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The Morning Record, December 08, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
8tm in Proem U tb» PhU-
Wnm •—wl Town
nat h» Ku Arrived M Tigu Afwr
nokUMtif ft Lftrtft roTM of tAr
VoTM to
Lftrt«r Ttofts tftiipofted-OftTttft »rovIftOfttoUSoftlof AMn OftmpftiCD
WftfthlftrtflB. Dm.
today oftbled ttoa war departMt at
" iftbt military tltaa
“lo coetral L«s«i
UoalB L«i
of Importbtre to BO iBtiinrva» >cvw «»
taaoe exMpt la Bulaean ibotIbm near
tht moBBtalaa, wbm Utaorai PUar
b«Ui torvtbor l.oao or more mta.
wbieb wUI bt attacked coon. Oeatral
Oraat bat ntored a tmall eolama dowa
the eaal eoaet throorb Bataaa prerlaec
cseovntcrlag little oppodtloB. A eolama to mo^ eretlward from tbe
moaoUIae aad m expMted to reach
tbe wettera eeatt of Loraa oa the
tCBth. Maay tmall laeargeat armed
baadt are aboot tbe ooeatry robbing,
aad la tome lattaAeca morderlag tbe
lahabltanta. Tbeae are being poraaed
by troopt «jult* tnooemlally. Sooth of
Maalla ibe iaeargeaU tUU maiataio
ibelr poaltlont. bat tbe aeoemary force
to teatler them will be tent U^pre
Beeonragiog reportt bare been reedred regarding leaeral Vonng. la a
cable dtopateb from Oeneral Otto at
••Oeaeral Toang reporta hit arrlral
at Vigaa on tbe ereolag of Dee. i. bar
ing aaeoantered a foree of tbe enemy
nt Narbnean. twelre Sllee eootta of tbe
city, whom be drove to tbe enttward
Into Baa Qaentln Oaayan. 8to troopa
nr* now preetlng ^ tbem back. Tbe
oeantry to extremely rough aad the
enemy to etroagly eatrenebed. Abant
«00 prtooaere. who bare eeeaped report
that the laaargeou allowed all but
Ameritma aad promlnant SpanUb
prtooaei* to eaeape from Aangaed
tmter the iaBorgenta were drim back
Into tbe moBatalaa.
"t aball eead traatporUtlon with eob
etoteaee and medical enppllee to Vigan
tomorrow to bring tbe prltonert to
Manila and tonopply Qrneral Yooag'e
troopt with tbe oeeeeaary qotTlcrmatter’tdtorea. Onr eaeuaUlee were one
killed and twelre wounded. Tbe ene
my left la tbe irenebee tweaty-flre
deod.a few riflra, eereral thonatDd
rouadeof emallammuoll oaaod forty
ehrapael. Oeneral Yooag bae tnffleient
troopa to meet all difileuIUee-"
ManlU, Dee.7. -Mnch bae been ac
eompitobed. Daring tbe the Uet few
week, the campalgalagtn tbe PhlUpbae been almoel phenomenal,
and the army to rightfully p.*ood.
Tbe Imurgenu bare had a eeriee of
roateaaddtoaetera. Tbe elengbter baa
bMn great. They bare loel a large
quantity of enppllee and mbalUoaa of
war, and more tban i.OOo of tbetr
armed men bare anrrended or been
capturari during tbeir retreat In tbe
laat few weeke Tbeir----------------_________________ - eaplured. Agpinaldo to blmaelf a fugU.ra
NolwIlbeUndlng all tbeae tbloge
tbere to no reeaoo for an extrrmely
Indication* are that Aguloeldo eacaprd
tothe north wUb a much larger body
of uoope tbao waa at «r*t enppoaed.
Thi* force, reported at from t i*>n to S
000 men. wa* originally recmiied in
tbe northern prorloeee. and the men
are reputed u> be good fighter*.
Carlte prorioce erill be the eeat of an
aetlre campaign when enough tr«»r“
anirr to *bui ■ ff the arenve of e*eape
nnleee an expeeu d eem nder occur*
AH theAm.-i-*n troop* will
be e**lly at»orl.r<i in aettre caupaigngiBW STXAto WHWTLB.
Mladoa Amnwd for tta laxargeat
Vanaonrer. B. C. Dee. 7—Prlaee
Adraai, the cnllared Hindoo -Anan«tor." wbone rletim* are ccattared orer
twe cnotinenta. bae canned a lempeat
in a teapot in VaaAourer. Amertima
Ooaral Dodlcy.
bMag abowa
Adraai by Mr. Barry Treat the other
day. agreed with Treat that the ladiaa
fakir waa Agnlnaldo. 11 waa GoMal
that bad tha aappoaad
Tba poUca, bowarar. befora tk«y
eoald ideaUfy their man. were Infarmed by tbe city l^nl auttaorlUea
that tbe auppoaed Agnlnaldo could aot
baarraatodOB Britiab aoU under inatruetioaa of tba American coMnl:
tbat be meat ba allowad to ga Ctonaal
Dadley tban Inatotad npou iba fioUUoui
prtaooerofwnr being detained nntU
identified. Ooaeul Dudley aaid be
would take all the reeponelbUlty. aad
Ue priaonar waa detained untU ba rraa
identified aa Adraai.
Twenty four boura aftor being Ubrratod Adraat waa tmek in Jail, baring
attomptod to paaa a bogn* draft, and
for rietlm’t'og a mloUter. Oa bto
promlae that be would go atr^bt to
New York ba waa liberated.
OntTB Fean for Safoty of
Pood Bni^llas (Irowlag Short aad tha
B*aaigtng Boare Baoomlng More
figgimalve — Bnemy Mow Haa
Twenty-six Pig 3uob in Opemtioa
Bewntor Stowart Haa
Special Orders for Books
Bepntdieaa Banka.
Waabiagton. O. C . Dae. 7 ftwiatftr
Stewart of Nevada, who several year*
ago left tbe Repabllcaa party and be
came offiitally a aflvarite and aetnaUy
a Popultot. baa retnraad to tba BepnbUeaa party.
It ba* ooma to light that tbe Nevada
senator, having recovered from bis
Ulcalon eanead by tbe epeetar of tba
crime of 1873. yeaterday ntlendad the
caacoBof bto BepnbUcan eoU«ngaea
and was received • ith a warm wcleoma.
Upon tbe Oi^—Brittoh Beallae that
Melp Meat Ocae Soon.
Imndoa. Hee. 7—Not enough to
known in London to enable aa eatlamte of the proWbl* effect of Comtaaodaot Joubert'e aaperaemion. but £Ugut Chiistmai (HfttHiss Jackeon will exhibit a -fine dUit to amnmed that, tbongh Command
plavof elegant band-psinied China
ant SehalkboTgcr to n younger aaA
of many deelgnsand boanUfnl rffecU
more impetnotu man. tbe Boer plan
ef campaign wid not be affected. It
iutnrday aitemooaa aad
ilty to secure dainty
being understood tbat it waa tuTanged
1(3 Bast blight itrccL
by tbe eouocil of war.
Tbe srar office ba* reoelred tbe fol
lowing dtopaicb, dated yeaterday, from
Oeaeral Porestier-Walker, tbe Britiab
commander st Cape Town: ’*OeDeral
Methuen wire* today tbat be has re
sumed oommand aaA to nightly In
eommunlcatioD with Kimberley by
searebUgbt. Tbe health of tbe troope
to exerllenL”
Tbe only battle reported yesterday
waa fought outaide of Kimberly <
Nov U The BriUsh claim to have
captored a Buer laager, but analaload '
Barthqnaka Stooeka Talt la Tario^ a oonsloerable lom
M*j>r Soott Turner of tbe Second
Pnria of tha Bute.
bighlanderu and twenty eight men |
■ Sioux City, Iowa. Dee. 7.—Yeaterday
morning people in rarioaa South
Hafiklngwaa again boaebardad
DakoU towna felt dtotipet earthquake tbe same day. bnt the resntu are as :
ekoeka. the first erer experieneed in yet not given.
Into a pair of our
that etata. Beporto from Mitchell eay
Frere Camp, Nital, Dae. 4 —Advloa* I
tbat bo«*a* shook and window* rattled
brongbtby maner from Ladysmith,
for screral aeeoada. People nubed dated Nov. IB. say tba eondiUon of'
from tbetr bomea. At Faulkton tbe thing* in tbe beeieged city to becoming
•boek dld'oot last more tbanan insUet. earions Belief cannot com* any too |
but dtobe* rattled from their place* aoon. Pood tnppHe* are growing aed bouee* abook. Tbe reporu all short, and tbe ratloM iasned have been |
agree that tbe boor waa 0 a. m.
Tbe attack of tbe enemy to growing :
more effective, too. and tbe Boers now '
bsve n third heavy gnn In position I
Pasted Away at 1:30 TbU Morning. S.OOO yards 'rom tbe city's defense* on '
tbe west side Tbeir gnnners seem
Merer Baring Begniaed. Ooato have aaeerialned our weaker place*,
Then you’ll aot be troubled
telouanrea Binoe Bttiekea.
and tbe ebe1l* are causing more damage
with cohl |(*el.
SnperrtoorW. B. ^^aeker died at tban baretofore Twenty tlx gnn* now
bto realdenee on Bute street at 1:30 snrronnd tbe city.
We have all the nice como'clock tbto morning. Be nerer reThere to some sieknee* In tbe city,
Vaioed ooasclouaneaa after be sraa and the nevreof tbe proximity of tbe
furUible kinds, prrtty
relief coloma bsa made tbe people ex
shapee and coloni.
cited and impatient, and re’llf~' I*
Mr. Tbaeker went out to bto chlekan looked for dally. Neverlbele**. tbe
bouse Wednesday afternoon at four determination to resist to tbe last to a*
p ipulnr this s<-aM>n ami we
o'clock and was not mtoaad unUl later strong aa ever.
are eellin.< lots of them.
In tbe erening. Redid not return to
A dtopateb from Ladysmith dsted
sopnerand bit wife supposed be wa* November 29 say* tbe bombardment of
you'll find our prices are low.
down town. When Mr*. Thacker went the city eontlnnes and tbelli from the
to lock the ebieken house at 9 o'clock new slx*lneb battery are tailing ev.>ry
In tbe erening she wa* shocked to find few minntea The activity U probtbly
ber bntband lying In ibe abed un- intended to cover a retrograde move
Dr. Koeeland wa* anm- ment of tbe enemy. Tbe Boers were
mooed and be*tat«d tbat Mr Thacker seen yrsterdsy morning toward the:
had eeffered a stroke of paralysia. Re Drakensberg monouins Todsy others |
ed In an nnootweiou* *ute untl’ were DOtie d trekking nortbeaat with
bto death tbto morning.
wagons Psrile* of B >er* are reported !
Mr. Tbseker ba* been auperrleor for U) be trekking toward tbe Orange Free ,
eereral yeare and an energetic cflleial. Biaie.
He wa* e reieran of tbe cirll W|r and
MsJ or Oeneral Sir Francis C'.ery ar
a rcry promlnant member of Mc rived there on Hstnrday and aesuDied
Pherson Poet No. 10 O A. R I'p to tbe Lmmand of bto division.
time of bU death be bold tbe office uf,
adjutant of the P. CL
Deceased wa* fi? years of agr. Re
Irares a widow, one *cn. Rjllle of
liratd Rapid*: three Jauvhtefs, Mra. Attomay J W. Paicbin B<currd Dr
Ai.l Ebp.r. Mie* Edna and Mru. Coa*.
eiaion Wjsicb Declare* Village
MrMicheel of thi* clly.
Od nuc* Invalid.
Not in atoek, ia a featete of our boaiiieaB which
ba« our beat attention. Oor facilities for getting onr “short ot~
den" filled prunplly waa never as perfect as at present Oar
new atoefc of books may contain jost wlrntjon want bat if n(4
we can get it tor yon “qnicker.’*
i Warm
Shoes «r
Get Your Pictures
short notice,
Attorney J t^'stcbln basrcturoid
frem attending clreuil court at
Mo Prikonsra in ibr J*.l But Sb*riff| Iteliaire. where he defended B IV.
for eetling good* In tbe village
S:(Dp»dh D-wu N.ii CompUin.
Bbcrffttoear Simpson to naturally oft'-otral Lske. without having paid
one of tbe beat ostured mrn in tbe a lie a*e fi e provided for by ordloanee.
world, lie i* si»o a lover of law and | Jud,‘«M*yotf held the ordinance idA prlmimmt N.-w York offi- inl
order aad -be avowed enemy of offend- { vsiid and dtoi-harged Mr lluhtsell. on hMiil the. i';*! emt UiK- of the h-le
er* *gai:i*i the oublic peace. Yet it i* points ralted by CefrndsDl's sttornry phuUH hod umde the tank of ithese V. ry « ff»nde's thsl bring profit which reodvrs-d li unnecessary to ruise i-iitiy I'roti rtinir lifi- and pruju-riy
lb*queslioo a* lowhclber Ur Hubbvll
,to the sheriff Wben they are arrested
•t*r oi) pi-r cfut vaaior.
and Uied be get fee*, and when they bad a right to take orders ia the
Tclt-phoiiini' ill i-aae of lire, ac
gob JtU be geU e<mp>nsati>o from village far a company on (side tbe State; cidtuit or burglary baa become a
Tbe decision of ibv mtiter by an ap
Use county for tbeir keep. When tbe
;recog*'-/Hd ueewnity.
jail to full the sber ff is glad, because
Every well r*
fail bill* agalnsi tbe eonnty are p1^. wa* not necesaary. The village aned boueebold baa a
ant to contemplate: yet i* be lorry for tboritira declare that they will pass
tbe mlsdoiogs of ibe effender* agalnsi
Have you one in
tbe Uw and deploivs the depravity If tbto to done and Mr. Bubbell toagain
your bomei'
and crime wbteb make meo amenable arrcaled, tbe interstate commerce law
may be appeslrd to.
to tbe law.
Orand Trareree Bay to Bare a Mew
WaahlngUjn, Dpc. 7-On December
to a 10 tneb *team whtoUe will be eatabllabrd at tbe tight atatloa. on tbe
portbwmierly extremity of Lgbtboam'
point, in tbe wcaterly aide of the enfranco to (Irand Trarerae bay. northcnnterly part of Lake Michigan, to
aound during thick or foggy weather,
Tbe Jsil atprcaanltoemply: and ba*
akbbx :am ad taoHs
attemate bla«U of three and alx aec- been vacant for fully a month. Tbe
eberlff rvj sicca becauae Traverae City
Will be Diecntaed Today By Woman**
to ao free frem the drprcdttlon* of
tbns: Rlast. three accond*. sileat In criminals Vei beesnts the j*ll is.
It aeeond*; Ws*l *1* second*, empty the esteemed t fflrUl wears. a' At the bovine** maetlng of tbe
roman's C1 n b tbto afternoon a
aitont Intarvul 24 aaeond*.
look of disconUnt; bat he to folly*
■Tbe f<ar •ignal building to n buff consoled wben be rvfl et* tbat It director will be elected to fill tbe
brick bonar, with red
snj a UU tocmloenily more aaUsCaciory to wear vacspcy can*ed by tbe rerignatlon of
reblmpav and utand* HO feci aoutb. 4t axrown of glory tban to jingle the M'S O »ie* It i-i«(>-)rl*iit to begin tbe
mreiisg promptly. Tne Uterery pnsdeg. vreat (• w 1* *) f««
Id bto ppeketa. Therefore he T
gfsm wil be led by Mr*. HamlUon.
b»»r* bto maurisl mKfortnnes with
_____ ____________
who wlih ber aid*. Alll te:i n* of Ameommendablr f 'rtltnCe.
AJiM lot .
But tbe *her ff :* Id a peou'iar poai- eriesn anLh'irksrd American literature.
of piuyieg card* juat renalvad at (be Uoo When be baa no priaoner. lo
board be to expected to rrjsiee tar tbe
:keu Is tbtf
n Sion
>t perfacl liberty j
torvjjioafor bto own
n sake, And be
'can do eltbar or both with tha graae of I mnVAAtiam w eMttas'a Vaitte
a wiaa and raapaeiad •
Spsr Varatoh
licRlgu Tttipliooe Co.
Framed this week if poeeible. We can do it on
liefore the rash comes on.
290-222 Front Street
Balph Oonnabla Jr., XanaMar*
The Coming of the Hero—"OLD SANTA,”
la heralded by tlic Bjilendid diaplay of
Xmas Goods
Such aa Neckwear. 2.)C to ?2..50; Handkerchiefs, 5c to76c; Snepeiidera. 10c to 91.50: SmokiDK Jacketa. 92.50 to fti.OO; Night
Robea, 50c to 91.50; Mufflers. 25c to 92.27; Olovea, 25o to$2.25:
Mittena. 25'' to 91.50; Sweaters. 25c to 9.S.50; Dreaa Suit Catea. 92.50 U. 9fi.00; Umbrcllaa. 50c to 9'1.-Vi; Hosiery, 10c to
7.V; Cuff Buttons. 25c to $:i.00; Skarf Pina. 2V* to $2.-50;
Overcoats. $:i,50 to 918.00; UUtera. 91 50 to 925.00; Mackin.
toahoB, 91.-50 to 912.00
Of course, we caunot sell to everybody, but wa certainly sell to
- everyone who ia particular aa to iiewneaa, style and fashion.
& oo-
“Zero” Uldtere.
Perrin Bros.' Kid Gloves.
I All This Week
Well sell you..
Suits and Overcoats
New up-to-date goods, at jaat ten ]>or cent liiaooaut, from] our
already low priceti. Better come in ani l<x>k at'them—Hadn't
Fans and Furs
___________ ^____________ _
renew yolus for you.
We bare 10 dozen oxidized
^ hand or eaael mirrors at She.
Are both seasonable when it's
So near Christmas.
^ spVtTv&^ ssMfftmeTvt
CoW&vttttt, Scst^s.
qTA&bS 0^3 Bits, TsrUcviVaTV^
Csbts, aVV qoo&
s'tTsbVe ^OT
vfbtVvtfiV a.'nd ust^V
STt \>vt
3ta\\vtT stv& Sacs st’gVts.
bOc, Tht. S\ 00 STt4 Vv\.q\vcT.
90c. j
?ncts Tsvtqc ^om (\.08 \o
| anij smwxTvt
wsTit to
ADe b^\.\ex)e
co\A4 soVge the Christmas
gTob\cm saVvsistVoriV^ w (me these
tvBO Wives.
Th.ii’sthe price of those "\'elvet" shoes—
They are the snappiest shoes ever shown
for the mon-'y. You’d better stop and sec them. They
are perfect titters.
Ort This buys a pair of those .fine hand turned
*J)0 UU shoes, made by P. \V. Minor & Son. They
are beauties. It'll pay you to stop and see them.
P'or this am<)unt you can purchase a pair
V^'UU of those WaterpDOof shoes. They are the
proper shoe for winter.
ffiO Ork ^Ye have a targe assortment of good, sty*
V^»UU lish shoes, in all sires and widths. We
-make a specialty of $3.00 shoes.
KQ Do you have cold feet? If so, bringthis
V A •v\J amount to our store and we’ll give you in
exchange a pair of good warm lined shoes.
Nvv PaaMKe.211
CttB great BL
K. or r. BUBcnov.
TiukTKMx orrr. • anoHU»AM
MatfcaBraa Waea ttaaata of Btha—
PnhUo UatallatioB Will Take riaea
tint TbBiBdap U raaoaiT.
m*tf d«a Vaedlj CkUdiwa BapocbAt
Ue aanaal eoavvatlow
ad rorUaCEilauBaa Oifia.
Traveret dtp Lodfe. Ko. T> K. of P.
Laal Blcht after Ua parfotwiaaea of laatalfktUe foUowlaf tWoeie were
•Mi. C. Baiv An 3. W. Btno••A WIfa'a ParU*- bp the Harki Broa. elected for the eaeGlaf pear:
OtiaBeelor Oommaadar — J obi
S. W. UAtnaa. EdUor sad Miiif- aaaapaap la Euiaberr'a Oraad. Ua
maBbari of Ua oMipaop ware aatar- Loraaffer.
UlMd bp the BUn la Ualr lodfa
Vice Obaaeclor-Oea W. Thomaa.
rooM. A flaarprcad waa arjrpad fol
^elat*—Mat E. Tatmaa.
lowed bp a abort prorram la whleh Ur
Mof W.-Hearp W. 8«IU.
Karka broUara farvlUed eoBie rerp
K. B. aad S.--Oop D. Kenaedp.
entertaialax aelectfoae.
M. of
Jobo Probert.
After Ue dlaetiaaioo of Ua feaat Tom
M. of Ex.-J. T. Haoaata.
■0tk‘fhWMlto.l Marka.
If A.-Oeo. W. Pi
leaded to Ur B’ki lodfa a lairdlal la.—a. B. Howard.
viutloe to attead Ur Ueetre la a bodp
O U.-:8. I. tCoapp.
OB aap alrbl thrp aboold aeieek Tbe
Oread BepreeeaU|lve—A. W. ElekloriUUoB waa raeaived la Ue aplrit la erd; alteraau B. E. Mo-Oop.
whieb It waa aztredrd aad prompUp
Truatec Uree pear»-A. W. Blekerd.
There will be a pehUolaaUllatioa for
TulfBsblac oi l^e iwcro nuder aooepud. ft waa decided bp Ue iodfe
Calmn in Kestbeky WadaMdAy wm UatUad tbe Ueetre aext Thoradap KuifbUof PpUlaeaad Uelr faUtllea.
rhieb will Uke place oa Ue Aral
•ha Boat dradWh cAbIblUoD of U-After U«'
laaaaaw evar pepretnud la Ufa prompUp at 7;»0 o'clock. It waa alao Tbuiedap la Jaauarp.
wUl be aa enUrUla.
•MWtrj. Tbe nTiahar daaarrad Ua aa- aoDonaeed bp Exalted Baler
•aat of Ue paaeltr praacnbcd for Ua Uat after Ue perforio»Doe lie lodfe
priBM ha eoBBittud, aad do dombi
womU ta»ra rMliad tbe fuUaat bom- alt dowa U tbe flaeet apread ever laid
The foilowlDf are Ue ofBoen elected
an Ua law proiidea. Eat roMUof at aap aoclal aeaetoa in Ue dtp. la
for Ue Ooafrexetloaal Baodap aebool:
hlB alira waa a blot apoa Ue aatioa'a honor of Ua Marka brotbera.
BnperlDleadeui-Prof. C. H. -flora.
hlawrj. Kaatoeky baa b>aa Doled
Beeordlaf Seeretarp — Mlaale B
for Ua axUam Itmlu raaehad bp a report waa made bp Ue ooBunlttee
thoaa who taka Ua law lato Uair owa leon Ue picgreea In eecarlnf aamea
FiaandA] Seeretarp-Helef Modre.
kasda. bat Uto laal atroeltp ecllpaea of poor eblldrea whom tbe lodfe eoold
Treaanrer—Bernle Londoa!
wpUtacjai raoordad la UU eoaalp. aaaUt ea CbrUtmaa. The report in*
Ubrariaa-M. B Hollrp.
eluded Ue aamee of 6t ebUdrea la
Member Hoppip Oeaimlttee J. fl
ItUlmpoeelbleU a
aeedofeloUInf. membera of U famMllllkea.
HU realfoatloo bloff failed illea. There will be oUeia reported
le ••lek aad AfaUaldo kaa aot pet duriaf tbe eomtaf week. Tbeee will
beee proelalmed exalted ruler of Ue all be Blade bappp oa CbrUtmaa mera^
nillpplaea. Bet aaoUer ereoae wae iDf wiU fifu of a iubaUDlial oatore.
loud epra for eaaeetloaalUm aad aow
The Marka Broa. preaeated "A Wlfe*a
tbe Beaator from lUlaoU baa declared
Peril- la Stelaberg'k Grand ImI evenbimealf a anpporter of Ue Boera. lo
lag to a good bonae. More new apecolewdf Ue aeatralUp exprewad bp
laliiea were verp cleverlp given and
•be adalaUtratioa UU U aomewbat FroAuble Seteioa Brought to a Cloaa
Ue oompaap oontlnnee to pleaae
focoltar. But wiU Beaator Maeoe It
Teeterdap—tiood Fapere Kead aad
patroBk of Ue theatre. The lllukUated
■eaua that aapUlag foea aa hmr
CommltieM Cheaea.
•oogk rendered bp Map ftell wm parii afU'Ue ro^aaeot.
Tbeeeeeloa of Pomona graage wm tlenlarlp pleMing. "Tbe Girl I Loved
eloaed peauirdap and all nalte la de In TeDBemee" made a bit and a. dbib.
aofCbleaco U
elarinf Uat Ue mMtlog wm a verp bar of Ane viewe added realUcf 'to Ua
POBplete. It baa been oOelallp aa■oog. Mlm Bell baa a atrong, dear
proAuble oaa
•owaeed from Weahlairton that Ue
Three aulJeeU were op for dUcaa- voice which bM bad made ber a favor
ttUe of Three Oaka U tbe Dewep
aloa. "Take Comfort Now," wm Ut ite with local loverkof muiie.
canaoa U aaaaaaiUblci Uaretore. If
topic ablp piv4oted bp Mre. U. Voor
•ap feared Uat Ue caonoa would aot
hece. Tbe advlaabllltp of ecioplng life
ramalB la Three Oaka Uep can aow:
M we go along wm clearlp abowa.
rwealp AveTeara’OooetaaiPae Will
reel aaaared Uat tberao.wUI atap
S. H. Saplor dUeaiecd "FaUaree la
oat a Failure.
pad foreear remalo a numomeat to Ue
Farming." He ebowed Ue eeiiaee of
The Aiet lodlcatlon of croup U boameeaterprUe aad paviotUm of one of
tbeM failarm, aad erged Uat a man oeea. aod la a child kul jrci
tbe biftMl littid towaa la meblfan.
who doea not like farming bad belter dlaeaoe it may be taken ak a ki
of Ue approach of an attack.
keep oot of iu
■ I g UU boareecekk U a peculiar rough
E O. Ladd dUeaated:"araage loaar- cough. If Cbamberlain'k Cough Bernaaoe." /UeUnot’lo favor of a aepaIven M soon at tbe child beraVe lokuraaee for the graoffe, m tbe
loarte. or even after tbe creupy
irifhi Operator of 0. A W. K. Took
ffarmera' Mnioal Alla Uia Aeld nicely cough appearn. It will pnv.-nttbe at
tack. It U Ubrd la many -.boukandeof
Etcam for Fire aad bummoaed
'at prceent
bomea lo ibU oroad land and never dikTbe Oepertaeat
Daniel SeboAeld wm cUoaen m Ue appolnik the aoxiouk mulbera
TbUmorataeaboattiSO o'clock Ue repreeeautive to Ue auu graage. to have yet to leara ofa king|e iokUnce in
wbieb it bM not proven effectual. No
•ifbt operator at Ue C A w. || juse- meet at L*Bklog next week. Ue wac other
preparation can
ca abow kucfa a re. tico Ulephooed Ue Are department aotborlMd to propoae aome ebangaa la cord—twenty Ave yiearn' cookUnt uke
tbatUefaaaket factorp wm on Are. Ue by lawa Uat aredeelred bp Pomona wiihoat a failure.
For kale bp b E.
I C. *J lii'k I x K, Divyyiktk.
Obtef Benale and bU crew bmleoed oat grange.
Tbe foUowlag eommitteee were ebowlUall Ue apparatu la Ue Cam
•treat enfiae bonae and were aoon at 10 at UU e'oalng aeMion:
Kxecailfo Committee <eleetlve)—J.
!u-1*« cough iniH,ly on erth. 'i. a..
When Ue factorp wae reaehed tbe H. Monroe and J. U. Eamedell (two
•blef aad hM men bnaicd aboot wlU peark). E U. Udd and U. W. MeWeUp
UaUraa lor aome time la aearcb of Ue bold over aaoiber year.
Finance Committee (i
blace aad Aoallp diaeovered Uat
P. Gray. b. H. McMullen aad J. C. Gill
wae oalp eteam blowlaf off.
Good of Order—A E. McEat, A. L
Chief BeoDleaape Uat Ibn vUrnaace
Kimball and Jobo McDonald.
at Ue operator U eammeodable
Charily—Mra. Cbarlrt IrUh, B. S.
alf btp oaeomforublc for tbe Arei
Tbe eapeoae of Ue dUlurhaDoe will Brown aad £. M. Voorbeea.
Oman'* ;Work-Mra. E S. Gray.
b* charted ap to Afeot J.io Keboe.
Mra W. 11.'^. Mitchell. Mra. E J.
What Will Make
•mk m amcB •• »«»
A Cura for ConstipbUon.
I have beentrooblcdwith enuRlpatlfx
nara. It waa nlBlac luy bealUi. my
furtabd tnp eoBij>)»xlou.aiid I am pi
tay t£a
and Uiia
aArr tryloe many uUmt mrdinr
that *«n
*«• (appi—rd____,
(appuard to l« food, t>ol «bi
vwaoC DO value wbaterer.
like to
tail every enOtrlBe wi
CetwyKlMruraeroonipallon andalldla.
BMeaarUe .S>rv«a.atomarb. l.ivrr and K idoeya. Hold by druuMa. Sc-aodfiO.-. S
Sot Waur Bpaiem to be Taken out of
Enfiae Honee.
Tbe bot water apdem of bcatlof now
In aee la Ue Cam aireel enfiae bouke
will aoon be replaiud Up a new epatem
of aleam bcatlof. Tbe hot water »p*
tern ba* not proven Itoelf aatUfaelorp.
aceordiof to Ue coatract euierrd
Into at Ue liuie ibatUeprewDi apktern waa purobaard, tbe Mercaonle Co.'
wUI put Ui tbe new'apatem wiihoat exfcnae to U« city.
Tbe eropoaiUoo fer UU ebaaga wm
freeented bp Ue McreantUe Co. U a
•pMlal meeiiuf of tbe coaeeil bald at
tbe elerb'k oAlae T^edaeadep evening.
Jaalor Claea OfBcrn.
The Jbolor claaa held a meeting peeterday after aebool for Ue purpoae of
orgpniilog and electing offleera Ti e
principle rraaoD. at Uik time, of the
organixation U to be better able lo j
oonlrlbute a part to Ue "annual"
which the Senior cIbm will Ukue a<xt
apring. J lu Millikea wm BomlnaUd
M temporary chairman aod Lottie
-SMb M aecreUry. after which Ue
election rekulted ae followr:
I'rekident—Cbarira balkberp.
Vice Prckideni-Alice Walt
Secreurp—LotUe Naata.
TreMurer—Wayne Waltera.
Open Evenings Dntill 8 O’clock^
J. W. Slater,
“W« are the People"
when you tulk about
Ulsters. We s.Il the
and evuryune who
knows what they are
and can jict the price
wears them.
Fred Ffufler Sorprlked.
PfUffer WM pleakantip curWedneadap evening by a nombU frlenda The evening wm
epent In gamee and mukic, after which
a delightful eapper wm eervaid.
Tboee preaent were Alu Helm. BUel
Blagbam. Lixxic EiebBHMid. Nora Da
nitba. Jene and Ullle Peaae, Uelea aad
Clara Dioa, Nellie Praaee. Eobert
Prauee. Bex ead Artie DuanUg,
Cburob of Cbriet O E. Bleeiloa.
Georgie Beck. Wallace Biagbam. Foreat
■>118 Front street
Ata meetiBf of Ue aoeietp of CbrUt- Delendorf. |lorrU Moore.
iaa Bndekvor of Ue Church of ChrUt,
bald at Ue boBM of Mra. Oeorge H.
P'Eaa', Ue clov.lDf oftcan were
They retnmed to tbelr bomce at a
late hour after enjoying a BMet dc>
Frcaideai-MUe Nellie Bingham.
tightfal antag.
Tice tYealdrat—MUe Anna Seelrp.
Oorrcepoadlnf Seeretaiy-Mlm DaUp
Brave Men Fail
VleUrnk to ktomacb. liver aad kidney
Ecerctaif—MUa Jelte Straaf.
troublea m well m wemea, aad all feel
appetite. poUone
TreMBrer-MUk BmilleCrowell.
in Ue blood, baekaeae. nervoweea.
bradaebe and Ured. lUGeak. ran down
A Emo. Clear BraU.
frallng. but Uere'e no need to frel
. Toar beat feelingk, poor eodal poel- Ike Uat. J- W, Oardoer. Idavllle,
Wa or boktneak ancccM depend largely lod.. kajk.- "Eleclrte Bitten are Jukt Johnson block.
on Uc )^rfeei action of pour Sicmacb
•ad Liver. Dr. Klag'k New Life PilU
^ve Inervaked atrengU, a keen. elMr
atrengU and good appeUte. I
'Inla. high amblUoD. A U oeal box — now eat aoptblog aad have a new
wUl make pon fed like a new being. leaaeon life." Oalv Me at Jaa. O.
Bold bp Jm. U. JobaeoD aad S E
Walt. draggUta.
tVeverMCtty. luefe
All Styles
and Prices
The Old Reliable
Frank Friedrich
,,E. W. Hastings’
Fire Insurance Office
John R, Santo,
Gcnral lasiraacc.
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Tetephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
That the Holidays are
Fast Approaching.
The lime lo make your purchases is XOW. The
second floor is “The Ilcad<]uartcrs.” where you
ean finil almost everything that heart can wish.
If undecided what to huy, you’ll not be undecid
ed where to huy it after one visit.
Many People
: An Attractive Place
Have many ideas. Here are
many novelties at many prices
to suit many purses. Check
Ibis list of
Twenty-five Cent Novelties.
Heavf-r and Fell
House Fomlriiliig Store.
A Sharp
P. E. Oempten Oiepoard af Bu Trot
ter Tceierdap.
0. E Oompioa eloeed e deal peeler4ap bp which Ue well baowa trotter
fiaak H. U Bold to a Uraad Bapidi
kMlaeee man and horeeman. F. E
Wtrrf. Tba trotter brongbi a hand
pome fffsre. He wm abipped lait
•Iffbt- __________________ ■
180 Front 8t
Will Anderson
75c, $1. $1.25 and $1.50.
than a Wrltiog De$k,
Book Case or Combina
tion Desk and Book-case. We have a large assort
ment from $5.00 up. Come in and pick one out, we
will store and deliver it free of charge.
2-atuse's cuf^
Medallions that bang up end
* tboee that Btaod U|),
Celluloid Paper Knives,
Photo Frames
ten diffeteni kinds.
Oxyd eed Silver Inkstands,
Fancy Thermometers,
Iron Car diet licks,
Match Holders,
Celluloid -lewel Boxes,
Sterling silver Button Hooks
Steel Eras* rs.
Manicure Files,
Toilet Boxes.
China Bon Bon Boxes,
Cups and Saucers,
Candlesticks. Pin Trays, and :
hnndreda of other noTelties. |
Never Such a Display
Of Fancy China, Cut Glass and
Solid SUverwsre. Odd shaped ar
ticles for many purprses. The
newest things in bronze statuary
aod wrought iron novelties. Vene
tian glass and Bussian Ltecorationa
The Toy Department
la crowded with all manner of
gifts for aD ages of -LltUe People. ’
86cbuyaanice bob slfd, just the
thing now that snow has come.
The all steel at $1 86 is a hummer.
$8 76 $3*75“
$1.40, $160.
Is our Hook Department, where
all the latest works of the popular writers can be found,
i The Trail of the Sandhill Stag
Ermtil Hetim*Tlioiii|w>>ii, t.-ibi tlie glory
Biiil joy of the elinw so vividly, mid tin- fit liiiirs
of tin-cluiiib iiniumls ar«- giv,n voii-<- with huuli
••ff.et diRt nil the |‘>. rbiitiHl iiiu-r*»t usually attaciit (1 It) The lit r<> >>f h
gnthensjiboul the
linrd liuiitft] Ssi-tlliill •'''tsg.
Bells for $1.60
The Ship of Stars
By A.'J' giiilIrrCoiieli. (V) is a lore
story tif till- OIt I.wall n-iisl full of Iti-aiitiful col
or. Beeiiis aiih lii<‘Ih lo's oald Uty )ife,-wi(Ii
its dreuuis aud HHvt-iituri-satid wbimoioal sweet
ness. that rises in llie hiler i-baptera lo a high
kev of aetiwu.
Santa Claus' Partner
Sella for $1.60
By Tbos. N. Page. ulUbowa child Irannformed the ebtraeU-r of a SDecoBeful bosineas
niBD wboee nature bad become bard and eeifisb
in the pureuit of wealth. Told with a charm of
mannet of which Mr. Page is master.
Sella for $1.60
Ask to sc*o the following;
"Tlie Vizier of the Two Horned Alexander"
F. R. Stm-ktuo................................................$1 86
"King Ncanett," F. J.Stimson___ ...
■•Dionysiua, tbe Weaver's Heart’s Dearest”
hlsnebe Willie Howanl............................ 1.60
"Active S. rriee," Stdy>b. n Crane.................. 1.26
‘•Jennie Baxter. J<'Urnalisl, ' Uobt. Barr.. 1 26
"On Trial,” by Zaek................................................ 1.60
"Via Crm ia.” F. Maricn Crawford............. 1.60
"Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of His Conn-
"Tw”vb'it“ M«ii,’'(>wllraan^■.^^■!.■;;
"Under Dewey in Manilla,”
Edw. Stratbemever...................................... 1.86
‘‘EnchantM Typewriter."
Jna Kendrick Bangs................................. liMJ
"Tbe Other Felloff',” b. Ho)>kinsoii ^niith 1.60
TTTW wnwwTiffi vnnoicD. Friday. t»bobicbsb8.
'«^ 5Tv\«re8\.»
lUWk knUH iUZuN
Vttl Bohem Vritee That Bo Intaa
Life In the PhUipplna
IWupt wnp wun^ ^ «t IV V «iir
TMbwk (.«B»* IU«M «M Mcrs
law MouUj Blck» Md Ike eafe btowa
•pM. bui U<c«pIcbUki Mdc Meh a
racket aa to wake «p the eilUren asd
trtrbien a«ap tbe robben, for wtiM
the farmer ani red on the eceae there
wae BO uaoe of the latter. The rob
ben didn't «*ea wait after the eaploalM to r*t aByfmoBey.
k bt- Imaoe man made a food thlnr
oet of hU Tt eenUnecatmeBt is a has
ter'a llocnae derisf the deer aeaaoa
Jaateloeed.cBeahottear.Urre baeka.
and eold them to a heater from the
tower part of the eUla, who wai
aahamed to to koM emptr handed,
bet who had been nsable \q kill a
alnfle animal, for *100 apht eaab.
A party of BlUadeld yoonf people
bent OB r<'lac n aewly ntarried eonple
a mate of that aoeieel. oat of date and
altotether idiotic pertormaooe known
ne a eharirarl, eiruek the wront boaae
and betan tootlst their home Ufore
they foaad their mieUke.' The eraity
old baehelor who tired there
wiU a haary ease asd betted a eonple
of the party orer the head before they
eoaeleded they had better make themaelreaeeane.
At Haney John aoorer, It yean old,
wee arreetod for bone ateallnt.
bad rot ea far ae Luther when
officer* eentbt him trylac to diapoee of
the animal. . He pleaded rolHy h»d
Ooenty Aren't Arent Lewie wlU Uke
him to Ue Indnetrlal ecbool for b;>ya
at LanelnrThe Oadillac SUre and Headinr Co b
plant barned Tueeday nirht. Uma.
pH.OiWi lnaaranee.ls.5uo. It employrd
00 mea and boya
Ibe town of Adrian la orerrnn w
earn, and the loeal oonn^l le aeriou
thlokinrof cRrrier bountlee for i
deetmeiion of the enrplna fellnee.
e reoent meetlar of that body the
town clerk etnud that a oooeerratlre
aaUmate placed the number of oeU
within the borourh llmlu at 5.500. or
sore than three tlmre the baman popalatioo, whlob le l.ioo.
In Alleran
Aller oonuty prior to the cold
tap thU week peach bade
bode had etarted,
and It la feared the" freeilnr weather
hne Injored the
At Menominee the Kirby Carpenter
On. haeaold SO.UOO.OOD feel of the IWW
aeaaon’e ent to Chiearo partle*; eoneldaratioo.M5u.000.
Cheboyran aad Kalkaaka oonnilee
hare parchaaed alone enubere and are
preparlnr to build Bret-elem roada.
J. Wallace Paye. preeldent of the
1‘are Worea Wire Kenoe Co., of Ad
rian. Mich., baa been inrited to appear
before the Indoatrlal commluion to
teoUfyaraliiat wire tmau. operatioia
of which would hare mined the Pace
company bat for the conrnre of Mr.
WlUUm Bnckleb bouee bunted eerly
Wedneeday morolnr, fonr and a half
mlleanortbeaetof Vaeear. Mn. Buckle
Bianayed to eaenpe in come way, and
her eon alao yoc out bat waa badly
bnrned. Her bnataend, bowerer, who
waa 75 yeara of aye, waa canybi in
flamea and loai hi* life. Mn Bnekle
went riolently intane wben ahe Irntroed
the fate of ber buebend.
.AtHaylitatr J «rph I>nptrt tried to
lift bie Inralld wife from her chair to
the bed. dropped her. andabe may die
of her injurtee.
The eute board of heeltb baa been
. ndrUedofaeaceufamall pos in Harriarille tonnahip, Della oonoty. the
•Hyin of which la nnknown. Necmnnry preeanllona hare beea taken.
Po*tmealerOrrin Lewla of Cutbioy.
fell from a 11. foot laddered receiwd
Injoriea from wkleh be will probably
Charlee H Conklin of U\. aomerr,
haa paid $CU5 su into the Vnited BUteo
• treaeury wblcD be drew In the ahape
of a pension. He tboayht hlaown pennloo cla m bad been ac'Juated, ant It belonyed to aootber Cbae H. Oonklin.
who Uree at Ssyutaw. No «ime wae
tatended. eo he wae yiren time In
wMob to pay it. and by dint of bard
work heajnataoeompllahed it.
WlU Boberta. now of Battery O. S7tb
Baynlafu, In the PbUlppIocm in whleb
ha aaya the climau of that ooostry la
mneh better than the ellmaU of Onbn
He haa been well alt the time except
the finiday in Manila, tUot. 5 ) when
be wan eomewhat oremome with the
bent, bnt reeorered immodiauly and
hH had no trouble to keep well
■Inca The boya bare fine offiese and
rood eonoradaa and are in nrery way
moat kindly treated.
laapenklnyof the-qnarten where
they am ataUonod. ha anya, “They
1 and tha^iehed roob i
blL" The reemita wei
yiren thalr chidee batween the In
fantry, enralry nsd arOllery. and be
ebooee the artUlery aa in that the men
do not hare ae henry londe to earry
and the drill U cMler. At (he Ume of
wrltlny he had rmetred no letters from
home sinoe he sailed from Ban Frascia00. Sept X. which abowa that the mail
mnat be rather earelemly handled.
Battery U was with the Twenty
fourth infantry and the Funrth carairy. aad they bad Jnat taken the town
of Arayat, about eixty mllea from Ma
nila. Theleiter waa from OcU I5th
nnUI No*, lat yettlny to Manila, aad
arrired la Trarerae City Dec- 7ib.
Uklnythelownof Ayaratnoneof the
boya warn i< Jared.
PfoaMant Bec^ofTaiAdn Board AMo
was aanonneed y«t«cday that
Ooveraor Ptnyree had mappoloted
Dsvid B Burw as a member of the
suu Board of Pardons, In spite of
tbe nllryed oppoallkm of other membern of the board who entortaln differ
eat views reyardlny ibe pardontny of
C. B Wriybi. the Benxle oonoty mniderer. whose release Bnros boa (onybl
so enoryetleally. Tbe appointment,
however, will ylve yrcat aatlafaetlon
to a yreat many who have endorsed
bta eoorae In tbe isatter of Wriybt'e
ItUalM annonnoed that Prerideat'
Beck hne also been reappointed by the
PaM Dear (or Hb Ley.
In two years pal
r asoooo t
tors to enre a Rnnoiny
Then they wanted toentltcS,
to ei
eared it with one box
bo of Boeklen's
Arnica Salve. Osaraatoad cure for
PilM. t5e a box Bold by Jaa. U.
Johnson aad 8. B. Walt, dmyybta.
Prevention is Better Than Onre.
The merehaote of tbb city and vlein*
Ity now have it In their power to re-i
dnee their profit and loss aeeoant to a
minimum by oo-operaiiny with the
Miebiyao MereanUle Ayeaey. and tbe
non paylny element can be forced to
settle np before they can yet another
denar'* worth of credit. In »0 day*'
time the merchanu will ~
proiecUoo offered them
will be worth * yreat m;
them In the course of -a year,
better not to open *o aoc^nnt
with an undceirable person than to
Dick Morse, reprmentloy the Peerleoa let yonr goods yo out of yonr store sod
Manatactaritir Oo. of Detroit and John
•B pay a high n.....................................
Ulen othbllaa Bran. A Co , are in the
eitr dolny bnalneaa with B. Rendn A
colCo In new llaea for IbOO.
lecied by calling once or twicc • ch
’ Mro. Laura Curtb, mother of A. B. year, nor bj- *lttioy in an offi-e bnndreds
*y*OirllA. houl keeper aad poetmaatcr of
tern of letters.
iDtrrloeben. died at that place late
Tneedsy eventny, of Inoy trouble.
Deeeaeed was 75 yearu of aye. The
remalne will be takaa to Mt- Uorrta
(or interment.
The Urand Trarerae BaptUt Aa■ociatlon wUl bold two mieelonary
eoafereboee next week! Monday aad
Tneeday at Petoskey. and Wedneadny
and Tbnred^ at Kalkaska.
'-Paradfee Beyaloed" will be the attraeUonby the Marks Broe. Oo. in
Stelnbery's UraoJ tbia ereninp.
Chariea Rare has Uken a poaltlon in
the fnreiture den*rtment of the Mereantlle Co.'s store.
The barber shop of the Jate Henry
I. Miller will ooatltinr In operation,
Of Fine Cloaks
Ear Protector.
At the . . .
This department would be pronounced a success this
season had we not so many Jackets to cany- over. W«
are determined to reduce it even at a loss. Do not
wait until after, holidays to buy your Jacket cheap.
Right now is your opportunity. Buy now and have the
use of it, as you will never buy it any cheaper. Our
stock of Jackets and Capes is all fresh, new and this
season's make.
Fits closetj to tbe head, ful
ly protecting the ears,
hat covers the spring,
making it the neatest,
-tnosl cbmfortable and
warmest ear protector
ever invented.
per pair.
.All of our highest priced Jackets made from the finest
foreign fabrics, cut and finished by expert tailors, we
have priced them all through the seaO OO
son from i'ly to $20. your choice now
Sold by
.All of our fine Kersey Jackets, all silk or satin lined
throughout, made well and finished right, fi ^O
our rcgular$io and $12 garment, to close at v/-C^V/
•All of our Kersey Jackets, silk lined throughout, good
fitters, $10 values anywhere, our regular g KQ
price being$S.50, the clean-up-sale now only v/* W
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
All of our lackets made of good Kerse>-s and Boucles,
either si(k lined or mere rized, our regular A QQ
price being $6.50 and $7. to close at...........
.A few Boucle lackots. Kersey strapped se
merevrized lining, regular price S5.50.
Dec. 4 to 16th
Miller wUl be in charye.
The Merer and Health department
of the Epwortb Lcayne of the First M.
R church will meet at the home of
Roland Donylaee this eveslny. All
lembere are nryed to be present.
Mr. A C. Ayer, who will bare di
rect charye of the MIeb'yun Mercantile
Aoency. recently located in the new
Muneos block.-will more hU family
here and locate permanently in this
c'ty. Trarerse City will be dtstrici
bead<iaarter*fartbebaeiDeesand Mr.
Ayer will be district manayer.
The Benior Lyeeom ^d a boeisms
meetiny yeeterdsy amr school and
considered sowe matters In reyard to
he debate between the rrasklln Club
of Manistee and the local lyoenm.
br held in the City Opera ball Deoembtr
^ ^
The ladles of Amanda Hire will ylrr
card parly and oyster snpper tb‘r
ereniry In Forester'*- hall. Bnpper )5
cents, served frem five until
o'clock. A cordial invitaticD is extei.d
Divorce salt has been brouybt b^<
WillUm Loveridye of this city ayalnst
bis wife, on the yrounds of desertion
Henry Tbaiker retnmed toble borne
in WiUiamsbiiry last evenlny after a
time spent wltb hit brother, W. R.
Frank Uoodricb left for Lereriny
Uet Diyht.
L. Carter wae In Interloehen on
3. G. Oarrer, a weU known Inanmnee
■an of ftetrolt, la In the dty.
John D Rromer, traveUny frdyfat
ayent (or the G. R A I. railroad, ia at
Para Place,
h ehronle diarrboi
Thomas E. Sharpe of the Uke View
Bonce at Btk Bap^ U at the Whltlny.
Ueorye K Newcomb went to amnd
e waa cored. I yire ibU
boplny eome one almllarly Rapids yeaterday.
nffiicted may reed it and be benefited.
E. U. Spoor of Bedlanda. (Ml., ledt
—Thomas C Bower, Ulenooe, O.
yesterday after a few days' visit la the
eele by », E Wait and F. C. Tao
F. W. B«<bte}d and Henry BicardI,
Th Cirt U SrIpiM ta 24 Imk.
Noremc^wjuaU W.ARSEK's Whitk Island, e
Wink of T*m Syki f fur tbU urnhleaad faul diMso^. U taken thorTo Open Dp ibe Vile.
ouyhly aad in time. It will c-ure a casein ^ bouro. and (u> the cuuyb that tulCairo, Dec. 7.—The yoverani ent hna
l.»waLeGriM>Ov never faila to give decided to cot sneh veyeuble yiowth
cvOleL Prloc. SSc and .'Ax
^isbloekln^lhe river for SCO miles.
Idis Doylf
wUleloeeberdiaplay of art needle
work at htrony a masie alore Bator-
±>DmMa la WannOUlihO.
In making your purchase do not forget to mention
the society which you would prefer should distribute
our 5^75 Christmas gift to the poor.
Your Money Saver,
Supporting tbe Joint Stars,
Plays Cbangcd~£very Night
By choosing any other
Continuous Performance.
cigar than
_FincMill Work
Cold weather is coming.
Now is the time
to place YOur orders for
It’s Up To-Uat^
10c. IBc, 25c
For a Chfistmas Gifl
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J, E. Greilick Co.
.What is prettier or more appropriate than
an article of Jewelry from our assortment.
The same bid prices prevail—as low as ever.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
SrIlU OD t(Hlr lit tllO 6oX office.
11J fur sv-atA.
The Boston Store,
You Will Make
A Mistake
Telephone No. 2.
Traverse City, Mich.
Very fine
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks. Silverware, Opti
cal Goods. Pins, Opera Glasses.
Meo’a heavy A rvlii'8..
.. 1.26
Uen'a storm Alaska..
.. 1,16
Men'e Urana for....
Women’s .Arctivs ....
Women's stou
Women’s Kubbers
Mtases and f'hi'drens an-tlca
Misaea', Children's rubltera..
New Goods ir(id New Fixtures
In my store
.217 Front Street.
Remember the brands. Boston
and Mishawaka Sox and Rubbers
rile kind we offer at 10 percent
I off re^lar price.
Wi> know we hare the best goods
money can bay and you know we
Bilks, Cashmeres and Knit!*"
Qooda Immense new ijue'®*'™’
i»uw«ifrom 26c to $3.00 in price.
Cardjif Thaoka
Mr*. H. L. Miller and famUy desire
0 publicly expreee t'
prteiation of the klndi__________
yood (neada doriny ber v«^nl
recent »(fi<etioo. the death of Mr.
The t)d
I Cwrw-WartMm received and the frieni
WWIa «VlM of Top Syrop, the fd helped 1
heat eoByh lemcvlv on earth, cum a cold family U ea
yratelnl ft
fa CSC day If taken in tame. SfiandhOcta.
Hamilton Glotliing Co.
Buy yonr Robbers of oa and get yonr mtmey’a worth.
135 Tnut StTMt
InverM City. JOok.
. th> KOBvaiQ
\ &ewaV'KevBt
0^ \\ve '\DoA&.
llMkntete*««BMdftbrMkU tb«
%uk ot ib« Dclknn Md
«ufti amt IVww*. M. J.. wUck
MkM BiniiTj tk« upt/lB* of tko
OMoi ta order to ropolr tke iamaf.
Vwwt kaa rwcbod WMUoftaa of
■ ■othT r»*ol>tioo*r7 o«tbr«*k
pMUMta. r«» dolaUa an obula-
•orUMra portico of the eoontry.
«ke terdor llMAt Roela*. Wie. Rot. D. B. Cb«B^
«f tbo niat BopUot eboreh. aad hia
■mila. w«ro akot aai probably bully
Isjarod by a bonrUr «bo odurod tholr
Tba eoopaol-coBvrp] of tbt deport•Met of tbo BelM boo rotod too trueo
to tbo fud bolBK roioed by tbo
Billeo propoolor
«>«et is Woobior'
doripf tbo wbr for Atoorfcoo Ipdopepd•eoo ood. wkooe orny. with tbot of
den- WooblortoB, conpoUod Lord
OcrawollU, tbo BriUob eoatBoader. (p
oniToedor ot Yo-ktoeo,
pBCBKBsa s. laas
Tbo Bapitat Toeac Peoplob aoeto^
aloeted ofieero ao tellowa loot otobIbc
Vieo ProoddoBV-W. K. Moore.
Swratafy-Baaol Bolmaa
Timaiirir Titnilf °WbttOrjoatat-Bdao Holdowortb.
A iyooem woo orroalaod yoata
oft proOOP la tbo Birbtb
<*< ^
Cesual aebool osd tbo foUowUf oSoan won olootod:
PmldOBt—BIU taltt.
ViM ProMdoBV-AUio Hoaaalord
Soerotary—Bertha Browa.
Tbo oolootlea of a troooorw «m dw
DeftalU ploao for tbo orork of the
ervoBlootioahOToaot yot .booo complotod oed totaro orroaromooU wUl
d^oed lorroly «poo Mlm RororoBoo.
tooebar, who b ot borne, bnt who
wUl be oUo to ronmo her worii tbo
trot ot the year.
‘ Jaat SoTod Bla Llta.
U waa a tbrllUat eaeapo that Obartao
____ of
_ Boworatoa,
8ow«ratoa, O .Utelr bad from
a trirbifal dwtb. IFor two yoara a aorere lane tronblo
worao aatil It aeemed
(kmsnmpUon Then bo be«aa to naa
Dr. KIbt’o New Dlwnrery aad Utely
wrote: "It rove inouat relief and of
feeled a permoaeiit enro.” Sacb
dorfal enro! hoee f<v » yoaro. p
lu power to ear* all Thraot. Cneot asd
Lour troobtaa. Prieo 50e aad »100
Beery botUe raarontoed Trial b-)ttloa
lOe at Joe. O Jokoww'a aad S. S
Waitb dra^ atom.
below ta a IMt of tbo boTtsf and ooll-
PreoidoBt- McKinley’! mraeofe to
ooqirreu bo* been reoeieod by Cnbona
of ollclooaeo wlib mneb ootiefocUon.
Been the loodora of the eotreme party
admit tbio, OBd tbo
there will be no American cl»il yoTemneat boa cleorrd away mo»t of tbe
ctonda iliat bad beeo baufioK orer tbe
Cnboa political tl'uolion.
r«.“ •
4 00
f>R 3. m. WILaKLM. phreteloa 0*4
U On>4u!ir et Vi iTereltj el OraoarlTOBlo
oaeM eewTeee.be. Ueek. m rrool elnet
. S. Heoe. c**erei treeikw el«e
SnooMSors to Travarsa Olty Lttmber Oo.
John F. On & Co.
HOUM Black.
TYk. A. « BOLUDAT. Kre4i
A<f relwreUp. OBcw Id V'BMaeBMc.
•e, otac i(n.rMl4«BC« Wt.
I KonooPTkoTDnarrr paoir 13 c. oiLaBBT.Auerear- i
Jr. w FratM. proeuee. \
BateooBi. Oe Black.
i w.'JESSSiirsa."''-'
Oora. per bn..
Poutooa, per ba..............
Rye. par bn....i............
Bntter, par ft..................
BKT*- pardoxaa..............
to«p.m. TeiepboM.n
PoUtoi .
Oo.,)aceordlBrtoOBOlIty. U-lSe.
TBOMPaOM; 0««w
Perk Pler.aot.1. I «*>• 40 »e4 OL Wo• DDd rbIMrwB-. die,
10 ta i: e- w.:
■I Ball -pDae. ■»
Aa a enro tor rbaaButtam Chamberlaiao Paia Bolm ta calBlaK a wide
repnUtion. D B. Jobaatoa of RichTYR R. 1 FLOOD. 0«re le erw Tae
mood. led., boo been trooblod with ±J
Black CelUeaewcred protertl; 4
In apeakiaB Birkt
• •
................-pkaec.B BcU. ai
of it ho oayi: "I botot fonnd aaytblBr
that would roliero me naUl I need
Cbomberloln'a Pain Bolm. It oeU like
BOffte with m*. Mt foot woo owo}lea ...
BO. For tale by S E Wait aad F. C. yx'tt.
wantbo -For
-Per Crocrel
|B.4Ulrencew WrmL
TBOMrooii. Dminrltto.
Byp&ettat aBi'OUlrreyaBt.
L. RoblDOOB. meU pbyticioD,
^IrToyant, bypno^t and
otr«ot. Tnoolay ort&ias, Souabot
7:30 Tbe Udy it a tindent (i
oeTcrnl achoolt of menUl •cionoe i
airroduoto of the Wettorn School rpoRIST-Fureutcu
of MoenetleHetltnyond 0.wuU Sc!. *
eaoeo She will tell n* «
Telepathy or Mental Teletrropby
Yoro or tbe Eey to Bidden Mytter
lea. Medintntbin. wbat it U. F'trtnBo Wero PTCI7 Bevunlar elcbt.
Telllar- H .w People can itop Blood,
price. Smell
BemoTo Woru, etc.
ptymral 4awe ee l be'eo r lo ceay
She will a eo yiro yon the key to XX
KOBihIjr paneeeu Will take llOUte carpeuter
bealtb. bow to eradicate diet
wi.rk Ro.]-)lrrafS H Briwj.
ot yoor own body, moki
lake ond
KKNT -Verj dr.trablc maje. f mlabrO,
>nr*olf well on tcienli:
ific prlnfor la r or protlcaau. • Ub ur • Hboul
SrOlalr •trrel.
o fine tpeoker ond ttaaroiurhl)
withiDB toconooU tbe lady 1
oirroy ,
--treatment of dibfote or m a etoirr
10 Wedaoot hypnotibt. wiil be c.oarteoaai
receipt at 715 i’loe alreettill fnrtbl
turiber i IT___
nolle* it^ciTeo- Her lermt ore Tcry igAKTRK^^iSKt^^ luao at 4 per erat ue
The lady teoebee the tciencee in
siaiV^*'^ ^
i'hoee wiahlng to j in her!------ ------------------------------------------------ ember I!, ood come ralo or ahlae. I------------------------ ^— ——
rbiidr™ ..d.r
ten year* free
Komi Rioir .irm ..o or b..r.>nr lire. I«ib. alll
Regarding ^the Wonderful
Merit of
The Finest Line
Ever Seen in
This City
Fruit KnlTM
Knife and Fork Beta
Brny Bpoona
Orange Spoon*
kd Sp
Soap Spoons
Oyster Forks
Full Sets Knives and Forks
B. J. Morgan;
Wool Hose
Kl^nt gifts in all kinds of
A very large line fine tans and
blacks at 26c. all wool worsteds.
Others in fancy colors for holiday trade. 26c to 60c.
Pretty near lime
to think about having your
Hamilton Clothing Go.
Bicycle Enameled
YoomiRl'io'R'jaee me kboul ttoriap
rour wheel J’BEE for the winter
No belter enomeiinr than onro.
Step in ond Ulk it OTer.
Horse Auction Sale!
U DnioB Street.
Fire Insurance. 32iS^I32
L. L A. BuUding
W>w Offtra Markham B’ryk
Mrs. C E. Horst,
bnto 01 vMc
These horses consist of heavy draft
FarmMares and Light Drivers from
Incontrovertible Evidence! 4 to 8 years old,weighing from 900
to 1700, and every horse •will be
guaranteed as represented, and no
side bidding will be allowed on day
of sale.
tlOO Beward, tlOO.
( *
Mr. M. J. Glkviu of Orawit Mu-h..
voulo like to Btalf i liat
G. H. SNOW, M. D., Specialist
D In p.«r^ braltb
»>-Tj poor; .(Ih jvUow.bM t»«w IB ny BOBih
TbhrvwBssflaUhnoc bbO
WIlBg to id;
rbf--i:houd«»a4 fm <-oId Bo.1 b gtrsi4lu>
' .wU*DBOt||Wl.
a '*4 bladd
iblh. HstvIoti
tr r >■
(Hr. OUr
l k*»-* »o n».i-d by «i ,4i»»raed a
:7SrajH.S'“£iTen months’ time will be given on
’approved real estate security, or
“““|chattel security at 7 per cent, hiWood and stock taken in
Mr.C W.FWUor Wolroturlllr, Ibd .«koU
hia uplDlOQ of Dr. liooa'a BrrrtrVB;
Tol.l.m..nl|, r^^^
B«Bry ay Bt mr n! i*«t*
iiir^ low M; broltb
Bffortrd troB f I. irou-
thU tMirrilile diseasr.
Many remedies aflord Umporary re
lief. and arouse falac hope, bnt nemr
qnite cure.
Sometimes a torgical
operstion will care, bnt that ia tbe old
way-lhe Cfnel. expenaiTe, dangerons
way. Ijr. Cha»«*» Ointment cures by
u. msyinl Mtbine a^ ^Hng infln-,
. 1. „ tte ml, OT.,,, ..d r*. I
•B eed cnt*. 50 cents
a yrar put dlffrrvei doctor* Tbvy kJI 4orton.d m* tor
diacrvei unsgi.
u>y b«lr 1 railed
ainoO- Hooi> «bo WIO nr By iroubir. Be
»B*» B» • ' ■
aflrr 16 di
to sick
■ groat psih.
aod BOtab'r
bbc irrowioe vr.krr: *. MBbiiioo
‘T.Ight mr •-niorr
tbst the i
il, au'l k
tell him tbst it
- tbe only preparation
wh icb Ih a posittre and absolute cure for
dealera. ot Dr. A. W. C.
Company. Bufiaio. N, V.
/^Horses, Cows, Oxen.
Sleighs, Gutters.
Dr. Chase’s Oiniment
•aa, at all
• Mcdlda*
Salurday, Dec. 9, at one o'clock
I will offer for sale twelve Cows all good ones.
Twenty-five horses' some of all kinds.
One pair of good oxen,
one tnree seated sleigh.
One two seated sleigh. •
Three cutters.
Come early and got your choice. All to be sold
without reserve.
Ih- roll'W
ar'iirl.ia;.. prw>o<• i.^h
>br am to- pl.-a.o4 to .boa to her frtraO.
___ _________ “ ::-aw Ia I Wurk ot tlgBre. po»»ibl» grade- Flav t*l
;'t--:?.r, S;.Tf?
livery stable,
Traierse Git|,
TTrO}(TKO-fl»eoB4 BBB4 i il Blr fareerr
A44ma.J M Tbaai
W,» art* showing a very
large stook«f the iatrat
Dovoltivs in ... .
r^cn. B.OBOaa. on
A Strong
ly upon
I and muenons s
PB of tbe aysU m. iberety dr*troyfny
tbe foocdati'n of ibe diaraB*. and ct
lag tbepaitant alrrryth by bnilditif
np tbe constltutlra and a-a'ail»« na
tore in doing it« w<vk The i roprietora base to Dbrb fal'h le iu enrative
powers that tbry < ff r one hnndred
dollars for nay case tbst it fails to
cure 8*ad for lla’ o' irBilmoalals
Addrcaa F. J. Cbknct * Co. Tol*do.
«4a4 tfi pn^wp-ij
Bidewslk Lomber ia all tisea.
liaverse Cii|[ Umber Ct.
tetftoa. ^rstetoa 0*4
It 00
Polly It iaebea of aaow fell** Buffa
lo Tiietdoy and Toeertay nt^bt Street
car tn.fiio. which waa praqticaliy ahaodoaed late Toeoday aigbt. wat re-naed
Wednesday mointor Malta fiom tbe
•oat ard wcf. were from a bait hour to
ooe hour tau-.
* Xbe committee boTinir in charge the
Maaoniccelebrai:.,D of the centenniAl
BanlTereary of tbe deaib cT Geonre
Watbingion hat yractlc^l'y completed
tue arronyemreu for the etcttt. After
coBfereore with tbr reprearnUtlTee ofj
tbeTorlona linnk Uac* tbe eommiUee;AS AN ABSOLUTE CURE FOR
bat eecorxd a eery aaUafactory rate
ftoB all orer the L'aUed Sutca to
MaabtegtoB A fare of one ani ooeDr. Cbaae'a OinLnmt it aa ahoatau
tblrd for tbe ronnd trip baa be -a prt m- eare for pilra. and baa aever beea
taed ibasi. and ticketa will be on tale known to fail to enre tbe worst forms
of thu tannriOE diaeasc. which baa
nlbellibto M'b to
-d iuedteal skill fut agea.
tbcraurailekct belarcood from tb«
This ktatrmcDi may aonod rather
l4tbtotb»IG b
atroni; to penona who do oot know tbe
aopenor m<nia of pr. Cbase*a Oinlmeni, but it it perfectly true, tad eoTh* rrmdera of ibla paper will be dorsed by tbe gralelul tmtimony of
pleoaed to learn that there la kl lemt tboo-od/of men aad women wbo^hav,
ooe dreaded diaeaee that ae'enoe boa been cured by it after years of auSenni
bees kbie to core in all lit atarea, and
tbatU eaiarrah Ball’e CaUrrab Cure
■e known to tbe
An honest drugf-isl wiL) alwavareeom_______
end Hr. A. w. Chase's Ointmeot as
the liw-l
. n qoin
H. BUOmi. Oltaraar
OB board tbo ■Uomer Oeeosic. whlcb
orriTod ot New York Wednudoy from
foil dowo o rwilrood cutaonkmoBt Into
a omoll otrooBi. wkldi woo froioa«
Borperoon'o bead went tbrongk
iM. wbieb foimed a coll&r oboot bio
BOekoodatroDfledblBtodeotb. .
Oiorleo ElBn<»“T iBfUlor. eholr^
of tbo doc ooaaulttec of the 8obo of
tbo AuvieoB RoTolotioa. boo forword•d tOOTory roprooeotorlTe osd oonotor
•t Woohlaftoe o doeBBont for tbo.
•Boelioy of k low tor tbo proteotl
of the fioff oad lo prohibit lu ooo 1
adTortiaiof or eoBBorcioi porpoooo.
OooBt Tolatol boo booa oorloooly lU
for two doyo. Ho woo OBOooaeiooo, Mt
bo io BOW ollfbtly botur, oltbonyb
Croot OBsioty ia otill aunltaotod 1b
Moaeow rttrordiDf bln.
Tbo utarol gaa eopply of CrowiordoVUle. lod.. boo tolled coBBloMly. aod
«bo diatrooo Tvoodoy ood WodoMdoy
woo rreot- Tbo elit boo depesded
■ololy OB foo for yeoro. oltboocb loot
wlBtor tbo OBpply roo obrrt. Wbea
4be cold woTo oUsek CrowfordoTillo
Tuoodoy the coo oopply onddosly (oiled
and tbo flrco Id bondredo of boi
weat oot OBd WrdBOodoy the oapply
foiled eonpletoly. Tbero
aetool ODSerioK from oold.
The city eooaell of Hodh. Me., aome
tine oiBM refooed tbo reqooot of
Cborloe Iv. Mudy to eel op on oddiUoaal ibvot loap nror bla borne.
Moody died o little wblle o(o, ond
wboB hli wUl woo read It woo dUoor
«Fod that oboktly after tbo rofoool ot
hlK rrqneot for the lamp be bod reeoked
aB IsteBded brquoot of 97&.OM for o
BOW city boll.
The DotloDol oonoell of tbo OroPd
. Amy of tbo Republic decnwd tbot the
the nrot ronoioD will bebolddarlBftbo
loot week of Aurnoi, IMO, In Cnleorr.
Snenssors to
■ Pleck.
At PbUodelpbio. WUUob Horpei
«Tyooro old, while wolbicr to bio
■y tuarb larltrr,
biii! bb
p rOB
.snow mak.« a specialty of All Chrome DiwMee, Diseases of o,1,,.
^ j;ie uul Throat. Teeth eitp.rt«d for 2oc
OffleititkiHuIitoBUdlillUa Btod.
CisSL Ealruea.
fOT ^01868.
8tm in Proem U tb» PhU-
Wnm •—wl Town
nat h» Ku Arrived M Tigu Afwr
nokUMtif ft Lftrtft roTM of tAr
VoTM to
Lftrt«r Ttofts tftiipofted-OftTttft »rovIftOfttoUSoftlof AMn OftmpftiCD
WftfthlftrtflB. Dm.
today oftbled ttoa war departMt at
" iftbt military tltaa
“lo coetral L«s«i
UoalB L«i
of Importbtre to BO iBtiinrva» >cvw «»
taaoe exMpt la Bulaean ibotIbm near
tht moBBtalaa, wbm Utaorai PUar
b«Ui torvtbor l.oao or more mta.
wbieb wUI bt attacked coon. Oeatral
Oraat bat ntored a tmall eolama dowa
the eaal eoaet throorb Bataaa prerlaec
cseovntcrlag little oppodtloB. A eolama to mo^ eretlward from tbe
moaoUIae aad m expMted to reach
tbe wettera eeatt of Loraa oa the
tCBth. Maay tmall laeargeat armed
baadt are aboot tbe ooeatry robbing,
aad la tome lattaAeca morderlag tbe
lahabltanta. Tbeae are being poraaed
by troopt «jult* tnooemlally. Sooth of
Maalla ibe iaeargeaU tUU maiataio
ibelr poaltlont. bat tbe aeoemary force
to teatler them will be tent U^pre
Beeonragiog reportt bare been reedred regarding leaeral Vonng. la a
cable dtopateb from Oeneral Otto at
••Oeaeral Toang reporta hit arrlral
at Vigaa on tbe ereolag of Dee. i. bar
ing aaeoantered a foree of tbe enemy
nt Narbnean. twelre Sllee eootta of tbe
city, whom be drove to tbe enttward
Into Baa Qaentln Oaayan. 8to troopa
nr* now preetlng ^ tbem back. Tbe
oeantry to extremely rough aad the
enemy to etroagly eatrenebed. Abant
«00 prtooaere. who bare eeeaped report
that the laaargeou allowed all but
Ameritma aad promlnant SpanUb
prtooaei* to eaeape from Aangaed
tmter the iaBorgenta were drim back
Into tbe moBatalaa.
"t aball eead traatporUtlon with eob
etoteaee and medical enppllee to Vigan
tomorrow to bring tbe prltonert to
Manila and tonopply Qrneral Yooag'e
troopt with tbe oeeeeaary qotTlcrmatter’tdtorea. Onr eaeuaUlee were one
killed and twelre wounded. Tbe ene
my left la tbe irenebee tweaty-flre
deod.a few riflra, eereral thonatDd
rouadeof emallammuoll oaaod forty
ehrapael. Oeneral Yooag bae tnffleient
troopa to meet all difileuIUee-"
ManlU, Dee.7. -Mnch bae been ac
eompitobed. Daring tbe the Uet few
week, the campalgalagtn tbe PhlUpbae been almoel phenomenal,
and the army to rightfully p.*ood.
Tbe Imurgenu bare had a eeriee of
roateaaddtoaetera. Tbe elengbter baa
bMn great. They bare loel a large
quantity of enppllee and mbalUoaa of
war, and more tban i.OOo of tbetr
armed men bare anrrended or been
capturari during tbeir retreat In tbe
laat few weeke Tbeir----------------_________________ - eaplured. Agpinaldo to blmaelf a fugU.ra
NolwIlbeUndlng all tbeae tbloge
tbere to no reeaoo for an extrrmely
Indication* are that Aguloeldo eacaprd
tothe north wUb a much larger body
of uoope tbao waa at «r*t enppoaed.
Thi* force, reported at from t i*>n to S
000 men. wa* originally recmiied in
tbe northern prorloeee. and the men
are reputed u> be good fighter*.
Carlte prorioce erill be the eeat of an
aetlre campaign when enough tr«»r“
anirr to *bui ■ ff the arenve of e*eape
nnleee an expeeu d eem nder occur*
AH theAm.-i-*n troop* will
be e**lly at»orl.r<i in aettre caupaigngiBW STXAto WHWTLB.
Mladoa Amnwd for tta laxargeat
Vanaonrer. B. C. Dee. 7—Prlaee
Adraai, the cnllared Hindoo -Anan«tor." wbone rletim* are ccattared orer
twe cnotinenta. bae canned a lempeat
in a teapot in VaaAourer. Amertima
Ooaral Dodlcy.
bMag abowa
Adraai by Mr. Barry Treat the other
day. agreed with Treat that the ladiaa
fakir waa Agnlnaldo. 11 waa GoMal
that bad tha aappoaad
Tba poUca, bowarar. befora tk«y
eoald ideaUfy their man. were Infarmed by tbe city l^nl auttaorlUea
that tbe auppoaed Agnlnaldo could aot
baarraatodOB Britiab aoU under inatruetioaa of tba American coMnl:
tbat be meat ba allowad to ga Ctonaal
Dadley tban Inatotad npou iba fioUUoui
prtaooerofwnr being detained nntU
identified. Ooaeul Dudley aaid be
would take all the reeponelbUlty. aad
Ue priaonar waa detained untU ba rraa
identified aa Adraai.
Twenty four boura aftor being Ubrratod Adraat waa tmek in Jail, baring
attomptod to paaa a bogn* draft, and
for rietlm’t'og a mloUter. Oa bto
promlae that be would go atr^bt to
New York ba waa liberated.
OntTB Fean for Safoty of
Pood Bni^llas (Irowlag Short aad tha
B*aaigtng Boare Baoomlng More
figgimalve — Bnemy Mow Haa
Twenty-six Pig 3uob in Opemtioa
Bewntor Stowart Haa
Special Orders for Books
Bepntdieaa Banka.
Waabiagton. O. C . Dae. 7 ftwiatftr
Stewart of Nevada, who several year*
ago left tbe Repabllcaa party and be
came offiitally a aflvarite and aetnaUy
a Popultot. baa retnraad to tba BepnbUeaa party.
It ba* ooma to light that tbe Nevada
senator, having recovered from bis
Ulcalon eanead by tbe epeetar of tba
crime of 1873. yeaterday ntlendad the
caacoBof bto BepnbUcan eoU«ngaea
and was received • ith a warm wcleoma.
Upon tbe Oi^—Brittoh Beallae that
Melp Meat Ocae Soon.
Imndoa. Hee. 7—Not enough to
known in London to enable aa eatlamte of the proWbl* effect of Comtaaodaot Joubert'e aaperaemion. but £Ugut Chiistmai (HfttHiss Jackeon will exhibit a -fine dUit to amnmed that, tbongh Command
plavof elegant band-psinied China
ant SehalkboTgcr to n younger aaA
of many deelgnsand boanUfnl rffecU
more impetnotu man. tbe Boer plan
ef campaign wid not be affected. It
iutnrday aitemooaa aad
ilty to secure dainty
being understood tbat it waa tuTanged
1(3 Bast blight itrccL
by tbe eouocil of war.
Tbe srar office ba* reoelred tbe fol
lowing dtopaicb, dated yeaterday, from
Oeaeral Porestier-Walker, tbe Britiab
commander st Cape Town: ’*OeDeral
Methuen wire* today tbat be has re
sumed oommand aaA to nightly In
eommunlcatioD with Kimberley by
searebUgbt. Tbe health of tbe troope
to exerllenL”
Tbe only battle reported yesterday
waa fought outaide of Kimberly <
Nov U The BriUsh claim to have
captored a Buer laager, but analaload '
Barthqnaka Stooeka Talt la Tario^ a oonsloerable lom
M*j>r Soott Turner of tbe Second
Pnria of tha Bute.
bighlanderu and twenty eight men |
■ Sioux City, Iowa. Dee. 7.—Yeaterday
morning people in rarioaa South
Hafiklngwaa again boaebardad
DakoU towna felt dtotipet earthquake tbe same day. bnt the resntu are as :
ekoeka. the first erer experieneed in yet not given.
Into a pair of our
that etata. Beporto from Mitchell eay
Frere Camp, Nital, Dae. 4 —Advloa* I
tbat bo«*a* shook and window* rattled
brongbtby maner from Ladysmith,
for screral aeeoada. People nubed dated Nov. IB. say tba eondiUon of'
from tbetr bomea. At Faulkton tbe thing* in tbe beeieged city to becoming
•boek dld'oot last more tbanan insUet. earions Belief cannot com* any too |
but dtobe* rattled from their place* aoon. Pood tnppHe* are growing aed bouee* abook. Tbe reporu all short, and tbe ratloM iasned have been |
agree that tbe boor waa 0 a. m.
Tbe attack of tbe enemy to growing :
more effective, too. and tbe Boers now '
bsve n third heavy gnn In position I
Pasted Away at 1:30 TbU Morning. S.OOO yards 'rom tbe city's defense* on '
tbe west side Tbeir gnnners seem
Merer Baring Begniaed. Ooato have aaeerialned our weaker place*,
Then you’ll aot be troubled
telouanrea Binoe Bttiekea.
and tbe ebe1l* are causing more damage
with cohl |(*el.
SnperrtoorW. B. ^^aeker died at tban baretofore Twenty tlx gnn* now
bto realdenee on Bute street at 1:30 snrronnd tbe city.
We have all the nice como'clock tbto morning. Be nerer reThere to some sieknee* In tbe city,
Vaioed ooasclouaneaa after be sraa and the nevreof tbe proximity of tbe
furUible kinds, prrtty
relief coloma bsa made tbe people ex
shapee and coloni.
cited and impatient, and re’llf~' I*
Mr. Tbaeker went out to bto chlekan looked for dally. Neverlbele**. tbe
bouse Wednesday afternoon at four determination to resist to tbe last to a*
p ipulnr this s<-aM>n ami we
o'clock and was not mtoaad unUl later strong aa ever.
are eellin.< lots of them.
In tbe erening. Redid not return to
A dtopateb from Ladysmith dsted
sopnerand bit wife supposed be wa* November 29 say* tbe bombardment of
you'll find our prices are low.
down town. When Mr*. Thacker went the city eontlnnes and tbelli from the
to lock the ebieken house at 9 o'clock new slx*lneb battery are tailing ev.>ry
In tbe erening she wa* shocked to find few minntea The activity U probtbly
ber bntband lying In ibe abed un- intended to cover a retrograde move
Dr. Koeeland wa* anm- ment of tbe enemy. Tbe Boers were
mooed and be*tat«d tbat Mr Thacker seen yrsterdsy morning toward the:
had eeffered a stroke of paralysia. Re Drakensberg monouins Todsy others |
ed In an nnootweiou* *ute untl’ were DOtie d trekking nortbeaat with
bto death tbto morning.
wagons Psrile* of B >er* are reported !
Mr. Tbseker ba* been auperrleor for U) be trekking toward tbe Orange Free ,
eereral yeare and an energetic cflleial. Biaie.
He wa* e reieran of tbe cirll W|r and
MsJ or Oeneral Sir Francis C'.ery ar
a rcry promlnant member of Mc rived there on Hstnrday and aesuDied
Pherson Poet No. 10 O A. R I'p to tbe Lmmand of bto division.
time of bU death be bold tbe office uf,
adjutant of the P. CL
Deceased wa* fi? years of agr. Re
Irares a widow, one *cn. Rjllle of
liratd Rapid*: three Jauvhtefs, Mra. Attomay J W. Paicbin B<currd Dr
Ai.l Ebp.r. Mie* Edna and Mru. Coa*.
eiaion Wjsicb Declare* Village
MrMicheel of thi* clly.
Od nuc* Invalid.
Not in atoek, ia a featete of our boaiiieaB which
ba« our beat attention. Oor facilities for getting onr “short ot~
den" filled prunplly waa never as perfect as at present Oar
new atoefc of books may contain jost wlrntjon want bat if n(4
we can get it tor yon “qnicker.’*
i Warm
Shoes «r
Get Your Pictures
short notice,
Attorney J t^'stcbln basrcturoid
frem attending clreuil court at
Mo Prikonsra in ibr J*.l But Sb*riff| Iteliaire. where he defended B IV.
for eetling good* In tbe village
S:(Dp»dh D-wu N.ii CompUin.
Bbcrffttoear Simpson to naturally oft'-otral Lske. without having paid
one of tbe beat ostured mrn in tbe a lie a*e fi e provided for by ordloanee.
world, lie i* si»o a lover of law and | Jud,‘«M*yotf held the ordinance idA prlmimmt N.-w York offi- inl
order aad -be avowed enemy of offend- { vsiid and dtoi-harged Mr lluhtsell. on hMiil the. i';*! emt UiK- of the h-le
er* *gai:i*i the oublic peace. Yet it i* points ralted by CefrndsDl's sttornry phuUH hod umde the tank of ithese V. ry « ff»nde's thsl bring profit which reodvrs-d li unnecessary to ruise i-iitiy I'roti rtinir lifi- and pruju-riy
lb*queslioo a* lowhclber Ur Hubbvll
,to the sheriff Wben they are arrested
•t*r oi) pi-r cfut vaaior.
and Uied be get fee*, and when they bad a right to take orders ia the
Tclt-phoiiini' ill i-aae of lire, ac
gob JtU be geU e<mp>nsati>o from village far a company on (side tbe State; cidtuit or burglary baa become a
Tbe decision of ibv mtiter by an ap
Use county for tbeir keep. When tbe
;recog*'-/Hd ueewnity.
jail to full the sber ff is glad, because
Every well r*
fail bill* agalnsi tbe eonnty are p1^. wa* not necesaary. The village aned boueebold baa a
ant to contemplate: yet i* be lorry for tboritira declare that they will pass
tbe mlsdoiogs of ibe effender* agalnsi
Have you one in
tbe Uw and deploivs the depravity If tbto to done and Mr. Bubbell toagain
your bomei'
and crime wbteb make meo amenable arrcaled, tbe interstate commerce law
may be appeslrd to.
to tbe law.
Orand Trareree Bay to Bare a Mew
WaahlngUjn, Dpc. 7-On December
to a 10 tneb *team whtoUe will be eatabllabrd at tbe tight atatloa. on tbe
portbwmierly extremity of Lgbtboam'
point, in tbe wcaterly aide of the enfranco to (Irand Trarerae bay. northcnnterly part of Lake Michigan, to
aound during thick or foggy weather,
Tbe Jsil atprcaanltoemply: and ba*
akbbx :am ad taoHs
attemate bla«U of three and alx aec- been vacant for fully a month. Tbe
eberlff rvj sicca becauae Traverae City
Will be Diecntaed Today By Woman**
to ao free frem the drprcdttlon* of
tbns: Rlast. three accond*. sileat In criminals Vei beesnts the j*ll is.
It aeeond*; Ws*l *1* second*, empty the esteemed t fflrUl wears. a' At the bovine** maetlng of tbe
roman's C1 n b tbto afternoon a
aitont Intarvul 24 aaeond*.
look of disconUnt; bat he to folly*
■Tbe f<ar •ignal building to n buff consoled wben be rvfl et* tbat It director will be elected to fill tbe
brick bonar, with red
snj a UU tocmloenily more aaUsCaciory to wear vacspcy can*ed by tbe rerignatlon of
reblmpav and utand* HO feci aoutb. 4t axrown of glory tban to jingle the M'S O »ie* It i-i«(>-)rl*iit to begin tbe
mreiisg promptly. Tne Uterery pnsdeg. vreat (• w 1* *) f««
Id bto ppeketa. Therefore he T
gfsm wil be led by Mr*. HamlUon.
b»»r* bto maurisl mKfortnnes with
_____ ____________
who wlih ber aid*. Alll te:i n* of Ameommendablr f 'rtltnCe.
AJiM lot .
But tbe *her ff :* Id a peou'iar poai- eriesn anLh'irksrd American literature.
of piuyieg card* juat renalvad at (be Uoo When be baa no priaoner. lo
board be to expected to rrjsiee tar tbe
:keu Is tbtf
n Sion
>t perfacl liberty j
torvjjioafor bto own
n sake, And be
'can do eltbar or both with tha graae of I mnVAAtiam w eMttas'a Vaitte
a wiaa and raapaeiad •
Spsr Varatoh
licRlgu Tttipliooe Co.
Framed this week if poeeible. We can do it on
liefore the rash comes on.
290-222 Front Street
Balph Oonnabla Jr., XanaMar*
The Coming of the Hero—"OLD SANTA,”
la heralded by tlic Bjilendid diaplay of
Xmas Goods
Such aa Neckwear. 2.)C to ?2..50; Handkerchiefs, 5c to76c; Snepeiidera. 10c to 91.50: SmokiDK Jacketa. 92.50 to fti.OO; Night
Robea, 50c to 91.50; Mufflers. 25c to 92.27; Olovea, 25o to$2.25:
Mittena. 25'' to 91.50; Sweaters. 25c to 9.S.50; Dreaa Suit Catea. 92.50 U. 9fi.00; Umbrcllaa. 50c to 9'1.-Vi; Hosiery, 10c to
7.V; Cuff Buttons. 25c to $:i.00; Skarf Pina. 2V* to $2.-50;
Overcoats. $:i,50 to 918.00; UUtera. 91 50 to 925.00; Mackin.
toahoB, 91.-50 to 912.00
Of course, we caunot sell to everybody, but wa certainly sell to
- everyone who ia particular aa to iiewneaa, style and fashion.
& oo-
“Zero” Uldtere.
Perrin Bros.' Kid Gloves.
I All This Week
Well sell you..
Suits and Overcoats
New up-to-date goods, at jaat ten ]>or cent liiaooaut, from] our
already low priceti. Better come in ani l<x>k at'them—Hadn't
Fans and Furs
___________ ^____________ _
renew yolus for you.
We bare 10 dozen oxidized
^ hand or eaael mirrors at She.
Are both seasonable when it's
So near Christmas.
^ spVtTv&^ ssMfftmeTvt
CoW&vttttt, Scst^s.
qTA&bS 0^3 Bits, TsrUcviVaTV^
Csbts, aVV qoo&
s'tTsbVe ^OT
vfbtVvtfiV a.'nd ust^V
STt \>vt
3ta\\vtT stv& Sacs st’gVts.
bOc, Tht. S\ 00 STt4 Vv\.q\vcT.
90c. j
?ncts Tsvtqc ^om (\.08 \o
| anij smwxTvt
wsTit to
ADe b^\.\ex)e
co\A4 soVge the Christmas
gTob\cm saVvsistVoriV^ w (me these
tvBO Wives.
Th.ii’sthe price of those "\'elvet" shoes—
They are the snappiest shoes ever shown
for the mon-'y. You’d better stop and sec them. They
are perfect titters.
Ort This buys a pair of those .fine hand turned
*J)0 UU shoes, made by P. \V. Minor & Son. They
are beauties. It'll pay you to stop and see them.
P'or this am<)unt you can purchase a pair
V^'UU of those WaterpDOof shoes. They are the
proper shoe for winter.
ffiO Ork ^Ye have a targe assortment of good, sty*
V^»UU lish shoes, in all sires and widths. We
-make a specialty of $3.00 shoes.
KQ Do you have cold feet? If so, bringthis
V A •v\J amount to our store and we’ll give you in
exchange a pair of good warm lined shoes.
Nvv PaaMKe.211
CttB great BL
K. or r. BUBcnov.
TiukTKMx orrr. • anoHU»AM
MatfcaBraa Waea ttaaata of Btha—
PnhUo UatallatioB Will Take riaea
tint TbBiBdap U raaoaiT.
m*tf d«a Vaedlj CkUdiwa BapocbAt
Ue aanaal eoavvatlow
ad rorUaCEilauBaa Oifia.
Traveret dtp Lodfe. Ko. T> K. of P.
Laal Blcht after Ua parfotwiaaea of laatalfktUe foUowlaf tWoeie were
•Mi. C. Baiv An 3. W. Btno••A WIfa'a ParU*- bp the Harki Broa. elected for the eaeGlaf pear:
OtiaBeelor Oommaadar — J obi
S. W. UAtnaa. EdUor sad Miiif- aaaapaap la Euiaberr'a Oraad. Ua
maBbari of Ua oMipaop ware aatar- Loraaffer.
UlMd bp the BUn la Ualr lodfa
Vice Obaaeclor-Oea W. Thomaa.
rooM. A flaarprcad waa arjrpad fol
^elat*—Mat E. Tatmaa.
lowed bp a abort prorram la whleh Ur
Mof W.-Hearp W. 8«IU.
Karka broUara farvlUed eoBie rerp
K. B. aad S.--Oop D. Kenaedp.
entertaialax aelectfoae.
M. of
Jobo Probert.
After Ue dlaetiaaioo of Ua feaat Tom
M. of Ex.-J. T. Haoaata.
■0tk‘fhWMlto.l Marka.
If A.-Oeo. W. Pi
leaded to Ur B’ki lodfa a lairdlal la.—a. B. Howard.
viutloe to attead Ur Ueetre la a bodp
O U.-:8. I. tCoapp.
OB aap alrbl thrp aboold aeieek Tbe
Oread BepreeeaU|lve—A. W. ElekloriUUoB waa raeaived la Ue aplrit la erd; alteraau B. E. Mo-Oop.
whieb It waa aztredrd aad prompUp
Truatec Uree pear»-A. W. Blekerd.
There will be a pehUolaaUllatioa for
TulfBsblac oi l^e iwcro nuder aooepud. ft waa decided bp Ue iodfe
Calmn in Kestbeky WadaMdAy wm UatUad tbe Ueetre aext Thoradap KuifbUof PpUlaeaad Uelr faUtllea.
rhieb will Uke place oa Ue Aral
•ha Boat dradWh cAbIblUoD of U-After U«'
laaaaaw evar pepretnud la Ufa prompUp at 7;»0 o'clock. It waa alao Tbuiedap la Jaauarp.
wUl be aa enUrUla.
•MWtrj. Tbe nTiahar daaarrad Ua aa- aoDonaeed bp Exalted Baler
•aat of Ue paaeltr praacnbcd for Ua Uat after Ue perforio»Doe lie lodfe
priBM ha eoBBittud, aad do dombi
womU ta»ra rMliad tbe fuUaat bom- alt dowa U tbe flaeet apread ever laid
The foilowlDf are Ue ofBoen elected
an Ua law proiidea. Eat roMUof at aap aoclal aeaetoa in Ue dtp. la
for Ue Ooafrexetloaal Baodap aebool:
hlB alira waa a blot apoa Ue aatioa'a honor of Ua Marka brotbera.
BnperlDleadeui-Prof. C. H. -flora.
hlawrj. Kaatoeky baa b>aa Doled
Beeordlaf Seeretarp — Mlaale B
for Ua axUam Itmlu raaehad bp a report waa made bp Ue ooBunlttee
thoaa who taka Ua law lato Uair owa leon Ue picgreea In eecarlnf aamea
FiaandA] Seeretarp-Helef Modre.
kasda. bat Uto laal atroeltp ecllpaea of poor eblldrea whom tbe lodfe eoold
Treaanrer—Bernle Londoa!
wpUtacjai raoordad la UU eoaalp. aaaUt ea CbrUtmaa. The report in*
Ubrariaa-M. B Hollrp.
eluded Ue aamee of 6t ebUdrea la
Member Hoppip Oeaimlttee J. fl
ItUlmpoeelbleU a
aeedofeloUInf. membera of U famMllllkea.
HU realfoatloo bloff failed illea. There will be oUeia reported
le ••lek aad AfaUaldo kaa aot pet duriaf tbe eomtaf week. Tbeee will
beee proelalmed exalted ruler of Ue all be Blade bappp oa CbrUtmaa mera^
nillpplaea. Bet aaoUer ereoae wae iDf wiU fifu of a iubaUDlial oatore.
loud epra for eaaeetloaalUm aad aow
The Marka Broa. preaeated "A Wlfe*a
tbe Beaator from lUlaoU baa declared
Peril- la Stelaberg'k Grand ImI evenbimealf a anpporter of Ue Boera. lo
lag to a good bonae. More new apecolewdf Ue aeatralUp exprewad bp
laliiea were verp cleverlp given and
•be adalaUtratioa UU U aomewbat FroAuble Seteioa Brought to a Cloaa
Ue oompaap oontlnnee to pleaae
focoltar. But wiU Beaator Maeoe It
Teeterdap—tiood Fapere Kead aad
patroBk of Ue theatre. The lllukUated
■eaua that aapUlag foea aa hmr
CommltieM Cheaea.
•oogk rendered bp Map ftell wm parii afU'Ue ro^aaeot.
Tbeeeeeloa of Pomona graage wm tlenlarlp pleMing. "Tbe Girl I Loved
eloaed peauirdap and all nalte la de In TeDBemee" made a bit and a. dbib.
aofCbleaco U
elarinf Uat Ue mMtlog wm a verp bar of Ane viewe added realUcf 'to Ua
POBplete. It baa been oOelallp aa■oog. Mlm Bell baa a atrong, dear
proAuble oaa
•owaeed from Weahlairton that Ue
Three aulJeeU were op for dUcaa- voice which bM bad made ber a favor
ttUe of Three Oaka U tbe Dewep
aloa. "Take Comfort Now," wm Ut ite with local loverkof muiie.
canaoa U aaaaaaiUblci Uaretore. If
topic ablp piv4oted bp Mre. U. Voor
•ap feared Uat Ue caonoa would aot
hece. Tbe advlaabllltp of ecioplng life
ramalB la Three Oaka Uep can aow:
M we go along wm clearlp abowa.
rwealp AveTeara’OooetaaiPae Will
reel aaaared Uat tberao.wUI atap
S. H. Saplor dUeaiecd "FaUaree la
oat a Failure.
pad foreear remalo a numomeat to Ue
Farming." He ebowed Ue eeiiaee of
The Aiet lodlcatlon of croup U boameeaterprUe aad paviotUm of one of
tbeM failarm, aad erged Uat a man oeea. aod la a child kul jrci
tbe biftMl littid towaa la meblfan.
who doea not like farming bad belter dlaeaoe it may be taken ak a ki
of Ue approach of an attack.
keep oot of iu
■ I g UU boareecekk U a peculiar rough
E O. Ladd dUeaated:"araage loaar- cough. If Cbamberlain'k Cough Bernaaoe." /UeUnot’lo favor of a aepaIven M soon at tbe child beraVe lokuraaee for the graoffe, m tbe
loarte. or even after tbe creupy
irifhi Operator of 0. A W. K. Took
ffarmera' Mnioal Alla Uia Aeld nicely cough appearn. It will pnv.-nttbe at
tack. It U Ubrd la many -.boukandeof
Etcam for Fire aad bummoaed
'at prceent
bomea lo ibU oroad land and never dikTbe Oepertaeat
Daniel SeboAeld wm cUoaen m Ue appolnik the aoxiouk mulbera
TbUmorataeaboattiSO o'clock Ue repreeeautive to Ue auu graage. to have yet to leara ofa king|e iokUnce in
wbieb it bM not proven effectual. No
•ifbt operator at Ue C A w. || juse- meet at L*Bklog next week. Ue wac other
preparation can
ca abow kucfa a re. tico Ulephooed Ue Are department aotborlMd to propoae aome ebangaa la cord—twenty Ave yiearn' cookUnt uke
tbatUefaaaket factorp wm on Are. Ue by lawa Uat aredeelred bp Pomona wiihoat a failure.
For kale bp b E.
I C. *J lii'k I x K, Divyyiktk.
Obtef Benale and bU crew bmleoed oat grange.
Tbe foUowlag eommitteee were ebowlUall Ue apparatu la Ue Cam
•treat enfiae bonae and were aoon at 10 at UU e'oalng aeMion:
Kxecailfo Committee <eleetlve)—J.
!u-1*« cough iniH,ly on erth. 'i. a..
When Ue factorp wae reaehed tbe H. Monroe and J. U. Eamedell (two
•blef aad hM men bnaicd aboot wlU peark). E U. Udd and U. W. MeWeUp
UaUraa lor aome time la aearcb of Ue bold over aaoiber year.
Finance Committee (i
blace aad Aoallp diaeovered Uat
P. Gray. b. H. McMullen aad J. C. Gill
wae oalp eteam blowlaf off.
Good of Order—A E. McEat, A. L
Chief BeoDleaape Uat Ibn vUrnaace
Kimball and Jobo McDonald.
at Ue operator U eammeodable
Charily—Mra. Cbarlrt IrUh, B. S.
alf btp oaeomforublc for tbe Arei
Tbe eapeoae of Ue dUlurhaDoe will Brown aad £. M. Voorbeea.
Oman'* ;Work-Mra. E S. Gray.
b* charted ap to Afeot J.io Keboe.
Mra W. 11.'^. Mitchell. Mra. E J.
What Will Make
•mk m amcB •• »«»
A Cura for ConstipbUon.
I have beentrooblcdwith enuRlpatlfx
nara. It waa nlBlac luy bealUi. my
furtabd tnp eoBij>)»xlou.aiid I am pi
tay t£a
and Uiia
aArr tryloe many uUmt mrdinr
that *«n
*«• (appi—rd____,
(appuard to l« food, t>ol «bi
vwaoC DO value wbaterer.
like to
tail every enOtrlBe wi
CetwyKlMruraeroonipallon andalldla.
BMeaarUe .S>rv«a.atomarb. l.ivrr and K idoeya. Hold by druuMa. Sc-aodfiO.-. S
Sot Waur Bpaiem to be Taken out of
Enfiae Honee.
Tbe bot water apdem of bcatlof now
In aee la Ue Cam aireel enfiae bouke
will aoon be replaiud Up a new epatem
of aleam bcatlof. Tbe hot water »p*
tern ba* not proven Itoelf aatUfaelorp.
aceordiof to Ue coatract euierrd
Into at Ue liuie ibatUeprewDi apktern waa purobaard, tbe Mercaonle Co.'
wUI put Ui tbe new'apatem wiihoat exfcnae to U« city.
Tbe eropoaiUoo fer UU ebaaga wm
freeented bp Ue McreantUe Co. U a
•pMlal meeiiuf of tbe coaeeil bald at
tbe elerb'k oAlae T^edaeadep evening.
Jaalor Claea OfBcrn.
The Jbolor claaa held a meeting peeterday after aebool for Ue purpoae of
orgpniilog and electing offleera Ti e
principle rraaoD. at Uik time, of the
organixation U to be better able lo j
oonlrlbute a part to Ue "annual"
which the Senior cIbm will Ukue a<xt
apring. J lu Millikea wm BomlnaUd
M temporary chairman aod Lottie
-SMb M aecreUry. after which Ue
election rekulted ae followr:
I'rekident—Cbarira balkberp.
Vice Prckideni-Alice Walt
Secreurp—LotUe Naata.
TreMurer—Wayne Waltera.
Open Evenings Dntill 8 O’clock^
J. W. Slater,
“W« are the People"
when you tulk about
Ulsters. We s.Il the
and evuryune who
knows what they are
and can jict the price
wears them.
Fred Ffufler Sorprlked.
PfUffer WM pleakantip curWedneadap evening by a nombU frlenda The evening wm
epent In gamee and mukic, after which
a delightful eapper wm eervaid.
Tboee preaent were Alu Helm. BUel
Blagbam. Lixxic EiebBHMid. Nora Da
nitba. Jene and Ullle Peaae, Uelea aad
Clara Dioa, Nellie Praaee. Eobert
Prauee. Bex ead Artie DuanUg,
Cburob of Cbriet O E. Bleeiloa.
Georgie Beck. Wallace Biagbam. Foreat
■>118 Front street
Ata meetiBf of Ue aoeietp of CbrUt- Delendorf. |lorrU Moore.
iaa Bndekvor of Ue Church of ChrUt,
bald at Ue boBM of Mra. Oeorge H.
P'Eaa', Ue clov.lDf oftcan were
They retnmed to tbelr bomce at a
late hour after enjoying a BMet dc>
Frcaideai-MUe Nellie Bingham.
tightfal antag.
Tice tYealdrat—MUe Anna Seelrp.
Oorrcepoadlnf Seeretaiy-Mlm DaUp
Brave Men Fail
VleUrnk to ktomacb. liver aad kidney
Ecerctaif—MUa Jelte Straaf.
troublea m well m wemea, aad all feel
appetite. poUone
TreMBrer-MUk BmilleCrowell.
in Ue blood, baekaeae. nervoweea.
bradaebe and Ured. lUGeak. ran down
A Emo. Clear BraU.
frallng. but Uere'e no need to frel
. Toar beat feelingk, poor eodal poel- Ike Uat. J- W, Oardoer. Idavllle,
Wa or boktneak ancccM depend largely lod.. kajk.- "Eleclrte Bitten are Jukt Johnson block.
on Uc )^rfeei action of pour Sicmacb
•ad Liver. Dr. Klag'k New Life PilU
^ve Inervaked atrengU, a keen. elMr
atrengU and good appeUte. I
'Inla. high amblUoD. A U oeal box — now eat aoptblog aad have a new
wUl make pon fed like a new being. leaaeon life." Oalv Me at Jaa. O.
Bold bp Jm. U. JobaeoD aad S E
Walt. draggUta.
tVeverMCtty. luefe
All Styles
and Prices
The Old Reliable
Frank Friedrich
,,E. W. Hastings’
Fire Insurance Office
John R, Santo,
Gcnral lasiraacc.
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Tetephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
That the Holidays are
Fast Approaching.
The lime lo make your purchases is XOW. The
second floor is “The Ilcad<]uartcrs.” where you
ean finil almost everything that heart can wish.
If undecided what to huy, you’ll not be undecid
ed where to huy it after one visit.
Many People
: An Attractive Place
Have many ideas. Here are
many novelties at many prices
to suit many purses. Check
Ibis list of
Twenty-five Cent Novelties.
Heavf-r and Fell
House Fomlriiliig Store.
A Sharp
P. E. Oempten Oiepoard af Bu Trot
ter Tceierdap.
0. E Oompioa eloeed e deal peeler4ap bp which Ue well baowa trotter
fiaak H. U Bold to a Uraad Bapidi
kMlaeee man and horeeman. F. E
Wtrrf. Tba trotter brongbi a hand
pome fffsre. He wm abipped lait
•Iffbt- __________________ ■
180 Front 8t
Will Anderson
75c, $1. $1.25 and $1.50.
than a Wrltiog De$k,
Book Case or Combina
tion Desk and Book-case. We have a large assort
ment from $5.00 up. Come in and pick one out, we
will store and deliver it free of charge.
2-atuse's cuf^
Medallions that bang up end
* tboee that Btaod U|),
Celluloid Paper Knives,
Photo Frames
ten diffeteni kinds.
Oxyd eed Silver Inkstands,
Fancy Thermometers,
Iron Car diet licks,
Match Holders,
Celluloid -lewel Boxes,
Sterling silver Button Hooks
Steel Eras* rs.
Manicure Files,
Toilet Boxes.
China Bon Bon Boxes,
Cups and Saucers,
Candlesticks. Pin Trays, and :
hnndreda of other noTelties. |
Never Such a Display
Of Fancy China, Cut Glass and
Solid SUverwsre. Odd shaped ar
ticles for many purprses. The
newest things in bronze statuary
aod wrought iron novelties. Vene
tian glass and Bussian Ltecorationa
The Toy Department
la crowded with all manner of
gifts for aD ages of -LltUe People. ’
86cbuyaanice bob slfd, just the
thing now that snow has come.
The all steel at $1 86 is a hummer.
$8 76 $3*75“
$1.40, $160.
Is our Hook Department, where
all the latest works of the popular writers can be found,
i The Trail of the Sandhill Stag
Ermtil Hetim*Tlioiii|w>>ii, t.-ibi tlie glory
Biiil joy of the elinw so vividly, mid tin- fit liiiirs
of tin-cluiiib iiniumls ar«- giv,n voii-<- with huuli
••ff.et diRt nil the |‘>. rbiitiHl iiiu-r*»t usually attaciit (1 It) The lit r<> >>f h
gnthensjiboul the
linrd liuiitft] Ssi-tlliill •'''tsg.
Bells for $1.60
The Ship of Stars
By A.'J' giiilIrrCoiieli. (V) is a lore
story tif till- OIt I.wall n-iisl full of Iti-aiitiful col
or. Beeiiis aiih lii<‘Ih lo's oald Uty )ife,-wi(Ii
its dreuuis aud HHvt-iituri-satid wbimoioal sweet
ness. that rises in llie hiler i-baptera lo a high
kev of aetiwu.
Santa Claus' Partner
Sella for $1.60
By Tbos. N. Page. ulUbowa child Irannformed the ebtraeU-r of a SDecoBeful bosineas
niBD wboee nature bad become bard and eeifisb
in the pureuit of wealth. Told with a charm of
mannet of which Mr. Page is master.
Sella for $1.60
Ask to sc*o the following;
"Tlie Vizier of the Two Horned Alexander"
F. R. Stm-ktuo................................................$1 86
"King Ncanett," F. J.Stimson___ ...
■•Dionysiua, tbe Weaver's Heart’s Dearest”
hlsnebe Willie Howanl............................ 1.60
"Active S. rriee," Stdy>b. n Crane.................. 1.26
‘•Jennie Baxter. J<'Urnalisl, ' Uobt. Barr.. 1 26
"On Trial,” by Zaek................................................ 1.60
"Via Crm ia.” F. Maricn Crawford............. 1.60
"Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of His Conn-
"Tw”vb'it“ M«ii,’'(>wllraan^■.^^■!.■;;
"Under Dewey in Manilla,”
Edw. Stratbemever...................................... 1.86
‘‘EnchantM Typewriter."
Jna Kendrick Bangs................................. liMJ
"Tbe Other Felloff',” b. Ho)>kinsoii ^niith 1.60
TTTW wnwwTiffi vnnoicD. Friday. t»bobicbsb8.
'«^ 5Tv\«re8\.»
lUWk knUH iUZuN
Vttl Bohem Vritee That Bo Intaa
Life In the PhUipplna
IWupt wnp wun^ ^ «t IV V «iir
TMbwk (.«B»* IU«M «M Mcrs
law MouUj Blck» Md Ike eafe btowa
•pM. bui U<c«pIcbUki Mdc Meh a
racket aa to wake «p the eilUren asd
trtrbien a«ap tbe robben, for wtiM
the farmer ani red on the eceae there
wae BO uaoe of the latter. The rob
ben didn't «*ea wait after the eaploalM to r*t aByfmoBey.
k bt- Imaoe man made a food thlnr
oet of hU Tt eenUnecatmeBt is a has
ter'a llocnae derisf the deer aeaaoa
Jaateloeed.cBeahottear.Urre baeka.
and eold them to a heater from the
tower part of the eUla, who wai
aahamed to to koM emptr handed,
bet who had been nsable \q kill a
alnfle animal, for *100 apht eaab.
A party of BlUadeld yoonf people
bent OB r<'lac n aewly ntarried eonple
a mate of that aoeieel. oat of date and
altotether idiotic pertormaooe known
ne a eharirarl, eiruek the wront boaae
and betan tootlst their home Ufore
they foaad their mieUke.' The eraity
old baehelor who tired there
wiU a haary ease asd betted a eonple
of the party orer the head before they
eoaeleded they had better make themaelreaeeane.
At Haney John aoorer, It yean old,
wee arreetod for bone ateallnt.
bad rot ea far ae Luther when
officer* eentbt him trylac to diapoee of
the animal. . He pleaded rolHy h»d
Ooenty Aren't Arent Lewie wlU Uke
him to Ue Indnetrlal ecbool for b;>ya
at LanelnrThe Oadillac SUre and Headinr Co b
plant barned Tueeday nirht. Uma.
pH.OiWi lnaaranee.ls.5uo. It employrd
00 mea and boya
Ibe town of Adrian la orerrnn w
earn, and the loeal oonn^l le aeriou
thlokinrof cRrrier bountlee for i
deetmeiion of the enrplna fellnee.
e reoent meetlar of that body the
town clerk etnud that a oooeerratlre
aaUmate placed the number of oeU
within the borourh llmlu at 5.500. or
sore than three tlmre the baman popalatioo, whlob le l.ioo.
In Alleran
Aller oonuty prior to the cold
tap thU week peach bade
bode had etarted,
and It la feared the" freeilnr weather
hne Injored the
At Menominee the Kirby Carpenter
On. haeaold SO.UOO.OOD feel of the IWW
aeaaon’e ent to Chiearo partle*; eoneldaratioo.M5u.000.
Cheboyran aad Kalkaaka oonnilee
hare parchaaed alone enubere and are
preparlnr to build Bret-elem roada.
J. Wallace Paye. preeldent of the
1‘are Worea Wire Kenoe Co., of Ad
rian. Mich., baa been inrited to appear
before the Indoatrlal commluion to
teoUfyaraliiat wire tmau. operatioia
of which would hare mined the Pace
company bat for the conrnre of Mr.
WlUUm Bnckleb bouee bunted eerly
Wedneeday morolnr, fonr and a half
mlleanortbeaetof Vaeear. Mn. Buckle
Bianayed to eaenpe in come way, and
her eon alao yoc out bat waa badly
bnrned. Her bnataend, bowerer, who
waa 75 yeara of aye, waa canybi in
flamea and loai hi* life. Mn Bnekle
went riolently intane wben ahe Irntroed
the fate of ber buebend.
.AtHaylitatr J «rph I>nptrt tried to
lift bie Inralld wife from her chair to
the bed. dropped her. andabe may die
of her injurtee.
The eute board of heeltb baa been
. ndrUedofaeaceufamall pos in Harriarille tonnahip, Della oonoty. the
•Hyin of which la nnknown. Necmnnry preeanllona hare beea taken.
Po*tmealerOrrin Lewla of Cutbioy.
fell from a 11. foot laddered receiwd
Injoriea from wkleh be will probably
Charlee H Conklin of U\. aomerr,
haa paid $CU5 su into the Vnited BUteo
• treaeury wblcD be drew In the ahape
of a pension. He tboayht hlaown pennloo cla m bad been ac'Juated, ant It belonyed to aootber Cbae H. Oonklin.
who Uree at Ssyutaw. No «ime wae
tatended. eo he wae yiren time In
wMob to pay it. and by dint of bard
work heajnataoeompllahed it.
WlU Boberta. now of Battery O. S7tb
Baynlafu, In the PbUlppIocm in whleb
ha aaya the climau of that ooostry la
mneh better than the ellmaU of Onbn
He haa been well alt the time except
the finiday in Manila, tUot. 5 ) when
be wan eomewhat oremome with the
bent, bnt reeorered immodiauly and
hH had no trouble to keep well
■Inca The boya bare fine offiese and
rood eonoradaa and are in nrery way
moat kindly treated.
laapenklnyof the-qnarten where
they am ataUonod. ha anya, “They
1 and tha^iehed roob i
blL" The reemita wei
yiren thalr chidee batween the In
fantry, enralry nsd arOllery. and be
ebooee the artUlery aa in that the men
do not hare ae henry londe to earry
and the drill U cMler. At (he Ume of
wrltlny he had rmetred no letters from
home sinoe he sailed from Ban Frascia00. Sept X. which abowa that the mail
mnat be rather earelemly handled.
Battery U was with the Twenty
fourth infantry and the Funrth carairy. aad they bad Jnat taken the town
of Arayat, about eixty mllea from Ma
nila. Theleiter waa from OcU I5th
nnUI No*, lat yettlny to Manila, aad
arrired la Trarerae City Dec- 7ib.
Uklnythelownof Ayaratnoneof the
boya warn i< Jared.
PfoaMant Bec^ofTaiAdn Board AMo
was aanonneed y«t«cday that
Ooveraor Ptnyree had mappoloted
Dsvid B Burw as a member of the
suu Board of Pardons, In spite of
tbe nllryed oppoallkm of other membern of the board who entortaln differ
eat views reyardlny ibe pardontny of
C. B Wriybi. the Benxle oonoty mniderer. whose release Bnros boa (onybl
so enoryetleally. Tbe appointment,
however, will ylve yrcat aatlafaetlon
to a yreat many who have endorsed
bta eoorae In tbe isatter of Wriybt'e
ItUalM annonnoed that Prerideat'
Beck hne also been reappointed by the
PaM Dear (or Hb Ley.
In two years pal
r asoooo t
tors to enre a Rnnoiny
Then they wanted toentltcS,
to ei
eared it with one box
bo of Boeklen's
Arnica Salve. Osaraatoad cure for
PilM. t5e a box Bold by Jaa. U.
Johnson aad 8. B. Walt, dmyybta.
Prevention is Better Than Onre.
The merehaote of tbb city and vlein*
Ity now have it In their power to re-i
dnee their profit and loss aeeoant to a
minimum by oo-operaiiny with the
Miebiyao MereanUle Ayeaey. and tbe
non paylny element can be forced to
settle np before they can yet another
denar'* worth of credit. In »0 day*'
time the merchanu will ~
proiecUoo offered them
will be worth * yreat m;
them In the course of -a year,
better not to open *o aoc^nnt
with an undceirable person than to
Dick Morse, reprmentloy the Peerleoa let yonr goods yo out of yonr store sod
Manatactaritir Oo. of Detroit and John
•B pay a high n.....................................
Ulen othbllaa Bran. A Co , are in the
eitr dolny bnalneaa with B. Rendn A
colCo In new llaea for IbOO.
lecied by calling once or twicc • ch
’ Mro. Laura Curtb, mother of A. B. year, nor bj- *lttioy in an offi-e bnndreds
*y*OirllA. houl keeper aad poetmaatcr of
tern of letters.
iDtrrloeben. died at that place late
Tneedsy eventny, of Inoy trouble.
Deeeaeed was 75 yearu of aye. The
remalne will be takaa to Mt- Uorrta
(or interment.
The Urand Trarerae BaptUt Aa■ociatlon wUl bold two mieelonary
eoafereboee next week! Monday aad
Tneeday at Petoskey. and Wedneadny
and Tbnred^ at Kalkaska.
'-Paradfee Beyaloed" will be the attraeUonby the Marks Broe. Oo. in
Stelnbery's UraoJ tbia ereninp.
Chariea Rare has Uken a poaltlon in
the fnreiture den*rtment of the Mereantlle Co.'s store.
The barber shop of the Jate Henry
I. Miller will ooatltinr In operation,
Of Fine Cloaks
Ear Protector.
At the . . .
This department would be pronounced a success this
season had we not so many Jackets to cany- over. W«
are determined to reduce it even at a loss. Do not
wait until after, holidays to buy your Jacket cheap.
Right now is your opportunity. Buy now and have the
use of it, as you will never buy it any cheaper. Our
stock of Jackets and Capes is all fresh, new and this
season's make.
Fits closetj to tbe head, ful
ly protecting the ears,
hat covers the spring,
making it the neatest,
-tnosl cbmfortable and
warmest ear protector
ever invented.
per pair.
.All of our highest priced Jackets made from the finest
foreign fabrics, cut and finished by expert tailors, we
have priced them all through the seaO OO
son from i'ly to $20. your choice now
Sold by
.All of our fine Kersey Jackets, all silk or satin lined
throughout, made well and finished right, fi ^O
our rcgular$io and $12 garment, to close at v/-C^V/
•All of our Kersey Jackets, silk lined throughout, good
fitters, $10 values anywhere, our regular g KQ
price being$S.50, the clean-up-sale now only v/* W
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
All of our lackets made of good Kerse>-s and Boucles,
either si(k lined or mere rized, our regular A QQ
price being $6.50 and $7. to close at...........
.A few Boucle lackots. Kersey strapped se
merevrized lining, regular price S5.50.
Dec. 4 to 16th
Miller wUl be in charye.
The Merer and Health department
of the Epwortb Lcayne of the First M.
R church will meet at the home of
Roland Donylaee this eveslny. All
lembere are nryed to be present.
Mr. A C. Ayer, who will bare di
rect charye of the MIeb'yun Mercantile
Aoency. recently located in the new
Muneos block.-will more hU family
here and locate permanently in this
c'ty. Trarerse City will be dtstrici
bead<iaarter*fartbebaeiDeesand Mr.
Ayer will be district manayer.
The Benior Lyeeom ^d a boeisms
meetiny yeeterdsy amr school and
considered sowe matters In reyard to
he debate between the rrasklln Club
of Manistee and the local lyoenm.
br held in the City Opera ball Deoembtr
^ ^
The ladles of Amanda Hire will ylrr
card parly and oyster snpper tb‘r
ereniry In Forester'*- hall. Bnpper )5
cents, served frem five until
o'clock. A cordial invitaticD is extei.d
Divorce salt has been brouybt b^<
WillUm Loveridye of this city ayalnst
bis wife, on the yrounds of desertion
Henry Tbaiker retnmed toble borne
in WiUiamsbiiry last evenlny after a
time spent wltb hit brother, W. R.
Frank Uoodricb left for Lereriny
Uet Diyht.
L. Carter wae In Interloehen on
3. G. Oarrer, a weU known Inanmnee
■an of ftetrolt, la In the dty.
John D Rromer, traveUny frdyfat
ayent (or the G. R A I. railroad, ia at
Para Place,
h ehronle diarrboi
Thomas E. Sharpe of the Uke View
Bonce at Btk Bap^ U at the Whltlny.
Ueorye K Newcomb went to amnd
e waa cored. I yire ibU
boplny eome one almllarly Rapids yeaterday.
nffiicted may reed it and be benefited.
E. U. Spoor of Bedlanda. (Ml., ledt
—Thomas C Bower, Ulenooe, O.
yesterday after a few days' visit la the
eele by », E Wait and F. C. Tao
F. W. B«<bte}d and Henry BicardI,
Th Cirt U SrIpiM ta 24 Imk.
Noremc^wjuaU W.ARSEK's Whitk Island, e
Wink of T*m Syki f fur tbU urnhleaad faul diMso^. U taken thorTo Open Dp ibe Vile.
ouyhly aad in time. It will c-ure a casein ^ bouro. and (u> the cuuyb that tulCairo, Dec. 7.—The yoverani ent hna
l.»waLeGriM>Ov never faila to give decided to cot sneh veyeuble yiowth
cvOleL Prloc. SSc and .'Ax
^isbloekln^lhe river for SCO miles.
Idis Doylf
wUleloeeberdiaplay of art needle
work at htrony a masie alore Bator-
±>DmMa la WannOUlihO.
In making your purchase do not forget to mention
the society which you would prefer should distribute
our 5^75 Christmas gift to the poor.
Your Money Saver,
Supporting tbe Joint Stars,
Plays Cbangcd~£very Night
By choosing any other
Continuous Performance.
cigar than
_FincMill Work
Cold weather is coming.
Now is the time
to place YOur orders for
It’s Up To-Uat^
10c. IBc, 25c
For a Chfistmas Gifl
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J, E. Greilick Co.
.What is prettier or more appropriate than
an article of Jewelry from our assortment.
The same bid prices prevail—as low as ever.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
SrIlU OD t(Hlr lit tllO 6oX office.
11J fur sv-atA.
The Boston Store,
You Will Make
A Mistake
Telephone No. 2.
Traverse City, Mich.
Very fine
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks. Silverware, Opti
cal Goods. Pins, Opera Glasses.
Meo’a heavy A rvlii'8..
.. 1.26
Uen'a storm Alaska..
.. 1,16
Men'e Urana for....
Women’s .Arctivs ....
Women's stou
Women’s Kubbers
Mtases and f'hi'drens an-tlca
Misaea', Children's rubltera..
New Goods ir(id New Fixtures
In my store
.217 Front Street.
Remember the brands. Boston
and Mishawaka Sox and Rubbers
rile kind we offer at 10 percent
I off re^lar price.
Wi> know we hare the best goods
money can bay and you know we
Bilks, Cashmeres and Knit!*"
Qooda Immense new ijue'®*'™’
i»uw«ifrom 26c to $3.00 in price.
Cardjif Thaoka
Mr*. H. L. Miller and famUy desire
0 publicly expreee t'
prteiation of the klndi__________
yood (neada doriny ber v«^nl
recent »(fi<etioo. the death of Mr.
The t)d
I Cwrw-WartMm received and the frieni
WWIa «VlM of Top Syrop, the fd helped 1
heat eoByh lemcvlv on earth, cum a cold family U ea
yratelnl ft
fa CSC day If taken in tame. SfiandhOcta.
Hamilton Glotliing Co.
Buy yonr Robbers of oa and get yonr mtmey’a worth.
135 Tnut StTMt
InverM City. JOok.
. th> KOBvaiQ
\ &ewaV'KevBt
0^ \\ve '\DoA&.
llMkntete*««BMdftbrMkU tb«
%uk ot ib« Dclknn Md
«ufti amt IVww*. M. J.. wUck
MkM BiniiTj tk« upt/lB* of tko
OMoi ta order to ropolr tke iamaf.
Vwwt kaa rwcbod WMUoftaa of
■ ■othT r»*ol>tioo*r7 o«tbr«*k
pMUMta. r«» dolaUa an obula-
•orUMra portico of the eoontry.
«ke terdor llMAt Roela*. Wie. Rot. D. B. Cb«B^
«f tbo niat BopUot eboreh. aad hia
■mila. w«ro akot aai probably bully
Isjarod by a bonrUr «bo odurod tholr
Tba eoopaol-coBvrp] of tbt deport•Met of tbo BelM boo rotod too trueo
to tbo fud bolBK roioed by tbo
Billeo propoolor
«>«et is Woobior'
doripf tbo wbr for Atoorfcoo Ipdopepd•eoo ood. wkooe orny. with tbot of
den- WooblortoB, conpoUod Lord
OcrawollU, tbo BriUob eoatBoader. (p
oniToedor ot Yo-ktoeo,
pBCBKBsa s. laas
Tbo Bapitat Toeac Peoplob aoeto^
aloeted ofieero ao tellowa loot otobIbc
Vieo ProoddoBV-W. K. Moore.
Swratafy-Baaol Bolmaa
Timaiirir Titnilf °WbttOrjoatat-Bdao Holdowortb.
A iyooem woo orroalaod yoata
oft proOOP la tbo Birbtb
<*< ^
Cesual aebool osd tbo foUowUf oSoan won olootod:
PmldOBt—BIU taltt.
ViM ProMdoBV-AUio Hoaaalord
Soerotary—Bertha Browa.
Tbo oolootlea of a troooorw «m dw
DeftalU ploao for tbo orork of the
ervoBlootioahOToaot yot .booo complotod oed totaro orroaromooU wUl
d^oed lorroly «poo Mlm RororoBoo.
tooebar, who b ot borne, bnt who
wUl be oUo to ronmo her worii tbo
trot ot the year.
‘ Jaat SoTod Bla Llta.
U waa a tbrllUat eaeapo that Obartao
____ of
_ Boworatoa,
8ow«ratoa, O .Utelr bad from
a trirbifal dwtb. IFor two yoara a aorere lane tronblo
worao aatil It aeemed
(kmsnmpUon Then bo be«aa to naa
Dr. KIbt’o New Dlwnrery aad Utely
wrote: "It rove inouat relief and of
feeled a permoaeiit enro.” Sacb
dorfal enro! hoee f<v » yoaro. p
lu power to ear* all Thraot. Cneot asd
Lour troobtaa. Prieo 50e aad »100
Beery botUe raarontoed Trial b-)ttloa
lOe at Joe. O Jokoww'a aad S. S
Waitb dra^ atom.
below ta a IMt of tbo boTtsf and ooll-
PreoidoBt- McKinley’! mraeofe to
ooqirreu bo* been reoeieod by Cnbona
of ollclooaeo wlib mneb ootiefocUon.
Been the loodora of the eotreme party
admit tbio, OBd tbo
there will be no American cl»il yoTemneat boa cleorrd away mo»t of tbe
ctonda iliat bad beeo baufioK orer tbe
Cnboa political tl'uolion.
r«.“ •
4 00
f>R 3. m. WILaKLM. phreteloa 0*4
U On>4u!ir et Vi iTereltj el OraoarlTOBlo
oaeM eewTeee.be. Ueek. m rrool elnet
. S. Heoe. c**erei treeikw el«e
SnooMSors to Travarsa Olty Lttmber Oo.
John F. On & Co.
HOUM Black.
TYk. A. « BOLUDAT. Kre4i
A<f relwreUp. OBcw Id V'BMaeBMc.
•e, otac i(n.rMl4«BC« Wt.
I KonooPTkoTDnarrr paoir 13 c. oiLaBBT.Auerear- i
Jr. w FratM. proeuee. \
BateooBi. Oe Black.
i w.'JESSSiirsa."''-'
Oora. per bn..
Poutooa, per ba..............
Rye. par bn....i............
Bntter, par ft..................
BKT*- pardoxaa..............
to«p.m. TeiepboM.n
PoUtoi .
Oo.,)aceordlBrtoOBOlIty. U-lSe.
TBOMPaOM; 0««w
Perk Pler.aot.1. I «*>• 40 »e4 OL Wo• DDd rbIMrwB-. die,
10 ta i: e- w.:
■I Ball -pDae. ■»
Aa a enro tor rbaaButtam Chamberlaiao Paia Bolm ta calBlaK a wide
repnUtion. D B. Jobaatoa of RichTYR R. 1 FLOOD. 0«re le erw Tae
mood. led., boo been trooblod with ±J
Black CelUeaewcred protertl; 4
In apeakiaB Birkt
• •
................-pkaec.B BcU. ai
of it ho oayi: "I botot fonnd aaytblBr
that would roliero me naUl I need
Cbomberloln'a Pain Bolm. It oeU like
BOffte with m*. Mt foot woo owo}lea ...
BO. For tale by S E Wait aad F. C. yx'tt.
wantbo -For
-Per Crocrel
|B.4Ulrencew WrmL
TBOMrooii. Dminrltto.
Byp&ettat aBi'OUlrreyaBt.
L. RoblDOOB. meU pbyticioD,
^IrToyant, bypno^t and
otr«ot. Tnoolay ort&ias, Souabot
7:30 Tbe Udy it a tindent (i
oeTcrnl achoolt of menUl •cionoe i
airroduoto of the Wettorn School rpoRIST-Fureutcu
of MoenetleHetltnyond 0.wuU Sc!. *
eaoeo She will tell n* «
Telepathy or Mental Teletrropby
Yoro or tbe Eey to Bidden Mytter
lea. Medintntbin. wbat it U. F'trtnBo Wero PTCI7 Bevunlar elcbt.
Telllar- H .w People can itop Blood,
price. Smell
BemoTo Woru, etc.
ptymral 4awe ee l be'eo r lo ceay
She will a eo yiro yon the key to XX
KOBihIjr paneeeu Will take llOUte carpeuter
bealtb. bow to eradicate diet
wi.rk Ro.]-)lrrafS H Briwj.
ot yoor own body, moki
lake ond
KKNT -Verj dr.trablc maje. f mlabrO,
>nr*olf well on tcienli:
ific prlnfor la r or protlcaau. • Ub ur • Hboul
SrOlalr •trrel.
o fine tpeoker ond ttaaroiurhl)
withiDB toconooU tbe lady 1
oirroy ,
--treatment of dibfote or m a etoirr
10 Wedaoot hypnotibt. wiil be c.oarteoaai
receipt at 715 i’loe alreettill fnrtbl
turiber i IT___
nolle* it^ciTeo- Her lermt ore Tcry igAKTRK^^iSKt^^ luao at 4 per erat ue
The lady teoebee the tciencee in
siaiV^*'^ ^
i'hoee wiahlng to j in her!------ ------------------------------------------------ ember I!, ood come ralo or ahlae. I------------------------ ^— ——
rbiidr™ ..d.r
ten year* free
Komi Rioir .irm ..o or b..r.>nr lire. I«ib. alll
Regarding ^the Wonderful
Merit of
The Finest Line
Ever Seen in
This City
Fruit KnlTM
Knife and Fork Beta
Brny Bpoona
Orange Spoon*
kd Sp
Soap Spoons
Oyster Forks
Full Sets Knives and Forks
B. J. Morgan;
Wool Hose
Kl^nt gifts in all kinds of
A very large line fine tans and
blacks at 26c. all wool worsteds.
Others in fancy colors for holiday trade. 26c to 60c.
Pretty near lime
to think about having your
Hamilton Clothing Go.
Bicycle Enameled
YoomiRl'io'R'jaee me kboul ttoriap
rour wheel J’BEE for the winter
No belter enomeiinr than onro.
Step in ond Ulk it OTer.
Horse Auction Sale!
U DnioB Street.
Fire Insurance. 32iS^I32
L. L A. BuUding
W>w Offtra Markham B’ryk
Mrs. C E. Horst,
bnto 01 vMc
These horses consist of heavy draft
FarmMares and Light Drivers from
Incontrovertible Evidence! 4 to 8 years old,weighing from 900
to 1700, and every horse •will be
guaranteed as represented, and no
side bidding will be allowed on day
of sale.
tlOO Beward, tlOO.
( *
Mr. M. J. Glkviu of Orawit Mu-h..
voulo like to Btalf i liat
G. H. SNOW, M. D., Specialist
D In p.«r^ braltb
»>-Tj poor; .(Ih jvUow.bM t»«w IB ny BOBih
TbhrvwBssflaUhnoc bbO
WIlBg to id;
rbf--i:houd«»a4 fm <-oId Bo.1 b gtrsi4lu>
' .wU*DBOt||Wl.
a '*4 bladd
iblh. HstvIoti
tr r >■
(Hr. OUr
l k*»-* »o n».i-d by «i ,4i»»raed a
:7SrajH.S'“£iTen months’ time will be given on
’approved real estate security, or
“““|chattel security at 7 per cent, hiWood and stock taken in
Mr.C W.FWUor Wolroturlllr, Ibd .«koU
hia uplDlOQ of Dr. liooa'a BrrrtrVB;
Tol.l.m..nl|, r^^^
B«Bry ay Bt mr n! i*«t*
iiir^ low M; broltb
Bffortrd troB f I. irou-
thU tMirrilile diseasr.
Many remedies aflord Umporary re
lief. and arouse falac hope, bnt nemr
qnite cure.
Sometimes a torgical
operstion will care, bnt that ia tbe old
way-lhe Cfnel. expenaiTe, dangerons
way. Ijr. Cha»«*» Ointment cures by
u. msyinl Mtbine a^ ^Hng infln-,
. 1. „ tte ml, OT.,,, ..d r*. I
•B eed cnt*. 50 cents
a yrar put dlffrrvei doctor* Tbvy kJI 4orton.d m* tor
diacrvei unsgi.
u>y b«lr 1 railed
ainoO- Hooi> «bo WIO nr By iroubir. Be
»B*» B» • ' ■
aflrr 16 di
to sick
■ groat psih.
aod BOtab'r
bbc irrowioe vr.krr: *. MBbiiioo
‘T.Ight mr •-niorr
tbst the i
il, au'l k
tell him tbst it
- tbe only preparation
wh icb Ih a posittre and absolute cure for
dealera. ot Dr. A. W. C.
Company. Bufiaio. N, V.
/^Horses, Cows, Oxen.
Sleighs, Gutters.
Dr. Chase’s Oiniment
•aa, at all
• Mcdlda*
Salurday, Dec. 9, at one o'clock
I will offer for sale twelve Cows all good ones.
Twenty-five horses' some of all kinds.
One pair of good oxen,
one tnree seated sleigh.
One two seated sleigh. •
Three cutters.
Come early and got your choice. All to be sold
without reserve.
Ih- roll'W
ar'iirl.ia;.. prw>o<• i.^h
>br am to- pl.-a.o4 to .boa to her frtraO.
___ _________ “ ::-aw Ia I Wurk ot tlgBre. po»»ibl» grade- Flav t*l
;'t--:?.r, S;.Tf?
livery stable,
Traierse Git|,
TTrO}(TKO-fl»eoB4 BBB4 i il Blr fareerr
A44ma.J M Tbaai
W,» art* showing a very
large stook«f the iatrat
Dovoltivs in ... .
r^cn. B.OBOaa. on
A Strong
ly upon
I and muenons s
PB of tbe aysU m. iberety dr*troyfny
tbe foocdati'n of ibe diaraB*. and ct
lag tbepaitant alrrryth by bnilditif
np tbe constltutlra and a-a'ail»« na
tore in doing it« w<vk The i roprietora base to Dbrb fal'h le iu enrative
powers that tbry < ff r one hnndred
dollars for nay case tbst it fails to
cure 8*ad for lla’ o' irBilmoalals
Addrcaa F. J. Cbknct * Co. Tol*do.
«4a4 tfi pn^wp-ij
Bidewslk Lomber ia all tisea.
liaverse Cii|[ Umber Ct.
tetftoa. ^rstetoa 0*4
It 00
Polly It iaebea of aaow fell** Buffa
lo Tiietdoy and Toeertay nt^bt Street
car tn.fiio. which waa praqticaliy ahaodoaed late Toeoday aigbt. wat re-naed
Wednesday mointor Malta fiom tbe
•oat ard wcf. were from a bait hour to
ooe hour tau-.
* Xbe committee boTinir in charge the
Maaoniccelebrai:.,D of the centenniAl
BanlTereary of tbe deaib cT Geonre
Watbingion hat yractlc^l'y completed
tue arronyemreu for the etcttt. After
coBfereore with tbr reprearnUtlTee ofj
tbeTorlona linnk Uac* tbe eommiUee;AS AN ABSOLUTE CURE FOR
bat eecorxd a eery aaUafactory rate
ftoB all orer the L'aUed Sutca to
MaabtegtoB A fare of one ani ooeDr. Cbaae'a OinLnmt it aa ahoatau
tblrd for tbe ronnd trip baa be -a prt m- eare for pilra. and baa aever beea
taed ibasi. and ticketa will be on tale known to fail to enre tbe worst forms
of thu tannriOE diaeasc. which baa
nlbellibto M'b to
-d iuedteal skill fut agea.
tbcraurailekct belarcood from tb«
This ktatrmcDi may aonod rather
l4tbtotb»IG b
atroni; to penona who do oot know tbe
aopenor m<nia of pr. Cbase*a Oinlmeni, but it it perfectly true, tad eoTh* rrmdera of ibla paper will be dorsed by tbe gralelul tmtimony of
pleoaed to learn that there la kl lemt tboo-od/of men aad women wbo^hav,
ooe dreaded diaeaee that ae'enoe boa been cured by it after years of auSenni
bees kbie to core in all lit atarea, and
tbatU eaiarrah Ball’e CaUrrab Cure
■e known to tbe
An honest drugf-isl wiL) alwavareeom_______
end Hr. A. w. Chase's Ointmeot as
the liw-l
. n qoin
H. BUOmi. Oltaraar
OB board tbo ■Uomer Oeeosic. whlcb
orriTod ot New York Wednudoy from
foil dowo o rwilrood cutaonkmoBt Into
a omoll otrooBi. wkldi woo froioa«
Borperoon'o bead went tbrongk
iM. wbieb foimed a coll&r oboot bio
BOekoodatroDfledblBtodeotb. .
Oiorleo ElBn<»“T iBfUlor. eholr^
of tbo doc ooaaulttec of the 8obo of
tbo AuvieoB RoTolotioa. boo forword•d tOOTory roprooeotorlTe osd oonotor
•t Woohlaftoe o doeBBont for tbo.
•Boelioy of k low tor tbo proteotl
of the fioff oad lo prohibit lu ooo 1
adTortiaiof or eoBBorcioi porpoooo.
OooBt Tolatol boo booa oorloooly lU
for two doyo. Ho woo OBOooaeiooo, Mt
bo io BOW ollfbtly botur, oltbonyb
Croot OBsioty ia otill aunltaotod 1b
Moaeow rttrordiDf bln.
Tbo utarol gaa eopply of CrowiordoVUle. lod.. boo tolled coBBloMly. aod
«bo diatrooo Tvoodoy ood WodoMdoy
woo rreot- Tbo elit boo depesded
■ololy OB foo for yeoro. oltboocb loot
wlBtor tbo OBpply roo obrrt. Wbea
4be cold woTo oUsek CrowfordoTillo
Tuoodoy the coo oopply onddosly (oiled
and tbo flrco Id bondredo of boi
weat oot OBd WrdBOodoy the oapply
foiled eonpletoly. Tbero
aetool ODSerioK from oold.
The city eooaell of Hodh. Me., aome
tine oiBM refooed tbo reqooot of
Cborloe Iv. Mudy to eel op on oddiUoaal ibvot loap nror bla borne.
Moody died o little wblle o(o, ond
wboB hli wUl woo read It woo dUoor
«Fod that oboktly after tbo rofoool ot
hlK rrqneot for the lamp be bod reeoked
aB IsteBded brquoot of 97&.OM for o
BOW city boll.
The DotloDol oonoell of tbo OroPd
. Amy of tbo Republic decnwd tbot the
the nrot ronoioD will bebolddarlBftbo
loot week of Aurnoi, IMO, In Cnleorr.
Snenssors to
■ Pleck.
At PbUodelpbio. WUUob Horpei
«Tyooro old, while wolbicr to bio
■y tuarb larltrr,
biii! bb
p rOB
.snow mak.« a specialty of All Chrome DiwMee, Diseases of o,1,,.
^ j;ie uul Throat. Teeth eitp.rt«d for 2oc
OffleititkiHuIitoBUdlillUa Btod.
CisSL Ealruea.
fOT ^01868.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.