The Morning Record, October 22, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 22, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TUid Jmr—Vo m


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Pbfaloiaao Adrtoa Kim
acUk Mtim Hank A«^ sa
BtntaaoC-AaM Luc fa*.*
Bocnn bj tbo Latoot More
t. «l —By tba adrlea
LaadOB. Uet. tSL—loadoa «a*a %ka
of Lawton.
QasiOi a fiaad fata mil SeAsy aa ikair
Admiral Daway baa
(toMrtm tor Soatkaaivloa. whara
t to FUladalpbUaad AUaata aad AUl aeaopt
iltaM e< sha flfht of sha Heata. tha
ISAOO Maa at Tartac. WbHbar Baa9wMt7«M cmarn
Tba admiral will ramala aa ^atet aa
■4 ^ tha OoU*tn*am aatf tha
eml HacArtbmr WUI Fraaiid BmpoaaihU fer tba •-*------of tba wiatar
tUrAof tha 0
oral Xmwtem*a Foroa Witt Oat Off aadUtobopadbyapnac that ba wUl
«o«l,« »00 B—i' ham Wa» 1000 ■arahadwHhtbalroopafreaSha harBatnat
abU to laba a abort trip eeatb te
tetMr iaM t» k« OauMlM »M
aod Ua tar Ua maa.
BAada ylapad
-Imartmt Laadar Kay Kaka at rtolt tba plaa« wbl^ laellad him.
tha aaUoaal aashaa aad
lha aoldlaca aad paopla lalaiaff. Aatba
Waabtaftoa. Oet. S|.-Tba
Oet. *1 —■•fdrta tr«« bastaliaa ef Sha Oaos laarda moaad
tka of Saa laldio by Oaaaral Uwioato
<Haaaoa, MataL Maa shas Ichtlaf aoa- «at tnm tha MaStaa
Aetkrn Acaiaet Aoba Banr ftar AUatod
parUaa. ««w« oa lha ptatlom aaar "AaU adraaea aolama aadar Oatoaral Toa^.
MtodayaMar 1
TkeMihm of tba Ftob Imw Boaa
tba aaaooaaamaat by Oaaaral
a laUlat aad
to OlmltOowt.
Otto that tba tawB will ba farriaoaad.
• ottbamaadaA. Tha BriSara refaidad at tba
Wbaa Joba
ah laaa a «Unasa4 at soe aad ihat 'ot
tba barlaainr of aetlra eampairalay Jadfe Boharla yaatortay for i
tba Baara at aaarir
Taa Boar
tba ooart Impeaad tba mlnlmem ftaa.
TfrTi-i-*—plakaA aft maay BHtah Fopolar Xagmh TaAtamea Wl
Uwtoa'a baaa of aappltoa, aad ba witt SIS. aad eoeto amoaatlac to ill U.
OaityBcMbbTokaaef Sataaa
b from that polat wbaa bla
Tba war oSaa baa aaaad a Uat of
> tba el'oalt aoart by Hr. Barry,
alaa oSaara.UUad la tba baiUa of
It to not axpaelad that Oaatrpl Law. tbroasb btoatSorMy. Ooor«a B. Croaa.
New York. Oet tl -Format Mayor
•Uaaoa yaatarday. Twaa^-oaa a«SiroQf aad a aambar of promlaaat tM wUl more ayalaat Tbrlae. wbara Tba apfwal waa oa tba CToaad of
. Tblrsy-oaa
•-itT-ni— maa aad WaU atraat maa Ayoiaaldo to reported to bare aa army aa allac^ error la tba eomplalat. It
i oflaaro bad i
kaea amt oat a eall for aabaeripttoaa of it.OOO Bwa. Ba wlklaare that ait- laoUlmadtbat tba law mja ootbiay
kUladaad lil a
tor tba parpoaa of praeaBtlay to Sir aatloB for Oaaaral MaeArthar. who of tba bariac la
iTbocaaa Uptoa a macnlfleeat lorlaf will adraaoe frtim AByalea, wbUa Uw , ofa rartalB walybt bat only of fiab tout
. ba a ■ajar raaaral. Tba baaay loaa eap aa a tokaa of the aataom la which ton poabea bto ooloma aortb to col off ;
motloe to qaaab oa
mmo*e *ba o«eara waa daa. tba Ulabt ba to held by tha Amarieaa people. 'U retreat by tba iaaanraBta.
Tba war daparlmeat baa no hope IbU yroaod. and tba eaaa wUl go to
rUapatebea froa tba troat abow. to topropeaad to hare tha preaaatetioa
SbMr Tallaat ooodoct ia aUahiaff to tba bald at Madtooa Sqaara Oardea. aad
ayalaat MacAribar at Thrlac Ba will
SfadlUoaa of tba Britlah araiy hy^ra* to bare Saaator Chaoa«v M- Bepaw
probably retreat to the aortb alony
taalac tba ootar of which th« aen amka the publfc preaanutioo ap
tba rallroafi wbaa MaeArthar moraa
cvallad tbasaalTaa la aioraalac the A ooamlttaa for tba porpoae haa bMp
ayalaat Tariac. The hope to that Uw Mooday niybt at.7;M for work In ti-e
Boar yoattlos. .Ooloaal BAanve* waa
will be able to parallal Ar
Maater Maaona deyrae. A larya' attba MPhaw of <iaa Lord Fradartek
b aod keep him to the tendance to rrqneetod.
» of tba New
ftoham aad aa bla alda^ eaiap
railroad aatU he reaehea Oayapao. oa
Sbmcb tba Airbaa war. aad aoooa- York Vaeht Club parformad ito laat
UterIMiad Lord Bobarta ob tha faaou
Bear admiral Wataoa haa aant the
otaroh. Coloaal Ooaalac aatioaal cop raeaa laat alybt by poaUay
waattbroorh tba /.aU war aad ahw tbafollowlny ootlca oa tba ballatin Baoerott Into Liayayaa bay. and that
ynaboat to now iaylny off Oayapaa
Sba Banaah easpalcomdy to ioiarorpt any ralief which
Tba Ootloek pohliabaa a diapateh aroaoa: .
-Taa Odambto barloc woo tbtaa may try to reach the inaaryenia by
CroiD Oapa Towa, dated yaatarday.
l^ar that tba Boaia ara nttarly da- oat of era fair ra^ tha.Amarioa*a mlar. It to aoapeetad that Ayalaaido
both ariBB aad
Morallaad aad the eaaa rafaae to Uka cap ramaiaa with tba New York Yacht
way of Liayayaa 'bay. bat the nary
uy liaka. Thry ara frowlar to dU- aab."
trmt the acod Ueaeral Joabart. The
that aoaroe.
Andthousbods upon tboa.
artiUwy wae badly kaadlad aad tha
If Uwion can oat off the inaaryeala'
admlatotraUee departsaat to ravaaliaf
■hnd8' of tkdied In both
■toeat to the aorSheaatfrom Dayupao.'
Two Toaac Ham fbos tba Oooatry
Marked defaeta.
Europe And AmericA Are
Badly Bkakaa aad BuccyBmtabed
Uta dtopalahM aay that dir WUUaa
ooaatry betweenThrlac and Dayapaa.;
Paaa Syttoas to battar today, bat Ue
OB Froat Stfaat.
aad be eompelled to make a final etud. |
- doetora will rlra ao farther oplaloa.
Aa aoddaBt that waa wall oalcalated
4 dtopaCch from Oapa Towa ao- to tooak tba aaeka of'Vdo yoaay mea Tarlae to aerealythroe mllea from:
Manila aad jaet half way between the |
■ooaeaa that a Britiah aaral foroa. wbo were drirlnr oo Froat atraat.
with dald raaa. leaded yaatarday at oceurrad laat aifbt at mtdai(bt. oa tba capital aad Dayapaa.
Manila. Ock II.—A deleyatioa of la
(flmoMtowB aad took the trala for the iraor of Front and U aloa atraaU.
earyeat effijen haa applied tor parrato•orth. Tbalr deatlaatloa to probably
Oaor^a MeOlaato aad Frank Sharpe, aioa for a Filipino oommtoaloa t%ay^it
oona pelat of tba aooUiers troatlar of who Ilea foar milca weat of towa. were
She Oraafa Fraa State wbara tba Bom drlelar weal on Front atroal at a eary Uanaral Otto lb diocam terma of peace
aadarranyemeato for tba releaae of
are aaaembUac.
ipld rata, aad both of thorn appeaiad
Tba paranioaat ehiaf of tba Baaatoe. a trifle OMtaady. They aay that the Amaricaa aad Spaatob priaoaain. The
aeoordlai to a dtopatah from Oapa horaa raa amy. but atharm who aaw
Tbwa. baa aakod parmlaaloa to aar tha aceidant My 'bav the raina ware delation to Waahlnyton to plead the
^ aambla Bia
lha other Baabu
Baabto obiafe with a baaylay ksoaa aad that tba whip waa Filipino eaaae.
•malaw to laTitiaf tbam> Ito pladra tbalr belay 'aaad. Tba boraa waa yolay
to the qaaao. 1Thtoto
weal, peat tba ooniar of Front aad
mora- UatoB. wbaa the yoaay mea anddealy X« Lncha luk- Spantarde Met to Bamaat aad tba Free Suta barfbara raUad him abort to Ua north. Tba
A Ubority.
^ aaar tba Baaoto bordarbro aald to be boyyy atnwk tha hydiaat oa tba
Baeana. (V; ii.—U Laeba today
<■ a aiata
eiau of •ooaataraatloB. faariac acrtbwrat acraar of tba- atraat. aad
prints aauocy editorial arytay tha
Stet tba Baantoa wUl larade tha Fraa etopped ahorv
Spanlardt not to uka adraataye of the
* tMato,
Both of tba yoaay awa wen thrown tnaty of Faria to retain tbalr Spanlah
Tba Uteat adeloea etata that yealar- oiLatriklay about twenty feat from
aatlonamy by raytoUrtny. It oryee
Ibr bpprer.
dayh batUe laatad aiybt boort, U tab- the bomplonyblay ap the aod them to become Cobaae. poiatiny oat
Avrr olmx
lay aaeaa hoan to allaaea tba laat Boar with tbalr heada aad aboaldera. For*
the immeiuc anmber'af UereBaaa.
yaa. It to a atrlklay eoladdanea that soaataly aaltbar of tbam
Irtoh. and Soandlaariau wbo form an
jMtarday wae the aeooad aanlTmaary
Tba horn atoppad at oaea. bnt .tba Intcfral part of the Amarlean Colon
of a alml’ar feat of tba Brittob arou ta bayyy waa eoaaldarably damoyad and
and partlelpau In pablie life aa Span
only one yradr and
tadla. «b«B tba Gordon klcblaadara
taken to Tom 8kaae*a barn for iardaooald in the pablie life of Cuba.
one price.
otormod Laryai blfbta.
ropalro. __________________
-Uttbem think.” mya U Lneha,
$3.60 Everywhere $3.60
thalr majority moat preaerre the
Ktotory af tba Trophy Saciaaii Haa Hicbiyaa'e Only Fotato Btarcb Oo. aatioBamy Bf their fathers, bat wbo
wish to be Cob^ Ut them think of
Triad la Tala to Baeare.
Will Beyla to Work Beyalarly
tba fatnre of t^eoantfy- the adminto
New York. Oct >1.—Ibe Amanea’a
traUm of which they eoold faeorably
eap. wbkb raatalna la tbto ooaatry. to
Yaatarday waa tba baanm day tbua infiaanoc if they yalaad Caban cltisen
a eery homely epaelmaa of the ailrertar tor the atareb factory, ao far aa re- ablp. but in whleb they caa hare nc
amllb'a art of fifty yeare ayo. It to
oalriny potatoea to ebaoeroed. When part If ibay ellny to tba nation which
mow oa ahow la Tlffeayh window,
coat waa leaa than SUO. The cap to of lha oSca cloead laat alyht st loada. la haa Icat ito aorereiynly in Caba. The
aolid aUrer aad etanda iwaaty-foar all aboal l.soo boaheto had beea daiir- problem moat ba aolrad by calm raaand. BMldaithia.thaataamarOoIam- aoa, not passion. Soma one htu mid
tacbaa. It to alaborataly
aad waicba at laaat oaa haadrad hia will briny in l.WO boaheto from bay that SpaGlards bare tha faoli of not
idantilylay thcmaelTca with the future
ooaeaa. Aroaad ita toeadaat part ara potato ton
A Urya properUoa of the atoek re- of the eoantrles they eolooUe. Now
madalltoaa, rartondy laaerlbad. The.
oelrad waa coU*. bot aeraral loads of the c^portnaity to offered for them
firat to aa followa; -Oaa Bnadrad
atoek ware racalred for which diaprm this eharye."
Qttlaaa Cap. won Any. u. lui. at
tba dompaay paM Sba preralUay mar­
Oowaa. Beylaad. by yacht America, at
- She Boyal Yacht Sqaadroa rayatta. ket price.


•a BMh OthOT T«ttmda7.


It u a gxwd idee to know bov to om yoir
muw-IeA Not the **ik timto ot peu« pre.
pere for ver" idee, ee noeb w the tone it
giree to your geaend benitb.


Ii • unme to evenr by when it oouwe to quality, aod their
lower now tbaa a year ago. We just anpecked a
Puocbing Bags, each...........................$1.60 to $9.60
Boxing Olovea. eet.................. $1.60, $8 00. $8.60



poliabed maple, pair.........................86c

Indian Cloba, poliabed maple and beeob, pair 86o
Some new Perry Piotnree on our oonntor.


sao-m Front

H«lph Qjnn«bl» Jr., M*iia(w.

am 1^ lU Ok' ftM iu (uman »it sutt 11 im«n ay

A Hearty loTitation
To all to viait this “New Store" and'
^ the many ..l^oUful thinga that
Dame Faabion’b edict baa approved
and pronounced proper for fall and
wiDter. Such a visit can’t fail to be
veiv intereatiog and inatroctive, and
will aaaUt yon very much later <m
when yon are ready to make yoor aelections. Come, we welcome you
to look.
A visitor receiree the same careful attention aa a customer.



Traverse City ladies


KvwUoC «BU
Zero- llMvr*

I Handsome Styles
In Children’s Long Cloaks



,»1 a„..K

braid, nbbon aod fur.
Deinty creetione, trnlyl
piiced—$i00 to <4.1

For agea 1 to 6 years —





A Bargain
Just received a line of

Ladies Jackets
Kade of all wool Kersey—
Lined tlirought witb silk
finish serges.

Price $5.00.

Eiclusive agent for Sorosis

apaa to all aaUoaa. haatlay aaheoaara,
Baatriea. Wyraro. Ooaataaco, Oypay
tlaaaa. loaa aad BrUUasV aad eattore
Moaa. Voiaata. Arrow. Alarot, Bao
ahaata. Froak. ■eUpaa aad Aarora.’
On tha aaat madaUtoo to eayrarad:
•‘Sebooaar America, m toaa. Commadora J. C. Staeana; baJlt by Oaoeya
Btama. New York, mi.” Oa tba other
madarnona ara iaaertbad tba raaerto of
tba other laeoa for tba cap. Tba cap
baeaiia tba propmty of tba Amaricab
owaan, aad waa boM by tbam aatU
3aly I. mi. wbaa It waa yirea to the
Haw York Ya^t Oab. Tba* dab fotolsadltutU Noeambar. mi. wbm
it waa oarraadarad to tba aola aarriror
of Uw fanaar eeraara. Oaoeya ~

liatall PiiHs ill 0({n$
.an Mod aad amdetaad to tbo lam_
■iiiiBliManrywban. Ao. iMtoS
■MOM.H. KBtfoiB. mamgm. TUfi

tha tnrmero that the Mtohlyaa Starch Bat tba Mac Korkad Kla Batoa «ama
Do. aooyht to kmp prtcM dowa and pay
Om Too Often.
cell priom for flret claae atodt: while
Waabinfftoa. Oet. tl.-Bcr B. M.
toa company wiU take an tba enlls to Bnyttoh of Toronto, wbo btineoed
ba bad at a rsaamiabla price. Shay alao ml awell hnwrfiey booaa bore by
boy riod Meek and for on^ Shay pny ilnimtoM to be Benry M. Boaa. »
tba r^olar market |wtoa. Many et taiy to Sanntar Barrows, has beea
tbs ealla which newly are a dead Iom Senead to pay SM fine or apeod foar
totarmeracaa ba aoU to tbo starch montbala jail.
factory at a reaaeeahto price wUeb ia
Tba faetoiy will Mart ap rnitb a
inrye AmM tomnirew mocminy aad tba ■x Fiialdmit oC Vaitad Btatoa Btofto
AiatpMato atareb to be preda^ ia
Home Mext Weak.
tbto atota will be tnmed ent by tba'
AmtimpR^ maS^ A UryeJ Londee.
y Of iintolnii will be reeeieedi Barrtoon arrived at the Charlnff OroM
wma^ybyboatandland attba bly .Mttonattm
dook. Tba traak on tba dock baa baaa ____
Swrotoiy White of tha Amort..datod' and potatOM eaa ---------- adtoSbsfiMtoryU a antptftoi^ enn layatton mat Mr. Bnrrtoon at tbo
etagaaaat Uma. Aa tbs din^
ns to wnU on tba fnOtorr wifl


The place where yon can always find the latest
styles in

is at

The man Wbo| makes a hit in
baatnem ia the maa wbo ia thorongbly np-todate.
If yon don't have a tolepbone
people are liable to think that yon
are alow.
They will pidfaaUy
enn slower t^
Noboify wanta to
deal with people who
M beUnd^toDeo.

r-rz $

Witt toil for kcmaOel.M. >


•• .

See those gentlemen's fine black aod tan leather lined
They're beauties,* Those boarded calf
Goodyear welts at

Can’t be beaten for the money.
McNamara Block.




I MOMMOta aaointf, ■uaDM. uutobbb m. iw
za MOSMVf» arnoom.
mATsmsB am,



All tiMBMt 0»—
TMtOTdfty by 10 O’clock.

■M. T. B&t* AM J. W.

Vummal UmmI I>

«ki» atmdmm'

ecu* u« MmImI
/. IT lAm. Mltor ud Ha—i»r.

TWmerMdMiplatlarika Qmw
Cwum tkk* CU;gt*rVVciMart«<Ub«p«t o* At
4 ^ 8:«tAbar<-* O «*4.

XdM VAlted <cr (ba

WmiOaUwt aMta

Tha la taraM la Ua BtoJaata' Laetara
aad Maakaaaraa Ukyaartar waaaiaJ

la car
dtathepaet. The Uae
bi«aa to for« at 7;lo oa Friday e
|B(, and there wore a eeore or i
who wore op aU alfht. TU line
added ta aatU when the door* oi the
OHy Newa etaad
■or IM people U Ua«i met of
had lh*lr tall ailewaaee of
Meet of the crowd were In food
OBor, and a larya ouBber beeaBo eo
jabUaat that paBero e.
(eyed wiihou Barcy. There
a lew men who thoofbt tbet they
wouU RO la at the 'lont. wbaa they
there wero elmoet a
hundred in Una They ware pereneded.
bowercr. to take' their raRolar plan,
iBe of them required rather etroad
Wbaa tha doon were opened,
work of rcearrlnf the eeaU wa* puehed
r^ldly. aad by loo'eloek all tha iw'
eerred eeaie were taken, aad a line of
ehalre had been leaened aa wait Tha
total recelead for raaerrlay aaau waa
P4SI.S0. Thb with the aBoaai obtaia'ad
the »ala of the'tbkau wUl taring
tha KToaa 'reeoipu of tha eouiae up to
about $1.»00. which Inearee the dnan.
clal tuceene of the prrject, aad a aoai
OUB tor the aB tf the Blfb eehool.
The roeh for eeaU ordinarily woold
rable oonfualon
bat tboae tn
set the e
adBlrably. aad there waa no tronbli
The anaoBDCcmeBt b made that
anyone, boldlny leaecn tlekeu any
now have eaata leeerved la the yaUery
without extra <

Sa«laa« Vaada a Larta Amy.
Tba war batwaaa tba Boan aad
•raat Hritala la aMaalat mmA yi
«r preyartlcaa tbaa aaaay aappaaad It
faaUwbaa It htgv. and aaw It b
■lala that kaylaad wUl aaad a
{aifaamy toaabjayata tha Boaia aad
•raa tbaa tha havoc wroarbt by tha
y^laan of tha ylaaky booth htrioaa
kfhtMowlU ba aeaathlac awtal. aa
' tha dhn’*’*- blmdy ladMta.
Hm Britbh foraraaacat b aboot to
«aWUaa 1*0.000 Bora aoUleta ter tha
yav. Thara ara aow la lioatb Africa.
Mthaway.'aadmaAarordaraloro to.fao Britbh trooya. Thirty thoa
•r tevty thovBad of thaaa waca to oom
froBladla. iltUlBipoaaiMetoaay bow
■aay of thaai ara alraady la tbadeld.
A law waaka afo thara wara la Natal
aaly aboot 0.000 Britbh troo|b; the royeata raaatvad within tha laat tea daya
indieau that aboot 10.000 ara thara
Thoatefl of tha Britbh araay aatlpaiad that not nora t^
rifilar ttoopo woold ba required to
' vaka abort arork of tha aampalra
^alan tha Boara. Yet now tso.000
additional troooa are pot In tha flald.
Thb b arldanUy baeaoaaof the popolar
*br In Aoatria and
Oerwasy aad tha (fflclnl oppoaltlon to
It U rraaoa aad Boaela. With thb
koatiUty lathe forafround. the Britbh
amy b balar pot on a war f^nc
aa If tha ooontry wore tbraataaad by
peatlaontal powar^^Tha arnUoirat c
lauenayOoBBeata apea 'Up to date
Bwopabacalaatwar. WbUa all tha
Advortbby Methoda of Travem
froat power* are Balntalninf a etriet
aaatrallty. the feet that the people
weekk bene of the Michlyan
All—at* acaBut the war ii
' a(«Ma« an Infloeaoe which BuyawoBe Ttadeaman ecBlalned more flatterlnp
reaeae to eten of the methoda ef
Traveree City edvertbere. W. 8. Ham.
beryer eriUebea aome of tbc edvertbrmeate of local bnaiceae bouece, end
diacumea their yood polnte and (fleetCroc ellver la Kentucky there b a rtow. l*e fcatnree. A larye advertbement of
lay aeatlmrut Bunltceted In the tteutb
the Uanaab A Uy MereantUe Ca b
tnt*«orbfrxpanaioe;nnditb not an
rtprodaeed and hlybly prabed.
y iapocalWllty that there may be e apeakiay of the MercanUle Co'a adverk ■'toUd Uoutb" for cnyanaion lacteed of
Mr. Uamberper aaya:
e rnslted voice la fevor of relU qubhlnp
"They all abow decided oriyinality
• wkat we have yalned In the Orbnt, aa aad are yood boetneaa lUeraiure. I re'j^uudotheteeeck to abow b the prodnoe one of tne beat berewiih. It
• Antyo/'tbta country. The South b ta written In e bretzy, eonveraationaJ
atyle that came* you atony wiihont
! yiadually realltluy that Dewey planted maUny the readli y an effort Itb n
b the American flay in the yateway of tereeUny. ano yet It I* lull of buhinwa
Innlmmenae market lor cotton, aad It froBBtartto flobb."
%b a'pretty recMnable arenaeDt to
In the aaac article Hr. Hamberyer
.^te that the Sooth will not vote to eaya:
' afOBOve the UBblem of liberty and civikunehow or other. Traveree City
. Itetlon from the poalUon It liwldB In
ima to produce sore yood adverib
**he Pacifle loday-r riVlih.a qpai *»ri«et to^an any other eitr of lu *;m Id


«toriBek^Wri>V>>JMttopeBed by

Uonof the Philippi^
Pbilippm* hanylny
|1» the balanec. the Sooth boot apt to
\lbtenlony totbe aoomfnl waOa ef
' ' A<klBaon*a followere nor b It apt loan^•lyM thejaryuBODU that nndfrUelheir
lAolefnl lamentaUotv

And tn epeaklny of a yood advertbement of the City Book etore be adda:
Here b a book advertbement tbet
only neede a lew prieee to per­
fect. There b no reeeon why hooka
Joai aa other
of a deaertp-

be adtertlaee at all. eontenu
either wUb tbe bald annoum._____
that “the laieat booka are alwaya kept
i MlB Mery Prurl ^
in kiosk,' «"i|ith an intereatiny Ibt
■bkattb Creek to continue the etudy of olQUea. TbU advertiaement b yood
itde«:ribi.a tbe booka Id aneb
|Voeal mnalc. wltbiMr. Carle 'kff.

auu HWW, B* eKreoaenrpTBe, acre
bamallf topritocona clyar adverUaeUi------- --------- - BMi. HOW «hb adTertiecmrnt !la
aodeat In lu atatemente.
reader thl^e- that he___' bwibvc
■ -WiU one head Ued behindi hlm;
lellu ‘
- Lm Yob of the Chloeae laundry baa
ratmed froBavWniltte In eweayo.
The board of*»npervleor» cleared the
M IroB a I«
wedta of all oonOty Ibuilaem before
lay adverUtiag expert, whoae oplak a
them yeeterdey Bonlny. aad after reare eooyht by proyrw
Mlvlny their eertifleateu forl$3 per day


ptwd Baplda
dbplayed by Traveme City baal
Mte KItUe Cutter baa returned Mb
men. aa riewod by other*.
t vWt la Cbicayo aad'Qrand Baplda

annlreioary o! Mb* Mianb
i»y ,
will be married to Mr. Buyb Wbiieomb. aad In honor of the occaakm the tebn
whe ferm^y reulded la thb eity.
of the yonny lady prepared a'deliyl
tnl nurprlar party, wblch^'took >b d
Bobbed the.emve.
bat erenlqy at thehoBC of herobt
Mra. C A.'J6neh. on Plfth etreek' Jol
John Oliver of Philadelphia. aa>
“I wae In aa awful coadmon.-ill
Bate add
ire of the eveaV
td. pain eonUeually ii.________
_j. no MTpeUte. yrowlny weakv day
Stmerok’n Iron Verve
day. Jbne pbyobbM ^ ytvmi
Wee the rtault of hie epleadld h
I waa advtacd to nee
ladomiteble wUl aad t

If you what

Iheee qnaUt

*» <
hould faU to ta Ki^ New Ufa mib.
No-one ehould
uhm. Only SOe. raaranteed. at Jaa G. atJemeaO. JohMCH'naad f C V

J^^kaadh. fc. Waltkdmy

Cewyi k. WiMb kwe joat tnbhed a
)ehtf my artbtte letminy la the
irtodew edtheTemptood FMWea.
AU Odd roUewe an reqaaeled to
■ito at the hall tomnrtnw evoatag flor

Qimad Mn«ar Andrewe a*
L P Oiaad Lodye meetlny al Bay
^ g B.-owa of thb
el^ aa yraad mamhaU the biyheal
appointive Aee in the yraadlodye.
Charbe G «caoe. eon o( Samuel GayMof Nor«^wrt.dledathb home la
Omrlevoix. >eet«rday moralny. The
.laa will be Interred at Suttona
Oeorye B. UcLeltan tbe confortioaer.
baa received from Mexico a larye choc­
olate Waa. aboet eU laebee In lenyth
and two Incbee In diameter. The aheU
b tborouybly dried and peataiae a
larye quantity of tbe eeode from whl^
cboooiate b made. It b one of tbe
laryeat apeclBcna of Ue chocolate
The ateaBB OocknBa arrived yeeterday from Lalaad aad eUlk I
where abe went with a earyo of floor.
Tbore wUl be a meetlny of tbe BetallClerttk Colon \a Ladlee’ Ubrary
Hell Monday evoalny at 7:W. A foU
attendance b rvqoeated aa there b ImVvtant boaineae to eome before the
meetiny aad doae are to be paid.
TbelUnmof J.K Bendcnoa.eteiioyrapher of the clrcoU court, b more
eeriooa than at flret ooppoecd. thooyh
he b not In a danyerooa oondltioa
M. W. Underwood bee taken po
aloa of the realdence at SS* Waahiar
ton aueet which he pnrehaaed of S. M.
Brown laat aunmer.
G. W. Bichle. Depnty Bead OooneU
of tbe Modem Woodaea of America
wiU oryanize a oasp at BcoM«b Mon­
day eveainy.-knowa aa Camp No. 7.0«*
It wUl Btart with flfteen charter Bernbar*.
Mvwdamae Bntler. VoMba, DeeBond. SnnMiaU. Ball. Crdteer. Bom.
Cnrtb. ConrflAe. Tbomaa. D B. (breer.
Dockeray. Kent. Dean. Monroe. J. C
Moryan. Z. B. Svana. Prank Smith.
H.~K* BuTM. WUl Andereoo. Uordoa,
Hayea. Meada. Hbace Better, Gray.
Andeieoe. fleynolda. dlvbion No- 7.
of pipe oryan fend committee. wUl
bold a abort boalneaa Bevtiny atMro.
Doekoray'a. Sixth atreel. Monday at 4
p B.
Mm. Ida Jtffrie*. a y epe' tiayer. will
ainy in the Prlenda cbnreb thfa evUntoy. A oordtal Invitation b extended
to tbe poblte to ettend theimtprviee.

IbeCmlhalCwM i
WKeeplny Couyh. Aetrime.
Bronchitic and Ir^clplent
Corteumptlon, b

J th. ^cnuii utMniY'

teeHnt ftmHMBa^Btoco.
TtoMrAay anamma a boy about ton
yeaio of ayo. aamad Admrtoaa.
farod a hmmlUatioa wkiah faUe to the
lot of tew lade of hb aye. Bo
dtowetad la the act oi etmllay from
eaaatan of tha Otty Booketoro.
MeaiiB Balph
aftor tha boy kad loft tbe alora, and
eaptorvd him la the aUay amr Bobiaeoak yroeecy eMc*. Tha enlprit waa
token back to the atora and Mr. Ooam >
bleat flrui lataaded baadlay him over
to the police, bat aa thb would prob­
ably bad we eeateneeln the refera
BCbool. be yuve tbe boy the alterohtivc
of ttday tojuU exhibited In the
dbpby winnow of tbe non lor twenty
Blaatee. Tbe youny thief wee not
~ r ter either, bet. forced to ebooae.
aaUy decided to yo bto the win­
dow. Ho wee therefore boned to a
chair had ctoted la the biy db|^y
window, in plain view of the atreei.
Upon hb knece waa pinned thb inaenp
‘■Thb Boy Waa Cuayht Stealtny.”
The erriay bd had not become anoatertaMy eeated before a lame
crowd bad yathured in front of tbe
atom, bad lor tweaty minnue he
tneauljactof public yeza cad apeea
bUoa upon hb mbdecd. While the



Still, Light Hunning, First Class, Guaran­
teed for five years only $15.76. just like
hoatp odmplflt* ...
Lat^ Um of
aprittgo And mAttWiAeA.

leo Front St

tbet ao youny c boy ehould here <
Bitted ca net to bi^ each a d%mce
*^^n cenybt youny Aekermcn bed
In hb poehew two jack knivea
aOBC aleeve ebaiica.
Mr. Cosncble ateted tbet be bad
been bothered c yrent deci blely wl
cneh ncu. bat thb waa the Aral t'me be
cnld detect tbe thievee Yeaterdev
Boralny taerc were two more of the
onse kind but ibey cceprd d.tectioe



Hoqaa FnrniahlBg Store.

Both Telephones, No. 4.S.

Practical Embalmers
•X ..

and Funeral Directors

m Couldn't Have Stood 41.
tf bc'd bed Iwbiny Pllva. Tbey're
. ennoyiny; bat Bucklenk Arirrtbly
---------- wUl cure
. tbe
.. worn
PUto oa earth. Itbnact.____ _
Porlojnrtea, Pninaor Bodily Bmpiion*
Itk the beat aclve In the worlo. Priee
*&e n box. Cor* ynemnteed Sold by
Juc e Johneoa and S. B Welt, drayfbb.

318 Union Street.


.m A.


These hide are not running wild and frlshjr. but have been '
killedoBce and their skins made into good shoes by the most skill­
ed labor. We have a High Top Water Proof Boy’s shoe that are
selling fast at $1.76 and $2 00. A cheap shoe and especially a
eehool shoe, is dear at any price. Put a little more money into it
and get something that will pay you for buying.

New Line Art Denims.
Stripes, checks, flowers, conventional designs—everything
new—Got a chair to co-ySrP use Art Denim-Want to cover a box
to "put things in?” use Art Denim—Goingto make a “cozy corner” and want something to put on the wall back of the sofa?
<putitupin plaits using gilt nails) use Art Denim—Want to
make some curtains? use Art Denim - sell at 16c and 26c the yd.

Eider Down Dressing Sacks.


Olve Tou
tro oell


$2.00.Abo«A Arc
. ' worth - Juyt, whAt. wo
: saU thorn Cot.

.* .ipitEI


Have you seen the new colors in this most salable goods?
Light and dark tan. light blue, red, pink, cream, grey. Does the
baby want a new cloak, or the lady of the house a new dressing
sack to wear round the house? This soft fleecy material makes
the most attractive garments. Sells for 60c and 60c tbe yard.
There are two other kinds that sell at 10c the yard and are used
for the same purpose. Kamona Fleeced Flannel and Cinderella
Flannelette made in three colors, pink, light blue and cream.


Remarkable Books.
These are the books that are to bring about wonderful re­
sults in the coming months and years. They are strong,. uplift­
ing and inspiring. Bead one and you want the rest They come
in paper and cloth binding and sell ft-om 10c to 76c. This is the
order in which Hr. Sheldon wrote them. “Bichard Bruce,"'01;
“Bobt Hardy's Seven Days,” ’92; "The, Twentieth Door,” ’98;
"Cmciflzion of Philip Strong,” ’93; “John King’s Question Class.”
’94; “HU Brother’s Keeper,”96; “In His Steps, ” ’96; “Malcolm
Kmk.” ’97; “The Bedemptlon of Freetown,” ’98: "One of tbe Two.”
’•Ss’The Miracle of Markham,” '98;’ For Christ and the Church.”
’99. .

lie imnah jLay Memtnfile Co.

, T--'-t.-.i



tna Mommro »»oomp. »u»pat. ooKnn ■■, lan.
•nr on ra urr.

< S\%U iKmn





■MkktUnw M boUirUc Bo^c
49 MO*** fMMlr Th«l»lMt Uio
••otM »w t awkroi el toM u* ao«m
Mr. DoImc. m oU cmOcm IMbx
•terMvMMiea^ M4 Ue mtotertew to lew e partloe at» *w*r U •
pweltar •af. B« «m lcedii« • eo*
*r • BMU rope or eord Ud bed it
ottW tlo*«r WMM) ebeet bk ftacer.
wbw tba oow few e i>rh ead tlfbtw•dtbeoordla eeob e Mawr ee to
OTtorelf ua^ Ue defer wbieli bed
to bo eapetetod. Blood pbteCMler •»!
to ead the ene k torriblj evelleo «ker
to «be ebooMw. eed the old foiUr
warn'* Ufo k dkpeired of —Bapirr
Haaforfard, forMily * lesber tovo
aotoaaUee wootof Bif Bepide. k aoer
e tfarirtof rlUec* eameaded by food
toTM Ue eitleaw teiae* Uelr ettta
ttaa to terwtag wbM tbe piae itoa ell
oat ead BOW prodoM food erope oi ell
htode AU blade of Irelt do mil tone
It weeld Ufee e frkt allL

Itk Uatod toet TboMa Birkm'e
oablbU of e dock of Oeabaert foett ei
the Waabtoaeir oeeaty
may raaelt
to aoaa Waabtoeiw Taraare tryhif
Oetr heada at relalw toe eoiaaia
frowB epoe. toelr beeka k
toora veleeMa thea abwo’e wool eod
tbalrdrabkaeidiobe rqoel to moitoa.—Hester Laedor.
“Oreadne'’ Oea Traie oalabratad
■ Bar Wto birthday Uat week earToeaded
by bar ebUdrea at bar bone io TaoeeiWb. Sbaoeme to MleblfeB end eel
tied to Taeonaeb to l«S4. Ber toeeiory
k eBaeUaat end abe Mk enoef other
toddeok oae relaUof to toe weleone
flroe to Lefayelia. ead bar walklof
leer aeUat to aae the packet oo which
bp wea e potoaecar.
B. J. Atktoaoa eeeoreced e aember
Of reloabla ledtoa relka at a ptoee a
lav toUto oortoweet of Berbor fiprtoft
)aewB ea -ledlae Uerdea.*' Two kat. Uaa dllad with war patov plpaa. artewbaada, ate., and aa old dial loek
rida ware rseorared. Ba alao baa tba
dtall of a bear and medak baartof the
UkOMMofa wolf, to# leteai of toa
Ottawaa It k aa totaraaUof aod
Mbla oolIeeiloB
A atory fotof tba rooBda of toe t.
to toe HToet that toe elate of Mlehifaa
wUi pay eaeh Mieblfaa bore eoldler
boutyofr.Mpar noeto for aerricr
0* foreira aoU ia toe Spaalah sad FUl
^ ptoo warm U cmaatof* flood of appKcatiow Iron al) park of toe ooaatry.
There le ao fOaadatioa for it. bot the
adjetaat feaeral-e office bae Ik haade
fall wriUof teue^of deatol.


i^^aaeemapwiitoA The daea j *“|5h.*criiiH»Bie were boant. fnrkaa
wltoa bcar9 reipnaii tram toe^aad ladeprodrot. aad It k retarmbered
a«^e. abowtof toot tbay an wUlrnf at him tbai be rrlWd tor booor of

|>ln_c< iriUi U«lr ma^. IW
.earn of aearly ato waa raaliiid at] iiarcey'e fond nmhw was oftipc p«
toetr aamabto ak
lamt ermiar' **
***^ th*r day a rrtnid caate

"k'bai'a tbe atanerr laqatred tor
Prom early eeaatof adtU tote at ntilr.
aifbt toe baU wae tbraofed with
"*«> '•*
nIUof yoo 10 llubrpa^e ww were ewtao. at two loar
^ UwO^
tabtoe asd wbea all toe baafry oaea i..^^
annoAl inroiur of nu.iHU and i* nnwere aatkted. oaly pie re-anlaed. i Serrrj iwilMt. *X'rmtoly pot.'' be aiarried.
Tbaay tbe leatt tbe daae U aatle-' rtndint. "I owr hlai dieay .tbeaka.
Qnlllrr-i'oiii-b *ay» no one in Aarrtea imtnoDuvr* bi* name la ib« riffai
my. «-birb h> "Killer-Koorfa."
work with reaewcd caerfy for the
Aaaaal: tbe people ako betof toterwt"Tbrrr arr no tuMdlr-afrd pr.qdr."
ed to tbe aew veatan for toelr ex
Ottawa eoaaty aat oaly daiae to •aye Mra. Jaiure Brun-a Pottrr. "Sowaiia.ia. wr err rlib*T youpf or ere arr
eelleet wboole IB toedtybare witbia ber harden toe oldeet U*-. oW."
Tbedaaedeaintotoaak toe pablic inf raddrat of tor etata. to tbe penea
Uarir Carrlli ba* a linf which abe
for toelr liberal patroaafeof toeaodal- of Mtm. Kmtoeriae Octroeerr. who ft IOC aay* «br loirad* to five to •nbe fir*t
yean ot afc. bet aleo toe father af toe ur«' Haiuh-t obo «taall |>ky tbr part
tin- lurbiBi-boly Dane to artktlc prrOaiAmLSd p&AZB IMJVBBO.
totfcet fanny. J. B. JUee of Oliva
towasbip. k toe maa who da’ae tok
Tbr Prinne. of Wair* and her
Tbiokp Pram a Wafea aad aa Arm
diniaetioa. aad ia hi* Ilfedae be bee dacfhtrr* pla.r tbr piaco. tbr Duke of
walked toe flo'rwito*twe«ty-Btoe lit­ Kast-4'uburf I* a food t-Mlniat
CharleB' Drake of Oraat towaebip. tle oaee wbo called bla p^
tbr Kiiipn-Mi Kmirrick playe nearly
rrrrr lutndt-al luKtniiucni.
met with aaerloaa eeeldeatoa Friday.
While aomtof dowa toe B smrd fam a
Oet at tbe Oaaaca.
aeek yoke fave way aad bk team raa
IlehiBf PUee.
Dr A. W Chaee'e N-rv* aad Blood
away, tbravlaf Hr. Drake and break- PUkretatibecanaeofdkreaeby ImFekr modrety ceoeee amay proe'e to
tof bk arm aad otbarwka iijcrtof partiar a etmftbeainf and reator
'(iarvla ellrecr tbe freeteet nilaery
.iamfiaeble from itchiaf oiln. Oar
____________ j_

toe Dorvoa* ayetra of rvrry oma of aapUeatioB of Dr. A. W Chaee'e OioP
toe body pad by eeodlaf rich pore Beet win nontbr eod rear the itebiaf.
blood. earrylDf with Ita aapply of tor oae bos box will eoapleirly' can the
Tbe toteet.laafb prodener i* eaUtlad llfe-flviarosycrn to aJl tbr reaeteet woreteanof bllad. Itcbfof. b’Mdrnr
-A Bell Boy" a madeal farae egaiedy Peru of toe eyeua. Peee cat ead fae- lorprotradirf pile* Y'ru beTr
•mlleeinetarrof Or. A W. Cbeer oa ! to raa. for Or A w CbuM-'e U-auarat
with a plov Tbtok of it: b plot; aad a every box of tbe renalae. Accept «o lenenatoed to cs-e pilee Only 5tf
coaekiea' oae, eiraare ae it may
other. Price 50 eeato.
it k aevertorl- ee trae. "A Bell Boy"
wiUbea Dfor the flrat time to tbk
eity at Btelaberyb Oraad Oem Boaee
oa Wedaeada? rvenlaf. Mov let. It it
a clever-caaeeH. the dialarae brifbl
aod witty, toe comedy dtaaUone aaaeroae aad very faaoy, aad it U inter­
polated by a ooaaaay of rserpUoaally
alevarartkte. Tbe eeanic iqdanaat
(all of which kcarried 9 toeooapmar)
t w y banUfal. I'o 'tfbt effeek totereeOaf and aaaeiaf■

itai.iu.o-,, to, —— — .111'

~I7 ^


Toe Dull.
"DM yea rnjuy yoururlf ttale aitmmrrr e*krd tbr *irl in blw.
-Itojoy niyurlf.". auewrrrd tbr woBtaa wbo lad Ju*tSv4i:rtird from tbe
moanulB*. ' "Writ. I >hMild vay not.
Why. tbrrv wann'i e row or a modal
dorinx tbr wboW Hum- wo were tbm."
-Cbrcagu PuHi.

ta Ibv CeMru ratavr.
Perk 1‘nlk'riuaii- Katn- null
cau'I lonir Id tn-rr b id ttotl bonwl
TbvAtbrr Men-Wb.v not?
“Ife axiu tbr ruW Hnn- can we
fcaiM- tbr lalrk <-kiir ao tbr Kwdwayt
*rhe,aaaooaeenBatU fuade that toe ■mootb if wr (ri tbr dirty tialrie Ini
departtoeau of tbe Detroit, Oread S«o- Dbrivr out o' here uow:"-C'hk-ayo
Ida A Weetera aad toe Cblwfo A Wcet Tribuuv.
MtebifaB reilroade are bow ordeilof
Eatirvir Tm EvuIuu*.
.toair cqalpmeoi for tbe aest- year aod
Blege-Wby did you *bool yoar
plaetof larce ordera,. aod toe eifoIB wairbilog; Waen't br any kikhIT
waitbtof about It it that tb*y are
Buxse-Teo yowl. Hr rrfu-H-tl to let
fttpaUtlBf for tbe old letteriof. Joat
my wlfr'K rlcb iioi-lr ruiui- brer tbe
bouM-. end tl»r uh] grutiemec *w,-are
be will dlelDlirril ue.-Xrw York JourdaUoa to elrbi.
Tbe eoD Ola faraier to Bay City wee
•rutevvO FTeui BVll Eeanple.
bittoa oo toe toe by a raUlieaake. aad
"Bvtdiy. you uiuel go to bed oow."
InnedUtoly raa to toe hooee aad told
"But. at*. It iHP'i ilnir."
hk father aboat to Tbe latter crab­
"Yre. It U Your I'arlr Robert aod
bed bk rawr aad elaabed a obaak toe
yoiir father are gnitig to tell what lad
alM of a iiaarter. aad eewral tlatra b>'y» they iiitrd to br al *>-h»u)."-Chi­
toleker. oat of tbe b<w’e toe where tbe cago KreordBoakwfaare 'bad eatarad toe Arab.
Than he drove bln to a doetorb ofliee
Mr. K«u<>iutx>‘-V,»i luivr pd a grrat
where toe doctor flakbed toe roufb
aad ready eorfloal operaUoa. aod dral of w,-ar out of that brundclotb
Jackrt. barru'i ><hj, kwrV
BUkd toot the father'* prtai
Mr*. KoDoimziilinr* what I
don’t hkr aUnit It.
Bute Jourtof the elreolatory eyska.
Ce«e ooaaly baa barveatad tbe larceet
A^e crop fathered to ts yean,
dealer parebiaed ZO.OOD boabek aad
baa Qtade TOO barrel* of eider. Aboat
^too boahele wen aarketed tok eea*c«. Pricee arebifh aad toe dealera

ioha V. p. uimbe. trrqaaaUy aaa
ttoaed to toe Traaaraal war dlapatcbbe
M a aaptato to toe Boer eerriee. U a
' -fonaarOraadBapUiBao. Be
to baatowe aad flve yean afo left for
•oato Africa. Bk'wlfe Baa alaoe cbtatoad a dlvarea.

The Atoeletaa dab. Mapoaed of too
of toe leadlaf baatoaa aea of Batae
Creek, who bare bees
a ••0,000 dab
ad toe project, and toataad haw taken
a five yean’ laaw of toe aaUn fourth
aad flfto aurlee of toe new Poet bold.

Two park tatbeAta wt aa a eaik
atoar oppokie tbr Mnewk af Art aad
Sriracr to Xrw York, eattof iaacb oat
af Ibdr paUa "Tt« a fetor bly bolldtof." nald oar of tbrai. “yoo'd arver
think tbryd pm ap that aottd a atrookrbnr jod lo kapr dead booev aa* other
crachnm la." "ladato. ao." rrpOrd
tbr other, "bat are tbia blf tetter*
rat Into tbr Moor a)«rr the wladir<
yia aanire arr -I doao." raid tb'tiM Hvatrr. Hr fell to iqirtlinc «h
tbe mord*. and |■mruUy a ray of to
irlllmnn var^-rrdrd tbr pnsslrd eipn-Miua oo bU fan. "Xcre. 1 bar It."
br MHl. "Tbla i* tbe oaniev of tbe
I’anii-k oiadr e food
ftma for tbr namr* ftarra la tbe
eioor wrrr .trwbylu*. BotrtMM'lre. I*rride*. Hrrodotu*. bM-ratem. Tbocydldn

■okklfwolBaoeBtBwtoraaw As-*.'^ >•» Vrmackqoe Bamy woo
—- - — •
a flfore cC crcat proalBBAi a •■■iiryiaf ■aeawa
' nwce la Preot-b Uterary Ufa. As a
Tba flm aewt for toa
ef erttk of tor drama be wae locArd apoa
(Bate to pay tor aa *'Aaawl" •* *** barioc aatoorfty. aod prmke
by toa flwtor atoa vw tba mwti ^

Will Positively Close Out The
Shoe Business Jan. 1st.

Unapproachable Bargains in Every Line!

The Boston Store
Matchless Showing

Women’s Jackets,
Suits and Skirts
Never hi tbe history ot this store have we be«i more for.
tuDate in aecariag such ao extraordioaty display of tbe leadiog
fasbioae for women and childrea-It’s a stock of thorooghly
good Jackets, whether the price is $500 or $17.00. In every
grade—in the cheapest aa Well as in the beet-tbe style is right,
the material is good and the work is good. And the beauty of
it is. thtae superior jackeu dou’t cost you s cent more than the
ordinsry kind* celling about town.



Our Lowest Priced Jacket
Is s blick Beaver, box front, strong aod^eerviceable, a
regultr $5.50 value—marked ae a leader........ ........ $896

Another Medium Priced Jacket
Comee in black Aetracfaan or Boucle, lined all ihrongh
wi^ Mercerired silk, fall new box front, etrapfied < a
front dpito- a etylish garaeut—you judge tbe value
—we make them................................. ........................... $#76

Brown Boucie Jackets
Lined with Mercerized ailk, box front, storm collar—just
the garment for cold weather....................................... $8.60

in Superior Kersey Jackets


We have them in new bine, tan, castor, black, navy—lin­
ed with silk serge, etrap seams, inlaid velvet collar

A pair of ^oae auparior hand turn
now up-to-date shoeafor$8 60-irsuUr price $400.
Men’s Band WMt, Sid Uned. BeaT7 Sole, Win­
ter Tan, Latest Toes, worth $6.00, for $3.00.
A Man’s or Wonan’e food serriceable shoe for

—all made to oor spedsl order in tbe very newest
styles, and priced only.................................. .............................$7 60

Taiior Made Jackets
Of fine imported Kerseys—black, caetorb. new blue*,

.Come quick before the sizes
broken. The balance
of the McNamara stock at leas than half price.

tans—lined tbroni^out with silk serge and fancy
toffetas-some with inlaid veIj?H coUAw-other colIsrs are tailor stitched—some eilk French faced, box

167 Front 8t



It ia saying much when we say they are the '

best value we have ever *huwn at....-...........................$10.00

Bargain Shoe Store.

Our Finer Top Coajs
Cannot be surpassed lor style, tailored in the most perlecf form known lo the art.

“Warmback” UIsfers-■



Jaros Hygienic Underwear-Kerkshire Panls--

Come in tboee new

soft French grays, new blues, castors, tilscka





to these really

swagger garments- prices... .$1S 60. $1460, $16 60 np


Have their inning—Tlie market cannot supply the de­
mand, but we were fortunate in securing sonie of,
the very lateel designs-cut in the new modified
shapes, extra long, with full saeep—the most graceful styles yet shown, and an- the "correct thing”—

"Tbi*," MBld llit- iintlii-al Kludrat. M
tbr rt-bo of tbr iMianling bonsr gong rr*mlntit^l Ibniugh tbr corrldorti. "1*
wbrrr wr pi our boar and alarw.''—
CJhtcago Nrw*.

William Dean Bowall*. tbr aovclkt.
made bk Ant a^Mraaec ’ befm a
Hloblgaa aadleaoe Pr^ay aiirbt at toe
Normal oollrfa at YpcQmatL Be ipoke
OB “NotcI readera aad wrikia," aad
tnatod bla •abject ia a aplrit of fcaea
bat kiadly Ukraiy eriUcka, and with
aa aaderlytor veto of delicate hnaor.

How's This

We otter-Oae Bonderd Dollar* Beward tor may caee of Catarrh that aaaBot be cnrwi by Ball'a Oatarrb Care.
F J Ca«ixr A Co.. Prop . Toledo. O.
We, toe aaderairaeo. have knowp P.
J. Cbeaey tor tbe toet IS yean, and be-,
lieve him perfectly honorable io ell |
0^ not rsprma toe raptan of An- baalaeae traaiaetkae aad tnaaelally
-»*b»l»ddpbk. when
■ “'.I *^J?*^* *'*" W*«>*orT eand bar of
WaarA Taeax. Wbolmale Drarskta,'
Toledo. O.
tar ell other naedke^^^J^tSm' Wauiixo, Kittama A Haavi.v, Wbole' |
iatledlteooanUeved tbe^ to^ aelc DrogrUk. Toledo. O.
Bell'* Oetarrb Car* i* takea totaraal^t^ I
etiaf diracUy apoo toe blood and
------00* eartooe of the eyaka. Prioe
pralMtoroi^eattbel'BlveTee." Dr. 750. pvt botlla Sold by all DrankU.
Tntlmoaial* arc free.
Ball'a Fbally PilU are the beet.
. laaga Price »0e aad pi. Trial botUe
10 ek at Jam O Johaeoab aad S. K. tb* Olab Partlk
to be givaa to the City Opera Boaee
have> baaa
beea arraagad
arraaged tor toe foUowSunffiidoSMl
tog datee:
latee: Nov. S. IT.
1^ Dee.
. ........................
B. .».Ui
atOptaBbtoBaU, Taeedey evaatof.
berahlp earde caa bd wacarad fraa
Oatobar 14. Jabaaea A Ekole acebal^
Cbae. Vadar.Praf. SteBaat or at Marka. Bweybo^ toritad. /■jtt. t

Garhartt Pants and Overails--

^ these are prii-ed........................................$8.00, $1000. $18.00

Golf Capes

Stein-Bloch and

In lower prioee-h-tome in beautiful p'aids, have d»«p col­
lars and sre fringed on hood and front, navy and
b'ack........ ............. ............................... J,........... ....$6.60 up

Hart, Schaffner & Marx

A very choice variety.............. ........................................... $3.60


An elegadt line io tbe large Zibelin,e plaids, camel’s hair

Children’s Golf Capes
Ladies Skirts
effects . ....................................................$8 76. $4.60, $6.60 np

Adler’s Kid Gloves-In fact pretty nearly aU tbe good thinga

We emnr ■ fun line of.,-.

The McCall
Bazar Patterns.



In great yarlety, at

Hamilton Clothing Co’s.

-b—b failed Frt-..

The Boston Store,
Front street





NEW MONSy F08 0U>,


a* I lar aad hotter aad bolter
York, llu
It glowed, it tierauia white hot. it
watch hot to aaeied W lactWd. it diwolved ia a bnrat <Sf gaiitala ao nariahable matter aoot aplaadcir. aad obaerren 00 tba
aartb cried, -n'bp. tbere-a a abootiag
. with the I
alar!- - .
«aap aad regrtteaBt of tha aoldier aad
tb» worda. •Chriatmka Boar Ibap AN architectural PUZZLE.
Mra te ba eoMigaad. okArgaa prapMd,
•bofon Mevember M to Maj O. F. Long, ■•■■•tertae Beilrfla e WtICIr laaereetiaic t-eaalKrjtMaral tapariateadant armp uaaaTba famoDi monatteriat of' Uateon
gMft aorviee. 8aa Praoeiaea. or to MaJ.
crowD the anmoiitaof vast rock piaaajr. B. JoDaa, gaaanl


oaibU atoraa. New York.


I aiog arcbitecta of tfaeaa airp p

aralaad ia Matee. have baeo dlapoaed of 1 ubort ia a matter wr^tbad ia myatery
aa tba terror AUaatle eiUea. Rome of Tfaa.cliSi grr far too aiLootb and per' She Baott apaelmooa aell for Bui each. { peodicnlar tor aop man. to climb bp

aiadatUeagoot 106 at Wolgaai. la »<Mik.and wandering friatvof the mid
Fomoiaate. 88 aame waa Rehmtdt.
gie agee fonnd nnetoary bare when
Mra. Bnaao Eleuor Andtowa of Ne- firm the cr«c«ait and ecimiter ran red
wadaCltp.haaldtobo a rreat-giaad- »itb Cbr^iau U.«d. VWlor. to the
DA.k.M H...n«A «ui>. eiaima u, ’abode aDDcnoca th. ir preiwnce
“™- |„1„
,„d 1.W, tta n.t, which j.
w.hhW..tU iihlW ol Ei.h«l, Oh. hi workwl bj . wihdh.«, com. down.
Tba ■eniiBliL;u of tbe aacent u dieOMoftha moat prominent tewpera' tinctlp thival ^ed on tha grunud in
clOklOmumClU 1. L-or. Ljkto., • 'f,“1 't,-'!

ihiood «b.w.- worn... whorot's:
kiaud from the legal department of ____ ._____ ____________________ npon
Oarliale ladtea achool la 1898
variiKU points of una'a budy. and with
Tan yeara age 9.WO.OOO baacbea of a atroog wind blowing it awingi to
hnuj|» ita bnman load
baaaDMwonld aaUafy tba AmerUaa and fro and ham^,-.
at it riowly
Aamand tor trait. Mtiaat year the
U jnd.ontb*
np rope,
in thamonaiitery.
“]kinkaocCBiionally. and tbe jerk givae
.Wiaap M 18.000 000 bonebea.
one tba impraaeion that tbe rickety cooU giving
kOapt. John E. reet of the Dotted
Tbe jonrney. bowarer. andt aafaly
tetaua Sbi^lag company hM raoelved
erbat la aald to he tha fret Portagnaae Ik'O feat abuva tba gronnd. where tbe
uptly extricate tbe ail
cold medal of honor ever prMenttd in
u a pUavant velcoma
abU eonotfy. for aavteg tbe abip•vvreehed erew of tba PortognaM hart
AUm two peata ago. Aoeompanvieg
a role tba Cartiline irlandar la
Aba medal la aoerUBcate whlebaaUUia fairly bonest Once lay biv ■napiciona
Aha bearer to tbe mlUiarp ealetei i to nwt end win bia confidence, end be
(0 gg)
army and given'rill prove bimnelf a faithfnl friend and
^ eatrp to tha ooitrk
1 *** esreUmt boat, coarteiioa and joat in


If you'd


Sir Bobvt BolL who *m th« wortT*
(Mto aboet Bwtmilca aod Apotiat
atara IndaKriblBctbaoricisafBaaMarAm
«*• b«U4ii« of • itea ba Mid that miUioaa of ypm af&
whco tb* aartb waa a* telaat at pUj
Jthd rotcasoea war* fiaata. tha 8
«er» tbmwa apward in iateaf coavalAfMor^mrn
nltaBoawaAltaiwa nUtoad ahoM ^ \Z:Z, Sotoa of tha aartb a diacardad
bot tboaa which
rd«Uaa.Maaa..hMa aa^rlac •^-*‘7
flao| apward at a rata greattf
100.000 poaada. 40.000 poaada akora than aavas milca a arroad pa*^ ba«haaaB7»tharaaraalfea rood. U ia rood-tba aartb'a gravitatiiit iafloMc*
aad aontfat patbi of thrir own. ao oat
;I2 teat loof.
Ite Horth Oblao IMI7 Sawa taja eoald tali wbitbs.
Aad tbao. after BtlliMa of paan.
a far tha dathnaaolh«7 ooca incra caiaa witbio tha raacb
^MiAthaawffatf cfcOhtea ara praof tba world, aad old Both# Earth ra­
^TWlaf iMlAly. ajo aoaaaaMr hM. tamad bar away, look back tba rocka to
teoaodaioltalp ehoaia It ia Pa TWaoa. bar boaoB aad tba aatroaoiMra «ld a
•dbaalaaraaroUaoaofTBoi Laa Pa aateorite bad tellaa.
da a Maoaharteo. A private MUfiOM
Mr Robert atkad bit bearan to imar
frtf flhaafti* M Pakte MTa toot tda tea a wrapptet of aoua boadrad. of
Bilaaof air raaiid tba aartb'a aorfaca
ioM la the aaae wap that a gin.Mted with tha I'apaaaaa ateparor. hatlot. boriog ita w«; iaio wood, becomai
«lat hlB to aava hlaa fro* thaAaoda
warm, ao a bnliat goiog 20 nilea a
mlBote woold becoma eatrantelp warm
Tha woodaa haUry of teeaou Paa- te boriog Ita wap throogt 20 milMof
MOl haU. BMtoa, haa haae raplaoad bj air
MM aaaatij alatUar of iroa. aad it la
And ia tba mme wap that a boUat
jhopad that tha work of alurlat aad became warm, an a mateoiite traveling
tha ktatorlc baUdtat 10.000 timaa at fast at a botlat. travalMill

^ boaompteted.hj urn mutoia
^ •» thu apeed prrhapa frf

CAaetUaa tha Cavarem

Yberea I aavtral expertt employed
by tba go
to teepect tbe<
rewey offered tor rademptien la fact
eiwj penoa ainplopad In tbe b
degree aa expert, baranaa Mch
par ol theta baa to pam on tba geaaiaeaam of tba mooap praaented for re­
demption and tbla U a difflcnli tMk
Raaemtwt that tbit money cornea to
tba traeanry aa a role, only wbM it ia
w badly worn that It wiU not pam enr.rnat Tbii dinp. tom. greaev. ragged
mooap tba axparta have to tandle and
dadda whether it waa imnad bp tba
and ibonld be
Ito teca valne or wbatber it ia tba wmk
of oonnterfaiten and aboold bamjaeted.
It la not at all to tba diaerndit of tba
axparu of tba bnman tfaat dome bogna
mooep baa got peat them and been de­
tected In one of tbe offioaa to wbitA tbe
piacea of tbe monap go for fnrtbfr'axamlnatioa Tb8 doaa not Qcenr often
The pacnliar provloce of one expert
ta hot to delect bed nKway—tbongb
aba la an expert at that—but to pot togetber torn piai-as uf money aent in for
idrntificatian an<^ rwlt-iui^ion Tbave.
piecea of money come (n>m all (lerta of
tba conntry end eniva ander tnoni attranrdinary condiiiunx Tbia ■>• not anr
priaiog in view of the fact that they
come from exiwneiii-m with fire and
water and gaalrik yaii-w and many otb
cr powarfpl ngenia A not iufreqoani
aix-ident to money ii to be left in a
atove. wbeoce it it taken in a badly
ebarred condition, with only aabea to
repraaeol tbe greeter pert of it Often
It la Deed by rata to make tbeir nevta
or. boried In tbe damimemof a L-ellar. it
roU away. or. awallowed by avow, itia
reecned from bar atomacb a alimy mam
of paper
Barr are the rnlet of tbe ireaanry fot
the redemption of matilated money
For a piece of currency greater than
two fiftbx end l«na than tbrea-fiflha of
tbe original note one-half tbe face valne
«f tbe note ia given Fkir a piece at
great aa Ihref-fiflba the wbuir value of
the note ia givtUi Fora piece two-fiftba
to alta of tile original ootliiug ia given
Bni tbit laat proviaion la limited by tha
law wkkb give* iliacretion to the trraaarimant to give full valne fur a
Lhe ownei can prove to llica»tia(acluiD of ibe antlioritiee that the note,
or tbe luiMing (vin uf it. waadtvtroyeJ
Tbia laat -proviHiun open' the door to
powible fraod. and many are the efforta
made by diaboneal peraona to Mke ad­
vantage of it
Tbe fragmet
tbe treaenry are tamed over to one
of the experta and aorted out onder tbe
miacrowupe for idcntifiuatiownjbey are
picked a|wrt. .and eacb liny pitce ia aa
aigned to iu place like a part uf a pnxTbii ia oraally done on glaaa. and
tbe fragmenta ore eventnally pot be­
tween pieces of kUm te bold Ibeiu to-

Udies’ Ml Wool
Korsey Mots...
Contracted of the makers last June—
we just secured delivery of them yester«
day —the valne is exceptional—No more
when this lot is gone.

Itad* up to tho mlnnto ia style, of dur­
able and teehieuAble clothe, out, trimmed
and finished es only the beet teUore can
turn them out, we say emphatl nelly. 8XB

For a few mioutes in our enlarged
cloak room and see those

Long style, for children 1 to 6 years of
age—Garments are of plain and fancy
wool eiderdown, wool flannels, etc., and
are handsomely trimmed — some with
fur, others with ribbon, braid, etc. The.
combinations are truly beautiful—Low­
er in price than you'd think—

$2.00 to $4.00.

See our Plush Gape Stock

Not only do we show the proper
oreettonein Cell and winter overeoets—
but the pricee we name meam e saving to
you of one to five dollsrs on e germent
if you boy .here.
Prioee here, $4 60 to $20.00.


Reliable Drr Goods, Cerpet aad Clotliinp Noose.

Llneoln Liiarary Soeisiy
The rvgnlar meeting of tbe Lioeolo
Literary eodety wai held laat olgbv
Among tbe featnm of tbe mMting
wee tbe Inangnratlon of a new departnre. tbe rece^oo of <

men who are away from the city and
unable te attend tba meetinga of the
tiftbauf tbe note identifiable or wbetber
it iaao little that tbe owner can recover aoelety. bot who daalre te be eUaaed aa
nothing Sometimea it ia a very aenooi
matter to tbe owner, bnt tbe pwr are
the only applicante for amiatance
te recover damaged money At tbe time
W K VanderbOt'a beaotifni bom? at Wight Sebeol at Bulsaa OoUags
B-gioelng M leday evening Oct. 23rd.
Newport wat' bnrnrd Mra Vanderbilt
Kv,kWe»plng.»h«nbaBd. typewrivini
aent in abonl $1,000 in matilated cor
arltbmetle. kpenirkg, penmanabip.
rency. oat of wbiib tbe expert was able

it It
tliet coinee
pvOR KALR -rkiir ikreA-rearxdH drlrioc
money of all kinda. to tbe cxof nrarly |.‘>OO.OUU.UOO a year
W^NTKI>-A» an arpTroiic^ij, T»itnetimm ctionterteite get pant tbe IrarB. aril It jraia oi agr. De-d applr
ex|N'rti> iu tbia Inirean and ar» cangbl
tile other trareane to which tbe belvea
are aeiil wbrn tbe (nckagea uf old nutrn
bare gone uuder the knife and been di­ ^^AVriD-taplorBrati^roMlw
vided d^|> for cuuDling and identilic

tliey Jire deiiroyed
.yed Bott tbia
fort of ladtea daya. tbe Bint ehnrch ' j,
r. veugrfnj and will beforer tl
furni of Bttempt- TTraKTXO-taoacI plrl Inr er
Bt fmii
'«ad the Brat pMtor-a raaidenee.
| bide hi» tin<e patirntlv nntil hii oppor- not the
rd IrancI Tbe uintilaied
money offers
.ileorge Trich. tbe pioneer million- tonit>' Y.-l‘lie ia n»i’ iTii|ilai-abIe i tbe eaHik«t {ktib to tbia nirt of crime
. u<i»ie
P.,1,1, aou
.Pd .,

-Aira, wnoaiea
who died u
la ueaver
Deaver iMt weea.
week.' au«
and ivuiuh
L\>miu <n.-u<K-umn>iij a
Ar.1 lAip. IP >b.t Ulj IP . w«opjl«iP.--Jytlii»li Tl.», l.jlon,. pl rtljj
mbUb eooteined b8 world's goods and I
^ o^rvri on
occa»iona ;
,.™nl lk...,.p 11. p,.d,. .p
AsaiolBg onlfiL
p«mJ . p.«>
pik-plrt of amsll bilU «ilb tbo edge
fidf-wlily Dr
Tha mUe i
of Stenly In
by tbi aggruTiHl party, b«>nur ii utl* ly charred. accomiMitiiwi by an afliilavn «IT blA puplorarni
>u«t ui'poTtuai
Falkland 1
llr» Rprrmirr>ri
Sarla-r -rl' ad
. _____ _ . . ArLAneAd Xpcl
tbe «o»t'B;.4 „g,j,bem«tUT
from the aendvr that be bad put tbe di«A - •tamp-d voT*lo|,A, H. a Pa
»l< At
uteqne achool Mrvlee ever known. I The PL,naprai. i. a
« «rtior. a •
bia coat on '<>•8 Idlne.rhlcaec
[infni navigator,
Tvm trarellDgAcbool OMtera ara pro- bardyand ricillfnl
[Tat the celt bad been ^^ANTED-teiwICrairakerltU-BA^ inf-o or
wided by tba goveramenl who visit the car,«nter and
eo«ewh.t of ;
deetrartion of part of '
Ihi* rajuno.' PmMeu* riprrlrerA unsAn-A
dltffarent temlliea where there are I« ••tronoma- and herbaliat. bot - —
A*rx. OuareotreC a larr wtoecr. If jou be*mood claae planter and gardi
• ejIblBr to aell. or wasi to tiar acyibiRt: If
dsbildran and give invlrnetloo
reo vaeta pasitloo. or b«lp. here !■ tbr Ce
sical Review
notei joat two and a biUf yean before ■Ired opportuoltx. Spplr at Bk-ohc oeib«.
length of tbeir visit depends m the
for e money broker on tbe Bowery, in
MtatensM «f the ehUdreo. ud they
^j^aMTED—llouM to rest tetwrvn dow koC
Nrw York, and tbitilriiig tbe ospv nis
maj epeod days or weeks aa tba cnee
oat for tbe • MOea R BevVer. oMv Kvllrr RhUc>' O*
say ba at one honae alosa.
_____ __________________________ rauf
frAirrsb-u^id a
- Oen- OtU hM notified the war de
EanaaFman waa a peraon of good banBurCeB.abtUoe b<
great world, •'ilweya do yonr beet"
and bit bankera threat
partmeat of the arrival at MahUa of
"1 will.' replied tbe yoong mau aoed tbetreasnry oSciala with diemimal ^^aUTBCt^Terml brlrh, aBd^be^t_p^
the traMporta Sharmas and Elder. wHfa emotion
they qoeationed hie affidavit -They
The tamer carried the Thirtieth vold Aipraen. atrvlaht, boea-Hdr. Be were,
Be never forgot hU promiaa Team
It tbe cam in tbe banda of Ibe departleM Aalarx poeltloo penaaaeeL Our refanteanand some rceraita, tha tetter afterward, when a
ent of jnatice. aad erencnally tbe
mlaeteM ofieera sod 4M anliatea
an pleaded guilty end wm fined «!.•
Thera wve no caaaaltlca on aithar Urge anm
A bank in Alabama received from a
eickaarvlerelir p
depositor a fragment of a $10 bill, and
Dnrlag the wteur of 1897 Mr. JaoMt
maanry people paid $6 (or it
need. OM of tbe leading cltisena and
came a claim accompanied ^ tbe
Merohante of Clay. Clay Oa. W. Va.
Mercury ie a foe te life Tboaa who
ratenek hla tag agateat a cake of tea
•MhamaaaerM to hratea It aeva
g,pka nimra borometera or themom- with an affidavit saying tbe seodw had
t*. U beeatae mneh awollaa and •tera ate., soon faal lb* effect of tbe borued tbe remainder of tbe note by
gained him no badly that ha oonld net nitrate ^ mercury In teeth, goaaa and
at caak—Owtrade kliwr «oa te fend at
nralk wUhont th^ of crab'
the body
MM mated by phyalctena. i________ the tteraea
aevneal kinds of uSmaat and two and
In Iceland men and woman ara to affidavit taOing how tbe other balvee
M half galhaa oBwhlakay te bathing It
teat nothteff gave any raUaf aatU he •very respect political eonate Tbe u- had been doatroyed. and is tha aama
Ygrr- MtM CteMabari^*a Pain Balm. tion. which nnmbma abont 70.000 peo- mail tba other halVMcf these natea
pte la govfTMd by TcpcesenUtiTM eieA«tel agent caaght tha
eihTmmmai wom« together.
davit, who proved to ha tha teql <ff
A phUok«ist aatlmatea that of •Twy totes ewtodlHA and ha wm ant to
•SmiaaMqaalaBteaeialna, tacmlaM IWwntdt
in tha PrMch tengoaga
wdrhMUlm Foraala by & B



1b tbe very popnlar Castor Shade, gar­
ment lined throughout with silk seree«
nicely trimmed, a tittle beauty

.babllantt. Boaoawn, N B . baa a
*ben dealing with bia enemiee he calU
ehanorpobUeaplrit A tew dapmago
intrigne. Iving
wteabbtorioalbronaalableuwere aetjgnd chicanarp that would delight a
•IP witbio tbe town ilmlu to mark tbe UaebiaveUi
litrthplaeee of Jsbn A. DIx, William
la liU private life be it nnaelflab.
Fttl PcaaMdea. aa-Oovaroor Cnrplae; froB*! "“<1 ei'.nomical. a man of caremad Cbarlaa Sargent OoSo; tbe firav polbabita Like all folk of Mel. _
' aneeian admixiora. be ia liaUe to file

okhN, w.h.„, „h U....U c, B.. cj


tiniOAT. OOTOBSM tt. tW

r,™™ r:;',.";


of 22 yeere oxperlenoe.
Wp con»id«r our coitom
/ made ahoea to be Ibe hiRfaeat
aundard of (idp aboe maikiDR,
pxcpllioe particularly in wearine and fitting fiualiUea. Our
$2 00 end S2 50 ladiea aboM
which hat e b>-ao made Bpocially to our order by the Plut
A Marka Shoe Nfg- Co. of
Cincinuatti are very fiuH
stock, good work, fit like a
clove and the price* arc right
Our trade continues to grow
and we feel confident that tbe
licopl** arc golting to know that this u the beat and only place
to trade.
I would like to call your atteotion-to examine our W. L.
Doaglas ahoea for fall and winter, wear For looks, fit and price
they are world bealera. The prices .are stamped on every ahoe
atul one price to all.

fro»t'”ibeet a.


Funiiabed Vy the Seepectivc Obarcbea
■' enacK ixfi»<oi'At-i curitcB.

lek prayer tn
All are invited te the
LxeiATiAA -aKSfr. »*RVi«x*
Services everv Sonday at 10:30‘^a. in.
Ttaortelay evening at 7:M In Montagne ball. I2S FromatreeV
_ to the absence of tbe rector
SoUjAct for today: “RverlaaUng
there will be no aervlee In tbe evening. PnnUnmeDf.''
AU are cordteUy Invited te these
Bve^hody Invited.
Bcr.Ckaa T. Biuut. R«.-iur.

Comer Waabington *tre«t and Boardman aveoua


Mv. D CwXUa. paaier.

lev. i. 4. hfwdr, aeawr.
Sermon In the eeriee os the home
Sunday—Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and wlU M on marriage at 10:30 a. m.
Tnke a hearty part In all tha aerrioaa,
&laaa meetina at9;U a. m.
Sunday achool at soon.
Sunday achool at tha cloM of morn­
Junior Chrlattes Endeavor society at
ing servioa.
3 p. m.
Bpworth Leagna at S:4S p. m.
Ao IniermedUte Soeuty of (torlatMorning anbjeet: "Praparationa for
tetely of Chriattea
subject: “Ie It Well With Csdraverat 3:46 p. m. for aU young
Snnday evanteg goapal mating at 7
Tbnraday—Ueneral prayer mratlng
^ Cbm choir WiU plaaM ant la the
study before aarrice.
awBPtaa t-mana* caunim.
Sarvicea ooodnetod by O. A. tdad,
stadaalof Angnatana LatAcvna OalSunday aehool at 9:4S.
Fnhltc wonhip 11:00a. toleirePraachlng at io;M a. m.
Y. F. a a B. prayar maatlng l:«3
Saadny aehool at IX.
p. m.
PnhUe1 wonhip 7:00 p. m.
■vaaiag anrriea. 7:00
Mrs. Ida JeftrlM wUI sing te tha
lavttotkm M
Tha pwblle U jwdteUy invited to
taeaa aai'ikiw.
I remedy equate WaBWSS^B Whttx
aev.AHlibwy P^wr.
B OP TAA.BYBUP fOT thk tORlChnrA on contto of Ktetk and Watond ftal dlaeaea. If tokaw thorworthatooato.

Tt 6m U Irippt hi 24 Iws.

Buadw aarvtote ara M faltewa:
ftoStogntlOJOa m.
Bvwiay a&onlnt 11:*$.


' ■ C'/
TOE KOBsnre bbooes sovuat. ootobbb as, is89-pabt Twa




of the Boer em. lew Bad lUl BDd D
k te wear coDrIrl drees
l>oMk AfrtoB TtrpubUr, >• B lowo bodM Id Iu bulldlns* mad sener«] lar• tree* rtiBDKr the cfaBiarler of tlM
t conspicuous number.
»f Irai thBD
taliBbltsatB. tl to out Bad) to ecrr tar from fbe tmth,
rr. and Id b pleBBBnt valley. Iter* [
mb;m shaved dose Uke
prcMM Boe et tk» bmbi importaM , thMk> lo the eBerxvUe and procnsr wblcb I' Se blacks.
Public ezecutloaa are a very common
evurrem^ In Pretoiia and do aoi seem
Afrtcau It public. It Is alto arouse the sllahlect ekettmient
loan of . es and bedre* and nowera. amona Ibe dllsen*. Blnce
It'bas wide avenues and sood bulldlngi punishable by death for
black to
and can boast of the modernity uf elee-, desl in llUni
liuni liquor,
many a poor Kaffir
trtc Uabta
runa up for aelllna mixed ui> In
A common alcbt la the atreeu of
makina of native -moonshine
Pretoria to a tana of convlru eoaared ahlsky." The puMte aallows aiand in
In roadmaklna- The prisoaera are al* .the aarden of the city }all and the sute
ways auardod by a white warder, arm­ ' artillery attends all eaeculiona. There
ed with a revolver, and a Baflir eon- ta Bo official ezeontloner. the ckfruiluti
■uble bearina a rfOe..^me of these ceremony betna performed by prisoners
priaoneru are while, but moot of them of abod behavior, who thus earn their
are obstreperous blacks undera'ilna liberty and are put acnioa the border.
punlahment for tbelr alps of the past. There Is a custom al these Pretoria eke.

TfcB T»«dto sr r«Tto*uk.

One of lbs serious tasks which the dlre- lors of Wte^maba Greater t
ezpoaltiun have set before Ihemicelves la tbr prai ilral education of the citixsw
of the I’Dited Plates repardlna Uie life and manner* of Ibe inbabltanu sf
tbose furelan countries nhlcb now fly. ibe »iar* and stripes. In foltowtn#
out Ibis Idea the Filipino vlllaar al the exposition has proved one of the msaa
educational features yet Introduced. Thousand* of visitor* have ^n dallf
floe Idna to this Intereatlna aetllemcnt. behoJdina the Imported natives and tbatt
methods of llvltia- A Philippine water buffalo Is amuna the many eastera ew
rioaltie* Introduced for almoot the first lime' tu American eyes, and the a««
eompanyina llluslrallon sill alve an Idea of ihl* vlrance eaatem animal as4
iclal Ij
the exposition In which hr dtoporis.hlniCH-ir.





Mt'Urs In the TrsDsta.iil liu
II Js only the mall f ains that iraicl
such n rccklros rate of speed. Mncr th
freiiriil trains polnx the same distance
do the (rip In tier days -Alost Koers.
one Is not surprieed to find, mnke t
■e xolnx.otf I
k about
an hour In fact,
rallws) men on the nulorloua
Iteira railway there Is a Imdlllon that
In the early dny* the best drlvet •
that line perfornie.i the rematkable feat

planes o
lonor of the first c
Idebl of the TVansvaal. Preiorilla, who
ted Ibe miaruilna Du .
creal trek from Cape Colony W years
In im the parliament bouse of (he
republic at Pretoria was a little thatch- '
ed ham. but on the alte of that burn''
now stands one of the handsomest and
coatllest bulldlnas In Houth Africa In
this connection there ac-ema to be -a
ulllanders'who have settled hers
• pcneral Idea that Pretoria 1* a raw and ai>d done much to beaullfy the place.
tinplrsslnc frontier town, with all the
As one approaches Prrloris arroas the


An Anieneaii humotisi who la nOV
ilimx In Laiiidon has stirred up a hot*
1 KiiKlatid liy siiiuic In iM
the ncx'o i>f the Ie>odoto
hulls to no mure like the charato*
le IS'supposed t-> be founded OB
Sara llemhardt ts like Ibe Eda*
Mere are a tew'ot the i-p«a of officers who hare been sent out by Enylan't
to meet the fercea of the Boers. These offit^-r* were sent to Ladyamllh ramp,
at the front aarly In the history of the South African Hepubl
i by (be time they are ready to return home they will pr
link them a few military heroes Sul Ih- Boers. It must be


ransania. Ja|uin. where Ui>-
prepMriM) for shipment. Tanaanla It noted for Its healih alvlnjt sprinr*. and cai h summ.-r becomes a n sori
where the rffete fashionables of the land of
chrysanthemum nmeregatr lo
-take the waters.'’ Tansan water Is now one of the most populsr mineral wa­
ters used In the east, and those Kngllsh and American residents In China and
Japan who have once drunk It much prefer It to the ordinary aoda water of
the Ansto-flaxon. The bualnraa of botUInc the waters at (he springs has be­
come quite an Important one for the Jap. nearly SO men and women now being
engaged In the Industry.

_________________ find ibemselvea
and tbeir past deeds commemorated U
rather ridleuloui waya. The accom-q*
panylbC Ulustra
tion. for toatanee.
bow as oMtlma
admirer of the
Duka of Wei­
ll B g 10 n. (be
vaoqulaber o t
NapoleoB. osoa

« to a mseUng «f the g
eamc togstbar to dtocoaa atata aSalra.
poimelaBB to the Kaffir parUaaaht of B
of Cape Oeloar. aod to e
1 with tbs prsMtot'
African msddla. Tbaas BaAtoa aumbar aver MO.OM. aad ooottpy tba flbaot
gralB and Kraaa prodoelag territory la SetRb Africa. Tba oaplUI a< tba
couatry to Maaorv. with a poptOatloa of Ml aad...............................................
It ta bare that tba aattra par*
Uament OMOta to aaevaa mattaiu of atata . BaautoUad ta nally a BritM pr»tectnraU. bat tba Imperial antborlttoa Ibtar........... ...

Itttto wMh the MWttoi
and ways of tba naUvaa, tba only wblU atotMai being a


Iflj-f IM

strange that
assertion of the later Romans to
effect ibat (be ancient Roman tonxue
cuuld ."t then be tfnderstood by them
ha* received practical conflrinatu
through the diacovery of this antique



and hot alto*
oaaatal attempt
to keep green
tbO BStBOTT of
, hto great BlOlitairtOoL This
tamge of Wal*
UagtoB to Both*

baeeo Jar, tboagbtot to bow oaa of tbs
moat treaaurcd eartoa la the rdttark*
aUo ecUeetloa of taru pottary at tba
aetoBca aad art aghtMttoB of Betbaal
Oraen Ib Leadoa.
Pbfiadelplila oaa beast tt the toagaM
aaphalted atraot la tba worM. Bc«a«
ttroat has that aalQBa dtottbctloa.

which Is from a pbotograpb of HIM
Bcaale Wentworth In her moot realtotto
pUaUtlen coatume. Every Amorieas
wiu at once see how ridiculous to thig
Bitgllsh "negro" get op. When It la ra*
that Mtoa Wentworth alaa
the great Engllab public, which. »y tbB
way. Carlyle aaM was an aaa. to bot^
doped, fooled aad ^nly erebexsied IS

Dpaaytog IDostratloa wm ^ve a good idea of how Bagt-ata eSValry
South Africaa rivoxa. Each aegtoeerlag eerpa to agaally
BDppliad with two eoUapribto boatt, paekod away to motions
nasa wuwr m
M. Wbaa
wt with to a march to tbs froot. tba dlBaraat aaeUoaa of tboM boatt are
VoadlU bettod together, whiia tba traopaeu divaot tbatr borasa of all trapptaga. tytag tbs aam ap to tbtor bwv ntolka, >CUr tbit eight treoporu at a
time croaa lbs water la each boat, i iiipliig HiM apm and aecoutennaats wttb
them aad swlmaUag toar baraoa sa wthfidoA Sito UtUf craft.

lUgbnaatb Puniabottatt •'--itos
hto yoar’a aenior wrasglm- of Cto»
brldgo. baa pledged UmBeir to ls«||.
matbemaUco at the PerguaaOa oalMai
at Poona tor It yean at a mUary of
not moro tbaa Tl rupsao a moat^


PfttUlflllES' mflT
ctWL« otsmicTB.
mtim Atm nm
lfW«r >•
Wife to «*M Am <fe* «Mi?to




• at Mb Paatty

PaHy'* I

•‘Bixy of SeaxdA eaxA Rixa.

MUa AmelU Jodaon of St. LoBtt beIn Ceylon, na U many otter pnrta «f
ime u ArtnaM aawminer nil In one tte world, tbe man wte faRa U1 tetey. Her bcotber ted Ureoted S3b.- Uerea bUaarif poaoraard of eVI) B>lilta.
no fa limber tebda and b«Ut a saw- and. under ibew- cirviunaUncva. tte
mm and esiahllabad tte Jodaea Inn- ordinary doctor-glTea pUve to tboae
ip. twenty-two Billea nonbeaa: wh<we profeaeloii la Ibe exotvietn of

Vp to Uto IIM»I ttBe Boot of tbo

of Wllllauin. Arlx. He made a ajwrUlty of timber auliable for boxes n>i

■M hu hM fooRd IB the ctomj
•Hribte dMrtn* scar th« cooAo,
ftntt tlto BOtlvM of the iBiertor of
tlilT- « n«loo bol little explored.

young .Jndaon’a motber and
rlall blm. Mlaa Jndaon bad

. —He continues to do the “lion's share" of tbe clothing, bat and furnishing
businesti in Trarerse ity. And why not? People hare found out that each
season ALL his goods are NSW. Anyone who stops to consider tor a
single minute, surely prefer to make their selection here. Benda doesn't
dabble in cheap stuff—everything he sells fairly bristles of newness and fash*
ion. Record breaking and record making is right in his line. Here goes for
a smashing trade the coming week:
ilCII^Q CIIITC fubions in sack coats with single or
MCn U wUi I U .double breasted vests—splendid new materials, and the
best merchant tailor could not fit yon better—45 00,
^7.00. $9.00, llO.QO and $15.00.
Such stuffs as Kersey, in blue, olive, black, brown and nifCDpnjITO
Oxford mixed, fancy lining, satin shoulder caps, silk UlLnuUfllw
sleeve linings—If jon want them, and only $9.00, $10.00, $11.00. $12, $14, $15

IkB tslssd Btreotp*. Af yet purer defOBlU
ibe chief nMrre of Ibe tm•t Vbirb bas bees worp br (be rsloa
froB tbe tnoDDiaU ntncea aod boroe
Am h/ rirnleu and rreelui to tbelr
lower rbanneU.
In reruin refhms
tfcof* la om a atream. larce or amaU,
Wboar ubda do not abutt Ibe Triloar
ttsc* of guM. «b\Ie now and Then oatlTM of tbe InieHor offer bearf nog'
fttl fot^aale. Tbe gold tbua btirUd In
th« rleer aanda an# gtoreli tmOonblWD7 bad 111 aourre U the moanlaln
gnngea, wboae <juans relna aoali ibe
kSBff and ere of tbe ennulng iola< r.
Tbn tn»y *" rtrb. tbej mar br poor,
•nlr achmUflc Btod> ami ex|4orailuD

Hv of Ibe large lataud of Uliulanao.
wbore goM b- ao i>teuUful iliai i)u' natim carrr It aiuui U t«apa tor u«e *o
tbelr ordinary buying ami eelllng. Mere
gre tbe Mlajimla pUi'era. tbe rb-beal In
tbe arrblp<-laco. tbelr yield to the natlee miner* lielng alwm l.'Ui uunee* a
gOMth. RIeli «jaru relnaire *aid to ne
lUfrwn In Ibla laUnd. and then- la one
#D^ rein In Ibe aiuaU laUnd of Pan*ggg, lying north of Mindanao, but
kitbertu gtdd liai been mlm-O prluel•aBy In ptai-er U-da. and lll•■ar not rery
ricb. aa compared with tboae of Call-

Tliere Hjfi but one iblog I
Tbre,- lui|M>naui (-ouirai-ta for luuiln-r
and box material mere lu coiirae of
fulflluieoi mlH-o the aublllons young

dollar* of ilielr money maa lied up lu

natlsfaeilou of kuomlug ibst
tieiieflt of tbe liaat
.vnllalde advli-e known to nagal.-#*'



office and took charge.


nnd I a;n quite aurv ilmi the SimnUrda
Atre not iroUble«l ibemM-Ivea in ili>«

ont ber broibet^a roniimota

Alroctlon.. They real In virgin weattli.
waiting 10 tbelr prlaltue atate ilie .-o;u-

ev,Ty mm.





•7«. In intlli. a1 pn-*.-ni, only the edg,-B
#f tbe gedd dlalrlci* liiive. a* a nil.'
keen worloal. The al>aenee of mad*
kaa prove,! an olmtaele ii> ilu- exp1<waCloB of the IIMi-rinr InauiK-ralde to Ibe





in time,

‘KunulDg a *awmlll


paawtl tbe ex|Krlm.mtal *iage mill.
me." Mibl .MilA Jud«oD. 'The fart lii-ii
me b**'*' mit'fle money every
slstce Keln-ugry. or mIui-c 1 got tbe run
of tbe work. U no rre.!li of mlu,-. bin
Ibe n-*tili of uij brother'* e»ttitilNli
llielil of llie bil>llii->i*
1 like till- work
'er.v uiileli. ainl 1 *liail lio doulii .ivmlluue II.
I am never luneMiiiie out


#au> rnltlng a imih aa^they go. but
tbeae are traek* »iilted only to the

gead to Im- l•llll^. hlghmay* >-<>iiNtrurt•4. and rallniad* laid U-fon- IIiimm- la],
goda <mu Im> iimperl.r expluli^l. and all
tbla mi'flu* time. i-HpIttl. energy, and
gnterprlae. S*1 doiilMle** for a QiimU-r
gt yeara to e«me the g<dd tnuw amnli
Hi maaier. Ila.mmu Imla In Iterh-w
gf ftevlema.

Tbe benartiH Brlxiia. the bug ibal'in
fbe anal l* cBii*inB li-rmr aiiinng the
•tald umler the lerrildc name of Ibe

been^rom-elved In dellrinui

, ttahlta-* Hl.lnry,




Mrt^/.”.!h'gb-' llorer7'io M.-x‘i'.‘7"n.uM
Bouie |iro]>lo-lle vIhIud Imve revenl.ti
to hliii llo- iliibtlii of Ii.eiay iti It* ilnx
ling bile*
lo- mlgln
bm-’ and vurbvl
■ ■ form*,

HP*,' Iitne Imm-u limililer of iliKl
I'l-ry lliau of all Id* oilier •u-teii
i<-yeiiii-iit». It HH. M'lii by
tlfle Hrllte
to Ibe
Iloiaub-al ganb-ti*.
mli.-r,- It n**-lv.-d tin- u-tnn- of dalili-i
lu honor of tio- iHiiauiHi. I'rof. .\udrew
Habl. nie aMiK- year ll
niriHliKed Into Elnglaiid. mlient* i-iilii
valed iindbr glam. Bor a few
V year*
i-ulllvallou, I
II roiiii

dih-ed Into England.

Arc Ueaiorcd and i
lody > lied mand Vigor. b> Using

jauatioD were better on- |
drr«tood, tbe sumbera of ioaane and <
nri. not m> |Mi*lilve a* »HBg«-*tiv.
rpnenltr peimoi ■ would be greatly re
s..m.-iUiM-* the latent for.v lie* aaleep •lu('d, and there « .uid be le«> paralyaii '
for yeniv iiiitll wiiio-tbllig liH|>t>i-li* <o and iirtTnu* pruairalien.
SnaioeM and prole*-<onal men would |
call It fortli. And tln-n. a* n nib-, ii I* aot*lic uvetroiiie bv brain fag. oervuiu
niei-i'l.v a _)*-iil; u blu*. n'hii-'tetoud* a 'I'aoenra and beadarbe; iraeben aud
on. *te|i. giv,-* biui -V* v'u.leni* «-aid uui be caliauitrd by
niilrli i-iii-oiiragi-meiil km hi- iiee,l*. Iiiit ibeir work, and mouicd wuold oot Ire
diM'* not In Ii. >-Hrl> >iag<-* B*«iia:e ibe pair, weak and itervout. and «uf!er tbe
form of a poeltlve viH-ntbitl. It *eeiiis .mrC’iea Cauae.i lit .tWailgeDirnl* of'lbetr
luarlt feoiiiiinr organirm.
to In- at ttrai largely a luiilli-r of ftiltli.
get at Ibc cause of tbene troubte
iiimI iIiii* tbe .vouiig iIHriple tltid.
I you dpU't «i,"Un»h and re»'.o;c il
li.-inl lo explain lo oilier* ilie ii.wnrd
A W. Chase'* Nettw
urging nbieb lie fi-i-l* leunril •■•me aod Bloo I I'lll* «r* thr greaim ir*tnr*p.-irlli
irlb'iilHr 'iM-Hilon. mid |H-rli:i)i. lo- <* hve* koown lo miMlcrs »cteotc.
> U-nr MUiii- eritb-l*iii for hi* are not purgalivc. nor bate tbry tbe
relib'iHiii ntiiiiiile lownni oilier. |ht- weakening efleci oi a porgalivr. but reliaii* more liierailv>-.
l-:'>-[i alore bv bnibliog up'ihr *ytletn.
Dr. A W. Cbakc't Nerve and lUood '
Pills are prepirni from Ibc faroriie pre- [
. ..
il'-Mluiir and linve fears
acripiloo ot I'r A W. Chase, the fani- ,
tliiii be I* on a fal<u- irlHl. Iltit Mgalu ou* author ol Dr. Chase'* Recipe Book,
Ilie Miggi-*llon the mlilk|M-r* of a and have
nave pniven
proven tbe great
greatest cure of tbe
man'* inn- vointb>ii will l>e Iienril. and
for disrate* arising from thin, '
lie plek.
III *i>t1e ot blniM-lr
watrrv bloo.1 ami rxbtuslrd nerve*.
A lew weeks' regulai treatment wilbonwanl.
Min-ad auil pri‘H*e* o
this popular retuedy will completely reIf iMMtple mould nei-k f«>r
xlote pale. weak, nervoot men, women ,
dn-n. noi ibni "hleh lovui
and children to robust beuUb.
Bv tanion- ex)H-<lb-iit for them
itiilK the corpuscle* in tbe blood, Ibai w hi.-b iliey can do lM-«t. we aliould
erealitig new nerve force, they fillnot Ipive MO many Jadi-d, Joyle** work­
hoay with Brw life and vigor, and ^
Rome nnforlunaie elilblren atw
h disease from ibe tyatem. There,
pn-ile*i1iie.l to iM-riH-tiiaie the "firm "
cues* work about the results of Dr. |
•’« Nerve and Blood Pills.
jii*t a* If iliey mere Imv* or allkworuia Cbaae’*
their restorative I
iMirn !•• Ho- family eallltig. If John's
fnllH-rd* au .•*tal.ll«h.-.l Hr.l raii.-l.-r, and cor.ltee pro^rie*.
Kill) cents *t

I'lililviiilon *o

deve|o|M*l the
till- double
■Itb-._ for

t*>|or exin-pl blue.
I'or luuuy year*
die bleal •biblla o

" »'f* "i

steiiiigraiiliy. and



Il la probaHv tbe

mater-beetle, and a mild. Inofe being, according to a nataral-

oriog tbi
grta otu-n Irnuied by some of ite
ftaUmeui* and comnienia m'bicb apteand from day to day la aevcral of
kb* lending orwaitsperm. says the
At that time Dr. W. H.
Enaaell waa artlng aa war correepoodfftt for tbe London Time*, and In that
capacity aud through official Influ­
ence wa* much In Btamarck'* socl<

aud in n<-». It .
ilfiil ahade* of ivilar It. resume*
away, and iislay
ua In
many varietl aud Bliraeilve form* that
every taste may be Bulled.


Jif'-enuhieVtll lie fouml portrait ami
J,e.„n»ile signsturr of Dr A. W. Cha~
— '
Moilce to Taxpayers.
Kouc* i> b-relrT giren U-st ik- i*i r,>ll- lor

____ __


Mtloa to observe. In a aelf-complaffaat way:
"Well, you muat admit. Count Bitaarck. that I. at Iraat. have been en­
tirely diaerwt In everytbliig that 1
e written to tbe Timra. You have
ndy cooveraed before me

mllh Ibe
____loat frankocM on all aun* of aub|ccts. and I have been moat carKul
Mecr lo repeat a word of anything
&at you bare oaid."
Blamarrk turned upon blm with a
look of mIttgW anger and contempt.
••Tte more fool yooT' he roarod. **Do
m anppooe that 1 ever said a word
Mm r»a that 1 dtda't waat to hare

.... ____ ________ 'clors t, II orlovE

*uTssf> r*^aM*nlvt^plViBtwr 1^^ IW. ikrrr
• III hr aij <rr, i-bMrgrd l„r CCglerUuu. hoi OC
111 laxM uopald Mrcr- ler Ul asd p*'<l «»■*lnsaev‘ewter thrrr «ll! U- ,-h*r»*d * lirbsitr
et I psrevul for cdleriloo. **« eo aJl uie.
Uktoio Orlober '.*i Mod p*ld darlo( Oeiobrr
• -vkaravd a p»n»lij of i *»r eeat
PXTa* Wr*»»i—-


i-,,|»r who wen- divinely aii|M,lnie<l to
In- lullllnerM.- VV.uiiad* Hume Com

n-iw 1 Itv'sU


The *eemlDgly entbtialaatle reception
The ham-smeller'a only toola are i
long atcel trier and bl* no*
-Cansa* I'lli Hlar.
He stands In a
bam-l to keep bt* clutbe* from being
aolird by itn- 'tripping brlue. an.l ii„
ham* are
brnng'it to him. and
h.plubgea bt* sbarp-pototed trier into li
and passe* It •wtftly beoeatli bi* nox-.
Thc trier al'vay* goes dowu to ihe
knoette .l.«'e
ID letting
D that manner th*

given to the Herman emperor and empreto at Rtrashatg when -the Ht.v wss
proriia.-^T de.-oralHd with flag* and


niui'b anluuitlon
Id tbe
street* " will no timibt cause much »or
row-ful refleciioD In Kram-e. When the ,
old emperor In 1879 reached tbe e«p-1
Hal of Alsace to review the troopa '
there he found most of the bunas
blliula dtiw-n and tbe atreet* all
deaened. That wa* lust twenty year*

Igbietl shade of difference
But wipii •
a change
te* come
Ibe am.ll
one (wire of meat and I over rhe intebiianta of the relrhtl.nd

tlon Dom the sweet amell Is therefore
appreclalde. It la not the degree of
taint that be expects > And. tmi Ibc
sllgbiest jMlor that la not sweet:
When be deieeCs an odor be throw*
tbe meat aside, and If It 1* not nnwhoJeaomc. It ls aold a* -rejected "
meat, bnt If It la taluied It goes to
the rendering tank. The ham tester
amelia meat from., 7
o'clock In the
t night, and

which may lie made to order: And an
Imperial palace now also adorns Straa(Hiig.—London Chronicle.
Ptv*l to IT>v AwtoSMblis.
The flrsi elecirle antnmnblle lo


used by an express company in Its :
regular work of dellverisg pan-el* la |
to be plared In service in Rultlmoie
by the Vulied Rtatca Expre**, ComP»»y- Ii
H was
wa. built to
In Ctaicugo
Chlrago by
bj the

“ kkt- wndiST ^ouM
or inexau. or nia uaeiuinem would

Kqttlpment Company, and
.everal weeka before liein*

**'na‘«^teitlng la not a porauU dangeroua to tbe haalth, aa taa-taatlng la
Buphoaed to-be. bnt the ham ncllar
with a cold In bU bead la Uke a rdano

hronghl to Baltimore. After a trialll OH
tte hills of tbe Mouamental city It will
be taken to Waaklngton. and Utar w
i^Uadrtphla axed New Tort for fur­
ther teeta.

tor sa^
protapliy aitcaa** i
a vraBBt'CK.




fire Ineurancei


One eeeulog m ben Bismarck I
tetn denoiiDCtng tbe other 1-Ugllab papofO with his ustMl violence and punjeacy of phrase. Dr. BtwaeO took,oc.



Dr. A. «. CHASE**

ll 10 -III year,
trl, that M.-Al w,»aki..g
IliBi on ill. d.-Hlh of t'aiiova Hi.- HalI'-tiili
KnglUlmian a.k<-,l Ilia
of till- dnhllB
br>,ihi-r If li>- no-aui m ’----irry on ibe
p,-,.|>l<, MM.n ilr.-d,«f III,- reguinrtiy
ir* It wu, ' hlislne** " Then tin- olil ImgtM-ar "genHull ty|M-. aii.l for a fern yean
E'l.irlvt* Hi-n- glvli
-. j Hilly" ofl.-ii <-rei-i.« In .ev.-ii In ■l<‘ino*11,1 liiciiglil t,i III,' development I entile Ami-r|,-ai and diM.ra*

igllng hug."


of a ftest in

smooth, rich

and fine ice cream


bin Implant* ■■ertalu lemb-ucle* m-bicb

•Ulke luelr may ihaniigh the denae for-


124 Front Street

mortal a HMM-int- laN-l of hi* railing,

took funber unfwa and pmapered at


gaM fotti of "it* aarage fbnailer. >llu<
leg OuiHi* and luacblDer.v require
roada of a dlffer.-ni kind. Hridge* wJU

Ur—Sl.TS. S2.S0.

Amella JudsoD became a aawmlller In ||v palni<<d. wmie represent mythologIbe bean of tbe Bill Wllllani mou» ,;,i i^msts n-moiely t
tains of ArlBona.
Sbe went to lb.- or ]«» tsmlllsr aulutal*: others app<wr

VMaly dUtrlbuied and aiv worked In
•0 daanliofy a manner that tbelr act•ll rlcbneaa la Urgely a matter of

Arod If

Knee Pants
Aootber big lot-nil bU4a of

wleuce. The mask* morn by tbe derildaneerm are made of plaster and gaud-

help her In every way possible.
HU- dev«MUm-ers sod mnsl.-lan* on ibe oiinto Ibt- woods with ibF logging ,«M)on of blgb rm-mony.
ti-am* ami Iraroad rrery driaii of Ibr------------------- ^--------------work of roovrrtlug a atandlug trve Id-.
i>.4.r«toto* ft*.-, r.iltog.
to InmtMT or fruit txixra.
Mb* got
Naturr doe* not give to tbe ordinary

lag of the Aim-rlean mining
They will have lo Im- di-*-|dy bidden Pj-



night* of it.l. in atmeni be ba»ai

the luiniH-r camp aod that Ibe only
may m aare It. avoiding tbe aarrin<M«r B.fonvxl sale, mas to keep tbepUui

men who «am- ber wondered at
ber rremens and exei-tii.-d In lunacy. Natemehly and hardihood: Iben
they tire chiefs, with a taste for the groadmired ber pitick and delenuined to tosque. are sometimes pniiileil by

goananork. Aa regarda ibe mother of
Mina. 1 Imre made no aeareb for them,


Men's underwear, shirts, gloves, hosiery, snspendenders, hats, caps,
handkerchiefs.'neckwear, sweaters, etc. Tbe "fussier" yBu^are about such ^
things the better we like it—we are here to please you and please yon we ^
Yours up to the “Split Second in Style."

, . damn, mliat time devHa mu
^ome aromid. n*-l!e Ineauiailuii*
diMMi not get well lifter a

lieruian dh>d.
Both mother and
daughter tvallard that ihunaand* of

to ojierailon.
An<i ao It was


Vestee Suits
—! to e-p> rtan tttara nsd aaSe
just riffb»-SI 50, St 00. and

dri-m- JndMiu became suddenly III wllli
lyiiboid fevre aud died. That wa> Uki.

l>erBaDally. 1 know llitle abort



The poinU yon should consider first when buying boy’s clothing are ^
worthiness and mt^erate cost—Benda furnishes both.

)dsI Aui-ImmI a conrme at Cornell onlafler iearlug
nao, Miodoro. Pans;. Obu. and ibe- rendty and eX|»Ml«Ml.
bOan^i of Samar. Caian- Ariauca 1« go to Part* lo alody art.
But inlufoRune pn-veuUMl. Only a
Auanea. Sllniran. HvhoL and Panaim.
meek liefore abe and ber moibvr.bad
One of Ibe larg>r lalabda. Mindoro,
luleuded lo relarn to St. Ixiula. Aiifalna
Ita- gold

Tbe tame la ibc caae with tie- iDle


Snaps in Boy’s and Children's Clothing.

fan telL
Tbe prUrlpal gold-rb-lding region of
Loson la the dMrirt of UatuboUo. Tbe
9«U1 baa been found alM> In Minda­




lie'll*. Tbe only n i-ogn aMl m-dhoil of
tentablng erll »pU1i» I* lo' frlgbleo^

nia fmli trade sod 1
aocceaafaL In Jni

mOe Is tbe pirciotw nieul. wblc4i
Htp erMeoilr otrtalo from oomr of

#epoalta. It alKiiif.vlur ’'niltia de ora'
{gold mine.)
Tbe. tuillvea a|ieak of
•Urea In Ita Interior wbU-h are rlrb In


7H£THER the iriml blows high or low—whether it raiag or the gno
VV BbiDeg-*-whether clothiers howl and scream, it matters bnt little to ^



monlha. aa









you tMt-ore a freezer from
our stock.

We have them

in all aizea at d all


and inouey invested in one wil|^jtetum you


and comfort during tbe heated <enu tliBU tbe



same amount

invested in anylbing else.

140 Front Street

G. H. SNOW, M.O.
Has located ia Traverse City alHotel Whitiag.
Medicine Free!
Services Frpel
Teeth Eitiected Without Pain FreeBe makes a apeeialty of treating ehroole and liugerlngdlei
I. private dia•a of women, aiaeaae* of the eye. rar. nose add throaL
Tbe doctor baa bad a large experience lug'nrral praetic* aa ssellaa in apeelal work, aod ba* cured many cases In tbe past of Aalbeoa, Ontarrab. Broslitu. lonaumptloD, Ckmoer. Tumors of all kinds. Chroele Dlan^oea. Bpllepuy,
isaaity. Goitre, iblf neck) RheunatlaB of all forms. Pile*. Loeo-Motor Ataxia.
All forma of Bypbilla. diseases el tbe Brain. Uplpe aod Nervoua System, dkaeaeaa
of tbe Blood. 8kla. dtaeases of tbe Stomaeb, Liver and Bowels, diseaaea of the
In dlaeaaea of women bla special apeelflea and system of treatmaot. ra­
ta aod cure* every ease- No matter how obatloate your case, do not daapalr
you can probaMy be raatiwed to baalib again.
Ton will And the doctor's methods and traatmant dlffere itaadanpertar to
nnythlog you b»va mrmr tried.
Chtoract eared without
m eyas straightened,
l lor fftting yon.
h medicine and bta aa
iriog this wpef he w?U 1^
week's treatment. YBBE OF CHABOB

I.. L. A. BoUdbkg.

Morse Bros., House Peieteis


Give them n enlL

423 N Xlmwood AyAl
The Pickling Season Eggs, 16c a dozev is noyv at hand
Good Dainr Butter, U.lBc.
We arc in pontlon to fnntUb Turmoiic Pure Magtatd
We sell
•■d SpioeB, nicb ax White and Blhck

XXXX Cuffee-^lllbs for SI.

Hiram Gook»
H«w Store, H«w Monaon Blk.

etc. We make a ipecial effort inH^hand epices tod
dferyou tbe
the ____
market*. afford *t do
bighu pricee tb*a qiicee ot le«er worth.

"Jokosoi's Drig Store."


TBM no—nia




gpirnAt, muxobm at liaw



wMtb doTcf. iwaa. toaot aad PtoUar, ^
poota bdoai-ai* tto ooly tduu ca-1
pabk of aepfMrtlBC tbr pamaioe Utr ot
tbear altrlfylac ibaltoria. Prom thor
lauorwiorfal It had tore ootlead that
TViMee 10 ■ atoatar tbe Prtobaa aloek
noe'i ukr pbyolr wbea yoa aheold
anrb plaota oTini bad amaU aodelre take rsrrrte.
ertU aaba tbato UtUal apaaaraaaa to
oa ibelr roou ftom tto ate of a aboi
fotaaTraearaa Ctty aadlaaoa, at iba
tVr laat win ttorr orteo than «« da
«k* -Wam Um
Rt9 Oaara Boaaa wbtoh wlli laaaraatreninh.
merly auppuard to to erMtoorra of a
Cbaranrr la tto diamond that no
I «T». It >ru -o tut . Mm., ... r> dtoeaard raadlltoa Roma tea ycara otbrr eioor can arratrb
•yw. A AsteMs ^Uitel^:
no! •"« «>«l raPilnair bli pouio Said.
If wlar mm luidr no mtoiakr*. toola
IT" JIL.**
to«v..r IMW-Iuy a yoto
U B« date wrrr lebaldtet by bai-irrla wbicb would Uarr uo rsruiw fur tolca.
>1 pwniMi iB U<
torr tbr faruJt} >if rvoverilDg free alTbr worM wap* (-a'lly for him wbe
«dMMAmbA*. m4u tklB. tM BloM o>
Ma ^aM lor mob araaiac. rrur a ;
u, an rii.-ni iLai rail, for woB- Dfiaea Into fonii. .iiliabto for plant ne- I to. Hair to wall fur ibv wapcin
th* itk •WIW7, IA«
«er (ba M To^ro of co..dy tod • ^
Dilkai. Thu* ebal wa. aoppoMd lo to
Tbr mao wbo'f afraid to (c Into tto
ud faoMl dr^ aaltod to Uia taata of all.
u, — lo tbto tto rffm uf a dltN-aw «* fouiMl in fact
to to a loosi uepful funo uf bai-trrla."
4lfMMm M tar pwMr thM tMy
Utoaot Mr^tooiaacbloaay that
„ u oo. racrlar matTlir dlworrry of thw onraolMU bai When a *bun one will do Juai m welL
w*M M or M fan ofo^orraa<i.tetooaa parjrttb tba!^,
tod to a ayetnuatlc cultlTailos of tbrtu
blao.T a writer baa made a goooe of
VUUm or twMty yar* Bfo MbolBWhere a ciewr is made in A*
bmt e.iap.BlM. .Itber t-.Mll.f — by tl.. .Hmil.iio tnjm im. hi. Ilrtd. wllb a rlrw uf eupplylBg ttom to aolto biniM-ir hy taking'a qnlll In bli band.
tar wa takrAJy oar tboorkt of. bol lo- pi—I. o.r Wt Ui.i.n.
matter of iwnn'ierabic wejjjM twr
.,^^.1, p....,,,,,
wbli-h are, dcftciem In them. Tbeae III
The profllpate u<t>bew» who Ure on
«0 Blaal* tM «r*t tU«r tkol te
n^dBlW U.,. H,,..rot.b-««nr.l,-™p.. Kurtb... tie ■uliiiaU are «ti|>piled «u the fanner ihnV uuck^
really no toller Ibas particular amokerB. and it ia to
thoorbtofofur* triad aaa fro*
them We spewk.
tetb Pt~ «d PtblW -.r-7-b-r.. 1, ..rt. p.oa«.d b, .b.t I. bbo.P .. In *iuall buitte end are prepared for uivaier*
«Ua «orU to tbo wkootra. to Ub«
Onr work rooma. are c)md,.
Mutb.. b-n r»l.d bj
p, P.IP, .nill.l.U, prop. nae li.r .tlmnit iIn-is lo with a ma*a of
Tbr lirarr. virooe nan oonrrm ills
oaholaor or fooaal Alroetor, ood W IPUb.1. t.-om tb. UI..U. ..ucn. .t ^
Biul(t rb-ii eanii Tbla caoMW them lo rornilr. imo frtrod*: ito coward arrks light and plepsant
^ ,pp
ttiuliljd.v rapidly When they bare luul- to kUl bl*
ttaMo at of IM lAo frtooAt of Um Om wb«. tb.
OoT Btix-k ia clean, Soely car-'
nnnip i ,b...p,p ,p, |po„„.7 „
ilplied *uiti<-i.-iiU>. tbe eenb to which
teoMod wutoaaooM totokoeoMof pl..«t. PI.MPP tb.. i. th. blpb»t
. .
,p, ,„„bmt, „t indpidtii rl.4 tboy are I* M-aii<-n>d over the flekl into
tMrAad. who to odoptod ood tallr Ur_. pot ..ip u .rtb. I. tb.1.
. be B>'t> uiad; wbru a nation I* In tba
Onr workmen are neat. akilL|,p ipopputto,, b., b...
wbbb It la dealred
------------ It inclir. a war.-EUwift btagInirwliice
•■dorMosdtJalbo'totefeobold ad reapeei'reroiai. bat aa as aoarioble of •tm. a
fol and tlBcirtii. umdc- tie lirpt ol
Be.kU-* tbeiw luirteiia wbtcb work to etUte
dothowakU a praeUal aod pa Ml. Pbd P.U... bl Ib. bllb.1
8,„„, „„ ,p„ tb^tb,. tb-'celb «lv.- life to lu-a*. iH-ana. . lover and tbe
fiaiBool aaoMr, oadfa a elaa of
Th»-se thintra irak« our cigart-*
braird Kivorli rbruilRL pmlhtrd that tike. tlM-re atv other lacieiia laborlDg
protaakwa) ara «• Maid b« a
to the M>ll l« give ullrupeu In a proper
llie favorite hranda with so mhowf
<]Batltod aad adapud fa Ua profurui In peoeral eruiw. and they al*o
la bl. lalburaiorj would isaourariare'
taatoa. that Uar« aald a ao qoMiWa
have lieen ewuchi. clB.slSed and culilonUulird quaDiKlM of Dutrliloua food rated.
ordabttaUaaladaof lh« paplr a
for uaoklml. aud iltr orrupailou of tba
One H|ie<-te uf tfal. Iweierta la known
le ear aWllt/ to profora ail that U asao w llb tbr bur would be yotir. Dr.
ai allniie and I* Mid lu to an cHBeleot
qairad of oa ia a praeUal aaaaer
H W Wllr.T. cbirf rbroil.t of tbr drWoBhakd to abU to uko aay drad
pamiiriii of ayrirultarr. aa.r. of tba (term lu irau.fortuloi free ntirugen Into
a rbeniU-al r<imMuilon specially
kod7 (BO aauor what tba aaaa of
droam. of M. Ih-nlirlut*
adapie.1 fur die tiuuriHbuieni of (wrealw
“Till, uvaui tiuldly |>rurlalmrd Ibai
dath alfht ba*o toa) aad ptaec it ia
Sold by all dealers.
Itr. \VUe> u)< that iMa allnlie baa
aynibriit' (■>' bad airrady niad<
a reed aaaUary eoadlUa, ud at the
lu>en ■Iil>)eel.vl to eMrn.lve ez|HTl
etpccaaaa Uaa baTo the body aoi aty
inenl. by
.-liemi.ii,. Uiit Dr
leek wall, bat bara aotblar aboat It
I tVIb-y I* of ti.e optiiliiii dial ibe prtieroot Mtrwtt
Tooaoltor Btec*:
Ui*i «alue of tbe .utoiao.v tuuai be
Ibat woaM la aay way to raiaMTe or
l.-fi fur ftiion- ei|M-iimeutal Mudy.
•*«Mlta to tbr Mat ModUra paraoa.
1 aaotoad that ao pataoa tbealo to
field, It I* mixed with water aod the inbUowad to toUow the prafaaaloa ‘of
fo.iuii applh-d tu the w-eit. tofntv they
OBbalaiiBrtbadaadaelraibe to fUly
an-'w>u u.
to I.iaH) lni(
. qaallArd aad baa a food kaowladra of
nilrn.!..-. are. ►;ild to adh^ to each
Ptiihh- Thl« wouhl be a fine place to
Maltary Uwa ao that tba work woeld
•ee.1 Thcoivdeutly .eoll.ldered. it la
badeaalaa Baaaaribat lhora*^«ld
lopleal lu exiH.'l that If with the .<-»d gu uuuiiig
Mia* avA MAK VAt’uaa.
. to aedatoara toward Ua ba^thoftto
I. plaiiii'.l n inme iniiiili.-r of orpaulMma ' IVou Nutting lu a thcaierT
Mr. PfiAbaa Inmabiac np bia eemSiuhhk Yes; then- an- iw-anuta In tbe
lapalile of ivitderllie available for Ibe
puyaouybt toflve arlUUe woi^b lo
u*e uf the Bert
Tbara aboald to a law racalatiac the lira of pabl'c natruaare. and bM ae-.
to irr..» from it the ulirua.-u alivudy
arndMaliMi of aatoltoer or.tba oara of lacted tbe followiaf well koown peo­
Iba dabd. tba aame aa tbara to rafalat ple for tbe dramatic peraonBeal: Mtaa
e wt Iwiarr.
tlie-|.>wer ui ateubiuk more nllrupen
tar tba •
“It'* (he acim- .1
tcncyr e
. for tbara Bt% Mm VaoyiiD.MUa VM..MiaaCla''k.
from the air the yuiinR plauU will be­
laI to
to qaaatloo
t-tolmiNl tbe iiiiiBlcton a* brr Irted II
tut tbara are cuat Mtoa Botaeial. and La Bella Btbel. Ue
gin dieir en.wlh with a vlipir and rak.-y. uf hi* .x.rm-i
wbutto pbyalelu la tbroafb that rreelebild aeirew; Mr. Alvin Jack.
pldH) wbi. h will a»*ure an abundant
ttorakfraatdaarariotha llalaf u Mr. Ooy B U ffman. Mr B A Creirb‘■They My that uolblng la loo good
In.unb-r dial »uli« .hould to Inoentarn tto ramalBi are aarad for la a aaa ton. M' W-t-.. «-■ M> Wavaar.
for a reiumlug Iwro." M idi JuBi die bacteria they need
Itary maoaar. Moat of aa will admit
••That’* right
lu lii.-tt-aiM' tbelr pruducdvcneM
Mat tbara la fiaat barm dou to the
, .
“Tlicn why do they make me cut out
in A rcpBrtolre of.'
o<->v.-«r} 1
Uaiap la tba daralaai muaer aoma of j
•election from Dh- Walkure’ Which
M>n*. ami thus a m-w hraucb uf agrlhad pn-piin-d and iihi.v 'A Hot Time
oar bodte ara takao eaia of BtpoaciilliirBl n-M-aix-li ha*
tapof tba dead at pabllo fauralap
wbaa tbara ia aoma qoMloa that tba
■ ctak,-,. up ihl. study In
the l-l -|«-.-l.e. they
abut wrm ponna* rrix or namitiA
oaaM of dutb WM of a oonuploa*
1. have achh-vevl tH-ller retaili'O Ibat In dayi not far dlnant tb
■J Hml and i
I- worst I
tvashingiou Star,
nxadnn of tbe geoiKiDi.t would li Av.lis than any uf the fun-ign expertI
A treat raformattoa ow thla line la In : I
gone, .treordlug to hi* philowiphy. tbe iiiciiicrs. Miy«:
' Tv.r M-v.-iwI y.-ar* the vlu-uilcsl dlvl- '
the haada of tbaatata ud teal board* !]
areaa devoted tu agrleiiliure wuuld
Mun of the deiuirtmenl of agrlciiliure
R,.,H,rter twh.. Iia. •Im.i^v Icw.kI" evof health aad tba ambalmora aad fane-'
to planted to fore.i* ami laick* nml
The wonderful cliild avtrewi. Ht>g
Ml diraetora of tba pra*an( day. ud
whuh- world Wuuhl to made a |•l•-n.ll^v tin. |.ur*u.-.l similes of IhU .h-scrtie ^rv,«Nlv l.tit Hu- InuluIrriUBD In Ida
Fr.-m nil |uins of Hi.- <-uuniry
W.-lt. and dancitig have captiv—
■ kinging
gnidv-n. lu whieli nn-u. mi hiiiger dva^n- 11..
kboald to takan bold of aad tba raform '
a|„„t thla
ed III earn their hn-ad t>t the .weal of
thatkaoaaaeoUal to (be good baal^ ,
the aiidsencte everywhere.
irnv,-*iv ..ii J.i.ti.v kpovvii a*
tbvir hron. uoiild Ivkiiii Ml'vvdl. while 11.. 1 fur physical alul clu-iulcal
of tba maty bronybl aboat m oaon L

Ue cheml.i lu (u. hilHinitory would .•xau.luailMii, ..... ulsu for It,.- |,s.N* uu-Capialu Dn-yfus .-as.-?
poaalbla. At tba praaeni time and aa- i
* •'
tin- mHnfV;
tow,-I fo' «-n’.
*U|H>ly them with unlliiilled .ton* of ut simlyiiig 111. .......
paeially la tba lat^ dtte It la beclo.Ilk urgao.sms
this .-ml a tmw
s .vn’. Fay money when get
uiilrmoii. fieMl "
Prirea uf admikaion—ISc, S6cv
iii.-llusi of pnNv-.lim- iia.l lu In- iDVeut- w,s|,s,-. Nociclll.- Cliii ago Trlhuoe.
ala* ta to a queaUoe of no amall lai '
.-■I nli.l l.-sle.l Tls- piul.I.-lii
-ui.-iii ui
of wvur
poriaaer. ‘ Wutaball to do with tbr I
■.jiinpli-* fn-c from
dand?" Tba eamtarte are fMt fllllnc I
lueoi of Kciemv. to an uddn-.* U-fore
that B.w.-iad«u. to quote Dr Wiley
np. torn# of tbam aery naarand eeaD I
* P-'a'-oe. pwatnr M B Cbnreh.
aculn. "again rai-wd the gbiwt of star siiliinhlc .mtlcullv ' Till* pnvhleui we
laalda tbe alty Umfta. ao qnaatte bat <
aw- .-mh-avun>.l to a..lvt- in the mao
PImswoi. W Va..
radon. wIilHi Ini* l.-en iwi hdit-ally
la time ibis will oanu aneta plaoM lo
I'l .lescrlle-,1 iN-h.w
*da*evere ecld which wm atteeded
flmiled tofure im-n aino- the dnte* of
Malibu*. .t<-cordihg lu Rlr William, the
Good baaltb, ao matter In wbat
Biarvatluti whtili i* iinmhieiii to hit- l«trv.I aie! Mre cov.-nNl w ill, anriber of ao-ealled •apeetfle*.’ naually
m«alty. abonld to the BrateoadlUon
Ma ALVUi dauK
maulty will to due'to the aratrliy of •M..- tulN- I. lua.le ..f l.rasa. tovetel at keot In tbe booae. to bo pnrpoae. I
looked after, and tba Irnpomnt qoea
Tie manageaeot bM givan way to'
and the failure of dm wheat ..11. .-ud s.. ii* .-asily ID enter the anil, uarebaard a bottle of Chambertaln'a
'I bo iuIn'. nihtor cn|.N and the rul.lver Cough Remedy, which acted like
ttaa of diapoaiar of the daad ia a propdr tt. p.bll« ...... or 1.. 7... u. r^' •™ I-- .■»
• I".
luills wLtcIi an- lu ili.-iu to pre- charm. I nuwt rheertnlly
atoaultarymunar to one that
... ,„.,7 v.'tii III.- i-iiilliig u<-ll»n of tliv- •slgea
health boarda aboald taka bold of ud apMlaItte bet wean Ue acU of Ue ,,
WaUand I
.,f Hu- liilH- nr.- suf.Je>-ti-.l
haadla la a praattel rnuaer. aad the
play aaeb eveoiog. In Uto raapaet
Wheat 1. Ibe gr.-ut source oM.rvad of lllzlng K-miN-nilure for an hour or two
anoMT ibU qaaation la tahau bold of
tbn-»- su.-.'.-*sive day* Any »is>n-a
atpacial aitantlon to oallad to Ue ,i„. ,d,8nred and i.rogrviwlve nation*
udkaodladwltboetpioaeatba batwr graeafnl danelag ot Mr. CralgbtPB. wbo, of tbe world.
As»totod b/
it will to for tba health of tbe oonetry.
to Mid to to ana of Ua fioaat dancer*
The area planted to w heat I* now
dcvi-l.ip aud an- d.-ain.ycd In the
la apeaklaf ot dUpoolor of the daad. on Ua atare today. La Belle Btbal pnicticallr a. gixui a* It ever can to.
st.-rllliatlon*. The blunt'
1 mMt OMfcM that 1 am aomawbat of will ate eontribvM aaeb aventne wiU
DOd>Hi> ferillliy <>l the wlieai' sm-...-*.l.e
emi of the tula- Is fllliNl with a plug of
aeruk'oB oramailoo. aod believe It bar aaUta aiaalag and daaelag
- Violintol.
! field* I* dliuliil.hing rapidly, due to sti-rillx.-d cli.iD. whli-b ai-rvi-i
bar pauta aiarof aoo aaae ag.
availald.- nltrogv-u, ao that the
the prapar way of dtopoalny of
average pn>lucl |>er acre cannot to lull the egress of tlx- air nbeo the
dead, for aaaitary raaaoaa If notblny
TravBTM Oity lUrtut.
greatly Increaaed.
mora. ud 1 am alao ot Ua optelu Uat
Below to a UatofUa baring
bavlng and mUIn almut to) ySif* the locreaiu- m ti.* the soli to Ms-un- the saiuplc ‘
Iba day U not tar dlatut wbu tbU
log prtea. of
.. ,---------y for grpomte. puputodon of the earth will ...... .
mode of diapoaiar of tba daad wi:i be pfPvliloMr-*'------------■•*-'
■wlktwa swk <%wrb.
and farm prodneia
In Tm*>, p„ioi wi,,.q au
wlieai will to eaten.
adopted ia Uto eooatiy. I may not
Th« Complicated FArcical
c uKsl.-rD pl.-xx- v.f furDllure doe*
aud actual hunpT fto hn-ad will to
live to aaa tto day. bet it wlllaaraly
M-.-UI to to a <-onii>Ii-le •ucceaa un­
; estahllshed.
it riilllll- two or three dlffervot
Tbe only way to avoid the wocld
Cbamatloa U aomathtnr that___ ___
tba people, eepeeially Uoae Uat hare
il (Ml: faoilne for lin-ad I* to Im-n-aae tbe run.-ilous TIm- lai.vii .-oniblnatlon la a
BOvarciven Ue quetloD uy eeriona
ruu.-b atid toiJitiib. Thla ha*- tocn
(%- ; atom of arallaldr nllrugen
tboarbt. tbfak It a ta*rible tbiar to
4 UO I Tbe depoalta of oalural nltrugeo at*
bar* Ua remaina of Ueir frieod* ore
4 TO not large .......................
mated or redoeed to aabaa by flrr. It
* J* I tbe Inm-aallig m-v-d* of agriculture.
baa never antarad Ualr mlnda aboat
The activity of ulirlfylug organtoma
bavlsrtbrlr dear «baa daatieyad la
^.alw will not In- sulUcieDi to meet tbe
Mother BarU by aoDtaUlar. U my
Ql,demand, Tbe Mile reauun-e, therefore,
jadrmant. a Uonaud timm mot* kor
rtbta tlM ermuUoB, aapoelally wbaa
aeetni to to the rfaemlcal dlur-uvery
ermnttWin ou to dona at tba praaut
of fixing nitrogen, and to ibto end Ue
tlma la aneb a pueUaal way.
electrical proceaa aeeiua beat adapiod.
Wban boriad laAloUar BnrU it to
and probably Ur rasi eoergy of Ue
Ntagara water power mlgbi to devot­
ed to lUli purpoar.
(be dark
(aataM Uay bava beea Uero^hly
ptetore of a naarvlng world wboae only
ambalmediaadla UmaUtowilla p>
hope to In Niagara falla aa art forth by
way buett Ua baalU of Ua eoaatry,
Under auspicck of tbe Pipe Orgkt. :
Sir wmiatti Crookea. and that faaeinatbatMUanUarbbMlwUlto a dairlFood Committee of C-ongremaat ult. Aoobtor polat and pm
lag plcnirr portrayed by Bertbelot ara
Unt to a atronc om U favor of aram*gfitional Charcb.
Ibe great nitrate beda of C'btlr and wba
Um. to Unt wa raa m rtok ot tolaf
.. aball My bow many more yet undlacovbariad allva. (alUonrb tbm* faw ar«
y;! ered. and. wore than all tbto. new and
prppU boriad allva In Uto aallfbUnad
Tleketo now on aale at City Book

Inocuacr.) . NpvrrUaiaaa Uare to a abanea tautewf w W. (new).......... ^
Store, tiraee M. Cuntngbam’* Mualc.
*0|Udon. which i>raedeai clicmlatry I*
of lu tolng dona Aa for myacll, I am
now gelllug In uurklug order.
Store, W. W. (CimbnII Oo'a. *tor* and
regiilullou tolliuil. la brought l« view,
a Btrony tollavar In oiamatiM and for
Ua raaaopt 1 bava maatloaad Ulnk It
For year* and year* the farmer baa and a Bbicld. wbicb proiecu tb* ng>-' Nnmberuig
by member* of Ue Chnreb Oommitten
ttoMly propar way of dtopoalmt of
Inoculated bit flelda. wlUoai knowing bototrry. unfoUli Itaclf. Tbe pillow
tea office In Sieinberg'* Orud open ttodMd.ferUa*Maral nod kaalU
A^U^-CnUa ^
Me par tt. when be plewad la a gtowlb of end of tbi* cotnbiMUoo afforda a place
Monday morning. Tlekem wlU be esof Ua oooaiiy atTnrra. ftla parbapa
clover, peaa. toaoa or other plaou of for a watei tank.
for ooupen r**erred aeaU will aonad a littia atrange’ aomlat
tbe kind kn.-<wn aa legumlnoua.
framUa pan of an oodarukar. for
Wltkout extra charge.
lie knew that by raUlng auota cropa
Bpeclal Soeaery. Oatohe7
Uara to ao qaaatloo In my mind bat
Prtea. 35c and Me.
wbat gonutlop would hart Ua ondarMoAic, Pretty Glrla
field vraa Iticnwaed. and now tbe aclen- ing bodte In llgukl air. Tbe corpw ta
takiar boalnam. but on Ua oUar baod
uTaflU at Ua «p-to4aU amtolmar
Obamberlaia’a OpUe, IM cornea along and tetto bim why. It to to fdaced Ju ao opeo metallic i*cepwoald to U rroaur damaad Uaa It to Oholar* and DtairboM Bemady, for OL-euB Uiai tbese plaait are tnfeated tacie and *ome tea gntloos of tbe Uqnid
at Ua praaaat Uma.
baving pat oa Ua market Back a Wna- vritb little aiiliuaU ao aiuall at lo re- poured on lu a few momenta M the
Yoam moat truly,
daiMmadleUa.'' Mye W. W. Mamiag- qslre a mlcroaeopr to are
Aral. Ue
VT. M. t..rropY. I
lU. of BMamopi, T*«M. Tkat* ara Ur; are busy night and day potting can be Ignited and will borq
It ftojtltea; wHk ei
TtoMraaOlly.M’St"*^*-””the altiogea, of the air Into suck ahap* body rapidly and tboreogbly. avoiding
bava toaPB Mved from attaaba
m ObM la Oa* ttap. at dyaMtpry aaad ebotara lataatam who Uat lucan to used by pUoi tlfe. Dr. all tb* nnplvaansi feature* of tbe pr**Take Vanmr'a Whhr Winr of Tar Synip mnat ate taal tbaabtaL Utoloraata Wttoy Mya *t tbeae little worken: *’la Mit meikod, Mving moeb time and r*Watch tot fiiiBOBnofimeBt nf
M tar at to deOaltrty known. «tc ta- dnrtng U* ekprMe.-Dnicttel DrwgCtobmlc«mbffBadywiaartb. »ajv kp S. B. Walt and r. C. r

Imml Vaitnalut


BattM* ta

rndboarto* Wm Appaar la Oitf
Opera XoaM Vbto Va«k


Whete It’s Mad^

Gate Post. strsigM lOc
Oiimond J, 3 for—35o
Traterse Belle—05c


City Opera Housa

Monday, Oct 21
Tbe Celebrated:

Frisbee Stock
Standard Playsr.:
La Belle Ethel


jSpeciahies bf Entire ComiiaBy.

...I". ■■'■■-,


Queen City Quartei
steinberg’S grand
;.T's:'::''."''" £/r '.it’.’ir's'’

Howaril Evans lens,

: Wednesday Eve. Nov 1.

loon F, Tins.

Miss JoseiikiBe Yadet,





A Bell Boy Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

Wednesday Evening,
Tht Newest, Biightest Farce
-^October 25th '
Cenied) Hit of tte Season,

Exceptionally Strong
Artistic Company

26 People

Doo't OnriNk ,“A BELL BOY”,


kk tM tamnr M

advasM Mle o( Mate!


tmn MOKiTDra m^jorno. sottpait. oo fOB«» ai. !•>».

HMttVnAMtaUpMol ttelMttar
I of ihe RirtiM I raw MB^thUr to a

TMi MMC or Tftt WORLO. '

«nrt pnaitMi nd knM 9«v tb* aiRi
of (to
Tto ftm thing 1 mm
«M tto toh, ataiMlinf a cad mw •
arindoir in (to >ggai« ad rf (to tonHoo. Md •• 1 tookrd 1 to« iu tnp
>Btf Bra-IMI*. that
l4to ito »«Mwaw> a (h^ wtMrr faa

a ait Tort Trtbaa.

''ThrllUngr'* wkd tto an}or. "Wet],
flAoaldntoto It «w tto Mt enelttat thing Uat tnr <w«ned to ton.
' Wbr. 1 an'i
think <d ii now
artthoto tovdtorlng n lUUn. 1«mo«^il—*-*r JOQOtm in tbow dar* than 1
^mom. At (to tioM 1 wM « tolngi^
mmrntw tmd dUfatelar for (to MantoinVnUtoRnibad «gnpto>7 (nnWtol.
mm Mining autfr- 'It wm • wild and
•nwtato (muitry. and I wm wt nneh in
torn with my plam. tat bmog foot 1
WM obUrd to mctft tto aodilMW
with tto brtt pmtoUe graa
‘•Ooidtnn. wtoro I WM locatad. WM
aallr oothiDg m«a thw a mlliad ata«ia IIWM not a (to main IfnaoT tto
WM not TtTT r«t<-i»iv«i. in fact, tat aa
toaln a dar paaotd iny »oo«-ly xnUa.
“On tto &(tMiath day of frtrf nath
I laoeiTrd liy exjma for (to ajarlnaartat of (hr IngM Mining (Vttipany
dto ataey with which (hr (ninori wwa
^d oC. Tbr anmnut avonwod totwoa
416,000 and IlK.uoo Oo tto Uih at
Jqok In (bat yoar tto aojirriDtattent of
ato mtoM rantr (o mo and aaid
‘PrrkiM. tto. pay tnary will to
bm taiutrow. m lUnal. bo( I wat ya
toanmar utirr (ban ordinary rigili

wmpa to Tarrtiah. tat God. ty Hit
(foridanoa. taongbt bitn to a ra^iaa-

Gnsaly Bill
•The (t^ amt my toart iam my
tbnmi with a taond. fre-1 raallaad enty
(00 well that tto oatUw wonld mop at
nothing to gat tto money which to


— ---------- --

evu n_p.

pTMut ■^»l^■m^, eateral <
aMy twuAa awrt cunaar >a*a a p
wrttwaa* aae* ^ A « ■aaUM* ar

lu «he IHb* Pwtur*.

Bsranger-Ttoy are bonding a


In Cbicago. I belleye7

.lim <in a apeeial mlmian to Niherah.
lonah diMlkfd Uw nl-don and triad to

gricxkd wkiakern.
Inatantly It flaatod
aretaa my mind (hat it babaigld (•

Mmurj ud fcOd w lta«M«d to toaa*s


Jiaiak waa tto aon of Amittai and a
.tire of Oath-toptor.
Ha |>ophaaiad
u tto ra(p of JrTrboam II. Ood aent

a thick. krauUard Imam with

arsf-vKss tahds.


-ITIfrtff etrekm bla mm m tbaggb
to lered h.“
“Tea. to’e Wongiy attaebed to R.
yeg knaw.^-Ovriand Plain Dagler.


WMt* Wkw «f Tar ■yray, tto

____ _ _ .
dm emotion <4 fear 1 fell perfaetiy
In (nth. I felt M tboogfa (nm
taml thrown Una deaperndo in my way
M (hat I ctnld oougner him. 1 don't
why I felt tbne probably 1 aapwlemad tto mme emoriorH that a obldier dom who goea Intobattle wiUi Cear
and tmaabling. yet wba whan artaally
in tto midat of danger. (r«la m cool and
nUMtM M tbongfa to were ont of loaoh
of all poaaibUlty of barm.
• I got ont of bed. pioked op tto .nal
■borel and anttie and made m mocii

(.epical lu

I. Jonah WM eent frocn Ood. Tto
Lord aaid nntubiin. "Arlae. gu to Nine­
veh. that great city, and preach onto
It." Mimionmriremnat be arct of God.
Wton Panl mya in Bom. a. IS. "Hnw
rtall (toy pcaauh etrefH llie.r he aentr'
ba refer* not to man aeoding fi-rth miabnt to God'a aending forth
BtolonarietL One wboaapirea tomiaaiini
work abcitUd feel called of <»ud to the
work, and all who are Intcrtwtod

[•nice and walkrd acrom tto ttour of tto
freight finrt of the Mation. When Itn-


crying open the atifieU. "Yei (ii daya
andNinerchahall beorerthrown " Tto

mediaiely in front of tto boa 1 aprang

___________ _

wheilier at faotneur abroad.

,1^ ' mnat get bia

uienuige from Gud. and

flna- ton on with a naouidinn ermh. i
^ |t'»laJui the troth, and
Ltin^ Twm J!tnde (be Sm driSi Uie wbiile uotb. not only tobUng out
nail, into the lid aa hard and £-« M a

leday if taken in.-me.

26 and 60 eta.
r\n. W. g* W. a. M**u. gaaeruJ meuee


John R. ^nto,
GtlUll IlSIlUM.


tawta*g aiotk.

Karmaith Oa a



o*^®4i ffiSSAsrsKiia*."* GnHIipUitJilliiiEI



uerkaintgMai peaalBl* aean*. ria*|
»»rk a ayactaUr
MawOflee. Varkhem BloA

id (Jrii

■ ofarating
*%iriaEiy Bill waa a naine to inapirt
tom*. Tto- iiMliririoal who horr that
aumiuical aobriqni-t waa an outlaw at
gnat daring and n-aoliiuon. He atopped
*( iiutbiog
It waa tto-rf-f«m oaila
natural f«tf me t« to i boom- little tiopldalKBL I aaanivd tto
huwtwnr. that 1 wonld do all in ny
powrtlognanl (touuaH-y. and I think."
aondnoed tto maj'ir with aoon- arlf aat.
iafiwiim. "that 1 k<-]it my word in Uoa
"Oaniig the otght which fallowed,
wiokml raiuMnnu awrpt (iirongh tto
aKmntalna btonly l>-fom M) o’clock
4to (M-xi uiiirning 1 nvivi-d word over
«hr win- (tot tto train' fnwn ritovilla
«Duld not g<-t to (iohitiai owing
WMboUl Ix-loW dDlilU.ll linkIt WM
th>mglit (Hal tb<- tpek tvmld to mada
poaubU- by aformouii and that On-train
wnid tvarh m;
I ootumonicatMl itawe facta to (lie uiiue
ouiBirintnudent to mcato of aiiaaaiataut

S^the box coma a roll.y of mnmed

aUid off the tLrr«ton«i

oatha that would have mttouiabed a Diggi-rlndiuu. I never b.-anl aoch horrible

dt^tnict-f "f
<^“7- B'>' -I';;'*!*, f^
l-litical rea-m.. wa. dU|.l«.m-d at bir

, to ita kne.-», and i"

"I mt aatrideibatboinDtilmyai
ant arnred at 7 o'ciuck. It waa a
and trying rigil, bni (to u

md jnal i



It allow* that it i» not
ibe World for in

fitun the tall hu WM tbe augrieat outHe fought

Ilka a

Tbe men,

Acta vt. 1-7; viit. 3(1-40, xiti. I :l. xvi.
Knm x. 14.JJ^________



vto WM nlwto* at tto atation daring
•tio day.
*'Al 6 o'clock that rrmliiK I rrcclaad

Grilles made .0 Order in any Finish Desired.
"That little adrentve," ooneladod

) tto mil
cated it loltomrn. Fceltug rather tuad
1 Utna^i in early that night. Sloab
bowemr. WM ont of the qs'eation.
"Tto baggage, fn-igbi, cxpnw* and
tolegrkpb oRlctw wore ail under
• goof
One corner of the big wan-honM
41t waa banlly aii'-ihiugato) wMpnrti. giomxJ off ao ai to make a priraio incl'won-.
Tina Uxlike aan|iarimrut *
■aed ftw ateeping, eating and the tran
MKiou <d tto nanpaii.v'aicb-graphio and
gnilrtarl boaloi-aa. Tlie anitbr and rewdetir were afllxed to ii lablc
Sently iioar -tuy bnd. and if
>'Mry it
waa po'jiibl' to iraii'niit or take u
Wage V ilbout cv.-ti ariaing. Ofeaiu
merer (onnil'ii UM'<«aary lu do tbia; 1
■iDrpIy luoiiliiui It to illnairaie (he arnnugi-uKtit of (I........ .
"Ailing toward luiduiglit t b.' ti.l<«niph
tnalruiueut begun lu click. 1 bennl luy
call, opi-utal tto key and aak<

ttotuaior, ' prored to be tto tarning
paint in my career. 1 wm promoted to
an impuitant poUtion in Itoeiiy. where
Jnfi'i^m'lSi with myJ!^and“w^^
iug.-ueral. Tbn.youa,,.«nx«lyBiU’a
ondmug WM U.V making
8t Lome


•t ai very tired aa yon auppuae. They
e np
change ]>uatarednring
np and
The aenire laonly aW an bour
end a quarter long Then ».iure arec«. to go into HoDday -W. then
odIv aUmt an lUtTe. and uo »nch
d atudy M
m in ahia*l

\Te’.-ntored . bnllditiit «v«wi.tlng of
one long-K»m. mild will, tivaaut.*

Rewlly. do y<m
.■••I i* more
Any half day at a. li>
-were than a whole «-rvK-e

rungtd all the ( he hue rec.v.d. ..a well a. .....m..eralde T.loahle
ol.jota. that ta-lo..g.-.l to of bU

cau he ou.Uted, Our v.-ry
•«''>■■■>' '••‘•rk. r-*.H l-» > -o Uu.t
the church i. worth m.ffe to the chll-

"Tto box WM lifted from (to o V and



.. ,... .-


Iniug evciythuig. but time



■PcwkiDg the truth in lur»
have the Urgmt bearing and tbe moat

* taken---------------------------vi«ff..n.
taken on to tto prirata
filaoedouendwttoln-igbid.-pamnent and we were
viguroua membenhiii God pity a minharem walta.
U tto atatita. It WM fully T fret «-WeA atillI within Ito hmum
tatry that criea -'Peace, peacel" when
long and 4 wldt-borribly auggreUm bolding 18 of tto moat perfect Artto
A- '
mt tbe mogb tan In which a coffin ta in- tiaed by the aultan for riding and drivnlcmd.TuM.ght of Una altar tto train ing in tto ..rk (d Yildia Ttoy w« ^^tT^STid S^iiTluin'
%ml remnmd it. foorney. I put tto pay all white or grey- Of conree we mw mi
mnnqr in tto aafn tnrwd the combina- dog. miyw hen—they «a told ^ no
lion look and retired. I fall into a doe^ repute in tto eaat; but I wm told U»e
- • - I•------------ * -wiib -a —•'
a peouliarly Sne braed *"*««I*-_________________
frem wbiob
wm arouaed
atari —aaltan -...........
by what aMBued to to tto ticking of (be of while Angora oata, to which be ta
le-OM, devoted, and V hoBB pregniy I
nounder. It aaid
m clear m If
'Bewarel Danr----------Danger threat-1
givea_to frieodt. bm 1 i
.badapoken; ’Bewarel
, Umei mna.’ 1 .at up la bed. Tbe moon wm , <ff Utan. Tto only

gaaed Intai’Jy at tto •tnmdri'. It made atu«ed aome nnknown aoanda—1 aup- got a qnaUty for apodal performaboaa
got utvattguMw
Uiealtgbtaat moticn. yet ttomreaMW , t~~
P<** Tarkiah—
-------------- . m we pMi.d -Lon*- but for dally nee. It ooTMa life m It ta
^Ma ■ga~"i tbia time even mma alar-1 ama'a Magaiina
gtodivlMapdUi^dUtinoi than before. Wbalooaid
--------ItpMBfalyraeanr I tbooghl Utat 1 vm
A Light AMvaatlag (Hheie.
Mr. Frank Harvey, tbe actor, «lvaa
dreaming at flnt, tat wton tto myriee fdloaring m Urn droUeat aUp with
U 1 la my own pereon and daily walk
(toaameMagewMiepeated for Uw (bird (be------------redat baavlaam of Ariom. eoU(tee 1 mme to e different coaoludaa. I, tbe text he ever beetd on tbe fltaga. fftitaUy
don’t behave la reiriaaUam. yet 1 am "l om» beard." be eaya. "a ntrrooA nem of hope. timidUy of faith, (ben
.. 7!^,.....,------ Mdted lavetdta aotor exclaim.’Dan to wtahont wtaUng. eontrivlag or even
barm om bead of bar hair and tbe Uri knowing It 1 am ai U^l dtaaiUy
"At any rata, npta bearlnc tto third momant ahaB bayoar noxtl”’ Bkotcik ing M many « bava Ttaton and ^ flt
towalklntba aanw
- —
ymind InrianOyi
InmwQy revarta^to
lay in "bay on Bm
flw baga box in tto trit^t a
Bto Admto^'Iw^tTBagital Bov^
faitMoBlncof myU.
Ml axtaad M Ugb M tha
Imt >ta*-taer’aooU.ahr
Bar UtttaI Iktahat
Ton aan. of oonna. do aa yon
Diothar Oli.
OIi. ttnl'a
ttnl't mall
Mdy to a dtatanm of aboat Bve «M4
•be** «ba W(d of my bad. and bg
•NMding an tba b(dI 1I oeald fOMorn

Chicago — »• > —
West Michigan.


ooiMO Noan.


!iis” i ” !;*s"



rmrki ,

J (■

ogo DKatrgM.O.P. A-.

Ur»M Itapite

imsm UD KBmunu l i.
M1 OB e'etaeh *. *

I 40 4 to Lu
e a, 4 It ■ OapM
tor; 4 tOArOaefcoBA J'et-e t
4 40|
» !»' 4 Hk
HMWia* Xlag

^ _'

\^.rle*a a*»reh.



3’S’™s ('.s"'-*~'S'ja

Traverse City, Mich.


It II plcuaant to Miy mu<K>tb Ihinga in
this rosy gtiiug. time reeving age. but
it uuyn.t la-il»-wi.«wt
A tondciicy
to |wiiil ont the g.«d tbiiiK* in tbe
cbariH'tere and livt* id wicked wen and

bad aiMied f<« Ctuldtoo and would
0 >'- u|ffigl.l cu-a- i-oiiiauied
ttw'h tliiyv ta-iween 8 and 4 .I'cluck in' four .I.u »i (be luoat )icrf<-ci d.-ep blue
(to iu.intiug. At iffcciaely 3 4J u'clock j Si-vi.w plai.w. a pD«.'Ui from tto Em(b>-(ruiu at«atui-d into (H'ldKui.
la-Tiff Supi.l>«>u,
... i....
cuuk into velvet, (4
d ' cw-h M.le of tto -laud. Each plate WM
•'Ttocxjffva* lui-awitg.-r ulighied and
j a picki d and i- rfc-l iptviui.-n. Tto
Rnndtd me a bugw aud luuiiy i
ngbt iiuuww wen- iinl alwaya attached
tackage. It cnutain.-d 41*.600.
.It U
10 lh<- i.bJci'U. aud weftamdaminiature
■* -Oh. that tan’t all.' aaid (to
admired ta-esune uf ita candor and
id SdelSdel- i
'I have ataixin
painuug w hich we recogniard m LorI
•nqpff with a laugh.

a t“‘t
tty to tbe truth Tliuoc mUiUt.-rs of the
.(be ear Uial'a m h.wiT
Wi-'ra | Paluwffwton marktd m tto prUK'e,
giwpi-I and rvliin.iu* teachers who talk
1 woDdiiring all the way np (to turt.
me™., tat-xtruight u.tbvir peojile. hewing to
u what it cwitaiaed. ’
We mid hav* apeut boure In ukam

Telephone No 2.

OouwUw. clncki
and,... inla.d aniwr. objecta in jnde.
>®-- *«»*’ ‘•““.I'*''
wnndcrfnlir taniiid
tarami taa>k*.
taa.U china
»»'»bin»lcal Heceo have ta>^
ouakcl*. wnudcrfully
of all aiffhi. pictan-u. ni.iiuiturxu, jew- It w-iU md hurt bliu. Bring the chUC1.-.I onmuH-iiw (d . v.-ry kiml, all ao nr> dt‘'» —Central Church

rui.ii.d lu tiH-ir ra«-a that oiin conid <-(•
tlM-m, a dclightfni
waa waiihit. Tbo uta-rator at Pikerille aiiiiui- a.i.l
wired lawk that (to tram which had oiiirHst I,, tin-isuifuMi.ii 111 wliiuh tbe
been delayed on aoconut cd the waahmit ] tn asniva . ( ili<- old w-ragl.u at.' b.'apnt

“tLiIO.-w iraiaaMpartarear ta Omai
BuFlda. »>d -leepta* car aM caacL Uraa4

J. E. Greilick Co.

are aolemuly impremed »>y the oi->-uaion.
r they cannot nnderaUnd the aer1 then to Sunday »cb«d


Now is the lime


b.. p.™., ib,p,up.»...“'■jir .S‘;L':;p,.L^::.r,tv

n Mwaage uyiug that it would to tinaaible fur tto iraiu'to get ihroogb to*


C. L. LOfiaWOOPO a. ar. a.^raMBaMs

Cold weather is coming.

to-place your orders for

82 8SSII8

Kai^ae M nvtaake;.

Mark iii. H-l«
i. 8B.JI . iv


ei^rer nieat o w GrmM Eaplde uM chairmr

_Fine Mill Work

willitw i.ilile—Hi« word

»>'*>«• Hendiniw
and takeGnxxly nfll iiHuctunudy. It
didu't uLe long to do Ihix. and when •■' 8’'; »*'t»t.
X. l-f.’: John
Bill WM toalvd by

tiger, bntUWM «f no uae.

jilat a> iwi

dayn »f Joiiab
y u« it. II
tidi-lily I
iruge all wbnur.- iiih-rmtoil in

wiieii I told him of my captnre.
quickly went to the uiim-a and told tto'
aupi-riiitendeul U> huali-u at uaoe with a
atiflkueut gourd of
(if nu-u loUieaianaa

lawew caKured.

Doors, Sash, Mouldings,

. ....b. or .j...- ■•■1

ralM M Tra
er tat. !■».


J. E. Greilick Co.

^ “'-Trs 'r:,;:
i™,h. .pp-r

. TMVereeCttr.H

anerew at to*, totaal

New debigas and faoc;
woods with new decorations E*'
___________________ lOMPOOM; OS
eiMu ■o(*i. itolaB* aa Md aa
Keep these in mind when S, eiMrea'adtwMn
a •pactalir.
down town and call in our‘ L’KS.'SIB
(rta'aDTaa MM..a PurtaraUI *«« rreo. »>
Jewelery store Jo look them
over. We have many new]
things in jewtlry also.


U( DnlM»(roeb

"Verturre of

briwttod I wo^inatantly kill him.


Price Stiiceil to cine Oil UL
Beet workmaiiehip mooey
can employ for Bicycle
Bapaiiiiig. Quick work.

beat rough remedy on earth, cum a cold
tc Ninereh. and that time to obeyed.
Tbi- otory of bla going ia found in tto
topical rafwence.
; in NiMveh r

Gas Lamp"

MANUFACniBNO CO. Oraad kto*. lb*--*■


Tour winter's wood
at once to insure de­
livery. WE HAtfE


Hsmlock lumb«T la all sIbm.

Here Yon Have an
Qpportnnity To Make Big Money

!Sj !S- .'ssrss,

to 4t;

* M,


!S !1

(»] t 0
Tratu eeuMCt H aOermM* MIU latoetaUy.
etaft^auu^. w oat taa Baaev •• PIMto


ColiBbil Ml Lot i Cunniiifi
: asSSSaiu-.;::;;:::; iSt:
o-a. te... mn

112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted aa
o0er. aa they maat be sold by lieceaiber 15.
- Also No. 431 Waahington street, 44 foot lot, good


jjo 542 Webater street, house bnilt about four yeara
—iu good couditiou, moderu improreuieuta.
Look theae over at once and see

MisMllHt. PteMll
Nul EstinEuku{i


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