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The Morning Record, September 17, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Rwt T«ar-Ko. U7.
mneh to say that Hoyt wrote his maaUtaacer, In Arabian coeUme. who
Urpieoe first, for of all bis odd eoneame down thaatreet on a tfanelnf
oelta. the "Bnnoh of Keys" is the oldBtead.
most popular, and has made the
«ABATA« OV VAZTSFin. INTAI>- Then came the Black Marta and two LUHniGTOV PHBflSHTZO MUSTl moacy. Eaeh eeawm dnriac the
Mr brawny pollcamea, one of whom
mer vacatioB it is docked and r*bore a family reaamblanoa to Bllay
Jnvaaatod: this U how Manacar Bothe kept baty trine
An 6ff Day tor tha TUltora Made
always kaepe hla ootorpriae. trim
yietory Saay-Paatuoa of Gama and In ahip ahape order. Ada Botbnor.
•wdi to ^olB FoUown oC tha Pi*ere of the paaeeWare
the Btar. wiU ha t^ centre of attrac
pbatr-tte* Wwa ISB O
IB dlfnlfled oontraat followed n
Taam^. O. X. K- Larcaly Bapra. tion. aa Taddy Kaya. new sonft and
X *ada 0(Md StrtM VacMst with oonpe vrith J. T. Hannah and P. Q.
pretty cirU wUl enhance tha charm of
hantad In tha Orewd.
\ Fit* WorH Wahowta Baaqaet
mann of the ezeenUve oommiUee.
tbia otdeat and bant tana eomady avar
It waa hard to idaatlfy the croup of
Taatarday waa a poor day for c«od: preaahtod to tha lovom of refined
Qtmt it AlUhl ud^CTWtia Mohanct.
fantaatleally dreaaad paopte fMlowlnr. hall playlnc. yat It U'doabtfal U an a
hto prophatl GrMt »1m are the rareperfect
LadlncffeawaUeoaeoftbedeaert. the detotCapt. J. D. Kromar of Grand Bapida,
thaae to ba tha Tiaveraa.Clty Boyn’ ton tmld ataad a ehanea arith the
«w of Allah, who aedad thalr {tUffTiaHand.
Hutlare, If the latter hit half ae bard traveUnc freicht acMt of the Q. B. A
ac« from the Oaala a< Grand Bapida to
Naxt eaM a float on which, earefally aa they did yeaterday. Tha vlaliore I. came to Traversa City on bualneM
the OaeU of Traeam Otj. plain of
etth'did. ware Tha Goat and Iha ware vary mseh off In thalr field work, ycotorday afid enjoyed the feattriUea of
Grand Tiaaarae. Daeart of Mlohlfaii,
Tifar. whoae faroelona cw"l» P«>- but the ooid perhape had a deal to do tha D. O. K. t
Taatarda^. or atora atricUj apaakin«
cUlmad that ha Ud fnalad many weary wlihtbav Tha local team ^played ae
Tracy Hobba was over from Kalkas
thii aoralarhard as waa haoeeaary to win,'and ka ysat^day and altoreaUd in nm^r*
Thaae aoaa of the daaart eaae io daya and waa randy (or blood.
Pour crim feme foUowad, carrylac didn't find It naoeeaary to play vary inc ttn^lcntoeand anSarinc *lth
aaltiladea. pea. la vaat anIUtndea. la
hla eqnnUy nntortnnate brothers whs
a *iaTaa from the aouvh. They cam a palanquin on which repoaed a black faat at that.
Only elcht lanlnc* wara played whan wore vi^lsed by tbe D. 0. K. X
in rwponaa u the coamand of Koyal draped akeletoa.
tha came waa oallad owl
VUlarOaro.wboee edict went forth to
Wbaalar made a eoo^e
the faithfnl. that the beolrhud were
and threw prettily to flrev
to bo »athe*ad Id and led Vo paaoefnl
BeUor played aeeond baaeSafl hla Tonicht.
inpoae by the, tma followera of the,
..Tbe “Koigbts” Have Gone and Left Ds....
They took onr cooda nway.
We ord^ more of the same kindThey jasjhntted today.
Tto y«nr t9r«^ ooMe and aae M—
. Brine alone that
ThelinalBs that sre now sriu clve yen
WUl almost knock yon sold.
»0 FRONT rntECT.
M fl tlfll 1 TT. hlilU—
The Whitely Exerciser
Ikkeo the place of Indian Quba. Dumb Bella. Btc.
A Whole Uymsaalnm in Itaall. For sale by...
THth the cararan caae the faaaaa
band of Arablic* eelebrltlea from
Eaaha Tampte whoae official datlea are
to cioanae the nnpurifled. purify the
aintnl pUfrimi of their foUiea and. In
Bhori, to Bake Ufa' a hidaooa draaiu Tor
thoaa nnwaehad recaneratee who have
. heretofore n^laeled to join tha falthfnl.
When tbb throne
arrived by their apeeial train from
Grand Bapida yeaterday afternoon at 8
a'eloek there vraa a craat cbtbetinc of
Knichta of Fythlaa in walUnr. and the
ieo paaaenrero were r*«tad by. the
atralna of •' Thare’U Be a Bpt Time In
the Old Town Tonichl.’' by . Ue Boye'
Band, The vleiton were reeved by
the loeal reo^Uen oommluae. an< lm>
Mediately formlac In line were eeoon' ad to the headqoarure of the O. O. K.
^ibreetora'ball, whleh wan fenerahily donated for the pnrpoee.
There Ware Ladlee, Too.
la the party weteannmher of ladlee.
_____ j them beinc Mrs. Leo- A. Caro,
Mra. Geo. E. Cocshall. Mrs. Fred C.;
—... ...
Temple. Mm. F. W. Batdorf. Mrs.
V^lrihim'a^Mm 'j. *E ' Gable. Mrs.
■PTa.^.n snd Mm Frank Me^
- w- -- -irr1
» kn.-.,
o. U..
' E--Ck U.. I. C.
..We Still Lead..
tfar lowesf^prioea.
1..I.C L.d-
the lucky acrcnth.on hittby Bums. Wolf
ritr. Uklng in tbe baU game and later ,
Tbe cold, mnddy streett ware tom- and Sbcarer.anotber error, a body blow ;
Adams and a faaac on halls to Wolf,
’^fioral amble- for the occaMon j
wa. tha aunfiower. aalectad becauM of : •'<« ^y bumlnc »nd> whmh were lib-1
The UusUersgotflveintbe first ea
Beat float.
1 for which
the Grand’
a base on balls to Hunk a couple of
IcoXTtM XlI ox axcoxp PARK.]
Baplds Knichta of Pythias are noted.
pamad bulla, a two-bagger and tour
After oneh was properly adorned with
a floral favor, tie liroac dispareed to
tbe varioim botola- Park Place waa »ooepb Fohl -WUl Brine « Bride to
crowded In a abort ttme. but Landlord
Traveree City.'
Holden had a good dinner prepared
Cards are oot annonnclng tbe marand without any ooofnalon aU were
Pohl of thia city to
CMTod with tha sort of fare which has riaga of .losepb
1 of Mb Clemena
■adaTmverae City and the Park place ^im 1^ E. B
The ceramony took plaoa la Ht. Clemdamooi. Tha same aute of things ux- --------------------istad at tha WhlUng.and Landlord ona Tneaday. and the couple will reside
is the popular
Compton sorvad a hoosafol of fraUrnal
brothstu with the beat in the land. Tbe b^keeperforGreiliek Bra. aad the
Four more in the sixth on n two-bug
Loalanan vraa also flUad and the vislt- hnde is a favo.^tc in Mb Clemens. Tbe
iplawill bent borne in tbia city after ger by Hull, four aloglea. an error und
weU oared for. while the City Boaapessedbetl.
mnt and Flateber's Columbian October
That ended tbfe run getting.
red meals to a great maay.
n for O. O. X X
Immediately after dinner P«pnf»U. W. Cnnniagham. Dr. C. B. King.
tu». were aaade for tbe work of the
Berman Hyman and Mr. Wolf of Copeevaniog. Great hoxea of nnkoown immlsk^ were a qnartel wbo went to
plemcnU of tortnra.-«nd the neoessary
Judge Bamadcll's yesterday tsoming
enrgiml and medieal anppllea which
enceeeded in getting 450 suoflowert
are an abeolui* neoeaalty on snch an
a benuiiful wetting. aU for the
oeoaalon. were Uken to etolnberg'a
1 eauae. 1>. O. E. K.
Grand for eveniug use. The delogatea
Opened In various dlreetltms, to visit
Satnrday Market.
friends. attendAha ball game and aaak
Division A. Mn. Harvey Curtis. Snpb
Meadames B. G. AHey. A. Adslb J.
Oimnd and Terrifying Bageanb
Anderacm. K. Ayem T. T. Bates, fi.
Long before Ue appointMi time for -Bates. Beitb. Geo. Bine. J. Black. 8. H.
the parade people began to gather and Bennetb H. Buna. Backer. Brigga, J.
the etreeU along the line of march J.Saifiea, A'W. Black, Chae. BaU. 8.
kman, F. Craw. H. A. CAlkina. B.
wen fiUed with e merry crowd, ready
to onjoy the fenny things and appre- Cntiia. O. P. Carver. M. Cmln. H. Cook.
dato the good him. portrayed In the A. B.-Gook. F. O. Campbell. Oen CWnpbell, J. CleBant. Jan Orslg, Ln^ Cnrfioata
Front street waa packed from end to a
Hearty reepooaei are desired from
und aa Ote panda etartad. promptly at
^bt o'doek. The lias of maruh waa Division A SatnrdayThoaa wbe bars taken diahn from
changed from tbe eriginal plan, and
■ulTuHmi Anny VeMiTul.
the parade MOrad from Park street to tha markai ahoald rotnra the anme 8ntThe uonuul Harveat Feetival of tha
Stato. State loOaaa thae to Bighth, nrday.
Those wbo have diahee at the market Salvation Army to to ba oelebnted on
Eighth to Union and thenea to FVonb
Sunday, Moaday ana TueaAhhandiagatSMlBbargh Grand Opem are nrged to call for the snmo finurdny. Sapk if. ifi. su and »Uk Bpeelal
hena when tbe tootnrM of the even day and oblige the secretary.
eong aorvtoe Sunday avenlng, Harvest
ly took plaea and whom later in tbe
supper Monday evening. It is daalred
cvMtieg heeling balm waa nppUad ad
to ratoaasnmoffllOtoho'naedfarthe
It would taka the pancU of a DaaU
advanoament of tha loenl and national
«o daaeriba in sufficienUy hirid colon
AUl^ram v
the ponds with iU vivid ptetons of
Among the ^tingutohad vtoitora
aftornoon fimn Hon.
Ion. Beeben
the lower ragteia The torUni
from Grand Bupids yeaterday was Bon.
who wenlAo Footoria Wednesday to at
rton forthai^fartunatevleU-a
l ITn
tend the bedside of bis brother. Hon.
Enos Goodrich. The------- gr auted
that boa Goodrich pasaad away at i
p. m. This fimnm one of tha ploneea
Xbsntrioal Votes.
of Gonanaa eonniy and ou who hna
The Merry "Bnnoh of Eoja" will he
m no InMniidonhla teeter in the with na at Stolnhorgto Grand Opera
public nOuln of MWrigun.
Bouao Meaday, Sopt. 8A It to net toe
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the--milHng
business, we are harfng a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our...*.
flour. Send in an order.
Tbt Pvpuiar ClotUcr.
ttssjllii i! TaDorins
Ing behind were portrayed in a-moot
imlhtic manner and every one was eeoved that thapremiMof a hot time
tetnr in the ovonlag wouU ho toithful'
)y oaRiod enb
no flat blood easdUng fentan nf
« MnrthnU John A
You Might Call it a Conspiracy
work, tor a pitcher, waa brilliaBl.
Tony at first btae base was even bet*
ter than etoal: be doc 'em up from any
to make Lotv^r Prices on
old place.
Haddow. who catches for the aevinm
team, played richt field, eviiber Parka
or Wilhelm belny able to p'ay.
Shearer, of Ue Lndlacioa team,
eancht a pretty one from Adams' bat
At any rate, there's B—.OT-your
•e to ba bad for your mos-,_____________
money than ever before, in
In the slslh; raaolac up back of ehort
BISTOBV, if you make yonr aelectiona HBRB. We boncht anr enUi* a'toA^
stop and c^lUny the ball aboot an
rly la July, thereby aacnrinc bO.WBST KXOWK FWa
inch from the yr^und.
ri^t caangw
In tkt faet'of
decided eb%agm in
-------^ ThUadfi
------------. a ifutreta
Jac* wiby.
Watkioe pitched cood ball, only alx
tbe tariff Uwa. which have oannd hich pricoa to mla both tn aU raw materialn
hita In eicht iBoiocs were made from
I and In finished prodnets. As a aampla;
him. and for flee siralcht Inslnce not
a bit waa made. ' He also had eeven
A L»dles1^ine Brock Jacket.
Btrike.onto to bh credit.
Value $9.00. at.....................
With Apel it was differpnl. When,
ha cot the ball over the plate It
Gn the next float was a scaffold and hit, and if the Uuatlen didn't hit aafe.
ropa while the hangtaaii cheerfully the ^ebaneea were^that faU support
annopneeda free public pertormanoe would go Into the air. Kevertbclces whenritUaCos one of our lusuriou
at the eoneluaion of the parade. A fire | twenty sate ones were marked acalnst aofaa is an easy matter for the da'intily
dreoacd maiden. Time aUps hy when i
works float followed, after which came j him.
one of tbc chief floaU ef the parade. ' These were dieided a^onr the home ad eomfortably ensconacd. and the via-1
lalUhUDry'OMda.OirpitaBdClsthlngHnw. T»T*m City. Ifiei.
on which the coming pleasures of the I team with four apicoe for dull. Novok iior realizes when be leaves, that be-,
tningwerc dcHcaUly-portraycd. It:ny and Sntfka. three tor Hunt,
tween woman's sweet fascination, and !
held a great cauldron, beneath which | each for Watkins and Wheeler and one tbe beauUful effect of SUUr't fnnii-:.
hkued a bright fire- Close at heed lay , for Sammy. Watkins. Wheeler. Tuny. I
• beadle** body, and derili with pitch-1 Snifka. Hnnt and U»U a|l made twoVo^hs brought to light from within the j bagc»~-
This department wUI be onder
the effident aupcrvislon of Mr.
T. A. Choato. formarly of Bay
City, wbo baa had many yenra
exMrtence in tbe merebant
toiloriar bhalneaa (making him
anarttotinhtollna.) Wedonot
heaitoto In gnnrantealng aatUtoetioo In fit and woriunansbip.
With the above eddiUoa to onr
Mammoth Stock of ready made
we are aaafe
fe In nying
....ItwfU •he ot of the bmt
Should yon nmd anytiiliv Sor Sash Oamln*, taks
slook St onr dOineh Fish Nst «t U o^nte m yard.
Laos to mAtelL...;,s................................
...J. W. MILLIKEN...
Wt han jost renM ai eitin lev Un If...
ODE afOTTO:-'.(hlM M. Mtomn, .linj. onr emtrow.- *-
Qilkiv Infeflit Tifiir.
TrsMn* cny.
Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, st--------
parb:er brothers, es
fddearod. while et latarraU pole of
womk ao- patme and baymat Bowora added
hMaty to the aeaaa Tha room b larya
aepadelly adapud for such a
Coal Saadlea Floek Saek to tbo yatherlac aad arhUa the yood thlaya
belay dbeaMed the amadolU
XtoM Atter Three Moatho of Idle.
T. BAtw *re J. w. Bijnu.
of the Heward brotfawa and
aeee-The Ooet of Btrlke Will Ar C. 8. Vader. Jr., <
J. W. aurm. SdlMT ud Muu«wgiccate About •7.000,000.
Tbm were oovera told for Sid perPlttebery. Bept lA-After aearly
thme menUia of Idleneea betwoea IS,- uie M acnieely a eent waa vacant.
000 and 16.000 eoal mlaeia of the Pitte- Tbejanqaat waa aarved trm tha Paik
b«» district reMnsed to woft today la made hotel by Landlord Holdan and
- - the aetioa tekea ’bj WM atrtcUy.tha moat elaborata
Say's eoBvoattoD autborisiny the nerved et any pruvioas fmtemal event.
e return to work in all the aslaM Sam Eller, the chef of..the betel, did
eemplylay with the eeele of «S oenb hlmieU proud and provided servlM of
•dopted atOolumbne. The remainder thh bMt aad viaada which dellybtod
of the $6,000 mlaera in the dbtriet wUl tbe appetite. HewMeaebied by Arbeet workbefoMthedoMofthewtbk. tharGaynen. Followlay b the
It b Mtlmated that the strike, which
Ne« IwkCoeaU.
\ iTtowrt«nwiifc»tTT»»«« CItY «■
ly days. coe£ Use
' MUttad M wJt^ «0 iPMb tnihmi- paopla of the Plttabnrc dlatrlet from CetMT.
M WM lat looM h«r*
•<' t»,000,0(l0 to r.000.000, of which tha
tarBoo* Md iMt •tvtiag. Tba no«^ BilBaralOBtabOBtS3.UO.OOOwaraa. The
(bicfeMfielsd. Po(Uo8s1b4.
Isiporud fivlUOT Chiisa
tloB of the rUlUBf muBhcra of tha Btrlke acals**
DeAnoItt miaa wiU
tUted U'Bfcr*.
DnBMl*ONar of tha Kalfhta af Kbo- oostUae ladaflalteiy.
Bned-HomMaiie eed Rie.
haelar baea asade to aMeaa tha work- Apples.
unul aplrit. Md atUwly a*d
tVAn. riMfU
iBf minaiB flea per eosst of their warea
diaUy exanpUSad bj Use Kslfbta of! to defray tha axpoBaaot kacpinr «P the
The meno wm IntaraperMd with
PyUiiaa. Atnosj the Tiaitara «a*a »a» Ifht onUl tha <5 eeat rata la «ada «al- tm-um, and after Uie diaenmioa of
•f prasBiBaooa la pablle aSaiia- of Um
iheodiblee.plyari eeotbed the nervea
1 throBfhoat the dlatrlet.
•tote aad of the aomaaroial iaUraata
and praearud tha Kniyhia for an totalof Oraiid Safdcb. It U «poa oaaaaloM
lectaat teeat of wit, humor and patbea.
like that of yeaterday Usat Uia bo^ttal'
B:^l Vtobr Cbro totrodaeod Ool. M.
19 of Tiaeaiae aty and the enterprlae
Almy Aldrich as the toestmMter of tbe
of her dtUona are. bapraaaad with a
occasion. Colonel Ald^c^.lr« veteran
(oowTUvai) raou r
terat that U rataiaed la neasorp for a
journalUt aad kb elo^nce ^ only
loot tUa«__________
The chief toteiMt of the eveaiay, equalled by lbs pradimU .^^b pan.
however, coatarad oa 140 paUld, totur> Tbe yrace of a CbMterfleld and tbe alo
of e Webster, with e taeniky of
. A. L. Dead baa baaa appointed pcaV lay vtetlmp, aeeuraly tasteaed to a lony
rcya, who wearily wended their way talllny a real yoo>l story at just tbo
BMktter at Harbor Bprlnfa.
peat familiar aeanM toon to be fonaken riyht Um has made the colonel
TbeBohoaoar LUIia B. toloadlnff lum
perchanee forever.
to Mlehlyanas aa after dinner
ber at GreilSok Broa'. doctor ShaboyBehind them came the hMta who had speaker: therefore the committee exerfan. Wla.
fathered from Ueeeabofthe south, cls^ wisdom to cbocslny him as toesV
The aehoonm Jeada PhUllpa and C even aa tha aanda of the aea ahore in matter of the eveniny. ~ Colonel Aldrich
HiehalaMS are Ih port loadlB( bark, numbar. while their atrlklay bMu9 of prrUead hb opentoy remarka with a
and tha ataam karse Weaeott laadlnf face and ooetnmr b beyond the power ylowlhy tribute to tke bospltellty of
of adJeeUvM to portray. They
Traverse City and referred to e farmer
eomiaiBed tha esewaioB ehaorfally Moorted by the Creecenl vlslU when he wm ylven e rcMptlon
traU that laft here lor Fatoakay yea- Band, Windiny up t
which be
terday moralnr at dx o'cloek, on the yvMt criot came the ytand oAoara. In
C. A W. U.
ylltteiiay armor, and the yloomy exKra. J. L Olbbe wUl be aaUalod In eeettoner. -wbMe ax. a UtUe later, feMt of InicUeetaal yood thlnya.
her precraarat the Woaaa'a Qub to- would be tetbed lathe life blood of hb ThoM wbe pertlclpelod to theprtiyram
■arrow by Mia. G. O. OoraU. Mia. B. shrbkiny vicUma.
were the Traverse City male quartet.
Tbaaceaa waa aaUvdpt
1^ OorbaU. Mia. F. A: Oaaa aad MIb
of Meaera. White. Pfrka.
Whita. Vbo wUl pUy an iMtiana
' route by brUllanldtaplajla------- --------- Beelett and Banter. Gbaud Cheneellor
Mpeelally In front of Frank Frtodrieh'a McMullee. Sn'preme BeprasanuUve
Aohn Deoater aad David Siabw, aa- etom. where loekett and r^Bra turned Xxmmla, Grand'Keeper of Beeords
end Saab Miles 8. CartU: e wbbtltoy
- leoB kaapraa la Suttona Bay. were ar- the niykt Into day.
/ Mtad Wedaaaday lor allowlor calaora ' Altoycther the peiad«''wue well cal- solo by Bert Klee of Grand Bapids;
cabteo to freese the blood of all be- John Beaaon. VA Sues. A. B. Walcott.
la tkeli pMoaa. Tbelr ci
YriU ba hdd aext Moaday bafora Joe- boldera. and ^il be remembered for I-eo A. Caro of Grand Rapids: Will
many mooas la the yoecn City.
Hampton of Cbarvolx. C. A. Palmer of
J. T. Heneab. H. B. GetM.
OeramonlM Of Inlttotloo.
Fraak Braack A 8aaabava oOBi^ted
r after tbe payeant tbe E B. McCoy. John A. Loranycr. F.
Iha fsraUhiat of thdr aaw meat
Bvamana, aad M. 8. Boiler, who made
hat on Front etraak
?>a ooDntera Eniybte filed into btclnbery-s Graad
tmprompfa rMpolaes} and the Greeahaaa baan lasprovad with ftoa marble Opera Uonae. whare the eeremonlM of
TiUe •(Bartek
•labs of a aupeiior <|BaUty from the introdnetkm Into the Inner.cIreU of
Tber* are flvetemplMof the D. O. K.
, ordifw,
warka of U. D. AlUy.
K.toMichiyan. Tbe membeiatakea to
idldauo? T$
T of whom ere Tiai
WUliam Hitchcock. ox-rarUtar of caudIdatM?
here wRl become membrrs of KMba
Aeade of Leeleneu oechty. bee ex- City Kalybte. There were candk
No. n»of Grand Baplda la
ehaaced hU property in Ulend for from Harbor Sprinys. KalkMka. Char bis address 1m1 nlybl Bo.val VUier
levoix, Petoekey. Eeat Jordon. I'rankTkawee City property aad will i
<bro statod that m iha tow of the
to thla city with hla family. Be wea
Cheboyyan and other polab In north- order now exiau no more templM can
ta Uia dty yMteiday loOklav for
am Mlchiyaa. Tbs work was oonduet* be oryaaised in tha auu. bat that a
ehanye wm oontomplatod aad should
ad by Ua offleara of Kaeba Tampla,
Tcmy Eroupa. while deooraUnf the
the ehaaya be affected tbb cUy woald
open tha ataya of tbe opera house.
Mariiham block yMterdey taomlac,
be favored by tbe Grand Bnpide
MItramtheTeraadaaad badly taralaed
clybb far a aepaiate temple.
kk eboalder aad
The raeepUoB of ihevUittoy Kniyhta
lly to the recipient of the
^t la the Deck when. be straek e
la Travene City waa royal aad to the
wlttnDpelbarrow la front of Moatafacb
Kniyhta of Pythtoa who had ebarya of
by nearly tbe eqtlra dalayatlon
the tae affair la due the credit of earhardware atora.
of vsaitora, aad whan It was aver there
rylay out tha moat maynificoat fratar8at tha laat ball lama of the aaaaoa
noae of the eendldetM who did
thla aftamooB, Lndinfton ra Haatiari. not feel that It waa food to be there. Bbl event ever ylven in TraveiM City.
Thk will be the laat opportunity for One elaasent which Intensified this eea- Tbe vtaitora were profiua to thalr extha pablle to pay their raapects to the tlment was that some time or other preMloaa of Mtiafactloa rayardiay the
local team aad It U hoped that the boyi tbsy would have tbs pleasure of ln> aflalr and anrprlM at the nnmbar wao
Ip the axaretaM; and
krill ret Bueb a reeepUoo a» tbelr
fiicUny the same eon of entartalnmeot
plaaaad also with the cordtoUty of
npoa some other tellowa.
their reception.
DbUn^Uahed E. of F. OfflMia.
Emblematic DecoraUona FrofaBa.
Balph Com came ap fron.EtacalV
Theoedef of the KnlyhU of Pythias
Tbe marchanta of the city entered
of Mlebiyan was represented by some Into the 9>liit of the eeeaaioa aad dee^^!te^Onmt''HhirleoB la te the dty of the chief oflloers of the state. ladud- orated tbelr plaaM of baatosH bandfrom CharleYolx.
lay Grand CfauDeUlor. Dan. F. ItoMul- aomely. They weald have been maeb
Bye Jordaa of Snttoaa Bay araa In len of Cneboyyan: Grand Keeper of more elaborate bad not tbe supply of
dty yeater^Beeord end KmIs. MHm 8. CurUs of buntlay of tbe iproper colon ran ouk
BartGraan, of^lttooaTfafoai
BeUle Creak: Grand Inner Uoard. Leo. Everybody, however, did wall. Frank
Maaltou lalaad. waa la the dty 7«
A. Oeio of Grand Bapids; Hapreme Hep- Friedrich had his yacht aiyaala atrany
itaUvu. W. H. Loo^ of Graad from the roof of his store buildtoy to
Baa. J. W. MlUer laft yMterday to Boplde: Graad ‘Tribune, Fred C. Tern- the curb, and to tha avanlay a atriay
attead tha M. B. ooa^praaoa at Eala* pU of Orund B^lde. BceidM tkiM of fifty iantenu of tha emMeraatie
the vbltoiu numbered a laryk
oolon of the D. O. E. E. ware
Mia. RimbaU rataned toOiaad Bap- tatlon of the
around a fraina work in
Ifryaaterday after a Yldt with Mia. P.
of Frada Bapids. Ely Baplda. Beed front of hla atcre; maktoy a very
CUy. Howard City. Nanbtea. Petoakey. pretty efleet A. V. Friedrich aad
David Saiber of Suttoae Boy wm- la Churloeolx and other dUae.
T. J. Boat daeoiaied Jointly and had a
town yaeterday to oaloy the O. a E
Tbaoffieial Divan of EaabnTOmpU
%. eelebmtioB.
were aU praaMit, aa foUowa:
C EMr«adoae.oaahlerof theOraad
Boyul Vlxiar—Lao A. Caro.
toatefal and one of the mmt artisUc on
e, wee amoaf the Aiala
Vanarukla Sheik-ChariM D. Banhr. oa tha BtrMk Tmaalier Bros, aad W.
frora yMterday.
Omnd Bmlr—Alfred WoleoM.
a. Vlatober made toe fronta of tostr
W. B. Fdrar of Graad Baptda. of tha
Mahadl—John B. Joknson.'
baUdlaya yay with bonttoy. Prod J.
Aifr of A. L. Jpyoe A Co-, wea In tha
Boeretary—Fred C Tampto.
Bechtel had a pictured well of the fa^ty yvatorday.
Trauaner-Fred C. Chnflald.
mow Zam Zem in his window. Tbe
A. Oibbard raturaad from Charlotte
Menial—B. D. Dewar.
Betel Whlttoy had a yay front m did
jaourday to reetime hie podUoa In A.
(bhlb-Thooma F. Bechtel.
Howard Whitlny next door. TbomM
V. Friedrich's ehoe ate**.
Hokanna—Geo. E CcfahaU.
A VaraM on Unlofi strMt were riyht to
Frank 0. Warran. d9 dark of Otand
Baoon-E F. Staoa.
Una with the eolors of the order m
waa la the party of vldtora
&eort-Fr«d J. k'bhar.
weU M the ever popntor red. whlu and
FMtarday. aooompanied by
~ Banquet Was Slaborute.
Use. The Hotel Laelaaaa on Park
it was U o'clock bafure the initiatory aueet wm finely decorated with a larye
Loala B. Hakor. wbo baa bean Ute
wtrt was oompleted. While the boar American flay and yay with oolora.
of E S. Pratt aad famUy, reof midolyhi wM cbimlny the Kuiyhb Othen who decorated were: E 'E
< tamed to Ue home in Omnd R^lda
filed down to the bescmcet banquet MUler. Bert EliU. Wilhelm. Bartak
A Co.. J. O. (okaaon. M. B. Hol
M. 1*. Jones, who was station acant hall. Here a beentiful kcene yroeted' ley. UMkeU's book atom. A. A. MeO^
hare In the n. E A |. dspet a yaaia the view of the yuMts. Eleven lony A Son. a 0.-^8(0101. B. U. BcM A Son.
o(0.isaowlBthedtyoDevldtto eld UbJea, urUBtleuUy trimmed with floral F. G. Baomann. A. W. Jabrnna. BaybM
dncsBAtloae, which made the yUatna* A Boxbnry, A. 8. FVyman, J. W. Slater,
frtoadp BeUvMlaTaxaa
Caiman’s Bakan, JaUna Stotobary.
toy ohtoa and fUttortoy oUvar
OoL M. Almy Aldrioh. tocmeriy
First Naboaal iiak. E Lyon. F. A.
Mine editor of the Demecrat U Oread atUl mM« tovlttoy. whOa kha vtonda Earl J. W. MUUkan, Baa^teo OotoBapfda. maowod tha aeqaalmtaaM of which ymeed the benrib would weba
frtaada to Tkaaawe City
Tis wa"io* •'.e
berqnM hall
tmmMmn rami
t»*TXS8E orrr. • uionaAii
xxnM mntm
toy tha oMath o< SepUmker. 1807.
from t o'etoek U ll:Mo'dto^ a. m. and
from 1 o'cloek to 4 o'clock p. m. and oa i
Taaaday aveniaya from 7 o'clock to 6:601
o’clock p. m.
Said taxes may be paid dirlay Beptember with an addiUoea) fee of one
per cent, for oollectioa. On all Ueh
OSoa to BamM Balldtoy, No. ISI,
Front atreet. Boom t.
The Berkshire Panto are warranted not to rip. and
we authoriee the merchant «lling them to make our
warrant good, viz:
Dr. O. M. CbaM b bach from a trip
to the aoathoro part of tbe state.
Prepara to attend Orand TraTeree Cotmtr Fair, S^t. 21. 22,
23andS4. ■
$3 4 Month
By pejdny^ Itoenta for each Saspandor
Battoh tkatamoff: Wenntaiftte WatoCbaa^^^ora^aW-g^lfthey rip^wbere
The above make of pants merits the attentien of
ever>'- pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
price%j$i.5o, $2.ooand Sa-so-^hey are made in a variety
of patterns—ask to see them.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Or. Parsons Clinic
KJ-A... aoni WHITIHG.
One Solid Week
aaiU HaturCai, a*pWmbrr IMb.
0«er boar*
WkM>Mbrr« (an roMaii Dr. rar>oa> asS
bl>Ma«o(.|vrlalUli «bo arr rmwnlmd bjr
aad Jmdlac rUIxrap a* lb* aiaal
raUaWcaod >a*eM>lul expert* tor tbe Uaal■Ml acd poeiuxe cure o(--------
Catarrh. Chreaic anil
Private DisMses,
Dlaee*** of Ue bean aad oerrea. bM aad
Uia. eloBacb. beer aad kMacT* aad rcBal*
Was SB tbs Varya Of lasaBity.
nralacrear*' —"—------v.__.
rr-'T— t tbouKbll arouldcolo•ae*. KoUlac dtd ne aai rood “oUl I eoaHilted Dr. Parapa* imv laaaU* aeo. Two
week* ader I befu bialreauaeot Ifelilikea
new wonaa, aad todai rasa* wcUaodsiroac
Tla>me Olii, Ilirb.. Sept.
CalarrI ma*>
____ I-^l
■ loeaUi aad
Ibaieilin* la
ChUdren^B and HisseB*
Best Stock we have ever shown and
Prices never so attractive at
Wilhelm Bros.
In eevri fSoe.
XrrT.-u- lieOiUii. .-.WD* bef.we It M too Ui
We a*.e
}« Ialk4> ***n la
i>OBtf*lt ioralloota*oee«.loMi.r.ecUll.rt.
M- vi>b>ur in-aiBrai
rl-emlr«l so>lr*l*
MUIOBIIoa. l^odlBg
euliailra sbJ naal
rrh. FHEE
IriaUiMtBeai (<v Caiurrh.
VblNU tlKDICI!i:i
THK.tTllKKT. -------------THKITJ
<«lBlC «l
oor week r
p.a.-a> otn a*
ples*BdloB««a]I pot
■ vr IrMicd oBlOur
our laat vi.li bar*.
SttiDlia^'s Gnid Open flense
The Boston Store.
We are o
;king op with New
Fall Merchandise in AH Our Depnrtineato which are
brimming (nil of
Regardless of advance in all lines, onr prices are lower than ever.
Today we are offering Specialty in onr Children’s Clothing Dept
Monday, Sept. 2P
We Offer, While They Last,
Tbe Monarch of farce ComedlM
A Child's neat Suit, frmn 4 to U years, (or...................................... $ .78
A, nice blaok end bine Cheviot Suit (or................................................ |
A nice heavy oxfoid gray Sait for............................................................ | .68
A bice Chinchilla'-Rmeler lor..................................................................... | .48
A child’s Astmebap-Seefer, in rariooe shades, for......................... 1.95
A fine nnfinislied Worsted Reefer Suit, bsndsiHnely braided, for 2.29
Children's Union Knee Pants for....................................................................19
Children’s nice heavy Wool Pants for.......................... ................................46
A Bunch of Keys
We hsve loads of Clothing in this department and as fine
as they mske them, bntthe prices are tbe lowest on earth.
We call particnlsr attention in onr Shoe Department to
Inst ul M Ittbl lonitia
A ChUd’s Solid Shoe for..............■.............. ................. 67c
A Youth’s SoUd Shoe (or...,..............
A Boy's Solid Shoe for........................................ ............98c and np
LntMt and Beat Stoytoy. Danetoy,
aad Borlasqae Featarce.
SHMt Itf Ui^PnrgU^HNL
Seala on Sale at Box Ofitoe
r Friday Morntoy.
Prices 2S45-S0. Boi Seats 7Se
Our Line of School Shoes
Trade in thejargest store where tbs varisty is big and
the prices the lowest
The Boston Store
Qlam Block.
We Can Save for You
iwm 10 U.-80 P*r Oe« on BBUABLi rOOTWBAB.
We on. clod^ out .1 Co, Prio« *346 Pmr. o( o.r B«i,
H.8TO. * Sndtl. 8ho» „d Orio* ta BUok „d
make room for.onr New Stock of Coin'Toea. CAIl earl^before
tbs beet siaea are taken.
The Old BelUble Shoe Man.
118 Front Street. Wdezburg BIvOck,
__ I^tssatbMS.
lbs Lar fait Cass Ate of'
Nrw Tnrk. Sept, it—*n»e DemcMTsUc
Chlcafo. Sept. IL-The Lnelfert trial
was resunvid ytaresday. wiih Expert state ceotral committee refused yesterBailey <« the stand and Juror P.ralar dsy to accede I" the demands <7^the
ai: Hiht acain lo the Jury box. Palley free allvcrUsa that the prlnclplea of the
was rram-cxamlaed. but stood firm 1« Cblcafo platform be rrafllrined. The
Us claim that the bones exbtUled w,ts ceienmKtcw met by the aulhcwlsatMP
humaB. H* could not awsar that bot of (he Democratic sUle convention of
sinsle bone was human, but Hut the last year to munlnate a casdtdate fur
presence of *11 taker from the same chief Judse of the court of appeals
place ahc,w.-U that b>nie SBltnaJ had been Alton B. l^rkcT. of Klncriun. was th*
d-stroyed there, and the only animal chulc« of (to cororolliec. The oomlner'
havlnf all of Ihem of rvlatlvt else ai.d Is mid to^ acceptable to Tammany
shape was Ibe bomo.. Cspialn Schaack hall and to ex-8enaior UavW B. Ulll
was exsmined. the dehn»s line of and hiB fnUowIns.
The rotnmlttee expelled from its
quetUoBS belBS apparently Inlende® for
Impeachment, and Unpullns to aim L.- mcmberahlp County Clerk Henry D.
tlnildallon of wllnseees. etc., bhioh ha I'urrov, who has for mor- than a year
disputed Ibe Tammany Icaderahlp of
denied cBiplUiUtwIly.
The moel piwlllve and atartllns (eatl- Jolin C. Sbeehan. The committee fave
Pnuburc. 8rp^. l(.~Tb» co«l nlnn*' many I’fftred lo the case dunes the day a hearipf to commltlece reprcacntlns
•trtkc *« f»r •» Jht Pliubtirf dlMrtct W was flven by Prc'fweor (troexe A. Ihir- the Lnykl Urmucrstic t.ca _ and other
coDMniMl U i-tt. «nd the U.906 dlcccn aey. nf PteM Columbian museum, who free sliver orfanlullim* “ the Demo
«UI rrauDc wurk tii4»r •( the tt^cenb ■•osllively Idetillded a imee handed lo cratic |»rty. who urfed the propriety
him ^M the upper portlcyi of the tell
.--------Tb< derlMon to ignore tbe tfC-iUf
loeuiy .east
.thst form, and after counously dl*jiils<ln«
dduae whlrfa wu ■ c«tidmim of ibr Cu- femur., ‘The bone la undoubtedly
DntVey. *1 |*the pellt'ci'^r* adjoiirred. pn reaolutlon
................. ............« »«o_«rrtvrt 4t lot» of a female ‘ asld Profeasc
irn:atlon .ji
bane my cplnic^n uik« ibe fom:stlon
.J pro or con havlni Iwen introduc'd. ,
I d»l<*4t.- «i‘Hth* corktl at the hip or thlfh jUnt. This
-> rcpreccr.tlrc tbc ri.ilre
bone ha« the appearance of Icavint becB
tUstTk-l. Tbtl* wert col>- fogr dlo^nl- enraea-hat burned. <1 has lost all animal
. tbc volr«a vu«b tb« refcluUoB to go to
uwiispoiie sou te>uisti*ie nauswr iwmwork kt -once «*■ vottd urub‘‘'^-‘u^d a solution of csusllc fwlarh
pany* (the Monon) veas renreaented at
■w^gtloiM TM W«* Adopted.
the annual meeilns of siockholdera here
repllFd the
Tht edOwentlon »a* c«Ued by Pr««lyesterday. E. C. Field.
Ibe fvnerat
d(Bt ItolaD ltniD<4id(oly on hi* n'lura witnvsa Doraey Is a well-kr.uwa oatencounsel of the comany. prided and
<ron Columbus ar.d ibis moalnK uas Inaiet. Prottaaor Doraey also IdeBtlnnt
B'. H. Lewis was aecntayy.' New dlnlM to order •( 10 %. m. yelrrdsy. vllh anctbei piece ctf b£ne as the left temiwclor* were eJe,ted and ciassUled as
PrMtdsBt OoUo IB <be cbolr. There we|« roral boae of the female.
follciw-a: For four years—Samuid Thom
IIJ delefBle* prvrriu r.imsenliM 1«
Dr. Koval H. Pierce alsc^ identlfled ore
one I rrvloualy shown D reey as ih« left as. Calvin Brice and John O. Moore, of
New York; IVIlllam H. UcDocd. of Old scdW eummiiU'e t- r the yrar; r*qulr« teini«ral beme of the female. Attniaty
cafo. For two year*—Gilbert tibsw. of
RUbM lo nose doufi OB Oci. i vbm ViBcenl. for the defrnae, arkect leave 10
Oikafo: Jam** Murdock, of I.afaythe compacy reM»e* to weUta cob) be- have the hones produced rxamli.ed by etle; Volney T Maloti, of
Xpert*. lilsraqural was framed, l-ttet. ^<orr •rre.Blns: drlermlne to rontlDUe
For one year—Craw ford
picked up both plrcvs of bupe and
samps Bt tbpTDlnrs Ilf the Nest Votkaad
Terre Haute, and J,
Clev.'Und Cai Ci«l ramphoy, iJaesBlnd
urorfc'men 6 per ^ot; ot iheir was>* tot
the eipcnscs. and htarUly Indoisa tbc
■ would re« lu ease by Paiiuday at
dnKtvmlly acreemeot.
Rprtnjffleld. Ills.. Sept. 1(-Tbe mem
bers recmiy appoinu-d by Oovenwr
Usbsw •• the ChM Qwvtlsd.
Tanner tor (be rommlsslnn to mark
Bran, as the fWII PtoM.
The prinOpal rtaolugon. alloaini the
Chtcafo, Dept. lt.-Ix-sBlic lisse hall the iHwItlcn 07 Illinois troops at the
miner* to rreume at once »a* d'lutled
of Khlloh met la the fat^^rpor'e
aBtn late lb the anemoon, when fTui' recordat Al iUlllmcrt—Ohicacn t. Bal
dent Dolan nok the a«>r. He aald ibe timore U; at UouUvlIle—Fiitrhurg i, oflkw yesterday and orcanised by elect
Loulavllle «; tsi'ciod fame) l*tuiburf ing General John A. Mctlemand, of this
UB^day riaure «ai an outrage, aud
and Captain George
t. U>uls\-llle 2: al Brooklyn—New York
airort to plsaar a tear dimatistlrd m
U. Brooklyn t: at Bust.n—Philsdcl- M<iern. or Chlcsfo. secretary. Tbe preHu plea fur ImBoedtate naumpt^oe «
Umlrnry work
ao ctoquent that
phis I, lltsitcn I.
t TeaoluUca
M’eeurn lowfuo: At IndlanapollsCtdumhus I. IndlanaW'r t: (second \ Jourwrd to
game) Coltynbus 1«. lt;dlanapMI* t; at j dvat. ll '
to dbil the eonvesiioti adt^oriud.
DAQiou rsuniATiox or laboiu
r«l* miUtrt l*w tats tbs PtHterm. aad
Blooralnctofi. tlla.. Sept.
of the locendtary reeiluiloru of Taaae.
lor. of ChUafo. the'State Pedeiat.un of
tAbor convestloo yesterday adopted
tbla: ‘That the imools Federation
lubor^ln oonvantloD amrmblHl drvlares
lla UBtaer^ed 'and unquaiuied fealty
blth the ua'dra union form of
tSOB and the trade* um.n movrineni.
tba^e bold the trades union m:.veinoii:
•a/kintmtint to any other In the strus*
tff for laKir anteiloralli.n and tmancl>
(Sitloa." The next legIsUlure aas asked
to sunmit
submit ine
Ibe tree
free text i»
U> k du.aticn to
/ a vote of the people, and
a fi
free text bo<k.
Were Indr.rwed. as were
r f
portal u'
d free stiver ruinsce at l<
which was pul Ir.to the plaitunn.
Other new Ceaiur<a of the platform
**wr*: Favorlni onnerrhlp of all rail*
heada, telexrapbs and telefihenes; mu.
Bldpal ownership nnd ootilrol of tbiwr
puUte eonveclencos which )<ec.>m« b
Obcesally by reasorr et a rentrslt^
population: street raUroada. wateraorka
SB* and electric llabt pUntr: the aboli
tion of "coTerrjnent by Injuncticn;"
atrlctlo&of all Irnoumtlon: esiabllahreent
of the Inatllvc and referendum
of coeemment and the <nacimcm
emidorerf’ HaWIIty act that win ^ten
lollera employed in darceroua occupa-
St. Paul—Wot frour.d*.
Western Aseoclath n: At Cedar RapIds-Dubuque 1. C.-dar HapUs IB; at
:>h J. Oulnry
ph «. Oulncy 1:
battle of ehnoh lo send represeautlves. or to attend the cerumoalca D
.tsawst Kspons Hcwl the Kword.
WashlrfUJu Sipl. It—Pom.-siri' exportr »or .tUKV«t were the lan:<M • f any
AOfim of whlrh the burrau n» stal'rik.,
of the treasury •biwrlmenlbas a tvt-ord.
They w.i* vaUurf at »T»,(»7.M#.'Ts
Auausi, l»C. an inemse <.f tl2Wr.U»: for (hr etffat
mwilha ended Auf. 7>1. Is*.', they
amciinted In *(9.4(4,371. aa Inrrvise of
*tta7.S« ewer Ian year.
almplioity, to redace tbe namber of lu
« radnea its cost of
pans, (0
ainta^ai^, and to (ncRato it*
^oe MB i^iso nwrer
w nied to pndaea
D engine Joins'
to a dynuBc, b
rraan all bclo
gearing brother mechaiueai tnuMfoi
of power. It ii dinot acting, itt
piston ml bearing tbe armaitnra of tbs
dyneaaa ID inveotioa abowi (be blgben akUL—ChaoUaqoaau
Tba( bacteria may live and grow In
meUing hse bat bees obown
— -V,—.. llva
and contaminate meat, bbiter. milk and
other foods krpi therein. Wash and
scald rafrigenUiB ofieo. A bntcbcf'a
rafrigeraior may beoomv------------—
edaato uiot bia meala-
Boiling Beef and Roasts
Sold Cheap Friday ahd
Saturday, s e « w e o
Don't Fail to try our Cuts and
OB A....
Slices for these two days^
Onr, Cslos as* Nlnlh Bis.
or Anything In tbo Une of
Smehen’Maiertala, call on
Fsrk stmt, WtwMa Tront A Oaas.
JL, -W*.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Lady Watts
{ ■
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
in i
From this date this boat."
will not make regular cemnectioas with trains on-M- &
N. E. Fishing parties, how*
ever, can make ^rangements
for tbe use of this handsome
yacht, by commcnicatioo by
mail or wire, with
See Our Rew Uee
x'a. a
fore and eaa aocommodato th« travel
Sept. It—The ninth
September »itb.
haul curvi
vinilun ot De Nsilotial Aesorlaing public in good shape. Satlsfaatioe
Gi^ Bapids A Indiana Bailway vrUl
Hat of Ufe rnderwtli<-r* was tailed
ordtr in the Masoqlc temple on Jefferson ruB the annual Fall excaraion to the
Dlioaed poiala. Bl.W Detroit,
ttreci al 10;U a. m. yraterday. Presi
d or La Croese and reUra,
dent David a Hendrick, ot Washlii
EC 00 Chicago and return.
called tbe convtntluc to order.
Bsyat..B*srl(.a,1l ADepoi.
trill be sold from all siatlooe Hack-
n iota the Datura and
Oreaabush. WIs.
The bride la about
(0 and the groom nearly K» years of age.- q&allty of tbe craam* veoded 00 tbo
Tbe largtat and flnesi turquoise ever \ atteeta-of Lcndosi bos been made I7
teltiab InstitDte of Pravruiiva Me
_______ ______ ^____ _______________________ New I due, with tome gtraiigo nsolta THa
Uesitr,. ^t weigh*, uncut. ]•( ceMta ' report ahowt that such lor craan
and is valued at *(.0M.
1 gnly *6.6 per cent of soUda. the ra
A 1.111 has been Introduced fb the SI. • ing Water, and that tbo aolida o
... -.jis.TsS’Sir'r’iiiES
><N>m)nlttee on Purrlfn Element." sad
reads tu the ifTis-t that proof bad bees
•scured that h.- had acted as one trf the
deputlea and that ho would be killed the
Brat time he voaturo.l uulslde the dty.
The letter le resard,d as s hoax.
Mr. Teala {nopoaeid new metbods fv
bioaBbt ■out by Ht.
r. Tesla
is. perbaia.
bid BMcbanioal and electrical onsiUaUf.
This prime mover or moior is in line
with Doden enence, beesoM it eueka
to reduce tbe itoam engine to ibe la«
Fine, Fresh Butter!
ChU-afo, Bepi. K.—Tbe apmisl msrlIr.f nf the stockholdvrs of Dr lUtabts
C-rtial was held yraterday.
sUDBiHlr,l >h(wrd gross receiptr of K
UXtoO; eamcace ard laxrr. IlS.TX.OO''. hule rxpesae.
A W. M. I
krarlBg a* the
rweirtt from tbe
CKy on above date at T:M a. m.
trattc •(.»;(.«». Other source* eg
aad arrive in Cbleagu ahoat v:S0 p- m.
come fwelled De total iH-t rrccipU
UCroeae about 'too p. m . and Detroit
T.dal ttird-J-hargra atd ri
. G. B A
- W a
a. Blah,
amounlrd to (S.Wl.toO. Dividend* paid
e to Chtci
during the year Bixt->untrd to t:,(»acii.
a^ **74.000 carried fp.wai^ 1,^'Wirplus ________ ______ ____________ . .
Ima Oct. sth. Tickeu may be aaed
to iwlDFipal sisUoas aoaib ot UeUand
aad east ot Grand Ltslge. Ask aganu
Palls City. Neb., sh-lrt. IS.-Thr>e days
rauetuinva or thk
ago anion was Ugur to furnl'-v
I'. A.
morutage tr. the farm-of J,-,lin P’r,-et.
aged Vi terao of ihr war. 1>»t-rday hr
Prepar* to attend Grand Travwwe
murder, urly aagaultcd Wnd Wmve hts
84. Cernar of Unka and Bay Streets,
wile from the pn-mlsr*. wl firr 1.. all the Coanty.fair. ««pt- *1.
l•uildlngs acd thro blew hla head oCI
near H. A N. R depot, wishes to aawith a sbcigun.
ltr,odlng over
Dounee to tbe public that be has rethreatened b-sr of hb farni is sup*wa>-d
attodand furalkhed tbe Hotel Fangto have UQl«lacred his trir.d.
bom better than it ever has been be
wriwes Is t'oaattl.
Tire rumor that Henry George had
iMVi *lruk<n with paralysis la denied..
Tile leoflt* of the Anaconda Copinr
Mining cumiuiny for the year eadediup*
w-*r» n.I3(.'
Tbe American
w ar ship Alert has ,
Haclsllque. Mich.. BepL I*.-A gravel
been ortlered to Ocoa. Guatemala, to "Rif wuHUag at
Whtiedale. twelve
espCIoa of a T^raoealaa Letter.
proien .\mortcan laierrata
">»«* eA*
Dlaclly. was wr«*ed yesAnoth.r very rlo* gold dad has been '
Sw'tlon Foreman Moles and
HaalsdoB. Pa.. Sept. IL-A calm per.
etnydoye were Instantly killed.
Tadsd Haaletun ar.d He environs yes made In Lucky ir shaft at Dcadwnod. ,
'The o.wntie of this mine are .nearly all Tralaa ware delayed srvenil houra by
terday. The striker* mstniatned al
Ibe wreck.
and food order. An extra fusrd was ChKagoana
A eviripany hat been lac
TW Weoiw'lfe May EipraA
placed about the company stum at I
Albany. N. T.. which 'has for Its n
-PoilovIBC SfV thS
ttmrr in cotuequence of a rurrem
^wraiT foar^Jh^
•-nwr that the toreifnera were plottlnf
fusion o4 blood
to blow up the bulldlnf. They have
ceased deallns there and arc now buyreded
l.rM suatkInf ibalr pruvlalans In Haxleton. Some
r Washington by •s»icrly snada.
nue(hse.wly sad
are ftflns an tar as to move Into t
Ihe pure.
tow b cooW. For Wlwvasis OeDorsUy fair.
rnffindlng tbe debt
The strike condlttons were not msterlalA Eiov l< tc' uf twenty micrim'!•>;* d>.'iibrilr en"b-r wssibar; brt-k lohlgb uurtt
ly ebanaed. None of th.' malconlenl*
etl> wiuje Per lews —Mhewere la lh<
hvve l»xun lesiMhi meal at the Chi.-ngi
maidterted any disposition to retun
Kowed by fair. daohMly caul
stork yardt. addlr« l.DM canwases a day
merit and a few mur> Jcdnrd their rai
Tbeae Were tTucn the Audenrrid washrr- to the ««lvntl} crihe Ir.wpecllng foo-e.
te. about IW In BUipbtr. So far ai
be teamed, no plsni are under consid;
erallun by the mrlkers louklrf to a re■aimpiluB.
J. U. Jaculu. an Ea<
Breud slieet baker.ls a much ftlsbtened
h^Mtb»cOBdlt}oo**wd«wbiob it
Day be safely Bttred Aoetylewi Day ba
axploded eltbnr by a tnlDioaU eaf or a
rvdbo* wife and fenos explaHvc dUtonavitb air. ll baa reoeuUj bans
foond that aoMooe U a food Bolveat for
aeetyle&a. and, lo Tbe OcmpM Renditt.
M. BertbelM fivei an aaooant of nn*
very eonplate expraiDtaiD that be baa
Dade bi this eoBBeotloo. It wm foasd
(bat BolnUotii of soetykmo in aoetnoa,
(boneb fdU oapable of exploeiao, vrete
Doeb nfar than tbe gaa alooe, (be
faeMfe at wblob exploaicD becan
bains raised (Ban S .to 10 kHograBaa
par aquM oaatlDMer. forafflveD '
veatol tbe quantity
acetylene that can
baatetwd ia 00 dmee greatot with ace
tone than witbonl it
Butter, Butter,
llllaali Cewtswl Itolsg Pretty VTolL
Linw alrh^ !• iRtlsHbh,.
Rprirsdrld, Ms s.. A. pi IL- Flfteta
Uauuaar.d people atlrrdtd the bicycle
race* ywterdsy. The altracthm was De
tw*j#ty-mllc match raw teiweet, Luclca
Lemia and Jimmy Mkhavi. Tb^ two
were tweed by quads. Michael w.n by
UC yards In » minutes'll seconds, beat*
Inf tbe world's rvc<td hrid by t*csr.a by
rwo and thr'c-flftha eccoada.
bnwhirf the tw»-nly-mll,- record Mich
ael Lrtkc th. stxiera';mllr
war fcmnurly 3« fa t-f. a^ h*-ld by
Is Tin* of tbe rtowIqs «w of meatr)*M fv bMUBK aod^lUn^auy^p^
r to
Picture MouldioRS
Vslrssltlscer craervt**. | Se sol csi yewr
UTM w> rv^r (h«a. Ms^ fsbr Work s
Is th* etiy. ai*e
Sf Septom^*'?i>lh,” and good
retaming oa r^ular tra^ uQUi and ins’oB at Kalamaso
Uolland. or polnis
of. oaU it A I. B
, ana uexsis ma
rwturaing. froB soeb
.-bcawUl be rtfi
itleos. For time
to the ssveral desUnai
ot special trains and (uriber lafonnatton cooxalt G. B. A 1 ticket agent or
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what 3‘ou will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Broseb Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.
Still on Deck
Angus McColl
at the Old Stand.
The Pure Juice
S.T.iiSVJS.S’' *“ ■”
™„'‘S rS'JSS:™"."--"- M«.t;
« «,«. liidH . The Enterprise Grocery
e per east; •
rhlch wtU aeU nil
le-ball of
i per ent and miiuiTal mati
I per ednt Tbe o
ter.a young
I wh«H aome lliae'hge 1 vi w*. •—.*>..1 pieeauee of variooi laseols' lept Diaw.
lOraad Raplda.Wlt.. t
Point. Wis.. li. i tohacoo, miiacalai tisene. 8tiU worra.
■ ■
reveals In tbe
the state (.risen
■Meet barrow taaam a msnmnm
before he slsrted for the ground* Ilryiui
Dr. Andrews has vlthdrawa hts realg- b« of T.000.000 miaobee per eabio
saM: 'Thos* wbc bsve suggrated the nstlua and coneented to remsla al the
shops have rmly
bnrnlng of prapoiiy or the drarructioo brad of Brown unlverslly. SeeailDgly
1.000,000 (bM rtckrmed.
ed. Tbe
of hfe aa a CDMB* of sellllns Ubnr die- j
decided not to be
be arceldeal
prceldeal of (tf (be mkro otpaoiDis is extremely
mv et«iM of John Uritoen Walker's O
DiXfd. includiBg (be bactoria ooU oodIT tnaUiBtloes"
-Dsnie. braldeB i^rillmaBd patrefactiva
A tremendous exploaion oMwrred at
wyi Altew Se Oee to W
the t-amp cliwv by tbe rblnes* araroal akrobes of varloas fciiina
ring Valley. Ills., Bepi. i'
of Ktangnsn. near Rbanghsl.
a Uil* miy held s meeltr
bodies bavc Iwen dug out of th* debtia
and lemnptnrllr refused t
TW" One Kruop tk-ld gun*. l.MO new
..ooe (to MastorToW. wbo had nUproposUlon mad* lbe*n In open mas*(wttern slnxlr
meeting bj-Oeoeramanager DstseC Tbe
ad bit ek>tbes>-Yo(i bad. bad bog.
19.IHM rifle vartridgwi. were detnen slio v»trd unanlnousl)' 001 lo al
where have y<* beenf
low the company to work, and furi:>*rMaster Todd (boMiag oa( bia bands
Three mt nA>*r* .'f <-x-PrraK)<t>i Clevemore ordt-rtd tb* few men that have
m>oke to nearly U.OUO p>vple at the Pair
STounds yeelerday, twelve oxruralun
ttalna brtnsUtsvtsnmfrum sutn-undlhf
Chi. ftrmcr mlrleter 10 GermsBy; Frank
.......... .....
foniH-r Orat ssrisism powmss—The trial id tlw king of Benin sad hi* I
«en*»sl. and Keoemw M. LsadU
form.r private recretsry tc Reerelsry «.f
CtdefI who nirre-ndered o
BrinD aulhorillra,
who were
Bimon Ebsggi. a Well-known farmer
charged with being coacemed to the
miT — cf aa unarmed expedittoa wa of the town of Bruckwsy, Wi*.. while
der BritIHi Consul PhlUlpa. Is proceed- mowing gnae ws* httwe oa the mtl*
IV at Bento Oty. Three ot the eWcts flager of hu right hand by a nttleaaks. wWeh had baca eat to two Iv d*
kail* of the mower. Hla hf* was do. BBa
Is better a
kMra The
ef them (
ipiDg bia handtl — Yoor
baliadirtytoa Wbat am 1 to do witb
HDbabqy? Look at.tbe topof your
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
j House, and presents tbe best
j line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.
Enterphse Groceiy,
W. J. BOBINSON. Manager.
Yoa do (be rast when yea bey Sbooe at
A. & FBYMAK-S, 114 W
Green that wilj kill Bugs
as. Bvny-poaad fall weight and g
let. HaMok block.
Bicycles to Rent
Suits to Order.
F^ne Merchant Tailoring.
wldt.*>Oolden Daya
r% A
•y OF
OB(cdMia|»MADaal.ae(maror iD
Mag out (ha irtaUaa tn Ibe (hoa.
Butter, First Class
o ASjSsai&Lr*-™®'
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Macbtaery, of all
descriptrans, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Attoranys at U*.
Ottem U Meeiayae Beek. Tipeem OKJ. Kick.
*mit insa am* uusisaiuna
bacteria aw) Bicmacci. Kigttais ink, !
token ftott s frenbly opesrd boule, waa
—.............................. .............................. ‘'
found to contain botli ttpropbyun and 8
bscierla. Bed aud bineinksalaoylelded aaaeoo.^aSJ^iiipSI^*****^*—
k'hilr and Henry Smith, and la ljut ;
rr4a from White's hvme t*rid tbnl
"Ooti't yon eecr dais lo do that
L.xkhart- A frn- houra after ii>p
•gala. ■
bodl«« had Sere rut donnrurhialtr-Beeknntoermu Ucieria lo two Inetancitt
era bad all but cuinMeird tbr dr
Dr. ktfpttatui roonseded in enltirnUng
lk« irf Uir trer.
by pUcr 1
Irott uigrorin ink h bacllln* which
catTlrd a«ay unl‘1 r. iblre but the l»U»
fpovtd^atol to mice wilbio lonf daya
trunk U Irf! aundlrg
It araa stripped
everr leaf and tel*, aod tit™ the
U nepm»e-«.e.e U ILc As-MU~u. i
“« yOO kis. «DS .gato. fU toll tty ;
limbs were aawed oft and cut Intu small
That towards. b«orf.>. Is thr Itaylhlns BOtber."
wUeh anmetimes remilt ftam_____ _
The bark a>aa peeled rfl ti*
el the IraHlIy Peter Thai Ua- Bee* Xas"Ko. yoO
truck, and e»'*B the posts of the wlr«
: ed a pHt—CbemUt ^ Draggist.
“Ifs. Iwm."
tecre Bear hr were whittled up forrellc*.
KtcValll It Has tbe
These aad pieces of the ropes were auui
scattered all o>er Ripley acd a^toiolnj
Tbe Baldwin locattoCiTe wcrki n------------------------------------------------------------------dt«a, coactle*. Some fabulous pMcrs-nire 6f“Whyr■
erirod cm Jniy 27 an ORler for fO kenyackson. kllM.Wepl-lk—ThesUleeap*
CMe-OsiUwty Weji-Plassed by
fertd fir pieces of Ibe ibf*. «»d ,a
**fic«anae 1 want yw ta
ttotlrea for Jspan. making, with SO allUI Is depoputsbd. Its iiusliiea bouses
nmamalilj > M CittseM'-IW Vste. I attmiucer paid a small boy C for a loop
*'Why dojyou
yon wi
want me lor*
Mttly ahtppsd. a total of 60 for that
Woseertheii «ee.«*l>MLWblefcHar ^ hhol ukc from one of the Uniba of
el da”
ooimny.-eAmericans have no
en cases of yelb u fextr are omclslly
• Bsip Oererwor Meusl as Psslsh Asm. ^
(Sileuce fora few tntoona)
; to BMtitot EngUsb. Omnan and rmto
announced at its't sry doors, with many
k«s j«s «• »
to totototol.. ItoiMtoi for
ausp>wtod cases at various points. An
VemalUm. Ihd. sept. JA-Flee men- rajiyim.,,,^
brabargu has born put on the railroads
to Jail here for complicity to the at---------------------Ma«_thetysehRaf.
of the eUlc.. and there are grave ap■SL.isoof.to..«too«to-,
tampted robblns of a store at Correct,
Jt-Concemlng the preheitslons 4hst the dread dtaeahe baa
- giBMring Kewa
when the robbers were met by a aber> lynching at Versailles OoTerw-Mount | obtained a foothold In numerous parts
^ ----------------tfTs posae and haCled. one of the nA- »W; 'The place where the lynching ^
slate; wild atann Is everywhere,
“BetoMs it tn'tpraper.”
hers and the toenlf beUir arotM»ded— took placesbaliig remote from ratlraad Theworst ftwrecT tbemedlcal fratemlly
“SPhyitt'i itP'
Tbe pecollarity eg a cork leg Is.tbto
ware bauced by a mob Tuesday night or telegraph station I hare been unabU { «"» ‘b» Public have byes eraUsed. and
•tSeppose MBS <Bc abinild
' apan from (far
to secure pamiculars of tbe occurrence t “»e prevnilln* disease si EMwsrds has
- '^fiuiDOcmeoaii.''
In this place, becanse they were "sus, ctf cork abont i
beyopd the Information conveyed by
b^" pronounced
yellow fever.
—^They might ”
pacted" of being part of the gang that
comes, it .is said, fwan tbe fact that
press dispatebet.
The outbirsk was 1
board of bealtb has laid s
nearly all the
has been committing all sorts of crtine
rd. and 1 hsd not the i
embargo on travel except c
sxcspt murder In tbta region for months angtatest iDiimntloB of tbe Irapcndlog | the state. .The
Uwteeaneaa As soon as I learned of I nation Is that tbe
the occurrenn I Iromedlktely wlrtd tbe i_____ ... .. .
down at otu hotel tbe other nigbt «*«
to. maiTted: Henry Shutter. 24. married: aulhoHXIes of Ripley county to proceed ; whJrh begati
girD and three men listened to it with
om-e and vigorously to bring
n,, sit-.lo.d
Bert Andrewa 30. and cuff Gordon. 21; ,
_ the i day,
Care V
npt atteatmafor two mortal bonta—
all reaidenu of Osgood, thrve miles '
. . pn.porOoc*.
rn> slate uiaiil advl
c of complete and u
fc’ew York Troth.
he tall I
thu demanll ! ^ wbo «wn
[ by every means possible, and with all i
Repaft of Ur. Ualleeas.
I the power at tbe command of the rxecuDr- Gullerar resrbtd Edward* at i
I have cent
George \ an Dyke, who bought Frank gbauka Bi. paiirat waeuwolle^^rom
y eslerdsy: and the •fiiH. wln*
Bogaab. also owns Early Bird. 8:10. ns bead to loot, and in an hour after bathni*hl on bond.
McHlIlcn says ] trappy and Inie^ to e't^r evrrj- i ^
General WyiMii
yc:iot. f. v. r madr In ***°^ *^ **^ * *^^ ** ^ *(0^ iiw to afolnnobof aodiom byposniphiw
three of tbe prtsonen were killed tn ' piv'iwr effort to the ergl that
Furr.il IS coofl'med.'■J?®*'was alMtiding lo bnaliitts a* U notbtog
thr Jail and
one of tbe other* almost ““ ““r ««ape. Tbe• jwople
has two other vaM-s that I ha\ not
MittOI. Jr. 8:10)*.
> hgg happened.
killed there. The mob came ven' near dtana are Isw.abldln*. and I a_. . _
fldent that 1 shall bi cordUUy auauloed
taking McHillen outDeputy Jailer
at ts proifaMy a rplld O'l-e
tn my earuret puris«.' to make an ex
WaUam E. Kemrn. and Guard William
ample of evil doers In this Instance fhat
Black, faced the,mob TUsfeday night
-vrlll km* remain as s wsmin* to other orw Uxallly, but are all traceable to the
and were utdckly disarmed and locked
Andenion cast. wbl>;b came from Gcan
would-be transgresson."
in a cell whUe the work of slaughter
The medium of dlstrlbullun
was done.
aifpran lo have beeb tbcCbamplonca]..'.
He was a iromlnent iTAn, and many
Om tosh May Bevel Aaether.
Marshal John E Tyler, with twenty-' OwtW Mong.ee Deasat Bare PrefreeSKa pe^^l!e -'ct>nKrvKBtc^ la tbe bouse durtog bit lllr.es*/'
five deputtea Is aim against nny posChicago. Sept. K.—Judge John Gib- |
. elble surprise, and every road running
Into town Is picketed with wide
3e anaae
awake . boos, of the circuit court, rendered an {
t Edwards were nThU pretauuop
token to ] Important decision in tovor of working- ,
o <of a second vlall by the men Tuesday
tynchent The danger apprebtndvd w wa* made ts Dolrae va Shepard, a pro- , **•>'■* * Kit and they w ere pronounced
Crom another quarter, the friends of tbV eeedln* to wind up tbe partneratalp of '
dectaied to be
l)-aehed tnea
No private clllsen of
Versailles probably bat reaaoo to fw
claims a large quantity of horses and • ca,,ijiy gt u„.
of live or .u c w
personal property under a chattel mort. i
4,1,_ n„,il there
the part of tbe frtv.ids of the men'^who ;
■“'* 'F»»»>k F.dak and about 1» .
were mol.bed to even up mstteis by ,rvoluth.n of thr <
means of the torch. Tbe l.oildmgs said ]
* f“fP- to yellow fever was such that tbe people
dengue as slmnlv
to be marked for destruction
Jail and court bouse
The publlr oflTbe
cera are also autdecta of these Uireato ,2, .
ae prefrrred creditors hav- ,
tosuu. led Dr. Hnrtiv;i
That is why this little city is under
■ ‘'"•J'-P "f guards around Edchattel mfwtgsge Id fsvnr rf WlUlam wards
Kei-art^v* thai the <tiB.ue
close guard.
Tto“s;ro; s;rss
rujr.'T" “"I;,
r>W4. War Not au I nllkeiy Tktog.
If trouble comra It Is expected from
Oaguod. .W'blih tb.- pe.iple cj VeratUltq
any is Ibr' headquarters of the band :
Ibirf Worklnmsr.
has a lslto»t .
gw. tjaarwaatoe I.elaUh_hr4.
anAthe man h- works for fails
*’ ^ rtoltd that an experi has been
rtqueetrti t' pr<H.vd !•. Niltavunia.
, tbe"w.,rkman iihr4id''pr.'i-iit‘
Mise.. toinve»t;gatv ihe ia»e of llaUuliii
m, receiver, assignee sheriff
p,rs,.n having
who ram. frtwn Iklwards. atil
laving the property
C.ivplelely *5,.Ute the car-. Tax-,
j p!c} er to chence. Th. claim should h
dlas.. has tssuid urd.ra for a ahutI pre».Tird within tiilrty days and shoul
to In- enf-n^ced. Curids
;b- sworr to, sbow.the amount dur.whe,
earned and for what labor. Care should
be token to present the cUlm In proper _ .
- ,
form else the lien will nol attach, but If !
presemed in proper form the lien should *** *“•
lake prewlence of any m.vngage or 1 «>»^cla.
Judgment against the amployerobtalned !
TlOltas Utoal^ Dragged I. the Tree They
Were Hmosil I pMu
Washington. -Sept.
General Gary It devoting conslSeralde
altentlce these days to an tnveatlgatlon
‘“^'cate tbe epr.-ad «f.yellow fever
of^the aiadum of eslabUshlng poaial sav- ‘ ................ .
togs banks. When in the last cungtvas
a Ull was sent to him providing for
And aoBc rases of
such iiAmutIcns hr declined to Indorse
ll because, as be said, be had pot had fever-al Pelahalrhlo. the character of
which bas run been deiermlaed. The
oppunatlty to tovesUgate tbe subrefMirt from Acting Assistant Surgeon
were no new cases
has since token up the mailer,
rcadisg all ibe llteralure bearing upiai of k-rer al-MoblU- yi-rtvrday and no
he CDUld pn-cure and eeektog (Vpor- new suspUious rasea Tbt dispatch
adds; "Ai; vasis'-if vell.m f«cr re*
nity to discuss Its meriu wltk those
familiar wiih It. The result la that be ported up to last night night are do-
Beldom hat there Isvn a more b.irlmrconvinced of iKiih tbe wls«us exhlMUin of lynch law. Thrte of
d-im and tbe utility of i>osiaI savings
the men were
to the pul berause tfiitUutlorA and bas derided to have a
they showed fight: It Is supprwed they WII'prepared pr"vtdtog for their estabwere dsadi but dead or dying they and llsbmenl and to recommend Us |>asaage
the other two were Uterally dragged by congreni. In all proliglrtHty be will
along thr grourd fur MO feet tc tbe Irte treat the sulijecl to his annual report
Hv fats not yet drrided
where they were hanged. George Cal at some length
vin. asstrlant dliltict aUonity In charge ni«>n the- details of any tdaq. but will
aton give his aitemU.n to tbrm.
of tbe criminal raws to Ripley c.iunty.
notked mysterious roovemenu sboul the
town Tutaday night. Court hsd opened
Washington. Sept. U.—The
Tue*la>' and be remained at his office
HU ntarly midnight.
Hr Wttit hms
h his
hbi law
law lartner. Mr. Cornel. They |»laola-Camp Point, Richard Beaton:
I .IghI mounted men. who rode into Casey, GHsge W. Parker; Chicago
alUy. They soon met a half dusen Helghls. 4VHllain J- McEldowney; Coal
City. Hugh Bennett; HosidtoL ClarcMe
ward Orgnud. They also saw ns
E. Holt. M-wiaqom. James E. Gregory:
Ml foot than usual at that boor,
lUrehan.Wm.W.Hog«e. Indlana-Alexttsn came from all dlrecUons tl
andrla.James F.Brenaman: Crawtordswere about 400.
vtllr. John H. Bonnell; Kvasisvflle..jBB.
D. Parvlns: FVlrmonU darkson D.
Overman: Huatlagburg. Joha W. Lac:
tbaie waa a skyrocket went up north of Lafayette. Jameo L Caldwell: New Al
bany. Itourice Morris: SberMaa. Frank
losra—Anile. & P. Myersi
ceedsd as orderly as s r^nlar nnny ...
Laurana WlUlam F. Atklnaon: Paikaratbs men met fooo all parts of the coun burg, John Bird: Waterloo. Isaac C.
ty at the jaU. Tbe distance had been Hunger.
lUchlgan-Calumet. William
eaiwrully calcuUted on each ride of B. Hcisklne; Flint. James A. 'Butt«i;
town ao Ihgl the rooblltoatlDn cauwd no Harbcir Springs. A. U Deasl; Ishpenliv.
Aelay. WUUttn toekhart. wht lives Charles T. Palrlalrn: Lake View. Caras
Mar tbe elm tree where Ibe m»c were D. VUng: Marquette. Orrin O. Tonnghung, aaw tbe oowA and beard all tb«y quiet# Nsgannec. John D. BUphens: Bt•Uld as he stood by hla wlfifow. He ttw Igtui. PredertA Xrager; Bault Bta.
. «ths akynckrta and thee heard the Marie. WDUam Webster. WisoonatB- ttarehtog- He beard tbe ttooUng at tbe Lancastar, James T. Webb; MerrilL C.
JaJI and described the cries of the prU- K. Jobnaon: CltotonvlUe, Joel L. Stew
quers as bsartiaadlng as they were art; Waupacka. Adelbert H. Penny;
Watuau, A. W. Trowitt.
came out of the fall
l "Ready, for
ward march." Then tbe crowd rounded
sp around tbr tree In perfect order arlcbout any disturbance. The same volec
asked: "Are you readyr* Tbe axwwer
was "AH raudy." Tbea tbe leader
’ THiNua a
CBan Brt>oru^ at MoMW aad bal
Two al >e« Otisoao.
ng)0D. Bepi. lA — Advices re-
toed I> OeaetwUy Apprwvwd.
effort will be made to apprehend any
oae who took pan. The coroners taquesl began ycaierday and will be conlpleled today. It was conducted on lines
Df sulct formality and the verdict wftl
be that the. five men came to their
death at the hands of a mob tbe man. beta of which are unknown.
............................................ "*'■«*> have managed
•‘‘‘'h coming from Infected
Jackson has a population of
two-lhlrds of these
i comsmoN (
^h.b*st a «i4T*a a
tx tet.^ m rrSZ m
, i^hereasuis co. Biaex,____________
i i^AUik k
M b. mr.wiao aad
Unotott attack.)
.....- —--------
Whose dept«aUon, haw t.; on widespread, and which 1. thv-bumr of those
w-ho oe., Tuesday night so rulhl.esly
rushed into eierti
Tbe feeling 1
tween the two pla
and the oidRiuR ex|>rvassd
thare are ideniy of olhejs tn <
Who deaerve^tbe same fate as II
found dangling tollniba yesterday
tag. Of Ihv many hundreds Veen yes.Urday at this place,
realdenis and
Tlsltora not one was heard to exprem
a word of eoodemnatloo of Tuesday
bight s work. Tbe people of VcraalUes
declare that the lyncbera were all ncmrcaldents. and that not' a m.e Uvtog
to or near tbe town had any hapd III
tbe alaugbicr.
tbe arrival to that city of Senators Can
non and Pettigrew and ex-Senator Dabola. The letter ttys arrangemenu have
tacn made for an totervlcw wii)i the
ampaioc on the gUvM qtuatkm — tbe
Srindpat pvrpoM of tbe atnatorttf vtelt
to ttai OriwL
New Orleans. Sept. K.-AI the eloae
of yesterdays tcvesligatlon by the
beard of health, at < o'clock last evenIng. tbe fever altualUn so fir. al least,
as New Orleans Is iv r.cvrned, was eonsld<red to ha»-r materially Improved
and there was less anxicly than at'aoy
time since Monday among the hrallh
During the day I
twenty raaes reported to th<
health fortavesUgatlon. (»f
are-still under Investigation,
reported as auspIciouL fourteen wrrr
found to be harmltm cases-of fever and
two were prununaced genuine yallo
Utter to Dsath.
Daflaa Tax.. Sept. ll.-Or. T. a Carter, of Kaufman, aad Charttt P. RnaselL of Abbott, two of the most prumInent mfti of this section,
who had
hitbarto baas friends and bariirass asso
ciates. shot and killed each other
lelatlva to a land transaction. Tbe aatUement resulted to a quarrat aad an
agraemant lo meat at the station at
Abbott for (be final satUament.
At the .ntJInted hour both arrived
at the s
:lan And drew pistols, eg---------------------3^
cbasglng a number
of abt_________________
fell dead and died within a few mtoniea
of aarii other.
lltness. made a death-bed roofcttlon to
which be admitted baring stolen 8L8W
from tbe money ordcr oAce In Macoupin
county, nis-. to the fall of ittL and tor
Which one Stogtelon was dlwharged by
the campasy. Papan found to Abbott's
pottcariOB Bbowed him to have drawn
a paulOB tor aovtog to tbe Second DBhols Tcltthtaera. and to have been police
« of ChsatarScld. Hla
I*-nssmoa. <Kw Pint
I id.aSS5l.5d;.. ISSTEStolCSf
iGrud lipidt t Iidim S. |
er arrival
yanare sf trslsaMTi
la ag«n auguM tz. in
A. a- r.a. Lt.
Ar.. A. A < P.B. > m.
II • 4 W Trar.Cayj ........
110 f »
Rwt T«ar-Ko. U7.
mneh to say that Hoyt wrote his maaUtaacer, In Arabian coeUme. who
Urpieoe first, for of all bis odd eoneame down thaatreet on a tfanelnf
oelta. the "Bnnoh of Keys" is the oldBtead.
most popular, and has made the
«ABATA« OV VAZTSFin. INTAI>- Then came the Black Marta and two LUHniGTOV PHBflSHTZO MUSTl moacy. Eaeh eeawm dnriac the
Mr brawny pollcamea, one of whom
mer vacatioB it is docked and r*bore a family reaamblanoa to Bllay
Jnvaaatod: this U how Manacar Bothe kept baty trine
An 6ff Day tor tha TUltora Made
always kaepe hla ootorpriae. trim
yietory Saay-Paatuoa of Gama and In ahip ahape order. Ada Botbnor.
•wdi to ^olB FoUown oC tha Pi*ere of the paaeeWare
the Btar. wiU ha t^ centre of attrac
pbatr-tte* Wwa ISB O
IB dlfnlfled oontraat followed n
Taam^. O. X. K- Larcaly Bapra. tion. aa Taddy Kaya. new sonft and
X *ada 0(Md StrtM VacMst with oonpe vrith J. T. Hannah and P. Q.
pretty cirU wUl enhance tha charm of
hantad In tha Orewd.
\ Fit* WorH Wahowta Baaqaet
mann of the ezeenUve oommiUee.
tbia otdeat and bant tana eomady avar
It waa hard to idaatlfy the croup of
Taatarday waa a poor day for c«od: preaahtod to tha lovom of refined
Qtmt it AlUhl ud^CTWtia Mohanct.
fantaatleally dreaaad paopte fMlowlnr. hall playlnc. yat It U'doabtfal U an a
hto prophatl GrMt »1m are the rareperfect
LadlncffeawaUeoaeoftbedeaert. the detotCapt. J. D. Kromar of Grand Bapida,
thaae to ba tha Tiaveraa.Clty Boyn’ ton tmld ataad a ehanea arith the
«w of Allah, who aedad thalr {tUffTiaHand.
Hutlare, If the latter hit half ae bard traveUnc freicht acMt of the Q. B. A
ac« from the Oaala a< Grand Bapida to
Naxt eaM a float on which, earefally aa they did yeaterday. Tha vlaliore I. came to Traversa City on bualneM
the OaeU of Traeam Otj. plain of
etth'did. ware Tha Goat and Iha ware vary mseh off In thalr field work, ycotorday afid enjoyed the feattriUea of
Grand Tiaaarae. Daeart of Mlohlfaii,
Tifar. whoae faroelona cw"l» P«>- but the ooid perhape had a deal to do tha D. O. K. t
Taatarda^. or atora atricUj apaakin«
cUlmad that ha Ud fnalad many weary wlihtbav Tha local team ^played ae
Tracy Hobba was over from Kalkas
thii aoralarhard as waa haoeeaary to win,'and ka ysat^day and altoreaUd in nm^r*
Thaae aoaa of the daaart eaae io daya and waa randy (or blood.
Pour crim feme foUowad, carrylac didn't find It naoeeaary to play vary inc ttn^lcntoeand anSarinc *lth
aaltiladea. pea. la vaat anIUtndea. la
hla eqnnUy nntortnnate brothers whs
a *iaTaa from the aouvh. They cam a palanquin on which repoaed a black faat at that.
Only elcht lanlnc* wara played whan wore vi^lsed by tbe D. 0. K. X
in rwponaa u the coamand of Koyal draped akeletoa.
tha came waa oallad owl
VUlarOaro.wboee edict went forth to
Wbaalar made a eoo^e
the faithfnl. that the beolrhud were
and threw prettily to flrev
to bo »athe*ad Id and led Vo paaoefnl
BeUor played aeeond baaeSafl hla Tonicht.
inpoae by the, tma followera of the,
..Tbe “Koigbts” Have Gone and Left Ds....
They took onr cooda nway.
We ord^ more of the same kindThey jasjhntted today.
Tto y«nr t9r«^ ooMe and aae M—
. Brine alone that
ThelinalBs that sre now sriu clve yen
WUl almost knock yon sold.
»0 FRONT rntECT.
M fl tlfll 1 TT. hlilU—
The Whitely Exerciser
Ikkeo the place of Indian Quba. Dumb Bella. Btc.
A Whole Uymsaalnm in Itaall. For sale by...
THth the cararan caae the faaaaa
band of Arablic* eelebrltlea from
Eaaha Tampte whoae official datlea are
to cioanae the nnpurifled. purify the
aintnl pUfrimi of their foUiea and. In
Bhori, to Bake Ufa' a hidaooa draaiu Tor
thoaa nnwaehad recaneratee who have
. heretofore n^laeled to join tha falthfnl.
When tbb throne
arrived by their apeeial train from
Grand Bapida yeaterday afternoon at 8
a'eloek there vraa a craat cbtbetinc of
Knichta of Fythlaa in walUnr. and the
ieo paaaenrero were r*«tad by. the
atralna of •' Thare’U Be a Bpt Time In
the Old Town Tonichl.’' by . Ue Boye'
Band, The vleiton were reeved by
the loeal reo^Uen oommluae. an< lm>
Mediately formlac In line were eeoon' ad to the headqoarure of the O. O. K.
^ibreetora'ball, whleh wan fenerahily donated for the pnrpoee.
There Ware Ladlee, Too.
la the party weteannmher of ladlee.
_____ j them beinc Mrs. Leo- A. Caro,
Mra. Geo. E. Cocshall. Mrs. Fred C.;
—... ...
Temple. Mm. F. W. Batdorf. Mrs.
V^lrihim'a^Mm 'j. *E ' Gable. Mrs.
■PTa.^.n snd Mm Frank Me^
- w- -- -irr1
» kn.-.,
o. U..
' E--Ck U.. I. C.
..We Still Lead..
tfar lowesf^prioea.
1..I.C L.d-
the lucky acrcnth.on hittby Bums. Wolf
ritr. Uklng in tbe baU game and later ,
Tbe cold, mnddy streett ware tom- and Sbcarer.anotber error, a body blow ;
Adams and a faaac on halls to Wolf,
’^fioral amble- for the occaMon j
wa. tha aunfiower. aalectad becauM of : •'<« ^y bumlnc »nd> whmh were lib-1
The UusUersgotflveintbe first ea
Beat float.
1 for which
the Grand’
a base on balls to Hunk a couple of
IcoXTtM XlI ox axcoxp PARK.]
Baplds Knichta of Pythias are noted.
pamad bulla, a two-bagger and tour
After oneh was properly adorned with
a floral favor, tie liroac dispareed to
tbe varioim botola- Park Place waa »ooepb Fohl -WUl Brine « Bride to
crowded In a abort ttme. but Landlord
Traveree City.'
Holden had a good dinner prepared
Cards are oot annonnclng tbe marand without any ooofnalon aU were
Pohl of thia city to
CMTod with tha sort of fare which has riaga of .losepb
1 of Mb Clemena
■adaTmverae City and the Park place ^im 1^ E. B
The ceramony took plaoa la Ht. Clemdamooi. Tha same aute of things ux- --------------------istad at tha WhlUng.and Landlord ona Tneaday. and the couple will reside
is the popular
Compton sorvad a hoosafol of fraUrnal
brothstu with the beat in the land. Tbe b^keeperforGreiliek Bra. aad the
Four more in the sixth on n two-bug
Loalanan vraa also flUad and the vislt- hnde is a favo.^tc in Mb Clemens. Tbe
iplawill bent borne in tbia city after ger by Hull, four aloglea. an error und
weU oared for. while the City Boaapessedbetl.
mnt and Flateber's Columbian October
That ended tbfe run getting.
red meals to a great maay.
n for O. O. X X
Immediately after dinner P«pnf»U. W. Cnnniagham. Dr. C. B. King.
tu». were aaade for tbe work of the
Berman Hyman and Mr. Wolf of Copeevaniog. Great hoxea of nnkoown immlsk^ were a qnartel wbo went to
plemcnU of tortnra.-«nd the neoessary
Judge Bamadcll's yesterday tsoming
enrgiml and medieal anppllea which
enceeeded in getting 450 suoflowert
are an abeolui* neoeaalty on snch an
a benuiiful wetting. aU for the
oeoaalon. were Uken to etolnberg'a
1 eauae. 1>. O. E. K.
Grand for eveniug use. The delogatea
Opened In various dlreetltms, to visit
Satnrday Market.
friends. attendAha ball game and aaak
Division A. Mn. Harvey Curtis. Snpb
Meadames B. G. AHey. A. Adslb J.
Oimnd and Terrifying Bageanb
Anderacm. K. Ayem T. T. Bates, fi.
Long before Ue appointMi time for -Bates. Beitb. Geo. Bine. J. Black. 8. H.
the parade people began to gather and Bennetb H. Buna. Backer. Brigga, J.
the etreeU along the line of march J.Saifiea, A'W. Black, Chae. BaU. 8.
kman, F. Craw. H. A. CAlkina. B.
wen fiUed with e merry crowd, ready
to onjoy the fenny things and appre- Cntiia. O. P. Carver. M. Cmln. H. Cook.
dato the good him. portrayed In the A. B.-Gook. F. O. Campbell. Oen CWnpbell, J. CleBant. Jan Orslg, Ln^ Cnrfioata
Front street waa packed from end to a
Hearty reepooaei are desired from
und aa Ote panda etartad. promptly at
^bt o'doek. The lias of maruh waa Division A SatnrdayThoaa wbe bars taken diahn from
changed from tbe eriginal plan, and
■ulTuHmi Anny VeMiTul.
the parade MOrad from Park street to tha markai ahoald rotnra the anme 8ntThe uonuul Harveat Feetival of tha
Stato. State loOaaa thae to Bighth, nrday.
Those wbo have diahee at the market Salvation Army to to ba oelebnted on
Eighth to Union and thenea to FVonb
Sunday, Moaday ana TueaAhhandiagatSMlBbargh Grand Opem are nrged to call for the snmo finurdny. Sapk if. ifi. su and »Uk Bpeelal
hena when tbe tootnrM of the even day and oblige the secretary.
eong aorvtoe Sunday avenlng, Harvest
ly took plaea and whom later in tbe
supper Monday evening. It is daalred
cvMtieg heeling balm waa nppUad ad
to ratoaasnmoffllOtoho'naedfarthe
It would taka the pancU of a DaaU
advanoament of tha loenl and national
«o daaeriba in sufficienUy hirid colon
AUl^ram v
the ponds with iU vivid ptetons of
Among the ^tingutohad vtoitora
aftornoon fimn Hon.
Ion. Beeben
the lower ragteia The torUni
from Grand Bupids yeaterday was Bon.
who wenlAo Footoria Wednesday to at
rton forthai^fartunatevleU-a
l ITn
tend the bedside of bis brother. Hon.
Enos Goodrich. The------- gr auted
that boa Goodrich pasaad away at i
p. m. This fimnm one of tha ploneea
Xbsntrioal Votes.
of Gonanaa eonniy and ou who hna
The Merry "Bnnoh of Eoja" will he
m no InMniidonhla teeter in the with na at Stolnhorgto Grand Opera
public nOuln of MWrigun.
Bouao Meaday, Sopt. 8A It to net toe
Notwithstanding the general
depression in the--milHng
business, we are harfng a
phenomenal trade, and are
shipping to all parts of
Northern Michigan our...*.
flour. Send in an order.
Tbt Pvpuiar ClotUcr.
ttssjllii i! TaDorins
Ing behind were portrayed in a-moot
imlhtic manner and every one was eeoved that thapremiMof a hot time
tetnr in the ovonlag wouU ho toithful'
)y oaRiod enb
no flat blood easdUng fentan nf
« MnrthnU John A
You Might Call it a Conspiracy
work, tor a pitcher, waa brilliaBl.
Tony at first btae base was even bet*
ter than etoal: be doc 'em up from any
to make Lotv^r Prices on
old place.
Haddow. who catches for the aevinm
team, played richt field, eviiber Parka
or Wilhelm belny able to p'ay.
Shearer, of Ue Lndlacioa team,
eancht a pretty one from Adams' bat
At any rate, there's B—.OT-your
•e to ba bad for your mos-,_____________
money than ever before, in
In the slslh; raaolac up back of ehort
BISTOBV, if you make yonr aelectiona HBRB. We boncht anr enUi* a'toA^
stop and c^lUny the ball aboot an
rly la July, thereby aacnrinc bO.WBST KXOWK FWa
inch from the yr^und.
ri^t caangw
In tkt faet'of
decided eb%agm in
-------^ ThUadfi
------------. a ifutreta
Jac* wiby.
Watkioe pitched cood ball, only alx
tbe tariff Uwa. which have oannd hich pricoa to mla both tn aU raw materialn
hita In eicht iBoiocs were made from
I and In finished prodnets. As a aampla;
him. and for flee siralcht Inslnce not
a bit waa made. ' He also had eeven
A L»dles1^ine Brock Jacket.
Btrike.onto to bh credit.
Value $9.00. at.....................
With Apel it was differpnl. When,
ha cot the ball over the plate It
Gn the next float was a scaffold and hit, and if the Uuatlen didn't hit aafe.
ropa while the hangtaaii cheerfully the ^ebaneea were^that faU support
annopneeda free public pertormanoe would go Into the air. Kevertbclces whenritUaCos one of our lusuriou
at the eoneluaion of the parade. A fire | twenty sate ones were marked acalnst aofaa is an easy matter for the da'intily
dreoacd maiden. Time aUps hy when i
works float followed, after which came j him.
one of tbc chief floaU ef the parade. ' These were dieided a^onr the home ad eomfortably ensconacd. and the via-1
lalUhUDry'OMda.OirpitaBdClsthlngHnw. T»T*m City. Ifiei.
on which the coming pleasures of the I team with four apicoe for dull. Novok iior realizes when be leaves, that be-,
tningwerc dcHcaUly-portraycd. It:ny and Sntfka. three tor Hunt,
tween woman's sweet fascination, and !
held a great cauldron, beneath which | each for Watkins and Wheeler and one tbe beauUful effect of SUUr't fnnii-:.
hkued a bright fire- Close at heed lay , for Sammy. Watkins. Wheeler. Tuny. I
• beadle** body, and derili with pitch-1 Snifka. Hnnt and U»U a|l made twoVo^hs brought to light from within the j bagc»~-
This department wUI be onder
the effident aupcrvislon of Mr.
T. A. Choato. formarly of Bay
City, wbo baa had many yenra
exMrtence in tbe merebant
toiloriar bhalneaa (making him
anarttotinhtollna.) Wedonot
heaitoto In gnnrantealng aatUtoetioo In fit and woriunansbip.
With the above eddiUoa to onr
Mammoth Stock of ready made
we are aaafe
fe In nying
....ItwfU •he ot of the bmt
Should yon nmd anytiiliv Sor Sash Oamln*, taks
slook St onr dOineh Fish Nst «t U o^nte m yard.
Laos to mAtelL...;,s................................
...J. W. MILLIKEN...
Wt han jost renM ai eitin lev Un If...
ODE afOTTO:-'.(hlM M. Mtomn, .linj. onr emtrow.- *-
Qilkiv Infeflit Tifiir.
TrsMn* cny.
Ladies’ Welt and Turned Sole Shoes
Best Assortment of SCHOOL SHOES
in the city, st--------
parb:er brothers, es
fddearod. while et latarraU pole of
womk ao- patme and baymat Bowora added
hMaty to the aeaaa Tha room b larya
aepadelly adapud for such a
Coal Saadlea Floek Saek to tbo yatherlac aad arhUa the yood thlaya
belay dbeaMed the amadolU
XtoM Atter Three Moatho of Idle.
T. BAtw *re J. w. Bijnu.
of the Heward brotfawa and
aeee-The Ooet of Btrlke Will Ar C. 8. Vader. Jr., <
J. W. aurm. SdlMT ud Muu«wgiccate About •7.000,000.
Tbm were oovera told for Sid perPlttebery. Bept lA-After aearly
thme menUia of Idleneea betwoea IS,- uie M acnieely a eent waa vacant.
000 and 16.000 eoal mlaeia of the Pitte- Tbejanqaat waa aarved trm tha Paik
b«» district reMnsed to woft today la made hotel by Landlord Holdan and
- - the aetioa tekea ’bj WM atrtcUy.tha moat elaborata
Say's eoBvoattoD autborisiny the nerved et any pruvioas fmtemal event.
e return to work in all the aslaM Sam Eller, the chef of..the betel, did
eemplylay with the eeele of «S oenb hlmieU proud and provided servlM of
•dopted atOolumbne. The remainder thh bMt aad viaada which dellybtod
of the $6,000 mlaera in the dbtriet wUl tbe appetite. HewMeaebied by Arbeet workbefoMthedoMofthewtbk. tharGaynen. Followlay b the
It b Mtlmated that the strike, which
Ne« IwkCoeaU.
\ iTtowrt«nwiifc»tTT»»«« CItY «■
ly days. coe£ Use
' MUttad M wJt^ «0 iPMb tnihmi- paopla of the Plttabnrc dlatrlet from CetMT.
M WM lat looM h«r*
•<' t»,000,0(l0 to r.000.000, of which tha
tarBoo* Md iMt •tvtiag. Tba no«^ BilBaralOBtabOBtS3.UO.OOOwaraa. The
(bicfeMfielsd. Po(Uo8s1b4.
Isiporud fivlUOT Chiisa
tloB of the rUlUBf muBhcra of tha Btrlke acals**
DeAnoItt miaa wiU
tUted U'Bfcr*.
DnBMl*ONar of tha Kalfhta af Kbo- oostUae ladaflalteiy.
Bned-HomMaiie eed Rie.
haelar baea asade to aMeaa tha work- Apples.
unul aplrit. Md atUwly a*d
tVAn. riMfU
iBf minaiB flea per eosst of their warea
diaUy exanpUSad bj Use Kslfbta of! to defray tha axpoBaaot kacpinr «P the
The meno wm IntaraperMd with
PyUiiaa. Atnosj the Tiaitara «a*a »a» Ifht onUl tha <5 eeat rata la «ada «al- tm-um, and after Uie diaenmioa of
•f prasBiBaooa la pablle aSaiia- of Um
iheodiblee.plyari eeotbed the nervea
1 throBfhoat the dlatrlet.
•tote aad of the aomaaroial iaUraata
and praearud tha Kniyhia for an totalof Oraiid Safdcb. It U «poa oaaaaloM
lectaat teeat of wit, humor and patbea.
like that of yeaterday Usat Uia bo^ttal'
B:^l Vtobr Cbro totrodaeod Ool. M.
19 of Tiaeaiae aty and the enterprlae
Almy Aldrich as the toestmMter of tbe
of her dtUona are. bapraaaad with a
occasion. Colonel Ald^c^.lr« veteran
(oowTUvai) raou r
terat that U rataiaed la neasorp for a
journalUt aad kb elo^nce ^ only
loot tUa«__________
The chief toteiMt of the eveaiay, equalled by lbs pradimU .^^b pan.
however, coatarad oa 140 paUld, totur> Tbe yrace of a CbMterfleld and tbe alo
of e Webster, with e taeniky of
. A. L. Dead baa baaa appointed pcaV lay vtetlmp, aeeuraly tasteaed to a lony
rcya, who wearily wended their way talllny a real yoo>l story at just tbo
BMktter at Harbor Bprlnfa.
peat familiar aeanM toon to be fonaken riyht Um has made the colonel
TbeBohoaoar LUIia B. toloadlnff lum
perchanee forever.
to Mlehlyanas aa after dinner
ber at GreilSok Broa'. doctor ShaboyBehind them came the hMta who had speaker: therefore the committee exerfan. Wla.
fathered from Ueeeabofthe south, cls^ wisdom to cbocslny him as toesV
The aehoonm Jeada PhUllpa and C even aa tha aanda of the aea ahore in matter of the eveniny. ~ Colonel Aldrich
HiehalaMS are Ih port loadlB( bark, numbar. while their atrlklay bMu9 of prrUead hb opentoy remarka with a
and tha ataam karse Weaeott laadlnf face and ooetnmr b beyond the power ylowlhy tribute to tke bospltellty of
of adJeeUvM to portray. They
Traverse City and referred to e farmer
eomiaiBed tha esewaioB ehaorfally Moorted by the Creecenl vlslU when he wm ylven e rcMptlon
traU that laft here lor Fatoakay yea- Band, Windiny up t
which be
terday moralnr at dx o'cloek, on the yvMt criot came the ytand oAoara. In
C. A W. U.
ylltteiiay armor, and the yloomy exKra. J. L Olbbe wUl be aaUalod In eeettoner. -wbMe ax. a UtUe later, feMt of InicUeetaal yood thlnya.
her precraarat the Woaaa'a Qub to- would be tetbed lathe life blood of hb ThoM wbe pertlclpelod to theprtiyram
■arrow by Mia. G. O. OoraU. Mia. B. shrbkiny vicUma.
were the Traverse City male quartet.
Tbaaceaa waa aaUvdpt
1^ OorbaU. Mia. F. A: Oaaa aad MIb
of Meaera. White. Pfrka.
Whita. Vbo wUl pUy an iMtiana
' route by brUllanldtaplajla------- --------- Beelett and Banter. Gbaud Cheneellor
Mpeelally In front of Frank Frtodrieh'a McMullee. Sn'preme BeprasanuUve
Aohn Deoater aad David Siabw, aa- etom. where loekett and r^Bra turned Xxmmla, Grand'Keeper of Beeords
end Saab Miles 8. CartU: e wbbtltoy
- leoB kaapraa la Suttona Bay. were ar- the niykt Into day.
/ Mtad Wedaaaday lor allowlor calaora ' Altoycther the peiad«''wue well cal- solo by Bert Klee of Grand Bapids;
cabteo to freese the blood of all be- John Beaaon. VA Sues. A. B. Walcott.
la tkeli pMoaa. Tbelr ci
YriU ba hdd aext Moaday bafora Joe- boldera. and ^il be remembered for I-eo A. Caro of Grand Rapids: Will
many mooas la the yoecn City.
Hampton of Cbarvolx. C. A. Palmer of
J. T. Heneab. H. B. GetM.
OeramonlM Of Inlttotloo.
Fraak Braack A 8aaabava oOBi^ted
r after tbe payeant tbe E B. McCoy. John A. Loranycr. F.
Iha fsraUhiat of thdr aaw meat
Bvamana, aad M. 8. Boiler, who made
hat on Front etraak
?>a ooDntera Eniybte filed into btclnbery-s Graad
tmprompfa rMpolaes} and the Greeahaaa baan lasprovad with ftoa marble Opera Uonae. whare the eeremonlM of
TiUe •(Bartek
•labs of a aupeiior <|BaUty from the introdnetkm Into the Inner.cIreU of
Tber* are flvetemplMof the D. O. K.
, ordifw,
warka of U. D. AlUy.
K.toMichiyan. Tbe membeiatakea to
idldauo? T$
T of whom ere Tiai
WUliam Hitchcock. ox-rarUtar of caudIdatM?
here wRl become membrrs of KMba
Aeade of Leeleneu oechty. bee ex- City Kalybte. There were candk
No. n»of Grand Baplda la
ehaaced hU property in Ulend for from Harbor Sprinys. KalkMka. Char bis address 1m1 nlybl Bo.val VUier
levoix, Petoekey. Eeat Jordon. I'rankTkawee City property aad will i
<bro statod that m iha tow of the
to thla city with hla family. Be wea
Cheboyyan and other polab In north- order now exiau no more templM can
ta Uia dty yMteiday loOklav for
am Mlchiyaa. Tbs work was oonduet* be oryaaised in tha auu. bat that a
ehanye wm oontomplatod aad should
ad by Ua offleara of Kaeba Tampla,
Tcmy Eroupa. while deooraUnf the
the ehaaya be affected tbb cUy woald
open tha ataya of tbe opera house.
Mariiham block yMterdey taomlac,
be favored by tbe Grand Bnpide
MItramtheTeraadaaad badly taralaed
clybb far a aepaiate temple.
kk eboalder aad
The raeepUoB of ihevUittoy Kniyhta
lly to the recipient of the
^t la the Deck when. be straek e
la Travene City waa royal aad to the
wlttnDpelbarrow la front of Moatafacb
Kniyhta of Pythtoa who had ebarya of
by nearly tbe eqtlra dalayatlon
the tae affair la due the credit of earhardware atora.
of vsaitora, aad whan It was aver there
rylay out tha moat maynificoat fratar8at tha laat ball lama of the aaaaoa
noae of the eendldetM who did
thla aftamooB, Lndinfton ra Haatiari. not feel that It waa food to be there. Bbl event ever ylven in TraveiM City.
Thk will be the laat opportunity for One elaasent which Intensified this eea- Tbe vtaitora were profiua to thalr extha pablle to pay their raapects to the tlment was that some time or other preMloaa of Mtiafactloa rayardiay the
local team aad It U hoped that the boyi tbsy would have tbs pleasure of ln> aflalr and anrprlM at the nnmbar wao
Ip the axaretaM; and
krill ret Bueb a reeepUoo a» tbelr
fiicUny the same eon of entartalnmeot
plaaaad also with the cordtoUty of
npoa some other tellowa.
their reception.
DbUn^Uahed E. of F. OfflMia.
Emblematic DecoraUona FrofaBa.
Balph Com came ap fron.EtacalV
Theoedef of the KnlyhU of Pythias
Tbe marchanta of the city entered
of Mlebiyan was represented by some Into the 9>liit of the eeeaaioa aad dee^^!te^Onmt''HhirleoB la te the dty of the chief oflloers of the state. ladud- orated tbelr plaaM of baatosH bandfrom CharleYolx.
lay Grand CfauDeUlor. Dan. F. ItoMul- aomely. They weald have been maeb
Bye Jordaa of Snttoaa Bay araa In len of Cneboyyan: Grand Keeper of more elaborate bad not tbe supply of
dty yeater^Beeord end KmIs. MHm 8. CurUs of buntlay of tbe iproper colon ran ouk
BartGraan, of^lttooaTfafoai
BeUle Creak: Grand Inner Uoard. Leo. Everybody, however, did wall. Frank
Maaltou lalaad. waa la the dty 7«
A. Oeio of Grand Bapids; Hapreme Hep- Friedrich had his yacht aiyaala atrany
itaUvu. W. H. Loo^ of Graad from the roof of his store buildtoy to
Baa. J. W. MlUer laft yMterday to Boplde: Graad ‘Tribune, Fred C. Tern- the curb, and to tha avanlay a atriay
attead tha M. B. ooa^praaoa at Eala* pU of Orund B^lde. BceidM tkiM of fifty iantenu of tha emMeraatie
the vbltoiu numbered a laryk
oolon of the D. O. E. E. ware
Mia. RimbaU rataned toOiaad Bap- tatlon of the
around a fraina work in
Ifryaaterday after a Yldt with Mia. P.
of Frada Bapids. Ely Baplda. Beed front of hla atcre; maktoy a very
CUy. Howard City. Nanbtea. Petoakey. pretty efleet A. V. Friedrich aad
David Saiber of Suttoae Boy wm- la Churloeolx and other dUae.
T. J. Boat daeoiaied Jointly and had a
town yaeterday to oaloy the O. a E
Tbaoffieial Divan of EaabnTOmpU
%. eelebmtioB.
were aU praaMit, aa foUowa:
C EMr«adoae.oaahlerof theOraad
Boyul Vlxiar—Lao A. Caro.
toatefal and one of the mmt artisUc on
e, wee amoaf the Aiala
Vanarukla Sheik-ChariM D. Banhr. oa tha BtrMk Tmaalier Bros, aad W.
frora yMterday.
Omnd Bmlr—Alfred WoleoM.
a. Vlatober made toe fronta of tostr
W. B. Fdrar of Graad Baptda. of tha
Mahadl—John B. Joknson.'
baUdlaya yay with bonttoy. Prod J.
Aifr of A. L. Jpyoe A Co-, wea In tha
Boeretary—Fred C Tampto.
Bechtel had a pictured well of the fa^ty yvatorday.
Trauaner-Fred C. Chnflald.
mow Zam Zem in his window. Tbe
A. Oibbard raturaad from Charlotte
Menial—B. D. Dewar.
Betel Whlttoy had a yay front m did
jaourday to reetime hie podUoa In A.
(bhlb-Thooma F. Bechtel.
Howard Whitlny next door. TbomM
V. Friedrich's ehoe ate**.
Hokanna—Geo. E CcfahaU.
A VaraM on Unlofi strMt were riyht to
Frank 0. Warran. d9 dark of Otand
Baoon-E F. Staoa.
Una with the eolors of the order m
waa la the party of vldtora
&eort-Fr«d J. k'bhar.
weU M the ever popntor red. whlu and
FMtarday. aooompanied by
~ Banquet Was Slaborute.
Use. The Hotel Laelaaaa on Park
it was U o'clock bafure the initiatory aueet wm finely decorated with a larye
Loala B. Hakor. wbo baa bean Ute
wtrt was oompleted. While the boar American flay and yay with oolora.
of E S. Pratt aad famUy, reof midolyhi wM cbimlny the Kuiyhb Othen who decorated were: E 'E
< tamed to Ue home in Omnd R^lda
filed down to the bescmcet banquet MUler. Bert EliU. Wilhelm. Bartak
A Co.. J. O. (okaaon. M. B. Hol
M. 1*. Jones, who was station acant hall. Here a beentiful kcene yroeted' ley. UMkeU's book atom. A. A. MeO^
hare In the n. E A |. dspet a yaaia the view of the yuMts. Eleven lony A Son. a 0.-^8(0101. B. U. BcM A Son.
o(0.isaowlBthedtyoDevldtto eld UbJea, urUBtleuUy trimmed with floral F. G. Baomann. A. W. Jabrnna. BaybM
dncsBAtloae, which made the yUatna* A Boxbnry, A. 8. FVyman, J. W. Slater,
frtoadp BeUvMlaTaxaa
Caiman’s Bakan, JaUna Stotobary.
toy ohtoa and fUttortoy oUvar
OoL M. Almy Aldrioh. tocmeriy
First Naboaal iiak. E Lyon. F. A.
Mine editor of the Demecrat U Oread atUl mM« tovlttoy. whOa kha vtonda Earl J. W. MUUkan, Baa^teo OotoBapfda. maowod tha aeqaalmtaaM of which ymeed the benrib would weba
frtaada to Tkaaawe City
Tis wa"io* •'.e
berqnM hall
tmmMmn rami
t»*TXS8E orrr. • uionaAii
xxnM mntm
toy tha oMath o< SepUmker. 1807.
from t o'etoek U ll:Mo'dto^ a. m. and
from 1 o'cloek to 4 o'clock p. m. and oa i
Taaaday aveniaya from 7 o'clock to 6:601
o’clock p. m.
Said taxes may be paid dirlay Beptember with an addiUoea) fee of one
per cent, for oollectioa. On all Ueh
OSoa to BamM Balldtoy, No. ISI,
Front atreet. Boom t.
The Berkshire Panto are warranted not to rip. and
we authoriee the merchant «lling them to make our
warrant good, viz:
Dr. O. M. CbaM b bach from a trip
to the aoathoro part of tbe state.
Prepara to attend Orand TraTeree Cotmtr Fair, S^t. 21. 22,
23andS4. ■
$3 4 Month
By pejdny^ Itoenta for each Saspandor
Battoh tkatamoff: Wenntaiftte WatoCbaa^^^ora^aW-g^lfthey rip^wbere
The above make of pants merits the attentien of
ever>'- pant wearer—absolutely strongest pant made—
price%j$i.5o, $2.ooand Sa-so-^hey are made in a variety
of patterns—ask to see them.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Or. Parsons Clinic
KJ-A... aoni WHITIHG.
One Solid Week
aaiU HaturCai, a*pWmbrr IMb.
0«er boar*
WkM>Mbrr« (an roMaii Dr. rar>oa> asS
bl>Ma«o(.|vrlalUli «bo arr rmwnlmd bjr
aad Jmdlac rUIxrap a* lb* aiaal
raUaWcaod >a*eM>lul expert* tor tbe Uaal■Ml acd poeiuxe cure o(--------
Catarrh. Chreaic anil
Private DisMses,
Dlaee*** of Ue bean aad oerrea. bM aad
Uia. eloBacb. beer aad kMacT* aad rcBal*
Was SB tbs Varya Of lasaBity.
nralacrear*' —"—------v.__.
rr-'T— t tbouKbll arouldcolo•ae*. KoUlac dtd ne aai rood “oUl I eoaHilted Dr. Parapa* imv laaaU* aeo. Two
week* ader I befu bialreauaeot Ifelilikea
new wonaa, aad todai rasa* wcUaodsiroac
Tla>me Olii, Ilirb.. Sept.
CalarrI ma*>
____ I-^l
■ loeaUi aad
Ibaieilin* la
ChUdren^B and HisseB*
Best Stock we have ever shown and
Prices never so attractive at
Wilhelm Bros.
In eevri fSoe.
XrrT.-u- lieOiUii. .-.WD* bef.we It M too Ui
We a*.e
}« Ialk4> ***n la
i>OBtf*lt ioralloota*oee«.loMi.r.ecUll.rt.
M- vi>b>ur in-aiBrai
rl-emlr«l so>lr*l*
MUIOBIIoa. l^odlBg
euliailra sbJ naal
rrh. FHEE
IriaUiMtBeai (<v Caiurrh.
VblNU tlKDICI!i:i
THK.tTllKKT. -------------THKITJ
<«lBlC «l
oor week r
p.a.-a> otn a*
ples*BdloB««a]I pot
■ vr IrMicd oBlOur
our laat vi.li bar*.
SttiDlia^'s Gnid Open flense
The Boston Store.
We are o
;king op with New
Fall Merchandise in AH Our Depnrtineato which are
brimming (nil of
Regardless of advance in all lines, onr prices are lower than ever.
Today we are offering Specialty in onr Children’s Clothing Dept
Monday, Sept. 2P
We Offer, While They Last,
Tbe Monarch of farce ComedlM
A Child's neat Suit, frmn 4 to U years, (or...................................... $ .78
A, nice blaok end bine Cheviot Suit (or................................................ |
A nice heavy oxfoid gray Sait for............................................................ | .68
A bice Chinchilla'-Rmeler lor..................................................................... | .48
A child’s Astmebap-Seefer, in rariooe shades, for......................... 1.95
A fine nnfinislied Worsted Reefer Suit, bsndsiHnely braided, for 2.29
Children's Union Knee Pants for....................................................................19
Children’s nice heavy Wool Pants for.......................... ................................46
A Bunch of Keys
We hsve loads of Clothing in this department and as fine
as they mske them, bntthe prices are tbe lowest on earth.
We call particnlsr attention in onr Shoe Department to
Inst ul M Ittbl lonitia
A ChUd’s Solid Shoe for..............■.............. ................. 67c
A Youth’s SoUd Shoe (or...,..............
A Boy's Solid Shoe for........................................ ............98c and np
LntMt and Beat Stoytoy. Danetoy,
aad Borlasqae Featarce.
SHMt Itf Ui^PnrgU^HNL
Seala on Sale at Box Ofitoe
r Friday Morntoy.
Prices 2S45-S0. Boi Seats 7Se
Our Line of School Shoes
Trade in thejargest store where tbs varisty is big and
the prices the lowest
The Boston Store
Qlam Block.
We Can Save for You
iwm 10 U.-80 P*r Oe« on BBUABLi rOOTWBAB.
We on. clod^ out .1 Co, Prio« *346 Pmr. o( o.r B«i,
H.8TO. * Sndtl. 8ho» „d Orio* ta BUok „d
make room for.onr New Stock of Coin'Toea. CAIl earl^before
tbs beet siaea are taken.
The Old BelUble Shoe Man.
118 Front Street. Wdezburg BIvOck,
__ I^tssatbMS.
lbs Lar fait Cass Ate of'
Nrw Tnrk. Sept, it—*n»e DemcMTsUc
Chlcafo. Sept. IL-The Lnelfert trial
was resunvid ytaresday. wiih Expert state ceotral committee refused yesterBailey <« the stand and Juror P.ralar dsy to accede I" the demands <7^the
ai: Hiht acain lo the Jury box. Palley free allvcrUsa that the prlnclplea of the
was rram-cxamlaed. but stood firm 1« Cblcafo platform be rrafllrined. The
Us claim that the bones exbtUled w,ts ceienmKtcw met by the aulhcwlsatMP
humaB. H* could not awsar that bot of (he Democratic sUle convention of
sinsle bone was human, but Hut the last year to munlnate a casdtdate fur
presence of *11 taker from the same chief Judse of the court of appeals
place ahc,w.-U that b>nie SBltnaJ had been Alton B. l^rkcT. of Klncriun. was th*
d-stroyed there, and the only animal chulc« of (to cororolliec. The oomlner'
havlnf all of Ihem of rvlatlvt else ai.d Is mid to^ acceptable to Tammany
shape was Ibe bomo.. Cspialn Schaack hall and to ex-8enaior UavW B. Ulll
was exsmined. the dehn»s line of and hiB fnUowIns.
The rotnmlttee expelled from its
quetUoBS belBS apparently Inlende® for
Impeachment, and Unpullns to aim L.- mcmberahlp County Clerk Henry D.
tlnildallon of wllnseees. etc., bhioh ha I'urrov, who has for mor- than a year
disputed Ibe Tammany Icaderahlp of
denied cBiplUiUtwIly.
The moel piwlllve and atartllns (eatl- Jolin C. Sbeehan. The committee fave
Pnuburc. 8rp^. l(.~Tb» co«l nlnn*' many I’fftred lo the case dunes the day a hearipf to commltlece reprcacntlns
•trtkc *« f»r •» Jht Pliubtirf dlMrtct W was flven by Prc'fweor (troexe A. Ihir- the Lnykl Urmucrstic t.ca _ and other
coDMniMl U i-tt. «nd the U.906 dlcccn aey. nf PteM Columbian museum, who free sliver orfanlullim* “ the Demo
«UI rrauDc wurk tii4»r •( the tt^cenb ■•osllively Idetillded a imee handed lo cratic |»rty. who urfed the propriety
him ^M the upper portlcyi of the tell
.--------Tb< derlMon to ignore tbe tfC-iUf
loeuiy .east
.thst form, and after counously dl*jiils<ln«
dduae whlrfa wu ■ c«tidmim of ibr Cu- femur., ‘The bone la undoubtedly
DntVey. *1 |*the pellt'ci'^r* adjoiirred. pn reaolutlon
................. ............« »«o_«rrtvrt 4t lot» of a female ‘ asld Profeasc
irn:atlon .ji
bane my cplnic^n uik« ibe fom:stlon
.J pro or con havlni Iwen introduc'd. ,
I d»l<*4t.- «i‘Hth* corktl at the hip or thlfh jUnt. This
-> rcpreccr.tlrc tbc ri.ilre
bone ha« the appearance of Icavint becB
tUstTk-l. Tbtl* wert col>- fogr dlo^nl- enraea-hat burned. <1 has lost all animal
. tbc volr«a vu«b tb« refcluUoB to go to
uwiispoiie sou te>uisti*ie nauswr iwmwork kt -once «*■ vottd urub‘‘'^-‘u^d a solution of csusllc fwlarh
pany* (the Monon) veas renreaented at
■w^gtloiM TM W«* Adopted.
the annual meeilns of siockholdera here
repllFd the
Tht edOwentlon »a* c«Ued by Pr««lyesterday. E. C. Field.
Ibe fvnerat
d(Bt ItolaD ltniD<4id(oly on hi* n'lura witnvsa Doraey Is a well-kr.uwa oatencounsel of the comany. prided and
<ron Columbus ar.d ibis moalnK uas Inaiet. Prottaaor Doraey also IdeBtlnnt
B'. H. Lewis was aecntayy.' New dlnlM to order •( 10 %. m. yelrrdsy. vllh anctbei piece ctf b£ne as the left temiwclor* were eJe,ted and ciassUled as
PrMtdsBt OoUo IB <be cbolr. There we|« roral boae of the female.
follciw-a: For four years—Samuid Thom
IIJ delefBle* prvrriu r.imsenliM 1«
Dr. Koval H. Pierce alsc^ identlfled ore
one I rrvloualy shown D reey as ih« left as. Calvin Brice and John O. Moore, of
New York; IVIlllam H. UcDocd. of Old scdW eummiiU'e t- r the yrar; r*qulr« teini«ral beme of the female. Attniaty
cafo. For two year*—Gilbert tibsw. of
RUbM lo nose doufi OB Oci. i vbm ViBcenl. for the defrnae, arkect leave 10
Oikafo: Jam** Murdock, of I.afaythe compacy reM»e* to weUta cob) be- have the hones produced rxamli.ed by etle; Volney T Maloti, of
Xpert*. lilsraqural was framed, l-ttet. ^<orr •rre.Blns: drlermlne to rontlDUe
For one year—Craw ford
picked up both plrcvs of bupe and
samps Bt tbpTDlnrs Ilf the Nest Votkaad
Terre Haute, and J,
Clev.'Und Cai Ci«l ramphoy, iJaesBlnd
urorfc'men 6 per ^ot; ot iheir was>* tot
the eipcnscs. and htarUly Indoisa tbc
■ would re« lu ease by Paiiuday at
dnKtvmlly acreemeot.
Rprtnjffleld. Ills.. Sept. 1(-Tbe mem
bers recmiy appoinu-d by Oovenwr
Usbsw •• the ChM Qwvtlsd.
Tanner tor (be rommlsslnn to mark
Bran, as the fWII PtoM.
The prinOpal rtaolugon. alloaini the
Chtcafo, Dept. lt.-Ix-sBlic lisse hall the iHwItlcn 07 Illinois troops at the
miner* to rreume at once »a* d'lutled
of Khlloh met la the fat^^rpor'e
aBtn late lb the anemoon, when fTui' recordat Al iUlllmcrt—Ohicacn t. Bal
dent Dolan nok the a«>r. He aald ibe timore U; at UouUvlIle—Fiitrhurg i, oflkw yesterday and orcanised by elect
Loulavllle «; tsi'ciod fame) l*tuiburf ing General John A. Mctlemand, of this
UB^day riaure «ai an outrage, aud
and Captain George
t. U>uls\-llle 2: al Brooklyn—New York
airort to plsaar a tear dimatistlrd m
U. Brooklyn t: at Bust.n—Philsdcl- M<iern. or Chlcsfo. secretary. Tbe preHu plea fur ImBoedtate naumpt^oe «
Umlrnry work
ao ctoquent that
phis I, lltsitcn I.
t TeaoluUca
M’eeurn lowfuo: At IndlanapollsCtdumhus I. IndlanaW'r t: (second \ Jourwrd to
game) Coltynbus 1«. lt;dlanapMI* t; at j dvat. ll '
to dbil the eonvesiioti adt^oriud.
DAQiou rsuniATiox or laboiu
r«l* miUtrt l*w tats tbs PtHterm. aad
Blooralnctofi. tlla.. Sept.
of the locendtary reeiluiloru of Taaae.
lor. of ChUafo. the'State Pedeiat.un of
tAbor convestloo yesterday adopted
tbla: ‘That the imools Federation
lubor^ln oonvantloD amrmblHl drvlares
lla UBtaer^ed 'and unquaiuied fealty
blth the ua'dra union form of
tSOB and the trade* um.n movrineni.
tba^e bold the trades union m:.veinoii:
•a/kintmtint to any other In the strus*
tff for laKir anteiloralli.n and tmancl>
(Sitloa." The next legIsUlure aas asked
to sunmit
submit ine
Ibe tree
free text i»
U> k du.aticn to
/ a vote of the people, and
a fi
free text bo<k.
Were Indr.rwed. as were
r f
portal u'
d free stiver ruinsce at l<
which was pul Ir.to the plaitunn.
Other new Ceaiur<a of the platform
**wr*: Favorlni onnerrhlp of all rail*
heada, telexrapbs and telefihenes; mu.
Bldpal ownership nnd ootilrol of tbiwr
puUte eonveclencos which )<ec.>m« b
Obcesally by reasorr et a rentrslt^
population: street raUroada. wateraorka
SB* and electric llabt pUntr: the aboli
tion of "coTerrjnent by Injuncticn;"
atrlctlo&of all Irnoumtlon: esiabllahreent
of the Inatllvc and referendum
of coeemment and the <nacimcm
emidorerf’ HaWIIty act that win ^ten
lollera employed in darceroua occupa-
St. Paul—Wot frour.d*.
Western Aseoclath n: At Cedar RapIds-Dubuque 1. C.-dar HapUs IB; at
:>h J. Oulnry
ph «. Oulncy 1:
battle of ehnoh lo send represeautlves. or to attend the cerumoalca D
.tsawst Kspons Hcwl the Kword.
WashlrfUJu Sipl. It—Pom.-siri' exportr »or .tUKV«t were the lan:<M • f any
AOfim of whlrh the burrau n» stal'rik.,
of the treasury •biwrlmenlbas a tvt-ord.
They w.i* vaUurf at »T»,(»7.M#.'Ts
Auausi, l»C. an inemse <.f tl2Wr.U»: for (hr etffat
mwilha ended Auf. 7>1. Is*.', they
amciinted In *(9.4(4,371. aa Inrrvise of
*tta7.S« ewer Ian year.
almplioity, to redace tbe namber of lu
« radnea its cost of
pans, (0
ainta^ai^, and to (ncRato it*
^oe MB i^iso nwrer
w nied to pndaea
D engine Joins'
to a dynuBc, b
rraan all bclo
gearing brother mechaiueai tnuMfoi
of power. It ii dinot acting, itt
piston ml bearing tbe armaitnra of tbs
dyneaaa ID inveotioa abowi (be blgben akUL—ChaoUaqoaau
Tba( bacteria may live and grow In
meUing hse bat bees obown
— -V,—.. llva
and contaminate meat, bbiter. milk and
other foods krpi therein. Wash and
scald rafrigenUiB ofieo. A bntcbcf'a
rafrigeraior may beoomv------------—
edaato uiot bia meala-
Boiling Beef and Roasts
Sold Cheap Friday ahd
Saturday, s e « w e o
Don't Fail to try our Cuts and
OB A....
Slices for these two days^
Onr, Cslos as* Nlnlh Bis.
or Anything In tbo Une of
Smehen’Maiertala, call on
Fsrk stmt, WtwMa Tront A Oaas.
JL, -W*.
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Lady Watts
{ ■
Fishing Parties
Now for Business!
in i
From this date this boat."
will not make regular cemnectioas with trains on-M- &
N. E. Fishing parties, how*
ever, can make ^rangements
for tbe use of this handsome
yacht, by commcnicatioo by
mail or wire, with
See Our Rew Uee
x'a. a
fore and eaa aocommodato th« travel
Sept. It—The ninth
September »itb.
haul curvi
vinilun ot De Nsilotial Aesorlaing public in good shape. Satlsfaatioe
Gi^ Bapids A Indiana Bailway vrUl
Hat of Ufe rnderwtli<-r* was tailed
ordtr in the Masoqlc temple on Jefferson ruB the annual Fall excaraion to the
Dlioaed poiala. Bl.W Detroit,
ttreci al 10;U a. m. yraterday. Presi
d or La Croese and reUra,
dent David a Hendrick, ot Washlii
EC 00 Chicago and return.
called tbe convtntluc to order.
Bsyat..B*srl(.a,1l ADepoi.
trill be sold from all siatlooe Hack-
n iota the Datura and
Oreaabush. WIs.
The bride la about
(0 and the groom nearly K» years of age.- q&allty of tbe craam* veoded 00 tbo
Tbe largtat and flnesi turquoise ever \ atteeta-of Lcndosi bos been made I7
teltiab InstitDte of Pravruiiva Me
_______ ______ ^____ _______________________ New I due, with tome gtraiigo nsolta THa
Uesitr,. ^t weigh*, uncut. ]•( ceMta ' report ahowt that such lor craan
and is valued at *(.0M.
1 gnly *6.6 per cent of soUda. the ra
A 1.111 has been Introduced fb the SI. • ing Water, and that tbo aolida o
... -.jis.TsS’Sir'r’iiiES
><N>m)nlttee on Purrlfn Element." sad
reads tu the ifTis-t that proof bad bees
•scured that h.- had acted as one trf the
deputlea and that ho would be killed the
Brat time he voaturo.l uulslde the dty.
The letter le resard,d as s hoax.
Mr. Teala {nopoaeid new metbods fv
bioaBbt ■out by Ht.
r. Tesla
is. perbaia.
bid BMcbanioal and electrical onsiUaUf.
This prime mover or moior is in line
with Doden enence, beesoM it eueka
to reduce tbe itoam engine to ibe la«
Fine, Fresh Butter!
ChU-afo, Bepi. K.—Tbe apmisl msrlIr.f nf the stockholdvrs of Dr lUtabts
C-rtial was held yraterday.
sUDBiHlr,l >h(wrd gross receiptr of K
UXtoO; eamcace ard laxrr. IlS.TX.OO''. hule rxpesae.
A W. M. I
krarlBg a* the
rweirtt from tbe
CKy on above date at T:M a. m.
trattc •(.»;(.«». Other source* eg
aad arrive in Cbleagu ahoat v:S0 p- m.
come fwelled De total iH-t rrccipU
UCroeae about 'too p. m . and Detroit
T.dal ttird-J-hargra atd ri
. G. B A
- W a
a. Blah,
amounlrd to (S.Wl.toO. Dividend* paid
e to Chtci
during the year Bixt->untrd to t:,(»acii.
a^ **74.000 carried fp.wai^ 1,^'Wirplus ________ ______ ____________ . .
Ima Oct. sth. Tickeu may be aaed
to iwlDFipal sisUoas aoaib ot UeUand
aad east ot Grand Ltslge. Ask aganu
Palls City. Neb., sh-lrt. IS.-Thr>e days
rauetuinva or thk
ago anion was Ugur to furnl'-v
I'. A.
morutage tr. the farm-of J,-,lin P’r,-et.
aged Vi terao of ihr war. 1>»t-rday hr
Prepar* to attend Grand Travwwe
murder, urly aagaultcd Wnd Wmve hts
84. Cernar of Unka and Bay Streets,
wile from the pn-mlsr*. wl firr 1.. all the Coanty.fair. ««pt- *1.
l•uildlngs acd thro blew hla head oCI
near H. A N. R depot, wishes to aawith a sbcigun.
ltr,odlng over
Dounee to tbe public that be has rethreatened b-sr of hb farni is sup*wa>-d
attodand furalkhed tbe Hotel Fangto have UQl«lacred his trir.d.
bom better than it ever has been be
wriwes Is t'oaattl.
Tire rumor that Henry George had
iMVi *lruk<n with paralysis la denied..
Tile leoflt* of the Anaconda Copinr
Mining cumiuiny for the year eadediup*
w-*r» n.I3(.'
Tbe American
w ar ship Alert has ,
Haclsllque. Mich.. BepL I*.-A gravel
been ortlered to Ocoa. Guatemala, to "Rif wuHUag at
Whtiedale. twelve
espCIoa of a T^raoealaa Letter.
proien .\mortcan laierrata
">»«* eA*
Dlaclly. was wr«*ed yesAnoth.r very rlo* gold dad has been '
Sw'tlon Foreman Moles and
HaalsdoB. Pa.. Sept. IL-A calm per.
etnydoye were Instantly killed.
Tadsd Haaletun ar.d He environs yes made In Lucky ir shaft at Dcadwnod. ,
'The o.wntie of this mine are .nearly all Tralaa ware delayed srvenil houra by
terday. The striker* mstniatned al
Ibe wreck.
and food order. An extra fusrd was ChKagoana
A eviripany hat been lac
TW Weoiw'lfe May EipraA
placed about the company stum at I
Albany. N. T.. which 'has for Its n
-PoilovIBC SfV thS
ttmrr in cotuequence of a rurrem
^wraiT foar^Jh^
•-nwr that the toreifnera were plottlnf
fusion o4 blood
to blow up the bulldlnf. They have
ceased deallns there and arc now buyreded
l.rM suatkInf ibalr pruvlalans In Haxleton. Some
r Washington by •s»icrly snada.
nue(hse.wly sad
are ftflns an tar as to move Into t
Ihe pure.
tow b cooW. For Wlwvasis OeDorsUy fair.
rnffindlng tbe debt
The strike condlttons were not msterlalA Eiov l< tc' uf twenty micrim'!•>;* d>.'iibrilr en"b-r wssibar; brt-k lohlgb uurtt
ly ebanaed. None of th.' malconlenl*
etl> wiuje Per lews —Mhewere la lh<
hvve l»xun lesiMhi meal at the Chi.-ngi
maidterted any disposition to retun
Kowed by fair. daohMly caul
stork yardt. addlr« l.DM canwases a day
merit and a few mur> Jcdnrd their rai
Tbeae Were tTucn the Audenrrid washrr- to the ««lvntl} crihe Ir.wpecllng foo-e.
te. about IW In BUipbtr. So far ai
be teamed, no plsni are under consid;
erallun by the mrlkers louklrf to a re■aimpiluB.
J. U. Jaculu. an Ea<
Breud slieet baker.ls a much ftlsbtened
h^Mtb»cOBdlt}oo**wd«wbiob it
Day be safely Bttred Aoetylewi Day ba
axploded eltbnr by a tnlDioaU eaf or a
rvdbo* wife and fenos explaHvc dUtonavitb air. ll baa reoeuUj bans
foond that aoMooe U a food Bolveat for
aeetyle&a. and, lo Tbe OcmpM Renditt.
M. BertbelM fivei an aaooant of nn*
very eonplate expraiDtaiD that be baa
Dade bi this eoBBeotloo. It wm foasd
(bat BolnUotii of soetykmo in aoetnoa,
(boneb fdU oapable of exploeiao, vrete
Doeb nfar than tbe gaa alooe, (be
faeMfe at wblob exploaicD becan
bains raised (Ban S .to 10 kHograBaa
par aquM oaatlDMer. forafflveD '
veatol tbe quantity
acetylene that can
baatetwd ia 00 dmee greatot with ace
tone than witbonl it
Butter, Butter,
llllaali Cewtswl Itolsg Pretty VTolL
Linw alrh^ !• iRtlsHbh,.
Rprirsdrld, Ms s.. A. pi IL- Flfteta
Uauuaar.d people atlrrdtd the bicycle
race* ywterdsy. The altracthm was De
tw*j#ty-mllc match raw teiweet, Luclca
Lemia and Jimmy Mkhavi. Tb^ two
were tweed by quads. Michael w.n by
UC yards In » minutes'll seconds, beat*
Inf tbe world's rvc<td hrid by t*csr.a by
rwo and thr'c-flftha eccoada.
bnwhirf the tw»-nly-mll,- record Mich
ael Lrtkc th. stxiera';mllr
war fcmnurly 3« fa t-f. a^ h*-ld by
Is Tin* of tbe rtowIqs «w of meatr)*M fv bMUBK aod^lUn^auy^p^
r to
Picture MouldioRS
Vslrssltlscer craervt**. | Se sol csi yewr
UTM w> rv^r (h«a. Ms^ fsbr Work s
Is th* etiy. ai*e
Sf Septom^*'?i>lh,” and good
retaming oa r^ular tra^ uQUi and ins’oB at Kalamaso
Uolland. or polnis
of. oaU it A I. B
, ana uexsis ma
rwturaing. froB soeb
.-bcawUl be rtfi
itleos. For time
to the ssveral desUnai
ot special trains and (uriber lafonnatton cooxalt G. B. A 1 ticket agent or
Bright, Fresh, Neat
Is what 3‘ou will observe in everything in our New Meat
Market in the Broseb Block.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.
Still on Deck
Angus McColl
at the Old Stand.
The Pure Juice
S.T.iiSVJS.S’' *“ ■”
™„'‘S rS'JSS:™"."--"- M«.t;
« «,«. liidH . The Enterprise Grocery
e per east; •
rhlch wtU aeU nil
le-ball of
i per ent and miiuiTal mati
I per ednt Tbe o
ter.a young
I wh«H aome lliae'hge 1 vi w*. •—.*>..1 pieeauee of variooi laseols' lept Diaw.
lOraad Raplda.Wlt.. t
Point. Wis.. li. i tohacoo, miiacalai tisene. 8tiU worra.
■ ■
reveals In tbe
the state (.risen
■Meet barrow taaam a msnmnm
before he slsrted for the ground* Ilryiui
Dr. Andrews has vlthdrawa hts realg- b« of T.000.000 miaobee per eabio
saM: 'Thos* wbc bsve suggrated the nstlua and coneented to remsla al the
shops have rmly
bnrnlng of prapoiiy or the drarructioo brad of Brown unlverslly. SeeailDgly
1.000,000 (bM rtckrmed.
ed. Tbe
of hfe aa a CDMB* of sellllns Ubnr die- j
decided not to be
be arceldeal
prceldeal of (tf (be mkro otpaoiDis is extremely
mv et«iM of John Uritoen Walker's O
DiXfd. includiBg (be bactoria ooU oodIT tnaUiBtloes"
-Dsnie. braldeB i^rillmaBd patrefactiva
A tremendous exploaion oMwrred at
wyi Altew Se Oee to W
the t-amp cliwv by tbe rblnes* araroal akrobes of varloas fciiina
ring Valley. Ills., Bepi. i'
of Ktangnsn. near Rbanghsl.
a Uil* miy held s meeltr
bodies bavc Iwen dug out of th* debtia
and lemnptnrllr refused t
TW" One Kruop tk-ld gun*. l.MO new
..ooe (to MastorToW. wbo had nUproposUlon mad* lbe*n In open mas*(wttern slnxlr
meeting bj-Oeoeramanager DstseC Tbe
ad bit ek>tbes>-Yo(i bad. bad bog.
19.IHM rifle vartridgwi. were detnen slio v»trd unanlnousl)' 001 lo al
where have y<* beenf
low the company to work, and furi:>*rMaster Todd (boMiag oa( bia bands
Three mt nA>*r* .'f <-x-PrraK)<t>i Clevemore ordt-rtd tb* few men that have
m>oke to nearly U.OUO p>vple at the Pair
STounds yeelerday, twelve oxruralun
ttalna brtnsUtsvtsnmfrum sutn-undlhf
Chi. ftrmcr mlrleter 10 GermsBy; Frank
.......... .....
foniH-r Orat ssrisism powmss—The trial id tlw king of Benin sad hi* I
«en*»sl. and Keoemw M. LsadU
form.r private recretsry tc Reerelsry «.f
CtdefI who nirre-ndered o
BrinD aulhorillra,
who were
Bimon Ebsggi. a Well-known farmer
charged with being coacemed to the
miT — cf aa unarmed expedittoa wa of the town of Bruckwsy, Wi*.. while
der BritIHi Consul PhlUlpa. Is proceed- mowing gnae ws* httwe oa the mtl*
IV at Bento Oty. Three ot the eWcts flager of hu right hand by a nttleaaks. wWeh had baca eat to two Iv d*
kail* of the mower. Hla hf* was do. BBa
Is better a
kMra The
ef them (
ipiDg bia handtl — Yoor
baliadirtytoa Wbat am 1 to do witb
HDbabqy? Look at.tbe topof your
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg's Grand Opera
j House, and presents tbe best
j line of good goods cheap to
be found in the city.
Enterphse Groceiy,
W. J. BOBINSON. Manager.
Yoa do (be rast when yea bey Sbooe at
A. & FBYMAK-S, 114 W
Green that wilj kill Bugs
as. Bvny-poaad fall weight and g
let. HaMok block.
Bicycles to Rent
Suits to Order.
F^ne Merchant Tailoring.
wldt.*>Oolden Daya
r% A
•y OF
OB(cdMia|»MADaal.ae(maror iD
Mag out (ha irtaUaa tn Ibe (hoa.
Butter, First Class
o ASjSsai&Lr*-™®'
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Macbtaery, of all
descriptrans, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Attoranys at U*.
Ottem U Meeiayae Beek. Tipeem OKJ. Kick.
*mit insa am* uusisaiuna
bacteria aw) Bicmacci. Kigttais ink, !
token ftott s frenbly opesrd boule, waa
—.............................. .............................. ‘'
found to contain botli ttpropbyun and 8
bscierla. Bed aud bineinksalaoylelded aaaeoo.^aSJ^iiipSI^*****^*—
k'hilr and Henry Smith, and la ljut ;
rr4a from White's hvme t*rid tbnl
"Ooti't yon eecr dais lo do that
L.xkhart- A frn- houra after ii>p
•gala. ■
bodl«« had Sere rut donnrurhialtr-Beeknntoermu Ucieria lo two Inetancitt
era bad all but cuinMeird tbr dr
Dr. ktfpttatui roonseded in enltirnUng
lk« irf Uir trer.
by pUcr 1
Irott uigrorin ink h bacllln* which
catTlrd a«ay unl‘1 r. iblre but the l»U»
fpovtd^atol to mice wilbio lonf daya
trunk U Irf! aundlrg
It araa stripped
everr leaf and tel*, aod tit™ the
U nepm»e-«.e.e U ILc As-MU~u. i
“« yOO kis. «DS .gato. fU toll tty ;
limbs were aawed oft and cut Intu small
That towards. b«orf.>. Is thr Itaylhlns BOtber."
wUeh anmetimes remilt ftam_____ _
The bark a>aa peeled rfl ti*
el the IraHlIy Peter Thai Ua- Bee* Xas"Ko. yoO
truck, and e»'*B the posts of the wlr«
: ed a pHt—CbemUt ^ Draggist.
“Ifs. Iwm."
tecre Bear hr were whittled up forrellc*.
KtcValll It Has tbe
These aad pieces of the ropes were auui
scattered all o>er Ripley acd a^toiolnj
Tbe Baldwin locattoCiTe wcrki n------------------------------------------------------------------dt«a, coactle*. Some fabulous pMcrs-nire 6f“Whyr■
erirod cm Jniy 27 an ORler for fO kenyackson. kllM.Wepl-lk—ThesUleeap*
CMe-OsiUwty Weji-Plassed by
fertd fir pieces of Ibe ibf*. «»d ,a
**fic«anae 1 want yw ta
ttotlrea for Jspan. making, with SO allUI Is depoputsbd. Its iiusliiea bouses
nmamalilj > M CittseM'-IW Vste. I attmiucer paid a small boy C for a loop
*'Why dojyou
yon wi
want me lor*
Mttly ahtppsd. a total of 60 for that
Woseertheii «ee.«*l>MLWblefcHar ^ hhol ukc from one of the Uniba of
el da”
ooimny.-eAmericans have no
en cases of yelb u fextr are omclslly
• Bsip Oererwor Meusl as Psslsh Asm. ^
(Sileuce fora few tntoona)
; to BMtitot EngUsb. Omnan and rmto
announced at its't sry doors, with many
k«s j«s «• »
to totototol.. ItoiMtoi for
ausp>wtod cases at various points. An
VemalUm. Ihd. sept. JA-Flee men- rajiyim.,,,^
brabargu has born put on the railroads
to Jail here for complicity to the at---------------------Ma«_thetysehRaf.
of the eUlc.. and there are grave ap■SL.isoof.to..«too«to-,
tampted robblns of a store at Correct,
Jt-Concemlng the preheitslons 4hst the dread dtaeahe baa
- giBMring Kewa
when the robbers were met by a aber> lynching at Versailles OoTerw-Mount | obtained a foothold In numerous parts
^ ----------------tfTs posae and haCled. one of the nA- »W; 'The place where the lynching ^
slate; wild atann Is everywhere,
“BetoMs it tn'tpraper.”
hers and the toenlf beUir arotM»ded— took placesbaliig remote from ratlraad Theworst ftwrecT tbemedlcal fratemlly
“SPhyitt'i itP'
Tbe pecollarity eg a cork leg Is.tbto
ware bauced by a mob Tuesday night or telegraph station I hare been unabU { «"» ‘b» Public have byes eraUsed. and
•tSeppose MBS <Bc abinild
' apan from (far
to secure pamiculars of tbe occurrence t “»e prevnilln* disease si EMwsrds has
- '^fiuiDOcmeoaii.''
In this place, becanse they were "sus, ctf cork abont i
beyopd the Information conveyed by
b^" pronounced
yellow fever.
—^They might ”
pacted" of being part of the gang that
comes, it .is said, fwan tbe fact that
press dispatebet.
The outbirsk was 1
board of bealtb has laid s
nearly all the
has been committing all sorts of crtine
rd. and 1 hsd not the i
embargo on travel except c
sxcspt murder In tbta region for months angtatest iDiimntloB of tbe Irapcndlog | the state. .The
Uwteeaneaa As soon as I learned of I nation Is that tbe
the occurrenn I Iromedlktely wlrtd tbe i_____ ... .. .
down at otu hotel tbe other nigbt «*«
to. maiTted: Henry Shutter. 24. married: aulhoHXIes of Ripley county to proceed ; whJrh begati
girD and three men listened to it with
om-e and vigorously to bring
n,, sit-.lo.d
Bert Andrewa 30. and cuff Gordon. 21; ,
_ the i day,
Care V
npt atteatmafor two mortal bonta—
all reaidenu of Osgood, thrve miles '
. . pn.porOoc*.
rn> slate uiaiil advl
c of complete and u
fc’ew York Troth.
he tall I
thu demanll ! ^ wbo «wn
[ by every means possible, and with all i
Repaft of Ur. Ualleeas.
I the power at tbe command of the rxecuDr- Gullerar resrbtd Edward* at i
I have cent
George \ an Dyke, who bought Frank gbauka Bi. paiirat waeuwolle^^rom
y eslerdsy: and the •fiiH. wln*
Bogaab. also owns Early Bird. 8:10. ns bead to loot, and in an hour after bathni*hl on bond.
McHlIlcn says ] trappy and Inie^ to e't^r evrrj- i ^
General WyiMii
yc:iot. f. v. r madr In ***°^ *^ **^ * *^^ ** ^ *(0^ iiw to afolnnobof aodiom byposniphiw
three of tbe prtsonen were killed tn ' piv'iwr effort to the ergl that
Furr.il IS coofl'med.'■J?®*'was alMtiding lo bnaliitts a* U notbtog
thr Jail and
one of tbe other* almost ““ ““r ««ape. Tbe• jwople
has two other vaM-s that I ha\ not
MittOI. Jr. 8:10)*.
> hgg happened.
killed there. The mob came ven' near dtana are Isw.abldln*. and I a_. . _
fldent that 1 shall bi cordUUy auauloed
taking McHillen outDeputy Jailer
at ts proifaMy a rplld O'l-e
tn my earuret puris«.' to make an ex
WaUam E. Kemrn. and Guard William
ample of evil doers In this Instance fhat
Black, faced the,mob TUsfeday night
-vrlll km* remain as s wsmin* to other orw Uxallly, but are all traceable to the
and were utdckly disarmed and locked
Andenion cast. wbl>;b came from Gcan
would-be transgresson."
in a cell whUe the work of slaughter
The medium of dlstrlbullun
was done.
aifpran lo have beeb tbcCbamplonca]..'.
He was a iromlnent iTAn, and many
Om tosh May Bevel Aaether.
Marshal John E Tyler, with twenty-' OwtW Mong.ee Deasat Bare PrefreeSKa pe^^l!e -'ct>nKrvKBtc^ la tbe bouse durtog bit lllr.es*/'
five deputtea Is aim against nny posChicago. Sept. K.—Judge John Gib- |
. elble surprise, and every road running
Into town Is picketed with wide
3e anaae
awake . boos, of the circuit court, rendered an {
t Edwards were nThU pretauuop
token to ] Important decision in tovor of working- ,
o <of a second vlall by the men Tuesday
tynchent The danger apprebtndvd w wa* made ts Dolrae va Shepard, a pro- , **•>'■* * Kit and they w ere pronounced
Crom another quarter, the friends of tbV eeedln* to wind up tbe partneratalp of '
dectaied to be
l)-aehed tnea
No private clllsen of
Versailles probably bat reaaoo to fw
claims a large quantity of horses and • ca,,ijiy gt u„.
of live or .u c w
personal property under a chattel mort. i
4,1,_ n„,il there
the part of tbe frtv.ids of the men'^who ;
■“'* 'F»»»>k F.dak and about 1» .
were mol.bed to even up mstteis by ,rvoluth.n of thr <
means of the torch. Tbe l.oildmgs said ]
* f“fP- to yellow fever was such that tbe people
dengue as slmnlv
to be marked for destruction
Jail and court bouse
The publlr oflTbe
cera are also autdecta of these Uireato ,2, .
ae prefrrred creditors hav- ,
tosuu. led Dr. Hnrtiv;i
That is why this little city is under
■ ‘'"•J'-P "f guards around Edchattel mfwtgsge Id fsvnr rf WlUlam wards
Kei-art^v* thai the <tiB.ue
close guard.
Tto“s;ro; s;rss
rujr.'T" “"I;,
r>W4. War Not au I nllkeiy Tktog.
If trouble comra It Is expected from
Oaguod. .W'blih tb.- pe.iple cj VeratUltq
any is Ibr' headquarters of the band :
Ibirf Worklnmsr.
has a lslto»t .
gw. tjaarwaatoe I.elaUh_hr4.
anAthe man h- works for fails
*’ ^ rtoltd that an experi has been
rtqueetrti t' pr<H.vd !•. Niltavunia.
, tbe"w.,rkman iihr4id''pr.'i-iit‘
Mise.. toinve»t;gatv ihe ia»e of llaUuliii
m, receiver, assignee sheriff
p,rs,.n having
who ram. frtwn Iklwards. atil
laving the property
C.ivplelely *5,.Ute the car-. Tax-,
j p!c} er to chence. Th. claim should h
dlas.. has tssuid urd.ra for a ahutI pre».Tird within tiilrty days and shoul
to In- enf-n^ced. Curids
;b- sworr to, sbow.the amount dur.whe,
earned and for what labor. Care should
be token to present the cUlm In proper _ .
- ,
form else the lien will nol attach, but If !
presemed in proper form the lien should *** *“•
lake prewlence of any m.vngage or 1 «>»^cla.
Judgment against the amployerobtalned !
TlOltas Utoal^ Dragged I. the Tree They
Were Hmosil I pMu
Washington. -Sept.
General Gary It devoting conslSeralde
altentlce these days to an tnveatlgatlon
‘“^'cate tbe epr.-ad «f.yellow fever
of^the aiadum of eslabUshlng poaial sav- ‘ ................ .
togs banks. When in the last cungtvas
a Ull was sent to him providing for
And aoBc rases of
such iiAmutIcns hr declined to Indorse
ll because, as be said, be had pot had fever-al Pelahalrhlo. the character of
which bas run been deiermlaed. The
oppunatlty to tovesUgate tbe subrefMirt from Acting Assistant Surgeon
were no new cases
has since token up the mailer,
rcadisg all ibe llteralure bearing upiai of k-rer al-MoblU- yi-rtvrday and no
he CDUld pn-cure and eeektog (Vpor- new suspUious rasea Tbt dispatch
adds; "Ai; vasis'-if vell.m f«cr re*
nity to discuss Its meriu wltk those
familiar wiih It. The result la that be ported up to last night night are do-
Beldom hat there Isvn a more b.irlmrconvinced of iKiih tbe wls«us exhlMUin of lynch law. Thrte of
d-im and tbe utility of i>osiaI savings
the men were
to the pul berause tfiitUutlorA and bas derided to have a
they showed fight: It Is supprwed they WII'prepared pr"vtdtog for their estabwere dsadi but dead or dying they and llsbmenl and to recommend Us |>asaage
the other two were Uterally dragged by congreni. In all proliglrtHty be will
along thr grourd fur MO feet tc tbe Irte treat the sulijecl to his annual report
Hv fats not yet drrided
where they were hanged. George Cal at some length
vin. asstrlant dliltict aUonity In charge ni«>n the- details of any tdaq. but will
aton give his aitemU.n to tbrm.
of tbe criminal raws to Ripley c.iunty.
notked mysterious roovemenu sboul the
town Tutaday night. Court hsd opened
Washington. Sept. U.—The
Tue*la>' and be remained at his office
HU ntarly midnight.
Hr Wttit hms
h his
hbi law
law lartner. Mr. Cornel. They |»laola-Camp Point, Richard Beaton:
I .IghI mounted men. who rode into Casey, GHsge W. Parker; Chicago
alUy. They soon met a half dusen Helghls. 4VHllain J- McEldowney; Coal
City. Hugh Bennett; HosidtoL ClarcMe
ward Orgnud. They also saw ns
E. Holt. M-wiaqom. James E. Gregory:
Ml foot than usual at that boor,
lUrehan.Wm.W.Hog«e. Indlana-Alexttsn came from all dlrecUons tl
andrla.James F.Brenaman: Crawtordswere about 400.
vtllr. John H. Bonnell; Kvasisvflle..jBB.
D. Parvlns: FVlrmonU darkson D.
Overman: Huatlagburg. Joha W. Lac:
tbaie waa a skyrocket went up north of Lafayette. Jameo L Caldwell: New Al
bany. Itourice Morris: SberMaa. Frank
losra—Anile. & P. Myersi
ceedsd as orderly as s r^nlar nnny ...
Laurana WlUlam F. Atklnaon: Paikaratbs men met fooo all parts of the coun burg, John Bird: Waterloo. Isaac C.
ty at the jaU. Tbe distance had been Hunger.
lUchlgan-Calumet. William
eaiwrully calcuUted on each ride of B. Hcisklne; Flint. James A. 'Butt«i;
town ao Ihgl the rooblltoatlDn cauwd no Harbcir Springs. A. U Deasl; Ishpenliv.
Aelay. WUUttn toekhart. wht lives Charles T. Palrlalrn: Lake View. Caras
Mar tbe elm tree where Ibe m»c were D. VUng: Marquette. Orrin O. Tonnghung, aaw tbe oowA and beard all tb«y quiet# Nsgannec. John D. BUphens: Bt•Uld as he stood by hla wlfifow. He ttw Igtui. PredertA Xrager; Bault Bta.
. «ths akynckrta and thee heard the Marie. WDUam Webster. WisoonatB- ttarehtog- He beard tbe ttooUng at tbe Lancastar, James T. Webb; MerrilL C.
JaJI and described the cries of the prU- K. Jobnaon: CltotonvlUe, Joel L. Stew
quers as bsartiaadlng as they were art; Waupacka. Adelbert H. Penny;
Watuau, A. W. Trowitt.
came out of the fall
l "Ready, for
ward march." Then tbe crowd rounded
sp around tbr tree In perfect order arlcbout any disturbance. The same volec
asked: "Are you readyr* Tbe axwwer
was "AH raudy." Tbea tbe leader
’ THiNua a
CBan Brt>oru^ at MoMW aad bal
Two al >e« Otisoao.
ng)0D. Bepi. lA — Advices re-
toed I> OeaetwUy Apprwvwd.
effort will be made to apprehend any
oae who took pan. The coroners taquesl began ycaierday and will be conlpleled today. It was conducted on lines
Df sulct formality and the verdict wftl
be that the. five men came to their
death at the hands of a mob tbe man. beta of which are unknown.
............................................ "*'■«*> have managed
•‘‘‘'h coming from Infected
Jackson has a population of
two-lhlrds of these
i comsmoN (
^h.b*st a «i4T*a a
tx tet.^ m rrSZ m
, i^hereasuis co. Biaex,____________
i i^AUik k
M b. mr.wiao aad
Unotott attack.)
.....- —--------
Whose dept«aUon, haw t.; on widespread, and which 1. thv-bumr of those
w-ho oe., Tuesday night so rulhl.esly
rushed into eierti
Tbe feeling 1
tween the two pla
and the oidRiuR ex|>rvassd
thare are ideniy of olhejs tn <
Who deaerve^tbe same fate as II
found dangling tollniba yesterday
tag. Of Ihv many hundreds Veen yes.Urday at this place,
realdenis and
Tlsltora not one was heard to exprem
a word of eoodemnatloo of Tuesday
bight s work. Tbe people of VcraalUes
declare that the lyncbera were all ncmrcaldents. and that not' a m.e Uvtog
to or near tbe town had any hapd III
tbe alaugbicr.
tbe arrival to that city of Senators Can
non and Pettigrew and ex-Senator Dabola. The letter ttys arrangemenu have
tacn made for an totervlcw wii)i the
ampaioc on the gUvM qtuatkm — tbe
Srindpat pvrpoM of tbe atnatorttf vtelt
to ttai OriwL
New Orleans. Sept. K.-AI the eloae
of yesterdays tcvesligatlon by the
beard of health, at < o'clock last evenIng. tbe fever altualUn so fir. al least,
as New Orleans Is iv r.cvrned, was eonsld<red to ha»-r materially Improved
and there was less anxicly than at'aoy
time since Monday among the hrallh
During the day I
twenty raaes reported to th<
health fortavesUgatlon. (»f
are-still under Investigation,
reported as auspIciouL fourteen wrrr
found to be harmltm cases-of fever and
two were prununaced genuine yallo
Utter to Dsath.
Daflaa Tax.. Sept. ll.-Or. T. a Carter, of Kaufman, aad Charttt P. RnaselL of Abbott, two of the most prumInent mfti of this section,
who had
hitbarto baas friends and bariirass asso
ciates. shot and killed each other
lelatlva to a land transaction. Tbe aatUement resulted to a quarrat aad an
agraemant lo meat at the station at
Abbott for (be final satUament.
At the .ntJInted hour both arrived
at the s
:lan And drew pistols, eg---------------------3^
cbasglng a number
of abt_________________
fell dead and died within a few mtoniea
of aarii other.
lltness. made a death-bed roofcttlon to
which be admitted baring stolen 8L8W
from tbe money ordcr oAce In Macoupin
county, nis-. to the fall of ittL and tor
Which one Stogtelon was dlwharged by
the campasy. Papan found to Abbott's
pottcariOB Bbowed him to have drawn
a paulOB tor aovtog to tbe Second DBhols Tcltthtaera. and to have been police
« of ChsatarScld. Hla
I*-nssmoa. <Kw Pint
I id.aSS5l.5d;.. ISSTEStolCSf
iGrud lipidt t Iidim S. |
er arrival
yanare sf trslsaMTi
la ag«n auguM tz. in
A. a- r.a. Lt.
Ar.. A. A < P.B. > m.
II • 4 W Trar.Cayj ........
110 f »
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