The Morning Record, February 04, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 04, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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SMOod tmr-Vo




of Soaaton on EotifloftUoB of
WiU u tmt ram than Mm% tf
Kr. raacm't »wotoUiM 0»podD»
OrtOTtal roller rn**m XatiAaftUM

BUaba Panrbora. preprUtor of tha
Bout Paarbon. died at fo«r o>Moek
tkto towndw of poanMia. aftar sa
UlMa* of oalr aboat a weak.
Mr. Paarbora ha* baaa a raatdaa^ of
Ikaracaa Ot^ tt paaa*. kariaf aoat*

UoHMawarro- B* waa aweog
Boat pnnlnaat at tb* oriu of
mt «ko OMWlO M tk*
0< PMM
okovf t** foUowlar EepobUeo*. U Odd PaUawB u tbto eoeatr and waa
*«eref rotffaMloB: Aldneh. aUIlMO. wMl knows all Otar tbeaut*. partiectoh'ir. Borrow*. 0*rtw.Cb*odt«r.Clork. larljT tkroafb kto IdanUaeatUo with
OoUom. 0*rk.Debe*. BIkin*. Foirtaiika tb* Popaltol partr- Ba ran for aaera•tarmhor. ftfo. 0*Uio(rr. Oeor. Hoooo. larr of auu oo tba PopnUat tUket
■lortrnocb. Bowltr. Lodf*. MeBrUo.
fonr raaraafo.
JloMlUoa. Mmoo. BelMO. PMrew.
Daaaaaad waa « raai* of aranadderVwfciM. PUU (Oook.). putt (A. T-).
rrttjbord. Proetor, Qu/. Bao*. Sewoll. Uf bto raaidanoa in tbto eltr bnd ba•hoop. BlBoo. Bpoeoer. Thwotoo. Wor- aoM fatlrblr raapaeud. Ba laarea a
0*0. WalUoftoo. WaMoro. WUaoo ood
and fonr aooa, oo* at Kewarro,
WoUoM. Toul.41.
two at Patoakarand on^U WaaklnfTh* foUotrtac PapwlUto Ufor foU«OOtteo: AUoo. Botlrr, Oosoas. HarrU.
KrU. BatUald. MoaU*. Stawort ood
XoUor. Toio!.*.
Th* tollowtoir Dao»6e»*U tow r»Ut—■— OUj, «f*r< Pootkoar. UndXonomaat for the Viotlma ot
mj. Uorfoa. osd Pattoa Total. «.
Tha foUowiair DmmU wUI rota
Maine Diauter.
OffolMt TBUSeotioa: Baoeo, Bata. Bar­
er. CaOerr. ChQtoo. OoekraU. DaaUl,
•orotaa. Jooaa. (Ark.). MeCAarU. Mai- Mr. w^u of 0
larr- Kill*. UltehaU. Moear. Morphr.
faoao. Bawlio*. SalU. BalUraa. TUlator Barrto Wosld Hare Vnltad
■aa. TiirUj. TarpU. Vett and Whit*.
Total! *t..
Tb* folUwlac BapaUtean* wUl role
WaablariaD. Peb. I.-Mr. Woleott of
•oaiat tb* trcatr: Uoaraad Bala.
Tha lollowlar PopoltaU will rota Colorado para notiea todar that be
Ofaioat Ut* tnair: PaWlsraw and woold addrea* tba aanaU Uaorrow on
azpanalon. Tba aonteranoe report on
ThatoUowlarnradoobUnl: Kaanar. tb* dIplODaUe and eonanUr ^>proMvtlB. Mebtarr and Boaab. Damo- prlation bill waa arread to. Tba naral
orkia. aad Joaa* (Mar..) BUrarita.Total, aflelra emomiUea baa farorablr re­
ported tba followlne joint renolotloo.
It U aaaartad that Mr. HaU will oot whUb waa adopUd:
"That the aaerctary of tbe aa*r ba
ooloaiaU. Omnllnr Bale araloat Ua
tmtr tba rota will atand £7 to IS. with antborlMd to hare araeted In Colon
lUrj. nt Bnrann. n anitabla (ran
•r* donbttal. and tha BapnhUeaoa bare
lonnaaol to tba memorr of tbe
^t to hare datj-ooe rotaa to nilfr.
Tba probablllUa* are atroorer for all aallort aad anrioea wholoat tbeir Urea
•fthadoabtlQlaanatorato oppoM the br tba azplcMiOB ot tba Maine on Feb.
traatr than to aaoport it. and If tbej IS laai. wboae remain* are bnried in
4o it I* baatan. ao-mattar bow Mr. Bale that oametarr, aad io antUWr Uacribe and Ineloae aneb monament, and
I for ifaia
if tba raaolntlos of Mr. Bacon of that tio ooo be i



OaorrU-whUb eosoiiu tha eoremaanVacalnat a eolonlal poller—abould
%* ad<^tad tfaara woald be do vocation
oboBt ratiftoatioD, It woold brior to
tba anpport of Ue traatr Mcaara Hoar.
■aU. Baaoa. McLanain. Mitebell. Mai|«r. WblU and acrarml otbets.

follewlor reaolQtloa. whieb be aaked
U hare lie on tbe Ubic: -That Ue
United Slave* berebr dtoclalma anr ^
poelUnn or-lotenUoD W ezerclae per­
manent aorareifstr, jnrtodlelion
oonlfol orer tbe Pbillppine tolaod*. and
irta the determination that when a
aubla. Independent i
bare been erected therein. anUUed to
reearolUon a* aaeb, to traaafar
aald poreramant upon tarma which
will be reaaooable and joat all tbe
rijrbu Mcared under tbe eeaaioo bj
Spain, and u thereupon lenr* tba por.
■rsment aad control of tbe toUada to
tbeir people."
Mr. Moaer befan the dlienmlonof
■e ezDasaloc problem. apeakloK la
taking tb* PbtUppin^
Mr. OABiel u( VlnrinU. i
aenato on tbe name aatjeet.

AstbaMador Poaepb H. Oboata VUl
Waebinytes. Fab.
Oboata wUI mII from tbto oosstty
Pab. t» on tha Amartaas liner St. Paal
tolake ap tatodnUan aa nmbnwnder to
tba eonrt of St. Jamaa.
mwrn l.OOOMWBablaator Mm Bs
St. Petonbnry. Feb. I.-Tbe «
who raocstly yae* SOO.OOO reMae from
bto prtrata parae tor tbe relief of tba
panaantry.wboaraiBSartayCrDB tomtoa.baa new yirea more n
tor tba aama pnrpoaa.


of OoactatnUUom

•enaraJto Onwaa.
Baraaa. P.b t -Tha foUowlar mmSo Brtov Hiat to Aooaamt Votkiac aapa from Pmaldant McKiaUr wna rweolrad bp Bobart P. Porto- tbto mornSaBsHaaniblbaOesmaU be Par- iar and tranamluad to Oanaral Gomez;
aacd-Bcport ot
Za***UfatlBr ''Tba praaldcBl aaada hcartr eonfratnlaUesa
and thank* for i
r DaeMa Ua WarOoarar bto oordlai rroauac to Oeaaral
Oomrz aad bto rraUtnl apprecUUoe ot
Waahlarton, Pab. t.—Tba pnaidcst: tba tnaeialh trank aad .frUadlr saabaasotrat taken Baal netUa U Uajanr*- Tba cooparatina ot Oeaaral
eaaa ot Oeaaral MUaa. mad mar not | Oonaa In tb* paeileaUoa of Cnbn wOI
Uk* aodi oeUoa for aeraral dara. Gan- ba of tba craaUat rataa for' tooth |
nral MUaa bn* been opealp dedanl. not
Jon Bat.
pair of nrmr rnrnlatioaa aaddiaclpUna
Saeretary of 8UU"
a aratldpKr
rooeral of Wrecklat Tials Swept Away and
tbenrmr- ft to, bowerer, nndaratood
Blebt Xaraa Loit is OranS
that tba emirt of laqalry will not ba
canyon. OoloeaAo.
ordered nntU tbe war inreaUffaUnr
Dan*er.Colo.,Peb 3 —AaoowtUdalf
makea lU report, aa tba
tbe eanyoB of Orand rirer, near 8boreport, itaelt will proba'blp form iba
abeae autioa. baa awept airay * wreekbaato tor tba eonrt of ^elrp.
tny train aad deatfeyed alybt llvaa.
Tba poblleatioa'of Ue fact that tbe
Baporuofttaa diaaaier were alow in
preaident bat before blm aa order rereachlny Dancer, a* tbe wlrM waro
carriad aw*y by tbe BTalancba It waa
at Srat reported that tblrty-tbrea man
tboayh mlllUry men who hare obaer*carried down by tba alldeaad
•dthaconrae ot Mllea bare predicted
that twenty-two were killed. Lmtar
^aebaMrminaOOBofbtoeareer. Melth-i_,.
.kiber ot tatoU-rU»—lUT-I —- «r
SoperlnUadant Samplaot tbe Bio
Tbe cabinet today had.tbe matUr of Oraada road aaya that foortoea men
Oeaaral Mllea' eondnet aad nturaoeea bad been carried Ulo tbe rirer by the
oodar dtoenmUB. While no formal ae- elide; tfaat alz bad been taken ontniire
d bodica reeorarad. leartioa baa yet been token, tbare to renaon
to ballare that a eonrt mf inquiry wlU ioy Are men not accoanted for and
probably dead.







Wumas’a Olab Bnjoyed Btotory and
Mnaw of uannan Under leader.
abip of Xtoi WUbelm.
Tbe proyram at the Woman'* Club
yretardaT afternoon andar tbe leaderahlp ot Mia* Joieta Wilhelm, waa onyi-

I aao Front St.


— TtTT-a -1 »■■■*-* -a sssss s aaaa s msai

311 Uslmi Street.

Tblepbosa No. 43.

The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Im vowtizsz-zi. acaebimmzz.
Bat k^ onl of alykt nnUI anek a time a* wantU.


1 Aaxioua Abont
a of tb* Biy Storm
Bdena. Mont., Feb S.-Moouna to
in tbe iey yrip of tae eoldmt epell of
tbe winter, aoil before it end* it may
prove to be tbe worai of aeyerat win
tar*. For tb* pa»t fonr day* tbe mer­
cury ha* been anywhere from 10 to 30
dayree* below t ro. AU orer tbeatat*
there b*a been a beary fall of ■
and ealtlemeo are mneb worried orer
tbe outcome, a* the aerere cold weath­
er cbowt no indication of breaklny.

Tb* room waa taatofnlly bony la
bontioy and llyblad by electricity
wbieb. with tbe Uyht onctamea of tn*
Udiee who parUelnatod in the proyrem.
ay ePect.
le proyram wa* aa OmMTSWwih
of Wilaoo Bro*.' ycDi*' nrcBwearezarticle bpon “Folk Ronya-by Mim Min­
peeted to-lay. Oomv io this erenloy
nie Walt, ylrinr a-abort btotory and
and yet flrat pU-b. 8. Iteoda A Co.
lie chief characteriitlea of folk mnate
.f dlSerect natienalUlre.
of aea food at tbe Quneo City BasUnTbb waa followed by a Spantob sony
by Mim Crawford.
Him Sprayne reriewed tbe life of
Oeorye Biiek tbe writer of Carmen
Sereral ear load* of brand new **y’whieb wa*ormneb fntereat and* fitwb w*ll paper on the w-y. Look
onl for it.
Boaioz Sroiin.
tiny prelude to the nezt paper by MIm
Wilhelm, a reriew of the opera
She yare a rery clear aad ecoclee
on the khcll at the Qnaen CSty Beatao
eynopai*. brinyiny tbe play rlridly be­
fore her bearer* Her Ulk waa Inter•peraod with aalaetion* from the opera,
which were rendered by Mia* Crawford
Open tbe rlatla aad Mim tz-ratoe Uork
and Mil* White upon the piano wUL
ebannley effect. Tbe mu*ie 1* fastarUe and wlerd', ebaraqtnriaUc of the
r nature.
-men, a pianoaolo by Mim Bock,
followed. Uia*WlIbelms*nyabe*a"fnla-ny. “Habanera." Min Crawfo d
pUred a nolln aelectiem. “Carmer."
To eoeclDda tbe program Mr. White
aany a aelo ae eoey br tbe hero of tbe
play, followed by a daet by Mice Wil.
helm and Mr. White, in which Oarom
pleadc paealnnately for her lorer to flee j
with her and lead a roriny yypay life
in the mnuntalna Tbi* waa a *ery
allrriny number and waa sMt heartily
Made by Micbtyan Telephone Co.
for any clam of aerric* deaired.
Tbr entire proyram wa* a rare mn*|.
ea) treat sbowiDy carefol prrrsraUia


“Diamond J'f'f
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold by all dealers

A-W JAHRAUS. Tonnelier BIccL


•aoBTOl otto Ha* Vo BiaqaUtlac XnI
tomaUon to Oloa
WaablnTtoB. D. C.. Peb. t —Mo lefannatlOB of a dbqaiaUnr natnre baa
taan raaairad at the war dapartment
drool Uanantl Otia raeardlor the aitnatlon la tba PbUippUra. Uanaral UUa
haaaantaeraraldlapateba*. One in reOponaa to a re^aaat froa a aenator aa
to tba health of tba troop*, aald that
tba aBallooz was nnder eontrol and
that tha oondiUon of tbe men waa ez-:
aalleeL Another diapateb apoka of
tba liDprorrd ^teatlon with refervaet
to tba natire*. AdJuUnt Oeneral OorhUaald that (he report tbalOennral
Otto faarrd an InmadUta attack from By Shocltiny Aeoldaat on BalUi
A Ohio Baiiroad
tba Inaarfento waa not Indieatad la
aar InfomaiioB aant br him to tba daparUnaat. Bacretarr Alfer rreaired a
Plttabnry. Feb. >.-A wayos loaded
dtopatoh todar fron Oeneral Oda.
with foreilnre on wbieb flee men
Md* no rrfereroe to tba Iloilo altna- n yonny woman were rfdlny waa (track
tloa or to anr critical condition.
today by a Beltlmore A.Oblo train at a
liny abore MeSecaport. Fonr
wer* klllad and ibe olbar aad ibe
yonay woman ware ao Imdly Jnjored
Vast ▼iryinU'Olti Shot Bar Psrasac.
that Ibe woman may die at aeon aad
Stotorrilla, W. Ta.. Pab.
Benry Tie man will probably dia
yotlen by ail preaenl.
Oaflabasyb. ayed ts. waa cbot asd
Tbe namea of tb* dead are; Bndaon
kUlad os tba atisat today by BIU Bow- Elder, Veat WUaon. Oeorye Dawaon.
ns. ayad M. Tba yirl wm amatod. an nnknowB mao. Mia. BtUard tlbaaytko eUlma DeSUbasyb bad psiaaad naaey. Tb* aUtb rleUm to an nnknown Hr.asd Hi*. BUavortb Rad a Mar-


weshhit ni sobEz.

Prompta the Pneideiit 1
Seek, Proper Meaeorec

bon IHad at Poar Ctfoek ThU
VonU««d PnoEmooto

Mr. and Mra BUtwortb, who Ur*
aloe* In a amall bona* near tha e
Prano* Vfll Baa* a Vaey of Im- tory, bare been anffariny with tb* ynp
for aaveral day* peat. Tbnraday nlybl
maaa* Power.
abont mldniyht they war* awnkanad
BoM Teb. I.—Tbe Oorriar* DelU
Sera pabltobaa a report ot an intorriew
Tbe blaze
with M. loekroy. the Fremeb mlntotar
laryaal portion of tbeir wcarlny ap­
at marina, U wbieb ha to
parel asd bed clntbiny wars bamad.
a* myUy that tba Preneb naral proBefore raUriay for tbe slyht they
yram loclodm the cooatroettoo of tb*
bad left* lamp berniny low aear tbe
fool ot tb* bad. It to
tb* Ump expWad aad aaaaad tb* Are.
ia ahall be ready,* M. Lmekrey
Kind triastoareoontribatlny elotb■ay*, “to maintain a ne* war with Boy- Isy for tb* safortssat* ooepla aad
Inad. nod Itbewto* to malaynU * preat
any aaatotaBe* wUl ba yraatly appcselatod.


! Suits,
i Overcoats,

Ten Tear Contracts


Subsetibers Mo|i Cancel

at end of *lz month* or ebanye
to aoy cl»m of aerriee at wilL
Telephone the manayer to call
and ezplaln new rate* adopted by
tbe company.




At tba Qunaa aty Bmtann

Jnakaton to ObUac*.
Chtosyo. Feb. 3.—Tbe MUkigaa toy
toUtiva jaakaton anirad at Chiesy*
tkto moralny. Moat of tb*
fflad tb* trip to saarly over. Tb*
troia WM rsB nronnd lha alty to tha
MtoMyas Oastosl Sapnt. Tbmt
d for to* 4ay.'Tbay Mart

Eugene V. DnllS $ Cnme while Issortment Is Deed
City Opera House,

Also Special Lots
Less Than 1-4 Off I




“J^'-Iil'.iHaniiltoD Clothing Co.

I H0Bn>O »»0O«P. aAOT«l>AT.F»B«UA'«T 4.11


tBM ttomma j»oo»d.


Ou Of Th> Oldatt Oraz>d
TrmTsrM Koneer*.'



fK*. T

»• »•

», *. iiAisrEsns iu.ic«■OBTCHIPTIOli*.

•M «n Ain OoMtry In IMl ned
■an Bene Oo ely Xdr«t Be< VUb
BMory af CrnraiM Olty-Oeca
Xbptm ■etei « Brant Btraat.
John Black died aariy laat eraelBr
at tba ace ot 7* yaara. after an Ulnana

Ihtoatbe fb«lnora.^id^
lilantlit Idtereiy OUb
A fell attMdaaaa U daalred nf aU
membare of tbe Lineola Literary 8o
fiaetor Lyoaam Daoidea That Woeat etaty aaelyfat. Bleei
fibooM not ba Upon an Bqnality
With Ken.
to be'made for tba aanireteary eele
The rmlar meaUnc of tbe Blgb brallen.
arbooi Senior LiWtary aociety took
plaee laet erealny. Owl^
Mre Michael Certain. PUlnfiald. JIL
«oo» of tbe praaldent. the rice pre»i o.ak«etbe autamrmt that abe <»opbt
dent, Bred Smith, p.-aalded
»klcb aetUad on bar lonya: ate


\\z vev ^ardi

Jobe Blaek win oea of tba beat
kaowa of tba Grand Trarecaa idoeeara
Ba aria bi« In UK in Sootlaod. nwl
with bia parenta in
list. U UW they mored to Wlaooo
,kn.aedtai lUl. after apandlnr • fee
lifaa la Maniatee. Mr. Blaek «ma to
awtwil KUm’JMUm.
Trararea City. Aa tret work bare
fuk-XoKt viXdi.
•mmI MU« SMi* klBMif III » veal- waa for Hannah. Uy * Oa is elaarlay
MW «Ua «Mt IN «• Um a aOMM of tbaBoardaMriTBpreperatoiyto tbr
which waa bearUly eneorod.
can b«r. Ber dreprUt aenreatad Dr.
ggantattoB. Bat b« 'nlckt k»v« uot that firm. Be
"Tba WfoJe.-eraa tba anbjaet

of' a Kui^Kew
“ r’a Kew Dlaoorei
Dlaoorery *for
■hM }Mt Mcb a naalt of tba aaaoM- yenelMd arlib Bannab. Lay A Co. for
It a bottle
tMUoona* b« baa UUly aMpua la Biny yaarm, prorlof a ®cat ealnablr
■W|rt‘-f to briaf dberadlt to bl(b
u wbererar ha waa placed. T>
After a piano aolo by Bdna Moffatt, t^Viny aix botUea, found herxlf aaand i
ff—la tba Ualtad Biataa arsp-KotiBbw d( yearn ba waa foreman of which waa tborooybly onjoyad, an- ud wrll: now dore her o«n hoow-,
wttbMaadla* tba fa«t that tba raffvtar one of tba winter campa of tba >
ibMMla (or Mktat ebartaa war# opaa pany. and dnri'nK tba ramalndar of Ibr
la Oaaafa) MUaa ba Ifaorad Ua rlrbt year oecnplad aa r<ioaUy raepoeslblr eaca Thompaoo. bar enbjact bela(. crjmx tbe dm* atorea of S E tV»M,
•'MaUa'a ariflaal atory.''
^ j. q. JohMon. Lmerc boiGea So
AlfaUad wap and raaortad to pcattioa la tbalr InmbarlBf i^nratlaea
The oration of tbe aranlac cnUtlad eenta and $i.
ahHffM aolMt tba eoowtaarr ^Pvt- Mr. Hannah aaid'totba Bacnan last
••Onr Elae." waa riren by Pred Smith.
-------------------------•Mt IB tba aawapapara. Tba aoaraa ai^lof. "ban ba waa ufid- of Mr.
VftNViMrblbaa baaaa freaa TloJa- JBlaeb'* death': "Ha waa a woodarfnlly
■erera eoBmrndatloa for a aplwdld
' '••-ar mrralsaaddiKipilnebrMa
WtoabobU ba a abiBlBf aaaiavla to
Mim Bralyn MoTRaa farorod with a
IhawboUarvy. taataada(a.aBplaaaaatapaetaela batora tba A»artaaa proleatioe. waa diaeaaapU. iaebapalloy tf paraiatad la bp
•d FStempor^eoiuly, • Braolred. That
PassaadUiC ofieara «Ui tend to da
to plaea women on an rqnali’y with
------ OF-----■ ^
Bpraltaa tba ansp aad larita ridlea'e.
mao. indruairialiy, aodalij and politl-'
If you hfivo any to fioll corrofipond with tho 3
Oaaaral MUeabMbeaa In tba Billaally would promoU tbe general wel­
TruTOTBe City Lumb« Co. Wo b*YO bIoo ^
tarr bai^noe nearly tblrty*i*bt yaara
ga k faBlUar' «itb Um ralaa (oUo«ao
Parlac tba elrlJ war. •and tba ra»nlaba open to women wltb tbe aai
tiOM foraralac tba army bare bean
pnparad andar bli dlraeUon. He la a
SoeiaUy-To Inelta grnUrmen'e
^t dIaelpUiiariaB. and yet ba baa
pany and propoae marriage.
hlkaalf rlolalad tbaae prlndplea o(
Pdlltlcally-Tha right to rota
Ba la probably Inflaaooed
bold any offlea.
----------------W aoma atroa* moiira, bov wbatTbe affirmaUre waa Morltently
■W tM BOllre, bia aanae of oonrtaay.
baedlad by Wilaon Bobball. Eatber
We faare^ abont jOO BMUpIrK of ^ Mill nia< binery of all deacriptioaa, inclnding two enkk jadrmwV bla aoldlarly aoBaa of
Parker and Upaail Hobba. wbur the Inifrain. Tapestry abd UruBeela—
giw ^eet works,carriage and aawa.,_A oompleto ^
Prty. bare all been obaanrad.
apaanare on tba nagatlra "era Moeca (nooie rer}' prett; patterns ( —
naw mill plant for aale.
garw baa there twee any aeaadal
Gilbert. Lucy Brown and Flore Chid- from J yard np to 3 yarde, Ibat
•oUHted In any way with tba corn•
• their
• ■ de- will make [nice mga.
V\e »ill
welt. The judgea rendered
(onaral ol tba army. Narar
elalon in favor of the negaUve.
tba aabordlnata tSeera aad aoldeach- Here is a chaace to i{et
Born acted aa critic. .
»af,o( tba racolar army had raaaoo to
juu UAcn.
some cheap Tajja.
at a breach of dtaelpUne on relinbU man ie wbaterer poalUon be
Iba ^ of tba teoaral, oommaodln*. waa pieced.'' la the middle ot the *00-.
Ban Barker, tbe weU known editor
Other feearaia bare bad oo—
be and Mre. Black oondectad tba
•MawrrMrtB of war, and
Exebaage hotel, that tbe old aatUera city yeaterday on boalnem with Land­
VM the war department, bnt no
an watl ramember Tbia hotel alood lord Compton ot the Hotel WhlOog.
HoDse FuraiabiaK Store.
IbM adeptad tbe poller of General OB tbe groend where later tbe Front
A. J. Doyle, bead aaleaman In Sena­
tor Ullllken'a dry goods atoie,atartrd
New Store. 180 Front Street.
Street Boom, bereed In the great fire
Tba matter now resU with the preal>d. and tfe^Ex for Chltago laat nlgbt to boy gooda.
im. atood.
gaat end if Gaaaral MUaa la raltared of ebnnga formed part of tbe
Lx-Aldarman Loeta Andenoe of
Bto Willi—ba wUl only bare aaffered Bonaa building. la U» Mi
MMtaek Haoiatee. lember bryer and aeller for
Vhbt he bimaaif bat Inntad.
booght a piece of land in what la now Canfield A Wbealer. waa Is tbe city
Eaat Baytowaahlp and Improved tba< yeaurdny.
Ole Lnnep of Boitona Bay, "aa In
wbUe atm.earrylng on bU other operThe raeltai to bare boon given at tbe atlona. Fee qelta a nombar of yean town yeawrday.
TMrwaa aty School of meaie loot Sat- tba farm baa been tbe family home,
Mia* Ella Steinberg, wbo baa been
-kty. b»* »hlab waa poaipoaad «a and ia one of the fine farma of tba apeeding three weeka vlaiUng In I'eMgoaat ot the atorm. erlll be given tbia
(aakey and 8U Igeaoa. ralenied yeaeonnty.
^glanoon. btgt"»Gig at 4 o'clock.
In ms ba marriad Hairlatt A. Seo- UrdayA. Coiallla. tba trait dealer, retora•IbM wUl be a apectal moatlag of fiald of Xaw York, who died in IKS
0, Udlaa' Aid Society of tbe Firm In 1»W be married Helen McFarland ed laat night from Grand Bagid*.
, when be baa bees aererai daya on bo»-,
H. B- ebercb tbia afternoon at two of Oanadn. whe aerrlvea.
^•Inek abarp in the ebnreh parlora.
T*e newt of Mr. Black-a death will
If thev ache—get a bot­
Him Maggie Boudreao retnrnrd.yaaAU mambara aiWvirad to be preaant
bring aorrow to every old adtUerol

■•fliCJSSSfiJJ 2







Buying Logs!

..i;: CARPET
remnants! I

Bound Einulock Lumher,
Uapie Flooring,
abort Maple Wood.



l^ls For Saie-Suitalile For Farms.







Blanie Your

Manager Barry ck tbe Michigan telaCo., baa nlaaad tolapbana namhv 100 In tbe rcaideaea of T. O. MeOMkj and nnmbar iw la tba Sbltaon

the date of tbe preaenta^oa
Amagw.' by lobn Uriffitb and hU
gompany. baa beea fixed for March «ib.
At tbe dance of tba Mnoeat
gight Alee McLnugblia lutt a good
g,gionat When be went to prepare to
go home ba foaod that aome
!«»■.« AM eoai and left one that waa
yraeUcally woribivaa. Be will leave
fiba eoat with Chief of Police Beanie
Ibh morning and tbe owner of It
•Xpeeled u> call and get it and laaec
Mr. MeLaegblitt'a garmaat.
Uet nigbi after tbeir roriawTtevane
Olty Tent Ko. »7I. K. O. T. M. enjoyed
n plaaannt dancing party tn ForaaMra*


tbe entire grand ^IVaver^region.
Oolnmna of good tbinga eootd ba writtea of Uoae early daya whan th«re
wen few ben nnd all were Inlimaie
frtenda Ot ail tbeaa Mr. Black wa*
one of tbe ktodmi bearied. the moat
geoerooa and the leoat loved,
a good mao to know, aad a
maia of pleaaant word*,
kindly deada nnd cheery belpfalneaa.
He wn» never bnppler tbna when doIng a?me<falog for aom^body elae that
woold give pleanere or . imtorL
Tbe rank* of ib^ old aetUet*
tblooing fnat. nod tbone who allll remnin will bnve only good word* for
nnd kindly meiesrira of tbeir wait
loved friend. John Blnck
Tba tooerel will .be ‘.held fram tbe
Inta raridenca of deeeaaed. bnt the
Ume baa not beea determined a
Tba day wlU be aet when hU aon. A.
W. Black nrrivaa from QnUforaln. "
wna telagfipbad for lent nlgbb

terday to ber boma at Solos, after ace- ;
ml daya'vGlt wltb frirnda in town. I
W. K Kelley nteroed Uet night]
from a boki neat trip to Chicago.
Mim Ore Uaiasoitd, a ttedent In tbe!
i>aalDeB eollage. ralnraad ye*verd*y to;
borne In Ralkatka on aceoent of;

tle of Rose’s Corn Cure
-• iSc -— and^take them

foot sore.


Juvenile Tenui^ar* Mcatiog.
There will he n meetlpg of the Javenlle Good Trlnplnra thle afternoon nil
a o’clock, nt tbeir fanll U l« eepccSnlly
avted th'sl nil membert be preaant
and prepared to p^ v their dnan.
Wbat tto Banks ana I

licbiAu Accident Asso^Ood.


........... ..


IjLiw* AgMiM Wentod la XTa.
oo(»9ied XetrlMHy.

isat floor

out—It don’t make the

Wall Known lofilao Dand.
Indian pioneer of L«a
P-tor Ance.
lied yrK'erdsy
vrverdsy at bit Beadle Bid
nnu eooDly. died
borne In Sntton* U*v liccraeed waa
oenrly »i-ve»'tr y«-nr» of age nnd wall

Fred 8iUby.eli«BUt«r ot tbe Rnoonn.
li eery mck with tba grip.
BrM^t Bcnaa tor BnrinL
Yanarday a party of abont n doM
Tbe ramnlBa ot Cbnriea Mnrkn. form­
Indian of tbe U o. T.M. bt Old MiW, erly of Betiona Bay. have nrrivad from
firarn over to rialt Amanda Ulva.
lAmlatoa, tAUbnmn. nnd will be in
tarred nt Bettoea Bny. Daeaaaed wm
>Unv4,hecefev i
Tba Barival Barvieaa.
iber ot Company B. Fbarth WinGreat lauraat la b
tW nakm revival larvioca an the meettagv progrtan
Dni'gavn of tba Grip.
J. W. MUIar prenebad lent avanlng la
«nu«t danger fram LnOrtppe
tba BnpUat cborcb. chooaing bia test ____ __ J reeulUng In pnenmooln. If
care U nned. bowever, nnd
(ramJoba l:»: - Except a man be bora
• • • •
Bemedy tnknn. ibM eUr "V here DVnr I
agaU. be cannot tec tba khagdem of
ba avoided. Anmag lair ir.a«B«ai er felisr* u
Tbe pelplt in tba Frinada __________ -_-janndn wbo bnve
UM a*vm.
■I KsUecnl SMk.
•Hnrah wna oecnplad by B«v. a Ooeb' thiaramady for Ugrippa we bnve F#^
to leant of n alngle cane having rcagltV. BtSL**.
nd Id ppeomonln which ahowseonelnasing nadad tba aivriv that tbU remedy i> a oerinln
iintlveoff - ■
They will be
ing In tba Prvw It will rare Ingrlpoe In Ices Ume than
b^tarlnn and C.
1 ebnrabea any other Iren
nnd anfe to ui
SB tba Earn bule. nnd for tbe Want WnU.dragri»t
•Us. In tbe Second Metbodbt abureb.
e.Viuu> ax.
Tbe man's mating will ba baJd Snn- MsUepa
Any nfwrnoos is tba Praaby tartan


Biggest Four-



Make a diah good enough tor President McKinley or any othperson; but to have toe dish right, you must have good
materials —We keep the best Macaroni and tbe best Michigan
Full Cream Cheeae-Try some.
Do you know that we have the celebrated Bromangelon
in different flavoraP Makes the most delicious jelly and only
takes two minutes to prepare it. Every housekeeper should
have some on hand to use in case of emergency. Only 15c
per package, two packages for 26c.
Tho place-------







ritadte tteVo

w Tate.

A aa>* to » bcMUtBl

^\li 0^ l!KXc\v\^BTV.
5\v^^Tes\v’K6®sS\w\t& |

call ayoajtolaadabaattbatMay yvl frienik to ofber park art tto looar alaaoto
A taOtt Of blW» k B fftol blttaI »«I trtaada
mmmj. aad a**ap- >
vuiyauai ^rvopatayaa
parv ^ Moatayaa aati.
ball ^
>r *b
lb JPBMhoi-’ 1“*
y of Mfa aoa bk mare parktod.
ioob mmm
bm rt^aoPoy
atqakitoly inuno
trimaMd orabk pn
aod coaitT o
mmm db«M Tto iwD«
AtBlkB»pUi. U*M6w 4»y. whtto, m4 twion b« «(«U r«UM Bto pialUo*
piMto. obUa i
of bk dralb oto tto bartMay of oitb natioaal ooUi*. abooif. a aary oerrlce la__________________________
■i» B. B MoBta «M kwktaf MVof tte ta« h*d akMMl lato M opMUif.' BSorto
aa artary iaadkaaaad portloa of bkl^Miy .flm. Ba^ etotra a.,d ooay oto etuBoia «a^ pM»
U ^ ^
■ lIliViB. *ha Beu« 111—Mill nrtfc*'«ve
*<>Mt« tka toy Bat
talt lay aaloo tto kaae. Ba om dk-. ooreata aude it vary laaltlay.
tWftow with aoBMll low.
u- tto oM wuar obiUad but aad to aaak
Tha aarslay oat tpant la pkylay
_ _
BWt—aoe «MBd ii to to s etoryo of
I troaaa for yaaacaof aarirtu kiada aad da.kskcad.
tbc 'itoat of auad^"'aaolo«' obo all
aed by a cmaalato, aa ladiacrtBtototitobM tto ■yportti toak oi
Tto body of tto tota Wm Pokayoa aaariy foar daya.
to^ r*n l^ik 1S!^^2o5c »-«• «r « laappcopHMa to. of a Balk
rafraabitoou oan tcraad.
«otoi la tto rlvar. Tto atot ca atoik- to oot tortod la pottan* Bald aa aliaatraBeaial ma«k.enaaialli« of ak>- anactator it looka rattor funny
Tbcae tot baaa oaeh aa ^doaie of
tay tto <rataa. toaadad aad Be» layad la yrtda dbpatetoa. botUaabaaccident and
place, a penon
„ awkward
tbiey at Mtoktfqto ToeaaUy HaapdplaaoBaBbti«.o>afBraltbad byj apacUlor It looka rataer runny.
•■ataat tto arlatow.
dattoraaiaiMofbiawItoaBd eUUL
-----------------aeano ook tndleioto to anoiber. perthat tto realdaata of tbe piaeo art yat- Hkatt b aneb Baraaei and R.«ia anr
•. B. Amwtj ct mmr Baatport.
* Aarkat tiMra.
ha PA. and before be raaHtaa wbat to la
Too Oalaabary aUy|toa raeaaUy MitfeatttoiryaM to palaaiop to It OHaa Falybara Mb J. U Mcrtti
The to* (rf beans In ancient Umea
a amlle or a kuyb baa Bad*
—raa tto loaa by Baatt of hla faally toobalaaearlaadaofoasUato Baff^
A* Oatbeaa eoaaty orbool taoebar OM ebapernaa aod aatortalaed oltb to rather »ora toorad than enltnary. ;tba teyloR tliiuuioB atm more irylB*.
•at. dyad tawty yaan.
aad at tto cIom of tto daal lyarad oat
none tbc KyyptUat it aru beM to ba
,he one ta trouble. l» it any wonobippad oea of bta peplU aery aeaara>y Kami mitatioto
WBUa yoiay tooM tivai aebool Mafy abmof»i.M aaob
_ ertma to look at them. Pytbayoru
,he tauer ito nlk baa
aod tto latterklaibbr tod kiai tr-, toacwel T.tol
out W
of place.
• ----- ----._ _ p....... mww -MU . MMtotoa. of Boat Blk BayUa. aeaidaaUy
At Sayttoo tto Aaateailaa ballet raated. Tto laatlee Boda U AIO or Bf-,«^ byaqiarut oiepo^ ofCiaa.
ludtrlal aa vefi as a laem etor- yuigm* ha* bean tiotisht betrtkaar
fall tota tto H(w wtida «oaatay tto aytMB kata dkooaat owiay to tto taoa daya. apd tto taaobar pal »P ^ MelWld. preab Darrow. toa Bay
He was ooc bat bU emila pot blB la
lawatoU brUya. rortaaaUly Jaaaa rlarlay orron foaad la tto aaaaral
----- d aod Wl Ik Foou.
.a falae pnaltlon. and ibk It k alaraya
ioa COBtatla. Paayla tbera are
Vartaar bayyatod to to aaaf aad raa TOie U lakaa. aapakally U akcUto b«t to atoid. We abould aeaer aalk
maylauatBs and lb caatlay Iota. In „ »notbafs mlafortnae. be It arar a»
Birad ^M<y aaatotiaw, »rlay tto dl^Mtad aad art alaitori^ ter lU
Babtod tto CHtoo.
j, ,, ,tod to tblak-boo caueb poaalbli XwUad they vara nnknoara nattl 16W ^lybL_________ _____________ ■
aUMfnwaoetdaad ntoryyiara.
A atarUlay laoMaet of oUeb Mr ' topplora. k
» loat by oaa aaclortlny or
MktaUrM aptrltaalUta wUl bold tbalr Jtoo OHaar, of PbUadalybla. oMx-ttoXbvarlooktng
Rayaai Woaator^Urmtt llriay aaar
_ ■
do nuk daad»
ba blk.
a* folC»a»<T of viodocoa.
o' Vfedoeoa. Aad canaioly aui^b formr
Mftoiayto*. Mt «itk a yalafal aael Bldolatar BBOtlag at Ooesw oa Fab- oatoeet, k Barratad
'oo. oi ibeisbtfal eoorteay at that loeo
daat Tbaraday. Walla oaiyblay a raarylOllll. Maay Badnuaaof alate •>! oaa to a noat dreadful
My akla oaa alaoat yalloo. ayaa >Bk- tloBad In tba following cab ba pcaca otll ba pitoMt aad i
laadofyradaaabla «Uy toll to tto
Uecd by aoy <
yaaaad aad la foaablay to yai It Mr. art aad .•Bbanofttaboard artU
dtol'y, An old yantllemAB
_ wr1t«. to. a caKalb
eattotalead yratk.
Waaaiar loat bit bataaoa aad tto b
be aat aloot
Oa laat Friday oaBiley Aoba C. Mar- pbyaidato bad yltca se a^ Forto- Erione*y.°UtBkta***’l^' errar th«
toarttoyayatttoaaM titoa. to
W B. D. Blackwell. tamiliar with Fahst Malt Extract. TW
of hit Ufa, yrtaattoaaaa toa*Uy to tto yraaad b
kir. a oall kaewe raatdaat of Aaa Ar-' trie
M. D.. Asa lionh sard Best - Took.
cay yraatVy
yraat )oy 1^
^ kr'foi
,n, ,or fneadt'arben
fiiaadt wbo« ba
ha bad-loTad
bad -Iot< ‘ aad'
- -- lUttarB.- aad toI »y
lay Ui aoaa aad a^alalay bit tod bor abd aa old teidkr. died of poeb- aajprka,tba Beat bottle B*da a daeidad
U eou bare been Mck. tUa tnnW
( bow ba wto polny lu
will III Ip jnii In rarriTtr jniirhnalrii anil
> tto B'
Boaia. Ba oaa M yaarm old. Bk olfa.
utrengU. It wUl put new Oash mw
as BOO a
___ eaary ______
_______ Journal
ora aad
coamant. oUb nc
aiak at tto tiata. at ____
d aarloat aaatdaat oaaarrad oa Lock
you. brace you np. revive tba vbola
Ibiereatiny article:
iny boi bk yloomy thouybta.
It fee<ls blood, brain, vama
YcM ayo I bad a
. ,,i Jujt tbPB the door opened, a •
iKc rvpro- and bone I f one of your loved ooe* la
of Kalkaaba. Taaradar, la wbleb It It eeapla
" 5 Ik girl came In arljb her ann
MOtatire, ill. and Is growing Uin and weak. Tto
raponod too mb vara kUlto aad aa.- yaara.
rrllfloto newepaprra. «od raid. “You
give him newsuenfU
fouad I
•lobaaOD'a Dray Siorea.
Uaorya MUliyaB. aged tt.

Kiok ao lonraone I thouybt I'd
•Uar aarloaaly tajarad. .Tto aoeideat
makinya and Arep np bU spirits It is mSUf
aaaarrad obUa uyiay u> raa tbelr
, mah extract. digrWul.anJis fullnftbo very brat naor1 told bliD Uat. isbmcni in cvuoenirBtnd form, food for
aoow ploo tbroayb a aaaay drift. Tea o^p^k»«k»'k
1 tblukad fbe child, and i
in my oplninn. un U<b Abe body aod UiJ nerves. It pale
plow jaBped tto traek aad om
ao Intrrratad In raadiny that br foryoi
ibinestncl of m>lL aud asemiCk it will give r.ok red blood,
I the burdena be bad bran groanlog orei
taraad aad c/splatoly oraekad. Ooewas uny pood. He and pleutv of It. an.l »ill help to iirinir
]UBt brfora, and found many artlcln
tan oara aaUad from Kalbaaka.
simply Waltod unlil clowirgrheeksaud sparkling cj-es. flthat yarr blm oomfort and eoiuolauoa
1 yot tbrouyh vlU neit-oiislj exkaostrd. It will brace you
A BOO baloartay to Freak Mallry of
ao itoi ha oaa able to bear hU iroumy talk on the Bub- rifjlit up, give vou vim and bounce. It
ttraad>eiaac. ran aaeeii Tburaday aad
pvt. and tbc next Is a boon to every nursing mother, aad.
He add.
add» that the little
lift ytrl was veryi
taaaad Mra. M. f. FarPaaB Ut« tba
<kv Kent to several supriin UoJtghc nourisbmeM for boU:
__ppy over the raenU of ber esper-j
btwpUals that 1 bad herself and ber IxtbT. ItbriDgsstrrafBk
air- Bbe aaflarad aarara lojnrtaa. i
the inviUd. creates a good appebis.
. and afterward, to nent. and he hopes other children will
namtfl li'un. a few
aerval oUMua bad aarroo aaeapea! Hoy cboler* U raylDy ____
la tba
Ipa to core d.rspe^ia.^Md will ^ lag,__ , the Cite of Mcsleo. ohkh be baa neaer take pattern after her. and And soma
u«« rl his prep*troBltobrau.
i of FatBlaad. loA.
xiion. Ucalansent
le a qaaDlitv. and all’tliiise wbo snOcr from^vakefalneu
s use to atuay we poupia
^e a bleaalnc
found it to be the
«. M UM -UU.I ot
.tu"; T“
•“>• and Ua eaktloy oondUiona of the eoan-!
lawt mall ^ IIiw many "prelty-feaHired" glrla
MIM. -Il.d nM-Uj.
^-.utran which and emueu lose all Uslr charm andAt Mt CiemeoA.- kp'. Jim Fel'ori
tod baaa a balpkli par.lyUe for ala
IP bad ever como altncUtoiMBi by being pallid, sallow/ hatidA and alnc* ana gray, as If all tlm bh>od In Uair
Ua k aarrlaad by a widooad
IjaBd Bketcbea. uioy the Mcs'iean aad
lavu stuck to It. Thk veins were tiimcil to akimmad milk I
day and died ahoctly afterward. H i
■otbar. tan brotban aad akaa aktora. toioa Tba father k » yaara old'! Axloc aa the principal ebaraetera.
rn when riding a Wcyrle, ^Bg
wa* eery deaf.
I Tha'-liok” Tonic—Pahai Malt ilxtracL
loif cr golf, or taking other riramgrt
At JaokaoB. a Dairoit dmBoter ea- aad tbc wotbor &7.
it has rayed with
JaMb Beard. «l yeara old. walked
It b a louff liiuv aiuce I lirst i-ame into exett-ise. U.i-ir eves are still duU andland tto Blbberd boaaa and afior aellAt A'leraa. Ueor>*a F.
Ufel.-ss no flush Wauiiflrstbclrcbeeks,
iwicdire of thiL
this exoplleiit
brand ol
II fat ordara, told tto total kaapar to
tlm air of languor and lam'itndv
mall, and it will lie an equally lony time
yatblaidooB for all tba tblrtaena to
es tN-m -sk-kllcd o'erwiib tbe pnla
'he ^*'*r'b^'*'d'***^h*'''^ haerioy la | (if | UveJ before I wil^^ve U^p f^ any
ighl." -.................
or cIm-. like
- .Camlaa.^
. of thmight.''
tod la tba boaaa. Ua bad rooa m. yranddaaybler. Mra Barry pieubei.'
<k>c.'. Hk m‘nd
m^i*d wsv
w"^ t'
tbo'b^t ;'n-M>uon^'lieiMB in- have a ••Iran Biiil buugTA- look."
aaw U dinaiBara oa tbc omy froB Da- Ha k bale and beany and walk, from t '‘l'
B.les eeery day when]
’"7 beaey. fa'' from a wayoa. Ua
ilt of aj teudi-il
teud.-d It U not acrid or sour, as too disagreeable features are the c
tBdt. tto aaylaa'a OBaber araa lit. UitotoolChi
r ike of raralyrk
i while .tron*-Ind. piled It »p M.d fi.lxiy of tlie braniU are. H "iiels" well of aoi-mk. a
than ftore Ul can oa .the train, ba
MtLe stomach It
In weak ladius « ho reon the
WbileMr.and Mra Tboam. Alaley. i
For yrete near Meelean. Ran., rbera }ect tba onllnary raalts flkeeiqwell viul lliildA until a person U w«^
laft boBa on Jan. U, ibara vara it
Ih an
n( momi-nW' It b rmacisied and unheaUby Irraklng. Tto
' paapli ta tto dialay rooB aad to Uain.a^CBl.r
;taln dkulcta buooalldes baa. occur- US'd to be a large tract of “Bmobiay also, which I*
economical In cost. x’kI is jtledrant In
! nruirk " ft was a good graxlng'g”ound
alatBB ito aaBbar U bU maaeoV
Su'-h chsnutcrbdWs ought *- bowworkathand. Palat Mali bUTMts
but enHng aod after a rain it sm iked
T1ie ■Best" Toiiic. is an immcliateand
Laadrllk on Mt. K-bert, earry- aod
Tto atoae la a Usoeer eltisea't bonia aaall cbtldree. wboai Ue loekto 1“ ]
it. if ynu ilon'l aim
on O'
viiiible help In nuking a soft, glowing
«nlo and Onryluy atranger
aaplodad Byatartoasly the other day Ueboto. at boas, -or. baroed
color, a s^ndld apjNtite. a power 10
bknrtay It to plaaaa aad oreekiay tba
{WllIkD Maooiny.
Many bouoUId
digest and assimilate Ui- food, and tarn
J- ‘or sarface aod » worth ^

roosa. Ko oaa oaa iiiared and the
Sisiy aaaon million allaar dollar*
cut. IT from the world, the
ll inti‘ine.pure healthful Wood. Don't
and Ii:
liKik so faded 0
•araar k not aaylay a arord as It k now In ttk Bint at Philadelphia will, id, oteanaof eoBmopleatlon bainyon
Ktning. A few
‘easilviook ..........
,k .Inriur has
blatad that to yot bk wood from a as aeon aa tfae aanlt In Ue new aim k ,^0, .^oea Food and fuel Mippliu
Receet obserestloo* amoog Indlao*'
what It can do.
bottles w'ni show you what
cbort In some show thot In (tooth America, aa w> II s» j
■aiybbor-a pila. aad oaa of ttoatlcka oospleled. be tranaferred there and ^
• beariny Ue p,^
•yparaaUy vas loaded
in North America, the woman ll»e«:mager ibse (he mao. But the aerrage ;
___ who wlU
Dr. a. W. Bin. ; UoTBaa pbyaleiaB. [raernBoat east
denetor Milk
of Texas,
duration of life it only »erente"n ee»r» •
tram UdB, BOW at tto UatUe Creak
ViennahaamBdea btyianlny oreoB-j^n Iros Ue daeats oa tto itbof for both »*-x«« Id toe *.
aaaharlata, oaya thare are SSt lapar. atrneUay blcyela patU Uronyb Ue | yu-eb. k rapidly yrUiny rich aad will eeM-'fthslodiant die
lie during the first
la Ua Caiud dtaiaa. 10 of Una la Cbl- atreeU. Urouod bto bean yranted re-^ probably ooua be a mtUIODaire. Oaring
'I me.
aaye. tbenyb pbyaiciaBa yaaarally be- oaaUy for Ur oonairnetloa of a new
career In OingrtM Mr. Mllla
For La Ortpp.
Ikaa tbara are aoaa hare.
atrect oe enodiUou that a atrip be pre- hpa been poor, but a abort time ayo oU
mas Whileflelrt A Co .»» W.thasb
TboaM Mekaod a peaaioaar wbo pared for Uaeaclualaaaae of bkyclUls.
dkeoeered on bk properly In Core. oo'nsr Jackson tireeu one ol
ro'i oldral and mrat r-mu nintl
baaraaidad at Brookoay tba pastels
AtarrerntexbibUlon In Lleerpnol. steaoa aad Ue welkare now producing
yean, k la lack. It k raponod ba tiaadnw. tbc atroag man, while per-. great qaantlUea of oil
will taoalre back pay to tba amonot of formtog hi* feet of holding up a piano
Smallpox preValU loan alarming ex ;
fAdOOtroB Ua yoaoraBoat Uakao wiU Ue pianki playing, tto iMirn- j
,„oog the Crock ^ndtao* east of
yabo of aye. a painter by trade.
Bont allpped. Ue result being Ua Sac and Foa agenry. aod the federal of la r'lppe to resnll m freoa
At Port Uaroa. at« recant aaaaloo of Besaabiny of ibe piano: a week In bed ' ^Terosenl has taken bo'd to uaki, F-Y**le hr S. E. WbU, driigg'si.
tto board of aaperrbon Dr. UlnB for the planui, bat no barm to dandew ]
.juxraoUnr. Knily sw Indian* 1
Milk tras nased county physician at a hlBteif! attended the funeral of an ladian dying I
aalsry of per year, be to forakb
Ueo- George R. SmiU Fo*t. O. A. S- ^ aoiallpux. aod all were expand |
all the medictoaa.
I’reeioaa to Uik and Its anxfllary. the W. R. C., bavear-1deaiba are re- > y
Uaeoaniy psti naaeraoB doctor and ranged tj glac a three cays' cxtalWUon ported. No whites wer* exoosed end '—
drayyitie' oilia.
. ___________
axhibltlua of____
of the war of Ue,
all rlgidli-qaaraotlDed
At Laasluy. John Ikek U in jaU
at ikdelia, Mo,, beylnnloy
ebnrged wlU not anpporting bk ebUd.! February *7. O. A. B pwu from all
Card ot Tbanka.
Be llees wiu bk la year-old child In a
the state btve promised to send
■ie?y. :|
-abnnty 00 Ue edge of Ue wood. »oeU-,
oast of Ue eity and ibe eldee of Ue ‘
yean a u> Mrs Dally. Mr. aad Mr*. IkeU
etraetarc arc no well eeniUaicd Uat
Fhnadal- **” Chapman in *p.-<rr-ia'ioa of tn
enow drift* ibroogb.
’phi*, died eoddenly In bk office at;
l.ixwi.* Lin.iisui -orntTv.
At Aaa ArnorrSihe fire
m and York sueeta. yreKrdsy.j
VM called out twicbk Tbereday to Cap­
Mr. Taylof-edeaUkhelleredji bare OataibaUraaA
tain Jamea' raaidanee, oornsr of Beat.
been caused by ptomaine pokonlng.
pokonlng.! at t
Unlyaraity aeenne aad Monroe atrect. the rreull of imporc meat Bird In Ue ^
Tto blau was eatlagukbed In both macnfactureof scrapple, which article
Inataneea Tbc ennsa of Ua fire ia
of food he ate tor breakfaeu
avebenaekaa known.
atlll goea on. full Waat at Ue Boatoe I •
Mkbael Pettit of Marioo. lod., k a
At Iron Monatnla. last year
board of adoeatkm deeidad thatk
During tto Mexican war bk ear 1 maay non
on la Uepablk seboola-mtot netBttend dances on nay night except Fri­ was clippod by a ballet, be was *bot io j
day. SB
as tbey
tto, wore
won not
not in
in fit
fit ooadllloa
oomlltlo. «>•
V.eksb^. and m Ue foot, THU oMt
to teach tto next Amj if ttoy did. The •* »«»>—«»• i“»
MdM .1 .M bOMd kM bM. .W.UT
earlier iB tto war. at Uland No 10, Mr. i Aaottor DiU 1st
ndbiirad to by tto teaebera ao far. Last
PetUt k 7« yean old. and aUll bate aaa .
.,eter anita. overeoau aod J
weak, bowever. tba Iron
| uktera at abont half oB regnlar IT
o'-vb deddrd to give a awell party on
0«K.,a.U.w.,ot O-TlMM., I.jj
Feb. 13. Which fatkon |laeday. Many
of tbc teseber* daeUuv that ttoy will
Mtoed Ue hell, toard or no board. a re-l**ne and increase of\peo*ion, dal-| At tbe tfooen City Res'aaranl.
— {>
Been Ue faealU ofifMr declared jokl v lag beck to 1*15, and loat week arrear-1
toes were allowed to Mr Galloway.'
ly that 11 Ue board d>d not rednd
mUob. be would order Uc eebook railing for tUod. wlU tiTmonthly pay-! DR. HiQGiNS, DENTIST |
OmMe.NwMrs'. du-fimr.
Bloaed during tbc week of Ue baU menu, MranwhUe. bowever. Mr. Dal-'?
Jaat ertot Ue agiuilon will rveoU In Iowa, had been remwred to Ua Sold-:
iB not known, but Ue memben of Ue lets' Borne at Lafayette, where bU
tonrd iBsIsi that Ur, WlU adhere to death occurred os tha evcelng Ue no
Itotr former or<Ur.
Many believe tlee STM reeelved.
that Ue board baa exceeded Ha bbTharaday Bndy£d RipUag arire d at
Kew York oa tto atsamer Hsjratle
At Fort anroB Albert King, aged i«. from torvrpool.
WIU Mr. KlpUng
WM drewDod la biaek river Tbaraday were fak wife and Ur.*e eblldrea. Tney
Bfurvoon. Yonag Kiag wm Untlng urere mat at Ue pier by Mr. Ballfatlar.
MawhhsMafe'rwlBB tto river Bear where a Bambar of Mra. Kipling's taUer. Mr. KIpUag
lal CBtUro were at work. At tto time win ramata bare for a wbUa. but wUI
at tto BBCldaBl to wm morlag rapidly fopreawDyU bk tavarita nmartM

.■S! KS';

One Who Knows.

1 niiikUi PtpMu, utt I niUUHik Uds, b I«tet F« Ibta.


I &6TVCTa\ Xt\DS &^«ms
SVeaTvedi 'Stottv. Sx>e,Ta\aWe \



r “irrj;:. ':r• r





J The Practical Bicycle Bnitder and Repairer {

~Y O D A Y Saturday, February 4
One of the best eastern manufacturers of

Jackets and Capes

: Will Show Their Spring Samples in Our Siore

This no doubt will bs tho best display of flue garments ev; er shown in this city and every lady ia inyited to see the line
! whether you wish to order or not.
- Orders taken for Suits, etc. now will be made and deliverd
! when dt sired.
No payments required on goods ordered by responsible :
: parties,

!.; «« » I

Wilhelm Bros.

: South Side






1ANC£ OF Mii.CS.

«u.« (• OM tfe. tM .r MM. OQSoUfTlONOFAHARAIAO&CAUS*nm tblBK I did tfter cndaittoc.*.

•ruMd tor M i*T«iuc« u»w u »«J
to tMirr ite vote* iootir to* etoorir
tot o Stauae* at nlMa
It U
br Ibe iBf«at0r thM tbt
•tuaf of AM OM«»tw I* Ui« HOW.
of CowiTioi.. Md eoOMCUDK U to
Urdt Pjtfk. would Utow of Uociwudi
tt pMQl. fcwnM to elwr toM. ortaj

no Hrd wltb *. brolbw hu L
fludi her oboro of woridiy


Ije i«i aad rOtr pr«Md«o« of

tb« Tift losorure eo>rr.nj. "*»» tl»
nmu'iM w <u* Rmp*>M MmMm

' otou Pork pu bbL c

‘ «M(L wbo bu B«*er kpo^
» to
be brought up to « MrB«wp“«« •»
; Ud wrupru.

«n.,wt r^t “

Bicycle Riders.

court of Coepenlch,
hu Jiw Ud bMor.

o»d«r bl,. b1«b Itou. I tow U . wn.e*b« orlrul cu. to wb«k j
0 buBda of gyp.

-I---------— that I douU ktodi of fW
puirtog uad mMueUag. ud that 1 M

F^l il^er."~the UtUe Mhool .
Bk-un of the piMW wrote • eery uuir- ooewprf «• NU'
- ■ g th»l...................................

be deoetowd bywhatoUarmltol JOB to
the eoatrurr, but eomc and eu to*
the embroidered .Upper. __ _
- - .
srt. wore had the aoueboir cue. thut Bwckwbeut.
oerer ore need, ud toe toiler, tout urw Btmm *ai
«ut iBto toe uerup buuket to reapuy ]
wKh touTiag
■ ' ■'

Thto ttuwTMT of Uid power to oug«Uy oil aounito. both eoeeU uod luorw*
jBMUl. hue beoB mud. by Hormee U.
abort. COM«aitog BMChUDlCUl OBgtOMr
«( Kew kUldeu. Surrey. The tOTutof
^ bod o wtod ud world-wide exporteoee. olUwugb only m yooog mu.
JMototod U the RU1*> gruamor ectool

•Then the little leueher uckled

ttmfyi Pulr
tPw.i were
-«.« not
«» of »^^PT
Batch. Wouaeh. boweeer. W


0.. w., p.„. .[ji


«toetrtd.OA ood ultliutoly «
Oiothem doehyurd. He r-lguod .W. '
wSeSb^r to
■ tort portuoo to go to Mexioo u chief ««
wugloeer of the CoBp«n»e Mlnerule
toe ttosneo. It wu ibere tout he brought
I. with wbat U rwally a
ae CUMcItr. to toe pitch
rtf wbat he regarda a* pracUcal .
ft Dally Mall repreunlatlve uw the

e^olf^^ottoi “
“ura fSl h^flng

m u,i, the Gypey Kaperor proreo

I mode oP .
^^del coIubd tout wue torgely IBmorslBg there wu u
pgiury, ud
.atln lacked on ay il-------------------------aad gll quick.'
I aru going to
ralM Bore trouble, but toe little
teacher, pale, pretty ud troubled. In-

1>U wtadoB. TTiree week, utter the
murriuge bit ungreuUul eon-in-luw rwlle*ed him of elk borweu. which be uid
-----------------------------«], ihl. crlBe by further todellcaclee
^ . noe nature. Wotar^h called to­
,en,er a gypay court, which a« to the



teairtiBut working lndoo«, ud had roAti
fortof near Welaawiaee. ud debated
an totcrrleWwUh Hr. Sbort. whotooK must go _ .
3S.eppei^W pl^tohl.prfeence. wrecked. Sbe took charge ud .ucceed___________ ________
took '
* tbe

llBcorery U per- __
aiore bla wife to hla ludlgnut father^e elmpliclty of
the to- charge of her."—Detroit Free Preaa.
I to-law ud to pay toe expuuaee of the
tep. toe Boet Important part of
■veaUoB. Without airulgiog any iie-talla which It U uoccuary to keep awI W. .MTU. .1 U el«. U« Ciw
■m*. uuUI toe peteniJ now applied for
tn-dlSerut paru of the world have
Seen gruted. It may be suied that the
1 full week, ud were conducted on a
•pparalu eouWa of a phonograph
' ncale ot isvlto hospltellty.
-WlOi epMdal cylloder. and bearing a
In bow far the decitloo of the gypey
4u»al ahaped Boutbpleee.
tribunal was given tmpsritolly U toe
Mut pernoB. bare heard wltb tubm,
jqueotlon that baa occupied the more
-to tbelr ear* the rworda of the tbono- 1
regular tribunal* of tbe Uerau Ka•mph. Tbe new inatrument gtree forth |
I peror. Tbe buKbud pretends that the
silver sabre of hla father-in-Uw. aided
the Bualeal and vocal auund. to meb j


.. u,»

I pm,. ...


wolumea a« to be aloiort deafonlug to
MB ordinary room. ud. u Hr. Slioit!
•bowed, be could Increuu toe volume




-icns .. .

two mllm. end tola I have actually
proved. U U only etx Bouihs eince 1
■ TMurned to Fjtgiud, but toe expertuenu made In that time convince me
that tbe voice cu be conveyed ore.'
treble that dlaunre with ewe.
StM 4deu of lU uae wa» tor eblp .........
talu wnen in aheevy toga! wa. or for

Sis sister.

toV^rta of CoepcDlc h.



•T«r wbu-h the bumu voice ud sound
generally, vrtll travel."—Ixmdon MaU.


o. p. cftBvxa. AgAU

their press most cbmanxioua to please


or BO parrqgnired.
«^del*’^e*X» centa per b<
wle bv J. O. Johnsnn SBd H. B

XW lak* affect VTcdet^aj. Ju.
at 1 rti e'elaeli a. m.

^erearea few M the b.
Uuoah B-fle aemoriaU

Tbe opposite

iq IK
!S^ IS
S »[ 4 B


ptoud of.-Ncw York Ct

Ob acoruint of Hard! Orua cdrbatl
the C. ft W M. Ry and 0 . iijz. ft W
B K w'U aell roood tno >tCkeU
OoorceW Walllof Sooth Oardin-r. February f.lh to nihjpe^lve to New
brusry fit
4C..MV-; "I haw bad the woftcongh
BlDghsB at
igd R'rm
lean*. M>
eold. ebin sod grip end have token U ta
. 'limit'
limit Pebruarv
<roe sear fare^-'sctoni
u( ftab of m aci-oiini prr'fl. u> the
,. oartleular or adTdrr
<~hairberlaiD's Cemgh Remedy SStfa. Aak
is. G -P. Athe on'v thing that ha* done aov
Grud Rapids.
food wh«'-ever
I h*v» u»ed one Wcent bdlt'e and 'be cblli*. eoM and
(rno hav- all left me.
I confraioto'e
orSiNEbb CAKDS. :
DiSDn'aclorersof an bnneal medi•
For ule by 8. E. Wait, dmgAn Bob st Kediems forLuOrippe-

-IS si


n-the half abellut tbe Queen City


:r -“ ;i! |S

Otatef Lake

Mr~ea C ty
Uervac'* Mill



TracerarUiy. Idea.

Chicago “• —
West Michigan.

Istn Psy-Cblc ledlin.
Bv special r.que*t Htdame DeLai

, lb. Mcrcaetllr Oo Week


ha* cancrllrd ("her eegagrmenfst} re­


Trala. eeaaert at *!»*•«••. MIH
e*eep«^»«fi-'M *e
(ram BOM am FtaMa

The famllla.- rule that leap year U main in yonr city one week longer.
•vUhlBff to eoes'ill her bad better dr an
eveiy calendof yeur with s ffbmber di­
visible by four will be broken In ISOO »a eurly a* ootolhle. A* they will
which tact need not Iw regerded as an a rare chace of haviog the fntnrc re­
li.dicBlloO that even then
vealed to them. Tbe madame bu givtime for a change, says Ixindon An*-1
good utisfaellan for toe out C W/TAStV C DOtXlB. AlU>f»cr uS CCTIBMI
wer*. This rule of tbe vmanvc n»y
CUy Opera 8000* BIX.
week* she ha* been here
Hbe will M. lor al Ue.
account for toe provcrniai nctivliy ot
leave for Ludington 00 Moeday. Feb'y
Yale the new woman st toe close of everv
Call over SIS South Union atreet.
cent*rv. Then then Is no leap year 6-h.
for eight r««. February. IhOi. will , Hone* » a
- ^

Cures Without Medicine' O. liSSIS


. .




Abwraeu of^'nUa,


Grud 'Dpiili d Inilhiii I. B

New Methods

. will

Bare until Feb. 6th.

tocaU* tor a

IT AOIC«-De«lrlnS Cr*M

t- *


I . their baaea liraalps or ad
'arkoSrUI a draw maklas parlee*. i
Owing to BCvrjal new cases »ddsd
tb* Diimrrcn* li't o' cures made
Profeesor De Lamar'* new method*
reliab.e treatment wl lie in yonr city
the oaat *lx weeks, be U r. qaealed for
( bv •everal lo aad t taking tbe benefit
_______ .
iimeat. AU baveae
irtoefii^ from it after all other h pea
• - 1 ••
0 Bstur wbat


li |5s;u iiiiiiiv.::




o, V.., p.p.i..To_n,
>”T'.“>‘»". *■*«■«"■
Just published tn Paris ud Beriln
liver, kido
firm »bt«- They show that In 1S9* 8fi9.trouble, beadacbe. pile*. i
107 blrto* were registered In htanee._____ _
inbo.*d. akin
r. lost manl
OB* of toe amallert totals of to* eenveaerai
tnry. In toe same year TS1.019 death* •Hmeot bbo sod womu are sobjee;
W eksaper*. l**«le- d esa* OarlaaS.
oecunwd. In Oermuy 1591.ir5 blrtoa permaaeBily cared In a sbort tiBe.lhat Mvaief tbe derelaod-CU a Ir«e OB.^gS
were registered ud UO^.fSJ deBthn bu been given up u Ihcurable. By eaamr*. BealOolawbta.


TAa TaaeB at Katare.

doaen* before a reel, which withdraw.,
the daMeaU thread*. Ob* spider can
jcrkine-‘T*a: i Just Uke men who
give a thread bom IB to 40 yarda la
to pay toe aeaMklh Jacketa.'
IrtWto. afur wkleb performanee ll Is fnith.
released. The toteada are of a pink- .
------------------------------------------- —
-tab hoe. and are washed to reinove to* !
MaUac a Gaad Begtaaiag.
-BtMiky rtirfaee tayar.
E«it toreada
-when we are married you wUl give
nave to be oomblned. The tewltlng me everything I aakr*
Uktui* b Bueb lighter tbu ordinary
-RvarTtolng. aweeibr
_______________ And toen be walked boms to uv*
.•Ok of lb* same bulk, and atrong
BO ftoubl tw dBrfar*.—Truth.

.(b* yur ISM. and wu toe work of
dhiaf snaad Chnleby Koomy Khu ot.
AhBMfiBUggv. The Inrtd* of to# gun
M fitted IP with naU. ud U a favorlia


BoeUwns Arnica Balvu.
/Tv» Barr Baltb in the world foe

A girt sriih broihera. as a rule, “k**
ea naturairy; the nelrher nailer, and
*kc. overmuch ot them, nor doe* ate

have but twenty-eight days Ihe extra
day not appearing from lb96 to 1904.
Centenary year* are not leap years.
That year will be broken in toe year
of tlu queen ol Italy s maids of honor bii*ii»-st."
1 »
ud ^nrlini* sprig* of the Italian srUHoielVeepor — “hTiat makes
I e.OOO, when ....
toe Interruption
may be
tociavj. "TV Ruinan prince, however, thtok to?'
I regarded u an Indication that tt ta {
tlld .Soak—"I wu at A c^iorch fair
failed him ahtoe last moment, and ' time for a change. Centenary year*;
divisible by *00 are leap voara. conse­
quently there were twuiiy-nlne dart in
Febniarv. 1«0C. *»d the aanii niimtxr
tbineeo prraoaa.
He made Tartou*
of day*
be given to y'ebruary: Kuu5.
fraltlen attempts to •scare another
and again to JtOO, The dbjci of lUis
riui and at last. In despair, be an- j
rule is to Btoko tbe calendar year coin­
Bounced that be Intended to follow the
met a man lut w
cide with toe solar year.
enstome of the Arab*, who always wait
bedad. Fd have awom U wu yi
KpoB tbelr guuia. and ate tbelr own
fflhoer* by toemaclvee afterward. The
oToole—"And wasn't Itr*
meal proved a great sueceaa.
nunlgan—"Never a bIL But be
----------------------------------------------'.your very Iramge. barrlu' he wu a
of to keep pace with toe
tbrifle gray. I auppote, now. ye havu'e. Qomans la the Inereaae of their army
.1 at Ch^

r “
’T-iVmtl __________
owing to toe alow

The cannon wu cut abor

Ever Bonied Ovtf

“^^V^'«iitnda,■chilblains.O^ud all sEto

e who bu A Record.
palarv at Ventn- la mure auperaUUoua
than his countrymeti usually are. On |
a r«ir
Thuksglvliigday hr touted a party of
Old i:oal(~‘'You eh.>uld bare girl barfriends. Including a Roman prince, one i., Yon would do ten tlmi

to- ■»- >. WUT
tor to* beoeftt of the balloon*, which 1
* tiled for adentilic and mtlUary re-,
The spliers are gnouprtl In

. that
ouu ud
nurwe w*.
was so
so frlcbtened
•be only etood ud staiwd ud new
offered to touch her.

Itootlngcm ihem coldly.
For weeks past the plrturesqite fig­
And then toe girl with a brother I*
ure* of Hie Romany Mejeaiy wotawb
.hcrplcr than toe spoiled Mina who baa
ud hi* "Minister of War. " a gvpsy
Dd me 01. near nmn relation to pel and be Xardi Om Batot to K*v OtUaai aai
named Stelnback. have haunted


"Just as toe power of tbe eyo has
been Iner.-aiwd. so that toe dlaiuce b»- ]
tween H e li. uven* niwi toe earth hu |
tola UtM otery tnlensllled toe Space'


Now. ay aon, I ahall be happy
tend to your conKDunlcaUoo.
Son TW..U
(with fp.
.-.t calmne**)—I '
Wished to remark, father, that the baby;

after all.......................
spoken aenUraents
ITien the brotherle**

" of ^
______ U certain, and that
followers of both vhicr* since the JudgI ment jru given have been bn a war

irty accuaed them of every crime in
the criminal code, from
to common theft. Tbe case came up
for trial a few days ago and enffed
acq|iital of the Kmperdr.
telephoDM can be made by the new; The Tongb-lll fill de dnde'a bag wld His former eon-ln-law seems to have
nound mngnWer U> amplify a apeakere
car-couplin'* u' see
reiwnled of hU aciltm and withdrawn
wolce au (hat tt win tUI toe largert
the greeter part of toe rhsreee.
Thlt will ullow of a political
The "Emperor" Woiascb and hU
Ueaker or professlonaJ vocallet enierWar Minisier eppear«-d ivfore (he
talBing three or lour audience* seated
to gorgeous cos.ume. with gol­
In hall* wide apart at one ud the
den spurs and an abuudoiiee ol lace
embioidcry on tbelr garnicnta Woiname time.
"in lime of war (be admiral tu comnseb wu put upon oath, and raised
Band will by means of my lorenUon
.hit right hand to swear, when, by some
he able to laaue bis own orUera by
arUdent u he averred, It came In vlolword of mouth to toe different ehlpa
contaci with iff* head of his en­
rtf hi* aquadroB.
Lighthouses may
emy, wto prompll.v
measured hi*
•peak to *hip* to dangeroua posmona,
length on toe floor of the court.
ud tbe vessels toeuselvrs comrannlFortunately for him thU last ex­
«ate In tbe ssine wsy wito’the cossl'
Ethelbert—Almost left. The tratoil ploit W3* the only one that could bs
by tid of this InvBBlion. Orderlies will jiui slarUug.
proved sgalnst him. and he ud his
no longer risk their lives except wbeiw
•■Minister ot Wsr" cfrtip.-d with
absolute secrecy I* required. In carry- j
small fine.—trtkal Anielger.
fug order* under ftre from command-1
lag geuersU to the hatiailons ot too.
Lnp Ve*e
•bipe passing each other at night at a
glstuce when ihclr llgbu only were]
WUlble. Now. however. I reallxe that j


i'v -......

pieaaui to hear (be boBe-trui ,
often (ell their sialer.. bat It - .VI,


------- -------------------


John R. Santo,
Geiutl lisoriice.


ilM eery muy
Ote .hr wtH
I hare riBiihed
finUhed what will be a rulto
and oleamirea if the have no Motoec
pr^icu] article for ....
to lake her mboul with him.
. .J*
Neceulty of
■kely toe U a Uttto ^iggtoh ud
toergeoclea." aad I
tied-brolbrrlee. girte «> olien
^li down, my
oecauM eue
net becauw
sbe bu never had____t,,—raimneM
of rour
and learn calmnews
of father.
your father.
f™t*mal criticUa. which have
hour Uier.lj

time to buy another package Ufoto.

.giMiniHiy and with asilrtactlon over.


tttnga. wut freedoB.
Tioclor'e Son (ruhlng toto hU lathIt ti. bowerer.^
« • •todT>-P*P*' oh.
tom tbe want of a brother I* muen
—My aon. how often

.. M. n,.. Tt. I '“i*
won't euuj
bM .UIM • Sf.Sv.Sr!^ 'oJf .t It. hit." that


*HlS^ to tm t e’eloA weery i ■ ugli>


future iOB-to-Uw uft uieiM'Into u
I abort tr^k. toe brotfaerlcu girl
eoBtrept with the luUer'e tatber. to '■
be phied. Ufe for UUle glrU
which'It-wu luld dowB Ihmt tt Truttgo Itorby. he wu ofterwuid employed _____________ _______________ under Burweu ud goreroeeue 1. apt
BoUce that- I---------------wunted cub
or rob him.
mt the StootoD liwi work, to the Mid------------—
------- toeleU of mtuu. «*.. ^ouW
•«uu.u ewtndle
.. .
mad priB
x.~i. Ot Meuru. Crompioo ft Co.’A irahSavx
embbegee. MW
ww nainnblBm
puapkloi end
ud redakln
jw>*kto . .,-ou»^ eollUed to Uke hie deoghand Ittito glrla. like all other young




« lIU Wlia.


•fM- miUtary balloons
.•burned in tola way.


Our Pork

rurt . eooauT eewK>*pcr?Nj^ know
tb«t tk. world hot Ili:l« 11 coo xoorh
o rouBf (iUlow Jiu*. 03: of c^tase. f;
«u Jut u well dU'd to rno • r.n>:
mnd u I wu . BewMMper. but 1 weutj
to with .
OoarUh o' iiumpMA’
Ukl« . »rut meifopomu M>wc lor

M (k. fK.UK •< *

word wokoo

-—-~.n------ - :js4£risrsisr'srs5;

VW Ufc E


T«ry PrebaMy Tiwa.
It Is aaM tk*' then an non aim’ Ih penltutlariw u a
-JU u a null of boy“A their


wwUar gne DUat lAk* Vesew
p,rtlt*-"I wlshlwenA — —

glM* tor Brtilah oBeen
4|rtrt nacM-fiay HMkA

V .

kUmage*. which are generally rsgard-

reqaast ita pr^^ la h« «U'Peb.

W-rtia. U.n—r.U»

taTle’ S,k.

*“»<«■ “j
In to* proportion of M per
hM aid to cure them.
l.«0 of toe popBlallon. ud tn Fnnee
meadatlou* of otbers while
tS per LOOa. To anminarixe. tn OerBiuy aarrlagu ud birtos an In- treated peraooa] .
CTSBSlnc tn number, and tbe mortality day. 8«Bd partleui------- ------------------------------Umodende; In Frun Mrtos an dto feasor D# Irtomr, Travene City or LudS^STwhll. marriage, an very ingtoo.Mich.fcwtbe._e*ttoree
Mowly toenulBg. ud to. mortMlt,
to llkewurmooeraia.



atreet. Detroit Mksh.

“ '
" .
Offloe boon»a. m. to 9 p. m,
oaty a raw iwft.
'^Bib Dnlou Street.
Tbm on only S4U left Of the Alas
None need faave QRiP la a life thne
ef Janu-tbe true abonglBee of ifeal 'f they nse profeeaor'a metbodsol treaP
w jspu-^uc > _
..^T ________....
^aa banlabei the gar«e

F*****lSody BJlac
- ponised ealtar

teri 111::!!
ijriBrssxfStsrrtr sssra
'S. m-

*aLira2s! .ae
aartov ear to nraaS BartSa
Trsla arrlva* lr«B BMmaU

TralataavtorTraaeraeCByat 11 :Sa.ia.bu
aleertv trem OtanS kapUe to CiMtaaaU.
Tvato luvBy Tmijto OWy at

F^-sr^-taasrsjrg 3^.:3'E^sist
MDO. P.AT.A..a(

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