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The Morning Record, October 28, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
tUid Teu->No m
Bfitlak -Bovtod thm Satoiy
- at SlBbwlay.
»lw aw«<^ S«rl»h TiMpt Ha«» •
UCtoMd Bmtt 1.o^OomW^ Fwm> t
T«l* Sa^ Bm
todp.wWfc^It b Be» BMtad thu
VUt ■M'latwfM*.
hernia Ort. »7 -4 dhpateh to tk*
OMtnl Maw* (rwB 0^ Howa, dMad
Tlrandar. » p- B.
BriUak »t EiBkvl«7 uW.Bada »
kriUtMt krtl*. nmtlaf
Tb« fiskttar U»Md lev bow*. Two
•«M war* ovtarod. Tho iMcaabifo
bopJi at Ibo Iwtat
Tba Boar ooo
^allMtkB at K'mbarly war* aaat
CiM Orai^ rirar atatkM ow Wadoaa4ay. 4t that Ub* EiBborl; had aot
bM attMkad. aad oo flfbUac bad
takas plaea.
Tba Boara. bowarar.
w«r* eaaUaainf tbalr ooaea&tratloB
abooltba city. Tbay bad ooeoplad
■arktay Waal. IPtndatorB. aad -aawal
oallytac rlUac^
It te artdaBl ibal Ibe BrlUab raaort•d to a aortla la order to praeoal Iha
Boara fi«B yaUtaf their artUlary lalo
foaltion aad iaaUtoUay a reyolar
aalya. with a boBbardmeoi to lotlow.
aa ia tba eaaa of Mateklac
Tba BrItUh.aooarooUy »» atrooy.
wat TOO Boer* aad. aooordlay to c fit :tal
mw ifbUay. to which anaorad
trata* appaar to ba«a doaa raloabla
•arrioa. Iba
BtaMfly aavan BUea to the northvrard
and the British hrillianUy carried the
OBaByb portion withoat aerlout laaa.
' A apaelal dlapaub fron Cape Town
today ylvaa detatia of the defeat of ?«
■ear* by the Britlah at Riverton, north
«d Kimberly oa Wadaeaday. ia which
tba aaaay wave ooBplalely rooted
with heavy low. the H^itUh low belay
tbroa killed aad tweoty wooadtdThU U probably the aame fl 'ht
farrod to ia the Cape Towa diapai^ ol
y«aterday. la wbleh It wa* aatd that
oSelal reporu IroB KlBberly. eent
Taaedey. aaaoaooed that Coloael
Bwtt-Toraar with stu men bad bad an
•ayayaB«Bt with the Boars, daring
«rbleb n daiacbBont of IM sen of the
LuwMhlr* rayiBont disUnyalahad Ita^and arsorod train* did good
Ttoe- Tb* Boat* were anabla to witbolaad'tba abary* of tba Laaeaablrea.
wbo olaarod the hill ooenplad by tba
•aasyat Ua point of the bayonet.
Tba Boar Iohm are daaaribad as rary
b«vy. Tbs flybt lasted foar koaie
aad the Boer ooBmaadBent 1* report«d to have been 'kUled. Two yaae
tioadoa, Oet. IT.—Tl
tobforeea oadar Wblta and Tale In
violaity of IrndyoBltk have I
. astbedtetance is not great botv
tbs two towns, and the addition of
alas yaae and a battalion of rifle* will
more than repair tbs yaps Badd by the
battles of Qleaeoe, Blendeleayte. and
Beside* this, two Bore tr*D*|
bavo already paaaed Ua Canaries and
ar* dM at tba Cape la tan days.
Tba total t«B* there now aBoant to
dorty-flre. the lacl arrlraU balny rapid
Ariayooet cnnlppad with Sir Uo
Ctark'e patent on trial.
Bat even with tbwa rslnforoaBania
the White and Yale tame* are not na
aaonra as the War ofBoa woald Ilka, by
any Beane.
Tbc exeet locaUon of the combined
Boar and Free Bute forew oadar Jouhart U not koown nw their real
atronyth. The fact that Yola was
attacked on bis march to UdyamUh
Is eel down bv the Londom pepere ne
aridence that tho Boers are not <
tons tor naotber battle, hot a t
Ilkaly dednetloe U that Joober
BoneeetfaUny aad thoroughly otl
iBlayhWtwo forosa tor a fresh and
ewaepiny attack.
Bo tar a* tb* British know, tbs last
oAetal reports eeaUla ao latlBatloa*
tbal Joabert may not b* plaanlay an
\ aanalt oa two or tbns dlfleroat
•naka. bat the latontioas of the Boer
will probably be ksowa
Jowsal trow Tooloo MT* thm lo Blk
iboro of iioillof to tbo wotkwaot
ooMt of Atrle* o m*«1 4lrlaloa.«BMtoV
iBf Of Ihrw aoeowd-alw* ptwtootod
Lat« Military OoT*ntor ol
erolM, oewoioadod hj 4dBti«l
Porto Rloo-'
LMdoo. 0«t. n -Pwia UTtoM to
toodoB popwi tbia BoroUc IsatK tbM
Oftoar '.Wbo
iBpartMt artkB br Ua Baiepaaa IMday
BotabUabad a mapatatioa la Xadiaa
powen U paadlaf. Ika prHiaaa od
Oooot MowTlaS l> Pwla.tka aosBooOampalya-Appoiatad a :
btf of Voo BaUow by Iba taparor «d
♦eaeral odVolaateata In Xmt* War
of tba Uttorb
aad Imialy Appeteted to the SrpartdaetekB U pcatpoBa bia oiait to Bar
Boatof Mlaeearl.
iMd. tba oUacod ooopmtkw of tba
Proseta mod Boaaiwi flaata. wo ellad m
New York. Oct. IT —Brig. Oea. Quy
V. Hoary, lau BlUtaiy govoraor of
daa^U all protaata to tba oootrary. ia Porte Blco, died thie Boralag at hie
d*aarilay of aortooa rafard.
boBoot paaBBoaie. aged 00 y*ar«.
Added to tbwa faataraa. tba aaw* la
Oaaaral Beary wa* Ukea lU with
oooflroiad that tba osar and OMriaa pulmonary tronbl* a w**k ago aad
bare airaored to arrive at Potadaa sank Into nnoiBseionute** yestardey
troB DarBatadi oa NoraBber 4 for a afternoon. Bis family wa* present
vialt. or at least a Baatisy. with tba when he died.
kaiser. 4a iatarviaw la predietad. It
Oaoaral Henry wn* bom in tbe In
la aartala that It will prove of tba dian Territory and reealved bia mili
rraataai polUtcal aod blatorkal In- tary adueatlon at Weal Point. He wae
gndoeted from that IneUtutkm at tba
BayUad hope* that tba kataar will oatbreak of the civil war and eerved
try to tadoaa tbaeaar to rooalii qolat, with great gallantry, raeolving a med
while the Praodt prodlet that tba esar al ol hooor and aaterai braveu for dlewUl paBoade tba kalaar act to lator Uagnlabed yallantiy at Cold Harbor,
faro la tba Boaalaa-Pi
tie wae muetared oot at the end of tbe
. Oav TT.—The aeml- war aa brevet brigadier g'neral of
official aBBOODoaBent la pohUabad that voluntoera and reaamed his rank as
Boaala baa do flayer In the Sooth Afrlc- eaptaln la the regular servlee.
aa pla. Thar* U do trath in tba raporU
In the Indian campaigns he acquired
that Baaela is to tabs advantaya of a groat repotatlon aa a dashing cavalry
EnyUnd-a diaealUea to profit in Asia. commaoderand was hreveliad briga
It U decided that the yoveraBent dier genpml ID IlPO for the actloo on
rallly, «
tbe Boee Bjd, when be was shot'
through tbe face. At the outbreak of
Ue Spanish war he wae appointed aa
one of Ute brigadier genamls of voluntaaru aod for a time aommanded the
brigade of which the Thlriy-*ecoad
Mlehlgan formed a part. Be took part
Wm th« Oamth of Mtb. 0. D. to tbe Porto Rimn campaign and at iu
ooncluaion w»t made brigadier general
.HayoM Tosterday.
In tba ragulsr eaubllehmant, Bsjor
a aod miliiary govgeneral of
Body Dboovarod Ut tb* O <^rd Hear aroor of Port^
In May of this
Hor Bome-Braieea on Temple year be wa* jaliarod from duty in
•aggebte Aoeideat ee the <leu*e of Porto R‘eo and bad been appointed to
the head of tbe deparlBeot ot tbe
Mleaouri. bu* did not live to aeiame
A report w*e roMlved here lett even
eoBmaod ibetc.
iny of the *tranye end«ndden deeth of
Mr*. C D a*yne* of the penlniale.
wlfoof Bev. C n Hsyoee
Hrmber* of tbe family ye»t«rday
afternoon diaoerared tbe deed body '
Or. A B. CnrtI* of Map'e Oity ArMrs Ukynee in thVorcherd edj >lntny
reated. Oha>Kod WiU ObUlning
tbe fern home of tbe well known
Or*dit Under False Preiantet.
oosple. An eaamlnntlon of the body
rereeled e bmiee on the temple hot
there was nobbing to In title tht a
b*r of her death. There were-some
I in the field oear bv aad it wa*
tbooyht that Mr* Hsyee* might have
been stmek by tbe boms of one
them eeBslny deeth.
It wae nleo
^■wled that the hrala* wee doe to
fail, and other* believe that heart
fallw* wea tb* «a*e* of deaUi- Bow, no deiolte oooaluelon could be
arrived sMo Ooroaor Moon woe aoUfiod
of the ooenrroaee end he will go to the
farm this morning to hold an Inquest.
No further detail was ylran.
Mr. and Mr*. Hnyn** hare lived on
the peninenls nearly thlny year*, their
borne being located about aeren mUe*
from tbe city. The couple were highly
ettoemad and well known In Trareree
Cityv Tbe deceased wa* nbont 00 year*
a*d *n annt of Mr*. B. C. Bog*a of
thU city.
Sberig Adam Sellinfor of Leelanau
oounty drove In from Mapipu0t7
riving all o'clock this morning. He
wns aeeom.ianled by B. F. Densmore.
niso ol Maple City. Mr. BeUlnger had
a warrant for tbe arreat of Dr. A. B.
Curtis, for obtaining credit ueder false
D.'. Cnril* it a eomparatively new
nsan at Maple City. He came to tbe
town and began the praeUae of
madielaa. baardiagattbe hotel of B.
F. Danamore. His hill now amounte to
ebaot PM. eni when be left lows
yesterday, it was suiploioaed that he
had so Intention of settling the bill.
Acoordlngly the sheriff and Mr. Densmore followed him. Hew*a found at
the Hotal Wfalt'iig. and Uken hack to
Maple Oity. Tbe ease will be brought
up is the eourt ol Jnetioe A. S. Fritz
thi* tomnoon.
Hen edgn a
Patttioa ta Iha BraaidwA
WanhiagtoB. Oet. tr -Many Miehlganpa^la have aigaed the monster
peUtloa prmiutod to tbe
yeetardny. naklag him to offer madlatlcm betwaea the British and Boars for
Ua aaka of briagiag the oonliet to »
paaeafal coneluaigm- Among tbom ar*
Saaator Barrow*. Qaagreeawan Hoary
a aad Sam W. Smith. Gardner and
Weak*. Blahop QiUaapl*. Sapmme
J*dg«* Moor*. Brant. Long aad Hook
er. Liaatanaat Oovaraor Eoblnaon.
Speaker Adama. Mayor Perry of Grand;
Rapid* and Rev. Dr. Pmll aad Bar. J.
H. PetU Oi DetrolV
Two Iowa Tamiliee Pariah in Burning
Building* ia Baldwin Coonty.
Mobile. Al* . Oct. ST—C
pla ware baraed to death at Fairea,
Baldwin oounty, oa Monday night.
The dwalltng* of Barry Goodlow and
Samuel Smithson were burned aad all
the ooeapanta of both houaee perUbed.
ThefamiheeforBedpart of a eoloqy
that had recently aettled In thie region.
They were from Iowa
A Big Lot
of New Goods.
-lUn Wltk Th. Ho." uui laX) olh«
io Perr,
Picto™, eu^h................................. :................................. OU
900Bin}aiid.\«iinJ picture., lo oibinl oolo™, perfect
Bru. Extuplon OorUin Hod., fit u, wtodo,woo’i poll dowa...................................................
ItdlM P.p«, 600 rf»eu to th. roll................................... ; o»o
Fiiten. lOc estro.
Bru. Bud.. 6 pelteru. dl oe............. ..................fi to lOo
Ukind.lUtt.n.,.11 .iree,perpdr.....................................lOo
0.« 2 000 Pock.t Bookd e.ch.........................6c to SB liO
Brhig ji Tom Picimts To Be Framed.
iao-saa Procl street
B»lph Ooim«bl. Jr„ Xanecor.
B’-A.XiXi S-A-TS
Dr C. 0. LaMar
wlehea to announce that be now ha*
to state all old uoflolsh^ i
For enttid* la}:i
BM OalmsB'i Slaitic
Ipar Varaisb
Alfred V. Friedrich
Tki iMdff Id Ftu SkMA
ai.oo, aa oo. wo.oo.
TbV Iier Peeulsr
Ttc be» sal IB
r*-.y Bulac-p-uper prom
aeOiTreBS -'XSWLSSD-->r II oM Mk .ran M bur -reo. »a po all o
took tor «a«irus •6<il. oaOoooo* oUl --loz ' zoo or burOoo ma. or |
Clothing • I'nmUbinga
1 Hew Chlldren'B Tams -""
Rgceivetl yeeUrdny -They are Landaome Jarketj, Id
^ black, DBty, cantor and tan. Prioea $7 30^ $9 00. $10.00, $12.60.
Swell stylea—low pricaa.
A .
shoe story
Three hundred pair* women's
•horn—the •tyllsh. handsomo. all
aronod every day shoe* that yon
gel when you look (or wear, aa
well as attractiveness Oennine
Vici Kid. lace or boiioa. to ell
the new abaped toes. They are
eqnil to moat ps oo *ho«a—Uur
Shirt Waists
Made of all wool flannel, ^
colors black, cardinal and navy - vOu
$146 to $3 76
SBtteena - $1.46 to $220
BrllUntin«d . $1.76] And $126
WlllgotoWnaila at tbe Meqaaat of
Washington. Oct IT.-It has been
doelded toeend to.ManUn one addi
tional battory of Bonntaln arUUery.
It wlh consist ol lour twalve-poundar
SOD round* of ammunition each. Tbe
matarlsl will be cant from New York
on one of the traniporte. together with
«.i00m«ada ot ammunition for tb*
guns which were fonaarly U the Aetor
hnva been Bade for
sTBlag {BetraimporB Logaa, Meade
andThoaaa. Ehoh ship will be oqalppod with four guaa. aopplied under
ooalraeVand Attad wlU *00 mads of
lonltlon each, lb* traaeports
CbBlne aad IngalU wUl be equipped
with two guns each.
Th* use of Bountala artlUmy la th*
PbUlpplaee is feand to be of great
valua. It is tbe Best eSeeUv* form of
Tbe^bMItf ia f*m««l that tb* Wyg«*t atiaak wbieb can ba broagbt against
hattts of the vmr to date, end paebape lb* saeay. aad tb* ebaiuetar of tb*
Itaelf onMly to the diCtb* AeeUUay oa*. i* aot far off.
'rarttanaore. tba onafldeaee te the oaltlai of the eeaatry aad ta
•apwtetiy a< U* Britkb arB* is aot ' rmMportatica. Geaaral Otto baa
ae (i«at bat that AMeuaMoa bae al- ugad that adUtteaal artOlary of this
,ua4y arieaa as to what leaalla will type ba dtoyatabad to the soaaa of
letlaw la saa* Wblta aad Tale ar* d*. operatldaa. aad M to ta ohodtaaoe to
reaoBBeadittBBe that aaothar
fealad aad teead to BanBidar tbair
Bwrtaad'e maia oma. *aeb hailery ot BMaalala g«M to aow to ba
aa OofawaUte' was ta tb* Aaarloaa
eawMaed BrHIah tome*
r amd taa«a the fwUBMIMXttI
pai^ OM. n.-A dUpatek tn the
nmuATt an
toid kr »■ ■- Hbto—, m t
mie D. OampbaU BeriooUy Oonaideiing It.
Laseing. Oct. ST —Within a fort
night or A^Milo D. Chmpbell wUl
mab* an annoanoement as to hi*
candidacy for governor.
Be admiu
that be may make the run (or the
B6»publlcas nomination, but w
time to ooBslder the matter and look
over the aituaUon.
Tk Ltodff U FIm SfeMA
l^Tai derbUt Will
New York. Oet. ST.—Senator Depew
has given out a aUtament of the will
ofthe UU OmnellBs VanderbUL It
kthm PU.000,000. tbe balk of tbe
grt.ooo.ooo eetoto, to Alfred Owynae
VanderUlL Other member* of the fam
ily gto nbont r.sM OOOapieoe. esoepi
OeraaU**. whom the
P1.M0.000. AlfiudQ. Vandorbl
bowovto.‘ givan him PA,PM.«oo ■
avmt oeatest of ih* will.
▼taltod Our Beboola.
Prof. J. B- Clark, with about a dosan
of tb* Maehsf* of tbe Fiaaktari public
.. nU, iMpeetod tb* aywtom of tbe
TruTwas aty nebeelt ymtorday. aad
enjoyed tbsta vmit. wbieb was pcoflteble ae well es plsasaat. Al tbe High
•ebeol Protmw Oark nddrevad tb*
Mto with recy oaturtoUlag and
Deer UeoMse have been granted to
tb* Poltowlag. ta additioB «thm peaTiaaely tonUamed; D. G. Ctoaadlar, J.
Mma i. H- Marttaak. i. S. Baaaoto. Jaba GHaa af BarttaM. PUUp
ItadaiGwwa. Hmaib Htadtoaf^BaH-
Are You
Looking for Bargains?
If SO, stop at 208 Front Street.
This report is beard aroand tbe
world, annibilAtiBg time, dUtaaoe
and reaistpAoe.
Tbe np-to-dato bosiaeM i
will keep paoe with tbe timM—He
wiU do all ia his power to aake
bis store so attractire that it wiU
invita tbe atteation of tbe buyer.
The telejdioDe is one
of tbe menas te this
ead-Itwin bri^
of bMUMto.
We have exactly the shoes yon are look
ing for. at prices that defy conpetitioa.
Don’t forget those ladies' and misses’
Waterproof Shoes, $1.75, $2.50.
We are faeadqaarters for Children’s
School Shoes.
McNaova Block.
Moumro BxooftD.
BATUMX onr, •
Solid Gomfort.
AA.B. M«m TMImMa Bad Aae»d»a« •* tha BtMh tMtaiy
We can give it so yon
TV AndMrtoM MeM«» to mmt
wm. % Basw amb J. W. ■*»»»■. At IV MW HMorj «l tV Mkdiiff^A
wiU feel comfortable. If
8<Arek Co ww neordV TwUrday aV
Ad. K Sum uj loM kB Uft faot M
a man pays too mnch for
f. W. BASan. KUtor sad Mi—fr
«Ab fMAlL
SiVTA WM WOrtriAf ApOA tbO AtAT^
a coneb or easy rocker
U*floM ia tV «rAii =
Xeodle Wuk eatu K.ectlcA.
Btory. wVa V te tVaght to V*o
be can never take com
etappad badwArd, Aod. bUmIbc hla|
TV Trevaree Cl'y breech of tV
fort in lb«m. Ifyoobny
toottog, thrMt bit toot iBto owe of tV ■
Needlework Oeild of ABerlB hold as
eoBTeydn which wab ia ra|dd aotka.
*r.Bli.g ia tV PriBAdB
at SLATER’S you will
tV reai«cli M
p. J cnk. 0«
i ABd OBly
hlrtag eptra) i
aad r-AH tor better Work.
were elected asd aa exoalJMt renever be harassed with any such thoughts as that.
proBpi BcUoa la etoppiag the
TV laadlng Baaday eekool aorkwm port Bade by tV trcAaarer. TV fol*
eryeaecdhie leg troB More aertoM of iV dtp ABO tVterroaadtagcoaatry loaieg'tfiBn wereelactcO for tV eeWe have a very large line to select from, over 55 dif
BatUMefealagiaiherrieBdeeharch. eeiag year:
Dr. Bmw wee lookiag throegh tV la coDeeaUon. Prcaideot of the city
ferent stvles in couches and bed lounges, over 300
Prreideal—Mn 8. C. DniM
teetory at tV tlBe aad gave tV aecea- eaioii. B. WUhelB. aa* ia tV eVir. j let Vice PreaUeat—Mn John Glllia
TV BAdlOo OaUo rnJoeA
aary aid to reVre t V enfluiagt of tV. A gjod repreaenUtioB froB tV tebode' tad Vioe PrealdcBt—Mn P. J. Oerdifferent styles in rockers to select from.
. — cup were la ettendeBea.
; tie
pM et tV iaportABt Milan to eone
B.*. W. K. Wright eoodaetad iV I 3rd Vice Preeideat-Mn. W T. BaaHP tor JMMdlAU ooBAktofAlkm wUl V aoUkUy wee eaBBOaed at oaee. The
IV WUWUkMSl of A PacIV OAkle foot wae lerriblj Iaa rated aad the j ge.ot.oDAl eereice mi the opMiag of Vrg.
4ih Viee Prcaideat—Mba babel
fmim the eoAtral of, tb« fforemtVnt.
Ad AAtAhllAhBMl il AMriCAB •«■ tboaght tVt empaui a wUl V na- ,qurtai. enag by Mra J.flriee. MV babbobA
VeretAr] and Tm
Peanlogton, Mr. IiU.B AOfl Mr. Pea-, Beeretery
—Mn J. H.
mnmmv to the Orleat opeae up a de- aeeeeery. The lag wae badly brelaed.Penalogton,
r iMeOough.
pud tor dlroet «Abto tAcUiUee to the Vlow the ki
180 Front 8t
House Furoleblng Store.
Tbe AddrM of 1
. wae given j The dlreewn- c« i h*vc apt yet
rUUPptoee. BawaII. Ooab abI other enaadV eboee the eokla TV tsjared
Aa abort aad aeea Bllad.
MlatA. TV poMWiliMi of the UlAode
Proat ttreet. where Dr. Bclllday fta- .tall of eplrit WUIbb
PftV------- bp tV r Alwd SlAtee
W. 8. AadereoB b Vllding aa addi'
VdtoreAble fAoiUUM VperAttre Aod bbed droodag the woaaV It My V eponded la a ehort end pointed adUoa to hb VUdtag on UdIod eUMt
pBAheolnte BiweeUy. BeeideA betop tVt tV foot CAB V oaeod. bat tbb dreee.
Dot V kaowD deflallaly for a tow
AbrbfpAperon -The Bible to tbe to te Bead aa e aWra
p adUtArp AAMealip Aoeh a CAblo woeld
Both Telephones, No.,43.
Snadey VheoL** wrltwa by Mn A. C
pfferd eoBBAAMAttoe to prime pen
iPMd tV deeetopBAAt of AAMrloAo eorore aaia, bat tbe doctor eeeaii bc^ Oaraett wae road by Uerrtei Bonldla.
tal of oaTlng the loot.
AfWr BBCkc by the cBoir
patOTprVAAd todBBtrp lA oer
It wee a pecaltar aoddMt; cm m1- leedlag paper oa tbe prognB, on tbe ward for any eaae of Catarrh that caapAAMAloAA woold V rrcAtip
aot te eared by Sall-a Cbtarrb Ourv.
doB likely to oeear. TV ooae^yor b enfcjaet of primary work. "Mn W. K.
kfMehAA VproeeMBt.
F J.CHt.vk» Ato.. Prop . Toledo. O.
We, ttar naderaigacd. ban known P.
PtABi Are BOW betof Mtered for the located U laehci eVn tV Bo6r, V- Wright beadled tbe enbjcct in e bobLii
tweea two etardi eepantcre. atom
tVt wee-very prAcUeel and belpfnl J. Cheney for the laat 1ft year*, and beliptBff Of A OAble Which to foer Uake
■ • heo'wubie
etepplag froB earn lepermlor to the ee weU ae totercetlog A Vlef dbene- Ibve hV perfectly
trill eoBACot the Colted SlAtee‘'with
boeierae tnnteeUona end SeaneiaJly
the PhUipplBM ABd polAla VpoAd. The
able to carry oot any
Prealdent WUhelm gave e abort V- by their flrni
project ooBtemplAlee four UoV. from heVward V took e abort eup. law tbe
WacTA 'RVi
Wbolcaale D.*nggbu.
«AB rrAoeiMO to lUwAil, t.lM bUcc; ooaecyor laeiMd of apoa tbe aaxt ecp- drew, madid U H. Batce, preeldeatof Toledo. O.
VbwbU to WAkA UlAod, t.014 mile*; arAtor. The tfUoen of tV factory the eoanty bbiob. Tee matter of the Wau>i>6. Ki-sna.s a Maavi!). Whole-'
Vve taken eeery preceaUcB ia anaag- etaie eonveeilon wee brought np. aad aaJe D'Ogguw, Toledo, O
WAke lAlABd to Oaab. 1,»I bUcai
Bair* Catarrh Cnre ia token bteraalOaas to MabV. I.SMbUca. tv idee tag the tBAchlaery, eo ae to avoid poe- the chair wae given power W appoint
k bat tbb oceaired 1
twodelegalce, w which Uc nnloab
m to here Ue Use coAetrooted. owaed
of the aye'em. Prlc> aneapeoted plaoe. TV Bcsben aaUUV.
318 Union Street
•Ad AperAiV hp tv COTfrtBBAl, ABd
7&C. p. r bott'e. Bold by ail D-ngghta
The Miter of BAcy yonng Udlce Taatlaoatab at« free
IV delBile of tV project Are to he eeb- of iV owapany are dedag everythiag
Pi<U are tbe beat.
Blttod to the eoerve et lu ooBlap
m pcaelhle.
OA ACOOABt of the CXtTA work I
■Mt r The qeeetkw it epprored win
apoa them b toe way of speebl Boa.
V «M of the preei etepe BAde 1a the
daydbnan aiV debarred from many
propreee of the AAtlon.
the privaegee.toAt they ehonld aaPreak Preetoad WMt M ChdllUe
lanxAe troa tV TrArerAo Oitp boy* yeetorday.
Joy. wea pmented for toe eonaidento the PhUipplBC* relAte
It we* toe
John Probert and daughtar have tiooof toe ooavenUoB.
toate Ateet the heAlth of the eoldler* gone to Oraad Vpida.
eeatimeat of the meeUng that
to Laaoa. Thoaa who ware badly afMn. Van Beerv, aaebiant poaP thing ahonld to done to ehatge thb
toatad with tV CubAA ferar here Ure Beeler, b confined W her hoM by ill- eondUba. end toe peeton of toe city
were aaked to dnft eone definite reeo
BOweaUrelp reeoeered. ead they all
00 toeen>j-9ci, and k
•peek of the ellMta e* belof beaUAfoI
Dr. B. U Aabtonbia Onnd Bepidi
ilr reepeetive pnlplte.
ABd larlforAttop, aad the ebaeBee of attending tbe alate^cAUh oBeer<
BBBpletot AVAI food ABd AOOOBBOdATo Be Berried M t zt Tueedey.
tioo* U ooDcplceoB*. Tbe fcAcrAl ciraeBun E. P. Sbkop of Lndlaglavitetlona Vve been Vned for toe
'pTABloB. Vwever. le tVt the Amerl- wn weaegnceiet Perk Place yeeter
merrlereof MV Mine Bee Ho»b of
MM ere bow retting dowa to bnelBeu day.
end Belph D. While, toe eavget
Md tVt tbort work wiU V DtAde of
Peter Bogart of MUwenkee. b in tbe
It won’t stain the vessel that is used.
ng mercbeat of WUIbmBhrg.
IV refrActory Intoryetiu.
city inepeetlag tV new addltlona' W
eremonv will te perfo;med ai
It dyes cotton, silk and wool at tie same
theaeboolbuUdinge, aa to the Bouad Babe next Tneedav, aad the oonple
will te at beae at Wllliamaborg after
heatii g and venUlattog ayatem.
Noveaber T'.h. The frimd* of tbit poptime.
The Mny frleada of Mn P. duDC nbr young oonple will te pleaaed to
•jMtor XgceaB Bi Joyed a Good Bit
will te pleated W Icare IVt aV b rv cougratBlAle thea.
It is guaranteed “sjm proof,” won’t fade
graa aad Oebete.
covering from her recent lllnnea
Mr. and Mn M. B. Wrigbt of WebTV third aiMttog of tV 8enlor lyor wash out.
MUaByrUe Btaatoa wUl leave today
new wee held laat eveatog at tbe for Monroe Oeatcr, where aV wUl be ebr
It is ready for immediate use as soon' as
Wgkeehool. A.eery totereeitog and gin her echooL
iMbaetlee progTaa' wee gleea aadar
B. B. Aliya wea la ThompeoavUle
The housewife always waett pitchers
it touches boiling water.
Blr. Bwlft'c dlrecUoa. wV abo gave oa boatoeat yaeterdey.
/V wftb-e report
—They're used everywhere—in the kitch U is put up in tin cans, so you don’t have
Mn J. Btelnterg retarDed laat even
' ^ft«r tV roAdiag of tV BianV
ing troB Petcakey. where aV haa beee
en, the dining room, the sitting room, the
to use it all at once. You only, have a
hhh(BiBgao}e wee nadered by Bn. vblilBg for tbe peat two weeke.
BVtOD wbbb wee bearlly enoorod.
MV Von Carter left laat eveatog
bed room, in the house and out the house,,
single article, use a.iittle and save the
raUawlng thb wee an eaaey. ‘TV for Interloehen. when eV will vblt
Ohpo W Cbrio VUtoad." gleea by MV Btbeltnd Ulubel of tVt pleea.
in the summer and in the winter, in sea
rest for the next time.
OWord McVeigh, after whbh a deelaWlllbm HaV e'er of WAna. b la
son and eut of seasoh—absolutely every- Wc are talking of “Dylcne Dyes” that
jIAM^. -The Death of LliUe Nell."
toe eityU BM given by BertV Polelpher. The
H. A. Jobtettof Maple City waa In
whcfe and at all times--We have little
sells for IOC the can. .
' W^odoeuoa on tbe life of Wb. toe city yeeterday.
■oraVl wea Interretingly read by
R. K. Bproat, clrcnlator of the Cnad
pitchers for loc and big pitchers for a dol No mixing, no boiling, no straining, no
MABbUeepreA Nile Bagbee foUowed Rapid* DeBoent, b la the city ia ibc
trilh a delightfDl violin aolo “Mboel ialereeb af toat paper. '
lar—odd pitchers at odd prices, some of
dirt, no fuss, no muss. Comes in 14
Uay.’' wrUtan by Meade Robenaon.
A. L. PlAck c f TiffiD.aad J. M. Longthem were fated to be odd from infancy,
popular colors from which 150 shades
AMBtoV Bnch good Infonaetion.
seeker of Delta. O.. rctnroed bat
TVenl'Jeetforlhe iBprompttt wee: aigbt to tbelr bomea after m betlSM
and sell at i;c, 17c. 23c. others were mat
can be made.
'TV Llaeola Literary Qab." Orton vblt with W. 8. Hull. AVlr eaaoebte
•Mlth waa the one eboeen w uik on la the Oval Wood O'ah Oa
ed but got left to be single in life and will Buy this labor saver ami have "clean
tV enbjeet which he did la a few well
Mn W. HcrrlMD totarned bat
sell for a single quarter; for a single one.
hands" afterwards.
aVaaa wordo. Tbe oralloa wee wdl Bight from a vblt to Cbrkeon.
Boi<n.jr Dmaateto Prt<vBc.*nseor. T
ftVM by Lneile IVohald,
B. Ulaabew of Ubad. eonaty
Decorated water pitchers cost :^c. 35c.
••OtooTO ••
clerk of Leelaaea eonaty, b vVUag
TVdbcaMlM proved the sod la- kb Vugbter Mn Van Bbta. Be b
50c and 55c.
tofWttog yet all ddag AxeallcBt werk
ipaaled by hb wife aad hb daagh
A new milk pitcher will replace that
•Bktog It a very totoreattog dbeai
tor Paaab.
Vbert MeOamber left bet al^t for
broken one and sells for 15c, asc. 30c. 50c.
'•BMOlved. TVt tV polby of tV
BCAtob veeaaoB from .hb datbe b
Oatted Bum U the PhUlp^o
tv bicycle
of H. K. Olbbe. Be
Got a glass syrup p tcher for 25c and
weal flnt to hb hoM b TVmpeoa.
frUltaiehAllhAd Bdward Eyeelka vUlc, Vt will epead a part of hb time
one in china for 35c.
tha eCrMtlve end ObarlM to hutiag 1 a tV apper pewlaeab,
Have a beautiful chocolate pitcher Do you want a good soap ?
Monk end OherV Btoo tV aagAMn. RoMell BtoeVw ntaroad yoaMvA. na deVWn <b Vth udee i»- torday to har hoAM to Btagham after a
made in china for $3.25 and another style Do you want a good toilet soap?
Atm MMtoi Beatkw. elthoagh tV de- ehort vblt with Mn Loan Btota.
MptoA wae rendered to favorof tVafDo you want a good sweet smelling toi
a H. W of VtcA, waa b toe dty
made in France for $1.25.
yeetorday aad Attoadcd tV citv SaaPbiitowatary drill abe ptoved aa te- Vy eebcBl eonvaBUoa bet evoBbg.
A decorated porcelain pitcher made in
let soap ?
tonatlag auBbor while waltlag for
Mn Unn Bbto wUl leave today
Do you want a good sweet smelling “sud
England sells for 20c and 25c.
IV Jadgee' deebloa.
Mom OllVrt
r Bingham where a reaalca of the
BAd WUl VnehAll wore oVoea to pat HbeVw tABily wUl V haU today vd
sy” soap?
A stone china pitcher for 35c and 45cA iMttoa while Jm Bhroaberger and
MavM JlekllAg trtod to dtoMt It TV
Glass pitchers sell at 30c. 4oc. 50c aad All these good qualities are put together,
MtotoA WAe CArrbd.
HaliM tiM food am deficioas Md ¥
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
It Won’t Stain Your Hands
Like Old Style Dyes.
Just .
“Fagged Out,”
Do you
want soap?
Bobbed tV GrAve.
data Wvarof^FMAdelVlAW^i^
•‘X WH to aa awlal eoaaltion. My ekia
"t wbh to ezprM my thaaV to the
uaabeMren af ChaBberiab'a Oolb,
%olan and Diarrhoea Baaedy, for
AMIad. pato M^nalljr is b^kaad
Bsay tonaanda of mothen
iMBp. Than I wm Vvbad to m VildrAB Vve been mved from______
Beattie Bitten: to my gioAt Joy. tV et dyeaaiery and eholarabfeaiDB wV
Ant hottb BAde a decidV improve- taat alao feel theaktal. It li
mmi. 1 ooaUBAed tVlr oee for three y B. B. Wait and P. 0. Tl
weahA. ABd AB MW A woU Bua. I
Sytebto Bulba
Bavent varietiae for nle V Palae’e
Oreenboeae. Blewto atreat. T7t-I U
lalnaRecefnd Uae.
Bold By
Frank Friedrich
IIB Front Street
pressed into shape and sold under tbe
Earthen pitchers at 15c, and 25c.
name of “Jap Rost Toilet Soap” and
Carmelite pitchers at loc.
all forqc the cake.
Clay pitchers at i$c.
Buy seme and be
The Hannah & Lay Mercantila Co.
Tbo boaid of pabtia wvba baaa
bwcaa Ua aidawalk arModa la aar
Miaff. M. MaU Smw the Adml»t
Md Baay aa^ walks are BOW U ao
They wen- leoklap op at t&e b
Vhoa a Hav aad faika at Sis
work Ml tbr blybeel Mury a£ tbo
Barty AUool DofB
Tba aiarak factory raoelaad bhoM ».■
By WUlBBeua bulMItic.
It wUl ba latanaUay to tbe paop'e of 000 baabala of potatoaa yMtmday. tba
■'ir» wuadrrfol." lOt* aald, *Hbat
Ulwforu cao walk aboat aa nek- Traearao City, u kaow Uat Uaro la la Oackaeas aad Calambla brtaylay la
•A 1^ B4U«»t •«. DMmt.
I tboer
leaely ai;ibat dlny belybL’'
qoMUtlaa troB axoaad Ua bay
too* Mt.OMMM.rM iolo k frolffkt
-Yeu. ' br *akL
.................................... Daway. w^a.
Ma ktoat siAoifbt.ThBfodkj ai^i. Ui you kbou '<
aafr it i»."
ba waa bat a lltUo boy aUoadiay
Tba Ruxibd li lo rMdpi of a e ^p- of
Tkm OM^Mtor «tm kUM ud ikoi
•Uou i-ao t be eater abe ertad la
aebool.aMwbaoaooaoa«ar dnamad
gwMM ■OBWotftko imiinfw •»-' aaiaaeu>eDt.
awaly tojwad.
| ~8iuipbot Ulay you rver btanl of."
Joha ftr»Mr of Uu»M eouty pai , br abiiwcred. "klai-b of lUoar turo up
»P M • T^ado boul. Md kl«» oot Uo | tberr bae a powerful oiayiMH BttrO laio
■“••ritof to M. Bo WM foudi tlw eok-e of bl» ubuee
duty Uk* ilraib (u Ibr Iroo LTuautivaoia
They rilay ev ilgbily that
Oador U>o hmd of -MeBim#/ rouldo'i fall off If br waou-iJ to. Hoqie- BSUotOeoiya Dowoy whan ha WM'^adin, •bmi Ue coBealra anieat
»Umo- Um BIk Bapido Pracrw Mp.t
ibat lit- batlly^old. indeeryaBaUforbUjtae Uun^nU and Ua^tUrt ot Ua
“Ao •* to to proM. M loom that earnU k*y luu*
uUH'le a ---. They ware atundlo, Ua Meat-'
p''lex aeadeay. known ibaa aa ibe
BOMlot aoki Mood»7. OetoW o. all Bad It dlltli-ull lu lift tbi-lr ft-M to Wl
PrefwBorMd Mr. C. B Borat aro
WaablayiOB aoonly Orammar aebool
Aaj Ukoren la tk« oaplop of tfao felk aloiiy
preparing to plea a oeoeert la AtaiaMrs.
■ Btnillluf
“Tbr oiber wonii
Stro Ball *a* Imny at Uat llB« I" ; berg's Grand No.
Eapidt traa Oo.ao«t ^tUaf •! U a d*y.Mooiprlier.^aad wat wall *'q«alated j
wbfU a (HH-ketkalte eutltli-oly i-butmil WUb Dr Dewey, father of tbe dlsUaaMaii ompleyM aovr«t»l*iata kilpola- oo Uh- lavfUK'Ut lu frout of tur. A elltadtalary aill rMlrc tbo boooflt of rer uuurti-r au<l « rou|ik- of Uliore aad
w AaraoM la iholr proaeat laoosr. a kry uub-kij toliunxl it.
tbe aoanea wf that day «er*
very e
‘Tliru 1 iM-ard lauybt«-r up abore aad
tliM Mto Ua ooBBoe lakorM on
taoayta aba waa with “George.*' aa abe
tattar baolo than b# bao hooB la tae_ baatlly lookid up Cue ul ibe work
■a of auperlor merit,
always apaakt of blB.bnt a abort time.
,tjpM.aa«rallosp\or«ofUa oob.
rb'a orebmua baa
Uatu and wa« bauyluy up Ibrrr at U>« • Speaklay of her memory of Ue beyaaajoeahaotoer waiM paU botoro
lo U# attraetloM la
dowabotd of tbe admiral, Mrs. Bail tayt;
tbadaelipolQ mi
ward. ■m>|H<rte«i by tbt- luayot-tii to bla
“1 remesber him aa a boy of tilr. Uo City Onera Bento Ult weak. Tbe
Mr. J D Browa of Oraafa to-a*
Boalc raaderad waa eaeaptloaaHy
toea. aad very amall A bla ago - Tbe
abip. Kalkaok* eonaty. boo twaa bar.
mnat clear of aU the reeollaaiiooa it good aad faUy appr^tad by
iar bard Uboo.. Oalap to tbo loot you. ilii-rv U nally i.
tt>at of Gvorga atteadieg tbe aebool aodleaveaeaeb clgbu
UlaoBiof hUdaathiM.olaeedoad. hB
Thaaiaam Atllng Md haaUng
la eompMy with bU lltUa alstar Mary
torB work aad ooerytblar rtao. bao
aad a Uule girl eompaatoa of here. Be paratna of Ua aaw aenrt boeaa U.bc~
bM aarloeud V> eoro for tbo olok.
waa Ue klcdeat. moat good maBaered tag pat la by Sprool A McGurrin of
Hottar tbb foot aboai 40 of ^o arlyb.
Hula fellow that I ever aaw. 11 waa a Grand Eapida. Mr. bproal, who has
boro rreoatly taekird bio potato potoh.
•10 Tlw<
long walk to the aebool bonaa. and beao in .badlya few days looking
aad wllllar baadi vad* abort «or& of
PoD't form^-a- bad «f wood will when aebool waa ovey. ba would fairly after tbo week, ratnrard to Grand
Alnhap aad earlot for ooaotbtat Ilka ffln you tbe papef tor »•» monfha
fUpIda ycaterday.
I’liwiw an Ihai It la eul atuve Iruyita. Ay arooad.getUnr^lx jaekeia. rabheia
aOO baabala of tba • abara.
Tbe eaeo.raloa to MaalaUa Anaday
Md aearfa for bia two girl ebargaa, and
aa we liaVi- uu at.
TboOoodrlab iroo Biaa, aaar U1
the H. d N. E. wlH be the last
Tbaukx to t'olniiH j»u«o fur a balloa
akoBlar. baa baaa Bold to tba O In
of uiapb- alrup. Aa mjou a* we rao yet waa certainly the kladcat little biptbei for tb’a eeaaon.
Mlalnt OoBoaay. •blob rapraaaata tl
A bicycle awaits aa owner at tbe
a loaf of bread we will be able to Uat I ever knew.
Blalor lataraau of tba Cbraarl* eea
“He apoke wiu a cute lltUallap. and aogine boate. it U aa Bagla aad waa
aaay. Tba bIm baa baao Idle for
M e bare paddii) our llueu duller Wat always a vary modest lliGe fellow. picked up by the eight, tteer.
iBos^ yoara.
wUb au nniiy Ulauket aud iluffeil all Uia eoadnet in Ue aebool was parfccily
A daagbter waa bora to Mr. aad
Tba loartb fatal baatlay aoeldroi of tbr bnikeii wlmkiw fiaaee wlili laat
aremplary, aad be
Mrs. Ferdiaaad LMcaaUr of Weal
, tboaaaaoa la Mlebiraa oe«an«d Wod: year* orwipapera. I.ei tbr tvld wave
by tbe teacher, i Be alwava dreaaed la FVentatreet yeairrday.
adaday aaar Borealo. la Ottawa eooa- roiiiet
Our relatives lu tbe Redliooe dlitrlet
Tbe Udlea- Qraea ebareb vrill
l». Dr Oaear Baarl waa loadiat bta
bad oo aluiaaat' aad. uUiakliiK tba wbtrb DOW aocma alakoat a pbropbaey hold Ueir Aatniday Market Ula afiartaa wbila ooi baatlar qoall wbea tbe
cold ware for t'hrtxtiuaH. bare eome. of wbat bit cart(cr.waa to be.
nooB in Ua W. W. Kimball
waapM waa aoeidoaUIly
IS slroay. to «p..u<l tbe bulldaya with
"Be waa always
aad Li
and sever addressed tbe glrU In aebool
Rev. John P. BiMt, auta aaparia.
bar of tbo party wbo waa itaadlar
Our laiwr iiow Hnnilatei lo
by ibclr ebrUtiaa nanua. bat always
Uadeat of Ue Aallaalooa leagoe, will
' aaar by. raealrad tba fall obai«a la bia couoiles. fur flve raailllea. barlay made
a« -Miia Campbair etc. Be waa a
apeak at. Ua OongrrgaUoaal ebareb
book. Ha Head oaly two boara The enouyb ninoey t<> leave town, carried
fairly good atadeot. doiag ooaaetencioua
Boreiag, aad la Ua evaalag
AaadBM waa a rooidaat of Oraad
work la all bla atndlea.
will Oellver aa addrcaa at Ua
BaidAa. aad waa elalUair la /aaUad.
"Bona of aa ever thoagbt of bis ever
plaee. Ulnairated by atareopileoa
Fbrm balp la ae aearea la Orattoe
baormlag a great maa at Uat Ubo. for
“Oh. fleoryer- wtlled tbe maldea aa
aad OakVU tewwkipa. Kaat. Oo.. that
tboagk be waa a brlgbt Hit a fallow,
aaeara) aeboela U that aaetloo baea abe luei hfui la tbr'Wrheoc.l ballway.
Tbe quarterly elecUon of c-mc
ha was so very Bodaat that Ua idea of,-oloaadlaorAartoallow tba bora aad “we can’l be marriitt toiuurrow!
htacverbaloggraaiae<Bedoatof Ue *"**«•
ihla evealag
wlU bare to be pootiKioedr
Blrbtoworit la Ua pouto flalda, to
at tbe regular Beetlng of Ue I. O. U
■•Mbat l» Ibe tuatirr. daiilnyr tald qoaatlon.
thaitbaaop say ba aaoarod before Oevrye. bis ki»i.« treiiibliuy under
- After 1 left Ua academy, I lost all T. Tbe prcBpt attendaaca of all
toaaalat waathar oobm.
bln. *'l» any r^^tailvo d.aiU llai vuur
Tba laeaotliraUoD otada by tba Btata rofle Hiram failed lu butlneMr'
tbat ba bad gene to tbe eaval academy taai boaineea will be traaaacied.
board of hMltb raeaela tbo fact that
“W-worae ibaii ibal!" ebe soUbrd. at Aaaapolla. That waa Ue latl I
A pleasant aurpriae party waa given
tba aBallpox mUmi at Ubaae. (Sara “Tbrrt-'a a Ub-b»il iimiluy ou tUr ead knew of bIm till Ue newe came of Thursday evening o^Mbs Rosa Cul
<k>..waatakaaaSakat lleBt«i Harbor, of my boaer-rbK-ayo Trlbuae.
toe vletoiy
at Manila.
When man. wbo lives wlU ber paream about
•ad jomayad all tba way to bla pnaI found tbat George Dewey
seven m<lea from Ue sity. About
•at loeaUoB. probably oapoalat maay
became Ue great bero. I waa anrpriaed young people from Ub city were prea
pwaoMoa ro«U. Tbor* ha« Hom a
tyf' i)ald tbe Kuroje-au omelal. “Ha Uatitaboold bave been our George. ent. and Uey bad aueb a good time
total of t(ly aaaaa la tba auto, aad tba oeeui t ery uueaxy aad anuiiyed. Hat But my aiateraaid to me. “if you bad tbat Uey did not reinra until early
Alaaaaa la bow prMalaat bt Boaioa aome oue l>e>-u lellluy lilw tbai a fiybt
yraterdaj morning.
Harbor Md BoatoB towaablp. Borrlea
An important meeUag b called for
•eoaty; MapU Uroea aad CbaaaalBC
Ue Pearl OaUeien' Mlas^ Band Uii
owse greai
lowaabipa. Hatiaaw eottaty. Marlaa
■ Wben 1 saw the picture after tbe afternoon at 3:80 o'clock at Ua borne of
pity.BatUa Oraak aad Cbaaa.
great battle, I rpeocnis'O tbr Ueo.-v Mrs Garaatt. 7*3 State alreeu It
Bmar Btoorbtoa. tba' Pbralnttoa dlploiuatlrally aeitlid ai»l lluil Europe face at once It lot bee just like ou
desired Uat all mmbers be praaant.
larBer wbo aqaaodond MO.ooo la four la oo tbe verge of pean."—M aebinytua George. It ia t ol bard to Ulck of bln
aa ibe great admiral, bui 1 ‘ba | »
yaara. la aow drirlac a Bilk watoa for
>aya remember bIm aa Ue little
Troablea •! BMOetr.
Job Oouldot Have Stood it.
HlBaoa Joboaoa. Tba ratt>>« driear
king fcc-n e tkn-ugb
tbe asow. lo k
n<et me >-f. wbteh wa« II your -ay after b>. little airwr.
kraha bia lay. tbaa Babtot m opulay
and twinpleIf he'd bad lu-blag Pllm. They’re
eoudu uiarrl.Hl-a duke or a couatr’
heaaicbei conuining her books lai
for SUmtktoa.
ribly annoying:: 1but Bneklen'a Ar“Nelllier. Kbe l» a pHoceaa."
will core 1
Able Btfib B»r Ua Waita aad
“Obi I have au uiaay frleada.wltb
VM farB ta Laoal U oa Are aad al- tIUea now ilisi 1 nally rau'i keep tbeW
N, Pains or Bodily Braptlona
A Borne Bveok
toady rraat daBofe hM baaa doae.
it's the bSit salve lo Ue wwld. 'Priee
pruiwrly ida>.*lileO auy mure wlibuut
Pew news ifa ma could be of more larlalilag IIM "-Ohicayo Times Ilir- ereit to our readers tban a record of licabox Cnre gnaraeteed Sold bv
At Ubly a aalr of eolta ru away
las. G Jobaaon and 8. E Walt, drugUrowiat Joaa^ Morrell oat. laauatly
he cu''a whlrh are being • ff-cted ia ebtt.
midst by the use of Dr. A. W.
felUlBc biB. Be waa a well kaowa
-a-s Ri^tney Liver Pills Hackaofaea.
idaey aches. be«daeb>s. rbe
• la whlek I
ltd alt
Uaa waa aold aa karoaaoe, raaalUat la
.ppearing befoi
loeya at
«lol '•
.Of Dr A. W. I
M aaploalM la whlob a woBaae waa
fm aud uiakliiy bli way u.roai the
Is which I
badly bunted.
aluplug de« k of Ibr leairi to Cbe atar- «I dealers
calera at St cents aba
Joaepb Buff fall out of a wiadow la buard rail.- fbliayo Tribune.
Ua MaUodlat ehareb at ChaUaa aad
bcaka bU aakla.
Mabho - M beu you yave your coDefo
At Kalamaixt ala bead of «ae Joraey
oowa. ewaed by Joba Ueablaykor. were lh.-alrl.ala. bow did you ever liappeO
The Mlarie* nf artura and actreaeta
alaaffhiarad Tbaiwlay by dlrecUoa of uiHMi biilfklua lu Iwiwnmuaie itae wom
of the playl
vary so uitub Uat no Axed prices cao
ThA Complicated Farcical
Uo owaoie. aa aonraatad by dtau Vet- |
NabU -t>b. It came natural to him: be quoted It luav auAice to aay Uat
arlnarlaa DoByb^y. wbo bad tooted
you know bis tooiber wa> a auman.— Ue aalary list uf a iltKk boose for p<!rUa whole bard aad fouad }oat half of Judy.
fonucr* will nut come to leas than |l.tbOBtffl«tod.
IHH) a -week, and ia often conaiderably
Tba Baaaty Uat AUcaoia Maa.
Dkkover-Tbey aay tbe rlnnatBoa
Tbe ealariea in Ue “front 'are aboat
ItBaotaoBaekla Ua faaUraa u m>p le almoat a toul failure this year,
I 'follows. Saaiaeaa manager, $A0 to
to a alaar. baalUr oomplealoa. aad a and prirea will Iw more iban doubled. $7.1 a week: box otBce maa. $80: a»KUoayao-HomelMMly wbo U barklag
^ump body Ailed wlU Ua rlffor aad
$13: two doarkeepera. $d to $11
rllality of perfeet baaiU. Pale, weak for tbe tro»i» bae aurted that atory.—
each; head nUer. $8: other nUera
laaffaid womaa arc fully raatorad to CUcayo Tribune.
(three eg foorl. $7.: Utbograpb bm
KbuatbaalUbyUaueeof Dr. A W.
Cbaao’a Noree aad Biood Pdla. a eoo(two). $13; nigbt watebmaa. $10.
Apaaod aarra food wbtab eiaataa rleb.
Tba aalaries of Ue atlacbesof Ua
lrn.“ quoted kin. Blekpara blood aad aaw aorea Itaaoa. Pace
•tags are all Axed at onion rates ParMt aad faowBlIa alraatara of Dr. A.
more, tbe manager moat aanploy
■loaH DMer ba rtob.“ added bar
«• Obiwa oaoeory boyofUa c«d«lat.
amlaWa bnaband.- - Detroit Ptaa three area on a aide-tbat ia. Urea
sUga bands on each aide of tba atafa.
Mia. Joba C Daytoa waa loaad lylaf Praoa.
Incinding tba atage carpenter aad bla
^cii Ua fftaea of bar baabaad la
aaaisUBt—and two Aymea. men wbo
Oluwood BtBiUij at PUat la m aawork Ua curtain and drops up la tba
—ddlaaa ooaditloa aad BaMbtaff
Aiaa " Ua rcgiims above tbs aUge.
haavUy. 8ba waa Akaavarad by Ua
Tba anion raua are aa fuHowa: Stage
■axua. wbo auBBaaod modlaal aid.
carpenter. $80 a week: asoistant. $83;
clectriclaa. $33: asristaat. $13: prop
It waa foaad that Mta. baytoa M
erty man. $33; aamalaal. $15: back Nanberinc
ffoao to Ua camatafy la Ua iMralaff
Aoarkaeper. $7: ataga baadt. $1.60 tea
aad laU IB a At of apopUay aad had
I p^onnance. $3..V) p<r day for
baaa lylaff apoa Ua frava amay boara
patUag oa a pUy. 60 cents an bonr for
vbaa faaad. 8ba waa takaa to bar
rebearaaband 63S cents an boor for
beBa.wbBwabaUaalaa arltteal aeaall bhor half an bonr after Ue fall of
SpaoiAl SoanaiT, Omtohy
Ibe Anal ennain. Orcbcatra leaders get
“Row's tbe eealeoB today. Robertr
$40 to $30 a Week, and tbe union Ibte
Moaie, Pretty OlrU.
“ttlybtly liiualtatlc. slr:'sbonld thlbk fur muslciana b $36. except In oper
T» Omp« ■ IMM IB Qm asy.
TUa W«i>cr-a White Wiae of Tar Synip It would Joai oBlt you. Br.**—Ally ettas. when It b $^ a perfcgmaace.—
tbe beat cooffb reswdy oo canb. S atwi Blofwr.
"Tba Budnewtof a Tluatar.’' I7 W J
leroon in Scritmer'a
WI#r~Tou are an diSereat.
Hoetand-Row, my lovef
Wlfe-WaU. you are ao ladtSemU.Watcb lor aaBoaooamnt ef
MBa." OalBMbBlaatlenocwVarwldb
bam eoagft remedy oa earth, cares a cold
Datiaft JauruL
OMir liirL
Wednesday Eve. Noy 1.
A Bell Boy
Tht Newtsl, Brightest Faict
Contedr Hit of the Stasot.
rtotbabncait. He putlt la apataat air Bgbt. malMBm
r to keep u good —“------- « ,t
OTceafae voo kaow—avttybodv kBowa—lbey*ra 5 aad lo ccata a pack
age. Don't tUc so imttatloD. Made only by
For a pleasant ebance of diet. Unoada tWljar Mfayfar.
Lowest Prices 'Rounil Town
—Tbat'a the Boston 8toriway—giving tbe beat .wear
gooda for tbe least money.
Men's Crack Proof Calf Bala, Klondike tip. Rngliab
Men’a Vcloor Calf Bala, kid lined. Tourainp cap. a
aoh plump Bfot-k. wiJl not t-hip, easy on itif fe-vt, a
good wearer and very etylub............ ................................... $4 60
Ladies’ Slippers
Woman'e Oo&goU Boots, Scotoh plaid veeting. fnr
................ .... ..........
WomoD's Brown Felt JnUata. for top, coin toe.......$1,00
The Boston Store,
26 People
taMedayUtakaaiattoB. Maadsocta-'adraiioe aale of aeata.
They reach
the people
to they p.yf—S n thio*.
ZB'ox? 0-IX3T -bixELe
l« show yoB oar rallahla Um of tootwaar.
All we ask from yen b to iaapeet Ua abaolaUlyUtaat stylss U Mm's and Womaa'i
aboaa wa'aall.
Exceptionally Strong
Artistic Company
“Be Good”
Bo Be Baaltr IwpoMd ao tW Baoat
Then <tt jitei wliat rop wait.
Moat everybody kaowa Ua praaant Ilka
eoaadiaeais oar baalaaaa, Tba ananeaHad
valDoa wa have been givlag to oorenaUmara b beat told U Ue larga
and IncraaaUg baalaaaa eoaataaUy ooaiiig to on. It la to oar intaraat
to plaam Ua publk wblU wa endeavor to do by ffivUg tba bMt valaa ta
aboalaaUerUataxparianeaMdalrtaoMprodaaa. It Am paid m to
Bbka MdaaqUo boat abooa Uat Ua»rkMwm1dpats$U aad wo foal
if yoo aea oar
al--------------•---------.-i-a ——
aoaddantI that ifyooa
>r aboea
yoa will
ba plaoM
If yoa .bay
; yoa will wear a
ir patroaaga w^ tba appradatad-
186 Front St.
Pnetloal Shoo Mbb
I Ogsu M Ifao boadk oodocndwwkol
WM—it WM daub, yoa intent Md
I &ew«V’Kent
\Vvt 'NDoiU.!
n« SUM
Aad «kl.
ir rooMod* It ooctfe }witr wkjKw
Ow «Mh Ml aua* to foa!"
hM k«M U
ywrtflMtot BaUrto
Wcrti k Mywkd
<ra»tb«a»y cf
IwUdlrdMMdepM mr whMl:
I looMirid It bote ehd thet*.
Oollklod. ^4Uod. ead. vilh k aeael.
I ktort tor tonMto tow
lUzlo to »«**•• 1*
AU hied eM bleed kM tea 1 ndk
Tvbrr wbedtd
Cm dteoiMd epee air aot* Md OcbM.
>-Ah. ki» T‘»-rm
MooatKwtoU Brittah
teioboroMO toroL
AtlMtloo k boiar dl*«oMd to tko
» In tb* mrdea i
M howaoUvoly ooaaiderlag tho oak _________________________________
Utgoonln tbo ballroom.____________
too, when bU wife waa, fm be had told
me be waa married.
of aa iBi
«ai going to take anoibor girl ton____
But tbe crael treatment atcry
^ akely. and 1 oomferted ber—aba
waa anch a men child. I boaeaUy |
lhaoght. Tbe He waa Innooeat abongb. !
aren't tangfat to think a falaehocid
anything aeriaaa She wai
a trifia
It wai als yemn ainn 1 bad laat aeon
him We bad been bnya ttwi tlior, )ort
ant of eoHf^. ud I had vuitfd him
for a nuBmer in tbo aoathern iwrt of
tba autn. wben bit Iratno bad alwaya
nropa are been and wbm bia family was otto of
•>>.'' •»d ahnuking, like a lUUo girl who
behind bor and lowen
lakbea at tbeadTanemof a atranger. ;
that ia gxactly what abe did.
Yoa aboold bare aeon tboae laabeA
Yun'd hare been jnat aa big a foul aa 1
kfooa ud It k BadMMood
doroo for ooa haa^rao
on a ftne Bldwintn nigfaL Aa InmemI bend bia. be had been a aociable aort
of fellow, fond of gayny and pretty
4hat Groat Brltian k U
faar of
<oralg« powork mortmoat lalmteal to
oonld right-
fi»m If to It faoi bigb an wwutkw but'
i> Rs*rv»et. nkik ________ I mnahroom growth.
' ence to any other kind.
*»<1 bare rtaid nutil
^ gontiliiy of otbor than
The quality never changes.
ia im. which maMured 1» feot and 4
' around the comer, you get ^e same coffee, the same good- ^
' ness, the same value for your money.
Pdeceived if you buy
<>f 'b'’ bonaa
Roasted Coffee
8bo mid that if
I had draw tbik doll
Pruaidoat MeKlnloy oooeludod bk
quiet iKdel in tbo hope thatI 1 wiRfat
Weatora trip Wednmday. making tbe bare niy poooo diaturbod by any cf my
Domomu aoqoainianeoa.
■* oooo and grt marm^ The '
ohild was in one of bor ■I'qiuooooiit
in onr
away o^iHatnrrt^^Tov^•^)lIl^r«or8uudar*—
this t* tbo aiiniv^-rsity <if «>ur wir-liug. !
and lowett-d b**r rriw and agmd. |
coorso I mold oolr inuuago to «.-t
IMI of nearly too apoaehaa at Younge««WB.0
thing, cauip down npuii
mroatarrnwd of wnnUiiigsfrnni'unni, . . .
W the wedding of hk aopbow.
Dr. W
McKinley Dosean.andat lOc'eloek tbe boat (ai’diuiriiig H diullnu. Barry had
n. I
1 ropeattencBtootno with tbeiB
Why, thon.
•poetal train left for tbo BmI, being
—^vi ——
to rmeb Waehlngton next)
bo not
—. . . —.■ —
by the bri-; you ms-I chug to old lUrra-|
'Wioa^bul wo raado tbe inwt trf ofir,
. 1 tirrer hail las-n su iufatnatod aa ’
uwitta that Bpanisb ihihi. with her |
in Uio ballroom, and
n ,000 mlloo on the trip.
eitiHT cf tbom with tbofi
that was tnraltig CHIToecloded oput into l‘*b. tibc-ivxny was Spanub
j Mexican. 1 loumt-d."
Bnrglan ontorod tbo room of Mia.
«loekwoll. tbo widow of • New York
J ewolor, in tbe Saroy Hotel, la London,
Md OMarod moaoy and >walry to tbe
•mount of rtft.OOO.
Tho next groat oetebratioa la New
ber gorgMin* oyea and hw brnkm Eug-1
For a mmiont Inngnr 1 lot my gam
follou- a girl in whii* aatiii. wbo bad
pia’s. wivutheid in vine* and korprnta
i«0». aad it wUl be tbe »ooib
DlfMarr of the dieeoTarv of
1 eland of Ml
•^’b vory Waok,i^ very rtruiglit. thin
brows. ly.w
(7«w luug'ltiid
liug'Hiid fbudiiug
and emoL
In G'ls case-it was borcai.l quiwtion, and
tborr was AmiTican blood in ber roini. *
too-^ litllo of It
modaally cole*
and nut
"TheT all aro," 1 reninrod.
' ”* bii«w. but yoor earrasw ia wasted,
faaoinatod wo. 8hr-was rory.oHing and
brilliant awl crs«. with lbi> face a
painter would have ebuwa for Olym
Vorx k likely to be bold la September,
kratodby a dlnoor.
«ft<T tie. end of n-fusaK .he fliiaUy o
•cotod. Oh. I was far tca> Muitten.
> bare ii orrnr lo me then ,
a large iiom. cngg«tiu' of ih< Hehia-w,
thin, ti-d lip*, rontiuually jiarted in a
H^kb gunboat Arayat. aaak la May
meo would hare lonsl and bairal her to
the exMil of tbe shedding of a grust bowlder.
deal of blood, tm( In life today i( ia I
"But we qnam-iod."
bMn raised.
Bor hull, boUor aad CheblBory are la
<alr ooBditloa. aad aha wUl be repairmi.
At Buffalo. N. V.. Bor. Praaek Lob.
oUIL meter of Triolty
•oddoaly Friday, aged M
Mad eaflorod from laoomnU aad takan
laadaamm to ladneo aUqp.
Be took an
«mr dona.
A BfooUya pbyColan moosUy par-
ibat bis pebble is a goud siaed
ham oadaagored tbe ebIM'a life.
went W bout op Bany.
I<»: "Yon may Ihiok
wtwdx 1 wantrtl to talk over old tiram
and new timea wo. when 1 drew near
Muiveled np old fellow—to Cake ber int° tewo l«btod one of hi« Crodort one
day. She wanted to buy a gowm which
I acraped my feet and coughed,
U being (he approved method of break-
The cigar and gave me a light, frran wbioh
' mfcired 1 WM not nnweirome.
mbloh the girl was indoeed lo ewaUow.
"What are yon doing, mooning under a pi-pper trail ll-AwiUB to me dano-
Citkeword of eommand. tbe soldier
rtdlag tbo bleyclo diamonnu. fold* tbo
nortb<T-iwom< a more. They have more
dicJU«.-nnu loo
Oara fade early, be(idea •’
Fr®, mm
Womank anb.
blaaoxat. and
».g>M at
»^M»bip of Mra. J.
paper on
American atage art.
U also
teat end furtons, and yon laugh uotll
tears ran down your cbeeka
M”:YSis.‘s,i:^r.'r“ nsisr
kaoka: tnif all-iriDMr Jet. tom vara.
tbara is
artlata of aneb worth aa are
Boy" do
nog SALX -Th'fv^rvarwMeeh: -vll tovkva.
f an'^Iam <lr(r*r; alto. b<W(T, kan«to
' htiflclo rob* A HeaiUU.4rg.WaMt*vk
pr raa r*ro**r al g
have te atoop to tbe uneleaii te rsiae a
augb or to gate applsuee.
euge Hfe.^ which pleaoed ber bearera
te tooeb wHb the bappentega of tbe
House tt^te afterairaa.
“Tbe Fbui Cbfck" wUl be ispmted
not a alngle teature or word need that
In the coat of “A
Yua n-member ber? Shewaa Ibe mereot gave a nomber of “correal eventa” in
tbe City Opera
promUad that Altbosgb tbe fun runa
tldiooa aa appruaehiag tbe vulgar. Tbe
In a breery maaner Mrv. J B. Martin
Tbe pyte-wa Stock will give a vaudw
vUIc perfornaeee at their matinee te
exerueiaUngly foaoy.
could be teteroreted by tbe moat tea
Tbe FrUbee Stock appeared te“David
aspook or h<
ta pHTBt* taallr. tir eowp*i*iit vowaa.
aaemty L.l«rk Boi ej.C*airalLak*.Mkea.
Uarrlea'' test evening te tbe City Opera
■‘■I -
The piece was very well atag
de ed and the eoapany appeared te tbe__________________________________________________
erCecbl*. .la^ulr* R«,viai.<.(lic-*.
B-rgerac ea p eyed by Blehard Manapiece toaueb better advantage than at IV70R ggKT-o»>iun( aos**ne w».aiBri<w
“<* »lteeaa«d by Mra. MarUn
aoy other time doriog tbe week
The J «rat- App’y wi*e a. c,,**.
daring ber recent vUit la Cbleaga
members of the caat ar* well equipped grotXK^ram^Mr
Two delightful BStleal nambera
fur tbit pleoe aad each gave a very ere br tkeMUer^ JX.^aweroa'^ "*
were given by Mia A. B. BolHday and
I wa* doing the deadly devoted, oo the *ed Mlee Morgan Mlae Ponad acramSaturday, when we were to have
ran away, abc met me with reproaebm 'T' ^
“Well, tbere'i one girl the^. by , to"* »'"■ and devikiy g.-n.-rally- Sbe
K.ght B • Petauwa
It orar hla back and walks off wiU no Jove, that make! up (or a eouuliy of wouldn't liateu to rvarai. She lore op
modibrrity—that witrh at a flirt with ' fi“’ ww Bnwn and rt-fnn-d ever to mar-F^h Blley of
Wexford brought to
the btecFliair andthe very bate aboul- < ry me or any other man. and abe need
the tUcuui effioe yaelerday eight of
ders wbo ia dancing with‘fboratoA If otent-iirong bot muoiealSpaniah. I fan- Ixrguat potatoea yet tbown in tbe city
1 didn't happen to have aune one 1 like ' <7 abe «a« luaro yealona than bnrt. bat
They are Rural New
better in (be city. 1 think I'd go in for -1—well, I waa completely (kme up To
Yorker* and tbe beavleat when dog
I eay that abe locAed more beantifa] than
—„„a. vh. ...a.Maw TatepboaM Pat la by
'-------- would
VUS it
OTVmaJV. Wbe®
TV OOB "•*«»««
... pounda. tbe olbera rang.
tie‘a married, my
y 1friend.”
ber diaappear for good over be- l»ff from about t to *■, pounda each,
Mjitbero Oompaay.
Wbo'a tbe prond
bind that clump of eucalyptua, I waa
*cra from
Tba followlog aaw tateaboaaa t
ou tbe verge of onicide. Pity 1 atopped wbieb be eaeared about IM boabala to
"Ton don't lay? 8h»ce wbear
kaaapteeadbrtbaNortbara Talapbooa
"binoe five year* ago nearly. ”
at tte vetgA
j tba octa
ham attacboa two broad etmee. aUnge
•Mfri!aoeamniaDea that U be k carry-
•'WeU. it e a little lata, but permit
la aald
ible oltnaUoaa. Interspersed with tbg
?* If, *“
November I. la well worth eoeteg.
eplete with witty, dialogue and teagb-
'«i «f dmmaUc art.
Meintoeb bad prepared an able
f«'en and white lace beyond a doabL
" Well, abe oaw me on the rtiert with
aeitygirL 1 believe it wa« NoraOterko.
If for langbing purpoeee aloae, "A
UpeiA Bonee next Wadneaday eveateg.
baile out here, bat It waa really to get The careera of a number of
married in. I bad brought ber a mmpla .nera and aeueeaaa and their
of the otnff I warned her to get; other,k.i,
B-ll Bivy.''wblehcomee to the Gracd
ohe told bun waa for nine kind of a waalieleaed to wltb
ing'tniorein yoor line, or doeou't tb* Mqaainiauce. a« yon know, and I treatBe weighted eight mieutas for them madam danco*, «d ber aa one dw any woman one hapaoiomlmln tbe etomkob. Then he
''Y><*; Bhe daio’ea.
«^llod 00 ike tbreodo. aad the oerew
••Oh!" 1 Mid. aii.l feeling (llpperv
er *. and ITnatanilly enough, aak.-d ber
to have
oome eoda water. I d.m't
don't oni^
,<»mo oat, haring bmn emeebod in tbe groond. procwdrtl.raaTuld it
pow< I d have d<»e it if I'd knran that
down from town tonight
ligbt a
with the parallk.
, Youdora wa. arx.and. eimply becanm I
ty. didn’t you? ” I aoked.
A Proaeb oamr. OapL Gorurd. hM
I waa await- liial tbe wouldn't take it M
btcyele which
of pr>-it> women.•'
! an American fiaiiree woald here done. I
jwomkae to do good aorrloe. It folds.
•■Do y.Hi ilij.k *..- 1 ndmire your
“Uui ilie »va» around, and ahe thought
-MaAtaolntwo, wbipooot tbe handle
mnrt women ora
b« TPp ahould try a Spaniard.
She g« Uie eniel father-* harm 1«m.
•Ilk aad mixed them with aomo brood,
A long pause.'
We had aliMdy met in dra efBce. bat
bad not bad time to exchange a doaen
■doctor took tome Sne atmnde of raw
Notion Department,
New York City,
N. Y.
bard caah. nut women's faooa, that ae- | while Barry lit another cipir from tba
1 locdi one teal look at old one and pnfftsl it into glowing
tb« drimmlaoxl yonng faoa and tbea krpt alienee,
•. and afuy
awhile be went
and when be rtarted 1 taid; '’Hellol
littta girl twallowod a oerow i s inekm That you. Banyf" and lookaaeatbeloag.
A aurgteal operatloa
la (bo Paolg river,
Every package of .^riiuckles’ Roasl^ Coffee con
tains information al>out many valuable articles
that the con.sunier is entitled to receive.
Ask your grocer for Arbucklcs’ Roasted Coffee.
"1 insirted u|xui rniuiing away with
bor and getting inam<.<l at sea. and.
‘ maicb of Uie scri wcnild hauip<-r
liow’ an iguciraul ccaiutry
ild Wirt of nnile merwondctful leoth:
nUiiuit cnlor. a Icmg far.', black hair,
»'«>ld prove a tlMmi in my fliwh in '
id twuuisl licu cm one uf (be the cniinil «>wii clique: mkas a aocial
•aapiomof the New York Hietorieal parted
U 1 had en-r'acen.
• ^rug the wojild be d|sui me! 1 knew
rioeioty. There
alrmdy talk that
. Was
. wonld r
not o U-auiifnl f«s-.
In tvpaae
the family
tbo annireraary may be eelebratod by
H was fbr from (s-aaiiful. but 1i was bntwben a maowatiU Ui luairs m *pite
• world's fair
rurrly in repair, and ber langh wa« (be
*'>" famil.v be is apt in hsA u|iod it
Admiral Wateon. at Manila, baa Inas a amall >lisie tn be kicked oal of bia
.path, and it take* him some timetn dis.
iormad tbo aary dopartmoat that tbe
atoptomber. ik'iv, waa
It is prepared by an individual firm who value th^ir reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit
bewon to And n> tomtberbewoald re-,
double tau brutality, bot l.amarod bi-r
, that if wo wen diwxirond we would
«ka Park Btpoaltlon.
You can’t be I
tbe mocw '
mwl made an appointment for an- ]
other mfs-tlng. and mwtnally you'd
that ray bfallb and kpirits bad ne^ily
Whether you buy I
of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery-store'
iL 7.^ L?
« ^
After that rirtt 1 had gtmo hack to
f-»eo a. badly in lore a. I did.
. 6au P-rmn-iioo and to • truly 8an Pran- !
"Wo al»aya wot under tbia tn* It,
lag tbe neord made by a Texaa atalk
gf work, with tbe reauit was on ber father'a land, but quite oot
laokm Thk atalk baa baaa east to.docreasrd. and at llK-eud of tbne half
WMhiagton tooemMtt for aplaeo la dooanyeaiu I waaobligwltooomoaoolb
The reason is found in'
its rich drinking qualities ; in its permanent good- '
___ bo lit- >7rMd lia Ad a nattnof fart, atae bad
10 o'olock <<MU>d that a partirnUr fiame of hen
of • Ikolfle ooblo lUkliw tbk
ooooky wltb tbo PbUioptMOMd poiok
lovers of - America buy. millions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ COFFEE in prefer-'
'■WeU. 4k 1 eaid. abo waa erying
•tormily, and I m abont duding ool
trby. tib* toU a mart blood curdUng
taloof panuiaj rraeliy. It wwn't tnm '
I'Tefottnd (hatontainoe. Sbewaaonly
Id. bat ebe ouold teU an rxtraordinari-1
liladtr of Oxford Uxl«M«liy. k Ibo Ink
ma M Mooh tka too. wbkb k K.OM
good reason why the coffee
ly a pair at MrxiraB eyoa oaB gtoafa.
and tbere waa an added brigUtaM. fv
I tbr eyok wen wed with team. How do
Ukoow! 1 dUBoomed and fooBd oat,
I cd cmuaa. It kaU likely I ww goiag to
1 an a wonan prate on tbe groaad a
long way fran tbe ttrareoi babitatiaa
at nlgbiteU and yc not edfer fan any
-winaaae is iny power.
Toe he** •« vrird. imlieiiiii n
to bicU o*
«b« PM-ABttkM
There must be a
anaii. ix^ibably a Misiean. bwMa'
mail, or a my ymne girt. rate,
aadadforodiwrtiyooo—aMoxMaii too. '
1 ooold «M that. 0»*B ia tbe twilifbt,
for bw ry*B gUanted in tb« daA at oi
•rtlCMa. M U P»t. itet Pudo «TM
M to aocka tiutt the baadto tnorad. I
‘•Wbepedaro I ooocImM it wm a'
"Tbe fellow^bo baa einoe built Gm
r her partientractive and the general work of tbe ^h*baiMc*~i?f
company very good Indeed for an agwii.u,
playing so
i*«vias *itv
w,b..-« ns*
many different
Mr. Jack gave a very pleasing
teterprotatlon of tbe title rolA while
be waa admirably
rpo RXinr-r«irai.a«i *c
X aaSielrbiMer--------
"utrrj: i
-«7 ci,n,.
Cb^” WiU
Twiibi u.
wUI be gi'
metoooBffTBtuteieyoA Sbeteauperb." i hotel bought tbia apot. that aaw oot,
M. Na 141.
"Thanka" And tbea w« tepwd into ' meeUag aad oar parting, when bar oMI.
Oould a<Arxpremj^ rAptw of Aa- aftanooa.
e—llls— < Cather
Vaft.— died,
.Ii_4 a
. year or ^
ted opoB tbe facility
ao l._.
S^tur,^ PkUadalphla. whop
m«i» |B*j
I, Ha lU.
"You came along Jnat aa I waa g<da|^
Mia KUxsbetb Bwteg. aa elderly teput hie foot in it.
met m memoriei and wtehing—1 rap-)»
Pwry BroA, oSUa Ha Ml.
Ueary Bwteg. of
"You wonder at my not danetag.
poea I tbonld not any it—wiahtei
J, W. M0CBB, imWImm, Ha 91.
ramadtea aaTVaebics 0»md«., era
are te vietime at blood pol-;
itwm alx years agA and that**., fciwua*
r te wbieb
A. T. Paak, raMoaea. Ha *11.
^g^ifbUadUaoonraltevad the pate te my eoateg.aad
ti ramarkablA
MoreaaUla Oa, axteakoa far tba
toimd Mia Barry wm al^ (og*«^‘ I lab swsetteirt of’ie."
Back happiaid to have a alight abrak«4wam
AapartmaaV Ha «, tbrm
-------------- nothing for me to do bot I
1 am not tondof themoderotmfliil^ | ^TbalHA I
1 like oaaadimt tto
and atop oot | «d m<gy. 1 want to me tbe
te UaivaraA" Dr. okm on eoa hnad. aad while mUkteg a
alr-bte captoyweBi wUb ubmuoI eppenarta«>*f*scv.»aebtox»e.
». Na IM.
2*^ ten It
«ill bU.^ Ibf,a,ud .lu, bv Bl»* I J£S iSJ
here—to reflect aad taeaU.
"Do ydn boow. ” be went
llMMBUl'aalOT. thiw mUaa aaath
a nmaatto meeting and parting
of Latead.ateooBatoQoodHartwr.
MOt onoa. tight ante this
i vary trsA
MkMVk'atioa Mam
b vat Jam after I left you. sU ysaa
I bad riddas oirt
WaattataaaltofbkaplamIMbMHh. ago-the aeming
wiU aad tmmmaam aa tium towa on NoetarBu Ton tsaMBbat
maw am wk toaaA wtea Mom oh, har, lha UtUe Uaok maraf I stm walkBStr. KMaqya.aadBowaka«a oai ai teg hw aka« a ro^ which rmi aboat Mx
fleet bom bare. }uM abont wbms tbM
Boa BUaoa tomb ia <it waa btfufa tba
dgyt of (hahoael). when aUiff amtd-
— k Hrw Lite PUk Omfy »
------ iMoakaaTaK'
ta te aUafl atwhMtonkad Uto abam-
diarf oUctehmaatettelNA Ma
■o: I araamt tbnwa. and 1 wamit natehmetoa It waa not maoh
aM^ lomakamakA
t a* Pbiaak Onaa- ewd ^tbaha
■M m-n
eow te weaad eame te eoatact with a
'fiat what
of te girir'
su Hto mman.
ten with Tborewm."
"Ym. mw modaU avtewhorflatex'a dmtb and srora atertied—om dry
■'is® ■
Late BDbmataa of Xtatnii, te wall
knewa eloabteg ama waa te te elty
imimmyoalltegapoabMWada ad
Norama^WBahWxBim'o Warn
Wins op 'Tas Btrup for this terrihie and fatal lUanrr
If taken tbor-
t Oa Hr.
m aU tUa
Tb Cmb U IrlifBli 24 iMn.
towtlAOrippa U Mvor ^ to giro
•olteL PrtoAfl6onadfl«A
te I* «h*
Imilfiffw Hmsi Mmr
48S V BlmwGoa Aw^l
tn K0'lj<tl(d>o6U.
a*«wMlrtotetAM!k«toM0f tb*
«Hi«te ti UtttM faiiti. «*M to (fate
Fnr thtatff U UTc u« man mt\
llW thaa lu eolMM»B<m mm
whtek an w mnUac ud lapnteUe
w to oamiao tbo aapoonoeo at (ate.
•t ble m» br tbo awn perBotortdeacea. and bla dMUt
d one of tbe awn reiaarfcatiie I
at them oU. On the totb day of Joan.
IWb. to ascapad death bj apnllioad ’
aeddeat aa by a
and In oom-'
Bcatlag vpoa bto eacape to wrote:
can nerm be much acarer partlag cawpaay with aty readen forerer than I
waa tbaa ondl there abaU be wriiu-o
agalBK Bty tUe the two word»-ibe
end.’ Tbeae two'wonto were wrinae
by death tire ycara later on the eame
of (be aame month.
Thto Mato le la Tfaahu.
• qnaar Mbtera Bnt their way In
aa ediior’a do*. And hem to OM of
toeoL which to warm with tito aad tooltag and
the aale of Urfet beer. ale. and porter
->B-i wat yea Uoee wans a«e otme
4ar a ifciah o( aamy vbicb wm wme tr <ar
vWe <a bw Urthdaj I told yaa«e*MBin«a
today aad <004 the MU to m»: bat a
.otMorMUbaeiaMa. Tea baa pi
Into effMt oa Jely 1 a year
» dawera pwdltawt byxa pn
ago. aad doabled the tax oa fcrmenifd
«aUe earUtloaa. tm eethodox Ma«Bi■Mua cannot be taveailed opoe to sl*«
aslaalsfctfuiaard deniptka o( ft. and
■Jia adraataMfi. like the eeretml
■opean hadjie (Barckhardt. Barton aad
(ho othM) eoaM oaif tntifp (heir intamsBBt carUttr hr otealthy tn«MdSattoaa Deloctioa in (bo act <d ponnhw waA iaeaMisatioB »o«ld have eoM tba (faa trade ebaniploa and friend
Cobden, wbo dlod on the aama day
(ha (caeelera (heir Urea.
and BMUb aa bto wife, wbo had pt«In Uwdun no fewer than 1S8.U00
Jy true, for tbe poHcy of tbe
IT (aithfal MbmoI- eedad blm by 12 yeara.
.._______ ___________,_________
la botb ba| been to famr peo|.le lire four and uwre h. tbe room.
a waa a strange cplneidenc* that led gorenusent
■an mmaM luidwatatiJ that an; other
as an aid to temperaace tbe larger sale I and of tbeae a.uuu -e tacked to tbe ex
■oUre (baa veeahip aboald lead any to the identlflcaUon of one of the U)t»i
tent uf eight ur umra to the ttxnu.
ane (o rieit Mocca.
The MohaaModani belies that thia cloD of baring commlued
Tbla view Is not snatained ^y expert
Previons to the sixtevntb ccatnry
(aMoaa etoae «m leonsht 'down from tog borgiarlea is the Mh
race here. The report of tbe Internal every pb.vsician in Enriipe wtwe a ring
tearea by aasela It U aet In the waU
rerenne department ataows tbe rejurat on bis Roger as an iodtCatum of bto
«r the Caaba, wbiefa ataade within the though
from the heer lax to be larger ibao prufewiuo_____________________
groai calfluada The atone U (oar (aet a practiced burglar. It wae found Un- they 1
were a year ago. but tbe amoiioi
Ouilng tbe winter of 1«0? Mr. James
nine ia^ (ran the sronnd and la poeaJble to IdeoUtg bUn. and thus of l>re>
Iteer on which tax it paid dccresoMl Seed, one of the leading eitixsaa and
kiiaadand toaehed with snnt toom- trace bto career in erlma.
Fate of coincidence, bowerer. did about ten per rent. In other word*, merebaotB of Clay. Clay Ca. W. Va .
atioa by erary pilertn to Mecca.
kke of ice to
what Scotland Yard waa powerleu n> by tbe ImpoiftloD «f a tax of S2 a Jtar- sirock bto leg agai
Mr. Bate Bentiena wbal intelUsent do. One of tbe wardens of Wor._ rol. tbe numufariure and roosumptinn
aa so orn
brnlae It ac
martiatw hare recorded oonoemins the wood Scrabba. wbo bad oerred in the of lager heer In tbe Fnlied Slates bn*
mneb awoUan
aataro o^the black atone. One of them Bcottiab Borderera la India, saw the decreased, while, at the same time, the
talk aa that it U nndoabtadly a bnte priaoner and recogalaed la blm aa uul govemtnent revenue from ibla source w'a'kwlthrottbeaJd'of” OTtc’h^T
«Bs ireaied by phyaiciaaa. alm> m
pialoB which acartely
acartelj aoldler comrade muued Haly. who bad has to-en Increasing. It does not
aocoUto—aa opialoB
frith ita repBted qaality at been Impriaoned for felony at Oalvui- pear iluit consequent upon the reducc-l several khds of llolmeDt and two aad
r gallona cf whtokey In tulking
aiking It
la eraler. alneaaeroUteaaeaally ta. Tble <-ien waa followed np, and manufaHure of beer tbere has
inibiBggave any relief on II
11 bt
aoataia a larse pereenUsa of
< ' baary. led to ibr dlm-loaure of a long tot of any fncrcaxtl aale of whisky. Or
hegao using CfaamberlalD'a Pain Bal
Crimea and •'ounctlona
aetalUc anner. each ai ife(i pyril
cooirary. Uh- aale of whisky opiienrs This bmogbl almost a oomph
AaothM trareler reporta that it
to hare fallen off a Utile, too. Another In a week's time and be belle'
Uka a piaea of tora. coDtainins i
’’Begin to enjoy youteelf when Illustration of Ibe correctness of I'nclr bid be cot used this remedy hu leg
aatraneoae particlea <d aosw wblw
•rnuld have had to beampotated. Falo
yoor guest* arrive—ta fact, before Sam's view that a geverument
yeilowiah BDtaetaBoa
they arrive.'' to Mrs. Jbtiu B. SIiuk' notbltig to do with the preference of Kalm Is oncqnaled for spraloB. bru am
8tiU another of tbMe antboritiea adelce la tbe Ladies' Uome Journal. Its people Id the matter of their bever- and rbri.maliam. For sale by H. B
aOme that it U a frasnwotof rolcanic "Do not try u> aerea such an eUbor- agea to shown In the case of France. WaU and F r "
teaalt. apriakied tbroashunt ito aorface ate dinner that the work of
Trior to Ibe FraDCo-Prusalaa war the
Tra.-... otiy laarBov
wUl draw .
upon your
with ainaU. pointed, cedored cryatala and
average consumption of wine
t> win
railed with frlapar npon a dark sronnd. . .
France was 2T> gallons a year and <>f
UkocoaL axeeptiBSooe of iia ptxMnbef atraJaed to ibeir uunoet enduram-e. heer flve-gnlloDs. rblefly In Alosce and
When your rtoltora arrive greet tbem
aaoM. which happeae to be a Unto red- .with a bi-any baudabake; make them liorralne. Ontside of these, except in
(eel that you are ready for tbelr
tbe north of France, on or near the
ik of the pleasure
tog: apeak
Belgian frtmtler. there was practii-all.v
I. rive it aa their hope
.. Ibe. day iL
. •ng:c
no consumption of lager heer In Fniio-e
Ibeir good appearance:
oplaloa (hat it to aotfaias etoe than an tbem on their
and ml^^iiiially no consumption
the neckwear, tbe
le dal
baud- spirits, either. Following tbe cbaDU'-s
denary piece of atone from qaarrica in tlca tbe
kercblef:__be thoroughly
________ly lute
Interratrd In
which tba Meccan territory afaonoda ________
and every one. When tbeitine wrought hy the Fnnco-Trusslan
.Ikeca toal menttoBad trareiera how each
comes for you to prepare ibe dlnuer and the praetleal breaking down of tlie
BTM. appear to orcrloiA the eirenm’ and place It upon the ulUe leavv your
ateBca that tbla optaloa of tbeira doer guMta aa graiefully aa pootlble. If
not toka doe eosaiaance of that proper the dinner be not too elalairate amt beer, -The anniuil consimiptloD of '
tbe meuul sUiiiHipbere be clear and Is now 30 gallons per luhahltnnt.
bright yoor frlendi will eome bgaln. one-flflb less tlian It was 3.*i years ago.
'Bat to lire' and noi 'Live to enf and tbe consumption of beer (ler in
Maocaa qaarriaa to a aort of stay graa- rttyld be l^the motto of every bouae- taahliani Is ahont seven galloDs. or .vi
per cent mure. Meanwhile, honever.
Mot ao dlOcnlt la It to form an idaa
tbe sale of siiirlts has Iripletl. and lo
M to Ita alaa aad paeaent appearaace
stead of being half a gallon on ib<la fonn it la BB Irresalar oral the inaverage p>-r inbaliliam a v<-*r. It i-.
aqaaUty ai tta two
aids impartnow IV3 gallons, a clreniii>-i>iiHs- ulii.-ii
a to
Ibs to it a aomewhat aeuicircnlar apdisproves Very forfililj*^i-woiiM
paaraapa It maaanrea aboat < locbaa
in batsht and 6 in breadth, the diaawtar on ita tower and wider aide being
«H laohaa Tba anrfaoa to prataberant
and aoMowbai knobby or andntolins
I'outoS. per ta. (new)..............
and haa tba appaaranca of halag eoai-
poaad of a aninber of amaltor atonea of
dlSoreat atoae and ^pea. aecnrely flt<
•ad logatbM with anent and perfectly
Iti appearanoe to aa thoagh the orlgImI piece at atone had been faruken to
plaoM by a Ttotoat blow aad then rapdbed. And. aa a natter of fact, thto
appaan to be tbd trae exptonattoa of
thto Irregnlarlly of tba aorface. for it to
leoorAad by the Arabian htotoriana of
the Oaaba that in the year til of the
PerliaiM yon didn’t kix-w tlila isniu
try ever bad iiu emperor. Neverthe
' ii::
' ' ■ i;
Apples—Colls and windfalls. Xdc per
leas, a
On the loib of Dooaaibcr. IW7. Bev
A D-nuboe. pastor .M _
B. Cboreh.
douth. Pt. Tleosant. W. Va..
a severe cold which was attended
from tbe beginolng by violent coagbmg Be aava; "After nworUng'10 a
Dumber of ao^lled apecldoa.- u.oally
sept In tbe bouse, to no purpose, ‘
.^urchasrd a bottle of Chamberia'r
Cough Remedy, which acted Ilka a
»>l ehserfoUy r«
it <0 the pubit
-bllc.^' For aaU
n of a dab. and they relate
aflar tbto erent the piecea and eren the
dost alao were carefally reeiuMd and
the fragnenti eetnenled togetber
The protnberancee nentioaed are !•
or IS In number and are aoch aa to im
part to the aarfaca of tba atone a mna-
him Queen Victoria to a low-bum ple
beian. llto pedigree stn-iobes back to
the time wbeu tbe Yadu. or Jadoti.
kings ruled in .\«la. and centurlea I*"
for<> Caesar landed la Fmgland thto
worthy prinre's noble forbear* were
aalddto there to a boUow which reacbee an old and respected family, llto
to nbont aa nneb m two inclm below blgbueas of tbe many names Is tiowthe ontar adga of the atone and to of a 3.^ yeara of bge and apeucla iiiosi of
hind to anggeat to tba ridtor the ear fata lime in India shooting tigers and
nlaathat ana of the prutnbaiaiwea may stndyiug bto antique pedigree.
hare been lacnored
Theootor of tba aorfaco of tba relic to
"0«a»“ ar eRoBlitoa.*
at the pceeant dme a deep reddlah
It has alwsyi Imh-d undemiood that
brown, or. aa aona bare dpacribed it. a LaM CbailM Oeorge Hnuiibon. who if
natalUc black, and. notwitbatanding be were now living would be duke of
the policed appeannea imparted to it HamlltoB. died at Nice and wu buii-d
by the aoMtut taoefaiag of onanmlar- la tbe funny manaolenm In Scotland
od atyrtodb of daroteea. it yat bHua on tblneea yearn ago, saye tbe London
Ha nadeUtlM aorface wbat 'appenr to ChroDicle. At any tote, there was a
be ertdeat ua^ of rolcanic origin
fnnemi ceremony in wbicb tbe col’ll)
ThcM mnaentor protnbernneea. how waa anppoaed to coatain the remains of
•rar, are attribnted by the Maetom an- the aforeaald noldemaa. Bnt a man
thoHttoa to the iDcenant oacatoUina at preaent known by tbe name of
and mbbinga of the toithfoL The Onan. r«)ently arrived from Pretoria.
orhapa be attribntabto vU Vienna, baa cauaml considerable
excitement among tbe good people of
Arran by claiming to be Ibe duke of
idteta thto way.—AaUtto Qnnr- namillon. Re says that for reason* of
bto own be wlabed to bare It aupitoanl
that he was dead and that tbe coffin
Womea a»« TbMv CBto.
Leato Wala. the tamoBa cal palatar. seat borne from France and
pinfian to baUera that a cat owned by to coaUlD tbe body of Lord Charles
a woman to the mirror of ita aiatrem RamiUoo conuined Bothtng but aionra
laaipwamiai He naye (hat if a cat
that haa beoa conauatly with im mtomam to Mddanly rwwred from her •>
etoty (he craatnie wiU dww the cha^ late liord Cbartoa' valet empbaticaii.v
aetartodm madqme baa di^dayad If lefnard to iMognlse him. and the p<-<>.
aha hM beaa anapptoh. pomy wUl pie of Amn. altbongb he bears a certo Ibe deceaM-d
aerateh; If ^ hpf bam aalky. pnmy
wUl ealk too (f thto were really troa. htoman whom they knew ao well tbluk
tbahhe bat a amre difflcnlt took befoiv;
■toal lha oat cf bto todytora liMore tak- Mm la aaaeniag bto claim than that'
Ito total matrlmoaial atep Aalto of the bUtoriral Ttebborne rialn»iii.
Mt to aboat tba moat independael cree- la fact. Ibe Arran folk are not ktndly
•aieaUre. ama caa't help batagabep- dtopaacd toward Mr. Gunn. Bone of
MmldMr Wala atbaory
than aay that tbe Infonnatioa be pooaaooM aa rvganto their atigkborbood
A rrawch writer baa nacmtalnad that and tbe bahits of tbe Ute Lord Charles
Itopa^'* fnrcrlta dtoh waa beaa BamUton to dae to the fact that be K
Mtol aad that to toM that 10 cmita a aae Oella Gann, wbeae family mme
4ny Mght to to anoogb for aay oee'a yaan ago Molded to Ama. ,
■Mto Imato XV. OB tto caatrmry. had
Onaa atatea toat ba to toktog peaa torarita dito. made «f the aega «f eaadtoga wHk a etoig la haatos taa
mtotoMnli, which com 9m.
Kimball Pianos and Organs
are used and andcreed by tbe leading
nualoana rve-yobere. Mo ISS Front
street. N B Stro->c. maosger 7li fi
Hr.s'f.vt'.s'.s CAHUti.
aodeoBrcraaelof tlirTeesPl
C'IRS inta RAMCX -Ram lever >hae rrvr
r Protep' ertUrwret. rarrtui a»*«iluo.
eoto rrllaWr .lork rewpaar Ha»v a potlry
atu-Dded le ptoBp )y. Phoe<a. Bril IH; Nenhcru.aa
peror N'orton I. was a familiar tight
on tbe streets of ftsn Franolscu more
than thirty yeara ago. I^csu of bto
fortune In an attempt to corner the
riiv market turned bis brain. The
above picture ahowa him In bis curlooa unlfonu on bis velocli>ede of state.
India it the treasure bouse of th.world. For agea Oeyloo and Burma
auppUed tbe world with the nreac
genu, and tbe caatmi potentates ^p*
tbe finest for tbelr own nae. Of ail
tbe Jewels tbe most noted belong to
tbe gulcowsr of Baruda. They are
valoed at 2tb.tl00.000. Bto chief Rto
mood necklace rontatos a stone call>-d
tbe star of tbe aontb. a BraxUlan store
of Sb« caiata. for which BMKXOuO was
paid, tbe whole necklace being value-l
at »i.ouaooa
City Opera Hnna
tbardida i aiail it <r re* ■-teU" and teat
Iclaad aa ddlng imempm^ a
— lexuAcv. bet leut let po wiuavM It
anetoat tbeoiy. rery popidar among yca> »iii aa* •# rict.i ta ibe aatw. 1 wtu
the brewere of tbe coantry. that the enia a loaaa tor
more beer and light wine aold. tbe ton
to the demand for apirttnoo* llqiMin.
and therefore tbe Irea totoxlcatioo.it
*i notice a couinem betw
to aald by them that 00 ioag aa there
to any liquor traffle. tbe larger tbe pro- ^.Mrw Naxdore What to tbe troabtor"
ponloaate oae of beer and light wlnn | "Sbe oaat ber luUe buy o*w yeater
aa compared with eidilta tbe bHter It day for a atepUdder we burro
win be for tbe canee of eobrtety. and her two yeara o»o The artfal
that ta Eorapean conatrlec xenemlly | let it etay here all that time ao abe
tbe laws are framed oa ibla pHacIple. | cvold aead lor it ■
e day aad maka
me feel cheap “—Cbitago Triboaa
* •
New deaisiu
Adoriaaioa lOc^-any part o( honaa.
woods with new decorations
down town and call in our
Jewelerj store to look tbem
We have many new
ur law
Meeervetoaa OSeaa. OUyOpera
-ThR. A « 80LUDAV. gradBato Tseaau
U t'eirrmir. 0«cr lo B oaSM BUa. *Pbeara. a«c« m. rraMraer lOa.
£^4 to Prebato prantea. Baeae '• aaa IS
MaieaaUl* Os Btoeh.
■W.1-J252t;4«SK.“r- —“
O’K-YiESEiYarSliKi.."a tsffiSi2=a;-,JSMS
The Celebrated
Frisben Stock
in » rcpeitolra of
things in jewelry also.
111HIM. 4 Eim Standard Plays.
La Belle Ethel
The wonderful child actma. Her
•iuging and daocing havf capliv
Atvd tlic audivucra everywhere.
Specialties by Eitire Compaef.
Priora of admiaoioD-lfre, 860
nnd 35r.
Pnttr Dear time
^ ^ liiiol about liarina par
Bicycle Enameled
Where It’s Made
You m'rbt aia-wea me nhnvt atorlng
yoor wheal FRRB
Ifay winter.
No hvttor vnam. ilnp tban oura.
Where a cigar ut made is a
Stop in vid talk U over.
matter of conaidetmble weight to
particular smokera. aud it is lo
tbem we apeak.
Our work rooma are clean, nt Union Btravt
light and pleaaant
Oiir stock ia rlenn, finely cur
ed and fragrant.
Our workmen are neat, akillfnl and efficient, using -the beat of
Thcae things make our cjgara
tbe favorite bnanda ariUi eo loan;
eiud Kiplili t UiltlU t. K
i-a) and Oraanere aC iralaa at Tiataiaa
lu e(hu-i (toioWr Sind. tWH.
Bate Post, strai^i I Do
Diamond J. 3 for—lSc
Ttaratse Belle—05c
Sold by all dealcra.
Tnnncllrr Rloak
___ L'U_ZiiiiU
Notice! Notice!The building which Mr. L.
Warsowsky has leased. 225
Front Street, one door west
of Steinberg’s will be op^ed
by him Nov. lOtb with
A First Class Variety
of Merchiadise.
Wait for the opening.
^)essns=8ssst2s*t# --SSSSS
ra*M'tSa.ia train haa aartor car laOraad
aad airrprr liraadKapM. M IlarlaThrew.w traia hasparierrar ta (Iraad
Train am«iar at I :W p. w. has etoravr ClalaaeU leOraed Realdsaad rearh aad etova
InrearChtoarutoUraad BapMs aad rhalr rar
'‘TraTBaitlrlaxaiSKXip b.haarhairrar Fh.
Varnr iflOraad Rspl-l'toto e air ear Orata
Baptoa lo Petoahey.
EEEDGITTSAinTilllDl Chicago -4 ~ui. ~ REED CITY, MIC!---------
A. K. snsBST, a. I). l-nip'f.
M. U„ Br>iil<-si llitilciSB. vilb
llels» BOd tur(r.>iiL »d4 nro
West Michigan.
oonio BOITB
"K'SSc.L'r.i” 7s3S=
ooiNu Nuara.
Ar (led Rapldu
Vow Offios Markham Block
John R. Santo,
Coooral losorooco.
- ;iS
I *»ra
Tiavaoaacitv at*
Le BlkRatodr
Ar TrarenwOy
* Ik
0 »
I » ih
unsRE UD losnKUTtyui lk
Fire Insurance.
Is. L. A BnUdlng.
^ |v.a. | _
« *0
a IG Le
!l il"
Tbe gnicowmr baa a won^rfiii
MdttM to TYxpaywa.
sbawl made entirely of anwcought
rail* tar M
>M4.oa- ja
pearls and colored atonea worked Into
rsM« tor M
beautiful patteraa. It coat d&,000.4i0ii
I iw rv*' IMS.
?^at^?7i£ta*la'wra»v*n^ aM
and was originally totended aa a gift y-sR- a X nooD. .
_______ _______ lrt,IW».r>a«S«>'«»aek»all a'elaek II
for tbe covertag of Mabomet’a tomb, U Block CaO«
sraanly 4mr •*
hot was ao lovely when dona that tbe Olxat Nonbm'pasoc.S: BclUMI.
vU) to ao teva rfcarava lor caUsetlea. but ae
gulcowar kept It blmaelf.
aU vaz<* aapota Ooftoator In mot pat4 SarMotlea.
Sir Jnng Rabadur. tbe prime bIdIbmf wUa. Lanw MaaSo. baa ton
ter to tbe king of Nepal, baa a tut ■I—araas.
baa aa« SaavO. aU paraooa ara kaitar aeU
BUde of dlamoiida. arartb over noo.- asgaasoararulakbar vlik aar eaaOa arastoo. aad paertMd aa top la a ffiagla
gaky A tocatoalaMa aatois
«arSsfkxiM*ip«^bMKFM*. FlMi
Ofirru arwTooorltoi btoek, til Vroai etrvot.
W-ABLT 0. DODOX. Auarasy aad eeaasaliXL lerallav. Officoa.Oltr Opera Beaea Blh.
TNR. W X. a W. h. Meee. Rtaeral prartm alae
XJ Bpe<-<ali«torrr. raj. oear aad grolio urllee Oprra Hoeer Blork
The Fatal CM'
Keep these in mind when
A B.jp.B.'
nlmmniao»«,JuarssiuM, onoau at. um
k fflnjQn[UiE&' mr'inamgD'A iHArtr
I nM.i.«wChi<»Kon(1wtetea«
-----------------. »aifc»r «••••« to bito «• Vtotoy
' Thitoiil fto A——. Wtto-hto.
eel fiPtolec aw—Q-n—
MO rmyf
—iMamarh aa the Biaadai* Ofl Com^ay CM moat of lu orictaal brahie
fiQB Ohio It Deed Ml aarprla* any ooe
d herhueUutaCln
•a at this time tint, n
. a aalary of euo.000 a year. Bm ten'i
>300.WO a year a rather orerfrowii
aakry? I* any man worth in John U.
ScrkafHlar's Ineuase Is lltLunn.uOi* ananally. Hew murb Is he worth to the
Btaadard OH Oumpanyt His are tiie
hratas that luek twenty yesn atu-aJ:
WHOsin's are the brains that take <
. / of the present. What salary shooU
prmldMil of the eompaity'rendre If the
Tkt-prvsIdeDr* boaoraHtsm anionnu
UiaoUiWXtT Alesander ]|rIh>Bald will
be the wotklny bead of the reoently
wrgaBlaed. or expanded. New Jiraey
*T.#4!f*ib€r wb» dM Mt bdoni t*
tbv Hu* of p*a»h that vwTy «T«>r
trIvlalitV* and makr everybody i>
aroaad them mlwraUe mMaWIn* at
the lime anBoyaMM •( Ufa loaiead
' of uklny lb* care aad eoaalderattnB
of his <WmMUau as bis Jwt doe sod
raisiQc a atom If any attenikm U
Blsaiac be spends hki waning yean
^tv OUT
"So m&de oviT C\oak T^oottv a VvUU more aWracs
Wvft&a S^Tv&\aTv SwnvmtT dia'^s \d6 Vvaxia cowAudeii \o mtxvUoTV a
\.\vc taaxv^ SxVra
'&&T^avTva \D6 are sVvoaiViv^
Our $5-00 Cheviot Jack
et. full merserized lined,
braid trimmed, double
breasted reefer front. Best
jacket in Michigan for the
price. Examine and be
convinced. I'he R AA
priccis.. ..... O.UU
Our $7.50 Boucle Jacket,
full line of sizes, good
storm collar.double breas
ted and warm. This gar
ment is sold ia other pla
ces for $ioxxj, but we are
doing the right thii% and
Our $4.75 Kersey Jacket,
full lined, full strap trim
med. coat collar, double
breasted. A liummer for
this season for ^ 7B
tlHingh DM aallre of that state,
galls roiues orlfltially fmiu Msine. Hr
la presldeot of one - or the aborti-si
ruaila In the workl--lbe Central l-'ii on
DepM and Ratlruad <<<im|uiuy. owuef;
- gaace^ 4-HH; miles oiftraied. I. lliii
then be la also iirealAyni of the Klg
FMir and iit the Cbeaapeake aad Ohio, trying BM t« be a-bother and to mnkwbirh Is BellliiK ai 3K. and Is expected Ing jieuple bappy. lu tbe words uf li.i
to go to'Sn liefore Peptetula-r. His re. granddatigkier. be la “an angel wlili
utrranae a drop,
ODI ■ Inga ’'
bearded like Aabbal P. fnich. and bis . He wears wool under gamients the
eyes are ai auft as a dure'a He
year round, and lately a new auppKhaika like fiobert M. Barrlay uf tiearm of t»e Coppell A Co. lu the mai waa needed. His favorite graodauir)i
ler of salary h,. |a getUtkg up lu the ter went dbwniuwn and bought some.
••Orace.” said the reiHpieul a day
class of Insurance <«uitiany presUleot*.
laler. raiber depreeatingly. **I think
niaybr- i am ratM3, bnt thesa- un<li«from a naierlal point of view. Uauy clolbea riuu’l feel fund. Caa you
employers do not know brains in change tbeniT'
Hrace cheerfully went hack with
others when they stumble agaliisi
tbeio. 8urb mistake brass for ytsy tbe garments and bunted for'anuie
BWtier. Some say boldly that tfiej others, softer ^nd. filler. ’ Her grandprefrr brass. Uorgan paid fUtimel father was graiefnl and said noibltt.
. apeneer >90.000 a year to fire axp<-ri When abe asked bloi If they were nil
opinions on railroad prupertles.
He Hgbl he replied burrledty that they
-will pay Ingalls bslf aa mtirb for iliV were excellent. Bnt for three afiersame work. Cliaum-ey M. I>e|>ew itoi nonni tbe old gentleman ahseniKl him>50.000 a year as president of tbe New self from the family circle. “Wbal la
Yurt Central- I.lfe luauranoe presi grandfather dolugr was the qoerr.
Crace stole lip <0 his roum the after
dents receire >100.000 annually-two
or three of tbein. Kidney PtUinn Itip noon of the third day and op.-ned the
ley. treasurer of the Equitable, gets doof aofily. There at the window,
>U.aoo. J. O. Danner. cbecnUl of the with tbe ahade pulled high, aat grandftofur trust, earned bis >80.000 J«-k- fatlter. ^tlently he was bending »>»cr
eyp receive from >10.000 to SSO.tim. a one of tbe new wool
year, with the privilege of riding «iit. and with a pair of twecscrs be was
The greatest prearbec. In tbe Und re IwlMtsklngly pulltng out th.- tiilimte
eMve* leas tban >3U.00t) a year. The whiskers which make wool clotbing an
grealeal Uwyer makes >300.000. The abomination to those with tender
“Well" be said In ai>oli>sy. "yon had
Only thn^e states pay their gnrenmrs been to so mnch inuible iUs>ut them 1
aa mneb as >10.000 Tbe rlilef Jusil<-e didn't like to Imn your rccllugsr
•r tbe anpreme eoun of Pennarlran'a
The (-stash.
rveeivra only W.500. The largest sal
Tbe caiflsb helntiys to an apricni
ary paid by tbe mnnlelpal governim-iii
^le Into a Hs|i. nod
la >ir>.mi:'the smallest. >00. Think of lyin' not yet fully niAd^Jnio
)^n-d t
people working for >5 a month. Manv
d» It. and ar* gUd to have the rhaiuw. projielly fasleiieil lu the head.
Doi. hol.l him In w.>U-merlied
»N*w York Prem.
II., He has no s<-alea and Un hrlglil
eolnra Ills Bnf are small, and hla
ft IMP the English eenaumed. on bead and mouth are large. Aruuud
the arrrage. 42 ponnda of angar |>er his mouth are eight long ’'sni.'ll.-rs.’*
raplin-aiinnUy.' That Ihta Is eMucb deaby feelers, that Im- pusbes
he crawls along Hie Imltom In warrh
for either bralth or tesaonable e
of aDyltalnc that he may cat. As he
-Bent la proved by tbe fact that few may eat anything, lie always Bnds ii
people nae so mneb today. P«r ex
Ills apiieilie is as Impartial as that
ample.-tn IfWt luly conaumed 7.1P of a gnat. Anything from a dead lampounda per capita; Hpaln. 12.«T poun.ls: prey
Austria-Hungary. 16.84 pounds; IW piece
Clara. 22il pounds; Oertnany. 27.14 In each of the Bns which reprcM-iii his
pounda. and Prance. 2R.24 pounds, arms la a long, sharp hone, with
la tbe rmted-. Sutra, where Ho Blimp surface and a serrated i-dge.
aae of sweets Is aald to In Time are fastened t.y a luill 1
socket >nliil. and whenever ib.-dsb
laJaHoualy exceaalve. ,only. SB pound,
alarmed the bone Is whirled over 1
per caplU were conaumed In Itev aet in place, then It sticks out silfilv
aad -81 pontida per capita In INiW. •on each aWe. There U auolher sm ti
la BnglBDd during IHsVPT ctitt
ls>ue tn the Bn en the ha.'k. ami w U.-ti
aun being. Includiug babira Inrsllda all of these an- s.*t there is no ttnl.
aad paupers, dtapoaed.'on tbe average, that con swallow- him.
•f aaariy four oaocea of sugar a day,
When he takes the book. wMch be
•r S4.TT pounds a year.
sanrty will do if ihcr.- b any h«.k to
Pnrtbermuie. aeltber from tbe eco- Iw taken, he will swallow it greedily,
aoBic Dor the aanlury sundiwini
Aa be Is itrawn otii of th- wat.r hthesaaetowbl(4>lb|rexin sugar ration aels Ida three siiliii-s. and laughs H*
la put aeem aatWsctory. One of
hlmwlf as tbe Im» lu-lcks his flne-rs
trying to get th.- h<M>k froui bis stum,
chief of tbcae tpfwan iv be 10 sac
acb. Tills tbe b».v Is sure to do. ami
age drlakiug. YViogb Hie expom
batr from BagUnd sb*w a tend.ii.y iNTauae tbe boy uf Ibi- HIsstssIppi vai
ley Is alway dsbing for catflsh Is the
to define btewing grows apace. T»eu- r.-naun
why bis Ungers ac- always
ty-aevaa gallons a year per ca|>!iii. Borv. Tbe catflsh Is careli-ss of the pres,
counting women and chlHien, are sun- ent. and sore of tbe fulnrv. .Kfter he
ly cMugb. In Am.Tli-a. ibuugh tl.v Is Btning on a birch branch ami .iri-l
amount of splrtls drunk le the sum.-. In the ann and sprinkled with dost
ISH galluna of beer sumre, and Ani. r and has bail bis stomach dug oui tn
tbe hcN.k. If be falls into Ibe
lean beer la light. Twenty-eeren and
atll swim away. He bol
oae^iaarter galluiis were the uieastm- broitk be will
really to bite again
for England In IWO. yet In m>7 It had no nialk-e and is rea.ly
at the firm things In sight.-IVtpular
a«Hled to SUh gallons, an expauslou Science MoBlbly.
at the rau of about l per .-eni a y.-ar
But. fast aa btewing grows, the weight
Of sugar used in tbe,beer grows fasier.
la 1888 the pntillc
ildlc put HJ. with a.i||ie- .
ftnin the Emerald
thing leas than four au.l three-uiiaiirr' Isle a ride of_ several hnndtvd miles
pouada of augar ie tbe bamd; In ltd? at tbe ex|H>nae of. the IVottsylvanIa
It demanded between eight aad ulne railroad, ways the Philadelphia K«-..rd.
ills desilnatlon was )tosb>n,aod at the
Itrowd atrvet etatlon be asked for a
Aev. BtoskaM a fllL
tlckH to the Hub. The tteket seller
A vMlor to tbe Ifnodon
baa late was uuaMe to determine wbeibi-r. It
ly heeu much exercls.d by tbe fa. t
Ihwion or Washliik’tuu the man
that thd^lr|>bant was able to api.re. wanted to reach, but dually mild htm
ticket for tbe latter i itv. and a few<late»te plrtt op wlib bta trunk an.I
caaeey to his mouth—so tiny an artl Imurs Uler tie foumt bln>s.-lf In the nade an a small liver piU. In Itaeif the tIoMi capItaL An he this nnaUe to
fact la anrprialag enough, bm surely read, tbe lulaiake was not discovered
tinfU be reached Wasbiugton. and to
the auiprlae argues some ignuran.'e ..r complicate matters be had not aufflth* aalpral history uugbi us In our ■cleni fgada to pnrehaae a ticket la
trat Wildish hooka, where the ve ta- Boston.
el* ar aa elephaal picking np a plti
He presented kia case to the railrrad
with lu trunk was always, nnd m.wt offlctols at Wasbiugton. and they, pot
pnpaily, exhlhtted aa an Ititiance or ting him to a test, were nnable to dls-fte woodera of matioa. Appareatlr ilngulth from hU prununciatloa of
tha elivham at tbe Zoo fouyl blms.-lf
ishlngton and Boston any material
BO ranch better off for hia drat pUl that
fereoce. tboa ejumentlni the clerk
he apeaed hla eDorraeua mouth to re
ceive a aecood. wblcb tbe generous
giver threw accarairly taw tbe gulf. being UId before tbe general ______
ITbM a ranch raara piraaaat
latfuraegoir gra dapanmeat tbeamawiuthahgb1 he If lha ralaBv* aUw aC buU
t*ad >a b»8Wtra <ra
Is our $g.oo Kersey jackset. Well to say the least it
is not equal to any $12.00
.Jacket, but we do claim it
to Iki as good as any $10
Jacket we have seen this
year. New style, sleeves
strap trimmed. Q
full lined, only.
Is our $3.75 Houcle Cape,
lull length, a wide sweep,
trimmed down front and
around collar with good
Quality thibbel trimming.
Any one will admit on ex- .
amining that it is the b^t
they have seen Q TfR
for the price... 0,iO
Is our $6.00 boucle Cape.
30 inches long, inverted
plait back, very wide
swedp. re-inforced yoke,
lines with best quality Re
main lining. An inspec
tion of this cape always
Is our $6.00 Flush Cape.
30 inches long, very wide
sweep, good quality lin
ing, trimmed down front
and around collar with a
good quality thibbel fur
Our $10.00 Crush Flush
Cape. 33 in. long, made of
Saltz best plush, lined
with good silk and trim
med with genuine thibbet
furdown front 1 A AA
around collar.
Is our $13430 Flush Cape,*
jet trimming, and edges 1
trimmed with brown Mar- i
ten, full silk lined, goodl
storm collar and a beauty ■
lor the money, i-or these 1
"iVvew aoVdew ovvortuuVUes &o wiA
com« Ms seawm 0^ M ijeav, so
ho suTo uwx aoaW tjoavsA^ M havaaVas wo oftov ^oa. ■R^memhCT, ijoar moaeij
haeVi \\ ijoa ave aol
saUs^Vo^. "^oavs vesvecM'-^ll.
iX- W . "IVrTT iT .T K HiTCT
J. E. Greilick Go.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
.Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is comtii{;.
No^ is tbe time
to place your orders' for
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephooe No. 2.
Traverse City. Mich.
160 acrM 12 milea aouth of town in tbe I>«gt fanning oountre ia
this coiiDt}-, 70 acres cleared, gtxxl orchard, large bant with Btooa baae*
(Deut ^ feet hi|,'li. wiod mill, aniall frame house, timlwr eooogh tmthe
platv U) nimoet |)Ay (or il. N<> I aoil.- Prloe $£.600.
40 acres 2 milea from the city iu Ijeelnnau Co. 30 aenw oleued,
plenty of timber for wood, tine frame house cewtS^SO, well watered by
int^c creek uo the north aide, ^ scree out to fruit, Imt Iq^Kcm fpf
irarOeuiug. ATica $1,660.
:10 aerwB 2 uiilee went of town has no buildtuga. 40 oir«largepe«cb
trees ready (o (tear uext aeat>'>a. 60 apple treee. a nice lot of timber 00
south eod of lot. a nice lot of land for potatoes and fruit PtIm $600.
SO scree 4 milce from the village of Lake Ana, email frame bonne
and bam. 26 acres cleaicd. plenty of limber on pW-o to pay for it.
Price $600.
40 acres 2 milea uorlh ofLake Aun, small frame bonne log bam,
1W acres cleared, aniaU orcbanl. nice location on four oomera PrfM
bO acres in Grant 4 miles west of Wexford on (xyunty line roiMl in
nice farming country, 35 acres of nice timber on the place, em^i fmme
orchard, nice large clearing f
I from stsapa.
40 Mres o Elmwood avenue near the laige farm of tbe Atylom.
rich ewamp land, mostly cleared, aplendid locatian for
hrm or garden and
ind the beat of bay
hay laud
Lim^ Prioe $8600.
10 acrea on road going aouUi from Femwood, all clear of gtompa
a good building spot. Price $1,000,
B. J- MORGAN, Prop.
Here You Have an
Morning Recoril Want Ads Pay. Opportunity
To Make Big Money
Your ewrinter's wood
at.once to insure deUvery. WE HAVE
Hinnwooo suns
iniocK suns
aonocK STOVE wool
112 Lots inOak Heights Addition. Wanted an
offer, as they must be sold by December 15.
Alsb No. 431 WasbtagtoD street, 44 foot lot, good
No. $42 Webster street, Koose bnilt about four years
—in good condition, modem improvements.
Look these over at once and see
tUid Teu->No m
Bfitlak -Bovtod thm Satoiy
- at SlBbwlay.
»lw aw«<^ S«rl»h TiMpt Ha«» •
UCtoMd Bmtt 1.o^OomW^ Fwm> t
T«l* Sa^ Bm
todp.wWfc^It b Be» BMtad thu
VUt ■M'latwfM*.
hernia Ort. »7 -4 dhpateh to tk*
OMtnl Maw* (rwB 0^ Howa, dMad
Tlrandar. » p- B.
BriUak »t EiBkvl«7 uW.Bada »
kriUtMt krtl*. nmtlaf
Tb« fiskttar U»Md lev bow*. Two
•«M war* ovtarod. Tho iMcaabifo
bopJi at Ibo Iwtat
Tba Boar ooo
^allMtkB at K'mbarly war* aaat
CiM Orai^ rirar atatkM ow Wadoaa4ay. 4t that Ub* EiBborl; had aot
bM attMkad. aad oo flfbUac bad
takas plaea.
Tba Boara. bowarar.
w«r* eaaUaainf tbalr ooaea&tratloB
abooltba city. Tbay bad ooeoplad
■arktay Waal. IPtndatorB. aad -aawal
oallytac rlUac^
It te artdaBl ibal Ibe BrlUab raaort•d to a aortla la order to praeoal Iha
Boara fi«B yaUtaf their artUlary lalo
foaltion aad iaaUtoUay a reyolar
aalya. with a boBbardmeoi to lotlow.
aa ia tba eaaa of Mateklac
Tba BrItUh.aooarooUy »» atrooy.
wat TOO Boer* aad. aooordlay to c fit :tal
mw ifbUay. to which anaorad
trata* appaar to ba«a doaa raloabla
•arrioa. Iba
BtaMfly aavan BUea to the northvrard
and the British hrillianUy carried the
OBaByb portion withoat aerlout laaa.
' A apaelal dlapaub fron Cape Town
today ylvaa detatia of the defeat of ?«
■ear* by the Britlah at Riverton, north
«d Kimberly oa Wadaeaday. ia which
tba aaaay wave ooBplalely rooted
with heavy low. the H^itUh low belay
tbroa killed aad tweoty wooadtdThU U probably the aame fl 'ht
farrod to ia the Cape Towa diapai^ ol
y«aterday. la wbleh It wa* aatd that
oSelal reporu IroB KlBberly. eent
Taaedey. aaaoaooed that Coloael
Bwtt-Toraar with stu men bad bad an
•ayayaB«Bt with the Boars, daring
«rbleb n daiacbBont of IM sen of the
LuwMhlr* rayiBont disUnyalahad Ita^and arsorod train* did good
Ttoe- Tb* Boat* were anabla to witbolaad'tba abary* of tba Laaeaablrea.
wbo olaarod the hill ooenplad by tba
•aasyat Ua point of the bayonet.
Tba Boar Iohm are daaaribad as rary
b«vy. Tbs flybt lasted foar koaie
aad the Boer ooBmaadBent 1* report«d to have been 'kUled. Two yaae
tioadoa, Oet. IT.—Tl
tobforeea oadar Wblta and Tale In
violaity of IrndyoBltk have I
. astbedtetance is not great botv
tbs two towns, and the addition of
alas yaae and a battalion of rifle* will
more than repair tbs yaps Badd by the
battles of Qleaeoe, Blendeleayte. and
Beside* this, two Bore tr*D*|
bavo already paaaed Ua Canaries and
ar* dM at tba Cape la tan days.
Tba total t«B* there now aBoant to
dorty-flre. the lacl arrlraU balny rapid
Ariayooet cnnlppad with Sir Uo
Ctark'e patent on trial.
Bat even with tbwa rslnforoaBania
the White and Yale tame* are not na
aaonra as the War ofBoa woald Ilka, by
any Beane.
Tbc exeet locaUon of the combined
Boar and Free Bute forew oadar Jouhart U not koown nw their real
atronyth. The fact that Yola was
attacked on bis march to UdyamUh
Is eel down bv the Londom pepere ne
aridence that tho Boers are not <
tons tor naotber battle, hot a t
Ilkaly dednetloe U that Joober
BoneeetfaUny aad thoroughly otl
iBlayhWtwo forosa tor a fresh and
ewaepiny attack.
Bo tar a* tb* British know, tbs last
oAetal reports eeaUla ao latlBatloa*
tbal Joabert may not b* plaanlay an
\ aanalt oa two or tbns dlfleroat
•naka. bat the latontioas of the Boer
will probably be ksowa
Jowsal trow Tooloo MT* thm lo Blk
iboro of iioillof to tbo wotkwaot
ooMt of Atrle* o m*«1 4lrlaloa.«BMtoV
iBf Of Ihrw aoeowd-alw* ptwtootod
Lat« Military OoT*ntor ol
erolM, oewoioadod hj 4dBti«l
Porto Rloo-'
LMdoo. 0«t. n -Pwia UTtoM to
toodoB popwi tbia BoroUc IsatK tbM
Oftoar '.Wbo
iBpartMt artkB br Ua Baiepaaa IMday
BotabUabad a mapatatioa la Xadiaa
powen U paadlaf. Ika prHiaaa od
Oooot MowTlaS l> Pwla.tka aosBooOampalya-Appoiatad a :
btf of Voo BaUow by Iba taparor «d
♦eaeral odVolaateata In Xmt* War
of tba Uttorb
aad Imialy Appeteted to the SrpartdaetekB U pcatpoBa bia oiait to Bar
Boatof Mlaeearl.
iMd. tba oUacod ooopmtkw of tba
Proseta mod Boaaiwi flaata. wo ellad m
New York. Oct. IT —Brig. Oea. Quy
V. Hoary, lau BlUtaiy govoraor of
daa^U all protaata to tba oootrary. ia Porte Blco, died thie Boralag at hie
d*aarilay of aortooa rafard.
boBoot paaBBoaie. aged 00 y*ar«.
Added to tbwa faataraa. tba aaw* la
Oaaaral Beary wa* Ukea lU with
oooflroiad that tba osar and OMriaa pulmonary tronbl* a w**k ago aad
bare airaored to arrive at Potadaa sank Into nnoiBseionute** yestardey
troB DarBatadi oa NoraBber 4 for a afternoon. Bis family wa* present
vialt. or at least a Baatisy. with tba when he died.
kaiser. 4a iatarviaw la predietad. It
Oaoaral Henry wn* bom in tbe In
la aartala that It will prove of tba dian Territory and reealved bia mili
rraataai polUtcal aod blatorkal In- tary adueatlon at Weal Point. He wae
gndoeted from that IneUtutkm at tba
BayUad hope* that tba kataar will oatbreak of the civil war and eerved
try to tadoaa tbaeaar to rooalii qolat, with great gallantry, raeolving a med
while the Praodt prodlet that tba esar al ol hooor and aaterai braveu for dlewUl paBoade tba kalaar act to lator Uagnlabed yallantiy at Cold Harbor,
faro la tba Boaalaa-Pi
tie wae muetared oot at the end of tbe
. Oav TT.—The aeml- war aa brevet brigadier g'neral of
official aBBOODoaBent la pohUabad that voluntoera and reaamed his rank as
Boaala baa do flayer In the Sooth Afrlc- eaptaln la the regular servlee.
aa pla. Thar* U do trath in tba raporU
In the Indian campaigns he acquired
that Baaela is to tabs advantaya of a groat repotatlon aa a dashing cavalry
EnyUnd-a diaealUea to profit in Asia. commaoderand was hreveliad briga
It U decided that the yoveraBent dier genpml ID IlPO for the actloo on
rallly, «
tbe Boee Bjd, when be was shot'
through tbe face. At the outbreak of
Ue Spanish war he wae appointed aa
one of Ute brigadier genamls of voluntaaru aod for a time aommanded the
brigade of which the Thlriy-*ecoad
Mlehlgan formed a part. Be took part
Wm th« Oamth of Mtb. 0. D. to tbe Porto Rimn campaign and at iu
ooncluaion w»t made brigadier general
.HayoM Tosterday.
In tba ragulsr eaubllehmant, Bsjor
a aod miliiary govgeneral of
Body Dboovarod Ut tb* O <^rd Hear aroor of Port^
In May of this
Hor Bome-Braieea on Temple year be wa* jaliarod from duty in
•aggebte Aoeideat ee the <leu*e of Porto R‘eo and bad been appointed to
the head of tbe deparlBeot ot tbe
Mleaouri. bu* did not live to aeiame
A report w*e roMlved here lett even
eoBmaod ibetc.
iny of the *tranye end«ndden deeth of
Mr*. C D a*yne* of the penlniale.
wlfoof Bev. C n Hsyoee
Hrmber* of tbe family ye»t«rday
afternoon diaoerared tbe deed body '
Or. A B. CnrtI* of Map'e Oity ArMrs Ukynee in thVorcherd edj >lntny
reated. Oha>Kod WiU ObUlning
tbe fern home of tbe well known
Or*dit Under False Preiantet.
oosple. An eaamlnntlon of the body
rereeled e bmiee on the temple hot
there was nobbing to In title tht a
b*r of her death. There were-some
I in the field oear bv aad it wa*
tbooyht that Mr* Hsyee* might have
been stmek by tbe boms of one
them eeBslny deeth.
It wae nleo
^■wled that the hrala* wee doe to
fail, and other* believe that heart
fallw* wea tb* «a*e* of deaUi- Bow, no deiolte oooaluelon could be
arrived sMo Ooroaor Moon woe aoUfiod
of the ooenrroaee end he will go to the
farm this morning to hold an Inquest.
No further detail was ylran.
Mr. and Mr*. Hnyn** hare lived on
the peninenls nearly thlny year*, their
borne being located about aeren mUe*
from tbe city. The couple were highly
ettoemad and well known In Trareree
Cityv Tbe deceased wa* nbont 00 year*
a*d *n annt of Mr*. B. C. Bog*a of
thU city.
Sberig Adam Sellinfor of Leelanau
oounty drove In from Mapipu0t7
riving all o'clock this morning. He
wns aeeom.ianled by B. F. Densmore.
niso ol Maple City. Mr. BeUlnger had
a warrant for tbe arreat of Dr. A. B.
Curtis, for obtaining credit ueder false
D.'. Cnril* it a eomparatively new
nsan at Maple City. He came to tbe
town and began the praeUae of
madielaa. baardiagattbe hotel of B.
F. Danamore. His hill now amounte to
ebaot PM. eni when be left lows
yesterday, it was suiploioaed that he
had so Intention of settling the bill.
Acoordlngly the sheriff and Mr. Densmore followed him. Hew*a found at
the Hotal Wfalt'iig. and Uken hack to
Maple Oity. Tbe ease will be brought
up is the eourt ol Jnetioe A. S. Fritz
thi* tomnoon.
Hen edgn a
Patttioa ta Iha BraaidwA
WanhiagtoB. Oet. tr -Many Miehlganpa^la have aigaed the monster
peUtloa prmiutod to tbe
yeetardny. naklag him to offer madlatlcm betwaea the British and Boars for
Ua aaka of briagiag the oonliet to »
paaeafal coneluaigm- Among tbom ar*
Saaator Barrow*. Qaagreeawan Hoary
a aad Sam W. Smith. Gardner and
Weak*. Blahop QiUaapl*. Sapmme
J*dg«* Moor*. Brant. Long aad Hook
er. Liaatanaat Oovaraor Eoblnaon.
Speaker Adama. Mayor Perry of Grand;
Rapid* and Rev. Dr. Pmll aad Bar. J.
H. PetU Oi DetrolV
Two Iowa Tamiliee Pariah in Burning
Building* ia Baldwin Coonty.
Mobile. Al* . Oct. ST—C
pla ware baraed to death at Fairea,
Baldwin oounty, oa Monday night.
The dwalltng* of Barry Goodlow and
Samuel Smithson were burned aad all
the ooeapanta of both houaee perUbed.
ThefamiheeforBedpart of a eoloqy
that had recently aettled In thie region.
They were from Iowa
A Big Lot
of New Goods.
-lUn Wltk Th. Ho." uui laX) olh«
io Perr,
Picto™, eu^h................................. :................................. OU
900Bin}aiid.\«iinJ picture., lo oibinl oolo™, perfect
Bru. Extuplon OorUin Hod., fit u, wtodo,woo’i poll dowa...................................................
ItdlM P.p«, 600 rf»eu to th. roll................................... ; o»o
Fiiten. lOc estro.
Bru. Bud.. 6 pelteru. dl oe............. ..................fi to lOo
Ukind.lUtt.n.,.11 .iree,perpdr.....................................lOo
0.« 2 000 Pock.t Bookd e.ch.........................6c to SB liO
Brhig ji Tom Picimts To Be Framed.
iao-saa Procl street
B»lph Ooim«bl. Jr„ Xanecor.
B’-A.XiXi S-A-TS
Dr C. 0. LaMar
wlehea to announce that be now ha*
to state all old uoflolsh^ i
For enttid* la}:i
BM OalmsB'i Slaitic
Ipar Varaisb
Alfred V. Friedrich
Tki iMdff Id Ftu SkMA
ai.oo, aa oo. wo.oo.
TbV Iier Peeulsr
Ttc be» sal IB
r*-.y Bulac-p-uper prom
aeOiTreBS -'XSWLSSD-->r II oM Mk .ran M bur -reo. »a po all o
took tor «a«irus •6<il. oaOoooo* oUl --loz ' zoo or burOoo ma. or |
Clothing • I'nmUbinga
1 Hew Chlldren'B Tams -""
Rgceivetl yeeUrdny -They are Landaome Jarketj, Id
^ black, DBty, cantor and tan. Prioea $7 30^ $9 00. $10.00, $12.60.
Swell stylea—low pricaa.
A .
shoe story
Three hundred pair* women's
•horn—the •tyllsh. handsomo. all
aronod every day shoe* that yon
gel when you look (or wear, aa
well as attractiveness Oennine
Vici Kid. lace or boiioa. to ell
the new abaped toes. They are
eqnil to moat ps oo *ho«a—Uur
Shirt Waists
Made of all wool flannel, ^
colors black, cardinal and navy - vOu
$146 to $3 76
SBtteena - $1.46 to $220
BrllUntin«d . $1.76] And $126
WlllgotoWnaila at tbe Meqaaat of
Washington. Oct IT.-It has been
doelded toeend to.ManUn one addi
tional battory of Bonntaln arUUery.
It wlh consist ol lour twalve-poundar
SOD round* of ammunition each. Tbe
matarlsl will be cant from New York
on one of the traniporte. together with
«.i00m«ada ot ammunition for tb*
guns which were fonaarly U the Aetor
hnva been Bade for
sTBlag {BetraimporB Logaa, Meade
andThoaaa. Ehoh ship will be oqalppod with four guaa. aopplied under
ooalraeVand Attad wlU *00 mads of
lonltlon each, lb* traaeports
CbBlne aad IngalU wUl be equipped
with two guns each.
Th* use of Bountala artlUmy la th*
PbUlpplaee is feand to be of great
valua. It is tbe Best eSeeUv* form of
Tbe^bMItf ia f*m««l that tb* Wyg«*t atiaak wbieb can ba broagbt against
hattts of the vmr to date, end paebape lb* saeay. aad tb* ebaiuetar of tb*
Itaelf onMly to the diCtb* AeeUUay oa*. i* aot far off.
'rarttanaore. tba onafldeaee te the oaltlai of the eeaatry aad ta
•apwtetiy a< U* Britkb arB* is aot ' rmMportatica. Geaaral Otto baa
ae (i«at bat that AMeuaMoa bae al- ugad that adUtteaal artOlary of this
,ua4y arieaa as to what leaalla will type ba dtoyatabad to the soaaa of
letlaw la saa* Wblta aad Tale ar* d*. operatldaa. aad M to ta ohodtaaoe to
reaoBBeadittBBe that aaothar
fealad aad teead to BanBidar tbair
Bwrtaad'e maia oma. *aeb hailery ot BMaalala g«M to aow to ba
aa OofawaUte' was ta tb* Aaarloaa
eawMaed BrHIah tome*
r amd taa«a the fwUBMIMXttI
pai^ OM. n.-A dUpatek tn the
nmuATt an
toid kr »■ ■- Hbto—, m t
mie D. OampbaU BeriooUy Oonaideiing It.
Laseing. Oct. ST —Within a fort
night or A^Milo D. Chmpbell wUl
mab* an annoanoement as to hi*
candidacy for governor.
Be admiu
that be may make the run (or the
B6»publlcas nomination, but w
time to ooBslder the matter and look
over the aituaUon.
Tk Ltodff U FIm SfeMA
l^Tai derbUt Will
New York. Oet. ST.—Senator Depew
has given out a aUtament of the will
ofthe UU OmnellBs VanderbUL It
kthm PU.000,000. tbe balk of tbe
grt.ooo.ooo eetoto, to Alfred Owynae
VanderUlL Other member* of the fam
ily gto nbont r.sM OOOapieoe. esoepi
OeraaU**. whom the
P1.M0.000. AlfiudQ. Vandorbl
bowovto.‘ givan him PA,PM.«oo ■
avmt oeatest of ih* will.
▼taltod Our Beboola.
Prof. J. B- Clark, with about a dosan
of tb* Maehsf* of tbe Fiaaktari public
.. nU, iMpeetod tb* aywtom of tbe
TruTwas aty nebeelt ymtorday. aad
enjoyed tbsta vmit. wbieb was pcoflteble ae well es plsasaat. Al tbe High
•ebeol Protmw Oark nddrevad tb*
Mto with recy oaturtoUlag and
Deer UeoMse have been granted to
tb* Poltowlag. ta additioB «thm peaTiaaely tonUamed; D. G. Ctoaadlar, J.
Mma i. H- Marttaak. i. S. Baaaoto. Jaba GHaa af BarttaM. PUUp
ItadaiGwwa. Hmaib Htadtoaf^BaH-
Are You
Looking for Bargains?
If SO, stop at 208 Front Street.
This report is beard aroand tbe
world, annibilAtiBg time, dUtaaoe
and reaistpAoe.
Tbe np-to-dato bosiaeM i
will keep paoe with tbe timM—He
wiU do all ia his power to aake
bis store so attractire that it wiU
invita tbe atteation of tbe buyer.
The telejdioDe is one
of tbe menas te this
ead-Itwin bri^
of bMUMto.
We have exactly the shoes yon are look
ing for. at prices that defy conpetitioa.
Don’t forget those ladies' and misses’
Waterproof Shoes, $1.75, $2.50.
We are faeadqaarters for Children’s
School Shoes.
McNaova Block.
Moumro BxooftD.
BATUMX onr, •
Solid Gomfort.
AA.B. M«m TMImMa Bad Aae»d»a« •* tha BtMh tMtaiy
We can give it so yon
TV AndMrtoM MeM«» to mmt
wm. % Basw amb J. W. ■*»»»■. At IV MW HMorj «l tV Mkdiiff^A
wiU feel comfortable. If
8<Arek Co ww neordV TwUrday aV
Ad. K Sum uj loM kB Uft faot M
a man pays too mnch for
f. W. BASan. KUtor sad Mi—fr
«Ab fMAlL
SiVTA WM WOrtriAf ApOA tbO AtAT^
a coneb or easy rocker
U*floM ia tV «rAii =
Xeodle Wuk eatu K.ectlcA.
Btory. wVa V te tVaght to V*o
be can never take com
etappad badwArd, Aod. bUmIbc hla|
TV Trevaree Cl'y breech of tV
fort in lb«m. Ifyoobny
toottog, thrMt bit toot iBto owe of tV ■
Needlework Oeild of ABerlB hold as
eoBTeydn which wab ia ra|dd aotka.
*r.Bli.g ia tV PriBAdB
at SLATER’S you will
tV reai«cli M
p. J cnk. 0«
i ABd OBly
hlrtag eptra) i
aad r-AH tor better Work.
were elected asd aa exoalJMt renever be harassed with any such thoughts as that.
proBpi BcUoa la etoppiag the
TV laadlng Baaday eekool aorkwm port Bade by tV trcAaarer. TV fol*
eryeaecdhie leg troB More aertoM of iV dtp ABO tVterroaadtagcoaatry loaieg'tfiBn wereelactcO for tV eeWe have a very large line to select from, over 55 dif
BatUMefealagiaiherrieBdeeharch. eeiag year:
Dr. Bmw wee lookiag throegh tV la coDeeaUon. Prcaideot of the city
ferent stvles in couches and bed lounges, over 300
Prreideal—Mn 8. C. DniM
teetory at tV tlBe aad gave tV aecea- eaioii. B. WUhelB. aa* ia tV eVir. j let Vice PreaUeat—Mn John Glllia
TV BAdlOo OaUo rnJoeA
aary aid to reVre t V enfluiagt of tV. A gjod repreaenUtioB froB tV tebode' tad Vioe PrealdcBt—Mn P. J. Oerdifferent styles in rockers to select from.
. — cup were la ettendeBea.
; tie
pM et tV iaportABt Milan to eone
B.*. W. K. Wright eoodaetad iV I 3rd Vice Preeideat-Mn. W T. BaaHP tor JMMdlAU ooBAktofAlkm wUl V aoUkUy wee eaBBOaed at oaee. The
IV WUWUkMSl of A PacIV OAkle foot wae lerriblj Iaa rated aad the j ge.ot.oDAl eereice mi the opMiag of Vrg.
4ih Viee Prcaideat—Mba babel
fmim the eoAtral of, tb« fforemtVnt.
Ad AAtAhllAhBMl il AMriCAB •«■ tboaght tVt empaui a wUl V na- ,qurtai. enag by Mra J.flriee. MV babbobA
VeretAr] and Tm
Peanlogton, Mr. IiU.B AOfl Mr. Pea-, Beeretery
—Mn J. H.
mnmmv to the Orleat opeae up a de- aeeeeery. The lag wae badly brelaed.Penalogton,
r iMeOough.
pud tor dlroet «Abto tAcUiUee to the Vlow the ki
180 Front 8t
House Furoleblng Store.
Tbe AddrM of 1
. wae given j The dlreewn- c« i h*vc apt yet
rUUPptoee. BawaII. Ooab abI other enaadV eboee the eokla TV tsjared
Aa abort aad aeea Bllad.
MlatA. TV poMWiliMi of the UlAode
Proat ttreet. where Dr. Bclllday fta- .tall of eplrit WUIbb
PftV------- bp tV r Alwd SlAtee
W. 8. AadereoB b Vllding aa addi'
VdtoreAble fAoiUUM VperAttre Aod bbed droodag the woaaV It My V eponded la a ehort end pointed adUoa to hb VUdtag on UdIod eUMt
pBAheolnte BiweeUy. BeeideA betop tVt tV foot CAB V oaeod. bat tbb dreee.
Dot V kaowD deflallaly for a tow
AbrbfpAperon -The Bible to tbe to te Bead aa e aWra
p adUtArp AAMealip Aoeh a CAblo woeld
Both Telephones, No.,43.
Snadey VheoL** wrltwa by Mn A. C
pfferd eoBBAAMAttoe to prime pen
iPMd tV deeetopBAAt of AAMrloAo eorore aaia, bat tbe doctor eeeaii bc^ Oaraett wae road by Uerrtei Bonldla.
tal of oaTlng the loot.
AfWr BBCkc by the cBoir
patOTprVAAd todBBtrp lA oer
It wee a pecaltar aoddMt; cm m1- leedlag paper oa tbe prognB, on tbe ward for any eaae of Catarrh that caapAAMAloAA woold V rrcAtip
aot te eared by Sall-a Cbtarrb Ourv.
doB likely to oeear. TV ooae^yor b enfcjaet of primary work. "Mn W. K.
kfMehAA VproeeMBt.
F J.CHt.vk» Ato.. Prop . Toledo. O.
We, ttar naderaigacd. ban known P.
PtABi Are BOW betof Mtered for the located U laehci eVn tV Bo6r, V- Wright beadled tbe enbjcct in e bobLii
tweea two etardi eepantcre. atom
tVt wee-very prAcUeel and belpfnl J. Cheney for the laat 1ft year*, and beliptBff Of A OAble Which to foer Uake
■ • heo'wubie
etepplag froB earn lepermlor to the ee weU ae totercetlog A Vlef dbene- Ibve hV perfectly
trill eoBACot the Colted SlAtee‘'with
boeierae tnnteeUona end SeaneiaJly
the PhUipplBM ABd polAla VpoAd. The
able to carry oot any
Prealdent WUhelm gave e abort V- by their flrni
project ooBtemplAlee four UoV. from heVward V took e abort eup. law tbe
WacTA 'RVi
Wbolcaale D.*nggbu.
«AB rrAoeiMO to lUwAil, t.lM bUcc; ooaecyor laeiMd of apoa tbe aaxt ecp- drew, madid U H. Batce, preeldeatof Toledo. O.
VbwbU to WAkA UlAod, t.014 mile*; arAtor. The tfUoen of tV factory the eoanty bbiob. Tee matter of the Wau>i>6. Ki-sna.s a Maavi!). Whole-'
Vve taken eeery preceaUcB ia anaag- etaie eonveeilon wee brought np. aad aaJe D'Ogguw, Toledo, O
WAke lAlABd to Oaab. 1,»I bUcai
Bair* Catarrh Cnre ia token bteraalOaas to MabV. I.SMbUca. tv idee tag the tBAchlaery, eo ae to avoid poe- the chair wae given power W appoint
k bat tbb oceaired 1
twodelegalce, w which Uc nnloab
m to here Ue Use coAetrooted. owaed
of the aye'em. Prlc> aneapeoted plaoe. TV Bcsben aaUUV.
318 Union Street
•Ad AperAiV hp tv COTfrtBBAl, ABd
7&C. p. r bott'e. Bold by ail D-ngghta
The Miter of BAcy yonng Udlce Taatlaoatab at« free
IV delBile of tV project Are to he eeb- of iV owapany are dedag everythiag
Pi<U are tbe beat.
Blttod to the eoerve et lu ooBlap
m pcaelhle.
OA ACOOABt of the CXtTA work I
■Mt r The qeeetkw it epprored win
apoa them b toe way of speebl Boa.
V «M of the preei etepe BAde 1a the
daydbnan aiV debarred from many
propreee of the AAtlon.
the privaegee.toAt they ehonld aaPreak Preetoad WMt M ChdllUe
lanxAe troa tV TrArerAo Oitp boy* yeetorday.
Joy. wea pmented for toe eonaidento the PhUipplBC* relAte
It we* toe
John Probert and daughtar have tiooof toe ooavenUoB.
toate Ateet the heAlth of the eoldler* gone to Oraad Vpida.
eeatimeat of the meeUng that
to Laaoa. Thoaa who ware badly afMn. Van Beerv, aaebiant poaP thing ahonld to done to ehatge thb
toatad with tV CubAA ferar here Ure Beeler, b confined W her hoM by ill- eondUba. end toe peeton of toe city
were aaked to dnft eone definite reeo
BOweaUrelp reeoeered. ead they all
00 toeen>j-9ci, and k
•peek of the ellMta e* belof beaUAfoI
Dr. B. U Aabtonbia Onnd Bepidi
ilr reepeetive pnlplte.
ABd larlforAttop, aad the ebaeBee of attending tbe alate^cAUh oBeer<
BBBpletot AVAI food ABd AOOOBBOdATo Be Berried M t zt Tueedey.
tioo* U ooDcplceoB*. Tbe fcAcrAl ciraeBun E. P. Sbkop of Lndlaglavitetlona Vve been Vned for toe
'pTABloB. Vwever. le tVt the Amerl- wn weaegnceiet Perk Place yeeter
merrlereof MV Mine Bee Ho»b of
MM ere bow retting dowa to bnelBeu day.
end Belph D. While, toe eavget
Md tVt tbort work wiU V DtAde of
Peter Bogart of MUwenkee. b in tbe
It won’t stain the vessel that is used.
ng mercbeat of WUIbmBhrg.
IV refrActory Intoryetiu.
city inepeetlag tV new addltlona' W
eremonv will te perfo;med ai
It dyes cotton, silk and wool at tie same
theaeboolbuUdinge, aa to the Bouad Babe next Tneedav, aad the oonple
will te at beae at Wllliamaborg after
heatii g and venUlattog ayatem.
Noveaber T'.h. The frimd* of tbit poptime.
The Mny frleada of Mn P. duDC nbr young oonple will te pleaaed to
•jMtor XgceaB Bi Joyed a Good Bit
will te pleated W Icare IVt aV b rv cougratBlAle thea.
It is guaranteed “sjm proof,” won’t fade
graa aad Oebete.
covering from her recent lllnnea
Mr. and Mn M. B. Wrigbt of WebTV third aiMttog of tV 8enlor lyor wash out.
MUaByrUe Btaatoa wUl leave today
new wee held laat eveatog at tbe for Monroe Oeatcr, where aV wUl be ebr
It is ready for immediate use as soon' as
Wgkeehool. A.eery totereeitog and gin her echooL
iMbaetlee progTaa' wee gleea aadar
B. B. Aliya wea la ThompeoavUle
The housewife always waett pitchers
it touches boiling water.
Blr. Bwlft'c dlrecUoa. wV abo gave oa boatoeat yaeterdey.
/V wftb-e report
—They're used everywhere—in the kitch U is put up in tin cans, so you don’t have
Mn J. Btelnterg retarDed laat even
' ^ft«r tV roAdiag of tV BianV
ing troB Petcakey. where aV haa beee
en, the dining room, the sitting room, the
to use it all at once. You only, have a
hhh(BiBgao}e wee nadered by Bn. vblilBg for tbe peat two weeke.
BVtOD wbbb wee bearlly enoorod.
MV Von Carter left laat eveatog
bed room, in the house and out the house,,
single article, use a.iittle and save the
raUawlng thb wee an eaaey. ‘TV for Interloehen. when eV will vblt
Ohpo W Cbrio VUtoad." gleea by MV Btbeltnd Ulubel of tVt pleea.
in the summer and in the winter, in sea
rest for the next time.
OWord McVeigh, after whbh a deelaWlllbm HaV e'er of WAna. b la
son and eut of seasoh—absolutely every- Wc are talking of “Dylcne Dyes” that
jIAM^. -The Death of LliUe Nell."
toe eityU BM given by BertV Polelpher. The
H. A. Jobtettof Maple City waa In
whcfe and at all times--We have little
sells for IOC the can. .
' W^odoeuoa on tbe life of Wb. toe city yeeterday.
■oraVl wea Interretingly read by
R. K. Bproat, clrcnlator of the Cnad
pitchers for loc and big pitchers for a dol No mixing, no boiling, no straining, no
MABbUeepreA Nile Bagbee foUowed Rapid* DeBoent, b la the city ia ibc
trilh a delightfDl violin aolo “Mboel ialereeb af toat paper. '
lar—odd pitchers at odd prices, some of
dirt, no fuss, no muss. Comes in 14
Uay.’' wrUtan by Meade Robenaon.
A. L. PlAck c f TiffiD.aad J. M. Longthem were fated to be odd from infancy,
popular colors from which 150 shades
AMBtoV Bnch good Infonaetion.
seeker of Delta. O.. rctnroed bat
TVenl'Jeetforlhe iBprompttt wee: aigbt to tbelr bomea after m betlSM
and sell at i;c, 17c. 23c. others were mat
can be made.
'TV Llaeola Literary Qab." Orton vblt with W. 8. Hull. AVlr eaaoebte
•Mlth waa the one eboeen w uik on la the Oval Wood O'ah Oa
ed but got left to be single in life and will Buy this labor saver ami have "clean
tV enbjeet which he did la a few well
Mn W. HcrrlMD totarned bat
sell for a single quarter; for a single one.
hands" afterwards.
aVaaa wordo. Tbe oralloa wee wdl Bight from a vblt to Cbrkeon.
Boi<n.jr Dmaateto Prt<vBc.*nseor. T
ftVM by Lneile IVohald,
B. Ulaabew of Ubad. eonaty
Decorated water pitchers cost :^c. 35c.
••OtooTO ••
clerk of Leelaaea eonaty, b vVUag
TVdbcaMlM proved the sod la- kb Vugbter Mn Van Bbta. Be b
50c and 55c.
tofWttog yet all ddag AxeallcBt werk
ipaaled by hb wife aad hb daagh
A new milk pitcher will replace that
•Bktog It a very totoreattog dbeai
tor Paaab.
Vbert MeOamber left bet al^t for
broken one and sells for 15c, asc. 30c. 50c.
'•BMOlved. TVt tV polby of tV
BCAtob veeaaoB from .hb datbe b
Oatted Bum U the PhUlp^o
tv bicycle
of H. K. Olbbe. Be
Got a glass syrup p tcher for 25c and
weal flnt to hb hoM b TVmpeoa.
frUltaiehAllhAd Bdward Eyeelka vUlc, Vt will epead a part of hb time
one in china for 35c.
tha eCrMtlve end ObarlM to hutiag 1 a tV apper pewlaeab,
Have a beautiful chocolate pitcher Do you want a good soap ?
Monk end OherV Btoo tV aagAMn. RoMell BtoeVw ntaroad yoaMvA. na deVWn <b Vth udee i»- torday to har hoAM to Btagham after a
made in china for $3.25 and another style Do you want a good toilet soap?
Atm MMtoi Beatkw. elthoagh tV de- ehort vblt with Mn Loan Btota.
MptoA wae rendered to favorof tVafDo you want a good sweet smelling toi
a H. W of VtcA, waa b toe dty
made in France for $1.25.
yeetorday aad Attoadcd tV citv SaaPbiitowatary drill abe ptoved aa te- Vy eebcBl eonvaBUoa bet evoBbg.
A decorated porcelain pitcher made in
let soap ?
tonatlag auBbor while waltlag for
Mn Unn Bbto wUl leave today
Do you want a good sweet smelling “sud
England sells for 20c and 25c.
IV Jadgee' deebloa.
Mom OllVrt
r Bingham where a reaalca of the
BAd WUl VnehAll wore oVoea to pat HbeVw tABily wUl V haU today vd
sy” soap?
A stone china pitcher for 35c and 45cA iMttoa while Jm Bhroaberger and
MavM JlekllAg trtod to dtoMt It TV
Glass pitchers sell at 30c. 4oc. 50c aad All these good qualities are put together,
MtotoA WAe CArrbd.
HaliM tiM food am deficioas Md ¥
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
It Won’t Stain Your Hands
Like Old Style Dyes.
Just .
“Fagged Out,”
Do you
want soap?
Bobbed tV GrAve.
data Wvarof^FMAdelVlAW^i^
•‘X WH to aa awlal eoaaltion. My ekia
"t wbh to ezprM my thaaV to the
uaabeMren af ChaBberiab'a Oolb,
%olan and Diarrhoea Baaedy, for
AMIad. pato M^nalljr is b^kaad
Bsay tonaanda of mothen
iMBp. Than I wm Vvbad to m VildrAB Vve been mved from______
Beattie Bitten: to my gioAt Joy. tV et dyeaaiery and eholarabfeaiDB wV
Ant hottb BAde a decidV improve- taat alao feel theaktal. It li
mmi. 1 ooaUBAed tVlr oee for three y B. B. Wait and P. 0. Tl
weahA. ABd AB MW A woU Bua. I
Sytebto Bulba
Bavent varietiae for nle V Palae’e
Oreenboeae. Blewto atreat. T7t-I U
lalnaRecefnd Uae.
Bold By
Frank Friedrich
IIB Front Street
pressed into shape and sold under tbe
Earthen pitchers at 15c, and 25c.
name of “Jap Rost Toilet Soap” and
Carmelite pitchers at loc.
all forqc the cake.
Clay pitchers at i$c.
Buy seme and be
The Hannah & Lay Mercantila Co.
Tbo boaid of pabtia wvba baaa
bwcaa Ua aidawalk arModa la aar
Miaff. M. MaU Smw the Adml»t
Md Baay aa^ walks are BOW U ao
They wen- leoklap op at t&e b
Vhoa a Hav aad faika at Sis
work Ml tbr blybeel Mury a£ tbo
Barty AUool DofB
Tba aiarak factory raoelaad bhoM ».■
By WUlBBeua bulMItic.
It wUl ba latanaUay to tbe paop'e of 000 baabala of potatoaa yMtmday. tba
■'ir» wuadrrfol." lOt* aald, *Hbat
Ulwforu cao walk aboat aa nek- Traearao City, u kaow Uat Uaro la la Oackaeas aad Calambla brtaylay la
•A 1^ B4U«»t •«. DMmt.
I tboer
leaely ai;ibat dlny belybL’'
qoMUtlaa troB axoaad Ua bay
too* Mt.OMMM.rM iolo k frolffkt
-Yeu. ' br *akL
.................................... Daway. w^a.
Ma ktoat siAoifbt.ThBfodkj ai^i. Ui you kbou '<
aafr it i»."
ba waa bat a lltUo boy aUoadiay
Tba Ruxibd li lo rMdpi of a e ^p- of
Tkm OM^Mtor «tm kUM ud ikoi
•Uou i-ao t be eater abe ertad la
aebool.aMwbaoaooaoa«ar dnamad
gwMM ■OBWotftko imiinfw •»-' aaiaaeu>eDt.
awaly tojwad.
| ~8iuipbot Ulay you rver btanl of."
Joha ftr»Mr of Uu»M eouty pai , br abiiwcred. "klai-b of lUoar turo up
»P M • T^ado boul. Md kl«» oot Uo | tberr bae a powerful oiayiMH BttrO laio
■“••ritof to M. Bo WM foudi tlw eok-e of bl» ubuee
duty Uk* ilraib (u Ibr Iroo LTuautivaoia
They rilay ev ilgbily that
Oador U>o hmd of -MeBim#/ rouldo'i fall off If br waou-iJ to. Hoqie- BSUotOeoiya Dowoy whan ha WM'^adin, •bmi Ue coBealra anieat
»Umo- Um BIk Bapido Pracrw Mp.t
ibat lit- batlly^old. indeeryaBaUforbUjtae Uun^nU and Ua^tUrt ot Ua
“Ao •* to to proM. M loom that earnU k*y luu*
uUH'le a ---. They ware atundlo, Ua Meat-'
p''lex aeadeay. known ibaa aa ibe
BOMlot aoki Mood»7. OetoW o. all Bad It dlltli-ull lu lift tbi-lr ft-M to Wl
PrefwBorMd Mr. C. B Borat aro
WaablayiOB aoonly Orammar aebool
Aaj Ukoren la tk« oaplop of tfao felk aloiiy
preparing to plea a oeoeert la AtaiaMrs.
■ Btnillluf
“Tbr oiber wonii
Stro Ball *a* Imny at Uat llB« I" ; berg's Grand No.
Eapidt traa Oo.ao«t ^tUaf •! U a d*y.Mooiprlier.^aad wat wall *'q«alated j
wbfU a (HH-ketkalte eutltli-oly i-butmil WUb Dr Dewey, father of tbe dlsUaaMaii ompleyM aovr«t»l*iata kilpola- oo Uh- lavfUK'Ut lu frout of tur. A elltadtalary aill rMlrc tbo boooflt of rer uuurti-r au<l « rou|ik- of Uliore aad
w AaraoM la iholr proaeat laoosr. a kry uub-kij toliunxl it.
tbe aoanea wf that day «er*
very e
‘Tliru 1 iM-ard lauybt«-r up abore aad
tliM Mto Ua ooBBoe lakorM on
taoayta aba waa with “George.*' aa abe
tattar baolo than b# bao hooB la tae_ baatlly lookid up Cue ul ibe work
■a of auperlor merit,
always apaakt of blB.bnt a abort time.
,tjpM.aa«rallosp\or«ofUa oob.
rb'a orebmua baa
Uatu and wa« bauyluy up Ibrrr at U>« • Speaklay of her memory of Ue beyaaajoeahaotoer waiM paU botoro
lo U# attraetloM la
dowabotd of tbe admiral, Mrs. Bail tayt;
tbadaelipolQ mi
ward. ■m>|H<rte«i by tbt- luayot-tii to bla
“1 remesber him aa a boy of tilr. Uo City Onera Bento Ult weak. Tbe
Mr. J D Browa of Oraafa to-a*
Boalc raaderad waa eaeaptloaaHy
toea. aad very amall A bla ago - Tbe
abip. Kalkaok* eonaty. boo twaa bar.
mnat clear of aU the reeollaaiiooa it good aad faUy appr^tad by
iar bard Uboo.. Oalap to tbo loot you. ilii-rv U nally i.
tt>at of Gvorga atteadieg tbe aebool aodleaveaeaeb clgbu
UlaoBiof hUdaathiM.olaeedoad. hB
Thaaiaam Atllng Md haaUng
la eompMy with bU lltUa alstar Mary
torB work aad ooerytblar rtao. bao
aad a Uule girl eompaatoa of here. Be paratna of Ua aaw aenrt boeaa U.bc~
bM aarloeud V> eoro for tbo olok.
waa Ue klcdeat. moat good maBaered tag pat la by Sprool A McGurrin of
Hottar tbb foot aboai 40 of ^o arlyb.
Hula fellow that I ever aaw. 11 waa a Grand Eapida. Mr. bproal, who has
boro rreoatly taekird bio potato potoh.
•10 Tlw<
long walk to the aebool bonaa. and beao in .badlya few days looking
aad wllllar baadi vad* abort «or& of
PoD't form^-a- bad «f wood will when aebool waa ovey. ba would fairly after tbo week, ratnrard to Grand
Alnhap aad earlot for ooaotbtat Ilka ffln you tbe papef tor »•» monfha
fUpIda ycaterday.
I’liwiw an Ihai It la eul atuve Iruyita. Ay arooad.getUnr^lx jaekeia. rabheia
aOO baabala of tba • abara.
Tbe eaeo.raloa to MaalaUa Anaday
Md aearfa for bia two girl ebargaa, and
aa we liaVi- uu at.
TboOoodrlab iroo Biaa, aaar U1
the H. d N. E. wlH be the last
Tbaukx to t'olniiH j»u«o fur a balloa
akoBlar. baa baaa Bold to tba O In
of uiapb- alrup. Aa mjou a* we rao yet waa certainly the kladcat little biptbei for tb’a eeaaon.
Mlalnt OoBoaay. •blob rapraaaata tl
A bicycle awaits aa owner at tbe
a loaf of bread we will be able to Uat I ever knew.
Blalor lataraau of tba Cbraarl* eea
“He apoke wiu a cute lltUallap. and aogine boate. it U aa Bagla aad waa
aaay. Tba bIm baa baao Idle for
M e bare paddii) our llueu duller Wat always a vary modest lliGe fellow. picked up by the eight, tteer.
iBos^ yoara.
wUb au nniiy Ulauket aud iluffeil all Uia eoadnet in Ue aebool was parfccily
A daagbter waa bora to Mr. aad
Tba loartb fatal baatlay aoeldroi of tbr bnikeii wlmkiw fiaaee wlili laat
aremplary, aad be
Mrs. Ferdiaaad LMcaaUr of Weal
, tboaaaaoa la Mlebiraa oe«an«d Wod: year* orwipapera. I.ei tbr tvld wave
by tbe teacher, i Be alwava dreaaed la FVentatreet yeairrday.
adaday aaar Borealo. la Ottawa eooa- roiiiet
Our relatives lu tbe Redliooe dlitrlet
Tbe Udlea- Qraea ebareb vrill
l». Dr Oaear Baarl waa loadiat bta
bad oo aluiaaat' aad. uUiakliiK tba wbtrb DOW aocma alakoat a pbropbaey hold Ueir Aatniday Market Ula afiartaa wbila ooi baatlar qoall wbea tbe
cold ware for t'hrtxtiuaH. bare eome. of wbat bit cart(cr.waa to be.
nooB in Ua W. W. Kimball
waapM waa aoeidoaUIly
IS slroay. to «p..u<l tbe bulldaya with
"Be waa always
aad Li
and sever addressed tbe glrU In aebool
Rev. John P. BiMt, auta aaparia.
bar of tbo party wbo waa itaadlar
Our laiwr iiow Hnnilatei lo
by ibclr ebrUtiaa nanua. bat always
Uadeat of Ue Aallaalooa leagoe, will
' aaar by. raealrad tba fall obai«a la bia couoiles. fur flve raailllea. barlay made
a« -Miia Campbair etc. Be waa a
apeak at. Ua OongrrgaUoaal ebareb
book. Ha Head oaly two boara The enouyb ninoey t<> leave town, carried
fairly good atadeot. doiag ooaaetencioua
Boreiag, aad la Ua evaalag
AaadBM waa a rooidaat of Oraad
work la all bla atndlea.
will Oellver aa addrcaa at Ua
BaidAa. aad waa elalUair la /aaUad.
"Bona of aa ever thoagbt of bis ever
plaee. Ulnairated by atareopileoa
Fbrm balp la ae aearea la Orattoe
baormlag a great maa at Uat Ubo. for
“Oh. fleoryer- wtlled tbe maldea aa
aad OakVU tewwkipa. Kaat. Oo.. that
tboagk be waa a brlgbt Hit a fallow,
aaeara) aeboela U that aaetloo baea abe luei hfui la tbr'Wrheoc.l ballway.
Tbe quarterly elecUon of c-mc
ha was so very Bodaat that Ua idea of,-oloaadlaorAartoallow tba bora aad “we can’l be marriitt toiuurrow!
htacverbaloggraaiae<Bedoatof Ue *"**«•
ihla evealag
wlU bare to be pootiKioedr
Blrbtoworit la Ua pouto flalda, to
at tbe regular Beetlng of Ue I. O. U
■•Mbat l» Ibe tuatirr. daiilnyr tald qoaatlon.
thaitbaaop say ba aaoarod before Oevrye. bis ki»i.« treiiibliuy under
- After 1 left Ua academy, I lost all T. Tbe prcBpt attendaaca of all
toaaalat waathar oobm.
bln. *'l» any r^^tailvo d.aiU llai vuur
Tba laeaotliraUoD otada by tba Btata rofle Hiram failed lu butlneMr'
tbat ba bad gene to tbe eaval academy taai boaineea will be traaaacied.
board of hMltb raeaela tbo fact that
“W-worae ibaii ibal!" ebe soUbrd. at Aaaapolla. That waa Ue latl I
A pleasant aurpriae party waa given
tba aBallpox mUmi at Ubaae. (Sara “Tbrrt-'a a Ub-b»il iimiluy ou tUr ead knew of bIm till Ue newe came of Thursday evening o^Mbs Rosa Cul
<k>..waatakaaaSakat lleBt«i Harbor, of my boaer-rbK-ayo Trlbuae.
toe vletoiy
at Manila.
When man. wbo lives wlU ber paream about
•ad jomayad all tba way to bla pnaI found tbat George Dewey
seven m<lea from Ue sity. About
•at loeaUoB. probably oapoalat maay
became Ue great bero. I waa anrpriaed young people from Ub city were prea
pwaoMoa ro«U. Tbor* ha« Hom a
tyf' i)ald tbe Kuroje-au omelal. “Ha Uatitaboold bave been our George. ent. and Uey bad aueb a good time
total of t(ly aaaaa la tba auto, aad tba oeeui t ery uueaxy aad anuiiyed. Hat But my aiateraaid to me. “if you bad tbat Uey did not reinra until early
Alaaaaa la bow prMalaat bt Boaioa aome oue l>e>-u lellluy lilw tbai a fiybt
yraterdaj morning.
Harbor Md BoatoB towaablp. Borrlea
An important meeUag b called for
•eoaty; MapU Uroea aad CbaaaalBC
Ue Pearl OaUeien' Mlas^ Band Uii
owse greai
lowaabipa. Hatiaaw eottaty. Marlaa
■ Wben 1 saw the picture after tbe afternoon at 3:80 o'clock at Ua borne of
pity.BatUa Oraak aad Cbaaa.
great battle, I rpeocnis'O tbr Ueo.-v Mrs Garaatt. 7*3 State alreeu It
Bmar Btoorbtoa. tba' Pbralnttoa dlploiuatlrally aeitlid ai»l lluil Europe face at once It lot bee just like ou
desired Uat all mmbers be praaant.
larBer wbo aqaaodond MO.ooo la four la oo tbe verge of pean."—M aebinytua George. It ia t ol bard to Ulck of bln
aa ibe great admiral, bui 1 ‘ba | »
yaara. la aow drirlac a Bilk watoa for
>aya remember bIm aa Ue little
Troablea •! BMOetr.
Job Oouldot Have Stood it.
HlBaoa Joboaoa. Tba ratt>>« driear
king fcc-n e tkn-ugb
tbe asow. lo k
n<et me >-f. wbteh wa« II your -ay after b>. little airwr.
kraha bia lay. tbaa Babtot m opulay
and twinpleIf he'd bad lu-blag Pllm. They’re
eoudu uiarrl.Hl-a duke or a couatr’
heaaicbei conuining her books lai
for SUmtktoa.
ribly annoying:: 1but Bneklen'a Ar“Nelllier. Kbe l» a pHoceaa."
will core 1
Able Btfib B»r Ua Waita aad
“Obi I have au uiaay frleada.wltb
VM farB ta Laoal U oa Are aad al- tIUea now ilisi 1 nally rau'i keep tbeW
N, Pains or Bodily Braptlona
A Borne Bveok
toady rraat daBofe hM baaa doae.
it's the bSit salve lo Ue wwld. 'Priee
pruiwrly ida>.*lileO auy mure wlibuut
Pew news ifa ma could be of more larlalilag IIM "-Ohicayo Times Ilir- ereit to our readers tban a record of licabox Cnre gnaraeteed Sold bv
At Ubly a aalr of eolta ru away
las. G Jobaaon and 8. E Walt, drugUrowiat Joaa^ Morrell oat. laauatly
he cu''a whlrh are being • ff-cted ia ebtt.
midst by the use of Dr. A. W.
felUlBc biB. Be waa a well kaowa
-a-s Ri^tney Liver Pills Hackaofaea.
idaey aches. be«daeb>s. rbe
• la whlek I
ltd alt
Uaa waa aold aa karoaaoe, raaalUat la
.ppearing befoi
loeya at
«lol '•
.Of Dr A. W. I
M aaploalM la whlob a woBaae waa
fm aud uiakliiy bli way u.roai the
Is which I
badly bunted.
aluplug de« k of Ibr leairi to Cbe atar- «I dealers
calera at St cents aba
Joaepb Buff fall out of a wiadow la buard rail.- fbliayo Tribune.
Ua MaUodlat ehareb at ChaUaa aad
bcaka bU aakla.
Mabho - M beu you yave your coDefo
At Kalamaixt ala bead of «ae Joraey
oowa. ewaed by Joba Ueablaykor. were lh.-alrl.ala. bow did you ever liappeO
The Mlarie* nf artura and actreaeta
alaaffhiarad Tbaiwlay by dlrecUoa of uiHMi biilfklua lu Iwiwnmuaie itae wom
of the playl
vary so uitub Uat no Axed prices cao
ThA Complicated Farcical
Uo owaoie. aa aonraatad by dtau Vet- |
NabU -t>b. It came natural to him: be quoted It luav auAice to aay Uat
arlnarlaa DoByb^y. wbo bad tooted
you know bis tooiber wa> a auman.— Ue aalary list uf a iltKk boose for p<!rUa whole bard aad fouad }oat half of Judy.
fonucr* will nut come to leas than |l.tbOBtffl«tod.
IHH) a -week, and ia often conaiderably
Tba Baaaty Uat AUcaoia Maa.
Dkkover-Tbey aay tbe rlnnatBoa
Tbe ealariea in Ue “front 'are aboat
ItBaotaoBaekla Ua faaUraa u m>p le almoat a toul failure this year,
I 'follows. Saaiaeaa manager, $A0 to
to a alaar. baalUr oomplealoa. aad a and prirea will Iw more iban doubled. $7.1 a week: box otBce maa. $80: a»KUoayao-HomelMMly wbo U barklag
^ump body Ailed wlU Ua rlffor aad
$13: two doarkeepera. $d to $11
rllality of perfeet baaiU. Pale, weak for tbe tro»i» bae aurted that atory.—
each; head nUer. $8: other nUera
laaffaid womaa arc fully raatorad to CUcayo Tribune.
(three eg foorl. $7.: Utbograpb bm
KbuatbaalUbyUaueeof Dr. A W.
Cbaao’a Noree aad Biood Pdla. a eoo(two). $13; nigbt watebmaa. $10.
Apaaod aarra food wbtab eiaataa rleb.
Tba aalaries of Ue atlacbesof Ua
lrn.“ quoted kin. Blekpara blood aad aaw aorea Itaaoa. Pace
•tags are all Axed at onion rates ParMt aad faowBlIa alraatara of Dr. A.
more, tbe manager moat aanploy
■loaH DMer ba rtob.“ added bar
«• Obiwa oaoeory boyofUa c«d«lat.
amlaWa bnaband.- - Detroit Ptaa three area on a aide-tbat ia. Urea
sUga bands on each aide of tba atafa.
Mia. Joba C Daytoa waa loaad lylaf Praoa.
Incinding tba atage carpenter aad bla
^cii Ua fftaea of bar baabaad la
aaaisUBt—and two Aymea. men wbo
Oluwood BtBiUij at PUat la m aawork Ua curtain and drops up la tba
—ddlaaa ooaditloa aad BaMbtaff
Aiaa " Ua rcgiims above tbs aUge.
haavUy. 8ba waa Akaavarad by Ua
Tba anion raua are aa fuHowa: Stage
■axua. wbo auBBaaod modlaal aid.
carpenter. $80 a week: asoistant. $83;
clectriclaa. $33: asristaat. $13: prop
It waa foaad that Mta. baytoa M
erty man. $33; aamalaal. $15: back Nanberinc
ffoao to Ua camatafy la Ua iMralaff
Aoarkaeper. $7: ataga baadt. $1.60 tea
aad laU IB a At of apopUay aad had
I p^onnance. $3..V) p<r day for
baaa lylaff apoa Ua frava amay boara
patUag oa a pUy. 60 cents an bonr for
vbaa faaad. 8ba waa takaa to bar
rebearaaband 63S cents an boor for
beBa.wbBwabaUaalaa arltteal aeaall bhor half an bonr after Ue fall of
SpaoiAl SoanaiT, Omtohy
Ibe Anal ennain. Orcbcatra leaders get
“Row's tbe eealeoB today. Robertr
$40 to $30 a Week, and tbe union Ibte
Moaie, Pretty OlrU.
“ttlybtly liiualtatlc. slr:'sbonld thlbk fur muslciana b $36. except In oper
T» Omp« ■ IMM IB Qm asy.
TUa W«i>cr-a White Wiae of Tar Synip It would Joai oBlt you. Br.**—Ally ettas. when It b $^ a perfcgmaace.—
tbe beat cooffb reswdy oo canb. S atwi Blofwr.
"Tba Budnewtof a Tluatar.’' I7 W J
leroon in Scritmer'a
WI#r~Tou are an diSereat.
Hoetand-Row, my lovef
Wlfe-WaU. you are ao ladtSemU.Watcb lor aaBoaooamnt ef
MBa." OalBMbBlaatlenocwVarwldb
bam eoagft remedy oa earth, cares a cold
Datiaft JauruL
OMir liirL
Wednesday Eve. Noy 1.
A Bell Boy
Tht Newtsl, Brightest Faict
Contedr Hit of the Stasot.
rtotbabncait. He putlt la apataat air Bgbt. malMBm
r to keep u good —“------- « ,t
OTceafae voo kaow—avttybodv kBowa—lbey*ra 5 aad lo ccata a pack
age. Don't tUc so imttatloD. Made only by
For a pleasant ebance of diet. Unoada tWljar Mfayfar.
Lowest Prices 'Rounil Town
—Tbat'a the Boston 8toriway—giving tbe beat .wear
gooda for tbe least money.
Men's Crack Proof Calf Bala, Klondike tip. Rngliab
Men’a Vcloor Calf Bala, kid lined. Tourainp cap. a
aoh plump Bfot-k. wiJl not t-hip, easy on itif fe-vt, a
good wearer and very etylub............ ................................... $4 60
Ladies’ Slippers
Woman'e Oo&goU Boots, Scotoh plaid veeting. fnr
................ .... ..........
WomoD's Brown Felt JnUata. for top, coin toe.......$1,00
The Boston Store,
26 People
taMedayUtakaaiattoB. Maadsocta-'adraiioe aale of aeata.
They reach
the people
to they p.yf—S n thio*.
ZB'ox? 0-IX3T -bixELe
l« show yoB oar rallahla Um of tootwaar.
All we ask from yen b to iaapeet Ua abaolaUlyUtaat stylss U Mm's and Womaa'i
aboaa wa'aall.
Exceptionally Strong
Artistic Company
“Be Good”
Bo Be Baaltr IwpoMd ao tW Baoat
Then <tt jitei wliat rop wait.
Moat everybody kaowa Ua praaant Ilka
eoaadiaeais oar baalaaaa, Tba ananeaHad
valDoa wa have been givlag to oorenaUmara b beat told U Ue larga
and IncraaaUg baalaaaa eoaataaUy ooaiiig to on. It la to oar intaraat
to plaam Ua publk wblU wa endeavor to do by ffivUg tba bMt valaa ta
aboalaaUerUataxparianeaMdalrtaoMprodaaa. It Am paid m to
Bbka MdaaqUo boat abooa Uat Ua»rkMwm1dpats$U aad wo foal
if yoo aea oar
al--------------•---------.-i-a ——
aoaddantI that ifyooa
>r aboea
yoa will
ba plaoM
If yoa .bay
; yoa will wear a
ir patroaaga w^ tba appradatad-
186 Front St.
Pnetloal Shoo Mbb
I Ogsu M Ifao boadk oodocndwwkol
WM—it WM daub, yoa intent Md
I &ew«V’Kent
\Vvt 'NDoiU.!
n« SUM
Aad «kl.
ir rooMod* It ooctfe }witr wkjKw
Ow «Mh Ml aua* to foa!"
hM k«M U
ywrtflMtot BaUrto
Wcrti k Mywkd
<ra»tb«a»y cf
IwUdlrdMMdepM mr whMl:
I looMirid It bote ehd thet*.
Oollklod. ^4Uod. ead. vilh k aeael.
I ktort tor tonMto tow
lUzlo to »«**•• 1*
AU hied eM bleed kM tea 1 ndk
Tvbrr wbedtd
Cm dteoiMd epee air aot* Md OcbM.
>-Ah. ki» T‘»-rm
MooatKwtoU Brittah
teioboroMO toroL
AtlMtloo k boiar dl*«oMd to tko
» In tb* mrdea i
M howaoUvoly ooaaiderlag tho oak _________________________________
Utgoonln tbo ballroom.____________
too, when bU wife waa, fm be had told
me be waa married.
of aa iBi
«ai going to take anoibor girl ton____
But tbe crael treatment atcry
^ akely. and 1 oomferted ber—aba
waa anch a men child. I boaeaUy |
lhaoght. Tbe He waa Innooeat abongb. !
aren't tangfat to think a falaehocid
anything aeriaaa She wai
a trifia
It wai als yemn ainn 1 bad laat aeon
him We bad been bnya ttwi tlior, )ort
ant of eoHf^. ud I had vuitfd him
for a nuBmer in tbo aoathern iwrt of
tba autn. wben bit Iratno bad alwaya
nropa are been and wbm bia family was otto of
•>>.'' •»d ahnuking, like a lUUo girl who
behind bor and lowen
lakbea at tbeadTanemof a atranger. ;
that ia gxactly what abe did.
Yoa aboold bare aeon tboae laabeA
Yun'd hare been jnat aa big a foul aa 1
kfooa ud It k BadMMood
doroo for ooa haa^rao
on a ftne Bldwintn nigfaL Aa InmemI bend bia. be had been a aociable aort
of fellow, fond of gayny and pretty
4hat Groat Brltian k U
faar of
<oralg« powork mortmoat lalmteal to
oonld right-
fi»m If to It faoi bigb an wwutkw but'
i> Rs*rv»et. nkik ________ I mnahroom growth.
' ence to any other kind.
*»<1 bare rtaid nutil
^ gontiliiy of otbor than
The quality never changes.
ia im. which maMured 1» feot and 4
' around the comer, you get ^e same coffee, the same good- ^
' ness, the same value for your money.
Pdeceived if you buy
<>f 'b'’ bonaa
Roasted Coffee
8bo mid that if
I had draw tbik doll
Pruaidoat MeKlnloy oooeludod bk
quiet iKdel in tbo hope thatI 1 wiRfat
Weatora trip Wednmday. making tbe bare niy poooo diaturbod by any cf my
Domomu aoqoainianeoa.
■* oooo and grt marm^ The '
ohild was in one of bor ■I'qiuooooiit
in onr
away o^iHatnrrt^^Tov^•^)lIl^r«or8uudar*—
this t* tbo aiiniv^-rsity <if «>ur wir-liug. !
and lowett-d b**r rriw and agmd. |
coorso I mold oolr inuuago to «.-t
IMI of nearly too apoaehaa at Younge««WB.0
thing, cauip down npuii
mroatarrnwd of wnnUiiigsfrnni'unni, . . .
W the wedding of hk aopbow.
Dr. W
McKinley Dosean.andat lOc'eloek tbe boat (ai’diuiriiig H diullnu. Barry had
n. I
1 ropeattencBtootno with tbeiB
Why, thon.
•poetal train left for tbo BmI, being
—^vi ——
to rmeb Waehlngton next)
bo not
—. . . —.■ —
by the bri-; you ms-I chug to old lUrra-|
'Wioa^bul wo raado tbe inwt trf ofir,
. 1 tirrer hail las-n su iufatnatod aa ’
uwitta that Bpanisb ihihi. with her |
in Uio ballroom, and
n ,000 mlloo on the trip.
eitiHT cf tbom with tbofi
that was tnraltig CHIToecloded oput into l‘*b. tibc-ivxny was Spanub
j Mexican. 1 loumt-d."
Bnrglan ontorod tbo room of Mia.
«loekwoll. tbo widow of • New York
J ewolor, in tbe Saroy Hotel, la London,
Md OMarod moaoy and >walry to tbe
•mount of rtft.OOO.
Tho next groat oetebratioa la New
ber gorgMin* oyea and hw brnkm Eug-1
For a mmiont Inngnr 1 lot my gam
follou- a girl in whii* aatiii. wbo bad
pia’s. wivutheid in vine* and korprnta
i«0». aad it wUl be tbe »ooib
DlfMarr of the dieeoTarv of
1 eland of Ml
•^’b vory Waok,i^ very rtruiglit. thin
brows. ly.w
(7«w luug'ltiid
liug'Hiid fbudiiug
and emoL
In G'ls case-it was borcai.l quiwtion, and
tborr was AmiTican blood in ber roini. *
too-^ litllo of It
modaally cole*
and nut
"TheT all aro," 1 reninrod.
' ”* bii«w. but yoor earrasw ia wasted,
faaoinatod wo. 8hr-was rory.oHing and
brilliant awl crs«. with lbi> face a
painter would have ebuwa for Olym
Vorx k likely to be bold la September,
kratodby a dlnoor.
«ft<T tie. end of n-fusaK .he fliiaUy o
•cotod. Oh. I was far tca> Muitten.
> bare ii orrnr lo me then ,
a large iiom. cngg«tiu' of ih< Hehia-w,
thin, ti-d lip*, rontiuually jiarted in a
H^kb gunboat Arayat. aaak la May
meo would hare lonsl and bairal her to
the exMil of tbe shedding of a grust bowlder.
deal of blood, tm( In life today i( ia I
"But we qnam-iod."
bMn raised.
Bor hull, boUor aad CheblBory are la
<alr ooBditloa. aad aha wUl be repairmi.
At Buffalo. N. V.. Bor. Praaek Lob.
oUIL meter of Triolty
•oddoaly Friday, aged M
Mad eaflorod from laoomnU aad takan
laadaamm to ladneo aUqp.
Be took an
«mr dona.
A BfooUya pbyColan moosUy par-
ibat bis pebble is a goud siaed
ham oadaagored tbe ebIM'a life.
went W bout op Bany.
I<»: "Yon may Ihiok
wtwdx 1 wantrtl to talk over old tiram
and new timea wo. when 1 drew near
Muiveled np old fellow—to Cake ber int° tewo l«btod one of hi« Crodort one
day. She wanted to buy a gowm which
I acraped my feet and coughed,
U being (he approved method of break-
The cigar and gave me a light, frran wbioh
' mfcired 1 WM not nnweirome.
mbloh the girl was indoeed lo ewaUow.
"What are yon doing, mooning under a pi-pper trail ll-AwiUB to me dano-
Citkeword of eommand. tbe soldier
rtdlag tbo bleyclo diamonnu. fold* tbo
nortb<T-iwom< a more. They have more
dicJU«.-nnu loo
Oara fade early, be(idea •’
Fr®, mm
Womank anb.
blaaoxat. and
».g>M at
»^M»bip of Mra. J.
paper on
American atage art.
U also
teat end furtons, and yon laugh uotll
tears ran down your cbeeka
M”:YSis.‘s,i:^r.'r“ nsisr
kaoka: tnif all-iriDMr Jet. tom vara.
tbara is
artlata of aneb worth aa are
Boy" do
nog SALX -Th'fv^rvarwMeeh: -vll tovkva.
f an'^Iam <lr(r*r; alto. b<W(T, kan«to
' htiflclo rob* A HeaiUU.4rg.WaMt*vk
pr raa r*ro**r al g
have te atoop to tbe uneleaii te rsiae a
augb or to gate applsuee.
euge Hfe.^ which pleaoed ber bearera
te tooeb wHb the bappentega of tbe
House tt^te afterairaa.
“Tbe Fbui Cbfck" wUl be ispmted
not a alngle teature or word need that
In the coat of “A
Yua n-member ber? Shewaa Ibe mereot gave a nomber of “correal eventa” in
tbe City Opera
promUad that Altbosgb tbe fun runa
tldiooa aa appruaehiag tbe vulgar. Tbe
In a breery maaner Mrv. J B. Martin
Tbe pyte-wa Stock will give a vaudw
vUIc perfornaeee at their matinee te
exerueiaUngly foaoy.
could be teteroreted by tbe moat tea
Tbe FrUbee Stock appeared te“David
aspook or h<
ta pHTBt* taallr. tir eowp*i*iit vowaa.
aaemty L.l«rk Boi ej.C*airalLak*.Mkea.
Uarrlea'' test evening te tbe City Opera
■‘■I -
The piece was very well atag
de ed and the eoapany appeared te tbe__________________________________________________
erCecbl*. .la^ulr* R«,viai.<.(lic-*.
B-rgerac ea p eyed by Blehard Manapiece toaueb better advantage than at IV70R ggKT-o»>iun( aos**ne w».aiBri<w
“<* »lteeaa«d by Mra. MarUn
aoy other time doriog tbe week
The J «rat- App’y wi*e a. c,,**.
daring ber recent vUit la Cbleaga
members of the caat ar* well equipped grotXK^ram^Mr
Two delightful BStleal nambera
fur tbit pleoe aad each gave a very ere br tkeMUer^ JX.^aweroa'^ "*
were given by Mia A. B. BolHday and
I wa* doing the deadly devoted, oo the *ed Mlee Morgan Mlae Ponad acramSaturday, when we were to have
ran away, abc met me with reproaebm 'T' ^
“Well, tbere'i one girl the^. by , to"* »'"■ and devikiy g.-n.-rally- Sbe
K.ght B • Petauwa
It orar hla back and walks off wiU no Jove, that make! up (or a eouuliy of wouldn't liateu to rvarai. She lore op
modibrrity—that witrh at a flirt with ' fi“’ ww Bnwn and rt-fnn-d ever to mar-F^h Blley of
Wexford brought to
the btecFliair andthe very bate aboul- < ry me or any other man. and abe need
the tUcuui effioe yaelerday eight of
ders wbo ia dancing with‘fboratoA If otent-iirong bot muoiealSpaniah. I fan- Ixrguat potatoea yet tbown in tbe city
1 didn't happen to have aune one 1 like ' <7 abe «a« luaro yealona than bnrt. bat
They are Rural New
better in (be city. 1 think I'd go in for -1—well, I waa completely (kme up To
Yorker* and tbe beavleat when dog
I eay that abe locAed more beantifa] than
—„„a. vh. ...a.Maw TatepboaM Pat la by
'-------- would
VUS it
OTVmaJV. Wbe®
TV OOB "•*«»««
... pounda. tbe olbera rang.
tie‘a married, my
y 1friend.”
ber diaappear for good over be- l»ff from about t to *■, pounda each,
Mjitbero Oompaay.
Wbo'a tbe prond
bind that clump of eucalyptua, I waa
*cra from
Tba followlog aaw tateaboaaa t
ou tbe verge of onicide. Pity 1 atopped wbieb be eaeared about IM boabala to
"Ton don't lay? 8h»ce wbear
kaaapteeadbrtbaNortbara Talapbooa
"binoe five year* ago nearly. ”
at tte vetgA
j tba octa
ham attacboa two broad etmee. aUnge
•Mfri!aoeamniaDea that U be k carry-
•'WeU. it e a little lata, but permit
la aald
ible oltnaUoaa. Interspersed with tbg
?* If, *“
November I. la well worth eoeteg.
eplete with witty, dialogue and teagb-
'«i «f dmmaUc art.
Meintoeb bad prepared an able
f«'en and white lace beyond a doabL
" Well, abe oaw me on the rtiert with
aeitygirL 1 believe it wa« NoraOterko.
If for langbing purpoeee aloae, "A
UpeiA Bonee next Wadneaday eveateg.
baile out here, bat It waa really to get The careera of a number of
married in. I bad brought ber a mmpla .nera and aeueeaaa and their
of the otnff I warned her to get; other,k.i,
B-ll Bivy.''wblehcomee to the Gracd
ohe told bun waa for nine kind of a waalieleaed to wltb
ing'tniorein yoor line, or doeou't tb* Mqaainiauce. a« yon know, and I treatBe weighted eight mieutas for them madam danco*, «d ber aa one dw any woman one hapaoiomlmln tbe etomkob. Then he
''Y><*; Bhe daio’ea.
«^llod 00 ike tbreodo. aad the oerew
••Oh!" 1 Mid. aii.l feeling (llpperv
er *. and ITnatanilly enough, aak.-d ber
to have
oome eoda water. I d.m't
don't oni^
,<»mo oat, haring bmn emeebod in tbe groond. procwdrtl.raaTuld it
pow< I d have d<»e it if I'd knran that
down from town tonight
ligbt a
with the parallk.
, Youdora wa. arx.and. eimply becanm I
ty. didn’t you? ” I aoked.
A Proaeb oamr. OapL Gorurd. hM
I waa await- liial tbe wouldn't take it M
btcyele which
of pr>-it> women.•'
! an American fiaiiree woald here done. I
jwomkae to do good aorrloe. It folds.
•■Do y.Hi ilij.k *..- 1 ndmire your
“Uui ilie »va» around, and ahe thought
-MaAtaolntwo, wbipooot tbe handle
mnrt women ora
b« TPp ahould try a Spaniard.
She g« Uie eniel father-* harm 1«m.
•Ilk aad mixed them with aomo brood,
A long pause.'
We had aliMdy met in dra efBce. bat
bad not bad time to exchange a doaen
■doctor took tome Sne atmnde of raw
Notion Department,
New York City,
N. Y.
bard caah. nut women's faooa, that ae- | while Barry lit another cipir from tba
1 locdi one teal look at old one and pnfftsl it into glowing
tb« drimmlaoxl yonng faoa and tbea krpt alienee,
•. and afuy
awhile be went
and when be rtarted 1 taid; '’Hellol
littta girl twallowod a oerow i s inekm That you. Banyf" and lookaaeatbeloag.
A aurgteal operatloa
la (bo Paolg river,
Every package of .^riiuckles’ Roasl^ Coffee con
tains information al>out many valuable articles
that the con.sunier is entitled to receive.
Ask your grocer for Arbucklcs’ Roasted Coffee.
"1 insirted u|xui rniuiing away with
bor and getting inam<.<l at sea. and.
‘ maicb of Uie scri wcnild hauip<-r
liow’ an iguciraul ccaiutry
ild Wirt of nnile merwondctful leoth:
nUiiuit cnlor. a Icmg far.', black hair,
»'«>ld prove a tlMmi in my fliwh in '
id twuuisl licu cm one uf (be the cniinil «>wii clique: mkas a aocial
•aapiomof the New York Hietorieal parted
U 1 had en-r'acen.
• ^rug the wojild be d|sui me! 1 knew
rioeioty. There
alrmdy talk that
. Was
. wonld r
not o U-auiifnl f«s-.
In tvpaae
the family
tbo annireraary may be eelebratod by
H was fbr from (s-aaiiful. but 1i was bntwben a maowatiU Ui luairs m *pite
• world's fair
rurrly in repair, and ber langh wa« (be
*'>" famil.v be is apt in hsA u|iod it
Admiral Wateon. at Manila, baa Inas a amall >lisie tn be kicked oal of bia
.path, and it take* him some timetn dis.
iormad tbo aary dopartmoat that tbe
atoptomber. ik'iv, waa
It is prepared by an individual firm who value th^ir reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit
bewon to And n> tomtberbewoald re-,
double tau brutality, bot l.amarod bi-r
, that if wo wen diwxirond we would
«ka Park Btpoaltlon.
You can’t be I
tbe mocw '
mwl made an appointment for an- ]
other mfs-tlng. and mwtnally you'd
that ray bfallb and kpirits bad ne^ily
Whether you buy I
of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery-store'
iL 7.^ L?
« ^
After that rirtt 1 had gtmo hack to
f-»eo a. badly in lore a. I did.
. 6au P-rmn-iioo and to • truly 8an Pran- !
"Wo al»aya wot under tbia tn* It,
lag tbe neord made by a Texaa atalk
gf work, with tbe reauit was on ber father'a land, but quite oot
laokm Thk atalk baa baaa east to.docreasrd. and at llK-eud of tbne half
WMhiagton tooemMtt for aplaeo la dooanyeaiu I waaobligwltooomoaoolb
The reason is found in'
its rich drinking qualities ; in its permanent good- '
___ bo lit- >7rMd lia Ad a nattnof fart, atae bad
10 o'olock <<MU>d that a partirnUr fiame of hen
of • Ikolfle ooblo lUkliw tbk
ooooky wltb tbo PbUioptMOMd poiok
lovers of - America buy. millions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ COFFEE in prefer-'
'■WeU. 4k 1 eaid. abo waa erying
•tormily, and I m abont duding ool
trby. tib* toU a mart blood curdUng
taloof panuiaj rraeliy. It wwn't tnm '
I'Tefottnd (hatontainoe. Sbewaaonly
Id. bat ebe ouold teU an rxtraordinari-1
liladtr of Oxford Uxl«M«liy. k Ibo Ink
ma M Mooh tka too. wbkb k K.OM
good reason why the coffee
ly a pair at MrxiraB eyoa oaB gtoafa.
and tbere waa an added brigUtaM. fv
I tbr eyok wen wed with team. How do
Ukoow! 1 dUBoomed and fooBd oat,
I cd cmuaa. It kaU likely I ww goiag to
1 an a wonan prate on tbe groaad a
long way fran tbe ttrareoi babitatiaa
at nlgbiteU and yc not edfer fan any
-winaaae is iny power.
Toe he** •« vrird. imlieiiiii n
to bicU o*
«b« PM-ABttkM
There must be a
anaii. ix^ibably a Misiean. bwMa'
mail, or a my ymne girt. rate,
aadadforodiwrtiyooo—aMoxMaii too. '
1 ooold «M that. 0»*B ia tbe twilifbt,
for bw ry*B gUanted in tb« daA at oi
•rtlCMa. M U P»t. itet Pudo «TM
M to aocka tiutt the baadto tnorad. I
‘•Wbepedaro I ooocImM it wm a'
"Tbe fellow^bo baa einoe built Gm
r her partientractive and the general work of tbe ^h*baiMc*~i?f
company very good Indeed for an agwii.u,
playing so
i*«vias *itv
w,b..-« ns*
many different
Mr. Jack gave a very pleasing
teterprotatlon of tbe title rolA while
be waa admirably
rpo RXinr-r«irai.a«i *c
X aaSielrbiMer--------
"utrrj: i
-«7 ci,n,.
Cb^” WiU
Twiibi u.
wUI be gi'
metoooBffTBtuteieyoA Sbeteauperb." i hotel bought tbia apot. that aaw oot,
M. Na 141.
"Thanka" And tbea w« tepwd into ' meeUag aad oar parting, when bar oMI.
Oould a<Arxpremj^ rAptw of Aa- aftanooa.
e—llls— < Cather
Vaft.— died,
.Ii_4 a
. year or ^
ted opoB tbe facility
ao l._.
S^tur,^ PkUadalphla. whop
m«i» |B*j
I, Ha lU.
"You came along Jnat aa I waa g<da|^
Mia KUxsbetb Bwteg. aa elderly teput hie foot in it.
met m memoriei and wtehing—1 rap-)»
Pwry BroA, oSUa Ha Ml.
Ueary Bwteg. of
"You wonder at my not danetag.
poea I tbonld not any it—wiahtei
J, W. M0CBB, imWImm, Ha 91.
ramadtea aaTVaebics 0»md«., era
are te vietime at blood pol-;
itwm alx years agA and that**., fciwua*
r te wbieb
A. T. Paak, raMoaea. Ha *11.
^g^ifbUadUaoonraltevad the pate te my eoateg.aad
ti ramarkablA
MoreaaUla Oa, axteakoa far tba
toimd Mia Barry wm al^ (og*«^‘ I lab swsetteirt of’ie."
Back happiaid to have a alight abrak«4wam
AapartmaaV Ha «, tbrm
-------------- nothing for me to do bot I
1 am not tondof themoderotmfliil^ | ^TbalHA I
1 like oaaadimt tto
and atop oot | «d m<gy. 1 want to me tbe
te UaivaraA" Dr. okm on eoa hnad. aad while mUkteg a
alr-bte captoyweBi wUb ubmuoI eppenarta«>*f*scv.»aebtox»e.
». Na IM.
2*^ ten It
«ill bU.^ Ibf,a,ud .lu, bv Bl»* I J£S iSJ
here—to reflect aad taeaU.
"Do ydn boow. ” be went
llMMBUl'aalOT. thiw mUaa aaath
a nmaatto meeting and parting
of Latead.ateooBatoQoodHartwr.
MOt onoa. tight ante this
i vary trsA
MkMVk'atioa Mam
b vat Jam after I left you. sU ysaa
I bad riddas oirt
WaattataaaltofbkaplamIMbMHh. ago-the aeming
wiU aad tmmmaam aa tium towa on NoetarBu Ton tsaMBbat
maw am wk toaaA wtea Mom oh, har, lha UtUe Uaok maraf I stm walkBStr. KMaqya.aadBowaka«a oai ai teg hw aka« a ro^ which rmi aboat Mx
fleet bom bare. }uM abont wbms tbM
Boa BUaoa tomb ia <it waa btfufa tba
dgyt of (hahoael). when aUiff amtd-
— k Hrw Lite PUk Omfy »
------ iMoakaaTaK'
ta te aUafl atwhMtonkad Uto abam-
diarf oUctehmaatettelNA Ma
■o: I araamt tbnwa. and 1 wamit natehmetoa It waa not maoh
aM^ lomakamakA
t a* Pbiaak Onaa- ewd ^tbaha
■M m-n
eow te weaad eame te eoatact with a
'fiat what
of te girir'
su Hto mman.
ten with Tborewm."
"Ym. mw modaU avtewhorflatex'a dmtb and srora atertied—om dry
■'is® ■
Late BDbmataa of Xtatnii, te wall
knewa eloabteg ama waa te te elty
imimmyoalltegapoabMWada ad
Norama^WBahWxBim'o Warn
Wins op 'Tas Btrup for this terrihie and fatal lUanrr
If taken tbor-
t Oa Hr.
m aU tUa
Tb Cmb U IrlifBli 24 iMn.
towtlAOrippa U Mvor ^ to giro
•olteL PrtoAfl6onadfl«A
te I* «h*
Imilfiffw Hmsi Mmr
48S V BlmwGoa Aw^l
tn K0'lj<tl(d>o6U.
a*«wMlrtotetAM!k«toM0f tb*
«Hi«te ti UtttM faiiti. «*M to (fate
Fnr thtatff U UTc u« man mt\
llW thaa lu eolMM»B<m mm
whtek an w mnUac ud lapnteUe
w to oamiao tbo aapoonoeo at (ate.
•t ble m» br tbo awn perBotortdeacea. and bla dMUt
d one of tbe awn reiaarfcatiie I
at them oU. On the totb day of Joan.
IWb. to ascapad death bj apnllioad ’
aeddeat aa by a
and In oom-'
Bcatlag vpoa bto eacape to wrote:
can nerm be much acarer partlag cawpaay with aty readen forerer than I
waa tbaa ondl there abaU be wriiu-o
agalBK Bty tUe the two word»-ibe
end.’ Tbeae two'wonto were wrinae
by death tire ycara later on the eame
of (be aame month.
Thto Mato le la Tfaahu.
• qnaar Mbtera Bnt their way In
aa ediior’a do*. And hem to OM of
toeoL which to warm with tito aad tooltag and
the aale of Urfet beer. ale. and porter
->B-i wat yea Uoee wans a«e otme
4ar a ifciah o( aamy vbicb wm wme tr <ar
vWe <a bw Urthdaj I told yaa«e*MBin«a
today aad <004 the MU to m»: bat a
.otMorMUbaeiaMa. Tea baa pi
Into effMt oa Jely 1 a year
» dawera pwdltawt byxa pn
ago. aad doabled the tax oa fcrmenifd
«aUe earUtloaa. tm eethodox Ma«Bi■Mua cannot be taveailed opoe to sl*«
aslaalsfctfuiaard deniptka o( ft. and
■Jia adraataMfi. like the eeretml
■opean hadjie (Barckhardt. Barton aad
(ho othM) eoaM oaif tntifp (heir intamsBBt carUttr hr otealthy tn«MdSattoaa Deloctioa in (bo act <d ponnhw waA iaeaMisatioB »o«ld have eoM tba (faa trade ebaniploa and friend
Cobden, wbo dlod on the aama day
(ha (caeelera (heir Urea.
and BMUb aa bto wife, wbo had pt«In Uwdun no fewer than 1S8.U00
Jy true, for tbe poHcy of tbe
IT (aithfal MbmoI- eedad blm by 12 yeara.
.._______ ___________,_________
la botb ba| been to famr peo|.le lire four and uwre h. tbe room.
a waa a strange cplneidenc* that led gorenusent
■an mmaM luidwatatiJ that an; other
as an aid to temperaace tbe larger sale I and of tbeae a.uuu -e tacked to tbe ex
■oUre (baa veeahip aboald lead any to the identlflcaUon of one of the U)t»i
tent uf eight ur umra to the ttxnu.
ane (o rieit Mocca.
The MohaaModani belies that thia cloD of baring commlued
Tbla view Is not snatained ^y expert
Previons to the sixtevntb ccatnry
(aMoaa etoae «m leonsht 'down from tog borgiarlea is the Mh
race here. The report of tbe Internal every pb.vsician in Enriipe wtwe a ring
tearea by aasela It U aet In the waU
rerenne department ataows tbe rejurat on bis Roger as an iodtCatum of bto
«r the Caaba, wbiefa ataade within the though
from the heer lax to be larger ibao prufewiuo_____________________
groai calfluada The atone U (oar (aet a practiced burglar. It wae found Un- they 1
were a year ago. but tbe amoiioi
Ouilng tbe winter of 1«0? Mr. James
nine ia^ (ran the sronnd and la poeaJble to IdeoUtg bUn. and thus of l>re>
Iteer on which tax it paid dccresoMl Seed, one of the leading eitixsaa and
kiiaadand toaehed with snnt toom- trace bto career in erlma.
Fate of coincidence, bowerer. did about ten per rent. In other word*, merebaotB of Clay. Clay Ca. W. Va .
atioa by erary pilertn to Mecca.
kke of ice to
what Scotland Yard waa powerleu n> by tbe ImpoiftloD «f a tax of S2 a Jtar- sirock bto leg agai
Mr. Bate Bentiena wbal intelUsent do. One of tbe wardens of Wor._ rol. tbe numufariure and roosumptinn
aa so orn
brnlae It ac
martiatw hare recorded oonoemins the wood Scrabba. wbo bad oerred in the of lager heer In tbe Fnlied Slates bn*
mneb awoUan
aataro o^the black atone. One of them Bcottiab Borderera la India, saw the decreased, while, at the same time, the
talk aa that it U nndoabtadly a bnte priaoner and recogalaed la blm aa uul govemtnent revenue from ibla source w'a'kwlthrottbeaJd'of” OTtc’h^T
«Bs ireaied by phyaiciaaa. alm> m
pialoB which acartely
acartelj aoldler comrade muued Haly. who bad has to-en Increasing. It does not
aocoUto—aa opialoB
frith ita repBted qaality at been Impriaoned for felony at Oalvui- pear iluit consequent upon the reducc-l several khds of llolmeDt and two aad
r gallona cf whtokey In tulking
aiking It
la eraler. alneaaeroUteaaeaally ta. Tble <-ien waa followed np, and manufaHure of beer tbere has
inibiBggave any relief on II
11 bt
aoataia a larse pereenUsa of
< ' baary. led to ibr dlm-loaure of a long tot of any fncrcaxtl aale of whisky. Or
hegao using CfaamberlalD'a Pain Bal
Crimea and •'ounctlona
aetalUc anner. each ai ife(i pyril
cooirary. Uh- aale of whisky opiienrs This bmogbl almost a oomph
AaothM trareler reporta that it
to hare fallen off a Utile, too. Another In a week's time and be belle'
Uka a piaea of tora. coDtainins i
’’Begin to enjoy youteelf when Illustration of Ibe correctness of I'nclr bid be cot used this remedy hu leg
aatraneoae particlea <d aosw wblw
•rnuld have had to beampotated. Falo
yoor guest* arrive—ta fact, before Sam's view that a geverument
yeilowiah BDtaetaBoa
they arrive.'' to Mrs. Jbtiu B. SIiuk' notbltig to do with the preference of Kalm Is oncqnaled for spraloB. bru am
8tiU another of tbMe antboritiea adelce la tbe Ladies' Uome Journal. Its people Id the matter of their bever- and rbri.maliam. For sale by H. B
aOme that it U a frasnwotof rolcanic "Do not try u> aerea such an eUbor- agea to shown In the case of France. WaU and F r "
teaalt. apriakied tbroashunt ito aorface ate dinner that the work of
Trior to Ibe FraDCo-Prusalaa war the
Tra.-... otiy laarBov
wUl draw .
upon your
with ainaU. pointed, cedored cryatala and
average consumption of wine
t> win
railed with frlapar npon a dark sronnd. . .
France was 2T> gallons a year and <>f
UkocoaL axeeptiBSooe of iia ptxMnbef atraJaed to ibeir uunoet enduram-e. heer flve-gnlloDs. rblefly In Alosce and
When your rtoltora arrive greet tbem
aaoM. which happeae to be a Unto red- .with a bi-any baudabake; make them liorralne. Ontside of these, except in
(eel that you are ready for tbelr
tbe north of France, on or near the
ik of the pleasure
tog: apeak
Belgian frtmtler. there was practii-all.v
I. rive it aa their hope
.. Ibe. day iL
. •ng:c
no consumption of lager heer In Fniio-e
Ibeir good appearance:
oplaloa (hat it to aotfaias etoe than an tbem on their
and ml^^iiiially no consumption
the neckwear, tbe
le dal
baud- spirits, either. Following tbe cbaDU'-s
denary piece of atone from qaarrica in tlca tbe
kercblef:__be thoroughly
________ly lute
Interratrd In
which tba Meccan territory afaonoda ________
and every one. When tbeitine wrought hy the Fnnco-Trusslan
.Ikeca toal menttoBad trareiera how each
comes for you to prepare ibe dlnuer and the praetleal breaking down of tlie
BTM. appear to orcrloiA the eirenm’ and place It upon the ulUe leavv your
ateBca that tbla optaloa of tbeira doer guMta aa graiefully aa pootlble. If
not toka doe eosaiaance of that proper the dinner be not too elalairate amt beer, -The anniuil consimiptloD of '
tbe meuul sUiiiHipbere be clear and Is now 30 gallons per luhahltnnt.
bright yoor frlendi will eome bgaln. one-flflb less tlian It was 3.*i years ago.
'Bat to lire' and noi 'Live to enf and tbe consumption of beer (ler in
Maocaa qaarriaa to a aort of stay graa- rttyld be l^the motto of every bouae- taahliani Is ahont seven galloDs. or .vi
per cent mure. Meanwhile, honever.
Mot ao dlOcnlt la It to form an idaa
tbe sale of siiirlts has Iripletl. and lo
M to Ita alaa aad paeaent appearaace
stead of being half a gallon on ib<la fonn it la BB Irresalar oral the inaverage p>-r inbaliliam a v<-*r. It i-.
aqaaUty ai tta two
aids impartnow IV3 gallons, a clreniii>-i>iiHs- ulii.-ii
a to
Ibs to it a aomewhat aeuicircnlar apdisproves Very forfililj*^i-woiiM
paaraapa It maaanrea aboat < locbaa
in batsht and 6 in breadth, the diaawtar on ita tower and wider aide being
«H laohaa Tba anrfaoa to prataberant
and aoMowbai knobby or andntolins
I'outoS. per ta. (new)..............
and haa tba appaaranca of halag eoai-
poaad of a aninber of amaltor atonea of
dlSoreat atoae and ^pea. aecnrely flt<
•ad logatbM with anent and perfectly
Iti appearanoe to aa thoagh the orlgImI piece at atone had been faruken to
plaoM by a Ttotoat blow aad then rapdbed. And. aa a natter of fact, thto
appaan to be tbd trae exptonattoa of
thto Irregnlarlly of tba aorface. for it to
leoorAad by the Arabian htotoriana of
the Oaaba that in the year til of the
PerliaiM yon didn’t kix-w tlila isniu
try ever bad iiu emperor. Neverthe
' ii::
' ' ■ i;
Apples—Colls and windfalls. Xdc per
leas, a
On the loib of Dooaaibcr. IW7. Bev
A D-nuboe. pastor .M _
B. Cboreh.
douth. Pt. Tleosant. W. Va..
a severe cold which was attended
from tbe beginolng by violent coagbmg Be aava; "After nworUng'10 a
Dumber of ao^lled apecldoa.- u.oally
sept In tbe bouse, to no purpose, ‘
.^urchasrd a bottle of Chamberia'r
Cough Remedy, which acted Ilka a
»>l ehserfoUy r«
it <0 the pubit
-bllc.^' For aaU
n of a dab. and they relate
aflar tbto erent the piecea and eren the
dost alao were carefally reeiuMd and
the fragnenti eetnenled togetber
The protnberancee nentioaed are !•
or IS In number and are aoch aa to im
part to the aarfaca of tba atone a mna-
him Queen Victoria to a low-bum ple
beian. llto pedigree stn-iobes back to
the time wbeu tbe Yadu. or Jadoti.
kings ruled in .\«la. and centurlea I*"
for<> Caesar landed la Fmgland thto
worthy prinre's noble forbear* were
aalddto there to a boUow which reacbee an old and respected family, llto
to nbont aa nneb m two inclm below blgbueas of tbe many names Is tiowthe ontar adga of the atone and to of a 3.^ yeara of bge and apeucla iiiosi of
hind to anggeat to tba ridtor the ear fata lime in India shooting tigers and
nlaathat ana of the prutnbaiaiwea may stndyiug bto antique pedigree.
hare been lacnored
Theootor of tba aorfaco of tba relic to
"0«a»“ ar eRoBlitoa.*
at the pceeant dme a deep reddlah
It has alwsyi Imh-d undemiood that
brown, or. aa aona bare dpacribed it. a LaM CbailM Oeorge Hnuiibon. who if
natalUc black, and. notwitbatanding be were now living would be duke of
the policed appeannea imparted to it HamlltoB. died at Nice and wu buii-d
by the aoMtut taoefaiag of onanmlar- la tbe funny manaolenm In Scotland
od atyrtodb of daroteea. it yat bHua on tblneea yearn ago, saye tbe London
Ha nadeUtlM aorface wbat 'appenr to ChroDicle. At any tote, there was a
be ertdeat ua^ of rolcanic origin
fnnemi ceremony in wbicb tbe col’ll)
ThcM mnaentor protnbernneea. how waa anppoaed to coatain the remains of
•rar, are attribnted by the Maetom an- the aforeaald noldemaa. Bnt a man
thoHttoa to the iDcenant oacatoUina at preaent known by tbe name of
and mbbinga of the toithfoL The Onan. r«)ently arrived from Pretoria.
orhapa be attribntabto vU Vienna, baa cauaml considerable
excitement among tbe good people of
Arran by claiming to be Ibe duke of
idteta thto way.—AaUtto Qnnr- namillon. Re says that for reason* of
bto own be wlabed to bare It aupitoanl
that he was dead and that tbe coffin
Womea a»« TbMv CBto.
Leato Wala. the tamoBa cal palatar. seat borne from France and
pinfian to baUera that a cat owned by to coaUlD tbe body of Lord Charles
a woman to the mirror of ita aiatrem RamiUoo conuined Bothtng but aionra
laaipwamiai He naye (hat if a cat
that haa beoa conauatly with im mtomam to Mddanly rwwred from her •>
etoty (he craatnie wiU dww the cha^ late liord Cbartoa' valet empbaticaii.v
aetartodm madqme baa di^dayad If lefnard to iMognlse him. and the p<-<>.
aha hM beaa anapptoh. pomy wUl pie of Amn. altbongb he bears a certo Ibe deceaM-d
aerateh; If ^ hpf bam aalky. pnmy
wUl ealk too (f thto were really troa. htoman whom they knew ao well tbluk
tbahhe bat a amre difflcnlt took befoiv;
■toal lha oat cf bto todytora liMore tak- Mm la aaaeniag bto claim than that'
Ito total matrlmoaial atep Aalto of the bUtoriral Ttebborne rialn»iii.
Mt to aboat tba moat independael cree- la fact. Ibe Arran folk are not ktndly
•aieaUre. ama caa't help batagabep- dtopaacd toward Mr. Gunn. Bone of
MmldMr Wala atbaory
than aay that tbe Infonnatioa be pooaaooM aa rvganto their atigkborbood
A rrawch writer baa nacmtalnad that and tbe bahits of tbe Ute Lord Charles
Itopa^'* fnrcrlta dtoh waa beaa BamUton to dae to the fact that be K
Mtol aad that to toM that 10 cmita a aae Oella Gann, wbeae family mme
4ny Mght to to anoogb for aay oee'a yaan ago Molded to Ama. ,
■Mto Imato XV. OB tto caatrmry. had
Onaa atatea toat ba to toktog peaa torarita dito. made «f the aega «f eaadtoga wHk a etoig la haatos taa
mtotoMnli, which com 9m.
Kimball Pianos and Organs
are used and andcreed by tbe leading
nualoana rve-yobere. Mo ISS Front
street. N B Stro->c. maosger 7li fi
Hr.s'f.vt'.s'.s CAHUti.
aodeoBrcraaelof tlirTeesPl
C'IRS inta RAMCX -Ram lever >hae rrvr
r Protep' ertUrwret. rarrtui a»*«iluo.
eoto rrllaWr .lork rewpaar Ha»v a potlry
atu-Dded le ptoBp )y. Phoe<a. Bril IH; Nenhcru.aa
peror N'orton I. was a familiar tight
on tbe streets of ftsn Franolscu more
than thirty yeara ago. I^csu of bto
fortune In an attempt to corner the
riiv market turned bis brain. The
above picture ahowa him In bis curlooa unlfonu on bis velocli>ede of state.
India it the treasure bouse of th.world. For agea Oeyloo and Burma
auppUed tbe world with the nreac
genu, and tbe caatmi potentates ^p*
tbe finest for tbelr own nae. Of ail
tbe Jewels tbe most noted belong to
tbe gulcowsr of Baruda. They are
valoed at 2tb.tl00.000. Bto chief Rto
mood necklace rontatos a stone call>-d
tbe star of tbe aontb. a BraxUlan store
of Sb« caiata. for which BMKXOuO was
paid, tbe whole necklace being value-l
at »i.ouaooa
City Opera Hnna
tbardida i aiail it <r re* ■-teU" and teat
Iclaad aa ddlng imempm^ a
— lexuAcv. bet leut let po wiuavM It
anetoat tbeoiy. rery popidar among yca> »iii aa* •# rict.i ta ibe aatw. 1 wtu
the brewere of tbe coantry. that the enia a loaaa tor
more beer and light wine aold. tbe ton
to the demand for apirttnoo* llqiMin.
and therefore tbe Irea totoxlcatioo.it
*i notice a couinem betw
to aald by them that 00 ioag aa there
to any liquor traffle. tbe larger tbe pro- ^.Mrw Naxdore What to tbe troabtor"
ponloaate oae of beer and light wlnn | "Sbe oaat ber luUe buy o*w yeater
aa compared with eidilta tbe bHter It day for a atepUdder we burro
win be for tbe canee of eobrtety. and her two yeara o»o The artfal
that ta Eorapean conatrlec xenemlly | let it etay here all that time ao abe
tbe laws are framed oa ibla pHacIple. | cvold aead lor it ■
e day aad maka
me feel cheap “—Cbitago Triboaa
* •
New deaisiu
Adoriaaioa lOc^-any part o( honaa.
woods with new decorations
down town and call in our
Jewelerj store to look tbem
We have many new
ur law
Meeervetoaa OSeaa. OUyOpera
-ThR. A « 80LUDAV. gradBato Tseaau
U t'eirrmir. 0«cr lo B oaSM BUa. *Pbeara. a«c« m. rraMraer lOa.
£^4 to Prebato prantea. Baeae '• aaa IS
MaieaaUl* Os Btoeh.
■W.1-J252t;4«SK.“r- —“
O’K-YiESEiYarSliKi.."a tsffiSi2=a;-,JSMS
The Celebrated
Frisben Stock
in » rcpeitolra of
things in jewelry also.
111HIM. 4 Eim Standard Plays.
La Belle Ethel
The wonderful child actma. Her
•iuging and daocing havf capliv
Atvd tlic audivucra everywhere.
Specialties by Eitire Compaef.
Priora of admiaoioD-lfre, 860
nnd 35r.
Pnttr Dear time
^ ^ liiiol about liarina par
Bicycle Enameled
Where It’s Made
You m'rbt aia-wea me nhnvt atorlng
yoor wheal FRRB
Ifay winter.
No hvttor vnam. ilnp tban oura.
Where a cigar ut made is a
Stop in vid talk U over.
matter of conaidetmble weight to
particular smokera. aud it is lo
tbem we apeak.
Our work rooma are clean, nt Union Btravt
light and pleaaant
Oiir stock ia rlenn, finely cur
ed and fragrant.
Our workmen are neat, akillfnl and efficient, using -the beat of
Thcae things make our cjgara
tbe favorite bnanda ariUi eo loan;
eiud Kiplili t UiltlU t. K
i-a) and Oraanere aC iralaa at Tiataiaa
lu e(hu-i (toioWr Sind. tWH.
Bate Post, strai^i I Do
Diamond J. 3 for—lSc
Ttaratse Belle—05c
Sold by all dealcra.
Tnnncllrr Rloak
___ L'U_ZiiiiU
Notice! Notice!The building which Mr. L.
Warsowsky has leased. 225
Front Street, one door west
of Steinberg’s will be op^ed
by him Nov. lOtb with
A First Class Variety
of Merchiadise.
Wait for the opening.
^)essns=8ssst2s*t# --SSSSS
ra*M'tSa.ia train haa aartor car laOraad
aad airrprr liraadKapM. M IlarlaThrew.w traia hasparierrar ta (Iraad
Train am«iar at I :W p. w. has etoravr ClalaaeU leOraed Realdsaad rearh aad etova
InrearChtoarutoUraad BapMs aad rhalr rar
'‘TraTBaitlrlaxaiSKXip b.haarhairrar Fh.
Varnr iflOraad Rspl-l'toto e air ear Orata
Baptoa lo Petoahey.
EEEDGITTSAinTilllDl Chicago -4 ~ui. ~ REED CITY, MIC!---------
A. K. snsBST, a. I). l-nip'f.
M. U„ Br>iil<-si llitilciSB. vilb
llels» BOd tur(r.>iiL »d4 nro
West Michigan.
oonio BOITB
"K'SSc.L'r.i” 7s3S=
ooiNu Nuara.
Ar (led Rapldu
Vow Offios Markham Block
John R. Santo,
Coooral losorooco.
- ;iS
I *»ra
Tiavaoaacitv at*
Le BlkRatodr
Ar TrarenwOy
* Ik
0 »
I » ih
unsRE UD losnKUTtyui lk
Fire Insurance.
Is. L. A BnUdlng.
^ |v.a. | _
« *0
a IG Le
!l il"
Tbe gnicowmr baa a won^rfiii
MdttM to TYxpaywa.
sbawl made entirely of anwcought
rail* tar M
>M4.oa- ja
pearls and colored atonea worked Into
rsM« tor M
beautiful patteraa. It coat d&,000.4i0ii
I iw rv*' IMS.
?^at^?7i£ta*la'wra»v*n^ aM
and was originally totended aa a gift y-sR- a X nooD. .
_______ _______ lrt,IW».r>a«S«>'«»aek»all a'elaek II
for tbe covertag of Mabomet’a tomb, U Block CaO«
sraanly 4mr •*
hot was ao lovely when dona that tbe Olxat Nonbm'pasoc.S: BclUMI.
vU) to ao teva rfcarava lor caUsetlea. but ae
gulcowar kept It blmaelf.
aU vaz<* aapota Ooftoator In mot pat4 SarMotlea.
Sir Jnng Rabadur. tbe prime bIdIbmf wUa. Lanw MaaSo. baa ton
ter to tbe king of Nepal, baa a tut ■I—araas.
baa aa« SaavO. aU paraooa ara kaitar aeU
BUde of dlamoiida. arartb over noo.- asgaasoararulakbar vlik aar eaaOa arastoo. aad paertMd aa top la a ffiagla
gaky A tocatoalaMa aatois
«arSsfkxiM*ip«^bMKFM*. FlMi
Ofirru arwTooorltoi btoek, til Vroai etrvot.
W-ABLT 0. DODOX. Auarasy aad eeaasaliXL lerallav. Officoa.Oltr Opera Beaea Blh.
TNR. W X. a W. h. Meee. Rtaeral prartm alae
XJ Bpe<-<ali«torrr. raj. oear aad grolio urllee Oprra Hoeer Blork
The Fatal CM'
Keep these in mind when
A B.jp.B.'
nlmmniao»«,JuarssiuM, onoau at. um
k fflnjQn[UiE&' mr'inamgD'A iHArtr
I nM.i.«wChi<»Kon(1wtetea«
-----------------. »aifc»r «••••« to bito «• Vtotoy
' Thitoiil fto A——. Wtto-hto.
eel fiPtolec aw—Q-n—
MO rmyf
—iMamarh aa the Biaadai* Ofl Com^ay CM moat of lu orictaal brahie
fiQB Ohio It Deed Ml aarprla* any ooe
d herhueUutaCln
•a at this time tint, n
. a aalary of euo.000 a year. Bm ten'i
>300.WO a year a rather orerfrowii
aakry? I* any man worth in John U.
ScrkafHlar's Ineuase Is lltLunn.uOi* ananally. Hew murb Is he worth to the
Btaadard OH Oumpanyt His are tiie
hratas that luek twenty yesn atu-aJ:
WHOsin's are the brains that take <
. / of the present. What salary shooU
prmldMil of the eompaity'rendre If the
Tkt-prvsIdeDr* boaoraHtsm anionnu
UiaoUiWXtT Alesander ]|rIh>Bald will
be the wotklny bead of the reoently
wrgaBlaed. or expanded. New Jiraey
*T.#4!f*ib€r wb» dM Mt bdoni t*
tbv Hu* of p*a»h that vwTy «T«>r
trIvlalitV* and makr everybody i>
aroaad them mlwraUe mMaWIn* at
the lime anBoyaMM •( Ufa loaiead
' of uklny lb* care aad eoaalderattnB
of his <WmMUau as bis Jwt doe sod
raisiQc a atom If any attenikm U
Blsaiac be spends hki waning yean
^tv OUT
"So m&de oviT C\oak T^oottv a VvUU more aWracs
Wvft&a S^Tv&\aTv SwnvmtT dia'^s \d6 Vvaxia cowAudeii \o mtxvUoTV a
\.\vc taaxv^ SxVra
'&&T^avTva \D6 are sVvoaiViv^
Our $5-00 Cheviot Jack
et. full merserized lined,
braid trimmed, double
breasted reefer front. Best
jacket in Michigan for the
price. Examine and be
convinced. I'he R AA
priccis.. ..... O.UU
Our $7.50 Boucle Jacket,
full line of sizes, good
storm collar.double breas
ted and warm. This gar
ment is sold ia other pla
ces for $ioxxj, but we are
doing the right thii% and
Our $4.75 Kersey Jacket,
full lined, full strap trim
med. coat collar, double
breasted. A liummer for
this season for ^ 7B
tlHingh DM aallre of that state,
galls roiues orlfltially fmiu Msine. Hr
la presldeot of one - or the aborti-si
ruaila In the workl--lbe Central l-'ii on
DepM and Ratlruad <<<im|uiuy. owuef;
- gaace^ 4-HH; miles oiftraied. I. lliii
then be la also iirealAyni of the Klg
FMir and iit the Cbeaapeake aad Ohio, trying BM t« be a-bother and to mnkwbirh Is BellliiK ai 3K. and Is expected Ing jieuple bappy. lu tbe words uf li.i
to go to'Sn liefore Peptetula-r. His re. granddatigkier. be la “an angel wlili
utrranae a drop,
ODI ■ Inga ’'
bearded like Aabbal P. fnich. and bis . He wears wool under gamients the
eyes are ai auft as a dure'a He
year round, and lately a new auppKhaika like fiobert M. Barrlay uf tiearm of t»e Coppell A Co. lu the mai waa needed. His favorite graodauir)i
ler of salary h,. |a getUtkg up lu the ter went dbwniuwn and bought some.
••Orace.” said the reiHpieul a day
class of Insurance <«uitiany presUleot*.
laler. raiber depreeatingly. **I think
niaybr- i am ratM3, bnt thesa- un<li«from a naierlal point of view. Uauy clolbea riuu’l feel fund. Caa you
employers do not know brains in change tbeniT'
Hrace cheerfully went hack with
others when they stumble agaliisi
tbeio. 8urb mistake brass for ytsy tbe garments and bunted for'anuie
BWtier. Some say boldly that tfiej others, softer ^nd. filler. ’ Her grandprefrr brass. Uorgan paid fUtimel father was graiefnl and said noibltt.
. apeneer >90.000 a year to fire axp<-ri When abe asked bloi If they were nil
opinions on railroad prupertles.
He Hgbl he replied burrledty that they
-will pay Ingalls bslf aa mtirb for iliV were excellent. Bnt for three afiersame work. Cliaum-ey M. I>e|>ew itoi nonni tbe old gentleman ahseniKl him>50.000 a year as president of tbe New self from the family circle. “Wbal la
Yurt Central- I.lfe luauranoe presi grandfather dolugr was the qoerr.
Crace stole lip <0 his roum the after
dents receire >100.000 annually-two
or three of tbein. Kidney PtUinn Itip noon of the third day and op.-ned the
ley. treasurer of the Equitable, gets doof aofily. There at the window,
>U.aoo. J. O. Danner. cbecnUl of the with tbe ahade pulled high, aat grandftofur trust, earned bis >80.000 J«-k- fatlter. ^tlently he was bending »>»cr
eyp receive from >10.000 to SSO.tim. a one of tbe new wool
year, with the privilege of riding «iit. and with a pair of twecscrs be was
The greatest prearbec. In tbe Und re IwlMtsklngly pulltng out th.- tiilimte
eMve* leas tban >3U.00t) a year. The whiskers which make wool clotbing an
grealeal Uwyer makes >300.000. The abomination to those with tender
“Well" be said In ai>oli>sy. "yon had
Only thn^e states pay their gnrenmrs been to so mnch inuible iUs>ut them 1
aa mneb as >10.000 Tbe rlilef Jusil<-e didn't like to Imn your rccllugsr
•r tbe anpreme eoun of Pennarlran'a
The (-stash.
rveeivra only W.500. The largest sal
Tbe caiflsb helntiys to an apricni
ary paid by tbe mnnlelpal governim-iii
^le Into a Hs|i. nod
la >ir>.mi:'the smallest. >00. Think of lyin' not yet fully niAd^Jnio
)^n-d t
people working for >5 a month. Manv
d» It. and ar* gUd to have the rhaiuw. projielly fasleiieil lu the head.
Doi. hol.l him In w.>U-merlied
»N*w York Prem.
II., He has no s<-alea and Un hrlglil
eolnra Ills Bnf are small, and hla
ft IMP the English eenaumed. on bead and mouth are large. Aruuud
the arrrage. 42 ponnda of angar |>er his mouth are eight long ’'sni.'ll.-rs.’*
raplin-aiinnUy.' That Ihta Is eMucb deaby feelers, that Im- pusbes
he crawls along Hie Imltom In warrh
for either bralth or tesaonable e
of aDyltalnc that he may cat. As he
-Bent la proved by tbe fact that few may eat anything, lie always Bnds ii
people nae so mneb today. P«r ex
Ills apiieilie is as Impartial as that
ample.-tn IfWt luly conaumed 7.1P of a gnat. Anything from a dead lampounda per capita; Hpaln. 12.«T poun.ls: prey
Austria-Hungary. 16.84 pounds; IW piece
Clara. 22il pounds; Oertnany. 27.14 In each of the Bns which reprcM-iii his
pounda. and Prance. 2R.24 pounds, arms la a long, sharp hone, with
la tbe rmted-. Sutra, where Ho Blimp surface and a serrated i-dge.
aae of sweets Is aald to In Time are fastened t.y a luill 1
socket >nliil. and whenever ib.-dsb
laJaHoualy exceaalve. ,only. SB pound,
alarmed the bone Is whirled over 1
per caplU were conaumed In Itev aet in place, then It sticks out silfilv
aad -81 pontida per capita In INiW. •on each aWe. There U auolher sm ti
la BnglBDd during IHsVPT ctitt
ls>ue tn the Bn en the ha.'k. ami w U.-ti
aun being. Includiug babira Inrsllda all of these an- s.*t there is no ttnl.
aad paupers, dtapoaed.'on tbe average, that con swallow- him.
•f aaariy four oaocea of sugar a day,
When he takes the book. wMch be
•r S4.TT pounds a year.
sanrty will do if ihcr.- b any h«.k to
Pnrtbermuie. aeltber from tbe eco- Iw taken, he will swallow it greedily,
aoBic Dor the aanlury sundiwini
Aa be Is itrawn otii of th- wat.r hthesaaetowbl(4>lb|rexin sugar ration aels Ida three siiliii-s. and laughs H*
la put aeem aatWsctory. One of
hlmwlf as tbe Im» lu-lcks his flne-rs
trying to get th.- h<M>k froui bis stum,
chief of tbcae tpfwan iv be 10 sac
acb. Tills tbe b».v Is sure to do. ami
age drlakiug. YViogb Hie expom
batr from BagUnd sb*w a tend.ii.y iNTauae tbe boy uf Ibi- HIsstssIppi vai
ley Is alway dsbing for catflsh Is the
to define btewing grows apace. T»eu- r.-naun
why bis Ungers ac- always
ty-aevaa gallons a year per ca|>!iii. Borv. Tbe catflsh Is careli-ss of the pres,
counting women and chlHien, are sun- ent. and sore of tbe fulnrv. .Kfter he
ly cMugb. In Am.Tli-a. ibuugh tl.v Is Btning on a birch branch ami .iri-l
amount of splrtls drunk le the sum.-. In the ann and sprinkled with dost
ISH galluna of beer sumre, and Ani. r and has bail bis stomach dug oui tn
tbe hcN.k. If be falls into Ibe
lean beer la light. Twenty-eeren and
atll swim away. He bol
oae^iaarter galluiis were the uieastm- broitk be will
really to bite again
for England In IWO. yet In m>7 It had no nialk-e and is rea.ly
at the firm things In sight.-IVtpular
a«Hled to SUh gallons, an expauslou Science MoBlbly.
at the rau of about l per .-eni a y.-ar
But. fast aa btewing grows, the weight
Of sugar used in tbe,beer grows fasier.
la 1888 the pntillc
ildlc put HJ. with a.i||ie- .
ftnin the Emerald
thing leas than four au.l three-uiiaiirr' Isle a ride of_ several hnndtvd miles
pouada of augar ie tbe bamd; In ltd? at tbe ex|H>nae of. the IVottsylvanIa
It demanded between eight aad ulne railroad, ways the Philadelphia K«-..rd.
ills desilnatlon was )tosb>n,aod at the
Itrowd atrvet etatlon be asked for a
Aev. BtoskaM a fllL
tlckH to the Hub. The tteket seller
A vMlor to tbe Ifnodon
baa late was uuaMe to determine wbeibi-r. It
ly heeu much exercls.d by tbe fa. t
Ihwion or Washliik’tuu the man
that thd^lr|>bant was able to api.re. wanted to reach, but dually mild htm
ticket for tbe latter i itv. and a few<late»te plrtt op wlib bta trunk an.I
caaeey to his mouth—so tiny an artl Imurs Uler tie foumt bln>s.-lf In the nade an a small liver piU. In Itaeif the tIoMi capItaL An he this nnaUe to
fact la anrprialag enough, bm surely read, tbe lulaiake was not discovered
tinfU be reached Wasbiugton. and to
the auiprlae argues some ignuran.'e ..r complicate matters be had not aufflth* aalpral history uugbi us In our ■cleni fgada to pnrehaae a ticket la
trat Wildish hooka, where the ve ta- Boston.
el* ar aa elephaal picking np a plti
He presented kia case to the railrrad
with lu trunk was always, nnd m.wt offlctols at Wasbiugton. and they, pot
pnpaily, exhlhtted aa an Ititiance or ting him to a test, were nnable to dls-fte woodera of matioa. Appareatlr ilngulth from hU prununciatloa of
tha elivham at tbe Zoo fouyl blms.-lf
ishlngton and Boston any material
BO ranch better off for hia drat pUl that
fereoce. tboa ejumentlni the clerk
he apeaed hla eDorraeua mouth to re
ceive a aecood. wblcb tbe generous
giver threw accarairly taw tbe gulf. being UId before tbe general ______
ITbM a ranch raara piraaaat
latfuraegoir gra dapanmeat tbeamawiuthahgb1 he If lha ralaBv* aUw aC buU
t*ad >a b»8Wtra <ra
Is our $g.oo Kersey jackset. Well to say the least it
is not equal to any $12.00
.Jacket, but we do claim it
to Iki as good as any $10
Jacket we have seen this
year. New style, sleeves
strap trimmed. Q
full lined, only.
Is our $3.75 Houcle Cape,
lull length, a wide sweep,
trimmed down front and
around collar with good
Quality thibbel trimming.
Any one will admit on ex- .
amining that it is the b^t
they have seen Q TfR
for the price... 0,iO
Is our $6.00 boucle Cape.
30 inches long, inverted
plait back, very wide
swedp. re-inforced yoke,
lines with best quality Re
main lining. An inspec
tion of this cape always
Is our $6.00 Flush Cape.
30 inches long, very wide
sweep, good quality lin
ing, trimmed down front
and around collar with a
good quality thibbel fur
Our $10.00 Crush Flush
Cape. 33 in. long, made of
Saltz best plush, lined
with good silk and trim
med with genuine thibbet
furdown front 1 A AA
around collar.
Is our $13430 Flush Cape,*
jet trimming, and edges 1
trimmed with brown Mar- i
ten, full silk lined, goodl
storm collar and a beauty ■
lor the money, i-or these 1
"iVvew aoVdew ovvortuuVUes &o wiA
com« Ms seawm 0^ M ijeav, so
ho suTo uwx aoaW tjoavsA^ M havaaVas wo oftov ^oa. ■R^memhCT, ijoar moaeij
haeVi \\ ijoa ave aol
saUs^Vo^. "^oavs vesvecM'-^ll.
iX- W . "IVrTT iT .T K HiTCT
J. E. Greilick Go.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
.Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is comtii{;.
No^ is tbe time
to place your orders' for
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephooe No. 2.
Traverse City. Mich.
160 acrM 12 milea aouth of town in tbe I>«gt fanning oountre ia
this coiiDt}-, 70 acres cleared, gtxxl orchard, large bant with Btooa baae*
(Deut ^ feet hi|,'li. wiod mill, aniall frame house, timlwr eooogh tmthe
platv U) nimoet |)Ay (or il. N<> I aoil.- Prloe $£.600.
40 acres 2 milea from the city iu Ijeelnnau Co. 30 aenw oleued,
plenty of timber for wood, tine frame house cewtS^SO, well watered by
int^c creek uo the north aide, ^ scree out to fruit, Imt Iq^Kcm fpf
irarOeuiug. ATica $1,660.
:10 aerwB 2 uiilee went of town has no buildtuga. 40 oir«largepe«cb
trees ready (o (tear uext aeat>'>a. 60 apple treee. a nice lot of timber 00
south eod of lot. a nice lot of land for potatoes and fruit PtIm $600.
SO scree 4 milce from the village of Lake Ana, email frame bonne
and bam. 26 acres cleaicd. plenty of limber on pW-o to pay for it.
Price $600.
40 acres 2 milea uorlh ofLake Aun, small frame bonne log bam,
1W acres cleared, aniaU orcbanl. nice location on four oomera PrfM
bO acres in Grant 4 miles west of Wexford on (xyunty line roiMl in
nice farming country, 35 acres of nice timber on the place, em^i fmme
orchard, nice large clearing f
I from stsapa.
40 Mres o Elmwood avenue near the laige farm of tbe Atylom.
rich ewamp land, mostly cleared, aplendid locatian for
hrm or garden and
ind the beat of bay
hay laud
Lim^ Prioe $8600.
10 acrea on road going aouUi from Femwood, all clear of gtompa
a good building spot. Price $1,000,
B. J- MORGAN, Prop.
Here You Have an
Morning Recoril Want Ads Pay. Opportunity
To Make Big Money
Your ewrinter's wood
at.once to insure deUvery. WE HAVE
Hinnwooo suns
iniocK suns
aonocK STOVE wool
112 Lots inOak Heights Addition. Wanted an
offer, as they must be sold by December 15.
Alsb No. 431 WasbtagtoD street, 44 foot lot, good
No. $42 Webster street, Koose bnilt about four years
—in good condition, modem improvements.
Look these over at once and see
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