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The Morning Record, January 21, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
jowmA. Loo&vagi^pTBA.
mfMIlif JILL
Vaw and Voaal aoBlBt OiaateB XatmdBMdXatoVBdhiactM Bama.
■WMtwr 0«frr«7 Wuxta Inlbr- Waablartoa,
XatroAaegd in FImm of Atkio*
O. (X. Jaa. M.—Mta.
dobad. Laaaa baa latrodaaad aaa*
goo Vgoottro.
aadal owM ^frofrtete to tba aabtaa
ter tk4 Oei
of oolda mad frip- MM- LegM baa loaatorLjM W’eaU
Iteag Oatataur
4MBM >*« Witk •••OMM rs. bate 4Blia U1 wlib tba taablemabla
aad Aadlaor Oal
bat baa
t»taeB«p«Ute m4 WmAMSm*
bar iBiaraat la otbata obo ara iU. A
Wtii butte ■»1a fill •wTMiw
tewdaiaafoaba aaat oat larltatlaaa
»ce Oatuag Oalarr cd 1
•ftef Valwa «• Am»«ateM*.
to half a doaoB frtaada to taba taa with
'WcteteiM. J*» »-tewrfof Otf- bar, wttb tba aaaaraaoa that tba/ aaad
Laaatac. daa. to..
tetyvf U*1*U»» lotej •««*! tte let.
laaratbalrowaboaoM. dttba'^
i^wU» eo»»erreeX
"Ttet pcriatad boar aerraeta baartef trapa aotiead a WII which ha aaja U daalgBad
to taka tba plaoa of tte Obaorar dUtiB'
tte rrmlAmt to. Md Ih I* tertky f*odattba
pro•qMMte. If ■<>» UMoapttlW* with
Mob waa a aola' parad, bat be eapa it will daal with ax11a toteMV W fmitete tka aM«M with
aoplaa of uf e***«Bla»lteaa raaaltad fiwatbaboataMwIablartbaaraatora-iteUp tba aaata elaaa of prt^iartp. ll
ky tteMMateparuBuitrowur f»p- UOB to baallk aad happlaaaa. Mra J ebaii*e» tba board of aaia»or» prortd
------ --------- ...----------------pmipnia, I Lagaa'a'■iMflaa*' laaabrttr baa boaa |«d for la the Chaarar-AtkiaaoB bill bp
d-oppUig the r°««rBor aad aadlter
(•paklle; Md »laa to foraiab
Ib. appropriatalp oa»ad tba grip tea.
feaeral. aa wall aa alurtog tba protersBUM (■ bla poBMteoa. «r aar doaeialoa prorldiag that tba other
«Meti glad bafora tba ataU datartbara aball be appolated bp tba go*w«•MBi. raUUra lo tba boanda of tba
or. Thia bill will proride for tba aleeiMaUUaa la tba PhllipplBa laUada. to«al5ar vllb tba aasbar of lababltaaia Serargl Good Fapgrg At Tgg. tlaa of tbrea------------ bp tba people
the atate treaaarer la oiade aa aatbtralB. bold raapaetlralr oadar tba
. tePdgj*! Bbsaion.
iber of the board, laotaacb
BMlrolof Ua ABarloaa foreaa aBd tba
aabawUlhareteeoneettbalaa. Tba
•■tbarttr of tba w aaUad PbUlpplBa
Maa. Olbba Saa^oad Xfterta ofOr- aalarp of the Bteraaora U eat from gt.NTBbUe. abowlv partiaBUrl/ what
gaotmtloai U Otbar gtatao—BlM 000 to gs.too. aad aaotbcr Isporlaat
iaUada, or parta of UlBBda. U aap. obb
▼adar Saelted laUMtlag geolb ehaaga win bo that tba fraaebtae of a
ha daliaaabd bpApatato tba UalUd
Baa Islaad Bsparlaaoea.
oospaap la ool to ba coeetdered aepargtataa."
Ika raaolBtkM waat o*ar Bodar obA geodlp gatbartag of maotbera of
i Ua WoBBB'a Clob aojopad the maatlag
aanta la arrlelag at aaeb valoatloa.
Mo/MlMaaola ww .
'of Uataoelalp peatwdap aftaraaoe. It
baaator Loonia aotloed t«o Imporu
OMbaaapaaahapoa U* Vaat,;^
Bl-a Dap." aad Mra. M. B.
aat laaoraaoe bilU todep. Oae proridn
ipaaaloa reaolatioa. Mr. Nelaaa
Uat ao Unaraaoe aball be wrfltea bp
rarlad aad ioteraatlag progran for Ua
aet dalp aaUoriaed
. Uai Ula ooBBtip
bad Ua powar aoi oalp to aoqulra for-1 []^||^j-',y^r!foa^nrrith*a“frn« batlaenlBHIebigaa. It baa baaa caatoaarp for onpaates aaeorlag large
alga terrltorp bat alaa to gorar
llptaao aolo bp Min Jaaepblaa Vader.
“ tora^
■- A fewwbleb pap oo tazea ia Mlubigaa.
New YearUoaghte.
Woald ba XHaragaidad b«t
Por thrast Af*.
Loadoa. Jaa. M.—A diapateb to tba
DaUp Naan freoa Bom aapa that tba
popa ta aoSaHag troB a all^t attack
oflagaaeia. wbiebaeoald ba laalgBOcant wareltaotforbla axtrama age.
Dr. Uppoel. bU pbpalalao. baa ardand
that ba roMala la bad. bat aaaralp aa a
pracaoUea. Tha aadlaua wbl^ hta
bollaaaa waa to baecglraa to the eroaAi
priaeaoi of tlwadaa aad Korwap oo
Tbaradap baa baaa paatpoaad eaUl
Traeoraa Atp B«p VlU Baperlateed
•blppiag Sodiaa of KlcblgaB
•oldlata Pro® Oaba.
LaoalBg. Jaa. M.-BoU boaan baea
taaad a } riot reaolatioa aaUariilag |
Ue papneat bp Ue beard of atate aa.
dltora of all erpeaaaa .iaeldant to Ue
azbenlag aad retera of the bodMuf
eoldiere wbo died la Caba ia easeM af
Uat paid bp Ue
aad Goeeraor Plagree baa appoloted
Charlea S Kl|dlager of Cbarlette,
aa Ua atate'a a^praaeauiln to oeeraea
Ula work. ElpUagrr waa a membn
of Ue hoepital oorpe of the ThirtptoarU Hleblgaa lafaatrp, parUelpaied
lo Ue Caban eampalgn aad U aa Inbariag had pellow ,ferer erbile
iBeOaba. Be eallated wlU Conpaop
M. of Trarerae Clip. Re la aa nadertaker aad will properlp eara for Ua
It te alae propoaed to eara for Ua 11*.
lagaoldlera. B^pmeatelive Chamber,
laia bariog girea noUee of a bill to
prorlde temoarvp relief for.indigeal
or Biek ez-mambera of Miehigao'a
qaoU, while BepreeeaUtire Keltep baa
ooUote a bill prorldlof extra pap at =
Vra Jaekr Bnrprtatd.
was made «t club work la Urae atei
The jnat eoBimltteo wbleb
otUaoalgrawiDg of etodp aad the
takiag ap of act! re work la maop wa>a: ia charge Ue preparatioa of a program
•aartearp of BteU fuaraa Haa Boagbt aa, forlatteaec: CoDaetleat elaba are forUe peace jubllaa moetlag
ia eambllehlBg tne pablie held la BepreaeaUtl*e ball baa aelact•8,000,000 Peat, Inat Tract oa
llbrarlaa. aad Is rarlootdeparimeatoof ed Fab. is.the aaalteraarp of Ua daPara KarqaaUa Staar.
el*U work: Ua New Jenep faderatloa atrurtloB of Ue Uaiae. aa tbe date for
LadlagtOD, Jaa.
8. diaaraa haa a departmeat ia foraatrp: the Colo Ua meeUag. Tbe program will coaabi
aaeraterp of auu. wae la Chicago pee- rado wumro are workiag to prcacrre of abort addranea bp a aambrrof Miobtardap aad eland a deal for Ue tee bistorle raotalm of tbe dig dwel- Igaa aoldirra and etetoamea. aad plealaat tract of etaadiag tinber oo Ue lers; Mauaefauaeft daba are letemt- Up of patriotic mode,
Para Marqaatte lirer.
It embraoaa ad iB working girU aad women and
RoproeooUlira WhcBler of Waabteaboat u OOU.O.KI faet. aad wae parebae- tha worklagdaasm of Ue maBnfactar. Baw baaa bill which prorldea Uat la
ad fronTbomaeK. Lpoo. It will be . lag dtlea. aad ao OB.
rged wlU crime
aooent peraona charged
d at tbe Ntearae mill here. 1 m,*. (jn*. road an dteaUent jmperoa aball be paid Ue coeu-of Uelr deteBao
. arieo waa batweoB 8350,- prts^gg argniag on tba aide that Uelr
000 and Ituo.uoo.
{aimebonJdbe to reform tbe criminal talned, at tbe goreraor urged lo bis
; ratber Uan puabh blm. A brief dia- meeaage.
CBaalon followed.
Mra. tlolildap aaag a cbaroilBg aolo
•kewlBg'Bow Oarelaoe Sopa^Xap Oat
bp Min Crawford, wbleb
•arloaalp Hun.
delighted her Ibteaen. ai her tlagiag AuUoritIrc •tatemeat of Ua Tar
Yaaterdap M. C. Dodge aad wife alwaps dace
loua Apprupnatione
war* oo tbelr wap to UeIr borne oa
Mlse Uulse Vederread ao iBlercellog
WaUlagioa atreei Aben Uep were
paper entitled- A Dtp’s Drire in Ttbiooertebvo bp Mr. Hush, wbo drlrae a
Washingboo, Jea. W.—Tbe rl*er^ad
tU" glrlng her personal eaperitoi __ __
dallrery. aad were Indted b.r him V. tbe far awar Sooth Set Ultude. ____I harbor billUaearlp readp, and it Is
rtda At Uep approached the alight
• tl«) exhibited toollecUon of rare carl
--------rteattb. tew:k.ofU. O.B^i.I .UM|^,y^^^^^^j^
“ *<*»«"•
M gathered bp her IB ber recent
recent I
waa a flteb of anmeihing duwi
rlslt to Ue Ulands of tbe HaciSr. with Uieblgaa:
aueolaod a ££Mb utder tbe tleigb.
Bloo.aome Boe pbougrapbt of
people Iaad
If pa^
srbieb of uouraeii^at at oace bnragbt lo
<K»ii; lirand, rt.'xt'i St Juerpb. tl.w«
a ttop I'pon
ilarbore—Obarleroix. 8ic,5>i0: Cbcd-Bp reqa
Thoredap evening Urt. Charlea Janka
was agreebb’p aonwited bp a large
Dumber of friandt wbo ealled lo help
uelebrate ht r fiftp flf U blrUdap. The
eteoiag waa aleaaaatlp pamed wlU
gamst, aiaging and danclag. aupplemsated with light rrfrrtbmeate.
sl i i
X.VaIlar Broagbtte a Jaf of 100
1““* !..........
; :a is S s
tba lorgeet load of potetesa laportad j
la tbe local market UU poar aa far
waa brought to Ue dtp paatardap bp
U. Waller. The load eeatalaad IM
.boabals Mr. Weller hwmrbt la two j
of ladaccai Lluratoia.
loade which
Uaraaa, Jaa. »0.—Bp order of U«B
Oataga Lardia boogbt Uam at »5 eaaU aral Lodiow Ua polioa today made a
Sapper and SasM.
Cr-teenl lUod wil> hare anoihertor'tl ptrtr Jae. aci in Fnrentert' ball,
alto a fine ten cent annper
War Daportaoat Aaln Bida i
Waoblagtoa. Jaa. to.—Tba war
partoiaatbaa iarited bida from tba
ahippliV oooeema of aU aaUoaa for tha
traaapertatioD of Ue Bpaalab priaoaaim
la Ue PhUipplaea to Spala. Tba pooea
treaty raqalraa Uat Ua Dalted Statm
ootasralUagUa latlEeattao of
raid oa f *a Mg book atoma aad aaixad
10,000 odplaa of immcaal booka. T.ha
TUB aftarMM at Sllfar'a aoadamp, atmaawaraMoaad. Ladlaw toiaaol«ad
roreatere’ haU. at 1 o'elook ahai» toproaaadoMgatleaUpwUh bin aamrUgaagUMlmmoaaURr/
“City Bookstore."
Banjo Instruction.
B.^auae of ridicaloiisly Idw pricte veVe put
every Jaoket
nut} f)tpe in tbe ntock-7-ill of tbie seasoo’s____________
close out by Febma^ let. Desirable aud atylisL ifarmeoU
See Our East Window For Prices.
I Get Your Money’s Worth!
1-4 Off Sale
Does It.
This sale is on our best goods—not old stock—
J not old styles.. -Nearly every pair are Pingree St
I Smith make—goods that have built up a reputation
J for style, fit and wear,
Get them.
For iborooKb iHOHunK—Addr««d S
Br, Box 187.
Steinberg’s Grand;
Opera House.
Malted ia aa easy .teterp ter Ua «»=**• * Oh»aoeex Baprmae Uourt
IX H Oartar Baviag Otote •aoc«aa;‘‘«-»er. wba woa by strt polBU..
,J Imatlag. Jaa. *0—Tbe ae»«til oaaVlU Hm HecUalag Obalr
! «»J«***of «« aeplom. hao Ue bmi idldatee for Ue Soprmii. jodgeahip haw
! aeeroge la Ue ouBtost, and eboaldbelln the leteresu of Ueir eampaigaa.
0.1i.CarterU la Uraad Eaplde *x
gel Ue modal ’ Judge Aldrich of Cadillac. A. T. McAIhiWtlagat Ua
p^i ,p
of Ue aliap. | *ay of Maalatee mod Philip VaaZUa of
kU aew pateat rMUaing ohalr. Ulaj Veateto** s ouateei wae ter Ue ateel! Octroll term a dUtlagnlrhed trio,
aoeoaea la maklog salea ta flattarteg •
laaiagai Mr. McAteap ia out with aeoo*.
aad will Baoaaaltete Ua immediate
Following M Ua aeon bpgamaa circular daalgaad to aaptara Ua attoraurtlag of his factory. Bs alroadp' aad a*ange of each plapw;
aepB. Ue oalU atwaiioa to Ua faet
has aaoogb orders absod to keep Ua'
that Ue term la now for tea pi
Isotorp raaningi aevaral moiiUa
if tba cobteatloB that each jaatica ia
axpaela to aiart tbe plaal aboat Ua ; y
aaUtled to reaomiaatioD piatalla ao
fintef rabwarp aad Uatbombarat 1 Mai«? ...
mambor of Ue bar aew of aoifitelsmt
amplopat wUl ranga baiwaoa «fteaa '■
pear* aad axparleaoe to wanaet blm la
aad tweotp. Mr. Carter wUI aiao manasglrtag to aaaatoaUa boaeh Bead
ataotera a qoaaUtp of btaj patent fold'
bopearer to reach Ue goal af bla
I aao Front St.
• QTCImDCDP’C Reliable Urv Goods, Carpet
and CIothi^Housc.
H e are tiitboriscd to guarantee e*err
bottle of Caambrrlaio a Cough itetniv«T
and if not talitfscorr to refiiad Ue
monrr to the parchawr. There Is ao
better medicine made for la grtppe.
r.7 nto« a.: Pirn, j
Seato win b» plac-d on aale Ula
omlngat Ue box
for tbe eogagemeat of W. H. Rbrtigan'a Dr.
JekyllandMr. Hyde. Co., which appeart at Steinberg's Qraad next Tui»dap erealag. Jan :t.
What do you need? Have you aeen the display in
our east window? We have more of the same gooda
and enough to St out all the cfices in the city. Take
a moment and get a calendar pad, or a letter Sle, or
a spindle, or a doien good p^a.
{Ifs An Extraordlnanf Sale
U... J«r Jiut
. darire Ueir Jaat,
bp pertiaeat eoggeatloat for
powera fron Ua enawat of Ua gorara.
vice Id Cuba, called for aa oatbarat of,
rtab work for the eDBatag pear.
“ : palriotiem. A oommlltea eeoorted theae
ad, ware oalp troa ia a lltaiiad aataat : plea wae made Uat apaca be gl'
'The nal'jrttp of, oar paopla. ha aald.
or two, gate bit atm. and pretty toon
~ Maa«te«.waicB cioeed
weal on hit wep bappr aad apfiereatlp
UBhun. Hwatnaarrow escape, end
Bbaald be a weralag to uy bupt to
look for wbet it ebned of U*m when Ooud Bowling Oooteat Teaterdap.
Tne bowling cos
What About
Office Supplies?
Story of a Double life.
Moet woaderfol—moat exeltlag—
muel laterealiag play, ever
aeated la Uhor aapoUareoa
OnJekyll aid Mr. Hyde.
A Urilllag aanaatloa from bagiaalog to aad—« play oaea wltaeoaad to be rememberwi forever.
Tba amtaaat antor.
118 Front Street.
The‘Old Reliable Shoe Man
^VV vtat Vvane tettvXt, bat asm® are
SxMX ttvart otWs.
Baa aa aaparior U Ue.portrapal
of UU great part. HU tranafor.
malloaa ara vfalrd. atartUng and
This Seasatiaaal Drama
wm baaoaa at Ua Opera booaa
for ime aigbt oalp. oa-
Tuesday, Jan. 24
PriOEE: SS.86.60a
Seaia oa mJa at los oHaa SataiEap
Sc atpapcT.
AD® &\u m&Vt® a ittAiA of banVatt &
fvAV Wtv® of fVrst.®V*&t tvaUotts *V \b®
MMM ansr mm ■m—iit.
•tm^TcwiK ORY. • Mxaa»»Aa Oood PohB» Broo«ht Out
•E^TA^Vna £au>.
AMP 9. w. Bamw.
J. w. Baib. B<Mar Md Mam#*.
A Oloba TfMUag Armr|» li qalta probabU ibat tbraa Tra?ana
ma wUl ban Ue 4ia.
MaatiaA of aaeUvUar tba fleba; aa
MftMaa wbleh najr or «Mr aol ba aaTiAd. WIU UtATatW. Ureaa beboSald
•Ad Ja7 B. Prarar aAllaMd abaal tba
laatof tba jmr la tba Third lalaairT.
•aw ataikiAad at Port baalllad. Tba
baaa oroand to MaoUa rla Raw York
aad Iba boat naal.
Tba IsUaUoa
0f tba forarasaat. It ii aald.U to brtnf
tba aoldlan baab bona hj tba w»y of
AAlan tba oaAdiUoaa U tba PhUlbAteaa aboold wamet aaadlar than
hateabalora. Tbto wiU ba tba am iaatAAoa la tba btotorr of-tba world
Vbataabodrof troopa ha«a baaa ra^Alrad to ite aitraad tba world. la addlUoA to ear otbar dlatlaetloM tba
OAttad btata* wUl aajip tba aoralt; of
balAf tba drat to latrodaea b flobatwttlaa arA»y. ___________
Tn eaapalf A for Joatlea of tba 8apiawi DOart U wall aadar war aad
Ibara will ba a abarp coataat Jar tbe
■oalAatloa. Rortbars Mlahlraa baa a
IWm tbe food BMW« defidtws Md «
■iM Aftar
uA BIMUOA «r OAawa.
. ww
Itot Ua UlatM
B O. T. K. MaUtia BertoL
ItortadtB M» fATM.* taaUt«U apoA bauar maklAf. Ba baa bad aifaa) aaeeew ta dalrplaf. MUk wbleb la
I dtp Teat. So.
TAa ^naalloa bM aUU altelWd tha Ai- to ba aaad for bolter mart
naat ba kapt at an, B U T. M . rajopad a a !kUa aad
toAUOA olAU.AAdaACbAWatofMBAa Uaritbt taaparaUn ADd Uanad at
aod daaea laat
last cranlAC >b
1^. MaOoAAU. & B. flaylar. Jadca Ua ri(ht teaaparaura. ' Clan
AbII. A tarfa t >bar of
Uw battar.
attar. ^ «a aaea
pmeat aad Uoroocblp
BAWdall. Mr. SMrfar. B. Vaofbaaa. takaa about aalUor
Babari BATAaj. AAd A P. Onj gmraait to ararp pooAd. nnjopad the rAlartalaawal- Tba
No batiamak Uonld ba Uft la Ua oi9,« waaimUaad.
battar. Dj .^t work Ua batter
-------------------------Tb. addraaa of tba .oralAf. “Blr- tooweeboB UapoiUUa rail. MUk
Iba Batra»*a of Ortp. MOta of baaeaaafal ranaiac h> Rortb- Ua eowa racoUrlp aod nilk qatoUp. i That Bodara aeoarfe. U# Urip. poiMr. Palnar tbaa fare aoma raaaona
ara Mlablfaa.- bp A- K. PaUaar waa a
^ *ir wiU lu fatal farBa. ao
MfOBc oaa abowlDC oarafal atadp aad whp battar maklnc wa. Bor. proBubla
a*" nr??^
and daap laalcht lAlo tba ambjaal.
la NorUar* Mtetal(aa tbaa beat pro,»aio,t Uls daAtaroaa maladp
Ua aald tbal ba oooU aot rlra ozaet deeiloo: Battar Bade a ready bocaa in Dr. Klap'a Raw Diaeorrrp. Whm
rolaa, bat woald aiaka paaeral aiata- Borkat. beat ooM not. We are la Ua you feel a aoraam la yoar hooea aad
Ba tblBka tbal Krlealture artll
be a »Toatar iD^aaUy wbaa lambarlac aa feed la cheap. UoapatlUoa ia treat- bead, catarrhal stbpiob* -i-rtaatohtatemta ara aabaaaim
Wa n
er la beet. Tbe arerAta tanner la bat- born ceofb poo nap koo> >
h>*r tbe
■row rralB aa aataaalraly aa llUaeb or tar nraparad to aaeiaia a dlarp. Ko Orlp, and tbal poa and Di K-nt to Nr*
Iowa, bol wa aan frow food wbaat aad
to to.rto.toto
If tbar ATO cArafally eolUratad.
mUlac and aad baet p. odaetloo.
brmara. kill Ua dlaeaaa »eeo Daconlua toUawad lo wbick MriDaaded
rffn- .
h., ..n .1 u»
Ua tarsar.
IP to Ua farm, baaaatp
A bifh daand
beaaatp to peatarltp.
rraa of la»im»noa la what b aa parted
la all Ua proltaaloAO aad oaeapaUoAA
U sboald be required of tbe tar«era.
TaoroorbneB was tba aaat polat
apon which rraat airaaa waa laid; tboroarbaeas la UlUof and baadUnr Ua
atook aod crops, aad UoroofbaaB la
pablle duUas.
The famtar Best bare aa labaraat
lo*a lor bU ooeopalloa. A faraser who
Is a faroBT braaaaa bs is foeoad to ba one
la aaver a aaooeaa. Tboaa who are dieooBtaatadaodaraalwapalookln* Into
UadUUat fatara wbao Uep are to
be aoBaUlBK alee. let Ua praaaat peso
and do apt nake Ua beat of UaD oppertBAlUea.
Tba faraar Beat baeaapatoBBtle in
bto work as tba Barebant aad baaqfaetarar. Want of apaUB U a r»at
drawback W larBlAf. Kaow Ua capabUlUea asd aoaditloa of Ua fars
partBeat for reanlia. Tbe farBor loaca
bean aoMaUBB aad poaa troa one
■aetonga AUandad wiU lacraaaad latoraat and tandap Mlfbi ■aaaral
Valon •arrioaa will be Bald.
Laat Blrbt was Us bwt Uos far of
Ua OB loo raalaal Baatlngs la polat of
AUnbars aod IntareaV
Kea. Jonas
ptairbill a ecrp nawarfnl seraoa which
WW aacerlp llstanad to and appre-
mneb daa to
Raw aaceaaa la ool
faUora of cropa aa lo cnraleaaaaaa al
aBAll laaka. I'arBara are farBlnr
BBub rroand.
Baeloslsa farBisr
klonf opa llpa was not epbald as oUar
. are ABde sabsarrlanl to tbal
one branch.
PnrBara are too prone to follow Uair
neighbors metboda and baaa no Indapandant BsUoda of tbdr own. ••^nll
wlU nnura, naaar pull acalnst bar.
Knap a slngla aat of books wbleb wUI
giaa poo an Idea of what to eoaing tn
and wbai to going oak
Dots tba aalmato OB Ue Inns,
who hna no lore for oows baa no pli
in Ue dairy boslnaas.
Tba fanner ofton falls beenuM ba
doaa aot do as wall as be knows,
slow and keep out of debt. Whan poo
pladga poor word, keep U to Ua latter.
Voor srord should baBnlmpaacbabla.
Hr. Palmer ooAclodad ,wlU an ap
peal for the beat Intami of Ua farBar's boma.
Tba dtoeassioa was lad bp B. B- 8aplor wbo kept Ua audlanor aalia^^ bp
barau of enUaslasUe. enrsidst diimrae, and sallies al wit.. Qto remarks
are good aad well recelTad.
Blaouoa of OfBcaro.
Tbabusloras marting followed Mr.
baplor't addreaa. OWaara were elaetad
for Ue aasolng yrwr. Uat year's oihrrutnad. wlU a few rMspUoBs amoog Ue tloa
I’realdeat—Hobart Bnrnr;
Reeretarp and
Chairman ol wookaa'a section—Mra.
E A Oray.
PregraB eomaltua for tba onsnlag
sar—J. H Monroe. W. 8- Jennings,
b. B. McMnUaa. Mrs. A. V. McBaa.
Mlsa RaUiaC Orap.
Tba inaserT showad athoant of oaU
oabaod. »l.T«.________ "
D. OampbaU pArtlolpalrd.
at Ua dnap atorea of S. E Walt aadJ.J
------------O. Johnaoa.
i {
JoUan Atlaa of ItbacA apoka upon--------------------------,
••Block Balelnc aad Faadtn(.Sapptr abd Sanaa.
Creaeeut Band w
Ha staled Uat bs bellaeed a
dal ptrtp Jan sc In K.<rri
sboald krep all kinds of stock, lo dlaalso a Baa im rant topper
pBS ol Us dtfferaol klods of wasU
AAUUa bltD to aaraeat eonaldaratkio
wbaa Ua BapobUeaa auu oonraasabaa tba aalaetion of a oaadidata. JadfoAldricbofCadUlaebona
At Ua brlfbtaat jurtau la Mteblrao
And aroald rraaa Ua Saprana baoeb of
Mleblraa wlU tba dlcaltp aad abUltp
arblab Uat ra^aalbla poat dasaada
Wbatoaar aiap ba aaM of Ua aiariu of
tba oUar eaadidAtea Ua aapoelal 8t•aaa of Jadfa Aidrteb abeald aot i
a tallora In aHr Ua I' naaiAbU aad
iMtaffbtot. Ua would ba aa boai
bancs eanoot aueeaad.
le Ua baaeb aad to Ua atata.
Ba enraful ahoat amall dalnUa. hnea
aBAll aaelnfs raUar than larje apand-
to daaoUac falntaalf to Ua Inneral
ditloa of tba plaea Yaawrdap ba
AAoaod Bra blf bookaioraa to ba raldad
•Ad aloaad ap. aod aalaad tab thou
PDlanaa ol tudnaat booka. If Ueaerml
bodlew aaa ladaoe Ua aaUraa
AbAAdoa itnmoral booka aod prarall
•poA Uaa'at Ua anma ttma to darota
Ibair Ubara beora U> alaraUnf raad
aattar be will parform a work
Vbtoh will ba as importAat aa caub-
Tbara will be ^^aicaaUisaraaliir
Tobottow artaroooa Uare will be a
■AOtlar In Ua 1‘reab.Ttrrtaa ebaroh
MpaidiUp for maa and partlcolarlp for
bAAlaiB map- oae objrwt of Ua BastIlf to to rat Ua baslaass Ban nil UfaUar And to arranre If poaalbla tn
hAsa U#B clow Ualratorap earip next
Vnnk on aoeoont of raelaal aarvteea
tVto will be n panleularlp lalarestli f
maatlBr and all man wbaUer baalaBs
■ah nr oUan are orgad to attnad.
Oa Saadap eeealar Uers will ba aaa«a1 naiOB maatlBpe la tbe eitp for Ua
pirpoaa of aecoainodatinr all who daalra to attend Ua sereleea.
Tbs BseUBf for tba IVtoada. EeaagUiabl and Baooad M E ebnrebaa will
ha bald In Ua Kriaads cbareb.enabltnr
Alt nn Ua BoaU nad Want aidea to
•Alta In one rraat aaraioa
. BOT^ aad aapportad that Ua
Tbara will be anoUer In tbe DapUat
■harab for tba mainbara aad frleads of aeeratarp reoMea a salary wbieh
BBoant sboald be da.sldad bp ibe exaUa Bapttot and ConrrafaUonaUb
eatlea aoBBlttaa. It has baea in .part
There win ba aaolber lo Ua Vmbp- Uroogh Mr. IwAd-a Incfsaaing eSorta
tarias ehnreh for tbe Klrst MaUodul that tbs aneoaM of Ua InaUtnU has
bren assorad. and all ware glad to rapad Presbpurlan eburetasa.
Thaaa Bactinrsareforevarptodpaad muncraU him In part at least lor hto
aarTinw. Many contrlbated atoBce to
ward Ua salary.
>odp uaueedThe t.«eerra of Ua aaeodalloB ware
LaMrlppa Auoetaefutlp Traatad.
cboaen as dalcgaUa to Ua nmnd-np lo
••1 bate Jost raooerrrd fr«B Ue see- be ueUl in Punuae UU year.
M Attack
ekof larrlppa ihto pear," aapt
Eflorto wl’l be aada to saoara tba
A. Jonra. pebluber of the round-op for Troerrae City atwcUBeiA
Mi-Xia. Texar. "In tbe Uttar
Maa I need CbambrnaiBb Cougb Ueaaar lolure.
Bamady. and 1 Umk wiU oonalderabla
AaaasM, only being In bed a liuir orcr
•The aftarnooB aemtoa cloaad tJto
two da>s against ten dsp> for Ur for- term of Ue Inatltate.
ate. The qataU^
• ■or attack The arrond attack I am
few qaeauon^
aattoBrd would bare Mm equally as (box enaulned eeryr ff*
had as Ue Brat, bat for Ue aae of Uls .«,wu to... to—...to with dtopatoh-/’
tasaedy. as I bad to go to bed lo about
J. W. lAne aot being prMent, Ue
six boura after wing •simcb’ wlU It. laabjeev "ito-totiee Ad ■lageaaf 8starhOatoUaBratuasa 1 MableUaV
m* to bAilneB aboal tsra days bafora Itarawl Beef
gy •4®—-“ roe aaU by E E
prodara. Manp pap Bore allcatloa
to bcqri aad sharp than to Uclr eowa.'
Use JjdpoMat In terdin( cattle. Mr. 1
AUen'a addraaa waa abm hot saanp ral-'
aable idaaa were broopht out thronrb;
qoaaUons put Xa bla. He answered'
bla es>'
perleeoea Uenrral dlsenssloo foUow-;
ad. participated in bp manp.
Tbe Baal qoaaUoa box broncbt np'
lanp lefl-oearsabierts which were Ola-1
eosasd and anawarad at Ici«ih, aapeciatlp Ua aobjactof dehoraln* which was
iBost ODteersarp ooneeded asaeeaas.
Barowall words wbleta eoieed the sea-'
Beat Uat the BaetinfS bad been
alrnallp aaeoraafal were (leaa and tbe
InallWla clowd for Ua pear.
I Buying Logs! |
E If you h»v« •»» to aoU eoireopoiia with tho 2
TiWTOZM City Lumbor Co. Wo hoTO oloo ^
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Kaple FlooriuK.
Short Kaple Wood.
liDls Fot Saie-Saitable For Fanns.
^ Uili mAihiDery of all deocriptioDA, including two en ::3
ein« », aet worka, carnage and aawa. A complete
eaw nill plant for sale.
“Diamond y ’
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold bp all danlara.
Made bp
A. W. JAHRAUS. ToMilier Bloct
^Ijei? you ate ready To
lOc a quart
___ osloin^e
We can Save You
A Lot of Alonep'
A K Hoi
Tmaaeripv to In Ua dtp on batlntaa
Jnnt now on Bt>drorm Suita | pl^oM 167.
aod atolUor old frtaoda and Baaoetoua.
V.. U...<h to. rtoUto to Jtokto. tod ■"J Cb.m. W . ™i lorntoh your
to irtraiinr oa tba road for t-'ooir k hooae compli-tt* on cany paymmU.
Jauks. Ue wall knowa perfaBarp
bonse of that dtp. His friends will be
pirasad to Icnra Uat ba-ia doing wall.
CalHa Ehacknr. deputy grant coinHiiuae FiimifibmK Store.
lanaor. U. U. T. M.. wUl go to WillNew Store. 120 Front Street.
jnaborg tonight to Install Ua nfHcara
Usiabow niTc. Ro. Sds. ol that
MingACbampaep. danlara In agriealvanl impleinaoU. bare dtoaoleed.
B48 Front StroAt
J.W.Slater KEEP
Blame Your
8. Banda baa raUned from a battnew Uip to Detroit and to oonflnad to
b a boma on aceonnt of sicki
An oyster sapper will ba
arcnlng In Uontogoe hall by Ue Uood
Trmplars Uood music wUI be proeldad, also a program, bnppar will be
aarwed from 4 nnUI T o'clock.
What the Baake aaa UadlBg t
MSB of belSBUOo tbtnk of Ue
Uchllin Accident AssocUaon.
If they ache—get a t>ottle of Rose's Corn Cure
••• 15c — and take them
out—It don't, make the
foot sorer
Smtlle Bid.
Best in name and quality on tbe market.
w.Hkli JuaeMWe
t'Mkhpr Bow. BeJ*s.KeaaDa
P Aan-n.
neuter el DewU K
•am P.LX
Idr« AgABtA Wanted lu Ueoccupied Territory.
^^>w Ae*tonana AbaeBteca
Onyx Tables
and Japdinieres.
We are having a special sale on Onyx
Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beautifles a room more than a handsome Onyx Table ^
and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op- ^
portunity toi secure one or both at prices im- ^
heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices
: from $2.60 up.
&eTveraV 'Hews ifwm>
9\eaTve^^Towv, ST>er^\D\vm |
ram tooxAi. TAMTr.
riiaiaat FarawaU Oatte a|r.
Mra. J. B. eraiikk ead daoebtaea,
■daa aad Juaapblaa wlU iMfa aezt
Taaeday Boralof for Lua Aatalra. Oal>ba Mroadlaet. XA. Tbdrlby aad Iforak where they will raaala tbe rut
of tba wlfatar.
kat araol^......
^ y
- of tbair frkade
wU* baaaeoBpaakd by Mra.
Maaktda ball. Tba boya dU Ibaa- rraab BMeeb. Jaeaary »l»t Cbaa
aalrB praad m beak aad avaty OMiCbaM of Beoi.eia. a-biotbar. f Mra.
tboroarbly aajeyad aad appraekted UrMlIck aaeoapaakd by hi* f.mily
Ibolr efferta
will aleo leave If kbit** aad Jmb tb;
UaBB of Tarkaa klade a
parly froa here, at LoaAoteU*.
tad la aad doHMoM to
Mr*. Oaiwaae OreUlek aatarUlaed
ataoat Otteui lady frlrod. yeetaday
4rten>ooB. It WM aa loforaal *a*ir
labooor of Me*. J. B. OraUkk. aa a
Abka .Mraattui, Tbaa. BokaatdM aad
Bd. Tklifby aaknaiaad.
Z. C. *1*MM kM rtna le Ua towm *%kt kwdnd jMk rabUta « rakllM
K—>■. Wk.. fl.«l00.000 tar a *oV la Uai eoaatr kjr t
Ua Utoarr baUtflaf. vklab k* «rUi alw m4 arUi ba ahlpaad %o Cblcaco lor (im
rt««k wtik t$M aolMM.
4MHb«ik« aawaf Iba aaor. Thin;iMmm.B. AmftU «f tka aU BM wlU> (oar wafoM aad taaaa
tba hMttar fMty. Tba
ofUieUffM. kM bM ratfttam
•( tk« MtkMia.
aitfarllrkt aa4«<MUaMd
I aaUl e o'clock la tba aaeblaf.
•aMter IUMUIm kM i
j TkaCWap
j.MOfor • Ufb»-|f*^ia »oi
Tba haU wpa akaly ttlBaMd a l A
koMO toabM lor aMako m Ukaa|t>r tba IK PMorabarf iltqMoh
beeUat A teeb Ufk% pktara of tba
■artw. HkklfM
Haparlor. U «U11 aomaeiac tku Baaala docMcd to balM traap wartabaa by B. N. Moblo.
Sesator Jaae* W Hlilikea arrived
pwUa lor a ablptkataaa aaU tb#!tfc»w ®aw bauiaablpa of ii.ooo
la tbe elly lael oltbt from Lauaiat
Ukaa ia aa/ «vaalb« or agalaat aaj ! a*«k aad tiro aaw orakara.
J. W. blaiar aad eoe Ciareaee retard
J Bkjeka. or mkar. qaadrlajola.
la tbe faBoai play of Dr. Jekyll aad ed Uat alfbt (iracd Raptd...har« they
Tba AemaUaa of Cbrktkak. Ner-i^M^Ml flra aartaaa ara io bm la Mr. Ryda. tba obaeta of cAaraelara
way. hara loraad a aaJoa aao baelara i Bnaiaa aab oikar Oama alUaa aad from that of tba polite, aoartaoaa. Dr, vklted the foraitore eihibU aad pnrIkat all irork Baai aoMataaea at 6rto | ara Mid to ka
Jekyll. U the barbaric. bidaoM, aad
a. B. aad aad at s. barrlcaafiar tkatj
>e Mr. Hyda. Ukri W. B. Bartlcao
.• I
bat about bait a aioaU. It coaU alTalkw iBoadka Oarad
aoat be eald that tba ebaafo U laeua^
? beffarlaf hoBaalljr aboald
Oaa aftaraaoo aaeb vaek 1 pUad «lih aren oaaaa .^oaalbla for lU laaoBi. ao <ialck U It doaa
J k eUlsad- ralkf. It U witb piraaora wa pablUfa
Srwetor Plait of New Tab bH
Nr. Hanltaa U. wKbouta doabt. tba
Otbar aakM ara ferBlaf all am Ue fallowtar: "TbU U k> aertlfr that Bt eipoaaat of tbe part he portray*,
I waaatarribla aoffarar (roa Yall
Jao»<iiea fur orer aiz Boaiba. aad i
to tbkeouBlry. Ha U eopported by a be oriplbaiee blmklf.
At Oaatoa. 0-. tba raad Jary Moe- traatad by aoB# of U« baat pbnlel
Semael R Collaway, preridrot of tba
food eoBpaay. aad wbaa be appear*
day ralaraad a traa bill afalMt Mm. laonr elt* aad all to aa avail.
bafor* Traeatoa City aBaaeaieat lover* Nickel Plate’railroad, begao work
dnMtrkl. fi
Blaryof |M.88 ■ mootb.
Aaak K. Uabrrt for
oaaul roeaday Blfbt la bk B«et*r.
Etbel Mary Cbaric* k ibe flret a
O- teloa. brotbar of Mra. WiIIUb
tlrvly r
plaea. -Dr. Jekyll aed Mr. Hyde.” it
as lo Nntlead lo adopt arobiteciora h
e Id rar
Ma£alay. Uat Oetobar. Tba ladlet- treat
wlU be to a paekad booM.
a profrwlna. ead tbe fan already takea
Maat k fur tba drat dafTM aod tba to aay perooa aufferlod frOB thk urri!Me Malady. I am tratefolly yoara.
many prtaea
paaalty k AmU by alaetrooaUoe.
Mka Ida Jobaaoo hM tateroad from
M. A Horarty. LczlertM, Ky " Hold
or all New York'. uimoDalrM CorK. Wait aod J. (J. Jobaaoa. dr^- HaollHu Marla for a vklt with bar
Mra. boloDMa Uomoob. tba maaic*
aelloa Vaoderbili it Hid to be tbe moet
' '4mg partaar of a aril kaoaa Hebrew
bar OB Bait Krool alreet.
■endilvv liimiicim. pankrtlatly crlttra le Honbay aad praaldaet of aortaeni in ptini.
oral aoBpaBka la wbleb tba drn Ukaa
Prank <r Uvaa of Chipapo irava
aa lataraai. bH bare propeaad for a
. tS&.OOU to tlif ('hicoRo An ifimiDie u
plaaa la iba rmraar.faaarara oooa2 ■ Cbrlitmu preteoi Tbr muoi-y will
alL Tba propoul ooBaa fro« a loadf be Bted to I niltl a Uiir.i v buildiog.
laf ladlaa papar. aad k probably dea
Umgrrermao John Muiray UUrbell
to tworaaaoaa-Mfa- Uoaauoa't rnai
at New York i< a aio>t eodionartie
baalaaaa abllliy aad tba fact that abc
wbM'loiaii Kir I ike of ibt-nmet ex.
pracive uiakr. e*
ku Bade treat rturtt to draw tocaikTbetypeleewbowera'aaeameadjMt to him that tbe
a ftU lamp
ar tba wobcp of Bombay.
Tbe l»i«-«i *inry <f Um; Kitebrner k
Ka-lVaaldeBt Harrlaoo wm ublaf ootalde of Pliat have beao ordered; euflloieot beat^ reiatM tbe iMpee'
aa aaaalat walk le ledlaaapolk a taw •way by Marahal Waraer. They had , PreM II* told her that if tbe tber Ibel wbru a»ke:l it b»
Uie Hiiflao oarapaitu be oo
4aya afo whaa a womae called oot| bMOme very trooblceoB#, m they 1 moueUr weat dowa below ftu abe bad ewered. "No. uo Dn lei ii« baveoc
a ikat bar hoBH WM balaf robbed. At •topped carriatB oa the road to bwr uf better dUoke ecbool. Doe of the boye. feai-ral who bae uui «-riii>-n a bu<A I"
^ tba aame llaa two bob raabad oat aad tbe octopanla. They left oo their way • eeelnr a chaaee for a half holiday, pei
Tbr latrat eriiMinco of I’aria k
I a email piece of lee where It woeld d.
iV*aarlaioa oarrkte. Mr. Harrlaoo to iMBBlot.
yoDug .SwiMgieoi. UioiautiN I,t name,
““l food aad called tbe auenitoo wbuia ainiirinv tbe endimcM
laapad lelo aaothar oarriata. peraead : At Throe Elver* EUm Hcball. ea old
teacher to tbe fact that tbe ia Tolire BerKrtr Re
tba lerlifvaa. orartook tbam aad eap- rMldant. wm fouod dead la hie bad
fret tell
Tboioday BorBlaf.
,ttroa>eet iadlcated • temorralurv of •lid eo weak in Ibe knoM that be cao
torad oae wItb bU owa handa
acarcely walk
Waruw bM a fbcM inarkaula which
avary year, fros tkpumbvr to Noeem are r«eerally oppuemi to aey ebaote In ' Uraad Hevro baea't eaoatb moac)
M. in Ibe Adiniir. ana a mroitaiT of
oe taaed to pey tbe
bar. aboai I.OM.OOO taaM are Baalpel- the preaaot-dralD lawe.
Hao i-'rancieru • police lotce. ii a good
Mr*. Mary Gay of (lattoB WMeevara- >'Dieeity fovarao
blad by Jewa.
Lwiin and (irtrk eclialar aod *|>eaki
It takB a policetoroe of T.iui bob U ly boraed aboai tb* feoe and hand* by »h* fleeal yaar, and a apeeial eleetloo Ijigliib. HnMian, Preoeb. Uemi
be held oe Jairaarv aitovoteoa (Ultao and Hpauirfa
protMt the teureeu of New York'e bolJiBf lard tbrowB froB a ketue]
the pmpcelUoo to ralar te.ooo by boad
popalatloB afiilaet erlse aad diaorder. wbleb ebe wm ellrrlaf.
It le related of Franck McKioby.
tiaa. C. W. aark.Bithteeaih I'alted [Dilatemovlet aatil July I treat.uncle to ibe tireeidcnt. tbm when
It k BtlBatad that tOA» Iom of co•dBberm ara ralead aed eaiae witbia Htetee iBfanUy. write, to bk pareotel Al Kiipi, Mich , Joaeob Hecord oar- be «a> ehol lot | irilrliwlion
i B|irianig Ilf Ill'S be uiHtrhed Ibe
tba llmlUofUa Uo>ud buue arary
re Bteraly a VMi ewaap.
„rly boor Thor*day meraior Aa tbe beodaRo from biaerve and blioeell gave
Ibe conimand lo tire
Oaplaia Walker, of tbaOaaard
At Ht- Ifoaoe tbe Catboiiea ooatem-1 early moralet traio wm aaarior tl,
Two of Ibe luori tainnoi ilvlag
ar (kmpaala. hM eomplatad bk louib plate boUdlot a floe aew ebarch lu j depot ibe ebtlaeer aaw the body of
Srotemen ere rri|pl>-»—Lord Krlrin.
trip aaroB tba AUaaUe.
boaor af Pr. Maiqoeite. the temmu m*o lylat aeroM tbe traelu.
wbu I* Ibe gri-aler* living Srolrb actenry aad ezpiurer wboapeal mv. wbkUed for brake* aad raveraed bk tui. and Di Jain'-* Maegn-gnrut lUiaTba
B. HraaooU. tbe larta>i
Mbooaar eear boilt. bae beea Bueklaad. era! year* of bU life taere teacolat Dir •oflne aod atopped t^ t-alo J i.l at borgb. wbu u end to t>e ibe grealMt
ladlaua if tbie U duae Ibry ptvpuac the eoxceteber reached tbe mao'e living Scolltrii prwrher
Cbaaaaay M. Uepey Myi that be k lo trauloro Me old ebureb ioto alarm. He iraa picked no lo aa laaeaelWilliam Aileo Reilc-r. tbe iranecon'
Mar*)aelte memorial mateam.
Pr I We ooadHloa aad placed opoo the nbeulel railway magnelv. k the mac
tba ooly wafa-aaraer who hM
k now bortee beoMtb the; Waio. Al the depot be reeovereri aaO- «'bo. 80 yrur* ago ami umra. created
aaBad for I'elkd dutaa Haaatur.
rmiw fanixn* P'ora .M(TllTDwy in
The trwaty baiwoM tbe lielud Buua Eoor of thkllitie akeloa. bla hoDe*|eieetiy to tell bk name and tbalbe 'Nothing lo Wear ' Hr i* now a aac
Abd tba CberokM ladlaae But be raU- bavlat beea mueed tbere from too j wo-ked for Uwk Simpaon. a fbr^ eketnl New York liwyi-r
> of what k BOW Ibe
., Pere
he waa 51
I PUatu
Sad by eontraee and CberokM people
Tbe three trmi'-*i living Brlilab wil^aatto riter. wbera ha dted. fbe fact I yaara old aad uamarrled
before It baooBM affecUve.
dlere are fnau the tirei-n l«lat
tba cburcta k Kr. Mar^aeite'.
RllaMlnaolof Deiniit. wm arreeted'
*■* kiro lu Ireland. Lr-rd
Abdraw D. WblU. ABarkas aabMof tour.
^ Keitdrher waa kini in ladia
aador to UarBaaj. Mya the meat lato fklt tt ceery eumOMr. It k B
apMUoe Uw propoead U that ooaoUy
lated tbai every day Onrlat iba paai baud with her bat pla.
will halp ratbar than bart asarlMs
It WM vtalted by from 503 lo 7Wb
AO old lady who dkd U Boebeaur.
biiHie IMI. forty-aevaa year* ago i
N Y .afewdaja ato. WMlbcdaefb- there bare neaa manufaotorod la the]
W of a Baa wb»>foatbt aodar Waab- Sagiaaw valley ti.«4:.5lT.li3:
lattOD. aod bar bikbaod WM a eoldler
No dietrkt
la tba war of l»l7. Bba <
a yooat aqoal thk raoord.
I "ioVii 0^ KlvcVvvQaTv.
I S\\ort, *5t6s\v 'Kevus S\onas \
of a Year,
During 1898Jthe total number
of copies of
The Morning Record
An average for the entire year of
1,049 Daily.
d.uroter of Capl.
!|H. «M u, ..rri*. unlll ■ p„j.
.4. 4.... rt.UMtl.y| f.l.
-I- ‘-a !.4d 4,«.,
lived io Ibree d wenmt
Bereot eeetunea.
vvdl.am boitoo. of Norwood tows
Tba WblU Hiar lue ateamer u.«anlc. ablp. WM driving a apiac with ae aae.
tteUrreatablpevM^ belli, waa.eeoe... oou day teat week, when the apika ]
lolly lanacbcd a-. Helfaat. TbeUeeanic flew inu bM eye. poUlag it oat
-U 704 feet orer all. Her et_______
lodioatiuoa of aa ear.y aprlog arc
boilt for 45.4WU borM-powar, aod abe
bat a ooal eapaelty aofllcleai to aaable mulupiylBg up Durlb. Not aoBlaul
harte ckeumuvlgata tbe globe ate witb rebiaa a large graeo fn« wav
by Juaapb Moor* near bk farm
apaad of twalee kapfa aa hour witbont
over In Mobo osr day Ihi week. It
k Mid be WM aa lively h tboogfa It
A band of AmarlMO flllbaaiara are
»M Aogaat ioatead of Jaoaary.
roporird to be gaUterad al Port BarWhile operbUog a boibe-puwar feed ,
rioa. Uneteoiala. ready U lavada HoadwM aad overthrew tbe govarnmaai. BlUatbU.farm lo Juyflald terWDahipi
iMt week. William ilmel\Hr got bkj
Tbe goaboat Yorkiowa kM Mllad
foot aaogbl la tbe rtmoltig gear and r
from Mb Iraaeteeo fpr MaoHa. vU
bad bk leg brabca at tbe aakle Witb
Unam. oor poBemloo la the Ladrene
tbe aid of bu brother be net tbe farekea
leg. aad praoeadad to operate tbe feed
Tbe Fatmaia’ Oab. of Me JMe. Mi.. mill erttbOBly aa boor'e iBUrropUoa.
pfopaMioefoau a graatamaeUUba of — Kapcoola I'aaaty Patrwc.
tatereeu te control tba dnad prone
At Oodlllae. Mra. H'. M. Hayder
patpat OB tbe cdaat. Tba anterpriae k
te be along
Wlnet»re*. golag down the atepa at a
are' AaauLkiK.0 and tbe gnmi rakia bona?, a'ippvd aed fell, breaking her!
right arm between tbe wrkt aod el- j
aoBbfae at Kr«»oo
bow. and duloeatiog tbe wrkt
A Bow y«rk girl ha. bee* ^ared la
Uaerge Hebaob, who wh eeverely
MlaaaMaayiuoi. the victim of
at Prawmoat dnriag tbe Cbriataka rigarette eatokiog
mu eriebrauoe at that plaor. k Imt
Tba Claeinnati
prevlag. Tbeaklo cf both bk band
ware oBerod for wie by order of tbe
wMrol.rrly burned oB aod Dr. Flood
aoart Moariey. tbr lowret prwe briag
of HnUoDi Bey. k now grafiiog <m
•mad at gw «xi b„t * aiBg„ m wa.
which be k laklog oB other p«\
. foeaivad. aod tbe rorelvar wit] oak
aou and now bu thru large pieore
bava a mw appruaemeot mada.
growiagem eaob,baed aad lo a fee<
Tba H^nkb tovernmeot off.i*
mootha rapeete to have the yoong man
pay a raaaoaable earn te tbe PlUrtacw eatlrely cor«d.
Car Ibe mIom of tbe Hpaomb prieoaOaa day iMt weak wbaa tba aaperi*.
Bdaat WM vklUag tba Am ward
- A LanMd. Koaaao. dkoal
aaboM. tba lady prtaeipal wiplBliM
A Faithful Assistant
Onlv the housewife, w ho has a family to look after,
the household duties to perform, the servants to
direct, the planning of the meals, the marketing,
And a hundred and one other things to occupy her
mind and demand her attention during the day,
Knows what a terrible
strain all this is on mind
and body, and what an
Immense amount of eaeigy and vitality a suc^ cessful performance of
^ these duties reouire. Ia
r it any wonder, then, that
many good wives have
more work to do than
they have strength to
perform? They tad it
impossible to give their
ichold the attention that it
should have. They must have
assistance, and
This will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figures argue that advertising inthe Morning Record
is valuable.
This also proves that
The Want Department
will do more for them than any
other conic they cao uie or
any other help they can get. It
ia better than ao extra servant, for it tnoeuea your
own powers. Just try it for yoursetf.
Is a good thing.
Try It.
CBS MOBVnia bbooed.
junmor-Bi mw»-
Jink—My drar MaePaASa.
—“I Sect Hk« t* aiMt c ehcrUbeS
t Owto • Fm« It 1
They Art Usrful in Min, jr£:Z'
Ways. But Make Llnpleas>
ant Companions.
I m* s«ar> or Bioouat aatunuiMs ts«
I fTMOB or •Bokert to noaUr rat. KU
It a Oaadlf ^otaos: om dro»
i will make a r>od-aitc4 aitatlS
I iota. U laiKtod lubeata-
»!)>. aad n vootd taka
to KB
TWS ISaloSor-
— D1..4
. ^
The nneer thli
elude a tree tb
>Elow to tto
the noetma that A man
hit etomarh*'and
1t««T 'hit
atomarb” aM aaeU
IMona ...
Ik. Tbta rralt ilpeM
. and U pteutirto.
. ^
A Doi whleb ran to aaten abaa and
^ Uat It pradarad U wuJarty auM>d*oS
“ ^ (0 to made b» nlratlto. It U rrally
, M all of tobareo. wkloh U a borae of
•to ttiracnlTr. Ttoj ai>. b«*e»ar. a dlStiaot color. No. the chief ham
•Mfal alUM of ito iHiatardt. m)at. doto br raoklag la tbr aUnulua «hlrb
toto ti«vrafeft lhai ruoMiur dMBfliia |( aJvat to iht htarL Tklt It paRlruhtollM whk-b uoald ottorfwlte prodoto ,„i,
clgataad tBoklnf. whrra
stn peaifjcnre. Tto-^ I. .•oi..ldeTabU
U atarip alwajri prafik«d.
«llC«w<y lietww iliew t».. trar**.
,tPOk« It Ibhalo
-cu » .
•w. aad
aaedlett lo tay. thar* It tnre lo to l
rrantoa. ir the tBokrr U lo good K«'B■
will probably
«ral health
|| bin If h> l.D-1 there will to perlodt
iMHhIiig liiai It l>to
■■■. Ibe crab, whan
•lrradydl■•«ylu^-.»-^*l^ravanuui. wk>
devouRO] lira
klttrut tod Mlier li'-l|>lew email (liiqfa
At fWllrr. Kritlali H.indunniP, tb-rR It
.M t------------tha •■•gr.-o ilirti i-aii-li a> mtii) at |>o#alMe and ken> ibi-m In lianvU. aaJitd,
mb. lOUiuoB lb •
ftouenabb- for ott>r
Ito BitlrildM) "nee who enjoy
tonolt u>»uo|«l>tM. any
tpu, « ttr hcrt ond.
pd depretolos aod, aoi koow
jute, he la apt to try to brace
driak. wklchmtket'toauert
lull that murh wtot»
kw 1,..,
blgper tbao
•aslrary n.eaaurea a
mto and huT.urdt
>rdt •Ufre »
I'lwIt aw well r..-»voi*ed
■..munliuw. .t '•
tnl tv klH a •'arrli.ti l>lr>l
I gf> I I ,
ImpOMnl fur tb.- <dTr!
tludd thli 4 r.-Aiure eaB
•raute uuly dlagutt natl {diy
Idly IVridl»<^dadlr •illtlBm-e leBdt iWibauiUMUir 10
tto boKtnle alH-wraure. for wbra
elr- llug eight U
etrlli Wlow.
e tilll f»nn n|e
Swiftly lln- Icirdr «t.M>p d.'wuwtrd,
Id tie- helKhl wbeT*
alwayt ctn hos.
‘•‘•kkly bad
They tetile upon the leaf|e«» bran, bee
of tome dc-nd Irei-. flagerl,, the* Idaek
he will tumble orar tome day and
hit aagel plumage «.u- Thoae art
roirt fa.lt about t»oklOg-bOfte Olher
Bed and dori wairt to drink any more,
and »i»h to dec-liBt aa oBer to drink.
»htV thoiiM I tayV "Von are a------tool " lepiied the atioonded KentuckThere i. no etprwtlon In tbt
a fi-» d:.-.. Iht^llie «ylilleD«d
Mww rt.l. Mrearae I uSer lee.
by ilw ttruug tilulivlit
Ftih do not hrenihe tlr, but the life.
Th»- p-,in>lon It hot luiir — oww «•
fall npiitstlnii. raperlall) till- inoltor
ranitliueat ol air- oxygen
Vunfor-onai. betng.dooiuod
i. „mble in .ai?t to
by nature to It- d-roured li« Ui-r
exlenl of three volume* In «>ne hundred
It It n.ie. inde<vl.
ordinary tcroicertiurca. and four
A rnluii
lii ndrndred tl freeglng point.
■I liidurkw l•^>lpc•r*r> inrairsla ojc In
rwntalntng tbe dUtolred
iigue ami-- oe fever
The •-v
.. ..................................
. ihti Imilfc-o la a
good nnlldote. I.icl ttuuurnla U the liest
rraneity for |wd».i-.it Tirua, g. iiertlly.
As loug at llu- w- i-lou It treaic-d with
Sue retpecl It w... r.N-»pru.-nie: ®lhe^
.. . ^ thenr prol
the'ueui little dart tl thevud of lit 1*.
tettwilikg hut Woc'.tl Inll will In-llirott
ISto il» agur.—-.> tUii. Injecllirg ■
•r the
a gbiii "I llw le> - Ilf 111.- ttllicittnioiub. It COBThe great—bnir,- ittr
Stonl.r <2iiNiditl\ll. 'i:b not uege
Is f.*oi. •Muoe ^c r - t kl.-t-1:irkcl Idle, but e .iioui.1 lo-luinleulari.v jv.d-l-d .-11 • k .-uot ..f hr hair.
„e l■Mtllet. Wl,lr!.. ..
noret of Ibe tkit. tu.iv.- «-Xk-eodlUglJ
lairt •.'Ovt. In pie -V- <!nw Mac-k hair
I aptJera. whi'*.- ce-lira m.w.are ixra
lehet In dlniiiec- '. an- »• iiiimerosa
cniy w.-.-le imicle- of them
(tot ».-.aal<inl>
.1 chai.iug ttoir tinnriera.
lo aoc-h dltiricic. i: •* 4l«t>« acivlaalile
I" •l»ke hai-i. ganuent U-r..r.- donuing
U-ed III
rat dm
for c
TWy^CraetkraB •! 1
Tbe raiillovcn al Home
27 It. C-. to-lng lulled
Agii|>l« nlKkUl
tH->-»UCW. <cf II* imOc-Mic
tto |>nih<
domeT whlcji rvi.rvwnl. <1 lb.- "alldivine" tlmiumenl. It u
to Juidter rilor. IK nil Ito
I* til.- largI* i-Ai.-rual
rat ami iNwt j.ivterv. d.
I. ISH f.,-i. It* holgl
-igbt lu tbi-
arte to pass nver .ibr glllt.
•eparited from the bloort
very ihtn membrane ibrougb
fr rarely ti»Pl«e»A however, that ani
-0D-I>|eijlile ore;i Of water fi enllreli
.oveicd with Ice. c
,nd there,.tiy which
" oxygen .if the tir-ran reach
' .•ei anC. liec-ome dlKsolred In It. l
ing a h.i.c froti ftth may alway* to
fniiicd cyirciegated bcoealb air hole..
They are there
, ,
' ’
reemleR. cuwc
in these day., when the hand oMh*
order licit teon-le-u arul htli-ra of tto intiebiil atrattm It lifted agatni-:
Spider faintly iiia; '_«• •• a fair ibauce vurereigna and eialetmeo. It la gralto vf-ate the pi
TliN itdlla I'ying to know ihti 1/ord StlUbiir)
aflenil-u nut? pCki
powerful lifeguard ever
There It at HatSeld a chcritbi-d
same D'rai-> • ni io -«io exi-tniui "Ami
am’ *“•••■ «m '« ibr b-nr of deaih: tot
wiilrh rraadin Hie >-a,va Indian* name
Ito *flil r Ibt* No hig H'*d.-r baa
•urb »o apl-ille a- th»« *01*11 one: It
,yUT*-,iltid-» all • a»i«iiil*l.;i!t riioitor at
Blew Tbe aiii’-llve* ou in-.-*- and nothlag ran to t’"»re Ic'-r ..ing tbao ta
waii-h II rapidly ■planing Ha great
FpoB ihr appruarh af a ctonB.
rkij draw* all fltor Urk into Its
Erer Bamed Oott
If aeyoakMW
Gores Witliont Medicine
New Methods
ebarah erlll giee ua seat anpper lo
Forrater*’ ball Wedneaday ercnlng.
Jan Sk. McaeSlto theebateh.
Creaoaal Band will ha»a anolher ^
etal party Jas »« In Fnreatsi*
also a Sse ua cent topper.
Xev Timi Oart eg K. X d S &- X TakiBj SSaet JaB- llthPaweogdr train* lea*e Trwwerwe City
8:a» a. m- and MO p. ml*aaaeoger
traiotarrireal Traverte City 1 F"n a
m. and fl;M p m
Making eonnectiona
at Shertnen's Mill twice each week day
to and from Boboc on the Flatta Itiver
L-vcral freight tralnt leare at «:» a
m each week day and on Tuesday and
Friday will run to Cedar City on the
(Hen Arbor Hraneh.
aMpped must to deliver..
than S:00 p. m. the ^y totore and1 binb
i ed'ont c.r they will be'toll orer. Tralna
'dally racepi tundav
U W- CrskisoBAM, Agl1
r. A. MiTtti
t F Agt.
frota all parts ol the ayglei
Usa, that are caaalng auflering and
pain and rating up
tbe vitality of
thoneaoda of peop'e daily.
Next, eel at liberty the
muacirt and other otolrnctinns and
make good tbe clreolatiODtVf have
then pot all the tyeieis into a deanaed
liberated condition, and inapibr eaaei
aailable merticinc (M-^to given to
, help to enrich tbr bioM. and tone any
wrak organ* qunlter. ■
Ttaonaaoda iiave'Mafa cured after all
else used failed.,
My way of tyhaiment all ara at core
It I* the onlr real method to take unt
germ* of diaraae Bret; then apply reatoraUree If needccl and not dranch tbe
avitem with medicine.
' i ram Bot what yoitr allmeeU are, or
bow long atanding. If poaaible Stall
you can to madr atvung and healthy,
let It be rbeumaiica. para1.T»ie. brart
lese ana kidney troubles, head.ttarrh. doafneea. In fact every
alimeo.___ _______ .
errti in
and women anfler fi
a abort time and perman Btly by I’rofDetomar. upwuir* SI!, t luion
John R. Santo,
GeDHil iDsxratct.
lunsTEE ue lOKTiusnu l >.
J-t•sis ■“ ,i|ls
: ! W.
® m.7e
,L, virvl. .M 'iH-.T ,
•• tb<•
Ini., It l*th.w ;tTT H. rOSTSa.-v.oo^ at Law. 8iwelal
ddulI.-Hii-il it to ell
Knlniim. - W , MtwiiuxiUi tax tail*.
known a* the t'liur<-li of Sunt* SIdn. For raniurira It lia* auffi-nHl from
vandal*. r»ii*tsu*. 11- b.nving lak.n
l>- till- CIM- ■
roof ami F
to-aniK of 111'- iiortl.
pre-euiloi-ml.v toaiii;
iil WI nil
•ri*f HWtiOM
Chicago — •—r-c-
West Michigan,
Ar -irarA u*p*-1*.-.Lr l^araBatiia*...
-Dd h.^pj darin.
-LiTs’-.nr"s;, I
Ar »M<Mk«r..
«. Ovserai Praagr Agvvt
Ora** BaolO. Kick.
Oetomar a truthful and re-
medium. ta now in
yoar city.
Thl* lady ba* many testimonlaU from
enml Rtpils i Itiiiia K. B
eltieaall aronod yoa of haalaraa and.
all hind* of important matuia and oceurrenee* poenllar in Uvea of people
“,r£ .r;s
CoBDtry girl* In Spain aeldom wear
■t* or bnnnatt of any kind
n Spain, by the way. that the
t a bride mrirlBg orange^
r*r arrl vwl aaC «raw>*< V* ■''
CUV.Ik veer. Kc.
asd agsitot
shoald call aad
give thto
aaadlnni a
trirtly coeBdaaitol.
Ttooe llviDf
oat of the city, aead stamped envelope*
tor term*, readlnga eaa be givaa with
lock of hair aad Urn* of birth.
most pominoBt pao^ eocunlt her In
all rttlas oa boalBcoa, ate.
Bare for a
' a*—w
I * aa*•*«•■««* a a*a a*aaaa
trtol. to teow ihe faioro la aneeem.
rbnd four limes aa
^^lisess seEkEflEBs ■■
-aaaaa aaa*avaa< ••
: :sEssE srsssoiss e«
all aSalr* In lit* both private aad bual-
: short Urns.
AU invited to call aad gat
tSpli‘^hd?Zt tuwDchra*and Wild* a 'dvratoito-iriraatu
hollow *bell. It* roll, knit elo«dy to- ,--------where ah* baa baas for tbe peat alevM
gettor bv tbe denw network of flhera. | ’P”
which appear In the |a*t *iage of ita ikiM.pmra.ara elik*!rhi' even trai
weeks and whare aba met with
tra rtg»i
prapto. Hrw I
growth. It ha* a Uk» affinity for Ita
--------dorfol tnoeaia.
Boar* » -a. m. to 9
own aiwrlea. and a second rata spring- wvooirac
B her hair engioatsd
p.m. OaU ovar SI* Sonth Union
Ing np beoJde one of earlier growth
wlU aliMWb aad dratroy It as U deaAU eltlea ah* vtolia to her raliahle raa> R-d 4
the rtmo. If. however. Beltber
tlahla retaraoee. Battofaetkm «w
ila Ik wlthiu r>-arti it grow*
ey rafandad. SaBday'a. 10 a m. to 4 p.
well-iM-hared tree.
rali' remain* motlonlea* beorath A machine recently iBTcnied abo^ UOI „p p „.«peetL
[> POM SALB-tMlve 1 am sk^^ra m. DarlagthepaatdwavkstB*madams
belghi of from dfty
leaf af la any roareirient nook.
nlgareltea are lursod not every minute, ntulning a1 height
aigty feet,
fret, aad
aad la
to naed for maou In
has bean in Travotaa CUy she baa dose
m •'.'to .ra
apetolng ap ihe output may aisty
▼TTAKTnv-Ora* W«ai •• toal haedwat
an egtaoalv* bnalaeaa, aad
W Mr* rnm arar rot * ratoal tora
Tbe iBUalc aung la Ft. IVter-a at reach m.
-------- lAlato.la Travarra CMy. ApaIrwPa
tore until Jan. !5. Oim
Horn.. Ii entirely In roanuiicrlpl. Na
—--------------------- :----------->Ug.Oe *rt»J. «. Lara laac Lax*.
to alL
vpaallat v. u. m—— —— •—
tore hi* |>art In hi* hand, exiepi wtaUa
wQoeaamer Iron." tba woDderful pea- ,
pOB a IJ^S-rira rva*«rara pvi* iiTO
Thto ad appear* every other day.
to to ai-lually perfnn
dart of the Bwanaaa Iroa mllla to aa
Aak to aaa kUdame'a derelopera aad
aany ha* ■■
thin that I. takax *.¥Mi ahaaU pilao one ^ 0«
ra to maka an Urth IB thickwM»ac*ra *ppir«etoaJ.<.aaaav.
lag ibm' and one gtiii.T tone to id' °
Me IB Utda U auw> leather tolUBg
Lv.TrovtrraCliy *tt,
Ar.gtk Bapid*. ... tuts
Itln PsitUc Irtln.
... : n tt: t:«B{........
.... , r 00, t a:..........
01 •am**'* KUl iTlrart^,
Tbl* ad aptweire every ether day.
It I* atlU .«*win.efc___________
knuH I* the moDL.................
man-h d,f tbe
fon-vl. an IpJigi-uoiiK
Indig'-Uoii* pirn-,
iilue. ' T^rrraSw®l*vra
grott liic to .-nonuoua tolgUi.
toigbi. fr.H|u.-iil.if it..-ra It the l-ren^ef i cloee ffien.ly 4-lKbty f.>..t. before It •••i
jgq arcximpanlee hlbi In hit walk
touglu wlille It* av.-ragi- iliuiu.-t.miboellaneottb
^uoi.i lUtSeld. Ba tnllbfut a guartbar from eight to nine feeL It I* nald to
In reaching maiurliy. '--------------------- '
„ j,e that l»id SalUbnry
to H*i ye
In a kauri
There I* u.. DnUert<rnsh
.. .
the princeofoftrees
railed him -Tharaoh." becan»e be will no rival
rtval witbin
wltblB bU domain. The iota- ; inivIrrateMv of
no! let the people go.
ra la'am '
- OCTB»-gor g
---------------------------------however. — ------- -- -.» .K.
lira. of
tbe eonlferae of
of nilM>r
other miiiiirid-a.
couuirtra. ■
tra.gM'* Oratb «•>•.
lioodoo l» moch healthier la eum- either In habit or In appraran.e. The
most »lngular of aU I* tbe —-------than Id winter. In tbe third week
rnllar tree wlla romewtiat
ol January S.'iSl daatha were noted.
iiaraelte. If It »prlng» up c
while lo the third week In June the . ..uiO phie It wind* about II like a ;
huge vine. Its tlgbienlng .-oil* grad- i
only l.l»
tisUy misblDg tto life,oat of ^ im- j ^<ogaALa-ABr<m
.EmE ■::& !ii is
weeka in Maniatee. Caaea ccan be treat
ed br wrUiny: *<--*»d letter with psrtlcur».’Entirely new melbcd ofdiagDoaiDg
)or raae, correctly abow'nr weakMaes. loeatlon aad darailoa of diaerae
Krery peiaon I treat cau have private
loairacttona frece. how to he Ihe'r own
Idnelor. and keep tbemaelvea and tamin good health for few cenU per
If aatieSrd with yonr doctor,
lUnue with him. if dot rail and get
my cireaiar and free advice. I have
little time for talk* with enrlraity
seeker*. Everybody callMi
cure* dally.
Private diaeaeea of men and
eoTcSdentlally treated, • permanently
mimalk »•» H
filial, aticMlc
enr^.and waited organa made atronger
than ever In a abort t«me. every oi
01 'i-kcutctr,
ran treat Ihemralvee prirafij. IU<
lUcuor No X.
reliable rrfrrenera and aUndlng
Umar, Aairologival Medicine Co . *M
; III, Warraavil*
Sth Rtrnel. IVetroit.
totirippe cured in t or three treatmeota.
_______________ ^
0«ce hoora. » a m. to « p. m. BuniTh.wi»iua-ifu-j»*___ ________________________
legii l« able to pan
rftwbl* erab. la.-* He ?T>lor U bright
veUow. with browi- ■pot* Thl* pretty
little l«dv u e-. -edingiy vi*nomoot.
oat that It btiv*. i- -i berauae it potaoa*
the nuiu or U-**'r iiai haa tto- m'»f^
inne to ewall-w H Ui water, or Ui fodder. •moliE will-*' iiHuH'la are apt ta
innitib-. or.- nil. - Hut
nrtite. It t* aa*med
rath of lior*.' ue ntite
Bicycle Riders.
l-'ttl. in Ice-b«mn4 rlvert have to de,.end niliiely npon Iht* tiore of oxyam
letpiiutlon, and if It thoulrt
^xhauMed thry are tiifforaied.
iN-lng It roo Inter -Jliig to to left out
tbd'Midieiwntl) d.'ug'c'"ut to gmird
agabitt; tlhiv on- l> etiougb to .dots
tto .wreer of Hi - amwt race boM
Banah. Lag * Oa. ameb.
O. P. OARVKB. A«ato
" “""
”“j;j"ikei!.Tou'."’.j',r;i *h.-Zn^ ..........
moala atwara------------ ----------- ----from aa attack of U r»iPtooartag
the rpldeata of la grippe a few year*
. many eatet Teaaltad in
t waa etorrrrad that the
>er followad by that
Cbavberlatn'a Cough
dUaaae when
oold or 1 > grippe to retrodeary of
Ula and do give TO* the beat work of aaj
auU in that -ugeraat dlss^.
ledy In the
world for had
e beat ramc...
oae In the city for the money.
tale br J.
Jobnaos a
J.‘ O.
aad^. *
pamd. bnt hae prujeniooa at tto tide
of lit head which gire rise to tto uame. I
Aaolber boiiM-bulcl |K-l U the JalMUeee .Amwm^w
t very
poodle, wblcb b.-re l«
rery ai
aiimll nnd
area few of tbe hai
»erj ciirl.v luiln-d. Thle
rhlt dog <wtchea
Baoaah BtSe «
u the
Ita own Bub lu
lh lagooUK. a^ rail
fruit from the gut'
Tbe raau wbo <>w
n. fur be c.
lAdronee It a rich man.
aupport life without labor. Breadfruit
trees grow wild, and with i.up meoau.
... -tail «_•
da are tbe abade tre.-s of Ibe lalanda
II l»*rU who atked him to aecure
grore of lir.-a(lfru1t trees to a luidne Itlander It wbat a lo-r.1 of tVeetrattle
a raneliman. Fruit
though he rttd not apeak the very beet growt all tbe
JUWW edible tropic
KuKli.li Be foupd bimtell getllng <|iullly of qui
found th<M
Jh<*re. Bice. com. Indigo,
very handtomely with tbe Ken
raetor olL gutrat and breadfrali are
tu<kitv> Ob the afternoon of the Brel
_ . .
ml. while tugarcane.
rotion. tciluiii-u and castor toaut grow
dty he inquired of o
witbnut idaiillnj:. Tory an- uatiiral to
>iner«- "BhOnld
^loera'BhOnld I deaire
deaire t«
the toll, and epriitg up In aueb quautigei.tlramn lo drinh, how
lira at to Ike regarded t* wia-da
The enthutlitlit II
very raluatde |•otM'nKlon whieh
,he honor, tir.
Vnrle Kam w .d use It Ibe |uila gmre.
which eiti-ndt lu a Iwit acnwi. all tbe
good " iepTie«l ibt baroB. "hot If iht ItUindK. Thit Italtn grove eniulata of
ti-tiilemtn ttked me to drink, wbai palm tni-s which rlw tide by aide ao
lier that you ran hunlly, ei,hoiud I tty’
"The pith hen- It to
I- Hleudermwa of the trunka
ki.io him on the back, tlr. £nd ray.
e trees, je-neiraie into Oie depllit
pi*a*ure. tlr. to
They grow vege«i.k, ««..
"ii ■■ very good"
In eouiiiieree It aa
Ing U at band to dltturh tlielr right,
they partly oiifold ilieir ruttyddark
wing* and atealihlly light upon ibeU
Mhen lb.-*.- Idtci ndw-d imdc-rlakWI
Bagtaod nywardt tor grant oto<
royally. Gemnl tor Harton MHok. .
la to ba giree a grant to SISAOCO. and
urlil ba mada a Tiacxmiit at a {aalimbuuy to aleratiag him to the pam
when to will later tak* the dti
Lord Klltoaoer to KHartum. Too tod
to baa-t a mora pletnratqna an
go with kit btwort. Bub aa tto dlriaa
WUltam ODM aptly remarkad, -Wtoi'i
In a samaT'—Botom HarabL.
If he bat or-
lit fiala* BMi I matp-it-a «uiia pottible ilgtt
A Terr queer mineral pradow U a tomna naraatoTm
Me whkb ehangea color Id the atmo“
aptore. ColddayaltlaWackibotdayt WheM, old, ptobj.
__jt. new.
• : la
• •bright
-fbt red:
iwlD tbrrateto It
now. par
red: wbra
rioody trrattor It U Oata. Na 1, ptoba. (aaw)..
> plakleh. and la rloodj
. pto'ba
M- Ilea on
Moe. ThU alone
Bye.per ba....
and tbe I
awa weal!__ _
Butter, par B. •
A great yellow nower wbkb
and rhMM to tbe aun at noon 1 an- Bc«a. par doaaaonly Poiatoaa. per ba
other norrlty. Tbit Sower ukea t
See minuiea to open aad that; for one
mlBine It I* wide opes, abnwlog a
•aoUau Aralaa Balra.
while ei-uier with gulden bean. It
opens dlret^ly up to lUr tun tnd cioaea
Tn> ____
Bmt _____
»«■ *■ in the world for
light with dnxH'lDg
ling head. It rarira
Bruiaaa. Soraa, tnear*.
tnear*. Balt
■lot one mlnme In tbe Whole
whole Ufetlmeof
UfrtlDteof 2?“r^’smaaT^ttar. Chapp«l
tbe jdani. On cloudy day* it «1>-na. n.ag*. oj,Ublalna. Oonta, and all Skin
liot doea not riee at on tunny day*.;
oatltlralT enrat Pllaa,
Tbit Sower an_. at t ekutk to tbe Mreonl^ad. It It gaarantaad
2o^Sle'l'»lt*uoi'li'bU*gtuwiU v»i.tpalt It geoultot.
bin to aeok n Urger urn-. Il 1> odd W
WWere Kr«<
pee ■ perlwTokb- tliell v>
la diameter, ttrervd ov.-r i
............... _
|.foJeiilng ■
Kteoibuian. when be drat made a trip
The ludde bal
ttat doera't l
Ito Blcmd—Ud to WdyM* ItoC
Tbe DiiuiHii Tea. tan • p. sb ntU S A m.—New York JonraaL
B. la
V rntJo.
f”* toto.......
< tS“ rot read of (tea who Olt fra»
' csMoalvr tobareo atleg aad afa found
aauipaytoi< llitrallr rtoklni wUh
“ “ jikoUaa. All niliblah. NotWn* of tto
t* T* klad.aver
fclBd.aatr happeaad.
happeaed. Agals,
Agalo. Ift a Uraiit* asperlatrai to bloa
ttarautb a baodkarakler aad tba atala
Stoat Out rorii per B....
- * - On. Seat..
bSomt OMBinuiiiies tt is Unlaw-
««* ramoving vrriahtoa. Bpeotol
I jssii B ssa ta.t
t slwnaw
:!:! s«:
aisaiaaaiaaaaa aaaaa
ssesssisssssths sssss
-e—gvww II
al branch irala mitvra M Mto aV
FMtora. «a^.
jowmA. Loo&vagi^pTBA.
mfMIlif JILL
Vaw and Voaal aoBlBt OiaateB XatmdBMdXatoVBdhiactM Bama.
■WMtwr 0«frr«7 Wuxta Inlbr- Waablartoa,
XatroAaegd in FImm of Atkio*
O. (X. Jaa. M.—Mta.
dobad. Laaaa baa latrodaaad aaa*
goo Vgoottro.
aadal owM ^frofrtete to tba aabtaa
ter tk4 Oei
of oolda mad frip- MM- LegM baa loaatorLjM W’eaU
Iteag Oatataur
4MBM >*« Witk •••OMM rs. bate 4Blia U1 wlib tba taablemabla
aad Aadlaor Oal
bat baa
t»taeB«p«Ute m4 WmAMSm*
bar iBiaraat la otbata obo ara iU. A
Wtii butte ■»1a fill •wTMiw
tewdaiaafoaba aaat oat larltatlaaa
»ce Oatuag Oalarr cd 1
•ftef Valwa «• Am»«ateM*.
to half a doaoB frtaada to taba taa with
'WcteteiM. J*» »-tewrfof Otf- bar, wttb tba aaaaraaoa that tba/ aaad
Laaatac. daa. to..
tetyvf U*1*U»» lotej •««*! tte let.
laaratbalrowaboaoM. dttba'^
i^wU» eo»»erreeX
"Ttet pcriatad boar aerraeta baartef trapa aotiead a WII which ha aaja U daalgBad
to taka tba plaoa of tte Obaorar dUtiB'
tte rrmlAmt to. Md Ih I* tertky f*odattba
pro•qMMte. If ■<>» UMoapttlW* with
Mob waa a aola' parad, bat be eapa it will daal with ax11a toteMV W fmitete tka aM«M with
aoplaa of uf e***«Bla»lteaa raaaltad fiwatbaboataMwIablartbaaraatora-iteUp tba aaata elaaa of prt^iartp. ll
ky tteMMateparuBuitrowur f»p- UOB to baallk aad happlaaaa. Mra J ebaii*e» tba board of aaia»or» prortd
------ --------- ...----------------pmipnia, I Lagaa'a'■iMflaa*' laaabrttr baa boaa |«d for la the Chaarar-AtkiaaoB bill bp
d-oppUig the r°««rBor aad aadlter
(•paklle; Md »laa to foraiab
Ib. appropriatalp oa»ad tba grip tea.
feaeral. aa wall aa alurtog tba protersBUM (■ bla poBMteoa. «r aar doaeialoa prorldiag that tba other
«Meti glad bafora tba ataU datartbara aball be appolated bp tba go*w«•MBi. raUUra lo tba boanda of tba
or. Thia bill will proride for tba aleeiMaUUaa la tba PhllipplBa laUada. to«al5ar vllb tba aasbar of lababltaaia Serargl Good Fapgrg At Tgg. tlaa of tbrea------------ bp tba people
the atate treaaarer la oiade aa aatbtralB. bold raapaetlralr oadar tba
. tePdgj*! Bbsaion.
iber of the board, laotaacb
BMlrolof Ua ABarloaa foreaa aBd tba
aabawUlhareteeoneettbalaa. Tba
•■tbarttr of tba w aaUad PbUlpplBa
Maa. Olbba Saa^oad Xfterta ofOr- aalarp of the Bteraaora U eat from gt.NTBbUe. abowlv partiaBUrl/ what
gaotmtloai U Otbar gtatao—BlM 000 to gs.too. aad aaotbcr Isporlaat
iaUada, or parta of UlBBda. U aap. obb
▼adar Saelted laUMtlag geolb ehaaga win bo that tba fraaebtae of a
ha daliaaabd bpApatato tba UalUd
Baa Islaad Bsparlaaoea.
oospaap la ool to ba coeetdered aepargtataa."
Ika raaolBtkM waat o*ar Bodar obA geodlp gatbartag of maotbera of
i Ua WoBBB'a Clob aojopad the maatlag
aanta la arrlelag at aaeb valoatloa.
Mo/MlMaaola ww .
'of Uataoelalp peatwdap aftaraaoe. It
baaator Loonia aotloed t«o Imporu
OMbaaapaaahapoa U* Vaat,;^
Bl-a Dap." aad Mra. M. B.
aat laaoraaoe bilU todep. Oae proridn
ipaaaloa reaolatioa. Mr. Nelaaa
Uat ao Unaraaoe aball be wrfltea bp
rarlad aad ioteraatlag progran for Ua
aet dalp aaUoriaed
. Uai Ula ooBBtip
bad Ua powar aoi oalp to aoqulra for-1 []^||^j-',y^r!foa^nrrith*a“frn« batlaenlBHIebigaa. It baa baaa caatoaarp for onpaates aaeorlag large
alga terrltorp bat alaa to gorar
llptaao aolo bp Min Jaaepblaa Vader.
“ tora^
■- A fewwbleb pap oo tazea ia Mlubigaa.
New YearUoaghte.
Woald ba XHaragaidad b«t
Por thrast Af*.
Loadoa. Jaa. M.—A diapateb to tba
DaUp Naan freoa Bom aapa that tba
popa ta aoSaHag troB a all^t attack
oflagaaeia. wbiebaeoald ba laalgBOcant wareltaotforbla axtrama age.
Dr. Uppoel. bU pbpalalao. baa ardand
that ba roMala la bad. bat aaaralp aa a
pracaoUea. Tha aadlaua wbl^ hta
bollaaaa waa to baecglraa to the eroaAi
priaeaoi of tlwadaa aad Korwap oo
Tbaradap baa baaa paatpoaad eaUl
Traeoraa Atp B«p VlU Baperlateed
•blppiag Sodiaa of KlcblgaB
•oldlata Pro® Oaba.
LaoalBg. Jaa. M.-BoU boaan baea
taaad a } riot reaolatioa aaUariilag |
Ue papneat bp Ue beard of atate aa.
dltora of all erpeaaaa .iaeldant to Ue
azbenlag aad retera of the bodMuf
eoldiere wbo died la Caba ia easeM af
Uat paid bp Ue
aad Goeeraor Plagree baa appoloted
Charlea S Kl|dlager of Cbarlette,
aa Ua atate'a a^praaeauiln to oeeraea
Ula work. ElpUagrr waa a membn
of Ue hoepital oorpe of the ThirtptoarU Hleblgaa lafaatrp, parUelpaied
lo Ue Caban eampalgn aad U aa Inbariag had pellow ,ferer erbile
iBeOaba. Be eallated wlU Conpaop
M. of Trarerae Clip. Re la aa nadertaker aad will properlp eara for Ua
It te alae propoaed to eara for Ua 11*.
lagaoldlera. B^pmeatelive Chamber,
laia bariog girea noUee of a bill to
prorlde temoarvp relief for.indigeal
or Biek ez-mambera of Miehigao'a
qaoU, while BepreeeaUtire Keltep baa
ooUote a bill prorldlof extra pap at =
Vra Jaekr Bnrprtatd.
was made «t club work la Urae atei
The jnat eoBimltteo wbleb
otUaoalgrawiDg of etodp aad the
takiag ap of act! re work la maop wa>a: ia charge Ue preparatioa of a program
•aartearp of BteU fuaraa Haa Boagbt aa, forlatteaec: CoDaetleat elaba are forUe peace jubllaa moetlag
ia eambllehlBg tne pablie held la BepreaeaUtl*e ball baa aelact•8,000,000 Peat, Inat Tract oa
llbrarlaa. aad Is rarlootdeparimeatoof ed Fab. is.the aaalteraarp of Ua daPara KarqaaUa Staar.
el*U work: Ua New Jenep faderatloa atrurtloB of Ue Uaiae. aa tbe date for
LadlagtOD, Jaa.
8. diaaraa haa a departmeat ia foraatrp: the Colo Ua meeUag. Tbe program will coaabi
aaeraterp of auu. wae la Chicago pee- rado wumro are workiag to prcacrre of abort addranea bp a aambrrof Miobtardap aad eland a deal for Ue tee bistorle raotalm of tbe dig dwel- Igaa aoldirra and etetoamea. aad plealaat tract of etaadiag tinber oo Ue lers; Mauaefauaeft daba are letemt- Up of patriotic mode,
Para Marqaatte lirer.
It embraoaa ad iB working girU aad women and
RoproeooUlira WhcBler of Waabteaboat u OOU.O.KI faet. aad wae parebae- tha worklagdaasm of Ue maBnfactar. Baw baaa bill which prorldea Uat la
ad fronTbomaeK. Lpoo. It will be . lag dtlea. aad ao OB.
rged wlU crime
aooent peraona charged
d at tbe Ntearae mill here. 1 m,*. (jn*. road an dteaUent jmperoa aball be paid Ue coeu-of Uelr deteBao
. arieo waa batweoB 8350,- prts^gg argniag on tba aide that Uelr
000 and Ituo.uoo.
{aimebonJdbe to reform tbe criminal talned, at tbe goreraor urged lo bis
; ratber Uan puabh blm. A brief dia- meeaage.
CBaalon followed.
Mra. tlolildap aaag a cbaroilBg aolo
•kewlBg'Bow Oarelaoe Sopa^Xap Oat
bp Min Crawford, wbleb
•arloaalp Hun.
delighted her Ibteaen. ai her tlagiag AuUoritIrc •tatemeat of Ua Tar
Yaaterdap M. C. Dodge aad wife alwaps dace
loua Apprupnatione
war* oo tbelr wap to UeIr borne oa
Mlse Uulse Vederread ao iBlercellog
WaUlagioa atreei Aben Uep were
paper entitled- A Dtp’s Drire in Ttbiooertebvo bp Mr. Hush, wbo drlrae a
Washingboo, Jea. W.—Tbe rl*er^ad
tU" glrlng her personal eaperitoi __ __
dallrery. aad were Indted b.r him V. tbe far awar Sooth Set Ultude. ____I harbor billUaearlp readp, and it Is
rtda At Uep approached the alight
• tl«) exhibited toollecUon of rare carl
--------rteattb. tew:k.ofU. O.B^i.I .UM|^,y^^^^^^j^
“ *<*»«"•
M gathered bp her IB ber recent
recent I
waa a flteb of anmeihing duwi
rlslt to Ue Ulands of tbe HaciSr. with Uieblgaa:
aueolaod a ££Mb utder tbe tleigb.
Bloo.aome Boe pbougrapbt of
people Iaad
If pa^
srbieb of uouraeii^at at oace bnragbt lo
<K»ii; lirand, rt.'xt'i St Juerpb. tl.w«
a ttop I'pon
ilarbore—Obarleroix. 8ic,5>i0: Cbcd-Bp reqa
Thoredap evening Urt. Charlea Janka
was agreebb’p aonwited bp a large
Dumber of friandt wbo ealled lo help
uelebrate ht r fiftp flf U blrUdap. The
eteoiag waa aleaaaatlp pamed wlU
gamst, aiaging and danclag. aupplemsated with light rrfrrtbmeate.
sl i i
X.VaIlar Broagbtte a Jaf of 100
1““* !..........
; :a is S s
tba lorgeet load of potetesa laportad j
la tbe local market UU poar aa far
waa brought to Ue dtp paatardap bp
U. Waller. The load eeatalaad IM
.boabals Mr. Weller hwmrbt la two j
of ladaccai Lluratoia.
loade which
Uaraaa, Jaa. »0.—Bp order of U«B
Oataga Lardia boogbt Uam at »5 eaaU aral Lodiow Ua polioa today made a
Sapper and SasM.
Cr-teenl lUod wil> hare anoihertor'tl ptrtr Jae. aci in Fnrentert' ball,
alto a fine ten cent annper
War Daportaoat Aaln Bida i
Waoblagtoa. Jaa. to.—Tba war
partoiaatbaa iarited bida from tba
ahippliV oooeema of aU aaUoaa for tha
traaapertatioD of Ue Bpaalab priaoaaim
la Ue PhUipplaea to Spala. Tba pooea
treaty raqalraa Uat Ua Dalted Statm
ootasralUagUa latlEeattao of
raid oa f *a Mg book atoma aad aaixad
10,000 odplaa of immcaal booka. T.ha
TUB aftarMM at Sllfar'a aoadamp, atmaawaraMoaad. Ladlaw toiaaol«ad
roreatere’ haU. at 1 o'elook ahai» toproaaadoMgatleaUpwUh bin aamrUgaagUMlmmoaaURr/
“City Bookstore."
Banjo Instruction.
B.^auae of ridicaloiisly Idw pricte veVe put
every Jaoket
nut} f)tpe in tbe ntock-7-ill of tbie seasoo’s____________
close out by Febma^ let. Desirable aud atylisL ifarmeoU
See Our East Window For Prices.
I Get Your Money’s Worth!
1-4 Off Sale
Does It.
This sale is on our best goods—not old stock—
J not old styles.. -Nearly every pair are Pingree St
I Smith make—goods that have built up a reputation
J for style, fit and wear,
Get them.
For iborooKb iHOHunK—Addr««d S
Br, Box 187.
Steinberg’s Grand;
Opera House.
Malted ia aa easy .teterp ter Ua «»=**• * Oh»aoeex Baprmae Uourt
IX H Oartar Baviag Otote •aoc«aa;‘‘«-»er. wba woa by strt polBU..
,J Imatlag. Jaa. *0—Tbe ae»«til oaaVlU Hm HecUalag Obalr
! «»J«***of «« aeplom. hao Ue bmi idldatee for Ue Soprmii. jodgeahip haw
! aeeroge la Ue ouBtost, and eboaldbelln the leteresu of Ueir eampaigaa.
0.1i.CarterU la Uraad Eaplde *x
gel Ue modal ’ Judge Aldrich of Cadillac. A. T. McAIhiWtlagat Ua
p^i ,p
of Ue aliap. | *ay of Maalatee mod Philip VaaZUa of
kU aew pateat rMUaing ohalr. Ulaj Veateto** s ouateei wae ter Ue ateel! Octroll term a dUtlagnlrhed trio,
aoeoaea la maklog salea ta flattarteg •
laaiagai Mr. McAteap ia out with aeoo*.
aad will Baoaaaltete Ua immediate
Following M Ua aeon bpgamaa circular daalgaad to aaptara Ua attoraurtlag of his factory. Bs alroadp' aad a*ange of each plapw;
aepB. Ue oalU atwaiioa to Ua faet
has aaoogb orders absod to keep Ua'
that Ue term la now for tea pi
Isotorp raaningi aevaral moiiUa
if tba cobteatloB that each jaatica ia
axpaela to aiart tbe plaal aboat Ua ; y
aaUtled to reaomiaatioD piatalla ao
fintef rabwarp aad Uatbombarat 1 Mai«? ...
mambor of Ue bar aew of aoifitelsmt
amplopat wUl ranga baiwaoa «fteaa '■
pear* aad axparleaoe to wanaet blm la
aad tweotp. Mr. Carter wUI aiao manasglrtag to aaaatoaUa boaeh Bead
ataotera a qoaaUtp of btaj patent fold'
bopearer to reach Ue goal af bla
I aao Front St.
• QTCImDCDP’C Reliable Urv Goods, Carpet
and CIothi^Housc.
H e are tiitboriscd to guarantee e*err
bottle of Caambrrlaio a Cough itetniv«T
and if not talitfscorr to refiiad Ue
monrr to the parchawr. There Is ao
better medicine made for la grtppe.
r.7 nto« a.: Pirn, j
Seato win b» plac-d on aale Ula
omlngat Ue box
for tbe eogagemeat of W. H. Rbrtigan'a Dr.
JekyllandMr. Hyde. Co., which appeart at Steinberg's Qraad next Tui»dap erealag. Jan :t.
What do you need? Have you aeen the display in
our east window? We have more of the same gooda
and enough to St out all the cfices in the city. Take
a moment and get a calendar pad, or a letter Sle, or
a spindle, or a doien good p^a.
{Ifs An Extraordlnanf Sale
U... J«r Jiut
. darire Ueir Jaat,
bp pertiaeat eoggeatloat for
powera fron Ua enawat of Ua gorara.
vice Id Cuba, called for aa oatbarat of,
rtab work for the eDBatag pear.
“ : palriotiem. A oommlltea eeoorted theae
ad, ware oalp troa ia a lltaiiad aataat : plea wae made Uat apaca be gl'
'The nal'jrttp of, oar paopla. ha aald.
or two, gate bit atm. and pretty toon
~ Maa«te«.waicB cioeed
weal on hit wep bappr aad apfiereatlp
UBhun. Hwatnaarrow escape, end
Bbaald be a weralag to uy bupt to
look for wbet it ebned of U*m when Ooud Bowling Oooteat Teaterdap.
Tne bowling cos
What About
Office Supplies?
Story of a Double life.
Moet woaderfol—moat exeltlag—
muel laterealiag play, ever
aeated la Uhor aapoUareoa
OnJekyll aid Mr. Hyde.
A Urilllag aanaatloa from bagiaalog to aad—« play oaea wltaeoaad to be rememberwi forever.
Tba amtaaat antor.
118 Front Street.
The‘Old Reliable Shoe Man
^VV vtat Vvane tettvXt, bat asm® are
SxMX ttvart otWs.
Baa aa aaparior U Ue.portrapal
of UU great part. HU tranafor.
malloaa ara vfalrd. atartUng and
This Seasatiaaal Drama
wm baaoaa at Ua Opera booaa
for ime aigbt oalp. oa-
Tuesday, Jan. 24
PriOEE: SS.86.60a
Seaia oa mJa at los oHaa SataiEap
Sc atpapcT.
AD® &\u m&Vt® a ittAiA of banVatt &
fvAV Wtv® of fVrst.®V*&t tvaUotts *V \b®
MMM ansr mm ■m—iit.
•tm^TcwiK ORY. • Mxaa»»Aa Oood PohB» Broo«ht Out
•E^TA^Vna £au>.
AMP 9. w. Bamw.
J. w. Baib. B<Mar Md Mam#*.
A Oloba TfMUag Armr|» li qalta probabU ibat tbraa Tra?ana
ma wUl ban Ue 4ia.
MaatiaA of aaeUvUar tba fleba; aa
MftMaa wbleh najr or «Mr aol ba aaTiAd. WIU UtATatW. Ureaa beboSald
•Ad Ja7 B. Prarar aAllaMd abaal tba
laatof tba jmr la tba Third lalaairT.
•aw ataikiAad at Port baalllad. Tba
baaa oroand to MaoUa rla Raw York
aad Iba boat naal.
Tba IsUaUoa
0f tba forarasaat. It ii aald.U to brtnf
tba aoldlan baab bona hj tba w»y of
AAlan tba oaAdiUoaa U tba PhUlbAteaa aboold wamet aaadlar than
hateabalora. Tbto wiU ba tba am iaatAAoa la tba btotorr of-tba world
Vbataabodrof troopa ha«a baaa ra^Alrad to ite aitraad tba world. la addlUoA to ear otbar dlatlaetloM tba
OAttad btata* wUl aajip tba aoralt; of
balAf tba drat to latrodaea b flobatwttlaa arA»y. ___________
Tn eaapalf A for Joatlea of tba 8apiawi DOart U wall aadar war aad
Ibara will ba a abarp coataat Jar tbe
■oalAatloa. Rortbars Mlahlraa baa a
IWm tbe food BMW« defidtws Md «
■iM Aftar
uA BIMUOA «r OAawa.
. ww
Itot Ua UlatM
B O. T. K. MaUtia BertoL
ItortadtB M» fATM.* taaUt«U apoA bauar maklAf. Ba baa bad aifaa) aaeeew ta dalrplaf. MUk wbleb la
I dtp Teat. So.
TAa ^naalloa bM aUU altelWd tha Ai- to ba aaad for bolter mart
naat ba kapt at an, B U T. M . rajopad a a !kUa aad
toAUOA olAU.AAdaACbAWatofMBAa Uaritbt taaparaUn ADd Uanad at
aod daaea laat
last cranlAC >b
1^. MaOoAAU. & B. flaylar. Jadca Ua ri(ht teaaparaura. ' Clan
AbII. A tarfa t >bar of
Uw battar.
attar. ^ «a aaea
pmeat aad Uoroocblp
BAWdall. Mr. SMrfar. B. Vaofbaaa. takaa about aalUor
Babari BATAaj. AAd A P. Onj gmraait to ararp pooAd. nnjopad the rAlartalaawal- Tba
No batiamak Uonld ba Uft la Ua oi9,« waaimUaad.
battar. Dj .^t work Ua batter
-------------------------Tb. addraaa of tba .oralAf. “Blr- tooweeboB UapoiUUa rail. MUk
Iba Batra»*a of Ortp. MOta of baaeaaafal ranaiac h> Rortb- Ua eowa racoUrlp aod nilk qatoUp. i That Bodara aeoarfe. U# Urip. poiMr. Palnar tbaa fare aoma raaaona
ara Mlablfaa.- bp A- K. PaUaar waa a
^ *ir wiU lu fatal farBa. ao
MfOBc oaa abowlDC oarafal atadp aad whp battar maklnc wa. Bor. proBubla
a*" nr??^
and daap laalcht lAlo tba ambjaal.
la NorUar* Mtetal(aa tbaa beat pro,»aio,t Uls daAtaroaa maladp
Ua aald tbal ba oooU aot rlra ozaet deeiloo: Battar Bade a ready bocaa in Dr. Klap'a Raw Diaeorrrp. Whm
rolaa, bat woald aiaka paaeral aiata- Borkat. beat ooM not. We are la Ua you feel a aoraam la yoar hooea aad
Ba tblBka tbal Krlealture artll
be a »Toatar iD^aaUy wbaa lambarlac aa feed la cheap. UoapatlUoa ia treat- bead, catarrhal stbpiob* -i-rtaatohtatemta ara aabaaaim
Wa n
er la beet. Tbe arerAta tanner la bat- born ceofb poo nap koo> >
h>*r tbe
■row rralB aa aataaalraly aa llUaeb or tar nraparad to aaeiaia a dlarp. Ko Orlp, and tbal poa and Di K-nt to Nr*
Iowa, bol wa aan frow food wbaat aad
to to.rto.toto
If tbar ATO cArafally eolUratad.
mUlac and aad baet p. odaetloo.
brmara. kill Ua dlaeaaa »eeo Daconlua toUawad lo wbick MriDaaded
rffn- .
h., ..n .1 u»
Ua tarsar.
IP to Ua farm, baaaatp
A bifh daand
beaaatp to peatarltp.
rraa of la»im»noa la what b aa parted
la all Ua proltaaloAO aad oaeapaUoAA
U sboald be required of tbe tar«era.
TaoroorbneB was tba aaat polat
apon which rraat airaaa waa laid; tboroarbaeas la UlUof and baadUnr Ua
atook aod crops, aad UoroofbaaB la
pablle duUas.
The famtar Best bare aa labaraat
lo*a lor bU ooeopalloa. A faraser who
Is a faroBT braaaaa bs is foeoad to ba one
la aaver a aaooeaa. Tboaa who are dieooBtaatadaodaraalwapalookln* Into
UadUUat fatara wbao Uep are to
be aoBaUlBK alee. let Ua praaaat peso
and do apt nake Ua beat of UaD oppertBAlUea.
Tba faraar Beat baeaapatoBBtle in
bto work as tba Barebant aad baaqfaetarar. Want of apaUB U a r»at
drawback W larBlAf. Kaow Ua capabUlUea asd aoaditloa of Ua fars
partBeat for reanlia. Tbe farBor loaca
bean aoMaUBB aad poaa troa one
■aetonga AUandad wiU lacraaaad latoraat and tandap Mlfbi ■aaaral
Valon •arrioaa will be Bald.
Laat Blrbt was Us bwt Uos far of
Ua OB loo raalaal Baatlngs la polat of
AUnbars aod IntareaV
Kea. Jonas
ptairbill a ecrp nawarfnl seraoa which
WW aacerlp llstanad to and appre-
mneb daa to
Raw aaceaaa la ool
faUora of cropa aa lo cnraleaaaaaa al
aBAll laaka. I'arBara are farBlnr
BBub rroand.
Baeloslsa farBisr
klonf opa llpa was not epbald as oUar
. are ABde sabsarrlanl to tbal
one branch.
PnrBara are too prone to follow Uair
neighbors metboda and baaa no Indapandant BsUoda of tbdr own. ••^nll
wlU nnura, naaar pull acalnst bar.
Knap a slngla aat of books wbleb wUI
giaa poo an Idea of what to eoaing tn
and wbai to going oak
Dots tba aalmato OB Ue Inns,
who hna no lore for oows baa no pli
in Ue dairy boslnaas.
Tba fanner ofton falls beenuM ba
doaa aot do as wall as be knows,
slow and keep out of debt. Whan poo
pladga poor word, keep U to Ua latter.
Voor srord should baBnlmpaacbabla.
Hr. Palmer ooAclodad ,wlU an ap
peal for the beat Intami of Ua farBar's boma.
Tba dtoeassioa was lad bp B. B- 8aplor wbo kept Ua audlanor aalia^^ bp
barau of enUaslasUe. enrsidst diimrae, and sallies al wit.. Qto remarks
are good aad well recelTad.
Blaouoa of OfBcaro.
Tbabusloras marting followed Mr.
baplor't addreaa. OWaara were elaetad
for Ue aasolng yrwr. Uat year's oihrrutnad. wlU a few rMspUoBs amoog Ue tloa
I’realdeat—Hobart Bnrnr;
Reeretarp and
Chairman ol wookaa'a section—Mra.
E A Oray.
PregraB eomaltua for tba onsnlag
sar—J. H Monroe. W. 8- Jennings,
b. B. McMnUaa. Mrs. A. V. McBaa.
Mlsa RaUiaC Orap.
Tba inaserT showad athoant of oaU
oabaod. »l.T«.________ "
D. OampbaU pArtlolpalrd.
at Ua dnap atorea of S. E Walt aadJ.J
------------O. Johnaoa.
i {
JoUan Atlaa of ItbacA apoka upon--------------------------,
••Block Balelnc aad Faadtn(.Sapptr abd Sanaa.
Creaeeut Band w
Ha staled Uat bs bellaeed a
dal ptrtp Jan sc In K.<rri
sboald krep all kinds of stock, lo dlaalso a Baa im rant topper
pBS ol Us dtfferaol klods of wasU
AAUUa bltD to aaraeat eonaldaratkio
wbaa Ua BapobUeaa auu oonraasabaa tba aalaetion of a oaadidata. JadfoAldricbofCadUlaebona
At Ua brlfbtaat jurtau la Mteblrao
And aroald rraaa Ua Saprana baoeb of
Mleblraa wlU tba dlcaltp aad abUltp
arblab Uat ra^aalbla poat dasaada
Wbatoaar aiap ba aaM of Ua aiariu of
tba oUar eaadidAtea Ua aapoelal 8t•aaa of Jadfa Aidrteb abeald aot i
a tallora In aHr Ua I' naaiAbU aad
iMtaffbtot. Ua would ba aa boai
bancs eanoot aueeaad.
le Ua baaeb aad to Ua atata.
Ba enraful ahoat amall dalnUa. hnea
aBAll aaelnfs raUar than larje apand-
to daaoUac falntaalf to Ua Inneral
ditloa of tba plaea Yaawrdap ba
AAoaod Bra blf bookaioraa to ba raldad
•Ad aloaad ap. aod aalaad tab thou
PDlanaa ol tudnaat booka. If Ueaerml
bodlew aaa ladaoe Ua aaUraa
AbAAdoa itnmoral booka aod prarall
•poA Uaa'at Ua anma ttma to darota
Ibair Ubara beora U> alaraUnf raad
aattar be will parform a work
Vbtoh will ba as importAat aa caub-
Tbara will be ^^aicaaUisaraaliir
Tobottow artaroooa Uare will be a
■AOtlar In Ua 1‘reab.Ttrrtaa ebaroh
MpaidiUp for maa and partlcolarlp for
bAAlaiB map- oae objrwt of Ua BastIlf to to rat Ua baslaass Ban nil UfaUar And to arranre If poaalbla tn
hAsa U#B clow Ualratorap earip next
Vnnk on aoeoont of raelaal aarvteea
tVto will be n panleularlp lalarestli f
maatlBr and all man wbaUer baalaBs
■ah nr oUan are orgad to attnad.
Oa Saadap eeealar Uers will ba aaa«a1 naiOB maatlBpe la tbe eitp for Ua
pirpoaa of aecoainodatinr all who daalra to attend Ua sereleea.
Tbs BseUBf for tba IVtoada. EeaagUiabl and Baooad M E ebnrebaa will
ha bald In Ua Kriaads cbareb.enabltnr
Alt nn Ua BoaU nad Want aidea to
•Alta In one rraat aaraioa
. BOT^ aad aapportad that Ua
Tbara will be anoUer In tbe DapUat
■harab for tba mainbara aad frleads of aeeratarp reoMea a salary wbieh
BBoant sboald be da.sldad bp ibe exaUa Bapttot and ConrrafaUonaUb
eatlea aoBBlttaa. It has baea in .part
There win ba aaolber lo Ua Vmbp- Uroogh Mr. IwAd-a Incfsaaing eSorta
tarias ehnreh for tbe Klrst MaUodul that tbs aneoaM of Ua InaUtnU has
bren assorad. and all ware glad to rapad Presbpurlan eburetasa.
Thaaa Bactinrsareforevarptodpaad muncraU him In part at least lor hto
aarTinw. Many contrlbated atoBce to
ward Ua salary.
>odp uaueedThe t.«eerra of Ua aaeodalloB ware
LaMrlppa Auoetaefutlp Traatad.
cboaen as dalcgaUa to Ua nmnd-np lo
••1 bate Jost raooerrrd fr«B Ue see- be ueUl in Punuae UU year.
M Attack
ekof larrlppa ihto pear," aapt
Eflorto wl’l be aada to saoara tba
A. Jonra. pebluber of the round-op for Troerrae City atwcUBeiA
Mi-Xia. Texar. "In tbe Uttar
Maa I need CbambrnaiBb Cougb Ueaaar lolure.
Bamady. and 1 Umk wiU oonalderabla
AaaasM, only being In bed a liuir orcr
•The aftarnooB aemtoa cloaad tJto
two da>s against ten dsp> for Ur for- term of Ue Inatltate.
ate. The qataU^
• ■or attack The arrond attack I am
few qaeauon^
aattoBrd would bare Mm equally as (box enaulned eeryr ff*
had as Ue Brat, bat for Ue aae of Uls .«,wu to... to—...to with dtopatoh-/’
tasaedy. as I bad to go to bed lo about
J. W. lAne aot being prMent, Ue
six boura after wing •simcb’ wlU It. laabjeev "ito-totiee Ad ■lageaaf 8starhOatoUaBratuasa 1 MableUaV
m* to bAilneB aboal tsra days bafora Itarawl Beef
gy •4®—-“ roe aaU by E E
prodara. Manp pap Bore allcatloa
to bcqri aad sharp than to Uclr eowa.'
Use JjdpoMat In terdin( cattle. Mr. 1
AUen'a addraaa waa abm hot saanp ral-'
aable idaaa were broopht out thronrb;
qoaaUons put Xa bla. He answered'
bla es>'
perleeoea Uenrral dlsenssloo foUow-;
ad. participated in bp manp.
Tbe Baal qoaaUoa box broncbt np'
lanp lefl-oearsabierts which were Ola-1
eosasd and anawarad at Ici«ih, aapeciatlp Ua aobjactof dehoraln* which was
iBost ODteersarp ooneeded asaeeaas.
Barowall words wbleta eoieed the sea-'
Beat Uat the BaetinfS bad been
alrnallp aaeoraafal were (leaa and tbe
InallWla clowd for Ua pear.
I Buying Logs! |
E If you h»v« •»» to aoU eoireopoiia with tho 2
TiWTOZM City Lumbor Co. Wo hoTO oloo ^
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Kaple FlooriuK.
Short Kaple Wood.
liDls Fot Saie-Saitable For Fanns.
^ Uili mAihiDery of all deocriptioDA, including two en ::3
ein« », aet worka, carnage and aawa. A complete
eaw nill plant for sale.
“Diamond y ’
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold bp all danlara.
Made bp
A. W. JAHRAUS. ToMilier Bloct
^Ijei? you ate ready To
lOc a quart
___ osloin^e
We can Save You
A Lot of Alonep'
A K Hoi
Tmaaeripv to In Ua dtp on batlntaa
Jnnt now on Bt>drorm Suita | pl^oM 167.
aod atolUor old frtaoda and Baaoetoua.
V.. U...<h to. rtoUto to Jtokto. tod ■"J Cb.m. W . ™i lorntoh your
to irtraiinr oa tba road for t-'ooir k hooae compli-tt* on cany paymmU.
Jauks. Ue wall knowa perfaBarp
bonse of that dtp. His friends will be
pirasad to Icnra Uat ba-ia doing wall.
CalHa Ehacknr. deputy grant coinHiiuae FiimifibmK Store.
lanaor. U. U. T. M.. wUl go to WillNew Store. 120 Front Street.
jnaborg tonight to Install Ua nfHcara
Usiabow niTc. Ro. Sds. ol that
MingACbampaep. danlara In agriealvanl impleinaoU. bare dtoaoleed.
B48 Front StroAt
J.W.Slater KEEP
Blame Your
8. Banda baa raUned from a battnew Uip to Detroit and to oonflnad to
b a boma on aceonnt of sicki
An oyster sapper will ba
arcnlng In Uontogoe hall by Ue Uood
Trmplars Uood music wUI be proeldad, also a program, bnppar will be
aarwed from 4 nnUI T o'clock.
What the Baake aaa UadlBg t
MSB of belSBUOo tbtnk of Ue
Uchllin Accident AssocUaon.
If they ache—get a t>ottle of Rose's Corn Cure
••• 15c — and take them
out—It don't, make the
foot sorer
Smtlle Bid.
Best in name and quality on tbe market.
w.Hkli JuaeMWe
t'Mkhpr Bow. BeJ*s.KeaaDa
P Aan-n.
neuter el DewU K
•am P.LX
Idr« AgABtA Wanted lu Ueoccupied Territory.
^^>w Ae*tonana AbaeBteca
Onyx Tables
and Japdinieres.
We are having a special sale on Onyx
Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beautifles a room more than a handsome Onyx Table ^
and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op- ^
portunity toi secure one or both at prices im- ^
heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices
: from $2.60 up.
&eTveraV 'Hews ifwm>
9\eaTve^^Towv, ST>er^\D\vm |
ram tooxAi. TAMTr.
riiaiaat FarawaU Oatte a|r.
Mra. J. B. eraiikk ead daoebtaea,
■daa aad Juaapblaa wlU iMfa aezt
Taaeday Boralof for Lua Aatalra. Oal>ba Mroadlaet. XA. Tbdrlby aad Iforak where they will raaala tbe rut
of tba wlfatar.
kat araol^......
^ y
- of tbair frkade
wU* baaaeoBpaakd by Mra.
Maaktda ball. Tba boya dU Ibaa- rraab BMeeb. Jaeaary »l»t Cbaa
aalrB praad m beak aad avaty OMiCbaM of Beoi.eia. a-biotbar. f Mra.
tboroarbly aajeyad aad appraekted UrMlIck aaeoapaakd by hi* f.mily
Ibolr efferta
will aleo leave If kbit** aad Jmb tb;
UaBB of Tarkaa klade a
parly froa here, at LoaAoteU*.
tad la aad doHMoM to
Mr*. Oaiwaae OreUlek aatarUlaed
ataoat Otteui lady frlrod. yeetaday
4rten>ooB. It WM aa loforaal *a*ir
labooor of Me*. J. B. OraUkk. aa a
Abka .Mraattui, Tbaa. BokaatdM aad
Bd. Tklifby aaknaiaad.
Z. C. *1*MM kM rtna le Ua towm *%kt kwdnd jMk rabUta « rakllM
K—>■. Wk.. fl.«l00.000 tar a *oV la Uai eoaatr kjr t
Ua Utoarr baUtflaf. vklab k* «rUi alw m4 arUi ba ahlpaad %o Cblcaco lor (im
rt««k wtik t$M aolMM.
4MHb«ik« aawaf Iba aaor. Thin;iMmm.B. AmftU «f tka aU BM wlU> (oar wafoM aad taaaa
tba hMttar fMty. Tba
ofUieUffM. kM bM ratfttam
•( tk« MtkMia.
aitfarllrkt aa4«<MUaMd
I aaUl e o'clock la tba aaeblaf.
•aMter IUMUIm kM i
j TkaCWap
j.MOfor • Ufb»-|f*^ia »oi
Tba haU wpa akaly ttlBaMd a l A
koMO toabM lor aMako m Ukaa|t>r tba IK PMorabarf iltqMoh
beeUat A teeb Ufk% pktara of tba
■artw. HkklfM
Haparlor. U «U11 aomaeiac tku Baaala docMcd to balM traap wartabaa by B. N. Moblo.
Sesator Jaae* W Hlilikea arrived
pwUa lor a ablptkataaa aaU tb#!tfc»w ®aw bauiaablpa of ii.ooo
la tbe elly lael oltbt from Lauaiat
Ukaa ia aa/ «vaalb« or agalaat aaj ! a*«k aad tiro aaw orakara.
J. W. blaiar aad eoe Ciareaee retard
J Bkjeka. or mkar. qaadrlajola.
la tbe faBoai play of Dr. Jekyll aad ed Uat alfbt (iracd Raptd...har« they
Tba AemaUaa of Cbrktkak. Ner-i^M^Ml flra aartaaa ara io bm la Mr. Ryda. tba obaeta of cAaraelara
way. hara loraad a aaJoa aao baelara i Bnaiaa aab oikar Oama alUaa aad from that of tba polite, aoartaoaa. Dr, vklted the foraitore eihibU aad pnrIkat all irork Baai aoMataaea at 6rto | ara Mid to ka
Jekyll. U the barbaric. bidaoM, aad
a. B. aad aad at s. barrlcaafiar tkatj
>e Mr. Hyda. Ukri W. B. Bartlcao
.• I
bat about bait a aioaU. It coaU alTalkw iBoadka Oarad
aoat be eald that tba ebaafo U laeua^
? beffarlaf hoBaalljr aboald
Oaa aftaraaoo aaeb vaek 1 pUad «lih aren oaaaa .^oaalbla for lU laaoBi. ao <ialck U It doaa
J k eUlsad- ralkf. It U witb piraaora wa pablUfa
Srwetor Plait of New Tab bH
Nr. Hanltaa U. wKbouta doabt. tba
Otbar aakM ara ferBlaf all am Ue fallowtar: "TbU U k> aertlfr that Bt eipoaaat of tbe part he portray*,
I waaatarribla aoffarar (roa Yall
Jao»<iiea fur orer aiz Boaiba. aad i
to tbkeouBlry. Ha U eopported by a be oriplbaiee blmklf.
At Oaatoa. 0-. tba raad Jary Moe- traatad by aoB# of U« baat pbnlel
Semael R Collaway, preridrot of tba
food eoBpaay. aad wbaa be appear*
day ralaraad a traa bill afalMt Mm. laonr elt* aad all to aa avail.
bafor* Traeatoa City aBaaeaieat lover* Nickel Plate’railroad, begao work
dnMtrkl. fi
Blaryof |M.88 ■ mootb.
Aaak K. Uabrrt for
oaaul roeaday Blfbt la bk B«et*r.
Etbel Mary Cbaric* k ibe flret a
O- teloa. brotbar of Mra. WiIIUb
tlrvly r
plaea. -Dr. Jekyll aed Mr. Hyde.” it
as lo Nntlead lo adopt arobiteciora h
e Id rar
Ma£alay. Uat Oetobar. Tba ladlet- treat
wlU be to a paekad booM.
a profrwlna. ead tbe fan already takea
Maat k fur tba drat dafTM aod tba to aay perooa aufferlod frOB thk urri!Me Malady. I am tratefolly yoara.
many prtaea
paaalty k AmU by alaetrooaUoe.
Mka Ida Jobaaoo hM tateroad from
M. A Horarty. LczlertM, Ky " Hold
or all New York'. uimoDalrM CorK. Wait aod J. (J. Jobaaoa. dr^- HaollHu Marla for a vklt with bar
Mra. boloDMa Uomoob. tba maaic*
aelloa Vaoderbili it Hid to be tbe moet
' '4mg partaar of a aril kaoaa Hebrew
bar OB Bait Krool alreet.
■endilvv liimiicim. pankrtlatly crlttra le Honbay aad praaldaet of aortaeni in ptini.
oral aoBpaBka la wbleb tba drn Ukaa
Prank <r Uvaa of Chipapo irava
aa lataraai. bH bare propeaad for a
. tS&.OOU to tlif ('hicoRo An ifimiDie u
plaaa la iba rmraar.faaarara oooa2 ■ Cbrlitmu preteoi Tbr muoi-y will
alL Tba propoul ooBaa fro« a loadf be Bted to I niltl a Uiir.i v buildiog.
laf ladlaa papar. aad k probably dea
Umgrrermao John Muiray UUrbell
to tworaaaoaa-Mfa- Uoaauoa't rnai
at New York i< a aio>t eodionartie
baalaaaa abllliy aad tba fact that abc
wbM'loiaii Kir I ike of ibt-nmet ex.
pracive uiakr. e*
ku Bade treat rturtt to draw tocaikTbetypeleewbowera'aaeameadjMt to him that tbe
a ftU lamp
ar tba wobcp of Bombay.
Tbe l»i«-«i *inry <f Um; Kitebrner k
Ka-lVaaldeBt Harrlaoo wm ublaf ootalde of Pliat have beao ordered; euflloieot beat^ reiatM tbe iMpee'
aa aaaalat walk le ledlaaapolk a taw •way by Marahal Waraer. They had , PreM II* told her that if tbe tber Ibel wbru a»ke:l it b»
Uie Hiiflao oarapaitu be oo
4aya afo whaa a womae called oot| bMOme very trooblceoB#, m they 1 moueUr weat dowa below ftu abe bad ewered. "No. uo Dn lei ii« baveoc
a ikat bar hoBH WM balaf robbed. At •topped carriatB oa the road to bwr uf better dUoke ecbool. Doe of the boye. feai-ral who bae uui «-riii>-n a bu<A I"
^ tba aame llaa two bob raabad oat aad tbe octopanla. They left oo their way • eeelnr a chaaee for a half holiday, pei
Tbr latrat eriiMinco of I’aria k
I a email piece of lee where It woeld d.
iV*aarlaioa oarrkte. Mr. Harrlaoo to iMBBlot.
yoDug .SwiMgieoi. UioiautiN I,t name,
““l food aad called tbe auenitoo wbuia ainiirinv tbe endimcM
laapad lelo aaothar oarriata. peraead : At Throe Elver* EUm Hcball. ea old
teacher to tbe fact that tbe ia Tolire BerKrtr Re
tba lerlifvaa. orartook tbam aad eap- rMldant. wm fouod dead la hie bad
fret tell
Tboioday BorBlaf.
,ttroa>eet iadlcated • temorralurv of •lid eo weak in Ibe knoM that be cao
torad oae wItb bU owa handa
acarcely walk
Waruw bM a fbcM inarkaula which
avary year, fros tkpumbvr to Noeem are r«eerally oppuemi to aey ebaote In ' Uraad Hevro baea't eaoatb moac)
M. in Ibe Adiniir. ana a mroitaiT of
oe taaed to pey tbe
bar. aboai I.OM.OOO taaM are Baalpel- the preaaot-dralD lawe.
Hao i-'rancieru • police lotce. ii a good
Mr*. Mary Gay of (lattoB WMeevara- >'Dieeity fovarao
blad by Jewa.
Lwiin and (irtrk eclialar aod *|>eaki
It takB a policetoroe of T.iui bob U ly boraed aboai tb* feoe and hand* by »h* fleeal yaar, and a apeeial eleetloo Ijigliib. HnMian, Preoeb. Uemi
be held oe Jairaarv aitovoteoa (Ultao and Hpauirfa
protMt the teureeu of New York'e bolJiBf lard tbrowB froB a ketue]
the pmpcelUoo to ralar te.ooo by boad
popalatloB afiilaet erlse aad diaorder. wbleb ebe wm ellrrlaf.
It le related of Franck McKioby.
tiaa. C. W. aark.Bithteeaih I'alted [Dilatemovlet aatil July I treat.uncle to ibe tireeidcnt. tbm when
It k BtlBatad that tOA» Iom of co•dBberm ara ralead aed eaiae witbia Htetee iBfanUy. write, to bk pareotel Al Kiipi, Mich , Joaeob Hecord oar- be «a> ehol lot | irilrliwlion
i B|irianig Ilf Ill'S be uiHtrhed Ibe
tba llmlUofUa Uo>ud buue arary
re Bteraly a VMi ewaap.
„rly boor Thor*day meraior Aa tbe beodaRo from biaerve and blioeell gave
Ibe conimand lo tire
Oaplaia Walker, of tbaOaaard
At Ht- Ifoaoe tbe Catboiiea ooatem-1 early moralet traio wm aaarior tl,
Two of Ibe luori tainnoi ilvlag
ar (kmpaala. hM eomplatad bk louib plate boUdlot a floe aew ebarch lu j depot ibe ebtlaeer aaw the body of
Srotemen ere rri|pl>-»—Lord Krlrin.
trip aaroB tba AUaaUe.
boaor af Pr. Maiqoeite. the temmu m*o lylat aeroM tbe traelu.
wbu I* Ibe gri-aler* living Srolrb actenry aad ezpiurer wboapeal mv. wbkUed for brake* aad raveraed bk tui. and Di Jain'-* Maegn-gnrut lUiaTba
B. HraaooU. tbe larta>i
Mbooaar eear boilt. bae beea Bueklaad. era! year* of bU life taere teacolat Dir •oflne aod atopped t^ t-alo J i.l at borgb. wbu u end to t>e ibe grealMt
ladlaua if tbie U duae Ibry ptvpuac the eoxceteber reached tbe mao'e living Scolltrii prwrher
Cbaaaaay M. Uepey Myi that be k lo trauloro Me old ebureb ioto alarm. He iraa picked no lo aa laaeaelWilliam Aileo Reilc-r. tbe iranecon'
Mar*)aelte memorial mateam.
Pr I We ooadHloa aad placed opoo the nbeulel railway magnelv. k the mac
tba ooly wafa-aaraer who hM
k now bortee beoMtb the; Waio. Al the depot be reeovereri aaO- «'bo. 80 yrur* ago ami umra. created
aaBad for I'elkd dutaa Haaatur.
rmiw fanixn* P'ora .M(TllTDwy in
The trwaty baiwoM tbe lielud Buua Eoor of thkllitie akeloa. bla hoDe*|eieetiy to tell bk name and tbalbe 'Nothing lo Wear ' Hr i* now a aac
Abd tba CberokM ladlaae But be raU- bavlat beea mueed tbere from too j wo-ked for Uwk Simpaon. a fbr^ eketnl New York liwyi-r
> of what k BOW Ibe
., Pere
he waa 51
I PUatu
Sad by eontraee and CberokM people
Tbe three trmi'-*i living Brlilab wil^aatto riter. wbera ha dted. fbe fact I yaara old aad uamarrled
before It baooBM affecUve.
dlere are fnau the tirei-n l«lat
tba cburcta k Kr. Mar^aeite'.
RllaMlnaolof Deiniit. wm arreeted'
*■* kiro lu Ireland. Lr-rd
Abdraw D. WblU. ABarkas aabMof tour.
^ Keitdrher waa kini in ladia
aador to UarBaaj. Mya the meat lato fklt tt ceery eumOMr. It k B
apMUoe Uw propoead U that ooaoUy
lated tbai every day Onrlat iba paai baud with her bat pla.
will halp ratbar than bart asarlMs
It WM vtalted by from 503 lo 7Wb
AO old lady who dkd U Boebeaur.
biiHie IMI. forty-aevaa year* ago i
N Y .afewdaja ato. WMlbcdaefb- there bare neaa manufaotorod la the]
W of a Baa wb»>foatbt aodar Waab- Sagiaaw valley ti.«4:.5lT.li3:
lattOD. aod bar bikbaod WM a eoldler
No dietrkt
la tba war of l»l7. Bba <
a yooat aqoal thk raoord.
I "ioVii 0^ KlvcVvvQaTv.
I S\\ort, *5t6s\v 'Kevus S\onas \
of a Year,
During 1898Jthe total number
of copies of
The Morning Record
An average for the entire year of
1,049 Daily.
d.uroter of Capl.
!|H. «M u, ..rri*. unlll ■ p„j.
.4. 4.... rt.UMtl.y| f.l.
-I- ‘-a !.4d 4,«.,
lived io Ibree d wenmt
Bereot eeetunea.
vvdl.am boitoo. of Norwood tows
Tba WblU Hiar lue ateamer u.«anlc. ablp. WM driving a apiac with ae aae.
tteUrreatablpevM^ belli, waa.eeoe... oou day teat week, when the apika ]
lolly lanacbcd a-. Helfaat. TbeUeeanic flew inu bM eye. poUlag it oat
-U 704 feet orer all. Her et_______
lodioatiuoa of aa ear.y aprlog arc
boilt for 45.4WU borM-powar, aod abe
bat a ooal eapaelty aofllcleai to aaable mulupiylBg up Durlb. Not aoBlaul
harte ckeumuvlgata tbe globe ate witb rebiaa a large graeo fn« wav
by Juaapb Moor* near bk farm
apaad of twalee kapfa aa hour witbont
over In Mobo osr day Ihi week. It
k Mid be WM aa lively h tboogfa It
A band of AmarlMO flllbaaiara are
»M Aogaat ioatead of Jaoaary.
roporird to be gaUterad al Port BarWhile operbUog a boibe-puwar feed ,
rioa. Uneteoiala. ready U lavada HoadwM aad overthrew tbe govarnmaai. BlUatbU.farm lo Juyflald terWDahipi
iMt week. William ilmel\Hr got bkj
Tbe goaboat Yorkiowa kM Mllad
foot aaogbl la tbe rtmoltig gear and r
from Mb Iraaeteeo fpr MaoHa. vU
bad bk leg brabca at tbe aakle Witb
Unam. oor poBemloo la the Ladrene
tbe aid of bu brother be net tbe farekea
leg. aad praoeadad to operate tbe feed
Tbe Fatmaia’ Oab. of Me JMe. Mi.. mill erttbOBly aa boor'e iBUrropUoa.
pfopaMioefoau a graatamaeUUba of — Kapcoola I'aaaty Patrwc.
tatereeu te control tba dnad prone
At Oodlllae. Mra. H'. M. Hayder
patpat OB tbe cdaat. Tba anterpriae k
te be along
Wlnet»re*. golag down the atepa at a
are' AaauLkiK.0 and tbe gnmi rakia bona?, a'ippvd aed fell, breaking her!
right arm between tbe wrkt aod el- j
aoBbfae at Kr«»oo
bow. and duloeatiog tbe wrkt
A Bow y«rk girl ha. bee* ^ared la
Uaerge Hebaob, who wh eeverely
MlaaaMaayiuoi. the victim of
at Prawmoat dnriag tbe Cbriataka rigarette eatokiog
mu eriebrauoe at that plaor. k Imt
Tba Claeinnati
prevlag. Tbeaklo cf both bk band
ware oBerod for wie by order of tbe
wMrol.rrly burned oB aod Dr. Flood
aoart Moariey. tbr lowret prwe briag
of HnUoDi Bey. k now grafiiog <m
•mad at gw «xi b„t * aiBg„ m wa.
which be k laklog oB other p«\
. foeaivad. aod tbe rorelvar wit] oak
aou and now bu thru large pieore
bava a mw appruaemeot mada.
growiagem eaob,baed aad lo a fee<
Tba H^nkb tovernmeot off.i*
mootha rapeete to have the yoong man
pay a raaaoaable earn te tbe PlUrtacw eatlrely cor«d.
Car Ibe mIom of tbe Hpaomb prieoaOaa day iMt weak wbaa tba aaperi*.
Bdaat WM vklUag tba Am ward
- A LanMd. Koaaao. dkoal
aaboM. tba lady prtaeipal wiplBliM
A Faithful Assistant
Onlv the housewife, w ho has a family to look after,
the household duties to perform, the servants to
direct, the planning of the meals, the marketing,
And a hundred and one other things to occupy her
mind and demand her attention during the day,
Knows what a terrible
strain all this is on mind
and body, and what an
Immense amount of eaeigy and vitality a suc^ cessful performance of
^ these duties reouire. Ia
r it any wonder, then, that
many good wives have
more work to do than
they have strength to
perform? They tad it
impossible to give their
ichold the attention that it
should have. They must have
assistance, and
This will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figures argue that advertising inthe Morning Record
is valuable.
This also proves that
The Want Department
will do more for them than any
other conic they cao uie or
any other help they can get. It
ia better than ao extra servant, for it tnoeuea your
own powers. Just try it for yoursetf.
Is a good thing.
Try It.
CBS MOBVnia bbooed.
junmor-Bi mw»-
Jink—My drar MaePaASa.
—“I Sect Hk« t* aiMt c ehcrUbeS
t Owto • Fm« It 1
They Art Usrful in Min, jr£:Z'
Ways. But Make Llnpleas>
ant Companions.
I m* s«ar> or Bioouat aatunuiMs ts«
I fTMOB or •Bokert to noaUr rat. KU
It a Oaadlf ^otaos: om dro»
i will make a r>od-aitc4 aitatlS
I iota. U laiKtod lubeata-
»!)>. aad n vootd taka
to KB
TWS ISaloSor-
— D1..4
. ^
The nneer thli
elude a tree tb
>Elow to tto
the noetma that A man
hit etomarh*'and
1t««T 'hit
atomarb” aM aaeU
IMona ...
Ik. Tbta rralt ilpeM
. and U pteutirto.
. ^
A Doi whleb ran to aaten abaa and
^ Uat It pradarad U wuJarty auM>d*oS
“ ^ (0 to made b» nlratlto. It U rrally
, M all of tobareo. wkloh U a borae of
•to ttiracnlTr. Ttoj ai>. b«*e»ar. a dlStiaot color. No. the chief ham
•Mfal alUM of ito iHiatardt. m)at. doto br raoklag la tbr aUnulua «hlrb
toto ti«vrafeft lhai ruoMiur dMBfliia |( aJvat to iht htarL Tklt It paRlruhtollM whk-b uoald ottorfwlte prodoto ,„i,
clgataad tBoklnf. whrra
stn peaifjcnre. Tto-^ I. .•oi..ldeTabU
U atarip alwajri prafik«d.
«llC«w<y lietww iliew t».. trar**.
,tPOk« It Ibhalo
-cu » .
•w. aad
aaedlett lo tay. thar* It tnre lo to l
rrantoa. ir the tBokrr U lo good K«'B■
will probably
«ral health
|| bin If h> l.D-1 there will to perlodt
iMHhIiig liiai It l>to
■■■. Ibe crab, whan
•lrradydl■•«ylu^-.»-^*l^ravanuui. wk>
devouRO] lira
klttrut tod Mlier li'-l|>lew email (liiqfa
At fWllrr. Kritlali H.indunniP, tb-rR It
.M t------------tha •■•gr.-o ilirti i-aii-li a> mtii) at |>o#alMe and ken> ibi-m In lianvU. aaJitd,
mb. lOUiuoB lb •
ftouenabb- for ott>r
Ito BitlrildM) "nee who enjoy
tonolt u>»uo|«l>tM. any
tpu, « ttr hcrt ond.
pd depretolos aod, aoi koow
jute, he la apt to try to brace
driak. wklchmtket'toauert
lull that murh wtot»
kw 1,..,
blgper tbao
•aslrary n.eaaurea a
mto and huT.urdt
>rdt •Ufre »
I'lwIt aw well r..-»voi*ed
■..munliuw. .t '•
tnl tv klH a •'arrli.ti l>lr>l
I gf> I I ,
ImpOMnl fur tb.- <dTr!
tludd thli 4 r.-Aiure eaB
•raute uuly dlagutt natl {diy
Idly IVridl»<^dadlr •illtlBm-e leBdt iWibauiUMUir 10
tto boKtnle alH-wraure. for wbra
elr- llug eight U
etrlli Wlow.
e tilll f»nn n|e
Swiftly lln- Icirdr «t.M>p d.'wuwtrd,
Id tie- helKhl wbeT*
alwayt ctn hos.
‘•‘•kkly bad
They tetile upon the leaf|e«» bran, bee
of tome dc-nd Irei-. flagerl,, the* Idaek
he will tumble orar tome day and
hit aagel plumage «.u- Thoae art
roirt fa.lt about t»oklOg-bOfte Olher
Bed and dori wairt to drink any more,
and »i»h to dec-liBt aa oBer to drink.
»htV thoiiM I tayV "Von are a------tool " lepiied the atioonded KentuckThere i. no etprwtlon In tbt
a fi-» d:.-.. Iht^llie «ylilleD«d
Mww rt.l. Mrearae I uSer lee.
by ilw ttruug tilulivlit
Ftih do not hrenihe tlr, but the life.
Th»- p-,in>lon It hot luiir — oww «•
fall npiitstlnii. raperlall) till- inoltor
ranitliueat ol air- oxygen
Vunfor-onai. betng.dooiuod
i. „mble in .ai?t to
by nature to It- d-roured li« Ui-r
exlenl of three volume* In «>ne hundred
It It n.ie. inde<vl.
ordinary tcroicertiurca. and four
A rnluii
lii ndrndred tl freeglng point.
■I liidurkw l•^>lpc•r*r> inrairsla ojc In
rwntalntng tbe dUtolred
iigue ami-- oe fever
The •-v
.. ..................................
. ihti Imilfc-o la a
good nnlldote. I.icl ttuuurnla U the liest
rraneity for |wd».i-.it Tirua, g. iiertlly.
As loug at llu- w- i-lou It treaic-d with
Sue retpecl It w... r.N-»pru.-nie: ®lhe^
.. . ^ thenr prol
the'ueui little dart tl thevud of lit 1*.
tettwilikg hut Woc'.tl Inll will In-llirott
ISto il» agur.—-.> tUii. Injecllirg ■
•r the
a gbiii "I llw le> - Ilf 111.- ttllicittnioiub. It COBThe great—bnir,- ittr
Stonl.r <2iiNiditl\ll. 'i:b not uege
Is f.*oi. •Muoe ^c r - t kl.-t-1:irkcl Idle, but e .iioui.1 lo-luinleulari.v jv.d-l-d .-11 • k .-uot ..f hr hair.
„e l■Mtllet. Wl,lr!.. ..
noret of Ibe tkit. tu.iv.- «-Xk-eodlUglJ
lairt •.'Ovt. In pie -V- <!nw Mac-k hair
I aptJera. whi'*.- ce-lira m.w.are ixra
lehet In dlniiiec- '. an- »• iiiimerosa
cniy w.-.-le imicle- of them
(tot ».-.aal<inl>
.1 chai.iug ttoir tinnriera.
lo aoc-h dltiricic. i: •* 4l«t>« acivlaalile
I" •l»ke hai-i. ganuent U-r..r.- donuing
U-ed III
rat dm
for c
TWy^CraetkraB •! 1
Tbe raiillovcn al Home
27 It. C-. to-lng lulled
Agii|>l« nlKkUl
tH->-»UCW. <cf II* imOc-Mic
tto |>nih<
domeT whlcji rvi.rvwnl. <1 lb.- "alldivine" tlmiumenl. It u
to Juidter rilor. IK nil Ito
I* til.- largI* i-Ai.-rual
rat ami iNwt j.ivterv. d.
I. ISH f.,-i. It* holgl
-igbt lu tbi-
arte to pass nver .ibr glllt.
•eparited from the bloort
very ihtn membrane ibrougb
fr rarely ti»Pl«e»A however, that ani
-0D-I>|eijlile ore;i Of water fi enllreli
.oveicd with Ice. c
,nd there,.tiy which
" oxygen .if the tir-ran reach
' .•ei anC. liec-ome dlKsolred In It. l
ing a h.i.c froti ftth may alway* to
fniiicd cyirciegated bcoealb air hole..
They are there
, ,
' ’
reemleR. cuwc
in these day., when the hand oMh*
order licit teon-le-u arul htli-ra of tto intiebiil atrattm It lifted agatni-:
Spider faintly iiia; '_«• •• a fair ibauce vurereigna and eialetmeo. It la gralto vf-ate the pi
TliN itdlla I'ying to know ihti 1/ord StlUbiir)
aflenil-u nut? pCki
powerful lifeguard ever
There It at HatSeld a chcritbi-d
same D'rai-> • ni io -«io exi-tniui "Ami
am’ *“•••■ «m '« ibr b-nr of deaih: tot
wiilrh rraadin Hie >-a,va Indian* name
Ito *flil r Ibt* No hig H'*d.-r baa
•urb »o apl-ille a- th»« *01*11 one: It
,yUT*-,iltid-» all • a»i«iiil*l.;i!t riioitor at
Blew Tbe aiii’-llve* ou in-.-*- and nothlag ran to t’"»re Ic'-r ..ing tbao ta
waii-h II rapidly ■planing Ha great
FpoB ihr appruarh af a ctonB.
rkij draw* all fltor Urk into Its
Erer Bamed Oott
If aeyoakMW
Gores Witliont Medicine
New Methods
ebarah erlll giee ua seat anpper lo
Forrater*’ ball Wedneaday ercnlng.
Jan Sk. McaeSlto theebateh.
Creaoaal Band will ha»a anolher ^
etal party Jas »« In Fnreatsi*
also a Sse ua cent topper.
Xev Timi Oart eg K. X d S &- X TakiBj SSaet JaB- llthPaweogdr train* lea*e Trwwerwe City
8:a» a. m- and MO p. ml*aaaeoger
traiotarrireal Traverte City 1 F"n a
m. and fl;M p m
Making eonnectiona
at Shertnen's Mill twice each week day
to and from Boboc on the Flatta Itiver
L-vcral freight tralnt leare at «:» a
m each week day and on Tuesday and
Friday will run to Cedar City on the
(Hen Arbor Hraneh.
aMpped must to deliver..
than S:00 p. m. the ^y totore and1 binb
i ed'ont c.r they will be'toll orer. Tralna
'dally racepi tundav
U W- CrskisoBAM, Agl1
r. A. MiTtti
t F Agt.
frota all parts ol the ayglei
Usa, that are caaalng auflering and
pain and rating up
tbe vitality of
thoneaoda of peop'e daily.
Next, eel at liberty the
muacirt and other otolrnctinns and
make good tbe clreolatiODtVf have
then pot all the tyeieis into a deanaed
liberated condition, and inapibr eaaei
aailable merticinc (M-^to given to
, help to enrich tbr bioM. and tone any
wrak organ* qunlter. ■
Ttaonaaoda iiave'Mafa cured after all
else used failed.,
My way of tyhaiment all ara at core
It I* the onlr real method to take unt
germ* of diaraae Bret; then apply reatoraUree If needccl and not dranch tbe
avitem with medicine.
' i ram Bot what yoitr allmeeU are, or
bow long atanding. If poaaible Stall
you can to madr atvung and healthy,
let It be rbeumaiica. para1.T»ie. brart
lese ana kidney troubles, head.ttarrh. doafneea. In fact every
alimeo.___ _______ .
errti in
and women anfler fi
a abort time and perman Btly by I’rofDetomar. upwuir* SI!, t luion
John R. Santo,
GeDHil iDsxratct.
lunsTEE ue lOKTiusnu l >.
J-t•sis ■“ ,i|ls
: ! W.
® m.7e
,L, virvl. .M 'iH-.T ,
•• tb<•
Ini., It l*th.w ;tTT H. rOSTSa.-v.oo^ at Law. 8iwelal
ddulI.-Hii-il it to ell
Knlniim. - W , MtwiiuxiUi tax tail*.
known a* the t'liur<-li of Sunt* SIdn. For raniurira It lia* auffi-nHl from
vandal*. r»ii*tsu*. 11- b.nving lak.n
l>- till- CIM- ■
roof ami F
to-aniK of 111'- iiortl.
pre-euiloi-ml.v toaiii;
iil WI nil
•ri*f HWtiOM
Chicago — •—r-c-
West Michigan,
Ar -irarA u*p*-1*.-.Lr l^araBatiia*...
-Dd h.^pj darin.
-LiTs’-.nr"s;, I
Ar »M<Mk«r..
«. Ovserai Praagr Agvvt
Ora** BaolO. Kick.
Oetomar a truthful and re-
medium. ta now in
yoar city.
Thl* lady ba* many testimonlaU from
enml Rtpils i Itiiiia K. B
eltieaall aronod yoa of haalaraa and.
all hind* of important matuia and oceurrenee* poenllar in Uvea of people
“,r£ .r;s
CoBDtry girl* In Spain aeldom wear
■t* or bnnnatt of any kind
n Spain, by the way. that the
t a bride mrirlBg orange^
r*r arrl vwl aaC «raw>*< V* ■''
CUV.Ik veer. Kc.
asd agsitot
shoald call aad
give thto
aaadlnni a
trirtly coeBdaaitol.
Ttooe llviDf
oat of the city, aead stamped envelope*
tor term*, readlnga eaa be givaa with
lock of hair aad Urn* of birth.
most pominoBt pao^ eocunlt her In
all rttlas oa boalBcoa, ate.
Bare for a
' a*—w
I * aa*•*«•■««* a a*a a*aaaa
trtol. to teow ihe faioro la aneeem.
rbnd four limes aa
^^lisess seEkEflEBs ■■
-aaaaa aaa*avaa< ••
: :sEssE srsssoiss e«
all aSalr* In lit* both private aad bual-
: short Urns.
AU invited to call aad gat
tSpli‘^hd?Zt tuwDchra*and Wild* a 'dvratoito-iriraatu
hollow *bell. It* roll, knit elo«dy to- ,--------where ah* baa baas for tbe peat alevM
gettor bv tbe denw network of flhera. | ’P”
which appear In the |a*t *iage of ita ikiM.pmra.ara elik*!rhi' even trai
weeks and whare aba met with
tra rtg»i
prapto. Hrw I
growth. It ha* a Uk» affinity for Ita
--------dorfol tnoeaia.
Boar* » -a. m. to 9
own aiwrlea. and a second rata spring- wvooirac
B her hair engioatsd
p.m. OaU ovar SI* Sonth Union
Ing np beoJde one of earlier growth
wlU aliMWb aad dratroy It as U deaAU eltlea ah* vtolia to her raliahle raa> R-d 4
the rtmo. If. however. Beltber
tlahla retaraoee. Battofaetkm «w
ila Ik wlthiu r>-arti it grow*
ey rafandad. SaBday'a. 10 a m. to 4 p.
well-iM-hared tree.
rali' remain* motlonlea* beorath A machine recently iBTcnied abo^ UOI „p p „.«peetL
[> POM SALB-tMlve 1 am sk^^ra m. DarlagthepaatdwavkstB*madams
belghi of from dfty
leaf af la any roareirient nook.
nlgareltea are lursod not every minute, ntulning a1 height
aigty feet,
fret, aad
aad la
to naed for maou In
has bean in Travotaa CUy she baa dose
m •'.'to .ra
apetolng ap ihe output may aisty
▼TTAKTnv-Ora* W«ai •• toal haedwat
an egtaoalv* bnalaeaa, aad
W Mr* rnm arar rot * ratoal tora
Tbe iBUalc aung la Ft. IVter-a at reach m.
-------- lAlato.la Travarra CMy. ApaIrwPa
tore until Jan. !5. Oim
Horn.. Ii entirely In roanuiicrlpl. Na
—--------------------- :----------->Ug.Oe *rt»J. «. Lara laac Lax*.
to alL
vpaallat v. u. m—— —— •—
tore hi* |>art In hi* hand, exiepi wtaUa
wQoeaamer Iron." tba woDderful pea- ,
pOB a IJ^S-rira rva*«rara pvi* iiTO
Thto ad appear* every other day.
to to ai-lually perfnn
dart of the Bwanaaa Iroa mllla to aa
Aak to aaa kUdame'a derelopera aad
aany ha* ■■
thin that I. takax *.¥Mi ahaaU pilao one ^ 0«
ra to maka an Urth IB thickwM»ac*ra *ppir«etoaJ.<.aaaav.
lag ibm' and one gtiii.T tone to id' °
Me IB Utda U auw> leather tolUBg
Lv.TrovtrraCliy *tt,
Ar.gtk Bapid*. ... tuts
Itln PsitUc Irtln.
... : n tt: t:«B{........
.... , r 00, t a:..........
01 •am**'* KUl iTlrart^,
Tbl* ad aptweire every ether day.
It I* atlU .«*win.efc___________
knuH I* the moDL.................
man-h d,f tbe
fon-vl. an IpJigi-uoiiK
Indig'-Uoii* pirn-,
iilue. ' T^rrraSw®l*vra
grott liic to .-nonuoua tolgUi.
toigbi. fr.H|u.-iil.if it..-ra It the l-ren^ef i cloee ffien.ly 4-lKbty f.>..t. before It •••i
jgq arcximpanlee hlbi In hit walk
touglu wlille It* av.-ragi- iliuiu.-t.miboellaneottb
^uoi.i lUtSeld. Ba tnllbfut a guartbar from eight to nine feeL It I* nald to
In reaching maiurliy. '--------------------- '
„ j,e that l»id SalUbnry
to H*i ye
In a kauri
There I* u.. DnUert<rnsh
.. .
the princeofoftrees
railed him -Tharaoh." becan»e be will no rival
rtval witbin
wltblB bU domain. The iota- ; inivIrrateMv of
no! let the people go.
ra la'am '
- OCTB»-gor g
---------------------------------however. — ------- -- -.» .K.
lira. of
tbe eonlferae of
of nilM>r
other miiiiirid-a.
couuirtra. ■
tra.gM'* Oratb «•>•.
lioodoo l» moch healthier la eum- either In habit or In appraran.e. The
most »lngular of aU I* tbe —-------than Id winter. In tbe third week
rnllar tree wlla romewtiat
ol January S.'iSl daatha were noted.
iiaraelte. If It »prlng» up c
while lo the third week In June the . ..uiO phie It wind* about II like a ;
huge vine. Its tlgbienlng .-oil* grad- i
only l.l»
tisUy misblDg tto life,oat of ^ im- j ^<ogaALa-ABr<m
.EmE ■::& !ii is
weeka in Maniatee. Caaea ccan be treat
ed br wrUiny: *<--*»d letter with psrtlcur».’Entirely new melbcd ofdiagDoaiDg
)or raae, correctly abow'nr weakMaes. loeatlon aad darailoa of diaerae
Krery peiaon I treat cau have private
loairacttona frece. how to he Ihe'r own
Idnelor. and keep tbemaelvea and tamin good health for few cenU per
If aatieSrd with yonr doctor,
lUnue with him. if dot rail and get
my cireaiar and free advice. I have
little time for talk* with enrlraity
seeker*. Everybody callMi
cure* dally.
Private diaeaeea of men and
eoTcSdentlally treated, • permanently
mimalk »•» H
filial, aticMlc
enr^.and waited organa made atronger
than ever In a abort t«me. every oi
01 'i-kcutctr,
ran treat Ihemralvee prirafij. IU<
lUcuor No X.
reliable rrfrrenera and aUndlng
Umar, Aairologival Medicine Co . *M
; III, Warraavil*
Sth Rtrnel. IVetroit.
totirippe cured in t or three treatmeota.
_______________ ^
0«ce hoora. » a m. to « p. m. BuniTh.wi»iua-ifu-j»*___ ________________________
legii l« able to pan
rftwbl* erab. la.-* He ?T>lor U bright
veUow. with browi- ■pot* Thl* pretty
little l«dv u e-. -edingiy vi*nomoot.
oat that It btiv*. i- -i berauae it potaoa*
the nuiu or U-**'r iiai haa tto- m'»f^
inne to ewall-w H Ui water, or Ui fodder. •moliE will-*' iiHuH'la are apt ta
innitib-. or.- nil. - Hut
nrtite. It t* aa*med
rath of lior*.' ue ntite
Bicycle Riders.
l-'ttl. in Ice-b«mn4 rlvert have to de,.end niliiely npon Iht* tiore of oxyam
letpiiutlon, and if It thoulrt
^xhauMed thry are tiifforaied.
iN-lng It roo Inter -Jliig to to left out
tbd'Midieiwntl) d.'ug'c'"ut to gmird
agabitt; tlhiv on- l> etiougb to .dots
tto .wreer of Hi - amwt race boM
Banah. Lag * Oa. ameb.
O. P. OARVKB. A«ato
" “""
”“j;j"ikei!.Tou'."’.j',r;i *h.-Zn^ ..........
moala atwara------------ ----------- ----from aa attack of U r»iPtooartag
the rpldeata of la grippe a few year*
. many eatet Teaaltad in
t waa etorrrrad that the
>er followad by that
Cbavberlatn'a Cough
dUaaae when
oold or 1 > grippe to retrodeary of
Ula and do give TO* the beat work of aaj
auU in that -ugeraat dlss^.
ledy In the
world for had
e beat ramc...
oae In the city for the money.
tale br J.
Jobnaos a
J.‘ O.
aad^. *
pamd. bnt hae prujeniooa at tto tide
of lit head which gire rise to tto uame. I
Aaolber boiiM-bulcl |K-l U the JalMUeee .Amwm^w
t very
poodle, wblcb b.-re l«
rery ai
aiimll nnd
area few of tbe hai
»erj ciirl.v luiln-d. Thle
rhlt dog <wtchea
Baoaah BtSe «
u the
Ita own Bub lu
lh lagooUK. a^ rail
fruit from the gut'
Tbe raau wbo <>w
n. fur be c.
lAdronee It a rich man.
aupport life without labor. Breadfruit
trees grow wild, and with i.up meoau.
... -tail «_•
da are tbe abade tre.-s of Ibe lalanda
II l»*rU who atked him to aecure
grore of lir.-a(lfru1t trees to a luidne Itlander It wbat a lo-r.1 of tVeetrattle
a raneliman. Fruit
though he rttd not apeak the very beet growt all tbe
JUWW edible tropic
KuKli.li Be foupd bimtell getllng <|iullly of qui
found th<M
Jh<*re. Bice. com. Indigo,
very handtomely with tbe Ken
raetor olL gutrat and breadfrali are
tu<kitv> Ob the afternoon of the Brel
_ . .
ml. while tugarcane.
rotion. tciluiii-u and castor toaut grow
dty he inquired of o
witbnut idaiillnj:. Tory an- uatiiral to
>iner«- "BhOnld
^loera'BhOnld I deaire
deaire t«
the toll, and epriitg up In aueb quautigei.tlramn lo drinh, how
lira at to Ike regarded t* wia-da
The enthutlitlit II
very raluatde |•otM'nKlon whieh
,he honor, tir.
Vnrle Kam w .d use It Ibe |uila gmre.
which eiti-ndt lu a Iwit acnwi. all tbe
good " iepTie«l ibt baroB. "hot If iht ItUindK. Thit Italtn grove eniulata of
ti-tiilemtn ttked me to drink, wbai palm tni-s which rlw tide by aide ao
lier that you ran hunlly, ei,hoiud I tty’
"The pith hen- It to
I- Hleudermwa of the trunka
ki.io him on the back, tlr. £nd ray.
e trees, je-neiraie into Oie depllit
pi*a*ure. tlr. to
They grow vege«i.k, ««..
"ii ■■ very good"
In eouiiiieree It aa
Ing U at band to dltturh tlielr right,
they partly oiifold ilieir ruttyddark
wing* and atealihlly light upon ibeU
Mhen lb.-*.- Idtci ndw-d imdc-rlakWI
Bagtaod nywardt tor grant oto<
royally. Gemnl tor Harton MHok. .
la to ba giree a grant to SISAOCO. and
urlil ba mada a Tiacxmiit at a {aalimbuuy to aleratiag him to the pam
when to will later tak* the dti
Lord Klltoaoer to KHartum. Too tod
to baa-t a mora pletnratqna an
go with kit btwort. Bub aa tto dlriaa
WUltam ODM aptly remarkad, -Wtoi'i
In a samaT'—Botom HarabL.
If he bat or-
lit fiala* BMi I matp-it-a «uiia pottible ilgtt
A Terr queer mineral pradow U a tomna naraatoTm
Me whkb ehangea color Id the atmo“
aptore. ColddayaltlaWackibotdayt WheM, old, ptobj.
__jt. new.
• : la
• •bright
-fbt red:
iwlD tbrrateto It
now. par
red: wbra
rioody trrattor It U Oata. Na 1, ptoba. (aaw)..
> plakleh. and la rloodj
. pto'ba
M- Ilea on
Moe. ThU alone
Bye.per ba....
and tbe I
awa weal!__ _
Butter, par B. •
A great yellow nower wbkb
and rhMM to tbe aun at noon 1 an- Bc«a. par doaaaonly Poiatoaa. per ba
other norrlty. Tbit Sower ukea t
See minuiea to open aad that; for one
mlBine It I* wide opes, abnwlog a
•aoUau Aralaa Balra.
while ei-uier with gulden bean. It
opens dlret^ly up to lUr tun tnd cioaea
Tn> ____
Bmt _____
»«■ *■ in the world for
light with dnxH'lDg
ling head. It rarira
Bruiaaa. Soraa, tnear*.
tnear*. Balt
■lot one mlnme In tbe Whole
whole Ufetlmeof
UfrtlDteof 2?“r^’smaaT^ttar. Chapp«l
tbe jdani. On cloudy day* it «1>-na. n.ag*. oj,Ublalna. Oonta, and all Skin
liot doea not riee at on tunny day*.;
oatltlralT enrat Pllaa,
Tbit Sower an_. at t ekutk to tbe Mreonl^ad. It It gaarantaad
2o^Sle'l'»lt*uoi'li'bU*gtuwiU v»i.tpalt It geoultot.
bin to aeok n Urger urn-. Il 1> odd W
WWere Kr«<
pee ■ perlwTokb- tliell v>
la diameter, ttrervd ov.-r i
............... _
|.foJeiilng ■
Kteoibuian. when be drat made a trip
The ludde bal
ttat doera't l
Ito Blcmd—Ud to WdyM* ItoC
Tbe DiiuiHii Tea. tan • p. sb ntU S A m.—New York JonraaL
B. la
V rntJo.
f”* toto.......
< tS“ rot read of (tea who Olt fra»
' csMoalvr tobareo atleg aad afa found
aauipaytoi< llitrallr rtoklni wUh
“ “ jikoUaa. All niliblah. NotWn* of tto
t* T* klad.aver
fclBd.aatr happeaad.
happeaed. Agals,
Agalo. Ift a Uraiit* asperlatrai to bloa
ttarautb a baodkarakler aad tba atala
Stoat Out rorii per B....
- * - On. Seat..
bSomt OMBinuiiiies tt is Unlaw-
««* ramoving vrriahtoa. Bpeotol
I jssii B ssa ta.t
t slwnaw
:!:! s«:
aisaiaaaiaaaaa aaaaa
ssesssisssssths sssss
-e—gvww II
al branch irala mitvra M Mto aV
FMtora. «a^.
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