The Morning Record, January 29, 1899

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The Morning Record, January 29, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







Saw Time
and Make Moeey.

BaM Xhat Oowrt Karttal Vltoa O—
Ooldlara* ArmonP bto'
ml Bacaa
BaportedThM Oeimal Wood
bp Tu*.
wm Snoeoed Him
Waahlaftoa. Jam M.->-It took tto
Maatataa, Jaa. M.-Tto aew Ufbt
aoart martial Juat—a bov to d—Ida Aad Taka tto Foat a( Ooveiaar ad Guard armorp caafbt fliu tedap at
tto fate of CaMta—tp Oamal Bacaa
Booa aad WM a total kwa Ito buUdmr to a*um«-OMMMi Tkt afaarttoarvamaaiaU
tto oaat wara Ouba—lator—attoa Vrom Ooed Aa* iBf WM tto ^ OoBfT^Uoaal ebuuh.
What that daetaloawaa wlU tbontp aad Otoaft War
wkleb WM ramodalad about a puar afo
Vldk to—ifit !
wot to ma^ pablk bp tto trial board Vab. lat Oaaaral Vood^
tor Ua naaofCompaap A It wm
aadUtaabppaaad to to aa oSaUl aoowaod bp Lumbermaa B. G. rUar. aad
WMhli«tOT. D. Q. 4w.M.-Adto> erai. TtofladUtfa of tto eourt will
»ww York. Jaa. U -A apaoial to tto waa-ealaadatK.Ma Tto leaa ta aoaroalp to mada kaawa afiar ttop' tort Joaraal
fftMk tot to— Mltto ftk Ito
f^ Waahlaftoa aapa that It Ipoeearod bp laauraaea
tbroafh tto propar rariawwmnmmt tnm 0—wml Oil* wktek r»Tto oompaap bopa 1«m eoMldarable
M axoaileat aatboriVp
Umd tto Mxl«v Af tto
prooortp aad maap rulka of the Cubaa
—r»l«r tto sit—U— is tto nuU «M tto toit M«« ttot
^‘T^lanwrotOuba.aad to apprtat Oawaral
“jtooaard Wood la hta plaea Tbe Bis* poiW^itm
8m—d la the beat maaaer at tba
Tto —Cl toma wltk tto ■— eourt. wbea to baa ooaaladad with\ ebaafewlli taka
Qucm Clip Raataamab
•Mt: **«t—ttoa Imp—T>ac; IimM' with tbam, diraetip
oral B ilaoa it aaid to to aUlcd to to—
war. who Will pn>tob.p refer tto pap—ramar.’* toroAd
Ito Mimarr
toeliai ta
Oeaaral Wood ta ao* la Haraaa ooororlaw.
BMkariMteaaxof tto eaalaawoftto
ferrinf with Oeaara] Brooke. Ttop

Oraml Otis Btyt PhUippta*
titSAttoa i* B«tter.

aama aboot a woak la axamlaaUo
bare bad a aumbar of aaerot eonfmtto papara. ao that tbap will aot <
worto. It WM taU ttot ttof«M<«l
General Wood la hta rale of SaaUafo
«to(«etar of tto dhpatek «m my totera tto prMUoat bafoiu about
ptoeod bimMlf a tboreof b dlplorip ladtotod bp tto word* qaotod.
Cbtaafu. Jaa. M —Tto TUma-Berald mt aad a tactful, pet utreuf. foeeraor.
«to bortulkcot ttWFnMotdlfieolUoa Waabiaftca eorrmpoadaat who ta ta Be bM become popular wiU all -■-----la Saatlairo. Oa Ue oUor band. It ta
with tto Arataaldo fomo ttot bo
^ la a apodal to bit paper, mpa ttot aald. Oaneral Brooke baa mada faimaeir
voaid to ablo to
WM fooad falltp M rarp mnefa dlallkad Id Ub miaU be bM
aap attoapt to crror^lda tto
baaa U ofiea Tto ebaafc mlfbt to—
af tto Ualiod Stotoo. Bo bolUrca ttot,
Bead to dtaatlaaal from Ue armp much to do with eueiof off aap fnU—
biot—o^aia Mfiai—t la amab— to
.Ola WlU tto Cibana Oaaml
4o(wt Aralaaldo'o aimp U a oiaob Tharo wm ao
Brooto ta too broaque a aoldUr to be
atoald ooaa
ir aueoeaeful m a foreraor
Tho baarkaa for— at Maalla ooawbeae
chief object ta to paclfp aad
aloto of about »^000 maa. wbtleo(Ac«laaldo'o atalB aroap of aboot M.Wq. oalp Bor Bepaitora of Boldlera for tto make eoateoted a people who to— beea
nmde retollinoa beartto bp too much
half to bollo—d to to anaod. At ItoUo
ateraaeuB la Ue paab
b,0M Aaarteaa troopo aru quartorod oa
Cbieafo. Jaa. tS.—Ooaeral M.
Oaeoi the appoLatmaaU made bp
>oard traaaporta
Sboald a oocOkt
memt thop would to*o aboot that auw SberUUa, eommaa&er of tba depart- Oapo—I Brooke wm that of Ueae—I
tor of anaod pmplaoo to eeatead wlU. meat of tbe Ukaa, taaaed oidm todap Ludlow M militarp foTeraor of Ue deOao Uaa^ort. tho Soaadtb. U oa her tor tbe departorr of aa aapedltioa fjr partmeat'of Ha—na which embraeM
«ar fro« Saa Praaatoo to MaoUa with tto PUlippUea. It will laelade tbe me—Ip Ue dtp of Baeapa Ocae—1
tMOaoldlooa oa board.
8to abould Third lafaatrp, aow at fort SaelUDf. Ludlow bM bad freqoent elMhaa wiU
aoaob bar dwtlaatloa aarip Boat Hlea.. aad foar oompaato of tbe Oenera! Lee, wbo ta fo—rnor of Ue
Ufaalrp, autioood
proTtaee of Ha—oa. The two ooa-ootb. Ttot>
Columbua barracku. Tba troopa laaee maaden to— been JerrlDf eoDtiauallp
( to Maallat wUb
Tho ro- tbeir borne autioaa oa Jaa. SO aad aaii ataae tba fl—t of Jaunarp.
—alalar raetoaBlo oador ordoim to pro- from New York oa Feb. I for Manila Ludlow b oaa of Ue doacot of Urucral
Oompaap A toraoUi Ufaatrp, Fort Brooto'a adetae—. Tbe appoiatmeat ‘
aood to Maalla will fat awap Wh'
too aa«t two waako fro* 2faw York
aad 8aa Praaolaeo. Tbroa —foroa* Baeaatb leUatrp. Fort Brartp. MicblMoato aowbor about 7.0M aoldiero of faa. WUl to traaaferred to Fort toolllaf dnilac the abaeaee of tbe Talrd
too rofular anap.
Tbora ta tot ooa aaatetp aboot the rufImeat laJbe farcaaL.
Qoera Citp Beataurart.
totaehlaf'Oaklaf afforio of Afoui
«he antoarp of Afulaaldo, aad that b
ttot the aiiiaroi to map haea oaat Watar a tba Gorfo ta Tbirtp Boat
aad the work of the JuaU la Boaf.
Aboee lU Vprmal Wark.
Eouf, aetluf op^u iba raporta rr«prdSiafara Falla, N. Y .Jao. SS.-Owlof
laf oppoaltloo to tba traatp. hero, map
tovo aaoonrafad the bampUoooaeao of to tbe ektremr blfh wind the water la
fOM aearlp tbirtp feel abore
Afolaoldo totbepolBtof makluf an
ita aonaal mark. Uruat quaatillea of
attack upon Maalla Tbta would to
aanoooambarruooiaeBtiotto parpoaoa lee were awept down tbe upper rirer
•f tba praaldeat to rtotora paaea la tba from Uke Erie, aad
of bifb water aad aa locreaae of lot
PbilipplBfaaadralBtbe ooaBdeec
terrific Jam to uka |Aaee Id
tba utiam without btoodahad. Ibcra
ta BO fear for tba poolUoo of (laaeral tbaforra. The waiUaf-room at tba
4Ua. Be li well equipped to i—tat aup foot of Ue Ineliaed —ilwap wm flood
attack that eaa be made bp the aatltra. od to adcpU of three feet, aad U<
bolldiof WM damafto. The reeerraAa attack upoa him at Maalla oi
Uoa foTM WM called out at i o'clock
«a Oooaral Millar at Iloilo would
ault In a eoatlderabie alaufbtar of the tbta morulaf to proleel tbe propertp.
laaorfeau. The preaidaat baa tHrd All laat nifht mea we— kept toep
la eeerp wap to aeold aoeb a eoaflict, blaatlDf awap the ice from about the
for the raatoD tbaait would retard tke abutmcota of Ue nppar aiecl areb
work of reaiorlaf order la tto PfalKp- btldfe la orda'lo —Ue—Uem
^aaa and would make It moru dificalt. Ue lateaae p—Mare The— ><-• ■
beea uaeb aa tea Jam w Ito r c~—

A few moments jost now will enable you to
see the most elaborate line of wbU papers ever dis*
played. Yon will learn the new styles, ascertain onr
prices, and when yoor paper hanger is ready to do
your work yon can order your paper and bave it sent
up, and no time is lost—see!


Banjo Instruction.

For thoroagfa !—
B. Ofaambertain. Box 187.

JB 220 Front St.




SIS OnlM Street.

TUepbeaa No. 41.

The Finest Stock Funeral Goods



But k^t out of alfht antil ai


Ten Tear Conlrects
Made bp Hlcbiraa Tdephoae Co.
for aap elaat of a-rrlra dmired.

Subscribers Ms|i Ceecel
at cod of aix month* or ebaafe
to aop elaaa of arrrlee at will.
Teleetaoar tbe maaafar to call
aod explaip aew —unadopted bp
tbe cotapanp.


-♦ H. S. GIBBS

Michigan Telepbene Co.


We Open Our Annual Sale of Men’s, Boy’s, Children's

BeaebUf Ontfjf tka Joha J.EafUp
Oa of Oatrelb
ToaaaUor Broa Mot Aff.«t<« bp Baa
DeUu<t.JaB^-ttUroBerto here
toa Harbor Sukt.
that the iobaeoo\faeujrp of Joba J.
Yeeterdap tbe Btfle print^he fol­
BbfIrp A C..,, located here, la to to
parobaaed bp Ito AaaerleaB Tobaceo io wiaf:
‘Mra Cbariea Braaaed Ban ClWra.
at a prtee totweca EWu.Ouo
^ bacua ault la the Circuit eoan
Prealdrut JohaJ. Baflep. wbo baa
Toauelirr A HUl. liquor deal
jMtraiuroed fr-a> Sew York, aud
•» Beotoa Harbor. Boldap ttot he WM uuablaat prrw-at to'
Trarera* Otp. for «M.OOO.
talk about tba matter. It I. aaaerted i
cblldrea -HI ane for «10.each,
total damaf— of
ttot be weal to New York to Ulk
tto matUr, which aaema not to bare Seo.OOO naked tor tto deaU of Kraaa.
who WM bUled twopeara afo.
bm eloaad ap pet.
«buw to mada it ta wld ttot (to Bar WM drank aad a lead of lamtor fell
lap tactorp will to fl—a o—r to tto eu him.
Boarp Touellar of tto firm of TbamaaafaeM- U fine amtolaf aad etow•eltar B—a. of Uta el(p daalraa to a—id
laf tohaeeo.
aap WTOBf imp—Mkm tad atatea that
Ua wit la quoatlN deaa aot aBeet tto
loeal firm of Toaaalto Bros m tto
firm ta aeparata from tbe Buteo Haraor ha— Toaaaller A
for SomeoM to Make a Stato
Obleafo. J*u.
Sirlft A Oo., aad Hill, aap eoaDoetioo WiU Ua firm ia
Ubbp. McNeil A Ubbp ba— Jolatip Uta eitp; Uanto— Ue imp—mieo that
•Bared to pap lo aapbodp pro*
taf that ebrm.uia we- aaed to pew■cr— aap b-t packed bp Uem. Tbe
oBer ta aa oetf—wU of Ue raeent
•hbcf-mal. befort (to urarlanail-

TO Build TbTM Boata.
Will Fetlerlp of UU dtp, ta la Manealoaa buUdlaf two faaoUaa Unaetoa.
tweatpfoetlaleoftb. oaefor^dea
baafh Bran, aad aaottor for Jodfe
Ballep. Ttop are to to aapplled wiU
eaflBio which a— bdaf toUt In MaaI laterferted With Trafle
ooloaa. Mr. Fetlerlap wlU toon befU
M Aldea.
woeklaUtaeitp oa a larfc packt for
Aid—. NIeb..-------Jan. n
■" -A
« Mtnaid
«»».—' Miier
BdUor niBHar.
(tluaaar. to carrp
earrp a IS-kot—
toa boon raflof ba-for Ue past Urea power aafiae, whioh wUl toI built U
topa aad alie- ao ,1*.
ahaUaf. Maaealoaa.
The fall of anow 1* not front, tot ta
badiP drifted bp a wlad of ff—t
Oa Mjodap o—aUf. Febraara A
. totitf. Tto mereurp bo— *ra„a
tto—wtUba»c(Mid tall is Oafumaara. Traflletadel.p«laadl«mbartaf
WabrtL Migl^lmbantoalra.

Suits, Ulsters
and Overcoats

Also 100 Men's Suits at STJiO,
Including: goods we have been selling for from $10 00 to $1S.OO. Here are some jgreat
bargains—Better look at tbem—Honey saved bere on a enit good for now or in spring.
The same great reduction of boy’s suits—the seme oa children’s suits, for a limited
time only. Ulsters and Overcoats—stack of them lefr yet




t The Practical BiqjcleBaOder and Repairer}

Suits, Ulsters
and Overcoats.






Tto *nth
Bt BMK* aBrtor
AitecM «BMn^


ihtes the food aon> deSdnn a«l«

lateaM aBSerlAC.

8t»M PBkMo*
efcrtn—a Bt
lertnU. Tm Bam WMtj. Mich..
iBim. Aboattwtr'*®
■■MdecUBtcf th« IritM e( th«
i, mtmt hk two

tbat Vm What Xdaoola UtattoyBe.
elety SeeMcd megard^Bea. X—
Tbe Uaeola Utemry Bo^y held a
eacy latereetiBg BoHtag at the boas
of Bdwta rhepaten oa Klatb eWtet
ling. They bad a abort prograB of wblto tbb dleeaeMoa for—d:
the priaelpal part: -Beaoteed. That
Qaoeeai Bobert B. Lea waa abetter
general than U. & GraaL"
Bdwta CbapBBB aad Daeld JlekUag
■7 ably baadled tbe aOrBatlr*.
while Leliad Tripp- Mo*e* Olibwt aad >
Lealle MeWrtby toto tbe negaUea;
la to* geMral dbcnwloo Chariw Balebery took nart la tbo aMrantiee. Tbe


Kn. Borryb Brotber Dead.
Mr«. Jobs
b MlectBB
jtx Blfbt Iron aviOBW, BOBOoDetof
tbe dcBlta ^ hw broUier. Jobs Cbebet
•bn mn.
•Uorbro(bBr«.f^ Md »fB«*A bBd
•eker. wbS bee beeo bo Bldermoii o<
ThJB Bftocwooo tbwB wUl be * —
tbBteft7B(»B«7«*ra. beceohed «M e
in tbe PreebyterlBB ebereb 1
baOBf froBodB. Pokacoa w»i b« ^ ^.*5**^.
wbieb Uwe
ebe—ist eodBcndoBte of tbe MiebioJd -BB-ba. 1-WB.hBl. B.d •»‘l’*]eW.dwb«»tbBVoe«
Be gradoBtMd tbe dBBBj of B»e bBdool peel
^ Ad troo tbe BBBe elBM with Profreaor
M M «• 1---------- M 1
eood TraipUr* BleeUoa.
), Wfoeblod blM.
ThUeTeolBfUerewill>belbA*-fiof tb(« cltj. Ibe fotbrr
la Dot proof aguBct nuything
At tbe regalar BeoUag of I. O. O. T.
mtmttOmg* Befonow.: laM
»( tbe doMBaed wae ooe of tbe
M tbe ladlBB tbBt wiU 00 dOBbl bBT«
•o sai^ utd attractive u
itoeat eiilwa* of Saginaw aird Lodge, Ha «I. laet night toe fallowtv BlMBttoO Bt MbbUB. frO(B B
•ealerted far to* aaeaUrgebol*- Altboagb tbe dead eblel; ^ Mr OMBBb wOl
4h»*M Tiew. !■ pwplaxiBt- flm wf
Bie^er's OaUIoraia Ferfumw
when toe eiril war brukc oet be railed lagoaoen
tbe ABBUr of foar UBCaaffae, bie,
n, wrigbt la tto
hnrtkat AotvlAotBBboattapoBBM
a coapaey fur toe Poor- taglrrB:
One of tbe aweetest of theM
L. D —I. D. Bobba
Mth.A»Bri«.BnB7 Bod BVlbll bo(A M wriueo Is tbat elo<iBeat pet M»tbodbt.Tbe three Weet Bide ebart^ taeato Mlehlgu Infantry.
ia called Santa Barbara Hel­
P. aT.-JernleCortU.
AUeraraa Bebefraeker leaeeaa wiW
•e wUl asttt at tbe Prieiide ebarak
•to It; BBd U>Bt Um ImrjBBl lomB .impu ..rl. lor wklA h. — ^
iotrope. No mernk would be
It wBB Leopold P.>kBcoa who. la where Ber. Eeow* wUl pfeadh.
C T -E. f Laeoder.
■M MAetMt too*«rp»w«r tb# Ueltad
aad three children. He wm toe only
V T.—Aelre R y-olda
im. Bifsad tbetreaty »BdB by the
able to turn away from aoyHeetiBCe lor tbe ooslur week wUl broiaer of Mra Barry.
•tolM troo^ be" I aalaer.
ladlana whereby Cbloaro
^;.beheldaefonowaia tks Baptkt and
•VtB BTB unrltf tb* lBB«rrut ob
tbing eo say 00thBeeretary-Xabel Bixrwa.
•awloB of tbe white «bb. Qtief
Jnmpedand Broke Ba lleeh.
ABriBia WBT «poB tba AaertaBBBioH of a woman.
Awb’ant *<-creUry—Boy Loedlng.
»Uf too- timtnl OUb •foa epoststaayoftbebeai yeaia cd
Moaday SveslBg.
Mew York. Jaa. »*.—»»->rce B-o-rn.
We hare in etoek all the
FiaaBclal *eeTet*rT—May Boylaglon.
list be bM tbe eltaBUoa waU la b*»d hb lUe latrylairto eolleci fro* the, Best Bide—Bwre- CoebUs, Oaraaa. a fare*er llTing at N ■» eo-ri. L*or
the Pottawasib oUIb of ; 8Bl(bery:'icrr«08. Ooehlla.
Md tbat tbera b so fear of e—leee
famous perfumes msde by
lalaad. broke bu aadrbyj«i*plag f'on
•100,000 aad two yeaim ago tbe
-Clam Montolla
towble; tbes tbat Agalaaldo b ready
Weet Bide-Bera. Joaee, Wrigbt.
window of hU koaae. which wa*
•Bieger tbe CaliforaU PerSeatiaal -Ario 1^
n MBt tbe OaUod thatoa to as asba- dalawaepald.
Bready. Eeo*ees eerawo. Bready.
afire, tbl* Boraiag.
Be rblied Preset Lla^ eooa
Piaabt—Bwtba Bro*rB<
Uesdjnt-eat of tbediOealty. »uTareday Xrealag.
Gunther's Chooolatea, aod
A lltrriry oootrat will be a fa
toetoytchotbabei SUaUar rop^ BtWrbblaaagaiatioa.belac tbe ftrat
BMtSlde- Be«. Wright, Joaee. <brtoe
goods—wtto 11-— are alteraatiac anry few todba ererlB the While Boaee, atd —aa; eermw. Jooea.
Waabiagtoo. Jaa. M —Attbe reqarnt
ton. Eeally we ee«B to baow p^ latereiewed Oeaeral Orast there la
Side—l>ra. _____
Ooehlla. otCoagreermaa Bnltb. Jnaeph P. Al­
trsclive packages.
•tototy Botblof aboat tbe ettaatlcfc irit. Be bad an eorlahle repawii** Beo»eh. Uabbery; aenaoe. Saltbeiy.
ien. toe new*bAT*'--Holeefcirin*a*eitg«r
Wedotoday K*bbI. g
■•••epr. libealetopfadlotlbBt- •.apatoUeepeakec.hbeeotUseoto br-:
la tbe Urabd Bapld* pwu.fll -a. wa* ap1^4 siie-kera W^bl. Ow*lln. p-rlated tod»T. to begin hto doUre oo
tmmrn M tbe treaty ^peaee b dUpoe^ lag rBtberpalheUoaodhta addraewe
Brradj; aer^. Wrighu
d AeftDlte aewe will eoete too— tbe betraylBg kladaea. of heart aad eaia-1
rhUlppioee; BBd II tbe treaty b oot eatoeeB of thoegbt.
| Weel 8lde-Re»*. Joaea. •elebery.
Orip'B Hae^ge* Doomed.
ntit'd. tbea tbe work of tbe Bd»lotaQBiaau: terBoa. Cbraona.
M-rr an.!
an.-l *o auoy death*
tostioB wUl be all tbe harder aad Ure to eeebb people reeelre tbta bob
Tbamday Xeeolng.
i»ed bytteOrlptbalewT
beee bee*
ey. aod la tbb be waegraUSod. Tbry,
8a*t Bids—Rem OochUo, BaUbery. oae
wlU fellow.
enow what a wonderftl
abnold' knoi
like awel lodlaa*. were ImproTldooi. Oaraan; aerann. 8al*b*ry.
hi* malady b foead In
Tn aiy of Baffalo baa eabeerib
aad with the aid of aapriaelpled white
_.j*<og .lobbara coogh.
•beat oae mUlioa doUare towarde
. aoooapeet tbelr ebare of tbe Beaecb, June.; *erBoa. Bea*ch.
yoor throaa. ro*w y,>* o« .'eep, weak­
cy. Pokagoo Uaiaalt diad la por.
Fnday Beealag.
attP-W**** “
en* yoor .eneax aod pare* toe w*y for
MtrSorta to perfeot pUaeJor tbe arty.
___________ •
Baat Side—Bern Jeoea,
Wrigbt. ConanmoUr-n i* q.kVly .lonprd by UiU
If they ache—get a bot­

Ibtrolt deplore* tbe laeei.le-."ite. iryou
you ha*L
Broady; iwaior. Bready.
freer, naia In tor barir of the bead,
Went Bide—Bae. Cooblln. Beaaeh, •oeotiea* la bnnra andI rnaac
tle of Rose’s Corn Core
BaUbery; aeriaoa. Cocblla.
tbraal aad tbat rotirlb tor
bSale a* a brUlUat eaaiBpla. Detroit Furatohed by lb# Boepectie* Ohn«*#e
— 15c — aad take them
____aTier, JOB aerd l>r K og** New
Mto to be elow about pe^Ue eaterDiaonrery to core your cSrip. aad pre•aacB (aptacorai.) cavaca.
out—It don’t make the tuaUm* Air MMWwrto «w AUrin. (*m
Trot Paeamonl* or 0>B*omn«loB. Price {
miam. bet of Uu tear* bae dtaplayed Bee. Oa*a T. awwv BacMr.
Mr. aad Mra L A. Habbell of Maoaod 91 uo
Mooey back If not
‘*?liTS3£**Si'MrmrtU* of UrJ* w»»^*
Ooraer Waablagtoaetroet and Board•a UeUaaUoB to get la tbe froat raak
foot sore.
A trial hoUlr
tOB. are «!alt»g E. W. Habbell and |cn^.
bntllr bxttlt
bottl tree at Vbr
Wttb other eltice of ber claM- How Baa aeaaaa
drag 'atoraa of B. E. Wait and J. U Jobaunily of Blau atreet.
: <l™r
Boly eoBBaalea at »:40 a. m.
tore b Detroit** grand oppertaalty and
Moraiag eareio* and eeraoa at ID:W
tow* eboald be eooagb eatoiprl** la
Park Place yeaUrJay.
todtelty teaBrryoottba propoaed *>•
Allay Tboaaa rrtaraed laat night
-(•nirm plea. What Detroit laek* la
Bnaday aekoel at U:W m.
!om Empire.
Breaiag aereleo and oorsoa
bar'- b*weTer,,iaay be Inaorted tooB
A. Kaan aad daagblar, Uba Euie.
totoe of the Bor* eaterprUlag aOe* la
A cordial welooat* to all.
arrleed In to* city laat eTenlog from
-raiuro* eauaca.
•fcoetat*. ____________
Maobt--* for a abort rialt with frirnd*. ;
1 M. Winnie retarnedymterdiy from
Wau lb# Oalted Btate* aeoate take*
Beaday tobool at «:lt.
a boalnee* trip to Pomona. Mieb.
— toe treaty of p*aa*oa tbe elatb of
Prmeblag *er»lo* 11:00.
Fred F. Stearaa of thU eitr. wbo b
fbbraary tbeoooBiry will b. adrlw-d
C. B mecllDg at i:ii.
iraTallng aalaaman for a paint and oil
to to wbetber toe ralor of Adalral
DatOD BoeUag 7:00 p. b.
company, arrired In the city Uatnlgbt
eeamea flgarod
Preaeblrtg in to* cee^ag by Bee. M from ManUUe. Be wUI Icar* early p,roteebal«.bOWOc-h.tb.
B. Beaecb. of Second M. E. churcb.
tomoreow Skoratag to conUnne bb
toWBetblog wMaeeoBpltobedby Ua
Bee a. toMwr. P**Mr.
kior MlUIken came ap from Laa
Ohareb oB earner of Ptb aad Wade- Mag Fr day night to look after bailDrewtttea
area aad retaraed on the afurnooa ..
worth atreeta.
Saadey aereleea ae fellow*;
Petoakey aad Baat Jordan,
ft IS
Prank Friodricb waa la Maaeelonal
Preaching at lOiW a b.
toaorta aoeldeat elalB* plenty wbleh
There wlU be no aerrloee la too
^p* blB boaj adjaatlag toe
«b* Begiaaw oompaay bar* tbrw lag owing to to* aatoa eerrio* to be
To remember.-Yonr grocer is authorized
from Nebraaka. where be waa called].
Ibpinn-* caaaa at to* grip repotted held at the Friend, ehnreh.
It y«._.
.............. of faraltare.
on aoc -ant of toe death of bb brother- f To ^eUy
your oarebaae*
We hare fart >»cen to toe largoet feralla-law by aceldeaU_________
. tare MpOAiUtn ever kaowa io the
to refund your money if our “BEST" flour
A oordlal larltotioa i* esteadod to B.».J.C.Ciww*aP»«w.
Iwoiiridand we t>.d Uutereeytolag b*»
10:10 pablie worship.
•U yoaog ladlB to attend lb* Beetlag
Little Eutb Datoab Party.
idvaiKod. Mirror pl*U hi* admoeed
SerBoo. Moraiag aabjeet: ••What
g| to* Foreign Hl**loiiaiT eooletj of
is not just as recommended.
Little Raw D*eha eaUrtoiaed » of otrr «o per ceai. •oyoacma
too ■raagoUoal obareh to be bald at t
berfriea<Uya*i.urday affarauoa with a •^
gWock tbl* aftemooB with Mta Bar- TbaTorao aty.“ Bee. *:Teielgb ride mad p.riy la honor of her
U:4» Bible BatooL
tog Aaderw*.
«tb birthday. Mr* Dube wa* help­
»;ttYoaagPeople'i Beating
*. w. Ha*Ung* aad B. F. Ferrla
ed by Mm Brerard and Mm Ueoll7; p. B. BQloa rerleal erreloe.
bae* been drawn tor the grand Jury at
maaul. The afurnooa wa* spent la
too ae>t tana of United Biatee ooart at
tba enjoymeat of g*mm Ice cream,
•ee. P.OMaU«.»*«er.
House FuruisbiDg Store.
toaad Bapld*.
cake aod eaod* in additica to the ride
Beraon at 10:W a. b.
aad the ehildrea enjoyed the after. ^
Mia. B. W. Babboll It eoiy iU at
New Storef 120 Front Street.
Saaday aebool at aeoo.
bjTp- OB Btatrauoet. Bbe U aaarrlag
coon very mneh.
Jealor Society of Chrlatl^ B
vUb a oerore alUek of tbe grip.
Mr SUur'aPAlin*
Mto MarioB Pratt rataeaed yeator oratIpB.
Tooag People'* Society of Cbrlatlaa
J. W. Slaur rwulTod • eblpmeal of
toy toon 0.borae. where »be baa beei
aatnral palm* ymurday and aome of
ttoT^‘-r eebooi the pa*t three Boatbr
Union erreieao at 7 ». b. 8*raoa by toem are now adonilBg toe abow win­
4ltor a two Boaih*' eaeatloa. ak<
Bee. J. Oaratan. Bolo by MIm Brelyn dow of bb teraiiare aura.
arm go back and teach aaotber tena.
Morgan. All B0Bber*of the ebolr are
Before they are iraaaporud from
Ob Monday , eeenlng. Febraary 6, re<)aaitod to BO*t In tba *tady a few
tbelr natlT* eoanuy. the palm* are
1^* wUl be a baU la OolaBbla baU.
^alM before 7 o'clockembalmed. Afur wbieb they will rtMr. tad Mra Peter Olaoa reeeleed \
mala Vtaral tor a great maay yearn
lltor boB* yeeierday a bright b*l7
called to Mew York Stab*.
Jalla* Jo^aeoa 1. laid ap with B«T. J. W. MlUer.
F. Perkett loealTed a ulegram
•totoer atuik of tbe Oabaa ferer.
yeeierday aBBoaaelBg to* death i>f bb
beotoar. Oli»*g Peikatt, of WlUaboro.
Tbe eoBBlttee of tbe Balght* of
Trtola*B«tlaet night la the oBee of
New York. »ho died yeetenUy of eoo^wortb Laagaa at Srit a. m.
aampUoB. Mr. Perkett left last night
A. W. Bldkerd to prepare epeoiaeaOon*
for WUbbaro to attaad toe faaaraL
tor faraltare aad ftztare* for to*
The Death ptMoed.
•tor lodge rooB* in the ae* Maania
Mm Baraaby Bhaak of Leak
baUdlag jtMeapeeiedtbat toe oatBran Jone*. oa* of tbe meat promla- .
•eaaty. dbd Friday sight at tbe borne
of ber daagbur. Mr* M. HoUlager. of .At figara* la toe PopoUst party, died 1
Deeaased wa* eeraatf at bb home at Fort Worth Friday <
wa* on tbe national Popalbt ^
year* of age aad baa been aaCerlag the
ObplalB aad Mm Joaepb Klaneea ps*l Ibree yean wltoaeaaeer. Hb* Ueket-wito Wearar and wa* also con- |
mepleaeaatty •arprleed laet algbt wu aa old ploaew of LeelaMa coaaty.
tioaal eandidau on toe Popalbt I
to toelr boete ua DirUloBalraet. Aboat
Tba funeral wUl b* trom to* bona* Ueket two year* ago.
•waaiySr* tolead* aad aclgbbote eall- Monday moraiag at eleTea o'clock.
•iaaaxp'eiedly aad laforBod lb* eaBewto
tooBed ootola that they bad-------—
than *kln |
Good look* are reall
Ocoed oa Acaosat of too Orip.
onabraiUi^' I
apaad to* eeealag.
of all toe riial organ*,
The tiB* wee delightfally apeat la
toadeg. card playfag aad Baele. Daloof grip in to* dbtriet. look: if yoor alomach be dbordered,
1g rafreabmeau wore eereed.
yoabaTeadyapeptlclook; If your kid­
Mb* Jalia Needham of tbb elty b ary* be afUcled. yoo hsTcaidacbod
look. Bacare goodI hralik.
hmlik. and .y.m
Doable Birthday Party.
will aunJy ba»e loolm "Eiectj
"ElectricMl*. WlU AbboU aad Mm B. Ortfnd Toni
Bateruined by Tbomaa BeMw.
ectly on toe atomsefa. lieer *nd
•to of Wc*t Berwto aueet eatorulaed
1‘arifia* toe blood, cures pirnorya. Paris**
Ls*talgbtafaw frleeda of Thomas
•beat tweatylee little folk* at the
and boll*, and gl>
BeamaaUed npoablm asd war* Wen*
Bob* of tke latter. The party
iMBWot to* ft'th Mrtoday Of Mie. aatly enurtoiard. M**k, famei and
AbbpttbllitleeeaaadtoefoortoWrto- ■oetal ptaamir** farmed tk* larpgraM s. Walt aad J. G. Johian
A^af MraOrUMtobUMo buy.

ml BbbM MtTiow is ▼•r-

The Most
.Esthetic Taste

. Jas,G. Johnson


Blaiiie Your

B. N. Rosttstrii.

R^Want AdsE


Good Thing






Can be fitted up at a very small cost fi-om our :
f-Ji^dsome sets of antique and polished oak,;
: birch or birds eye maple. They will give your ^
rooms a touch of simshine and cheerfulness in :
: winter and look light and cool in summer—Our
: stock of Bedroom Furniture is worthy of your
: attention, and at the prices we have marked
; on it every article becomes a bargain.


»H>«o«Kaio*»oomt. eg»i>^T.j4Jnij>jT at. laat
I THE RETiRE6\BUR«gj«l<;
r Hi w im)»
a«-« thMK or

BeneraV "Ktmh dims


mn. «M

«M' br^lwy Ww» •* tMa.
Ter ^'iomg time alter I bad giram
, tiortome.- eaM <bft nOred botsiftr.
bait rnat dlOco 17 lb ftecommodai^ mjaelt to tbe ««dlBftrT cmmUUom

rtoiift^t. Wft* pUjrtor

Mi o«i ft piftft. tar IX..
lift- *•“There
» rortan tblnt*
were 1
far tbe eatirc dabt from tba «pa:aa’B atanit ilila that mWbt berer oeewr to
•pla aad maklw II a aaemortal U> pen at all. Kor lsabtB<«. lb tboar dapa.
wBMItft.awMr «Ml4
rmO, bfti i Klftft rrftftM B. WllUrd bVedlof ftU if i come beoie late at nlftfat. that la.
----------------------------------------- ftt tbe hour at »l.lcb fortuerip I bad
«4far»ue tie
MirpM to maenar* fraM omoft*
peofle'a boue>«. I oerer
•Uailoft at tbe Uaiplaoa Feb. 17. tbe
la at tap ow8 front door; I naed
dret aaaieer^ of MIm Wniard'a to go In at a etdiar window. And^^^
Oft rrUftj Bmparar WUUftm rMaiffti -baarcalp bUtbdi
the WrtMft7 eearrfttBjfttloftft of ble a dietde tb e ftaiM.OOO oaeawaty to frea >MTe
e ft
ft cellar vlailow
lamUp, ftftd alter a ap*^ aarrkw la >balloiac from debt law 00.000 ebaiaft u-t It liae'perfiiij ea«7 for me
the abftpftl of ibe maiU. be baU a ra- of dioofteb. ie amatioK witb baartp in- pet In.
aoptioft. Balaea tbe aarrlea, bia amj*- rtoneateai anil wi onaravoa
, .
_ .
.. ffttber. aboni * oVb«-k. when I pot
<7 raftolfed tba Oerama aoraraiffte asd
ftnowaaa wood, a HapobileaB pou- troaod to ttwt window. 1 found It
VIImm wbo bad ofriead U BmUa for tiaaa. Udrad nt Knnaktaaf Indiana, faateoed. and I knew well eaoorb wbat
tba oeeaeixn. aod Um oiber prlaom aad tba Tlotlm of a praeUeal lobe. Wblla »«a‘l haiipened. Mj wife bad a perftlt^ bbnoiaio
fthBniata waa
waa on
m bU
hta anj
wa* boaae
»------ f«^ bortoT of^
barxtora. and
1 koew aha
prtftpiam of the royal family.
•hM kft fftU

^W??t?fT???t?T?TfTTn?TT??TWTf?TT?T?T?TW???!TW?TE ^


o> Uft ftlftc*, »■• ft

All of Steinbtrg'e news is apeciel, or it wouldn’t Iw printed— ^

•mhviM. kftoiTB •• thft “Tlifta."

Bobart Williaaia wboBaarrMbtapbooA. Da«tlaa.totbasatiiM othk poliUaal aaeaftT. aad who wae om of tba
wai brUUftfti Icaraa la WftablartM
wUtf lUa ftlaea the aapa of Itolij
Madiftflo. died at bar raaidaaae to
Woabiftftoo rridftp. Bba waaa Mi«
AdoU OftUd, ft darter od^aeaaa Madimm Ofttla. ooaa aompIroUar of tba traae-

from a danea. Wood aad tbroa ooa- nie ftad eeen the window nnfaMeeied
paalooa. wbo tboapht to trbrbtoft tibo- nad tamed the buitone. Bat that waa
■ftia. Jaeepod ootof tba bosbea and no tiap«dln>mt to lue; It msde me

kilUftf Wood. When told of bit dU“Bealdfa harlDf a horror of bnrpUta
uae naftaeaw ten acHae ana aaa aot mp wife wan rn-at on ftlrklee and pre>
baea beard of itnrr
aerrca and )eme« nnd ilmt aort of
Tbe Btoamer CotUfe Qtj. from Al^
^own eellar on n hnoftaekA briufe newa that a number of inc ahelf. r<>R«UUttp of a alee broad
Ooppar Hear proapactore perUbed In pUnk onqwDded bp aide ple<»n nailed



... ...... to “JJ-S3'? ""'‘Xni

kto bto. to.. T.....

I |ot turned In Ruiue wap eo that I
a* In dancer of fallv. and I threw

kfttaba wee dead wka tbep arrlTed. and oompeltod him to po on witbool
Beftiemrrto tall a frieod of ble wlte'e him.
the bop tap down in the
4i^a»dwfta fowatortof tbe boneetaaowtodto HI. body will
la wkleb bnr body Up. when he wm|
arrer he recovered.
reoorered. Tb.
Tbe father re^rbreachftaddeblp etriekea down. Tba aameijedTwelvrMilenampeeryhadIpfrowm
lad Twelve Mile flamp very badly froceo
Bootorewbobad beea enmmoaad for and le not rzpaewa
rxpacMo to Ilea.
Mra. Beator were eatUd to: bat afah
Tku.,to^.»—..tok. k—
ebay b«m toe Uto, for Benlorwa the poneloa approprtatloa MU. It c-ar4md. Hn. Bentorie daatb waa eaneo
ky heart dieeaee. aod bar baebaad naeOftmhad to apopleap.

«-Uar botioiu- end I went down euion*
"^"*1 t

tbai eheir—and uaiurallp enuncb
le R|>ori
chiaed «.rer ll»- l»«rd. And ihe
end of
of li wee that I ranked

fan thai..^
tbatyfM more to bribe tnie back
to tbe waps of other |ieuf>ie
iwupie (fa
than any-

tbe hdblla of (be boaae. Up (be tinw
l wae ebb- to eu «mt aceln. indeed. I
bad dultc fallen Ifale Ibe onlliuirr ware
and hours of livlny I uol ni' when
ollter pMHdo did aud «-au>e la eftrip
nlclil*. and •■Blue In wiili a nlftbt kep
At CooeUttUaopU HalUn Abdel Ha«M made bU aonoal riall to thamboel A PatbMIe PMerv Tee rraqaaettp Piw- iDeliiid of a jiniw}'. Juet fta natorul
aa tvulU be.'
Mated le tbe BMiaeee WerlA
^ water Friday to klae toe mantle of
Be le a tamilier flicont in aUnoat er-;
------(be propbrt. 'rha
■ srp boeluva luiu*>—Uio old clerk. 1 __
amonlee were obaerved.
, Wblte baited, ihiit wHb clutbni that
•’"»??' almm tbe Kmu-bmen
the waek to. polie. bav. bma ukinr ^ .Iway. rf d«v«t bUck mnl --™,.o.
ftstnordlaarp prMantloDe to eeenra ble jou^iy ic^itoed. he baa sui bobUd toe
majrety'eeatetpaadmaoparreetobavelmme d«k or «to.xJ behind the m(i,e ,uirr*\Ar «i.-m In Prance. Searlp
terdap they vteitod all. oonntcr fur dour kotnre b<nd mabp ;
toe drofetorea aad
" by dwrik-r* In iliai HU'- Tbep are
of peUah.
all toe depoalw of
tliuin wo meet him in (be mrly nmm- carefully rvan-l for th- i.iirpo^- In rtdone to aUevUta toe ealun-eif*
. lull polUit dowu ti> nflkR-ur atm. walk- temdre ennil ftonlene In the.provlnfee
feat of bainc attacked by eeploalvca.
trod for SO or and frd
"ronnil.- Ii. rl« i<. rlvr them
TwommbedmaanatorMa booMoa BO ytorewUh a reauUrity w) pcrf.tft • Oor


,rr coneWemi rerp nutriwue. Up.Ii.dMb etair that ihey eoalaJn 17 irt
iwui nlinj*vbi.u« mener aud that ih.-p
are equal to upet'-ra In nuirlUre propcrtlre.
»‘ialle arc nlao cxton.lrely need as an
aril'-b- "f

... . -


indi-vil. ilM- haldt of ana..a as food taae

lie lesitill UhoriuK ovi-rbiic; Hlnwlp luit k!‘.‘*y'*!Jniu^-a
enrelp il la l»'iug Urw lu <ai lum tiuil________
aied Liverpool.
ho oaniud cuuiti'’t« witb tlvm.
dimsw »
Tba peoeion bnraan Friday graatod
In lln-uieujijHr'siillire to-is airmdp ' WrltlnE of di«<-:iw-« of
<h the
mr memory,
a ranatoa ot til a mjDtototoe widow UwauiiigH
-■ an IntcrvRlIni
ISostoium ham ■ |tii>elaii dwIiT .rirei
nvvunl of Muu<- of (In- tR-vrutrltHlre ->l
if'chiaf Yeoman Oaorgo B- Bl»fc toe ' u-Jim'to.^InilpL___
.. .............
11 Ilf ___________
bis aliiwnee
o«lp mas In oor navy kUlsd at danU-1 aiau. not int.-utionallp enwl. ««11«1 .mt hi- iwik-uni.^ lu^ rr-V>«rto’hl* wiTklnS
____ __ .



-jl» an

^Cowaitou him
-mh Hv,iil.t«1
,k.h.'. oldfi»ll A —•-•
edrire h.- liaU iIwea
Imublrd with
with nn
Bills eaae from Feorla. IIL
Uiat he bad ' not ■l*“'l“>‘' fftUUff
A dUpetcb from Boms aaps that -..CM . »u„a, .ni .J.,1 ,hj th.,

omAllpus ie raeaglag toe abpaalniaa
ftrmpoadc'riommaftdofBae Hakonea toiitt, and it •.•UHl.vl hk.< toe knell nf
..„,itT-lv forp.iien. \Vl«-n
and toat Bm Hiebeal, aanond la i
rayatred In
that toe tune is uuJiug when he most w-riting
kl, wbi.'lt Iw had half
n-mfmlu'rod (be Aral
with tbe dlMse.
Ho lw« sir.ii ll bn|ii«-ii hefuro wilb |H.IiiIim1 -.................
. .
aaluTs. )''ir>-l hr will Iw rotired tn aome half. Inil rouhl nut 1 U how hr had
The loageei power Uansmleataa apednamiimui. with Iren work and lim-nd.-d to HuIrU K.
> renn'mbrr wlwlhi-r be bad
tom In tbe wor,d. toat eibieb eeppllea',^ ^
,^,rtnbrr for a mwWe-------------toe oltp of Loa Angles CM . wlto alec . it,„o the niMiv ycais .d faithful ••rxica dlurd.
mtoUy'bllh power
j“ .tTfrlT iT'r^l'.ri^'1'm-‘ tohV’bnad of to. bant. Aon* river, I. oom- eu^l ImHinnluK. to pr.R|.-ut ..^th.
hli;}r, wlto Ih! «.
ntotod Tb* eyewni baa oceopled aav-i Then altpr a tiim- ihup will form iihrew-R Hr woi'hl lila.i a ganir of
rards r.
ratvUiUp and w*-ll; llvr uilnub'ft
mml rmn ta bnlldiai;. a»d bM eaneed : ^
«*«» »*«
1 alowi-r ihau twuiU or sotne luis- ^(.raanl hr «i>uel
>el mruilon thsi
thal nr
ww'ka. illIll- would
> has pBaas] nuuolicvRl bp hladilu tiad u»l plavcd forr wre-ka.
•p, Tb* wire* antor ^ eltp to aadsi ej-« cLcr will wma for him to otnnr to ,aj -^li—...............tiKimllx" wbrn
- thr doriot
CTowad ocwdaltotbe |XRsddi-nl'* room, and be will be amir his drat visit of tor dap. but did
told toat torp think it bust n pnl a bop iioi remruilMT tbr
tb* London Time* tnye; “A plot to aa- in that dt-jmrtiureit—eomrbody wbo U tatw ■*
« toft enttan bas bees dftooftae- pooiw and qotek and can get aboat >
•A bp ooneplrfttoc*. bnt ito ^ioe. bp fwlilly bumctlmre they give him • '
of’ toa 11»^ pimeiuii. •Ju-m-r u A but to «• j Thr rvararch Into poi»oUr brUrfe l»

___ ^
i thcr ca» be gore out a poor. towA bro- aa al-orblng ami nol a preBUreaeiud.v.
plouan naabtod ftfteftrwl otoen « •►}
old man. Tbry talk io him
m- hcarre ip a dap i«aare that wr do n
Joying Irlrire. but be has nn.-r ^anxd run arreee aomr pirrr
pirrr of
of gaprrsd
Tb* aaiemie dUtortmaoe* wbtob be- toe art of idling, and an lie haamaboot that daire, in om- form or abothw,
a tar *Dtl<)ulip. Balt is apilird
tm to toe FalopoMane or aMto«n too Btore alKTbe is diniusaed, Walk- from
■I talile, aod wr Jrei with our nrlgbu*r
part of toe kiogdom of Ornoe*. last im by it tlm^h stovr forre of %bik
(hr proaiw: of » q.iarreU'
qiwrreU half
Bftadap mornior aad whmb have ooa-1 To otoirn it
nauoatpUo ^>uKb t„.,living In (hr elgn. thoiisb we map
k.... ..
_____ ....
.•(.« .Uk
iittmitlv to toe gonto-1 “
To him
u is *k..
too manaoknow'luat (hr Ibnoaus
^u to
Semr^k *qr .Ih.wI. at v^U and
«f Uto
Uto Mtolato 1 »«“
,.,jH Ihe wldrai'n-ad beUrf that the
•t vrrp vioiant agaia Frldey,
i^,r untoT .W stwl
howllTie of Hi.- doc r..Tvl. ll* di-Bih. hut
fotft* iI Hmi
(Iml .i:t .I,-:.' .tfr»« niHR-*:»r*
toftdieuicuyl Kypereta. op too ««lf,
j ^,j
^ h.-..:i - ihri n* forc<
to thr d.T the o«oer of meetoAnadla. a aunber to hoaaes faU-hae left Blank A Blank's and b„
bae KJt
{.-A anBlgned
- ”
arei^T from _
.be worW of epWie.
Friday aturnoon Tb* tobabliaoto of too old to work.—Sew Orhsuu FiuaThr -vrrsMlay ••nsioni le
to* ingioB are pule atrtokuF«u»a
. '__________
, toMaitW the 'nurarry Jloile map hr
irarMl ln<-fc to an nricin in thr world'*
t of to* I
■ow toPTWToat Faeamoftle.
|■a^^-|l<M>•l; tbe lanilUer lalrr
Butaa elte at a aioner table even a* toe
Ton are arrham ateare tost nu»-' a l'l'-h drlighi* alnriiR ntb remtury rbllhost ud thrre are tadtoa preeiaU he U
alwftpa eerv«d drst. aa wlto alt otoftr
ralan. It isuold cueioneobaarecd to
all ooao trie*
Th* must iateaa* eold
Ibroftgboal caaurn Aiutri*. .TwogenAarmea have been fn sea to dcato IW
mUftaaortoaul to Badapeek Other
auto are reported to peaaanu oeanakbp toft aiorm akd frotaa.
The CBlcftgo Toftftg Paopteb CBrto

Oar Rmaflalilii OM-lartw Off Salel

Will continue until February 16tb, giving the people a cbauce to secure any overcoat, any ulster, any suit, any pair of;
trousere in our entire stock at a straight 26 per cent, die- .=
oouht from the extremely low prices which are prevalent in '
this stora If you'll let us show you the goods we'll convinoe ;
^ you that they are right-and the prices will be so low that :
you can hardly bear them.



“ ic. JTSSS to s; ^ Your Monry Back If You Want It.
wbeb I <dM In that aigiit

aad aon k parUcnUrly aad.
fttartcdforTaldee, batoarettlnrwrU
II Beator. a wboUpala Amr dealer toward tbe aommU of tbe flae«r.
of BrooUpft. aod hb wife Idn had aw
ftaoded a theater TbnrMap oreolaf. aad
mmeoa the wap borne, wben Mra. Ira wrtfpplar for hie feet and a* a re; Boater fell to tbe eldewa.k. dbe wne t eolt both ol the ton'i lap* »af« fmean

eaiuaouA wne 01 toe va|Mcwe nawwo leading ov.t Lu l.vliji-r. for b« work.
Mateamama madeaome mekianea, aad 1 giOTvjy onwadap• awl tutua work viT-r»ftft)tota
a««l killed him. Tbep time to make np h« accoouia. HUepw
le toalf a
' idv are Iwiiak thi'ir
Cbleago "III oapplF B»»W "lib 10.and 1». brain iti
•W eoaob and 'bu boraaa. They are ■wUtueaa Ue dowiuot nDdereund it.
« from different parU of llUnola

What we are going to tell pou le that

mWto.^?r?l«'it^ a loir.1 dren to tor,id In r.rjln* f«nn. to all

from SB attack of U grippe
Dariog: rewnirii-e. |R>lutlng m a ■7»“«>»;>n
toe eoldrmir to la grippe e frw pears In a rrmotr age. rml<odylng old .\ryan
ago whan *0 meep case* rean'.lad in. m.vUM. *bd givlnc ns.lnlrreeiing InpoenmAols. It Wa* oWrred that the | fonnatloo of Ihr eonre-ptlrei- of our
ailaek wee never followed bv that' aniR-stcr« rrgRrdlag Batutv and taumao
dtamee when Chauberlsin'e Crrgh Ufe.
Beinedp area naed. U ceunteraeie any'

laiKl-arptoa eoUor larrippeto re-1
Albamee Pknev.
ftsltin that dangernoe dtseasa. Uts^^Tlwr than>(nn egga are tmid
toa bast rem> dp to toe world tor bad Wory yrer in thU rei.utry tar wMng


KlUlMl Dry 6NdS, Cirpet aH CMUM How ^



Has been extended to the end of this week. Although two-thirds
of our totel sales for the laet few days have been in our linen de­
partment, yet the fact remains that the weather has been great- ,
ly against ue, and it demonstrates the amount of business we
would have done had tbe weather been fair.
Tbe stock has been cut into ccnEldeisble, yet enough
remains to satisfy the trade' with every item advertised for the
time epecifled.
Look well Into your stock of linena If your table cloth has
worn thin, perhaps to last a few more months, do not lose tbe
chance to stock up for tbe year as linen sales do not come every
day. Fbr the-benefit of those who have not heard of our sale
we repeat some of the-eiieclal bargains in our

2S00 yards all linen ^tevens
crash, per yard...........................
'JSOO yards all linen twill Stevens crash, per yard.....................
3000 yards all linen checked
toweling, per yard ....'...........
18 inch damask toweling, worth

15c. for........................



72 inch alllinen white damask, JQm
worth 75c per yard^for.......... Wu
72 in. all linen white satin dam- TQp
ask. worth #1.00 per yard, for fOu
72 in. all Knen white satin dam- QQn
ask worth $1.15 per yard, for. Qull
Kapkins To Matcfasize bleached fine nap- ft! A A
kins, worth |),75, for....... V I sZu
14 size bleached fine nap­
kins worth #2.75, for.


^ size bleached fine nap- A A A A
kins, worth $3.50. for....... «ZtUU
72 iyich half bleached all linen AA4ama8h, worth 50 cents, for.. uOC
72 inch half bleached all linen 1 A^
damask, worth 65 cents, for .. tOC
^ 54 inch nnbleached linen dam" ask, worth 35 cents, for......... Ztu
Turkey red table cloth, worth I J ^
,20 cents, for......................
Best quality oil boiled tnrkey red
table doth, worth 60 cents, JA^
45*27 pure linen buck towels,
worth 35c, for........................
36x18 pure linen buck towels.
worth 15c. for.........................
Checked cotton towels

I A,.
| UG

«ch....................................... /C

It will pay you to attend this special sale to replenish your linen stock for
this year. We invite you cordially to visit us during this sale, whether yon bay
or not, ff it is only to admire oor display of dainty and snowy white articles of
tbe flax spinners’ ingenuity.
' . .

The Boston Store,
Front Street



tu auuura mmoqmp. BunvAr. iasvamt sa, mm.

Two more days and the slaughter of all winter roods is at an end—Thd prices we quote muit crowd a two weeks* business into the re­
maining two days—Konday and Tuesday—Bear in mind wh«n purchasing at this store you're getting

Men’s Suits.

Men’s O’coats. Men’s Ulsters. Boy’s O’coats.

Tooeorraw wo place on aale
a lot of SS4 SoewBita Uiat we
mM at fl2.fiO, $10 aad $9.60

Oor entire line (aboot 61)
all Ibal’a left-the Uod that
■old at $10; $». r-60. fS-BO,
$6. for

A email lot on hand, bot
to olean them oat yoo oea
get a regnlar $1&60, $10. $9,
(if we bare yonr else)

Any and all tif them—for
boy'e of 4 to 16 - from the
cbenpeet to tbe beet are
yonre on

■oifan an) Taasdar,

Maaday aid Taasdiy,

llaadaii aad Tadsday,
Far Oily

Maaday lad Tatsday,






Boy’s Ulsters.
Age 13 to 19 - good and
■ henry, with big etorm eoUar.
Some are worth up to $10—
oome, pick aa yoo like.

Maaday aad Taasday,
far aaly

Par Caai Discauat. * '

The baUnoe. of our winter
underwear moat be told—we
pat all tbe $1 garmeuta on
one table and yon uke 'em


Maaday aad Tuesday,
at ally



S. BE3SrX)-A. <fc OO.

184 Front Street. A. V. Friedrich Block.

I ^oVA. 0^ 'Klvc\vv^aTv.
I SViort, ^xes\v "N-cvos SVox'vts
TlM %ot»i bnidod todobi
I of BBiroriiif trom » eooocr of ll
dMUloe t> lU.OOO.
roporM tlaot »bo i_________
■O^Bwr Chrioiophor Ooluaboo. om of
tk* poUooi •woUowed o op*.
iho UffMt r*—*-f— boou of k«r ktod Mkdle power electric balb Hfbw No
M tke Ukee. will ehoofe her rooie
»>• diMoeored. end otur
M^oeMBor.udUiet Borbor Spelon
tfeouoent Mr. Soell will be

«> w <« ,r b„


„ „jjd

Unmrl, o( VM,U^w »..v. W»1 p,,, j„ n, p„p,„
tbe doorm cod wlodowe ood » pealc »1
BMt eoiaed. ruriaaotelj oobod/ wm
‘&l Oread Beplda Jobn Jot
Tbe Are wm eiUo90006 Ijrlar OB tbe eldewelk with bU roiobed before nBcbdemefe «m done,
iwkall freetered ead bb leg brokeo. Be. Setkool wm areU eelled iotbeefierwroot to a deooe beeeme drank ead uooa.
•woat Into ea eote-roota to eleep U o« |
»>*n»en la ■oatbweitera MieblgeB
Be WM locked ap ead by eome aiMa. rep .rt growing wbeet la e eery bed
«U»b«l tbroagh tbe window end fell , condition. For eererel we«ke put the
rnmad bM been bore of enow ead
Berml eeree of core la Monroe cona- wbeet bM been eubiected to freerlng
*gg renelne nnboeked, one ferner ia ‘ end tbawlng. It will eererrly effect
Skeur beTlag tS eeree out.
I tbe crope.
Ooeefeaeaea HtrpiMoiaa U liaproT.: A Uae of Bet bottoaed boete to be '
tagelowly. AildeogwbaotyetpeM-,'^" ‘'X electric aatore, te projectea
Wd. batobMaptoae are awe taeor- froa Oned Kepide to Oread Qeeen . o
xierr (jt aect enneer. It b
aim „
I P-P".!
lb. .oMI-.' k». lb 0„bd

■bpia. ol I. iMbp.: Bi™.a»l.l.r.
Oibba E.pia^ .'b Hibbifui w«- a. •" *'>■'
f C.ialoo H

aia . bibb I. .ia.„ ... .i ib«n

1 Oup One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale |
$8.00 Shoes
go at $4.60

Piapee t Smith
Mate of Fioe Shoes

$3 Shoes Go At $2.25

$1.76 Bomeos Ozfqrds go at
at $' .33.
$3 60 OU
Grain Boots
at $1.38.'

$1.60 Shoes

One Jot
Ladies’ $3.00
$8 Shoe Packs Tare Sale Juliettes
at $1 60
to only SI.48.

Coia Toes
aad New Styles
at 14 off.




Nenletoa’s Patent
Calf aad Tans.

$2 00 Shoes
go at $1 60

$6 Enamels
$CWelt Shoes
at $3.00.
make at $4.60
84 pairs


$1 CtiildreB’s Shoes S3.50 Hand Tarns
at 75c.

at $2 63.

85 Pairs
Oil Grain
Ladies’ Hand Turn Creoles- $1.60
gaiaeetSI.48. going at $1-13
Ooe lot Men’s S3.HD,
30 pairs Men’s
SI.50 Heavy Shoes
S3.5I), S4 and S5-Not
SI 50 laee and and Felt Shoes 14
at SI.I3.
new toes eoiogatSl.SS
Congress SI. 13
and 1-2 off.

“ P™-P“-.i
Sur,.,. ..a

This sale will continue until March 16th.

IPx*ai3Js: IP3?iecix*ic!hL,

Beeeee of Atali:<. Moorxe |

^.8. Mernli. of Ceaeade. ead ktoleoeatr. while ebreddiag eoeoeitU*.,
fell, do aot bdler. >. blag
Be bM a lesum
.___ ,
. knife In tbe Baehiae. Beweebrongbt :
W<b._o..rt„blp.a..p_n •"P:„,u„u.oia. bn.pi»; „a lb.

a.,i.ta b. a,.j,bi .1 u.. .» u». j„


118 Front Street.



o., r

rraeetM Oity Market.
Caspt-y X Xuasritls. R eeaU.
eoderick MMtceoele. ea elderly , yeer ebo»t M aea end boy* here loet rntwunow Uke loup tmlTiHee or thin
Keli-p' la * Ibt of the buying
Mid BeilThr-rcBre*
are e iva
ir^ of ibe headeome
MeowbaenwbolftediaWladear, died,their era* by ebrrddlag ae>binea in llni> of <dl on water relkxt hriUiaul
ig priem ot^pteterdey for . ..
lUnoeb B<fle so,
oariy Friday on the ere of hb iateaded I Michlgen. ell of wbicb gowT u> »how ookn
rbivtklnn* end farm prodaeta in Trea*
can be bought *
Ibb prfDcIpleof inflortian b oard in
4epertaa for beotlaad. Aooordlag to ; that it b e deageroae aeebiee to
for OS eenu eevl
tbe neweppereta* fortneaenriovwnmd.•rideaeee he eaterulaed aoae friend*
■cujne PBICk.
i>nkey with.
TTTASfkr* lNaiB»To.«e- I te Bart IngDM
Witfaina email wjTiare box Profewor*
per bbl. n<
, W- tatri la oea-lf. iobb Ulabert bbcbb
Tbaredey. Ttaaiwdey eight be wm
. pale. Work •!! (aa
epp j lo UlM
Wetater luu> vlaoed nererel mmx«e and :Tle»r Pork per lb___
PICTURES OF silence;
toaad by hb wife eod daagbter. who
I bc'O'ixner ( ovi-Bk p •
Bcaisesa CAMP&
prieme in rarb a way that “Newton'• •ihort rill l\.rk
live la Detrolv ie a atapor. with ell bb
rinK*" of 14rhtwUl be proyt-rtiil against
poekeU taeide oat. Ue Bnelly cx^rad
e moving acni>itire pbte On ooe eide
.Wlthoet regetaiag cotueioaeaeM.
AreordiDg to Profwwcir A- G. Web- tf tbe box ba globe ebaped monator
4oe Trarb, who rea away from borne •ter of Clerk anirtnity. there eiirti
Pjl^^i. wiu
>w B« p»
U Oxford Jeo. •. bee aot yet bMB lo. not only “a dlemoethal tnay be felt." thin glam. Tbe alightml aotud wiO
noM tbb diaphragm to ribreto A
1. ead bb tether. W. B. Trerb. b j bnt out that may be pbolcgrepbed.
e freeeCDTT. TMrtlMrr Ou«MW. a*e«Marly diatfwetad orer the atettor. Joe, b»* recenUy poferted a edeotific intioo of e gram. U attached to tbe inner
ntMeboalUyeere old. tight blaecyce, «™>«t which determine the looBof oobee. incloding thMe wWi
the diaphragm. * Wb« n eoand.
light brown belr. teee ellghUy frMk. being below tbe limit at which the ba- ^oww Might,
Bte reaepator oc
>. Mar- tV ekavprTB
md.wofwa dark beareroouead blaek man tot riaiurti
amaUr emb xiodw of tbe tentmineiit. tbe dieeo rme-iUrttp. T»l»pn«M
'.Be.lBt the ClerelueOtm
^th the maall minor ribcaUa
onp. Be b eabjeel to epUepUe file.
Tbe tent of tbe big ten oompeatMof
8o delicate b thb aew Inrentkm ' backward end forward and a cmeU
made by .a
Orud BepM* Babbed eatUag yenirr--- Ret
- - it- miwninB
- - - - - tbe- neiae
.. ^ . Bitting ebont
dnynad oem
of loe wlU draft of air
eir peming
pM«^ through
thr«^ a
. room
P^. ““
.............. .........................
lta> be atored away U the aheda lor {S-aten(cbocanlwaacedtoit.*oarce «d b made to roeolreitecU fineny into, a^rrim keWi or Tke'...
enelcMd and a modified form cd •
of ««k»«d fingem Three ere j
aBmater ate. Tbe ice b nineb bettor end
the in>tJTiB»Bt euald be nwd on ehio- proj«cted throogh a aerimof elite in a | WheaV old. per tm.....
thu bMerer been neeaW bnfore ead boerdlogirewarTungoftfae epptxwh
nnW by the time the Ufl*'|
to aaeb bM br«n ent there b ea exed- af otbmromeb. iLn. kwmning the poe-,'*<**• <»* Photographic P>*te it takm j ^ ^ »J" ha. (aot^........
iMt ehaoM of eat prieea before the dWlUy of cUngrr. by coUiucm
! “** J*®
»Wch b
namaief npion geu well etarted.
• ««« tymeaneof a
... — mntcTTt
TttMt. Plcbtaat, the United (Metee
IpdinB aehool b one of tbe bmt
Potatoea. per tm..
ogat^ofila kind la the ooontor.
diaphragm. One of the prlncipi** ntU' regalar waree amos the ecreen. and
TWe ere m
U tcaebera
and MO yoaag 1 .......................................Sir
ia «*
aa irregolar waring
«mc^ mm
gi,eorerfd by ^
New- rowd eoan^ i»
BoekUea Aroloa fiaieb.
C^®* SSSSRfa-Sftl^iStr.
NewipdiaM from rerione perU o* the, ^ ^ «,v opeqnc lody t* Itwerted in >i»«. indiettag
it la Impondble for Tn Biar Bei-T. la the World tar ........ ...................
ooaatry. The laeUtBUon ead groaadej , eenel of iSt adiMUcd thioort a
to hold the roiee erfwly Oata. Xmieee, Bowe. Uleer*. -fialtlO. UKSeSiASSS- bSSN.^S!
-wUl aoon be Ulamuiatod by lie owa) pU hob ■honeriaioedwkroomend iti
orawcod. Uwm.P^ fior^ Tatter,
, «-£»«*:-----------------------------------------.aleciric light plant. Pleae ..d epeelfl-j Radow Mlowrd to faU on a white
—ttoMf* waxwork, and aaewer- loeen. it a UJ be noticed that tbe edgm





•welting tbe apptprel of tbe entborv fight TbieU oaiued
r refraction of U^t
WM U ie rei
,MC. BaML » yaare of age. of Te-------- - wee tehk> «> Oreoa bnaptlal
Itatnft. aeemel deye ago. epperwtty Md»iml«ttWbl*«»».Tt


ProfewKW Wehfter'e new machine ha*




Ar!te Queen atrRanaaraat T.Q



When tbe presddaot mad* his twg
calls on tbe eounuy last year tor anto
nuueta lo fight Spain. m.m man toll
tbeir bomas and employmeat to oaML
Blocs the war has ended about )M.M
of UwM-baVe been honorably dlaehOMw
ed. Many of (barn wer' ’ ^ck to tkfiV

Some Facts About a Little Known but Important
Island of the Philippine Group and
Its Principal City.
(OapriUkt. Mi.)
|r tlM MM to IM OU t» «t «t tbt (Mt
J\ « tba Aasto-SUOIL
It to «M of lift's Uttto Ireetaa
«srtsBS of w sbouM 81ns si tbs fsst
«r tbs world’s roiBssst rsi^iMle tbs
WT ftwsl of thst DTstlesI sssc
But wbUs it took Dover's suns s TST7
Mon tlias to knock KlpUers splsrsn
Is tbs bond-ear nsvir sequirsd pesti
«r tbs oHsDt to Bot sbsklac off bsr oM
wend Bbsefeiss vltbogt s strunlt «
•vs. Tbsnetirttrof thrsmblllousAcuJ'
••Mo's PlUptnes ssd tbs srsnu tbst
hsT> boon sstrtxf pisee tn sad nbout

marttoanu m*r» to tbs babit of ahlppl&g
great eairoca of bemp and sngar from
tbs Phllippmea unsold, and on many of
them eargoca they aventuaDy lost tbonaauMs and thonsanda of doUan. The
result has been that the great volume of
trade baa gone over to (he more ccaservatlve Btigllata booses. H to. of

under American control American roercbanls will regain tbalr eld time acUv.
Ity and prestige, but this will be done
only by following mot* oonaervauve
Usee than tn tba paaL
Pansy, like the rent of the Philipftnea. produces the beat bamp and* the
worst sugar In the wortd. It also does
a Urge buslneas In tobaeee. aapan wood,
ears mors turvsd lovsrd ttant rsnots coffee and mother of pearl
wnMtsr e( tbs dlobs. and Anerlcsn
a SI* becinalac to ineuirs met*

lasliMBs among the naltrca. This world
famed product la obtained from a B|<ectea of ptoal called abaca. Tbia grows

bon. SB Inlet of tbs slrsit of Snrldso.
bstvrsB Ssmsr end I>ltis«sl. In Hnrcb.
Un. Hs ebrlstensd tbs tolsnds tbs St.
Isssnu Islands end oos montb sftrr
toadlnt vss mnrdsred br sstlrss on tbs
tolsqd of Msetsn. off tbs eosn of Zrbu.
But lone bsfers this Acsbisn sesmse
bsd rstsbilsbsd coinmuBlesUon vllb
Ifac Isluds. sslUnr from tbs sbora of
toidls serose tbs bsr of Bennsl.
Hollo, vblcb Is SI prrssnt (he (
•urs of sll srss, Is tbs cspltsl of It
lend of Psnsr end tmtll rscsstlr
•bs tmlltJeal espltsl of lbs entire Philipnine Islsnds Psasj Itself is tbs fourth
Isrx'Ot of this
tolsnds. bsinc shout one-bslt tbs slse*<f
•be slsu of New Jerser. II lies st
ast'sme IlDilt-of the lets Ppsnlsh
mlnlcms. Nest t 3 hUnlls, Hollo Is
mrt of the
aco. In feet. It wsi st one time s
rerous rival of Msalls Itself,
toouib tbs letter port bss forced
«restly sbssd of tbs Psnsr tovn Hollo
to slowly but stesdlly trewlnt ll
Ppsnlsh ndmlnlslrsllon, however, for
peers bss set s very dennlte Ilmll to the
esrtsnt of lU possible developme
nere Is s proverb In the Phitippli



Uetnents (bei
proper drainage. Even tbe Spaniards old employmrot and a
- gaged saafi
found that tbe fitUng In of lev and mere In the peaceful t---.
A gruM
swampy places resulted la a diminution number, however, bat
.. led to g*t
of malarial dlaeaaee and that drainage work from one cause and anotbar. tfi
was a good preventive of typbolA
a great many casce theae ta-aoMtoM
To whatever aalloo may tall tbe prtv. gave np good posiiloaa when the uenfi*
tlegv of being tbs Arat to expMt tbmc try needed their serricee with tbe Ub<
sUU almost anknovn lalands tbe task derstaading that when tbry were muM
win ba no easy ant. but to tbcioe per- lervd out tbry could go lack lo thfi
w>na wbe have tbe eourage to face tbe work tbry left when tbe war began.
dangers «f Ufe In our new poeeesslous
In many Insianees the former aoldtatfi
It in'tba east, atraaga to grant chief. Agnlbaldo. can be abet mrr- there to baohd to come a great deal of
a tbe same aataem as wa en Umee without even being injured.
of getting back tbetr >obo were n«t
m leaf. Cigars arc rtdlemade in good faith, and they are nwp
Tbe ebaraettr of these strange na­
reduced to very ttnOghtened ctreum*
tives U best ehown by tbe fact that the
peetally la Paaay la tba forcata -nicsa alancea. la many cases men wbo lataiy
Kaupuntn secret society baa been able
are invetcmu amokers and roll tbeir to organise tbe mestlsoa under tbe very islands produce a greater variety of wore the uniform of Uncle Sam's vol­
own elgara, tying the lotae leaves to­ noee of tbe vlgtlant Spanish admlnlatra- valuable woods than doru any other unteer army are obliged to practleanr
gether with a piece of bemp. Stnoe /lon. At a momenl'a noUce the entire
live on charity.
by the
The same state of affairs was wit*
'native pppniallon on the iatand ran be
altentloo u VlngJ^^^rfC^ turned Into an olDcered army, divided advemuroua agenu
nessed at Ihe close of tbe civil war and
bacco growing and —. ________________
Into regiments and armed with boloa limited amount of i
haa been Ihe case after every war a
the weed Is Inercasing ann^ly-ln both and riflea Por yeari back tbe native taken from them. It U thi*. but tbe the world's history when large numbcM
quantity and quality. Paaay tobacco U troop# Is tbe employ of the Spanish more valuable woods la which they are of men a ere suddenly thrown out of •
•o wealthy are acarcely known beyond means of livelihood by being dtochargefi
sent to blanaa. and there mixed wtlb
Ihe Luaon Want for the manufacture of out firearms to unattached natlvea. the coast of China. Although there are from ftrvlce after peace was declaredthe lower fredea of Manila cigars.
stealing their guns In such small qdan- at least to valuable rarirtlrc, useful .
in olden times these large bodies at
AltboDfb there are other Industrtee lllles that their loss has not been eape- urt and aclencee. the inaccessibility of ex-aoldirn have often been tbe cause at
on the Island Ihc obstructionist policy daily noticed by tbe ofilclato Th4 tbe Philippine fotvau has kept their much trouble to their country and havfi
of tbe Spanish eScUls has seen to It mestlso as a e-arrtor is not large, but he presencr practically unknown.
In some Instances .fomented rioU and
that none of them abould assume dis­ la endowed with nil tbe mad ferocity Dfty odd varlrile* ran (be gamut of col­ other exprentooos of dliKOntent.
turbing proportions. Enormous taxes and fanaticism of those Budanrae der- or from tbe beauUfuI plub black of the
The Grand Army of tbe KepuWlc wni
and Imposta together with tbe rapacity
ebony to the Ivory shades of the white first surted lo brip the men wbo weft
___I themse'
of politician and priest harekepiahels- upon (be guns o
cedar. Many of tin
them are Inconceivably then dlerharged. and much good waS
land In tbe proper state of CasUDan
done In the wa} of aiding tbe cx-acht<
medla-vallsm. Seldom has
le life of
r some of them c
But one of tbe most important quesCIS and tbeir families.
tbe native been much better Lhnn that Itona ehlch the newly acquired poasee- standini
The men wbo composed the volunteer
Sion of these strange lalands has most Pacllle coast srateru.
•inpr of the tinited Slate* are very dlfThe best known of the Pbltlpplpe ftfetil from tbe class who created trou­
brought before Americans Is the suita­
roobility of their climate for white men.
ble after many European wars. Tboea
Many conira^lctory atatemreiU have
men were mere fighters and knew na
Ihe Islands themselvee. and at Manila other trade, while la (be present In­
appeared of late aa to the real nature
of this climate and lu actual effect ll mny be
stance the ex-soldlrrs. In a great ma­
uponehitea. There has been a tenden­ as drualn
jority of rases, were bolding good p<wlship or carved aa atatuary for the Uons before the war. Among them aft
cy. on tbe whole, to idrelixe It. One
writer says It Is deHghtful. anolber as­ decoration of the native churches. This ministers, doctors, lawyers, electrician^
sures us It Is dangerous and faUI. and wood poaaessea wonderful strength and bridge builders, Iron workers, mechan­
Blin another prrXfoU that II U oelther. enters very extensively Into all heavier ic nurse* snd men In other walks at
building operations. The Interior of the Ufe. and they are, bealdta. from every
____ ____
The truth of (be matter
is that If Jesuit church at Manila la finished
atate of the Cnion.
American vlaltor or aettlee U per- | »hla wood, and nowhere could be found
In New Tork city, however, the dlalently situated in a good locality, of i mortobeouMfully carved work. In fact, tress to seen mure prominently perhaps
which I'anay. tike the other islands. I“"foriunaie that thla valuable than In any other place because moft
has many, and Uvea where he can ae- I
abould be used for mere building of thwn have been attracted lo that
cure tuliaUe food and pure water for ] P«"Toaea. Just aa It now seems deplor- city by tbe hope of work. They aupdrinklng be la likely to remain healthy !“*>*• i* “ *•>•» our forefathers abould l>osed that It w ould be easy to find cin-that is to say. If he fulfills certain
u»e of black walnut for
•ymrni In such a big place.
: their barn rafters.
The Hed Cross Kellef aaBoclatlon la
Another valuable wood found In this
Ing what It can for these men. The
I remote quaner of (be world It antipolo. asroctaCsn baa the names of betwsen
. .knllpolo, being both light and strung, la
and l.eoc men for whom It to en­
, .specially adapted for building porposea deavoring lo obtain employment and
, and by (be time our pine forests are exsupply to employers workers ex™hsusled n-.ay be found very acceptable perlerced In almost any profeaalon.
;ln our own country. Bntlttnao Is another business or trade. They do nol ask for
valuable wood that It both strong and high wages, but wish only to eara •
1 tough, besides being elaallc. It la ex.ellent material for furniture making
During the few heavy snowfalls that
Innd cltwHy reeemblei our own Amen- New York has had this winter some at
walnut. It It aald to be superior to
ex-soldlers obtained work la tba
[the belter known teakwood and sin be street cleaning department, and dtl, u.ed for all the purposes to whl^ teak
ens have several times stonned to

• merebsnts. The flpsnisb collector of
f ru\
•otns Bl Usnils. for IneUnre. duriny
ny ihi'
peer irt pul down In his own purse
ccllecled ina>Hlr Hnee end fees
The Ulsnd of Psnsy, while perhsps
not so plesssnl es I.uson. hss sn estremely rich soil end luxurisnt veyetsThe Isisnd Is bisected by s ruyyed
•lounlsln r
rsnye. which dves the coun«rr s Wildei
wilder end ruder sspect then Hist
«r Luton. The Pansy rnounlsln slopes
wUh TBsynincent form
growths and much of the Inland
remains unexplored, indeed Is Itwcceeslble In while travelers. The Island has a
sumlwr of lakes end very many small
slresms The resull Is Hist marshes and
n.Blsiis are disayreesMy abundant. In
fan. ihe city of Hollo Itself la Uullrupon
the bed of on ancient marsh near the
aeuthcasirm end of the Island, on s
absllnw arm of Ihe sea. and Is conseunently aellher hesullful to le-hold nor
healthful to dwelt In
It Ilea at ibr
mouth of a Bluyytsh river, and although
the cllmale does not agree with Ameiiuans nr Puropeana there are some to

Lsneie Is still anotherwood
,nnd If est>eclally r'lfe^on acrcunl of
• ring adapted (u--^e ^nuiaciurc of



hoDS-s. As an Rnytishman always »i
to hts ..wn deep rooted preindlces and
bsMia there Isk very good little club­
house In (hr city, also a tennis club, a
plentiful supply of Pcoli-h whlrky and
wnouefa a.riat life to make exlslenre rndurabl. in aurb an unconyanlal loralltj


n desrn that a ehaag
DCS nsrteaary. They ...
ally young men and art gtod saougb

«r ItoOlUO.

of a dog. Although he baa dwelt
country where natiirr has hc-n most
Isvish hi* lol has hs^n an unhappy
Hlf house Is a liny lembno hut
food Is rice and dry fish, doled out eparI tngty to htm by the plaaler for whom he
labota. Hla clothing is a shred of white
drilling, end that of his wife a
cheap calico. His ravorllc paatlo
thieving and rockfighiing. At the end
of bis year's work fat Is sometlmee giv­
en a doltor or two in money, hut
oflea II to pelBled out to him th
board and keep have placed him
maatar's debt
The real nBUonallty of tbaae t
of Pansy Is mostly Malayan or half
caste deeeeodants of Malayans, and
they are familiarly known bT »be
name of maatltoa.
A great deal of
•enilmental mtorepreaenUllon baa tak­
en place aa to their ebarm and ptcinraaquenaas. They work, when engaged In
doing wearing or any other skilled
handiwork. If such prImlUve methods as
theirs can be called skilled. In ihe ehsde
tree or under open sheds. They
only when they have to.
y on their so called labors in a

tree, very mneb like a ti___________
vy stalk In iU aottneaa of texture. Tha
ftlca ta pressed out and the fiber shred­ Heat of Imptetoeoto. It their facta exded and partially dried In the sun. anar weaa anything. It to only snlmalllke
.... salary
which it la done up In
glo^ooa acooTdiag to tba nnhaalthfui. ablppad away. Tbe abaca growa no- watchfulMaa. There to something inBcratable nbout thtfli to the American,
•ana of tha place and the man's et.a«^
rtere ala* la the wortd ouUlde of the who finds Uto dllBcult of approach
•M^ It to a atgniacani tact that all PWMppinea. and
-Id auaptetena bayoad beUet Aa aervagents at IioUo are paid a vaiy hand, tor the enierprti
Its they are aubUe and usually on•enaa ultra stipend.
lUgated thlrvaa. Another of their litods In Ui( preparstjon of the fiber.
> tralu to that they ai
The inferiority uf Pansy sugar to due their employer vttbout
not to tha ponraiaa of Us lalaad'a aeO.
eni«A flrtaanU aantnry
the Amcriean merchant in the eut haa
M Mm ni
ba«i tha tandracy to apeculata. Thaae
Taty Uttto FMBpfilM tahMMm^

e Uksly to toave


I to that (hair

utile conditions. These condl-1 musical Instruments. It hs* a beautlare that he shall be --•rupul
scrapiiloosly | ful texture and color and to •ui'abl* for
careful as to baths, watch hlm»elf
fine (urvlnx.
Ilanaalaqiir. »r hullri
msll-rs of dlct.>eep out of ihe sun ..... r. .1----------------- --- onderfui weed ■ —
durm* tbe middle of the dsy. erfraln
• esiremel;
► Jiivrn
from severe and long -ontlnued woik
or exercise of any kind and avoid -i. Tonking (nol handl-s and for Meenelto
cessee of all ^wrlpllon
If he does •n smpl>ulldlng. hut (be various uses to
atrd. furthcTTnore,
all Ihese Ibings. and.
if ! whi.h it could be put ar. pracllcally
he is foriunal* enough to rsSpe mala- , unl.mitrd.
rltl infection, ll may
that he'I
• chance
------------ ------In fact. Ihe hard wood forests of our
cet, K-i«. .s:.
trally presents Itself. Then how are
American explorers omcers. engineers
and assayers lo carry
I that work
whlrh nr-w lira before them without
such work being accompanied by a f
Plorabie lost Of life? The ouestton
even harder to answer when it I* i

thoee strange foods. Ihe country
produces and the meager supply of fa­
miliar goods hr ten carry along with
him as camp equipment The
>ugh acute perltoniiia. >r at (h«
The traveler In Pansy_____ __
dtoilngulsh several distinct types of feHe ba» a fever that recure every
day. with a temperature of about
Ito; a feter that attacke him every sec­
ond day and another and quite dlirerent
fever that makes him a regular dally
riatt With BulUbl* drags and proper
few and nursing any or all of these fe­
vers may br shaken off. provided they
are taken promptly nr.d e.irrgetlcnlly in
hipd. Put beridea these there la nlwnyn
the menace of the deadly calenture

|n. w poesesslons abound In unreollied
•» ricellent
; fieM for future Inveelment.
The mineral wealth of Pansy, like
that of The oihee Philippine Islands, to
<1111 largely problematical. It to be­
lieved. hewrver. by those most capable
of tudging that the actual richi
mineral deposits of our new posMtIons

light Proas BIS Clsh.
A private policeman of Ludlow. Ky..
William Priix. ha* In actual use the very

latest polteeman * club. Asieniahing at
may seem the club coniatos as elec­
trical apparatus which (unuabe* a.pow­
erful searchlight. It to a weapon and
lament combined, and may be used
^(b equal effect In either rapacity.
The construction is simple. A atorage
battery within the club, a push button
at the handle end. wbare (he thumb
naturally reato. and a small bnl power­
ful electric Unsp behind a thick bulloere at (be tip of the club cover
It runs Its eouiMjB°^r*w all. Tbe rtoctrie apparatas Is ae Inge
usually tarmlaataa «:ttb tously deriaed that It to not Injurtona
buck vomtt _
Hto death.
whoa a Mow to atrack wUh the club.
With white
________________ _____
The hgbt to a powerfni one. and on th*
ellmata to aapaeisny fatal and
darkest night makes obJecU caitty riadoubtful if aueeaaatva gvnenitto

Anarioan or wuvsaw mrarvo woio for ararcniignt usetgi
tha PbUlpotaft. Mach u(l mu on a east Oast.

•sich men dressed In Ihe army uni>rm stooping to shovel snow from tba
Among the men who have applied to
le Ked Cross for work to a preacher
om Texas who gave up bis riiarga
lid enllsu-d a* a private. He thought
ih.1t he ccul.I gel mission work to do In
S'rw York ufler he was discharged. US
could get nothing, however, until tha
*lr'i fall of rnow, when the pnrson went
to work In a light summer suit. When
n-hed why he gate up preaching IhS
ce*i>vl to shoulder a musket, (be Texafi
.-.lid frnnklyr
'I hellevv In teaehing and preocblafi
the gos|)el of p< .-u.* until an enemy alnicks my •.mmo'. Then the gospel «C
,P-*ce b-com.- IneffrcMve. Kolhlitg but
solid lead, and plenty of It. Is any sort
of use. I thought I could belter aerva
the Master by shootingTi|utnlarda thafi
by lalkini religion, and to 1 Just am

himself ImiMKslble. and In the event at
' his d-.-jxisiiii,n bei-oiiilng nt-cessary tba
-eadle.t substitute Would appear to ba
hi* younger brother, who from cbildi.ood upward was alwa>-s the brighter
ond^mnre amiable hoy of Ihe two. But
•*i-re to an alt-rnalive w<,rifa cootder•lion and that 1* the re«t<-ra»:c;i of tha
cld Mnseutman »ueces»:ei. vested tn
•he eM<T brntith <>f the family. I'hli
.uae set aside In 1*U by
Aria, who wu* brllsed I
I-mall to alter Ihe auccesaion to hit dtreel line. .
It w-ss then that h* reT^lved fram hto
Miierain ihs high snonding Persian ti­
tle r-f khedive. By ihU arbitrary act
Prince HaUm. the only survlvlnc sort at
Mchem-t All. waa excluded from tbs
•c-rs«<|oB IB favor of lamairs M
Halim. Ihe moat liberal and
cntixhtensd meml-r of tbe family, to
now dead, but hto rhildrvn remain. Tba
elde«l xon. Prince Paid,
c.-lved a careful rurnpean edocallen.
locall^ would be persona grala ta (be Egyptton peopl*. both as the grandson of
H'-hemei AH and as r-['resenting a re­
turn to the Koranic tow of surceashm.
The pr,*tnt khedlv* to Ihe aeveath
ruler of Egypt In Ihe lire of Mehemet
All. and the second Ahi.aa Tbe name u
elnisier on* In the I'.gyptian dyneaiy.
The flrwt Ahhas. w»... suec.cded Ibrahim
IM». had n bnef reign, but lung
enough to make ht« memory execrated,
t'owardly snd r:uel. addicted to tbs
repurnii.t firm of vice, he was
lUt at Abbaslyeb. in the palace wboon
gaunt remains MiU Uae the mad.
HI* name became a byword In EgypC
and the memt>ers of ibe vice regal Cam- •
lly h
have alwnye i‘
him l<
to oblivion as much as poasible. Ha
nol reside at the Cairo clladel. Ilfck
hto predecesaors. Mrhemet AU and Hnuu
him. but built bimseir a ramb'b
ace In the heart of the town, a o
oous feature of whick to a lofty urwop.
which he used for hto hobby at plgaan
firing. Xallerly be bid blmaaU la Abbwiyafc.
*OM*M AUmW •tagtes.
Senator Allen of Nebraska u an Invvteraie sntoker of stogtea. Ha naaft
lights a cigar, but always has a Tatot
coat pocket full of loag. alender otngles and dtopenaee them to bis smoki^
cttoniele. The aenator to vety ganft*
eus with hit tobacco. Bonater MaiM
e*M*l»..-t— ..It.


- - - -.___ •_____ _

-■ ____


t koBraa mo6m>. bptoat.

m. 18w

THIEVla IN INDIA, the sPobti^ world. he.haURTSOTHERN.1

Here Xre Two of the Prettiest and fiest Hookers i

iBTtowrf HMtoet tbsttkaiEMMcf
ttU hm MUioad Mch poiMlwitr ^
u jtm ted bteed Mr. H«ny Setten \
fef theptoy—fa
tbeCtnemfweaUar.MaMiticmnDr Mi N*
• - *b)rf - tacky--------------- -----------------------b«eltb beoDM U wa* too tel. Md yew
KBBM. «Ub ttelr Mwalbiii era sl«te tnlebi barp
harp teapmeo
coapected inai
ibal isp
tte Otdonri
Foale—Aar tteronxUr
«te teUovlte tetnorditerr aarrb'
|b» «(
u Omt oeeerrad. aad
Chddle—TteberornaaidiocaBxlc* tte exact trntb. Keuucky ted .
w* are taforwad. ware wjtDete
elate ten hiateU a»d eoaie too warm for bln. Tte inmedlate caoae of Ihla wamth »o bu oM
Itfie tewa la BeotJaek aireel. Cal- 1 fcawy—A woodea elab aoM witti bone


____ .

carda. ‘ta*tte eoatar of '
twea forced to oae bit platol la ord
catletnaD uilabt not u
that tte otter aeetle
. bU.- Tte other i
; to te an Ex<:on.----------------------, —
; N'atloool pppotatlon. of one of tte Ural
^ famlllee or KeonjHfy. Tte Ex-Co®.'
lan'a acw. recclcrd r Bother" •'
I bla platol
It the peo|>le.
peoj>l» with-that
for which te bad
the OLXTJtrrOce.
... ____ _____.jclr bU
' tte tanirfMc for_ .. _ ______
, did Dot <nop lo arfW tbe. mattt-r/bulI iefl for pant aaKaoa-a until tte firvtUf
■twoid hart- tlsm to redret. - - ' Ur. Soibeni ted bad the food lack to
coaw out la a aicamrr rterueed by the
, Itrltleh Covteammi for tte traaapurtaituoofau)>^rau>Afri>-a. Oa the way
out te ted culllraied tte Bcqaaiatance
of tte offlrer lo ctaTfr with aa a»»lduIty that au te appn-claled ooly by
Iboar wbo barr mad<- a loaf Toyagr la
a ottpiily abl|>. At Drat tbe c
llruKiiant la ber Majpety-e ..‘rTica.
did not r.-»poad eonliaUy to ttear ad<raact«. He ted ataed up Mr. Sothrm
at bla dtal aiKUtraaci- ae a mlaaloKary.
Up Cteuetd tail uilod a few dafe Mter.
He a-as praitlclnc wKb bU pl*ti<l at
ii... UiDp a-llb Indlffyn-nt »iu-<-eaa.
I Harry Kolteru. wIki ted l•erD wt«baiuxvaied itet IiIn aln> ws«
, ins bli
Tlir " - .................-•
too del....... ...........................1 uub-kly and teuib-d tlic tvv»lr<T
; rrlt:<-. alio alMiwcd bliu bow It uxebt


It to tboaa wbo employ him W
V»l« him If tbn ihiBk du U U aald
IbM thia la readily doae. aad that he
pakoi a food ibiBS oet of It.
A eook la the aeretre of a family la
Ik* loealiiy allodad to tatraaiad bU
Adfkew with a larse aam of moaay to
jMip U depoalL The aepbaw altedod
IbM he plaoad tte moaey ta aa aarthaa
po^' which he burtad.
Tba localloB
gf the exact apot waa eoafided to a
Shortly afur fbla tba cook
iPU lafomed by bU aepbaw that tba
aat aad meaty had dUappeared. With
Sa aaphewa ooaaMt the Brahmia waa
maxmad to dJaoovcr the thief, aad
Pd rollowiBf la a bare aarratWa of the 1
•ftnordloary proredare he adopted,
•ad eeually adopu. la all each eaaee. I

tte bona*. proTfded with two bamboo Ireda about alxtMB tern loaf aad aa
lack aad a half la dlameier. He aloe
kaa with bim a aumber of treab peepul
aa ewKwaaa uaiva.
leave®-a eoMaaai. aome rice and tome aninW of atrokm which oOKht tebe' jiiipu. •-'b»a> it waa <te<lr«l>k' f«r Mni
Tamlllloa aad eowrtca. A-freah earth- token to fwch bula wftboat aaioaa mil-. «u ku»w. Juat at ibla tiitir tbr .Mat
m dUb bat to be prodded by the per- t.a^ I
i inteir war waa “oa." After wrek« of
ttm wbo aammoba bim. aa well aa a , [toS—to play a tell bi^ into tte air - waltliia be foi bla (lenull tu i<>m
iwllb a backward apia.
1 telbn-k train wbl '
All Ike eerveau in the botiae are i d,^»_a pleyw U aaldto te domy '
pMmoaed. They are made to atoad
b^ la aa maay bMca np aa there ] ®"______-r .k- Ariilah



No. 1TS7 iaQaener SawM
Golden Oak, 50.
Kail ordara recalT® our best attemlon And satisfaction giiuwteed
h».« > lot of odd cholro-1, S. S ud 4 of > kind thmt w» m olooln* «t lout thkn ;;5


HewSare, llOFioitSt. 3



Tbephrh <d Pwia mar be ool.v in
tbef;80< law la niattcnuf dipluniac-y
aad be due Dot datv ejca(»)y t- alaj. I
Ibclin (ID :
Queen Vic-Kwto <ir teuier Wilbt

emi*-----------BUY A BOX OF-------

‘jDiamond f ’

ant ouucvni.^L ubi® tbe atasfaluakpaa
lawii ik p. jLrtllTi-uf'ircodtotbelctW. i
A (W in i«lul luay bo dual lu tho .
vrlttea OB aach leaf, aad tbaae leaeee.
te»t*o, and at tbe wont nart teWe
,iiri»ion of tbe Mniateli- araiy at
«Uk oae palaud with the retmllloa.
ted In nTto .te"™imre. nuttor.of JPmiaa lauil-kia. Penuuni
•re placed la tbe ditb. wbKb la lu ,
>'•«<—Tbewurd tdioatodby ttefolffr. a,>,uu,l ite pla«i-. Capialn Wllllamit UmlMkiua are aad bavo lung boea an
tera la placed .00 thr aiool. Two 01- ;
when alamt toatrike lofiTewaralaf to ,-uh
aboutihlrly-flTr aim. «Ulli-article ul Rtupld douand in tlio comter Mraaceta are iben made to bald partidwin front
' auliu; tte eiirmy. war led Into an nm- mrreia] world. Tbt-y have ooumiaudi^
good iiricv* that tbe aupply wati
tki bamboo foda. one la each bead.
HalvM- A halved hole li one to I.iipIi
and found hlmartf cut ^ from
•ppealtp aarh oibar, wUh Ibelr Mbowa ' whi.-b Udh aide, teve takeo tte nme I «
il"'!'X baldly a^aal to tbuduuiaud. Uau»^'Mtad tbair bipa. ao that they caa aouhpv of .trokm. A match la halved
waa al«oluu°y qtMDtly. wben tte ateb one daynnlerod
kdVt llttleor aolnOaparc in turelBS or j nrh-t. no adraatofc tea beea i^ted l>)'1 .... cteure for bin. Thr |ibp« by wb'ch apring lamb with mint maat, the cook
waa obligtd toonafm that Uu- di*b waa ;
kMdlBf the roda
eith r aide.
.. .
they ted entered we* already (H-.-.i|.l.d beynod tte couiiuand of tbr Ponuan
liauk-ioK Ball—A ball wlutdi litatm
,,g,.niy. Tlien- we* aoihliii; in
Mraaft part of the proreteiafa,
a downward elope la tte dinette® in: ^
i...),, gf aoDiblUllnii. tTivuttirr. «)f conrae the cook waa |
tte Brahmla’a call of each name,
hli-b It boa to te driven.
| tie dlaoiouiitcd III* uirii In tbr aibldlr pnonpily latbuulL'd. but tbe itbab could ^
tertboo rode la the Brai laatoore rlne whii-b
liaeard—Any ktod of a dlSlcnltT,; of Hie idalu am.iny a ritiuip of tuubea not flud auotbrr cook who would agn* ;
tefSther and form a aeml-rirrie above. ,
_ tbe^oHiDary itrawi of tha ■ and aiiiall tree* The nativi-. .-Irried to fniuUb epting lanil’ wbearver bit
Tkay tken bead. aad. fomlBR a aemi- aat ladm
luuicAiy divinid to ludulge la Itet deli- | ;-yrtek BP tbe l«r nwi.laint the aame exc.,* «cb aa arenwaliowd ^ apecttl ■ *»»«
fhia naturally itritoied tte ahah. j
SLad ool and throw a out of the diata. rule a* ikH cmriitoiinf teaaRto
'^cn '
After cant-nliiug with three or four of j
fai* ujtwt truAvd adviieew. wbdi'oald •*« J
tte name of the ^bief. a. allefed. Ii
« f.«| field for It ber.-. '
DO wuy out of tin* difficulty and wbo | -S
•altod. .be. they boih mlae .be
Au nU «w,.wa, n.-.r by replied: *H>b
tmlly dUappeand from their Mtl it up. aad only dlwmiaie at «‘>r
I a„, ,..u're ihU, NVbm .cu g.-t ..m of
cudp.fierTUiBniyatcriooaman- f
.h-ha «.>r..i. .b. 1 Ni»Jirk--AB Iron rlnb with a nraad. ,
i„^ir. n. If ynu re
____ j.. .fiiih fimaiydoddrd that the
d »(vy
vy -r—y
.wall ana
bfwvy b(wd. o*ed wb.a
pH«l j„y.
tey. If
H tiHW
<'«»• Oevlla
‘'‘•tIU imw
Imfb uuiiim.ncof IVma waa tbrratoaed l<y I .y**
ppte to Ii tbe leaf ro.
' ___
. -_______ t.. K *
... ___ I i ...
-;^ry to exm»to a e^i^,
you ....te ^ d.
-ubiect tte cxiinctio«ijf I'cwituiabwp aad Pit-I
MWahce the - aiea wbo bold the ,
1 it* I*
for uadrnakl
^ a»ke BD
Nian laiiite Cunar^uintly te made a ;
Pott—A " pUyed with a pottor
Harry d
<nn fcauid
The ihiof !•
im Ite |HiUinR-itrf«B to ptoy tte baO .ff hi* eo
tl«- head of a yci
trade or cwimui-n*- Vimld be fined liiwv!• latt. a iwaacmable bamaa beios ran-;
tte aarfaca of tte
•M tellev H rill be baa wIiaaaaM 11,
ih. Hah bod Ite peap- *°d wboui Koibrra. ambl a Uy. btnee Ibra tin- rxpigt trade In Permt wlma be boa don* ao hi* anaae- ?.
rtrikliut tbe baU.
abower iof an*.-*aU and bullet*, ted eiiiD lamb-kin* liaa .topped' with a
blunt and oauoAUng yor.—BokUu Adla all the praate..
Here U. Insbee-To^w the laoa of tte dab ibrowii acm«* hi* aaddle and had tn
• a marvel For the arieallel to put.
the baU to *hal it carrm t« the galte*-d aft.-r the nm. He (vuM i
now Ibal tbe boy waa dying and
Tbe two rcMla bead, come
gave lilra a rreat Hirob of pity and
rage ugalmrt lluau- «Ih> bad d--iB profcaauc. who by the way waa
•Mat a. they are called out, and thee ,
«„ of tho teUa te
' the Uiy korw bli cod- of Iriah extraction, wu* prodding over
Ho wondc
Ikrww them aaldr eieept la the caae of JJ^J^^Tfrimt of tte otbw oa tte 11m dllloB. ,
tbe clam in Kugliab liuntnre.
IkaUlef. la ihl. laetaiH-e the aepbr.
tte balUare more than
A few ndtiulrii later the young
an- til* miouiug and deriyadSSflbiad to Ite theft, and a aamber J; ,geb» anarv
|k-r waa d>wd. Harry gently laid the
rt hie rwUtlvwi Who bad rome from
T„_xte amatl elevati-m. aenally a ' u.y,
k in*>i
a tbe ordeal mad*
,j„, j,,ii y .
n ,iiIrkHd up hi* winch.*iirr with an
Tcet.' i* aomcUiing
grn I
b. Tlic
natlv.-* were adraurittg
, etmek l(» lb-tirat atroke to each hHe. loath.
----------.o. ....
tte way ; litoruUy'iti the way uf tte
tenla tte Draee raa* remarkable detail* ^ M' •*
I l»H —Idl*^ «■ r- pl. kli.g off tbr Mat
Mra glvea a to tb* apparel of tte te ha. gained rmocr nxw* teim than j
warrior* «ii!i a rcrwlnty and tone* n.lcg tte .-nmvtly."
Irta Dak* of Portland. HU oMaoint hi.'i<M(«Dent.
jwrcl.iou that ll•■tlllIlB .•••uM wiitetaud.
"Ho bud an tiii|«diUKUt'in bi*|.|


t rNT>



fMa, an ao rawartabJe tkat Jl la '
Mk tte while of aay erteaUat Co teat i &W-*
&a« teneaally. at tUa caa be eaally , «
4m oa the oecaaloa a( aay thafi by j
jltetelra U a boaea. It nay be add«A that arery aarrast ta Caleaua ta a
Marty baUeeer la lu eScacy. aad. it a
IhM, at oaee eoaleaaea. A Brabnla |
M the worker of tbaae
ft vtQ kaowa la Calcatla. aad


^ am.;.ossis


Binfiiig Logs! I

If yoa^ST® any to aell correspond with th®
TrsverBe City Lumber Co. We hsT® sleo

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooriug,
Short Maple Wood.

lands For Sale-Suitable For Farms.
1 natbinery of all devcripUoDfi, inclodioK two esgiw I. net works, carrisse and Mwa. A oomplete
aaw sill plant for aaie.




...................................... iUUlSS


iZ aez n.
".r oaiy.
m5 ^
r waa not
war* one


"Hist." qairklyretncted tteprafewe
. oatoehl totwl ’ ii.m Kotli-rn HaminMl hark ^th m. with the flakh on bt» faoa which alway* bcnildrd hi* wit. "luoat have
Ineii tha man wbo m-ver oiit-Dcd bi*
nxMth witbui-.t imuiug bUfouttBlL"
—.puarau®'* Weekly.


bH|>rd hi* turn
VBfB 11 waa (W.. ai.
tn a iu»n- kteitcred
tkrte he alw.y. ke^g tbr** greetcoaU “
l«-hlDd If.-*. Harry id.p.n-rt to
Igwaar. to that wb«« wiaier same oa
the iwranpiMctit for blui*elf. aaylng:
kp wor* tbrae frock eoau aad oaa '
MUoai; B*-Us.^*dvauead thw* frock '
arllflrtol brwdlng gsiM hi;
Jii»i iitrn
•••tf and two gT>ft coaia. whUe. wtatB niay be Indnred to lay a g^tly
to klU half a doBM
Ikgra waa a rtol frow. ba tnraad oat en«**d aomterof effga. Jn^ tte
nigg-r* yet."
la Ml the ttx.
I male dMreodaat of tbeprimittr* chick-, The .-apiain laughed. Tbea
----- . ' '
I i>n hm been pewnaded t« pradnee at . (. hi* men aad f.-r lb.- Brml lime In
TW ttato la tarteal.
nojnh* of potoattol Ifr •(M-aklng lo tf
•very runrioent oa tte glob*, with - I «at.l •Vlei'll-nira. I
Ike asrapUoB of Auatralla. prodnr**
vud roam- Th«re ran b* IlllU deuU if thu eipartotkm ahoald be reallaed-}
list the »u*e U «•* of ite aarth'* old- ]
(gq.rtaniiy to the incatefcw.
my mru dlitt •ower*. la Egypt II u depleted oa ! Wh* ba'^V bein^ leartied to Doarinh i He ted
a good
a gamber of very oarly maaiimeau, 1 tbrir rwogmy *Hh tte milk of otter I «>» way and r ti.-tb-r Bai be ted
--en roea take It Juet like tbU
SBUevMl to data from MW to SMd B. C. ' animal*, ttetr rale of |■•>|«K>4•u»
■ nirri-- or the aaeeam of rota*. I* aiaiUpltel. inamnarh a* tte motter | tefore.
1 by Homer la tte 'maA" | cunld go no with tte baatamaaf child
walling Ilk- ntliurea to ilietr
•ad tte alliiiloa mad* to tb* Saaor la | beartog onUnprtted by tbe nectwdly t/ PI-.-V flier.- ftnated lb.- anuud of the N*lk« Proverb* of Bolomoa ladlcaia* thai affording BnariobBiant to (jllepring al- tt..u*l enog from he throat* of me
B kdi alraady baan toag known.
ready hmaght lab. tte worlA A aim­
, kiH-w they v-onW iierry ting
I liar
l-tottt where Mrd life M o
III A Matab I-' clil-f. wbo waa
I Bimal* nevtue.
: if afferdrd by tte lacnbato. which at- enpiured a few w -cka lai-r, aaya ttet
tteo® cellar* arc adjuaied aad bald ! tauiU to tte baublng of egso alraady tbe IkrtW aaragm '‘•"d awe teanfl for
|g Mara on the akin by a *impl* wui leudnood while tte mAUnal fuwl om- a moiii.-nl before li- telulful of
were teaebhi ' ih.-ni »..ea*lly
•g^. formed with a fpriaf loop to Uaaee to lay.- Bnriun Traveler.
not to be afraid .f deaib. Hi- nay*
fttm pear Ih* *b*Bk of tbe button, th* !
-----------that a* tbi-y came -nHw the valley for
•ate at Ua wire bring rOlM to aa-1
Boriaa Berta Theraaabteeda.
tte attark te coal' *ee a man In .-iibbmm Ihr lowar adg* of tte cMlar aad - damm R. Korn* 1* qaolad a* follow* lettm (the eapta U taking
teM tba eoraar* toward aach ether. : la a r*e«®t labwrlew regardlag thto- tbe loaded ride frem a woiniib-d not
----------------------------oQgblwvte. “1 have an bmlUllon la dW who waa lyl'g le-*ld.- bho load
.toyiag ttet nar AnuTltaa thumogh- ing them aa faai a- lh<- .-aptalii enpto
A Mbariintr for horey hai b® la- I Iwm1> are atmdily de(.-ricwaring Ihrungfa Ibctn Ai-'l te aa-i'. u>». a man la rirll
lag raced a. t-ymr-uid*. tail'* rh>tb.*-ibe *aa>e man wbo ted
taudemd la narmany aad«r th*
nr* Jamped off hU bora* to pick op
r SMtay. aad ooaaUU of tr.aor. > PollUy te pRT eeni
oeni uf oar
ooi luirww

wounded Diao aa they entered tte v
ant aeann and can- Icy-lylng on bi* fnre and firing tery
r, mlaitt* amoaata at mineral tab- ovenaetd in kb-ir
ant train ou Tbrir rltabty U aapp*d. rapidly- And ev«-> lime te fired a tav
_____ja aad fro* arid.
at.d when
wbcB pat tn gn diatone** they lark age Ml dead. K*on tte rrark-crark
I ar.rt
Vtt* ttoAv of • Wemao.
«amiaa There U no oayiag b»w maay of tbe B'netewlei craai-d. gnd there
Aa artbortty M mlerot.upy auta* , auiiuai* that with unre Icaleul tnwt- waa notbleg left to obirw
gAM tb* hair af a woaun ran b* di*. amtt wowld tew tean gMt raoe bur«m ^erkwlty v( thr A i.:.. ;-axoi. ran- Inn
d“kI*ariL.-.Maiatelr Marriuiv
-....... ate '
H-—(.1.11 by Ita MHxtn clloB from and atfoa am th-reby luat Tte iajwy a hmidn-d
join U: Ite «*: Viuee
■ ■ - --------------------- --------- b
- *to tte
of oar httwAMv
. ttorit caimut bat m






IM*- lTH-.telir/flVl '

U i* of tntenM touoto that aocording
uuUuiRUtw the Dutch wcTv tbe
fint tu the modttrn period uf biotory to
ImiJd an irunclad and that danng tte
btwnUftU In
city bsllt an
a flat bottcioud v i-l. armored
it with faravv iron plate* and tho* cun■tructod wtet they i^tardi^

SM8 FrontiSttMl


Nothing Nicer

Bar Pai®—I'm afraid, yoang
that yon uud mydaaghtor wooid not ba
»jipy tfigetber. Yon tnighl get along
_J1 right for m Icng liuic and agroa oa
Important manev*. bat what would hap­
pen wbon tte Uni* thluga maw towtw-


Burats.—Now Yortt JooinaL


Wa are aaltoori*«d tognarant-erirerv
b.nUa of Chambtolala'* Ooagfc B*>mady
and If not aattafaeiary to fri»'d tte
mimo* to Iba parehaaer. Tbcrw 1* ao
tettar mallriaa mada to la grippe.




ltr»T4i».eaiy. to* 5

TH* KOBVUIO K»OORK .ffiVDAT.JAiniAJlT 88. 1898

' ar ia» tot a dtel^ tea tea ah8M
rSrtdly AA bar tetek SAldaa batr. ^
Tba traralar aat aUaat to tea ^
a»M AT tea tettblaM bateaad wboto Aba
BtlU lATAd wtth tea vboia airaagte a<
bar aaal aad ad tea awaaa tor whom
aaka ba bad diiiKal bar. la ^to
ed tea toafucr teat na baataatag to
erarbooar bar. Haatar Mistre na coa.
adoaa od a aaaa teat ataaa bar toto
arw lUa aa rba 1
tea baauiy ot

btotb tead tea boaaa. Tba girl. I PEQPIZ OF THE DAY.
tratoMiac aad a»k»vd la bar ^rato> ,
---- ;---aoakad elotbai. foltovad bis. Haat* A te*l« that Vaa ha* paat«1a*
Moara aaak upoa a m<h tof teM did tortott- prtHteal toadwalor notae meailha
daty ter a cbatr, at tea ttmud aad hm bara anttod br tee aalaction Jovallad. Tbay bad bara r»a batf aa aaf* H. Osiate of Kra York aa sabaAboar, aba tesacbi it snat hart baaa aadprto^ ««« o* ^ ^omm. It to
tolty that, wbra baary atrpa «a»a to a «ud that tent baa te a tar> <d barataadatll] at tba (r«at door, aad a load noey aatcaig tba toadwt >• to who
kaoeklag abeok U. After oaa to- teoald aacoMd to teahigfa pu.^iw8 a«raUsCa baaluitoe. te* aadid tea totob.


ti MotflM ter, >« Its
ter ••’•r u rof
•teter rtjfc tk« rkkte Is tka •W-Om

IteMf'* Kickte IMIPUB’ —wir.
. afrta« or toli:
•IWB ftU *• k«r* to Mrt ter, tm
•UCkty «to« to all!
Mr All Um »arto to MxMar Wkas tea
koaar'a te tea aotob;
8M a fanar-a baan bMto tl0rtto to
tea tallara bara m homo.
Itrtoa to tM.eoaUtoaai I 4aa'i uka
•A MnatoAlAt.

Ab' 1 bald A tellarb bam U ba aarar
fcaowa ba alA'i?
■a totobt «Ad tortuM aoaawbar
AA' baiU a ablata' doaaa— '
8to at Ub( ba'd com* a-rraapla' to iba
rallara bara at bosa!
fhat'A foM teat aarte aaa't al*a na;
at* vbaa a Mlar-i araa
OAB tad a tvloklla' atar or two la n^d.
teaiUar aUaa,
As’ Aba traa baart to la*a btai-^t
aarar vaau to rtuna:
Mara dAid la Msr a>*<>aa. bat—ba'i
•traeh It rtob at baata!

tea Ctrl br tea giAglaea.

arid rtood factog two ronaublta carry- .

Tbto iBlartOAar bad twMty yaara’ adrasuga of bar.
Bar ttootea were aoft
aad raaad. bar araa brtlllaat. tea
eama ed bar ggara teowad baafte and
Tba draaa teat aba won aea*.

tog Uataraa.
A third waa coasiag ag
tea road white abr bad iitMldea teat
Haatar gaaod at teem na- ‘
giatetog. aad tea maa Baaraal to bar
aald to kto ecapaatoa;

Ad oaly to aeeoatuu bar letaltoaaL
Jt waa that of aa ordloary worklag wa.
•as. a abort paUleoal. a baodkartelat
Uad to a knot oe ter braaat, and aaAtear aearlrt oaa roeed bar goMaa

-Wall, wa'ra ought ana bird. Joa. ;
ji', bar. am asougb. aocordlag to da-.
bair. aad tea i
Hla ofm ra____________

**Ha^. roe ara aoakad to tea akla.
aad wtn owt." mM tea mas. rUU
ataadtog. and wattelag bta wtta uaaasUy.
Ha waa tall and rary haadaoM. teoegb bta face wa« wore, aad
Ala aga war roarihtog oadar W ycara. i
■ ba apoka bar gsM OA.............................

woBHU Alib aaaxpraailw.Af
»ba wga much oldar-fbaB ha
bad aipaeta4, and teougb dUttocUy
aosa ot tea daasitog
loreltoato-^ be bad bars prepared
m aae.
-tab know whr wa ara bare:, aad- ,

ea tba fair (are of tea girl, but

Vlad auuadad atraDga, wtatfiO. fproaebful by turna u aba iirulkglad
agalBM It.
Her path lay for a lime
to what anmed ibv deMTiad bed of a
(orreat. to eblrb haaldere obatrui-tad
bar feat, and tba aoll wa. aofi under
than H aha illppod and iirovr and
fought tbe gueia.
8be wh a woman
Of allgbl aad wiry dgura. aod at ume
glataaoe it would bare been dlOeuli
to datermloe u> e l>ai auie of life tbe
Her dieai wh of borneapuB. nnUy and pljtoly made, abd a
eloH howl, perbap. (Ijf be., hradiHr
for tea wntber, lipbily Sued ou her
Aa aeutc obaertar aould have noUrml (hat. teougb her boota were
bHvy and iirung. «hr bad a bigb. weltabaped luiep.
Her n*.k wu tlend.r,
.gad there wu aomr.Mng unuiual in
tee polH of ber br< u ibui gave an air
of dignity to aa other e .ar ordinary ufact.
Her futurea laulued iracei of
bunty. but they were too riilorlea^ and
tea llBH nare barab.
ferhapa U «u
•ore than Bare ikyalcal eabauatlon
. teat unt aa odd apum of pain arriwa
ber (ace. aud rohiractad bar mnuib aa
abe moved, gradiuiUy more and more
alonly. up tbe roiisl Irark.
The rain »u e.a,.ng on fa.ier. and


Hid Heater;

—n. I —

aoma alae mllea. nbea abe reai hed a
a bMien road on ibe creel of tea


»dMII a
Af tec bill, a patbeile. laoiaied dgura.
•be held bar band to bv aide, and
paated besvlly. wondering If It wu
her own bodily eahKuaUoo or ibe aunBit glare that made tec dud heath
look ao tW.
Then aba weni onward,
at lut OB a fairly aBootk nmd. windtog aad cnrvtog to Ha couraa. unUl
Bba aaam to a anall kouM of gray
She bcaluied. aad tbe laal






Mitoto . cbu^

Tbare vu a anfled sonai of aurprlH

tB tee room aad a mas (^aasd tee
“My Ood!

You?” be nid.

Tb* tired womta followed him into
the room, and be carrfuUy dosed the
Bbe aoilccd, though sbe wu
AA weary ae to be alaoat incapabto of
tfaarvieloB. that il-cra wu barely any
On a t.okrn table wu a
bottle of whisky

a r.-iucsHn ctinuio-

lagacAM ■hH' ^ ^
*^>1 J:>xtarofl!i9a
A tbv ankle- pt . -ter.
Hy u« |aa

the only chance

S5r»" lr«S


! eviv. U nut an Indian. On tbe cxmtrary.
.i be is one of tbe Wi s|xi-!innui of tba

« ^ Psj-CUc lidtm.

: trocAa«l»-Sa*un ««•>•. F.w in«i
Mme. OrLamar a mibfal aad
[ »>" »>*» mad., a etnd.v ,d the
liable meatnm.
madinm, u
la now
bow id
la yonr
your msy.
‘ aad tber- is
is IM.I a curtom, race pornliorily .«■ which has raiwpfd tba *kleUdyhu many toaUmoolaU from

ruruln, bui fur below, half down the !
a^e tbuugbt that the buia o(
crest by wbVh ebe had climbed shei^,,
kept 00 saying
'To gain
saw tbrra sn>sll polnis of light.
Khe I „n,e gain time gatu more time for
luroed toward ber husband and spoke ; kia,'-

tee vaUey of tb<- Nile ah«'ul
ed by
V b.«ll

»b. — .u™

,h., ...n

,,1,,^ herulf with fut,1,1,1^, .trangth.
And tbe Aral con,uhle never forgot bo* .be look«l u
(ell Urhwar.l «i is.. tv;ih her eyes

•-Cl»rl.H:''becrtea."teeyareonooi '

Indien aSslrs Mr Hlieniiun ia hMoght eorreDcee peculiar in Uvea of people
Into cl.weo.-nUctwltete.-rwl man. nnd ,bleb





gulden itrends of hnir fell on
He did not even took at hla-II. nl-;

»' '«
Ikough .be duped his am vlte a
aud cried out In surp-lae.
test bun him
I »o„,n „„i ,.m, ,h»{ ^dd triumphant
I b«. .he Whispered^,o t.k. I
Ou teal
II druH. mad 10-10 A^sen ber ] led; ^v
and fell,
fell, end
end s'!,
raugbl her u her head wu about
The leyrlBed girl aurted to her feet. strike
•ad trebling to,* o« tee dark blue ;

-____ J......1

a tba Bodoa.


m-enly mud deeply in- all clfle. on bu.lo^. at


ltor.’.>n a


Uere for a

and where she ba* bi^bn lor tbe put etover

murder ailietod h.r maj.wtr prreonally.
and where sbe met wlihvetnflhe ehed maayWtb-r tosrs over tbe aerfol *n-,•«».
Hour* b a. m toP
, Oall over llSbo.ih Union atreet.
a,.id.,n'. RilOe. 11a1rk.1l with hla own 7.,
..v,. ,uus i. w ,si-sW. e.
tabcrrclmbler*ralhwvat on by Hnble rafertooe. Hatlsfactlon ormon
her uiej.*tv n. ..uc .d the iiu»t jrtc. Uu *S refunr.t-d
Hunday'a. H> a. ro to 4 p
I. »iwiwi<-De Th.-quc-h who is natural-1 m. tec put t, leeb* the madams
It « <-ll intormrd al*mi cvcryibiog.
knowe that her tM-i^1>U«« the Frrtiub.
with all ilicir k<K«l .,.u.liti.-«. are not
r(aiurL-al<)r f<ir anciieiH in tHeirdMllngi
with suvsira inUv ImWl, » rrvclatlon

' bu bren in Traveree City she bta done
! an extoosive bn.torev aod will
here until Jaa. SI. (ilven HtlefaeUoo
This ad appura every day.

^y mr-,
Ask to see Madomeb developcn and
g«in uf tee <-»iii
French in | Oreem for removing wrlnklea Bpeetol
i-negHl. T.inkiu and ..thcr French p




teg gill
eeo esee

Sa:P8 8 S5fl £b««


^leesl *was|^ leslo

dwokqt- i---------------------------

Cores WithontHedieioe

l^rais ‘errlTes (tea yrtoskei.
CTseluutl.t^l.-sr^ ps^ RepiIs.


hse perlee cse u> <VtsU RspUo
Teels trance Testis
se CUpe. llilSo. a. haw
Chi.-fJustiueU.lvme ralUT of (be
ole-pet leca UrmM
UrssU RoptCo
Ic CloeIs-rat.
Trslo tcen^
tsenw Trwrarse
Oty s. amp
iH p. m. baa
CniioiHut.v. eupn-iue n.nrt hu a bead
of liuir that luu> grown in beauty ever
since it Orsi Im-aiue (oiiume. His king. ' Hade plain and eommem oeoM- like to
enow wbil.- luck*, which banK.luwn his all. Kirs-.. 1 Uke tbe germ* of dtoeoer c.L.wwivw<vin
■ no CAT * .nesB* Bs
hack, arel.nite.ll from hi-f.avh.wd- Aa fro® *11 port* of tee system

New Methods

Usek silk, be r.wcmM.w the (nuu.ns' '
liberty tbe
•.......thi'diguiU.rin.of tee long'
obstrurth.oe and
aKi<-—Wa*hiu/ton Lcucx.
m»i;e good iHeclecalsii
tl’e :have
thenI put
r-- all tbe *yi
sysu-m Into
a cleansed
Tlctorv of Senator
Bmator Hawley.
The Victory
liberated rondirton.
rondiiton end
On.-.if Ibi-hinm-st jK.lilical cunleste sniublr raeJicine
enrlcb tbe blood, and toae, any
ever biJd to Proinecti.-nt .-nd.-d in t^e
organs quick
oel.i-tiuD .if Sciuitor B. Hawley
- bavc
to mi.i-H..d hiuuwlf Suoh-..f the akbet

- -........-

Chicago —
West Michigan.

- rive® to

iwliticiana ..f the atiih
of the legulatwu

,t u the onto real meteod U
I germ* of disroi
ayatem with medieUi*.
1 rare not wbat you allmento arc. or
how loop stondU-g. U poeslble at all
you'ran be made etroag and bealtey.
let It be rhvumatica. paralyaU, brart
oervourara* and kidney troubles, head
achravyAttarrh. drafnrae. In fact evert
ailment too nomeron* to mention, men
and women anfler from ran be cored In
a abort time and pcnaanenily by Prof.
DrLrmar, np-etalrs (i:. 8 Union street
Traverse Oily.
Here nwhll* n^er 11
weeks in Manistee- Oases can b* treat-


One of teem, to uBlforiB.
wbo lingered a little apart, slowly
pitahed open ifac door of tee boiisc and
looked to.
A rigid ftgure-tbat of a
woman—lay on the floor.
A roogb
log of wood bad been plarad under her
heed, and someone bad thrown a cloak
He anddenly divined her mMBlng.
ber tM and skirt.
Bat tbe fora
and obeyed ber wHb trembling swift-1
it waa white and
la a (ew Hcopds Hester flood ^s „ -.rtle and had oerhaH been
belor. him. -..ring a blue aklr. and '
“ lu b^^uf, in^S^w^
White kerchlef-ber dark klddu
on nlthdr aide by a twi.t of mdd. and a |
a knife teat lay c

yonr cBse. correctly obowinr weakBf«*ca. Iccatinn sod duration of
cf die.
I t-e
. , pen.>n
--------at rau have private
tottrwctiooa frra. how to be tbefa-own
doetor, and keep thema-Ivee sad (amUy in 'good health f<ir few cents cer
•kxoToi KstBra r. Raw-ur.
If ratiefled with yonr doeto
... . m- tee defeat of Mr. Hawley,
Hawley, but
m .fonilnue wiin him. if not rail and r
jci ui-oii 4. .fuu. u.T unehuttered
ui.sxju.ierao win«.
after a cpiriud root.-st
i thecancu.mj drentsr t.c.. free adrk.
1 La
and utoeb baiiuUng tec vetoran
i.ilHUii time for Ulks with euitoai
d aeekdra. Everybody eaU
-------------------------------------- I Tbe cbuice wu mode unaQiiDoiU
^ I ''"Wrato'dtocaara of men aad worn.,

w«Md«m*v.mid. etroog*
u. every os
lea* treat ihemaelvn priTal-.,.
ratoly. Bwi
their depths, suck HOD. dlawnbod:ed,rauWron
wC 1
oeo,HUldros of cold water,
which wu
Senator Uawlev is
gbis reltabtorefereoeaBeMalandtogperM
uplrli might beaiow on another.
But ,jo,|y huied to the boiling point' Hta i third t«i» to tb..'ut*a
Addrw Prof- Pe
only for a moraeni.
Then the monbl bones were dletrlbuied. u a warning,
AsuolQckml Med'elB* do., *».
hunger of this lonely woman for 1^ uiOOh tee proviacUI ux coUettora.
atee ...
long-dead affection came back to bpi.;
_________________________________________ LafMppe oared to I or (bra* (twao-;

» AB kvihs omw.


XSliSB Bssssssen 8S

»mloent people eoSsuTt ber to

l«v:.i.-d to F,vyi t end to the rerovorv of abort time.
AlltoVlte^ to rail and get
the Hnduu 1.. .-ivniHliou end prace- nironlara. Com^bee* from Hantotee

-John." abe Hid, aUll apHklng in tha
meuurtd vclce of on* nniouchtd by
CBUllou or (car. "«n o« two thick
locks of ber hair."

malHr BAfl Asrfc y

firud nplls d mitiu R. r

liKllanrlii-fa wi’h loucvasittsiind <«t of the city, send sumpedenvetopev
fni>riidrnllr.>»Ho wercurtiledlntee forterme. rvwdtriga can be glveii with
gnU.T.v wM-uin.; the prvK-redinga.

When tb* sun wu higher, and te«
silver mist had lifted a little from tb*
moor, a small gionp of mao stood near
tb* cottage to the midst of tee allent

and wrung ber bean moat bitterly.
She laid ber band on bis aleeva
“Klu me. John. Just once more." \
acciguea c>u.a ami. cus uumw m
He bent down and tee cheek teat ki^ ' spou todicattog (be beam, with tbe
tip* touched burni like Bre.
Then be ^k lor atevaa and the quaea tor
ypeoed the door, toadlag teiwngk a (•«!*« tea klag belog placed to the

Ever Burned OutC
If ao you know
' tbevnlneof

tee h.mai- rxentlr. and when Mr. Sher- trial, to know the future to euccoM.
man wu engine^ng it throngh a half »'i utrirtly eonfldeottol, Thnae llvtof

„„„ y^w. a trcvele.. wearing tough
clothes, mod a young woman
III and iTvmhllng. went
| ,„rtly on board a ulllng ship teat
b„„Bd for
lor .kuttralla.

remed oa Urn with love ablnlng in . mg State revenue*, wu purinto a large


t.4 In Mr. HhramanV cmninlttra

m, w.ill.,K for Ih.- Mg ohi.-f. u be U
fotvtionsl.T cU.d
The Indian apreo- «»*• ooi acalnst Ichh.
eio. Yon
priatinn lii1twasan.lcrc-B.<idenit1on in abonid call and ylve tbb medium a

all ber bHut'ft.l white Ivth.

Hbat will be«nitt.o( ua, o(
,□ that (toil struggle the handkeryou. if teey tahe me. my dear, my i ^lef on be, hMd wu lootoned. and

skin, tee Unen aercblaf teal wu over
ber slender ebouldeni and Uto acarlel
on. that half bid ber ha.r
Tken she
pulled out some prns. Md • golden
shower leU over ber.
Heater Munro
bed discarded her own sodden feted,
ber abdwl and hood
Tnry lay on ifae
floor, and without addressing ibe
younger women, she signed to her to



Served oorreciiy at

ere of tUi- Xew York refirraMitative. elUeeall around yoo of hnstorauand
As rhoinnaD .if till-lu.n>ef»iiimittM> iiD all Ittoda of Imp-Trlant matVwe and oe-



V’arabarg Mask.



T)f couraa ahe'll lie." ba thought; "bat
ni be eren wlib bar."
Hwter'e buaband bad knows teat

He el.ned eou . len. hed bl. bands.
aod looked over b>s sbonlder.
wllb agony to h.s voice, be «rode «
tee flre and c.ugbt the bands,of tee
girl wbo HI there to bU own,

I raaraalra aU ay work «
I ao^ if it doaa not prove ao I 1

,b'le la th. drat ea.; T wh able to av
%tm6 to boalnr.. ebout two day« before
gnttlBg -down. “
For sale by S. B.

over Ibe anirr to tee wood*, raerb tbe In tbe <lirerilou John Uuuro had real­
Tillage, uke (he roach at tbe croH- ly uken.
I hen. at If by an unconrnaili. and gel uo 10 tee rout."
trollible impulse, abe threw one look
Heater Munro shuddered. Bui know­ I of agonltlng inten.U} toward the bare
ing him u abe did. bla utter HlOab- alopea (hat farad tee cottage over Ibe
OMs did not surpriee ber.
Abe only BOOI
tried to forgei tee neighborhood of bit eoly
oompantOD. and aat with eyw rtvatad (lienA
The latter nodded.
OB him.
Tbe ufHi way. after all. male,"
*'Ah! bat you bmi aiart at odmI'* Hid be, alowlr. "Ii to Harrb right
aba cried.
"Tbe newa of tbe forgery round tee 'ouac for tee etepa.
of your pannar'a name, and of bla— rain's well aoaked the earth nw tea
(bara abe caai a look of dta- waJU,
wa can't
dala 00 tee young wumanl "and of bit ^ tracke. '
wife's flight
kaawB all
Tbe woman felt a Huee of euffocatba rouBiryetdr by
Why tlon.
Then abe tbruai ber flogert
you wall. Jubnr
Uo you heart through tee haadkArcblef on her rhHl
Why do you watt a minute morer"
and dies ont a pistol.
Hbc roM, end leaning ber hand on
"This la for Ibe ilrat man who goM
the broken table siuod atarlag at bim.
He looked m airange to the rough
clothes In 'IPbIrb br, too. bad disgnlead
fatsueir. ao obviously
thai her heart was wrong with a fresh
"S'o pluy-auUng. If you nleaae. mad­
am! "
Hit words bsd hardly left bli
"1 faava come so (or. ao far," she lips when a sharp re]un eoundsd
guped quickly.
- John, doa’l let It be through the room, and d.«nl away over
)usi fur ootblbg."
tee waste of dark lend
Hester, who
He wu almost aa pale ws sbe was. bad never willingly lutlned a living
"You ara too g<M>d, aud you ere brave creature; bad not miaaed her aim. Tbe
u u Hob." be Hid. siieaklng very low. Baa, euoi through the shoulder, fell
And over hla fare, worn with dlisipa- bark with a curse eod s gru-ia. Tken
tlon and ansteiy, aome ira(% u( wbat abv grew wu faint ihoi It seemed to
be had been In hit youib aacmed • her It wu In a drum that ibe other
flit sad die ewitily.
(tester moved to BOB jsix«Ni her. and
wrrurbed ber
tee wi-dow
end l»,ked out.
and wrlsls while
n^e * wfld________ __

'Ibey era .v.mlng

BMambar teat I do all ktoda «f aacmlrtogaadeaAawUar.aadteatl mmo
aad do frlra row tea beat work of par'
to the city for tea awery.
leerlTed by wbat oih**rt teU yoa t» .

John R. Santo,
fieieral lisgruM.

----------------Bto Ckial SbarwMa.


' -


Bicycle Bidere.



gUsuncr from tbe hurrying clouda
abowad (hat sbe wu deathly pala
Half mecbanU'-lly, ohe tried to arrmaga
the ihawl ihsl ah* wcweon ker eboul-1 ^ke*»>>«ig the herrowed
Hr surted. r'.tng t.y
1 iiLsbrd a wtfp of wet hair curl* in rto.e
kaWBd eliber ear.
Tbaa Ah* koaeked sometblag strange and noble In hts
wife's up*. ( that be bad nerer before
Bt tee cuusge door.
There wu a
■Ughl movemui wiikla. but bo bb- aoUced.
Her eye. wove tee exalted '
The M*t’toil^*of*^irDg to dmtb 1
Avar, and the visitor apeka.
of one In whom all craving iqok pUra in Perala In 1»0. The of-i
“Jt la l-HMier,'
for Joy Of aarte bu poH®l away. They f«der. wbo wu (bund guilty of meal'


ChaatberlalD'a Coarb'*“~‘‘
Ki urdy. and I Uink wttb conaldi
aoaaa. osiy being to bed a little over 1
ttmtrti a. ceoara
odayaagaiukl tan d»ya Tbr the for),▼r J^An

xmnd atttte
atuck I1 aaa
J<Ab Hay laal a
hUH1«I wo»1<i bare Vwro equally aa


abe wu a woman of ainmg alfeetlont.
Her fast had Iroan gbanUy.
Joba sf oeuee and eourwe.
But be bad not
Munro poured aome milk into a cup baon aware teal aba had----------bar tba

and banded It to bir and abe drank It. makloga of a grut a. irew.
guick u
"Bui we arc only here till lo-mur- Ugkuing eba divined ibe Uiougbi of
row," be an.urrcd;
"then we eball tee man who queaiioned
crow Ibe bill end make our own way pointed toward tbe beiW of tee bouH


Bald cbtouB. and be didn't favor Mr.
Cboatr. hat bHiIuv Pefiew. Lori P.

—teat day we eroaacd tea 1
r and
paaaed Ibla bOUH. and yon Bid to ma
langblag. 'Wbai a place for a aun to
hida froai JuBIra'
It la ao utterly
lonely.; you uidr-



Morum nor Elibu feoAl. aU of whom tea
uetuil<,r tin>p».d WH Htlafactory to
- Ifa of ao oaa. aa aa. your pmarl. Pr«ldi-ui
MoKialey. 8.«at<w
natt at
.nd dafylag of tea Uw.
ia Uel
tbe aot^Unatiun
aoi^natiua of
ot Mr,

other way to wars you-no other that > vbich


-J™. II,IW. Jw, 1V,A^ •• IT*#.


-aad I kn.w of no


u Tuwa. Ldte^dtor hii STijJfllS'
Uw CbasM. wltodSt to 53Pnlla5;£2a.r?iSSfl
atSIrt tteTte tte
ezpectod; tea boofat Anmwy
bus thi4 ibara vm bo Articla
~ - bu what waa tatr aad n

I Hir. toid
. be. that ww lor fHrhtog the Chine aad
Turkey from ibe Oarrim. that yoo teat

It gave a baaBii- and aofinaM to her; «n*in| bit toaura u ba walked.


Btan'e banda. ruveied by ttoul glovea.
vara by thia time wet and i-old, and
ber pouiroat clung tightly round bur,
bampartng bar progrvM.
Bui ibc ropiinucd 10 advunre at tba
aane alow, even pare
She bad >-onM


au." ba Hid eartly.
"VAur-roar decoapllto appaare to ha away.
But. #i-



to -hto

(Irad era whuh touched aad woundad !
• Bolted. Joe.“ aild he. Iscoalc
hla. calioua u ba waa.
, Tbaa ba tnraad to Heater.

Waytarara ea tha road whlrh aloda
geitaa tba soorUsd uatll It raai baa
ainitoattaa to tea abatw of a populoua
■aaport ton aaldoat fall to aoUca
Ataat^daaartad boaaa which duadi

(UllaaH, or a anall aalDul arurrtaa
tbfoogb the open doorway and vtalabH at tea bark of tba dwelling
Vary aarly to tea cdatury tba owner
Ad .tea boon bad been banged for
gboap euallDg, aad for a non.lderabie
Bitabar of rnre after tee uaioward
Avaai ao oaa bad permaneoily oreuptad It, tkougb ID iLuaa day. a airong
goer atlll awuag «u lu bloga>. and ibt
roof wu aaeura eaougb to kMp out all
bat the BOM pitllaM rain.
On an afiaraoou lata to Saptember
aOBa Hvmty-ive ye.ra ago a Hlltary
famala ggure made bar way ovar ibe
•oorlaad from e'blib tbe tlodra ol
baaiber bad vanlabed.
Tba day wh
a wild one. sad tba Boantog of the


BiU of


iauuaUu: Kay. laid teeUooBtr;
‘ Bian, beta ia ««» ot term 1
ioaaiMt be i
'tlitor t^btilisga
: tog to bumhaark. wbta utaie of aty

Thera waa aomatblag half-m. , mm na. 1 niui aanrah tea lunar room
taraal to tea im.H.r Iota white teoaa , tni.Ka went paai tea dladatoful
oat of bar eyea aa aha looked
______ ______ ___ _________ ___________


of what
avaa mon tbaa tea u
A of the building >U .. allrarU
tea aiUBUoo of irarelacu.
No voire,
BiMpt tea wblaper of tea breetr paw
lag through
purple tuaaochu and
brAn-ttecked fcra. will ever ecbo
■gala la tea ooiuga rooina
Tba rain
tolli troiD tea amply wiudowa Ilka
toara from algbtleka eye..
Now and
teaa tea cry of a elld bird bra.ha tba


try. aanait
harlas employ'd as AttOMy. cd ,
a‘witT awi Oataii; to




unsm in nimisnn tx

* .S


4 I L*




•wS •*»




SS g



..H„i x!«ss=._________ _
s=s: ------- -—

damed naAm tbe bead of
"Rrallyr* Hid tbe aoAcMA
To rwn tb# tbtog reqVbM
AhelMofld rod sad gwB.‘‘-Oaateatt

*^liLad. appoanaearr day.

"■ *'mIh.

. T8* ■o«*i»0 8»oo«i>. »inn>AT. JtgytK-r at, ita».



a ara alaoat atel»> ;
Wada of wood. MarWa te naad oo.
caatoMtiy. bat «alr tor U* aaoat coaOy
•r an maatala. cmOm perbapa tho*'

l«T TO WCAJt AND HOW TO M*K( rr aaado of doUara. Tha sarttla auat^ 0<
Ua kUd ao (asUlar year* aco H M ink* It bar*baaida tkafeavok
loagar Mda. aad aoaatimaa waikla
Wkaa aU U* Han* a» hrawa.
Baaiala of la* qaallty tbal coat bom I alt bar* oa tb* baak aad took
Ik 4tm« watet ed teaey tcatad
ara tabaa oat to-b* »a-i Whar* tbay com mIUm dowa.
Tb* froau Kdl bach la
rwoaly uaed a f*« yaara age.
topate tram tba aaek ta
tedla*. vhteb ar* (aead with lb* ***“
*® •***•
___ _
a aad
vith ntcblai of mono- '
naatate nay aakly b* eoMy.
*u, ta
ctylca aad at aU aorta of prtc^ lto«

TWte T-ra
Pav. iBdaad voaM be thair playAtag* If tka Cfttaaae eklldraa had to
tapead «a toy ataraa tor tbaaa. Aa It
b. Uta paddlar te a fa»lUar
rran- Chtoaa* dty. aad a*aa (be ckUIraa haar tJW goac of a toy aaUar It te
atgaal tor a mb to the froat
to catcb blB bator* be gate by.
At a call ibaa* maa allp tb* pote frda
tbter abooldar* aad act tbalr baakau oa
(b* gnmad. aad Ibara te alaray* a group
gatbar arooad

A dtepJay of toy* oarriad by ea* ot
ibaa* toy aaUar* lacladaa May tblag*
katlUar to ABorlcaa*. tboogb tb*
*apaa aaam odd aad (aataatle. Clay
Oa* aad te ^vaya carted ap Ugb
tratu. doll* of aU klada, pavur }*••!■
Joat Uk«^ mtte Ball,
fy, aarrtaga aad
lad vh*n braaa* com vhWdag by eneker* of atraag* abapM which vlU
They aead bafora tba gala.
hardly avar go
toy {dpa*. Uute

of a Year.

iw««>« tbv'aeaiA

lar* of great beauty, aad area tb*
{eb«MWt My be taataful aad giaeatal
1 ta daalge aad Aateb. Thera aerar vac a
Aad dlaappaar fron
covacad vtlb rabbit fur.
' (IM vbaa *0 toach art dad cklU veal
I aad vagouc vitb nude bozea aadar
; lato wood akaaUte a* eov.
I tb* atau that grlad out a tuaa aa roe

woodi iiaad laclada ubogaay,
pull them atoag.
t curly birth, quartered oak. iid olhar lad arbat will all ny veeaela tklak
I Other tbinga ipeoB ctraager ailU. for
Wbee ibcy get out to aea?
I hard vooda. vhlievood aad pfa*. Per*
tha klief. nad* la ibc *bap* ot bird*,
' hapa nor* ara nad* of vbltavood tba* For aom* will aall aad aoma vQl teal
fish. *«rpem*. dragon* aad even laaal*
Bat aoac eon* back to me.
of any other oa* MtarlaL Tb* Tarlou*
Mt* objpcu Ilk* b*Ite aad bou*«a. *111
i vooda are aalcbed la great variety.
have Vlad barpa faaieDed oo tbeir
I Tbe oahi. for iaiUDce. are atalaed la
backs tu make tben dug vbii* lo tb*
1 aeventy or algbtr dlffareut abadea. to
air. and vlll bare eyea a*t luoae in ttaelr
' natch. If It abonid be daalrad. aay fur,
baada. so that vhea tb* wind blow*
Ditura. Haay naatate ar* palatod aad
tb* *>e* vlll turn around and look as
I coaBMlIad. la tba fireplace fitUage «( \
a eoctly naatate it te aot ~
0 be blovB



iS,r; V.uT.. ™.« oi




During 1898 the total number
of copies of

The Morning Record

o la c atar froat. tka full eoloalal nani*te ar* oople* of
tb# well.
J in aid and nnrtii'M familiar boiuva. > Green
—-— was
—- tb*
— eoaatemetlon
------------------- when
---- money. whletHiig top. that spin o
«a«nn..am__________ _______ whil# naa'tetetehuadreda of stylet ' tbe plat* vai mteeed, aad aa aetlr* rrliif held between two *Uck*: *01*11
kaTJ^ateSktoHaM arranged la galh- ' ar* i. b. fooad Uiv^dy designed, maay ’
lor tbe robber, took pteea. la wblatlaa to fasten oa the t^te of pot

! :^"T.7.r..-u'is

Inaualto make naotate to order to
Thte vatet nay be part of a cMum* ' match furaitura; It night be tbat a
.nr nada saparataly to wear with dlfier- , mantel would be made lo naub a
m coatmtlag akiru.
^ burean or dining room table
Oombtaatloa* of malarial aad color* | elylea of nanlete *r* constantly being
jtag may be antetJeaUy arrenged and | added to tbe great aunber regularly
;tba vain cea b* made 1a ellk, cotton produced,
nr light woolen tabrtee Velrat nad*
Chiva •( rale Wamev.
ta thte way with rarer* aad front of
In a racaotly putltebed book a Ger­
•mUb. cad dacoratloB ot polat appllqu* man wrttar vama rtfe-seakara against
Be aapartaily baadsome
tb* round, soft, dir pled chin tflrvt flg*
T* Mke tha waist for a medium ate* inrej.vbleh. haaay*. “Indicataeafeebla
■nlH require twA yards Of matarlal.

■ra the Clrevlar fiouneed akIrU. nearly
•asfT new gova showing one of Its
anay differeat varletla*. The shaping
tee pmeated Is eatremely grscetul
mad gives tbe half talilier eSoct that te
■aary .«*aerallr becoming.
The skirt
masslsU of a aarrov front gore between
'crU* circular portions tbat join In canam back aad are fiuad emootbly over
ithe bias by two darts at each slda The
tobln msy estend to the lower edge UD>
Aer the flounce or be rut off just bi^v
Ahe Hue of prrtoraUun* ibsi Indlat*
arhere tba flounce Is attarbod. 'The
galinnst at the back te arranged In
ka^ward turning plaits, bat gatberi
tasy l>* subotltuied. a* many ladle*

l>*ltaaB Varava Daak.
‘ In Kew Gardens. In london. In tb*
! presence of a considerable number of
' tpertators, an affair of honor waa aatUed between a pelican sod a duck,
j Tbe birds hsd bad wor-ls tt^eiber. ao
speak, and tbe
that the next beat thing
making the
together «rtp* of writing paper an
duck aat his word* was to sat the duck,
Ubie knives
So. after a little thru** aad parry oa ^^e should be held by two persoi
cniss or r; la wovae.
the water, be mad* for Ge amallar bird, ^^b bolding one on Ue same level
win and craving for pleasurw* and frlT*
.. with tbe sharp edge upward- Over
ollllea. liateo«ho#a love of mu^
Then a baiil* royal h<an inside the ikeee tb* t>ep«r rings are to be pa.i*ed
the P«»=
pclii a»- Tbe duek etrugaad
It 1a a algn that lU poe- ! pouch of **>•
broomstick suspended by tbe
-former (hen take*
taMVisTtad M..a^ g^
paper rings. Tb, perfo.
tbe broomIT^Itognb^r Tup^ticSTbuTSS '
a leg pr a wing ouislda.
,uck and nril
strong bl
blow in tbe midClou.
'*>?* »'* ***"
«l«k « -barp. Hron,
clous Ind
and sulky.”
or tbe amatl. mobile, daintily pro­
truding chin (secord figure) be eaye it and kept it there, as If trying to suSo- * (taring tbe paper rings or causing them
on the rwra.
"deuolcs a alrong but caprjeioua will, cate or drown Its eneny.
At last the duck got his head and one
0^ ^tils on be done by sticking a
! It shove more ImaglnaUon than heart.
tn each end of tbe broomstick
|a deelra of uklng n prominent pan In wing out. and then with a magnlflcent
resting the needles on tbe edge
|tbe vanltiei of tbe world. It te a mlx- eBort, managed to gel onUrely free.
joblets stood on chalrt.
ture of aenttmenuilty and good sense. On<-e again on tbe wat-tr tbe duck de*
dined further combat and fled, while either c le the blow struck in the mid- it i*
la wnimnrai
wbimalcal sou
and yeaiuus.
It will
a*ii :
_ __________,___, ,_------------------------- -----------------.

placket Is msde in center back and a
«aall dree* extender or Improver may
k* worn uademaath tb* fullnesa
The skin la represented In grey blue
oru mmmro
trimmed vitb
wiio wio*
widt .lancy
f, u..,u, „p.;
.PP.PP. ,b.
.< u,«_ w„p
Mack ..,u„u
. , ..........................
awale akiru In this style black aerge. | wbum U ba* to live, but it will do well
ahevlot. broad clolb, bomespuo and , for an ambliiou* mao's wife, as Its
MSBtds' bair are chosen, mohair and , owner will fascinate and make a gbod
•■k bmld famlsfalng suitable decora- bosiaaa.**
kion. IMiilItt. bongnllne. fallte and dlt- j
Aali-Waflaram w-tv<w uf cotdrd silk, plain and
Among sure pre-entlve* for gray
fancy uKets^l di'vd> |> rbarmlngly i-v balm and crow's Wi a cerUla busy
the mode witr>Mblugs ot Ubarty saa
rnTwo.^^*U''Vbe?4'ptS "dlnx"^


”“1,”^.:;^ ■“ “

Some of the rarer Jupaticsc goldpsb
cost many dollars each but some amall
fulUIltb can be bought for five cent*
«Ach. This Is tbe )o vest price for
goMO»b. but there are mter em*

the aupporia. A pile of checker* msy
be put on tbe table and by one blow
with tbe edge of a knife tbe
.,, n lb* bottom one may be removed
wilbout disturbing the others.

Haw to Malir a I'apee S'la
Cut out of ordluarr paper i fish. In
r of the body ;
! SStTbea?rml“ 'uJr cltfi“b" an Tular opentesg, communi.-atlng with tbe

of engagement*, lefer* to b* answered. '
... .—w- attended to. nrtlclea ■ tIvUy, can be bought fur tbe same price,
house o- fM a™
and ao CAB lltUe allveclsb. Three lltUe Ibougb lu upper surface remain* dry
needed for noose o. tor peiwoou
can be Kp,...>.t
bought for a.-.
five cenU.
Pouf delicately
delicately one
one or
or two
two drops
drops of
all the
D a bosy
other Interest that enter
is bought both for hone aquarium* and oil will strive to spread Itself over tbe
this means
worrying senae of
which U apt to haunt the woman or
,mnn whose day* are filled with a mul*
I Uplicliy of demacds, and who hai ao
aet-reiary to keep him or her rememjbering dettite. F«r auch. tha antlj worry pad U recommended aa a aarve
I and temper tonic._______ .
WavM-v as BwB Plwhcaee.
n tllBerent width* for | Th* women who racenUj appeared
^ taill ring In Spain nre not the
To make
eklrt tor *
^ ^ Bret of thetr kind.
Tbe raoord* of
4tam atae wlU reoJl'e flv# yard* of ma- ,
tetal flfly-ter Inch#* wlda
-women flghu
vtanrU-e arrvvaw.
' «ra Who beenme -tompnraUvcly emJQueea Victoria showed from th* pent. Th* great woman fighter Tcraaa
■MTlIeat part of her reign a deiermlaa- boUI. U her prime -ms a lorer* of hl|*
lo kte te bet own hand* th* ap- repute.
Lisboa, too. had a famous
wlBiment of thoa* aarvlng In bee torera forty year* ago. Moat ot th*
taOMeholda. aad ah* ba* alerays devoi- gentler eex fight 0-ly with butte that
wfi aitenUon to the eelaeUon of thee* j,,*, their home c- vered: a faw, Te*
g^nni with tbe ■weult that ehe haa rasa Bolsl among 'ham. uaed to lac*
Baoo exceedingly well aarteA U con- nnlrasU fully armed.
MUiA »ltb the U*e Dean Stanley oa
^-----Aa death of his valer. the Queen aald: |
"tT^T av
-* om one of thoa# who think th* toa* ■ It ha* been aald hat Mr*. Alma Ta3Twtbtol aervwnt th* loa* of a dem. ha* the handtomate aacklaoi la
ppa on* who ean never be re- England. conateUng of g eerto* of ex2^- The Qnean would never par- quleltety carved gema. not tb«m«e>*«
teTtoaolenc# to anv aarvant. and she ao valnablA perhaps, but mad* ^ by
ZS^nan rebuked ker little great- lb* workmaneblp. which hw MaM
MBdebildren for any AUdlah want of tham to tie level of a work of af^
.oleUity to their attesdanu.
Ta 'ope* rwit Java.
I Women h*T* an important pttc* te
r*tet tor* ean be aaslly opeaad by a the Brltlth PoeUl nepartmenL; Ot th*
-J« davtoa. eoBtlailng of a pteea ol total of pareon* of all rank* of lb* ear^a> wtr* bant Uto a doabl* eirrta. alee, permaneat and oceaaleaal. am-wttb a handle on aa^ and ot tha wire


at tha geaiter an.


; *o.

n« yviMpto oi !■•>«<*.
;‘bat he bad found the pUia WhereBy applying tbe prladpte of laertle
produce a number of Interest,
i«ng tricki mat wm amuse aoa peru.p.

lumnw some of the big folk* as veil
*• ‘be children. On* trick require, an
The housemaid burriad to tb* wall,
at the bottom of which, sura aoongb,
tba plate wa* aecn. A tedder was pro­
cured. a aerraat daseeaded and tb*
piste vas brought up. Juat before tbe
: last article was flabed op Master Tom-,
i my whispered to bim: ‘ John, please
bring up m; drumstick when you go
-iovn for tbe soup tedte."

tbat leads to the tail. By a i^ctlve efTaov* Prlvaaa.
Impelled in a direeWhen driving ont with tba nuiwe*.
oppoeite to that in which tie oil
Prince Albert of Turk occupies tbe
movement wlU laat quite
place d'bunneur In the barouche, and
Princes* Victoria of Tork aiti on the
—— - —,~

i^’‘rwilt^..rgI^^rrd -“S" AB0rtonU"n:}r^.

l^T cap with a whit, buaby. and they thought a great deal. The cat was
gravsly return, tb. salute of any one
te aplte of careful nursing,
Ibo mtenowledgta tba baby «»uplk
The poaiUon of “oldest Un*"J* strleUy
they had - call the
put pi
adhered to. even In tb. nCw ar- «®««. The doctor
her teat agate.
Not long after IbU doctor was called
. paisM ftorw Wt Basksa.
to B#e * member of the
All poteoBOu. aarpaou have movable
^o aooner bad the doc... „
rang., which are found te the upper
,be eat appeareS,
jsw. and when not te use cloae up Ilk*
deride th* doctor and did
there are numeroa germ* of others,
of aaothar

Brery day Uie doctor retumad. and
every day tbe eat rprung to great him


»ae* Stuwa-W aaall»w ana prdicaa FI*.
--------------------^----I A swallow te eoraldcred on* of the
Miaa That a»*> Uka Tana.
I .wltitat of flylBg blrdi, yet a dragooJapan ha* a bread ot mice vhleb art uv «nn eaeap* vitb tb* grestem
B pnaal* to baturalteta. At different
purauer. so avlftly doe* thte
period* ot the day they whirl roand taseetfiy Analuraltettelteofanczcit.
and round tor houra at a Om*. B a per<Ma* he aaw beeweea a swallow and
SOB Bhonld Utt a moua* vhea It Is ^ dragoo-fiy. The Insect flew with tewblrUng. the animal vUl raanme n* credible apoed. and wheeled and dodged
whirling the momont U te art dowh.
mieh ease that th* evallev, daIba aa—^kad.'
italt*lte«t»ort#torta.eoMtetalyfaIIUtll* Ma#' WM diaeoverad on* day *d to ovartaka and captar* «.
bv her mother rlgorouato applying tb*
artificial lege *»fi arm* war* te oaa
oil can to the kittaa'a mouth,
^ te Egypt a* *Afly a* B. C.
teg rapreved. ahe rapUad: “Why,
mad* by th* p-iasta. who war* tha
ma. kitty squeak* ao awfeUy vhea 1
„ that early Urns.
pan kar ulL“

An ayerage for the entire year of

1,049 Daily.
This will bo interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figures argue that
^ortising in the Morning Record
is valuable.
This also proves that

The Want Department
Is a good thing.

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