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The Morning Record, December 15, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
17o. 193.
Uolld abat vara Uirowa
XcXUlMSoUdfOiTawBi* OmmUUj>-7. Wlfbt Oiddlnta XoM
Kgbt «f la th* latMwta of HarB<m7-Ihn«fat Oow Blatod Car AaalaUBt Diatrtet Attmay.
wkleb a^
0X88 nr kiohioaA
ft«a siUaa d^taat. aOdr aia
A elarauttba ru
la'ordar to I Boaolt of Xnportaat XavaatiKatloma
an aaclwof.n deert
by fttata Labor Bnraao-Prored
rmch Um dty.U>lrtofB iso-pooad ikalta
That Broparly Oparatod Snob
atns«dc wUhlB. Tbajn« waa eraekad
aftar thlrty-aix akoU bad baen trad
naatt Are a 8o«roe of Sartap to
aad iU t
>aoftba c
Tba rae '
Uaalap. Dee.]t.-TbeMiehipaa la
plaeaa atUl aadtapoaad of aad «U1 be
bor bnrean hpe eetopletod aa Importaat
kirblj aalaad by tba Albion poaL In
thU eonaaeliM it.oiljrbt net ba a«laa' .lareaUpatioa of eleetrie llpbtiap aad
plaata. tl U dbeloaed that
for MePbamoa paat to paUUoa tba daparuaeat for oaa.of the eld eoodaaaad wbare there has beea pood reanape-
Tba ETasioc Prmm of laat algkt
friatad Um teUowlat dJapatoh troa
“Ba-StaUOUIaapeelorKaal UcMU.Ua of Boekford. Mick.. wUl ka appoUtad raited BUIM ixmobI at b^ia.
t otbar relic, baforo
by tba Micbl«an aasatara ^ u,ey bare all baas dlapaaad of.
baa bean forward to Ue Wbiw! tiou tbaae will be vary acarea aad
Boaae. aod It U aapectad that laa ap- yraaUy Talned.
BolBtaiaat wiU ba aide aoon after the
praaldest'a retore. If eoBffreaa adjaana far the bpUday raoeaa. aa U ^
Bible. Ifr. Mclf mao'a naoe tnay not ba ^
I af KcKlaaea Hot
aaet la bbUI tba diet week in Jaanary.
Alao Aaswar to Oourta for AUasad
TbU office baa canaad tba Hicblcaa
Violatloa ^/8aa>a La«.
aanaton a deal of trouble. They were
iscUaed at the onuet to adopt the
Depaty paaie dad Piab Wardeo WatennaetioB of ConcrtaainaoBUhoi) aad kisa. wbe oaoie here to beiriB acUoo
leoeauaeBd to the paeaideat tbr ap- araiaat tba maBafaaaat of Parl( Plaoe
potatiaeBt of M-Uent. Got. J. Wlfbt for aa alidad rloUUaa of tba «
Oiddllloya of CbdUlao. It eooa derel- law. left yaaterday for CadiUae, wbare
1, bowerer. that there waa aa teach be WiU I^B stailar acttoa aca’oat
to Mr. Olddlaye- appoUt- tba laadlord of the McKiaaoa Howw.
- •
-------- ’■* who U aocoaed of bariap aarrW realnot eoatreL that la the letereat of bar- tea to the raeau of the hotel after the
rdeer. .Mr. Watof the
...pMlbereaadtdatB. Mr. MeMUlaa
kiat atatca that aa aCpreaUrc
baeaUadtoWaabtdrtMioJaauary to baW waped all orer tba ataU apalaaV
at4^ tba perfaactory cmalaeUeo be- TielaWrB of tbU aaeUoa of tba paate
fon eauriac apoa hte datlaa.
law aad Ue paate wardea’a deparV
Aa already ladtcMed la The Preaa. ■eat wlU be kept bnay for eetoe Um
Tkwoa F. Oiddlace of EalaBBaaoo oaa to eose.
• bare the aMrebalahlp for the W«tera
MiaUcaa dletriet If he waaia it, aad
the ebaawe bow «e that Oeorfe a
-Lorelaee of Mnakefoa wilt ba appelat Hrepiam of tba Ooaoart to be Oires
- Tootpbt.
ed dUtrletaUoraey. with Dwifht Goea
aa hie aMtetaBt."
The followiap la tba propraa lor the
eoDoert wbieb will be pirea la Bt^anxx TO x«oonaA.cx.
berp^ Oraad Opera Hoaae toaipht. for
tbe beaett of Otom ebnreb:
Ha Btwe Thiat That We-HUl Haee
The i
•The free daltrery la <
wiUi the peat effiae gom late eSeet on
Tbnreday at Trererea Cliy. proridlay
the «rrien do act aU pat tick, aa they
did at Baotoa Harbor apoa tba iatrO'
daetloB of that ayaten there reeeoUy.
Oeaatary people aot eocnatotaed to city
wayv oflea fet tick at flret, bat la daa
Uiae they pd eaefl to city life. Iba
Trererea Ct^ Bail eairim are aew
, aader the oara of tba doeton. ba the
' cnmad that -aa oaace of preraaUoe U
bettor tbaa a posed of Mre.' "
/ WUIa tbr pa bile prtaa baa aaaeoaeed
the anelataaeata of carrlere and data
of berUalap of tba ayetoia for tbla
city, tba poatipaater baa not yet reeelrcd effielal aoUoa of the aipdatMBU aor iaatraeUeat to bepla tba deUrery totaorrow. It te probable that
eatiraly aneoeaefnl, .bat 1
bappeaa tbat paliUelana ntber tbaa
eleetridaae are pirea obarpe of^eee
eoaUy plania. The eaatlaieBt in faror
loni^pal bwaerehip aoeiM to be
plalap pronnd Is tbla atete.
The caaroMn rUlted lUty-alaa
electric liphUap plaaU in clUea. fortyaloe bclap owned by eoi
ly by BoaiolpajiUee. repreaeaUap
aree^eat of PS.CS.tM). Th^y
eia^il at pi.OTl.WO aad peid
pnt.SSN to wepen aaanaUyapa oaat'pM- mootb for arc llphu la pe,
aad fw toeaadepceat M eeata. Tbe
leweel ebarpr per Boath far arc llpbu
UPS aad for locaadeaerat to oeau
Of tba elxty-oae waUrwotka plaata
to ettUa. terty-flveare a
eontrot. Tbry repreaeetaa iaraataaeat
Of PH.038.M9. ‘Ae coat of poBpinp
l.OWpallooaUtPoeuta. Tbe a
That tells yon of some of the new eoods tbat we
hare. Come in and see tbe rest. - We are showing
some of tbe finest goods in tbe market.
a and tbe etroBer Crra-
New Style—fine things, at
Haskell’s Bookstore.
Test the needs end like's of others
by considering your own and you w’ill buy useful articles
for your friends'and rela^res—such as Clothing, Furnish
ing Goods, Headwear. CTbaks. etc.
In these and many
other meritorious l^s of meratapdise weTlead not only ia
the magnitude and vkfiiety of our stocks, but in tbe values
we'give ^fore securing Santa Claus supplies, make sure
to visit Steinberg’s,
A BiDdsome Holidif Gift
Joha Tonoat, Lwal
of Xiiakapott.
Vainns that Positively'cannot be equalled else11 AF YT ^here, on reliable, up-to-date garments.
jncbides Ladies’, Misses’, and Children's styles.
Visit The Cloak Room.
le eipBlfieaaee of the eonrVe.^laD tbe anit U that arier April 13.
the ooBBiMloMim wiU aell aU
the property pivea by Joha Torreat to
Pptriek A Daeey of Detroll to tbe bill
forecloeore. .The evldaaee abowed
tbat Oaoey'a elala waa PIM.OOO aad
tbe pieperty to be aold to meet the laa of Mnxkepoa oouo
ty real eetate aad a MW bUI aad'iaaber at Saolt Sto. Maria.
X T. P. V. OStoera.
New effieera have beea eleetod by
tbe X Y. P. U. af the BapUit ebnreb.
ex toUowt:
Preeldent-Wa. Bradley.
Solo, ••LapBaldea'a Soar - - - - DeKovoo
Vice prcaident—Mra. Albert OaneU.
Mr.XtBarX White.
Bee. Se«’y-Mbe Bikel MlUer.
Oniatot Banaoalaed with Contralto
Oor. Sae'y-X Laveader.
ado by Miaa Crawferd.
Treararer—Cbaa. Oaraett.
Soto. "Happy Daya," with 'eeltocfoUpato
Stralexkl. . VletlB 0f«
Mr. Prank H. Parke
Joha Jasee Sbaae. totaat aoa of Mr.
Valee Ae Coeeert. Op 8... .Wieeiewakl. and Mra. Beary W. Sbanuot Elmwood,
Mlae Joeei^btoe Veder.
died Monday afternoon ef Cholera iaDaei, Tenor aad Bariu«p............... Abt faalam. aped elpbt weeka. Tbf faaerMenra. White aad tdaaleU.
al will uke plaoe from tbe fasily reelTheTar’e Farewell"............................... deeoe tbla aomiap at tea o'clock and
Btormaat,wUl beda Oakwood cemW.’ W. Ktotbell praad plaao kindly
fornUbed tron N: B. Stroap'e Maxic
Store, 2U Froi/ itraeb
M to
: Will
-iUi Mre. Dr. N
Prieade O. X XleoUOB.
Bonered Xarp WWaaeiy.
A BOBber of the yooaper Menben
of Ue C. X of Xe Prieade ebnreb peve
Mary 'Wbianery a earpriee Monday
eveatop- A pUaaaatprapraB of paBca.
plaaeoree and ratrel&'aenU efforded a happy Use for the yeunp
leakcpeB. Dto- U.—Jod^ EoaaaU
pave a doeres to favor of Patrick A.
Dooey of DetrelU apaioat John Torof ttaUdty.forpIOt,Home Fumithing Store,
069.98. aad foreeloced tbe mortpapaa
.J. A. Parka beld by the platoliS oa tbh^ftf^l'a itS-ltl Front St. TRAVBBSG CITY.
/ Her the Oraad Bpectal X. O. T. X.
Boview tor Friday Hl^
At a BeeUnp ef the variona eeatmlP
■ teea of Tmverep City Ten. No. .871, K.
. O. T. M. laat alpbu arranrcBeaU
eeapletod for tbe pread tpecial review
to Uke plaoe Frlday nlpbt. Detalla of
*tbe peopraaa wen reviewed aad aad
overyUilnp U prepared to laake tbla
oae of tbe moat aoeceeafnl fraW
Followiap are the effieera of the
eveata to the blitiory of tbe teat.
Frieadx C. X aoriety, elaetod Monday
_ .Bbera of tbe order to the city are nlpbt:
dnlred to Beet ^t tbe ball .,1a the'
Praaldent-^ Parker Peaainptaa.
Breach block at 7 o'cloeb abarp Friday
Vloe prealdeat—Wayne Watora. nlpbt to enter tbe pread narada. Ihc
Beeoidtopaeeretary-Marton l>raU.
early portloB of the evealap will ba
Oorraapoadtop teeretary — Wtoifred
voted to tbe parade. iHBedlaUly af- l>iau.
torwarda tba toitiatory work will be
l^aAeorw—(..erena PanalaptoB.
oooferved upon -aearly SEIO caadUatea.
Tbe ebatrmea ef the varieax eoBTbe prapiem will eleee with a praad lUtces are; Lookont. Cbarlee Belsi
ineto. Lottie
Helm: pood litemtore. ArtberZlBBerTba aaaaal Berilap of the atock- Bu: BlBionary. Wtoifred Pnttt
' holdare of tba 8ute Saak waa beld flower. BBaanh Penninpum; to*
y«torday aad the toUowlaf oSom eaee. Oyme Hiaabew.
PrealdaBt—FpRy Baanab.
Pint vtee pmldmt—A. Tracy Lay.
Seeoad Vine pnaidit^aBee Mar-yen.
Oaablto—J.T. Banaab
iMbii^-a Darlaad.
ENreetan-Pwry Baaaah. A-.Tpley
Lay. JaaM Merpaa. J. T. Haaaah. S.
See . Our East Window.....
mooed for the Saaaoo.
naad U p«,Tt per year, aad far lawn 1
aprtokUnp S3 «4 per yepr.
eatdMlpna. which
▼enianee aad utility.
choice bito___
. .
Iday preeeau caa't ba equalled ia
Fndpmeat for 8104.000 Apeiaat l^vene City. Cobc to aaii look at
-Wbea Day Fadra'.........
nano, (a) Koetorac. Op B. No. 3. Cbopto
(b) Paa DeeABfAeree.Cbaaltiad»
(Air Af BalUt. No. 8)
MUa Jnepblae Vader.
Vootl Trio.......................ty Jacoba
Moara. Baalett. Parka aad White.
Sato. -Tbe Klnp aad Me"...
- -Feat
Mr Fred Hnaler.
'•Sweet aad Law".........................Bemby
Sole, “Oood Bye, Sweet Day"
Mr. Balpb Raalelt.
Baadlap.-ExtraeU froa the Life of
Oeorpa Weahlnptoa.
^r. Lean F. Titoa.
they will ba*a plenty of Uae to experiaeco eoaralaaoence before they are
called epoa to aarre tbe paUona of the
porioffice with free delivery of aa''
Hr. OoBoable, who U oBplored lit
tbe City B<Bkstore. U aa arUat la win
dow drMslnp. He baa Bade a dUplay
la tbe abow window of tba etora which
axfalbite taate. aad attiaett tba atteaUoB pf the pnbUe.
Mn. M. nipbland baa prodseed ia oQ
a beaaUfataabJect repreaeaUap a larpe
elastor of ebryaaetbeantaa with the
BtoM wrapped In a oopy of Taa Moww
neBacoan. Tbe plctwe- U exhibited
la tba diqtlay wiad/w Wt tbe City
not a Life Certificate to teaefa Art to
any braaeh. even to oor ewa eoueti^
Yet oar work U aleariap tbe poblli
Give yea jait what we repraent it I
be. and equal to that wbJcb U pot b<
fore tbe public at triple Ita eeet.
Crayon, Water Colors
aod lot Portraits....
North Star
There is Nothing so Pleasing for a Christas Present
as X pair of
Nice Slippers
We are showing a Very Handsome Line.
THE SHOE HOUSE of Traverse Citr.
A Progressive
Honsekeeper. ^Are yon one? If so,
it is uEuecesMTy^ say to yon that
I are the Best produced.
-Tba Three Quarter X B. Onb will
Bieet Tboraday evealap to tbelr etob
rooBB for tbe aoBlnaUae of officers
PoUtoca reached bipb watof mark
for tbe eaaaoD to tbe local market yeeMiday. The Upbert price paid botop
SO teala.
Qaeea City Oanp. Royal Naipbbore of
America, will meet tooiphL A toU attondaoee U dealred, aa tbe aanual elecUoe of officera erUl ocear.
Mlm Cbri. tbe’aewly appototod poatmliueaa at Wexford, waa to tba elty
yeatorday pnrebaatop a atock of atatioaary at UaakeU'a bonkawte.
Tbe Bpworth Leepae wUI hava a eaotolevratopattbehoBeofRev. 3. A.
Brcady. «93 6th atreeU tbU eveainp
troB H to 10 p. .m. All Ue yoaap peo
ple are reqaeeled to be pteeeaL
Tbe farmer^ toetltote will bepto _
two daye’ eaerioo to St^berpb Oraad IpokillK fOF ffiOTnffithlny
Upeca Booee toaorrow. Tbe pmctaa
.will be flUed with rare featoree and aV
mdaaoa from tba eltr abonld be larpe.
Profewor C T. Grawa baa received
advieee fotw tbe OeatemI LycewB Bu
reau tbat Dr. Brletol will eoen be able
to aaaoaaee Ue daU of Ua let
Ue Blpb wbool leetnre eoorm
CUul Parmetor, who baa beld Ue
ptaltlM of clerk In Ue dpar atoee of
AUTerman Jabrana over fear yearn, baa
reripaed aad p<wa to Oraad Reptda
Charlaa Broadfoet baa been eapaped to
All tbe vacancy.
Flour is whst you want.
Manufactured by,
Hannah ^ Lay Co.
Wa have an excep-
tidnally fine line ajKf
you cannot afford to
miss this If you ere
Why TkrbWYb opon the Swsnee Biver u all
J'UOWn y{^f„.,oag.bnt
'Pif'lpvwa bn more in Older now
r’lllOWS at60-66-86-1^-1.10.
SUk. SilkblioM, Art Lineu. etc., «tc., for Ooren,
range in price from 6o to $liX).
Very Mtufaetory Christmaa Preeeiits.
Xany Batop JJlatribatod to Oread
Army Poett ThrenpbMt tbe Ooantry.
The Grand Aimy poet at Albtoa baa
eaeared froa Uia war dapartmet at
.yWaabtoptoa a valnabla war relta to tbe
■hape ef the octobratod -awatBp
AhpeL" tbe taBoaa parrot oaaaaa.
altUb wa« moanud to a awamp a Abort
4MMM tram Port Soaiptor to IMI lec
Toaipht the Poreaton wU! eajoy
calleo party to their ball to the Broacb
block. IhU wUl be aa ee)oyebIa btfair. Dka aU otbar aaelal^veata plvea
by tbe ForcetOT.
In Tfaeto Old
Tba Salvaltoa Army 8aa moved to
>brir old ball oa i^nlon atraeL where
they wUl have their flret meettop toaHrU-
■Wa-bclb. OtX'b
For cut pricM in Bubbera. Tbwe u tlwiye ■ometbiog
wrong. Oldjroodfl or Mconds ia what yon get ilweya at
eat prioee. Hoy the Best Bobben Made, at
xbavxbbb hbsa^
Cm. C. ftHM A»
___JenUiu. "but
of tb«
PKsUtf dtOMiCBi tbot onr bifaU w
‘1 k«««
tt BUT
W. BAnn. iDdividsAl VH Mondlr that Cd «B Ifimat Ueiinu a aood mumr T<«n MO
a«r iDdlaaoU.
at the tine tbe
iBwm wai •> naariy d«o*o7«d by a twp-
t. W. Ba»xk, SdiMr ud Mui
teal bonleaaa or orclooa. -1 bara hrard
the Roty many tlniM, altboosb It bap
peood 10 '£»f a«o. It Wat Aaiing tbe^
It boisW of the cyolomL Hodsm
•tna wreckbell
ao noch ^po-, boat*
ed. aud it looM deoldodly bad for tba
.were located ta ax-
m>rn cmifmwm mn *•
♦♦flapBfc" ifa« vM,
don’t object to your wifi pUyti«a^ the gntralee (crfulagon tbe
Rdeof tkewooj-n. Dow* ebakeor ia« progroedTe eochre to iwiaeaT’
"Mo. tbe batai*i to three dobe aad
____ the aaaeepaa while • the almpla
' ' to
- I eren then di« can't keep op with tba
boUicB A» won ee tbe Bogar be»Uu
b nl watA it earefolly. havlBg in yow way Bridiet Bia*ee oar china.”—
bind a bowl of Ice water, to that yon liool TiUe OoarterJoamal.
«y the Wrap aliac.1
Bare enirTthlng io readiaeto bafwe beBe—I do beltore it u the Bvth that
ginnliiR IftheiiuitBrsialna. Bwlttar
old taibicued amm oaudy <a togar he Bwre mtal a n»B ii the more yoa
roreto are attraetod by him.
taffy. It cannot be aaed for fondant
8be-Wby noli Three to lota 1
Uee only tbe beat ftanalatod e^ for
bjiling and ewfeoUcoere' XXI for dory in bdadng a ^uutdiko'that.kneading. H ^ foadanagralaa witoout api»rr»i« eauw. yoo may bare boilwl ft a U«le loo b«B A few drope rf
••What'atheBiaUre.old man? Too
banoB jcice or a little oraato <d tartar
took red.”
triU prcr.nt vbt. Fcndant i» the arft
“lam. I Jure atoed raaswrethto
me |S."
the Ftreicb candire and the material in
And 1 aappOM ha aid ha JJidn’t
wbteb they an dipped, and it U to ob
tain *hU that tbe anger to boiled.
•Ka He bad to get a FiO MU ehaag••After tbe anger bai reached tbe
•d la order to let me bail, what 1 had
‘a.fl tali' a fuinihard cuddltioo. it atoed for.-'—Olevelaod Lredre.
mu>t to ponrwd carafnlly into a large
m.wt'0^ re on a marble alab. Do not
obiaree nature ii a oiiricitta btaaeb <d
errape tbe aaneepan or yon will grano- baman natnre. Tbe Oeleatieto not only
iHietbedrap .Make ybnr fondant one oontinoe to bny a* freely a
dnv and nike it up into eandy tbe next,
tbr Japanoae. but taany
h. v.T melt fondant by placing the ornbe OhineaB inamt that they Mvre
oaetd iheeoaM ialamli
adjaont to ladiaaoU bene, to 90 to
ptaoae. «faa water bariaf Kwai oW tbe
tt« of tbe rend diuet and ^ trata
an DBira■naablBii the loorety tsooBtreotad
bslMlaw aad water works plaata la Klohl- 1B« cr ' the wiHcrer.it into iri-*Hofr
waa >aa beea a probleia With maay
^tnforaararalyeara. the Mlobi«aa aata <tf the eettUtoent. wae aeparated
%aW Baraao baa oeandaMd a thar- taan the nmalndar of “bU family, and,
oarb laTaeUcaUott of tbe plaau IB the eIlnRiB« to a long .plank, wa* driwn intbe Inwa toy o»or (he ralaa of tba
awe owBod by ettiaa and the raaalt It
MrUy «raUfyltnr. It U ehowa eoa■Whto the day broke, be waaost of
aMlMlythataaebpUatacu be opeidgbt of land. Tbe waeee bad oalaMd
•Md with aaeotia aad prefll. tat down and Uio atortn waa gona Aa he
tha*ooa»UBlaseTurreathai the ooa- laat bia eye abont in tbo early dawn, to
«t aael plaata be plaeed la the hU bomr be fonad the ottor end of
kaada of prartkal »•* and aet with tbe plank ooonpiod by an Immenae tMinlllljilii- Tbe'workof tba bareao Ueanaka. Aa aooo aa tbe toakaobamd
robld^ by ]
«a«Ba| batbaaf valMtoandtiae ooa- the Haxican be toon to writhe and Rtandi^ tbe pan ocaib
ling it lu aba-;
la an udd aort re n
dereplaUat areaWpal owaerehlp of
■in nf waleir. If the eltod frerdMt la 1
I--------------------•aoh plaata.aad will aet ooaw amlat to
iick, add watre more oantfowly. a
fuUow. wboto bairwaa ihrei
dropatatima. A half (Niapnonfal more
; OB end In e a
t* laaUtatca of
■d for' the ad•Moatlon' of faraore. tbe loatraetioB
atol wrtortoiaiaenl dlwtoa-ad la net
. nonlned alone to the farmre. There
\-wUl to U the iworraa »>» be ffieea here
V«kto week, a eerieaof eabJeeU ditcaread
wbiob wUl appeal to all dtiiena. a
^ women. aqnallT aa faroible aa
iha fanner. Brery one who eaa nr-,
to do aaebonld attend aU tbe
----- -— for ihare wU) to laotatbe and
mattaUDM by aWe IMtiawri
Mbjaeto la wbtah (ha entire oa.
^ty la laternetod.
It to Btated that Bcto WeltafW
Bvt to UTtog Mayer Maybnry of Dw
4f«lt to atake tbe ma fer foarenre
Are the AamoemUe MaaSard. That
retorht to All tight far Bwv bat why
•haoM he wlah to todnee Maybaiy to
Miirifini hlMiif Oaa It he (hat he
haa a grudge agtoaat Maybntyl
Mre.B.C.BeaeaadMre.T.0 Hohto
are gneata at Park Ptoea.
Trad OUa. btoMrenre fnrtka Onalpk
Wereear werkawt BMor. waa to (h«
relty ywterday.
Mire ilDMie Smith of Maple City, who
tea here riaittoc trtoada to the dtg.
Mae goat to Van Wert. Ohio,- to re^e
B Ootoer of Aahley- 1»4..
read Mra. 7. B. Bowea of KeadalTille,
, who reme here U attend the
'^aarel of Mra. J. B. Bowen, fatoraed
In toMr hemre ywtordnyBopalre Saarty Oompletod.
The topalre open the Oral Weed Dtoh
Ooh. factory will he ewnpletod tola
reredk aad toe glaat wiU ha ready to
^gMamework. U ti repeetod.howeear.
/ fkat toe faetoiy wUl not atari batore
She flret of Janeary■». Brick Haaaby Oared.
Mn. rriek Boreby. aged tarty yrera.
(Borntog at bar bore
Alt*—. B^. Tba laaeral will take
kept Vf hla antloa. bat ti
«a t»« I
ia«laz«I.M ^dnw
t irlaotknf tan hm
Joon^ «td ctvM tha falloviw nOea. . hoaon and tented the Uana ntpMly.-
•y SZ ™ —— i KjS.
fixed rei the rattler. In fact, they
eyed reoh other, aad Uto they kei* op
atil midday, wfarei a tUhure tmaolc
reuae relling along ou the to&ont tor
■‘Tba ttetaai waa aeea tarn tta
boat, and to a toret ttoir wai hauled
on brerd mree dred -than alim. Ha
med hie ttU thitoigh a recall knatfanto
to toe plank Tbe Immreeion of tbe
bnUens of fhe tattle to the aaU watre
had tonaed (hem toevell. aad be «ma
naable to remore bto toil from toe boto
Tb thU fortunate dreumreaaoe toe Mextaan owad hto Ufa The faot that ton
ooare *■*■»“*■ oontato many raniere aoeoaatofcr tbe rereenoe to tba remke cm
toe plank.”—ta tba Bye to Sew OrIrew Timre-Doi^oreaV
There will be lots of * ‘glad feet” in
this town after you've looked at our
shoes. One good look at tbe ^oes
and the prices, means that you will BkiiarMtU.
buy a pair.
The Old Bellsbls Showman,
118 From Stre.1
Wurobnrg Bloct.
Tba Haw Trek atoek brokreaare redd
*o«k ex^
i Tb.
Te. 0. .m roll
oa Dee. it. if and 1$. rrtujn
limit Jnn. 7. tree. Por latea enquire of
B. W. Cmna«HAa. Agi.
£SS.’SL'“b.‘^“roT!:ni^ ,.1«. . .m.
WrrlSr mannertamanakeUte. Belay
to eyre
B tbe end of tbe plank with bto
—a Trhole lot of ca*es rf new
shoes at your favorite shoe
store. Everypairwasselected
with care. We think we know
what you need and we have
arranged to get it for ‘you so
k will cost you less money
you’d ----think.
Xrenm to daaee new end
and enjoy your-
.lea.- Do not wait antn
BtD 1toe daaei^
yearBcnaon te over with,
wlto. then hleme
ealare to the apring for
_____ wtonded that'MarytoBdabonld mock tan.
tnn. Pnor. fSu-vena
.to called Orreoenda. but Cbarlee 1
ebanged it to Tern Marim, to boore of
O. B. M L I
bit wife, and we made it Hary'a latod
a’ Aaaoclatton.
Stole Taaebera'
bcBoe MaryUod
Dre.yraMH. Bnteta-ei.
Ckriatmto Md Bew Tenre HoUday.
ae aadoowtolrd (are. Sailing dnya.
decide npre Bylaanto. to Whkb the Dec. Tl.». SI and .Ian. 1.
king preftxedtbeword Pnin In 17S4
au ordtoaner was drawn op aa folloan
"Tbe ifMtgiy sarthward ctf the forty,
C Zro LoCKWoon,
fifth dngreo—that U to «ay. of the
ti.P. AT. A.
O.K.Mom T. Aganl.
piettoo' of (be fany " '
A fevr days more of the KTvice of Clob Hoom Mince
‘S.5S Meat, Pie and Globe Mocha and Java Coffee, Ffee.
Yon will nleo find the fineat line of Groceriea and Provisioaa in Traveme City.
toall to rellta i
I •• Sea wbat we miaaedi,The IreBelow b a Unt nf tba bsytog and etolT andre tbe foriy-fiftb and Srety
whtto lire weatward of
wretoberelled Mkshl roroa^;
g.buia. while that to the eareward. witb■aaredOe^ttoe
to toe pretoaula Irewad Ig tbe lakre and
•10 »0
A toon man witii a of
tod face tan
Btooo, Bi. Ctolr
toe Kne latlra^ depot at (be
grie. waa to to relied UbarremreoA
tan of Weal Twenty-toinl •««« *‘*•1 Hrerre Irehade.
other frereium and ebaaed a croretewn
y, ^ territory 1yhignndretoefarty<
car which wae midway hetwere Beranto aareiae and toe frery. He waa •
fast ronnre and bold bia bat to bU laft
band aa be gauied CD toe car. Tba paa- of toe Hnakiiwum. tbe two Mtooia nf
reogrea on tbe rear jJartorxa. to a apiril Um> Obip too Wafiaab. tbe nUnaiB. tbe
Miami! of the lakq. and toe Saadueky
e op Yuo'll ibake It lirrea.
.. uld
Tbe cuunirr Uiroagb which the llhuoii I Cbeeae prr lb ..........
laat ebanoe to get a ear before two min tirre rone wae to torelled nitoeia; toe [Oato per to itodj....
■re. -reie^ tbren aaid.
, no»t Joiuiug to tbe eaaiward, fiareu-ga. , Owa per bn-, old..,.
At Elerentb areei
be reughtnp. j ^ u)„ between toe
tan^l^ j
to. aretpiring profnaaly. t|»BBg opts
„....>rororo. •
platform. He appeared biq>py. 5,^*. Watotogt<«>
and when be banded bia fare to tbe «ai-'
to-wbkb are tbe
dnolor to mid; -Thaw Bhwckre atrere I ^ Watoab. Shawnee. Iknkrea. Ohio,
that rta dowuKtoth nrenoedo;
ool gti often, rernn to retcbtbl* one. 1
to be relied Pnlytomia. nod that
The oondoewr rang up the tare, and to j^t)„Tup the Obl.^ Peii.ipiA Verily, a
matter of fat-i way anawreed:
. ; ,raieufnl Proridruto erem* to bare
'Thi» car gwea toTbirtr-fcjunb atrere juaid.d
ne from IheaeafflioUooa.—Xaw
ferry G« out and waM for a Bleaekw Yuri-kPrwn.
By®, per
•reel oar.”
Bock wheat
Tbe qxiotre gotoff aaaraweo
Batter, per
“Befree preaming yea to pare to tbe
paawngm cried out:
“YoDoanran anyway. It lal
to run pnd lure t ear than nerre n
qua]^■ireai aU '--y>H<re Tork Oomme
ii>>d to repurt our acticBia in tbe field "
inary.MDhCi Mty.Mhe;
Tbe war oorreapaidtmt bowed
Beet of Menda Kant Bnrt.
A young'ueamt wa. lAowtog a par- j
Sh XT E. P. Bnomns akd Pnixvna;
tyof ladireandgontiwueaitoroogbtbe!
'ITro u..____ . t^
Too may wreider wky Ihare delayed weerrawry
and nplatokng to them I-dire. "1 taould likea dtotoltkm to tba
■y Journey to toe oaaetao long. I ^ too propuftireto routato toe choioret i phraw. -fieudtith atrocity.' "
nimply key for eereral reaenni AfUr
I Thw currrepande-nl amilwl aa If be
goo£t^ng «ch A magmlSeeni ttoen of
U^-Dnoerebnr. *t-*4; Jaanwy
Among tberialtorewae a would bel««*««l«W toeqtmrejou alwgreber too
St 17.
yontig luokius middle aged lady, wbo, «“yr iraKUID WWOCBtM®. ^ «>u. ««w
at oaty dcM-npUoo Tulautewnd (be
Qtnad Baidda. Dee. M.—«rha»t. ^
RurdrxB committed by tha^other aide.”
"Oorrert.-- imumd 'the officer.
toa bad re butna wure quite equal to
JJ^f toi ^Srtoi. to^ wUk whiek ■ I anrthing exhibited bon- or todvnl aay- ••Now. what ie ’Jaat nwgrencer ”
“Juat Tvugwmoe.” anawwed tbe eorwbore Joit aa toey were paiaing a
giant reWne abe wna beaid to uolaim: treprmdeeu. “to tbe treni ured to dreig"Wall, tou ia notbiog axomedtoary. uir murd'ia oommltted by our aide.”
me akeotoari
•‘Cumoi-Mton.” letunicd thetoSoer.
1 bare a rereuf at boma that U aUll
whleb !am«
nU aware that f bare atrunled hard larger. I planted and reared It myaelf" ••I will give yim an ordur ibai wiU take
•red tore my banlth (rill nnto^. ger"Banred it yonraelf.” tbe latoemnr Jfoc (tarou^ all the Uima.'--Bb '
relt me to etoy bare. Therefre®. I «• gtotly obrervod. "How remarkable I!
■ret to atart toa flrat of n«Et weto te Tbii qmduMti ia dS yrera old. rend if
Aal-at WaaaAlp.
Saiforula. Tbanklng
- ••
•onre u Will laigw"Bwine wwe adored in Crete, wenreto
Tto lady did not Way to bear nay etTbetaa. retenad faitoetnTroaA
b« •
oupinea io Preeto, tbe lapwing in !
Mei^ bolU la Unarea. aerpeote in
Onece and maay to toe Atrlceji c
WtfW Th>-Hladiioaae*ermoleMM
------AMD THE —
Ttayetol them fatbwa. brotbera. triooda
- Om towto to nature makre (be wMn
d ulbw uidenTuig naaea. On tba
world eto.
eat toA4uln>« a bog bappwlBg to kill
PoUtirel optolcut are like muWattae __ -jftntto it.
renka. toa kto« S>(« ontotatbntnU
- thweaneeHto* A weman wbo looked
Tore—How nmto have yon rend?
tba awloe aboold ta duWroyed.
Wnll to CM.
Alwe—Om ehaptw.
TbwaTwage girl at n football game
Ttan-Then m fenUy'hneMt got
MB netor UBderwand bow tbwe can ta tomtbeiHxy- Ihefirrectanptw'vBMn'
_juetoa^b>rewTerbfre able to
SMb a thing Bewfonl taekto
make up my mind wbetbw I am n
^ a rert of totradnetton.
Wbat a woman trritre to b«r diary ia
Alioa-ltoi tbe firw etagtar -Iret ton genlni or not.
n tone indox of wbat toe wonld like to ooef'revred.w>dtb«heBiiiiedire. Ko
Simmene—IttoreallyMned. JnWaet
tmro otow people think toe to
ytMreay take U taek.—ObJcagoXfewe like a bog when yon are to eoetoty. and
Tbe <mly toyme (tad “Cnpid” had to
if you are a gteiui p>«toa will ad
yon fee lU—Indinimpolia JobimL
Lou to men can be arede to toed I
•‘That'i a Wreage oaae to the n^A
ewer the thoiight that tonto mtobw
geretlemauwbo reorre to tha'higtaef
etoelea. tou't it?”It'e a fumy thtog ^ n lot to e
dB MB get tagetow Md reookbettwtaod
"Hadn't TOO? Wky, tha«ackaatata«ton«Hlittote»etatobto ttamnny wope
authority tar (tw Hwy that toe
Me to there rea Mirege to MB ^ ^ MM tolaShe
moon to all taOMd Ml
tarhatonBdntboren.—arertrenrere Gtoeetored Plato
We Proinieetlie
Best in Quality;
r fitare.
Brosdt Blodu
The T
Travram City
Gandy CoKeereCtatotrenaTtM Trimmittge. Candlaa. and tandle Boldera. (Mndy
ToyTand a full U»e of Orwareentt, Dent forget our String Oa^y nuA
On^ Cbnag. We make Morinl .tatae M candy to aohanto, eberehre. AM
*^*^5reh0yeSM direct troreBalUreerenlwaja on band.
Oonur Fmrk aad FrftBtv
Meanto store rear MMMle bloto. M OtooB fltonto.
SUtUatog. .
Cotton TbwaUng..
Annldatwy nttota.
LowatifricetoMl wni oioBB AT 9 OOLOOK R If. oarn. OHHWnua.
iitito,Ctteb,linlff, '
-W. C.&fi.A.Sana^
.V ir: reoat BtMrt.
If You HfflfB Logs to Son
Lomber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Bank, Hapla Flooring.
Skort Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Maokinery. of all
descriptions, incloding a Engines. Set Worts. Carriw<*
andSawa. A canplete Saw MiB Flaw for sale.'
T&AVBB8E UlTK mnutnik OO. '
ta» vtvmm
<kt tht Houm WhieK
Af« OMKMd to tt» CMi
8#r»ic*Uw.____ _
Um brM SM br tk« ia.w7m* MBptoyvd
u> atuac tbt cooatJtattoaatltr o( tht
tnlMTltwe* ux 1»«. Tb«r* U*
thnr cmm peodlDC U> tbcTJUM B{aM
Mpmiw <wur». AB f—HiJ trom «fe«
•Sorts of tbe Oo<k «uo»y o«rt*J» to
tollKt tbo JRbortUW* tu rroBi OxJ«W
TtaM CMn iBVohr* UM cmtM of tht
t»U Hr. towTM. John B. Drmke snd
OoMCBl Jowpb Totrooe*. TBe com w>U
be bud toBftiU Tho omersoocT •PP'^
oTlotlaii. vbtcb «M iDrindod In Oovoft>er StotMT'c <«& for • wort*l'oM«l«
of the nitooio loftaUturt. »• Hr ^
irgaff^OAT. amwa*
nl> Thit« T1
«» QubM Robot Loodor.
Oon. Oemox.
that theeupremrrourl
n tbe cotutltutlohaUtp of tbr
WwhlnrtOB. Doe. 14.—Ttw untlook tar
tbr rivll ■orrtro low b bo(w
MUrUr coo'-Msed Mno«» RepuUk«
Biirt— of u« ho«M•• » roMUi of the
bold Bottxrdar blcbt. Tbr
Mmbrr* of tb« sporla] commlttrr bovlas tbr Butter Ib rturv* ore frylBg tu
■o •hope * WU tbBt It wlU romipBBd tbr
nt^ort of • number of dlvetwom rlr■tub. One of thru ts‘tbr DemoemtK
HbMfKy wbicfc. csnbimd wttb the BepubttcBiM oppoord to the prewmt l»w
would he etronx eootaxb to ctTTj »
UB. But to cuvaaelnx tbr eKuotioa U
Bto bMB found tboi DrmoCTBtle tnembora wotild fB»-ur a complele repeH of
tbm tow. boi would oppoM uuthlnf
*CR of a repeal. Ae tbr RepuUltwn
- ttoTeOMfit to not toward lomptole
peal, but iBthrr for modlBcattoB uf
law tbrrr appMU* -- Vhleh the antl-clvll aerttrr reCurraer*
Of bMb paitlee can unite. It to etolmod.
kbwcrrr. that a modlOtotJoli bill will
neetve the *ot»e of two-thirda of the
itepubilean memberm. and will hare a
- •opd chance of paMlBg the eenale ahd
raceu-iM I
Tld Btarr JurdoA. pratodOBt o
Srir Turk. Dts. it. - T. Batiwda
Palma.rcpreamtathrc of tbe Cuban provtolonal rovrmineni. >-eator4a>- rreelvtd from General Haxtoao Oomea
“iBtMIto wbBt a M
to barowa year mee^.
LoudoB. Dec. M.-Tbe ballot tskap by
he unUuM of the AiBalsaatalad BocMy
of GwlnearB to alrnoet unanlmrntaly wbH yoB tomv bto a
|M.Sad la Hcbi •
emploren- tbe .taUlol referred to
out of the eonforeocr between ^
reaentativea of the
and their emjiioyrra. wblcb borai
Svx. U laat and aHer aeter^rla order tu allow the deteatea ^
euclaeetu U> aoWnlt to the eartoua im.loaa the tenna of tbe mastara
Tbe etaployera declined torweede troin
UanaceaMBt of ibHr boalne«, without
tbe tnlerfereoce of the unlona. and ain• -------- redur.
tl^TiTibe^uraof Ubor»tb. ytxmnd
that uoch a dinanutloo
mean a
amatter output-and la^iy to B^i
foretoB competltofa. Ibe aaoetal laitoeaalea when the eoBferaoce waa adlourwod to allow the toltoi waa ibai
To >0i« otton to the artto oiMBMy
G« «w bBaieady
InAnB aott l«e to Ukc^ to oottHf* •»
«i» otbm U. til tbe ortetBC ct Ood.
intolUbk w«y cS
touKityofnUhd. aofar aiil^---------- ’*
, it-S«w Tetk Oto
btid Open Bmn
■» Dro thto«i to jeUA iw
aboaU tooeunghly tobto
n» jdw to taktoc otttoaa and to to
Howur to*iTto« it.. *
yartwtawrat «
port lakre a aWCB* poaltton *«»»»«
•jrtennlBatloo of thr mula br the UnitIkiUcfOti
•d Bialra. If Oraat BrtlalB won I conliaued. rej^cUiix autoBray: 4
•rnt to further rr<Urtg««oi»^H^»«y> ducument. whicb to addrreato to i
•rtoy of IllwratlOB. reads;
would be a conffeel”" of lmpol«tn-«
"Patn..! auidera. wbu are Babllaa for
unworthy of a clllvtoedeyQl"Nlyoi««7 the emancIpaUoB of the Cuban peopto:
unworthw of a ciwltoed nation
OMMtal Blanco, tbe BUbatitute of tbe I
Wauto a Ctoeeh aa CHwlaal CuMW
i Si««»-.;...
Wa.hinirtoa. Dec. 14.-ttonai.ir Per- ...-------------- .-.rto, ,o emauub
new j
lo Ua pupulaUon
kina, of t'allfomla. baa Introduced a wn,
, ^
says so in hto '
p^wwi'to hit^ Bdltb'May Carew.
to amend the pwrapwph of the revlard i
alatulee telatin* to tbe appeal on ha- procuitnauuai t tbe tvujito and to the ^-poae caw to aa exact parallel of tbe
we do not requite lo make ] allefed American potooner. Mr*. Carew
buna ewa of catmlBal oaato to Um an>I«n to
.. the crime to
pretne court of tbe Vnltrd BUtra. Tbr ehaaaeB. and tbe war JwUl tw earned on I »as contorted In Jaiwn
ind. an Koyllab ofSI Juat tbe same aa we comiitoDced
we all my clrrulara are In accord- rtto.'and MBtewed lo death, the aenbelw autwequenUr conmuted
with civlUacd wwrfare Eerrytbli
with tbr sole rtew ot aalntof tine,
.1 be deauvye*. to IBc Impnanaraent In this Wowntry.
thatbelpa the enemy
■ewd* tor Letter CheelMw.
Bbe had been ewcaiwd In an Intrtaue
erythioB that
-ON. Thla,toour wttb aa BuatUh empkoye of a Japancm
WaablartoB. Dec. it - Portmaator Mm must tM'accump
>»ei. whfcb furatohed a t^pUre fm the
Seneral Gray baa amended thr
Uf»a ao ae to rwjulrr that attortAprU
-Our purpuaea have been wen defined
1 nrit tbe bond mippllrd by totter car-to the worldwffl ekarte aetolw ter rare ;a ewn«a
Vew OaMato HrHayU.
rlere for the faithful perfonnancr of We atm >
dutica ahall br euppltod by aurrty comintry. Cub. for tbe Cutmaa. ahmitmntoa. Private bonds are ofun found
for the Americana TN. alUln thew
jolmson Block . TkoocTa . + ENAA|£L1NG ♦
to be worthleaa.
Prara.>n of North Carolina, who laiTfoUowa; HhitolM orthe iniartor.
BBSurated the tnovetnent and to a meenIsland and the Ui,p»„fil»e.
*a^^^ T^r*je; „lntotto of comher of the apeolat ccunmlOee. aaye tto | Waahlnrton. Dec. It. — Tbe comp lo carry on the ____
will •qulnx
troller of thr cunwncy has-declared
_ lUnce. The bopea of BMTce and Bnaaor. Ptotoance: mtnltoBf
dltidcBde In favor of the rredltofu of forgi from our us are already blasted. to erterlor peUttOfui had worabSp. B»Wconsidered by the ctimmUtee
aa.WBows; Exclndlna-froin the ____
oprt*-__ toaolvOnt banka as follosw. KmratoiM
rcprwKBts her laat and tua ft. Vtotor; minister of war and
marine. GuHlaume Velbnin (who la
In which one 1 National bank. Went stuf-nor. Tita.
OppetoW H. • «. * IMpM.
«oto ol toe law ca
(MW president ot tbe ctaambar); nriB«for the 7 per cent.: First National bank. NlSBvaramrht offtoer la---CM of ^btlc works and asrlcwItBrr.
FaUa N. T.. 10 per rent.
aats of bU subordinate, at drpuiy rolBlxhtrerelvi
aaeinaatua Levonte: mlalate
Plee Oral Vap mr
Ib-wlaa dtopaick from Orn*r
tiee and public Umtrwetkm.
WaahvnatOB. Otd. M.-One of ibe Ineeeatlna Itema In tbe aartculuiral apoe a footUto antb new appItoanW: oworlaHoB Wll Is B provision for
puns (If my havlna totered my aervkeu
•have to eaamlBallona ao as to make
lo General Blamv or lo the Btwnlab
pmrbutB. Dee. lA-A irMellns to ceal
them mere piwcttcal and tea
_______ Jti It la an Intomous He " At operaloru of itos PNlsbur* dl—
I life troure
toatiBCt provtatoo
the Cubaa Jvou bcwdqusnera and fnmi be held here akxt Monday t
•Bd for a auted t
other aourem. so It waa reported here.
Most Complete AssprtmeDt
k------_______ .f toe rtShl ot heads to deBanyulllj a loyally lo tlw Cufcn cause
■artmenu to remove, reduce or piW- executive and Judicial Wll as reported had been auapecisd for Bome time, and
erer shown in this City now
■Mle tn the Intereto i>f the public; a to the bouse carries a total to Cl.Ht.- Hia reported action to offerlM hit arrr tW^rtnl
isale at
Umtiatlon of tbr law. to K«cUc departT to Genen '
tnenia bureaus, etc., and an oaduhon
aurprtae. Delrcatc
No. X31 SUte; Street.
•f tboae not eoumeraled.
Tomas Katrada Palma, however, mxwkECKELS ON CUUEHCV BETORkL
City. Michigan:
Ins for publication, said tVt be coaid
hardly believe that BsnaultHbrnTuaplVeer «M Be Far •• TWy
... ...- -_________ f toe subject
Come in and took them over.
talaied. hut that be did ^l att4ch
H the alheed rapid and unaulborised
8L LuulA Dae. IL-Ocpmptroltor of much lrop»‘rtanoe to the tTporl eveS If
mt of the fUBCtloBS of tbe oIvU tbe CurreDcy Btoteto. whew Bto«d U be Irve. A Cuban meethaot prdmifteot
^unmuaton. Tbe of^nebta of acread with Ihe rwroBameBdalloae as to —w^r the revoIuikoaUta in this city
nliwlOB assert that the ortalnal
■ by Pretodrnt McKlaley bbM that aaaauillr «aa not likely to (o
t nevtr Intended to an^
bta Tecent mesaacr . cooarcBB. aaid: and that whatever action hr bad lakea
teBUxe to olflce and ______
aemorala and tbto
ery »oog ao tar as would hare n- e«e. l upon the Inaurrta« from a corps of ' -j tbink fhey
ttc d
trb tar enouah.
a and aereial elrrka ; th,y ,
pem iMdera slltl In the field.
to a larye tnsUtutlan has arrowaled to 1
opinion, when be eava certalothlnaa
ItaeU not only the rank to a depart- i on«hl to be door. If poeidbto Thln*a
.1 en-1
Havana. D«- 14.-Dur1a« a
e criminal code ao as t
meat, but Ibe poder of dlclatlnx «o
ouaht to br done ehould be
xasrWet at t'alman, ou
beads to deparunema what artlon they
eepeclally when they ao vitally
^ Insurc'-nt leader CoUaa^eme
....--------------- touch the eourrtrya buBlnem life.
ded. v-merday ten armed Inaur00XB8 AVD BBU8BES.
the^t"*"***®miiwa.W# (ents eurreodered there. DurtMC a
• to make pleadinaa as In the tirrlnla ___ .w.. <h. meodosM
coOaetar of Internal revenue cane. An Craeabacka and *U,eoa.4» Sherman le- toJnntab <-n tbe Bl'er Seco. near
HBBda^me 81lT«r BbcRb' attempt will be made i.vdefi»e Ue ex- mti Icndara Bhould he IkkMi up AM Oulces. tbM province, the wvti-known
would I darv my. like to see It done; Issuntent leader Plllrtv wee killed, toM functions to the
New Tork. Dec. 1«.-The Ward
but U IS a-condltlonal problem with him. ■etbri with a Heulenani and two pn- •tetonerOGsaha; which heMamved
iply a debt and.Ibe ____ ____
t'uloae) Antonio , Wiawhl from Havana m halt, o
way lo set rid of 'a d
Lopes Pmes-surrendered aeveral days' imc.-o. betni; the first shipment o
the provlme .d Sanu Clara. |
trom thr port In many room
u Dec. H -Lode* made as | -How would ypu pay su.h a east aum Marshal Hlan.-.i and Seoor Jewe Cun' at one llme?"
evato. aecreUiry ceneial of Cube, called
New Orteana. Dec. M.-A small r
-1 would Issue »on« term ?** per oeot upon tJunaul General FlubB^ Lee yea
now In. B*ro SomoOdne Ud Anido tbr Prooonto.
point la Karhe. forty-O
tton bUl. which Is mitMtanlially tbe
tasuea couM be made m>ld rn th- death to the mother to Pretodrai mllra below New Orleans Seven bOBs
-■me ir-essuc^ that was paaaed by the
were drsnolMhfd And a h«aw
McKinley._______ ;________
and one man bmt his life.
IVtr-fourlb conareus and veto*?, by **^^t^!n«rrns take any decisive at;OHarInc Mather VMWws Her Unnahtw.
Pretodept Cleveland. After a brief de tlun on the rurrency question— .
Ihey Asem Mm. Wato Saw.
Moo»n Bloct.
-SrBtImeni In favor <d Its doln* so U
late It waa auaiteuted that the final
IndlmiH'lla- Dec. 14—Ura Huffman,
Cbicncu. Dec 44—Danlei Schmjdt.
V(iM on tbr ararndmrots and the bill , prowlnx t Waahliifrton, and 1 think wife td a 111* Pour rtolroad employe at
reto. oia. took enrb.^ a««
will be aomr kind of actlnn Brtchlwood aiiempiea to commn su>-,
h/lakcD Jan IT at I p. m. This so*- ,
died It la said hie wlf< and cbllis aocepted
by Lod*e and t
aloti* the Unc of the iwrtodeofs SBK- Uide by swallowln* tarbollc acid. Teawani and this dlae«>qrm*»d
, terday her condition was auih as to
-tl'lll the ixnaley Wll produce enouah I
nope# f.vr her recovery,
revenue to pay urrem «ai»naear _ |
t>rr dau«bler Etta
-AH tariff bills are prr.blemattral. S»
beself bj U.< use of the <
WliwH) of Waahln«tan preaeBlad
far the bill has not been the auttfvBO
dau*hter e l«»et. a younc
I dlrectln*
t. hut aa
PhlUlia. bad shot himself to|
ptwdkled f
js to jranamit t'
i It may
»nd th» was aHI«t*to ax the rea-;
I by llacal • 1*H. ' peudure better resulta”
] eon for the aMI's act It Is supi<oeed :
abowta* the Iota! numlwr t
pMa. • that artef over the ira*lc death to bar
examined, tbe tolal number p
a i dauahler caused Miw. Huffman lo take
total number appointed, tn li
Fotel«ti , her own
'branrhea of tbei
iilws'kiiii^ jtJiletleB of Amerlta. ad-^
amUfadi^.l to Beaty PrsbMte>
I noniher of persona
d to tbe secretaries of thr Ptolei- | ciD.IncaU, Dec. II -One to the moat,
eltnUe Hals of tbe several Wanchaa of
la that to Henry •
Srarytliinf for Complete ChriatmM iHiiner, tncloAthe ctrB »rvkv,.at tbe berauv to.
BGialn and tbr contin-nt of Bn--] p„d,^,po, made ytwterday. J*ivbnsco ;
CBcb of those fiscal years. The rcnolatn( OroeBti— end ProTiaioas,
SMlIdtlnc an expression to their
retired from bualari* for mere 1
tloD was avreed tc.
KseepilD* the iVportins to t^ Ivla'.
ecuTm-nlral forelyn nlaslonary ,
^ eewtiy ;
lallve, executive khd Judicial approprla^ u,, suburbs «if Clmlnnatl. He
lk.j; WH the house dki BO puUlc busi enferenre tdmllar In aim and chaear- ;
to the world s rolaMonary 4e.nfrretMe ^ arol*ntd to. Seth r. Fotoer, The
ness .In bi.tb bouses the •baptalPB re at London
In ivaoi In tbe city of New .
ferred In their lovocatl.tnr to thr deatb
Tork in ApnL 1»». and their rvadlhM i u,bume« at «00.«0t
to Mrs McKInVy.
Ordsr by Thonr ml b»T« 0«oU MlT«r»d.
> co-uperxte lo such a conferenev has
------------------------Tb»ie waa..howevrr, some wttertBln>et with a seneral and favorabl. reTtoWs Hiw—t is K».wm. ■
meat for the sallnles'ln a personal
I. IIU , Dec. 14.-The a
dWpule I•v1><■e••n Hepburn to Iowa and
Morton of Ohio over a correction to the
aMWTcaamnal m-brd which invotved •
u*.m. *
ranewal of a tv.mroveray that oeeUTrefi
Baltimore nimpany (eonhla bond forlL.. ^
ake mb!..TW
htoweM tbe two KenUrinen duiU* tbe 4. MlUer. of the SanU Fr Monitor, pro
and the balance will be made up by ,
^ _ -rttI 1IhBStarlv
has tar iv
iJehBIr on the pension appropriation bill poses to test the question in the courts we
the director, of the loan aasocltoion. V** ^a bv
« tiffW I ta
last wetoi over the w..rd moat" or to whether a railroad corporation !• TWle-a wbcreabouu are will «»kno»b^ j
Me" In refartBre t.. soldiers on the liable for damaSM by pennlitlns -a
paaseHcer to snore all nlxht and tbtw
keep awake kU
tobto pasaansera.
Rej W»t. Fix.. Dec. 14 -The Spaatbe experlertce ,
gta Antonio bad a hall to eeto*n>wa
-Bianf." Norigo Instated that Ih,
MHler bad wdth Sheririff BUM. who. It IS braie an anniversary. Juan Dt4*adn
Mattie—I'a m mny. dent. M tons
1 tnrre of Cubans atucked tbe
to tbe word “laaiijr- pUced him
aUeic«J. snored In ai ich lonoa as to preyoB tooti tbe town while the baU wae tn ptvwreea. that diwtb baa lobhBd you
vent aU the tobar paaaeveiB
false Uebt
Spaniards sed la fuU panic. Vtoito poodto. BbwcuyoBsftooo^
After ----------I fBM-WMlBd B
than two boulB tbe bonae
Ukla* tbeir famlllea heiBe. |kus endlnc yooraeU lor hb to^
vote-1 M lo m-Wtalne<
CartyW FamUy JOw HxttaM.
BioUoo to make Ih* pennanont record
h-btttlMBivcte rU b-hsTB to g-est
Toronto. OBI., Dec. M.-^
•bow that Jtonoe'a V««eb cwnaiped
.msaiedl-Ohkafo Nm.
fit. Peterobnr*. Dee-^ll.-The Novostt
the word -InoBt." In arempdanpe with Cartyto HeaBlBC. Mater to Thomas Car
lyle. Ibe author, and tbe law roember.of mya that tbe abaance to protcBts from
the aWBOcraphtoB'
tbe family, died ywtoerday at the reul- tbe oUmr powerr at Gennany'a evideat
- of Flei
"Oone uptonigbL” wroto as Atobidenre of her aoB-to-law to this elly. determination to remain at Kalo-Cboo
(Detn.) f Qeor»la.^TK> k®4®« toth tht
bar Indlcatto thatUir partUlonof China SOD Rir) to a young man Ibb mocsisg.
ana The J»opull*ta voted with asedityaara.
W arlitollT be*ua and
' in Ituing to bavu an evettlag. ”
the D-mosats.
Be Mmw Oalle faeswhM.
; gbooU like to eome." te wiW
aie-PoatoBtB ton. aet-BtodB. ywi
tecA. •‘toil nttatoMtoly 1 hwe )«t
Tbe W^Uber W, May
kbow. WsaUamm. *w- IL-FoOowto. arojto ted a sigbL*'—Atobiaos Olote.
Uu_That’iri^t If ltrereytm.! wamber ladlmtoios far iwulyfour tomtw
. Dee. IL-Attorney 0«^ would tntu toy aantics to taWFMOrfc. terns p. M-yaMrday: F.wtodiatoaad l»
' said tea. “ttesg him
BMnlni Ttenn TImm b *TMk.
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.
Moubk to Loan
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Improved Farms andl
City Property,
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
Correct Sts^ee.
-Front Street.
Sterling SihBr NeiiiBs!
F. A. EASIi, Jeweler,
Christmas Turkeys
Oysters, Gaudies and Nuts.
mihe 8I( WEST SIK eiOCEIIf.
Ruceimil Um Friilaii>
. ^ka«
Kisses’ Storm Kubbers......................... 88 Cents
ull^eAj^toBE, teBT," MM <BSdtoi
to pat to sevaiBl I
^ RfedtivB^, “but for ay psrt I p«w
te dtotom."—Town Tojdck
136 Front Street.
213 BNmt St fleitei’t fljsw ten irt tBisnit
. -ir.
Cots. ««e t I
StBBteiMs. Me FOT
TH» MoBimra b»oohp. wbpto^pay. dbobkbb^ ift.
h> NfttiMMl AtMmbly It Now io
Somion «.t tht Capitil
of Tonnettoo.
ffnrpnm DEUT2IB8 SD ADDBESa.
S p«r <
»e and t>roper poun*
II « utlaoal ooovMUlus
. raaHh KUhWkB .OBtttirr BN
' “*•
qw MTAlrr
».MU»a SaUA.1 r.iiwAy
Ih* cw'lAl of Ok. .t*W ..t Mexico,.!
nk^ by orfMiM
t;tO U.. oixht. .od . pr-M
AmeHcn* .Bd Mexlcaaa wD
ffbfo rw
mm m amm*
m tk« rapO»l «r ih*
. Mntraa iir^Mki
City of W<xlct.. D«-. H.-Wnll«n J.
Bh ao Mid p»rty
« ,rf
oorp« w«t into camp In
IwTlii* bAiuinav tiwtr
porcbkse the looK ilila caw* boIw rxi
vut frwt wUld» arill potker yaw
tnnntb. So »atfw‘ li>m wjH ripew'd
U>««' tWo haiianii.
«pi«r to be
tlxT will
acrid. Tbu i> Ux-auw tbe Inuicli wlilcb
1 tbam WM picked too ■rwa-
u,e «rly
it WM
St IMvU. pmddout ol tiio 0™ifcd.«te
TexM to Jt
whoTT bu n^bfdlwfoUi
« ,b.t
» -d-<
.tid io . f. « d.;
will doDhle tu Kirth. It i.at tbotnd of
thie tinietbBlil l.'lliM lo np.-n oel
mtt ITrn-ila «M rau cue «tBT. D full UBK.MHeoenl wilirti
^ h.Tc tKTtniit t .1
1 welcomed___ ___ — ’'“*“*““‘***^*^"’*^
chief Bwtrtnrwte -------------------and cw-orted
---- him
XMh»-lUt T*Bn_ Dec- 14--Pi»aldefil i
ptaaJdenf. prte.te CMTt»re.* T»«e oartlty was ..tdered ool <» We »wtn
,migro». . .fTfai-i.ouch
Oempera tmuI hW umuM report yee- famous Tw enty-«^-entb rettnienl »•» ; or CfSt Isuik uf the Ooninlfiee nrer.
prtgLt (Wow of tho fruit
y i Colonel Minty ordiod oot hie old r^yellow. A diff.Teiwe of s!t hour.
terday to th> convention of the Atneii* •Utloned on the platform.
ih.« rime will make a
can Federation of Labor, and it was
---------------"“W Am. rlcane preecnl and chwa ,
ri.le.if the wma
jn the weight of Ibo fruit of
tht feature of the day's
there was nothing eenaailonal '
W tt.
.ZJX but i
***‘' ln**"rrian» to lotoreept and
3 eradicate: theTe ^*,^;^^'’,;j^VXdMlnforh.-rIwm.
f InluaUc
la a anlTerae Oiled with walla of aom>w |
• applauee. ,
beware the thin banana.
If You
Colonel (dw* Oenerall Mip^^
n tUii city, now a lailroad
•^tl^nA nmchlne. and the .fv I and
»U.i of
<11 lb.
u>e Kotmh
rounii MichigM.
e**oo.B«u cv-•
v-.-.----------Many a
dlvUloB Hungary would be emperor of Aiisina •irv _____
the nwinumt mnidly that «he. fw one. i» not a Imm luvoinc.
plication of new fc.rrew
y work- ’ a* a aort of »uiu*l*menlary occupatnm.
and *ub-dlvl*i<in »f UJ>ur. 1
II nulled Vienna 1* already a auhurb of Buda
•r* wbo have been employed a
Pe»t. and In time Au»trla wl!l becom.- a
trade* and, themacK-e* with their <
« of prortnee* aluched to
cnpatlon gtme.
tbe m.irtiing of tbe
•The movement 1.. Tvaacc the hour*
muted Ik* Fir. wllk Cart CMb
cbnrged inf. tbo camp of the "fie.inf
Of Ubor li alwayr one which comSiatttl*
Bradford. Pa- Dee. H.-At Augustine,
notoe good fellow who it much ntUchca
.-,.11 i„r«i-rtne town near me ..nr C.wiWera.-y." and Mr. Itavi* nev«f,
: first attention of organised latoo
I they
e dally
dally Un
Unj.rovrmenU In machinery. betr^WarrinMdm.i.uhUca.Tro-;j<^n«8 Kirby Smith in Tex*. Mwy
\ The
will many, if they have lock, and newg
• • the 1Improvement in the toola t^ay three children were burned to falm and uanmawical storie* have been
' of labor, tbe dlvUlon and eub-dlvtaton death. Mta. John Fredertck. a resident , related abont tbU captcro and rtlBoretit think uf losing Uieir heart, in the style
of-labor and the Intco*. de.Ire of tbe of the place, ar.we about ( o'clock to 1 reglmaU Riven it* OibdU. Now tbeae of Dido or Mudea. ThUbasalamysbeen
the priwc fact of matrimony, aad tho#
employing claa* to ittlUxe machine, to start the kitchen fire: She lUfA kero- ! ^
their fulle*t poaalble extent, mart of sene oil. The house and lw content*
Jefferson Davi* waa capturod by tb* •HymuD pet^dto svery town.' If yoang
neecaalty. unlem met by another coun
--------------- -- and three children
Micbiganrovalryln the «riy womni wait for thu emp de tondre and
teracting Ihfiuence. tend to *upplant la burned to droth. Mta. Frederick rescued
the handsome knight who oomes riding
Irwinsbor and throw number* of our fellow an Intam which was so ladly burned
tbroogh the fomt. tbev will ootf 61
vrotkere out of embloymeni. Thl* conn- that It may die. 'The woman beraelf rillo in •oatbmi tiroirKia. With him
Kstberiudor Itod aptoin bell. Novel*
were Mr. John B. Kcagan of Texas, hi*
terarimg Intlu.mce I* WgNaUy and ^ was aeylouMy buruedpaatmaster Rvoeral: CupUin Moody of tame tbe htadcinacy of tbe ideal. The
Beceaalty. tbe’reduetloo In the hoar* of
of tong
Miidiauppi. Bu.ddoeiRhh»rof the Da- heroin sda-a;^ lovea tbe ontotidaeMy
_________ J and a tack of
Camnn. 0„ Dec. H.—PrvsWent Fanre.
familv; Mor.TD.r Labbuck of TeSM poeL -U Jilted, meet* the solid sqniro or
employment on tbe .dher, may b..th be of France; the American ambasaador* , ^ Colials Harrisco and JohnaCB ol boriiiWaroan and find* that'what she
bad^kioi few love wsa.'etc.—we all
■ -remedied at one and the 1
abruad-and I’nlled Btatef eoiwuls: the ,
other countrle*
10 year* old; Jeff. know the ftwmola-and Uvns hapie
; trashlngtcn; gnv-ernorm of!'
•Tt 1* not the dlmlBUtb
ever after. ____________________ _
Bk wwua ar It. .
■*e: It l* to give greater lel*ure rei.resontatlve. and other-public ofB- brotbcr and e1«« eff M»--^viA a
our course:
white and w ooloredVl'tiBtTgoman,
rer oppofTOnUle* to thoro who ctaU: Ol
"Why," she asked, "do so many of
rmy pow
and Urg'
small forne of oaval^.w fetk other* d»e ports wrile alunt g<4drtirud? It
J from I
by the -t
l>owrr. thu* glvln*
id a small train of hortHSC^ea, wag- ae> i»t as « ««7 «>•>
Impetus lownd creatirtg the opportuBl- 1
eyr.ipetr.y to the home of the de ..J* aad arobnlaBow. Among tbe borom
fies for
far employment
employment of those who are j
methcr ot ihi i^rcMdent of the were a span of oarriage horses present *°•^Wa^•*■^e|lJ^ed tb* man who had
»nw vainly aeclng '
I Vnlted States
ed to Mrs Dans by tbe citisen* of worked on a farm, "the only orplanadlilon Is aatiari
Bichmonil during tbe heyday of the ticmlcan give 1* that the ports protably
g ^midele uhl.h faU*
ll»-.<r>er. H.—Report* lo C<mfecli-rocy; al».i a splendid toddle nevtT trlrt' tu ralw poiat.»w in a field
a of BgrlcuUiuv of d»te bone, the pridouf ibeex-pn*dd«ot him
when-gotdimrod bad gutagood surv"
of non-employment, and
ne of thersmaiiest areas sell.
—Cleveland Leader.
evil atal! I* w“h U* o
...................... whr
On flie llih of May. tbenext day
will bf ronccfiirau-d to
stats the
of the houi* «'f labor of all un
after tho capture, and » bile m our way
desired end u atulned.
Maocm. a* «>mo«r prrbo part
of «t.W«---------WoMd Hedge aBoyeeW HwM.
pared with last year's acreage. The
•Tlsceotly one of the branchea
by the sidu uf Mr. Ki agBU. later
area dev..ted to com ihU year was-7.•fedeial court* divided by
Urgest since »$(. the t(» from Texaa I found him a very fine
p leiycoil Is Illegal.
During that day's inarch a
OBm* Id Moaiagns Eleek. Tisvrt*e Cttr. Kick.
TThervver a cuue. rt:all l•.ue an laJBi^
oouTVV from Macem notified n* in priuttion reetralnlne any of our felloe workBU*sanl in Km—. -Wo«l Kjee.rt klip* of Tbe ♦IffO.OOO reward offered
■ era from placing a concern hoslHc to
Tvtwka. Kan.. Pec. 14—Dispatches
labor's lntere*i on our unfair U*t. the fromffive toe-ns In weslerti Kansasrtale for Mr. 'Davis' capture, and which no•oggeeUoB i* made that upon any letter that sH Ibai »cctl..n -.f the country 1* In Cioe ecsmected Davis with the asaasona<1 W RROWN. AuoawT as* OoUMDwai
■ or circular -issued upon a malter of
tioB of Prosldcnt Unooln. When Mr.
thU character, after glaring the name
Beagan rtwd tbe notice, he earnestly
■ rut.-ew ...i
of the unfair Ann asd the grievance
ids of head of cattle are being win protested that Mr. Davis had nu'ccned ..t the words ’We have been tered over on the pratrlcs and are with neotioo whatever with that sorrosrfnl
out shelter and myir without food.
affair. History has shown that he tmd
. .0 «u,;
cUw* t* |Mu|wvy.
tUbtc c<iB*aiil<«
Crud 'Ripids S lidiui R. R
An Ad.
in the
Gnlnmn nf
The Record
- Besidea the nit of tzM's clothing
wort) by Mr. Davii ha bad ou when captnnd Mrs. Davis' large wai.-rproof
dress (W robe, thro'itii.over hi* owu flue
gray suit, and a Wsnkct diawl throarn
overhlsbsad and abuoldera. Tbissbawl
and robe were finally depoaiw-d in the
arebives of the war deparlnuuit at Waabiugt.io by order of Suert lary Stanton.
The story of tho "tioopeklrt. annU
net and callcowrapper " bad no real cxistenoe and was stam-d in the fertile
brauj* of tbe reporttsa and io the iUus: traiod papers of that day. That
poriloDf moBrtit for Mr ’DavU. He bad
die right to trytortcapB
TnUas ervln tnto OtBriaosaL <
^ toatofe aiTlv** rt It dOa. a.
Chicago — West Michigan.
mi: 'am
As CUtote...:..-
V. wlr.-^ r! i.
Untprtut to Pnpertj Holden!
erfhi.vEss CARDS.
^ learMb-mle BJoek. Caleataww.
to sella Parasol or LioeO
Duster this time of year,
the chances are youi
money would be wasted,
But if you w?nt to sell
anything particularly use
ful for winter-
' Ulebae) Tnmaskefski was killed at
tog the iTjunctJon. Immlgrailon. iHwtal Th-.n>. w«.. by the falling Umb
aavlngii tunk* Iwhtrh be fsvoredas well
as pnsul telegrarhe) and oUier'sUbiects
of Inter. »l to organlxM lal«r. ^r^ tbe new nwn«v uf Hamburg, 1 « *«.<I00
tarv M.irrinbn p.p<irt<-d an Incre^ In
memberwhtp of St.rW and recommended
It :* stated that 7» Chinamen In San
ar Increase of thi per capita lax. Com- Franctsro have prof.-ssed conversion to
per* aomunced the c-unmltlce*
The the Salvation Army.
eredenllals c<«nmlU« reimrted ninety ' Senatiir Hanna hit* recovered from
gelegaie- ].r.wcni.the lllni-s* ftojj. uhkb he has been suf
fering for several days.
BE man.
Robert 1. Van Wyck,
Ortotcr Sew Tork. has
Suits to Order.
Fine Mer?fcMit Tailoring.
t_jii ..imrT.
I the noted and bloody Arid «f Cblcka-;
,,.om riiieningwofart in tho bold
BaagiUT Woralac
l —rranrta Koa- ' mansa.
'■ Mneh .rf the dne>i fruit doe* ripim in
^ '-^Juda. Pe*U DecAt Ahheyville. 70 mile* "onth of Ma,,.3,, d,y,rf pawsRc. and Ihl* i* aold
y advucaito* the '
BOth. leader of tbe pi
^nx-t mlc.—Now Vgrk
__ _
: ludeiH-ndence of iltw iry, ha* declared I oon it wa* l.-iiwcd lhat I>avU <l''Cing ■
an interview
interview berv
botv ^t
that ,| purty
jwrtT bad
Imre citmied
Inc fruitful r«*uUs we *hall. a* tbe ' to the eourM- of an
------ -------.
. ortr ;
boar, of the day advance from the hla party wliihe* economic MtwrmUon y,^ j^.uig^..,
w.uu inOTiiw
FalMv *a Iwva5repe#t rfSm iTlbe full midday glor,- | from ' Ao.trl.
-^Te ‘
IrwiBWilh-, O*-;80 ^
i* not everTbody who can fall
of llcbt-tbe light of hope, happln.it* , obtain poUtlcal
0,11,.* e.,utk of Macoo. :
iitely in love.", Andrew tang de2Ld hum^Up
• Wlh
in. I wart." be mid. •% »p-.yie army
o.loucl U. U. Pritohald. in .
• O. P. CARVER. ACa»
of the ripej
Kueplng the goal of
A,;.; ,h.rt..-,rcj.
^5 per cent, and all the differ-
and the aw^-tnwi Swl mnooth_____________________________________ _
which are ol
fruit. To tret tbe hananat wow market;
.ive alU aggrraalve organ-! been men here.
PreelJenl Dlax ha* | ^ »o« oOieUnt ofBocn in tte Uta
go„d coodirianretlolrtifaiA HeaxDOU.
- - iVilder^
falter in ' giver cfdetu that Bryan ahall be cm- 1______ ____ _______________
commanA- with
Wilder a in , ______________
with ventiUf.ir
and ildered aa n apeclally honored gue*l.
.! the
.. ffienuKt front. ------------.
-----<H»oed .b.
the i-.n-«.
battle on
of 'keeplBg
Ever Bnraed 0«tt
will Bring
QUICK RETURNS. unsni un lomuinn l i
^ »s take a«ect tnsday. Jas* to Ur.
and will Uke his seat Jan. 1.
Thc.mWui a
Fall River. M**s.
1*.—It ...................................................
J«n.ed that the manufacturer.' com-i luted by the
Blue* which has . barge of tbe details , Indicate* a crop of M(.S»,0« bushela.
Brtuin s marine ream tonnage
' ' Great
mneh as Bin UJ** WUJ* aiu*
- ____
..St r,f all oiherioslluos added together: tbe ehildrtmof thisdatrt euople Maggie
BcoDimnid ttmt the aalarle* of tb - |
John Holland, a! railroad rmidoye at grew op. marritid and is now living in
treasurei* be redo<i-d In the name proIn-n na>. Wls., was struck In the
. jfortlom a* the wa»:<* “f the employto.
rot St by a soowbaD and very bmlly toud. married and die
and each trember «rf the comml.lee hae
with yellow fever nmr MomphU gineo
agreed to bring about Ort* reduction to
X.Whllrieeey. surveyor of Ci
tha war. and that "girl baby” lircw up
the adnriniamtivc coat in his own mill..
to womanhood and is now a ulentod
The committee also derided that all
everMera and others not usually In- and beautiful yoong Indy and known a*
eluded Id cut-downs should . ..me under
Winnie, ihsdanghtar ol thv Oonfsderthe orter- Tht ratio for weaving a cut
- of print cloth a 111 be redoced from It to
• rsor of mental and moral sclante in j **^r mitid iweru to Ibnoe day* of tt>*
U cents, and in departments whi-re the
,1ms (Mich.) college, died of apoplexy, j war.'and t often think of that sMoeand
least |*y I* reeelVed the full cut <»f U
A Are In the bsroment of tbe «U-story , the
itiarob • bock frian Irwinsvllln.
per cent, will not b* made. The combuilding. W-m tValiash avenue. Chics- , through tho somborplnBWood*, owampa
BIttee also agree.1 that a cut of 10 per
go. caused a luto of more than »0.«00. sn'd plaDttilmis of oouthern Gourgia
cent. *a* as myrb as ib. operative,
The E. H. Psrgcnt Drug coBipany lost
Thero in th« ambalanoe with hi* wife
could bear, m rtew of the cunaOment of
tri.fOO. covered.
and babywaiJeffnr*oi»IMvlaapii«»er
• tbe prodt«ell.ms <.f FaU River mills dur
Trunk line railroads are told to have
of war. How wrok and imaU had be_ - . , « year.
secured <-oniroI of nearly Ibt entire
NoUcea of the reductloBi
water fpwii of Greater New Tork and —ms the brad aad front of that power
osted in the mllla today o
to be freeslnr out the lighterage and agaioEt which tbe men In blue had be«>
KloBg battllngl How had tbe mtgb^
barge concerns.
t be rivenI out until a lay or two
Marshal Blanc- has cabled to Fenor falltm M-Paper by Judge Prabody of 6t.
operatives ask for a cCBUter. If the open
de Lome. Spanish minister at Washing Louis.
ferenee The comm
ton. a request that be tender Blonoo-i
t be pre. eondelenree t- ITerident McKinley on
le wa* erring, but be finally
—nd unleto aoroetblng nea abould de- the death of the president's mother.
throogh hU tears:
Charles Smith, a man »li- ha* been
to call tor It. The committee I*
■1 wisbtlwasagirL"
'■ bospnal at..
uSiamoorty Tn favor of Including
* broken
‘Why do yon wish you were m f
everybody connected with the mill* In
who wag main
tbe redoctloB. and.also in oppo*mg a
strike to every way ptoslble; rince, K with prwgicto of a t-omplele reCeverj
tpouKlble for the
Two Chlcart>hold-up men have ahown
the mills Uboifld b* elorod. eompeUtcru
•• Tain’t so « . to wallop them.'
_____d obtain a rnw
_jdly raallting hot
answered kbe boy. hardly
»... --------------srlnners’
and Frank Moffat
. - tied Ji
Kecrclsry O'Donnell. d the
gnat the truth be bad hit apt*.-Chi
uni«.. has recHvod a vehement letter , H-lst of fit The theft troubled l^pell
Howard, of Boston, for- 1 and he gnve bU share -f the plunder
from K'*e« Howard,
mer *ecrelary of the onion, in which hr
he i,ark
i,*rk to utlrt. Moffst did the
Maty CenefeU wifi »uc Dr. J. R M^
says: "In reading over the names of the
e of Hm maanfacturera who ehan, ..f Orwen Bay. W»s. for «6.tW0
are to draft the detaSs of tbe
th cul-3own dumsgea for an alleged unUwful opera
and deetda h|DW it ti to be toftleted. J tion. Bb« *a» awarded a verdict of W.agneog tXXf to one suit, hut th* Judge set tbe
DoUev seven neiBM of agents
verdtoi eside as not being warraatsd tf
a year.or Bsariy ll,M0 a «
Kr.'S.‘;.sr..'"ru.n‘/. “;,sr:,u
Tri- the Want Column
in the
Tta'lVATt ®ETECfn\;g WOltE-airirtly cmK
addiW^toek Bos ISO. 'IVaTCM Ctly, Bk-S.
Record, too.
10 IS
I tsi.iru.’SLta.'KSf- ts'uss
ssv.i-rs's.tasr'.'s ff
«wot»T->v rilypr«.p.ny. I h. Wlnnl*. lO-U
TPUB «aLg-rtS<ocre*o(lasdoe U»g toto
^igbt Pages—Up*to-Date
Literature and Fresh News.
You get it for Br^kfast
, F°:.ssfS!3£^r«K:.ss
*^Ab.-biit i know how fa* pay* Us
I 111' rkilMliliililsllannrd
-Money to Loan
O^emr E-tam.'. hardw.*. star*.
Want Ads Pay!
55;^. s
17o. 193.
Uolld abat vara Uirowa
XcXUlMSoUdfOiTawBi* OmmUUj>-7. Wlfbt Oiddlnta XoM
Kgbt «f la th* latMwta of HarB<m7-Ihn«fat Oow Blatod Car AaalaUBt Diatrtet Attmay.
wkleb a^
0X88 nr kiohioaA
ft«a siUaa d^taat. aOdr aia
A elarauttba ru
la'ordar to I Boaolt of Xnportaat XavaatiKatloma
an aaclwof.n deert
by fttata Labor Bnraao-Prored
rmch Um dty.U>lrtofB iso-pooad ikalta
That Broparly Oparatod Snob
atns«dc wUhlB. Tbajn« waa eraekad
aftar thlrty-aix akoU bad baen trad
naatt Are a 8o«roe of Sartap to
aad iU t
>aoftba c
Tba rae '
Uaalap. Dee.]t.-TbeMiehipaa la
plaeaa atUl aadtapoaad of aad «U1 be
bor bnrean hpe eetopletod aa Importaat
kirblj aalaad by tba Albion poaL In
thU eonaaeliM it.oiljrbt net ba a«laa' .lareaUpatioa of eleetrie llpbtiap aad
plaata. tl U dbeloaed that
for MePbamoa paat to paUUoa tba daparuaeat for oaa.of the eld eoodaaaad wbare there has beea pood reanape-
Tba ETasioc Prmm of laat algkt
friatad Um teUowlat dJapatoh troa
“Ba-StaUOUIaapeelorKaal UcMU.Ua of Boekford. Mick.. wUl ka appoUtad raited BUIM ixmobI at b^ia.
t otbar relic, baforo
by tba Micbl«an aasatara ^ u,ey bare all baas dlapaaad of.
baa bean forward to Ue Wbiw! tiou tbaae will be vary acarea aad
Boaae. aod It U aapectad that laa ap- yraaUy Talned.
BolBtaiaat wiU ba aide aoon after the
praaldest'a retore. If eoBffreaa adjaana far the bpUday raoeaa. aa U ^
Bible. Ifr. Mclf mao'a naoe tnay not ba ^
I af KcKlaaea Hot
aaet la bbUI tba diet week in Jaanary.
Alao Aaswar to Oourta for AUasad
TbU office baa canaad tba Hicblcaa
Violatloa ^/8aa>a La«.
aanaton a deal of trouble. They were
iscUaed at the onuet to adopt the
Depaty paaie dad Piab Wardeo WatennaetioB of ConcrtaainaoBUhoi) aad kisa. wbe oaoie here to beiriB acUoo
leoeauaeBd to the paeaideat tbr ap- araiaat tba maBafaaaat of Parl( Plaoe
potatiaeBt of M-Uent. Got. J. Wlfbt for aa alidad rloUUaa of tba «
Oiddllloya of CbdUlao. It eooa derel- law. left yaaterday for CadiUae, wbare
1, bowerer. that there waa aa teach be WiU I^B stailar acttoa aca’oat
to Mr. Olddlaye- appoUt- tba laadlord of the McKiaaoa Howw.
- •
-------- ’■* who U aocoaed of bariap aarrW realnot eoatreL that la the letereat of bar- tea to the raeau of the hotel after the
rdeer. .Mr. Watof the
...pMlbereaadtdatB. Mr. MeMUlaa
kiat atatca that aa aCpreaUrc
baeaUadtoWaabtdrtMioJaauary to baW waped all orer tba ataU apalaaV
at4^ tba perfaactory cmalaeUeo be- TielaWrB of tbU aaeUoa of tba paate
fon eauriac apoa hte datlaa.
law aad Ue paate wardea’a deparV
Aa already ladtcMed la The Preaa. ■eat wlU be kept bnay for eetoe Um
Tkwoa F. Oiddlace of EalaBBaaoo oaa to eose.
• bare the aMrebalahlp for the W«tera
MiaUcaa dletriet If he waaia it, aad
the ebaawe bow «e that Oeorfe a
-Lorelaee of Mnakefoa wilt ba appelat Hrepiam of tba Ooaoart to be Oires
- Tootpbt.
ed dUtrletaUoraey. with Dwifht Goea
aa hie aMtetaBt."
The followiap la tba propraa lor the
eoDoert wbieb will be pirea la Bt^anxx TO x«oonaA.cx.
berp^ Oraad Opera Hoaae toaipht. for
tbe beaett of Otom ebnreb:
Ha Btwe Thiat That We-HUl Haee
The i
•The free daltrery la <
wiUi the peat effiae gom late eSeet on
Tbnreday at Trererea Cliy. proridlay
the «rrien do act aU pat tick, aa they
did at Baotoa Harbor apoa tba iatrO'
daetloB of that ayaten there reeeoUy.
Oeaatary people aot eocnatotaed to city
wayv oflea fet tick at flret, bat la daa
Uiae they pd eaefl to city life. Iba
Trererea Ct^ Bail eairim are aew
, aader the oara of tba doeton. ba the
' cnmad that -aa oaace of preraaUoe U
bettor tbaa a posed of Mre.' "
/ WUIa tbr pa bile prtaa baa aaaeoaeed
the anelataaeata of carrlere and data
of berUalap of tba ayetoia for tbla
city, tba poatipaater baa not yet reeelrcd effielal aoUoa of the aipdatMBU aor iaatraeUeat to bepla tba deUrery totaorrow. It te probable that
eatiraly aneoeaefnl, .bat 1
bappeaa tbat paliUelana ntber tbaa
eleetridaae are pirea obarpe of^eee
eoaUy plania. The eaatlaieBt in faror
loni^pal bwaerehip aoeiM to be
plalap pronnd Is tbla atete.
The caaroMn rUlted lUty-alaa
electric liphUap plaaU in clUea. fortyaloe bclap owned by eoi
ly by BoaiolpajiUee. repreaeaUap
aree^eat of PS.CS.tM). Th^y
eia^il at pi.OTl.WO aad peid
pnt.SSN to wepen aaanaUyapa oaat'pM- mootb for arc llphu la pe,
aad fw toeaadepceat M eeata. Tbe
leweel ebarpr per Boath far arc llpbu
UPS aad for locaadeaerat to oeau
Of tba elxty-oae waUrwotka plaata
to ettUa. terty-flveare a
eontrot. Tbry repreaeetaa iaraataaeat
Of PH.038.M9. ‘Ae coat of poBpinp
l.OWpallooaUtPoeuta. Tbe a
That tells yon of some of the new eoods tbat we
hare. Come in and see tbe rest. - We are showing
some of tbe finest goods in tbe market.
a and tbe etroBer Crra-
New Style—fine things, at
Haskell’s Bookstore.
Test the needs end like's of others
by considering your own and you w’ill buy useful articles
for your friends'and rela^res—such as Clothing, Furnish
ing Goods, Headwear. CTbaks. etc.
In these and many
other meritorious l^s of meratapdise weTlead not only ia
the magnitude and vkfiiety of our stocks, but in tbe values
we'give ^fore securing Santa Claus supplies, make sure
to visit Steinberg’s,
A BiDdsome Holidif Gift
Joha Tonoat, Lwal
of Xiiakapott.
Vainns that Positively'cannot be equalled else11 AF YT ^here, on reliable, up-to-date garments.
jncbides Ladies’, Misses’, and Children's styles.
Visit The Cloak Room.
le eipBlfieaaee of the eonrVe.^laD tbe anit U that arier April 13.
the ooBBiMloMim wiU aell aU
the property pivea by Joha Torreat to
Pptriek A Daeey of Detroll to tbe bill
forecloeore. .The evldaaee abowed
tbat Oaoey'a elala waa PIM.OOO aad
tbe pieperty to be aold to meet the laa of Mnxkepoa oouo
ty real eetate aad a MW bUI aad'iaaber at Saolt Sto. Maria.
X T. P. V. OStoera.
New effieera have beea eleetod by
tbe X Y. P. U. af the BapUit ebnreb.
ex toUowt:
Preeldent-Wa. Bradley.
Solo, ••LapBaldea'a Soar - - - - DeKovoo
Vice prcaident—Mra. Albert OaneU.
Mr.XtBarX White.
Bee. Se«’y-Mbe Bikel MlUer.
Oniatot Banaoalaed with Contralto
Oor. Sae'y-X Laveader.
ado by Miaa Crawferd.
Treararer—Cbaa. Oaraett.
Soto. "Happy Daya," with 'eeltocfoUpato
Stralexkl. . VletlB 0f«
Mr. Prank H. Parke
Joha Jasee Sbaae. totaat aoa of Mr.
Valee Ae Coeeert. Op 8... .Wieeiewakl. and Mra. Beary W. Sbanuot Elmwood,
Mlae Joeei^btoe Veder.
died Monday afternoon ef Cholera iaDaei, Tenor aad Bariu«p............... Abt faalam. aped elpbt weeka. Tbf faaerMenra. White aad tdaaleU.
al will uke plaoe from tbe fasily reelTheTar’e Farewell"............................... deeoe tbla aomiap at tea o'clock and
Btormaat,wUl beda Oakwood cemW.’ W. Ktotbell praad plaao kindly
fornUbed tron N: B. Stroap'e Maxic
Store, 2U Froi/ itraeb
M to
: Will
-iUi Mre. Dr. N
Prieade O. X XleoUOB.
Bonered Xarp WWaaeiy.
A BOBber of the yooaper Menben
of Ue C. X of Xe Prieade ebnreb peve
Mary 'Wbianery a earpriee Monday
eveatop- A pUaaaatprapraB of paBca.
plaaeoree and ratrel&'aenU efforded a happy Use for the yeunp
leakcpeB. Dto- U.—Jod^ EoaaaU
pave a doeres to favor of Patrick A.
Dooey of DetrelU apaioat John Torof ttaUdty.forpIOt,Home Fumithing Store,
069.98. aad foreeloced tbe mortpapaa
.J. A. Parka beld by the platoliS oa tbh^ftf^l'a itS-ltl Front St. TRAVBBSG CITY.
/ Her the Oraad Bpectal X. O. T. X.
Boview tor Friday Hl^
At a BeeUnp ef the variona eeatmlP
■ teea of Tmverep City Ten. No. .871, K.
. O. T. M. laat alpbu arranrcBeaU
eeapletod for tbe pread tpecial review
to Uke plaoe Frlday nlpbt. Detalla of
*tbe peopraaa wen reviewed aad aad
overyUilnp U prepared to laake tbla
oae of tbe moat aoeceeafnl fraW
Followiap are the effieera of the
eveata to the blitiory of tbe teat.
Frieadx C. X aoriety, elaetod Monday
_ .Bbera of tbe order to the city are nlpbt:
dnlred to Beet ^t tbe ball .,1a the'
Praaldent-^ Parker Peaainptaa.
Breach block at 7 o'cloeb abarp Friday
Vloe prealdeat—Wayne Watora. nlpbt to enter tbe pread narada. Ihc
Beeoidtopaeeretary-Marton l>raU.
early portloB of the evealap will ba
Oorraapoadtop teeretary — Wtoifred
voted to tbe parade. iHBedlaUly af- l>iau.
torwarda tba toitiatory work will be
l^aAeorw—(..erena PanalaptoB.
oooferved upon -aearly SEIO caadUatea.
Tbe ebatrmea ef the varieax eoBTbe prapiem will eleee with a praad lUtces are; Lookont. Cbarlee Belsi
ineto. Lottie
Helm: pood litemtore. ArtberZlBBerTba aaaaal Berilap of the atock- Bu: BlBionary. Wtoifred Pnttt
' holdare of tba 8ute Saak waa beld flower. BBaanh Penninpum; to*
y«torday aad the toUowlaf oSom eaee. Oyme Hiaabew.
PrealdaBt—FpRy Baanab.
Pint vtee pmldmt—A. Tracy Lay.
Seeoad Vine pnaidit^aBee Mar-yen.
Oaablto—J.T. Banaab
iMbii^-a Darlaad.
ENreetan-Pwry Baaaah. A-.Tpley
Lay. JaaM Merpaa. J. T. Haaaah. S.
See . Our East Window.....
mooed for the Saaaoo.
naad U p«,Tt per year, aad far lawn 1
aprtokUnp S3 «4 per yepr.
eatdMlpna. which
▼enianee aad utility.
choice bito___
. .
Iday preeeau caa't ba equalled ia
Fndpmeat for 8104.000 Apeiaat l^vene City. Cobc to aaii look at
-Wbea Day Fadra'.........
nano, (a) Koetorac. Op B. No. 3. Cbopto
(b) Paa DeeABfAeree.Cbaaltiad»
(Air Af BalUt. No. 8)
MUa Jnepblae Vader.
Vootl Trio.......................ty Jacoba
Moara. Baalett. Parka aad White.
Sato. -Tbe Klnp aad Me"...
- -Feat
Mr Fred Hnaler.
'•Sweet aad Law".........................Bemby
Sole, “Oood Bye, Sweet Day"
Mr. Balpb Raalelt.
Baadlap.-ExtraeU froa the Life of
Oeorpa Weahlnptoa.
^r. Lean F. Titoa.
they will ba*a plenty of Uae to experiaeco eoaralaaoence before they are
called epoa to aarre tbe paUona of the
porioffice with free delivery of aa''
Hr. OoBoable, who U oBplored lit
tbe City B<Bkstore. U aa arUat la win
dow drMslnp. He baa Bade a dUplay
la tbe abow window of tba etora which
axfalbite taate. aad attiaett tba atteaUoB pf the pnbUe.
Mn. M. nipbland baa prodseed ia oQ
a beaaUfataabJect repreaeaUap a larpe
elastor of ebryaaetbeantaa with the
BtoM wrapped In a oopy of Taa Moww
neBacoan. Tbe plctwe- U exhibited
la tba diqtlay wiad/w Wt tbe City
not a Life Certificate to teaefa Art to
any braaeh. even to oor ewa eoueti^
Yet oar work U aleariap tbe poblli
Give yea jait what we repraent it I
be. and equal to that wbJcb U pot b<
fore tbe public at triple Ita eeet.
Crayon, Water Colors
aod lot Portraits....
North Star
There is Nothing so Pleasing for a Christas Present
as X pair of
Nice Slippers
We are showing a Very Handsome Line.
THE SHOE HOUSE of Traverse Citr.
A Progressive
Honsekeeper. ^Are yon one? If so,
it is uEuecesMTy^ say to yon that
I are the Best produced.
-Tba Three Quarter X B. Onb will
Bieet Tboraday evealap to tbelr etob
rooBB for tbe aoBlnaUae of officers
PoUtoca reached bipb watof mark
for tbe eaaaoD to tbe local market yeeMiday. The Upbert price paid botop
SO teala.
Qaeea City Oanp. Royal Naipbbore of
America, will meet tooiphL A toU attondaoee U dealred, aa tbe aanual elecUoe of officera erUl ocear.
Mlm Cbri. tbe’aewly appototod poatmliueaa at Wexford, waa to tba elty
yeatorday pnrebaatop a atock of atatioaary at UaakeU'a bonkawte.
Tbe Bpworth Leepae wUI hava a eaotolevratopattbehoBeofRev. 3. A.
Brcady. «93 6th atreeU tbU eveainp
troB H to 10 p. .m. All Ue yoaap peo
ple are reqaeeled to be pteeeaL
Tbe farmer^ toetltote will bepto _
two daye’ eaerioo to St^berpb Oraad IpokillK fOF ffiOTnffithlny
Upeca Booee toaorrow. Tbe pmctaa
.will be flUed with rare featoree and aV
mdaaoa from tba eltr abonld be larpe.
Profewor C T. Grawa baa received
advieee fotw tbe OeatemI LycewB Bu
reau tbat Dr. Brletol will eoen be able
to aaaoaaee Ue daU of Ua let
Ue Blpb wbool leetnre eoorm
CUul Parmetor, who baa beld Ue
ptaltlM of clerk In Ue dpar atoee of
AUTerman Jabrana over fear yearn, baa
reripaed aad p<wa to Oraad Reptda
Charlaa Broadfoet baa been eapaped to
All tbe vacancy.
Flour is whst you want.
Manufactured by,
Hannah ^ Lay Co.
Wa have an excep-
tidnally fine line ajKf
you cannot afford to
miss this If you ere
Why TkrbWYb opon the Swsnee Biver u all
J'UOWn y{^f„.,oag.bnt
'Pif'lpvwa bn more in Older now
r’lllOWS at60-66-86-1^-1.10.
SUk. SilkblioM, Art Lineu. etc., «tc., for Ooren,
range in price from 6o to $liX).
Very Mtufaetory Christmaa Preeeiits.
Xany Batop JJlatribatod to Oread
Army Poett ThrenpbMt tbe Ooantry.
The Grand Aimy poet at Albtoa baa
eaeared froa Uia war dapartmet at
.yWaabtoptoa a valnabla war relta to tbe
■hape ef the octobratod -awatBp
AhpeL" tbe taBoaa parrot oaaaaa.
altUb wa« moanud to a awamp a Abort
4MMM tram Port Soaiptor to IMI lec
Toaipht the Poreaton wU! eajoy
calleo party to their ball to the Broacb
block. IhU wUl be aa ee)oyebIa btfair. Dka aU otbar aaelal^veata plvea
by tbe ForcetOT.
In Tfaeto Old
Tba Salvaltoa Army 8aa moved to
>brir old ball oa i^nlon atraeL where
they wUl have their flret meettop toaHrU-
■Wa-bclb. OtX'b
For cut pricM in Bubbera. Tbwe u tlwiye ■ometbiog
wrong. Oldjroodfl or Mconds ia what yon get ilweya at
eat prioee. Hoy the Best Bobben Made, at
xbavxbbb hbsa^
Cm. C. ftHM A»
___JenUiu. "but
of tb«
PKsUtf dtOMiCBi tbot onr bifaU w
‘1 k«««
tt BUT
W. BAnn. iDdividsAl VH Mondlr that Cd «B Ifimat Ueiinu a aood mumr T<«n MO
a«r iDdlaaoU.
at the tine tbe
iBwm wai •> naariy d«o*o7«d by a twp-
t. W. Ba»xk, SdiMr ud Mui
teal bonleaaa or orclooa. -1 bara hrard
the Roty many tlniM, altboosb It bap
peood 10 '£»f a«o. It Wat Aaiing tbe^
It boisW of the cyolomL Hodsm
•tna wreckbell
ao noch ^po-, boat*
ed. aud it looM deoldodly bad for tba
.were located ta ax-
m>rn cmifmwm mn *•
♦♦flapBfc" ifa« vM,
don’t object to your wifi pUyti«a^ the gntralee (crfulagon tbe
Rdeof tkewooj-n. Dow* ebakeor ia« progroedTe eochre to iwiaeaT’
"Mo. tbe batai*i to three dobe aad
____ the aaaeepaa while • the almpla
' ' to
- I eren then di« can't keep op with tba
boUicB A» won ee tbe Bogar be»Uu
b nl watA it earefolly. havlBg in yow way Bridiet Bia*ee oar china.”—
bind a bowl of Ice water, to that yon liool TiUe OoarterJoamal.
«y the Wrap aliac.1
Bare enirTthlng io readiaeto bafwe beBe—I do beltore it u the Bvth that
ginnliiR IftheiiuitBrsialna. Bwlttar
old taibicued amm oaudy <a togar he Bwre mtal a n»B ii the more yoa
roreto are attraetod by him.
taffy. It cannot be aaed for fondant
8be-Wby noli Three to lota 1
Uee only tbe beat ftanalatod e^ for
bjiling and ewfeoUcoere' XXI for dory in bdadng a ^uutdiko'that.kneading. H ^ foadanagralaa witoout api»rr»i« eauw. yoo may bare boilwl ft a U«le loo b«B A few drope rf
••What'atheBiaUre.old man? Too
banoB jcice or a little oraato <d tartar
took red.”
triU prcr.nt vbt. Fcndant i» the arft
“lam. I Jure atoed raaswrethto
me |S."
the Ftreicb candire and the material in
And 1 aappOM ha aid ha JJidn’t
wbteb they an dipped, and it U to ob
tain *hU that tbe anger to boiled.
•Ka He bad to get a FiO MU ehaag••After tbe anger bai reached tbe
•d la order to let me bail, what 1 had
‘a.fl tali' a fuinihard cuddltioo. it atoed for.-'—Olevelaod Lredre.
mu>t to ponrwd carafnlly into a large
m.wt'0^ re on a marble alab. Do not
obiaree nature ii a oiiricitta btaaeb <d
errape tbe aaneepan or yon will grano- baman natnre. Tbe Oeleatieto not only
iHietbedrap .Make ybnr fondant one oontinoe to bny a* freely a
dnv and nike it up into eandy tbe next,
tbr Japanoae. but taany
h. v.T melt fondant by placing the ornbe OhineaB inamt that they Mvre
oaetd iheeoaM ialamli
adjaont to ladiaaoU bene, to 90 to
ptaoae. «faa water bariaf Kwai oW tbe
tt« of tbe rend diuet and ^ trata
an DBira■naablBii the loorety tsooBtreotad
bslMlaw aad water works plaata la Klohl- 1B« cr ' the wiHcrer.it into iri-*Hofr
waa >aa beea a probleia With maay
^tnforaararalyeara. the Mlobi«aa aata <tf the eettUtoent. wae aeparated
%aW Baraao baa oeandaMd a thar- taan the nmalndar of “bU family, and,
oarb laTaeUcaUott of tbe plaau IB the eIlnRiB« to a long .plank, wa* driwn intbe Inwa toy o»or (he ralaa of tba
awe owBod by ettiaa and the raaalt It
MrUy «raUfyltnr. It U ehowa eoa■Whto the day broke, be waaost of
aMlMlythataaebpUatacu be opeidgbt of land. Tbe waeee bad oalaMd
•Md with aaeotia aad prefll. tat down and Uio atortn waa gona Aa he
tha*ooa»UBlaseTurreathai the ooa- laat bia eye abont in tbo early dawn, to
«t aael plaata be plaeed la the hU bomr be fonad the ottor end of
kaada of prartkal »•* and aet with tbe plank ooonpiod by an Immenae tMinlllljilii- Tbe'workof tba bareao Ueanaka. Aa aooo aa tbe toakaobamd
robld^ by ]
«a«Ba| batbaaf valMtoandtiae ooa- the Haxican be toon to writhe and Rtandi^ tbe pan ocaib
ling it lu aba-;
la an udd aort re n
dereplaUat areaWpal owaerehlp of
■in nf waleir. If the eltod frerdMt la 1
I--------------------•aoh plaata.aad will aet ooaw amlat to
iick, add watre more oantfowly. a
fuUow. wboto bairwaa ihrei
dropatatima. A half (Niapnonfal more
; OB end In e a
t* laaUtatca of
■d for' the ad•Moatlon' of faraore. tbe loatraetioB
atol wrtortoiaiaenl dlwtoa-ad la net
. nonlned alone to the farmre. There
\-wUl to U the iworraa »>» be ffieea here
V«kto week, a eerieaof eabJeeU ditcaread
wbiob wUl appeal to all dtiiena. a
^ women. aqnallT aa faroible aa
iha fanner. Brery one who eaa nr-,
to do aaebonld attend aU tbe
----- -— for ihare wU) to laotatbe and
mattaUDM by aWe IMtiawri
Mbjaeto la wbtah (ha entire oa.
^ty la laternetod.
It to Btated that Bcto WeltafW
Bvt to UTtog Mayer Maybnry of Dw
4f«lt to atake tbe ma fer foarenre
Are the AamoemUe MaaSard. That
retorht to All tight far Bwv bat why
•haoM he wlah to todnee Maybaiy to
Miirifini hlMiif Oaa It he (hat he
haa a grudge agtoaat Maybntyl
Mre.B.C.BeaeaadMre.T.0 Hohto
are gneata at Park Ptoea.
Trad OUa. btoMrenre fnrtka Onalpk
Wereear werkawt BMor. waa to (h«
relty ywterday.
Mire ilDMie Smith of Maple City, who
tea here riaittoc trtoada to the dtg.
Mae goat to Van Wert. Ohio,- to re^e
B Ootoer of Aahley- 1»4..
read Mra. 7. B. Bowea of KeadalTille,
, who reme here U attend the
'^aarel of Mra. J. B. Bowen, fatoraed
In toMr hemre ywtordnyBopalre Saarty Oompletod.
The topalre open the Oral Weed Dtoh
Ooh. factory will he ewnpletod tola
reredk aad toe glaat wiU ha ready to
^gMamework. U ti repeetod.howeear.
/ fkat toe faetoiy wUl not atari batore
She flret of Janeary■». Brick Haaaby Oared.
Mn. rriek Boreby. aged tarty yrera.
(Borntog at bar bore
Alt*—. B^. Tba laaeral will take
kept Vf hla antloa. bat ti
«a t»« I
ia«laz«I.M ^dnw
t irlaotknf tan hm
Joon^ «td ctvM tha falloviw nOea. . hoaon and tented the Uana ntpMly.-
•y SZ ™ —— i KjS.
fixed rei the rattler. In fact, they
eyed reoh other, aad Uto they kei* op
atil midday, wfarei a tUhure tmaolc
reuae relling along ou the to&ont tor
■‘Tba ttetaai waa aeea tarn tta
boat, and to a toret ttoir wai hauled
on brerd mree dred -than alim. Ha
med hie ttU thitoigh a recall knatfanto
to toe plank Tbe Immreeion of tbe
bnUens of fhe tattle to the aaU watre
had tonaed (hem toevell. aad be «ma
naable to remore bto toil from toe boto
Tb thU fortunate dreumreaaoe toe Mextaan owad hto Ufa The faot that ton
ooare *■*■»“*■ oontato many raniere aoeoaatofcr tbe rereenoe to tba remke cm
toe plank.”—ta tba Bye to Sew OrIrew Timre-Doi^oreaV
There will be lots of * ‘glad feet” in
this town after you've looked at our
shoes. One good look at tbe ^oes
and the prices, means that you will BkiiarMtU.
buy a pair.
The Old Bellsbls Showman,
118 From Stre.1
Wurobnrg Bloct.
Tba Haw Trek atoek brokreaare redd
*o«k ex^
i Tb.
Te. 0. .m roll
oa Dee. it. if and 1$. rrtujn
limit Jnn. 7. tree. Por latea enquire of
B. W. Cmna«HAa. Agi.
£SS.’SL'“b.‘^“roT!:ni^ ,.1«. . .m.
WrrlSr mannertamanakeUte. Belay
to eyre
B tbe end of tbe plank with bto
—a Trhole lot of ca*es rf new
shoes at your favorite shoe
store. Everypairwasselected
with care. We think we know
what you need and we have
arranged to get it for ‘you so
k will cost you less money
you’d ----think.
Xrenm to daaee new end
and enjoy your-
.lea.- Do not wait antn
BtD 1toe daaei^
yearBcnaon te over with,
wlto. then hleme
ealare to the apring for
_____ wtonded that'MarytoBdabonld mock tan.
tnn. Pnor. fSu-vena
.to called Orreoenda. but Cbarlee 1
ebanged it to Tern Marim, to boore of
O. B. M L I
bit wife, and we made it Hary'a latod
a’ Aaaoclatton.
Stole Taaebera'
bcBoe MaryUod
Dre.yraMH. Bnteta-ei.
Ckriatmto Md Bew Tenre HoUday.
ae aadoowtolrd (are. Sailing dnya.
decide npre Bylaanto. to Whkb the Dec. Tl.». SI and .Ian. 1.
king preftxedtbeword Pnin In 17S4
au ordtoaner was drawn op aa folloan
"Tbe ifMtgiy sarthward ctf the forty,
C Zro LoCKWoon,
fifth dngreo—that U to «ay. of the
ti.P. AT. A.
O.K.Mom T. Aganl.
piettoo' of (be fany " '
A fevr days more of the KTvice of Clob Hoom Mince
‘S.5S Meat, Pie and Globe Mocha and Java Coffee, Ffee.
Yon will nleo find the fineat line of Groceriea and Provisioaa in Traveme City.
toall to rellta i
I •• Sea wbat we miaaedi,The IreBelow b a Unt nf tba bsytog and etolT andre tbe foriy-fiftb and Srety
whtto lire weatward of
wretoberelled Mkshl roroa^;
g.buia. while that to the eareward. witb■aaredOe^ttoe
to toe pretoaula Irewad Ig tbe lakre and
•10 »0
A toon man witii a of
tod face tan
Btooo, Bi. Ctolr
toe Kne latlra^ depot at (be
grie. waa to to relied UbarremreoA
tan of Weal Twenty-toinl •««« *‘*•1 Hrerre Irehade.
other frereium and ebaaed a croretewn
y, ^ territory 1yhignndretoefarty<
car which wae midway hetwere Beranto aareiae and toe frery. He waa •
fast ronnre and bold bia bat to bU laft
band aa be gauied CD toe car. Tba paa- of toe Hnakiiwum. tbe two Mtooia nf
reogrea on tbe rear jJartorxa. to a apiril Um> Obip too Wafiaab. tbe nUnaiB. tbe
Miami! of the lakq. and toe Saadueky
e op Yuo'll ibake It lirrea.
.. uld
Tbe cuunirr Uiroagb which the llhuoii I Cbeeae prr lb ..........
laat ebanoe to get a ear before two min tirre rone wae to torelled nitoeia; toe [Oato per to itodj....
■re. -reie^ tbren aaid.
, no»t Joiuiug to tbe eaaiward, fiareu-ga. , Owa per bn-, old..,.
At Elerentb areei
be reughtnp. j ^ u)„ between toe
tan^l^ j
to. aretpiring profnaaly. t|»BBg opts
„....>rororo. •
platform. He appeared biq>py. 5,^*. Watotogt<«>
and when be banded bia fare to tbe «ai-'
to-wbkb are tbe
dnolor to mid; -Thaw Bhwckre atrere I ^ Watoab. Shawnee. Iknkrea. Ohio,
that rta dowuKtoth nrenoedo;
ool gti often, rernn to retcbtbl* one. 1
to be relied Pnlytomia. nod that
The oondoewr rang up the tare, and to j^t)„Tup the Obl.^ Peii.ipiA Verily, a
matter of fat-i way anawreed:
. ; ,raieufnl Proridruto erem* to bare
'Thi» car gwea toTbirtr-fcjunb atrere juaid.d
ne from IheaeafflioUooa.—Xaw
ferry G« out and waM for a Bleaekw Yuri-kPrwn.
By®, per
•reel oar.”
Bock wheat
Tbe qxiotre gotoff aaaraweo
Batter, per
“Befree preaming yea to pare to tbe
paawngm cried out:
“YoDoanran anyway. It lal
to run pnd lure t ear than nerre n
qua]^■ireai aU '--y>H<re Tork Oomme
ii>>d to repurt our acticBia in tbe field "
inary.MDhCi Mty.Mhe;
Tbe war oorreapaidtmt bowed
Beet of Menda Kant Bnrt.
A young'ueamt wa. lAowtog a par- j
Sh XT E. P. Bnomns akd Pnixvna;
tyof ladireandgontiwueaitoroogbtbe!
'ITro u..____ . t^
Too may wreider wky Ihare delayed weerrawry
and nplatokng to them I-dire. "1 taould likea dtotoltkm to tba
■y Journey to toe oaaetao long. I ^ too propuftireto routato toe choioret i phraw. -fieudtith atrocity.' "
nimply key for eereral reaenni AfUr
I Thw currrepande-nl amilwl aa If be
goo£t^ng «ch A magmlSeeni ttoen of
U^-Dnoerebnr. *t-*4; Jaanwy
Among tberialtorewae a would bel««*««l«W toeqtmrejou alwgreber too
St 17.
yontig luokius middle aged lady, wbo, «“yr iraKUID WWOCBtM®. ^ «>u. ««w
at oaty dcM-npUoo Tulautewnd (be
Qtnad Baidda. Dee. M.—«rha»t. ^
RurdrxB committed by tha^other aide.”
"Oorrert.-- imumd 'the officer.
toa bad re butna wure quite equal to
JJ^f toi ^Srtoi. to^ wUk whiek ■ I anrthing exhibited bon- or todvnl aay- ••Now. what ie ’Jaat nwgrencer ”
“Juat Tvugwmoe.” anawwed tbe eorwbore Joit aa toey were paiaing a
giant reWne abe wna beaid to uolaim: treprmdeeu. “to tbe treni ured to dreig"Wall, tou ia notbiog axomedtoary. uir murd'ia oommltted by our aide.”
me akeotoari
•‘Cumoi-Mton.” letunicd thetoSoer.
1 bare a rereuf at boma that U aUll
whleb !am«
nU aware that f bare atrunled hard larger. I planted and reared It myaelf" ••I will give yim an ordur ibai wiU take
•red tore my banlth (rill nnto^. ger"Banred it yonraelf.” tbe latoemnr Jfoc (tarou^ all the Uima.'--Bb '
relt me to etoy bare. Therefre®. I «• gtotly obrervod. "How remarkable I!
■ret to atart toa flrat of n«Et weto te Tbii qmduMti ia dS yrera old. rend if
Aal-at WaaaAlp.
Saiforula. Tbanklng
- ••
•onre u Will laigw"Bwine wwe adored in Crete, wenreto
Tto lady did not Way to bear nay etTbetaa. retenad faitoetnTroaA
b« •
oupinea io Preeto, tbe lapwing in !
Mei^ bolU la Unarea. aerpeote in
Onece and maay to toe Atrlceji c
WtfW Th>-Hladiioaae*ermoleMM
------AMD THE —
Ttayetol them fatbwa. brotbera. triooda
- Om towto to nature makre (be wMn
d ulbw uidenTuig naaea. On tba
world eto.
eat toA4uln>« a bog bappwlBg to kill
PoUtirel optolcut are like muWattae __ -jftntto it.
renka. toa kto« S>(« ontotatbntnU
- thweaneeHto* A weman wbo looked
Tore—How nmto have yon rend?
tba awloe aboold ta duWroyed.
Wnll to CM.
Alwe—Om ehaptw.
TbwaTwage girl at n football game
Ttan-Then m fenUy'hneMt got
MB netor UBderwand bow tbwe can ta tomtbeiHxy- Ihefirrectanptw'vBMn'
_juetoa^b>rewTerbfre able to
SMb a thing Bewfonl taekto
make up my mind wbetbw I am n
^ a rert of totradnetton.
Wbat a woman trritre to b«r diary ia
Alioa-ltoi tbe firw etagtar -Iret ton genlni or not.
n tone indox of wbat toe wonld like to ooef'revred.w>dtb«heBiiiiedire. Ko
Simmene—IttoreallyMned. JnWaet
tmro otow people think toe to
ytMreay take U taek.—ObJcagoXfewe like a bog when yon are to eoetoty. and
Tbe <mly toyme (tad “Cnpid” had to
if you are a gteiui p>«toa will ad
yon fee lU—Indinimpolia JobimL
Lou to men can be arede to toed I
•‘That'i a Wreage oaae to the n^A
ewer the thoiight that tonto mtobw
geretlemauwbo reorre to tha'higtaef
etoelea. tou't it?”It'e a fumy thtog ^ n lot to e
dB MB get tagetow Md reookbettwtaod
"Hadn't TOO? Wky, tha«ackaatata«ton«Hlittote»etatobto ttamnny wope
authority tar (tw Hwy that toe
Me to there rea Mirege to MB ^ ^ MM tolaShe
moon to all taOMd Ml
tarhatonBdntboren.—arertrenrere Gtoeetored Plato
We Proinieetlie
Best in Quality;
r fitare.
Brosdt Blodu
The T
Travram City
Gandy CoKeereCtatotrenaTtM Trimmittge. Candlaa. and tandle Boldera. (Mndy
ToyTand a full U»e of Orwareentt, Dent forget our String Oa^y nuA
On^ Cbnag. We make Morinl .tatae M candy to aohanto, eberehre. AM
*^*^5reh0yeSM direct troreBalUreerenlwaja on band.
Oonur Fmrk aad FrftBtv
Meanto store rear MMMle bloto. M OtooB fltonto.
SUtUatog. .
Cotton TbwaUng..
Annldatwy nttota.
LowatifricetoMl wni oioBB AT 9 OOLOOK R If. oarn. OHHWnua.
iitito,Ctteb,linlff, '
-W. C.&fi.A.Sana^
.V ir: reoat BtMrt.
If You HfflfB Logs to Son
Lomber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Bank, Hapla Flooring.
Skort Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Maokinery. of all
descriptions, incloding a Engines. Set Worts. Carriw<*
andSawa. A canplete Saw MiB Flaw for sale.'
T&AVBB8E UlTK mnutnik OO. '
ta» vtvmm
<kt tht Houm WhieK
Af« OMKMd to tt» CMi
8#r»ic*Uw.____ _
Um brM SM br tk« ia.w7m* MBptoyvd
u> atuac tbt cooatJtattoaatltr o( tht
tnlMTltwe* ux 1»«. Tb«r* U*
thnr cmm peodlDC U> tbcTJUM B{aM
Mpmiw <wur». AB f—HiJ trom «fe«
•Sorts of tbe Oo<k «uo»y o«rt*J» to
tollKt tbo JRbortUW* tu rroBi OxJ«W
TtaM CMn iBVohr* UM cmtM of tht
t»U Hr. towTM. John B. Drmke snd
OoMCBl Jowpb Totrooe*. TBe com w>U
be bud toBftiU Tho omersoocT •PP'^
oTlotlaii. vbtcb «M iDrindod In Oovoft>er StotMT'c <«& for • wort*l'oM«l«
of the nitooio loftaUturt. »• Hr ^
irgaff^OAT. amwa*
nl> Thit« T1
«» QubM Robot Loodor.
Oon. Oemox.
that theeupremrrourl
n tbe cotutltutlohaUtp of tbr
WwhlnrtOB. Doe. 14.—Ttw untlook tar
tbr rivll ■orrtro low b bo(w
MUrUr coo'-Msed Mno«» RepuUk«
Biirt— of u« ho«M•• » roMUi of the
bold Bottxrdar blcbt. Tbr
Mmbrr* of tb« sporla] commlttrr bovlas tbr Butter Ib rturv* ore frylBg tu
■o •hope * WU tbBt It wlU romipBBd tbr
nt^ort of • number of dlvetwom rlr■tub. One of thru ts‘tbr DemoemtK
HbMfKy wbicfc. csnbimd wttb the BepubttcBiM oppoord to the prewmt l»w
would he etronx eootaxb to ctTTj »
UB. But to cuvaaelnx tbr eKuotioa U
Bto bMB found tboi DrmoCTBtle tnembora wotild fB»-ur a complele repeH of
tbm tow. boi would oppoM uuthlnf
*CR of a repeal. Ae tbr RepuUltwn
- ttoTeOMfit to not toward lomptole
peal, but iBthrr for modlBcattoB uf
law tbrrr appMU* -- Vhleh the antl-clvll aerttrr reCurraer*
Of bMb paitlee can unite. It to etolmod.
kbwcrrr. that a modlOtotJoli bill will
neetve the *ot»e of two-thirda of the
itepubilean memberm. and will hare a
- •opd chance of paMlBg the eenale ahd
raceu-iM I
Tld Btarr JurdoA. pratodOBt o
Srir Turk. Dts. it. - T. Batiwda
Palma.rcpreamtathrc of tbe Cuban provtolonal rovrmineni. >-eator4a>- rreelvtd from General Haxtoao Oomea
“iBtMIto wbBt a M
to barowa year mee^.
LoudoB. Dec. M.-Tbe ballot tskap by
he unUuM of the AiBalsaatalad BocMy
of GwlnearB to alrnoet unanlmrntaly wbH yoB tomv bto a
|M.Sad la Hcbi •
emploren- tbe .taUlol referred to
out of the eonforeocr between ^
reaentativea of the
and their emjiioyrra. wblcb borai
Svx. U laat and aHer aeter^rla order tu allow the deteatea ^
euclaeetu U> aoWnlt to the eartoua im.loaa the tenna of tbe mastara
Tbe etaployera declined torweede troin
UanaceaMBt of ibHr boalne«, without
tbe tnlerfereoce of the unlona. and ain• -------- redur.
tl^TiTibe^uraof Ubor»tb. ytxmnd
that uoch a dinanutloo
mean a
amatter output-and la^iy to B^i
foretoB competltofa. Ibe aaoetal laitoeaalea when the eoBferaoce waa adlourwod to allow the toltoi waa ibai
To >0i« otton to the artto oiMBMy
G« «w bBaieady
InAnB aott l«e to Ukc^ to oottHf* •»
«i» otbm U. til tbe ortetBC ct Ood.
intolUbk w«y cS
touKityofnUhd. aofar aiil^---------- ’*
, it-S«w Tetk Oto
btid Open Bmn
■» Dro thto«i to jeUA iw
aboaU tooeunghly tobto
n» jdw to taktoc otttoaa and to to
Howur to*iTto« it.. *
yartwtawrat «
port lakre a aWCB* poaltton *«»»»«
•jrtennlBatloo of thr mula br the UnitIkiUcfOti
•d Bialra. If Oraat BrtlalB won I conliaued. rej^cUiix autoBray: 4
•rnt to further rr<Urtg««oi»^H^»«y> ducument. whicb to addrreato to i
•rtoy of IllwratlOB. reads;
would be a conffeel”" of lmpol«tn-«
"Patn..! auidera. wbu are Babllaa for
unworthy of a clllvtoedeyQl"Nlyoi««7 the emancIpaUoB of the Cuban peopto:
unworthw of a ciwltoed nation
OMMtal Blanco, tbe BUbatitute of tbe I
Wauto a Ctoeeh aa CHwlaal CuMW
i Si««»-.;...
Wa.hinirtoa. Dec. 14.-ttonai.ir Per- ...-------------- .-.rto, ,o emauub
new j
lo Ua pupulaUon
kina, of t'allfomla. baa Introduced a wn,
, ^
says so in hto '
p^wwi'to hit^ Bdltb'May Carew.
to amend the pwrapwph of the revlard i
alatulee telatin* to tbe appeal on ha- procuitnauuai t tbe tvujito and to the ^-poae caw to aa exact parallel of tbe
we do not requite lo make ] allefed American potooner. Mr*. Carew
buna ewa of catmlBal oaato to Um an>I«n to
.. the crime to
pretne court of tbe Vnltrd BUtra. Tbr ehaaaeB. and tbe war JwUl tw earned on I »as contorted In Jaiwn
ind. an Koyllab ofSI Juat tbe same aa we comiitoDced
we all my clrrulara are In accord- rtto.'and MBtewed lo death, the aenbelw autwequenUr conmuted
with civlUacd wwrfare Eerrytbli
with tbr sole rtew ot aalntof tine,
.1 be deauvye*. to IBc Impnanaraent In this Wowntry.
thatbelpa the enemy
■ewd* tor Letter CheelMw.
Bbe had been ewcaiwd In an Intrtaue
erythioB that
-ON. Thla,toour wttb aa BuatUh empkoye of a Japancm
WaablartoB. Dec. it - Portmaator Mm must tM'accump
>»ei. whfcb furatohed a t^pUre fm the
Seneral Gray baa amended thr
Uf»a ao ae to rwjulrr that attortAprU
-Our purpuaea have been wen defined
1 nrit tbe bond mippllrd by totter car-to the worldwffl ekarte aetolw ter rare ;a ewn«a
Vew OaMato HrHayU.
rlere for the faithful perfonnancr of We atm >
dutica ahall br euppltod by aurrty comintry. Cub. for tbe Cutmaa. ahmitmntoa. Private bonds are ofun found
for the Americana TN. alUln thew
jolmson Block . TkoocTa . + ENAA|£L1NG ♦
to be worthleaa.
Prara.>n of North Carolina, who laiTfoUowa; HhitolM orthe iniartor.
BBSurated the tnovetnent and to a meenIsland and the Ui,p»„fil»e.
*a^^^ T^r*je; „lntotto of comher of the apeolat ccunmlOee. aaye tto | Waahlnrton. Dec. It. — Tbe comp lo carry on the ____
will •qulnx
troller of thr cunwncy has-declared
_ lUnce. The bopea of BMTce and Bnaaor. Ptotoance: mtnltoBf
dltidcBde In favor of the rredltofu of forgi from our us are already blasted. to erterlor peUttOfui had worabSp. B»Wconsidered by the ctimmUtee
aa.WBows; Exclndlna-froin the ____
oprt*-__ toaolvOnt banka as follosw. KmratoiM
rcprwKBts her laat and tua ft. Vtotor; minister of war and
marine. GuHlaume Velbnin (who la
In which one 1 National bank. Went stuf-nor. Tita.
OppetoW H. • «. * IMpM.
«oto ol toe law ca
(MW president ot tbe ctaambar); nriB«for the 7 per cent.: First National bank. NlSBvaramrht offtoer la---CM of ^btlc works and asrlcwItBrr.
FaUa N. T.. 10 per rent.
aats of bU subordinate, at drpuiy rolBlxhtrerelvi
aaeinaatua Levonte: mlalate
Plee Oral Vap mr
Ib-wlaa dtopaick from Orn*r
tiee and public Umtrwetkm.
WaahvnatOB. Otd. M.-One of ibe Ineeeatlna Itema In tbe aartculuiral apoe a footUto antb new appItoanW: oworlaHoB Wll Is B provision for
puns (If my havlna totered my aervkeu
•have to eaamlBallona ao as to make
lo General Blamv or lo the Btwnlab
pmrbutB. Dee. lA-A irMellns to ceal
them mere piwcttcal and tea
_______ Jti It la an Intomous He " At operaloru of itos PNlsbur* dl—
I life troure
toatiBCt provtatoo
the Cubaa Jvou bcwdqusnera and fnmi be held here akxt Monday t
•Bd for a auted t
other aourem. so It waa reported here.
Most Complete AssprtmeDt
k------_______ .f toe rtShl ot heads to deBanyulllj a loyally lo tlw Cufcn cause
■artmenu to remove, reduce or piW- executive and Judicial Wll as reported had been auapecisd for Bome time, and
erer shown in this City now
■Mle tn the Intereto i>f the public; a to the bouse carries a total to Cl.Ht.- Hia reported action to offerlM hit arrr tW^rtnl
isale at
Umtiatlon of tbr law. to K«cUc departT to Genen '
tnenia bureaus, etc., and an oaduhon
aurprtae. Delrcatc
No. X31 SUte; Street.
•f tboae not eoumeraled.
Tomas Katrada Palma, however, mxwkECKELS ON CUUEHCV BETORkL
City. Michigan:
Ins for publication, said tVt be coaid
hardly believe that BsnaultHbrnTuaplVeer «M Be Far •• TWy
... ...- -_________ f toe subject
Come in and took them over.
talaied. hut that be did ^l att4ch
H the alheed rapid and unaulborised
8L LuulA Dae. IL-Ocpmptroltor of much lrop»‘rtanoe to the tTporl eveS If
mt of the fUBCtloBS of tbe oIvU tbe CurreDcy Btoteto. whew Bto«d U be Irve. A Cuban meethaot prdmifteot
^unmuaton. Tbe of^nebta of acread with Ihe rwroBameBdalloae as to —w^r the revoIuikoaUta in this city
nliwlOB assert that the ortalnal
■ by Pretodrnt McKlaley bbM that aaaauillr «aa not likely to (o
t nevtr Intended to an^
bta Tecent mesaacr . cooarcBB. aaid: and that whatever action hr bad lakea
teBUxe to olflce and ______
aemorala and tbto
ery »oog ao tar as would hare n- e«e. l upon the Inaurrta« from a corps of ' -j tbink fhey
ttc d
trb tar enouah.
a and aereial elrrka ; th,y ,
pem iMdera slltl In the field.
to a larye tnsUtutlan has arrowaled to 1
opinion, when be eava certalothlnaa
ItaeU not only the rank to a depart- i on«hl to be door. If poeidbto Thln*a
.1 en-1
Havana. D«- 14.-Dur1a« a
e criminal code ao as t
meat, but Ibe poder of dlclatlnx «o
ouaht to br done ehould be
xasrWet at t'alman, ou
beads to deparunema what artlon they
eepeclally when they ao vitally
^ Insurc'-nt leader CoUaa^eme
....--------------- touch the eourrtrya buBlnem life.
ded. v-merday ten armed Inaur00XB8 AVD BBU8BES.
the^t"*"***®miiwa.W# (ents eurreodered there. DurtMC a
• to make pleadinaa as In the tirrlnla ___ .w.. <h. meodosM
coOaetar of Internal revenue cane. An Craeabacka and *U,eoa.4» Sherman le- toJnntab <-n tbe Bl'er Seco. near
HBBda^me 81lT«r BbcRb' attempt will be made i.vdefi»e Ue ex- mti Icndara Bhould he IkkMi up AM Oulces. tbM province, the wvti-known
would I darv my. like to see It done; Issuntent leader Plllrtv wee killed, toM functions to the
New Tork. Dec. 1«.-The Ward
but U IS a-condltlonal problem with him. ■etbri with a Heulenani and two pn- •tetonerOGsaha; which heMamved
iply a debt and.Ibe ____ ____
t'uloae) Antonio , Wiawhl from Havana m halt, o
way lo set rid of 'a d
Lopes Pmes-surrendered aeveral days' imc.-o. betni; the first shipment o
the provlme .d Sanu Clara. |
trom thr port In many room
u Dec. H -Lode* made as | -How would ypu pay su.h a east aum Marshal Hlan.-.i and Seoor Jewe Cun' at one llme?"
evato. aecreUiry ceneial of Cube, called
New Orteana. Dec. M.-A small r
-1 would Issue »on« term ?** per oeot upon tJunaul General FlubB^ Lee yea
now In. B*ro SomoOdne Ud Anido tbr Prooonto.
point la Karhe. forty-O
tton bUl. which Is mitMtanlially tbe
tasuea couM be made m>ld rn th- death to the mother to Pretodrai mllra below New Orleans Seven bOBs
-■me ir-essuc^ that was paaaed by the
were drsnolMhfd And a h«aw
McKinley._______ ;________
and one man bmt his life.
IVtr-fourlb conareus and veto*?, by **^^t^!n«rrns take any decisive at;OHarInc Mather VMWws Her Unnahtw.
Pretodept Cleveland. After a brief de tlun on the rurrency question— .
Ihey Asem Mm. Wato Saw.
Moo»n Bloct.
-SrBtImeni In favor <d Its doln* so U
late It waa auaiteuted that the final
IndlmiH'lla- Dec. 14—Ura Huffman,
Cbicncu. Dec 44—Danlei Schmjdt.
V(iM on tbr ararndmrots and the bill , prowlnx t Waahliifrton, and 1 think wife td a 111* Pour rtolroad employe at
reto. oia. took enrb.^ a««
will be aomr kind of actlnn Brtchlwood aiiempiea to commn su>-,
h/lakcD Jan IT at I p. m. This so*- ,
died It la said hie wlf< and cbllis aocepted
by Lod*e and t
aloti* the Unc of the iwrtodeofs SBK- Uide by swallowln* tarbollc acid. Teawani and this dlae«>qrm*»d
, terday her condition was auih as to
-tl'lll the ixnaley Wll produce enouah I
nope# f.vr her recovery,
revenue to pay urrem «ai»naear _ |
t>rr dau«bler Etta
-AH tariff bills are prr.blemattral. S»
beself bj U.< use of the <
WliwH) of Waahln«tan preaeBlad
far the bill has not been the auttfvBO
dau*hter e l«»et. a younc
I dlrectln*
t. hut aa
PhlUlia. bad shot himself to|
ptwdkled f
js to jranamit t'
i It may
»nd th» was aHI«t*to ax the rea-;
I by llacal • 1*H. ' peudure better resulta”
] eon for the aMI's act It Is supi<oeed :
abowta* the Iota! numlwr t
pMa. • that artef over the ira*lc death to bar
examined, tbe tolal number p
a i dauahler caused Miw. Huffman lo take
total number appointed, tn li
Fotel«ti , her own
'branrhea of tbei
iilws'kiiii^ jtJiletleB of Amerlta. ad-^
amUfadi^.l to Beaty PrsbMte>
I noniher of persona
d to tbe secretaries of thr Ptolei- | ciD.IncaU, Dec. II -One to the moat,
eltnUe Hals of tbe several Wanchaa of
la that to Henry •
Srarytliinf for Complete ChriatmM iHiiner, tncloAthe ctrB »rvkv,.at tbe berauv to.
BGialn and tbr contin-nt of Bn--] p„d,^,po, made ytwterday. J*ivbnsco ;
CBcb of those fiscal years. The rcnolatn( OroeBti— end ProTiaioas,
SMlIdtlnc an expression to their
retired from bualari* for mere 1
tloD was avreed tc.
KseepilD* the iVportins to t^ Ivla'.
ecuTm-nlral forelyn nlaslonary ,
^ eewtiy ;
lallve, executive khd Judicial approprla^ u,, suburbs «if Clmlnnatl. He
lk.j; WH the house dki BO puUlc busi enferenre tdmllar In aim and chaear- ;
to the world s rolaMonary 4e.nfrretMe ^ arol*ntd to. Seth r. Fotoer, The
ness .In bi.tb bouses the •baptalPB re at London
In ivaoi In tbe city of New .
ferred In their lovocatl.tnr to thr deatb
Tork in ApnL 1»». and their rvadlhM i u,bume« at «00.«0t
to Mrs McKInVy.
Ordsr by Thonr ml b»T« 0«oU MlT«r»d.
> co-uperxte lo such a conferenev has
------------------------Tb»ie waa..howevrr, some wttertBln>et with a seneral and favorabl. reTtoWs Hiw—t is K».wm. ■
meat for the sallnles'ln a personal
I. IIU , Dec. 14.-The a
dWpule I•v1><■e••n Hepburn to Iowa and
Morton of Ohio over a correction to the
aMWTcaamnal m-brd which invotved •
u*.m. *
ranewal of a tv.mroveray that oeeUTrefi
Baltimore nimpany (eonhla bond forlL.. ^
ake mb!..TW
htoweM tbe two KenUrinen duiU* tbe 4. MlUer. of the SanU Fr Monitor, pro
and the balance will be made up by ,
^ _ -rttI 1IhBStarlv
has tar iv
iJehBIr on the pension appropriation bill poses to test the question in the courts we
the director, of the loan aasocltoion. V** ^a bv
« tiffW I ta
last wetoi over the w..rd moat" or to whether a railroad corporation !• TWle-a wbcreabouu are will «»kno»b^ j
Me" In refartBre t.. soldiers on the liable for damaSM by pennlitlns -a
paaseHcer to snore all nlxht and tbtw
keep awake kU
tobto pasaansera.
Rej W»t. Fix.. Dec. 14 -The Spaatbe experlertce ,
gta Antonio bad a hall to eeto*n>wa
-Bianf." Norigo Instated that Ih,
MHler bad wdth Sheririff BUM. who. It IS braie an anniversary. Juan Dt4*adn
Mattie—I'a m mny. dent. M tons
1 tnrre of Cubans atucked tbe
to tbe word “laaiijr- pUced him
aUeic«J. snored In ai ich lonoa as to preyoB tooti tbe town while the baU wae tn ptvwreea. that diwtb baa lobhBd you
vent aU the tobar paaaeveiB
false Uebt
Spaniards sed la fuU panic. Vtoito poodto. BbwcuyoBsftooo^
After ----------I fBM-WMlBd B
than two boulB tbe bonae
Ukla* tbeir famlllea heiBe. |kus endlnc yooraeU lor hb to^
vote-1 M lo m-Wtalne<
CartyW FamUy JOw HxttaM.
BioUoo to make Ih* pennanont record
h-btttlMBivcte rU b-hsTB to g-est
Toronto. OBI., Dec. M.-^
•bow that Jtonoe'a V««eb cwnaiped
.msaiedl-Ohkafo Nm.
fit. Peterobnr*. Dee-^ll.-The Novostt
the word -InoBt." In arempdanpe with Cartyto HeaBlBC. Mater to Thomas Car
lyle. Ibe author, and tbe law roember.of mya that tbe abaance to protcBts from
the aWBOcraphtoB'
tbe family, died ywtoerday at the reul- tbe oUmr powerr at Gennany'a evideat
- of Flei
"Oone uptonigbL” wroto as Atobidenre of her aoB-to-law to this elly. determination to remain at Kalo-Cboo
(Detn.) f Qeor»la.^TK> k®4®« toth tht
bar Indlcatto thatUir partUlonof China SOD Rir) to a young man Ibb mocsisg.
ana The J»opull*ta voted with asedityaara.
W arlitollT be*ua and
' in Ituing to bavu an evettlag. ”
the D-mosats.
Be Mmw Oalle faeswhM.
; gbooU like to eome." te wiW
aie-PoatoBtB ton. aet-BtodB. ywi
tecA. •‘toil nttatoMtoly 1 hwe )«t
Tbe W^Uber W, May
kbow. WsaUamm. *w- IL-FoOowto. arojto ted a sigbL*'—Atobiaos Olote.
Uu_That’iri^t If ltrereytm.! wamber ladlmtoios far iwulyfour tomtw
. Dee. IL-Attorney 0«^ would tntu toy aantics to taWFMOrfc. terns p. M-yaMrday: F.wtodiatoaad l»
' said tea. “ttesg him
BMnlni Ttenn TImm b *TMk.
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.
Moubk to Loan
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Improved Farms andl
City Property,
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
Correct Sts^ee.
-Front Street.
Sterling SihBr NeiiiBs!
F. A. EASIi, Jeweler,
Christmas Turkeys
Oysters, Gaudies and Nuts.
mihe 8I( WEST SIK eiOCEIIf.
Ruceimil Um Friilaii>
. ^ka«
Kisses’ Storm Kubbers......................... 88 Cents
ull^eAj^toBE, teBT," MM <BSdtoi
to pat to sevaiBl I
^ RfedtivB^, “but for ay psrt I p«w
te dtotom."—Town Tojdck
136 Front Street.
213 BNmt St fleitei’t fljsw ten irt tBisnit
. -ir.
Cots. ««e t I
StBBteiMs. Me FOT
TH» MoBimra b»oohp. wbpto^pay. dbobkbb^ ift.
h> NfttiMMl AtMmbly It Now io
Somion «.t tht Capitil
of Tonnettoo.
ffnrpnm DEUT2IB8 SD ADDBESa.
S p«r <
»e and t>roper poun*
II « utlaoal ooovMUlus
. raaHh KUhWkB .OBtttirr BN
' “*•
qw MTAlrr
».MU»a SaUA.1 r.iiwAy
Ih* cw'lAl of Ok. .t*W ..t Mexico,.!
nk^ by orfMiM
t;tO U.. oixht. .od . pr-M
AmeHcn* .Bd Mexlcaaa wD
ffbfo rw
mm m amm*
m tk« rapO»l «r ih*
. Mntraa iir^Mki
City of W<xlct.. D«-. H.-Wnll«n J.
Bh ao Mid p»rty
« ,rf
oorp« w«t into camp In
IwTlii* bAiuinav tiwtr
porcbkse the looK ilila caw* boIw rxi
vut frwt wUld» arill potker yaw
tnnntb. So »atfw‘ li>m wjH ripew'd
U>««' tWo haiianii.
«pi«r to be
tlxT will
acrid. Tbu i> Ux-auw tbe Inuicli wlilcb
1 tbam WM picked too ■rwa-
u,e «rly
it WM
St IMvU. pmddout ol tiio 0™ifcd.«te
TexM to Jt
whoTT bu n^bfdlwfoUi
« ,b.t
» -d-<
.tid io . f. « d.;
will doDhle tu Kirth. It i.at tbotnd of
thie tinietbBlil l.'lliM lo np.-n oel
mtt ITrn-ila «M rau cue «tBT. D full UBK.MHeoenl wilirti
^ h.Tc tKTtniit t .1
1 welcomed___ ___ — ’'“*“*““‘***^*^"’*^
chief Bwtrtnrwte -------------------and cw-orted
---- him
XMh»-lUt T*Bn_ Dec- 14--Pi»aldefil i
ptaaJdenf. prte.te CMTt»re.* T»«e oartlty was ..tdered ool <» We »wtn
,migro». . .fTfai-i.ouch
Oempera tmuI hW umuM report yee- famous Tw enty-«^-entb rettnienl »•» ; or CfSt Isuik uf the Ooninlfiee nrer.
prtgLt (Wow of tho fruit
y i Colonel Minty ordiod oot hie old r^yellow. A diff.Teiwe of s!t hour.
terday to th> convention of the Atneii* •Utloned on the platform.
ih.« rime will make a
can Federation of Labor, and it was
---------------"“W Am. rlcane preecnl and chwa ,
ri.le.if the wma
jn the weight of Ibo fruit of
tht feature of the day's
there was nothing eenaailonal '
W tt.
.ZJX but i
***‘' ln**"rrian» to lotoreept and
3 eradicate: theTe ^*,^;^^'’,;j^VXdMlnforh.-rIwm.
f InluaUc
la a anlTerae Oiled with walla of aom>w |
• applauee. ,
beware the thin banana.
If You
Colonel (dw* Oenerall Mip^^
n tUii city, now a lailroad
•^tl^nA nmchlne. and the .fv I and
»U.i of
<11 lb.
u>e Kotmh
rounii MichigM.
e**oo.B«u cv-•
v-.-.----------Many a
dlvUloB Hungary would be emperor of Aiisina •irv _____
the nwinumt mnidly that «he. fw one. i» not a Imm luvoinc.
plication of new fc.rrew
y work- ’ a* a aort of »uiu*l*menlary occupatnm.
and *ub-dlvl*i<in »f UJ>ur. 1
II nulled Vienna 1* already a auhurb of Buda
•r* wbo have been employed a
Pe»t. and In time Au»trla wl!l becom.- a
trade* and, themacK-e* with their <
« of prortnee* aluched to
cnpatlon gtme.
tbe m.irtiing of tbe
•The movement 1.. Tvaacc the hour*
muted Ik* Fir. wllk Cart CMb
cbnrged inf. tbo camp of the "fie.inf
Of Ubor li alwayr one which comSiatttl*
Bradford. Pa- Dee. H.-At Augustine,
notoe good fellow who it much ntUchca
.-,.11 i„r«i-rtne town near me ..nr C.wiWera.-y." and Mr. Itavi* nev«f,
: first attention of organised latoo
I they
e dally
dally Un
Unj.rovrmenU In machinery. betr^WarrinMdm.i.uhUca.Tro-;j<^n«8 Kirby Smith in Tex*. Mwy
\ The
will many, if they have lock, and newg
• • the 1Improvement in the toola t^ay three children were burned to falm and uanmawical storie* have been
' of labor, tbe dlvUlon and eub-dlvtaton death. Mta. John Fredertck. a resident , related abont tbU captcro and rtlBoretit think uf losing Uieir heart, in the style
of-labor and the Intco*. de.Ire of tbe of the place, ar.we about ( o'clock to 1 reglmaU Riven it* OibdU. Now tbeae of Dido or Mudea. ThUbasalamysbeen
the priwc fact of matrimony, aad tho#
employing claa* to ittlUxe machine, to start the kitchen fire: She lUfA kero- ! ^
their fulle*t poaalble extent, mart of sene oil. The house and lw content*
Jefferson Davi* waa capturod by tb* •HymuD pet^dto svery town.' If yoang
neecaalty. unlem met by another coun
--------------- -- and three children
Micbiganrovalryln the «riy womni wait for thu emp de tondre and
teracting Ihfiuence. tend to *upplant la burned to droth. Mta. Frederick rescued
the handsome knight who oomes riding
Irwinsbor and throw number* of our fellow an Intam which was so ladly burned
tbroogh the fomt. tbev will ootf 61
vrotkere out of embloymeni. Thl* conn- that It may die. 'The woman beraelf rillo in •oatbmi tiroirKia. With him
Kstberiudor Itod aptoin bell. Novel*
were Mr. John B. Kcagan of Texas, hi*
terarimg Intlu.mce I* WgNaUy and ^ was aeylouMy buruedpaatmaster Rvoeral: CupUin Moody of tame tbe htadcinacy of tbe ideal. The
Beceaalty. tbe’reduetloo In the hoar* of
of tong
Miidiauppi. Bu.ddoeiRhh»rof the Da- heroin sda-a;^ lovea tbe ontotidaeMy
_________ J and a tack of
Camnn. 0„ Dec. H.—PrvsWent Fanre.
familv; Mor.TD.r Labbuck of TeSM poeL -U Jilted, meet* the solid sqniro or
employment on tbe .dher, may b..th be of France; the American ambasaador* , ^ Colials Harrisco and JohnaCB ol boriiiWaroan and find* that'what she
bad^kioi few love wsa.'etc.—we all
■ -remedied at one and the 1
abruad-and I’nlled Btatef eoiwuls: the ,
other countrle*
10 year* old; Jeff. know the ftwmola-and Uvns hapie
; trashlngtcn; gnv-ernorm of!'
•Tt 1* not the dlmlBUtb
ever after. ____________________ _
Bk wwua ar It. .
■*e: It l* to give greater lel*ure rei.resontatlve. and other-public ofB- brotbcr and e1«« eff M»--^viA a
our course:
white and w ooloredVl'tiBtTgoman,
rer oppofTOnUle* to thoro who ctaU: Ol
"Why," she asked, "do so many of
rmy pow
and Urg'
small forne of oaval^.w fetk other* d»e ports wrile alunt g<4drtirud? It
J from I
by the -t
l>owrr. thu* glvln*
id a small train of hortHSC^ea, wag- ae> i»t as « ««7 «>•>
Impetus lownd creatirtg the opportuBl- 1
eyr.ipetr.y to the home of the de ..J* aad arobnlaBow. Among tbe borom
fies for
far employment
employment of those who are j
methcr ot ihi i^rcMdent of the were a span of oarriage horses present *°•^Wa^•*■^e|lJ^ed tb* man who had
»nw vainly aeclng '
I Vnlted States
ed to Mrs Dans by tbe citisen* of worked on a farm, "the only orplanadlilon Is aatiari
Bichmonil during tbe heyday of the ticmlcan give 1* that the ports protably
g ^midele uhl.h faU*
ll»-.<r>er. H.—Report* lo C<mfecli-rocy; al».i a splendid toddle nevtT trlrt' tu ralw poiat.»w in a field
a of BgrlcuUiuv of d»te bone, the pridouf ibeex-pn*dd«ot him
when-gotdimrod bad gutagood surv"
of non-employment, and
ne of thersmaiiest areas sell.
—Cleveland Leader.
evil atal! I* w“h U* o
...................... whr
On flie llih of May. tbenext day
will bf ronccfiirau-d to
stats the
of the houi* «'f labor of all un
after tho capture, and » bile m our way
desired end u atulned.
Maocm. a* «>mo«r prrbo part
of «t.W«---------WoMd Hedge aBoyeeW HwM.
pared with last year's acreage. The
•Tlsceotly one of the branchea
by the sidu uf Mr. Ki agBU. later
area dev..ted to com ihU year was-7.•fedeial court* divided by
Urgest since »$(. the t(» from Texaa I found him a very fine
p leiycoil Is Illegal.
During that day's inarch a
OBm* Id Moaiagns Eleek. Tisvrt*e Cttr. Kick.
TThervver a cuue. rt:all l•.ue an laJBi^
oouTVV from Macem notified n* in priuttion reetralnlne any of our felloe workBU*sanl in Km—. -Wo«l Kjee.rt klip* of Tbe ♦IffO.OOO reward offered
■ era from placing a concern hoslHc to
Tvtwka. Kan.. Pec. 14—Dispatches
labor's lntere*i on our unfair U*t. the fromffive toe-ns In weslerti Kansasrtale for Mr. 'Davis' capture, and which no•oggeeUoB i* made that upon any letter that sH Ibai »cctl..n -.f the country 1* In Cioe ecsmected Davis with the asaasona<1 W RROWN. AuoawT as* OoUMDwai
■ or circular -issued upon a malter of
tioB of Prosldcnt Unooln. When Mr.
thU character, after glaring the name
Beagan rtwd tbe notice, he earnestly
■ rut.-ew ...i
of the unfair Ann asd the grievance
ids of head of cattle are being win protested that Mr. Davis had nu'ccned ..t the words ’We have been tered over on the pratrlcs and are with neotioo whatever with that sorrosrfnl
out shelter and myir without food.
affair. History has shown that he tmd
. .0 «u,;
cUw* t* |Mu|wvy.
tUbtc c<iB*aiil<«
Crud 'Ripids S lidiui R. R
An Ad.
in the
Gnlnmn nf
The Record
- Besidea the nit of tzM's clothing
wort) by Mr. Davii ha bad ou when captnnd Mrs. Davis' large wai.-rproof
dress (W robe, thro'itii.over hi* owu flue
gray suit, and a Wsnkct diawl throarn
overhlsbsad and abuoldera. Tbissbawl
and robe were finally depoaiw-d in the
arebives of the war deparlnuuit at Waabiugt.io by order of Suert lary Stanton.
The story of tho "tioopeklrt. annU
net and callcowrapper " bad no real cxistenoe and was stam-d in the fertile
brauj* of tbe reporttsa and io the iUus: traiod papers of that day. That
poriloDf moBrtit for Mr ’DavU. He bad
die right to trytortcapB
TnUas ervln tnto OtBriaosaL <
^ toatofe aiTlv** rt It dOa. a.
Chicago — West Michigan.
mi: 'am
As CUtote...:..-
V. wlr.-^ r! i.
Untprtut to Pnpertj Holden!
erfhi.vEss CARDS.
^ learMb-mle BJoek. Caleataww.
to sella Parasol or LioeO
Duster this time of year,
the chances are youi
money would be wasted,
But if you w?nt to sell
anything particularly use
ful for winter-
' Ulebae) Tnmaskefski was killed at
tog the iTjunctJon. Immlgrailon. iHwtal Th-.n>. w«.. by the falling Umb
aavlngii tunk* Iwhtrh be fsvoredas well
as pnsul telegrarhe) and oUier'sUbiects
of Inter. »l to organlxM lal«r. ^r^ tbe new nwn«v uf Hamburg, 1 « *«.<I00
tarv M.irrinbn p.p<irt<-d an Incre^ In
memberwhtp of St.rW and recommended
It :* stated that 7» Chinamen In San
ar Increase of thi per capita lax. Com- Franctsro have prof.-ssed conversion to
per* aomunced the c-unmltlce*
The the Salvation Army.
eredenllals c<«nmlU« reimrted ninety ' Senatiir Hanna hit* recovered from
gelegaie- ].r.wcni.the lllni-s* ftojj. uhkb he has been suf
fering for several days.
BE man.
Robert 1. Van Wyck,
Ortotcr Sew Tork. has
Suits to Order.
Fine Mer?fcMit Tailoring.
t_jii ..imrT.
I the noted and bloody Arid «f Cblcka-;
,,.om riiieningwofart in tho bold
BaagiUT Woralac
l —rranrta Koa- ' mansa.
'■ Mneh .rf the dne>i fruit doe* ripim in
^ '-^Juda. Pe*U DecAt Ahheyville. 70 mile* "onth of Ma,,.3,, d,y,rf pawsRc. and Ihl* i* aold
y advucaito* the '
BOth. leader of tbe pi
^nx-t mlc.—Now Vgrk
__ _
: ludeiH-ndence of iltw iry, ha* declared I oon it wa* l.-iiwcd lhat I>avU <l''Cing ■
an interview
interview berv
botv ^t
that ,| purty
jwrtT bad
Imre citmied
Inc fruitful r«*uUs we *hall. a* tbe ' to the eourM- of an
------ -------.
. ortr ;
boar, of the day advance from the hla party wliihe* economic MtwrmUon y,^ j^.uig^..,
w.uu inOTiiw
FalMv *a Iwva5repe#t rfSm iTlbe full midday glor,- | from ' Ao.trl.
-^Te ‘
IrwiBWilh-, O*-;80 ^
i* not everTbody who can fall
of llcbt-tbe light of hope, happln.it* , obtain poUtlcal
0,11,.* e.,utk of Macoo. :
iitely in love.", Andrew tang de2Ld hum^Up
• Wlh
in. I wart." be mid. •% »p-.yie army
o.loucl U. U. Pritohald. in .
• O. P. CARVER. ACa»
of the ripej
Kueplng the goal of
A,;.; ,h.rt..-,rcj.
^5 per cent, and all the differ-
and the aw^-tnwi Swl mnooth_____________________________________ _
which are ol
fruit. To tret tbe hananat wow market;
.ive alU aggrraalve organ-! been men here.
PreelJenl Dlax ha* | ^ »o« oOieUnt ofBocn in tte Uta
go„d coodirianretlolrtifaiA HeaxDOU.
- - iVilder^
falter in ' giver cfdetu that Bryan ahall be cm- 1______ ____ _______________
commanA- with
Wilder a in , ______________
with ventiUf.ir
and ildered aa n apeclally honored gue*l.
.! the
.. ffienuKt front. ------------.
-----<H»oed .b.
the i-.n-«.
battle on
of 'keeplBg
Ever Bnraed 0«tt
will Bring
QUICK RETURNS. unsni un lomuinn l i
^ »s take a«ect tnsday. Jas* to Ur.
and will Uke his seat Jan. 1.
Thc.mWui a
Fall River. M**s.
1*.—It ...................................................
J«n.ed that the manufacturer.' com-i luted by the
Blue* which has . barge of tbe details , Indicate* a crop of M(.S»,0« bushela.
Brtuin s marine ream tonnage
' ' Great
mneh as Bin UJ** WUJ* aiu*
- ____
..St r,f all oiherioslluos added together: tbe ehildrtmof thisdatrt euople Maggie
BcoDimnid ttmt the aalarle* of tb - |
John Holland, a! railroad rmidoye at grew op. marritid and is now living in
treasurei* be redo<i-d In the name proIn-n na>. Wls., was struck In the
. jfortlom a* the wa»:<* “f the employto.
rot St by a soowbaD and very bmlly toud. married and die
and each trember «rf the comml.lee hae
with yellow fever nmr MomphU gineo
agreed to bring about Ort* reduction to
X.Whllrieeey. surveyor of Ci
tha war. and that "girl baby” lircw up
the adnriniamtivc coat in his own mill..
to womanhood and is now a ulentod
The committee also derided that all
everMera and others not usually In- and beautiful yoong Indy and known a*
eluded Id cut-downs should . ..me under
Winnie, ihsdanghtar ol thv Oonfsderthe orter- Tht ratio for weaving a cut
- of print cloth a 111 be redoced from It to
• rsor of mental and moral sclante in j **^r mitid iweru to Ibnoe day* of tt>*
U cents, and in departments whi-re the
,1ms (Mich.) college, died of apoplexy, j war.'and t often think of that sMoeand
least |*y I* reeelVed the full cut <»f U
A Are In the bsroment of tbe «U-story , the
itiarob • bock frian Irwinsvllln.
per cent, will not b* made. The combuilding. W-m tValiash avenue. Chics- , through tho somborplnBWood*, owampa
BIttee also agree.1 that a cut of 10 per
go. caused a luto of more than »0.«00. sn'd plaDttilmis of oouthern Gourgia
cent. *a* as myrb as ib. operative,
The E. H. Psrgcnt Drug coBipany lost
Thero in th« ambalanoe with hi* wife
could bear, m rtew of the cunaOment of
tri.fOO. covered.
and babywaiJeffnr*oi»IMvlaapii«»er
• tbe prodt«ell.ms <.f FaU River mills dur
Trunk line railroads are told to have
of war. How wrok and imaU had be_ - . , « year.
secured <-oniroI of nearly Ibt entire
NoUcea of the reductloBi
water fpwii of Greater New Tork and —ms the brad aad front of that power
osted in the mllla today o
to be freeslnr out the lighterage and agaioEt which tbe men In blue had be«>
KloBg battllngl How had tbe mtgb^
barge concerns.
t be rivenI out until a lay or two
Marshal Blanc- has cabled to Fenor falltm M-Paper by Judge Prabody of 6t.
operatives ask for a cCBUter. If the open
de Lome. Spanish minister at Washing Louis.
ferenee The comm
ton. a request that be tender Blonoo-i
t be pre. eondelenree t- ITerident McKinley on
le wa* erring, but be finally
—nd unleto aoroetblng nea abould de- the death of the president's mother.
throogh hU tears:
Charles Smith, a man »li- ha* been
to call tor It. The committee I*
■1 wisbtlwasagirL"
'■ bospnal at..
uSiamoorty Tn favor of Including
* broken
‘Why do yon wish you were m f
everybody connected with the mill* In
who wag main
tbe redoctloB. and.also in oppo*mg a
strike to every way ptoslble; rince, K with prwgicto of a t-omplele reCeverj
tpouKlble for the
Two Chlcart>hold-up men have ahown
the mills Uboifld b* elorod. eompeUtcru
•• Tain’t so « . to wallop them.'
_____d obtain a rnw
_jdly raallting hot
answered kbe boy. hardly
»... --------------srlnners’
and Frank Moffat
. - tied Ji
Kecrclsry O'Donnell. d the
gnat the truth be bad hit apt*.-Chi
uni«.. has recHvod a vehement letter , H-lst of fit The theft troubled l^pell
Howard, of Boston, for- 1 and he gnve bU share -f the plunder
from K'*e« Howard,
mer *ecrelary of the onion, in which hr
he i,ark
i,*rk to utlrt. Moffst did the
Maty CenefeU wifi »uc Dr. J. R M^
says: "In reading over the names of the
e of Hm maanfacturera who ehan, ..f Orwen Bay. W»s. for «6.tW0
are to draft the detaSs of tbe
th cul-3own dumsgea for an alleged unUwful opera
and deetda h|DW it ti to be toftleted. J tion. Bb« *a» awarded a verdict of W.agneog tXXf to one suit, hut th* Judge set tbe
DoUev seven neiBM of agents
verdtoi eside as not being warraatsd tf
a year.or Bsariy ll,M0 a «
Kr.'S.‘;.sr..'"ru.n‘/. “;,sr:,u
Tri- the Want Column
in the
Tta'lVATt ®ETECfn\;g WOltE-airirtly cmK
addiW^toek Bos ISO. 'IVaTCM Ctly, Bk-S.
Record, too.
10 IS
I tsi.iru.’SLta.'KSf- ts'uss
ssv.i-rs's.tasr'.'s ff
«wot»T->v rilypr«.p.ny. I h. Wlnnl*. lO-U
TPUB «aLg-rtS<ocre*o(lasdoe U»g toto
^igbt Pages—Up*to-Date
Literature and Fresh News.
You get it for Br^kfast
, F°:.ssfS!3£^r«K:.ss
*^Ab.-biit i know how fa* pay* Us
I 111' rkilMliliililsllannrd
-Money to Loan
O^emr E-tam.'. hardw.*. star*.
Want Ads Pay!
55;^. s
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