The Morning Record, July 05, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 05, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ad wttboat a hitch aad thlt part of the
dap's protna arowaad the whole with
Xirgrre Bm Hade XM
Thtronnh Wm Olorioulj Thar* watai aaap faatarM la the Trlffhtftil SflBth of Vn Si. O.
uad« dte^y wht'^h daMrraa opaelal
Detroit, Jnly 4.—Tbe Tribaae thb
aad pmiiaat Motloa. CoMpaap If
Bmtm TMtaiday.
loralng eaaonneM Ue namce dt Ue
•ad Ml alrtp Btroaf aad their aptTM men eeleemd u mmUuIs Ue;
paatacca wm bm wiU cathaaias^
Blete tax eommiesion nnder the Orea!
Xillad bp K. * V X. Xaglnn 1
aaatratloM all alone
Uaa Tba
nlMkm bl I, which
•iTMt 0*«M. bat th» Onad KUl aoldlora ware clad la the oalfarBia which
OreUiekrtUe Vhlla Walking os
pMwd tbe legtslaiarc near the doM of
««7 Md *r^M IHq>lS7 vu a OrMt thap wore while. j^ngacUre aeirlae la
Track Ahead of tba T-ala—9m of Ue reeeat
Onba aad whan thap marched thtoagh
HerlmgeSarerad aad Death Soon
The Domlneee are; Milo O. Dumptha straeu tha throage warn lauind
bell of Coldwater. A. P. Praeman of
Vellewad--9aTMtp-aiaa Tcan
with that enthaalMm whieh le chancWe extend the “glad hand" tb:bU rwton to oar
ManUcster and Robert Oakman of
tmietia ofhraa Amerieaa apirit MeAgaaad Deal
city. We will nee yon to well that yoo. will come astin.
Pbaraoa Pont, la which were aambarWhile here look over onr ad maap grap-balrad vetarane of tbe
1 detracted from Uc pleMarM of
WM« kfalan 01 bnt dril war marnhad bablad Compaap M
TArOTMOltx noinUkMd b«r roeord aad brarad the aaaopahPM of mad aad. Ue FonrU, alUoagh it ocearred oatside the city Umlla
for hoMUlit7> ooeooMial wtobm
OaeofRUBeadd^Bedlp Xnraed'bp
rala. Thap were giran an oration all
Mra. K. C. Bcerea aa aged woman
ud patiioUe oathMiMoi.
The beet we erer offered for TSc.auI a ^etock
Xiectricitp In tbe B. X X L.
along tho roBU which wm blended
tbo dMoutealka t»«u Moodaj with tha ehaetn for tba poangar nold- of r» peoia. WM killed bp Ue en­
B P- Oo. Power Rohm.
of sixty to ae)e«t from.
gine of Ue train 00 Ue M. A N. E '
Birbk ud mo-tboo tbo di/ wm lafa
Bd. Bardp. oae of Ue electrical en­
learlag here et 3:40 p. m.
«Mwd«l. Tlit'baUU -ooBld not earo
The Big Parade.
<:^^48c to $4.75.
When nearing Ue ooaotp line west gineers at Ue power boose of Ue
tor tbo BMpU and the otroota proM
Thacolomn wm beaded bp Jndga of Ue
_ city _
Birer Electric Light A
Ue engineer aad train
a U«d7 appMraMo aU alirht (oaf. aad
We give free a uom-cnir "ItewcT" fen today.
^ oUar^i'iw^Mon^tlT^tiieT'^ej*^’" ^ '
a raryMrioa.
toekep band, aad a good band, toe, »«1 ne„i
ware plrea aerf»al tlnma «eWeat peeterdap. which map caaae
thing WM aoloatad.
Compaop M. Bd. Halstaad. reeuUp a
at Srthe^fmu
“U hands, or at leMt
As aebadalad. the aallthaatplaM
-ralrpmaa in tbe t’alled States swwas cleaning the
«pa»ad iha program abont 1 a. 9.. aad elee, wm moanieJ. In fall armp r<)ip- duos that Us heard them. Finally , “’‘PP'*
Rdpb COQ-iahU. 3
liO rrutl>Hrr^i.
Ue left the track and the train sUrted 1
1“ »he power hoase. when
eeruln aad aoadrp dUs»a« ara looklog
It. and in adraaoe of the oompaap.
«»«'«* -Itb the
for the maa who datlgnad aad dlivctad MePberson Poet wm led by tbe martial ap again at a moderate speed. Sad- r"**
tha eboTM of elrcslar mw« which kept band wboee made reminded old eeler- dealr. bowerer. before the train ooald I
be slowed down Mra ReerM stepped
throagh to Ue palm.
-npaa aaea|^lp dla all ^igbt Img.
aas of (be scenes of Ue re'oellion.
wi. Qpoa the track and wat ron orer '
* drenlt been farmed dMU wontd
BlMpwM )Wpaaalbla aad tba panp
Following Us U. A. R cams aa
by Ue cnglaa ber left leg being en- **’*‘**« »^ «*“^*- Dr. earner wm !
who diraelU the ohorM Icaew It, aad
bolaaoe. eel mlated to pvtrap aetoal Urely eerered. The train wm slopped 1*>»
'•umtBoaed by Wili
Loadoa and
am London
ha paralauntlp made the walkla ring
(CoaUnued on second page ]

----------------------------------- -- ------------Immediately uui
and sueuvioo
atuntioa given
glren to ,
with the dla until eree iha welkin re­
lb. .■,<crlu..u ,:.Um ol
o( lb.
balled- Hot that WM all la tba pro^ul.b..M b.,o.d b.,.u .U
9'-“' >» '•>■• «P
iki ii«Uj Ir.> 11.. of bl««J. Tt. ‘
At « a m a large eiiatd of Comptnp
M marched to the rMtdenea of Captalo
J. V. Ifsintoab. ot Bute stiwet aad Defebtbd O. K. DemoorbU by
III. b^ ib.1 Un. b...» U
«!»«■..».. .lib 1.11!., .1 lb. F.aMlatad la raialag Old Ulorp with ap
deaf, aad It wm apparent that Ue did j moot for only lO ernu
• Score of 1—0.
not dlsUnellp hear Ue first slgnalt,'
propiiata aad eorraet armp earai
Afterward OapUln aad Mra Mclotoeh
alUough haring left Ue track
aarred ooffaeand brMkfMl oakM to Cloos aad Xxdting Oontcot In Whirh train men were natnraUp assured Uat
tha aoldiara and tha bopa left thru
she knew her danger. Her stepping
Both Teams did Oood Work-Borne
roaalsgchearafjr the captain aad tba
back 00 Ue track U naaceoanuble.
Team ShoFed up WeU-One of the nnlcM cansed bp Ue
flag whan tbap dapartad.
Xm^eet Crowds leer Seen la Twelfth some penoM In similar danger. JmAhoat 4 o'clock It bagaa to rain ^d
a little later it WM apparent that the
tioeG^ of Elmwood UwaUlp was
Street Park.
■eralag wm te be
and dlaagraeFully f fteen bnndred people mw Ue noUBed aad he gsre Ue mttter his at­
Be empaneled
empaneled e
TraretM CUp Bustiers defest
defeet u* tention M coroner. Bs
The oammltteM began 13 be diaeoorGrand Ripidt Democrat team yeeler-’'‘D beheld at
aged, aad to fear that the alementa
o'clock UU
morning after tbe
------------------------------------------------woald cauM a oompleta dlaroptlon of
Tbe gams Urooghout wm foil of Ue train return from ManUtsA
alaboraU plana. NerprthelaM ero »di
Mrs. Reeves bad been serring m
■ oe pUps and Uongb Ue idlchers held
casM in foroa and ererp train oatarlng
opposing batsmen down preHp nurse is Ue family of A E Uarr. near
the dtp WM crowded to Ita atmoat well, some good hlu were secured. tirellickville. ShehM a daughter. Mrs.
oapaeltp. while it-came of taaai from
We’re BelUnE Luliee' Fine
yotx a-t-beAAcL o\ia? sx'eEbt sale of
BoU teams played en almost errorlMt JuHa & KUver. living at Pomona, a
tba aaiTonadlng eonntrp conatantlp rsms. Trstsne City being Credited dsngbter living- near Hanitiee and
Sbooe, bond turn, new style
arrieed antU the atreeta were ao full
wiu two errota Tbe dismoad wm another In Cbi^BTt;. Mrs. bilverwM
to«—new jfooda—shoes iLel
that oae oonld aoareelp rea^re where wet aad In bad eondiimn
notified iMt clfit of tbe ocenrrena
ihap oama from.
olben retail at $3 and «3.60,
Oareoa. who pitched a mMterlp
( One^lbree^lot-^bw Soci. bt HALF PEIOE-All oUw™ ,1
The rala spoiled soma of the plans
game for Ue home team, wm well
aad toreed a pcatponemrnt of the
•pporbd Urooghout. During thee*, ome of tbs OMnalUM Ons U the
»a»8 m.nay b) invMitigblinB onr oUeriiib-s.
atTMt gnmM- The parade of the calltire game he allowed bat two Uu. and
PourU of Pulp Patriotism.
thamptaae to bare been glrea la the
We’re selling Ladies' Fine
one of UeM wm of a rerp scmlcbp
(ordaooa wm also aeceatarilp deferred,
Thiwe Rlvrrs. Mich.. Julp 4 -Frank
order. Erem. of Grand Rapidi. also
Shoe#—our famous BargAin
aad tbb fMturs wm Inelnded In tba
pitched good bell, allowing fire hlU UarrU. son of Mr. BarrU, head of the
Shoe*, at
big parade la the afiaraooa. Tbe wet
during Uagsme. The only Inning In milling company of thU dtp. had an
WMtbar too, Inurfered with tbe plane
which tbe hlu were bonched wm In eye blown ont and bU band terribly
for doeoraUag tha catariora of the baal
the slslh. when Snlfks lined out a mangled while shooUng dpnamlu
biaeki. bnt tha wlodowa preaentad
tws-baggbr w|U Parks on first. This crackers at midnight. It U feared Ust!
agalaappearaaoe. Union atreet and
bit advanced Parks to third. RuUi he will lose the oUer eye also, m K
Uo shoes in tbe city etjual
groat atreet were not decorated m
flew out and CarMs lifted one into left •M badly bn >-Bed.
alaborate m wm lateaded. bnt tbe rain scoring Parks. HU UUy wm Ue only
tbehi, even at a much bigbe'>
JeMie Bogleman euffered a badly
did not pretanta rerp erndluble dU
oae scored during Ue game, and after
price Try a ]«ir and be
plap of bnatlag eMpandad aoroM tbe Usl It WM a Uule rppal to keep Ue pickleg acap off a Uirtp two Fcatibre
StTMU te rarljut placet.
grand Rapids men from, running in a cartridge ihU morning, wm badly
To the elegant large store in the iOrfcham BlockTba morning ball game wm aaeaaWe bar<* reduced the price
tally. Carson tbrbughoni bad fine hurt. Two fingers were tom from hU
1-9 ijont Street—Busiest centfe of the city.
aarllp deterred also, primarlp baoaute
eommand. allowing but two bases on
Ml. Cleibent. Mich.. July 4 -S-Tbe
on our Men's Fine Vki Kid
We will iave more room to display the best
of the rala aad dlraetlp bacanse the balU. and bluing but one man.
pianos in the world—
Tiaitlng team did not arrlrc aatit
8hoe« from $2.50 to
.bers of Ue team. Ui ----------itberi.
fact, i
nlaren o'clock.
Bat tbe aftaraoon
game w«t a snooeM, both m to attendgers bp Rnskl and bniflca were well by a gUnl firecracker, Charim Chris­
. OMa and IsterMt.
With poMlblp a pla^bita
tian, a clerk, met with n simi'ar acci­
nlngie esehpUon thU wm the largMt
Dusty lluatM catcher showed that dent.
crowd ever SMn InTwelftb street park.
Detroit. Aoly 4 —A Flobert rifle thnt
About noon tbe rain ceased aad ooesCberlee Uartnng didn't know wm load­
The new store will he elegantly arranged for an
^oaallp the sna came out and dlmlpated put ont tbe eve of Samuel FtnU, a
eihibition of the Kimball Pianos and Organs.
ad tha nloods and during moat of the
UIrteen-montbs-old child living at It
700 people in this vicinity are using them, beatiarmoon there wm noteaongb rain to
LIvingstonestreet, and so badly riddled ]
CTMteannopanoe and after twoo'clork
l^nsc they recognize the superior merits of the
Ufefaceof Ue infant's sister Ed^a,]
It elMred off fine aad ibmalned an tba
aged 11 years. Uat Dr. George Johnson ]
team lined upMeo l^ws:
bM grave fears for her eyesight elsa j
Talking Machines. Sheet Music, Musical MerTba nnmbar nf rlaltora wm aorprlaMount PleaMDU Mich , July 4 -H.J. '
of every description.
1^ nnder tba clrcnmitancM and what
WelU. an underuker aad member of |
coald bare been done
Ue band, wm Ue eleum of a giant
M>rs ressalns n query.
:kerlMtnlgbv Hi* right hand exhM seldom seen so meny people
Raskl ..
■ Tibald
first finger, wm blown off. He
la her borderslighted e foarteea-loeb cannon
Plenty of Oood Rneic.
i«*ckerand It exploded before be could
It WM Uonght earlpdn Ue morning
For U. fimt five inning, the pt!^ ,
B‘*<^D.lng wm Urnoff and
Uat Ue big parade wosld bass to be In boU teams were dMpatched rapidly, bU legs were badly omlsed.
Boy Cliy. July 4-Fred Eeehlln wss
glveo np. but Ue committee finally bat In Ue stxU Traverse City seored
decided to make Ue Tenure and lie Uslronly utly. The number of strike Instmeting^ls faroUer how to shoot a
cannon when It exploded, filling his
eneeemwM enrprUlag. Tbe dUpUy ouU WM remarkable. Carson ii.
face with powder and dMlroylng Ue I
WM magnlftoent under Ue dUegTM- of iS le Uls manner and Em
sight of one eye- The nine-year-old \
able ttlrcnmsUneea There were eerea
bands of mnsle in Ue dtp and during
which exploded la bUhand;^
the forenoon Uey paraded Ue ctrMU UtM were exeuMble. Jerome WllU all parU of Ue city aad mnsle tiled helm WM Ue ooly player hurt dering mangling Ue Uumb and fingers so
the air In all directions, la spite of Ue Ua day. he belag laid oat for a couple badly that ampnutioa wm nsorsMry. taU. Uiar In Ue day Ue c
ofmlnatM In tbe elgtath. Tbe loeal The left rye wm aleo dMtroyed, being I
extremely favorable aad what playeru did aot play Ue laat half of blown from Ue socket. Albert Sebeer-'
W« wUl make epeoUl prloea on ludiee’.
genmteed u be a dUmal failure became Ue nlaU. but were victorloM by Ue or. aged It. looked into Ue muixle of
atoyeaanontoflAd ont why it did net
a BDoeua The veal program of Ue following aeore;
day began wlU Ue big parade aad
MI»’, OrniUemea’B and
Tan Bhoax
&B gooff. One eye wm blown ont aad
eaded UablSMOf glory. The tr»- TreveiMOity—0 0 0 o b 1 o a <i—i t bU face burned.
9«w Une of Ladiee' BUppe^ and Btrap
Benton Barbor, July 4 —A Cblago
Made by Michigan-TW
erarks dleplay.waa wiUeetquMtlon. •rand Bapide. ...OOOOOOOOO-Ot
man named Geist wm showing a bey
Ue fleeet ever aees In UU part of Ue
for any elaM of aarrlee dsetred.
BaltartM —Oaieoa, Bent;
bow to firs a two-ponnd cracker at
eandalBjiut reoelTod.
aute. aad Ue eommlttee had eo weU
Paw Paw Lake. The eraeksr exploded,
nrraaged Uelr program that Ue giaa;
Aboat 0371 WM received et Ue gate, learlag GeUfe right hand off.
Try tbe Jhila ICarlove Shoe—flneet for the
threnge whiah erowded the river aad H
to be
hoped Uat
at end of tlx moothe or ehaaga
banka. Ua enironadlng talde and UU load U fnnds will again etart Grand Ra^ FoarU of Jnly aoeldenu
to any elxM of eervlea at wUL
WM headed today by a eerloM oeenrDmtM etiwet bridge, were loU to leave
ball for Ue eaeeoa. It local eaoc an Ue Wmi Side at abont-8 a m.
Telephone Ue miuager to eeU
after Uetoet voeket had been fired cltlMMwonld oaiy take a hand U Ue JoMph Bulger. Ue S-yeor^ eon of
and explain MW ratos adopud by
aad Ue taet haUooa had beta eeal ap. matter end help aloag Ue organta- Thomei Burger, e peeker. Urlag at ttl
TheeeteeUaemadeby Ua aomselUee tloo of a loeal club U would not be MeBayaolda etreet. wm feaitnlly burn­
ed by aa explaalco of petMk and ealproved Cevtaaato aad Ue ayetom loag before TrevoeM City woetd have pbur. It U feared that he wfU not le- .
afloffled la Mtttag aS Ue pdeoM work- oae af the old time teama



The City Book Store.

Whal Will Bent)


What We
Are DolDg...

its important


Our Price $2.50.


Ladies’ Shirt Waists.

f Yoa'?Tb!«»r^


We Will Move
About the 10th of July


The Kimball.

Alfred V.
Popular Shoe Hoose.


235 Front Street


. ■^Feature

H. E. STRONG, Mlliagr

Beginning Today

and Continuing Until July 6th..

Tei Teir Cottriets

Sibscribers aair Cianl


Parker Bros.

THB irp*roiO MOO«D. W»PlhHP4T. JTJhT 6, 1S9>.

np minvo itaoo«j>

WriM «te fiwty toMlMM «f VO antad to aantfn oolen. wUak wM my

Steinberg's Srand

StiMk Broa. d. daaioUa. tka wk^
wlr «Mdy daalan and
kad a vary larya «M.a)ao«Oy kfranfod and baariac aarofal rWa and
nnr mn. tka lattaa aairinr aandy OnnBl^t:
td dtatrfkatfnf it amnc tka oowda.
Baadak Twtrlaaa. boat ball
d two bif fl «U t-aotad eoMldarabla attanUoo. tka
f, W. Bknu. Bditcr Htf lUucvtka bnakat taaiory of WaUa-Birvaa
a riant aboat laa foot la
Tbaftiatwaadn^arraaradwitk kat^t, in tka yaraaaof Mart Wlnba,
Md olkar aaaU badta*. kai^- rbaaa akUl on at lia ia reaurkabla.
•oataly ballt ay. wkUa tka otkar waa
Julian Cbtfpball. tka bardwara daaliMdad wltk b^al haakata, attraatln-. .r Utrodoead a Ana flxt baarlnr a
aaabarof bloyelaa. and handacmaly
Tk» Tramaa Oty Maaia Oo- nuda
Tkatetnra ba- .’Matokal Bobarta waa ably aniatad by
of a naaabar of Tbaroa Morran and Jack Parry,
pratty flrta. Tba Male tbay pUyad
aa ordarllati aad
waa dJAeaU and olaaaloal.
bla aldat, wan O. P. Camr, Dr. d. H.
IwtfVa Chknro Baaf Paeklaf Co. ■olUday, .fabn Loranfar. ^ Prod
(4 m tM rdM» M:i
«1M( ■
Tba floor tnUl of tka Bannab d Lay
Oo. Made an appwfltlata and my
Tba ooBBlUaaa hoeinf the ealabro'
Citt kM FToato offoio
triaarttatle dlaplay.
tloa iacbarfr warci
tufofanU* Md with
and bontlnr. and a
BsreoUea—Tboa. T. Bataa, Lorln
ocMitiM^of wMiber aka t^cqoalM ■laatar* boon waa aada of floor
Robafu, O. P. Cbrear, P. C. OUbart, B.
MunoikiMf )om
•aeka. wbOa from tba doon eoold be W. Baatinra.
•WTlktkor rapWo'UoB l» tki
aaao bora loavea of b*aad witbla.'
Marobal of the day—Jadfa Lorin
_____ TaatM^y wiaa i. ?ory •■•
Oa# of tba Boat attrwilre floau waa Bobarta.
ifikolike that of B. B. Oibba. tba Wcyda raSoreittof—B. B. MeOoy, C. 8. CaeU
•li; WM tkfosffad' wUk «1> ton, law palrer and Maotaetorar.
aad fl. W. Blekard.
twirarlrmf* M7
kavtor bronckt board Mr. Olbka' forea of worknes Tradaadlaplay-fl. V. Priadrteh. B.
m»Mr erowda. Tk>« V
»koi irltk a foil ooiflt of bleyelo makiar D. CaBpball. B WllbalB of WUbel*
Moo'a in ika anmumdln.-^ eautry maeblnary.
Bros.. B. E Waaear. W. J. 8pn>oL
Watch for Old Uoela Jed and bla
Uto to eoM kan- Tua: HUa Iba Viator Patartyl'acarrlara aad wafoa CbUdran'a parade-SapU C. T. Gnwa,
Mtorpriaa ol o«r local ikk. anu and works waa rapnMtad by a float npoa Prof. C. B; Horn. Prol. M. fl. Cobb.
Ika fanonl pimiimlTi tplnt abowa wbiab waa mooatad a floa aarria»a, a
DaadraUca—fl- W.
ban in erary
<“*• pradnct of tba faatory.
Pratt. W. 8. fladanoa.
tiaeb dUplaya aa tkoaa ol
Tba Cnaoaat band pnerfed tba ale
Price*-26. So. 50c.
Matic-fl. W. Bickard. Willard Camp
yaatarday and the dalerminal-on aalneblstortenl float arraafad by the bell. F. O. Baoaada.
ad to Mke a BoeeaM la aplta < f tbebad oftlelala and aBPloye# of the Sortflani
Military dtoplaj^. W. Baaaea.Oua
MtbrrUan alameat wblehlBpi
Aaylnm. Tlw floot was aa aoeorata Kyaelka, F- F. Oraar.
0*ar HaHMSta'a BbM Mora.
I rnat forae aad i
rapreaeatatlon of tba aeolotiDn of tka
Traotportatlon—E L. Spragoa. C B
wklib abowa the atefl oor MUaaaa are dBarkan flaf. latrodaeiac auct apeo- Mnrroy, J(BM» Keboc. B. W. CoonlngFIHX DBITTAL WOBX.
•ado of aad neaala ana of tba aapwta iBoaa of nil the flafa of this naUon bam. B H. Pope.
VUMImC Air udBluaenC tar abaalew aals
nItbapraepcrUy toA profnaa of the from the flrat.
Kira works—B B McCoy, C 8. Oaria.
One ot the dreataet faata of Bodern Oao, B M^#nllan.
•‘VaUelrlal aalaaoe waa reproeantad by
Fire dapariBant diaplay-E J- Fo^CaUwall d London,
gbaa, J. Kuriscb. C. W. flahton.
earrlara atiraatod oootlderoble atteaBicycle parade and raeaa—C. E. Bale,
iloa. and waa worthy of apaclal aotiea. dare Curtis. Ralph Haauegs.
(Contiaaad from flrat para.]
GaBp. NoModem
dirart gaBca—Frank Frladrteb. Frod
• la Iba cnra of wooadad aoldl
Waodmao of flBarica.
Cortla, Coarlea Buck.
aruranan ■leak.
iiy. waa rapraaantao oy two doum,
UalitboBplaaa—O. W. Raff, M.
"rha flro dapMtBont of Tkaeotaa „,.a of IbaB a haadaomely arraafod
Gates. James Mureblr.
aiy fcUowed. lad by CbUf Bcanla aad daairn of a loc hot. rmblamatie of tba
baas ball—tv. C.. Boil. Jamaa Erbde
flvIaUBi Cbiaf Palcbam Is a eairUr* oMor. Ua otber. a track with tbrae
Fronk Park*.
Tka dapartBoat new ahawad.op ao larre U«a aboard.alao of tpeelal alfaflflquaUc aporta-J. A. Montagna,
wall, and Indeed tbla waa lbs flrot
B- Murray. R- J. McDonald.
tiaatba anllra ooaplaBaat of appa
J. J. Brralaa, the grocery dealar.
AdrerUalng - ErrcuUre commlttar.
fatna of tba dapartmeni waa aw aeat mada a wy pratty aad appropriate
Tba BalleoD AsoaosL n.
|B pabUeJo a aarada. Iba alataat dUpUy.
Bit float waa bandaoBsly
Tba balloon aacanalon by Mlaa Mabel
pad powerful ataaBor. '-Qooan City triBmadandeonta'aad'rarioaa artlelca
Ballmoatdldaoieomaop to axpreuH0. i,” waa drawa by ibrac apir- for boooMiold naa. atUacUrely dlaplay
Uooa. But not tbrougb tbr fault ol
4iad boraaa. and iba maUl work abowad
tba manager, W. E. Carrow. or of Mlsa
Ika aerapdloaa oara derotad to Iv 0 Tba Bamllton CloUlng Co. waa rap
BaltmonL The balloon U a bugs, eggfrkUa tba botaea showed tba spirit rMcntad by a float of rare and artUt'c
shaped affair. r.^KiO teat In aira. The
Wbleb rood ears aBaret la food am originality. The rig waa a two story
groned waa *ery damp aad the rain B«aldaa tba ataaBor tba appa- atracture. with appropriate daalgM
bad moistened the atBosphere so that
ratoa eonalaud ot tba ebsBloal aarUe. lettering and adrertlalng. while upon
tba upper aiorr waa a grtup of what in infliUng the balloon a quantity of
steam waa forced Into it uiib the hot
. 7
_J ladder and
and boas Uook. tbr aome people might term ganalaa Fill*
air. thus rendering the ascension d.flikook aad ladder, and fire hose plaoa. Porto Blcana and Bawallana, ao
cult and nnsaiUfsclory.
Mias Bell•arts. Bran townapaople ware aur wall were they gotten up and ao natu­
mont, bowerer, made a graceful and
prtaedat tba anient and abawlarof the rally did tba cbaraeiwa portray the
•raa of Uncle Samb new daring aaeenalon mounted upon a bicyflepartBcnt. It waa acredlublaabowele, but owing to ibe condition deacrlb|B(. and oar of which Trarerae Ciiy U
Tka float of TmTcrae City Tent, No. ed the balloon reached a beigbi ot only
rri. B. O- T. M. waa an alaboraW af about 1?«K) feet when the aeronaut was
Aral ot the flmU la the tmdi
forced to detach the parachute from the
dlaplay waa beaded by Ue Binralay fair, priitUy arranged in the colon of
balloon and descend. Miu Bc-llmont
kand, aaoorled by O. P. CMrrar. the order and bnatlng fl bnga Unt.
also had diftl.-alty in . detaching her
pM of
by tba degree wheel from the parachute aod when
iraatbat of tba local branch ot the feature,
■be came d >wn bicycle, paraebnte aod
fiirpaaun aod Jolaer'a Unloa of team in full regalia.
J. W. Slater bai two fine floaU In the girl came down in a heap
ABarica- Tba float wat aBblcmaUc of
tunately abe only ausulncd a slight
tka objfcu of the order and li was fol- tka Una. One with a bedroom anlta
bruise- The crowd wbKh. witne S d
' lowed by the memben of the local and kitchen completely farnlabed, tba
the ascension was the largest ever seen
saarablnr on fooL *o aironf. lo natty other a mamotb rocking chair, labeled
. pblta canraa aulta, pratty booton- “Urandma'a rocker." Tba fltapUy waa on the gronads.
OM«fib»tM>t*wUU floftt oftka

9BATXSCS orrr. -


av B0dfcrt««. ripfwtlf ••«XPM-

If yoo wait I first ciiss, gaad Bieycia te rida the 4th, an
that n> Ml
oa nm ii aid bayii

Opera House.

ri.«.--Th« MW

of u»
d>y t«
Uttia ko7» Md M sMy praitj rtrio.
u T Batm ato 3- V. Smn- Moh bMftat M npte '


Friday, July 7th



No Better Bicycle Made,
and we sell them for $25-00, $35.00 and $40.00—We
have^thc “WORLD” also.


J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
isrow Store-120 B^^oxLtS1l.

More Fti Thai a Circus.
TbaShaw Tou Have Waited For.

Farmer Band on Parade





John R. Santo,
Eaiaral lisuranci.

All details of the profession looked after in a professional manne^.
lo. M8 UgiH Stral


Is just .this-Tou want aoma Idea as to the probable
cost of that building you've bad in mind. The first
inquiry will be whsre to got the best goods for the
least money.

In our Hardware Deparlment
You can find the greatest assortment of doors, sash,
window glass, locks, knobs, hinges, window trim­
mings—in fact everything needed In tbkt line.

kdlrca aad carrylog caaea. They pra‘ pantad a »>• appearance, aad f-’ OjwarotTrarenaCUy'aBaebaalaa.
Uwrinee-a b^ery waa rapraaentad by
Hr, Lawrrnw'* handaome rig, baauU«*lly ttlmmed In flags and bunUng.
Tba Clear Makers' Union made a flue
« In white duck jsekaia. each
mirjiat a'aana There are about
them and tbay repreaaated a
mpldly grewlug Irtbslry In Travarae
Oltyand a alaaa ol working men wboae
IkOTOUgb organixaUon anablaa them to
Mm good «MT«* lo prodnelng cigars
-f.4. ky bonaat union labor.
John Frobarl'a float, repi-----kM baalnsM ot Utklng waa eery attmetlre aad appropriate.
•nwrifs of tba Hannah fl Uy


wbaaa limit la practically ubIuio<
U UM Teflon.
The wagons ware
•HboraWly trimmed.
<Ike Boy's Band lad tba callthamp
(ua. The maln»featnr» of ibaae waa
Ike Wg wagon oontelnlng the elrealar
mwoM^lra beretetora referred
Tba old Ume reeolelng wheel
InalndMig eio*u
ebaraetera. Mr. Roualla dtora
krigoonulnlng a cage wlU half
dosan frtoky F<»<«
Tbe display of Q B. Bongbay fl Ca
•laud of a big road angina propelled
br ateam. a nmd aempar. two tnraablu maehlnea and a McCormick reaper,
aU drawn by the blgahglnamentioned
S. B. Cbnmbers ot Toledo, chli 1 agent
Md general manager for Michigan,
and B F- 8ny4ar of tlrand Rapid*
ropreeentatlre of machinery
kudled by Bonghey 4 Ca.------kkonrd Ua big angina
a P.Cnreera Inanranea float was

saly trimmed,

Bi™«l ril.

altraetlre and alrlklag.
Bopklna. the ice dealer bad an
elaborately trimmed rigflnoUer rary fine display waa the
float of the Boston 8lora- Ibp rig wa.
rery elaborately trimmed
aenge^ with a fcrodoui tiger, tba real
thing )of the maaliff charge
of a comic rtiaracter. aaaily rwmgnUad
»Bnoa Tremain.
The W. W. KimbaU Plaad Oa
flnaly repreeeoied by a mnaloal floaV a
striking featar* being the great
••Grand" gn
Inaplring music along tba route- '
One of the prettiest. daUcstely ar­
ranged and dainty floats, waa that ot
the Star Steam Laundry. The rig was
Ustefully. but simply trimmed la pare
wbltaand within k were seearal pretty
• In pure white eoatumaa
for tba lanndry bnaloaaa oonld bare been ^darlaed.
Jacob Furteeb and P. Kysall|s bad
each Urea taatfnlly triinmad rigs In
Ua prooesalor.
W. 8. Anderson. Ua uadarUker. kad
aa atiraeUre dlspUy.
Tba NorUport band followed and
waa followed in tnm by tba rig of N.
B- Cbnpln. Ua carpet ranoTator.
The Elmwood Maanfaetnriag Uo
displayed a large line pf Ue “Victory'
lawn and rreUnlng eb^m. upon i
flags and ountingQua of Ua moat raalUUc waa
float of Ue TTUTarae Cily Lumbar Ca.
^iaUag of a complete saw mill out­
fit wlU % large circular saw U opera­
tion upon a large logJohn Larkin bU a good dUplay rep­
resenting bis coal and wood buUiess
E. E. Miller's drug stera was appro(viaWlyr^roaooUdlnn wall arrang­
ed float.
Wilhelm Brea: dry goods aad eloUIng alone was called to cluaa attention
bya float ripneanntlng a hoaaa «M<*
ot canua. handaomaly painted aad

>«U« mn.-

Three Bailing Brante U a Vary Light
Owing to tba rain the atiuatic sporU
were limited to Uree sailing raeca. as
follows, with reanlu:
Second Olaaa.
Canoe yackV three mile course.
Lulu B. aalled by J. C. Morgan.Tiine:
hour. 17 min.. 17 sac.
Inc, sailed by Chat. Bock. Tima, L
hour. 1» min.. IS see.
Dot. sailed ^ Qea Cbasa Time. 1
konr. Si min.. 3S sec.
First ClaM.
Ranger, aalled by Ur. Buchan. Time,
1 boar, 6 mlo . SO aee
FearlM. aalled by John Zs]ta Time.
1 boar, SI min.. 7 see.
Bittercop.. aalled by OapL J. O.
Emory. Time. 1'bev. 76 min.. 45 sec.
Tfae adeanae sale of aaou for Ue
Old Uncle Jed" Ca. who appear at
Sulnberg'a on Friday. July f, will
open at Ua box ofBrn tomorrow m
Bla Ufa Was Bared.
Mr. J. E Lilly.
of Hannlbol^Mo.’. Uttl^id a wonder_ deliearance
.■lt?ol deaU.
from a trig]
In telling of It be says: “1 was tak<
with T^boid Feeer, that ran Into
Pnenmonla. My lungs hardened. T
was so weak 1 couldn't alt up in bed
Notbiog helped me, I expected to soon
die ofCoosumption. whan I beard ot
Dr. King's New Diseorerr. One botOe
gave great relief. 1 coatlnned to
ft. Md now am well and strong, I e
my too nuieb In iu praise." This i—
eallona niedtelne ta tba anreat ud
quickest cure In the world for all
Throat and Lung Tronbla Regnlar
alzMSO ceote und fll.oa - Trial bottle
free at Johnson's and Wait’s Drag
Stores, eeery bottle gaaranteed

Faffilly Sebslanbipi
good tor any or all Mmbar of a family
te any ooaree UUa Baainma OoUege.
tor Any dollars. Only tefl will be

eray. proprleloc, flT-m

Our Grocery Department
Supplies Ume, hair, kalcine plaster, cement, building
paper, paints, varnishes.

After Your House Is Built
Then wo can furnish the Interior from celiar to gar­
ret with goods from the cheapest to the best. Begin­
ning at the parlor—there's the carpets-every grade
known—Curtalns-everythlng in lace and the opaques
—wide goods a specialty—leather, plush and rattan
furniture—an enormous stock to select from--onyx
tallies, French plate mirTora An elegant l<ne of fins
hall furniture. The sitting room lathe place you’re
, in a good share of your time. The fittings should be
light and cheerful. 'Wo can make you a beautiful
room. We can supply you with absolutely everything
necessary, and the same with all your bed rooms-the
largest stock ofthese goods of any firm ia-llichigan.
We can make your kitchen the most pleasant place to.
live In if you select from our great stock. Not an ar­
ticle you can mention but what we can supply you
with. .The bouse fumisbers of Northern Michigan—

The HaBDali & Lay Mercantile Co,

'■■■ 1

ram Momara MpoM. wmdmm$hay, suly t. isst.
BMiosT rmoeraan.




iatemV. *

•mrau CAKD0.


V« MUfkcr OM«bntt4 viU V* »s4
rnM««MtK KlUtkm.

Stll UftlUwbar. '*K*ftC of tb* Bmw
KMit thftft tbftj ftr* tbift M
Bcfc «caaau. Kar* a a
lalftftdft’ COM to Trftvaift* Qtj ^tar~
tan ftftdftr tb« i
to bftv* ft food UcM wUb tb* rMt
. BMwtitotMdlaf th» •f tb* MkkrftUfft. Tbk 1ft oaif tb*
be fftU tMs ibe prcftoat Ua* till Uu
Ut* wlkMr. a a
that Uan
Mcod Um h* bftft bftMi to Tnvonft ift tbft iftftftOB. blTMd^ ftMly ftU the iiaoCaa w pnofttlr.. PtaoM. ku lai: irn
-a*«U ift
eo«Bt? Ufts 1
itr ift twMi; ftmn
Mr. OollftCbtr reoM ftM oBfftfod a»4 iaqal-icft ar* ! •n.lft.
hftlAC rftftftlTftd
A*^ftOfbMftOftof Cftpryc Bftrk»M:«iiMB»torMUlikft«tfttbftftUWftMfttft.|^
Jaat rwdp
blft bftftd tbrooch tb« ^webftt H* doclftror tbftt Ibc tibirfift ofMleb- paaep U ooe owned bp MU* Dean of
wbofti at bk Ifttbark bicfcl*. at Ibatr | Ifu ba** aotblsc bet food word* to Grand BapMa. which baa been uk<m
hOM U ••MIL .bt. Jobs F. BMft*tt ftftP few tbc acMUr beeaftftft of bk •!- fertheaftmmer bp Mr.
fora Ift tbea behalf.
r Uft tbftDb.
aame eUp. C O Pierapi
Tbootftft Janurftwftkl. -U jftftrt old. ^ o« tbft fiebt ftfaleftt the iab Irut b« BMfebaat of diaatoB U nieelp aetUodlS^^S,®^
U hU DOW eotiaca whichita
ta ooeof tba /ifto. ■.CBOCB. awevoar aaCOnaaaalkeat
Of Detroit, WM teftcblftf bU dorwi deelara that tbe
•■oOiftL- fik abotnft »,i*,«-ar atdUiaed moreraoMit addlUw io tbe reaorv oMw-onrSU
aad ihftt It wftft oae aoetloa of tbe blU ProL A. S. Carrier aad and tamllp of
obi ftoa *»bo jMMftd ibft triner ftftd
Oberllo eoUafe and Mra Spear, wUe of
•aptiadft load of abot iaw bUiatb- tbattookiBDebofUe c>orp froia tbe Fn£ A. Spear of the caAe eaU«e are
•r'ft blp. rb» itjftfftd aftft 1ft la Har­ eletorp elftlMd bptha traea
oceeppinr tbair eottafe aad will reItoPtCt
malo for the aemon.
per boepla). Hft wUl k»ft « let- ftod
u* ce a
' porbap* klft life.
Che-mio-wah-be. the prettp aad
B. POflTCA anoraw at La*. BpaUal
Cbarlftft Hnatiartoft. a Plualord
roomp aammer boM of Abel T. Page
tara^wftft ftftrtoftftlj toadied bp fall- Fropertp of 'ObarieTola hamUt Oe. .t Unnt cpu. I.
p». ■ cy^lSSSSStSETSSiai,.'
« of bS fftftt- tisn a ladder Drleea lato tbe Bar aad Boattwod.
ol Mn. Crljle.'
iBhlftbara. .HU back waa teokoB aad
F. E Uwla. a aeeiber ot tbe Cbarle- Among Ue gnana U Mii. ScHhaer of
' klft ontb* bodp below tbe docaai *ftr- eoia LaabvCo.. wa* la tbe dtp pee- Grand Rapid*
•ftkcM U patftlpaod. BU rojowp la terdap cajopiar tbe oelabrati«a. Ba
For The Organ Fnad.
•otp.B. T»laobaaa.n
>• here for the parpoac of lecatloc
A garden partp wUl be held Frldap
bt JftMaoft. MftiT Oitwa, ftfa! four. a raft of lefa which bad brokea awap
evening on tbe lawaaotL. Boberuand KvrceaillvCo. Blve
wbllo ftftUaf^ftftoau with bar brotbftrk from tbe oospaap'* propertp i
ftsd ftlftaftft. bwftft laopbiof Tbft paft- Torch Lake. Mr LewU foaad abMt D a. Bracken. Tbe proceed* wUI
bat ftUppftd Aowft bar tbnatftftd lodfftd fuoof the lot* oaar Xcabtawaata aod be need for tbe organ fond of the )
p Bore at SattOB* Hap. Mtap of Congregational ebturb. ThU partp wUl
tbaire. «b« waa dead woob tbe doctor
be tbe ftnt of a oomber ot eotertalL*
1 ^nf ‘
Tfir buero el |«rU<*e
wrrUac ai tb< luUee.
Special Afefti Whla of thftbfrieftl- ahoraa aad fanaere had bdeo cettlnc menu to be glveo for that parpoac.
Ibr teblbC
If the weather U BnUvorahle Frtdap tnUBOD) Is (kt. «*.«. U
It to borrO tbat b!I
tural dftftftiteftftot ftt Waablaftoii will them ap far firewood. Be located »oaC
PWMDV Mviac ksowtoCre
of tl
lb ibto
of the Umber aad arTaBced to hare It Uie ebnreh parlor* will be oeed.
pMV > II rear brtevv lb* bom
bM Ibrw
B ot >b*
of tbe dlftftoftft koowft aa
b* bom] *iU B*ri w tbr Pbrk Plbrr toorl,
Ueaapft that be will
•rfbeCMj bb T«r«ab> Ju V II; bt *r») oo
Oalebrailoe Motaa.
bare to a* aka other vipe before be eae
dbebdbj.iulv li. bt tbr Prlbrlftbl Hrirl.
« Clip maiolained bar repoiioBiben TbonOar, Jul.T tl. TbtoOb otbibmre at aa/ eoerlftiioa ralatlre to the
sf rnb'lr loibwet bed ibr Lobro of pardon*
tatloB at aa orderlp town. There
“West Mk:h»can R*y."
•aaae of the dlaeaae aod lie reetadj.
towonuot'ibto o'lZroti'!«i‘"’T*r
00 arreau made, altboacb two ladlaM
rmlrtul r 'F ourb letinsbtios
At Caadea. John K. .Blaeb. a wellaad three viaiior* were pl*«ed la the
kftowa plooaar. -fell .from a aherrp tree
eoop to recover from attaeka of H^ald
..ftsdwaa taueraal^ lojared. Be reap
iip. Thep were releeeed laat oeealac.
•ot raeoear.
Willie L«e. the Chlaamaa. bad aa Camp Meeting. Oae fare '
Motlce to Oontracb-ia.
Pohft K. BUeaift. ft tftrser Urlo( aaftr
eahiblUoo of firework* la froat of bia
Julp 10 to to B-tevn Aagnat 80.
Three Uaka. u«e throwo tron -bia
laaadrp. which waa a aovrl-p aad
N^rbphUlftftiDftiitd^ftwap. >Tbe
A. W. Meet On<
tribe ted _po amall part to tbe eoterAnrnat II and I?
•harp bairea of lha reaper Utetallr
taiameat ot tbe dap.
The Haatlera laaiatalned their
Oftii Conaoie wrltea fi
Bp Met
ord of paatpeare bp pvtUoc op food
Oal.. to bU •other, la JaokaoB aapior
hall aad wloaiac ooL
American Sc enre Aveoeiatlon.
I. bodnit l.d.
kcrxoeeietebe ordetad to tbe-PhIlip-:
dine tbe raja a latcc
.tLb'to W Bic arab.
fare rate. Srll Angaac ]$ i
. plBOft ftt aof aaoiaeiiL Cooaoro aad bomber of tbe c
k of Uwrd of r.bUr Work.
of tbe Beatnrti Aorvat SO ‘o b—tuber r
otbar JiniMiaa mea hae* aiiked to be abioe dob eiaited Mre. M. B. C
placed le tbe Mtb t jiwd Hialeela- peaterdap aad were ebarmiaflp eaterC K rcOSVE.STlON
One fare rale. Sell Juip 4
tnm Jolp ts Io Aureal ]S
Tbe rwldnee of a <asilp aaoed
All of tbe eommittftee worked hard
Badwio, locfttad oa tbe mnek laodi awd loBC in preparatloa of tbe oele- Bpworth Leagae Cooveniioa. One fare
Bear McDoaald. baroad Utc Soadap bratioa. aad Uiadne to tbdr eoercp
rale. Sril JbIt l» to 21. Bitom
lo Aura** 20
•ICbL Mr*. BtMoa ftoeeeeded U> aar- that V >e demoaatraUoo waa made each
lac k«r flee ehUdran, but ^uiaped aad aaoceeea Id tbe faoe of eerp diooour- N E A CoDveotioD. Ooe fare rale
lajared bereelfas that ahe afterward* aclofi ooodlUoD*.
(olaagtOO).- Sell June 2< lo Jalp
Bnure Seotemb'r 5.
Tbe bowerp daoeee did a tbrtdoc
bnalaeaa aod tbe rata made theae WorltF* Bicycle
Meet. One fare
reaortaatlll more attract:*e place* of
Sell Aoguii 4 and S. Belam Aagnat
(Oapturod Oae of Bendab JFkleft BalNiAGAEA FALLS. N, Y
Tbeebo'ch aocleiie* profited larfelp
Aogaat Jrd Betnrn
in their Inbch rooiu. aad everp reatoo' rnu IT Aak avent*.
Aadrew HMlrp who Iteeft oboat dee
raatlatov.B waa ruahed all dap aad
ph;ladelfhia. fa.
.cUcft Borlh ef e.b Bapidft. cftplared
G. A. B. E-ieampiueDt
Goe cent per
laat BichL
oaeof b. Beadab orUc ballocaieaei
It waa remarkable tha\ aoaeddeat
tu beiardap la bic Sftld. ealllec fora
alar* 1a<er.
*-*a recoedad praterdap. la aaeh a
FlTTsm-BGIl, f
pair of biepele paaia. He faroaebt the
Best wurkmnoahip mom*y
deoaecrowd th’a U a rare thlacY, F. C- f; Oae *ay fare
tftftothe dtp peftfterdap aad h a<
mil -employ ffir Kuyiie
>wap aoeident ia almmt a dailp ocwcftrloc a Sae aew poir of troweec*.
Kepainog. <^>uick work.
eoce io Trareraa' Clip, hot peater­
B T. P. C. Ooe far rate
dap there were no aoeb exhlbiiloat.
aad the vlfUaDee of tbe olBeere U re*
ormatloo may be bad from
us Uolftfi Strrwt.
Tbo ChrUtlaa charch (Diactpleei will apootible lanrMp fortbUdealrableeas- ag«B(a or from the Geoeral Paaec)
bold '.opea taai mmtloc* adj-dninr diUoa
Agent at Grand Rapid*.
Oraate hall, baciaalacBaodap. Jolp t.
Tbe baoda whk-h aerved a* peatrrs met with favor aerred the pohlie well aad all of them



-- ------------------


O. iiJ


The Day is Over.,
Stock diminished, but July
will be a memorable one in
the history of our trade.
That this is the

is recognized by.all save (he Filipinos,
Uawaiians. and other lialf breeds.


in Ibis store this month.



Hamilton Clothing Co,

: Dr.J.W.GanDtIett

Gas Lamp--

S2 00....
Price Seduced to Close Dot M


are daaardor of oomplimeatarp aotlee
Elder Dreer of Hudaonviite. Mich., of for tbair axcelleat m-itie.
ihcSevec t dUtrict. will take ehante
Laatalcht the G. B. A I. rallwap
- Of tbe meetiac*
aa compelled to pat oa a acemd apec
The Womaa'a Home aod Foreica iai train M Cadillac aod iotermcdlate
filUalonarp aocieip of tbe Coofrecatioa. pointa CadilUc'a Wc dcmoostraUoo
ft] chareb will meet at^ o'cicck Uii* did not prcwcot a Urge crovrd-trom lo^lpa'U?f the city. Onr price*'wl
be a* low a* any offered.
aftamooo at the home of Mr*. Wm. oomlng fraai there to Traverae Clip
C.OV*, S8A Fifth atreet.
Mr*. C V. and from poUU along the lioa
Wright win have Charge of an interThe enUrprUe dUplap^ bpthe bical Both 'Pbooea. S4.
ftftllcg program OB Africa, aad a eor-| oerehaou notUr diaeoaregleg etreomU eommandable.
In tplu of
I the tndaa dUplap w«* larger
lUan many anltelpated woald have
beea - the eaae. even in pleaaaat
J. A. Loranger wlU leave for the Soo vrmtbm.
todap, where be baa ao Important law
Andrew HteveoaoB waa kaoeked
anltdowB bp a dtap careUaalp driven, pea- all workerbicftM pwtolM* crade. raa i*!L'nderaberig Martin Brown came terdap. and aacuined aevere bmUftp.
Mew Oaoe, Maritbaa Block.
over from Leland pcaUrdap.
Tbe dap flreworka attracted
' L. B. Parkot Uie Manlon Trlbone. atiMiUoa aad
era* a vUUor la the clip yaaterdap.
aad pncaaaat enieruinXelaoa Palmalier ot Grand Rapid*,
. Like thoac of the evening they
waa U lowB peaterdap e8;eplng tbe
oarefeUy adftcied and ancctea^braUoa and vUiUBg the famllp of felly aet off.
B. B Weaver.
Mia* Jeanle CarUt win go to Detroit
tddap aa cme of tbe delegate* from
There U pomiblp no performano*
Traverae atp to the C. E. oonvenlion.
Hcarp Aodciaonaad eoa Cfaarlea of weU liked bp tbe poblle at Urge aa a
Kevradla. apeal the Fotirth la the dtp. raralcomedp-aUeaat aUtUika ahow
Robert Walmr of Fife Lake, came tbU to be a faeb There U a certmn air
ft and Join the Company of homelike
plapand eha
1 oaU to I
Lynch OountM-..
M In their parade
minda tbe people of long ago where we Inthedty..........
mther lived or vlaiied on the farm la
Foartb with Mr and Mr*. C.
- Dr. J. J Cook cf Ralamaaoo apeal “Old L'oel* Jed" the aathor haa retain­
Mr*, Hclea
• with
• "r*.
ed all theqoainteonntrpaaiTonndingi,
- Mr. and Mr*. Daa Shorter and two ^d enlivened theatorp with fanny aiiehudren of Cedar, are vUlUng tbe fam- oationa, mnaic, dancing and hlgb-elaa*
Up of A. A MeCop.
specialtiea. ThU U a ahow fjr yoar
taaae Peanlngton. wife anddanghter wife, poor aiater or roar aweethrmrt.
of tadlaua. am the gaeau of Mr. and There U not a word that coold effend
the meat faattdlooi. Bemember tbe
farmer band parade.

Hopkins Bros.



W m m til sim lirbas.
We will give you our clo^A attenuo
and do our beat top-eaae you.

ssrs-.!; Arch and Bert


Provident Life
,^and Trust Company
of PhlUdelphU.
BaCovwrm poilewaa *p*< laity.

Levi T. Penninsrton, District Agt
TvavvrMi Clix, Mlchlcaa.



The Vieiea Bakerv,

A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of workSpme arri-ving every week.

Park Place JHlotel!
Xara-vrearse 0±ty,

Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths have been addctl. making it one of the most
CQmfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. -Address fox
rate.< and other information
Manager. .



Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.


-If quality cuts any figure
Our shoe trade was not built mp'^on cheap made
footwear—we don’t spring FAI?E sale.s on our custom­
ers—When we advertise .anything you will get value
received -You ^n't get something for nothing.
We want yonr' inspection, and will name prices at
our store that down any so-called snap sales in this
city—We have served our trade in reliable shoes for J6
years, and the people ought to be convinced by this
time' who the Old Reliable Shoe Man is.
Make no mistake.

■lehlgan'e DIvorom. ,
lAnalag, July 4.—The divorce reodrd
U Michignn for 16H ha* joat been complied. Itabow* that there waa a total
_ grwntad
of l.wedivoroea
U the etata
dortag tbe pear, Man being girpn on
compUlnt of the wife.

B. J. MORGAN, Propr.

We MeetAny Prices Named
on Footwear In This City...

Lunch Counter

, lU Front
atieeL have reoelved a
of ^Mo^pblo toppUca^kddi^
toaU the Utft akeet mualo. T^
phonograph and gtamapbone are beigUie
. ihU U the oDlp place U aorthem
Miobigan where a fall eapplp of
pUeea can be proenrad.

At Pioneer Livery Stable,

118 H'ron.-t Stx^ast


‘■?^’r:c.”7^-'-‘ ' t.

TSB noumro seoobd. wxdvssdat. /ui.t s. ism.
MIew M a IMt of the hnytac eed Ida
lag prion of yeataeday lor greenjaa,
l^oriMoMaBdCamprodwls ta TMo-

C« ti Mtteco^C«b»utDCTWMiBtba
MMtor Pi ftdhr cmm of rallo* t«v«r
'M«*a«erMMlB U* dMU ntp an
•hpArfkiac tetarw of th« aituUM
’Am bawt baaa M caaca np to data,
«( wmA 17 pwaad fatal
' TWCrataUeaiataTar *ada la thU



U 9$


gaccommaaiiaoamCT.i'iir.i'j.i.mi.BBftli.w.tAo eeg
POR 8ALE-6W-»4 aem land, lot of
good wood timber, pealneala In
Img Lake; fioeraecrt grand. Priee
FOR SAlsE-SM-Boan aad two lo&
at Old Mbmos. 15 rod* from doek.
Bonee lexM. wing ISriO. large ham.
Property rents for $S per month.
Priee rs5
FOB SALE-eoo-Oood amaU bean,
asm groond. Garfield aveniA
Priee $i00 .
FOB 8AIsE-«0-Fitu aeru lot OB Oai'field arenea Price $500.
FOB SALR-LoU 1» aad M. UoA 1.
Perry Baaaahb ereoad add. ecrarr
Bohemia and llth almv Price

—....... ;;;

■H*na «raa aada ia.Beff Oo
•tpaaaaceaaa. Mall boa40 boaa*la a
BatritoryaUaUaila.laBffth «m eoliaetad la Uaa ikaa oea ba t tba Um
aaic rate
vita hotaa aad wacoa.


«Maadlar7 Atm ia tteMaiU. M. J.,
•arlpad oat 9iao,«00 «ortt of propartj.
,lM«laf lop paoyla ----- '— aad alauat


TboacrtealtataldapartMBt, Waaktartoa. U aaiaff a bippapk to pboto- «npb Ue rrowtb of a aoall fraaa oak
«paa. ttUac a tmb pleuua baarl/.
Iradoo dUpatokaa aar that aere
-dhaa l.Ooo tooa of war aatarlal waa
tewardOd Uai week to Bootb Africa
Ztow IVoolwleb.
'Xfceata^ar Tan baa arrived from
Mba Dorth with a larfe pai V of ratora*
liaK Dawaoa mlacra
Wallace Bar
- wood, a aerraaat of local potiea
feroafbt oat la fold daat.
BIffbt otken had bcarj boa« of the
Metal. Ckfrt. Ooeac reported $1,000,000
«n board.
Oweeral Whaeler will reoeire order*
■ChU week to the PkUpplaaa BU parddcalaraaalcameat wUl be* detertalaed
orbea the war departmeat baa heard
tomGeaeral OUa
Secretary Al<er
aaald today: "All that I eaa ear
Oaoaral Wheeler at ibb time le tEaTao
Mae aaked to be eeat to the PtalUpptaea
What eerriee be may pertorm there
-aeiU depend upon Hej r Geaeial OUa’',
The tiret aaoirereary of the decree-:
Mob of the Spaaleb teet off Saotlero
■ by the raeela aader the «ommaad of
jfteor Admiral Sampen waabburred at
aiewporl. B I , Monday Jnly 1, by the
-Mhtpeaf theKorth AUanUe equadron.
the attaehee of the naral eutlona
iMd«t«eMtU la the harbor In rueraL
. *She MlehrauoB be«an at 8 o'clock
wrhea'"alr>l>r«’'the war ehipe ran np
Mac* and bantlap of meny oolora Other
Bhiiquaf and iheyachuin the herbir
were colly dreaeed aad In the city were
■ten andetripeedleplayed atall polata.
At aeon a ealnte of twenty-one ctio*
waa died from all the eblpe of the
•qoadroB and the Coaatelleiioa and
crew had a special dinner. Sporle
mmd raeee by the eereral crewe. mln>
•trela aad randerUle entertain menu 08
-the eorcralehipe wore featnree of the
Mra. SylveeUr J. O Sdmrae. wife of
' the rlce-presldenl of the Maryland
Oaaaelty C)., of New Vork, waa fatal.
Ir homed while ebopploc in the stm
«d Croehy A Bill la Plainfield. N. J.,and
MIed in Ue Mnblenbarc hoapltal. afUr
Itarlac enfftfod gn^i
It ia
MMierad that the supped on and icmlWd a aiatch. and the fisme, cauhlnc
the Itcbl orcandie drees which she
eeore. spread so quickly that she was
«atrrloped in fire before help' reached
At Manlls. the public eebools were
* wpened Monday andlully S.OOO pupils
fitecan a courae of instruelion under
American anpices For the firel time
fo the history of the Phllipplnn prl.nary education is free to all children
AsaeralOUa hae nuderlaken to mahe
dheatUndauceoftheebUdren eomt ul*
• ■7. aad the poUee hare been Instruct*
•d to eee ibst ail those of echool age,
' erhieh are between r- and ifycare. obey
the rcCttlatlon. U U generally thougnt
Bowerer. tust the police will bare iiit
tedoiathit direction, for the reasj
. «kat the natirea as a rule are anxious
aobsre their children taugbk The
aebMare wlU be Unght E'glUh for an
Moor cMh day. thU belne the first time
may concerted attempt has been made
to teach the lanruage. The govern
nent bss appointed eeren American
•oaohera. among them being three
AMghtere of the IsU Colonel Egbert.
«f the Twentyoecond infantry. The
mchooU will oheorre the Spanish festi­
vals and the American national holb
Mays. I^ie lathe first risible operation
«n the masse* of the new civil goremnent andrit ladleaUa one phne of the
«haracter of the better claae of FIUf- ptaoe who bare conataaUy oontended
tfor tree public ecboola

FOB 8AlsB-«0t-IB0-aere


Oaly »0e atdoi
tab ABd Waltb drug etcrea
1 oUde. oaly 10

Gate Post

Meals.... iscMis
Properly ewTed in a neat din­
ing room.

list a fill linofCHfNthinnf
OlgRiii Of STuy Kind
M. E. ELItlS


Fire Insurance.

Eicelleit (jooliti,

I. li. A. Bundlac.

tsk Tool Dealer for Then. '

Gnoil nass
aad Picleral Fishian



Eist Fmt SL


a J. MORGAN Profvletar.

. I twu-eeai vxtraleB top Carriaga,
pewly polavd. price $45 oe. '

Rrst Class Haiaaa Ginai,
Good Size,


Hem St CsrpLskc.eIrbi aiUes tonbsaC
o« Tn»*;*» Ci«r Tnio sm*v« (mw
Bneklen Aniea aalvd:
POBSALB-409—50«ere fam.
TrsTenca>r st VAl s a lesTr* S ib p m.
Bawl Is ceesseuas *l>s re-sw.
frame hooae. good ham,
Tn Bbr Salti ia the world for
TonnoUer Block.
080. aot-TBABO. Proprtewr
chard, well waur. Km'le from
rllJata. Brmlen. Sorae, Oleera. Balt
'sgeofGrawn. Priee. $l.500.
Eheam.Terar Sam. Totter. Chapped
aauda. Chilblalae. Coma, and aU SVla POB6ALE-«Ot—N'H ofsw H sec «4.
55—11—about »5 eem eolid tim
ber. hardwood, faalsam.eedar ewamparao par required. It le guamstee
Some cedar t >hen out.
lorlre parteet aatlafaetlon or mene
•fended. Price UeenU perbox. Wq FOB-SALB-«o5-nK of eel, aad iw<i
arc 55. Town 54 north. tS
son and A. • Walt
weel.V< mile village Sbermao. exBicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—.
change Trurem Cliy property. Price
fuh fer eretybedy
Look at them whether you need one or'not
Child * drum*, with etleka. only 10
ISO ft se <
emu at the fbmont.
$800 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand bi­
Eighth at and Garfield are., large
hoose, brick fooooaUou, new. all
cycle-$25 will buy the best new wheel on the
Saaeth'ag tar the glrla
flnlehed. Priee $1,000.
market—Come and see my display before ]going
Mlseeo’cmm Bilk n
city Invoice L________
FOR 8dLE-SM-Boan sod lot on
Webster st. Seven rooasA nicely fi
isbed. good well waUr, fruit and'c
■ntal irm. large lot, MxfOe, tms


1 Rood Wegoo. good ss new. $55.00.
2 Lumber Wegoo*.
1 Cow to trede for e pony.

$1.00 a Month
1 wBl eepplT fine lee for the eeesan
at $1.1$ per Pbooth. or $1.00 per math
if paid ia edvopoe.

C. W. Merrill 4 Co.


Tb»rb.»;»,( N.nit»noa ib it. morlC: s piswiw
tb. BCNT ssd B.1.1 lu- rUM- AW rn« tick SS-) d4wsfsr-d' Urri'-M wm’iowmsi P«S bp

fsr isW ssd IniH Is snlrr.
pjwpOs.r«»4«l IS

Brpsir sork


CoisaltotioB aed Eiarsiooiioe Free aod Strictlii Coefideitial. gmj g|pj||| { iBjim^n |


2H mi:
cherry and peach trees, aJ} bearing.
Carpenwr Bill, finest loeaUon on Pen­
insula: wilt take part city property.
Price $1,500.
WAKTBD-OwrsI bemwirsrir. Ho FOB HALE—Span black mam eight
Jr ctiUdTse. stesdr vork. Apelj SIT imt
year* old. sound, weight about S5O0.
colt about 5 menths old. Price $150
i pnekst book raetslalse IrltSfs ssd FOB* SALE-5U5-116 feet on West
----r isaeoreB WMtavTosib s. SsturFrootstreet; 200 feet deep' vacarl.
nsdvTpirssr’UstTsx BKvano^jMd
$ood baildiur epol. Price $450.
FOBSALB—«»5—»e acm eight milaa
V>oaaSLX.—Tvo (FCsk Bilks cew io^lrv ol
eaet^f cUy. 100,OM Jee^ ^hemleck^
M II! BlawSl.

DRS. B. S. & CO.

cutting. Price $250.
SALE-565-Uot ■eand lot, Garfi fid avenue. $>V50.
■^^AHT«P^utw^l<^ ohl d. Kdcr^Mr
atreet. :6rooma $



pOsmO^AHTED-Urkt hoowsork

^^AHTED—A retice nce rroe U^lo !■ yrs^
SIkoCJnl* M7u>dsr*dsr 0^11114 ImT to
SoVlork. UsmIltoB cnolbinsro.



ciiT.u aSciyuBT iru. it

B,Fomerlrer Hem Verfc.eedeee of the

AiniiricaD ledical and Snrgicil losUtnte ol Inskegon, lidi

Sotol ~W3n-±t±XLg, Ta?a,-v-ej?se OitTsr,




July 7. 1899.

OOoe Hontn from • a. m. to 8 p. m



good buildings,
FOB SALE-575--Sloiy I
FOB SALE-57S-iiood frame house
and eight acres of land, eltuated
about one mite from center of city,
house 14x24. elx rooms ia bouse.

p: ;« E«





FOB SALE-575-Hooae and lot cornel
Bose aad Suu etreeu. lot S4 z ids

FOB ^ALB—576—One bundrsd six'y
acre! timber, soft elm.
rock elm. lon.fioo baeswood. l.OVO.OUO
maple- $J,si»
FOB SALE-SM-Booaeasdlot. Union
street, ten rooms,stmie lonndatloD and stone baaemenV Mmpleu.
--------rt. eSD l«r U<oakl
FOR SALE-Two hnndrod vacant loto.
$1 down, $1 a month.
• sbU 1
FOB SALE—504—Eighty _
£ ta*ttsk>
• frsQl.
good bclldtngi, one mile from good
cilr B«k>voi
town. $1,200.
FOB SALE-Sfii-Ninuy aeru farm,
fonr miles south of city, eeventy
acm under eulUratioe. frame bouee.
£ f.W.1.. Cl
csshlcr', Seskfesod condtlleb.
eeven rooms, atone foundation, etone

I'O s> Ktrui
cellar, good well water, frame ham-.
$4x45. stone basement for cattle,
Kixr, BtX>N GIKL WAXTE{>~Blehe«l
»*»C«1-SIJ Ipscirv aiBar»a»oi^^^
horse stable, baggy ehed. corn crib,
poultry bonae and yard. SO bearing
P«OR BACT-A Ui^.^ fam^rd rfesi r
apple tree*, several cherry trees,
small fruit, binder, piongbs. wagon*,
Pisc/bMc* A^MriTamus^neL'’' J
boggle*, rleigbs. cutter, one span
lliu If lAhro At OBC*. fab Is sauut eec-bstf iu>
vsloo _a U-.BAsUnas._______________


C*QB SALB-Uu Ho '«>. Idoek 3 Osk Psrk. S
f bf ISMwt. oEi) I9.r««b TbUh>ll>rr«d
slorsirt B. V. Usstlnfs. B'sl K»iA<>- Xa-

TrsiM smVr (row Or*o« BsCiO.. ObOPBSU. Cliirsre, laOlst.Bpoll.. si r $0 s. w.
TrsiD, srrire >ruw kUrkisso soil Pvwskig.
•Vri?. .“ (row Bmhwos-. gwl Wsra Doiro.l BBS (irscA Rscl'l.-Al 7.18 p.w
Trsii; k-sMBK SI II LS s. w. IMS ehsir csr
WsUoB lu I.rses EspiS.
TralL tosonr si It 15 s w bss cbslresr
Tsllnn to TM-Co .is Hr—I <'IIT.
TrsiB l-srto«r 5 p m iis> .looplscesrs Wsluui uiCtiraco.Ctsrltios . LositrlUo. tsSlABspoil. -si>C 1-1.
1ST csr to Gres*
O. B.WCa8AT,A«sst.
C. L. tOOXWOOP 0. p. a T. A.. Qrss* Btel«*


M”Sfi::.:SirSiktL.Ij-.OBc* opra truB 8 la isursli
lac. Wsd'hnM .CIlirmt ■


teefeet Wc*ars*Ay.*i
sUZOa'claek S.B

. two cows.

%1 proi*r-,
l"lBSI»Bap PUAlm.

, thirty-five
'n, five acres
I acre* wheat, four


Uken soon. $$ run.

The Xuet BoeoeetfLl and ScleiitificTio
at of All Dieeaeee anfi Wee
The above are all bargains, and
e rIaaiBC. Fvsak
of Menkind PoeMble to Obtain.
be bought on esAy berms. We have
thousands of dollars worth of other
Tkr BMt mldrlf so* tsversbls knows Bpcelmlin is thr t'sitrd Rtsir*. HU Isa* ezpvrWecA.
BSrksbIr skill ss* SBiTsrssisuMvu IB tbo Isrcni bospllsU Is Ur wort* cbsUs* Ub is
TPOB UAtt CH14 P-<»S«1II
barga'ns In farm and city property. ...stsUCHXnHIC.RKRt-OrB.SxntssdBUIOD
Disrissr. upra Ur UiCM teiretlBs pr.BC>£ oifTsll. TfnDt beam. *>.
Come and eee at if yon want to buy pies. SB* rallilr* blB> to ibr (ail roofideBev of Ur BSUtr* cTrrrwbrrr.
List ^our properly with us If yon want
EH. OTTMAN- t'^'uies
sol Ibr trr. Bar. K ir.nrasi SB* Luces. Dysprpsls.
fpels. BHcbi'e
BHcbl's DUeaee.
DUraav. Dtl
Our offiee b at 211 Front etreet up
ss. tCidcrr. I rrr.Blsdirr.CbroB FvBsle SB*________
SrxiiAlJ Dlssssss
DUosr---------ee sprvei
speedll/ eure* by ucst
atalr*. Von will eee our eign at the
s usi bsa brsB proflouc.
ot Ihsi hst t rrr fsllM Ic tkoui
r* bees revurt* w
to perfect
perfect bcslUbsd^n
bottom qf stairway. Go up stain, turn
to left, take first door to right; our.
sign is alongside the door. We are not
TTrorWAHTlBaasa-cvofaBj-klaClc OralX cIsMcempanlnorlo.b^ s kaasr, lot or on the grooad fioor. el least our office- ksTBieesBBdrssily sppUa*. OoeeelteMoa Free ea* ameUr OonaapuaeL
taracslIOB It B Allja-raeBsTascaifercaB' isn't. We are. flguntlrely speaking.
uw Os. Block.7Va*»Fse(.'Uf.
- eitone
Ho far as having the Itrgep- 'i'taod
b«at bargaiui; we are *triet.y -r- i'
tat perecssl coocBltsttss pretem*.
We work all the time, w« can sell y <i
property, we can give you bargaini
Make no mistake in office. Bemembet
big sign at bottom of stain. Big bar- SBS.cpesdUy.
at the kaaSaamenlots in^
ut^ gains at top of stain, fint door to
the right after yon turn to left at head
DelBS bi
of the stain.
O bo<M.,>


Mo Bight to WgUnen. ,

trarire moat Imp her health. If she
4s sreak. sickly aad all ran down, she
•rlUbenerroaaandlrriUbU. If eke baa
mentlpatioB or kidney trouble, her imrare wood wlU eaaee plmpln.blotehee,
Ala otoptloaa aad a wretched eomntnlOB. Bleetrle Bluer* M the bnt
wZefae In the world to reguUu
•henaeh. Urer and Udneya and
martfy the Wood, t glm etr<._
---------- , bright eyn. e
• • eooplexlon.
’ •
hsrUlm*' mkU. rteb


iitaif Hum ci»f


home fequi
luire or address et .
Schofield's dmamaklng parlors.
445 Eaet Fratetreet.

211 FroitSt.

Second Floor.

and JtHAMSLnrO
ter prieee than anywhere ele*.

B*B s^ bU deUrsw *lsor«sn penllsr le
elUa-ssi. poctUTclj esre*.^ wfil as fsam
UeesidtsBOsesikMTSsuU Abb yvaUtsl tsiB c! BAliire yssfB.

4 5»

5 10

Ar| U m <11

10 »>
10 to

ft 4fe
5 55
e oe

HsBtstre Xiac
NrsBCB City

II »
II ce
IC 1*

4 M


eserBsa'i MIH
Laze Abb
CcCsr Raa

I 10 S
| 10 15
| 10 B


* B
4 11
'4 U


TrslAs esBBeet st ebcrBSa’sHlIl twlar dAfly,


33?L’T7S~“SJI'!lrLg ..>iHoaA]i.Ae^i. ^

sB*bo*r. BBAtUBf UVB tar etaSy. Boetetj


we orAKAHTCE TO erne eamos «

pilBl—ty far ^lat area- pberrftaB, trtSic putty. rsrtearoas.cirlrtBrv'atsev nsk per
lOBf.tBrBlaeiBaroBt of rye lasbsa or U4e. ss* sU kMaey ss* bU**cr dlassais
alaaare a lasr. dset ssO all cOer er* spars-

arsis ssr52.12r.sssf

wow||F|u CURB aaras
$U Ontea Bi.
opp^ c. aw


!E !2„Wfj;.7SL.
S! iiS
4 ev
Cfcirf tekr II m

ft »
ft l»
ft 45

” -14»..‘HiM'.£."sT.a25 tsrja West Michigan.

Wmirewsle Wnk-

DiaCSAKetHO EAUesnAlsarsrT I

svTtnaBSBslravlUbsatraB. FeniiiM ralps* U bsslU fa
irtt^frtU tbwk Mtb 1^ Bss(b.0nac pstaams as* to

Praotifial BloTola Bnllder
RSd Bapfilnr.


, 40 4 l« L«


ootvc eotrm.
____ ‘am" pm pM.Ag
0 50 IS T 45- SB

KFassSJlis Ts*” Is
Lr Detroit ...... * 15 U «
II 00
Lr Oteero ■ ■ 5*0 li 11
. 7B


IS :s iS
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