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The Morning Record, July 04, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Firtt Te»r—No. 5S.
ThrMag Plao« Swept by Terrible Fire Fiend Yeetvdey
end Heerly Wiped Ont
Aged Mre. XMtore Oremeted In Attempting >to Sere
Velneble FerR>nel Property.
i ft Towa is &aUi»—nftjr SuUdlae*
•eeMt7<nee VemlllM BesdMed BomelSM sad X>spri*«d at
WicMlIlM Xil^ sUo XmpAsTBMi-TrsesrM Oit^
BsQMadsd Pronptir to As Appwl fee Aid.
md sad hoBfT7 flanas sts
reqslrss to record the elaipla
feet. Ahirhwiad tree Uowla«froia
the Borthesat. and It wee eeea that os.
B^MMtlre baslaeae porthM ot the
Jeee help snlTed the tows
jrtUace has bean swept alasa bj the
The fire-tehtiar spesrstae
aoatdtasatrou .eoBftacTattfe that has
•ear eiaitod thU toeaUtp.
PWp tftpbaUdlses are totalljda- thoacb toe efforts of Hr. Bahblar'a
•tr^. the creator antober
foree aad aMtotaaae of eitlsaas atapad
the flaaas from calntoc haadwap at toe
Homelasa VamUlas.
, ' Hot lass than 7$ (aiaUlat are heaieTha nilaca water power was also
la« aad naarip aU of them hare tost all nsed. bat tooM eSectlre oa ordiaarp
their peasMalBBi. _ Uaap were fertn- eeaaioas was ^wi at this tlma.
aato la asrtac their Urea
The tosses will fall haarilp apon
The Sre epraad ao i^Ulp that taw ararpoaa wbeaa hoaat or plaoa of basb
wan able to aare th^ fooda Ttiosa nans was rUlted bp toe fira ftaad. Of
who aaved sap at all were saeeadlaclp tha satire loss It is probable that there
was Bot mach, If aap, orer 010,000 laTbatoaaiaaatiidatod stBaar^lloo,- saranee.
The loeaaa, os sear as eaa be aseerIba haariaat laaa U boms bp Wlllistt talaed at preoeaV are as follows:
Bsbfator, wboaa lamber,' store ahln- Wa. Bsbbter, saw mUl plant.
. cto aad epoparacs baUaeto waa
warehoase. aheda, ate..............«».000
the prlneipal Ihdastrp ot the tows. Wb. Babbler, eoc^erareatoeb.. l&ooo
Mr. BabbUr'a loaa is ato^t hfo.ooo.
Wb. Babbler, Btote batldlng.- Z.SUO
Tbwa is Bot a bBsloaas atonetore Wm. Babbler.etook^raaeial ston 6,000
left, aad the oalp balldiac of aap Im- K. AN. B. R. B.Co.,depot...... I.ooe
portanee renaiolnc to the adhool bnlld- M. AN.B.fi.B.Oo..trrobox«ata 1.000
iac. loeatod jut east «f Ue bnslaeae M. A N. E. B. B. Oo.. flat can
, rortoon of the town on the shibbU of
aad othar propartp...............
Baraett A Pataaa. CwH store 10.000
The ahlncle mill and hoop (so- Georce E Oolemaa, drags.......... (.600
torp. of Mr. Babbler to also aared. Mania Siaeb. aaiooa.................... l:O0Q
thooicb the mala faetorp, aaw mOl. ParbHotoLK.Ebargaat...... l.un
waiehoose, ahedsaad feneralston are b. 8. ThoBas. cMfeetlonarp- ■ ■ •
apw oalp heaps of aahas. ,
lAke Aaa, Jelr t.—TUe towate a
IMS ol aaaoaJderlBC ralaa. sad there'
are seareeljr'a doeeo haUdiairt ieft
DevastattoB aad DeMUttoa.
Aimt twaatp resorton are ^^aalad
at Tiarafse Baaeh aarlp asst week.
Tha teetorp af V. a A. Pawrtpl wDl
atoaa all dap Moadap to allow tha bbptopaeaboUdap.
Mtos Jaaaia
of this altp was tb#
winnsc la the ladlaa- toepels
Korthport paatardap aftarwm.
The Baaaah Blflaa daeidad last night
not to go to Maalstoa Moadap. oa aepf the abort ttma allowad for
Jadglag bp.tha arowds oa the atreetr
last anaiag to waa hard to nsUm that
aarera) haadrad hadgoaa to Balgbbo^
Ug eiUea to taka id tin rartoM oalabraUona.
ThaasMraion train (orMi
tha M. A K. E will laara promptip at
« a'etoek. As thara will be a large
erowd ararp one tatoadlag toga ahoald
Tbe membera of the WomaBh Cemeterp iBproremeat Aseoolathwi eer*ed
toe oreaa sad eake pMterdap aftorta plaoa af boMlag thalr naaal
Satofdap markst. A aaat
______ tortalnmaat rieea bp Mn. J.
B. MarUa Pridap aiglA aadar tha
ptoes of the T. P. 8. C. E. was a great
Mn. MarUa was at bar .beat.
C. 0. Tornar waa preseat aad raepondad to a reqobaV for oae or two aeleooaa.
Ererp a
etorp las|
^aeeted to attead a maetiag to be bald
is tha Ladtoi' Llbrarp parlort atCW
ohloek Toeadap aftoraoaa. At tok
time the dlrlslon anpm
be elected and it U w
that all BMBbars attead.
Tha Berlawof Bariawa for Jalp gtraa
a langthp writo-ap of Oanlladet Col
lege. loeatod at WaahiagWa. O. C., and
the foreaoat lai^wUoa ot leaialag for
the deaf la the ooantrp.
UlnetiaUoaa k a groop portrait of the
Editorial board of tha eoU««a ma
tine, tha Baff aad Bine, oontalnlag
of Mka Jooephiae
Tltna 6t Uik ei^. who. alU
HUSTLEHS WON. I What Do You Want?
wew^ wt.^ka^taw ftswk .
BoU Taama Bat Vp a flharp Oama
Oharaetarkkd bp Good Team Work
•a BoU fliilaa-OIaasoa of MaatotM
•aorad a Ecbm Eaa.
apsrtol it> Iks karstaf BwerA
Manktoa, Jolp (.-Good pitching bp
WaUdaa at eritloal polntt: good, esen
hlttlag and elaaa. ah^ fielding bp tha
Bnatlata srare Ua faatarea of todapk
game. Tbe Manktoa team alao fielded
srell. and In Ue nnaber of hits equaled
the HnsUara. bnl ware anabla to bnneh.
Uem. The prisa faatarea ware In tha
Uird Inkiag. Glaaaon made a home
raa. WaUtoa atraek ont Baaaa, Mag
ana and Einmaad alnglad, Thomsoa
got hk baaa OB Ulla. thaa Watkliu re
tired Ue ridA striking oat Ue next
tsro man.
Ball bit bard, ha asjda tsro baaa hlla.
alao a two-baaa hit Whaelar aad Nosotap alao Ul hard. Bot atops bp
Adame aad Parka srare othar good fcataraa There sraa good tsam srork asd
baaa ranaing bp Ue eaUre team. Tiebald plapad srslL PoUowtag b tha
sbptaptlaga: .
Bnstlart........ (otiios 0—10 t(
Maaktea........ otiioooo—4it
BaUeriaa—Maaktoa, Berks, Qaina
aad Klnmond: BasUara. Watkins aad
Bank Attoadaada. 600.
laadaoma Phaataa Eada bp P. A A.
>ataajl (or Dr. t. D. Xanaoa.
V. A A. ^taripl dallTsied paatardap
to Dr. Muaaoa. aaperlntokdaat of tha
aipiam, asa of Ua handaoiaaat om
aaemaTardriseaoatbastieaUof Trar• dtp. ItkafiaaaxtaafioD-toppbaatoa, cooairaetod aooordiag to ap^
order, aad k a ereditaUa prodaet Sf
Qaeen dtp maanfaetorp; and damoaatrawa thin it k not aaeemarp to go
ip troB boesa (or a firat-otaas job of
that aatara.
Plrasrorka and 1
Fiseoralx haadrad pf tha paUaaU
atUbujlBBsajopad th^ FoarU of
Jolp oelebratlon last ai^k
X. O. EEtnOV lOAO.
gaUaradon Ue big Usrn aooa afisr
•appar aad as it grew dark sratohad a
Ao Mnmad Baal^aBt of Laalaaan
flnediapUp of flraworka. attar which
T. C. Britton, a waU-kaowa
The rillac* to S' aoeae of daaolaUon
aad It to doabtfnl If tooae who aaVed
C Buebner. drapBaa....................
their bodies wUl be able to oare tor tbe
W. L flabbalar. raaideBa. aid
oatartaaataa nnUl other prortoion can
be Bade, tboncb ererp remaialiic Prank 8t. Clair, raa. aad tarn.. 1.(00
boBie to opes aad ererp eSort belsc.
dapa at Ue Cltp Boc
made to shelter aod eare (or the wo
mb aad childrea.
bad aafferad intaaselp (or a long lime
Prompt Aid Prom Trareree Oltp.
(romanabeaas lo bk bead, aad death
Tbe prompt reepooM from Trarene John Psainctoa. “
eama u a ralaaae rather than a terror.
OltpbroQCfat toe etoam fire eacloe and E C. Labe, toraltare.................
Ua Stas 44 peart old/aad leases a irife.
twentp membera of toe department; (ieo. Law. rea aad foraitara___
a poang daoghtor aod Uree eons. Be
troBtoatdCp. Wbaa toe mnoh Bead-: N. Canalarham, ree. and'fora .
staa a member of Tntera Citp teat.
Ugbl abada Taa Shoes, lit
ed tU arrired. tbe men whe bad beea IjlUtoii Shlpmaa. tea. aad tarn..
airs at half price, ladles' aad
No. 671. E. O. T. M-. aad fnaeral i
d^tlBC dra with all thalr atraactb [Wia. Habblar, dwalllac..............
saUamU's ahoea
loaa srill ba bald at his home aadar Ueir
ware aearip worn oat, bat toap ware I Joe Barrp. ta^tare.....................
aaaplaas Moadap aoratng at ll okloek,
rerir^ bp the arriral of traab aad af- {Wm Baber, foraltura..................
Bar. D. CocU'ia offiriaUag.
feetire help.
| Mrs. Past. dwaUlnf......................
The funeral arrangrBants are is
■ Wb. Petaraoa. famttara..............
I „„
eharge of W. E Aadwaon. aad lateramat sriU taka plaoa ia Oakwood csbThe mtnen were actire with the mear Wm. Halaaa; dwelUac................
la andAroring to atop the raragae of'OraUUbai
gand fan.
tha flamaa, bat bnotoa aSorta ware nae-1 Chas Ckrap.
laaa. Tbe town borned like eo Boeh D. 8. Thimias.
tladar. eren remote dweUlags la the i Pnnk Frink,
oaiakirta going np In the geaaral d<
Itp of aaoka and flaise.
Efforts to exUagnlab the flansea eat
ing thalr wap throagk.the bnUdlnga
arlth borriUa tarodtp bdag naelen at- Mn Hoghaa. faraitara................
toationwas taraad toward.remorlag Goat Sh^hl
ooq^to. Boaaa hoaaahold fareltnra
was remorad. bat atooks of goods went Banrp Sehaaider, dwelUag.
with the rtaV
OaorgeTplar, faraitara........
Whaa the TraTarea Cltp
Wai.Catep:AwalUag...i ..........
arrired tha shlagla asIU aad hoop IA1 Carep. ^aUinJ.
faetorp was ttoraatoaed. aad a mass of | Bea "
raging flra -Was atoadllp eraapAag
Besides theis. isap eBsll-famOles
toward tha Inmbar paid, which eon- lost ararpthlng. s
talaad aereral bnadred thonraad feat. inaAmntato. io the bnslnem parUon.
Wtiee the smoke began to elaar swap
Whan the apeeial train bearing tta
aoaAwbat tha daaUtoto oaaa bagaa to
•■glna aad flraman from Traraine
-aatmodthepallof amoka the aplrita <d look aboat for ahaltor for Ue atgbt.
thsdltooaTs^aBd aatonnato ones tThat .goods had been eared watt
s- .' anas aad hopes of aarlng what re--letoMfl Ila tbe ehareh. aohaoP-hoasa.
Itraiialrad bat a taw mom pats to | aad Uoaa haring ahaltor haataned to_
dozeoB of «Tery kind of rebtira
that mas' u betr to.
We Hive Tliein AIL
The popolar aathora is paper oorerad DOT8l»-rHol|Bcfi
oa-Hardp-Bead-MarUtt. Etc. A due lotto i»ck frtnfit
Get Aboard I
Don’t 3liss These Bargains.
PofiitiTkly tb« UggMt yon wUl
yonr. My gront Jnly Olonmnok SbIa I will qnote a few
prioee that are bai^ains, bot <pace is • too ej:peanre to quote
one ont of erery hundred. A good Lonhge, wall mad*, foil
•pring, StBO. A good Orach, fall apring, te.5a- A good
Gooch, corduroy, 36 sprisga. 6A0. I will pwitirriT rail bnt 4
of these at this price. A good Urge 8-jneoa Bfldrooo Suit,
Urge glM patent carto«.fOT 11.76, A fine U»e 8^^ Sait,
patent doat-proof dnwera, patent castora, for 18^ A fine 6Piece Parior Bait, beet
nlk bands, spring edge, 22.00,
Lar» high beck Dining Cbaira, solid oak, 1^
Bwkera from 95c. np, Iron Bedsteads from 3J6 up. Polished
oak combination Book Cases from 4AO np. We haven’t many
of these, bot what we have most be sold
July 15th. So
those that come early will be b^py and tboee that mUa this
Bale will always regret it
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
i»w raorr enaR. taAvnar’cTTr.
Your Choice
OP THE Moerr selbct
piceiho of—
Fine Shirt TYaists
. si.u
■ SM9
Broken assortments of sixes is the only reason for these
cuts in prices on desirable goods. Come promptly.
E X.. A. rtoarishlng.
Tha qoartorlp aaitlog of U* !•- I<i. staa held la the Ubraip rooau
tordap afteraooa. The raporttof.
oars showed Ua aorietp to ha ia ttt
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, aod Clothing House.
Oao. Lardia Bagtas
Oao- lerdia shipped a car ofatrawberriaa, 400 eratop. to Chicago paatardap
afternoon, and expaeta to ship at laaat
aearadapaaxt weak. The Chloage
aiarket staa stronger paatardap,
Ua iadleatloaa point tobatur prxaa
next weak, as Ue anp^p for that aitp
Tha barriaa baraare Ua
la MIehlgaaakd
Una k an abnndaaaa of Uem.
Kr. Idceomb'a EwAeoountoof ■'fraalcs'‘ara i
bat C. A- EdgaaOBb Ulaka be has Ua
baatar. Oa hk ratara from lodge FVi•as Aged Ttotim.
dap Bight ha staa aorprkad at hearing
Mn Maawn aged M pears, mother an aaMaal sound la tha hanaoop. Oa
of Mn HarT> Bakcr.loet her life iaUe insaattgaUng be Ulaeorerad a ban. oae
of the Btald. motharlp kind. Uat had
fire. . She emaped oaee from her b
lag dsrelling. bat retaraed after i
raised anieU. when Ue sraUs Ml la bnaUpaagagadls awaatlp anaaadlng
and the staa cremated. sriUoet aap bar Mmpaaloas. Like Banqno’s ghost,
effort to aara bar Ufe being pomlbla. aha sroald aot dosrn until bbraong sraa
laded. Mr. Edgeoomb Ulnki d
Mn Mastan srasfornMrip of Wexford,
aad Ua flrat poatmbtressof Uat plaoa, aetUag bar agga aad rtdriag a concert
U waa rumored Uat oUeia srare troop of heaa,-assheUoerMalperara
bnraed. but aarefal laqnlrp «dn»«i to avis.
raraal aap tartber tataliw- TtaoaaraBXOX»m FEOE TO*flrV.
portod Bkalag srare aftorsrard ^d
all safe.
VeartpEOO Vent to ▼artaat Oele■eanMp of Food.
■ A sraU-orgaalaad fores maaaed Ue
boae liaaa, and aooa ten haarp atreama
sran poarlag law the Bares flamaa
whleh UraatoMd to oeasama o^- Ulng that ramdaad.
After a haM-hoark hard stark Ua
flamaa at the pdata maatlonad wen
•kdar ooatrol. It staa aaeaaaarp to ran
•M line of hoae along Ua shore among
daha, timber aad BkeeUaaeoaalafflbar
ataek. bat the anargatle woric of tha
■man staa aSaetlre aad showed go^ reaalta
TUenetcaato of the holoaaast k
aetkaewa, bat it ia Uoagtttohatn, Haarfp aU artklm of food ia Ue
mifflaatad from » apark from Ua tag HtB were totdlp deatroped. aU that
; .-memedtathaabon aaar Ue faetorp. sraaaraUabaa hsiag trem Ue (aarilp
AaotharUaoiT k Uatitoriginatod ia etbcwof IbemenioriaBate. Artea^
-ahaa^riMteoasof UaBllL nrastaa
ta Stan Cpaap- ■ada to hataa
aapplT bnaght Irak Traraaa CStp.
lOaatiaaadoM (ad pops.)
/For Fatiier, For Mothw.
Sifiter, For Brother.
iFor your Unde. Cousin
„..A BOOK )For
(or your Aunt.
tha shore of Ue lake, Jest
faeta^. and bat flra minataa to auA
Nearlp600TrenM Oltppeopiek
In tha rartoat aalabnttoaa Taatacd
no to NorUport and Orttoki Bap.
Maap man are pfaiaidNr bo Uka Is Ua
fan at Maaktea tadapaad touwiuw.
64 pairs ladka'Pla
Basor Toes. Baad-------- - .
Tope. A. R aod C. 84.66 a
As represented.
sackofottr---- ^
76 pairs Oxfords, fMmer pries
t1.(6. (1.60, «i.7S aod fit. Oar
petoa 81.00 to oloaa oak
riour is just what we say
it is or no sale.
Maab Patent Leather end BaaaoU. former nctom $5 aad 86,.
to ulnae oat at 8I.00.
86 palra Mob's ^mh earp
atpl& SUppem. tonaar 8Lts
goods gDlBg at 6la
47 pain iadiae' BtaiU aad Taa
price 86, alaalag oat pitoe «t.
Ladies’ Tan Oxfords:.
iwn.S5. iiao u>d t:.oo sioi
Kakk Vo XtatfikE
Tbfi Original.
W« urns Tea mhss Fne » BnaM <» tm
New Un if lifiiR’ iri ChiMm’s SkMs,
Til, Emi ul RlwL
Tea Caa Alwan Pa Bl*Taa>—
- fo eajoy foaeela.
T. B*"« >*®
the crowd who -waat to Kaabtoe fob motBfog waa rmkBalda-
>lim.W.'C BbU
MoMagM foe tokfog fo foa •
J. w. B*»**». £diw m4 Itotfr. ilia. Buaa baa goM to -CterleTefo
for a eWt with foa fomUy ot bar
Barry Batftha.
■U MBtk*. hj Uil.
e An»
«»M Tr»TerM Utj
Mr.aadlfaB. 9. Lao Xymer of Orasd
B^foaarefofoadty oafoair way to
thatmrfoera reearla.
Tracy OlUb toc^i pity oa foe heatod
ooBdlifoB Of foa BsetUn today aad
wwt aloag to “faa.’'
Kba BdHh BaUaid tfoaiwri to MaatoB yeaterday'after a iliiwai rWi
with Itra. E. a Oomptem
Mr. aad Mrs 3a^ Mcrgia ot ChF
eago hare anfead far foair aaaaal I
mar Tbit at Park Plaoa.
Prof, had Mra. B.H.Bydcr west to
MarfoaU today far a ebb hafoto gpfog
to tbdr aew hOM at Plyamoth.
Mrs. A. D. 6toart of P«»oam hha heea
apaadlag a abort tima is foa dty. the
gaaat of Bee. aad Mn. £. Babbitry.
Mbs Agaea BchhaU qwbV Friday
Bight la foe dty. the gneet of Mra. 3.
S. Grdlifo, ea her way titos Waltoa
to nMoe the fire which wh
MR7ii« «g«»We proiwrty w« Ml
wHh TMly reeponee ud ft dfttftfl of
fire fifibten wu dtopftfteh•dinaTnecm Clij to deader whftt
eee would permit- The
*»aJtUftppreci*ted»v UkftAupac»
CtV «r* taddlm
«,rk«l with the iftMlBtonftt ftadfeaMn. 3. V. Malatofo waat to MaabWChfttthcy would dteplftr U thftlr toe today for a abort Tbit. Bermefowho has heea bar gomt for amaa
•wft property w»» Ift dewgar.
•Ihltpftrtef itie»Urtfbtft®ajwtftft tfM alee ratanad toMaabfoc today.
Hfthouldhe. JB8tft»Tr*ewCatyftlMbi Alba Bohmto retaracd laat
emjft does for thoM in dlcMm. But it .Igkt foapi PhPadaiphbnWhara aba baa
bwotftll thftt i* icqftired. Scare* of
g frcmfoa^ioad StioatCea_ jdeprlredof theftctftftl Bftomdttftc aaroatotyof Mmdetodi
Mba Barriat Bogardaa. wbo haa
•( Ufft. They will entfer for '
Md prectieftl ehftriV ift bftrft dp- •peal eeveral weeka to TtaveiM ayy
fareeeeral jeaaoaa. arrirad toat aighl
from Andaloa. Wb., oa her way to
iMt Bight will ftopply «P«W
•Me*, bftt ftftore cofttrihBtfM ed b ft»V Bay Viw. where aha wQl apead the
Bfttax* ftre WBBtad. To the aammel with her mafom aad dater.
«ppoftl for help TrftTcoM a<y will eome They hare beaad foa eottaga of Mn. 3.
•^Ip to the front ftod reUcoe the ftiif* W. Jarria.________________ _
forlagft of mftay. Other lewu will do
Bh*«im, hot it fthoBld he horM in
MlBdltetfteTeDtyfive^alUeeftre de
lved ei honeft.! food, efofthl^. ftad
TrSTarpa City Fircmaa.
•MpfoTBteftt-l* Eectyowe who ha*
Memben of foe Traveree City Fire
, ftsd meBBft tot
Departiaeat workad like Ugera. The
UroUhood esB eperc b Uttt*.
ea^ae wm manned by AeUag (tobf
Falgham. A. B. WaterhaZy and Ed.
Bardy. Mr. Falgham aad 3. FT. MilUwUla«e of Uke Abb. who will eM timt kea dlroetod foe werktag farea.
they ftre Jodieiouftly dlattthated. WhOe rtoaoe and a perfect tyatem caahlad
perfaet work, aad to the <foeee dty
there it bo fnlly
b doe the aarteg of foe remeat yet cfttobllshed the M<«m BboCBO hfti proBlfted to rwetea BT«7thiB| malclag toetery, aereral dareUiaga aad
U of doUan' worth of ralaable
that may eome from the gweroaity o
TiBTerm City ^ple. aad all ftheh aid lamber, alao ether property.
The firoBaeo were aerred with coffee
will be taraed orer to the proper.oom
mittee for | dUuibnlioe to relleee by ladba wbo made every cffbrt to
lightoafoclabonof the
The Wibot foe raOitad tnek were
twbted to all aerto of ahapea to foe
Uering foe seedy i
oaater of foe town, bet a aeetba gang
thift terrier dleaater.
from Travme City waa pet at work at
Boa. PXftunr Hax.na icBoaired adrieei oaee getting foe track in abape for foa
jaelerday from Wa
pamage of traiaa.
« eat OB whiteylae daty from two
Xaparaace Tety Light
doUafft to ose dollar waa doe to the
' Tha iaanraaee waa axtremely light
»haeoee of tome of foe
eonalderiag foe valae of foe property
•tor*. The oppoaitieo took adeaatage
deatroyed. Wm. Babbler carried only
•t fob BBd voted for a rodseiloB ia the
fSSOO; Pntaam A Boraett. gnoo; Geo.
daty to eae dollar. SeBator Bnrrowi
Colemaa, SitsO; Mf. Tyler. MOO
iaooofidast'foe matter «rill be adjafttThere were other email amonnla. bat
foo MflCffttc wIU not reach aoore foa
mlUee of foe opper and lower ho
glO.000, if that moeh.
There b a proftpeet bow of a oomproTaare VIU Be Littb BeboUdtog.
It it not probahb ttet there will he
maeh'huildiag fob aammer. thoogh a
BXPUTT Oil. un
few will begis Immedbtcly to replace
Befog Xatertaised By Vnak Vrted' their loaaen. 8. S. Barnett
to the BneoPD that be would erect
•onof aatraetnreaionee. Othen
Vrrak Friedrich b hwy
» foe deputy oil iDspectora of the etato,
Mr. Habblv b act yat abb to
The IMlowtog arrived laat alght;
Jaat what he wUl do, bnt he Will
ably amnge to eonbace to
hoop faetary.
n aftor foe fire gained headway.
I ofiea hetog
OMoffoe fltai ftroclurea deatroyed.
AU the inforiBatba received to ^vCity wae by foe
train, whbh carried foe finenglne aad
Baton foe evening tnla arrived
£. Withey. Maabim; F. L. Baldwin.
Moabing: C. A. Inganoo. Ornyling; froto Maabtee maay ehOdna begaa to
Charlea Befawaaebeek. New Bavea.
aaeltod aad worried mefoera and
To^y Mr. Friedrbk will give foe
party a ride on bb yafot, foe Haaea & tofoara wen frequent. The ladba
FtograeJr.,andadlnBaa at Re-ab-to- whoae hoatea had baaa apand did
Wanta. On Monday boatoM will oo- they oonld to mn for foe UtUe
«enpy foe attention of the yentbovu^ hot it wae little they eonld do natal
aad oa Tneeday fooec who rboato will help eoold be aaearad tram Tcavaraa
he gIvM a heal ride to Lebbd oa foe Otyaod other potota. Tha Ttaverec
Lady Watta " aad a dtoaer foarc^ City boalacaa men AfMal aaw foe
citoatbn at a glaaoa and made imMr. Frledrbb
The party wore }otoed>«t wight by
Oov. tHagree'a privau beeretary. MaJ. ooce from thera.
Willard K. Boah. wi^~Ab wife and
daaghtor. who will apend ao^ tiam at
▲ Faarily Farty.
Dr. and Mr*. E. L. Aahtoa antortatoed rebUvea to foe somber of twenty
to a moat hoapiuhb -maaaer ]
Mlm Baalga w«t to Maalatae fob afteraoeo at thalr pleaaaat
hmelathe grave Bear .WayM street.
Mba Marba Boberto haa ntaned A Am dbtOay ot flrewerke made a fitMag rioae to the aabymeat.
-Crorn Ann Arbor.
P. C. Oilbert and family an eajoytog
a Tbit at Cryatal Inke.
J. W. Patekto dellvorad the Foerfo
of July oration at
Mba UooKer, who hM baam toCUeage vialttog friaada retorasd daat
Oaaar Bemaa wiU apead Mcaday with
>ra. Bemaa and ehildraa at
FtetidiBg Eldar J. A. 11^ of OrahA
L O. a r ImtoUattea.
Tha Mlowiag offbma have haea toBta'bd by foe 1 O. u. F. ot fob ei^:
C. P.—Jooeph Booa.
S. W->-Vm. D. SoUbtor.
Earihe E.E. Daria.
Thaaiarp d. B. Browa.
faW. IMtoaBlatotamg.
Btoitda riMtod Eev. B. Ahbhary fh» Bepnaaifattve to Oraad laSai
toat ■C^gbaA.Mdgeomb.
rtk KOBWTOMrtwiiCroroWvirpiiT 4, tw.
dlyluw km km pai la aa
The Pure
Fruit Juice
ik 1^ A»ktM Ba. M, u<
UJepfokte ffa iti. fi tt BiMellf
tii IM,
man amiwsmb rmoKPCLT. Beaeh.^taon H». tit, foX. kamb
•aeed TahwhU Prepare at Lake Bo-Ha.
Aaa-*pedal TraW Ohnfod Bagtaa,
Mora Oart aad Pimmb to foe
SoeM ot foe OeeflagreHim
la what we Savor ow.Jada Syrvps wttfc.
Wcdonca tmmwm movfoaMMs, A
55£S«E”“"' '
•raatod by X«a«^’ paMkaUM at
FUtytoar BifoBtMl
Traeeraa Baaeh b saw atlb kaat.atl
That waa foe tb^yrktek, elapeed af
ter foa fire aeglaa
aeglae 1^
M foa jOam
Cam aaWeat TraeafM Oty yoaag paopta wiU ha*a
to aajoy ib altraaeagiaa booaa, hafora s^
poarlag apon tloea aad ^raatagm. Laadlord Dei
teadorf b prepaifog to make It aaeaafoa dbbaetiTe flaaaca wkhsb
atroylag foa graatar porfom of Laka any plemaat for partlm foam TrarwM
Oty. aad ermyoae who fom thera will
of a eordbl weieon BveryTha tima woald hare baaa ats aalaBtaalmahad mot two atopa haea aa- CM b waboma thera at aUtUMa,aad
oaadtatad oa aeeoaal of koteeeaabrlcs. the freedom of foa groaada and kotol
The ftret eight mllaa ware made in Will ha ooa of the apedal advaatagaa.
aU miaatoa, bet aftor. foe hot hosea Batiaordar to aaabla dty paopla'to
-Xs aeUing cbeapar tlufo arer
beoame maaifoat it waa aeemmtry to folly aaioy thalr vbtta apaoial arraageDOW. EtrarTthiBg ia tba store
manu are aiada for aatarwOalac pareaae ap a little
Tha fire at Lake Asa broke oat at tim os Taeadaya and Fridaya. wbaa
eat half In two. If fOD «ver
I JOo'elodt; ahortly afterward Mayor tha Tormadaa aad parioti will ha at tha
boagbf cheap JOB caadoitoow.
Saaifo reedrad aa appeal for aid from di^oaal of Tbitora tor dasdag. Thb
approfob dty. Tbet«^OBeawaa<}alck.asd
dated by eedety peopb ot foe dW. aad
doaeaaof dUaaaa algalfiad aa eag
togoto lake Aaa aad aaBbt ia foe geweroeity of Laadlord Ddfeadorf
vriU eaahb bicycle partba to eprad
l;htiag the Are dghteaa mUaa away.
The fire eagiaa aad two hoae carta many a jdly evaatag foara daring the
ware at omoo roahad to tha M. A B. E—WB BAYS MADEfreight hooae whare a fiat ear waa
Amvoree foty Teat Mo. B7X.
hroeght iatd’ raqnealtkm aad the aaAll manhan an reqaaatod to meat
gtoe loadad to a tow moaaaata.
at McNamara hall at IKWp.rn.fo
glne No. 4 waa attached and maaaed
Let «• make aome for you.
day aftaraooo. Tha Moiban of
by Bagiaeer Johaaaltor aad Fboctaa
sda BI*a^Ne. Ml. an abo rvqaaetThe train atartod at
adtomaatatthaaametiaaa. Toboiy M.PBOLLEY.Mrr.
t-.M to eharge-af Coaductar Blgglar
daenaad hrofosr. T. C. Britten.
aad it waa aooa apeedtog to foe
By order of Cammaadw.
^kuttM Stewa or Booatp pw tb..»to 4a
Tbereeeatog party waa la ehi
T. 3. Boct.
aottof chief ^hmm aad J. W. MiUiVoalSteweorBoaatPFcr lh....»t»Aa
kto. ^a foUowing
L: j
farea who aeeompaabd foa a^toc:
Jobe Veriy. M. E. BaakaU. .Cbaa. WUEXCUBUON TO PORTLAND. ME.
Mom. par Ih...............UtaUnr^
helm. Dr. JmXina Wilhelm. J. N. Mar.
Oa Joly lOfo foe C. A w. M. and D..
ttoak. Jea. OarUad. Jaa. Morfob. Ed. G. R. AW. Uace will eell tbbeb to
Began. B. Wbehpawaki. Ed. Hardy. Fortlaad. Ma.aad retara. vb & P. Ry.
Arthor Dcppraa, 8dl Bama. J. W. CUff. aad o. T..Hy. at the bwaet--------- H. W. Cnaatogham. J. C Mcrgpa. A. made for each as oeeaaloa Tbkeu
will be good to rotora aatil Jaly Slat.
ary. J. 3. Bakar. Dr. U<
U. 3. Wcatharwu. They Pohorai.
Whan foa apaebl arrived at Uke
AiiB foa paopb wen. almcat pahb
■trlckon aad it aaemed^ thoogh foa
Thon willhc a e
catin riliagc waa to W awapt oot ot the Qty Opera Boaaa Monday aighv to
alateaee. Tha Tnverw Oty firemea whbh foe pohlb b tov^.glveahy
W. Belm'a oreheetra. A good ttoie b
with commeadahb oootaem aad preebioa tmaodbUiy hagan work
earawC Only a tow a
qolred to tnaafer foe eegiae to foe
tnbiBMti iii ShM( Ink i( iD ttk.
bkeahore. Jaat wmt ot the horning,
mill aad coopanga atoek. A team waa
fonad at oaoa aad foa eagiaa hauled to
tbeahanaad pboed upon aa Improvb.TORONTO. OKT.
dock of abba. Eagtoear Falgham bat
•vwtoneanaitetaelaei ifte* ran
Epworfo Leagne lateraatbsal Ocmnqta momeat aad effective atnama vaatioa. One ton for round trip. Sell
wen doiag good work ia a
Imlt. tilh.
PMeli, The Han Hillinef
120 Front Stroet
Friedrich Block.
3368 Frames Holiday
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Demail to cm TBdi|.
Tha mea worked w
Camp Maatlag and Amembly.
man. aad Lobe Anab hoaiama
ton for raoad trip. Sell Joly U b
eltiaeoavtolt relieved whoa
RetaraI limit, Aagoet Si.
ceUeaUT organlaed force went to work.
They bbored like tigera aad their
National EepohUcaa Leagne
rly began to ahow aattobo. One ton for mad tn
factory naolta, while tha eagtoe
workad Ilka a charm aad threw atnama
whbh atayed the fait
Baptbt YoaagJbopleh Ualon'Meetinr. One fan for raoad trip. SeU
To fob department can be credited Jaly to. H and M. ^bnmUmtv^ly
czuadcd toAngaat
the mring of
worth of tomher. aad all the dwelliaga
on the woataide «f foa track aea
^worfoLcagaeAaacmWy. One fa
center of the viUag*.
for fhaad trip. SeU July to to S9. X
Laat evaaing before ntoraiag
home of Adam Shlria, who capplled
UaveUtog Loeraa Moneeaeak Ooe
food aad ooffae and cooling beveragea. fan for rooad trip Sail Joly SI. R»
Everyoae la tha pboe ahowed foe mofo toip Umlt, Jaiy t& .
nable property. •
aad foe tod death ot the
Mra. Maaton eaet a gloMt oeer foe
whole plaec.
Tbeafteraooa train from Maabtee
sacked Lake Aaa ahoot 7:U>. joft aft
er the arrival of the ootgotog trato
from Traveree City. Owing to foe dam
age to foe tncka the tnine
tale to pace, hot ahoot e:l5
waa b abape tor tratoe to run all right.
The trato dee here at «:U p.- m.
reached hen ebortly aftar fiito.
Senator Uvorge u. Oovall. T. T. Batae,
end J. W. Baaiien at onee narted
a movement to aecnn a qaanthy
of anpp^Iea |or the needy who
wen deprived of everyfotog, ei
wbo had BOt yet eloaad their atorea
wen met with nady naponaea. aad
many eontribitbna of
mada Whan acvaial barreU of eraek•ra. a tew hundred loavee of breed, and
a large qoanUty of mboeUanoooa aop
pUea had baaa gatberod together they
won plaeed ebovd the trato. which at
OBoa polled oot for Imke Ana. la charge
of Ocodnetor Mclntoeh, haring cm
hoard a larga aambar of eittoon* who
went to view foe aeaae of foe eonflagraUan.
Ofom eontribetiou of food, heddtog.
etc., will be e>Ueoted fob mwatog and
cast dowB on foa encento train
whltoi bavea at B:M.
About 10 o'clock laat night tha fin
had boos oomptotaly aabdead, ao tor aa
farther daagw e
1-to rwtaaa. Tha antin parky «d^ a
the apeetol ahoot eaUaigfat.
Tha aopplbi tmdowBw
lagp aaid wm dbt
Por« OrsMtt Tartar,
The Recowizeil tinlirs
la t and loe. Cigan an my
Fan to KaabtM Foly 8,4 and 8.
The M. A N. E. R. S. Co. will tail
tieketo to Maabfoa aad retara Joly I.
4 and tfo. at 81-tO. Umltad to rwtora
Joly Ofo,. the Sunday unto aa ueual at
SLOO llmitad to dM. Daaal cm ton
rate to aU potota to MUh^an.
FTa. Mmmnx. O. P. Agt.
H. W. CimmiaBaM, Agk
Fourth of July Mates.
« ueual. betwecB
all etottons oa July t. 4 aad i at ana
way fan for round tnp. AU g^ to
*- and evrry ktod of- —
li Bloon— i
Tdbacco All
Colors Oolr lie. perdos
alwaja to stock.
. jily
Jnly-tfo-lMve Tm
Tha Fifth at Elk Bapida.
Ob foe aiaht of the Fifth of July, at
-10 o'ebek. a apeeial trato wUl leave for
Traveree City on the C. A W. M. to ae-
At Qnr
Soda Fountain
■. A M. S. Iraiss Joly S. 4 sed S.
Saturday. July td->Leava Tnvarae
City 0:33 aM.. 3:40 p m.
Sunday. Joly 4th—Leava Traveraa
CltT 4:00 a. m.. 3:30 a. m.. »;U a. «
Oa Sntorday, Joly td. ^eetol
win leave for Fobeb at MO a. m.. ...
aectlng with boat for Lelaad. whan
then will he a ealctantba.
(m4 Pm»v Bnkiac Peveor. W rva weal ee to.
Mk«u.apoetoabraiJD. Eetoer otinbi.
«ebtor Tamng. *n 1i—. Weaw SMini tfetoUtn4 <w two r«*rk.i reeMMa anbcto,
aumr Irtnaii Term flretow, end AMwitote.
GlTMflM aed Wnto Beml LoUae be toe
Anmlnend. PW. BAatlMOS W
sourasoiaEiiNsonB a
-Watch Repairing.
-Front Street.
Fire Insurance.
Do You Know
3JS4eU K.A.'WOJa.
Olty S.W. Oo.
O. F. OAMTBM. Agawl.
If You Have togs to Sell
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all >
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, CarriageSg ^
and'Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable...
Pw<U«e bmm koi". • WecUltj. Hone, hnd^^
Stmt. at. woat of
Flfk mod Hold.
B. j.xoeajjr.rioA
£mqu«v* of JSo United Mino
itda a««(m*Uer An
•n klada
•4TM1It>c« la ««rk A*t «
, t^wht fb* eaw* ot t»«
In, DO
Oemodiofthr OaltaA War Workm. •
SsMM Hew To Bs Hsid by ths
tan ih. orte vni I
by the CnaM of A* Mo* Bb
ally la OotaooM A p^rel *■ Braiy Baad
—WayCp BrMite In Paaey V
tli» Kow* (• laMHM
niHiU ITiaAnW—•>.
Coitfabaa. O.. JsU' I —Tb* Mitkc baa
5 M«a ort*r«l. Tbo n»*» tta* oromK
hva\ UnRod Ulo* Worker oOdal* hare-^been deeltrlnc not Ukdjr to cone oS
baa eoDM off. TeMr«a|'‘ta« aarioaal
oucative board-aiM (be word that It U
Raised will aakt maflF <0^00* am
Idi* br ftvlDS oat an order Mr all tta
amber* tH tbe United. Him Worker*
to na*e woA ooiU A* Coiumbu* acale
> la eoiMKded br tbe amnioyer*.
daoe of tbe order la: -TO manre *oecew vreat care Aoald be exercUed by
• aU that no breaeb o< tbe peace oeeora
at nay tUne or place, or uod« any «lr.
enmataneea. BalleUae wUI be ieaued
*rom Unit to ilaae to keep yoa Inform-^
Of tbe proffroH of *ffnh»-“ Tbe natloa-
Pearce eecr . .
Biffned to ibe order.
Coal OpukTeee Are KM Wee*yti«.
daly f
Alton. Ilia. .Jniy l-Tke Qraftoa
Qaerry eampony. apenUnff Nla«*ra
UmeMcne onarrte* at Orafton, baa r*.
dnc«9 wasei tron n.M to «!.» per day.
and Ae entire qBarry force haa coae oat
on a atHke. Tbe qnarry la tbe Wffffaat
IndBMiT ot -tbe town and a cootlna^
Atrlke'wtU tnakr tlmea cxccedlndy
ltal»«ka «ona>
ty and Pint dlttrlci attaiera trill pot be
aSeeted bytbeatrike.
arire. former Ooremor Botee haa fflvM
to tb* prera a atoned auiement aowe t..
m *Mvd* in lencth. la reply to tb* at-
— - ■ • ------
morrow to decide whether a atrfke ebaU
be Inaoeurated In tbia dtttltct or not.
Tbe circular crwiialna only a reooBmendatlon of tbe otBctol* of tbe OnltM
Mine Worker*. If It to decMed to ewflM
1 wlU de aU in my poww to make It
fenaml." A number Ot operator* were
aaen durinff A* day b«l none awmiud
to be worrylito over A* probahUlty of a
atrtke. They ar* of A* opAion that a
jtrtk* at Ala lime cannot-be mad* een><ef*l. Seme aay they wUl pay the ad-yance. and can do *o and make money
proTtded the maidfity of the mlnee ar*
eteed. Tb* mlberf leader* IwHere. hfiw*yer, that tf tb* conrenilon order* i
■trike they will be able to brine
JulyJ A-PT«ald*Bl
c Haute.
Xntotat of dlatrlet Ko. It. United Mine
Worker* of Amertca.oAcl*Uy cmArmed
the new* of a nlnert’ atrike. HU eetlmat*. howe\-er. of tbe number of ran
wbo win be Invcdved to aboal
abeat a tbtrd of tbe estimate aent out
from ColombuA Knltei Mr* tbe object
of the alrtlce U (o clear out Ae raaricei*
and . enable Ae operators to pay IMbk
ware* to Aetr men. Hr dceUrca R la
not a war on operators and Ae mlneta
do not so repard It. They admit, acoordlns to KnlKhl. that the opentora
are not rcaponclble tor tbe preaeni a«trayated condition ct affair*, b
Tte.000 --------
I of
mdnpeo tbto qaartor.
Jnaior a £. wQl bnvwn pstrtotte Mrriea At tbbir meetly at > p B*. Ckflo~ tovitod.
laa endeavor topto at «:1» p. m.
velU be. “Gonaoea^ Pattiott; Wkat
wm Tbdy Dor”
Ibe tomday ovwatof iroepel I
at TM bav« btfped a anaber to Btort
Ae ChitotiAB Ufa. PlcaM iarfto yoar
frleato to tbto meetiac. pprtteiUriy
tboee for whom you are aakiou ate
I die to tb* Dalfad etato* ataiy yea*
l-Tbe Dnk* and ' gf tbe silk Mp|dy .<m hardly
e a BMBto-; Mtetoad. TyitooM tmr alao to daekn
cem fancy drew baU toat ntoW *<: a. «ac^ ntefoba, penally fa«nd
----- and to Bilk, bsytat haen
Droonabtre Honae. Plo^dlRy- It
an exeeptloaaJly brllUanl alfalr. eren. ad team the fayiae* to the Utter trbw
for thU aeaaon of brilllanl aocUl fni*o- tbe am «tt« WMbed or-ertMB tbe DSk'
tioiu. Nearty every royal family in BMB dUnted ttoe aillkto
dtoadoetd iatsaittb
Deke of Deronablr* re-i
re- i SBttofnaob
•u attired t*ce yirb of we *
— «»b<r*««7
—,----- . _
«** *“
Oermany.! mUk ted m* eo ttaU kaown that nay
tbe Eraperoe Charle* V. of Oerraany.
AmoDff the cneati were tbe Prince of
DHiMAorrtoMWnMal wttb byteu
Ibe proMwed
Walea tbe Duke and Onebera of Tbrk.
appropeiau tor tka day aad apeelal
tbe Doke apd Duebea* of Coaaenyht. perlor to tteiUtoattoa by batUar b
lldoeaaot latea tb* aiUk teed
Prtoce Cbariee of Denmark. Prince--------------------------------prayer.
Cbriaitan. PrtoomVicwriaof Scbleawto-I bin. aa hoUlBf oertatoly doaa
HolstrtD. GokM^^^ Hay (tbe After- or «ber eeami eoatatoli« fcatti mUk OalUetd •. ■enhrap. Paste*.
To* an oerdtoUy tortted to woekklp
lew. arabaaaadufVd Waa Hay.
.teoald bare IM laoQtb |teted «Kb
BcMbary. Arthnr Ba'lwir. Mt. Aaauiib,: ate* ateateat ettett. Ibto vMtol at tb* Baptte teunb today. Ei*. E
ar Horaot Pbroob^r; ibe OoemteM of teoald tbn be placte faeide aay
M. BWpbnwoB od Orate Bapide aril
of the Marie wteait TttMl. walar betof pe*red ^ .preach If tbe mORUac. ate S««. i
tha latter anttl it laaebae tbe Ueel cd
tb* milk Pradaa to tbe oveainr ^
, in an EUeabetban ooatuni*; tbe Duka ' thamflh. It to am. weary 'that
- anyteaturtbemeratoff
I m>d Dncbea* of Martboewtok, both In f baldlat reite be tatoed baU a tocb
ttoB tbe bottem «f tbe tettr vattA tor i
Unau XV etyle, tbe Utter
e af tb*
at (ba «
___ y*Ml tt nqntoite.
Tb* ft. T. P. O. at e:!t to tbe parte*
deantoed kboee abotel of tbaeh«Kb.'wUl be Ite by B. WU
SBttl lUdodetato of Ae plan be propoaed.
TbettHipetMkWrf bete.
to five a eeneral Idea of a plan by Mr n?<l .«»»■ C»*ot¥* Cw
whleh eoM and tllVer for aU prmRicai
Bm. ft. M. Btepbiiwna ate Bn. Jaj
parpoae* could be lolKly and equally wRh dlamand craacem* and dlaiiKmd tbto. Wb» the devre* of bant taM been
aura; Lord
■i«» etant
e^rii Cterte* Montarn*. Uord .
>radea vrUl hold aerrtoaa at tbe old
naed a* a redemptK
temel ____i..
msht »_».•_
to be a»Creme. -Lord Stanley. Ltey Mar. tedy i prodao^ tbe v^
bari* of tbe actual c
|T SuOabotrre. tedy DeOrey. A* Marqolal moyedfcoB toeSreendtetmW tekejd Oak Park eoboolkoae* tbto afteraooa
these metala H* then reaAle* Mr plan.
VICO. Lori LaAnt. Marquier ; ixieawd tor baif m bon. Tbe boSUa, or ttlo'ttote.
^ say* that the net r^R
Haoiopcal. Lady Oortmhla Qrabaza.; tmtUae, of mlik matt tbae be Ukea oat
Tbe peopU of Oak Park ate vtoteity
Mra BoAschlld. Comic d* Meovdorf.
tb* water pn nd pwt to a ooU an^ordtoUy tovitod.
Daikam. pereooAtiaff
^ dm oattoa teoald bOI b* lebolUm httd ate Ae Earl
value by etU and Ml'
.t cte^i
1 moved town tbeawatbedto* milk boL,
by tbe eoytTTunefii f«w r*dempU''i> P«r- : nnc PUIlp of S
pooea Tbe plA of tbe Bole* plan la lb* >
tU aatll tb* ttmetoraatog tbemilkhM
Wldem plan
K °>nr
Colonel Po* aaaefted that tbe redemp- ’ Mver before MW a acen* ao ffotjeoua
.Tbto milk may be eatoly twed at ny
Uob of tbe note* la eliber cold or aflyer Tb* room* were tra^fomte RHo a time witbto U bona afin H baa baea
meant rirtuaJly a «uld atandatd tor paradlae of flower*. Ev.Trwbere were
boilad. Brmaaaaof aaetetamydttfey
0 whicb Bole* tAhm ex- clundw and hanks of t>
woflbawaaay* tbai tn a broad end feaioons of elewric ityhA After n Mermcnawr ne toiatnaui^
wirtlrel sen** It means true bimetal- o'clock the Prtoce and Prtneetoof Wale* ter may bo tttted at any ttoia. It to
Ham. Be write*; 'It Is aald further by arrived and were led by A*DuAeas of ; ow Beeamaiy to aaowtato Ae tat^ttaAt author my plan U noi A accord Dmmaabire to • dal* at tb* j^of the „ ^
Peraewaof Iba ooaaampwiA tbe ChkwKo platform. Tliat U true, prtnripel room, where they f^ed the tlv* type ate tine wbo bttoi« to OObBui tb* Chlcexo platform U no Rmc*r. canter of a brilUaot ffroup.
aboald sot St miy
Gea.R. Winnie,
oAtywlae. of any Demoersi In Af Unit- dancini twhlc h was deauliorr). was a
j............ .
>—«»s mart#
A* yertou* character* lad ,
oeM ptoiiiunaeQ.—rv^mr
o of Aeyartou*
ed Bute*. Tb*
Tb* laaor#
made by
by iiiBi
tbal nroewmoo
Instrument have been submitted u tbe , by tbe* Dacbea* of Devonshire.
only tritninsi awtborleed to paaa np«m j
Aem. and Aey have been found A«al
Mte Hlirhsp—It's pofecily wasdal
oa Kew imwar must be mad* tor
lenes ea As BaU rMd.
table of the Ductataa of DevonAlre were ]
.Ob. ™* tnoat 1
ChitWRO. July t-L«^» base ban twelve ggeeta.
xueata amonx them Ae Prince
Prtar* manie.
tesble. Bse-a
Ube'a ret
Jet aaU Ae world know
mores yestertay: At Beltlmore-Wa^ | ^
ofPlfe. Mr. Bsltour . ate to cia^ to fet
kixttn 4. Baltimcr* »: at LcuievlUe— ^
RandrHph CkurchllL At the nad
a eooto
eint.onail U UulRlUe 4: at C.eveland ,
fbe Prin.
-Bt Lcols 1. Cleveund U: at Chleaxo- !
ftoacbrrr and th* Duke
PIttAorg 4. ^leaao 7: at PhlUdripWa Vorough. At the Duebem of Tork'a
1a to be ares at Si
and New Tnrk—Kaln.
e Prince Charle* of Denmark.
- capedaUy bopeAl
_______ J the strike. Aey
tiwy have noAing to kiae and trust they
mar sain mmethlnx. It ■* believed the St. Paul—MiBD'apidU X.
block coal miner* wlU alao Join A* Dctrall-rirand Raptds A Detroit
at Milwaukee—Kansu City L Mllw;
■MTBlkarCUHIacfMtBvssr Man KmOtsyMta A*EI>*w
Sprins VaRey. July S.-Tb* raRierv of
Ala city held a meellnx In the Opera
Hooee ate veted unanlmonaftr to obey
A« order of Ae national executive
board of the United Mine WcAers of
Amertfw A min* no more coal after
July 4. Tbe minim arr net tbe leily ooea
Md tUi OBaBten
a Sniad in tbe tpOk rd tobm*
D«e.aM* «*a bali«<iattan>->pcrtaye 10 par cent cd ell
b> Ibe ftainaf Ketr Tatk,
on bl«Uy btad Iba aniaal la Ma
r to ibatMAaMUtyof ttabeinf
—Bockfoid A Des Molne* X.
Ms U Rot Brr. Wee
»»oru •»
8t. unus,
LouU. juiy
July X.-Wor0
U reeviTva
received .
here from Detectlw Vlehl*. cf A* «.;
Lssuls police derartmect. who
best Tcm. Coffbte, ETer7«kii«i
EveiTthiiig Fre^ sod is fi«toan.
.•niebesttobehsd-shpajrs. ^
Jacob FurtsclL
W« S«II-
And everything in the line
iof first claM jewelry and
'toilet articles.
sreei aad Calm •:*
Tolphoa as.
Op gsgle OCee.'
Suits to Order.
Floe Merchant Tailoring.
Delicieus Drinks...
From tbe Mew Procci* Sod* FnaBtaiR.
tv. Hcck Serves Them
<»me. yr. m^wr.
tTotan Street.
The prActpal dancing feature* were
quadrille# In which Mch ari tw
. ..
. lAiU" At^ genitonea to lep.
;sent B particular bl*lcri<*l epoch. (>n*
(hat TOO taro tbe pot
•eery day. so tbal one aide of tbe ptont
doto not t«< toe aUe beoeflt of to*
MB’* myA
• Tbebottett pan of tb* globe to too
great deemt of Afhm. wbetr tbe Ibeg-
A-aVoottru. ir PrtetSL
pitmrate Park 8U.
Tb* bte toKtramaBt mad*. X. Z.
Quecn I
faauA a boielkevper named WUUamA ns-, dueing tboae «
Tav*a* City brteeb. FrMt atreat, telSttog Bt^
Tbeptooeeeof ecoartog i>*«dte fatigb«
sorpsltlcn tbal be, Binabeth. anoA^ repr<during those
bwg'a Orasd. Mutel aerebatelM. WU Tbcmta Abbott Wevu a fonber In- '
fourt cf................
IxWs XIV. the awn beirg
take* about a week. TUy are a^tote
dtara preuber accused
of the ...
dresud cIBrerv cf Ae rcyaJ Ptvrcb ! qrlA oil, #oB *o*p ate empty powder.
.. —„
u -------------the eSeri that the . ou^,^
uu, jiusketeeA The |
In loAe ahvu ate placed to
srtoau. TkurtttlAGaac.«or. TtbutdCate
‘he slow, stately ailnueis .
»o*.d by mecbaatel
power. Tbto tooering proeea* done, tb*
Peas—«e. Con>—?*. Tomb
___ That ro**r.s that ell Ae cxmiwnT
weabed to bot wate ate
Star UrooaiT. X4S ftrOdt 8L
men. trapper*, ar.d even the eager*, who
felr from SepL » to U compoaed flwially fir them.
Tbe Iowa a
, : dried in Hwdnat.
have charge of the boUtIng cars.wlllaiso
aenf F. S. White, loka * Naabrill# cons- ; Enlght Ho»|ilA»*» of Malta. In blarii
THE CHOaCBEBmiasio-wT. to Ae expiriUon at that plM* , velvet. vrlA XtaUsce errvse* la white
MAatlcij. for if tb*
to make a contract' few Ae prAclMl , uilo srurked to hi* rloak and a mtln
rear HaBoale Bloek.
remain Idle without the
eAlblts and atlmmloiiA
' bwc«d- devHet: velvet trurks. slariied
rion cf tbe er mpanyV i
JWlien aged John Moan. of>l>lcago. with black s*t!n; a high crowned bat
Ake long for Aem to cave. The miners .WU robbed of ri W‘dnrrd.-y onr of the with a large XTalle** <
of tbU city are very detemAed. They.
Rave had their wage* redeced nyTrly
a rilver d
•, f.'uud rfc^‘ ba<%. Around l. e hsi *
I iic. Speridl driva.
I Av tbe 4tb ia a UAtiooal holiday to
per cent,
mt. in
tn the put
past four yursi^cd
yearsi^acd IS original, sbadoaed. h-r and' dSscovwte^h* wrt. tbe hlrb beets whW* matched
the Volastoe** u wall u tootber*. tb*
cents a day Is hardly the avrr*gk:~-Toavcrvi
her friend, John M. 0»wr*twn*kL who I the tsyturre. Tl.* Prtreeas cf Wale* apday U thrir Usl day for work. Tb*
WU Identlfled u no* of the rablmw
pmr.d as La Teln. Mar*, t. with a brll- day «rilt beyto wiU a 7 a. m. kwaa drUl
keoi Into the mtoee this mcrrir.g to U
aalaw. At t p. pi. wUl be (be *- aa___ Wl#..
op their imam: ard take cut tbelr looil.
mMttog: Iito p. to . firtog cf
tu chargf ‘V” »f ‘
determined to remain cot unUI Ibe epff
...e drinkleg ,
Slot* ccmcade tbelr demandr. In lb
«oW with a EUsapetban raff ar.d the toiante gan*.
All are welcone to these naetingt.
mcnnUnie all kinds of baalneae a ii
te)otoiBg MeSatoata's *b
city will be eff»it.d_
All ow meettoge ettotoebos oa tost
.places have b
. BASIL tnd. July S.-Hir Alttng of
Her other ornammu wtra dla,t Preotlct. WM.. '
genata! strike har caured muA aglA- r, , ,c
^v.,1 nrUaniBw' mood* and pearls. Tbe Immediate at;
tte among the tnlntrs here. Th— '* fmm Ae effecu nf
at«.-ber were ber Aterdau^
»o-;dnmntoail<r. here and official
Wtem. Bbe Mve* ^
Ductew of Tctk. T?e
Biatlon Anno! be eernired. Tbe leading
Beretee* today dseatsd to tbe eaaae
Bwnnwithwi aOM-------Dorteaaof Devotshlietycrivedbergueat*
teners believe the workmen here will
uaenohl*. and wore a rnagcmcyr.l cosG
tbemrlke. nciwlthrtandlng that
iob) in tbeatrlke.
*" Dr. HcKaUar. ttlteittaiT frcmi In
h ' . 'they are in a destitute ccnditlon and onwill speak aosutog aaid evening.
TnittlBg aad Bead beme* a *»aprepared to aland a strike. A ir— esed to tyneb-Blumetithal and be wu
tskec to AAland for ufe keepiBg. ^
TbM d me wut of Meefana Lhr«7 Bam.
I . meeting Is Ailed here arid the state)
Moralgg eervto*. lldMa. m.
Idem of the rntti-d Mine Worker* I* n-At the reqam of Reoatara Callam
Evening aervte. 7:W p. to. .
'pected to be prvt»L
and Mason. Bemretarr Alger bu derided
SnbknA eebooL Mi a- toSt-' Lsiula, July A—Cral opeAion
to send t«W reguUr titmp* A CbMago
■KQsed over the ann-iunretnent that. A* to take pAri on July XI to te
Jaslor endtovor. 4 p. in.
United Mine Worker* Bare ordered
I of Ae Logaa moan-: Chicago. July X.—P
PnattoM Pleuaru to
a E. iPSttlng. &IS p. m.
•trike for July 4. and A* preeMesia a
meiit. .
trade Rogers <of lb#
lb* Ncrthw**t*m-tr
_____ BlMa to vraar Aab. Prte
managen of reveral of the blgeompaui
Ex-Ooverbor Rrass. of Cotorado. to yvrsity). Jease Hcldcm
cldcm ud Claret
________________________ SI in pAaaa te X *0. A. &
E >fttytt—.»» ft
haring headquarters here have guoe
vyry III end probably cannot last ntee Dsrrow vrere tb* priitclpal speakers < a PaMbam. teaser.
tbelr miee* in lUlnols and HUaeari .. than * few days He bu been an to- Ibe second day's aesicn of the Stole Bar
ttotesy aefvtoes ace n* fallow*:
THIS WMK'tte raragoteeanvu bau baU abem Mte*e' ate Boya’
look into the alhmtloii, The.cimfrnau valid for Ibe past twb year*. He Is 0
The frllnwlng oflierr* were
Tana. tl Maa’s Bieyuto Sba*. Tto, A. T. Jukaeaa.
Psenchtng at la-K a- m.
of .»plnlea among tbe opoAlor* U that years old.
SouA Sid* Bbae Stom; 404 BouA Unte St.
Snaday-eebiteat UiWa. m.
Ac strike win be a long one ibsi as a
.The d'erartmenl'of adraMsloa of Ae
Y. P. A. at C p to
reauli the prIce of «*1
advanee. Ttuhvllle ex|.ooitlon report* a total
though not at OCA.
FreaeUng at iiM p m.
Milan durtu Hay aod Jun* of acl.IXS.
origiaal drag man. Itet door east of paateAie__________
Tbe paa-Amerk*nComm*rcl*Uogrt*W
were enterUlood at Bn Louts yesterday.
•sv. W. A. Pryw sa*Mr.
They are doe at Chicago Monday uigbt.
BloctoD. Adger, JohM and Sumter
OtoM toCAtlag at »riO in A* partom
mlDca are idle, havtog retoaed le
Tbe deputy mayor and Acriffs of
CMt * leduc-ilon. Three hundred coke
Preaehteg lUiXa
uveu at Johns have been shut down aod ed Btates consul s
Tbe toomlng aervte wiU Inaluda the
BOttee gitau that work la indaSnMely u official vtoil t
of ehlUrun ate probnrtonere.
pcatpeaed. In bimlngham sod Oat*
CityiworclUng mills have clcsrA await
Til* state of K
the dlstopee wu too ioeg te.fuw..agBto tetnUwbohava ohUdran to be bnr
ing tiM slgntog cf iht scale of tbe Amal___
Its acldler dead vrbo Ml t
prueut tbaa at As mnnlnc mr~
garaaied astociatloB.
tb* Arid of Oettrsburg. by dedicatiac
tbelr memory.
WIR Me Ra abths at Paaa.
Bndpy ateottatnooto
Ban FJanrtJCQ. July X.—The Partfie
81 Loom. July t-A epectol to.The
mall steamer Acapulco arrived y««ttrB^dbtlc from Paaa. IUa. mya; BecreMaktetlsabstt
SMior Lengue at«;».
urr W. D. Byso. of tbe Uaited Mla*
PnaeUng 740 by ftgf. A. J. BMrud.
Workwa «f n^BOto. haa aotlAad Ae etaite tor «Lne.«w gtevoyage
Etoto teserrAM ggeaeml strata of tap
AHeAeb»«BaotA«fai>eb huM atoeA CM
patomgtr. «m *
«« beurd.
SEttMi aiBM hu bM demanded by
ntn teritod to (bt MrvtMtt
tte eSsen te that orgenlmlnn Aa
TE4-16, !5, 36, 60c.
PARIS GRffll sfiS- ^
u^. £
Refrigeraiors, ^
New Process Vapor Steves,
„ ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146frent St
M«« B« a Spwial MMMfa on
ThatSubje* Wart W«*k.
B. I>o»r-T.IWr
n>ntoB'> a»M-Tr~t HMMara.
WMhlrjTton. Jub I. — Th« uuMtloc
«b«ther Oh prtrtUeot wtU atad a «!>*•
Oat <B«saa«« Ic cobbtcb r*ooq«»«idli\«
tha creaUoB of a cumnex cwnralarton
wui b* Jeflnbeb dw'tdaS
n>e{>rMhlcsl4« strongly ttieMBwJ a( Ihla
Ume to BABt a fP^Hal rumocT meMagc
to congrota. roganllng Wa^f aa to a
mutdoaMc mf«urt ptodaad to thu
eouna. Xt> fart It <rai acnl-onctaUjr
at U)« ^UU Uodat taU yeatardar aflarnooo fliat aort a tiwMca
trotdd be arm
coogma next vat-k.
bat aoine of thr prealdrafa moat toSunitla] aflvlarr* an anaadal qoeaUona
mn appoaaa to a meaaag* at bAiadlUc at
. ttala turn-. oaHng to boallHly to a ooraSlMoo OB rhr part of eoaerraa. and
tbt final driermlnatln. at atated. will
tut be trachrd until UcKtolrr'a morn
trotn CatitoB. Tbc rarcutlv* commUla^
•f-tb* Indlanapolb "aound moner" «o&o
vanUoTi bat bren aoUvaJr adrocattog
the comnilatlon arbemc erar atore Ibe
adrant of the pretrot admiatatratton.
iwartil r.B»ua,a«o tbt Mao.
It bad alao ihr tj-nipattax of the pretldcDL who eotnmilted blmaaU to U to bla
Pnaldenb UcKinl^. bov.
▼er. did ntt cart to rarommand It to
a ««le tb« tariff biu vat pend,
t ttfrU*
e and dciax
lag. lett
attxai Mpon the measure- But all along
the e»*r dllhcoltr irhlch preaentad Uartt to tboae u-bu favorad a eommIsalQn
tor the lBt>«igaUoo of the curranur
ajrmam hat l«en ibr oppoaiUoii It iroald
•ocouBtrr to rongn-a*. WfaUe a toll for
the creation-of a commlsaiOB could aagl*
Ijr be paatrd In the house, vbeietaetloua
cppcaltlon would be unavailing agalnat
the oneratton of a cloture otfier that
erould bring It to a rota attcboppotltiaa
In the arnate might be atmoat toiermln■ able.
enatora bare
cpenlr avowed their unalterable boBUb. lx to the creation of-a eommiaston. %nd
Telia' hat decUred that be would reinaln hare unul December to defeat ft.
TbU being the tliuaiinn It It andenetood
that tome' of ih« oiembert of the cx>
acuUre committee of ibc
____________ __ ______ ,r todlned to betICTa
that It would perbapt be a ralttjlke to
yreta tbetr request for the creation of a
commlatlem by congrna. Tba betta and
wUer thing, to do, some «jf them now
tbtok. would It to withdraw tbeir reaueal for a cmimiselon and uae the
pro\-lilonal power vested to the commit
tee by the IndlanapolU convention and
- tbemalvM alrct a cemmlttkm to Inves
tigate the currency question and prM' ant tbUr conclusion tbroug^ the public
_qld be m^e the beats of an' admintotratloB meanirv. modified a* Secretory
Oogc. cenduciInF an IndependeBt Inves
tigation. might rurresL. The secretory
baa been ai work r.^^.aome time on a
oomprehenstve rumney reform scheme,
and some suggestion bsji been made as
to the wtsdom of not having a further
agitation of the question, but of pernltung Gage, who has tbe full eonfldebce of businw men generally, to
frame a measure after such eonsuliatlan
as be may drsiie with financiers, busineaa men, mvmi^ra of the house and
aatsie and other*
Will tie Over Tlll Ke« Week.
The mafter »a* under dtscuMlon at
the catrinel tnt-ilng yesterday, but not
in a manner to l,ad tu a definite cooelusion ur [v<UcT. and the matter went
OT9,until the pivridenfs return lo (be
city next week, when lt Is pmbable that
H- If. Hanna who Is chairman of the
axsevUrv committee of the Indianapolis'
ccavenilon, and n< rhaps otltcr members
Of tbe comralitce will come to Wasbkgtoa and dIx-uM the alluatlon with
tbe president and tlage. Upon the reaull of the runf..rvnr« wtU probably de
pend President McKinley’s aclltm as to
a apeclal mesaage to congreea.
d la tbe heoateU
aned hy the pa>-nx>m of foreign capuct
White argued that If Gwmany had the right to gtve an export
daty which In effect operated agalnat
the United Sutee tha Unllad Stole*
could adopt measures to offset thti and
<HW Sn*«
On«M« t. .
'CBmptltlBd *►»»•«* - a*cll»»««»7
AdJrd to tte Tkita BIU•
WaiMngtei). July t.-Iteetprodly and
D pbasei of tbe
tariff bill (o occupy tb* attentton of the
■tnatt yesterday to the axclnrton of all
ether »sb)eci*. Rjih prevlstons w«e
. agreed to. alihi ugh the debate on the
yedproclty claur. was Retracted to (
p m. Bbartly before adjoufuraent AlU•oa endeavored tc secure an a
.saenls be withdrew his raqo^ and the
tune for the final rot* was Ml optli.
although there U r.lfl hop* Chat li a-ili
1m reaebad today. The retoltaion- clause
' provides that a benever any ccutry begtowa an export bounty on aiw article
thtra 'Shall be levied to addlUoB to tbe
gatlea provided by the aet^ additional
daty equal to the amouat^ the bouncy.
The ctanm was agrto u>Xa.to I*-lhe
two Dcjnecratlr eenatora from Louls*taaa. Caffery. and McEbcvt- voting with
The nolproclly clause empowers the
prsatfent with the advice and consent
of tte aeBOte, to make reelprocKy trea' tias%lvtiig *0 per cent- reduction In dutlm OB dcstgttotod aructoa. or Piaetog
mrUclaa on the tree Uit. The am^^
nt brought out
'Miite, Vast. Pettus. TeDer and White
^yiiiy that It evaded the consilluuonal
right of the house <rf represeolatlves to
laniGtpate to measarei affecting reve
nue. while Morgan. Gray and Chandler
^tended Its lagallty and propriety. It
vus agreed to—W to U—two Democrata.
Gray and Morgan, voting with tbe R»-Mbitean. In the afflmattre:
Whan the oeoate itacM the retaUatsry ttaast to tbe bffl Gray aptito
•gnlMt the amebdnMSt, MytOff ha eagardad It as opening the wsqr to a dlsat lannt two------------------------------------P*M>y osd Austna-Hangary.
dtSared wlU Gray, arguing that M
arsiVEsa caads.
breach of totsrnaUoBal oMlgatlont e
involved, nnd ihai aiallstlaB of tbli'
abaracta waa to the natun of nett- pre- , ■
aervattoa. to which any caanlrx ecold j
Ko Bun'ls JustUM in mdfyisf bia
So many terrible rtorte* of the taroo» told that
------ *^r dpam* and tbeaten whom
tlr of bloodboahde bate teen
ito ■ * tMias^
need bread and doihing.>U is rrfresiatv lo read ►trpe story at
—Sale, BL Looia.
ebaae by a bioodbooiid in whiofa tt
rre eonallr
banter and tb« faoniad were
equally I MisAtd. Itisvoocbod for by a wrller'
n,* hatdMt dilngs to beUevu an
taOoud Wanda. Fbo,had 11 tiOiB U tfxNe most (ne.
The pereoptian iff
,J things evwIaMingw hard. Bo are things
Tha Uoodboand war«d$^m a straU in natnn, bnl they ate troa.—Bay. P.
il by tha ludlclary wittabisinBataroBtbcs^t^Westoa- 8. Hcdscb. Baptiai. Cbiaga
lo prohibit iruau.
war based open a soggee-'
ton. ItovU and Spoceier. It was expected
ap to WednewUy eight ibai It weald b«
Introduced as an anseedment to the tarUTbUI. but when presnied tothettoanee
eomalliec Wedutoday evtnlng ihaiccmmlttee suggested the Iffadvlmbtllty of
nddllng the trust question upon the urt«. saying It would be preferable lo have
tbe two quesUoes treated Independentix
<< each other. There were further con
ferences among acnators Thnrsday and
as a' consequence the yudlelarx commit
tee decided not to present tbe WU to the
caucus as ac amendroent lo the tarUf.
Thames «-as the only member atasdtog
tor the coapttog of the two questiona
ai^p xtoVa arada me.
Washington. Jaly
leodgr yrsterdax
prepared a draft of an amendment to
the tariff prorlding for a stamp tax on
stocks and bonds, to accordance with
the action of the Renublisan sena
torial caucus of Thoradax aight. and
nbmlttcd it to the Ananee eomnditee.
As prepared the amendment provMvS
for a tax of S cents a share of »00 or
fracUoB of the face value of caolui
stock nr of bonds cm their tasusace,
and of t cyntp tor eacM 1100 fr tractl.m
cn each tranafer ^ Block or bonds.
United Slates and stats boods are ex
empted. as ate Individual bonds to seand also the stock and
tuniol benafit buUdtog a
Wafftlnagon. July l-Preiideet JfcKtoley le| tbe city at 7:10 last nigbl for
Canton, tt. where be wiU vwt bis aged
mother and take a few days' rest. With
him were
Ura. UcKtnley.
Secretory and Mn. Day. Mra'Baxiin.
who U Urs. McKinley's aunV and Mias
Mabel McKinley.
Canton will
reached at 10:30 this morning, and the
rctars to WashtogUrn wUl be ps Taceday. This will be the president's first
viaii to bis home store the inauguration
and be has cxpieaaed a wUb that it be
a quiet one.
Xet a aiga or-ladlaa Tnrabto.». July 3.-Additional adView from Indian Agent Irwto. at
Haficy. Ida., where be had gine to in
vestigate the "Indian -trouhles." are re
ceived- He wires that promtoeni dllsens cfHalley.and reUable aeiUtrs from
the Camass prairie stole that no Indian
trouble exlau to that victidiy; that
about forty indlsm. Indodlng wernen
anCchlldren. are there gatherl^ camass
ro£ but have committed so violation
oTBie law.
TbeTasaMe wMb Ileaafr WsUlagtoa.'
Washtqgton. July 8—Senator,Welltogton’a peraoiial remarks In Ibe aenau
yeaterday grew out of a fight he U mak
ing against the confirmation of B. HWarner. Jr., ofllarxland. boo of a wellknown real estate dealer, as consul at
Lelpsir. Germany. The senator,had Indorsed Warner tor consul to Southamp
ton. but objected to bia appotoutoent to
another plaee. ___________
WaMitogton. July Z.-rThe senate to
e^cuUve session made tbe following
confirmations: Consule-Joseph J. Ste
vens. of Indiana. Plymouth. Bng.; Hen
ry Bordewich, of Mtonesoto. Christiana.
Norway: John C. Caldwell, of Kansas.
San Jose. Costa Rica: Philip C. Hanna,
of Iowa. Trinidad. Wert Indies: AbraUrn E. Smith, of Illtoots. Victoria. B. C
■eeae Westora PoetBi—trtr Xoatlaatsd.
yesterday by tbe president: Henry
Weltoer. Eldorado. Ills.: Andrew
1-aird. Frankfort. Ind.: Uucullua
Knight. Montpelier. Ind.: Rodney
Hawkins. Wapello, la
TwoWaaaaaadaMaaaaMtoHavs Mad
New York. July k-Tbe World mya:
Oultl of the murder of William Oaidentupp* was broukbi ivearer home to Mrs.
Nack and Martin Thorne yeaterday.
Reporters of The Worid in the Identical
surrey to which Mn. Hack took her ride
iaai Saturday followed tbeecurae «t
>ourner. They discovered facts
Indicated; That tbe party to the surrey
Sacuiday consisted of Mrs. Kacfc.
-_orne and another woman whoee iden
tity Is suspected: that to dltpoaruf aporUon of the body or of*otber Incrlmtoattog ^irles « as the purpose of ibedrive:
that'on their way. at a aecluded spot
name the Village of Cllffslde. two mllra
below Fort Uee. they burned certain
things, probably clothing, which bad
bsea stained with blood; that from this
place they could have gona and prob
ably did go. to tbe spot near tbe Har
lem river at One Hundred and Beventyaixtb street where on Sunday.-the next
day. Che bundle which coot
oonutaed tbcsecond CragmeBt of the body
- tomd.
They theB drove hach-towards■
The World, through lu eorrespoodenls
and reporters, has traced TholM from
this city to Saratoga, through iq Troy
and theocc to Moetreal. where be wcat
with the avowed InteettoD of uktog a
steamer to Eaiope. Tu-o steamers sailed
from there Ihuruday. they wju atop
at QuetMc and other petots heiore getUag beyond police reach.
Ootorado fipriBft. Colo.r July I—A
coach load of people which was betog
taken throogh the Gardes of (he Gads
yeaterday wa* upset at tbe Balan^
Rock and Fred W. Evanston, of Boston,
wa* serlootly hurt. The accident was
caoeed by -overcrowdtnjr the coach.
tSadaru Wesdmaa tiOsaMea.
Dabaqoa. Ia.. July k-Hcad Clerk
Bawea. of (he Moders Woodmen at
ywt^, Dla- has been mrved with anthoer inJimeUon restraining the removal
ct the beafiqaartm to Rodt IttanA The
btST*rf to dlMDivc wiu not come up
•BtU October, detoytog ramoval A leut
A D«AX. AfvaUMV ai
w. a ttoov.
CycleOineB look Hew!
bb«. Tbeg—p
.. BMtaw-Chud-PUliid.
W.W-U In Um, nor dl4 tl-poor dl-,
tncted srtauan who ran tom ooe group
Tbov an curtain ai
wSr brenght into coato. with eortoto
Ma^cbiKL aooody knew taywuig
^ atod and baart. wUl »the tnlasiiig boy. and-wben In bar
.: tBh in Mb and criDc as sure as fin
Lederle's JTTiStf
B.t thooib behr^ootOfoidbo. BrtdPO.MdbodM.Lool.riUThe Rsllgtoa
boy. he was not so sure that be oonU
not help ber Ind him. Be aUgbtad tnn
When we admit that nligtosi Is an
hU bone, and tbrasUng bis am tbroogb opinton, sosnetUag tbsi we mgy aelaet
(ha bridle bent ovet tba hoond, pafttot A wlU. we may he aon all will
botti bands cnrelemly toond bU baad.; ^ niy nliglcn. Pec.ple wil) pot then
Then he took torn the woman soma- ptofem anligicntbat >*<wi<-ra —Itorw
tUng tbat looked like a'cbild's bA and.
held tt toward tbe dog. talking to him;
- -rbUe. Tbe boond sniffed aud « hinad |
moonifaily, as,)f nnwilling to ieava faU |
OatboUe, i
-------------------- -
and, baying as ba wgnt. tnruad down a
That was an exetting chase—tbe AeU
tbe atraets vt a popatooa watering plan
hnd the game a lo« diiid. Tbe looe
voioe al the d<« oooM be beard ia Ux
diltanea, guiding those wbo followed.
Tba mother's feet ware awlft, hot eto
oonld nog keep np with tbe dog. Onto
went till b« bad nin bis prey togtopnd.
Than be stoiped and fawned npoa tto
little lad. wbo wm overjoyed to find ac
Criendly a playmate. Wbeo tbe motbei
came op. banter and banted wen tto
best of friends, ao mneb so tfaal ndthea
was willing to part witb tbe other.
The gentleman twd m<n than <mea tc
bit dog befon be would eon
■ant to leave tbe child. As for tba boy,
be coaid not be led away while tba doi
temained. and after tbe bound bad die.
appeand be was still beard to mnmBr.
"1 woDld like tbat dear doggie for ray
TUe (Vssas 1* a ttisik.
To all iotesto aitd parpoaea tbe Cre-!
tan ie a Greek. His rellgioB, kngaage ;
and costtstw are tdentieaL fle'deeirea ;
Greek rnder and rale, and will obey.
tbe tora vbiefa appear to Um nalaral'
and Christian.—Bev. George & Bara-,
field. PnAiyterian, .... .......................
The aaerad T1
There are wane tbluga on earth ao an-1
end and ao 4^ ao weU aeetned againA
all pQwlble risk, to ann of being oarrtod forward wfaa time is done, tbat
heaven ftorU will only be tbe pnftr
spben for expanding tbeir joys.—Bev.
W. a WOliamc. OongxegatiaBal. .Ban
Cakat dm Cases.
Does joattoe reign on tbe tbrones of :
tbe earth! Does jnstiee reign on tbe
tfarane of Spain! Cnfan hm a* much rea-1
sem for rebelling as we had a hundred !
Moat of ns at ooe time or another bavt
Have not tbe unhappy ^
iistiuM* 'Gubans as much.naaosi to expect
bMked for awhile upon me
bo.n. b.. It « t«m-l lor .!» W |
cycle to make bs really acqt
tboae strrtcbeeof beaeband ■borewbiclj
Melv preparec'
Any wonbip tbA duct not bare man
i** 'oltimatc object,
ofayvcb tbat
vnai does
ooc* not
by kind Mother Natnn aa 'a slfwiooi
: (end to nplift torn audmakSbim joster.
cycle path. Whether ~
I _i_.
L. __________
Wise I
in iu etrtirHy bnndieda of mile* aloni
oitooceancbaccaand aionod tbe bordenj
Cnlranaltot. Cedar Bapide. Ia.
mtf u OM nsMa.
The ancienti nmd tb* tesm "mnsic''
of oor great lakea. bat tbe particnlaii in tbe saibv way as we nar the tern
bU with which we beoame familiar dur
To tfacm it wa* quite a oompreIng happy sommer weeks, and to aban: benslTo tern, and incloded all tha( we
wbiiAwitb it* long arm hold* in a por-; made a lyre oat of its buck. Be made
ties eff fianduAy buy. and extends east-, H.vn, strjngs ton stoepgnt and played
ward 16 mtks or more up ttoi shore.
TWi mody abor* cootitinea all tbe way
to aeveland- and beyond, bot beeoasi
(ff me intorreniag pilea of rock am
cannot ride tba whole 60 or 60 miiea
Thfi*b<wterdiAaneeM.bowever enoogl
Donotqueottoo the teliglan A tbe.
to r^mm^'e rkto ^laH^ overworked dark or boAnem man wbo ;
'Z^^ ^,
s*»o«»ir wcieatkm among bla
Vtoki^ c33n STsl KtohSiir^
Tbe following flgnrea abow the annod oost^ to malntonanoe of acane M
“ ** *• «>»»«»* to PBA and wad
man if iM^jecks Sunday enjoyment in
public inatltntion. 1( is tbe ooiy ilay in tbe week in
which he may rest from his lahore. and |
it. is aowly not descenUon cn Sabbath
the principal foreign aodogtoal gar
Antwerp, breaking to him to reUx bis mind and
body in a legitimate manner. —Bee. A
•186,600: Amsterdam, flOE.OOO: Lon
W. Arandek Eplaoopal Pittsburg.
don, gioo.eoo; Cologne, •;6.80U: Bottodam, •66,000-, Hanover. •48.000;
Parle. •80,000.
Thus far tbe cost o4
maintaining tbe aoolaffieal parka U
Washtagton and PbiUdelpbia baa baec
•60,000 cMb per year._______
r. K.JBirrra.
“Blotting paper, ” aaid a man <ff matore yem, "faa* been oommanly urad
to only abont 40 ynara. Befon that wa
need annd. which was pooeed torn n
amid box out npon tbe paper. Enougb
of it ndberad to tbe wet tnk to keep it
ton blotting. Tbe rest was poi^
back into tbe box. I think I liked tbe
bid sand box heyter than I do tbe modmn Uottiag paper. Sonetlmes when
you opened'a letteryon would find aand
to tbe envelcgM, which had nbbed off
tbe latter ia tranMt. Bat that didn't do
any hart, and tbe letter Itaelf Vw mow
AghUy to look A than the lette (ff to
day. It did not abada off pale, wbaw
toth ifak bad beeo taken tom the linm
bodily by the bibtter—It wm nnifexm
af£fi'sni?a“.i!=r Sts
rao-ajagai3g.es."~ a.crirtsatyjBsas.-sss'-Js
tooolot. And tbe llMa, fine and ooana,
wew jiMt M tba writer made them—not
blended or Muted or aotoaed or Muend
out, mere nearly uifoenL n«y waw
clear and pteeMa and obaraetariatto of
“I liked tbe old and box. bot «l
ootoae we opuldit't neshnow; weYe
too bov.”—Efv Toik Ban.
■■■ ~
muB Oraae BapMs. Martflaaw ao4 Psuw
QraA Ra(M>
Chicago —
•West Michigan
m tm.
At BayrMw.............
The reeden enjoy it at
tbe breakfhet table.
in wbowdeligbial would tempt othm.! A this time Inclode in tbe tern an
is a oomparaiitely taall portion on tto i Aeitading to isytbul^, mosic bad its
sootfacra atowe of Lake Erie. It begin>| origin with tbe god, Hermea. He took a
with the exUvnie end of Oedu point, tcrtolsd. and after dlmmboweltng U
and atnmmriatea to bima-.f the count-1
It ooBtaixifi mil the news
while Ife toeeh.
•work upon it aU tbe time.
ThU^ and varied path stnteto.
Rates. $1.50 per DayL
Sow ofton we look up tom and away
we an
trotn things by wbieb
ed and long few the ability to da Even [
srben wa are mo« neglectfnl oar minds
an fllto with fair ^iskxxi (ff wh« we i
think we woold do if we were only dil- ‘
feiently Mtnaicd.—Bar. W. M. B^lly,
^isoopal. SanFrageisca
Puk StiMt. iMtwHBProit I Chi.
orrx PAT oKP wio«>.
Tbe Pbarian wbo cannot ride a Idcyves great onnftwt from
I. for the case la vary
bead in tbe ait. ntterad a then, afaan
trntbfnUy mated ia "Badlfaru:"
tukxg bay and begwi miffing aUtot tbt
«c ootspeoBd stos we kate a ulad to
B, dssiBtor thaw we're not toellDsdm.
For a mlnntc or'«wo be followed Ite
—Bev. Dr. Bcdddn. Christian. Atlanta.
■rant in. a xigxag fasfaiosk. and (ben,
with a kmg. load bay, tonted edf at ac
amasing pace, ran in a atraigfai lint
aeroaa the aanda. cromad tbe parade,
imsiffi in iomusTsn 1.1
hy oals^ -the (Wvlnywa of
The people read It fiid
beoaase St Is the only
dally north ef
erandBapida. Alao tha
beatdaUrln thSapaitof
(moio noKitt.
Firtt Te»r—No. 5S.
ThrMag Plao« Swept by Terrible Fire Fiend Yeetvdey
end Heerly Wiped Ont
Aged Mre. XMtore Oremeted In Attempting >to Sere
Velneble FerR>nel Property.
i ft Towa is &aUi»—nftjr SuUdlae*
•eeMt7<nee VemlllM BesdMed BomelSM sad X>spri*«d at
WicMlIlM Xil^ sUo XmpAsTBMi-TrsesrM Oit^
BsQMadsd Pronptir to As Appwl fee Aid.
md sad hoBfT7 flanas sts
reqslrss to record the elaipla
feet. Ahirhwiad tree Uowla«froia
the Borthesat. and It wee eeea that os.
B^MMtlre baslaeae porthM ot the
Jeee help snlTed the tows
jrtUace has bean swept alasa bj the
The fire-tehtiar spesrstae
aoatdtasatrou .eoBftacTattfe that has
•ear eiaitod thU toeaUtp.
PWp tftpbaUdlses are totalljda- thoacb toe efforts of Hr. Bahblar'a
•tr^. the creator antober
foree aad aMtotaaae of eitlsaas atapad
the flaaas from calntoc haadwap at toe
Homelasa VamUlas.
, ' Hot lass than 7$ (aiaUlat are heaieTha nilaca water power was also
la« aad naarip aU of them hare tost all nsed. bat tooM eSectlre oa ordiaarp
their peasMalBBi. _ Uaap were fertn- eeaaioas was ^wi at this tlma.
aato la asrtac their Urea
The tosses will fall haarilp apon
The Sre epraad ao i^Ulp that taw ararpoaa wbeaa hoaat or plaoa of basb
wan able to aare th^ fooda Ttiosa nans was rUlted bp toe fira ftaad. Of
who aaved sap at all were saeeadlaclp tha satire loss It is probable that there
was Bot mach, If aap, orer 010,000 laTbatoaaiaaatiidatod stBaar^lloo,- saranee.
The loeaaa, os sear as eaa be aseerIba haariaat laaa U boms bp Wlllistt talaed at preoeaV are as follows:
Bsbfator, wboaa lamber,' store ahln- Wa. Bsbbter, saw mUl plant.
. cto aad epoparacs baUaeto waa
warehoase. aheda, ate..............«».000
the prlneipal Ihdastrp ot the tows. Wb. Babbler, eoc^erareatoeb.. l&ooo
Mr. BabbUr'a loaa is ato^t hfo.ooo.
Wb. Babbler, Btote batldlng.- Z.SUO
Tbwa is Bot a bBsloaas atonetore Wm. Babbler.etook^raaeial ston 6,000
left, aad the oalp balldiac of aap Im- K. AN. B. R. B.Co.,depot...... I.ooe
portanee renaiolnc to the adhool bnlld- M. AN.B.fi.B.Oo..trrobox«ata 1.000
iac. loeatod jut east «f Ue bnslaeae M. A N. E. B. B. Oo.. flat can
, rortoon of the town on the shibbU of
aad othar propartp...............
Baraett A Pataaa. CwH store 10.000
The ahlncle mill and hoop (so- Georce E Oolemaa, drags.......... (.600
torp. of Mr. Babbler to also aared. Mania Siaeb. aaiooa.................... l:O0Q
thooicb the mala faetorp, aaw mOl. ParbHotoLK.Ebargaat...... l.un
waiehoose, ahedsaad feneralston are b. 8. ThoBas. cMfeetlonarp- ■ ■ •
apw oalp heaps of aahas. ,
lAke Aaa, Jelr t.—TUe towate a
IMS ol aaaoaJderlBC ralaa. sad there'
are seareeljr'a doeeo haUdiairt ieft
DevastattoB aad DeMUttoa.
Aimt twaatp resorton are ^^aalad
at Tiarafse Baaeh aarlp asst week.
Tha teetorp af V. a A. Pawrtpl wDl
atoaa all dap Moadap to allow tha bbptopaeaboUdap.
Mtos Jaaaia
of this altp was tb#
winnsc la the ladlaa- toepels
Korthport paatardap aftarwm.
The Baaaah Blflaa daeidad last night
not to go to Maalstoa Moadap. oa aepf the abort ttma allowad for
Jadglag bp.tha arowds oa the atreetr
last anaiag to waa hard to nsUm that
aarera) haadrad hadgoaa to Balgbbo^
Ug eiUea to taka id tin rartoM oalabraUona.
ThaasMraion train (orMi
tha M. A K. E will laara promptip at
« a'etoek. As thara will be a large
erowd ararp one tatoadlag toga ahoald
Tbe membera of the WomaBh Cemeterp iBproremeat Aseoolathwi eer*ed
toe oreaa sad eake pMterdap aftorta plaoa af boMlag thalr naaal
Satofdap markst. A aaat
______ tortalnmaat rieea bp Mn. J.
B. MarUa Pridap aiglA aadar tha
ptoes of the T. P. 8. C. E. was a great
Mn. MarUa was at bar .beat.
C. 0. Tornar waa preseat aad raepondad to a reqobaV for oae or two aeleooaa.
Ererp a
etorp las|
^aeeted to attead a maetiag to be bald
is tha Ladtoi' Llbrarp parlort atCW
ohloek Toeadap aftoraoaa. At tok
time the dlrlslon anpm
be elected and it U w
that all BMBbars attead.
Tha Berlawof Bariawa for Jalp gtraa
a langthp writo-ap of Oanlladet Col
lege. loeatod at WaahiagWa. O. C., and
the foreaoat lai^wUoa ot leaialag for
the deaf la the ooantrp.
UlnetiaUoaa k a groop portrait of the
Editorial board of tha eoU««a ma
tine, tha Baff aad Bine, oontalnlag
of Mka Jooephiae
Tltna 6t Uik ei^. who. alU
HUSTLEHS WON. I What Do You Want?
wew^ wt.^ka^taw ftswk .
BoU Taama Bat Vp a flharp Oama
Oharaetarkkd bp Good Team Work
•a BoU fliilaa-OIaasoa of MaatotM
•aorad a Ecbm Eaa.
apsrtol it> Iks karstaf BwerA
Manktoa, Jolp (.-Good pitching bp
WaUdaa at eritloal polntt: good, esen
hlttlag and elaaa. ah^ fielding bp tha
Bnatlata srare Ua faatarea of todapk
game. Tbe Manktoa team alao fielded
srell. and In Ue nnaber of hits equaled
the HnsUara. bnl ware anabla to bnneh.
Uem. The prisa faatarea ware In tha
Uird Inkiag. Glaaaon made a home
raa. WaUtoa atraek ont Baaaa, Mag
ana and Einmaad alnglad, Thomsoa
got hk baaa OB Ulla. thaa Watkliu re
tired Ue ridA striking oat Ue next
tsro man.
Ball bit bard, ha asjda tsro baaa hlla.
alao a two-baaa hit Whaelar aad Nosotap alao Ul hard. Bot atops bp
Adame aad Parka srare othar good fcataraa There sraa good tsam srork asd
baaa ranaing bp Ue eaUre team. Tiebald plapad srslL PoUowtag b tha
sbptaptlaga: .
Bnstlart........ (otiios 0—10 t(
Maaktea........ otiioooo—4it
BaUeriaa—Maaktoa, Berks, Qaina
aad Klnmond: BasUara. Watkins aad
Bank Attoadaada. 600.
laadaoma Phaataa Eada bp P. A A.
>ataajl (or Dr. t. D. Xanaoa.
V. A A. ^taripl dallTsied paatardap
to Dr. Muaaoa. aaperlntokdaat of tha
aipiam, asa of Ua handaoiaaat om
aaemaTardriseaoatbastieaUof Trar• dtp. ItkafiaaaxtaafioD-toppbaatoa, cooairaetod aooordiag to ap^
order, aad k a ereditaUa prodaet Sf
Qaeen dtp maanfaetorp; and damoaatrawa thin it k not aaeemarp to go
ip troB boesa (or a firat-otaas job of
that aatara.
Plrasrorka and 1
Fiseoralx haadrad pf tha paUaaU
atUbujlBBsajopad th^ FoarU of
Jolp oelebratlon last ai^k
X. O. EEtnOV lOAO.
gaUaradon Ue big Usrn aooa afisr
•appar aad as it grew dark sratohad a
Ao Mnmad Baal^aBt of Laalaaan
flnediapUp of flraworka. attar which
T. C. Britton, a waU-kaowa
The rillac* to S' aoeae of daaolaUon
aad It to doabtfnl If tooae who aaVed
C Buebner. drapBaa....................
their bodies wUl be able to oare tor tbe
W. L flabbalar. raaideBa. aid
oatartaaataa nnUl other prortoion can
be Bade, tboncb ererp remaialiic Prank 8t. Clair, raa. aad tarn.. 1.(00
boBie to opes aad ererp eSort belsc.
dapa at Ue Cltp Boc
made to shelter aod eare (or the wo
mb aad childrea.
bad aafferad intaaselp (or a long lime
Prompt Aid Prom Trareree Oltp.
(romanabeaas lo bk bead, aad death
Tbe prompt reepooM from Trarene John Psainctoa. “
eama u a ralaaae rather than a terror.
OltpbroQCfat toe etoam fire eacloe and E C. Labe, toraltare.................
Ua Stas 44 peart old/aad leases a irife.
twentp membera of toe department; (ieo. Law. rea aad foraitara___
a poang daoghtor aod Uree eons. Be
troBtoatdCp. Wbaa toe mnoh Bead-: N. Canalarham, ree. and'fora .
staa a member of Tntera Citp teat.
Ugbl abada Taa Shoes, lit
ed tU arrired. tbe men whe bad beea IjlUtoii Shlpmaa. tea. aad tarn..
airs at half price, ladles' aad
No. 671. E. O. T. M-. aad fnaeral i
d^tlBC dra with all thalr atraactb [Wia. Habblar, dwalllac..............
saUamU's ahoea
loaa srill ba bald at his home aadar Ueir
ware aearip worn oat, bat toap ware I Joe Barrp. ta^tare.....................
aaaplaas Moadap aoratng at ll okloek,
rerir^ bp the arriral of traab aad af- {Wm Baber, foraltura..................
Bar. D. CocU'ia offiriaUag.
feetire help.
| Mrs. Past. dwaUlnf......................
The funeral arrangrBants are is
■ Wb. Petaraoa. famttara..............
I „„
eharge of W. E Aadwaon. aad lateramat sriU taka plaoa ia Oakwood csbThe mtnen were actire with the mear Wm. Halaaa; dwelUac................
la andAroring to atop the raragae of'OraUUbai
gand fan.
tha flamaa, bat bnotoa aSorta ware nae-1 Chas Ckrap.
laaa. Tbe town borned like eo Boeh D. 8. Thimias.
tladar. eren remote dweUlags la the i Pnnk Frink,
oaiakirta going np In the geaaral d<
Itp of aaoka and flaise.
Efforts to exUagnlab the flansea eat
ing thalr wap throagk.the bnUdlnga
arlth borriUa tarodtp bdag naelen at- Mn Hoghaa. faraitara................
toationwas taraad toward.remorlag Goat Sh^hl
ooq^to. Boaaa hoaaahold fareltnra
was remorad. bat atooks of goods went Banrp Sehaaider, dwelUag.
with the rtaV
OaorgeTplar, faraitara........
Whaa the TraTarea Cltp
Wai.Catep:AwalUag...i ..........
arrired tha shlagla asIU aad hoop IA1 Carep. ^aUinJ.
faetorp was ttoraatoaed. aad a mass of | Bea "
raging flra -Was atoadllp eraapAag
Besides theis. isap eBsll-famOles
toward tha Inmbar paid, which eon- lost ararpthlng. s
talaad aereral bnadred thonraad feat. inaAmntato. io the bnslnem parUon.
Wtiee the smoke began to elaar swap
Whan the apeeial train bearing tta
aoaAwbat tha daaUtoto oaaa bagaa to
•■glna aad flraman from Traraine
-aatmodthepallof amoka the aplrita <d look aboat for ahaltor for Ue atgbt.
thsdltooaTs^aBd aatonnato ones tThat .goods had been eared watt
s- .' anas aad hopes of aarlng what re--letoMfl Ila tbe ehareh. aohaoP-hoasa.
Itraiialrad bat a taw mom pats to | aad Uoaa haring ahaltor haataned to_
dozeoB of «Tery kind of rebtira
that mas' u betr to.
We Hive Tliein AIL
The popolar aathora is paper oorerad DOT8l»-rHol|Bcfi
oa-Hardp-Bead-MarUtt. Etc. A due lotto i»ck frtnfit
Get Aboard I
Don’t 3liss These Bargains.
PofiitiTkly tb« UggMt yon wUl
yonr. My gront Jnly Olonmnok SbIa I will qnote a few
prioee that are bai^ains, bot <pace is • too ej:peanre to quote
one ont of erery hundred. A good Lonhge, wall mad*, foil
•pring, StBO. A good Orach, fall apring, te.5a- A good
Gooch, corduroy, 36 sprisga. 6A0. I will pwitirriT rail bnt 4
of these at this price. A good Urge 8-jneoa Bfldrooo Suit,
Urge glM patent carto«.fOT 11.76, A fine U»e 8^^ Sait,
patent doat-proof dnwera, patent castora, for 18^ A fine 6Piece Parior Bait, beet
nlk bands, spring edge, 22.00,
Lar» high beck Dining Cbaira, solid oak, 1^
Bwkera from 95c. np, Iron Bedsteads from 3J6 up. Polished
oak combination Book Cases from 4AO np. We haven’t many
of these, bot what we have most be sold
July 15th. So
those that come early will be b^py and tboee that mUa this
Bale will always regret it
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
i»w raorr enaR. taAvnar’cTTr.
Your Choice
OP THE Moerr selbct
piceiho of—
Fine Shirt TYaists
. si.u
■ SM9
Broken assortments of sixes is the only reason for these
cuts in prices on desirable goods. Come promptly.
E X.. A. rtoarishlng.
Tha qoartorlp aaitlog of U* !•- I<i. staa held la the Ubraip rooau
tordap afteraooa. The raporttof.
oars showed Ua aorietp to ha ia ttt
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, aod Clothing House.
Oao. Lardia Bagtas
Oao- lerdia shipped a car ofatrawberriaa, 400 eratop. to Chicago paatardap
afternoon, and expaeta to ship at laaat
aearadapaaxt weak. The Chloage
aiarket staa stronger paatardap,
Ua iadleatloaa point tobatur prxaa
next weak, as Ue anp^p for that aitp
Tha barriaa baraare Ua
la MIehlgaaakd
Una k an abnndaaaa of Uem.
Kr. Idceomb'a EwAeoountoof ■'fraalcs'‘ara i
bat C. A- EdgaaOBb Ulaka be has Ua
baatar. Oa hk ratara from lodge FVi•as Aged Ttotim.
dap Bight ha staa aorprkad at hearing
Mn Maawn aged M pears, mother an aaMaal sound la tha hanaoop. Oa
of Mn HarT> Bakcr.loet her life iaUe insaattgaUng be Ulaeorerad a ban. oae
of the Btald. motharlp kind. Uat had
fire. . She emaped oaee from her b
lag dsrelling. bat retaraed after i
raised anieU. when Ue sraUs Ml la bnaUpaagagadls awaatlp anaaadlng
and the staa cremated. sriUoet aap bar Mmpaaloas. Like Banqno’s ghost,
effort to aara bar Ufe being pomlbla. aha sroald aot dosrn until bbraong sraa
laded. Mr. Edgeoomb Ulnki d
Mn Mastan srasfornMrip of Wexford,
aad Ua flrat poatmbtressof Uat plaoa, aetUag bar agga aad rtdriag a concert
U waa rumored Uat oUeia srare troop of heaa,-assheUoerMalperara
bnraed. but aarefal laqnlrp «dn»«i to avis.
raraal aap tartber tataliw- TtaoaaraBXOX»m FEOE TO*flrV.
portod Bkalag srare aftorsrard ^d
all safe.
VeartpEOO Vent to ▼artaat Oele■eanMp of Food.
■ A sraU-orgaalaad fores maaaed Ue
boae liaaa, and aooa ten haarp atreama
sran poarlag law the Bares flamaa
whleh UraatoMd to oeasama o^- Ulng that ramdaad.
After a haM-hoark hard stark Ua
flamaa at the pdata maatlonad wen
•kdar ooatrol. It staa aaeaaaarp to ran
•M line of hoae along Ua shore among
daha, timber aad BkeeUaaeoaalafflbar
ataek. bat the anargatle woric of tha
■man staa aSaetlre aad showed go^ reaalta
TUenetcaato of the holoaaast k
aetkaewa, bat it ia Uoagtttohatn, Haarfp aU artklm of food ia Ue
mifflaatad from » apark from Ua tag HtB were totdlp deatroped. aU that
; .-memedtathaabon aaar Ue faetorp. sraaaraUabaa hsiag trem Ue (aarilp
AaotharUaoiT k Uatitoriginatod ia etbcwof IbemenioriaBate. Artea^
-ahaa^riMteoasof UaBllL nrastaa
ta Stan Cpaap- ■ada to hataa
aapplT bnaght Irak Traraaa CStp.
lOaatiaaadoM (ad pops.)
/For Fatiier, For Mothw.
Sifiter, For Brother.
iFor your Unde. Cousin
„..A BOOK )For
(or your Aunt.
tha shore of Ue lake, Jest
faeta^. and bat flra minataa to auA
Nearlp600TrenM Oltppeopiek
In tha rartoat aalabnttoaa Taatacd
no to NorUport and Orttoki Bap.
Maap man are pfaiaidNr bo Uka Is Ua
fan at Maaktea tadapaad touwiuw.
64 pairs ladka'Pla
Basor Toes. Baad-------- - .
Tope. A. R aod C. 84.66 a
As represented.
sackofottr---- ^
76 pairs Oxfords, fMmer pries
t1.(6. (1.60, «i.7S aod fit. Oar
petoa 81.00 to oloaa oak
riour is just what we say
it is or no sale.
Maab Patent Leather end BaaaoU. former nctom $5 aad 86,.
to ulnae oat at 8I.00.
86 palra Mob's ^mh earp
atpl& SUppem. tonaar 8Lts
goods gDlBg at 6la
47 pain iadiae' BtaiU aad Taa
price 86, alaalag oat pitoe «t.
Ladies’ Tan Oxfords:.
iwn.S5. iiao u>d t:.oo sioi
Kakk Vo XtatfikE
Tbfi Original.
W« urns Tea mhss Fne » BnaM <» tm
New Un if lifiiR’ iri ChiMm’s SkMs,
Til, Emi ul RlwL
Tea Caa Alwan Pa Bl*Taa>—
- fo eajoy foaeela.
T. B*"« >*®
the crowd who -waat to Kaabtoe fob motBfog waa rmkBalda-
>lim.W.'C BbU
MoMagM foe tokfog fo foa •
J. w. B*»**». £diw m4 Itotfr. ilia. Buaa baa goM to -CterleTefo
for a eWt with foa fomUy ot bar
Barry Batftha.
■U MBtk*. hj Uil.
e An»
«»M Tr»TerM Utj
Mr.aadlfaB. 9. Lao Xymer of Orasd
B^foaarefofoadty oafoair way to
thatmrfoera reearla.
Tracy OlUb toc^i pity oa foe heatod
ooBdlifoB Of foa BsetUn today aad
wwt aloag to “faa.’'
Kba BdHh BaUaid tfoaiwri to MaatoB yeaterday'after a iliiwai rWi
with Itra. E. a Oomptem
Mr. aad Mrs 3a^ Mcrgia ot ChF
eago hare anfead far foair aaaaal I
mar Tbit at Park Plaoa.
Prof, had Mra. B.H.Bydcr west to
MarfoaU today far a ebb hafoto gpfog
to tbdr aew hOM at Plyamoth.
Mrs. A. D. 6toart of P«»oam hha heea
apaadlag a abort tima is foa dty. the
gaaat of Bee. aad Mn. £. Babbitry.
Mbs Agaea BchhaU qwbV Friday
Bight la foe dty. the gneet of Mra. 3.
S. Grdlifo, ea her way titos Waltoa
to nMoe the fire which wh
MR7ii« «g«»We proiwrty w« Ml
wHh TMly reeponee ud ft dfttftfl of
fire fifibten wu dtopftfteh•dinaTnecm Clij to deader whftt
eee would permit- The
*»aJtUftppreci*ted»v UkftAupac»
CtV «r* taddlm
«,rk«l with the iftMlBtonftt ftadfeaMn. 3. V. Malatofo waat to MaabWChfttthcy would dteplftr U thftlr toe today for a abort Tbit. Bermefowho has heea bar gomt for amaa
•wft property w»» Ift dewgar.
•Ihltpftrtef itie»Urtfbtft®ajwtftft tfM alee ratanad toMaabfoc today.
Hfthouldhe. JB8tft»Tr*ewCatyftlMbi Alba Bohmto retaracd laat
emjft does for thoM in dlcMm. But it .Igkt foapi PhPadaiphbnWhara aba baa
bwotftll thftt i* icqftired. Scare* of
g frcmfoa^ioad StioatCea_ jdeprlredof theftctftftl Bftomdttftc aaroatotyof Mmdetodi
Mba Barriat Bogardaa. wbo haa
•( Ufft. They will entfer for '
Md prectieftl ehftriV ift bftrft dp- •peal eeveral weeka to TtaveiM ayy
fareeeeral jeaaoaa. arrirad toat aighl
from Andaloa. Wb., oa her way to
iMt Bight will ftopply «P«W
•Me*, bftt ftftore cofttrihBtfM ed b ft»V Bay Viw. where aha wQl apead the
Bfttax* ftre WBBtad. To the aammel with her mafom aad dater.
«ppoftl for help TrftTcoM a<y will eome They hare beaad foa eottaga of Mn. 3.
•^Ip to the front ftod reUcoe the ftiif* W. Jarria.________________ _
forlagft of mftay. Other lewu will do
Bh*«im, hot it fthoBld he horM in
MlBdltetfteTeDtyfive^alUeeftre de
lved ei honeft.! food, efofthl^. ftad
TrSTarpa City Fircmaa.
•MpfoTBteftt-l* Eectyowe who ha*
Memben of foe Traveree City Fire
, ftsd meBBft tot
Departiaeat workad like Ugera. The
UroUhood esB eperc b Uttt*.
ea^ae wm manned by AeUag (tobf
Falgham. A. B. WaterhaZy and Ed.
Bardy. Mr. Falgham aad 3. FT. MilUwUla«e of Uke Abb. who will eM timt kea dlroetod foe werktag farea.
they ftre Jodieiouftly dlattthated. WhOe rtoaoe and a perfect tyatem caahlad
perfaet work, aad to the <foeee dty
there it bo fnlly
b doe the aarteg of foe remeat yet cfttobllshed the M<«m BboCBO hfti proBlfted to rwetea BT«7thiB| malclag toetery, aereral dareUiaga aad
U of doUan' worth of ralaable
that may eome from the gweroaity o
TiBTerm City ^ple. aad all ftheh aid lamber, alao ether property.
The firoBaeo were aerred with coffee
will be taraed orer to the proper.oom
mittee for | dUuibnlioe to relleee by ladba wbo made every cffbrt to
lightoafoclabonof the
The Wibot foe raOitad tnek were
twbted to all aerto of ahapea to foe
Uering foe seedy i
oaater of foe town, bet a aeetba gang
thift terrier dleaater.
from Travme City waa pet at work at
Boa. PXftunr Hax.na icBoaired adrieei oaee getting foe track in abape for foa
jaelerday from Wa
pamage of traiaa.
« eat OB whiteylae daty from two
Xaparaace Tety Light
doUafft to ose dollar waa doe to the
' Tha iaanraaee waa axtremely light
»haeoee of tome of foe
eonalderiag foe valae of foe property
•tor*. The oppoaitieo took adeaatage
deatroyed. Wm. Babbler carried only
•t fob BBd voted for a rodseiloB ia the
fSSOO; Pntaam A Boraett. gnoo; Geo.
daty to eae dollar. SeBator Bnrrowi
Colemaa, SitsO; Mf. Tyler. MOO
iaooofidast'foe matter «rill be adjafttThere were other email amonnla. bat
foo MflCffttc wIU not reach aoore foa
mlUee of foe opper and lower ho
glO.000, if that moeh.
There b a proftpeet bow of a oomproTaare VIU Be Littb BeboUdtog.
It it not probahb ttet there will he
maeh'huildiag fob aammer. thoogh a
BXPUTT Oil. un
few will begis Immedbtcly to replace
Befog Xatertaised By Vnak Vrted' their loaaen. 8. S. Barnett
to the BneoPD that be would erect
•onof aatraetnreaionee. Othen
Vrrak Friedrich b hwy
» foe deputy oil iDspectora of the etato,
Mr. Habblv b act yat abb to
The IMlowtog arrived laat alght;
Jaat what he wUl do, bnt he Will
ably amnge to eonbace to
hoop faetary.
n aftor foe fire gained headway.
I ofiea hetog
OMoffoe fltai ftroclurea deatroyed.
AU the inforiBatba received to ^vCity wae by foe
train, whbh carried foe finenglne aad
Baton foe evening tnla arrived
£. Withey. Maabim; F. L. Baldwin.
Moabing: C. A. Inganoo. Ornyling; froto Maabtee maay ehOdna begaa to
Charlea Befawaaebeek. New Bavea.
aaeltod aad worried mefoera and
To^y Mr. Friedrbk will give foe
party a ride on bb yafot, foe Haaea & tofoara wen frequent. The ladba
FtograeJr.,andadlnBaa at Re-ab-to- whoae hoatea had baaa apand did
Wanta. On Monday boatoM will oo- they oonld to mn for foe UtUe
«enpy foe attention of the yentbovu^ hot it wae little they eonld do natal
aad oa Tneeday fooec who rboato will help eoold be aaearad tram Tcavaraa
he gIvM a heal ride to Lebbd oa foe Otyaod other potota. Tha Ttaverec
Lady Watta " aad a dtoaer foarc^ City boalacaa men AfMal aaw foe
citoatbn at a glaaoa and made imMr. Frledrbb
The party wore }otoed>«t wight by
Oov. tHagree'a privau beeretary. MaJ. ooce from thera.
Willard K. Boah. wi^~Ab wife and
daaghtor. who will apend ao^ tiam at
▲ Faarily Farty.
Dr. and Mr*. E. L. Aahtoa antortatoed rebUvea to foe somber of twenty
to a moat hoapiuhb -maaaer ]
Mlm Baalga w«t to Maalatae fob afteraoeo at thalr pleaaaat
hmelathe grave Bear .WayM street.
Mba Marba Boberto haa ntaned A Am dbtOay ot flrewerke made a fitMag rioae to the aabymeat.
-Crorn Ann Arbor.
P. C. Oilbert and family an eajoytog
a Tbit at Cryatal Inke.
J. W. Patekto dellvorad the Foerfo
of July oration at
Mba UooKer, who hM baam toCUeage vialttog friaada retorasd daat
Oaaar Bemaa wiU apead Mcaday with
>ra. Bemaa and ehildraa at
FtetidiBg Eldar J. A. 11^ of OrahA
L O. a r ImtoUattea.
Tha Mlowiag offbma have haea toBta'bd by foe 1 O. u. F. ot fob ei^:
C. P.—Jooeph Booa.
S. W->-Vm. D. SoUbtor.
Earihe E.E. Daria.
Thaaiarp d. B. Browa.
faW. IMtoaBlatotamg.
Btoitda riMtod Eev. B. Ahbhary fh» Bepnaaifattve to Oraad laSai
toat ■C^gbaA.Mdgeomb.
rtk KOBWTOMrtwiiCroroWvirpiiT 4, tw.
dlyluw km km pai la aa
The Pure
Fruit Juice
ik 1^ A»ktM Ba. M, u<
UJepfokte ffa iti. fi tt BiMellf
tii IM,
man amiwsmb rmoKPCLT. Beaeh.^taon H». tit, foX. kamb
•aeed TahwhU Prepare at Lake Bo-Ha.
Aaa-*pedal TraW Ohnfod Bagtaa,
Mora Oart aad Pimmb to foe
SoeM ot foe OeeflagreHim
la what we Savor ow.Jada Syrvps wttfc.
Wcdonca tmmwm movfoaMMs, A
55£S«E”“"' '
•raatod by X«a«^’ paMkaUM at
FUtytoar BifoBtMl
Traeeraa Baaeh b saw atlb kaat.atl
That waa foe tb^yrktek, elapeed af
ter foa fire aeglaa
aeglae 1^
M foa jOam
Cam aaWeat TraeafM Oty yoaag paopta wiU ha*a
to aajoy ib altraaeagiaa booaa, hafora s^
poarlag apon tloea aad ^raatagm. Laadlord Dei
teadorf b prepaifog to make It aaeaafoa dbbaetiTe flaaaca wkhsb
atroylag foa graatar porfom of Laka any plemaat for partlm foam TrarwM
Oty. aad ermyoae who fom thera will
of a eordbl weieon BveryTha tima woald hare baaa ats aalaBtaalmahad mot two atopa haea aa- CM b waboma thera at aUtUMa,aad
oaadtatad oa aeeoaal of koteeeaabrlcs. the freedom of foa groaada and kotol
The ftret eight mllaa ware made in Will ha ooa of the apedal advaatagaa.
aU miaatoa, bet aftor. foe hot hosea Batiaordar to aaabla dty paopla'to
-Xs aeUing cbeapar tlufo arer
beoame maaifoat it waa aeemmtry to folly aaioy thalr vbtta apaoial arraageDOW. EtrarTthiBg ia tba store
manu are aiada for aatarwOalac pareaae ap a little
Tha fire at Lake Asa broke oat at tim os Taeadaya and Fridaya. wbaa
eat half In two. If fOD «ver
I JOo'elodt; ahortly afterward Mayor tha Tormadaa aad parioti will ha at tha
boagbf cheap JOB caadoitoow.
Saaifo reedrad aa appeal for aid from di^oaal of Tbitora tor dasdag. Thb
approfob dty. Tbet«^OBeawaa<}alck.asd
dated by eedety peopb ot foe dW. aad
doaeaaof dUaaaa algalfiad aa eag
togoto lake Aaa aad aaBbt ia foe geweroeity of Laadlord Ddfeadorf
vriU eaahb bicycle partba to eprad
l;htiag the Are dghteaa mUaa away.
The fire eagiaa aad two hoae carta many a jdly evaatag foara daring the
ware at omoo roahad to tha M. A B. E—WB BAYS MADEfreight hooae whare a fiat ear waa
Amvoree foty Teat Mo. B7X.
hroeght iatd’ raqnealtkm aad the aaAll manhan an reqaaatod to meat
gtoe loadad to a tow moaaaata.
at McNamara hall at IKWp.rn.fo
glne No. 4 waa attached and maaaed
Let «• make aome for you.
day aftaraooo. Tha Moiban of
by Bagiaeer Johaaaltor aad Fboctaa
sda BI*a^Ne. Ml. an abo rvqaaetThe train atartod at
adtomaatatthaaametiaaa. Toboiy M.PBOLLEY.Mrr.
t-.M to eharge-af Coaductar Blgglar
daenaad hrofosr. T. C. Britten.
aad it waa aooa apeedtog to foe
By order of Cammaadw.
^kuttM Stewa or Booatp pw tb..»to 4a
Tbereeeatog party waa la ehi
T. 3. Boct.
aottof chief ^hmm aad J. W. MiUiVoalSteweorBoaatPFcr lh....»t»Aa
kto. ^a foUowing
L: j
farea who aeeompaabd foa a^toc:
Jobe Veriy. M. E. BaakaU. .Cbaa. WUEXCUBUON TO PORTLAND. ME.
Mom. par Ih...............UtaUnr^
helm. Dr. JmXina Wilhelm. J. N. Mar.
Oa Joly lOfo foe C. A w. M. and D..
ttoak. Jea. OarUad. Jaa. Morfob. Ed. G. R. AW. Uace will eell tbbeb to
Began. B. Wbehpawaki. Ed. Hardy. Fortlaad. Ma.aad retara. vb & P. Ry.
Arthor Dcppraa, 8dl Bama. J. W. CUff. aad o. T..Hy. at the bwaet--------- H. W. Cnaatogham. J. C Mcrgpa. A. made for each as oeeaaloa Tbkeu
will be good to rotora aatil Jaly Slat.
ary. J. 3. Bakar. Dr. U<
U. 3. Wcatharwu. They Pohorai.
Whan foa apaebl arrived at Uke
AiiB foa paopb wen. almcat pahb
■trlckon aad it aaemed^ thoogh foa
Thon willhc a e
catin riliagc waa to W awapt oot ot the Qty Opera Boaaa Monday aighv to
alateaee. Tha Tnverw Oty firemea whbh foe pohlb b tov^.glveahy
W. Belm'a oreheetra. A good ttoie b
with commeadahb oootaem aad preebioa tmaodbUiy hagan work
earawC Only a tow a
qolred to tnaafer foe eegiae to foe
tnbiBMti iii ShM( Ink i( iD ttk.
bkeahore. Jaat wmt ot the horning,
mill aad coopanga atoek. A team waa
fonad at oaoa aad foa eagiaa hauled to
tbeahanaad pboed upon aa Improvb.TORONTO. OKT.
dock of abba. Eagtoear Falgham bat
•vwtoneanaitetaelaei ifte* ran
Epworfo Leagne lateraatbsal Ocmnqta momeat aad effective atnama vaatioa. One ton for round trip. Sell
wen doiag good work ia a
Imlt. tilh.
PMeli, The Han Hillinef
120 Front Stroet
Friedrich Block.
3368 Frames Holiday
Take Lessons
Murtaugh’s Academy.
Demail to cm TBdi|.
Tha mea worked w
Camp Maatlag and Amembly.
man. aad Lobe Anab hoaiama
ton for raoad trip. Sell Joly U b
eltiaeoavtolt relieved whoa
RetaraI limit, Aagoet Si.
ceUeaUT organlaed force went to work.
They bbored like tigera aad their
National EepohUcaa Leagne
rly began to ahow aattobo. One ton for mad tn
factory naolta, while tha eagtoe
workad Ilka a charm aad threw atnama
whbh atayed the fait
Baptbt YoaagJbopleh Ualon'Meetinr. One fan for raoad trip. SeU
To fob department can be credited Jaly to. H and M. ^bnmUmtv^ly
czuadcd toAngaat
the mring of
worth of tomher. aad all the dwelliaga
on the woataide «f foa track aea
^worfoLcagaeAaacmWy. One fa
center of the viUag*.
for fhaad trip. SeU July to to S9. X
Laat evaaing before ntoraiag
home of Adam Shlria, who capplled
UaveUtog Loeraa Moneeaeak Ooe
food aad ooffae and cooling beveragea. fan for rooad trip Sail Joly SI. R»
Everyoae la tha pboe ahowed foe mofo toip Umlt, Jaiy t& .
nable property. •
aad foe tod death ot the
Mra. Maaton eaet a gloMt oeer foe
whole plaec.
Tbeafteraooa train from Maabtee
sacked Lake Aaa ahoot 7:U>. joft aft
er the arrival of the ootgotog trato
from Traveree City. Owing to foe dam
age to foe tncka the tnine
tale to pace, hot ahoot e:l5
waa b abape tor tratoe to run all right.
The trato dee here at «:U p.- m.
reached hen ebortly aftar fiito.
Senator Uvorge u. Oovall. T. T. Batae,
end J. W. Baaiien at onee narted
a movement to aecnn a qaanthy
of anpp^Iea |or the needy who
wen deprived of everyfotog, ei
wbo had BOt yet eloaad their atorea
wen met with nady naponaea. aad
many eontribitbna of
mada Whan acvaial barreU of eraek•ra. a tew hundred loavee of breed, and
a large qoanUty of mboeUanoooa aop
pUea had baaa gatberod together they
won plaeed ebovd the trato. which at
OBoa polled oot for Imke Ana. la charge
of Ocodnetor Mclntoeh, haring cm
hoard a larga aambar of eittoon* who
went to view foe aeaae of foe eonflagraUan.
Ofom eontribetiou of food, heddtog.
etc., will be e>Ueoted fob mwatog and
cast dowB on foa encento train
whltoi bavea at B:M.
About 10 o'clock laat night tha fin
had boos oomptotaly aabdead, ao tor aa
farther daagw e
1-to rwtaaa. Tha antin parky «d^ a
the apeetol ahoot eaUaigfat.
Tha aopplbi tmdowBw
lagp aaid wm dbt
Por« OrsMtt Tartar,
The Recowizeil tinlirs
la t and loe. Cigan an my
Fan to KaabtM Foly 8,4 and 8.
The M. A N. E. R. S. Co. will tail
tieketo to Maabfoa aad retara Joly I.
4 and tfo. at 81-tO. Umltad to rwtora
Joly Ofo,. the Sunday unto aa ueual at
SLOO llmitad to dM. Daaal cm ton
rate to aU potota to MUh^an.
FTa. Mmmnx. O. P. Agt.
H. W. CimmiaBaM, Agk
Fourth of July Mates.
« ueual. betwecB
all etottons oa July t. 4 aad i at ana
way fan for round tnp. AU g^ to
*- and evrry ktod of- —
li Bloon— i
Tdbacco All
Colors Oolr lie. perdos
alwaja to stock.
. jily
Jnly-tfo-lMve Tm
Tha Fifth at Elk Bapida.
Ob foe aiaht of the Fifth of July, at
-10 o'ebek. a apeeial trato wUl leave for
Traveree City on the C. A W. M. to ae-
At Qnr
Soda Fountain
■. A M. S. Iraiss Joly S. 4 sed S.
Saturday. July td->Leava Tnvarae
City 0:33 aM.. 3:40 p m.
Sunday. Joly 4th—Leava Traveraa
CltT 4:00 a. m.. 3:30 a. m.. »;U a. «
Oa Sntorday, Joly td. ^eetol
win leave for Fobeb at MO a. m.. ...
aectlng with boat for Lelaad. whan
then will he a ealctantba.
(m4 Pm»v Bnkiac Peveor. W rva weal ee to.
Mk«u.apoetoabraiJD. Eetoer otinbi.
«ebtor Tamng. *n 1i—. Weaw SMini tfetoUtn4 <w two r«*rk.i reeMMa anbcto,
aumr Irtnaii Term flretow, end AMwitote.
GlTMflM aed Wnto Beml LoUae be toe
Anmlnend. PW. BAatlMOS W
sourasoiaEiiNsonB a
-Watch Repairing.
-Front Street.
Fire Insurance.
Do You Know
3JS4eU K.A.'WOJa.
Olty S.W. Oo.
O. F. OAMTBM. Agawl.
If You Have togs to Sell
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of all >
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, CarriageSg ^
and'Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Livery, Bus and Feed Stable...
Pw<U«e bmm koi". • WecUltj. Hone, hnd^^
Stmt. at. woat of
Flfk mod Hold.
B. j.xoeajjr.rioA
£mqu«v* of JSo United Mino
itda a««(m*Uer An
•n klada
•4TM1It>c« la ««rk A*t «
, t^wht fb* eaw* ot t»«
In, DO
Oemodiofthr OaltaA War Workm. •
SsMM Hew To Bs Hsid by ths
tan ih. orte vni I
by the CnaM of A* Mo* Bb
ally la OotaooM A p^rel *■ Braiy Baad
—WayCp BrMite In Paaey V
tli» Kow* (• laMHM
niHiU ITiaAnW—•>.
Coitfabaa. O.. JsU' I —Tb* Mitkc baa
5 M«a ort*r«l. Tbo n»*» tta* oromK
hva\ UnRod Ulo* Worker oOdal* hare-^been deeltrlnc not Ukdjr to cone oS
baa eoDM off. TeMr«a|'‘ta« aarioaal
oucative board-aiM (be word that It U
Raised will aakt maflF <0^00* am
Idi* br ftvlDS oat an order Mr all tta
amber* tH tbe United. Him Worker*
to na*e woA ooiU A* Coiumbu* acale
> la eoiMKded br tbe amnioyer*.
daoe of tbe order la: -TO manre *oecew vreat care Aoald be exercUed by
• aU that no breaeb o< tbe peace oeeora
at nay tUne or place, or uod« any «lr.
enmataneea. BalleUae wUI be ieaued
*rom Unit to ilaae to keep yoa Inform-^
Of tbe proffroH of *ffnh»-“ Tbe natloa-
Pearce eecr . .
Biffned to ibe order.
Coal OpukTeee Are KM Wee*yti«.
daly f
Alton. Ilia. .Jniy l-Tke Qraftoa
Qaerry eampony. apenUnff Nla«*ra
UmeMcne onarrte* at Orafton, baa r*.
dnc«9 wasei tron n.M to «!.» per day.
and Ae entire qBarry force haa coae oat
on a atHke. Tbe qnarry la tbe Wffffaat
IndBMiT ot -tbe town and a cootlna^
Atrlke'wtU tnakr tlmea cxccedlndy
ltal»«ka «ona>
ty and Pint dlttrlci attaiera trill pot be
aSeeted bytbeatrike.
arire. former Ooremor Botee haa fflvM
to tb* prera a atoned auiement aowe t..
m *Mvd* in lencth. la reply to tb* at-
— - ■ • ------
morrow to decide whether a atrfke ebaU
be Inaoeurated In tbia dtttltct or not.
Tbe circular crwiialna only a reooBmendatlon of tbe otBctol* of tbe OnltM
Mine Worker*. If It to decMed to ewflM
1 wlU de aU in my poww to make It
fenaml." A number Ot operator* were
aaen durinff A* day b«l none awmiud
to be worrylito over A* probahUlty of a
atrtke. They ar* of A* opAion that a
jtrtk* at Ala lime cannot-be mad* een><ef*l. Seme aay they wUl pay the ad-yance. and can do *o and make money
proTtded the maidfity of the mlnee ar*
eteed. Tb* mlberf leader* IwHere. hfiw*yer, that tf tb* conrenilon order* i
■trike they will be able to brine
JulyJ A-PT«ald*Bl
c Haute.
Xntotat of dlatrlet Ko. It. United Mine
Worker* of Amertca.oAcl*Uy cmArmed
the new* of a nlnert’ atrike. HU eetlmat*. howe\-er. of tbe number of ran
wbo win be Invcdved to aboal
abeat a tbtrd of tbe estimate aent out
from ColombuA Knltei Mr* tbe object
of the alrtlce U (o clear out Ae raaricei*
and . enable Ae operators to pay IMbk
ware* to Aetr men. Hr dceUrca R la
not a war on operators and Ae mlneta
do not so repard It. They admit, acoordlns to KnlKhl. that the opentora
are not rcaponclble tor tbe preaeni a«trayated condition ct affair*, b
Tte.000 --------
I of
mdnpeo tbto qaartor.
Jnaior a £. wQl bnvwn pstrtotte Mrriea At tbbir meetly at > p B*. Ckflo~ tovitod.
laa endeavor topto at «:1» p. m.
velU be. “Gonaoea^ Pattiott; Wkat
wm Tbdy Dor”
Ibe tomday ovwatof iroepel I
at TM bav« btfped a anaber to Btort
Ae ChitotiAB Ufa. PlcaM iarfto yoar
frleato to tbto meetiac. pprtteiUriy
tboee for whom you are aakiou ate
I die to tb* Dalfad etato* ataiy yea*
l-Tbe Dnk* and ' gf tbe silk Mp|dy .<m hardly
e a BMBto-; Mtetoad. TyitooM tmr alao to daekn
cem fancy drew baU toat ntoW *<: a. «ac^ ntefoba, penally fa«nd
----- and to Bilk, bsytat haen
Droonabtre Honae. Plo^dlRy- It
an exeeptloaaJly brllUanl alfalr. eren. ad team the fayiae* to the Utter trbw
for thU aeaaon of brilllanl aocUl fni*o- tbe am «tt« WMbed or-ertMB tbe DSk'
tioiu. Nearty every royal family in BMB dUnted ttoe aillkto
dtoadoetd iatsaittb
Deke of Deronablr* re-i
re- i SBttofnaob
•u attired t*ce yirb of we *
— «»b<r*««7
—,----- . _
«** *“
Oermany.! mUk ted m* eo ttaU kaown that nay
tbe Eraperoe Charle* V. of Oerraany.
AmoDff the cneati were tbe Prince of
DHiMAorrtoMWnMal wttb byteu
Ibe proMwed
Walea tbe Duke and Onebera of Tbrk.
appropeiau tor tka day aad apeelal
tbe Doke apd Duebea* of Coaaenyht. perlor to tteiUtoattoa by batUar b
lldoeaaot latea tb* aiUk teed
Prtoce Cbariee of Denmark. Prince--------------------------------prayer.
Cbriaitan. PrtoomVicwriaof Scbleawto-I bin. aa hoUlBf oertatoly doaa
HolstrtD. GokM^^^ Hay (tbe After- or «ber eeami eoatatoli« fcatti mUk OalUetd •. ■enhrap. Paste*.
To* an oerdtoUy tortted to woekklp
lew. arabaaaadufVd Waa Hay.
.teoald bare IM laoQtb |teted «Kb
BcMbary. Arthnr Ba'lwir. Mt. Aaauiib,: ate* ateateat ettett. Ibto vMtol at tb* Baptte teunb today. Ei*. E
ar Horaot Pbroob^r; ibe OoemteM of teoald tbn be placte faeide aay
M. BWpbnwoB od Orate Bapide aril
of the Marie wteait TttMl. walar betof pe*red ^ .preach If tbe mORUac. ate S««. i
tha latter anttl it laaebae tbe Ueel cd
tb* milk Pradaa to tbe oveainr ^
, in an EUeabetban ooatuni*; tbe Duka ' thamflh. It to am. weary 'that
- anyteaturtbemeratoff
I m>d Dncbea* of Martboewtok, both In f baldlat reite be tatoed baU a tocb
ttoB tbe bottem «f tbe tettr vattA tor i
Unau XV etyle, tbe Utter
e af tb*
at (ba «
___ y*Ml tt nqntoite.
Tb* ft. T. P. O. at e:!t to tbe parte*
deantoed kboee abotel of tbaeh«Kb.'wUl be Ite by B. WU
SBttl lUdodetato of Ae plan be propoaed.
TbettHipetMkWrf bete.
to five a eeneral Idea of a plan by Mr n?<l .«»»■ C»*ot¥* Cw
whleh eoM and tllVer for aU prmRicai
Bm. ft. M. Btepbiiwna ate Bn. Jaj
parpoae* could be lolKly and equally wRh dlamand craacem* and dlaiiKmd tbto. Wb» the devre* of bant taM been
aura; Lord
■i«» etant
e^rii Cterte* Montarn*. Uord .
>radea vrUl hold aerrtoaa at tbe old
naed a* a redemptK
temel ____i..
msht »_».•_
to be a»Creme. -Lord Stanley. Ltey Mar. tedy i prodao^ tbe v^
bari* of tbe actual c
|T SuOabotrre. tedy DeOrey. A* Marqolal moyedfcoB toeSreendtetmW tekejd Oak Park eoboolkoae* tbto afteraooa
these metala H* then reaAle* Mr plan.
VICO. Lori LaAnt. Marquier ; ixieawd tor baif m bon. Tbe boSUa, or ttlo'ttote.
^ say* that the net r^R
Haoiopcal. Lady Oortmhla Qrabaza.; tmtUae, of mlik matt tbae be Ukea oat
Tbe peopU of Oak Park ate vtoteity
Mra BoAschlld. Comic d* Meovdorf.
tb* water pn nd pwt to a ooU an^ordtoUy tovitod.
Daikam. pereooAtiaff
^ dm oattoa teoald bOI b* lebolUm httd ate Ae Earl
value by etU and Ml'
.t cte^i
1 moved town tbeawatbedto* milk boL,
by tbe eoytTTunefii f«w r*dempU''i> P«r- : nnc PUIlp of S
pooea Tbe plA of tbe Bole* plan la lb* >
tU aatll tb* ttmetoraatog tbemilkhM
Wldem plan
K °>nr
Colonel Po* aaaefted that tbe redemp- ’ Mver before MW a acen* ao ffotjeoua
.Tbto milk may be eatoly twed at ny
Uob of tbe note* la eliber cold or aflyer Tb* room* were tra^fomte RHo a time witbto U bona afin H baa baea
meant rirtuaJly a «uld atandatd tor paradlae of flower*. Ev.Trwbere were
boilad. Brmaaaaof aaetetamydttfey
0 whicb Bole* tAhm ex- clundw and hanks of t>
woflbawaaay* tbai tn a broad end feaioons of elewric ityhA After n Mermcnawr ne toiatnaui^
wirtlrel sen** It means true bimetal- o'clock the Prtoce and Prtneetoof Wale* ter may bo tttted at any ttoia. It to
Ham. Be write*; 'It Is aald further by arrived and were led by A*DuAeas of ; ow Beeamaiy to aaowtato Ae tat^ttaAt author my plan U noi A accord Dmmaabire to • dal* at tb* j^of the „ ^
Peraewaof Iba ooaaampwiA tbe ChkwKo platform. Tliat U true, prtnripel room, where they f^ed the tlv* type ate tine wbo bttoi« to OObBui tb* Chlcexo platform U no Rmc*r. canter of a brilUaot ffroup.
aboald sot St miy
Gea.R. Winnie,
oAtywlae. of any Demoersi In Af Unit- dancini twhlc h was deauliorr). was a
j............ .
>—«»s mart#
A* yertou* character* lad ,
oeM ptoiiiunaeQ.—rv^mr
o of Aeyartou*
ed Bute*. Tb*
Tb* laaor#
made by
by iiiBi
tbal nroewmoo
Instrument have been submitted u tbe , by tbe* Dacbea* of Devonshire.
only tritninsi awtborleed to paaa np«m j
Aem. and Aey have been found A«al
Mte Hlirhsp—It's pofecily wasdal
oa Kew imwar must be mad* tor
lenes ea As BaU rMd.
table of the Ductataa of DevonAlre were ]
.Ob. ™* tnoat 1
ChitWRO. July t-L«^» base ban twelve ggeeta.
xueata amonx them Ae Prince
Prtar* manie.
tesble. Bse-a
Ube'a ret
Jet aaU Ae world know
mores yestertay: At Beltlmore-Wa^ | ^
ofPlfe. Mr. Bsltour . ate to cia^ to fet
kixttn 4. Baltimcr* »: at LcuievlUe— ^
RandrHph CkurchllL At the nad
a eooto
eint.onail U UulRlUe 4: at C.eveland ,
fbe Prin.
-Bt Lcols 1. Cleveund U: at Chleaxo- !
ftoacbrrr and th* Duke
PIttAorg 4. ^leaao 7: at PhlUdripWa Vorough. At the Duebem of Tork'a
1a to be ares at Si
and New Tnrk—Kaln.
e Prince Charle* of Denmark.
- capedaUy bopeAl
_______ J the strike. Aey
tiwy have noAing to kiae and trust they
mar sain mmethlnx. It ■* believed the St. Paul—MiBD'apidU X.
block coal miner* wlU alao Join A* Dctrall-rirand Raptds A Detroit
at Milwaukee—Kansu City L Mllw;
■MTBlkarCUHIacfMtBvssr Man KmOtsyMta A*EI>*w
Sprins VaRey. July S.-Tb* raRierv of
Ala city held a meellnx In the Opera
Hooee ate veted unanlmonaftr to obey
A« order of Ae national executive
board of the United Mine WcAers of
Amertfw A min* no more coal after
July 4. Tbe minim arr net tbe leily ooea
Md tUi OBaBten
a Sniad in tbe tpOk rd tobm*
D«e.aM* «*a bali«<iattan>->pcrtaye 10 par cent cd ell
b> Ibe ftainaf Ketr Tatk,
on bl«Uy btad Iba aniaal la Ma
r to ibatMAaMUtyof ttabeinf
—Bockfoid A Des Molne* X.
Ms U Rot Brr. Wee
»»oru •»
8t. unus,
LouU. juiy
July X.-Wor0
U reeviTva
received .
here from Detectlw Vlehl*. cf A* «.;
Lssuls police derartmect. who
best Tcm. Coffbte, ETer7«kii«i
EveiTthiiig Fre^ sod is fi«toan.
.•niebesttobehsd-shpajrs. ^
Jacob FurtsclL
W« S«II-
And everything in the line
iof first claM jewelry and
'toilet articles.
sreei aad Calm •:*
Tolphoa as.
Op gsgle OCee.'
Suits to Order.
Floe Merchant Tailoring.
Delicieus Drinks...
From tbe Mew Procci* Sod* FnaBtaiR.
tv. Hcck Serves Them
<»me. yr. m^wr.
tTotan Street.
The prActpal dancing feature* were
quadrille# In which Mch ari tw
. ..
. lAiU" At^ genitonea to lep.
;sent B particular bl*lcri<*l epoch. (>n*
(hat TOO taro tbe pot
•eery day. so tbal one aide of tbe ptont
doto not t«< toe aUe beoeflt of to*
MB’* myA
• Tbebottett pan of tb* globe to too
great deemt of Afhm. wbetr tbe Ibeg-
A-aVoottru. ir PrtetSL
pitmrate Park 8U.
Tb* bte toKtramaBt mad*. X. Z.
Quecn I
faauA a boielkevper named WUUamA ns-, dueing tboae «
Tav*a* City brteeb. FrMt atreat, telSttog Bt^
Tbeptooeeeof ecoartog i>*«dte fatigb«
sorpsltlcn tbal be, Binabeth. anoA^ repr<during those
bwg'a Orasd. Mutel aerebatelM. WU Tbcmta Abbott Wevu a fonber In- '
fourt cf................
IxWs XIV. the awn beirg
take* about a week. TUy are a^tote
dtara preuber accused
of the ...
dresud cIBrerv cf Ae rcyaJ Ptvrcb ! qrlA oil, #oB *o*p ate empty powder.
.. —„
u -------------the eSeri that the . ou^,^
uu, jiusketeeA The |
In loAe ahvu ate placed to
srtoau. TkurtttlAGaac.«or. TtbutdCate
‘he slow, stately ailnueis .
»o*.d by mecbaatel
power. Tbto tooering proeea* done, tb*
Peas—«e. Con>—?*. Tomb
___ That ro**r.s that ell Ae cxmiwnT
weabed to bot wate ate
Star UrooaiT. X4S ftrOdt 8L
men. trapper*, ar.d even the eager*, who
felr from SepL » to U compoaed flwially fir them.
Tbe Iowa a
, : dried in Hwdnat.
have charge of the boUtIng cars.wlllaiso
aenf F. S. White, loka * Naabrill# cons- ; Enlght Ho»|ilA»*» of Malta. In blarii
THE CHOaCBEBmiasio-wT. to Ae expiriUon at that plM* , velvet. vrlA XtaUsce errvse* la white
MAatlcij. for if tb*
to make a contract' few Ae prAclMl , uilo srurked to hi* rloak and a mtln
rear HaBoale Bloek.
remain Idle without the
eAlblts and atlmmloiiA
' bwc«d- devHet: velvet trurks. slariied
rion cf tbe er mpanyV i
JWlien aged John Moan. of>l>lcago. with black s*t!n; a high crowned bat
Ake long for Aem to cave. The miners .WU robbed of ri W‘dnrrd.-y onr of the with a large XTalle** <
of tbU city are very detemAed. They.
Rave had their wage* redeced nyTrly
a rilver d
•, f.'uud rfc^‘ ba<%. Around l. e hsi *
I iic. Speridl driva.
I Av tbe 4tb ia a UAtiooal holiday to
per cent,
mt. in
tn the put
past four yursi^cd
yearsi^acd IS original, sbadoaed. h-r and' dSscovwte^h* wrt. tbe hlrb beets whW* matched
the Volastoe** u wall u tootber*. tb*
cents a day Is hardly the avrr*gk:~-Toavcrvi
her friend, John M. 0»wr*twn*kL who I the tsyturre. Tl.* Prtreeas cf Wale* apday U thrir Usl day for work. Tb*
WU Identlfled u no* of the rablmw
pmr.d as La Teln. Mar*, t. with a brll- day «rilt beyto wiU a 7 a. m. kwaa drUl
keoi Into the mtoee this mcrrir.g to U
aalaw. At t p. pi. wUl be (be *- aa___ Wl#..
op their imam: ard take cut tbelr looil.
mMttog: Iito p. to . firtog cf
tu chargf ‘V” »f ‘
determined to remain cot unUI Ibe epff
...e drinkleg ,
Slot* ccmcade tbelr demandr. In lb
«oW with a EUsapetban raff ar.d the toiante gan*.
All are welcone to these naetingt.
mcnnUnie all kinds of baalneae a ii
te)otoiBg MeSatoata's *b
city will be eff»it.d_
All ow meettoge ettotoebos oa tost
.places have b
. BASIL tnd. July S.-Hir Alttng of
Her other ornammu wtra dla,t Preotlct. WM.. '
genata! strike har caured muA aglA- r, , ,c
^v.,1 nrUaniBw' mood* and pearls. Tbe Immediate at;
tte among the tnlntrs here. Th— '* fmm Ae effecu nf
at«.-ber were ber Aterdau^
»o-;dnmntoail<r. here and official
Wtem. Bbe Mve* ^
Ductew of Tctk. T?e
Biatlon Anno! be eernired. Tbe leading
Beretee* today dseatsd to tbe eaaae
Bwnnwithwi aOM-------Dorteaaof Devotshlietycrivedbergueat*
teners believe the workmen here will
uaenohl*. and wore a rnagcmcyr.l cosG
tbemrlke. nciwlthrtandlng that
iob) in tbeatrlke.
*" Dr. HcKaUar. ttlteittaiT frcmi In
h ' . 'they are in a destitute ccnditlon and onwill speak aosutog aaid evening.
TnittlBg aad Bead beme* a *»aprepared to aland a strike. A ir— esed to tyneb-Blumetithal and be wu
tskec to AAland for ufe keepiBg. ^
TbM d me wut of Meefana Lhr«7 Bam.
I . meeting Is Ailed here arid the state)
Moralgg eervto*. lldMa. m.
Idem of the rntti-d Mine Worker* I* n-At the reqam of Reoatara Callam
Evening aervte. 7:W p. to. .
'pected to be prvt»L
and Mason. Bemretarr Alger bu derided
SnbknA eebooL Mi a- toSt-' Lsiula, July A—Cral opeAion
to send t«W reguUr titmp* A CbMago
■KQsed over the ann-iunretnent that. A* to take pAri on July XI to te
Jaslor endtovor. 4 p. in.
United Mine Worker* Bare ordered
I of Ae Logaa moan-: Chicago. July X.—P
PnattoM Pleuaru to
a E. iPSttlng. &IS p. m.
•trike for July 4. and A* preeMesia a
meiit. .
trade Rogers <of lb#
lb* Ncrthw**t*m-tr
_____ BlMa to vraar Aab. Prte
managen of reveral of the blgeompaui
Ex-Ooverbor Rrass. of Cotorado. to yvrsity). Jease Hcldcm
cldcm ud Claret
________________________ SI in pAaaa te X *0. A. &
E >fttytt—.»» ft
haring headquarters here have guoe
vyry III end probably cannot last ntee Dsrrow vrere tb* priitclpal speakers < a PaMbam. teaser.
tbelr miee* in lUlnols and HUaeari .. than * few days He bu been an to- Ibe second day's aesicn of the Stole Bar
ttotesy aefvtoes ace n* fallow*:
THIS WMK'tte raragoteeanvu bau baU abem Mte*e' ate Boya’
look into the alhmtloii, The.cimfrnau valid for Ibe past twb year*. He Is 0
The frllnwlng oflierr* were
Tana. tl Maa’s Bieyuto Sba*. Tto, A. T. Jukaeaa.
Psenchtng at la-K a- m.
of .»plnlea among tbe opoAlor* U that years old.
SouA Sid* Bbae Stom; 404 BouA Unte St.
Snaday-eebiteat UiWa. m.
Ac strike win be a long one ibsi as a
.The d'erartmenl'of adraMsloa of Ae
Y. P. A. at C p to
reauli the prIce of «*1
advanee. Ttuhvllle ex|.ooitlon report* a total
though not at OCA.
FreaeUng at iiM p m.
Milan durtu Hay aod Jun* of acl.IXS.
origiaal drag man. Itet door east of paateAie__________
Tbe paa-Amerk*nComm*rcl*Uogrt*W
were enterUlood at Bn Louts yesterday.
•sv. W. A. Pryw sa*Mr.
They are doe at Chicago Monday uigbt.
BloctoD. Adger, JohM and Sumter
OtoM toCAtlag at »riO in A* partom
mlDca are idle, havtog retoaed le
Tbe deputy mayor and Acriffs of
CMt * leduc-ilon. Three hundred coke
Preaehteg lUiXa
uveu at Johns have been shut down aod ed Btates consul s
Tbe toomlng aervte wiU Inaluda the
BOttee gitau that work la indaSnMely u official vtoil t
of ehlUrun ate probnrtonere.
pcatpeaed. In bimlngham sod Oat*
CityiworclUng mills have clcsrA await
Til* state of K
the dlstopee wu too ioeg te.fuw..agBto tetnUwbohava ohUdran to be bnr
ing tiM slgntog cf iht scale of tbe Amal___
Its acldler dead vrbo Ml t
prueut tbaa at As mnnlnc mr~
garaaied astociatloB.
tb* Arid of Oettrsburg. by dedicatiac
tbelr memory.
WIR Me Ra abths at Paaa.
Bndpy ateottatnooto
Ban FJanrtJCQ. July X.—The Partfie
81 Loom. July t-A epectol to.The
mall steamer Acapulco arrived y««ttrB^dbtlc from Paaa. IUa. mya; BecreMaktetlsabstt
SMior Lengue at«;».
urr W. D. Byso. of tbe Uaited Mla*
PnaeUng 740 by ftgf. A. J. BMrud.
Workwa «f n^BOto. haa aotlAad Ae etaite tor «Lne.«w gtevoyage
Etoto teserrAM ggeaeml strata of tap
AHeAeb»«BaotA«fai>eb huM atoeA CM
patomgtr. «m *
«« beurd.
SEttMi aiBM hu bM demanded by
ntn teritod to (bt MrvtMtt
tte eSsen te that orgenlmlnn Aa
TE4-16, !5, 36, 60c.
PARIS GRffll sfiS- ^
u^. £
Refrigeraiors, ^
New Process Vapor Steves,
„ ice Cream Freezers, Etc.
146frent St
M«« B« a Spwial MMMfa on
ThatSubje* Wart W«*k.
B. I>o»r-T.IWr
n>ntoB'> a»M-Tr~t HMMara.
WMhlrjTton. Jub I. — Th« uuMtloc
«b«ther Oh prtrtUeot wtU atad a «!>*•
Oat <B«saa«« Ic cobbtcb r*ooq«»«idli\«
tha creaUoB of a cumnex cwnralarton
wui b* Jeflnbeb dw'tdaS
n>e{>rMhlcsl4« strongly ttieMBwJ a( Ihla
Ume to BABt a fP^Hal rumocT meMagc
to congrota. roganllng Wa^f aa to a
mutdoaMc mf«urt ptodaad to thu
eouna. Xt> fart It <rai acnl-onctaUjr
at U)« ^UU Uodat taU yeatardar aflarnooo fliat aort a tiwMca
trotdd be arm
coogma next vat-k.
bat aoine of thr prealdrafa moat toSunitla] aflvlarr* an anaadal qoeaUona
mn appoaaa to a meaaag* at bAiadlUc at
. ttala turn-. oaHng to boallHly to a ooraSlMoo OB rhr part of eoaerraa. and
tbt final driermlnatln. at atated. will
tut be trachrd until UcKtolrr'a morn
trotn CatitoB. Tbc rarcutlv* commUla^
•f-tb* Indlanapolb "aound moner" «o&o
vanUoTi bat bren aoUvaJr adrocattog
the comnilatlon arbemc erar atore Ibe
adrant of the pretrot admiatatratton.
iwartil r.B»ua,a«o tbt Mao.
It bad alao ihr tj-nipattax of the pretldcDL who eotnmilted blmaaU to U to bla
Pnaldenb UcKinl^. bov.
▼er. did ntt cart to rarommand It to
a ««le tb« tariff biu vat pend,
t ttfrU*
e and dciax
lag. lett
attxai Mpon the measure- But all along
the e»*r dllhcoltr irhlch preaentad Uartt to tboae u-bu favorad a eommIsalQn
tor the lBt>«igaUoo of the curranur
ajrmam hat l«en ibr oppoaiUoii It iroald
•ocouBtrr to rongn-a*. WfaUe a toll for
the creation-of a commlsaiOB could aagl*
Ijr be paatrd In the house, vbeietaetloua
cppcaltlon would be unavailing agalnat
the oneratton of a cloture otfier that
erould bring It to a rota attcboppotltiaa
In the arnate might be atmoat toiermln■ able.
enatora bare
cpenlr avowed their unalterable boBUb. lx to the creation of-a eommiaston. %nd
Telia' hat decUred that be would reinaln hare unul December to defeat ft.
TbU being the tliuaiinn It It andenetood
that tome' of ih« oiembert of the cx>
acuUre committee of ibc
____________ __ ______ ,r todlned to betICTa
that It would perbapt be a ralttjlke to
yreta tbetr request for the creation of a
commlatlem by congrna. Tba betta and
wUer thing, to do, some «jf them now
tbtok. would It to withdraw tbeir reaueal for a cmimiselon and uae the
pro\-lilonal power vested to the commit
tee by the IndlanapolU convention and
- tbemalvM alrct a cemmlttkm to Inves
tigate the currency question and prM' ant tbUr conclusion tbroug^ the public
_qld be m^e the beats of an' admintotratloB meanirv. modified a* Secretory
Oogc. cenduciInF an IndependeBt Inves
tigation. might rurresL. The secretory
baa been ai work r.^^.aome time on a
oomprehenstve rumney reform scheme,
and some suggestion bsji been made as
to the wtsdom of not having a further
agitation of the question, but of pernltung Gage, who has tbe full eonfldebce of businw men generally, to
frame a measure after such eonsuliatlan
as be may drsiie with financiers, busineaa men, mvmi^ra of the house and
aatsie and other*
Will tie Over Tlll Ke« Week.
The mafter »a* under dtscuMlon at
the catrinel tnt-ilng yesterday, but not
in a manner to l,ad tu a definite cooelusion ur [v<UcT. and the matter went
OT9,until the pivridenfs return lo (be
city next week, when lt Is pmbable that
H- If. Hanna who Is chairman of the
axsevUrv committee of the Indianapolis'
ccavenilon, and n< rhaps otltcr members
Of tbe comralitce will come to Wasbkgtoa and dIx-uM the alluatlon with
tbe president and tlage. Upon the reaull of the runf..rvnr« wtU probably de
pend President McKinley’s aclltm as to
a apeclal mesaage to congreea.
d la tbe heoateU
aned hy the pa>-nx>m of foreign capuct
White argued that If Gwmany had the right to gtve an export
daty which In effect operated agalnat
the United Sutee tha Unllad Stole*
could adopt measures to offset thti and
<HW Sn*«
On«M« t. .
'CBmptltlBd *►»»•«* - a*cll»»««»7
AdJrd to tte Tkita BIU•
WaiMngtei). July t.-Iteetprodly and
D pbasei of tbe
tariff bill (o occupy tb* attentton of the
■tnatt yesterday to the axclnrton of all
ether »sb)eci*. Rjih prevlstons w«e
. agreed to. alihi ugh the debate on the
yedproclty claur. was Retracted to (
p m. Bbartly before adjoufuraent AlU•oa endeavored tc secure an a
.saenls be withdrew his raqo^ and the
tune for the final rot* was Ml optli.
although there U r.lfl hop* Chat li a-ili
1m reaebad today. The retoltaion- clause
' provides that a benever any ccutry begtowa an export bounty on aiw article
thtra 'Shall be levied to addlUoB to tbe
gatlea provided by the aet^ additional
daty equal to the amouat^ the bouncy.
The ctanm was agrto u>Xa.to I*-lhe
two Dcjnecratlr eenatora from Louls*taaa. Caffery. and McEbcvt- voting with
The nolproclly clause empowers the
prsatfent with the advice and consent
of tte aeBOte, to make reelprocKy trea' tias%lvtiig *0 per cent- reduction In dutlm OB dcstgttotod aructoa. or Piaetog
mrUclaa on the tree Uit. The am^^
nt brought out
'Miite, Vast. Pettus. TeDer and White
^yiiiy that It evaded the consilluuonal
right of the house <rf represeolatlves to
laniGtpate to measarei affecting reve
nue. while Morgan. Gray and Chandler
^tended Its lagallty and propriety. It
vus agreed to—W to U—two Democrata.
Gray and Morgan, voting with tbe R»-Mbitean. In the afflmattre:
Whan the oeoate itacM the retaUatsry ttaast to tbe bffl Gray aptito
•gnlMt the amebdnMSt, MytOff ha eagardad It as opening the wsqr to a dlsat lannt two------------------------------------P*M>y osd Austna-Hangary.
dtSared wlU Gray, arguing that M
arsiVEsa caads.
breach of totsrnaUoBal oMlgatlont e
involved, nnd ihai aiallstlaB of tbli'
abaracta waa to the natun of nett- pre- , ■
aervattoa. to which any caanlrx ecold j
Ko Bun'ls JustUM in mdfyisf bia
So many terrible rtorte* of the taroo» told that
------ *^r dpam* and tbeaten whom
tlr of bloodboahde bate teen
ito ■ * tMias^
need bread and doihing.>U is rrfresiatv lo read ►trpe story at
—Sale, BL Looia.
ebaae by a bioodbooiid in whiofa tt
rre eonallr
banter and tb« faoniad were
equally I MisAtd. Itisvoocbod for by a wrller'
n,* hatdMt dilngs to beUevu an
taOoud Wanda. Fbo,had 11 tiOiB U tfxNe most (ne.
The pereoptian iff
,J things evwIaMingw hard. Bo are things
Tha Uoodboand war«d$^m a straU in natnn, bnl they ate troa.—Bay. P.
il by tha ludlclary wittabisinBataroBtbcs^t^Westoa- 8. Hcdscb. Baptiai. Cbiaga
lo prohibit iruau.
war based open a soggee-'
ton. ItovU and Spoceier. It was expected
ap to WednewUy eight ibai It weald b«
Introduced as an anseedment to the tarUTbUI. but when presnied tothettoanee
eomalliec Wedutoday evtnlng ihaiccmmlttee suggested the Iffadvlmbtllty of
nddllng the trust question upon the urt«. saying It would be preferable lo have
tbe two quesUoes treated Independentix
<< each other. There were further con
ferences among acnators Thnrsday and
as a' consequence the yudlelarx commit
tee decided not to present tbe WU to the
caucus as ac amendroent lo the tarUf.
Thames «-as the only member atasdtog
tor the coapttog of the two questiona
ai^p xtoVa arada me.
Washington. Jaly
leodgr yrsterdax
prepared a draft of an amendment to
the tariff prorlding for a stamp tax on
stocks and bonds, to accordance with
the action of the Renublisan sena
torial caucus of Thoradax aight. and
nbmlttcd it to the Ananee eomnditee.
As prepared the amendment provMvS
for a tax of S cents a share of »00 or
fracUoB of the face value of caolui
stock nr of bonds cm their tasusace,
and of t cyntp tor eacM 1100 fr tractl.m
cn each tranafer ^ Block or bonds.
United Slates and stats boods are ex
empted. as ate Individual bonds to seand also the stock and
tuniol benafit buUdtog a
Wafftlnagon. July l-Preiideet JfcKtoley le| tbe city at 7:10 last nigbl for
Canton, tt. where be wiU vwt bis aged
mother and take a few days' rest. With
him were
Ura. UcKtnley.
Secretory and Mn. Day. Mra'Baxiin.
who U Urs. McKinley's aunV and Mias
Mabel McKinley.
Canton will
reached at 10:30 this morning, and the
rctars to WashtogUrn wUl be ps Taceday. This will be the president's first
viaii to bis home store the inauguration
and be has cxpieaaed a wUb that it be
a quiet one.
Xet a aiga or-ladlaa Tnrabto.». July 3.-Additional adView from Indian Agent Irwto. at
Haficy. Ida., where be had gine to in
vestigate the "Indian -trouhles." are re
ceived- He wires that promtoeni dllsens cfHalley.and reUable aeiUtrs from
the Camass prairie stole that no Indian
trouble exlau to that victidiy; that
about forty indlsm. Indodlng wernen
anCchlldren. are there gatherl^ camass
ro£ but have committed so violation
oTBie law.
TbeTasaMe wMb Ileaafr WsUlagtoa.'
Washtqgton. July 8—Senator,Welltogton’a peraoiial remarks In Ibe aenau
yeaterday grew out of a fight he U mak
ing against the confirmation of B. HWarner. Jr., ofllarxland. boo of a wellknown real estate dealer, as consul at
Lelpsir. Germany. The senator,had Indorsed Warner tor consul to Southamp
ton. but objected to bia appotoutoent to
another plaee. ___________
WaMitogton. July Z.-rThe senate to
e^cuUve session made tbe following
confirmations: Consule-Joseph J. Ste
vens. of Indiana. Plymouth. Bng.; Hen
ry Bordewich, of Mtonesoto. Christiana.
Norway: John C. Caldwell, of Kansas.
San Jose. Costa Rica: Philip C. Hanna,
of Iowa. Trinidad. Wert Indies: AbraUrn E. Smith, of Illtoots. Victoria. B. C
■eeae Westora PoetBi—trtr Xoatlaatsd.
yesterday by tbe president: Henry
Weltoer. Eldorado. Ills.: Andrew
1-aird. Frankfort. Ind.: Uucullua
Knight. Montpelier. Ind.: Rodney
Hawkins. Wapello, la
TwoWaaaaaadaMaaaaMtoHavs Mad
New York. July k-Tbe World mya:
Oultl of the murder of William Oaidentupp* was broukbi ivearer home to Mrs.
Nack and Martin Thorne yeaterday.
Reporters of The Worid in the Identical
surrey to which Mn. Hack took her ride
iaai Saturday followed tbeecurae «t
>ourner. They discovered facts
Indicated; That tbe party to the surrey
Sacuiday consisted of Mrs. Kacfc.
-_orne and another woman whoee iden
tity Is suspected: that to dltpoaruf aporUon of the body or of*otber Incrlmtoattog ^irles « as the purpose of ibedrive:
that'on their way. at a aecluded spot
name the Village of Cllffslde. two mllra
below Fort Uee. they burned certain
things, probably clothing, which bad
bsea stained with blood; that from this
place they could have gona and prob
ably did go. to tbe spot near tbe Har
lem river at One Hundred and Beventyaixtb street where on Sunday.-the next
day. Che bundle which coot
oonutaed tbcsecond CragmeBt of the body
- tomd.
They theB drove hach-towards■
The World, through lu eorrespoodenls
and reporters, has traced TholM from
this city to Saratoga, through iq Troy
and theocc to Moetreal. where be wcat
with the avowed InteettoD of uktog a
steamer to Eaiope. Tu-o steamers sailed
from there Ihuruday. they wju atop
at QuetMc and other petots heiore getUag beyond police reach.
Ootorado fipriBft. Colo.r July I—A
coach load of people which was betog
taken throogh the Gardes of (he Gads
yeaterday wa* upset at tbe Balan^
Rock and Fred W. Evanston, of Boston,
wa* serlootly hurt. The accident was
caoeed by -overcrowdtnjr the coach.
tSadaru Wesdmaa tiOsaMea.
Dabaqoa. Ia.. July k-Hcad Clerk
Bawea. of (he Moders Woodmen at
ywt^, Dla- has been mrved with anthoer inJimeUon restraining the removal
ct the beafiqaartm to Rodt IttanA The
btST*rf to dlMDivc wiu not come up
•BtU October, detoytog ramoval A leut
A D«AX. AfvaUMV ai
w. a ttoov.
CycleOineB look Hew!
bb«. Tbeg—p
.. BMtaw-Chud-PUliid.
W.W-U In Um, nor dl4 tl-poor dl-,
tncted srtauan who ran tom ooe group
Tbov an curtain ai
wSr brenght into coato. with eortoto
Ma^cbiKL aooody knew taywuig
^ atod and baart. wUl »the tnlasiiig boy. and-wben In bar
.: tBh in Mb and criDc as sure as fin
Lederle's JTTiStf
B.t thooib behr^ootOfoidbo. BrtdPO.MdbodM.Lool.riUThe Rsllgtoa
boy. he was not so sure that be oonU
not help ber Ind him. Be aUgbtad tnn
When we admit that nligtosi Is an
hU bone, and tbrasUng bis am tbroogb opinton, sosnetUag tbsi we mgy aelaet
(ha bridle bent ovet tba hoond, pafttot A wlU. we may he aon all will
botti bands cnrelemly toond bU baad.; ^ niy nliglcn. Pec.ple wil) pot then
Then he took torn the woman soma- ptofem anligicntbat >*<wi<-ra —Itorw
tUng tbat looked like a'cbild's bA and.
held tt toward tbe dog. talking to him;
- -rbUe. Tbe boond sniffed aud « hinad |
moonifaily, as,)f nnwilling to ieava faU |
OatboUe, i
-------------------- -
and, baying as ba wgnt. tnruad down a
That was an exetting chase—tbe AeU
tbe atraets vt a popatooa watering plan
hnd the game a lo« diiid. Tbe looe
voioe al the d<« oooM be beard ia Ux
diltanea, guiding those wbo followed.
Tba mother's feet ware awlft, hot eto
oonld nog keep np with tbe dog. Onto
went till b« bad nin bis prey togtopnd.
Than be stoiped and fawned npoa tto
little lad. wbo wm overjoyed to find ac
Criendly a playmate. Wbeo tbe motbei
came op. banter and banted wen tto
best of friends, ao mneb so tfaal ndthea
was willing to part witb tbe other.
The gentleman twd m<n than <mea tc
bit dog befon be would eon
■ant to leave tbe child. As for tba boy,
be coaid not be led away while tba doi
temained. and after tbe bound bad die.
appeand be was still beard to mnmBr.
"1 woDld like tbat dear doggie for ray
TUe (Vssas 1* a ttisik.
To all iotesto aitd parpoaea tbe Cre-!
tan ie a Greek. His rellgioB, kngaage ;
and costtstw are tdentieaL fle'deeirea ;
Greek rnder and rale, and will obey.
tbe tora vbiefa appear to Um nalaral'
and Christian.—Bev. George & Bara-,
field. PnAiyterian, .... .......................
The aaerad T1
There are wane tbluga on earth ao an-1
end and ao 4^ ao weU aeetned againA
all pQwlble risk, to ann of being oarrtod forward wfaa time is done, tbat
heaven ftorU will only be tbe pnftr
spben for expanding tbeir joys.—Bev.
W. a WOliamc. OongxegatiaBal. .Ban
Cakat dm Cases.
Does joattoe reign on tbe tbrones of :
tbe earth! Does jnstiee reign on tbe
tfarane of Spain! Cnfan hm a* much rea-1
sem for rebelling as we had a hundred !
Moat of ns at ooe time or another bavt
Have not tbe unhappy ^
iistiuM* 'Gubans as much.naaosi to expect
bMked for awhile upon me
bo.n. b.. It « t«m-l lor .!» W |
cycle to make bs really acqt
tboae strrtcbeeof beaeband ■borewbiclj
Melv preparec'
Any wonbip tbA duct not bare man
i** 'oltimatc object,
ofayvcb tbat
vnai does
ooc* not
by kind Mother Natnn aa 'a slfwiooi
: (end to nplift torn audmakSbim joster.
cycle path. Whether ~
I _i_.
L. __________
Wise I
in iu etrtirHy bnndieda of mile* aloni
oitooceancbaccaand aionod tbe bordenj
Cnlranaltot. Cedar Bapide. Ia.
mtf u OM nsMa.
The ancienti nmd tb* tesm "mnsic''
of oor great lakea. bat tbe particnlaii in tbe saibv way as we nar the tern
bU with which we beoame familiar dur
To tfacm it wa* quite a oompreIng happy sommer weeks, and to aban: benslTo tern, and incloded all tha( we
wbiiAwitb it* long arm hold* in a por-; made a lyre oat of its buck. Be made
ties eff fianduAy buy. and extends east-, H.vn, strjngs ton stoepgnt and played
ward 16 mtks or more up ttoi shore.
TWi mody abor* cootitinea all tbe way
to aeveland- and beyond, bot beeoasi
(ff me intorreniag pilea of rock am
cannot ride tba whole 60 or 60 miiea
Thfi*b<wterdiAaneeM.bowever enoogl
Donotqueottoo the teliglan A tbe.
to r^mm^'e rkto ^laH^ overworked dark or boAnem man wbo ;
'Z^^ ^,
s*»o«»ir wcieatkm among bla
Vtoki^ c33n STsl KtohSiir^
Tbe following flgnrea abow the annod oost^ to malntonanoe of acane M
“ ** *• «>»»«»* to PBA and wad
man if iM^jecks Sunday enjoyment in
public inatltntion. 1( is tbe ooiy ilay in tbe week in
which he may rest from his lahore. and |
it. is aowly not descenUon cn Sabbath
the principal foreign aodogtoal gar
Antwerp, breaking to him to reUx bis mind and
body in a legitimate manner. —Bee. A
•186,600: Amsterdam, flOE.OOO: Lon
W. Arandek Eplaoopal Pittsburg.
don, gioo.eoo; Cologne, •;6.80U: Bottodam, •66,000-, Hanover. •48.000;
Parle. •80,000.
Thus far tbe cost o4
maintaining tbe aoolaffieal parka U
Washtagton and PbiUdelpbia baa baec
•60,000 cMb per year._______
r. K.JBirrra.
“Blotting paper, ” aaid a man <ff matore yem, "faa* been oommanly urad
to only abont 40 ynara. Befon that wa
need annd. which was pooeed torn n
amid box out npon tbe paper. Enougb
of it ndberad to tbe wet tnk to keep it
ton blotting. Tbe rest was poi^
back into tbe box. I think I liked tbe
bid sand box heyter than I do tbe modmn Uottiag paper. Sonetlmes when
you opened'a letteryon would find aand
to tbe envelcgM, which had nbbed off
tbe latter ia tranMt. Bat that didn't do
any hart, and tbe letter Itaelf Vw mow
AghUy to look A than the lette (ff to
day. It did not abada off pale, wbaw
toth ifak bad beeo taken tom the linm
bodily by the bibtter—It wm nnifexm
af£fi'sni?a“.i!=r Sts
rao-ajagai3g.es."~ a.crirtsatyjBsas.-sss'-Js
tooolot. And tbe llMa, fine and ooana,
wew jiMt M tba writer made them—not
blended or Muted or aotoaed or Muend
out, mere nearly uifoenL n«y waw
clear and pteeMa and obaraetariatto of
“I liked tbe old and box. bot «l
ootoae we opuldit't neshnow; weYe
too bov.”—Efv Toik Ban.
■■■ ~
muB Oraae BapMs. Martflaaw ao4 Psuw
QraA Ra(M>
Chicago —
•West Michigan
m tm.
At BayrMw.............
The reeden enjoy it at
tbe breakfhet table.
in wbowdeligbial would tempt othm.! A this time Inclode in tbe tern an
is a oomparaiitely taall portion on tto i Aeitading to isytbul^, mosic bad its
sootfacra atowe of Lake Erie. It begin>| origin with tbe god, Hermea. He took a
with the exUvnie end of Oedu point, tcrtolsd. and after dlmmboweltng U
and atnmmriatea to bima-.f the count-1
It ooBtaixifi mil the news
while Ife toeeh.
•work upon it aU tbe time.
ThU^ and varied path stnteto.
Rates. $1.50 per DayL
Sow ofton we look up tom and away
we an
trotn things by wbieb
ed and long few the ability to da Even [
srben wa are mo« neglectfnl oar minds
an fllto with fair ^iskxxi (ff wh« we i
think we woold do if we were only dil- ‘
feiently Mtnaicd.—Bar. W. M. B^lly,
^isoopal. SanFrageisca
Puk StiMt. iMtwHBProit I Chi.
orrx PAT oKP wio«>.
Tbe Pbarian wbo cannot ride a Idcyves great onnftwt from
I. for the case la vary
bead in tbe ait. ntterad a then, afaan
trntbfnUy mated ia "Badlfaru:"
tukxg bay and begwi miffing aUtot tbt
«c ootspeoBd stos we kate a ulad to
B, dssiBtor thaw we're not toellDsdm.
For a mlnntc or'«wo be followed Ite
—Bev. Dr. Bcdddn. Christian. Atlanta.
■rant in. a xigxag fasfaiosk. and (ben,
with a kmg. load bay, tonted edf at ac
amasing pace, ran in a atraigfai lint
aeroaa the aanda. cromad tbe parade,
imsiffi in iomusTsn 1.1
hy oals^ -the (Wvlnywa of
The people read It fiid
beoaase St Is the only
dally north ef
erandBapida. Alao tha
beatdaUrln thSapaitof
(moio noKitt.
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