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The Morning Record, January 18, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Oraml Mfn IfoM 8aff«r
-T«b*Ob«rtW WUkOM«M
kMOMlM M OOMr m4 Oiftl
WMktafM- iU l7.-Pf«W»«t MeCI.W7 MWM«d k> U»
tMOMd to «o*rt -tottol Cto~fto
S*ermUry AlWr wM not ji»«^
Mt, to-t Wtto WJ*to«l Om0»*I CorWB
WM Bl to* WWto u«— to
use OMAKtolU.
GETTHW immm.
To XoptoM MvBod Howl Wito O
•SOO.OOO BoUdtoCSob FroBctooo. CtoL. Job. 17.—It to
oBDOBBcod 70Bi(bt tkot MlSlIoBoiro
‘ UMky*- BoldirlB wfU fopltoa too old
Boldwto koui. wbwe rolM boro booB
OB oyoBOro OB llorket ttreot for wooko.
wUb o BOW olfhtowry otool o»d brick
BUI BtorldlBC fcr Toxottoo of bowl, wkleh wUl Boot smeoa
•wok* of TrwtoWBt HBreboBW-
B u A«tMlk«f IsflMM
»«t Mot to » SertoM OoBdlOOB.
ot Atkiiuon BiU
17 -Klar (
pMdac tha Hoqm.
•offOTtoff from m »ttoek of totoosM.Tto oo«t pbrtoetooo mj tW« l« bo
OMM for Btont. toit It to koowB lb«t Mill to AtoOBd OstCom Tost Book
tMKtocto'pkrjtoBllT BSBb'otowlULow — Boooter
iB Mamorj of tb*
Late Aldonnan Ooediieh.
Oibor DBlBfo to lABtoBir.
Bj buying a paper or a magazine. Even a
paper of pins has points. We carry everything in
the way of magazines and the very best of reading.
Look over our news counter and see tbe
number of good magazines that are published. If
you want the latest on any topic, come to us,
lABOtof. Job. 17.—Soaowr Oroh^!
wUl ocoto tatowd«oo>to
of Troa^ of
book Mil oftoot iwrloB. Ttortotb*]
Orobow Foroyih low. oioBdod 00 w lo
P«aO* D«f«TP*d.
moke It jBOBaotory ob oil dtotrieto Bot
«-Tboio WUl bo
: borlBff 1^ Wto booko Tbe eptloBol OOBBlBC
* to wbot 'ooodeaBo tbe tow.
ObOBKo fro* toe Orlftool FropoM-(clooee
plaeB—BcttltweBtof PreoeBt Zhfl>.
tIOB-Mow BUl W be OeBl to I-«to-' Mr. Urobow oleo hoe o bill proridtoc
oaltp DepoadiBC VpOB AcUod Of
Btlor to too eobtoot ewoloB, Tboordor
for toe ooBrt wortto) will fwobobly be
' prorldw toot wheo o troBMeot Bier- j OBopre.* OB Treaty.
There woe lllUe boetoee* to «^to , e,,^,opeoeoetore hleeioek eboU forthMobUo. Job. 17.-1%e delay of tbe
of tbe eoBBdl
„in, b* owoeerd ond o to* collected.
| L’oiWd Swwe oenow to roUfyloc tbe
I. lb, »w.«
! There eoeou to be o prowlap oBlly \ treaty of peace to toe suet deoferooe
UIU lb.,. . rub« ..1^1; b.lw tor 1lipbt Bt toe «
; of forooe oB the railroad bill. The to-; feotareof toe oKootloB here Theaoroll BpoB SaeroWrtoB Hoy *»d
j a,TOoUi etrwt ood Blawood otobo*. idtoBtioBOBretoeboBeewlllpowo biU ^ tirw do aot BOdereWad why tbe
Be bod jBot retarard here
i tbc wtltloe wbb reforrod to toe
jlooely allied to tbe Alktoeoa Wlf
, ow eboald Uke eo loaf >o reheb
York. OBd wboB opokea to to refercBoo i
llfbtlod. There
w »
11,...It in
Mr. ABdereoB hoenotlced a j-ilBl re 'cWOB. They bare olwaye beeo o«oo. adhered
to hl.rri-‘
220 Front St.
Zi foIlS^^o^ If be aciedatoH.' ¥ie e.peBdltarea of toe board of ] not to eaoeod M.ooo to (Iwwpe Crowp I wry. wboe. BolBrally prompt and dl- ;p,B,iewo^dorlBf lopaat iwoweeka ofCompooyU. Uraod Rtpld*. for to- rrctoiethodti.otcTeo«paBtobproer*eUarlof toe ImplIwUoB that If we
'waaotoo rorr Itotat. tbelr eotire e*- Jerleo reoalred at
^ Ao-' tlnatloo aod red wpe ooold wholly deBtoaloadld Botaot.
poet I8»7. He fell while botIbp eaap feat. They perceire toot toe baade of
torn. It woBtd thee be time for him W BeaaeoBtorewhtorWt IS.
^^Md portlOB ot toe prooeedlan 'euppltoe aad waa paroly wdtoe Amorieaii oomoiaBdere are to a
a; oi*B*Bra Ucd be the aeBaW. All tbto
Uw. Wwley Merrtt will be prealdwt
ef Uue^MTUeiraBd toe tod*e ad-! wetoory of UoB. Beubea Ooodrieb. tbe] bill doiof away with aleetloa prima-j pwstly <»»»•»«• *■■»««•■ prwUpe to
■ tiiisis TTl 1 Vrr Urn' J W Cloak of the
to be torntpooed by death 1 ri*a. Mr. Lakh of B»y wlU totrodnoe , the iktaodi aad eoakaa BoeltlBmeBt lo• ■ -and IkaalMiioetbeeity waktoeoeporated. Alder U bill reqolrlBp poblwiioUoaofpropea-|creaelB»tydlffliBU.
Ooodrieh-k eeat bad bees eacsbt I «d chaapeB to city bsq TillUre ebar-1 Tbe deadlock with the rebMa nader
■r of toe judpeadeo- [>
l{eo little, that tbe fact that toe late
___________ ______
ijeeBeiable asd pabllc aplriwd oOclal
Saaator Daete hae a bill reqelriep'eny Ikqeletand boktoeek U proeeedte*
^'sed of ’bta delir 'He immedlawly ;
oecopy It do more eakl a ploom j that all olototop offered at whelewle much as luual Two-thlnlk of toe pop, work MtoertoB loforoialioa [oeer the procwKliofk for tbe time betoy | „r reUll eball beniarked to pUto Bar-lnlatloo really prefer Amencaa rule.
t wblek The tollowtoy are tbe reeeluUoBk I jub with toe perecawye of wool, oot- j but fear (o oppoae AyulBalde aad bla
frtim too Slea of tbe d
They would pluck up
wU: be eroded dBrtoy toe trial.
Our former colleecoe. I
eoerayr If tbey could be aesurrd
It U Bit ekpeeWd toa proeideol will |j,^,
Goodrich, baa been wiled I
nwrit «nwHO»
that toe L'oited Sialee would keep the
AeMeeatetbecbaryee whkh will be | from nor mldki aod ba. cwtodhikla- ^ OHIO HORROE.
Tbe betUr
w«-»hi.eml«stUeBerallta*aB.%kaBeb ibowatlbeendof a loaf, ueefol aod ____________ ...
Krs. P. W. Tiadel Killed la BBrBtDy,^,
eaof tbeKiliptuoe fullym
1-4 Off I
or Suit ..our
—yet your money.
You couldn’t akk Jor a
y way bni
kid you?
Get Xour Money’s Worthi j
tbe city. Tbe lateet newa from Iloilo
jreporu no ebanire to the
there. Tbe deadlock eontlnuek there
kk here, aod cn-rythlay waiu upon tbe
1-4 Off
keatble to hdmlotoler.
! kpSXd at larye upoo the city record, the aeaffoldlnjt on anew houae which, rwldenU of Iloilo fear that •’“‘'‘"‘T
E»w klaoe tbe tonaatlonkl ereqt of ! aod pobltobed In each of the dally pa- i waa betoy erected neat door. The kcaf-: the Uib^meo from tbe |.il a of the to
preelp-: lerlor. who form the yrcel part ot the
, .if the city ap.l ibai, a eopy Of^ L toldioy yare way and b->th w
eeneral Kayao'. Wellmory lh»
i- i..r.Uh.d ti'ske I---------------------rebel armv there. wUI lot pnd bum
betakea. Today Ju.l betore toe cabiAKl^MoBtoyue^wJd ' Laokloy. Ja«. IT.-The honae led off ' B0BIHM8 COLI.KOB LYCKOM
nataaeakiBbe held a
to-• _ ,
, BM. BBieruktoiny Proyram
- in the M latorlal baliolln*
^ at oooo »...
ul ... ..d Ad).„»,,>«..UU-B—d
.......... ...... -x-i... u..
You Risk Nothing.
Wa Risk Veri Unle.
Overcoat, Ulster
Bharye of oooduct oabnoomloy an o«-|oommoolly a faltofol frlead. toarefore.from the flamw. which were, reeult of the S^Wk delaye tbe Amer•er aod a yeoUeman.^Tbe penally
-hat we berebe onhlldT '
“ Uooyh a*r-, Iceoe will probably be ooap-Ued to
thU offaaw I. diamlwal.-ltb Boalteni-,
SSd ./ j-^y thb moralB*. Mra. Fred W. | demoo.lraW pnutually to tbe oatiee.
»U«e. Thaw Ik aaolher charye which . arecLatloB of iboae qaaliUet and capa-iTUdel wk* tofUBtly killed had ber-thBl Ayumeldok dreaded army U a
MB7 ha beooybl. which »k codoct to ! Mmie. whkb m^e ^m a mae jukUy , hokband keeerely lojcrcd.
_ ] mere rabble compared with toe Uolled
Tkadel to chief clerk ie tbe aDdltfay ' SUWk forcea.
dtocipitoe. upoa Which tbe court mey e,v .yuipetby to the bereared relatiree department of toe Uke Shore railroad.; It i. reported from Ualolok that
. _______
. ^lewereklrepinFoolbekecood'
aepWBce the offrodrr to other penal- > and frit
. . dby our deceaked eolleayae I
**oke loo late to yet out byll» imploriny Ayuioaldo’k ooBarDl to
ttoa than that of dUmtoeal. whicb.how |''7^-cui
. to iDcloded lathe - -"I-k-.-, ..!»>» drap
oft two-tolrde I loktantly killed and her bukbaad •
Ofer the n iwr. and hae bad
' ^ frequent
............... ‘’uai'n^'w'iheatocnee
Uwiny to to.
y oOloera aod | «i«ndatiee acVl«>a on the dock line | picked np nneoDkclook-pa that kbould ; matur waa deferiwd nntll toe Beal j
otoem reyardiBg tbe
be taken, for be waa oOOTinix-d from meeiloy.
tbemilart ibat toe only queetlon for; The propoeed charter amendmeBta
wmklderatioo wa. what a.-iloe ahouid ;«*«•-'o tor aUeBilon, aod three-a.
CD Tote.
‘'City Bookstore.”
1-4 Off Sale
Does It.
This sale is on our best goods---not old stock—
not old styles. Nearly every pair are Pingree &
Smith make—goods that have built np a reputation
leubjoeled to the ducieUou of the COUB-Iktale chairman. The threateaed
oere oi
... - -d -vd»l.,
.BiUrldw. of
,.f the
Oir |■lO».•reeil»
I'tm-rd-eitjie f'T
for hoenkrr 1 ^ . |
........ .......... .
there wllatloo
located, r for style, fit and wear.
IBBBITBBMBPOBTB 10 KBBILB | .uu'.d I. .. ... ..bu.lul.i, Ib.l f:r- ■ .d...' .ll.bU .■„,1 .1™ ..I ...l-iuo did
our ul, ..fooeofir
_ .
------------I Ou. ul Id. Uiii. II. — uu.
; UU1
Buru... r~»..,u. ,b. | ^
^ f
Get them.
Ot.n1. Bh.nn.n Md 8h.rld.n lo B.,1 . wUh lb. prr.rnt pTUTirlim ..f Ibr rity ■ ..lire Brpbh]ie.n Hrrnpth. Thei*i e^wurd Cl.mml. Tbr brt.rie wb* rcb. • i
—Lawwa OoBa on toe Pirvl.
charter to that reywrd but mold not waa no eaeitrmenl and UitleofiDier- dered to M'. Clemeni'e orl.rlnai aiyle . ^
_.j^jiiee that it CM,Id be chaored to theleetand the yueioiay afforded yreat amuae j a
Wakbleytoe D. C.. Jan.
.ifki-r of toe apparent vppoellli>o. He j Tbe eenate ented tbla afleraooB for inent tor the kludeota. who -Soally de-{ ^
War D.-narlmenl anauunced today that
{ bdicred that toe couDcire dutlea in ee-' aenator and tbe Jnot ctMirepiioi
ridedthat tbe aui j-cl waa Mia* KUalJ UK Front Street.
tbe Culled SiaUk
mIrlT“the Mohawk wouto Bo\ be'able|apprirprialioo were «e ; ratify the action of Ibetwo houaea will Sbepard.
" V V r
The ke*rd of eduction could be held at b6oo mmorr .w.
la. Campbell ga*r an eaaay on • • Ven-1
wrnLr,7u-m Uke
•P-<*Y>-t.on ! Tbe aen...
atooJ « for Harrow. loe." which waa rery iDUreeuay. and_______ . ..
W ^ ^ and fi»ur ouiBkniee of n,, , and the charter pn,»iclek that toe evOB-: to S for Campau. Waynerand
enabled one’^odraw a ririd picture of)
cll a
that famooa city.
•Keeolyd- That Arc’.ic ekploratlon'
Mai >r GcoJral klenr* M. Uawtor,
Akld.tUrcoaDtyr,mdj/klemamen(;la not remunerallre." waa tbe qurtlioa
who will relieve Major tl,*Deral UU» ot airnt A(,dertaao Montayue wm oppikod
the oomiaand of troop, in the Flfllip-„cre yeaeml-l But Kla Vieum Would Hot Permit! for debau. Waiter Gray and Slmer|
to Buff r lor It.
: Hrown aryuril the affirmatiee. while
plBM. ail that lieoera! «»tia can Z-*-* ir ebared by the other member.
mure attenUoB to lb* yoeemmeol of , Monuyue aryued that ton ouly chance ! AIpbonao MeUanua waa bltWD la the ' the neyatlre waa handled .by Dominie I
the UUBda. will aail on the Grant. »e „f
o,e hill waa toelimtoale tbe band laat e.eniny by a doy belonytoy, Ihian
^ aad WarrcB Oickermaa. «,«,
sa at th« war department today, re-1
.eeUone note.1 Ue belle.ed ilmt. v, Tip Olda l»r. Rneeland waa mlled ; (;>;*/*•
eelrlnc ttaal iaatraetloBa.
I for toe la-',
I toe Irjured i
An Imprompta Ulk apon "The plee
Alyer baa Inatruetad
■““^•'•fereaaeof the urm of olHje of the city | AUhooyh it U not a___ ,_________ _
ore offarmtoy." waa yieen by "
•f toru to New Yark harbor to 6re «iclrrk aad ueaanrer and that proeldlay | u will ba eere aore for aeeeral daya
Brano runaka related bU eaperlmaJ.ryeoeraraaatowtohoq«rofGeo.|u,,j u,e •aperelaora ahoald bare a! itp Olda. 'aoeompanled by hla doy.
oral Ipawtoaaa toe Grant paanea nut. 1 hand to Belay toe aalary of toe tooord ' waa retnratoy from Uktoy the Unltod eaern to eroealay toe oeeaa.
Ob aeoouBt of Profeaaor
General Lawton aBBOUBood hla auff,
»hould be eryed and toat they |
«, toe O R. 4 I unto,
today. Tbe meatber* are Mejar 1. G., would be paanad. Tbe otoar aldermea j when naHtoy tbe d<». Mr. McMaaBa coureael lecture, belny arraayed for
Btarr. Inapector ^aetaU Colonel ■>-D «ch^ th^ eenU^u
raktml bU band and the animal to- Tneaday eeantoya. It b eery probable
BU-p^pI IM™.! 0»~~
“ “"•"I". that toe eolleyc aoeiety will meat here
after OB Wedseaday eeeBlnya.
with CapUlD BobsrtSewclI.U-----------,
— McMaana'
• cband. McManna
to toe dnetor'a ofiee by
“T ^ who <^arml to kill the d^ lm- BraeH Promotlona XU-oommeBd
HaailayocampalyB. OapUto
but toe Utter to.toied toat
Waablnyton. Jaa. 17.—Tbe board ap- ■
Major Geaeral Jobs B Broohe. -UUbit '
. sacena and city attorney were laatroelOpeemor of OuW
< ed to draw
after, thonyb. be will ali
a of army cBoera re-
Itormaofeiiy offleefa.. Tbey wmeabo „ ,
j, harmbaa a* Geaeral ItoOeld the bretet rank of
maj IT yeaeral and Coloaeb PeUrmaa
*" diroetod to make a aapeiete bill of toe;
« he ta not_____ _
and SovBtoB toe bnttt of brlyadler.
Pieaaaat Soetal Reesw.
.-w„,------------------------and alao ^
while Mrty ___
otoec Mtehlyan oO
AfTBayemeau baec baaa made for a ' aaotoar proeldlay for tbe repeal of the
New Y-erk. Job. 17.-Two penoDa jeer wboBBTted to Ooh* »«*‘*»^'>***^‘
eerie, ot dasutoy parlUa to be held to coualy road ayttem protbioa. all to be
toe Forreaier’a ball by a elabto oes- aabmitted to the oonacll at ita sest
> killed aad
abt of «t member*. Baooyb hate all-; maetlny. Aa to the adtiiability of aab- by the banti^ of a Ay wheel to Lari- Os meahT H aMWtaU • «nM.
ready aaheoribeid to laaare aaeceea. mitUay the two Uttor propoalUoy lardb tobacco taetory to Janey ClW to
t£I7w-. f-w
The peitiea will be atrioUy iafortBal 1 toare b atlU a qaeaGoa, bat afi wn day. TbeAaaAaroJamea Delaajr. omBnaaah.BiAa Mnerlab left, w
M STb^t at the aty Boohattn .
whUbptomiaaawallforaeertmadeBry afftwrd apoa toe bUl ambodpW toe ytaeto.aad Monk MeCbrthy. tobacco
for U enta eachj
Bleamet aoeUl eteaU.
! two Ant prepoaiUoM.
The Old Kelial.le Shoe Man
I (tauTvot lit SsUmaUdi—’SVtei *
DaVat 0^
4tv A ^Am\Vft Kfcvtre ttttn ata cV,\\&T«it. 'ftdttT
tVtAiv ARift (AktT. Ait& trtvA\ ^convtA
....&vTcvvV\cvV^ 0^
^OT tttt •KUWopoVtUft-SiVont a»a« aa^ wmXk—
«A& BtUd
f$!AvnA. ?cbTU«Ti bWAter ro«
■ ■ '-rrr-^
r- .
Kournro MJ00»^» WBPCTBDA^. JAgUABT 1>« IW9
cn uoMMimo bsoobd.
raiT SBOKT mm.
faoa. T B*w* **» J- W. SAxm
f. w. gA»—. «*l«or —< H»MfBDBBCnUPTlOllB.
*mo OrtwtMl 0mm m4 »Ab
«gn* PrM'«d-S«vml QMM
Over tS« Tmm.
Olroolt Court Will Finish To
TIUTSRscorn. • miomoa*
day or Tomorrow.
it: WB ABE
I Buying Logs! i
kWies tke food anra defidom Ml«
1b* JMMT7 un* (rf tb*
bK*> JMWr4*7. with J*4f« P*Mi F.
Dodd* of Mr Pl«MMi» <w U»* bMieh.
u ns. rou ososAic dxas.
J *dr* Dodd* 1* * emrMou Md dlTBlS«d itiiciti «Mapt* Md lOMl *Wo™«7» Weak of StadeBiaaBd tbe Ooaree ot ffrl—BeeMeat ot Snuoaa Hay
I f»*>if»U* iBiirMMd wiU U* PM•tadiee £>r tba Seooad Senaater.
| •tnekea With Dr»pey Leat HigbL
Cadnam, ot battoaeBay.
St tbe epeaUg of the aoMloa Stior- tw«atytbird.
^ ^ o'clock la*t evaolag ot
My K. a Pratt, la a f*w worda la ref- - The Seaiur Lycenm bat ebanged it*
_______ ______
eraae* to tb* Uie Jedge K U Oorbelt. MM to tb* "dealor Literary Soelety.”
B*y aod vicinity and wa*
t«qu**Ud pmwimlon to pr*M0l tb* and have adopted % eonaUtutl
.nowa la Travetae Cily. A ba*roMilttUoa* la Mmory ot tbo departed
Two new ineuamenu have
ooe ioa and two dangtaiaia *orledge wbleb were adopted by a Mat- oeived for the pbyaleal Ubaraionr, a
lag ot tbe bar ot the dl*triet eooo after
IT and a reUatanee
Judge Corbett'* d*»tb. Tbe r*<|o«*t box.
Tbe Iteadly Orip
belag gmled tb* r*wil*ltoa» w«e
Profeeaor Orawn aspccU agreatly InU agalD abroad la tb* land. Tbe air i
read by Attorney M*a!y C. Dodge, and ereaied attaadaoee over tbe
b-eaibc may be full ot It* taul
eOrateeaMBOrateeaiea1»; Don't neglect
•gleet tbe
Ibe -Orip"
-Orlo" or]
ordered epread on tb* reeorda
ler. ae aeveral ne<
will open ' e dt«r to Poenmoolr .
Tb* Informal leading ot tb* c*l*ad*r arranging tbelr eourab-wlth
reeulled in *ev*rBl eeae* being put over
<M ^* to •uretli
Arraagcmeai* are b*tcg
•rm and the aaBoeneemeat ot tbe darken tbe pbyaleal Uboratdry *o a* acbe. dell heavy peioe.
from tbe nuer. not
eettlcm ml of eorula other *bb*b.
to allow^-lbe alodenu to -«rk on
-........-t. Don’t
Toere were bat two eiimlaal eaae* ligbi.
loot time treeting
Bg tfai*
tfal* <c
_a tbe docuet Oe* of tbet*. that of
Tb* High ecbool eoniiDeae** examla- troebeA labieu. or poor, t-b .. »y •!{«.
the Peopl* V*. Jay Ooaaai. wa* noU* attopa today o inulng tb* rwt d the Cere it at once with Ur. K.
li a'» New
M._____ e-.i
.V. e—■ —DUcovery. tbe infallible rvueov
rurov tir
pitw'ed oa tbe r«iaa*^
Tb.yareanalforlb.Afal.em- j^^bleUrouWee. it kill, tbe
Ibe dteeaae
Fred Pratt.
:«»ur'* work.
germ*, brale
beale the lui
lung* and prevent*
Tbe other wm aUo aoUe proe’ed;lbat
Nest eelDeitar i
I will b* tbe dreaded after efftu-L- from tbr mal.
ottb* PaopleeaFred J. Leggett, altboBgk Ulal waaeommvaeed. Leggett •logy, Ameriaao bteiory. book-keeping.
aecaaed ot obialBlBg property by noVicy.rbcwric. geology and plan* S‘
Alao *ever*l clai
WskP iM Wll for pr«po**d »BMid•Ml* u> Ut* eil7 eteriM gom to Lmatmf It wUJ pr***Bt » *«rj diff«r*Bt »ppinniT troM Ue doeuBMit wUcli «*•
iMBf «p tB lAMlBC iMt ••MtOB. Tb«rC
i*»HOBroppo*iuoBl« the wieodiMOt
ftrlaf Um eoBBcii dUerMioaBry power
i* tS* MUer of Bpproprlauotui Mked
by tS* Board of «dMBtMii. »Bd It I* dow
MPy «Diik«l/ tb»t Mj rr«Bi »ttun will
b* Md* to piuh It. •TB*oooB«'l •*■MMWd • MBtlSOOt l»*l «l«fct in BO•Bfd WfU tb* CMWTBl MprMMM ot
ppUwo apoB lb* proeoBlUoa tolM«ibM tb* Mra of otto* ot lb* ell; clwk
ppd tr*BMr«c to two y*Bi». Bod that to
•Uew tb* MptfruMV* B Vote* id Hzibc
tb* MlBi7 of tb* rw»rd*r, as tb* Ml
' tor BOW *tBBd» ID*** two iBiter pnrpo■ISIOM WUI b* wBWOwd III OM bill *od
BMt to LBBBiOC BDd lu pBMBC* or^M.
It M likoiytbBimpBMBirewUi b**eapnpii*D*d wiibouiuppuBltiofi-VbMap(«*UuD ui b*»e r*p*Bl«d ib»i pirtuio of
tb* «bBn*r relBUre to tb* cuuBly ru*d
ajiUm *1*1 Oadk iBrorwItb tfaecc
•Bd OBdocbtedl/ *acb * oo*r*c '
b* ••VkaUoUiry to tb* taspajeM ae
tbMtbeeitr would aoi be lapbd (or
fMd tmpniraaiaoi* ouiaide tu UrnIta, BDOar tb* eoBBtjr road
IMBi tbneby b*lDg r*lWT«d fn
Ujwi taa iB eoa* LB* •ykMiB w*
pdepMd lb tbia eoiiDtf■
review work.
Uun. W. B Pdever. eonnael for datendTbe following piecee ot apparatn*
loved todltmlae tbe eaee upon tbe have Been added to the laboraWry:
ground that tb* Aral mortgage lavolv- espeoeiuo apparatua. an
ed In the c**e bad .pperenUy been t<r proving Boyl*'* Law. an ioctloed
paid. Tbe court the* look tbe ca*e olan*. an arraagemeni for proving atfrom tbejary and upon reqiteet of moaoberic preaaurc, and a tangent gal-'
Pratt It wa* noli* proa'ed.
-ler I* being eonatrocled. Tbe**'
upon tbe groood of IneuAl ileacy la tbe
irnla were made by the boy* ot ,
warrSut and intormatioa. Tbe inforM- the payaic olaaaee, tbe reeult of Ue
tlun drawn np by Proercator Pratt waa tool, bought by U* board ot edueetlos
, bat former lack ot aeeemery tor Ue High kchool.,
detaU wa* iwponsibl* for tbo daeUioo
1* tbeeaae.
Tb* Beat ea** to go to trial waetbat
of Jennie B Waldron v* Mary M. Taaterday'* Xoiariainmaat ot Jnnlor
On ot tb* Boei eauiUDf ****ta of Walker. UotbparUe* to tb* *nil are
lb* proteal tMtioo of tb* ntiy-Btib ot Old Miaeioa end tb* action U brought
MSyr*** will probebi/ b* tb* e^bl for about Muo board bllU cUlmed to be
do* pleintlB fur board of men *aid to
that wUl b* WB<«1 for tb*
lb* bill Introduced In ibe ienaie by have been working tor defendant and light earlier than naual.
ItaMtor Uaaaa for lb* apboldlof ot boarding with plalntifl. tbe defendant
very Unporunt number on Ue proJusl ni.w OD Bixlrocni SuiU 1
•w ablppioc in tb* for*lfa L-ade alleged to have guaranteed tbe amouni gram and one wbicb wa> highly *p
Cbain*. \Vc .
tbroBfd * graduated *cal* of gorera- ot tee board bllU.
< ,
Tb* plaintlfl* attorney* are J. A prociaUMl waa the debate, tbe kubject .
«MV pnymsnU.:
•Mt *1^* tinilar la tbelr aaoaai to
tbr»» now paid by foreign goveraaieBU Imraager. Manly C. Dodge aod J. W. tIoUed Slate* abould i-onaUoi.1. own
tp tbelr oercbaDl Mnee. It U *ald PatcUn. while Ue deUodant'e eaae U and oontrul tbe Nicaraguan canal "
IbBt ibe bill will not tarry long In the oondoeied by Pratt A l)*vit Tb*
Lrland Tripp Wa* leader oa tbe afMonte, but that tbe arena ot hot and will probably be AoUhed ewrly today Amative elde and wae amated by
Tbe above wa* Ue laat Jury e*i '
Huust* Kuruishini; Storv.
Mioaded debate will br In tbe acDale.
Cbarua SaUbery.
U patrlotbiv eooDU (or mpre than
Jtfw J>torv. I'JO Front Str»-et.
Cbarle* .\urak wae leader (or tbe
eaee ot Kobsrt C. RoberU v<. Victor N
partUaoabip. tbe bill will Boally
SeboAeldandT. N. ScboCeld. and aepad be prompUyy algaed by Prceldent
eumpell aopeal eaae. ThU will be Ue aae<*laut.
Tbe jadge* gave tbelr dedaloa In
laat ot thn<*rf «M«e at Uu term and
favor of Ue negative.
next eaae to be taken up.
Bcaldca tbe diecueelon Ue program
Tbe oaaeevnt over Ue term are a*,
iwlof tbefullowiog:
bdd ap ot Bowart Harbor oad tbe follow*:
Dcclamaiion. Incbeap* Bock—Lnlu '
Kenben AyleaworU **. B. J. Morgan,
•taaBboat Oocb la Olooad.
Of aomt- of yoar family mat
trover appeal.
Taaterday tbe dock at tbe Nortbeia
EeproducLon. L’bi^oe Fidelia—Nellie
Ueorgfl Dray. 8r. v*. Dongla* Brower*
Mlablgaa TranaportalloD Co. waa cloabe sick aod have pivscrii^tiomi
treepaa* on tbe eaae.
pd for the winter, and K. U. Pope tbe
Abeiraet. Empreea Dowager ot Cblne ;
Myron & Browoeon va Ueorge Helm.
to fill, if Pu we want ibvm
PfBBt. will be found eleewber*.
Sadie U«tcfaei.
Tbe ueamer Creeeent baa made brr
Keproducuoa. The Teacher'a Dream'
Will (jive you cb'smicaiy partTbe eaae of Ola H. Germaine v*. a
laat trip and gone over to Bowere Uar- M. Kelley, replevin appeal, wa* con Hattie UreUiek.
dru(!s and chemicals cumMor to lay up ootil epring. Tbe Ccoeceol
tinued on aoooMt of Ue illneea ot de
baa Blade rto uipe daring the poat aeaDeclatnaiiiM).
pounded exactly as tbe doctor
fendant. Tbi* I* Ue eaae wbleh In
BMU wbicb U the bigbral record in tb*
volve* Ue paokeeeioa ot tbe noted iroibMtory ot tbe Traver** Hay Line.
ordered, and as to price w»trr. Fred Almint, belonging to Hr*
never charge 50c for 40c pre
It certainly Itxika like il. but there a
tirand Ktpid* allege* wa* furmerly
known a* KJ Mack and wa* *toleo really no trick about u. Anyooav lan
try It who Las Lame Back mod Meek
forSetnrday Might
from kirn in Grand Bapide ihreeyear* Kidnry>s Malaria or aervou* trouble*.
We uruii tie can curt- bimaelf right
away by uking Klccuic MiUer*. ibis
Templar* will gtveeenpperand enier- “^—7 u.....a., invdiciee tune* up Ibr whole *y*ieu>. Beadle Hid.
will be diepv*ed ot today or tomom
avU ea a atiuiuiBut to We Liver uoa
tplnmrnt In tlirlr lodge room* In Mon
Kiduey*. i* a blood purineraod ner>
tagno ball.
tonic. It cure* t..ualipatiuD. lltauXpwulth Li«gaa OAieara.
Hupper will be eerved from Ave U
!. Faiatlog npeiib, r»'-«tpie*>nei i
Newly elected oOoer* to eerve UeJj^^* Meiancooiy It i» i A.e:j tegela•evM o'clock, and at bigkt o'clock ■
mneieal and literary program will be enenior eix month* (or Ue Bpworth : bie. a ml>4- laxative,
League of Ue Sieoond MeUodiat cbnrch *y*trin tu lU natural vi^co . iry Elcc|1*M.
Hitter* aau be cutivioc .d Wat tucy
Oyeteratew wUl be 15 oenU.
uncle wiMker. Krery
rreridFBt-Jumlc M. SUlea.
tablm will be In operation during Ue
goanateed. Only
a buiUc
Firut Vkse Freu—Dora Myvlii.
•raning. j'acb Homer pie* and piedrug hvom ol a. E Wi
Seoond Vice Prea-Mru^ry Egbert Jdunaun.
Inrt gallerlee *^11 be (ealurea ot Ue
Third Vice PrM.-lWge HeeU
FonrU Vice Pree.—Mr*. MeCloekeT.
Secretary—Marie Bldred.
Truaaurer—Mr*. M. C. Beaeeb.
Urgaaiet—Ella Kellner.
Monday night a baby boy wae
Cboriater—Mr. Parker.
IP Mr. aad Hr*. Cherlee Hall
The HannU A Uy MercanUle
DaUorm Hank Sleetioa.
pany are mce'ving new ISM bieyele
'oion atteei ot Mr ,
At the aBDUkl meeliag ot Traveree
A number ot Ue Cleveland
end 1 have it fura•Bd Bambler make* have joet arrived. 1 City Division. No. SC. raUonn Baak. lebed in drat clea* order; and having
>e been
PaWta have
beeo granted (or an adad-' KntgbU
Kntgbu ot PyUiaa
PyUla* la*
laat night. U*. (ol- bad loU ot rxperience In Ue bueinee*
1 eoHett a share o( the pubi c patron
tuemble chair made by D. E Carter, lowing officer* were elected:
age. baUetactioD gnarantoed or aoi
V. Hclntoeh.
•Pd tor a aa*b .bolder
ot wbleb
ebarre «rUl be made.
Fuel Lieut—B B. McCoy.
Johneon. lormerly ot UI* city. U Ue
Sceond Lieut—Clayton liglig.
Beeorder—E. C. Oumptoa.
Bert Cbampnry W quite etek egaln; a
Treasurer—J. T. H^nata.
r*tnni «t U>« illnre* contracted in Cuba.
Geard—J. M ligrig.
There will be a meeting otUeN'A.j (Seutlnel-E. B Mi’Ier. .
8 B Thureday ev.mlng In tbelr rooma* Trutteev—'.>ne year, A. B. HolUd^:
In Ue Odd Fellow* bnilding.
two year*. H W. Cuanicigbam: Ure<
Tbl* afternoon at one o'clock Ue yearn. A. W Bartak
■ne divWoa H eontemplaUng a ball
Turner*' loaUwM will commSboe la
renter* ball. Tbe evening eeeaioo to be given on Febrnary S?nd.
•nmmrncea ateeveo o'clock.
W. T. Glbton ot Serial
The IneiaUaUon ot tbe oAlaw* ot
BlMia Tent. K. O. T. M- look fl.ee
reuJdunt of tbit ciqi. Be wae a eoloiat
Tk* rieir mt -w‘ pWl tor tbt
Llberali'u band, wbleb traveled
d 8w- C. B. Fraaer towlg^t aeenia* a; wiU BingUng Bro*.' clreue. Protemor
large badl*M*e U AUiahelg’e Mnr^ngk bae aecure 1 tb* aervlM
Bd with tho
^ If you huTS si^ to seU r«vwMVM«id
thw ^
TrsTsrss City Irumber OOi
hsT* Also ^
Bound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Uids Foi Saie-Suitable For Farms.
^ Uill marbinriy of all deacriptioiaa, iDclodiug two ent
gini i.*et works, oarriaae snd wim. A complete
. aa« 3iili plant for sale.
“Diamond J ’
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold by nil dralera.
A. W. JAHRAUS. Topnelier BlocL
i iCranberries
We can Save You:
Lot of Money'
10c a quart
Phone 167.
248 Front Stiwet
Between good and ix>or bread ig very great.
The size of a loaf does not count, but tbe
amount of nourishment does. Bread made
from “BEST" Flour retains all its nutriti
ous element.s.
Onyx Tables
and Jardinieres. I
We are having a special sale on Onyx
Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks ^
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beauti^ fles a room more than a handsome On3/x Table ^
^ and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op: ^
^ portunity to secure one or both at prices un- ^
^ heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices
^ from $2.50 up.
‘ *
( Itu&vura UOOSD. WBOnSDAT. JAXVAMy 18,18B8.
W Lort». ir. d»pM>>d IM <r^
' f fora rtat lo hk
of Oobo mad
Pnrto Bieo.
Babeoek Braa. of PMaakty hOTO
I boorhttkeaUaMrOlML.. wbtebwoa
! oaod o> tba iolMd tool* last
land wtU patlaaMwcaffiMOf
B. Iknkk. th« O
■Um. Miek.;ii«MltebHlaikh beoe Ma
lod power, aad
wbo wu r«-1 Tlaotk/ Elka«. •aoihM' |
Tb«7 will ha*e bar
U. U. 10U«i.itel«prka.;tvB«ofV«,
__ ___________
ready to do a leMcal escarakw boaiBeoi aest araaoo.
WUle Bal|di Baldwla. of Oadley.waa
benof bofn ooeof tbra waa bUtea
. dor. Latw^aanofCbaadwooBoy
-.___ tank*
.■ ' — UfoBffc Owlo*«r»----- ------------- -that oa*i now. • waa biiioB by tboaamaanimal. aai
lMU4 WM 4
drowwod. Bia body waa | tha two added tbU waeb ■abtnr ioat j waa Uaa dlaooearad that the brute
doreaiatbkcUyaloM.;aad. Monday Baldwin, who had
«»M K«Uo». .HU Mwlmt OM of
Mra. Larlaa
B«ekk7 A OoofUa- Uanu aeroM U«
daraaior. baa tba nolqar
lUaktea laba with a load of wood Bat-;
•itiay. bad an aaelUar aeeapa fro. a!
ilran. SheUH yeara old. i feat. ^Uoea^h^abeeh ^ted
watoiy rraea. The Uwa broke throarh!,
I iaebea tall, aad wal(bi about rs idoru for al^daya.
tbelaaand NaUoo waa tnrow. lato!
S\wjrt,‘STes\v Xe®s Stories 1
FBUowlar la tba pretrram to be givwa
at tbe famara' laaUtato ttato afta
1:IS ‘-Orm SeiUwto Paataran ot
Dairy Stoek.- A B. Palmar. Kalkaaka.
i:tS Oiacuaaioc. .K B. MUIar.
ford Puller.
*:« "Prult Growlac la BortlMn
MieUgaa.” A. P. Gray.
Tan mlnate tolha
on variotiaa
ealUeatioe ander
baada: Applea,
J. O. 1
A. S. Dobaon:
Fraiia, Jamea Bllbrrt.
TtOO Ab BapWuon ot the School Sya
tern of Michigan. Prof.C r. Uraws.
7;M -The New Library Law.^Commiaaiooar Nettle C. Gray.
fnrdackarl under aereral Uoet by the | WhHe auspinr letlora at Bareasa \ Oraaceot Band Tea-Oeat Baeat aad
>‘Tha School aad tbe Some." Han.
Bouaderlar haiiaato. Tha team nmt .V^loOrt, Miaa Lottie HuU. aMkuet'
Daaoe. daaoafy SB.
Parry P. Power*. Cadillac.
drowned aad waa one of tha dacat la , poetmaatar, atruek a patriotic loner
Tba Craaoeat Band la taakinr ar*Weo«paay'a baraa. beiar rained at
>orre paper eapa. Tba miwire
I for another of tbeirfai
with a loud aouad. but
Boa. B. C. Oavi* la eojoylag a eialt
taa-eeat anppera to be followed by
from bia father J.-lPaiSl Davie of Elk
Monday araaiar wbllo Prof, O. H. aeriout damare ruaulted.
:ial party 1» fBapKto
BoU. need #0. of
berenth Day Adeaa firore out
L. E. Slnaar, editor of
*~aat oollare at Battle Oeek. waa
Berald. waa a rialior here yestorday.
^TlB* down from Uoraae lake, the
I away.
Bev. A. J B'dred hat goaa to Beatcai
- _i tbrowD onti” M. Tbereare IS beridoen in tbe.„ .^e ThBfmjt.* »i«kt »m»____ .
™iklok.dU U,. h.^1.
.SJL Barbor for a v ait.
Editor Perdlnaad Voilaad of the
Beoaie County Patriot wa. la the city
ye.torday from Prankfort.
Bu waa the oldeat; Lonladaada. <
J. E Scripture of Acme left yretor>rlB tba eollera. eomiar there' llonalrc lumbermea. baa reeeutly ae-lthat'erenTihu’la*’i
> to be equally
day for Aabville X. C. lo aearch of bet
wha^uoMra waa io.tiut d in IMS., qulred aropertj la the Weet ludiea. aad well patroalaed.
Be wat BCotaaaor of bot^v
■r health.
----- o« waa toeanutorul
Alderman Jabran relumed yraterthr^ rraaiiBara aad one rhetoric aad J ^
day aftomooo from a bueineu trip
] -ji"
' S'
“kSr iTS.'SS'''S. i'-SlSo I &tTve,Ta.\ ^6\Bs dims
SVearvcdi *5tot[\. SuctqmdWc j
danrbten. Tbe i
All orar tha United Statee amour ad- ■ •
of a Year.
During 1898 the total number
of copied of
The Morning Record
Sheriff SuopMO ba* reapp''<B
n<>mu Ukultoo at nodei.brrtff and
traed Cbar’m Jobnaon at deputy
The Uraod Bapida Medical Society.''
-------------------------------------------- ------ ------ waa IP bare held a meetlpc Monday ! '*'“*
®* redurin* tbe military, o*er too people in a apace ioleoded for
Tb>> two lari uil cotii-ludins voli
airbtaad Ur. Kelly waaacbeduled to'
» • peace JST. built waa doue with neat precla- of Bunv' <*wTi ncuiioiro rt<-ul Bomic.
I a paper on • Orippe." but tbe
alowly. Imt I hu aad without awkwardoem or frio au <iiimr»'an to tin- eop'. brave, witlv,
■eeUur waa declared off. Ur. Kelly 1
tioo Tbe delicacy of tbe teak Uy to a Inver of {■l>-u<nm-. cu>] hiuulttl. a judm
la fu tbe boaplial with tbe rrippe.
*■ ' lu Santo Clara. Cuba, durioc ' ^be fact that be bad to arraore the of lunD aodvTouii ri. uokk-rs’iultmt, fniih
Dr. Beat, at wboae office the mectlor the peat three year* have equaled W I forr.moat place for tbe family of the of vTnwh. but with a ram deiilh «i ..
paid ii.nin,| wbi'P'bia lot>'p~l.
waa to bare been held. U la bed with per oent of tbe population.
| deceased, then to aeat tbe preaidenl
■iK touch'd. 'liKiiiflid iuoutw-md
it. and other
Leitara from Hony Kouy received lo i
eabioet. the aupreme oonrt. the bcliavi'ir. ti>on>Oi;liIy wlQ.b. a Six-hparticipate
tn Praaeix-o aay Germany la faaehinff ' At»^e**n<lom awd tbe diplomatic corpa. i.vc’uD without n faith, a no}il<- td tbe
ap. The epidemic baa a firm rrip
the Pillpinoa io oppoaliiou of tba t nlt-]^^'
eommlaaico. tbe bon. •iSbl<'' iilli rvntiirv. '■vn of tbeaiirirtit
tha town aad anUre fataUlea are aick odStotea
lomry eaeort from both boaara. the vytniii'. Tall<yT:;>iil beck«piwxlaolH-urt
with It.
Lata new. from Samoa la that »o '
Columbiaofficlala. tbeeom- ff lli.v. Ir' <l•■llnd bit abiliH'W. bolding
rah(>r picbot, bonu'
Upper pcalaaula lombarmeu fear __ kiaf baa been altetod aod tn.t war k
Vork board ..I >im a miffnl. aiiuplv hvanwuo'eietunkihi-truaearly breakup aad Are bnaUlur thiara probable between rival elalmanu
rcpreaeotailve. aud
eruKh hiDi; Koucbi- lo bis eyta
la the wooda.
Tbe tow. wwna .Ion, the Mlmiaal,^ ' ““‘J*
mn>-mniiunl. h- Tu'l'-mnd de
At Dowartac Ueorre Uebhard. arad
la raumllc. apoticr *(vuo<lr.l. only al
10. waa drowsed m Calby'a poad. UU
low'd to liv bi%-an«e b<- \va« alwaye
^ ^
proemuion. aud it take, a atndi ot of mady to do juiy oinT work tlKue
pareau utourut be waa at a relatire a.
Walablaerer U lo a Cbicayo Uiat aort of tbiofr to handle ibem all i
r uiiKbl nigiiim.
At Stlraaoe Tbomaa K-lly. after htopjW^venn* from the Injuria, in- on one occaa.on without cauainKxim^
f"Mb' *"niii>u. Bamif'jncle'-.them
•akblor bu diaaer. turued lo bU ebair
feellD*. to n «, Ttw youny in tni.- L.t'1'eMy!,-. H" W jIIimU allow
to leave tbe Uble aod fell to tbe floor wh .. . „ ...I.... I>. .
Michigan placd ibcmali. AIR)-'. (irmid caal ita•l^: in- la iixMicat'-ly fr..iik ovi-r ^oM-phiO'-V weaktn
dylar iaatanUy.
' however. , witboul ao error, and the aixi (ruilli'w; ht- iqawka of tli'- aiMcra'd
Mm. Mary Sawyer Peter of Bel - - .j-;knowledpe he cUplayed of t^e com
Prank Smith of Cadur Bapida. haa reNa]> I'Vku aa vnltrar. diwolnu- hourrained puaMaaioa of a ailrer dollar .V H. recently celebrated her lootb parative importance of public cbarmc- g<ail.a-a.
which be treaaured aa a aoaveslr twen- bitlhdayby tokinr aaleirb ride offive I ton in the national capital wa. not
Om- dwtaimo* thv man. wirthliwa mlfV ream aro. Tbroorb accident it waa illmiaatemperatoreorMdegreaaba- :mueb abort of marveloua. inaimoch aa faa-lci-r aa |h‘ la. willxiul diKitnxt. lb- is
placed Id circulation, aad Mr. Smith low aero.
j he waa awlncinr a cradle among Mich »U|ienor to iaT».iiia likj- lWn'r<- aud TalIcrntid H.' jili.V'd ihi- game with a
haa tweo teoklnr for U all theae ‘yeara.
UrneralJoae Gomet of the Coimn iffbo atump« only a few yeara ago.
lobia i'V.ii iutrnxt aiKi uocIleame back to him laat week io
— the
— notoalmioa. aajt that at leatt Sto.wxi,-c AtBUUboro.Kmae.^malipoui.iD- caalid It] wiiumig all b.- ewa! /or—
change for a t? UU. aad waa ideoliaed |ouu .bonld be approortotod by tbe'
^ *>'’u'<‘>oe aud acopc. There money, '-av. plnuare. •v-uriiy.—PaU
by amark wbleb Mr. Smltb bad placed i United State, tor tbe pay ment of Cu-"^
preMOt :i well detio^ caact. Moll ttoCi’tir.
npoalt lDlxT*
. Three new caarn
<mam and three
thi deaibt l-Vi
Some bead cbecae which had been
The fate of W.T.SuHivan. a railwayO"
«>e worn feature. U the j
gtvoo them by a fnood from tbe ojuoiiy B auppoaed to have been tbe cauM
ivryed io l ,
.............. .
of eevoral boom’auffering of Mr. and
lie dreamed that be had been].
r !iti“rj
••UlU” tbr benr. fore
Mra Cbarla. Curtb. of tVeat Hay City. klll«l,,,k,c„ Tt. „„ d., di >“k““y d...m^. kllllddMaoL.lE'™
Both were token with aevere crawpa was caught under a moving train, but '
*nj«ring bu. wife aud jiinie lu auiioio..* tour. It cau alra be
aad vomiting a abort timeafierpartok- Mvml himself by clinging to a tod. A fourcblidfen Meacbam bad purchaaed
for tbr^ who with
------------- -................................
ing ot Me cbeoM. Toe prompt call of a few hour, later be waa naught by a it to use la blaatiog. How tbe dyoK- '<> l'<‘ rouK-d el a nTlain hcuir, or ii ran
pbyaiciaa rrllerrO them.
male bircante Ignited is not known
ma-ie to rboul |bmngli«at llic niuhl.
switch engine mod cat lo piece..
tier. John R Hjkrs. who vrenl
wa'rbmaD. ns .-ach bnor
At Maoiatoe Cbrtot Petorton died
a.dll. lor ,h. Ap«rl„. BibI,
-l-Jb ™J> ■ »r... t l« .b
Monday Iruin itijanea received in a tall
• tiigiish tiiBsnxmi-jil fst-ry »t will nut
V 1 ■
-------------- —.1 Turner, who (tied not luog ago at Saa- renoria that ai nreaent then.
»u|> rwle f'ur fiiitlilul olil Iti.ad. irilh
ih.ir oinifigtaMc mk ti'kaud laiuiliar
It I.
is bad rmiugh mtiirlimr*
mnirlimr* to watch
nma from ibr oomcnl of tbe acckient'.t.
the liaiiiiso} om '.rlia-kr'iirr,' log round
PilipiDoa are, ignorant of ail re qb.ti tlii'e i* iTtocb ti>«1o auci little
aear .1. baae. and mw.rd hemorrbmtr [ hi. home 3... «>r more of his frieno.
lime in wbicii t.> do it. end the tnn.ical
"•’‘ ‘■^**™l>»‘*‘»fbia body,
. wbi
----- m.aftor the erjoyme..,ilofunelabo«u c.«
Tbe ctuaier Krooklyo arrived at Urn rbiiim liint warn, os cf tbe flieliug
I tour dor* not always fall with welcome
Ten yuoojt laoioa. all iraiaed nurw.-rau spread. Mr. Torner'a funeral i
from Hat*•
liing bui
bbr... r... .Adb::^
« aid and are unable to pay for tbe i
Sear Arkaoua City. Kao .a few days quel 'O honor tf Mr. Allen Umighl.
. lug a little wellI earned extra ah-rp In
j ago. Chief Wauboo. of tbe Kavr^ was
At St Louia lo a crowded street car. >kv tuuioiug.
At Ann Arbor Nor
B Covert, cme buried In Indian faabloh. His home ' on board of wbicb was a policeman.
of the four beat-known Urahmaniau la vrav abot and placed on his grave, and. three men robbed W U. Snyder, real-,
this country, oelebratod bis cigbtieih orer that wa. mactod a new te«v p.r- . dent manager of the National A'Ire In-1 mu ., intrtducjon w?D^i Swiffi 5^
birthday Monday Be U in oonstont etaaaed for tbe oecaaioe.
aoranee company, of a j-weJ eaae. coo-1 afbTwanl by ht ria lf ufull ofh
• with the noted KrabmsDi .. r.k
1.. .. ------- ---------' There U inienae etcitoment in Bat- tolning belweea WOOD and At.twi i cnfnaiuui'nL *1. Ihi.pmr little rhild
w ol the world and u Btooeher in I ter conaty over a .erir* of sudden
The robber* racaped [ “““ti.xI? ' wa. Swift's tm nmnrk. i
his belief in that religion tbao ever.
1 "<«.l i»‘lp IktV' In the cmiiug Swift:
! and myatorloos deaths which bare oetbeir booty.
Buul'- tier r«-4td lo him hi. own "AmiaU '
One blow of Ma« Goldbarg'i breath carred in tbe vicinity igf Mountain:
ot the pour La*t Yi-ar. of Vmv
Vii.s-u *■■■■»
dlo »i.oo.. damage Monday nigbk Uc i Borne, the county seal, witbto the laat
I in Intoruat.
asking b.T imid |urij.-ui.,rly whether
h«» a
agroceryawre os
River'two daya No lem than too men. a!l : Tha union revi
iA_ ■
. -A.U
■ ■■ i . __ .______
------ — —.
sue uoiuo revival serviees being held ' elw nndriwtrcid TtTv wunj;; f'g
f'U. aaiil be.
avenue. DeiruK. in tkl rear of which of whom were in appa.>enUy robust tbta week in the hirst Meiodiai chureh|-» »"old have it’intell.giblc
M T..
ff»«lide Stove. Ihoalth, have been ..ddrnly stricken are rapidly growing In Intorest.
' mens-t c-„..xi,v.
He attompieo to ui»n off the Waxe. but'nod
---7--,......-.--------------------—I.asl evening Rev.s. Saitberv of the I v-------" •*------- -------^ more he turned tne move it biased. I attock.
attock. In every rase there were uo- ; Evangelical church preached a
T^n he tried lu blow It .mt. whi
mUtokable symptom, of poitoniug. An . powerful «.r«un. hi.«,t being "Wbo'
pbo;r busiorw weM op and the
log was soon tm.iug a h-t tune.
Utot the v«or^ had lu a., caaea token
Tonight Bev.-CochlU will oeoupy tbe I bwiff. bi.lgr!m|wTs evr k.It^,..^
B^sleccuoiy has only ooo cxeoner. adnokof whisky.bortly before the pulpit.
tha other man «bo aBselert?d tost fall attock. Thm ducovery seemed to netThe young people of the dtv are eory..^rx I,
Mrw Klkiug.
decided Met he U.d nut care for tbe tie the fact that powonous wblakey dlally invited w aitood thi^aereices
'•! hwitrVj,-.>, niTlmbity,
■office, lor Which he consequently re- was tbe cause of the deaths.
______________ ^
, of >ii‘uuuiik n wxb hu isrrams. of hi*
faaed to'luaUly
, V..
wtUi iwJitb tt-^tim-u. of hi*
At Maotonder. bpalo. a avong earth-'
Bewiag Oircle BlrcUoa.
, ri.iu'iry of • •riudibras.
A Ckeacpolis woman kept count last quake Shock at 1 o'clock Moods) morn- ,
m' '■« ‘k- -k- -k.k,uA» ..A,;
eetiug of the Traverse ffumiug to etHi..
aad the total numuer was seventy-one. i *
»u><»ow* were broken, j Hay Bivee dew]
dewing Circle held yesterday !
A PavBvsd rstaUe.
0 at the heme- ef
Mm. C C. |
At ITaabiogton. no cfliiwr in the/1
-- ___
While working upon tbe Grand Ba»Tbomaa Nasi,
Nust. lb.lk>- «atrf.miat. rramtly
house ot rv-pr.mentoUre. bad a more
1 West Eighth street, the folTbo^
lodmea mlin»d, bridge et^ in manaeiiur M.
. linicd a p-Hnn-iff
pi: tori- U dir li.-uiy
_ _living.
'“wing 'ft.-era wer-elected;
,0 manning the c«reto<XBies of the fn-V, PresMenl-Mm. C C. Maes '
.... Immtotal
which Mr. Nasi
culkd “Tlir
il of Mr. Dlogley Monday than B. ) in Vice Pmnideov-^tlra^. J. Jat
LigbicdCkiiimi." Wben-iSir Henry
W. Kennedy of Grand Ledge. Mich^ ..
^ ^ ^
the rumit of Mr. Naat'a labm. be '
Me fell io feel, sulking upon the iea
ao piewfrd thM he at can nvii ibi- ar
o€ the bonne.
•eerviary-Mm. U Ctontk
airam Ber Jsmin. uged
a cheek for •l.tMO in rwws of tbe ewnm found He had the I
Trnuanrur Mra. W. D. W
miMBcm.—New York.Berardeg.
An average for the entire year of
1,049 Daily.
This 'Will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figures argue that ad
vertising in the Morniug Record
is valuable.
This also proves that
The Want Department
Is a good thing.
,»• Af .u .A.
Try It.
QBmig BBOOM). WBQgB6PAY» JAyUABY U. 188ft.
laotrttl M>d bordlydawd to rate
my -lovely *rmy eyea" to the kaadooiDa
ofloe enoKCN.
Wt r«rth
l*«r^ •■Msarr •! T*«A*.
m4 lm4wmtrT.
«n EiMdoMd
Tl7 poor nMtor will r^l M w
Tw A.tni will Iw L'l I— froA
Allbo^ n i« ■>»< thivtabo
A miba or 0 Loptaorl.
dw IcmUv coBniMreiAl
«nnttcf tbr KTCAfawt TW a( bansM
aetirit; ud o(
»• thooklBl K tot c*. mw bow
SLall t.rl f>4 Uirr tbr OKoomt
kare bora hrokt* ia tbe world uT buiEn U roD >orsad flnoace
to iodoatriol rwoalta
or kBowtoc wbot it U lo pon.
m w«n
bitf onrpotwod rwrrj- other .
yw- Acwprdinjf In Dna o reriew. the [
moatf emUT at the world boo beea
(covTM la tbc (Ton.
tnnKcmd u. thi. coostry idla paytad dabto of oormal boadrrd taillioBa
_ Cwo IbJUrfBl b«rt looioUi lb.
III w bick to IroT. 0 orad ct loro
tatat^ oad ooadnetliiff a war to aa
teorabk- i-od the omntry b Imdiiw *o
aaay niiUi"n» in Boropr that fur tbo
tet Due taonko abroad lonk to New
Toik to dicUte the roto of rxrhanga
Extartobarr i-’ra aliont ti.SAb.UOO.-------------490. and the exi-ww infer impirto about
♦On.tKMi.tMW aKoinot »a«.O(Hl.CKi0 in
..Wbot an idi-al
IWT. and in only two jwi-riooi. yiwro „
j. . ,i_
.....[ knowjwt
os “»*,Lartp^.i;;"
vwtar, booaM'CrMeryBattar.ta................
a aiar
■•Yea yon. How. liBen. Bwttn
cm 11
I don't know why ^
i did It. bnt
You’re jnat tbe girl for Doncan. 1 vn couldn’t
ktep back a great aob, and at I
alwaystiiMightao, and 1 know yoo bMh u,at be cur>k me in hia anna and kiaaed ,
Will, imucan ifc"—
1 me pamiooatoly over
aa I
...over himUb. my dear girl, }nat aa if 1 didn’t ibougb be
bad ioai all...........
know i Tt-ryihing that Dnncao U and
a^d will 1.1 And Jn« - i
^ .hon«., -i, gin would tok« Uiat tori ^ |
Th^v: tol^Ln Lflire." 1
_Exp..rto o^ wWj^,, mlcre ebe went all the way oot to
to any irthrttyrar
other .
tor tbe jear. lacking a da;
*• -------------------------------‘tboogl
■’’'8 baabcla
p«r bn.
Sltye. net ba..
a Wbiia of Olevtaand. atm o( | BneVwheat .
-.per ta
per doaen
O. P. CARVER. Agent
«uv ••
Hon. W. J. White,i wbo
i( mi
an expert I
j ki4 A, nia* anmmer
Bicvcie Riders.
Bncklena Arnica SalwA
Tita B»» Salts in itewldfiw
^member that 1 do all kinda of rto
Tbecaar •■!
Herria recently booghtifo^,, perfect aatlafaetion or money
one in the oily for the money.
be deceived by what olbera teU jon to
the ooDtrwry. hot come and aee tot
foribe iiu|n riul aioii five trotting marto , „fuaded. Price It oenU^r^^ F«t
TbeniarueaU bad ;„\ebTJ-0. Johnannani* tt. B Wai.
of *
reennU and liiul all won
the tmf. The niarei bi.ve mvedinSu I
IngEfitct Jaa llth
Pamcng^tTwlna'eavr TTwverw City
The pacingmateSJargan.
3.40 n
pacing mateMorgao. who tnmao
VeruiuBt laaifall and won a nom-, ' ,
m VermuBt
,^,c at -^ven
m „f ainml«-atiug 2:20.nnani-;
Makl... ...
mcejy declsnd a riuK« than, inma 1 ,t SMruan’a Mill twice each week day
;jju. ci»r .loBBil from Bonoroa the Platte River
have been Kalniia.
I Brnneb.
fitnn VViKonain.
Pecnliarly ennagb, no record of aa
Amerloau trouex ever having gone two .
miles at a favt clip ids nc« can be |
* ■‘r’l - ■».” 1" - F-.;--n»
It was.
Ever Burnect Ont?
M. H. Trebaoor, who bongbl BelU;,
BellA 851K. at the Splau-Sewp
•al' recently, will ccevert her into
high (tepper and tbiuka abe will niaka
np liebiDil inu. 1 bad a while ill
I looked Dp at bim at be kuwd near,
and bo wm looking down at me with a
look 11 bad
bad never
never eoen
ewn before
before in
in any
any ^i
.. ..
Biau'a wea boch a world of love waa :
Uicie.aiidalifotme. It waa worth living ,
all my 10 yoBia jwt simply to aeo that i
••Oan-i yon goaaar*
"Mul" I fairly wrchKed.
Dt. C. A. Baroty haiafineprorpret
rrlWbo* Do tell mo."
;;ZrE^:Z of Iw-XniT^e
,‘S m. SPIMR
me to marry him. and I told him ■U i
haatbr ImUnco ri-n to ♦S.Ki.OOO.t^ l^iu
l iaUI
la M pant ralrpdar yrar have net l»- 1
‘Jb.yoA 1 anaiii
Seen »»)ualed in any pmeeding yt»r
lExporta of itHton have ta«in over 7.700. •
000 bolt*. aUmt S.SOa.OVO.OOU poonda.
and in no previima year aa mneb aa
_______________ _ .
re geUiug np^
I havd bcosao bap^ all theae dayt.
bnt touighA am the moat nberable
girl iu the world. We (ball get to Cal'
cntta lomonow. and I ahall bo leiard
oo by tbat odion* man with tbe white
gardtoiA I ahall never love blm. 1 leva
one clue, and aome one elan tovea
The fun-ign demand fur American
sgrknitnral pntdoeta in IH»0 baa dm
I Omr ttek
bbh a
| Oaar Pork par ta--.Short Oat Pork..
sihort Cut Pork porta..
dajA bo't it7"
Seot. *JTH.
Tbcre waa ao awkward panaa.
1 tbo few goala got by Ventare. * :80
ntnplycooldn't tell bin the tmth.
ting, sue}, pacing, mo of deroneUddy.
■‘Ob." I laid careloMly. "1 baT*
before be waa gcldad.
otbwplaoa after tbat”
Abe aulllon Prince Airlie. brotbet of
He wwtnod atnnaed at my cpofnaios.
I’m tore I looked a peKeea fool. atfd> 'Cbaoty. 8:J8H. brUny Wlikea. 8:15«< i
w« tbankfol that jnt tbap anbcSar —Cliaotilly. by Kniwaod. baa been ; Reekwhest...
t»pTi»a maiw
tbipped to Sontb Africa.
___d indnotrirw oU preriaa* bigb noonte ,
.pvar teporta. tet Derember baa gone
'ya,«iislitly.”b«>aMwerad. “Balb-lanI Cortb'
er a Lwijg way tofo for a abil U a taw
Pr«4 oot
tol broTM tfea
U oil tb- rood Q»l U-od coiM
lUr Iw w dlOM Uwl Ull7 frw
Cowl CTM kww ttr pUo> 1> bio
Nof mild rwacUed »7S.«0(I.0«(1. bnt
-Oh. yea.” 1 aiammeTed. "i am go-1 •«
*“U mib
ingtoany fora few daya with bb ab- ■ »bi«a
! Meal. H. L. *0».BaBL...
*ar. Mim. 0*horoA inCaleatta-iDo yon
Wlllian Ditwtoo of Pbibdelpbla la , »*ad, H. U taOo. BaaL...
TV« will *^4 ■•liWTr • *..rtcl 1
Not wiy am
To VHW Uane «»rUdr r'«uii« |4i
wwrUmrn Intbiir recaplMiUttao of U»
v^hia Jtar tbev have lawa atnot |M0.
490.000 Noi^btr paned all previetu
in ralne «jf prndnue ezporta
MBta VII ■» DM09WPnM«
taer above ma
li la eatd that Lady of the Manor
-Mte Carr. I Lmiw a Mnid o< yam
wban S yeaia old (bowed a nib at the
iaCalcDna. Dtmeaa Eadwood.*' .
trot In «:«
I SOI redder. How mneb did ba
by I
Kiw? Bow eoold I tell him I waa so-.
laodet. b lo be can
Ma(M r*r inan
Eana. lilTfa. received
trateng la a Bilk-wafas.
^"“J^ntee all my work to be ^t.
and if U dooa not prove ao I make II
„j|, ron to ueoarv-uj i
^rbor Braoeb.
All gttoda
Johii R. Santo,
Geieial lisuranct.
; Spirr...”
‘ I,, ,i,i, dj,t,uce in France la bold by f Uian S;00 p. m. the day --------------Naronoin. wbo
wbo trMled
trMled it at tbe rate of , ed ouior ihey will be left over. Trains
dally except itoMlav
H W. CfJtMknBaii. AgL
* “““
iotia- ji XK'V.-r weu.”
SWWb.on 1 Plea* <!<• “•ink tbiamauerovirairiotia.
"1 duil't. ilw." be said very grave-
,«,1y approaAed by Ibii.lST.-] ly and try and mo itt advantageL |
8711 la l»y7
The biwriwt eapnrta of Bite, i will give yos bis letiir to read
both grain- Mid Aw in any previona
Hmvy gill liacklea are nmd for tallf^r^lf^•K^l^ CABltS.
y«wf were Mi iKKl.nlHI bo.heU mnaller.
liuery. ClakpiDg Ilia collirail velvet of
rri^ Uie letter and rmi’t my iwm'tagly. ’’yon don’t cm a b.L You are
« UranaeUar at
.^mly «a<i.Sit)..M8 la 1"lt7
the wrft drapiil loqnea ibry are veryel- g M BBU
O. Law.
mneb impn-aaeil.
boi ae it taplatna the.‘“i® .b'« nu»>»ppywheat waa'rai-il to»l «I in May. tbe______
-’My Ui-rtlm.
faigbaat qitoUluiU a ilb 111- faigbial J p,aitinn of uflair* Ix-iv it
' ... I 1...U. ...t, 1(1
Tbe faablosable i-olnr among tbe new
.-k a favor tokBowyim luve me. Idou'i tbink 1
BBUrtUv nriidgi- fur "9
I ^«
I i,,*,. ou. l-ii.-l am wn
au that tbc avi-ragefor tbc firet half of juo. bot 0r»i>‘*u B>urt .naum-vuu’t sbalii vrrbe
liuiiiga and a touch cf mauve velvet
laoi.ii.iii> ii-iri
"Tuu ate
-ymir wa- llMl. .-xtv»d«l-wlightly
Vi itb gold and en-am la.e in tbe trim^Bg|. imt the bighi-at alDoe IhW
anul toioS y^ lui.w
and U-liTC be could stop me 11
mher average baa berti only 72
ami iK're i am cryin
Ulle ano
~d£Vwhwetr«iU piw*i>iTulle
and moui.>ellua de anie tneettet 1
fwau. 2S ci=ta ladow that iif la«t year,
tiiarrail » U- aue
iiabiugw-e tiad all b
thertritii'al trimming imagtoable
ir ct,x% ciweicj At n. J. Mortori tbe rear s average. 98 eenta. U tba
K^ewiag tl.-' «irl fci lalU W 4^
avi'lvi't Inqne.
loqne. athey
...give tbe de-1 eaa . n.crj. T-irpb^^_________________
hlgbist Muce Itml
- lie »lUi
. lierallidmeback. ••Bcrtba. dearoat, J rifcii comtart in light eOeol which • j ^-i iLBEgT a ua
Indiiatriul priafreaa in IWB haa been
i \jr teatlee 10 Prolwu praelt**. ■aamaa.
a wuold Iti
uio ipteti- ••
1 wooWn’t liaii-n. | V.'ivU' ba‘“<lda
law J >/u •
betiind all pn-vi.uu erp-rieuii- Tbe
i Hi.ltoTraiitll» 0». Block-___________________
t tie } ■
Aainuigc Ibing baa ‘............................
For tb'iMi who de not carry mnffa
------------«uti«il nf pig inm hi-t be«-n aUml 11.T O aad 1 lav. rwlv.d Iu glVa *
gsouilt iaoi Inr ere worn totuateb
•t.t.iit'O tiin». the ST--ate-t yin pwriied
x»ui «i~ w^ii.*Ta ir.-i. I’, rial-1 ij>iij U iviryihiug iu a boMlc and m-arly 4-very
ITiDimiDg*. Tbia is a IgMdos
to nii> 'iwr by 2 itou.taei (.OJa. and
•PbocHU.iM. 11.------------------_
IcrealeVtiwutir.wl Urltaiii. ver r-acbed
by S.aiMi.uiMl tona Yit Un-iiinaiiinpl
in nuiaufarlolv liaal»-i« etill larger
rniite ./ ,ort .xpifto of pig. in t
. ......... ..............................J
miiolba |r.J.Ul>ii totta. fur iflaold aba-ka
aurry to set-1
Were rnlnceil in II timiube Wi.otHt
lUn^B m lOETHEISTEBlI fi-1.
TV lakr eB«-t WeCoewtay. 1
is ......"
f vs: t IX
geiitlemail w—..
Expirta i.f in* ti.aimf.-t.nnriT in
.l.w»rto}..u Wci.l£l.»«- _
niivl _
me _
la tall
_ _
ami iTeaU abav.u und ’,
ton nemtlw w.-n- alv.iit Be; fitJ .'JB in cBai.S' I'S-A*-,. ealj »■'“» WiAild 1* iH-gwuiL
„.,iVv..ara white gardenia.” 1 began. |
ih- gwmL
Tall!.' Bgniiu*! inipirt-iif #i:i'IW7.a17
.11 tilO w- sod 1 luiew>euU.ve
-ii.tv we utv ilien. ’ int< rrnpiecl the
00-. «l n. iic I ■■'vil h-c
Prinv "shown liu- Itu y*'«r in tin- talde !>.>
I fell mllv-r tlittu «iW that
id I ..nip::n-'to liu
cijewa. approjelmig. Sly iuieea
Meady vuryiug
............. ..................., ,„'^wen.-trimbling. Itbimgbi 1 elwuld falL Tu.juue of
froiu iIm- l.-wi-at .- .... —-----------------------.* m'-w
1 .^•uldn’l raiae my .V until au.ldeiit.v
not « per
1 le-l
1 knew—ah,
yuk aud .
I _
a deep TOUT till
liiaC Ik
}i<urat-.-ie»uaM> bri
TIm- b'Dlle-r hniiiKtry haa alw gaini'd
10 (a I ■■•'tit in iwiKirte in epiu- <f high
AfiiT all. it t» rather u giad idefc 1
pric^ i>f bilbo, iiaiing iiaiti ndmioi in think—nrigilml. if ueiliiug il«e.
prtt»' cia-nl Bit laT irtil 'ni.iiii.'b liidi*
e>u J witildii't like to l.ikii the
m .lu Gtly lUle r U-d. and ebMw !‘‘IOn theoiher hand. J'se iiu home.
han- Ucnri'dni'.'d.acr 2 |»r .-nl.
. and
^cmnvlliul il-ll’e g--ue, aud tmiy a piAir
anr|‘4*'ln5 “H
amluarrnW'd b> 1
FtMTFA Attoron ai Law. Bpwlal
are raid to !"• wotidi-rlully
white caracnl 1
M'sitnpe. m mnch u»ed aa a fiuiab
and iniuiniiig for iir.-»e». are illnrirat
\IT, Alwtiart. M
■•III. m.
.V .a.ei l~v !?ball lclmii. c it*
W.ll.liH.l.nti.rali. 1 h-yLOOBeto
tbew.-tldti.auvi.vme burluliuidber
huslwinl. and III. s U.ib Ib'-ugl-i it a dc-Ji'iil. luairh. TI..J e-..;wew.te made
hr Vw In II" r. but 1 I’lu ce in Ibur iunirmovt li-uTl . I n.-ait'tli'-ylbiuk UDB-
Chicago «« — ».~
.West Slichigan.
■'.iDgaiu IB Bilolh gesvn w.lb a ekilt
m three nreular diviMona, each one
edged with a baud of velvet covered
with TossK of ptitcbiug.
mtrcellaneohb wants
Tbi pretiieM .liirt WBii4. ore of toft
., <;hlaaae.............
C,Maar.«,<eal lUIb >lre
a« 1 bad l.vu'ill and wa* order-,
, |„.j„iatleame to AdeDtoiu«.l
jr?-~ i~
iii n,e u>hi-«>al le lujiu- -„M„
Rapids S iDdiati R, R
‘.A-;- ___........... _j.i.»-i-
iMdl* I
uaku op in
i-a.ru. 'Alg
.1 IB poaliiMce. I
{Boi ». Vut-kMeb.
TioaaralrtifUr tear
11 nul
nut II mud
iiriid liuia
,4 u,,. roaiiiry, and iu tome caaea I ,
iiaigbtn't t.. !■ tbiukiug ahlusd.
Acnsdibgly. wbeu tlrey do 1
I aai. wh.-avr ba
torpBrtB wtxp
.vb-miy fin ptav
;b. ivmcrtarir jwrtv i.
-wrFtr-et xJA’,-r»-d .uarttiafr,
,1*7 Bmiiiniae catb Mberp«ty|
rarefulJT. markiiig Uie chauge* which
m-aat me.
«io 5:.
amt yrt ipWe
xe-FVT l e nj.d r.v.i..r totK M*U m
„‘,vr*ld bf!
Rogem '
tba e«^
aetico by rteaJtb and to Mva it | —
out by acrldenl.—Umb.
i. lunKtl with dilBroliy to
bia ueiRbbar. and. pointing to a grayMber aide of tbe table,
,bl*pewd auxiuurly. "Tell me—Idon’t
„-,aiy i«4 atold a* that. «*o IJ" Funny
BBd irrriblypatbeoo, wasn’t lU-#nck
- -
' «#a5=£fien£Ys*c8sa«esag I
lock Uca and mapla ablpplng wood de-
tonebad to gentle
good banking gttiond on On^ TVav-
R'eigb not m much wbat bh* amen
a* wbat ibey prova Trttb ia aimpla
aitOMkedand need* not invaatioe to
I apparel Irw uomelmtaa.—blr F. Sidagy
TFbb B
aatva a
,J'SEe9SSKK=t98SC8 88899
Will pay apotcaab for cedar and hem OmrlaaaU.
Tiala ar^^
*» “*•
known carearer and kindnem there it
alwavaa fiber of memory tbat can he
—Ueorge Blot
There i. no beiitr ballau
ballart for k
havelakiupi4celolbi’irr.«p.vliTeap-lj,j^^,„„^^^„fcl^t^bailpraiwtirv* dtftnut tbe jiwr. At tbe lart |
.»^»,.vmtoatomlt/.a grri .« board,
,biwe g4tb. ring* a white hatred old
.a,- a.-k-d the e.pta n.
tg..BUeman. Uni alunrt dooble with
■ ..ta»r •*» :ito*tnphw-f*
(bH wire nwila
;t • a nDHtttoa >f
Ito ew^roe- Vrtri. .wrw B-U .tod *e
Iwltor riVTWt-t .Wll. <tll
Si ,4
1*1,. d-ar.!
d.ar.l w.mu.T if I
. rt.4k tigw!
BBEn"E6VEer££i ii
as.&aa a&aaa*ca< aa
S£BSS R55E£a82a 89
^TiTBTiliBB8e*SB«B8989« I
Utuevi'liiit leeliUR ennohles tbe
liilile riard-
-And if twt." be bruke lu gently, trifling aciiom.—Tbackeruy
'i„rtuB. giaaUer. me*- Dt-N-BBi
or anv vitbi-r .vonuy a blatorj
liuv.4 bivAtin
fciUlim.» Lil rig«<vlme«it—4K,r love will bi-lp ua-tbroagh tbo,
Tme blerw-dm m enpMStetb in a good j
>'•- 4
L’nder the worldnga M tbe Aaterirwn
life aud a bappy death.—Solon
i TTTAXTn>-o«.a UaB* m baHkara.
: {vdk.ii ^«- . C. miu a* fid
.ftolicy if anving tbe borne markid to
like bun.
bun and 1 j
The ex
imsttt tnined ooi a perfect
Have vomeibicg fo my; «y it, and
aJr. Antiirmrui
tbe bonie Jinriui-er ihU conntry tiaa ex
t aiBway.
' anevv-^. and Lilia more than tww con- atop when done.—Tryoo bdwar^a
jrtaBtttr.Ca crtol W.Lsbb Uagtw^
po^ twiiv the amoOBt of iu importa.
, —I. Fort Said, and Terr ^tnrd that a mas vtnnld let hi« aiiter
the total* 1* iiig approximately #1.800..
... 'i r--lb .\oi n
Lt.ryoB* cboua-ht* wife fw him.—St. Fanl’a
4KHl.lMMikn.l#di"'.MH WHi PMt-very^
------------------------.▼ Cnn'-Brlw~B Potaw Isplei FW Co -F lae- wiirtb puB-iiawd alimad we told #8
worth to f.<ein«tw Thcfr haa liev* I
I tntb diaooai- ' reerlve iTB-Bra bj kavtor^i
■olate Irenlr- :
groat tmTiwse in .mr aab* of mannfav- ]
- • Mttrj
me yiar. v
A fine perron t* a t eanteona faoa ia TPOR aALS-PICk n
r ball a Cl
g.<ling I
T l« feet »e-^
l-riwil, with a
t<«i-tbi<r .tearly- L-jriug the year IB vAiD witboDt a
well iBprovf^al
BUrt-fM 1-V-i* upward ••f
' j
d-rk .y.Mmd .u. h
■■ low■
majMiiy of ili<m la-vir meet at all. Dicnt —CboTobitl
. J ur ivarly d-.uidi-tbat M •“> «*•■ 1,u<Hiiu.ia< ie-. lU.mklratb- .......... ..........
Tbe greateat pleatnre 1 kpow li to do
erfimribanilw- Th-laviawblelradehal-
J a«BOg.A*eBS.Tpa»ar*»OUr
or«e to an'ttbend than to aaf-
1 ixaAul
liaJtul up. aud lie took
look my baiida
in Iiia
-Are you still afraid » %ue
. -v-i
p m j........
SOD II*"I..........
IB layeat.
. an a hit loU g-xlltoim . Sly pbulo lue tni* uiomilig. By the hs<. I lu>v<«’t ,
’waaM-nl <-iil. ar.i -luy future bashand ^011 it vii. My aiai-r u waning fur
.standing <uuii>lainb> of- cede
J ..
.. .. 1 d. igu.vl liie-s that,'"If 1 wa* »«>y‘bliig v.tu. I have L.vn I'.ii ►liure and got rid
irgiti* Ion unuitnittn. Slid biUiU.v 111.-,
l,rt-.d me alri.rfly." 1 of mv Uhrd. . Ic. U.-k al me. darJlug,
TOslIer! iiumUr ami liabilttidp of tio.i
„,,-.i;y „f biiu not uid Hv bon TOB like the rliangi-.
^.,Midc .«» .1 b>., hot be ha* U-en
minniily oi-wiii-o u-me and ia going
.je fare of an i«tl*eak of ertv with a,
gpnliv.ia III U» boiu*fMFign nation, tbimgh it u |•r..l•»•Iy
• MCr.b-utta.-Ha
jmd to «ay b-* b.witatu* in tr»d.- and
lB*.f a p.-rtnamiit HTeil wen- ei.-n itod
by that ev-vil limn ever iafore in Ibia xx.«il,.raiiofc:u.m to Ih. In-I; to labail
R«eM. ..
IrUC KaplA.
dos... 10 tiie uii
The I r.g btle hnrlw wh irii have beta wip^.rr
■ box for
y.,u. ’rbeu it riru. k mit l would like to rior.vl esi,.y lu the irea-ury
M-ewlml tort i.f 1. little girl you weje y.ar. .m-y ^ l-roogliC out Lute
ey are *"“8
long tP ;,,,
ku.-w who 1 wiw. Lil «a* and um.I l-r a ueiklie.
y.m w.rx. lua.ie (oi me.
f.> lie
er* wU.i kind of
•iiu.nlioomlyooluv.-.lm.i. Lijl ui-i. atd 11 1
rythiog in the
mj-lit 1 nearly lotrayi-d mywlf. hut 1 la.v lln.'ui
V Vutke
yiwr face w ben you WOt wuy ol lace
**;^* !"■*
, a MtTCaSLL.
diw- the hi---t[ivi »f tiK- y.iu- and itid--i
bi(:iwTil*auf.irlivi->.«n.paet o-ewilb
mwa failnr.". repwWd f- -r
at law.
,-4.. I
m-rv 1.cob-red greba iTvuytoiiueaare
o.adeol l aiehlueM pii.k grebe, and
l.-ll— '
i.um-dand of whom
,,v .vie ►l-u.. well. Idou’lmwelor
tbi>ngh r»wt:
‘!i «i *« £ _ _i
, ksSF'
•'iJi-, farr. I think’
lip. Tbe capiai
Stnrilivk 1 liaikedI tip.
,y. aud I stood fac
|,p,| Uvii eallr-il uwut.
wnh—Mr. Kiigr-ta.
•■What lioe it u>-auU’J gn*p>-d.
flf lb- year JOnote- afi.uii|>ni-.vlni..vi v-dmueof ditiiivtiennd asported iruib- l«uk i-b-aringN in ef.w— .rf She 1 He.* riviinl. th.-ugh
r«sfle> lins: bw. •|■-•■ub•llve aelivily than
in that vi-nr : raiimnd .■aniingv likew
_ ---- - -----------
ing to Idunda
Munda ami
brum ttea
French ILuiiel in light color.aud worn
•t stay -Dnu, ^
. WiHyoulMglve mo ,
fully g'«*l and kin-i. bnt 1 i
with a iHlTilii rililon niiktiB night - T p-.lioUiid luu'i llnuk lur iIk-deeepttouP’
lucb.-. vrirte, mati hiiiR the Uanfud in lao-^'-r
nu.-auiw IW It la. ‘I rii-uiiuvoio
jk. and hi'w-eut on:
eolji .Mid ri-ueil with White Tbti. tiea | -,-T
gciei-nnyw. uiid bire'a a
•■{ ua-ii’-tiallent toafi- tie-diar lit-
Urg>i ih.
larg- r tie
Twia NMintiOi
. ;s.;2Si,r£'
drered on Banaab Uy 40u-dock or any
rrt« Bay.
Correapoodonoa aolieited..
e. Boom 11. Merc. Oo. Blk., Trav-
&i.tPC*wtx>Do;f?VAl‘o5iMlante .
Oraml Mfn IfoM 8aff«r
-T«b*Ob«rtW WUkOM«M
kMOMlM M OOMr m4 Oiftl
WMktafM- iU l7.-Pf«W»«t MeCI.W7 MWM«d k> U»
tMOMd to «o*rt -tottol Cto~fto
S*ermUry AlWr wM not ji»«^
Mt, to-t Wtto WJ*to«l Om0»*I CorWB
WM Bl to* WWto u«— to
use OMAKtolU.
GETTHW immm.
To XoptoM MvBod Howl Wito O
•SOO.OOO BoUdtoCSob FroBctooo. CtoL. Job. 17.—It to
oBDOBBcod 70Bi(bt tkot MlSlIoBoiro
‘ UMky*- BoldirlB wfU fopltoa too old
Boldwto koui. wbwe rolM boro booB
OB oyoBOro OB llorket ttreot for wooko.
wUb o BOW olfhtowry otool o»d brick
BUI BtorldlBC fcr Toxottoo of bowl, wkleh wUl Boot smeoa
•wok* of TrwtoWBt HBreboBW-
B u A«tMlk«f IsflMM
»«t Mot to » SertoM OoBdlOOB.
ot Atkiiuon BiU
17 -Klar (
pMdac tha Hoqm.
•offOTtoff from m »ttoek of totoosM.Tto oo«t pbrtoetooo mj tW« l« bo
OMM for Btont. toit It to koowB lb«t Mill to AtoOBd OstCom Tost Book
tMKtocto'pkrjtoBllT BSBb'otowlULow — Boooter
iB Mamorj of tb*
Late Aldonnan Ooediieh.
Oibor DBlBfo to lABtoBir.
Bj buying a paper or a magazine. Even a
paper of pins has points. We carry everything in
the way of magazines and the very best of reading.
Look over our news counter and see tbe
number of good magazines that are published. If
you want the latest on any topic, come to us,
lABOtof. Job. 17.—Soaowr Oroh^!
wUl ocoto tatowd«oo>to
of Troa^ of
book Mil oftoot iwrloB. Ttortotb*]
Orobow Foroyih low. oioBdod 00 w lo
P«aO* D«f«TP*d.
moke It jBOBaotory ob oil dtotrieto Bot
«-Tboio WUl bo
: borlBff 1^ Wto booko Tbe eptloBol OOBBlBC
* to wbot 'ooodeaBo tbe tow.
ObOBKo fro* toe Orlftool FropoM-(clooee
plaeB—BcttltweBtof PreoeBt Zhfl>.
tIOB-Mow BUl W be OeBl to I-«to-' Mr. Urobow oleo hoe o bill proridtoc
oaltp DepoadiBC VpOB AcUod Of
Btlor to too eobtoot ewoloB, Tboordor
for toe ooBrt wortto) will fwobobly be
' prorldw toot wheo o troBMeot Bier- j OBopre.* OB Treaty.
There woe lllUe boetoee* to «^to , e,,^,opeoeoetore hleeioek eboU forthMobUo. Job. 17.-1%e delay of tbe
of tbe eoBBdl
„in, b* owoeerd ond o to* collected.
| L’oiWd Swwe oenow to roUfyloc tbe
I. lb, »w.«
! There eoeou to be o prowlap oBlly \ treaty of peace to toe suet deoferooe
UIU lb.,. . rub« ..1^1; b.lw tor 1lipbt Bt toe «
; of forooe oB the railroad bill. The to-; feotareof toe oKootloB here Theaoroll BpoB SaeroWrtoB Hoy *»d
j a,TOoUi etrwt ood Blawood otobo*. idtoBtioBOBretoeboBeewlllpowo biU ^ tirw do aot BOdereWad why tbe
Be bod jBot retarard here
i tbc wtltloe wbb reforrod to toe
jlooely allied to tbe Alktoeoa Wlf
, ow eboald Uke eo loaf >o reheb
York. OBd wboB opokea to to refercBoo i
llfbtlod. There
w »
11,...It in
Mr. ABdereoB hoenotlced a j-ilBl re 'cWOB. They bare olwaye beeo o«oo. adhered
to hl.rri-‘
220 Front St.
Zi foIlS^^o^ If be aciedatoH.' ¥ie e.peBdltarea of toe board of ] not to eaoeod M.ooo to (Iwwpe Crowp I wry. wboe. BolBrally prompt and dl- ;p,B,iewo^dorlBf lopaat iwoweeka ofCompooyU. Uraod Rtpld*. for to- rrctoiethodti.otcTeo«paBtobproer*eUarlof toe ImplIwUoB that If we
'waaotoo rorr Itotat. tbelr eotire e*- Jerleo reoalred at
^ Ao-' tlnatloo aod red wpe ooold wholly deBtoaloadld Botaot.
poet I8»7. He fell while botIbp eaap feat. They perceire toot toe baade of
torn. It woBtd thee be time for him W BeaaeoBtorewhtorWt IS.
^^Md portlOB ot toe prooeedlan 'euppltoe aad waa paroly wdtoe Amorieaii oomoiaBdere are to a
a; oi*B*Bra Ucd be the aeBaW. All tbto
Uw. Wwley Merrtt will be prealdwt
ef Uue^MTUeiraBd toe tod*e ad-! wetoory of UoB. Beubea Ooodrieb. tbe] bill doiof away with aleetloa prima-j pwstly <»»»•»«• *■■»««•■ prwUpe to
■ tiiisis TTl 1 Vrr Urn' J W Cloak of the
to be torntpooed by death 1 ri*a. Mr. Lakh of B»y wlU totrodnoe , the iktaodi aad eoakaa BoeltlBmeBt lo• ■ -and IkaalMiioetbeeity waktoeoeporated. Alder U bill reqolrlBp poblwiioUoaofpropea-|creaelB»tydlffliBU.
Ooodrieh-k eeat bad bees eacsbt I «d chaapeB to city bsq TillUre ebar-1 Tbe deadlock with the rebMa nader
■r of toe judpeadeo- [>
l{eo little, that tbe fact that toe late
___________ ______
ijeeBeiable asd pabllc aplriwd oOclal
Saaator Daete hae a bill reqelriep'eny Ikqeletand boktoeek U proeeedte*
^'sed of ’bta delir 'He immedlawly ;
oecopy It do more eakl a ploom j that all olototop offered at whelewle much as luual Two-thlnlk of toe pop, work MtoertoB loforoialioa [oeer the procwKliofk for tbe time betoy | „r reUll eball beniarked to pUto Bar-lnlatloo really prefer Amencaa rule.
t wblek The tollowtoy are tbe reeeluUoBk I jub with toe perecawye of wool, oot- j but fear (o oppoae AyulBalde aad bla
frtim too Slea of tbe d
They would pluck up
wU: be eroded dBrtoy toe trial.
Our former colleecoe. I
eoerayr If tbey could be aesurrd
It U Bit ekpeeWd toa proeideol will |j,^,
Goodrich, baa been wiled I
nwrit «nwHO»
that toe L'oited Sialee would keep the
AeMeeatetbecbaryee whkh will be | from nor mldki aod ba. cwtodhikla- ^ OHIO HORROE.
Tbe betUr
w«-»hi.eml«stUeBerallta*aB.%kaBeb ibowatlbeendof a loaf, ueefol aod ____________ ...
Krs. P. W. Tiadel Killed la BBrBtDy,^,
eaof tbeKiliptuoe fullym
1-4 Off I
or Suit ..our
—yet your money.
You couldn’t akk Jor a
y way bni
kid you?
Get Xour Money’s Worthi j
tbe city. Tbe lateet newa from Iloilo
jreporu no ebanire to the
there. Tbe deadlock eontlnuek there
kk here, aod cn-rythlay waiu upon tbe
1-4 Off
keatble to hdmlotoler.
! kpSXd at larye upoo the city record, the aeaffoldlnjt on anew houae which, rwldenU of Iloilo fear that •’“‘'‘"‘T
E»w klaoe tbe tonaatlonkl ereqt of ! aod pobltobed In each of the dally pa- i waa betoy erected neat door. The kcaf-: the Uib^meo from tbe |.il a of the to
preelp-: lerlor. who form the yrcel part ot the
, .if the city ap.l ibai, a eopy Of^ L toldioy yare way and b->th w
eeneral Kayao'. Wellmory lh»
i- i..r.Uh.d ti'ske I---------------------rebel armv there. wUI lot pnd bum
betakea. Today Ju.l betore toe cabiAKl^MoBtoyue^wJd ' Laokloy. Ja«. IT.-The honae led off ' B0BIHM8 COLI.KOB LYCKOM
nataaeakiBbe held a
to-• _ ,
, BM. BBieruktoiny Proyram
- in the M latorlal baliolln*
^ at oooo »...
ul ... ..d Ad).„»,,>«..UU-B—d
.......... ...... -x-i... u..
You Risk Nothing.
Wa Risk Veri Unle.
Overcoat, Ulster
Bharye of oooduct oabnoomloy an o«-|oommoolly a faltofol frlead. toarefore.from the flamw. which were, reeult of the S^Wk delaye tbe Amer•er aod a yeoUeman.^Tbe penally
-hat we berebe onhlldT '
“ Uooyh a*r-, Iceoe will probably be ooap-Ued to
thU offaaw I. diamlwal.-ltb Boalteni-,
SSd ./ j-^y thb moralB*. Mra. Fred W. | demoo.lraW pnutually to tbe oatiee.
»U«e. Thaw Ik aaolher charye which . arecLatloB of iboae qaaliUet and capa-iTUdel wk* tofUBtly killed had ber-thBl Ayumeldok dreaded army U a
MB7 ha beooybl. which »k codoct to ! Mmie. whkb m^e ^m a mae jukUy , hokband keeerely lojcrcd.
_ ] mere rabble compared with toe Uolled
Tkadel to chief clerk ie tbe aDdltfay ' SUWk forcea.
dtocipitoe. upoa Which tbe court mey e,v .yuipetby to the bereared relatiree department of toe Uke Shore railroad.; It i. reported from Ualolok that
. _______
. ^lewereklrepinFoolbekecood'
aepWBce the offrodrr to other penal- > and frit
. . dby our deceaked eolleayae I
**oke loo late to yet out byll» imploriny Ayuioaldo’k ooBarDl to
ttoa than that of dUmtoeal. whicb.how |''7^-cui
. to iDcloded lathe - -"I-k-.-, ..!»>» drap
oft two-tolrde I loktantly killed and her bukbaad •
Ofer the n iwr. and hae bad
' ^ frequent
............... ‘’uai'n^'w'iheatocnee
Uwiny to to.
y oOloera aod | «i«ndatiee acVl«>a on the dock line | picked np nneoDkclook-pa that kbould ; matur waa deferiwd nntll toe Beal j
otoem reyardiBg tbe
be taken, for be waa oOOTinix-d from meeiloy.
tbemilart ibat toe only queetlon for; The propoeed charter amendmeBta
wmklderatioo wa. what a.-iloe ahouid ;«*«•-'o tor aUeBilon, aod three-a.
CD Tote.
‘'City Bookstore.”
1-4 Off Sale
Does It.
This sale is on our best goods---not old stock—
not old styles. Nearly every pair are Pingree &
Smith make—goods that have built np a reputation
leubjoeled to the ducieUou of the COUB-Iktale chairman. The threateaed
oere oi
... - -d -vd»l.,
.BiUrldw. of
,.f the
Oir |■lO».•reeil»
I'tm-rd-eitjie f'T
for hoenkrr 1 ^ . |
........ .......... .
there wllatloo
located, r for style, fit and wear.
IBBBITBBMBPOBTB 10 KBBILB | .uu'.d I. .. ... ..bu.lul.i, Ib.l f:r- ■ .d...' .ll.bU .■„,1 .1™ ..I ...l-iuo did
our ul, ..fooeofir
_ .
------------I Ou. ul Id. Uiii. II. — uu.
; UU1
Buru... r~»..,u. ,b. | ^
^ f
Get them.
Ot.n1. Bh.nn.n Md 8h.rld.n lo B.,1 . wUh lb. prr.rnt pTUTirlim ..f Ibr rity ■ ..lire Brpbh]ie.n Hrrnpth. Thei*i e^wurd Cl.mml. Tbr brt.rie wb* rcb. • i
—Lawwa OoBa on toe Pirvl.
charter to that reywrd but mold not waa no eaeitrmenl and UitleofiDier- dered to M'. Clemeni'e orl.rlnai aiyle . ^
_.j^jiiee that it CM,Id be chaored to theleetand the yueioiay afforded yreat amuae j a
Wakbleytoe D. C.. Jan.
.ifki-r of toe apparent vppoellli>o. He j Tbe eenate ented tbla afleraooB for inent tor the kludeota. who -Soally de-{ ^
War D.-narlmenl anauunced today that
{ bdicred that toe couDcire dutlea in ee-' aenator and tbe Jnot ctMirepiioi
ridedthat tbe aui j-cl waa Mia* KUalJ UK Front Street.
tbe Culled SiaUk
mIrlT“the Mohawk wouto Bo\ be'able|apprirprialioo were «e ; ratify the action of Ibetwo houaea will Sbepard.
" V V r
The ke*rd of eduction could be held at b6oo mmorr .w.
la. Campbell ga*r an eaaay on • • Ven-1
wrnLr,7u-m Uke
•P-<*Y>-t.on ! Tbe aen...
atooJ « for Harrow. loe." which waa rery iDUreeuay. and_______ . ..
W ^ ^ and fi»ur ouiBkniee of n,, , and the charter pn,»iclek that toe evOB-: to S for Campau. Waynerand
enabled one’^odraw a ririd picture of)
cll a
that famooa city.
•Keeolyd- That Arc’.ic ekploratlon'
Mai >r GcoJral klenr* M. Uawtor,
Akld.tUrcoaDtyr,mdj/klemamen(;la not remunerallre." waa tbe qurtlioa
who will relieve Major tl,*Deral UU» ot airnt A(,dertaao Montayue wm oppikod
the oomiaand of troop, in the Flfllip-„cre yeaeml-l But Kla Vieum Would Hot Permit! for debau. Waiter Gray and Slmer|
to Buff r lor It.
: Hrown aryuril the affirmatiee. while
plBM. ail that lieoera! «»tia can Z-*-* ir ebared by the other member.
mure attenUoB to lb* yoeemmeol of , Monuyue aryued that ton ouly chance ! AIpbonao MeUanua waa bltWD la the ' the neyatlre waa handled .by Dominie I
the UUBda. will aail on the Grant. »e „f
o,e hill waa toelimtoale tbe band laat e.eniny by a doy belonytoy, Ihian
^ aad WarrcB Oickermaa. «,«,
sa at th« war department today, re-1
.eeUone note.1 Ue belle.ed ilmt. v, Tip Olda l»r. Rneeland waa mlled ; (;>;*/*•
eelrlnc ttaal iaatraetloBa.
I for toe la-',
I toe Irjured i
An Imprompta Ulk apon "The plee
Alyer baa Inatruetad
■““^•'•fereaaeof the urm of olHje of the city | AUhooyh it U not a___ ,_________ _
ore offarmtoy." waa yieen by "
•f toru to New Yark harbor to 6re «iclrrk aad ueaanrer and that proeldlay | u will ba eere aore for aeeeral daya
Brano runaka related bU eaperlmaJ.ryeoeraraaatowtohoq«rofGeo.|u,,j u,e •aperelaora ahoald bare a! itp Olda. 'aoeompanled by hla doy.
oral Ipawtoaaa toe Grant paanea nut. 1 hand to Belay toe aalary of toe tooord ' waa retnratoy from Uktoy the Unltod eaern to eroealay toe oeeaa.
Ob aeoouBt of Profeaaor
General Lawton aBBOUBood hla auff,
»hould be eryed and toat they |
«, toe O R. 4 I unto,
today. Tbe meatber* are Mejar 1. G., would be paanad. Tbe otoar aldermea j when naHtoy tbe d<». Mr. McMaaBa coureael lecture, belny arraayed for
Btarr. Inapector ^aetaU Colonel ■>-D «ch^ th^ eenU^u
raktml bU band and the animal to- Tneaday eeantoya. It b eery probable
BU-p^pI IM™.! 0»~~
“ “"•"I". that toe eolleyc aoeiety will meat here
after OB Wedseaday eeeBlnya.
with CapUlD BobsrtSewclI.U-----------,
— McMaana'
• cband. McManna
to toe dnetor'a ofiee by
“T ^ who <^arml to kill the d^ lm- BraeH Promotlona XU-oommeBd
HaailayocampalyB. OapUto
but toe Utter to.toied toat
Waablnyton. Jaa. 17.—Tbe board ap- ■
Major Geaeral Jobs B Broohe. -UUbit '
. sacena and city attorney were laatroelOpeemor of OuW
< ed to draw
after, thonyb. be will ali
a of army cBoera re-
Itormaofeiiy offleefa.. Tbey wmeabo „ ,
j, harmbaa a* Geaeral ItoOeld the bretet rank of
maj IT yeaeral and Coloaeb PeUrmaa
*" diroetod to make a aapeiete bill of toe;
« he ta not_____ _
and SovBtoB toe bnttt of brlyadler.
Pieaaaat Soetal Reesw.
.-w„,------------------------and alao ^
while Mrty ___
otoec Mtehlyan oO
AfTBayemeau baec baaa made for a ' aaotoar proeldlay for tbe repeal of the
New Y-erk. Job. 17.-Two penoDa jeer wboBBTted to Ooh* »«*‘*»^'>***^‘
eerie, ot dasutoy parlUa to be held to coualy road ayttem protbioa. all to be
toe Forreaier’a ball by a elabto oes- aabmitted to the oonacll at ita sest
> killed aad
abt of «t member*. Baooyb hate all-; maetlny. Aa to the adtiiability of aab- by the banti^ of a Ay wheel to Lari- Os meahT H aMWtaU • «nM.
ready aaheoribeid to laaare aaeceea. mitUay the two Uttor propoalUoy lardb tobacco taetory to Janey ClW to
t£I7w-. f-w
The peitiea will be atrioUy iafortBal 1 toare b atlU a qaeaGoa, bat afi wn day. TbeAaaAaroJamea Delaajr. omBnaaah.BiAa Mnerlab left, w
M STb^t at the aty Boohattn .
whUbptomiaaawallforaeertmadeBry afftwrd apoa toe bUl ambodpW toe ytaeto.aad Monk MeCbrthy. tobacco
for U enta eachj
Bleamet aoeUl eteaU.
! two Ant prepoaiUoM.
The Old Kelial.le Shoe Man
I (tauTvot lit SsUmaUdi—’SVtei *
DaVat 0^
4tv A ^Am\Vft Kfcvtre ttttn ata cV,\\&T«it. 'ftdttT
tVtAiv ARift (AktT. Ait& trtvA\ ^convtA
....&vTcvvV\cvV^ 0^
^OT tttt •KUWopoVtUft-SiVont a»a« aa^ wmXk—
«A& BtUd
f$!AvnA. ?cbTU«Ti bWAter ro«
■ ■ '-rrr-^
r- .
Kournro MJ00»^» WBPCTBDA^. JAgUABT 1>« IW9
cn uoMMimo bsoobd.
raiT SBOKT mm.
faoa. T B*w* **» J- W. SAxm
f. w. gA»—. «*l«or —< H»MfBDBBCnUPTlOllB.
*mo OrtwtMl 0mm m4 »Ab
«gn* PrM'«d-S«vml QMM
Over tS« Tmm.
Olroolt Court Will Finish To
TIUTSRscorn. • miomoa*
day or Tomorrow.
it: WB ABE
I Buying Logs! i
kWies tke food anra defidom Ml«
1b* JMMT7 un* (rf tb*
bK*> JMWr4*7. with J*4f« P*Mi F.
Dodd* of Mr Pl«MMi» <w U»* bMieh.
u ns. rou ososAic dxas.
J *dr* Dodd* 1* * emrMou Md dlTBlS«d itiiciti «Mapt* Md lOMl *Wo™«7» Weak of StadeBiaaBd tbe Ooaree ot ffrl—BeeMeat ot Snuoaa Hay
I f»*>if»U* iBiirMMd wiU U* PM•tadiee £>r tba Seooad Senaater.
| •tnekea With Dr»pey Leat HigbL
Cadnam, ot battoaeBay.
St tbe epeaUg of the aoMloa Stior- tw«atytbird.
^ ^ o'clock la*t evaolag ot
My K. a Pratt, la a f*w worda la ref- - The Seaiur Lycenm bat ebanged it*
_______ ______
eraae* to tb* Uie Jedge K U Oorbelt. MM to tb* "dealor Literary Soelety.”
B*y aod vicinity and wa*
t«qu**Ud pmwimlon to pr*M0l tb* and have adopted % eonaUtutl
.nowa la Travetae Cily. A ba*roMilttUoa* la Mmory ot tbo departed
Two new ineuamenu have
ooe ioa and two dangtaiaia *orledge wbleb were adopted by a Mat- oeived for the pbyaleal Ubaraionr, a
lag ot tbe bar ot the dl*triet eooo after
IT and a reUatanee
Judge Corbett'* d*»tb. Tbe r*<|o«*t box.
Tbe Iteadly Orip
belag gmled tb* r*wil*ltoa» w«e
Profeeaor Orawn aspccU agreatly InU agalD abroad la tb* land. Tbe air i
read by Attorney M*a!y C. Dodge, and ereaied attaadaoee over tbe
b-eaibc may be full ot It* taul
eOrateeaMBOrateeaiea1»; Don't neglect
•gleet tbe
Ibe -Orip"
-Orlo" or]
ordered epread on tb* reeorda
ler. ae aeveral ne<
will open ' e dt«r to Poenmoolr .
Tb* Informal leading ot tb* c*l*ad*r arranging tbelr eourab-wlth
reeulled in *ev*rBl eeae* being put over
<M ^* to •uretli
Arraagcmeai* are b*tcg
•rm and the aaBoeneemeat ot tbe darken tbe pbyaleal Uboratdry *o a* acbe. dell heavy peioe.
from tbe nuer. not
eettlcm ml of eorula other *bb*b.
to allow^-lbe alodenu to -«rk on
-........-t. Don’t
Toere were bat two eiimlaal eaae* ligbi.
loot time treeting
Bg tfai*
tfal* <c
_a tbe docuet Oe* of tbet*. that of
Tb* High ecbool eoniiDeae** examla- troebeA labieu. or poor, t-b .. »y •!{«.
the Peopl* V*. Jay Ooaaai. wa* noU* attopa today o inulng tb* rwt d the Cere it at once with Ur. K.
li a'» New
M._____ e-.i
.V. e—■ —DUcovery. tbe infallible rvueov
rurov tir
pitw'ed oa tbe r«iaa*^
Tb.yareanalforlb.Afal.em- j^^bleUrouWee. it kill, tbe
Ibe dteeaae
Fred Pratt.
:«»ur'* work.
germ*, brale
beale the lui
lung* and prevent*
Tbe other wm aUo aoUe proe’ed;lbat
Nest eelDeitar i
I will b* tbe dreaded after efftu-L- from tbr mal.
ottb* PaopleeaFred J. Leggett, altboBgk Ulal waaeommvaeed. Leggett •logy, Ameriaao bteiory. book-keeping.
aecaaed ot obialBlBg property by noVicy.rbcwric. geology and plan* S‘
Alao *ever*l clai
WskP iM Wll for pr«po**d »BMid•Ml* u> Ut* eil7 eteriM gom to Lmatmf It wUJ pr***Bt » *«rj diff«r*Bt »ppinniT troM Ue doeuBMit wUcli «*•
iMBf «p tB lAMlBC iMt ••MtOB. Tb«rC
i*»HOBroppo*iuoBl« the wieodiMOt
ftrlaf Um eoBBcii dUerMioaBry power
i* tS* MUer of Bpproprlauotui Mked
by tS* Board of «dMBtMii. »Bd It I* dow
MPy «Diik«l/ tb»t Mj rr«Bi »ttun will
b* Md* to piuh It. •TB*oooB«'l •*■MMWd • MBtlSOOt l»*l «l«fct in BO•Bfd WfU tb* CMWTBl MprMMM ot
ppUwo apoB lb* proeoBlUoa tolM«ibM tb* Mra of otto* ot lb* ell; clwk
ppd tr*BMr«c to two y*Bi». Bod that to
•Uew tb* MptfruMV* B Vote* id Hzibc
tb* MlBi7 of tb* rw»rd*r, as tb* Ml
' tor BOW *tBBd» ID*** two iBiter pnrpo■ISIOM WUI b* wBWOwd III OM bill *od
BMt to LBBBiOC BDd lu pBMBC* or^M.
It M likoiytbBimpBMBirewUi b**eapnpii*D*d wiibouiuppuBltiofi-VbMap(«*UuD ui b*»e r*p*Bl«d ib»i pirtuio of
tb* «bBn*r relBUre to tb* cuuBly ru*d
ajiUm *1*1 Oadk iBrorwItb tfaecc
•Bd OBdocbtedl/ *acb * oo*r*c '
b* ••VkaUoUiry to tb* taspajeM ae
tbMtbeeitr would aoi be lapbd (or
fMd tmpniraaiaoi* ouiaide tu UrnIta, BDOar tb* eoBBtjr road
IMBi tbneby b*lDg r*lWT«d fn
Ujwi taa iB eoa* LB* •ykMiB w*
pdepMd lb tbia eoiiDtf■
review work.
Uun. W. B Pdever. eonnael for datendTbe following piecee ot apparatn*
loved todltmlae tbe eaee upon tbe have Been added to the laboraWry:
ground that tb* Aral mortgage lavolv- espeoeiuo apparatua. an
ed In the c**e bad .pperenUy been t<r proving Boyl*'* Law. an ioctloed
paid. Tbe court the* look tbe ca*e olan*. an arraagemeni for proving atfrom tbejary and upon reqiteet of moaoberic preaaurc, and a tangent gal-'
Pratt It wa* noli* proa'ed.
-ler I* being eonatrocled. Tbe**'
upon tbe groood of IneuAl ileacy la tbe
irnla were made by the boy* ot ,
warrSut and intormatioa. Tbe inforM- the payaic olaaaee, tbe reeult of Ue
tlun drawn np by Proercator Pratt waa tool, bought by U* board ot edueetlos
, bat former lack ot aeeemery tor Ue High kchool.,
detaU wa* iwponsibl* for tbo daeUioo
1* tbeeaae.
Tb* Beat ea** to go to trial waetbat
of Jennie B Waldron v* Mary M. Taaterday'* Xoiariainmaat ot Jnnlor
On ot tb* Boei eauiUDf ****ta of Walker. UotbparUe* to tb* *nil are
lb* proteal tMtioo of tb* ntiy-Btib ot Old Miaeioa end tb* action U brought
MSyr*** will probebi/ b* tb* e^bl for about Muo board bllU cUlmed to be
do* pleintlB fur board of men *aid to
that wUl b* WB<«1 for tb*
lb* bill Introduced In ibe ienaie by have been working tor defendant and light earlier than naual.
ItaMtor Uaaaa for lb* apboldlof ot boarding with plalntifl. tbe defendant
very Unporunt number on Ue proJusl ni.w OD Bixlrocni SuiU 1
•w ablppioc in tb* for*lfa L-ade alleged to have guaranteed tbe amouni gram and one wbicb wa> highly *p
Cbain*. \Vc .
tbroBfd * graduated *cal* of gorera- ot tee board bllU.
< ,
Tb* plaintlfl* attorney* are J. A prociaUMl waa the debate, tbe kubject .
«MV pnymsnU.:
•Mt *1^* tinilar la tbelr aaoaai to
tbr»» now paid by foreign goveraaieBU Imraager. Manly C. Dodge aod J. W. tIoUed Slate* abould i-onaUoi.1. own
tp tbelr oercbaDl Mnee. It U *ald PatcUn. while Ue deUodant'e eaae U and oontrul tbe Nicaraguan canal "
IbBt ibe bill will not tarry long In the oondoeied by Pratt A l)*vit Tb*
Lrland Tripp Wa* leader oa tbe afMonte, but that tbe arena ot hot and will probably be AoUhed ewrly today Amative elde and wae amated by
Tbe above wa* Ue laat Jury e*i '
Huust* Kuruishini; Storv.
Mioaded debate will br In tbe acDale.
Cbarua SaUbery.
U patrlotbiv eooDU (or mpre than
Jtfw J>torv. I'JO Front Str»-et.
Cbarle* .\urak wae leader (or tbe
eaee ot Kobsrt C. RoberU v<. Victor N
partUaoabip. tbe bill will Boally
SeboAeldandT. N. ScboCeld. and aepad be prompUyy algaed by Prceldent
eumpell aopeal eaae. ThU will be Ue aae<*laut.
Tbe jadge* gave tbelr dedaloa In
laat ot thn<*rf «M«e at Uu term and
favor of Ue negative.
next eaae to be taken up.
Bcaldca tbe diecueelon Ue program
Tbe oaaeevnt over Ue term are a*,
iwlof tbefullowiog:
bdd ap ot Bowart Harbor oad tbe follow*:
Dcclamaiion. Incbeap* Bock—Lnlu '
Kenben AyleaworU **. B. J. Morgan,
•taaBboat Oocb la Olooad.
Of aomt- of yoar family mat
trover appeal.
Taaterday tbe dock at tbe Nortbeia
EeproducLon. L’bi^oe Fidelia—Nellie
Ueorgfl Dray. 8r. v*. Dongla* Brower*
Mlablgaa TranaportalloD Co. waa cloabe sick aod have pivscrii^tiomi
treepaa* on tbe eaae.
pd for the winter, and K. U. Pope tbe
Abeiraet. Empreea Dowager ot Cblne ;
Myron & Browoeon va Ueorge Helm.
to fill, if Pu we want ibvm
PfBBt. will be found eleewber*.
Sadie U«tcfaei.
Tbe ueamer Creeeent baa made brr
Keproducuoa. The Teacher'a Dream'
Will (jive you cb'smicaiy partTbe eaae of Ola H. Germaine v*. a
laat trip and gone over to Bowere Uar- M. Kelley, replevin appeal, wa* con Hattie UreUiek.
dru(!s and chemicals cumMor to lay up ootil epring. Tbe Ccoeceol
tinued on aoooMt of Ue illneea ot de
baa Blade rto uipe daring the poat aeaDeclatnaiiiM).
pounded exactly as tbe doctor
fendant. Tbi* I* Ue eaae wbleh In
BMU wbicb U the bigbral record in tb*
volve* Ue paokeeeioa ot tbe noted iroibMtory ot tbe Traver** Hay Line.
ordered, and as to price w»trr. Fred Almint, belonging to Hr*
never charge 50c for 40c pre
It certainly Itxika like il. but there a
tirand Ktpid* allege* wa* furmerly
known a* KJ Mack and wa* *toleo really no trick about u. Anyooav lan
try It who Las Lame Back mod Meek
forSetnrday Might
from kirn in Grand Bapide ihreeyear* Kidnry>s Malaria or aervou* trouble*.
We uruii tie can curt- bimaelf right
away by uking Klccuic MiUer*. ibis
Templar* will gtveeenpperand enier- “^—7 u.....a., invdiciee tune* up Ibr whole *y*ieu>. Beadle Hid.
will be diepv*ed ot today or tomom
avU ea a atiuiuiBut to We Liver uoa
tplnmrnt In tlirlr lodge room* In Mon
Kiduey*. i* a blood purineraod ner>
tagno ball.
tonic. It cure* t..ualipatiuD. lltauXpwulth Li«gaa OAieara.
Hupper will be eerved from Ave U
!. Faiatlog npeiib, r»'-«tpie*>nei i
Newly elected oOoer* to eerve UeJj^^* Meiancooiy It i» i A.e:j tegela•evM o'clock, and at bigkt o'clock ■
mneieal and literary program will be enenior eix month* (or Ue Bpworth : bie. a ml>4- laxative,
League of Ue Sieoond MeUodiat cbnrch *y*trin tu lU natural vi^co . iry Elcc|1*M.
Hitter* aau be cutivioc .d Wat tucy
Oyeteratew wUl be 15 oenU.
uncle wiMker. Krery
rreridFBt-Jumlc M. SUlea.
tablm will be In operation during Ue
goanateed. Only
a buiUc
Firut Vkse Freu—Dora Myvlii.
•raning. j'acb Homer pie* and piedrug hvom ol a. E Wi
Seoond Vice Prea-Mru^ry Egbert Jdunaun.
Inrt gallerlee *^11 be (ealurea ot Ue
Third Vice PrM.-lWge HeeU
FonrU Vice Pree.—Mr*. MeCloekeT.
Secretary—Marie Bldred.
Truaaurer—Mr*. M. C. Beaeeb.
Urgaaiet—Ella Kellner.
Monday night a baby boy wae
Cboriater—Mr. Parker.
IP Mr. aad Hr*. Cherlee Hall
The HannU A Uy MercanUle
DaUorm Hank Sleetioa.
pany are mce'ving new ISM bieyele
'oion atteei ot Mr ,
At the aBDUkl meeliag ot Traveree
A number ot Ue Cleveland
end 1 have it fura•Bd Bambler make* have joet arrived. 1 City Division. No. SC. raUonn Baak. lebed in drat clea* order; and having
>e been
PaWta have
beeo granted (or an adad-' KntgbU
Kntgbu ot PyUiaa
PyUla* la*
laat night. U*. (ol- bad loU ot rxperience In Ue bueinee*
1 eoHett a share o( the pubi c patron
tuemble chair made by D. E Carter, lowing officer* were elected:
age. baUetactioD gnarantoed or aoi
V. Hclntoeh.
•Pd tor a aa*b .bolder
ot wbleb
ebarre «rUl be made.
Fuel Lieut—B B. McCoy.
Johneon. lormerly ot UI* city. U Ue
Sceond Lieut—Clayton liglig.
Beeorder—E. C. Oumptoa.
Bert Cbampnry W quite etek egaln; a
Treasurer—J. T. H^nata.
r*tnni «t U>« illnre* contracted in Cuba.
Geard—J. M ligrig.
There will be a meeting otUeN'A.j (Seutlnel-E. B Mi’Ier. .
8 B Thureday ev.mlng In tbelr rooma* Trutteev—'.>ne year, A. B. HolUd^:
In Ue Odd Fellow* bnilding.
two year*. H W. Cuanicigbam: Ure<
Tbl* afternoon at one o'clock Ue yearn. A. W Bartak
■ne divWoa H eontemplaUng a ball
Turner*' loaUwM will commSboe la
renter* ball. Tbe evening eeeaioo to be given on Febrnary S?nd.
•nmmrncea ateeveo o'clock.
W. T. Glbton ot Serial
The IneiaUaUon ot tbe oAlaw* ot
BlMia Tent. K. O. T. M- look fl.ee
reuJdunt of tbit ciqi. Be wae a eoloiat
Tk* rieir mt -w‘ pWl tor tbt
Llberali'u band, wbleb traveled
d 8w- C. B. Fraaer towlg^t aeenia* a; wiU BingUng Bro*.' clreue. Protemor
large badl*M*e U AUiahelg’e Mnr^ngk bae aecure 1 tb* aervlM
Bd with tho
^ If you huTS si^ to seU r«vwMVM«id
thw ^
TrsTsrss City Irumber OOi
hsT* Also ^
Bound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Uids Foi Saie-Suitable For Farms.
^ Uill marbinriy of all deacriptioiaa, iDclodiug two ent
gini i.*et works, oarriaae snd wim. A complete
. aa« 3iili plant for sale.
“Diamond J ’
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold by nil dralera.
A. W. JAHRAUS. Topnelier BlocL
i iCranberries
We can Save You:
Lot of Money'
10c a quart
Phone 167.
248 Front Stiwet
Between good and ix>or bread ig very great.
The size of a loaf does not count, but tbe
amount of nourishment does. Bread made
from “BEST" Flour retains all its nutriti
ous element.s.
Onyx Tables
and Jardinieres. I
We are having a special sale on Onyx
Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks ^
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beauti^ fles a room more than a handsome On3/x Table ^
^ and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op: ^
^ portunity to secure one or both at prices un- ^
^ heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices
^ from $2.50 up.
‘ *
( Itu&vura UOOSD. WBOnSDAT. JAXVAMy 18,18B8.
W Lort». ir. d»pM>>d IM <r^
' f fora rtat lo hk
of Oobo mad
Pnrto Bieo.
Babeoek Braa. of PMaakty hOTO
I boorhttkeaUaMrOlML.. wbtebwoa
! oaod o> tba iolMd tool* last
land wtU patlaaMwcaffiMOf
B. Iknkk. th« O
■Um. Miek.;ii«MltebHlaikh beoe Ma
lod power, aad
wbo wu r«-1 Tlaotk/ Elka«. •aoihM' |
Tb«7 will ha*e bar
U. U. 10U«i.itel«prka.;tvB«ofV«,
__ ___________
ready to do a leMcal escarakw boaiBeoi aest araaoo.
WUle Bal|di Baldwla. of Oadley.waa
benof bofn ooeof tbra waa bUtea
. dor. Latw^aanofCbaadwooBoy
-.___ tank*
.■ ' — UfoBffc Owlo*«r»----- ------------- -that oa*i now. • waa biiioB by tboaamaanimal. aai
lMU4 WM 4
drowwod. Bia body waa | tha two added tbU waeb ■abtnr ioat j waa Uaa dlaooearad that the brute
doreaiatbkcUyaloM.;aad. Monday Baldwin, who had
«»M K«Uo». .HU Mwlmt OM of
Mra. Larlaa
B«ekk7 A OoofUa- Uanu aeroM U«
daraaior. baa tba nolqar
lUaktea laba with a load of wood Bat-;
•itiay. bad an aaelUar aeeapa fro. a!
ilran. SheUH yeara old. i feat. ^Uoea^h^abeeh ^ted
watoiy rraea. The Uwa broke throarh!,
I iaebea tall, aad wal(bi about rs idoru for al^daya.
tbelaaand NaUoo waa tnrow. lato!
S\wjrt,‘STes\v Xe®s Stories 1
FBUowlar la tba pretrram to be givwa
at tbe famara' laaUtato ttato afta
1:IS ‘-Orm SeiUwto Paataran ot
Dairy Stoek.- A B. Palmar. Kalkaaka.
i:tS Oiacuaaioc. .K B. MUIar.
ford Puller.
*:« "Prult Growlac la BortlMn
MieUgaa.” A. P. Gray.
Tan mlnate tolha
on variotiaa
ealUeatioe ander
baada: Applea,
J. O. 1
A. S. Dobaon:
Fraiia, Jamea Bllbrrt.
TtOO Ab BapWuon ot the School Sya
tern of Michigan. Prof.C r. Uraws.
7;M -The New Library Law.^Commiaaiooar Nettle C. Gray.
fnrdackarl under aereral Uoet by the | WhHe auspinr letlora at Bareasa \ Oraaceot Band Tea-Oeat Baeat aad
>‘Tha School aad tbe Some." Han.
Bouaderlar haiiaato. Tha team nmt .V^loOrt, Miaa Lottie HuU. aMkuet'
Daaoe. daaoafy SB.
Parry P. Power*. Cadillac.
drowned aad waa one of tha dacat la , poetmaatar, atruek a patriotic loner
Tba Craaoeat Band la taakinr ar*Weo«paay'a baraa. beiar rained at
>orre paper eapa. Tba miwire
I for another of tbeirfai
with a loud aouad. but
Boa. B. C. Oavi* la eojoylag a eialt
taa-eeat anppera to be followed by
from bia father J.-lPaiSl Davie of Elk
Monday araaiar wbllo Prof, O. H. aeriout damare ruaulted.
:ial party 1» fBapKto
BoU. need #0. of
berenth Day Adeaa firore out
L. E. Slnaar, editor of
*~aat oollare at Battle Oeek. waa
Berald. waa a rialior here yestorday.
^TlB* down from Uoraae lake, the
I away.
Bev. A. J B'dred hat goaa to Beatcai
- _i tbrowD onti” M. Tbereare IS beridoen in tbe.„ .^e ThBfmjt.* »i«kt »m»____ .
™iklok.dU U,. h.^1.
.SJL Barbor for a v ait.
Editor Perdlnaad Voilaad of the
Beoaie County Patriot wa. la the city
ye.torday from Prankfort.
Bu waa the oldeat; Lonladaada. <
J. E Scripture of Acme left yretor>rlB tba eollera. eomiar there' llonalrc lumbermea. baa reeeutly ae-lthat'erenTihu’la*’i
> to be equally
day for Aabville X. C. lo aearch of bet
wha^uoMra waa io.tiut d in IMS., qulred aropertj la the Weet ludiea. aad well patroalaed.
Be wat BCotaaaor of bot^v
■r health.
----- o« waa toeanutorul
Alderman Jabran relumed yraterthr^ rraaiiBara aad one rhetoric aad J ^
day aftomooo from a bueineu trip
] -ji"
' S'
“kSr iTS.'SS'''S. i'-SlSo I &tTve,Ta.\ ^6\Bs dims
SVearvcdi *5tot[\. SuctqmdWc j
danrbten. Tbe i
All orar tha United Statee amour ad- ■ •
of a Year.
During 1898 the total number
of copied of
The Morning Record
Sheriff SuopMO ba* reapp''<B
n<>mu Ukultoo at nodei.brrtff and
traed Cbar’m Jobnaon at deputy
The Uraod Bapida Medical Society.''
-------------------------------------------- ------ ------ waa IP bare held a meetlpc Monday ! '*'“*
®* redurin* tbe military, o*er too people in a apace ioleoded for
Tb>> two lari uil cotii-ludins voli
airbtaad Ur. Kelly waaacbeduled to'
» • peace JST. built waa doue with neat precla- of Bunv' <*wTi ncuiioiro rt<-ul Bomic.
I a paper on • Orippe." but tbe
alowly. Imt I hu aad without awkwardoem or frio au <iiimr»'an to tin- eop'. brave, witlv,
■eeUur waa declared off. Ur. Kelly 1
tioo Tbe delicacy of tbe teak Uy to a Inver of {■l>-u<nm-. cu>] hiuulttl. a judm
la fu tbe boaplial with tbe rrippe.
*■ ' lu Santo Clara. Cuba, durioc ' ^be fact that be bad to arraore the of lunD aodvTouii ri. uokk-rs’iultmt, fniih
Dr. Beat, at wboae office the mectlor the peat three year* have equaled W I forr.moat place for tbe family of the of vTnwh. but with a ram deiilh «i ..
paid ii.nin,| wbi'P'bia lot>'p~l.
waa to bare been held. U la bed with per oent of tbe population.
| deceased, then to aeat tbe preaidenl
■iK touch'd. 'liKiiiflid iuoutw-md
it. and other
Leitara from Hony Kouy received lo i
eabioet. the aupreme oonrt. the bcliavi'ir. ti>on>Oi;liIy wlQ.b. a Six-hparticipate
tn Praaeix-o aay Germany la faaehinff ' At»^e**n<lom awd tbe diplomatic corpa. i.vc’uD without n faith, a no}il<- td tbe
ap. The epidemic baa a firm rrip
the Pillpinoa io oppoaliiou of tba t nlt-]^^'
eommlaaico. tbe bon. •iSbl<'' iilli rvntiirv. '■vn of tbeaiirirtit
tha town aad anUre fataUlea are aick odStotea
lomry eaeort from both boaara. the vytniii'. Tall<yT:;>iil beck«piwxlaolH-urt
with It.
Lata new. from Samoa la that »o '
Columbiaofficlala. tbeeom- ff lli.v. Ir' <l•■llnd bit abiliH'W. bolding
rah(>r picbot, bonu'
Upper pcalaaula lombarmeu fear __ kiaf baa been altetod aod tn.t war k
Vork board ..I >im a miffnl. aiiuplv hvanwuo'eietunkihi-truaearly breakup aad Are bnaUlur thiara probable between rival elalmanu
rcpreaeotailve. aud
eruKh hiDi; Koucbi- lo bis eyta
la the wooda.
Tbe tow. wwna .Ion, the Mlmiaal,^ ' ““‘J*
mn>-mniiunl. h- Tu'l'-mnd de
At Dowartac Ueorre Uebhard. arad
la raumllc. apoticr *(vuo<lr.l. only al
10. waa drowsed m Calby'a poad. UU
low'd to liv bi%-an«e b<- \va« alwaye
^ ^
proemuion. aud it take, a atndi ot of mady to do juiy oinT work tlKue
pareau utourut be waa at a relatire a.
Walablaerer U lo a Cbicayo Uiat aort of tbiofr to handle ibem all i
r uiiKbl nigiiim.
At Stlraaoe Tbomaa K-lly. after htopjW^venn* from the Injuria, in- on one occaa.on without cauainKxim^
f"Mb' *"niii>u. Bamif'jncle'-.them
•akblor bu diaaer. turued lo bU ebair
feellD*. to n «, Ttw youny in tni.- L.t'1'eMy!,-. H" W jIIimU allow
to leave tbe Uble aod fell to tbe floor wh .. . „ ...I.... I>. .
Michigan placd ibcmali. AIR)-'. (irmid caal ita•l^: in- la iixMicat'-ly fr..iik ovi-r ^oM-phiO'-V weaktn
dylar iaatanUy.
' however. , witboul ao error, and the aixi (ruilli'w; ht- iqawka of tli'- aiMcra'd
Mm. Mary Sawyer Peter of Bel - - .j-;knowledpe he cUplayed of t^e com
Prank Smith of Cadur Bapida. haa reNa]> I'Vku aa vnltrar. diwolnu- hourrained puaMaaioa of a ailrer dollar .V H. recently celebrated her lootb parative importance of public cbarmc- g<ail.a-a.
which be treaaured aa a aoaveslr twen- bitlhdayby tokinr aaleirb ride offive I ton in the national capital wa. not
Om- dwtaimo* thv man. wirthliwa mlfV ream aro. Tbroorb accident it waa illmiaatemperatoreorMdegreaaba- :mueb abort of marveloua. inaimoch aa faa-lci-r aa |h‘ la. willxiul diKitnxt. lb- is
placed Id circulation, aad Mr. Smith low aero.
j he waa awlncinr a cradle among Mich »U|ienor to iaT».iiia likj- lWn'r<- aud TalIcrntid H.' jili.V'd ihi- game with a
haa tweo teoklnr for U all theae ‘yeara.
UrneralJoae Gomet of the Coimn iffbo atump« only a few yeara ago.
lobia i'V.ii iutrnxt aiKi uocIleame back to him laat week io
— the
— notoalmioa. aajt that at leatt Sto.wxi,-c AtBUUboro.Kmae.^malipoui.iD- caalid It] wiiumig all b.- ewa! /or—
change for a t? UU. aad waa ideoliaed |ouu .bonld be approortotod by tbe'
^ *>'’u'<‘>oe aud acopc. There money, '-av. plnuare. •v-uriiy.—PaU
by amark wbleb Mr. Smltb bad placed i United State, tor tbe pay ment of Cu-"^
preMOt :i well detio^ caact. Moll ttoCi’tir.
npoalt lDlxT*
. Three new caarn
<mam and three
thi deaibt l-Vi
Some bead cbecae which had been
The fate of W.T.SuHivan. a railwayO"
«>e worn feature. U the j
gtvoo them by a fnood from tbe ojuoiiy B auppoaed to have been tbe cauM
ivryed io l ,
.............. .
of eevoral boom’auffering of Mr. and
lie dreamed that be had been].
r !iti“rj
••UlU” tbr benr. fore
Mra Cbarla. Curtb. of tVeat Hay City. klll«l,,,k,c„ Tt. „„ d., di >“k““y d...m^. kllllddMaoL.lE'™
Both were token with aevere crawpa was caught under a moving train, but '
*nj«ring bu. wife aud jiinie lu auiioio..* tour. It cau alra be
aad vomiting a abort timeafierpartok- Mvml himself by clinging to a tod. A fourcblidfen Meacbam bad purchaaed
for tbr^ who with
------------- -................................
ing ot Me cbeoM. Toe prompt call of a few hour, later be waa naught by a it to use la blaatiog. How tbe dyoK- '<> l'<‘ rouK-d el a nTlain hcuir, or ii ran
pbyaiciaa rrllerrO them.
male bircante Ignited is not known
ma-ie to rboul |bmngli«at llic niuhl.
switch engine mod cat lo piece..
tier. John R Hjkrs. who vrenl
wa'rbmaD. ns .-ach bnor
At Maoiatoe Cbrtot Petorton died
a.dll. lor ,h. Ap«rl„. BibI,
-l-Jb ™J> ■ »r... t l« .b
Monday Iruin itijanea received in a tall
• tiigiish tiiBsnxmi-jil fst-ry »t will nut
V 1 ■
-------------- —.1 Turner, who (tied not luog ago at Saa- renoria that ai nreaent then.
»u|> rwle f'ur fiiitlilul olil Iti.ad. irilh
ih.ir oinifigtaMc mk ti'kaud laiuiliar
It I.
is bad rmiugh mtiirlimr*
mnirlimr* to watch
nma from ibr oomcnl of tbe acckient'.t.
the liaiiiiso} om '.rlia-kr'iirr,' log round
PilipiDoa are, ignorant of ail re qb.ti tlii'e i* iTtocb ti>«1o auci little
aear .1. baae. and mw.rd hemorrbmtr [ hi. home 3... «>r more of his frieno.
lime in wbicii t.> do it. end the tnn.ical
"•’‘ ‘■^**™l>»‘*‘»fbia body,
. wbi
----- m.aftor the erjoyme..,ilofunelabo«u c.«
Tbe ctuaier Krooklyo arrived at Urn rbiiim liint warn, os cf tbe flieliug
I tour dor* not always fall with welcome
Ten yuoojt laoioa. all iraiaed nurw.-rau spread. Mr. Torner'a funeral i
from Hat*•
liing bui
bbr... r... .Adb::^
« aid and are unable to pay for tbe i
Sear Arkaoua City. Kao .a few days quel 'O honor tf Mr. Allen Umighl.
. lug a little wellI earned extra ah-rp In
j ago. Chief Wauboo. of tbe Kavr^ was
At St Louia lo a crowded street car. >kv tuuioiug.
At Ann Arbor Nor
B Covert, cme buried In Indian faabloh. His home ' on board of wbicb was a policeman.
of the four beat-known Urahmaniau la vrav abot and placed on his grave, and. three men robbed W U. Snyder, real-,
this country, oelebratod bis cigbtieih orer that wa. mactod a new te«v p.r- . dent manager of the National A'Ire In-1 mu ., intrtducjon w?D^i Swiffi 5^
birthday Monday Be U in oonstont etaaaed for tbe oecaaioe.
aoranee company, of a j-weJ eaae. coo-1 afbTwanl by ht ria lf ufull ofh
• with the noted KrabmsDi .. r.k
1.. .. ------- ---------' There U inienae etcitoment in Bat- tolning belweea WOOD and At.twi i cnfnaiuui'nL *1. Ihi.pmr little rhild
w ol the world and u Btooeher in I ter conaty over a .erir* of sudden
The robber* racaped [ “““ti.xI? ' wa. Swift's tm nmnrk. i
his belief in that religion tbao ever.
1 "<«.l i»‘lp IktV' In the cmiiug Swift:
! and myatorloos deaths which bare oetbeir booty.
Buul'- tier r«-4td lo him hi. own "AmiaU '
One blow of Ma« Goldbarg'i breath carred in tbe vicinity igf Mountain:
ot the pour La*t Yi-ar. of Vmv
Vii.s-u *■■■■»
dlo »i.oo.. damage Monday nigbk Uc i Borne, the county seal, witbto the laat
I in Intoruat.
asking b.T imid |urij.-ui.,rly whether
h«» a
agroceryawre os
River'two daya No lem than too men. a!l : Tha union revi
iA_ ■
. -A.U
■ ■■ i . __ .______
------ — —.
sue uoiuo revival serviees being held ' elw nndriwtrcid TtTv wunj;; f'g
f'U. aaiil be.
avenue. DeiruK. in tkl rear of which of whom were in appa.>enUy robust tbta week in the hirst Meiodiai chureh|-» »"old have it’intell.giblc
M T..
ff»«lide Stove. Ihoalth, have been ..ddrnly stricken are rapidly growing In Intorest.
' mens-t c-„..xi,v.
He attompieo to ui»n off the Waxe. but'nod
---7--,......-.--------------------—I.asl evening Rev.s. Saitberv of the I v-------" •*------- -------^ more he turned tne move it biased. I attock.
attock. In every rase there were uo- ; Evangelical church preached a
T^n he tried lu blow It .mt. whi
mUtokable symptom, of poitoniug. An . powerful «.r«un. hi.«,t being "Wbo'
pbo;r busiorw weM op and the
log was soon tm.iug a h-t tune.
Utot the v«or^ had lu a., caaea token
Tonight Bev.-CochlU will oeoupy tbe I bwiff. bi.lgr!m|wTs evr k.It^,..^
B^sleccuoiy has only ooo cxeoner. adnokof whisky.bortly before the pulpit.
tha other man «bo aBselert?d tost fall attock. Thm ducovery seemed to netThe young people of the dtv are eory..^rx I,
Mrw Klkiug.
decided Met he U.d nut care for tbe tie the fact that powonous wblakey dlally invited w aitood thi^aereices
'•! hwitrVj,-.>, niTlmbity,
■office, lor Which he consequently re- was tbe cause of the deaths.
______________ ^
, of >ii‘uuuiik n wxb hu isrrams. of hi*
faaed to'luaUly
, V..
wtUi iwJitb tt-^tim-u. of hi*
At Maotonder. bpalo. a avong earth-'
Bewiag Oircle BlrcUoa.
, ri.iu'iry of • •riudibras.
A Ckeacpolis woman kept count last quake Shock at 1 o'clock Moods) morn- ,
m' '■« ‘k- -k- -k.k,uA» ..A,;
eetiug of the Traverse ffumiug to etHi..
aad the total numuer was seventy-one. i *
»u><»ow* were broken, j Hay Bivee dew]
dewing Circle held yesterday !
A PavBvsd rstaUe.
0 at the heme- ef
Mm. C C. |
At ITaabiogton. no cfliiwr in the/1
-- ___
While working upon tbe Grand Ba»Tbomaa Nasi,
Nust. lb.lk>- «atrf.miat. rramtly
house ot rv-pr.mentoUre. bad a more
1 West Eighth street, the folTbo^
lodmea mlin»d, bridge et^ in manaeiiur M.
. linicd a p-Hnn-iff
pi: tori- U dir li.-uiy
_ _living.
'“wing 'ft.-era wer-elected;
,0 manning the c«reto<XBies of the fn-V, PresMenl-Mm. C C. Maes '
.... Immtotal
which Mr. Nasi
culkd “Tlir
il of Mr. Dlogley Monday than B. ) in Vice Pmnideov-^tlra^. J. Jat
LigbicdCkiiimi." Wben-iSir Henry
W. Kennedy of Grand Ledge. Mich^ ..
^ ^ ^
the rumit of Mr. Naat'a labm. be '
Me fell io feel, sulking upon the iea
ao piewfrd thM he at can nvii ibi- ar
o€ the bonne.
•eerviary-Mm. U Ctontk
airam Ber Jsmin. uged
a cheek for •l.tMO in rwws of tbe ewnm found He had the I
Trnuanrur Mra. W. D. W
miMBcm.—New York.Berardeg.
An average for the entire year of
1,049 Daily.
This 'Will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figures argue that ad
vertising in the Morniug Record
is valuable.
This also proves that
The Want Department
Is a good thing.
,»• Af .u .A.
Try It.
QBmig BBOOM). WBQgB6PAY» JAyUABY U. 188ft.
laotrttl M>d bordlydawd to rate
my -lovely *rmy eyea" to the kaadooiDa
ofloe enoKCN.
Wt r«rth
l*«r^ •■Msarr •! T*«A*.
m4 lm4wmtrT.
«n EiMdoMd
Tl7 poor nMtor will r^l M w
Tw A.tni will Iw L'l I— froA
Allbo^ n i« ■>»< thivtabo
A miba or 0 Loptaorl.
dw IcmUv coBniMreiAl
«nnttcf tbr KTCAfawt TW a( bansM
aetirit; ud o(
»• thooklBl K tot c*. mw bow
SLall t.rl f>4 Uirr tbr OKoomt
kare bora hrokt* ia tbe world uT buiEn U roD >orsad flnoace
to iodoatriol rwoalta
or kBowtoc wbot it U lo pon.
m w«n
bitf onrpotwod rwrrj- other .
yw- Acwprdinjf In Dna o reriew. the [
moatf emUT at the world boo beea
(covTM la tbc (Ton.
tnnKcmd u. thi. coostry idla paytad dabto of oormal boadrrd taillioBa
_ Cwo IbJUrfBl b«rt looioUi lb.
III w bick to IroT. 0 orad ct loro
tatat^ oad ooadnetliiff a war to aa
teorabk- i-od the omntry b Imdiiw *o
aaay niiUi"n» in Boropr that fur tbo
tet Due taonko abroad lonk to New
Toik to dicUte the roto of rxrhanga
Extartobarr i-’ra aliont ti.SAb.UOO.-------------490. and the exi-ww infer impirto about
♦On.tKMi.tMW aKoinot »a«.O(Hl.CKi0 in
..Wbot an idi-al
IWT. and in only two jwi-riooi. yiwro „
j. . ,i_
.....[ knowjwt
os “»*,Lartp^.i;;"
vwtar, booaM'CrMeryBattar.ta................
a aiar
■•Yea yon. How. liBen. Bwttn
cm 11
I don't know why ^
i did It. bnt
You’re jnat tbe girl for Doncan. 1 vn couldn’t
ktep back a great aob, and at I
alwaystiiMightao, and 1 know yoo bMh u,at be cur>k me in hia anna and kiaaed ,
Will, imucan ifc"—
1 me pamiooatoly over
aa I
...over himUb. my dear girl, }nat aa if 1 didn’t ibougb be
bad ioai all...........
know i Tt-ryihing that Dnncao U and
a^d will 1.1 And Jn« - i
^ .hon«., -i, gin would tok« Uiat tori ^ |
Th^v: tol^Ln Lflire." 1
_Exp..rto o^ wWj^,, mlcre ebe went all the way oot to
to any irthrttyrar
other .
tor tbe jear. lacking a da;
*• -------------------------------‘tboogl
■’’'8 baabcla
p«r bn.
Sltye. net ba..
a Wbiia of Olevtaand. atm o( | BneVwheat .
-.per ta
per doaen
O. P. CARVER. Agent
«uv ••
Hon. W. J. White,i wbo
i( mi
an expert I
j ki4 A, nia* anmmer
Bicvcie Riders.
Bncklena Arnica SalwA
Tita B»» Salts in itewldfiw
^member that 1 do all kinda of rto
Tbecaar •■!
Herria recently booghtifo^,, perfect aatlafaetion or money
one in the oily for the money.
be deceived by what olbera teU jon to
the ooDtrwry. hot come and aee tot
foribe iiu|n riul aioii five trotting marto , „fuaded. Price It oenU^r^^ F«t
TbeniarueaU bad ;„\ebTJ-0. Johnannani* tt. B Wai.
of *
reennU and liiul all won
the tmf. The niarei bi.ve mvedinSu I
IngEfitct Jaa llth
Pamcng^tTwlna'eavr TTwverw City
The pacingmateSJargan.
3.40 n
pacing mateMorgao. who tnmao
VeruiuBt laaifall and won a nom-, ' ,
m VermuBt
,^,c at -^ven
m „f ainml«-atiug 2:20.nnani-;
Makl... ...
mcejy declsnd a riuK« than, inma 1 ,t SMruan’a Mill twice each week day
;jju. ci»r .loBBil from Bonoroa the Platte River
have been Kalniia.
I Brnneb.
fitnn VViKonain.
Pecnliarly ennagb, no record of aa
Amerloau trouex ever having gone two .
miles at a favt clip ids nc« can be |
* ■‘r’l - ■».” 1" - F-.;--n»
It was.
Ever Burnect Ont?
M. H. Trebaoor, who bongbl BelU;,
BellA 851K. at the Splau-Sewp
•al' recently, will ccevert her into
high (tepper and tbiuka abe will niaka
np liebiDil inu. 1 bad a while ill
I looked Dp at bim at be kuwd near,
and bo wm looking down at me with a
look 11 bad
bad never
never eoen
ewn before
before in
in any
any ^i
.. ..
Biau'a wea boch a world of love waa :
Uicie.aiidalifotme. It waa worth living ,
all my 10 yoBia jwt simply to aeo that i
••Oan-i yon goaaar*
"Mul" I fairly wrchKed.
Dt. C. A. Baroty haiafineprorpret
rrlWbo* Do tell mo."
;;ZrE^:Z of Iw-XniT^e
,‘S m. SPIMR
me to marry him. and I told him ■U i
haatbr ImUnco ri-n to ♦S.Ki.OOO.t^ l^iu
l iaUI
la M pant ralrpdar yrar have net l»- 1
‘Jb.yoA 1 anaiii
Seen »»)ualed in any pmeeding yt»r
lExporta of itHton have ta«in over 7.700. •
000 bolt*. aUmt S.SOa.OVO.OOU poonda.
and in no previima year aa mneb aa
_______________ _ .
re geUiug np^
I havd bcosao bap^ all theae dayt.
bnt touighA am the moat nberable
girl iu the world. We (ball get to Cal'
cntta lomonow. and I ahall bo leiard
oo by tbat odion* man with tbe white
gardtoiA I ahall never love blm. 1 leva
one clue, and aome one elan tovea
The fun-ign demand fur American
sgrknitnral pntdoeta in IH»0 baa dm
I Omr ttek
bbh a
| Oaar Pork par ta--.Short Oat Pork..
sihort Cut Pork porta..
dajA bo't it7"
Seot. *JTH.
Tbcre waa ao awkward panaa.
1 tbo few goala got by Ventare. * :80
ntnplycooldn't tell bin the tmth.
ting, sue}, pacing, mo of deroneUddy.
■‘Ob." I laid careloMly. "1 baT*
before be waa gcldad.
otbwplaoa after tbat”
Abe aulllon Prince Airlie. brotbet of
He wwtnod atnnaed at my cpofnaios.
I’m tore I looked a peKeea fool. atfd> 'Cbaoty. 8:J8H. brUny Wlikea. 8:15«< i
w« tbankfol that jnt tbap anbcSar —Cliaotilly. by Kniwaod. baa been ; Reekwhest...
t»pTi»a maiw
tbipped to Sontb Africa.
___d indnotrirw oU preriaa* bigb noonte ,
.pvar teporta. tet Derember baa gone
'ya,«iislitly.”b«>aMwerad. “Balb-lanI Cortb'
er a Lwijg way tofo for a abil U a taw
Pr«4 oot
tol broTM tfea
U oil tb- rood Q»l U-od coiM
lUr Iw w dlOM Uwl Ull7 frw
Cowl CTM kww ttr pUo> 1> bio
Nof mild rwacUed »7S.«0(I.0«(1. bnt
-Oh. yea.” 1 aiammeTed. "i am go-1 •«
*“U mib
ingtoany fora few daya with bb ab- ■ »bi«a
! Meal. H. L. *0».BaBL...
*ar. Mim. 0*horoA inCaleatta-iDo yon
Wlllian Ditwtoo of Pbibdelpbla la , »*ad, H. U taOo. BaaL...
TV« will *^4 ■•liWTr • *..rtcl 1
Not wiy am
To VHW Uane «»rUdr r'«uii« |4i
wwrUmrn Intbiir recaplMiUttao of U»
v^hia Jtar tbev have lawa atnot |M0.
490.000 Noi^btr paned all previetu
in ralne «jf prndnue ezporta
MBta VII ■» DM09WPnM«
taer above ma
li la eatd that Lady of the Manor
-Mte Carr. I Lmiw a Mnid o< yam
wban S yeaia old (bowed a nib at the
iaCalcDna. Dtmeaa Eadwood.*' .
trot In «:«
I SOI redder. How mneb did ba
by I
Kiw? Bow eoold I tell him I waa so-.
laodet. b lo be can
Ma(M r*r inan
Eana. lilTfa. received
trateng la a Bilk-wafas.
^"“J^ntee all my work to be ^t.
and if U dooa not prove ao I make II
„j|, ron to ueoarv-uj i
^rbor Braoeb.
All gttoda
Johii R. Santo,
Geieial lisuranct.
; Spirr...”
‘ I,, ,i,i, dj,t,uce in France la bold by f Uian S;00 p. m. the day --------------Naronoin. wbo
wbo trMled
trMled it at tbe rate of , ed ouior ihey will be left over. Trains
dally except itoMlav
H W. CfJtMknBaii. AgL
* “““
iotia- ji XK'V.-r weu.”
SWWb.on 1 Plea* <!<• “•ink tbiamauerovirairiotia.
"1 duil't. ilw." be said very grave-
,«,1y approaAed by Ibii.lST.-] ly and try and mo itt advantageL |
8711 la l»y7
The biwriwt eapnrta of Bite, i will give yos bis letiir to read
both grain- Mid Aw in any previona
Hmvy gill liacklea are nmd for tallf^r^lf^•K^l^ CABltS.
y«wf were Mi iKKl.nlHI bo.heU mnaller.
liuery. ClakpiDg Ilia collirail velvet of
rri^ Uie letter and rmi’t my iwm'tagly. ’’yon don’t cm a b.L You are
« UranaeUar at
.^mly «a<i.Sit)..M8 la 1"lt7
the wrft drapiil loqnea ibry are veryel- g M BBU
O. Law.
mneb impn-aaeil.
boi ae it taplatna the.‘“i® .b'« nu»>»ppywheat waa'rai-il to»l «I in May. tbe______
-’My Ui-rtlm.
faigbaat qitoUluiU a ilb 111- faigbial J p,aitinn of uflair* Ix-iv it
' ... I 1...U. ...t, 1(1
Tbe faablosable i-olnr among tbe new
.-k a favor tokBowyim luve me. Idou'i tbink 1
BBUrtUv nriidgi- fur "9
I ^«
I i,,*,. ou. l-ii.-l am wn
au that tbc avi-ragefor tbc firet half of juo. bot 0r»i>‘*u B>urt .naum-vuu’t sbalii vrrbe
liuiiiga and a touch cf mauve velvet
laoi.ii.iii> ii-iri
"Tuu ate
-ymir wa- llMl. .-xtv»d«l-wlightly
Vi itb gold and en-am la.e in tbe trim^Bg|. imt the bighi-at alDoe IhW
anul toioS y^ lui.w
and U-liTC be could stop me 11
mher average baa berti only 72
ami iK're i am cryin
Ulle ano
~d£Vwhwetr«iU piw*i>iTulle
and moui.>ellua de anie tneettet 1
fwau. 2S ci=ta ladow that iif la«t year,
tiiarrail » U- aue
iiabiugw-e tiad all b
thertritii'al trimming imagtoable
ir ct,x% ciweicj At n. J. Mortori tbe rear s average. 98 eenta. U tba
K^ewiag tl.-' «irl fci lalU W 4^
avi'lvi't Inqne.
loqne. athey
...give tbe de-1 eaa . n.crj. T-irpb^^_________________
hlgbist Muce Itml
- lie »lUi
. lierallidmeback. ••Bcrtba. dearoat, J rifcii comtart in light eOeol which • j ^-i iLBEgT a ua
Indiiatriul priafreaa in IWB haa been
i \jr teatlee 10 Prolwu praelt**. ■aamaa.
a wuold Iti
uio ipteti- ••
1 wooWn’t liaii-n. | V.'ivU' ba‘“<lda
law J >/u •
betiind all pn-vi.uu erp-rieuii- Tbe
i Hi.ltoTraiitll» 0». Block-___________________
t tie } ■
Aainuigc Ibing baa ‘............................
For tb'iMi who de not carry mnffa
------------«uti«il nf pig inm hi-t be«-n aUml 11.T O aad 1 lav. rwlv.d Iu glVa *
gsouilt iaoi Inr ere worn totuateb
•t.t.iit'O tiin». the ST--ate-t yin pwriied
x»ui «i~ w^ii.*Ta ir.-i. I’, rial-1 ij>iij U iviryihiug iu a boMlc and m-arly 4-very
ITiDimiDg*. Tbia is a IgMdos
to nii> 'iwr by 2 itou.taei (.OJa. and
•PbocHU.iM. 11.------------------_
IcrealeVtiwutir.wl Urltaiii. ver r-acbed
by S.aiMi.uiMl tona Yit Un-iiinaiiinpl
in nuiaufarlolv liaal»-i« etill larger
rniite ./ ,ort .xpifto of pig. in t
. ......... ..............................J
miiolba |r.J.Ul>ii totta. fur iflaold aba-ka
aurry to set-1
Were rnlnceil in II timiube Wi.otHt
lUn^B m lOETHEISTEBlI fi-1.
TV lakr eB«-t WeCoewtay. 1
is ......"
f vs: t IX
geiitlemail w—..
Expirta i.f in* ti.aimf.-t.nnriT in
.l.w»rto}..u Wci.l£l.»«- _
niivl _
me _
la tall
_ _
ami iTeaU abav.u und ’,
ton nemtlw w.-n- alv.iit Be; fitJ .'JB in cBai.S' I'S-A*-,. ealj »■'“» WiAild 1* iH-gwuiL
„.,iVv..ara white gardenia.” 1 began. |
ih- gwmL
Tall!.' Bgniiu*! inipirt-iif #i:i'IW7.a17
.11 tilO w- sod 1 luiew>euU.ve
-ii.tv we utv ilien. ’ int< rrnpiecl the
00-. «l n. iic I ■■'vil h-c
Prinv "shown liu- Itu y*'«r in tin- talde !>.>
I fell mllv-r tlittu «iW that
id I ..nip::n-'to liu
cijewa. approjelmig. Sly iuieea
Meady vuryiug
............. ..................., ,„'^wen.-trimbling. Itbimgbi 1 elwuld falL Tu.juue of
froiu iIm- l.-wi-at .- .... —-----------------------.* m'-w
1 .^•uldn’l raiae my .V until au.ldeiit.v
not « per
1 le-l
1 knew—ah,
yuk aud .
I _
a deep TOUT till
liiaC Ik
}i<urat-.-ie»uaM> bri
TIm- b'Dlle-r hniiiKtry haa alw gaini'd
10 (a I ■■•'tit in iwiKirte in epiu- <f high
AfiiT all. it t» rather u giad idefc 1
pric^ i>f bilbo, iiaiing iiaiti ndmioi in think—nrigilml. if ueiliiug il«e.
prtt»' cia-nl Bit laT irtil 'ni.iiii.'b liidi*
e>u J witildii't like to l.ikii the
m .lu Gtly lUle r U-d. and ebMw !‘‘IOn theoiher hand. J'se iiu home.
han- Ucnri'dni'.'d.acr 2 |»r .-nl.
. and
^cmnvlliul il-ll’e g--ue, aud tmiy a piAir
anr|‘4*'ln5 “H
amluarrnW'd b> 1
FtMTFA Attoron ai Law. Bpwlal
are raid to !"• wotidi-rlully
white caracnl 1
M'sitnpe. m mnch u»ed aa a fiuiab
and iniuiniiig for iir.-»e». are illnrirat
\IT, Alwtiart. M
■•III. m.
.V .a.ei l~v !?ball lclmii. c it*
W.ll.liH.l.nti.rali. 1 h-yLOOBeto
tbew.-tldti.auvi.vme burluliuidber
huslwinl. and III. s U.ib Ib'-ugl-i it a dc-Ji'iil. luairh. TI..J e-..;wew.te made
hr Vw In II" r. but 1 I’lu ce in Ibur iunirmovt li-uTl . I n.-ait'tli'-ylbiuk UDB-
Chicago «« — ».~
.West Slichigan.
■'.iDgaiu IB Bilolh gesvn w.lb a ekilt
m three nreular diviMona, each one
edged with a baud of velvet covered
with TossK of ptitcbiug.
mtrcellaneohb wants
Tbi pretiieM .liirt WBii4. ore of toft
., <;hlaaae.............
C,Maar.«,<eal lUIb >lre
a« 1 bad l.vu'ill and wa* order-,
, |„.j„iatleame to AdeDtoiu«.l
jr?-~ i~
iii n,e u>hi-«>al le lujiu- -„M„
Rapids S iDdiati R, R
‘.A-;- ___........... _j.i.»-i-
iMdl* I
uaku op in
i-a.ru. 'Alg
.1 IB poaliiMce. I
{Boi ». Vut-kMeb.
TioaaralrtifUr tear
11 nul
nut II mud
iiriid liuia
,4 u,,. roaiiiry, and iu tome caaea I ,
iiaigbtn't t.. !■ tbiukiug ahlusd.
Acnsdibgly. wbeu tlrey do 1
I aai. wh.-avr ba
torpBrtB wtxp
.vb-miy fin ptav
;b. ivmcrtarir jwrtv i.
-wrFtr-et xJA’,-r»-d .uarttiafr,
,1*7 Bmiiiniae catb Mberp«ty|
rarefulJT. markiiig Uie chauge* which
m-aat me.
«io 5:.
amt yrt ipWe
xe-FVT l e nj.d r.v.i..r totK M*U m
„‘,vr*ld bf!
Rogem '
tba e«^
aetico by rteaJtb and to Mva it | —
out by acrldenl.—Umb.
i. lunKtl with dilBroliy to
bia ueiRbbar. and. pointing to a grayMber aide of tbe table,
,bl*pewd auxiuurly. "Tell me—Idon’t
„-,aiy i«4 atold a* that. «*o IJ" Funny
BBd irrriblypatbeoo, wasn’t lU-#nck
- -
' «#a5=£fien£Ys*c8sa«esag I
lock Uca and mapla ablpplng wood de-
tonebad to gentle
good banking gttiond on On^ TVav-
R'eigb not m much wbat bh* amen
a* wbat ibey prova Trttb ia aimpla
aitOMkedand need* not invaatioe to
I apparel Irw uomelmtaa.—blr F. Sidagy
TFbb B
aatva a
,J'SEe9SSKK=t98SC8 88899
Will pay apotcaab for cedar and hem OmrlaaaU.
Tiala ar^^
*» “*•
known carearer and kindnem there it
alwavaa fiber of memory tbat can he
—Ueorge Blot
There i. no beiitr ballau
ballart for k
havelakiupi4celolbi’irr.«p.vliTeap-lj,j^^,„„^^^„fcl^t^bailpraiwtirv* dtftnut tbe jiwr. At tbe lart |
.»^»,.vmtoatomlt/.a grri .« board,
,biwe g4tb. ring* a white hatred old
.a,- a.-k-d the e.pta n.
tg..BUeman. Uni alunrt dooble with
■ ..ta»r •*» :ito*tnphw-f*
(bH wire nwila
;t • a nDHtttoa >f
Ito ew^roe- Vrtri. .wrw B-U .tod *e
Iwltor riVTWt-t .Wll. <tll
Si ,4
1*1,. d-ar.!
d.ar.l w.mu.T if I
. rt.4k tigw!
BBEn"E6VEer££i ii
as.&aa a&aaa*ca< aa
S£BSS R55E£a82a 89
^TiTBTiliBB8e*SB«B8989« I
Utuevi'liiit leeliUR ennohles tbe
liilile riard-
-And if twt." be bruke lu gently, trifling aciiom.—Tbackeruy
'i„rtuB. giaaUer. me*- Dt-N-BBi
or anv vitbi-r .vonuy a blatorj
liuv.4 bivAtin
fciUlim.» Lil rig«<vlme«it—4K,r love will bi-lp ua-tbroagh tbo,
Tme blerw-dm m enpMStetb in a good j
>'•- 4
L’nder the worldnga M tbe Aaterirwn
life aud a bappy death.—Solon
i TTTAXTn>-o«.a UaB* m baHkara.
: {vdk.ii ^«- . C. miu a* fid
.ftolicy if anving tbe borne markid to
like bun.
bun and 1 j
The ex
imsttt tnined ooi a perfect
Have vomeibicg fo my; «y it, and
aJr. Antiirmrui
tbe bonie Jinriui-er ihU conntry tiaa ex
t aiBway.
' anevv-^. and Lilia more than tww con- atop when done.—Tryoo bdwar^a
jrtaBtttr.Ca crtol W.Lsbb Uagtw^
po^ twiiv the amoOBt of iu importa.
, —I. Fort Said, and Terr ^tnrd that a mas vtnnld let hi« aiiter
the total* 1* iiig approximately #1.800..
... 'i r--lb .\oi n
Lt.ryoB* cboua-ht* wife fw him.—St. Fanl’a
4KHl.lMMikn.l#di"'.MH WHi PMt-very^
------------------------.▼ Cnn'-Brlw~B Potaw Isplei FW Co -F lae- wiirtb puB-iiawd alimad we told #8
worth to f.<ein«tw Thcfr haa liev* I
I tntb diaooai- ' reerlve iTB-Bra bj kavtor^i
■olate Irenlr- :
groat tmTiwse in .mr aab* of mannfav- ]
- • Mttrj
me yiar. v
A fine perron t* a t eanteona faoa ia TPOR aALS-PICk n
r ball a Cl
g.<ling I
T l« feet »e-^
l-riwil, with a
t<«i-tbi<r .tearly- L-jriug the year IB vAiD witboDt a
well iBprovf^al
BUrt-fM 1-V-i* upward ••f
' j
d-rk .y.Mmd .u. h
■■ low■
majMiiy of ili<m la-vir meet at all. Dicnt —CboTobitl
. J ur ivarly d-.uidi-tbat M •“> «*•■ 1,u<Hiiu.ia< ie-. lU.mklratb- .......... ..........
Tbe greateat pleatnre 1 kpow li to do
erfimribanilw- Th-laviawblelradehal-
J a«BOg.A*eBS.Tpa»ar*»OUr
or«e to an'ttbend than to aaf-
1 ixaAul
liaJtul up. aud lie took
look my baiida
in Iiia
-Are you still afraid » %ue
. -v-i
p m j........
SOD II*"I..........
IB layeat.
. an a hit loU g-xlltoim . Sly pbulo lue tni* uiomilig. By the hs<. I lu>v<«’t ,
’waaM-nl <-iil. ar.i -luy future bashand ^011 it vii. My aiai-r u waning fur
.standing <uuii>lainb> of- cede
J ..
.. .. 1 d. igu.vl liie-s that,'"If 1 wa* »«>y‘bliig v.tu. I have L.vn I'.ii ►liure and got rid
irgiti* Ion unuitnittn. Slid biUiU.v 111.-,
l,rt-.d me alri.rfly." 1 of mv Uhrd. . Ic. U.-k al me. darJlug,
TOslIer! iiumUr ami liabilttidp of tio.i
„,,-.i;y „f biiu not uid Hv bon TOB like the rliangi-.
^.,Midc .«» .1 b>., hot be ha* U-en
minniily oi-wiii-o u-me and ia going
.je fare of an i«tl*eak of ertv with a,
gpnliv.ia III U» boiu*fMFign nation, tbimgh it u |•r..l•»•Iy
• MCr.b-utta.-Ha
jmd to «ay b-* b.witatu* in tr»d.- and
lB*.f a p.-rtnamiit HTeil wen- ei.-n itod
by that ev-vil limn ever iafore in Ibia xx.«il,.raiiofc:u.m to Ih. In-I; to labail
R«eM. ..
IrUC KaplA.
dos... 10 tiie uii
The I r.g btle hnrlw wh irii have beta wip^.rr
■ box for
y.,u. ’rbeu it riru. k mit l would like to rior.vl esi,.y lu the irea-ury
M-ewlml tort i.f 1. little girl you weje y.ar. .m-y ^ l-roogliC out Lute
ey are *"“8
long tP ;,,,
ku.-w who 1 wiw. Lil «a* and um.I l-r a ueiklie.
y.m w.rx. lua.ie (oi me.
f.> lie
er* wU.i kind of
•iiu.nlioomlyooluv.-.lm.i. Lijl ui-i. atd 11 1
rythiog in the
mj-lit 1 nearly lotrayi-d mywlf. hut 1 la.v lln.'ui
V Vutke
yiwr face w ben you WOt wuy ol lace
**;^* !"■*
, a MtTCaSLL.
diw- the hi---t[ivi »f tiK- y.iu- and itid--i
bi(:iwTil*auf.irlivi->.«n.paet o-ewilb
mwa failnr.". repwWd f- -r
at law.
,-4.. I
m-rv 1.cob-red greba iTvuytoiiueaare
o.adeol l aiehlueM pii.k grebe, and
l.-ll— '
i.um-dand of whom
,,v .vie ►l-u.. well. Idou’lmwelor
tbi>ngh r»wt:
‘!i «i *« £ _ _i
, ksSF'
•'iJi-, farr. I think’
lip. Tbe capiai
Stnrilivk 1 liaikedI tip.
,y. aud I stood fac
|,p,| Uvii eallr-il uwut.
wnh—Mr. Kiigr-ta.
•■What lioe it u>-auU’J gn*p>-d.
flf lb- year JOnote- afi.uii|>ni-.vlni..vi v-dmueof ditiiivtiennd asported iruib- l«uk i-b-aringN in ef.w— .rf She 1 He.* riviinl. th.-ugh
r«sfle> lins: bw. •|■-•■ub•llve aelivily than
in that vi-nr : raiimnd .■aniingv likew
_ ---- - -----------
ing to Idunda
Munda ami
brum ttea
French ILuiiel in light color.aud worn
•t stay -Dnu, ^
. WiHyoulMglve mo ,
fully g'«*l and kin-i. bnt 1 i
with a iHlTilii rililon niiktiB night - T p-.lioUiid luu'i llnuk lur iIk-deeepttouP’
lucb.-. vrirte, mati hiiiR the Uanfud in lao-^'-r
nu.-auiw IW It la. ‘I rii-uiiuvoio
jk. and hi'w-eut on:
eolji .Mid ri-ueil with White Tbti. tiea | -,-T
gciei-nnyw. uiid bire'a a
•■{ ua-ii’-tiallent toafi- tie-diar lit-
Urg>i ih.
larg- r tie
Twia NMintiOi
. ;s.;2Si,r£'
drered on Banaab Uy 40u-dock or any
rrt« Bay.
Correapoodonoa aolieited..
e. Boom 11. Merc. Oo. Blk., Trav-
&i.tPC*wtx>Do;f?VAl‘o5iMlante .
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