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The Morning Record, July 27, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Fii«t Yew-No- 72.
•iNftft. ftre Mqocfttftd to BMt tht* ev«B-'
Ber. A. E. WalU want to KortLport
lor lo
CftftU* Hftll of Ui« locftl
lodr^i, for the porpcfte of <Bftnrarftlinr
ftcUre fttep* for tb* lusUtotioa of tbe &ATX
LouU A. Pratt relamed yeeter^y to
Bew ore«r lo tbiieUf. A foU bUodAnn Arbor.
Made and delivered in the last 20 working days.
AOAIK8T $8.58
BinroAT XU XAH..
dftBM b 4eftlred.> «o Uftl ooBBiUlee
Bert Oillaoda of Pomooa. baa beem
The people know where the largest and tiest
•U7 be ebouB for the •eTftrftl porUon* The Totftl T*« lory le • $47.
rialtlog Bee. B. Salabery.
, XHfloaltyOrweBorMLKtto JoetiM of work fteowrySpngne PraU wtbt to Gyand Raplda
selected stock of Mouldings can alwaj's be found.
iMt Teftr It Wftft Bore Th*n Sight
Oowt, then to ft Hot* Bftrionft BiuiftId order to ftceure for tbU city Ui*
yeeterday to altand the iBccaThooftftad DoOftie Kor*—Tbe HeftT*
MUa Bertha Hedden retomed to her
ttfaa—OlftlBft to ^vft Bmo ITbUv- order it will be oeceeMry for loo cbbeat
dMfttae to be reoftlTed'into memberborne is Brand Baplda yesterday.
fUl7 ImpriMaed■bl{>. Tbe order wUl be isetituted by
Mias Elrlna and UyrUe Stanton hare
City aerk Btekerd b»e e.
Wmifttt UlftckmftB ol PftfftdlM townM. B. HOULEY, Mas
tax roll for 18U7 and it U aow Id tbe reumed from a rlait to Elnpaley.
John Loranger and S S. Pratt went
bands of Tfeaaarer WlnDie.
_B by ftay ler»l prooem r^t«««
brftBcb- The d*te {• sot yet poelUvely
It will be iotereaUng to know that
Oftrtftia offlciftlft of' tbe eonety tboee Oxed. but U Uexpeoled tbet-ll will
The Miaaes Marion and Winlfre$
the amount oe taxes levied this year la
, ftftme offlelftU moy hbee reftaoo to wleb be Augaat IV. When the organiaatioo more than $«.090 leaa than iMt. Tbe; }^tt and Ethel Thomas spent Sunday
tbftt they bftd bftd leei bntlBeM with
takes plaoe a special train from Oraad „te In 1S90 was 8t S8 per 4100. Tbia »t lM»Bg Uke.
George MeUllao niece MlaaHcUl-.
year the rate U reduced to 5f.l«.
d»y IB Jftll. ftod
Tbe heaviest raducUon ta in tbe Ian, will leave thb mOmiag for a>
BOW it le eUimed tbeV ft fteriee of bluS'
But it's no lie when we sAy that our Picture
which are tn.lts.M) lem week's ooUag at Inland.
den bat raenlted 1b fftlae Imprteonmest.
A. L. Joyce fished la Osrp Uke Bnnthan last y^. The city taxes are
Framing takes second place to nqne in the
for whleh tbftt party propoeeie .to deWhile fetnming from an onUng af
tS.SS4.05 lees. Tbe total levy for 18»« day and bvongbl home a fine lot of
tsftftd fftU and Immedlfttondrem.
Bannle Uke. Sunday erealng, John
city—try us.
tse.SS^.OS. This year It b only base and pbkerel.
Blaekman and'bit Delghbors Id and
mon fell from tbe load aod striking
F. W. Bryan, a Chicago merchant
ttS.m.TO. In tbeae Umas when
ftboBt Bemmlt City bare beee at aworda a stamp reoelTed painful injnriea. be omy b the princlpel theme tbe above I.wbo has been enjoying tbe flstalag at
poiaUforb leer tine and Blacki
sides being ooBsldeiably shaken np
figures will tend tdyratlfy tboM who i Carp Uke. b sUyiag at I^k i’lsc
elftlme to Bare been aeoatloBed esi
Ttm others in tbs party were Frank
r the burden of taxaUoo. Though | Uouaid D. Verdler of Grand Bapida.
annoyanc* from what he baa been Ubm and family, Mrs. John Jameson.
indivldnally tbe brf^en wUl not be | pesaed fcrobgh Ue dty yesterilay ea
pleated to itnu the “erlmiBal element” Un UesU and famUy. George Jame lightened to any great extent, yet it b! roDte for one of the resorts, and dined
ef/thax locality. The adrhbon ou tbe son and family and Hr. Smith and
know that the aggregate > at Park Place,
oUier band bare eootended that Hlack- family. Barring this accident s pleas
\ Mr. and Mrs. Washington Pound and
~^wa baa been eHnally annoyiag U ant week was spent.
daughter Clara and soa daude arrived
IntbecUylbstPlgtattovUlt tbe fam
ily of O- F. Carver.
Appointed by Ant
Constaoee WilUama.
bare been reeponaible for tbe appear- Taken to Karquette by Under
tbe company of W. S.
anee of Blaekman aad-bb nelybbon
Aebton Yeeterday.
At a meeting of the AaU-Salooa open hi* sea»n bare, arrived la tbe
- in eonrl eereral timea. tbU laat treable
Uaffue last night tbe following per dty 8und^ aeoompanled by J^n
Uwis FitcbeUbasgooetoMai
acema to bare culminated in an irrernmanent committees.were appointed;.
Whllely. mhnager of tbe company.
for two years. <
larptooeedlnrAgitation—Eev. D. Coeblln. Perin
Harry E. Hooker, son of Judge Book
It was two fresks ago today that
' It ia aUefed that on Saturday a
Kltehett was arreatod by I nderahurift Whitman. K^- Mary Moore, Mrs. W. er of tbe Michigan Sepreme eourt. ar
lag Blaekman eeited a mare -and ooU
rived ia tbe dty last night aoeompanAshton in s hotel on Mackinac Island K Wright, Rev. Salabnry.
from the premiaea of James tlaya. adLegialatlon—M. C. Dodge. C. T. led by hb wife, eb route to Ke-ab-Uwith Mm Hnbbell. with whom
joinlnr bia own place, and impounded
Folgbum. C. H wants, where they will spend tbe eomeloped from Antrim oeonty. The de- Orawn. F. J
^em. Blackman elmmed that they
talU have been printed In tbe Esct>iu>. Dockaray. F. E. Walker.
were on bia prepay, Oaya pyoteated
l—John OUHa C. k
Uw Eaforoement-Jo
Ute arrieals at Ne-ah-1,a-wantt are;
Be was convicted Saturday aftemwn
. that they were not, but wbea be made
Bammaod. tV. 8. Cmlor, G. A. BolU- Jud^ Fraak A. Hooker and wife. Unandsentenoe pamed yesterday mo
a damand lor tbe animala it ia eald
day. Geo. W t'urtbe.
dag: M. C. Terr^ aad wife. Durand:
ing. The efforts of bis 'oonnsel. Jd to gire them np
FlDaaee—N. E- Strong. Charice Lao- Mbs Clarioe A. Long.' lockport. N. Y.;
nttehin. to have tbe prisoner admitted
srithont a tee of tl tor
tobaU.pendlngacUon in tbe ease by caster, Elu.
nu„, Bo.v»: w.
| ^..^ything th«t is riehl in Furninhing,
The demand was refosad. Tberenpon
the Sopreme court, were unavailing. EnroUmeat-B. U- Aliya. Mra. A- J- ll^naiupld.; «... E.H.8p.eorJ,«l ( right
suit in tort against
N. D. Byers, New York.
Fitcbett waa aentenoed to two years In Helm. N. 6. Chapin.
Blackman who ■as ameted npon a the itau's prison in MarqueUe aad Im
Hoepltaliiy—Mrs. G. 8 Korthrup,
bats bean/
wanant which ta mid
. At Barb. Boogbeyb Oaap.
mediately Uken there by Underaberiff Mrs. Busbee. Mbs F. Chapla.
neither a citU or cri
A party coBsisUng of Joe Klaasdn.
Prem Commlltbe—Mrs. J. L. Gibbs.
bnt rather a croae between the two.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
Nell Klaasen. Bert GanneA aad Alley
Tbe tax title chancery case of Knee- Spragns Pratt. Mbs Mabel Bstea.
Tbe eaae was tried before Juslioe
aod VenrsTbomss drove to Herb.
•- Chase of Paradise township snd Black land and Cole rs. Herman Hyman waa
Bougbey’s camp at Carp Uke Seturday
man was sentaneed to pay r.'O wd decided' against the pUintIffs This
Kelley put lo ulgbt and spent moat of Sunday fUhaeUon was brought to quiet the title of
ooata or go to lail for SO day*.
■mug Ug. FiftT-three fine black bass, three
nqn-reeideut property of which Hvman
*«k yesterday afteruoon polH^
Bl&okman refused to pay. TbsD there
large pickerel, and numerous smaller
was owner, and upon which the taxes
burdocks along tbe bank of tbe
fry brought tbe total eateb up to about
was more trouble. He was ordered ta was owner, aad upon which
plalnkes to tbe oouDty Jsil at Traverse City.
100 pounds of fi^. Tie party were
C. M. Hfll. formerly- eonneeled
^>t^t'CoDstable Wykofl was otterly noroyally entertained by Mr. Bougbey
able to execute tbe order of tbe Court Tbe evideDn in tbe ease showed tbel
bee. b nowamoL-iated with A. E. Pbin- while at tbe camp.
wltboDt aasUtanco' Aid was furnished, Hyman bad made every effort to to pay
oey In tbe life inaaraUi basioeea.
however, aod Blackman, in eba^e bf tbe Uxee
Guite a somber of excuraionbU
three men. was broogt.t here SaUrdey '
came up from Cadillac aod other poioU
night and lodged in jell- Sheriff Simp------------eon has bad DO experience of this ns- j Buge Lins BeUbliabed Between Old ontbeU. B. AI Sunday, aad some of
Is none too good for* yon..
them took a sail on tbe ateamer Colomtare thus far duriag bU term of o«oe.
Xiehion and Ve-ab-ta-wanta.
and be slated veslerdsy that in order
A stage line has been eambibhed bm'on the bay.
The steam barge Bilten and ooesort
to be sure that be was all right be snb- between Uld Mbsion and Ne-ah-umittad the eommitment to Prosecutor wanta. Tbe st^ will connect with tbe sebocmer Grace Grammoad of Milwau
Twaddle to see If it was all right; aod Traverer Bay line of sUameru • both kee. are being loaded with lumber for
docks of tie Traverse
being assured that tbe document was morning and atteraoon. aod the new
O. k. ba received Mr. B
arrangement will be e great eouvea- City l.umber Cotbe solemnity and deeomm neoMMry | iao^ to tbe reeorters of'both places , Thime who desire to assUt in the
take no other. We gnaraaInoaam of and a benefit to cltisens and bnsinM ; Bally Day eborus. are reminded of tbe
tee you satisfaction.
J in tbe parloraof the CongregaUonal church this evening. A Urge
pay the board of tbe prisoner. U thl-|
BmaabeU mer xnumo.
| attendance Is desired,
inetanoe. to make sore that BUckmso ; Salordsy afternoon little Mary Haa-.medv '-Lead Me Five
wouldreoelvetbepropertrestmeotaudlslovsky. who lives ea tbe West ^Idc.
her |
be aoeorded baoomUg vigiUnce, a | suffered
a severe Injury to one
week's board wss paid in advance.1 thombe. She was engaged U the pas-.
Teomedy. "Uocle Joeh." will
In tl. meantime Blsokman bad se-iUme of se^«w wlU s companion.
Kerri. ComedUn. tocored tbe cervices of P. C. Gilbert, wbc 1 when one ol her bands was caught beO^d
took a trip to Paradise township in the tween the board and tbe timber. The
of kU Chet. B. kool.,«l <k.»b™ »dlyk,.U«i. kit will oo.
Tk, B-Uof. 1-, bkU t~. -U1
opok ktak.l.rolh.lh.fOo..i. bkl],ik».,tok.Uk«. „lf.
|plk, tm,k«,»k,r,io*... J »i <■
10. 11 and i:. MaaUtee
nlsK) np .tkt, of .ffklm In the mM-1
---------------;B0YS-, YOITHS- AND LITTLE GENTS'
time, also, Shei^ Oimpaon began to;
| Colu will eome up with a hundred
rooters and a Urge party of tbe promhave doubu abool the regularity of
ThMC Were Yreed From Irkaome! inent Udiee of tbe Salt City, wbo wiU
tbe proceeding and conclnded to have
Bonda Yeaterday.
' asalat the Colu in their endeavors, to
aaotber Interview with tbe proaeci
Not finding that offleUl reidlly be | In the Circuit court yealerday tbe detest tbr Hostlers.
Men's IHttent Leather esd Eadivoree were
UtSd tbe situation to Geo. U. Croas,! following
Tbe BenU Bole.
B/und to Wear aod Good Style.
amels. lonner price 45.00 and
Hr! Tweddle’s partner, wbo gave as‘granted;
Harriet Lavender, wife of John W.
tO.uo. to eloac out at $8.00.
hU opinion that the prisoner eonld not} AdelU Scott vs. James ScolU Hattie
ilB.r,.»ri.lk..k.rilI |<n..diL«lm«
B. f.nO~I, KnlU.
be knld.
tbe prosecutor as he was about
Bund I.n™ *. Tbe
^bn fnueral
Idnn^l wss
CTn held
knld from
Iren, tbe
thn M. K.
eat of the clti aod npon diKuasiog! Stocking vs. Oliver P. Stocking. AddU church at WlllUmsburg yesterday.
tbe details he was iMtroeted to releese M. Lydell vs. WtUUm Lydell. Eva
Mr. and Mta Otto Everly of ali^U.
Blackman, which Mr. Slmpeon bsat- Luce vs I'rmnk Lnoe.
Men's SaUn Calf Shoe*, i^ilu tbe are mourning tbe death of their infant
' Ur 41.75 Shoes, now going at
«aed to do, abool toar o'clock.
I son, JohBDte. wbo died Sunday morn
When BUckmao left the JsU be ob- conrvsdjoamed.
ing of spasms. The remains were
eerved that be would probably be back
taken to Walton for burUI yeeterday.
U a few days, aa. if tboee -with whom
Tbe Foneb base ball teaBr-vSvbltoMs- Phoebe A. HUl, wife of Timothy
be waa haviag trouble did not leave
him alone there would be some shoot- wasbed the Leland team at Cbt TaU UiU of Kingsley, died of beert failure
PoUl Snnday. the score being 95 to ti.- At Mie reetdenoe et ba-dsugbtar. Mra
Uff. /
Men's Light Color Tan Shoes
WbUe Id Pnmdlse township, Att^^ Battariee. Fooch. Kilmer. Neneoa an^ Albert Smith in Oak Park, aged 42
$5 to 60 pet cent, dwcouni.
yeara Tbe rsmaiDS were taken to
Gilbert msde a apeelal appeal' befofc KalalUae, LeUnd. Oxtk and Lederle.
Get them before eraeon la over.
Jostice-Cbato and tM enee will go to'
Frank Frlcdrlob entertained a party Kingsley for burial.
tbe Circuit eourt in tbe tall term.
of friends cn tbe yacht Hasan A Pingrcc
One Day's Onttca
TbU however. U not aU. Blackman Jr.. Snnday________________
Victor Montagna ban received a leA
has gives his attorney final and Imper.Oblo^ Market.
tar from J; A. Moaiagne wbo, with bU
peraUve InsimetieDs to begin sulU for
LadiM' BUek aa^ Tba Plngree
aamages against Jnstlee Cbssc. Sberlff -Chicago, Jnly ».-Wheat-j'niy. two SOBS and a party of friends left
A Smith Jalieta. former price
Simpson and Conatabls Wykoff f<
TfiKc:’ September. 79 ke; December. here Isst Tueedsy for a eralse to Geor- 43. cloeUg out priew$8.
Cora-Jnly. 9SHo: September. 96N14 bU new sloop, the Onawa U a swift
aIlo Ho XlatAka.
'Lumber Company. We have ter wle Good, Sound Hem:
9«hc: Deeember, 97Ne: May. subi« sailer and entirely meets bis views as
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Flank. Maple Flooring,
a Mfe and Us't saiUng craft. After
' Meetlag Tonight to Frepare FUaa fbr
Usu-July. 17ko: Beptember, Kkia: leeriag here tbe parly went to Omeoa.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for<sale> Mill Machinery, of all
Organ iaaUon.
i:Ho: October. iTS'e: Deo«ber. l»l*e: tbeoee to Cross Village and from there
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
through the Cbencaux to Detoar. mak
AU KnifhU efPytbUs U tbe.city May.iosc.
I and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for s^
Porti^oly. r.«7; Septombm, r.79. ing the aatire distapee. $5 mUea, the
•Bd vWhUy. wbo are laurmtod in tbe
lArd-Jaly.t4.l7: Septaaber.tiJtft drat ilay of tbe trip. The party wiU
Mgaiiiiilinn of a branch of tbe Uca« em Pm* U Boackt Of C*.
•atte Ordw^ of the KnlghU of Khor tt.95
We’re Something of
{Liars Ourselves 1
Tlitn art Ota!
ar\d Pifty
24 Pairs
Ask Your Grocer
. For It,
33 Pairs
Seamless Shoes
Ol Rloods Md Chocilates in Boirs’ a>d Touths' it Cost.
108 Pairs
69 Pairs
Fruit Jars.™'""’
' .
Canning Season.
2 auart—60c doz. 1 Quart—60c. dox
118 Pairs
If You Have Logs la Sell
"™”“ j
fern.; .dUi&9t:a^';4_>L.
' ^
rsx MOBinHO
Tan. ». BAiaa axp J- W. HAjrxn.
3. W. BAicicn. Bdltor Md Xufirtt.
.,^.19 Ml
•om FMtVM of tbs V««'T*LrtffLftw.
tbcUr ttin.bM
bMS puwd b7 both bOSMS sad ^«S
by the pre*ld*«i soli i* now t«w. Th«
’ tnU text of the aew Uw «m (iw by
tbe Uosxuto BKODMSnBdxy. only
iwelrc hoiin after Ue preeidedt pbt
■ kfe
U tbe •merfc The e«perteMW. item by itda. nade with the
«»«alled WilMO lew wUeb bee been to
force tbe leet three year*, wiU-be of
the vreateel loterett to etvy ABMritU
pod«o«^ or coBMmer. At baa been
mid before In tbeeeoolUBBa. no taHff
blU oobU be irattn or bP any p
bOty made law. that wenld be entirely
mtlifaetory to all. be they repobllean.
denirrrit popolteV or laeaban of any
/^er party or no party at all. We
y bate a nouble example of thla taet
rt^i here In .Mlcbl«aa where tbe leadIny Inmber republicaaa of tbe eaet ^de
«{the euu atronyly nryod a tl.oo lornbw taritf while tboee on the weat sMo
as atronyly aryed a tl.OO rate. It dote
sot foUow that tbe foriaer or tbe Utter
aamed are not repnUleant. beeane
tbit dlfferenee of oplolee. Tbe fact U,
. there are ee many repablieaat U Hublyan (at wUaeee Uet aleetloB retama)
. It ta a wonder there are not etUl yreator differencee. amoay thorn There ia
alao a difference of opinion In tbe party
ae«ar*l^ ibeeayar ecbeiinle bat tbe
thet the wiacat tblny to do
tbT aayer imat booybt ranyrem Tbe
fact U the anyat irnat can conM tbe
price of auyar aboat aa they pleaae.
tariff or BO Urifl. Tbe tmat wUI make
a Ury« aom becaaae they bad tbs
money and tbe foreelybl to 'rnak
in an immense qaantily of raw
snyar while the eenate was detiberatUy ao lony npon the meaenre that
an opportunity wee ylren for this i»porution, aa it wa» for the importation
Ct moch oUier atoll that wU] hereafter
^y a dnty. HoaUam moat feel tbe
effccU of tbit fora UtUe, ea these
■ > mannfeciarMi yooda most be laryely
disposed of before the
the borne prodnet. tbe atanDfeclnre of
which will bi allmoleud by the new
and hiyber rate* of duty nop impoeed.
If the anyar tmat determine* to raise
tbe price of anyar they can
time, and if they do there
food deal of moeey made by thet orfanixatlon. Bat there may be a day
«f reckonlny. for if the reanlt ehonld
be what tbe advocatee of the anyar
Urifl claim, the home prodnctloe will
be so yreaUy Increeaed that the tnat
caa no looyer hold tbe power they
wUld. and if thU ahoeld prove
then it .will have aeeompUabed wjiat
ao other powrr baayet been able to do.
Ibere U no reseon wby the t'nlted
BUtea aboDld not make all tbe anyar it
aeea A beet aoyar factory in erety
aoncrMioeal dUtriet wonld be the
•nreat and qulekeat way to break tbe
so-called enyar trmi. Every'farmer la.
tlutrefore. dlrmtly Intereated In tbe
ImpoalUoD of e doty en enyar.
artlele eUewhere in Ihto moralay-a
Bk»xd bean upon the anyar qnaatlon
and wUl be of intereet.'
Brery owner of e piece of hardwood,
hamloek.. coder or other Umber in
Mlnhlyan la Uter^tod tn tbe Inmber
eoboduU of the new Uw. That pUe
aad hardwood Umber will be Si.ou a
feet blyber no man belieree.
prloe to tbe amonnt of the dnty pUoed
npon it.
ThU dnty oa Umb«
may not for' a time ralee the
prtee «d stnmpaBs but it will
•tlmnUtc the Udnatry to the extent of
proridlny e briakm market tor lays,
fianlehlny mere employment for mUI
men. who will hare more mooey to boy
the fermen' prodaete and the
Wbaata' yooda. 8ncb e conditlen
•ot lony exist wlthost reaaltUy U e
«Uiny merket for both ptodMto and
irodda and an Increased dramnd for Ubor en e rUlny market
Senator Borrows. U 'defaSfilny 1
^tUw for a-«s d«ky on lamber. mid
that tbe enbUel of Inmber wa ''
which tbe people of MUkiyan
ayraed. b«t be lookw) beyond thte and.
te^ Uto oeynlmnoe the feet that It
waaaleadlny Udnatry U twenty-two
etatea. Be showed that •KO.OOO.OOO
of capital wae Inreeted. IMi.000.0tM paM
fa wiyca, and a market fnraUhod for
BM,000.000 of the farm prodnete. Ue
mid that whUe tbe
Hmhm bad dacrmaii » sreewi tn
the eCMtty. tbe l^weUtlc
ada bad Uereaaed 41 per cent. Be aa. taeked tbe fallacy of a elreaUrreeonUy
iMbdMdealdthatnnleee the formte
ontafterftre or etorw bad rev•fed them tbe ttmb« worid be a «ntal'
iM. Be^abowed that bat It par
neat, of tbe IsWber and in tbe United
BlUae went leto tbe bnOdtay of the
boaem barm, aad faaeea of the farmr.
Oirtalnly If any eeetlm of tbe ooootry waati a $> tariff oa Inmber It ie the
deaeety foreeted. portUa of nortbwmtand ArWtntUn Oommiaen Mlobiffan, of wbUb TreToiee «ty
le tbe metroiieUi and the market.
eUnea Bo»a to Affket BettUTbe tminm here been wril oared far
U the new Uw. Tbero la an laer«eead
PltUbmy. July M.—A orMs b Imdnty ea almoet all farm prodaeU. notUeahly wool, all ynUa. poutoet and paadiny U the eoa) mlnare eltnatlen
eefeUbUa yeaemUy. hay. ebeeae. milk, thb week. Arbitr
'foel bopetal tbM they erilt^rinyi^t
batter, eyya. and fraile. etoek, aad
pooltry. Andtherelaemroelyatarm- the InlUaUee for eeUlemofit M tbe
er U tbla part of Mlcblyae wbo U net moeUny Taeedny. TbomUeU^^UU
on the oUm band bare edopied menedlreetly Utweeted U the Uetmeiif
tbn* will make a eampUU Ue np.
dnty ea tamber, Utb. ablnyUa. aad
developed that many West Vlritbor mill prodaeta ,
yiaU mUen were walUny eroed from
tbe PltUboi* distriet. eepeeWly from
Ae to tbe Tariff oo ffnev.
tbe New York and QeeeUnd mtaea
Tbe attaeka of tbe demaerwtU -preee
aad orators npeatbeenyar eehednlee They want to boar of the minen U
these mines havinyjoUod tbe yenstal
of tbe tariff brill ee finally |
This. It b deeUfed by the
eeebaeureqnlreattentkm. Tbetthey
are founded npon taleebood will be mUst*'. omeUU. will brisy all tbs falU everybody wbo tsriny ooee of West VirrUU into line,
the strike eflseUve U that
mey t^e tbe trooble to exemiiM the
<acU U the ease, and It b that ^eiy- 11 will abut off the supply of coal- To
mplbh- this, arranymnenb bare
body may nndenUnd the faeU that
thb brief eutement b preeeaUd. been made for Deb* aod o«ber promt
The DUyley bill ee it . paaeed neat oOcUb to bold a moetlny berefor
ibe Bones pUead e dety of ISH the benefit of the New York and aevsoaett per one bendred ponnda on Uad rntners Toasday. Antony other*
refined anyar U exetsa ot tbe avor- whs are axpsetad to be present are
par*. Batobfdrd. Oarl and Manon.
aye ratee on raw enyar. Thb l$K
omiu per hundred pounds, or 14 of a AVthb meetlny lUs intended to strike
cent a pound, b what b known aa the the' final dscblve blow and 11 poasibb
••dlflerenlUl." Thb b tbe amoont cf make the Ue-np eampista. Tbe pUee
dlffeennoebetweea tbe rates on refined has not yM been asUs^. bnt It wUl be
Croak. (Uady
enyar and the raUe at WbUb tbe re U a yrore class to
finers are permitted to briny in raw Creak and I’Um Creak mUse of New
snyar. Tbose who have etndled tbe York and Claroland Uas and Coal Com
qaeetioB expreas tbe beUef that the pany. it.uoe mUsrs are expected at
aetnal cost of refinlny enyar b about h ihemeeUay.
Tbe report that ffreU oa tbe mleee
of a cent per po—d. and that It b
proper that (be refiners ebMU be of tbe New York and CleveUnd Gas
allowed to ffrlny In raw enyara at H and Coal Co. wae eontempUted thb
of acent pal pound leoi then refined moretay was without foondatlon. Tbe
anyare for H they were not eo minSB were rennlny as nsnal today aad
permitted, of contse they eonU not everythUy b qniet Special depatlas
miry on the btuUeea of refinlny- U were ealled for last nlybl and relumed
eompeUtion with Ue anyare refined to the city tbb nwrnlny. no strikers
abtmd. Tbe boose bill was ehanyed haviny appeared in the vicUity. The
by tbe eenate ftnanee committee “ raid b oot probaUe ooUl after tbe
that tbe differeiMUl was abont itH Debe meetlny Tbnrsdayoanu per bendred pounds, wbbb was
praeUcaUy tbe same as tbe"dlffwentUl." allowed to tbe refinere nndsr tbe
Wilson law. TbesemaU redoeod tbb
materially. putUny It heck to nearly
tbe bonae tale. When tbe bill went to
tbe eooference oommiUee. oootposod of
member* of ihehoueeaad senate, tbe
boom conferreaa Inaisted opoa an absoln|e reatoraUoB of ISl* ceaU per boB'
dred ponoda'-dlSerentUI.'' The senate eonlerreee nryed a yeneral increeae
of the proteeUve ralee of the bill in
order to fnrtber protect the beet-aayar
yrower* of the country, and tbe boose
to this, bnt *1111 demanded that tbe " differeetial
tween the ratee of doty on anrefined
aod refined anyar* *boold be ir>4 eeat*
per bnndred ponnde aod no more. Tbb
was aoooded to by tbe kenaU'
and tbe bUI. when reported frem the
made the rate en refined
only it.S' oenU per bnndred pound*
more than tbe rate ooraw enyar. ‘-dlffmealU" of H of a ceet per pennd.
barely tbe cost of refinlny. Tbb took
sway from tbe anyar rrfleen moch of
the proflit which they bad had nadcr
the Wlboa‘ Uw.’ bm why. then, did
•nyar-tnet stock advance when tbb
aetloD became known? TbntbaqnesUon wklch U frequeeUy asked end
easily aaawered. The snyar treat bad
than 700.000 ton* of
raw snynr as that, when the advanced
rate* of the sew Uw west ipto effect,
they would be able to advance tbe_prioe
upon all the snyar* whbb they bad In
stock, aod thns make a profit of .nmey
millions of dollars. In view of tbb
proepeetlve profit, enyar stock bad ad
vanced frem Ume to Une. bnt reeenUy
Secretary (iaye recommeafiwl te Con
yree* that as Uternal revenue tax cf
one cent per poond be planed on all
raw snyar U tbe country at the Ume
of tbe enactment of the new Uw.
which, if adopted, wonld bavo destroy
ed all tbe proepeeUr* profit of tbe treat
hme ImporUtUn*. The
however, did not follow Secretary
■'* advice, aod simply reported
HI with a dlflerentUl of *« of a
een't a ponad. The momeoyi It bee
known that tbe propeesd Uternal
enoe tax upon thb enormoaa stock of
yooda U tbe bands of the treat was
not to be so taxed under the ravenne.
It was realbod.that tbe profim' of the
treat npon the Too.ooo tana, ee bUUon
and a half pounda. wsnld be rety
Unra. probably ten or twelve million
fioUnrs. apd It was thb fact-which
eaased the Urye advance U-'bnynr
stock wbUh Immedbtely followed the
nnnasseimwH of the ^rsemwit of the
eenferem npon tbe bPl. It was not
beeanse tbe yeneral ratee impeeed by
tbe bill ytvee to tbe treat qsy advaatsyo. for os Ute eonUary it b admitted
by all who are wiUiay to be Crank on
the enb)ect that the blU redaem vary
maMrUUy the profit whieb tbe trast
rsalbsa on rsflainy e^ar, and briny*
tae "differential*’ down to mere east of
rnfinioy. When tbe faeM bnacmi ysaeraUy known thbnill. both as to lu
fsatarsB and othsrs. mpseUUy
thM which affsot the tarmsra. will
prove Us mestaatlsfaelovy whksh tUs
m gf TWO.
Wheeler XHetUynlahed Mimsalf U
Tbe HosUm brouybt back oneyame
from Ifanbtee. anyway.
ymme was e'yood ooe from a Tre'
City atandpoUl. and Wheeler was ibr
hero of the fame, bb home ren U the
first UnUy. brinyiny U'three reaa beIny princSpally reepooaible for the etctory.
Tbe .reel of tbe team also bad their
eye OB tbe ball, and Gleason yol bb
bumps plenty; evsry man on ihs
a bit
Kbher pitched a .yood yame. only
three safe biu belny made by tbe oolla.
The team yot back to their old form
and pot Op n yood otrony yame.
Uanbue pUyvd a oomewbat rayy*d
fl-IdUy fame bnt netwHbaunolny
that fact the BosUer* manayed te yet
three earned rensTbe Colu had three men so
tbe ninth and a hit would bare tied
the aoore. but it wasn't there.
.soeoeeoe e-t u*»
. t e 1 e e e t « *—* w *
97, 1997.
Mr. Bart te ••OamUte.* Is «m of the
ytemi sad Mr. Kart hat the r^Utiea
of aueUlay a^ othw Otar U that raU.'
The umpeiiywithwhUh Mr. Berthes
hiameU b om of the
been here awd the pUye
prmintii anefti
Britltent Xvsnt at Om
Tbs most ^rmlny soeUl svmt nf'
M sMsoa at Oman* was yfvea
Omsna las BaUrday nlybL Tbs afr was ananffsd te bsocr of tbs
nts from .LoubvtUc. Ky.. snd abest
persons wero/preeest. TUe boisl
• beanUfsUy deooratJd with fisral
» andttoy
eveatey was
daoelay aad mask. sappUaisn
pleassres wblcb tbe anrroaai
Omena make deliybtfnlly
Amony tbe dbUayaUbed yaea.
cat from LoabvilU were Coloaal Mul
ler. Oapuis Kcber and tieorys Baerbofer and their wlv«.
Urye number of promUeni resldenU
of Grand Eapids present abo. Tbb
It demonstrates that aside fr
natnral adraatayes for recreation
yaeata to enjoy seeUl priveleyea oot
found at every sotnmer resort. The
boapitallty at .the manayemenl
Omena Inn b proverbial asd tbb
one of masyelmiUreveata-wbicb are
enjoyed dnrlnf the eebeon by the enmvbitoro-
The Pure
Fruit Juice
U whnt we flavor ea^ Boda Byrops with.
We do not eae cxtra«u M oar foontaU. A
laire. eod. qmrkliny yUm of Ue cream
eote (the beet U tbe
they sayl for
fire ceau EverythUy strieUy deba bboet
;i';i nrrr’MJ'.
Monday. Jnly 8t)th.
Great 10 Gent Show
Hosical Farce Comedies.
Olio of Specialties.
Now for Business!
Xaret.BaarM *N X Dr|«"
pany and Ue remaindar wilt arrive
tad^. BebearsaleapooUeripertelrei
of Mr. Bart will begin at oaoe and the
company - will open tbe aieion te
SUiebery* Grand Angnet Mb. lOU
and Itu.
Tbe firnt nlybt "TIm:
Man in the iron MaU** wiU be pressated. “Camille." the dramatisation od
Ue yroat atory of Alexander Damaa,
WiU befflvantlMlOUa^ “Ttle Lady
of Lyese" oa Ue IIU. Mr. Bart asaamed Ue leafil^rate te Ue tetter
rban Ue pleoe wro petewtefi by Bbaa
1 this dtytwoynars ayo-xafi tbone
md. aa portrayed by
Will Sail Today
Beef. Pei Veal, Meltea,
Pressed Cooked Han,
Dried Beef. Urer,
Choice Poettri,
Ftfk Btrfift. betwfin Trait ik OfifiA
■eel Tickets a'Redecedftites.
. rent Oam Dor BretS. Xy tat Haem
From tbih date thU boat
w'ill not make regular conjnectioDs with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever. can niake arrangements
for the use of this handsome
>-acbt, by communication by
mail or wire, with
Lelaod. Mich.
X^. HaOTTNiaS m
Fir« Insurance.
Has Your
AttentionEver bom enUfd te Ur fact
that yon can CM at Ue Drey
Btet* lonr auce)
Pure Powderetl Spleae.
Pure Oreem Tertar,
(and Pure BokTny Powder, if yon want
■a to oiake it. I pound* for tl 00 ) Rub
ber Bbeettef. Rojbber Tekd^. all
sure. Water Bottlre (roaraxteed fortwoyears.l Foesiain Byrlnyox snaay
kiodx Throat Broabex snd Atomisms.
Ulyrerise and Witeb Basel Lotion for
tbe bands aad fsex
At Our
Soda Fountain
-3439 Frames'
Let aa make soma for you.
Ever Burned Oot?*
O P. CA&TSR. AyenL
Fbe Merchant Tailoring.
Fishing Parties
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Suits to Order.
Lady -Watts
om Star ajtp xhkt.
416 Union St Telepbont 34.
Corner of t'nto* nnd Bay Btreetx
VotUs to Tax Fayen.
The tax rolU of Ue five wards of tbe near M. A N- R- depot, wlahe* te anCity of Travere* City, for the collecUoa BOOBCR to Ue public that be ba* re
of ecbool. city and ajiOe' '
fitted and famished tbe Betel Paayboal year IBtt7-laiM bare born better tbaa it erer ba* been beto me by
City Clerk fore BDd ena aecommo>^le tb« trsrelid taxes may be paid to mr
ir at my
John May.
• at any Ume beftpv September iH ‘ iny public in yood abapen. witbont
it ebarye Ifor eolleetioe. formerly wlU Ue Betel WbUlny. wlU
One per ceet. penalty for eoUi
bare charge of' be oMee aod attend to
wUl be eharyml and eollaeted npon
taxes rvmaloUy napald SeptemberJaL Uewanteoftbe yneetx -SatleteeUan
111 be at my ofitec to reeCive
5~Ni|fht* Oulj;—5
Jill 26.27. 28. 30 aid 31.
AUo. the U^babU teree.
After fbnr days' dcliybtfol “ roayb“UNCLE JOSH.”
iay.’’ the Three tjoarter 8. B Ciob
broke camp at . the bead of B,»rdmaB
A yroat abow for lltUe money.
lake Sanday cvsainy. The trir'is' had
tbe JollUet kind of e Ume. and Huaday j tK^“l*y
entortdned stmt forty vbltoro U btybei
camp. *fbe Ume dnriny tbe outioy was
devoted BkoeUy te eallny. nnUI tbe r-mtenu of the camp larder were rxbsB*ted. The eapply was repleakhed. how
ever. asd Ue da^r of etarvatUa hap
pily averted. Seaides Ue plr*ear* of
eatUy. some of Ue Ume wa* devoted
to fiablny. musical eatertatem>aL erv
qneu and other pasUmea kowwa lo
campers. Amoay the 'prominent Benday yneeu waa JastUe Veriy. whom
Ue yirb look opoa a* Uelr best frieod.
and whom Ury cao bare all aerte of
fan wiU. At camp they eejoyed Urmaelve* by roUUy him fiown bUL takiay
bb pbotoyrepb. and eaterUUiay b^m
in varioiu way* that do not‘Street
from Ue diyni^ of
Grand Trorerse
Coant>. Jnatlee Tbe Jimtlee U Ue
mestuimedU not fail te look after Ue'
pleasure and Mfort of bb proteyea.
o'clock p a
on Tbeeday erentey*I from 7 <
nnUl »:» o’clock.
MauMn Wuna.
Zmdiae' AM Beeiety Will Freparo a
- city Troaaurer.
Box Tomorrow.
Dflirv Room 2. Herald
iny. 12
Fr<mt itreoL
There will be_a reyular meeUny of
Ue Udlea’ Aid eoeUly of the Ooayrayatioaal ehnreb temorrow atterwwn
My wife. Fannie Trombly, bariny
Id Ue parlory of U* ehnreb at I ift my bed and board, all pereone are
o'clock. TkaehUfobioetof the meet- hereby notified not to trnst ber. fnrIny win bo to prepare a box for Ue Bkb ber wiU nay aeppllea.'food* or
credit on my aeeonav
■sfferer* of Ue Labe Ano fire. All
Dated July 2ULin7.
member* are nryed to be present and
67 7*
Juer^ Tnomn.r. Jx
to briDy Uelr eelaMra. Those of the
society who bare bwldiny. table*,
etoves, ebaits or oooklny ntenaiU to
spare are rcqseated te ootlty Ue ohm.
MoUoejo Water Oonenmers.
mittee wbo will attend to shipptey
The nae of water for sprtekUay pnr>
Uem to Lake Ann.
poses ie. by oar rnlea. eonfined to Ue
bosnot sx m. aade X m..alao 5p.
m .and f p. m.
All place* where water M fonnd .
nlny eontrary te Ule role wilt be sbnt
The Talented Actor WIU Freacnt off—except where a special permit baa
Three Fopnlar Attraction Hero.
bomi yranted.
.U. D CaMraxLL A SoNX
W. 8. Bart, Ue talented penny actor,
who bat pleaeed Traverse City andleo-'
-OBO. .
eeaon several eeeaeloa*. and wbo spent
•everal weeks bme teat year, arrived
In Ue aty last alyht from New York.
>7 Mlm Bvaas.
, .
Grand Opera Honse. fSGROCERIES.
Oaup of the B. Vs.
The OUainyHonr—Tbe Boston Store
will eloee every eveainy except Betarday at ciybt o'clock, sharp.
72 St
PeediMg F»nfifi*«* Kot^ m BpeolAltF. Hosm Bended.
■riPBnwrfl sjLB.eoiTA'igT.'B.
B. J. XOBOdJf, Prop.
TM wonahtg MOOBD. TtrBBDAT, lULY 87. 1887.
Today or never
TIm MIm Strik* It
SnUn in
th« Mountain S!laia.
o>u> fM > hmum «r Bm* ^
TMH7.—VatoM •». WUmUbv Ta■.tT.« Thr-«- o' TmMm
Af«M»-W«M*r> atrlk* Krw*.
r»lnnofit. W. Va.. JnJy Sl-Drt* heW
thr«» «wxl meenniw at the varloua
tnlDM yeatertay and « conMem that
the wMm aill he «o(len oat. allhouch
be trtU not nay he ezpKta the move
. toda^. The »«ner*l trapreaatho la that
U the break te not made today It will
«‘be made at alL It U bard to tell
B. tram CttiL HHmtnf a»2( were mobUMed at BrMceTllle. ■bonlr aft* t o'Ooek iber Barti
cd on the maihb with the Aatertean fla«
at tbctr head. Hearty every maw car
ried a dlCMT nan. and they looktd Ilhe
a r*U>eni of teller* aolRt to their work.
The.w^e country Hdr alon« the line
of msreb tnrhed ant to wMnem the Webt
They tearhed the Alllaon mine at ahottl
o'dock and made the beet of their daarNotbtnc v»t done In the way of
arhltratloi Saturday. The «ommli*l«
... rated, and eaped In aecompll*
alderable dorltilt today. They will en
deavor to enltat more of the rt\-er operalor*, and have reason U hope that tbey
wUl be auccegfuL
mtiKk KKWW rwoM n% wmr.
that number of citlMn* » ere at the place
of mevtlnd. W. D. Mabha. preMdent of
the National Strert Car union, spoke for
two hours. He stated that If tfalc strike
The party re
of Topeka arrieed
from \ Al^aba..^lbU
Topeka Gf^bt'| no
KloDdyke" fUUariaf fold bM reborta
'Dycabythe acorea tram Janeae and
Tbe Springfield Hoaae at Ria»tl«ld
Springs. K. T.. caught Arc and wa*
damaged to the extent of about tJOO.OM.
- " s Tork. who was
narryw escape.
_. .4
At an Interesting sale of rrlica of
'3onnle Prince Aaijle” last week at
London tbe bigbeat price paid for a vtngle lot was £1S8 given by J. L. John
son. of Chicago, tor a bedstead used by
k sa the Tariff BIU—Ptlh sf the prince.
Figures Just compiled In Iowa show
that In tbe rtruntle* where there Is dlveralfled farmtng.causlagibes<xumul»y Interesting rventa
In-addition tlon of other feed for swine besida ebra
that the rate of deaths from bog cholera
.to th< dnst act of thr speaker In affixing
1* the loweat.__________________
cignaturt' l« tbe lUnglry tariff bill
Tbe Wsober W* Hay Bsprat.
a bill providing for the creation of a enru JQly M.-PbBowlag ars tb*
rancy commlarinn was crowded through
twswtyjsor boor*
In tbe closing hour* and the. speetatm
lO throngt 6 tbe gallerlea were trealed
i: U*«
a contlnunus.- if not very brIlIUnt.
fuslUadc of oratory tor several boura
Tbe bouae look recess until after the
r (X. tl
Mascoutah. III*.. July i«~At 4 o'clock
Saturday aftemvon a second delegation
of 2Ri strlkrrs sent here from Bradley's
army.' now encamped 'at Belleville,
marched Into Mascoulah to compel the
miners, here Kho had again resume!
at the Beatty and Kolb plu to reout of the sbafta They marched
— the pita with flags flylnx.-and after
conference Induced the m«i to
I return to tbeJr borne*. They art not
i dlspnved to gull and are not rocmbera
I of tbe union. The Bradley delegation
I informed the men that If they resumed
| work before tbf'strtke was declared off
I they might expect snolhkr and sterner
displayed, There was. of course, FannlBga Arthur Priaoe, Billy Walker.
si alferspt
ilfersi to make p<.lll!cal cap- P. J. Cooper. Ben Moore. Harry Waters
of the ailuailon. but all realised and "Baaiue” and tweaty-Ave olbers of
that the bill would ttOI pars the senate,
and to that extent the debate larked ae- note. TbU U aaid to be Mr. Field's
riousnerw. Ptlll the Republican leaders greatest efforL
fell they were doing their duly. When
Kerris cDraediaaa opened
the vole was Uken the Hepubflrans
jiresanted an unbroken front wflb tw., week's engagement in
■ N<‘rth CarnTIr. i (IfWPd last evening to p good bouse
and Mahany nt New Turk—who -valEd ' xk* .iomnene ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '
with thr 4,po#ttl.m against the bill. The company U composed of
needed by
which w*» rars'd !•)' a vcle uf 124
As the Anal act of thrspsrion Ibr spral
-r annuumvd
of tf
OB Canohiburg ^ begun last nlghL^ |
Wg meeting cf miner* was held at Relra- I
_______ Hooker of New York:
Wadsworth of New York: rnmury ■
AIUBOD ' f.,_ u,,„
-..-.I .w.l_ T>n
telle of Maine; postofliceft. etc.. Lfkud of
Calffornls; public lands. Lacey of Iowa:
Indian aSalra SberToan of New Yorfc;
lerrlloflea Knox of Masai'chusetta; Pacldc .rallwaya. Power* of Vermont: Inmigration, etc., DauforS. of Ohio; labor.
Gardner of New Jersey; mlUUa. UarA
of IUIooIb: manufaeturot Paris of Indiana; peBHooa. LoudeiiMacber'of Ne«'
Diek Krrria
. Mr. Krirla U good—br U
eawby aoega and clever Imltatinaa ol
Thr last sirp nicessury i > mskr the
well known actora was'inach appreiCTi ihi- presfdrr.t wrote hi*
uuroe on the Mil with the w.Td
apir-vrd" and the date. There were preset.t R.prt*eritallve» Umgiey and Hagrr,
tn c harge of the Mil: Ati.rri.ey c-n'r-nl
UcKi nr.iL. Secretary 0**<
ibirimaMc f
f5e„eral oao'and Salary Wila n The
uaed to sign tbe tariff act.
C. O. SMITH. Proprietor^
Front street. '
SteiDberg's Gniid Open Hoik
One Klght Only,
TenlgbVJoe Jeffenan's
«se act comedy.
60 PioiineDt People 60
Prof. Bob Thompson’s Mammoth Military Band.
Frank flailstock's Orchesta
Watch for the Big Parade.
PalM>i afta-g^ra-OM hay.
Hew Jertt Jnly aC-WenJamln Btmca,
a I4>vear-«u. schbol bur., wbo at that
OlAim i.
PblCKHi-BoUre Aral floor. 50c.
,Plr*t 2 row* In Kalcooy, Stic.
Next n row* in balcony. He.
No extra charge for rraerved *eaU>.
LaaV 2 row* llaleony fpr cbildres
not reserved. iTk:.
always in stock.
- wL JABRA.~CrS,
Toanelier BUMS
BERRJES-The Palace Bakery \
sebervle*. and all kinds oi irnit for a
Cohner Colon and Heventb streets.
Great'Cut in Bicycles
pay to look at the elagaat line.
H. E. Gibbs, in EIU* bicycle sbop. 31) Kroat Bt
flMp Second band nprigfat Piaao. Boston make, in good eondltioa. with
,VMU stool and rover.
Worth 8225: goes at 8M0 it taken at oaee PaymaoM
if desired. W. W Kimball Co
N. E-Strong. Mgr. Traverse City Braheh.
Accidents Impossible lyiafeaadwQinotexploda. It U d
ard p.int* out the neerrrity ' h the lart i mirrrvni a » rnfnai inr .....'—nn. i.i
of thli guvennnent .f maintaining *|T ‘irailoo m perieniag^Md^Iui^’Sm
currency as fwA ae Any in the world. I. City Opera Boas* Blork.
The etabimy of th. natl-.r.'s currenvy. 1 _
, „oRTON N---------------------------------. N D . nysletao and
be say*, was declulyaly declared fur In
sargeoB ba> loraic
wird I^Tmvera Oly.
New York. July ».-Dl*trict Araembly
Nu'«. of ihe'Knlght* of Labor, yester
day paaed strong rasolutions conden
lug tbe nomlnaUon of T. "\ Powd"^
a* United Stata eoinmM
er of Imnftgratlon. Powderly was dencuaeed as
renegade and jraltor for turning to gold
after tpeaking for year* In favor of free
In saad lOe. Ogmn
8. good stock. 81.Mj
81.15. Boys'. Tov_________________ ____________
chAap. A. T. Joheaoe. Month Hide Hhoe Stora.
S. BROWN, attoiiey and Ceaserllor M
Law. Bieclal nI.cB:ioa W eellecUoe.
iinreynnclB* Sn Frocil At.
Si 3
* J*'"*
Ike Recagaizail leaders
Boys’ Blouses
and speeialiiea.
X ^MN. A^hiig. *
men cf emlcei-t aMIlty
Thls commhrlnn I* expect^ to exar
examine *
tbe pr-fcnl syrtrin of harking and cur
rency and all scheme* and suggertlcn*
for its I
now or htrvaflci, and report by Nov 1
c OILBRFT Aitowr
The t rerirteiil reffiv t.i the eu- X* leailca M PrvlwiepTwrUre
preuir im|H>rtarcv of a nal>le currency ! IO.Mercaaille Co. Blork.
J. A. Moptaffoe. 127 Proai HL
Cyclists, Look Here!
Soda Water,
The Best Candies;
MeLellA A Ash, eor. Krool aod Park, and rear Maaonic Block.
TTTAIfTRD-Sexperteeeed di
PrAam PrAA7Ai‘C Lawn mowara. garden hoae.. Screen doora.'
LI cam n tTCZCid tl 00: window*. 25 or SOc. 8. K Mortbara,
s____________________ ^____________ Front SL. adjoining MeNamara’a shoe stora.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
are refer,
e fUlr of
The , prettiest in
to 83 00. Alfrod
Friedrich Block.
Have You Seen finch?
wheel adjnsted for 25c.
Boldsworth Block. UnioifstrMt.
BALg-ai^e load
AnirilC 'MrPnll f^tieal Horeeaboar, Trotung and Bead bones a spw
mtgUb ITILVrUM cUUy. Third door west of MorgaB S Uvery Bar*.
, City Lnmber
to Hrw. BUlisgB, BiUlag* C<
'■ Qamw- 817 B^ stracL
10 per cent
I have moved
ainca or Toilet articles.
Pari^ Rrfifin
I ai iO Ul UY7II
for them-
Re^r Raelsg Tor CUps-Owat las* yahr
OarkBaaSu Arl^"Bl«liie''up8.' rat an.
InaerTubas, gaee enra.saes.........................
Lederle's STfSa.
G. A. Johnson A Co.
Powd«w Tbist* potato bag Ume. Look on*
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
flrrs/.VBh'JI CARDS.
saved his life.
'• 2
Have yen tried our laakaa
"Usd Me ^ve Shll-
liuga.'' will be given with i
ireridcBt McKinley's cunvrey mesage le • n tbe line* suggvrled by
vc--nt Indianapolis ronvrrtinn. Hr eug-|C
rest* that the executive be au’horlsrc
rlsed I »'
Thnrs., July 29
u ii
Sweetly anff Ham Mylle.
Krank MlUer and Fred Langley
well received, at. also, was Oeo. Lad„ ' AiiDt Eglantine." an ancient
But Dlngley i t'oos between the acU made tbe waiu
produi^ a besultfol mMher-cf-peari
har.i.cd pea. and teoveeted that It le
u»n1 for the stgnata’re
Th> pr-*ldrtit
recognised the tight of Dlngley and uxd
The New Shoe Store,
role U very Uklng.
's;,as s, 'J: : -‘■e-
r not lem than noo. nor more than ! these Important questions received con$300. or Imprisonment not to exceed slderatlon In the houae.
ninety day*, or both at the diaoetlon of
tbe Douri for each offense. Oe Armllt
aaya that law Is uneonstltutioiial.
Pittsburg. July 2*.—«xty deputysherIffs.htve been ordered out. Their dcAgWashington. July rS.—The chalrmeo
Chicago. July 28.—James O'Dannell
natlon has been kept a profound mcreC of tb* most Important ccrnfnhtee* as
hut Into a crowd of email boy* wbo
but It If supposed they are to be sent named by Speaker Reed Saturday night
were playii : iiail near his home yesterto tbe mines of the New York and
as foUows: Foreign aSsIn. Hilt ^ day. Thon
Good, aged U. and Frank
aeveland.Oaa Coal company tfanticllIlDOl*:apprcpr1aGoBACamiano(IlllPOle;j.Sp^i^ aged 8. colored,
were badly
IpBtloD of any raid that may bk-B^e.
Judiciary, Henderson of Iowa; banking; wounded
probably die. A*
A* the eimwi* oflirtal* dertlTv thaTthe
«»m» known an
neighbor* surrounded
Btfora ovkhtiif stag* than CM deter-
llaMtD.N or gSK BoefeB.
Jadge Caolay Taken to a tealtaHa**.
Ann Arbor, Mich.. Jaly 2d.—Judge
Thomas H. Cooley was taken from_hl*
home here this murning to a private san
itarium near Pontiac
He Is tn a very
> very short tine
was decided to make another tramp
aorass.Hi< country and reinforce the IM
Strlketa thal have been on guard. They
vrill remain until tomorrow morning.
Tberr was a great hurrying to and fro
In an the mining selUemcnts In that saclion before the sun went down. Women
hare bean among ths aiost active agl-
I Me. wrorlli.
. 8 t«
to be depopulated.
port, and one i
r and thirty-one
Thobtilepl MotM.
, stconds after tbe t
engrooed. but t
signed and on Its
Tba following U a Uat of a few ef U»
way<lo t
president The ueraonsirations which marked these events were premioent -people wbo will anw
spoalaneouc and entfauriaeilr Ir. the ex- the Oruod Opera bouae oo neat Tburetreme. The galleries played a algnlflcant 4»y eveolBf wlU Al Q. Pield'a Eeflned
part In them.
When Uie president's
MlseUeU: Mr. Harry Fiddler. Daa
message came In rec^fnendlng tbe
creation cf a cuirency commlsrion It was Palmer. Harry Hock. Billy MUler. BlUy
rered by ih* Republican leaders Caldwell. Marsh Craig. "The Uumao
with great promptitude.
Cork Serew." The Wood Bro'a the
- •
world's greateat colored arrobata, Prof.
■5 the delethe adpiln^ratloh. was D. W Sandere' troua of . performing
ate* were Instracled to t
I vole afl>r so hour's de dogs ud monkeys. Don Marrenno the
Bly three day* a,week until l E strike
Cuban wonder, O. 6. O. Patterson,
lated on both I
were also ln*i|beted to use tbeir ben sharp exchangt • and some bitlernera Babe tfbel^. W. H. Alexaader. Wash
tD..... ..
M pulra of Moore * 8b^ Sboea. rreoeh EM. eomraoi
Sitka and boU placea are threatened
roelegaai Mat Mm Ha«r aoAra
liar. Saturday sent telegrams to officer*
glut of HMOwa
of thirty-eight national trade unmna
Washington. July 2t.-The n
railing for a conference to t» held at
portanl piece of legislation, .■oiridr •■flioi’d.
Wheeling, W. Va- at ms.n tomorrow.
*•- tariff bin. cnai ted by <-ongress at '
T^tl* wa» done In response to thJ tele
MerWer af ■ Ttehat Rraher.
: the extra' session wa* the amendment
gram from Prosldent W D. Katrbford.
Luula July 2*.—George Hei
of tbe United Mine Worker*
to the general deflcleocy hill, limiting
lea. sent out Friday night.
of annor plat- fur the three who has charge uf a ticket br»k^’
offlev uppoatle the -Union station, was
new battleships
to «00 per
the secretary of th- navy should fled It fatally shot last night hy a negrunamed
The latter went
cgtilracta for armor-: Matthew Hancovk
Thai an hetaew* TU tl* Iwsd 'AaalMt Da
■ ticket office i
wHhIn the price fixed be .was authorixed '
ArmU* - AaatWr BalA
by Ibis provision to take steps tu es
and when It »
Pittsburg July 2S.-In*tead of march
nn live tintes <
tablish a government armor plate fac
ing oo tbe New York and aeveUnd
tory of suOtrlent capacity to make the
Oaa Coal company's mlpa. as Arat de-.
Tbme Vanag Me* MaU WaaL
tertnlnvd oc by the mlnet*. tbe exeettIn executing this authority be must
Owoou. HIcb.. July td.—Rufus Oolt
llv* board at a special merilpg baa de
prepare a description and plans and
and William Rauflman. two young men
cided tu make a legal test uf tbe new apeclflcstton* uf tbe land, buildings and
of Perry township, have been arrested
adeUte mining law. It is claimed that
Charged with etrallag 800 pounda of wool
frdm the elevator at Morris. The thieves
stole a team and,'wagon.from a farmer,
and after loading the wool drove to
Lansing, where they disporad of IL
my Ttdnotssra
iMducad ta ua».Wark.
ES The InJURcigs at tbe railroad ruticn and ether places In the
town for tbe purpme cf Ititimidating the
i- emfdcyed c
u lie hereafter
employed by the Mitchell company. Batdrday the hearing v
.......................... :e In-
Dr. Burge, pu son-in-law. at Paw
tucket, I* siitklng rapidly, and ii not exall eo^Unfa udlpseted lo^urmrc twenty-four taeun.
Seattle. July 2A.—The ytaamer City
have received a copy of the rrsxIuUora
twiwed by a lalwr organisation In Wkihif a local nalurr. made
Ingtun. D C.. In which' 1
i"'" "irraiora and w ill rtrik- unlea the
as a coward and ray aetTon tT
n of
.It tbe
tbe Waehiegi'n
Waehlngl'n fd'-'"*'’'!* are gram-d. 'Tlie trouble baa
tMrriy. The action
>e appearei\<n of a local grievance, but
organisation Is contemptible Ixcause It
I* thought .that the eastern trouble 1*
^^>Ka> not cee aclntllla of irOth upon abich
at the bottom u
dents cf Oalmrin. and their wiva and
n the vicinity
g J. U Hilchell A Co.'s coal n
•» and
that tbe aiaeis are fleekiaf^SWard
AH ere wall
nearly half a centnry afo.
'R'eM inrylnta miners. sr.d that a grnrr* si boycott wculd -he declared against all endeavor* witl^the stale meeting to ar
West Virginia coal In the future by all range fur cheaper powder and blackorganisations of labor In the t'niird amlthlng work. The meeting was at
Stslea Over 100 men said they would Join tended by more than SOD out of 100 min
thr union. There U ae doubt but that er* bere.
Braall. Ind.. July 2t.-Tb« Mock coal
all will go cut tomorrow. Mahon aaya
miners met . In mas*-com^ttun here
that at Wheeling tomorrow anion win
be taken that will cause a eetllemeni Saturday and reported every mine idle.
at once or a general strike will be calhd CoromiKee* were appointed to visit
liiany part* of the stale and aollclt aid
AtIriWaa km'-e. ihe LMMSere «r l.ytas.
Cbarirstnn. W. Va.. July J«.—Oovernor
Alkihsor’s euratlon was last night call turd, stating that the national organlulion rtiuM not atd the mlnets In a dDaned to the char^ made by tbe strike or
ganisers that fr^ sperciwwsr not aJI-.w- clal manner, a* less than tno had twen
ed in WeM Virginia. The gnvemcr said: reivived! by them and It wa* nccearary
„y ,p ; to uae this In g-ttlng Weal Virginia nut.
labor ■ •**
ri-pjrt that (he nallunal
commllte* bad re«elv*d a donailnei of
fst-r* who have ccroe InU this tale have ; Mo.ooo wa» a fake The donation was »54
<>skal»’*a. ta. July 2« -The coal
been allowed the greatcsi lll-rty
lalMT ! mlnera of the O*kalo<iaa Coal and Mmspeech. I Vlleve tP Ibe right
».-Lasi Tnerilay
Judge BelL of Cambria county, g
many have eappUe^ for tbiwe
'■_________ ___
Special July ....
Wfare.aH emeptflftyof wbowara
bMwd for tbe fold fielda.
provtaloaetf and
PJtMbur*. July H.-ttie del«cate eonTentton repreacwtlnf ooutheaMern Kanma coal miners. In secret sesalon here
Saturday adopted resolutloca indoralns
the raaiern airlke. but deetded by an
orerwbelmlo* majority acatoM a sympatbettc sink*. Orsaolsera T. B. kl<s
romance to the meeting.
A leedlng labor roan who haa been
national president of one of the greatest
t here otfl fallk . orwanlaallona In the United Stales said
The operator* must not
all tbe orfanlaer* will lesve this dutrlct | yeslenlay:
they can smuggle coal oat of
« 1made to stop tb*
■'and an eflort will bd
Kansas to go into strike territory. It
ninninit of coal tralne
la one of the dortiina of organlaM la
bor that, whenever one aet men com
E* are I
and no men are'allowed on the com- mence to do work that 1* to tbe Injury
pahy** fround*. - A body of orranlsed of organism! labor the .work becomes
men atayed at each of tbe dIRerent scab work.- Tbe mloera of *outbern
mlna last nl<M and a beeculean effort Kansas are union men. A* long aaMey
mine coal for Kaoaas and lerrfary
fa to be made to Induce the
which they have been accustomed to
supply they are occupying neutral
Today will certainly aetlle the strike ground, and are not interfering.. When
• way or the other, ae far a* this they .mine coal to be uaed In tertltory
nsuall)' supplied by miner* who are
rtoB la concerned.
become In tbe eyes or or-.
May Call for s Oewaal Otrtk*.
J they
call seabe.
W. Va.. July «--The'*»»»
-union coal as soon
________r meetlny advertleed for yeattr*
day ban proven a ereai suchea from the as It gets Into.strike tenitbry."
Bevler. Ho.. July 2C.—.At tbe general
miner-* *t*ndpolnt. On every train
srora of miner* arrived. At
T o'clock msM meeting of miner* held bere dele
lart nlyhl about SOO miners and dcublc gates to the state
drowned hlmaeir In the Hudson Satur
day dgkt bsoatme ha WlM to p«iM iho
exanilnatiec at tbe College of ike City
of New Tort, being dcAclcnt in drawing.
HU body was recoTcred.
ar Mestoe baa left' thia port with too
------------ .MIsen-Betpa «• ttrlke. hot WUJ
Net' XHc Coal toe the Baat.
. wrbere be and Rea ed1 meellnCB. A houee to house
Get vonr axterminstor from R. R kflllar, tto'
New Process Vapor Stoves,
ice Cream freezers, Etc.
Exhibit of DryGoods -^.
AUG. 3
Than one week. Aug. 3, tbe great BingUngBros.' Circus will
exhibit In Traverse City. It la eaid to be a great show, and
no doubt many of the readers ol this ad. will come to see it.
On the same day there will be an
That wUl bear about the same relation to the ordinary av
erage Dry Ooods stock that BingUng Broa' show does to
the old fashioned circus that formerly traveled tnrough
the country.
' we ehaU dffer on that day, and other days, some notable values in
new fall styles.
W« simplj- motion thU, not to mdyrtiee the critter;ibaf to say that we believe that for 60c. yon
will aee more clothing here than at the ^rcna: 60c. invested with us will bring better returns: 5ft:.
will go a long ways toward covering the body. A man eoald, if he wera bard pushed, buy an entire
suit for 60c. Such days bring crowds to our store. COMMEKCIKG TUESDAY, AUG. 3, and
continuing for a period, we shall make it wann by dividing our entire stock of Suits (aside from
black)^inlo----- ^ .
...4 Divisions...
A lot of handsome Plaids, just the thing for children.
at per yard....................
....... — ......... —
A line of Plaids "Imitation Shepherd” and other Ilf*
styles. Also some half wool stuff, at per yard,
A splendid assortment of new .style i 0\/ Xr 1 R/*
” Fall Colorings " Brocades, at...... A
0&, XU
Handsomer than ever shown before, is our line of—
26c Dress Goods
Prices sai9, $4.95, $6.95 and $9.95.
(Toods we ha\-e sold from S4 to 36 all tbe eeasota. We could get more for them
but prefer to close these lots and sUrt m new again. Bwnember, we guarantee
our prices to be the lowest.
All wool, silk and wool, cotton and wool. Newest combina
tions in’color, .latest wdkves. Early purchasers will make
no mistake this season. Prices will not be lower, may be
40-inch goods at per yard ............ ...................... ■ QQp
Most beautiful styles ever shown.
A Popular Price is 60c
An economical price too. in our judgment; style and ser
vice are combined. The markets of the east and west
have contributed their best values to our assortment.
DIVISION 2-$4.95..
In Black Goods
DIVISION 3™$6.95......
Our Black Serge
Inclodea some excellent bargama at ivm 86-and 87.- The room is worth more
to ns than the goods at regular pricw. Come and see them.
Here are much better values and, when they are once sold we shall hardly be
able to duplicate them at the price. Remember we guarantee our prices to be
the lowest.
All our 312, 31.3 and 814 goods put Into this lot, iuclodiug many of the well
known Steiu Block Co's goods, fine made, very latest go^--we want to ciuee
every dollar of our Summer and Fall Weight Goods and the price will do it.
If yon have been in -the haLit of paying from 313 to 3I<> for a suit and can use
one now, a clear and positive saving to you. Best goods. See' them on
Everv- Straw Hat in stock reUiiiug above
2^.....................HALF PRICE, to close
One lot Mep'eWorkiog SuBpenders, good,
closing price............................................
A whole stock of Childrea'B Short Pant
SoUs, former values from 32 to 33, to
close that day for................................... $1.88
JUBt Look at tbe quality)
A big lot—Good <or the money—it pays to
buy better.
Lot Men’s Overalls, double/ front and
Keeney patent buttons.........................
50c. buys an excellent overall.
Children’s Short Pants, per pair, from
A lot Very cheap.
Choicer patterns and better goods than ever. Scores of
styles in black goods that we cannot even mention. Our
stock excels all others combined.
. '
Trimmings for Colored ^nd
Black Dress 0oods_.
We are closing a handsome watered silk, blkck, at......... 49c
An elegant Armure silk, black, several styles, at 63 & 69c
Some velvet for trimming
................................ • • 19c
.A small lot of single dress patterns and skirt patterns at
half former prices and in some cases even less.
Fall and Winter Capes & Jackets.
A complete new stock, bodght early and bought right.
Better values we never offend.
good, per pair..,'.
Has been winning trade for us for several seasons. It
will continue to do so this season at the same
old price .......... ..................................................
All Wool Black Brocade,
DIVISION *-$8.}5......
We excel all others.
Unapproachable \-alues at............. ..........
Guaranteed perfectly fast color and to stand washing and
exposure to sun.
Remember Ire guarantee
prices and values.....
No one sells a bang up good<n-erall for 2Sc.
We sell as good or better one than is fouud.
Men's Shirts,full size, best value we .
have seen.............................
Better pne 3a to 50c.
■Children’s Cotton Waists, a good lot
BIous^—rary good, see them................ 83c
Remember iHfe Guarantee our Prices and Values.
We do not wish to deceive the public by making it appear that really first-claaa Koode <Ja be
Iwught first, laet and all tbe time for a eong. It has become customary to aee bow cheap goods can
be adrertised, regardless of vinality.
In bard times price is the importand consideration. Quality should be, and with the past few
yearn experienee in buying merchandiae simply Iwcauae there was a “cheap Ule” to it, bae proven
offensive. Every
and wonun will gladly welcome a b^ter condition of things, and cousider
what is for their beat interests in trade and go accordingly.
When we advertise a price we ti^ to put the besft value possible into tbe article. It is anrpriaing lb us to see how cheap iomfe goods are. We endeavor to keep good faith with the public, by
showing what we advertise by ideating no falae impr^ona as to tbe real \-alne of goods, by readily
making any required exchanges in articlee.purcbaeed; by refunding the purchaae money if for any
reason tbe purchaser is deairaus of doing ao; thus we hope to coutlnne for an indefinite time with
the people of this country. CX)silE ANiJ SEE-----
A Black Beaver. 28-inchp length, stprm col- - ® Q QQ
lar, double breasted, fly front
A Boucle Cloth. 3 pair stylish buttons, storm
collar, last year price $7-50. now......................
Black Beaver, inlaid velvet storm collar, fly
front silk faced........................................
Black Kersey. 3 pair of buttons, big collar,
splendid cloth..................................................
All handsomely stitched, seams bound, thor
oughly well made.
Heavy wide Herring Bone Boucle. elegant braid loops for
ornamental closing and supplemental buttons and fly front
for service, storm collar and wide silk facing. 0Q RO
Last year equal-value S12.GO, now ......... . -.
A Black Kersey, all silk lined.
A Hummer...................................................
A Plush Cape, fancy Silk lined. Thibet fur trim- K QA
ming, handsome ornamental braiding..............- v* wr
A big double Cape, full sweep................
A long Cape, double
f>laits. deep braid trim- g AA
ming of Jet and cord —....................................
Plenty of other prices, equally good bargains.
iOur Domestic and Notion Stocks are'Complete and
offer Special Inducements.
Don't fail4o visit the only exclusive Dry Goods
House In Traverse Cltv.
Fii«t Yew-No- 72.
•iNftft. ftre Mqocfttftd to BMt tht* ev«B-'
Ber. A. E. WalU want to KortLport
lor lo
CftftU* Hftll of Ui« locftl
lodr^i, for the porpcfte of <Bftnrarftlinr
ftcUre fttep* for tb* lusUtotioa of tbe &ATX
LouU A. Pratt relamed yeeter^y to
Bew ore«r lo tbiieUf. A foU bUodAnn Arbor.
Made and delivered in the last 20 working days.
AOAIK8T $8.58
BinroAT XU XAH..
dftBM b 4eftlred.> «o Uftl ooBBiUlee
Bert Oillaoda of Pomooa. baa beem
The people know where the largest and tiest
•U7 be ebouB for the •eTftrftl porUon* The Totftl T*« lory le • $47.
rialtlog Bee. B. Salabery.
, XHfloaltyOrweBorMLKtto JoetiM of work fteowrySpngne PraU wtbt to Gyand Raplda
selected stock of Mouldings can alwaj's be found.
iMt Teftr It Wftft Bore Th*n Sight
Oowt, then to ft Hot* Bftrionft BiuiftId order to ftceure for tbU city Ui*
yeeterday to altand the iBccaThooftftad DoOftie Kor*—Tbe HeftT*
MUa Bertha Hedden retomed to her
ttfaa—OlftlBft to ^vft Bmo ITbUv- order it will be oeceeMry for loo cbbeat
dMfttae to be reoftlTed'into memberborne is Brand Baplda yesterday.
fUl7 ImpriMaed■bl{>. Tbe order wUl be isetituted by
Mias Elrlna and UyrUe Stanton hare
City aerk Btekerd b»e e.
Wmifttt UlftckmftB ol PftfftdlM townM. B. HOULEY, Mas
tax roll for 18U7 and it U aow Id tbe reumed from a rlait to Elnpaley.
John Loranger and S S. Pratt went
bands of Tfeaaarer WlnDie.
_B by ftay ler»l prooem r^t«««
brftBcb- The d*te {• sot yet poelUvely
It will be iotereaUng to know that
Oftrtftia offlciftlft of' tbe eonety tboee Oxed. but U Uexpeoled tbet-ll will
The Miaaes Marion and Winlfre$
the amount oe taxes levied this year la
, ftftme offlelftU moy hbee reftaoo to wleb be Augaat IV. When the organiaatioo more than $«.090 leaa than iMt. Tbe; }^tt and Ethel Thomas spent Sunday
tbftt they bftd bftd leei bntlBeM with
takes plaoe a special train from Oraad „te In 1S90 was 8t S8 per 4100. Tbia »t lM»Bg Uke.
George MeUllao niece MlaaHcUl-.
year the rate U reduced to 5f.l«.
d»y IB Jftll. ftod
Tbe heaviest raducUon ta in tbe Ian, will leave thb mOmiag for a>
BOW it le eUimed tbeV ft fteriee of bluS'
But it's no lie when we sAy that our Picture
which are tn.lts.M) lem week's ooUag at Inland.
den bat raenlted 1b fftlae Imprteonmest.
A. L. Joyce fished la Osrp Uke Bnnthan last y^. The city taxes are
Framing takes second place to nqne in the
for whleh tbftt party propoeeie .to deWhile fetnming from an onUng af
tS.SS4.05 lees. Tbe total levy for 18»« day and bvongbl home a fine lot of
tsftftd fftU and Immedlfttondrem.
Bannle Uke. Sunday erealng, John
city—try us.
tse.SS^.OS. This year It b only base and pbkerel.
Blaekman and'bit Delghbors Id and
mon fell from tbe load aod striking
F. W. Bryan, a Chicago merchant
ttS.m.TO. In tbeae Umas when
ftboBt Bemmlt City bare beee at aworda a stamp reoelTed painful injnriea. be omy b the princlpel theme tbe above I.wbo has been enjoying tbe flstalag at
poiaUforb leer tine and Blacki
sides being ooBsldeiably shaken np
figures will tend tdyratlfy tboM who i Carp Uke. b sUyiag at I^k i’lsc
elftlme to Bare been aeoatloBed esi
Ttm others in tbs party were Frank
r the burden of taxaUoo. Though | Uouaid D. Verdler of Grand Bapida.
annoyanc* from what he baa been Ubm and family, Mrs. John Jameson.
indivldnally tbe brf^en wUl not be | pesaed fcrobgh Ue dty yesterilay ea
pleated to itnu the “erlmiBal element” Un UesU and famUy. George Jame lightened to any great extent, yet it b! roDte for one of the resorts, and dined
ef/thax locality. The adrhbon ou tbe son and family and Hr. Smith and
know that the aggregate > at Park Place,
oUier band bare eootended that Hlack- family. Barring this accident s pleas
\ Mr. and Mrs. Washington Pound and
~^wa baa been eHnally annoyiag U ant week was spent.
daughter Clara and soa daude arrived
IntbecUylbstPlgtattovUlt tbe fam
ily of O- F. Carver.
Appointed by Ant
Constaoee WilUama.
bare been reeponaible for tbe appear- Taken to Karquette by Under
tbe company of W. S.
anee of Blaekman aad-bb nelybbon
Aebton Yeeterday.
At a meeting of the AaU-Salooa open hi* sea»n bare, arrived la tbe
- in eonrl eereral timea. tbU laat treable
Uaffue last night tbe following per dty 8und^ aeoompanled by J^n
Uwis FitcbeUbasgooetoMai
acema to bare culminated in an irrernmanent committees.were appointed;.
Whllely. mhnager of tbe company.
for two years. <
larptooeedlnrAgitation—Eev. D. Coeblln. Perin
Harry E. Hooker, son of Judge Book
It was two fresks ago today that
' It ia aUefed that on Saturday a
Kltehett was arreatod by I nderahurift Whitman. K^- Mary Moore, Mrs. W. er of tbe Michigan Sepreme eourt. ar
lag Blaekman eeited a mare -and ooU
rived ia tbe dty last night aoeompanAshton in s hotel on Mackinac Island K Wright, Rev. Salabnry.
from the premiaea of James tlaya. adLegialatlon—M. C. Dodge. C. T. led by hb wife, eb route to Ke-ab-Uwith Mm Hnbbell. with whom
joinlnr bia own place, and impounded
Folgbum. C. H wants, where they will spend tbe eomeloped from Antrim oeonty. The de- Orawn. F. J
^em. Blackman elmmed that they
talU have been printed In tbe Esct>iu>. Dockaray. F. E. Walker.
were on bia prepay, Oaya pyoteated
l—John OUHa C. k
Uw Eaforoement-Jo
Ute arrieals at Ne-ah-1,a-wantt are;
Be was convicted Saturday aftemwn
. that they were not, but wbea be made
Bammaod. tV. 8. Cmlor, G. A. BolU- Jud^ Fraak A. Hooker and wife. Unandsentenoe pamed yesterday mo
a damand lor tbe animala it ia eald
day. Geo. W t'urtbe.
dag: M. C. Terr^ aad wife. Durand:
ing. The efforts of bis 'oonnsel. Jd to gire them np
FlDaaee—N. E- Strong. Charice Lao- Mbs Clarioe A. Long.' lockport. N. Y.;
nttehin. to have tbe prisoner admitted
srithont a tee of tl tor
tobaU.pendlngacUon in tbe ease by caster, Elu.
nu„, Bo.v»: w.
| ^..^ything th«t is riehl in Furninhing,
The demand was refosad. Tberenpon
the Sopreme court, were unavailing. EnroUmeat-B. U- Aliya. Mra. A- J- ll^naiupld.; «... E.H.8p.eorJ,«l ( right
suit in tort against
N. D. Byers, New York.
Fitcbett waa aentenoed to two years In Helm. N. 6. Chapin.
Blackman who ■as ameted npon a the itau's prison in MarqueUe aad Im
Hoepltaliiy—Mrs. G. 8 Korthrup,
bats bean/
wanant which ta mid
. At Barb. Boogbeyb Oaap.
mediately Uken there by Underaberiff Mrs. Busbee. Mbs F. Chapla.
neither a citU or cri
A party coBsisUng of Joe Klaasdn.
Prem Commlltbe—Mrs. J. L. Gibbs.
bnt rather a croae between the two.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
Nell Klaasen. Bert GanneA aad Alley
Tbe tax title chancery case of Knee- Spragns Pratt. Mbs Mabel Bstea.
Tbe eaae was tried before Juslioe
aod VenrsTbomss drove to Herb.
•- Chase of Paradise township snd Black land and Cole rs. Herman Hyman waa
Bougbey’s camp at Carp Uke Seturday
man was sentaneed to pay r.'O wd decided' against the pUintIffs This
Kelley put lo ulgbt and spent moat of Sunday fUhaeUon was brought to quiet the title of
ooata or go to lail for SO day*.
■mug Ug. FiftT-three fine black bass, three
nqn-reeideut property of which Hvman
*«k yesterday afteruoon polH^
Bl&okman refused to pay. TbsD there
large pickerel, and numerous smaller
was owner, and upon which the taxes
burdocks along tbe bank of tbe
fry brought tbe total eateb up to about
was more trouble. He was ordered ta was owner, aad upon which
plalnkes to tbe oouDty Jsil at Traverse City.
100 pounds of fi^. Tie party were
C. M. Hfll. formerly- eonneeled
^>t^t'CoDstable Wykofl was otterly noroyally entertained by Mr. Bougbey
able to execute tbe order of tbe Court Tbe evideDn in tbe ease showed tbel
bee. b nowamoL-iated with A. E. Pbin- while at tbe camp.
wltboDt aasUtanco' Aid was furnished, Hyman bad made every effort to to pay
oey In tbe life inaaraUi basioeea.
however, aod Blackman, in eba^e bf tbe Uxee
Guite a somber of excuraionbU
three men. was broogt.t here SaUrdey '
came up from Cadillac aod other poioU
night and lodged in jell- Sheriff Simp------------eon has bad DO experience of this ns- j Buge Lins BeUbliabed Between Old ontbeU. B. AI Sunday, aad some of
Is none too good for* yon..
them took a sail on tbe ateamer Colomtare thus far duriag bU term of o«oe.
Xiehion and Ve-ab-ta-wanta.
and be slated veslerdsy that in order
A stage line has been eambibhed bm'on the bay.
The steam barge Bilten and ooesort
to be sure that be was all right be snb- between Uld Mbsion and Ne-ah-umittad the eommitment to Prosecutor wanta. Tbe st^ will connect with tbe sebocmer Grace Grammoad of Milwau
Twaddle to see If it was all right; aod Traverer Bay line of sUameru • both kee. are being loaded with lumber for
docks of tie Traverse
being assured that tbe document was morning and atteraoon. aod the new
O. k. ba received Mr. B
arrangement will be e great eouvea- City l.umber Cotbe solemnity and deeomm neoMMry | iao^ to tbe reeorters of'both places , Thime who desire to assUt in the
take no other. We gnaraaInoaam of and a benefit to cltisens and bnsinM ; Bally Day eborus. are reminded of tbe
tee you satisfaction.
J in tbe parloraof the CongregaUonal church this evening. A Urge
pay the board of tbe prisoner. U thl-|
BmaabeU mer xnumo.
| attendance Is desired,
inetanoe. to make sore that BUckmso ; Salordsy afternoon little Mary Haa-.medv '-Lead Me Five
wouldreoelvetbepropertrestmeotaudlslovsky. who lives ea tbe West ^Idc.
her |
be aoeorded baoomUg vigiUnce, a | suffered
a severe Injury to one
week's board wss paid in advance.1 thombe. She was engaged U the pas-.
Teomedy. "Uocle Joeh." will
In tl. meantime Blsokman bad se-iUme of se^«w wlU s companion.
Kerri. ComedUn. tocored tbe cervices of P. C. Gilbert, wbc 1 when one ol her bands was caught beO^d
took a trip to Paradise township in the tween the board and tbe timber. The
of kU Chet. B. kool.,«l <k.»b™ »dlyk,.U«i. kit will oo.
Tk, B-Uof. 1-, bkU t~. -U1
opok ktak.l.rolh.lh.fOo..i. bkl],ik».,tok.Uk«. „lf.
|plk, tm,k«,»k,r,io*... J »i <■
10. 11 and i:. MaaUtee
nlsK) np .tkt, of .ffklm In the mM-1
---------------;B0YS-, YOITHS- AND LITTLE GENTS'
time, also, Shei^ Oimpaon began to;
| Colu will eome up with a hundred
rooters and a Urge party of tbe promhave doubu abool the regularity of
ThMC Were Yreed From Irkaome! inent Udiee of tbe Salt City, wbo wiU
tbe proceeding and conclnded to have
Bonda Yeaterday.
' asalat the Colu in their endeavors, to
aaotber Interview with tbe proaeci
Not finding that offleUl reidlly be | In the Circuit court yealerday tbe detest tbr Hostlers.
Men's IHttent Leather esd Eadivoree were
UtSd tbe situation to Geo. U. Croas,! following
Tbe BenU Bole.
B/und to Wear aod Good Style.
amels. lonner price 45.00 and
Hr! Tweddle’s partner, wbo gave as‘granted;
Harriet Lavender, wife of John W.
tO.uo. to eloac out at $8.00.
hU opinion that the prisoner eonld not} AdelU Scott vs. James ScolU Hattie
ilB.r,.»ri.lk..k.rilI |<n..diL«lm«
B. f.nO~I, KnlU.
be knld.
tbe prosecutor as he was about
Bund I.n™ *. Tbe
^bn fnueral
Idnn^l wss
CTn held
knld from
Iren, tbe
thn M. K.
eat of the clti aod npon diKuasiog! Stocking vs. Oliver P. Stocking. AddU church at WlllUmsburg yesterday.
tbe details he was iMtroeted to releese M. Lydell vs. WtUUm Lydell. Eva
Mr. and Mta Otto Everly of ali^U.
Blackman, which Mr. Slmpeon bsat- Luce vs I'rmnk Lnoe.
Men's SaUn Calf Shoe*, i^ilu tbe are mourning tbe death of their infant
' Ur 41.75 Shoes, now going at
«aed to do, abool toar o'clock.
I son, JohBDte. wbo died Sunday morn
When BUckmao left the JsU be ob- conrvsdjoamed.
ing of spasms. The remains were
eerved that be would probably be back
taken to Walton for burUI yeeterday.
U a few days, aa. if tboee -with whom
Tbe Foneb base ball teaBr-vSvbltoMs- Phoebe A. HUl, wife of Timothy
be waa haviag trouble did not leave
him alone there would be some shoot- wasbed the Leland team at Cbt TaU UiU of Kingsley, died of beert failure
PoUl Snnday. the score being 95 to ti.- At Mie reetdenoe et ba-dsugbtar. Mra
Uff. /
Men's Light Color Tan Shoes
WbUe Id Pnmdlse township, Att^^ Battariee. Fooch. Kilmer. Neneoa an^ Albert Smith in Oak Park, aged 42
$5 to 60 pet cent, dwcouni.
yeara Tbe rsmaiDS were taken to
Gilbert msde a apeelal appeal' befofc KalalUae, LeUnd. Oxtk and Lederle.
Get them before eraeon la over.
Jostice-Cbato and tM enee will go to'
Frank Frlcdrlob entertained a party Kingsley for burial.
tbe Circuit eourt in tbe tall term.
of friends cn tbe yacht Hasan A Pingrcc
One Day's Onttca
TbU however. U not aU. Blackman Jr.. Snnday________________
Victor Montagna ban received a leA
has gives his attorney final and Imper.Oblo^ Market.
tar from J; A. Moaiagne wbo, with bU
peraUve InsimetieDs to begin sulU for
LadiM' BUek aa^ Tba Plngree
aamages against Jnstlee Cbssc. Sberlff -Chicago, Jnly ».-Wheat-j'niy. two SOBS and a party of friends left
A Smith Jalieta. former price
Simpson and Conatabls Wykoff f<
TfiKc:’ September. 79 ke; December. here Isst Tueedsy for a eralse to Geor- 43. cloeUg out priew$8.
Cora-Jnly. 9SHo: September. 96N14 bU new sloop, the Onawa U a swift
aIlo Ho XlatAka.
'Lumber Company. We have ter wle Good, Sound Hem:
9«hc: Deeember, 97Ne: May. subi« sailer and entirely meets bis views as
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Flank. Maple Flooring,
a Mfe and Us't saiUng craft. After
' Meetlag Tonight to Frepare FUaa fbr
Usu-July. 17ko: Beptember, Kkia: leeriag here tbe parly went to Omeoa.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for<sale> Mill Machinery, of all
Organ iaaUon.
i:Ho: October. iTS'e: Deo«ber. l»l*e: tbeoee to Cross Village and from there
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriages
through the Cbencaux to Detoar. mak
AU KnifhU efPytbUs U tbe.city May.iosc.
I and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for s^
Porti^oly. r.«7; Septombm, r.79. ing the aatire distapee. $5 mUea, the
•Bd vWhUy. wbo are laurmtod in tbe
lArd-Jaly.t4.l7: Septaaber.tiJtft drat ilay of tbe trip. The party wiU
Mgaiiiiilinn of a branch of tbe Uca« em Pm* U Boackt Of C*.
•atte Ordw^ of the KnlghU of Khor tt.95
We’re Something of
{Liars Ourselves 1
Tlitn art Ota!
ar\d Pifty
24 Pairs
Ask Your Grocer
. For It,
33 Pairs
Seamless Shoes
Ol Rloods Md Chocilates in Boirs’ a>d Touths' it Cost.
108 Pairs
69 Pairs
Fruit Jars.™'""’
' .
Canning Season.
2 auart—60c doz. 1 Quart—60c. dox
118 Pairs
If You Have Logs la Sell
"™”“ j
fern.; .dUi&9t:a^';4_>L.
' ^
rsx MOBinHO
Tan. ». BAiaa axp J- W. HAjrxn.
3. W. BAicicn. Bdltor Md Xufirtt.
.,^.19 Ml
•om FMtVM of tbs V««'T*LrtffLftw.
tbcUr ttin.bM
bMS puwd b7 both bOSMS sad ^«S
by the pre*ld*«i soli i* now t«w. Th«
’ tnU text of the aew Uw «m (iw by
tbe Uosxuto BKODMSnBdxy. only
iwelrc hoiin after Ue preeidedt pbt
■ kfe
U tbe •merfc The e«perteMW. item by itda. nade with the
«»«alled WilMO lew wUeb bee been to
force tbe leet three year*, wiU-be of
the vreateel loterett to etvy ABMritU
pod«o«^ or coBMmer. At baa been
mid before In tbeeeoolUBBa. no taHff
blU oobU be irattn or bP any p
bOty made law. that wenld be entirely
mtlifaetory to all. be they repobllean.
denirrrit popolteV or laeaban of any
/^er party or no party at all. We
y bate a nouble example of thla taet
rt^i here In .Mlcbl«aa where tbe leadIny Inmber republicaaa of tbe eaet ^de
«{the euu atronyly nryod a tl.oo lornbw taritf while tboee on the weat sMo
as atronyly aryed a tl.OO rate. It dote
sot foUow that tbe foriaer or tbe Utter
aamed are not repnUleant. beeane
tbit dlfferenee of oplolee. Tbe fact U,
. there are ee many repablieaat U Hublyan (at wUaeee Uet aleetloB retama)
. It ta a wonder there are not etUl yreator differencee. amoay thorn There ia
alao a difference of opinion In tbe party
ae«ar*l^ ibeeayar ecbeiinle bat tbe
thet the wiacat tblny to do
tbT aayer imat booybt ranyrem Tbe
fact U the anyat irnat can conM tbe
price of auyar aboat aa they pleaae.
tariff or BO Urifl. Tbe tmat wUI make
a Ury« aom becaaae they bad tbs
money and tbe foreelybl to 'rnak
in an immense qaantily of raw
snyar while the eenate was detiberatUy ao lony npon the meaenre that
an opportunity wee ylren for this i»porution, aa it wa» for the importation
Ct moch oUier atoll that wU] hereafter
^y a dnty. HoaUam moat feel tbe
effccU of tbit fora UtUe, ea these
■ > mannfeciarMi yooda most be laryely
disposed of before the
the borne prodnet. tbe atanDfeclnre of
which will bi allmoleud by the new
and hiyber rate* of duty nop impoeed.
If the anyar tmat determine* to raise
tbe price of anyar they can
time, and if they do there
food deal of moeey made by thet orfanixatlon. Bat there may be a day
«f reckonlny. for if the reanlt ehonld
be what tbe advocatee of the anyar
Urifl claim, the home prodnctloe will
be so yreaUy Increeaed that the tnat
caa no looyer hold tbe power they
wUld. and if thU ahoeld prove
then it .will have aeeompUabed wjiat
ao other powrr baayet been able to do.
Ibere U no reseon wby the t'nlted
BUtea aboDld not make all tbe anyar it
aeea A beet aoyar factory in erety
aoncrMioeal dUtriet wonld be the
•nreat and qulekeat way to break tbe
so-called enyar trmi. Every'farmer la.
tlutrefore. dlrmtly Intereated In tbe
ImpoalUoD of e doty en enyar.
artlele eUewhere in Ihto moralay-a
Bk»xd bean upon the anyar qnaatlon
and wUl be of intereet.'
Brery owner of e piece of hardwood,
hamloek.. coder or other Umber in
Mlnhlyan la Uter^tod tn tbe Inmber
eoboduU of the new Uw. That pUe
aad hardwood Umber will be Si.ou a
feet blyber no man belieree.
prloe to tbe amonnt of the dnty pUoed
npon it.
ThU dnty oa Umb«
may not for' a time ralee the
prtee «d stnmpaBs but it will
•tlmnUtc the Udnatry to the extent of
proridlny e briakm market tor lays,
fianlehlny mere employment for mUI
men. who will hare more mooey to boy
the fermen' prodaete and the
Wbaata' yooda. 8ncb e conditlen
•ot lony exist wlthost reaaltUy U e
«Uiny merket for both ptodMto and
irodda and an Increased dramnd for Ubor en e rUlny market
Senator Borrows. U 'defaSfilny 1
^tUw for a-«s d«ky on lamber. mid
that tbe enbUel of Inmber wa ''
which tbe people of MUkiyan
ayraed. b«t be lookw) beyond thte and.
te^ Uto oeynlmnoe the feet that It
waaaleadlny Udnatry U twenty-two
etatea. Be showed that •KO.OOO.OOO
of capital wae Inreeted. IMi.000.0tM paM
fa wiyca, and a market fnraUhod for
BM,000.000 of the farm prodnete. Ue
mid that whUe tbe
Hmhm bad dacrmaii » sreewi tn
the eCMtty. tbe l^weUtlc
ada bad Uereaaed 41 per cent. Be aa. taeked tbe fallacy of a elreaUrreeonUy
iMbdMdealdthatnnleee the formte
ontafterftre or etorw bad rev•fed them tbe ttmb« worid be a «ntal'
iM. Be^abowed that bat It par
neat, of tbe IsWber and in tbe United
BlUae went leto tbe bnOdtay of the
boaem barm, aad faaeea of the farmr.
Oirtalnly If any eeetlm of tbe ooootry waati a $> tariff oa Inmber It ie the
deaeety foreeted. portUa of nortbwmtand ArWtntUn Oommiaen Mlobiffan, of wbUb TreToiee «ty
le tbe metroiieUi and the market.
eUnea Bo»a to Affket BettUTbe tminm here been wril oared far
U the new Uw. Tbero la an laer«eead
PltUbmy. July M.—A orMs b Imdnty ea almoet all farm prodaeU. notUeahly wool, all ynUa. poutoet and paadiny U the eoa) mlnare eltnatlen
eefeUbUa yeaemUy. hay. ebeeae. milk, thb week. Arbitr
'foel bopetal tbM they erilt^rinyi^t
batter, eyya. and fraile. etoek, aad
pooltry. Andtherelaemroelyatarm- the InlUaUee for eeUlemofit M tbe
er U tbla part of Mlcblyae wbo U net moeUny Taeedny. TbomUeU^^UU
on the oUm band bare edopied menedlreetly Utweeted U the Uetmeiif
tbn* will make a eampUU Ue np.
dnty ea tamber, Utb. ablnyUa. aad
developed that many West Vlritbor mill prodaeta ,
yiaU mUen were walUny eroed from
tbe PltUboi* distriet. eepeeWly from
Ae to tbe Tariff oo ffnev.
tbe New York and QeeeUnd mtaea
Tbe attaeka of tbe demaerwtU -preee
aad orators npeatbeenyar eehednlee They want to boar of the minen U
these mines havinyjoUod tbe yenstal
of tbe tariff brill ee finally |
This. It b deeUfed by the
eeebaeureqnlreattentkm. Tbetthey
are founded npon taleebood will be mUst*'. omeUU. will brisy all tbs falU everybody wbo tsriny ooee of West VirrUU into line,
the strike eflseUve U that
mey t^e tbe trooble to exemiiM the
<acU U the ease, and It b that ^eiy- 11 will abut off the supply of coal- To
mplbh- this, arranymnenb bare
body may nndenUnd the faeU that
thb brief eutement b preeeaUd. been made for Deb* aod o«ber promt
The DUyley bill ee it . paaeed neat oOcUb to bold a moetlny berefor
ibe Bones pUead e dety of ISH the benefit of the New York and aevsoaett per one bendred ponnda on Uad rntners Toasday. Antony other*
refined anyar U exetsa ot tbe avor- whs are axpsetad to be present are
par*. Batobfdrd. Oarl and Manon.
aye ratee on raw enyar. Thb l$K
omiu per hundred pounds, or 14 of a AVthb meetlny lUs intended to strike
cent a pound, b what b known aa the the' final dscblve blow and 11 poasibb
••dlflerenlUl." Thb b tbe amoont cf make the Ue-np eampista. Tbe pUee
dlffeennoebetweea tbe rates on refined has not yM been asUs^. bnt It wUl be
Croak. (Uady
enyar and the raUe at WbUb tbe re U a yrore class to
finers are permitted to briny in raw Creak and I’Um Creak mUse of New
snyar. Tbose who have etndled tbe York and Claroland Uas and Coal Com
qaeetioB expreas tbe beUef that the pany. it.uoe mUsrs are expected at
aetnal cost of refinlny enyar b about h ihemeeUay.
Tbe report that ffreU oa tbe mleee
of a cent per po—d. and that It b
proper that (be refiners ebMU be of tbe New York and CleveUnd Gas
allowed to ffrlny In raw enyara at H and Coal Co. wae eontempUted thb
of acent pal pound leoi then refined moretay was without foondatlon. Tbe
anyare for H they were not eo minSB were rennlny as nsnal today aad
permitted, of contse they eonU not everythUy b qniet Special depatlas
miry on the btuUeea of refinlny- U were ealled for last nlybl and relumed
eompeUtion with Ue anyare refined to the city tbb nwrnlny. no strikers
abtmd. Tbe boose bill was ehanyed haviny appeared in the vicUity. The
by tbe eenate ftnanee committee “ raid b oot probaUe ooUl after tbe
that tbe differeiMUl was abont itH Debe meetlny Tbnrsdayoanu per bendred pounds, wbbb was
praeUcaUy tbe same as tbe"dlffwentUl." allowed to tbe refinere nndsr tbe
Wilson law. TbesemaU redoeod tbb
materially. putUny It heck to nearly
tbe bonae tale. When tbe bill went to
tbe eooference oommiUee. oootposod of
member* of ihehoueeaad senate, tbe
boom conferreaa Inaisted opoa an absoln|e reatoraUoB of ISl* ceaU per boB'
dred ponoda'-dlSerentUI.'' The senate eonlerreee nryed a yeneral increeae
of the proteeUve ralee of the bill in
order to fnrtber protect the beet-aayar
yrower* of the country, and tbe boose
to this, bnt *1111 demanded that tbe " differeetial
tween the ratee of doty on anrefined
aod refined anyar* *boold be ir>4 eeat*
per bnndred ponnde aod no more. Tbb
was aoooded to by tbe kenaU'
and tbe bUI. when reported frem the
made the rate en refined
only it.S' oenU per bnndred pound*
more than tbe rate ooraw enyar. ‘-dlffmealU" of H of a ceet per pennd.
barely tbe cost of refinlny. Tbb took
sway from tbe anyar rrfleen moch of
the proflit which they bad had nadcr
the Wlboa‘ Uw.’ bm why. then, did
•nyar-tnet stock advance when tbb
aetloD became known? TbntbaqnesUon wklch U frequeeUy asked end
easily aaawered. The snyar treat bad
than 700.000 ton* of
raw snynr as that, when the advanced
rate* of the sew Uw west ipto effect,
they would be able to advance tbe_prioe
upon all the snyar* whbb they bad In
stock, aod thns make a profit of .nmey
millions of dollars. In view of tbb
proepeetlve profit, enyar stock bad ad
vanced frem Ume to Une. bnt reeenUy
Secretary (iaye recommeafiwl te Con
yree* that as Uternal revenue tax cf
one cent per poond be planed on all
raw snyar U tbe country at the Ume
of tbe enactment of the new Uw.
which, if adopted, wonld bavo destroy
ed all tbe proepeeUr* profit of tbe treat
hme ImporUtUn*. The
however, did not follow Secretary
■'* advice, aod simply reported
HI with a dlflerentUl of *« of a
een't a ponad. The momeoyi It bee
known that tbe propeesd Uternal
enoe tax upon thb enormoaa stock of
yooda U tbe bands of the treat was
not to be so taxed under the ravenne.
It was realbod.that tbe profim' of the
treat npon the Too.ooo tana, ee bUUon
and a half pounda. wsnld be rety
Unra. probably ten or twelve million
fioUnrs. apd It was thb fact-which
eaased the Urye advance U-'bnynr
stock wbUh Immedbtely followed the
nnnasseimwH of the ^rsemwit of the
eenferem npon tbe bPl. It was not
beeanse tbe yeneral ratee impeeed by
tbe bill ytvee to tbe treat qsy advaatsyo. for os Ute eonUary it b admitted
by all who are wiUiay to be Crank on
the enb)ect that the blU redaem vary
maMrUUy the profit whieb tbe trast
rsalbsa on rsflainy e^ar, and briny*
tae "differential*’ down to mere east of
rnfinioy. When tbe faeM bnacmi ysaeraUy known thbnill. both as to lu
fsatarsB and othsrs. mpseUUy
thM which affsot the tarmsra. will
prove Us mestaatlsfaelovy whksh tUs
m gf TWO.
Wheeler XHetUynlahed Mimsalf U
Tbe HosUm brouybt back oneyame
from Ifanbtee. anyway.
ymme was e'yood ooe from a Tre'
City atandpoUl. and Wheeler was ibr
hero of the fame, bb home ren U the
first UnUy. brinyiny U'three reaa beIny princSpally reepooaible for the etctory.
Tbe .reel of tbe team also bad their
eye OB tbe ball, and Gleason yol bb
bumps plenty; evsry man on ihs
a bit
Kbher pitched a .yood yame. only
three safe biu belny made by tbe oolla.
The team yot back to their old form
and pot Op n yood otrony yame.
Uanbue pUyvd a oomewbat rayy*d
fl-IdUy fame bnt netwHbaunolny
that fact the BosUer* manayed te yet
three earned rensTbe Colu had three men so
tbe ninth and a hit would bare tied
the aoore. but it wasn't there.
.soeoeeoe e-t u*»
. t e 1 e e e t « *—* w *
97, 1997.
Mr. Bart te ••OamUte.* Is «m of the
ytemi sad Mr. Kart hat the r^Utiea
of aueUlay a^ othw Otar U that raU.'
The umpeiiywithwhUh Mr. Berthes
hiameU b om of the
been here awd the pUye
prmintii anefti
Britltent Xvsnt at Om
Tbs most ^rmlny soeUl svmt nf'
M sMsoa at Oman* was yfvea
Omsna las BaUrday nlybL Tbs afr was ananffsd te bsocr of tbs
nts from .LoubvtUc. Ky.. snd abest
persons wero/preeest. TUe boisl
• beanUfsUy deooratJd with fisral
» andttoy
eveatey was
daoelay aad mask. sappUaisn
pleassres wblcb tbe anrroaai
Omena make deliybtfnlly
Amony tbe dbUayaUbed yaea.
cat from LoabvilU were Coloaal Mul
ler. Oapuis Kcber and tieorys Baerbofer and their wlv«.
Urye number of promUeni resldenU
of Grand Eapids present abo. Tbb
It demonstrates that aside fr
natnral adraatayes for recreation
yaeata to enjoy seeUl priveleyea oot
found at every sotnmer resort. The
boapitallty at .the manayemenl
Omena Inn b proverbial asd tbb
one of masyelmiUreveata-wbicb are
enjoyed dnrlnf the eebeon by the enmvbitoro-
The Pure
Fruit Juice
U whnt we flavor ea^ Boda Byrops with.
We do not eae cxtra«u M oar foontaU. A
laire. eod. qmrkliny yUm of Ue cream
eote (the beet U tbe
they sayl for
fire ceau EverythUy strieUy deba bboet
;i';i nrrr’MJ'.
Monday. Jnly 8t)th.
Great 10 Gent Show
Hosical Farce Comedies.
Olio of Specialties.
Now for Business!
Xaret.BaarM *N X Dr|«"
pany and Ue remaindar wilt arrive
tad^. BebearsaleapooUeripertelrei
of Mr. Bart will begin at oaoe and the
company - will open tbe aieion te
SUiebery* Grand Angnet Mb. lOU
and Itu.
Tbe firnt nlybt "TIm:
Man in the iron MaU** wiU be pressated. “Camille." the dramatisation od
Ue yroat atory of Alexander Damaa,
WiU befflvantlMlOUa^ “Ttle Lady
of Lyese" oa Ue IIU. Mr. Bart asaamed Ue leafil^rate te Ue tetter
rban Ue pleoe wro petewtefi by Bbaa
1 this dtytwoynars ayo-xafi tbone
md. aa portrayed by
Will Sail Today
Beef. Pei Veal, Meltea,
Pressed Cooked Han,
Dried Beef. Urer,
Choice Poettri,
Ftfk Btrfift. betwfin Trait ik OfifiA
■eel Tickets a'Redecedftites.
. rent Oam Dor BretS. Xy tat Haem
From tbih date thU boat
w'ill not make regular conjnectioDs with trains on M. &
N. E. Fishing parties, how
ever. can niake arrangements
for the use of this handsome
>-acbt, by communication by
mail or wire, with
Lelaod. Mich.
X^. HaOTTNiaS m
Fir« Insurance.
Has Your
AttentionEver bom enUfd te Ur fact
that yon can CM at Ue Drey
Btet* lonr auce)
Pure Powderetl Spleae.
Pure Oreem Tertar,
(and Pure BokTny Powder, if yon want
■a to oiake it. I pound* for tl 00 ) Rub
ber Bbeettef. Rojbber Tekd^. all
sure. Water Bottlre (roaraxteed fortwoyears.l Foesiain Byrlnyox snaay
kiodx Throat Broabex snd Atomisms.
Ulyrerise and Witeb Basel Lotion for
tbe bands aad fsex
At Our
Soda Fountain
-3439 Frames'
Let aa make soma for you.
Ever Burned Oot?*
O P. CA&TSR. AyenL
Fbe Merchant Tailoring.
Fishing Parties
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Suits to Order.
Lady -Watts
om Star ajtp xhkt.
416 Union St Telepbont 34.
Corner of t'nto* nnd Bay Btreetx
VotUs to Tax Fayen.
The tax rolU of Ue five wards of tbe near M. A N- R- depot, wlahe* te anCity of Travere* City, for the collecUoa BOOBCR to Ue public that be ba* re
of ecbool. city and ajiOe' '
fitted and famished tbe Betel Paayboal year IBtt7-laiM bare born better tbaa it erer ba* been beto me by
City Clerk fore BDd ena aecommo>^le tb« trsrelid taxes may be paid to mr
ir at my
John May.
• at any Ume beftpv September iH ‘ iny public in yood abapen. witbont
it ebarye Ifor eolleetioe. formerly wlU Ue Betel WbUlny. wlU
One per ceet. penalty for eoUi
bare charge of' be oMee aod attend to
wUl be eharyml and eollaeted npon
taxes rvmaloUy napald SeptemberJaL Uewanteoftbe yneetx -SatleteeUan
111 be at my ofitec to reeCive
5~Ni|fht* Oulj;—5
Jill 26.27. 28. 30 aid 31.
AUo. the U^babU teree.
After fbnr days' dcliybtfol “ roayb“UNCLE JOSH.”
iay.’’ the Three tjoarter 8. B Ciob
broke camp at . the bead of B,»rdmaB
A yroat abow for lltUe money.
lake Sanday cvsainy. The trir'is' had
tbe JollUet kind of e Ume. and Huaday j tK^“l*y
entortdned stmt forty vbltoro U btybei
camp. *fbe Ume dnriny tbe outioy was
devoted BkoeUy te eallny. nnUI tbe r-mtenu of the camp larder were rxbsB*ted. The eapply was repleakhed. how
ever. asd Ue da^r of etarvatUa hap
pily averted. Seaides Ue plr*ear* of
eatUy. some of Ue Ume wa* devoted
to fiablny. musical eatertatem>aL erv
qneu and other pasUmea kowwa lo
campers. Amoay the 'prominent Benday yneeu waa JastUe Veriy. whom
Ue yirb look opoa a* Uelr best frieod.
and whom Ury cao bare all aerte of
fan wiU. At camp they eejoyed Urmaelve* by roUUy him fiown bUL takiay
bb pbotoyrepb. and eaterUUiay b^m
in varioiu way* that do not‘Street
from Ue diyni^ of
Grand Trorerse
Coant>. Jnatlee Tbe Jimtlee U Ue
mestuimedU not fail te look after Ue'
pleasure and Mfort of bb proteyea.
o'clock p a
on Tbeeday erentey*I from 7 <
nnUl »:» o’clock.
MauMn Wuna.
Zmdiae' AM Beeiety Will Freparo a
- city Troaaurer.
Box Tomorrow.
Dflirv Room 2. Herald
iny. 12
Fr<mt itreoL
There will be_a reyular meeUny of
Ue Udlea’ Aid eoeUly of the Ooayrayatioaal ehnreb temorrow atterwwn
My wife. Fannie Trombly, bariny
Id Ue parlory of U* ehnreb at I ift my bed and board, all pereone are
o'clock. TkaehUfobioetof the meet- hereby notified not to trnst ber. fnrIny win bo to prepare a box for Ue Bkb ber wiU nay aeppllea.'food* or
credit on my aeeonav
■sfferer* of Ue Labe Ano fire. All
Dated July 2ULin7.
member* are nryed to be present and
67 7*
Juer^ Tnomn.r. Jx
to briDy Uelr eelaMra. Those of the
society who bare bwldiny. table*,
etoves, ebaits or oooklny ntenaiU to
spare are rcqseated te ootlty Ue ohm.
MoUoejo Water Oonenmers.
mittee wbo will attend to shipptey
The nae of water for sprtekUay pnr>
Uem to Lake Ann.
poses ie. by oar rnlea. eonfined to Ue
bosnot sx m. aade X m..alao 5p.
m .and f p. m.
All place* where water M fonnd .
nlny eontrary te Ule role wilt be sbnt
The Talented Actor WIU Freacnt off—except where a special permit baa
Three Fopnlar Attraction Hero.
bomi yranted.
.U. D CaMraxLL A SoNX
W. 8. Bart, Ue talented penny actor,
who bat pleaeed Traverse City andleo-'
-OBO. .
eeaon several eeeaeloa*. and wbo spent
•everal weeks bme teat year, arrived
In Ue aty last alyht from New York.
>7 Mlm Bvaas.
, .
Grand Opera Honse. fSGROCERIES.
Oaup of the B. Vs.
The OUainyHonr—Tbe Boston Store
will eloee every eveainy except Betarday at ciybt o'clock, sharp.
72 St
PeediMg F»nfifi*«* Kot^ m BpeolAltF. Hosm Bended.
■riPBnwrfl sjLB.eoiTA'igT.'B.
B. J. XOBOdJf, Prop.
TM wonahtg MOOBD. TtrBBDAT, lULY 87. 1887.
Today or never
TIm MIm Strik* It
SnUn in
th« Mountain S!laia.
o>u> fM > hmum «r Bm* ^
TMH7.—VatoM •». WUmUbv Ta■.tT.« Thr-«- o' TmMm
Af«M»-W«M*r> atrlk* Krw*.
r»lnnofit. W. Va.. JnJy Sl-Drt* heW
thr«» «wxl meenniw at the varloua
tnlDM yeatertay and « conMem that
the wMm aill he «o(len oat. allhouch
be trtU not nay he ezpKta the move
. toda^. The »«ner*l trapreaatho la that
U the break te not made today It will
«‘be made at alL It U bard to tell
B. tram CttiL HHmtnf a»2( were mobUMed at BrMceTllle. ■bonlr aft* t o'Ooek iber Barti
cd on the maihb with the Aatertean fla«
at tbctr head. Hearty every maw car
ried a dlCMT nan. and they looktd Ilhe
a r*U>eni of teller* aolRt to their work.
The.w^e country Hdr alon« the line
of msreb tnrhed ant to wMnem the Webt
They tearhed the Alllaon mine at ahottl
o'dock and made the beet of their daarNotbtnc v»t done In the way of
arhltratloi Saturday. The «ommli*l«
... rated, and eaped In aecompll*
alderable dorltilt today. They will en
deavor to enltat more of the rt\-er operalor*, and have reason U hope that tbey
wUl be auccegfuL
mtiKk KKWW rwoM n% wmr.
that number of citlMn* » ere at the place
of mevtlnd. W. D. Mabha. preMdent of
the National Strert Car union, spoke for
two hours. He stated that If tfalc strike
The party re
of Topeka arrieed
from \ Al^aba..^lbU
Topeka Gf^bt'| no
KloDdyke" fUUariaf fold bM reborta
'Dycabythe acorea tram Janeae and
Tbe Springfield Hoaae at Ria»tl«ld
Springs. K. T.. caught Arc and wa*
damaged to the extent of about tJOO.OM.
- " s Tork. who was
narryw escape.
_. .4
At an Interesting sale of rrlica of
'3onnle Prince Aaijle” last week at
London tbe bigbeat price paid for a vtngle lot was £1S8 given by J. L. John
son. of Chicago, tor a bedstead used by
k sa the Tariff BIU—Ptlh sf the prince.
Figures Just compiled In Iowa show
that In tbe rtruntle* where there Is dlveralfled farmtng.causlagibes<xumul»y Interesting rventa
In-addition tlon of other feed for swine besida ebra
that the rate of deaths from bog cholera
.to th< dnst act of thr speaker In affixing
1* the loweat.__________________
cignaturt' l« tbe lUnglry tariff bill
Tbe Wsober W* Hay Bsprat.
a bill providing for the creation of a enru JQly M.-PbBowlag ars tb*
rancy commlarinn was crowded through
twswtyjsor boor*
In tbe closing hour* and the. speetatm
lO throngt 6 tbe gallerlea were trealed
i: U*«
a contlnunus.- if not very brIlIUnt.
fuslUadc of oratory tor several boura
Tbe bouae look recess until after the
r (X. tl
Mascoutah. III*.. July i«~At 4 o'clock
Saturday aftemvon a second delegation
of 2Ri strlkrrs sent here from Bradley's
army.' now encamped 'at Belleville,
marched Into Mascoulah to compel the
miners, here Kho had again resume!
at the Beatty and Kolb plu to reout of the sbafta They marched
— the pita with flags flylnx.-and after
conference Induced the m«i to
I return to tbeJr borne*. They art not
i dlspnved to gull and are not rocmbera
I of tbe union. The Bradley delegation
I informed the men that If they resumed
| work before tbf'strtke was declared off
I they might expect snolhkr and sterner
displayed, There was. of course, FannlBga Arthur Priaoe, Billy Walker.
si alferspt
ilfersi to make p<.lll!cal cap- P. J. Cooper. Ben Moore. Harry Waters
of the ailuailon. but all realised and "Baaiue” and tweaty-Ave olbers of
that the bill would ttOI pars the senate,
and to that extent the debate larked ae- note. TbU U aaid to be Mr. Field's
riousnerw. Ptlll the Republican leaders greatest efforL
fell they were doing their duly. When
Kerris cDraediaaa opened
the vole was Uken the Hepubflrans
jiresanted an unbroken front wflb tw., week's engagement in
■ N<‘rth CarnTIr. i (IfWPd last evening to p good bouse
and Mahany nt New Turk—who -valEd ' xk* .iomnene ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '
with thr 4,po#ttl.m against the bill. The company U composed of
needed by
which w*» rars'd !•)' a vcle uf 124
As the Anal act of thrspsrion Ibr spral
-r annuumvd
of tf
OB Canohiburg ^ begun last nlghL^ |
Wg meeting cf miner* was held at Relra- I
_______ Hooker of New York:
Wadsworth of New York: rnmury ■
AIUBOD ' f.,_ u,,„
-..-.I .w.l_ T>n
telle of Maine; postofliceft. etc.. Lfkud of
Calffornls; public lands. Lacey of Iowa:
Indian aSalra SberToan of New Yorfc;
lerrlloflea Knox of Masai'chusetta; Pacldc .rallwaya. Power* of Vermont: Inmigration, etc., DauforS. of Ohio; labor.
Gardner of New Jersey; mlUUa. UarA
of IUIooIb: manufaeturot Paris of Indiana; peBHooa. LoudeiiMacber'of Ne«'
Diek Krrria
. Mr. Krirla U good—br U
eawby aoega and clever Imltatinaa ol
Thr last sirp nicessury i > mskr the
well known actora was'inach appreiCTi ihi- presfdrr.t wrote hi*
uuroe on the Mil with the w.Td
apir-vrd" and the date. There were preset.t R.prt*eritallve» Umgiey and Hagrr,
tn c harge of the Mil: Ati.rri.ey c-n'r-nl
UcKi nr.iL. Secretary 0**<
ibirimaMc f
f5e„eral oao'and Salary Wila n The
uaed to sign tbe tariff act.
C. O. SMITH. Proprietor^
Front street. '
SteiDberg's Gniid Open Hoik
One Klght Only,
TenlgbVJoe Jeffenan's
«se act comedy.
60 PioiineDt People 60
Prof. Bob Thompson’s Mammoth Military Band.
Frank flailstock's Orchesta
Watch for the Big Parade.
PalM>i afta-g^ra-OM hay.
Hew Jertt Jnly aC-WenJamln Btmca,
a I4>vear-«u. schbol bur., wbo at that
OlAim i.
PblCKHi-BoUre Aral floor. 50c.
,Plr*t 2 row* In Kalcooy, Stic.
Next n row* in balcony. He.
No extra charge for rraerved *eaU>.
LaaV 2 row* llaleony fpr cbildres
not reserved. iTk:.
always in stock.
- wL JABRA.~CrS,
Toanelier BUMS
BERRJES-The Palace Bakery \
sebervle*. and all kinds oi irnit for a
Cohner Colon and Heventb streets.
Great'Cut in Bicycles
pay to look at the elagaat line.
H. E. Gibbs, in EIU* bicycle sbop. 31) Kroat Bt
flMp Second band nprigfat Piaao. Boston make, in good eondltioa. with
,VMU stool and rover.
Worth 8225: goes at 8M0 it taken at oaee PaymaoM
if desired. W. W Kimball Co
N. E-Strong. Mgr. Traverse City Braheh.
Accidents Impossible lyiafeaadwQinotexploda. It U d
ard p.int* out the neerrrity ' h the lart i mirrrvni a » rnfnai inr .....'—nn. i.i
of thli guvennnent .f maintaining *|T ‘irailoo m perieniag^Md^Iui^’Sm
currency as fwA ae Any in the world. I. City Opera Boas* Blork.
The etabimy of th. natl-.r.'s currenvy. 1 _
, „oRTON N---------------------------------. N D . nysletao and
be say*, was declulyaly declared fur In
sargeoB ba> loraic
wird I^Tmvera Oly.
New York. July ».-Dl*trict Araembly
Nu'«. of ihe'Knlght* of Labor, yester
day paaed strong rasolutions conden
lug tbe nomlnaUon of T. "\ Powd"^
a* United Stata eoinmM
er of Imnftgratlon. Powderly was dencuaeed as
renegade and jraltor for turning to gold
after tpeaking for year* In favor of free
In saad lOe. Ogmn
8. good stock. 81.Mj
81.15. Boys'. Tov_________________ ____________
chAap. A. T. Joheaoe. Month Hide Hhoe Stora.
S. BROWN, attoiiey and Ceaserllor M
Law. Bieclal nI.cB:ioa W eellecUoe.
iinreynnclB* Sn Frocil At.
Si 3
* J*'"*
Ike Recagaizail leaders
Boys’ Blouses
and speeialiiea.
X ^MN. A^hiig. *
men cf emlcei-t aMIlty
Thls commhrlnn I* expect^ to exar
examine *
tbe pr-fcnl syrtrin of harking and cur
rency and all scheme* and suggertlcn*
for its I
now or htrvaflci, and report by Nov 1
c OILBRFT Aitowr
The t rerirteiil reffiv t.i the eu- X* leailca M PrvlwiepTwrUre
preuir im|H>rtarcv of a nal>le currency ! IO.Mercaaille Co. Blork.
J. A. Moptaffoe. 127 Proai HL
Cyclists, Look Here!
Soda Water,
The Best Candies;
MeLellA A Ash, eor. Krool aod Park, and rear Maaonic Block.
TTTAIfTRD-Sexperteeeed di
PrAam PrAA7Ai‘C Lawn mowara. garden hoae.. Screen doora.'
LI cam n tTCZCid tl 00: window*. 25 or SOc. 8. K Mortbara,
s____________________ ^____________ Front SL. adjoining MeNamara’a shoe stora.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
are refer,
e fUlr of
The , prettiest in
to 83 00. Alfrod
Friedrich Block.
Have You Seen finch?
wheel adjnsted for 25c.
Boldsworth Block. UnioifstrMt.
BALg-ai^e load
AnirilC 'MrPnll f^tieal Horeeaboar, Trotung and Bead bones a spw
mtgUb ITILVrUM cUUy. Third door west of MorgaB S Uvery Bar*.
, City Lnmber
to Hrw. BUlisgB, BiUlag* C<
'■ Qamw- 817 B^ stracL
10 per cent
I have moved
ainca or Toilet articles.
Pari^ Rrfifin
I ai iO Ul UY7II
for them-
Re^r Raelsg Tor CUps-Owat las* yahr
OarkBaaSu Arl^"Bl«liie''up8.' rat an.
InaerTubas, gaee enra.saes.........................
Lederle's STfSa.
G. A. Johnson A Co.
Powd«w Tbist* potato bag Ume. Look on*
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
flrrs/.VBh'JI CARDS.
saved his life.
'• 2
Have yen tried our laakaa
"Usd Me ^ve Shll-
liuga.'' will be given with i
ireridcBt McKinley's cunvrey mesage le • n tbe line* suggvrled by
vc--nt Indianapolis ronvrrtinn. Hr eug-|C
rest* that the executive be au’horlsrc
rlsed I »'
Thnrs., July 29
u ii
Sweetly anff Ham Mylle.
Krank MlUer and Fred Langley
well received, at. also, was Oeo. Lad„ ' AiiDt Eglantine." an ancient
But Dlngley i t'oos between the acU made tbe waiu
produi^ a besultfol mMher-cf-peari
har.i.cd pea. and teoveeted that It le
u»n1 for the stgnata’re
Th> pr-*ldrtit
recognised the tight of Dlngley and uxd
The New Shoe Store,
role U very Uklng.
's;,as s, 'J: : -‘■e-
r not lem than noo. nor more than ! these Important questions received con$300. or Imprisonment not to exceed slderatlon In the houae.
ninety day*, or both at the diaoetlon of
tbe Douri for each offense. Oe Armllt
aaya that law Is uneonstltutioiial.
Pittsburg. July 2*.—«xty deputysherIffs.htve been ordered out. Their dcAgWashington. July rS.—The chalrmeo
Chicago. July 28.—James O'Dannell
natlon has been kept a profound mcreC of tb* most Important ccrnfnhtee* as
hut Into a crowd of email boy* wbo
but It If supposed they are to be sent named by Speaker Reed Saturday night
were playii : iiail near his home yesterto tbe mines of the New York and
as foUows: Foreign aSsIn. Hilt ^ day. Thon
Good, aged U. and Frank
aeveland.Oaa Coal company tfanticllIlDOl*:apprcpr1aGoBACamiano(IlllPOle;j.Sp^i^ aged 8. colored,
were badly
IpBtloD of any raid that may bk-B^e.
Judiciary, Henderson of Iowa; banking; wounded
probably die. A*
A* the eimwi* oflirtal* dertlTv thaTthe
«»m» known an
neighbor* surrounded
Btfora ovkhtiif stag* than CM deter-
llaMtD.N or gSK BoefeB.
Jadge Caolay Taken to a tealtaHa**.
Ann Arbor, Mich.. Jaly 2d.—Judge
Thomas H. Cooley was taken from_hl*
home here this murning to a private san
itarium near Pontiac
He Is tn a very
> very short tine
was decided to make another tramp
aorass.Hi< country and reinforce the IM
Strlketa thal have been on guard. They
vrill remain until tomorrow morning.
Tberr was a great hurrying to and fro
In an the mining selUemcnts In that saclion before the sun went down. Women
hare bean among ths aiost active agl-
I Me. wrorlli.
. 8 t«
to be depopulated.
port, and one i
r and thirty-one
Thobtilepl MotM.
, stconds after tbe t
engrooed. but t
signed and on Its
Tba following U a Uat of a few ef U»
way<lo t
president The ueraonsirations which marked these events were premioent -people wbo will anw
spoalaneouc and entfauriaeilr Ir. the ex- the Oruod Opera bouae oo neat Tburetreme. The galleries played a algnlflcant 4»y eveolBf wlU Al Q. Pield'a Eeflned
part In them.
When Uie president's
MlseUeU: Mr. Harry Fiddler. Daa
message came In rec^fnendlng tbe
creation cf a cuirency commlsrion It was Palmer. Harry Hock. Billy MUler. BlUy
rered by ih* Republican leaders Caldwell. Marsh Craig. "The Uumao
with great promptitude.
Cork Serew." The Wood Bro'a the
- •
world's greateat colored arrobata, Prof.
■5 the delethe adpiln^ratloh. was D. W Sandere' troua of . performing
ate* were Instracled to t
I vole afl>r so hour's de dogs ud monkeys. Don Marrenno the
Bly three day* a,week until l E strike
Cuban wonder, O. 6. O. Patterson,
lated on both I
were also ln*i|beted to use tbeir ben sharp exchangt • and some bitlernera Babe tfbel^. W. H. Alexaader. Wash
tD..... ..
M pulra of Moore * 8b^ Sboea. rreoeh EM. eomraoi
Sitka and boU placea are threatened
roelegaai Mat Mm Ha«r aoAra
liar. Saturday sent telegrams to officer*
glut of HMOwa
of thirty-eight national trade unmna
Washington. July 2t.-The n
railing for a conference to t» held at
portanl piece of legislation, .■oiridr •■flioi’d.
Wheeling, W. Va- at ms.n tomorrow.
*•- tariff bin. cnai ted by <-ongress at '
T^tl* wa» done In response to thJ tele
MerWer af ■ Ttehat Rraher.
: the extra' session wa* the amendment
gram from Prosldent W D. Katrbford.
Luula July 2*.—George Hei
of tbe United Mine Worker*
to the general deflcleocy hill, limiting
lea. sent out Friday night.
of annor plat- fur the three who has charge uf a ticket br»k^’
offlev uppoatle the -Union station, was
new battleships
to «00 per
the secretary of th- navy should fled It fatally shot last night hy a negrunamed
The latter went
cgtilracta for armor-: Matthew Hancovk
Thai an hetaew* TU tl* Iwsd 'AaalMt Da
■ ticket office i
wHhIn the price fixed be .was authorixed '
ArmU* - AaatWr BalA
by Ibis provision to take steps tu es
and when It »
Pittsburg July 2S.-In*tead of march
nn live tintes <
tablish a government armor plate fac
ing oo tbe New York and aeveUnd
tory of suOtrlent capacity to make the
Oaa Coal company's mlpa. as Arat de-.
Tbme Vanag Me* MaU WaaL
tertnlnvd oc by the mlnet*. tbe exeettIn executing this authority be must
Owoou. HIcb.. July td.—Rufus Oolt
llv* board at a special merilpg baa de
prepare a description and plans and
and William Rauflman. two young men
cided tu make a legal test uf tbe new apeclflcstton* uf tbe land, buildings and
of Perry township, have been arrested
adeUte mining law. It is claimed that
Charged with etrallag 800 pounda of wool
frdm the elevator at Morris. The thieves
stole a team and,'wagon.from a farmer,
and after loading the wool drove to
Lansing, where they disporad of IL
my Ttdnotssra
iMducad ta ua».Wark.
ES The InJURcigs at tbe railroad ruticn and ether places In the
town for tbe purpme cf Ititimidating the
i- emfdcyed c
u lie hereafter
employed by the Mitchell company. Batdrday the hearing v
.......................... :e In-
Dr. Burge, pu son-in-law. at Paw
tucket, I* siitklng rapidly, and ii not exall eo^Unfa udlpseted lo^urmrc twenty-four taeun.
Seattle. July 2A.—The ytaamer City
have received a copy of the rrsxIuUora
twiwed by a lalwr organisation In Wkihif a local nalurr. made
Ingtun. D C.. In which' 1
i"'" "irraiora and w ill rtrik- unlea the
as a coward and ray aetTon tT
n of
.It tbe
tbe Waehiegi'n
Waehlngl'n fd'-'"*'’'!* are gram-d. 'Tlie trouble baa
tMrriy. The action
>e appearei\<n of a local grievance, but
organisation Is contemptible Ixcause It
I* thought .that the eastern trouble 1*
^^>Ka> not cee aclntllla of irOth upon abich
at the bottom u
dents cf Oalmrin. and their wiva and
n the vicinity
g J. U Hilchell A Co.'s coal n
•» and
that tbe aiaeis are fleekiaf^SWard
AH ere wall
nearly half a centnry afo.
'R'eM inrylnta miners. sr.d that a grnrr* si boycott wculd -he declared against all endeavor* witl^the stale meeting to ar
West Virginia coal In the future by all range fur cheaper powder and blackorganisations of labor In the t'niird amlthlng work. The meeting was at
Stslea Over 100 men said they would Join tended by more than SOD out of 100 min
thr union. There U ae doubt but that er* bere.
Braall. Ind.. July 2t.-Tb« Mock coal
all will go cut tomorrow. Mahon aaya
miners met . In mas*-com^ttun here
that at Wheeling tomorrow anion win
be taken that will cause a eetllemeni Saturday and reported every mine idle.
at once or a general strike will be calhd CoromiKee* were appointed to visit
liiany part* of the stale and aollclt aid
AtIriWaa km'-e. ihe LMMSere «r l.ytas.
Cbarirstnn. W. Va.. July J«.—Oovernor
Alkihsor’s euratlon was last night call turd, stating that the national organlulion rtiuM not atd the mlnets In a dDaned to the char^ made by tbe strike or
ganisers that fr^ sperciwwsr not aJI-.w- clal manner, a* less than tno had twen
ed in WeM Virginia. The gnvemcr said: reivived! by them and It wa* nccearary
„y ,p ; to uae this In g-ttlng Weal Virginia nut.
labor ■ •**
ri-pjrt that (he nallunal
commllte* bad re«elv*d a donailnei of
fst-r* who have ccroe InU this tale have ; Mo.ooo wa» a fake The donation was »54
<>skal»’*a. ta. July 2« -The coal
been allowed the greatcsi lll-rty
lalMT ! mlnera of the O*kalo<iaa Coal and Mmspeech. I Vlleve tP Ibe right
».-Lasi Tnerilay
Judge BelL of Cambria county, g
many have eappUe^ for tbiwe
'■_________ ___
Special July ....
Wfare.aH emeptflftyof wbowara
bMwd for tbe fold fielda.
provtaloaetf and
PJtMbur*. July H.-ttie del«cate eonTentton repreacwtlnf ooutheaMern Kanma coal miners. In secret sesalon here
Saturday adopted resolutloca indoralns
the raaiern airlke. but deetded by an
orerwbelmlo* majority acatoM a sympatbettc sink*. Orsaolsera T. B. kl<s
romance to the meeting.
A leedlng labor roan who haa been
national president of one of the greatest
t here otfl fallk . orwanlaallona In the United Stales said
The operator* must not
all tbe orfanlaer* will lesve this dutrlct | yeslenlay:
they can smuggle coal oat of
« 1made to stop tb*
■'and an eflort will bd
Kansas to go into strike territory. It
ninninit of coal tralne
la one of the dortiina of organlaM la
bor that, whenever one aet men com
E* are I
and no men are'allowed on the com- mence to do work that 1* to tbe Injury
pahy** fround*. - A body of orranlsed of organism! labor the .work becomes
men atayed at each of tbe dIRerent scab work.- Tbe mloera of *outbern
mlna last nl<M and a beeculean effort Kansas are union men. A* long aaMey
mine coal for Kaoaas and lerrfary
fa to be made to Induce the
which they have been accustomed to
supply they are occupying neutral
Today will certainly aetlle the strike ground, and are not interfering.. When
• way or the other, ae far a* this they .mine coal to be uaed In tertltory
nsuall)' supplied by miner* who are
rtoB la concerned.
become In tbe eyes or or-.
May Call for s Oewaal Otrtk*.
J they
call seabe.
W. Va.. July «--The'*»»»
-union coal as soon
________r meetlny advertleed for yeattr*
day ban proven a ereai suchea from the as It gets Into.strike tenitbry."
Bevler. Ho.. July 2C.—.At tbe general
miner-* *t*ndpolnt. On every train
srora of miner* arrived. At
T o'clock msM meeting of miner* held bere dele
lart nlyhl about SOO miners and dcublc gates to the state
drowned hlmaeir In the Hudson Satur
day dgkt bsoatme ha WlM to p«iM iho
exanilnatiec at tbe College of ike City
of New Tort, being dcAclcnt in drawing.
HU body was recoTcred.
ar Mestoe baa left' thia port with too
------------ .MIsen-Betpa «• ttrlke. hot WUJ
Net' XHc Coal toe the Baat.
. wrbere be and Rea ed1 meellnCB. A houee to house
Get vonr axterminstor from R. R kflllar, tto'
New Process Vapor Stoves,
ice Cream freezers, Etc.
Exhibit of DryGoods -^.
AUG. 3
Than one week. Aug. 3, tbe great BingUngBros.' Circus will
exhibit In Traverse City. It la eaid to be a great show, and
no doubt many of the readers ol this ad. will come to see it.
On the same day there will be an
That wUl bear about the same relation to the ordinary av
erage Dry Ooods stock that BingUng Broa' show does to
the old fashioned circus that formerly traveled tnrough
the country.
' we ehaU dffer on that day, and other days, some notable values in
new fall styles.
W« simplj- motion thU, not to mdyrtiee the critter;ibaf to say that we believe that for 60c. yon
will aee more clothing here than at the ^rcna: 60c. invested with us will bring better returns: 5ft:.
will go a long ways toward covering the body. A man eoald, if he wera bard pushed, buy an entire
suit for 60c. Such days bring crowds to our store. COMMEKCIKG TUESDAY, AUG. 3, and
continuing for a period, we shall make it wann by dividing our entire stock of Suits (aside from
black)^inlo----- ^ .
...4 Divisions...
A lot of handsome Plaids, just the thing for children.
at per yard....................
....... — ......... —
A line of Plaids "Imitation Shepherd” and other Ilf*
styles. Also some half wool stuff, at per yard,
A splendid assortment of new .style i 0\/ Xr 1 R/*
” Fall Colorings " Brocades, at...... A
0&, XU
Handsomer than ever shown before, is our line of—
26c Dress Goods
Prices sai9, $4.95, $6.95 and $9.95.
(Toods we ha\-e sold from S4 to 36 all tbe eeasota. We could get more for them
but prefer to close these lots and sUrt m new again. Bwnember, we guarantee
our prices to be the lowest.
All wool, silk and wool, cotton and wool. Newest combina
tions in’color, .latest wdkves. Early purchasers will make
no mistake this season. Prices will not be lower, may be
40-inch goods at per yard ............ ...................... ■ QQp
Most beautiful styles ever shown.
A Popular Price is 60c
An economical price too. in our judgment; style and ser
vice are combined. The markets of the east and west
have contributed their best values to our assortment.
DIVISION 2-$4.95..
In Black Goods
DIVISION 3™$6.95......
Our Black Serge
Inclodea some excellent bargama at ivm 86-and 87.- The room is worth more
to ns than the goods at regular pricw. Come and see them.
Here are much better values and, when they are once sold we shall hardly be
able to duplicate them at the price. Remember we guarantee our prices to be
the lowest.
All our 312, 31.3 and 814 goods put Into this lot, iuclodiug many of the well
known Steiu Block Co's goods, fine made, very latest go^--we want to ciuee
every dollar of our Summer and Fall Weight Goods and the price will do it.
If yon have been in -the haLit of paying from 313 to 3I<> for a suit and can use
one now, a clear and positive saving to you. Best goods. See' them on
Everv- Straw Hat in stock reUiiiug above
2^.....................HALF PRICE, to close
One lot Mep'eWorkiog SuBpenders, good,
closing price............................................
A whole stock of Childrea'B Short Pant
SoUs, former values from 32 to 33, to
close that day for................................... $1.88
JUBt Look at tbe quality)
A big lot—Good <or the money—it pays to
buy better.
Lot Men’s Overalls, double/ front and
Keeney patent buttons.........................
50c. buys an excellent overall.
Children’s Short Pants, per pair, from
A lot Very cheap.
Choicer patterns and better goods than ever. Scores of
styles in black goods that we cannot even mention. Our
stock excels all others combined.
. '
Trimmings for Colored ^nd
Black Dress 0oods_.
We are closing a handsome watered silk, blkck, at......... 49c
An elegant Armure silk, black, several styles, at 63 & 69c
Some velvet for trimming
................................ • • 19c
.A small lot of single dress patterns and skirt patterns at
half former prices and in some cases even less.
Fall and Winter Capes & Jackets.
A complete new stock, bodght early and bought right.
Better values we never offend.
good, per pair..,'.
Has been winning trade for us for several seasons. It
will continue to do so this season at the same
old price .......... ..................................................
All Wool Black Brocade,
DIVISION *-$8.}5......
We excel all others.
Unapproachable \-alues at............. ..........
Guaranteed perfectly fast color and to stand washing and
exposure to sun.
Remember Ire guarantee
prices and values.....
No one sells a bang up good<n-erall for 2Sc.
We sell as good or better one than is fouud.
Men's Shirts,full size, best value we .
have seen.............................
Better pne 3a to 50c.
■Children’s Cotton Waists, a good lot
BIous^—rary good, see them................ 83c
Remember iHfe Guarantee our Prices and Values.
We do not wish to deceive the public by making it appear that really first-claaa Koode <Ja be
Iwught first, laet and all tbe time for a eong. It has become customary to aee bow cheap goods can
be adrertised, regardless of vinality.
In bard times price is the importand consideration. Quality should be, and with the past few
yearn experienee in buying merchandiae simply Iwcauae there was a “cheap Ule” to it, bae proven
offensive. Every
and wonun will gladly welcome a b^ter condition of things, and cousider
what is for their beat interests in trade and go accordingly.
When we advertise a price we ti^ to put the besft value possible into tbe article. It is anrpriaing lb us to see how cheap iomfe goods are. We endeavor to keep good faith with the public, by
showing what we advertise by ideating no falae impr^ona as to tbe real \-alne of goods, by readily
making any required exchanges in articlee.purcbaeed; by refunding the purchaae money if for any
reason tbe purchaser is deairaus of doing ao; thus we hope to coutlnne for an indefinite time with
the people of this country. CX)silE ANiJ SEE-----
A Black Beaver. 28-inchp length, stprm col- - ® Q QQ
lar, double breasted, fly front
A Boucle Cloth. 3 pair stylish buttons, storm
collar, last year price $7-50. now......................
Black Beaver, inlaid velvet storm collar, fly
front silk faced........................................
Black Kersey. 3 pair of buttons, big collar,
splendid cloth..................................................
All handsomely stitched, seams bound, thor
oughly well made.
Heavy wide Herring Bone Boucle. elegant braid loops for
ornamental closing and supplemental buttons and fly front
for service, storm collar and wide silk facing. 0Q RO
Last year equal-value S12.GO, now ......... . -.
A Black Kersey, all silk lined.
A Hummer...................................................
A Plush Cape, fancy Silk lined. Thibet fur trim- K QA
ming, handsome ornamental braiding..............- v* wr
A big double Cape, full sweep................
A long Cape, double
f>laits. deep braid trim- g AA
ming of Jet and cord —....................................
Plenty of other prices, equally good bargains.
iOur Domestic and Notion Stocks are'Complete and
offer Special Inducements.
Don't fail4o visit the only exclusive Dry Goods
House In Traverse Cltv.
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