The Morning Record, October 22, 1897

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The Morning Record, October 22, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Wm • DMdtook WIU >•
•QWM* of ACTMMV-Sic So
w Win »• Triod Acola
D Win So Ko«0 T«iMJ
tc A4mlt aim to SoU.

Two Caste.


Pirrt Tetr-No. 147.
I th«7 had dwait too wacS opoo the
jaatlee of God aid aot a*w«h «o Hla
aMcy. Wa-a««AthUkc< God aa
OBly tefTtbla U hb wrath at o«r alaa
oad the awful poBiahMita aaaUd oet
to the eUaar. bat we naat thiak of
hie laflelto lore ood bmccj for hie W07word ehildree which bo haa ot all
tinea. It b act a matter to pet oF a
do7 or aa hoar. How b the *»«»* to
tara to Ood aod Mk hb merer.'
Tbe attaodaaoe wae Twy iatita. TUe
b the amt aabaioa h^ here U eerea
ream aad ito Udaeace amonf the'
membemaf 8t. Fmaebebareh wiU ba

Adolph L L««tChko«o. Oet.
««rt todoy haord from the foromoa of
the jnr which hod boea eondderiBc
hie CM for the pM 0izt7.aU boora.
-the wofdo: ^‘We ore naoble to ofroe
opoo • Tordket.”
The prUoaer wap Imperterahle oe
wheo ha atood ap tad with a
r Oox Oirae Feaoianaeahbaworth7taee.ahook haada
a of Bettor WecM
with hie aoB. bia oaenaet aad hie boaiaad Little ZdloaM.
Boae portaar. Be wot led bock to the
jail, the iwy woa dlttoiated oad the
trial waa over. Tbe jerorm arera diridboa gotherod from oli bet fortr rlllBodaafoUowa:
For ecerietioo oad tbe death peaol^ gao in tbe atole iBformaUoe ot to tbe
-~Be7«^botd. Bopd. Blbbr. Mohoaep.
DOfiBt of tbe BDeh Ulkad of preepei^
BahoiiUer. Boeaier. Shaw. Fraana oad
r tbot boa altiseh MieUgoa. He aeat
i bloBka
For aeqaittal-Horier. BoUbird oad aad elerlca. The replica ladleato on
imiwaeed oeadiUon of affoira.
>d ita Biaeera rarret
Hew harry raporto that tbe wagae' ot
dorUboremareps: L'Aoaeand Uoagbtoo. PI.7S: BaBouik. »l.«5; Laka Unaeeleoa to Imep the farom eoafioed den. Al.M. aad Crrstal Falb. »1.«0.
Fifteen riUagw report SL50-. nUe^alz. »l.»: two.»l to; one.
Laetgart'a eym aparidad. but be did tl.lS: two,'; one. PI.01: eightrBot mr toneh. Tbe aaddoa raaetloa alz. Pi: two. M ornb and lire, 75 canto
In replr to the qaaetioa: "la work
from doubt to eortointr upon tho jnir'a
poultieaflUedtbo broud breaet of tbe more pleoUtal than onq r«v agor- Ui
with emoUra. Laetgert aoawer ."r«a*'and M ••ao." Twaatrwalked uwoy with the b^liff with oa two report that tho eoadliioM are
aetlrttr oot eeea iB*bb looomotioa be­ about tha mme.
fore. Be aatorad hb aell with u light
Ta a third qaeatloa; "Hove yon ony
idle maar IM aaawar "aa" oad 48
Thb ofteraooa the oobmI for Lnat- "rao’* la the loUar eUeaifleatloB ore
gert gura the atate'a ottomer aotice .Ucladed oaamber which oaawer "o
thatther would tomorrow applr for few," "five or eU.” “more ihaa need
be.” "very few.” etc.
« of tbe prboaer to kmU.
la rmpoM to Uqairiaa ot r
A totol of elgtr.aa*«n report thot now


lOp TfliH ERODGr

joetheeevagrof E

Mr. Wrighl, of ^-Writer.” .

would aiy, when yrti write, no
matter wbAt rite yon were perfomiing,
you want tbe right kind of
writing materiale. We keep only
the right rtyle. of writing
peper. And when you buy of
us yon wm be right in IL

SBOTBS Wire abtlok.
I hove seared 0 triossph by giving a rainstral abow which taned oat oo ortbtk
ahoaga Xada ToMrday Afternoon oad taoBcdal eacoeeo.
With ^retifrine Beaalta-SappI^
Tbe Aldea wove bosatorted apon the
•r Pne'Water Largely ia .Bxeeae ■ecoad year of a saceeaefol comer. The
cf Seeda of tho laatttatlOB-aar- paper hto atraggled throagh the bard
Udmo oad has been oa Impmtant ele­
plna to Lam Than Self aa Hoar.
ment U the program af the vllioge cf
At 2:48 yeaterdoy ottomooa tha great Aldea. It begiae oaother year with
arteeioa well ot the e«rl«9 woe eae- bright proapeeleof even greater sue.
aeetod.wlth the moU baildlag of the
oad the eetlre baildlag b
The new Preebyteriaa ehnrab b ’bcBOW csppllad with the pareit water
giBBlnr to omame attractive proper.
tmagiaoble.. Oaly obont ono-bolf the
tioBs; Iheb
II b tabbed oad
aap^ tram the well b brought to Ub
the moU port of tbe adidee b begUballdiag yet U one hour oad twenty
aleg to taggeet what the whole will
foar miaatee there wae a enrpioa tS
look like wkaa eomplated. Thb wiU
10.500 goUoaa over and above oil mad
betheftaeetetoaeohnrBh U aorthen
for the great bailding. Tbe water
reaehee a point 77 feet above the water
tebb of tbe buildiag. Thb grearartw
don well, which ha* olreadr bean mantionad by the Bnoonn. b one of tha
ftoeat In the'atote. Water woa atnick
at 100 feet, and Ua flow b over 800,000
goUoaeodoy. ,


M. B. ^fOLLEY, Maa

We Make Curtains..
any width vle^Uh.

■tyla. Bqualaayaf tbs higher prteaS

Bit Off the Bar of a Olttaen Than Shot
-Bellolra. hIl<di..Oet. SI.- ifeery ^oa.
elcr obot Beaoeo Hoorn ia Bcbo^J)aee.
day eight. Be bit off Melire'a ear ia a
prerloBi altorcaUoB. and woo Jailed.
He was flaad oad dbchargad Tneaday,
but minraed and crept to a window
wbMHoareaatUa>eeklBgchatr. At
.three feet dbttaea he fired fear Umeo,
aad hit hb man oaee iathe left eboal.

we'd rather you’d judge


•ffhemertte ofaar

Umbrella Stock

and Artistic..

I tbe UmbreUaathemeelveethaa from anything we any of them BSgMW
Uaajnatreetived. All prioee. Spaetel Values at 7Sc. SI, 1.35 ay»d t.Sa

Msekintosbes—Right Lines for Ladies and
Gentlemen. Correctly PtIm Marked.

b what we claim for ear fiS.SO Conches
thatweamoelUiigBowforfiA.5a Cbn't
aty Attorney P. C. ODbart. wont to bay a bettor eoueh in tbe 8tote fv Ims
Uiaatsso. Weabohave
Oopembb yeaUrday.
George Imlber of Wmt Seventh
lnat year.—I’raael
SaliaUa try Ooki. Oaz^ aod ObtUag Esbm.
stiaet. has gone to Oetrsiit.
Some Bargaiiis
Harioa White of E 8lh street reAOOtSBHT TO THB TASTia
in Odd Beds.
toraed lau night fiam Columbus, Ohio.
XHsabIsd in a Storm On H*r Way
Arehb Oatoeroa sad A. L. Baehaat;
Utae High School WiU Oo
From Bostoa.
of thf HercaaUIrCo.^ went to Torch
Agabmt Local Blevoa.
I BaliUz. H. 8 . Oet. SO.—The L'oiled
! Staton wamblp YaaUe. which pet into
H. D. Holley went to tirmad B^lds.
128-132 Trout StrMt
th^Wt tail game betweea the Maab.
port 00 accenDtofanaccUcDl to her yesterday after a stock of holiday
toe High aeheol team aad the High
■uu-hlaery. sallvd from Boston last goods tor the City Bookatbra.
aehool team of thb city. TbeMaabtoe
week for Detroit. Uich.. via- tbe SV
orgaaUatioo b strictly a "high aebool"
Lawrence, aad was oat ia the vtoleat timfvOaafleld A Wboelv of Maab.
' aggmgatioB aad eompossd -af playem
are busier than ever before, is evi­
gale of Satarday night aad Snaday, toe. b ia the city oa boslaaaB.
Bboat the same weight as the local
which tamed tbe ship about ruogbly.
Dr. Wm. H. Payne of Suttoae Bsy
toam. Tbe game sHlI be ealled
dence that the quality of
Tbe pomplog machlaery bigaa w us ia tows ymtordsy^cedmpaaled by
■on the i:tb
work kBdIy. bat tbe ship was proeesd- Hm. Payne. They suyod at the Leawftemooa at ebarp two o'clock. Every­
log on farr way aacTbad paasod Baljfaz laaaa hotel.
body ahenid torn oat aad see a elme
harbor, when afothor aeeidest to the
Hr. aad Hm. TbooMS Orr. who have
Bad ezeitiag eoatcat. Tbe game will
linary oaodbd the e>
mn vblUar their daaghtv, Hm. F
be played min or' eUaa. Tbe High
put about aad make for thb port The A. Dean, for the past two months, bave
aeheoi toam b atreagtheaed siace the
affieem my that the Uoublc b of an mtoraed to their home la soutbera
last gaate and tha boys have made ea*
serious -aoeoeat and that a few days niiaab.
ergetle efforte to get ia flm «Um
will be suffideat to make mpaira
Floor is bsttar^han ewer, and *>«•* the
ahapa. Tbe pabUe should help sapWilliam Anderaeh of Omud Bapids
we an caatera fabuyer—We prefer i
port ths toam and at the same t&ne eab ia tbe dty loaUng after the bnalaem
m gooda We eaa |
Isdlss apprmdata onr a^oata to give
joy the sport.
of the twiee-a-week tiermaala. the
ell yon frmb new goods, bettor |
[uality.and at lower priera than i
them thvbeet there Is.
Crap Very Koch Zdghtor Than Last popoiar German aew^per of Uraad - ony beSse la the dly without re- '
Baidda. Be b a gaeet at the Laelasan
f eortiug to some cock end bull |
• storr about Imaginary failnrm in i
HewVork. Oet tl.—Hot aloee IMS

Sheriff A E. BelUager aad Underhas the pouto crop of tbe Daltod
Bobakah Officers BUetod.
sheriff Hartin Brown of Leeiaaan m prove:
Bovs- Doable breas^ suits. '
Laaaiag. Oet. *l.—Ths gmad lodge Stales proved so nearly a failure, aays
ity. arrived la tbe dty last night •
! good value et II zs fv foe.
«f Odd Pellosm thb moniag redaeod The Amsricaa Agriealturbt U its final
took three prb- •
Boys' Durable wool suite, goed '
report of the yield of IM>7. ' Oampared
aabordinato lodge dM from S4 to gs
» laet term of » value at 11.75 for P8c.
with tbe libemi crop of last year, there
Rc^b' Double biaatied wool !
b an aiqmrent falling off of aearly 30 oonrt.
• suite made of fancy Si-otcb chev. .
follovrlag elBoem: Preeident. Lydb
Boys' Ee^wool rulte made '
H. Feet of Ithaca: vice preeident. Em­ the wb^ie is greatly defleient
• of extra fine beotefa Twhed ooly •
Betums abow the yield to be 174.000.Tbe steamer Patoakey arrived hem • fit.ZO. and-maoT othera ranctpir t
ma K. Haskins of Jachaoa: wardea.
Olio bushels, as against » In

Clam' B. Sfarvar of Graadvllle: aecreat oae o'clock this momtug on her way 5 io prioe acoordiug to
isvc. The average mte i>f yield per
• from 12.50 to «4 5A

tary. Ida M. Davis of Laasiag: treastfortb.

J Lot yontlw' beqvy winter •
acre b placed.*t oUty-fonr bushels,
arer, Mary Hartin of FlinL
B. II. Bracken b exhibiting a line of 2 unite, else from age 15 to 10. 8
taking-Use eeuaty At large, against

doUiag io Elk Baplde tor tbe HamU- 8 worth 14.00 for $2.89.
eigtatyslz basbelt In I8i>8.

1 Lot youths' beavy winter •
ton CTothiag Co. "
A lot of Scarlet Underwear for
8 suite. Plaids had Cheeks np to J
O. W. Lardie has m>w 2.500 busbeb • dsta. worth 15 75 for S3 08.

Snttooa Bay Xmprovemanto.
Children, Pants only,
*‘0«Braga ia OhrutUa Xdfe,” Thmaa

1 Lot youths' Black woreted •
The J. E. OreilickCo. btaaldogaaet of potatoea in bU wambonae aad will 2 suite In rabed checks np to dele. J
at Bt. Francb Kmaioa Last Vlght.
of very fiac aad artistic mlooa flztoras put in 12,000 fv storage.
8 wortfaA'>.75fv|3«3.

AU \S^ool, High Priced Goods,
Tbooe who mbeed the meetlag at Bt
1 Lot Men’s
Cheviot •
Fool hall tomorrow, two o'clock 9
Men's Brown
for Olh Larsen of Sutteae Bay. Hr.
Fraaeb ehareb last evening Icet mn^
•ked oni by oompeUtioa ,
No Vests, remember.
Lateea b makiagaonse importoal aad Twelfth atreet grouada. Hanbwa 8 snlto marked
• as a bargain fv 13.98 our price i
that would give them a daaim for batattSBCtive Improvemeab in hb build- High aebool vm. Tmverae City Blgh ' S3 88.
lag and enlarging the stouctom. Beb eehool.
I Lot Hen's Bawwomtedsniu 5
The meeting was opeaad with the
od weight well worth.fiB.00fv •
i ezpeading considerable money la reTbe Womanb Balbf Corps am pmBaaary. lead hr Ft. Maaa. after which
raodoUag aad when eompietod he, will paring to serve a ehiekaa pie ■»«*si at
Fr. Bonavaatara gave a brief bat iahave one of tbe fiamt plaeto la Lee­ tiraage .Ball, Meaday evaaiag. Oet. zs.
toresUag talk upon. "Ooumge U Cbrb.
The best valne that wrill
lanau county.
fiwm foor to seven o'doek.
-tiaa life.” Be spoke of the aeermitv



snn m omcoit



.msiktattauiiusile. i





Here’s a Winner

For 29 Cents a Pair.

of eoaraga if we wUh to gain heavea.
In the aeard terptemal life there am
many falb. It b like going borne
oa a daric. wiatrr night wbea yea
do net know tba way. aad the
ground aadcr yonr feat b slippery
and fall of aolea: you take a few
atope. carefnlly.
j-oa think, bat
noon fall. You rbe, only to fall ag^
Bat yoo must keep OB rising as maay
Mmm as yon fall and not give up and
nay it b of no use to try. and lie them
all ni^t la tbe acareb for heaven
you may ezpeet to faU many iioiea. bat
yoo must aot give np, aad yoa will
gain heaven at laet Be impreaaed apotbbhb hcaramagalB the aeoemlty
Tlsb was followed by an ezoellent eetocUpa by the ebolr. Fr. BoberU thra
gave a tototdeetoh of the ehmractor of
David, doUowad by aa Intomstiag talk
apM "Ood'e mercy aad forbearaaec
with the oinaer.” Ha wai afraid that

American BzpraMO0.Bolac iota 16
Far Cent. Horn Ihaa LMt Tear.
Bouto Agent Webb of the Amerieaa
Ezprem Co., was ia tha dW iooKiag af­
ter tbe budaern io thb dty ia ebaega
ofF. E Darfee. Ur. Webb erntm that
the baslaem of the company b gmdoaily imarorlng and that the inermee
In the state Over last year b from 1
1* per eeat. Tmvmee City shows
with tbe best towns ia the etoto ia aa

Chicago. Oct. Zl.—WbcBW-Oetobar.
00!4e: Deoember. filMe; iaaaaiy MXe:
Hay. OOBe.
Ova—October. Z4i<e; Deoembor,
nHci Hay, t»H9Ho
Oatt-Oetober. l?91<e: tbdewbar.
i»(| >ie; He» 30K.

Tbh regulv meeting of the W. C. T.
a. wUI be held at Hm. P. J. -Curtis'
thb afternoon at half-past two o'clock.
Subjoct, Bible Beading. Him. OUlb.
Tbe Good Templan Will holfi thdr
regular meeting tomorrow eeeaing.
11A mport of tbe dbtriet eoaseattoa
"wUl be given aad a full attendanee b
Dr. Beardsley will give hb leetare oo
the "Bumaa Ear” is Steiabergb Grand
Opera House thb evening. ThU U the
leetam that was peatpoaed from last
At iu last meeting the dty oonadl
ot Meabteo peaoed a meoluUoa autborUiag application to the govemmeat
fv aa appropriation fv a
ppatoOee baildlag.
TVa woric of moeiag Grace church b
pregmmiag rapidly and la a few days
the adifioe will be attractively' loeated

nd DWv OapirlML

Bern is wbm we make Ue soeaUed cheap stores woodv
where we-boaght ’em.
Boys' good Cbter. just the
thing fvsebeol. worth SS.50 tor


Boys' good Heavy Cbpe Overcoats extra good vuloo at S3.00
for II 63
Boys' Blue Beefv Jaekela.
deubie brmated, worth I4:00 tv



*^Hm's good heavy cverceato •
made of dark Gray FreUe worth 8
weight 4iool Ul- •
stem would be a bargala 15.00 8
I *^^^*Hmvy Weight Irish •
8 Frieze Cbtv worth 18.00.-oaly
• |5.oa

Hcab Heavy W^t Beavv
8 .Ovurcoat worth r-M for I4.4&


J. H
ai latiut Tito.
mFr<atm_rrMarek Blfc.

Truvetm <mr.'

be offered this seasop.

Xasy beautiful drum aflbete am abowa la the
Battartck FiMhioa Bhaat for Kovumhw.


Bad weather; and the children. Boys and
Girls, will require BETTER SHOES. We
have Better Value in this line than ever before.


y I

HKMn miT —snsn aomT,

«ao>. T. BAT» Am J. W. H*»*»*.
J. W.

m»or wd

sEri,“»rr-. ■•■-;•«
“■iur-'sar^sTT«T»nt Cl«r.
TBoes who haT*rtdh»led the *roewiO wa»e treqaently n»a agalnet
wbich ooB|>al* «J«e» to ad«it that the doproe*«. which ba» al' Aleted ihi* oocgtrj- lee throe jcm* ta
\*Tmdnany being lilted. Within the


thegreai mllU la Blramld*. Wnjhoaaek Mactoo and tymansTlUa, EL, that the oparatiree wUl raeelTc
u adnnee in wagea beginning
Deeowberlat. Thle aUp waa tnkan by
tba eenpaatae wilhoot sbUdtaUon
from tbdreaployaaaadtba adennoea
wUI range troB M to SO per eeot. Oth­
er Urge wocden BtUe arc eonalderlag
•tmilar action. Baio-U a diraet «t1deaee of the feUaey of the tlmewm
etat*n»enlofthede»oeiaUcpreea (hat
the heaej naasafactareea of tbe cocatry woold nererTolcntarilyialea the

tax oBAjUX&on.
nMiUb that ew tbe BrlUA wa^dar
Bat) and bit wife were deluded into
t and ObaapMt Xanieal Znntrabaring, fiorotbr «>ald hare told tba
mant Srar Hade.
Tta mOl Bsmb«r of pMpt* «w^ emaU crowd Vt wanderiaf ■wwao »atl»ofCtaeexMMM of MUi X>at«th7 »«» •red tonnd tbe window*, oanmeotiiic
00 tb* elwapDeaa of rariooe
«cU «tn «irlded Into i«o fM«
naiiraecroB had abe been oo nindod.
nan »«*• Awm wbo ooMM«T>d
bst bet rr« wereidsed on a Urge nif- the paat few .
life man esTlaUe; tten were oUten ror. u. wbiob the ooold eee the reHeo- ■hone."
an InatnUDent wh^ aescenteIkn of tbe aaairtantteHrrUiB behind
BalM'Doroihr biwlf
ooautCT. blic we» now at ibojaeecy of
ipeMstaea cad
Kllkaol eaTjora
pleoe einaag e row
exeela ' anytkieg
wbo werowaitiug to be aerted by a
prod coed. Owlng^JOii the CODEeuiBgtoti, and in a pleaeant eoeinn- pale, tired looking girl whoee laoe waa
BC(it mated by Uriah bot intaUlgeot lUed by orerwork, laic hotirmMd ^ «,o'w. W.'KiBbaU'HanoAOrgan Co!
expenditara on tbe part cd tbe Maniiile food. Dorothy watched ber ewifl ecii- baa tahw tbe lo^ e^c^^and Ibere
aa they ran tbroegb tbe roll* of
• yean cbe bed
BO and the rapid morenient of'ber ; Kixmt etreet. where tbm dealring te
a*\ltb ------------laectnaied enriority. 8be ; U*p««t ‘‘"Jh7.
of It*
felt iheribc
that *be wa*
wa» waicbimt
watebing b*i»ll-lbc
beiwll^be !, cal demc.ttatto.
u, ■ttrcrt
daroD waa a baiy man botb wpially and mlf <ryw befom
7^ 1,3c. hot for parlor eotertatataenU
faniUiar "What can I do ■nd borne «i,loyi»eBt
poUtkBlly. and a clone friend of bit
«i)>oyBeet there
there U
U noiblng
fatber. tbe aged Doke of Stratbwayte—
a cdraamatanoe ao aingnUr that it wat to eiy. Sbe looked roniid helplemly.
n cooftant aooroe at oamment anwng andibcn gaee a trifliog,order. white ■tore. PVosi etreet. in*i **»l of 6
tly. at ibe. girl wa* doing np (be perwl ebe berg'* Uraod Opera U
D Lcb- leased ferwart. wbl«pering:
■•Hare you fnrpottcn me, LUrief Tm
doo for week* together, either filling
os band. McLrUaa * deb.
B.or ataT' Dorotby Maxwell.*'
Thu parooldropped frem the girl*
itry, and ai Doiotby bad so friwda
"I can't eee tbrongb yoor Tcll," **
and ao ooinpanicni eaTo tba faded
eaid. “We tbongbt yon were deiA*’
widow of a nlllUry oSleerwbcmi Bew-


are aal alow or niggardly U perBlttlBg
their employee to ahare their proaperity'
to oontempUting tbe acUon ©1 the
heard of saperrinm U refnaUg ta pay
the bUla for meaU for tbe Clrmlt ooert
Jaim. the proWrm which prcecate It.
■elf la. that a jury U detained agalnet
tbe wlU of the jorern and whea ao daIt wocld team that the Uw
which detatna them abenld feed them
wh«i neeeeeary. juet the ease ae a
prinoser to eiwtody la led at the enpeeae of the people. When nn IndlTidonl la denied tbe right to eat wbcc
mi wbete be pleaae*. the law wbieb
denlee him that right abenld espply
Urn witbthenmmitUaof life while
in tbe dieebarge of tbe dciy be 1*
MlUa epon to p^erm.
/ tfwwmr W*TT»*ao» ba* tabes ^to
propbeaytog agaia. b'ow be deeUrea
that tbe Tammany candidate far may«r of Oreater New Tork will be eleet■d. bst grsoefeUy yield* aoeond place
to Tracy, w*
-------------Bst, Mr. WattmoB ha* beea hsown to
•rtaiodgi’ ------------ ‘-“


daros had -eDgagwt ae her cbaperon to
■mpaoy twi to the play when be
■otbmriae engaged, tbe eomfort asd
pleararc of ber Ufa were marred by 1»
Dorotby bad an
set for Los ________j. bnt die did
Jm. end tbii U tbe earlier
t tore bis
deyi of lar odrxtneal bad glren ber aln
peneptlon. had ebown ber that. BewdaroB bad none of the cberaeterietioB of
tbe ererege man wbo enter* lightly
spun Irregnlar nniona Morally, perbapa, be wa* neither better nor wor*e;
mentally be wat inoonparably nperlor.
Mere beanty acd platitode* wearied
fatm, and when Dorotby dlBorcred tbe
gnlf that Uy between their li
ebe eat bmelf diligenUy to bridge it
OTcr. Bcwdaron'iderotlosto polttioe
—a dcrotioo he b«d inhented from a
la« line of anoeetore—garc Dmtfay
ber oppartnnity, and dn^ng hi* taMy
abaeneei * etrtog
maatnii oeenpied
ber d*ya bard etody her eolitaiy erentoga One day. by tbe mereri tjhanoe.
B^deroo etnmbl«d npoo
beokM denltog with atotrsB
with biitcry, |

eoooomy, tbeir i
handwriting that fameridi
from wbieb abc bad eprang.
~Hbw thtowooian krtnetse!'' beaaid
to binneU. hi* eye* growing dim a* be
UaaA orer folnme alBr toIubh
that Boment Dorothy catered tbe
and. Ming tbe book* etrewed aroond
him. bemuted. "I bare neeer penetzntcd Into yoor mnetsm before.’*be
said, poiiiiiog to tbe many etidmce* of
berpksddiDg. “I eineerely wi»b ! bad.
Hare yon bm wading tbroogfa ell
these book* to pleaae mer'
Dtgotby bluted. HiiipmediateeaDOlnrion tbav ibe bed been edDcattog
bmelf for bi* eoU -teseSi fiUed '
with n regoe irriUtian.
I—1 wUbed W nsdemand yoo bet-


Dewne tbe progimi of tbe trial of
Lnetgert it baa oot bees reported
wheUior the rmtanrant ke
tribotnd the tseaU of the .
whether tbe price wa* dedjtetod frsU

|i’ ■


ebe rw<«nleed many faeen. Sbe raiaed
her band to ber rrll. then beeiuted.
"Wbere ii JobB?" ebe aiked.
••Jolas >» inairicd." tbe girl aeid enl
leoly, “and baa net np to bn»toam f«
Dorotby clntrhed et tbeooontrr. a«
fcraniomcnvbeopprewlde wwll. tbe
garieb llgbt* and the mood of come
roicc* aermed to be one wUrltog-----that blinded ber.
■•Be waited • long time. tbe girl
on to *TtodletiTeand< ise, "bot
.turytop. He
It tired end mamc^^
BMdio *ay eome na»ty Hiiog*)*boot
yoo. I can tcM yon. for going^ a* yoo
did. wiib neerr a wurO. anryon esgugtd 10 bis ton. What are y<» doisg
now?" toe added, railing her roloe.
••sail stopping aome girl or other from
Barrysiig tbe mini ebe like., a* yra
nttipi«l me frcni mattying JohnT
Dorothy ebook fe-r brad belpleeely, and.
throwing eome calm down npea tbe
ooBBier. walked'oot of theriiap,^
Inetinctleely *be tnnsrd w*»rd tbe
park, ber muid filled with piemortes of
tlx' pan. with its bard and ceswlew
k. it* priratiOM and ritnple plea*.
I and with the part John Gregory
bed pUyed to th»t paat So ber tender,
belpfnl lover, wa* married, aba tbongbt.
m ebe crocebed on a seat nnder tbe
dripping tree.—maiTied. and she

day to^li

Dorotby eat by
helping him vrith bi* tr .
■nd filled with admiration for -bit
BeTTeloDS •ympatby end broad outlook
span life, ebe woold cry bitterly to ber■Mf: "Why cssuoi 1 love tbii man?
Mow that a teBporaiy rollal ha- Why cannot I love bitnr' And so tbe
Imen granted LsetoorU by the dlaigro. day* pamed. tbe woman endeavtxing to
feentot *m hare plenty stifle tbe impolse* of her heart by mof
to find hU wile and tbore will vetre rindy, tbe man gteytog in b«
beanty and her intelligesce. nntil tbe
be mo need of another trial.
Duke of Scatbwayte feU dangerouly
"Tbi* illDe*a may leri for mootha"
•aid Bewdavon, ae be wm leaTtag
Beiper Lodge, "and 1 cannot be away
ftrtnbidrr* Olnb Will Os to PUtU from him. Oo abroad. Dorotby. with
Lake bhUHonttog.
Mra Vane."
"How coold I help yon tbenr* Mm
Thi* mortitogeeveral membere of the
asked, a terror of strange ptncea and
Oetohedral ach. Baa He*. C.
peuplw endilenly taking pon^wton of
faelar. ¥. B. Oaten. Alderman
ber. "TImtc i* mseb 1 can do for yon
XMs and W. P. Kenoey. left for PUtU if I *uy tore."
bke. where they will epesd a week
"But it will do vein good. Yoo need
.Bahtog and bnnUag. Their ontfib con- *cb*nge.“be|i
" AUng of three tenta. cooking oienhog.
f*i. Braarss and fishing tackle, vra*
"And be ihorongbly idle,'
opot oni yentort*y Bwrsiag.
Chided, patting tor cbtvk. "Yoo have
been working too hard."
At tbe end of a forttogbt Dorotby retornM. berrying the meek Mn. Vane
poieAiDgly from ibe deligbu of tbe
^fUagm Ilmliiiyetl and Vattoen hotel, tbe ricrim of a reetlemoMa that
Uft ber DO peace bocm after ber retars'
by Ttdnl Wavs end
to Belprr Lodge *fae wsi one afternooo
idlyocanning ihepegeaof a magerine.
when ber eye fell npoo an illnstncioa
Madrid, Oeb *1—A dlepateb from
tbe totorior of a Urge drajier'a abop
jmrta. one of the PUIUptdn* Uaod*.
illedwitb assddco
u.. pl«» ~ .l-ou
llf»—to smnll tba
aerial eoest <d new eelioo, to me tba
IfasTWwakUUd and the damage I long line of flaring light* orer meb
oooDter, to beer tbe ripping of doth,
tbe eonvetnatioD of tbe tired sto«irla
. U i* I
Menvief of ber girlhood enrged tbrongb
the low« of Tegtohan a^
ber Unto ai ebe Uaaed against tbe
cm the laUnd of Leyte, and
and an tocnrable longtog
gpwal ■mnller vOUgm.
^ eee the grew drapoy .
Ki. serimatei thtt 400 Uvm
wboe ebe bad worked took i


...Three Excellent Testimonials...
from men in entirely different ooenpatione.
When w® hare a good thing we like to pnblisb it— we want
tbe people to feel that if • good thing ia pl^ oo tiie maAet,
we are read; to adrocaU It.

we beliere ia an article deaerring of meDtion-meritoriona in
f. It ia a pleaanre for na to knoy tbat oar patrona adHAim.Ton (bomiio Co.

Dew^ Sir*:—I have won the Jnroa Inderwcv for several
rmn odi have fonod It tbe moet enmfortntale nnderwesr. ia «v«y re­
spect. I have ever need. H-e person wiehee to keep hU akto dry and
warm, ibe Jarea UaderwekF«lll
wekr^l do ib
d. KnxLixii;
I bongbt two •nli* of JcTOs UadBrwtar two yedr* ago. I b
them-------------em aror alace,---------------winter aEmnamer
-----------------‘ y are good yeb I w
go without them. I do not
of anything tbat
place. They ar* warm, dry. light and oomfortahle.
loally all rigbb
t bad two sella of Jw
ear to l^e Umber weed.


ySurploB, $26,000
OFFICBES-Perry Uaniiah. PreeHent;
A- Tracy l-ay. let Vice President! Jame*
Morgan. 8nd Vice PreMdent; X. T. Ban
Qsh. Cashier; 8amoel Uarland. AasUtaatChabler.

Sl\oe ^ Sale!
.-------- AT TBE--------

DIBBCT0B8-P^ Hhsnah. A. Trncy
Lay. Jamea Morgan. 3. T. Bannah.
Aamoel GarUad.




MO nain Ladies Sboea. eommoi
IW pairs Ladle*' Welt Bboeo. o
100 pair* Miaaea- sod Children^ .
. 100 pain Boy's dboe*. goiag at


gEcosMiAlvr WBEELS
BOl'Girr aNO 8»>LD.

terlyro berwJf *. »he tboogbt of ber -t pu« i* tU dw m
wild dreirc. as sbe drove to Ibe Totten­
ham Coon roed to Wlr him everything'
-Kif tbe aecidrai in OxfonI street tbat ,
bad fint brosgbt bersudO' Lncd BeWdavoo'enotice, of his connnnt ktodneM
dnnng herr following UlDcea. of tbe
tempta'iOK inwbirb*b*yielded beesnae
abc we* always ti#d abd oftw bangry.
and of Ibf four year* at Bt iper toidge—
and now there waa no nwd. Binuned
and diixy *be roan to ber feet, clearly
■etieg that ^ bad no one now span NEW MARKET
u« a eeiBplete ■lock of
wbum lo’relT to protect ber from betnelf. Her ca«le of cerda bed fallen to
tbe groDDd. tbe man npon whom ebe
bad leaned—perhaps fooliehly—to ndees the pari bed forgotten ba. and
•« Kaa< aa4 proms* auaaitos.
tbe ngony of ba dUappoincmat was
Bot tbe bsblte <d four yean are not
be •baken 00 is an boar, and tbe net Suva, oppoaw Boui Wklttag.
xiriking of tb» neighboriag ejoekt remindtd Dorotby tbat ebe most return
to dinner, bot as her cab bore b«
tbrongb the rtippery etreet* tbe wbirling
wheel* aeeiDed to repeal. "A* tbe tree
felU M it eball lie." Dorotby absd.
drred. hot itjU tbe words rang remorselemly throogh b« brain, following ha
ABE OL'C....
Bp tbe broad suitcase at Beiper Lodge
and into tbe qoiet of ba.own rocBi.
Then ebe fecHl the ritnabon. £b*
..aa at least neoemnry to Lord Bew- j
davoD. and be, to whom elw t^wed »
BDcb. aboold not find ber wanllng. Be
loved lft>r, and John bad forgottoi. Peibi|i* ebe droerved that to'sbonld forgeL
Bat wliou sbe was drrosiug fordinna
tbe putbOB of tbe mtaatiOli cune to ba
asddenly. "I'sfaall be mniimiaiUi for
It’e 8 Fall and Winter Shoe,
onn-. ' Jbe tbongbt- “Tonight 1 eball.
Ifs a Water Proof Shoe.
wear mottnitos (or my dead love; to­
morrow l.afaall forget."


_____ formapriee$i,BOw .AI-OO
• toe. terma prise Bi. sot* i- i.W

Men^e OiUlAto Shoe* at
W.OO. I.8». l.Moi
Men's Beat Kip Booto at

BuWiero oT^l kUd*. So-L (no old «oek) at lovreet petoea
wbieb 1

Union Sliwwt, Near Front.

fotgire and forgrt the wroof ene oaa,
dene him she wocld many him.


Ko; 135 Front Street
■l« i^T«
W H! HI K‘

K. B.-Addr*e* all ColleeOoo* and
grreapoodesoe regarding Banking
Matter to the Trmveree City BtaU Bank,

The New Shoe Store
18S Front Stroet. Tmverae C«y.
C O. SMll'H. Propr.



New "‘Hobby


-------TTTIB IS----- -

lAGreatGlOYe Week Willi 0s!|



w OffBr, Psr^^ovlArly in lAdieg* Wemr.

Goodyear Well I


bvr objections, and in silent proteet Urn
woman clothed ba in tbe aomba garb
ebe bad rboaen.
-Dcttotby bad rearbed ibeflrst landing
,OD ba way to tbe drawing room when
■be beard ibe ball door, open and a
"Ye*, my lord." from tba footman to
reply to an caga qoemtan. Tbe next
moment Lord Bewdaron was beUde
"Ab, yon have sean tbe pspeii,*’ be
said, tooebing ba dreea "Iwe* too
vrorried to tel^mph How tboDgbtfsl,,

'*&Mra4Tkas from MwoUa nay that
^ eycloM oaenrred on Oeb l» and
that Chrtgaia and Bsroga. cs the
•r, eoaet of Leyte, were wiped onb
■■i that an immenee wnve ewept toland, angnlfing many vUUg**-

beoanse yoo
I laoe and silk ; him." And bie eyea filled wto ttoxa
tea gown d diapbi
was ion 00. and a
D^oJ^idrFP^ooV^ttol^ a^l "HedledUstnlgbt. He
colored cloak and a tbk* veil throod- |lovsdyoo m mimb ae 1 do bad be know
tne ha figoie and face. Balling a ban- i TOO. Doolby. I abaJl nera forget yow
>- ipesring ihrocgb kbe glip
iympathy. Again be tosefaed tbe btoek
lily on liCT way lo Ibe To*- 1 “Tc**. tto« ktswd ba s* br bad Mea
Tagtohan. lit* cyotooe also ewept the taefPlecadi^..................
tenham Conn road before sbe realtoed kissed ba before.
totoodof Samar.
tbat ebe bad eneasmbed b
The fall extent of the entaetrr^
Oot mm _
•!>» bad BBOcaaMnUy e
BevrdBTon, now Duke of Sastbwayte,
drove to Be!)
OismUiiiH the cab au»
g W BUtw. the Soow rvraUbo^ JowMe«.TaiflMk)ks'mi
o t^mSewing Machine, a
feta, ab* walked Mowty |
gl^wtisdotn, Ofad «W






ArIt for the Boswell Hat

in BUck and Brown.



Evoy hat warranted. If it fadeeor break* we givejtm a new «m*. ^
i It Uecnaltoanv Knox or DnnUp St bet for wear, price gz-oa
Anotbe.-. tbe "Chelleoire." a very styUeb bat. oUo worronlod. tor S
» $8.ia Banal to any S3 hat to tbe diy.



I Clan Block.

Traverec City, Mich. 1

Six Houses and Lots
In Box Calf
In Cordovan
In Enamel.

Cash or on time—Best chances in th,e dty.
If you want to buy, coroe quick.

He8v; SoUe, 0%Jf Linrf, BaU
>00 and CbiD Toes. IfBAgentidSEE THEM AT


Ap. taiioial leaa aad laiasiiaeai Ea.

Frank Friedrich, Misses’ Lace or Button,

Wnfiborg Blod;

118 Front 8L

«r OxhUod
•DMi, fer««e pair, at AA nnUJTB, f 14 RwiFrond Sk«M.


Craftt Britain Find* tt Impraeticf
bU at This Tims V> Join
a Silver Conference.
------------- :-------


Occ n.-Tb»
bm F. Boie«u pumuB u

<, I

■nar-: Arttoa IMtMdp.. ■tl.M’D,

I of Sir J. Weatlanf head of
the Anandal department of India, which
was under dlKtirslnn at the meUns of
the rabloet council last Saturday, and
Whlcb Ukes strong srounde asalnst the
reopecilBS uf the IndU mlnia
OMmwny Waite ea debs ML
Senator WolentI U not In London. Ambaamdor While name frun Berltn UsI
Saturday. He baa avoided pphlldly. but
haa had aeveral eenferenres with Sena*
ter Wolcott.' In the course of an interTlew with the mrespundent of the AssoAaled Prea White said Ihsi - Cer.
n^nys action as lo Minetamsm will de­
pend upon BnsLtnd. I>t0PU»a1n* the posalblllty of a tariff war. White said "I
do not ^lleve that nermany will Inansurale a laHff war with the Untied
The nerman ptvf and many

et have ls>eTi very bitter
ilDst the Dtnstey Uw.|l lUt T think
reallae that

noirr wirw ^

rarse. General I

of tbe "Ittaj letter vrilen"
M to the to«fls
an mldcntdui. and ii

psfaapa ^t I

auty ol tb* tlwh •i«W*teoo. Uw n*
Buo«n> eesMcd to uneMsrcuod
wu arvued Id the wpr*m« tourt r««rr

to dlaludse'theia.

vlctad of PI
n hours a day. and sentenced to I
nay a floe of ttt and serve nrty-aev«D I
dayatniall- On lh« trUI Holden, wbile i
ns tbe emphiyment of Ahdrraon!
for tpR hour* a day. pK-aded not suUiy
bwaiur Andcreon voluntartly ecaasMl
1 tfar
Furiher. Cbe farir (banted did not eon*
■tttule a rr1m«, tbe etatuK

and employe frcm makins
lawful any for lawful
ui pun
' IPS leslHallnn. and di
l-Tirivpd tl
dpfpndant of property and liberty
dpe pmrew of Uw. Upon convietinn
a peiluun In t

“'Wbro writliiR to a meapbiw of tbe
nard (^dennm « a ocanaiUKiuaer ia

The position was i

prectpltou bOL n
■d only by a alnsle
aJoDs which the atlachtnjc
.yvonalstlns of (he Gurkha resuUrs
/ tbe lx>rsetshire reslmenl was oblls^
IndUn file, three ball,
lelllns the Ransara.

ooe a* the dty departmeota, it it hl|*faiutln. I tiliok. to addnwi bita wlCb
‘BCB.’’* Ib ]Soaf of tbe ear­
nctsua of tbil view of tbe enae tbli
Weluw, tbe dlotimury rompller. ^ho
It M a titia of
oonrtegy mwdy. Uatowed upon tboee
who bold or have bcU higbtr pabllo «f>
Seea, cqucUliy gariAiiira. jud^ memben of oongroas or «f tbe atmateaod

mcncu PHTSiOLOGr,

tbn maity
fit* trf baUdiaCi
e»T«Wte««sid vub tia>b« anated
tbtir new (Rtmaa. Par ttaa.^n» «f “How Ossbt W« to Uve, Etc."
tbeaipcrtnmt twobaUdiidH aboat II
feet nqtiare and <0 la bei^it bad been
A Coarae of Flra Popular PahUe
mt ap—similar ia all rae|Hsm, axaRft
that floe was made of ‘-Bcaud” dmlar
aud tbe other of ordinary tlmlicr. «*(b
being hlsofoniisbcdwltba cbiniwyto itoirdiM ud
and farnitatlng eumlNUtioo. Outside of
B. F. BMirtUlBy, M. D.
tbtue botM, 00 tbe windwaid. firewood
wbl<b wm
of Bartlord, Coon., bcgiaalag in

Webatorwaabmln OhqDfrticat in
1T6« and died ia tbe mine rtate in
I 1841ITO brf«. Ih.. nmilijm™!. ..

For tha Baxt T« Xtaya
We wHl make you a vary law rata to
Grand Baplda. Detroit, Milwaakaa,
Cbieage a- CSaeincati.
Miua Ena.
Tiekat Broken.

For Friday and


Si«“t£'S?iTSrSii.«?'a»ii.ii;St«iiil«r{'s Grand Opera Kouse
was well on fire and ia about half an
hoar itdocod to aabm. while tbe other i

for tbe

Eveatlttg. Oct. 18.

Sirlom Md Poiierhoni,! 8to»k,

rTpoTctep.......... S5


(barring of tbe Woodwork on the side
Monday evening, OeW aspomd to tbe direct acUoo of the
Heart. Bloodaad Lung*.’'
flame*. A farther teat Lad
0^ia-i*Fnod H^weylbiag JlMinp
om applied by iguiting a pUe of ahav- >.
Don't tefi to avsU yoanelvc* mt tbaaa
ing. and fagiH. maid., but agmu tb.
eSeot waa imeidy to char tbe wood.




and ttoefal with aong. Bat there ia a
little iwwdy follow beyond the imle of
Apathies — that wloked
flgbtrT. the English sparrow. Individ­
ually be is banulesB «s»n^taBtudlectively he ia capable of tbegwaMt
bot afterwafd the offloe db^ uibe an Biisobiet
^e csteriuiuaticn of oar
elivyive ouc. and tram tbe Qtglisnward song Urds is apparently ae cdilef aim
baa come tbe AmezicaD litldwldennan of tala exlstattote We can oevrr forgive
valianUy apbeld by tbe
him. bat oar wiadi agailyd him riioald
be molllliwl botwasB of hu one redeem­
ing point—be U good in pie. “Fonrand
twenty ’ ti him would repradoou that
: tie* and be would-be a
" lb id nursery fame. Under
: Indord who Would omit from the dee- tbe alias of “nedbiid’’ he is omstant|
of an aldnrjnaa lespeciallf an
woeoUy clratedi tbe liUe
j “the bemoraMk”

Tbe legal dnrtesof

t ol indulry | aldenntsi are eo few. their exiuciae is
paw on the meHis of (Taptaln ' ao wvfdlly gaxrded by actaiff the legIreonard A Ivivcrlng's case
An order ' laUtan. that it isueoessazy, soto aptalt,
'has been Usuefl fn.m the h.adouarreta
,ha aldermcnto find, if the px^goa“V"" 1 sitn mav be used wlibout oflesuw. work

I. l-n,lu>My K.U (teSwBlMsr.
they reached ■ be open spate. and w
Jsnvsnlle. WIs.. Oci a.-Lawrvn«
a'apuaad to an accurate fire.
pndonced artillery fire the Gurkhas Williiir, whn wss arn->ied berefurshoniWere retnforped by the Gordon Highlanders. Then followed a masclfirent
nub across the open space m 'be face
Ach'Hir. received a
of a murderoua fuNIUde. The ei.tmy
Btood their snund lUI the Brtt'i.i pboingraph <1 Cudenllsd-1. and SSI'S It
reached the nv%a below, dowa wh'cb beuiK -nu r--,JniMsii<v (u a likeaem of
the tribesmen could nut see Jp fire, ani Wlttwr
then Uey fied pell-mell. Tbe loose* ol
tbe Ourkbas and tbe Ourdoo Hlgb
Bprlnc VsUcy, IlK. Get tl —The mlalaiidera were severe.
era here rrj-.-i wl(h«>ut a it
Tbe trtbewmen reserved HhtIt fire till
liy the
Ihc. cbb
cHalI <■»!
tbe Gurkhas miehed the atcaas r«il
is called a
.8b" wale and
under a peipendfrular ctllT. Ttree n't!
laken of
Uh companha emsaed the fire e ae off
ber* at a rush, sustalnins hary to
while the remainder drpli>\cd to
The gevenameni of Hawaii baa re•te-ep!I a flank attack
tuaedl" B'-rept Ibe artMIialMii treaty of*»«ne l.too of the en(
enemy from lha
rectloB. At i2:iC
iS:iC p. m. mnlterw luok**] tcreO- l.y Japan
Food Is BO warce at 1-iike Undemaa.
aeHoua. as the BrllUb run fi'e had
AUsk*. Iltei Uoid II till a day. aial
failed to dialidse the enersy. Oene>
Kemi«ter tbereopen w ent forw ard _j;n alngh- m,als C :o lu O
Tbe caar and ihe Grand Ihike of
person, mnvins up 'heG ,rdon HlsVandHeaae dn.,iped In as it aerVoii Kalaer
cra and the Third Sikh reslmen:
tbe flshllns line. A ayatemaUc asvaull Wilhelm at Welatadra >esl<-rday aad
was then orsaalted and Z.0M me<i with look lunch.
fixed liayoneu stood walllns for the or­
Wi-Mcrn Jnlilrrs of window glaas. a> a
der to advanee.
. meeiing al Chu-ugo onirred an advsme
Thrte minutes before abe word of
command was s'ven General Kempstcr
tatesraphed liark l6slrucilons to the
unicpi of the vaHona Ithcr,
aitmery to concentrate Iheir fire. The organtaallona in Oshkosh. WIs.. is undei
Hshteen pieces of arllllety r-apnid-d.' curstdevalion b> the wurktrgcneii of
«i -tty
Afl bat three of the aludrnie In the
alleinv. rushed Into Ihe fliv xohf Half Biuux Falls Itepiist university are on
tbe men drupr^, ‘ but the remainder sirlk. and deniai/d the removal of the
pushed ealUntl/on till they reached the presMenl.
cover ahere the Gurkhas tay. The'resl
at>d Mr*. A1<ram Hmkaw. of
of the force slr-amed ancr then) and
imlngioa. HU., cel'bniled Ibrir gtjd-.
•'•■ddlre Tuesday. Ilrokaw ts U
troops had p*k(*-d tfr Are aobe fled up
his wife ts years old.
tbe hlU and colidkted under cover of
Notices have Ixen vent OBI by Ihe fed­
the cllffa The Highlanders and mixed
eral governmi nl warning hunirvs ard
regiments, after pausing a momepi to
cithetw against setting fires.on guvemtake breath, again advanced lo the
nenl lards in Wisconsin, aaaaulL and twenty minutes taler the
Csirl-Koebel took Us life al Chkage.
poallioe was won. The rldxr was
First be drank ,*rfaoHc add: Iben be
stormed at S o'clodc
cut Ua throat with a raaor and flnlUied
by barging h.maelf with a wire
London. Oct. a.—In conneetbm with
tlurtng Ihe last year no fvwsr than
tbs tacreaar hi the strength of the Ritt- 1*.«» •cboel chlldree .were taught to
Mi army the deferae of the otbetee ,g swim by Irstructota employed by Ihe
Graat Britalo Is re<vivlng UDOsunl alleti^- Lund..n achuol. Bwlmmlng asaoctallon.
tP». The ■government haa Just dis­
Charles Heiion. Ihe uldeal hlachatrtllh
patched a former aecretary of stale for la Wlacunair.. .elebraied hi* Wh lilifhwar to Auaualli with Icatrurtlens lo re­
day at Janesville. He tearnsd tbe trade
port to the war olBce apon the coedition with bU father when but 1 years olA
of tbe deftiwea of tbe Anatrallaa roloTbe BIoux City. la., council provided
Btea. to alR* an tnervase nf tbe rotontal
Tt Ihe
forcee and to nubmit propomls for ann- investlg
lag the local traopa and exchanging bat- vemrtng control of tbe loeal street railways
Frank Hammer was Insuntly killed
lag. the CaoadIkB mloMer of flnanee.
re plant at Menasha.
Oiwal Brlialn also Includes dlBcaaMng Wla. He waa employed In the faradlng
room and In siooUng to pick up aome
of which II Is propOOTd to ex­ article war caught In the abaftlng.
pand In atrvngtheulng Ihe-Guadlao deJohn Andrews, a member of the anfensea should be borne by tb* Inpcrtel
phomorv class of tbe Mount PImML
la., high erboul. was slabbed bt a row
pTumtsua (he Papers la tfcedhna
at a trMhmaniqclam party, bring rut
London. 0«. n--Tbe chancellor nf Dear the jugular vets and barely, es.
tbe excheiiner. BIr Michael Hl<^s- qaped a fatal Injury.
Major Uotws P. Handy has flnlabed
BMh. replying to tbe metportal of the
bahken and merabanu of the etty. of his isbors at Paris as special commitBoaflosL aaya paper* wm am be pebIMM (any erptolnlng the propovaU
saafle •»« tbe pasldM takaa ap by the

New York. Oct.-n -John C Sheehan,
tbe Taiamaay Hall leadOT. reiviv.d Ibe
f.illowing dnpaicb iTwertay from May.
or Harrison, of Chicago: "Will he wlih

ts. acwitrrsr.lcd hy a large
delegation of fVg* i. ui

Cot. Daise Mi KlBlh im.


KWint Adsti

) Am you bteured. I- W. HAffmOS ia
' tb* Jobuaoe tdoeh sells


Still on Deck .
at the Old Stand.

leibUj. ^Irspsst place
ibe riG- (Hva
olrisL SaUsfsctiOT guarantOTO --------


that we are doing sneiety a ser
Ella Morris Kremchiuar in W<
Home Omapaaioo.

Barmwaadmcribtd. Tbeleamwonad
op eomeiLing like this: “Yoo aee. I'm
going a long way and ahall be away
■me. While I'm gone 1 abaU keep
p lookoal
lookoDi i-vcrywhcrt
i-vcrywhcre. Maybe I'
a nliarp
find Ibnl dan calf. Ft» lockodTdr it
everywhere in the United Slates withqeiiocoem. and now I'm gniBg to ttg
tj„ old FOrld."—ArgamuL

For the opening of the new store,

Fire Insurance.


wple 1
So let ns enjoy
ay do I
and oat of souauu since wc may
without a mocal iwiuge and indeed feel

AX lalf.
(am where a soldier mfowd to walk to ; taking the form of orduu^ which by ^
Wbn Bill Nye was a boy. be and bis
A court marital and Inslcad of havlrg • tacit
Is arranged diall not be acted b|>ou ua-' brotber once bad a gn
carried the captain
druraed by the !■
I(UB .tbe aMcrmnn of tbe district in after a calf that bad got lost in a piece
wbicb^appUcaniarapplieBBtsnalde <d woods Tbe srarch was kept up ‘
4sH> »•«>• Ibe mws Oewvmes
amenta to acticsL In this way the pow- days. Final!' it bad to be abandon
m^'p^'^aWKv.d'v/u^f^r^BOTi- essof AualdennaBinadistrMare'vecy Bveryb^ be'l tbe bamorlst forgotall
that all of | onosidnbly oban^ and in an^ caM aboat it, ahd be said nothing of Hto
> any u
nuarsntlned axalnid ihsi pu<c tbe suie ^ impm
day 1
goveruflwm line cetnprirarUy been t»- | y pix ^ tbe «
I belpci. — —.

Tire goverrbr 1
"the bos
I realist* .“Bill,’'lawbicb a pindingleng trip to



tnaon are tbe only survivors of the nix
___ of boon- in tarly days in England, and
who from lime lo time command'd the
lbs ' tbe clilcnnau or aldmoan was a local
brisade. The furmer Is president
I tBDcHanary rrupcsidlDg amnewbat to
:ioeof iLepAMi In Bdrmrellns a restdutltm ; the|waka>t jiuti
medals, as dlserimlnatlng agi
fiw euually ujerUortiJOs serrlees
copy of the same will be sent lo the
secretary of war
Hilwaukbe was se­
lected as the place of nnl meeting.
, ,
read by Caplain H. H.
Hanies.on "In the Ranks at Aril.-iam."
lag meeiln* Vas very Isrgely
atl'iided Papers w,ys read by C «lonel
Daley on "WlscriiiiUn in the War." and
n Mcronneii. of Michigan. «a
"Fins Dsy-f lUitie at Odlijshurg.-



which the ecurl denied, whereupon It waa ■-----------v_ .i_. Ibe aupreme court on aarton- oj aldwmeB and at a tiiDe. *b« that
whl<* did not bnwi into flame. A bo*, t tTiday eveniag. OcL »-‘-Tha Hameet of errm that the iTiab supreme ! body araa geurrall.T known aa tbe oomtoo. made of Ibe B(«ted wood and |uan Bar.”
onurt erred In hnldlna the law nuisllfb- Moa coottcU. and auy opiniona wineb
wbieb bad b>.«D iilaced in tbe midst
• ^Saturday
^ W—“Tbe
tlcnal JUdre Je« M. wilmn appeared ' b« may hare eippwd In hu dirtionary
the ifpiiutd material was afterward Brain. Nervea, and Tcna
for tbe pUUilff^________________I or any viewa which he hist have enterieJ by MaaklBAh
bemTbe floeet Ste-1
-------------------orary tiUes in aae in tbe United States ;
leptieoB'Viewa ia thiseouBtry.
Single admUaloB ine. eoune Ucketei*
ooald have no eapedal bearing ttpon the
A Uss For BagUab a
T&c, boya and girU pader it. loe.
(tf tbe New York '
Wla., Oct. U.—The "Iron fame -aa legislatdri has now s}gntd I
’’oar song Idida otennot bat woeive
Bclaade" began It
runion here yoter- e»flnes whew tbe name of Webaier is
day with about SOO of the famoua bNcquite ualftiown.
»«.«' We ^ all_____., ~
ade present. General Brass. H* <mnThe title aldftman is derived from ^
aad to help in cvesy vray
mander. «1lh dirw Brass, la present.
the taxon wuid "paldwti^,'; otherkeep o6r lorusw peopltd with beauty
General Brass and Colonel W. W. Hob-


r Yeatman-Blss* a>

Aaotbarmatbodof finqroeAiif wood
haa bm teeddfat fvwanU'thia tl»e
St Bariia^uta. wbwe tbe BtitWi KtmlaflammsUa Wood ecaniaRyhas cim

«bto' iB srtto

trlildi it 1« wotw

ty.UUi«.»hKii lnroJ»« ta«

oiinoT iffiopiat Tm mu huib

Uiedoti. Ort. n.-ealUbun’ la«t nlabt
Ml to AiRtMader. Hay Uw reply •(
tbe BrltMi ^vemmpnl to ibe p
of (be Amertcan bllT.etalllr apKlal eommlaalaD headed by Senator WoIcolL It la
a dlpleanatlrally worded note. Bla l<^ablp aaya th^t the irnrertimret of OrPat
Britain la not abir to reopen tbe India
inlBta at prewnu He resrrta (be Inabil­
ity to accede to tbe propo«lt o^ihe
Arerrlean rommlaalonem nmat Brnaln
'' bavlBKaaKTcal aa Interent an tbe Unlied
yiataa and France In neeurtni a auble
bar oebanyt for sold and miver. and an
aalatsed bee of ailper. In theae elrponstaneeh contlpnea Lord Sallabury. tbe
BrttWa soremmenl dvee not nee tbe d»*
BlrabUlly of an IniemaiP'iial nraaetary
enafereore. bat will be pleased to conBder any olher practleal eurseettont
from the United Rulea Lord Balttbury

jr. W. •Istsr. tbe Boase taxsiabw,
SalUtbeOak I*ealiuularaesUa«Surra.



The Enterprise Grocery
is still doing business on
Front Street, just west of
Steinberg’s Grand Opera
House, and presents the best
line of good goods cheap to
be found in the dty.

Enterprise Groceip,

—Watch Repairing^
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Jno. R. Santo,

W. 3. B0BIK80K. 1

■RA'd o-hdgsbggL

TxBrrro-ptao Oitiy,

AND A Good

'laave OiOTra si O
OT pbooe Ks S.



nilSH g«OM TMC EA«nM MARkgT*

Also eTCTTthing in the line of

, In the Brosch Blocfc,



About November 1,

Goods promptly delivered. Orders by Phone given qnick attAtion.


to make your fall and winter
purchases of Dry Goods, Cloth­
Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure. JlT
ing, Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s tor^MediedMti
- by Vapor
a B. WAIT, DracftM.
Furnishing Goods. A great new
stock at guaranteed lowest
prices in the city. New ghods,
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem*
new prices, at
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,

If You Havis logs to Sell


Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Macbinery. of all
descripiions. Indading 2 Engines' Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A ccmplete Saw MiH Hant for sale.




®EC«rr*"v BUSS AT wg'w vo«t




0—afWegew.nli^ffbT wn ■*
New Tcrk. Oct. H.-0«Deral BeiOanla
Madcia. da. I1.-A dlvDUb Iran
------------------------------------------Corosoa ----aaya
that Haratud BlaM«. peter W. Tracy, ctdididatt for Bayer: Srareta.
irklns Tveaday (or Havase to I ry of the iDfeeter CortteUtu N. Bttn, and

Mob in Kanwi Attomptt to Lynch
• Man Who Murdorod

, £ver Bunted Ont? '

▲ Nn 1b doUara ia «M fo^

tea tabdrad qaain iMka a (te*.
‘tta rayal U no. IpB by t ladNa
A royal qaattop^ b It by to ta^aa
Aba*tl baqaal to tuaa

•■TWraeurcity.-henTiiad •Bd
If 90 yon know


r ffCDeral o( Cutai. made the follow- : audlree* of IJM penaa* M a Repobllcaa |
Waste Bstb Waya
It fn U
cllar heU
8ba-lf Uwaa-t fwtfaaoMlBchaRitaere. I
kn. tbsra would ha no flirto.
prarramme to taaure Immediate and eer- i td bb mnarka raid:
Tlieie baa bees
■*«--------«•- a
Be—U it VMB’t te tbe flirtk Ihw*
talD auceeaa My military aad poUlteal | ouicm about raeaoonlac from VaNi- fa,
would b* BO old bMbekn.-Ctoi
aettooe I aball denlop elmnltaneouSy. I tti*too. Ohio, Nebrarta and other placca
have hot omrulted the ■overameBt to weak to the pr^e of New Tork. I
Tbe 48 MO pB*adTolpna to »J<
about the dlvlalotiaJ command, hot ao thoutht I bad a rt«ht ai a dtlaeo of thja
Wd totteaa
■p*oMl OamiTul'Sxeuratou.
ae to have more tima for poliunti at- town to come. 1 have teen BesaloraA aba ia #Her dMt to OBa^XteaBA
(air* 1 wbbed to be accompaeted by : Tburvtee and Fnraker rome Vre before
^ „ 4».a
In additiou to Ike one-fare for round
teoerato Uke Panmdo. who a* aecoad In : bad acme of our friend, wbo now crlll.
trip Oct. OU to 9Mb tbe 6. E. A 1. By.
camaamd wlU bear the brunt of the m.1-! clife. thran for comlnjt were tbea glad to
*• tto^qstotoca wiU give a apvelal exearaion to Otnad
inry aetlon. and Oeoeral Paudo. who ‘ ere them. The Kate of Kanna U rale- , «bb im*.
Bapide Friday. Ooi. *«h.
II direct the rampaievai the bead of jlu RK«ey for Oeorge-e eampal«B.~

Umlrellaa an itaad aeondiiic to tba LMva^aeteMCUy t:4Sa. m. tnm CkW
the amy.
Oencral Tracy and Oo\-rrr<r Bbrfc lar^b of Hh, thb eatytos fttaa U to
'1 eannat ffs a dale for the termti
—»n order. Hetirr Oeem m Inrlwa
1 meting
Prtmklyc aotmnn,
Of Ibe war. One of my geseraU
bimnff ^eT^":?nT«»;f “i?;;:;;^;d
^ is^t.

Bownrd Oiy urv
Matter* which filled the Mg bulIdlDC to te'*110 eff
Ttctoiioui IB aeveu meoitba
Arrlee Grand Bated. Il:l5 a^n.
ccmflnn tbl. evt^ | orerflowln*. A aecnr.d meting wae b'td tna n to 96 ibcbw.



r«t ta

br <m



.a»p»«y bMswM lUiyiMibl* W tb*

KUII>«—UUto n(rt M U Um r*tb ■(
Manhattan. Kan. Occ S1.-A cro»« «(
MdMciUsMU lbtoa«cd uwstic«u ben
Uat Btebt Id ibe viclaltr ot ibe anntj
. lalU tbmtenlCR aamniary mwWBM
upon lb« murdrrer of Sheriff 8. & Lai«.
wbe a-aa abut dove mierdar while Id
the perfgnnaBce ot offkial dDtIe* M
teniitr mile*

:: Stt

the Ciermant avenue Hrk. Armiklyn.
I Httle
DO UffervfH* even II
longer to reach peace.'
that Senor CBnalalar. when turtlnr 'fnr
Cuta. declared that be WDOldgnake ra
trtw report ot the eltuatlon after ettidyiBg Ibe duntloB of Cuba and the Cnltad

n Ftunin*
The e.ecuttce
of the
—«D-called Werklef rVffHwcaev-on.Blmoiuly Ibdoreed tbe OtbefiV L’nioa

Cedar Ra.*4(b. Uu Oct. riT
OTaaslaalloe <

aklhg. c

e prlMoer.

—_____ a



a) the CwaalryV CUpItaL

O. Lockwood.
a. P. A,


Detndu Oct. n -Mra. Abiihe R. Wol.
Cott. of St. Jneeph, deelares she hu
oonvereed with Mra. Adolph Lueterrt
■lace Ihe tr >1 of tbe •
the murder ______
Ort. 11. a woman applied l
entt (or shelter fnmi a ralD stun
desertptinn of (he thlaati


Eifiii ft Iidiui ft. I

Hem NeewBeXI
RuthnelL Rla. Oct. IL-At daylight
yesterday morning V. F. Layion-a Joliet
convPt out oh parole, committed suk-lde
here rather than return to priscsL' OfBcer* went to Layton's houtv to arrest
him and Uke him back o prtaBD »—
for -o-vk>e parole law. Laylna retired t





ars/.VE&S CAAD5.

Ckieago. cJT n -Nrorly,u' hutfdied
■ “7
ofllrerr and ratiBonaries of the NonhMteen
Bcbooi UnlfB. Iowa liiinoia Wiwonaia
:; “
' Bars— Brutes Bb Week.
Waahlncton.Ort. n.-Speclal Cemiiila.
| aloner Kaaoon. wbo was appointed to
negv' reUlive lolb'.



wtg. hojjra Mat and
^ ^


.aid (Mb. -T

teitb wheti I was out at SraRla ’*
^m’AKtg k. nokTOU, K^t^
"Did jouf And what was ha b
ual vUl eueod rromstly is all day se nlsM
fing about wbeo yon mw blmT*
'•Us'MS laagging
twwoirina about
bto Mod^
Mty joA M that uumeat."
"Osur old bmith-itiA IOmUm.*'. TkBS. HOLLIDtT A NIL
U Istey.Tnrrotc ITalTMt

;; :s
TralteSSTtra tjom C1aeU>wdL Orwad^iroe
Seawa M last If ar IMp-wrnm PV Wayne. Urwn4 Kspsaa. KetreM aad
IwroltrstenteakranrfcarnreaalilMs. m.

»r - .

t of

BnUdees’ National-Aanoclatltei, In
Sian h<re yesterday, elected the follow­
ing •■fflivra (or the enruing yeardent. Gp<rge H Dslvock. Wale

_____ . __________ ___ _
N. T.: secretary ,snd ueusurrr. u..-.-.

C. g.KrkKAT. agrai.

Inff^TMturro.—Nrw Vtuk^ouznaL

Chicago ~4
West Michigan.

The WiJ^Did tbe editra ray your
MM bad Do BHriO Tbe Ptici—Uh. do! Be aitetey eaid H
aa't the ktod they paid fuc.-.-Iowa
__ ______ __________ __

Wagfo-CbuUy feapbtad'sed
•tary Sher- bright liiag at tbe clBb but aigbt.
g tbe yield of 189T. (M)|
e hU taesDe
Wiggw—No! What wa* U?
PpereDbraillti* off of neaiirW per rest. I et HansfleM. O.. Keiorday * eek. or the '
> lonn#T and the quality of tb« wbtee day after the president leaVes Wash- Idte
greatly deflcleot.^
| IhgtorL He wUl vote at MaeUleld.



lEagga—Hto tUk faaL — Broklyn

1 yesterday charr'd
nillam AUec



PeoHa. Ula. Oct. U.-Ter hundred and
fifty people mw e pmty game between
tbe Baltimore and All-American
can tea
re. 9; J

eoboolanewr—Ftr what <
cbMOy IM

aaenrUs C.T. Urmwa.«gWeildMtss Wro
l<7 U

i. on. ri.-ftek>sl
kuUte tee twsulT.r.ior beer*
u yra eeteTT Ftw ladlaas aad '
■eallT (air wrathw. Ilgfat north. :'
erly te wertarlv wlaila Fu-Lower MiehIcM <
-Pairwrotnie^peM-de^WshoWHSIs lortt i


^ KagUa.. .. SMa-U.................. 7BPM.
te. Kia UapMs .... BBajL ..
.. lISrJL

laad wUalB «we vOe af
>TT> l« Aetesot land
s.-wtlleaekaagT far eWs
a.A. has SM City. *•«

F’tiis.-aaKErsritks.’Tr; unsRi US NRBunn li
lew Bear* aad da ea«y lerwa U takee •«
^nlr*or PgaaelaThaseeB. M A KeWy.
■^ntrati IB
KOOK (inu. Wa


T* taae sgemSuada/. Jaaa B. U9>.
atIMa’clseka a.


st(M CaewM l« will he taaea aa ps
Joha Vcrly.IMFroalMrara.

F»5.:ii.‘i2,’*S3r'-K’=r7='2: Igaiii.:::



PeortA. Uw. Oct. n.-The ftrtted
Steles grad Jury .
muru u Mil Is tbe •.■umrlalnt died
»f-<—« Otand Master.M'aHer V. PowaO aad Onnd fiecreiary H. B. Perham.
of tb* Osdar of BnUwuy Ttergrtrhenk
durgtw them with vtnlaUEg the artl
euMMct ufisD iuher tew. The action
wu bstatebt toy a tetfk ln,the hrotber-



F“i,'isjtL.’7st5aBa=:£ ^(!Sits=aj~rE2».r .W7

Ue claim* scir-de-

le first made her ai>|Maranre et Mim J caaes, 1 death: Montgomery.
a Denison avenue borne Uir In tbe even­ Ala.. S caiw. 1 death: Cayk.
ing. riatmlrs In have fntlen out of brr rows: MAfcnry. Mlsw. 3 caaes: BikixL
carriage and injured her leg
Fbe re- MIsa. 17 casea. t ^tfca.
Mehied n week at tbe home and tbre
fiaving borrow ed «te fled. Later she ap­
peared as the widow of General Whli■fiker and claimed in be a ipectal DnCed BUif* pension tnsi-ior with power te , Coundl Rev. Arthur S. Lloyd n laled a
raise and cut p*nst..r. In thla way A* .
^ Ignorw^ of the col.
d people In tbe south. He staird that
literally cteDed .money.
tbe time had eom* when It ws« r.eceaniiwei. B.MIM el P—ha| .an- to educate the negro Up to a high
.Omaha. Oct D—Twelve •members Of ChritOan standard. He thought this
r Illlnola rcmmlsaloi) to the trann- [ enuid be a
|4 ,and Ini
teacher* a* thow of the negro race. TTw
visited Omaha yraterday
pur- , rraOIng of Ibis yaper lead to a dls«s:be grounda and I sfon. some of the d-l-cales taking the
POST ef looking
imnuls building.
aelecling a site I
building on I colored blMopsk Othtra opposed
It wue fiocldcd to erect
Idea and Bo agtWmrtit e
overhuklag the

.......... Ittm'TW

Atterheya at Law.

thing aboat an Old
Two BMSI who bad faea at wbool to-

• to Chicago wuh her busband
^ ^

e. s«e Aiw ..uriact», . m* mv
cealed her name and fddeesa.

Dated Oct. 7. 1W7.

OBemls Kosiu









Cupboard Safe Kf^iWig-’SSs
S2r-S.“trrs.’i:-r=s— —
pan rrotilased.


Mariberougb. Haas.. Occ n.-dohn TwaMteradt k gteeu a ptece at ibe n- <
Bturpbi. the oHwi tahabftuM of Mart- -«atot<dtb*< BTMdteu MgM of Uw or-

Wwia aed yaatertay. u«*d M9 yeefk

Picture Mouldings

1 win be Ju my oOee during tbe
moatb ot Oetehw 1897. to reeeise rity
and school mtm Office hour* o o'eloiA
*0 o’Hnch a ta. aad from 1 o’cloek
•’clockM.. and oo Taeeday
Tided Tridt toUw akaua
esuning* from 7 o’clock te 8:90 o’clock.
' In ^noM tbe doctcr’a daim Oa tbe All tauro retnalBlaf ub|mld "

WaAinslon. Oct. tl.—Tbe natlccal |
a^ui-r. tn^lmslteilT wk
roBvenllru of ^drtluallsla adopted
a I| e>rta^ ««.
For Wlauuds
ivy>..-v m
* aa fol- , ..___
wind- aHtfUag
glatenM-nt of
. nn .—I
lowa-Falr. sllshlJy

... U-l.vve In an In-durlUpg . ,
enersT to tbe universe whether It he {'
hnouD as God or oibrrwlM.’” That the j
tmiversr is a ueliy without beginr.irg Be seed at Kew Ortaaaa BmUa Agaia wMh '
erendithatbe hi^esi eaprwwlon of life: that the i

spirit rise* from the l»«ly and live* the i
^'7 *>««"• Oct. n. - Ah previous ^
Mme life In ancih.-r realm. Then Ibe ;
•» numtwr of new cte-a ,
cUDventlon dropped Into puUtlcs and d<- fw'rt- UnAeo yeweeday. pArty In the ,
^otwd and denounced Ibe -Vanequal dts- j evening fifty-three new csm had breo ,
trniutlqr of wealth and government by ' entered In the books of tbe board. AI i
tn}utlcfi<•r^:'’ opposed all Sunday lawa ! the same time there bad been «x deatlvii. i
lhai It P God’s holy day; ; There had all occurred during the early
he laxalloD of an chuirfa
peopeny;. discountenanced the uee ot
tolunu. npl)^, llqDor and like sub-,,
I Ms deaths n
icd up t« 7 o’clock
aWfuws. and opp,»ed Ibe engrafting of : n<:l s single one of tbvm had occurred <
' Mcce noon. Tha recced of the day was
tbe wotd "Gad ” in the constHution.
I caws end « dealha SUal.aStWhllwtadlee.
Elsew here In Ibe fever belt the reports i
eweund. Ocl n —The Pnlled States ' —
-:*te av fcllowa: Mobne. t raws. I
•t servire oin.ers and exarnlnet* ate ge,th- VMwatd*. Hlsa.. 7 rosea; Rcrai*.

Tarasin.OnL. Oct. n.^TBe peottyeaDferenre held In the paelllOB iMt el^
sras well attended. Mra Wand JUMw
of Ann Arlor. Mich., dcupled tbe thalr.
Bbtglly afiee thr opening cf Ow meelliB
bum Frasev* WitUrd was lalroduead
•Dd reeteved e tearty gr^ng.


JTntiee to Tazpnpnra.

.-ard huridd II to tbe cellar. =.o.
arrAsted on Information filed by y«ar AnimcaB
Dr. Olover. The coroner’s Jury b
h»ougbt' bwogb Miuee
In a verdict agatnn Mrs. ttoaale.
Houle. Mra—
Mra—peotib <d tbe
Huuir 1. erne of the Influinlial temper,
A LcmdiBiiMiiiicgbaf trained a jamt
worker* of tbe city.
tOMT-Wrapainir WbMbeiaacfkHn. PwiiemeWiraMM- O.W4.
, in^ with the fagoMi. be hMigs tbe bird
Cblcago. Oct.
o.<Wm ruiltn iu cage <m tbe fenoe abiofa is b«i^
man and her sub. Satucer W . arrived ~t«....t ud ■> taMMnby an wanted 4

Bluffs; surgeon general.
MuscaUne; rhapbb. Re*. J. B Albowh.
Mougt Temon. It w4* decided to bold
tbe eeki armnaJ meeting af klsrabali*

Sheriff Lard died within a few mlh«tew, ahd tbe«ews of the murder waa
telegraphed here. When the train bear­
ing tbe murderer arrived here at t:IO
o’clock a crowd of tW men .surrounded
tbe Btaihin. Tbe cry of "lyndb him”
was Immediately beard, and tbe crowd
gathered In uiva tbe prisoner. The stx
MalMrta Ttahl a Ns«sw
deputy sherllf* wlu> had Werreo In en»St. Utuf. o«. n.-As
tody drew their revi.lvers and Urrral........ ..
hetmeen Peter Haber. Ihe *Ti___
eoed t« abool the drat man who made _
! riiamplan." and B<*h Armstrung. tbe
boalle move. The murderer, who w-as ■
» .y
eliikjog with fright, wa* drawn to an
emnIhuA the als deputies Jumped In. tbe
. bbrsee were lashed Into a run, and the
rwlD* were not drawn until the county
Jail was reached. The mob follow^ a»d
^11 be palled.nff Nov 17 In this Clly It
aoon surcaunded Ihe county Jail, de­
ultimately arranged.
manding the life of Ihe murderer. A
llltlr girl-came Into the crowd carrylDg
ainr- lee.
•^re I ot^ • ^ 1.
She s^ld not a
m’^had •
.May Beatyoeatag Tat.
The rrnwd
liecame still mote 6egaonstrailve, and floally Deputy Sheriff
Marsh came lu the jail atepa Bind urged
tbe rtilsen* to allow tbe Uw m uke lu
eooroe. He told them that tbe mnrderer had been shot In the neck and was
badly hurl, and urged the croud cot to
attempi Ihr life of a man wbo might die
of his wounds. This seemed to quiet Ibe
crowd for a time, but It soon became
known that Warren wasjiol tudly hurt,
and tbe talk of a lynching became more
promunred At 11 o'tinrk last night the
,town .war quieier. but It was reported.
that ao-eral secret’mteiings were-be- '
Ing held uilh the Intention of organis­
ing for « lyn. hing.

■:~|SwO(tle*^Uie ^

clepbaM b frm 10 n IS tott te

Aa« b«m D.

Suits to Order.
Fitfe Merchaot Tailoring.



UMbee Mahm a Oaed Met.
Warren, who aa. drunk, grabbed one
of tbe weapon, and turned it upon
BberUf Lard
He flred oer bullet 4Slo
tbe Metiffla bead, and a. tbe lUneer
lecond bullel look effect
body near the hran. Warrer. breaking
. bone from. b>8 remaining captor, then
daabed down the street. HI* flight eras
atopped hy Banker Sfiaika of Leonard,
ville. wbo having ert-n tbe aboollng of
tbe aberlS drea « ivvolrcr and began
MooUng at A-arrch A bullet which
took elTeft In the i»eek brought the mur.
derar to a uandstiu.
The abooung
great eadtemeal at Leon*
atdvUle. arid
tbe murderer mtgbt
for tbe-daci that two deputy sbrhS*
hurried off with him to tbe *atk.n. and
eooci had him aboard tb'a tram bound

■MeaMdlMwy (ha* W maw.
Cnatoa. U..Oct. tl.—Ike city of rtiraIcg 1« wtudgbl I


O- P. OABTEIL A««at.

-Koney to Loan


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