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The Morning Record, December 12, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Fi™t Tiar—No. Ifll.
ofl^fwia of tha U C A
«f St. Praaeia
PrMidaat—Mra. Joha tverj.
Ut Vioa PraaMeat-Mia. Saato Dper.
fat Vioa Praaldaht-Bra. Balaa Badaa.
lOon’t put if off another day.
Mra Saiab Millar of Boat Bay left
OAPTAXV yratarda; for a tea 4aya' rialt la
Come «sd itelecf yonr preoenta now, and w« will ley thdis
I makfort.
aaide, and yon woo t hare to bother yoor band abont tbl.
\ Mrm. A K. Briakwaa of Old Mlaeloa.
It will be OTTonr mind and then yon caa rest in peasab
¥arali>a-1 baa retoraad fro» a rioit to Sarinaw
Appakrad W Hara lMa PiMtiM. of
knowing yon won't bsra to fly anrand at the laat m^aB^
Aaiataot Saeratair—Ml«
Boot Opaa Skiff— XneouBtarad and au^HM<d oo her way borne for a
•aUMrimt ArtlotM «f
and then pehape not got what yon wanted.
Haavp Saa aad Bad Barrow Kacapa rialt with Mra. S. A Walv
1«m1 Storaa Pnaefd With m Box HaoUaaatal.
Jadgo J. U. Bamadell left yMtarday
Plaaaolal BoeratafT—8bol■aim Baa Oieaaad Atlaatte Khraa
TUlod With Toja Ptokod Up Pro- dha.
for loaia to rialt a frtaad^rli* it ill.
Taaia Affo l»a Baall Boat.
Re wiU ba Jrioed Tsaadf^ lb K^aalaf
Ttaaaarar-Mra. Thmtm HaaUBwkMO FRONT STftCET.
M. B. HOLLEY. Miiwaai
by Mra. Bamadall and both wiU attond
Baaea, Uae.
A eue o( Md Md spitoMtte aWp- tal.
lUrahaU-Bja Victoria Dcaoraiiar. FVIetaeh. who left Nllwaakee at -t.SO tha amtliir of tha Slate Urai«a aa dalafUm* came to light jrettefdv, ha»lag
froa Pooooa OTaBfe.
dbyPtwh Kafka.
Traataaa Mim. barrp. Nrm. RaelBa.
nao iD ebarr* of the elotbing daparf
Tba P^aea to Boy Cbriataaaa Pre»laaat of the atora of the Haanab h Lay Mto Clara Sbana. Hra. Sophia Colataa,.
V ..
.u lODU la at headnoartera. You will find
Chpiala Frietaidi atataa that the ^
at the
Uiai Aaala M. BaaUataatol. Hn. qiara
hiaraastUe CO. What sakca lha
rery b%d.
lewMt powibla prloeaatJ. W. Slate. .
U the: Sbaoa
Framing Pictures these day’s—Bring yours in now, so
■ten tbaa ordinarOr U
torad a high aea aad n«ardi bimaalf aa' Hooaa PnrBiahlag store. irs-UV^^mot
fact that two Hula rlrlabare been coo*
we can finish them up before the Holidays.
dactlag a aerlM of remarkable manipoWhea be left Mllwaokee it waa with
c. as iataattoa )e r> to Mrakagao. bat ba
was eoab1e''te gel to that
taata of Bis-Wife's Safe at LaUiid
. . ra of ace. eolarad the atora of
rnr--* tha Atlaatle three yaara ago
Bafera Laariag Tbia U
the MareaetUeCo. aad atiraelod the
of Mr. Safka. Each .carried
The dUappaaiaace of J. M. Wattaof a forty-foot boaU tba ‘trip from
a good aiaad boa aod U talUog to Lelaod. aad tha elrcnmataBoaa which York U the Irlab o<
Attention is oalled to oor laige adr.on another
of this paper
ri.«ai Omsk Uoogbt Uat there aarronad bU paeellar mstboda. baa exI aomethlng etraaga to their ael- citod a great deal of eommaat to Trara
toaa Be took i
0 if yun go P) an anctiuu sa1« to
« .earelcaa sort of way a.od opeoad IL ’
bli history bare bees refnred to.
boy forniture, yon will' have it to
WilhlB it he fooBd soma doUa. a prayer
recaot career
to be I iBggeetod^ for Bpala to SUr Belarefer to, to toll whether yon are
baok. booBd tn leather, a eet ef - ‘ kaews with asy degree of familiarity
tions With. Uelted SUtam
getting beat or noL.,
day Q^Dlneaa, comfort aod pleasure,
^ aayoa* heraabocta.
Madrid. Deo. 11.—Tbe Imparrlal daWe sell a firat-<-laM W. W.
.Cher artlclm, iaelodtog i
Bent Klud
id for j-ob'tc^reeent as Christmas re.
Mrs. WaUa retoraed to Lalaad Fri lares that Spain will net afcepl the
CTeseofpaDa. which had the price mark day and word was reoclred here yaa- right of MetUaley to laurreae la Cabo Spring for 91.25. Good, well made,
membinnces, and
Firstof Haan^ A lAy Co. Mr. Kafka asked torday that Watto bad appropriated la caaa tbe war is proleagoi aad decUsf> Excelsior Mattresa. tl.SO.
the flrU what they bad paid for tba the oonteau of the aafe to the atore at
isds that Ueg
Firat-clau wool top Mattreee. tS.
.-wiona artielaa aad saeb of of tbem.< Lelaad before bis departare. The ex
eaergatic attilada toward
tha girls nld. cost fire oeats. Tbto act amoaet of money in the lafe at the Palled States aaOermaay adopted to Polished Oak Stood, 60c. A 90x20
inch Oeotre Table, 76c.
Fra^k kaaw to be wreag aa so
Umc U aol know* by aay except Mm. ward'HayU.** beeaaae MeRiaUy'a
back Rocker. T5c. High back Din
of wearing Apparel are the beet things for everyday nae. Ws
Watta. bat it la Mid to be near gso.
•age waa eqairalent
ing Chairs, $3.7.6, A good Lonnge,
•too asked what waa paid for the
Yaiterday maralag the yoaag lady
rirhtof8,ml.‘.Mmrigaty I-|^*00.
king else in our
pMs aad that waa atoe glrea to the eaee left town for the aonth
MRcJhASDISB* mftable for th. seed, ol Ibn,
proportion. Now
store at tbe
at Ire oeats. It ooeurred to Ptaak U aaU to-hara goaa to
>r Child, and belike............
li^e it will
r goods, and we
theMsre all new
that Ihto was a caae of abep llfUag aod
of the Pint X.ABT TBIP or TBX aEBBOXHT
cooldot afford to hire an auction
that it wmUd be a goad Ubm to alp it Kattooal Baak. euted to tha Bxooxs
< la the bad. eo be told the.girto ha that the amoont of maaey draws from Wm Ba Xada to Bap Yoiata Bext
woeld kMp the hex. At thU the that buk by'WatU wsa ealy tSie. iayrngeat girl etartod to laare tba store aUMl ef «S50. as atdtod ^a tbe papers.
Tba tost trip of tha steamer Qraeeeat
••d before Kafka eoold get aroaad He also stated that Mr. Watta drew ef the Travene Bw Uae, srUI he atode
from babtod the eeuetor aba bad ee- that mooey from bis personal aeoemnL
M earknu poteto oa the bay Toeeeaped. After loekiag'about a few mo- aad that ba bad no aceeaa W tbe ae- day. After that date no mors freight
meato be rctamed aad the other girl eooal ef Mm WalU. la tbe Mme baak. wUl he taken at the eteambeat daek,
OstMig H4ia;
WM goaa, bot ba bad aeeaiad
which will then eloae for the wtotor.
Watu praaaated the ekaek of
128-132 YroBt Stmt
^ealuablaa. Dortog tbarmareraatien 8ebombrrg Lcmber Co. for psoo. at the The Creaeeat will go tote wiM«r<nartthe girl attUd that she bad
ers at Bowers Harbor.
First Natloaal to >be eaahrd.
•ome of the thtoga at BaakeU'a book Mr. Hammond bad been apprised of
Bo Word rrom Br. EriatoL
•tore. After they bad gooe Kafba tolhr Mm Watto aad.
Opened to the book atore for Claire decltoed to cash IL The ebeek eras
Piefumoi a T. Orawa baa writtoa
Cortla. who IdeaUAed l^e prayer book dmwa ea a Milwaukee bMk. toetoad several timea to the Oeatral Lyeesm
If tbey don't wait too long, can get tbeir pi^
aad a aet of bloeke Prom the de- of tbe Stole Rank aa before etatod.
bsrean regarding tbe failure of Dr. Dot a Life CertlfieaU to teach Art ia
of 125 pairs Ladies’ Narrow Toe Shoes at
•criptioe be alas recofaised oae ef the
eUtodlarialgbt Abet Watto Praak Bristol to appear here laat weric aoT branch, eeea Id oar ewa eoanlry
girls aa one whom be bad ■
erUaed. As yet be has had ae Yet ear work to Dleaaiog Ue pabllc
liriri the eaeb oa tbe S.1J10 ebeok aa
sorj Glee yon jast what we reormeat It V
aad drieea from the ttora. Kafka ailU la Grand Rapids, or somewhere to that reply frpm the boread.
haa the box aad U Uytog to End the rietoity. It to a badly mixed np affair
atatea, howevor. Uat in______.lbe. aod eosal to Uat wbleh to paths
^ fore Ue pablie at triple iU ooat.
•WMTB ef the arUclM.
date caa he arranged fer the appear^
and one wbieb to hemlliaUag aad
penaies to Mm Watto. bat whether of Dr. Bristol iaUe High aehool lact4 for $2. 13,50 for $1.75. $3 for $1.50.
taytbtog fortber will be done abost
coarse. some other rqaally good
Widths, B. C. D and E.
li baa not been made pablie.
StbweUea will he pnirided. ao that
ICm 9. B- Bowaa Tt^ Awsp at
flU WaaktogtOB StrenL
Mm J. A Bowea. mtoker of Mm &
Orsoa Ohnreh BanaflL
U OMiaer. died at lea o-claok toM Chsagea ofBoritloBS ia LoealBanka
to Take Ptooe Xondsy.
night of aciaOe rteumaUam. The
Nearly MO tieksu hare already been
B. U Bdirarda. wbo bsa been eellee- sold for the eoacert to he gieea 1^ the
ramatoa srlll be taksa to i
tor for the State Baak for aereml ttoeea City qnartot oa Ue 1&U tor Ue
lad.. Monday at 11:1S a. m.
hsrial. There wiU »>• »
fuaeml moaths baa reaigaed bto paaittoa.
beMfitef Graoe cbsieh. Qeaeml adserriee at tbe reeideace.
Waablar left yesterday fer Chicago, where be mtoaioa tickato will be to eeato. hot by
ua street, Monday moralag at 8:50. will amame a reapoaalble posltien to BpplytV at Ue hex eSee of Stoiabeitg’a
toares a bnshaad aad ona Ue main ofBee of Ua Singer Maanfae- Grand Monday meratog at T:ts eeato
das^tor. Mm Uoaser. Tbe brother toring Co. Hia posltioa to tbe SUto may be rseerred for 10 mbU addiot/dtetated. B. C. Marias of PoaaUto bak will be taken by Bert Harllaad, ttosal. The qoartot aad Uese who
who baa AUed a aimUar peaStlcm to the are to aaatot are making Cae progrem
atp< aad
Mr*Honsekeeper. ' Arc yon one? If so,
•aa ef Area, arrirad here yeaterday to First Natloaal bank.' ElUwerU Bale wlU their work aad a apleadld eater’ ttee to be with her during tha Uat who haa aareed aa mleamaa to Praak talasaeat to promised.
it is unneixssary W baj to yon that
Friedrieh'a afaos ators for setae time.
eatod by Mr.
/Ohs Brextoak
The opening of Ua new grocery store
Haskell’s Bookstore.
you do know
that good dependable articles
make your Christmas shopping
House Furnisher.
125 LADIES,...
Crayog, Watar Colors aoA lot Portraits...
StSD XASt vioax.
Ocand TrarerM Qtaage OBtoei
At Ue meeyat of Umad Tm<
Mm Dr. Tedmaa observed her birth Orange, No. SS». yeslerday. tbe fallowday anairersary yeaterday and toat tog eficers were elected:
Maater—DsB. HcMalloa.
evening a asmber aaf Ue laembeta of
Orersaer—Will Gray.
the Home Forum, of which she also to
MWward-Cbarlca Irtoht
a member, aaaittod her io maktog Ue
AMtoUnt SUward-Ur. Onbb.
eveaiabappyeae. >Tbe friends dalled
Leeturer-Mm £. M. N'oorhoea.
at Ue Tedmaa realdeaea aad mirprtoed
Cb^laia—Mm Charlaa Irtoh.
Ue lady. After paying Ueto rejects
Secretary—Mm A. P. Gray.
Ue gneeu preaeatod Ue bOMred olM
J. O. Babmdell.
wlU a beanUful china coffee pot. The
Pomotia-Mm William Slayter.
FUm-Mm EUa Perry.
Oeres-Mm Leri Acker.
Gatekeeper—Leri Acker.
Aaatouat Lady 8teward-Mm Orabb.
Oarey Ban aad Frank BmlU Baee
Bought BflO Acres of Hwdwood.
.. Fmak BmiU aae W. C. Hull. boU
The eaee ef (MldwsU A Leodoa. rs.
rjoaanrted wiU the Oral Wood DUh
B. & aad Btoota Jeoaa. wbieh wm to
Co., ham leeenUy purchaaed 860 a
rmtoe whether a wife eoold «hUof Timirr toad near Wallin, aa
camp to new eaubitohed aad Ua Umber gau herself wiU her hpsbaad. for par
being eat oeL About 8.0UO.OOO feet of meat fer property raaaiag to Uem
h^wood wOI be eat from Ue tract jotoUy. hM heeh decided by Ue sa
le eoorL 'Thaelreattooartef this
^^it WiU take abeat three yean, to
cut it off. l-helogswiUbe healed to eoaaty decided that a womaa eoald not
so obligate heraalf and Ue deetoioa
Ue Oral Wood
6a.'a factory.
WM affirmed by tha euprems eourt.
ItotchlB A Uotaer ware the attorneys
fer Us -platoUff aad Dsderwow
Arttolas of laeorpojfetoa VUed fW L-mlm-farthedefeadaaL
Bay Ciiy OemOHaOhMigo BAikeL
lADsiag. Dec- It.—Artielaa ef amocdatloD of tba MicbigaaSogaroompaay
iMry.JOWc: May. 81K
of Bay City, capitalised at •too.wn. Mr, H.M -ie; Jaaxary.Buii
WOP filed wiU Secretary of State Uard- lulj. Sic; September. ?*Hc
MCBber, K\oi
■m today. ThU to Ue first beet aagar tShe;
oampaiiyu be organised to Miehlgaa.
Xra-IH. 1
Bew OSoare L. U B. A.
e reoMtty ^tod
of Jehe J. Bresitta to Ue Bnaaeb htoek
yeaterday. waa attended wiU soe
Tbe aalqne method of serring enstomtoi WlU mtooe pie and coffee waa erigiaal and appr««iated aad nearly 100
piM were dtopsBsod. each cutting atoe
Ideeea. Mr. Breitoa to ready fer hoMaeee aad to proud of one of Ue atoaet
grooeiy atoms la Ue city.
OrMl preparaUms are to pcogreas
amoM the membersof TrarerM
TaaL No. 871. K. O. T. M, tor Ue
graad review to take plaee Friday
•IgfaL Advlose hare beaa reeelred
that Supreme Ooaamaader Harkey
Ltoetaaaat Great Cemmaader HaU
ireieaL Tbe pregmm to aet fully
cca^ted bet wUl be to a few days.
Noith Star
A Progressive
The ‘Best’
are the Best produced.
Flour is what yon wan|i* Manufactured by
Hannah &"Lay Co.
We have an excep
tionally fine line and
Yon Can Save
you cannot afford to
Dr. A. E. Mtog to pr^artog to «p
as agrieultaml implemsat baxtosM
thto city, bartog aecored the ageaey fm
aeretal etoadard im]Uemmta.
There will he a regular meettog
Meaday night of Trarene «ty Ledge,
No 23f. P. A A. M. work to Ue Ulrd
degree. A feU ettetidseiw to dm
lemben of the Norwegian eo
gatloa wbleh holda aarricM la the East
6UU stree aebool house, ate prep
tor aa elabwata CbrtouoM eriahn
There will he e rtoTular meettog at
DucbcM Camp. No. *S«. M. W. of A.,
Monday ulghL to Moutagae HaU. AU
memhafsare requeeted to he prsem
J. W. Stour went to Elk BapUp jm-
by pnttuig • Bog when the ntuai we«r oaam.
nUisB this if you are
Brtimb at 7»-8e-l 10—widi binea.
Smyrna aod UoqneUe 14»>iee-Sie-e89-a85-8eae76.
Cbrutaaa in two weeks.
looking for something
Do yon catch tbe ideaf
^^a'bclh. CDuut
• For en't prices in Robbers. Tb«« is always something
wnme. Old goods or seconds is wbat too get always at
cot prices. B^oy tbe Best Bnbbam Mane, fit
'Tsm xoBHnia
MtM4 U ebuf« of tba ebonb tUl
rM>n»r7 1*T7. m4 fci. «»di wUl W
tateMMi M k»owtta»k»k«ai do
nuYsasKonr. - momoAi lor oScUkt work lo Ika Hitekto; 1b
ProM DBOMBbW. 1877, %0 OrtObBT
1880, Ike pulpit wm Boe^Mblp flUod
C H. KMm. aBriplarobrwy. IMl. Bo* E. 8. BmmU «t
J. W. Bamcmi. KUtar mai MtnMgfr.
jBMTlUe. Wta.. MoapMd » OBll trow
Md for Morlp tf jmn
k> <U efielMt work m pMfaw. Be
*• tellowed kp Ect. Mr. Oro«. wko
sra-s-. •. ■. .2
Vwto Be«we of Beltobility.
OMOf «bah— erldto—of the ra■a—eat aad aaltareofa Mly aad Ite
aaweuadton to the w— ef war-
Hunting Time..
That'athsfBw waeko bafora
ChxtotwwB-Thtokiag what to
WUlhwHh This Full NotiodPwm(t Thlt Outnc* on Uw
Md Ordof?
Bad to tha aaae af M. B. SMator. where
aae—a aa tha awaaffw of tho W. W.
Klwban Ftoao aad Orpaa Oa. to dewaaatratod to the aawhar af plaaoa aad
other waaieal toatrawoala he '
plaoad to huDdredt of bomta to
aactloa. The faraack tton of the Kto).
ball Oa. to tbtodtp haabeeowea faror-
Oeaka. PaekatBoak
- -laaafPwto*
, Oat O-------tama
Uar Boea awd baaOoSaad
drads of othar gooos a^vfwmve
to Chrialtoss gifts.
I weata tad
•aw atore oa Froat
ktoa batpplaaa.aad that the boato aprStopto daawaatratod bp
IB Dee—WottkeeMtti jmr Bev.
Dr. Vu AletlM of Itwle. teok lAorfe
CmCOOTUtM oftkeob«rek.MdBeTer«dU kere o
in i
ioi Ttoee Othwi Oat Awarpeetor who w» better Igted. The WildNew Orleant. I>er. II.—A i
Ip oU doctor ioek bb bcUto tote—t
dwalitof. Btooeheb
Tbe Plcmyuoe from Weeas
to the Bitoli* ef Ue towa, end eUleied ialed yeerertty. aayt: •Tot
ee Ut trleed. Derier the tponOrat bat ]
peer o! hie peetocBte pvl—
D ible Mcttoa. aadthto woo th be it naktor a ueetol
added to the eharoh. at a oMt of
Itoplap of dae taatrameuta. The KiwA KTw etoOBtot U totroduoed to Wcp■all it the Icadtof plaao to tbe warket
krabeeBOf foedSer^ TBrinr to the eto-depA'. eeatcet U MM. B>dtb—kB<
aad Hr. Stzwag: haa rl— Ito merita tbe
with the church
Kew York
The tourmewemi riee to
beaelt of hit eaerry aad abUitp to
ercr etoe*- Oo Seadap, Feb 16.
aaefa aa extent that there U eoatlaat
MMhed B etBce tower* the cloee peeISM. after aa aaeaBaUp -at—ic »*d
Inquiry ravurdtor termt and priew. 80
tordep. whleh ebmU hBeetoTiied the
powerful eemioB w' hie dock to the to—ant it iKwiyve tbet the D«arocawllI preat — bea the tBceew of tbe plaae
DM be lynebeO loBl*bt. but that tbe rr•UeatioB of the hn—ae eeel<
awratoK Dr. Taa AMttoe weut to the eeot I)-ncblnr at Honnie rrUI tolmitaled here that Mr. 8tmp haboeea forced to
U their niBd|rtoh for hosare
.......................................... .. to f.
aerlniu. where ec Chaplaia he alwapt ~tnakinc 1« I'Ubltc, *rd every''Drero will
. ;miaaaU
pri— eeterml oof the ooeteei
j^fihed oe Sundap afterBoas. Bad be wade to rarry ptne fcoalt to burn the
ith the ttore will
e—pletelp CezhBBttod thee>eel*e
rhUe there wae eebed with heart fail- otbSli The trial U bria* eoodocted Id
>d Bacet ditplap
eeeh u eeteat that Ihep feU-helpl—
aeareta af
a lawful manner, mod tbe eoaunlltee
tormtheb-wheele-L For two dope p>e- ire. djtof to 1— thaa two boaru.
aad hie hat chaivf of tbe prttnoert and wUI not the eace— of the Elwball to the
odt adopted to briop it befi
etoee to the elcee there wore todieeit eUll brirht to Ue haarte of permit them to be eeni tu aoy toll. It It pla. Id additioD to the effarto'^'^
I will move to my new store in the Brosch Block
ttoaethet'the e»d would —bH to
bell.-ved ibai ■ treDeral cleto-up Kill be saaarerpriDtar'atokieBMd lartohl
on Front street this week, with a Full Line of
tow phpeloBl wroehe. -Yet thoee who bU frieDda
made Id that oectlas of tbe couatry and
la tho foUawtof May Ear. W. B. that a numlier of BefToet «U1 be at wap be tee) oB aaolber papa of thto
deaoBBoaidoet beU mod prtoedphUttr
lyaiitod.toBded the efforto of the Wepelleli Bod
the church, aad r—alaad tor two pear*.
d enjoy yourWBtehed wltb eerer tote—t the proI the dabdap
if—on. Mlw.. Dec. 1
ririac ualrereal eattefaetinp.
rr— o1 the heoltb wreektor proe—
irith. than blame pourId JaBBaip. im. Ber. U. & Borthrup •- 'm uf Ibe AendUh
tbe entire family uf Brown Smith. | eel— In the epriBP for --------------It bee been eufiBetcd that Oer— rewored here with hU t—Hy fr— 81- thow tbet . the niemt*^re were brutally ! inch fuB. “
Pbcp. BiLma
mr» ptoe with HBPU be eomleted bp Johae. aad for Bre yearm be
killed with • club Id the hand* of Cbaa.
OhBadlaa Bdidap Zbcdibiobs.
^wto to.eber ettitode towerde the ideatlBed with the tolereeta of the Lewie, a aepru. PmliE r— orklDC at
nc. vhlrh
trin a few ralirs fruin bto borne,
OBlIed StotoB. That will be all rirht. chkreb aad tha towa. a liberal aad h
Tbe C'A W. M. aad D.. G. B. A
it emutrd al<out two and a half inllee
We wiU serve
poblk winded awa. be hat alwapt done from Petri river on thr e«»t Iwnk to Bpa. will aell tiekatt oa Dae. 18. 17
if gpato wiehee to take ebanew.
to hto pewer at a eJltoea to lawrenre oninty and In • wfld country. in toCaaadlaBpotote at cot wap
FREE SatttTfor roBBd trip.. All pood to lutum
Tbe houae l> off the main rnaA and no til
Ut walfare of the r
Jaauar<rp 7.
Aak apaau
made irom ttie
hod bto raalpDatioo to rapi
tico. DaBarKB,
It. altboupb teverul nettro CamtUce Uve faU tol O. P. J
OBlp bp hit eharch, who. hatter thaa near. It wae one of Ibeec nrecoee who
Dae. 1. S. h 4.10. U. lA
aoy other* kBow Ue axtODt of hit ’ - on Wedneeday.aome time l>eiweeD boob
FEE nude from tbe Globe Brand of Java and Moeba.
O. 8 * L SaCBMioa Xataa.
and darkaew. erepl up <0 Smltb'e
I top Ubaru. bat bp the aatlra aawo
bonee and most brutally saMUltcd Mru.
Tbe Public Cordially Invited.
tj at wall. Dartop their ra^eae
Smith, then brumed her with a cigb.
dtp Mru. Kortbrnp baa been a halp-, and to forever hide hie ertme bepan on
aad Sew' Yaan Holiday.
After Ire >earm of pleemat asd prof «r to aU peed woeka. WhUa kar aarUMren. only spsrtoc
oae aad oa*-thtrd
- - 1 tora.
SsUtog dbjA
Dee. 14. 85. llaadJi
itable eoBfBBleoahip with the work—
and wlae oaoBtal haa alwapa wbleb he left untonetaed
asUtog days
M* Lett Om AU«* by Mlwsbt
Chaadiaa Bxeai^!'
•f the Beptiitchar* Ber. O. S. Korth- baaBatthacaUaf theaknrtsk aodattoe
ffkr nrnd'e work wae ant dune ss well Dee. 18. l?aad IB. Bctara limit Jaa.
r«p hat ttodered hie reeSfitottoa. aad the bat fea»d Uwe to do bar ■hare ao as br tbuucbl. for une ot-ihe rhlldren. S
Das fare for roaad trip.
pMterdap he left with hie tainilp tor lha prapruatt of the Waweah aab aad lltUe pin &.yrsrs of ape. —slned conIfoBBt Morrie, Qio—ei oooatp. a for- bat atoa haen peealdeBt of tha W. C. T. arloosneos. and wfarn her father entered
Mto paatoTBta. r*ere be will taka D. The yoaap people af tha tontUp after bto day's work she told him thr
of thr brute. Tbe murdered motheteri* of the ehaioh work aad ai
bare alwapa baaaftodp aad wflUat to.
id four rblldran were found dead
Ml— tUa«e direet Wa e—rlea to tha da their part to the swap thtopt what* BDd dylnp In the yvd. sbowinp bow
a-n^i«r of a mw eharek. Dartoc kis thdr awtouaet haabaas of sarriee, they bed strupplrd te eseppa- The fa■
huaband lini*tffslrlr,souiidrd
pattortr* here the eharek haa
The poad wtobea of tha .
storm and a fMMae was ^paBlsod
pared aad it haa oerer bees to a
wiU po .with Mr. Northrup aad hit and tote Thurudky afirmoqn^he aepro
........ OF.........
«MeBrarto( eeadlUoa. apirlwallp and towilp to thair aaw field af labor.
captured and token bark to tbe
Tbe chat* tolofl to a fioartobtop ___ e of bto crime, wbrra -be waa fully
mdittoa with a Saadap aehaol aum- IdrnUfled by the MtUr plrL
absichtoAiatarp to alaaad. and a
bartop aaarlp 800 wawbeiu, a thHrtop
«M to about to he teaeribad. it to flutap B. Y. P. D. aad Jaaior 8 Y. P. U..
to piee a hBckward plaBoe. aad raeiaw ebareh aad MtoMoa CIrcto. aad the
the worit of tho pan taw peara.
p—paeu are hripht ter the oatotop
M- Doc. n--lB aa atThe htotorp’of tha ehai* datoa back
trTnpt to hold up tbrwest-bouad South•per lrulB..pl Stda's
tororar a quarter of a MWtarp,
----- AMD THE-------.
The last chance to buy kid gloves at Democratic pritxs.
PaBA nlaety miles west of this place, at
whUe many of the elder raaidODl
o'clock Iburaday nlpbt' "Sandy ColThe Diogley bill has raised prices on kid gloves just 6o per
the city cam recall aomethtop of the
M" was WM and killed by Eapress
Through a fortunate deal, for spot cash, we just re*
Guard Jennlnpa. Prerloua l« tbe arfour bandits rode
c^ved 35 dozen ladies' kid gloves in Foster's lace and clasp
AML.Nrb Brewdfoot. aad Hiu. B. W. aee.MOMUia.asww.
Into tbe Btstloa and held up and rubbed
awTtowof tbe latest shades of Ox Bloods, Greens, Blacks. Browns
HMttoca.eUUtawato oa tha rolto of
Apent St. John and Section Foreman
Prrachtop. 10:10 a. w.
WitfaoQt difitinefioB of age
tha *arch. deatfac aad remorato fraw
McMullen, and at the same Ume cut all
and Tans. We have placed them for sale today at erven a
Scadap sahooL 11:48 a. w.
or elfin, find back of our
tbe airea. a» Chat no warnlnp rould be
thaei^ hartoceaaaod waap *aap«.
lower figure than the same qualities were sold formeriy.
Jaatora8 1p.m.
pl'.rn. VTui-n the train pull'd
promifie stondfi oar spleoThe firut waattop wm held aa Feb.
station ■ - robbers attacked tbe •
Y. P. 8 a 8 4:48 p. w.
£d fitoek ot........................ This is an opportune time for a sale of this kind,‘as a
U. 1B70. whaa Bar. Z. WOm aad a few
Oospal earTiea. 7 p. m
aeattorad •mewbaiu of the Bapttot
Adair I
Kid Glove makes a nice Christmas present for young or old,
Aareh Wat aad with faith to Ue fa
prices are within reach of all.
and wbc
ben thr leader of
l^Ajrapucai. esvaem
tara of their aadartaktoc, orpaalxed
'shol'In the bedd and iasuntly killed
Tbe range of prices are as follows:—soc, Sqc. qSc, $1.20
aad adopted the arUclae of faith aad
by JennlBKa tbe olbrr rvtbbrra at
Itaadap wrTtoaa aa Wlows:
r ehaicb ooraaaata. J. Qridlap aad J.
and S1.50. Come before assortpient is broken.
mounted their horses and ned
Preachtop at 10:M a. w.
Tbe body of the dead bandit
T. Beadle were aleeted deaooaa,. 8
taken to Turoon- T%e railroad
Sandv school at U:W a. m
Hobba clerk. W. W. BartlaU traaapBoy has l>ren rxpectlne trouble and
Y. P. A viMtop at e> w.
arar. A call waa toaaad to Bar. Mr.
had been emptoyinr extra ruarda for
Preachtor ml TML'
MUU to bacowe paator, aad rapular
weeks past Ofllcera are la pursuit Of
187 Front Stroet.
the remalnlnx roembers of the paaK.
All ore walcome.
. naattofu warn bald to Laachh hall,
Tbe name of the dead robber hae been
thaa tho oalp place for holdtop pablie
rancppa' cauacn.
SBcertalnrd to be "Send}" Colllni Ool.
toward Maee. sad Wary M—.Pwawe.
patharinpq to tha Unto rUlapu.
lias UBril'reerollf bad been employed aa
On Saadap, April 10. a Saadap ecbool
Bible school. V:48.
a cowboy In tbe Baa Simon valley
ranees in eastern Arisnna. aad
waa orpuatoad. atartlap with abmit
MoralBMe^rice. U B. m.
panlona innesd of beinc Ibo ' Black
lortp aitoolar* mad aaeoaraptop proa-' Joator ^dearor. 1 p. wJack" pane, as ortoinally supposed, are
pacta, la Hap the church wu'adwitC 8 Bicetiiur 8:48 p. m
have been a band of
tad to wewberahlp la the Bapttot
Eeaalap Btrrlee 7 p. m
cowboys otxantoed for thr slBpI
P(«r of roMR-ry, which was atten
AMOclatkm. aad the mamben felt
All are eordiaUy laeitod to attoad.
Tbe UdUed Sutes marahal and a posse
that at laat they bad an aw
Immediate vtrlnlty.of
church bowa. StarUap with fifteen
rsulnp tbe
Serrieca at the First B^Uet charah
barter we^ber*. the Itot toe—
Bey werr
today. Dee. 18. Bee 8 M. Step
once noUflrd and alerted in pursuit.
rapidly aad Ihs Boardwaa rirar. «
of Uraad Bapida. will preach •
Tbe eban— for the rapture of tbe twwhan the charah BOW ataada was
malalnr three robbers is therefore pood.
The robbers Tborodsy nl*ht
Saadap ariwol aad 8 Y. P. U. are m
of Pingroe ft Smith Shoao On Varroia
bottom, aot oalp dnrlap that year but
eurveed IntoalBlnC so entrsaec U
leMta. 800 pain of IjUUot’ Fine Snaa
Ibe car. When they atucked tbe Uula
for a Buwber of p
Vea are torited to
Expt— Uessenper Adair and tbe two
Shoes, OB A, B azM 0 Uete, ;
la March. 1871. Mr. MUto reaipaad.
puarda Jennlnpa and Tbateber. opened
aad for aewe Uwe toe pulpit
fire aad tbe fualltode was on. When
npularip filled, la Daeawber^lBW. fiee.J.A-pTMdy. psswr.
pot In pood ranpe be was shot
sU ^wrlitor at IQ-AO a. maad Collins
dead tnstanlly. whereupon tbe otbera
arUclae of awaeiattoa wen filad at Ua
in liue, Bnttin mnd dnum, Bnnor, FlooadUly ud SqounTo..,
7p. m
fled. But Utile money was secured
atate capital.
Ctow m<«ttoirat»:ioa.m awd alae from tbesutinn apent and section fore
U Jana, lt7l. Bar. 8 J. 8
man The orUflaal ''Black Jack " paap
at the cloee of the ereBtof eerric*.
Waat Sattoa. Maw., aceaptc
are atilt ifaoupht to be lb htdlap la tbolr
Baadap eriwal at 11 m
ret—t la tbe Slerru Mad— ta Old
•ad dariap bto paarto paati
Joator Laagae at 1 JO p. m
p—aat ckurch balldtop was sraetod.
Bpwerth Leacae at 8:45 p. an
Morb Oey Out of UtUe Weak
'at a cost ef te.too. the site hatop d»Meratog sabje*: >*Tha Chrtottofi laNew York. Dec. ll.-«t was toaraed
aaud br the Bca. Parry Bi
yesterday that one of tbe bippest robchufch raeerd» state tbs rasnlta. bat aa ritatkm"
beriee In the talatorp of tbe Kew Tor*
wriUaa words eaa MU of the labor ^ .la the'eeaatog tbe third leeture aa poeti^ce uccureed oa Nov. A
wUlb • '
^upar* of tha aaraaat workarm. who
BBwuat- Involved to aald to be to tbe
ware rewarded for thair affertt bp the sabjeet: “God's Seeeritp ea Ua aw Aw- aMpbberfaood of tllAtM. and wui lakaa
from tectotcred tetters la the railway
aocaptottoa aad dadkaUon af thair Blfact.’’
Thaiadap prayer weettog at .7:10 p. mall service.
.Jalp. M. 1874.
Later.—Tbe HeraM ears: 'laapaetcp
teak aowptoted Bee. Mr. StareB* i»-|
Lewis, when seen In Jersey Oily, said
All are oordlallp torited.
tbe total loss while not knosn exactly
SiseeSi t6 6^
aipaed. aad to*bnwry. 187S. Ber. 1^.
would be I— than *100. Another said
8 Mnafcr of Faaarilto. came to taka
that n.000 would cover everylblap.
No Pkjtore or BeUte Ticketo given with theee Pri«*.
kto plaee. Dnrtop ktoekar#e. to tbe
CSiicapo. Dec. JL-The last man of the
1 of '7S. the B^dtet ehureh torited
raim. Dec. U.t> ri—N-w Vnrlc tn m, Loeumrt Jury wae eecurod yesterday.
Bee. P. Ora— of Kew t ork, to eon-.
he may be di.mtosed by
l leader who was captured Is
dart reefeal a
plory challeape today.fbe
Marob UA Is the proriacw of PIbat del
lUo by the SpanUfa iroops uadcr Oensrdpatadto ky aU
j. the Jury la complete.
al Htpasades de \>laaco. and who was
1 aad the —nit
*arehee to
racratty pardoned hy royal dsc—. baa
was the g—tart rerieal
Wuidbnr* Block.
bsaa released from U>e cabaaas fortto Mrthwa MhAlgiB.
—a. where be bad been WnprisoMd for
b T U to 8kn fiMdL ,
Mince Pie! Coffee!
Groceries imd ProvisioDs!
1 Grand Opening Saturday.
celebrated Club House Mince Meat.
. WeFromiBeihe
Special Sale
M in Quality,
Host in Quantity
Lowest Price to All
Iitdn, dteb, kidiT,
Rnelfia, Etc.
W.C.&B. A. Gannett
Clan Block.
Ttavam Citr. Mich.
Former Price, $3, $3.50, $4 and $A60
AH “A” Lasts go at $1,881
Ail “B”LastsgoatSl.98
The Old BeUable Shoeman,
THz xdBvnra ssoosu, armsAT, BxcnaCBn is, issr.
krat oMbt Appropriation* 0cm
Through th* Houta With*
•oaAiia BmU year, ud whn be «o&4.
Ir predicted tl»i the eSoet ot the
•DtlcliMtarr rcreouee woaM eD- be
oreroone durbic the Bnal year, and
that aner May or Jane. UM. the rWre■euee wooU exceed the czpenditurea the
RepobUcah etde broke .into repeated
oau. rom a usMocmATic CAoraa
For Ono of Tho*o “OiganticCombinatim of Groat
gtm mmon n m
U. —Chalnnas
i. of the Demorratie caucua. '
mteiday tamitf the {oUoatav call f
a eanetta: “A eaticus of Deutuuatl
a«a iavru* 1
I TWm. far a
membera and delecatee of the hone c
• U hereby eaUed b
la the hall of the bone on Tucadey
evenlDC next. Dec. t«. 1»T. at T;»
e'cloch." Tbe caucn will conlte the
1. Dec. n.—n>e hone yc*> four eub)ecte of Cuba. Haa-all. daanc^ New Tork. Dee. H.-Tbe-rsprsw
tires of tbe steel wire and nail mi
cy. three eubjecw bell
facturlng Bran of tbe Vnited Statea.
lohfMd Ull Mottdar. Ttie ■nhtoeBte
wbo have for months been begoMaUng
oOered by (be Deatocntta to coffett haa been reached atnong the Democrat* to form a steel wiry apd nail poM. s
eileced extattB* abi^ were ell raled le leedera On (he aubjedi of Cube tbe
to practically
•ttt-oK (be polBt or order thet they verc
4s said that about tw.nty of the largfavor of-a rew.luilon favortciy tbe r
Dew lecUtetlon A« paseed the bill nr- inllW Of Cuban belllaeranvy. and the j
»«"■' '
The dehele yee«etdey'| caucus to likely to give expression to I
the pool nnd that the capital
d not I this sentiment.
| InvoIved-wlll exceed Mf.Wf.0tlL Tbe ke
enly the unesuoo of our pension poucy-1 On financial q^uesUons tbe caucus ! gul formalities for forming tbe pool wul
hot that of dvll aervlce reform and t probably will lake a position agalBtl I probably not be co,mpletcd uaUI after
the rccelpu gn<> expenditures of tbe | the aereral plans of financial reform | u,, hoUdaya. Already many of the
traaauTT under the Dlnglcy law. On | recommended by Secretary Gage. There
Ibe country have been boupbt up.
neffoUatloos are pradlnp fur tbe
I Bepuldlean raalority Opprwltion to the : pureban^f othera Accurdlac to Judpe
.‘*** ! bankruptcy buns in Miemplaled by a»ry. of Chicaro; Q. H. Tenbiwuk. and
peanut (tocal year, .and ptedlcted
tBteresied. the combine >
the caucua. On the aueetlon -of Ha
•QTploB of tn.OM.OM next year.. T
annexation It Is stated by thoar teenlt (n ratainc tbe prices to t
MtU eertire Ua' wae lavarety attacked waiian
have eanvamed' the feelinc on tbe chasers of wire .and nalla. but <
toy aereral meroben. nutaUy by Brown who
Democratic side (bat It Is practically able tbe maBufaclurers to cmerate the
(Rep.) of Ohio end Unnoy tRep.) of
planu upon a mo
Korth Carolina, and wax a»rra1y de hr treaty or by Icctslallon.
Ttoe only meetlnf
fended by Johasun (Rep) of Indiana.
tbe eomhlne held yesterday waa that "f
AsMi-Cletl anrtes Inw Mea t* MsM.
Ju»t befurr the (don t>f the aceelon
the ihrectorm of the llllnoto Sveel
Hilt, chairman of the furettcn affaire
Washlr-pton, Dec. IL—BepreaenWtlce panr. The bualncaa c< the mtelln* was
eomiBitiee. attempted to eerure unnl- Pearaon. of North Carolina. ha» aecured such as nsually comas before the men
, mon coneeni for. the paua«e of Ihe aevemy.two sipnatureato the paper dr- who are Inteieatrd In tbe company.
"HOI to prohibit pelairtc aeallnc by Amer- ..laled amunc Republican members of
.. admitted, however, that dua-usalons
tea clUaene. bui ob)e.-OoB wax made. conpreaa fora conference relative to tlEe of the ptopoMd wire and nail pool took
It will under acreement be conitdered dvU aervlcr law. It waa dedded to boM
(Teat portion of the senalon.
the mceUnp In tbe riveta and barboo
Be... by a. OhU Xaa A«Wto.
committee luum and tbe followlnp no
Philadelphia. Dec. tl--A meeting ot
Itoe aaeault on civil eervlce reform tice waa Issued: "Ttacre will be a ooB- the repreaenuilws of nearly all tbe
waa beffUB by Brown of Ohio, who feienoe oB Saturday rvenlnp. Dec. U.
el cumpanlea In the I'niled States
atyled the Uw an •ahomlDatlon." and in tbe riveta and harbors committee
a held yesterday In New Tork dty
ftor doinc eo waa loodly applauded. Tbe reotn of aueb UepubUcan roembeta as
whk-b the barmonlslng of their In
aoldleiu looked upon tbe law aa Inlml- dedie a modlflcatlun of tbe civil wr- terests aivd Ibe division of territory are
. cal to their intereeta. and tbe preeldent vlce law. or a imne boeeat enfurcemeat
to have been tbe chief suhlects o'
waa Dlnaken when be nld tbe law haa of lU prwtokMia. or a more certdB
salon. Among those preaer- wer
the approval of the people.
dedamon of tbe eneni of lu appUcadents Stackhouse, of Ibe Cambra
OroBVenor aaM that no far aa be .waa
in speakliB of tbe '
Irrm company; Ltndriman. tff tbe BelbOWMsemcd be bad enUated for tbe war Pearaon1 aald It airould be t
n Iron cuApany. K-dlon. of the
acalnat the drll aervlce law. Qroavenor that ndte a number
than reviewed the' records of the (wo who sICBed the call were In farar of tbe
parUee on tne penalon lertolaUon ot dvUaerrlcelJea. They fell, however, that Bernemer Steel company. None of ihoac
eanyreaa. flaurtac that In Uie a«»re- the principle Itself was put at stake by tnm this dty who were present at (be
. rate I.IM Ri-jmWIcaii volee wme ca* tbe preeent admlBlstratloB of the law.
meeUng would dtoeusa tlw matlgr. but
In eenffreaa tor •eneral.peaaioo lectolaIt waa staled on what la tedfdcrcd rvMawallmwCaH^nsssMti.
tlon and but two apainst. while US
WaabliKtim. Dk. U.-The ddesstlon liable authority that tbe two above■ Democtatic cotee bad been lb favor of
of HawaUana which to here In opposi
anch lectolation and nc
Ided upon. In rclalKn to th^dirtotion to the anBCxaUon treaty called up
of temtory It to believed that (he
on aereral aenatora at tbe Capitol yes
terday to ttipe their dews. Tbe Ha- dlalricl «Mt of the AUegbenlea wua giv.
> (be pennayivanla and Maryland
waliana have attempted no canraea of
«mc wsalthy and did not need the
the senate, but say (hey have received Steel company, the I^ariLaa-anna
(■haisa Bepttosw the Ohio Mesu
and (be Bethlehem Iron company.
JohUBon ot Indiana. rellcraUd hto coaaideraUe eDcourakeemnt.
iteirtnah of the committee on ford(B It to also aald that under tbe new man•Utetnent of the other day that c
lent nmny of tbe features of the 4dd
•ervic* reform w^ an emimtial prtn- relation, dedlaes to dlvulpd his plans.' steel pool are incorporated. Another
dpic of Republlcanlam. He referred to but his friends In the senate say that
rtant queselon said to have
the dedaratJona of state Republican be wl.l be (overned In bis setloo larfeId waa that of a percentage-jOloteoaventlona and read from tbe plai- ly by drcumstapcea
___ : to each of Ibe cunpunlea with «
' forms adopted at Republlean national
peimlly for Infractlsr thereof. In ad
eenventions for twenty yeara. I.n sup
u Dec IL—FHeoda of Ha- dition to tMs It to underalood that tbe
port of hto contention. Hayea. Gartlcld; watton
Maryland company ts to handle tbe en
«aJTlaon and McKinley all stood for
( tbe report that tbe oi
tire export trade.
the law. and tbe prMdent i last utter,
Bs^HsUilsiSsi as AprasWssu
ance lb Its favor had received
edved the over--ummer
vacaOeveUnd. Dec. It.—fl. T. Wdlman.
the Repnt^ u
onandal of Cieveiand. a furaace and rolling mill
prms of (he country. Johnson
ohnaon declared
□eer of tnteraatlunal reputation Is
that (he enemies of tbe tow dare not
of three experts selected aa apattack It openly:
ptula^ by the American Steel and
"Do you favor life lenore In offteeT’
Wire company, which Is to be the nam^
asked Pearaon of Nonb Oarollna.
land baa been coolrd by tberounepur- of tbe rkooo.wc eon-iralloo taking In
PebUe OOee a PeMte Wrm*.
the American srire Industry. They will
"1 do In the civil scr\'lce." replied siled by Great RrUaln and Canada in
alee the difTermt properties i
Johnson. cmphaUeally. "I belleve that recenl atten.pia at aeUIlny tbe seaHns twevB this and Mai>h 1. when tbe a
the offices are public Iruau held by the
tompany win begin buameaa. Tbe oil
pe^le wbo deeerve them: tbai they
experts are Julian Kennedy, of Pitts
a^ not owned by poUtlrlans to be need
burg. and Robert Foraythe. of Chlrago
te rewardlns tbeir fhrnda. 1 beUeva.
Tbe prices at which It la reported three
yany brKbl boy. no matter how bumble
Cleveland eelaWtohmenfa are offered to
in orldn. who d.wen t barren to have
Cbiraso, Dee. iL - Infornmllob re- the new company are; For tbs Oevea political pull should be allowed to
a,ira(fo Ad Alton mil
Rollleg Min company, rolling
demonstrate hto fitness for office, and I
„-ieisis vesterdsv leads them tr
1. Bessemer conveiicra. blast fur
's and l»on mine. M.bd.OdO: H. T
i: i ^e'ev:*^.. .He":-company. tMO.gW; Ameiicsu Wli
eontrx.l a few rotes whlrt can S
the brAebe.m of a PuUman
company. Wp.mo. U IstiwUeved bei
■ to shape the destiny of some mediocre car-Thure^y with a ru«y
tliat Harry W Oliver, of mubnrg wl
e^sdldste for offi^r^rea. «mtouse.J ; ^-ah ^bc jrr-at ^oe^to
be Ihe officUl head of the company.
CTATEMENT AND A PRSalCnoX I Clay county. As. It is belleved-Thst
-----! Mayne.wasrl^nsonibestnick. and los
ing bis banlance his f-iot struck a fence,
la Rsvsaas Msrldatlaa.
tearing off tbe shoe and stocking. Then
After a few other members had spok- when tbe board was koocked loose the
Cleveland. Dec. II.—This y-eur's at
«n brlefty Dlnglcy took the floor and spike waa driven through bis fool, tempt to Join all tbe sewer pipe manugave a new interpretation of tbe eatl- whichWas carried to Ihe brskebesm by faclurers Into one <«mpany baa failed.
of ttwi train, while tbs
mated Increase In pension eiepeodl- (the t
meeting with forty-three conceraa
s strung aloirg tbe track.
turra. c<imendlnit, that the maximum
represented was held In aevalatvd this
waa rrached In IW. when the pension
week, at which tbe consummation of
Kewnnee. Ills.. Dec. U.-Edward the plan was expected. But five of Ihe
paymenls reached tlU.ouocm. In IIM
they kcre gl41.eog.OW. Ir Ifsi tm.OM.WO. ^ammerx. a farmer living northwest of most Important of the interesU with
In UM ito.ooo.wu. and in no: mLooo.ew. this city, was shot at seven Ilmca by ■ drew. declining to surrender their pn-ptrul of a corporation In
. If the expenditures for penstuna during woman from whom he bad been dlumlnance of power was
the next fiscal year should Iw IMt.dOO.- T«eei». Hammers attempted to rem.rt-t
These <-oma> baa beeu esUmaled. the Incresse a trvowibg machine from the l*rn yard
panles were (be Sumtr.:t and BIckeye. of
would nut
due (u new- legtslatloD but where his former wife U
Akron. O; Ihe National of Barberton.
t rapid administration of Uv V*'**”^
()., and two on the Ohio river.
laws. It would, thersfo
The total amount of property that
- TDive ro addlUonal expense In tbe end.
would have been Involved in tbe deal
Tbe quiwtlon ss to Ibe revenue and expandlturep fer the next ttocwl year waa take tbe weapon away from her. but was tS.OW.OM or M.ogo.MO. and of this
n peartiral on- which coagreaa had to she Aed to tbe porch add there shot six tbe UBwIHlag concerns represented
ftte.uw The othera promise p.
face, liie siaieroeni of the aectetary of
bring ihese five into line for next year,
the treasury had cauaa-d much mlsapand about a forinlghl hence will again
prehensloa. owlna to the fa?T that unPittsburg. Dec. U-—Tbe C
In Heveland to Join efforia for
deya new provision of law he bad been And Olsaa Worker says today
ObOged to Include Ir. the estlmatee of the ekaest orgmnlBallons of AmeHcan a campaign In oppoaltion to the five.
srpiiniltfniTia tTLOM.ocg ftr public wotfcs aint bottle mapufactnrera baa beso per
Bisms CHy tssds tbs BM ahem.
Wtate noltber -be. n..r the seerrury of fected. and will assume control of the
Chicago. Dec. n.—Kansas City ob
^—war. nor any other well-informed per flint bottle trade of tbe country within tained a lead of aloe birds In (be Interson bcllersd would be exi>ended. a week or two. PbUy * per cent, of the etty abooling race yesterday against
OoimUng this
estimaled deficit flint bottle manufacturers of (be coun (Thlcage experts. It to expected to prove
would be tA.«tO.«e. He vi..lated.no try are in the new- organlaatlon. which Bufficlent to win. aa «h« vlaltora have a
glroiig quartette to send to the now* to
wlU be styled the Amsrtean PUnt
ictacturesu* asaodalton. with head- day: "Jim" Ellim won the alKot-off
for tbe Dupont tr-phy from Fred Gil
bert. of BlHrtt Lake. la. He killed twenDingier aald be took It tori
ty-flve straight. Gilbert lostag two.
grunted that congrasa would exrrviae i Springfield. Ilia.. Dec. ll.-Dr. Cbaiies
trasosable ecoBonv- The estimated dr. ; P. Kuecbler. a pfwlneot .phyalvtan.
Galena, tlla.. Dec. II.—Flood caused
flcil for tbe prwiit year, not oouming ; died yeaterday afternoon at his home In
by heavy rain wUb eletXrMal accomtbe money ohtalbed and to ba obtained ' ibis <Hty. aged TS yparu- Df- Ku<
panlmenta practically destroyed tbe
goverament locks at the mouth of the
The antlcipatary Importatlooa bad 1 Illlnola. settling here In IHf. ■
riVer. whb h were butU seven
placed In the treasury before July tSN'ad by Mac
rears ago tt a coat of I1U.«0S. The
•m.m;. Those Itnporiailm bad r^uced
flapaage was caused by a greal
4taadefl.iUustyearfrom«M.M0.<m)totU.- i
iway dlreetora hi
swept down by the flood.
dividend to be paid Jan. li. HM. b
rera WlU WM Tberv* FiaaUy
holders of record ot tbe pretsrri '
at tb« dosing of the transfer b
lima. Peru, via Galveston. Tex.. Dee.
Dec. n. in;.
IL-Tbe coramiiiee of the obamber of
depuOcB. finding thai tbe goveramenrs
bufon. O.. DSC. U-—Tbm *uf ps*e- of fsrWgnsrs (a
tteOr no ebaacs In Mrs. McKlaler*s
as cf tot- •ondtften a('i:M thu morateg. nccordI for tba IM «f tbs doctor^ ofdnisa.
□□□□□ □ □□□□
Boys’ and Children’s
-vFarm Chinchilla Blue
■^ide collar. No. 1. Take the place of
Overcoats. Very popular, new, good.
25 Per Cent Discount
To cl6se out, $3 for $2.25; $2 for
$1.60. See thorn.
agree 4 to 14. Three hushels, one two and three
pair§ or a kind; to close out will clean the
entire lot, 50 to 70c goods
40c Pair.
Children’s White Handkerchiefs
uie^at°*^ 2c Each.
The Greatest Sale on
Men’s titsters
ever had. No wonder the Prices are Bight.
if You have not seen our
$7.50 Suits
ro Look at Them.
Yes, $3.85 Suits we have and
sell them, but the $7.50 Suita are
what we want to stake oiu- reputa
tion on.
Tee, we-have
$1.60 Men's Overeoats
Good as Anybody s; but go betterpay $6.86, $7.60 or as high aa yon can go.
We’ll stand better with you aa the wear
cohtinuea Tou'll remember that we wanted
to eeU you a Good Coat,
□ □□□ □ □□□□□
PeHticf«nt Do Net Monepelin
Everything There;
1 ncfRE.
eiw-Wlfr mt tb. t
I 'Ei.lii’SiS-'i'SS'lftS'uSS
VP* aoft't w«nt WAT, Bor ttoabi* of
•ny kind. Bui in the «vrBI at oompllBpHngOe)! XUa.. I>ec. ll.-Tbe peni
CAIlonf with Urrat BrllAln tfa* flr»t port
of our counto- u. aultar from Itieureiun* tentiary wtD not elbM arounfl ex-Banker Chart** W. Spalding for *om* Urn*
•ottJd b* UlrhlC>n. and w« wui UiH
at least, altbough be wfll remain In tbe
vAr vcM») to be on band In caa* we
CoiA ooBBty JaU AWhU* longer. Tbs
•hoold need her e«n-1c««. It li a verr
auprem* coon yesterday grenied the
vlae old aa« wbleb aara: “in time ut
motloB of hi* attorney* for a ~P«rpeace preiwre lor war." Thai It the
•edeaa. bat denlrrd tbelf apptlcAtlnn to
TCaaon Seihtor McUUlair baa beer
In eona^
peerlar t£tu the future and makina release Spalding on ball.
quaiK* be win eontlaue an tamale of
ready for emrrceiiclea by intreduciot
tbe ootiBty JaU tuiW 'be •upreme court
flnalty dedde* hU_ caaj^^____________
—ValMkbl* rtatarw lit Ot* Wa^lnra*
-Winum iliKmley. ib.. man. today
' e«»ld—«■ at OohotbI Al«ar—Oiotmi- dewm-diy aland* hlirh ii the esi- vm
■»« llMiUtM'a TtawmoaCahk-IUU for. of till felloB-rouniiynoD. say* Bep*
MfBM raOMl ut win br lake* aa pan pay.
v*ri,. itoFreoisum. m tf
Ever Bnnied Ont?
—Watch Repairing.
If ao yon know
th* vulBc of
O. P. CARVER. A«««.>'
—jonn >erij.
__ ^yvhn V<»i*lv
'VTO.l’i.'A'iiSJ.'iTSJlKl K:
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
—Front street. •
IKan. and both of us arc Amertean c.llaen*
Both of U» ate the sub* of
CbrlatUn mother*
Therefore w^ are
abtn and in acerd In the fraternity of
elite*- anA the ladle* ahlneai brtmantly Amertcan rltlarnshlp. and 'without
la their bHlliam «rarld%a tbe men can thought of'poUttcal affair* or political
relallcn* 1 believe th^l I voice thrwniipoaslbly ebtne le the forcnalc arena.
ple, when I **y that
It «m be a matter of pride and aratl' fleatJon to the ladtca of HK-hlcar tc Wllllaic McKiBlcy. the man. alan'l*
high to the esti-em of hla (ellow-counknow tbat the adfe ol thcAecrefair of
irymeo because he dropped all thing*,
war Is a rei-oanlxed leader In aoclelir poblu and privalr. And hastened to ih-.
lira. Alj»r le one of the moe cbarmlnc bedside of hi* stricken mother.
aromeo of the pree- nt admlnlatrallan. sudden call to the Land o' the L«aIter handsome fan- 1$ wlnanme with
IV as a shuck not alone to her dlsaereaiiy and d‘cniiy. In coBvernailen tlDgulrtied *<m. but U> our entire people
her face IlKhu up nilb eamcatneM and In tbe quid of her home She did not
cbeerfWnrM. She possrsaea tbe happy realise how fully the e)-es of tbe poipl*
centered ui>oB hrr when tbe mes
taeulty of a bom diplomat—that of
senger came oalllitf her home, but our
cam'tiMf on an Intereatlng. chatty, con* impulsive, wsrm-hesried people luvv
-aarsailon with MrangerA With »r*- good men and luvv good mothvra. and
dow* manner ah* makea ludulrles'conII of us have stood afar *fT and lov.-d
he honest oM mother of Ihv honest
oemlna her Mellora, leadlBg Ibcm to
tan who Is now our chief magistrate.'•
talk about tlK-maelrra, their hopes, and
AppIlM lo the Rserntltr Htad,
Senator Burrow* of kl'rbigan aald:
T.>u have ofren heard lb
Nolhliia t
.inity that
a peni-rnl thins. e-i irell as lo ihtk sU.m
king.' Well. 11 applies to ihr
tbemselves. V:vity boy and etery *lrl
poaaesia-s an itnlivlrluamt. ' Men are executive head of a great republic ai
OBly b-<y* an'BB tall, and heailB don't well a* to the chief peiwonage In a mon
are as loyal to (heli
chanse morh after all." So. when boy*
icstdenla. under all clruuhsianees, ai
And Slrli get m I- men end women,
le people in Ibe older rountrica mri
they like to talk ab-.ut ihemeelve*.
rnler*. Our people
The man In lediilee and the woman In
Uotber UcKInley until ber
abrleiy who knosn Ihle sre-n senvi of
human nature will alwaye sueceed. beloved son achieved the highest honor
Mr* Alser entertains on this prtoelple. lhal can be conferred upbn any —**■
While not advantins her owe yietra. .In this new world of oura. Bui
ahe set* the views of othet*. There
I such they
fore. while not iwemlns to shine, she
Impresses everybody with ber supriior loved ber."
Vour corresi-oBdcnt was bard at work
Ability as a hoaiee*
Mr*. AlRer has another advantage In for forty-eight hour* during
aecleiy over many women, spe baa a Klnley Ina&guretlon ct iemon
beyuilful daughter, bllsa Francra. who gave tbe PhllAdel|>hla Time* •■most
three full pages of descriptive mailer
la rapidly leartdng -All of the arti
eonccrnlnx that great event. Hi thsi
■ grei-es of aoeial dINomaey.
r mother In eniertaiDlns pea- correspondenre the narrator' printed
liar la Ibe following fart, aa It occurred under
pie. and t* becomlnt quite populai
bit perwMial olwervallon; Mother Mc
the melety nf tbe nallonal caplul.
wanted ber non WllUam to I
The Wa*hlngtOB.ee*ldenee of the A!Many a t:
gets has been enrlebed wKh some of the MetbudUt preacher
when he wai In congress. *be reli
IBOSl valaalde and beautiful of the cohim
shedwas proud of her son.
Jr plcturea and hrtr-a-brec of the I
that «he would have been more grati
troll mansion. These artlole* give
fied If he had g<>ne Into the pulpit, and
the residence of the secseiarr «f *
' An air of anisitc merit and rlohnes* the always said lhal If he had gnr
Into the ministry hs would have been
Which exdlea both comroendatloi
■w«ter Tkaa a nubsp.
Alger a Rory JSao.
. Dnlnaugurntlonday whenWlltlamM'
Secretary Alger I* a very busy
at you may, well Imaslne. Srvertbe- Klnley entered a cairt/'geAt tbe EbbI
lesa. on tbe oexadon* requlrliig hla Hoase *nd went ihmugh crowded
stieet* where eeerybovly cheered him.
presrnie at home hr diops publ'
Mother HcKlnlry stood beside
nee* and enter* with aeM lnlu
tertalnmenl of friend* snd strsnrera
Thus, with cordial vo-operatlon on thi
BOA. Aimer, with
•art of the entire Xlger family, the real
al«>ut her '.wai
denre af the aecretary of war ha* be
C(4iir a most popular place, and all of • M-ther, don't you think after *11 Ih
the b-lle* and beau*, as well a* all of Is i-eiter than If WllUam hadebecorae
tbe higher ofBclal* In public life, lake blshocTAt her sun William
was paaalng
special deUBbt In calling to -pay tbeir
through tke cheering crowdA Mother
rrspecte on the day* when public re
McKinley turned to Abner, laid ber
ception* are' given.
CongtrsamaoHamllloo of KlleaMIcb..
Is a ■talesman who baa rtrlle viewa and aald. between *.>h*: "iSod know* best
does nut brsitale to eapress them. Abner. Be has )>een very good to ‘Will
Borne-of the congrtsamen who sympa^ Urn and to all of us "
And after the writer had dried hla
tblgr-wlth the Cuban InaurgenU do hot
Uke to eipiesa their views since they eye* he looked aboui and saw a tfartme
learned that the president Is Inclined to of ladle* and- gentlemen with their
lav—- S|.aln.
Cor.greasman Hsmlltoa handkerr hlef* to their eycA all of them
•ays: "1 am In favor of rw-ugnUIng absorbed and enihrelled with the faith
time and all of the cood tbintn at tbe
Eoeletr ba* It* In-
Attorney* Ai Law.
'its,__Money to Loan
0«*a* la MaMagire Skwk.'Tmeene City. Mteh.
Oa IwwvvBd city paoi-vny.
O M. BSOWN. AUMwer ao« OoainrvlkwA'
0. La*, special auaouoa W esUecUt^
aadcaaewranriB*. tliProatS^,
orer NoBiagae-a tXre ware otare.
r^WantAdsE. ImpertuttoEnpertiHoUen!
Tb» rire liwerwure Cowpaalre kavtag
reoeaUy laaa. aa>*rtal ««amBtoes la
ralp a|wa renaio rlarere ef pregerty
r:LILBgRT A UATCS. AUonwyw. UpM-bd s
O- Pkyaletaa anS
L Burgeoe .^loeai^1 IB Trsvi
.0 all day
Christmas Turkeys
Oysters, Gandies and Nuts.
a and rtsiawa. I
aPi Uai-n atm*. TelepUAe IC
Everything for Complete Christmai Dinner, i^clnding Orocerlee and ProTiaione, ^
iGrud Rapids t ImUiu R. R
Order by Thone and have Goods Delivered.
TNODOt a COVEtX. AUecoey* aad e<mB»IU Uo. Bi u* one**, city Opera HmwBU.
Utmlitwtotax tHIoa
the belligerent rlgtats of the Cu)>an patnot*. The people Of.this country are
in favor of such acilon I do n '
On Friday afivrndbn. while tbe pr**l
Ueve that tbe president should
Aland the popular win
President deni was dl»<a*ring the malter of hi*
Cleveland did enough of that aort of Aiasly departure with mem'»re of hi*
<al-lnel. Kecretary Algei ■aid: "Mt I
tousln-w* This couniry has I'ven a
President, the . nilre people of thI* j
tbe pan df p.ilb-enuin long-enough,
have Bpent miliurn* of dollars In patrol enur.t'ry warn.yon i-goqotcUy 10 your'
ling the high aeas to preveiil Olll>us<er- mother. The congreaa «*5_»ait for!
Ing. Therein we have been a powerful
Alley of jSfAUi. and we have prevented
onr rttlrm* from egtending such aid
• alone, but the grief of ■
to the Cul«n polrlot* ak they dvalred to"
Co extend.
I'AlrenAl AyfapothT.
ABd ao that FMday evening, as anon
am In favor of tb^ annexation Of
. the HawsIlAb Isiands." he conlloued. as It wa» pcwMHe for Wm to do »
*Cleveland Hauled down The Amen.an l'r.-*id-vit McKinley eolrred the car
wbifh wa* to l>e«T him *pee<Wly upon
flag in Honolulu, and when hr did *■•
be outraged public aentJmvnt. I am In hit ni'salbn of filial love and duty. wbl1<even hat.and every bonnet Aar deffett
. fbvor df speedy aetk-n looking 10 ar
>n teypcclful slirmx- and unlvererl
peXAtlon The sooner It comes the bet
s.Mrpaihy for the b-loved *on. a* well
is I-i the devoted molber.
l>ener It will be f»r Hawaii.
And cow. with the shadow of grief
country h*a slway* I-r-ked forward
him. Ibe president of our republlr
annexati'-n and >« nsiuraliy a part o' u|j
aln attending to the va»t business
thi* eelinlry. be.-AO*e of it* loeallon and 1 ta
........... s high care. Undoubtedly alt c f
tntcrpaUaiial vnvlmnnienl*"
I of
6*nator M- MlllaB has letradOc«S a ; a* will look upon h'lm with more leek 1nr< and with 1s*e aplrlt ef criticism
WII making an appr.-pOaiion of «».• , «•
Alter all. be I* one of ua. came from
m for a new gunboat to Uke the plac*, AI
cf the rnltvd State* «ie*m»hlp Mli-hi- . ;jr mld*i. and. If life to apar.-d, will
to our mldsi an American rlugan.
The prupowxl new guvernmenl eriutn
vwel ir t- be abaot the *ls>r of the . . n a CbrtRlan gentleman, an bone*i
crtilcer Detroit, aad U lo be built on Ibe 11 an. aa tbe *on of such a mother must
necewaarlty he.
•Great lAkes
Upon -William McKinley largely de
. The bin ha* been rrfeirrd to tbe eom'tnlttee on navak affalra. am) Inaamheh pend* the fate of the Cuban* and «aa* Senator McMillan U tbe leading wantn*. -Thal he strongty favor* the
Hawaii everybody know*
' tnamber of that cortiinitlee. It la quite
likely that • favorable report will be 1b*l he believe* In the ultimate liberaof Cuba la frnemlly believed. Mis
acevred at an early date. The chairman
arllnr will prartlTBlIy eel
®f the 4*mn<^lltee ha* referred the hill
■■»wBll will
to the aecretary of the nary. 'Senator
part of
McMillan baa seen the. secretary and
Miwonalty plated to him tbe facta which SUIre: bui the late of the *11110*110*
warrant tbe iuroductlon and paaaage Cuban ttuurgent* le yvl problenuitical
pf tbe Mil. anrthe aecretary ha» Indi Whatever attitude to cakm by rrval
cated a diapositlon to recommend tba dent McKinley will b,- ausUInrd by oor
people, because we belleye In lu» loiegpaasaga of the bill.
Oaly 0*e WarMilp *a the Lakos.
ntyMBBWtyof MU Mailrsw
jbt aecretury Of atatc has also taken
A Trteran -ne* sparer corrotqwmdeet.
«p the mau«f and given R favorable
with whose wrillpg* y»u have read and are
BOW rewding fn-m Hme to time. *ays:
T have known M'liuam McKInlv)
a pubKc
■tnee he wiered’
,.f Great Britain only one warship
during »
tbe Ukca. It to d**med advUable *ml
Impurtagt by *11 Our gov«n»menl_offl- exirnOed car.-cr
claia that w* aboold have a boat there. roamvondatl n and alK- with rx'oi
A abip tbat can fully Baatala the honor blv cuQs’ic -Ttttviani
of thU eouatry In any amergeacy that have nvvi-r written a line quepi
may artoo. Theratoa*. tt aaima quM* the hon-sty of his motives • Mm
1 d-. not Ullevc any man In thi pres*
likely that wllkln a
gallerle* of .the nathmat capiial has
ever wrtUen a Hoe derogatory to hi,
•tardy ghlB. «BP*- character. At such a Ume as (hi* It ii
yl*MNU to$aflM «poB that factr
■ Si.iTt.'-u-rSSi
Receiyed Ttem Friday.
iBtp.A. Tale|4>OBa.U
Ken’* Arctics,best kind...
............. $1.10
Men's Arctics, Coin Toes........................... 1.86
“‘ Kisses’ Storm Rubbers......................... 98 Cente
asire a> awev a> realdenre
OLD-BOWED •pecAclea law. Maww*«a
» . --------—-i*Me of E. L Baragwe
or IB WealagBe ball,
sad lariobnuaa b
by loaTlac ai Bagl*
Ptodvr BlU 1*
once lao-if
..jB.arTtwl~w Ctoeiaaat.L Oraad Bap-
BalUmore Stock Eocelvad Threa Tim«a a
Be* taa.’^rvnr Cny. Kk-b
'^>3 Front St.
towaeb arritm at IIM a. m.
O. L. LOCkWOOD a. r. a.. Oraad Bastda-
186 FrdDt Street.
lT?S;i.“J^£p.da Pwrwt ..4
. WAKTSD-ror I
' Apply at • Tbe ralr.'^BfOWkJdBrk.
. DBtrBlk
. gal'watoe
40c per quart
Standarda, SOc per
Chicago —
West Micliigan.
i*. ■-T, uHa. ■-
Fletcher'S'Ofsier Depot aod Resturait
AT Chtaare..............
25,000 Dollaps
Must be ra'sed within the next THIETT DATS to satisfy
creditors. Goods wriu be sold regardless of cost. Now is your
chance to buy. Here are a few of the many articles that are
being sacrificed:
umnt UK Mtinunu li
76 pieces Light Tnnt, the best,
(five yards to customer) per yard at...
To be wtd o&>7 OB Saturday* ud Xenday*.
186 pcs Dark Prints, the best (ten yards Olto customer) to be sold per yd at....... ' A2b
30 pieces Indigo Blue Calico, American 01Print, will go at per yard...... ................
10 yards Dress Outing Plannel, 10 yards ftU
to customer, at per yard........... ..........
6 pieces -White Shaker Flannel,
.0at, per yard.............. .............. >..............
4,5 and 6c
16 pieces storm Flannel, regular value 8c, 03n
will go at per yard . .:.............................
10 pieces better quaUty, pink, grey and
Dine, worth lOo, for per yard................
All our best Amoskeag Outing Flannels,
former price 10 and 12>(c, will goat .
Reieiter tUs Sale will Continne for the Neit SO'Days Only!
244 Front Street,
Broeoh Block-
Americans Will Always Be
Masters of the
Excellent Opportunities For Formers and Set
tlers—Characteristics of the Japanese
PopuioHon^ustoms Fiwn .
the Occident.
abort order, ne Amerteas pi^tdatloe
-niil tncreaae aa npMlj aa l( did lb tbe
fanninc dlatileta ot CalUotnla. and no
Amertean la aabaaed of tbe atate of
n-bether tbe predominant popolatlen
Doir ta Japaneae. Cblneae or Haaallan.
it erlll raabr Uttle ^ffereooc aDer annexatloo. Even at tbe preaent time
probobir doe to tbe fact thml *» AM- Americana bare alept all Mcbt on tbe
«t»e, whaterer pan of Abe Oeelde^ be
mar hail Dora, ts rt*arded aa pa undealioble citlaen. Tbe majoritr oT Amer
icana have heart of tbe dleacrecaUe
Me Of the Cblneae aalion; tber bare
read tbat the Japaaeee are awremlee
and can rtm a ablte man out of baelAble
ACUon of eonsreaa to
tstondp^ B»**ll lot* tbe Unloo h»i
brouKht the qunUoD of tbeir p<9ulAUon to tbe front. Por eome reoaon not
creet each other aa tber paaa.-«e» wbat
the prnapect of work la and go alone
contented. They prefer to wortt In
"hula." or companies, on tbe roads
wbere tber can xei employment or In
olearlnc the coffee lands. These "hult"
are Joint slock eoncerpa. la wbldi the
drone abaree tbe profits ofioaUy with
tbe Induatrlotts laborer. Tbe coffee
Planten tertaln with tbe bead man.
and that la tbe end of it on tbrir part.
Tbe road cootraclore do tbe matt. Aft
er the barcaln U made tbe pay B dtaAributed anrotw tbe members of tbe
Vbul" by tbe man they bare nriectad to
act for them. They arc afiti taslre and
united. Tbe orerndera on tbe planutlons found leaf ar> that It one Jap
was to be dtertpllned by pbyaieal puniMnent It was naesksary to whip ibe
whole canc. Tinder those c
preponderant ahatr aoqnlred by the
I'ntted fUates and Ita'cltlsmts In tbe
IndBstrlas and trade of tbe islands and
of tbe expressed desdre of tbe republic
of Hasratl that those Irisnds ahonld be
Incorborated Into tbe Vnited States as
.’and under Its
_ ,, ,
determined to ac-.
compllah by treaty an object so impor
tant to thslr roniual ^ permanent
welfare. To this citd tbe hldb coot actInc parties diAra eoafen^ full power
and Buthority upon tbrir respectively
appointed pteolpbteatlaries. to wit: .
Tbe presIdeBt of tbe United States:
The exlatlnx trestles of the Hawaiian
lalsDdB with forrlxn natlona sballfartbl
brine reptaesd by such trsatles aa mar
may be bervsfter coneludM. be
tween tbe T.’olted BUtes and surh forrlpal
nda. not enacted for the rnlflllment of the trrailea
rxtincutahed and not Inennaletent
b Ibis ti
oonaUtutlon .. __________ .
Uwtr of the United
BUtea.. shall mnaXa In force nstU tbe
of tbe United States shall otb_______ riewnine. UntU IcffialaUoD shafi
be cbactril cxtendlnx the United States
eunom laws and reuulntloBa to the Ha
waiian laUnds tbe exlstliir cualoBM
irtrulatlona of tbe Hawaiian Islands
Unltad States.
Tbs prssldenl of tbe rcpuMIe of Hasrall; Ftancls March Hatch. Uarrin A.
Tburaton. and wnuam A. Kln^.
date of tbe radftcailoc of tbu
Article I.—Tbe republic of Hewali treaty. Inclndlnx the amoonu due to
hereby cedys absolotely and wllhoul re- depoBHora In the Hawaiian Postal 8av.
Is hereby aaanincd by tbe
0 determine bow many of i
the liability
resard aball In no case exceed H.0W.CS0.
r that all tbetterrltorr of and appertatn- So Ions, however, as the exlstlnc fforr Uw to tbe repubUc of HawaU it hereby emaynt and the preeent commerrtal
annexed to the United Stales of ^mer relations of tbe Hawaiian IsUndi are
service which tbeir (orernment
acta from He subjects. Some of them les BMar the nams of tbe territory of roatlnued. ^ aa berelnhefote provided,
aald ffovernment aball coatlnae to pay
bare clearly bad further experience. Hawaii.
Article Q.-Tbe rspubUc of BasraU the Interest on said debt.
Article V,—There shall be no further
also cedes and hereby trunafers to the
of Chlnme Into the Hatoe and
atone tbe same line, ahlch lead to tbe
claaatftcatlon of all AalaUca Into oM
coaelomerate whole and tbe apeedr
dmaatlon of tbe lot.
To one wbo baa lived In HawaU tor
three yean and been Intimately amoclated with tbe rarloua races tbat the
lalanda now hare wltbln tbeir borten
It aeema Indeed atranee that ^ «<
of tbe Japaneae either la mereantlle
boatneea or In tbe labor market. Tbe
Japaneae coolies work for a mare plleance when they dnt come from Japan.
Thare can be no question about tbal.
Bnt tbe aanitaalre characteristic of
tbeir nature abowa Itself very quickly.
They can appredste bleb wacee as well
as an American. It le a peculiar fact
tbat while ma«y Amertaane fear an
nexation on aceonni of tbe pcaMble «t(set of tbe Japaneee on tbe Ubor marhdt many of tbe buMnesa men of Ha
waU fear annexation on accoant of tbe
tandeacy of tbe Japaneae to eeek a
klcfaer scale of waxes.
Then. a«ala.'few people of America
appreciate that tbe common people
ainoax the Japanese of Hawaii atr lib
eral Iniyera They seek to adopt Boropean and Amerlean-cuatpmi In dress
and manner of lldns. They buy coats,
trooaeia hata and ahoea nearly all of
which an made in American factories.
Tbe tact that the Japaneae are 'nmlutara" la often remartced as a slur upon
the litUe "yellow man." Be ibla aa it
may. tbe Ai
1 benefit of thU ImluUve deatre
ameac the Japanese of Haw aii. The
ItCUe yellow men an alto.cuod "lleera.”
and while the>' ran. if necessary, exist
SB a handful of rice a day. they are not
alow tn loadlnjc tbrir taMea with Amertcan delleadea Just aa soon as they can
vet a mile money toffetber. They an
bard worken and also liberal boyerk.
t%e beat evidence of when .the clothlac fur the Japaneoe of Hawaii la
booffht eonalau In tbe tact tbat tbe
principal business cf tbs IS or U Jap
anese atorea In Honrialu la la Japaneae
kniekknacks on'ly. Tot three-foortba of
the Japaneae people of tbe eountiT
dress after tbe style of the Americana.
Aar one wklkln* through the «reels of
H^ulu or any other town in HavWli can sec a practical demoostraiton
of tbe fart that the Japaneoe popula
tion- Of HawwU are robd buyert of the
products of American woolen and cot.
' too mlUa, as also of our boot, shoe and
bat factories.
When considering tbe anbjeet of pop.
klatlon. however, It la well to remem
ber that the HhwaUan Irianda. with
«a4ay*a populatlcB at IK.MS, arc capaMe of tupportlag LMO.OkO. Tben an
Boon as tbe UnUeTstoD^tte'^ "
lands as part and parcel of American
Urtfmrr it wiu be found ttet BawnU
Winn JV with Atncrleaw la arighiy
» lalKieers in HawallclUt
closely to thrir own rustoms;
tber hare both a hospital and a tempis
of tbrir own. In tbe country tortber
back they form Utile settlementawbrtu
fclmooa or native drees le worn la
preference to other xarmenta They
In aereral rs-
field handa Tbe UlUe brown neAtutea
ocrescfalnc and cryfac. In tbs t
Inx not one tit them would (O to work,
numalely be learned that cee of tbstf
number had to some way triads her
self obnoxloua. This one be kept aS.
tbe mill and then tbe ettasrs UudfioA
off to work. '
With the ezceidion of tbrir desire ta
leant EncUrii tbe Japaneee eveijwbrtu
remain AMatlr. They will not raadllr
give op thrir rielUaaUon
cleltUaUoa for AulO'
>. On tbe Wand of
Raxon civlli
Hawaii there are tl.wo of them. They
are only exceeded In number by tbe
native Hawaiian*, aitd -arc emnUnff
no fast ib^ in a few years tbe
nRfeus will xlve way to them. Tbo
Cblneae are already jleldlnx- Tbe na
tive Hawaiian* have heretofore besa
employrd larirely aa teamttera. but tbO
mon fertile than tbe tacantlful vaUaya
of California. These lands an in tbe
hands of tbe geverninent and are bring
dlspcaed of to bodk fide American settlen. Of tbe lands new bring sold the
Uncer portloa Is being developed In tbe
cultivation of coffn. It has been prov
ed beyond the question of k douM tbat
coffee can he grown at a profit on tbe
mocntalnside* of Hawaii. It has also
do all his own work, as did tbe eariy
ploneen in tbe United Slatea. At the
end -r five or nix years an American
can. t.y the work of his own hands, have
a field of coffee that yields a xtsady Uicome and a home eurminided by a gar
den whu*e beauty and frultfnlneaa are
only ilinlird by the Industry of the own’-ar. While the Islands are within (be
trtpice the Americans of Malbe. Htnneoota. Ceorgia. South Carolina. Or^
gon. Washington and CahfonUa are to
day working In the fields, healthy,
bearty and getting good rcturna tor
tbsfr labor.
Ibe wrttar during bla may In Ba■rCi sot a gentleman who had been a
fan&tf in Moctaba Ha had board' in
definite repoito regarding the fertility
of HawaUan aaO and finally decided to
make tbe trip and see what there was
for a email farmer la the island* of the
Pacific. 1 talkad with him after he had
heeo la th* oountry Three months, h*
had taken up land tor eoffee eultlvailun. Be bad sent fbr Us tonlly and
written to three of hi* nalghbors. who
contemplated Icariag Montana, that
they couU not find a brighter opeUng
on earth for a nail toimer than In
Kawait TUa man had brid back about
going to tbe Islands beeuac be was
nut *ure aboat tbe secnrity nf tbe goremment and the title of hU land after
be once got It. There are a great many
AmerltwDi holding back from golBg to
Hawaii fr,r jast this aam* beason. Tbey
hsec beard it u a coantry of rerotntlogk ccnsequently they prMcr tbe **ouitty they have In tbe Unltad State*
I>Oimi.S- A. THUKBTu.N- fSealJ.
late with the Atnerieana. To those anacqaalnted with the higher class of
Japanese thl* <fiay seem peculiar, yet It
la the conaenmia of opUiloa among
Americans who have lived among Jap*
The Japaneae tramp to to hs mat ev>
erywhen on tbe Hawaiian lalaada. but
be to not a tramp ta tbe ordinary mean,
tag of tbe word. Be to always nppllsd.
with enough to Inania him a lodging
and iBSBla and sake, a drtak. At oM
man Oalloway's Halfway Boas*, ta the
mldat of the lava.....................................
of Japanme tramp* enable* tbe place to
be kept open. Otherwise It would be
closed, tor old man Oalloway docs not
love desotaUoa wd aneiigh to keep aa
eat hi* chickens sad swset potktoea
and honey. Be baa a J^anese cook,
who U the man
aO work about tbe
Idea tbe good things of
tarter ImpartlsUy
IWtween his own eountiyuien and the
few white people wbo once ta a great
while come that wag.
The tramping habit of tbe Japaaes*
seems to be Ingrained. Tbe» move from
tbe sugar plaatatloas to the ooOm
tanda. from tbe coffee tahdt to the sec
tion cf tbe coonlrr where tbe govsrameiit ta bnlldtag roads. Apparontly
tbair gNTMaata ar* aimless. They
and drinking. After toaste bad
m drunk to Tamataga. tbe giver of
r foUowred. Japitest rnthuBlaam. On* merry fellow
t through all the motions of the new
ult'B drin. ibowtng the fresh sol
dier’s awkwartoca* aa
Uta veteran. He played a bugl* aaeampanlmcnt with hi* fingen to hla tips,
and hla appeal to the military feeling
d to by the whoto oompathe
ar plantation, was aMmd bow many
of (be men had been adUler* I a tbe war
with China. Hot quite understanding
the questioa. be mid with anlmatloa;
*^oa waat aoldlerel I get you plenty
of them." When It was axptataad that
an that was sought was Intonnatieo
about tbe former soldtara. Aknba's>ce
feU. Be aald there ware net many vetarans of the Chlnaae war on the f»land: probably not more than oaa in a
httadred bad taken part ta that struggta. Ncverthelma. a good mang oU
ualtorn are found.
Tb. roIUnrlu I. Uw ftfl UB at Oa
Bawaltan treaty:
The United Btatas of Amaitaa and
tba republic of Baw^ ta view of tbs
natural depeadeoee of tbs HawaUan Is
lands upon tbe United tetes. of thrir
gaograpblcal proximity tharata. of tba
no* w R-C«3Tte AJ i|oai£
waUan latand* exowt npon snrt eondltlona as arc now or may hereafter be
anowad by tba taws of tbe United
Butaa. and no Chtasa*. by reaaon of
anything barstn contained, ahan be al
lowed to enter tbs OMtad Btatas Dum
tbe Bawaltan lalanda
Arttcl* VI.-Tb# prsaldent shall apTbe extaUMT laws of <be Unltad petat five cammlaalonrru. at least two
Btatas rtaatlve to public lands aball not
apply to surt landa ta tba Hawaiian Istanda. but tbe congress of tbe United.
States aball onset spetaal laws for their
managemeot and dIspcsIUea; provtdad.
'that an revaun* from or.procssds of
tbe aarne. oxeept ka regards each pan
tbervef aa ipay be used or oeenpisd for
the civil. raOltarT or naval parpoaw of
the United Btatas or may be aaalgnad
iBds. pubbe buildings or edi
fices. ports, barhen. mUltary agulproenta and an etber public proparty of
every kind and
■ban be used aolely tor the bansfit of
the tabaWtiat* of Us Hawaltaa lafawds
for eduranasal and other iiuijniii,
Article nL-^Batn oongreas Shan pro
vide tor Oe duauroment of mwb iriaads
all tbe emi. Jodldgl a^d minury pow
ers uxerdaad by t^'ofltaers ef tbe axtattag goreroment ta eald totaikto abaU
be vestad ta suU peraoa or psraoes
tbe natural wealth of tbe tatanda TbW
le true. They have beva of groat bans*
fit OB the sugar pUautloas. In buUdtag
roadr-and ta rieartag ooSa* Junglak
Bat the other side was put by a mem
ber of Pmtodeet Dota-a cabtaat ta ihto
-It to Hawaii tbat has glvan oppor
tunity to these Japanese. They eoM
here because tbey do tafialtaly hotter
tbam beta, and after tbrir eeatraeta an
up do even better. Bo. while w« anknowladge tbe benefit tbat Japanese ta
bor baa besD to HawaU. we want It ni
membered tbat HawaU has glrea that
tabor opportunlUee whk* It oMId aavw
have at home. We welcoatad tbam hOCto
but when tbey began to eome In ncto
Bunbero tbat tbey soon would have had
tbe Wands It was rirmiry for as to
we would bad have no I
irith eleetric UgbtiB* to offlw boiWia»i
OB *Mfa eBottoR MTTieo M to tolow fair
the tatoatert Tartotkfc <<
widely Taryto* loade and
iMBcm hate bM hiM at Pw»k«B
ttn Mi«a of Baji SaUL Tahir (MatoTB).
aad Cboah Kew Wab iChiWM). atoo
loiry tow
tow tha
tha 41*WBtaaee
4hw«»“ «*
«< 8W
aa to^oiry
Ah UA (tAtoaae). aU rf Matoag. Peaak
- ________
Not only
moat the ' The
two fir»t oamedaiOB*^
T liTltw to
•paed he 'naUam. bat it moat remato | ^ HBall atat> hoaae at HeboDg. Telml.
dortog the period of the ehaage. To
g^e otben. all of whom awn «•
*■ gaged to aplitttog nebotiga Veryearly
>e BMcntog this little paityw
e and |«aoti<al
1^ll«U the dwnaoda wferted
IMF. A tnoat to««Bloni mac^ has ^
theSddiOooal .beattty of eiJaathewtoTOitad. whid» manofaotot^ j
.dmiUidiy. This gSremor.-whlt* Awaay. “by beartog a rear toaide tbe
^teta and «to the ticket aotoanattwliy j, ,n adaptatiau<d the Bites gor«-----.paw oo my 1««. I ahooted •TlgwT A
OB taw Pde while oodhe other ode it
reimlatn » the
lamp was lit. and' while thU was hangisten the aomber cdAbe titAat. ita
d«t«e of- perfectiou b
iStiniTiTT and the price. A aimple adtog done 1 ww Tahir pkh ap a parang
«tioo of the Bombem lined OB this bead
W cat down the tig«. which, rising
•ton the total of the amotmta ertiich
straight up. sprang npem him and bore
tbe reooitret haa ngiawed dnrto* the
him to the gremid. Ihea my brotbw
Ootoh cot at tbe tiger behind, w
one fcBowa that the HcAeta deleft lAhirand ma^toward thefcitc
Unred W the etadoi maaten are of difAa it went oot Dolab atrock it *wfc»
teimt colfwa. acretdtog to their claw
OT«T the bred. WefoondHaji S •
and their deattoatian andj^bether they
dred. Be had bren toftantly kille
ate fall fare, half rate or «-----------tbe rigor. wblcb.da tbe first aprtogfrom
the gronad. bad come throogb tbe read
onw the Baji't neck and tonkeh it.
of money. Frem the mannfartar- j
Ihbir was Iviug down wiib" bis bead
« they are delirered to the mum otHee.
nearly «>ff. WU.-C it goi ligbL we went
and from thtre diwrfteiied over tbe
; oBtaid^'and saw irui-hs iJ Wood Iredtog
whole territory corered by the iwUro^ ;
' to the jangle, bnt did not dareto follow
ncanmay. I( <>o easily bo eeeo that the :
them. Tahir wa# taken at cioce to Tai
dluteet mistake to their mannlactare |
WOBld ranwrcndlenoonfosicin. As each ,
............................... .. ping, bol died oa arrival. He waa m)
wtatioo is tto- objectof a aprial lahrica-' aa eitiaordiimry rapid a^Btoent and flrtt oiBsiD. and Bag! Sahit waa fait
tloa as tbe name, the nnmber and tbe | wiibout tbe idl|*uwt toatabdity or anrs.
point of departure are always printed i iag.
re aad tbe nwiaertog j depundsuco
ifdwiih an inertia ele-■ slept* ala fwt from tbe gronod a
-■ . •_ - -. . I___—f .Ua pw»i, Twn 1
Wbil bettw thM a iIm Cloak far a Christmas Gift? These harsaias shaiW-ialaea
|0B to ha; aa*.
The immCsse Cloak selling here has badly broken
of them DOVY. When you need them, atspecwl bargain prices,
rather than wait.
Ladies* fine navy blue Kersey Jackete, extra
ydo n«know 'idiately provided for witboat waiting ‘ aroosed by the crl« of Ue^^
all tbe
■ ta tbe otherwise necearery manifesta- | was m> light in the hoore. bl
A.„- ___ _ ih™ of
fiwoei. Tbe entire todistiiK-ily a lug beast rush I
taw-1 piece, anspendid open
mksi. The maditoc which is h
ha* lain. toTenwd with the idea P®"*-,****^'*^
tme pavotal
. jotal
i.io of tbe gov.
, ....
_____ pin orpivotal
iamade of hardened creriWealeW.
_________ __
. rere followed.
but none of the remains conW be reoor-
with it* pn7 L
le little li new- kregciatPaasirllitamafartt
dhy.to the mme eatraordlnary i
Jiger’a larder.
Dtea- ii hu
fcohiiig grrew. br means of aoompttwhu predecreanra
ptedecreanra in
i tbe tigi
_™ _ w—
_ given to the polire
gmae enp. into a ntunber rf re- ^
.__ _ -A. .1_____ I .
............Mr. H. I* Hnlbert.
trict magiatrete.
; The Utter stated that ea^y that mom- tog be and ^r. Ueerge Maxwell had
1 at tbe tMon ont after tbe tiger. On receiving
There baa been establi
PbiTadelpbU Gcmmerrial l
tbe information they rvtnnied with the
Chinree. Starting from tbe kengri.
^SSd^y Urge oollectiuo of raloable which was s two atrey bnUdtog,
exhibita This will be the addition of two magUttatea folltjwfd
toe trwiks
half an
aUbtmtoryof twU aad icchnology as throogb low swampy jk^gie
an adjonct to the acieotiflr depamuenL bonr. wbeo they came upCn the»head of
It will not be an exhibit in the ordinary a (.Tilnaman that bad ev^retly been
sesue of tbe term, bnt a department Utten <df bv aooiv snimal. wboae teeth
Biarks were visible. Tbe nose and lips
For Laaies’ Jackets of very finest black
nlssfh all linMl. TAHCV
SyT^ values^ere $l4
For Lsdlee' finest blackPe^n
eta. elegantly made, aU 11^
Quality eatin or wito finest etnped silk,
v^es are $18.00 to $20.00.
Ladies’^aver jackets. $8.60 and $4.26.
Ladies’Boucle Jackets, $4.00 and $4.70. -
iwWtd prudorts wbi»A may be sent to I go, uid aboBi half an boor Uter fonnd ;
it fromauyof tbeooontnwaliredyrerp-1 the trnnk of the body lying to a awamAT BAKGAIN BEIGES.
m^mted to its o»ll<«ri<au or from pri. I py
There was no anitable place
todividnalB whowvhwdHcmiinc.
, tre^ mod afUT
afur oonferrtog with
,! fu, _____p.aDd
Ho nmoe here to mention price*, but oome end eee the gooiU. An examination
. thnnigh cbemirel and other teats, the
Maxwell the witnees pot aotno
: romroercial valoe of tbe matcrUU pre- Mrycbntoe into the thighs of tbe body
^ of tbeee good* and the prioee wlU enrely eonwince
I w-nttd. Tbe services
rvievs (if
of Ibis imporuiit bj'nwai
bj'nwans of hi* bunting knife.
nivlng the beet bar^aine ever offered, for theee good*
I department will1 be at the
tbe disposal
dispuHsl (d
'if i| They
ibe^ t«anied to the kengai. trlngmost be eold, and eold now.
^wsesnsKMUXT* naiLBoiDTicseTv. lanv
luj iwtwai
iwnui <w
or firm deaiiing
dealing icaiatwan-,
teatsvB-im., jug
tog the bred with them, which <»e of
preventing anv mUUkre
misukea or frand-awl
band-awl;] alysls,
alvsls, jovo^iding
iinTTiditig they canply
««nply with tUtU-!j u,e
tj,e Chinese idretlBwl as that of hU
brotbrr. The next moralBg it
Cf oorrectlv iv^stering evtoy <Uy the ; n-Huiremeuts of...................................*
tbe depattaieui ^tive miming
vras fonnd chat the trnnk bad been re—nnmber c4 tic-kets eold and the i to the mw<v of fstidiug samplre and - ,ra
It was diarovcriid at last loreceived for thtan.
more paVcuUrly
to tbe
; moved
itfd. that no <v-Mflrale given shall be i g^ber With the diwd body of a tignre
Beliable Dry Ooode, Oapp®t
Clothing Hoaae.
the'Inx ia a ' nwd' ,m any way for advc-rtuing.piir. j <ybe ibigbs of, the dewawd bad been
A»*ii At tbe botti------_
teiv devonnd- Tbe I
mnall elt-ctrie motor which sets a nickel poM-a.—.Kmeriren Machtoi
, full grovri- «ie mre«Br«d B feet J inch
pUted wbre! to motion, this whrel ^ |
I and was as regards coat, body and teeth
^mpUcedtm a level.with tbe handle ,
» the left side of the apjnratoa. Tbej Professur ElrntrUati* rf Waahingt««i to apliaidid cuaditioti, cosiirary to the
tbeorr Uid doaro that <aily mangy old
cardboard hands are roll’d aronnd , mys be has
- -----------------------------------tonchlew ligtre become man eater*.
as manv wheel* aa are needed, j which obje«ti--------------- - -Mtoated above the muor and bebiw tb- 800 time.gr.«t.T tiuui by any’rf tbe *Bv the wonudsdsi the bred and leg abe
famirsiiiTir rrlih-* - H is ibU cylinder {mi<-T’*<t>p<« now to or-. HU toveuiiun. '
iHcuiilied a* tbe killer
tbe Ma/ nBditswbeels and it* K-’-th. located to I he claims. wiUr’‘vnlniiinii«cmicnR-'>liy ,
toenoperiart of tbe machine, which , and will udvaiuv sHcmv to a i«uut;
lu the eaM-s cd Hi^ Sabil. Tahir and
«(Batitnte tbe fowsional revret of the hiiberto nwisremed of. H> discoviy, 1 cbnab Kew Wah tbe verdict waa.
In cooinncrioh
-------- by luiaadvmtnre owing to the
ccBiancrioh with the iBrge
large ' UU revs.
«ys. wUl
eptrtal’ vatoe in Un- - ••UaUh
t ^atigeT."
Tl»-nwnlt of I'
exsouw wbreU whic* rev’dvw. ag*iii>-1 t»nid(*T «id the **ttoy «>f the (vUnUr I
.... .
Mu ODtside wxll CD tbe right'd the «p-Uis*are The jir-rfMes* dc-lur.-* that be
rKcnrdi-d thus: "Tbe pre•• i ba* sDcccedavl wberi- all other wiretiMs sniuiitiim
Ah Lok n>«« bi*
ipiion la tb»t
,ooo pairs o( LAtllES’ FINE SHOES,
doth by
to^e Interior. On this Urgn wheel «re 1 have
^ter fMtr ^ aieretvformer pricos ninge from -Sjax. to *4-5.01 ’ipM
lok Kebdbg
iMcribrd fhe names of tbediffereai *ta-1 which.
tire* and the price* of tbe varioo* trips. I a lena < obe.magnifled byarecoaidaa
stj-lish but No. i weartis: siies t to 4«l
-a ______________
ticket is demred_____
fur s________
givre if_____
it weoriginal objwto To do
oMBt. the large wheel is set to ni.dion : thi* ha* ll-n tbe aim of adiwrific pbowidths B. C. D. and E. Gbing at *1.00 p^r PrUr for
nialhepop■aril the name
tbe rtalioo asked for ;togi»idii-rs
uin-n»t»>pii** fwmau.Y
I nut tbe fanit
this month only. Do you want them?
res ,«*• Antailc
oiiixante s'anill iren point Om-jy.iri: Pref.reor (iut.-. d.«» not divnlg.the Curtb family. Mrs. Anna Cnrth. Oau
gwid Ick.Liiig Oennan woman of 80
«f the -------- ---------------.11.,- ... the i the dcUils of his invcntiim.—liidiao
I* suing Kansas City for e».0(»
n the totrruir I
unnl cIlf injories revived
tollon Bcooiml
tUe«arlc*i'ret* Wr.sSing
.nnd in lew time than by tlie old fa*b j
tug throogb a cu^ bule m frant at Na
In rwTOt experinnvit* an a«: of -10 to i$ >U« Foortb street to ttept*!uiDBi
OpresilS M. * h *
toned way of Mampiug. etc.. tlM tiekecomes oat rredv to be need. If mure 1 60 volt*, vrilli stmireut of 800 to 6W iftWfi. LieorgB Jones is defeoding
t..,. ooe ticket for the reme pUce i» de- ' aiu]>er<-e. i* reid to have penettat’-d in eoK- for tbe city in Judge Stover's
Mred. ridiiinne to i»e» tbe botfon.as tbr.- t>- <i-n minntes isde wall* ftum TUion of the circuit ouon.
jnany lime* a* lb"n'are tii-ketaneeded. :a to ti iii<-h<« thick. A roni^ «tt»-l
••How old wi-re yon wbre yo* w
While the u m-blne I* delivering tbe j ii^got. perhaps 6 by : by 10 toebre. was marri’d'r ' a*ked Mr. Joaire today.
-.*t.ri with a diagonal, jagged hole
••SeventrcB." arid Mra Cnrth.
fnim 1S to it >, inche* to diameter, the
-How old IS your oldest obildr'
Ihi-uppurui— —
orWtochw. Wbow^iUnowwarrauia
relUfr. u. tbci’T'd the awaarattts and
"How oU u tbe nextr*
tqrishr* Minniiao’-ookly with the deliv. bnrgUr presif asfel
cry of lb- IX Le t it* Bomber, its Mrie*.
"The next?”
itsde^iuBtiioi udd |nce.
Men on an avenge vrd^ tO ptnnda
By uii-an* >d iLi* lu-w niikfhltie am in
"The D«tr'
when either a Cham
Hare you eeen the line-veewoMfyingf We have ali the ^ .
jector uied only iir>-R-ut bimself ni the mere than women.
ticket ofiire. Biuul! tbe regisuring hand
Weak and toflained eyre are fMleved
Mr. Jemre beolUMd » tnenaot <
ois Lun^ Protector or Utoet of the fiction. One coMomer c»e in this
.nad say to ib.-tbktt*elUT, •‘YonaboBld ky bathing them in salt water.
tooked at tbe floor.
Vest wiU be a neces ve kept the late booka. We aaked what they wanted They 1^ joM
have «u Bti’l Nu iu bold."
. '
“Tbe next?" be orettonea finnUy.
Bevere ivy poiretitog li qntokly reTbe taUnstd comianies (d riie north Itored by bathing with aoditim hyp
”^ottt.” replied Mrs. Cnrth.
sity. ,We can supply been looking over the December magaainee andeaw eo^y .naw
•ndweet in Kranoe have adapted the |diide ndhUen.
Nr. Joo« besiteted again, tant detoded
you with cither, but books advertieed- they wondered what they looked like. They mennew BppsTBtns. and gndnally all tbe
Wise of colehicaai root reHoret oh- to risk iL
tiooed book after book, and we hadtwenty-tbreeoutof the twen^.fiT*
jreds rnnntog out of i'arw are nstog
yon can econosuse and
wiathw to five to ten mtotoi
Of qenne f« Ami-rioin w the
•'Two," admitud Mrs. Cnrth.
on the list.
doM rinre rimre daily.
yet' hat*e something that were
Boctatoj would be lew rompHcated.
Mr. Jonre was-ready to change tlM
Thmi.ehaT.th«Iittla dainty Ixxdai “-at am alwaya anUstala
o the
lae fact
lack that
u.-* we
— have
nwtog to
no first._ Boiled poUtoes are innrfi «low<»
Unea at eiatnluation.
just as good by buyand tSd *1— rickets—hVw I digwt than wasted (» l^ed. the for•■Are von sun-.” he aAed. "that yon
i »*'•"
“d the unre ,niea' doe care and diUgenre wboi yoa
. ing a chamois and
*11001 8 to Str.
I were walking cn thi* walk?"
making oae.
ne gjiAreasgraph.
I *in a cam uf tAtos tbeiy
"ton have misssd cm” the said.
"How old U it?” be asked.
Experiments wijh the eynrbreDo | aud meunirem<-uu wer? clreely
values at 30, 50 and
"Pemr BMiths.” teid Mre Cnrth.—
gnipbVrcCTSiUy oondneted to Kugland | but tbe minntla- of their fingtr {gut*
> many good tmtt, and we have neeny “*•
anres aty Star.
by the inrenton of the ajstoiu. Mivsna war* quit.- «Uff«renU
7,5 ceots.
Take y^tim. whm, you am dom. Umu
look ttum omr.
Squires and Ci^iore, ore repomsl ak , tIh- Uk« at f ramto. to PereU.
tain* more salt than lh$ Ored ■«.
whlrh bold* W per rent, tr rl^t tune*
the ocean.
ware amt at tbe nte of «,SOOw^ per
r leponM of eyes that bcminntt, to OBoaher teto a *toylim
Bsly inflamed by looking at
Ct^monly knowi'If as
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
On Sale Now...
4^ enameling ’
heney ledekle.
A TIME... .
Jaa. 0. Johnson,
1,900 enxdM pac nioeto.
<»1 drill war
Mt of to to IS y
/oKnson’s Drug
Drui Store.
“Of the Making of Books
There is No ESnd”-....
Tm MWMmre iMj»^jiwrPAT. owmiBaB 12. 1227.
Tbea be kwkad tv«*
IMe of tnitioa fee. bet tbe motfaer eye
•■Don't yon think, Br. It woald be battea
la on tbelr work. One boy U bacbwaid
yeabeUtbeendflf tberopaf Tbmtf
SbeiapnylngaCBtarto tt
^didn't like 11 and acead bod yonoonld
letfo. CowaaiwTery oaeoKaln aalaala,
le ia }oat now anxr. 8be teUa me be
_____too bard, and Ae wldite him to
gire op bia uewapaper roete and apend
tboae eariy moroing boora in bed before
^ he goea to bia medicsl atndiet, bnt tbe
A WOBMB—« fcnlEMT. a RudaB •yonng wan ia »nrid*iitly twdowri with
J«WMi—keepa tbe Urftrat oatdoor Mwa- quite tbe prpper lpW‘w£U not
Mttd 111 tba gnat dty
New TeriL hear of it.
Brone U atill yoong aa well aa reSned
B« badMM aad her iMoew did not
aU oeno in a dar or a /car. Bat aba md bAudaomc. There ia tbe emnoe of
aaned It boBaatly. and no ooe among a ptood and 1-......
boi ench ia the atrragtb of her character
bar iboomndt at ,
that this only arrrec to grace b<T man
Tbe aeoret of her aooeMi ia aD-ontaOlng ner and IxT attlindo. Not one of tboae
oomteiT and a natnailr dowand lady- ,rbo poor iu and
tbe elevated «nhood that conunand tbe hi^NR napact mnn-atODti Rundred and SixteenUi
Her name ta Brone P. Nelacn (or atiwt bat tulai ber wlioo ahr U off doty
Obandea. aa abe waa called inBniria), fv a uunit-ub Her unxioty to wrreyoa
and it ia alwaya estertainisg to Uaten : ia ratbxr tlx- taoepitable anxiety of t^
to tbe tew reatrred w«da ahgoocaaian- j boetuB> looking nfur roar comfort than
aUy leu tall of bet life in arg« bnyoi
r in NtV
teach tbe BtuHan peopK that grent-refonna m not effected in a day and that
“ttacffalao mrrewbo only aland and
In Hoaoow aa a wife and mocber
&ooe wae kept li%rompamUve eaee
Ifarongb tbe ezertioua of her tradeemao
boAand. Bnt abe waa broad winded
and bad etudied berooantiy'e litemtnn
uwell aa tbat <g otbera Sbewaia
A Jew. and ebe felt tbe opireecbildreo. tbon^-loving Btuoda. left it
and 4wme to thia om^y
ooont^ abont
aoont eight
eigot cr
nine yean ago. They poew d abemt
KBie |i.»0. Bnttb^
^ abared tbe ________
'manyatrangeniina.atnngeUDd. They
bAd not thowxya, they had. not tbe
tongue. Brane'a bnelnnd died nine
mootba after tbeir arrival, and ebe waa
left is New Vork to oare lor heiaell
■nd tbe two little boya. Tbe manex,-!
dwindling, gbehirtd beraelf todo s<
Ing wacblne work. For two weeka B»e
worked for nothing aa a leanier. and
than abe took full rank with tbe ezpwi-
Shk^rit^*«ySu, 3rT '
Chr^tfflas Dinner
-BoMtiMiiopel NoiaBtont. She'd A
yanklnroMof ibe«regon)aet(raii>RiUa
and U I ka go of UM’
Um rope r...
> hare W I
chme bw aU nlgbtorertbe moantalD yon- idU
Tk> bar to tbe axle and get in.”
2 bar (aat to the
>e beck axle ;'; ^
»ectarted. .Tbe next n
a bellow of frlgbl and InBMBttbei
I InforUted cow ellwUiiglO
will be all the more ebjoyable if your table is laid
with handsome and appropriate China, and Glassware.
.ISaSiM tlp-KOdlng Lloyd half way <
^ tbu boree'i b-ck. Than ebe tried U
aimnnd and catch tbe bone, who wsa
tncklng and plunging in fear. Tbea tbe
cllubul tiito tbe wagon again. . Tbao abe
did ercotbing abe bad doaiisbetore allot
1 cannot giro tho delallaof wbatfolkwral. 1 only know that I badedeeung
irwlf if yog rialonof a l eirit wheel, omaU bar rezy
of bone and oow
and wagon, wboou apukeadewaroand with
obliging—B ia gnccful.
"Uh." abe will aay tn tnp aiouetinieK.
"I bare no rime to Ifwni tbe langnagr.
tbe litentnre of thia great pi-ople. Mr
life will be waated. 1 know. Rat 1 am
hoping wane thing* for mrebildren'afottoe. Maybe yim diai't want tbia inper. PtTbapa yon an- only porebaang
Fortbii 1 gire berk little tertare
and alter it we ahake bandaoi tbe inexotablo fart that neUbt-r of oa ran
dunbt tbe motivcB of oar cuatomera.
.It U- no eaey life to atand at ttaU
atreei corarr tbnmgb fonl wintbw and
Ibrongb fair, day iu and day out. nm<
liiDPe from o'clock in iheinnniing as
b p’clock at night: to m<vt ailIkind
of jx-ople, the riauw and the xeflned.*
tbe KDob and aoU-ew and tb<- keen wan
of bnainea And, abore
aU. to know 'by tbe keru>-*t
and atadr jaot wbat paper I .
to hare it rwdy with tin-lou>i poouble
delay and alwaya with anvaryiag and
marked cooneaiy. -And tbe ranch? An
from tbe newoataud of from
^.000 to -13,000 per y«nr, I aboald
jtidga How mapy American worm
“to tbe manner born" are then wh
woald do it cr oonld do it?
Tjijiav a. Nosm
crarklnga till roddonly then «
of fragmaatf and tbyn an Im
tUence and 1 lay back on the gram lira 11
dMd faint.
-Sakm allre. Mr. Jonea.” the looal
bnteber waa ia}-lng when 1 came to. "X
wouldn't-grin fou ^ abllllnga for that
cow. No, air. pi kaa rntmer «e ber
Id. Uby. abe-f Dothlng bat mloee
tbaToow ain't, natbtng
And abe’a aomlfed
epokea that I'll baa-e to pu
tbrongb tbe grinder or people'U think 1 're
taken to giving tootbpicka along with
tbelr boliwna ''
■'Yob n wekoBM to the eow.”aald I
feebly aa I climbed Into a klodiy nelgb-
We have such, botb in Odd Pieces and Sets; plain and decorated to mMt
every need, and ^ prices that you will have something left in your wallet to
make others happy with after your purchase. They are suitable for present*
atioD. too, and form a most appropriate gift. Yonr Dining Furniture may
need refurnishing and we can meet yonr wants, likewise with compassion for
yonr pocket-book. Dining Chairs. Tables and Sideboards in infinite Variety;
Fancy Chairs, Concbe.s, Fasels and Screens, all open for your inspection and
marked at figures you don’t have to consider before buying. Allfgoods bought
now, stored until Christmas tree, of charge, at
W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store,
188-138 Front Street
Trftverse City, Hich.
Correct Stylea.
Most Complete As.sortment
ever shown in this City now
on sale at
No. 131 State Street.
Traverse City. Michigan.
Come in and look them over.
•‘JoBatbaB," mid my wUt. "ara msel
hare a oow. V
- iMotpeytobayo
••Briht 'hoy," 1 exclalnid, "I will."
Well. I looked blab and low, aad at Ima
or feeding quietly In ,
you more
E.W. Hastings.,
Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance, i
Mniey to Loan
Improved Farms and
City Property.
Johnson Block
The Ladies
All Know It....
They all know thSt the new styles in shoes are entirely, ,
different from what they have been, and that we are'
selling new style shoes in all the latest lasts at prices
others are-olfering old goods at.
Our New Shoes at $1.50. $2xx>, $2.50 and Syjxi arf
worth coming to sec.
Alfred Y. Friedrich,
The Popular Shoe House of Traverse City.
’Phone *78.
■aoTC p. Ftwajc
than anywhere else------gBOed handa, earning from glO to 111
a all rigftiri wooU
^ week For 1 y.-arand b montba abe
paraaed tbit work ditigenilr, and tbes
•'Vea. air." haw
it tlackmed. Sbe bad ax w«^ work.
Ber rent of III a unutta waa going <»
"All right. Mr. 1 wm. «r.•Dd her children pinM be kepL
Half an hour after a (anita- woald.aralk
----- AT-----Ebe beard thrnngb an aoqnaintase
op to the from galrtlririxg acowbefur* ! ib^h
ber hnaband who bad known bet
him. tir'd halt aixl luuk up at uie with a Ipj^kageWNoblng Powder.
Rnaaia of a newapajaT Mand riut
Ultk- twlcikh- In hi» ryr.
H lb Japan Tea...................
for eale at Our Hundred and Eixtentb
■(Be thia yourrriltiv. Ur. Junm?"
street andliligbtb areune. Tbe owner
"It liaikx'hki-bev. ' I d aav cnincoa
Wednesday Evening,
offered f<i eell tbe bUMUeiw f<ir #250.
December 16Ul_
Well. IwUl. you d-find out If'tala't
Broue bad ucly |M left in tbe bank,
-n I've guitugu to Jim Banka'wHb
bgrahe colltarK-d h«r j< «eliT. rrninance
V^lbrbrarei n(UraraE|4>r,-paJCI>nrvk. |
Cf former Inxniy. and took it to a pawn
AMiM-d ^
I would call up Uoyd aad aak. "Ia tbe j
■4bop on ibv Buwery. Tbtre they gars
in tbi- |w«turr. Lloyd*"- .
ber for Mune dhumaide. bet walrb and
W'l'll. >ir. >Ik wad till tea mlantea ago. ;
, diaiii ancloCber •iraameuta lllHI
- UikHpktKTiiH.Miiit:
•D 1 tuuk mv rye off bW abd want to ,
225 Front Street.
Still lac k>d tbe Buaer, het a eparin of raablngr ibc nuriaginuTiaav •>
Kb U. Mr? "
bar baelautd i-nme fiwward and loaned
••A«- if »bi- » Ibera no*'.
. /cl Mould grin.
her |K>0, and the Maud wa» pnrcbaiaiii
■H.O her b II.; lloo-is Udivered,
Q. Mr: BmttH Oaau, asr
Thai «be all
in'v »
■ *'F«r BiyseU.''abe oduu my* la recallpoM thi-rr. •
"How do yoa ko«w lliat'a
"I know lKr,Bir Tfa
Thn I d pay danwgw and we'd put np
tbe<uw. And tbr oaiae areae would be
enariol witb a diffivetit farmer the eon
tbe oppci
Tbe rum that cow ate. tbe ratadowf ol
rpODtha waa able to par tack tbe loan
of |104. and by ebn-r Epnrran oonrage
We Have
w '
A very fine line of package and bulk
Perfumes, (or Xmas gifts, ranging in
price from toe to five dollars, some fine
packages with satin tops, hand-painted
bottles in cut glass and plain; atom
izers from 50c up. . Don’t fail to come
in and see them. We can please you
and save you money.
Steinberg’s Grand Open fioosei
Enterprise Grecery,
Sterling Silver Novelties!
bcT Mand. TheDthi-louk bev two Iwotbera ^trtn partnerabip- und.ibe cvajcwii
BOW eut>iii/rfa, buddea' berwlf and h«
two U-yii. Imt eideat bnitber. bit wife
Bad boy, a roonger l>roibrT ye< npi
tied and bcT uepbew. a-eiMpr'a cl
'•We don't know," M,e nya in
qaainlway. "lawtiom tbe boaiue<u>
.beltatga- 'Th.-rr U a eotnmoD imrae, and
we ais cooUdeal tbat one will not take
apenymorc. than bealoolntel
Ibla ia tbe uxlb year of tbe
Tbe entire family are i-ngagcd in it.
There bis three tabl.-a filled with newapBpeaa and pwiodicatla and u little honae
SBder tbe elerated main. wb.>re tbe
Sto^ ia kept. There >a bIm> a tbriring
■ew^nper ronte aerred by imabcarU
^^klBgall istoaoooant. the firm <«iuut
'"^ir regnlar esatomera at Mmx-xbiug
betwen S.OOO and 8,000 a day Tlx-ir
expenaea for tbe pnrilege of tbe ati
amonnt to ootudderable a ytnr. auc
freab permit ia taken ant each year
They employ cate man'a entire time at
SSptvweek TtaeeAqyt ieHrer in tb.
early mcaming boora ench day fiw S3 |ier
week. Tlxy work from I :S0 to 7 a. ni
A ytmiiK lady atandi at onb of tbe labl(rnn) 6 to 11. a m each day fer gc per
week Tbe nepbow delireia from fi tsu
to 7 a in. and iliea makta bia way to
bia work and atndy at tbe BeHente
JUdioal odb-ge-foT tbe net of tbe day.
n tbe little buya agud U and 10 regpaetiveJy. run u puabcart <Bi tbe mornlagear tbi-ir vacatlmi fran KdHwl. They
■IlMd tbe Felix Adlor —and it la
Ifam. STelacai-i wUfa tiuttbey be «di
gS|Hb»oneeftarian idtihliffimaBl TTw
^ flceed ibe will give them ii that of
tu mu. .-^be rlimlaxi tbe hllU Iniu
abe nwioal down Cblck<v> aUwet. abe
«Bd>M loin the rtvervalr. abe inuunled
Olui.teaii bill, m Ix-n-. wliii a gla~>. we de-'
acribeaior oiiilixpd ogalma (he-k., aad
aoil Lloyd l» necite btf- Ifbclher It waa '
tbatpnUu nnulied at IrKui icntad, not
ownrd. »r M bi-ltwv (be buk a tul>cbl<'V»u>
Might InbomeMlng n* tweauaewchallrd ,
from tbe rtty 1 du not know.- Certain It i
woe that no fcoro could nsualD ber. no
^ tie watchful enough to bold ber In S' m
I from tbedtv every day with plaaabald work Ibcrv aU^duee
any one think I wast to wain that perpVtdkuUr IH mUea-for tl'anphUlaU
tbe way-for my bealthf Bnt Utat'a wbot
i had to do time efler time wbeo Lloyd
ttirtMd hla back on the eow asd iM vemoomd the raoeb. TNon IJoyd wafat off
Mlook for bs.asd I. ai tbeeunntry folka
Tbe rod laroe at loot. One day tbe cow
x-d OM ueoal. and Uoyd la
a of my r
oziumaed with more Xervw tbmi derool•mao. had driven down 10 tbe Mdea and
tbcB Started off on hla dailr koBt. It me
xaccnwfitl. m fact oe aoccaafnl tbat ba
apinnd driving tbe oow joat ae 1 got off
itx- tr.vio
."Hrllo. Uoydr’lcrtid. "Oottbeeow?"
Bandsome Silver B»cks.
gut a rope and fattenrd It wooml
Traverse City
Candy Co
KeepeCbrittmaaTrea TrlmalagB. Caadlee, aad Oandle BoUaia. Ckady
Toya aad a foil line of Oraamoeta. Don't forget dor StriBg Chady aad
Candy CbBoa. We make epecihl priera ob candy ta ackMla. ebarekm. aad
Praab OycUn direct frem SaltlBore aliraytoa hand.-
Oonior Park Bud Proat.
Braaeb Store rear Maaonic block, on L'nloa Straet.
now In. H... BornWhlne iMid Aidd. ft>r PiMenU.
F. A. EARl, Jeweler,-
3-piece Child’s Sets, triple plate silver.
Elegant Caning Sets,
Bfssell’s Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweeper
Uumoc Block.
and a great inaBy oUw^Me^l tbiage tbat woald ba
14S FroDt Street,
Tmreme City, Mich.
We have a Complete Line,
All New,
of the wagon and jnuip In."
Uoyd looked doWbtfuL “Do yoo tblnk
ibe'Ugolhatway. oUr"
"Gu? Of omm abe'U go. I'dUketo
wm her help beroMf IX Mw'e «M Wtha
kbck axle oX tfala wagon, with «bo bone
wetting in fnmt. Oat • foge tmn the
Anil Prices that are Right.
Ku^am Block.
'If You Have Logs to SeH
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W^. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill I^t for sale.
THB KOBlimo UlOOSO, 8PWDA.Y, DBOBmB 12, 18»T.
------------MtobUibtDMtbMtenDeciiBetDolad•WVied ■,w«ol«rlygrg«il»aoon>8of caU
“WHy, «r. r»# Item w»teWn|
tt ^j,o« fnoctioB U U » protect tl^e alli»Mthat«w«|KfajretelittledMkbee*no- tu7 tart» tnax mioa. TboeeoaUaw
M>t^ 1 HwaonetblDs black opoa tniaed in thoirdDtiM br the inerUaide
It-aa&iMUsg that I ttran^pst Bored—the drill acogeaBt. They wrar badRB, »nooB’t ondar a ckjod. and 1 eonld not wa celTe tadoiu and modioal atteodaocie
ttattnetly. but 1 raally baltore tfam'a a «,•! draw annnal pay aiiKttuiting to the
ikOd floattai oat to aea In thU rraflnc nm of 18 Barka pw oat. Now tba asOB that eake of tea.1 hoasoMBOit U amdilly made tbatUiia
edeekbcforaailherapoketaoraya U toiadUbaDded.'
—---------. polDted out.
am, with Plot,«nr
Prof.Bor ijofBci
liofflci hae
haa dlac
otbrnwoed. The mate pidoted
dlacorered a apeBoUttledlfficolty.lhecake of iee,&oattna ciea typhna baeUlsa wbid U <anJ to
oe to the leeward, and ita while. fUtMr- tnioe. and wbooe aerrloM will in ooueInC curfaoawae brok'eo byablaok^oL qonioe be aabotimiadforthoaaof the,
Mora I eoold not make out.
“Get ma the slaM, Ur. I^Un;' the, Probably DO Oennaa ««• anythiaff ;
owfllbeontcf that etood la am
1 kept my eye OB the reeedtag mam
tea. while the moon wac eknrly worklBC
hmwaythroueba brnrybankof elenda.
■ hywiibaglaaa. When
at la« ^ the watm
ay only te*own In onr
delkdone. One
himeclf dwelling npon the UtUe 1^deata that are implied in it *We nm .
» piowretbe mUitarycat. after paadag i
jhe phymeal eaamination and- being ,
Bt^itered ia. dtmning hia ladge aad re~
and aOk aadexridsta moyaow
w boogbt to
t match. Bpth are triaBMd
rich wUt* w black laoe and babyrOMnff Ataine
dainty pbted fold
«»d ailrer win are laetcy and netful.
Borne of the mote eeptHtre chalae look
like Bartow, flat rlbbcBU of gold.
11 are black, with'
eeen In
light. tlTid (iroeu, nd with trowa or
black dark cremi and bine aadraepiak
BUmee eoata area
and ebUdrea. For otaUdiw
-belted in with leather or .
____________jd at tbe finot or left Ude ,
with a bntUe. tbe bltnue effect will,
keig retain itc p
Boaa aad tMllareBee will be wwdi
Sable, fog. mink and I
W'wn thU
none marten are mne of tbe farorite;
twn ef wl
Gapea are not mteibioBable ei it w
the little cutter Wbioh wee atownd away ta , taziatk yard, of tbe oat lining np at
the ihlp-a yawl.
I tbe payraaAer'aforbiKiaartariy wagm. j
Ur. Wkin had raedred the gUm from
the tat applying for a few hom’
nttband to take a look for hlmmtt "Uy
of abmooeand rioionaly Bjaander-!
^ b^- ^ b“ W «» nnlimitod oalalp aad ;
then hilW-de <
I roll oaU. « tbe cat iaebriated and nteakeofierr
.y baU aad walked tering aeditioos yowU oppomie tbe oOrayrelf lompod, followed
wbotook tbeoera I
1 the mate «t bealde ma la,
large baU are aeen eretywhere tbu a»eon.-Both mylee are aM^actlT^ tbon^
not becoming to all fame. Toqnea and |
tnrbani are renecdally i»otty and look '
eipeediagly ehfcVhan they «
mney. pi.iu.at faoe.
Bleck relret plctnie beta w
more popular Uma at tfaie aeaacuf. Tba!
brixurDllawaytrcaatbetroataadddea. :
and tbe cDtire creatlcn ia ahaoet noth- j
hdere a coart martial fqr oeautruc- ere^ia
_ long featboa
and plamea. Tba,
deewtlon mud maytMOdbeleidi-1 «ylo U daabing andaaggcMeqoalnt
It la all fine. wondmfnUy. flan
^ II primlcm
p^lcm portinita
portinitt of
t old time o.
wne (IB- > bewntim aad i
moofa pay • Xribnae.
“Do yoa are that cake of ice with i
Ulag black upon It. Ud*r‘ 1 cried. ‘
mealoo^ldeof that and I'llglrr y
beetle of ram each tool^fat and a me
arm wesm wbeo you are paid off."
Tbe B>ea brat lo tbeir oara. bid tbair
etiokaa wwi- uomo and fnido.^ Tbv
were iwed up by the hard duty of tbe |weeadlag foitatgbi. and tb»uitfa they did
; tbeir bmt tbe boat made little more way
than tbe tide ThI* wa* a long rhaar. aad
Ur. Larkin, wbo wm niffrrlng ae he mw
bow little w* gained, cried out; "PuU.
lada rubble tbe captain's prim. Two
botdmofrniuandtwoinoBth*' pay. PulL
lada fv tbe lore of Ood. poll C
A oonmUlre rffort at the oan told bow
wUllag the men wme to obey, but the
■Migth of tbe
attoag_ rawaegono. One
o* twice li^m
of the poor fellow* wmbed
oortrlagbUoaraad thragmreout. Tbe
Other wa* neariy a* f*r gooe. Ur. larkln
mmtag forwaid aad aelird the oer.
‘■Lledown In the bottom of tbeboaf
mid be to tbe man, ••and, eapwdn. take
tbe otbm oar We ffliut row for
ItookthaeecoDd mao-rplaoB. larkta
kl* gwrnaey afairt, and a*
w 1. welted
be pulled the bow
--------for the atgoal
rently, but flrrely, aad tba
Moke, n came gently,
next mamcni wc wwe pulUng a Icag.
Mcadyguokc. gradually incmdng In ra
pidity until the Hoid an.in«d to ■mukein
tbeou-locka iVi kept tinu; tweb by the
baiK. «l.»v breathing of llK-c.tb.T Huefa a
palll We beat forward until our face* alaxMl loocM uur kon-a. and ttn-n. throw
ing ail OUT nuength Into the brnkwaM
a the oar ontil every
le Mpoce coveted by thv sweep bad
bemgalmd At ewty suokc the touai shot
ahead like an arrow dlx-harged from •
bow. Thu* we worked at the oan for l»
mlDUb*. It seunwd y> mo a* many boure.
•Vie wc almost up w Ik Ur. Larklni ’ I
<i wbetber it will alao wear a badga.
TJwroUaUwln Iowa whit* nakm
tbe wife equally ll^ *“■.'“? ^ ' ntardc.
ttaoted for neommrie* with tbe bna-; igjg,
band. A jeweler auld to a man naa
«, th. Dot.. m,ki»8 Mr, MdCMr sS'S'iSSiiTS.'””*’"
> >»•
a oodefeedaDt under tbe rnmato. Sbe^
dmanrredoolbegroand that a diamond,
■tad was not an expense for which she ,
wssliablA Tbeooart below nstnined j
tbe dennrrer. Tbe oam was canied to,
tbe sapeeme amt aad JudgeImdd rmt-,
dered a deeisioi wbiob was ececured
in by tbe -whole eonrt e^ Judge j
Bobinsoo. Jndge Imdd biOd:
"Tbe makeof tbediiitor thetnue
Tbe Oanadlaa mare Big nany, ;
9 it«H. t>7 »«P<ri<w. bat started in >0
tacts qpd nerer been naplactd.
Kelly, the brotfam 'at ExiwemiT^
by Electionem^ wbo reeeatly
took anoori of 9:97, has Irottedaqoarur in 89 seomds.
spblaxetta. 9K«t<. mude* htiUlant
ounpeign ia 18M. and did not wfa a
jwi. Bbe was plaoed in asrmnl
We have a number of
little used,
InexpenUTe pearl were ased. no c
charge. Bat it might be a* much oat
absence of three ytan from training,
place OO the ■bin frent of a persan of
ebnt' B Is tvpcriod that all Palo Alto's
fasbi.m or fortooe as
a'dinmiiod in Chat
af.reewboeam*hi*btemlintbe*w«M,*«eding and training U
oonconof bisfaoe."
j tratod at tbe home farm, the annex at
Under this dedsion tbe quoad* of Vina ranch baring been dummunaed.
oraamvnt, not utility, is rair^ Tbe inA. B. Sprrckcla tbe Califcniis milesp.-osive pmrl woald answer tbe atil- lionaire. has sold all his tboroogblreds
itMT^ pnrpow equally Well Oraa- at aoctiou. but will retain Halda, ^
BHUt. then, beconies a Bceemlty to tbe
Dicoe, 9:14. aad birqtbm aat-;
Tbe proBotert of tbe new half ntOe
ring at Uorlbeta, Uom.. rute that they
Th* epwata Mdler,la Cata
. I intend te have tbe fastest half mile,
Tbe Spanish aoldier is probably tbe
England onuida of Otmi
*^1^nKist. capuln. Don't give ap. For
the knuof oar dear IHile ones at hotaa bast fighting material in tbe wbrid. He bia,iioo
fl^iSd*m”tl» blade* tortied np
to tbe raounUghk Tbe men who piled
Soddenl} Ur. Larkin slopped pnlHng.
aad my heart for a Biameiic ceased ltd
bsatlag. for tbe lorrible thought that he
faadgltwneut cromed my mlDd. But 1
wa* quickly nasrared by bis votae. "0«e< Or, mpUln. gently—a stroke or two more
—tboe. that wUl do!" And Ifar ncst.nmmeat tb.- Dwt s side came In contact wHh
aomsthlng. god Larkin sprang from the
boat with bit hta'T fee* upon theta. 1
i. I. bi. cam
to £mfc toi.
ur5;.tob scBscm.
«—'• $2,897 in etakes and ppanes '
tag to bis credit.—Harm Bsnriew. ''
plebs eerrioeable, obedient and doodle , "
Tbe nmplmt maaeover it to tbe Span-;
ieb nfH«« an nnknown qnantity. but the ,
most d-Jibeiat« and deriliUi evil of all
Fidelity Is aeven-MBtb* of botnam
it tbe disbunesty in high plaeoa. The
amoant of money—tbe property of the
Spanish people—mimpiBtq:^(ed by tbe : Too cannot pnt a great hope into a
offlcersoftteSjmnlebanDymustamobnt.mimlleooL—J. 1* Jooea.
to tui]liuut^4iaetaapd’month. "We;
if yon want oiemies. excel otben; if
know it." mid an <a-miaistez sadly to friebda. let otbon excel yon.—Colton,
me in Madrid, “we know It even over ; Employ^t Is natnre's physician and
We ran to tba •
the miM and found two Uulc boys,
Dead nldimon kept upon tbe listed i
bs^of HraamallerRotleK In Uw boi
«f the largiT. Both wi-n.- furl asleep. Tbe
lethargy which would have benn fatal bat
for the ilmeiT rrecoe had overeome tbem. were dwitlirf ft» tbe eoBmimariat are ;
Ur. Larkin grasped one of tbe lad*, cut off
bU shoe*, tore off bl« jacket and thea. coolly perverted tnio regular aonrem of , Hooesty ia <»e part
lomraliig bb own garmenia to ths Uln. ofDrial incotiie. A sboold be next lo 1 We perauade others by bring in eaned
beplaadtbe cold thUd In conlaetwlth ptiuiib'w captam. living like a lord ia > onrKlvea.—Haxlitt.
bl* own warp) body, owofully wrapping one of tbe ooeOirat bowl* Bseand. i xbe heart that is eoooest awi
over him hb gnat euak which be ptvcnrvfi readily owned to ipe tbst be tad been tbe flowers is always tbe first
from tbe boat. • 1 did the mme with tlw able to amd bw t^la wife's
toodied by the thorns.—Moore.
'Other child, and we then tnuraod lotbc
A frioDd that yoh have to bay won't
boot, and Ih^ men. partlaUy reeorcced. *
be wcwtb wbat yon pay tor him. no
gMiDed alowly back.
~w cbildreD. a* we tamed wfaen wo
manor wbat that may Ibe.—a. O. ftenly had tbe delight ' ' '
<b«m to tbdr pareota. wrrv playing
Tboe is BOtbing in the world
ta and had tTMured wi the cake, wklefa
bal jammed Into the h.-Dd of tbe river ten Jriul'sTelagnBreDendyreferTedtoibelmnob admired as a man wbo knows;
mlta above ' New York. A movctmsit of editor of tbe St. Jedu't Bunld a* ‘-a bow lo bear anbapiiine
tbe tide set tbe ta In mottoo,
raotta. ««l
and the UvUt- ’■
••» aervoo*
tie feltarawmfellow* wm- borne
burue away
sway on lha*
Ih** cold i»nc.- wbsrenpoo the latter printed I
that wa ore
night end wunld Inevitably have perished • • ' .'.. -ing indionxta of bl* bated
bored, bat we are so conceited tfa
bat for Mr Larkin'* awltw
“ *k» rival:
I do not perciedre bow often we bore oth'I'bat be is soaked with r
That be u always drank 1
tha munilDg al
A Ilube at
arms, rap
»UI lo tbe
nature is a gUnea cd tba eya. It tmtbe Ugtoi
That be wataes Uasetf only twioa
__ _ while tbe
fellow rvplle
aoenda apeerik It U dm bodily ^bcl
of grateful happlDta gushed from I
cf idmUcy.—"allulcBitS In Ih
Ttat be is always
Ttanisnogreaisr foci than he that
1 faeUldbUbond
bat very raey ben." and-----------------on bU manly heart. My qaalnk brave
says. "Tb«e is no Ood." nnlaai U be
uri Bewbo Issbestbeeaalitbe one wbo mtn be does not know
' huyaad letslooee lUe tempest wlU earn
wbetbm tb«e is one or I
far thee! Tbe storm may rage wttbeat,
Wm tn •>.« hnwna nraraaBd p,n*Mra. abta
not inperty attemtod ta
•toSSi "
Omb bead! are sttbotoed cm m
Jndge Amid reosntlygaTe tbe Amtc- <d tbe rilm writlBg and toilet seta.
aiTMDtbaaB TOMS oone lo bnnm
. _ - tan bablt of expectoration a black eye.
yssrent tto amnggUng Into tbeir
oo to wnnk. by fining ■» expeetosator aad^TS gremi glam with rioh gold
ttonsrftheeaiuoUremylgosBa. This Is gjo fw bis offtnsa. His honor ehawmd ttadags.
Oh« and cigarette oases l£ gold an
ambuUisbed with maregram in .briltor other
lUstad u> handle, bnt thorn wbo know Its 1*7 was to bare tba offssidtrs arnstta
mrsnir taicna
Tbe latsst in soovsnir
spocn. b
is tbe
BSM s^ It prednera mese larisUag aad fined. A man wbo sjdts on a doerSire of Dr. Ka
drramstbaa orin>»- Tha Mextaasmlx mep, a*I tbl* man did. oreren on tbe , and his (onbett nertb expedttkm.
ttwithtoberaoandBB^IilBripntta aldewmlk.
of errw tbe curb. U.
Ik. las___
lahallng tbe emoke. Whan oasd is lUa
ad a bog and fined for bl* bogway. ft trodoees a bOaHont Sfdrit liklb*
*nie board of boeltb. wboes an now made, not only fat tbe pneiemt
BBoker that rahnot beaqnaM In anjotbmotali, bnt in gon mctaL In acne in. _.
“ basnet
erform of disripatton.
, ton rmj effeettra, neolTae a stnmg ito •taneas then riiatelalnas are copies of
^ hta Indian dettgns andareTwi.
fabfa arfotjeoU.—Jewetai' Onnlag.
a* ooirid* to U ocaitB on a
Just as good as new, so fisr as the musio is con
cerned; cases are a little soiled, ha-ye been in the
hands of our agents or out for a short time, that
we -will sell regardless of cost during December.
So that if you are thinking at aU of buying with
in the, newt, few months you cannot afford to miss
this chance. Bemember each instrument is fully
warranted by the Kimball Co. with $3,000,000
behind it We make these goods in our factory
at Chicago. There are no comnussion men to pay.
You oan also buy NEW GOODS at spe<^ prices
during December. More than 600 families in
the Grand Traverse region own and recommend
TTimriHll pianos and organs. All kinds of musical
merdiandise. Select your Xmas Presents HEBE.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
236 Front St, Traverse City.
Fi™t Tiar—No. Ifll.
ofl^fwia of tha U C A
«f St. Praaeia
PrMidaat—Mra. Joha tverj.
Ut Vioa PraaMeat-Mia. Saato Dper.
fat Vioa Praaldaht-Bra. Balaa Badaa.
lOon’t put if off another day.
Mra Saiab Millar of Boat Bay left
OAPTAXV yratarda; for a tea 4aya' rialt la
Come «sd itelecf yonr preoenta now, and w« will ley thdis
I makfort.
aaide, and yon woo t hare to bother yoor band abont tbl.
\ Mrm. A K. Briakwaa of Old Mlaeloa.
It will be OTTonr mind and then yon caa rest in peasab
¥arali>a-1 baa retoraad fro» a rioit to Sarinaw
Appakrad W Hara lMa PiMtiM. of
knowing yon won't bsra to fly anrand at the laat m^aB^
Aaiataot Saeratair—Ml«
Boot Opaa Skiff— XneouBtarad and au^HM<d oo her way borne for a
•aUMrimt ArtlotM «f
and then pehape not got what yon wanted.
Haavp Saa aad Bad Barrow Kacapa rialt with Mra. S. A Walv
1«m1 Storaa Pnaefd With m Box HaoUaaatal.
Jadgo J. U. Bamadell left yMtarday
Plaaaolal BoeratafT—8bol■aim Baa Oieaaad Atlaatte Khraa
TUlod With Toja Ptokod Up Pro- dha.
for loaia to rialt a frtaad^rli* it ill.
Taaia Affo l»a Baall Boat.
Re wiU ba Jrioed Tsaadf^ lb K^aalaf
Ttaaaarar-Mra. Thmtm HaaUBwkMO FRONT STftCET.
M. B. HOLLEY. Miiwaai
by Mra. Bamadall and both wiU attond
Baaea, Uae.
A eue o( Md Md spitoMtte aWp- tal.
lUrahaU-Bja Victoria Dcaoraiiar. FVIetaeh. who left Nllwaakee at -t.SO tha amtliir of tha Slate Urai«a aa dalafUm* came to light jrettefdv, ha»lag
froa Pooooa OTaBfe.
dbyPtwh Kafka.
Traataaa Mim. barrp. Nrm. RaelBa.
nao iD ebarr* of the elotbing daparf
Tba P^aea to Boy Cbriataaaa Pre»laaat of the atora of the Haanab h Lay Mto Clara Sbana. Hra. Sophia Colataa,.
V ..
.u lODU la at headnoartera. You will find
Chpiala Frietaidi atataa that the ^
at the
Uiai Aaala M. BaaUataatol. Hn. qiara
hiaraastUe CO. What sakca lha
rery b%d.
lewMt powibla prloeaatJ. W. Slate. .
U the: Sbaoa
Framing Pictures these day’s—Bring yours in now, so
■ten tbaa ordinarOr U
torad a high aea aad n«ardi bimaalf aa' Hooaa PnrBiahlag store. irs-UV^^mot
fact that two Hula rlrlabare been coo*
we can finish them up before the Holidays.
dactlag a aerlM of remarkable manipoWhea be left Mllwaokee it waa with
c. as iataattoa )e r> to Mrakagao. bat ba
was eoab1e''te gel to that
taata of Bis-Wife's Safe at LaUiid
. . ra of ace. eolarad the atora of
rnr--* tha Atlaatle three yaara ago
Bafera Laariag Tbia U
the MareaetUeCo. aad atiraelod the
of Mr. Safka. Each .carried
The dUappaaiaace of J. M. Wattaof a forty-foot boaU tba ‘trip from
a good aiaad boa aod U talUog to Lelaod. aad tha elrcnmataBoaa which York U the Irlab o<
Attention is oalled to oor laige adr.on another
of this paper
ri.«ai Omsk Uoogbt Uat there aarronad bU paeellar mstboda. baa exI aomethlng etraaga to their ael- citod a great deal of eommaat to Trara
toaa Be took i
0 if yun go P) an anctiuu sa1« to
« .earelcaa sort of way a.od opeoad IL ’
bli history bare bees refnred to.
boy forniture, yon will' have it to
WilhlB it he fooBd soma doUa. a prayer
recaot career
to be I iBggeetod^ for Bpala to SUr Belarefer to, to toll whether yon are
baok. booBd tn leather, a eet ef - ‘ kaews with asy degree of familiarity
tions With. Uelted SUtam
getting beat or noL.,
day Q^Dlneaa, comfort aod pleasure,
^ aayoa* heraabocta.
Madrid. Deo. 11.—Tbe Imparrlal daWe sell a firat-<-laM W. W.
.Cher artlclm, iaelodtog i
Bent Klud
id for j-ob'tc^reeent as Christmas re.
Mrs. WaUa retoraed to Lalaad Fri lares that Spain will net afcepl the
CTeseofpaDa. which had the price mark day and word was reoclred here yaa- right of MetUaley to laurreae la Cabo Spring for 91.25. Good, well made,
membinnces, and
Firstof Haan^ A lAy Co. Mr. Kafka asked torday that Watto bad appropriated la caaa tbe war is proleagoi aad decUsf> Excelsior Mattresa. tl.SO.
the flrU what they bad paid for tba the oonteau of the aafe to the atore at
isds that Ueg
Firat-clau wool top Mattreee. tS.
.-wiona artielaa aad saeb of of tbem.< Lelaad before bis departare. The ex
eaergatic attilada toward
tha girls nld. cost fire oeats. Tbto act amoaet of money in the lafe at the Palled States aaOermaay adopted to Polished Oak Stood, 60c. A 90x20
inch Oeotre Table, 76c.
Fra^k kaaw to be wreag aa so
Umc U aol know* by aay except Mm. ward'HayU.** beeaaae MeRiaUy'a
back Rocker. T5c. High back Din
of wearing Apparel are the beet things for everyday nae. Ws
Watta. bat it la Mid to be near gso.
•age waa eqairalent
ing Chairs, $3.7.6, A good Lonnge,
•too asked what waa paid for the
Yaiterday maralag the yoaag lady
rirhtof8,ml.‘.Mmrigaty I-|^*00.
king else in our
pMs aad that waa atoe glrea to the eaee left town for the aonth
MRcJhASDISB* mftable for th. seed, ol Ibn,
proportion. Now
store at tbe
at Ire oeats. It ooeurred to Ptaak U aaU to-hara goaa to
>r Child, and belike............
li^e it will
r goods, and we
theMsre all new
that Ihto was a caae of abep llfUag aod
of the Pint X.ABT TBIP or TBX aEBBOXHT
cooldot afford to hire an auction
that it wmUd be a goad Ubm to alp it Kattooal Baak. euted to tha Bxooxs
< la the bad. eo be told the.girto ha that the amoont of maaey draws from Wm Ba Xada to Bap Yoiata Bext
woeld kMp the hex. At thU the that buk by'WatU wsa ealy tSie. iayrngeat girl etartod to laare tba store aUMl ef «S50. as atdtod ^a tbe papers.
Tba tost trip of tha steamer Qraeeeat
••d before Kafka eoold get aroaad He also stated that Mr. Watta drew ef the Travene Bw Uae, srUI he atode
from babtod the eeuetor aba bad ee- that mooey from bis personal aeoemnL
M earknu poteto oa the bay Toeeeaped. After loekiag'about a few mo- aad that ba bad no aceeaa W tbe ae- day. After that date no mors freight
meato be rctamed aad the other girl eooal ef Mm WalU. la tbe Mme baak. wUl he taken at the eteambeat daek,
OstMig H4ia;
WM goaa, bot ba bad aeeaiad
which will then eloae for the wtotor.
Watu praaaated the ekaek of
128-132 YroBt Stmt
^ealuablaa. Dortog tbarmareraatien 8ebombrrg Lcmber Co. for psoo. at the The Creaeeat will go tote wiM«r<nartthe girl attUd that she bad
ers at Bowers Harbor.
First Natloaal to >be eaahrd.
•ome of the thtoga at BaakeU'a book Mr. Hammond bad been apprised of
Bo Word rrom Br. EriatoL
•tore. After they bad gooe Kafba tolhr Mm Watto aad.
Opened to the book atore for Claire decltoed to cash IL The ebeek eras
Piefumoi a T. Orawa baa writtoa
Cortla. who IdeaUAed l^e prayer book dmwa ea a Milwaukee bMk. toetoad several timea to the Oeatral Lyeesm
If tbey don't wait too long, can get tbeir pi^
aad a aet of bloeke Prom the de- of tbe Stole Rank aa before etatod.
bsrean regarding tbe failure of Dr. Dot a Life CertlfieaU to teach Art ia
of 125 pairs Ladies’ Narrow Toe Shoes at
•criptioe be alas recofaised oae ef the
eUtodlarialgbt Abet Watto Praak Bristol to appear here laat weric aoT branch, eeea Id oar ewa eoanlry
girls aa one whom be bad ■
erUaed. As yet be has had ae Yet ear work to Dleaaiog Ue pabllc
liriri the eaeb oa tbe S.1J10 ebeok aa
sorj Glee yon jast what we reormeat It V
aad drieea from the ttora. Kafka ailU la Grand Rapids, or somewhere to that reply frpm the boread.
haa the box aad U Uytog to End the rietoity. It to a badly mixed np affair
atatea, howevor. Uat in______.lbe. aod eosal to Uat wbleh to paths
^ fore Ue pablie at triple iU ooat.
•WMTB ef the arUclM.
date caa he arranged fer the appear^
and one wbieb to hemlliaUag aad
penaies to Mm Watto. bat whether of Dr. Bristol iaUe High aehool lact4 for $2. 13,50 for $1.75. $3 for $1.50.
taytbtog fortber will be done abost
coarse. some other rqaally good
Widths, B. C. D and E.
li baa not been made pablie.
StbweUea will he pnirided. ao that
ICm 9. B- Bowaa Tt^ Awsp at
flU WaaktogtOB StrenL
Mm J. A Bowea. mtoker of Mm &
Orsoa Ohnreh BanaflL
U OMiaer. died at lea o-claok toM Chsagea ofBoritloBS ia LoealBanka
to Take Ptooe Xondsy.
night of aciaOe rteumaUam. The
Nearly MO tieksu hare already been
B. U Bdirarda. wbo bsa been eellee- sold for the eoacert to he gieea 1^ the
ramatoa srlll be taksa to i
tor for the State Baak for aereml ttoeea City qnartot oa Ue 1&U tor Ue
lad.. Monday at 11:1S a. m.
hsrial. There wiU »>• »
fuaeml moaths baa reaigaed bto paaittoa.
beMfitef Graoe cbsieh. Qeaeml adserriee at tbe reeideace.
Waablar left yesterday fer Chicago, where be mtoaioa tickato will be to eeato. hot by
ua street, Monday moralag at 8:50. will amame a reapoaalble posltien to BpplytV at Ue hex eSee of Stoiabeitg’a
toares a bnshaad aad ona Ue main ofBee of Ua Singer Maanfae- Grand Monday meratog at T:ts eeato
das^tor. Mm Uoaser. Tbe brother toring Co. Hia posltioa to tbe SUto may be rseerred for 10 mbU addiot/dtetated. B. C. Marias of PoaaUto bak will be taken by Bert Harllaad, ttosal. The qoartot aad Uese who
who baa AUed a aimUar peaStlcm to the are to aaatot are making Cae progrem
atp< aad
Mr*Honsekeeper. ' Arc yon one? If so,
•aa ef Area, arrirad here yeaterday to First Natloaal bank.' ElUwerU Bale wlU their work aad a apleadld eater’ ttee to be with her during tha Uat who haa aareed aa mleamaa to Praak talasaeat to promised.
it is unneixssary W baj to yon that
Friedrieh'a afaos ators for setae time.
eatod by Mr.
/Ohs Brextoak
The opening of Ua new grocery store
Haskell’s Bookstore.
you do know
that good dependable articles
make your Christmas shopping
House Furnisher.
125 LADIES,...
Crayog, Watar Colors aoA lot Portraits...
StSD XASt vioax.
Ocand TrarerM Qtaage OBtoei
At Ue meeyat of Umad Tm<
Mm Dr. Tedmaa observed her birth Orange, No. SS». yeslerday. tbe fallowday anairersary yeaterday and toat tog eficers were elected:
Maater—DsB. HcMalloa.
evening a asmber aaf Ue laembeta of
Orersaer—Will Gray.
the Home Forum, of which she also to
MWward-Cbarlca Irtoht
a member, aaaittod her io maktog Ue
AMtoUnt SUward-Ur. Onbb.
eveaiabappyeae. >Tbe friends dalled
Leeturer-Mm £. M. N'oorhoea.
at Ue Tedmaa realdeaea aad mirprtoed
Cb^laia—Mm Charlaa Irtoh.
Ue lady. After paying Ueto rejects
Secretary—Mm A. P. Gray.
Ue gneeu preaeatod Ue bOMred olM
J. O. Babmdell.
wlU a beanUful china coffee pot. The
Pomotia-Mm William Slayter.
FUm-Mm EUa Perry.
Oeres-Mm Leri Acker.
Gatekeeper—Leri Acker.
Aaatouat Lady 8teward-Mm Orabb.
Oarey Ban aad Frank BmlU Baee
Bought BflO Acres of Hwdwood.
.. Fmak BmiU aae W. C. Hull. boU
The eaee ef (MldwsU A Leodoa. rs.
rjoaanrted wiU the Oral Wood DUh
B. & aad Btoota Jeoaa. wbieh wm to
Co., ham leeenUy purchaaed 860 a
rmtoe whether a wife eoold «hUof Timirr toad near Wallin, aa
camp to new eaubitohed aad Ua Umber gau herself wiU her hpsbaad. for par
being eat oeL About 8.0UO.OOO feet of meat fer property raaaiag to Uem
h^wood wOI be eat from Ue tract jotoUy. hM heeh decided by Ue sa
le eoorL 'Thaelreattooartef this
^^it WiU take abeat three yean, to
cut it off. l-helogswiUbe healed to eoaaty decided that a womaa eoald not
so obligate heraalf and Ue deetoioa
Ue Oral Wood
6a.'a factory.
WM affirmed by tha euprems eourt.
ItotchlB A Uotaer ware the attorneys
fer Us -platoUff aad Dsderwow
Arttolas of laeorpojfetoa VUed fW L-mlm-farthedefeadaaL
Bay Ciiy OemOHaOhMigo BAikeL
lADsiag. Dec- It.—Artielaa ef amocdatloD of tba MicbigaaSogaroompaay
iMry.JOWc: May. 81K
of Bay City, capitalised at •too.wn. Mr, H.M -ie; Jaaxary.Buii
WOP filed wiU Secretary of State Uard- lulj. Sic; September. ?*Hc
MCBber, K\oi
■m today. ThU to Ue first beet aagar tShe;
oampaiiyu be organised to Miehlgaa.
Xra-IH. 1
Bew OSoare L. U B. A.
e reoMtty ^tod
of Jehe J. Bresitta to Ue Bnaaeb htoek
yeaterday. waa attended wiU soe
Tbe aalqne method of serring enstomtoi WlU mtooe pie and coffee waa erigiaal and appr««iated aad nearly 100
piM were dtopsBsod. each cutting atoe
Ideeea. Mr. Breitoa to ready fer hoMaeee aad to proud of one of Ue atoaet
grooeiy atoms la Ue city.
OrMl preparaUms are to pcogreas
amoM the membersof TrarerM
TaaL No. 871. K. O. T. M, tor Ue
graad review to take plaee Friday
•IgfaL Advlose hare beaa reeelred
that Supreme Ooaamaader Harkey
Ltoetaaaat Great Cemmaader HaU
ireieaL Tbe pregmm to aet fully
cca^ted bet wUl be to a few days.
Noith Star
A Progressive
The ‘Best’
are the Best produced.
Flour is what yon wan|i* Manufactured by
Hannah &"Lay Co.
We have an excep
tionally fine line and
Yon Can Save
you cannot afford to
Dr. A. E. Mtog to pr^artog to «p
as agrieultaml implemsat baxtosM
thto city, bartog aecored the ageaey fm
aeretal etoadard im]Uemmta.
There will he a regular meettog
Meaday night of Trarene «ty Ledge,
No 23f. P. A A. M. work to Ue Ulrd
degree. A feU ettetidseiw to dm
lemben of the Norwegian eo
gatloa wbleh holda aarricM la the East
6UU stree aebool house, ate prep
tor aa elabwata CbrtouoM eriahn
There will he e rtoTular meettog at
DucbcM Camp. No. *S«. M. W. of A.,
Monday ulghL to Moutagae HaU. AU
memhafsare requeeted to he prsem
J. W. Stour went to Elk BapUp jm-
by pnttuig • Bog when the ntuai we«r oaam.
nUisB this if you are
Brtimb at 7»-8e-l 10—widi binea.
Smyrna aod UoqneUe 14»>iee-Sie-e89-a85-8eae76.
Cbrutaaa in two weeks.
looking for something
Do yon catch tbe ideaf
^^a'bclh. CDuut
• For en't prices in Robbers. Tb«« is always something
wnme. Old goods or seconds is wbat too get always at
cot prices. B^oy tbe Best Bnbbam Mane, fit
'Tsm xoBHnia
MtM4 U ebuf« of tba ebonb tUl
rM>n»r7 1*T7. m4 fci. «»di wUl W
tateMMi M k»owtta»k»k«ai do
nuYsasKonr. - momoAi lor oScUkt work lo Ika Hitekto; 1b
ProM DBOMBbW. 1877, %0 OrtObBT
1880, Ike pulpit wm Boe^Mblp flUod
C H. KMm. aBriplarobrwy. IMl. Bo* E. 8. BmmU «t
J. W. Bamcmi. KUtar mai MtnMgfr.
jBMTlUe. Wta.. MoapMd » OBll trow
Md for Morlp tf jmn
k> <U efielMt work m pMfaw. Be
*• tellowed kp Ect. Mr. Oro«. wko
sra-s-. •. ■. .2
Vwto Be«we of Beltobility.
OMOf «bah— erldto—of the ra■a—eat aad aaltareofa Mly aad Ite
aaweuadton to the w— ef war-
Hunting Time..
That'athsfBw waeko bafora
ChxtotwwB-Thtokiag what to
WUlhwHh This Full NotiodPwm(t Thlt Outnc* on Uw
Md Ordof?
Bad to tha aaae af M. B. SMator. where
aae—a aa tha awaaffw of tho W. W.
Klwban Ftoao aad Orpaa Oa. to dewaaatratod to the aawhar af plaaoa aad
other waaieal toatrawoala he '
plaoad to huDdredt of bomta to
aactloa. The faraack tton of the Kto).
ball Oa. to tbtodtp haabeeowea faror-
Oeaka. PaekatBoak
- -laaafPwto*
, Oat O-------tama
Uar Boea awd baaOoSaad
drads of othar gooos a^vfwmve
to Chrialtoss gifts.
I weata tad
•aw atore oa Froat
ktoa batpplaaa.aad that the boato aprStopto daawaatratod bp
IB Dee—WottkeeMtti jmr Bev.
Dr. Vu AletlM of Itwle. teok lAorfe
CmCOOTUtM oftkeob«rek.MdBeTer«dU kere o
in i
ioi Ttoee Othwi Oat Awarpeetor who w» better Igted. The WildNew Orleant. I>er. II.—A i
Ip oU doctor ioek bb bcUto tote—t
dwalitof. Btooeheb
Tbe Plcmyuoe from Weeas
to the Bitoli* ef Ue towa, end eUleied ialed yeerertty. aayt: •Tot
ee Ut trleed. Derier the tponOrat bat ]
peer o! hie peetocBte pvl—
D ible Mcttoa. aadthto woo th be it naktor a ueetol
added to the eharoh. at a oMt of
Itoplap of dae taatrameuta. The KiwA KTw etoOBtot U totroduoed to Wcp■all it the Icadtof plaao to tbe warket
krabeeBOf foedSer^ TBrinr to the eto-depA'. eeatcet U MM. B>dtb—kB<
aad Hr. Stzwag: haa rl— Ito merita tbe
with the church
Kew York
The tourmewemi riee to
beaelt of hit eaerry aad abUitp to
ercr etoe*- Oo Seadap, Feb 16.
aaefa aa extent that there U eoatlaat
MMhed B etBce tower* the cloee peeISM. after aa aaeaBaUp -at—ic »*d
Inquiry ravurdtor termt and priew. 80
tordep. whleh ebmU hBeetoTiied the
powerful eemioB w' hie dock to the to—ant it iKwiyve tbet the D«arocawllI preat — bea the tBceew of tbe plaae
DM be lynebeO loBl*bt. but that tbe rr•UeatioB of the hn—ae eeel<
awratoK Dr. Taa AMttoe weut to the eeot I)-ncblnr at Honnie rrUI tolmitaled here that Mr. 8tmp haboeea forced to
U their niBd|rtoh for hosare
.......................................... .. to f.
aerlniu. where ec Chaplaia he alwapt ~tnakinc 1« I'Ubltc, *rd every''Drero will
. ;miaaaU
pri— eeterml oof the ooeteei
j^fihed oe Sundap afterBoas. Bad be wade to rarry ptne fcoalt to burn the
ith the ttore will
e—pletelp CezhBBttod thee>eel*e
rhUe there wae eebed with heart fail- otbSli The trial U bria* eoodocted Id
>d Bacet ditplap
eeeh u eeteat that Ihep feU-helpl—
aeareta af
a lawful manner, mod tbe eoaunlltee
tormtheb-wheele-L For two dope p>e- ire. djtof to 1— thaa two boaru.
aad hie hat chaivf of tbe prttnoert and wUI not the eace— of the Elwball to the
odt adopted to briop it befi
etoee to the elcee there wore todieeit eUll brirht to Ue haarte of permit them to be eeni tu aoy toll. It It pla. Id additioD to the effarto'^'^
I will move to my new store in the Brosch Block
ttoaethet'the e»d would —bH to
bell.-ved ibai ■ treDeral cleto-up Kill be saaarerpriDtar'atokieBMd lartohl
on Front street this week, with a Full Line of
tow phpeloBl wroehe. -Yet thoee who bU frieDda
made Id that oectlas of tbe couatry and
la tho foUawtof May Ear. W. B. that a numlier of BefToet «U1 be at wap be tee) oB aaolber papa of thto
deaoBBoaidoet beU mod prtoedphUttr
lyaiitod.toBded the efforto of the Wepelleli Bod
the church, aad r—alaad tor two pear*.
d enjoy yourWBtehed wltb eerer tote—t the proI the dabdap
if—on. Mlw.. Dec. 1
ririac ualrereal eattefaetinp.
rr— o1 the heoltb wreektor proe—
irith. than blame pourId JaBBaip. im. Ber. U. & Borthrup •- 'm uf Ibe AendUh
tbe entire family uf Brown Smith. | eel— In the epriBP for --------------It bee been eufiBetcd that Oer— rewored here with hU t—Hy fr— 81- thow tbet . the niemt*^re were brutally ! inch fuB. “
Pbcp. BiLma
mr» ptoe with HBPU be eomleted bp Johae. aad for Bre yearm be
killed with • club Id the hand* of Cbaa.
OhBadlaa Bdidap Zbcdibiobs.
^wto to.eber ettitode towerde the ideatlBed with the tolereeta of the Lewie, a aepru. PmliE r— orklDC at
nc. vhlrh
trin a few ralirs fruin bto borne,
OBlIed StotoB. That will be all rirht. chkreb aad tha towa. a liberal aad h
Tbe C'A W. M. aad D.. G. B. A
it emutrd al<out two and a half inllee
We wiU serve
poblk winded awa. be hat alwapt done from Petri river on thr e«»t Iwnk to Bpa. will aell tiekatt oa Dae. 18. 17
if gpato wiehee to take ebanew.
to hto pewer at a eJltoea to lawrenre oninty and In • wfld country. in toCaaadlaBpotote at cot wap
FREE SatttTfor roBBd trip.. All pood to lutum
Tbe houae l> off the main rnaA and no til
Ut walfare of the r
Jaauar<rp 7.
Aak apaau
made irom ttie
hod bto raalpDatioo to rapi
tico. DaBarKB,
It. altboupb teverul nettro CamtUce Uve faU tol O. P. J
OBlp bp hit eharch, who. hatter thaa near. It wae one of Ibeec nrecoee who
Dae. 1. S. h 4.10. U. lA
aoy other* kBow Ue axtODt of hit ’ - on Wedneeday.aome time l>eiweeD boob
FEE nude from tbe Globe Brand of Java and Moeba.
O. 8 * L SaCBMioa Xataa.
and darkaew. erepl up <0 Smltb'e
I top Ubaru. bat bp the aatlra aawo
bonee and most brutally saMUltcd Mru.
Tbe Public Cordially Invited.
tj at wall. Dartop their ra^eae
Smith, then brumed her with a cigb.
dtp Mru. Kortbrnp baa been a halp-, and to forever hide hie ertme bepan on
aad Sew' Yaan Holiday.
After Ire >earm of pleemat asd prof «r to aU peed woeka. WhUa kar aarUMren. only spsrtoc
oae aad oa*-thtrd
- - 1 tora.
SsUtog dbjA
Dee. 14. 85. llaadJi
itable eoBfBBleoahip with the work—
and wlae oaoBtal haa alwapa wbleb he left untonetaed
asUtog days
M* Lett Om AU«* by Mlwsbt
Chaadiaa Bxeai^!'
•f the Beptiitchar* Ber. O. S. Korth- baaBatthacaUaf theaknrtsk aodattoe
ffkr nrnd'e work wae ant dune ss well Dee. 18. l?aad IB. Bctara limit Jaa.
r«p hat ttodered hie reeSfitottoa. aad the bat fea»d Uwe to do bar ■hare ao as br tbuucbl. for une ot-ihe rhlldren. S
Das fare for roaad trip.
pMterdap he left with hie tainilp tor lha prapruatt of the Waweah aab aad lltUe pin &.yrsrs of ape. —slned conIfoBBt Morrie, Qio—ei oooatp. a for- bat atoa haen peealdeBt of tha W. C. T. arloosneos. and wfarn her father entered
Mto paatoTBta. r*ere be will taka D. The yoaap people af tha tontUp after bto day's work she told him thr
of thr brute. Tbe murdered motheteri* of the ehaioh work aad ai
bare alwapa baaaftodp aad wflUat to.
id four rblldran were found dead
Ml— tUa«e direet Wa e—rlea to tha da their part to the swap thtopt what* BDd dylnp In the yvd. sbowinp bow
a-n^i«r of a mw eharek. Dartoc kis thdr awtouaet haabaas of sarriee, they bed strupplrd te eseppa- The fa■
huaband lini*tffslrlr,souiidrd
pattortr* here the eharek haa
The poad wtobea of tha .
storm and a fMMae was ^paBlsod
pared aad it haa oerer bees to a
wiU po .with Mr. Northrup aad hit and tote Thurudky afirmoqn^he aepro
........ OF.........
«MeBrarto( eeadlUoa. apirlwallp and towilp to thair aaw field af labor.
captured and token bark to tbe
Tbe chat* tolofl to a fioartobtop ___ e of bto crime, wbrra -be waa fully
mdittoa with a Saadap aehaol aum- IdrnUfled by the MtUr plrL
absichtoAiatarp to alaaad. and a
bartop aaarlp 800 wawbeiu, a thHrtop
«M to about to he teaeribad. it to flutap B. Y. P. D. aad Jaaior 8 Y. P. U..
to piee a hBckward plaBoe. aad raeiaw ebareh aad MtoMoa CIrcto. aad the
the worit of tho pan taw peara.
p—paeu are hripht ter the oatotop
M- Doc. n--lB aa atThe htotorp’of tha ehai* datoa back
trTnpt to hold up tbrwest-bouad South•per lrulB..pl Stda's
tororar a quarter of a MWtarp,
----- AMD THE-------.
The last chance to buy kid gloves at Democratic pritxs.
PaBA nlaety miles west of this place, at
whUe many of the elder raaidODl
o'clock Iburaday nlpbt' "Sandy ColThe Diogley bill has raised prices on kid gloves just 6o per
the city cam recall aomethtop of the
M" was WM and killed by Eapress
Through a fortunate deal, for spot cash, we just re*
Guard Jennlnpa. Prerloua l« tbe arfour bandits rode
c^ved 35 dozen ladies' kid gloves in Foster's lace and clasp
AML.Nrb Brewdfoot. aad Hiu. B. W. aee.MOMUia.asww.
Into tbe Btstloa and held up and rubbed
awTtowof tbe latest shades of Ox Bloods, Greens, Blacks. Browns
HMttoca.eUUtawato oa tha rolto of
Apent St. John and Section Foreman
Prrachtop. 10:10 a. w.
WitfaoQt difitinefioB of age
tha *arch. deatfac aad remorato fraw
McMullen, and at the same Ume cut all
and Tans. We have placed them for sale today at erven a
Scadap sahooL 11:48 a. w.
or elfin, find back of our
tbe airea. a» Chat no warnlnp rould be
thaei^ hartoceaaaod waap *aap«.
lower figure than the same qualities were sold formeriy.
Jaatora8 1p.m.
pl'.rn. VTui-n the train pull'd
promifie stondfi oar spleoThe firut waattop wm held aa Feb.
station ■ - robbers attacked tbe •
Y. P. 8 a 8 4:48 p. w.
£d fitoek ot........................ This is an opportune time for a sale of this kind,‘as a
U. 1B70. whaa Bar. Z. WOm aad a few
Oospal earTiea. 7 p. m
aeattorad •mewbaiu of the Bapttot
Adair I
Kid Glove makes a nice Christmas present for young or old,
Aareh Wat aad with faith to Ue fa
prices are within reach of all.
and wbc
ben thr leader of
l^Ajrapucai. esvaem
tara of their aadartaktoc, orpaalxed
'shol'In the bedd and iasuntly killed
Tbe range of prices are as follows:—soc, Sqc. qSc, $1.20
aad adopted the arUclae of faith aad
by JennlBKa tbe olbrr rvtbbrra at
Itaadap wrTtoaa aa Wlows:
r ehaicb ooraaaata. J. Qridlap aad J.
and S1.50. Come before assortpient is broken.
mounted their horses and ned
Preachtop at 10:M a. w.
Tbe body of the dead bandit
T. Beadle were aleeted deaooaa,. 8
taken to Turoon- T%e railroad
Sandv school at U:W a. m
Hobba clerk. W. W. BartlaU traaapBoy has l>ren rxpectlne trouble and
Y. P. A viMtop at e> w.
arar. A call waa toaaad to Bar. Mr.
had been emptoyinr extra ruarda for
Preachtor ml TML'
MUU to bacowe paator, aad rapular
weeks past Ofllcera are la pursuit Of
187 Front Stroet.
the remalnlnx roembers of the paaK.
All ore walcome.
. naattofu warn bald to Laachh hall,
Tbe name of the dead robber hae been
thaa tho oalp place for holdtop pablie
rancppa' cauacn.
SBcertalnrd to be "Send}" Colllni Ool.
toward Maee. sad Wary M—.Pwawe.
patharinpq to tha Unto rUlapu.
lias UBril'reerollf bad been employed aa
On Saadap, April 10. a Saadap ecbool
Bible school. V:48.
a cowboy In tbe Baa Simon valley
ranees in eastern Arisnna. aad
waa orpuatoad. atartlap with abmit
MoralBMe^rice. U B. m.
panlona innesd of beinc Ibo ' Black
lortp aitoolar* mad aaeoaraptop proa-' Joator ^dearor. 1 p. wJack" pane, as ortoinally supposed, are
pacta, la Hap the church wu'adwitC 8 Bicetiiur 8:48 p. m
have been a band of
tad to wewberahlp la the Bapttot
Eeaalap Btrrlee 7 p. m
cowboys otxantoed for thr slBpI
P(«r of roMR-ry, which was atten
AMOclatkm. aad the mamben felt
All are eordiaUy laeitod to attoad.
Tbe UdUed Sutes marahal and a posse
that at laat they bad an aw
Immediate vtrlnlty.of
church bowa. StarUap with fifteen
rsulnp tbe
Serrieca at the First B^Uet charah
barter we^ber*. the Itot toe—
Bey werr
today. Dee. 18. Bee 8 M. Step
once noUflrd and alerted in pursuit.
rapidly aad Ihs Boardwaa rirar. «
of Uraad Bapida. will preach •
Tbe eban— for the rapture of tbe twwhan the charah BOW ataada was
malalnr three robbers is therefore pood.
The robbers Tborodsy nl*ht
Saadap ariwol aad 8 Y. P. U. are m
of Pingroe ft Smith Shoao On Varroia
bottom, aot oalp dnrlap that year but
eurveed IntoalBlnC so entrsaec U
leMta. 800 pain of IjUUot’ Fine Snaa
Ibe car. When they atucked tbe Uula
for a Buwber of p
Vea are torited to
Expt— Uessenper Adair and tbe two
Shoes, OB A, B azM 0 Uete, ;
la March. 1871. Mr. MUto reaipaad.
puarda Jennlnpa and Tbateber. opened
aad for aewe Uwe toe pulpit
fire aad tbe fualltode was on. When
npularip filled, la Daeawber^lBW. fiee.J.A-pTMdy. psswr.
pot In pood ranpe be was shot
sU ^wrlitor at IQ-AO a. maad Collins
dead tnstanlly. whereupon tbe otbera
arUclae of awaeiattoa wen filad at Ua
in liue, Bnttin mnd dnum, Bnnor, FlooadUly ud SqounTo..,
7p. m
fled. But Utile money was secured
atate capital.
Ctow m<«ttoirat»:ioa.m awd alae from tbesutinn apent and section fore
U Jana, lt7l. Bar. 8 J. 8
man The orUflaal ''Black Jack " paap
at the cloee of the ereBtof eerric*.
Waat Sattoa. Maw., aceaptc
are atilt ifaoupht to be lb htdlap la tbolr
Baadap eriwal at 11 m
ret—t la tbe Slerru Mad— ta Old
•ad dariap bto paarto paati
Joator Laagae at 1 JO p. m
p—aat ckurch balldtop was sraetod.
Bpwerth Leacae at 8:45 p. an
Morb Oey Out of UtUe Weak
'at a cost ef te.too. the site hatop d»Meratog sabje*: >*Tha Chrtottofi laNew York. Dec. ll.-«t was toaraed
aaud br the Bca. Parry Bi
yesterday that one of tbe bippest robchufch raeerd» state tbs rasnlta. bat aa ritatkm"
beriee In the talatorp of tbe Kew Tor*
wriUaa words eaa MU of the labor ^ .la the'eeaatog tbe third leeture aa poeti^ce uccureed oa Nov. A
wUlb • '
^upar* of tha aaraaat workarm. who
BBwuat- Involved to aald to be to tbe
ware rewarded for thair affertt bp the sabjeet: “God's Seeeritp ea Ua aw Aw- aMpbberfaood of tllAtM. and wui lakaa
from tectotcred tetters la the railway
aocaptottoa aad dadkaUon af thair Blfact.’’
Thaiadap prayer weettog at .7:10 p. mall service.
.Jalp. M. 1874.
Later.—Tbe HeraM ears: 'laapaetcp
teak aowptoted Bee. Mr. StareB* i»-|
Lewis, when seen In Jersey Oily, said
All are oordlallp torited.
tbe total loss while not knosn exactly
SiseeSi t6 6^
aipaed. aad to*bnwry. 187S. Ber. 1^.
would be I— than *100. Another said
8 Mnafcr of Faaarilto. came to taka
that n.000 would cover everylblap.
No Pkjtore or BeUte Ticketo given with theee Pri«*.
kto plaee. Dnrtop ktoekar#e. to tbe
CSiicapo. Dec. JL-The last man of the
1 of '7S. the B^dtet ehureh torited
raim. Dec. U.t> ri—N-w Vnrlc tn m, Loeumrt Jury wae eecurod yesterday.
Bee. P. Ora— of Kew t ork, to eon-.
he may be di.mtosed by
l leader who was captured Is
dart reefeal a
plory challeape today.fbe
Marob UA Is the proriacw of PIbat del
lUo by the SpanUfa iroops uadcr Oensrdpatadto ky aU
j. the Jury la complete.
al Htpasades de \>laaco. and who was
1 aad the —nit
*arehee to
racratty pardoned hy royal dsc—. baa
was the g—tart rerieal
Wuidbnr* Block.
bsaa released from U>e cabaaas fortto Mrthwa MhAlgiB.
—a. where be bad been WnprisoMd for
b T U to 8kn fiMdL ,
Mince Pie! Coffee!
Groceries imd ProvisioDs!
1 Grand Opening Saturday.
celebrated Club House Mince Meat.
. WeFromiBeihe
Special Sale
M in Quality,
Host in Quantity
Lowest Price to All
Iitdn, dteb, kidiT,
Rnelfia, Etc.
W.C.&B. A. Gannett
Clan Block.
Ttavam Citr. Mich.
Former Price, $3, $3.50, $4 and $A60
AH “A” Lasts go at $1,881
Ail “B”LastsgoatSl.98
The Old BeUable Shoeman,
THz xdBvnra ssoosu, armsAT, BxcnaCBn is, issr.
krat oMbt Appropriation* 0cm
Through th* Houta With*
•oaAiia BmU year, ud whn be «o&4.
Ir predicted tl»i the eSoet ot the
•DtlcliMtarr rcreouee woaM eD- be
oreroone durbic the Bnal year, and
that aner May or Jane. UM. the rWre■euee wooU exceed the czpenditurea the
RepobUcah etde broke .into repeated
oau. rom a usMocmATic CAoraa
For Ono of Tho*o “OiganticCombinatim of Groat
gtm mmon n m
U. —Chalnnas
i. of the Demorratie caucua. '
mteiday tamitf the {oUoatav call f
a eanetta: “A eaticus of Deutuuatl
a«a iavru* 1
I TWm. far a
membera and delecatee of the hone c
• U hereby eaUed b
la the hall of the bone on Tucadey
evenlDC next. Dec. t«. 1»T. at T;»
e'cloch." Tbe caucn will conlte the
1. Dec. n.—n>e hone yc*> four eub)ecte of Cuba. Haa-all. daanc^ New Tork. Dee. H.-Tbe-rsprsw
tires of tbe steel wire and nail mi
cy. three eubjecw bell
facturlng Bran of tbe Vnited Statea.
lohfMd Ull Mottdar. Ttie ■nhtoeBte
wbo have for months been begoMaUng
oOered by (be Deatocntta to coffett haa been reached atnong the Democrat* to form a steel wiry apd nail poM. s
eileced extattB* abi^ were ell raled le leedera On (he aubjedi of Cube tbe
to practically
•ttt-oK (be polBt or order thet they verc
4s said that about tw.nty of the largfavor of-a rew.luilon favortciy tbe r
Dew lecUtetlon A« paseed the bill nr- inllW Of Cuban belllaeranvy. and the j
»«"■' '
The dehele yee«etdey'| caucus to likely to give expression to I
the pool nnd that the capital
d not I this sentiment.
| InvoIved-wlll exceed Mf.Wf.0tlL Tbe ke
enly the unesuoo of our pension poucy-1 On financial q^uesUons tbe caucus ! gul formalities for forming tbe pool wul
hot that of dvll aervlce reform and t probably will lake a position agalBtl I probably not be co,mpletcd uaUI after
the rccelpu gn<> expenditures of tbe | the aereral plans of financial reform | u,, hoUdaya. Already many of the
traaauTT under the Dlnglcy law. On | recommended by Secretary Gage. There
Ibe country have been boupbt up.
neffoUatloos are pradlnp fur tbe
I Bepuldlean raalority Opprwltion to the : pureban^f othera Accurdlac to Judpe
.‘*** ! bankruptcy buns in Miemplaled by a»ry. of Chicaro; Q. H. Tenbiwuk. and
peanut (tocal year, .and ptedlcted
tBteresied. the combine >
the caucua. On the aueetlon -of Ha
•QTploB of tn.OM.OM next year.. T
annexation It Is stated by thoar teenlt (n ratainc tbe prices to t
MtU eertire Ua' wae lavarety attacked waiian
have eanvamed' the feelinc on tbe chasers of wire .and nalla. but <
toy aereral meroben. nutaUy by Brown who
Democratic side (bat It Is practically able tbe maBufaclurers to cmerate the
(Rep.) of Ohio end Unnoy tRep.) of
planu upon a mo
Korth Carolina, and wax a»rra1y de hr treaty or by Icctslallon.
Ttoe only meetlnf
fended by Johasun (Rep) of Indiana.
tbe eomhlne held yesterday waa that "f
AsMi-Cletl anrtes Inw Mea t* MsM.
Ju»t befurr the (don t>f the aceelon
the ihrectorm of the llllnoto Sveel
Hilt, chairman of the furettcn affaire
Washlr-pton, Dec. IL—BepreaenWtlce panr. The bualncaa c< the mtelln* was
eomiBitiee. attempted to eerure unnl- Pearaon. of North Carolina. ha» aecured such as nsually comas before the men
, mon coneeni for. the paua«e of Ihe aevemy.two sipnatureato the paper dr- who are Inteieatrd In tbe company.
"HOI to prohibit pelairtc aeallnc by Amer- ..laled amunc Republican members of
.. admitted, however, that dua-usalons
tea clUaene. bui ob)e.-OoB wax made. conpreaa fora conference relative to tlEe of the ptopoMd wire and nail pool took
It will under acreement be conitdered dvU aervlcr law. It waa dedded to boM
(Teat portion of the senalon.
the mceUnp In tbe riveta and barboo
Be... by a. OhU Xaa A«Wto.
committee luum and tbe followlnp no
Philadelphia. Dec. tl--A meeting ot
Itoe aaeault on civil eervlce reform tice waa Issued: "Ttacre will be a ooB- the repreaenuilws of nearly all tbe
waa beffUB by Brown of Ohio, who feienoe oB Saturday rvenlnp. Dec. U.
el cumpanlea In the I'niled States
atyled the Uw an •ahomlDatlon." and in tbe riveta and harbors committee
a held yesterday In New Tork dty
ftor doinc eo waa loodly applauded. Tbe reotn of aueb UepubUcan roembeta as
whk-b the barmonlslng of their In
aoldleiu looked upon tbe law aa Inlml- dedie a modlflcatlun of tbe civil wr- terests aivd Ibe division of territory are
. cal to their intereeta. and tbe preeldent vlce law. or a imne boeeat enfurcemeat
to have been tbe chief suhlects o'
waa Dlnaken when be nld tbe law haa of lU prwtokMia. or a more certdB
salon. Among those preaer- wer
the approval of the people.
dedamon of tbe eneni of lu appUcadents Stackhouse, of Ibe Cambra
OroBVenor aaM that no far aa be .waa
in speakliB of tbe '
Irrm company; Ltndriman. tff tbe BelbOWMsemcd be bad enUated for tbe war Pearaon1 aald It airould be t
n Iron cuApany. K-dlon. of the
acalnat the drll aervlce law. Qroavenor that ndte a number
than reviewed the' records of the (wo who sICBed the call were In farar of tbe
parUee on tne penalon lertolaUon ot dvUaerrlcelJea. They fell, however, that Bernemer Steel company. None of ihoac
eanyreaa. flaurtac that In Uie a«»re- the principle Itself was put at stake by tnm this dty who were present at (be
. rate I.IM Ri-jmWIcaii volee wme ca* tbe preeent admlBlstratloB of the law.
meeUng would dtoeusa tlw matlgr. but
In eenffreaa tor •eneral.peaaioo lectolaIt waa staled on what la tedfdcrcd rvMawallmwCaH^nsssMti.
tlon and but two apainst. while US
WaabliKtim. Dk. U.-The ddesstlon liable authority that tbe two above■ Democtatic cotee bad been lb favor of
of HawaUana which to here In opposi
anch lectolation and nc
Ided upon. In rclalKn to th^dirtotion to the anBCxaUon treaty called up
of temtory It to believed that (he
on aereral aenatora at tbe Capitol yes
terday to ttipe their dews. Tbe Ha- dlalricl «Mt of the AUegbenlea wua giv.
> (be pennayivanla and Maryland
waliana have attempted no canraea of
«mc wsalthy and did not need the
the senate, but say (hey have received Steel company, the I^ariLaa-anna
(■haisa Bepttosw the Ohio Mesu
and (be Bethlehem Iron company.
JohUBon ot Indiana. rellcraUd hto coaaideraUe eDcourakeemnt.
iteirtnah of the committee on ford(B It to also aald that under tbe new man•Utetnent of the other day that c
lent nmny of tbe features of the 4dd
•ervic* reform w^ an emimtial prtn- relation, dedlaes to dlvulpd his plans.' steel pool are incorporated. Another
dpic of Republlcanlam. He referred to but his friends In the senate say that
rtant queselon said to have
the dedaratJona of state Republican be wl.l be (overned In bis setloo larfeId waa that of a percentage-jOloteoaventlona and read from tbe plai- ly by drcumstapcea
___ : to each of Ibe cunpunlea with «
' forms adopted at Republlean national
peimlly for Infractlsr thereof. In ad
eenventions for twenty yeara. I.n sup
u Dec IL—FHeoda of Ha- dition to tMs It to underalood that tbe
port of hto contention. Hayea. Gartlcld; watton
Maryland company ts to handle tbe en
«aJTlaon and McKinley all stood for
( tbe report that tbe oi
tire export trade.
the law. and tbe prMdent i last utter,
Bs^HsUilsiSsi as AprasWssu
ance lb Its favor had received
edved the over--ummer
vacaOeveUnd. Dec. It.—fl. T. Wdlman.
the Repnt^ u
onandal of Cieveiand. a furaace and rolling mill
prms of (he country. Johnson
ohnaon declared
□eer of tnteraatlunal reputation Is
that (he enemies of tbe tow dare not
of three experts selected aa apattack It openly:
ptula^ by the American Steel and
"Do you favor life lenore In offteeT’
Wire company, which Is to be the nam^
asked Pearaon of Nonb Oarollna.
land baa been coolrd by tberounepur- of tbe rkooo.wc eon-iralloo taking In
PebUe OOee a PeMte Wrm*.
the American srire Industry. They will
"1 do In the civil scr\'lce." replied siled by Great RrUaln and Canada in
alee the difTermt properties i
Johnson. cmphaUeally. "I belleve that recenl atten.pia at aeUIlny tbe seaHns twevB this and Mai>h 1. when tbe a
the offices are public Iruau held by the
tompany win begin buameaa. Tbe oil
pe^le wbo deeerve them: tbai they
experts are Julian Kennedy, of Pitts
a^ not owned by poUtlrlans to be need
burg. and Robert Foraythe. of Chlrago
te rewardlns tbeir fhrnda. 1 beUeva.
Tbe prices at which It la reported three
yany brKbl boy. no matter how bumble
Cleveland eelaWtohmenfa are offered to
in orldn. who d.wen t barren to have
Cbiraso, Dee. iL - Infornmllob re- the new company are; For tbs Oevea political pull should be allowed to
a,ira(fo Ad Alton mil
Rollleg Min company, rolling
demonstrate hto fitness for office, and I
„-ieisis vesterdsv leads them tr
1. Bessemer conveiicra. blast fur
's and l»on mine. M.bd.OdO: H. T
i: i ^e'ev:*^.. .He":-company. tMO.gW; Ameiicsu Wli
eontrx.l a few rotes whlrt can S
the brAebe.m of a PuUman
company. Wp.mo. U IstiwUeved bei
■ to shape the destiny of some mediocre car-Thure^y with a ru«y
tliat Harry W Oliver, of mubnrg wl
e^sdldste for offi^r^rea. «mtouse.J ; ^-ah ^bc jrr-at ^oe^to
be Ihe officUl head of the company.
CTATEMENT AND A PRSalCnoX I Clay county. As. It is belleved-Thst
-----! Mayne.wasrl^nsonibestnick. and los
ing bis banlance his f-iot struck a fence,
la Rsvsaas Msrldatlaa.
tearing off tbe shoe and stocking. Then
After a few other members had spok- when tbe board was koocked loose the
Cleveland. Dec. II.—This y-eur's at
«n brlefty Dlnglcy took the floor and spike waa driven through bis fool, tempt to Join all tbe sewer pipe manugave a new interpretation of tbe eatl- whichWas carried to Ihe brskebesm by faclurers Into one <«mpany baa failed.
of ttwi train, while tbs
mated Increase In pension eiepeodl- (the t
meeting with forty-three conceraa
s strung aloirg tbe track.
turra. c<imendlnit, that the maximum
represented was held In aevalatvd this
waa rrached In IW. when the pension
week, at which tbe consummation of
Kewnnee. Ills.. Dec. U.-Edward the plan was expected. But five of Ihe
paymenls reached tlU.ouocm. In IIM
they kcre gl41.eog.OW. Ir Ifsi tm.OM.WO. ^ammerx. a farmer living northwest of most Important of the interesU with
In UM ito.ooo.wu. and in no: mLooo.ew. this city, was shot at seven Ilmca by ■ drew. declining to surrender their pn-ptrul of a corporation In
. If the expenditures for penstuna during woman from whom he bad been dlumlnance of power was
the next fiscal year should Iw IMt.dOO.- T«eei». Hammers attempted to rem.rt-t
These <-oma> baa beeu esUmaled. the Incresse a trvowibg machine from the l*rn yard
panles were (be Sumtr.:t and BIckeye. of
would nut
due (u new- legtslatloD but where his former wife U
Akron. O; Ihe National of Barberton.
t rapid administration of Uv V*'**”^
()., and two on the Ohio river.
laws. It would, thersfo
The total amount of property that
- TDive ro addlUonal expense In tbe end.
would have been Involved in tbe deal
Tbe quiwtlon ss to Ibe revenue and expandlturep fer the next ttocwl year waa take tbe weapon away from her. but was tS.OW.OM or M.ogo.MO. and of this
n peartiral on- which coagreaa had to she Aed to tbe porch add there shot six tbe UBwIHlag concerns represented
ftte.uw The othera promise p.
face, liie siaieroeni of the aectetary of
bring ihese five into line for next year,
the treasury had cauaa-d much mlsapand about a forinlghl hence will again
prehensloa. owlna to the fa?T that unPittsburg. Dec. U-—Tbe C
In Heveland to Join efforia for
deya new provision of law he bad been And Olsaa Worker says today
ObOged to Include Ir. the estlmatee of the ekaest orgmnlBallons of AmeHcan a campaign In oppoaltion to the five.
srpiiniltfniTia tTLOM.ocg ftr public wotfcs aint bottle mapufactnrera baa beso per
Bisms CHy tssds tbs BM ahem.
Wtate noltber -be. n..r the seerrury of fected. and will assume control of the
Chicago. Dec. n.—Kansas City ob
^—war. nor any other well-informed per flint bottle trade of tbe country within tained a lead of aloe birds In (be Interson bcllersd would be exi>ended. a week or two. PbUy * per cent, of the etty abooling race yesterday against
OoimUng this
estimaled deficit flint bottle manufacturers of (be coun (Thlcage experts. It to expected to prove
would be tA.«tO.«e. He vi..lated.no try are in the new- organlaatlon. which Bufficlent to win. aa «h« vlaltora have a
glroiig quartette to send to the now* to
wlU be styled the Amsrtean PUnt
ictacturesu* asaodalton. with head- day: "Jim" Ellim won the alKot-off
for tbe Dupont tr-phy from Fred Gil
bert. of BlHrtt Lake. la. He killed twenDingier aald be took It tori
ty-flve straight. Gilbert lostag two.
grunted that congrasa would exrrviae i Springfield. Ilia.. Dec. ll.-Dr. Cbaiies
trasosable ecoBonv- The estimated dr. ; P. Kuecbler. a pfwlneot .phyalvtan.
Galena, tlla.. Dec. II.—Flood caused
flcil for tbe prwiit year, not oouming ; died yeaterday afternoon at his home In
by heavy rain wUb eletXrMal accomtbe money ohtalbed and to ba obtained ' ibis <Hty. aged TS yparu- Df- Ku<
panlmenta practically destroyed tbe
goverament locks at the mouth of the
The antlcipatary Importatlooa bad 1 Illlnola. settling here In IHf. ■
riVer. whb h were butU seven
placed In the treasury before July tSN'ad by Mac
rears ago tt a coat of I1U.«0S. The
•m.m;. Those Itnporiailm bad r^uced
flapaage was caused by a greal
4taadefl.iUustyearfrom«M.M0.<m)totU.- i
iway dlreetora hi
swept down by the flood.
dividend to be paid Jan. li. HM. b
rera WlU WM Tberv* FiaaUy
holders of record ot tbe pretsrri '
at tb« dosing of the transfer b
lima. Peru, via Galveston. Tex.. Dee.
Dec. n. in;.
IL-Tbe coramiiiee of the obamber of
depuOcB. finding thai tbe goveramenrs
bufon. O.. DSC. U-—Tbm *uf ps*e- of fsrWgnsrs (a
tteOr no ebaacs In Mrs. McKlaler*s
as cf tot- •ondtften a('i:M thu morateg. nccordI for tba IM «f tbs doctor^ ofdnisa.
□□□□□ □ □□□□
Boys’ and Children’s
-vFarm Chinchilla Blue
■^ide collar. No. 1. Take the place of
Overcoats. Very popular, new, good.
25 Per Cent Discount
To cl6se out, $3 for $2.25; $2 for
$1.60. See thorn.
agree 4 to 14. Three hushels, one two and three
pair§ or a kind; to close out will clean the
entire lot, 50 to 70c goods
40c Pair.
Children’s White Handkerchiefs
uie^at°*^ 2c Each.
The Greatest Sale on
Men’s titsters
ever had. No wonder the Prices are Bight.
if You have not seen our
$7.50 Suits
ro Look at Them.
Yes, $3.85 Suits we have and
sell them, but the $7.50 Suita are
what we want to stake oiu- reputa
tion on.
Tee, we-have
$1.60 Men's Overeoats
Good as Anybody s; but go betterpay $6.86, $7.60 or as high aa yon can go.
We’ll stand better with you aa the wear
cohtinuea Tou'll remember that we wanted
to eeU you a Good Coat,
□ □□□ □ □□□□□
PeHticf«nt Do Net Monepelin
Everything There;
1 ncfRE.
eiw-Wlfr mt tb. t
I 'Ei.lii’SiS-'i'SS'lftS'uSS
VP* aoft't w«nt WAT, Bor ttoabi* of
•ny kind. Bui in the «vrBI at oompllBpHngOe)! XUa.. I>ec. ll.-Tbe peni
CAIlonf with Urrat BrllAln tfa* flr»t port
of our counto- u. aultar from Itieureiun* tentiary wtD not elbM arounfl ex-Banker Chart** W. Spalding for *om* Urn*
•ottJd b* UlrhlC>n. and w« wui UiH
at least, altbough be wfll remain In tbe
vAr vcM») to be on band In caa* we
CoiA ooBBty JaU AWhU* longer. Tbs
•hoold need her e«n-1c««. It li a verr
auprem* coon yesterday grenied the
vlae old aa« wbleb aara: “in time ut
motloB of hi* attorney* for a ~P«rpeace preiwre lor war." Thai It the
•edeaa. bat denlrrd tbelf apptlcAtlnn to
TCaaon Seihtor McUUlair baa beer
In eona^
peerlar t£tu the future and makina release Spalding on ball.
quaiK* be win eontlaue an tamale of
ready for emrrceiiclea by intreduciot
tbe ootiBty JaU tuiW 'be •upreme court
flnalty dedde* hU_ caaj^^____________
—ValMkbl* rtatarw lit Ot* Wa^lnra*
-Winum iliKmley. ib.. man. today
' e«»ld—«■ at OohotbI Al«ar—Oiotmi- dewm-diy aland* hlirh ii the esi- vm
■»« llMiUtM'a TtawmoaCahk-IUU for. of till felloB-rouniiynoD. say* Bep*
MfBM raOMl ut win br lake* aa pan pay.
v*ri,. itoFreoisum. m tf
Ever Bnnied Ont?
—Watch Repairing.
If ao yon know
th* vulBc of
O. P. CARVER. A«««.>'
—jonn >erij.
__ ^yvhn V<»i*lv
'VTO.l’i.'A'iiSJ.'iTSJlKl K:
Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
—Front street. •
IKan. and both of us arc Amertean c.llaen*
Both of U» ate the sub* of
CbrlatUn mother*
Therefore w^ are
abtn and in acerd In the fraternity of
elite*- anA the ladle* ahlneai brtmantly Amertcan rltlarnshlp. and 'without
la their bHlliam «rarld%a tbe men can thought of'poUttcal affair* or political
relallcn* 1 believe th^l I voice thrwniipoaslbly ebtne le the forcnalc arena.
ple, when I **y that
It «m be a matter of pride and aratl' fleatJon to the ladtca of HK-hlcar tc Wllllaic McKiBlcy. the man. alan'l*
high to the esti-em of hla (ellow-counknow tbat the adfe ol thcAecrefair of
irymeo because he dropped all thing*,
war Is a rei-oanlxed leader In aoclelir poblu and privalr. And hastened to ih-.
lira. Alj»r le one of the moe cbarmlnc bedside of hi* stricken mother.
aromeo of the pree- nt admlnlatrallan. sudden call to the Land o' the L«aIter handsome fan- 1$ wlnanme with
IV as a shuck not alone to her dlsaereaiiy and d‘cniiy. In coBvernailen tlDgulrtied *<m. but U> our entire people
her face IlKhu up nilb eamcatneM and In tbe quid of her home She did not
cbeerfWnrM. She possrsaea tbe happy realise how fully the e)-es of tbe poipl*
centered ui>oB hrr when tbe mes
taeulty of a bom diplomat—that of
senger came oalllitf her home, but our
cam'tiMf on an Intereatlng. chatty, con* impulsive, wsrm-hesried people luvv
-aarsailon with MrangerA With »r*- good men and luvv good mothvra. and
dow* manner ah* makea ludulrles'conII of us have stood afar *fT and lov.-d
he honest oM mother of Ihv honest
oemlna her Mellora, leadlBg Ibcm to
tan who Is now our chief magistrate.'•
talk about tlK-maelrra, their hopes, and
AppIlM lo the Rserntltr Htad,
Senator Burrow* of kl'rbigan aald:
T.>u have ofren heard lb
Nolhliia t
.inity that
a peni-rnl thins. e-i irell as lo ihtk sU.m
king.' Well. 11 applies to ihr
tbemselves. V:vity boy and etery *lrl
poaaesia-s an itnlivlrluamt. ' Men are executive head of a great republic ai
OBly b-<y* an'BB tall, and heailB don't well a* to the chief peiwonage In a mon
are as loyal to (heli
chanse morh after all." So. when boy*
icstdenla. under all clruuhsianees, ai
And Slrli get m I- men end women,
le people in Ibe older rountrica mri
they like to talk ab-.ut ihemeelve*.
rnler*. Our people
The man In lediilee and the woman In
Uotber UcKInley until ber
abrleiy who knosn Ihle sre-n senvi of
human nature will alwaye sueceed. beloved son achieved the highest honor
Mr* Alser entertains on this prtoelple. lhal can be conferred upbn any —**■
While not advantins her owe yietra. .In this new world of oura. Bui
ahe set* the views of othet*. There
I such they
fore. while not iwemlns to shine, she
Impresses everybody with ber supriior loved ber."
Vour corresi-oBdcnt was bard at work
Ability as a hoaiee*
Mr*. AlRer has another advantage In for forty-eight hour* during
aecleiy over many women, spe baa a Klnley Ina&guretlon ct iemon
beyuilful daughter, bllsa Francra. who gave tbe PhllAdel|>hla Time* •■most
three full pages of descriptive mailer
la rapidly leartdng -All of the arti
eonccrnlnx that great event. Hi thsi
■ grei-es of aoeial dINomaey.
r mother In eniertaiDlns pea- correspondenre the narrator' printed
liar la Ibe following fart, aa It occurred under
pie. and t* becomlnt quite populai
bit perwMial olwervallon; Mother Mc
the melety nf tbe nallonal caplul.
wanted ber non WllUam to I
The Wa*hlngtOB.ee*ldenee of the A!Many a t:
gets has been enrlebed wKh some of the MetbudUt preacher
when he wai In congress. *be reli
IBOSl valaalde and beautiful of the cohim
shedwas proud of her son.
Jr plcturea and hrtr-a-brec of the I
that «he would have been more grati
troll mansion. These artlole* give
fied If he had g<>ne Into the pulpit, and
the residence of the secseiarr «f *
' An air of anisitc merit and rlohnes* the always said lhal If he had gnr
Into the ministry hs would have been
Which exdlea both comroendatloi
■w«ter Tkaa a nubsp.
Alger a Rory JSao.
. Dnlnaugurntlonday whenWlltlamM'
Secretary Alger I* a very busy
at you may, well Imaslne. Srvertbe- Klnley entered a cairt/'geAt tbe EbbI
lesa. on tbe oexadon* requlrliig hla Hoase *nd went ihmugh crowded
stieet* where eeerybovly cheered him.
presrnie at home hr diops publ'
Mother HcKlnlry stood beside
nee* and enter* with aeM lnlu
tertalnmenl of friend* snd strsnrera
Thus, with cordial vo-operatlon on thi
BOA. Aimer, with
•art of the entire Xlger family, the real
al«>ut her '.wai
denre af the aecretary of war ha* be
C(4iir a most popular place, and all of • M-ther, don't you think after *11 Ih
the b-lle* and beau*, as well a* all of Is i-eiter than If WllUam hadebecorae
tbe higher ofBclal* In public life, lake blshocTAt her sun William
was paaalng
special deUBbt In calling to -pay tbeir
through tke cheering crowdA Mother
rrspecte on the day* when public re
McKinley turned to Abner, laid ber
ception* are' given.
CongtrsamaoHamllloo of KlleaMIcb..
Is a ■talesman who baa rtrlle viewa and aald. between *.>h*: "iSod know* best
does nut brsitale to eapress them. Abner. Be has )>een very good to ‘Will
Borne-of the congrtsamen who sympa^ Urn and to all of us "
And after the writer had dried hla
tblgr-wlth the Cuban InaurgenU do hot
Uke to eipiesa their views since they eye* he looked aboui and saw a tfartme
learned that the president Is Inclined to of ladle* and- gentlemen with their
lav—- S|.aln.
Cor.greasman Hsmlltoa handkerr hlef* to their eycA all of them
•ays: "1 am In favor of rw-ugnUIng absorbed and enihrelled with the faith
time and all of the cood tbintn at tbe
Eoeletr ba* It* In-
Attorney* Ai Law.
'its,__Money to Loan
0«*a* la MaMagire Skwk.'Tmeene City. Mteh.
Oa IwwvvBd city paoi-vny.
O M. BSOWN. AUMwer ao« OoainrvlkwA'
0. La*, special auaouoa W esUecUt^
aadcaaewranriB*. tliProatS^,
orer NoBiagae-a tXre ware otare.
r^WantAdsE. ImpertuttoEnpertiHoUen!
Tb» rire liwerwure Cowpaalre kavtag
reoeaUy laaa. aa>*rtal ««amBtoes la
ralp a|wa renaio rlarere ef pregerty
r:LILBgRT A UATCS. AUonwyw. UpM-bd s
O- Pkyaletaa anS
L Burgeoe .^loeai^1 IB Trsvi
.0 all day
Christmas Turkeys
Oysters, Gandies and Nuts.
a and rtsiawa. I
aPi Uai-n atm*. TelepUAe IC
Everything for Complete Christmai Dinner, i^clnding Orocerlee and ProTiaione, ^
iGrud Rapids t ImUiu R. R
Order by Thone and have Goods Delivered.
TNODOt a COVEtX. AUecoey* aad e<mB»IU Uo. Bi u* one**, city Opera HmwBU.
Utmlitwtotax tHIoa
the belligerent rlgtats of the Cu)>an patnot*. The people Of.this country are
in favor of such acilon I do n '
On Friday afivrndbn. while tbe pr**l
Ueve that tbe president should
Aland the popular win
President deni was dl»<a*ring the malter of hi*
Cleveland did enough of that aort of Aiasly departure with mem'»re of hi*
<al-lnel. Kecretary Algei ■aid: "Mt I
tousln-w* This couniry has I'ven a
President, the . nilre people of thI* j
tbe pan df p.ilb-enuin long-enough,
have Bpent miliurn* of dollars In patrol enur.t'ry warn.yon i-goqotcUy 10 your'
ling the high aeas to preveiil Olll>us<er- mother. The congreaa «*5_»ait for!
Ing. Therein we have been a powerful
Alley of jSfAUi. and we have prevented
onr rttlrm* from egtending such aid
• alone, but the grief of ■
to the Cul«n polrlot* ak they dvalred to"
Co extend.
I'AlrenAl AyfapothT.
ABd ao that FMday evening, as anon
am In favor of tb^ annexation Of
. the HawsIlAb Isiands." he conlloued. as It wa» pcwMHe for Wm to do »
*Cleveland Hauled down The Amen.an l'r.-*id-vit McKinley eolrred the car
wbifh wa* to l>e«T him *pee<Wly upon
flag in Honolulu, and when hr did *■•
be outraged public aentJmvnt. I am In hit ni'salbn of filial love and duty. wbl1<even hat.and every bonnet Aar deffett
. fbvor df speedy aetk-n looking 10 ar
>n teypcclful slirmx- and unlvererl
peXAtlon The sooner It comes the bet
s.Mrpaihy for the b-loved *on. a* well
is I-i the devoted molber.
l>ener It will be f»r Hawaii.
And cow. with the shadow of grief
country h*a slway* I-r-ked forward
him. Ibe president of our republlr
annexati'-n and >« nsiuraliy a part o' u|j
aln attending to the va»t business
thi* eelinlry. be.-AO*e of it* loeallon and 1 ta
........... s high care. Undoubtedly alt c f
tntcrpaUaiial vnvlmnnienl*"
I of
6*nator M- MlllaB has letradOc«S a ; a* will look upon h'lm with more leek 1nr< and with 1s*e aplrlt ef criticism
WII making an appr.-pOaiion of «».• , «•
Alter all. be I* one of ua. came from
m for a new gunboat to Uke the plac*, AI
cf the rnltvd State* «ie*m»hlp Mli-hi- . ;jr mld*i. and. If life to apar.-d, will
to our mldsi an American rlugan.
The prupowxl new guvernmenl eriutn
vwel ir t- be abaot the *ls>r of the . . n a CbrtRlan gentleman, an bone*i
crtilcer Detroit, aad U lo be built on Ibe 11 an. aa tbe *on of such a mother must
necewaarlty he.
•Great lAkes
Upon -William McKinley largely de
. The bin ha* been rrfeirrd to tbe eom'tnlttee on navak affalra. am) Inaamheh pend* the fate of the Cuban* and «aa* Senator McMillan U tbe leading wantn*. -Thal he strongty favor* the
Hawaii everybody know*
' tnamber of that cortiinitlee. It la quite
likely that • favorable report will be 1b*l he believe* In the ultimate liberaof Cuba la frnemlly believed. Mis
acevred at an early date. The chairman
arllnr will prartlTBlIy eel
®f the 4*mn<^lltee ha* referred the hill
■■»wBll will
to the aecretary of the nary. 'Senator
part of
McMillan baa seen the. secretary and
Miwonalty plated to him tbe facta which SUIre: bui the late of the *11110*110*
warrant tbe iuroductlon and paaaage Cuban ttuurgent* le yvl problenuitical
pf tbe Mil. anrthe aecretary ha» Indi Whatever attitude to cakm by rrval
cated a diapositlon to recommend tba dent McKinley will b,- ausUInrd by oor
people, because we belleye In lu» loiegpaasaga of the bill.
Oaly 0*e WarMilp *a the Lakos.
ntyMBBWtyof MU Mailrsw
jbt aecretury Of atatc has also taken
A Trteran -ne* sparer corrotqwmdeet.
«p the mau«f and given R favorable
with whose wrillpg* y»u have read and are
BOW rewding fn-m Hme to time. *ays:
T have known M'liuam McKInlv)
a pubKc
■tnee he wiered’
,.f Great Britain only one warship
during »
tbe Ukca. It to d**med advUable *ml
Impurtagt by *11 Our gov«n»menl_offl- exirnOed car.-cr
claia that w* aboold have a boat there. roamvondatl n and alK- with rx'oi
A abip tbat can fully Baatala the honor blv cuQs’ic -Ttttviani
of thU eouatry In any amergeacy that have nvvi-r written a line quepi
may artoo. Theratoa*. tt aaima quM* the hon-sty of his motives • Mm
1 d-. not Ullevc any man In thi pres*
likely that wllkln a
gallerle* of .the nathmat capiial has
ever wrtUen a Hoe derogatory to hi,
•tardy ghlB. «BP*- character. At such a Ume as (hi* It ii
yl*MNU to$aflM «poB that factr
■ Si.iTt.'-u-rSSi
Receiyed Ttem Friday.
iBtp.A. Tale|4>OBa.U
Ken’* Arctics,best kind...
............. $1.10
Men's Arctics, Coin Toes........................... 1.86
“‘ Kisses’ Storm Rubbers......................... 98 Cente
asire a> awev a> realdenre
OLD-BOWED •pecAclea law. Maww*«a
» . --------—-i*Me of E. L Baragwe
or IB WealagBe ball,
sad lariobnuaa b
by loaTlac ai Bagl*
Ptodvr BlU 1*
once lao-if
..jB.arTtwl~w Ctoeiaaat.L Oraad Bap-
BalUmore Stock Eocelvad Threa Tim«a a
Be* taa.’^rvnr Cny. Kk-b
'^>3 Front St.
towaeb arritm at IIM a. m.
O. L. LOCkWOOD a. r. a.. Oraad Bastda-
186 FrdDt Street.
lT?S;i.“J^£p.da Pwrwt ..4
. WAKTSD-ror I
' Apply at • Tbe ralr.'^BfOWkJdBrk.
. DBtrBlk
. gal'watoe
40c per quart
Standarda, SOc per
Chicago —
West Micliigan.
i*. ■-T, uHa. ■-
Fletcher'S'Ofsier Depot aod Resturait
AT Chtaare..............
25,000 Dollaps
Must be ra'sed within the next THIETT DATS to satisfy
creditors. Goods wriu be sold regardless of cost. Now is your
chance to buy. Here are a few of the many articles that are
being sacrificed:
umnt UK Mtinunu li
76 pieces Light Tnnt, the best,
(five yards to customer) per yard at...
To be wtd o&>7 OB Saturday* ud Xenday*.
186 pcs Dark Prints, the best (ten yards Olto customer) to be sold per yd at....... ' A2b
30 pieces Indigo Blue Calico, American 01Print, will go at per yard...... ................
10 yards Dress Outing Plannel, 10 yards ftU
to customer, at per yard........... ..........
6 pieces -White Shaker Flannel,
.0at, per yard.............. .............. >..............
4,5 and 6c
16 pieces storm Flannel, regular value 8c, 03n
will go at per yard . .:.............................
10 pieces better quaUty, pink, grey and
Dine, worth lOo, for per yard................
All our best Amoskeag Outing Flannels,
former price 10 and 12>(c, will goat .
Reieiter tUs Sale will Continne for the Neit SO'Days Only!
244 Front Street,
Broeoh Block-
Americans Will Always Be
Masters of the
Excellent Opportunities For Formers and Set
tlers—Characteristics of the Japanese
PopuioHon^ustoms Fiwn .
the Occident.
abort order, ne Amerteas pi^tdatloe
-niil tncreaae aa npMlj aa l( did lb tbe
fanninc dlatileta ot CalUotnla. and no
Amertean la aabaaed of tbe atate of
n-bether tbe predominant popolatlen
Doir ta Japaneae. Cblneae or Haaallan.
it erlll raabr Uttle ^ffereooc aDer annexatloo. Even at tbe preaent time
probobir doe to tbe fact thml *» AM- Americana bare alept all Mcbt on tbe
«t»e, whaterer pan of Abe Oeelde^ be
mar hail Dora, ts rt*arded aa pa undealioble citlaen. Tbe majoritr oT Amer
icana have heart of tbe dleacrecaUe
Me Of the Cblneae aalion; tber bare
read tbat the Japaaeee are awremlee
and can rtm a ablte man out of baelAble
ACUon of eonsreaa to
tstondp^ B»**ll lot* tbe Unloo h»i
brouKht the qunUoD of tbeir p<9ulAUon to tbe front. Por eome reoaon not
creet each other aa tber paaa.-«e» wbat
the prnapect of work la and go alone
contented. They prefer to wortt In
"hula." or companies, on tbe roads
wbere tber can xei employment or In
olearlnc the coffee lands. These "hult"
are Joint slock eoncerpa. la wbldi the
drone abaree tbe profits ofioaUy with
tbe Induatrlotts laborer. Tbe coffee
Planten tertaln with tbe bead man.
and that la tbe end of it on tbrir part.
Tbe road cootraclore do tbe matt. Aft
er the barcaln U made tbe pay B dtaAributed anrotw tbe members of tbe
Vbul" by tbe man they bare nriectad to
act for them. They arc afiti taslre and
united. Tbe orerndera on tbe planutlons found leaf ar> that It one Jap
was to be dtertpllned by pbyaieal puniMnent It was naesksary to whip ibe
whole canc. Tinder those c
preponderant ahatr aoqnlred by the
I'ntted fUates and Ita'cltlsmts In tbe
IndBstrlas and trade of tbe islands and
of tbe expressed desdre of tbe republic
of Hasratl that those Irisnds ahonld be
Incorborated Into tbe Vnited States as
.’and under Its
_ ,, ,
determined to ac-.
compllah by treaty an object so impor
tant to thslr roniual ^ permanent
welfare. To this citd tbe hldb coot actInc parties diAra eoafen^ full power
and Buthority upon tbrir respectively
appointed pteolpbteatlaries. to wit: .
Tbe presIdeBt of tbe United States:
The exlatlnx trestles of the Hawaiian
lalsDdB with forrlxn natlona sballfartbl
brine reptaesd by such trsatles aa mar
may be bervsfter coneludM. be
tween tbe T.’olted BUtes and surh forrlpal
nda. not enacted for the rnlflllment of the trrailea
rxtincutahed and not Inennaletent
b Ibis ti
oonaUtutlon .. __________ .
Uwtr of the United
BUtea.. shall mnaXa In force nstU tbe
of tbe United States shall otb_______ riewnine. UntU IcffialaUoD shafi
be cbactril cxtendlnx the United States
eunom laws and reuulntloBa to the Ha
waiian laUnds tbe exlstliir cualoBM
irtrulatlona of tbe Hawaiian Islands
Unltad States.
Tbs prssldenl of tbe rcpuMIe of Hasrall; Ftancls March Hatch. Uarrin A.
Tburaton. and wnuam A. Kln^.
date of tbe radftcailoc of tbu
Article I.—Tbe republic of Hewali treaty. Inclndlnx the amoonu due to
hereby cedys absolotely and wllhoul re- depoBHora In the Hawaiian Postal 8av.
Is hereby aaanincd by tbe
0 determine bow many of i
the liability
resard aball In no case exceed H.0W.CS0.
r that all tbetterrltorr of and appertatn- So Ions, however, as the exlstlnc fforr Uw to tbe repubUc of HawaU it hereby emaynt and the preeent commerrtal
annexed to the United Stales of ^mer relations of tbe Hawaiian IsUndi are
service which tbeir (orernment
acta from He subjects. Some of them les BMar the nams of tbe territory of roatlnued. ^ aa berelnhefote provided,
aald ffovernment aball coatlnae to pay
bare clearly bad further experience. Hawaii.
Article Q.-Tbe rspubUc of BasraU the Interest on said debt.
Article V,—There shall be no further
also cedes and hereby trunafers to the
of Chlnme Into the Hatoe and
atone tbe same line, ahlch lead to tbe
claaatftcatlon of all AalaUca Into oM
coaelomerate whole and tbe apeedr
dmaatlon of tbe lot.
To one wbo baa lived In HawaU tor
three yean and been Intimately amoclated with tbe rarloua races tbat the
lalanda now hare wltbln tbeir borten
It aeema Indeed atranee that ^ «<
of tbe Japaneae either la mereantlle
boatneea or In tbe labor market. Tbe
Japaneae coolies work for a mare plleance when they dnt come from Japan.
Thare can be no question about tbal.
Bnt tbe aanitaalre characteristic of
tbeir nature abowa Itself very quickly.
They can appredste bleb wacee as well
as an American. It le a peculiar fact
tbat while ma«y Amertaane fear an
nexation on aceonni of tbe pcaMble «t(set of tbe Japaneee on tbe Ubor marhdt many of tbe buMnesa men of Ha
waU fear annexation on accoant of tbe
tandeacy of tbe Japaneae to eeek a
klcfaer scale of waxes.
Then. a«ala.'few people of America
appreciate that tbe common people
ainoax the Japanese of Hawaii atr lib
eral Iniyera They seek to adopt Boropean and Amerlean-cuatpmi In dress
and manner of lldns. They buy coats,
trooaeia hata and ahoea nearly all of
which an made in American factories.
Tbe tact that the Japaneae are 'nmlutara" la often remartced as a slur upon
the litUe "yellow man." Be ibla aa it
may. tbe Ai
1 benefit of thU ImluUve deatre
ameac the Japanese of Haw aii. The
ItCUe yellow men an alto.cuod "lleera.”
and while the>' ran. if necessary, exist
SB a handful of rice a day. they are not
alow tn loadlnjc tbrir taMea with Amertcan delleadea Just aa soon as they can
vet a mile money toffetber. They an
bard worken and also liberal boyerk.
t%e beat evidence of when .the clothlac fur the Japaneoe of Hawaii la
booffht eonalau In tbe tact tbat tbe
principal business cf tbs IS or U Jap
anese atorea In Honrialu la la Japaneae
kniekknacks on'ly. Tot three-foortba of
the Japaneae people of tbe eountiT
dress after tbe style of the Americana.
Aar one wklkln* through the «reels of
H^ulu or any other town in HavWli can sec a practical demoostraiton
of tbe fart that the Japaneoe popula
tion- Of HawwU are robd buyert of the
products of American woolen and cot.
' too mlUa, as also of our boot, shoe and
bat factories.
When considering tbe anbjeet of pop.
klatlon. however, It la well to remem
ber that the HhwaUan Irianda. with
«a4ay*a populatlcB at IK.MS, arc capaMe of tupportlag LMO.OkO. Tben an
Boon as tbe UnUeTstoD^tte'^ "
lands as part and parcel of American
Urtfmrr it wiu be found ttet BawnU
Winn JV with Atncrleaw la arighiy
» lalKieers in HawallclUt
closely to thrir own rustoms;
tber hare both a hospital and a tempis
of tbrir own. In tbe country tortber
back they form Utile settlementawbrtu
fclmooa or native drees le worn la
preference to other xarmenta They
In aereral rs-
field handa Tbe UlUe brown neAtutea
ocrescfalnc and cryfac. In tbs t
Inx not one tit them would (O to work,
numalely be learned that cee of tbstf
number had to some way triads her
self obnoxloua. This one be kept aS.
tbe mill and then tbe ettasrs UudfioA
off to work. '
With the ezceidion of tbrir desire ta
leant EncUrii tbe Japaneee eveijwbrtu
remain AMatlr. They will not raadllr
give op thrir rielUaaUon
cleltUaUoa for AulO'
>. On tbe Wand of
Raxon civlli
Hawaii there are tl.wo of them. They
are only exceeded In number by tbe
native Hawaiian*, aitd -arc emnUnff
no fast ib^ in a few years tbe
nRfeus will xlve way to them. Tbo
Cblneae are already jleldlnx- Tbe na
tive Hawaiian* have heretofore besa
employrd larirely aa teamttera. but tbO
mon fertile than tbe tacantlful vaUaya
of California. These lands an in tbe
hands of tbe geverninent and are bring
dlspcaed of to bodk fide American settlen. Of tbe lands new bring sold the
Uncer portloa Is being developed In tbe
cultivation of coffn. It has been prov
ed beyond the question of k douM tbat
coffee can he grown at a profit on tbe
mocntalnside* of Hawaii. It has also
do all his own work, as did tbe eariy
ploneen in tbe United Slatea. At the
end -r five or nix years an American
can. t.y the work of his own hands, have
a field of coffee that yields a xtsady Uicome and a home eurminided by a gar
den whu*e beauty and frultfnlneaa are
only ilinlird by the Industry of the own’-ar. While the Islands are within (be
trtpice the Americans of Malbe. Htnneoota. Ceorgia. South Carolina. Or^
gon. Washington and CahfonUa are to
day working In the fields, healthy,
bearty and getting good rcturna tor
tbsfr labor.
Ibe wrttar during bla may In Ba■rCi sot a gentleman who had been a
fan&tf in Moctaba Ha had board' in
definite repoito regarding the fertility
of HawaUan aaO and finally decided to
make tbe trip and see what there was
for a email farmer la the island* of the
Pacific. 1 talkad with him after he had
heeo la th* oountry Three months, h*
had taken up land tor eoffee eultlvailun. Be bad sent fbr Us tonlly and
written to three of hi* nalghbors. who
contemplated Icariag Montana, that
they couU not find a brighter opeUng
on earth for a nail toimer than In
Kawait TUa man had brid back about
going to tbe Islands beeuac be was
nut *ure aboat tbe secnrity nf tbe goremment and the title of hU land after
be once got It. There are a great many
AmerltwDi holding back from golBg to
Hawaii fr,r jast this aam* beason. Tbey
hsec beard it u a coantry of rerotntlogk ccnsequently they prMcr tbe **ouitty they have In tbe Unltad State*
I>Oimi.S- A. THUKBTu.N- fSealJ.
late with the Atnerieana. To those anacqaalnted with the higher class of
Japanese thl* <fiay seem peculiar, yet It
la the conaenmia of opUiloa among
Americans who have lived among Jap*
The Japaneae tramp to to hs mat ev>
erywhen on tbe Hawaiian lalaada. but
be to not a tramp ta tbe ordinary mean,
tag of tbe word. Be to always nppllsd.
with enough to Inania him a lodging
and iBSBla and sake, a drtak. At oM
man Oalloway's Halfway Boas*, ta the
mldat of the lava.....................................
of Japanme tramp* enable* tbe place to
be kept open. Otherwise It would be
closed, tor old man Oalloway docs not
love desotaUoa wd aneiigh to keep aa
eat hi* chickens sad swset potktoea
and honey. Be baa a J^anese cook,
who U the man
aO work about tbe
Idea tbe good things of
tarter ImpartlsUy
IWtween his own eountiyuien and the
few white people wbo once ta a great
while come that wag.
The tramping habit of tbe Japaaes*
seems to be Ingrained. Tbe» move from
tbe sugar plaatatloas to the ooOm
tanda. from tbe coffee tahdt to the sec
tion cf tbe coonlrr where tbe govsrameiit ta bnlldtag roads. Apparontly
tbair gNTMaata ar* aimless. They
and drinking. After toaste bad
m drunk to Tamataga. tbe giver of
r foUowred. Japitest rnthuBlaam. On* merry fellow
t through all the motions of the new
ult'B drin. ibowtng the fresh sol
dier’s awkwartoca* aa
Uta veteran. He played a bugl* aaeampanlmcnt with hi* fingen to hla tips,
and hla appeal to the military feeling
d to by the whoto oompathe
ar plantation, was aMmd bow many
of (be men had been adUler* I a tbe war
with China. Hot quite understanding
the questioa. be mid with anlmatloa;
*^oa waat aoldlerel I get you plenty
of them." When It was axptataad that
an that was sought was Intonnatieo
about tbe former soldtara. Aknba's>ce
feU. Be aald there ware net many vetarans of the Chlnaae war on the f»land: probably not more than oaa in a
httadred bad taken part ta that struggta. Ncverthelma. a good mang oU
ualtorn are found.
Tb. roIUnrlu I. Uw ftfl UB at Oa
Bawaltan treaty:
The United Btatas of Amaitaa and
tba republic of Baw^ ta view of tbs
natural depeadeoee of tbs HawaUan Is
lands upon tbe United tetes. of thrir
gaograpblcal proximity tharata. of tba
no* w R-C«3Tte AJ i|oai£
waUan latand* exowt npon snrt eondltlona as arc now or may hereafter be
anowad by tba taws of tbe United
Butaa. and no Chtasa*. by reaaon of
anything barstn contained, ahan be al
lowed to enter tbs OMtad Btatas Dum
tbe Bawaltan lalanda
Arttcl* VI.-Tb# prsaldent shall apTbe extaUMT laws of <be Unltad petat five cammlaalonrru. at least two
Btatas rtaatlve to public lands aball not
apply to surt landa ta tba Hawaiian Istanda. but tbe congress of tbe United.
States aball onset spetaal laws for their
managemeot and dIspcsIUea; provtdad.
'that an revaun* from or.procssds of
tbe aarne. oxeept ka regards each pan
tbervef aa ipay be used or oeenpisd for
the civil. raOltarT or naval parpoaw of
the United Btatas or may be aaalgnad
iBds. pubbe buildings or edi
fices. ports, barhen. mUltary agulproenta and an etber public proparty of
every kind and
■ban be used aolely tor the bansfit of
the tabaWtiat* of Us Hawaltaa lafawds
for eduranasal and other iiuijniii,
Article nL-^Batn oongreas Shan pro
vide tor Oe duauroment of mwb iriaads
all tbe emi. Jodldgl a^d minury pow
ers uxerdaad by t^'ofltaers ef tbe axtattag goreroment ta eald totaikto abaU
be vestad ta suU peraoa or psraoes
tbe natural wealth of tbe tatanda TbW
le true. They have beva of groat bans*
fit OB the sugar pUautloas. In buUdtag
roadr-and ta rieartag ooSa* Junglak
Bat the other side was put by a mem
ber of Pmtodeet Dota-a cabtaat ta ihto
-It to Hawaii tbat has glvan oppor
tunity to these Japanese. They eoM
here because tbey do tafialtaly hotter
tbam beta, and after tbrir eeatraeta an
up do even better. Bo. while w« anknowladge tbe benefit tbat Japanese ta
bor baa besD to HawaU. we want It ni
membered tbat HawaU has glrea that
tabor opportunlUee whk* It oMId aavw
have at home. We welcoatad tbam hOCto
but when tbey began to eome In ncto
Bunbero tbat tbey soon would have had
tbe Wands It was rirmiry for as to
we would bad have no I
irith eleetric UgbtiB* to offlw boiWia»i
OB *Mfa eBottoR MTTieo M to tolow fair
the tatoatert Tartotkfc <<
widely Taryto* loade and
iMBcm hate bM hiM at Pw»k«B
ttn Mi«a of Baji SaUL Tahir (MatoTB).
aad Cboah Kew Wab iChiWM). atoo
loiry tow
tow tha
tha 41*WBtaaee
4hw«»“ «*
«< 8W
aa to^oiry
Ah UA (tAtoaae). aU rf Matoag. Peaak
- ________
Not only
moat the ' The
two fir»t oamedaiOB*^
T liTltw to
•paed he 'naUam. bat it moat remato | ^ HBall atat> hoaae at HeboDg. Telml.
dortog the period of the ehaage. To
g^e otben. all of whom awn «•
*■ gaged to aplitttog nebotiga Veryearly
>e BMcntog this little paityw
e and |«aoti<al
1^ll«U the dwnaoda wferted
IMF. A tnoat to««Bloni mac^ has ^
theSddiOooal .beattty of eiJaathewtoTOitad. whid» manofaotot^ j
.dmiUidiy. This gSremor.-whlt* Awaay. “by beartog a rear toaide tbe
^teta and «to the ticket aotoanattwliy j, ,n adaptatiau<d the Bites gor«-----.paw oo my 1««. I ahooted •TlgwT A
OB taw Pde while oodhe other ode it
reimlatn » the
lamp was lit. and' while thU was hangisten the aomber cdAbe titAat. ita
d«t«e of- perfectiou b
iStiniTiTT and the price. A aimple adtog done 1 ww Tahir pkh ap a parang
«tioo of the Bombem lined OB this bead
W cat down the tig«. which, rising
•ton the total of the amotmta ertiich
straight up. sprang npem him and bore
tbe reooitret haa ngiawed dnrto* the
him to the gremid. Ihea my brotbw
Ootoh cot at tbe tiger behind, w
one fcBowa that the HcAeta deleft lAhirand ma^toward thefcitc
Unred W the etadoi maaten are of difAa it went oot Dolab atrock it *wfc»
teimt colfwa. acretdtog to their claw
OT«T the bred. WefoondHaji S •
and their deattoatian andj^bether they
dred. Be had bren toftantly kille
ate fall fare, half rate or «-----------tbe rigor. wblcb.da tbe first aprtogfrom
the gronad. bad come throogb tbe read
onw the Baji't neck and tonkeh it.
of money. Frem the mannfartar- j
Ihbir was Iviug down wiib" bis bead
« they are delirered to the mum otHee.
nearly «>ff. WU.-C it goi ligbL we went
and from thtre diwrfteiied over tbe
; oBtaid^'and saw irui-hs iJ Wood Iredtog
whole territory corered by the iwUro^ ;
' to the jangle, bnt did not dareto follow
ncanmay. I( <>o easily bo eeeo that the :
them. Tahir wa# taken at cioce to Tai
dluteet mistake to their mannlactare |
WOBld ranwrcndlenoonfosicin. As each ,
............................... .. ping, bol died oa arrival. He waa m)
wtatioo is tto- objectof a aprial lahrica-' aa eitiaordiimry rapid a^Btoent and flrtt oiBsiD. and Bag! Sahit waa fait
tloa as tbe name, the nnmber and tbe | wiibout tbe idl|*uwt toatabdity or anrs.
point of departure are always printed i iag.
re aad tbe nwiaertog j depundsuco
ifdwiih an inertia ele-■ slept* ala fwt from tbe gronod a
-■ . •_ - -. . I___—f .Ua pw»i, Twn 1
Wbil bettw thM a iIm Cloak far a Christmas Gift? These harsaias shaiW-ialaea
|0B to ha; aa*.
The immCsse Cloak selling here has badly broken
of them DOVY. When you need them, atspecwl bargain prices,
rather than wait.
Ladies* fine navy blue Kersey Jackete, extra
ydo n«know 'idiately provided for witboat waiting ‘ aroosed by the crl« of Ue^^
all tbe
■ ta tbe otherwise necearery manifesta- | was m> light in the hoore. bl
A.„- ___ _ ih™ of
fiwoei. Tbe entire todistiiK-ily a lug beast rush I
taw-1 piece, anspendid open
mksi. The maditoc which is h
ha* lain. toTenwd with the idea P®"*-,****^'*^
tme pavotal
. jotal
i.io of tbe gov.
, ....
_____ pin orpivotal
iamade of hardened creriWealeW.
_________ __
. rere followed.
but none of the remains conW be reoor-
with it* pn7 L
le little li new- kregciatPaasirllitamafartt
dhy.to the mme eatraordlnary i
Jiger’a larder.
Dtea- ii hu
fcohiiig grrew. br means of aoompttwhu predecreanra
ptedecreanra in
i tbe tigi
_™ _ w—
_ given to the polire
gmae enp. into a ntunber rf re- ^
.__ _ -A. .1_____ I .
............Mr. H. I* Hnlbert.
trict magiatrete.
; The Utter stated that ea^y that mom- tog be and ^r. Ueerge Maxwell had
1 at tbe tMon ont after tbe tiger. On receiving
There baa been establi
PbiTadelpbU Gcmmerrial l
tbe information they rvtnnied with the
Chinree. Starting from tbe kengri.
^SSd^y Urge oollectiuo of raloable which was s two atrey bnUdtog,
exhibita This will be the addition of two magUttatea folltjwfd
toe trwiks
half an
aUbtmtoryof twU aad icchnology as throogb low swampy jk^gie
an adjonct to the acieotiflr depamuenL bonr. wbeo they came upCn the»head of
It will not be an exhibit in the ordinary a (.Tilnaman that bad ev^retly been
sesue of tbe term, bnt a department Utten <df bv aooiv snimal. wboae teeth
Biarks were visible. Tbe nose and lips
For Laaies’ Jackets of very finest black
nlssfh all linMl. TAHCV
SyT^ values^ere $l4
For Lsdlee' finest blackPe^n
eta. elegantly made, aU 11^
Quality eatin or wito finest etnped silk,
v^es are $18.00 to $20.00.
Ladies’^aver jackets. $8.60 and $4.26.
Ladies’Boucle Jackets, $4.00 and $4.70. -
iwWtd prudorts wbi»A may be sent to I go, uid aboBi half an boor Uter fonnd ;
it fromauyof tbeooontnwaliredyrerp-1 the trnnk of the body lying to a awamAT BAKGAIN BEIGES.
m^mted to its o»ll<«ri<au or from pri. I py
There was no anitable place
todividnalB whowvhwdHcmiinc.
, tre^ mod afUT
afur oonferrtog with
,! fu, _____p.aDd
Ho nmoe here to mention price*, but oome end eee the gooiU. An examination
. thnnigh cbemirel and other teats, the
Maxwell the witnees pot aotno
: romroercial valoe of tbe matcrUU pre- Mrycbntoe into the thighs of tbe body
^ of tbeee good* and the prioee wlU enrely eonwince
I w-nttd. Tbe services
rvievs (if
of Ibis imporuiit bj'nwai
bj'nwans of hi* bunting knife.
nivlng the beet bar^aine ever offered, for theee good*
I department will1 be at the
tbe disposal
dispuHsl (d
'if i| They
ibe^ t«anied to the kengai. trlngmost be eold, and eold now.
^wsesnsKMUXT* naiLBoiDTicseTv. lanv
luj iwtwai
iwnui <w
or firm deaiiing
dealing icaiatwan-,
teatsvB-im., jug
tog the bred with them, which <»e of
preventing anv mUUkre
misukea or frand-awl
band-awl;] alysls,
alvsls, jovo^iding
iinTTiditig they canply
««nply with tUtU-!j u,e
tj,e Chinese idretlBwl as that of hU
brotbrr. The next moralBg it
Cf oorrectlv iv^stering evtoy <Uy the ; n-Huiremeuts of...................................*
tbe depattaieui ^tive miming
vras fonnd chat the trnnk bad been re—nnmber c4 tic-kets eold and the i to the mw<v of fstidiug samplre and - ,ra
It was diarovcriid at last loreceived for thtan.
more paVcuUrly
to tbe
; moved
itfd. that no <v-Mflrale given shall be i g^ber With the diwd body of a tignre
Beliable Dry Ooode, Oapp®t
Clothing Hoaae.
the'Inx ia a ' nwd' ,m any way for advc-rtuing.piir. j <ybe ibigbs of, the dewawd bad been
A»*ii At tbe botti------_
teiv devonnd- Tbe I
mnall elt-ctrie motor which sets a nickel poM-a.—.Kmeriren Machtoi
, full grovri- «ie mre«Br«d B feet J inch
pUted wbre! to motion, this whrel ^ |
I and was as regards coat, body and teeth
^mpUcedtm a level.with tbe handle ,
» the left side of the apjnratoa. Tbej Professur ElrntrUati* rf Waahingt««i to apliaidid cuaditioti, cosiirary to the
tbeorr Uid doaro that <aily mangy old
cardboard hands are roll’d aronnd , mys be has
- -----------------------------------tonchlew ligtre become man eater*.
as manv wheel* aa are needed, j which obje«ti--------------- - -Mtoated above the muor and bebiw tb- 800 time.gr.«t.T tiuui by any’rf tbe *Bv the wonudsdsi the bred and leg abe
famirsiiiTir rrlih-* - H is ibU cylinder {mi<-T’*<t>p<« now to or-. HU toveuiiun. '
iHcuiilied a* tbe killer
tbe Ma/ nBditswbeels and it* K-’-th. located to I he claims. wiUr’‘vnlniiinii«cmicnR-'>liy ,
toenoperiart of tbe machine, which , and will udvaiuv sHcmv to a i«uut;
lu the eaM-s cd Hi^ Sabil. Tahir and
«(Batitnte tbe fowsional revret of the hiiberto nwisremed of. H> discoviy, 1 cbnab Kew Wah tbe verdict waa.
In cooinncrioh
-------- by luiaadvmtnre owing to the
ccBiancrioh with the iBrge
large ' UU revs.
«ys. wUl
eptrtal’ vatoe in Un- - ••UaUh
t ^atigeT."
Tl»-nwnlt of I'
exsouw wbreU whic* rev’dvw. ag*iii>-1 t»nid(*T «id the **ttoy «>f the (vUnUr I
.... .
Mu ODtside wxll CD tbe right'd the «p-Uis*are The jir-rfMes* dc-lur.-* that be
rKcnrdi-d thus: "Tbe pre•• i ba* sDcccedavl wberi- all other wiretiMs sniuiitiim
Ah Lok n>«« bi*
ipiion la tb»t
,ooo pairs o( LAtllES’ FINE SHOES,
doth by
to^e Interior. On this Urgn wheel «re 1 have
^ter fMtr ^ aieretvformer pricos ninge from -Sjax. to *4-5.01 ’ipM
lok Kebdbg
iMcribrd fhe names of tbediffereai *ta-1 which.
tire* and the price* of tbe varioo* trips. I a lena < obe.magnifled byarecoaidaa
stj-lish but No. i weartis: siies t to 4«l
-a ______________
ticket is demred_____
fur s________
givre if_____
it weoriginal objwto To do
oMBt. the large wheel is set to ni.dion : thi* ha* ll-n tbe aim of adiwrific pbowidths B. C. D. and E. Gbing at *1.00 p^r PrUr for
nialhepop■aril the name
tbe rtalioo asked for ;togi»idii-rs
uin-n»t»>pii** fwmau.Y
I nut tbe fanit
this month only. Do you want them?
res ,«*• Antailc
oiiixante s'anill iren point Om-jy.iri: Pref.reor (iut.-. d.«» not divnlg.the Curtb family. Mrs. Anna Cnrth. Oau
gwid Ick.Liiig Oennan woman of 80
«f the -------- ---------------.11.,- ... the i the dcUils of his invcntiim.—liidiao
I* suing Kansas City for e».0(»
n the totrruir I
unnl cIlf injories revived
tollon Bcooiml
tUe«arlc*i'ret* Wr.sSing
.nnd in lew time than by tlie old fa*b j
tug throogb a cu^ bule m frant at Na
In rwTOt experinnvit* an a«: of -10 to i$ >U« Foortb street to ttept*!uiDBi
OpresilS M. * h *
toned way of Mampiug. etc.. tlM tiekecomes oat rredv to be need. If mure 1 60 volt*, vrilli stmireut of 800 to 6W iftWfi. LieorgB Jones is defeoding
t..,. ooe ticket for the reme pUce i» de- ' aiu]>er<-e. i* reid to have penettat’-d in eoK- for tbe city in Judge Stover's
Mred. ridiiinne to i»e» tbe botfon.as tbr.- t>- <i-n minntes isde wall* ftum TUion of the circuit ouon.
jnany lime* a* lb"n'are tii-ketaneeded. :a to ti iii<-h<« thick. A roni^ «tt»-l
••How old wi-re yon wbre yo* w
While the u m-blne I* delivering tbe j ii^got. perhaps 6 by : by 10 toebre. was marri’d'r ' a*ked Mr. Joaire today.
-.*t.ri with a diagonal, jagged hole
••SeventrcB." arid Mra Cnrth.
fnim 1S to it >, inche* to diameter, the
-How old IS your oldest obildr'
Ihi-uppurui— —
orWtochw. Wbow^iUnowwarrauia
relUfr. u. tbci’T'd the awaarattts and
"How oU u tbe nextr*
tqrishr* Minniiao’-ookly with the deliv. bnrgUr presif asfel
cry of lb- IX Le t it* Bomber, its Mrie*.
"The next?”
itsde^iuBtiioi udd |nce.
Men on an avenge vrd^ tO ptnnda
By uii-an* >d iLi* lu-w niikfhltie am in
"The D«tr'
when either a Cham
Hare you eeen the line-veewoMfyingf We have ali the ^ .
jector uied only iir>-R-ut bimself ni the mere than women.
ticket ofiire. Biuul! tbe regisuring hand
Weak and toflained eyre are fMleved
Mr. Jemre beolUMd » tnenaot <
ois Lun^ Protector or Utoet of the fiction. One coMomer c»e in this
.nad say to ib.-tbktt*elUT, •‘YonaboBld ky bathing them in salt water.
tooked at tbe floor.
Vest wiU be a neces ve kept the late booka. We aaked what they wanted They 1^ joM
have «u Bti’l Nu iu bold."
. '
“Tbe next?" be orettonea finnUy.
Bevere ivy poiretitog li qntokly reTbe taUnstd comianies (d riie north Itored by bathing with aoditim hyp
”^ottt.” replied Mrs. Cnrth.
sity. ,We can supply been looking over the December magaainee andeaw eo^y .naw
•ndweet in Kranoe have adapted the |diide ndhUen.
Nr. Joo« besiteted again, tant detoded
you with cither, but books advertieed- they wondered what they looked like. They mennew BppsTBtns. and gndnally all tbe
Wise of colehicaai root reHoret oh- to risk iL
tiooed book after book, and we hadtwenty-tbreeoutof the twen^.fiT*
jreds rnnntog out of i'arw are nstog
yon can econosuse and
wiathw to five to ten mtotoi
Of qenne f« Ami-rioin w the
•'Two," admitud Mrs. Cnrth.
on the list.
doM rinre rimre daily.
yet' hat*e something that were
Boctatoj would be lew rompHcated.
Mr. Jonre was-ready to change tlM
Thmi.ehaT.th«Iittla dainty Ixxdai “-at am alwaya anUstala
o the
lae fact
lack that
u.-* we
— have
nwtog to
no first._ Boiled poUtoes are innrfi «low<»
Unea at eiatnluation.
just as good by buyand tSd *1— rickets—hVw I digwt than wasted (» l^ed. the for•■Are von sun-.” he aAed. "that yon
i »*'•"
“d the unre ,niea' doe care and diUgenre wboi yoa
. ing a chamois and
*11001 8 to Str.
I were walking cn thi* walk?"
making oae.
ne gjiAreasgraph.
I *in a cam uf tAtos tbeiy
"ton have misssd cm” the said.
"How old U it?” be asked.
Experiments wijh the eynrbreDo | aud meunirem<-uu wer? clreely
values at 30, 50 and
"Pemr BMiths.” teid Mre Cnrth.—
gnipbVrcCTSiUy oondneted to Kugland | but tbe minntla- of their fingtr {gut*
> many good tmtt, and we have neeny “*•
anres aty Star.
by the inrenton of the ajstoiu. Mivsna war* quit.- «Uff«renU
7,5 ceots.
Take y^tim. whm, you am dom. Umu
look ttum omr.
Squires and Ci^iore, ore repomsl ak , tIh- Uk« at f ramto. to PereU.
tain* more salt than lh$ Ored ■«.
whlrh bold* W per rent, tr rl^t tune*
the ocean.
ware amt at tbe nte of «,SOOw^ per
r leponM of eyes that bcminntt, to OBoaher teto a *toylim
Bsly inflamed by looking at
Ct^monly knowi'If as
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
On Sale Now...
4^ enameling ’
heney ledekle.
A TIME... .
Jaa. 0. Johnson,
1,900 enxdM pac nioeto.
<»1 drill war
Mt of to to IS y
/oKnson’s Drug
Drui Store.
“Of the Making of Books
There is No ESnd”-....
Tm MWMmre iMj»^jiwrPAT. owmiBaB 12. 1227.
Tbea be kwkad tv«*
IMe of tnitioa fee. bet tbe motfaer eye
•■Don't yon think, Br. It woald be battea
la on tbelr work. One boy U bacbwaid
yeabeUtbeendflf tberopaf Tbmtf
SbeiapnylngaCBtarto tt
^didn't like 11 and acead bod yonoonld
letfo. CowaaiwTery oaeoKaln aalaala,
le ia }oat now anxr. 8be teUa me be
_____too bard, and Ae wldite him to
gire op bia uewapaper roete and apend
tboae eariy moroing boora in bed before
^ he goea to bia medicsl atndiet, bnt tbe
A WOBMB—« fcnlEMT. a RudaB •yonng wan ia »nrid*iitly twdowri with
J«WMi—keepa tbe Urftrat oatdoor Mwa- quite tbe prpper lpW‘w£U not
Mttd 111 tba gnat dty
New TeriL hear of it.
Brone U atill yoong aa well aa reSned
B« badMM aad her iMoew did not
aU oeno in a dar or a /car. Bat aba md bAudaomc. There ia tbe emnoe of
aaned It boBaatly. and no ooe among a ptood and 1-......
boi ench ia the atrragtb of her character
bar iboomndt at ,
that this only arrrec to grace b<T man
Tbe aeoret of her aooeMi ia aD-ontaOlng ner and IxT attlindo. Not one of tboae
oomteiT and a natnailr dowand lady- ,rbo poor iu and
tbe elevated «nhood that conunand tbe hi^NR napact mnn-atODti Rundred and SixteenUi
Her name ta Brone P. Nelacn (or atiwt bat tulai ber wlioo ahr U off doty
Obandea. aa abe waa called inBniria), fv a uunit-ub Her unxioty to wrreyoa
and it ia alwaya estertainisg to Uaten : ia ratbxr tlx- taoepitable anxiety of t^
to tbe tew reatrred w«da ahgoocaaian- j boetuB> looking nfur roar comfort than
aUy leu tall of bet life in arg« bnyoi
r in NtV
teach tbe BtuHan peopK that grent-refonna m not effected in a day and that
“ttacffalao mrrewbo only aland and
In Hoaoow aa a wife and mocber
&ooe wae kept li%rompamUve eaee
Ifarongb tbe ezertioua of her tradeemao
boAand. Bnt abe waa broad winded
and bad etudied berooantiy'e litemtnn
uwell aa tbat <g otbera Sbewaia
A Jew. and ebe felt tbe opireecbildreo. tbon^-loving Btuoda. left it
and 4wme to thia om^y
ooont^ abont
aoont eight
eigot cr
nine yean ago. They poew d abemt
KBie |i.»0. Bnttb^
^ abared tbe ________
'manyatrangeniina.atnngeUDd. They
bAd not thowxya, they had. not tbe
tongue. Brane'a bnelnnd died nine
mootba after tbeir arrival, and ebe waa
left is New Vork to oare lor heiaell
■nd tbe two little boya. Tbe manex,-!
dwindling, gbehirtd beraelf todo s<
Ing wacblne work. For two weeka B»e
worked for nothing aa a leanier. and
than abe took full rank with tbe ezpwi-
Shk^rit^*«ySu, 3rT '
Chr^tfflas Dinner
-BoMtiMiiopel NoiaBtont. She'd A
yanklnroMof ibe«regon)aet(raii>RiUa
and U I ka go of UM’
Um rope r...
> hare W I
chme bw aU nlgbtorertbe moantalD yon- idU
Tk> bar to tbe axle and get in.”
2 bar (aat to the
>e beck axle ;'; ^
»ectarted. .Tbe next n
a bellow of frlgbl and InBMBttbei
I InforUted cow ellwUiiglO
will be all the more ebjoyable if your table is laid
with handsome and appropriate China, and Glassware.
.ISaSiM tlp-KOdlng Lloyd half way <
^ tbu boree'i b-ck. Than ebe tried U
aimnnd and catch tbe bone, who wsa
tncklng and plunging in fear. Tbea tbe
cllubul tiito tbe wagon again. . Tbao abe
did ercotbing abe bad doaiisbetore allot
1 cannot giro tho delallaof wbatfolkwral. 1 only know that I badedeeung
irwlf if yog rialonof a l eirit wheel, omaU bar rezy
of bone and oow
and wagon, wboou apukeadewaroand with
obliging—B ia gnccful.
"Uh." abe will aay tn tnp aiouetinieK.
"I bare no rime to Ifwni tbe langnagr.
tbe litentnre of thia great pi-ople. Mr
life will be waated. 1 know. Rat 1 am
hoping wane thing* for mrebildren'afottoe. Maybe yim diai't want tbia inper. PtTbapa yon an- only porebaang
Fortbii 1 gire berk little tertare
and alter it we ahake bandaoi tbe inexotablo fart that neUbt-r of oa ran
dunbt tbe motivcB of oar cuatomera.
.It U- no eaey life to atand at ttaU
atreei corarr tbnmgb fonl wintbw and
Ibrongb fair, day iu and day out. nm<
liiDPe from o'clock in iheinnniing as
b p’clock at night: to m<vt ailIkind
of jx-ople, the riauw and the xeflned.*
tbe KDob and aoU-ew and tb<- keen wan
of bnainea And, abore
aU. to know 'by tbe keru>-*t
and atadr jaot wbat paper I .
to hare it rwdy with tin-lou>i poouble
delay and alwaya with anvaryiag and
marked cooneaiy. -And tbe ranch? An
from tbe newoataud of from
^.000 to -13,000 per y«nr, I aboald
jtidga How mapy American worm
“to tbe manner born" are then wh
woald do it cr oonld do it?
Tjijiav a. Nosm
crarklnga till roddonly then «
of fragmaatf and tbyn an Im
tUence and 1 lay back on the gram lira 11
dMd faint.
-Sakm allre. Mr. Jonea.” the looal
bnteber waa ia}-lng when 1 came to. "X
wouldn't-grin fou ^ abllllnga for that
cow. No, air. pi kaa rntmer «e ber
Id. Uby. abe-f Dothlng bat mloee
tbaToow ain't, natbtng
And abe’a aomlfed
epokea that I'll baa-e to pu
tbrongb tbe grinder or people'U think 1 're
taken to giving tootbpicka along with
tbelr boliwna ''
■'Yob n wekoBM to the eow.”aald I
feebly aa I climbed Into a klodiy nelgb-
We have such, botb in Odd Pieces and Sets; plain and decorated to mMt
every need, and ^ prices that you will have something left in your wallet to
make others happy with after your purchase. They are suitable for present*
atioD. too, and form a most appropriate gift. Yonr Dining Furniture may
need refurnishing and we can meet yonr wants, likewise with compassion for
yonr pocket-book. Dining Chairs. Tables and Sideboards in infinite Variety;
Fancy Chairs, Concbe.s, Fasels and Screens, all open for your inspection and
marked at figures you don’t have to consider before buying. Allfgoods bought
now, stored until Christmas tree, of charge, at
W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store,
188-138 Front Street
Trftverse City, Hich.
Correct Stylea.
Most Complete As.sortment
ever shown in this City now
on sale at
No. 131 State Street.
Traverse City. Michigan.
Come in and look them over.
•‘JoBatbaB," mid my wUt. "ara msel
hare a oow. V
- iMotpeytobayo
••Briht 'hoy," 1 exclalnid, "I will."
Well. I looked blab and low, aad at Ima
or feeding quietly In ,
you more
E.W. Hastings.,
Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance, i
Mniey to Loan
Improved Farms and
City Property.
Johnson Block
The Ladies
All Know It....
They all know thSt the new styles in shoes are entirely, ,
different from what they have been, and that we are'
selling new style shoes in all the latest lasts at prices
others are-olfering old goods at.
Our New Shoes at $1.50. $2xx>, $2.50 and Syjxi arf
worth coming to sec.
Alfred Y. Friedrich,
The Popular Shoe House of Traverse City.
’Phone *78.
■aoTC p. Ftwajc
than anywhere else------gBOed handa, earning from glO to 111
a all rigftiri wooU
^ week For 1 y.-arand b montba abe
paraaed tbit work ditigenilr, and tbes
•'Vea. air." haw
it tlackmed. Sbe bad ax w«^ work.
Ber rent of III a unutta waa going <»
"All right. Mr. 1 wm. «r.•Dd her children pinM be kepL
Half an hour after a (anita- woald.aralk
----- AT-----Ebe beard thrnngb an aoqnaintase
op to the from galrtlririxg acowbefur* ! ib^h
ber hnaband who bad known bet
him. tir'd halt aixl luuk up at uie with a Ipj^kageWNoblng Powder.
Rnaaia of a newapajaT Mand riut
Ultk- twlcikh- In hi» ryr.
H lb Japan Tea...................
for eale at Our Hundred and Eixtentb
■(Be thia yourrriltiv. Ur. Junm?"
street andliligbtb areune. Tbe owner
"It liaikx'hki-bev. ' I d aav cnincoa
Wednesday Evening,
offered f<i eell tbe bUMUeiw f<ir #250.
December 16Ul_
Well. IwUl. you d-find out If'tala't
Broue bad ucly |M left in tbe bank,
-n I've guitugu to Jim Banka'wHb
bgrahe colltarK-d h«r j< «eliT. rrninance
V^lbrbrarei n(UraraE|4>r,-paJCI>nrvk. |
Cf former Inxniy. and took it to a pawn
AMiM-d ^
I would call up Uoyd aad aak. "Ia tbe j
■4bop on ibv Buwery. Tbtre they gars
in tbi- |w«turr. Lloyd*"- .
ber for Mune dhumaide. bet walrb and
W'l'll. >ir. >Ik wad till tea mlantea ago. ;
, diaiii ancloCber •iraameuta lllHI
- UikHpktKTiiH.Miiit:
•D 1 tuuk mv rye off bW abd want to ,
225 Front Street.
Still lac k>d tbe Buaer, het a eparin of raablngr ibc nuriaginuTiaav •>
Kb U. Mr? "
bar baelautd i-nme fiwward and loaned
••A«- if »bi- » Ibera no*'.
. /cl Mould grin.
her |K>0, and the Maud wa» pnrcbaiaiii
■H.O her b II.; lloo-is Udivered,
Q. Mr: BmttH Oaau, asr
Thai «be all
in'v »
■ *'F«r BiyseU.''abe oduu my* la recallpoM thi-rr. •
"How do yoa ko«w lliat'a
"I know lKr,Bir Tfa
Thn I d pay danwgw and we'd put np
tbe<uw. And tbr oaiae areae would be
enariol witb a diffivetit farmer the eon
tbe oppci
Tbe rum that cow ate. tbe ratadowf ol
rpODtha waa able to par tack tbe loan
of |104. and by ebn-r Epnrran oonrage
We Have
w '
A very fine line of package and bulk
Perfumes, (or Xmas gifts, ranging in
price from toe to five dollars, some fine
packages with satin tops, hand-painted
bottles in cut glass and plain; atom
izers from 50c up. . Don’t fail to come
in and see them. We can please you
and save you money.
Steinberg’s Grand Open fioosei
Enterprise Grecery,
Sterling Silver Novelties!
bcT Mand. TheDthi-louk bev two Iwotbera ^trtn partnerabip- und.ibe cvajcwii
BOW eut>iii/rfa, buddea' berwlf and h«
two U-yii. Imt eideat bnitber. bit wife
Bad boy, a roonger l>roibrT ye< npi
tied and bcT uepbew. a-eiMpr'a cl
'•We don't know," M,e nya in
qaainlway. "lawtiom tbe boaiue<u>
.beltatga- 'Th.-rr U a eotnmoD imrae, and
we ais cooUdeal tbat one will not take
apenymorc. than bealoolntel
Ibla ia tbe uxlb year of tbe
Tbe entire family are i-ngagcd in it.
There bis three tabl.-a filled with newapBpeaa and pwiodicatla and u little honae
SBder tbe elerated main. wb.>re tbe
Sto^ ia kept. There >a bIm> a tbriring
■ew^nper ronte aerred by imabcarU
^^klBgall istoaoooant. the firm <«iuut
'"^ir regnlar esatomera at Mmx-xbiug
betwen S.OOO and 8,000 a day Tlx-ir
expenaea for tbe pnrilege of tbe ati
amonnt to ootudderable a ytnr. auc
freab permit ia taken ant each year
They employ cate man'a entire time at
SSptvweek TtaeeAqyt ieHrer in tb.
early mcaming boora ench day fiw S3 |ier
week. Tlxy work from I :S0 to 7 a. ni
A ytmiiK lady atandi at onb of tbe labl(rnn) 6 to 11. a m each day fer gc per
week Tbe nepbow delireia from fi tsu
to 7 a in. and iliea makta bia way to
bia work and atndy at tbe BeHente
JUdioal odb-ge-foT tbe net of tbe day.
n tbe little buya agud U and 10 regpaetiveJy. run u puabcart <Bi tbe mornlagear tbi-ir vacatlmi fran KdHwl. They
■IlMd tbe Felix Adlor —and it la
Ifam. STelacai-i wUfa tiuttbey be «di
gS|Hb»oneeftarian idtihliffimaBl TTw
^ flceed ibe will give them ii that of
tu mu. .-^be rlimlaxi tbe hllU Iniu
abe nwioal down Cblck<v> aUwet. abe
«Bd>M loin the rtvervalr. abe inuunled
Olui.teaii bill, m Ix-n-. wliii a gla~>. we de-'
acribeaior oiiilixpd ogalma (he-k., aad
aoil Lloyd l» necite btf- Ifbclher It waa '
tbatpnUu nnulied at IrKui icntad, not
ownrd. »r M bi-ltwv (be buk a tul>cbl<'V»u>
Might InbomeMlng n* tweauaewchallrd ,
from tbe rtty 1 du not know.- Certain It i
woe that no fcoro could nsualD ber. no
^ tie watchful enough to bold ber In S' m
I from tbedtv every day with plaaabald work Ibcrv aU^duee
any one think I wast to wain that perpVtdkuUr IH mUea-for tl'anphUlaU
tbe way-for my bealthf Bnt Utat'a wbot
i had to do time efler time wbeo Lloyd
ttirtMd hla back on the eow asd iM vemoomd the raoeb. TNon IJoyd wafat off
Mlook for bs.asd I. ai tbeeunntry folka
Tbe rod laroe at loot. One day tbe cow
x-d OM ueoal. and Uoyd la
a of my r
oziumaed with more Xervw tbmi derool•mao. had driven down 10 tbe Mdea and
tbcB Started off on hla dailr koBt. It me
xaccnwfitl. m fact oe aoccaafnl tbat ba
apinnd driving tbe oow joat ae 1 got off
itx- tr.vio
."Hrllo. Uoydr’lcrtid. "Oottbeeow?"
Bandsome Silver B»cks.
gut a rope and fattenrd It wooml
Traverse City
Candy Co
KeepeCbrittmaaTrea TrlmalagB. Caadlee, aad Oandle BoUaia. Ckady
Toya aad a foil line of Oraamoeta. Don't forget dor StriBg Chady aad
Candy CbBoa. We make epecihl priera ob candy ta ackMla. ebarekm. aad
Praab OycUn direct frem SaltlBore aliraytoa hand.-
Oonior Park Bud Proat.
Braaeb Store rear Maaonic block, on L'nloa Straet.
now In. H... BornWhlne iMid Aidd. ft>r PiMenU.
F. A. EARl, Jeweler,-
3-piece Child’s Sets, triple plate silver.
Elegant Caning Sets,
Bfssell’s Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweeper
Uumoc Block.
and a great inaBy oUw^Me^l tbiage tbat woald ba
14S FroDt Street,
Tmreme City, Mich.
We have a Complete Line,
All New,
of the wagon and jnuip In."
Uoyd looked doWbtfuL “Do yoo tblnk
ibe'Ugolhatway. oUr"
"Gu? Of omm abe'U go. I'dUketo
wm her help beroMf IX Mw'e «M Wtha
kbck axle oX tfala wagon, with «bo bone
wetting in fnmt. Oat • foge tmn the
Anil Prices that are Right.
Ku^am Block.
'If You Have Logs to SeH
Correspond with
the Traverse City
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good,
Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W^. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill I^t for sale.
THB KOBlimo UlOOSO, 8PWDA.Y, DBOBmB 12, 18»T.
------------MtobUibtDMtbMtenDeciiBetDolad•WVied ■,w«ol«rlygrg«il»aoon>8of caU
“WHy, «r. r»# Item w»teWn|
tt ^j,o« fnoctioB U U » protect tl^e alli»Mthat«w«|KfajretelittledMkbee*no- tu7 tart» tnax mioa. TboeeoaUaw
M>t^ 1 HwaonetblDs black opoa tniaed in thoirdDtiM br the inerUaide
It-aa&iMUsg that I ttran^pst Bored—the drill acogeaBt. They wrar badRB, »nooB’t ondar a ckjod. and 1 eonld not wa celTe tadoiu and modioal atteodaocie
ttattnetly. but 1 raally baltore tfam'a a «,•! draw annnal pay aiiKttuiting to the
ikOd floattai oat to aea In thU rraflnc nm of 18 Barka pw oat. Now tba asOB that eake of tea.1 hoasoMBOit U amdilly made tbatUiia
edeekbcforaailherapoketaoraya U toiadUbaDded.'
—---------. polDted out.
am, with Plot,«nr
Prof.Bor ijofBci
liofflci hae
haa dlac
otbrnwoed. The mate pidoted
dlacorered a apeBoUttledlfficolty.lhecake of iee,&oattna ciea typhna baeUlsa wbid U <anJ to
oe to the leeward, and ita while. fUtMr- tnioe. and wbooe aerrloM will in ooueInC curfaoawae brok'eo byablaok^oL qonioe be aabotimiadforthoaaof the,
Mora I eoold not make out.
“Get ma the slaM, Ur. I^Un;' the, Probably DO Oennaa ««• anythiaff ;
owfllbeontcf that etood la am
1 kept my eye OB the reeedtag mam
tea. while the moon wac eknrly worklBC
hmwaythroueba brnrybankof elenda.
■ hywiibaglaaa. When
at la« ^ the watm
ay only te*own In onr
delkdone. One
himeclf dwelling npon the UtUe 1^deata that are implied in it *We nm .
» piowretbe mUitarycat. after paadag i
jhe phymeal eaamination and- being ,
Bt^itered ia. dtmning hia ladge aad re~
and aOk aadexridsta moyaow
w boogbt to
t match. Bpth are triaBMd
rich wUt* w black laoe and babyrOMnff Ataine
dainty pbted fold
«»d ailrer win are laetcy and netful.
Borne of the mote eeptHtre chalae look
like Bartow, flat rlbbcBU of gold.
11 are black, with'
eeen In
light. tlTid (iroeu, nd with trowa or
black dark cremi and bine aadraepiak
BUmee eoata area
and ebUdrea. For otaUdiw
-belted in with leather or .
____________jd at tbe finot or left Ude ,
with a bntUe. tbe bltnue effect will,
keig retain itc p
Boaa aad tMllareBee will be wwdi
Sable, fog. mink and I
W'wn thU
none marten are mne of tbe farorite;
twn ef wl
Gapea are not mteibioBable ei it w
the little cutter Wbioh wee atownd away ta , taziatk yard, of tbe oat lining np at
the ihlp-a yawl.
I tbe payraaAer'aforbiKiaartariy wagm. j
Ur. Wkin had raedred the gUm from
the tat applying for a few hom’
nttband to take a look for hlmmtt "Uy
of abmooeand rioionaly Bjaander-!
^ b^- ^ b“ W «» nnlimitod oalalp aad ;
then hilW-de <
I roll oaU. « tbe cat iaebriated and nteakeofierr
.y baU aad walked tering aeditioos yowU oppomie tbe oOrayrelf lompod, followed
wbotook tbeoera I
1 the mate «t bealde ma la,
large baU are aeen eretywhere tbu a»eon.-Both mylee are aM^actlT^ tbon^
not becoming to all fame. Toqnea and |
tnrbani are renecdally i»otty and look '
eipeediagly ehfcVhan they «
mney. pi.iu.at faoe.
Bleck relret plctnie beta w
more popular Uma at tfaie aeaacuf. Tba!
brixurDllawaytrcaatbetroataadddea. :
and tbe cDtire creatlcn ia ahaoet noth- j
hdere a coart martial fqr oeautruc- ere^ia
_ long featboa
and plamea. Tba,
deewtlon mud maytMOdbeleidi-1 «ylo U daabing andaaggcMeqoalnt
It la all fine. wondmfnUy. flan
^ II primlcm
p^lcm portinita
portinitt of
t old time o.
wne (IB- > bewntim aad i
moofa pay • Xribnae.
“Do yoa are that cake of ice with i
Ulag black upon It. Ud*r‘ 1 cried. ‘
mealoo^ldeof that and I'llglrr y
beetle of ram each tool^fat and a me
arm wesm wbeo you are paid off."
Tbe B>ea brat lo tbeir oara. bid tbair
etiokaa wwi- uomo and fnido.^ Tbv
were iwed up by the hard duty of tbe |weeadlag foitatgbi. and tb»uitfa they did
; tbeir bmt tbe boat made little more way
than tbe tide ThI* wa* a long rhaar. aad
Ur. Larkin, wbo wm niffrrlng ae he mw
bow little w* gained, cried out; "PuU.
lada rubble tbe captain's prim. Two
botdmofrniuandtwoinoBth*' pay. PulL
lada fv tbe lore of Ood. poll C
A oonmUlre rffort at the oan told bow
wUllag the men wme to obey, but the
■Migth of tbe
attoag_ rawaegono. One
o* twice li^m
of the poor fellow* wmbed
oortrlagbUoaraad thragmreout. Tbe
Other wa* neariy a* f*r gooe. Ur. larkln
mmtag forwaid aad aelird the oer.
‘■Lledown In the bottom of tbeboaf
mid be to tbe man, ••and, eapwdn. take
tbe otbm oar We ffliut row for
ItookthaeecoDd mao-rplaoB. larkta
kl* gwrnaey afairt, and a*
w 1. welted
be pulled the bow
--------for the atgoal
rently, but flrrely, aad tba
Moke, n came gently,
next mamcni wc wwe pulUng a Icag.
Mcadyguokc. gradually incmdng In ra
pidity until the Hoid an.in«d to ■mukein
tbeou-locka iVi kept tinu; tweb by the
baiK. «l.»v breathing of llK-c.tb.T Huefa a
palll We beat forward until our face* alaxMl loocM uur kon-a. and ttn-n. throw
ing ail OUT nuength Into the brnkwaM
a the oar ontil every
le Mpoce coveted by thv sweep bad
bemgalmd At ewty suokc the touai shot
ahead like an arrow dlx-harged from •
bow. Thu* we worked at the oan for l»
mlDUb*. It seunwd y> mo a* many boure.
•Vie wc almost up w Ik Ur. Larklni ’ I
<i wbetber it will alao wear a badga.
TJwroUaUwln Iowa whit* nakm
tbe wife equally ll^ *“■.'“? ^ ' ntardc.
ttaoted for neommrie* with tbe bna-; igjg,
band. A jeweler auld to a man naa
«, th. Dot.. m,ki»8 Mr, MdCMr sS'S'iSSiiTS.'””*’"
> >»•
a oodefeedaDt under tbe rnmato. Sbe^
dmanrredoolbegroand that a diamond,
■tad was not an expense for which she ,
wssliablA Tbeooart below nstnined j
tbe dennrrer. Tbe oam was canied to,
tbe sapeeme amt aad JudgeImdd rmt-,
dered a deeisioi wbiob was ececured
in by tbe -whole eonrt e^ Judge j
Bobinsoo. Jndge Imdd biOd:
"Tbe makeof tbediiitor thetnue
Tbe Oanadlaa mare Big nany, ;
9 it«H. t>7 »«P<ri<w. bat started in >0
tacts qpd nerer been naplactd.
Kelly, the brotfam 'at ExiwemiT^
by Electionem^ wbo reeeatly
took anoori of 9:97, has Irottedaqoarur in 89 seomds.
spblaxetta. 9K«t<. mude* htiUlant
ounpeign ia 18M. and did not wfa a
jwi. Bbe was plaoed in asrmnl
We have a number of
little used,
InexpenUTe pearl were ased. no c
charge. Bat it might be a* much oat
absence of three ytan from training,
place OO the ■bin frent of a persan of
ebnt' B Is tvpcriod that all Palo Alto's
fasbi.m or fortooe as
a'dinmiiod in Chat
af.reewboeam*hi*btemlintbe*w«M,*«eding and training U
oonconof bisfaoe."
j tratod at tbe home farm, the annex at
Under this dedsion tbe quoad* of Vina ranch baring been dummunaed.
oraamvnt, not utility, is rair^ Tbe inA. B. Sprrckcla tbe Califcniis milesp.-osive pmrl woald answer tbe atil- lionaire. has sold all his tboroogblreds
itMT^ pnrpow equally Well Oraa- at aoctiou. but will retain Halda, ^
BHUt. then, beconies a Bceemlty to tbe
Dicoe, 9:14. aad birqtbm aat-;
Tbe proBotert of tbe new half ntOe
ring at Uorlbeta, Uom.. rute that they
Th* epwata Mdler,la Cata
. I intend te have tbe fastest half mile,
Tbe Spanish aoldier is probably tbe
England onuida of Otmi
*^1^nKist. capuln. Don't give ap. For
the knuof oar dear IHile ones at hotaa bast fighting material in tbe wbrid. He bia,iioo
fl^iSd*m”tl» blade* tortied np
to tbe raounUghk Tbe men who piled
Soddenl} Ur. Larkin slopped pnlHng.
aad my heart for a Biameiic ceased ltd
bsatlag. for tbe lorrible thought that he
faadgltwneut cromed my mlDd. But 1
wa* quickly nasrared by bis votae. "0«e< Or, mpUln. gently—a stroke or two more
—tboe. that wUl do!" And Ifar ncst.nmmeat tb.- Dwt s side came In contact wHh
aomsthlng. god Larkin sprang from the
boat with bit hta'T fee* upon theta. 1
i. I. bi. cam
to £mfc toi.
ur5;.tob scBscm.
«—'• $2,897 in etakes and ppanes '
tag to bis credit.—Harm Bsnriew. ''
plebs eerrioeable, obedient and doodle , "
Tbe nmplmt maaeover it to tbe Span-;
ieb nfH«« an nnknown qnantity. but the ,
most d-Jibeiat« and deriliUi evil of all
Fidelity Is aeven-MBtb* of botnam
it tbe disbunesty in high plaeoa. The
amoant of money—tbe property of the
Spanish people—mimpiBtq:^(ed by tbe : Too cannot pnt a great hope into a
offlcersoftteSjmnlebanDymustamobnt.mimlleooL—J. 1* Jooea.
to tui]liuut^4iaetaapd’month. "We;
if yon want oiemies. excel otben; if
know it." mid an <a-miaistez sadly to friebda. let otbon excel yon.—Colton,
me in Madrid, “we know It even over ; Employ^t Is natnre's physician and
We ran to tba •
the miM and found two Uulc boys,
Dead nldimon kept upon tbe listed i
bs^of HraamallerRotleK In Uw boi
«f the largiT. Both wi-n.- furl asleep. Tbe
lethargy which would have benn fatal bat
for the ilmeiT rrecoe had overeome tbem. were dwitlirf ft» tbe eoBmimariat are ;
Ur. Larkin grasped one of tbe lad*, cut off
bU shoe*, tore off bl« jacket and thea. coolly perverted tnio regular aonrem of , Hooesty ia <»e part
lomraliig bb own garmenia to ths Uln. ofDrial incotiie. A sboold be next lo 1 We perauade others by bring in eaned
beplaadtbe cold thUd In conlaetwlth ptiuiib'w captam. living like a lord ia > onrKlvea.—Haxlitt.
bl* own warp) body, owofully wrapping one of tbe ooeOirat bowl* Bseand. i xbe heart that is eoooest awi
over him hb gnat euak which be ptvcnrvfi readily owned to ipe tbst be tad been tbe flowers is always tbe first
from tbe boat. • 1 did the mme with tlw able to amd bw t^la wife's
toodied by the thorns.—Moore.
'Other child, and we then tnuraod lotbc
A frioDd that yoh have to bay won't
boot, and Ih^ men. partlaUy reeorcced. *
be wcwtb wbat yon pay tor him. no
gMiDed alowly back.
~w cbildreD. a* we tamed wfaen wo
manor wbat that may Ibe.—a. O. ftenly had tbe delight ' ' '
<b«m to tbdr pareota. wrrv playing
Tboe is BOtbing in the world
ta and had tTMured wi the cake, wklefa
bal jammed Into the h.-Dd of tbe river ten Jriul'sTelagnBreDendyreferTedtoibelmnob admired as a man wbo knows;
mlta above ' New York. A movctmsit of editor of tbe St. Jedu't Bunld a* ‘-a bow lo bear anbapiiine
tbe tide set tbe ta In mottoo,
raotta. ««l
and the UvUt- ’■
••» aervoo*
tie feltarawmfellow* wm- borne
burue away
sway on lha*
Ih** cold i»nc.- wbsrenpoo the latter printed I
that wa ore
night end wunld Inevitably have perished • • ' .'.. -ing indionxta of bl* bated
bored, bat we are so conceited tfa
bat for Mr Larkin'* awltw
“ *k» rival:
I do not perciedre bow often we bore oth'I'bat be is soaked with r
That be u always drank 1
tha munilDg al
A Ilube at
arms, rap
»UI lo tbe
nature is a gUnea cd tba eya. It tmtbe Ugtoi
That be wataes Uasetf only twioa
__ _ while tbe
fellow rvplle
aoenda apeerik It U dm bodily ^bcl
of grateful happlDta gushed from I
cf idmUcy.—"allulcBitS In Ih
Ttat be is always
Ttanisnogreaisr foci than he that
1 faeUldbUbond
bat very raey ben." and-----------------on bU manly heart. My qaalnk brave
says. "Tb«e is no Ood." nnlaai U be
uri Bewbo Issbestbeeaalitbe one wbo mtn be does not know
' huyaad letslooee lUe tempest wlU earn
wbetbm tb«e is one or I
far thee! Tbe storm may rage wttbeat,
Wm tn •>.« hnwna nraraaBd p,n*Mra. abta
not inperty attemtod ta
•toSSi "
Omb bead! are sttbotoed cm m
Jndge Amid reosntlygaTe tbe Amtc- <d tbe rilm writlBg and toilet seta.
aiTMDtbaaB TOMS oone lo bnnm
. _ - tan bablt of expectoration a black eye.
yssrent tto amnggUng Into tbeir
oo to wnnk. by fining ■» expeetosator aad^TS gremi glam with rioh gold
ttonsrftheeaiuoUremylgosBa. This Is gjo fw bis offtnsa. His honor ehawmd ttadags.
Oh« and cigarette oases l£ gold an
ambuUisbed with maregram in .briltor other
lUstad u> handle, bnt thorn wbo know Its 1*7 was to bare tba offssidtrs arnstta
mrsnir taicna
Tbe latsst in soovsnir
spocn. b
is tbe
BSM s^ It prednera mese larisUag aad fined. A man wbo sjdts on a doerSire of Dr. Ka
drramstbaa orin>»- Tha Mextaasmlx mep, a*I tbl* man did. oreren on tbe , and his (onbett nertb expedttkm.
ttwithtoberaoandBB^IilBripntta aldewmlk.
of errw tbe curb. U.
Ik. las___
lahallng tbe emoke. Whan oasd is lUa
ad a bog and fined for bl* bogway. ft trodoees a bOaHont Sfdrit liklb*
*nie board of boeltb. wboes an now made, not only fat tbe pneiemt
BBoker that rahnot beaqnaM In anjotbmotali, bnt in gon mctaL In acne in. _.
“ basnet
erform of disripatton.
, ton rmj effeettra, neolTae a stnmg ito •taneas then riiatelalnas are copies of
^ hta Indian dettgns andareTwi.
fabfa arfotjeoU.—Jewetai' Onnlag.
a* ooirid* to U ocaitB on a
Just as good as new, so fisr as the musio is con
cerned; cases are a little soiled, ha-ye been in the
hands of our agents or out for a short time, that
we -will sell regardless of cost during December.
So that if you are thinking at aU of buying with
in the, newt, few months you cannot afford to miss
this chance. Bemember each instrument is fully
warranted by the Kimball Co. with $3,000,000
behind it We make these goods in our factory
at Chicago. There are no comnussion men to pay.
You oan also buy NEW GOODS at spe<^ prices
during December. More than 600 families in
the Grand Traverse region own and recommend
TTimriHll pianos and organs. All kinds of musical
merdiandise. Select your Xmas Presents HEBE.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
236 Front St, Traverse City.
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