The Morning Record, August 07, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 07, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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s'; ^







Emory Moody learea tbto aaornlng
yocht lAdy WotU woo ebortero^ for
for Grand Bap^ aad befor* retarelng j
tbe day. dad b«id«o Uie pioeotorlol
will vtoit relaUvea U other towns of
opart tbe party bod O good tlm.
«AXX WZtB KXa O&AHfirAxaxft &B»ar tbooe wbo enjoyed it wore Dr. BSW TZXPLB WILL BB TXBOWB
Be*. A- J.J
A. H Uollldoy. P. A Bori. B. (S. Hull. OPBB TO PDBLIO WXXT WBBK.
le growing every day. So are our custoram
camp meeting p) Aibloo tbto week
P. A. Oory. W. C HoH. George Hoyt;
growing m number, who want good work
nrvTMH old ofldS<9 of JMOb BtfU W. D. C Germoiae, B«r. XI. A. Piya Work DponDacoratlonn Ooraonead next week be-wlU go to Oystal Spri^:
out on time wheu they leave their
Of Sattou Bay—Vi«o«>ua SoonA •ad H. B. Molttof Deeotar. lad.
Laat Bight -r Attractive^ Bootha for a timltof pnipoaa.
orders for picture frames.
Mtos Lola Mills of St. Johns. Mleb.. i
iMt Vl«bt raUod to Bor«a ^K9With Xvarsraen Trimminga WUI
A Story Of atom.
•twata of tha XAd-Teond B» Vm
Next ToeodoyeTaalng-BeT. Doa 'P.
■ ZtaovBod.
ora WUI be PreAiat.
Biddley of. Grand Bopldo, will deliver
enjoy tbe raaoru in this rielnlty.
Bndolph Kaff one error tn» BoV bU ba>oak leetBre"Slmo.''o otory of
The Mims Hattie and Beeele ^rabLast night the b
toa*! Boy yaoterddy, ho«U« la bio oom- Sloat. ^ tbe aew CoogragaUono) ters of the Porastein in f^B^b balA teaeben in tbe pnblle sebooU at
{way bio Uttle firo-yoort-oid rroadaca. chnrcb ot Omao. ' Tbe
bloek preemted a busy aoe^ Tbe Lynn. Mean, are in the city vtolUng
« ooB of Joeo^ Baftl of BtUoao Boy. be devoted to the benefit of tbe cbonA. rooma and baU were filled wt^-^or-1 tbetr sister. Mra J. O. U
WbUo tbo grondfotbor «M unaocUor AdiniMdoa will be U eenta. Tbe neon- estrnn aad Lady Foresters wbo were! Mra. Hnbbell. tbe '
• ——------ ■
.... '•
-----------“ I
hariowa la tbo mot morkrt of J. 0- or ColunWa will run on exeniolon to bnslly engaged In deoorating and pre-. with Lewis Fitcfaetl. eame to tbe city .
paring for th« grand dedication to ttke ' yeeterdAy from Nraaen City where she |
Is a good .thing. Commence by bu^ng at »
peored oltocotkw- Mr- Buff foiled •-« eiae City ot 6 p. m. ^
a»d tonebing at place next week. BeanUfnl evergreen bns bran vUlUng ber brother. She I
our store and insure your^lf agaiiMt »n- •
notiM biodinppMronee for o few i
trimesliim In protosion will create a drove last night to Elk Bapfato where :
lerior ^ods and higher prices.
menu, and when be came to look for

•eeae of beauty aad tbe pretty girta her hnsband will maet her.
biD tbe lad wae not to be (onad. The
and ladles wfU add animation that will
G. LoteBUrer, tbe well known vocalgraadfatber at oaoe begaa a vigoroiu
make tbe baxar a place of aUraeUve _t wbo appeared here in Steinberg's
aeareb for tbe boy bot wa# aol. ^ Abbey to in ^ail and Bia Pal to Wanu featnras and all klndn of taari»»t^ Grand laet year, arrived in tbe city yea' warded wUb oacem. After o vain
Ibe spacions front parlor will be de­ terdny from Chicago aocompanied by
od Badly.
aeareb be noliBed Goa Bnff. of Fred,
David Abbey, wbo woo arreoted on voted to lee cream and eake. Tbe large Mn. Silver. They wUl speed the re­
Beebtel's ealooa. who eougbt Cblef
of being tbe party who rob­ dining room etmnecUag will be eet mainder of the sommer. with Mr. 8Uit PoUee Bennie to il^oBi he deear
apart foe booths for lemonade, oonfec- ver's parents at Acme.
tbe boy aad tbe loeal offioete oooarad bed Pool Wetoler-s barber »bop Taea- tionery and.aimilar piirpoeea.
but witboot eoooeea Up to day. baa been bound o>er to the Oreuit booths were in eourae of nrrangemeot
court intbeannaf«300 ball. Abbey,
atidnigbt ao trhee could be foond of
laat night, and will be obnsiracted
tbe'aitedag^we Snd tbe friradi of the waa taken before Jaatiee Btovra yeeter- wltb fine evergreen trimmings supPast Tima Testarday in Fwld Dayfanlly in town were greatly worried day morning for a hearing,
to aay regarding hto gotlt
Bportn on tbs Pnir Oronnda
Tbe aeareb wio oontlnoed laet
Tbe large lodge room will be used
innooeaoe. but the erideaoe
Tbs second of tbe.field gsmss of tbe Silk Waists
bat witbeul tuooeeo. Mr. ^nff had
Shirt Waists
pnrBetont to warrant blading him
TraverM City Athletic AssoetoUon were
beea to Batton's Bay vioiting bio r^poees,
ise. tor I5c- valnea.
AU new—19c.. 49c..
He eonld not fnrntoh anretlee and waa
held yestcr^ at the bir groends. and
tivee and broogbt tbe boy here intend79c.. 9«c.andfil.4».
15c. for 15c. to sop.
t^ee back to JaU. On hto way back and fish poad. Also otbor attract
lag to lake him bone with bin to Elk
be admitted to Underabertff Ariiton which can not be enumerated U tbto qnanermfla bieyels in M i-S teeonds.
for aoe. valnra.
^pkb. He went on to Elk Bapldo
AUeWiaa AU coloea.
.giMarday aftenuoB thinking ot ooaree -that be waa one of the party who atole ' The gallery will ba a sotfree of gnat wod by Boldswortb. and the bnU miU
tbe barbeKa implemeata, bnt ba auted
that the lad would tarn ap all right,
that it waa a p^ who entered tbe abop interest, being arranged as a mnsenm, 1:0S were emeeptkmally fine.
^e mUe fellow to a nephew of Gno.
ra rare afilclea, staffed animnla
and took tbe plnnder, bnV tbal be aold
Tbe otber events, with winnms and
BoS. Pean are entertained that be
the rator to BHver. Offleer Aabtoe andbirds.valasbleraUaa.ete.. wlU be
waaderod to the river or bay ahore and
gained information regarding tbe prob­ exhibited. Tbe fine eoUeetioa
so-yaid dnab. C Helm. € 1-S aaeoafiA
waa drowned, tbongfa a awreb &Ued
able'wbereabonte of the pal aad yea- Sqniras A Banner wiUrforv a part of
100-yard daab. C. Helm, itii aeeenda. What we have left will be almost given away, to make
. to reveal OMb a aad aeeidenl.
tbe display.
terday went in qnwt of the fellow.
I»0-^Jmtb, B. Bastings. IT sacroom
for fall styles (now arriving.)
Tbe baadsome gold beaded eame wUl
be given to the pnalding ofltoer of a
44u-yard daab. B. Baatinga. I mlng
votes.-Ttn Sale” Olotblaia Hnat Alao Pay
Billy Weltb wwt arraatad tor being
ntec aad SI seconds
Tbe deeoratiooa la all tbe rooms wUl
$8.7fi Oom.
too drank laet ni^t and lodged in the
Staading broad jamp. C Halm. « feet
e beantlfel aad prefnae, evergraeni
Jaatloe Verly decided yeaterday that eoop by Ofieer Kinney.
and national colors predomiaatiag.
tha “fiA aale" elolbiera rnnat retom to
lading bop-step-aad-jamp. C. Al­
Marcia A. Barnet of Jlorthport. aad Tbe ladles and geutismen of the order
Prank Praelaad the money paid by BmUy Hunt of Copemtob. have been
len. IS feet«inebea
wiU devtrie the Intervening time be­
him lor a •oitof'clothea that Aid not awarded widowto penatoaa.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
Banning broad jump, L J. Plem, IS
tween now and tbe lOtb to getting
Si. Jn'dgnent waa rendared agmlnat
H. L. MiUer-tbe barber, baa been en things in shape and completing the feet 4 Inekea
the defendant tor the price of tbe
Badneed BaUy Da^ Bdtae.
olatiiing pnrehaaed. wbiefa waa lift, and him by aome nnknown butgood friend.
Tbe above are but a few saggestions
Tbe C. A W. M. wUi make a rate of
in nddiUon to thto $!.T5 ooata, and be
A oonple were married in Grand Bap- of wfaat are to be presented at tbe dad■mat go without the anonnt claimed ids yesterday, tbe groom aged T5 yearn, IcaUon. Tbe details of tbe exact pro-' <me fsK for tbe Fonnd trip, for those
wbo wtob to attend tbe Bally Day exby them for time eooaumed in aeUing and tbe h^oy. blushing biUe
gram have net yet been completed bnt
Ms to be held in tbto A:i»y Angnst
the ralt. abowing gooda. ate.
see just 0(1 snmmen.
will be annonnesd in s few days.
A spectol train will leave for Elk
The preparations in progress Indi­
Tbsatra parties at Mantoa and Elk
Bapidh at 6 p. m. on that date.
-Baplds are faeiag formed to attend tbe cate that tbto will be tbe greatest fra
performanm of W. S. Hart, at Steia- Urnal svent ever ^ven In Traverae
berg*i Grand next week.
and Bra. Steala
Tbe fira which destroyed Herb.
Spend it as you likA But
Bev. and Mn. S. Bte«)c of Northport Joyntb barn to eald to have been eansed
oelefarated their atotieth wedding an- by several bt^ wbo were smoking cig­
we can advise you to spend
niverwy yeaterday. and their f riendi arettes Inside tbe straciare.
oatae from all over tbe region to meet
it in no better way than for
Elder Corntob wlUprascb to tbe Lat­
Joaeph BnfteU of Torch Lake, eame
them and and eztena their good
ter Day Saints in the Unt oo Sixth over 00 the On^mato take In tbe
a sack of our'
wtobea A dinner waa aerved to the
and Divtoioe straeU Sunday evening clrens Tneeday. and on tbe ratnra trip
gneata and a ehorvimpromplo program
npra tbe subject of Mormonism.
in tbe evening fell overboard aad
of congratatotory apeeebca followed.
Thaas wbo desire to proenra tbe r«- drowned. Tbe boat waa crowded and
Many H>pnrpriate aouvenin of the oeeaaion were given, Amo^ them waa port of tbe water wvks eommittoe can In tbe darknoB be waa not mtoeed tiU
Boar. Follow our advi^ and
a bandwme and valuable dtomond eet do so by applying at tbe BKcono of&ee Torch Lake was reached. All Torch
Lake to excited over the matter had
watcb charm prvaented to Bev. Mr. or at tbe oflhse of tbe Oty Clerk.
you’ll not regret it.
Tbe familtoe of Alderman A W Jab- every effort baa beea made to find bto
Staele by tbe Maaonie lodgca of Leelarans. H. W. Cnaningbam, and A. J. body, bntlberatoacareea probability
aanoonnty. Mr. Steele wm a chi
saember of Travene City Chapter. los. Bradshaw are prapariag to go into of soeoeea. asnoone knows when or
where In the bay the accident ocenrred.
F. A A. M.. and elainu the honor of camp lor two weeks near Carp lake.
being tbe oldeat toaaon in the Grand
Spangel A Kellogg will move thedr He was employed in tbe mill si that
Traverae E^lon. He and hto wife are barber abop friyn tit« room adjoining place and was a general favoriteamoiw the earlieat pioneert of thto Jostioe Brown's office to the etora in
eeetkm of tbe atote- Mr. and Min. tbe OUlto bnUding. wrat of Rom's drag
f>of>iilw CMhlvr-.;
Mtos Jo Vsder retnrned yeaterday
Steele are aa •yobng in apirit and aa Titora.
from a visit at Nortitport.
bright and happy aa they were ttoty
il was Bev. W. A. Frye wbo perHim
Beltn^ went to Om^
yean ago. and their frienda prop
famed the marriage ceremony for yceurday to ftolt Mtoe Addle .roynk
We beg to call tbe public^ at­
ior them many more yearn of comfort. Mim Harvey and Mr. Heumann TbnraProf. George B. Catton of Beoxonla tention to the faet that when a [
day night. Tbe Bxcoau printed It
merehant bays aoption goods it |
college, to smying a few days at
Bev. D. Ooehlln out was In error. Place.
does not always follow that he
There will be another rifle abooting
■Qte steam barge Bboda Emily and' H. C Oviatt and family will leave to­
Is what you wUl observe in eveiy-tbing in our New Meat
. oonteab Wedneaday In Will Mnrrel'a
boys them cheap. Mr. Hoat, being
day for a week's campti« on Boardman
Mafkerin the Brosch Block.
gallery on Prool street. Thera have
a favored castooier of tbe Peerleaa
r at tbe Trav- Lake.
been aeveral fine scorea made lately
erae City Lamber Company’s dock, and
C. D. Stanley, mafiager Of B. B. Dai­ Manatartaring Co, boaght the
aad thto eoateet wil. be exciting. Tha
will sail today for Bandnsky, Ohio, ly's general store. Sattoes Bay. wi
cream of the stock at 4*c. on the
earn trama which oompeted aeveral
where tbe lamber to odnalgned.
tbe city yesterday.
dollar, and not a damaged gar­ OBDEBS DBUVEBEl) PBOMPl'LY.
waeka ago will oonteat a^n.
Mr. and Mra. John Glllto of StaU
The oSoaof tbe Alaska Gold Mining
ment in the whole lot, «bidi yoor
street are entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
L- K Gibbs. wUl not be loeated
It, however, baa been demonIfie. Z>r. XiOgan Paaaed Away Tbnra* in Fatekln A Crptaerto office aa anAftar eoma further terday after aa afasanoa of several •trated at this veiy aoctiou aale in
a permanent office will months at Sanlt Ste. Marl£
qoeedon, that Some large bnyera
Bra. Bffle 3. Ugan. wife of Dr. Cbaa.
Correspond with
ppld more for their anctaon stuff
w! Logan, died at her borne In Omeoa be eeiabltobed.
The HusUeis are etill getting it In for a three wmIcs' visit with relatives than they would in any regular
Tbnnday afternoon after a lingering
the Tra'verse City
in Grand Bapldeand Detroit.
tbe *■ neek.'^ eo to nnak. In nplta of tbe
lllnm. She waa l» yeatn old. “
Lumber Company. VVe have for sale Good, Spund Hem­
Dr. W. J. Blgglas wUl leave tbto jobbing boose.

and Mm. Leges located In Omena i
nfternocm for Grand B^lds and Otta­
If you wear a aiae 34, 25, 36 or lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
tie over tiwo nlbntlm ago, and Mrn. Lo­ ing thHate nnpleasanUreas. tn a store
wa Beach for a few days'.vtoK.
87 in Soita we can foraiab job nn Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all
gan waa taken iU aooo after. faUiag on Prast street there to a slga dtoMra. L.C Wheeler aad Evelyn Manplayed anuMndag a ball game beelegantly
made and op to date enit descriptions, including a Engine. Set Works, Carriages
conataoUy nnUl berdeatb. Tbe fni
xy of Chicago, dined at Park Plaee yeeal wifi take plaoa from tbe ehnreh at twMn the EnsUers and Suttons Bay terday on their way to a nonbern re- tor the foltbwing prices:
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
for Abe ebnmploaakip of Mtoblgaa.
Omena at two o'clock tbto afternoon.
;Tbto to tbe nnkindest ent of nU, nOd *^lm Sadie Prall. who ban been makTha Death XUoonL
ipg an extended trip to Pontiac. De­
troit and Grand Bapids, ratarnad ysaMr. and Mrn. H. J. WlUima era
terdaynnarnlag tbe death ot their Infbnt aon,
Cbkago, Angnet «.-Wbeat-Angaeb.
Lena Moore, wbc ban beea vtolUag
died at tha home of Ike parpSU of
Mn. WtUiama, Mr. and Mrv O. ^ate, TTKc; September. Tlhe; Dmwnber.' Mr. and Mra. W. J. Moody, leaves tbto
1 lot of cheap Soita, men’s aiaefi,
lor ber borne In Mnllikm,
7S«e; May. MHc. '
IWSonth Cedar itraev
at $1.98. CalledA bargain ehw
Cocn-Aagnsu »H« Septmaber, Mich.
Mtos Woodworth, who baa bean rtolt-|lt98.,
ABXJKOOr TBODT OALDBX. I- »7e; Daeemom. »«icOata-Angntt.
S^lember. ing tbe Misses Laura and Lontoe PrledCraab Hata 29c. Come on. On earth. We have it! Ladies', Mjsses', Boy;’, Youths! and
Mtorty of Snacaarfttl Kabeman Ba­ iTk^ntie; Oewbar, llXa; Dseamber. rioh, hss ratsraed to her borne la
Come on.
Childs’ Wateiprooi ^oes just in.
toned horn OarpLaka Last Bight
Grand Bapkto.
. Forii-<-AnrMk. fT.Pf; B^tamber. The famlUm of C S. Vadar and C &
Yeaterday a party o*
Vadar. Jy.. aad tkeh gnaats from
to Carp Lake aad rainmed laat night r.tot
tid-AigwL N-tt; .Baplmbar. Hnfikegnn. anjoyad a pteak at Namharilbn .panada of flaa ml men Woat.
The largaat wai^Llng Uponada. Tba Ifit-uet-u-


Th6 IMt hi India..


Accident Insurance





These PFices

Should Interest the Ladies. ^

Ladies’ Suits—Shirts—Capes
Come in and see them.


I Its Your Money.





Opens This HorniDg

T. J. Host’s,

Bright, Fresh, Neat

Fresh Meats—always fresh.. Salt Meats.

ttOUB MOa,

if You Have Logs ts Sell

$4.33, $4.98, $5.39




Said to be the-

Man's $1,50 Slue



VBS XOBKIHO BSOOaD. atsbib«tatae>«fawdtoiwiiBe wilelr

.. M»T'iiom»« MxtMrTWtHom.

•twot- T. BAns AJni 3. W. Bajixd.
3. W. BAJ«yM. Bdltcr mmi »Um«v.
dm vMk. kf cvrMr.. .

«teM»CPBtha,t9»Wl. •
. H«)

OM>—r.ty—a. •
• «CB

on onecun*

M Bt ik« Pa
A Waar VmennA indite fanned an InJnnetinn raatrainln« Sa(m V. Debe
trw indnlfiny in too maeh freedom of
npaeeh asonc the attOdar neat minora.
Hr. Debanowdefieatbeoonrt apd dewmneea the indj^ deeUriny that be
wUl not be reatrUned. The* IntrodnettoD od an element wbieh dedee the law,
tawmwberethelpw ia oaUed apeo
. to fttard ac^nat Ttelonee and Uw
' hwaklng. will ac^y halp the eanae
•t the etrlken. The example Mt by
Hr. Deba U likely to be mieconatn '
the hot-beaded wbi^ are alwaya
ke fenad In bodlee of man aneb at are
encaged tnjhe_____________
A Touxe man at Sanlt 8U. Marie
. eraa reeently the rletim of e eerw*
aheeklqrnkaetridty. After two bonra
work the nnlortn»U man wae reana/ nllalad Kow the atate board of haalth
/ te m^lng a ntady of the mathoda
•dopud and wm aoon iwa a elroalar
eothepnbllc wbicb wlU gire minnte
noe U
'Mm. When Traveree aty enjoj^ the
0t an cleetrk railway thie
wUl prore of eepeclal interW
In Grand Baplda a rarmen ana
Fralt Orowere- National Leagna b betaf farmed, wboee objeete wlU be to
proteet Ue farmer la tha eala of hb
^nem. Tbw wiU ba a mom in the
right dlreatiott. ,aa the farmer ean
iiii the protection that he ean

rrtrAwmrwo nOQlArMVtoT.


itm OmwfOrd Bntar^ad At Woodtows Xmat Might.
-Woodlawn." the pretty borne of
Him Alice Crawford, on Waabington
•treat, wea4be eeene of brilliant UtomiMtlon, and one of the meat happy
■eelal erenU ^ the anmmar toet night.
ooeaalon waaathadow entertainwnt glren by Mba Crawford, which
eraa attonded by aboat aixtt yonng ao-

•toty’n» *»»»

lUamlnat^ iwltb Japaneae tontersA
nnd tha gnaab apMt the early portioo
0t the erenlng in getting thoronghly
✓ Woqaaintod. D Later .popator nwnery
jhymee were lUoetrated spon.a eoreen
•pread from tha poreh at the aaet tide
of the hooae. in which aereral pf the
gnaeta aerred aa anbjacta. Aflor the
•ntortalnment a delicioBa Innebaon of
•al-t bm and other d^baciea. waa
4Mreed npon the town. For norelty
informal aodatollty thb waa one
•g tha moat charming of partlm

QUICK betiiibutToii.
jrarn Attmptod to Awtdt a Woman
and waa Xgaohad.
Birmingham. Ala.. Asgnat «. -Near
iBfwing toat nlgti «wge Tnrsor.' a
colored laborrr. entered the bedroom
«g Mkw BoWneew. thedanghter of hb
She wee eronaad and
•menmad. Toraer auampted to choke
te. hot her father ran into the room.
• Tsrnar aprang ihrongh the- window
. erbleh he bad entered and Aed. Before
Aayllght a pew wae formed aod the
aMgro was ran down, brought baek to
the aeone of the otme and hanged to
Wm Install OOoan.
At the r^ntor meeting tonight of
Tnmne City Lodge. No. ill. L O. G.
T., oAtoen for the ensnlng term wUI
ha inatalled. There vlU ba other
^anrtwly bMlnees and a fall atte^
- anee b reqaaetad. Memben are
^naatad to be preparad to pay dnaa

a. A I^iur un

B* lora*d bit wj Into bar
by the Twenty-Ant tnfaatry,
Md ohnsW and yaitnc an tmf rad«
A., under romntBnd of UeutentAnt

■tan Ims a eomplsto Una of the beet
arorka of UtoraUtro and all tU beat

At. Steinberg's . Grand * Opera * House-

michioen mnikM acatsM bar breMt And. The Colonel McRIbben. was topsated yester­

''n^ysKBE cmr. ■

wmm muon.

Stdeat at I


vii> m

’ Took Poieon.
Otnad Bapida. Angnet A-B. A. Dai­
ley. a waU-toAo resident of deabon.
Ottawa eoanty. shot bb wile at midalgbv Thb mronlag he snbided by
faking p^oa. The woman may re•over. Last April Deiley seat a latter
to Mayor Swift of (Hkago. myiag that
be waated a woman of matM yean aa
• wife Swift garefttot^k-wwapa*
pnn as a Iltoraiy cnrlcaity. ‘Ihe foeolt
was that DaUsy reoelrod. aearlA 500
Mswera from women. Be eeleetod
Mn. Hattie Newton, a Cbieago widow.
Three months ago they were marriei*.
DeD^ eras 70 ysan old and hb WGe
45. Their IBs had been one of vnhappiaw.- Dally bwams jmlooa when
hb irtle retoraed to Chicago for e tong
rteU. They qnarreled and separatad.
Oallsy care bb wife throe days to ra­
tals to show bar ailagianea as kb wtfa
The time waa np toet night et mU

M etanarad from the how In
bar nicbt town and fdl blaadinf on
the dooratep of Lnaun Jeelaon'a boaae.
where the wae lonnd. Dailey wae ar>
roated and reBataad in tbeoaatody of
the ofieeta aatil neniaff, whan ne
WM to be taken to Grand Baw by
train: he waa.aUowed to eater a ealnen
and ‘drank aereraldaew of beer. At
the bar he fell baekward in apaama.
BehadMaa«edtoBUpat(TehniM Into
the beer nBokoarved and in a few minatea be waa dead. Dailey had a fine
farm and eonaideiable moiwy and drew
$M a month penaioo for the lom of a
hand in the war.

WUl Defy the Injnnetlim of Oonit
and Balaa Hb Toioa in Behalf of
the Hlnaro--Btrlkaes StUi Owning
nttsbuf. Attg.
Daka, who addriiiif a toige minan' mseUng at Do^nenae wharf toet night, left today for
Tnrtto Creek. Before laarlng the .alty
Debe denoaneed dodge Jackson of
Wmt Virginia for boning an Injanotioa against him. Said bo: "Thb inJnnoOcm restrains me from walking os
any pnbUe highways leading to the
■.toes of the MoBtoigeh Coal and Coke
Co. None other «an be eompai
it. It annihUatoa the right of peaeefnl
ememblage and eSeetnaUy
bee speech.' If it b snatolned. and I
hare no donbt bet it will be. it eweepe
away aU eensttutionai mfegnarda. and
dallrero ns band and foot, to oorporato
capitoL I bold the inJoneUon and the
te who beaed it b in tbs enprems
eonrt If 1 hare oooaelon to robs my
Tides in behalf of the famishing-miners
nndsr Jackie's Jnrbdbtloa. I shall do
ao reghrdl& of thb tofamona iajnnotton."
The imported miners that were ex.peeled to rmoh De ArmltVs mtoee
from Virglnle thb mornlag Aid not erriro. The strikers were agreeably
9 make gains
as b shown by the nnmberof men at
work in tke De Armitt mines. At
8^y Creek only throe men are et
work. The camp 1e thinning ost and
are going to Plnm Oeek eamp
beeaase their preeence b not needed at
Sandy Creek The enbrat et Sendy
Oteek b only two pit enrs and the mine
b abeolntoly deed. At Plun Creek
the M men who worked yaetoiday did
not go iDto the mine this morning.
Os*wM«n>XaageMa.Tawil OsmO ba
toaW nawaea.
The od^ of the bias* b faeUrved te
hare been in Uic ndnliy of the bolbr
bones. Tbt accutnulattd dnst, at drr
end lUiemmaW* as gunpowder, that had
been plllog up for ysan. found a ready
maans for tb* Ore to mreed wltb great
rapIdUy. and then ceme a lemtto expl^
bon, cORiplrUDC the wort aod aeaiterIng the Ore throughout the cntli* struc­
ture. Jon as tbr ftremen. were ^Ung
Into pobUon for adraatageous work,
and nearly all the members of caglns
company K:. S were mounting taddsie
and brlnelng lesdi of hose teplsy on the
inurlor from the uppw windowe, there
came s roar that could be beard for half
a mile.
The force of the espftvloa waa id great
that the raatern wall was hurled Ir.lo
the Mver. the web wall tumbled down
upon the beads of the unfenunate men
around. Every window In the rlrtnlty
of the elevator arms Obatteied by the
eoaruMlcm. eoaou of penqna war«
struck by the flytiw debrb and several
small Arse resulted from faDlne tlmhrre
ihsi were still In fUmea At Jefftrws
stmt and Cbirecll avenue, many M</cka
dbtsnt.. grant borMce masses of are< kaxe Ml upon four aragrni* loaded with
bar tnd wt them la names.
The aletator was a oompobie cOnStnrtton. Ihe toarer portion being brirk
and lh* upper inrt frame, covered with
oomigated iron. Tbe explosion caused
s perfect bcmbardmenl of bricks and
Bbeeu of Iron at almoat white beat
bsvlng little of tbe building r
frome work of wood aod Iron si
plh' ot hissing wbeuL The
expkaten stunned (or s moment the po­
lice sad Atvmen.bul they quickly rsflbd
lo the help of ihroc who hsd been hurl.
Darns )u(
lay Iniered in the with­
ering best, some nrt ■erlourly harmed
and-ntbere In the throes of dwth.
It was dangrroai work lo get them
out. but It was gallahtly ard quickly
done, and all the rllghtly Injured were
removed. Tbe dead war* for the time
left where ihej; lay. No mac could reach
Ahelr bodies and live. TTr Arv was moat
difficult to control, ar ifae ebvstdr wds
surrounded by a number of wnall frame
buildings, which were continually rolcbInc fire. The total low b~>ellinKted at
tfM.eOQ. which b fully covered by insnrhow Bale te the n. A. «. Meto.-"
Chicago, Alt*. C—Tbe Qroat Westsra
read atmoohrea a rate tram Bt. Paul
And Minneapolis of 1 cent a mile to the
Grand Army encampmeni at'Buffalo.
All the other rads In the terrttorT
of Ihe Wewlera Paaaenger asoarlaUim
4U1 undoubtedly make the aama rote.
. Madlsna. Wlq. Aag. C—AHlrles of laeorpnrailmi were Bled in the eeereury
or etste'e office yealrtday by the Amer­
ican PulK Llb«B and Fibre company, of
MUwaukec. Tb* CApUal stack b BM.-

H, B. BaakaU has reoenUy added a
day. The Prebdrot and Mn. HcKtnIey
riewed the parade' from itaa haleosy saw Use of paper corerod bobka, whieb
in front of their apanmetitt.
oontnin the Uteet prodneUons of popstor astboca. The Angaat magitiaes
• Kew Tart. AtoTt—PredertS*P. Fbw. an AUed arith Inactoea Uterory trento
ter hat been appointed p*nnan«nt n- and If one aUowa hlMalf to bwdme
eelrer for Hulbsn Brea A On. dealsn
In btcyetea parting geeda etc. LtaUU- adUetod a^tk ennnl it b hb oars faalt.
Action‘nnmberof Mcaero'ab one
tln. 5Mt«H: nomlDAl ametn RM.O*: TbeActl
Acinai ameta. tULepe.
of then
printed aod oontoiae a large somber of
bar We MarfMapasA
Aag A-PeOewtae are tha itotepcb engaging stories as one feeb
Mae far'tweatrdser boan thg desire for during the warm aummer
Par uebaa ml nu.
days. One of the bast storito b tbe
wti^ Par Miekleea as«
"Storaa of tha Iwmp." by Bndyard
aroet^; bgarl; rtbne J
Kipling. Ingeniously lUustratod it b
bwa-Pbr veattw. Whroadk^
eonetraewd along lines paeulifr to tha
uniboruod b intossely engaging. A
A Ctoeer tsmyar.
gtoMe along the ebalree and eountors
An old lawyer in Parb bed Isetnot- <a Mr. BaskeU's bookstore wUi rareal
ad a rerr young client of bb lo areep many thioga of .a lUorary character
erety ttoe be etnok the desk with bb Wbieh WiU meet the w Ob of tboee to
band. Onfortonatoly the bairbtv for­
erareb of good Utorat
got and ctradk the desk at the WKmg
mament Hm olienl feU to sobbiBC and
To Whom rr Mat ConcxBn—lo pur*^^hat b the matter arith yonP'
naked tbs proekUng jBdge. .
snaoee to an act ot tbe legblatnro of
"Well, he told ms to ay aa oftoa ae Miehigan, I beroby warn all poraone
he struck the mbto.”
engaged is aeUlng Uquor that 1 shaU
Hero was a'sics ptwiitwoenL kot rigidly ooforoe the law regarding the
the asnte Isaryer was equal to the ooeala of inioxieaUng llquoro to Indians.
osslon. Addraming the iniy. be said:
"Well, genGemeu, let me aak Too In tbb regard 1 call uttenUoo to Ast
bow yoo <no neanoUa tbe idea ef coime issabd. Section U. of tbe
in ooojtwoticBi with eueb candor and of HowaU's Anotntad dtalutas. 1585—
ximplioiiy. I aarait yonr reidiot with 15M, which nude In part aa followe:
tbe. mob peitect oonddenoe.ExIt eball not be lawful for any penoa
exeept a dratgbt, arho obali be goreraed by eeeSon t of Ibb act. to eeU.
farabb or gire any s^taoaa. malt, or
(armeotod ew^noas jqaoia.
, 8be bad lust r^tunsd from u atoU to
or any beraraca, liquor or llqaids eootointito aay g^riwona, malt, brewed,
’-lslttrae.*’aafcedan i
fermeatod. er ainnoua Uonor ic any
“that there is an air of cnJtun and m
to any perm in tbe habit of getting
intaxieatod. nor to any Indian, nv to
any pmm of Imllan
OacAP Siupoox, gherlif.
**eren tbe owb around Boetoe boot
whom r instead of 'Towboat' as • they
do in tbe arm!
Obioago Timea-BarMotioe to Tax Payoea..
Tbe tax rolls of tbe Ar* wards of lb*
se City, for the eollectioD
* "Tha Kan of the Iron Kaefc.”
oi Boaom, ciiy ana special aseesement
One otlbeB
taxes for tbe Aeeal year 1857-I8M bare
>. bthatof "The Man of tbe been dellrered to me to the C4ty Clork.
Iron Haak,'' as prpduaad by W. 8. Hart Said taxes may be paid to me at my ofBo* at any tim
_ .
and hb eomyasy of playuia. Tbe eao- im. without charge for roUecUoa.
tfml Agan in tbe play, b that of -The One per oanv penalty for collection
Mao of tha Iron Mask.”—und thb char­ WiU be charged and e^lected npon all
SeptemW Ul.
acter in the able bauds of Mr. BaH
1897. I wiu be at m^oAlro to roceire
himself b one of the umolTed riddito mid taxae as all week
we ' day*
from 8
of bbtory. All that b deAolt^y kn
ek ootU 11:50
U:M o'clock
o’c----------a m. and
m. and
of him b, that he Ured during tbe from 1 o'clock tintU 4 o'clock
.'clock p.

reign of Lonb XIV of Fronee. a prboo'
onUl 5:50 o'clock.
er of atate. eonAned and cloaely guard'
Malcom f^xna,
ad iu tbe Bastile. and estraatod to the
Office Boom I. Hei^...........
spaeial earo of a high gorerame
Front etroeb
ofSolal. De Saint Mars, by name. Tbe

moat geDcrnlly aneeptad theory b. that
"The Man of tba Iron Matk.” was
brotbar.of Loob XlVanJamaequenUy.
a formidable rival for tbs throne of
For tbb play Mr. Bart waan ao Iroa
math wbicb as oomplately ahnta bim
out of tbs world as though be ware ia
vary tiiitb on the lair Su Marguarito.
Tha mask arrlred from New York only
yeatorday. aUboogk tba order waa girao tbe Amt day of Jons It waa made
by L. V!. Laaray of New York, who U
a lettor to Mr. Bartaaya. "I am glad'
to gat rid of tba death maeblne. I'd
•aihur inaka pbno legs from store pipe
thaa erer attempt anetbrr such a toak:
bat DOW It b Aubbad I tbluk yon may
be prond of It. There b not iu like in
Amarica.” Mr. Bart wears thb mask,
wbi^ laeaaea bit whole head, for' an
euUroueV Itbubeolutelypraetieuluud
faetoned with a padlock, to which tbaro
arc two kaya, aaob eurriad 'by dUtaraat
mamban of tba company. Mr. Bart's
osly fear b that tbe keys may be Icat
while tbe mask b os, and taya be
wouldn't fancy making a trip through
the ebeets afiTrovcni City lo u blaek•mltb shop before be could obttln roUef. and ares then It would not be ao
auelly managad, toying ona'a be^ .oa
aa snril for a atnrdy blaekamith to
play witb-b aartainly not eondtieira
toplaamat faaUags. A few of True
arse City's beat cHiics karo aeaa raba*e nsrer been seen hc'e befosa.
"Ths Lerdl.r Bodaon" b one of tbe
Intensely i:
^knguttCeutoiy.CItbiwofusely Ultmtrutod with viewa along the
Bbloa” and Soeneb in and abont New
Turk City and being Aoaly' writton.
holds ths segm attention pf the reader.
It b writton byOaronee Omk ^
lUustntod-by |A. OuaUtgaa.. Baeunt
•reste is Tuiicay and Oraeee make a
dtoorlpUro article aaUUad "A Journey
is Tbeaariy” one of mon than paaetiig
intoieot. T^ooim Dwight Goadall b
the aatbor and tha srork b Anely Uluetruted. Beaidca theae "Tbe Trip to
Atosku” will And intormied iMdatu.
Tbe story b wall writton by John Muir
and John Fraser has supplied grupble
pieWree of eeoBes that will be more
approclatod now that Alaska has beoo^ the seeneof adveutnre and the
ob^t point of gold eeakeia. Tba Cen­
tury eoBiahts also many other Ana
faalurea wbicb it b not
■Anbis aod Tbelr
b on* of tbe Ana faatoroa In Mnneeyn
Tbe artida troato of eolorlng and aU
the el^menu which ioleaeat tbe artbt
and etudant and b baautifuUy pie^rad
with reproductions of tamoss worim of
art- Tbeie aro only two of tha many
magiitiee wUeb are aonght by tboae
oeeking reel and ■eostantment theae
bright snmmer daya. The Oty Book

Suits to jJrder.
Fioe' Merchant Tailoring.
tv Bear Hmmle Bbek. Cels, eweet.

Hard Pan


Fine Shoes.

Stylish Shoes.

Seats Nof on Sale at Box Office
roB KXOAOgintxT OP. .

' America’s Foremost Young
Dramatic Actor,

'W. S. HART"



Miss Constance Williams
AadasBsasnairoapsajrol Plsw cireei Crow Hew Tseir b thro* *4 m* I
pUro *r*r vTlttra.

Mondaii'liifast 9, - - - ''Theladjof
Taesdaif.lgpist 10, •
Weditsdaj, Itpst II, - Ihe San io ite Iroi gist"

Watered Stock Sale
> The Boston Store.

Tbe watered otoek ft the Poorices h
mtle oad we are aSoring tbe go^ at

The reputation of the Peerless Manufacturing Co.
for making^rst class goods has long been established.
Only a small portion of the goods are slightly damaged
by water, and the rest arc as good as new, but we
bunched them all up :n lots, and offer tbe entire stock at



Many of the lots consists of fall and winter ^oods,
made up for the coming season, such as Mackinaws,
heavy underwear, heavy pants and shirts, but it will
pay you well to bu^ a little ahead of the season to
secure these bargains.
W don KeaV Maoy noaeoi
•blrta, worth AIMS fbr SSe.
BO dot Kee’e IsBcy VUbboI
•birm. worth El.BO tor 7»o
SOdoeablneall wool Aaaaol
abiru St.50forSi.t9.
50 dom ■en'o baary oatiag
BADnel Bight oBlrta. worth Si 50
lor 590.
to (lom meat Aoe Imported
eoshmero toa boae worth 50c. for
50 doxea mmi'a Aaeot ail wool
Jereey Li-t, shaped,
srorth forSI et.

wonbSS M for Si.'
Beery Keroey' wool paaM
worth S1.60 for 95c. ^
MeCe Anrst wbla abiiia. short

Mob's Am drew paata. worth
Noah oil wool nod Mlk mixed.
Aaecrd Ilaed uoderwrar, best of
ia kind, worth SS oo
ta- 1-... ■«»->
kao* poaa worth soc.
Fiae dlaUty worib lOe. for to
^dil^glBgbam. Aacst mode,
worth tSe. far 7a per ya^
tt ptoeo* giagbom wer^ 7e.

S5 oad se oapea go for SI.:
to with tbb oaie we tore
ire mode
grfatndeetioas'lB all lii

I J Boston Store,

r hicyete sola
far St. 75.
We offer a etrwUy all wot
salt good' weigh
t ^14.55.
Moa'p eoUOB awoatar* far

Oom* quick, before the cream is gosa

Traveree Qity, Mich.

School ShoBs.„

Are a ^ of the
Reliabie Lines we
menripn this week. You
get-them only of

De Old Relialili SioenM,




Meitsund Groceries

Orfirs bj Tdebw ProniNji


TiABtMt. Mvm TnnI 4 da.
orSK DAT Ajn> mnwr.

Rat^ $1.50 per Day.



Ever Burned Outt
If eoyna know

o. P. CARTKB, Agwt.


Evicting ThoM of Hh Men
Who Arc on Strike.

wiu nu ma PLAOEB todat.
PlfciMla— ta O^mM* Um Oak BID MtM
—MkM« B*M a BK MMHak at fWa.
kai«aak Paaaaana -^tiraMiat by la.

a MaMlas a iQ

PIttatmrt. Auc. (.-Kliterr dor cloaad
Ik IkU city by a mc«llni oo Duqotsae
trbart. wb«rc a crowd ot from t.00D (o
' M.OW pcopu wernWtd to b«or Eum*
V. Otba. Mra. Joraa aad aerarml locaJ
Veaktra make addnaoM. The q>«ak*ra
»ar* flv« a hearty receptlcai and the
Mtimer.u ezptataid were Soudly
■rlnertd. eapactally when alluBona were
Mde to the unri^UeptoaM pf Ike

tbcnwIvM M Bffltnc to ktaad Cm to

BamMaa Mkaan la ladlaaa.

Terre Haute, Jod.. Atic. 1—Vice Praa
ideot XJewellyo wired Beeeetary Xea*
aedy. ct the Indiana iclnare- ersntMtkm. froin WUtalow. that the cnlaen at
Hanwell. Peterabart. Uttle-t. Aryahlrt
and Jackaon are all oat. ThU work kaa
bM accomidlabcd by the maychlas
adaera that act out early thia weak
(retn WaaMaatoa. Unton and Pr1nea>
ton. It la ondentood that no trotiMa
vraa enoouBleied. The mlnera are tnoe*
aw aonth and win probably reach
Boonmie today. Only the mlnera tbera,
Evanavnie. and at Newbon, aU told
iptoytap about M men. are now at
wk. It ta not bHIeaed the marehm
II CO to Reanavltle, It beln* ao far
{roan the aource of the movaiBent
Boaaiee MlaM imptm a Trmla.
Terra Haute, Ind., Au».
marchlnc Union mlnera. boarded a
Bouib-bottsd Evpaavllle and Indtanapoha train yeaterday moraine, and whan
ordered oR.told the conductor they did
cat off untU they bad
reached Uttle'a The train waa pulled
a alSloK. where It U Hill atandlnc.
The abertS waa aaromoned, but the
mlnera Irnoied hla ordera to leave the
train. The railroad company haa ap>
Labor MesUna at BewstL
Braall. Ind.. Auk- A—‘Ihc larpeM la­
bor mectlnx ever held in ibe county
convened at the court bouae yeHarday.
adopted ccaaurtnB
Judaea for wraotln*
labor Ivadm Addraiaea were made
by Stale Senator F. A. Homer. Hoc. P.
T. lAitbsr and several labor leadara.
The speakera blahly praised the min'
heir peaceful atrnnle for Uvlna
Homer dosed bto remarks by

»mi«* e. ccBB
hko anteed to call a bait on cdreranient
«r iBianetlon. and declared that {be
atroeda od the nleera would be con*
dneted peaceably and Uwfully aa baretotorc. In vlte of anythlnp any man
could my. U waa learned poaiUvaly
laat idcht that Governor HaHlnct baa
had men in the Turtle Creek reclon fer
two weakv paat to keep him poated on
the condlilcn of the Hrlke. Factory If^
factor Caapt'ell baa been thachlef lieu,
tasant of tne executive in thla work.
CMnnett Lacan and McCandlem of the
•anaral ataff. luivt alao been over the
Md. and Win make ibetr repoH to the
OalMM m eo He ArwitTk Mtam.
PIttaburc. AUC. k-Ont of tba LOM
atrikan who camped at Turtle Creek
laat Saturday barely MO now remain at
“Camp XHtenmnatloB.'- In addition to
the tarce number of men wim were
turced nut of camp and cut. off from tba
tree ' lunch dlatGbuUon Vedaeaday.
many were drafted to Flum Creek,
where the creat airuccle for aupremacy
between tbe atrlkera and the New Toik
and Cleveland Oaa Coal'company will
be carried on. At TurUe and Bandy.
Creek* ibe Hhkera have pracUcallr
won. Turtle Creek ralna. known ai No.
4. la doacd down a* ttcht as the atrtken
can ever hope to cloae it by their praa, ant peaceful meana of acltation. It la
true that a few men arr Hill at work
In the pit. but they are not puttlnc tmt
any coaL Tbe aame bolda cood at
Sandy Creek.
Reporta from Plum
Creek are contradictory. Buperintan*
dent Da Annlt claims that tU nwn are
atm woriuDC. while the atrtken aay
they counted but thirty calos into the
“Wt yaatenlaLy tnornlnc.
D* Arwill Brvta* CvKalmM.
SvlcUan of Hriken from company
bouses was becun yesterday by the New
Twk and CevaUnd Oas Coal company.
e canvas la beinc made
and whan i miner i
eompany oIBclaJ that he la on'atrlke tbe
notice to quit the rremlse* In five dayi
la served. Thla move of tbe company
ta creatine cunsidrrahle apfuetanealoa
amonc the men. The pronlied rarprtae
learned that new
to operate the Oak HKt mine today. 8upartnieodent T. D De Armll would not
■ay where the men ceme from nor hew
hr propnaed lo xei them Into the pit
wlihoui a conflict, but he aaya the com­
pany U deteriBlnad to Work the mine at
all haurda. The Juatlce of the peace did
not randrr hla derttloo to (be Dolan riot
cinae yesterday. He aays It will not be
Clvra e»cert In the presence cf the at­
torney* for both aldea
ArottHW IBa MevtlBC TMay.
Inrue delenticna of mlnera are ex­
pect'd a| Turtle*Creek for tbetmeetlng
! w in be as larse as i
VcCrva meetlnx last Monday. A delecation of • Yourh“ mlnera-arrtred ya*ftenxion. Tbi y bad walked flfTbej say
on the Mo

Mkoeed te Adept a raU. • •

Ibe Ike

•prinsfieldL Hla.. Aufl. C—Tbe aUte
dOnvanUoD of coal minaaa and mine Uborera was called to order by PreHSani Canon yeHarday in tba repreaantatlvaa’ baQ. In the riatebouaa. There
wme about IH-^flelasatea pramnt. repce•anlinc aoma'Mjm mlnera. Tbe pur­
pose of the convention la to adopt a
unlforra seals ter mlnint coal In both
band and machine mines and^a eorreapondinp rata for day work. ‘The naUonal executive bbard. In lU call tor
per tor
Wraps ______ ______ _
workmen employed In tbe aasfhra part
of tbe state Tbe vein of coal Abere
la small and hard to mlna. Tte W4
•cate far mlnete la tbe Bprinpfltdd-dlBtrtet was 4£ <enU per ton for mlBl^
coal by hand. tf.M per day for ma^nl
wmkars. and It per day for driven.
k maa* meeiinx of mlnera was kMd
aentalilives' ball yesterday after.
Conalderablv entbuslasra was
made hr
Archie Neat of Riverton; John______
of Htreator; E. J. Dunn. Colonel J. 8.
Pelter. and John McDonald, rypraaeaidne the bolatlax raplneers; W. Q.
Thoispaon, repreorntlnf tbe Carpenters'
naloa of th cuy: Hon. David Rom,
MHitaian of tbe suu board of labor
■tatlauca. and RapreaantaUve Chartas
B. Mbr. e( this city. All tba mdnen

Marietta. 0» Aua.
Two hundred
.jnlhen alona the line of the Zanesville
and Ohio River railroad between thla
city and Zanesville went out Ual niabi
and ysHarday moratna outof sympathy
for tbe Btriklna ralacr*. Iher 'were reAll hot (be

I MHiiaiilal A«vssaarat ThM I* Uhs a
tWUVMlsTsM. '
TVentca. N. J.. Aufl. A-Etwo^ Leair.
I New Tork lawyer. It made dafsndaut
a divorce proeeediaaa ieatliuta8 by 'hla
b Leary. The husband to
ebaiwed with heclael, cruelty and roatlnuea iBtoxlratlon. The pHltlon filed
eonulned a copy of an afreement en­
tered imo'by Leary on March M. UK. ta
I'of bit
The a«reemrat mipnlatad ibavhe 'ehan
ecaae tbe me <d splriions aud malt llqnora. spend aU hla evenlnva In Ms wife's
company at b<kine*or eliawban at bar
pteasure. and eoatrtbuu to bar malnlenaaca and comfort as
ha can earn In the practice
sloo. The wilt claims
amplary behavior laHed -- ^
morthf. after w-blcb he waa btUtaV la
her and rarely sober mors than
a weeb. AUmor.y Is alao prayed for.

Tbonaa Gn«aa. with aodne OO. pulled
a apecial from EvanttoiC Wyo., -Omaha. MS miles.
:opa. This to claimed as tba
record Iona run for a alaals cnalns- The
Bual spurt of the run waa a rcmkrkable
burnt of speed, the dtotance from North
Platte to Omaha. al miles, belna eovared In TTt minutca.
■tokty Pwer Way SoOt a Wit*.
Otnaha. Net^ Aua- A—Mtta Locy
Bmitb ysHerday afternoon filed a sanmtkmal plsa fc.r divorte In the Dooplaa
county dlHrict court. 8bc aeto up that
on May n laH while she was confin'd
to her bed Harvey Boone bribtd her
nurse fo drua her. and while she was
Knpefled be came to her hedtode with a
minuter and license and they were
r baa
a tba court
0 annul IV
InrliHi *r Labanrt*' Waa*a
.‘Orand Rapid*. Mich.. Aua- A-Th*
waa*> of common laberes who are em^oyed on street and sewer work and oa
other outdoor Jot* have In many In^



H.» P
aancral by next week. Tlw w
Of c(Hl for tbe Zaneavinc and Ohio
bands ire alao^lna a<
er railroad ta now cut off with but IttUe factorr
becaum of the anat demand f
men, but the movement has tot
MayOT^UHskweptWllMl Pay W



I 2 Styles 25c

Boys 4 to 8. 40c, 50c,
. 6OC, to $!.(».
Good for the money.



CalitX) BIouscb:Lar'ge as well
as Small.
>— Boys, 4 to 14-


Colored, with
Cuffs, no cottars
$1.25 goods,
to close 83c.

■wk Unttr Priu.

A11.$I2jx). $13.00, $14x10
suits ip Summer Suits.
Novelties. Goat


Boys’ Straw
Linen Pants
Half Price NNice 1 Summer HALF PRICE
Child’s Cotton Bathing Suits Boys’ Shirt
Suits •
- Pant - Suits SI.39

^ Straw Hats.

Phnadalphla. Aua- A - When tbe
ttme came (or tbe afternoon run* of the
U A W. people tbroiMh Went Fair­
mont park, and to tbe Quaker City Hob
alona tbe upper Delaware. Ibe cloud*
wMcb had made tbe. moralna clooeny
bad disappeared and tbe sun was ahla*
ln« briabily. Tbe clear weather con­
tinued for tba rcH of the day and by
midnlahj there was every 4>roapeH of
perfect weather for Ibe trtal hcau this
moraina and tbe finals In the afternoon.
TTie former will bedn at » o'cloek and
the Utter at 2 tfolortt. The track, which
Is of wood and was bum facially for
this year’s maeU to by tl
•Tracks - who have been
m rtdl
ridina on It t
the past few days
be In perfect coi
Tbe Dmaba drie«aiton. which was
two day* Ute In artlMoa. ioH no time
In beflnnlna lU fifbt fer next year’s
meet. Us leaders. F. W. Fitch and M
K. Muxen. came backed by their Com-

uSIcer acalnH Mayor Starkweather,
teat validity of tbe police and fire cemlee Uw. Jodxe Vlhje la Iha clicuK

pay watrartr. 1

.Rockford, Ills.. Aus- A—Pitcher RHon. cf the PurllnstoB club in the Wrat•rn amicialloc. hat sisntd a*lth Beaton.
He ha* beet pltchlns sreat ball. Jim
Corbell, ex-champlon pusHUL la to play
flrH bare throusi) ibe WeHen aaaoclaUoB the Ian r ran cf AusuH fer a pereeniase of the receipt* of ea^ club. He
Harts at Burtlnjrion Aus- 17.
MedaraTSaedwa ijtotlen.
Fultcn. nia. AUS- A-A declrton tn
ehaml«t* by Judse BIselow. of Henry
county, eooflteni the Injunction asalnsl
the vemoval of the office ot bead clerk
of the Modem Woodmen of America
The Colorado frem Fulton to Rock IHand. The
win probably be carrlad la the supi

Tarxan It keeps al work nearly every
hour and claims to have plrdpra from
oaauty all of tbe caHern states and
many representative wratera membera
As yH no other cltle* have entered
lists for the •« mm-i.
AdasH* a Dwardly Crime baas aa *ke
Bods at l>Mrl toantoem
Cryaui Falli. Mich.. Auc- A-Bona baa
cohfv0<-d hsvinx outraped and mur­
dered Pearl Mortlsun-' The coefcaHon
was made to Dricctlre Cbarieawortb.
jrbom Bona supposed to he hla friend.
He said be aaw Pearl leave the mala
blcbway and -tab* tbe Blaney Creek
road and foUowed. He made an IfisultIns proposal sod waa repulsed. Ha
nruck the rlrl three tlrae* in tbe fnea.
knockinc her down, and Jumoed ou
her stmnach- He then outraced. her
twk-e Just as be was about to laave
his Uctlm. -«bo he Bupiioaed was dead.'
she proaned and opened her eyea He
then ebukrd her until be was satlHIed'
ttaal life was extinct. He returned to
tbe place tbe next mornlnx tumake aura
that she was dead; If not be mundad
to complete his ftendWh work.
Bona mM (hal be had made up his
mind that aftrnkiua tooaUafy bis bcaatly pasoloo on the nrat woman he met.
Ha started hi* criminal carter by burcUrlstnc a Hare In bto home town of
Norway. Mich, to i«»L when be was
but I( yuan old. Stnee then he‘baa
committed a number of burflartes and
boU-upa all over tba country. Lynchlas to nroosly talked ot.
tk* SSdl n*IA
Cblcaso. /ur A~Leaf«a bam taU
•cores TeatHdav: Al Ctnctonatl—Cleve­
land i. Clnclnr.^ fi; at Pbiladeipbla—
New York 4. {mfladelphia I: al BL
Lome—Plttsbnrs T. 8t. Louis I; at Boetoo-Baltlmore 1. Bomon 4; at Cblcaso

Votioa to Wasar
Tba use of sratar tor •priBkllBr.purnam to. \>s our
ir ralea.
rales, ooal
eoaflned to tbe
. and B a I
and 4 p. u.
Ill plaem wb're water to found ranto this rule wi>l
off—axespt wbara n apoetol parmit i
bean' rrastad.
H. D CaamzLL ANoxs

Has Your


35c. 50c, 60c.

to close.

1 piece, 50c. 65c. $ijoo
and $1.50.

50c,' to close...............38c
: 75c. to close......... •• • eoc
$1.25. to close.........98c


Lot to close. 29c '
All size%.
Sold easily for 50C.

I RAen’s Pants
Lot good values to close.
$1.19. $1.65. S1.85;
and $2.00.
BegnUr Piioea 86 per
cent, higher.

2 piece, 65c and $u».
Trunks. loc to 25c

Men’s Working Men’s Pants
A great lot of
Single Pairs

Creat Bargain. 14c.
A lot of Regular 40c
Goods. 25c.

25 H

Men’s Suits Unlaundried
White Shirts
Closing Out a lot of
Better Goods.

With Colored Bosoms

that jrott can set a
Store (oarttora)

PuTB Powd«re<l Spit
PoTB Oream Tartar,
(and Far* Baking Powder.'if yoa want
na to BiaVe iL » poend* for El.OO.) RaV
ber .ShaaUng. Rubber Tubtag. all
s'les. Water BotUea (gaaraskaed
twoTaara.) Foouiain Byrlngka, n___„
kinds. Throat Braabca, uad Alomlaeia.
eiyoerlM aud Wlt^ Baaal Lotkm ter
bauds and face.

At Our
Soda Fountain

"wantefn *Lra^?^At D
aaapoUs I. Dunrit 4; (second same)
Minneapolis L Detroit 11; at Oiaad
Rapids-Milwaukee A Orand Rapids •: OMStor we are nevar oootaaUd to "tot
at IndlauapoUa-Kanma Clty-A lodl- well esocffb alone" bat alway* try to
anapolU U: at Coiumbua-BV Paul A Imprava
OHumbus lA
Western Aaaoctouon:
Cedar Rapids A Peoria 7; at Qwlaey-Burilnston-L QulnCy A
Tarfc Wasn't Ua4a« M Crow. Aaryl
Canea, Crete, Aux. A-Tbe admirals
fa command of the torelsn ne«U In Cre-.
tan water* yaHerday Icfomedtha Turktoh svvarnor «t their loIrcUan to
vent the Torktob squadran which —
Abe Dardsnellae oa Taaaday law for
Crete from ataylAS In Cretan natera
The answer of the sovemor waa that ba
bad received a communtcatl
Turkish sowunaut deurlBs that the


Cycle Ofoers Look Here!

Lederie’s STTISJ!:



Handsome Striped
Cotton Goods

fc lOc-

Calico Wasits
B 19c

Include some

$6 and $7 Suits
to close.

Negligee Shirts

50c Up

On Wednesday, August 11th, ^
George HlUer, traveling salesman for
a large New Tork (nothing House, will
exhibit his line in ear store.. Special^
orders taken for future delivery.


ira iioaima jutooBo,
•Afli 18 VMV MUCH HARMU. ■

'BANK statistics.
8om« National Bank FtgMroi That
Will Intaratt fmaneiofm.
—Ate Ite Pvr CapIIa mi BMhlBC Fted*
—A IVv H»r* Cvmpwtean mt BaIm U
TbHBiJttenr CM> (ala
Trrlat (o Kaa] ai*M.
WBBklnttbB. Au«- a—The aMraH et
l«porta ot Fondllloo ot nBtlQhi.1 Lank*

■•UeichtMlMi «
Chtonfo, Ada-


If the evldenec in



the potelon of the potJre of Ihe atoefc ] 8^^‘sL 14. lA pMte aae^.)
•'Man M hn lo trabin.*'
Irtae maa.**MiVatkafljBpward.
npeiienon nod «taenrjittah trf all (ana
Si af tbe wise mas's
.■0 well leycaeoMd
by a eaat tamdle irf bnrduu tresD which
nmA sew oomet most uaka aelectiim
ahd anntige hia pack ere be }olna ttw

ing the apace of orer flee nviiUia he Is
»1d tn bare maintained almost In alfht
of each other the eVabUAments of two
women. l«th of whom cnlled him hueband. The exact numtier of mairWnoolal
chaneca (JlAced to have Uen uhea by
Bate* may not be asceruined for akv

(bo wild
**Iatc «e«i7 life a

on Ubt M to acromtanled br b dtosTnin
prcpnnO Jointly Uy (be cotBptroller oi

Vnsi«Baln wUl have
the curretiey and the.chlet of the burena- f^th^life hlKorjr
«f eutuiicn.
Tbe dlAfmis Ahptoyn
rrora UiterefecDd In blr pockets whti
aniphlenlly the rroK-th aAd chnccet (s
arrened. now held for trial»videnct
trial ivtdenci. the
Uh pnoclpnl ll'-ine of rMourrte
number of women who are enthied
tf'isAl UDk| (n>m
ISM to tm Inctndre. bear hU name U thre^ and another has
lhO«ol*r. 15*4 the caplUI of SOS banki ■ aecuri-d a divorce frtm
nmonnied to oe.SW.oeO; • rear laur j than half a doses epietlea foued niwti
the number of bankr baB lMr««aed to Um are alcr.ed Is wan -rbat Uidloate
I.HI and the cwrUlal to t(»U(ID.()«L

Tbe 1

“i* wrUera were either wleea at

rteawarum. heaAaclw. «•«


X!. £>A.isr&BOEUsr.



the Bibln.
I. T‘in comfort trftbo Bible to dirton.

Cortoar of




^Wyoraed !


near M. A N. R depot, wtohea to aaDoaDee to the public that he has re­

l,y «6e.*00,080: allh one eacepUon frem
n that date
to ISS thiwe waa a rapid Increaiw. and
the htobest i»lnl aver raath'd waa In
Tictober. 1H>:. namely. CMTl
Un there was a drop to |i
but a recovery In itsK to »r,'to,400,0(0.
In the fall of l»6 there was a decline to
the *lrler«r the wife Bee, C. P.
*Un.SOO,OOC, The depoMta fhJCt.
Batet. ct Saull 8le, MaHe. Uteb., a
dated to about tbe «me «bUi t «a toani
dhd dlacour.i'. the maximum bets* ts brother nf the exploiter ot the leniency
l«t when they ameunted to tl.r»A00.. of the marriage vow. She waa married
Ulr.tille, Hteh.. and the
to Dates in PUI
In Ihe foliowicc year depowta de­
nned to ti.4e,400.0DO and meted tha groom's reverend brother performed the
eetemeny. The two women He marrlrdln
leUowlet year to n.ftf.lOB.000.
thls elt^are Hire Nettle Bwah and Julia
amtlMte of CtFcwtoBaa.
the latter being hla first vicTbe draatotloi) aBtataodtnir in IM
yeaehad ntO.OOO.OOO and the highest potnt
was reached in Utt. the amount bMag
tHLOOa.OaO. The ndaUnum anKmat omLaporte. Ind.. Aug.
BepressntatJvea of the Indiana and ITIInola Wocn..........................................................
,an SuSragvBsaecdatlaT and tbelr friend*
(he report ot year tat the amount had 1 will vlalt the Nashvnu e^Meltloii
rtsra to B09.000.000. The average per
j. They wUI be received by tbr
etpRa of banUng funds ot all national Tennestee ladisa and a public meMIng
Hanks in ihs UrUled States In ISK It
b« hejd in the woman's building on
ibown to be BT.M. varying from a minafternoon of -thstr arrival.
Intum of tt.71 In Arkanms to a maxi-, meeting wilt be addrsased by leading
BtSO of tmJ» in KUsachusettA The women of tbe three sutea. A publk
fitogram Bhowathe average in cacbMate,, recaption will be tendered tbe vuiUng
Tbe diagram also shows by states and delegaOoaa. The Itorly win leave -Oilca-

MeCtoj^r, U

the morning of Stpt. 1 and travel
reduced ratea
Will Try ts Floe Cterge PsrrlA
Kenosha. Wla. Aug. (.—An effort to
soon to be made to secure a pardon tor
Gtoorge Perrin, one of the men eonvletcd
of arson In tbr famous trial cf Septem­
ber. ms ——...
Shortly •....
aDer ....tbe burning of
the Chicago Bedding factory he was
tvsied In Oyand Baplda. Hicb..
ipht ben under the charge
charge against him was soonted by
e'bf tbe l>eM cUlatns of the place.
He UBS ronrieted. however, and
to said that cew facto show
a victim of
- T.,-,,
Atlanta, Oa-. Aug. 0,—Teaisrdayafiernoon Prealdrut Elsas aceedrd to the demandaof the Mrikers at the bag and colt"" roapany's mills and agreed to wU


feet for tbo borne and pcno&al otnfegt II «mt»bcca la Ua fold, atoft^tto
vari^Qa aorvowa ed life

AJrroua ifiag

ariae fetmi diatronintiBMit Is life, firoaa
tdtmlatkgi, ben kM of' loved omi.
ftom iis. It to indeed cuniptabesglTe.
extaxling to all tbe seUttona of Ufe asd


Rumrll Bagv. tbr Kew Tprk financier,
ms tl years old yesterday.
The latest omctoi estimates of the
populaUoD-of the United Btatea to 77.-

BtoUa treasury. Thomas-klartlfc of thto j



Al,„ H..™,


^ suspecirt of wy^g^olng.
mto the
whole amount taken waa tS. of Which I
.-n.r- ..mA AmmsA
Martin had spent fe.U. tbe iv
— ...,1.1
vi. •
,w„ i
The Etowr Patent Shoe ctiwniany hi
•lag reci
been termed at JanwvtDa. Win. to mal


and J. T Lahmcr. of Chicago. It the
While engaged to rebulldllM a 4am
oa tbe Little Wolf river amr Cedar
BapkJk WU-. «npb)ye* of (be Uttle
Wolf river Lumber company, of Han­
awa. unearthed a number of Indian
bone* and a quantity of baada.
Tbt barn of John Wagner, who regnjae fire miles northwest of RtohBrtd.
Washington ceunty. HVto.. was struck
b> llgl
lightning and burned to the ground,
together with fifteen ton* of hay and
all of tbi» yrarr* vroif of barley.
Tbe Matioaal Wholesale Liquor DialAoociatlon of America has sent out
mvltatiorj to the wholesale wine and
sidrii trade througfeout tbe VnttadBuiaa
to attiBd HtoVenod annnal eonvenUixi
Kswport IL I.. Aug. L-Th* IfeVahsa of the amufelVn to begin Aug. 17. at
won the Ooelet cup race for aloopa fis-' Manbattna Baach. Kew Torkreportod
(sating the Vlgltom by 4 mlnutaa, H
re; Tuny
____ Jg «I«B.
.- «tot VSM

Waahtogtor. Aug.T^^ issst as I
whether-an .•tioraer toTTxtbe right t
fee itor• servioet \r
preitoring and fliirg cvldqpce under a |
dle to show rautc why a pcaaioner's
name abonld ooi be dr<^>ped from ihr |
folU In case* under tbr famous aqt of|
Jane ZT. ifOxv to Involved to a ease deelded yesterday
ay by Aolstonl
AmtotonI Seereli
of Ihe Imericr
or Davto Ur holds 1that 1
a ahi
n Aww ally Rama
aiouM |
•Mtos an appUegUon for 1 prutoto M I
eonfllcitrs decislnai are tetrrnlea by
thto rnllng.

TSis Ooionto

Uorsw Barra.

HerttierB Ik^
TnuporUtiw Co.


Picture Moulding!

Northm MleMg8B,Lln8


T Ml*, a.I ..
am r»'......
am t w vn.

"“|iS ts

-- —k BaptSa..... Ste.a.............. ISva.
iktapiaa .... trsaa. II at a. a lisya.
raewrsecny.. TAaa to »>-S 4 Urn.




HAm. o

umB uDunnixniiLi


xemedlrs never fglL
4. Tbe oomfort <tf tbe Bible da«TM
gntltade and ibankagiving from (be
tedptesls of it laaiab tUauked God tn
this pmim. When God bleeacs ct. we.
abonld show oar grytitodc by tbanking
Him ia tbooshtA Inwordsaodindeeda.
Onr liveegboald bo a ctmtinnal psalm
of thankRpving onto God tea Hit good— Pa. EsiU.
-B; Ixi. 1-8: :
U. Jh-S8; zl. S8: Mark X. 48.08;





oorao aocTB.
la Umaatile Co. 0

1. CUy Opetw neuae Bloea.

Joyce A Cio.'a nsft drinks ask b
and 'phone 141.

of Cigarm?

Tte Recoenized Utders
In 3 mad ina Cigaia


and evgry kind of—

always In atoek."

r. JATTRA-ers,

. r—. tMl'1.1-

j--- ™log

Slant AdsS.

Chicago —.
West Michigan

Fire InsuraBce.

--------AKD-------vaults. A shortage of RO wai found , ®*®Mat Honda) in the weight of one ol <
The Skandlm Plow company's factory
(be bags. Another shortage of tU was ' building at Rockford.
found ye»ler<
ymerday. and as Martin was Ixsia. 1100.000: partly coverad by Inaur(ound
t upon
suiperted a watch s
when he left the raulu
during the noon
The steamahip Cleveland telled foe
(b* vanlt Martin St. Mirhaels from Seattle ytgteiday.
t Ifaving
. the a
bearlr.g teo rassengtr* and l.OM isoa of
! to a pUr <
freight for iht new gold region.
era silver dol
__ _
Port)- monkeya of aa many differvpi
_____________ ________ 1 left the cellar the kind* are on tbe way to Lincoln park.
tight w as turmd on and the money ; Cblcagu. from Kew Tork. where they
| were bought from aa Imparter of Mmlaa
The coat w-as pul Into the bands of! speciroena.
Chief Hamn. of tbe aecrat anrvtee, who, .obituary: At BuahvUle. Ilia, wnuam
places Martin under arrum and took wmiama. 77. At Pana Ilia. Len Swayhim to hto afllre. where he naiv a ^
Mich.. Uimao
written confraaloa Rugs of lead werw<5i,„a,,,. 74 ^t Nesaah. Wla, F. P.
. puClnto-the hag* to batance the weight Uiolton, tl

—Watch Repairiag.
—John Verly.
-Front Street.

WM-. I—. CW—
O.I.I.OC.OOO O-F..-.—

toall tbeiibaaeBof aacrewlnlife. tbm
to BO aormsT or trooble tor wtdeb tha
word of God has no balm.
I. n>c oomfort of tbe Bible to efleetW.P.CMte
«. It Bcnally cooifortt. Itwaaso'ls J-W-PaiekiB.
laaiafa'a Mse. It is ao iu tbe cam ct all
wbotnatGod. There are banian <WAUornaya
dtes fer uooUc. but U»7 ngoally 0^
CMBcn to Momagwe Bleek. Trarete city. Bieh.
make tbe trooble wotae. But God’s

Have you triad oar makes -

.d dtoiai
n Wroming rvceatly e
of alleged cruelty
Tuelty to
t( hto wlfa. arrived
here on Wednesday nlgbt’a staamer.


I See Oar New Lme

». The oenfori << tbe BibletoootD-f
(gebenglTe. teiafa In this paahn to;
■j—wng of blcsaiiifs which have come '

Smokers I

fesTcd from the free list to (be dutiable «»««■
pto<^ M tli<l.fp«kMl. Only
articles w .-rr tranirierred from the dutlSkhh to tbe free list. These were cocoanuts In tbe shtll and Misep dipa



W-'KKs’cr -------------- u’S’

fitted »hd furatob^ the Hotel Panffbaa been he-

•to and Bldss 8(8 la CBS
ael'a Mlvsetosllaiw.


I ^^OOK VA.VTU>-Trai

! thr travel1. lSi>, Kettle H, Bale* had secufed ftvm | that they aw dirtaa.
Qod u my *1-1 fore and «»■ ace<
j hir poWie 1b good abspe.
Jobs May.
divoree. Aloogtlde v
wai vatiott.
I will Otiit and not be afraid,
n a decree of divorce,
a lawyer-Bhe letter from a legal firm oi for tha Lord Jehovah to or etwn«th asd ; ftwmerly whh tbe Hotel Whitlpg. will
Marquette. Mich., under date of June &. my acgig, ■’ ‘'It to God.” Myi 0«vpaalm-11,,* chaise of the olBoe and attend to
1807, Mating that hla ^e. Anna E. tot, “who to onr frfu^ asd
of tbe r>»“BAttafaelioB
Bates, was about to Ole »hlt for divorce.
a veiT P»w«i lielp to

Kothlng wat dlscovetvd In the hatch God m JosM Christ who said to
of letters to show that the divorce bad
who arewrar^aod Itravy laden,''Come I
been granted, and tor this reason the
mitoMe.audl wiUgiT«.rjnfe«.”BBd;
Buprotttlon U that Bates to stUI barasala, •■IwUlDOtUaTS TOO fomfegt-l
Am-M • near »*■ g. Dep«.
nesac-d. legally and inegatty, te three
'.'..I-...— .,.,.
women. The Mra. Balea who applied fer W The great beanty of tbe oomfat; —.
of tbe Bible Ueaia the fact that » to « ,
, •

pMtt and loans cf all national banks,
and In addition an Illustration of the
ehahges In the «asJ<ur elates of paper
money In circulatlon from UM to 18K.
■n»e chart to being sent to all naUoaal
hanks and
rr (teaportea of Ihe TartK
Washington. Aug- 1—The completed
cumpar;»>o of i«*.
the w.u
tariff u...
tiOl prepared
by Cbtrles H.'Evana. tbe tariff expert,
wasI made public yesterday.
yesterday, Tba following are some of the comparisons,
addltkm to those glvee last week: T
average ad \aiorsm doty of ihi- fU

• dole to lower - * r
hemp and Jute
n the wnaon tow; that
the driisrn 1 V waa «« per cent., ;
while the present law If 4SAR per wnl-1
Tbe average ad valorsm of the pulp, I
paper and b«* mheduleunder Ihe pratt
etit laa to ».», per cent.; u^der the
Wttoon law, a,« p«w cent. The average
ad valorem
of the anndn' __________


MBayht. rndt---

noDieiiiiiig to Mwsy
uveu ut
faunafi taaact and life, sad tbemfen
has not (aUed oa here, B« baa noi '
„ oomfortlem. Tbe Bible to fnll U

onplUJ prsduahMecrMMd to »»«•«»■-J n*S!v*b!e‘the”
: Isaiah boxata forth in (bto panlm oC
>h» htetite tvui,! ^ "•
AttaUti O. Craven '
"‘‘‘'■'f •‘Whl U»t winter ter
pratoe _
in pratoado God (or Hit blaaMng
nached i
e«, wnen it amoaciiea | anducilon of pretty ll-rcnr-old <x™ j Si-m Mia imniile (betdrartdL Be thaola
The increase tberaafter VoHtrt*. ct Wauj-ce. Wta. •Abkt« the

ind dlsrodnu reached their
> between loM and loa ,ln

||||^ ( llllll(l g. |

Now for Business!

] *o«(e Far (

nrda atatfcs la to be balteved Mvld £.
ftaUA of Snctowrcd. an efopjoye at the
reeeivlht AnnrtraentDf the atock yaitla.
BOW eortlred m a nation cell, U one of
the mcAt married men of the la»d-- Dur­

AOQUgr 7. lew.


and wtU altrad |h
rail*. Special a

to D-. Phyelclas and
•led to TVareree City',
. lly to aU day or olght
Uoa gteea lo obawtetc.
M.- BaamtoHsiolVhiu

: svia Siaater OstwUte Maalsi

Gomo eouTB.

t. Agan. Ttwtwne air.




10 «r


b. r. mokoax. Prop.

The Pure Juice



gilii 11

:Boys’ Blouses;
BI6 cyi Dl ALL lAKS,

Averse Bij Lise of SteiBien.

A. T. Johnson, bauib Bide dboa Btora, 4t^ CnioB BtiweL

Great Cut in Bicycles


H. E. Glhba. ia SlUa hicyolaabo^ Sll firont 8t

Accidents Impossible

~ tee

as^.Bey. Tvte*y

Gaaollns Stove to ahaolntoaafe and srili not anp^a It to ^anp.
too. J. A. UontoBut. 187 •'roniS


Lady "Watts

M^Sc*bSoA^ ^


ffunrantnad tc kii


WaR, Ifeag-

jBicycles to Rent
Fishing Parties _D_________
Soda Water
The Best Candies ££;»‘..x.:ss'.t7L£..^£
From this date this boat cream aodA MeUUanAAah.e »r. rnmt and Park, and (bar ManBie Block.
ijt’ill not make re^lar con­
nections with' train^on M. & Ice Cream Freezers FVont SL, ad>djilar McKamara'a shot aUM.
FIB8T CLASS BICYCLB8, aT Finch's Bieyele Bepalr ”-"p
Soath Cakm Street.

N. E. Fiabing parties, how*
ever, can make arrangements
for the nse of tbia handsome
yachti by communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.

Ladies' High Bicycid Boots
Friadrioh Slock.
Angus McColi SS
Paris Green original drag man. eivtdaar


OC uteiiastTi ■*» to Uerv ton.
iCtotep.^ nterteteprivOgerf^aeg

[Butter, Fif-stClass

pay to look at the alefa.^t Una.

Urn 1


FMdlng FarmerB' Hone* a Specialty. Bors«B Boarded.

sate a, late rut pun am.


TrotUn; and Boad horaaa a M»Third dborweatof Moryan'aUVwyBarB.


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