*. OeereffW^^
w. 'jTi.nriSis'srsi.'a iinSTSE
Friednai bkrk. ‘Pboae,
D'^oSkir So“
(Wo**-VBinsstr*e(. IMephw Ifl
A cvneral atrike Is bmrlnc i
dcyrie woikera at cbkaco.
PuellUt ntsalmmofif acaln declaraa | Ofe-re wieMltraltr dtted.__________
that fee WlU not flchl CorbqiL
Tfewaa Musely. of Warre
Tbe mmerg conrentloa waa aAed by
the ttnlfcrmlty eommltlee to allow a
teri nllal of 10 reins In favor of the
operator, who rign unlformlr, scree- !
Afenrem .at La*. Bperial
meni*. The miners by a mre«er ma-i »F •*»*• « «rU»d this year.
| W. .iim’m lelasUtlre.
Jorlty decided to allow the OlfferenUaL r
woman'* cymnasluiB at CMikoSh.
but a hen tbe matter wm brought bi- ' ^i*-. »U' be dedicated *n Jan. a.
fore the oiwretor*' convreillon It waa i opera wiU k clvrn to celebrare
Icnored. Tbua It locks as tfeuncta uni- ! event.
fonnlty In the ntuburc dUtricl Is.re- ! B«ia*ell *ace recently bad hla bumps
examined by a phremUoglat. wbo told
On the rnle question tbe mlnere , tbe CLnancler that be totally Isckad gtapassed a rosointlon which mcansV com- I cnalty.
anils -.r
l..tia Uaaaa
Iillreted ntrht. In
of •!..
fact ikal
Hecan. an
- iMawa
iamne patleaLdlad.
pntteaL Iliad
Clad fa < P-m- TwISpOSm*. iX.
ruled that tbe aewmle- in erret am>ny at Dnbalac.Cblcnco'Btn- |
Ini; law la oDconsUtutlonal the rvBolu- > sane asytuxs. Be cut bis tbmat wltb n i
tIoD dematiCs a rate of U cents a ton ' dustpan.
for coal as lt<«me* from tbs mine with-I
Tbe funeiBl of WaSfeUrilon Heoteg.'!
out beln* screened. The operetors d*- |nte editor of tbe Chlcaco Stsats Zelelded to Ignore tb* new mlnlnc Uw *n- , tunc. vri» take place tomottow monilaj
oax u>m W*NT*»-<fedl os ** adUrely. Both eonventlim* fsvored ar at- I at W O’clock.
! T3 ‘
re**!. C OreUlek ik. MS-U
tempt to bring about an IntereUte con-^ p. k. Pearepfea.
oC Cfe»enco.-baa ! ^
rentlun rt oper^ n»d mlnere to be
held at Columbus, a. some time next
motitn. for ibe puipoB* of fixlnc- the
mlnlnc rate for tbe aeverel artaua Wltb
the compllcnttoat nbov* mentlo^od the
pjedgod tZLM to OBvet collec*. MIcM-'l ^
on esodltlon that tbe eoUec« »Bl*m ;
tTk«M more wlibla'fe year.
cnbtaln Tbomas Naatson. be^ mie- ! •Qcyocc pnaenn yom a™ n
Cniomet and Heels " e*m* as* ■*• o*t revere retm.
m IB lb* coaatry. U ^sad.
Tb* riceleldB of aa tntaat vtap
New York. Dec. a.-Aoenrdinr^ Tb* ^>tba waaf^ In
World, of WT.8M vrorkere in this city tbe Menaaha. Wm.. by^ameo <MM*r, a tenrecords show that «.(IT5 are oWirfWork. B»t- wb* bad Just movwl into tbefeeuse.
Last yrer at tfels lime Ukin wet* Idle. I
One tbo—nd six bnndred p«e faml.
| ij
tor u«a< lasHm. bmiww«
i ri-ri
IVaa.^ Isply m rraak fV
! riex.^ s**r»- m
Tb* Increase of employment has com* '
for Ibe mom part to skined Ubor. The «ai turkey __
inerease In oasklUed UMr and thank Alderman John Powers for .
lAma. Peru, via Oatveston. Tex_ Dec.
D.—It Is understood lliat rresldent
PloeHola will promulgate ifee new law
sa to Don-ttoman Catbcdle marriaj^
but Senor Alejandro Lopes de Rodoano.
minister of tb* Interior. wUl realm.
After as existefiee of tw«nty-flve
yMJW tbe Home National bank. <ff CblcBgo. wm close IU doors at tb* clere of
tv prissot year and co Into voluntary
Rev. N. A.»orTe*c of Walnut Grove.
Ia.. wWs ihmstMd by female membare
«C hi* cookTegstton because In bis aerawB be refleeted-on tbrir efearaelcr for
SMol DesTilta. Ilia. Bmwiri
DanvUIe. Ills.. I>cc. n.-Tbe Ooldet)
itnie departfficfni si
w-bx^ ww.Ti.
‘ “•
—1 sffcTjnsi? ”•
ttoinadoCTuL». Bej view............
Pruskai............ .
Traren* aty...
discussed. Judetne................................. .. ..
yeoterdsy'B work 4i would appear tkkt
today's lonventlati will not fix the rets
aad anulber cenerel strike is on* of tbe.
West Michigan.
sdraBTeraarlBg. niPVeatm
... a.
It flxm iw* dutT ofe boca at 12
Waabl^ D.^ a-Th. mtb-o«.
mlltee of the senate committee on PararJtnMm at Id frwwea. and on laid
elfie rellruadi yesterday beard F. U.
Oideon. the attorney wbo wws charred
by J. K. Reddincton on Baturday with ;
bavtne manipulated tb* iafed idfice reopni
Gldroe denied ewy nllecatloa tbed
petuate its dlaastrous effecu la every j step by step, revlewlnc the evidence ns ;
d»es, Dec. S4.15. and 81 and
In the case offe Uw
law coon.
xo Jan. flfel For foil
It ia understood that aa acreement inforinntlon Inquire <jf-_
aa to the amount of the indrmnlty
N W CtmtHBacAM.
elalmed hna been reached la all but a
Travere* Cl^
ai)d these are likely
- Mt™« a-r ba -
Bboat it pat c«st. of new blood could b* [
fentferCem Uf* tmpriaanresnt. '
tafused Into the toree. ThI* would do
Waukriifea. Wla_ Dec. n—Jamenfiatsway with tbe abifsea remuttne tram ifer. wbo was eioavlcted on Friday lari
Boms eterits remalnlnc In office too lone, of murder'In tbe first deer**, was ycn•The coenmls^er tbought some reform urfay sentenced by Jude* Dtek to Bf*
would bkve fb be enacted or tbe country tmiwtsosmenl at Vnnpun. Butler mnryrould have the icfllcUon of clv:i pea- a^vd bis wife os July I. nl Usbon. n
Hfon list Be believed tt was a mistake f,, „ucg from this city,
to Include In tbe claasUM aervic* the
- -----------
o-Vo. -w. BLAkwar.
ttven by Prvaldeny Oompetn for .not ,
attendlB* tbe (onventlon. The resolu- I
-------tloa reported favorahly byiTbe eommU.- ; *»riead <rf «h* tee* Dim* ^oo«an m-eata
tee IndnrslDC independent poIXiral actn*T-.Tnni WuoiS but IWy.
tlow-and decinrtn* aaalnat Injunction.
Boston. Dec. tI.-Afi*r a week of
was .domed. The re-slutlon >n refer- to„taipr.c, in Boston. J.i.tlees Putnam
Suits to Order.
have Ux L It »as tbe BKaity i
aftaid ye did be aluc.—b'evr Ttafc
O. &-A1-X
Dec fT and St. Bate U.fil.
the free^'-lnaxe of stiver ai t»
f*”ChrHtmaa and New Yeaea Holiday,
United 8Utss and Canada rewrAlvely one snd f>ne-U)int fare. Sslling
to 1 was takssTup and a ■al««lot* QP<-n
M tbaPa|wnO|AB*tderilMd epsllsd
9 br tbe Bebrinc s
the Gacv'UlI waa adopted aa tolU>wi:
Dec :i. ». SI and Jan. L
tier. Ptsfee*'. PUaia
V* completed their work
That we declare ooreelveo must posl- claims.
C L. Uicawuuu.
Detroit. Dec. tL—Governor Plncree
It. and It Is uodersiied WlU
U. F. * T. A
vely opposed to tbe Gaev ftnsnclal
was Bol amiable when asked what,be MlNBtroduced In eoacresB by the secre
becln tbe preparation of their reC E. MniaaT. AcvbL
had to My about tbe dispatch tbai the taryN>f the treasury. It.t* p measure porta in ineir respeciive *o.-en)inri..
Holiday BAUn on tbe M * V. S
Veneturla people who eoniroUed the that It adopted as a law will only all Tbe commlsoloreiv have been hskflne
re llnnty rivet the cold standard dally nesalon* In t«a clly. dunn* whh h
people of the country and per-I they have cobe over the dlapatedcUlms
............................ .....
d to dan-
«me m «d^.he i^al'llT^s^Ju
tern." Tliey did tbclr duty and expected
to bold Ibelr pcsiuon* by so doln*. The
pensl^ •xamlnln* buarda. he aald.
• oujtbt not u. be In tbe clasalfled servie*.
. as It was desuwble to eeeure men as
tnembeiv ofWh beards Vh« bad bad
.sflde medical experlem-e-army experience, If poasible-snd soch men would
. ifot entii- Into eorapelltlon for the plafe*
.with youn* men Just out of rellece. He
tbouebt. however, that rtb* entire njw
tmn of appalnttnr the boatdi was
wrnne. that all of them oucM to be un- j
un. Tr*a_
»•*“■ j Oomp*™. tor' pt the *nd leeolutlons ain’t afmJd, and Vlncenf. bnllet
arere adopted, approvtn* the rear-—, do Um nojcuod."
tmoonant effect either up..n con*resn ! low rets for bnvttur tbe newspeper* ad->r upon the eounlry. Be has not at | vertlm. bts private ne^ilons wH^re-natlered himself that hi* p'nn ' elim ronceme. said the covemor. when
would meet tbe unanimous approval of asked to coonrm the dispatch. "You nee.
aoncreaa, He baa tlmply presented tala those tellowB over there have learned
that Olvemor Plncree. of Blehlitab. U
tryinr to secure a bl« Veneauela as
m is dl2i
fee cerreet. and If c<
to lectslaie alon* tb* Une* be snscests. phalt mine for only tthdOO. and very
that Is Its bustne**: Ae ha* done bW naiurally tbcy're doubled the price on
duty as be see* It and bis reeponslblllty
••Why <aa^ tbe
for the future. If eoncrer* dl*a*ree*
vHtb him. U at an end
Maw W.:osU Is r**Ua*.
The rumor that Bnator B'olcott wlU to read it rither Have I beard from my
repnseatatlves who went to Venesueln
reslrn bt* seat has for It* basis tb*
to clone tbe deni? No: I haven't re^
report that he 1s dtssatisfled wUb tbe.
celved * word from them la any way:
feacklB* McKinley It ctvin* Oace. W<dcMt construes the secretary's nlaa to be
one which win commit to* roVemment
IrrevoraMy to tbe cold stae^rd. and
that while the preeldent hlmsM has
bot taken qulle-su advanced a position
as has Gar* be ts' ataudin* up dose They Ksst mm4 Adfeesra at Canal Ho-a
behind that otBelal and Is ctvin* him
lilf i#K>r*l support. Therefore, arrues
.. Dee. n.—Tbe boose
‘BTolrolt. the president Was Inatncerc In
sst evenlnc wltbmit a
nendinc a moneury eommlsslan abroad | quorum an^^B|m
uned lately adjourned.
to oocoUatv with-forelm coveramenu
i^onment bOl wlU
for an tni-mattona: hlmetaUlc acreed passed in tbe
ment. And ' therefore, aim. Wolcatt be Inlroduro^mS
thtnka It I* said, that be hss been made precise form In which U was acreed up
‘ '
n tool of fa puttln* bim where he posad on by tb* comoromlse comt '
ns atlemptins the tmpoaa.ble. known In teen. L^t evenlnc there
ferenee at the < xerutlve tnaarion which
adranee to be curb.
beyond doupt reeultid 1ft bar
The rill Hist awd lbs HsSItyem.
tween tbe factions Tbe *ovi
Wmsbtnrtoa. Dec. n.—Apiopos^W tb* . posed reopenln* the question,
notvmenl to modify the dell service
j There will be a Jolu canrns of the
Uw—not to say repeal It Millrely—tbe
I RepuMlena meiiiAtis Iftmfrdlately nflr~
prealdent la not at all Indifferent there
It of the two b
to. He waa i-lsKed yralerday by BepI membeti
rsaentatlve Brdriua, of PcnnsylvaaU.
may elate tbclr
chairman of tbe house civil service
cummatee'e repori
will be voted
tnvnce with him .about tbe opentloa
At the afteroonn senricn the
- of the law. The president la avalllat
be imroduerd In both house* and adfelmscir of lb* opportunity to talk freely
\-anc)'d to second resdirut wUbotu isl
with eenat-te
e sod represenUUve*
ence. Unless Ihetv 1* unexpected trouble
enmlnc the law aad tbe effort that
on tbe floor tbe bill will be pul upon
is now beliu: made to securd'lu mudlllpBSnac* Thursday and idared In tb*
eatlon. ih la belBC urceA-to except
bands of the covernor the same day.
some positions that .re bow In tbe
elnsatfled serdec. b« at the WhIU
Honse It Is said that he baa not yet
tviroli. Dec. D.-The kUrhlcsn Censerlouab consldeted the quesUon of I
Kallrond company baa filed
IBOdlfylnc the law.
, ■
Governor Plnicree's petition for
was questioned at ler«th by U>dce and
Pritchard sbuui thedvll aervlre s>-*tem
aad It* application to tbe penrion olBcs
fere*. He expreesed the opinion tbmt
the law did nut accomplish tbe reeuits
lU frtc-nOa Inalsted (hat tt did. Tbe best
ittaa BatB Tbal It
BBIrvat tb. CrereWh* and IVf^rtuef tb* Kaitaeal Baaka-betlaaal .
“r.x.’.‘r.:.,rs.^ is i
BTaWs woixp NOtitrr the law.
----------------Xsilss nmsiBiBtfaser Km la Aa>* wUh
tbeOril aerWe MMbads
of Pens,or. Evj
before the nei
-........... commlUee on civil
relrenchmknl. wbtcb Is conlawstimlon into the opera-
r ah»fi b< r-*I
aitbdrvw riiin lb* '
la-d li-M I'r fad »>■•««•
‘t. end
»l.i-n a «or» ■> at h* bwl t-en ai. • • nj
VKUm of VOUiiC. lA)et»rft *»;> < rri »> *•
Qaile W*lfnn,
COtisl he rr.d-ayiTed In ecri '—< 11.* ;
drUlla -Hr t)»a^> adr^Ilfd .l.al t<
Ecu* Oill«d<«wl bsTp
tf) gel
Fuuci- Ban had lold Hio of h.vf
that bill 1 I.ti bcToafewdartafia
t>. t*n. thul
Tetant (telieTt-dj—t-nre. and yo
Nashville. Dec. tl.—Tb* rederalloa Of hl« fr-r- ua* <>1 .icnulurva «*.; *hla o«f>.
•**' m-tnlrrc an
rcMidar euoptm
adopted a rmuouMMoj
resolutlco ^.o™...
Amolft aald
toeiaif awtriuax
* dnn'l
We dnf i li'iiief i
»“•* “•» pr"'l«loi. that /hej muM hWJ.waln. '* I d.d admit to V
BoUilBr to do vrlth natluoal banW The
^ ■n..ch.-v«'nAt. Loula invention andprerident
anaFam rred>
Oompere' action 1b iv*mrd t* It *aa „andhy It
Thereo weuetMidy
L but the time y a wasted by i
Kllllna to iske the
*»; ihoee who'wanted to'find iaull with binn*''and''«taiid for the W.le thin* I
It maj’ be said, however, that Petit
„^n.nir *“ <■"> _^ Pon«l’ieavln*.
banka, bol i' Vincent
»*« "•■■'“V
». . haw*
and rnc' If
Cbarkt. paft bu Ion all
bi hnd CO Ibt board «d Utda. Woaro
ChlcTiKo. Dec. a-Arnold C loOetitorl.
Ue_Kt« ndaed. deor. 1 have Job
teo of tbe saifnce-niehrr.. admits (bet
elected to Uw city ootmeU.—
b. «.>ncr4 a nan.* to iMte. em..unt«i« BzwjUyt Ijfo.
to M.T». aad turned tbejn over to At- ^
:----------------------------- ---lontrp Wltllar.! A Vln-rri. «ho w«i»
' CMthatMla
Lortcrrl'e rhk.f r<,'iiisH at hir fret Iriel
OB4L.«>oui.e-tr.kenaiiernn» therhllboqtr.
VareXfol l-eAsr lb* Api«i-mi o«U PeV
xiaelta, i.via* (be Can
try at ti» AdoleMeotloe-Tolk ef WlM
fr;njleilon» for Iwndlnit foede
Ba-lcalea—B*M* Tru bn-ABalaM tb*, mbslt tbronrb Canadian tprrUorT. '
I duty beltat eaartrd. Arllclea naually
riasard a» iravelcrV baatace to free
WaablBCtOB. Dec. n.—Frntor W.
; vltbout bondlw_________
Cfcaadler'a open letur atiacMnt Secre^
. ..
taiT Oacefhr preaalot his flaanelal »Un,
tqwa the ati. ntlon of coatreB. for the
mnaamrion. Drc. SL—The fneathty •
I »tatetnem of the coIlecUon. of- loienial i
abrious purp.«e of oompeUInt a e
j revenue eboa- that for tie tnooth of j
tlderatloB or the quoatioa b>- tbe
! November Uat reeelpts amounted tb^
m.«Ui.M. an Inrreaee as mmw^wllb|
--------- ;----------
raet el tb* Cc*r>Bl MNer n
rat AMM'tle.'.
•- Wen. *•
oeneelawrei MeoeeL
■<«-«< b,R.,^oBon.
-Ifonej to Xjoan
M vsreeed efey ^wpsety.
t* Uka *mei Bandar. J SB* m, imr.
atIdSe'claEka. a.
oono Moenfe
Pint Te*r-No. 199.
nos OEXIVBST vow 7AIB1.T
VMfal Inflmulion Vagardinr Collaetloa*. XKlivariM, Aniv«U ud
^mtkiturn of KoU-OwrUn Am
OotdsfrDowDtoBaataMVMd WlU
Som S« TunlUAT Witb tboir Work.
Tho tctur cuTien ore mokiof M|dd
. piudie— Uiworde o perfect oretoB of
the free deUrerr. U woe eopoeUd tkot
torj dnriot Uie wliiter meotbo. but
tkli wiaterUwIUbekept(ol«f
ot tb* tiBe. The eew etylee of kiiebeo
cB^koorde ood B<lk ofn which the
boo )otnx!Dc il will proTidc
work tor o Urpe laivc of employee
o«»rly oil wloter. Another oddltlon U
oboot to he mode lb the prodBCU ot
thefoetory. Ctorehoc Orell.lck U ooBethlnc ot o eporUBoo ond he hoe olwoyt telt tho nerd of eoaethiop In
which te properly core for bU floblop
ood ohootlnp eqalpaeoto. A Bodel
oportooioa'e eooe hoe beeo dcolfoed U
which one coo depooU fowllof ple^aeblnp rede ood coib. oloo drowera for
OBOoltios. fiahlop toeklo ot TorioBo
a/aUB.'k«t IB tolled to oppMr oad tke
wrrim ood PeetBoelar Friedrlek koee
bod to Isooporote the oew ropiBO bciou. ohooUnp eeoto.
witbool ekperleoeed oeektoa^ De- hoe oiraody foand feeor ood It U porllToriw ore mow beiop i^tde ot 7:V3 o. poeed to Boko o opMlolty. ot thaee
Tho footarjr trtH be Idle hot o
B.ood S p. B-oodea L'aloooBdrroDt''
ot «:M 1 ehort tiBO. •
-• Belo.oa-"'-—’
....... ...............
p. to. Thb Utter delireiy to tor the
porpMe ot oeodUp oat the moU troa
the O. BA I. ond Vorthport eUpei ------- ——
1 tolapreeo npoo the oeenpoalo of oSoeo ond
otoree whioh ore not epcoed in tiae ter
the BOTBlop delleery, the neeeeoUy ot
prerldlapo enoU'hox or o plooa where
DOU Boy bedepooited by the eorrUneo
they ore not oUewed U leoee Ultara
uleai loo reeoptoele prorldod tor that
Fcdlowlnp ore the keen tor ooUeetkaotaoU tract the drop booee ot eo,-ri««poUU;
ilaoB Saith. who hoa been le
chorpe of the orel dUh enttinp roea in
the factory of the Oral Wood Dlata Co.
for 13 ycaun. hoa rcslpned that poallioo.
He boa eawpled tbo ponitloB of peoerol
forenaa in the factory ot William
Beitaer oad will bepte work te hto new
plooe next Monday.
Bold to bo at Fotet of Iteatk te
Lodiapton. Dee. tl.-Faeeroral days
JndpeJ. B. MeMahooboabeeaboTortep
between life and death. Ha wna takweek apo from the eirenit
mrt at Baldaria. Be woa aolterii^
from on attack of dUbetea with which
ha hoa bean ofillctad aereroi yaaro.
Yalerday aoralap the phyolcto^ te
tot OBd lUe'eeoBcd te ha alipplnp
Doriop the Ay^howecor o lltthe oorriero ore aokiop their realco..
iBproreBeBt (b BU eoadiUon woe
• Tboee horiap letters to aoU .eon hood
thea to the eorrienoo tbclrdellrensp
tripe It they desire to eoee o trip
the drop boxee or olBoe.
-KUllecttono ore made in Uae tor the OOLLUIOV VBAB HILWATTCBB.
diqiortinp Boito oe the C. A W. V. ot S
a. m. oad 4;W p. a- and O. B. A 1. at fiteoBor Fotookey Bon Into
The ateoaer Petookry kod o eomaton
a wUl he I
the UoM of eolieetioo* ot aoila oad SCOT Hilwoakae o taw dayi opo witb
fixed U Uo pioee prarldhd on ebeh bex the etcoacr lows. The Petoekey
•0 that one eon tell ot o plonee the ioto the loaro atrikinp hyr oaor
heara el oolleeUono
Venad.C^ 0^ M BcM.'.
' Conic Rtioe will po to
{ttab Borolop oB O eieit.
I Copt. Kroitk Wbiiitocy ot Mnol^
SKVATOk VcXILLAV WIIX A E' it in the ciijr to
lod tbo boUdoy t
Vr.ood Mrr.
Mrs. OstTie Hsa’In ot RHtodole.' orD. H. Oay'e Fn
hie Bopport- teae of tbo Arpu. rired lut ereatapto apeud the bollaonte te Fart of Toiaprapbie Oob- dsya witb her niece. Mrs. Joto Chapboll.pt iBksnrcaas.
ncetloa Cr«a the Itlaodo to the
Horrey Hltebeoek.foraerlyof Northpert and well knowa hers, bat who baa
Senator UcMIllaa wilt make a ape- beta located la Detonr ae^l
»l jyears, is
dal effort to hare paari at the preaeni in the dty rlaltinp frieadb U'
aeeeloB of eonpreae hto bill for a eabla
Mia Sofis Watker baa rotarBad frnoi
troa Oten.Haren to the Soath MontUra an extended rtolt ip Cbleapa Ska • xtotMd.
A few dsya ape tbe-senater I peoU te po back the first of Jaansty
rewired the foUowiap letter fraa D.‘aad eater a tmlnlap school for
H. Day. of Oleo Horea: ‘*1 trnat fsrorable aetioo will be taken at tkis 'ereeioa
The Story of Oelostaae aad XdttU So,
By Bob. te the Bbcooh ChiteteBOB a
in the Batter of the
from Vbto point tu the tolaads, and that
!yoa bare not loet track ot the Batter.
: bat will eoaUnoe to fire it poor aaetot*
anoe. A poodarpnaent initafororto
the recent atrsadlnp «t the steamer
Uopebk. Ue Utter pary of last month
•n North liload. Ib order to seenre asstotaaos a crew from her eaae ashwe
la n yowl Ib o fierce northwsol poU ot
o preat rlsk.^ their lirw. oad is oU
ths time opeMthna ware pracredinp
oa her It sreald boTc been of prest orr*
rice.Another orpaaeBt io toror of ifato
MU to the preat desirobilUy of betep
obU to telepTopb to the aoidUnd the
feel thot VeaeeU which bore Uken refope from atenaa. ore aate. HasotorMe
MUUo will eadcoror te here hto mcaeBBo eapTofled on o aalUUe opproprUtkiD bill.
D. H. Day
bard ot work to
briop oboat the
Itobaeat of the
>t only'o losaty bat e
cable for aerernl'yaort. Two where o pereoa ape^ o third of their
petltloB to aotnral life. The ooly dIBcolty with
A fiMd, Mortible B«d
at shippers on the Ukea. Theaot-l^„„ Choaber Snla. Ch.ffoDlcree.
........................................................ Dreeslnp Tobies. Wordrobea. iroo Beds.
Etc.. weorsBclIiiipotaaeh prieao thot
Senator MeMilUa will be aueeeeetal te ao oae need be ariteoBt them.
patttep o heoriap npoa the Aotier.
There to oe doabt bot Uot the coble
woald be of preat rolne te aorlae lateresta. Tbe Moailoat proride ebelter
Hou»Fun3i.hIiiff store,
tor resseU dnrinp aerere etoras oad it
0 cable la cotebitohad o aeoai^lroald b
proTidad tor oeUtyiaf ownersW'shl^
pen of tbe sslety of reaseU onf
eorpoes. else whether the ^eltef^'-Ot
the tolaads hod beea ately pained.
Hea. Perry Uonaoh hoa loot hU old to
the project oad hto Infinoaea hoe beeo
exerted with tbe proper oulborilles to
bore tbe plea oooeldered.
BotthcM to olwoyc raoB
lora Tfaeraforr eome ot oae
yoar PHOTOS. We have o eomi
B. A S. ■ Bteetlaa.
iiac of Pictare Moaldtepo oad wil
At a repuUr oaoeably of Tinre
ly, U we hove to work
City CoBBcil. No. 6t. Boyol aad Seleet
Uoaal Aid SMtetyU Bipfat.
Hoetets. brld lost ersBliiy. the follew» Coapr^^otteBol Udla* Ai<
lop ofleen were cleetMl tor the eaen- dety will bold ooe of their pUaaoat
enriali this esMtep te the ohareh par- 11 Sooth IteleaSL
loro. Home Bade toady srUl be oa
Depsty Hoot
aoU te oatfelpaUM of Cbrtotmos nee
Prloelpol Cor
oalwrery one will be p'rneented altl
W. Cai
ooneeair. Alt ore eordUlly larlted.
Cbptoie of tho Gnord—Walter Troris.
Oohdnckw of the Ooandl — B. W.
Shsteheo of tbe Hoaiteos.
Chos. R deodnle ahde aoae
-M. B Holley.
peacil ekaleha of Noyth and Sooth
T. Boaooh.
MsnitoB toUods oad sea
A. C Desprro.
dnrtep hto stay ot (itea Arbor test
tete. Th^ ore beontlfiil rlewa oad.
worthy of adalroUoa.
Of Apoplexy Teoterdoy
B. Frank Holeoab. who to w^ll
hnoWn la this repka 'died eery andAcaly yeoterdoy aorninp of opoploxy.
a fifty yean of ape oad
looree o wife and fien children. For uo
yean bo woo U the captoy ot P. Ky
oolko. toranriy Bock A Ryaelkn. oad
woo o foallior flpnre apon their delicerywopoo. aiadoily cMutotheoaBereaa potraoa ot the alore laemiai in.
the notnre of friendly eolla letha than
hoAneea rtoia and the potraoa of the
otorertd aony friands besida wUl alnoero» armpothlM with the foaily of
the-^deeeoeed. Be left the eaploy of
Mr. Eyoelko a abort tinae opd. oinee
Fox loUad Ltcbthoaao.
WhUh be hot been mieeed by tboee
The MoaUtee News ssy%: Tbeaore. who leaped to leek for kla erory day. BPBt of the pToln rU the east sboie
The liphthoose oa Ue sooth Fox IsHare to f^ooDy teereasiap. Frldoy Uad will be kept c^n oil wtetar. ter
alpht the steamer F. A P M. No. 4 the fiat Umeslaea it bss^bsio esteV
took out for ladlartne :n.400>basbels IbbccL Tbe object is to benefit o itee
Ltroiy Bon of d. O. Joaeon ToUUy
Its. Ksterdsy aip^No. t took oat Uf bt ateaaers rooniap oil wlater frem
Lndiiiptos eo.oou teiaheU at oots. oad Moatotoe to MoolstKiae. oad wbich
Tte llToiy korn owned by J. O. Job- UstaWriit (hesUoarr WIwwosIb car- poeseo near tbe Pox Uloado. It to oUo
•eo ot Rlnpaley baraed to the rrbood risd oot torOroad Rsreo 43.000 boshrU draipaed to foeer fieharmea wbe ply
Friday oIpkL Nine sheep, a qooatity oteau. ft0.onubeihrlat<t prnla owoU thnir oalltef Ute in the oaaaoa.
of boy ood oinw and oevotol hoodrod shtpawnt to LadlaptoB tram MonitobaaheU of poUtoea were baraed. 'ike
MeCaUey hooae. seoiiy oppooiU. was
F. K.Q BUcUoa Toaii^t.
te doaper ot woe tiase ood woo aoced
The Protaraol Mretle (arete will hold
with diffi:alty. The born woa on old
There will be o repnlor miiitlnf ed
•sa. behip hnllt tweatywipkt yaora ita mrnUr aeetUp this orraiar at h the board et cdacotion tonipht.
•pe. hy duteoD Kinpaiey. oad ot piae o'clock le Moatorae Hell. BlecUoe ot
Hoary Saobr to baylapUmbor te Leewoa aoad In lit coaetroetioo it baraed oflUiTa for'(be eesBiat 7*»r ood etbar
Uoan eeaaly oboot Cbrp loho for Uo
rtoal badnea te be bmarac
with nnneatl fiereen'eao. Tbo loa oa
Troreroe City Lombor Co.
ban oad eaoteeu woa oaply eowed Brery aeaber to i
1 to ba
Tbe Boya' Bond to prwporlnp ior a
pood time at tbeir ^rtotteae doadop
Ualqae oad OrlpteaL
party ttotnifiay aiphv te tho
TbeBlko horetoeaed SOOaalqoe la- Opera ■<
I Will Hold 0 Boetoi riteUeoa for tbeir enanol aodol aea-. Mtoe Apace Poole sHlI leave' today
aloa, to be bald New Veor'e Bre. Tbe far Oaoho. Neb., whero she baa
la priated on o eoaaaea ehlp- o^oud l!y tbe r»«eruteat as
Brxt fiotardny oreater the Good
te the Indtea acheaL
TeaplotmsrUl aoet te a aociol aaaaloo
The Ladles' I^ibrory wOt ha open Friot Moetepae Hall. OaapoayKa l.ied
4tey of this week oad next aa aeeeaat
by HlaCkrne O'Baal, will toratob on
Tbey Vast lifftat oad Voter.
of the (Artotmaa oad New rear's b^
iaiFFStlnp wrofnnL Tbare will oUo
Tbe rUlape of On'trol lab« AatHa
ba other ottroeUve teotorco te theeTco- ennnty. ot preoeat baa aeithar water days DOBlap <m Hotordoy.
inp-a eaUrtalaaAb '' Tfao doreaUc worka Bor eleotrle Uphto, bet the peo
The food eole ot the Frieoda lAoreh.
Teapla ora extended oa teriutka to ple ore
of putdap In n eoa- to ho pivea Tborodoy oad Friday te B
atand. Viaitlnp Ooed TanpUis ora blBsUoB ^ot te earply both wnaio.
B. MUlarb drop atoro. prooisaa to ba
Of ^MOUl tetoMot
Xteoth at Fife Lafco.
Yaoterday area o banner day ter tbe
Mrs. J. U. Lake, swell kaewa oad aoerehoxta Ibe otraeu
bipbly esteemed Fife lake Udy, idled
> sued oU dv wli
bnyera <rf
S. B. Oreiliek Oe Frapoitep te Be
ot bar borne la thot rilUpe Moaday of ChrtoUMO poods oad the >
TNdr Factory Dnrtep the Vtoter.
caaeer. after o Itoperti« oad paA^I fra* the oeaetry woa very Urpo.
Tbe J. E. Grciliek Ox wUl obnt dew ntaoM. She woa 64 years eU.
tbeir factory the loatof the aoath ax
aahjeet. the pleat to o tboraopb ore
-----booltef. Ib poet yoors it hoa beea tl
FU.. to epead the winter.
caateB «f tbe caapoay te drat tbo teeBtey BBter oad fimaHy oad Mn.
^ -
We are
Still Very Busy
Yes Sir, We’ve Got ’em.,
Wbot?' iost what yon FUit for aome of roar Christmas preAents.
•ui. Don't know whot weVe got?
Well, come and see for
yoorself. We can surely show yon something that will fill ^
bill. Don’t wait nntil tomorrow.
sfio FHONT rntCET.
M. B.
Mim —
come: inSome day right away when j-ou are going by and
look over our Holiday Goods.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
your choosing
will be satisfactory
in the matter of ChristmBr"7fcBi^brances for your friends,
if you buy NOW. Si<Kks are still^^mplete. C Never before
was there the opportu^-RTsatis^ one’s self with gift-pur
chasing as there is this season. Useful gifts will more than
ever have the preference. Buy such from our Qothing s'toA,
our Furnishing Goods stock, our Hat and Cap stock, our
Dress Goods stock, our Cloak stock, our Underwear stock or
our Carpetstock. Prices the lowest known, on equal qualities.
PreTail In our Holiday Bale of 01oak«.
There is Nothing so Pleasing for, a Christmas Present
as a pair of
Nice Slippers
We are showing a Very Handsome Line.
THE SHOE HOUSE of Trireme Oty.
When Looking for
Something finsf We havs it.
Vo alerator wheat mixtures antar
into s siagla barrel of
Kemember you can
get elegant
Floor. Try it
.Hannah & L#ay Go.
White Aprons,
Imported Baskets,
CeUulold and liefither
Bugs, Gloves,
Yon in yaar Oiristman bnying, onrntore will be open erery erening from December 30
to 25, indnnive.
Suits, Overcoiats,
Hne neckwear.
Etc, at
You need Felt Shoes. Arctics. AUskas,
Robbers. Pacs or Socks. A full Hoe on band and more
coming. Men’s Arctics 80«, at
j..—.-y •MrawMflWi 1U« Oimf
oora with M uaaaiur t«-laotS«.
,-“h=r r
T. Satw Mxa 3. W. H&xn.
J. W. HAawrMtw Md lUnor.
wiMttfc ttaaxMstfa.
We Promieethe
M. Kov. to tbw* taU dlibM U7 be
•ddod Mltott frfcm*^
elB^ ia a hrtckt mm) dertaed {uw. n nuj diibw mwe.
Wm lUsto
yoaac etocu—t. aad Mte pW tba wbtch »Bk» U» tnU
aadiutee viU a ruluUoB. "na Mk t>».n nro «Dd thirty ditiiMk erhiob U m
moA M cut etBTMientlr ■Mad oo on*
UltoaDyto.- SkaiaayaodadU---------inUe Ta^ ia one meu And aftar tbu
by Mr. and MU* Belin W «han»»«ir»y
*»d a Buand aalaetioa
^ u,e duto aod »bow
^^tch wiU b» both fra»al
j in tba toU^oar. cootaDUnaai w e
cttllad far.
Tb. touhlB* alcry M -Jack the meet and mtiah pleanta aad delight
FtekvoM.- waa told ih Mrt. Martia'a «br iKholdcr."
Sorely a ••mod«ato dlBnu- hke that
but maaaar. Mtae PaUar playiac the
iai«t. Far aa eaecoa , woald make a lord tnayor’e haaqaot
wna Btiagy. y« there toamplemdeuoe
ahe gare a
that neb feaeu were not oucoauace
u—■—»"■ w
«t Matte, hr wait,
«M rear, br wall.
l.a«T work the Ka<U friaX«A aa aa-
Dr. l*ayne. who attooded
~ ra(500 rewud forthe
••In that older day " Not ereay ooa
bowevo*. ert (beb a tobU. en* wbda be
ccmld alfort it, for Pepyt nooed* a <Ubphlae Vader.whoaartaadedtoaB «• acr pireo to the po« by Sir Gwsgr
Downing ooe Chrtonaee at which ootbeat* la bar aaiial pleJlar taasaar.
Tbi pnjfruaeoocladadwllhaaoBf. Idk wb» aw«B bat beoL ptmdge. podHinff and pork. It may hare
I—-••Old Keatoeky Booia.“wlU aolo by
than tbe ncipumcn aeually bud
F. e. Parke and hamatlaf acootar
*T«yday faro, bat tbty r<«ed n a j
Beat by tbe male quartoV
botertuomeat for Uhnuniaa'
Tbe bcub heul at
wt U known, ]
wae for bandrvd. cl y»u> Ua- pirv-e du ;
Piodaeta of tha Morthwaat
Rmttauce of m-ry well repnldtnl Bnt
Tha Eafla -gladly makae rooai” lor a
Mateaiaat fro* Dr. Payae, apoo tba
■ritaat requnt o! the doctor.
Now a
' fluid cyporiuaity ie praaralad lor tb«
»if1a to roi down the »a* who etrealatod the •‘Cro^ lake aiory.- and dle-
Wit boot distinction of nge
or dan, and bock of our
promtoe stands oupfplpn*
did stock of..../..k'....
Ittdits, ClMis, kieby,
Siltemn, loidOo, Etc.
lib Cbnenaai feaeu,and it hw bwn
to-ld by wuiv writer* that it heeauw the
faronto beceone of a gvOCTol dcurc to
pn*tf*t ««»vu»l the Jewiib pmhHSkion
Dacraihar »otbThe display Utbto cuto'bifhly la- <a IKffk A more probaide miwo u that
tertotiar *ad laeUitclire aad to open to the boor e»U the berueet «f all tbe wild
the public loriaapeFlioa freed dta^ le-acu of tbe ooontry. and ktlllng blui
era* tbe blKheol achietonwut <M ih.'
It oaatalne e conprebeaMre ooUectooa
hauiemaa. Tbea. ajiaia. hia bead u
prodacu of Mianeeola, Korth Daketv
rety a<»d to eat
Idebo, WaehlartoB and OreVkTuit. r« tbe reeto*. tbe great dirii
play a lot of pant ap JaaraalUttc eafOB. isandlBC aasplee of wood. wool.
which hae kaiatotore eauped
baUdiar etoae.ooal aad apeeltnena of
loduitrial predaeta. aleo fraite. mlarrT» ulamttx howlaia are urt at thU
«toa fattlaf any ayspathy fro* the eeieatific
MBBBrcUl acaaM of Doa aad Brad-
riewe aod
■» iRT*f«l with gnat potup
It wq*
wned mStrl.. A fnrgottoo poet wrote.
tV woeed il ferwl
Bu foBiuies I u*k> ir1
Itr^ P*UP*e
Bopated blrdi aod aaliaala.
*7 theee two reliable aatboritiu U to
puaat facta and flfarea to ebew that
W. C. & B. A. Ganfiett
toua forced to awly to the <d«y aatborttlufortheaieaitotopiwcarofood aod
Ir tbe Bagla wUl parmit. the Eaooaa
would like to aSer Iba ehaemtiM tkat
aeablaeoanactiaobalweea tba MaaiMu aad tha atalnlaad Would be a good
thlag: but if tba Bagla objeeta—why.
waVa aony that wa apoke.
Kpv tkat tba poweru are poaadng
imwn opca Chiaa with gxudy baato
■My of tba lababltMU of that baUoo
wDl kaably regret tbe l^loaaa excla-
> ^aaaflt.
Tbe pruuy
chnreh on
Want Ninth rtrwI wAa the aeeoe of a
and blwdy .ward. Then two page* in
aarwnet. nmb with a meto
aud la* tbe btuer himaelf. cboMn for
hi. line aqd «r«gtb. prondlT bolding
tba haga Mlver ptoner oo which the
btoT's b«od Uy.
Sodi wa. the nlaiiw* iroeMaa that
entered, alwayl with mtiiUs, f« a
tihrirtina.caTolwualu-ay.wuig. What
toe wouwimBuu>~
■«rflhe--------I may be imagiiied from the fact that
tola, bowerw. that the obaerraace hal
' '■
•aur Upwd *«* EnglUh htotory t»- «.,ug Henry H. having
. dwD.Jifettme.
gan. WblsUecraft. a writer who delved . be crowned daring bi
(V rf’tbebaor'a
dcoplv aaioiR the iradltiaoa and Teeceda HimwU wrred M bear* .
rf'tl^ rriga of Elng Arthur of the beml at bto lou-. table and warme^
Boond Table, dtocaibea tbe Chnstmai by the royal tmtupot»»a *a be emftvd.
Tha uplendor uf tbam anctoot Awrta
dlaaer of that day in wvu*
now. bnt
«» miaKO. vaoSato aed wUd
profonoo of tha vias^ *e*x» ««»derful
la oompartK*' oor modern
na,wd. ap«m RuaU. and one wondcre if
tbe alder day aU men were like tba
..je who dud only Hsiely aod wbo
made m repotation by a nngte remark.
••The torkrv i. u> exrellent birdv,with
•cnoaa tault-^he to too tig for <me i
: And tbwvwiibal ttordruto e«odOMfto*iua
p-nno to aU and not big ea<mgb fer |
! Vllb m«>d nnd *• and eKlw cl oar vn.
w poeue. potob ato toga, uw, •* totoo
D*vU) K Cl—
Tbto biU Of tare U d
AU vwr CtoM Da.
poetic than aoeorata. yet it U not fur
iry »o
*>- the mnutb- m* a'^K-il over tbe tobla
■nae. Normaa ttoltobery. tba little i far it i. told that oo that onartOB ooly
R«r. “
B. —.
Salabery. ooc «...uv
km«ht tuuuw
foond hto awonl abarp
J cm, ■ UI\A. —.
gave a beanUfut madaring ol Bandel'. ' Wioogb
enooRh to
to cure tte boar a h^ or bu
^legato eeu.brightaul Mr' in hto , Band jh^ eao^ to Uflthelaiab*
etour. boytoh
“i'^wtU to*^ici?lhat King Arthtw
toaarty eneore. He reeeooded with a
nenber torkey. nor gceac. thoogb
^n^t litila cmdla aMg. charmlngfy both of tbmi are now dtottnedte fcatnrte of tbe Chrirtmu fuA Tbe tur
BUeyb patbeUe poem, •Tbme Uttla key wu not taken to England from
h oeoRiy.
gW.don'tcry,-'wMgiveBlBa foaliag tbe
tbk. «»le«nUi
oeowiy. and.
the *o*
tort till
nanm- by Him Ftuioaa Puller. Tbe I tbongh the pw*. wa. known befwa bi*
.«. » b..
--been fliamv,.r.'Vl
_____ aent by Mtoa Buntov
Bnt If Arthur'* fea* *eem* gargaaOOaflm
re Uie
.bt gnve
gav. m
a ecwuwu
ieldctloo ui
ia ewupivM .MM It WM a trngal repart oompnrrd
obtoUMt. bat eqaaUy deligktfol.
with thorn that came latvr Uervam
A vieUn *obi by Mim Alice Crawford Markham describe* a "moderato din^_jma glvea wltb great expruaioD aad Dv”. of ahobt A h. lOOO that would
"^WM maeb mijoyed. In Mpooeo to aa a&nr* for Chriatmu in tbe loUowiag
-BrowmleVlBBet' in wUab the cnaBlag UtOe feUnwa in biwwa ooold al- ,
be aeaa
aeao In
In their
their gambela
mat be
Uttlc Mo*ellc.%anett j* alway. a
_____l>. _KI.
With Trave------------, etlglrnm
------------------8ba rectud '■UiUeOrfaat Aanto” la
noeb a realtotle way that ewy one de-
••The firm com* Arrid cnnxlrt of 16
fall ditoiw—that to dirtm. of mmt that
uv of «utotaace and not empty or-fiw
M>nw—a. the*, foe example: Firat. a
___ Ma ^
01 uenuu ^(£
WtUl atirtard:
ulUMaiu, aecond
nuw-..,— 1., —.^.n.
ly, a-biiTid
eapoc; fKI>ri1,r
tblrtUy. •n hoyl'd
peoi- (tf bt^ : foanbly. a chine of beef
mnrrt: fltihly. a neat'* tougoe roMd:
•mbly. a pig rorted: •eventhly. «he»et* hakud. ei^thly. a goou tamed;
ninthly, a ewan roated; taitUy. a Viiri
hey tomedi tbo Mermth. a hauwh <tf
eeniaon RUed: tb* twelfth, a pa*ty of
•>0all ma back,' a eaatralto aele by TMlma: tba •Nbiitetk. a Ud with a
OMb w* gin* by Ite. WUhalto In padaiag ia'lh* brfty; timdaUMmuh.
,MtdlT»«ym«be flhaMth.n eon9t*<«
tarmlaed to -watoh oat' indeed, tor
Sba wu
Reliable c Merchandise
There to ao eseoM ftojrvecbaigea ^emoae of good qeality.
adrerttoe a man’a esit ter »; SV to mnlaad and charge for a better
All Kind* of DolicadM for
the Chriatmu
Place yogrorden in advance
by ThonA 122.
Tbeae wtohing the dollar to go tha tarttomto* CbrtottnM pnehaaea, we-
Oar bo(gaiBa,ia Dmaa Uoeda are actmordlaary.
Oor bugalaa U OeatS Pamtohiag Uoeda ue BB«
Aa for Oothlng. w« down avewthtog In algbb.
Ttoa Uoaqy fievera.
Cor. S: Unio&Bitd 7th StiMtB. Olm Block,
Jewelni for
Frait StnoC.
Your Christmas Menu
Provide for the Chief Portion of it Derly.
Elegant Bings
Turkeys, Chickens
FsDcj Gold and sniff KoidtlB Home Made Mince Meat.
Th6M ere Rlwaya Fiw^ a^ of tile Beet
Front BteFwt
Send Orders Ahead and Have Them Delivered. •
Frank Brosch & Sons
Thone No. 4
Ohristanas Tree Trimminss,
Candle HoldeiB,
Gandies, Candy Toys*
•nd e Full Line of OmAmonts
at the
^ Traveme «ty Oaady Co.’
Co^ Di«*tfarM eu String Onndy and
Ctondy Oanca.. We make *peeial prloe* an candy to eeheeto. eharehea. and
v^-totmu adelala.
Pruh Dyetoia direct tram Baltimore atwaye an band.
Bma^ Store reu k
Comer Park mud Front,
aek. oa Dalo* Btoeet
TmVw City
CHfilSTIU^ HOLlYctolOCntt.Spray
“Womeg Of Mil’’
|nne niustmt^ VdAtar*
With ear
- ^Ito deo prapatou bnelaiM. and thto to be thahouer waeked thw
they arc boond to be the towoot.
IBvlto Into oar diffamat deportmeata
•• • <
uar bargaina
eargaina la
in Ctoaka
i.4oauB are
am a
hair'Mt -eltti*h4( Mnu. h*r •'
gooda. with prioee the loweat and the geMral proaperity at ear daom. we CM-
Best N^arket in Town Offers
tw&e. flvihg two bright and pretty
The plain Sgaitoou-
la^ and attraetlvaplaoe of baaiaem. wiU departmenU foil ofatople and faagy
Hoolihan’s Christmas.
Front SUvtoPPO*'**
Wa do not
A aatforta mU of a living proEl gnidto all of oor bnaincto traBueUeaa
Thto week to aore lo be tbe greateat epoch la oor bnmnea. euuer.
boUdlag. which, by the way. to ope of
gepda are marked aV are mighty wtpoera.
«ISIERS,Studirt iMSdecIs
oat <rf tbe way
One notable omumoo
Tbe bell of the UicomotirewM dangto that ol tbe wauul bowl, for waMlt lOg inctouiitly, and the «dwd in the
tboBRb It wu a dnnk of tbe ancient imln railway twiing room wu mpidly
tbe Mweat. modt modem aad taatafolly Droid, of tbe third oeotuty and protf thinning.
deoeraled eharebe In the city, waa ably eulier. wu lor many bundred
Thto WM bat oaturaL
Study tbe mart vivid optimi* coold^
■•wdad to the daoru wito aa appra- yut* a farorite Bntiah ditnk and come
eiatlva aadleace, who exprauad tbeir to be a dlrtiDctiee funua of ISmaRnaa not eapect aorowd in a railroad rertanw
to taB«L—Cintdanatl &qnii«.
pleuure in Ue entortaiaffleai by liber
WM itaenooD.iderudala ewartaoed with
al appiaoae aad fruquent eneoraa '
mmccbuig that did doty tor tjw more
T&e Btory of OaltoUaa and Uttto Jo,
The program laeloded tha beat laeal modem wpar Jna what that wm i.
tUaat tba city aflorda, and tha concert today nnknewn. bat ii wurweet Tum by Bab. la tbe Raooan ChHrtuu mom.
^ aac of tha moat e'a}oyabla <»ca of there WM coact. aod there wme rrmrted i»r-___________ ____ •
ento. pot biwonc hot tow the bowl—a
ytht year.
Chloago XcHfet.
Tba flivt aomber wM a maadolia and qoeer dnnk. bnt bach u it wm it wu
, Cbioago, Dec. Vi.-Whmt-DeeemgaUar doat, by CbuiM and LotUa Ukrd.
ber. St.00; January. Mife: Hay. OtBe:
A. time went by the recipe wu v»Balm, which WM daligbUolly readmed
Joly. SlHe; Srptomber. Tlihp
Tied uU. perbapa l.OOO ytua or m
JaaouTMd reeaived an enemu.
lam the waualt bowl wm lllled w ith
A raeltaUoB by Utoa Carrie O-Naal wine, well wanned aad •pio.d, with 2fi*;ci May. «*KW s<: July. »He.
Oato-Dmembm. 5B<cr May. «Vo.
araa Itoteaed to with cloee aiteatioa. tmrted bruod and roartod andea H
ST 00:
Pu an aaooru Mia. .^O'Naal gave a wine were oot^Wainable. ale e~a» OABd.
bright mUa bomoroo* raeitoUon that WM
ine ap}>iii
am«b-^-t ----------- ' --------------------- ’^')ird-De<sember.
............... bate bneo aa S4 52.
Ue and tt-il
■M wall raealvad.
DoobUe* —
-On Bilent Mead' wm rapdarad by iniprovemcnt uu craba
Craad Rapida. Dec. 21.—Wheat. SSc.
the white pulp of the apple, that
tba male qoartai in their bo.1 delightwamall itaulcknanw of "Umh-.
fal manoar. and aa aaoore wu Imper-1
i wiiol.- and M wm tbrirfore an aaaob•Uvaly ■
. rouuao that crept into the acootinc at
The .weeten aoprano voloe In the
ArtJ.or-. fm* when tbe boy with
deUgblfol concert Uat evening.
ti-earcaot blladfoldera or Imaginary bargalalivere.'
Take Dctrcdk
iorlMttaco: A womaa aged 7S aad WbU TtovtM to au UttoDtoK
'worth Ma.OOO. toaopurtbat abe haa
Tha Old Heliable Shoemaiu
CooiiK,llns aid Caadiis
•eaordlag to tocaUty.
118 Front St. WorxhurK Block.
187 Front Street.
t* lo k» lOM
The only caDalderation ebowa TS^tod to loapeet the oontoata of. the Tto nwnua »i—
u. which will be at tha G. R. A t. Ae______________ .> -UtlM T.I nlWM.
wMli ploiji, tod
tha ooantry U bow more praspeiaoi
Thru WonCB of aaaltty in Vodom
The mere drusing cd the dirfi did M
ia eerernt yean, and that Uyl
aul&v. bowerar
Tbe. e«em«.»
----- QMiflltlrr*- I------- *-r The exporta of roomaUaBi. la the Baroab Cbrtotma h.-»nglng it Into tbe haaqaet ball rt a
tUaeoaetryareirtotertfaao erere
aoBg, for
gnwt bdOto wa* moM impoong.
for It
lhare to more *ooey belac tdnalauwa« not brought withoot o
U the ehaaacto of trade than hae bees
Firvt cune a rauacr In
raeordid for flea yean
«>Bt with a boar ipwr tn to* nano.
Oli> THIE DINNERS OF AMAZING FRO- TboD a hnnuman in green with a naked
> otoeat-
vebavea sort of himst
^ booM festival in tbe va;
of ptberin? the new aop
of shoes for tbe monOp-of
eoid ai^ wet and mow lod shish. There’s {ot to be more than tte
onlinafyamooiit of wear resistance in wimer shoes, for flat's the
tin* that trks their 8desr-<ud their uppers too. Yob may not have
fhe great-tot
cases we have just received and unpacked,
butooV»kinjthemoyerweba'’ccon*toihc p———
PPfKi^Kinn dal we DOW have the bea ht*^
winter shoes that ever can* intp thii town.
They’re too good to keep and we won’t own
thpm kwig if you will coo* in and ha« a
look at them. Tbe best ttukers made them
and wetuanmlee them to be westh tbe litik
prices we ask.
:-------AND THB---------
-A Poltah Daooc" kj
waabrUllaatlyrUidpradbyliUa Joaa-
alito. of a
t^te*** of
*'• the borlaJ
---- -----------------ptntar Utah at CllVe Piar who died of
~ Sooth Side Ocaanlioiue.
In the Record
InUTMUa* 0M*)um
mo CK GO Dm
One FHh^ ScHoonar Lett with
_ the iU’Omened Thirteen
on Beard.
r>m CiM*La^ Afiw^ Aprti M
Boulnd* of old oemaxxj pM^ cqiP
.XMI »«A Br to*, rp TiiPf^
oi»lly ot in»b b»nl». will wwanbw tb«
ToroMo. Dec. n.-Th* Ont&no (or- ChrlPtinM caadle wOiota U Utbnd aod
cnraeni yc«(erd»> introdure< la tta* pUrad »a ti>e wiadow at aidiucht <4
IcKtiiUtsrc ■ bin which will uadonbccd- CtaNfUDaimandaJIavcd to boni there
w It mbndiM the jiollcr o( the <hi U>c eauuenre olpht* until it le all
« of then
I. maUnc recuUUoe rc*»rd*
Inc ruUlMt of Umher on Crown (•iint of all tl
brrtba Pollowin* U tb« nial clanac: jtheie'iitl
nnoeof tbeUbrutiaB
••Kvpry llcrhsr or permit 1
ibnluw of ODone. of the
To {T^r^
j located, acid, mwmed, palentcd «r
leaped by the crown, which ahall hr 1«• auefl oo or after the 90lh day of April.
UM ItM. ahall centatn and be aubjerl to the
aiw eondltlor that all pine which may be
ifcT ent Into loc* or otherwlae under the aua Uaa— Vewwc IWopta Oo
or permlaalpn of poch Ueof^ ot
hap to Iwih—OaltM— wa the RaU Add* taonty o
be' manufactured Into
pertnit, ..........
' ChM to th* UelL
aawe iomber In Canada-**
OloucMter. Masa.. Dec. SL-Cn OdL I
tta attuoner Anne and Uary. Captain
New V'*rh. Dec.1t-r.At the flrat rapet.loba Sicpworth. nailed from tbla port
tnc and dinner of the Vnliarlan Uer'a
an a ftand.liMnc trip to Ooorce'a banh. Mublaat niBbl Dr. Minot Karaite, of the
Stao carried an exrcpUooally cnod crew Chutrh "f the Meattah. waa one of the
Of Bboul thirteen men. On Oct. ■ the apenbrr*. t>urln« the rourae of hia re
veaael pul In at Done island, hie., for a mark* r>r. tSarace Paid; "If Ibere.ww
ter tbe 'a man In thlpdft Uiday havln* aurh a
«cond Bupply of ball. Soon afl<
Udine* ' chhrneter a* the orthodo* rhurrhe* atremel lefi Lone Inland
becB receltwd- Am-ne iHl.ute to 0.-1 yon would n... apeah ^
of bor hat
- '■nrlti- him to your hcmiea. Take
tboae fcaown to be on her were Captain
John Slcawonh. oauve of Noyp PcoUa:
Adam Head. evok. aioui-eater; t-yman.. . . . .
Oa^C. Nora Scotia- Peter Hoberta :
Oloucaater; David Can'pbelirilace Kd-
Con;ect Styles.
The Record
old amntty pmsdn. compuwlb
iuft. to wbtitn Chriauua* would uot Uwi*
Ua boir nuuaawe wilhoai Iba tali
Most Complete Assortment
ever sBown ita this City now
OQ sale at
No. 131 State Street.
Traverse City, Michigan.
Come in and look them over.
Beacbes dot BmbOe
the .People....
Money to Loan
Improved Farm* and
City Property.
Johnson Block - . ’Phone 78.
Solid Nickel Quadruple Silver Plated
50 CENT$.
FrofesBlonal Men,
Laboring Hen,
A Verj' Pretty and Appropriate Christmas Present.
Look at them—at the same time inspect the
I ■-
ever seen in Traverse Ci?y.
F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
BBT Utter___________
r..^ai b.iiv
^ *"*
. .
« w* brilcvo PUny. lhd
hi#toridn alMl DatoralUt, the holly if a po[ tent trea. ezdiiaiT* of its ChrijaBa#
I priTilrjiea A* far faatt a* bit tiBM it
1 waa plantHl mw dwelllnit batUM to
rr^ov*T » doubtrtn.
from Ugbtnlug.
Society Women,
Club Women,
Church W omen.
Working Women
MadinoB. Wit.. Dee. a.-Thi* cltye J ttu. but eaya that it# flowers cmim
only rrmalnina
........... ............ centenarian. *Thomaa ter to fnttc. and that if a Aff cl itt
KlncHon. died Sunday. Had he Uyed wood be tbrown at any a&lmal. erao U
Ull Jan. fO be would have been IM yean it fall abort of tonctaiog it. tbe abiinal
olA He waa bom In Cork. Ireland, and wUl be ao enb<laed by It*
; sine to America In ItJJ. He waa a oon- to man aod lie downI by it
At the
tractor on ope of the flrat raUroadt to
iB Jnoe it will
holly bl.«
| reach Madl*on, and loat a fortune la be cuy to trydbe eflect on water.
; the work, which waa ^n^ned.
BoUy baa also finmd a place in medlClaelnoaU. Dec. H.-A *t»clal lo Tbe [
BMWer'* TT—t------ 1
cibe. bst it tnrnlvf* soeb betwie ueatneat that 1 fear tte faealtr will Kbroaly ainwie it. In maby distoeta cf Kngland the camuy people adriee yon to
tbnub yoor chilblaiatwitb boUy leans
the -water
Three of
and Meanyon that it li a perfect
dtwwnefL The dead ite: WlUlain N
Uc ocb.uyl fund daring Ma first two It may be. Tbcsu It ha* altt bemrso' ' in a deoocuoD
yearn la office, and U oiOy o-e of a
». The fourth member v
.ilfun and for i
number 1 aiinllar aeiu.
Him Unie Coleman, waa
la Ume. The bodies of lb
pain in tbe klda pommmiy
pareona were lucbvered.
tSb^ Mid drew will f«t bally in hard
rulibeta who brld up a Northern PaU. and rrank Waterman, a«M U. were dfle train near Uixirtaead* la October, wintey, and branrbee an fed to oaule
drowned yesterday wbiJr playing and and one uf the alleged rubber* la now In fortod^ in Etancewbea otterlood
the counu 1*11 In this c liy. Through tbe Uacaroa.
- The bolly of Rttope aud tbe boUy of
offorte of the Fhrso police he.
covered, and Onaily caught at J
j UH) L'lU^fd State* each will grow to be
mday nIgfaL
t a tree gt wane 4U foet in hiJgbt. Tbt
[ wood i» even graiDto). white a* tVegy,
Real Estate \
Fire Insurance.
. _ __ _ _ _
n IB Ufa of Oeqeral Vi.
^ ! piw*rnt moment la to defend
akaUhg «o the Ire^______
CMxUv 'ahUiinc lo tbvu wipdow.
Wyl-t U—K.-**
the John
dne and inven up« h-t la the
R '
to harT’Sj^^TtiSuluI^
MeSenale. The UcKenile
Prcoldent HcKln>y a re,-*nt
larscM and beat Sued r*a**I aaUInft
e. and that bewlU enenietloally profrom ttta port, and her crew Included
t to the oUnlater for war. and to tbe
dchteen pkked »*llc.ra.
ren recent acalnal Ibcoe laaulta.
ratal AccMcDt M a Tiwitoy Uato
Phlladclphu. ttoc.n.—<^ne prraon waa I r*wb*al. Mar4*rby BMket*.
IWolwUy fatally' hurt and MX otbera
jj. y.. Dec. Zl.-Stnee the atrike
were more «r le«a Infured ywierday , hc^.B acveral weeka a*o In U»e W«at
aRermxm In a collliUrm nn the Itoia- ;
foundry In the town of Col<mle. s
bar*. tn<oiahl. ken and Manayunk mil- . ,ui,urb of vrnterrllet. colUiloiia betoad on-thc ouiaklrt* of tnt. city. While
atrtker* and the men who took
deaccndlns a hlB a trolley car became
pucae have been fm,u«'t. Teaunmanarcable un account of allpprry I
thtre rtrtkera went lo the bouae
uafko. and deacendlnu r full apeed It :
Joneph Ib^hltf. one of th> West Slde'a
afrack a borwr car at the foot of th| piYacot foirc. and fired iu'>cral aheta at
—t^^a. ploughed ihrougb one end of If I
one bullet atruok Mr*. Bolder In
• *..
. — .. -.Ti^ht tr
it iblrty-one loaded <ar* liwvel
down the mouBUIn to thU city • loot I
nmtta*«<lfcr**inlaying." Manyoiti
night became unnmtvagrablr lo cpnae.^rv, a irrm or onreB cln* Mid to be of otMoy. aoeb ae the
qdmee of thr slIpperyK^ndlllon of the , monlhs Id -the eaelrm pc-rltenUary for baodlea uf uwpntA ate.. an) boUy gtalUKL
tracks, made the i«clve mllee from forp-ry. Before he lefi livaHr wrole'ln
Mata CiaoM
<Hmu Into Alioona In aa many min- "lall *n aec-o-mi ..r hi* life. «bkh he
Onni Bpon a niidnipbt dreary, aa 1
k and rraahed Into a freight train beaded "LHe Ex[irrlrnc» of a Bbnart
la tb* rarda here, dlcrnly In freol of Irool.
poodwed w«ik and Wcaty orw all tbe
thk pameager alathm. AIkiui nfly car* ,
CbiiRmaa prawnta ttat a boyiab fancy
e« la ibe World.
bsMy-Utowere completely bRAen up. ardOwHcJ-1.
,. J. ,,
n_^ w drawl. While with eleep 1 tried to ttiUday.bun: i‘B**engrr train.Uhlch waa,
iork. D.-c- a.-The an^lcet lot
naZ : in nil. C itj •* a plo. on Ibe Ra.l river 1
«ri«d with all my might and Bl^
aun-llng on the track imtiUde the
aiity. - I via..
aenger *hed. wa* thrown
thrown over
over on*^
on im
• l-i*-een
......... ....................
. .-reoih
Read It.
UuDBoo Block,
ChPistmas Turkeys
Oysters, Candies and Nuts.
Brerything tor Oompleto ChristinM Dinner, inelad*
ing OrooeziM end Provielone,
It reacheathe
Order by *nione end here Goods DeUvered,
Nuts, Baieins, Ci^D, Gneen Olive*
The Home.
That 18 the Reason
Broach Block, '
Front Street.
Want ids.
I in the Becord.. OUR
and it will In
...DEAL IN...
rnnawayiTwlR irrrv helped from the
tM'and i* taxed <1 a
e taVm
oihir tralnroen i
----------------------.. -............. 11 I* aald to .
fatally lnlur—1. , A brakeman named !
TW Weather W. Hay HagM*.
/Corbin and onf aatned TumVr are im- :
blaroa. Dw.'n. FoUdwIbc ai
/ attoomted for and are thought to he
t**etr toar
under tbe wreckage. S. Xueter. of Ha- from*
......... *-•
-D.*. rah-' wralker:
hweatarly wtada
tnd.. -------------------------------------who .waa oacpfniaroir.g
^a carload of poultry, waf fatally lo- |
OeaaMdaaBlekyae Oyaaatito,
New Tork, t>ee.
i>re*byterlao faith.**
-—;---------------- -----------
.ward l.Und: WUUam Phillip.; Prank 1
. the Btove npeet and the
amok caukht Are. J. R. lAmon.
doctor on the runaway ear. auSered
Iklurlea which -wlU nrcc#alutp the
- wnputatloD of a l« and an ora. and
may nwaU In hU deaib. The motunnaa
and paaaeBBera ware oeverely cut and
hraioed. The wrcckatre waa ronoumed
by tbe lUmea
Bl> Wee^w. ItoMrwwl While BhaUac.
Stef Son piFenile Soil
Brills Ricli Rttiiris....
••U«ht of Ibe W(!Tld. ■ hot
that with the oitatletoe. ibe taoUy and
tbe fronvr prartir>« of rbe anaaoa ii got*
back to Druid nr puAan unRUi and u
diwivid frctin ume oldso eymbolliun of
tbe renirniiic warmth of tbe^pwi. Howpeer tbu mar be. u la am iteamlly
kDOWD that the ciMum bat been prea frw
___________ J
N. r
d mjMTMftka 4a»Hi«
•Ur*-: light O
paper boie* |
Tuou 1 likta-ned iBore inieaily to tbe
inond that cp-pt op gently to mv cham
ber. wbera uiy wunder ahaoM oaowd
my bean to louiie, and I beard ^ oaudv (pilling, aa
Hacking be waa filliug. and 1 wubed I 'd I
tberv fordniruld taaoiACIan*
it flllfd mv buart with droad. uwitb
t*n1ih eieam pipe* of * car on th* j
Rikth avenue elevated railway.yealerN»rte Jonren baa hi«B i. year# on MUtden fear b». fled aod isniped into
mamma's’bed—naoglity. aangheySanta
day and explud) d with great force while I tte Mage.
th-train "w.etardtt'T at aaiatioa. Two I
Four Cbiottr playtnre now gwingliM Clan*! .knd tbe Mori<» that we beer
earb year are a* ttiu a* mmmor gaue.
Bi.n V— hurt l.y :he eaiiloMna. and roundtbecirmU.
. ..m.n
-n,.„ ...
t,rl..i«Vu»i oia i™,,. Freod «t>p.-ndo«*—Nuitu Clauat
II ni. t-th»r* were hyt
I dif* and luakiiix moniy with tbom tou
raally Uaraed ~by aa T.
IW -1
A. > eem.i. of I
EerbliBrdi ebarmed tte IMa*' fit
the bMIera at ih- w..rli* of Ute Koaaaa
flour Id toot Pocket.
Aagiooi now to get a peep, down lb*
adly bui
that be wlU pr..twi,iy ,ii, Jaihra Murphy.flteman. and jaiu—uiTler,# ateamHtt Imlie Carter i* mettntt a baadfltter. were oJau **rlou«l> burned. Both
gome miideoue ia DByuoi. O.. her ba>
wtn recover__ _______
♦ive city.
Bring Good ResulU.
Dotwear waa ny lifetime experience. I koow joat vbat to boy
to anit my coetomen.
We SeD tiK Best Bnbbeis Hide (eTtiie Uieit Prices.
All classes need the
Sunday Record
The BB»e of Antbaoy Hope'# sew
EeergreeB. Ala- Dee. fl.—I-aie Raturday afternoen tbe boUer of the engine play ftv £. H. Bottm U "Tbn Adreti•-of tbe Bear Creek Hill eomiwny biirai. tsreuf Lady Umla.”
killing three mm toatamly. fauily
Nat C Goodwin ooatMnpUtM an eorand wounding
wounding three ly prodoctiem of Clyde Fitch'# dttma.
juring oae olherr and
more. Two of tlw klUedAre Jack OUp; |
upon the life td Nathan Uala
Because it is Finely
niustrated with Up*
to*Date Features by
Noted Authors:
Killed by a rremateie Kaploatea.
, brouch givui by the Lemdoo PeUoan fo»
Calumet. Hicb., Dec. tl.-4Tank Det- ;
^temoB crcliat in EngwlfTwa* inaianlly kllledaodhhbrolher 1,^.
w«*-nt sy
fa7«)ie intured tar tba rn~i~1*----- exploe i
In tbe Oaceela mine yea. [
Bmty Miller i* add tO *1»riy »I aetuUu Moart. tbe tnnrioal oenpowr.
lerday afi-rno<ki.
Oflte aod Examine oar Stock—Prioea Viil Be to Yobr Zoterest.
188 Front Street
OYSTERS rietdier's Ofstei Dept eoi Restaoreit
Balteore Stoek Baeeiretf Ttow* Time* a 'Waek.
Count#, 4<le per quart
SUmdarda, Me per quart
Solid Neata.
213 Front St
KeWd Creek Gel, a Drattblew..
New Tvrk Dee. lL-Jo»H fKJ4) HoOoy. a noted l•Bnk -hurgiaJ■ whoee record
la known to itae pollBMOf all aounme*.
era* etru. k >« the heed wlUi e club and
Uco ncmnaiB hai bad hla hand#
pbotognphnl to #bow tbe toaeDalar
tBovntnenu incident to hi* iaa#rHhl*
feat# at palming. ,
A theatrical oolleotkn. tbe iredc A
$0 y«an..wm aoon beoSwed f<woUe
:. n.-Tb*Aa«
boBM caught Art laat nlgfat a
prBHBH»y wrecked by tba t
waa TBiaed #t tm.m.
in tte »
aent him.
ra in eharob dn tta
lOBof Uncle HhMB
t hi# dv eoi
Kotnaaiy cf ga*Hi Vietafia*# a
haviiig beta M year* old at tbe tee at
la BoatOb. UoabalM8«< AOOObaofc#. bar<>craMticai: Ihi# 1# the aiteetev
Man. a baUWadllta
aad FkaBafniSK.
iU Kindi ntldnitMii
RniA in Kind! tlFwple
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidmalk Plank, h^le Flooring,
^ort Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
desqiptions, ioclDdiog a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
anid^ws. A complete Saw Mill Plant fot sale.
thro»ihUie RECORD.
umm LEHEB.
Hh Attack on Ciga and Hit Pot*
icy Sett Natienal Capital
Comment A-Coing.
' Ui* raeord* ta the fn*j»n*r diMf*e.e»ea
tf b* bed *0 dMlr*d. Alez Britten teMfled that the booh* end pa**™ «» the
land offlce bed to ce tbroiwb a eoBbar
of bande and fovr or five divtatene ftf
t!ir lend office. n>iikln» It imporelble <»r I.
.r.r on. «oo o. ,o.„lTOl.» II.™ In ih.;
be*«i iTcrl'-rd to a reeebt letter from
SoCTrluTT ««•** to lb* CtaadUn e
ia*i five montba
tte drive at Beerelary
... Oa**,
•*• and over
hlS bead at thi admlnlatiatloa behind
him The conelualnn arrived at U that
I, „. ^
plan to atUck iny attempt to disturb
the ttilBBcial status la tbe dlrecUoo of
rvid leglsUtlun. SeBStor Chandler I*
reenrded by the tree sUverltes as one of
®alr stnm«p-« men. and fijtm tbe a*rreaslve stand which he baa been lakIn* the last few months they expect
him to line up with the eoqtlnrent
wbldi bsB Senator Teller for It* leader.
Car L«>kl>c far Ot>p~I.Uw.
Jamiarr. The 1111-
■«*. —•
1 laujftK^ *
I a mandamus to compel the company to
him s 1.0»-mlle Soofc under tbe
| net of ISSI f<jr tbe use of Mmself snd
1 famlly f■« HO. The answer attacks the
amonz other reasons. It Is in riolaji
’ of tbe Interatale oommeree law. as t(
I would requtse the company.
I nurit mllenjcv booka.«ood over Its entire
rj-stem. not Ujiiiiliiz them to the Une In
1 this slat*. In addiUqn to this the cumplaids Itsoriclnal ebartsreranted
i,|«. „ constilaUnc a valid contract
, between the siaU and the company,
’ nnd su)>J<Tt to raodlflcaUon erffy |n eaae
the riaie^ys tbe road and-IOi squipmenls.
r. _Zl.il
tampered In remcwln* a clet* Itor laBBciency. If permitted to do w, be could
remmv at least 100 clerks from hUoffic*
WiSmut affectlnr the efflrtency of tb*
<ar"«m—re Ns* t. Cs-mtsa
Chlmiro. Dec II -As many street car
r..r.|.onl's In Illln-.l* na enn be c«t -^kc sr-bemv are to be united Into B
saniaatlon tor mmoal b^i and to
prv'.ide, for a eominon offensive
defenrtve aUlance at a meetti* t
keld in this city Jan. I bext. The call
m*«ln« waa neat ont from
Hlo- mltman and slcned by W.
«• "•'•b prealdent of tb* etr^t
It to all •tbe street
«»>al city. -------------------manaae
Totsi._________- _______
0,1 HUn,
W..1, Mr. .. ™ vot.«
Benry rilrteb, watchman, a
ZJTTZ >—•«
™ i~r.“«"Zr.Zr4S i
Ever BaniBd Oat?
larsxm-AJJT cxHJu
O- P. CARVra. Agnul.
Three Woseo of Oaa'lty In Modern
roemaUsa. la tbe Baaoao ChrtatBea
Importut to Prapertj HoUen I
Bdrolnc. _______________________
«rand Trunk XaUwqr AmuaI Xstiuraion.
Tbe M i N E E. R.CO. will sell
tIeWeU nl one fare the mnnd trip In
point* in Canada via the Onnd Trunk
Rallwny on D*e l« K and tt. retnrn
limit Jan T. IFW.
rstna nqotre of
H W. CcsiosnBaa. AgL
firud Ripiii & Iiiiiu E. I
Tbn ttory of Celenuns aad Xdttln Jo,
~wtlo,li? Sa^ noVe. ln“,lrir at^S
by Bab. in the Bcooco Ctarisuaan ■
and thus fasten tbe national hank arm. «BV«»tiop autbortalnc tlwCOTmla^
It U not known wbat claims have boa ‘•El
trm for years upon tb* American peo
ruled out. bat It It anderstood that the
ple." ArssolottoDcainnc for tberemoval
total approved claims will amount to
of federation bemlquariers from Waabmore lhairll.OOkPOL___________ '
tneton waa reported unfavofabiy and
tbe report adopted.
By renoiutioo
trwtrmal 'delecatea from foivltn ooontries were ctvao prtrileses of voice fend taeraoa. the Il-year-old boy who mur
vote In conventions. An effort to chance dered his' father In Brudh creric. this
the time of tbe annual convention to county, was clven n life aenti-nre In the
the ^Ird Monday In September
of pen. Aecetdlnr to the evld.nce the
«acb year was defeated. Tbe eonven- crime a-ds « brutal one, ard It 1* proba T*ibswwbelmT« ibe'r vbmia wUb m* Isr
tlon decided to Incrcaae tbe per taplu ble tbAl'ne effort will be mad* t-i acecre rw -Misrilsr or renalre darlas Ike wietsr, I
tax to 2 centa. and the Niance cne* tnt« a Bt<r trial. Lnwr.m klll-d hla pareaL wUI iksigi BetWaalereateaOd *tora«*.
effeei Pebf I. im. An amendment to whd was a minister, by sirikli'X him on
tbe conalUuUoo requlrin* offirere bere- thread with a boe. Iiecaua* ih* fntl>er
nfler to be elected on the last day of n bnd corrected him fors-'me mledi-iiienn-'
convention was adopted.
or the lad had l>ren cullty of.
i tt* •«
Free Storage
for Bicycles*
Womea te a Prelsmci rtckx
81. Lools. Dec.
-BockfonL Ilia.. Dec. n —A lively «cnf the .National BulldM'Tra^' Coonteal Is on here over the appolnirncat of
cll was held Id this clC^yesti^r nnd
waa marked by a wanu..^5ni
of the American Federation «
for havlnjc paaaed a rvMlntlon durtn*
iU ronvenUon last week Id NashvtUe
of Colonel T. O. Lawler, who has held
oppoalBc the formation of the national
! tbe office before: Tbcr* are sever.il oth
council. Tberv
er aspirants Colonel Laaler .* nof aa
applicant, but would probably accept It.
Many huatnras men tavv aao sent let
Ipri to form a new orcanlsatlon and ters Indoystnc him.
sUted that the effect would be to eeeau
further dlvMoa In tbe ranks of labor.
The eonocll yesterday w^nt Into execu•
the newspapere.
-nine the
Federatloo of Lal’or'a n
bitterly deDtraoccd. Edward Carroll, of Cbloacu.
was made tempore^ cbajnnan. tbe
usual cSimmltlesa were appointed and
adjournment to today taken,
aUcaco. Dec. fl.-Mta. Geor** H.
I^lman has decided to take ber dower
Interest In the estate ef her husband
Instead of abldlnc by tb* terms of Ui*
wUL by which terms she would not be
able to provide for the two sons whq
were practically disinherited. Under tb*
dower Ttsbt she will be a irt-mtUlonalms la personals and have a Ufe Intereat In one-lblrd of the real edtate.
The whole estate te now estimated at
norfeu ABEAb roK ooai. neat
BL PuuL Dee. tL—diaries Lunn and
J. J. Bcbran.' of Winnipeg, own n coin
which munlnsatlsts any U wurth from
fo 8C.0M. This cola M n Jrwiab allver ahekeL «;blcfa experts nllege was
coined by
Plltsbnrc. Dec. tl.-Tb* coal mlnere
md operators held arparnteeanvemloaa
r to tbe Joint con
vention to be held today
pnae of flxinc the BUolnc rale for llpt
Hoib^cunventlons i^re larxely sUctided. and the----------- ------------- — =
la KerewaiUe 0*. Bleek.
U. O . PUysleUa aa*
ued la Treeerea CUr.
sod WlU euewd proaii
OBO. DC HAVE*. OeereffW^^
w. 'jTi.nriSis'srsi.'a iinSTSE
Friednai bkrk. ‘Pboae,
D'^oSkir So“
(Wo**-VBinsstr*e(. IMephw Ifl
A cvneral atrike Is bmrlnc i
dcyrie woikera at cbkaco.
PuellUt ntsalmmofif acaln declaraa | Ofe-re wieMltraltr dtted.__________
that fee WlU not flchl CorbqiL
Tfewaa Musely. of Warre
Tbe mmerg conrentloa waa aAed by
the ttnlfcrmlty eommltlee to allow a
teri nllal of 10 reins In favor of the
operator, who rign unlformlr, scree- !
Afenrem .at La*. Bperial
meni*. The miners by a mre«er ma-i »F •*»*• « «rU»d this year.
| W. .iim’m lelasUtlre.
Jorlty decided to allow the OlfferenUaL r
woman'* cymnasluiB at CMikoSh.
but a hen tbe matter wm brought bi- ' ^i*-. »U' be dedicated *n Jan. a.
fore the oiwretor*' convreillon It waa i opera wiU k clvrn to celebrare
Icnored. Tbua It locks as tfeuncta uni- ! event.
fonnlty In the ntuburc dUtricl Is.re- ! B«ia*ell *ace recently bad hla bumps
examined by a phremUoglat. wbo told
On the rnle question tbe mlnere , tbe CLnancler that be totally Isckad gtapassed a rosointlon which mcansV com- I cnalty.
anils -.r
l..tia Uaaaa
Iillreted ntrht. In
of •!..
fact ikal
Hecan. an
- iMawa
iamne patleaLdlad.
pntteaL Iliad
Clad fa < P-m- TwISpOSm*. iX.
ruled that tbe aewmle- in erret am>ny at Dnbalac.Cblcnco'Btn- |
Ini; law la oDconsUtutlonal the rvBolu- > sane asytuxs. Be cut bis tbmat wltb n i
tIoD dematiCs a rate of U cents a ton ' dustpan.
for coal as lt<«me* from tbs mine with-I
Tbe funeiBl of WaSfeUrilon Heoteg.'!
out beln* screened. The operetors d*- |nte editor of tbe Chlcaco Stsats Zelelded to Ignore tb* new mlnlnc Uw *n- , tunc. vri» take place tomottow monilaj
oax u>m W*NT*»-<fedl os ** adUrely. Both eonventlim* fsvored ar at- I at W O’clock.
! T3 ‘
re**!. C OreUlek ik. MS-U
tempt to bring about an IntereUte con-^ p. k. Pearepfea.
oC Cfe»enco.-baa ! ^
rentlun rt oper^ n»d mlnere to be
held at Columbus, a. some time next
motitn. for ibe puipoB* of fixlnc- the
mlnlnc rate for tbe aeverel artaua Wltb
the compllcnttoat nbov* mentlo^od the
pjedgod tZLM to OBvet collec*. MIcM-'l ^
on esodltlon that tbe eoUec« »Bl*m ;
tTk«M more wlibla'fe year.
cnbtaln Tbomas Naatson. be^ mie- ! •Qcyocc pnaenn yom a™ n
Cniomet and Heels " e*m* as* ■*• o*t revere retm.
m IB lb* coaatry. U ^sad.
Tb* riceleldB of aa tntaat vtap
New York. Dec. a.-Aoenrdinr^ Tb* ^>tba waaf^ In
World, of WT.8M vrorkere in this city tbe Menaaha. Wm.. by^ameo <MM*r, a tenrecords show that «.(IT5 are oWirfWork. B»t- wb* bad Just movwl into tbefeeuse.
Last yrer at tfels lime Ukin wet* Idle. I
One tbo—nd six bnndred p«e faml.
| ij
tor u«a< lasHm. bmiww«
i ri-ri
IVaa.^ Isply m rraak fV
! riex.^ s**r»- m
Tb* Increase of employment has com* '
for Ibe mom part to skined Ubor. The «ai turkey __
inerease In oasklUed UMr and thank Alderman John Powers for .
lAma. Peru, via Oatveston. Tex_ Dec.
D.—It Is understood lliat rresldent
PloeHola will promulgate ifee new law
sa to Don-ttoman Catbcdle marriaj^
but Senor Alejandro Lopes de Rodoano.
minister of tb* Interior. wUl realm.
After as existefiee of tw«nty-flve
yMJW tbe Home National bank. <ff CblcBgo. wm close IU doors at tb* clere of
tv prissot year and co Into voluntary
Rev. N. A.»orTe*c of Walnut Grove.
Ia.. wWs ihmstMd by female membare
«C hi* cookTegstton because In bis aerawB be refleeted-on tbrir efearaelcr for
SMol DesTilta. Ilia. Bmwiri
DanvUIe. Ills.. I>cc. n.-Tbe Ooldet)
itnie departfficfni si
w-bx^ ww.Ti.
‘ “•
—1 sffcTjnsi? ”•
ttoinadoCTuL». Bej view............
Pruskai............ .
Traren* aty...
discussed. Judetne................................. .. ..
yeoterdsy'B work 4i would appear tkkt
today's lonventlati will not fix the rets
aad anulber cenerel strike is on* of tbe.
West Michigan.
sdraBTeraarlBg. niPVeatm
... a.
It flxm iw* dutT ofe boca at 12
Waabl^ D.^ a-Th. mtb-o«.
mlltee of the senate committee on PararJtnMm at Id frwwea. and on laid
elfie rellruadi yesterday beard F. U.
Oideon. the attorney wbo wws charred
by J. K. Reddincton on Baturday with ;
bavtne manipulated tb* iafed idfice reopni
Gldroe denied ewy nllecatloa tbed
petuate its dlaastrous effecu la every j step by step, revlewlnc the evidence ns ;
d»es, Dec. S4.15. and 81 and
In the case offe Uw
law coon.
xo Jan. flfel For foil
It ia understood that aa acreement inforinntlon Inquire <jf-_
aa to the amount of the indrmnlty
N W CtmtHBacAM.
elalmed hna been reached la all but a
Travere* Cl^
ai)d these are likely
- Mt™« a-r ba -
Bboat it pat c«st. of new blood could b* [
fentferCem Uf* tmpriaanresnt. '
tafused Into the toree. ThI* would do
Waukriifea. Wla_ Dec. n—Jamenfiatsway with tbe abifsea remuttne tram ifer. wbo was eioavlcted on Friday lari
Boms eterits remalnlnc In office too lone, of murder'In tbe first deer**, was ycn•The coenmls^er tbought some reform urfay sentenced by Jude* Dtek to Bf*
would bkve fb be enacted or tbe country tmiwtsosmenl at Vnnpun. Butler mnryrould have the icfllcUon of clv:i pea- a^vd bis wife os July I. nl Usbon. n
Hfon list Be believed tt was a mistake f,, „ucg from this city,
to Include In tbe claasUM aervic* the
- -----------
o-Vo. -w. BLAkwar.
ttven by Prvaldeny Oompetn for .not ,
attendlB* tbe (onventlon. The resolu- I
-------tloa reported favorahly byiTbe eommU.- ; *»riead <rf «h* tee* Dim* ^oo«an m-eata
tee IndnrslDC independent poIXiral actn*T-.Tnni WuoiS but IWy.
tlow-and decinrtn* aaalnat Injunction.
Boston. Dec. tI.-Afi*r a week of
was .domed. The re-slutlon >n refer- to„taipr.c, in Boston. J.i.tlees Putnam
Suits to Order.
have Ux L It »as tbe BKaity i
aftaid ye did be aluc.—b'evr Ttafc
O. &-A1-X
Dec fT and St. Bate U.fil.
the free^'-lnaxe of stiver ai t»
f*”ChrHtmaa and New Yeaea Holiday,
United 8Utss and Canada rewrAlvely one snd f>ne-U)int fare. Sslling
to 1 was takssTup and a ■al««lot* QP<-n
M tbaPa|wnO|AB*tderilMd epsllsd
9 br tbe Bebrinc s
the Gacv'UlI waa adopted aa tolU>wi:
Dec :i. ». SI and Jan. L
tier. Ptsfee*'. PUaia
V* completed their work
That we declare ooreelveo must posl- claims.
C L. Uicawuuu.
Detroit. Dec. tL—Governor Plncree
It. and It Is uodersiied WlU
U. F. * T. A
vely opposed to tbe Gaev ftnsnclal
was Bol amiable when asked what,be MlNBtroduced In eoacresB by the secre
becln tbe preparation of their reC E. MniaaT. AcvbL
had to My about tbe dispatch tbai the taryN>f the treasury. It.t* p measure porta in ineir respeciive *o.-en)inri..
Holiday BAUn on tbe M * V. S
Veneturla people who eoniroUed the that It adopted as a law will only all Tbe commlsoloreiv have been hskflne
re llnnty rivet the cold standard dally nesalon* In t«a clly. dunn* whh h
people of the country and per-I they have cobe over the dlapatedcUlms
............................ .....
d to dan-
«me m «d^.he i^al'llT^s^Ju
tern." Tliey did tbclr duty and expected
to bold Ibelr pcsiuon* by so doln*. The
pensl^ •xamlnln* buarda. he aald.
• oujtbt not u. be In tbe clasalfled servie*.
. as It was desuwble to eeeure men as
tnembeiv ofWh beards Vh« bad bad
.sflde medical experlem-e-army experience, If poasible-snd soch men would
. ifot entii- Into eorapelltlon for the plafe*
.with youn* men Just out of rellece. He
tbouebt. however, that rtb* entire njw
tmn of appalnttnr the boatdi was
wrnne. that all of them oucM to be un- j
un. Tr*a_
»•*“■ j Oomp*™. tor' pt the *nd leeolutlons ain’t afmJd, and Vlncenf. bnllet
arere adopted, approvtn* the rear-—, do Um nojcuod."
tmoonant effect either up..n con*resn ! low rets for bnvttur tbe newspeper* ad->r upon the eounlry. Be has not at | vertlm. bts private ne^ilons wH^re-natlered himself that hi* p'nn ' elim ronceme. said the covemor. when
would meet tbe unanimous approval of asked to coonrm the dispatch. "You nee.
aoncreaa, He baa tlmply presented tala those tellowB over there have learned
that Olvemor Plncree. of Blehlitab. U
tryinr to secure a bl« Veneauela as
m is dl2i
fee cerreet. and If c<
to lectslaie alon* tb* Une* be snscests. phalt mine for only tthdOO. and very
that Is Its bustne**: Ae ha* done bW naiurally tbcy're doubled the price on
duty as be see* It and bis reeponslblllty
••Why <aa^ tbe
for the future. If eoncrer* dl*a*ree*
vHtb him. U at an end
Maw W.:osU Is r**Ua*.
The rumor that Bnator B'olcott wlU to read it rither Have I beard from my
repnseatatlves who went to Venesueln
reslrn bt* seat has for It* basis tb*
to clone tbe deni? No: I haven't re^
report that he 1s dtssatisfled wUb tbe.
celved * word from them la any way:
feacklB* McKinley It ctvin* Oace. W<dcMt construes the secretary's nlaa to be
one which win commit to* roVemment
IrrevoraMy to tbe cold stae^rd. and
that while the preeldent hlmsM has
bot taken qulle-su advanced a position
as has Gar* be ts' ataudin* up dose They Ksst mm4 Adfeesra at Canal Ho-a
behind that otBelal and Is ctvin* him
lilf i#K>r*l support. Therefore, arrues
.. Dee. n.—Tbe boose
‘BTolrolt. the president Was Inatncerc In
sst evenlnc wltbmit a
nendinc a moneury eommlsslan abroad | quorum an^^B|m
uned lately adjourned.
to oocoUatv with-forelm coveramenu
i^onment bOl wlU
for an tni-mattona: hlmetaUlc acreed passed in tbe
ment. And ' therefore, aim. Wolcatt be Inlroduro^mS
thtnka It I* said, that be hss been made precise form In which U was acreed up
‘ '
n tool of fa puttln* bim where he posad on by tb* comoromlse comt '
ns atlemptins the tmpoaa.ble. known In teen. L^t evenlnc there
ferenee at the < xerutlve tnaarion which
adranee to be curb.
beyond doupt reeultid 1ft bar
The rill Hist awd lbs HsSItyem.
tween tbe factions Tbe *ovi
Wmsbtnrtoa. Dec. n.—Apiopos^W tb* . posed reopenln* the question,
notvmenl to modify the dell service
j There will be a Jolu canrns of the
Uw—not to say repeal It Millrely—tbe
I RepuMlena meiiiAtis Iftmfrdlately nflr~
prealdent la not at all Indifferent there
It of the two b
to. He waa i-lsKed yralerday by BepI membeti
rsaentatlve Brdriua, of PcnnsylvaaU.
may elate tbclr
chairman of tbe house civil service
cummatee'e repori
will be voted
tnvnce with him .about tbe opentloa
At the afteroonn senricn the
- of the law. The president la avalllat
be imroduerd In both house* and adfelmscir of lb* opportunity to talk freely
\-anc)'d to second resdirut wUbotu isl
with eenat-te
e sod represenUUve*
ence. Unless Ihetv 1* unexpected trouble
enmlnc the law aad tbe effort that
on tbe floor tbe bill will be pul upon
is now beliu: made to securd'lu mudlllpBSnac* Thursday and idared In tb*
eatlon. ih la belBC urceA-to except
bands of the covernor the same day.
some positions that .re bow In tbe
elnsatfled serdec. b« at the WhIU
Honse It Is said that he baa not yet
tviroli. Dec. D.-The kUrhlcsn Censerlouab consldeted the quesUon of I
Kallrond company baa filed
IBOdlfylnc the law.
, ■
Governor Plnicree's petition for
was questioned at ler«th by U>dce and
Pritchard sbuui thedvll aervlre s>-*tem
aad It* application to tbe penrion olBcs
fere*. He expreesed the opinion tbmt
the law did nut accomplish tbe reeuits
lU frtc-nOa Inalsted (hat tt did. Tbe best
ittaa BatB Tbal It
BBIrvat tb. CrereWh* and IVf^rtuef tb* Kaitaeal Baaka-betlaaal .
“r.x.’.‘r.:.,rs.^ is i
BTaWs woixp NOtitrr the law.
----------------Xsilss nmsiBiBtfaser Km la Aa>* wUh
tbeOril aerWe MMbads
of Pens,or. Evj
before the nei
-........... commlUee on civil
relrenchmknl. wbtcb Is conlawstimlon into the opera-
r ah»fi b< r-*I
aitbdrvw riiin lb* '
la-d li-M I'r fad »>■•««•
‘t. end
»l.i-n a «or» ■> at h* bwl t-en ai. • • nj
VKUm of VOUiiC. lA)et»rft *»;> < rri »> *•
Qaile W*lfnn,
COtisl he rr.d-ayiTed In ecri '—< 11.* ;
drUlla -Hr t)»a^> adr^Ilfd .l.al t<
Ecu* Oill«d<«wl bsTp
tf) gel
Fuuci- Ban had lold Hio of h.vf
that bill 1 I.ti bcToafewdartafia
t>. t*n. thul
Tetant (telieTt-dj—t-nre. and yo
Nashville. Dec. tl.—Tb* rederalloa Of hl« fr-r- ua* <>1 .icnulurva «*.; *hla o«f>.
•**' m-tnlrrc an
rcMidar euoptm
adopted a rmuouMMoj
resolutlco ^.o™...
Amolft aald
toeiaif awtriuax
* dnn'l
We dnf i li'iiief i
»“•* “•» pr"'l«loi. that /hej muM hWJ.waln. '* I d.d admit to V
BoUilBr to do vrlth natluoal banW The
^ ■n..ch.-v«'nAt. Loula invention andprerident
anaFam rred>
Oompere' action 1b iv*mrd t* It *aa „andhy It
Thereo weuetMidy
L but the time y a wasted by i
Kllllna to iske the
*»; ihoee who'wanted to'find iaull with binn*''and''«taiid for the W.le thin* I
It maj’ be said, however, that Petit
„^n.nir *“ <■"> _^ Pon«l’ieavln*.
banka, bol i' Vincent
»*« "•■■'“V
». . haw*
and rnc' If
Cbarkt. paft bu Ion all
bi hnd CO Ibt board «d Utda. Woaro
ChlcTiKo. Dec. a-Arnold C loOetitorl.
Ue_Kt« ndaed. deor. 1 have Job
teo of tbe saifnce-niehrr.. admits (bet
elected to Uw city ootmeU.—
b. «.>ncr4 a nan.* to iMte. em..unt«i« BzwjUyt Ijfo.
to M.T». aad turned tbejn over to At- ^
:----------------------------- ---lontrp Wltllar.! A Vln-rri. «ho w«i»
' CMthatMla
Lortcrrl'e rhk.f r<,'iiisH at hir fret Iriel
OB4L.«>oui.e-tr.kenaiiernn» therhllboqtr.
VareXfol l-eAsr lb* Api«i-mi o«U PeV
xiaelta, i.via* (be Can
try at ti» AdoleMeotloe-Tolk ef WlM
fr;njleilon» for Iwndlnit foede
Ba-lcalea—B*M* Tru bn-ABalaM tb*, mbslt tbronrb Canadian tprrUorT. '
I duty beltat eaartrd. Arllclea naually
riasard a» iravelcrV baatace to free
WaablBCtOB. Dec. n.—Frntor W.
; vltbout bondlw_________
Cfcaadler'a open letur atiacMnt Secre^
. ..
taiT Oacefhr preaalot his flaanelal »Un,
tqwa the ati. ntlon of coatreB. for the
mnaamrion. Drc. SL—The fneathty •
I »tatetnem of the coIlecUon. of- loienial i
abrious purp.«e of oompeUInt a e
j revenue eboa- that for tie tnooth of j
tlderatloB or the quoatioa b>- tbe
! November Uat reeelpts amounted tb^
m.«Ui.M. an Inrreaee as mmw^wllb|
--------- ;----------
raet el tb* Cc*r>Bl MNer n
rat AMM'tle.'.
•- Wen. *•
oeneelawrei MeoeeL
■<«-«< b,R.,^oBon.
-Ifonej to Xjoan
M vsreeed efey ^wpsety.
t* Uka *mei Bandar. J SB* m, imr.
atIdSe'claEka. a.
oono Moenfe
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