The Morning Record, November 17, 1899

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The Morning Record, November 17, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



TUt6 Tmt-No ?.»2

0b B«port«d iB B T^Bfimm to
Tbo MbUI Timoc.

Okteacc Barbar TaataMaf
■orawfCbtearo. Not. le —Tba ataamar Ooaaaiofa of tba Aaebor Ubb, aaak at tha
Boetb of tba harbor tbU aoraiar after
a raaa for Ufa. Tba ateamar. boaad for
Cbteaco tro« BaSalo. la the daaaa fof
whiab hoar orar Laka Mlobiraa. raa
lato tba half *aj erlb, a mite aad a
half from tha harbor aotraaea. aad a
fraat bote wat atora la tba bo*.
Tha ‘boat ooatmaaoad to fill with

SwbWBMt *t lodTMiitk »•
•WMd. Ml UUte Itesar* OoB»r»llofTb*i.O»y Bobo^ la Mrto
Bm«v-:OoIom) Vateoow Klllad ta
halite Wmt MBaai.
LmAob. M»*. u -Th« foltewiac dto- walM- fMt and Umm <
paleb hMboea rmiaad:
-Dorbaa. Saadaj. Hot. II.—Tba ifav, ordan (o Uira oa all



Tasterd^ Wm n B«d LettdaDay for I oeal Lod^re.

Saada ■eoaagr From the Bi. Mai at
- deatotba Kaialaadof Zatlaad
aad Takca BapIlM.
Loadoa, Nor. te.—Tba dawriaan
Llaa aiaamar Ht. Paal. whleh arrirad
SoathampUMi Taaterday. had a
Barlaad. blraor Baraoai. from
parataa attaehad to tba malami
aatabuabad eoamaaleatioa with wlralaaa laatellaUoot at Alam Bay aad |
Poola aad raeateed diapatebaa from
^atb polata recardiop tha

Twaa^-Viaa Oaadidalaa lalUatad
With InprMBlva Oaramoar
—Soelal Seoaloa la CltpOparaBoaaa
yoUovod tba Wofh—Baarlj Tbraa
BoadradMtDowatoAa BlaboraU

^ I the Oaltad Slataa erolaar Charlaalca
I bad I Blbaaod tha memberahlp waaiaeroaaad L,
ub..,.lcl.n.. for h.l.r B. o.. ! .
u.. (.«. o„»U«l
tromLoaraeio Barqon aayiBff that mandad the maa to auad by ihalr K,. Hbaly
iikaly rmtUamaa
ronUemea who hara
bare j-«
joti I
I. te
.. mla..... I
Tlmra. prlalad on board ahip.
Ooaoral Joabart. eomaMadar of tba;poata.
laaread that It
a yood_ thlny to
tbepaperaellinyatfliaeopy. aad the
Boor forocatet Ladyamlth. waa kUted | Aa Usa mooth of tha harbor
yla with tha Bret People oo Barth.
U aatkm Tbaraday. Mot. » ■'
raaebod. flooda of waur pourod loto The Itaitiatory oaramoalea bayaa~Bhrly proeaeda belay deroud to tha aaaakao'a
W. Hradfleld wu the editor.
Mo oosermattea of tba npon of Oaa- j tba dra bote aad azlteraiahad tha flraa. iatbeareolay. tha pralimlaary b^
The paeaeayerm ateo arailed tbamoral Joabart'adaath haa baaa raaaltad.ThaCoarataca oamatoa atop aa her aam bar ay baaa dtepoaad of In the
aelraa of the opportaaity to aaad
At tba war ofBm today.
Ikaal robbed hard la tba modal tha botBataoart. Matal. Mot. IB —Aa ar- tom of tba harbor oatraaeo aod aatilad
morad train hatlac on board halt a faat Tha water did not raaeh the npoompany of tha Darbaa tolonlaan aad \ per deck, bowatar. aod the crew waa
half aaompADyof tba Dabllafnallle^laafa. Itte thooyht that the loan, oa
"‘inaal of
1 to CbloTortey f^r\y thte morn, the eaivo alone will be Itoo.ouo.
yrandaoclal aamloa waa bate te***!!.! 1
the roraremeat with aate of iaatrulaf. OoUaratara It wae ehallod by
CUy Opera Houe. where
meou. Be aaye he baa aaat ao plant,
Boar artUtery, plaoad la foar poalUoaa.
laid for soo patooaa
either directly or iadlracUy. to the
Two traelm la front of the aariaa left
Tba tralae which arrired lata la thb
tba nl\i and toppted orar. White the
day brooybl larye del^tloaa of
tfAlB waa tboe balplw the Dnrbaaa,
That tba War beeratary Baa rtelton and each trala waa mat by a
Royal Oak farmai
and Dobllaa faced tha^ Boon la »kir
AmiltlbB to Beooma V.oa Braol
eommittea from the local lodyo aad tba tbair mnakate aod i
miabted order aad tba Boara ponrad
Boya' Bead, and aacortad to tha lodye
abot and aball Into tba eripplad train.
>ara they ware aaterta
Maw York. Nor. le.—Tha World Ibla
Tha dwAllad waroea with fnat dllB
cordially natU the Seraaionlaa took lay the paal mooth.
oalty wore ratoOTad aad tba llaa
-Bllhn Bwt. accratary of war. baa placa. Amooy the rteitem ware maay
otearod. wbaa tba’aadlaa aad Uadar aaterad tha eoeteat tor tha aaaond dteUnyatehad mambareot the oryanlaaetaamad back. It U feared that tba
plaee on the Bapablleaa naliMial tick­ tlOD from rariooe locallUea. men who
DabllM and Darbaaa kata farad badlyet, and by ao dotey haa pat himaalf la raaoynlxa Trarataa OUy Lodye at one
A Bad Oram oarty baa fo**
oppoalUaa toNLlaataaaat Oorarnor of the beat la tba aUta aod who Barer
■ateoart. Matal. Mot. is —The bom- Tlmthy L. Woo^ff. who haa - lor a mteaoD oppor.toDliy to yaibar with
hardmoat of Ladyamlth hat baaa .iw year pact boaa frorklny Co aacora tba tba B!ka hare whan oaeaaioa te
auMd. Saary Crtaf waa beard tbia
morelay. An armored train baa baoa
Tha laltlatory earamoalaa ware ataaat oat oa a roeoaalaaaaoe toward
baaa eoltiratlay the otataoryaalutlon taadad with tha Impramire elamantt
Iradara and aaeariay promlaaa of awtet- oanal to tha order aad tba claaa waa
A mwaca from LadyomiU flraa few asoa which maaai a aoild dalayatlon tha laryoatarar Initiated in tba pari of
Aatella of tba oeearaaea oa Wadaaaday. from Mew York, tba aaeratary of war thaaUte. Tba work weaeoadocted by
Bor. I. whao tba Baara' aball 6ra la- baa been maklay himaalf oolid with Eahalted Baler P. C
eraaiid dorlaf tba afternoon. It te Praaideat MoKtaley. who haa already teemed Lwiarloy K n<nt Uiio Pr.t
aaaorud that they appeared to aim
latlmatod to tha party laadm la Mew lafl and Ltadlay K -uybt tfaraaat Oooa.
dollbaralaly at tha eoareot on tha hill York that he te farorably Impremad all ot Haotetea Lodye No. tso. Tba
U tha aaater of tba Iowa, whara ware with Root aa a rnaBlay mate.
work waa admirably as-eated baforh
only aiaterm aad wonadad Tba balld*
■‘Tbte lollmattea haa followod hot tha laryaal yatbariay of BIka arar coalay waa hit iwlaa. it te acid, 1a ap>M of Bpoo the hoate of the aaaooaoemeBt
Tbe tollowlny caoditba (teaara Bay. The Boata hare at­ of Baaatofa Platt and Depaw that they datea wardiaUtei
tempted damaaatraUona ayaioai tha
C. B. Aekarmac. Oeorya WllllamtoD,
tba aomlaatioB of Hr. Woodroff,
wmtare dafaaaaa. b«t aarar anytblay
Warren, H. C Muraad it haa
cemplteatad tba
aarteoa. Orovpaof maa appaarlay at
pby. C. Qlhaon. & A. Johoaon. V. B.
peeteof the Iteatoaanl yoraraor.
dby tba
Darby, Kalkaakc; W. Pariah. Cbarlm
Bra of maehloa ynaa Tha total Brliteh
E Bmllb, Jobe A Barry. Prank Janoe.
aaaaalUaa darlay tha brtekaat bombardUaorye W. Nicbala, C B Cbaatliar
meat waa tbraa maa. tbonyh aome
Cadillae: Dr. Oaorye Bercraft. Hermtn
TIuh ahiptut-iil of Sorosis
Aamayo waa dona to eatUa aad
ryaa Inrcatltattea of Alidad Ley- R. Bnyle. A. E Sbelrla. L. M Howard.
Siloed we Imtv iH-t-D expect.
property. ‘ Tba flra of tba Boar poolWilliam NalD.toek. Petoakay: B. H.
lateUratrrarU^raia UaiUR arrived yenterday and we
ttea yon baabaaa arratte, bot probably
lOoDtinaed on third paye]
are pleaeed to etalr that the
Blay Taatarday.
a trifle waarlof tbroayboai tba loay
ladiee who are waitiog for
Laaalny, Mleh., N->r le.—Thayrand
Faria. Nor. It.—Tba MaUa and other Jary called by Jadya Pamoa to Inraatltheir size in BOBOSIB can
pro H jar papen pobUab diapataheo an- yateaUayad teyltlatlre irr^laritlaa. rraach BUdcni of Afncaa BiVAntea
now be fitted^
aonaeiac the fall of Ladyamlth
ted 1a thte ally today, and 1
Fublteha* Br ok la FarU Hakloy
liararel of tboaa papara ropraaaat yaa ite dallbarmtioaa Ureat lataraat
that tha yarrlaoa la thonmyhly U fait te tha aaattar, and rlaitara are
Parte. Mot in —M. Urcaalauda. who
d aad loaubordlaato.
proaaat from maay pane of tha Btete.
tmpdoa: Not. K. —Aoeordlny to the
Jodya Paraoa'a charya to the Jury waa aaat on a mltaioa by tha Preach
maayar raportt laat alyhl the Byhi te ■aaloay. la'rtewoflbe Infrcqaaaoy yeraramani to Hadayaaear. after bar
Uartatetty of Balmont la the Oraaya otaaeh'Jarim ha laatroeted tha jurora lay made a profoand atndy of tba Atri
rirnraoBBtry teat Mrlday waa not a te detail aa to the tew corertey tbair
qaattioo. haa
have Ibeae dlioee (ie<-omewitb
. bat a beary aayaya- aetlona. and afterelUay tba oath. ate., □rylny the triple alliaaea of Prance.
the Traveree C'ity ladies that
meat The HrlUah force nodar Colcael “la yoar iareatlyatlOBB you will
Germany, and Ramia to prereut the
we have been unable
Ealth Kalaooar, which had aacai
eelra only layal erldanea to
Oroaelaade te one o( the Aral
weaatly oo tha Oranya ritar and
aaeloitee of mare raporte aoapleloua
to keep uQT atoek complete,
aompo^ of tba north Ladcaablrea and and baareay arideace. BehJ «i to thla prominent man 1n Prance to openly
but we will endeavir U> canae
Morthombarlaod. Poalltera. alartad an qaalifloatlon yon will raealra
arye thaUarmaa alllanaa. Tha book
BO more delays.
1 1a tba diraelloo of arldapoc praMoted which may throw te tba literary attraction of tha week
Balmont ostheadyeof the town
rtarhaa left Parte for
llyht upoD the matter aadcr eoaaldaralarye force of Boera atai them aad a tloo, whether it tend to aaublteh the Loadoa
florae batUe antaad.
The Preach are yetUny op
or yuilt of tha aoeuaed
Oolooal Pateonar waa killed aad a
if te tha eouraa of yoar in- a new triple alUanoe between Bayland
larye aumbar of < ffl and m«a ware qalriaa you hare reaaon to bellara that Oar-oany, and America ayalnit Burope
WOBOdad Tbc Hjar . kaam are
not preaented to yon. te to praaerre tha peace of the world and
within your reach which would qualify to promote their eommrrelal tetereate.
or aselaln away any charya coder In
yatioD. It would be 'y^nr dn'.y tc










Amartoaa Army la PblllpplacaPutbaa
'the OampatyB-Vidterr Near
baa iriahoUa.
Waahinyten. Nor. in.—(ieaaral Otte
today cabled the war dapartmanl re­
yard lay tba allaalloB of tha Amartcaa
adraaaa la putoail of Ayulaaldo: “Dar­
lay tba laat tblrty«te hoara foar and
ona-balf laebaa of rate hai fallaa aad
It la ailll relntef lathe north. Oaaaral
Lawtoa'a telayraph llaa doaa not eatead bayoad baa Joaa. Hte teat dtepateh oa tha arealay of tba foartaanth
reported tha eaptara of maay aappitea
aad traaepartatlob, aorth aad aaat of
Saa MlohoUa. aad that oar troope arc
mortey from Bamteyan and Tayay
mt oa UrdaaoUf where the li
ferae to reported te be. Uaaaral Imwloa haa ah
aad Cafaaaa
more It.

ramerai relte found aorU of Tarlan.
Ooaerel McArUar aaada four battal. loM of iafaatry aad oaa troop of ear-«m



AmBfOtf Tnte Malted br Bow

nmiMri nra

“To Juatlfy the fladiny nf an iadleteot you mull be eonrioced. oo far aa
tba arldaoce before yoo yoaa. that tba
aacuaad te yailtyi la other worda. yon
oaybt not to Had an ladietmaat aniem
te yoar jadymant the erldanea before
yoQ, aoexplalnad and nnooBtradlcted.
would warrant ooarlcUon by a petit
"I do not bellara It te your duty to
iyate mare remora aad
of crime which may hare raa eh ad any
ot your ^mbar (tech Ihteyt are not
lacluda^dn Tha oath admlntetered te
thte atate. Tba oath aaya that yoa
lira and tree pro■aatmant malM of all aaeb maltera and
thteya aa ahall be yiren yon te charya.
thte te meant, aa I uadaratend It.
all aoeh mattara aad ihtayi aa ahall be
called to year mttenUon by tha omirt
cr by Ua proaaauUay attereay. Aa to
aU each malteio. you will ylra

a iT^*

yoar atteoUoa to lA *hao Ua pmaaeaitey attoraay dom not Utah It anpadteat te aabmlt tba matter to your
eooaldoretioa. aad wbaa a prirate

.. today,
from AUaya
Via- Uaa
aarthaaat at Taitea"

aeRar u Ua matter te not

Aecompaated,by a Typhoon Oauaed
Oraat Loko'^fLlfa aad Property
in Aapan.
Vletorta. B C , Mor. le.—Full detalla. coatelaed te the Japaaeae paper,
of tba Bhidaonaka tidal ware, which
fearful loaa of Ufa aad property
oo Uctobar 1. hara bean reealrad bare.
Tha tidal ware awept te batwaea Ua
baoha of Ua rirar Satahawa with
almcatincradlbla rapidity, carried oB
flriy hoaaat and drowned aareaty-alybt
temaua. Baadreda of oUer hoowa
war, aubmaryad. The ware attate«d|
a haiybt of about Uirty flra fact.
Qb the aame data Japan axparienoad
tha meat tarare typhoon which baa
rteiwd wc
Ua owiiivry
ooBDtry to
te many
many yoarr.

Over 200
Plaster Casts-15c to $6.50 eacli
The last lot we wiJl get in this season, (ex*
cept special orders). Better look them
over before the assortment is broken, and
have some laid away for the holida>-s.

Hand Carved FramesA small assortment unpacked yesterday —
Soc to $3.00 each. Used for black and
white pictures and any cabinet photograph
—Very tasty.

‘In His Steps,” today only........................ 0o

290-222 Front Strict

.Balph Ooixnable Jr, Managar.

Spoken at Benda’s

buy the ^aBt

of Benda. W

When you want to buy the Beat jou mnal buy
hen jv.u
you uuy
bny in
of x>eiitJB
Benda you get the Beat. If it
ie’nl the Beet “get your money
Douev back.
Fine ,alte. 7.00. lO.OO. U-----------------00. IS.OO. 18 01

Men's Clothing sL..„.... .

10,00. IS.OO.
00. 15.00.
15,00. Hearj
Hca y.m
15 00. 18 00. S5.00 Bib- S 50 to

yaai orercoate. s 00. «.M>, 7 00.10,00, ir 00 tp
b 18 00. -------liOO. Troatem. 1 to to « 00. Pm Itckete, « 50 te IJ 50.


Boy*, Bait—Or«r^5<-RMfer or Uteter.


Full Drew Shlrto, I

Mackteteaha, 3 50. 5 oo. 7 50

Have You Seen
thoac pretty new

Ladies’ Dressing Sacks
of a*' wool Eiderduwu, in pink, light blue and red.
Tile price in $1.26.
Other Dreaaiog Sacka at 90c.





Here thb aaaortmeut is large and no qneetion about cjnality—Then loo, the pricee are aa low aa good furs can W maiiufactored.

Eicllslititutlof “SonsIsSliiK''

Use-ORIEHTAL"5uK C"''i^

jPubllc (guardians

Don’t Forget
the Children
A prominent New York official
..^oeral Ose of the tele.

™,k«l ud -....I iotly protfcdoB life «od proi^irty
ateamahlpa aad doaaM ot aaUra eratu over
So per cent, easier.
foundered. Bat U, wont eaaoalty of
Telephoning in caae of 6re. ac­
all waa a hcarlly laden pameayar train cident or burglary baa become a
recogriz-d neceaeity.
belteTod te.kar* bm drowaad.TwMty
Every well regulat
bodtm hara baaa raoorarad. Of Unaa
aarad Utrty wara.aararaly teJarad.Tba
at Tbkte by
Have .you one in
atety-four boar, of
yonr horned
AaaoaatB of awrlaa dteaM

$ NkUpiNateiG!

We didn't forget them when we made our
selections of fall and winter shoes.
Anything you need in children's footwear
can be found at our store.
Infants shoes, lace or button, stock or patent
Child's sh^,
or button'.60 75c. |i«>,
Misses Shoes.............................$1.00. $1.25. $1.50.: .1.75
Little Gents’ high cut box calf................................ I1.50
Misses’ abd Children’s overgaiters, rubbers ‘
and arctics.

Front Street


nSBJlO&trUra KkOOSD, niDAV, tfOVBKBBB \7 18W
y Kosvnio


Vnak TKfW *t NarAtM Bm a Bst
VBAVBBU omr. • MIOBIOAM «ltk • t«l at Bola Thwack It.
•U I* Allw to C«ll
rwBk Tajlor of MajtMd hkd •
t Id tba wmott of
tmm. T. Kath fjn> J. W. HfcWWK- the. nnr’be'D p»nieiala thla week
whiak gave b m a aeaeeuoa nut at ai.
i. W. BAsna. Bdlwr •mi Bam«w. t) bta
of what
am iMM,
laaie, on\
bat a awg^woat w»
U feete like to be abot at tw a imr.
Ela waa boating tar dwr with hk
when be bearo a abet and at the earn*
time felt a ebock and a atlagiag eeaeatios la the head. Be reeovered bU
etittillbrlam la a tew momeaU and dU



Qur War Lsmm X4(bt.
LoM of llf« 1ft wftr Utft* U ftitoDdDd
With a»or« Urror*. ftppftWBUj. Ihu ift
tlwft of Pftftoft. yftt ftlDOft the bftflftftlac
of the iroftble with dpftta the deal
loeede enffered b; the Uolted Ifiaua
^wbaftBrftmarkftblyeMn. TbeenrCaoa fftaerftl of the army bae oc
^tod hli report roeerlnf the per
betaou May 1. la»e. asd Jane i. im.
wbleh locledae the ftsUre tr»r with
tpalB. aaide (roan the deatrueUoo
the Hftiaa. aa'd half the Ume ooDeoa
by the laaarwetloft la the PbMlpploa*.
It win bft a aoaroa of HUafaeiion to
kao» that the aatiredeath Mat trrm all
Mftaaadftrior the period aamad waa
hat e.eiu.
BhUe ooaalderiof the eauaee of death
amoBC'aoldlera U maat be reatembered
Ibaidleeaae U.aaealtar to tit
^eaee aa well aa war. and therefore the
iaaih llat La the Ameneaa army la all
the wart remarkable, lor lu ll(bti
Of eoaraaaraiy mea are a picked lot
••d a majority of them are yoaop. bet
the eomparteoa la tlcaifleao^ aeforttu
law. Itahowathat there baa been i
weadarffti reaUiaaoe to ohaacae of
•Umate, food aod maaDei of IHc.wblek
•eft oaly be aooouated lor oirlbe theory
that oar trt
weU eared for.
•aeh diaeaaea aa typhoid ferer, mala­
rial fteeraod pheomoala are eery commoo aad vlre 'ent la the United 6taiee.
ppd they are alao amoar the prlaetpal
.aaaaeaof death wherceer oar iroope
Typhoid fever haada the llat with
t,7T4 eletima. and other dleaaiea follow
4a thte order: Malarial feeer. ltd;
yaeamooia. Mr; diarrhea and diaen
tftfy, M2; yellow fever. 3tw. Leaving
oat of noeoant tbone atan who died In
aotioa. from wounda nod by neeldi-ul.
than were ».?ti5 who were onrried oft
hy dlaenaa alone. Aa the total enlUtmeata. volontrer end ryculnr, for the
Whole period were In the neighborhood
Ct tOO.ObO, we mny tnke the rate np^oalmately at twenty In the thooeaod
«arlof foerteen mc-ntha. whUe the
yearly rote of Kew Urleana la aaarly
Iveaty aevea in the thouannd.

ttmrf OatheriBcn ntthe Beam of
Aldarman Lnrdie nad OUef of
l-olloe Menaia
There were few meteora to make
Iblaga intercatlng from an aatroa
yai atandooint- Wedneaday night, eo
feme of the yonag people et the High
aahool are looklag lor them thU morn
tag- A good time U reported at each
gf the two placN where the yonag pro
yU art gathered, tbongh the meteora
are few aad the aky too cloudy to tee
One of the pertlea, nsmbrrlng aboat
II, waa at the home of Alderman Lar.
ila. The otbar coaaUtlng Of aboat tbe
•me number, wna ntthe reaidonce of
Wamiaan' Olub Will .entbnr at Park

being ahot for a deer Be fooad a bul­
let hole throagb hU bet and n few
loshe of bnir neeily clipped from bia
heed. In addition to n fnlnt nen
The Itcldent demonttralAd tbe dnnger
by deer bnntera nnd
enaeed him to ent nbort hU hnating
trip. After the thot be aearehed
nnd aenr for the p*ny • bo fired It. but
wlthoot nvnll. lVhe>. (be abot wne'
Brwl he vma In n ato ping ponltloa
nboBt to atmlfbtea up It tbe ahOt
had been fired a moment Inter it wonld
have proved fnul.
Mr. Tbylor nnd bit aop ecaaed boat
lag and reiaraed home, arriving WedB>aday nlgbk each with a doer.

linbomt* Boetai and Pmteranl Pnne
Hon to Take Place on tbe Klret
Laal night Traveree City Lodge. No.
73. Knlgfauof Pyiblaa. decided apoe
tbe date of tbe nnnnnl eoeial parly of
the lodge. Tbe event wUl be one of
tbe brlUUat eooial. fnaetioo* of tbe
eeeaon. end like nil orcvloBe evento
under tbe nueploe* of the lodge, will
be loobed fwwerd m with pleeeumble
nnticipetioB*. Blaborato prcperetlone
ere elrendy la progreea and no > ffort
will beepared to make thie the atoet
enjoyable of any eimilar oocaaioa un­
der the direcUoa of lb* .Pythiana A
banquet will be one of the eaUolng
f.-nturc*.' The dale fined upqp to Deeembor let, . .The following oomnitleee were appointed to carry oat the
BMepUoa-B.|R MeOoy. B
fimltb, Alfred Newman.
Mu«lo-A. W. BIcherd. Mat Tatmaa.
B. I. Knapp.
inquet-c. S. Oavla, A. D. Squlrea.
B. C. Comp.too. 3. U. BIrdaall.
VlaaBolai-K. B. McCoy. U. C. KeaMy. Jud OameroB.



Apportionment Aaaong tbn Bevrml
Tovrenhipe BiOelvcd Tmteiday.
'n>e apportionment of the primary
•ebool monry among the 1
the county wna received yeelM-day
from Superlnteadeol of Public ioatruclloa HammoDd by Deputy Cimety
Uerk Newton. Ike amount that tbto
eouuty reeelvea to t3.S»(l^ apportioned
amoog the aevemi towoablp* a» fol­

Oepk B. B. Chpae ha* parebaeed the
eehooner Bar*ry Baaaomp. lauly own­
ed byC.ptala Uallagaerol the Beav­
er* The BaDaom* to a a■•Bae>l a>d
I ilttle oaft aua well aeUeO to t'l*
ahipplng of freight hetweet. lake porta.
The veeael to flae’y balit aod wae prlelaelly eoaetraeted for a trip aroeod
tbe world, by a (hraad Baren phynlelae. The v*e< I weat to tbe Beaver
Itlaodi yheterday and OlnrCDee Uiellick wn* n paeeenger.


V[0. 330 Solid GoMen- Oak. high
•L ' Carred Back. Brace Arms, 3
Stretchers all around. Cane Seat-;a go<^ chair-11175 for six-20


H you want a nice outfit for yuur
dining room for Thanksgiving now
is the time to gel it.
I have a large stock of line pol­
ished Golden Oak Sideboards. Din­
ing Tables and Chairs, and in order
to move them out quick 1 will give you


20 Per Gent. Discount
1-or a few days. If >-ou want a good couch we will pul
them in at the same discount.

J. W. Slater,
ISO Front 8t

Boubo Parnifibieg Store

Both Telephones, No. 43.

Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors

ComumptWA Cupw - WBrner'a
WhHe WiftB of Tar Syritp, Uic

318 Uoion Street



We have the ‘ supply " that meets all “demands" and the “cold”
emergencies that tbe season calls for. Tou can “warmly
we'come them if you are warmly dressed with our
-warm" goods. Warm clothing for the
home—Warm clothing for the street
— Warm underwear - Warm


Women and


M 103




Wb Bhow B Urger Un«
thmn BTBT.

^oha DeLeary, night elwk at the and 8 X Wait
Onlambia. la la Barker Cheek oa bwlTb
A OOM ta Qm Dwy.
■aWTiiteWiiieof Tm
U W. Lym of IgiarloehM waa at the beet OMgh rcoedy on ewtk.

Schooaer Harvey Baaaoat. Badt to
Oiato* Arooed the World. Prop
er>y iff rravecee OUy Bailor.



a theeouBlry aad are wln. pratoe from prea* aad pa bile
they have appeared. They
teat the capeeity of tbe tbeaien every
9 BOW play lag an ex^
98t at Mantolee aad


Orgaa sed Teeterday by Pnplleoftbe
Beventb and Bigb'b Omdea.
Tbe puplU of the Seventh nod Eighth
gmdea in tbe Elmwood eebool
orgaalced n lyeeum yeeterdny, to
work along the IIm of the wr.rk do-e
A Claw to b* Irottoted Tonight ia by the aimilar orgactoailoo* in tbe
High eebool. ' Tbe f< Hewing ifticia
Traveree HyTeat. Mo 871.
X O T ■
Prealden*—WlUnrd Benalovehy.
A pany of Orienial poteataiee trrm
Vice Prwident—Julia Kinney.
the far eaat arrived ia tbe elty yeetcrSeercury-Jawle Wbeeloek.
day on their way weal, aad Iraralag
that a elaaa of about twenty Maoeabece
C. O Corbett to beck fr< m e tr<p la
Oealred lo know more of tbe myaterlca the upper penlneula. where be bn*
of the Oraad Order of the Orient, they bean arranging datea for the Bdtooodecided to remnla over n tew dnya In American Oo.
puraunnoe of tbto auggMlion It bn*
been armeged that many candidate*
It will not ba n eorpriee to any who
aball be Initiated at tbe review of arc at nil fnmilnr with tbe good
Traveree City Teav. No VTl, K. .O T. qurililcn of CbnmbarlelD'e Cough
Kemedy. to know that people every
M. tonight. The potenutea m&tidnrd where take pleasure in relating ihrir
will be preeent to eonduet the work exp*rleocelntbruaeof that splendid
nnd It to eapeoted that It will be an medicloe and in lelliug of tbe betnfii
.Ion. ATI Mtcenbee* they here rieeived from It. of had ooic!
It bet cured, of Ihtfatetud atterk* of
are ellglbleaid thoea who deeire
poeumoDla it has avenad aod of tbe
probe leto tbe myeteriee of tbe order rblldraa It bat saved from atuckt of
crouD and whooping cough
It to a
can have the neceeaary opportunity i
pend, good medleloe l\.raale by B
night The work will begin ni u p.
B. Wail and V C Tbompaon.druggtoU


n any
them. -Je day we
----------- of
-----------Xditor See* Woadar*.
aaadvetUeemeatof thlamedielne aad
of trying it. which« w«
Bdltor W. V. Barry of Lexington.
did did
With the beat of aatlafaeUoa She baa Tean.. la exploring Mammoth Cave.
wad oaly om bottle and bar ebeaU* ----------------1 of Pile*. Bto
euiek cure through aalag Bi
Anlea Salve coovlneed him H
Walt and V. C. Tbompaoa. draggtou.

|ho Onlambia yvtorday.

Impeetor Uekey Beg «a Work TeoWrday aad Beealt te OratU>rlhg.
Teet*^ the regular ^walh In■peettea began laa ayeiemaUe way and
aty Clerk B'ckerd aeeompaaled Inapeeior teehey aad aa amlataat
l*iroagh tt-e M»a'h aide of tbe cl'y.
T rutaai fau luan-ao' m«e'i ei'*'
favor amoog BMat oi tee property owe
era aad tbe fleet trip aronad proveo a
aaooeaa. Beveral walkt ivere repaired
and the eoat peomptly eettled ^ "tbe
peoparty owaeia. A few walk* badly
out of order were temo-uartly reealred
and aew walk* ordered, aod la tome
oaeeaooly a triflmg turn wae obarged
for repalra.
Tbe b.*gloniDg of tble me'bod of oarlag for the wa’ke promiee* eatUleetory
rcealu aad It to
prt-babl* <bat
the walk! of tbe city will eoea be la a
very creditable ebape.

Borne of th* Plahermna Arrceted by
l>epatT eame Wardt a Brewater
Are Beady for Trial.
The eeltare of net* and the eonfteca'
tloa of lah made by Deputy Uame il-iveree City
WardM Hr*
uS Char.neolB. on ths
•tcamer Oolufftbia. baa atlrred up a Wbitowaier
warm fight la that city and at I'etoakey. where eome of tbe eaeea are ukea
tor trial.
Tbe meet Importaat letoure tbai far
made waa at Cbarlevola reoeqily where
Mk poeaeealoa of over three too* of
fith end took them to tbe Booth Pack­
ing Co, of Itotoekey. Several men were
Implicated in tbe acliare, aad all of
them have eapreeaed a determinatioh
to fight the matter to tbe end. They
WKoopIng Cough. Asl
Bronchitic end Incipient
have eecured ooeaael, and will put np
Conaumpik>n, In
nhardfigbb They claim that th>y
I authorlaed by the U S. fieb eommiialODer to catch during the cloee
■eaecin. for the parpoee of obtaining
apawnforthe batcaerlea, a thing a lowed by tbe preeeni law. On tbto
ground they will baee their defenae.
Several other caaet have beeo aecnred by.Mr. Brewater. that wilt come np
for trial in tbe near future1 tuwWwVuaiWn iwtKaa. \
the caaae waa tried at Petoakey
needay. but reaulled la a dtoagreemeat,
avd will oe retried.

itooal Birthday Party to hr
a Pieneant Brent,
Tba aannal rcoeptioo of tbe Wo•aab Club which will be held at Park
romtoea to be a very large
PUea tbla evening promlaea to be a
lual birthday
tary aojoyable affair. Tbe rweptioa party of the Oongregational Sunday
will begin at « p- m.^aad a ahwt profwm win be given nbont alaa o'clock
after which refreahmeau
g(Wr which IrelreahmenU wUl be
Tbe mambera nad their gaeaw are
foynenied to bring their tkkeu with
thorn aa u>ey will he eoUected at the
Alalag room door, aad it ta Important attrueUoB at Stelaberg'e Grand Opera
thoy aboalj not be forgotten.
Thla eompaay to wlthoat
ChAWbarUlB'e Pain Balm Oano Oth­
er*, Why Bot Ton?
My wife haa been aalng Ohambw-



From 20c
We are abowug eeveral new
tbioKfi ia LegginKB.

Frank Friedrich
116 Tront StrMt


Men and

Will ho Interested in These

Ladies Hose

IfICII O IIU0C ton hose the year

KK. •\ line all wool fw i>c. The fancy
siri|>«-il for 25c. An extra grade cashmere
for 50c.

Baby Hose
blue .iiul while.

Children’s Hose


gtHiil al! wool long hose for giHs from S
to 12 years from 25C to 40c.

Woman’s Underwear

a splendid value at iqc the garment. The
25c kind is fully guaranteed.
Our union
suits are goods to wear, t^ey are warm
and they fit. .Sell at 50c. 1.00 and 2.00.
Come in grey, cream and white.


Will be Interested in Ihese.

Mon^C Unco ^^^emen wear cot

we please all.

UlUCtllb A good cloak, made to fit,
material and workmanship the best. We
sell this style for ^.so.followed with others
of different goods and more elaborately
trimmed at 4-50. 5-o°- 7--5. 8-00 and g.oo.
Collarettes from 245 to" the finest. All
kinds of fur to suit tbe purchaser. Same
can be said-of our Golf Capes that surt
at 5.00

round, for those we have a big‘stock at
5c, icx and 15c the pair. If you want a
light weight wool in either Idack or colors.
Pick from ;hreegi;pdes 25c.
and 50c.
.A good heavy wool starts at'20C. A fine
cashmere hose 25c and 50c. A merino
for the same Have a tiandy line of stripes
and plaids at 25c:. .A line l.isle thread at
?oc. •

Men’s Underwear
at 22'.,c the garment.
You can buy one
or half a dozen. Our great seller is wool
fleeced cotton at 50c. The Swits Conde
at one dollar the one. The Geisha Hy­
gienic union suits sell at .tJX the suit. For
4.00 you can get the Michigan Knitting
Co’s goods, made to give the best of sat­
isfaction. The "top notchcr" is the Jer­
sey ribbed, all wool, fleeced lined at'6 00
the suit.

flvprpnatQ ^**“*Koods win soon
UlCIUUdlOybe needed more than
eser. Our Kereey overcoats at 5.00 are
There are other grades at
6.00. 8.00. 10.00 and 12.5a Our 10.00 Mel­
tons, Coverts. Kerseys and Beavers can’t
be equaled anywhere, say what they will
The Frieze ulsters at 5430 are a bargain
not often seen. The chinchilla reefers
at 5.50 give perfect satisfaction.

The Happah & Lay Mercantile Co.


f 1

(Oca tiet» d 'rrm. ffret psge.4
^ Wallaoe,
Tbomas E. Bharp. E k Rapids:
0^ 6iv\ere6^. J Ueorge
Nsearre. W C Hai:. C. M

mamt bold



4 rXM.

•**en»edi«s Va-bA A<hoa Bcnth Large Bnliding bum c la Ob etigo
of Ospe r>T«
Chact’g L»a cf RiPO.OOO

Tycwma.Wsshlortoo.S-e. U.—The! Cbloago. So». l.i.—Toe seven stiry
suamsr Alpha brings ns»- f'om <Mpa I hsiidiag at 146 Sute street to<^ 0-e at
Bases. William Ui-oscH. R P Oarland. N-me thst at least' sevec men baea 13'I'rloce ibis mora-ag an.4 in uo mlaV. Petrriyl. Cbaries Broadloc'. Charias! loai their lives »hr.e sumpeiUng to j ale* flames were letplng high fr>->m the
Ur»^ wtU b« held Is
Rosanthai at.d i4aai |^ada. of Traeerse the new gold 9eJd* at (3ape York- An! roo» The bo l I »g was dent' ted aad
iMkisf ihw fmr b*r>MlS( Usesmbr.
Init'sn bioaghi tbs sew* to Some that' cashed a loss estlmsu4 wt I yMsai A
Tks order b** fasd • t>res<.is s«
It wa« after il d’c'ciiH-eoen the S k« *•'•« b»i e> were washed uo on tbCiSeoreof d'emen srd sperutors we-e
ff««wi onrioif VM pMV yosr,' **xvj
their iod/c r.xm- Into siKe s iltt'e »-o*h o'Osev V-»r<. rne | inj
For a time it l"ok«d as
liUM new rrnnee* bneinff Seen 'euscr
a hail of the 0-..y Oyera House, I idiaas jiidee.! tbroi to b sm my the j tboagb t-e dstnes woatd soreai aai
MCnnised or r*Jd»ei>*Md, nnd s.uuu
whers five ioog ubles were spread d'st go’.: lianler« to r.-ae > 'l>i>e Y .*k. ' destroy haod'eds of t*iasaa'* of dol■ewoMBbwnsaaedioihnralin Tb«
witn good things wbicb Elks konw Toey apparvaOy --ae. dc» li *ti e lets worth of prn^.y ia that valaa•tnu Aeioeinitos »f Kemen' Cloo*
WiUhoU iUMOMU meeiinc ikere si right well hsw to diapja* of. F->ar of roaodtng a high pr<>m-«-orv Tfc y Me ^lioo of the city.
tbe tables were arranged lengthwhe cbLse Lbes.-abe*cH rather thao gomil-* i hbortl.r af-ar tbe fl-e started, an exUeasttetUne, nsd Ue iwovtgsnunotrt of th ■ fro <t of
Of the ball while the fl'ts was set at round, snd the Ineumiog tid.- euyu;i d
tiOM wUi IKMO 4 }otat oeeti^ ior iSe
glsv. basing firethe west end. resse*«st fir tbe toatV
' AmcbmIoo of k4e ireet problem.
hranos and deVis were >-sttered imaster andoAsers. A^ tbe E‘kt flied |
A L*oe£r mss wbuttim u*iu( tob*i.- iutotbe ball Prof E E. Muruagbs'e..The' k Alrsand.T sailed «il d'-eit'on*. Among >be ii jur^ are
shore fr m Oaoj Prio-w of
Jl-eoie of the d-e d.psrt.
wn^MUi eco. after year* of ladnl- full o*ebestra recde'e-l a spirited
team u U>e weed, ba* faioed deab oia-cB which enliveu m the oeeask-n WaleskiSema Her uacum reoorw am acd r
mat nam*-r<ius p.rt ca of g-' d uubtars,
ever amoe ;.i Ute rale of ti <e pounda a aid gave a foretaste of a good oro wemnaking ih«!'
gram, before being seated the time- •-I: fr* I -ch.> >''srs. arid even
" rihle «t'>*m' wer- racing .-veo Ihei
Andrew U. LaraoB of Oadillac, ttad
ooncrod custom of drinking a ttmsi lo sb<- be feels ivr'ain tbsi ti
preaenumMi lAe uiher nvni. atweat brothers was obse-ved. whet S'guoacu hav penvbedmken AU anffloe was pariially wrecaea the enterisincrs aorl guests fell to and
Had Toung Again.
In a am isb op ai Copemiso Lareoa. wno mads a vigorous attack upon the menu,
• HuMchiCsp.
"OieofDr. King's New Life Mils
tea iremaa oa Ann Arbor engine
whi-h wss prepared by Uua Larson,
-Wbaj ........ .V..U4U .t.:.ri.uudl.-, ni.v Tmv“^U"'ai:in" •riti’j*?.
«l, Ms aalaep on a aeaibox. waiun( chef at Fsrk Fla-v;
• "r‘
serof Dempee^wn. Pa Tbe^Vs’^e
ta raeelre order* to proceed. Knclae
............ .
'•'>•««><• (V- t .•}-«! s„s|.i Cl In the world ^r^ht L'ver, Stomass uy.ian.
40. with a beaey train, was blocamc
•u.uslv Ih.- iM.'kege lli»« a |«i.wiii:.T aeh and X iwels.
l*nr 1v vegeub e.
ibs line some disiaae* abend, and be
>D the Usl W imbHU- ii-ny uus .-uiTyiU;; Sever gripe Onl» rs
jas. «1. JohnPU-slm
iiuik-r Ills mm
Uon*sands K W,. * d -»g ..ore*.
dreamaa ibat tbe twcwtfain* eollidco.
Pi-viru iswb-. usieue
••Ji-t iny iiiiiiklr.t. .-np'u.'' raihi-r i
in leas than ibree boars part of X'o Ki'a
ssr-we sud puisio .sUd
in it>iiis|,\ i.-iiliiU till- iiiuu tvilb ib<-----------------------------------------Unin nrona away and ran back opon
bres-Jasu lurnsr
Mo- 4*. Larson aso bis enirtneer barely
ExbalUd Euicr Jno. R b.puiwas
■nmpiny by jumping, wt^e ifeeeniribe toast master, aad order wu maintainwas derailed.
,ad by FcJieemen Eilsy Swears spd Bad (In- .irttiv. wliii-h tlK-» iluOf
wbo ware tflectual'y armed, flux U'ltli ibr tiT’n nl liars, ilu- rvvc-I •
Ab amusibA Ibcldebt ooeorred
. Jnd^Cbesier's conn bsiuroay. A |re»- and provided with tbe neoemary line •ittiiv-r ■•|s-ii>vl iJii- -iiiHts-'-ii'd bun-'
Oukkly Quenched and thi
tUmsn of Uermaadsueni was sulnc lor antboriiy to collect the Snes imposed die. Il •tiiilnlui-’l liiiiii.lry m,
adivoroe from bis wits, wkobad left by tbe «sbaltrd ruler fc-r. infrac­
Skin Ucuutifully Healed by
Aim aome years ago. In answer w an tions cf. ae esub.isbed rules of the,.Hiii *1111x1.1 iu.-k.-.i a»«» In ii bm
lb<ialry troo an attorney as to bis na- occasion. After, ampie discussioo of | s»>'k* wan a •iiinn Imitb- tilbt]
tbe viands an entertaining nrt»-s«i. i
:i'“'»-r .-^ib-r.-.! .-..m liiii-e
UonalUy be rrpl>ed. "1 eaa a (lermac
waagiven as follows:
“Abd wbbl nauobbilty wasyonr wift
for the ivv.-Knv* of III- liiuii;liuiil»n. i
Medley National Airs—MurUngb's
(inerted tae attorney. -Acb. sbe tm a
TiMiiigli till- uwiit-r itu’-liiM n|i a Utile'
higher, be ns* iiii|v-i-ttifiuvi.
1 The (Orluie* wl eitr-iiB BIS frttjuenlU
Matbodist." cametbe reapunar. and the
-lio .von 1:111 ibm 1 |i;iri yiiur
y.iur Uun Ij *e.v“»d eoilut»oce. so-, a* tbe flesh beAd-ir«motWeleoi - Exhalted Ruler
Ungh that followad daturbed the ocdreV sar.-ii«ll.-allv growli-d i g.-i*I
raw stnl tbe tlcbing and boieiog
eapanis of the lower Amt of the buUd- J. B. Santa.
Ham's niluioii. as be luo-veded
to almost drive tbe victim insane.
Respon-e-riiusMilre. Maaistee.
Ing.—Adrian Timea
prultrime the luiltli-.
In dec,«rsliOD. vsivrt and oinlmenU
"Tbars (uv uigbl eu|i. oAivr."
reb gcarteL
Tbeadfanee in lomber prieea bas
e<l: soylbitg. evervtbiog n
•Then II nivvK»uMiln«. iiKi. Take It
Vocal Sol
Solo—tleorge Ji yceJ
glean rlae to a new tndnalry along tb*e
Upe that relief oiey be obaloiii: wiiii you ui.« nteuil t Wouldn't tried, in U
M-n.v also give up 10 dpspair.
Maple riser, in Clinton and lonU conn
sjuiil tb:il -Hllr for loii fi.r all of I'lH-le
IS hope, there
A. 'Tbomoaon.
KauiS oixleiw. "
bins, in tbe raiding of eankea bard'
can be fured by oaing Or.
Oearios Solo-Dean Qillispie
A gorelglt SixaUpolsl.
wood logs wbicb bare been lying on
Cbase'- iliiumriit Score* of tbousands
Addreas—Dr arvcrafi. Peuwkey. '
tbe bottom of the neer erer sinee tbe
“< '011111 Ub-koff. m- di-Kin- yuur enn- lejoice over cure* effected bj Ibis great
Vocal Bo o-Duff McDunald.
reairdf. Here arc a couple of grateful
dll} o|dnl«D of Aiuorii-a."
palmy days of tbs Inmbsrlng bnsl
Speeeb-S H. blade. Saginaw.
•'.lb. uuufiour. I 1-wu oiib- say It I* Mler* from cored onea;
MB In that aaetioB years ago.
Song—Monarch Quartet.
se one glorv^ius biiid. Rnl. luouaiciir,
liesrbad. was lltaraily ooeered wllb
Sweduh Dialect Sketch-Earn Tre- ••el I> oiM> xe grrah-s-<l pUlc*- for xe L'bave'- 'Jintmeot tor cesraa
logs, all of which wars in a floesuie of
bi-aeair< •
lace. It icliered tbe terrible itching
prsaareaUoB, and they are now being
• fl. L-i::ir».3 K•■lll•-bll•e^ l“iirt». count. .ind-berniQg at tbe first anpiicalioo. and
The eloclag number on tbe program Tli
rained and doaled to tbe aawmtlt a-.
l*-ggiiig In n prof.-MdoU "
«on effected a <x<mpl
cure, leaving
• I.Ill l*arv.- onii IK ver Iw-iie to eaouel ibe skill clear and t*ri- w healed.''
Matberlon. where they ar« being eaw- was an addreas ly Dlsirlci Deputy Ja*.
B Mclnncaof (irand Rspids. wbo la- z<- ,\iiii-riinti <v-l> "
Rose, of lyj Sixteeii-l
ad into Inmbar.
•W.- •-aiiiioi .rgriv wUb you. count,
•titubsd Trnverue CHy Loiige three
Howard Ueynolds. the young man
uliai do-Tun lii^- your iiuM-rtlouT'
I suSeted for •
years ago. when it started with a mem­ on--Why.
tuoiislcur. TticU. 1 walk ee | ibal «iel<-he<1 eexetns. and we were
bUled In the logar factory a few day* bership ot twenty five. Mr Nclnne*
two -uiiiaiv-s on tt- Ktri-ai und in that \ible 10 find anything lo cure or evei
ago. was a member of tbe Maocabee
mined tbe history -of the order, iUl liii’e I wa* >>toii|i.vl «-i\ time* by jwa- lieve
pain. A tew application*
lodge in Hetrolla, Out, la which he object snd beni fiu. and «omp1im-nte: I
W. Chase'* Oinlfflenl stopped tbr
Ix'tfiriug for a iiiiiu-b."_
sms Insured for tl.wo in laeor of bis tbe local lodge upon being the bunner |
rhtag anti
ami bes)ed ‘
' "Von d-n't •■nn- lor a ideiinghl
ighl uaiu.-al skin :
takes Ibeit
agsd parents Receatty a friend wrote lodge of tbe distrie* of northern Micb-:
~-i''aui-« -ilo you ';” tie a*!;ed. 1
to him that bis naoie bad been read off
•Voi at all. " Mo- r.-|ille<l proiiipil.v. !
i>, ^ w. Cbasr's Ointmeut bai no
igwn During bU remarks Mr. Metnnes.
aaoneof tbedelinqoeau and thst he
••iKiii'i you think liiMi loi*- <11 n flat j rival as an sti-^.uir core for Ssn
gave semr humorous anecdotes appro
w.mlil lie •VlicUifi:lV' 11- |■■r*l-l•■•l
' Rbeom. Rcseus an.l all itching
bad paid the acicasmant wbicb kept priate to tbe occasion, :
cbing of ihr
.Ill- :iii«w.-11.11, ' Ii-I,' in a llui. I 4*io. 5« rv"** » '•ox.
I doll
blm ib good 'ktaodlng. Juct afer ibv
This event was tbe m?«t nouble in bin tioi III.- Willi ......■'
edlcioe Co., Butlsio,
I l>r A W. Chase Med:
latter qamc. Rvauldc was kUlcd. U<s '.b* history of the local lodge
III. .|>...l|M>liiit l-i-i |-ro|>-..ii|
i S. Y.
pareau kaew aoiblng about his belag
before have so many Elks gath­
ered 1c one place in northern Miebi
Tbe upper pealnsnln is. threatened gan- The plane of entertainment were
with a deer license (amlBe. Clerk Roes, admlrablyeaiTiedouinodthe visitors
of Mari^ueUe connly. wired oa Moo- were impressed with the proverbial
day to tbe aeoretary bf etala lor morr bospiuUty of Traverse City and tbe
lloenses. Today ba reoeieed a iettei (raieAal good cheer whleb ever preaayiag that there were nooe to glee vslls here At the cioae of the aession
out. The sopply ban baaa eatlrecy
-ound the ball , axhanitad as the demand fur deer and jMnlng bande sang Aold Lang I
^Tt aiiHTVvsed Vti kV\
lianaaes has been napr«MdenM. Tl t :iyne. aooompanied by the orchestra.
eonnty bus issued l.i>:3 ard'there are
Fo'lowing were p'esen';
'W.ktv’j vtopVfc awro«k
17 left. UoUgbUMl county bas-is»urd
MebUue—Jsuk McOontit.!. Bogii
about 400 and tbe supply has been ei- Breeaahan. E C. Sebooley, Mike Fay,:'
\Htm suvpost
hansied since Monday. Uttaer eutintles Jna. Sun. Witl'am Beverly. -Angust V
hlTtkV bOt A sxivV. 'tA.h4« qS
ara-reportad on tbe ragged edge.
Penlg. Ed M E ligou^os. Bauer. I X
At Kalamsxoo. an opemiloa per-1 Peter Utaasmire. B L. Coon, Otto Jp
©uWivq 3VhMvtV.
formed on Jeliibad Johneon showed Kirxtaff, Noah W. Mottinger. John ^ M
the lung* to be lined with a stone like Dawson. -C. Flewaioer. Jos. Meyers. £
sabstaoce nearly an inch thick, end Max Bauman. Harvey Collins, Dr. Al- ^
hard as iron.
ward. Woj. Barclav, H E. Roy. J, K. “

sriVMpiftivrvt w*[|r


Dr., Chase’s Ointment.

I SVecpvivq



Ueorge Bi-ktielo. a Big Beseer well
digger, lowered a lantern into a we'!
and natural teas exploded, burning tfl
hla eyebrows. Re smoked a cigar
aftarward. which caused a relapse,
and be Is reported to be la a critical
The t-year-old daughter of WilUam
Iralaad of Bolt, died Wednesday
lag from the «ffecto of a dose of car­
bolic acM which it obtained Tuesday.
' whUs left alona
At Kalaaaioo, John W. Jonea. aged
7*. has eommsneed dieorec proceedtngs
•gainst bb wife, aged le. Last Jane.
Jobss married Miss Jessia Cressor.
aftsr eloping to White I’igron In deS
naee of the wishee of the girl’e pareau.
Jones is wealthy and‘it is bsUeved that
his wealth and not his lore Induced
May to allow December to lead her to
, the altar. Jones aUeges extrema cruel­
ty and claims bU wife has been aosi<
to get bold of hte property.
Brava Bxplorom.
and Ague, and T^bold dteease
than aavage cwantbalsi but the
I for all malarial
saasea. If you have (diilla with fever,
achea in back of neck and bend, and
Ursd. worn-out feelings, a trial wUl
convince you of their merit. W. A.
Null of Webb. III., wntee: “My chil­
dren suffered for more than a year with
•hUto and fever, then two bottles of
Blceiric Bltteru eared them.” Only W
Mate. Try them. Ouarante*. Sold
hy Jas a. Johsaoa a* S. B. Wait


•i,P.ri...s..s..„.A. K. Win*.
aon, Wm. Tbomas. Ueo. Hweetman.
Fred Friednchrr. Ocotge Cbrisvianson. 1
Cbas. Cbrlsiiapson. John Tbtwp. Jot. '
Curtis. John Leweb. Wm. Aldrieb. P. S
Cardexo, Bon. P. Hoad. Sam Smiibson.
S. C. Atenean.
Detroit-Al. C. Newman.
CbarlevoU-Rdbart Onldwell. Bern­
ard tielHck.
Grand Bapldx—Jaa 'B. Mclnnea.
Ehtesmed Leading Knight, of Grand
Raidda lodge. Ueorge U. Seymoar:
Lonis Deitc. J. B. PerkUw.
CbdUlac-B. B. Aldrich, B. L. Matheny. C. B. Burton. Dr. Oolei
Robt WUeon. W. H. Parish. Geoige
Nichols. Berman Eogls. L. VanMeter.
J. R. 'Bisbop. WUiiam Bayen. Dick
Reybold. C. R. Smith. DeU Daria.
Frank Jarnae.
Pstoaksy—Jaeob Stable. Prank Sinelalr.'J C. Dillman. Thao. Brcymyer, Ther« ar« few people free from this dieeaffe, whieb develop#
when Defected, into eerioue. and maB> timee
Frank Foichman. L. M. Hsward.
Dr. J. C GauotlettT. B. Shnrp. F.
incurable conditions.
H. Wallace. Elk Rapids; Martin Stack.
Uke Ann: Mr. Oohen. Chicago: Dr.
Bnrke, C B. Ackerman. Geo. WlUinmBon. Empire: J. B. McLeod. Manton
J bwn Tetnarkably Bocceeaftil io the treatment erf catarrh,___
C. D. Pac^uette, Cheboygan; J. B. Memcthodc are the reeuU ol (.xteonire etudy and experience in thie field,
Uovera. J untie.
will be foand to give great relief t^ all, and in the majority of
Hnb Baker of Grand Rapids and
casee a enre. For one dollar be will fominh one montb'a treatment
>mcc Montgomery of Reed City, wired
for any case of nasal, throat or bronchial catarrh, including all aervfrom the IntMr place that they had
ioee and all medicinea required.
tnisaed the train and eoold net be pres-

What a Dollar Will Do


Thomas E. Uiarp. landlord of the

lx to Jn
.Dr.R W.BnrhcofBapb«,toln the


The Boston Store
Clothing DepaM.
I here are four points to consider when you con­
template the purchase of a suit, overcoat or ulster lor
yourself boy or child, viz; .

Imple selactioa, fiaskaess of statL
Doalit|i aad wailmaasliip,
aad lasi-the price. ■
Does the averace Tuver realize the magnitude of
our clothing departincni y A glance inventory reveals
the following results today;

2.000 Mei’s Soils, SOO Toiibs Suits.
I.qoo Cliildrea's Suits,
750 Oietcoats and Ulstes.
1.000 Childrea's Knee Paats,
1.500 Oress Pants, 2,000 Working Poors
- Knough clothing to display properly in the largest ex­
clusive clothing store north of Grand Rapids. -Hence
our selection, without a doubt, is the largest in the city.
■ Our stock consists ol less old accumulations than
any similar department in the trade.
We have opened our clothing department practic­
ally only two years ago in our new building with a fresh,
dean, up-io-daie and reliable stock of clothing, (no trace
left of the old slock in the Whiting’block!, and as our
rules are to work off unseasonable goods at a sacrifice,
consequently ours i* the I KESHEST STOCK o« sale
Ouaiily and wdrkmans'hip of our clothing must be
of the best.W e have added to the different reliable lines weal ready represent from the east, the famous line of men s
clothing made by B. Kuppenheimer
which has style and character—tailored right, cut by
e\i>eris and linished by artists.
.At last, our prices, quality considered, are conoe<lctl by many lower than any competition in the state.
Our reputation for bargain giving is formed on
facts. We solicit your inspection and invite compar­
ison. No boring or urging. Come, \isit with us at
your leisure—VOI* ;ire welcomerom.elaige
; sonable mer­
chandisc. ^our money back for the


We eaurr a full Ihie •T.,.

The McCall
MOST sn'usit
..Fi4xhl4»B Mtax-el.




J. E, Greilick Co.

Doors. Sash. Mouldings,
-Fi'nc .Mill Work
Cold weather is coming-.

Now is tbe lime

to place vour orders for

Grilles made to Order in any Finish Ue*ired

J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2

Traverse City, Mich.


e. H. SNOW, M. 0.. Specialist

Oor Vici Kid bhoea at $1.50
it a sore tbibg in ahoes—there
is no qoe^on abont that- Y**,
we know there are lots of $1.59'
aboes on tbe market but not lota
of Fryman’s—Yon can only get
them here. We make sure of that We not only sell tbe beat
$1.,50 shoe in this or sny other city, bnt ve sell more ol tHem
thso uy othtr xhee s;.:c, and tbe most erf tbe readera know it.
When yoQ want to be away ahead in. money aad in style
jmy Fryman’s enstom made ahoee.
Don’t forget the name or ihv price.

The doctor ako treats all chronic diseasee and diseases of women,
as well as diseases of the eye, ear, noae and throat. He bas been'
very soocesafnll in treating cancer and asthma.

Women's Shoes, 3 to 8, at $1.60.

eiassts Scieitiflcallf Fimd. Teeili eitracml witlioit jiala, 25t
04oa in Hamilten ft Btnuvmn Block, Oaaa Stnet Bstnaea

135 Front Street

The Freotical Shoe lUn-


Mouiau »»oo»i>.

wovxMBMt 17. law)
«w araie-iw>wm.
Uwn be* ibe wblp-nuoi-win.
Fn* hii Mae-M reiW aad 4a«kr.

Metaa baa raaebad the rity ofa ««ry

&eivera.V ’%(««»
ttve "VDotVA.

City Baa. Aatoo Btepaa.
la Cbteart.

who ia ao*

While trorklac i» * •‘H

ia tbatolty. he had Ua)a« boae hrokby a |deM of board that Bee troai


tk»t» eyclooe



>Mrla dadtoMd CAa



ae '
lace of Anfott Aoaeaaa. ared



:mdaaatopatthe ooaaeU boaaa aad
.katfhted the w^or of Brtatol. ,


Its Front amot. by Ooslal Bhannhan.

jawa-a feature aboent In the amitafr.

foTBorly of Oawford.


Tba ratnoina of Mro. Minnie

A larite MtMr feU la the wooda Ja*t
.«Mt |of WeteUr. lo.. TMaday airk*.
ItMdeakoleaboat Are

dUe U bmeer and narrower, tbe lertU
fewer and whiter, the two tower front
,hp up,„,.

A rrooery
- and -prarUioo atore
»f»al boon oponed in tba McManna bol.dln*.


The qaaea



People la Ue Tielolty aay

It U al*o more..-n.ft> ami
^ keen-e.ved In the puraitli


>f Fred Warabanr.


ipced until out of all danaer of.a poaalble f(M-. lia creat a|>ee<l lu tbe water
is ow-iUK to ItK |M>werful tail, w bi. h
proiwla K after the manner of a luau
aciilliiip a Ituut.
It prefen. flltrht to

narrowly eecaped

aarioQBinjary Wednesday i

A^rew Caraecla «S«r* ^
n-aaeoa a auai of *14.000 to pay
,labile library bal>dlBr<
-.:lty foraiabea

*or a

wbaa abe oaw Urn )aat

acraaa to



flsht. yet if t-ouiitelled to defend Itwlf
become! a foemaa worthy of tbe UHdmi hunter. The feel are weldied. and


ao time to r«l tba Weycia oat of tbe
tbe way.

.ooei of *i!.uoo.

The wboal waa damoliabrd.


a«.00C obtaiaad

amooaUBA to *11,- afternoon with Mra. M. A. Boberu, on


4aa* Saa-

(ord. tor her tat.OOO abarea

WaaalnEton atraet.

of death-

ilaeUBAtoa-Speyar ayadioale.

now ranolnff niebt and day

trill at

oaoe be aaade arallable for the aae of

London ba«a ahlppaa lOO aeu of alai(bs
to eartoat parU of nortbarn Miehican.


brUiE a



about *l.»00.u00

ttompoaod of tha



to tan
It ia

Bon. J. O. Ramadell it


MIta NIta Baflbae has rone to Urand

avlthaeatebot IT whales; the Karlak.



f.t; tha Mary D.

Aba Salaaa, with aarea; tba Narwhal,






tha death of

Mrs. F. C BhU of




will make a few woeke vialt with her. Tbe tes% are laid iu a bole ami then

the rceoInUon

nartmaal of Uiaa,



day ahopplnf in tbe city.


At Beriin. the police Wedi
B. L. Campbell of

>omto the ChU


do .vou payr

dilua Aumta.-anus '



Monroe. Cenler.|

t e.-s.“ sai.1 the


slruiiEcr. "V.- Eoi to BO py d.-r 1
of .b-r trust ■■
"llnve til.- oM chdlM-s m<-ii a trustr'


-Vom-b.." or wr.-.-ker-..

few deya vUtlin# In tba city

•on board and that three of tboee

kahlt ever in

Mew York,


city yeatarday.



fipaieatoeM. to jad#e by newspaper


(prrikbat of a
t yOUQf
yono# man



towa and

on the m

Juk ScCoQD.ll. .tb< bH «™t
Under byi
oJ .s IX a ck-.ll
told that liquor wae poleon and|®“®* “** ** A, C. haee ba 1 team, for-1
Ahat he hatod it. aud he ha. thrown off






KlTcs the title of Chevalier of tbe Ord r


dany h.-n.iis iiud olh.-r water birds

Rofer time a national ]

Fl..r1dH iiic-T a au.ld.-ii death fn.m
this .-rafly r.-plll.-. w Iwae nuilisiivcr.
Would do crvsiil to the ciinutux fox.—

bate ball lea#ue p'leber. now of Man-

Kaiser WiUUm for

latee. waa at tbe

«*rvieea in malntaiulo# pleaaaot rela-





I lu friends niae an jo

Be | with p


M Ii -aih relurne-l laat nl#i



d. aih,



lup jmlle.1,"
".-iilll 1 «l..n't nmlcraiaiid what yo-i

II. drank a xlaas of water,

•ril «


..f opluams- In tb.' Spauish army IsinE i>nnl* as wotl ns f..r
4s-]invlnri. f..r
iif the
KliEllsh wnr v.-s*.-L wh.-u
ib.- efy
wan all»ck.->l it buiolrtsl y.-nrs skThul .iiiiii.-u hn> Ihs-u kiiiEUl.-d l-.v
her majesty nml Is eiitiiW t.. 1-cnlhsl -His Ex.-ollenry' like a r.-cuIar and wli.-u.-v.-r wc paeis liy

v. rv ottl.s
le si..r.t .

Ue pi


|iU -lug



• I have vs

of nereUaiiona lookin# to a permanent

Udlsi you can "Jump on It traspls at
Ik bat it wiUceme ap amlllop every,
time " Oalman'a Elastic Floor Varabh.
8. E Wail

,a( teUln-cior.cwi
T owr-masyeisai, bUrk wivel brh
Aj steel bstionn aa4
rr pleoae leave at RwoSB

J>.»eiTIOK *toCTII>-A *ow*o 40y»*r*^ .

rarerapn.; property.
1,1 locrasa Rapitl.»IThowp-M».Pam


aih for having kl.-k•s years nia. welpSt
nr (.rlvale., and a Sjt^n
.1 me that while he »a
-.1 to d.'alh“ for h.xM-i i -DOaimOS WAKTED-i
. r» /.rl or u..l<- rrner.
ra.Iir. S|.sm. he saw a larg- nilai i,)l ousts Ce.uu sitvel
ip-L-d an.l killed

Inh ai>ldl.-r 1

onid as he spr.'ud nut bb
I -t). that Isu'i
I'lothos arv as s.K>d ai u.

I i.l.H-k. and i
a.I.- Into anoih-

be In-

■A. pool a

I .

I or*'
; F'L,

II,Kb Wli.-n' W_

-aipna of driin


JK passed bis lips,

fafui-r. a man of ww The fcU.M
s m;iy hare It all owu way
cr. who ha.l Inh-d an
. btii n«-vcr foipct iluiT wc'll have
his youib
up. r
ehanyea oa this aabj >01 between the i
come out with
K later, and w heu
sbow-ed syniptonia of Intoxicatiuq a
awo yovemmacta since the retarn to l >w able to
from I
the firtp wlihin a mile of an auto- nh-ctlux ’ lih an a.s-i
thU connuy of Lord Pannoetote.
UK.blle. Think of polnp down Omnd nwnj li.irsc. At iti.- : iiicral of a child:
U.ulevard or the I.ake isbore drive in acme nioiith* later. jIs family were
Bniek Bettlemant.
yn-atly tuortiffed at I ( silly laUEUSEs.
#ue*a ni count for atapperln,
J. M. Elakeslee. manayer of tha! anawstorm
rtber sysipumia

. .irlhk in
-Mnyls- m.i." sal.
ly .-'III.- i-iwni-d and prochi

dnte milt* vns inj
famlll.-s.It was s uii>tb-c
"Yon don't offer enoii#b.~ said
mUtrvsa decidedly,


"1 dell you vat
I do." aald
-UniUd Btatea Benevolent Boeiety of n few y- "_______________________
] of latoxi
Raylnaw, wq* in Bellalre reoeatly to
stranper to a burnt of bi-Qevoleni-e: "I
lU. ea are to be ac.-.>uni.-d
While the Infant mortality in Kwo |
Bufb li
thnparpaaeofaaitllocwlth Emory C.
#lf lun dollar elpbiy und douce der
or ibrw ways; cblcfly by
•n and Norway la not ov.-r 11 per, for in it
Danamore. who had carried a policy
mperance on Hie |i*rt of a
•ut.. It ftae* in the German amplrt-^ ^«>bol; 1
with the r 8. liencvolant tor aoma
"Wbai'« Ike exatdatr-Inquired tbe
4S I parent produclnp In the offsprinp a
year*. Mr. Dcutmore received *eo to to 22 aad fi Bavi
the injary reeelved a few weeks alnoe.
"Voi! Ton't yon know der exar^sT'
• Other membar* of the aaaociation of
rrled tbe stranper In preut tttonlsb.
■ahia plaee have been paid prompUy tba
doetoru nearly eent Won. H. Mnllen of
ment. “Vatch me."
tall amount of tbelr claim* to scLoeklasd. O . to aa early #rava
And he danced the cutdaa on tbe
v deeta
It b the candid belief of Mr.
«M» Pwr the X-Aar*^d be had a fatal Ina# trouble end
baaemeot floor. t( wai a wild dance,
emn iitlnn
Tbe N-Hay beside* belnp noed on n
deaervint of tbe pat onare of every
detective fur llvinp tmtunlcra. 1* cont- and be threw into It an exbllarnfu earner.—Antria Oonnty BenttneL ror LOBsampvioD.
aratloh. He sumped. be leaped, be
aiier twatop wv, In# Into pUy as a mummy lllnmluator.
whirled about hla ancient ponnents
bottles be waa entirely eared. It Is po- and will pcprent tbe Anihs from phlmm
alUeely rnaraoteed to care nil
pleldan clay as tbe ftmulne. tf Buttertnp as-1 bU lonp hair flylnp. And
Spar Vamlah^____________________
tbe mtatroM oat on tbe basement ouira
of Throat, ^est and La«#^ Includta# I
only dao#bter of the PharaohA
and laupbed until she cried.
Oon#ha, Oolda, Lm
Pneumonln, 1
the am.iiets nn the hree.. heii.e
Rroochlila. Asthma. Bay Fevar. Croap.
rteocatly. with a final flourish of bis
Wtaoopln# Ooofb. Me and *1 00
Tbaakerivla# ere at Oolambia b
nimble iepa. tbe
stranper panned.
botUm 10 eto at Jaa. 0. Johnson's and
WMt8lSa.%*. ». BUI 40 o«
' counted out with preat deliberation
That Aereaal. Per II.
JMaaie by Belm «ad Blakaoleo.
Ihe requisite number of silver pieces.
A Nel#hbor-When did yon parrot
! and with B blcsainp on the bead of the
fet to tuln# auch awful Ian#na#e?


Oelmaal raitb

nahkiflTiaC Say SssuMoh EatM-

Mn. Bllklna-U waa hanpln# In the
loom the other day where my hnaband

lieball PiiMS aid Orfiis
ertthln IWmllm of eelUa# atatl
one and ome-thM tefA Ratos limit •
DeA let.

. auuLle-barrrlea >.r«*ra-------------------------- UU^

N without I

'.hal there baa been abtoln-.ely no ex-

etmt. H. B-atroM. ■■wfr- T»-fi

'.'..rcmcdvtsjual. Waksek'h Whitk
:'-'K OF TAK Syiu'p for this U-rri.stri fatal disease. II token Ibof
M\- and in tim.-. it will cure a case
. Zi h.iiirw. and f.e-qhe ouugh that l<d•*a La Grippe i'. ..ever faib to give
ii-(. Priuc. 2.V and 00c.

spirit*, but
lupptwrtl bIm 1

adjaatment of tbe Alatkan boundary

-foreeMAedMn «

a C«« U trirra In 14 Innn.

t.-m-.-d I"
either ..............

Elf oue toiler wv.

B Pal#e U pattlc# In some fli

latw theaO.

TS.-. per bnitie. Bold by all DmppbtA
reaumonlal* are free

Uall'B Family FiH* are ib« bMV

ihey play wlt.-c the gov
a eo<sJ many mule* aer

Vhe Indlcatione are decidedly a#alnst | chandelier* In tbe reeidencaa of E.
0 the Immediate fnloretPratiand H.C

Wi^A^-rl^ax. Wboleoale DroffblA
Tblede. O.
Wau.iiH.. Kisxax a HaKvi.v. Whole*nie Oroppbta, Toledo. O.
Ball's CAtarrh Cure U Uken Intomal-

aa^i'’o^ ^1^ 1*^

ill the an y.
h..w w.-ll M..rro ranll • behaved wh.-ii
in city two cen-l.e.-u
W.-1I. Morro

Hew'i TMe-

ku.-w- wli.-lle"

rtlrm.-d w
«alil. The Insi 1 1 wan a
slrv ofll.s-r w h.i attn «-r*-d ibua:
- W.-ll. lim.' 1 ro tli.-y used to
|..inlsh .sml n-ward 1 II arllilery liu-

from ihc |.liitf..nii laUEhlns

?eavM a widow and infant daafbier In ' in thb ear 4.4CX) fowl.
AUlanoe. Ohio.



ram.' .-otifti-.-d. stasccred. aud waa b>d

-vhsre he has load-d a o
-y for New


O Drlahlnr

city ou bua'neas yesterday.

Th.- simns.T

viH puj 1I..-1U - .tiid h.ran to thrust ibe suit in
"Wall, wait." cried
-Vou hav.-u't M-til.s1 .in
The sInii.ctT luitisod.

■lisialiit-r. n-C'ivt-d. wlilb- lecturiuB, a

>f WillUmabar# Wi

Georye P Pettit. AmeHeac comal nt - from Ur*i


IMixilt Joi.iual.

Hist Fannie Auatie. formerly of tbe




Bell telepbone exchaoflc. baa left (or
p .« Buron permsneotly.

Rapllat Tbeolocical |


Bike' social

laat nl#bt.

iktonaheiweeu tbe United Suica and
.•tomacy darin# the brush with Spain.

»I-"I1 -I- Ipf>
ff•>'* "le waiel
rva.-h.-«l by tin- hti«.- mnuih. it

_jd waa prominent nt tbe Ell.

|#atberiuir last ni#hL

h.>n«e "Tti.-r^ ti.sH-Ee’s snimner aiilt
III the from r.K>ni 1-los.n. I don't think

j atrlke. a bl..w with the „li ,:.d ku.M-i

Abe habit. It « aald, permanently;

of tbe Crown by

"1 P".v .vou k ell ven you priOK. lui- some
diDEs nbe ••|•■t no- S.S-," mus,sl the lady of the

< er i« drink: (h.-n. divluc rapl.lly it
ipja-nrs uii.ler Its vh-llm an.I .lni-4» it

Captain Cbai I to the Beaver* yesterday

aa bein#


-Aind .v.«ii tfol som.-.1iiiEs n l.s-ito
pett.-r. m.-iv Is-V* oald the stniiiip-r ss
he nibht>i Ids Eriniy bauds i.iE.-ihi-r.

Urriltck t accompanied 11 lUlnials or birds to .-om.- to lb.- ««


a taken the fold care with

watera. but Ihe
huuteiw prnv.-s that ||#|^<-iiiiiiii>E
lure Is III.' saiiir wliclli.-r h InAuierl.-BDUs or ibe uiuib-^ r
Caldwell came down from
<1.K-s 1...I B.t:
.tu.d .b. b« I

who bad

oat saeceei. and whoee case had been
«iven over

Olid the .............. Ills w.-n; pln-s-.l lu

Mr. Bolden etill owns

property west of

to aiaodl

The ladv hr.nlElit forwar.1 s.-v.-ral
esrmenis. niid the straiiEi-r sli.sik (li.-m
au.l tlii-m. ami sno-ne.1 of
li«-m. and Ituslly a rlilli-ulously
I.1W pn.sThe lady ptv».-iiil.v yl.-ld.sT

as here to look after it.

Tbe Bomeopathie ooUe#e of

•uiy. That euii
-Well. I mesii wliai
a. s.-utemss| l.y a .-. iirt-uuiriial for
rtilsiuK a -Ahll.-r at ihi- |.Ui.O xaluiuc lime act.
■rr while |-nf'ti.-lii£
It Weill off without the Irigper

If vou ever hap|M-n i.» po lo the Sou
fristnU-tl .asil. you will see p puu .H wl.h-1. wns r.-wnr.le<l >j.iis-s

,-r eu.t ..I lb.- It>s.-,.«
The .-OHs-me, U-lu-J on .-Mwr
Ber. I1V.-S larE.'ly ou f I lu n..r

B. A. Boldan of Lanain#. an old-Ume
roaldenl of Urand Traverae. waa In tbe

Otey are hypnotUin# to the drink


• re iclilnp me." I rc|>l>"d
"Wril. It Is
Just tlo- same. Why.

*»•«»:'” ''S them ihsi muti -s lo

Mra B. J, OellU-k retumod toCbarle-1

.lo you l■l•'aIl by

tlie sirjiUE’ i "aud we've
\ at you e»1T'

renin# after a few days in the city. O ' «Wl.v "hd damr.-n.iis as b- hsiks he ha<


I the lady
"To Im- Eui'i- sure liioy haf." said

'rrlaate, reports from the Cape Verde
Palanda Nov. t. that be has the plscne


We o^ One Bunderd Dollatu Ho­
ward for any ease of CAtarrh that caonot be eared bv Ball'e Catarrh Cota
F J. Caxsxv A Co.. Prop . Toledo. G.
.. Wc. the anderalpned. have knosm F.
J. Cheney to Ihe last 14 year*, and ba- lo aee su--b Ibve bim perfeeUy bonorabla la nil
aud xelllufi baaloeea VAnoactlona and floandally
ao|.|l.-r able to carry oal aay obUpnUoms mode




of place, and It was ampetotod.

• of \ls


mat yeeterday in tbe city.
«n the --oral keys, the sialit of the
H. A. Davla returned to Umwn lost cnwodlb- ex. iii-s but Huh- interest for.

The captain of the Anstrlan Lloyd


* '"'X" ....... ......... .

of 1SI7.


K„,i„,,.mian l,.MUu{,«n

Parker' fes»'t «*t I'nU-hlnx

Of Ferry. IcH last evaniw *or

aamd aiaeb arnmnnltion.


i-ar>l In a d-s-idedl;
.ssl w-lth his much bac
"Any oldt Esnueuts (•slay. ma'amT
I pay der lilBhesi market

U>sed In sand by ibe hunter, with the

8. J. Potter and Mies L.

•defeated, laalQAmuyriflm and mnlee


iw II W.SS an old ch>lb*-s man He was
ihn-adldPi- and sliiuy
old elolliea
iBu. and be wBECed Ills full Cray

hell- me," said 111.- stmticer
••Why yell." ssi.| the lady, "1 have
some ohi x.-irmeiits rlsbl her.-. What

Tbe animal fell. jTklnp tbe

Spanish a

iltsldc dtsirway of tbe liasement. Tlie

'Mia*! and the l•|llladelphla A.-ad.-mv of SaiMra. O. Rom of Babin, apent yMtar- oral
A few ui ii>e exes wen-

tba da-


Ii mlEht have hero fifteen minutes ‘
fter this that a form darkened ihel"hllc -

L" P^

John Bom* of Fodank led a hocM
with tbe halter Ucd arotwd hb thamb.


the ptiri-

<1H«< «1' u. And

the past fa* days, rammed home Uat(^„,^,


Ahat Oolonal Qraof ihelnaiirrant torem
muda aa attack oa Piaeo. la


attcndln* to bnalnea. in tot. city to

At Uma. Pars, tha latoat aowa r<«ai*ad In reva*^ to




' i„,|

y lo him fni

I atnootbly <-orervd wtib sand, the pr>who

an ^ fellow, cranio# hia left le# badly, tha

coiuHttuv that she has w-areely fur-

lisiresa of ibe housf- looked up and

wmy to Manila, has }aat bean artoatod

P. Ryan of Belihlm.


and so i

. |M.saiblc

wham she' abow-a a irrvat similarity to ilo-turib-'s

to mothm, Mra. K. Smith.


Gisin;.-'t like

>lraiiEe to si'>

- ........... ■


last avanlnf (or Newayfo,

da Bone Konf for takinf the eaMol


into the l■aseuM•ul.

The west oMherrtssainedlfrerafpno'
of bis consln. tbe allintor. and




tWhiU Otoad. which foundered on tha

-aaa in an nnaaaworVby oondUlon.


•mipllisl half the <-uDicnis of Hu- attic ' uiveu blu) even yet.—OeveUnd

nliur down lif and also eiiaUbs 1i to
ae<-un- and drown Its prey under wa*
ter. Tbe uosirUa. pUts-d at the eX-

' over. It can .-Mst a eonsld.' lenetli


And u»w.“ be added with

evuis-raiit shout, “now will you aay I i bones of the ankle belc# tractnnd and

fectually prevculs tbe water fpmi run-

T„.—.UC.P. U, a,. ;rr .r'.-.rrrr':



N.u.a.lUeft *cdcaaday afternoon

•with thraa. and the Dark Alaska, with



karleTolx yesterday by

lUleka, with II; tba Urampna. with flee:

' ania.

"111 ekau<-e it." said Gisirm*.-and be

ireiitlty of Us Ions nuM-. |wnult It to
bnsthe at lu ease, while ibe tinfor
tuuate aulmst tspiured drow-ns befa<s of the water. Horsmstb the

Rapida for a vlali with frianda.

•with aeren; the Aieaander. with el^bt;

in Maniater.

At Maaiatee yeaierday while ioadinf

w.-iii on with his n-bearsals.
| ran t act' the member bralaed in a dUtreoalo#
fim-dav Iasi w.H-k his wife was hiisy I
Hut si.e was so mad over her dls.

Oil ferocious croisxllle la
pruvtdisi w nil a t. .»ai valve. »lii.-h ef

Tha whaUncfltol now on Ito way

a Keneul laushlux sUs-k "

:be old teeih and new ones lake their

Durlnc tha past aoeih CUdwall A



bulk salt into a v^l at Buckley A
told b's wifi-, and ahr. as usual. lau#b- j
"Ves." he jnldlanily erle.l wtihoiit
Dtnplua'doeke. Joeepb Edaxlnski wau
ej at h's histrlobic pn-iensioiis
; Im-dlMu h.-r crilMstn. “I surakmi out
ibly D j ired. A large block of the
••Kv.-fvlHHlv will sn- ihrouEh your ' of the from door wlib-ui your b.-ar. ...
(I ssuho-.- she said, -and t..u II just be iiic or ns-.iu; me. aud I sm-ak.-d back |aalt caved in on
the nnfortanato

new' and larxerones. iu> as thd
inertsses lu vise be ronUniies to drop

la Banoab A Lay Co. fljur iniU It

4ora Pec ilo atock irbicb abe aald to the

frii-ml. bt-Esu the preparation of-a vau- : mean. («>nii-mptibh- iricka 1 ever heard
deville ehanicier art. Of course, he of ibal'a Hie w.-rsir

U ran al»« iwddle pently atone with
The teeth are iprt mad<
masilcatlm;. fur when iKwsUdc
tows Us pre.v entire. They are hollow
at the has.- aud contain tlw crqwus or

Tbaflrwtdiv'aioe of the pipe orfwn
(and oomoalttoa will meal at 3:M tbU

At ilaB Pra^elaeo it ia aoderalood
that the


piovidiaf the ■prlnf from bar own wbaal,

a alie and

maialaln thalnatitatioa at aa aaaaal

buucor. but

when alarmed K plunpea Into the river

Ui. lUU. d.ii,bt.r

4 M
1 M

- •- fart, be U really a clerer , from tbe i.iwer riition», ■««! dow u- j Bran par 100...........
ft-lluw in many
aialra tu- came flylns. Tbetv wai
priaea bit friends with tbe diverhity of . .tuna, limp and white, lyinc back I jurraia aatmottaataw<RX imuic
an eaey chair.
bU talenir.
Whenv idd.pwbn..............................
They all beilere In bim except hU
be crlml. “whaf*
Wbeni. pwrbn. (new)......................
ilet In the famll- matter with your Ue waa penulm
OaA. Mo. 1. par bn. (u«r)............
iar apburtam-to her the man of her ' scared
He stood hack a Unto,
Oom. por ba.............................................
choice U never a hero. So abe Isocba i tiivicbed out b>a bands wlili ibe pal
Potato«.pMba........................................ Ittotl
at his nonsense, aud punctures bit wit, j upward
He Upped hla bead to i
Eye. per tan................................................
and makes bim {<>el aa mneb as possi- side with a ivnileal leer,
Bnckwhent............. .................................
ble, to quote bis own expression. "like
ill dot PudUlii
Butter, per
•ihtv.. clotlHs vaa no nood no Birth, per doaem......................................
30 c
Well, this Fast Knder baa a #reat
ilfftiy. 1 toll yon dey vaa full
Applw-Cntla And wlndfnlU. ne per
l«) lbs.
likiuc fur amateur rntertainmenu. and of mots?'
enllB. iMichicnn Btnreh
la guile a clever actor and mimic. I
- Whair' slirh-k<-d Anna, sprinxlne
borne time ac». be. In company with a up. "Was that you? Well, of all ■ he OD.IaceordlnwtooaAlUy. lOltc. -

,be rrooodlle baa tbe ferocity
of lu nature excited by

til 7*

ealt peTbW ...........

coofrertw, and really de- rvin* meet of j nunerT' He had beard a boltow m.«u



body woe attended by a lar(« nunber

jMdeaload raarlaf aotee irbea daa-



of triaade of thedeceaaed. and namerbe deter- (HU fl>ral tribotto adoraod the eaoket.

lu fall aUa eoald aot

ia abwi

..ruI-Tn.-^-La laid to r«t io
of Oread Replda. were laid to ftowo
Oakwood eentotory yoatordey.

«aad waa atUl aeetblnr aad ataaatlnc ae





a to KtorkU
between tbe crorodile and the allimtor
h eery marked: (be head of ibe eroro-





aad Jalta Erafv ac« ». bath of Peala-

Vie- eala towaahip.


-Taa oeiaaioo *a» markad


Taoro «ara oo taiaUiLea.

fbalibalgaaotTropan; »aa
At Brlauri

booe waa


'Thoowad* of o»Ut« dfreuioA
»Ma fMod


two plaoea. and two of the teeth ware


ta tha dtoirtet of

VO from . the

you »eeo that llsht prorWonaandfi
gray sumi
t of miner
nr stammered .Anna, i
cr»y »ult I wore Cloar Pork per ^aaw....
for a few weeks last aitnmer." said Oear^parM..
He It la that makea tbe ai(kl
Georre. “It waa In the front ctoael !
AB e«.-bat.ltDeat and deltcKt.
' Short Ont Pork per M...................
olfbL but I can't
i Flow. M L.ACo.B«i............
roWn» fal
, , ' Eye Floor. B. U A Oo. BaPt..
-What dUI you wen
.queried kfaal.H.UAOo.Btot.......
^^ObadUb"i\ Adriayer.
Anne ia a weak rnUe.
Feed. B L. AOmSeat...............
“Why. 1 wanted to
and apeupeti up. Itv iluioet a* k'"'<l
aa new.
H<-elde« that. I i a» tonkius lurdperM
hUlini: pUce for ■ few bun- Bnttor per » Daln.
He U an Fnat Kndcr and more* In ' f'"’ ■
I broiuhl : »*aaery B«ttor.».
CDc of ihoae mutual adii
:nd fancied the
om therr. pleaaantly Sal
(HMAet of the eray
IB the uaual way on tbe Battery of hla
T le (be anirre aicbiiaftle.
Lw4^ ailblB the urrheid'e pale.


earera aeeideat to a •or»er Tratme

TO tharin# hlmerif.—Ohio Btnto Josp

mIstreM deUvered with
haoda and rolled up eyes aad ta tome
•tnnpe lonpue. departed with bb bap
I thronph the ootalde hasemesf door."

When George caac hoto that sIpM


ajk. HKKT
IKKT Cppea
part H

1 hlUls.-lf


h-«m I.............. .
-Til.- .■1im;ii'- -.f
-rously COT. .,31
Iv w-ltli CV..SS and livacbei
ers up iU lia.-es." Klidlop
‘A J'llsoe


,WM ailes ^wBoarlsaiaa
Wuula lake stack of aicrchaeaiae.

bltMla nor sbrlnka In ihli |^J^|

dry air.
He .s.nilnlipa with Ihe f®*"' Aap, of h--alib ui>on bis cbeck*. at JXk
•s|ual>le ••}'
steady bandI until Ibe day of r«*< konlos W*'
arrives. I d suddenly breeklnp up
about tbe I ad be die*, and bli friend.
*l>f-ak bl<
i^lVliqiKir should pby with It ao re. k
lesely 1 leave to other* to decide.
anbapTF ”i"’c ef aSaIn baa, bow.

it;;;; ’s.isf.-.'skif;’"""- tss

produced one good result, wblcb I willI we
mr ts tkalr
tSoir avao aad
-alile vrtvinflde to v.iu.
In tbe bean of thef . WUUn* ta pay raarly W
busiest qtianef. where banka and
Innker* are tbickeat and
Meprai>b: ar«a**a ataa^ vaeeiepr, s. A i
wires moat numerona, stands a semi-.
subterrana-an bar. tended by a Gvf-i TTTaktrd uavirai bripti act
man with long blonde locks and s' W aaa* ta
to e
n-preaest mm
cryatauine eye. _ Go__ thii'^^^jTniv.:
- iLd »Vp^*”'Blr^kvtlp* Of your toes an.1 ^lemSTr i^a^'n
ask him for a battoa punch; Twill ereaee*: aay bask la aay town. Jl
Uke ten minutes to brew, but tb* te-;
suit 1* the bigbest and noblest prodnci; imuum, oawpMy.Dept. kcateae
of tbe ape.
No Btos b« on* know«i-----------------------------------------------------------------X
U compounded of tbe shaving* of cber.
nhs* wlogB, the glory of a tropical
dawn, tbe red eloods of sanset. and

s tn

r(Si itoaaiiia Um6U. »tbAih SdUi^lLUil).


a m. muowm. utmar
One of the in<Kl ^■la■Iiln>>)^ WORfB


MSBinLKAIICC-BMM tovrr lmi

fi- Ut-^ »» ft ■*“" rid^rfl’
and t:ii>rraa.
Mna. Tb^ front of tbr wsUt a»

Miaa Mnatm la uow
frara uf aga. Iwi atm la making vigor1(be«l • wilnkk- «rroM (fer Iniai aiul otia |>m>aniil<>n for a trip lu Knroja-.
H galbrtM] ruIlUHW at tbr Irollnin. atbirb a Ul W Imr forty ihltil m-yagr
Wrr Ibr •IJahtn.f pcwxllibto thr ollmr able I>urlng tli.- rlvtl war
t • btouiw tf s1vf>tt. Imt llir fallntw lilaa-^iaaon drrotpd bf-rarlf to b0a|>ltal work. aiKl aim woiUd fnHiU*-ull>
Madbr Ibr ta.ya tu gra> wIlli tbr a»-_____________
1 iba BtABdlfle roUnr. «W<h bao aaranro l|>at If lla-J ilM aba- would *^g w g_aw............... .. _
ukr .an- of fimir rbildn-n. A. a
flTr,*^ ‘““7- ,7^^
antiu-Dcr thirty ortibaua wrrv *'*'
prraard 1» bar In Kalllnturc from Iba 7, k>. H.CiUtM. Au«rM» aa« Oaaaa
aottlli aflar dm anr. two of wbou.
U- ll«mrm»oaa. Ofc,^oi^
tonnil aiming ihr niliia of folumbb.
and MaiKi-l> mora than liabtaa. wat>- ^ |-niaat*ur. uSca u «udm B)a#
oralil of Ibalrowil liaui«-a.
aa. ogoa KTl, raMOatm* W«:__________
rilb tba aaalatuma- of ganrnoia ^ o iiILBgKT.aiwraaj. Bfaeiaia
frl.i«l. ami tbi- prwxaala of dm aab*
of bar .a.lla.-<ad ............... .. Oral .alltmn
Of Wbbli bnnigllt bar fl.t"»>i aba b«* \V.

au.a-rT.b-d in .imliilallilng ami ailm-ai. \
^ .rTDldin
a» Ina. Ham
Ibg lb>-a.- ori.baiia. all of wbom. Wlib 'O IHoc*imUk«aBloak.TmT«wartta.
ona p(ia-|>iion. an- ailll living and anc. HOTFi
•mir-aii|>i>ir1liu;. Ili-r llraf trip to Ku- 2li.tS2f**^
n.|Ha waa mada In IW>k Wli.-Ii tbr I-OII 55*£—
U-ini-oii gay. Imouilful I'arla and
oivii di-Mibiii-d. a«rrow-»
liiiid waa Iniln-d alriklng. 'Tim aytiiDg^mmtirrBy^'^OMPBilWMpg.-a
liatby aaii-uib-d i<> nia ihrn*,*’ wbr aaya.
B«a‘* aaO rmidn-a-a uiwama 0 ■prc-laltr. <M
“l.-r-an imTpr forgai: wblla upon my ar- m-r
kinira lu u. i; a ■ : : U> < aod T le a ia
rlral lu l.aioduD I waa told. 'I'ui Vir. Bi Ball p*oua ftA
________ __________
gluia on your .-ard. Uiaa Maaon. It
will Im a |iaaa|iort lu rvtry biiuuolgbt
Korlbaro >Bm
ban-.' “
Miaa Uaann U a woman of dUdii.
gulaliatl pn-m-mt—tail. am-l and ab-udiT- and ibongb tbr anowa of rlgblyf»ur wlniara i-niwn bar tba lirr of
youth adll glcwa in hi-r oyaa. Pba j
dwi-lla iiiioii tim bright ami Imaoilful
TToworMCInr. BM
tnininl onianiriiial mk-sIod rl>his tblnga In Ilf.-: oK if aba lou.-bi-a main
nmiftlir l»|>. anil a Ja«m «rn>a( Imw Ita dark aid.-. It la utily to "p.d>’‘<> ■>
atebnl lli.- d.h-L of tbr nalal. Tin* U|i" dial II may n-Oii-i ifaa U-uanta-iii
tarVM an- r«mi>li*i«-d l>) flariug rutf« luialil."
arUtbcm Mi la «»m.
Dolatr Idmltr I.IngaHa.
Tbp aklrt la lu ftw-gonxl (i.Tlr ami
Tba aiiiunmr brluga ugalo intn aarl
aa an uudar Iwx |>lali at tin- lu- k
HU aoMdaralloii i:ii- ........lion of llu .
'am rt|i|ilhig rlnmlar fluiiui'pa an- a grria. and tin- majority have yat lu
imrpfiil fi^iiin- of ibp bkmIp, »lil. h laam of Iba luniaiAo- n-llaf lu Im
I anadp with a ow<<p|>. TM pal(i-ru found 111 ib<- light, dainty ■■hi-uila>—
L. L. A Building
Iw pniTldi-a a tbird flnDDi'p. wbkb i« wbli-h bava Imau n-vlvi-d. Tbay antrr oniltiMl
faaldouail of pala.rolon'.l allka. ol
Tfab dPalgs i> atllUlda for nil (bin ahai-r ruuollim. or of dluilly. Oua pn-i
noiBiPr fabrloB. aa «pll aa aiik or a»ri ly tumlal U of MrlH-d dimity, a nniti'nwtcUB. and mar Im di'-oraii-d wiib rlal widcb ntuuoi im i.unia»ad for
coolDaaa. It la nuub- aflar Iba Uargui-rili- |iatii-ru. wbli b mrana that ib.B«<«rw bar bualiand’a tragic draiti walal.lliti- la lndb-nlf<l b) a luiud of
tdralfonl. wbo waa kirw Ool- laiT luaariloii uiidar wblib U full »
Mr. of Naw York, waa notad for rlliiaiu dial la dad lu front. Ttu- low.
Imalng n-Hiarkabl.r wall, in ratbar a round lia. k la bonlan-d by u doub'a
tftklng and pb-iun-aqiia aiyla. Tb>- frill of la.-.-, and a aluilUir frill goi-a lo
1ml aagaou aha Ippaan-d IB I/Olld»ii tiimi a liny ab-ara. AU.v.- ib.- ladtom.
ba Bllrartad a gn-al danl of adiiilriug aa in almo«i all ttai- Daw ubamiaag,
lOllcT. on a.'i-ouni of a faabinn aba ilii-n- t* a i:<a-p lloun.v oi lara.



John R. Santo,
Gaiaril lasaraaca.

fire Insurance,


Tba Anii-rl.-aii •■mlaaa.r In Ivondon
la at pn-ai-ut doinl. iU-d at 1 Curtion
IIOU'U- laira.-a. Ilia botl<m whiab Ijol.i
Cunnm'a fatla-r pn-aaiiVil i» bar l.a
fora aba and b.-r bnabu^^laft for In-


Is tbe amount paid to members b-om January 1st, 1889, to Nov­
ember let, 1899. $4,888.78 of the above sum was paid to mem
bers In Traverse City and vloinity during the above period.
Thie record should convince all that In order to be safely
protected it is best for you to carry your

Accident i Sickness Insurance
WITH THE^-----------------


Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse City
since January 1st, 1899.


John F. On & Go.
Successors to
Traterse Ciit lumber Co.
Ttaterse Cit|,


To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle

,1.- tua. a-oHd. and
obmataxita. or tbalr Mug am-jit just aitfllaiandy a|ian to gain dir.i
quiatuda m> aao<-uiial to tbuaa wb<>'>iway by aonm m-ni-loToiia . tirn-ui.
i-tal Ufa ia of m-t-.->alty u noilvr
a.—PUIlaJaIpbla Ls-dg«-r.
Daaplta 111.- gniit ■•■aiily of diiOnr exeellent PoUto Pulp, which U
AfrtCB entiraly dlyBaUble by mttle. taoMea
InrbaM of I'onlaml >b«- ia a Hula mo OB6d by Brliiih Boidta
larera au4 duaurlgbl lo Im axartjy
C»pt. C It llaoBiBOB Is wall known
^ular with Ilia frivoloua. and lu-r allowar Africa u commanilar of tba and ho«a and which we will always
tomawbai n-ai-rvi-<l maiiD'-r iMng
that naplurad tba fsBoiis rebel Inrnub in a sweet atate. U now tbr
akau for pHdi-> 1» aoiiii-ilm.-a imkin-liv
___ of ■
aale at onr factory.
booiinantasl on by tlmva • bo n-ui.-iiila-r
m Vrybnrg. Beebuanalabd. ba ; -fbe price for wbleh we will aell tbU
Mwju Ml«a dallav York*, ihi- daiumi^oce it will be
IBT of a i-rmniry g<-iiilaiuan. unkuunn
16 fama and ignorant of dm high |n<...
l>ly leM ibaa half the ooet of
Ilm that aim waa di-atllinl lo aliain.
w b. D I tba aame amount of feed etnffi eonRut If aim fall* lu Im- gauarally (xu.u: talnad in all wheat bran and mlddlar in amart mh laiy. tIm young dn- li«a' kind butrt and pranl.-al .-haiiiv
hBTa audiwn-d bar lu a gn-at iiiaiit ^by s'T:*wJ!ilLd'l^c”rbomp«n. I In order to inliodnoe Ula feed w*
paepla. Al W.-llmc-k >ba ha« .-ai ii d
I wllleell It in a preeaad aUUat IS eanu
Iba uama of "dm GcmmI l>u<-lm«M." lor drvgaie^
__ i a hondred. ThU feed ia fetieolDgitand
M la known that not only will aba i.luxuria*
, cattle ano boraea prefer tbfa|feed to
lava mora inom-r for tli.iai- «
I poletore and other fewla. and it ie le
MTd. b«l aba g.m* aimtiig do- |«>or Ill.Ti
eneb shape that It can be hauled le
mlf to cbm-r ihaiii wlih bar gar'
taarrela, boa sMfotsa. eU.. aed can ba
Botnanly syni|>atb«.
ayniiuitbt. In .-vary
■M Iba aalali- sb.aln- Is known
know and lot
shipped In oar load lota Boahal i
la aba da»arva« ii,
liar c-hlaf
ahed free of charge.
bar vl.ll
_____ __la tba
. h.-ad uiirM-M- of bar
Iran, a woman la .wbombom- w'lmioni
wlmlom nod
Uarratloti In tba diairibulliHi
airibuMiHi of 1.,-r
Mm Iba dnrbass baa aaary <s>nf1daio-a.

Fire Insurance :
E. W. Hastings:

». bni ab> |>a.
rmmon sansa. la ear
. and ta

tba Biningaai of ail fnnrioa In Ibis dliwatloa Is dm Uiaat naws wtiii-h coini-e
treoi |•arla. that two iadlas lua.- »uaMadad In taming doaana
qia of
i>f bntlanli.
tbrea llidr Inaavis aat frum their luistyiaeaa' baud*, allglit on diani and
■bow no faar .rf any kind. Tba muiii1^ girl, dnrlaig dm doll days of dm
pwrB from Uumlay morning uni II
Batnrday nm.n. may la this naw fad
lad a niaeiu of dlrarwlon. umlng b-r
to _a ariow
_____ _ In
_ .prrparadcm

Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.


ray of waarliig a rlvtrn- of d

vluabla. and of w bb-b aim lakaa grani
W. Wbanava-r Ibi- wa-admr |mriiiii'
1 bar maid alia out of diair> and giviw
bam a alto IuiIIk and nl oiliar lliiia>
.^dy Rtraffonl waara ibani uiidar lo-r
In-M, wfib’li la unolbar «ar> gmal nny
■r pmmrrlng tlo-lr luati-r. Ijidy <*o|imwka Invariably wanra bar |marla
ladrr bi-r lilgh dn-aa. and la rrry aaltool aaau wHhiint thi-ui al night: and
*tmn Iba diii-baaa of kfarlUiniugli w;ia
‘Obbad of bar Jawai rnaa ai a rnllway
ItBllou. aim anffarad lar.t iltdr
OM. aa all tit-r imarla wan- aafaly
(Opt in Ibla aanm wiiy. A m-aklaiv of
Mirb whb-b la not w..rp fim a.......
lua. but put away In n )aH<;t .-aaa
rcT7 Boon Inaaa ita lualra. amt. aftai a
inmii Iba |U-ar1a grow aii k ami. darbarr U. Uowavar. mm wa. of n-aior
Bg tbalr ta-amy. and that la liy alukliu;
bom Id dm m-b and laiilng ito-m la
Iboir for tan or iwalva y.-ara,
bla la nitlmr a lmttd<- ramrity. iiml
rpi7 -fad- |H>ut>la would dan- to
Jioir trvaaiin-a to ilm nn-rvy of iliHodwnd wam-a. wiib tba <4iaaiT of


The Michigau Starch Co.

TnvenK- Citj,. Uicb


HinewooD sues


retching puaae. wllb wbk-h lo aap'l- '
B BnaraptlMa man upon hla antfAl i|

nemidck edgings


Bidewftlk Lnmber in «U


■un U Ximnn* Ottr lomlnr Oo.

After reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that YOU snould carry accident and sickness Insurance, call at
my office over Johnson's drug store, and Information will be
fumlehed by competent clerka
Send a postal card and we will mall you partloulars.
Do not wait for some one to call on you—take the Insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.

This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.

APLV TO............

J. M. Blakesiee
District Superintendent

BiMch DHIee, Rum f, Jahisoa BlncL

TrmtM CHy, Hdugn


BlkCTBIC UOHT feit&ti

A Bfiif OP OlCyOLtl

me Vtaw ml t

A Qcnvs OSSKK.
«•« tb» Utt Emvnm BOn
Awtm IcarMd Gt*A prortdw
' wM^. U. CMMomm. wUb ft book
•r IfttoMtlac >i>lnternrw whlcb b
■honir to bo poMbbod.
Tbo Onofc teftooM ftlwtr* bc«fto
whBo tbe •foprcfto' bftir waa brllw
teat. TbU wfto ft •«« conpHotod
ftftd oftHoM oponAon, which took two
boon. Tho emproM aat 1b tb* nlddk
et Iha lftr*» rooo boforo ft wbltft-oooand tftbU. with tbo propanittoB et tbo
todftr Sbo Wfto CBtlrrlr concfftM oftAor ft droMtaf cows of cftisbrtc. with
iftco. over wblcb her hair atrcftawd i»
brows warn to tbo frooad. Tbo balrdmaer. Ui a bUck gowa. with * tnift
ftsd ft CftBibrie aptoa, had to orpftiwio
•ftcb hair with her ftofon- tbou to
coatb tbra oat->-tbtro waa fto braabloc
—to Bftko tbo plftita, ftftd to lalftc tbetn
os tbo eapnaa' b«d Uk« a crovo.
Wbos ail wsa flabbod abc would proftoM the row bala which bad «»»« out
U a allTer dlah. Tba oBtpn« would
gtra bor a nproftcbfiil look. Tb« hair
4ttmte would ttaro paidoa aad ihoo
tbo aapmo dnvo to icboabrasa wttu
Bon ft throo boon’ walk foOowrdte troetr woatbrr. la rats, la oleot. la
asow; aad tbe wonr It waa the more
tbo otaprwa would 00)07
tt waa Ukr King Loula of BararU oopsnio poKonnaoMo la a tbcfttrr.
1W wortd waa bon la aock westbor.
U. Cbiiataiaaooa bad to walk a atop
bohlad her maintr. whrtber be read
orwhotboribercaUed. SbeTooenllr
pretawed rcftdlbg. but wbea abe Utted
U waa without reaerre and on all oulf
Jocta. On tbe emaaclpatlon of won»-o
Bbo waa rather bard. ‘'Women abonld
be free.- abe aald. *They are oftao
belter worth It than men. But tbej
ebosU not learn. Tbe lesa they learn
tbe son Taluable ibey are. kaowlns'
Iblaga ‘'out of tbemaeiToo.' ”

While tbe eieetrlMIgbt bath la sal
atrtctly a sew Idea, yet tbe tseen
ihaaeoua preaestatlea tt twe
by tbe wl
papen 00 tbe eubjeet to two preail- who used to ride U latbeaarU
sest medical aodetlea. ase tagllab
and tbe other AisorlesB. sbowa that
It w cHDing to tbe fen. la tbe esb-

from tbe mein engine, wblcb Is
tour<yllnd« Dlamler motor deeelopment can be fortber utlUaed to glee a
Bbock to pereoaa teaching tbe ootald**
of tbe car. Tbe tlree with which tbs
wheels are fitted are each as srlU en
able tbe eeAde te trarel orer rery
ta a mlUtery raUway laapeetloa car.
ftlao artnor ptoted aad cftnylng a Max
Im gun.


TW eavrcoa tt Boaola hea boogbt
tbe DarnuUderhof. at Fraakfort-ontho-Malne. which was tbe foroMr reoK
Bnee of the gmad dnkea of Heeae.
••d wOrb was erected by tbe LaadCtftf Lftdwig vm. of Beaae la tbe
joarlTffl. It ta aow to be polled down
ii order te make room for tbe new
- • aad tbr tacido will bo takM



Mro. Alan Oardner. tbe KngUob an
tboraaa. on one of her Mg-game ebootlag ftxpeditlona la SomallliDd. gsre 1
actire woman a tooktng-glaie. 8be
was ao dellgbted with tbe first dear
eight of ber dusky oonateaanee that
ebe sat through two eatlre days and
algbta outside Mrs. Gardners tent
gixing witb mptore st ber owa reflexOoB. On tbe morning of tbe third day
tbe tame of tbe looklng-gtoae
spread throogb tbe country, aad
of 40 Somali womea. collected from
far and near, were engaged la uklng
an admiring tnrn at tbe magic mirror.
, Wbm Mrs. Gardner came on tbe scene
I abe was greeted
imU rdceo joined
baeglag for a loofclag-dtaaa ‘MO to bei^
tdf." Bot. alaal for tbe '
with tbe one communal mirror,
tte woman wUb tbe lookUw-glao
■Blned for many weeks tbe aa«
piCiMt Banuft in BomiBlMiA

of tbe apoft — la becoming more and
more like tbe buffalo — extluH. Bur­
led in junk pllro and hidden away
cHUra. Ibe ateeda that
ed klfiO are slowly but eurdy bring
Tbi'ie U nu demand tor tbla style of
bicycle and tbe ooce proud machine
has dropped from tbe cycling worid
until now even tbe street Arab would
acorn to be seen «ui IL Tbe ordinary ta
only a reminiscence, but ome a yeei
it baa an ouilng and tet a few brtei
bouri lords It orer tbe lowly safety
that displaced It aa a farprlie. That is
flivi ftunday In November wben
tbe Chicago Cycling Hub baa lu an­
nual ordinary run. wben for the sake



Smoker I

Having rented the Cutler Bam one
block south of Traverse City State jj|
Bank, comer of State and Union a
Streets. I will have a load of fine «
heavy Draft Horses & Farm Mares «

that abowB tbe deetitc Umpa are all
prorlded with ledeeteiu. Tbe patlenu
or a portion of bla body, to be treat­
ed la extKwed witbln the cabinet,
wblcb la abut op dgbL In tbe lUustratloa It ii abows ^n for tbe purpoae of displaying Ita arrangement to
better adrantage. Among tbe diseases
la wblcb It baa been fonnd oaefot. ac­
cording to ibe Hrititb lledlcal JourDaL are rbeiiinatlim. asthma, anae­
mia. neurasibetila and obeelty.
II baa been found that tbe elect ricllgbt bath stlmuUtea tbe eUmlnallon
of carbon dioxide In a rery marked
degree, while tbe eUmlnallon of nltrogenona wastes la Inaat In the electric
Ufbi batb and greateat In the Kustlau. On Ibe other band, tba amount
of .per^lratlon piudnced hy tbe eleideogtaa • «lri ay Her MoaU.
tric-llgbt batb It fuUy doubla that In­
Some B^lltb fellow, porportlng to
duced by the *rurklsb batb In tbe
aaake a atudy of tbe fair aex. dedarea
tame length of time, and ibe Brat a|v
one can judge of a glH by tbe mualr
pearance of perspiration comes In an
abe playa. Tberela art eome maid'
Btonlal potmen for tbe aommer girl, electrlc-llgbi hath In one-balf tbe time
aa well aa tbe aumaer nan. Tbe Bng- of a Turkish or Russian luitb. It is
not believed that tbe electric lamp
tt. uya;
‘There are wone wayi of ebooelng potseeses any special ciiralire prop
ft wife tbftn by tbo mnalc abe pUya. enlee Ksett. and any otber^sourte of
If ft girl manlfnta a predUeotlon for radiant beat wonid answer eqnaUy as
Btranoe. abe la rrlr^oa; for Beetbo welt, bm Ibe elecirlc-llgbt cabinet is
ecftAbe la unpraetlcftl; for UnL abe U tbe most conreulem and praHicai
method of obtaining It.
tee ftfflbltloui; for VerdL abe la aeoti
One of tbe adraniagea of the ele<-'
amul: tor Offenbach, abe te giddy:
far Oounod. abe la larkadaUicol: for tric-llghi batb. .•otiipared with me
Oottacbftlk. abe te anperdelal; for Mo- Kuaaian and Turkish and other hatlis
aart abe u prnditb: for Wagner, the l« U that Ibe re<iulri-d results are ai-coui
tdlodc. The girl who bammen away pushed in lui Sbori a time llmi « !•
at 'Tbe Malden't Hnyef and Wllvory coniparatlrHy free from the exba»>Warea' may be depended npou ae a tug eflfeiis wliich si* often fiilluw other
good cook and beallbful. and If «tae In tuiibs and t»«d<-s of lnduHu| |>era)*iradudeo Tbe Baltle of Pngue' you tlou.
ougbl to know that abe baa lieeii
BtrtcUy nurtured. But. laet et all, pin
Mimary Setwr t'wrw.
tbou tbJ faith upon tbe calico drew* of
Purine Ibe latter part of tbe Auto­
the glrf who can play ‘Home. Sweet
mobile club's show, held at Rlrbmoad
Borne.' "—New Orinn* Picayune,
recently, considerable Interest ws»
■Mb* A* WaOOIW# riiiialw
shown In a motor reblHe for mllllary
"Wben in doubi try booka” la Hear­ purposes. wbUdi was exhibited In ac
ty tbe principle on whiob wetblius
pneenta are now being cboaeb. There lion by Its designer. Mr. Frederick
were a good many glren at (be Crewe Simms, says the I.onden Tiroes. Tbi*
wedding, wblcb. at Lord Crewe U of "motor aeopt.' as It has tieen named,
an omlnenily Htenry turn of mind, consists of A-doadrlcyHe fitted with a
waa Datum enuugb. Attention, bow .
ewer. bavUig be>>n called to the fact la one and one-balf horse power petrol
tbe pftpen. a cr»wd of perplexnl (leo- tDOtor. which can propel It at any
ple bare anaicbed at this magotOevot speed up lo about elgbteen miles so
raoourco. and Mr and Mra. Lulu Hareenn will at any nte start life with boor for a dlsunce of 12U miles, or
ft Ubnrr- Tbe geneni charncter of farther with a teserre supply of petrol
tbe preeent* ao glren la claaainl. If not It Is coDverllble. carrying either tw<
aevere. There are no noeela. inch an persons or one person, and a llgl><
Bb- W. Bden fare Lord Crewe. In (he Maxtm gun tmark It.I In Ibe latter
le or
of in any way
IteL - only Tolnme
la Udy Sirnley <xae tbe gun Is monnisd In front over
me leading wheels and ao arranged
that It can be fired eltber to tbe right
ur left or atralgbt ahead with the reblHe going at full opeed. wblle In a
tray below It there ta room to ator>l.OW mends of ammunition wltblu
eaay reach of tbe rider.
Aooiber type of “war motor ear de­
signed by Ur. Blmnia. la mueb larger
and bearler. la armor-plated aQ orer
and baa a ram both In -Cyoat and be
bind. Tbe armament cooatsu of two
«..f. Maxim guna carried tn two reeolTlng torretft Tbe ataerlng ia man­
aged by means of mtrrora. and It is
cUUned that tbe crew need nerer extbe protectlou

After man feU be looked atol for.
fifear down for womem
A yooag maiTled wwnaa always
wooden why tt la abe baant iMiraed
•■eb tt anything, after aU.
Wte eome meo think of marriace
ttaff eeeoB to hiek oo widowra eome«bB« like aecond-baad bicyedeft.
Tbe woman wbo wU tall on a maa'a
Mftk. bury bar face la bis boeom. and
" t her knuckles into bU back wben
■ eeee a June bug wIU go craay at
tamUlaHiy If be abakee haads
hdaI ti
r York Preoa.
tbe wrong way.-

HORSESIjpjg ’f3j|i


15c StraigM;

NOV. 17. Bicycle Enameled
Pretit ntar time
to Ihiok about hating toot

They are all from 4 to 8 years old
and weigh from 1260 to 1700 lbs.,
and they are from tbe farms of
Northern Indiana. They are all
good workers, kind and gentle, and
if you are in want of anything in
this line come to my bam and. I
will save you from $16 to $46.00
Every horse is as represented and
(rtil Rtpldt i lamm« I
will be sold on terms to suit
' r

You might alw>»«r me about atorlng
your wheel FRKK tor ifac »inter
No facticr enameling ina^ oura.
Step in and Ulk H over.

HI Union Hireet.

As lIlDstratlng ibe material and
workmanship put In tbe g. o. o.. the ac­
companying picture abowi wbat It will
stand. On tl^f last run, while
wheelmen were eating tbeir db
some of tbe bad boys of tbe 1
piled tbe high wbeeU In a beftp. Tben
one of tbe liden clambered np to
top and to show the strcngib of the
macbliiei. stood on his beeil on the
beep. There were *4.000 worth of blcyrics--tt ihHr retail price—In tti
buuch and when tbe wheels were un
tangled It was feund that not vren a
■poke was broken.

411 xrark of aigam* |

Wew Office. Warkbaixi Wineb

Jas. 0. Jenson,

i Assfig

At the Cutler Barn,Traverse City, Mich
Have You ^vn The . .

Y'ou Rct a iiret clase amoke
from oor

Ttanrst BtIJe. Sc Cigar
RftcaoBC we put into them tbe best
tobacco, and '
itrtificiftl flftvoi ■just cleao, pure)
tobacco. Tbia ..
ves you a wholew]
e amoke at an econdome, enjoyable
licftl price.
I yonr dealer
for them.

*14 Proet Stroot

ToaaaUar Bloak


New designs aod fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these io miod when



Special Offer
this week in the \'ariety Store, if not why not. 'I'here
is money in it for any family who need the kind ot goods
we sell. Note our special prices in the following goods
Step in and see oiir 5 and 10 cent bargains.
Oups and saucers 6c a pair; plates 8 1 -2e
Mch; tumblers I l-8c esoh; lamp chim­
neya 2c; butter bowls, with cover, 6c
each; celluloid picture frames 60 each;
steel granite dippers 8c; granite wash
basins 8c.

Watch for Special Bargains Ouriag the Opening Week.

c!f •

Tb.^< ajr ■ troio

'-ar ainl



—I »

West Michigan.

\Vc trust that you will bear in mind that our intr9duction-is to your interest.

It to

225 Front St.

Good Horses!


-: ,«a«SDUB


The Variety Store,
Om dNT test of StalBbarrs Open Boise.


Tram Kmonc at I >> p. w fca> aWptr Clariaeail toCraaJ Rapi-l- aad >-»a,-li and ataagliur car «%t<-a»*j (ot.rarM Kapxl- aad rhalraar
Train :
Kapin,. IO IVt-

L» Ckirago
Ar On) ftapkda
.Lr urdRaptda
^rowraaCx '



1 0>

« 14



Lx aU Baplda
A, Trox*raaC7
- xaraaOtf.

Ulism UD lOtTHEUnu I. L

I received a carload of Fine
Horses, from Indiana, oh Wed­
nesday, Nov. 16th.
*» si « £
Sm these before buying.
BARNUM & EARL Get the best horse you ever
had for a reasonable price.
See them at Brodhagen’s bam
Borsi Iras., Hoist PiIimr on State street.

down town aod call in our
Jewelerj store to look them
over. We have many new
UiagB in jewelry also.

• 4» 4 IftLa
t « a I*
P. A P M. Dapot
• »r, «HtAr OMkama J ei'B I
R fl» a aa
cater Lake

10 m »
W » « ec
M «a, a It.


OtvotbM a oaU.



Lake Aab
IMar Su

Troemm ClOr



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