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The Morning Record, November 22, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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mmvMi’ mioR
»Mk ki BrcokljB. Mich., m«
IAk«l7 to Ooeor In south I Rrcoklyo..«—*»<>«
Mich.. No*. II.—Tho
Afrion Vory Boon.
lA tM KiekMC*
huh, s
Be Baforeeateau OoasUuUy Arrtviac
-BMrs Baaeaverlat to- l^veat
Beaehlat lAdyantth
^Bepwted that aa Atteiapt Will Be
Made to Cut Btilway Coa*w
Biteoart. Natal. Mo* *1 -A eooetaat
tooawt Is belaf mlatalaed to the
aoathward. ee it Is eapeelad the
■aeay say attempt to eat-the railway
eoaaeetlon with the ooask If sueh aa
atteapt be made It will probably eeat
the Bosie more thaa they reckoa l<w.
Bverytbiaf ta r>iB( «■
eourt. Prmh troops are ooastaatly ar>
rivlac. aad aamdvaaee eaaaot he loac
LeadOB. Nov. li.-The Staadardb,
*AI« eoAocn owBod bj W. 8. Culver,
wee blow* open by borrUr* eurly lodey ud 83 uou Id cerreacy elolea. The
robbery wee eoanlttied by three
They were eeea while ruanlac away
by eeverul Tlllatere. who were awak.
eaed by the shocks of three eepateu
eeplaeiuaa The robbers ired re*o’
at the eitiseuB to latlmioale them
pvaelar- They dleappeared. golaf
afoot la a southerly direclioa^TbecMhier sUtee that the thlavea
took f:;.8vo. aad that he recovered II.SCOiobllUaodeoia* (rom the ruias
The berglaie' tooU were secured (roes
a local Mackamlth shop. Tlte villace
eiaploys ao nl(bt watahmaa.
,t loiUu On. WtiKht
dkted Mo*. !?• seT* that Ue'
arrival of a relief column at E.tooart
haeoom^tely asmllBsd Ute plane of
the enemy.
Ueneral Joobert bat StroBC OppcalUon Kauifested Aculnat
Moved southward to prevent a Jane
BelMse of Friaoaar-Three Membore
Uoa batwMO the two Bnt^ toRwe.
Toiod la Dettotl for Oommutatioa of
MaaawbUethe dsealtotf caanoaadBeatoaee.
ButOuly -lafoimally.
lac of the
It M an
toala, Mleb , Not. 31.—The propoelvaeaslUac performaaoe. oa the whole,
thoach It **aa varied at mldnlcbt on Uoa to oommuie the eeateaoe
Nov. u hy thelU helac thrown amoac Wrlcbt. the Beatie eouaty murderer.
the eleeplac iababltaau. Everybody has attmeted
that a Bbrbt attack was im- aad when'the Sute board of Pardoae
pndlac. bat it was only a aearu The met here today there were several delCMcral dleoomfart of the alece la in- eeatioas preeeat deeply interested la
liM**"* by heavy mine, wbtch are the cnee. The allseed decieioB of three
of the board to
aomlBf Aowa la aa aabrokaa sheet,
taralac the towa aad camp into a a pardon for Wiifht wbaa he shall
^aacmlre. There wee ao bombardmeot have aarved fifteen years meeu with
oppoelUon that
oa Wadeeeday. Tbare ware a few
•tray shots oa Theiaday. Five clril' board »la aa
taaa *rrre lalared hy ehrupoel A few Oarld B. Bnraa. the Oread Bapids
wme fired oa the day the member le bitterly dppoaed to a
dkpateh was seat, bat they did little mulatioa aad baa aanonaowl that
If the other thm members decide
The Bmia oooUanv to reeelve re-eo to fuvor a eoffmstatioa he will
Cereemeom aad treab eappliaa of atores file a report with the fovemor on
own necouat, opposlac claamacy la
almost dally.
The eoldleie la the
Caniao. are ehafiac
*h«lr the COM.
It *rae clearly mtabllehed here today
Mtcwced laaotlvlty. aad are eecer for
•ctloa- Their desire U likely to be that there wa» a vote Ukea at a meetrailfied.ee a reeooaolesaaoe Tuesday Inc of the board la Iktrolt. at which
ahowed that the eocmy **ere boldloc only three members were present.,Mr.
the road to Coleaso la force. A decisive Baras bcl&c uberat. It le stated, how
hatOe le therefore expected whea the ever. that the vote favoriac eommntetlam eomce for the troops now at Bet- tlon irae only Infuriaal and ael bladiac
The preeeat clln
•Mirt to attempt a j taeUoa with the upon the membare
atlon oomprls the three memberu favor
foreeat Udyumlih.
There seed be no aasiety eoacara- lac Wrlcbi'e releuM to do coaaldemble
IBK the abUlty of Ladyumlth to hold
The board met at u o'clock this mora
out. There le plenty of food in the
•owa. aad the eepply of ammoalUoo >a ine and there wu» <)ulte a larce audledoe preaeat, amoac them belnc l<ea
OT. *1.—The first direct A. KymM of Oraad Bupl^.u brother of
news from Ladysmith, dated Thuraday the wife of Dr. Tharber'.-eoe of the
lardered mea; DIelriet Attorney
aad Friday, etraac^ eoafllcm with
the reltsramd reports of “tremeadone Oovell. B. A. Wait of Maalatee and
hatUee aad Ureut Brltlab Tietorlas'' oa several otheru The Wricht cam wm
Wadamday aad Ibureday. Neither of Ukea up and Mr. Oovell cave a deUUthe 1------- 1— referred to. thoufh dla- od review of tha oiime for wblcb
patehed oa the deye foUowloc the Wriebt wee eoavleted. Be Cure
datmof the allsfed CfbU. meatioa Cruphle deaciipUoo of the arreel and
aay r«Al eacacemsaU Both ettU trial and spoke eloquenUy acaiast aay
that beyoad a false alarm Tuesday propoaltlOB which miebt lend to the
•vealnf aad a tittle lacreaeed ebeliiac
Wrlcbt. In cloalBC hU
«a Thuraday aad Friday, everytblac arcBmeotbeaaid "1 want tossy that
mas<u>et. Nevertheleea. apeelal dls- 1 believe Cbbrlee T. Wrlcbt to be the
patobes from Bstcoort today eolanfe moat daacerooe maa la Miebiana
on the reported batUce aad lailet that priKiae today, aad 1 am positive that
the Boeru received a more terrible lee- he woald not be oat of prison two
yenre before be woald be la acain for
aoa Wedaeeday thaa la aay pre*'
icbk These tales are ao flattorlac to taktac of humaa life. I tbiak
the Britlah that they have a dieUaet woald be esbdmyly danceroas
fiavor of belar belated aeoousU from Itaalf, and a travesty upon joillce for
Kaffir eoarcee of affaire prerlonely re him to be
Covell exhibited the revolver
Betcourt. Natal. No*. II —Rumors -seed by the murdeiwr la ehooUac Mr.
of ao atleced victory achieved by Oea- Tharber. aad also ahowed the ballet
^ White on Wednesday last are etiU whleh killed Marehall.
Only one aide of the ease wee heard
UBCoafirmed and UtUe eiwdenoe la at
tached to them Beporu from the today, the board leavinc it to take up
other baaineee A farther oonwnthwaid esy that the Boere are eepamtlnc Into foraciac aad plllarlac elderauoa will beclveatomorrow.Pram
onUook It appeeiB aa
parties, who are loailnr eloree. etcalthoucb VVrichl would be compelled to
laf cattle and raueseklnc boueea.
remaia ia prUoa.
>klac tor
Oeaeral BUe Boubt Aheat the Stories
a 81te la the Waatsra Town.
Dwver. Ool.. No*. »l.—A party of
Puilmaa-Wacaer ileeplBC car official*,
Bmded hy T. B. Wlckea. vice prealdeot
•f the eompnay, same here today aad
heffUB loeklac tor a site oa whleh to
huOd bnaoh ahope.
Mr. Wlekee said that Deaver ehopa
would be used for street cure and for
and that they would
ve employmeat to MM or eoo mea.
It M expected that a alu wlU be
oeea this vreek. aud that the vrarii
i the buUdlac will bqrln oarly la the
Mavam el Offlelal ni4 of Ohio Mas
Vio* Praaidant Pasaad Away
Death Oame at B:80 a. m.. Badlnc a
VeefnJaad BrUllaat Career of Oae
«C the Foremost Mea ia tbe Oeoatry
—Fleet Pieced at Half Hast ia
Waahiacton Whea Ue Bad Hews
Wat ▲BBOmBoed.
Patoaoa. N. J.. Nov. si.-Vlce preaideal Garret A. Bobart died at 8:30 this
BMcniac. Be had been faUing elaee
laM yvaterday and at mldaight becamei
At 7 o'clock thU
iof he had aa attack of angin pectoris,
from wkleb he never rallied. Mra
Bobart. her eon. Oerret, Dr. Newloa,
Mm. NewtOB. a ooatla of Mra. Hobart,
aad a nurae were preeect
patlent'e bedside ooaeUnU.T from tte
time be became aneoseeioaiat 7:.K> Mr. Uobart'e secretary called
op the White Uoase by telepboae and
BoUfied Prealdeat McKinley that
Bobart was dying. Flags throughoat
tbe city were half masted and belle
tolled during the forenoon.
telegrems of ooadolenoe were received.
Almoat tbe first of these was from
Prealdeat and Mra. McKinley.
Garret Aajmstas Bobart was bom la
ty. N. J. Jane ft. 184«,
and evadoated from Butcara eollece la
lies. For aeveral years tbareafter,
while leaehincncbool. he studied Uw
aad waa admitted to the bar la 1M1>.
Be establlebed himself tla pmeUee at
this place and waa elected elty coeaeel
la 18TI; member of the cute boom of
fepreaenteUvee from 18T3 to 1878, servlac aa speaker In 1876; eUte eeaator
from un to l»ss. belnc pnMdent of
le senate la 1881.
Mr. Bobart was emlaeatly ■boeeaefal
Wi la poUUcs aad ia baelaem. Ble
repataUoB a* one of the ehrewdeei bosof the country wn# perhaps
Creater than aa a political lander and
anUl hU eloeUon to the vlo* I
From 1880 to 18i>l be waa
at tbe bead of the aute republicaa orCaaUatioa in New Jersey and planned
brilliant campa'icna I'rom l»84
to 1be waa a member of the RepabUcaa national execaUve committee. Hie
advioe and ooaaeel were eooebt after
byeomeofthe larceat oorporaliona la
Me eoantry and at the tfme of bla elec
tiOB as vice preeldeat he waa director
of sixty differeat aompaniee.
Mr. Bobart was a popular preeldlag
officer aad a good perlUmentariaa. Bis
firm bnt genial. Be leaves
but one cblld. Garret A., Jr., aged 14.
Tbe faaeral will probably be held Sat-
__ _____
Deported 1,000 BebeU Killed aad
9.000 VouadrdlatheFtchtla^
aantaadsr Provlnoe.
New York. Njv. SI —A local paper
tkM momlag priau the following:
Panama. Colombl*. Nov.
advioee from Bogota dated November
18 report that a terrible bstGe between
the government force# and the revoialioaieu was fougat near Baearamaage,
capital of the department of Saauader. in which the government foreea
ere vletoriont.
ItMeUtcd that the baUle lasted
two day*, eading at aeon oa Nov. ic.
More then I.OOO rebels were killed
and S.ouo were woanded.
Aooat 10,000 mea on both aldm i
engaged la the fight.
General Crlbe and General Jana
Fraaciaoo Gomez, prominent leadei
the rev^utloaiste, were woanded, aad
U Is reported that General Pablo BmUlo Villar was killed.
On the government side General
Of Our
290-228 Front Street
tor tha meek haU oa Tha
■e aa dMgUy at tha Bealoa M
Balph Oonnable Jr., MaoMgv.
Mannish Shapes.
Heavy Soles
For Street Service.
Irim Neat Styles.
Light Soles
. For Dress Wear.
Beads is well orvaerad for the Xmas rash.
Can You Think Of Anything
That would pleeeeyoar geatlemea friends better than
a beautiful pair of
ipenderafor just such handiwork
packed in a box
One pair
They come in hU the fashionable colors and
are the swellest $1.60 or $1.76 will boy.
('um* at once be
fore the pn-ttiest an- gone.
S.50 to S-OOj
S. GENOA & C0.™‘i
f /~YOLD today and warm tomorrow, n fclluw do.-«m’t know
what kind of an oyrr.-ont toget .\ dark or light one, a long
• or short one. a rough or smooth om-. a thin or thick one. U'e
V have all of them, but as a buggeelion will say this: .Must of tbe
A yonng men are buying short cnata, most of tb« middle aged men
w are buying medium iellgtb^ and tbe older men are afraid of
^ cold legs and are buying l >ng coals.
iJlG.ili, $1.'., 8lK. #2i» an- the
prices of our overcoats and you won’t have any regrets
A promiseDt New York official
eaid the ReDeral use of the tele
phone had wade the task of efficently protecting life and properly
over 50 per cent, easier.
Telephoning in case of fire, ac
cident or burglary has^^iecome a
recogii«r..-d necessity.
Every well regulat
ed household has a
Have you one in
your hoiiie'f
Underwear /
is popular with
all men who
care to be
neatly and com* ^
fortaMy dressed.
Tbe fact that men
who have once worn
tbe Muosisg Unioo
no other kind
Comiilete Mew Stock
Faecy anil Staple Gtocetias.
I “AillBr's
8emi of thfipriMfi
better make youi- selection now for fu
ture delivery.
We never bad as Snean assortment
of picture.^ and mouldings as we have
today and we can guarantee fhe high
est c- tes of work in putting them to
gether—Bring yonr pictures this week.
$1.98 SHOES
NVw store now ready for busi
The regimenu commanded by Gen ness. i'lill snii protit by prompt
erals Holgaln and
**« reported attention and a fresh stock
to have oceapied Bu&ramanga oa No
vember 18. ‘Hie place bad been held
by the revolatloaleU since tbe civil 24-*) Front Street.
ar of e month ego.
TheManaria. aa BaglUh steamer,
arrived here yesterday with 600 reFinaeleeo, Oal. Nov. :o-“ldcaot eraite from Baenaventom. Aboat 400
know asythlac aboat tbe robblac of
charehee la the FbUlpplaee by Amerieaaaoldlere.’' Oeaeral Frederick FaaetoB declared today,la an iater*lew.“aBd
rbile it may be true that some of oar
lea were codty ol.eaerll«cloBa thieve
ry. I eaa hardly believe It. Daiiacthe 1%# Admtxal'e Boas Traaafhrred
war between tbe Spaalabaad Filplnoa
there were a aambar of native charehee
Kov. <1.—Papers i
robbed by the 8peatarda A cr«at deal
Never giTee yon any £
of plaadm’ got iato tha hand* of Cbiaa- today drawn up «y tbe wifeof Admiral
± trouble — flnaat glovee ^
maa. who evaatoally sold ecoeldetable Dewgy traaaferrlng all right aad tlUe
la the Dewpy home to the adaslraPe ^ on the market —$1.00
of tbe staff to the men of oar army."
Tbe OMsral aocompaated by hlevrite com. Geovge. Tbe deed will be record' • to $2.86.
arrived at Oakland, aercae the bay, last ed thisaftamoOB or tomorrow. It ie
accepted aa the comet veraioa
aiebt. He M oa hia way to Manila, that the admiral's fisaadal aftaln
where he vrill report for dety to Oea- made this eoarae aeeeeeary la erdm
retala the home ia hlt.lamUy.
Baaa Oaapletad.
Oelambae.a.Nov. 8i-Tbe eaaram
dths official TOM ia Ohio has baaa
ipmplr*-* Itahowethat Jadce Nash's
■tataU^ M 4i.on. The total vote was FiBey vwk.
•8.1ft*. __________________
W.Q. Ui
The meattac of the Ladtae' Qaild of
MaaharehwUI be held this aftertaaUthsb
IN ten days our Holiday Goods will all
be in and the rush of business will
be on ns............
is evidence of merit
find accounts for the constantly
. increasing demand.
Wilhelm Bros.
Did You Ever
* Stop To Thiuk
I Hamilton
I Clothing Co. 2
Th It about
of your life is spent in your
shoes? Why not buy a shoe that will be
comfortable as well as durable? The new
styles we are showing in geotlemen's shoes
are very popular. Our leather lined
Vellour and
Willow Calf Shoes
are beauties. The styles are right and they
are perfect fitters and the quality the b^t.
Price $S.OO
Front Street
McNamara block
■WMM Mouraro ksoobd
B. m. B X- * r. Oe AVB UAL.
Ba>iaoM of tbe Feet Tear Twry Satlt'
vmATXMXonr. •
miobioaji CiMdnried By Mtaad beeUrer Oark
ttOi. T.
4«D 3. w. Htwm-
#. «. BAnn*. «aiw »ad »U—fee-
a<TT»T*tM nt}
faetney and OBeen Be Bieeied.
Laat ni^t tbe aanuar Beetlnr wf
at Mnaoaic Lod«e Xmet Bvtmlnffthe Boardmau Biver Bleetric Licht A
A Banquet Wee Berved.
Power Go wa* held and offlMrt elecitd
The Maeoale rodre of thia elty ee well
fur tbe eneulnc year. TaeofiJete ai*
a* before and with one
eittea. enjoyed an uaaan^ly Pln^i
tbe hoard of director, ia tW
time at toe iodee rouma la*t *»«W
The eeceptkm ia iolbe rlart.ei
beiac the aehool of in-;
^ OiuUlck. In the place of b r
letiou eoadaetMl by Grand Lmtnnr father, recently deieaadd. Toe ofioei*
Arthur M. Clark of U » nftoa.
and olreeioiaareaaioaow*:
Tbe F. a and M. M. detmee were
Preeldint—WUliam Loodon.
atferved on Joeeph Banner of Cedar.
Vice preaident—Howard Irish.
After the work of the evealnr.
Secretary—A V. Friedrich.
vlaitora awl local meabera aat down to
Troaauiwr—9am Oarlaod.
Bptaooa banquet, with eovera for
Dirwelotw—WUllaa U^ndoo. Bowaro
ovar too.
Iriab, A. V. Priedrleb. Sam Garland.
ChariB WabelB, ..._______
A. Bartak.- Bobert
Bbermaa Lod*e. No. ST«.-W- H.
^o^j, g, Urearck. J
ebavar. Ooo. B. Tbylor. Ed Wneeler,
Dan \Chadwlck. Baedore Gilbert and
i-be reporU of tba bnarucH of the
Vicur Parker.
''company dnrint the past year were
Elk Eapide Lodye. Ko. tn —S- B^*ery aatiefactory and the variout imOwen, H B. Lewie, J. D. Karewell. F. ‘piovementa made and oontemplatcd
a Aaletl, Joa Botler. B. J- Archibald, j
a W. Mltebeli and T. J. Wblla
Bo*rd of P»r<loM I* In b
ntbM- peculiBf poBiUo# »Ml wWehow
«b7 Xhtj tor* la U» Wri£h» cm* ibej
•«Bl Bad Uunaelw In BO aneavlnble
It no« trmMplrM tbnt «t a
of ihe board U> DelroU u
laleraal vote wm taken and tka three
•Mben preaeot eoted lot a eoBiaaUtl0B of the amtance of tbo msrdarer
D»eU B. Bnnw wai not praaant bnt if
bahadbaan Be «oaid bare of^naad
inman. El Bedell and C. L. Cleve
tbo oonraa taken by ibo other threr land.
MBbara. Hoveear. it U airnad by
torn* of the board that their acUoo
waa »araly lalormai. tbarefora aol
totadlofi and U they ehanfa tbalr
—tiU« It ia their prieUefe to do ao, al- MeBeen and Bnyh Biodk.
Alleyan.-Oeo. White.
thoefb there la an apparent relnetaaoe
Lake Ann.—N. E. Decan.
' to a ehanca of taaarv It. toweeer, the
three sembera decide to rmmeteod to
tharnvn'oor a oonaDotatlan of thaaentanee Mr. Horaa wUl Bia with the gorBxploMon ofaOaa Xnjuad Hk Band.
and thve wili be a tariaoU created by
But Be Wrttea that the Injury M
the ladlrnatioa of many people who
Bot Berioua.
haea Bade thla partieelar caae a atsdy.
B J. Morcan U in reeuiptof a letter
I reeardlnc the
aad wboae «
■atter are wortby*of oonelderetion. trow hie aon Tberon. who k bunUeF
in tba u^er paainanla. In company
There iea
U oppoiiUen to a eoBBnUtkia of the with C. B Murray, tellinf of a nanow
MBtanea of tVrlffhtand facU preeentad Mcape from aerkna injuir. Theron
a doe, and at the aouad. of the
In the eaae plainly encpeat that the
hoard of pardont will be actlnr in ac- run. a fawn and a buck apranq up be
ModaDee with the end* of jnaUoe if hind him. Be turned and fired, but
•hey allow the aatter to rent Jnat tbe r>B exploded in bk handa, and
one of the handa wap injniud. Theron
irhore it la.
writmtbntthe injory k not,A«rtona.
Wits Arnisaldoontofai^tand ee and that he k Mill bnnUnr. with a
rna whkh heobialaed. Be aocma
Uaatlyoatharon. and the eonapleoone abaonea of an oeraniaed iHorfeat to refret tbe loM of the deer c
prmy, there aeeBe to be a bright pcea than the Injury to the hand.
pact of a eepraaatoD of the inenrraeMew In abort order. The eondlUoe
fho PbllliviMe Indiaata that the e
of eatabliahlnp a form of deil yoTereMSt ia the cltlee of the ialaade ia only
B qaeoUon of a eery abort tlse Tbia
proecea will be followed by tbe m
Uahsent of peace and a reorraniation
that will aooD eonelnee the FUtplnca
of the taaneBcent perpoaea of
Cnltad Suiaa roranmeat.
lan made a larpe aUpBaot
SnpervUor Warner Xmbarks In the
Xdvery Bntlneea.
J. L. Warner will remove tomoi
from Wim^burr to Sik Rapids,
where he will take an active part In
the livery bnaineae be and Mr. Fklrfaanks recently boufbt at that place.
Mr. Warner hae reaif ned hk enpervieorahinof Whitewater township, and
Lowell Some has been appointed by
the town board to fill tbe vacancy.
Mke Elsie Dean, the Blfb eehool
of t,00D beahala, and waa abided to teacher who 4tas been ill f
Akaco- lhaaeerare priee paid for time, left yeeterday for her 1
thaB iraa aboat tl centa.
Uc eontbem part of the eUte. where
A new comblnaiion aboeae and pwa- ehc will lake a food rest before reaoBfer ear waa pat on the brnneh od Uralnf to ber detiee hare.
B. V. Warinf made a buaiaem trip
the O. B .V I. yceterdey. and fralphi
ooadactor Gordon wUl now be prepared to Cadillac yesterday.
W. Hyde of Beet Jordan, b the fumt
to earry paiaencefe betweea thla point
and Walton sneh Bore comfortably of C. B. L^.
Mrs. W. A. Baymoad left yeeterday
than formerly.
Harrimce Uoenaee were irraatcd yea- for a ^orl vitit at Bellaiie.
tnrday to David R. Elman of Feninanla (.Mr. andMra. J. A. Moore went to
townablp and Miaa Nora A. Booper of Sherman yeeterday to attend the fun
eral of B. H. Boee,
Bnat Bay. and to Qaoar Soranaoi
itarfleld and Miaa Boaa Ufontae
A. J. Bradshaw has fone on a buslthia city.
aaa trip to EmpUa.
a B. Beaael went hnnUny yeeterday
Mrs. J. U. Bsmadell went to Manktae
at ThoBpaonTUle. He aeeored a fine yeeterday to vkit r^Uvee.
htr of rame. iaeladicr qnail, part,
WUl Wrifbtman has retumad from
rldra and rabbit.
Qaaa No. 1^. of the Bint U. E. San.
Mke Vena Stefiaa of Lalaad, b In
eekool wUl bold a apeelal bealneai tbe city.
aaetinf in the parloie of the church
Frank Goodrich left laat nifht on a
Ihkoeenlny at « o'clock. Alt memben boslneSB trip to Petoakey.
are eameelly reqoeeted to be preaenl
Mrs. A. J. DeVries of WUhamaburf.
Daniel Shanahan ha* opened hie oew waa In tbe city yesterday.
rroeery. 2*i l-'rontctreet, with a com
Mrs. Beery Stefleee of Leland waa a
plete lint of new yooda.
Traearae City vkitor yaaterdey.
An error in J. W. Slatcr'a adrertlaeD. K. Pallk of Mantew, k at the
■ent yaaterdey made it appear that Hotel Oolambb.
yIhe altaa of the Iron beda be ia aalUnc
B. E. Foley of Oadar k ia tbe dty.
waa three feet, ala Inehce wide when
C. S. Oavia hat returned from a bntiae a matlw of facOlr. Slater arriee BHatrlpMTth.
AUo another aice. four feet ala
N. K. StrobC has retamad from a
wide and the adrertlacBent ahould bnainem rlall to Oheboyfan.
^r« md that way.
Eobt. Oaldwail came down from
The Ocean City Boyal Clrple wUl CbarlevoU yesterday to attend tba anaarre an oyaler Snpper in the Odd aaalmeelltifof tbe Bcardmaa Blyer
JaUowe-faall|thlaerenlaK|ftoB t to » Electric Llf bt k Power bo.
Bbeloeal poUto market aUyed at
•beet so eenu-yeaterday. aUhou(h the
riiitri were'aot eo heavy at they hate
kaan for a tew daye past.
TU Ladlee- Aid aoeiety of tha Oonfretatlonal ohereh will aeet thla aftnrJWM ia the church fparion at t;M
■ A'atoeh. The tadica| are requeeled to
>• preaent prepared to eew.
rvaak Oourtade of Beat Bay. refortaAndiaf aiiuanU^ of arbntua in
1b the oomlAf UBfafcment of Marks
Bros, at Stelaberf'a Grand Opera
H<mae, barimninf Monday, Dec. 4.
amueameBt lovern wUl have as opportoBity to witsam ^flntielaaa perfoemaaesa stBfud 1b tbe proper maBoer and
with epeeial aeenery. at popular prloea
of 10. It and U eeata Tbe oompaay
carry twenty complete eeia of eooBery
for tbe proper preeeatBttoa od tbeir
pkya That they do tbk. 'h endeBoed
by the ImmeBee eaoeeea they are havVotiea to «ch‘hOTMB root • A. B. iBf throuibout their tour, packiaf tbe
By requaet of the family of the late theatres to tbe doors wherever they
t«ri Muaeey. the tuueral wUl be la have appeared.
aharfe of tbe McFheeuoa Poet. No. it
OkiiMBU Fuey Work.
- O. A. B. All membere who can ■
Fancy work tor cCrktmaa
«t aovraalent to aMead an wrtnd ts
baa joai been reeelved
■Hatatthc Poet iwoma at 1« e'ulnek
, doaifoa.
Botall Olexka WUUnr to Brtaad Boute
of Work After Oeeamber A
Owlnr tothe»pr«aent trade eoudiwill be crowded into the Bontb ofDec-
Bronchttle end tnolptent
Coneump-‘on, te
j Tk, eclViAk i(,ciiiEinr
17 differeot styles of Iron Beda from..................................$3 60 Up
LT dim™,
... .*^75 „p
White Kname) Chairs........................................................................... (1.00
\Vhil.' Kuamel R.K-kers.............................................................. ..
I “Lipton” I
» Collar
—On« of our new onei
^ —sells on sight.
Clothing Co.
Bealltinr thk fact and thlnklny
perhape U would be desirable to have
the etorce open evenlnfe tor a ocwaldkble time darlnr the holiday eeaaou
to belter acoommode cubtomera. we.tbe
imbenofthe Betell Clerks'Union,
dealre to express onraelvea as heartily
and unanlmonely in favor of dolnf all
in OUT power to further tbe luterea'.e
of our employere and add to the coovenienee of the buylnf public; and
ahould the merehante In any or all
L. JL. A
I of trade, deem it advkable to
open tbeir etoreo eveninfa from Dec
ember * to December 30, Inelaaive, vee
awurethem that we will cheerfully,
comply with their wkhea.
aretyhB'e aiosk.
Local No. SIS. B. C. 1. P. A.
J. W. Slater,
Tdi. Xo U130 Iron B«l. I.ou-hl ..t bond, 4 fwl li inch™:
>.cu:htdfloot,3-f™,6 inch™, nnd
f™l 6 inch™
• idc, u.d 4 (™t ,1 inch™ n-id... nnly..................................... *4 7S
120 Front St
House Furnishing Store.
Will Aaderson
Ralph Anderson
Hre Insurance,
and Em^almers
Jdhn R. Santo,
Both Telephones. No. *3.
318 Union Street
Tr««are» city. Hi
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Boye Band Boyally Bateitalned Laat
BraniDf by Leodlord neteber.
Tbe membera of the Boy* Band were
royally entertained by Landlord Fletcber of the Hotel Columbia .last eveninf at supper. They accepted an in
vitation of Mr. Fletcher to a repast,
and after their practice at tbe band
room, marched down the street and
were imhered into the dinlnf room
The best in the bouse waa thaiia. and
they did ample Jnatioe to the food
cheer, almost a acore of them belnf
After the spread, they fave a dellfhlfnl band concert in front of tbe
hotel. The concert wae freally
enjoyed by a larfu nnmber who
atbered around tbe hotel, as well as
And usually talks “cents, ‘ l-or
that reason your sense of the
beautiful will be pleased when
you see those dainty little gift
books that only cost 22c—they
make a most pleasing present.
$100 Beward. $100.
The Theme
of the Day
one dreaded disease that ac'eooe ha*
k tbe only positive cure known to tbe
medical fraternity. Cktavnk being a
conititntlonal diteaae, nquirea a eonstltntlonal treatmenv Hall'a Catarrab
Cure ia taken internally, acting direct
ly upon tbe blood and mncuoui tur
faces of tbe ayatem. thereby desiroyiDg
tbe foundation of the dlaeaae. and gi*
ing the patient strength by building
up the eoDulItuUoa and aaaktinr na
ture In doing iu work. Tbe prop-letora have so much faith iu iu cuiative
powers that they offer one hundred
dollars for any caae that it faiU to
ire Send for Ikl of leetlmoniala
Address F. J. CiiKNKT Jk Co . Toledo,
•—The fad of the hour, and
only a moment of your time to
show the Scotch Gloves, made
in Piaids. losuil yourgoU cape
or the skirt plaids, and sells at
Soc the pair.
Greatest Luxury
a Family PlUa are tbe beet.
Whlto Wine ef Tar Srrnp, the
best cough remcilj- on earth, cures a cold
in one day if taken in time. ^andMcu
Wf show tbe ooly
Tliey are
Frank Friedrich
118 Front StTMt
•A gentleman can enjoy is comfort. You can lake all kinds
of comfort in one of our f 10
Overcoats. The days to fol
low will make you think wheth
er you want to buy a Melton,
a Covert, a Kersey, or Beaver.
Begets Credit
—Credit creates prosperityprosperity gives you the mon
ey—with the money you buy
our Dining Room Tables—
S5 75. $4-25. $5-50. up to the
finest at $24.00, or a Centre
Table at 3.75 up to a beauty in
solid mahogany at 16.75.
You Spend
No Time
In useless blows, but strike the
nail apd in it goes, if—you
have one of our good 50c
Hammers. How are your car
penter's toolsPlanes from ^
60c, Levels from 50c. Saws
from 50c. Squares from 80c.
Braces from 25c.
Don’t Follow
The leaders—we lead the feJlowers. H^'s an e::?.mplc—
Our No. 392 High Back Din
ing Chair, quartered sawed ,
Oak. golden oak finish, braced
arms, beaded spindle, cane
seat, carA'ctl back—the set of
six chairs for g.J5.»
Useless Put in
—Nothing useful left out of
our business Suits at 8.50—
Then comes the next grade at
10.00. You can leave 12.50
for another grade, or 16.00—
We guarantee perfect satisfacti^ and a perfect fit.
We Keep
All Grades
But the lowest quality of our
boy s shoes starts at good and
goes right on up. We've got
a shoe at 1.50 and 1.75 that
will stand the wear that a good
healthy boy can give it.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
I fAhXt Mem&
&KteretV. »|
The aUw sUlUrr dep»rUMt bM
fMaiaad <n>« tba c«m>»1 r»*ar««eBi
> ITkar* AaiMl
tu ■■!■»•
baiankxn tvr • dimbtn «» v3»pr*«« *>*•
aln>uat u/ saibfrtitjt of nioi
'•*' l*rw.-nj 0»fy remarkH a wrU-
wkleh U« «MU ted <m huid <rb«B th#
war wlib SpaUi broka oat, and wbteh
**• saad for tba «<ialpiDnit of tba
Sapana ara at a toM to kaov wbai
ta do aboai oU well ooarattoaa ia
nuiuiM-r of j,or* oou. olnoi I wte
atudflar mnlitlw. Hint ruonncail iw
>bat iba ai<'inlirr« of ibf ii<>r»<' faiuUf
abuoM. a| Irosi. br .T«'<JliHd with «br
P~“'-loa «f a Trr> .-«u»Wrr*Ui*
_!^^d .
Tba pipe, which
iu.mu«i<.a at «l.:»b \
waalalat, fret iato the ft«uid,au«;k
le w.or a -null
water aod barU roelu and water Idio b.-.l^r uie<i. tlu lt r.uii» m .ll.iltiKoi-h
tba air aaeraelaclj'. Tit ricially la tlirm fndu <>ibt;rs ai 'i>r r,,il>-er.
. fl wded aod aotbiac eaa atop it.
l•“l''>Jchlk to >br «-.iu)Oi>liiiirDi
Jarhowi wHf. ■ ifteft nf te.
1^ , ^
OMdiml d|. i«nmrui. aid.t
*“*» ‘‘‘* arroH^ tu ftatr e -I-, let
^ * Ibr
H>. ealiiial
d--M.r». W.-ll. ul.,- .ley.
bollet froat a flobert rifle.
TbevoDIr a biiiuUt of o» tv.r.weoad waedireetip orer tba rtfbt eya la a tiiiir rir. l.- tiixu a Intrti lu i!
aad aay prora earieoa
r«or of ila' >«>ll< L*r. ibr auiamt Id i|w
Tba il-year^Jd aoa «f WlUlaai
to Iw ii.nr-i
•_te r J J—
«row Ukarlew. waa aocldaaUp ahol ia
Iba arm a^d Irr «ehUe> boottac
• be dropped tbe
ffna, wbicb wae diaebarrad.
Hr>- cautr
to H
n <|i>r.'U or
fis it aoa) fidtui ibr i-rxu.l. awl.
Tully Kiir>. >IUK ibr l..i <.r'us. fViully
matir u). iiU ■■■iiiit wbai l»- waMi.^l
_ At Brooklyn, while Qao. Bry«. a •*
pod a oompaaioa ware
^tlat rabblia. aad white cllalar a
naoa. a railrolled with tbem.dlaebarriafayaa, tbe ebarya rotnr throafh
Eeyerb baod taalow tbe drat flayer.
8a waa broufbi bciuuaod tba baad
AraMd. bat ao«e Aaoera mar boa* to
,r,^. „a,in.t i.iy i»i). aiu)
bri.l ii|. bi. b>rt i..rvl*«.
■'I^n.I.Iiiw .l«ou. I .11-'..vrrv«| a lars*hall liiil«->|.|-.t tu ilir froi: oi UU iKx.f.
< vl<lriiil.v i-aii<-<l tiir laim
**'*''- "f.l I hmsi rtoilxnl tli.-'Iinrr.-ti«“‘
' «»ira.Hrd tl.e
Coal baa bae. »o«Ki witbl. foo, ...........................'
ohllur-ftl ultif n-llrf MUtI nalknl
wUaa of VaeMT. aad Ua iodeaw; Bay aoay. tirltii: .nirtous i<> Liiuo oby
be daralopad la tba oear fuiere.
■ br tii-aM li'i.l (I'.'k.'d III...... . lu alli-liit
lilK M'.iiiiiil. I ciaut.ii at iii.r frlloo'
BapUla, tbe abenff. Moadaj.
arrMtedaMra CoBnara of Kalkaaka. •.■lulrlit.. amt IwtiwI '!>•' riilmiiiu it
Ibr tirubkhi. Nol lair «.| ilif s:ruup
wbo «raa abltiof her eoBaio. Mra.
bad bU itiy.ll,-at Inilrr n|.oi> lilt roal
Bead, aod foaod aawad up li iAr I.CI ui.vkrir Tlir burw.. |,ml. llMTi.fulv.
ololbaa aba wore, oaariy li.SOO. al ,.iniuly
liiHlKUla. aod
layad to u*a bMs atolea laai Toeaday arird ac<vr<lliii:l.t.''- Ha»tiiiiKiuii Kiar.
atrbt by barylara from tbe rra deoee
of IfaBaal Read, who clalaMd the
Aiawrar KUrrlwt
du_____ u.. _T^.
-I ouiMb rol... ih.-,t. r.s.itur army
r w
®'• ‘•®“' i.K.-rr lay aalil nu awialnir Siirrb. bi
W Uwaaif. Mra. Odaoen waa a rwit ||.,io>»-a <if iIiIk .iiy. iii.li.-Mili.t; a mid
of tbe Eeede, aad It U evldeat tbatabe «llr ai:.-.l L’.-iitiyiiiau o n*. Ua.l jiitu
•at iba aeraao. foread tbe door aad rauTt.tt iruiii a si. i*liurl.-« .i.>rr. <
•bloroforved tbe ioRUlea Vor a week * "llu" •■•> y«u kuuo Im- I* a ri«ular
tbe onoara bare baM bantid, aod
••*t>'vr V a.hrd a frlrod. “It
aatU the woboo today remark^ th i **'’'*‘*“'
1*1^ *j>|iraron.» la.dlir
tetdte ---------- _• iln. ll> uiuiittliar)-."
bb* would fo boBe T«ea-| -ivrnili mr i» «i.r“ iVHik.udrd tbe
day bad aotsuepMtod ber. alibooch it amainir U. mb. • that v.ei arr a v.-rv
waa tba belief of maav that tb* Job kui.-rti. iai nI«.-rv.T. You ..yid.-utly
«b* doae by aoBa ooa aaar at
ov..r|.H.kr.l il..- fa.-i that « i>i-ii I..- frit
.1 bOBa.
• U.irer. ao afad faraer lirlop In hi. lr...urr*. |.H‘k.'i Jii.t
ibraa Bilaa waat of Clare, waa faiall) riii..Hl Hr- l•■.IU■l|l .if ills riiai lli.tr;<d
UJarad Moaday aoraloc. WbUa poll uf liKi.litliK il a.Iilr. Tba- UuivniirDf
oe. iiMi.t miiuiiural fur a I'lviiiun. an.)
Bf atUBps oar Hew beck aad fell od jiriiVasl a'au.-il|.l>>4,> thal lir oa. Ill tlir
“ 7
bul.Ii «r iwiiilDi; a •Jil. '.luidl.’d iiiili
AlaekyBlaer reaidm* at Cbaapioo itiry M..ii~-'
baadlacovered a raluabla depoait of
■lildl y..u l.*..- »..ur .•..tii-lii.‘..ii. rt.
BoaaMaerore two ailM kontb of Iowa. Uf*').' •■hih.it irldiiix
wblab wUI probably »ai bla afortooe.
t- “'H' -im—•.tu
AiHt»di.itetete u< t .1.
no. ri-|.li.-.1 !hr »i.a1>).i airily.
•tBe^iaea. Mich, three aooa of -«
tuii.vly .uunila
ar. aoo Mra Joba Keoaady bare brea llrr. I hn.l aln-iitly ulNM.rvr.1 il.ni b.'
Btaalnfalaoc Baaday aoralac. The t-arrhd bU uui. h lu hi. .miM.lr «.i. a>:
polloa aad pareau arr aakiar a dil.- l•••.-krt. u iuii.lt •-uumiuii u>
faat aearob The preratllnr opiaioa
im.vrta that tbe boya Oara dTowaed while |-hh uib-r.i hi. larWinl hi,. i.» b-
Teatb Oiade Kiaeted OOem to Aaaltt Um Sealer Clan of iba
B«b deboel.
IMa iMtb rrade bald a BMUar Uat
areolar after acbool for tbe purpeae at
drraalaiar tbelr data ao aa to be able
tJhidtbeaeoiordaaaby eoatdbatur
aay part aaked of ibcB for the Aaouil
wbkeb the rradnatlar data wU> laaae'
auoBt ibe Use acbool ia dooed oeat
After tbe aleeUon of Artbar /..mmarBaa aa .UBporary ebbiraiaa aad Balea
Stool at toBporary aeeretary aa later-,
aaiior umawaa bad la eleetiar tbe
offierra wbicb finally iraoltcd aa lolowa:
I'r.aidrni—Addie Solea.
Vlcv preaideLi—Hei»ey Tripp,
•^•breiary—ffla Laraiaa.
Treaaorer—Ralpb Ruacoe.
Tbe aralorciaea ecitonuf tbe AoBu.l b.ld a meetlar rrceaUy attar
acDOol aad made acaiedcficUe arraaremeau ia rerard to ibe Aoaual. The
aoitor-lD cbief baedialded tbe Anauai
into fire depanneaU aad aaalracd tbe
aaaoeiau coiton tbeir deaartmeau eo
a» lo beria work oa tbes. More dc
partiocB'amay be added later bet it
a.ae*i:r«l euljeeu aadrr oae bnd
Pbe followlar are tbe fire departnema;
1. Hiatory of aebooU, teacbera aad
Seaior claaa.
S l•^raD Kitioaaof Birbacboot.botb
literary aoo athletic.
4. Soeial ereau of Ulfb tehool aod
5. tlriodaaad Jokea.
SiartOIbbou. ICO Pouad Cbamplra
ofKiobiraD. WaatetoMaetJim
XcOoy of Tbft Oity.
Oraad Kapida. Mich , Nor. u.~ |
P:i.m.a MuK-mn.. Bk<\Mu.;_WiU you
pieArtre up eaoacb apace in your
ralaable paper to ioaert thia eballeare
. 1 hereby eballeare JIb MoOoy ol
Hoorehy toa flalah flrbt with three
riovee. winaer t> uke all rate
Boaey. Thia to be a eleaa-cat firbt
DO wreaUiar or foollar. bbould eiiaer
iBlt aach the referee naai
.’Ire tbe fight to tbe other Baa. Tb>a
lake a atrong Uae. aa I bai e
aeea bis figbi and know bia taetla.
Maai <>iaiH>.>u.
isolb. Micbigaa Cbanpioo
5^jla. U^J
To Omtm m
«>lto inibl TlMta U-
Sold I'.int.-.Wait., Iaafe you aiv AHi-om. i.. giuiw
atirk aa n»u«-h si you llk«-.“
4n Om Om.
Take Warner a White Wine of Tar Si ru]
the beat coogb reitwOy on earth.
Edrb of Ibr uinm lu tbe NaMunal
I IragUr baa at Iran uBr nU-fciuiDii-. Tb<
Itronklyu. arc Tndli-.i iKaig. la. the
the Kiiiwriut.; ibv Ri.
Tbaekagivlag ave At Oetumt^ hall.
WaatSSa. Mov. »ti. BUI M
Meale by Belna and BteknalM.
!• or
T»# it It
... Itill..
Ortibana ur luulu.y.: the <'Idi-1:i.
! n*ii.
,1„. iLed.: Ibe Bammore. arAlAtgallaa of oaw aad baadtome Orfob-.: thr Ixiulvville* are CulotH-U
faUorna la acta wiUowa in poaier the Wa.umitioii* are Menainr.: ih ■
MHfat aad otboc lata patMraa. and Neu- York- arr Mianta; ibe litiakurca
-------talaa covara. havcjaat bOM are t'lratea. aud ibe Clreelaada arr
by Mra W. O Ut^n
d tfesdsebeA, Aod
Remove It by Uslnf
I S\>ec,vaV XaVvnes
I’vTv SacKe\s
The error of tbe dar in medical treai.
Beat ia tbe “doctoring" of cfecti ia
■tead of gcttiDgpi fbe caaac. A powdei
lor beadaebc. a tablet lor iadigeatioii.
aad a plaiter for backache. Tbeae n>a>
aflord alight tenipur«ry relief, but next
day Ibe old Iranble la iMck acaia
tidca. ibiak ol the eflect of a drug
.airong cDoagh io atop beadacbca bIiik»i
Backarbe it kidne'
daeaiiOD ibat tbe kidnera are
rd. Hackaebe
i. aature'i tigiial ol ' JR
rm to warn people that ihek «ido^» j Jfi
arc I
of filleriog t>
that tbe foul imptintica
etberwite be earned
tmed 61!
of! by
' tbe kidnry.lC
temaiD ia the blood,
to every oryaa ol tbe
act at deadly poitouA
Dr. Cbaae'.Kidner Lirer Pilit are tbe mi
•oeld't grealeat kidaey cure, becauar mi
Ibey act directly on Ibe kidaeya and re.
tiewt tbcDi <n faealtb, etreagth and vigor
They reainve ibe caste ol bcadacbes,
backacbe. and an eedlee* chain ol bo.i
fatal aod coBplicafed diteaaca.
l>r. Cbtte't Kiiiaey-Ltver Pillt are
,------ --------,---------- pivaaanlly aad
futerallv. One pill a doae; *$ ceirn t
or Dr A. W. CbaM
trz *
a tTta\ trtkTvi^.
John F. Ott & Go.
Fire Insurance
EJIV. Hastingsj
«• ,
------1——--------------------------------------------- --
nmitTlMl SosiivtM. IVtlt trtTii .M.V '
ix W. Miliiken.,
Berkshire Pants
CannolBeLRippeilIf you doubt Thia, read their warrant- •everul
hundrad paira in atock. and your alze la amon^
thtm- $2.26 to $3.00. and you‘11 say when you
see them theyTo the beat for the money you
ever aaw. We are exrlusive a^nu
about Men's
—We've (jot the hxtt.-sl line that evrr
t-sni.; ov.T tbe lii^hway
New, nobby
-ffrrta in bW-hii and lanK. ailk vintiuij'
tope, Scotch rule—A jn-.-at variety of mt-n's tin.- Jieavy nyle
ehoea in l»x calf, willow ton «-a!f and t-namel kather. * N.-w
colora. Dew tcrs-ii^hl nt the top io style aad the pric* will jiia
suit you.
IWn Btyleelntan................................ $2.00 to $4 00
Fifty BtyU in blacks............... ............$1,19 to $3.60
Successors to
Traierse Ch|r Umber Co.
TrawseCity, - - Michigan
New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in our
Jewelery store to look them
over. We have many new
things in jewelry also.
You abould ace
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
Tnccs avfc ^rom 57 .SO
XuremedvijquaL-. Waknekb Wuitk
Vink of Tak Svbcf f..r tbia.tcrri■luaud fatal ilbwaae. If takea Ibor•uglilv aad in tinm, it will cure a emw
.D S4 buura, and liw tbe cough that loJk>w« La UHppe 1‘. never wla
. The (Uchigan Starch Co.
iifvSSuh*”' “
lo Cm li tiliw taTt iMn.
us \Vtt oWtT Ak^.
touTSt we \ooV \\vem
j * -__ Uues.;y&^s. \&ns. eastoy.
’Oa.Wes. Sft. S\0. SW and %\l.
We are now prepared to aell our exoeUeatfeed-fH^TATOPVLP. which
we have oa baad at all Umci in a aweet
and deairable auta.
Ia order to Introduce our fepd to thr
faedera we have reduced oer prioe to.
IOC per too. Which compared with tbr I
relatire valve ot Ibe other feeda makea
it coat about one third of any other
Some of Ue moat inflaentlal feeden
have given tbia prodnet a thorough teai
and report that It U deairable la every
Tbapkariricr Party
reaped and eijoa] to all that ia claimed
ArtlatU aad appropriate iaritatioBa for iL We have completed an ideal ar
bare brra iaaaad for tbe Tbankaririog rangemeot for loading into wagonr
irly ..f the WlDc^a Club, to be held etc., and wereapfctfully iavitr all feed
1 tbe f.ty Opera-Bouae. Wedi
era to try oer feed
erf-Dlor. •Ncrember S'.< Tbia will ie
-or of the moat pleaaaat accial aSaira
jf the ieaanB.
Traverse City, MioL
Por Art hiuc oral Stady
W. A. Deaa left yeaierday far the
leihera part of tbe ataie, where be
will aprad a moatb la a tboroogb aiudy
f the iaieat arcbitrctaral de< gna
■■aa Ukeo bla eaBera aod will a
to aid him In
here. He may ir ke a trip tbrougb Ibe
tate c f New York before faia
•tllMId-D,-. trl.-ml. “If i
Blaetric Bitten ei -ed tbrm
•ssssxs x*nnitiKS!t sntnt!n!t»»
m-l!.-- M.ii^'!^ . u
liuncluur) .iii.ra. iiu.1 wir u 1i.-l.au»-.t
oaaeMT uail. tbe iarbaa ooaaiy oml .n«it..l
uiih hi. I.fi r...t 1
•loepar, wbooe etataf ooeapatUta for we. is riaiu lu- tin> m >U.' .rrvi.r "
y«ar» bae beea to aleep. aad wbo ha*' "Vu.i xil.l b.. rn. a rruul.ir. 1 I*,
Mv t'*rv>*d III. rmm.
ban awaeeaed at laterraU by bU
.I >.'ar..l.l iaiy «1... i*
arUe Jnat loog eDoajrb to cat, baa be"t>-»b.-hal. flrvi |.:nr »r Itv.ii.rrH ••«.-.>1 n»nv ailli"
ffU to iaprorr aad ia able to rat < at
I III. <».Ol»-r M-i.-i-al iilulili ag» III.
aad do * l.itu -te L A
d«» 10II aTmt .-r.-d- KiirM'. wiin l« »•« l.lai-k ihat >-iiar>-<Ml
baBTcaatyelerprru-MiB May While.
i „.i .........
fn,». tl.a, I n.int.l iiml..- n wlilli- liuirk i.u lu-r, nau
acedst, wbolivfkatM^tiUa tthrn aruU.-itpu -ni.t- l«'j Id
«nh ci.iiii: !.• > hnn-)i :iiul ll.r fat.l waatiil lu
aba waa Brat ukca ill a'pbyaiciaa waa J"u
tl'*' •("»• «'•««•• uml ,l..'ii im- E» li».
g.> will 111.-, olilh-. Tbrta
aallad. bat tbeyoaar wuiaaii aooD ra
.um.- ii.-O" x.tii. . - V.-u r«ii.-.ii
mci-.'" ud l-ii< >«U ‘"'I. YuU'ar luu
•and iaio a aoaad alaBber oroonatoae J 'n>r»
71.1. euil.-d iIh- biaiM-r fnr a llmi-.
a^ltlOD. from wbKdi ao ooa bat tbe <
,\n.-i a fi-u u)iuuli-» ibi- iKi.v lirokr
altoMiac pbyaiclaa waa able to awak ’ Thr ra|-ii...| .-. iitTru.-,- „f .'lU .afiirll. iiyiiiii
aa bar. It U aatd bar phyaleal eondb
••■. r mn with i. in th.“Sjm. ViiMih-,''-Ib- aald. ‘>101 iJat
tin ia very Boub iBprored bat abe
im. m ui • V~ iii:riuiii. ui..j. ..loi.- |«.ll.' amt UJui-i aiy ft*i-; dea I
duiidta. o. ted».„ted‘ eaoept ..
5! i«-it liu w If yoa.”
at au ..vutVi t.> ih. Mil.- glv.-n
nlllMiW nuy jmiM.iiiv l.i Muiu' •H.da large paatbThe Vicktburv UiBBarelal teila bow mii<iu>- VaOte-.. '
« mill ijm-r
•r while bnatiog in tbe onderbmah
. llrill-U ...lu. Illllr III I
A foaideut of that village bb4a lot of ‘
il.irT.. iilli ■-.-u•^l^>. uii.| 111.' 1UI..111:..
that coven tbe bllli twelve mileaaouib
fn receaUy. While bU wifTwaa away nil.I'll I olliid. ii. 1. iIh u. .-'■uiii
of St. Jeaepb. For ten yaara there have
Ua famitare uat into the yard and lb< i.
m-Tuli-u »b Ibe been itonaa of Bome wild animal that
madr 'u bomr In tbU wild region, and
Ill it l..|'e.i 1*1..
•ATtiad U back again into tba taou-'.
the Drigbherbood baa been kept
raciiiL- .-v:i-.-.lii.im i
WAan Aakad why be did thia AppAreat •M-an-b .'f liu.l. jii.t
sontiDual alarm The abco ine of i
•t ufl.-r Ha itii.a
ly foollab act. be aaid
be waated .iuL ii»;r.i. i«. u..i
k (ugi-ib.-r f»r
f.i luuiiial paaiber. it la belieeed. will rid the
elnlty of a daagerona oeenpaat. Many
X ws-.W-uui.lr>
todoaomaibiag white bU wife waa bi-n>-U(. Th. fut
-intii.-illaiA (i.ll.'W. him. ^iiltent believe that John Croll. wbo
mat around to boaa bis
II). tirbl£.l. Obd. a lUl.-h
tif lia.-..u hi I
iTAva Bap’oten.
-*nd deveared.
lim.wn OBI. mai«il.t-*l in il II- dht.T.
Uke Sualey Abd LiviogaioAe.
foand Uiu-u.lliif. ..f
t.Fbair Ilia .Uaiv
Made Toaag Again.
i Malai
w Agiir. and Typbuid diaeaae germ# fur him. an.l lN-j..re It.-.iiuinl li*. ilm.“One of Dr King'* New Life PUla
«uo aaragvuoo^lt; bot tboutAndt i., n-Julii i.iu, hi. .-..niiuiiiluii haa .l-- each oirbt for two waeka baa put Be
haee fouDd that Elecine Hlttera laa luui.d >h< hIi..|..
In my ‘teeai* again" wHtea D B. Tarwondviful cure lor all aalartal dT- Mh-•.irim; and ii»-cnia.v «th-k ivlrrn oer of Dempaeytowa. Pa They're tbe
aoM. if you have chilli with lever, uu wUl. h M..wb» bung
Tlip beat la tbe world lor tbe Liver. Stom
AAMintaekof nack aad bead, and foi lunhwltli n-uxui.irai.-a wh.-r.- ach aad Bowela
Purely vagatable.
nrad, wore-out feellagm, a trial w I
iTi..U.. r l..nB «liul.-.l dl..-D«.U.n
•"'■‘T- W Aia ttu- .-.uir*.- »f *l.i.-li l-u
Nall of W^. Ill , wntea; --My ebil- urlni uuui. him wiiU iblv in.iiltlug
88 1888
Boy’s tan and blai-k................................... 98c to $2.00
Men’s River Shoes
" ith our iiaine on them, and every pair aHnanli-d. at the f Ilowinij prices:-$l sO,
a2.ti5, rL25.
Rubbers to ht ail the latest style sIkm-s.
136 Front Street
Th> Practical Shoe Man
of Dollars In Socks
—Not that wo keep our money there —
simply have for Sale the best Une of flne
wool hosiery at 26c and 60c shown in the
city-OaU and learn how to put “money in
socks” so the investment will pay.
bbOokd^ wbobkbday. hovbicbbb
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash. Mouldings,
i &ttvcr«L\'Ke«t
Thai we lire la»We oor boOM*«. •»«
) ri>i •>ui*h}e II,.-lu. Ii«k tunc t>eeu (be OUv Pork p«r bbl. MW.............
I •laitdinc ao«Hrr of EofUabnieo w aO CJaar Pork pw ....................
.................... ,... ....
_ rrlil.Uiu* vu «ne eateruaU or oor do.............
AMoatrool dlapatok mj» tmMfo*
wr^hii.-nurr- 8umni«-r* like
«t Kaai
k, M
Dr. Hcaudry Tsoaday wind
a ia Uie < »aty.
*nM laioroeloalal railway ofii^la
kaeo acraad lo eooperaU to provost^
as, isae
TmvaiMOnv 1
-Fine Mili:Work
k tlme-lMiwired
tbe»l> Ttx- a*«r<leu auJ !(• fumliiir* ________[. L. A Oo. Boat...........
luailera uf ■■ooeeru. aud ' tjm per dot...................................
id *i^ luoniLa of Oo&ab per b............*...................
July aud Auauat would be ai-eoi t tATd per ft..
Cold weather is comiog.
Now is tbe limt'
to place jour orders for
l.tta.dnno.._l. U...1
I., .
Tbe cosalut deUya is the dapartaro rffurt lo de«e|..|> life al
aod i
«f Bntfek Uasaporta. owtsf to tbo bad our cardeu. would tor the time U- m
«ullt;oltk.ta>.npplU..l.lp,»l br
I; l-J
bill W|«~ » BHiperbi,;..
alsf a
w bid*!"!'
sw m arw wo«Bauoa. Tbei
*“•*»»*• ,n,y^ we abouU bfrotfael tbera.
stmsa aaTvo
OS Tharaday bad ta be delayed ti ,on..i, ,1,..^. ,„j „ry ,»ailbly dine I
hoota. owlaf
wlaf to-Uefaet Uat
that IS.owi OHbn>. and kIi afi.-r diuoer not m the
Wbeat. par bo. (
oaada of rouea eoloaUI beef aad drawlui-n»ui. but uwler ibe llmio.
>uttOO had to be replaoed. All Ue' The luitirj of ibl* um- of ihe par- Data, Mo. 1, per bu. (mw) .
lAt bad to be lakee oot of Ue ibip
*'*• formerly well uoder>to<Hl Oora. par ba....
*Bd dumped overboard at aeaalimad; and in |wrt 1* eiill i-ra. ik-wl. Bye. par 1.
bill puldle aardelis bare >n|HTeeded
Mra. Lalasd Hiaaford, la a das Prao-■ |inri
Telephone No. 2.
pb-akaunt-ee fornbi* |>ur|M>M'.
fc "'
«iaeo laterriav, aaya Uat
I , and
elila. u of N.irib Uermaiiy or ,
mlroady ylvaa tIV.oou.oooto aducatloD-! C(n>etibaii-u who dlura In tlieujn-nalr j Applea—<^IU aod windfalta, tOc perl
1 ».'(0i-pubne
part, rbejioolba.
ml IwUtuUoM oeUa Paelftc coaai. and ] d.»w ao to
Mmt wbataba baa lafi at ber death
■< Haiuiuou <’uurt were fonu
erl) W|Ul|M>e.l will! nutlabh- >miII,IIOi;r
wUlfo Coral
, awl felreul.. mu•I, %»uif
10, i•lilloti aud |
ouly Tor
Xdttor bees Wondaro.
A UB year old IttmtOB firl oo brr „ki„|t
hu, for dmiua
Ultor W V. Barry of Ualnfton,
WOy loeobool lurood to Urow a kiai j for llil* iMiria...oo the t<*r<aee
Tenn., in explorliMr MammoU Chee.
bebarmotbar. wboaloodwmteblarbar ov.-rlutkiua tbe river, ai a .sdwblera- oontrwetod a acrere caae of Pilea.
lo tba doorway of Ua borne tbe little'
duiaii.'v frt.m ibe palii.'e. nml Iwv- ^nlek cure tbrouyb ualny Bucklen'e
«M bod Juet laft- At Uat luetant a ‘
■ntx'ttsi to h a uudmi Liirheo aud AmUa Salve ooevtnowl him it U anfteapi. UUlor from Ue top of a build I Morenomi to ikiuulu tirorUlnDs for the oUer world’s wonder. Cnrea Plica. Inevenliif ji.e«l. It I. for aoeh eoiertalTi- Juriea. InflammatloQ, and all Bodily
lay is oouree of oonairueUon, eirucb tuenia (bai 1
Bnaptlona Only rscaiJas. J.Johi
«ke obild oo Uo bead. kllUor ber at^ lakes and cardeji piHtl> were biilli by andS B WaW__________ ^
uur BOi'.eiiHV. »ht> mhtly Ibmialii
AtBlleyrme.<1ll.. while Ue Uiwe lital lu reiid.T uiit-uf-door life In iwl
yoarold obild of Seott Ckrdwoll was, Hahl and uuMinllabi perfe.t the |w.-sSidewalk Lumber In all elzaa.
m'o.vinf ia Ue yard It foil Into an old, euie of water and Ue ledm iiou of licbt
and sbadow was Indi.peiiHable. I'ermtalon. Tbe motbar eaw tbe child fall
atroet. N B Suony. maaa«or. 7$! ft
' Imps they .-njn.ted liiMler sumiiieia
mod too out and Jumped in aflor It. than ibelr dcMeiidaius. but It in more
Tbe wator roaebad up to bar ebtn, and' lirolinble that the example of tile <>on6uooe«sora to TrovorM City laumber Co
•ba bald Ua ebUd nbore bar baod tor iluent was followed more rlsidl.t (hun
mm bo«r etytnr for help. Her eritaI now. while the babll of dlulnx early
arsiyess cards.
________________ ___________________J.'made It more luiural u> lliiger In llie
«d. abo woB comnallod to drop ua'
"" late at nlsbi. Krei
II Ul..
lute mm
an th..
the .I.r.btys of l*ui>e tbe ladle>. a H. BW)WM. Auoraar aas Oemassuar a>
Child amd aa'U boraelf. She
' and tbe klujt bluineir. ul (u tbe Ilfltiip
In Ue troll for Uroe honra afur Ut (on eoun Kardeua till iuldotsbt.-l.ou- ataaeoBvaasB^lar. ttlprsatOt.___________
C«lUlKBtRANCa-naMs b»sr ikaa
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired
J. E. Greilick Co.
Kimbill Piaios and Oreins
|5c Straight:
City. Mich.
I Pig Tail!
I Havana
Pietty aaar time
to think about haying your
Bicycle Enameled
You might also Bee me about Btorlnff
your wheel PABB for the winter
No better enameling that onra.
Step Ln and talk U over.
Ul Unkw Street.
U bar boeband,'
wbo had fOM lo Ue wooda, rotBrned
ftoma and raoeiiod bar. Tbe moUer h
loo orltloal ooodlUra from, cxpoouio
a P5e«J
MSB's Itrsu UiBBsr.
We know a niao.wlio refuses to ae.
cepi anyUnvltallons to siiroui^ buiui-e
by sea ur uiountaln where tbe bwi
Many famlliee of aoldlofa of Ue
arts Ibe exaiuide of wearltif ereninif
lllaU lotaolry.aow In tbe PbiHppInoa,
■ drees at dlutier. uyn tiu' Boston
mra roportod 10 be In deaUiuto elrcnm
, Journal. U»eu If ili.- host em-.iiir• at Watortown, N. Y.
Bfee the UM- of the Tlltedo .nir fri.-ud
DurloR Ue rooMt Tialt of the Dulob bi still oWurale. Hr answers w hb a
^aapp to Bmpoior WlUtam. tbe Idea of sweetly wonl.sl lie and |•^<•l••rs 10
Maklac Ue MeUorlanda a part of Ue iw.-lier lu tbe city .Vnd be expUiu- eaiydiwaBCB. -U'ahoar.». »f»s. ler OB.
Ire Opets HouM tlect________________
Oortaas empire, boldlny o elmllar poa-''•••Drs.- In ibi«s.- word* to iu>:
B.CKOaS. AusrOeraaaOoBBMllnr-.
itloa toBaearla, woadlaouaeed.
! "•» ia not the inky .hwi atom- tint y^BO
bofbere me. for a Tti\iilo U exir.-m<- yr 1^ Meae; u> lose. OBcmOUj Opera
An eauwordlnary demand and a_„. ,.„urf„r..l.le and | .... told ib.i .t
aearelty of reeaeU pointe to a ooal fam- ................... ue. Nor do I sbrluk from j DVo*Tr" n
ime at Boaioa and oUar-paru of New tin- ibuuKbi of .-<wl nud siuiiiiu,- dr.-., I as. oCoe im. teeldenee tO
sins-s. tUil llie uollui aye. Ihen-'a p C UlLBXRY.AUaraSf. Bpeetal silrailao
p.ru of AU..U ... llr.-'
-U.r .«J ib.i dn.--..- f-rcMtlD STnieSb**”***
MS. LhB MSI of Atkso. ...M.
'be hard Isiih-d shirt: 1
MhUenort of AUana. were flooded
i^v.-uu-j ,h.maUeroaaUof beary ralua SnmJay. j niuatlou; |s,..1l.ly hi. name was Tor•xwaral boaam bare fallan aad furnl-, <,Bew,ida. Why should 1 afie. tbe
bare. fox^saadeatUe bare been Bwopt beat and tin- lalKir uf Ibe day Isaway T%aro baa baen aome loaa ofifurt-ed ■<> d»ff a amuuib. tx>usoiinK
life aad railway ooauannieation la In- l”unBi»£ shin or failane sbtn.
. «iil>\jjjlus. however
tuile-nla.lier niay unuie ti. for sumHmatipoB baa brokanont in Uo Por- Bl.-r wear, and Is-4-oui|s-Ui-J lo Inea.e
at Saa I Utyseir lu Mtlfd) stan-bed. eraektiiii:.
Bee'saBdraildreB'sdlsesaeeaspMlsIUr. OI
bot liueu. with Ibi- ttellllutu adorn- ere Bouia 10 U>a w.: S >o 4 aad 7 M !■ p
■ Bell 'phoorms_______________
"LeaUar and bldoa bar* made a tonr-! "“'U'
' «*nt jump boemuaa of eearclty.
-The .-..liar Is-yin. to well with tbe T^K K a FLOOD, 0*<e is Ttf TeBsellrr
U Bloek CsIU sosvered sreoptlj day sr
. .
I approarh of tin- si'eoud o'uns-. Wbeu oiabt
Mortarrs pkear.K: Bell.asi
Braatolut Moody, who waa aUteken
la mtv.iI I aw weuriun a piiljn
wiU baart failure In Ranaaa City, baa rax ami I h«'> noijin- .-oiimpi- of
•meed at hU home la Kaat KorUfleld. yt>ur aluxulur friitid/ihe earuesi •.titMaaa . tnmtiy improved lo bcalU.
■ dent of
| ..n„. .«,«
The 8L Oharles boMl aod aia oUar *'
Jlniior laklug
What a Dollar Will Do
8,. PrickUol r.ll.rM.
9U twriUcMlm. at tia dlBannl
' Hoc ton nearly eent Wm. H. Mullen of
tawkland. O.toas eariy grava All
raid be bad a fatal Inng tronble and
that be mnai soon die.
But be wa*
•nred lotry Dr. Kingk New Dla^ei
for O
be* a entirely c
lateed to ci■.arm all dieetMa
^ Tbi«iU^*Bt A^ Lung*. Ineindlng
m-erly all louln. ia all biii.T*. In th.Keeley cure. In pIlU. in preperBll..iiA
la, ,b, b.lr.
ewr II,U.
army, at borne and on tbe Island. <-ou
tamed last .rear
gralnt. 1 know men wUo eat It as they
eat foed. Moat of tnem are deaf or
growing that way.—New York Prett.
MOB hAI t—Baial
i™r..ed— trrmis *
I BarusP <>lh r. Trarersr City. I
>I0« •«»
tow; »m!
to 40
to 4t:
10 47
•10 M
11 CP
••maa's UUI
Lake Abb
Cvdar Bas
S isi
e Ilj
ww Batck-BOroBBlB
« •:
Ttb»w»« 4Hf
ei at earraiBii's Kill twiev Oalll.
I Inm BoBor aa
a. w.onMMntoBaM.
It to
There are few people free from thie diaeace,
when neglected, into serioua, and man> timee
incurable conditions.
G. H. SNOW. M. D., Specialist
t-Asee A cure. .
. ................................................
................. .......................
{for any case of nasal, throat or ^ronebiat catarrh, including all serv*
1>>as4t.B-4>uod parlor SI
icee and all medirinea resjuired.
The doctor also treats all chronic diseases and diseases of women,
“Sf. kk.sn.»di«.«Mi of th.rye, o,r. 11,*. ,nd llirokt. Ho h» boon
----------- -U Hd Bsm M K trk s pin Owe ’ ''*‘*7 successfull in treatiutf cBiic.-r and asthma.
:F e
"s^iGlaises Scientilicallf Fiiteil. Teelli extracted without pair,25c.
AKNXD Msif ws* wlfr prefvrtwd.
— -------- isllluwiM-rrMip. iDHUireol A W. <
UBtrb. •iO> S. BJowe'd STroer
. Office in Hamilton dt Millikan Block. Caes Street Eutraoee
rorTrsrrrser'iiy proprrty.
Isiiw sna rlatHlkiis >uun»a KftpiD-iulM BfOr. BoseBlhslTUeBproD,
, wj»oB eALB-T*».r .uw»
’ X •»•< Prpat street
, „ .
ip,ui,r a. 4io i
j ^*ttbd- a rin *> Boa-Taa •«
! evoB eaiA on excHangi
«wjbw. mi^ Oood saiuiaj^ aooc »>
TSii,;* wSJla Sr.“l!Srt ^J5S
i C. K. Oockvray.
'PrBVWfw* atp. Hlab
ktearo ....
--■treli .. . ■
Lv Ord fUpiO*
It H .
It t» «aiAK
7 Al
Gtuil Ripidi» iDdlui 1.1
Dur New Windews
Slid rerr-Ks rrsar<l
posmOK WA»(TXI>-^d<> retksrsl
t u:
i Has been remarkAbly socceneful in tbe treatment of catarrh.
I methods are tin- reeutt of extenaive study aud ekperiem-e in this field,
land will lie found lu t^ive great relief to all, ami in the majority'4^
Mslia-B Lwttov Mom.
Biwnily aome uptown people en
gaged a maid who had not been long
L WAb'TKD-(»«*eraJ Soasewi
In tbla eouniry. Tbe member* of tbe ^
M. K. Walt'sUret atorc*.
famOT tried to mUe ber stay among I >NBY TO U>AM 0
them aa comforuble aa compatible ,1|
PSBaoHu. raop<
srtth her duUea. Bot Molly did not*ry r*»«,.k.w
appreciate tb«4r good Samaritan efforts ^gyairTaD eantwtpw
Tba new Plemlab and Dreaden de- aad wrote home aa folloWB: 'They J7u. ^r^SJa**!?2
M bate jnai bMn make me work very bard here, they wu^'
tMeivadkyMn. W. G Laarrene*.
ng. Uykln'. and awaplB'
___ _
. .
time wrltln' to yea wM'£!Lvd aMp>4 vsvak
ma right baud. ciaymn
Haynla' me
the asvw
mow iim
from ««> BaUAiaa. vruea«^
ws •« •sw.wt. W* "*•
Ztii*he aldewalk wid me left band, and TvyofTWAMet——■-
5JT-‘ _ _
8.B. WalA
9 4B
West Michigan.
I M 4 »ILt _ MbbWM
(trl 4 miar OBckwBB j
M 4
""dsiSf iaii' ■
!!! !S
torn; i<B,
y titrr on
supper at lirsaire Ball PUtder will
, reward
reward lor
for Da
its re'ura
rerura ic
tc Sioaiatr
lilBRS UD lOBnEiSnU 1.1.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
•M life woe loot. a«d two men an reuiemlier that iii.ra.-.- tire.dy ofien
] carried a clean ctdlar in a market
Theodor* Tbomaa baa nfuaod the In- basket to the IiuUm- wb.-r.- be Wna
wiUtionof U* duwetora of Ue Parla a.m.u
•-‘^•'d to
dim- .a
w aup.*
.w .*•••.
lueu were
allowed lo be siu.llde; Why abuuld
cmpoaltloB to attend Ue abow brcai
ofUn dUMiroral of.lbc Dnytue vor- we inn «enr i>n such m-caalom
wblie eliliui .Ilirl with ltlek<-d
plaliml flelll
-Ury of But* Bomeaofl nii-1 iiiild.iiued eiaini - riieii
Adoe U laid op »t hU home In Waat- would I sUdl.t «Isli tbe linlolrui cotiaCtoa. Ha fell off taU bicycle and lafi« of rich frlendi.**
dUlooaUd bwabonidor.
Tbe board of manacera of mUaloM
Our UBilunal 'Imc and a rmi..n-ii
of Ue BpUoopal eburcb baa decided cui>«-Is .jHiiilm- Tliv-n-w.Tw htij-.ri
lary work
ed liitii this i-omiiry U»l year tin |.-s.
Cuba. Porto UI«o aad Ue PbUlpplne*. than l..'sBii«Bi.«Bt ginins ..f tills piim
tnlsT wlieii
OubAB leader* want either tieo Ue; onlinary |inslm-i.
or Oca. Wood appointed oommander of ' Buld for tU" an »umv. The prim- Imthe American foroc* In Ue teland when j ati-udily i1<sti-.vm\1 ori-r sluo- ItKSi. P.>r
Ue Cnbane are ylven auUority to *lect ■ ‘“•‘“J
* fl''"
»’bUud. lplil« b:i.l
• preeldent rnnyriM and other ofi ' * monoputy of tb<- trade, and (be mom,«.i«»n.r».r..... .kick am,
n-dufvd prof
■top* to do in r*bmary.
Its xxm.ldrrjlbl.r. 1 believe the i.rtce
Bow U almui rsv fvnla an ouore. Kv
»*w Ofto*. Ifarkbam Bloek
Made of hOBtry outing flannel, in tbo higbeat manner
Oor 60c robe la equal to many dollar on«a aold elaq*
whore—New aaeortment floe patteme juet in.
work at hicBBBi pMBlbM arvAB. Slsai
work B spBcUlw.
cwiaWI aueaUse.
favorable alx>ut
iware and
other wartts
SSS«sPS-s“S-w-~- ffl' i > M i M ii ii M M n
Lamp Cbimneya......................................
Fancy Cut Glam Pickle Disbee.............................2c
Fancy Cat Glam Sugar Bowk in five different
Fancy Out Olan Fmit Diahe* in five diffei«nt
5 :: •:
i il
Fancy Cut Glam High Footed Fruit Bowk....6c
Fancy Cat Glam Cream Pitchers in four differ.
€ot stylea.................................................... 6c
The Variety Store,
tU PrOBt Htreat.
Om-door want of Stoinbmg'a Open Boms
elaaaU i____________
atslrOOBWOODB P.AT.A.Bras4BaaMa
mmvMi’ mioR
»Mk ki BrcokljB. Mich., m«
IAk«l7 to Ooeor In south I Rrcoklyo..«—*»<>«
Mich.. No*. II.—Tho
Afrion Vory Boon.
lA tM KiekMC*
huh, s
Be Baforeeateau OoasUuUy Arrtviac
-BMrs Baaeaverlat to- l^veat
Beaehlat lAdyantth
^Bepwted that aa Atteiapt Will Be
Made to Cut Btilway Coa*w
Biteoart. Natal. Mo* *1 -A eooetaat
tooawt Is belaf mlatalaed to the
aoathward. ee it Is eapeelad the
■aeay say attempt to eat-the railway
eoaaeetlon with the ooask If sueh aa
atteapt be made It will probably eeat
the Bosie more thaa they reckoa l<w.
Bverytbiaf ta r>iB( «■
eourt. Prmh troops are ooastaatly ar>
rivlac. aad aamdvaaee eaaaot he loac
LeadOB. Nov. li.-The Staadardb,
*AI« eoAocn owBod bj W. 8. Culver,
wee blow* open by borrUr* eurly lodey ud 83 uou Id cerreacy elolea. The
robbery wee eoanlttied by three
They were eeea while ruanlac away
by eeverul Tlllatere. who were awak.
eaed by the shocks of three eepateu
eeplaeiuaa The robbers ired re*o’
at the eitiseuB to latlmioale them
pvaelar- They dleappeared. golaf
afoot la a southerly direclioa^TbecMhier sUtee that the thlavea
took f:;.8vo. aad that he recovered II.SCOiobllUaodeoia* (rom the ruias
The berglaie' tooU were secured (roes
a local Mackamlth shop. Tlte villace
eiaploys ao nl(bt watahmaa.
,t loiUu On. WtiKht
dkted Mo*. !?• seT* that Ue'
arrival of a relief column at E.tooart
haeoom^tely asmllBsd Ute plane of
the enemy.
Ueneral Joobert bat StroBC OppcalUon Kauifested Aculnat
Moved southward to prevent a Jane
BelMse of Friaoaar-Three Membore
Uoa batwMO the two Bnt^ toRwe.
Toiod la Dettotl for Oommutatioa of
MaaawbUethe dsealtotf caanoaadBeatoaee.
ButOuly -lafoimally.
lac of the
It M an
toala, Mleb , Not. 31.—The propoelvaeaslUac performaaoe. oa the whole,
thoach It **aa varied at mldnlcbt on Uoa to oommuie the eeateaoe
Nov. u hy thelU helac thrown amoac Wrlcbt. the Beatie eouaty murderer.
the eleeplac iababltaau. Everybody has attmeted
that a Bbrbt attack was im- aad when'the Sute board of Pardoae
pndlac. bat it was only a aearu The met here today there were several delCMcral dleoomfart of the alece la in- eeatioas preeeat deeply interested la
liM**"* by heavy mine, wbtch are the cnee. The allseed decieioB of three
of the board to
aomlBf Aowa la aa aabrokaa sheet,
taralac the towa aad camp into a a pardon for Wiifht wbaa he shall
^aacmlre. There wee ao bombardmeot have aarved fifteen years meeu with
oppoelUon that
oa Wadeeeday. Tbare ware a few
•tray shots oa Theiaday. Five clril' board »la aa
taaa *rrre lalared hy ehrupoel A few Oarld B. Bnraa. the Oread Bapids
wme fired oa the day the member le bitterly dppoaed to a
dkpateh was seat, bat they did little mulatioa aad baa aanonaowl that
If the other thm members decide
The Bmia oooUanv to reeelve re-eo to fuvor a eoffmstatioa he will
Cereemeom aad treab eappliaa of atores file a report with the fovemor on
own necouat, opposlac claamacy la
almost dally.
The eoldleie la the
Caniao. are ehafiac
*h«lr the COM.
It *rae clearly mtabllehed here today
Mtcwced laaotlvlty. aad are eecer for
•ctloa- Their desire U likely to be that there wa» a vote Ukea at a meetrailfied.ee a reeooaolesaaoe Tuesday Inc of the board la Iktrolt. at which
ahowed that the eocmy **ere boldloc only three members were present.,Mr.
the road to Coleaso la force. A decisive Baras bcl&c uberat. It le stated, how
hatOe le therefore expected whea the ever. that the vote favoriac eommntetlam eomce for the troops now at Bet- tlon irae only Infuriaal and ael bladiac
The preeeat clln
•Mirt to attempt a j taeUoa with the upon the membare
atlon oomprls the three memberu favor
foreeat Udyumlih.
There seed be no aasiety eoacara- lac Wrlcbi'e releuM to do coaaldemble
IBK the abUlty of Ladyumlth to hold
The board met at u o'clock this mora
out. There le plenty of food in the
•owa. aad the eepply of ammoalUoo >a ine and there wu» <)ulte a larce audledoe preaeat, amoac them belnc l<ea
OT. *1.—The first direct A. KymM of Oraad Bupl^.u brother of
news from Ladysmith, dated Thuraday the wife of Dr. Tharber'.-eoe of the
lardered mea; DIelriet Attorney
aad Friday, etraac^ eoafllcm with
the reltsramd reports of “tremeadone Oovell. B. A. Wait of Maalatee and
hatUee aad Ureut Brltlab Tietorlas'' oa several otheru The Wricht cam wm
Wadamday aad Ibureday. Neither of Ukea up and Mr. Oovell cave a deUUthe 1------- 1— referred to. thoufh dla- od review of tha oiime for wblcb
patehed oa the deye foUowloc the Wriebt wee eoavleted. Be Cure
datmof the allsfed CfbU. meatioa Cruphle deaciipUoo of the arreel and
aay r«Al eacacemsaU Both ettU trial and spoke eloquenUy acaiast aay
that beyoad a false alarm Tuesday propoaltlOB which miebt lend to the
•vealnf aad a tittle lacreaeed ebeliiac
Wrlcbt. In cloalBC hU
«a Thuraday aad Friday, everytblac arcBmeotbeaaid "1 want tossy that
mas<u>et. Nevertheleea. apeelal dls- 1 believe Cbbrlee T. Wrlcbt to be the
patobes from Bstcoort today eolanfe moat daacerooe maa la Miebiana
on the reported batUce aad lailet that priKiae today, aad 1 am positive that
the Boeru received a more terrible lee- he woald not be oat of prison two
yenre before be woald be la acain for
aoa Wedaeeday thaa la aay pre*'
icbk These tales are ao flattorlac to taktac of humaa life. I tbiak
the Britlah that they have a dieUaet woald be esbdmyly danceroas
fiavor of belar belated aeoousU from Itaalf, and a travesty upon joillce for
Kaffir eoarcee of affaire prerlonely re him to be
Covell exhibited the revolver
Betcourt. Natal. No*. II —Rumors -seed by the murdeiwr la ehooUac Mr.
of ao atleced victory achieved by Oea- Tharber. aad also ahowed the ballet
^ White on Wednesday last are etiU whleh killed Marehall.
Only one aide of the ease wee heard
UBCoafirmed and UtUe eiwdenoe la at
tached to them Beporu from the today, the board leavinc it to take up
other baaineee A farther oonwnthwaid esy that the Boere are eepamtlnc Into foraciac aad plllarlac elderauoa will beclveatomorrow.Pram
onUook It appeeiB aa
parties, who are loailnr eloree. etcalthoucb VVrichl would be compelled to
laf cattle and raueseklnc boueea.
remaia ia prUoa.
>klac tor
Oeaeral BUe Boubt Aheat the Stories
a 81te la the Waatsra Town.
Dwver. Ool.. No*. »l.—A party of
Puilmaa-Wacaer ileeplBC car official*,
Bmded hy T. B. Wlckea. vice prealdeot
•f the eompnay, same here today aad
heffUB loeklac tor a site oa whleh to
huOd bnaoh ahope.
Mr. Wlekee said that Deaver ehopa
would be used for street cure and for
and that they would
ve employmeat to MM or eoo mea.
It M expected that a alu wlU be
oeea this vreek. aud that the vrarii
i the buUdlac will bqrln oarly la the
Mavam el Offlelal ni4 of Ohio Mas
Vio* Praaidant Pasaad Away
Death Oame at B:80 a. m.. Badlnc a
VeefnJaad BrUllaat Career of Oae
«C the Foremost Mea ia tbe Oeoatry
—Fleet Pieced at Half Hast ia
Waahiacton Whea Ue Bad Hews
Wat ▲BBOmBoed.
Patoaoa. N. J.. Nov. si.-Vlce preaideal Garret A. Bobart died at 8:30 this
BMcniac. Be had been faUing elaee
laM yvaterday and at mldaight becamei
At 7 o'clock thU
iof he had aa attack of angin pectoris,
from wkleb he never rallied. Mra
Bobart. her eon. Oerret, Dr. Newloa,
Mm. NewtOB. a ooatla of Mra. Hobart,
aad a nurae were preeect
patlent'e bedside ooaeUnU.T from tte
time be became aneoseeioaiat 7:.K> Mr. Uobart'e secretary called
op the White Uoase by telepboae and
BoUfied Prealdeat McKinley that
Bobart was dying. Flags throughoat
tbe city were half masted and belle
tolled during the forenoon.
telegrems of ooadolenoe were received.
Almoat tbe first of these was from
Prealdeat and Mra. McKinley.
Garret Aajmstas Bobart was bom la
ty. N. J. Jane ft. 184«,
and evadoated from Butcara eollece la
lies. For aeveral years tbareafter,
while leaehincncbool. he studied Uw
aad waa admitted to the bar la 1M1>.
Be establlebed himself tla pmeUee at
this place and waa elected elty coeaeel
la 18TI; member of the cute boom of
fepreaenteUvee from 18T3 to 1878, servlac aa speaker In 1876; eUte eeaator
from un to l»ss. belnc pnMdent of
le senate la 1881.
Mr. Bobart was emlaeatly ■boeeaefal
Wi la poUUcs aad ia baelaem. Ble
repataUoB a* one of the ehrewdeei bosof the country wn# perhaps
Creater than aa a political lander and
anUl hU eloeUon to the vlo* I
From 1880 to 18i>l be waa
at tbe bead of the aute republicaa orCaaUatioa in New Jersey and planned
brilliant campa'icna I'rom l»84
to 1be waa a member of the RepabUcaa national execaUve committee. Hie
advioe and ooaaeel were eooebt after
byeomeofthe larceat oorporaliona la
Me eoantry and at the tfme of bla elec
tiOB as vice preeldeat he waa director
of sixty differeat aompaniee.
Mr. Bobart was a popular preeldlag
officer aad a good perlUmentariaa. Bis
firm bnt genial. Be leaves
but one cblld. Garret A., Jr., aged 14.
Tbe faaeral will probably be held Sat-
__ _____
Deported 1,000 BebeU Killed aad
9.000 VouadrdlatheFtchtla^
aantaadsr Provlnoe.
New York. Njv. SI —A local paper
tkM momlag priau the following:
Panama. Colombl*. Nov.
advioee from Bogota dated November
18 report that a terrible bstGe between
the government force# and the revoialioaieu was fougat near Baearamaage,
capital of the department of Saauader. in which the government foreea
ere vletoriont.
ItMeUtcd that the baUle lasted
two day*, eading at aeon oa Nov. ic.
More then I.OOO rebels were killed
and S.ouo were woanded.
Aooat 10,000 mea on both aldm i
engaged la the fight.
General Crlbe and General Jana
Fraaciaoo Gomez, prominent leadei
the rev^utloaiste, were woanded, aad
U Is reported that General Pablo BmUlo Villar was killed.
On the government side General
Of Our
290-228 Front Street
tor tha meek haU oa Tha
■e aa dMgUy at tha Bealoa M
Balph Oonnable Jr., MaoMgv.
Mannish Shapes.
Heavy Soles
For Street Service.
Irim Neat Styles.
Light Soles
. For Dress Wear.
Beads is well orvaerad for the Xmas rash.
Can You Think Of Anything
That would pleeeeyoar geatlemea friends better than
a beautiful pair of
ipenderafor just such handiwork
packed in a box
One pair
They come in hU the fashionable colors and
are the swellest $1.60 or $1.76 will boy.
('um* at once be
fore the pn-ttiest an- gone.
S.50 to S-OOj
S. GENOA & C0.™‘i
f /~YOLD today and warm tomorrow, n fclluw do.-«m’t know
what kind of an oyrr.-ont toget .\ dark or light one, a long
• or short one. a rough or smooth om-. a thin or thick one. U'e
V have all of them, but as a buggeelion will say this: .Must of tbe
A yonng men are buying short cnata, most of tb« middle aged men
w are buying medium iellgtb^ and tbe older men are afraid of
^ cold legs and are buying l >ng coals.
iJlG.ili, $1.'., 8lK. #2i» an- the
prices of our overcoats and you won’t have any regrets
A promiseDt New York official
eaid the ReDeral use of the tele
phone had wade the task of efficently protecting life and properly
over 50 per cent, easier.
Telephoning in case of fire, ac
cident or burglary has^^iecome a
recogii«r..-d necessity.
Every well regulat
ed household has a
Have you one in
your hoiiie'f
Underwear /
is popular with
all men who
care to be
neatly and com* ^
fortaMy dressed.
Tbe fact that men
who have once worn
tbe Muosisg Unioo
no other kind
Comiilete Mew Stock
Faecy anil Staple Gtocetias.
I “AillBr's
8emi of thfipriMfi
better make youi- selection now for fu
ture delivery.
We never bad as Snean assortment
of picture.^ and mouldings as we have
today and we can guarantee fhe high
est c- tes of work in putting them to
gether—Bring yonr pictures this week.
$1.98 SHOES
NVw store now ready for busi
The regimenu commanded by Gen ness. i'lill snii protit by prompt
erals Holgaln and
**« reported attention and a fresh stock
to have oceapied Bu&ramanga oa No
vember 18. ‘Hie place bad been held
by the revolatloaleU since tbe civil 24-*) Front Street.
ar of e month ego.
TheManaria. aa BaglUh steamer,
arrived here yesterday with 600 reFinaeleeo, Oal. Nov. :o-“ldcaot eraite from Baenaventom. Aboat 400
know asythlac aboat tbe robblac of
charehee la the FbUlpplaee by Amerieaaaoldlere.’' Oeaeral Frederick FaaetoB declared today,la an iater*lew.“aBd
rbile it may be true that some of oar
lea were codty ol.eaerll«cloBa thieve
ry. I eaa hardly believe It. Daiiacthe 1%# Admtxal'e Boas Traaafhrred
war between tbe Spaalabaad Filplnoa
there were a aambar of native charehee
Kov. <1.—Papers i
robbed by the 8peatarda A cr«at deal
Never giTee yon any £
of plaadm’ got iato tha hand* of Cbiaa- today drawn up «y tbe wifeof Admiral
± trouble — flnaat glovee ^
maa. who evaatoally sold ecoeldetable Dewgy traaaferrlng all right aad tlUe
la the Dewpy home to the adaslraPe ^ on the market —$1.00
of tbe staff to the men of oar army."
Tbe OMsral aocompaated by hlevrite com. Geovge. Tbe deed will be record' • to $2.86.
arrived at Oakland, aercae the bay, last ed thisaftamoOB or tomorrow. It ie
accepted aa the comet veraioa
aiebt. He M oa hia way to Manila, that the admiral's fisaadal aftaln
where he vrill report for dety to Oea- made this eoarae aeeeeeary la erdm
retala the home ia hlt.lamUy.
Baaa Oaapletad.
Oelambae.a.Nov. 8i-Tbe eaaram
dths official TOM ia Ohio has baaa
ipmplr*-* Itahowethat Jadce Nash's
■tataU^ M 4i.on. The total vote was FiBey vwk.
•8.1ft*. __________________
W.Q. Ui
The meattac of the Ladtae' Qaild of
MaaharehwUI be held this aftertaaUthsb
IN ten days our Holiday Goods will all
be in and the rush of business will
be on ns............
is evidence of merit
find accounts for the constantly
. increasing demand.
Wilhelm Bros.
Did You Ever
* Stop To Thiuk
I Hamilton
I Clothing Co. 2
Th It about
of your life is spent in your
shoes? Why not buy a shoe that will be
comfortable as well as durable? The new
styles we are showing in geotlemen's shoes
are very popular. Our leather lined
Vellour and
Willow Calf Shoes
are beauties. The styles are right and they
are perfect fitters and the quality the b^t.
Price $S.OO
Front Street
McNamara block
■WMM Mouraro ksoobd
B. m. B X- * r. Oe AVB UAL.
Ba>iaoM of tbe Feet Tear Twry Satlt'
vmATXMXonr. •
miobioaji CiMdnried By Mtaad beeUrer Oark
ttOi. T.
4«D 3. w. Htwm-
#. «. BAnn*. «aiw »ad »U—fee-
a<TT»T*tM nt}
faetney and OBeen Be Bieeied.
Laat ni^t tbe aanuar Beetlnr wf
at Mnaoaic Lod«e Xmet Bvtmlnffthe Boardmau Biver Bleetric Licht A
A Banquet Wee Berved.
Power Go wa* held and offlMrt elecitd
The Maeoale rodre of thia elty ee well
fur tbe eneulnc year. TaeofiJete ai*
a* before and with one
eittea. enjoyed an uaaan^ly Pln^i
tbe hoard of director, ia tW
time at toe iodee rouma la*t *»«W
The eeceptkm ia iolbe rlart.ei
beiac the aehool of in-;
^ OiuUlck. In the place of b r
letiou eoadaetMl by Grand Lmtnnr father, recently deieaadd. Toe ofioei*
Arthur M. Clark of U » nftoa.
and olreeioiaareaaioaow*:
Tbe F. a and M. M. detmee were
Preeldint—WUliam Loodon.
atferved on Joeeph Banner of Cedar.
Vice preaident—Howard Irish.
After the work of the evealnr.
Secretary—A V. Friedrich.
vlaitora awl local meabera aat down to
Troaauiwr—9am Oarlaod.
Bptaooa banquet, with eovera for
Dirwelotw—WUllaa U^ndoo. Bowaro
ovar too.
Iriab, A. V. Priedrleb. Sam Garland.
ChariB WabelB, ..._______
A. Bartak.- Bobert
Bbermaa Lod*e. No. ST«.-W- H.
^o^j, g, Urearck. J
ebavar. Ooo. B. Tbylor. Ed Wneeler,
Dan \Chadwlck. Baedore Gilbert and
i-be reporU of tba bnarucH of the
Vicur Parker.
''company dnrint the past year were
Elk Eapide Lodye. Ko. tn —S- B^*ery aatiefactory and the variout imOwen, H B. Lewie, J. D. Karewell. F. ‘piovementa made and oontemplatcd
a Aaletl, Joa Botler. B. J- Archibald, j
a W. Mltebeli and T. J. Wblla
Bo*rd of P»r<loM I* In b
ntbM- peculiBf poBiUo# »Ml wWehow
«b7 Xhtj tor* la U» Wri£h» cm* ibej
•«Bl Bad Uunaelw In BO aneavlnble
It no« trmMplrM tbnt «t a
of ihe board U> DelroU u
laleraal vote wm taken and tka three
•Mben preaeot eoted lot a eoBiaaUtl0B of the amtance of tbo msrdarer
D»eU B. Bnnw wai not praaant bnt if
bahadbaan Be «oaid bare of^naad
inman. El Bedell and C. L. Cleve
tbo oonraa taken by ibo other threr land.
MBbara. Hoveear. it U airnad by
torn* of the board that their acUoo
waa »araly lalormai. tbarefora aol
totadlofi and U they ehanfa tbalr
—tiU« It ia their prieUefe to do ao, al- MeBeen and Bnyh Biodk.
Alleyan.-Oeo. White.
thoefb there la an apparent relnetaaoe
Lake Ann.—N. E. Decan.
' to a ehanca of taaarv It. toweeer, the
three sembera decide to rmmeteod to
tharnvn'oor a oonaDotatlan of thaaentanee Mr. Horaa wUl Bia with the gorBxploMon ofaOaa Xnjuad Hk Band.
and thve wili be a tariaoU created by
But Be Wrttea that the Injury M
the ladlrnatioa of many people who
Bot Berioua.
haea Bade thla partieelar caae a atsdy.
B J. Morcan U in reeuiptof a letter
I reeardlnc the
aad wboae «
■atter are wortby*of oonelderetion. trow hie aon Tberon. who k bunUeF
in tba u^er paainanla. In company
There iea
U oppoiiUen to a eoBBnUtkia of the with C. B Murray, tellinf of a nanow
MBtanea of tVrlffhtand facU preeentad Mcape from aerkna injuir. Theron
a doe, and at the aouad. of the
In the eaae plainly encpeat that the
hoard of pardont will be actlnr in ac- run. a fawn and a buck apranq up be
ModaDee with the end* of jnaUoe if hind him. Be turned and fired, but
•hey allow the aatter to rent Jnat tbe r>B exploded in bk handa, and
one of the handa wap injniud. Theron
irhore it la.
writmtbntthe injory k not,A«rtona.
Wits Arnisaldoontofai^tand ee and that he k Mill bnnUnr. with a
rna whkh heobialaed. Be aocma
Uaatlyoatharon. and the eonapleoone abaonea of an oeraniaed iHorfeat to refret tbe loM of the deer c
prmy, there aeeBe to be a bright pcea than the Injury to the hand.
pact of a eepraaatoD of the inenrraeMew In abort order. The eondlUoe
fho PbllliviMe Indiaata that the e
of eatabliahlnp a form of deil yoTereMSt ia the cltlee of the ialaade ia only
B qaeoUon of a eery abort tlse Tbia
proecea will be followed by tbe m
Uahsent of peace and a reorraniation
that will aooD eonelnee the FUtplnca
of the taaneBcent perpoaea of
Cnltad Suiaa roranmeat.
lan made a larpe aUpBaot
SnpervUor Warner Xmbarks In the
Xdvery Bntlneea.
J. L. Warner will remove tomoi
from Wim^burr to Sik Rapids,
where he will take an active part In
the livery bnaineae be and Mr. Fklrfaanks recently boufbt at that place.
Mr. Warner hae reaif ned hk enpervieorahinof Whitewater township, and
Lowell Some has been appointed by
the town board to fill tbe vacancy.
Mke Elsie Dean, the Blfb eehool
of t,00D beahala, and waa abided to teacher who 4tas been ill f
Akaco- lhaaeerare priee paid for time, left yeeterday for her 1
thaB iraa aboat tl centa.
Uc eontbem part of the eUte. where
A new comblnaiion aboeae and pwa- ehc will lake a food rest before reaoBfer ear waa pat on the brnneh od Uralnf to ber detiee hare.
B. V. Warinf made a buaiaem trip
the O. B .V I. yceterdey. and fralphi
ooadactor Gordon wUl now be prepared to Cadillac yesterday.
W. Hyde of Beet Jordan, b the fumt
to earry paiaencefe betweea thla point
and Walton sneh Bore comfortably of C. B. L^.
Mrs. W. A. Baymoad left yeeterday
than formerly.
Harrimce Uoenaee were irraatcd yea- for a ^orl vitit at Bellaiie.
tnrday to David R. Elman of Feninanla (.Mr. andMra. J. A. Moore went to
townablp and Miaa Nora A. Booper of Sherman yeeterday to attend the fun
eral of B. H. Boee,
Bnat Bay. and to Qaoar Soranaoi
itarfleld and Miaa Boaa Ufontae
A. J. Bradshaw has fone on a buslthia city.
aaa trip to EmpUa.
a B. Beaael went hnnUny yeeterday
Mrs. J. U. Bsmadell went to Manktae
at ThoBpaonTUle. He aeeored a fine yeeterday to vkit r^Uvee.
htr of rame. iaeladicr qnail, part,
WUl Wrifbtman has retumad from
rldra and rabbit.
Qaaa No. 1^. of the Bint U. E. San.
Mke Vena Stefiaa of Lalaad, b In
eekool wUl bold a apeelal bealneai tbe city.
aaetinf in the parloie of the church
Frank Goodrich left laat nifht on a
Ihkoeenlny at « o'clock. Alt memben boslneSB trip to Petoakey.
are eameelly reqoeeted to be preaenl
Mrs. A. J. DeVries of WUhamaburf.
Daniel Shanahan ha* opened hie oew waa In tbe city yesterday.
rroeery. 2*i l-'rontctreet, with a com
Mrs. Beery Stefleee of Leland waa a
plete lint of new yooda.
Traearae City vkitor yaaterdey.
An error in J. W. Slatcr'a adrertlaeD. K. Pallk of Mantew, k at the
■ent yaaterdey made it appear that Hotel Oolambb.
yIhe altaa of the Iron beda be ia aalUnc
B. E. Foley of Oadar k ia tbe dty.
waa three feet, ala Inehce wide when
C. S. Oavia hat returned from a bntiae a matlw of facOlr. Slater arriee BHatrlpMTth.
AUo another aice. four feet ala
N. K. StrobC has retamad from a
wide and the adrertlacBent ahould bnainem rlall to Oheboyfan.
^r« md that way.
Eobt. Oaldwail came down from
The Ocean City Boyal Clrple wUl CbarlevoU yesterday to attend tba anaarre an oyaler Snpper in the Odd aaalmeelltifof tbe Bcardmaa Blyer
JaUowe-faall|thlaerenlaK|ftoB t to » Electric Llf bt k Power bo.
Bbeloeal poUto market aUyed at
•beet so eenu-yeaterday. aUhou(h the
riiitri were'aot eo heavy at they hate
kaan for a tew daye past.
TU Ladlee- Aid aoeiety of tha Oonfretatlonal ohereh will aeet thla aftnrJWM ia the church fparion at t;M
■ A'atoeh. The tadica| are requeeled to
>• preaent prepared to eew.
rvaak Oourtade of Beat Bay. refortaAndiaf aiiuanU^ of arbntua in
1b the oomlAf UBfafcment of Marks
Bros, at Stelaberf'a Grand Opera
H<mae, barimninf Monday, Dec. 4.
amueameBt lovern wUl have as opportoBity to witsam ^flntielaaa perfoemaaesa stBfud 1b tbe proper maBoer and
with epeeial aeenery. at popular prloea
of 10. It and U eeata Tbe oompaay
carry twenty complete eeia of eooBery
for tbe proper preeeatBttoa od tbeir
pkya That they do tbk. 'h endeBoed
by the ImmeBee eaoeeea they are havVotiea to «ch‘hOTMB root • A. B. iBf throuibout their tour, packiaf tbe
By requaet of the family of the late theatres to tbe doors wherever they
t«ri Muaeey. the tuueral wUl be la have appeared.
aharfe of tbe McFheeuoa Poet. No. it
OkiiMBU Fuey Work.
- O. A. B. All membere who can ■
Fancy work tor cCrktmaa
«t aovraalent to aMead an wrtnd ts
baa joai been reeelved
■Hatatthc Poet iwoma at 1« e'ulnek
, doaifoa.
Botall Olexka WUUnr to Brtaad Boute
of Work After Oeeamber A
Owlnr tothe»pr«aent trade eoudiwill be crowded into the Bontb ofDec-
Bronchttle end tnolptent
Coneump-‘on, te
j Tk, eclViAk i(,ciiiEinr
17 differeot styles of Iron Beda from..................................$3 60 Up
LT dim™,
... .*^75 „p
White Kname) Chairs........................................................................... (1.00
\Vhil.' Kuamel R.K-kers.............................................................. ..
I “Lipton” I
» Collar
—On« of our new onei
^ —sells on sight.
Clothing Co.
Bealltinr thk fact and thlnklny
perhape U would be desirable to have
the etorce open evenlnfe tor a ocwaldkble time darlnr the holiday eeaaou
to belter acoommode cubtomera. we.tbe
imbenofthe Betell Clerks'Union,
dealre to express onraelvea as heartily
and unanlmonely in favor of dolnf all
in OUT power to further tbe luterea'.e
of our employere and add to the coovenienee of the buylnf public; and
ahould the merehante In any or all
L. JL. A
I of trade, deem it advkable to
open tbeir etoreo eveninfa from Dec
ember * to December 30, Inelaaive, vee
awurethem that we will cheerfully,
comply with their wkhea.
aretyhB'e aiosk.
Local No. SIS. B. C. 1. P. A.
J. W. Slater,
Tdi. Xo U130 Iron B«l. I.ou-hl ..t bond, 4 fwl li inch™:
>.cu:htdfloot,3-f™,6 inch™, nnd
f™l 6 inch™
• idc, u.d 4 (™t ,1 inch™ n-id... nnly..................................... *4 7S
120 Front St
House Furnishing Store.
Will Aaderson
Ralph Anderson
Hre Insurance,
and Em^almers
Jdhn R. Santo,
Both Telephones. No. *3.
318 Union Street
Tr««are» city. Hi
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Boye Band Boyally Bateitalned Laat
BraniDf by Leodlord neteber.
Tbe membera of the Boy* Band were
royally entertained by Landlord Fletcber of the Hotel Columbia .last eveninf at supper. They accepted an in
vitation of Mr. Fletcher to a repast,
and after their practice at tbe band
room, marched down the street and
were imhered into the dinlnf room
The best in the bouse waa thaiia. and
they did ample Jnatioe to the food
cheer, almost a acore of them belnf
After the spread, they fave a dellfhlfnl band concert in front of tbe
hotel. The concert wae freally
enjoyed by a larfu nnmber who
atbered around tbe hotel, as well as
And usually talks “cents, ‘ l-or
that reason your sense of the
beautiful will be pleased when
you see those dainty little gift
books that only cost 22c—they
make a most pleasing present.
$100 Beward. $100.
The Theme
of the Day
one dreaded disease that ac'eooe ha*
k tbe only positive cure known to tbe
medical fraternity. Cktavnk being a
conititntlonal diteaae, nquirea a eonstltntlonal treatmenv Hall'a Catarrab
Cure ia taken internally, acting direct
ly upon tbe blood and mncuoui tur
faces of tbe ayatem. thereby desiroyiDg
tbe foundation of the dlaeaae. and gi*
ing the patient strength by building
up the eoDulItuUoa and aaaktinr na
ture In doing iu work. Tbe prop-letora have so much faith iu iu cuiative
powers that they offer one hundred
dollars for any caae that it faiU to
ire Send for Ikl of leetlmoniala
Address F. J. CiiKNKT Jk Co . Toledo,
•—The fad of the hour, and
only a moment of your time to
show the Scotch Gloves, made
in Piaids. losuil yourgoU cape
or the skirt plaids, and sells at
Soc the pair.
Greatest Luxury
a Family PlUa are tbe beet.
Whlto Wine ef Tar Srrnp, the
best cough remcilj- on earth, cures a cold
in one day if taken in time. ^andMcu
Wf show tbe ooly
Tliey are
Frank Friedrich
118 Front StTMt
•A gentleman can enjoy is comfort. You can lake all kinds
of comfort in one of our f 10
Overcoats. The days to fol
low will make you think wheth
er you want to buy a Melton,
a Covert, a Kersey, or Beaver.
Begets Credit
—Credit creates prosperityprosperity gives you the mon
ey—with the money you buy
our Dining Room Tables—
S5 75. $4-25. $5-50. up to the
finest at $24.00, or a Centre
Table at 3.75 up to a beauty in
solid mahogany at 16.75.
You Spend
No Time
In useless blows, but strike the
nail apd in it goes, if—you
have one of our good 50c
Hammers. How are your car
penter's toolsPlanes from ^
60c, Levels from 50c. Saws
from 50c. Squares from 80c.
Braces from 25c.
Don’t Follow
The leaders—we lead the feJlowers. H^'s an e::?.mplc—
Our No. 392 High Back Din
ing Chair, quartered sawed ,
Oak. golden oak finish, braced
arms, beaded spindle, cane
seat, carA'ctl back—the set of
six chairs for g.J5.»
Useless Put in
—Nothing useful left out of
our business Suits at 8.50—
Then comes the next grade at
10.00. You can leave 12.50
for another grade, or 16.00—
We guarantee perfect satisfacti^ and a perfect fit.
We Keep
All Grades
But the lowest quality of our
boy s shoes starts at good and
goes right on up. We've got
a shoe at 1.50 and 1.75 that
will stand the wear that a good
healthy boy can give it.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
I fAhXt Mem&
&KteretV. »|
The aUw sUlUrr dep»rUMt bM
fMaiaad <n>« tba c«m>»1 r»*ar««eBi
> ITkar* AaiMl
tu ■■!■»•
baiankxn tvr • dimbtn «» v3»pr*«« *>*•
aln>uat u/ saibfrtitjt of nioi
'•*' l*rw.-nj 0»fy remarkH a wrU-
wkleh U« «MU ted <m huid <rb«B th#
war wlib SpaUi broka oat, and wbteh
**• saad for tba «<ialpiDnit of tba
Sapana ara at a toM to kaov wbai
ta do aboai oU well ooarattoaa ia
nuiuiM-r of j,or* oou. olnoi I wte
atudflar mnlitlw. Hint ruonncail iw
>bat iba ai<'inlirr« of ibf ii<>r»<' faiuUf
abuoM. a| Irosi. br .T«'<JliHd with «br
P~“'-loa «f a Trr> .-«u»Wrr*Ui*
_!^^d .
Tba pipe, which
iu.mu«i<.a at «l.:»b \
waalalat, fret iato the ft«uid,au«;k
le w.or a -null
water aod barU roelu and water Idio b.-.l^r uie<i. tlu lt r.uii» m .ll.iltiKoi-h
tba air aaeraelaclj'. Tit ricially la tlirm fndu <>ibt;rs ai 'i>r r,,il>-er.
. fl wded aod aotbiac eaa atop it.
l•“l''>Jchlk to >br «-.iu)Oi>liiiirDi
Jarhowi wHf. ■ ifteft nf te.
1^ , ^
OMdiml d|. i«nmrui. aid.t
*“*» ‘‘‘* arroH^ tu ftatr e -I-, let
^ * Ibr
H>. ealiiial
d--M.r». W.-ll. ul.,- .ley.
bollet froat a flobert rifle.
TbevoDIr a biiiuUt of o» tv.r.weoad waedireetip orer tba rtfbt eya la a tiiiir rir. l.- tiixu a Intrti lu i!
aad aay prora earieoa
r«or of ila' >«>ll< L*r. ibr auiamt Id i|w
Tba il-year^Jd aoa «f WlUlaai
to Iw ii.nr-i
•_te r J J—
«row Ukarlew. waa aocldaaUp ahol ia
Iba arm a^d Irr «ehUe> boottac
• be dropped tbe
ffna, wbicb wae diaebarrad.
Hr>- cautr
to H
n <|i>r.'U or
fis it aoa) fidtui ibr i-rxu.l. awl.
Tully Kiir>. >IUK ibr l..i <.r'us. fViully
matir u). iiU ■■■iiiit wbai l»- waMi.^l
_ At Brooklyn, while Qao. Bry«. a •*
pod a oompaaioa ware
^tlat rabblia. aad white cllalar a
naoa. a railrolled with tbem.dlaebarriafayaa, tbe ebarya rotnr throafh
Eeyerb baod taalow tbe drat flayer.
8a waa broufbi bciuuaod tba baad
AraMd. bat ao«e Aaoera mar boa* to
,r,^. „a,in.t i.iy i»i). aiu)
bri.l ii|. bi. b>rt i..rvl*«.
■'I^n.I.Iiiw .l«ou. I .11-'..vrrv«| a lars*hall liiil«->|.|-.t tu ilir froi: oi UU iKx.f.
< vl<lriiil.v i-aii<-<l tiir laim
**'*''- "f.l I hmsi rtoilxnl tli.-'Iinrr.-ti«“‘
' «»ira.Hrd tl.e
Coal baa bae. »o«Ki witbl. foo, ...........................'
ohllur-ftl ultif n-llrf MUtI nalknl
wUaa of VaeMT. aad Ua iodeaw; Bay aoay. tirltii: .nirtous i<> Liiuo oby
be daralopad la tba oear fuiere.
■ br tii-aM li'i.l (I'.'k.'d III...... . lu alli-liit
lilK M'.iiiiiil. I ciaut.ii at iii.r frlloo'
BapUla, tbe abenff. Moadaj.
arrMtedaMra CoBnara of Kalkaaka. •.■lulrlit.. amt IwtiwI '!>•' riilmiiiu it
Ibr tirubkhi. Nol lair «.| ilif s:ruup
wbo «raa abltiof her eoBaio. Mra.
bad bU itiy.ll,-at Inilrr n|.oi> lilt roal
Bead, aod foaod aawad up li iAr I.CI ui.vkrir Tlir burw.. |,ml. llMTi.fulv.
ololbaa aba wore, oaariy li.SOO. al ,.iniuly
liiHlKUla. aod
layad to u*a bMs atolea laai Toeaday arird ac<vr<lliii:l.t.''- Ha»tiiiiKiuii Kiar.
atrbt by barylara from tbe rra deoee
of IfaBaal Read, who clalaMd the
Aiawrar KUrrlwt
du_____ u.. _T^.
-I ouiMb rol... ih.-,t. r.s.itur army
r w
®'• ‘•®“' i.K.-rr lay aalil nu awialnir Siirrb. bi
W Uwaaif. Mra. Odaoen waa a rwit ||.,io>»-a <if iIiIk .iiy. iii.li.-Mili.t; a mid
of tbe Eeede, aad It U evldeat tbatabe «llr ai:.-.l L’.-iitiyiiiau o n*. Ua.l jiitu
•at iba aeraao. foread tbe door aad rauTt.tt iruiii a si. i*liurl.-« .i.>rr. <
•bloroforved tbe ioRUlea Vor a week * "llu" •■•> y«u kuuo Im- I* a ri«ular
tbe onoara bare baM bantid, aod
••*t>'vr V a.hrd a frlrod. “It
aatU the woboo today remark^ th i **'’'*‘*“'
1*1^ *j>|iraron.» la.dlir
tetdte ---------- _• iln. ll> uiuiittliar)-."
bb* would fo boBe T«ea-| -ivrnili mr i» «i.r“ iVHik.udrd tbe
day bad aotsuepMtod ber. alibooch it amainir U. mb. • that v.ei arr a v.-rv
waa tba belief of maav that tb* Job kui.-rti. iai nI«.-rv.T. You ..yid.-utly
«b* doae by aoBa ooa aaar at
ov..r|.H.kr.l il..- fa.-i that « i>i-ii I..- frit
.1 bOBa.
• U.irer. ao afad faraer lirlop In hi. lr...urr*. |.H‘k.'i Jii.t
ibraa Bilaa waat of Clare, waa faiall) riii..Hl Hr- l•■.IU■l|l .if ills riiai lli.tr;<d
UJarad Moaday aoraloc. WbUa poll uf liKi.litliK il a.Iilr. Tba- UuivniirDf
oe. iiMi.t miiuiiural fur a I'lviiiun. an.)
Bf atUBps oar Hew beck aad fell od jiriiVasl a'au.-il|.l>>4,> thal lir oa. Ill tlir
“ 7
bul.Ii «r iwiiilDi; a •Jil. '.luidl.’d iiiili
AlaekyBlaer reaidm* at Cbaapioo itiry M..ii~-'
baadlacovered a raluabla depoait of
■lildl y..u l.*..- »..ur .•..tii-lii.‘..ii. rt.
BoaaMaerore two ailM kontb of Iowa. Uf*').' •■hih.it irldiiix
wblab wUI probably »ai bla afortooe.
t- “'H' -im—•.tu
AiHt»di.itetete u< t .1.
no. ri-|.li.-.1 !hr »i.a1>).i airily.
•tBe^iaea. Mich, three aooa of -«
tuii.vly .uunila
ar. aoo Mra Joba Keoaady bare brea llrr. I hn.l aln-iitly ulNM.rvr.1 il.ni b.'
Btaalnfalaoc Baaday aoralac. The t-arrhd bU uui. h lu hi. .miM.lr «.i. a>:
polloa aad pareau arr aakiar a dil.- l•••.-krt. u iuii.lt •-uumiuii u>
faat aearob The preratllnr opiaioa
im.vrta that tbe boya Oara dTowaed while |-hh uib-r.i hi. larWinl hi,. i.» b-
Teatb Oiade Kiaeted OOem to Aaaltt Um Sealer Clan of iba
B«b deboel.
IMa iMtb rrade bald a BMUar Uat
areolar after acbool for tbe purpeae at
drraalaiar tbelr data ao aa to be able
tJhidtbeaeoiordaaaby eoatdbatur
aay part aaked of ibcB for the Aaouil
wbkeb the rradnatlar data wU> laaae'
auoBt ibe Use acbool ia dooed oeat
After tbe aleeUon of Artbar /..mmarBaa aa .UBporary ebbiraiaa aad Balea
Stool at toBporary aeeretary aa later-,
aaiior umawaa bad la eleetiar tbe
offierra wbicb finally iraoltcd aa lolowa:
I'r.aidrni—Addie Solea.
Vlcv preaideLi—Hei»ey Tripp,
•^•breiary—ffla Laraiaa.
Treaaorer—Ralpb Ruacoe.
Tbe aralorciaea ecitonuf tbe AoBu.l b.ld a meetlar rrceaUy attar
acDOol aad made acaiedcficUe arraaremeau ia rerard to ibe Aoaual. The
aoitor-lD cbief baedialded tbe Anauai
into fire depanneaU aad aaalracd tbe
aaaoeiau coiton tbeir deaartmeau eo
a» lo beria work oa tbes. More dc
partiocB'amay be added later bet it
a.ae*i:r«l euljeeu aadrr oae bnd
Pbe followlar are tbe fire departnema;
1. Hiatory of aebooU, teacbera aad
Seaior claaa.
S l•^raD Kitioaaof Birbacboot.botb
literary aoo athletic.
4. Soeial ereau of Ulfb tehool aod
5. tlriodaaad Jokea.
SiartOIbbou. ICO Pouad Cbamplra
ofKiobiraD. WaatetoMaetJim
XcOoy of Tbft Oity.
Oraad Kapida. Mich , Nor. u.~ |
P:i.m.a MuK-mn.. Bk<\Mu.;_WiU you
pieArtre up eaoacb apace in your
ralaable paper to ioaert thia eballeare
. 1 hereby eballeare JIb MoOoy ol
Hoorehy toa flalah flrbt with three
riovee. winaer t> uke all rate
Boaey. Thia to be a eleaa-cat firbt
DO wreaUiar or foollar. bbould eiiaer
iBlt aach the referee naai
.’Ire tbe fight to tbe other Baa. Tb>a
lake a atrong Uae. aa I bai e
aeea bis figbi and know bia taetla.
Maai <>iaiH>.>u.
isolb. Micbigaa Cbanpioo
5^jla. U^J
To Omtm m
«>lto inibl TlMta U-
Sold I'.int.-.Wait., Iaafe you aiv AHi-om. i.. giuiw
atirk aa n»u«-h si you llk«-.“
4n Om Om.
Take Warner a White Wine of Tar Si ru]
the beat coogb reitwOy on earth.
Edrb of Ibr uinm lu tbe NaMunal
I IragUr baa at Iran uBr nU-fciuiDii-. Tb<
Itronklyu. arc Tndli-.i iKaig. la. the
the Kiiiwriut.; ibv Ri.
Tbaekagivlag ave At Oetumt^ hall.
WaatSSa. Mov. »ti. BUI M
Meale by Belna and BteknalM.
!• or
T»# it It
... Itill..
Ortibana ur luulu.y.: the <'Idi-1:i.
! n*ii.
,1„. iLed.: Ibe Bammore. arAlAtgallaa of oaw aad baadtome Orfob-.: thr Ixiulvville* are CulotH-U
faUorna la acta wiUowa in poaier the Wa.umitioii* are Menainr.: ih ■
MHfat aad otboc lata patMraa. and Neu- York- arr Mianta; ibe litiakurca
-------talaa covara. havcjaat bOM are t'lratea. aud ibe Clreelaada arr
by Mra W. O Ut^n
d tfesdsebeA, Aod
Remove It by Uslnf
I S\>ec,vaV XaVvnes
I’vTv SacKe\s
The error of tbe dar in medical treai.
Beat ia tbe “doctoring" of cfecti ia
■tead of gcttiDgpi fbe caaac. A powdei
lor beadaebc. a tablet lor iadigeatioii.
aad a plaiter for backache. Tbeae n>a>
aflord alight tenipur«ry relief, but next
day Ibe old Iranble la iMck acaia
tidca. ibiak ol the eflect of a drug
.airong cDoagh io atop beadacbca bIiik»i
Backarbe it kidne'
daeaiiOD ibat tbe kidnera are
rd. Hackaebe
i. aature'i tigiial ol ' JR
rm to warn people that ihek «ido^» j Jfi
arc I
of filleriog t>
that tbe foul imptintica
etberwite be earned
tmed 61!
of! by
' tbe kidnry.lC
temaiD ia the blood,
to every oryaa ol tbe
act at deadly poitouA
Dr. Cbaae'.Kidner Lirer Pilit are tbe mi
•oeld't grealeat kidaey cure, becauar mi
Ibey act directly on Ibe kidaeya and re.
tiewt tbcDi <n faealtb, etreagth and vigor
They reainve ibe caste ol bcadacbes,
backacbe. and an eedlee* chain ol bo.i
fatal aod coBplicafed diteaaca.
l>r. Cbtte't Kiiiaey-Ltver Pillt are
,------ --------,---------- pivaaanlly aad
futerallv. One pill a doae; *$ ceirn t
or Dr A. W. CbaM
trz *
a tTta\ trtkTvi^.
John F. Ott & Go.
Fire Insurance
EJIV. Hastingsj
«• ,
------1——--------------------------------------------- --
nmitTlMl SosiivtM. IVtlt trtTii .M.V '
ix W. Miliiken.,
Berkshire Pants
CannolBeLRippeilIf you doubt Thia, read their warrant- •everul
hundrad paira in atock. and your alze la amon^
thtm- $2.26 to $3.00. and you‘11 say when you
see them theyTo the beat for the money you
ever aaw. We are exrlusive a^nu
about Men's
—We've (jot the hxtt.-sl line that evrr
t-sni.; ov.T tbe lii^hway
New, nobby
-ffrrta in bW-hii and lanK. ailk vintiuij'
tope, Scotch rule—A jn-.-at variety of mt-n's tin.- Jieavy nyle
ehoea in l»x calf, willow ton «-a!f and t-namel kather. * N.-w
colora. Dew tcrs-ii^hl nt the top io style aad the pric* will jiia
suit you.
IWn Btyleelntan................................ $2.00 to $4 00
Fifty BtyU in blacks............... ............$1,19 to $3.60
Successors to
Traierse Ch|r Umber Co.
TrawseCity, - - Michigan
New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in our
Jewelery store to look them
over. We have many new
things in jewelry also.
You abould ace
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
Tnccs avfc ^rom 57 .SO
XuremedvijquaL-. Waknekb Wuitk
Vink of Tak Svbcf f..r tbia.tcrri■luaud fatal ilbwaae. If takea Ibor•uglilv aad in tinm, it will cure a emw
.D S4 buura, and liw tbe cough that loJk>w« La UHppe 1‘. never wla
. The (Uchigan Starch Co.
iifvSSuh*”' “
lo Cm li tiliw taTt iMn.
us \Vtt oWtT Ak^.
touTSt we \ooV \\vem
j * -__ Uues.;y&^s. \&ns. eastoy.
’Oa.Wes. Sft. S\0. SW and %\l.
We are now prepared to aell our exoeUeatfeed-fH^TATOPVLP. which
we have oa baad at all Umci in a aweet
and deairable auta.
Ia order to Introduce our fepd to thr
faedera we have reduced oer prioe to.
IOC per too. Which compared with tbr I
relatire valve ot Ibe other feeda makea
it coat about one third of any other
Some of Ue moat inflaentlal feeden
have given tbia prodnet a thorough teai
and report that It U deairable la every
Tbapkariricr Party
reaped and eijoa] to all that ia claimed
ArtlatU aad appropriate iaritatioBa for iL We have completed an ideal ar
bare brra iaaaad for tbe Tbankaririog rangemeot for loading into wagonr
irly ..f the WlDc^a Club, to be held etc., and wereapfctfully iavitr all feed
1 tbe f.ty Opera-Bouae. Wedi
era to try oer feed
erf-Dlor. •Ncrember S'.< Tbia will ie
-or of the moat pleaaaat accial aSaira
jf the ieaanB.
Traverse City, MioL
Por Art hiuc oral Stady
W. A. Deaa left yeaierday far the
leihera part of tbe ataie, where be
will aprad a moatb la a tboroogb aiudy
f the iaieat arcbitrctaral de< gna
■■aa Ukeo bla eaBera aod will a
to aid him In
here. He may ir ke a trip tbrougb Ibe
tate c f New York before faia
•tllMId-D,-. trl.-ml. “If i
Blaetric Bitten ei -ed tbrm
•ssssxs x*nnitiKS!t sntnt!n!t»»
m-l!.-- M.ii^'!^ . u
liuncluur) .iii.ra. iiu.1 wir u 1i.-l.au»-.t
oaaeMT uail. tbe iarbaa ooaaiy oml .n«it..l
uiih hi. I.fi r...t 1
•loepar, wbooe etataf ooeapatUta for we. is riaiu lu- tin> m >U.' .rrvi.r "
y«ar» bae beea to aleep. aad wbo ha*' "Vu.i xil.l b.. rn. a rruul.ir. 1 I*,
Mv t'*rv>*d III. rmm.
ban awaeeaed at laterraU by bU
.I >.'ar..l.l iaiy «1... i*
arUe Jnat loog eDoajrb to cat, baa be"t>-»b.-hal. flrvi |.:nr »r Itv.ii.rrH ••«.-.>1 n»nv ailli"
ffU to iaprorr aad ia able to rat < at
I III. <».Ol»-r M-i.-i-al iilulili ag» III.
aad do * l.itu -te L A
d«» 10II aTmt .-r.-d- KiirM'. wiin l« »•« l.lai-k ihat >-iiar>-<Ml
baBTcaatyelerprru-MiB May While.
i „.i .........
fn,». tl.a, I n.int.l iiml..- n wlilli- liuirk i.u lu-r, nau
acedst, wbolivfkatM^tiUa tthrn aruU.-itpu -ni.t- l«'j Id
«nh ci.iiii: !.• > hnn-)i :iiul ll.r fat.l waatiil lu
aba waa Brat ukca ill a'pbyaiciaa waa J"u
tl'*' •("»• «'•««•• uml ,l..'ii im- E» li».
g.> will 111.-, olilh-. Tbrta
aallad. bat tbeyoaar wuiaaii aooD ra
.um.- ii.-O" x.tii. . - V.-u r«ii.-.ii
mci-.'" ud l-ii< >«U ‘"'I. YuU'ar luu
•and iaio a aoaad alaBber oroonatoae J 'n>r»
71.1. euil.-d iIh- biaiM-r fnr a llmi-.
a^ltlOD. from wbKdi ao ooa bat tbe <
,\n.-i a fi-u u)iuuli-» ibi- iKi.v lirokr
altoMiac pbyaiclaa waa able to awak ’ Thr ra|-ii...| .-. iitTru.-,- „f .'lU .afiirll. iiyiiiii
aa bar. It U aatd bar phyaleal eondb
••■. r mn with i. in th.“Sjm. ViiMih-,''-Ib- aald. ‘>101 iJat
tin ia very Boub iBprored bat abe
im. m ui • V~ iii:riuiii. ui..j. ..loi.- |«.ll.' amt UJui-i aiy ft*i-; dea I
duiidta. o. ted».„ted‘ eaoept ..
5! i«-it liu w If yoa.”
at au ..vutVi t.> ih. Mil.- glv.-n
nlllMiW nuy jmiM.iiiv l.i Muiu' •H.da large paatbThe Vicktburv UiBBarelal teila bow mii<iu>- VaOte-.. '
« mill ijm-r
•r while bnatiog in tbe onderbmah
. llrill-U ...lu. Illllr III I
A foaideut of that village bb4a lot of ‘
il.irT.. iilli ■-.-u•^l^>. uii.| 111.' 1UI..111:..
that coven tbe bllli twelve mileaaouib
fn receaUy. While bU wifTwaa away nil.I'll I olliid. ii. 1. iIh u. .-'■uiii
of St. Jeaepb. For ten yaara there have
Ua famitare uat into the yard and lb< i.
m-Tuli-u »b Ibe been itonaa of Bome wild animal that
madr 'u bomr In tbU wild region, and
Ill it l..|'e.i 1*1..
•ATtiad U back again into tba taou-'.
the Drigbherbood baa been kept
raciiiL- .-v:i-.-.lii.im i
WAan Aakad why be did thia AppAreat •M-an-b .'f liu.l. jii.t
sontiDual alarm The abco ine of i
•t ufl.-r Ha itii.a
ly foollab act. be aaid
be waated .iuL ii»;r.i. i«. u..i
k (ugi-ib.-r f»r
f.i luuiiial paaiber. it la belieeed. will rid the
elnlty of a daagerona oeenpaat. Many
X ws-.W-uui.lr>
todoaomaibiag white bU wife waa bi-n>-U(. Th. fut
-intii.-illaiA (i.ll.'W. him. ^iiltent believe that John Croll. wbo
mat around to boaa bis
II). tirbl£.l. Obd. a lUl.-h
tif lia.-..u hi I
iTAva Bap’oten.
-*nd deveared.
lim.wn OBI. mai«il.t-*l in il II- dht.T.
Uke Sualey Abd LiviogaioAe.
foand Uiu-u.lliif. ..f
t.Fbair Ilia .Uaiv
Made Toaag Again.
i Malai
w Agiir. and Typbuid diaeaae germ# fur him. an.l lN-j..re It.-.iiuinl li*. ilm.“One of Dr King'* New Life PUla
«uo aaragvuoo^lt; bot tboutAndt i., n-Julii i.iu, hi. .-..niiuiiiluii haa .l-- each oirbt for two waeka baa put Be
haee fouDd that Elecine Hlttera laa luui.d >h< hIi..|..
In my ‘teeai* again" wHtea D B. Tarwondviful cure lor all aalartal dT- Mh-•.irim; and ii»-cnia.v «th-k ivlrrn oer of Dempaeytowa. Pa They're tbe
aoM. if you have chilli with lever, uu wUl. h M..wb» bung
Tlip beat la tbe world lor tbe Liver. Stom
AAMintaekof nack aad bead, and foi lunhwltli n-uxui.irai.-a wh.-r.- ach aad Bowela
Purely vagatable.
nrad, wore-out feellagm, a trial w I
iTi..U.. r l..nB «liul.-.l dl..-D«.U.n
•"'■‘T- W Aia ttu- .-.uir*.- »f *l.i.-li l-u
Nall of W^. Ill , wntea; --My ebil- urlni uuui. him wiiU iblv in.iiltlug
88 1888
Boy’s tan and blai-k................................... 98c to $2.00
Men’s River Shoes
" ith our iiaine on them, and every pair aHnanli-d. at the f Ilowinij prices:-$l sO,
a2.ti5, rL25.
Rubbers to ht ail the latest style sIkm-s.
136 Front Street
Th> Practical Shoe Man
of Dollars In Socks
—Not that wo keep our money there —
simply have for Sale the best Une of flne
wool hosiery at 26c and 60c shown in the
city-OaU and learn how to put “money in
socks” so the investment will pay.
bbOokd^ wbobkbday. hovbicbbb
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash. Mouldings,
i &ttvcr«L\'Ke«t
Thai we lire la»We oor boOM*«. •»«
) ri>i •>ui*h}e II,.-lu. Ii«k tunc t>eeu (be OUv Pork p«r bbl. MW.............
I •laitdinc ao«Hrr of EofUabnieo w aO CJaar Pork pw ....................
.................... ,... ....
_ rrlil.Uiu* vu «ne eateruaU or oor do.............
AMoatrool dlapatok mj» tmMfo*
wr^hii.-nurr- 8umni«-r* like
«t Kaai
k, M
Dr. Hcaudry Tsoaday wind
a ia Uie < »aty.
*nM laioroeloalal railway ofii^la
kaeo acraad lo eooperaU to provost^
as, isae
TmvaiMOnv 1
-Fine Mili:Work
k tlme-lMiwired
tbe»l> Ttx- a*«r<leu auJ !(• fumliiir* ________[. L. A Oo. Boat...........
luailera uf ■■ooeeru. aud ' tjm per dot...................................
id *i^ luoniLa of Oo&ab per b............*...................
July aud Auauat would be ai-eoi t tATd per ft..
Cold weather is comiog.
Now is tbe limt'
to place jour orders for
l.tta.dnno.._l. U...1
I., .
Tbe cosalut deUya is the dapartaro rffurt lo de«e|..|> life al
aod i
«f Bntfek Uasaporta. owtsf to tbo bad our cardeu. would tor the time U- m
«ullt;oltk.ta>.npplU..l.lp,»l br
I; l-J
bill W|«~ » BHiperbi,;..
alsf a
w bid*!"!'
sw m arw wo«Bauoa. Tbei
*“•*»»*• ,n,y^ we abouU bfrotfael tbera.
stmsa aaTvo
OS Tharaday bad ta be delayed ti ,on..i, ,1,..^. ,„j „ry ,»ailbly dine I
hoota. owlaf
wlaf to-Uefaet Uat
that IS.owi OHbn>. and kIi afi.-r diuoer not m the
Wbeat. par bo. (
oaada of rouea eoloaUI beef aad drawlui-n»ui. but uwler ibe llmio.
>uttOO had to be replaoed. All Ue' The luitirj of ibl* um- of ihe par- Data, Mo. 1, per bu. (mw) .
lAt bad to be lakee oot of Ue ibip
*'*• formerly well uoder>to<Hl Oora. par ba....
*Bd dumped overboard at aeaalimad; and in |wrt 1* eiill i-ra. ik-wl. Bye. par 1.
bill puldle aardelis bare >n|HTeeded
Mra. Lalasd Hiaaford, la a das Prao-■ |inri
Telephone No. 2.
pb-akaunt-ee fornbi* |>ur|M>M'.
fc "'
«iaeo laterriav, aaya Uat
I , and
elila. u of N.irib Uermaiiy or ,
mlroady ylvaa tIV.oou.oooto aducatloD-! C(n>etibaii-u who dlura In tlieujn-nalr j Applea—<^IU aod windfalta, tOc perl
1 ».'(0i-pubne
part, rbejioolba.
ml IwUtuUoM oeUa Paelftc coaai. and ] d.»w ao to
Mmt wbataba baa lafi at ber death
■< Haiuiuou <’uurt were fonu
erl) W|Ul|M>e.l will! nutlabh- >miII,IIOi;r
wUlfo Coral
, awl felreul.. mu•I, %»uif
10, i•lilloti aud |
ouly Tor
Xdttor bees Wondaro.
A UB year old IttmtOB firl oo brr „ki„|t
hu, for dmiua
Ultor W V. Barry of Ualnfton,
WOy loeobool lurood to Urow a kiai j for llil* iMiria...oo the t<*r<aee
Tenn., in explorliMr MammoU Chee.
bebarmotbar. wboaloodwmteblarbar ov.-rlutkiua tbe river, ai a .sdwblera- oontrwetod a acrere caae of Pilea.
lo tba doorway of Ua borne tbe little'
duiaii.'v frt.m ibe palii.'e. nml Iwv- ^nlek cure tbrouyb ualny Bucklen'e
«M bod Juet laft- At Uat luetant a ‘
■ntx'ttsi to h a uudmi Liirheo aud AmUa Salve ooevtnowl him it U anfteapi. UUlor from Ue top of a build I Morenomi to ikiuulu tirorUlnDs for the oUer world’s wonder. Cnrea Plica. Inevenliif ji.e«l. It I. for aoeh eoiertalTi- Juriea. InflammatloQ, and all Bodily
lay is oouree of oonairueUon, eirucb tuenia (bai 1
Bnaptlona Only rscaiJas. J.Johi
«ke obild oo Uo bead. kllUor ber at^ lakes and cardeji piHtl> were biilli by andS B WaW__________ ^
uur BOi'.eiiHV. »ht> mhtly Ibmialii
AtBlleyrme.<1ll.. while Ue Uiwe lital lu reiid.T uiit-uf-door life In iwl
yoarold obild of Seott Ckrdwoll was, Hahl and uuMinllabi perfe.t the |w.-sSidewalk Lumber In all elzaa.
m'o.vinf ia Ue yard It foil Into an old, euie of water and Ue ledm iiou of licbt
and sbadow was Indi.peiiHable. I'ermtalon. Tbe motbar eaw tbe child fall
atroet. N B Suony. maaa«or. 7$! ft
' Imps they .-njn.ted liiMler sumiiieia
mod too out and Jumped in aflor It. than ibelr dcMeiidaius. but It in more
Tbe wator roaebad up to bar ebtn, and' lirolinble that the example of tile <>on6uooe«sora to TrovorM City laumber Co
•ba bald Ua ebUd nbore bar baod tor iluent was followed more rlsidl.t (hun
mm bo«r etytnr for help. Her eritaI now. while the babll of dlulnx early
arsiyess cards.
________________ ___________________J.'made It more luiural u> lliiger In llie
«d. abo woB comnallod to drop ua'
"" late at nlsbi. Krei
II Ul..
lute mm
an th..
the .I.r.btys of l*ui>e tbe ladle>. a H. BW)WM. Auoraar aas Oemassuar a>
Child amd aa'U boraelf. She
' and tbe klujt bluineir. ul (u tbe Ilfltiip
In Ue troll for Uroe honra afur Ut (on eoun Kardeua till iuldotsbt.-l.ou- ataaeoBvaasB^lar. ttlprsatOt.___________
C«lUlKBtRANCa-naMs b»sr ikaa
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired
J. E. Greilick Co.
Kimbill Piaios and Oreins
|5c Straight:
City. Mich.
I Pig Tail!
I Havana
Pietty aaar time
to think about haying your
Bicycle Enameled
You might also Bee me about Btorlnff
your wheel PABB for the winter
No better enameling that onra.
Step Ln and talk U over.
Ul Unkw Street.
U bar boeband,'
wbo had fOM lo Ue wooda, rotBrned
ftoma and raoeiiod bar. Tbe moUer h
loo orltloal ooodlUra from, cxpoouio
a P5e«J
MSB's Itrsu UiBBsr.
We know a niao.wlio refuses to ae.
cepi anyUnvltallons to siiroui^ buiui-e
by sea ur uiountaln where tbe bwi
Many famlliee of aoldlofa of Ue
arts Ibe exaiuide of wearltif ereninif
lllaU lotaolry.aow In tbe PbiHppInoa,
■ drees at dlutier. uyn tiu' Boston
mra roportod 10 be In deaUiuto elrcnm
, Journal. U»eu If ili.- host em-.iiir• at Watortown, N. Y.
Bfee the UM- of the Tlltedo .nir fri.-ud
DurloR Ue rooMt Tialt of the Dulob bi still oWurale. Hr answers w hb a
^aapp to Bmpoior WlUtam. tbe Idea of sweetly wonl.sl lie and |•^<•l••rs 10
Maklac Ue MeUorlanda a part of Ue iw.-lier lu tbe city .Vnd be expUiu- eaiydiwaBCB. -U'ahoar.». »f»s. ler OB.
Ire Opets HouM tlect________________
Oortaas empire, boldlny o elmllar poa-''•••Drs.- In ibi«s.- word* to iu>:
B.CKOaS. AusrOeraaaOoBBMllnr-.
itloa toBaearla, woadlaouaeed.
! "•» ia not the inky .hwi atom- tint y^BO
bofbere me. for a Tti\iilo U exir.-m<- yr 1^ Meae; u> lose. OBcmOUj Opera
An eauwordlnary demand and a_„. ,.„urf„r..l.le and | .... told ib.i .t
aearelty of reeaeU pointe to a ooal fam- ................... ue. Nor do I sbrluk from j DVo*Tr" n
ime at Boaioa and oUar-paru of New tin- ibuuKbi of .-<wl nud siuiiiiu,- dr.-., I as. oCoe im. teeldenee tO
sins-s. tUil llie uollui aye. Ihen-'a p C UlLBXRY.AUaraSf. Bpeetal silrailao
p.ru of AU..U ... llr.-'
-U.r .«J ib.i dn.--..- f-rcMtlD STnieSb**”***
MS. LhB MSI of Atkso. ...M.
'be hard Isiih-d shirt: 1
MhUenort of AUana. were flooded
i^v.-uu-j ,h.maUeroaaUof beary ralua SnmJay. j niuatlou; |s,..1l.ly hi. name was Tor•xwaral boaam bare fallan aad furnl-, <,Bew,ida. Why should 1 afie. tbe
bare. fox^saadeatUe bare been Bwopt beat and tin- lalKir uf Ibe day Isaway T%aro baa baen aome loaa ofifurt-ed ■<> d»ff a amuuib. tx>usoiinK
life aad railway ooauannieation la In- l”unBi»£ shin or failane sbtn.
. «iil>\jjjlus. however
tuile-nla.lier niay unuie ti. for sumHmatipoB baa brokanont in Uo Por- Bl.-r wear, and Is-4-oui|s-Ui-J lo Inea.e
at Saa I Utyseir lu Mtlfd) stan-bed. eraektiiii:.
Bee'saBdraildreB'sdlsesaeeaspMlsIUr. OI
bot liueu. with Ibi- ttellllutu adorn- ere Bouia 10 U>a w.: S >o 4 aad 7 M !■ p
■ Bell 'phoorms_______________
"LeaUar and bldoa bar* made a tonr-! "“'U'
' «*nt jump boemuaa of eearclty.
-The .-..liar Is-yin. to well with tbe T^K K a FLOOD, 0*<e is Ttf TeBsellrr
U Bloek CsIU sosvered sreoptlj day sr
. .
I approarh of tin- si'eoud o'uns-. Wbeu oiabt
Mortarrs pkear.K: Bell.asi
Braatolut Moody, who waa aUteken
la mtv.iI I aw weuriun a piiljn
wiU baart failure In Ranaaa City, baa rax ami I h«'> noijin- .-oiimpi- of
•meed at hU home la Kaat KorUfleld. yt>ur aluxulur friitid/ihe earuesi •.titMaaa . tnmtiy improved lo bcalU.
■ dent of
| ..n„. .«,«
The 8L Oharles boMl aod aia oUar *'
Jlniior laklug
What a Dollar Will Do
8,. PrickUol r.ll.rM.
9U twriUcMlm. at tia dlBannl
' Hoc ton nearly eent Wm. H. Mullen of
tawkland. O.toas eariy grava All
raid be bad a fatal Inng tronble and
that be mnai soon die.
But be wa*
•nred lotry Dr. Kingk New Dla^ei
for O
be* a entirely c
lateed to ci■.arm all dieetMa
^ Tbi«iU^*Bt A^ Lung*. Ineindlng
m-erly all louln. ia all biii.T*. In th.Keeley cure. In pIlU. in preperBll..iiA
la, ,b, b.lr.
ewr II,U.
army, at borne and on tbe Island. <-ou
tamed last .rear
gralnt. 1 know men wUo eat It as they
eat foed. Moat of tnem are deaf or
growing that way.—New York Prett.
MOB hAI t—Baial
i™r..ed— trrmis *
I BarusP <>lh r. Trarersr City. I
>I0« •«»
tow; »m!
to 40
to 4t:
10 47
•10 M
11 CP
••maa's UUI
Lake Abb
Cvdar Bas
S isi
e Ilj
ww Batck-BOroBBlB
« •:
Ttb»w»« 4Hf
ei at earraiBii's Kill twiev Oalll.
I Inm BoBor aa
a. w.onMMntoBaM.
It to
There are few people free from thie diaeace,
when neglected, into serioua, and man> timee
incurable conditions.
G. H. SNOW. M. D., Specialist
t-Asee A cure. .
. ................................................
................. .......................
{for any case of nasal, throat or ^ronebiat catarrh, including all serv*
1>>as4t.B-4>uod parlor SI
icee and all medirinea resjuired.
The doctor also treats all chronic diseases and diseases of women,
“Sf. kk.sn.»di«.«Mi of th.rye, o,r. 11,*. ,nd llirokt. Ho h» boon
----------- -U Hd Bsm M K trk s pin Owe ’ ''*‘*7 successfull in treatiutf cBiic.-r and asthma.
:F e
"s^iGlaises Scientilicallf Fiiteil. Teelli extracted without pair,25c.
AKNXD Msif ws* wlfr prefvrtwd.
— -------- isllluwiM-rrMip. iDHUireol A W. <
UBtrb. •iO> S. BJowe'd STroer
. Office in Hamilton dt Millikan Block. Caes Street Eutraoee
rorTrsrrrser'iiy proprrty.
Isiiw sna rlatHlkiis >uun»a KftpiD-iulM BfOr. BoseBlhslTUeBproD,
, wj»oB eALB-T*».r .uw»
’ X •»•< Prpat street
, „ .
ip,ui,r a. 4io i
j ^*ttbd- a rin *> Boa-Taa •«
! evoB eaiA on excHangi
«wjbw. mi^ Oood saiuiaj^ aooc »>
TSii,;* wSJla Sr.“l!Srt ^J5S
i C. K. Oockvray.
'PrBVWfw* atp. Hlab
ktearo ....
--■treli .. . ■
Lv Ord fUpiO*
It H .
It t» «aiAK
7 Al
Gtuil Ripidi» iDdlui 1.1
Dur New Windews
Slid rerr-Ks rrsar<l
posmOK WA»(TXI>-^d<> retksrsl
t u:
i Has been remarkAbly socceneful in tbe treatment of catarrh.
I methods are tin- reeutt of extenaive study aud ekperiem-e in this field,
land will lie found lu t^ive great relief to all, ami in the majority'4^
Mslia-B Lwttov Mom.
Biwnily aome uptown people en
gaged a maid who had not been long
L WAb'TKD-(»«*eraJ Soasewi
In tbla eouniry. Tbe member* of tbe ^
M. K. Walt'sUret atorc*.
famOT tried to mUe ber stay among I >NBY TO U>AM 0
them aa comforuble aa compatible ,1|
PSBaoHu. raop<
srtth her duUea. Bot Molly did not*ry r*»«,.k.w
appreciate tb«4r good Samaritan efforts ^gyairTaD eantwtpw
Tba new Plemlab and Dreaden de- aad wrote home aa folloWB: 'They J7u. ^r^SJa**!?2
M bate jnai bMn make me work very bard here, they wu^'
tMeivadkyMn. W. G Laarrene*.
ng. Uykln'. and awaplB'
___ _
. .
time wrltln' to yea wM'£!Lvd aMp>4 vsvak
ma right baud. ciaymn
Haynla' me
the asvw
mow iim
from ««> BaUAiaa. vruea«^
ws •« •sw.wt. W* "*•
Ztii*he aldewalk wid me left band, and TvyofTWAMet——■-
5JT-‘ _ _
8.B. WalA
9 4B
West Michigan.
I M 4 »ILt _ MbbWM
(trl 4 miar OBckwBB j
M 4
""dsiSf iaii' ■
!!! !S
torn; i<B,
y titrr on
supper at lirsaire Ball PUtder will
, reward
reward lor
for Da
its re'ura
rerura ic
tc Sioaiatr
lilBRS UD lOBnEiSnU 1.1.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
•M life woe loot. a«d two men an reuiemlier that iii.ra.-.- tire.dy ofien
] carried a clean ctdlar in a market
Theodor* Tbomaa baa nfuaod the In- basket to the IiuUm- wb.-r.- be Wna
wiUtionof U* duwetora of Ue Parla a.m.u
•-‘^•'d to
dim- .a
w aup.*
.w .*•••.
lueu were
allowed lo be siu.llde; Why abuuld
cmpoaltloB to attend Ue abow brcai
ofUn dUMiroral of.lbc Dnytue vor- we inn «enr i>n such m-caalom
wblie eliliui .Ilirl with ltlek<-d
plaliml flelll
-Ury of But* Bomeaofl nii-1 iiiild.iiued eiaini - riieii
Adoe U laid op »t hU home In Waat- would I sUdl.t «Isli tbe linlolrui cotiaCtoa. Ha fell off taU bicycle and lafi« of rich frlendi.**
dUlooaUd bwabonidor.
Tbe board of manacera of mUaloM
Our UBilunal 'Imc and a rmi..n-ii
of Ue BpUoopal eburcb baa decided cui>«-Is .jHiiilm- Tliv-n-w.Tw htij-.ri
lary work
ed liitii this i-omiiry U»l year tin |.-s.
Cuba. Porto UI«o aad Ue PbUlpplne*. than l..'sBii«Bi.«Bt ginins ..f tills piim
tnlsT wlieii
OubAB leader* want either tieo Ue; onlinary |inslm-i.
or Oca. Wood appointed oommander of ' Buld for tU" an »umv. The prim- Imthe American foroc* In Ue teland when j ati-udily i1<sti-.vm\1 ori-r sluo- ItKSi. P.>r
Ue Cnbane are ylven auUority to *lect ■ ‘“•‘“J
* fl''"
»’bUud. lplil« b:i.l
• preeldent rnnyriM and other ofi ' * monoputy of tb<- trade, and (be mom,«.i«»n.r».r..... .kick am,
n-dufvd prof
■top* to do in r*bmary.
Its xxm.ldrrjlbl.r. 1 believe the i.rtce
Bow U almui rsv fvnla an ouore. Kv
»*w Ofto*. Ifarkbam Bloek
Made of hOBtry outing flannel, in tbo higbeat manner
Oor 60c robe la equal to many dollar on«a aold elaq*
whore—New aaeortment floe patteme juet in.
work at hicBBBi pMBlbM arvAB. Slsai
work B spBcUlw.
cwiaWI aueaUse.
favorable alx>ut
iware and
other wartts
SSS«sPS-s“S-w-~- ffl' i > M i M ii ii M M n
Lamp Cbimneya......................................
Fancy Cut Glam Pickle Disbee.............................2c
Fancy Cat Glam Sugar Bowk in five different
Fancy Out Olan Fmit Diahe* in five diffei«nt
5 :: •:
i il
Fancy Cut Glam High Footed Fruit Bowk....6c
Fancy Cat Glam Cream Pitchers in four differ.
€ot stylea.................................................... 6c
The Variety Store,
tU PrOBt Htreat.
Om-door want of Stoinbmg'a Open Boms
elaaaU i____________
atslrOOBWOODB P.AT.A.Bras4BaaMa
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.