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The Morning Record, October 09, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
FSist Tear-No. 198.
«aa of rorn«r Baaideat of travar—
Ofty SuppcMd to H»t* Bean 1
ItM BatiUoa ta Probata Oowt tot
▲MiSunaBt of BMato Taload
Tan jraara, or tbaraaaonu. ace. W
of tb* noat iapartaat teeton of aoW
''Wa la Traaataa City waa a vcaltbj and
^peaatrk caeUeBaa wboae boaa at
ithoB. (hoQfhthetorwaaaaU to ba*a
baaa aoaawhat dlaslpaiad and reckless;
aad tkte dli^Uoa was probably tba
• et hU d
wbanaboaU belnf known br his ral*
atiraa. Bs U now U yean of afa.
Probate Court PatiUoaad.
Taatardsy. by Dodfe * Oorelt, his
attoreers. trailer 1.. Ooehran filed a
paiiUoa in tba probate coart of Ormnd
Trarerea oeantj for the aadfnBant to
hlB of the intaraat in his father's antate to whieb ba elalBs to ba anUUad
by law. The patitkB Is filed in aaoordaooe with Baetlon UIO. of Bowall's' Stautas. whieh prorldas tbit
any taatatorabaU omit to pre-
Aata win lataatabar -all J. W. Cochran. «•
Ba eaoM here ftiat aa a aaBmar feast and i( shall appear that anob
) the (riaads was not iatentloaal. bet mads by mis______ j take or aoeideat. eceb ebUd or tsaoe. of
tbk bis bone durlnf the n I of ^laeobeblldeball hare the aame ahare ia
free bisobjrctin iifeaoeBadto ba to bad dwd totMtabt.
Fart of tba 1
fire bU friends amoaf tbe yonnf 'peo
ple a food Ubo. aad in tbe fertherenee
of thk bk Use nod money ware Boat
larlsbly spent. Costly praseats. ridea.
oxcenioD partica foUewed «eb other
in swift sneoeasioD for aararal yaaie.
At one time be took a larfe party to
Chicafo to bear f^Ui. at an anpaase of
nererel bandred dallnie.
France: Gertrude C. Waller. Oornrlia
Be purebased tbe reaideaea on State D. Barclay, Walter S: Eeseys of New
Yorkaty: EUxabeth 6. Miller and
abeUdlnfetiU Annie F. Miller et ('ream. K. Y.
arectod on tbe pn
known as Coebten Hall, few tba «
If the paUUoMr b deceesafnl to aause of bis yonnf Mends In tbe way of Ublisblnf test ba was •« InteaUeapartias and antertalnBanta. He tM tionaUy omitted to tee wm.'nndar tba
boUt the bonse diraeUy oppoalte on atatnte be woeld ba entitled to tbe
PreakUn street and fined It np aa a portion of tba estate reatelntof nadls■ tdllkrd baU for bis own Bsa. Bis posed of. wbieh toclndea Cbieafo real
estate ealnad at sore than 1100.000,
alao Tariess sacnritles affTSfattof
abont tSO.000: alto tba sbara raeelred
by tea tsfatees and tea panou In Inwaa flrca bis by Mr. and Mrs! teraat who hare not yet made a aatUaOarland to ealiBlted aaasere. • Be meat witA him.fore hU dntb be boofht the realdance on Front street now owned
by & U BnaaoB. rebeltt it aad fitted
it np al«aaUy for bb own esa. but
was sUU tmr^d far faitbfnlly by. Mr. nsat BnUrtetomeat of Klfb School
Zractnre Oonna Will Open tba
and Mra. Uarlaad. At bb death It -was
feend that be bad beqoeatbad teem a
Bamodaled Tbantia.
U;6ral tofsoy. which was felt by aU
Professor C. T. Oraws has closed af
»ba knew tbe etreoBstaneaa to be no
''Boreihsawasrifht and josL
tbs City Opera Bouse for tes Blyta
Dnrinf all tbe years of b\s residence
School Laetnre Cooraa tbb saesoa. Tba
harefitr. Coebran was snpposad to be
reasodeled theatre will be formally
an nnBarriad man. but it seems ibsi
opened on the I6te of Norrmbar with
another ebspter of tbU sinfulsr life
tee first number of tbe course, The
. srbosa records srare snppoaed W bst
Imperial Webb Male VoartoL Tba
hsnn aenlad foreeer by the band of
tlekab for tee course are now
Asatb. has after many years jsst <
printed and «tt ba to tbp beads
.to lifht. '
of tba studBats to be dbpoaad
early next week. The tiekete teb
Dodfs A CoTsU filed aa i
to tee Probate season will differ from former years to
oonrt of Orand TraraiM eonoty, which teat there srill be ao nacasaity for rasrill raeall to lbs minds of a freat aarrior seats for each' eatsrtalameat.
many Traraise ayy people tbaiife and Saab may be raearTad far the first and
aams will ba had for tea entire
rasldapM to teb city of Jamas W.
cm. Anotberfarorsbleekaafa wm
Ooehran. who died bare Jely S. 189L
Dseaai'ed died wealthy and few except be that tea aaab srill be yradad in
tbe axeentors of hb astete knew tbe pries nsArell aa loeaUoa. Tba pries
■aaya to tea lerea and boxes wUl
axtanef his pcaaasMona
Mr. Coekmn wea a -widower and ba «3; aaetioni A. B. aad C. aad first
wbnn ba died it was toaad by a wUt four rosrs to tbs BsUarr.tl.&a: saetions
written by hb awn hand, test D. B-and F.. fit. Tbb amwraBeat
Be left on eatate with aa ap sriU enable all who attend'tee course
praised ralua of •1M.7AS.SI, which to unit their fancy as wall as tbelr
purses to the selectloa of seats.
osMisted af real retete sad
- to teb ettyasseonttof to Se.ioo; real
astoU. a brick bnlldtof to CBbafo, ^
prbad at tlOT.inO; Roo)r Island bonds,
•10,000; notes and other
Be left a wUl wbieh beq
..Bam Garland. •1000. TKe ramnlnder
eras left to bb brother. John Ooehran.
of New Yori^ City, bb abtars EUaa
Walter aod Mery L C Biddle, aad bb
CDuato. BlizsbeUi S. MUIar. Tbs will
dbeloaed tbsappototmentas exaentors,
Hon. Parry aaBDabmed 6am Oartaad.
' Death ofa Pioaaar.
Mrs. Kate BesTTiDlaster. an old pio
neer of Laalauau county died ye
day momtoy at tbe borne of her dangbter. Mrs John Hacker, at Raswlek. of
old acp. briny At years old. Daeassad
laarae two dauybtera. Mrs. John Hack,
srr of Reswiek aad Mrs. Fred Bbkter of
Sutton Bsy.
The funeral srill be bald from tec
Btanyellcal church si Eaawlck Sunday
at f p. m. Bee. 8. Sabbety of, tbb
eltywUloffieiate. aasbtodbyBeT. Mr.
Nauberof Keawiefc.
Walter Ooebran's Diaappaaranoa.
Saearal years prior to bU d«otb Mr.
> L. A. Onarterly.
Ooehimn bid aa only son. Walter U.
wbobsd Bsdsbbbamawlte bbaneb.
The qoarterty meaUny of tea Ladba’
John Cbcbran. to New York CUr.
-..- - Library AmoebUou. srbkh srss postWalter suddenly
and1 ponad from last Satsrday. nrlU be held
taoorb tea father dbpiayad tea at- lodM' nt tbe library'rooms at three
le for tea wbaruabouts of o'clock.
- These Beettofs are for tbe benefit of
tbe matobers and all nra uryed to ba
Mesa to balbee teat be was dead. Hs piasent. as boilneos of Impcrtoaue b to
eras »ut board of bj aay of bb Irindrad
for mors than seraa years and whan
Fntf. Mortauyh'a pupib are deliybiMr. Coebran died ba firmly belbsod
that tee boy STBS dnd. Far tbb. raa- ad srith tea new dances betoy tmybt
aan no menUoP srss made of him to tbe
I W. CoebAttoT tee daBba of Ji
ran the executors procaadad to ndratototar tbe estate aeeordiay to the proeblcBSof tee will Two of tbe \onrise srera fully paid, aad a portton paid
toolbar leyatoBeuddanly Baappoarad.
Vary much to the astoubbuMhi of
jib roBHilalny rubUrm. to HaeoBbar,
ISM. Walter suddeuly reappeared to
New York, aad Ibcre reoelrad tea flm
Information test hb father was dead
and that no prorislua bad beeu mads
for blB to tee sriU. Tbe rsaaoe for
tbb OBbaiooskaa plainly baeanap tea
Mdtobadaad, as there
aay iU faaUay botwaaa
at t o'clock, freaeblac nt 10:S0 fian- We-aiv baildioff oar repototioa
dayjK>niior«nd the T. V. A. tinndsy
hifber erery day for good ■
ereainf at 6 o'clock. PrMcbinf afaln
BABX^ FACTOBT HAS EAS^A at 7:10 p B. All tba prracblof will be workpi»i.hip iB (moe..
ids. Ba will alao taka; eharfe of tba
DanpltrXdfbt Preit Oiep-8,#00.000 '•
of tba latest to stort to tbe finlt raia*
tof bealec
The entire'stock of lofs w
tlBS.afo, and loo.otn feat hare I
dare. Tkb wlater tea aompaay srill
put to'abeutl.oou.OM feat. Tba ranoer
toabe pat to Inat fall for tee bSArbat
srork baa prorad a yrsat aaeeeda.
A new macblne that bbeiny elaaaly
sratebad and that if auecanfal srill
yrsaUy toereaae the oapael^ of the
factory b one far stapltoy Climax buskata, whieb are now made miUruIy by
band, and aro tasteBad sritb taeka.
Tbb maebtoe sraa made by Mr. Jacksee and basaeapariiyof 1.000 a day
wbUe tbe bnt srmk that ena be turaed^
oat steadily by band b only about CM
aday- It has baaa to aueecaafsl operaUoD nt tee factor}- ajl aummar.
Tba factory will be sbnt dosra for
le nsual time durlny tea srintar,
whlb teesaaaou'ssupplyof lays b beiay secured, and areryte!^ will ba iu
good shape far an early start again to
Some Bargaiofi
in Odd Beds.
Haskell's Bookstore
/ .
BaUaUi Bit Oosai, mipri aad OfitUag SeuA
12S-132 Fnat Stmt.
G« U DMdftt to (Md I
udmtoovsUnto |
jFft 1“*
interasted in your wtilbre, and adviM
yoQ to nsa
1 Winter
i Clothing..!
Slon^, beCBBse it is jbe oheBpest
Soap is
>0 of tbi
o buy o
a Household Necessity
tee only one wbieh be
reetly locate. Tbare are srldently do apoteecnry sbopa to Mb Ver
non. Ur. Wait abipped tee foods.
For nil fMk-1e one
poultry are glran tbs bast
when they arrivent'tbelr desUnatioa
wiU ba as tat as if fed on tbs bast of
Chleayo. Oet. a —Wheat—October,
tee land by the moat thrifty farmer.
WNc; IVoambar.MJic: January. «Se: Tbb b tba first ear af teb kind arer
May. tPsc.
Com-Oetobor. %»Tfi.e; Daeso
»«<c; May. SlffGKc.
a of AuUtan Dears*.
l>He: Doom
j»KCd*fe; Hay. MRO.
Pork-October. fiT.Sf.S: Dsaen
tamn leases tor bar fall
opening, wbleb
conUnna aaUl tUs
Lord-Oetobsr, tS-ITH: Deaember.
right price makes sure of qoality—lesser
price is false economy. Inspectonrofferings.
kb store
J. B. MoQouyb bus beea engaged
lately ta yathartog np all tee eblekans
ba could find to tbb rsyiae for ablpaant to tee New York market Be
abipped yaatarday :.5(K> fowl to a spec
ially anauged oar desiguad for poultry
aad prorlded with a stoUroom for aa
attendant aad aufltolanl feed for tea
Choice Stylcfi-Mjood Cloths—just received
here. Prices are as low as can be made on
dependable goods—5c and np.
b wbsl we claim for our S8 M Conches
tbatwesnselllny now forte M. Caa**
buy a better ooneb to tea Slate for lesa
than C8 5a We also bare
Party in Oreyoa Seada to B B. WaH
fur fiupply of Drugs.
It b quite probabb teat tbare are
aerural-druy stores la tee sUta of Ore
gon. and posalbly a few betwaaa Trararse City asd that slate, but If teers
are. a man named H. A. Carrb. of Ml.
VemoB. Oregon, b erideutly uaswara
of teair axacl loeCUoos- Yesterday 8.
E. Wait rscelred a Ball order from Hr.
Carrie, for a supply of drugs aad be
stntad to hb coBmuBlcaUon teat ba
M. B. HOUAY. Manam.
New Une of Ouling FlaonelS"
and Artistic..
Force of 405 Han Bmployud andj ^
tee Oradtoy Will be Oomplstad
to Ralkaaka Vsxt Week.
eastern By., nrrired to tbe city last:
aiybt. He states test there are now
men amployad ou tbe axtonloa
and that Kalkaska will bs nsnhif
some Uma tbe latter part of next sreck.
A toriybt ear has bean aat up as a yeaera) store and b well patronlssd. Tbe
men eamp out at polnU nearest tbrir
rrorfc aad a dtoiny oar forabbaa tbs
meals. Warfc bpreyresriny flaaly aad
wUl ba pushed to eomptstioa.
maad fire-step, aad say they are
- J_______
OUasan aad 85^ X>oB«t Biwbnl
Bankate Bara
-The Foreaten are prepartof for a soXhuinf tba g
eial daaea to ba firan la their new hall
j neat'Wednraday eraeinf. October II.
Ooapaalona of Foceatars wlU aarre
A H. WalU has beam to for a few
. Thearaat
dsys cloatof np tbe nsnaon's work n“PPW »
than ordi
tbs Kicbifan Basket Fnctory. The fee-'
toty will shat down for tba wtotar a nary aoeUl interwt.
sreak from today.
^ . V. Slater
While tbe seaeon W not been an SelUtbsOakPr . .
beery aa for tba past ymr or two, a«- A reareatac bond with emr store.
tof to ll^t frelt cropa Ibmifbont tba
I'nllrd Stataa. yet tba factory has been
Oyetara—of Ue bBt qeamy at tba
kept besy and IM bands bare been em- reliable oyster boeaa Flctehrfs Ooptoyad. There has not been mneb of
call far paicb baskets, bet tbe beery
erep of fi^tea to Ohio and Xe w Yark has
Bade a lirely ^eaand for oaiatax bMIcbte aad S.SOo.OtKi hare been >nmad eat
But you can’t wipe your face with soap.
Yes. soap is good, but to have the
right combination—the perfect thing—
yon want some of onr TowelS at 3c.
A new lot just in.
wmr at S9c a garment.
I lot men's extra beery wool
; I^ai.nowUe.
t lot men's extra hcary eaBsl
I balr underwear, wool, at SOe.
I tse. oorprieene.
f).M boys a Baa's bsavy winter
SS buys a man's beaxy black or
I brocadtd Cberiot smlU ,
•4 77 buyaamaa'sbeary brown
. CnabrnsresulV
able broBStod salt, all wool and
' s to patteru.
hpao CMto toi Mdut Uto.
XeanyaUcBl Onartarly Xaittog.
A quarterly ustiag was begun la
tbe BrsngaUual ebureb inst erontocTksre will bs prsaif^inr tbb afmoM IMPTBtai.riMr>B Mb.
Bad weather, and the children, Boys and
GirU. win require BETTER SHOES. We '
have Better Valae in this line than ever before. -
Ik* ateta.
▲. W. WaUafvtaiMi M 8k JoMph
iiiFinnrorrr. -
Ba wUl Mka hb teBll; U> Florida la
laar fatara for iba wlaUr.
PMB fn •mes ar T*»
vomrD »XAD or
4^0*. T. B*T¥1 AM) J. W. HiwwEjBtartoaa l>oatb of B«t. D. O. Badl
J. W. BA«ro. EdUor
Bar. D. O. Ball. weU kaowa la this
dly aad who fraqnaaUy qint weeks
ia tbia locality aad la WllUaBsbiuffb
whaia ba formerly praaebed. was fooad
dead ia
room la a ■hotel Id Be-
trolt Wadoaaday.
Thera was ereir la-
dleatioB of soidde. tbooffb tbara was
BOtblBff to saffffast by wbat Baaasr
iravOTM Citf.
waa caosed.
toowad that Mr. Hall bad left omsiderabU property, aad It U aot tbooffbt
that flaaacial troebla bad aaytbloc to
do with kM death.
Bt^caaB. lUaoa of laaain*. lb,
Ba waa a bratb'ar
of Mrs. Bor. O. VI. Sbermaa. ftrmerly
Tieasr aad toar* Was ths artekt Bjad
ytMntey klMT • alMrt ata^ la tka e>t7-
WMW* »T.«
la tbe daUaeas aad bearlDcm <d official laporta an rariad b
rim which bare acanethlaff o< b
iatemc aad which fftra oaa a batter
opiaioi of tba boman raoe. la a nomt
the Loodoo Daily Krwa itara aa
ny of tliini tv.Ti in't iu luufftb. which . tocid<ejt of the plaaoi) which aucorred
derplr dhidid iai<> poiaud lohaa
i ^ todia *0 yi«n affo. DbbbU, the Hula
------- ■
t the jireat learea
boroioe. hariaff bem 1------------n—a
bnadfrDit giowa
It Is a mroala
„ ___________________________________________
^Jy nhcrtcal. oftto wei^t four or jhao the mcard Uaa book. 'Tho Kawi
•oA bM a thick, yallrtfaa This
Tbls erult is
U tbe chief food of tba
uns bock Joat laeord oe the la•octh am isJaadwa They seldom eat a
playaa shows that tbe itoranuaent
mt-i witboat It Tbe cstable part lice ^ Bomlay waa nxae jadicioos ihsa
betwom dw riad aad tba eon aad
gorenuatot of ladia la ouaaaltlaff
wbm folly ripe is y^low aod jalcry.' it (t,e rrllgicnu aad social iDstioct of tbe
U brttat few food befen it baa mainreA nanrea It waa Lord Saodbum. and
aot Lord Elffia who lariated opon tbe
aad tba aatlraa gatl*«
daaffer of j^aring "s calsmity aum
poln Is wbltaBefcn It U wady for tahla use It nnat serioos and man widespread ibao the
it looks
like wheat , wty Mritda'cBie that has bow to be
„ txBBUd.
______ ..
bread, and b both palstsble aad aatri•• ^ aivy lo tbe blue book
of this eity. aad laaras a aoa la laffbaa
tloos Uaoally the frnltbent law thn* iijaj*„ting the aataW of tbe plagtia
foot alioaa aad naaied or baked la
do oonanticai with tbepnamtepl-
lurtn u Oiaad Baplda aad will at ooae^. The bowe of daoaamd was ia
her UaporUat work.
HI* PMoakey. Ha waa former^ a Metbe-
deaiic. but was wwth nsening from a
nenrd of >0 ymrs ago to rerire tbe
Brat faaiali faatory laapeetor erar apvoUtad la BlobifaB. baa opaaad head-
U aa acrrauiaa woritar aad aka
dtet oletffymaa bat of UU
will B»ke a thoroajk oaara« ad tba
to Icara the eoaditloaa aammadtoff woaiaa aad ebUdraa aaplapad la
toetartaa U the State.'
Experlaaoa hai
aroraa la miaoU that a woaaa cat
___ a beUar iaapactloa ia thla ImporV
•at dapartiaeat thaa tba araroffo laaa,
•ad MHa Mmob ata; ba dapaadad ap«
to Bake nffffaatleai that wUl fo far
towards aawlloratiaff tba eoadlUcBof
of womaa who wark la faotorias aad of ferratiaf ml cbUdiaa at
work *koooffhttobeatt«8dlBffae
tob dty to fall to tbe rear of the profr-‘— of proffiasi la Ulebigna. Oraad
p.|AS. bai forged ahead of the QnaaB
CSV by a deeblOB to pnrebaaa a real
•Moa cruslfer.
The only more aoer b
to dad ont what Urand Bapida baa aot,
make a bold daab and get Ik
Tbara amy ba a ebaoea to get the lead
whUe Oraad Ba|^ b ia tbe thfoee of
too earmiwJ^ffnm___________
Isfftststnia to IbUa to bb nport of bb
trip to Vabesoela.
Tbeataam barge White Star. fbpWto
Blyddd. U loading lamber at OraUbkrille for BnOalo.
tba realdenee of
bride's parmte. Oek S. Mr. IVUllaai Moa
and Mbe Batbaady Welch, br Bar. C.
H. Tbaobald.
bnlto aad
—Ti^e foruS^^^alk aboSt it—Best
Underwear on the market—CaH for
Catalogue concerning it.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
In Black and White
outlor tbe collar or in the breast pocket of every Coat made by
Adk-r Bras. AT3o. thm is a linen
insfaet tbe steam yacht.
Arrired is Haw ToU Taaterday After
A dellghifnl asaembly was girea laat
a Flemant Trip aad Koyul Trast-
oreniag at Urof. Mnnangh-i academy.
I meal la yeaauuato.
After tbe .class lasaon two-stepa aad
mao. warDffWaa and thoronghly oa-
Flattory to a aurt of had inOMy
which our vanity given m^mey.
One.of otf gBremnmt ebsprasis was Ushiu
paiiicnlariy cb-tidt-d to bcTsnd iuvari-.
To be good aad dimgreeaUe to high
aUy iJisrul bis nnel «f fruit <r Soar
<Bk.« with bto douib frii-ml.. Un a par-
and aermed ns gernUe aa aay prt dog
New York. Oek «—On Ue rod Hae
waltsaa. with a few fignraa of the Oer-
mouths at tbe elcqtbsnt's fret, wu
bcT exjaMrively ibai tbe tolant w
emor Plagraa. . He looked Ue pielara ber etouge aad was to bo oared for till
bto retUTB. I niya'lf was an eyewriaesi
of bealU aad mid that It was bU flnt
(f biT wemderfui logarity. Large ba
itioc Id alua yaara and be eejoyad
nana tnm and fig trvea-grrw around,
Ua trip Immaasaly. Upon arriral Uare aod, Co my aurpriw. tbe rli-iibaat broke
raa met by Preaidant-alaet Aadrada off one cf tbe fnnmr'srpn-adlng karea,
aad diaad wlU him at bto eonaUy amk held it like a Ian in brr trunk and frtan
time te time graoefully waved It orar
. . irua moat farorably Impnased
Ue riumbortog child, wbethar to temBanor Aadrada. wbo appeared te
broad mludad. liberal ateUamaa. Pin- pw tbe beat of Ue atmnaphere or to
keep off flic*. 1 am unable to my. Tba
graa laleads Imtlag for borne lonlghk
gwiile way to wbkh shemored ber feet
over the child aad armai to each aide
aatounddd me
I amt fur a while leaf
aad some omagea and. oslling ber by
Forty-two Want to ba LaMar Oarrt- Dsmetsbewas never chained), tried to
. are aad Fire Aapln te OlarimUpa.
rain to tempi her to my ride cm the low
Pmtmaaur Friadrieb baa had ro- rmnda Koilitog would induce ber te
leave b« charge. Tbe warm air and
tnnad *t applicatloue for p
of tbe swinging fan
earriera and 5
awamer Veaexurla. which arrired bare
today from VenriaeUu parte was Gor-
Ooorge B. Borg eaads the Bacomc
Baa aamplee of Crawford peaebas.
tUa ymr <A aosirity of ^ll Mr. Berg
Ikaa bam fertnnate aaongb to have a
Tab supply, and wlU ba ahU to Mag
t*------ to market for a waek yak ' *“*
torm to the ooe on tbe paataanlj
wmij owned by J. P. Barg.
«nttog flasneto emld be bought at that
star* at Ue surprtotogly low prioe of
Mr. Steiaborg
has beau nnaUa. bewerer. te aall a
•iBgla yard at that price aad Ua Bac-
Fire and swead are bat slow eegtoea
of d.-efrurtiiui to cum)—■----------babbliT—Slcv-le.
Tbe greatest part tf 1
Ueir first years to make Ualr last mis
Men ate arrcT to ridkalons for tbe
qnaliiiea Uey baw as for Uoae tfaay
affect to hsve.—('banao.
_____ __ ever offi-nded bis own
sciiaice bat first er last it wu rerveugad
upon bin. for it.—BonU.
net prioe aa 6 oeate lastead of fa.
i™, p-ui
«IW yesterday.
pna^liy at thal boar
Or. Enos and fuToUy ratanad last
arming tium Ann Arbor.
Oao. H. Seymour of Oraad B^toa. to
rii^Bg buslaeM in Ue city.
Mra iohn Foote has reUtlted from a
Shown Hit TaeU and WUl BafuM te
...TfiTew etty's in B^de Slwp.„
Union Street. Near Front,
Be Boeallad From Cuba.
(nrOonk WiU pot roB less B-vUitTA"
B*D br tos’tsr roar srusr St tee «ba(>
uecoMi-aANii wRfiSLa
rirals'yaaterday from Riebmoal. lad. Berald from Madrid toys; "General
aOrUHT ABO soifl.
Mra. Naiaoa LUlto arrired borne last Wayler will fiffhttooU and uUagalnet 01*>aWBinsl<.orearHaaslrtsr.
algbt attm-atrlpaonUm tbe arieur- batoff ra^iovad from Cuba. Be U wytog |I to, US
.'KTJSSo.. ’*•
rtolt la tba aonUara part of tbe state.
Mra. M. B. fleam rrma oaa of Ue ar-
New Yewk. Oct S.-A diapateb te Ua
FaUr Qaaaah of CbdUlac, <ama ■
taiatog him to oommsad of Oaba ualU
tost alffktte attend tba maaltag of tl
nest Jnu. aad If recaUacLaow be wUl
There is no clothing that is cheeper than that made by this eelebrmlSl*
firm, because no other reedy-msde clothing will wear aa Icmg and preserve iU ewential atyle and perfect shape.
dtj yutotday to rislt Ua famUy of
Wilhelm Bros.
SarthD^ wu la Ua city ysatorday
«n butoeaa.
Mra. M. B. Gates ratnruad tram Dato^laataifht Bba'wttotaaaf Ua big
«fu Utert Uto iraek.
W. 8. Aaderam will ffo to Kasdlck
rmture of tbe times is Ua lacraaae
dtoplsaoemAt of Ua baser metalt wiU
rilver in Ue ana
Piaoed Silva- flowi* bowls aad vi
B araboU
pretty and Bsnfnl.
Tba growing demaad for abUd silver
teoorruw te dlrmt Ue fnaaral of Ue forks aad spoetks to being, met wiU attoartire pattmus at prioM that law
mta Mra. Bate BewrmelaUr.
Dr. J. C. OaaaUeU of Elk Baplda wu tttobnyer.—Jewelata'Ciiuular.
ta Ud cdtj lut Biffht to raaalva Ua
•darammt of a pair of aalUn.
Mr. and Mra. C. M. FruU. afk
•stoyaHa rialt la Ua uaUora part of
Vi -VS ■l.'V’l't ■- -..s-9 *'
Boston Store, i
Fridigi ud Surdi; Oil|[
S3feifiiiM' s
• -SrS,"-—I
iKfiSfe”"";;:;;::;;;;:;;;:; 11
sad • raw pisle staek at
wtUbsssMtestl.kvisaafcnad. Lrara
In Big Claw Block.
Traveroo City. Mich, j
Silver claapa aad bcador |daoat am ao
longer a rarity on books and albnma
Only custom made gar.
ments at double the prioe can be compared with it for durability.
atiltoe bis lafluBoa over tba my te
to Ua putoaaU or
Mia. Nalam Cbi
trleads la Jaekaaa. arrived borne will soil bimsalf te Ua Oarllata.
Urn. E. J- Huttoffs arrived ia tba
I dA«lFT U> iBtara llw rMpli- IbU I Sa,
m-d nr Uack at BCrrel- • t..
Uib*r«ttoT l*«wiu.-S«TS I hswi opeos^
are finally ready
to discard it yon will be surprised to find bow long it b«slasl^ypa>
RwlU risv tkrly. to be hapiQr be
bMw«t: to plnte.- Bit mind your —
last Btobv
When you bny yonr “Adler’s” Suit this fall, write your hamw
and the'date-of purchase on the label and when yon
A good word to an may obligatfcm.
but nut t» speak ill rojuirra only our
An unjust acgoi^ico to like a bmhad arrow. Wbiefa must be drawn tmokwant wiU borrible ahgatob or alas,
rhicb 1 yielded, and. aftw a sleep cf will be your dtuuuction.—Taylor.
mteblfAed. . Tbe elril sarrire rxamin-1 jome dniatiim. I wu awak- ^ *To isudoo Uose sbaanliUra to ouratloBS wUl take plaea today.
On ne- quiet, aubdned mtins bi-dde
■elvra which we cannot suflw to oUws
Men. Fred Boogbey rfaaraad boms
iBt of unsToIdable deUy Ue cdril Biy annrtoe I fennd that tbe chspnri ia neither better nor wane than to be
wiUtoff to be fools ouzaal res than
sarrlea enamlner will be
Mru. Tony PetertylraturaadfromUa
•b hare uoUl noon. Uerefore the Ue eb-iihsnt riiicd near Ue veranda'be- lo bare oUan to.—Pope
!. patiimUr waiting and gcmlly
amU laat algbk
•klDg for Ue b-mpttog datotira |Aoba Loaof Snttona Bay waa to Ua U1 ooe o'clock. All wbo totead to lake
rarely wiUstood fur over two bom
city yeaterd^.
examlaattoB are requested to be si
Ola Laraan of Suttoai Bay waa l»U» Ua assembly room to-Ua High school
Mntoraquasted'to auamaea Ue.eoi-
Boy Zaraa.
label, of which the foUoving is a
reproduction in print.
Comet, of GreHlcsk Brea.
fiomts per yard up.
Tifiae for>^^ to begin to ^tnk about it
girea .
of the BMtilenon Tbe tale can ners be
A nariae. an Atoo^*fcU ill of ^
plague tod di«L His wife boned btw
andJalHed him.
A week after his dcaih ebe died, but
tbe a
mmibs of the year. When
than was no ooe to bury her There
dually ebaws to a dose. Ue last frnitsj *4, fl^e c^iUdrv . cf whtnu four wtrD
are gatberrd and made into a sour paste boys and me was a girl. They fled to a
a to OoBirot Olaaa
ealbd "nishei." This i»i«e will keep neigbUiring taut, where Ue ridost. a
Oatput ofthaOonatry. Said to ba good for months mad to made tote balls. boy cf 14. provided food for Ue reM.
as Far Baaeblaff aa Staadard OU wni|i]>ed to IcatW^pd^wl. jnstas They boy. feeling ill. went tsuh to the
bouse wbeae bto mcitbrr's body was and
Tiast-Vo Kora llaahiaff of Frteaa. Kt'iRitd.
Breed is not tbe cml<fsprqrtBCt
aol<fsprcriact of tbe died tben ahue
Next to him to age
Columboa Ohio. Oct. a-ltderriopaa
rm. It^Swmt. doU.
a* a ^1 cf,U.
today that tbe meeUap of yaalorday tin^r and lumber an also olitained. A
Tills girl. Dannlii by twnia. was ooe
aad nntll late last night of tbe glass glutinona milky Juioe ooats from tbe of tbe most raarvelons little berotoea
formed oaeof Ue most gigantic tnmV-of tb- m«. which makes aa ex- that evcT lived .She worked for Ue re
. .-------aoommeralal stead-i O'Heut AiotBcait when boiled with con»maining oliildrm aad fed them nntil
.lif! am oil. From the fllrons bjurr l»rk a fltrt bir farotbor cf T and tben Ue baby,
poiat that bas sear coma late «
kind of oewm doth Is nisde, aad the ag^ 1 year « memtbs. perisbed cf Uia
Tbay 1
towela The
terrible diM-Bse. Tbe Issly of Ue elder
tba eatira glam iadnstry of tba Ualted 'br to used far boHding tuxtors and
boy was cairlvd awny in tbe night by
Theb purpose, which was irany other |«nrpcii*ii llekidi'e all this Jackals, but riteburixl tbe baby, "pritbring aader one the- drifd blnnniiia arp uiml as lludiT ttog Uc body in s basket aad diggings
head e»«T rb“ maaofaeioiy la tbe wbcm Area aiD ktodlod.—miaddphia Ireitc-h fur it «itb a pick.''
Timm. '
One brigber' wan lift She cooked
riee fer bmclf and him every day. Sba
led bim down to Ue stream to drink
tbaaa are expected to be closed not
sad slept with her arms amuod him
later than next Tnaaday.
ety night No native would eome o
Tba aasociatim to arid to be as fartbem. and ao Uoy lived until tbe Brit
Marie A. MilUc. to Bi. Nicbolas. t.-ll.
raaebiog' la capital as tba Siaadard
ish tospeerter found Uem. They wem
f Uopbanta"
OH Co.
Praaidrnt Sellarn HcKaa of a number of "bteries of
washed. Ux-ir cluUing was tomed, and
Pitteboig to at tba htaA of the largwt
they wm- rerlMbed aod hauded over to
Some tinte before tbe dophant'linnt I
Ui'ir grandfsAtr. Tbe bamrs tf Ue
glam maonfactery In Ameriea. It to
hare d.acribed my hustend was at a ptogne cannot be itxaggenud. bnC Uia
aapeetod that be wUl aacuw a fraaatetinu in B<«gal. His weak lu-pt him
bright eyed little girl and Ue broUcr
ebtoa lor Ue new aaaoeiatloo la Saw
abe mved arr a tonebtog episode to tba
Jemy. Tbe .object of tba amoelatloa
grim htototj of IndisB rpidomka
Step slssblDg prtoas and aaenre
chair on tbe nraudai. con weak
or rujiiy any men- c-xc-iiing ao
aable proSt for all.
Each cmb
tbau my ryia inippltid to ma.
tony will be operated aeparately. U
Wc- had three R-b-pbsnU fesOtmanre U the tax a man pays to tba
aod baegage. aad <ne char caratan
public fur being exuineui —Swift
pjsd te ftrd faim my baacU ewrry d
BlOMker and Langlry
torday to
aqaeatly tba patqila of a rlllaga
ia which
ao join la msklBg a huge oroi.
Wal bnadiwl bnadfrulta may ta
baked at co« time. Tbua they an aU
nimlied with bread wUbout itt coat
ing aoy of tbem much labor. Prepand
to tbb way. the bread wiU ketfi far
It wOl BOW tw ia order for Upraraor
Ptoffrm to call a apeeial aaaslon of tba
Iba toaadfrait
i« a abtiva <F
the .4.tk
aadUMladlsu aa l. i» U(tnmta^ It iwnublm mrvrhat tbearild
-cthc brlffbtofdO
Bt^ ha* dark arrra laa^
We Hav& Reduced
tte prie,
POn t*
Pi«;rM S Smitli
HlElGnide FootwMt
from 10 to ftO par eesl.
^liowrrtoeaara found cm uarrow wldUa
aad small stsaa to ladles' mad geaUeBMU'B wear.
lupael Uem.
Given by.~
Thursday, Friday. Saturday,
October 7, 8 and O
Fjctnlg B'acieciiri.cjlL,
AAW rron-tm
One hundred Trimmed Pattern Hat*. Newe*t and mo«t
handsome designs copied from the latest French patterns.
Tb« Wty th* 8tet* ImpAicho
Hi* Staunch Frtend. MIm
. Mary Siamaring.
Worc«««f. Mwu.. Oct A-In
■ih* ooDinfnt •roii»*d by 0» ai»n.vefT
I that ibe num of Tboma» Moor* «»»
' I *01111(4 fl^un lb« rdl of porU ID 0>*
, coiicr««*k>nal Ubrary on iBrcrouoS thnl
: be had bitterly altackrd Amertc*. and
panloulariy Tboma* Jclterwn. a iMter
wrilien by Moore In Ul*. twelve Team
—-- --------------
Hd Com** from Ohio and Ha*
Oult^P*epldOutefS4O0.000 in Four Yoara.
pbla Ponfollo. b of «re*t intereat In
*• ■iejTt.Mty
fur publicaUoa.
In thU letter the poet
Moaa wont by Mra-
.r *io*.ao* r
at’ a MsaM IHatlway C
iwaear, la the tirty
la Abeam, a-.-Xaw.Mai
"TbU life la Juat Iona enoufh to cojumil errore In, but too abort to allow ua
New Torn. Oct. A^miaH.'B. Qlba. .
time 19 repair tbeoi. and there are f« w
of my errora 1 refrel more alnc*r<'ly allaaKUaorae B. SherlD. a railroad pr<»
muter who claim* that b* was at one
than (hr raahneaa I waa aullly of
pubUablnR thoac mid* and bov:
time a Judge In Ohia and who waa oncv
Umde* aralnat the Ameruani.
prcMdent uf the Akron. O, Btreet RnllecnUmeDtB.boih with reaped to ibe na way company and I* now trice prealdenl
tional and Individual rhararler. <.«e of the cvmpan) . wai amatrd yrsirrdsy
much ebanaed alnce (hen. and 1 abouid
atiemuon charged with laying down
hinab aa a luvei of liberty If I bIIom<-J
bogua cbecks. beaUng boteUoulof board
the baaty prejudice of my youth to
blind me now to Ibe brtyhl. pcoml-e hllla and carrying on awtndllngoperaWhich America afforda of a better aid tlons of tahuua kind*. The police ear
that Oimn la the most accoenpIlMied
happl^ order of ihinaa than the w .
bogua check and bulel nwlndlar In the
ha* ever yet wIlncMed.
If >•« 1
country. Cllwon, atvordlng to the i-ocontinue to be aa aood Republicans
■Ice. has aurceeded by means Of furgeo’.
Rood royajlala the new and old world txgus cheeks and dealing* In stocks and
bonds and playing his wile* upon first'
need aoon hare Mother dlstlncllon
clsa* hotelkorpeen. durtng Ibe last foul
the bcmlatihcer of freedom and
year* In gelling and spend&g in ib<
hemisphere of aUvm. nrigbborhood of MM.OM. Among bU vtcnilBOI*«hrt«ltea Kadrweeree*.
tlma. acwrdir.g to roU>-e Capula Hr*
Chlcaao. Oct. A—The eleventh annual . Ouakey. are Heury Clnr* and John
eonvendon of (he llllnoto Christian En- Wanamakrr. The police had been get
deavor I'nion rqx nrd U*l nlcbt.
In- ting i-nmptnir.ls of hla feat* from differ*
i aptratlon aervlce* were held In the New *rt flt*i*<]*a> h tcl« In Ihla eftyformany
I BhRtand Conareastlonal church, Dear- days l*< k.
i bom avenue and JVIaware place: EarHaht iM rwps «t>r«
] tyflrat Ptrrel I'rrsbylrrtan church. For| ty-flrat atreel aud Orand boukvard. and
I at the Vnlon Hark C"nEreaBtl<>oal Bartholdi. They did not And him In
I church. Waal.lORton and Ashland boulc- when lh*y wcr.t <0 the hotel Wedneadsy
1 t arda, when addreme* were made. The In hag the asiiie.
He was, however,
convention waa
furnally opriird In found lu the (Srwnd hotel. The detei'*
i Central Mualc Hall th^ momtira at
live* raw a tail. 0(0, sl'srp-fe*lur<d
• o-clock.
man. with Mui- ryes, a high X- nh adand
Word whlak-r*. He was well dr.a*i-<:,
Mate**, aectwdaj aMwar^eltla.
very .\»l when tRr
thr .111,.ra
oflli.ra lotlird
to lake a str.Jl f. i-!l,e hraduuar|.rol**ili.gthalth*foii..*hadifiade a
Me*- JlT^itHklna n.ln^ artd l^men who'
Obieaao. Oct. t.-Ooe awre da)
•ridaoce. and then the Bnlab ol
Loetcert trial wlU b* la alaht.
bat it A~>
and tbii
Init feali would set theouKh than wiiboet
ittch delay today. Adjodmretnt «-.i
b* taken until Monday, when the
defew wlUoffcr aonie aur-t«bn(UI. ai.d
the way wUI be clear for the arautaaau of the atlomeya. which wUl take
about a week. It waa a bad day fur the
datenae. The evidence of two of their
wlueaaea waa bedly daraoKCd - Mary
Blamerlnx and WllUam Cbarlea. Luet>
■art'a bualneaa partner were the iuSm•rw It ma)' beaaldthaJMaryBlemertnra
teatlmony wwe amaMird worae than •that
«( Emma Schimpke'a for the atale. M'lt■caa after wnoeaaninc Upon the aued
and awore that wheb Mary BleoMrlnc
bad denied that ahe had admitted Unproper relation* with Luetaert ahe had
Ml told the truth. They aaid the bad
•dmltled It. and In themoal uaeoulvocal
jDAnner. Host of theae wltueaiws were
membem of thr ^nd Jury which bad
lodleted Luetaert. and their erMence
- waa eruabtna. '
Aimek •* Ike KetdMOT af Charlm.
Biislneea men who had dcaltoa* with
Charles swerr ihai^e could not be believed under oath, and told of ahady
huamcaa tranmcUneu of wbk-h they al, heed he bad been aullty. Hrw. Feldl
far Ckrtnl^
Tone. - bdartag haid01p
■kw-Bet.: alb I'U. li
“Go jh Into all the worU and jBMdh
the goo^ to emy n*aWta.” TU* waa
• of OhrlM to Hi* dlwlple*.
Mb WibV TMlMMiy OMrinMlki
Baaibmof a Craa* 4ary Biaealii
CoaMt. aouoh a WoMB’e Kepatai
pPiMiwHea to Cooetada Today.
OWo town.
_i which bad belonged I
Mrs. Luetgen. Hrw
Ura. Feldi
Feldr declared
d^lared that
Mru Charles had rrounied her to deny
that Mie ever a^w the ring* beforw. Tbe
a lot of questions sp'-m tmireachment.
rolire Matron McMaben. of tbe Bast
,s placed U|>.
■tory that ahe had been aubJecUd to
humiliating treatmenl when the w*«
placed under arreal and thought to tbe
■Mtlon. Matron McMahon declared It
Was untrue that the young woman was
ydeapolled of all her clutblng In her criL
d Mated, and that |>illceman
had Btnud guaid at her cdll door while
ah* a-as wlibuot ralmenc ‘T aearvbed
h*r In the aame manner I svanh all
wdmen luuugbt to the station," said
the msironAlexander J. Pweettev.
Philip Kelli ^•llllam 8|«<;ka and uihera who bad austalced baalBea* (viatlons with
Charlea, told <if business
C'hael.* Iw Bhb't.
Charles ID whhh
they got the
nnrat ti! tbe liargalii
' through, at Ihey-alleged. wUlful decep
tion and diaregard fur truth on the |«rt
by Chailes.
i "« "t
Mrn. ..
, _
e Iwukcn camp a
1 „,uraed 0 their home*.
imHag Valley Sebasl How.
ETtnveton. lUk. (K-t. A—The Spring
Valley onleated svbtxil case, in w hich
two acta pf lew.-ber* were contending for
the coulMi of the school*, has been ael*
ll-d ln the rtnult court here by Judge
Btuugh Isauing a |M>rman«nl Injunclloo
restfalnlng the »ei of Iracherr headed by
PrInHpal Johiwm from InierferlRg with
the set hewded . by Principal Halladay.
The curt held that th.. Jchneoi, *e| of
leach.T* did noi hold legal contracta
Cbaa A. nawa Neariag H>s Bad.
New Turk. Oct. A—The .-.mdltlon of
Charl«‘a A. I»ara. the editor of The San,
that the family
»»• (himmonea i.
turn hii roodtilu^-may take ih.- physl■<'lan* Btlendhighlm are uTMble tp-fereiSsfa-en m for Ihreemomh*.
and while ahiAlng remarkable vitality
he has become much wort*.
OranuM ■
Wra a ri afaelalMial Is
Ig! whu bought the groAbraham 8«llg.
cery department uf Luetgert'a aauage
factory for MW at a torrl/Ta rale, ladBad ibal be found lid bogea of auap to
tb* Blore. and that much of It was
-scrub Soap." This was brougbi out to
abow that Luelikert did twM Deed to make
auap with w hlin ui clean the bigfsciory.
But the attempt lu show that
BO girara In U.e faci.ry Hay 1 was out
Fon Wtjme. 1i*d.. Oct.
The thtr*
I leenth annual meeting of the.norihweat
' synod of the nermac.'^t>formed church
was called l<- order hy Rev. John Knell*
; ko*- Over l« clergy^ ore praseuL
to prove thU.'but was luund to*^ ^are
of a tort that ww* nut the aort the state
war.ted-that (here was grease in the
tcebuuse MSTtrilnM's and elsewhere ab>
the torinr}' nearly all the lime—but
could IM saeae thal there
Uore on May t.
Wiluiin Puliiecfc. a teamster employed
at the tocbwy. then look the aland, ard
Mid he raw Mra. Itoctgert the afternoun
_jiT May 1. when obe was in her own
home washing w lnduwa and that there
was poiliing unupoal In her ln..ks or
mannev. The stdie ihea toowed that
Fulperk saw Mary Slemeitng al The
houe- early Murday enornlr*. "May A
and that tho hart a converwatlrm; that
he asked Maty «h^ tier misirera WWS,
WfHl thal the servirtir arswew-d: "Bhe Is
Mill Sleeping. •
Tt,. . ora- x.minatKm
lD‘*lrstMt a run»>.- In prove that Ful*
iwk wa^rurk that murnlng.
t “Wur l.ewl# OtateFa will waa lUed at
; Rlchmood. Va. It dlsptraa pf wn esute
•» between r.«0.«to and UAM.-
• PresldL-nt Crespu. vf Veneauela.l* dangatouily ML
Hylto ncatid ta reported to be engaged
to Alorgo Potter, ddrsl aoo of Blabop
The rhamlwr of depuUra of Peru baa
'kdopted (heguld standard hy a maJoHty
•toram... law* u Maes A.w*.»M>rae IF
-Waewe Twas a Haed.
Dae MotiMe. U.. Ocb A-Th* striking
■loera art atm eirlklng aud non de
termined than ever on the tt-eeat nul*
form Kula. Theg went eat to the Ker*
stout mint agala yaoterday moralng.
■hip a»d rafferlng. lor He oddesl lof
their encODragetneol. “Aud. l<b I *»
with yon alaray. creo onto tb* wd of
the world." The dlariple* d Christ
bare lound that Christ's predledon vm
Vtewrbing the gospel to (retry
!tme does neceraltale nfleriDg aad
hardship. This ia true pot only lu the
jDBglea of Africa, but also in the heart
Ohriat wiUMot baviug toeudurebaidahtp for CbriM** aake.
The writer of Hcheewa gteea ha is
before us
llurraelan mlrerw from
aylvania f g.> lu work l.^.rmw -...ir,.
I. The ezampic of other* encooragea
ua The hrsi vcisc scyr tbit aiuee we
are soriooiKhd by a great cloud of wltoeaM we should mn our raee, do our
duty, with paiiesee
The apoetledoea
Bot Bieau that ib bcareo a Tail cloud uf
looking Di«D us.
have accept.
c • :-r t.. v
FOR A sid^
SPSS'S ‘„ni.
Sirloin Bbd Porterhon* Steak,
lOBBd iac per pound.
EgKB, two duxeta for............
Fine Appltffi 15toSdcpeck.
Fire Insurance.
organlaed the Akron Blrtet Railway
and lllumlnallng Company, of Oil* city.
,h,t uod
«jnK.de«ree to bo
Itoowt why Me faavw
Jho. R. Santo.
^orrimrs Bbic*-,
that they wyifuc, UP mure than Moo.tWd
tn f'.ur )eur« ami he operated In Ivih
the •wt Jird the wuTi*'
Oaee a CWrago
Akron. 0_ Oil. t.—Cmmel C.-Olbson ; gjo,
. .pi,.y lu dlacover how worth....
a hut (Iibson had gone nii»m oni be weary ib well dmng.
m.1 Mr. Wanamaher In Philadelphia oo'erowu «iliinul a cron.
aome time ago, and the-»ry goods man ; •Bible Reauliug* —Fs. IL
was attracted to him. fSll—iii suggest'd ' lii. T; Nah. i. i:.; Hath XStIH, IR-*0;[
a pupcr.to he started and run by hln. In. John xvi. M; Rom. viit. is. iSh-Hli; Jl!
the lm.re.t of Mr Wannn.aker* .tur.
,.,g q,i
vi. l-«;
•Cord Idea- Mr Wananak-r ——
......................................... Olhsnn. and a plant was purrhaseu l^ie
,t «.. | t,.hu i* urral thing Mr Warstesker
Warstra^.r kre.w
kt«-.w (lilu
“> *#• *
Idfhe lOaiT f.V several thmi-jV>l. U-l»-_______
re and I’hlladelphla ha* nul
'Utke noe
> sirre. so far aa 1 know. I
For Friday and
I^Ulni^ M* i.ik.dabo... hi.c.rr«- ,delliypo lougw i^n.^ih. Froootj
Bis Cara* •( FsSda.
ll..n* with the Akrcn Btreet R*|l»,y , lakra Obrlst died For Chnst s aake wej
"He'S a rery modeaS aao. Mb’s be.'*'
cotnimiBy as a winning card lu gain cor- ; should be willing to meet brarely and j
"Toi. indewd. He latbew phdm huU'
cbnerfully what bardsbips rsuue to US.
•slf on (bat. “—Demni Newa
Wmr*le .Nwlrte*<T*w*aBd Vamamutker. !
*. Tiie purpose and Ibe resiult rd
-He won over even Mr. Henry riewF> | budabip abonld encourage ua to endore.
In fact. bl> uffjee was rest to Mr Clewa. 1
hardships of life it is God as a
Whet, he had wormed hlm^K Into Mr. [
chasieulOK bs for our good. Why-
fnebd. know, ail tfaiaga and meaus to
«ra (bat kuowledgn tor oar good it full
of cnmforA It U a help in tbe hour of
tempuiioD. We are checked, when like
ly to yield, by the mnllM-iiou that tbe
’ ''
ia upon os and (bat i"
is being operated by oelorad_____
The won t n oT that mining sect lot,
have t.dd the wrbtte mlaera that they
mutt not peraiai In working, at CarlMtr*
dale or they would be aorry for It. Teeterdty ....
mornlr.g a minor from ^rhon*
Buahm'ller. J.din Bhannoe. Mate Me:ner. John Duhfoaa William Bcborle arvd
William Civau.li have been arresled
Them gi« the witueuaca cefesred ta
for personating ofllccri. forcllily sep
They' wltocamd for God Is spite of arating Thomas Olrasim and bis wife
hardthlp. Their esample should Inspire aa they w.rr walking on the Alex
ua to do the tome. Aud wiicn we turn andria Pike W.doeaday night, and thro
friBD sacred bisNwy toaccnlar biography vtolatlng the iwraon of Mra akawm. all
UM hisfciy and Ivaru what noble men the brute* cuiomltitng the crirfie which
aud woinru have endured and ate eu- U a hanging ofTeijie In thls state. With
dutluii for Chrisl'a take no mlmlon some tivulile. iM-eauee there waa a
good deal uf mob spirit around.the misfleldk what au iasfiraliot) it abonld bo
creanU w ere taken lu Uayat Ulr a: J
to ua to eudare hatdsbip for Cbiiat's
Jailed there to av.ild lynching. They
hate all been Idrr'iPtd.
A The pganple of Chnst aboold e«rrwker Tietde (o a SVimsiML'
coaragu na to eodon- bard*liip for Uia
New- Tork, Oct.
The immt Im
take “Lookiug onto Jesus • • * wbo
portant politli'al evi-nt* of yesterday
drapisiiiK ibe 0ame.
: endured ibeerow, ..rapiaiin
were the yielding of Richard Croker t»
"Oooaider Him Ibat eortiiled soeb
tbe demand uf nearly all tbeoiber Tamtradlotioaof slnueraaRaiurCHiDaelf lest nuihy leader* that the Domination'
Thomas F. tlrady tor district attorn-y
of New Torn county he not forced uptbera. and the withdrawal <rf Jaci>>>
“lagmiust Mn." lu compansou to tbe
toy candidate for
I ha>d0ips CbriM endured ours are uoth- Hupprrt. Jr.. Tammai
••OUsam had an ..(flee In the , j
j, ^
preddrnt uf
■II uf arealer'Ncw
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
'piUk' rn^llrS^s^ffiM
rame vice prealdenl of tbe company H. I
was foiraerly located al Chicago, where i
he had an office and waa known a* a
Later he moved to New'
Tork and opened an office on Broad
Mrwl In the Wills buUdlng
-r of the Aklallw-ay and I
last nlgffi. snrt when
told of-(lie reiwrted arrest of Cllbson h*
<-<>nreraed that he knew nothing of It
and WMB greatly suiprlsed. It Is raid
I'thal t1lb«on'B reniuva] as president of
I tbe Akron Btreet Railway and Illum
inating company was brought about by
foreign rartlra totereaied in tbe com-
Carl Faber, fur many years a cashier
for Herman Oelriebs A Cn.. New Tork.
Is wccusrd of the ombraalemenl of «AMA
! Mra.' Lavinale T. Hair, who lived at
I Chicago, fell dwur storle* from tbe rear
I porch .if her son's flat, and was killed
' Bbe was M yedra old.
Oeoege AMcn. oftnrney fur the com
1 Canudew. the strurghold of the Braallpany. was also seen last night, lie said
| lan fanath-w. lias Wn captured by g< v. be had koosrn Etninht C (Jliwun (or
, enunent tnmpa.and the rebel leader,
'five years and thal be was formnlr
Consclbrlro. taken prlsontr.
locaiid at Cbloagn. Later he moved i.
William Bhain shot and killed Mrw
New Tork. He claliii<-d to know but
; jrrra^n Lee at Boyne Fall*. Mich., aud
• mile reUtlve to his epeculatlona When
; »j,en i’ rncred by uffleers of (he tow
told that a man named Einmri Olbaon
ti.au.r* by abootlng himself
had been arresled In New York on th*
: q^d
charge of eml,esilrDi.-r.t he ul^ that
corjanwllon opened (en-
'« ‘kr annnal nontracl for gas
Bed to havtng seen the wumsn at nnd I
^n Anu-rtesn fUm offering Jil
«(wr thal Place m> May r. and ( who
cumpany. While
R haa'niad* n
was tuppnard to have !*■«» the missing
■ ; cured tbe order.
i vtsIrsNo ttala city
One was H. F. Huhlfling.
d the following :1 he Is known very liltlr outside of street
h Mra. 1
__ „ „
' rwQway clrttra.
As president of the'
of Mra Lost- : Fleming. Ohio, at Bdlnborgh. Brotland: Akron Hiruet Hallway and lUumlnatmg
‘ : U--------- - .
....----------«... I
BUcceedMl "y Oenerel
1 Rohlfllng ira-.,e*^ Bemud A.McAJllrier. ItoUwwr*. a
bados. West Indies.
Thomas, of New York.
be bad never seen the woman before.
Burglars broke tbe big plate-glan
One wtroera said Mi* bad on clo'h
BliiNWiw. Which srss (he footwear Worn windows to the More of Row* Brae.,
nf the eoetolby Mrs. Loetgert tbe night ahe dtoap* Jewelers. In State etrecC Chicago, and tlons existing In the charg"* of the
aeewred fony gold watebea luid alxiy
Hack rlivr conference were beard b>’
AUflgether Ibe Mate had a fleld day, gold ritalns. « alu<d at tl.MA
tbe paatorw at the Western Avenue
Tbe luidunsl tuunril of Bwtiarrland by
and left caM phase of the caae-Loet*
church yesterday. This matter occupied
gen's ditregard for the aevesth mm- a vote of M to S' has adopted a bill pro^ the greater part of the baalnera aearion
mandment—to a hgd way. The legal riding ter’tbe 1‘on hase of the Rve prin of tbe aecond day. It wme In thla oondifficulty, boarmrer. In convicting the cipal railroads uf BaltaevUnd al a cost neellas) that the case of Rev. Horace W.
raiMgemaker has not been launched
Boltcn. O n.. until recently (Mslor of
St. Louis lobuciv marulsctuevr* her* the South Farfc cbkrcfa. Chicago, came
upon so tor to sar-rvbuttaL
Hrw. Injected a new fewiurr mio tbe erar be 'Bp A eommltleeof Inquiry was decided
lAietgcrt was UUad and. her body tween weatern companies and the Atner- BPOO. and was aetocted by tbe presidiog
disralved to tbe vat In the factory: thal lean Tobacco txHniarty hy snnuunclrA Mdera.
the bemra presented to tbe trial are her their imontlcto to lu-gln maaotorturibg
rematos: ard on thi* print the defetwe anmktog tobacco.
Frank A. Nm-afc. who was brought
Dtfboqua to.. Oct- * ~li ha* bm dehas tbe best lif the res* as seen hy a
•TiWIi op a tree.” HahlTueo of the crlm- hack from the KIbndyke tu answer i« I elded that Ibe caae of Rev. Scott, who
the charge of murdering Bdward Mur I (toped with a Waterloo girl and I#
ray at Watford, to. says Murray died I now In an Inrane asylum, will net come
I from drinking frare a hnitle eratalnlng ; before tbe Melbodlgt ewnferener, be,
'whisky and morpblnr which Novak had I cause he baa be«o adjudged Inrane by
Oiieago. Oct. A—Buperttitendent Bowhis
.burgUra -a civil IrtponaL and tbe conference can
trap for
the Chicago City “
comT-fc- Johnson,
an old aettler of Mc ' -It put an Inrane peraon on trial.
|iany gave new life tu the riumberlDg Farland. Dane county. Wta., was probrvrolt egfMlng among the atreet rail- ablT totally tnjnrwd. He was caught
AppletOB. tVTa. Oct. l-Tbr eleventh
way employes by dla^rglng teveneoo- to the etnut carrier of aeorgbuDmOLhls
doetora and ow motorraan. all of whom ten giwr^betog broken and hU left annual convention of the Wleconaln
wara aaM to' be InstmarentaJ -to tb* Mionlder bUde fractnnd. He waa othrr- Christian Endeavotura was opened h«e
fomatkinefa BnioB. Tb* men are n« artoe badly brulaad. Ba la about 7t last night. Abo« M Be
already arrived and *« 1
■gala taiktng strike aad have arot fw raari old.
pected this noon.
kaito OS cloaer to oor Hravemly
(bar is «tf fuaraut. pemuDeDI and (be
Btnion bepefll. abd mr^ ccotcraoBieM
Tbe Sjnterprihe Grocery
»bll dobg b„u«e«
Front Street,
of iooselalty. CWeapratM^ la Ike eiy.
Steinberg's Grand Opera
by the Spirik Tbe my*.;hoe of good goods cbeap to
Tbe Fatberhnod nf God ia only rigbt-
tenra of God’a
to'a proTideora
proTidenra are read
rrad to ^
elaarar lighL Tbe grewtDcra of Hi* lovo
grow* more and Bxwe’tmpreraiea. Tbe.
tbOBSbt uf botlDesa becomes an asiura- i
tioo. Bin tbnnka from Ixdiaem, hot
tore louge for it. Tbe nam>w way ia'
afil looUy b<w gloomy oor thorny nor
dlstTvrafnl. It i> not devoid of boauty.
It bat aigbu and soosda which an rapw^;
ji,e City.
—Watch Repairing.
Enterprise Groceii,
—John Verly.
W. J. ROUlKSf’N. M
TW Hsssea Why.
The tvaa.'in why we M link- nnderataud God and arc an link able to ap{ireciato Uia love is that are plan mtonr
lives l>y osr iguoraurv and i^bt God If
He doc* trot bel|i u# carry ont tbe plan.
Tbe tova tbing for n* may not be wbat
(arrb Medtotoe laaMl by Vapor lahalatlon.
are want.—Oaibolic Dniverae.
—Front Street.
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
-1*. .u, o.
Krary betUc gnaran-
S. E. WAIT. OrugrtaL
Mtag It Ora*.
He ta making bis own damnatioB
«reU be la robbing hi* mriiion aad
y«t ptofoariug lo be a Ctiriauap—BpiaeopaJRM«rder
To Rent
Bicycles to Rent
a also gat (be baM weak tor )*M( wemmy
Bapair Bbop. >11 Bast Front atraM.
If you want otbete to' wrak. don't
wklt for other* lo arork.
Tbe best Mlowur d tbe Spirit ta tbe
brat leader-of am*etii«. *
i-ndlra. Mlataa. Men and ChOdna al
Spell yo« ecKiecy witboat tbe 1 and
arltfa a tia Uolou veiraa egottaa.
Tour eocicty ba* t> nraociato Bemban? Then it baa IS opportanidea
A good prayer meKiitg m Soiiday
begin* (be Monday bef«»«'and *»danernr.
Oo.TMX ■(« bri'''«a<7. balfaitbfnlnera. Men do not poltab ■ gowtbat
Om» la Bwbile a Cbrtattan KidMTor
■oeiety dtaB d ebiUa, bnk we aevar
braid of any 47iB(
If You Have Logs fo Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- Mill Macl»iner>'. of all
descriptions, including a Engines. Sei Works, Carriages
and SAirs. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
i a*TO»*». OOTOM* «.M«K
Vottes w XuvajM.
UTBkvKo Pmrt la *«jr'Co*/ '
A«wa i’p»a—Rrt»nu». •.
0»t« •*
IMar M Maartd-«'*«4<B'a'>
T.'uhiBCt»>>. on .a—Tb« »uu' •
jiartmeot bar nroaivrt full Informal
U lo tb« ptaUlOd of tbt BrtUab av' - : ID«B( on tbr propoaed Bcbtlns M«
'', tefancr. Thi» bf«v»* to be much n»- rr
\ eomplete ihnn the brief cable r«K-»
frun Louflon indicated u the dnei^iinanl haa been advised uoi onirof Or. at
Brluin'i de< ll»aiK» to enter'a confcrTTI— aiiMi U Is limited to the experts
of the United Slate*. Onat Britain and
Canmda. but alao baa been inform'd
quite fully as to »bal led the Marqub
of Sallsburr to UU cofwlusloD- The
BrIUab new. as laid before the s*e;e
d«ian»ent. U tbMS at ho stass of tSe
aecotlattODs has the BrlU©i xovemraent agreed lo a eonfeiwe exeepl that
-beta-een the e^wrU of Great Brliala.
Canada and the UnUad ©taida
It U
not Queetluned that Seeretarr Sherman
and A
r.TiT' ,~L
Ever Burned Out?
If aojron knaw
ths eaias of
Tht Oalabratad SpacUUit*.
■a le a “Kl««ai" aad Ha* *a* Baah Mf>
Mra|>r<«. It BMMa
6tatu« ©f th© Negotiation* for a
Confarmea on th© Pnrtac*
mwi »
DrSb Bi Si & GOi
wlihl^tte_boai^ o^friendsW©."
will be la my p«c* i»nr1»» ihr
Dib of Octobed 1HY7. » rsoslss city
and school Uaoa. Ofisa
* o tdock ,
to U;M o’elock a- ». a»a t«>m i ocloek
to 4 wcloek p- m.. aad o
Chleaio. Oct,
Every one af Ifca
eouniy comml!i*l"ner» except TVrlrbt
promised yeaurday to f» to N^»U'»
for Chicago Day. Coramls©otisr wngat
Is colored. That Is Ihe reason he w iS
net attend the centennial expcNUtb a.
and he made hla reaaons plain a h. u t: e
onnly bi«rd met to take action on the
iTHaikm of the tlUnola
_r the SashvlU* expoaltlno‘1« atlet.d
that ahem CMcago Day. “U-hlle I agtve
with the recommendations of the ptrtIdenl of the board." he aald, rJovK'.
•^UU there are rircummances connect d
with the trip to Nashville which
would not care to see repealed.
11 remember. Major Bucka meinlwr, of ’.he -........
legislature at ppringneia last wumintroduced tbe readuthn providing foi
tie appropHatlon of funds for thewer
rcaenlaeon of the state of Illinois at
NasbvUle. went to XasbvlUe tvcenilr
and was refused accomroodatlmii In the
hotels there. Thla In spile of the fsrt
■ there as a tepreienUtne
I was oil aceounl -if h:»
color. • • • I would be chagrined to
have those thing* rep^^
^ Itduraed.
O«oa la
City Tressnror.
^ Hotel Whiting
Datedtlct 7. iw:.
XH-tvEJutE CiTV, Mich.
TMrsiHj, Octoliw 14, 1897.
Suits to Order.
I Fine Merchant Tailoring.
AUasMys at L««-
Om Db7 Ooir
.BirSfh'AJHi 04flD!f-_
Oonaaltatlon and Bxaxninatton Pra© and Strictly
8m Oil Nkw Lin
Picture Mouldings
To^Youpr Middle Aged, and Old Men
BMlaadWaaS* I'arW m>ia and Eraser Is
Whal They Waal.
Xsindon. on. I.-Arrangeimnls have
BOW been made to bold andlnformsl i<mferencehetweenttieehaiM-ellce of.the ex
chequer. Sir Michael lllcks-Ihacb. and
other Hrltlsh nlUciaU. on the one s;Je.
----------- ---------------r
riiauid be belwrea And the fcludStales monetary cvenml^
tmeresied." and that some I »!“net> and Coliinci Hay, the UnlleJ
«,g,rt..l«a«-eSj-ew-seas ale.P—as-U^h-. Ab«d.U«.r- «.~t—.
II.. PH. W____________________________
ksife.ialswamr. New ■etbi.l*.
ensA Riflili t liiiUui L (
----- sisss^-is:
s^iL'tbs we asst*. *.eallSA.. writ, tall san.csUe»rfi*-lr css. ai^b..»—«cl.e-at
--------------------- -- - -_..‘“th; rnutd
Stius and Piaiuc.expeii
In the matter
Of coinage of etlvrr. C..nseijuvnlly th*
Ke^ AeerpWNl hy E-glaad.
British r>v<miiic(it will be unable
Bot II Is
Infed out' that the* aug- ■ fulfill the promUe <T the rham-eUoe
gMtloni camv frem the United Stateq ! tht exihegaee to tiv the Tr.lt.d 8ut
nod until accepted could, have no eflecl cotpmleioner* a r»ply -arly duiwig t
In determining the nature of Ihe con rresem mor.ih and the delay win p<
A Kaswtag Wstss.
ference. So far as the suggeKIonS wer* albly last some weeka^ _
It ta no ructird that during tb« bolU-j
oct. g-Tht gold Demoaccepted the note of I»rd SalUbory of
Jnls » IS aald to aund alone, and thU
iag «tf the Watwloo bridge a horse <»U- r„u.y. which failed to make nomlnanote. It la stated, mentioned only a con
ed Jac^ WAS emplired to draw stoos uon* last week on acconni of a sumorrd
ference between the experts ofthe DnlU
tnxAsAkng A CfAmway. Kear at baad deal with Tammar.y HaU. held ns Hty.
Mb Wl^. aad Ber Bewthert B'Ma.
ed States. Great Britain and Canada.
a triTT-lMT wnl by otftms and county and borough cooventlnns laM
•ttashlngtoe. Oct. t-A »b. chlr.g ItagThe Uteal correapobdence on the aubJect leads to eonsiderable doubt as to edy octurred yeeurday afternoon about
who will partttipate In tbe coming three mile* from Randy Bprlr.gA Md..
l«i <»eui l»w» lor ciiy uui<-ri> •ou
meetlnga It has been ondermood that Is a sn luded «wt near Ednor pcwtufllce. —— --------------r.
,h, borough county oocvcntlooslcdorsed
be ought
ought at
AT (he
(he heerahop
the dlBerenCe would be bridged over ^ WUIlsm Timmubs shot and killed tt'ili- tlBa tbsa be
nominees or Tammany HalL
bolding two raeetinga. In one of wbleb lara Hlnlop. hi* faiber-ln-law. sbcul M JacA. tboogb a revive aalmAl. got ac- ,
ItoasU aad Japan would participate years of age; Inflicted a wound which___ ____ 1 to Tom's habits mad waited
HU au oewrloukm started him '
lAmdon. Oct. L-tanity Fair aaya;
©ilhoat Graat Britain, while a aecond will probably pn.ve fatal to his wlf^ j
queen-empT*»» was very much
EUaalirth TImiiKina, who I* about » *V
Bcellim would be held between the ex
red al
at the attltuce
sliltudr nr
of me
the United
iobn I
' aneved
perts of Great BrltalB and the United year* old. and also shot the wife of John
, , I
Ob coe ooosBOB. tn* sepOTUtenoemt
eighteen montha ag<>. and 11 I.
Hinton, hi* wife-s brother, causing
ind. i tedng away. Tom took ■>
a ^
,b,t be» nwjesty. who I
serloui hot not necessarily fatal wound.
.... Study
e of
study of the Amrriran p.op
that ahih
Atfilwiaaidor The shooting
ahoollng took
Kw* pure
place at uw
tlw nome
of at
av tbeale
umme that
xw Sack
»«.» grew ured. and. (be
--- maar
It di understood
In retf
ed to
to effect
effect such
such an ar- i HIr.tun.
HIr.ton. altualed
Bitualed about a quarter of a dyace (astenlno being long enough, he pj*. t
Hay a-as directed
—. gard
K-id to tbe siaUllly and fulur* of tbe
de- , mile oft the road leading frem E.lnor In- ; pot bis head iaxide the bwrtonsr dom.
rawn'meni In case
case G^i
Great Britain
r ellaed to enter the general con——
Bot there lnw.w
foUar with his Moth, diagged him tmr
Inw.w •..mrqupsilon
aimrqupsilon Whether woodr.
Ta a anwst spnuwr.
tbaBrUlsh autborillrwwlllpartlrlpate la
to bis doty at the tyuek.—London Telamtaallsa la the. Yell— Fes*. Dlwrle*.
Bpclakl*. spnnkl*. great hi* «•".
any way until a definite decialon U
Up aad dow* the ©wf «■*"•
New Ortea^ Oct. t-There art «*■!*______________________
reached as to w ho wlfl take oari in the ^ew devriepments 4H Ihe yellow fW
WaklA be It «M or ^
general cnnfermtv. a* there 1* under aflllcllon. The U-yrr continue* mild tn I
*~ ——“
stood to ba
a trlucucce
oa —
tbe --------—
part of,
lie .
—... —
um weainer.
MIpa btrwtU- _
S|dte of Ih,.
the w
weather, a.
at ]|
babm* wroUwrt^- «a»
the BrttlMi
Join In a dual conference,
rii to jom
.K^nts. Here yesterday there w-re SI a few bar* of
"Blot Dahub.-. addaad
^ • death*,
tbe mons'ov
................. II e.—..
’ '
L^vrfllckw in. flood
and some doubt whether the BrlUsh ex- J irew ;*«we aow
illiy foe
for iag. .-v...
-Ni.t i..by Br^luu^
rvttr^ to
to my."
peris wiisiesre
wllWleave for this cpuntry - -’-J
birv.1. wetT msd. foe mums wad.
t-mmrr eu
— ...f. . «»,« peiix aicsu. rue girwr A'agucrian
[ i the |ouJ number
tend Wlber a general r limited ■
la* on*
on* |i
Al ainiun. Mlsa.
my-* ,!i
‘I i!
prefer a*' Snaom
bv the grddaa sun X w<
fetwnceuntll ——a—•
I* rwporti
A, Mr.1.11.
^ ^ iboA-Bd of tbp CTodite -- '
entire subjecl. A* the cv.nf< rrwseflah
. near at band-lbe fliwt plan
Try to eldr wlU taw to *»»
ng. tB* <
eeh to hoW it Oct- M-lhe
ina are necessarily conducted
only 15 deaths In a mu« appeal to the feeluiga " IT^aro
Wliat are atrrwia for aaywayf
. a—- -.------------ -------InKanr.
a ViaDturaa .
and by this mean* a satisTour N* I* to ken’ «* wW.
Ljustment may yet b* rea«*ed.
Aad yoQ gw thar*. too. Joe bst!
fsi.a-reel- '
“““ DR^ B. S._&_CO.
Look Box 160.
tM......... jRewiisiy
rrosistfret-N g atrsn*. Manager. IMP _
Chicago •“ —
West Michigan.
a.^. a.*A M- .
LT.B*y riei“.
*ES ! b——
wa-u^:;:"4:iT;:e^b:re.u o*
' fftarYMstTb^May Be Sttalaed t- ths
UaUI ttoodferdV -LWmsMm."
1. » -n -lich. I«
first full north under the new uriff , and died In Bnasia. where he was much
Waatlngton. 0«. «.—The sUte depart- Uw. These flrgure* .how for that month . lored; Edouard is a eumpnaw and coo-.:
. ft*m has not yet been officially Informed tbelargeal exiwn* of domestic merchan- , docKwflf tbe famous Stnum ortioatra
«f tbe purpose of th* SpanlMi girvem- dim of any August In the history of tbe '
Viennv which ba hfougbl to Antolmecit to dissolve the cortas In December. r-vernmeni. The exports were n».t*0.- I
jjj jg^
Jtdtann fat the famous
A* indlcaleti
ili-.Alvaieo lu
In Madrid ——aTKDS.
cablecranm U
i* [Isit.
Jg*. amlnSt
againw Md-Mf.Ml
for Aua>»-.
August. —'
!»*- :..^Bklag " He visited thUcuunBy
was expect. J. however, that It would he 1 For the fliwl eight months of Ihe year i
found neewary f«r Utv cWblnet w go te I the export, were Ml.n*,cae lo excess M « *“•*
country tn order
order lo
lo »«-ure
»«-ure the
ine wpsup j the Onit eight months ofJtM.
Witv Biss* Waa
Wm Very CasUy.
Lemcn Bodwicbes are made by
port of a miJorUy for tbe Ltbrrsl policy
towards Cut*. Inasmuch as the prceeni
total lum
lum of
of th*
th* i— both the tetwd and the burt*. Trim
Detroit.. on
Oct k-Tbe total
; rag^ here early yewerflay . the «m*t frean a loaf of fit^ bread.
cortca haa s clear Conservative majority
(iicnis out
— ir.omlng
...A.......... a I*
I* estimated
estimated at
at -over
-over MW.WMW.W- j p„, jt
jj into a large butter p«
p« or nop
whenever that i*n> * dwn.m*
ewn be
.puinunenl U Seven
with th*4r cantmts ture« and snrrouBd
nnrrouBd it
Seven buildings
brought together.
t lor.ihe can-jwere de.tn.yed by theblaselhal st^fd ^
mfficiaH quanritv of
fell at the remote date
of butter,
floak •—toysurbewrf.ormliM
*e^ shi^«^^
VMh £'aL tlpi^ aad web fret
_ Money to Loan
FAToani 4
OBce* over M
h. sdret flaaday. Jaa* Ml Utf,
vmiiog if the new <
ovre with
fur the lalKiut I a. m The principal lo.»e* are abooi nmi a . ____
- sumed mat any tfew
iper. put
U .kt- a* follows: Denali Opera Honre. MO.- grated lemon. Vrup m ^ Pf!
scltlemiM o! t ..l.-i-------. .cn. ir.jw». c. J. Whitney. «0.000: the JuUk , it also ID the lurreti and allow
• lOed by the cones, and
lung dcUy. It ' Arthur-aMniwny.
-aompany. CO.OnO; the Mich’11
Mich’II ; muto
tnuio over
orer ntgbu
nigbu Whew
Wheel yua_v^—
» null
ocUl next
next March
March the
Ulearvd. will give rise lu InuaU’.E. and .hullding, IW.IW. Mlchrtl
stock. IT5.000; j ip^tbr
be saodwichca,
sandwiches, rub tiiv
the uui*i-au~u
bntM daws
perbap. 1» beyouJ the i-osej* of endur- iL«.ottanl milldlng;_»l»;««^
_____ ________________ ____________________la
| untU ...........................................
little soft Add gradually th*
ance of the nrerei.l adiulnl.iralbqL It U '
: Juice (if cau-'lemim and fimr tabie«pa(m■ boat
>i 5S.n7rJ.™ ™p-n~ „™rf-r.,.a
,i..- d,.inj J»PA-Mr-
A cbu trom s..«r.o .a^;
;i5 no trust bu.ine«c This "anil-tn..-.A female tnw-u i-ner fnlillU ber du
ufflclall) a^unced
tJmv ideUnment. a* ll I. called. «** created ties in the Stxfltudi town 9f Dunning. ,
General Stewart U. «
Uy the
IMC legislature
leue*.*,,*,' In
•" IWl- l‘. nalty
^ for Pfrthabire. She U a balA hearty old
RutiKS minirtcr. commumesAeo ,v —. Gators
vWlator. renge.
ranges from
from »50^
>500 to riJOC.
IIJOOdame of 70. Itxallv known a. the "htdl
Dnk. of iNtuan. the fipanlah mlnlMW
• Bry— Arrl.re al NsahelU-.
lor r-.relgn affair*. I. nc roor* an ulti
wife," and t* Terr j.nmd of baring ppomatum than it U a commlnatory docu’
NashvlIlA Oct. t-Last night -f-Ulmed tbe queui’. Urdidsy for hi
nor Holcomb,
J. Ilryan
}Kvniu, William
T.,.”—. e.
—./an and -^©1*running.
minL In. spirit
rbraBte- arrived,-'
_4IF tcTTiis.
rue cabinet
WOlen. ol NebraBtfl.
Z2-----------------------------r fiiendlF
Icrms. The
Doth th* Bam Bs*.
'n.hlr.gtoti ea»avre’-e
e*p**a»e* a mimii
wUhlo O'—ki^ • Qvn acconil’ai’ie
accomianled by many of
when Cub* tan Iw pacified. ai:d reque*u ^I Holcomb-* staff and military and civil '
Xotnakea noaad rf-htmev the het©
Bi»ln-tu reply before On. $0 ln-<>rd*r 1^^.^
thsi Urretdent McKinley may br able to ^
u,, al
in(or)«rate Rpaln-a answer Ir. hi* mesj ’1 greeted
— .-a --xa
wtlh cheer*
Bryan road* a
-7:______ _
sagv to congrem Premier Saga**, id
agrremem with Benor Oollon. tbe
^ ,■„■■-,■___
' thoroughbred bdrse# from the stable* of
Thomas «
W. rou.n
Ruulh r^
raced u..
live mile* ye;a ltKderel7‘npiy*d*JcUHr!g
Q* I Appl«"“•: Thom^
Spalr IS K. await event, and to Ukc »uch 1 Viola Redo, agrt t and .
; terday on the Tlog* Wcycl. t.
ra DH-yc.iaAa. a..’
M.ew»W.— aA -——A.-A-.*-*-.In Dine minute* and flfiy-two mcondA
sdicuie until -the change of pol
with tbe wheelmen only five yard* be
Cuba srooolhe* the relatlcm. betw-a —
r* pUylng. The children dlM
died al
als.-ul hind.
__________________ ____
two govemmenla. The answer of Spain were
will cot be drawn up unUl the pro- four hour* after being taken BekCaMaW Oei^asy Isdarire Tsaamawy.
IMIsvss Mahs a Big llaaL
gtanime for the nffoems In Cuba has
New York. Oct.>-At a meeting
been potdlabed."
lAoulSviHe. OCL t -A apeclal, t Tb* night of th* United Oannan aocleUe*
Anoiher tublr from Madrid my»j “A pit
»>s: T
ThleV’c* tte Tammany ticket for city and cour»n*t from Morganfleld iwys:
CWUUe-V council
.-VUOVI. a. aa.va .... a—" -•
__ -h. .rfllcr of th* UblOH CT.UUty
ty was Indoreed a. a whole The vyie
g*nt prptlded was held yreterday. When
was not unanimous, but the motion was
the ndnlM.r* reparsted the premlrr. Be- i uanK yc»vqiM»»
............................ ................
a..p» carried by a majority.
------Regerta. .ansour.cvd
tc tbe
tneoew*p*uewsraa blch had been l«ft In the «yh drawer.
. Tb* WaBNer W* Msyjlepw*.
per m«r that no final declelon had been
Jlmmte Baa »e MUe Breai New.
wnV tnake
to the
phUadelBhia. Ocl.l.-“Jlmrol*"Klcha'1
Y the United
Stales band'd
hand'd y^.i*rtay
note <g
yeawrday o:
on the Willow Grove Hack fSfTp. m. j!?red»T: F«r ladl»o. *>d
-rsrmr we ther; ■mlherly
fr th. Duke of Tetuan when be asi ,
- •
paced bicycle record
mlnlrter for fonlgti affair* hy the Unit- .
recor.di. maklrg tne oistaove
sd States mlnlslrr. Genernl Stewart U . ,p j.jj
HcUuffSe. of Boateai. held the
Tbe Imparclsl
j.^ ,.5
Byt it leant* Jhxi Ihe reply of Spain will
ajuaa »* a i«raBk*B QssrevL
t. mstSTW P*M« brek
aatlHr Spanish wuacaplIV.mie* In mak-.
GnleahUTg. Tlla. OcL L-Cbaripa AnIng eWar to President MeKInley th* r*»clotc atiltude which Spain malnta'
— Uermo. a farmer, was kOled yesterday
afurnooax by William WM**. a negro.
t«gmrd tc Cuts." A tamark ms<
tasta to a maspaptr «wr«M»*«»n« Tbe asaaull was made with a knit*.
----------------y reah. th* SpaidA ftrilng eleuer. Beib ware drank *»d quamds^a.
^■!:LT,:r..7"..;rxr.r.. ™
It <e ....
11 IS.......
• 17 r 1* AalS
I X: s 1i Maoo.____
Ctv »» Peloakay
" “a”X
sr«riy".v"r ■ ».•»’ i.'
! et-’K-"..
NO 10
t tllupboard Safe
•amm. -«.“uirv
ebaafvatJaaeSMa, leHA |.-jmsp*snl
FSist Tear-No. 198.
«aa of rorn«r Baaideat of travar—
Ofty SuppcMd to H»t* Bean 1
ItM BatiUoa ta Probata Oowt tot
▲MiSunaBt of BMato Taload
Tan jraara, or tbaraaaonu. ace. W
of tb* noat iapartaat teeton of aoW
''Wa la Traaataa City waa a vcaltbj and
^peaatrk caeUeBaa wboae boaa at
ithoB. (hoQfhthetorwaaaaU to ba*a
baaa aoaawhat dlaslpaiad and reckless;
aad tkte dli^Uoa was probably tba
• et hU d
wbanaboaU belnf known br his ral*
atiraa. Bs U now U yean of afa.
Probate Court PatiUoaad.
Taatardsy. by Dodfe * Oorelt, his
attoreers. trailer 1.. Ooehran filed a
paiiUoa in tba probate coart of Ormnd
Trarerea oeantj for the aadfnBant to
hlB of the intaraat in his father's antate to whieb ba elalBs to ba anUUad
by law. The patitkB Is filed in aaoordaooe with Baetlon UIO. of Bowall's' Stautas. whieh prorldas tbit
any taatatorabaU omit to pre-
Aata win lataatabar -all J. W. Cochran. «•
Ba eaoM here ftiat aa a aaBmar feast and i( shall appear that anob
) the (riaads was not iatentloaal. bet mads by mis______ j take or aoeideat. eceb ebUd or tsaoe. of
tbk bis bone durlnf the n I of ^laeobeblldeball hare the aame ahare ia
free bisobjrctin iifeaoeBadto ba to bad dwd totMtabt.
Fart of tba 1
fire bU friends amoaf tbe yonnf 'peo
ple a food Ubo. aad in tbe fertherenee
of thk bk Use nod money ware Boat
larlsbly spent. Costly praseats. ridea.
oxcenioD partica foUewed «eb other
in swift sneoeasioD for aararal yaaie.
At one time be took a larfe party to
Chicafo to bear f^Ui. at an anpaase of
nererel bandred dallnie.
France: Gertrude C. Waller. Oornrlia
Be purebased tbe reaideaea on State D. Barclay, Walter S: Eeseys of New
Yorkaty: EUxabeth 6. Miller and
abeUdlnfetiU Annie F. Miller et ('ream. K. Y.
arectod on tbe pn
known as Coebten Hall, few tba «
If the paUUoMr b deceesafnl to aause of bis yonnf Mends In tbe way of Ublisblnf test ba was •« InteaUeapartias and antertalnBanta. He tM tionaUy omitted to tee wm.'nndar tba
boUt the bonse diraeUy oppoalte on atatnte be woeld ba entitled to tbe
PreakUn street and fined It np aa a portion of tba estate reatelntof nadls■ tdllkrd baU for bis own Bsa. Bis posed of. wbieh toclndea Cbieafo real
estate ealnad at sore than 1100.000,
alao Tariess sacnritles affTSfattof
abont tSO.000: alto tba sbara raeelred
by tea tsfatees and tea panou In Inwaa flrca bis by Mr. and Mrs! teraat who hare not yet made a aatUaOarland to ealiBlted aaasere. • Be meat witA him.fore hU dntb be boofht the realdance on Front street now owned
by & U BnaaoB. rebeltt it aad fitted
it np al«aaUy for bb own esa. but
was sUU tmr^d far faitbfnlly by. Mr. nsat BnUrtetomeat of Klfb School
Zractnre Oonna Will Open tba
and Mra. Uarlaad. At bb death It -was
feend that be bad beqoeatbad teem a
Bamodaled Tbantia.
U;6ral tofsoy. which was felt by aU
Professor C. T. Oraws has closed af
»ba knew tbe etreoBstaneaa to be no
''Boreihsawasrifht and josL
tbs City Opera Bouse for tes Blyta
Dnrinf all tbe years of b\s residence
School Laetnre Cooraa tbb saesoa. Tba
harefitr. Coebran was snpposad to be
reasodeled theatre will be formally
an nnBarriad man. but it seems ibsi
opened on the I6te of Norrmbar with
another ebspter of tbU sinfulsr life
tee first number of tbe course, The
. srbosa records srare snppoaed W bst
Imperial Webb Male VoartoL Tba
hsnn aenlad foreeer by the band of
tlekab for tee course are now
Asatb. has after many years jsst <
printed and «tt ba to tbp beads
.to lifht. '
of tba studBats to be dbpoaad
early next week. The tiekete teb
Dodfs A CoTsU filed aa i
to tee Probate season will differ from former years to
oonrt of Orand TraraiM eonoty, which teat there srill be ao nacasaity for rasrill raeall to lbs minds of a freat aarrior seats for each' eatsrtalameat.
many Traraise ayy people tbaiife and Saab may be raearTad far the first and
aams will ba had for tea entire
rasldapM to teb city of Jamas W.
cm. Anotberfarorsbleekaafa wm
Ooehran. who died bare Jely S. 189L
Dseaai'ed died wealthy and few except be that tea aaab srill be yradad in
tbe axeentors of hb astete knew tbe pries nsArell aa loeaUoa. Tba pries
■aaya to tea lerea and boxes wUl
axtanef his pcaaasMona
Mr. Coekmn wea a -widower and ba «3; aaetioni A. B. aad C. aad first
wbnn ba died it was toaad by a wUt four rosrs to tbs BsUarr.tl.&a: saetions
written by hb awn hand, test D. B-and F.. fit. Tbb amwraBeat
Be left on eatate with aa ap sriU enable all who attend'tee course
praised ralua of •1M.7AS.SI, which to unit their fancy as wall as tbelr
purses to the selectloa of seats.
osMisted af real retete sad
- to teb ettyasseonttof to Se.ioo; real
astoU. a brick bnlldtof to CBbafo, ^
prbad at tlOT.inO; Roo)r Island bonds,
•10,000; notes and other
Be left a wUl wbieh beq
..Bam Garland. •1000. TKe ramnlnder
eras left to bb brother. John Ooehran.
of New Yori^ City, bb abtars EUaa
Walter aod Mery L C Biddle, aad bb
CDuato. BlizsbeUi S. MUIar. Tbs will
dbeloaed tbsappototmentas exaentors,
Hon. Parry aaBDabmed 6am Oartaad.
' Death ofa Pioaaar.
Mrs. Kate BesTTiDlaster. an old pio
neer of Laalauau county died ye
day momtoy at tbe borne of her dangbter. Mrs John Hacker, at Raswlek. of
old acp. briny At years old. Daeassad
laarae two dauybtera. Mrs. John Hack,
srr of Reswiek aad Mrs. Fred Bbkter of
Sutton Bsy.
The funeral srill be bald from tec
Btanyellcal church si Eaawlck Sunday
at f p. m. Bee. 8. Sabbety of, tbb
eltywUloffieiate. aasbtodbyBeT. Mr.
Nauberof Keawiefc.
Walter Ooebran's Diaappaaranoa.
Saearal years prior to bU d«otb Mr.
> L. A. Onarterly.
Ooehimn bid aa only son. Walter U.
wbobsd Bsdsbbbamawlte bbaneb.
The qoarterty meaUny of tea Ladba’
John Cbcbran. to New York CUr.
-..- - Library AmoebUou. srbkh srss postWalter suddenly
and1 ponad from last Satsrday. nrlU be held
taoorb tea father dbpiayad tea at- lodM' nt tbe library'rooms at three
le for tea wbaruabouts of o'clock.
- These Beettofs are for tbe benefit of
tbe matobers and all nra uryed to ba
Mesa to balbee teat be was dead. Hs piasent. as boilneos of Impcrtoaue b to
eras »ut board of bj aay of bb Irindrad
for mors than seraa years and whan
Fntf. Mortauyh'a pupib are deliybiMr. Coebran died ba firmly belbsod
that tee boy STBS dnd. Far tbb. raa- ad srith tea new dances betoy tmybt
aan no menUoP srss made of him to tbe
I W. CoebAttoT tee daBba of Ji
ran the executors procaadad to ndratototar tbe estate aeeordiay to the proeblcBSof tee will Two of tbe \onrise srera fully paid, aad a portton paid
toolbar leyatoBeuddanly Baappoarad.
Vary much to the astoubbuMhi of
jib roBHilalny rubUrm. to HaeoBbar,
ISM. Walter suddeuly reappeared to
New York, aad Ibcre reoelrad tea flm
Information test hb father was dead
and that no prorislua bad beeu mads
for blB to tee sriU. Tbe rsaaoe for
tbb OBbaiooskaa plainly baeanap tea
Mdtobadaad, as there
aay iU faaUay botwaaa
at t o'clock, freaeblac nt 10:S0 fian- We-aiv baildioff oar repototioa
dayjK>niior«nd the T. V. A. tinndsy
hifber erery day for good ■
ereainf at 6 o'clock. PrMcbinf afaln
BABX^ FACTOBT HAS EAS^A at 7:10 p B. All tba prracblof will be workpi»i.hip iB (moe..
ids. Ba will alao taka; eharfe of tba
DanpltrXdfbt Preit Oiep-8,#00.000 '•
of tba latest to stort to tbe finlt raia*
tof bealec
The entire'stock of lofs w
tlBS.afo, and loo.otn feat hare I
dare. Tkb wlater tea aompaay srill
put to'abeutl.oou.OM feat. Tba ranoer
toabe pat to Inat fall for tee bSArbat
srork baa prorad a yrsat aaeeeda.
A new macblne that bbeiny elaaaly
sratebad and that if auecanfal srill
yrsaUy toereaae the oapael^ of the
factory b one far stapltoy Climax buskata, whieb are now made miUruIy by
band, and aro tasteBad sritb taeka.
Tbb maebtoe sraa made by Mr. Jacksee and basaeapariiyof 1.000 a day
wbUe tbe bnt srmk that ena be turaed^
oat steadily by band b only about CM
aday- It has baaa to aueecaafsl operaUoD nt tee factor}- ajl aummar.
Tba factory will be sbnt dosra for
le nsual time durlny tea srintar,
whlb teesaaaou'ssupplyof lays b beiay secured, and areryte!^ will ba iu
good shape far an early start again to
Some Bargaiofi
in Odd Beds.
Haskell's Bookstore
/ .
BaUaUi Bit Oosai, mipri aad OfitUag SeuA
12S-132 Fnat Stmt.
G« U DMdftt to (Md I
udmtoovsUnto |
jFft 1“*
interasted in your wtilbre, and adviM
yoQ to nsa
1 Winter
i Clothing..!
Slon^, beCBBse it is jbe oheBpest
Soap is
>0 of tbi
o buy o
a Household Necessity
tee only one wbieh be
reetly locate. Tbare are srldently do apoteecnry sbopa to Mb Ver
non. Ur. Wait abipped tee foods.
For nil fMk-1e one
poultry are glran tbs bast
when they arrivent'tbelr desUnatioa
wiU ba as tat as if fed on tbs bast of
Chleayo. Oet. a —Wheat—October,
tee land by the moat thrifty farmer.
WNc; IVoambar.MJic: January. «Se: Tbb b tba first ear af teb kind arer
May. tPsc.
Com-Oetobor. %»Tfi.e; Daeso
»«<c; May. SlffGKc.
a of AuUtan Dears*.
l>He: Doom
j»KCd*fe; Hay. MRO.
Pork-October. fiT.Sf.S: Dsaen
tamn leases tor bar fall
opening, wbleb
conUnna aaUl tUs
Lord-Oetobsr, tS-ITH: Deaember.
right price makes sure of qoality—lesser
price is false economy. Inspectonrofferings.
kb store
J. B. MoQouyb bus beea engaged
lately ta yathartog np all tee eblekans
ba could find to tbb rsyiae for ablpaant to tee New York market Be
abipped yaatarday :.5(K> fowl to a spec
ially anauged oar desiguad for poultry
aad prorlded with a stoUroom for aa
attendant aad aufltolanl feed for tea
Choice Stylcfi-Mjood Cloths—just received
here. Prices are as low as can be made on
dependable goods—5c and np.
b wbsl we claim for our S8 M Conches
tbatwesnselllny now forte M. Caa**
buy a better ooneb to tea Slate for lesa
than C8 5a We also bare
Party in Oreyoa Seada to B B. WaH
fur fiupply of Drugs.
It b quite probabb teat tbare are
aerural-druy stores la tee sUta of Ore
gon. and posalbly a few betwaaa Trararse City asd that slate, but If teers
are. a man named H. A. Carrb. of Ml.
VemoB. Oregon, b erideutly uaswara
of teair axacl loeCUoos- Yesterday 8.
E. Wait rscelred a Ball order from Hr.
Carrie, for a supply of drugs aad be
stntad to hb coBmuBlcaUon teat ba
M. B. HOUAY. Manam.
New Une of Ouling FlaonelS"
and Artistic..
Force of 405 Han Bmployud andj ^
tee Oradtoy Will be Oomplstad
to Ralkaaka Vsxt Week.
eastern By., nrrired to tbe city last:
aiybt. He states test there are now
men amployad ou tbe axtonloa
and that Kalkaska will bs nsnhif
some Uma tbe latter part of next sreck.
A toriybt ear has bean aat up as a yeaera) store and b well patronlssd. Tbe
men eamp out at polnU nearest tbrir
rrorfc aad a dtoiny oar forabbaa tbs
meals. Warfc bpreyresriny flaaly aad
wUl ba pushed to eomptstioa.
maad fire-step, aad say they are
- J_______
OUasan aad 85^ X>oB«t Biwbnl
Bankate Bara
-The Foreaten are prepartof for a soXhuinf tba g
eial daaea to ba firan la their new hall
j neat'Wednraday eraeinf. October II.
Ooapaalona of Foceatars wlU aarre
A H. WalU has beam to for a few
. Thearaat
dsys cloatof np tbe nsnaon's work n“PPW »
than ordi
tbs Kicbifan Basket Fnctory. The fee-'
toty will shat down for tba wtotar a nary aoeUl interwt.
sreak from today.
^ . V. Slater
While tbe seaeon W not been an SelUtbsOakPr . .
beery aa for tba past ymr or two, a«- A reareatac bond with emr store.
tof to ll^t frelt cropa Ibmifbont tba
I'nllrd Stataa. yet tba factory has been
Oyetara—of Ue bBt qeamy at tba
kept besy and IM bands bare been em- reliable oyster boeaa Flctehrfs Ooptoyad. There has not been mneb of
call far paicb baskets, bet tbe beery
erep of fi^tea to Ohio and Xe w Yark has
Bade a lirely ^eaand for oaiatax bMIcbte aad S.SOo.OtKi hare been >nmad eat
But you can’t wipe your face with soap.
Yes. soap is good, but to have the
right combination—the perfect thing—
yon want some of onr TowelS at 3c.
A new lot just in.
wmr at S9c a garment.
I lot men's extra beery wool
; I^ai.nowUe.
t lot men's extra hcary eaBsl
I balr underwear, wool, at SOe.
I tse. oorprieene.
f).M boys a Baa's bsavy winter
SS buys a man's beaxy black or
I brocadtd Cberiot smlU ,
•4 77 buyaamaa'sbeary brown
. CnabrnsresulV
able broBStod salt, all wool and
' s to patteru.
hpao CMto toi Mdut Uto.
XeanyaUcBl Onartarly Xaittog.
A quarterly ustiag was begun la
tbe BrsngaUual ebureb inst erontocTksre will bs prsaif^inr tbb afmoM IMPTBtai.riMr>B Mb.
Bad weather, and the children, Boys and
GirU. win require BETTER SHOES. We '
have Better Valae in this line than ever before. -
Ik* ateta.
▲. W. WaUafvtaiMi M 8k JoMph
iiiFinnrorrr. -
Ba wUl Mka hb teBll; U> Florida la
laar fatara for iba wlaUr.
PMB fn •mes ar T*»
vomrD »XAD or
4^0*. T. B*T¥1 AM) J. W. HiwwEjBtartoaa l>oatb of B«t. D. O. Badl
J. W. BA«ro. EdUor
Bar. D. O. Ball. weU kaowa la this
dly aad who fraqnaaUy qint weeks
ia tbia locality aad la WllUaBsbiuffb
whaia ba formerly praaebed. was fooad
dead ia
room la a ■hotel Id Be-
trolt Wadoaaday.
Thera was ereir la-
dleatioB of soidde. tbooffb tbara was
BOtblBff to saffffast by wbat Baaasr
iravOTM Citf.
waa caosed.
toowad that Mr. Hall bad left omsiderabU property, aad It U aot tbooffbt
that flaaacial troebla bad aaytbloc to
do with kM death.
Bt^caaB. lUaoa of laaain*. lb,
Ba waa a bratb'ar
of Mrs. Bor. O. VI. Sbermaa. ftrmerly
Tieasr aad toar* Was ths artekt Bjad
ytMntey klMT • alMrt ata^ la tka e>t7-
WMW* »T.«
la tbe daUaeas aad bearlDcm <d official laporta an rariad b
rim which bare acanethlaff o< b
iatemc aad which fftra oaa a batter
opiaioi of tba boman raoe. la a nomt
the Loodoo Daily Krwa itara aa
ny of tliini tv.Ti in't iu luufftb. which . tocid<ejt of the plaaoi) which aucorred
derplr dhidid iai<> poiaud lohaa
i ^ todia *0 yi«n affo. DbbbU, the Hula
------- ■
t the jireat learea
boroioe. hariaff bem 1------------n—a
bnadfrDit giowa
It Is a mroala
„ ___________________________________________
^Jy nhcrtcal. oftto wei^t four or jhao the mcard Uaa book. 'Tho Kawi
•oA bM a thick, yallrtfaa This
Tbls erult is
U tbe chief food of tba
uns bock Joat laeord oe the la•octh am isJaadwa They seldom eat a
playaa shows that tbe itoranuaent
mt-i witboat It Tbe cstable part lice ^ Bomlay waa nxae jadicioos ihsa
betwom dw riad aad tba eon aad
gorenuatot of ladia la ouaaaltlaff
wbm folly ripe is y^low aod jalcry.' it (t,e rrllgicnu aad social iDstioct of tbe
U brttat few food befen it baa mainreA nanrea It waa Lord Saodbum. and
aot Lord Elffia who lariated opon tbe
aad tba aatlraa gatl*«
daaffer of j^aring "s calsmity aum
poln Is wbltaBefcn It U wady for tahla use It nnat serioos and man widespread ibao the
it looks
like wheat , wty Mritda'cBie that has bow to be
„ txBBUd.
______ ..
bread, and b both palstsble aad aatri•• ^ aivy lo tbe blue book
of this eity. aad laaras a aoa la laffbaa
tloos Uaoally the frnltbent law thn* iijaj*„ting the aataW of tbe plagtia
foot alioaa aad naaied or baked la
do oonanticai with tbepnamtepl-
lurtn u Oiaad Baplda aad will at ooae^. The bowe of daoaamd was ia
her UaporUat work.
HI* PMoakey. Ha waa former^ a Metbe-
deaiic. but was wwth nsening from a
nenrd of >0 ymrs ago to rerire tbe
Brat faaiali faatory laapeetor erar apvoUtad la BlobifaB. baa opaaad head-
U aa acrrauiaa woritar aad aka
dtet oletffymaa bat of UU
will B»ke a thoroajk oaara« ad tba
to Icara the eoaditloaa aammadtoff woaiaa aad ebUdraa aaplapad la
toetartaa U the State.'
Experlaaoa hai
aroraa la miaoU that a woaaa cat
___ a beUar iaapactloa ia thla ImporV
•at dapartiaeat thaa tba araroffo laaa,
•ad MHa Mmob ata; ba dapaadad ap«
to Bake nffffaatleai that wUl fo far
towards aawlloratiaff tba eoadlUcBof
of womaa who wark la faotorias aad of ferratiaf ml cbUdiaa at
work *koooffhttobeatt«8dlBffae
tob dty to fall to tbe rear of the profr-‘— of proffiasi la Ulebigna. Oraad
p.|AS. bai forged ahead of the QnaaB
CSV by a deeblOB to pnrebaaa a real
•Moa cruslfer.
The only more aoer b
to dad ont what Urand Bapida baa aot,
make a bold daab and get Ik
Tbara amy ba a ebaoea to get the lead
whUe Oraad Ba|^ b ia tbe thfoee of
too earmiwJ^ffnm___________
Isfftststnia to IbUa to bb nport of bb
trip to Vabesoela.
Tbeataam barge White Star. fbpWto
Blyddd. U loading lamber at OraUbkrille for BnOalo.
tba realdenee of
bride's parmte. Oek S. Mr. IVUllaai Moa
and Mbe Batbaady Welch, br Bar. C.
H. Tbaobald.
bnlto aad
—Ti^e foruS^^^alk aboSt it—Best
Underwear on the market—CaH for
Catalogue concerning it.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
In Black and White
outlor tbe collar or in the breast pocket of every Coat made by
Adk-r Bras. AT3o. thm is a linen
insfaet tbe steam yacht.
Arrired is Haw ToU Taaterday After
A dellghifnl asaembly was girea laat
a Flemant Trip aad Koyul Trast-
oreniag at Urof. Mnnangh-i academy.
I meal la yeaauuato.
After tbe .class lasaon two-stepa aad
mao. warDffWaa and thoronghly oa-
Flattory to a aurt of had inOMy
which our vanity given m^mey.
One.of otf gBremnmt ebsprasis was Ushiu
paiiicnlariy cb-tidt-d to bcTsnd iuvari-.
To be good aad dimgreeaUe to high
aUy iJisrul bis nnel «f fruit <r Soar
<Bk.« with bto douib frii-ml.. Un a par-
and aermed ns gernUe aa aay prt dog
New York. Oek «—On Ue rod Hae
waltsaa. with a few fignraa of the Oer-
mouths at tbe elcqtbsnt's fret, wu
bcT exjaMrively ibai tbe tolant w
emor Plagraa. . He looked Ue pielara ber etouge aad was to bo oared for till
bto retUTB. I niya'lf was an eyewriaesi
of bealU aad mid that It was bU flnt
(f biT wemderfui logarity. Large ba
itioc Id alua yaara and be eejoyad
nana tnm and fig trvea-grrw around,
Ua trip Immaasaly. Upon arriral Uare aod, Co my aurpriw. tbe rli-iibaat broke
raa met by Preaidant-alaet Aadrada off one cf tbe fnnmr'srpn-adlng karea,
aad diaad wlU him at bto eonaUy amk held it like a Ian in brr trunk and frtan
time te time graoefully waved It orar
. . irua moat farorably Impnased
Ue riumbortog child, wbethar to temBanor Aadrada. wbo appeared te
broad mludad. liberal ateUamaa. Pin- pw tbe beat of Ue atmnaphere or to
keep off flic*. 1 am unable to my. Tba
graa laleads Imtlag for borne lonlghk
gwiile way to wbkh shemored ber feet
over the child aad armai to each aide
aatounddd me
I amt fur a while leaf
aad some omagea and. oslling ber by
Forty-two Want to ba LaMar Oarrt- Dsmetsbewas never chained), tried to
. are aad Fire Aapln te OlarimUpa.
rain to tempi her to my ride cm the low
Pmtmaaur Friadrieb baa had ro- rmnda Koilitog would induce ber te
leave b« charge. Tbe warm air and
tnnad *t applicatloue for p
of tbe swinging fan
earriera and 5
awamer Veaexurla. which arrired bare
today from VenriaeUu parte was Gor-
Ooorge B. Borg eaads the Bacomc
Baa aamplee of Crawford peaebas.
tUa ymr <A aosirity of ^ll Mr. Berg
Ikaa bam fertnnate aaongb to have a
Tab supply, and wlU ba ahU to Mag
t*------ to market for a waek yak ' *“*
torm to the ooe on tbe paataanlj
wmij owned by J. P. Barg.
«nttog flasneto emld be bought at that
star* at Ue surprtotogly low prioe of
Mr. Steiaborg
has beau nnaUa. bewerer. te aall a
•iBgla yard at that price aad Ua Bac-
Fire and swead are bat slow eegtoea
of d.-efrurtiiui to cum)—■----------babbliT—Slcv-le.
Tbe greatest part tf 1
Ueir first years to make Ualr last mis
Men ate arrcT to ridkalons for tbe
qnaliiiea Uey baw as for Uoae tfaay
affect to hsve.—('banao.
_____ __ ever offi-nded bis own
sciiaice bat first er last it wu rerveugad
upon bin. for it.—BonU.
net prioe aa 6 oeate lastead of fa.
i™, p-ui
«IW yesterday.
pna^liy at thal boar
Or. Enos and fuToUy ratanad last
arming tium Ann Arbor.
Oao. H. Seymour of Oraad B^toa. to
rii^Bg buslaeM in Ue city.
Mra iohn Foote has reUtlted from a
Shown Hit TaeU and WUl BafuM te
...TfiTew etty's in B^de Slwp.„
Union Street. Near Front,
Be Boeallad From Cuba.
(nrOonk WiU pot roB less B-vUitTA"
B*D br tos’tsr roar srusr St tee «ba(>
uecoMi-aANii wRfiSLa
rirals'yaaterday from Riebmoal. lad. Berald from Madrid toys; "General
aOrUHT ABO soifl.
Mra. Naiaoa LUlto arrired borne last Wayler will fiffhttooU and uUagalnet 01*>aWBinsl<.orearHaaslrtsr.
algbt attm-atrlpaonUm tbe arieur- batoff ra^iovad from Cuba. Be U wytog |I to, US
.'KTJSSo.. ’*•
rtolt la tba aonUara part of tbe state.
Mra. M. B. fleam rrma oaa of Ue ar-
New Yewk. Oct S.-A diapateb te Ua
FaUr Qaaaah of CbdUlac, <ama ■
taiatog him to oommsad of Oaba ualU
tost alffktte attend tba maaltag of tl
nest Jnu. aad If recaUacLaow be wUl
There is no clothing that is cheeper than that made by this eelebrmlSl*
firm, because no other reedy-msde clothing will wear aa Icmg and preserve iU ewential atyle and perfect shape.
dtj yutotday to rislt Ua famUy of
Wilhelm Bros.
SarthD^ wu la Ua city ysatorday
«n butoeaa.
Mra. M. B. Gates ratnruad tram Dato^laataifht Bba'wttotaaaf Ua big
«fu Utert Uto iraek.
W. 8. Aaderam will ffo to Kasdlck
rmture of tbe times is Ua lacraaae
dtoplsaoemAt of Ua baser metalt wiU
rilver in Ue ana
Piaoed Silva- flowi* bowls aad vi
B araboU
pretty and Bsnfnl.
Tba growing demaad for abUd silver
teoorruw te dlrmt Ue fnaaral of Ue forks aad spoetks to being, met wiU attoartire pattmus at prioM that law
mta Mra. Bate BewrmelaUr.
Dr. J. C. OaaaUeU of Elk Baplda wu tttobnyer.—Jewelata'Ciiuular.
ta Ud cdtj lut Biffht to raaalva Ua
•darammt of a pair of aalUn.
Mr. and Mra. C. M. FruU. afk
•stoyaHa rialt la Ua uaUora part of
Vi -VS ■l.'V’l't ■- -..s-9 *'
Boston Store, i
Fridigi ud Surdi; Oil|[
S3feifiiiM' s
• -SrS,"-—I
iKfiSfe”"";;:;;::;;;;:;;;:; 11
sad • raw pisle staek at
wtUbsssMtestl.kvisaafcnad. Lrara
In Big Claw Block.
Traveroo City. Mich, j
Silver claapa aad bcador |daoat am ao
longer a rarity on books and albnma
Only custom made gar.
ments at double the prioe can be compared with it for durability.
atiltoe bis lafluBoa over tba my te
to Ua putoaaU or
Mia. Nalam Cbi
trleads la Jaekaaa. arrived borne will soil bimsalf te Ua Oarllata.
Urn. E. J- Huttoffs arrived ia tba
I dA«lFT U> iBtara llw rMpli- IbU I Sa,
m-d nr Uack at BCrrel- • t..
Uib*r«ttoT l*«wiu.-S«TS I hswi opeos^
are finally ready
to discard it yon will be surprised to find bow long it b«slasl^ypa>
RwlU risv tkrly. to be hapiQr be
bMw«t: to plnte.- Bit mind your —
last Btobv
When you bny yonr “Adler’s” Suit this fall, write your hamw
and the'date-of purchase on the label and when yon
A good word to an may obligatfcm.
but nut t» speak ill rojuirra only our
An unjust acgoi^ico to like a bmhad arrow. Wbiefa must be drawn tmokwant wiU borrible ahgatob or alas,
rhicb 1 yielded, and. aftw a sleep cf will be your dtuuuction.—Taylor.
mteblfAed. . Tbe elril sarrire rxamin-1 jome dniatiim. I wu awak- ^ *To isudoo Uose sbaanliUra to ouratloBS wUl take plaea today.
On ne- quiet, aubdned mtins bi-dde
■elvra which we cannot suflw to oUws
Men. Fred Boogbey rfaaraad boms
iBt of unsToIdable deUy Ue cdril Biy annrtoe I fennd that tbe chspnri ia neither better nor wane than to be
wiUtoff to be fools ouzaal res than
sarrlea enamlner will be
Mru. Tony PetertylraturaadfromUa
•b hare uoUl noon. Uerefore the Ue eb-iihsnt riiicd near Ue veranda'be- lo bare oUan to.—Pope
!. patiimUr waiting and gcmlly
amU laat algbk
•klDg for Ue b-mpttog datotira |Aoba Loaof Snttona Bay waa to Ua U1 ooe o'clock. All wbo totead to lake
rarely wiUstood fur over two bom
city yeaterd^.
examlaattoB are requested to be si
Ola Laraan of Suttoai Bay waa l»U» Ua assembly room to-Ua High school
Mntoraquasted'to auamaea Ue.eoi-
Boy Zaraa.
label, of which the foUoving is a
reproduction in print.
Comet, of GreHlcsk Brea.
fiomts per yard up.
Tifiae for>^^ to begin to ^tnk about it
girea .
of the BMtilenon Tbe tale can ners be
A nariae. an Atoo^*fcU ill of ^
plague tod di«L His wife boned btw
andJalHed him.
A week after his dcaih ebe died, but
tbe a
mmibs of the year. When
than was no ooe to bury her There
dually ebaws to a dose. Ue last frnitsj *4, fl^e c^iUdrv . cf whtnu four wtrD
are gatberrd and made into a sour paste boys and me was a girl. They fled to a
a to OoBirot Olaaa
ealbd "nishei." This i»i«e will keep neigbUiring taut, where Ue ridost. a
Oatput ofthaOonatry. Said to ba good for months mad to made tote balls. boy cf 14. provided food for Ue reM.
as Far Baaeblaff aa Staadard OU wni|i]>ed to IcatW^pd^wl. jnstas They boy. feeling ill. went tsuh to the
bouse wbeae bto mcitbrr's body was and
Tiast-Vo Kora llaahiaff of Frteaa. Kt'iRitd.
Breed is not tbe cml<fsprqrtBCt
aol<fsprcriact of tbe died tben ahue
Next to him to age
Columboa Ohio. Oct. a-ltderriopaa
rm. It^Swmt. doU.
a* a ^1 cf,U.
today that tbe meeUap of yaalorday tin^r and lumber an also olitained. A
Tills girl. Dannlii by twnia. was ooe
aad nntll late last night of tbe glass glutinona milky Juioe ooats from tbe of tbe most raarvelons little berotoea
formed oaeof Ue most gigantic tnmV-of tb- m«. which makes aa ex- that evcT lived .She worked for Ue re
. .-------aoommeralal stead-i O'Heut AiotBcait when boiled with con»maining oliildrm aad fed them nntil
.lif! am oil. From the fllrons bjurr l»rk a fltrt bir farotbor cf T and tben Ue baby,
poiat that bas sear coma late «
kind of oewm doth Is nisde, aad the ag^ 1 year « memtbs. perisbed cf Uia
Tbay 1
towela The
terrible diM-Bse. Tbe Issly of Ue elder
tba eatira glam iadnstry of tba Ualted 'br to used far boHding tuxtors and
boy was cairlvd awny in tbe night by
Theb purpose, which was irany other |«nrpcii*ii llekidi'e all this Jackals, but riteburixl tbe baby, "pritbring aader one the- drifd blnnniiia arp uiml as lludiT ttog Uc body in s basket aad diggings
head e»«T rb“ maaofaeioiy la tbe wbcm Area aiD ktodlod.—miaddphia Ireitc-h fur it «itb a pick.''
Timm. '
One brigber' wan lift She cooked
riee fer bmclf and him every day. Sba
led bim down to Ue stream to drink
tbaaa are expected to be closed not
sad slept with her arms amuod him
later than next Tnaaday.
ety night No native would eome o
Tba aasociatim to arid to be as fartbem. and ao Uoy lived until tbe Brit
Marie A. MilUc. to Bi. Nicbolas. t.-ll.
raaebiog' la capital as tba Siaadard
ish tospeerter found Uem. They wem
f Uopbanta"
OH Co.
Praaidrnt Sellarn HcKaa of a number of "bteries of
washed. Ux-ir cluUing was tomed, and
Pitteboig to at tba htaA of the largwt
they wm- rerlMbed aod hauded over to
Some tinte before tbe dophant'linnt I
Ui'ir grandfsAtr. Tbe bamrs tf Ue
glam maonfactery In Ameriea. It to
hare d.acribed my hustend was at a ptogne cannot be itxaggenud. bnC Uia
aapeetod that be wUl aacuw a fraaatetinu in B<«gal. His weak lu-pt him
bright eyed little girl and Ue broUcr
ebtoa lor Ue new aaaoeiatloo la Saw
abe mved arr a tonebtog episode to tba
Jemy. Tbe .object of tba amoelatloa
grim htototj of IndisB rpidomka
Step slssblDg prtoas and aaenre
chair on tbe nraudai. con weak
or rujiiy any men- c-xc-iiing ao
aable proSt for all.
Each cmb
tbau my ryia inippltid to ma.
tony will be operated aeparately. U
Wc- had three R-b-pbsnU fesOtmanre U the tax a man pays to tba
aod baegage. aad <ne char caratan
public fur being exuineui —Swift
pjsd te ftrd faim my baacU ewrry d
BlOMker and Langlry
torday to
aqaeatly tba patqila of a rlllaga
ia which
ao join la msklBg a huge oroi.
Wal bnadiwl bnadfrulta may ta
baked at co« time. Tbua they an aU
nimlied with bread wUbout itt coat
ing aoy of tbem much labor. Prepand
to tbb way. the bread wiU ketfi far
It wOl BOW tw ia order for Upraraor
Ptoffrm to call a apeeial aaaslon of tba
Iba toaadfrait
i« a abtiva <F
the .4.tk
aadUMladlsu aa l. i» U(tnmta^ It iwnublm mrvrhat tbearild
-cthc brlffbtofdO
Bt^ ha* dark arrra laa^
We Hav& Reduced
tte prie,
POn t*
Pi«;rM S Smitli
HlElGnide FootwMt
from 10 to ftO par eesl.
^liowrrtoeaara found cm uarrow wldUa
aad small stsaa to ladles' mad geaUeBMU'B wear.
lupael Uem.
Given by.~
Thursday, Friday. Saturday,
October 7, 8 and O
Fjctnlg B'acieciiri.cjlL,
AAW rron-tm
One hundred Trimmed Pattern Hat*. Newe*t and mo«t
handsome designs copied from the latest French patterns.
Tb« Wty th* 8tet* ImpAicho
Hi* Staunch Frtend. MIm
. Mary Siamaring.
Worc«««f. Mwu.. Oct A-In
■ih* ooDinfnt •roii»*d by 0» ai»n.vefT
I that ibe num of Tboma» Moor* «»»
' I *01111(4 fl^un lb« rdl of porU ID 0>*
, coiicr««*k>nal Ubrary on iBrcrouoS thnl
: be had bitterly altackrd Amertc*. and
panloulariy Tboma* Jclterwn. a iMter
wrilien by Moore In Ul*. twelve Team
—-- --------------
Hd Com** from Ohio and Ha*
Oult^P*epldOutefS4O0.000 in Four Yoara.
pbla Ponfollo. b of «re*t intereat In
*• ■iejTt.Mty
fur publicaUoa.
In thU letter the poet
Moaa wont by Mra-
.r *io*.ao* r
at’ a MsaM IHatlway C
iwaear, la the tirty
la Abeam, a-.-Xaw.Mai
"TbU life la Juat Iona enoufh to cojumil errore In, but too abort to allow ua
New Torn. Oct. A^miaH.'B. Qlba. .
time 19 repair tbeoi. and there are f« w
of my errora 1 refrel more alnc*r<'ly allaaKUaorae B. SherlD. a railroad pr<»
muter who claim* that b* was at one
than (hr raahneaa I waa aullly of
pubUablnR thoac mid* and bov:
time a Judge In Ohia and who waa oncv
Umde* aralnat the Ameruani.
prcMdent uf the Akron. O, Btreet RnllecnUmeDtB.boih with reaped to ibe na way company and I* now trice prealdenl
tional and Individual rhararler. <.«e of the cvmpan) . wai amatrd yrsirrdsy
much ebanaed alnce (hen. and 1 abouid
atiemuon charged with laying down
hinab aa a luvei of liberty If I bIIom<-J
bogua cbecks. beaUng boteUoulof board
the baaty prejudice of my youth to
blind me now to Ibe brtyhl. pcoml-e hllla and carrying on awtndllngoperaWhich America afforda of a better aid tlons of tahuua kind*. The police ear
that Oimn la the most accoenpIlMied
happl^ order of ihinaa than the w .
bogua check and bulel nwlndlar In the
ha* ever yet wIlncMed.
If >•« 1
country. Cllwon, atvordlng to the i-ocontinue to be aa aood Republicans
■Ice. has aurceeded by means Of furgeo’.
Rood royajlala the new and old world txgus cheeks and dealing* In stocks and
bonds and playing his wile* upon first'
need aoon hare Mother dlstlncllon
clsa* hotelkorpeen. durtng Ibe last foul
the bcmlatihcer of freedom and
year* In gelling and spend&g in ib<
hemisphere of aUvm. nrigbborhood of MM.OM. Among bU vtcnilBOI*«hrt«ltea Kadrweeree*.
tlma. acwrdir.g to roU>-e Capula Hr*
Chlcaao. Oct. A—The eleventh annual . Ouakey. are Heury Clnr* and John
eonvendon of (he llllnoto Christian En- Wanamakrr. The police had been get
deavor I'nion rqx nrd U*l nlcbt.
In- ting i-nmptnir.ls of hla feat* from differ*
i aptratlon aervlce* were held In the New *rt flt*i*<]*a> h tcl« In Ihla eftyformany
I BhRtand Conareastlonal church, Dear- days l*< k.
i bom avenue and JVIaware place: EarHaht iM rwps «t>r«
] tyflrat Ptrrel I'rrsbylrrtan church. For| ty-flrat atreel aud Orand boukvard. and
I at the Vnlon Hark C"nEreaBtl<>oal Bartholdi. They did not And him In
I church. Waal.lORton and Ashland boulc- when lh*y wcr.t <0 the hotel Wedneadsy
1 t arda, when addreme* were made. The In hag the asiiie.
He was, however,
convention waa
furnally opriird In found lu the (Srwnd hotel. The detei'*
i Central Mualc Hall th^ momtira at
live* raw a tail. 0(0, sl'srp-fe*lur<d
• o-clock.
man. with Mui- ryes, a high X- nh adand
Word whlak-r*. He was well dr.a*i-<:,
Mate**, aectwdaj aMwar^eltla.
very .\»l when tRr
thr .111,.ra
oflli.ra lotlird
to lake a str.Jl f. i-!l,e hraduuar|.rol**ili.gthalth*foii..*hadifiade a
Me*- JlT^itHklna n.ln^ artd l^men who'
Obieaao. Oct. t.-Ooe awre da)
•ridaoce. and then the Bnlab ol
Loetcert trial wlU b* la alaht.
bat it A~>
and tbii
Init feali would set theouKh than wiiboet
ittch delay today. Adjodmretnt «-.i
b* taken until Monday, when the
defew wlUoffcr aonie aur-t«bn(UI. ai.d
the way wUI be clear for the arautaaau of the atlomeya. which wUl take
about a week. It waa a bad day fur the
datenae. The evidence of two of their
wlueaaea waa bedly daraoKCd - Mary
Blamerlnx and WllUam Cbarlea. Luet>
■art'a bualneaa partner were the iuSm•rw It ma)' beaaldthaJMaryBlemertnra
teatlmony wwe amaMird worae than •that
«( Emma Schimpke'a for the atale. M'lt■caa after wnoeaaninc Upon the aued
and awore that wheb Mary BleoMrlnc
bad denied that ahe had admitted Unproper relation* with Luetaert ahe had
Ml told the truth. They aaid the bad
•dmltled It. and In themoal uaeoulvocal
jDAnner. Host of theae wltueaiws were
membem of thr ^nd Jury which bad
lodleted Luetaert. and their erMence
- waa eruabtna. '
Aimek •* Ike KetdMOT af Charlm.
Biislneea men who had dcaltoa* with
Charles swerr ihai^e could not be believed under oath, and told of ahady
huamcaa tranmcUneu of wbk-h they al, heed he bad been aullty. Hrw. Feldl
far Ckrtnl^
Tone. - bdartag haid01p
■kw-Bet.: alb I'U. li
“Go jh Into all the worU and jBMdh
the goo^ to emy n*aWta.” TU* waa
• of OhrlM to Hi* dlwlple*.
Mb WibV TMlMMiy OMrinMlki
Baaibmof a Craa* 4ary Biaealii
CoaMt. aouoh a WoMB’e Kepatai
pPiMiwHea to Cooetada Today.
OWo town.
_i which bad belonged I
Mrs. Luetgen. Hrw
Ura. Feldi
Feldr declared
d^lared that
Mru Charles had rrounied her to deny
that Mie ever a^w the ring* beforw. Tbe
a lot of questions sp'-m tmireachment.
rolire Matron McMaben. of tbe Bast
,s placed U|>.
■tory that ahe had been aubJecUd to
humiliating treatmenl when the w*«
placed under arreal and thought to tbe
■Mtlon. Matron McMahon declared It
Was untrue that the young woman was
ydeapolled of all her clutblng In her criL
d Mated, and that |>illceman
had Btnud guaid at her cdll door while
ah* a-as wlibuot ralmenc ‘T aearvbed
h*r In the aame manner I svanh all
wdmen luuugbt to the station," said
the msironAlexander J. Pweettev.
Philip Kelli ^•llllam 8|«<;ka and uihera who bad austalced baalBea* (viatlons with
Charlea, told <if business
C'hael.* Iw Bhb't.
Charles ID whhh
they got the
nnrat ti! tbe liargalii
' through, at Ihey-alleged. wUlful decep
tion and diaregard fur truth on the |«rt
by Chailes.
i "« "t
Mrn. ..
, _
e Iwukcn camp a
1 „,uraed 0 their home*.
imHag Valley Sebasl How.
ETtnveton. lUk. (K-t. A—The Spring
Valley onleated svbtxil case, in w hich
two acta pf lew.-ber* were contending for
the coulMi of the school*, has been ael*
ll-d ln the rtnult court here by Judge
Btuugh Isauing a |M>rman«nl Injunclloo
restfalnlng the »ei of Iracherr headed by
PrInHpal Johiwm from InierferlRg with
the set hewded . by Principal Halladay.
The curt held that th.. Jchneoi, *e| of
leach.T* did noi hold legal contracta
Cbaa A. nawa Neariag H>s Bad.
New Turk. Oct. A—The .-.mdltlon of
Charl«‘a A. I»ara. the editor of The San,
that the family
»»• (himmonea i.
turn hii roodtilu^-may take ih.- physl■<'lan* Btlendhighlm are uTMble tp-fereiSsfa-en m for Ihreemomh*.
and while ahiAlng remarkable vitality
he has become much wort*.
OranuM ■
Wra a ri afaelalMial Is
Ig! whu bought the groAbraham 8«llg.
cery department uf Luetgert'a aauage
factory for MW at a torrl/Ta rale, ladBad ibal be found lid bogea of auap to
tb* Blore. and that much of It was
-scrub Soap." This was brougbi out to
abow that Luelikert did twM Deed to make
auap with w hlin ui clean the bigfsciory.
But the attempt lu show that
BO girara In U.e faci.ry Hay 1 was out
Fon Wtjme. 1i*d.. Oct.
The thtr*
I leenth annual meeting of the.norihweat
' synod of the nermac.'^t>formed church
was called l<- order hy Rev. John Knell*
; ko*- Over l« clergy^ ore praseuL
to prove thU.'but was luund to*^ ^are
of a tort that ww* nut the aort the state
war.ted-that (here was grease in the
tcebuuse MSTtrilnM's and elsewhere ab>
the torinr}' nearly all the lime—but
could IM saeae thal there
Uore on May t.
Wiluiin Puliiecfc. a teamster employed
at the tocbwy. then look the aland, ard
Mid he raw Mra. Itoctgert the afternoun
_jiT May 1. when obe was in her own
home washing w lnduwa and that there
was poiliing unupoal In her ln..ks or
mannev. The stdie ihea toowed that
Fulperk saw Mary Slemeitng al The
houe- early Murday enornlr*. "May A
and that tho hart a converwatlrm; that
he asked Maty «h^ tier misirera WWS,
WfHl thal the servirtir arswew-d: "Bhe Is
Mill Sleeping. •
Tt,. . ora- x.minatKm
lD‘*lrstMt a run»>.- In prove that Ful*
iwk wa^rurk that murnlng.
t “Wur l.ewl# OtateFa will waa lUed at
; Rlchmood. Va. It dlsptraa pf wn esute
•» between r.«0.«to and UAM.-
• PresldL-nt Crespu. vf Veneauela.l* dangatouily ML
Hylto ncatid ta reported to be engaged
to Alorgo Potter, ddrsl aoo of Blabop
The rhamlwr of depuUra of Peru baa
'kdopted (heguld standard hy a maJoHty
•toram... law* u Maes A.w*.»M>rae IF
-Waewe Twas a Haed.
Dae MotiMe. U.. Ocb A-Th* striking
■loera art atm eirlklng aud non de
termined than ever on the tt-eeat nul*
form Kula. Theg went eat to the Ker*
stout mint agala yaoterday moralng.
■hip a»d rafferlng. lor He oddesl lof
their encODragetneol. “Aud. l<b I *»
with yon alaray. creo onto tb* wd of
the world." The dlariple* d Christ
bare lound that Christ's predledon vm
Vtewrbing the gospel to (retry
!tme does neceraltale nfleriDg aad
hardship. This ia true pot only lu the
jDBglea of Africa, but also in the heart
Ohriat wiUMot baviug toeudurebaidahtp for CbriM** aake.
The writer of Hcheewa gteea ha is
before us
llurraelan mlrerw from
aylvania f g.> lu work l.^.rmw -...ir,.
I. The ezampic of other* encooragea
ua The hrsi vcisc scyr tbit aiuee we
are soriooiKhd by a great cloud of wltoeaM we should mn our raee, do our
duty, with paiiesee
The apoetledoea
Bot Bieau that ib bcareo a Tail cloud uf
looking Di«D us.
have accept.
c • :-r t.. v
FOR A sid^
SPSS'S ‘„ni.
Sirloin Bbd Porterhon* Steak,
lOBBd iac per pound.
EgKB, two duxeta for............
Fine Appltffi 15toSdcpeck.
Fire Insurance.
organlaed the Akron Blrtet Railway
and lllumlnallng Company, of Oil* city.
,h,t uod
«jnK.de«ree to bo
Itoowt why Me faavw
Jho. R. Santo.
^orrimrs Bbic*-,
that they wyifuc, UP mure than Moo.tWd
tn f'.ur )eur« ami he operated In Ivih
the •wt Jird the wuTi*'
Oaee a CWrago
Akron. 0_ Oil. t.—Cmmel C.-Olbson ; gjo,
. .pi,.y lu dlacover how worth....
a hut (Iibson had gone nii»m oni be weary ib well dmng.
m.1 Mr. Wanamaher In Philadelphia oo'erowu «iliinul a cron.
aome time ago, and the-»ry goods man ; •Bible Reauliug* —Fs. IL
was attracted to him. fSll—iii suggest'd ' lii. T; Nah. i. i:.; Hath XStIH, IR-*0;[
a pupcr.to he started and run by hln. In. John xvi. M; Rom. viit. is. iSh-Hli; Jl!
the lm.re.t of Mr Wannn.aker* .tur.
,.,g q,i
vi. l-«;
•Cord Idea- Mr Wananak-r ——
......................................... Olhsnn. and a plant was purrhaseu l^ie
,t «.. | t,.hu i* urral thing Mr Warstesker
Warstra^.r kre.w
kt«-.w (lilu
“> *#• *
Idfhe lOaiT f.V several thmi-jV>l. U-l»-_______
re and I’hlladelphla ha* nul
'Utke noe
> sirre. so far aa 1 know. I
For Friday and
I^Ulni^ M* i.ik.dabo... hi.c.rr«- ,delliypo lougw i^n.^ih. Froootj
Bis Cara* •( FsSda.
ll..n* with the Akrcn Btreet R*|l»,y , lakra Obrlst died For Chnst s aake wej
"He'S a rery modeaS aao. Mb’s be.'*'
cotnimiBy as a winning card lu gain cor- ; should be willing to meet brarely and j
"Toi. indewd. He latbew phdm huU'
cbnerfully what bardsbips rsuue to US.
•slf on (bat. “—Demni Newa
Wmr*le .Nwlrte*<T*w*aBd Vamamutker. !
*. Tiie purpose and Ibe resiult rd
-He won over even Mr. Henry riewF> | budabip abonld encourage ua to endore.
In fact. bl> uffjee was rest to Mr Clewa. 1
hardships of life it is God as a
Whet, he had wormed hlm^K Into Mr. [
chasieulOK bs for our good. Why-
fnebd. know, ail tfaiaga and meaus to
«ra (bat kuowledgn tor oar good it full
of cnmforA It U a help in tbe hour of
tempuiioD. We are checked, when like
ly to yield, by the mnllM-iiou that tbe
’ ''
ia upon os and (bat i"
is being operated by oelorad_____
The won t n oT that mining sect lot,
have t.dd the wrbtte mlaera that they
mutt not peraiai In working, at CarlMtr*
dale or they would be aorry for It. Teeterdty ....
mornlr.g a minor from ^rhon*
Buahm'ller. J.din Bhannoe. Mate Me:ner. John Duhfoaa William Bcborle arvd
William Civau.li have been arresled
Them gi« the witueuaca cefesred ta
for personating ofllccri. forcllily sep
They' wltocamd for God Is spite of arating Thomas Olrasim and bis wife
hardthlp. Their esample should Inspire aa they w.rr walking on the Alex
ua to do the tome. Aud wiicn we turn andria Pike W.doeaday night, and thro
friBD sacred bisNwy toaccnlar biography vtolatlng the iwraon of Mra akawm. all
UM hisfciy and Ivaru what noble men the brute* cuiomltitng the crirfie which
aud woinru have endured and ate eu- U a hanging ofTeijie In thls state. With
dutluii for Chrisl'a take no mlmlon some tivulile. iM-eauee there waa a
good deal uf mob spirit around.the misfleldk what au iasfiraliot) it abonld bo
creanU w ere taken lu Uayat Ulr a: J
to ua to eudare hatdsbip for Cbiiat's
Jailed there to av.ild lynching. They
hate all been Idrr'iPtd.
A The pganple of Chnst aboold e«rrwker Tietde (o a SVimsiML'
coaragu na to eodon- bard*liip for Uia
New- Tork, Oct.
The immt Im
take “Lookiug onto Jesus • • * wbo
portant politli'al evi-nt* of yesterday
drapisiiiK ibe 0ame.
: endured ibeerow, ..rapiaiin
were the yielding of Richard Croker t»
"Oooaider Him Ibat eortiiled soeb
tbe demand uf nearly all tbeoiber Tamtradlotioaof slnueraaRaiurCHiDaelf lest nuihy leader* that the Domination'
Thomas F. tlrady tor district attorn-y
of New Torn county he not forced uptbera. and the withdrawal <rf Jaci>>>
“lagmiust Mn." lu compansou to tbe
toy candidate for
I ha>d0ips CbriM endured ours are uoth- Hupprrt. Jr.. Tammai
••OUsam had an ..(flee In the , j
j, ^
preddrnt uf
■II uf arealer'Ncw
Still on Deck
at the Old Stand.
'piUk' rn^llrS^s^ffiM
rame vice prealdenl of tbe company H. I
was foiraerly located al Chicago, where i
he had an office and waa known a* a
Later he moved to New'
Tork and opened an office on Broad
Mrwl In the Wills buUdlng
-r of the Aklallw-ay and I
last nlgffi. snrt when
told of-(lie reiwrted arrest of Cllbson h*
<-<>nreraed that he knew nothing of It
and WMB greatly suiprlsed. It Is raid
I'thal t1lb«on'B reniuva] as president of
I tbe Akron Btreet Railway and Illum
inating company was brought about by
foreign rartlra totereaied in tbe com-
Carl Faber, fur many years a cashier
for Herman Oelriebs A Cn.. New Tork.
Is wccusrd of the ombraalemenl of «AMA
! Mra.' Lavinale T. Hair, who lived at
I Chicago, fell dwur storle* from tbe rear
I porch .if her son's flat, and was killed
' Bbe was M yedra old.
Oeoege AMcn. oftnrney fur the com
1 Canudew. the strurghold of the Braallpany. was also seen last night, lie said
| lan fanath-w. lias Wn captured by g< v. be had koosrn Etninht C (Jliwun (or
, enunent tnmpa.and the rebel leader,
'five years and thal be was formnlr
Consclbrlro. taken prlsontr.
locaiid at Cbloagn. Later he moved i.
William Bhain shot and killed Mrw
New Tork. He claliii<-d to know but
; jrrra^n Lee at Boyne Fall*. Mich., aud
• mile reUtlve to his epeculatlona When
; »j,en i’ rncred by uffleers of (he tow
told that a man named Einmri Olbaon
ti.au.r* by abootlng himself
had been arresled In New York on th*
: q^d
charge of eml,esilrDi.-r.t he ul^ that
corjanwllon opened (en-
'« ‘kr annnal nontracl for gas
Bed to havtng seen the wumsn at nnd I
^n Anu-rtesn fUm offering Jil
«(wr thal Place m> May r. and ( who
cumpany. While
R haa'niad* n
was tuppnard to have !*■«» the missing
■ ; cured tbe order.
i vtsIrsNo ttala city
One was H. F. Huhlfling.
d the following :1 he Is known very liltlr outside of street
h Mra. 1
__ „ „
' rwQway clrttra.
As president of the'
of Mra Lost- : Fleming. Ohio, at Bdlnborgh. Brotland: Akron Hiruet Hallway and lUumlnatmg
‘ : U--------- - .
....----------«... I
BUcceedMl "y Oenerel
1 Rohlfllng ira-.,e*^ Bemud A.McAJllrier. ItoUwwr*. a
bados. West Indies.
Thomas, of New York.
be bad never seen the woman before.
Burglars broke tbe big plate-glan
One wtroera said Mi* bad on clo'h
BliiNWiw. Which srss (he footwear Worn windows to the More of Row* Brae.,
nf the eoetolby Mrs. Loetgert tbe night ahe dtoap* Jewelers. In State etrecC Chicago, and tlons existing In the charg"* of the
aeewred fony gold watebea luid alxiy
Hack rlivr conference were beard b>’
AUflgether Ibe Mate had a fleld day, gold ritalns. « alu<d at tl.MA
tbe paatorw at the Western Avenue
Tbe luidunsl tuunril of Bwtiarrland by
and left caM phase of the caae-Loet*
church yesterday. This matter occupied
gen's ditregard for the aevesth mm- a vote of M to S' has adopted a bill pro^ the greater part of the baalnera aearion
mandment—to a hgd way. The legal riding ter’tbe 1‘on hase of the Rve prin of tbe aecond day. It wme In thla oondifficulty, boarmrer. In convicting the cipal railroads uf BaltaevUnd al a cost neellas) that the case of Rev. Horace W.
raiMgemaker has not been launched
Boltcn. O n.. until recently (Mslor of
St. Louis lobuciv marulsctuevr* her* the South Farfc cbkrcfa. Chicago, came
upon so tor to sar-rvbuttaL
Hrw. Injected a new fewiurr mio tbe erar be 'Bp A eommltleeof Inquiry was decided
lAietgcrt was UUad and. her body tween weatern companies and the Atner- BPOO. and was aetocted by tbe presidiog
disralved to tbe vat In the factory: thal lean Tobacco txHniarty hy snnuunclrA Mdera.
the bemra presented to tbe trial are her their imontlcto to lu-gln maaotorturibg
rematos: ard on thi* print the defetwe anmktog tobacco.
Frank A. Nm-afc. who was brought
Dtfboqua to.. Oct- * ~li ha* bm dehas tbe best lif the res* as seen hy a
•TiWIi op a tree.” HahlTueo of the crlm- hack from the KIbndyke tu answer i« I elded that Ibe caae of Rev. Scott, who
the charge of murdering Bdward Mur I (toped with a Waterloo girl and I#
ray at Watford, to. says Murray died I now In an Inrane asylum, will net come
I from drinking frare a hnitle eratalnlng ; before tbe Melbodlgt ewnferener, be,
'whisky and morpblnr which Novak had I cause he baa be«o adjudged Inrane by
Oiieago. Oct. A—Buperttitendent Bowhis
.burgUra -a civil IrtponaL and tbe conference can
trap for
the Chicago City “
comT-fc- Johnson,
an old aettler of Mc ' -It put an Inrane peraon on trial.
|iany gave new life tu the riumberlDg Farland. Dane county. Wta., was probrvrolt egfMlng among the atreet rail- ablT totally tnjnrwd. He was caught
AppletOB. tVTa. Oct. l-Tbr eleventh
way employes by dla^rglng teveneoo- to the etnut carrier of aeorgbuDmOLhls
doetora and ow motorraan. all of whom ten giwr^betog broken and hU left annual convention of the Wleconaln
wara aaM to' be InstmarentaJ -to tb* Mionlder bUde fractnnd. He waa othrr- Christian Endeavotura was opened h«e
fomatkinefa BnioB. Tb* men are n« artoe badly brulaad. Ba la about 7t last night. Abo« M Be
already arrived and *« 1
■gala taiktng strike aad have arot fw raari old.
pected this noon.
kaito OS cloaer to oor Hravemly
(bar is «tf fuaraut. pemuDeDI and (be
Btnion bepefll. abd mr^ ccotcraoBieM
Tbe Sjnterprihe Grocery
»bll dobg b„u«e«
Front Street,
of iooselalty. CWeapratM^ la Ike eiy.
Steinberg's Grand Opera
by the Spirik Tbe my*.;hoe of good goods cbeap to
Tbe Fatberhnod nf God ia only rigbt-
tenra of God’a
to'a proTideora
proTidenra are read
rrad to ^
elaarar lighL Tbe grewtDcra of Hi* lovo
grow* more and Bxwe’tmpreraiea. Tbe.
tbOBSbt uf botlDesa becomes an asiura- i
tioo. Bin tbnnka from Ixdiaem, hot
tore louge for it. Tbe nam>w way ia'
afil looUy b<w gloomy oor thorny nor
dlstTvrafnl. It i> not devoid of boauty.
It bat aigbu and soosda which an rapw^;
ji,e City.
—Watch Repairing.
Enterprise Groceii,
—John Verly.
W. J. ROUlKSf’N. M
TW Hsssea Why.
The tvaa.'in why we M link- nnderataud God and arc an link able to ap{ireciato Uia love is that are plan mtonr
lives l>y osr iguoraurv and i^bt God If
He doc* trot bel|i u# carry ont tbe plan.
Tbe tova tbing for n* may not be wbat
(arrb Medtotoe laaMl by Vapor lahalatlon.
are want.—Oaibolic Dniverae.
—Front Street.
Mayer’s Magnetic Catarrh Cure.
-1*. .u, o.
Krary betUc gnaran-
S. E. WAIT. OrugrtaL
Mtag It Ora*.
He ta making bis own damnatioB
«reU be la robbing hi* mriiion aad
y«t ptofoariug lo be a Ctiriauap—BpiaeopaJRM«rder
To Rent
Bicycles to Rent
a also gat (be baM weak tor )*M( wemmy
Bapair Bbop. >11 Bast Front atraM.
If you want otbete to' wrak. don't
wklt for other* lo arork.
Tbe best Mlowur d tbe Spirit ta tbe
brat leader-of am*etii«. *
i-ndlra. Mlataa. Men and ChOdna al
Spell yo« ecKiecy witboat tbe 1 and
arltfa a tia Uolou veiraa egottaa.
Tour eocicty ba* t> nraociato Bemban? Then it baa IS opportanidea
A good prayer meKiitg m Soiiday
begin* (be Monday bef«»«'and *»danernr.
Oo.TMX ■(« bri'''«a<7. balfaitbfnlnera. Men do not poltab ■ gowtbat
Om» la Bwbile a Cbrtattan KidMTor
■oeiety dtaB d ebiUa, bnk we aevar
braid of any 47iB(
If You Have Logs fo Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- Mill Macl»iner>'. of all
descriptions, including a Engines. Sei Works, Carriages
and SAirs. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
i a*TO»*». OOTOM* «.M«K
Vottes w XuvajM.
UTBkvKo Pmrt la *«jr'Co*/ '
A«wa i’p»a—Rrt»nu». •.
0»t« •*
IMar M Maartd-«'*«4<B'a'>
T.'uhiBCt»>>. on .a—Tb« »uu' •
jiartmeot bar nroaivrt full Informal
U lo tb« ptaUlOd of tbt BrtUab av' - : ID«B( on tbr propoaed Bcbtlns M«
'', tefancr. Thi» bf«v»* to be much n»- rr
\ eomplete ihnn the brief cable r«K-»
frun Louflon indicated u the dnei^iinanl haa been advised uoi onirof Or. at
Brluin'i de< ll»aiK» to enter'a confcrTTI— aiiMi U Is limited to the experts
of the United Slate*. Onat Britain and
Canmda. but alao baa been inform'd
quite fully as to »bal led the Marqub
of Sallsburr to UU cofwlusloD- The
BrIUab new. as laid before the s*e;e
d«ian»ent. U tbMS at ho stass of tSe
aecotlattODs has the BrlU©i xovemraent agreed lo a eonfeiwe exeepl that
-beta-een the e^wrU of Great Brliala.
Canada and the UnUad ©taida
It U
not Queetluned that Seeretarr Sherman
and A
r.TiT' ,~L
Ever Burned Out?
If aojron knaw
ths eaias of
Tht Oalabratad SpacUUit*.
■a le a “Kl««ai" aad Ha* *a* Baah Mf>
Mra|>r<«. It BMMa
6tatu« ©f th© Negotiation* for a
Confarmea on th© Pnrtac*
mwi »
DrSb Bi Si & GOi
wlihl^tte_boai^ o^friendsW©."
will be la my p«c* i»nr1»» ihr
Dib of Octobed 1HY7. » rsoslss city
and school Uaoa. Ofisa
* o tdock ,
to U;M o’elock a- ». a»a t«>m i ocloek
to 4 wcloek p- m.. aad o
Chleaio. Oct,
Every one af Ifca
eouniy comml!i*l"ner» except TVrlrbt
promised yeaurday to f» to N^»U'»
for Chicago Day. Coramls©otisr wngat
Is colored. That Is Ihe reason he w iS
net attend the centennial expcNUtb a.
and he made hla reaaons plain a h. u t: e
onnly bi«rd met to take action on the
iTHaikm of the tlUnola
_r the SashvlU* expoaltlno‘1« atlet.d
that ahem CMcago Day. “U-hlle I agtve
with the recommendations of the ptrtIdenl of the board." he aald, rJovK'.
•^UU there are rircummances connect d
with the trip to Nashville which
would not care to see repealed.
11 remember. Major Bucka meinlwr, of ’.he -........
legislature at ppringneia last wumintroduced tbe readuthn providing foi
tie appropHatlon of funds for thewer
rcaenlaeon of the state of Illinois at
NasbvUle. went to XasbvlUe tvcenilr
and was refused accomroodatlmii In the
hotels there. Thla In spile of the fsrt
■ there as a tepreienUtne
I was oil aceounl -if h:»
color. • • • I would be chagrined to
have those thing* rep^^
^ Itduraed.
O«oa la
City Tressnror.
^ Hotel Whiting
Datedtlct 7. iw:.
XH-tvEJutE CiTV, Mich.
TMrsiHj, Octoliw 14, 1897.
Suits to Order.
I Fine Merchant Tailoring.
AUasMys at L««-
Om Db7 Ooir
.BirSfh'AJHi 04flD!f-_
Oonaaltatlon and Bxaxninatton Pra© and Strictly
8m Oil Nkw Lin
Picture Mouldings
To^Youpr Middle Aged, and Old Men
BMlaadWaaS* I'arW m>ia and Eraser Is
Whal They Waal.
Xsindon. on. I.-Arrangeimnls have
BOW been made to bold andlnformsl i<mferencehetweenttieehaiM-ellce of.the ex
chequer. Sir Michael lllcks-Ihacb. and
other Hrltlsh nlUciaU. on the one s;Je.
----------- ---------------r
riiauid be belwrea And the fcludStales monetary cvenml^
tmeresied." and that some I »!“net> and Coliinci Hay, the UnlleJ
«,g,rt..l«a«-eSj-ew-seas ale.P—as-U^h-. Ab«d.U«.r- «.~t—.
II.. PH. W____________________________
ksife.ialswamr. New ■etbi.l*.
ensA Riflili t liiiUui L (
----- sisss^-is:
s^iL'tbs we asst*. *.eallSA.. writ, tall san.csUe»rfi*-lr css. ai^b..»—«cl.e-at
--------------------- -- - -_..‘“th; rnutd
Stius and Piaiuc.expeii
In the matter
Of coinage of etlvrr. C..nseijuvnlly th*
Ke^ AeerpWNl hy E-glaad.
British r>v<miiic(it will be unable
Bot II Is
Infed out' that the* aug- ■ fulfill the promUe <T the rham-eUoe
gMtloni camv frem the United Stateq ! tht exihegaee to tiv the Tr.lt.d 8ut
nod until accepted could, have no eflecl cotpmleioner* a r»ply -arly duiwig t
In determining the nature of Ihe con rresem mor.ih and the delay win p<
A Kaswtag Wstss.
ference. So far as the suggeKIonS wer* albly last some weeka^ _
It ta no ructird that during tb« bolU-j
oct. g-Tht gold Demoaccepted the note of I»rd SalUbory of
Jnls » IS aald to aund alone, and thU
iag «tf the Watwloo bridge a horse <»U- r„u.y. which failed to make nomlnanote. It la stated, mentioned only a con
ed Jac^ WAS emplired to draw stoos uon* last week on acconni of a sumorrd
ference between the experts ofthe DnlU
tnxAsAkng A CfAmway. Kear at baad deal with Tammar.y HaU. held ns Hty.
Mb Wl^. aad Ber Bewthert B'Ma.
ed States. Great Britain and Canada.
a triTT-lMT wnl by otftms and county and borough cooventlnns laM
•ttashlngtoe. Oct. t-A »b. chlr.g ItagThe Uteal correapobdence on the aubJect leads to eonsiderable doubt as to edy octurred yeeurday afternoon about
who will partttipate In tbe coming three mile* from Randy Bprlr.gA Md..
l«i <»eui l»w» lor ciiy uui<-ri> •ou
meetlnga It has been ondermood that Is a sn luded «wt near Ednor pcwtufllce. —— --------------r.
,h, borough county oocvcntlooslcdorsed
be ought
ought at
AT (he
(he heerahop
the dlBerenCe would be bridged over ^ WUIlsm Timmubs shot and killed tt'ili- tlBa tbsa be
nominees or Tammany HalL
bolding two raeetinga. In one of wbleb lara Hlnlop. hi* faiber-ln-law. sbcul M JacA. tboogb a revive aalmAl. got ac- ,
ItoasU aad Japan would participate years of age; Inflicted a wound which___ ____ 1 to Tom's habits mad waited
HU au oewrloukm started him '
lAmdon. Oct. L-tanity Fair aaya;
©ilhoat Graat Britain, while a aecond will probably pn.ve fatal to his wlf^ j
queen-empT*»» was very much
EUaalirth TImiiKina, who I* about » *V
Bcellim would be held between the ex
red al
at the attltuce
sliltudr nr
of me
the United
iobn I
' aneved
perts of Great BrltalB and the United year* old. and also shot the wife of John
, , I
Ob coe ooosBOB. tn* sepOTUtenoemt
eighteen montha ag<>. and 11 I.
Hinton, hi* wife-s brother, causing
ind. i tedng away. Tom took ■>
a ^
,b,t be» nwjesty. who I
serloui hot not necessarily fatal wound.
.... Study
e of
study of the Amrriran p.op
that ahih
Atfilwiaaidor The shooting
ahoollng took
Kw* pure
place at uw
tlw nome
of at
av tbeale
umme that
xw Sack
»«.» grew ured. and. (be
--- maar
It di understood
In retf
ed to
to effect
effect such
such an ar- i HIr.tun.
HIr.ton. altualed
Bitualed about a quarter of a dyace (astenlno being long enough, he pj*. t
Hay a-as directed
—. gard
K-id to tbe siaUllly and fulur* of tbe
de- , mile oft the road leading frem E.lnor In- ; pot bis head iaxide the bwrtonsr dom.
rawn'meni In case
case G^i
Great Britain
r ellaed to enter the general con——
Bot there lnw.w
foUar with his Moth, diagged him tmr
Inw.w •..mrqupsilon
aimrqupsilon Whether woodr.
Ta a anwst spnuwr.
tbaBrUlsh autborillrwwlllpartlrlpate la
to bis doty at the tyuek.—London Telamtaallsa la the. Yell— Fes*. Dlwrle*.
Bpclakl*. spnnkl*. great hi* «•".
any way until a definite decialon U
Up aad dow* the ©wf «■*"•
New Ortea^ Oct. t-There art «*■!*______________________
reached as to w ho wlfl take oari in the ^ew devriepments 4H Ihe yellow fW
WaklA be It «M or ^
general cnnfermtv. a* there 1* under aflllcllon. The U-yrr continue* mild tn I
*~ ——“
stood to ba
a trlucucce
oa —
tbe --------—
part of,
lie .
—... —
um weainer.
MIpa btrwtU- _
S|dte of Ih,.
the w
weather, a.
at ]|
babm* wroUwrt^- «a»
the BrttlMi
Join In a dual conference,
rii to jom
.K^nts. Here yesterday there w-re SI a few bar* of
"Blot Dahub.-. addaad
^ • death*,
tbe mons'ov
................. II e.—..
’ '
L^vrfllckw in. flood
and some doubt whether the BrlUsh ex- J irew ;*«we aow
illiy foe
for iag. .-v...
-Ni.t i..by Br^luu^
rvttr^ to
to my."
peris wiisiesre
wllWleave for this cpuntry - -’-J
birv.1. wetT msd. foe mums wad.
t-mmrr eu
— ...f. . «»,« peiix aicsu. rue girwr A'agucrian
[ i the |ouJ number
tend Wlber a general r limited ■
la* on*
on* |i
Al ainiun. Mlsa.
my-* ,!i
‘I i!
prefer a*' Snaom
bv the grddaa sun X w<
fetwnceuntll ——a—•
I* rwporti
A, Mr.1.11.
^ ^ iboA-Bd of tbp CTodite -- '
entire subjecl. A* the cv.nf< rrwseflah
. near at band-lbe fliwt plan
Try to eldr wlU taw to *»»
ng. tB* <
eeh to hoW it Oct- M-lhe
ina are necessarily conducted
only 15 deaths In a mu« appeal to the feeluiga " IT^aro
Wliat are atrrwia for aaywayf
. a—- -.------------ -------InKanr.
a ViaDturaa .
and by this mean* a satisTour N* I* to ken’ «* wW.
Ljustment may yet b* rea«*ed.
Aad yoQ gw thar*. too. Joe bst!
fsi.a-reel- '
“““ DR^ B. S._&_CO.
Look Box 160.
tM......... jRewiisiy
rrosistfret-N g atrsn*. Manager. IMP _
Chicago •“ —
West Michigan.
a.^. a.*A M- .
LT.B*y riei“.
*ES ! b——
wa-u^:;:"4:iT;:e^b:re.u o*
' fftarYMstTb^May Be Sttalaed t- ths
UaUI ttoodferdV -LWmsMm."
1. » -n -lich. I«
first full north under the new uriff , and died In Bnasia. where he was much
Waatlngton. 0«. «.—The sUte depart- Uw. These flrgure* .how for that month . lored; Edouard is a eumpnaw and coo-.:
. ft*m has not yet been officially Informed tbelargeal exiwn* of domestic merchan- , docKwflf tbe famous Stnum ortioatra
«f tbe purpose of th* SpanlMi girvem- dim of any August In the history of tbe '
Viennv which ba hfougbl to Antolmecit to dissolve the cortas In December. r-vernmeni. The exports were n».t*0.- I
jjj jg^
Jtdtann fat the famous
A* indlcaleti
ili-.Alvaieo lu
In Madrid ——aTKDS.
cablecranm U
i* [Isit.
Jg*. amlnSt
againw Md-Mf.Ml
for Aua>»-.
August. —'
!»*- :..^Bklag " He visited thUcuunBy
was expect. J. however, that It would he 1 For the fliwl eight months of Ihe year i
found neewary f«r Utv cWblnet w go te I the export, were Ml.n*,cae lo excess M « *“•*
country tn order
order lo
lo »«-ure
»«-ure the
ine wpsup j the Onit eight months ofJtM.
Witv Biss* Waa
Wm Very CasUy.
Lemcn Bodwicbes are made by
port of a miJorUy for tbe Ltbrrsl policy
towards Cut*. Inasmuch as the prceeni
total lum
lum of
of th*
th* i— both the tetwd and the burt*. Trim
Detroit.. on
Oct k-Tbe total
; rag^ here early yewerflay . the «m*t frean a loaf of fit^ bread.
cortca haa s clear Conservative majority
(iicnis out
— ir.omlng
...A.......... a I*
I* estimated
estimated at
at -over
-over MW.WMW.W- j p„, jt
jj into a large butter p«
p« or nop
whenever that i*n> * dwn.m*
ewn be
.puinunenl U Seven
with th*4r cantmts ture« and snrrouBd
nnrrouBd it
Seven buildings
brought together.
t lor.ihe can-jwere de.tn.yed by theblaselhal st^fd ^
mfficiaH quanritv of
fell at the remote date
of butter,
floak •—toysurbewrf.ormliM
*e^ shi^«^^
VMh £'aL tlpi^ aad web fret
_ Money to Loan
FAToani 4
OBce* over M
h. sdret flaaday. Jaa* Ml Utf,
vmiiog if the new <
ovre with
fur the lalKiut I a. m The principal lo.»e* are abooi nmi a . ____
- sumed mat any tfew
iper. put
U .kt- a* follows: Denali Opera Honre. MO.- grated lemon. Vrup m ^ Pf!
scltlemiM o! t ..l.-i-------. .cn. ir.jw». c. J. Whitney. «0.000: the JuUk , it also ID the lurreti and allow
• lOed by the cones, and
lung dcUy. It ' Arthur-aMniwny.
-aompany. CO.OnO; the Mich’11
Mich’II ; muto
tnuio over
orer ntgbu
nigbu Whew
Wheel yua_v^—
» null
ocUl next
next March
March the
Ulearvd. will give rise lu InuaU’.E. and .hullding, IW.IW. Mlchrtl
stock. IT5.000; j ip^tbr
be saodwichca,
sandwiches, rub tiiv
the uui*i-au~u
bntM daws
perbap. 1» beyouJ the i-osej* of endur- iL«.ottanl milldlng;_»l»;««^
_____ ________________ ____________________la
| untU ...........................................
little soft Add gradually th*
ance of the nrerei.l adiulnl.iralbqL It U '
: Juice (if cau-'lemim and fimr tabie«pa(m■ boat
>i 5S.n7rJ.™ ™p-n~ „™rf-r.,.a
,i..- d,.inj J»PA-Mr-
A cbu trom s..«r.o .a^;
;i5 no trust bu.ine«c This "anil-tn..-.A female tnw-u i-ner fnlillU ber du
ufflclall) a^unced
tJmv ideUnment. a* ll I. called. «** created ties in the Stxfltudi town 9f Dunning. ,
General Stewart U. «
Uy the
IMC legislature
leue*.*,,*,' In
•" IWl- l‘. nalty
^ for Pfrthabire. She U a balA hearty old
RutiKS minirtcr. commumesAeo ,v —. Gators
vWlator. renge.
ranges from
from »50^
>500 to riJOC.
IIJOOdame of 70. Itxallv known a. the "htdl
Dnk. of iNtuan. the fipanlah mlnlMW
• Bry— Arrl.re al NsahelU-.
lor r-.relgn affair*. I. nc roor* an ulti
wife," and t* Terr j.nmd of baring ppomatum than it U a commlnatory docu’
NashvlIlA Oct. t-Last night -f-Ulmed tbe queui’. Urdidsy for hi
nor Holcomb,
J. Ilryan
}Kvniu, William
T.,.”—. e.
—./an and -^©1*running.
minL In. spirit
rbraBte- arrived,-'
_4IF tcTTiis.
rue cabinet
WOlen. ol NebraBtfl.
Z2-----------------------------r fiiendlF
Icrms. The
Doth th* Bam Bs*.
'n.hlr.gtoti ea»avre’-e
e*p**a»e* a mimii
wUhlo O'—ki^ • Qvn acconil’ai’ie
accomianled by many of
when Cub* tan Iw pacified. ai:d reque*u ^I Holcomb-* staff and military and civil '
Xotnakea noaad rf-htmev the het©
Bi»ln-tu reply before On. $0 ln-<>rd*r 1^^.^
thsi Urretdent McKinley may br able to ^
u,, al
in(or)«rate Rpaln-a answer Ir. hi* mesj ’1 greeted
— .-a --xa
wtlh cheer*
Bryan road* a
-7:______ _
sagv to congrem Premier Saga**, id
agrremem with Benor Oollon. tbe
^ ,■„■■-,■___
' thoroughbred bdrse# from the stable* of
Thomas «
W. rou.n
Ruulh r^
raced u..
live mile* ye;a ltKderel7‘npiy*d*JcUHr!g
Q* I Appl«"“•: Thom^
Spalr IS K. await event, and to Ukc »uch 1 Viola Redo, agrt t and .
; terday on the Tlog* Wcycl. t.
ra DH-yc.iaAa. a..’
M.ew»W.— aA -——A.-A-.*-*-.In Dine minute* and flfiy-two mcondA
sdicuie until -the change of pol
with tbe wheelmen only five yard* be
Cuba srooolhe* the relatlcm. betw-a —
r* pUylng. The children dlM
died al
als.-ul hind.
__________________ ____
two govemmenla. The answer of Spain were
will cot be drawn up unUl the pro- four hour* after being taken BekCaMaW Oei^asy Isdarire Tsaamawy.
IMIsvss Mahs a Big llaaL
gtanime for the nffoems In Cuba has
New York. Oct.>-At a meeting
been potdlabed."
lAoulSviHe. OCL t -A apeclal, t Tb* night of th* United Oannan aocleUe*
Anoiher tublr from Madrid my»j “A pit
»>s: T
ThleV’c* tte Tammany ticket for city and cour»n*t from Morganfleld iwys:
CWUUe-V council
.-VUOVI. a. aa.va .... a—" -•
__ -h. .rfllcr of th* UblOH CT.UUty
ty was Indoreed a. a whole The vyie
g*nt prptlded was held yreterday. When
was not unanimous, but the motion was
the ndnlM.r* reparsted the premlrr. Be- i uanK yc»vqiM»»
............................ ................
a..p» carried by a majority.
------Regerta. .ansour.cvd
tc tbe
tneoew*p*uewsraa blch had been l«ft In the «yh drawer.
. Tb* WaBNer W* Msyjlepw*.
per m«r that no final declelon had been
Jlmmte Baa »e MUe Breai New.
wnV tnake
to the
phUadelBhia. Ocl.l.-“Jlmrol*"Klcha'1
Y the United
Stales band'd
hand'd y^.i*rtay
note <g
yeawrday o:
on the Willow Grove Hack fSfTp. m. j!?red»T: F«r ladl»o. *>d
-rsrmr we ther; ■mlherly
fr th. Duke of Tetuan when be asi ,
- •
paced bicycle record
mlnlrter for fonlgti affair* hy the Unit- .
recor.di. maklrg tne oistaove
sd States mlnlslrr. Genernl Stewart U . ,p j.jj
HcUuffSe. of Boateai. held the
Tbe Imparclsl
j.^ ,.5
Byt it leant* Jhxi Ihe reply of Spain will
ajuaa »* a i«raBk*B QssrevL
t. mstSTW P*M« brek
aatlHr Spanish wuacaplIV.mie* In mak-.
GnleahUTg. Tlla. OcL L-Cbaripa AnIng eWar to President MeKInley th* r*»clotc atiltude which Spain malnta'
— Uermo. a farmer, was kOled yesterday
afurnooax by William WM**. a negro.
t«gmrd tc Cuts." A tamark ms<
tasta to a maspaptr «wr«M»*«»n« Tbe asaaull was made with a knit*.
----------------y reah. th* SpaidA ftrilng eleuer. Beib ware drank *»d quamds^a.
^■!:LT,:r..7"..;rxr.r.. ™
It <e ....
11 IS.......
• 17 r 1* AalS
I X: s 1i Maoo.____
Ctv »» Peloakay
" “a”X
sr«riy".v"r ■ ».•»’ i.'
! et-’K-"..
NO 10
t tllupboard Safe
•amm. -«.“uirv
ebaafvatJaaeSMa, leHA |.-jmsp*snl
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.