The Morning Record, September 26, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 26, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mtun am



nU|Mao«Tak* aa AmMieaa
*«M MM4. m4 Ua auboM
WnM-Cnw la MMag.
n»BC4t to b« ailbw SUM or
Vakaa maMora-UMrfwu oa la
1m4 •fV.fVoateldtobaBaadf w

makrn gnaboat UnUMta, to tha Orul
viMr.wUtBorUwaatatda of Maoito
bag. wbara aka waa patraiUaf. Oaa
a«aar aad atoaUra an ara ntaatoc
1W faaboat Patrol, aaat to la«aatlgata< ^ rataraad aad raporta
that tha Urdaaala
Uaa baaeha4
awatota tha towa af Oaai. oa tha
Ofaatrivar. Ska la nddlad with balUta
aadkaraad. Tka fonoartog r«aa iriUi
tk«4T aaaaalUoB. wara aaptarod: Oaa
poaaSar eaaaoo, oaa OoU aatooaatle
gaa aad oaa Nordaafaldt twaalj lra
BlUlMtra goB.
Tha eraw af tha Urdaaeta ara prlaoaan or kara baaa IdUid. Porthar datalto ara laoktog.
waaklogton. Bapb *S.—Tba foUo»tog dlapatebaa from Oaaaral Oita i
taealaad toda/. Tka Ant lodieaua that
tha laaorgaata on tka laland of Magroa
ara aboat to raeognUa tba aaUtorltf of
tka Ualtad Stataa:
‘■Oekaral Ungbaa at Uollo raporta
that Lopet aad flt armed man U*a anrraadarad to Byraa at Oaatallaao. Negm. 4a alaoUoB will ba bald on tbat
laUad Oot. I. and t«pax aongkt a eon*
faraaaa Tha eklaf InaarganU at Paaoj
wtak to know what promlaa will ba
glnn tkana la eaaa of a formal aabmlaaloa. Tbay ware told tbat no arrangemanta ware poaalbla naUl they anrraadarad and tkarir foreaa dlabaadad.”
■'Oaaaaal Bataa ratnrnad from Jold
oa tha twaatj-lrat. baring plaoad garatooaa at Slaaal and Bnagam on tha
Tawi Tawl groapioaaeompaoy at aaeb
plaaa. Affain In tba arebipalago ara
la a mttataetoiT eonditlon. Oanarai
Bataa aaw tka eklaf toanrganla at Zam­
boanga Thar ara atUl anzlooa to raodra a United Staton garriaoo on eondlUOB of Ita withdrawal ahould 4gntoldo oaeeaad In Lnaon. Their propoaltlOB waa not entertained. Ztmboanga la baring trouble with lAre data. In
Itarlelnltir and wUl hare to ralaa the
United Statsa Sag.
■'Date Cagayan of Snln Inland vlalted
Jolo, gare In bin adhealon. and dealred
toralaetha Amerloan Aag Inttaad of
tba Spanlah Sag oa tka inland. AaeardInglj U will be rained there. I am
nadj to glra a alx mootba aotlea of an
order to naUbliab ,tn tka arebipalago
OBittnnt mgnlatlona nader tba protoeol
batwaaa Spain. Oarmany aad Great
Brttoto made to lUt. Oaaaral Bataa'
wport will follow by mall."




Tha B^lr ad O t

I Beod for the
Bay City, Sept, ts.^bnaa S. Orbera.
aama throngb
hare on a toar el Inapaetion of tha
Mlehlgaa Onotral. aad toddentally
JoliMd to tha eoaaidarattoa of the plan
la baOd a rladnet oaar the MteUgan
Oaatral traeka While here, boweror,
ka waa to eoefarenoa with eararal party
laadem. and axpraaaed klmaelf bafore
kia dapartnra aa rery wall plaaeod with
hla ehaaea ter aeonrtog tka Bapnblkaa
gnbematorlal aomtoatloo nont year.
Pormar Plagreo men look with faror
npon Mr. Oabora'a aaplratleaa to tkia

Fr*d MePaUTTsgda BstoItst
Xheapprored ef Ooadnet of CBarlee
Bilimaa and Band Blm na a Ta^t
—Tka Ziattar Wonadad to tka Arm—
A Diaoroe Snit Will be Ute Baanlb
The Sling of a anlt for dlrorea by
Prad MePall of Cedar has b«aa tka oeeaalOD for tba bringing to light of a
akoolIngaCalr that oeenirod at that
plaea Saptambar S. In whleh Prad Me­
Pall ahot Charlrn Blllmaa. but failed
to do him any aarlona tojnry. Both tba
men ara old raaldanta of Coder, BUlman
haring Urad there 10 yearn aad MePall
• yaatn.
It la alleged that BiUman bad bean
too Intimate with MePall'i wife, and
haa oanaad quite a aoandal to tba rll-'
laga. Ob tha day to whleh the ahootlag oeenrrad. Mra. MePall left tha town
for tha wooda to tha north. SborUy
rwnrda BUlman area aaan to go Id
lama dlraeUon. MePall followed
them nnohaarrad. and came npon the
pair to tha wooda half a mile from town
and so rods from the road. BUlman
Sad. wberanpoo MePall opanad Are
with a S8 aaUbar rarolrer. wonadtog
~iUman to tha arm.
MePall rataraad to tba bridge that
BlUman would ham to eroM if bo anterad tha town, and waited with hto
r. rolrer until i o'eioek in the morning,
but BUlman did not retnra.
Slnee the ehooUng BUlman haa *«rfB
keeping rery oloee whenerer he hee
been In the rUlaga MePall attenda to
bnatoeaa to hto atom aa uanal. It la not
likely that any arreau wUl he made.
A eenUmeot of tbeoommunlty la thet
MePell rraa JnaUSed to the eonrae he
Mr. MePall hue Sled a peUUon for
dlroree, retaining Pratt A Daria aa hto


oov&ss. cams «o

the City Saaday. and
Bxplatoed Ber Bymerioaa
Tha mystery of the dtoappoaranee of
Mary Bodlan la at tost elearad npl' ae
ake has rataraad to the oity aad ex­
plained the eeuse of her leering'
•o unexpsetedly.
She arrired to Ike city Saaday mom.
iagat 8:S0, aad went et oaee to tke
home of Barrey Morrleon. aad then to
bar old honae at Mr. Montagne'a
She gare aa the reason for bor andden
dlaappearanee tbat she wae feeling
melaoeholy. aad that she determined
to leem ber tronblee behind her and
go away from all that she had koorra.
She went Ant to Grand Rapids on the
C. A W M. train, where ehe ateyed aU
night. Then she went to Bnrllngtoe.
Iowa, with DO purpose other than
to get eway from her former anrroondlngaandall tbat she had erer
Mtaa Bndlea left Snnday emaing for
a rtolt with her nnele near Pontiac,
where she will eUy for a whUa

• for Ua Ftoaat
Beriae Brer •Iren Bata.
' Prod. C. H. Bom baa oomplaiad tba
anmbam for tha Slndanu' Ladtara and
Mnale Oonraa. by tba angagamant of
’ tka noted orator and leelnrer. Ueoige
E. Wendllng, to Uka the dete April 7.
ThU will neoeeeltete the ohange of
Boyt L Oonary to aome other date,
ptt^bly to Jannary.
The prlee of all Uekete thU year will
be $1. Thla will enUUe the bolder to
admleelon only. Seeu mey be raeerrcd,
hewerer. el a rery nominal rata. The
bMt eeau In the bonne, abont 400 of
them, oan be reeeraed at a coat of OO
eahta for the eonree. The next beet,
abont Soo. ean be reeerrert for 40 oenta.
Tha rant ef tha aaau will not be reeecMd. Seete tony be reeerred f
^ngle nomher at the uniform j^lee of
10 eenti.
Thie arrangement bringn within the
reash of all a leotnre eonrae _of whleh
tha meet faaUdlona elty to Amoriea
might wall be prond. Profemor Horn
la natnrally highly pleaaed'wltb tha
talent thet hen been teenred. He will ■VMIOIPAI. LBAODB kxBTZMO.
ham toma wordi to any to the pnblie
la thme eolnmna to the near fntnre. Trarerm Olty to^'WeU Bapreaeated
The Uekete wlU be eold eaUrely by
to Grand Bapida This Weak.
the piplU ef the eebool.
Trereim City will he well
•aaak Thief Bot It.
ed at the meeUng ot the Mlehlgaa
Mtoa MelUe lagenoU, who boarda League of MonlelpallUea and the 11010
fair to Grand Rapids this wash, h^rtowith Mre. Downing at the ooraei
Mayor HamUton. City
Sematk aad Wadewortk^ atraaU la atog todaymoamlag tha loan of gtt. whlek da- Clerk Rlekerd. Aldermen BeaUaga and
pertad from bar Saturday. Ska kept LardiaandJ. A. Moore went down yeetarday. The mayor, olty elerk aad
the money to a pnme whleh ake
eenled under tka mattnan to her bed. aldermen srill attend the lengno meet­
Batnrday the puree waa found on the ing and irnSt by tteoxoellant program
Boor by one of Mm. Oowntog'a oklld- to be rendered along tke llnee ef pnbrta. It waa raplaead, aad not Ull
' toto to the aftomooa did Mina IngwnoU manh Mayor BamUhm sriU parttolAlneomr bar lom.
patoto tke pramadtogs with anadTba front door of the bonne wae aniMkad Balarday. and it to probable
that aome naeak iktof aaterad tke
and Mm. Stnbha. mprmenttog
T. Sknyne A Oo. the eelehr^
TkiL A W.WwilM
Oeat'a OolUrattr.
amrlag tor ^eet and naek.


Bic L«moostrtotionln Irondos
MaettogCalladhTTraMmal Oaaamlltae to Preteet Agatoat War With
Bowa-Popatooa BO.OOO Strorg.
ZHeapproTOd of Jkt Ob)aol ot tka
■eettog. aad Tmated Boar SympaikiMtt Brngkly.
Loadoa, Soph H.-OraM.OOO
Loadonem am-Vr* to Trafalgar
• qaara yteterdty aad ekoarad for war
wtik tba Bean. Tha maotlng wae
orgaalxad by the Traaaraal committee
to protect agalmt any Idea of arar.
The popnlaea of LondM did not famr
the paaoa propoealoa and howled
down the rery emaU majority ot thoaa
It who worn dealrona ot llatoalng
to the peeoe ipeaketn. Bgga. daaayed
applee, bricks aad eld thoea were need
aa miaallaa againat the "Boer" oratore
and the polioe had to totertare to aare
worm handling.
to one eenm one of the
greeteet aad most anootaafnl erar held
la Trafalgar tqnare.
Bat it waa
anooemfnl to this way. that the part?
opposed to the Ideea of the promoiera
of the meeUng carried the day.
The meeting was ealled for tba
arowedpnrpom ot expreaatng oppoaiUon to the Idea of aay tronble to the
Traaaraal. The Londoners took the
oppoelte rlew and eame in foroe to expreeelt. Befota It had fairly atarted
the meeUng waa to<ned Into a regular
demoaetratloa. The
eonld not be heard a tew paom eway.
and the oonfnalon was ao great that
they Saally abandoned all attempts -at
speech making. It waa eattmsted tbat
M.OOO people were amernUed to the
eqnare.aad 1,0M polloemen were oa
hand to prea^e order.
Later on the Transmal peace omunst aoA^ded to hold a
4ng to one of the largest
to the elty at so early date.

Two Megmo to e Deadly T ght oa the
lUlnote—One Boepiul. the other
In Jell.
Uaderuker W. s.- Anderaon wee to
Chicago last week and returned Sandar night on tbe eteaner IlltooU.
When the steamer erea entering the
port at Manistee two eolord waiters at
game of cards beeame engaged to e
Sgbt and one of them drew e rasor
and elaahed bis opponent with the
weapon. A ''spgasb was cat on one
aide of tbe 'aoe from the ear to the
mouth an4 net tor prompt treatment
ided m«n woold probably hare
bled to death Oa board wee a yonng
pbyalclan. 0 Willard, reeeaUy gradnated from .-ollrge, on hla wedding tour
wiU hU b. .de.
Be rolnnteered hla
profeacioea eerrlcea and Undertaker
«ted him to mwing np
the ngly ou -eceieed by tke negro.
This lepro-Mulf tke only onae on re­
cord In tbe«- oaru wkare a doctor and
an anderuk r bare been| elmUarly
rhe Injury was properly
treated and the man wUl recover.
negro who eommitied
the act,
effeetnally dlamppeared and It waa
Uy learned that he bad left
the boat Tbe polleeof k'anietee wera
DoUted and before the boat left, tbe
safely under loek and key to
jail. The wounded man waa taken to
the boapItaL__________ i

Don’t Have
to Think
twice to decide that oor

are the best shoe offer­
ing ever made in Trav­
erse City.
One glance is snificient.
The style, the shape,
the quality is Gpparent,
and yon needn’t doubt
they are worth l?.50 to
$3.00 - our word for it.
but examine the shoes,
you decide at once they
are genuine BARGAIN
SHOES T- in the latest
styles, not old out-ofdate shoes.
Hundreds of pleased
customers are wearing
our $1.98 bargain shoes.


Tt is a hsbit with people to look forward to
certain months, wee,s or days of the year as certo be dull and quiet for business and as a moat
natural time to get sleepy—they verify their predic­
tions in unconsciously doing everything in their
power to make snch seasons dull by “letting np" on
their usual hustle and push. It is at this time that
the successful! man puts forth his best efforts and
geU new business while the other tellows slumber.
These “dull days" on the street are the-best we have
had this year—there are no dull seasons with us
We unpacked today %0 rolls crepe paper—all
colors. 2300 pounds candy (36 different kinds),
hired an extra man in our Picture Framing Depart­
ment and sold 476 rolls of Wall Paper (while the
other fellow sleeps).

290-289 Front Street_____ Haiph OoxuiAblg Jr.. MAiiag«r.

If iVn the newemt out ti-u An<l it st BeDda’n.

Clothing for Men
Bought at this new store are correct in fashion, better in quality, perfect in fit and surely loiter in price than you pay the
other fellows for their old goods°
Our New Suita—00. s» oo tio oo lit oo. sts 00. tis 00
pur New Ton Oouta—S5 on r so SIO oo. sis oo, SlJ.oo. Sia.OO.
Our New Fall Bata—$1.00. SS OO. $} oo
Oor Now Fall Cko«--ISc. $Oc. T5e. $1 00
Our New Fall Underwear-SOe. 75e. SI 00. SI M. A! 09
Oar New Fall Glove*- -tS- Me. TSe. $1 00. $1 M. SS-00. SS.SO.
Always “talk it over” with Benda before you buy elsevheTe—
Itpaya .

Grand Line of Boy's Clothing


Fashionable Outfitters

191 Front Street

THE LEIDER in Fine Shnes.

Children’s Underwear.
Some very strong lines of children’s
Underwear ready for you here. One of
the favorites:

Grey Ribbed, Self Fleeced
sUrts at 6c the garment
Whatever you're wanto eome BBRB.

;v o_______

It is the great time enver of
tbe age. and so inexpensive
that nobody can afford to be


withont one.
If yon had a telephone in
yonr office or home you would
save mui-h mental and physic­
al effort, and|no end of time
and annoyance.



Knit farther than oth­
ers—They are strong,
smooth.^elastic and
stand wear and expos­
ure. Colors can be duplicated readily, and quality
always the same.

Ofielal Whipping of Mine Cnlprila
Wltaemed by 600 People.
WUmingtoo. DU.. Sept 85.—Kine
eniprita. oonvieted of bnrglary and
petty lareeny, received stinging blows
of tbe “oat-o'-nine talla" to the jail
yard at New Oaetle Satnt^ay, when
Sheriff fohu B. Taylor oarried out Uie
ordarof the Oonrt of General Seaelone.
Among thoae laebed were eeveral old
offenders, allhongb yonnglo yearaand
Every smoker bee hie
tbe "oat" srne applied eo barshlv
own peculiar taste.
•ome of the bared hacka that tbe Mood
Sowed freely. A eooKng breese wae
Whkt every smoker wauls,
Mowing from the Delaware river, and sbove all else, is a cigar tbat is
to the ehUIy air the men allernatelj clean, well made, and reliableshivered and wtoead while being pan- Those who have tried
The gatea of the big alone toeloenn
known aa the jaU yard e
pronounce it tbe best they ever
the pnbUe. and tnUy 5M
bought for five cents. They are
ons‘to wliaeas I
sure to soil the perticolar smoker.
thMr fellow man. Socked toelde. Many
women srere la the gatortog aad they
hedanmmoQB eameraa. The
ia a gem for 10c,
took poeltionc one parapet aear tbe
jaU Utohea. where they were dlraeUy For Bale by all dealerA
to front ot the cnlfwltB ea tke toeh srae
being plied^_

Taste ^


L W. MHUUS Teenelier BIL

are etroag foatnrea
to many of ear
Bey*aKaoePaat Salta.
for Boya Jaet get 'em to at


■orse Bras., Reese Piieters
Give them a esU.

408 H. Slmvood Av«.

All new shades and staple colors, only at



It’s Our Business
To Supply Our Customers
with the very ^t footwear that oan be ob­
tained for the money and that'e Jnat what wa
ara doing. We have all tha lateat a^laa in
ladiaa’, ganta< mleaea and ohUdran'a shoea, and
oan anr^ plaaae yon both in prioa and qnalitj.
Jnat raoaived a larga ahlpmant of ladlaa’ flna
ahoaa at $000, $0.00. $3 .00 and $S.6a

■cRhvi BkcL


,?■; - -

Twfmtonro nooitb. <tosA.Ai. ifynutont.»» t^~
tn lEOUflHO Jt>00ju>.

I ef the

TAAVBBnorrr. --lacBiaAJ

■UeeathDteutet aS-Valea
Closed Baaday.
The smIom ol the IMatriet Chrfatlan
adeavor eoavsathm
IM T. Bat— ajto J. W. Bakto. day.
aad the latareat ooatlaaed to grow
f. W. BABvn. Bditpr sad Msssisr. ap to the very Uel emetUg. AWe dkeceaeloae aad laepirlag eervtoee were
the order B«aday.
The Ant eervlom of the day ware the
^ly moraiag meetings held ia the
Frleade aad Preebyteriaa churehea
Both of tbaeo meetiage were taU of
helpfulaaeeaad eaeonragement to the
BnAMvoren. The meeting at the
rrteadeeharchwaeled by Him Mabel
iM rmttrnn a> Tts— oa». Bat— while Mim Oraee Oeborae led
mertlng at the Preebyteriaa
Th* delegate Joined with Ue local
On td%k» issalsf Mwi|i pm l>
ladeavorere la the regnler dnreh aad
BsTssste surseUag s grast dasl of
dnndey eebool earvlece. at the regnlar
sttcsttoa bj Its ost^kea Bsaaer la
—tlag tbe Coban altnsUoa. The time, the Arel nnkiB eonveattoa
mecUag oeenrlag at I o’clock
psfsr dcelsi— tksi sU hope of tatsre
the mfieraooo.
-‘W. great rellgioas
fTMpertlj on the UUad depes&a npon
>U of the . entb Ceplnry the hope of cetsbUehnent of an enthin head.
Wsaee to the msrkete of the Uailod wee the geaeral topic. I nder
Boa. J. W.Millibeurive the first ed•Utes. The paper eofteeU plalsl;
ion ••TheSoBdeyecbool" Theadthat the only way lo rcellM the proaI was aa able dMcaaloa of the im^■rli7 hoped for U aaaeaaUoa. The
portanee of Saadey eebool. with epeolAtepoalUoa of the earloM ieadere to lafereaee to the werk for the yonag
ialfta la ^aamUoma taeUoi denoa•tiatw that the people of Cabs are an- ehlldrea.
Pranele a. Leslie of Northport. fedable toeneccaafallj goTcrn theaMolvee
lowed Mr.jMUUkaa with aa able edThe Cuban Idea of ladepeadnaee tees*
•0 have the flaeorof the Oenual huer- dreae on the eubjeet, ••Mlmloae.gaa kaWi aad teade toward* tarolntlon ipoue of the forvrard movemeatla.mlea* one of^the prlaeipal element*. It 1* eioM. la eoaneoUOB wUb the great
peeogal*^ therefore bf the paper atea needs aad thasplendld opportnniUce la
ipaed, that ladependeaM la lu broad, the forelga field at preeeak
A very plaaelng solo was eneg by
•r Msee eaa never be reallted bj a peoMkes Pearl, after which Pro! C. B.
^ of enoh eaned temperaasas ei
•ader the Amerioaa a*c. The better Bom spoke la hi* charaeterlitic style
alemeat amoog the Cubaai eeee thl* of earaaetaem. of the work of the Y.
and there 1* IktUe doubt that the pree- M. C. A. It wee a etroag addree*.
In the abeeaee of Mr. Bemmoad of
•at agltatioe will bear fruit The ar­
gument need, the aoaadal bettena< at Ironton, Mr. Holley took the enb)eet.
af the Uaad, i* the etroogeet that •‘The V. P. 8 C S:'' giving a floe deepoald be' broQght forward aad will cription of lie growth. iU prlnelpli
Bare more weight than all appeals to objects sad lu wooderful eaeoeee.
A carefttl. thonghlfuL eompreheaslve
tba patrlottom of the peopla
paper WM read by Miae LiUtaa Do'
ing.C,The anbjeet w— "The ‘secret of
It hae beea oflelallj aaeonaced that
the eneeem of the loeaJ eoelety."
Oetmaaj wUl not taurfare ia behalf wees very helpfol paper, eontainlag
gf the Boers la the naplaaeaBtacae boBiany kP'M^cal thovgbts tor
hweea the Traaeeaal aad Great Britaia.
mamhere of the varioae eoeletlee.
fat whUe the Boers wiU be denied the
The meetiage of the ladlvidaal
aetiTC eld of the Germane the; will
eoeleilm ef the elty were held at &:30,
here all blade of moral eepport as telo heont of the way of the big eloeing
Ideeoed by sympathetic meetiage held
meeting et 7:30. Much internet wee
ta raiioea partt of Oermaay. at which
added to ihe meetinfeby the preeenoe
aapraeelOBs of eaeonragemeat aad
of the vlsiUng Bndeevorere.
Irleadlyamuraaeee were ladalget
"What U the greatcet aerrlee the
Christian Endeavorere can render to
the new ©entniyr* we* the general
•ow OepUla Dreyfus has begna lo
•Bbjeetof the evening eemlon. It wm
raallM ihe beaeflta of hie dIeUasUon.
praiicipated in by many of the deleBe has been offered fl.OOO e aigfit for
getee. who gave eeboee from th<
a year, to lonr the ('oltcd Btatee end
Detroit cooveatlon, eslwell e* their
give leelnree. Being tried ee e traitor
own thonghu. Tbe ecaeku wee led by
appears to be a paying investment
Secretary M. B. Holley.

Estisr- .



PBaRAiu If Oom Petti bad eent a rapof the B«v. D. Coehlin on the aabjecl.
feacnuilve to the peaoe eonferenee at
••TheOuGook for the Twentieth Cen­
the Bagne there might never have been
any mlsnnderstundiag with -Kegland.
The eloeing quiet hour eervlce was
and all thoee nlUmatBm* might have
led by Prof. C. U. Horn, and formed an
impresaire close lo the eoBvenUan. The
Bndeevorere farewell hymn. 'Bleat be
the Tie that Binda" waa sung, and the
meeting eloaed with the beaedleUoa.
fu Bylte of the Added Boom. All the
The work of the district has prosper­
Bulldoga Are Crowded.
ed the part year, and while many re­
Bow that alt the room* In esch build­ gret that Mlae Osborne ha* been com­
to drop out of the work of the
ing arc oecupied and the work of the
p'Aeol year ha* setUed into lu regular preeideney, all are sure ttat It i* left
ghaaaala, it wUl he intcreetlng to now with an able aucoeceor In the peraon of
Mr. Lealie. BtiU greawr sncceu U ex­
whether any 'room could well
gpuud. TbefoUowaglUtoftbCeeeV pected the coming year.
4ng capacity of the various bnUdlnge.
toother with the actual number of
yupU* being oared for, will be of Inter­
est to the patron* ef the eebool.
Man from BcUatre Got Much Too
Theee figttree are compiled by Prof
MlUrioue Teauiday.
C. B. Bom, and represent the actual
A man who claimed to hail from BelgnteUmeat in the varloo* buildings:
larr.ll lalre got loaded with an abnormal jig
ymterday, and It mad* blm feel eo
a .eu
good that he wanted to make every­
Oeatfal Buildlnfi. i4 rooms ... tot t*s
Blmwood Avenue. 3 rooms... 337 SOS body aa rich aa he himeelf falv On the
BxrrdmanAvenue. 8rooms... 36* $84 way up Seventh street, be preeenied
several of the school children with sil­
Oak Park. 7 rooms..................... 3S6 303
ver csln*. and when the bell rang and
fiouth Primary. 1 room............. 36 45
BoOBvlllc. 1 room....................... 38
33 the children pasted into the bnUdlng,
Total................................... 1717 1485 he atumpted to enter- Prof. Bom objecud to bit preeenee, and pushed him
Tkle givea in 39 rooms, a majority of
from the buUdlng. While be was gone
hMuly a hundred, while aome of the
for hie keya, the jaggy man got the
^oeme have almoat twice ee laany
door open and atarted In. He wi
pupUe la ettandaace as there are seam
by Mr. Bom and the janitor. Mr. Cur(or •ceommodatloD. The 'exeem of
and the door was shut and locked,
aepUs over tcau la the eentral bulldfrith him on the ooUide.
^laU. Whatwonid have been doM
Prof. Horn bad telephoned for ^
wiftoet the addlUooal room provided
poiiee. but the gentleman from BM|hie year U hard to imagine.
Utre waa making thlnga lively while
the police were on their way. Be left
before th* arrival of Chief Bennie and
pu*l«gabked Forester* to AaaUt ia OoosUble Aahtoa who cverhnnlad him
eo Sixth street.
XoltUtory Oeremoatea.
uken to jail, though he
Sext Momdey night the big clam of made eome very emphatic <
apptteaaU for the Forrctleru wUl be After he bad sobered off, be waa al­
latMattd with IntarecUag ociumony. lowed hie liberty. Hie name M Stanley
Thera U hliuady a clam of »3 and it andbelestUl in the city, but wUl
erlU ha larger eeforc the end of the probably keep sober for some time.
y,rt- High Oktaf Baagor MaeOoaaid
pad High Secmtnry M. M. Ckllaghan
A Word 10 Kotbete.
^11 he prcecat to
■ -, in the I Mothers of ehlldrea effected with
croup or a severe cold Deed net heelUtc
admlnleur CbamErerlain's Cough
Kdy. It ooetaio*
-----------no opUte
narcotic in aey form and may be givea
Oiareom* by the work and wor
as confidently to tbs hnbe aa to the
-Smel^v** Ilf. find new str.


MUes the Ibod moie delidoas aad wfcokMMM




The Big Iteamm Toached
Premiaeat Bnataeoi Men. Papde of
John Koehe. Pra’ee BeByat>.a
! Gelte a eeaeatioa waa eaoaad Sunday
ofPbyoieai Onivora.
.evaait* by tha arrival of the lUlaole,
The baiioem mea
aea of
or Travaree
• caTurw City
v.v the largeet vessel
vesMl that ever
She wee .expected ei
who have takea pVeloaltrelotagfrom)^^
John Boche eaai>BOt «y tw much «* ; o’cloeki/bot U wee 8:30
«:>0 before
the l<mg
the *y*um praeUeed
r.c-lleat whiell/ annonaeed'her arrival. She
reiolu attained. Pollowlag are
had been expected for come time, aad
letur* which epaak pialely l-oommea- when. she pulled up aloagalde the
W« have « very lhnr<* ctock ot rockere, aU aiylm nnd prii
datlOB of Mr. Roche'* method:
dock, the erowd f^Iy poured on
from 7k ap—but there U noti iog quite u nice, targe aadcom*
Trever-Cliy.Mlch..fiep. S3 U» board.
forinble for the money as this large ecrol! seat rocker— mabogMr. John B B >cbe. Teacher of Phye
The niiaoU brought to Traveree
any or antique, for $3.50.
lual Cttltare.-Dear 8lT:-Hevlng jolawl
your elase e week ego. I mm well City the Irageet cargo of freight ever
landed here. She took on boord, two
pleased with the reettlu obtained.
1 haven't felt eo welt for five or eU carload* of pputoe* for Chleigo.
yrara. and I find also I bare gained In
'!%• IlilaoU U the largest steamer
120 Front Street, Traverse City.
1 can hearUly recommend your ooaree ever landed here. Her length over all
t*«30. aad her beam, 40 fret She
of loatmelloB.
draw* IS feet of water. She U fitted
0. C, Mopfatt.
with triple expaaaioB engine*, having
Traveree City, Sept S3.1€»

re;—I UV eyllndezu of SO, 33 aad M loebea reIt May Ooaoen);a 3s loch suvke.
•uvkc. She
pleuaii'e in recommeodlag Mr. John apeetlvely. with e3s
Roche'* *y*Wm of physical cultnre and l* tamiabed with a eompleU electrical
work to be bcjseflcial
“•* • large
eeareb light The rooms on the boat
beautifully finished, cv.ry
Th* Boche sysiem not only developee the voluntary uotclea but the lo- room being an outside room. She i*
vnluutary muaclea. that bring with the pride of the Northern Michigan
thrm the grace of •irength and the TrsneporUtion Co.
flow of health. Health mean* happieem. and a htalthy body means a
A Powder Mill Bxploeloa
bmlthy mind.
Removes everything la eight; so do
For the benefit of tboee who vrleh to drastic minersl pills, but both are
letm the breatbiag exereiee and bow -'-hty dangerooe No need te dvna-.
I your body when Dr. King’s New '
care for their body, and how to
Pills do the work so etsily sod'
brlDg out the beet that U in them they
perfectly. Oerva Beadaebe, Ccnstlpa-!
eaa do eo Friday evening. Sept. 18, at lion. Only $3 cMtU et J. G. Jokneon'e [
Suinberg'* Grand Opera Ban*. Phy­ and 8 B Wait'e drug stores.
sical cnlinre wUl be tllnatrated by Mr.
R Kfae la Inureetlng exereiaee. He will
show the beni fit of cemh of the nnmer_.. movemcau: the breathing exercise
wtU.heexpUined.tnconoecUoD egraod
ntbleUe exhibition will be given, in
which eome of Mr. Roche's pupils wlU
lo addiliop to letters given abova Mr
Rjche has iqually strong ones from
Frank Wruneky. C. 8. Veder and others
whose endoiwenu are worthy of
Bread for health-not the hard, unwhole­ The crack wheel. Ten different makes
some kind some make- that made from

J. W. SLATER’S Honse Fnrnisliiiig Store



A Medley That Pleases.


Starch Paeiory Plant in Moiioo
Tmierday with IxceUanlMeeulu.
Yeeurday for the firat lime t
entire equipment of machinery in the
Blerch factory wee set In motion. So
carefully and aecuraUly have the
deuilsof the eemplieated machinery
been constructed that the lest was
perfectly aatisfactory and there was
not a hitch in the running of the
TOO* apprafbe in the faetorv.
t eii^pv will begin to buy
poutoes immediauly and in i
short time the p.ant will be in operalion.
Th* Bravary of Woman
Was grandly shown by Mr«. John
uwliur of Butler, Pa., in a three
•are’ struggle with a mallgant stom•b trouble that caused dlstreeaing
lacks of esueea aad Indigestion. All
remedies felled to relieve her nntU she
tried Electric Bitter*. Afur Uking it
am now
eat anything. It
ly a greod tontc tor the whole
n aa 1 ninvd lo weight and feel
much stronger sinee using it" It aids
digestion, cure* dyspepei*. improves
appetite, give* new life. Ooly 30c
Ouarrenteed aiJ. G. Johnson and S.
E Wall's drug store*.
fur dealetu, are *i Pai
biblting the flneat Hue «
to this rvgion.
Ladirsar* Invlud So c*1
morrow b'JOB.
Oyftsn la say Stylt1 Dave received a oonaigni »nt of
oysMT* and am prepared
thorn In auT *tyle_ at my rcsUurant
near the Hotel

CL0THIN3- Fall Attractions
Fall suits from $6.oo up: Fall overcoats—big line at .$10.00. Fall trousers—latest
patterns. Fall top coats—quality consider­
ed,we have the cheapest line in the city.



Correctly built, easy riding, good springs,
roomy, comfortable, durable. That’s the
claim we back up. Fall weather, fall in

If you buy our creams you’ll take “her" a
box of all around satisfaction. Sells at 30c
—good as any 50c elsewhere. Other
Stores "IOC a pound”, we sell for 5c.

Tlxeire’s a- areasorx. for it—
for its the season for them. They help you
keep your health and help you enjoy your
wealth. Our line of collarettes the largest
shown. Prices from $2,50 lo $45.00.



styles to —“your queen's taste’’—she’d be
awfully pleased to see our wagon drive
up. Why not suprise her with a new
dresser or a cabinet for muic or china or
a combination bookcase A few dollars
covers a big piece of furniture.

The kind that keep the rain off—the kind
that tak^^s 30c of your money. A well
satisfied customer is satisfied to pay a lit­
tle more. If you want real swell goods,
we can relieve you of Sio.oo. All kinds
for all people.

Shoes, Wearable Shoes
up-to-date shoes—corn-preventing shoes
— shoes for $1.48 and shoes for S4.00—
shoes that please.

Everythiag Xe Ol-vm
fr-'m S3o lo tS.Si per pair at Bends'*.

AXsttotv fiuWfi V-fi wvibrmefiT—
VfiDt Wtm \iTt bottv Otvtvtfi
ATti W\0TV ^StW\
bOt - &064 DfiVueh Vtv
fiW CRMfi.


rartor* vitality to the exhausted
Ual^ Statm an^ase^ fwoly
and fae^mUi ______
every lands For sale by 8.
BxiB. SMOr Lauet as4 eiMtaatt
I^Ma rvt vev« (w waklae «n
^C. nompeoB-


to select from. TJie kinds the crack
"H. L. & Co’s Best.” Order up a sack riders use. There's been a big crack in
prices. $20 buys a good wheel.
for S1.

China Ware


Those special lines tli^t your wife likes to
trunks to travel witti—trunks to save your show her company, Little odd pieces, at
Trunks, valises, grips, teie- odd prices—that’s wllat sells them. You
scopes, dress suit caises. 45c buys a tele- want some—come an d look, that means—
scope. $i2X» buys a dress suit case.

Notions— Name it.
anything in the notion line, you take a
notion to, may be found here. Pins. need,
les, ribbons, laces, ties, combs, bells,

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

THB liOagor^. ^jiooHu. xu**]
or COL. aoBXBtst-


0^ &tv\ere«\. i





Ito »Ud MU

Udm. k rt^ocM U te


and Comforts

IHkTOi Bd. r«™d to OH-,.

«• bUpanata
dallver a free leeiara ia tbia city Tbara
Will Foote baa r>ne to Grand Bapidc
4ayb«at nadar tba aoapl««a of tba to attend tba fair,
Good T. mplara. HU eareer !■ worthy
rra’^k Gino-t baa ratairaed to Solof atady aad M rieaa briely by ^ SlU ** B*y.
day la tba
Loola Bapeblle, a< followe:
Ool. John S^biaakl waa bora
Freak Hnidawortb left for Aaa krPolaad. September 10. IMt. With bla
boryeatariay. Be will
M tb
f tbaa rrtat warrior kiac, medleal eonraa ia tba
ef Coca Miak
iahicae thlayaar.
HoblacKt. wao
adad tb.
J^-ome W Ibalm apaatSanday la tbe
__ .
le.e. ___ wltb
be­ aooa of nla fatbar-ia- eliy wltb bi* paranta. efia ratnmad to
tba two baroie
Uw. tba aoied aoldier Oem Joaeeb Grand Beaida yaalarday.
Bemma. waarz-aatadby tbaEamlaar;
Fred Moccoo baa retoraad to Aaa
Tba ra«T $aad Oo- ia roiar to pajr ^a yooacaat dat«btar of tba ononlj
Arbor, where be wlU « atlnne
Ua famata U tba tIoIbUj of Cterl*Ma^^lrrt1?«^aA!l!'^»S!int2!
Uterary d*partment of
aoUacar |7(i,Me for Ua aaad |
Sobieakl ladlraaatly refnelnr to tab# th# Da'renity before taklny ap tbe
»«>»■ hj Ufm for Um flra tbia
tbe oath of alle«taaea to Boaala and al-, m-dleat e»nraa.
• • - ■
aoB. Tba erop la B«eb abora tba
with tbe help OI t
)ba abort wbaat erop tbia jaar af- oommlttae, made her a
•oeiitbaMJaa paper mUla, aad t
where a few yean later tba brave ]
died. .
manafert arc arraariaf to ba*a .
Toaay Jobe, acarealy II y
aapplf of tbe balad artlcla ahipped lo.
bavlay beard of America, i
Eoflkb pbaaaaatt arc iratUac to ba
rbt at •
fair!/ piasUfol arooad loela.
> In the
dapyaoifardiataat irbaa tba haair and. Q'<a'>ti<-ed. embarked for tb“land of tbe free." Oo arrlvioy at N w
Mra A. D Baker of Grand Baplde U
Ibf of ibU bird wai floaka toa .pirt, York be beyan a* biurler lo tbe rcyolar
tl-# neat of Vr. and Mn B. S Pratt
prorldlaf tba praaaat law U llrart op army, wltb which be enrayed
Walter ar<* Bd. Tbirlh? left yeaterIndian aereiee in tba wral, and later dav
to. It ia oolairfal to
for the Uolvenlty of MIehiyu.
tba-pMr 1903. aad all tree aporUeicB wltb tbe Army of tbe Potomac dorinp
•ra-fiev B 8. Pratt baa retnrned
'be yreat civil war. eOTerlnr a period
win Bodoabtadly aaa tbelr rSorta to of twelve yean At tbe
fmm the circuit ensrt a’ Kalkaaka.
aaa that tba taw U aatoread.
war be enllatrd In Ueziooafmiimet Ml
Mn Price and aoa Mirriaon have
Imlltan. aad aer<•ved twanty-dve
taoo'h* roite to A’den for Two weak* vUlt with
jty-dTe I-..
Tboafb Blf Raplda bald a rrry i
aa General Bxmbade'a ehraf-or-a'aff. frienHa

Th* lo» rrtM of wh«
with uo diSMitr'

vMMmatof tha 4ctmw of
«bo cmod, OBd M« pqtr crop of U«t
iar^7 nd«e*d
UMUt of MTMr*
of M»
0* oaeout of ao m»mj hocaaa balitc
•t^lsUavlelaUyof TpaUaBU, tba
•U alfT
•rtulaadorartwaotp^awB afo> baa
baao aroaaad aad Uw ahaoaaa arc food
ttetaomaoM wUl U aada toaaSar

eatlra oosslttae iada aaytbiof oat Sutea In IW8 be waa electad lo tbe ley
Pnrk Nay <
i to Caetral Labe
•Boolh aalll- g "aftar tba bail ii orar." Ula-nrc la MInnaaota.s where be inwo- la*t eveniny on
dneef three bille favoriny prob’bltion
Tba raaaipu easa op to tba aaUaata.
J M Hairiaor Boyne City, dipad at
bat tba aapaaaaa wara larpoly In at* and tbe aboUabraent of capital pneUh Park piaoc yaatarday.
oaaa liaaowalMoat eartaia tba aa- maat. TbI* ended bla brief bat brill
aoelaUoo wUl Sod Itaalf la debt for lant political career, bat yave hia baa been co- 6i
humantty^aa one of the day* with Hint
tba belldlafa and arary
T J. Hei
I left for Lake Ann
. awda on tba
a fronada.
yeatardev momlnyoo bodovaa
Tba Dreatar BapeblMaa aaya pep- tbU coantiy. Dnriny tb# laet twentyRe*. Keone
dve yean be baa lectured in every atale
pamlat rrawara arc diaappotatad in tnUe I'nioD. Intbc Britlah proviaera, M. B eburch
tba TiaU tbia year. Tba bard viatar throaybont Enyland. Seotlabd, trelaad
aad baary aprlBC ralaa killed oot a aad Wale#, nadar tbe aaaplaM of the to thi* eliT Thunday.
W. C. 7 U.. I O. O T.. MioUtertal At
lart* port of tba arpp, and that wbieb aoelation* aad kladrad oryaoitatioa*.
C A. Hammond felt tbr city yeaterraaalu oaly yield# W par aant of tba
dayoo bnelnee*
erop wbaa diaUllad. Tbc irrt^ii tbia
year U oaa-iblrd that of laat Maaon,
with a proapact that bast year It will Boo. D. C Laacb Kareaatad Oaly S«0
ba area Ibm.
EaabaU of Ocaabaniaa.
Near OMway Jaana P HcFbrlana
waaaaeldaatIrBbolat oaon batarday
by Baraeat Wiaaataa wbUa bantlnp In
tba wood#. Bleraeoaary ia donbtfnl.
Jfalfctao la rapartaaclBf a milk
famtaa. DcaJan caaaot obtain caoiifb
what aaa be chipped la from polata
thirty or folry mUaa dlatani. Hotter
U twenty airbt eaata. and eery a
at that. One local dealer baa been
faULar allk from Blfla. 111.
At Charlotte the Infant child of Mr.
and Mra. Jaaaa AUer waa found dead
in bed bnnday mominf. A Jnry
iapanaled. wbieb. rataraed a rardlet
that death waa dae to MotberinrA baary rain and tbnadar a
atrack Benton Harbor Sunday after­
noon. aoeompanled by wind, wbieb did
eooaldarable damafe to fralt aad ahade
traea. aaldc from ctrippinf trace of apbnadrede of buaheU of applca are oa
tbe CTonnd.
Beeraury of State Stearwa hat bad
aome mafeileent »lew» taban tbroofbont the cute, and ba* chipped them to
Orasd Bapid* to be' eablbltad at tbr
aUU fair Ooe of tbe rtawc chowe a'
» year old pcacb orchard of 71 aerea.
and aaotbar of pear traea that
taka tbe plaea of abode traea alonf tbe
blfbway at the 'We^t Hiebljran Nuraery 0o.'» farm at Ecu Claire, Berrien

Hon. D. a Laacb of Walton, wi
tba city yaatarday aad reports that
ibonyb bi* eranberriea have oafferad
vary aevarviy from troat, be
harveatad SSO boabela aomettalny Ina
than a fonrtb of wbal tbe erop would
have baen with favorable waatber.
Tbe Ladica' GaUd of Grace ebnrcb
wUl meet wltb Mlaa Sarah Lee Wed'
neaday afternoon at the aaaal boar.
Mra. Charlea Untprleht. who hai
bean aarloiuly ill for tba paai tea day*,
laalowly recovcrlny.
Dr. Knecland yivea the Bacuiui
branch of brilllaotly colored “bbffato
berrlaa" wbieb ate a novelty In UU reyioa. They are from hia farm weet of
tbc city.
Mr. aad Mn. J. W. Travlc are enter
tcrtalalay Mr. aad Mn C B Eayle of
Van Boren county. Mr. Snyle it a
brother of dn Travla. He U tbe publiaber of tbe ■Gaeea of tbe Woona."
tbe laat aad moat popular work of
Simoo Pokayoo. late ebief of tbe Polowatomica.

ptOO RZVT- Laere
a enue. • tor one or
• U ranlll
rooO two OB peeml«e*. Anjlj u I tMorr
Jr.. Hoiel Wblmi(. or H • Booe •!


‘Fagged Out,”
niilillii FiiiiiMi Price Me. and lOe. 1

Tbe famous oriylnal Irtah Corned Una.
Murray and Mack, and tbelr larye eomady oompaav, will be aaao in Travene
lity next Thuradav eveniny. Got 3. in

lara bare Tbaraday niyhL aeveral of
the yreat newipaperaaay like tbia:
Ool. Sobleabi, of Mlteourt aoobe in
Chiekartny ball yaatarday afieruoon
Bit addraaa yure the yraataat of katistaellMi and waa prooounted to be tee
briybteat and m wt eloquent of tbe aea*
eon.—Becord. .Cbicayo.
Col. John Soblaaki nf the U. 8. *pok*
in Bxater baU. Be made a decided hli.
He la witty, tparkllny aod eloquent.—
Seldom baa there bean a apeaker
that baa yiven *o yeneral aatiafaciion
He to el'quant, witty and aparkllay.—
Herald, New'York.
John Soblraki laa b> rn o ater. Be
ba* tbe rare eomraioyliny of quaUtla^
teat are etaential u. tdti uuke-up, and
e.roe*t, y*t ln«lc\I. bumoroo* and yet
pateaUc, broteerlT aud yet jadie al. be
WUl .do yood and make frlreda lor him
Mlf and tee cause wherever he may
yo.—Prarct-a B. Willard. Prealdaut
National W C T U



Mar.l lofo-Bii

SUU»»Vv Do VI .blit vmt toil Coll vo»
sccorivivq \o quAVft$. 9oo&

ATt tMTlVt Ttew C0UST&.


Un Footwear
~Yuu get It cjf us S

Our reputation for pood poods aod
latest styles is no question—VVilb tbe
lines we carry we can fit you proper
and satisfy you. As to the prices, we
are nevtr undersold if* quality cuts any
We are. as ever, the Old Reliable
Shoe House.

d Cnrs U Brrppt !■ 24 iMn.

Frank Friedrich.
SSSSMMaWwwaSSStSSSS**** •••••### •«•#•••

Opera House


-^atej'i II ^rei

^ISL WAKTRD-For penera boew-.o
\r leu or »aee> Call at rare. Mra.
Care; Hull, eorner Slate and A'rlimttee. 7ta-il
ypOR HAI.C-Coal .tow
•F ptKul oeillilon fttr •!

rtfir'nr l."fw.



Steinberg's Grand
’ owr B'amli-ri


oil ~^ouT MuvbreVVa.

N" rL-nu-^- equal- Warxeb s White
KVE IT TAK Syki‘1- for this terrl'.-and fatal ditwaso. If takeo thni-.■1jI\ and in tini-, it will cure a ca-c
2t hemrv. and for tbe couj-h that fiil' iAn:rij>iH‘ it never fail# to five
'iff. Price, ilc and jOa

Inaulee a> ofhev ol UarlKoe

Tuesday, Oct. 3.1
Tbe Famous Original Irish



ftto 'fttaek SUk '\Da\s\. Sutr

HtbT 0^ OUT ijubTbTvttb4 SbVw—qnaTbfv\tt4 Vli mATtn^atbi mAtVU^AttuTtT ^OT twO £tATA.

tn with ^AtW ■ ■ ■........ ix.OO Awi i\.2b
55 vttcVvbUcV............. ................ Bv.hO
S5 VAt\v qTAxi. wbttt, Wue..............BvtiO



and. MACK

‘Finnigan’s Bal

I Bf Tmt tymm the


the yraat burruh eomedy.-Finlyaa'a
Ball.”whieb will be prweated at Stein
baryk Grand aOpera Bojb& Murray
and Mack', reputation la national and
Travana City people will a-j >y a yreot
treat in be ny able to witntu thI* piooueilon.______ __

Mr and Mra. Talmaye arc parenU t f
fine baby yiri,-« recant arrival at lAeir
• tere'reei 7» lo.|Ulre ai >i<-hootrtafl .. etore CHAfi
Tbc rayolar meeUny of Travene Bay
Hive aewloy circle will ba held wltb
NTIII To raft lore al >!k Rapid.
allbeoarrof Ibe Trarerae (' tf
Mra. Sbilaon tbia afternoon at t o'clock
KtI.Z~tloii.e aad lot. IW Vrbater
Born to Mr. and Mn. JoaepbUalemo C
UAiliake pond lu< III pan pa "Grub la tbe bead' U worklnf kavoe of Baat Blybtb alract. Sosday.adbuyb- ■peal iDijulrp
of Bufbeea aoiliurc *tl lw<
wltb tbe cheep In tba rklalty of Boy»l
Prtw-nting their roaring
if Ibe
A doten ladlea crj--yed tbe bocpitalfarce.
Port SbeldoD, aa well a* beinc tbe
.as ciice.^vi'ii
Bocantball-hompaonatdinoldaet *etllemeDt of O.lcwacouDiy. ia
pj^ARTEll .Twu appreotirr pirl. waai,-d la
oar Sonday evaniny.
tbe borne of tbe oldeet paraon la tbe
Arcble Eenaedyand Mlaa Lava Prleat allllber}' .tore .’te-oi refrrenre. re'.iilred'^'if
coanty. If not in Micblfan. Tbe par. wl-die-aced laCj i
aoD rctarrad to la Mr*. Kalharloe O* b)tb of Grant towaablp. ware married
troaaan. who baa raaebad tbe ripe old Sonday eveniny. by Bev. W K WrlyhL,
^^ANTRI>—One dlnlocnHia pirl a
bla home on Slate atraat.
are of I0» yean Very few. If any. of
—A farce ao full of fan that you
. Appl; at Ibi. oSoe.
that afe la the ooaniry, aad Mra. OaC. C. Bnowltoa paid Jodya Boberte
trowaa can andonbtadly elal^ Ue dla- $1 yaatarday for ridlay mi tbe wrat ^IRL » AJt^D-roe^iwnrral j^waort don't flniah one big laugh before
Uaetlon of belay the oldeet paraon In
la of Cbta atraat. Mr Enowlioa U
you begin another.
______________________ '
lUeklar lor
tba auta- Sba I* wall aad hearty.
Edward O. Shawano, a prominent In­ tba bicycle ordrnanca. Now ba knowa
ptOR ^ALZ^be^ for^rau
dian. who waa adaeatad la iMaiar bow it a^ma. and be la not kieklny.
ataovttuyaara aeo. died at tbe Soo
Tbaraday. He beoama an Icflaeatial
Btaaamony tbe Cbippawaa. of whom
bla faUar waa a ebief, aad ba waa ralatad to promlaaat cHlsaaa of Detroit.
Mr. Shawano aareed in tba ciril
and bad a aide aeqnaintanoa In MlehIfan
Praaldaat WUllam Smith of tbe Elrat
KaUonal Bank of Charlotte, waa killad
at Wolrerlne. Mleb.. Saturday by balny
thrown from a- lof oarrlar ayalaat a
marlacan*'- Mr. Smith bad vaat lam
b<r lataraata la Cbaboyfan oonnty and
want to that point Wedacaday to naaki
a lor tba traaafar of
tba property to a Cbleayo ttan, who
waa with Mr. Smith at the time of tba
aoeidant. Eaaldea oontroUiartba alock
of Ue rirat National beak, ba waa
rated o*a of tba rtobaat mae la tbe

Oor stock is oomplsts in sr«ry detmU sad we feel
c<MifldeDt that tkeee qaotstloas sre the lowest possible
on relisble goods.
X>orAbIe white and gray blnnketa, heerily fleeced, apeoial price............................................................................. 45c
Brown end gimy mottled, 11-4, aoft fleeced, for this
................ ............................................................... ,76c
Extra besvy wool blBnks^ II 4, (1.2i ralne. apecisl 98c
eilTer gray wool blsnkete, 11-4. |1.7o tsIqo. for.... $1J15
Pare Wool Blankets, ia white, red and plaida- a lender, from....................................................................... $£85 up
A very toperior line of hand tied bed qailts —
go«l eatees coveringu, clean batting, extra iarge
lanre si
sized, our oaual quick eelling pricea. .^..86c, $1.00 aid up

will be DO maaUny of tbe
aehool board tbia week, on accoant of
tbe abaanoe of the mayor.tba ctiy clerk
of tba board.
Tbe maaUny will ba bald aeztTneaday


20 &
Wll^fiVe'ilws aa f^'
kj rraaor. fur .emna-bate caber bualneat.
Tbl> .'baerr '.• wonb reur (lap lo loteiilra'e
to SIS

tbe BMt- ri-ai TOwe, tral .«rred Call
It or write
C a W H.
DM nineyvterday. Wltb. aaore of »
lo 0. And they didn't work vary hvd -Rji-MT-Hra. Hatba". Orr.
rurae, .III rail upoa iruu.
Peter Wnrzbnre hu yoM to Grand
Rapid* to attend tb* fair aod to wit•R a* I

track evanu.
Barry M. Farren, advance ayant for X'OR BALE—Or ei
f rood ra.bler-adi
Murray and Mack waa ia tbe city yc*- Plj- aiti RacoAii oSle*.
terday. arranyiny for tba
TT »Of WAKT Ittatarc-eaetanr tied la *rai
or U. bur a house, let or
to ba yiveo la Stalabery’i Grand next A riaaa roapanWoIJrB.jooina
T aad I^Hereaatvaab.
On aaaoaat of tba abaesetf of Mai ' , 'ipOR a tLm-<.aaa or laataii.rata. w Blr
Oroai, Hale*
lamlliom. City Clarh Bkkard and J. A., X* lb Oak Ualrbta. OB Xiebib. Oraai,
I aad Roar airoau asd Bauuab aevnue. i
Moore, the maeUny of tba board of ed- ; of la* bandaoBeol lou ta tb* whole plat
neatloB to have baen bald Wadnaaday ,
evaniny, will be r~»r~ufi notU next * -

fyerythine New aid Up-To-Date
Price—as, oO, 73c';l»,'. tickcu,
2->c. ."'raU on sale at tbe box ulhce
Tbaraday morning.

wo tTv4 o) &V£\e ahont
kKom. Somt 0^ Vkom stW as
k\qk AS Sl.hO



Good Hardwood in Stove Lengths.
Alao Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgings


Traverse City Lumber Co.

‘ocogni/ed by all ba^ain Beckers as
thb cbeai»e«t and beat place
to buy

Fine Footwear.
Ladies’ fine French vici kid. button and lace, cloth ailk
tops, all leather aboes. mads on the latest lasts, sold
e>ls#vher« at $3.00, our price.................................................... $1.98
Ladies' genuine Goodyear welt laa* shoea. in tan and
black. VICI kid. on tbe mannish' toe with military
heel—this ia equal to any $3.50 shoe, sold here at.. $SdK). S
Men's black and tan. vici bale, on tbe latest lasts, regular
Ladies' tau and black kid oxfoids, on tbe EnglUh and
Cornell toes, a ehoe which i# worth $1.50, our spec­
ial price........................................................................................... ..


We study to please. Try a pair.

138 Front St.


Practical Shoeman. 5





Tiwlkammmd Oht«^ teaUte w*
«Mklnc fMut* Mr wlikMt uaewfc
A tow WMks ICO (A* Knipp toetticy
«w»*d Mt la twMty thoMMdU tort*
««a tor BarapM valM.
Th* (WMt totonsMt o( tk« foUowanef Jobs Browm, hmb4 tb« fi*««
«f tMr iMdar »i North Bite, to tte


Arbuckles’ Coffee

It has set the standord erqusllty for all oompetitora for the laat thirty years. The etreng. eet claim any competitor can make Is that hla coffee I* “Just as goto aa Arbucklea’."

So. 7^ NohMlM Spring


Mo. re
Ladyto Bwtt Buobto.
srtsawaiilga BMC
reeetpl af S aewc
--------4 8 Btoeo.
reppara at


Gold Filling........................ $1.00 op
Platinom Fillingt....................76c ap
SiWer Filling.............................. 60c op
Wbits* crowns..................2&OtoS.OO

22 karat gold crowns.. 3.00 to 8.50
Bridge work............3.00 per tooth
Painleaa extracting and filling
withont gas. chlofonn or ether.
Terms cash.

Ho. 7H
An Album of illuatratad
Hatural NIatory.
nity eelerto Stoi

B wreppsrs d


Brinkina Oup.
t^ls sitMs a prwstosS Ivaw foil.

He. 7B. Boholars'O
eovsr se

sbro tPtv-

A rirl'i ooaloory st Aoborndolo.
Y .teos tally onroBltod oodot corps
tte drills srito SprlBf Sold rlSsoTte pootaMtorfOBOTBl teo tewd
ABOrdor tiioadto* tte postofo rmt>#
«f tbs Ualtod StotM to Porto Bleo.
EBtoisa Bswspoporo oro aoUBg bo
alort to eoBosol iholr synpotby for
Abo Bootb.
Tbo St. Peiorbarr NcwooU ooaaoaa to blltor tsrow oo
''‘Bortood-s r*b policy” sod wbtbs
ter tbst tbs wor wonld sot be o triaapbBBl aBieb.
WBsbtoytoo oSctolsMy oo AasricBO
eltlsess to tbs Tronsrool ore to dBoyor
af iaproaasBt toto tbo Boer oray to
aoy oroBU
ProBldoBt Krttfor to rsporud to tees
prodtotod psoesfal odJastasBl of tbs
dtopBU witb Brttoto.
Tbs etor mad esartoo of Bomto are
. oaiUsc to UorBBoy.
ScAool eblldroB at Kaatos. Bdirar
ooaaty. 111., ooastrqetod o playbonoo
of straw aad raUa. loartoc a small
opoalBf. A Duabor of eblldroa wori
taslds wbeo tbs straw was Ifattod by o^
Btotob and the otraetore was ooeanaod
Six obUdren were oo*oroly baraod. Oos
U dead and oos is dyloy.

8 S iM

ttoryeoa-Oeoaral Btorabery baa roreeolrod a dlspoteb from the aettoy
ahtof aaryean at Haraaa, aaylny that
tbsro are no more aaw eases of yellow
fotar ot Boroaa aad but two eonsaUaeoat oama. Tte todlealloas are
that tbo fosor oltaattoa to aadsr
▲to Too BUloasr
A alayylsb 11 v«r taUs to Umt tte kUs
from tte blood, and wtea tte potoonoua maiUr goes tbroayb tbs body la
tbs dwalsUon. tte whole syaiei
talatod aad deraaysd. ThU Is a
billoagaca and can be compk^..
oarsd by Or. A. W. Cbaas's KidneyLiver PUls, which act olfocUy oa tbe
liear. aaktoy it beallhy aad acUvs.
« as pUl a dona, W -cents a box. Tbs
absapai asdtefats to tte world.
Sr. iMsathsl (bMfMB
Has nasorad ter oOes to Parit Plaoe
BotaL Bacas ao caad at. Aaaax
OSes boats 0 to l) a. a.. I to 4 aad

Ooraer Front aad Osas Strwa.
Beadle Block.

C. C- Lester, Manager.


s Oliver ivikbeot' >


^ wnpprrt cp

'.a Si-

AarmtmktlOiitihtlH Ul ■« to aM
N a 2 CMl
tlMH ito n NyMtora Ml tmi
tto axppm a( AftooUa'batod CHloA

Mo. HI
The flrat Prayor.
— A teeuWal
j pKturs lliW
;ls«bss la
Siss. Seat

Na. CA A CMC hlOMT MTSTCav, and »o other ctsat IMaactin
surve. L.i -<'Ta.'
HsA. Mtsv J.
r vtAeucooTibssos.
lU.UIgA. I'M BfM pOpUlAT hm»H
Ttit It oot or tbv mot

><1 usrfol
aibpn.r UooiW roivsrmi ASBwast - Tba book

The FIrat Klaa


Two la Company.

_________________ _____________

HtMisU ooast.

Ha. 00 THE CITY oro*


Min,., nf Mimm.


Mo. OO. Moah’a Ark.

I Mo. 04. A Haakat of Hoauttoa. >
Ho. 00
a Bscomteoi ptouiv or hosw by ihsi as ThrooBoautIful
' Tr.#.n...w



NIOHT. eto v<

by XcuVASe tiviisit


We bave just received an
elegant stock of the moet
beantifnl art work in Daintp
China ever displayed in tbe
There are aeveral
handsome and new demgna,
which we invite the ladies to
Onr stock of jewelry is tbs
.finest in this part ot tbe state.

Barnum & Earl.

Tripla Liquid Air Oo.. with a oapl
taliaaUoa ot |,6oo, has bosa orfaalsod to Now York for tbo purpose
of ocqalrtoy all poMBt riybto. patoou
aod proaoaa for tbo aiannfaotnre aad
sK.iutloa of liquid air for all porp
as d> rslopod by Cbvlos B. Tripler.
TortsBtlal rotos bars does froat
dsmsyc to hooass to Sobastopool aad
tbs rlneyardi and orebards to tbs rlolalty bast boeo dsrastaud. Ooainnalatlon Is totorrnptod witb inany
Mr A Dayot Oblo. clalou to bars
frown an odorlsa oaloa. Ayala are
as rsaloded tbot wo can Barer toll
•rtaai A. Dsy atoy brtoy forth.
rbs dlotrlct of Aldto. to Aoto Mtoor.
woo rUltod by on oartbqaako
Soptoaber *0, sad, oceordlny to the
Utoot adrleao. orer »M par
Tbs saate bolts of eoppor bsartoy ore
wbleb trureroe nonborB Mlcbiy»n asd
make tte eoppor district of the ototo
wtet It 1s osdoubtodly extondod aany
mUoo uodor lake Superior and also
ran tbrouyb other stotos. althonyb
tte output la not la erldenoe to moay
The reoeot dlseororira
oopper beartoy rook 1a tbs r’clalty ot
Hoporlor and oloo on Ula Boyale, to
both cases tte ebaraeter of tbs rock
froatly reacmbltay that of tbs north'
an psalotuia of Mieblyau, bars ful'y
oonrlaesd aLaluy men that tbU
foraatioB extonds lor bUm tbrouyb
aha Borthera atotea. and that Abs
erop may poaslbly be found to other
oectioni of the country.
The nary departmeot has eoodnded
to asks a cteojre to iho amall anas
aaad to the sorrlco and will adopt tbs
army rifle, or wbat t* kaown as tbs
Kt«yJ(»B»M> This dstoralni
bar boeo reoebed oolely as tbs result of
tbs fladtoya of tbs bosrd. wbleb held
ttei tte lapertonoe of terlny a ubI*
fora arm and aaauniUoa for both tte
army and nary orsrabadowsd all other

Tin tost (I airtiL i
Giiraitnd fsr HEyurt.

The best Coffee la Arbuckles’. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles'.
The right thing Is to' Insist on having Arbucklea’. .

Mtinly thrawh tte offorto d Mim
btterite MoCUltote. who U om of
«M crtetMt tealrart of tte oU AteliAroporteOBM fro* (k«tb Obka^
«tet tu IIUboU Stool O. !• oboot
—Of tB tte MBotoetoro of rtoa
fcteod opoa 0 roQOBt dlaoorory of om
4»f la ehoatoto oaoaterofite U. of
M. otoa of ‘M. wteroby os ooealtoot
.guilty of rUao aoy te obtolood froa
atof. tte rrool wmM prodoot of omoltior works. BoUdtofosre to'te orootad to cost S»W.0M. ste too bob wUl bo


Two^Facts About

MnoBon Block.

Ho. lOO
Safety .
Pin Book
DKkvl tWIM
rs'viy Floe
ibtvt soee
sbAb roier
ibv sbivlSs
fteDi riibvr


Purebaseru for tbe followtoy and
maox more too numerous to menUon:

I. laiwe boose tlOOO: tense
icriisot f'. wl’b 74 beariny
fruit trece. wcat end sontb of Front
s'Tevt, tlOOO: one on Bast Blybtb, Hear
factorlea, la^ lot. Sdoo



-?J4 ISt

B L A Co. Block

Eee$. I4c a dozai.

ImproTlny rorosUr's Ball.
The KiMdston' ball, dtotoy room sdh
parlors are to be redecorated aad Id
It and the work is ti
be flushed Saturday Dlyl<L
wUl beyto on ibe paperlny today. aad when completed tte totorior
will oresent a tendkcme appearance.
The C r H ' ikstorr furs>*bed I7>1 rol's
of tbi- d t
*11 naner m h. hA-* see


TiaToras Otty JLarkev
- below Is a list of the buytoy and sel ■
Will Tube Place Toniyht Witb YUit- Iny prices of ysstorday for yrocerte-,
proTtoioas and farm prodnets to Tra*
orto From Abroad Present.
The ladlM of the Bastera Star lodye
are antlclpatlny a pleasant time this Clear Pork per bbl.n
ereniny on tbs oocasioo of their
abousl installsiioD of ofll-*era. The



entrr'Atoed a number of the Trave
_______________ Best..............
Cl I HD '(iberv umr moDtha «yo. are
■ t • il' bv f
» •I’tre
clatod. I'oe Ball will be pspsred to a j pwuo to be here, and Mru. Goodin j
yrees tint and the parlors and hallway worthy matron of Kalkaska Chapter, I Oodflsb psi
will act as insialltoy offleer. At the , terd per to.................
deep red.


ileesarptoBbrr 1st
for eoUtdUM, but os
__ __________.______ ,___ Bor 1st s»4 psM Osr-

S'.T.Tisnr.sSS •h.’S \ir^

ospsiS Oelobst Isl sod paid Ourlag Onohar

t. asrald »sUAlag.


U«i Kf M CHfM )N <U.
Tea art aesUlsUy lavttod to )ola wtik sa.
Habs appUeattoa to say ot tbs Dsmbtfs s> lbs
loesl eswp. or to T.wTtotrbts, Dtstrtet Dspsly

New Store, New Mnneon Blk.
e s polK-il
e egeory.

' aiteedto u> pruapUy. Pbese*. Bell Wi Norta-

14 I (>Br«a brw Toaprllvr Uoek. tl$ Frcoi *ireev
10 I Tvlvphcoe No «D.

;;! M’l;,’-.'; £.°s^-.s;rsg,ri.s:'is!:

win be serred.
Bdltor's Awful Plight.
F M Hlyptos. Bdltor Seneca (tUs.,)
ewt. waisffl etod for*eart with Piles
lat BO doctor or remedy helped uotil
he tried Boeklen's Amies Salve, tbe
beat to the world. Be wriiea, two boxes Pun fertbslalia
I Btrrud BA
wholly cured him Intalllbls for Piles.
An elegant exhibit of fine fur gar-;
Oare ruaraotoed. Only tie. Sold by
men is from the
J. Q. Johnson and 8. B Wall, druyJohn
Park Plsoe todxy sod uo >o ’ ’''>rrow i Qo^n. per bu
noon. Ladles toelud to call op-l ex-1 _____
. par ba. (osw)..............
Pun te the UAlaamine them.
748 It 6
Bys. par bu....................................
An sle^t exhibit of fiae fur yarButtor, par to................................
■gfs. par doiaa. ......................
Applas—Culls aad wtodfallt,
Park Place today aad ap to i<
aooa. Ladies Invltsd to eaU
amine them.
Badniad DeaUU Ayoaiea.
Only a roarioy fire anablad J. MHmcBi Buts, rnwrlijtst’th.^ii.ei.
Try tte Viw Bscuarast.
Oarrsttoa, of San Aotoalo, Tax., to
Brtular msals. » oenu; Innehss. is
It U sate, sure, reliable.
11s down when attaeed by Asthma,
csals. Beerytblay that abould be
from which be inflarad tor yean. He
serred to a first elaa ralanraat eaa Tbsj csrsS for l.OU IsaUlss. or shout 8000 writos bis Dlserr eras often so great
bs bad at tte ”Ds Maea." Parker orphss chllSrsa. lost ywr. Ws'vc got 416.000 that It seemed he endured the syoeies
bulidtoy, M. DiU A Sea. Bverybody foUoM jamUks yoa-Mg cro-0
of death: but Dr. King's New Discoeary
tovlud to all.
tor OoasnmpOoa wholly cured him.
This maresloas medictos It tte only
nown enre tor Asthma as wall as
■stiec to Taxpaysra.
onsumptlon. Ooayte and Oolds. and
MoUr* Ik k«t«^ r>*sa ths> lbs <
U Tbroav Cbtat aud Lung tronblas
tbe esUwUoB ol sekool ss4 clly n
80eand»i.00. "
- .
Sr^U............................ Walt aad i. O.
Jobasoa Dray Storsa.

NeieUbors. Join the
Modern Woodmen of tmorlco-

Hiram Go&k,

Q H BBOWM. Altorbsy ee' O
O. Lew. Bpeciel esMouos W
AoO cooTeyepelaX' *l > Trest Sv
Trcwbi •
oely rvlleblr ei


Eooil Dairy Sattei, 17-lto.
un Coftea-~llll»for$l.

I, itodrsi prvrilr* sivo
»Bd gvolio onD*^t^*A*'iA»»v,»Ar.. oaor
9v. WiNvii. 107. Off.
oAty digvA-ra. tld 'ibeov.
irr Oprr* Huutv Block

lAY. gvodnAU FeroDie
ilakasMiBBlEg. ’Pkos-


Fire Insurance.
L. L A. Boildlng.

Gas LampS2.00..
Price Reduced to Close Out Lot

rr a oatm. ai

Spoeua St
prsnios. koow4$


isstaargiiUigi:,.a s^ss.issss.’'.si",.'is 7aispboss.n___________
T'kX. BOaXirTUALTHOMFaON: oars. Park
U pises Botrl Roows « sad St Wowes-s
ssdebUOrvB's dtassssv s spselsUy.

"West Michigan R’y."

NEW YOBK 8*7.00
That will be tte rata from Traesras
ctiy TlaC. A w. M. By. and onnasetSrsyfu it Psrieasd
lote Dateaof ssls Hept. M. *7. *8.
and KlmhaU plaaoa ate organs are Batara limit Oetobar 4. 18 10 »o *S tS «
staadards of sxeallaM aronad the
world. Baadradsof tbsas eplMdld
iBstramsato to ass bsra at teme.
Aak aay of yoar trtoads aboat tbam.
in Front otraat. N. M. 8tro$w. asaa■.RAknia.


Beat workmanship money
can employ for Bicycle
Repairing. Qaick work.


118 DnloB Street.



work of blgbsstpssslbts grass. PlBS |
New Offlos. Karfcbam Blo^

John R. Santo,
Eonril lisiroico.




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