The Morning Record, December 25, 1897

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The Morning Record, December 25, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






Hiaa BUa BarlbaH nf Btvha*. wa»
Dnev-Etbai Md VarUa Thoaaa.
in tha elty nahiof Chrtotaaa pnrebaeQtrmmn Sra^Ucaa Lathana.
Cumar SecmtA imd Oak Srretu. '
sow THX Ttrumox wnrAX. Dm eUldraa mad tb« fra»a paopla TKEEIBLX FIH> XV OHXOAOO All Good Tampion an inritad to the
>• O. G. T. LodraTIie. efl.
teaiybt. Thera will ba m baelaeae
ibM aaarcfaM iMt aliAt. Tb« ebareh
ad aad mamban ara aakad to
»A»TO*JU*nU« TPSM LAST WM prattlly dMarated a«d th« rtfM OBVAT OPLXtVW UDVOZD TO
jnoBTa tb« b«aril7 laAea
a hbap op
nta^ aaaay hearU rl*4- The feUewaom'paay No. 1. Vtoltonan laeltad.
I In tha
[oaaa Salafa ^pi
dev kr co«rvatk>e. -Vw Htewl Straottm aad {b
▲rproprtata JKatarUtaBMia S»>
Chlaaffo. Dee. 14.—Wbtat—DaeamJ«*d-Ri«I>l' »uadty
Ohfl- Iwb, ate.”
Ware ^opalj Xhja»d-*Bildtv
Oration by ^laletw, B«*. W. Bakate, M; Md. aOH damary. UKci May.
dns Kada Happier by fntty aa«
Totali^Pwtooyad to About Twaaty
laiar. for tha eUMraa, -Ika haat
ad Exaaeiaaa.
Cora—DaaamiMr. MMe: May. »»Se;
Hlaataa vtthS^vyXiOM.
Chrteuaae rift."
aly. »Ke.
Ike ChrtaUaM faaUfkl w*i i^tpropriHontr. eharsh eh^r—*'aarW‘a Ihr OparUl «eTu MoBROia IH<xi>
Oata-Daoambar.tlto«toe: May, MM
i»Ul7 abao^ by tha tendaj aeboaU GUarhlrao
Chieaco. Dae. U. t a. m.—Fire laat
ad Ue ewiiip ekarabM )aat aS^t.
8oMi9eh)ldraa-'‘aUUaNaaht. hal aifht daaii^ad' tha freat Collaeam
tk«n wara Haay Cbrkunaa uaea. lira Kaebk"
bnUdlac, Sixty-third atraat,aad Siopy
BaelUtioa of theprophaey od CMatk lalabdaraaaa. Tkto waa W baUdiac
hlrlb. by the ebUAran.
U which tha daaoo
Qtud Baplda. Dae. t4.—Wkont. «Te.
Sav by a>Udraa. ‘-Ba tot ata Baa Teatioo waa htld laat year. Tha Act
waa aaa of tha qalelmt aear aaea la
Bo^iuUoa af hUtary ad Chrtot'a Wnh
ObleaCD. From the time when it orlyby the cUldran.
What’s the matter with
riSaeto «d lataraat at the Baptiat ehoreb
Cbeir, *‘Bh]^ Are. ahra ael OaU In iaatad by the oroaelar of two alaotrle
iHt araal&r aad ibare
wlraa, naUI tha Mlaaam waa a {die of
der Boeba." .
for aU after the exeelleat procrani
twtotod iron aad hot Wieka, aot at«r
ChlUraa; “Ihr
aw aaaelaAad. 'The Proewloaal ad
Cboai^ “O dar froalieha. a da aaU(a.' twaty.mlnalaaalapMd. The bnlldlar
ItMthT by Ou eclwal ww M aUknrBadintioa of tha objaet aad baaadW- hadbeaaraatadfbr. tha axUbitioa of
a|a faatarc. aad «raa aa Istarealiaf a> U(» of Chrtot'a birth, by tha ahlldran.
afactoran' Bxpoaliioa and waa
it woe pretty. FoUawlsf ie the pw
Choir. “O da fnallehe. O da aellfa.' flllad (iw aad to aad with 'bootae. all
BaelUtioa of tha ob}acl aad baaa
Mar«h aad aaop. .“Marry. Many dietlona of Chrtot'a birth, by tha ehU- of wbleh wore dcatroyad with all their
A aamhar of phople ware loot la tha
Ptaaodoat—Btbal Popeaad Asa BacPnyar by mlatotar and aev by
laoMa aad althovh ap bodl» have
a^ChrisUnns or New Year’s
aBarmdaaaa baaa raeeearad tha foUawiv paepto
Choir. “Pto gimOe
We hare a nice lot <rf
“Saata'a'Acn^-CUa SsHk.
V«db.r.vd.nbtodl,p.r. preaentf
Joaa ChrUU."
them in every style and finiab
'Ikara will ba raraUr aarrlaaa pa
Chrtotaaaa day at U> a. m. to wbleh all -GM aaoMd Paallaa. ar^m toot White Enamel, Antique Maple,
known. Waa aeca to aator thd ^qU^v. Antique Elm, Aah, Mah^igany and
aaarehed for hy her aaoihar who to Birch in square'and V>ue gl»a,
Athanta Ohardh (V<
to haaa boas Imprimaiai by tha
SoM Mom Straa.patent dust-proof draweni, and we
ndo. Piaae, rfoUa'and rtotaa—StaUa
are eelUng them at'prion that will
ployed la Irtah villaca: the fonaar aa
Jahraae. Belaa Hayler.OraoaBaatliifa. BtaU atraat nhoid boi^ thto
nrpriae yon.
at 7:S0o'«laefc. taMorweeUn. aad m a danear and lattor dolae eborea.
Badtatloa—Khaa Martin. '
Two women danoon la the Midway
8ov- “Mnauny BaUe“-Qnartat. Aa- Seadey at 10:30 a. m. la brliah.
itaaa axarstoaa will ba bald Id tha axhibit wara aaea la the baildiar Jnrt
M Baeter. Iran Cnanlarhaat. Fraadto
aeealBr at ?;M o'clock.
Hintoe and Halaa Saylw.
hafera Iteollaaead.
“ProeaadM of the Moatha"—By tha
TPaat Bida Ot^
Two man wara aaaa la the eeatt
The Waat Side Chapel Saaday acboal tha boUdlBC dertot tha Are hy Araotan.
BaeUaUoa—“SaBUb Latter. ** '
wUl poalpeaa their balabratioa aatll
L. ludoay aad non eoadaetad a aaa- Ita-lU Freat St. TEAVBBSE CTTY.
/Sonc—“daataClalu toOemlv-''
New Yaar> On Jaa. Sd. a apaelal pro- aaya booth la the bnUdlv- Indoay
fraa will be yirea.
Fbat KaUedtoL
entered tha atrmAara dnriv-tha Are to
(CpiOtouert OR Md Pope.)
■oareh for hto aon. whom ha daelared
waa paaaad in by Sa«Ma and nalthty
oareaMB afterwarda.
TSa iajarad are;
for tha ohildrao of the Saaday
Brother Biha.
i V Ihb praeaaUUoa of flfto M
aboat tha faoe aad haada.
Botthera U alwayt room for
Dr. I. A. Tbomiwoo. Exalted Baler of
mere. Tharaforaeoaeatonea for
Harry Parker and C. A. Lyoaa.
the Ideal lodfe af Bike, waa made hap­
year PHOTOS. Wa hare a aoiBal<
alickny bnmad.
lloeafPlctora Mealdlnc* aad will
py last Blyht by the preaentaUos
Mra. C. A. Lyooa. oarerely boraad.
all orders ptenaptiy. U we have to work
. 'Bcvtb.A.f.1. Bliv"-8.ll' M. J. Morley. taooratod hy aa axplo- aU nlcht.
^4ay Behoel Cborae.
dle. beaatlfally.avmd with' the' alk-alaloantCmakoetahaaiteadln X-ray axBacdtatlaD-ABee MUlar.'
riftaforOod" hand aad anlubly Inacrlbad aad moaab | hibiUoe had bvaed abant tha head.
411 Soato CatonSt
jad with aolld fold. The flfi to valaaid 1 Wi'Ilam Bohartaoa, faoa aad hands
I. “A LattortoSanU 0»aa- at not leaa than $30 end U aa Baa «a buraad.
Bsbrelto aa eonid ba made aatoai die—WUlia Gateh^L
das. Mahar..Arateaac ^nraed wUla
wm-naad U Ita eoBBtmettoa.
. Solo. “Star of Bathlaham"—Mho
eottUf tiv* «iioa
flrea by ffmtemal bmtban,of
Grace Eldrad.
Bobart Barley. Aremu. Sererely
Beeltttlon. “Jaat a Chrtotmaa Boy” tha lodfe.
bemad by dabrto dariaf tha coUapae of
—WiUto MUler. the wall.
Solo, “doily Old St. RiAolaa”—Bean
Mtoa Bolaa Caareraa, shaekad by a'
•mtoatod Wtth a Fiaa i>aafc by tha lire wire and aareraly bnmad oe
Soac. “Tiv Tota'-lafaBt etom.
rlcht aite.______________ __
Safai HeCoU reealrada mlaable aad
XMet-Mtoaea Ldla Calldai and Mat­
andiome preaaat yeoterday from toe
tie Lyona.
BaciUUoa—“A Jelly Good FeUaw"
Loeal Seaton WUl Boapoad BuMnoss
—Made SchO^enfL
aPbrUoaortoaltoy^'aarter-aawed oak roll topdaak. theSaProabytoflaa.
Aooordlv to toe nBoal eoatoa a
aatto be procaredla toe dty and to nay
that Mr. MeOoU waa earprtaed to to' ax- larm aamber of toe local mere]
Comer r<ixi ond.iraaMnqton Streeu.
will eloae their plaeea ef htninam to­
A Urfs tree at each Mde of the front prcaa it rary mUdly.' Mr. MeColl U
day aad ohMrra the Chriatmaa hoUilay.
of the eharch. with pretty daeoratlona af toa meal popalar membara of tba orSeme wUl eloae all day. bat a«,aeeoBBt
derla toe eiiyand toaaantittant w
it batof Batarday a few will In
ipted the xpleadld fifl to fnlly ar
attmetire pietore at the l*rmbytei
open a part of tha day to aeeommedi
latad by him. He dealrea to
ebnroh. Ike proaeoU eaoaUted
I to bUkiadfriaada hU olnesre toato aoBBtiy trade. >
- pretty MamentM from tha Saaday
J. W. MilUkea wlllelpae from n
•ehool to all tha aebolara. The pro- toankr for toalr kindly ramambmaoe.
m. toe hntonee af toa day. Alfred V.
fra« of
>f appropriate a
Friedrich will eloae htoaboa atara at It
aad-iweltatienawaaef'fTaat Interaat.
A m. few tto root af toe day and Frank
It wax mrried eat as fellawa:
Thlrty^va Pooebaa 'Ware Beoai*ad Frtodrleb will eloae about the
Soar, “Joy to the World." by aeheal.
At tha
OOoa TostanUyhour. Haahell'a Bookitm wUl eloae
,_J^yer—Eer. W. K. WrtfhV
at II a m. Tka Ci^ BqolmUm will
Sov- “Wbll* akepbarda wntohad
pwtofflea. The oairiera dtotribated cleaa at 10 a m.Tor the ramMndar af
their floeln b;^ Difhl." by aebeol. .
bandredt of paehafaa aad the total the day. W. J. BobtoMd 8. E. NorthBedtatioa-Cartoe O-Keal.
am wUl eloae thalr hardware atoraa all
wore thaa doable the m
Bonr-Btbel Drake aad Lola Thackar.
day aad WUhalm Bma will elsaa both
asonat Tha Chriatmaa bnalnBte
Boadlv-LacUe O'Kaal.
thalr atoraa all day ahte. T. J. Beat
Tary -beary, the rooalpM baUf
BxaretoM by tha ftofteoiy atote.
will elaaa from U a m. to 3 p. m. The
Qaartot—Mra. H. B. Gamer. Mtoa
PifM HaManal Bank wllhnlaae. bat the
GUstere. W. K. Wr^ftt, Mem ParStoto Bank wUl baopam to tha fernPurlowb After Pfva Tpnis.
CapUla aad Mra. Llfhtowler. of the BOM. TbaBamUtoaaototorOo. wOl
Baeftotton-Bthe) Draha
eloae at ii o'elaSk. The Bookm atom
alratkm Army, ham haaa cnatad
BeelUtion-Johaie Bumhaafh.
will eloaa from IS o'clock aattl
Dvt—Mra. Oamrr aad Mim. GUmora. farlouffa after flee yean of falthfal
( ia tola ooutry and m mil
Vrtoada Church.
arloa la India. They ienra todpy *<» $
Tlall ia Ctoaada and tbetoplaean wiU be
Comer FVth and Oak Sirttu :
Today wm he bhoerrad to local eeBUad by Chptala and Mra EUto ef Cba- eiaty sad amov trtonda with sumerQtrlatoua Waa ohaerrad ia
and plmalaf
at the Prieodi
ouaCkrtatmaadlanarpartiee. "3^ t
ckareh laat emnlnr. Ie plaee of tha
The ChrlsUbas haaqoet of the main
Only a Ohlraasyuaual tree a laifa arerfraan-oorered
part of toe Oearrc«hrioaal Saaday
A Bte alarm at U :30 laat akfht callad aehool wUI be held la toe choich-parladder waa aaed. oorarad with flfu for
the lltUe folka A Sne profrm* preton 'next Wadseaday eveatocoaded the dlxtrlhatlah of preaeatr eon SerenU ateaek appoolte the foam
The delacataa of toa dlOermt toMoiatinftaf i«dtttlonh,teaato,ate. The The bamUf oat of the ohlmney of
etiea. who are to decide npen a readtof
mnaic waa atede a xpacMty. tha lol- realdenre of Mca Petrie waa tha ennae.
reem for yeanp meo, will m«et sttt
lowlDf appropriate aelenttona baUf The dapartaaent waa aot aaadod.
Monday erealar with Mra. M. E. C
Batto. at T o'eloek.
Xadividual OhriatTnaa OifU
Solo and ehvaa—“CknsUtaa Bella.
Tke ChristaiaB exprem hniln— to
The Beaeroleat Ualon ariU no
Oaet. “Baaatifal Moo*U^U’*-^ksany Hwotol dtotrlbntlBg aaa aatoa tob aad from this dtywaeeDermaaa The
Una Serm aad.LoUte BilA
Daat. HaadoiU and (^Itard LotUe Balm.
an ^aimlDf la make many peer homto reioaipta were tolly 40 per oent abov*
toe oorrcopMHIsr d^ toM year.
happy by prieate rlfta tadaytof-MaleqaarteL


Be yours today, and for the.
Coming year we wish you all bealt^
happiness and prosperity.



Id. B.-HOLLEY, h

Mirni Cliristpias U Ml!

Odd Dresser

Cbristmas is berfc
and perhaps you. did not select all the gHts you intended presenting fi lends and relatives.. U’a not too late even now—
Comeliere this morning and you'll be able to make selectiona.
Buy something that will be of every-day use and comfort
to the receiver. It’ll be appreciated more than some other
kind will.

Suits, Overcoats,
Pants. Shirts, Ties,

HonsA Funlshinc Store,

Dress Goods, Fancy
. Goods, Cloaks,
Shawls, Headwear,
Hosiery, Gloves snd
Mittens, Union Suits,
Underwear, Carpeto. Etc.

Hats and Gaps,
Furnishing Goods,




Will give you good opportunity to select Useful Gifts,
and at the prices we make, you can afford to do so.


Oept utOU!Uw]

We are
Still Very Busy WE WISH YOU ALL
And hope the Sboee A&d Sltppen that were
boocht here were the right feiBe.




Wheh Looking for



SeaethlBgflneP WehAveit.
''Ife elevAtor wheat aslxtarea, eater
into A single barrel of

Bememberyou can j
get elegant^

White Aprons,



t Jlinir. Try it.

Hannah Sc Lay Co.

. Imported Baskets,

OeUuloid and Leather


Bugs, Gloves,

Suits, Overcoats,


Haven’t You Bought
That Christmas Present Yet P
g for a {eminine female why aot
look through our stock.
s boadi of Hair Fins to a Silk Drew.



Fine Heckwear,
Etc., at


-Vou need Felt Shoes, Arctics, AUskas,
Rubbers, Pscs or Socks. A full Hoe on ^nd and more
coming. Men's Arttics 80c, at


owrnro moobd. batpuday. pjobicmb a5. i

XBM KOBJmffO fcBOOBD. ted ^ kn. Rmh- Ud tk«ir dMurkur.
tk« koUdAT* «ltk Mta Pmete QrlfiA. Mtkto of Mta SIpmat.
Mte» Moitte OfA7 teATto MdAy fv »
WiTOBKOrr^' .^mOHIQAll •hart TWt io TpallAatl. Om HoAdaj
aba wU r« *•
lag to Atto»d tba
SUM Ttoakan’ AMoetette« A»d a
«soa. T.
AMP i. W. BAxm. •raatelAMAUac of OmaO School Otm-

aad/^IB pA0Al

Boat rarthKjioA »trrrtTha obAtoh oo WaahlAftoA atrfOthta
aaa toatotoUj daeoroted AAd toAichtj
U■ liaaiinwi ^
----- —
Madad Of ita wealth af praaaata _ .
tea pror«» wiilbafieoA, laoladlaf
Maaie by the Swadiah tjwtai. and
aad aoDC« by the yoaar

the fc« of oor friends it the

*• *»•]

ao lante that for aararal yaara a fanaral
most pleasant buaoess on
eaurtalameat haabean
haabaan faaao
foaad laipw
la>poa- tleipated.
qtootirt Ooart JaiWABUBBOaiFTlOMB.
earth if we fit diem widi
Oarmaa *raa*aUeAL .
jToUowlAf aratheetrcalt coort jw •IMe. ThlayaArthokladarBartan aad I
shoes that give comfort—
arm draw* yeataaday fto the torm bw prin..;
i c»~r >r, <f«» «~l w,.dmnl, Xnm..
Ciaato* JaaawT Ktb:
diat “makeAe feet glad- "
Pifrt ward. Traraato aty. W.
Just Ae opposite is true if'
of ereryTeea.aad ea thd raotnm a aear*
aeeciad ward. ifcATetw a^. W. He- •tV-Mp-m- ThepuplUla Ub mala Uy lades tree rejoieei »*“ ‘•earta of tha
Ae Aoea are poor in fit and quaKty. We've learned
room rrill eajay a ehiekaa pie baaqaat ehUdiea laaL Before the .dletribaUoa
Itoaald. Btedldo-L. PoUar.
success m Ae'shoe business
Third ward. Trarena City, Blehard next Wedaeeday aiykt.
ob ylfte the foUowlay prayrmm was
The parlora yeatarday ware alabwand Aat wayis proved by Ac cl^ |------- :------------- —
BeyAolda. Goa W.-HcWathy.
Pb«lh ward. Ttowiaa 0»y. C. D. •tely trimmed with boaUiiy and
of Aoes you'U find at Ais progresste. Praaeia OathaUe Obtircb.
yreaai. At ana aide of the ro« rria
Eeoyea. 0~. W. Ball,
ivc store.
rtfth wtod. TyaeaiaaOMy. B. C Ha alarye Um. which rraatwiea SUad ud Comtr Tmlh and Can
emptied of Ita otore of treatnye darUy
Give us a chance to fit yoSi, and we’U
Chrietmar It ope of the atoat aayeriy
K. B. Chapte.

▲ Xany Ghrtetmaa.
aaUeipatad days la tha chareh ealaaCatea. J. M. CaspheU. Joha B. Ba- tha aftaraooa aad ereaiay.
do it to Ac Queen’s taste. We have
nta ia tha h^>i^t day of all tha
U the aftomaon the followlay pro- dar. aad a fine moeical proyram b al••M-, APd Tn Mobaiku Eaoobd wtebaa Bar.
^m rrae ylrea by the lltUe tou;
taken no chances. Our shoes come
waya ylrea. ThU year the cbarA daeWhllawater.
•11 MBklAd A Harry ChrUtaua The
The chUdrea under the lenderrtlp of oralioBa are eseeptlooally eUborate
Ac»e. Aodraw Neweoiab.
from America’s foremost foot fitter*. L—
iBpcoaed coodktionK of uada aad ioHta. J. W. HUUkeu and bar esslstsaU aadbrnaUfal. Last aiyht the ebttrch
BUir. M. L. Hd&roe.
daatiy iir* sade h«iaU.«a*“faAarAllr
ysre a dellyhttal imfrompv* proyram. was tilled on the occasioe ofthe ChrUtteat Bay. Poraat D. TajJer.
»U orer tha oooalrj eaeoJlaat for aawAl
roloatoorio«to,al»y or speak as the mas tree sad ratartalamcBiyyirea by
Plfe lAke. D, C Bopoa
MOPtha APd with the ahABdactt «ropa.
^ Th. Old Mlabl. ShOMnnn.
apirit mored them. They took p^ as 81. Kraaels eehadl. Todsj s eerrioes IIB Front St. TV»r.bu* Block.
Uardeld. B: M. Prooty.
(ood prieeA reriTAl to ■AAoUctariPjr
re se follows:
Oraal, D. S. Chawploa.
•BtarprlMA aod healthy tooa of aU
Eecltail^e-aaAry BaU. Bay Baalh
Uiyh mam at & o'clock, followed by
Uroeti Lake. Harbert Gllbn^
linea, toany whoVera idle at thU Um
ffUlIc Bari.
the eeoead mam. a low mass. The
Loav Laka. Prank Barerly.
teat year are aew ampl^ed ataadUy
SoayeALayAnd Myry Bnhy. -Battia UUd mass wtU be celebrated at
Hayfleld. Lodwfek Bowrteh.
•■d nloaey la flawlaj throu|rh the
Tr*rja. Carl IhfmHOA
SarmoB by the Eer.-Paatar at tha
Paradiae. Adolph W^tea.
chAPaeU of tr*da la a laaaBar to iaIhiee chomaea-Twalra
hlyKnam at 5 o'clock aad lo-jo.'
Paiilaaala. A. P. Oray.
raaa wed c«iftdencAand
dlate ylrU.
tfrotical ptoyra* at the hV
» o'clock aad 10:».
The Yaletida fealSral will ihtaafore
Solo. -Tha Amyel’i Meaaaye." Ufa P.
-------- ON------->a ohaaread by happy haarta all orer Huy Improremoatt Laat Tear aad
, Utter *««« Santa Oaae wAa. read. LAboate.
tha land aad while thooaaade of liula
w which he appeatod and dmtribBright Proapaoto ter tha Patara.
Moa wUl be made happy bacaaie of
Hem Ut
la itB- ifiav—w.
Plat—W. a.
A. kneuwiu.
Preaidlay Bldar Kalloyr reportt add­ •ted the pwoeate.
tha TielU of Santa ClaoA paraDto. too.
Becitotioa*—Timblln. Lottie
Hm P"
r: LAboate.
l^aaoBi*. UUa
uim C.
ed iotoreat aad moch Mw work belay
Will Tojalea that proaparity le apreadPearl. **» ‘rh*f^*'
lte,,H,Br. lilm
Him E. Okm.
J. Baker. Mite
done amoBf his eharyea this wlatar. Prtertyl. BomlU
toy oAafort aad ^eaty while want U
In Norember a ehoreh was rM^aaed ___ „ree prettr Chnetmaa •' nxAtea, Him M. Bmidreau.
nottareAU, MUa
m«m M.
m. Brwkea.
There Uaooxcoae for orwebarrAteeeanae of yobd qaallty- We do art
halar driran'from the
wwp- ny
B«el Kohto. Br^U ------Peart.- UUa L. BaellmABtol. J. LAboate..
oy o**e«
•t Kalkaaka aad aaethar at HeCorkle. •oaye
adrenUe a maa'i ealt fw eTW-toTaiaUad aad charge for a brtter f IS OCi. wmOh
hare »it
felt toe
the 1
thoaeande who bare
Ofleratory. "Adaate ndolea--Cbqlr. iroo. AnBlformrAteofaUTiByproStytodoaallofonrbaatoemUeaiacUoaa.
foor miles aoathaf Kalkaska. Oa Jaa- Kittle WriyhV OrmSbe^., Florence
of porerty dartoy the pa»t three y«^
oary Jad the new ehtircb at Qrawn terl and Edith Tlmblia.
Wrareaot bUadfoliteraor Imayiaary baryaiayierm The plain
'-.qjhwa are, notwltbetoadiar, ajaay w\o
The proyram U the eeeniay eoaaUtO.SalatarU—BamaaL
will i ba dedicated. It I* a Saa new
jwhU are marked at. are mighty wtaaevaathiT are boond to betha lojteal. _
1^1 aot be farot^ with tblap which
I aad the dedkaUea ------ •d of ChrUtmaa redtatloa. by MoeeUe
PMtam Erya-lmmbOlBtto.
^r-rek-Uaaretobalheyreataateoochla our boainam eermr.
•A to make ooBtootmeat aad hap^acne
mODiee wUl be coadaetod by Uor. W. Beanett, Edltb Umblla and Bemlle
Urge aad atteWUr. place of beeteem. with departmmite fall of.teple aad M
a part of thto exletener; aad for thaee
' Motloe to Tax PayerA.
Pmrl. a Holidny tea ylrla. and
eooda. with priom the loweet and the yeaeml proepm^ty aloar dema.we mnwa wish a ebare of the proaparity J. Miller.
taohyaby the aehnol.
1 will be ia my oSUe oa weak daya
Oa the mme dauMr. Kalloyi will
. whlAtofanarAlUTrarorwClty.
from thU date oaUl Febreary lit. ISW. HrLlto dorpreepmnaa boatee-A and thU tobe the bannnr wertof the
CAAdoet ewriet la k'rmakfert where a
to roeeirr Stele and Cooaiy taiea aad
i^sreh wlU be re-opened oa that date
dellaqaeat dly taxm far ahe preaaat
Thoae wiehiag the dollar te go the terti
‘'Bkobb xbobblx n oxxtx.
- - Id and oalaiyed.
Smalyear. -Oo State aad Ooaaly texae
Wpmer n'iiraei.
larite into oar dlBereat deyartmeaU.
toelth.aneclal aerrlaea ertll ba
Oar baryatoe to CUaka are aaparelltied
Tba ehtel ebUetof intereat to the
- - CvAiee Obrtetteaa XUIad id a Ooaflict
held ia the church at Mawoa. near cbDdrea of the Boaday aehool leat
Oar bary^ to Diem Ooodi are arlmor
With XaaanlmaBa.
Cbeboyyaa. whteb waa boUt dnriny the alybt waa ahandaema tr«e. .lighted
Oar bAryatoe to Geafe Parotehia^ Good
Cteadia. Crete. Dee- Si.-Tbere. hat
to eight.
Am for Clotbtoy. « . teaa a raaewal of ooadlcta betrroea
rebmary «th there will be a dedi- le addition the chareh wee eimply bet
The Money Serem
*wE?hoora. H e'doite ^l:»o o'cioeh
tha HBaaulmana aad Chftetiaaa. The aUoA at Mooreatowa, near Imke fSty
eBeetively trimmed with eiuyraea u __
m. and 1 e'clock kj.
to i4 d*dodi o.
f- m.
fcrter attacked a eArarea aaar Armiro
Doriay thecnmlnyyearadamA new
OOce to room !. Herald BallAny.
waeethe. • Preeedlay the dmteib*^•ad kUled iwalre Chrietlaa*.
ebarctaea wUl be dedicated la Mr. KalDated Dec. 1. inc.
Tooloa, Doe. »«.-lB.r»ew of the die- teyyb ^Utriet. aad the preapeet U of ylfte the foUowiay
Uauxmji Wuem.
Front 8ti
City Trenearer.
OlM* Block,
Batetlnc aewe fiwm the lalaad of Oeie, bright for a year,of yreot tetoreet and
I8(i—Thar,. SaL. TW. tt
Choree. "Blay. BellA^teg.;^
^ to»
at a »oAddtem of Weloeme-Bay TmmbU.
touafa notice^______________
i. m. Hamm. Bdlw M>d Mmbc*-

•• ••





Reliable Merchandise


A. H. Brown went to Laaalmy on

We PromiBetlie

Ee»; JaA C. Carman yrOl praaeh
montoy aad erentog.
Saaday eehool aad B. Y. P. U. aa
■ .
Yeo are toritod to attend.
10..01 nmr* am Karr Mmrt. Km«m
Saaday eerrieee.
Bible aehool. e:4».
Moratoyeerriee, II A m.
Jaaior eadcAror. 3 p. m.
C. B. maetiay 3:43 p. B.
Enalay eerrioe 7 A m.
All are eordtolly torited to attea
awwjni nxTwinttt.
Ciarn mmUny a m.
. tubbath fdeachtoy at tO:M A ■

Min Quality,
Most in Quantity


Lowest Price to AH


Jack Lltaey of^Hottone Bey. wae
•he dty yeexerday
^ Un. A. L. Ueebaat weat te KalameChoroA -Pbr Briybtor Than ^e San, wo ymterday te epead the holldaya.
Alley Thomae came dowm from CharUvoix ymterday te
the hoUdaya.
proeemiODai nyma.
- W.J. EeBt.wbdUoperetiayaahto•
-Mm Bead’, and Mr. Swtftt' clemeA
^ mill at BlUwartb. U borne for the
-AND TBE----enrol. -Wbere U Her*—School.
Bible Bac'itaOea. Luke t: 8*^0-DelB- E. Whlleef the Eagle will go to
la Derby.
A»rMd Baplde lhUn»omtoy to attend
ennd. ‘'Uybt. Lore and Joy" SebeoL
Bmltttioa. -TbcUtUeTIew Kelyh*
Jallai Campbell aad wife went to
bor-—Jay Beed. Pearl Walton. Harold
Without distinctioo of ace
«rud Bepid. ymterday to epend
Hiricean, Bra SattoA
or clsas. niid back of our
«aeioUe. -Tbe Name of the Steri'pnwune stenda our splrnorer from Good
Anub OleoB a
Ireab Blckereoo. Ella Weed. Gala
Baibor ymterday
Laaywortby. Bleu Weed. Ida Boap.
. /tfitb hU famUy.
y Mlm CApliola Vader returned ymSunday eeboel at It m.
Edoa Kclloyy.
/ '
/ Smday from Abb Arbor, where ebe bee
Junior Leecanat 3:30 p
Beeltetioa. “Bmlly Jana"—Haael
/ Uaee for.trcAtmeat for bd- eyee:
John Fam.U father of CharUa Panrt.
teeat to Oraad llapkU ymterday to
oand CfarUtmae with frleade.
All an eordUUy toritod.
^Itatiop and Se*«. i'Oat ChrUUaae
Mr. aad Mm Fred Johceoa of MapSteeklaT'-MUe Kybert'a eUaa.
• mar .nxtnoDUt.
• tewm. went to eoothera Hiehiyan yeeClmliiy Sony. "’TU Holiday •niaA"
tertay to epead the bolktoya
^ Troot BtTMt.
Itetilbothm of ylftA
prof, a B. Horn wUl read an tetor-TbeSooand
eating paper a~l ibr meeUay Of the
State Teaebeti' Aeeoclalioa to Laaelay
rmlly be a leetaro on tbe i
Mn Jacob IMrteA
FiirteA U to Oraad
Grand Bap- *””,”**^ f
B the worn ot uoa
U* to apeaa lae. aouoaye
All other
other eerrioee
mrriom iaaoaoaL
.U. wedding
, the
of her Mater. Mm
Mm tABm
Best "Market in Town Offers
All are weleomA
Mr. aad Mm J. B. B^well aad bob
WUl Oloae at 10 a m.
PoetofieewUldmetodayktlOA w•pead the bolktoyi with the iamUy of for the day.
K- E Stroay.,
Cterier. wUl make a deUewy »»
W. J. Parker wUI -Imre lor Oraad
morning only.
Bapidi thU mondny to ieda Mm Parker
No dellrery by carrtore on Sunday.
Send Orders Ahead and Have Them Delivered.
nmi apend Uie holiday seaaoa rilth Pntiwna of tbe offim eaa'enU tor thdr
thair daughter.
mall Sandny from 13 to 1 o‘do^Dw. MaitaeoB. formerly of tbU elty.
A. V. FBxnnicn. P- N- ^
new omployod to u drug etore ia Cblm(O, U ia tbe city to apend ChrUtmaa
' JIB PM) tJfce ea OM PMI.
Front street, oppoilte Hotel Whiamt,
Troveree City.
with relatlrm and frleaiU.
Sho-WeU. 1 think It to nhAt Mme
. MUt Alma Dmprm will go to Grand forme to eecure a dircroA
orBapida Monday to attend tbe marriayir
of Mlm Learn Friedrich aad to eerre ae erTtfatoy I c»uld for you?
She—Ym but I'm epmit neariyiU
brideamald to the eorepmev.
ot your nxBi^.—Mew T<*k Tknih.
Mlm Agnm
Aynte Keany
itoBay oi
^mned through the dty ymterdey oa
Whoe TtMT
her w*y frWn 6iam^, to epeOd tte
••Yon ne dimta ccut,” mid thnoaB. Jnet ertiet you ere looUn* for to
dnewp a* be leawd toward and heeathholldaya with her parontA .
pnggnt to some firiond.
Mm M. Boeeathaland daughter of
not.” mid BrlyptaA be
pBtoakey. arrlT^here ymterday aad
are rUHlny MruTBooeAUal'a parmtt. rtnitbi an ayenumg witfl ot gatba—
Cleveland Plato Dmtor.
Mr. awl Mm Jullua Statobery.

Witches, doeb, Jeielij,'
Sihemit, Moieltlei, Etc.
W. C. & B.A. Gannett

Solid Nickei Quadruple Silver Plated



A Very Pretty and Appropriate Christmas Present.
Look at them—at the same time inspect the

ever seen in Traverse City.

F. A. F.ARTk, Jeweler,





Hoolihan’e Chiistmas.

.. srith datoOmt---------------------Uclm m yifu to thorn whom
rmi would rumamher. We hare
kSaedUplay of bolldayytfttto
Band MlrnirA ToUd SetA Pur-


prlem that an within the rmeh
of all. at




Also a Few PALMS and FKRNS.

Jay Maaeaieb. tommrty of thU dty.
now employed la the ofBmot the DemVaitKoc
omat at OadiUae. arrieud bars yeater- bit, tb.t old didbr, Gtopelth. tolled
day to apend the hdldayu withhUpar- m. • tens Ui. oOer nlrhl
Mtt and
to to IkU
IhU d^.
Xl> Tnwbl>-li.d«dl Wbr, Iftb*
to eem clieUl n—U. e bee.—Bw•dye L. E. Btamar of I'
mtothedty ymimday i

OeU end eebthem.

'FlMe 90.

South Bide Oreenbon*.

-Jewish YouAU

A Marni Christmas!
Tour Practical Sboeman.

TEB xoszrxvo BE00B1>, BATUBDAT, DEOBXBSB 26. t897.

w ttw bead cd tbe Game SbOtal
When b«
the oouk atv tbt

iBosib of the riv<«. be took the atMU Inatltue4dtbe21c*t»i«<
Mttofbls URl«TMKt«Bd, towed
tnn OdBatnot Onal B«twMB BiOtie >y towanl the ptw] flehinc fleet,
that Gbaanec M. Depew
drtoka aartldiv
at p faaaqaet
laet «•
BlMk Sms Im IDUUfT
be bed iotauded to joia (boa on eone Dvrerdi
eotireljf peaceable cctand, a&d. ia fact, eept tbedzteat kiad of champagiiiMkaiid
ibern w so ream wbataeer why tbe U be 'la £o apeak be drtnka no a
aU QDtil afsbr be baa naiebed hi«
lf*w Ywlr^D^ *4.-A cpmU to The
fall of boecwiMn Aoold be lowia*
WorW tfom Waohlstrtoo mjt ttat
alnii ibei part of tbe ooeet.
The pearl fltbiug vcwrlc wne all at
“Vila Hark Twain"
spriar ■
board were: of Par

•- Oet;«a.. wbo U BtndTinc imticiD V<
wm be
be of
of gr^t
«al cuatecie
.uateale and
and oomaer-tendiaR to tbeir
__________ dmunw freen the
Mtb of- __________ that tbd "rety bontifii]
tbe riecr. tbe taan-of-war waa Irtiig bw Tolee cd thia laarinating yoimg girl <d
Tbe project eoalratplataa tbe oott- c^ed. Tbe netiie divera who
atnotleB of a eaaal eoBseettaf tbe down to tbe butti
Baltic aad_Blaek aeaa. wbleb np tbe ebellflib wbleb contaiBwl tbe
Legiandimrowtd Lamar, Mo., bat a
trareraed b/ batUe abipe of tbe beari- ptarli plnnjred into tbewater and«me beard a.-mi feM in IcBgtb. Mr. Imrow
Mt tobaafe. Bjr meana of' Uda canal j op wet aod Alalng-ia tbe aim, with no bat not abared for CO ream Tbe wind
fHtr wbuierer of ear abaika wbleb if eo fond of uringw ilb tbia binate
BaKia will be able U maUlUa a bate I ailgfat be kwinuninit afaoot in eearcb of
------- *>-* -Sqowner bnuda it and
fleet U tbe Baltic In 107 batn b* , a dbanv, and tbe pet^lc (« tbe reaaelt
Windaliaroanff bia body, giring him
briarlnr to that eca the Blaadc- en qvned tbe oyrteraand earefnlly aeardi< tbe appearance of being in tbe .toOa of
eqaadron. or tbe eiar can collect la tbe ed fur pi^arlH. feeling ea aafe frem bane a bca cooeoriotig.
Black a«a la tbe Mtne tine tbe Baltic aa if they wen picking olirea in tbeir zTbeBMhacblldi hare made it a rale
natiro grorra.
and Black eea fie^
Bnt aotnetbing worn than a aberk td intennarry and bare defied tbe dec*
la eaea of a fee**^ Duopeaa war,
waa <jniMly making iu war orrr tboee trine of tbe adeoUau, wbu baVe (oriiidorer tbe dirialoB of China at tbe time tranquil wat«».,aud no baodii
ditti' wb drn ’ tbe marriage of n-laUrea on the
•f tbe epapletioD of tbe c/nal. it •nr dmuendKl fntm ^ani>di [loonUlt grooDd that it debillmtia a raee. A
■■ locika BzaoDg bia
wpbU not be a dlfionUiaalter far Boa-'j
ala to aead a fleet tbrooch the Boaebo-1 njiuJ
na, tbe flea of Manaora and iba I)ai^ ! vhr> were orooebiug in
danalica iato the Bedltmmnean. down; bt^ging to l*lw <rf Tortngm
the Baez canal acroaa the Indiaa


Tbe leaftb of tba canal wU!
be 1.000 mUaa and the average depth
» feet. Tbe coat will be *37.000.000.
and it maai be completed by 1»*.
It to frankly admitted by Urn Beaalaa
.t Ue
ia being built
fw miUtery purpoeca, bat they oay the
waterway wUl be a beai

^ Oblna Bat
of It
Waablagton. Dec. *4--Tbe ooaetiy’B
- attitnla toward what appean to be an
effort OD the part of tbe powere of
Bonipa to dtomember Chiaa vraa tbe
principal topic today at tbe meeting of
■ the eablaev AU Ue memberm were
prwent except Alger, who U U1 at
Itwaadeteraaiaed. aee member es*
pr^ed it. "to keep a walebfnl eye
apon. tbe eitoatiM ae it devdeped in
eeder that fall protMtioa might be
.given to tbe intar^ of tbe United
Btatea U China genronteod by treatlaa.- Ko dlap<5^Uoa waa manifeeted
to participate in aa ezteaaloa of teni'
taiy at Ue expenbe of Cblaa.
' Tbe.prceeat nedermtanding to that
the attitude of tbe United Statce in tne
Cblaeae qemtipo promtoee to have
material laflnenee on tbe develepmeat
of tbe Eaetern queatioa. Tbe general
■ndmatandiag reabbed today will
doabtieie be made know* to each for­
eign repreBentalivee ae dealre to eonnd
tkli govarnineat. Tbe informatioa ia
torn arill rraeb the foreigs eSea
Lqndon. Berlin, BW Petenbarg and

mil, waa permitud, witfioot being'
ebaUeoRod o inusfoed with, to rowj;
cp alougaide tbu largett r«Miei uf tbe j
fleet, on which there were ■
men and a few eawKm.
. At mm aa Piane'a boat - toodwd tbe I
Bpoalab vemel tbe boocawaTi e^rang
on board with tbeir piRoU and ontlaa8ea,«oda mvageflgfat began. Tbe
Bjanlarda were Kurjirued. bot there
were a great many more of them than
there wera piratca, and they fongbt bard.
However. tlM-iuan who makea the attack
and who la at tbe


ura «d •
• —
Tb(«> <
tbe Spaniarda'wbo'
>1 killed wei
fenced into tbe eervioe of ihrir eaptura.
aod Pierre foond biinwlf in oommand
o< n nry good vemeL
• «

It will be a dtoappointmeat to i
enteat to Cblav wbleb looked to Ue
Unljed Sutca aa a nation oecopyiag a
dUnieraated poailkm. which would
permit It to nvrt a alraag Influence in
attying the diimemberment of the
Tbe viewaezpreneed pat aa end'to
any poenlblUty of aa Aaglo-Amerieaa

Cookies. Nats and Candies

OYSTERS, Stindud ltd Sdects

What a little thing can eauaea grant
to do wae abown wb« two men Reaped
zamine a-pecoliar locking blacA obfrotn which pcotraded a tbort band
aeveral jaggrd vlree and which lay
cB tbe partBient Udeev <cw of tbe
taut itrect lAvacnpere. They
walk«d around it oucc ur twice; then.

All Kind* of Delicficiee for
Place yonr of^era in adrnnoe
by 'Phone 132.

Thm tbefsiea were adranoed am to what
it war. bat nobodv would touefa it. not
evni with a ten foot poIa'"Pick It up.
BIU." mid can bnt BUI firaw baiA with
an emphatic rrfnad.
Then tbo nUquitanf pavemfntjo
tbehoilcrt uf the anarcbirtic n
tiont. eud be ez}>lBiD«d exoLtly bow
boDiba arc inadr ....................
VO. Bnt cnrii.klty wee etroug. and
the orator ccotinurd Chut he knew. 4o
fact. <d a certain a-cn'i i«md iwom to
blew up that vivy Imilduig. tieTPfal <d.
the roru tmwilKd kuni and looked up at
the t*q> »t<iry, aiid whilr they were thna
lost in < outciiiplaiioo a mnall boy. with
the hrava*)'' uf inuunmoe or iguoraooe,
gra^d th<‘ haudle of tbe porarutnof
bnndlc and lifltd—a tattdvd old urn*
bnlla. riuclt in the grating of a coal

Oor. 8. Union and 7th Btroet*.

Jewelry Air
Elegant. Bings

Fmcj Gold and siherHowlties

a? □

□□ □ □ □ □□□□
Thursday’s Storm Suggests


Erom the cheapest Ulster offer­
ed at One Dollar and Sixty Cents
to the best “Irish Frieze” our stock
has been complete, and we shall
endeavor to keep it so to the end bf
the season. We honestly believe
no one else has offered suchRvalues
for the money in eitherJUlsters or
Overcoats, as we have done this
season. Our tremendous sales on
these lines show that people appre­
ciate a good thing when they see it,
and testify to the truth of what we
have just claimed.
Just now people begin to feel
the need of more Winter Clothing,
^d enquiries for Overcoats and
Ulsters increase with the coming
cold weather. Our strong point is

Overcoats Aem $7.50 to $12
Ulsters froin $5J0 to $13110.


, r'Vbat to Intcnatr*
/ •‘Intetmttovrhatamaapayzycawbm
bMTowa your money. "
"Diwy liwbatyou haveto pdya mn
*wben you bwtow Ua mot>.y."-CMceg»


.made a 1

teptor* M tiw Wrut

BepHmw W'oner, the cianpomT of
the Wipolar amg "UrtMi to the Mock­
ing Bird" (writum iu IKfibi. celebrated
bit gulden weddiDRdbe S6U> of



JUST RECiim....


'W illiam BbaW. Jr., of Pittibnrg hai
lAiiU and niuipiMl a Uthbnnw at that
place whtr. the poor may enjoy tbe
Inxtiiy <d a texh npou Che tatyincot <d C
oenta •
Hem. T«tt-Oorn K<w. the flrat Jap*
anew «*ral kt Cbiiwgo. ia unr id tbe
muet diRingoinbed uii iu)h« of Ibe diplomaiio ataO. kltboagh he to only U
woiieanroon MoSt Complete AfiSOrtment
Dr. anamrarargnnrat,
and Mra
lam mrpmer. went to hw'lmerland andjercr showa 10 this Citj nOW
did maue monutain climbii^ tho^b
R^le at

Mr*. Prank E. Surktoo hai iinitrib.
ut«l t<. {^i. XicltiibiN ni.d.T the title of
"Tbr lia'-caui^Trof OorCuaat"aaeri««
of ourraijf *l;rlrLi'e <if ibo boocanertz
of lb.'-ituO^. Bo tella the fol-_
lowing .i^lwiiiiirc:
Our ui Uir adventunve who art oat
about ihif tiiuv <n a cruiac. after gold
laden' veoMlr ».r a IVviiehliian who
ta knerwu tu bin c-iueli
FraneoU and lu the
je Impliiih
at Peter
a« ik p>
Francia Be wa«
pond ittilor and ruaily
(or any aut oY u ai-a lipbi. but Utr a long have doue iu the paat.
time he Grain'd aUmi witiioat aeciug
Wbni Teunvaco. In ISSO. wrote tbit
aatything which it wus worth while to
attempt to capture. At toet. whim hU in "Locktii-y Ball.” "Let tbe gnat
down the ring^
pcovtolau b^an to give irat _______
mud htoworld «pln
• forever
. rami to become anmea
bai diaroultmled.
diwauiimied. j]
« <«»»««.
Pi«najd.w bU uU,d ,I». t.U«r!
than refurti to' Ttjrtug* «ujny IuxihIm] | *““■
be would make a Udd agd nuvol etruku i Bwami AlAayanedacf Cbicugoii ^
for fi^tuna
! ouly woman ntonk Iff t^ world. Borne
At the nwttth cf one of tbu large ymn ago abo tset tbe fatnona Bi
...............................terembradng 1Bn^nvu» ofnbe m-<ntoi>d the^lunianls riribanndaa&dnfteremfarad^
nud a monk of hto
hud ecublisbed a pearl fb^ory, for tliirrf tuauiaqi wai oraalni'
-iraai no kind of wealth ur treaeorv eu : otdm.
the lind. nndergttitmd ce at the bottom
The death haa jufiooottiVwl at Brad*
«d the tea that WheX^mBionUdhl nut gut | ted, England, of Mr. Jtdnm Kcethrai^
it it wire puafibla
' ' mid to 1« the oMeat Metbndtot looal
Evury year at tbe peeper Ham a \
doaeu .r lu.eavcmltceme lo thiapeerl' op Jdairh I..........
. bank, uitcudid by a-o*u>'Of-»«' “> f»«- ^ IbSO to July Uat.
t«t thuu. from ttol^t^ Kara I D,.
^ toowa
kn^ all uUmt (bia. and at be amid not; ,,0^^ phvncian, who died Ip Wofii.
* * .
find auT
tS}«DlKli ........
Ingtoo not long ago. waa a -permtl
be thungiii he woold go down and aM friend Of Jami* O. Blaine, wbodaolared
vbot be could do with tbe pearl flabera that abe wai the <mly wtmisn be knew
Tbla was aomrthlug tbe bdeoaneen bad who never talked about benelL
Sr Miner Boymood.
filed ra*
: ontlyiBCfrfcagorwai aBid to be tbe
olfiMt tbeologioel Kudant In ttto----Be began life aa e '



We , have better and cheaper
^ades than those quoted—Simply
give prices which are popular and
.on which we carry the largest as­

Correct Stylea

N„, 131 Slat, Street,,
Travers City. Michigan.
Come in aod look them over.

E.W. Hastings.,

All we ask
an opportunity to
show you our line—trusting to
you to do the rest.

Rcal £statC


Money A) Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
johBffon Block . Thon* 7A

Hamilton doing Compy.
^□□□□ □ □□□


m, 1997.



tie p—<o ■ inm »B tae MnetoanrInc ■ kitrbro Mfe. He ttted to UilBk
wbat a nfe waa nteaul Urn asd re^laed
(bat they woaW eemtaJy baw- to bare
aaafa- Soar panuo teuton io a gtcat
t ■b(if>eaa«iithlaa7a, and bab]«i*ed and

(oUtnred him to hti bmar ta

’<*Wby do yon paraiat tn looUnR at
the motm and aiiihlBir *a naked wh^
giaitlyateertnf! their emt# towwd tte
dy aspcrtiua.
•Pve ayspatby.” Is » tbtmt.
Sttodadway. “It’a oB iSlasqMM-”
.Oacrelt Free Praaa

Nnsberof trnanta. S.
Rot at

cd faniaiBiV.

bw akaji* in the btjj tamae. Ho bad trl*d
ta cdhTinre Iwr lUfl be could1 not alto-

W bi temir tri™!.

sethb ceglr


■to Ttov «t (ha Blah.



. m -bim. bbt

m.- •!• H'

mior hinarlf wltbont bcr; how ba
think .d i»»n« anywhere
withont takiuc b« akn*.
‘•Oh. ibe UwadfnJ eT«un^ I beta *0
Bs^r die ra»i>lalwtd. wUb tern in
bweym -;i am obTieed lo ait boa all
nlvM beean'i' I bare aa yet bad no.

le lo «« (toud t



Suits to Order.
Fine Merchint Taitoring.



“Riak o-"
“O’ dtUn cnred.“-KewT<«k Jots-

a rreaotrabla reataL

and W. W. Smiib. Proaidenl.
Ulantea of laat regnlar seoting an
of apecia) maattng held Doe. 10, Itt'

••Wire, Ihenr*

J’^bat abe wired to y»
aittin* with Mra

O. P. CABVKa. AfStt.

yon wont to bed and tried to aleepT'
“That ia jnat when* tba trenble i
He did not read any sore, but attoda
O. Boanra.
aba replied, atill in leara. "J as afraid. bsneward. Ha bad been a pretty kind
A UtUewbileaeotbeownercdBlane |
Jon Rianojr.
Ore awrant aleepa way^p in the attic. offool tnybow-arain Bstoo. A8«a;aBaW In Korlolk oaneed a quantity o(
She woold not even bearann anjtbinp beantifal slri like that—then be btqsn I ttsbiw re bu mfelkd and aassoand
Moved by Mr. OUbert that t^ patito langh. At any rate, be ws (roe affain Davie, the bred yauiekeerer. to aoewn- tloo be referred to the/tommittee on
- ** ^’br eon (ooliab child, what U there -twl Bat tohnebow ha wasH qidta | pany his on a tore rf lMp-^on. with
Bnildlni* and Orennda to report at
to ba afrtdd oft Wbat ia gol»e to hap­ anie that be wanted tn be ao Tear *"«■ t •
eatimatw it* market >-alne.
pen?" '
Tbe (nreitnre bad U'gnn to intereat
Daric bad an -old time bomr td of••Are not the paper* erery d»y full ot
TravneeCaty. Mich.. Bee. n. 18«.
buntlariea and robberiear • abe perB^ad. bis.
iarity.'aodn* they walked aUin« took
mtUmai qf the Board;
“Think nf ilio sauT atrenecra that flack I
great catv W
witli bbn in evwytt a well known b< ahta rtreirt like thia.
tUbg. Afire' two re three trwee had
Rotbinp A is
TbcT danced acvcral fimea. and then be been examined tbe eqtsire. wbo •*«# at fiebeol of tbtoei^.'toaeeepta aimili
asudat tbe end. "I atwree yw» couldn't <se eud. called out to Davie, who wa* poaltioa la Ebrin. PL
care for me. cocld yotir And Ae col­ at the other:
Ana M. Bunnicr.
••Hm’s a fine elm. Davie."
ored all over and sid, "Ob. na 1
Moved by Hr. Fybre that the reNg^
Darto looked at tbe log. mediutod a
eo«ldn't»-not aii.rbow in the wcirldl"
frijibtFii your
. .
aaUon be aoeeptodi
nsent and then Mid apologeticaUy s
eonyoB barewithofsy.ownltwwill”—the
ftanily met Sba tried to avoid him.
poor fellow cooW not help liceviu* • hat be wonld not let bor. and ah« eaared
oa Seboola and Teac^
verbal report reeommand.............................-“tototnnipiunptly
at last to try. At tbe end of .three
lag Ml« Myrta Wllsay to fill
.to be bis
■itkm made■ vacant
by tba rat.... C
ef His Ada Baaedlct
, Moved bv Mr. Pybna that tb« matt.,
be left with the oommittoe on Seboola
to act.
Of tbe Board of Bdnoatloa of tba 01^
Motion earried.
ofTraTemOtty, Kioh.
brlore the bnqr of 11. the atnes bi-iog
-..m ^ot
Btotomant of aaparinlendeat ef nonRrealar seeUng of Board of Bdoaa- rreideot toition oellected la December,
tnllof Ufoandtraffle. Ooodby. darling,
tioa. bold ia ooanMI room. Doe “*
dnly reoeived and placed oa fiU.
I seUon of Mr. GUbarv duly ea
'^Mretlng waa oaUad to ordor V
W. Smith. Prreldent

«p and dow
bad bean a large family circle:
lec (obelcftto mnob
wa» very trying sober
to beraelf in ber «ww aorreondioga
At 10 cVl.ick even thef*mi\nu-«
in tbe kitcln-ii .oea*ed. for tbe aer
ber attic, and the i■
. had gone up
pore woman I'elt the old fccliog ot iit- \
£« s,d frighten^ over ber. Tbe ait-1
ting room was located at tbe rear <d tba ■

Ewr Boned OoH

Town»»Bnt the raea U nearly orv.
asl tba bcaaa yoo srettou ii rrmning
two' bp* bAind. Why do yon vaat to
B bis?

that alvayabappe&B.—Raw Trek IiB^
lio*ed by Mr Pybaatbit tbe n
be aoceptod and placed oe flU. '
Motion carried
atyTrea»nnir‘e reponfor moetb of
Noeesber. la'-'T. »a» preaeated mod on
"DidyoBBSka abi
BotioB of Mr. kTolfatt, doW earriai tat Nr. V«t Paatr'
waa aeoaptod aed ordaeed filed.
‘•Well. 1 made anil
TrarereeCItr. Mleh.. (ire tl. ItOT.
Tb the aotmrmitir
of fduotilbm of.
yVarerMniK. NIrii;
•md Trunk BaUway Aanstal 1
SMnbete of

dxMcd bima^ In a fnrkmat. ndomed
bla (mttoublto vkb a booqcM and aan^ (or ber boaar.
When be anleed aa (ar aa the atnM
in which abe Urnd. be tuned rgond and
went (0 the elnh There waa a note
tram her—three day* old.
finabed and threat it into hia pocket
nndlotbe bnay^tsaBeof
biaftm lore le(«K Ires


ty‘*M^^bto. 51. IM7.
JV> The B<«sr.f bf JCduAiSkm. JVorerte
t'Wv. NSM .(iuerLuax—We, yonr Oomslttoa on
Wayiand Meana respeetfnUr reecc
meod tbe payment of tbe followi
* . Nailaa. aasebaTiogbeea oaretallj
amlned' • ' ■

______ ___ j lb* ronad trip
polnM ia Uaaada via tb* Grand Trwnl
^way OB Dee. IS. IT and It. roCara
■it Jan. T. ISWi. Porrataaanqaireof
H. W. CtJFimremaji. Aft.
* 1. Bxeumnn Bataa.
Sum Teachem' Ataoriatian. Lansing,
Dec-tTandlS. BatolS.Sl.
Chrlstsaa and Rew Team Holiday.
Otoe and one-third fare. Sailing daya,
Pre. pt.^. tl^andJan. 1.

wcsxnoo Bux^

£nil BifMt t biiui I. R

O. P. A T. A
C. K. Mt-Hur. Afei
Holiday Bataa on Urn ,*. * H. B.
B. R. and ceanecUng tinea In Miebigan.
ene-tbird tbe roend trip.
Parc and ene-tnt
Salting daya. Dac
Jan. lal, Umited to
laire of

tfikj eta woiua |...
r wl Keltadf j


J ..•...! I

Free Storage^
for Bicycles.



:-U —I

Are You

Oppatow M. a K. * D«P«-

uT^l^i^LksT MI m> a- W
piae r>. WWB*. OreaS m
Chi«re«»T:tap B.
laeraare im*. b.


Atton^ at Law.
meorn Is Maelaouc moeS. Ttarane CUT. Kick.

•■^."■be laid.

“it isa piiy! 1 can- (or bis m n
. Tired and yet,il^ln-d. abe threw berreif j •*'
^xooid ]
, OB tl>e lnou|ii.
lid it?"

* and
sad of ns all lo banHamlin..
(nnogni* WVWUI*. inuiv euu
^ didn’t realiae till the
fn*«l. and *b* fell iiitoaaoondriombcr. !
lingt were gone. Vopr ■pini
apini* carried
Itwa* lJK)5o-clockwbai«waTTiv«dl “^'^»'
away. Hr’* abroad.. Un
y fnd poatbBMe at hie boiue
Tre. and Ican'i bearit. bat Isnut
dow and tried .to fit hie key into tbe Tbat's life, isn't it?" ibe aaid. with a
MitUc «.id amlK “We air
Prer fellow! Had evil «t»riu oon-,
trooWc? Ok.Click— j
,p,„i»bi. WoB m.aa.1




*nu>ui>. Tvn.

A.W.Btokerd.Pn. totvpaliv............

ugfeSsE- «

Chicago —
West Michigan.


, ^ Photo­
graphic Supplies?
o If. BBOWX. *UOT-wy tm* OmmsTtovre
Bpsvtal aLMBM w eaUseatoai
- We iian famUh the •WoMrarMBla*.
varied list of chem /•a.iLBRT a uaTML aaasBrev. aiirtil^
icals necessary for
M‘Syi.-lE2UJiTi 5csr£l
the laboratory of
owners of cameras. ■Mm.
When you make up.
your list of wants
let us quote prices bcnsM*le«i».«.

■.aUtom.Ce., ftolr* »e< tebf* . •arly
eoarreiJM-u in ib.- rimngroom.and
“Tw.“aaid Mie. Haslia. "I think^....................
soot liki-lv die reanot hear me." Onw
sore,'b>- knocked, tbu lime yrty looi .rtra abonld be polite."
And Mis Maiaie waa.B^kd nnlil his voice wai boane: no
.reply.12S Front Street.
Toftll liitrnpof miwty to »be brim 1
per aamBvrlM^iaa.
• Y
wraiu.aod hewai^lb-I jn« now. wlih »omm« «i iw way.
oot an uaiU. lia.
"Perfaapa Annie baa gone lo bed aft/
reall." be ibongbt. alitveriugand drip- uwAing iflair 1* i-uamcled in gray
pingwet '"Sball rgotoB hrtel? No! g^on and biicnahjon*of theaamccolor
. Wbat wonld the peopU-think! Tbe only jn ^hin» dlk attached to it. Other
plaet-tbnil know of that may still L«re pamo-d woid brtwn. aoiue
op>ti i*
nulway-depoi. fre there ia a. ^
ggpen pud pane are red. The
team KiTiving at mui‘aight."
cnobioinarennetituvaeovired in denim
H«- -went down «be itroi-t in a pooling and i-umetiintv lu nxil. atriped^ppety
cainsidat laat fonod himM-lf in the g^toi elotb.
of tbe station.
, ^ar tbl^im r drawing room aplo“A glM of b>-r, sir?" atkid an no- ,
ehaira nn pntly and dainty lookSerprising waiu-r. UoaviMaik bintaeK.
•'ven tb»ogti ib<-v do not t>tos preHe fell ehilly. ‘ Punch," bi-mid. "and
usefnl .>«ciil iben-'a not mneh'
Everything for Complete Ohristmes Dlhnw, IncluttsakeilbocV He drank ime *!*■ and . *o I.-said in favre ot Oie little tJialrt.
ing OrocerlM
then another and siill another to while ,
ih.mph th.- tarions'monarrhii * are
. away tbe time. He « aa
rely person .
n-sismsil.l-^' Tliry Uwst cboire l.ita
tbere. In dne Um>- ibeTart tims had ;
,„'-w «t timw pricries
amv-rd. and be oreld suy no longer. ' ,
c-“ « me-a ebaurv-to
They •■ere about toelore op.
I i,,'., uh jq.; --i .jtne lui qf tapestry
divperalibll be looked al-hi* :
i „.;. .I„nrual.
Order by *Phone and have Goods Delivered.
ewits In OoUSs*..
It waa l jtVlock when be emwged into
isgruiTaily known that
Sbe atreet'and it ii««*
**> **“•
goldTbe fnll moon aremed to grin and wink
at him salic.uosiy tbrongh toe elreda, flsli. liilf of sne-b eiiiitivea die from
"fire, old tlxer waul nf test. A* lidi bar* eyes to
a* though ah--meant V aay: "Sre,
man. it ir-rrc* yon right Why stmt ym freuitd Ihal (lu-v caiimit widare the
go ooi to play cardi and leave yoor wife light, in a g] -.r< t(vm.-1 they are in an
entirely wrot-u pbre. as it evident (ran
at home in Ireeliueaa?
tbe way in whh b they daab sbret-and
InapiMof tl
Baltimore fltoelr Bseetvad Tbrre llmea a 4
^0 arauid and roand tstil fairly wren
atiU felt obUly.
Counta. 40e p«r. quart
it bat a good ran.” be aaid to hinislf,
re a Ufely trot tbroagh tba

James G. Johnson,

Te leSe eOcvi aueder. Jbm m, tret,
•II JOe’cleeka B.



Christmas Jurkeys
. Oysters, CamUeB and Nuts.



"K !^i£^
Ml if

E'S.SIlfS.SSS'SS — “



Welhy with an incrednlou Nek of
■ Answer paid too. Tb*

213 Front St.

••Nytoar." aaid Hr. Bawklnetobu
tob other meming. “do yon
kSiw that yon have rem of tbs beS
Totoea in toe.werldr’
“Indeed!" npUed tbedeligbied Mrs.
H.. with a flab of pride at tbe oospUsret. “Do yon ^ly think'eof"
“1 eectainly do, >«wtioned tbe beartt^botoand. “Otherwiseitwonldbave
em ont 1^ ago.*’-Cbka|0

O MB. Md MS MT fvTIasd ruaa. ««*!•■

akrihvB. AU.aurB wt-m

WJSSs'ol-SR?-* ------ -L*SiKS!SisSir=ia;—


ptodrv 4>ettor half

RttnmdS^stol^. ^
For tbs not tow dgys
•xpreienood a gwrsl aenaeof bewUdreng deprearire. Bs waa an engaged
sL-to a
lottty gW. it waa tme^
bat nevertodaM he »•* wS^ed. tiod
BP. „ it wwt amp*borty> property
He mast bny pctosHe od Sings and
toinV offurtStoTNeTretaWaW^
be thongbt ahool tenitooi Bren at
ooUtge be bid not. as sanyatoeMre
•did. tTreUadbowUsdlg^agsvcMW

If You Have Lop to Sell

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidfjwalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machineiy. ofall
; descriptions, indudmg a Engines, Set Works. Carnages "i'Cii__ Honey to Loan
and Saws. A complete Sa'w Mill Plant for sa|e. ^


. -iii

i -




mnm, ' Smm





any better than was this po<
did hla beat, and the angeU ean do
BO more."
Hy meoda this ta a troe story. It
as only be«n a fpr days since poor Jo
as laid to rest, and If I have aeem.ed
to tall you of sometfalu ----------------- '
have done U 1
this gar Chrlati
many othafchlklreo for whom there
placeL Hake a place for them
ir heart add b your home. Oo out
four wag to do something for them.
_J your own life will he the happier,
and your own children win be lew Iik*.
Ig to attner for your alna These lllUe
m ^ I dl«* Who »'«*« btrp her. and I told her pcoplewbo art alone want to be th<sigM
of while they are here, but Lam afraid
often that, even now. Dived alts
aa It It
I bell#ye4 that the fecor*ngjkbgeI ^ tabli and Lasarus lies dlone a
be* other people and
o tba credit of Oeleatlae gala
no. that there nail had to go ana
,n my foot, and that there farmMgrntleman aald. 'Jo. lae afeard yon
might get something wrong with you.'
And here I comet back to Celeatlna
and Celestine's got plenty Of her own
lo keep, and them don't so many peo­
ple give out washing nowadays. Celmtine teacbed me to Iron, and I could
help her on the rough pieces. But. no.
there had to eonve a doll aort of feeling
■nie Beweat ftirtitahings for arrltlng
in my hand, and I can't hold the iron,
Uhlea for women are Bf leather,
and I'm afeard 1 wlU drop lt‘on aoma
by the way. wrtUng taUco will bcof the cbUlen. and Hlaty Celeattee.
thaa deaka
abe t put me In her bed. It's aelghty
They are spindle iegged. of ooarac. and
pleaeanl being here, but It dont eeam
are enameled or made of wotrt t
Hght. It seems as if I stwags «st into
maldies or bamKinlaca with the ol
fumlrurs. The pads to be used on tt
tables are smalt hardly larger Ilian
square ahreta of letter paper used on
them. The hacks and comers
carved or burnt lewjher. In^iead
long popular silver or deo rwird china
moonUags. The bqnit bit
aeveeal ahades ot mole with . ..
design, burnt In dark brown. The rffeet Is dainty and aomewbat more femi­
nine ■>»«" the carved leather. The lat­
ter Is aald to be all imported and
fore too expenelee for a moderwlc
purse. The InksUnda. mi>rilsg>Uea. eeallna wax btddem. candlestlcka
pen and pencil treys, paperwelghta and
the other grtlcle* are leather cov«-r.-d
and ea^ or burnt with the
sign. The blotting paper to be u*cd
with Biich sets should he mole colored
! or hce^ to match the leather, and
nometlmee It has a similar deelgD
traced around the edges For men the
fashionable fumlehlnga for deska ate of
_______ j, stag hern and rilvyr. The
Inkatands and other large pleree are of
out glwas on massive silver mountlwga.
with stag horn top pieces or pen tarka
The paper kntTi|a have carved silver
bUdea. w ith handles oti stag bom. to
aome instances also carved, but the
moat popular are plain and highly pollahed. Pen staffi of porcuptoe qollla ore
a imvelty. Th^ are silver mounted end
beAufolly eotoced. but ancomfortably

A True Incident of. Life
Amono tHe
i «onf«M 1 wn 4DBor»4 at betoK laUmipted. Wbea om U eomtortable.
%lian tb* flr* in fwnt of one It bright,
«b«» oB«-» book la lnter«tln*. th» fact
that It U eo)d ootaidc and that other
fbople ar« anttoring do«a
affaot OM aa » ahonld- So. when ahe
aaid that Oloatlor wanted to a|K-ak t<>
BM. 1 looked croaa. I felt irrlUted. and
I got ap with no oatward ohow of aml' abUltr. for there wka no Inward feel­
ing of that aurt. And J sever vaa
' good actreoa. Celeatlne la onr laundret
•ha la large. Indeed, ahe aeema to i
«M hnge amile that weight naartr SM
geiihdii. In draertblng^eroelf '
warlablr aa>w that aha la
• oo
_______ f whlteat

aade. When abc aaa4tn«.
put up her band* and aald. "It'a
\j0." I looked adnojed. and Celeetine
Uekad apologetic, and then. afUr a moSient’a alienee. duHng which I got back
to mg normal good nature, ahe aald. “It
doaa aaem aa if there werae't no place
for him.” Then 1 felt a pain right In
mr heart. Chrtatmaa weak and no place
for a bog M geara old! A clw full nf
■UHlenalrca and not a human being but
Tbla la Uw atorg of lo. He * Juat Jo.
Jf ha arer bad ano.tber name. II hM
bean forgotten. He waa a hoj- who alWhga iieemed all oomere; who never
looked comfortable. In'winter time hti
hands were chapped, and hl» fr"
troatUtten In the summer i
had the ehllla and be had th
Onrnally Jo't^me from the
part of North Carolina.
lava, ebamy. peace and good win and
trho beat Jo 8o dreadfully that when be
waa T yean eld the eldera of the ebareh
•otaptalned to the juatlcc of the peace.
Jo waa put on r baggage train and
•tots hla wag to New Tork. and^Aben
some awlety took care of' him. and
•ndlng that he had more ache*
pains aad was more amiable that
aewage boy tlrf aociriy boarded-him
out paging the mjuiillcetit aum of »1
par week for hla keei

«Mth waits ter pobedg. and whan I
reached tba toogb tooUng tanametrt
bouae them waa a Wt of black alpaca
tied os CeleaUne'a brtl 1 er«pt sp atairt
eery guletly and iQto tba plain UtUe
klteban. There waa Celsatlne. angry,
as I never bad seen bar before, and
talking to'iwr broihar. Kha aald; -I
don't ram what you say. He shan't be
burled like a pasper. Poor hltl* Jo nev.
er bad any place here, but he shall have
a decent place when be Is dead, tf we


Some New Fun>

■emabody elae's place and aa U tbwa,
wasn't BO place in the world for Jo."
' The dhctor came lo then, and he look­
body who wished a handy boy.
ed at Celeatlne and be looked at me.
aUa! for poor lo. tV'henever he got and he asked me If the boy bad any
whet might be called a permanent alluatlon. bit froetbltes overcame film, or
hit hivet got the better of. him. accord­
ing to the season, and he would return
a farmer t(»k him, and for once to hla
are Jo Whs' happy. Ha not only had
SDOUgb to -eat. but he abtoluiely had
time io play; He grew lo hmm- every
bird and every noser In that county,
be sent me a snake skin for a prea.
i/mt. while Celtotlne’a little boy bad-A
^ baa ef frtab eggs come to htm. laid
sspedally to order by a spull buck hen

For tbt Writing Table.

In death waa belter dressed
ihan'he ever wai In life, and be ha^a
very place of hla oem. The respecta­
ble old colored mammies stood around
and whispered What a good boy be
waa. and Celeetlne told how he tried to
help with the Ironing and how he would
care for the chlldreu when ahe was out
at work, and 1 away In the background
thought to myself: 'There, but for the
grace of God. might be .
Drifting through life without a place,
belonging lo nobody and finding every
home too crowded tor ns, and yet are

Jo beard her. and be said, srti
gleain of reason: "Ain't that Just
lomr Going Jjtdle on Oeleeilne's hands
and pul her to the expense of a fnnetkl.
when the Doughtetw of Hebekah. they
w on't bury w boy." Afur a little whUe
4e away, meaning to be back la
or two with son»e,too1 drinks a
for his very own. But Celestine and I
delicate Jellies for poor Jo. £
felt that this cnuldn;t tott. It was toe
good f»o after ten months of absolute
happiness Jo waa returned to us. He
bad tied on'a nirty halt and it had
gone into hU hare took and the farmar
uas cfrald that lockjaw would result
Fencing * the fad this wtoTfl- among Bngllah women of IHaure. and c
Tli-n Jci got Into a boapltal. He liked American gfls. Experts Id the art, some of them women, are engaged-li
It pi'tiy «eU f
................. ............. * vatHy. to teach the art lo the mcmbei* of the bant ton. Borne pf the pupl
t. 'being able to attack, parry and make every move of attack and defen
rta a fine carriage and perfect control
4 youT
the llRito, Uaaom. graoafnl attliudm
He »» declared belter and put out.
. auppleoena and -polckneea of
Poo.- Jo was not strong enough to
. It not only brings into play
u.>rk. The farmer refused to take him Beaxly all the principal muaclea of the
.bkek. still feartog lockjaw, and up to body, but devdt^a alao the mental
this time bV has been living with Celea­ facuiliee. It Involvea the practice of
tlne. and my church money has gone quick decision, rapid Judgment and
toward aupponlcg him. My diurch good memory. « It he poerible to make
nsoney, by the bye. le a’flctlon—that Is.'
so far as church U <«ncerBrd. At the
Friends' masting they do not take up
a eellecUon. %nd no 1 keep my eburdt
money for whoever irtky need It And
you would be surprised to know tbs.
number of demands there are for>tt
llKle aa It U. New. OleoUne bad coma
to tdl me that it aeeraed aa If Jo's foot
was getting bad again, and stiu they
» ould not take htan at the hosplial. The
' hurch money, eras get out and Celeatine waa given a BOU to the mom fash.enable and the awat cynical man I
know. He responded to It hy a bank
ndie and some ether Ihinga. and today
I V mi to see Jo. Jo U not bus. “

A etyllrii tippet U made of Perwian
lamb.' The rouiid collar and long ends
In front are nnlabed with etona mar­
ten tails and the little animals’ heads.
A bright silk lining Is very effertlve
Very many of the ne^ for Ws are
long en"Ugh-to reach the Iwttom of Ihs
skirt 111 front- Borne are made entirely
of Russian sable. Hudaon lar sable, or
stone marten tails. 'WHb these lace and
Jewels are often Introduced and
simply stunning, worn over light
bodices or even a MU toilet upoo
Casio ns.
Unffa are medium wised, and a very
elecant one is of Woe fox. daintily Hnr
ed. wlth'B cute, little pocket. In the
bark. Very pretty collarettes arg
made In a sort of box jiUlt. or ripple
effect, with a very full rolBe of lac*
fliling up and eoftcnltig otherwise stiff
outlines. These are quite inexpenrive
and beemptng to the long, aarro* faces
and allm women generally.


4 awWU. he show# the whitest
teeth you ever Aaw IB roar Ufa After
1 bad paased
oompUmenU of the
<iay with ilm be aald. "Hlsuy;.
t)i-r* gentleman aent me ihe
cotr fv nlcbtgown you evar aeed." 1
lookt,d at him, then, and 1 aaw'tbat Jo
-was robed in a s^ flahBel gtswn. with
the collars and '^Ss embrolderud

Success of Miss Hurofiu,
Wrs, Lane and Miss
, Bridoes.
: a neceaeity. Bbr Ima evinced her
aptitude for cenain work Inaocb a thor­
ough and emphatic manner that we
wonder In Some Instances buw w« ei
along without her.
..loart of these women one urver h«
«C Others have puahed tbemaelves
the froat in aucta a decided manDer as
to fores iberaaelves to the noUes of tba
One of tba many wonui^ Whose wsr^

of the JrUb oneotton. HU aaw
iry. phUanthropend humanitarian tendenelaa, aoS
from him. l•rTbapl no Itea than trev
her mother, a woihah ef true Irish WC
keen Inlelllgeare and broad gr«W f*
Impulse totrard t
tlc^ deep sympathy with the sortwwe
Jl. the oppressed, the anramaato.
A Child of S yeaiw, her tittle mind b^
gan-to And expression In rhyma IJk»
Pope In this regard, ahe 'lla^ IB BomIJrwt time,
printed I

From that time on occaaioiiaj comnoo.
tloBB of great promise for ooe so yeun*
found tbelr way to tte Jonmals of tbb
One of tee few todies lo enter apo«
Journalism In Ibe antipodes (apart
from Australian natives) ta Hiss Agnes
Morphy, who left her borne In Kino
county . Ireland, aome bIbc years ago •
for the rolony of VIrtorta. Miss Marpfay to edItresB of the Hrltomme Punch.
Bhc ta alao one of.tbe most activejocm.
ben of the Attoirwl aalon. the Ural wi>L»pss's club in^ Australia, which ahe. ta
cetoMimtIoe with two other ladtce, was
the means of founding.
Mtoe Morphy, besides her JonrBaltotW
work—In which, by the way. ^.la re.
nosnrd f

is wMl kxtowB, bat whose -priBOWOlty
to as unkBOVB to the pubtle as It to to
many of the edlteco who haw accepted
her contributions and oorTwepooded'wtth
her for years without coming in eontact erith bar. la Miss Madeline &

nade to imm>ate tbe study e( tt
>moog tbe younger people of ter awl
tusualto. She to a ateiDber both of tl

tbe^aecloalon of ber ova borne. 8be fre­
quents no newspaper or other oBlee*.
to a member of oo lllerary socletlse or
clubs. BO church or sect- This excliudvenesB. notsrtUtotandlpg her rsBk as an
arUst and ber maoy perwonal attrectlons. makes bar unique omoof women,
especially literary women.
Miss nridges la one of w large family
and was bora to Brookl>-n of Irish par­
entage. ber father being the well known
Thomas Atoge DeTere. editor and praprlsti>r of the first WWlamabuiT dally
paiwr The Morning PoaL and later aaeoctots editor of Tbe Irish World Hr.
DeVere was a man of no ordinary abili­
ty, p.«a.vsed of a.marked indirtduallty.
He was Interested In all tjaeatloBS ap­
pertaining to land reform and
i year* one of the best knosm aglUtore

been the writing ot aom<
book "Victoria «ad
which has Just , been l
tbe eoaptoee oC tbe Am


c of being quite Independeot b
e She to' 10. when she IntoBda b

: lean. »be was bora to Pbltodelphto aad .
1 realded In tbe Quaker City until JOM.
rear whe accompanied ber busha Beuofoy Lane, to Bogland,
ig accepted the appototaieal ol

Uverpuol Courier that she fleet attract­
ed notice. Bbe letelved regular worh
artletre frato her pen appear­
ed rrequcntly to T%e triab Times eg
DobUn aad Tbe Bcutuah Leader of BdTtaeu she waa accepted aa a
ontribator -to Tbe TUneo of
Pbltodelphto and the New Tork Matt
and Bxpreea.
.In.'flftdJtioo trf her Ameriran work.
Mrs. LanS haa for aome time been taa .
dramaUc critic of The Lady, the totoor-

tor <mmea

Bowles. M. P. AU UMe ra««tor eeatribuuona would oeateat Boot JeontolIsta but Hra Laae aseoa to ted tlmo
The OcflumaBaadThcF
to Tbe MerenJT ot Bull, to Tbe Ttea
td Madras and te Book News of Pblto­
. ,Wbeo tbe LoBdea Society of 'WtoBea

hoadred odd Btomberee
toWte aeetoty. Mrs. Laae'e leisure u
divided bctwseo ber hicyrie and bar
two babtea A boy aad a girt. ^ U w
perhaps poxato soota People wbere^
finds that totanre. tee doss ted It
however. BBd nrlthcr “whv^ her ooiaary lacks bar devotion..

Market Price of a Br^cen Hesrt
have besB. of extra large Mat. Utth Wlli
on iL At Iraat that ta tte ooly way ooa
«aa aeeoaat ter tha dt»El that aba
raofirad arar aad shai* tha tehM




fined tbr ur with tbeir sneoath ^bU«.
I arat v>r pww hflfiw with tbe pw----------------- ----------------- >—mypov.
tliRwded mr warMtmd to the &i«UA
(daK Then I fcioBd lleGn«ar. tb« oM
brotefa dprtnr. Msoding In tb* fioerwny
nitd nmudBi! tuoinif I? towinff ffvpen
opr at a time to a trnwd of Uow. halt
auil >iIiud*be(Qari>. wboaa eaeb rain fHl
Inrtautly beenme an apimlliiiil un(tle irf


^hr"™ Idi^rnp,


w«» jtwt ootoinifitmon afwyo®- “8»In!" iv<« away) to the bennra. who
were iiincktni: at»arioo« poetioiia ciThU
nlnxat. a&d. like wetamerpbowd OHnr TwiMa. aakiait f<ir more. “Ami't
yon artiofc Amsknn otnunl jnM now?"
Ik inquiivd.
Dnria*tbatt*nponwyabeew»or ti>t
onool I had nodertaken bU nol rery
anlikMU dntiea. beitiK tte jDly «cb«r

j “I bate a fellow r«inmiTtaaB*€if you!
' T.T<' bad with fertt d<m-n in ICalacsBaa
<|linn*r*. a aailtctaau.-anJy joxt
out .if tbebpaaiiA

brttnr oowedemu if ytn) will.

tjf wmwe 1 w.n>l<r rotae, eop^ <w
I not. In ll-’we biibies rumen- of (]>a
< world any >«e ia tmol-le. Taitatyox]
‘ failiir.'*‘l*Vh«Buher" .r onlunkyrl.Tl

ThearturtiU aarOa-Mdamaao
A BotmutV )a.ra to tm.
Bawanal Bonbna!
toU tbr awryTbr.iri harl^nJ Uw way
a waaerr Cll.d alifa eliwy.
X oai. ye «1rt>tBa> brlUl

I :

faanw natl .wrtta nrpra*.
rioumphmi >Bd charub
la benagr at bU fort.
Lai tuBg ut —Vina r»m.
With aafwl •
_____ ^
.par ■>to Owe ibr .reretaal.mad
la a reoanowd aar • cry.

I oattHi to .wplain why 1 waa thaw
bnt Udore 1 SnUbed bltw Hale, with an
eiclainali.® of. "Why. the poor fel- I

np) that rang Uiiuugfa
Uitunirfa the tiny bim l
aud far nhovt- iIk- no>*y clanKr oouid..err from the depth* of a motbi.r-F
UiwTt; "Jidm! Kotber* If* our Rtrfe
onr own bov! Ub. Mnfy. Knfy. aftor all

BeETcr flt $3A0 and ^25
^oncl« at $4 00 and $4.76
$8 vahie Bowde aV$6.86
$lS fine Kmy at $7.76
$14 and $16 Talna fine Ka»«y at $8A6
$18 and $20 valne Penian Curl at $12.76

And hark to the brlU tf verier* this
C-hTtuma- (we a* they ring the wanting
fruru'charch and grey tatbedral
gkwiou* wopl tb^ win tell inaorrow
to nieuiif every faith and creaid. "mcry
. thjd m ' e higbirt I
.. gut will toward IB bV—
Irani H.ward in ribnn atorie*

ea imuta Ana hill. But many mbera
had nweun t.« bin* tbe cauw that kept
Dr. M'-tiregor aming tbeiu. Krtni the
ia>«i«lert .-lauiidi ofli. J lit biii palacw

M»e bimte tip pttW folks
to ’em. IxadienapiM] ull Aiu t that ao.
Mr*. IlaTe noddad. "That’* a fart,
. Twonldn’t
father." *b« said..
« mite lik< (
r not.

DUE HOLIDAY ,ttra’ on at s_.................. .... d«Bc M)
Wa ofiar the choicest eree».
.UoD4 holb » U1 Uie
... e..U
cbu. - BARGAIN


Mep out softly, kiad old docur
Oiuie with me and watch tbe auttgry
down in all it* tro|>ical gltaf lxil the grnit roksnic i«ttgw if yon
—e ik fiw I canlio*. It hi all a Idur
b> n>.' But i mn
thin—a noble ahip
at amh r iu Ux- buy with all sail* lavt.
leaflv to tall uawirrow aud lnwr away
from ihi* burning land mw fever ortek
eu to the cool brecse* of -the opM oa
id »ure lecorery amdo- hta own moth

be addid. Nniliug. • the old lady can't to the bombing mvagi- in hi* banilno
on witbiinl o l.-bralin Chrietmaa. l hut tbe rtaetdr's time aud akin Were al-



' Wtrdi. of cvnnwl and adviia '
We »«^>pe<l at Ia»l U-d.i
Ibol on tb* ouiskirte .rf
.giving tbe ptmy ia
uative 1 fallowed the doctor in.
irietma* if I hen-irwa* dark and ecfupnrravelroiol i
All old native wotnati. like a g^a4esloe


earirely wrtr^. as W« BhaU eoutfaua rivbt along, an h«retefarc. to eiva Tbm* Ticknto. ona wirt
jundredj^U^UeheW gatn

. «»e* *W MmiiA ta Oaag.
Bcnr tWrUsh e. the wiSMl that awMga
« •
(ha .10*dm ossps
. UuwB i^h- a.*i> Umd *•'

?Sy*ihe^t^2^n^Sa Mrn!?*nalow prte an
ywhare and W moatenana lower—s^ fit tbaee premfnfaa

OW tarW t»*> the *o« rtma wall
itad badrth - htm.
Awi-Wl^ bill I.M1 a the *aM
1>«* n au trsmth .d «|rm<
•*- O/iw rtaww of Chrea the Etas
mrna 14. SlBve ulaH aBdOlllad
n ol every Ufiac tluag
. fhnai tha EiM wm kUM.

VISIT THIS STORE—Tim tbs bert place to buy your Xh^

Cloaka, Carpeta,



tbett*. that dmi’l mak* a hi

t&iwoiiiiuul.-..rfB<jnarttT'hft«-« make tl a littl. m«e like Chnetma* to j
oU the rear ao mud.
7°^ •“* *>**’“
v.mng ux* b«re
I txMfli-fnreW abiNJl two hbon n'X'r from their .Au f.4kv
I "»de

,».,ojdn-, i.ll h.. naux-- I fomid him '-b.^^
.al*lde on fliv gnue au<U>P«iigbt j gr<«» afflirtlou. M far did lh»7
f,,rw*ut .J a b- ilrtiaacc.’’ | Jbetr veneralxm fir

-Mdahalf nf dnvliglii uhI Iwa*trr.w to^iXwbrlhrt irnliliiTli ^

•sya» there nothim: in hi* pu-laiur' law* wer« w-ti^y pa^ r^^iig
;tbf maiiurrof iuw.stiug. rbu

yootl.i." Aud wiih ihat she eTOrttd ;

didn’t bring you a pair of



ridlhg not (o thu t4amii ulub and bar-

all Ohti*ii:iii-|-lum pudding*—ih.- fir*t,
"Ncinghi but thene." xhmriBg a fist |.protably douw bowyvrt. m ogWr ttot
..ueILadwva.t4-lhnv.ycrw ••W.ybe..,.„,in^« wh.rh tlx-old wonaa 1 thoeb.-en pmpte might not indtam^
9!^ ..
_____ w. '"tain t MSI wW mu d 0M at h.fliB." I-i,e-H
-H.. n.» to• hi* \ naighlortiiR «*»• that made hair oCmhh-tb
•; ti, V-am.
B^Uh dlgnitarj.*. The qarive cleiti , »*»’»»d. bol.iu.g
in^ out.T room bad dmrted np mid i
(b- .npUlu'low-yed1 bead*
BOW came
e gliding
glidiug lu with ban-, *|day
doed f.»t.
;. like black txwd.d cl.ort*
gl.ort* In

“» f""-* oi gvoui.w
.'rligtit at my .MB-i
pH* ,. " ren*. 1 di.iu’l have Just
ln« tkc |

white clotheA rbldiiK ’bnenaa
■oches"unda^^iK-C’brf»tmaa..andin^wullv to rxceivi- e-acb hi* lu.iiday
■rift nf <*^i-;*-faap. hve big ailt.T dnl-

. ,
the land of liypt. where the pi^e bad
ngUt 6ti.i;AlmtlKu.« Ull^d««,bett.TbonaB. Ime •••
•■•If we '
rtgaid l4W the tonm-iaa all
l»TOHy -well. Th-r.. lake it ^
tUo dial—, *bouk hi* itsd
.ax that tbe majority 4d the mao ahavad not
both.-to my rti.- w<»d." And I knew '
hunur w-tb
W only
fa?-, but Um*tmre b«d and
the kind oid wralmwihaf fff the^-; j,p j



-the hiiU bred ch| • cleft who <« tbe
•troigthvif bi*diicnityan
t hi* ahlrt tii.-k.
lug a little Kiigliiib k.-pt
edinsid- bi*lr-'
,sred Mudiii.-. ilut^ to little Kua tbe
^4RBud laiy. Iianily more tLan a mvuge
of Hhe wililcni(#fc
Tlx? ^pd tbe
•'ChriMmas tiw-luQr" anyway, and a>w..
niated >t with tbe mercury's ranging
from SO to L95 di-grert a* we New Euglandcn do tea rambling 'frura stru to
.c last “mocha* graciaa, aeiK-,"
hadWsaid. ubdibe Urtcbik giidid '
_ I, and the gray t,4,ad~l rid “r—’V-'. I
... watching't4.
t» rtrahl
Oooly” wa»

I could#* .«.lly have floanTa* .

We Gan Sell You.These Goods at a Very Low Price.

2\lfred V. .Friedrich.

Mac?" 1 aaksd. :

,-jinimt»_whiih' bum* up

irtke FoTJ-g 1 fhT"• ^ctLoe HoTxse.


It v^e
a.le to lee one .d »y own and iu were kv-pt bu*t.
dving f.o* m the W.v« di«rada- mng ibrougb.mi tbe l.vigib luxl I
__________ _______________
alw-ay* *a.d aud alwuy* will ” raid
lik!!^. w-otehed
istaue. tmwodi^ ! Bd Abe lai
f*"" ~riy
Hull' quietly, reattsngiag be- IMs<jd b^nrian flbly-fcr tbe annu TL ,
maiev «be knew we would op* .moni.h-d lo»krt. and t^ir nnm .
to my giveb r. mo» l.-Tiblea.time’w«3lt«l. - wer-rftaped like a .oxall haK^twilha ,
Tb<- .sptatR West on in ai
nndih.-I. ..r paroh-dUp* never o«x-d curred handle.-i^pprowu a Magaane. j
Wf»xl.-ritig b»Ji: "Yon see,
(iff whve
whvc bew-a’d't
be w-a’d't nx-e'ii
tnr—e'n IA Bi
Oii-ir dnbU'h. unintoUiglU* chatwir. ]
, . —^^----------b"*
wild m b-y.
and I’m
nfrotd 1 w a« a .little l.areh to him Anyw->v.
way Xn
■w.-i.t jitr
.<B vt-tTh.w.t
wiib.aX a vnM..and

Oh. for a hit <d>iiv. ur anrtbiog to cool {
that Imniinc! But nothing t* I
-------------- ^
C.N1I ilii-P'. ii.rfbing lint d.sih.
No uicrifle* ia bittig when
XI «e (Bit to Mlenoe. I with ny bsl | fay love.
m. t faimiog tbH-fludied face, ao drawn !
rnbidden gne«» giv- tJoauio—whm>d baggard. which mu*t have I»"»!«Ww(v
j strong and bandsnme in bealth. and the j
tb« q
I auc,„r ever aid auoo reit»d the heavy

-"Sre cbeerfnl face brwming from tbe
--------------------------------------- -----------------------------Mepthrofnmloldfaidu'ai-'*

^^Uderealng/fir.” they both oOl-,
-4,4 Mv. H.u.Adal:
MI 4—
Hale addid: -Wi*h
-Wtah ii



bealwitb tbe gcntlenaud gave tncdktiiie. while tbe old hag I
A little »»»
cronclMd in a oumer. and mumblvd to magnifying him*^
h'-neJf. wisidrring if whrtitbe manwa*
dead (ho w .mid get a whole silver pe­

It takes hotk gnee ahd gitl to bear

rn or DOC. Ucikide the t-ovu people
, ohatured and Ungbefl. in then fronlaDi

When a man makes alOol efi himmll,
be gMKsmlly don tbe >ob welL

------------- -- ----------- --H*l« K«™-j from care, now andth*« preting in with
fd and whl^-d « me: “JAu t^ln criou. fn-wa ^ rniming ^ with
" jf be dldn *t tnre^ much alwnt
^ Rnfe
„ a frmh MiootA Tbeiti Mn might 0

As a matter of fart aobody baUma
is a bell esocjg te bli neighbor.


“.jrs ;°,r,'i4“

tttnld twilize tbe aort of moUx- and faUxr hehkd left nmaByyTan ago.
tlo I bade th« good night. promlMag
to ace them ia the motniag add with
hearmhaak* fer their tbongbcfnl kind.ntaa, and walchad them a* they trndged
away toward the native tjnartcrs. their


going <« the Isrbor * Uade w»* an im
porlaui.aieiulbchoux-of lb,- jdtaiwola.

Ume. Klam-iiig at hU tdfe

"W..’v.- »-him n.nv. John, a* 1


\Yarm Shoes

If* tin oftheplacethat kfsp»

a b<ivi«xvr iiur.--lvr». He'd he je« about i , _
yncr age n.m,-'!«. addid in ahiw.--;

-we take up my jackrt, the ognal for i »»• •>«’»
be’* dead, bnt mother
..“w^ tho“tTampulg’rf'J«■^l»'•^ty'
'bta deiairture.
«nmielakuMe and cvidi-utly atnot boou ]
Rick to it John,
somdtd without, aud with a prodigiima
Aud 1 m
CEBih. of the acrniu d»ir there enterSd Ulllto.arf.«-«ite." And then with a
cheery'nnile at iue~- "It kind of does me
into my sasrtuin atalwnrt C&ptain Hale
good to fcci'p Inokin forward to aeetn
. of the pood tbip M.Bib.-gan. attnyed in
n and crowixvl with a bnad Bnfe again some day. Now.oome along.
y sun
(Umt and /<^i iff gettin late.”
pith helmet, aooompauiod by
■ 1 F^ped onI my Ja^eA wbompoo
>oUy Hra.
carrying a big
t IsuOcct
____ s brown gingham umbrella, with

“(Joad graricau. Ur. B.
Mn. Bale, "don’t. '
that pom old feller
amBff’eomU. BtoplV"takinghernmMla -iacrunMy at Pedro, who toett
ant, te a dgnal to go fattar Mill, and
lha Ug tea.flapptag madly back and

-i* i,,

him down. The poor la.r* made like
•TrjW «l- •'Id Mr to knnwwhaf .,^..^ ^rtutvlir. d.w.-sm»g and
boy* like." «aid the aiptaia "We bad , „
wh.« taken by fc. Vi )ib tbi* ccBidMi ■mmog *d chin.

t .,4

OotbiDg, Fumi^ingSGoodB,

Prices Always RigbL

The a

• .image, waa xtuatting <

floor bewid* a heap of ’uipa ” Irered
Tbe cull of tbe lasrd, aooording to
and pieces cd maniug. on which lay
mnind luv >il the' day. u.. w.~ ■«.
wi.'ti- man. toeeing. laguiaf and bah- tbs aucinit Jewiah writer*, started tn
.« tb. luosel obl. eb' -b" *'7 >»"»

bong with d< tiriuiu. in the full grip <4 tbe garden id Eden. Adam, they tell na.
Mde and no sdmrp i raciug mid iu tbe n.-kl.* eir milm in height aud ~
eridcDtI waa arvcral
■ir. The wiitdow* were a* wide ojam a* and me i
Yon know|A"' j iv, hi- once i.-wirlal tnimc. U-ayrally ’ luroi*b*d wnb a jeodiglou* be^
tbgy ouuld be. aud the steady pwingiitg
.1 doi’l kui.w bnl what Ihew (r.-dntvd bv'illne4dttndri.*ifin.iurtit. cov. | wha-b nacbed to hU noddle. The authe"pBukali"oT.riKwd waa aU that
Maria." arknowl«lg"l the m|>iarn. and ' ,-r.d bv the raggtd and gnmy -i.irt and | cient Jew-, ptceumably <m acrant of
the room from bi-iqg Midingly hot
•• - •
niMVa ut a sulur ' He becactr .inii-lrf i thU briirved tdefuc urigin. held tha
^ do.-, l.r the .dhoe waa •dtuattd' ^
MrtJtv^ir raiwd hi- b<sd and drank 1 beard Ui eurh high
while '(.'ll
Murw-biw ab.mi laUtnde H north. — pmoi.wB
port* with i ihr luwiic-inr giveu him. but bcgiui mnt. | ccauad.-ml it a firealer ineUli
tbe faraway Hi.ilippuf ielandm where «be way Chme*e u,d
cr that •*< _i KTing ig-*" a* the d<>i(r laid him | man Igr_bU beard than to tremi on bu
dm gtwii. b-sutiful flow«w bare no per- cho- klo* aud ptsU ,4 laugli^
_ nrv.* Kcd«} grVmiog by fiirre of eaampl^
le. I, down.
j ouma They cfaeriMmd the hair on their
fame and tb- w.oderful birda
■Iwe wh.« thr'inuthom c^^
ervse rii7tM
rlittare , lboogh
Khough .be'
t mxUraUDd
nmliTBUDd a wcnL-i
-He waa a wr- bH more mtional ibU | f»rtw a* die callow yimtb of »«iaT dom
^ lli^ud ^TuTg^a^lH
“.Aui^iu ofthaLMr R.".-id
-aid Mrtirtsor. "and told | hi. afale««.i m«ta«ta, in^
dinnm*nDMMed<nm and the *on««a ' >*«■ Hal*''^ iboogbl mayb>-I coulduh of hie rtwv. but he craldn’t I *anou» f«»a, perfumad It withodo*0«,


A Merry Christmas to You!


'no matter where »!»■ in. and diH'aal- wave at their Arruv-.
many a
warn loond to give Kgiie pniaenta to ^VtonKeter fm* fn*n hinie had. been
fnltoi If we're at tv-a. die givm’eiB to mvert fpira grdtig wrong in that land-d
jsy crew, and if we're in port like ibi* wild aud luwK-m life by hi» kindly

southSrn cross. 5


Jnet eie him. Jtdsn
mm-«ei in ft^du tbe dnocyy. and
btfbt tif tb.- Wiring etui frlf <■
* lace,
ian-. and auM.tily
aoiM.e . a ay went


IM aaatbrtBa have tull a«ay.
<Xha El^ of UIW7 Wl bia thraa
Dm ttaal i-hrtanaii day. .
-VtlltBa E. EhP«eid IB B


tion. ihrrdiy creating a auene of riot
whh-h pnaorfnl tropic ibadu bad
never witneaed the Ukrbf. and then
tmu-d ttnight hitn tb^ Ud. followed
by b«r hoeledid. who h«t hit aU form
nearly iloul'!.- io fotre the door.
The roar and bowed with oonraay of 60 y-ar» ago aa the aotberiy old
ladv bi.«t dimn I7 tbe mffcrer'a ridi-.
eri^: •Oh. Ibr poor, porf fellow’


Par unto ym ttBrea
A rmnanm tradi tbe ffraea,


lowl" iwTeher lathe* a whirl wh»rh t
aoU iu raiK-aU dying in era? ^itw

i ar if lir WITT in bi- iiatire Uud—KUPer
p rha:». nnleiai he bfppn to U* a Chi
u in w hich .«»»«■ hi» friiiHl.' Ic;
ncTU nil iTxni..<v. -jx-^iafio ' i«>:ai
e Munh.viui Ibi.l laa-n iu tb«
i m<Blb put lui.l.r chart<.r b> la« .-MF.n-'. id burying him in C^
f«w BoAiai.
I. and waa
tvai now ckand and ,>lM ■« of phllautUmpy. very
rendv p> mil ilw ne« .U.v. I had apetit charantirutlc in John Chiuanian,
wiany a plmant hour nu hnnnlwith the
S> il>iL,d.irt.a- jmitpi'd iutoai«bUc
captain and hit wife, tvjnioiug
the j <amiutf laid n.nled away uiward Ma

- P to bear ilamnan. whil- I Hlmr.d <
r Kpcech. ; l.aviaglhe U-»r)vira lojih:
e very night <d their healthy fatwis i meat dcia n iir>”.4ud the ci^ fliarway
bmvmeil by tha nm in utany atata. did ' aii'l r.-«niue Hieir .werbuaiuK wail rf
ttiegpiMf in my w-ary exile, and their , ••i bar^ty. ftw l-wr .if Uwtiw-< Wity!"
preerace wnnM tn diffuae an. atniiw-|
I’.ir lid Me(sr<L'»'> at.rywaaamd
ph.w tif tbe bmwy pintw and wind ; ..n.
Uong ymra U l-r.-. aai; y.-uugiuau.
*■ i aw.-pt Bborea of Maine
.tnd h-iw gmid ' h. hid come to tbw Pliili|.;>ia.w .*i a
ft-> pl.-a.nn- trip with hU ml.-. bikI be.-! their primitjTe. ahipboard food waaafi.Jpl-aenrv
! ar HKaitha of awfnl Spatii»b cooked din
*; .hc-di.d aaddoily of tdedetw. tbai
' riU.' -connreof tbe eM. which than
And now the rand
anond of their hearty ! ciaiming it* viertm* by tbfwmnda. and
licm i«rtned' to giV4- the mtthquake | for So y.wni the durtof hart nev« left
rent dingy wallatif the old oflkwt.dUd-: tbe i^Uiid where nbe lay. amaoE the
ing a pliamnter aapei-t. ".Yon me. Mr
tall |wlhi> In the little EngUahenneterT
a." mid tbe mptain. "we kind.r i
thooglil we d .Imp in and give ye tb* '
good wisher <d tbe aeaihai fore guin ,
round todoourChrinlmaain- Kart in."''

Bought (or the occ«iou! But broltn. lots in
sites trom 2 to 4. C. D. and E. widths, to
up this month at *1.00 Per Pnlr-Not stylish,
but Solid Leather and Good Wearers. Former
price *200 to $4.50.'

by the native infanffy ca tbrir haait <d
aappUt* waa atnioa «araarfal. only
ixermted by a ri*twi*u> nae of the
ain't tefBtno abde tad lln Hala a

I ont of .wid.iynirtit. if ae ran- of bi-lp
' fnwa mote f.jrtonate fellow'flfwuitryiDeu

Ta aatkm Imbf tbr laorjT0d>r?e an »n!.*TDnl. ___ ^
w»it- bon wlib l%rtU ia alarTl
Ebtai Ml) lb.; nlrel hani*

No Cheap, Shodd| Shoes

ddUrai. be toutaf ooppera abt^ Cnui
a ewama \mg wd ,aht dtwdbotlii* can
dy. panny whlidle. and nsHtanm odda
and rad» tm her boge badtaC both
tluir facea poiaet plcntiea << the hoo«
pkwaore whMi tfuasrd to Mch pro'
a atua»«M«t at the cijthi cf me




MoQb^ iootad ap 1»
itaa and wait to the door. Tbcn 1
fc—A OKitaia Bala and hit
mud^dVTptofect hofda of dalishtad

3-piece Child’s Sete. triple plate silver,
Elegant Carving^ets, .
Bissell’SCyco Bearing Carpet Sweeper
' and a great saaT otker aaeful thing* that wosM be
very acceptable lor, CfcriatBaB.

^, 146 Front StreeL

Blank Books and
Office Supplies

The rtinmooest kind of chee^ giver

mind tomnrinw.
SndAmly the ttunnlt ae«nied to in-1
When we eaimot do •• we w^ tt

ttM,. will emooth the Jolla to be wfUiag to
road. Then it b^an to apfronob. tbe do as we MujbIA
screamt and happy laughter of chOdmi
On* trouUe with the vrcrld la that
mingled iHth tbe clearer tooa* of a for-' tt*« are to BSMiy people Jn Uwboare
eigner’s ungne. and a* tbe crowd leacdt- oontetti ta drift down atream
ed tlwlmt 1 snddeoly beard a familiar
Few of- as «ua by the mlMakeacfi
vdtos faying: “Tboe. little boy. don’t oAeri. bnt he who fail*
IS to pciAt by bla
JOB he ao greedy. t-M that Htde gM. •WB miMaku will noonI betankrnrtto
hare Mime. Ain't It uloa. Mu » *ea k»ovMga.-fiam’aB«n.
bow tbsT miiov itr ’

Tnxene CSty, Mkh.

a riiU Line, at





■m Bafcafcafc StMal «

la ChrlMawe Lara.
- ja BarUbiMt'HtuC^t'wiiatdat*.
•««tha apH^t^aBkwof tfaa«nw


KraoT UU»e«)ta; J. OUa Hoinjihnjr, ItU«ola; OwfBt Boia. Onlarto; 3. L. Kola.
~ bMB. and E. L. Plb
H-hae printed and laadr «o faa
anl to the )od|t«a. i( wfll be anAanrr4
tr Vatur Cmaai al PluafleM. ctaiid tree ol <oL Tbn i> an anauanoa that
. ^ thUrerialo* will remove thaobjeotlooabla
blfhtt Tnaptan te
(eauura of Uie one now to uae —Odd Fa). Bhoda bland, la an.
: lowi- Herald.


Wislioiit ami
Comfort Combined

IlMMTof Ilia fajDMlBdaf the WT«
istbelalft i< Mod prerp Chriatoaa U
well itiioviL

8b« la knom aa Uar La-

dr'e be^ God'a cfaldMi. ChiiR'a bird. I ^
beeaiua *a -wmi


at Ghriat 'a :

bUtb. brinfht »!• and laptbeita to iT,
«iT«r Iba Bolj Baba and mndaa tieat in.j V
bi> mdle. ■

. W

1b Prance the codcM


tuliered to ; ^

hare flown from a CfariatiBBa lug.
A Utin poem <rf theauddb a«BBtolb


•*» • »«»* banquet of tte rateran Odd^
thu tbeauabUl hacthee b«r efpt at
^ r
i TMowt ct
CbnatniBa and ber roaiis faiida flF cdT in
• KnWb* Two^ to C«r de Uoo aon-. ^
their ftai ploma«e M Baator.
______ JT. alio# Sew ToA eftjr.
Tbe Mohanunodaiia hare many lep- j |
MBiIrbaiTWxned |o HaaeadiiMma and I
ttdi of im. <K Jena One telle that 11
bMBde a amber of C-raaeRX lodga a# I <>•
flHMd.arwUek be lea paat in Hr. |
Tbe Mlanuri Odd Vellnwe' home ta now wbm be-waa 7 ytdra iJd he tod hi* i
•artwfor l»a«id tB-v>aaiMj #1 chkldna.
Tbla bomeiaeiriteeeeed trutbera, widewa oompaniani made bird* and beatta of I
: ^ orphan ebU*ei> of Odd Fallowa.
;inil hit fly .and walk -a* be t
‘■niquKdal aacntarr-te tbe Upal Mr«

Tpe (Mod lodarof Petineylvanla hm
I Anally eritled (bat ludx<r luBet pay »
oenta fur vacb iiintilKT oo tbr buoWe on the
j lit of A|«il lOr Ibe eupport of tb« four
Tfao ittand lodcv of Colorado hai adopt' id tbe foHowloq-lo wH; • InllUtloo fe*.
•«. if a eandldau U under tb of a«*;
if uter t» yrara. »1 f-.r each addllbmal
tBLona wALWbctrme
ymr. •• What wUlatoaii pay 1/beU Jt
■ and Be^^lie eern- { 4*1
P»r CuUlim eerfa with dta-,
Mldil«aB»elwk*h* mad(^a*alBof *,«W
(tnottOB to Ihe eiri! war. and Ix-ld tbe
Pnwoit mauberablp lU.fatl. In
mnkofneuteoantodooelwhru inneteml pee lodpoa

- -

We strive to make tbe acquieitlon of knowled^ a com.
fortable tafte by piacinir at your disposal a fine line of Writ­
ing Desks. Dock Cases and' Combination Cases.
would make a nicer present for your wife, daughter, sister
oryoursweetbearttbananice Folisbed Oak Writing Deak?
They would sit down to it and write until they got tired and
then sit back in tbeir chair and admire the handsome desk
and thick of the kind friend that was so thoughtful of their

now W faa appUadioibatofEen. wbidi la manded.
In the TyrcJ they my tbe nrm*
‘ moeb Biuv In hanuour with ibe doUel ed
to have Riow white plnmajw. hot-one ■
. Ibaattca tpau''penuaBeMmrtatT.’
4^ Jfwae'wantril to drink at a Ktream, |
The rrpurtid tbe'dim-toreiif tba Illliicdi | ^gr
buine idMm> ibai einea
m# infdeplaahdd -and to befooled tbe
^ inrit
I a3di theythey
tutieii »-e» 0|n>«l. thr r«ifc U Januaiy.
tbei be oooJd not.:*o b*%^
p (otkt.
totkt. 1, inu:, OnUiv wb<Ja
wLJa atuB-. «'UiMrmt.-fol
1SV8. up
binU. .von »re prood
'faarefobUdreaadntUiedwae l»l. OfUwm TOUT mow wbito festh'-Ts. bat they i M
! 40 wm- mumrd to puardiane. one died,
■liall heoome black au4 reuiaio m untik -and UMmunbtf In (be booK'at tba dam
' of tbe repuri wac I4U.


tbe jodmneut day. "
A Bun>iub lepeBd tell* that tbe bqrw
fleA i> <««ii>idend uncbiin beumnae
Ghrlei lay in liir tnangir the horse ate
tbe hav IndfT^iiidcr hit bod. hot tbe ox
wonirl' not and fanioKbt bode on bi*

- J. W. Slater’s Honse Faroishing Store,

b«n« to tvpUoe horde ate.
The Briton* believe that Ibe ox and
tbe are ulk tutn-iber hoiwecn 11 nod 1*
o'cloek every Cbrirttnaa eve.

In Gemaw tbe aule kneel is their
eialls at iSt boar. Another vonca ;
mye they nnnd np.
Tbe an Snd the cow are mcml tap- aim. cbey Isatbod upon the Holy Bab* i
Mt of tbr arrioa
^ .
Tbe fa.« that Ibe lod«e ba. a riettinp
in IrU stall. '
TbcrewUl beataout 1.000 mwtral IB- ^
nnomluea t» no reason wbyany
. The aw is tbe most sore footed
ani- ,
alrtuiiwitalBlhe peradroC KiUphuTrt»-,^.,^i^hrrJ«Ilftot................................
I mall, bnamiw he camiid tbe boly fami> .
rpt bv uiybt. He had bad a
park, in whb* all thall take part.
Tbrrr are 1.17* Retwkata in Vrfaiaeka.
There ate M eomtnandrriea Is nilnal*, '
mriolveriilp of «.Mn.
wHb a _total
. _______________________
V iMt yw.
Hra Nary Cook, aged dl.ynua. wm rw ;
mid to IMX* in their hivm
mil) initlntod ln Vertaot R-te-kab hid|B. :
tbe Inetltutlot. '.rf
exact biior ul (mrriavioar’aliutb. Mr Nevr V<pk bnildiu* is BusDikure." i
pnmiaiiiilfrr of I'lncinTisil exaclly ino
In Durth CKsnuany the
___________________^________ ^
mmbw* have pmed away.
man in the nicra i* tbts told: Use
from lop
TbvreaPt-I.dtTcqnniandi^imofKolfhla W7,----------------.
lurkL with
^TbmpUn ID tbe w«rkL
wllb a
a total
local nwmniein- I| pmd»d
pmdnl fur
fur relM
relM durinc
duriim the
tbe y«r «M : C»iM*t»M eve . pe^t pmUy d«d^ tom, m that the machinety (■ kept In
Ilf nitsrt .rf-which l^^l are ^O-TIT.IW; the total number of beotbm* ;«*«■«*•. k«« **b« 1“^
Urder. look o« for wmr a»d Mar and
I Srije.-..! w.; 6.78I, and the total nnmbar j flardoi b« riole from hU
! look afterthewmiwol all the trtmnto
filM hi* -basket the Obrist I

188-132 Front Street

Traverse City, Mich.






Christmas TreerTrimmings,

"Tbe pcviiioB of Miperinlmdeat of a OaOCilS SoldCrSy

p»,.™ Oandies; Candy Toys

OoBumanderim vleltlnr llUstiurp m ll|a
rate conrlave will he uwt al ibv dapuia
and fomially nourtni to tbeir bciieU.

Cauld rode bv tm bis white bone and
•mid. -BecBoae Ount baa atolen tai
ero than tetlt dt. in the . „pp],.

■ to Xl.wWr. e( the Ohtarie

to the,
au0-w1 buni un an nverage .
liuR. BuO-we
S.bOO 1$ OMdle power .

. ibycabbaRv. haskep" And
ill ail

Ealapoeof *B, ibecramny.

aiiinibii* of tbe withdrawn Ontario Inrledietiun wbu desire to iwT*r tbeir roaneethet body Hid retain tbeir
UoDs »IU) thet
to loyal ar»d lodgm
- In Bortoo ettheuimBlal roiwlaveW,- mpfunm Ipdpr
Ipt bH ibeislore Iseasd a etr-; ^
e renewed
MOSlrKnlyhu psthdid. with IK haiKis •uiar lu Ihe effevt that sucb
it mpFlc, bolder drum oirpa. rtr. I’iiu- nnlicwUbtbel.
w yoa ueed nut Id U
. ksnt expseU
Hir Bulgbu. with 9M reside by
------- ----- mbervhlp to ' criRln of {reaMitfiip Rifts a
m* ON-eded lodge of Oatarto. Tothbaadior the y«wr. Tbv three wi
When tl bemmse lieuper to i
Ibcy an- rwju.rvO
»to'' “
' ftJlowrd the star until it ri-malni.d «aWaak. foe «hJch_wiU b. (urnlsbwl -by ,
^ B_.thleb.u4
tA^iliJt wiU bepeiulmaBlrto
tinnary over the stable in B.-thleb<'i4
a loditewvno.
_____ I — (...m.I
Balwm (no and l.«« banm will be
■WTtttMA tor tbe big pandv of Knlphu
Templars at Piitabiuv ouxl year.



and a Full Lina of Omaxaenta
at tbe Tiavam* Qty Gaady Co.
Dim'lfomt «w String Cbady •
CaadyOanm. We mak* apmtol prtom on ea^y to aeboola. ^nrehaa. i
Freab Oyslera dirpet from B«Ulmare always oa band.

Ooraer Fwk and FronjL

desire for Icilltoiit 1
. mania.
"And tlwn there are the loat keya It
( wonld gorpris,- yon to know bow many
I kayaare retjBired. We boy thesn
btutUtoda Wbt^ tbe tenanta loea tbtor
(jr kova we remove tbe ryliader
lb*, locks and espply 4 key of a
j ^iffer«u .aitoru. Tbe tmute In* ibeir



. .


Braneb Store rear Ma »ic bloek. on CnloD Street.



1-:(1___ .

tbeamod lodr-of AlabMoa
PMstrart Iw Uw wwnino uf e* al
ItaAlaomery for*».«ot.i
Tlw mtolmniB fee fw ibe s>iul>Jle de«• la Idaho U*M) ’ Int nllfcnila ll U
{m. ei.v-ptliiK uBiv in hau FraiK-1-.w. and
BMT IwVsdogsd Vhrer l.y una|lmuii> «•
amt. Tbe lerand toaeier «# Idaho w

o«i^l.vibv.o, r..r«wgrmt
building of this kind i* eronud the
HI number of M.cail.vr* — .tod before frankmtvto.- and gold. Tbrir eiainple ^ .^ja^ow* ami wiod.«r abad.-s. We ktep
arzi May
i« the exaiiirle Hull .v<» l.illu^o^y, I ^
bnrv lJt« ymr round repair-

Uurlng thcflf*i ten working darsof Kn '
ymri* "f»er the Magi
"bpl' ig- window w.udwork. rejilsciUR rope*
eenitokdlT a|.pl».ati..iw war rroriveil al Sana- to tlx-Child-Jemv and when yoo ^ blinito. Unu of our gteatoR
- grand Imlge oSiiepl^ pmmnt-to<f«r tb.‘little oOM. who gggoy,Bow. iVuzKi* Inuu loiauU who do
of Ibe Divine DOC kwp oflii* boys a»d who toy b
'•■■4 Palmuhas. w c4 aiip uuuli' iu tb.' itif'
. Jtot. £nd(r.M lodv
BbIw yon an- ilutag v bat wa* demv b.v
oortero for errunda The porter i- I
Ar Rand n.BHoandefTtfUJlBals ranks Ibo Imt equtMKd b.lgetu.
the4w*Tnl;llto».l«t rMuemlMi................ alto tbe iuiddlM'uau.
levfth la }>.>iit-1 ni. i-lsir.a.Kl mr--' - '
the numbrruf .‘•iiiiiimiid.Tbw au)Iligbbuid Imigr Id Augiwta. Me. l>rvAe carry not thrlrnample to the 1
oume tbnmgb biui.
j tbe to ap^'-wiiwiie -ai the rimrnt babee in tbe maugiiw. Ibe little
are abonc
Iis and wouKSi
wauKSI iMiaate
, gnmbe tolkOvriUiig SaappUoaOoo. that Wvls, tBB*» But b- fnrp.jtten.
eqnahy tnuibliwouie.
We have uue
. Chrisriita* msiinns omite woman bnaut. bow-ev**, wbo is nevm
Kvniii. by he- takoi lu new new tpem- fmni lltr UfTman.
..jrnn. Krir KriiJBb- is a without the srrriomof eitbm tbe i-l.v
CerrUa Abml (be t
brrveim.J-.. I qudrr tbe nrw plm. than l,.g,«dnrf myth
iTtb wboav
oilglD i» iavolv.,«aonderlhrto*rl
Tear Ttwl -Ber MwaeH.
dimU- to tbe .
at tb • eDginoer's detoii
Your o-nlfi.-atr is all right.
•• mnsll
stnill villaore
of I ‘ •vnoBOT‘b-!»>■-■'''»'pg, .venuted f.» IhW »1.113.« ev€»y
esiplforlertasmWuaii ball rigbi. bovis I
TUr >urt*dt>’ttoua wieAlag under lb*
ThalamouBl pars the
yo(irlBetalI''nirblt » you bavm't barn l etaallM plan alnw Jam I has* made a
)B^<i. ’wbii. to.-higb boiktosta; Higineer. il>n« aHtstanta, ttar«* ullera, I
thme lathe iwH ymr. hovdo y.m know? m gain of
liHbr the old ptoa in
ilte vda-. a
It U'aU rigbi.
rigbi. wihat'luirr you dime to. lavethi' eaiue juMsdirfkiBs inada a ««
If ItUaU
three flieiu-o. three eleHrioiana three'
X w'ic. and known
maMli to? U' enri imKlltlMii
lauk after cltreatan. ime etartw.
tba/pfoupt payuMlof
doutnian and twu
SKOonto yoartuully In .-uw-.d nuirdmlh.
Are ywo aermrli-m abnoi ywir JiiinW st-vk
hv. an4 I'.tlUng Irr tbe oblldivn. pn- ^
"In tbe u
/Or olba peuiwvy? .Thi* 1* equany tiii|>ir.itoobvl
tbe girts
................... t
•_ jibtv three wnicbm of eight himiv meb
1 tant. and tbeo. loo. you are one of ll>« dlwgrar rwiww.
i tire BcnnuiK-of Ibrir vondwt r«*'iv«d ; .
gddiiion to »>»««-» n>m ia a
rwioBS youmff.—Hm HIvg.
Tbreiulowiiirnt rank liall rigbL Tbe j from tbi- p*nntr. It pppeura as highly ,
wl.«,n (b,,
Thr Empire rtuir still bolds *Way to the
Jfarrglww ooliiiiin. She raa always he
•ouninl.m fiwairood Inrrmar





------------- 1-------------

Tbr l.•lIRand sborlnf It to IHwnsytranla
Is l.iuiid In l-onx*ulewncy and Krii- Tbe
bu tmw '.-npiurtog prian. aod ihi'
Ultrr bar bei« luakitiff Maemb— by Ibr
. buNdr-d.
>u|irr-mr Oxnmaniliv Uarfcry be* tom

Moetef elfcChrtoriua*m*t


---- ,b„, ,hU



Received a present from a friend you had
. forgrtten. You must find someth
mething this
jet. 'We
morning to return. Don't fon^et.

supply you. A nice package of Perfume
is alii'ai’S acceptable.
We have a few
Celluloid Boxes we are willing to sacri­
fice on.


Nuts, Baislos, Oitroa, Qnfen OUves


«r^yoo»i. Into tBi '


7o..-rti.m, lioi ibarTfll;
the .-l.-aiiiTa^Kl aweapma. Tbe bill for
andwiuro l»-)nf>d?ui»v
Chriwaa. W«wm.r.
' gw.vprm; gad duating a largo bnildiug
(be iD.ratmrni. of lur
Inanote fnjlijwiiigiome .iBouiii
lest voudltKrii, tliru'l
.IBouliona i. ukvly to I* inuwaatiBR to the bouretbu important ila- ,*egiudiugC!;rir.muihan.'.'vint.TWiwtbiT kw-ist* of Kvw Ywk. We |»y ibto, thi- antb'ir cJ nti iJd Unidoii pubUmti-iu 1 woouai ♦jUj.i'O iwexy two wreka
Irali.'.- an- liiiruirlilDK up their
Riyi. "Tbi-Mi ;caRu»»'lo W weaUivr.
,iri..u ...r tbr o .nlrv .w.npa.,u
ri.r.. I It..k npun ue aliiigwttarr nnivr
I toOi't. 1 has <Woe li.ilU.7 hours'
? they ivim.wly obavrvivl ateadv work. Tbe cv>|a- baa boun in uto
I mlsv as Mt •• B«-id.* ■llicie Mav *6^ lxt>o, and is good fi* a ;
a* above tbv prora-b Is few montlM yet. The eleratig roiw an I
HR quillollow-i; “A bi< May mahm a Of awivaled eoft wire. They ooM *15U , ——----------- ^------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iitl a«f.i
o. iBbi rt l-ytol*. fat and "A jrrorti wlnior Bpietie.'Tile rope* are one uufl a qnartnr
!■ ituduyto bcmi
uak<» a fat ••bureb.v»nl.” To thr latter


BroMh Block,

inebea In dUtaetor. ihiwt m use in tbia

J 41 .-wo. 1.
•pan raqiMm,
IIMH, amt
ainl U>f> be, luay do
le of aunt iwriew.

AeKal^tsof Honor have
rm thH raaUHtbemtoaumw.rullr.oinil.-u- wib uiber .atea. and It only
pg tbepaMuf -Ibv lueuiU-rs tu
secure a laipa, twdlby addUkqi

al<.i..i .


A roDst maa ought to jUa a bmcfirUl
wdrrH aoeoaebe begins toaam tnonban bli uwosuppentaseBam It Mtbe sign
kM be bto beoome a valnaUe pk«e of
Yon have not
l^lilayiA g^gwSd”*^'^
u- miA- rouree,
be *Ti> KmghU of Honur.
Th^lodgv. uf CUea are
hold a w-nu* of tmtsn dkcUd

Th» enprvior enTriAry has called M
IlHnimt tor .StiicinU-r. Su. tU.
imaatary Charles H Klinps-s rtoch _
admiHfn* rallruad lasn la tba erdmim
•1.00*csniflcwM* was adopltd bftbagnpr«W
at tb. aasqtop to PM,

na asttor nambai i.OM to FMgl-


year IBS*, wbi-u «hv winter was wry i ggd known
nilld. and yv-t MU nnrialiiy or epIdMn- faalf bn taii'b in diatnetory They are
ieal tUseaw-fusned tbv Miminer or au-{.niadecd aniMBlad wire alaa They ooat
MS- We carry our own gl«
iui|>li>>iiwnl buruaa.
and it pays ns to taka the risk,
ly rtoi-8
rh«-s not And rftoin to .play
.1 .t*lly hm Biany live
___lall liov
1 ,t>iihlluDB have brntl
ball bervahopt*.

.. -I.



M-ivnil I .uiipauu* ijmy be furuntl.
llmugh w
Tb* onlfum) wlU^ehoul Ml P«r Mian
We capwit bc^carUal to tortitogour
(riitid. tu come Into the order to bs pretty
snn-o* to errtala dc-taOa of pstauaal and
lautUy bMory.

Mat, 1.-I 11 wluoie h tt wlW
Veil kn-p uar merry te>W»ss St
-Vsher n

Esiob rwaa srlib try Irevre e drsat

Fa UtUscblMrra I'toiywlia*
a JoyoBs w-tobn still q-e-wahe.
»• tots* rev prvrioBn gift* lolbew,
Bth la tbe ibwr Chiu Jams-Hka
• _____

age i>. low. binni Jan. 1 our extamui.
tore fiv glin bae 1)ik«
M «Uly.
"We giw were 'o«* of ivial eiaj «
bonrw Tbv>{ in h.«l.dby«t.
hanst strwiu. As soon aa tbv Muun bae
Acme iU week in tba ntiioM it pamc.
into the "»«in pipe, wtaouw it uAistclbwed tlmmghont tbe bnUduig."—Now
Yflrt oommiacial.

Llnktof arm*, tamilinriy. limnrrtotkm and Aptonony each lac off a laiRe
bank <4 6]«nUh toffy.
"By ibeway.*' mid lamrKtieoaadM^kbe toito«( trsal >ay IbM tb* ato*b beTbv mnrbendiip (4 the K. A
nly."Jti« bold Cuba lor a minnto.
tbe United males Is alreaidy about WiOOe,
M»d l^nclp^ly loea^ tn tbs K«w Ber
‘ gtoadmy.' falUnf Into^ tbe trap,

Order, a ei-vlval i4 the Anriem Easvbee.
wereurifinaUyoneof UwprUKifial Jew-

«*SS->»<w«-e r»i--n!»e—

Tb*Md«I*Rtowli« latddlyto l|ba*’


Front Street.

You wiH have a little more time to think about it during
.hc«.minK .cck-W= ar= talking nbon.

Picture Framiog
We hki’c some of the latest things in M»t Boards, and can
make them any color that you want.
Then we have the paper to cover the mats, if j'ou won't want that already covered—making them In any way to bar?
monize with the picture.
We can please you in making Frame and Mat the samS *
Thert are many new things in Picture Moulding, and we
have them.
' Oval Frames are all the go.
have many styles that
0 your
are most artistic, that will put a finishing touch to
wiHWe- afe heree to
tc please, and we want- you to see the nevr

m FRONT stllErr.

M. B. HOLLTir. MtoliiaMi .




m h«T« » l»e«


fr-» •

*?»•». ■•-

o i-w.« u
<>t •■I'*-.

ViU. Ilf'in Ua AaBB.
AbA im»tA)> isnBkiac
•T»»K»lAl Uw*.

foV ke crtod «o fbo«M who«0»•d W* oaiWT»oi* fc» him.
^ ,
-----------"Op PtfUj mTMW. •ir.-’* irpHrf that ruutnoe CUSTOMS in the UNO
••AJwritr «clain>«l C«iw. Jtxm^
_____ :

ItiK In Bod tlararaiBR tbf door.
1- . ^ The bewildpn^ Jehn nmnf Ut «hlHf *p«.od Ibc ooraw mw)daril*«l M tto
•amn. rrwded wilh
MUockK bfTWFTCT. told ou the faMfU asd
Cl'< a^ Qrtaai
Cbe diin r loosdi\cxjuxlicnt to dniw op
At tfaecnrii and bold «c>oU(iqa7wtdrhi«

BbL »«.
. .
rat a- '*r..»r lAib u ■■mill
■oBl |l(r )• l•ao«*'HcOBOi tonsf Uuui Ibi.'
0nc« -<»»
roti8lr7>Mn>* at^
AD-I tU ltB«t»i.«> ■Jm.11 po*
Fn.|n ir'irr
•••orr .
-•- u*u>
— ----------While tl. r«ie- «' ">• »®“ «»•

alovk chase.
•Ihmorrow cw tbe IW orirf Oarter. dropping him .-ane m t^pa»en»t

UlT had KocnUv bmOi rrfmwd V
-.nd be WM ont foriw-ajcc An
atU.A wa« iBndn. Tbt wi'iuvn bodflled
loBeUnr. vWJeibe lupu tri«l,tt. rAlly.
ha-l «rfaod the hrim-Bfxan.
b.«rt, iWid ii aerroed <u> Jf
tO.OOO demiiOBWiTeuO lliecmudde. Tb«
..then itocrf a* If InuiiAied. Tb-T

"Soyoo hate Mat It. ch?" wJed Car-] otbiir a»roiiTrut«m. «ff«i five to.acten
' iBBiiljiA lie.- adjilt
tar aoitril*.
oaisriiuting a
•Ym. air.” replied'ibn cabby. He ^
-Afterr the limday
tipped bif hat neat ttepectfally totbe
ihe nuinrmttit
nvUllfyiiill the angry
Mltry nan.
Dandiw ta the prJncJnal
hope of nvumytiiii
ipal e
enjoyneut f<*

Carter ttaroar h&wlf moodily back In the yoodf.
itit. arhlle
trblle the old pt-oide and tba
ttie arat and fnr>a time waa rtttot. It children any at hooio and refaearaa
WM aln^y daHc. The. patei^i •»*» tale* that are replete with oftM and
ml he
day 8 wort
na<i timim e^ ]
The latter It a miuiatore
e where be ««14 have bopM 1« And j
loat her. Of a aodden be leaned j I jbe
^ Soonrli brownie, hot 1» quitt
thr«ph_ibe window and to the cabl? ainui'cj,,if,ke in a
aaid. “Do yon toe any awnltma atawt Tbe Ul» that are mid have
down from genmtiaa to genentloa.
The man plereeil U« gloom with bit
TM and at lenitlh poinud meanlngl

„„ ,h,, gntsida Then the pr«i)'lr |.•alb^•r^.d
in the
the facHue-buud
hcMi* b«itd a abrill m
ed in

............ ....... flviud ihruoKb «hcmd thiai all wa»
but Ulv
ucrer ••■■o atrniu. iUa brcNlx'i (.hmi
wat tmdly bun. bot ncnrwul. and iiii8»
be mid to tbe eblldreu the wtiddi
Ural that wa-vi»iied by

— Tnbone.

a Baa-Htal C-tM Wktm Owwaa te C
rrab. th« Kamaam..
Tbe taafaiui trf deAingtbebonwwkb
gT'cni aa we do at CbriaMaiu daiea

r'u ^ tibiK that ii rf the
greateet bitereit to. tlm yonug. He U
notated all. if be ran only
bare Uia way. Where be lire* no om
are g>'i
be away lor a yior. ' li’a »rry raddea'
“dnddiu! 1 mhnold day «n!
alatu<d. He l-».k.-.l tlnmalitfully op tba
aTenwe fnr a looni-m. «b< -i .uuimcnd
••MiaaWiirRi.gH K«l''
TbcleofAn lie bailed a 1-:-“-inx cab.
and b-fnn- I eonld f--l uii-.' -r wrd
with liiu divid inn. cIm’v. m-uuo
^i<-Wy dira-.tmnn-.l will. It.
■ Carter la l-rt a Imd fcKnw
H l«« ».

Imowt- IlUmpponsd thnt be ap^
tbedayaaleepiiiB in
fbe WIU
or tnidiw'the gnmiid- Altbongb !«• ia
■nail, be U jm-Maad with "pm
naniral power aM can-do mnch »
abapT thofatoof a peraon, either good

bat op aiaira and iHnniad to tbe draw­
ing room.
“Corter. Carter. Carter*" motmted
the cm-tilmaMl bat kindly looking
wtnan who giwtrd him (ben. Upping
him on tbe arm with her fan and giring bin) a bear^ebakeof tbe band.
•Tm dellgbt.d to aee ywi. Mr. Carttr.”
"It warn awfully laid of jootoemne."

ceediugly m.iWvt Tbi. t» a m-i onua«al ei.urari.-rniti<- f<W a ytmuB man w ho
Metm-nding a furtiiie- gmllend by an
Otber'italenl.. bul t--. «r*-a' a d.wr«
ttewbe p.8«iTa it thnt it ai« in«l to btni
impnadWe that Manran-t Waleon fhoold
Jink upon him with iiilH-rUiaii iudifler-

aaid the ml«udrr young girl at ber aide
am be fonunlly greeted h.i. AM wbea
lu- raxMd on Bbe whiapend to bermoUi<«-. “I'm rare I didn't H-Bd him carda
Wit, tf» Benninglou Carter!''

bin. Cftrijiana. ere. Should be
j^J^^importM. bnt tbe Amt^mi
arodmi after midnight and bia f«*;^
nmwa from VirginU and
dliih. ^mmegnii baa not
Dbi^ other ercrinne d tbe nooih, ia a rory
dntidde nor tba dow. trooble will n»-.
TObeiiiun- for it The tey ie the I


with the amounCof business done in
rS97. Taking it as a whole it has been a very good
year's business for us, and the hundreds of

instruments which we have placed in as many home<
during that lime are giving entire satisfaction and prov­
ing excellent advertisements for us.

We ire in the field of competition to seek and gain
your patronage' and if Square Dealing. High-Grade
•Goods and Low Prices cut any Bgure. we will get your
trade in ’qS.
\Vc will give you bargains six Jiay» in each week
during the coming year.
Wishing all -


,w.>.1..h.»»..! EH-S

Utmeuf t^i*i cffociimof tbeCbrialMy frirtjd fotwd hie way thtWigh a ing, —________

Jn the !world
nn-pi wooey—when
are ao many
in ihe world did yoa happen
u with braina
j « w^e h.-re^ he e*. laiim-d.
‘•8-ah!" The yonng
lingt llOimyaaT»ce.
••o^yadriee, ne
be m
|tbal very afl.-n
darted lopr'i
he began aa they
drawing room
by the Breph ce Id tbe drawing
KupliW “I'm in lorn."
talking •
How iuteri-»uiig!"
cniid tbe
“Keal., .............
girl, caltijlT Uaintig toward bim and
gating ai him. awaiting the ran of bia

"1 knowwhpit’a
it a wlthf
.••Yootai if." abe erkd, rtaniing hot
bandaaeilioaBhake bad-made a wondcrful .li«.v.verv
,! Nemr'beatamnwr.
Yno nally don’t
ed. •Podnvelyw;

p-uiiilea '< tbe
„-„i, gn,® booL
igb»,mfpu>dbly a
wiwidilp which.
..j„ imif. ' »ra Bnmkin. "I bellere
haaithy,"when “tbe flow^
tj,^aiael«-ea beheld and

, ^alf wormhiplng delight,
which U alwara noble and bealthfnl."

xhp rdanu mort indemand forcborth

or ted
<5r«t enra i8
«"• decataffte at Cliriiiniam time In E. dead to du what ia known wiU pleaae
ootmtry are h
Mitwn. .biwrialattenihaionwl begww
j,nrel, Engliab holly

muttered im)irecatiotia on bhnaelf
waiting pnriooa u*e at aneh a plwr-. |

**it'i rldicnkma to rappoia- that a Ungl
wire for a fellow
girl like that....old
rmld care
lello I bending over bi-rke me-a trllow who d.awn't kmm ' • Wh.r. Mr. Carter!" ahe cried aa be
p to her.
lyihiut:. who haa not a atriklng point rna^ t^thteadr *p

There waa a long ■Ueoee. daring
wbhh CeitiT tarf-fnlly drew bit left
glove on bia right hand. Having reoovared hi» -oarage', b-- e«>olitiu<>d naively:


We are
Well Pleased

V^icae lja.8iJ.-VM- i.iriiM* .«



Bat pray wbatjrought you here!"
"1 followed yon."


while the


^e tirul the ..J"
Xi-« baa baan




gm« anil that tbe moat ohjeoihle of all ibingfc U bin prafnae deeI oraiiia. Chr
r Twelfth Eight wbicb

unmd « U...1, ««ll. b« II -h. dltt !

„ j„. t ..rf ,h, iK,.dd

baa b^ platvd out
• la.n.y m- c^i-aiw.
~ %~
* "“'J '■■
M «I
py. He abowa hie gratefnlneia in deeda. ,
„ Candlemaa dav. v otbtr^Twti tbe hired wan in that caae *o« ;
^ tradition mya, a goblin will
oat to tbe bam^iHn^
may exp.-ct to find all bia ebdwe do» |
Tbe faor»a have be.-n earned «i ^7 ;
look fine aa «lk. while «be
twice their wmal a^nnl vf milt In
many eaiieeI Uy
wixd hae bomwlilit.
Many «up-'r»iUl'>u« l»>>ple on thia oc(■doll bar ibe door w ith apieoenf ated.
' Thee are afraid <tf him, and «n-l U
anlyihing thiU Elneii ha*n
------I OTfT.. He
He nn»
hn» Oiteu
often b-vn^-nra
DreD/KDowD txt hare |

A Meiry'-Gtoistaiias
and a Happy New Year,

app«r for oriry grtvn left tablnd,
gp„aiijlt;.inn*t havi- teen a elov.-nly
boa,ewife dlw wonld have h« ^-bnatmaa greeaa^.f-ir H.imwywcris,

We are Very Respectfully.

W. W. raBALL CO.



N. E. STRONG, Manager.

lUed bereycaon the carpet.
“Bcdoick." he raid.
- u. . .. .A
■ • ■ an riloi-d-T.

] «ii.-nd tb. hpo«-anrt rttWKW^Many : n
u,. . aa hired
hired girl
girl oiti
can wmeb
ivHieb farin'
forV fa« that
The ‘dder peopl,
riw b" h.ard him climhilAjJ^l on gel their pee«U on a^plaie at the.r
acaicely andihle yoioe. Sha half arom .
,„2^eo »n a plmvw at tbe taWe. and the children »
gilt, an-on the rfw-- Ufart g~-r la alCarter glanced behind him and
„ numner main ways tbe chief featnr.-of «iur CbriaUnan
Di-miy poahiiig hi« way ib^b
hal-ifnt ibeirai..vvrtrv. At eventide eve dinner and a dish of rice i» eawn
, about Ua-t.a table. Oh. bnny.
,.^.(1^ ,^o,
„n,u - „n Chrietwaa.i-ve bef-re din»r if
heblonedoot “YoarBiteguwiabidare “«■.
n inatcad of
Aaa'ed. Applefritteta a
ii tli-'ir neighl
' you nil. or IT! never be bap .1
ml^he gr-mnd 111 U>i--iimeof ytur U : pinm pndding. Chn.unaaday it^f U

abe aidd dewu^. ,
wiTh'eiH-w, wkI tin- trip ' obewved rtrirtlv aa a icUgi-wa fertlval.
,avyoo. Mr.Dc^. ^Y',-^4, i,oMof;bnt tbe day and the day after
I rnn aII over IrtWIA"
**" *
" . " . _
_ _ .
_ _ _ _ _ _ k
Tre foll.jw.d
town.At ' tbe
11in.*t <l.-lightful fi-Mtur-e <<Nbe lele- Chriimnaa ate bolldayi Tbe
Wyon all
ercUimed Denbv. toUUy oblivioua^^of
Tbe akii. the natU-na! article are op.«. mid
tbe pnwwv- of................................................
‘ ^
rtancea. -OnrlitUe Danub cbildr«do
at laai
' i are a^pw in the art of atandlng on' not know ateat Sanu Clana They
••I'n,------------ watd tbe drawti
-ally l mn« begoUlg. B«“- '
that really
I abape of a lltUe old mad with a large
abowing to Carter tbe Am profile of bar
brw to ix-iphh-ir
'—e------ ............................
L-ei me re*
laoe. wbiob glowed in tbe ted light ed Hr. Cartel. I really fngcN.
. ____,«H,B«*|Thev
bavrofti n no partiraiardivtina- ' gray bianl who la aoppoaed to live tm)d you
eoo that we eapeci
yun to dinoer ^ Ui«i, tet know Ibev will end arnie di-r tb- gnmnd. Another Danli* rapi«rmind
the ooalA
■Don't: aocn-i
rtlli<« U that at midaigbl Chi^t^

836 Front Street


think ret do y«n»"
"1 waa Jn« gntaadng." abe w^led
“Oaea again." aaid be qulbUy.
••With Llvia Vanflergnat” Tentnied
Miaa WjIcwU ala-r abe bad given
- matter duo eonrideraticn). gailng medlUtivflly IntiJ tlH'flK, ibnaniKxmacionaly

---------.b.,- .-..y
:; .Ur> lu..
U..1- i

leprtcatiug time tliai waa ^
1 a dep.
en-rmiplimeiiiary to my charming
n. "i;uj-aaumel«idvn<«tcrbon>e.''
' (ondn.

, . ^ “’’SSiSru

■Id. and go iurid.More everything.ia in mlotaiiaa. and
'dl^i culture haa bten wwoari Un rvadinew. f.w them in ihi way of .ronng maidena tell tlielr fi.
fldi'il<v bnaking tbe white of an eteg into a
tuou- for religion and poetry , food, drink and murie, Tbe
llrta I atrikte up bia merrv- tunea. and iluire glare of wat<T and watching tbe atepm
«._____* _A_____ ... —knuluAJ...... m n.*—.

^by8<ardmiin-. " mya
,^Wu8i. HW«n>i'>wingtb«e,..^^y^j^jy


Arnold. , rimeul.
!u in.-t partt.dtbetaiuntrT


/facto. I n-nl-d when 1 raw Carter
! to turn to tov^fv to iularpret llfefor b*. ! tun-le in no way marre-i. awl the dan.v
/ away ill a cab after I bad imparted to
iurtiUn^ Wlthoat ik»a on until late in fie mcmitng. wlnn j
him lb.- li. w»r li WM
to "-i"! ,
>im up ihe
il... Biepa
aup. of tbe
be Walcott iKJOre
Injure ;in
u tlmv b»tiiid>
bniiiid» «
wli«-n bta cab drewup I

»,u ,'pp^-ar incoia- j the y.moK gn home, iwly to m«n aonle- |
EnglUb C^iannaa it too
- ^
^ what
now patwe
paawe ' wb-iv
wb-n^ i-l-e
-Iw ihe
the t-illowlng
f-Olowing night.
' ,-pH koo'wn to need
uevd moci
mnch deemptioo.
^ pbilorephy will ,
In pooic «f the primitive parta of Xne-1 Englid, novda have dc-eribed it fully.
tbetu. Mi*-\Valt«ltwa«ool.
I««0t AttraO
!,»^,,„||)V poetry." Bot il were aa I way. a. tinldbreudadal.u and ^oaa. ,^4,1,^ Englieh Uluamited at
be T(3ilur.vl to iiHiuirr o
well imiffer moonlight in.teadof warm I flghie wiTi' iudolgid in in y-wra geme
u g,x<d idea of
‘•y.w" H-»-un»- a prcdnvuuent. He euBhgbt-for po. try and cnltuie are : by TliiTa«t-Hn iilfc nik eutiivly chang- f,.,t,vitu-A. Every one who baa a «
knew of no h-re than five that afitTOonu
largi ly a reflwOou of rvlighm, and bia- ; ed. but
^ place gwa itew Itr Chrirtmaa
But be bad beani that Kb« waa to be »l lorr .bowa «a ihai they ....
rawwriM* i _____
m-m tb.-u dn not cn.i m-w. Then when | •pj,,,, iyg- urfaUy a lai?v boure party.
tbe Trumptona'tUuucr that night, an.i **'Y
biaauiechaBre-ofeiv mgbtTlayiufind-;


viigii^ ' a jv
to of ibt-re
Men of a vaguely
.iijiIi- wt-ui 10
dano-4 ,1,4 daiit-mg and abating bdp u> pa"
>; 1 the
girl w-uld
wc-uld gen.-riJIy
g.-oiTidly uki- her l..v.'
b-v.' ,j,p
■} |,e bonM->and ebureben are

tug ber tiuit very afu-rouon or following , ^
^ n-Om-uicni. like Matthew
ber over Eorop, Att'iolrt or Bmerran. may h-ro and thi-re
, Ho he .luriLvi in at Mra. J. Andwaoo , j. ,,4
,|,ink tbevflnd in culure
OgleKby'- aiid'meivt jv-rfnneionly paid
,, ,
^4 j„uify
iiyJEacbidie mormnentt and
bwetlrerarlyplaiu daugblor. Tbun be
.-neriwcnia may. whte

! er a fuu-ral gown fully eipi-ct- |
' ing that lie w ould n«-d it before tbe |
i night IijmI gone.
In tbe j-mthivn part of Sweden, kul ,
1 l-«a. a cnaicoi that i* ■vrey iMuuttful. fa 1

UrairaU-d vutb holly and pr-ytu, au<
•miiul-toc biuiga no ibr cawlewall."
The tre*- ia alm-wt aa univivml an Inrtitutlon in EwtlaiHl aa in Oennauy. and
(.vcnlng to pvea over to amwang

ablK-isd teaa_

- ta-w „.dir


oihing ia aaid
about fnenda or mere aoquaintanete
nutoe and ofum damaga.

-B. ™-:_____ I

Cart-T bad
wnaituly agliiupre
nnonbec. He rwhed up tbaftaliatotte
direrinp romn and boundte-fiow

Proside fbt the Chief Portion of it «ly.

Turkeys, Chickens
Home Made !^nce Meat.
Tbeae arfi alwayi

and of the Bo«t.

Frarik Brosch & Sons
Broach Block.

^««gnlz•d bv the praaautfT Ttor early ^ cbililrmi. -who play blind .
mt-ruiiig maa. at 4 .30 Cbnvtmaa day_to ;
4rag«, uad bide and

reareh-,1 evco'.«t«v of the «irtvd«l
te^ «J
The j Tin- provwbiul Knclldi ClirtaUuaa dindrawing n»ma awl cr«tooka»n^P '
fo, , ft„e. tat ta U» end MtOTdrf by nearly tw^ i
ruait beef and i-lnm
. . tl
—.............. »Iljirralway.lnclDd.-8
J,,. «.rfay»li
qtm^glaocc inio the botl»i
.. ^nup.,
V, jrfi
leil «,
tr- Iwdf.
it^-4-. wUI teoome^^
milea to walk tbrongo 1 p„44n_j. i^vcvy atUf owpecting Bu
,1 Mire Walcott yenderr' be' i "
r id Nero and Pdfonlna ArBTbir aa tor lu. aeven
........ girl n.I.n'toM
-.. Ttai
omne. from all direo.
tb- mjijw
aaid m tli--,young
wbn%aa SWM.rihM
pouring i Bi.d wvdetT tliat of HcTcoUnmm ana , toju. y «-ur~ 1| man gia-» tc <-borub -to Cbrietmaa
del-valitaia. each carrying a ,
conuu>' lairijib
tea. tuUu-iitiijg a miwa (d black baiv
and ib
.le utHin vbicb a ptooe nf pitch ]..^„ .jug tb^i, cunU from
tbai waa luu-idf-oonatn tbe ernah.
an- s___
ia t.4....:ta.«

------------- ■"— —
“Whyr no, 'abe cried. gaMsg at him vaewMill lu darknvaa. tbe eight of tboae . In other nivecu it fa kept vwy
is artoniahiuinL “She baa light taalr.
Tbe advanced or advafiying women rf
ocuter to im- ai tbe Amerimn Chriatmaa.—ImOa^
And, hegidfu. abo left bonia ago. I
■bnld ibiuk’
____________ a
Tbe real of tbo remark waa loat on tbeirown. with Ibe incidental aoconi- ibi- oemntry bare a ratbor peculiar ioke ;
panimenta of a bowling alley, a plare that thev tty to play upon ca«b otbar j
my friend, wbo Uavlad from tbe toot

and tbe bonati and waa oS Is bii teb
la tte toikuiito el Ite reenJae
tertoni amm-iiiiug or BonK-ihinga retber up early and go over to the neigfabon
ftbreteni. «. tte eaMm ntoto
own morv8*T a etortam, fangbltereOamiBg,
vaguely deanlbed aa ••otbw fetenrre.' and pr^iam tbe tecna .cd the hired
He aearcbcl in vain for hit at tba
Hrard a b-rfaL «waM rvltea:
Partrtdgre'. the Jonerea' and tbe \ an- All’ thia in to be ptyivldod at a i«r*rtly wnnn there before be goto Up. Craat de­
light to taken in tbe perpatratiem of tbli
Fteor <• aartkl"
Blnndeni' and at 1-ogth n acbed tba
hitherto ■ought only tbo patronagu t<f trite.
-boMe of tay atint. wbo waa on that aftmairaliue-playetxd
- 'rtonoB perfonning Uir aitiuMia pliyalcaJ
(ten* lb- lireBMoaa Bac-I train.
and to hu new MtabUabment be proM en. all
11 a bulirf that O
CkoF ta fuvMal* briehUy fiJtete
labor of introdnolBg ter dauglUcf to a^
poaea to admit any^*
waa ani«unced. for «te kxwb tint be

Your Christmas Memi


waa being oolohmwd. The te«e waa <d

>tbe totrert and tbe bridegnxBs ,0m
only mieplaop—Vienna. TbereilUaaJd wivthieM. Many had teen inTiMA wd
to hare Vorkod weU. and 31- bouto to tba general MijoTmtiit^wibancaa by
tntrhinx with intereai to ate wbat ite Ibe free flow of liqom. WtenoTWycmn
waa to » ilmpy oonditem *rom ita te­

...DEAL IN- -

Md it will be
Moiefii Toet Pocket.
.FootwteT waa my lifetime experieoc®. I know juit what to boy
to §uit my cngtcmief*.


le SeU tbe Bed Ribtos lide ter tbe Lned Fricei

UItJrr IB Ite blgteAl

due «nd EM-uiue oil Stock-Price. Will Be to Tour I-toreet.

■are-wore teall rkitr femwaWpe
Open fu- mod vtte tteV ewiau.

l$e Front SOwat'


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