The Morning Record, October 05, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 05, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Viiid Tew-No 7i».

U tha
air. Theerowd la fraatof tbe Ublean
waa not aa IneUai beblaA Da went
WUl bs Exerdss^ in the
to Hot* Bora 8«nt to
ebeera, and for aomatlma
thaitorm of antbaelaem awept 'back
Philippine OnmpAlgn.
aad ionh aerow tboae aeree of thrlUed
So Deelded at a Beetlag of tba'Fraai>
It U felt U WaabiBftoB that la tbM
dent aad Hm Oablaat—Policy ie to
VHbla Wrif-BItbl Maw-tban on# phraaa tbe Praaideat baa pllehrd
Oarry Oat WtU of People br Sn^
Am Wow It.OOO Boot 1* t0« Iba ker (or hia epwchae on the aomlaf
plylBf Troopa Safleloat to Baatala
joaraey throafb the Wwt. ~
Xfiic« BaUmi
the Praite of Admiral Sewey’a
Blf«t WiS TrlaapB aa« t» Mat
Waehlagton, 0;U 4.-PrwIdeat MeBareoal
Lqi^o*', Oet. 4.—WhUa than waa
Klnley'e policy on thotPbUlpplaw was
I, It la ra- . BMaaa Baportlof Taaaday^
eSclally ooUtned jafwr A coDfemnee
porlad ae food aaUorit; tkat tha
b^ by him wlth^riaan at the White
BMMharaaaataralUaataM to BofHew York, 0:k 4.—Par and away Bowe last night.
ftha«ntbdn»al-e( i
tha fraataat aehtoramaat eoenacOd
It U to path tbe war to |a eaoocaafal
tfoopa tros tba (roatlan vlthla farlj< with tha yacht race ywterday waa tha
I all powiBle rigor, and
boata or alaa war.
•eecaaefni operatlco of the Marooal wbea peaoe comes to snbmlt to eoagram for eetUameat the qnwUoa of
tkaVOca. dir Ooerfa Suwart Wl).lt*. of which erery Aorament'of tha com- tbe toture of the Ulanda
Who wm oowmaad the BriUah petlof craft waa balleUnad.
Tble program was |annonneod after
UM 1. Metal, peoeaadad to Darban
Old either deek oat a eail. that fact
le oonferenoe by Coagreeemao Bca' doday. OobUarrifelatO^TowDbe
wae firea to tbe readara of tbe Mar
looad that the altoeUoa OB the Metal
eoDl ballatlu before tbe froth eaarwa
herder waa ao frara that ha wired (or
badbeeafllled witb wind. la abort, loUe made tbU etotemeat for pabliciaiBMdiate traaaiMrtaaoa (or blateaK
the ayeten worked to perfection. Of Uoa;
aad atafl to Darbaa. The orolaer foria
bellotlaa atoaa fallr 5.500 word* were
"The adminUtratlon policy U to
araaplaoedathia dlapoaal,
fUehed from the towerinf matt of the carry oat tbe maalEeet will of the
The Brftlab (oralfa o«oe thJe a(Ur. etotmtbip Ponce to tbe recetrinf eta*
American people in foraisblng troopa
■ooB awared the dwodetod frtm that
tloa at Varceink. and In not n aiogle to go to the PhUlpplae Ulandi to aaswaa kaowa o( aay Traaaraal
laetaoee dll It become neewwry to re­ tain tbe finiu of
Aewaad tor the withdrawal o( Britiab
peat a meeeafe.
droooa tron tha (roatlar. Noata«ae
Mot only did Sifoor Mereoal make It
••Tbedaty that now derolrw npen
Whtta^ ooaaal faaaral et the doatb
poeelble for tbe pablic aebore to
this gorernment'~Is«lomalnUin oaAtrtaaa ropabUe, lo(omia the A* tally tbe manearera of the Colambia
aorereltaty urer Uie Islaoda and
oortatad PraM that the Traaaraal aad aad tbe Sbamroek.-boi be kept tboee
tain opraoldiers against any enemy and
thaOraafe Proa State afreed eoae
who had tbe food f Jrtaee to be on tbe against any dlstorbanee of law aad
dajraro to preaoat a )olot demand
ateamahip Poboe well inforfted on tbe order, erery thing beiag for tbe pnito Great Britala to withdraw her
more important erealc of tbe day in poee of wtabllsblagja rigbtfal gorerntroopa from (roatlar. He aaeerta that
tbe world at Urge.
moot fw tbe fpoople of tbe lalanda In
headrlaed afaloet each ------------For the benefit ol.tbe eeeetal fentle- aneb manner aa the Amerioan goyern' Md. 00 tar ae ha kaowa, the demand
Bten baring Wall efcreet laterwte tbe
iV throogh the eongrwe aball dete now rancid the BrltUh torei«a
early qaetattooe wo^-feoaieod and the mine.
money market followed.
'•The oampaiga moat be pushed acUrely and rigorously, and the opocslll.eotBoataaralatbaBaUnew. Lau
tlon 10 oar armrlmoat be ended as rap­
Cape Town adrleee tble attersoon indi'
idly as powlble. Peace moat b^lab• i that llahed by this forerameat aad mat
law Um Bean bafln boatUltlw by Jury Brought In b Verdict of
talned thereby natll coagrew shall d<Tharaday they wUl not fifhl. bat will
line what aball be done wtU'ihe
yield to the imporial damaad whan Hot Oullty on First Ballot
From what the Preeident wld. it te
Prowrta, OJt. 4.—d more oxtendod PrWoner BeM on Anothor Obarge
ipoeed to bead erery reeonroe to the
aeeMat ot tba apaaob «o( Preaidant
—Ba^UryChoo of Berman Mane ■tamping oat of all oppaeition to oir
KmfW at tha adjoornmenl o( the
Bow on Trial and Part cfteotlmeay
read* yaetardar H bow obtainable.
Xa-OirU Oaaw Dlapwod of hy the aad to tbe eaWbliihmeot and maintea
Aeeordlof to trutwortby roporta he
anee of peace."
aald: "Brarythlnf polnu towarbeBwldw Congressman Boatelle ttow
oaaaethaoplrilottalaakood hae orerTba firat of the erlmlaal oaaw on the
I, and bownaa tba elrcalt oonrt oaleadar that came ap (or at the eoafereoee wore SeereUry Bool.
yoopla of tbo Trnnaraal rrUb to forarn trUI waa flaiabed ywterday. and Prank BeereUry Bltehebdk. Attorney General
HalUday ataada aeqattted of the crime Griggs.
Secretary Cornelius M. Bllmand Myron
to attack w we hare no (aar. (or the of bainlary.
Lori U tha deal arbiter and he will
Tbe eaae hae oecnpled tbe attenUoa T. Berrlck of Clere*and. There wsa
of tbe oonrt for eome time, and when
altnation.doHn- 'hicb tbe Prwldent
Wolawrana, n noo-oSelal member o(
to the jary there wae little
the aaaeuUre eonnell, declared that don at aa to wbat tbe rerdict would be. Is a few words . .ted bU poeltion. aa
Ood bad odoa need Eayland to hrlnf Tbe eeea bee been hoUy coatwted' late^dtfineo bv &
the barfbara back to tne (aitb o( tbelr
Pratt and J.
torefetbara. Said be: ''Bacland baa Patebln for »be defenae. Tbe pleat bt
. rafoaad arorythlaf. area arbUratloa.
tbe attoraeye oecnpled the forenooa
ywtrrday. and the eaee went to the The Ceremony so -fc Plaoe Xmat Might
and the
waa Mrs. Battle
Jury at I o'clock, aad tbe fimt ballot
ilted In a anaaimoat rerdlct tor
l>ymio^' Mean Ottr. Xa.
A qniet rrr/Vne took plaoe last
Boe'arod to Admiral Beway , That acqnlttal.
Tbe erldenoe la thienue bw already erealag at ilr :<'>me of Ber. W. T.
Wbat tha Bevy Bad Won the
been rerlewcd by tbe Bacon, aad need Woodhonee. who performed tbe cere­
Army wm Hold
not be repeated. When the rerdiet mony. TbeoHneipaUwereOeo. P. GarWaahlnftoa. Get. 4.—'’Tbera waa ae
giren. there wae great rejoicing in rleon. the bu .i ing alderman of Jhe
(law In yo«r rictory: tbera will taa no the Ballldar famlW. When It
Fifth ward and Bra BatUe L Dy^toHnv la mainUinltic it."
broagbt to tbe noUoe of Ualllday that lant of Sioas City. la. .The bride U
Tbaaa worda by Prwldant McElaley be wae not yet to hare bit freedom ae highly wteemed In Sioux City and will
held on another charge, tbe find many (r'enda bera- The couple
SIO.OUO a r.wd roled b, eoafrem
rejoicing was changed to grief. wUl be at home' to their (rlende at
ed the ellmaa la the rempUoa o( the It U probable that that the other caee Ml Washington street.
natloaai oapltol tothe hero of Manila rrill be noUa.proeeed, howerer,
Mrs. A. B. Smith, sister of the bride
Bay. WaablDftoa te talklaf of It aa caw already tried ww by far tbe and Mra. B. Seammon, her bleee. both
tha moat draauUe and mafnlfleaat etranger
of LaOraage, End., were preeeat at the
tnddeator the entire wlebi
Tbe eaee of Heratan Mane was pat
A maltitade of 50,000 to IM.OOO oa Imotadtately after tbe
d the bietorie laeldont tbe BalUday caae. Maaa was arrwted OAPTAIM OABTBB'S BEMTSMO.
(ron the freat wplanade at the eaet
time ago. charged witb breaking
A Civil doart Baa Taken a 1
U tront of the capital. It laetaatly Into tha store of B. S. Jonw on Elm­
eaafbt tbe ■Iralfleaace of the Praal- wood areaaa The priaelpal wltaom
In Bis Oase.
iet% telllBg phrase. Thea arow each wUl be tbe aon of George Gwatkina, a
Mew York. Oct. 4.-Oberiln I
a tamalt of entbaalwUe approral as to boy It yean of age. Some of tbe tw- ter, tke former captain of «
oy was lakea ywterday. and tbe now under aeatenoe of fire years' imwill be coBtlnaad today.
priaonment for eoneplraey to defrand
Bow farrj. a local speaker, bad
Tbe dlrorca aalt of Lota Q
Ukea.(rom Oorwelcomed I>saey wltboat beiag heard. ra. Bamlln Oarpentor was takes op, eraor'e Island to the Federal court to­
Seoatarr I^ bad deUrered a loaf and a decree was granted by tbe oonrt day CO a writ of babeaa eorpoa.
apeech of glortfieaUoa and atlrrod the on tbegroBBdsof dwwtlBB and
Tbe army was rapreeeated by John
. throag to frrqaaat batata of applaaer.
W. Cloua, Judge adrocaie general of
Praeldoat McEUley thaa took the
Tbe peUtloB of B
of the east, and the
award to band it to tbe rIeW of the atira te tbe a
dietrlot atlcmey. Oarterh
ew aad apoke la graeefal phraw of the' gaardlan for her mlaor eon. aad tbe
Raid that there U no «
wle of land *for bU benefit wae a1- the eoart amrtlal acted Ulegally, bat
people feel for the aaUoaal hero.
lowed by the • lonri. C. C. Enowlion on the aentoMe it wae claimed tbat,
Aa Ua theo^t flaabad to the aaSaand the bond fined at tba oonrt exceeded ita poweia. Mr.
lAed work (a the mUpplaw tbe pree- •400.
lleBt<e rotw row to that peeallarly
(ernrlawad ^ a
t plteb whM



eapttoletepaaprmnfto Ita feet.






whea ba le lataaialy earneat aad amphntia. Bla tight band alowly roaa
arith hia tOM. At tha mewaat of
ntWrlng tba qaoud phraw tba prwl*
aonVa tarofingor prtatod at tba
r of the PKUlp^naa, whUa tha
olteant. plardiBg rolw earriad tbo
Wiwfi wogda far Into tbe aamnad-

Arthar Taal Ckaohed. by a PalUag
A fatal aeeldOBt oeearrad In tba
BUaira la wbiob Arthar
Twl. la the owploy of the SehaylW
Hoop 'Mill eowpany. was laataatty
Irined- A tree bad lodged
epot where be waa wcrklag. and ba
**K*waIUtndptook thamwnliigUa thengbt that it aeaU not taU, ao waa
—wark whan tha tone fall,
waahlng hM akaU. Ba died iantaally.
■ aadnphaUtho
or of tha Sag.
w. Hia talativm tealde la Max■awlAla taaeti
••Whattha nary hw W& tha army
Tha thfo^ apoa tha aland and tha

WHAT Wilt Heiia Di Hull

id cedmad Carter back lato eaetody


With CushiOD
SOLES tbat will reit tbe
feet ioatead of tiring them.


SOLES tbitak^p oat all

tbe wet and dampneea.


SOLES that provide eoft
aar&oe for the foot and Iboa
cure coroa and baaiona
SOLES tbat will keep yon
'fiee from coma and bonione
if yon haven't them.
Theae are juat a few of tbe



.by Richard Whiteing.

A (rnthfnl picture of rlum life in England, ib» antbor
entem into their every .lay life and work and poimyscharacteie nnusnal in fiction and tberafore more inter
. eating.

“Mr. Dooley,
In Peace and War”
TbuvolnmeeonB«Uof49atorieeor “obearvaaHina" by
Dr. Dooley, id rich Iriah dialect. 19 of tbeee are on different pbaaeegif the war from aUrt to finish—and 30 on
current topics of tbe day. Eor keen Irish wit and boroor,
it u the best book on the market—It will ebaae sway the
“blues”—We can get any book you want on short notice.
Hail or telephone orders
have prompt attention.........

230-222 Front Street

Ralph Oonnable Jr, Xanagsr.

many reaaone why you abonld

Dr. Reed’s
Cushion Sole
For ladiea' and men. Handaome atylea—moot deiigbifni

The Leading 8tt>s House

Pretty Styles ,
in New Golf Capes
At S7 50. $9.00, $10.00, $11.00. $12 ftO. Sever­
al new lots just received this week. Prices lower
than the other stores will charge yon, we think, for
equal qualities.



Special OpeDiog

It is the great time saver of
the aRevjand ao inexpensive
that nobody can affonl to be
If you bad a telephone in
yonr office or home yon would
save mo ->i mental end phyalcal t-ff irl, and no end of time
and annoyance.

Cloak Department


Thursday, Friday
....and Saturday,


October fitfa, 6th and 7th.


In addition to nur own superior stock there will be on ex­
hibition sample lines from two or three eastern cloak and Si^t
We will also offer. 8om<
soms special
values from
etocl^at this time and orders taken for future delivery,
rand-------------'to select
- ’ * an outer garaient, and
This is a grand
ladies are invited to vi^it this department on above dates.

New designs





woods witb new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in our
Jeweler; store to look them

Have You Seen Them?

Yfe have man; new

things in jewelry also.


Oeerge Vaa Dyke wae the victim of
. o^
which wlUdopriwblmdtthe see of OBO
hia haada for a time; but tortaaalely
3nVk VBCsy
&fiamithe member wlU not be parmaatly
\o shed «a\«t.
criFFheA^ HMehotgaa wae aoddobV •
^i^whcjyd^jyr^ of ^ the load i l&Uhbb At Ot.tO.
two Sbgma. Th
T^ weaado
by D^Oanaw.

No 5 John Street,


Those $2 50 kid Hoed shoes for
ladies. Just the thing for a ^'ihoe.
We also have a line of $2.00 shoes
for ladies that would surprise jon.
Everything in Infant’s and Children’s
shoes from 26o to $2.60.

■cRinira DkcL







iMd tepitoi «f fSOO,ooa
TnwMaty. OM VMM * VM
MU By.Oo.
14M U XiMUiuM Oouv M V*.l M
Areand tha reatoaala—Tha Prajact
oonaidorad Faambto and tha Proa

AcHftUM •*. VmmoIsc
la UMM meXMm» of Um Ecomd
thara to » MamwitoattM i«UU«« to
a Um Scoom Mm Um
an aiiiBUy to auto that Ito attitoda
BBM tha waur worka prohlom ‘
hM« pafpMoly MtoaoBatraad hr «r
f|«^>iTtrP aoaUiBporary. Sosa U*a
irUUaaflorta to
•nM a prajadioe afaUat tha aetloo of
«k« oouall U iacUlliir «tp«> tha Bafur
ptea. Tba BaooED arpod that this
MHBOtasoMiloaaabJaet to ''bebmgmrr BfluttoB,'' olaarlj dMlpsad to
Btosoarar* eoasidaratloa of aojibliiff
•MOpt Ub UdifUmal Usm of the
ThsKuwao baltotaa this to ba a
oBasttoe that pemlia «f aothUf hoi
. aad iatolUfaBl
; aad tha oolamaa of this
mfUt ara aarar eloaad to aoeh
Ilf. Bat what tha Rbcobd mdamaad
«M tha oooraa adopiod. which was
aUarly Utoadad to nraau praJadUa to
IBs pmVlle mind toataad of ptalBp toMmatloa for totaUlrant anrai
9ha paaatton shoald not ba aflutad to
UpMM thoaa nntoteRBad
■artto of tba aarloaa plau f
ha far prajadtoiair tha pahlie apatoat
dba aatUa of tha oobbcU. the Rboibd
jiUl baUapM that imtU tha report of
Mhoardef pablto worka apon tbaaaMilii aakad far to mada. the pablto
MUOt proparlj jadpa tha marlto of
|ha aaUoB Ukea \>j the eoaaeil.
It to aoaerdad that a more •adcoaato
axtaadad aratar anpplp aTaUm to
Jiyapiuilon which teadato obatract
‘^rofiaatto UiU dlrrottoa to anwtoa
••4 aoatrarp to pablto lalaraata.


rsr ^

Bptocopai Jbhlo' Vorkata.
Tha Junior Workara of Oraca BpUMpal ebarch held ibalrannaal maaUap
at tha cbareh Taaaday ovanlap.
Mnpaai'TlM Praaldani. Mra. W. F.
icM: Saontary. Barbara Oarbatt;
fiwaw. Balaa Stoat.
Hlalra HtU Baroad.
Howe baa reached tbddty that tha
mill at Elmira, owned by C F. Rapp.
vraadMlroyadby fin Monday nipht.
1W erlpln of the fin ia not known, aa
^ ^iT had act been mnntop for toa
daya. The fin w
Stolpht. There
sa aa tbe plant.

Mahet the food more deBdew—db


—That is what jon are lookisg for this weather.

Aad Rood Frapram at Ftoat Raaatoa ad
1 IHd Vat Frove that a
Tha ptoM of tha TrarMaa Oty,
We hare them aod tbe kiod that will please yon is
Jantor Lyoaam Tantarday.
Han Vea Greautad to tha Felt Vm.
MMoa A Paalaaala Ballway Oo. are
Tba Jantor Lyceum held lu firat
oar air tight stoves. You can start.a fircAod have
CkM examineUoa of the boaet
rapalar aaaatoa yMterday afteinoae. tonnd to tbe ratoa of the Chartoa Falfa
tbe room warm while yon would be poking aitmnd-to
It to BOW poMibU that aa atoetrle Itoa directly after aehool. A fine propram hamad dwtlUap did net bear oat tba
will atoo ba aatabltobad between thl* aaplvento a vary aathataaatto aadl- report that a tramp bad been cremated
get a fire started in some others.
and Northport.
to the boUdtop. Jaattoa of Uic Peace
A full line of beaters from a box store at 12.75
"*w" P. Oroiaar ratamad yaatarday Tha Ikat aamber waa a vocal aolo by ParmaaterpBtbcradnpthe booM aad
from Imnalap. wbara babadthaor- Him Cora Millar, wbtob waa oajoyd
to a nice Peninsular heater.
broapbt them to tba elty for rxamlaa-.
Iptoal ebartar of tha eompaay aUad.
followed wjU an Ucm aad it waa deeidad that they were
Blankets from 45c to a strictly all wool one
od ao aa to Inelade the eatenaioa of Ua
not human bonea
Itooaromadthaaaataldaof tha paato Una at tbe Brldpa ” Ao eserllrnt
at $4.00.
Tba report waa
At tha aama Uma ha pmarad a blopraphical aaaey aa Coracllna Vandar* .tarday mornlnp that tha remalaa of a
plvan by Alfrod Moore, after man waa toand In ^a ralna, and apebartar for the comw ay for a Itoe
here and Nj. I port with ao wutob BmUle Crowell rendered e pleea paaraneM warvanlad tha
anthoriiad capital oi, ^a tap piano aolo. tollawlop which. Haber Tha report broapht to tbe Brcxuu> area
lha |«eo.000 dae< >d ap« for tha Htoot treated with a recltaUon on, not aBMofirmad anUI a ireel pbyatetoe
Tba Firaman."
erlplaal proiaet. Tbia wUl
had eaamlnad the bonM and dcolarcd
Tbto bainp tha firat propram tbia that they ware not thoaa of a huamn
total capital atock of $1.1(0,000. aad U.
tba praaent plana BBatarw both Itoca year aU parta ware not thoroaphly batop._________________
laemad f.<r the lack of ttoaa. bat aevarwill ba BBdnr tba
Job Ooaldn't Move Hiood It.
control of tba aama aompany.' Tbe tba-laat tba aadianca waa treated to a.

If he'd had Itchtop■ P-lrr.
P.l«, They're :
aad waU bandied die
maabaia of tba company ara i
bat Pucklan'a Avlion which waa: "Baaolvad.Tbmt <be oloa. Belva
and to a abort time .faitbar
will caret tha worat caM of
ilea OB earth.
• •It •haa ear< d O-ouMBdi.
with aaatara eapluliau aeUon of the Uaitad SUUa in repard Pilae
uriM. Paloa
or Body
»r 1Injui

totbaPhUlpploetla jnatifiabU- Ttie •'or
^ba takaa ap.
U'a tba
t: bMt aelve In the oond. Prior
About twcr yean apo the laadlnp apaakera fv the afirmadva aide were. ttcabos
bos. Cura puarasteed. Sold by
ArUar l^ltamarBaan, Addle 8o1m end J». U. J4
and S. B Wait, drnpproperty ownara of
Aane Bsaman. The nepatlva aide waa fitota.
atronply adroeatad the a
a raUaray toto that county, takiap to handled by noyd Beech. MUdreU
tba principal towaa alo^ tha east Daekeray and LaUk Bblelda. Harvey
abore, and aetire atapa ware takaa to
for the afflraaatlva aide After aoma
brlapafaoBt aoma
A fine oyaier at Jaekaon'*. IM Front
which would raamlt favorably. Tba dallberaUon the jadpai reported to
plan waa deemed taaaible aa to that favor of tha ^rmatlre. both aldea
county ara aevaral
aad a Urpa araa of valaabU fanntop port aad a abort talk on arittolam waa
eoaatry which a imilraad woald da- plvan by Profaaaor Ryder.
Tba newly aleeiad prealdant.' Louie
vel^ paatarlaUy.
Tba project waa
Baardalay. waa called oa for a apaaeb
and the O. E. A
Railway Co. aant lU anpinaar aad aev- bit mada Mr. Ryder'a apeoeh do for
azal oSciaU bare to iavMUpata Uta laaoarcM of tha eo^ty. Tha propoacd
Mre I'rank Dean aarrowly aaeaped
aartoaa Injury ymtarday. Bar borae
l:bnt tba <
took fripbt to front of 1.. M. Bannettb
pany did not than deem it profltnhla to i^idenea. and ran ap tha atroet to tha
aalend Ito line toto thattcrritory.Bow- raaideooa of Mr. Deaa. Mra. Dean
over, tba cfflelala wwa ti«a to atata anceaedad la paldlap tba 'Atm Inu
that at no
tbe bam. at tba front di
Tba roar doon were not open, aad the
ty would (ffar aplcadU advaatapaa.
VhUa Uie cfleiaU who toapaetad tha burae etmek them with each force _
to break tbnnpb them. Mra. Dean
toseliRrt from. You'd think it a
did not baUeva Immedi­
received by boat.
W'hilc they last
M aalnjarod,
tjared, aad the borae waa hart
thousand before you were through
ate proeaada from each as «
It Ui^tly.
we’ll sell them for 5c. 7c. 8c and 10c.
wonld WBmnt the i
I of a
We wan^'to j>lease our many custo*
Tbe rapalar meetinp of tbe KalpbU
.All sizes of chimneys for all sizes
a'aam railroad, they freely expraaaad of Pythiaa wUl be bald thla eveninp
mers. therefore this enormous stock.
of lamps.
tba optoloB that as electric line would with four eaadidatra for tbe firat rank.
$6.50 buys an air tight Boss Heater,
be a pood thiap aad^f properly basdled
to the Range at $55.00.
become a paylap toTMlaieat.
Wlut WILL Lada Ss
Sucb a Itoa would ecrutoly be of
preat benaAi to Travaraa City,
aame time develop Leelanau eoaniy,
and open up a rich aprienltnral and
tmlt territory aa well aa benefit the reao'ru alone the aborta.
Received by freight, fuelling at
There ebeme n etronp probability that
Plain at $1.00
thePenlnaatoluiawiUhabnUt and If
$1 55. Those with coiled wire sup­
A man wears but two pieces at
Plattls at $1.50
the preaent plana are carried ont aa as
for $2.00. Have them for
once. You can figure how many
peetod tha Leelaaan eoanty Uaa. wUI Sicilliansat
$2.50. $.V50 and $4.25. These are
beaaaarad alao.
men and boys \ve're to furnish and
$1.75, $2.00 and up
Yaatarday L. C. OIbba and- City
fully guaranteed as represented.
the sale starts at 25c the piece to
Baplneer Nortbrap want over the proMoney back if not satisfactory.
finest af S6.00 the pair. Cold
pcaad route oa tha aaat aide of tha
weather's demands must be headed.
Pantoaala and today Mr. Morthrap wUi
hapln the anrvey.


120 Front Street.

1 i;

HousB Furnishing Store



WbAt wm BSKSA Jk Kozt?


What wm BEK5A Do Kort?



Kimball Pianos aad Organs


360 Dozen
Lamp Chimneys

Tn MOwntop honor to tha career of
Admiral Daway waa bmtowad whan
lha praaldeat of thatUoltad StatM
nraaaatad him with the mapalScant
. award rotod to him
iraa a aitinp pifi. a aymbol of power
. fllfktly bMtowad. The worda of. Preaidoat McEtoUj when be<praaaiitcd the
^ ware aipslBcaBt. and'whila fall of
doap maaBtop to the admiral they rasp
threaphoat tha
eoastry with a
laraa which will laara^’Bo doabt of
dha parpoaa of tha admlntotrattce
In tha PbUfpplM prohlcBi. Ba aald:
/■Tow rlatory axaltad AmartoaB ra pr.aadaxtaadad Amarioaa anthorily.
la yaar victory and
- a waa no flaw
fifawa will ba ao faltarinp in malaUlniBf It-Tbla aantobca toa biph trtbata to
fiba brave admiral,and at tbe aama time
It plaaea tha Pblllpplaa altaattoa baton
Mr. and Mra. WUltom Barker ara
- the paopla to a maaiwr which admlta
rejoletop CMT the arrival of a yoanp
•( ao mtocoaetmctlon.

Travaraa Ray Hive Barpriaad a Talth|ul Member Who U about to Iwave.
Mra- Nelaon dmlth waa praatly aarprlaad and equally dellphtod laat awlap by the audden arrival of her fellow
tbara of Travarae Bay Hive No. 40.
M. Tbe Udlea of Ua blva had
le la boBor of Mra.



Ob«t« Proeand

Oaorpe Oonba. who waa aeveraly In­
jured by apiece of lumbar thrown from
In tha blp mill Taaaday. la aUll
vary 111 at bia rooma, 144 Beat Front
atrect. Be la a naUva of Uthanian,
laauad of a Pole aa
Williafa Baltaer'a aaw mUI baa ftniahed iU cat of abont O.tOO.OOO feet of
lumber and haa abut down tor the
The factory will eonttoae to ran
force vrlth no proapaet of abaiUnp
down to aipht.
Tha automatic tin lalator of U- R.
OIbba OB Front atreat la meettop with
,aeh favor amoop whaalman.
It la
aa amapamant by which the ttra la
laflaud by preMura from a tank that
holda air amoapb to tofieia 1,000 Urea,
tha thiap that aeto tha thlnp to work
balap a penny to tba aloL
Mora pototoM were hoaphl to tbe
r than nay day thaa far
While Mark Craw waa aallap hla
dtoaar to the Botol Oolambla yMtai
day. ha fpand that a Upbud clpar thpt
ha had left on lha aaat of hh rip, had
eat fire to tha ascalaliw la tha aaat
paddtop. and cnaaad eoaaUUrahla 4am-

What Will Benila Do Kelt?

Wool Waists..


mnde by



210 Dozen Men’s Underwear

80,000 Cans
Of Canned Goods

is a good many, but that was our
purchase ot corn, peas and toma­
toes alone. Takes five full cars to
bring the stock. One can of corn
will cost you IOC—can of tomatoes
12c—other grades. 15c and iSc.

95 Kinds
Of Tobaccos
tor the many smokers and users of
tine cut and cut plug. 5c buys a
small package of smoking tobacco
or you can have the best at $2.50
the pound. Sell you a nickle's
worth of fine cut or a whole pound.

88 Dozen
Mounted Shades
sell at 25c the curtain. Good 0|^aque shade cloth. 36 inches wide. 12
different colors. Can sell you a
felt shade at 10c, complete, ready
to hang or make you any size cur­
tain from the best opaque goods.

Two Big Crates
Of Flower Pots

All sizes-from 3c to those 12 inches
in diameter at 60c. This season
tells you to bring your plants jn the
house. Don't wait until they arc
all killed by the frost. Buy now.

Sold only by

nt Old Reliiblt
Shoe Man.

Frank Friedrich

Wbt WILL Bn&fi Bo INxkf


J. W. Milliken

Oaorpe BMwan la bavtop a aaw
Sai itainadby Tea.
hoaaa bailt en hU property jaat waat
Imat ovaalnp tea yoaap Udtoa pave a of tha city. J. W. PhUtpa U dolnp the
paiV at the home of B.. W. Caaalnp- work.
ham OB Fifth atreat for toa yoaap man.
RUmaroh'a Iron Verve
Waa tbe roaalt of hla aptaadld health.
IndomlUbla wUl aad iromendooa an
arpy ara not found where Stomach. DR. HIGGINS. DENTIST
Uvar, Etdneya, and BoweU are oat of
OvMComr by tha work and worry of order. If you want theae qaalitlM
brlnp. bm ‘
' a baalnew life find new auvapth and tbe saeoaM
Life mL. OaTy »t oamta
£r^n> dI-: a: w: CMab Klnp-a J ^w
Verve and Blood PUla. They feed the ot Jami U. Joknan'a and S. E. Waltb
htoed, create new nerve flald. and fnlly
taatoea vitality to fia-esbauatod
aBB«ctraniM«( w
pOMayaum. Fata eat aad zac-aimUa
hanMelM- tor u
PVaatora of Dr. A. W. Chaaa oa evary

WHAT Will Beada Do leitl

276 Woven
Wire Springs


Chairs 8y
The Gar Load
only the largest city stores carr>a stock to equal ours. Cobbler Seat
chairs, 47 different styles from $1.15
31 styles Rattan Rockers from $2.45.
Uining Room chairs from $5.50 the

81 Patterns
Of Carpets
to buy from. Going to carpet that
sitting room oiTywir bed room;
diiiingxoom m^-be. or the stair­
way? Got one grade at 25c the
yard to the best Ingrain at 65c.
(made and laid.l

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

yn MoMnMo ««oo«i). thpb«pat. ootobm s, im

J S\&Ve 5tenvt

n» AlMfO * W«» lli«hi«M PMMVfOT tiate S» «. eemlac U fr«« tfe«
■srA, «tr^ ft b«f«f e MUlKlac lf».
>rftftd bftr^MrbMfft. Prftd KftUftftbornr. •»
Uft ftroMlac ftboftt hftU • mU* Mnh 9t
Ifeft O * M. JftftoUoft TftMdftj ftftaraoM ftt t;M. bftrtlftir Uft oecaruu »o
iMftad MUlac b6ib I
iMtftft wftftUrora Ift •• oppoUtft.-il'>
fWtlM ftft 1 ftlfto kUt«d- Tbft po«ft««r
•t tbft tfto Vina.. ICn.:Prftd K«‘iftb.
bft^, »ft« ft brtde o( ft Wftftk. bftrlftf
bbftft Mftrrtftl to KftUsabttPrar. wbs to
b(ftr«ar iaPlftibfiald to»a«hlo. Uti
MiaaUftry Sartto. 4rbo baa bM _
taaaW at tbo Stau tadafttrUI Sebool
for Olrla tba paat It year., bat paaWn
ad. 8ba»p«li to Ob ftceoftat ot tbe
bft* rftloft ftbolto^lar oorpota] pafttah■•■t. wbtoh. abft ftftpa, baa eude it
dlBealt to aatatalB dtoelpHoa.
Aft blpaaa dftattoi took Is »n la a
oalha* tftfttb
At CtodJllae bfttfrftaa II aad is otoloek
M^edajr alpfai tba pr^oaftr*
»Q0ir J*I<—'Ithtbaftnftpiteaat oaa
-sada (Mr OMapa aad *ra fttlll at
• ^•‘•a la ibe^k*Vi» i7 ib*
Mtb aadeftbft Jtll MOdLaf- The
brioa* bad bofta ra«>rMl. to
tboftfbl bjftoMt. taroa^b halp'froa
"boaftcaaad ara; Cbartoa jkarb, raoftaUj boaad
^ to tbe Oiremlt eoari oa th* ebanra
<rf poakftt-atoklar dartar the n^c«at
atraat fain Oiaad BtSMoad of Maatek,
wbo wftftft'aMBMd ia Jattle* ooart
today* Ota tbra« Moatb*' ftaatftaoft
10 aerra
. -------, _,roby, \.>w
batftljrhtdftytyatto ftftrr* of a two
■darly, lay*
latftadftd ft^tpa aad Wfttaoliit.tad i
Baatora «kodob‘t waat to cat tbam
• iato troable
sboald bear
>a oiiad
that tba opftB
a toraaftUaad part-

rtdjta WiM Ojtobw *«. ibftVMro'f
•or 1. Mia
foraor yaara.

7. thr •
to to tba ________
aadlMoa. It to at tba
ailMu of tba
Ua aeeoad
aeepad aet. wbaaT'Dora
ClaylOb, the bliad rirl. to aaat for by
bar aaav who to tryfay to rat bar oat
of th* way. *0 that aba aaa iabarit
it tba
aaat auaapi* to fora*
> Marry aa old bard-baartad
■tow. wbow they wtob to Baler bar
baliars to tba hero.,, Tbalr
piaa* are
fraatratad. bo
by tbe tlneiy aad
:p*ciwl appaaraee* of a youor

_ i...


1. M Wiaal* wowt ta Chtoago aw a
Hr. aad Mta. del LabBoa hb«* yaw*
to Ohio te a tMlt wtth trted* awd iHaUeao.
■oe. Baratay J*»m retaraad froB
tb* Prtaad* yaariy Baatlay at BtobBowd laat araaiay.
Hrv Uw>««* Biytaad daaybtar Uft
ybaurday tar Wllaot. Oblo.
Mtoa^'BBa OMdfarb poaaad tbioafb
tba city yaatarday, oa bar way ftoB
bar bora* ia Dk Baplda to Aab Arbor
aad Datrdu
Mr* K. B Lpoa aad dan^tar, Mn.
AlloadaithUft yniorday fora *Wt
I Oaatarbaryb. Ohio.
Mr. aad Mra. O P Ctorrer left yaatar.
day for AayoU. lad.
Mia. J Q JobMoa laft yaatarday for
Abb Arb.1T.
lira. B. C. OoBptoa to rlilUaf relaUvaa at Eltwdala.
WilliaB Oobtolatty«aMrday for Aaa
HIM BlBal Minor to rtolUay la Darand.
Mra. Slalaa Paakard aad i
yaaa w*at w Toledo yatorday.
Mr*. WUIlaa Bapaoadaad ana Lee
laft yaatarday for a etolt to Doadaa.
Mf«. 0-. dawyor Uft yeatarday for a
*1»U at bar old boa* iD*K-ot. Oiio.
Mra. A. V. 'prtaddab aad aoo ^**
yooa tA aaa Artar.
Mra. 7. C. Bran* aad daaybtar Maryaarlt*. left yo«terd*y for a two’waab*
etolt la Claralaad.
Mb. P. B. Bara to etoltlay la 0*ld.
Mra. L B >tarto left yaaUrday for a
rtolt with bar daoybter Marlon at Aaa
Arbor. SbawUlaUortoilaenwTf bar
old aabool frtoade
Mra J. Panaeb treat to Aaa Arbor
Ulaa Cartto to aajtylay a TaoatloB at
Biai*. MUh.
Mb. J. B Baall want to Byroa yea­
tarday, aoMBpaatod by bar deayhwe*. Bom and Alloa.
M m Fraac Gay* to amtoUay la tba
City Saw* Swad la tbaabaaaoe of Mtoa
KItU* OatUr.
CbarlaeA. Bdyaaoaab bM yoaa Ip
Laaalay. wbare be will atteod lb*
yraad aaeampaeWof toe I. O. O F.
M a delryaw from Traverae City.
Mr*. Bertha PeaataytaB to rlalUay
tb* family of J A. PaaBlayto* at Lak*
Mra. B. J. Moryaa and daaybtar

to data gaaa to Datioft. w^ Mtoa
«fM wUl attoad aehont tba eaMb>y
year. Mr*. Mnryaa win *Wt la 01^
laad belor* bar ratara.
Dr. J. B. HartU wUl laaea tbia aamlay for Cbkafo.
i. M. Blakaale* laft oa baalaH* ap
tb* C A W M. iMt alybt.
Bf Nawtoa retaraad Uat alfbt froa
Oraad Bxplda. wbar* ha baaboM aarr-

Mart ta a BaMway.
Mr- Baapaa. wbo baa raeaatly ar-

taybtoboaaabold yooda at tb* C A
W. M. treiyht depot ytatarday. wbaa
bto toBB took frtfht aad raa oat be­
ta tba ear*, aeraa* Cbaa atraat aad
down by tbe flcaitay alU. Mr. BaapMwaaUrowatroBtb* load, aad two
whaatooftba wayoa paaaad o**r h a
lay* below tb* kaaaa. Be wm badly
bralaad. bat ao baaaa war* brokea.
B O Frlak aad wife waat to Blk No daaaay* wa* doaa to th* taea or
Bapid* yaatarday for a few daye rtolt. tbaload.
Mb. Abram Adalt retaraad yaatorTba 6-yaar-old daaybtar of B Bday trOB La Aayatoa. Oal., wbsra aha
r OB th* Cbtoayo
baa baea for ataat ayaar.'
Waat Mlnbiyan Ballrcad waa boraad to
Alban Norotay aad Flwd Browa baea death at New Bnffalo Taaaday afu>.
A party of nbUdraa atortod a
yoM to PhUadalptaia aad oibar oastora
poiaU OB a plaaaara trip.
WUIlaa Wataoa bM yoaa to LoadM.
Canada, for a etolt.
Boyane Paakard baa yooe to Toledo
aad Mia* MIbbU Baltaw baa takae bto
plao* la tba cfic* of th* flaailtoa
Qotblay Co. dnriay bto abaaaea.
MIm Fraae Gaya to praa>dlBy at the
City Maw* duad dariny the aMdao* of
Mia Kittle Cottar, wbo bM yoae

F B BayBe*.wbo bMbaaa^aitoalek,
to able to oa atent oyala and will
raaasa bU work la beaawr MUIlkea'a
•wra in a few dayadldary Steele, formerly proprUlcr of
L riacatoa* Bowl ia Uraad Bapid*.
to la tb* city for a few daye
Mra. W D. C. Qarawlaa weal to Tc-

amoarrM.loraltlB*. 8ba i. oatar•UyaJ.Uy rirl and adaeldadb-uoaita.
M maeb ao that aba to **ry ofwa taken
to as oeiorooa or nalatio While in
Paoria. Ill. the landlord of tbe hoUl
where the eompaay were avoppiny.

with aaolber yantla-

d after both partiM bad bad
aa latrodaeUoD to bar. and
dad that aha’WM a white lady, bhr
played In tba role of aa old colored
Udyr but a abort] tlnr, and onr nirbt
dartay aa aoyi
at Liutorille,
ty. aaha i
and whUa a
forotanee a crowd of artotoeratiu col­
ored ladir* aad yeotlamaa eallad npea bar aspacUoy to dad ooa of their
owa aatloulltp. aad ware aarpriaad i
bar belay ao adapted to the pan *1

• Unllutai
6 with tbi

bh ^^.00

. tat wmk wUl 1

l«bcra.\ toXaV 'itn. ViiA \ti
■IpttM OhP«
m\Tt4 ^OT A tATtXtT TBTAT^
warn WIM
wtooto M
«f Tar
lar toyriipt
tynip. tne,
beat conyh mnedy on eanb. cun* a cold | tot AAtt VMlW
11A\) A &0WTV
in one day if taken in time. Sh ftadhOcta. j


itkU. KAAortmtTA \a a ^taaV
"On lb*
• -givj\4^TA^BA bAvATV \\ tomtb \o
a wtabWhit WILL Bfindi Do Nort?

WHIT will Beidi Daleit?




draaiaUe raadlaya. "On
El*»" will appear at Rin­

▲reToa BlUenar
A alByytoh U*ar falla U> filler the bUe
froB th* blood, aad wbaa the polaooout
b the
hod:Ip ia the
. wboleapiten totainted
to tainted
•raayed. ThU to called bilioiuMM and I
Dr. A. W Cbaar'a Kldaer-Uli
wbiabactdlreeUp on thr ilrer______
'Ulboallb* and aetiee One pill a daw.
U out* a tax. Tbe eheapeat Bedielne
Ddo* Warren Filer, ooe of the nil1 of Maalilae. died
at bto boa* Taeodap at aa earlp boar
nd aplaal trouble, after, ao illneoe of
otor a year.,

T#p Qmf m C«M In On* Dap.


^ Produced by the above firms awaits your Inepeotlon—Where
^ there are so many rood things manufactured by so-many
leading wholesale tailors, it looks reasonable tb think you
^ will be entirely satisfied.


Price Lowness.

iiirn, iL V erand KI
L Bc.ftodlae. «

Hart^Schaffner & Marx
and Kolb & Son

ata art now on oaie at the box oftiea.

Now piled
heaped oa oar
tables — Grand for uewoess of
style-* Grand for worthiest wear
—Grand for real pure jeomfort—

fnr ' -Weepo well ever^lcbk—Hi*. Lacy toc.Nalt.
Ann Arbor, wbare *be win*uS**«aaat for bar apaa.
Cbarla Btoatoa to la Toledo.

striped Worsted Suite —Ulster OoUar Aetrachan Beefere—
Aatraohan Overooata—Plaid Back Overcoata.




A Teunt 6irr» Eyperiene*.

g" Have each a well earned and enviable reputation for their
manufactured products—Other firms wait to see what the
leaders will produce, then copy (as near as possible).

■ada a bat of

- A combieation hard to beat, aad yoa wHI say
when you come to look at tbe
grand stock of

toy dftuxbler'* nerve* were leerlMy out
order. Kbe «** UUo ud wak: tbe In
BoUM ButM tar. ftod tto one wMtTUI
Dlxbt fiofbio *be tad t*k*B one poekace
or Calory Klnf *ta cbftoxe Id tar waa *o
rtftfti ital abe could hardly be taken tor tbe

The Stein-Bloch Go.

Merit, Style, Variety
and Lo'w Price


* Reputation is Something I
When It Is WeliEameili


A..6reatlFour-FoM ANiucs!

Mra. K B flayaa* baa retaraad froa
Addtooo. Mlnb., wbare aba ba* been
dnrlny tbe aaaaar vlolUny ber


U ao later* >w with Mim 8tal<a
.■aptae*. tbr lead.ay ladp wiib "Oo
the dowasar alter" eoiapaa*. aba told
atorlB oo haraelf. bat. aba


Wp Aiv particalarlj atroDK io perfectly tailored aes'a bniU
at $7,S0. 110 UO. T12.00. f 1^50. $14.00, $15 00. $lf>.50 aod $lti 00.
We boDybt a treneDdoae line at la^ ducoaota for eaah, and
we are cooMent that no soch va'nea are atiown anywhere else
in tbe city.
Tbeae saita come in worateda. plain and eotid colors, and


.1.__ L-


the work band made—ebape and atyle moold^ into them by
expert tailora.
A line worthy of your eapecial attention is in brown Eneliafa Melton elotb —no better wearer mad<—aqnare
cot. Tbe shrewd eyed tailor eonld not tell them
from CDStom made. Handsomely lined, vesta are
ainjfle, troDsera are somewhat wider in oat thisaeason and taper towards tbe ankle—could eaaily be
priced $12. bat we mark them...............................................$8.60

Dressy Tqp Coats.
Just received our second consiunment from one of the
' l-*adini! manufacturers of high grade clothing—some
of the laU-Kt swell ideas in all i>opalar shades, all
the popular lengths and cuts. One line we pari
Url^ uient.on owing to its faultless finish and perf-«’t style •- h'-rnngboue’, in greyish bro< n. swell
lack, patch pockets, btuneb faced. % natty pifw of
tailoriug, honest value $12, but tail ia alwhysonr
aim to be tbe lowest priced we marked this line.........$8.60
Fine all wool Kersey Top Coats in bine and blue black
and brown, ailk linwl all through.sleeves lini-d with
iron cloth., strap seam, ellk sewed, box back. H-4
K-Dgth. not inferior U> any $2000 coat in town, onr
price................................................................... '........................
Lkt us show you our superb sto>-k—no matter whether you
lb to pnrebase or not.
See doplny in o
east window.

The Boston Store,


~\P&TvV a “KVee
SV^VVsK "VD’vftVeT SameuV
a moitTaU ynct. aa^ $1.60. '\Da\\. tt'a Km—6 or
stVacX ^om
ama - SuUa aaVnaa.




^acKt\&—KW toWraATi&

5- MD.mWvKetv

I will have a car load of horses
I here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They

; will weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs..
I and will be a fine lot.
If you want a good horse at a
reasonable price call for
at Brodhagen’s Bam


tBM moaxvta utooBO, TEDsst>Ar. ooiobbb





toalow to a Itot of tba baytap aad aal *

Va. B. Ptorao Bovarrly OilUwtoto
arte aty.
•oAaeftbo ArsaAraA




TnwM aty. Hieb.. Ow. 3. lOM;
kocToa VoBXMO Rsooaa:—Aa tbo
Tb« P*rii PlffMV mrt UwR Qmm water woHu qai atloa aoeoa to bo a mSt ftt ^
WSIMbOk of Bollua to Koiar W
Boladuo for tbo r*>VOM of i>(orrlo» to Bioetloa a tew tbiaca 1
iac tbo tepwor Willton »o4 UyiM U
«dy before It
ta^MktoitoUittowo AoreoMot foi totooUia. Iwoald like to Uke ez•tweoB Oraol Briulo oad oeptioao to aereral Uoab that appeared
la the city papen laat week.
At Btoekboln. SooAoa. tke hoop
To atari with, om party Ayi lib
morkOd "Aadioo PoUr BsoadiUo*.” aaie'de ter tbo eity w po lato debt m
ovhiok, vhA
ooehor ouoctad, «m deep. Bo waata Wmi bay diraet peealOhaA AopMaW S oo tbo aortb oeoot aara. aad aaybody that waato tbo boot
«f Klac Cbwtoo toUML br tM m
of water go oataido aad pay for it. I
«f tbo 4forw%lM cotter Mortbo will cay rlpbt bora 1 tbiak *wo will
iMook. WM opoMd ia tbo QWiooti of brlac tbo bAt oataido water bora aad
toawborof oaoarto aad Atsboro of pay for It boro. Aaotbor party waa a
•bocoUaoi- tl «rMtoaa4 to bo thoooireair Aaa aatU bo road Mr. Moat«allod forth Mo' buy, whtob AMroo arM*a dpBroa- Pray wbo ara Mr. Ooni. per
Poia^-teA orraacec to drof If bo oaocoodod MoatapaCo a^torta I belloro they
la poMtatr tbo poto.
Wto. Bnttw7pte'to» to Ukoiy to bo oa- wbo filled ao fall of arteoiaa wolU
babltobod la tbo Uko ToMCVaiarao aoAo ttau apo. I woald like to kaow
dtoblet of Ootarto. m tbo rooalt of a when Mr. MOntapao pou oeraral of
vtoit by tbo eoAAtootoaor of aro«a bto aaUAOtoa. oao la partlralar. that
EaaAt. Adoaoo^wtbof whito »loo of tbe rooerooirltaelf. Bao labar. otoao
«xtoto all aroaad Uo oborao of tbo aad eoAoat adraaead to maeb ia two
luid fatal dUwte.
Uko freaily la aiOM of what wao year* that it woald ecat laelead
i.Khlr an
and lo tiim-. It will cure a t-aw^rovloool/ kaovB.
of *30.000? Two riror aad railroad
.:r-4bqur aod-............cough
fir- the eoupbthat
that fol0 1'. i,erer tails to «
Tbo Mleaooiu fl«h baieborj bao eroaolapo, balfaa ABok Aorr; why to
placed'ooktrooiiB tbo la- tbU? Aad Mr. Moetapae takea epcm '■-lief. Prioe. fijcaod 50c.
biqu If tbr privUcpaof iaeradiilBp the Oyrora
load watoTb of that outo tbU year.
•pe--ia< eutiajn from SO to 70 toot, aad
Tbo Ctaiaroe eolaay la 8aa Praaetooo
OQ thmagh the wbola Itow wbaa the
iaooaaldsrab'y e<c tod oror a rerjlaoaly diff reoea to la tba prica of Iroa.
I wbtoh bao beea
with SooStaUa
pootod In Calaatooa. Tbo doeai
Maybew at 'Aost Liody*’ la •‘On tbe
bo tzaet flparoo of *13.177 43.
fiawanee Biter" Saiuteay alpbV
»■ appeal la behalf of the depoood
'Btlapeaelot ia eoplnoerinp. -Boob:’'
Kiraae Roa and a eall for aid
Mr. Mobiapao farttaerttatoo that there
to dotbroao the dowafor omprMo. It
baa beea maeb eaidaboal tbe wonderlaalAaod by Stac Y4 We , oae of the
fat abili ly of Mr. Baf tor aad aaye it to
aa-aaporor’a erwAdeoUal adetoera.
obeap - talk.
Sock aiaottione
A btredlab oflior aaiaod Eayloo- aot hart Mr Bafier I noUee when the
•tljrraa. who to at
bip canal aebemc tmm tba lakea to
. Cbii
Ibiaa, reporti that tbo
^I'BNi-UBD Buona rr-PI»awbi
" reoa.
tetraBC*. »leculcr llfbl. hntt
railway aaaati bo oomi
eboaon for chief.
Apptjei -•IrMi *fi»r
Bto Toara. partly beeama all tbe wood
Another hu Bcaidm . ritar on tbe
Mat to be lAportod troA America, aad b.-ain. We woald all 1
^JJ^AST^D-Bele V
parUy bwaate moat of tbo CUa oa tba brain If wa aa^ it loop 1 ban tara.
- ''
«M Uborera who bad baaa aapopod flaked tbe Bcardmaa from abore the
woat homo apain, belap dtoaattoflad ferka Thoreare aUa of awamp on
with tbo
each alda of Itaad It Ip fall of aalmal
«bo hand* of tbo Bi
^ aad unable
altboapb kiooka oo clear. Aaoth.. to eaduro tbo oold





A meal lot a s
iamilj- to_Mt
r grocer tor a s ^
Atetd ItBiuiiom
titMMd MmwM rwai




0 Cvfi U Iriw* ii 24 iMn.

Aa iBMct ceaoBO bao Jou boon taken
,t>yatelonUfic Bnpltobman on purely
eeioaUfle Unoa.wUba rlewtodetermtoo
ao tar u poMlbla which Ineecto are a
booaaada blcAlap te mankind and
whlek ate tno reraiw..

tbara to ao better filter azoepi And.
8UU aaotbor klcka aad Mya it la too far
from tbe. railroad. We dm't want T OOT—Bel»»*o r. M. Kuioe's CTeeDhou*
±J sBCMn-rlciB Bimei. b Mnp epes tK
aaytblnp to do with railroad*
re jnid *Birb:ei.zr*r''-toti lOBldeefcMr:- Pro
than we can help. We matt 'balld
dock and buy our coal by the shipload. inro to K. ■. PbIbb
We would more than pay for our dock
She first suaMm.
«®<»_________________ ________ _______
Hi* aneastor of tbe War fSorcmor of■St«-lBBB iBBlIr Bow
Bbode Island objecu to tbe
' how. iB'tulro Bt of
a* It will gel fell of wiygleru. I dranb
New York aty and Bractelyn reaervoir ^^a^kU-To rsoi. BB orcan.
water for to years and never
sals rUKAP-2 oak BBuboBrdc
wlfgler. fle hsaeome down eoma, a* Y;«0K
f loutn. B-Isdov BCBI. BIlBBBtoD table. IBB
^1. rbUd-B a^rlB*^ bad.
mt the Sanitary OonTentioa he objected miln- iBbW. ^BZ^
■isalj bVBUU BIBB
oa the groand* of “ealeide." “dead Mn. Abb UA.SK
babtoe." "dogu." "cate” ete. We mut T OOT—Baiweao Park atrrri and ____ ____ _
our pair rold
bavelkweU feaeed like lota of other AJ oe WaaliloetoB. r-.pi.
bow«e apartarl«>; BaUrr plraar 'eara at Rt<.
plaoaa to keep each out. la tbe reeer- ------------j R-BawllB.Mi X. Warbinr.
voir ayetem w* get oae great benefit
oear tbe direct prueaare ayetem. In
" ?STTi
eateof fire la tbe reearrolr ^tem tbe
pipe* ara alwaya full of water and wiU
iwmala taO whUe there to water ia tbe
-^^AI^ro^PoaltUM iB^o^ taiBUr^ .
bo matter If it to la theaoutbWAt part of town, wharea* la the dlreet preAare ayetem we wonld have to
have our eteam up- to as to bt ready
day and Bight, and U it waa no Im- rpo RbNT-Spper ban ol baikli
I.IIDCO.-. upird



To Farmors,oid Potato Shijipers
Owins: to the anuniAl brtp> perntage of colle Aod
able potetoM tbi* ar-aaoo, me bare
decided io order to tsake a toarket
for ume. to r«D our factory o& aa
many of this grade of potatoee aa
we can obtainOar factory, which baa a cap­
acity of 10,000 bushels of potatoe*
per day. ia now cOTiplete and we
are ready to take alb the coU potetoea that are offered us. for
which we will pay their full raloe.
Bare all your unmerchaBtAble
potatoee ain] write us for qnour

The Mlchlgai Starch Co.
Trarerae City, Mich.


iMi Ik STontcn. twee ta oara

cu*. E<m aa> utKatttROM K
■n ran ttd K (n« rniKi tmm/mpm

AMjCLME HANUFACriRM) CO.. Grate fiAlA.»clL. aid tors* by Allbap^


Wliat Will BeDdB Do Neit?.



Your winter's wood
at once to insure de­
livery. WE Have

Every *m6ker

hae bl*
own peculiar taate.

Hemlock lumber in all alsefl.

Steinberg’s Grand

ar-s/.vKss cAfws.

r,v •

(. ^11 Kroal m.

piRCINKirRANCC-aatoa lover thaa e«
C Proapi ivitlmeBt. rarvful aileatla


every amoker waola,
above all else, is a cicar that is
e'ean, well made, and reliable.
Those wbo have tried

pronounce it the l)«t they ever
bought for Ave cento. They -aresure to sail tbe particular smoker.


Porto Bieo. wbo will I
only trliable atork roapaBy. Hare a pelt
is a gem for 10c.
tioaa. build ebnrebeo und adtanM the
..Iitet One Nightwork of tbe deaomlnatiooo in otety
For aalc b> all dealer*.
orty pomible. Tbe Bet. B. T. Blebaitendad ta prowpUy. Pbooaa. Bell Its: Me
s Ohio, aad B. T.
Hade by
flaakey of Pus
•d to make the firot tear of intptetUm
OSIeea orv ToUDeller block, tie Pmi attoat.
TalapbOBe Mo. «00.
of Porto Bleo. and will Imte for thara
aaaoonaapoMlbla '
The beaatiful sontbe’-a playi'
• It to iutimated that tbo Indlbn «otrVR W X A W. B. MOOB. emeral praeUrr alac
A-r apertallauaye. ear. ooaeaBd peolto ttrl'
aramoDt mut opmad rupooo
Bary dWarea. >to'cbOD*. W: New. lOt. pp.
tee Opera Boaae Bteck.
Aoroltorefatriluoia tbo oostral protIncat. aod that tbe local cbicto mutt
•zpoad at loMt oae-lhlrd of thto
toAeaal la addlUoa.
■ Oaaada will hate nearly double tbo
A play. HLe the song, will
ACBOrtablc quanU^ of wheat that __
U UU.bUn.AtM>rBey UpMlala lean
live forever.
•rallablo loot year. The wheat erop of
ACaaitoba to M.OOO.OM batbeto or
Aeablo laat yoarb erop. It to aUteatod that Contda wUI bate
X bjr ibr New York Blow. Apply aj^ibr
b—boll of wbmt for uzport tbto year.
ould Indeed be poorly off.
' odwbtob more tbaa half will bo lUalioba wbML
oOBTentioo And aald the prcuura fram | Addrw k. w. Ard.Ka.-oai. oa
Tbo laylop of u traao-padfic cable te reaervotr wt* about 70 noanda,, -Doamo!
All New Special Scenery!
-will bo urpoc npoa oouprem at Ito ^reu^ plaat Alwuje had 130 i
le«p.B. TaUpboaa.n.
22k.n.tgoU on,v....3.00toSi0
> aa high u
comlap aoatioa by tbo prAldout HurKPaON; OOI.
epartment of * ipOK BAI.E -Os «Ball oaTwol.-ose year oe
*0 ord te. 1
Bridk-'^.rk............3.00 p-r tooth'
r^yo bate boon m«d« which uhowu
yto-w^i' ■
Bbdeblldrea-a .liaeaaea • .pe.-lalty.
that tbo roato bolaeted to eaUrely
ttoinlev eltracUne ood, fiUioR
ewlll ran from brought piece* of wood. dirt. etc., from
AB Aunt Llndy
without gaa, chlotorm or ether.
IL.iurrv a- or ad.1
San Praaetooo to Manlls rto Bewail
■ Makloir Parlors 41
Terms cash.
aad Oaam, tbaeblap erarywber* oa
AmarteaaapU. A braaeb Uo* to eon... 7s■
la to the cily b»:
------------tempUted from Ouam to Yokohama for
Henr the Jubilee Singer*.
rrmork . oo
Corner FVont aod Cbm Streata.
•oAAerelal purpoaea.
aueh debt, you find a towa that to^out! O'
a BBdMlaie'
of debt, and I will ebow you a dead ]
BeadlB Block.
BALB-A revtUos
WrO. T. V. MaaleaL
towa. Tazaa are alw«yu high aad a -T^OK
Tbe most perfect portrayal of
JP rheapaira WaBbloi
Lester. Manager.
Amoortb* altraetloM on tbe pro- bueUtag firm looking for u good town
are Bhoviug some very aoutbem life ever stagedSeats now on sale
gmmoftbeW. C T. I*, dtotriet eoa- te locate In will always pick a towa
desirable goods in both all
Prieea. 7.V. 5(k-, 35r; some sMts
reaUne to be bald Oet. lo, ii and It. with debt, They say that town to
wool aod cotton aod woo). for children. 2.x: box seats Sl.CO.t
aometbiag. "ihat'e the place for Q.1R^ W^^PUr rnieral hoBaet^k.
urUl be tbe twenty minute maaleate nt
Well, tbto might look big oa yOR ULH-Cbeap for ruak. ui
Some 42 in. widths inillominAbe Ooarreratkwal dureb
ated aetgee would be very aatwuMlnc of Oet. It. It will be in paper, bat It Wonld aot take ap maeb
<dmrye of Mtoe JoeepbUe Vader wbo upae* to yoar aewey sbeat.
Aa old tazpayar.
wOl be BAtoted by eecu of tbe beat
Wm. B. Pink-E.
.tateat in the eliy. Tbe ssteloni of tba
..jte-Cbeapest to tbe world
conventioeareell free lo tbe paMle
Bebbad the Oraee.
Loweat average death rate, batof to
aad e eoidiaHarlteUon to ezteaded to
iSW bat 4.33 per 1.000 membeta.
all to attend.

Saturday, Oct. 7.

Good for IS Dap
“On The
Suwanee River”
The Best oo eeith.
Gnaranteed far ID rears.



u.. ■o.iioTi'w*™',-™!"".:;-;;.':.'’,

t W.JIHIRUS TongelieiBIL



Stella Mayhevv

For Substantial

lntroduclBg latest Coot' Sengs THE BOSTON dentil PIRIORS,


The Madera Waedmen
ef America-

J. W. Milliketi

BtUkesesterour aton

Tbe BUte board of y^rtealiur* baa
awarded the eoatraet to balld tba^ew
SB'S doTAitery at the
ooUagu to A. W. Mohaka of Grand
■spidl for fiTt.fiOO. ThaworksrUl bogtoate-aea.

wae almoatyullow. ey«*uakan.loagaa i?oa*Ai_ Orasehaiice
for sAsy eu*. A
------- -*
-------- i„ hack
V eaoB eaabwr'a
kyaSaak.eoeeceaClUoB. ApPir^r-


by day.. Thra* phyulelaa* bad' gleua Tr TOD WAVTlASBrB-eaofaByklBAlB Cr*>
mean Tbaa I waa adetoed to mm
Beetric Bitters: to my great joy. I
lUaOa. Aeek.TravarasOiy.
firat bottle mad* a daelM impnr
------- I oonttoaad
--------------------their oa*for
for three
w*eka.aad am aow a wall -»v I
kaow tbay robbed the grave of another
4 aot azprsw tbe laptaru of Aa- TletlA.*' No <A* ahonld faU te try
Sprt^. of PbUadalpbla. when
id. at Jaa. Q.
lyto Mew Dtoeoemy earns bar of
sV^dB VWaife^ uloraa:
. la life a bardaa. Sb*«ya:“AfMotlec te Tbopayeta.
ter all other tnmedtoe aad doatore ta’lBM
- la bereby fivra tbM Ua las roUa tar
-habaatahewef ilaktodsear hern
fallad ttauoa inltoeud the pato to my
leUoe el acbacl u* rltyUM aad eth'■Oa tha Bawaaa* Blvsr" 8atu^
ta wyhueafOT
wyoStae aaUI


Oysian to Aay ttyls

iMfa Prta* SAC and fit. Trial boUto
iVSi at iaa. O. JohMos's and b. S.

whrtwmsmABo Vfilti

1 bav* raealved a <
aad am
eAtoaayatel* at _______
mr tha Soul Nfaittog.

Moron tar In. UA trow * c'eleeh te II a-el*ek
A; ■- and frw I e'ek^ to 4.e'e>^ |&e*'tfe^


—. —--------------- wtU be ebareoe • teaa>V

WhMWilllutsDilNtT rjTT

Eggs. I4t a doze!.
Giod Dalrf Bunn, 17-18c.
Hiram Cook,

Gas LampS2.00....

Price Redodtd to Close Dot Lot.
Beat wo^manship money
can employ for Bicycle
Bepairing. Qniek work.


H«w Qtor*, Hew Xoneoti Blk.

Morst Dns, Hoist Piiiteis
Give them a ealL

488 H. BlmfiroodATA

John R. Santo,
Gusral linriMi.

IcUon jon llkr yo« - b)R crowd


! ! is

turo taror bud oaaro (Asa stoiA •■■*■•-terttaMtwemn -wSw bad aelr

U«l n-« am p. u.



Mew OAsa. MartfehaA Bln^




iriro Insuraoeo.
Ia lAA.BnadtBg.

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