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The Morning Record, December 19, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TWrf Year-No. 819
I pingree;^ssagb
XMkdto MleUfu L«ri^toM
B«sslhi8tl<» 0t Tm« %h» Tkmf
Jfcs Qgwnwr Psw« tt* tlMsUoi
•lly, kM boM ooollBBaUy oood«eud
to- iko port tknw yBBTB. By
Moo BMl pony plodfto. Md by
■uJsrhiM tbo aicaiflMOB of wbid) m
OM eu dlopBU. tbo pooplo of UlOblCM
kon pUlBly todleotod tbolr o^loo
BBd wMh IB
tBUofine, B preoldOBUolMa*
polfB. BBd of 7t,C«7 iB tbo (b11 Of IBM.
tbo pooplo doelBnd, with ma oapbaolo
wbleb OBBOot bo rBlaoBld. that ope
toaoo OB oBTBlBn of roUrood BBd
rporato proporty okoald bo
•boliakod. BBd bU pr^orty uaod aliko
poo lU BOUBl OMb TBlBO.”
Tbo fororoor ntorod to tbo pUak
la tko pUUora of tbo BepobllcBB
, . , ._____ . f tbo AMtlBOOB bUl BBd
plodcUr tho party to reform Ib tbo
dlfooMoBof oompoUlBr tko paymoBt
of tbolr jBBtobBnof tBzoe by railroBdo.
lOoatlaaod OB third poco.]
Rtsiun an
A New Bible
Game of Cards
Zxumanae Army Will go to
8oath AMoa.
BoeoatSoavy Xmoo San Sparred
War OfSelBla to yi^roao Aetloa—
—Great aMtsUnce in atodyiiff
Srportod Tbot Ballway Saar Mod
the new TeaUment - Children
dor Slror Boa Boaa l>oAtn^~
too yonna to re«d can play—
BamorTkat CUaberloy Bad iBrKach card ia a beaoUfuT artoraadorod
Xltebtj-pe from eventa in Chriat’a
BpteUX ■wrtw-A-ry -Ufcwl
Life—price 60c.
eaor aad Bobarto to Coamaod.
«Md of BMnraUe
Game of Flag«-Each one
Loodoo, Dee, ll-Mon otarUlaf
UMlaf. Dm l«-Botk btuohM of
represeata s different nation-aowo eoiDoo from Moddor Elnr today,
tko UftoUtof* eoovoood ot
very iutereating—iic.
bBt wBoeoafirmod It U oUtod In as,
pOTMkaec to Um eoU of Oorereor PlsBBoSelal diopateh that tbo Boon ban
fFM for • ^oeUl ■Moloo Tho roU
blown op tbe railway a abort dUuaeo
ooU of Ua kooM Obowod 71 M«b««
Would be more *
Fibre itot SUlioneiy. aqnare, aaaorted tinto........................ lOc
Bortb of tbo poalt'oa bow ooeopled by
pNMt. Tboauol eoanUtoM t
BiaaeU CaiTOt Mweeiiera at................ ..........................
ad. and tbat
tko MOftU ud hboM ootifled oo«h body
*ecaoKPt to aell at tbat price,
a dooperate naUtaaee will bo made to
tbot tbo oibar wm io oaotoo sod »
100 games Bt rstelle—a good game for................................ .10c
farther advanoe of the BritUb la tbat
ooBmlUoe of tb« smte ood
booMwoltod opoB tba reroraorud
The war oSso wm beoeiyed today by
won DcUdod tkot hU aMMr« woold Intanse Sxolt«m«nt on Stock
men who offered tbemeolveo m voloabo rood/ to Mbcoil oi 8:>0. Both
teore in tbo Baulb African Mrviee
Axchanfo YMtwaay.
boom took 0 riBiM uUI tbo Uao
Sevonl raylmente of volcnteen have
830-283 Front -'rot
Btlph OoimabI> Jr„ Mua(W.
than a nice pair of
^odAod. Wkoa tke oomIom won nbeen offered by their ooloneU who an
ooBod Um Uawner Mat 1b kto meo- ClcarlBar Boaeo Pool Caate to tko Beo>
eayer to yo to tbe front. Ibe rnmor tbat
Mfo. tko BotaotoBeo of whl^ wm m
OB9 W>>b OObrlaca ot $10.000,000- Kimberley bM onrrendorod U denied
Two Beary PaUaroa Beportod on and tbat then U no iDdloaUon of oaeh We have pretty
."TotkoScoBtoBBd Boom Of Roproa move.
‘•Yob hsn baa oallod toffotkerlB
Loadoa, Dm. II—Baylaad U now
Now York, Doe. 18-Than wm Ib■BBoUl OMdoa by proelBMtioo toeostbo atook market tborooybly arooeed. AH berreoarree.
FOm MEXI and young MSN.
•IdM UM BBbaMOB of »B
tadmaat. thb^urBooo. with hoary doellam. a strony foroe of yeomaary, other
or amoBdoMBU to tbo <
partially roliond near the moBBted volnateen. all her available for men, women and cbildrou at
Saspefidffi 2.'>c to 2,r.o Fuel Shlrti .70c to 1.50 FuejVirti 3.00 to 6.00
which wUl permit the ooBCtmoBt of cIoM. whoa biddlac for money wao eoloBlal troopa, and a strony dIvUloa of
BMlffj • 10c to 7r>c liPM Callm 2 for 25c Hl^fiMM 75.-to 1.60
Uwi that will protido for tbo eqaal 1 CO. by the offerisy of PIO.000.000 by mitiUa an ordered to the seat of war.
Whiu SUfti 50c to 1.50 Um Ciflt. Pff Mir 25c WorktUSUm'25ctolN)
M"**” of all property by the aoooM tho elaarlDC kosM pool tbroByb J. P. Field Manbal Lord Roberts wUI to m
10c to 2.IKI BaMkffckicb -7c t.. T5c FlltSMtl T.notolS.'OO
BMBt Of tko aamo at lie 4ak nloa.
eommaader-ln-eblef. and Ooaeral Lord
UatfffVttf 25c to 5.0Q Iflfliffi
“1 doom tko oooMlOB an ontraordla25c to 8.2.7 ZmUlitffi 450tol600
Tbo Prodaea Baobaato Tnut i
KHoboaor, who beoamo famon* at
UbMIu 50c to fVUU EMGI0TM 50c to 2 25 Fill TrNun 2.00 to 6.00
ary oaa. The larqaality of onr ayotam paey today eloaod Ho doon- A aotlco Ebartoam, will aooompony him m oocCViaUn
25e to H.OO Seoul Ghra 25c to 50c lavliKBiti 1.00to3.00
of taaaMoa U ao r«*l knd ao manlfoot pootod on tho door of tho eompaay'a ond la oommaad.
in many nice ttylea. Call here ami
tbat Imaudlala ttopo okeold bo ukoa ofiooroado: “Tho board of dlnoton
Ttre Gln« 25c to 75c IOffluiCMl25cto2.00
Tboae otarUlny orden wen Imnad by we'll abow you many uaefol prea- CoIIKiQmi 25c to 3 .00
to remedy It. I rofret tko laeoana- of tho Pradaoo Bcobaayo Traot •
lowaroffite iMt nlyht. They moaa
ioBoe aad ozposoa of a opoeUI anoloB. paar hare deemed It beet In the later- tbat almoet tbe whole etnaytb of tbe euta.
Tlif nub is on! Store open e.err eve It dosen't ooot a cant
Bat It M Bppanat, that. It tho wMkeo eeta of Ite depoelton end otoekbcldm BrItUh empln wUI be Buoy Into Sonth
more to purehaaa from lbs best .tors in Trevsre^ namaly:
«f a nry larya majority ol the people! to paapend pBLyoaeata pe«Mii»y a road- Africa.
of tho alato aro anUtlad to rMpoet. a. jMtmoBto of lU affalra. A tpeelal oomTbe mobilUtUon of the trooae will
bomIob U fmporatin at oomo mlttea eompoaed of Edwin Oonld. C. P. be paehed with the yreateet potaible
------- -----------------—.-------------------------J
time prior to tbo fell oloetlon of l»00. | Armationy. Ooorco B. Bldtrell. Bf ward epeod.aedtbefMteet abipo from tbe
•Thb lo 00 bocaBM tho pooplo baro | A. Mabor aad Frank Bralaard bm boon
be need
i whhsh will boot- appointed by tbe board of direeton to to harry tbe foroee lo the Cape. It U
foelaalla briarlar aboot equlltyof Uke oharye of the property and affeiro calculated that these re-enforoemonU
tuatloB. IthMboanelaarlylodleated of tbe eomptay and an la paoimloa will beyia te'idach Boalh Africa la
by tho anpromo ooart of tho eUte that thereof for the beard of dlroolon.*’ ^ about five weaks. MeanUme tbe orly•BOh loffMlatloa eaanot bo oaaetod onTbe eaapentlon of tbe firm of Henry Inal eampalya will be abandoued uaiil
U1 tho ooaoUtotloa te ameadod. The Allen A Oe.. baakere and broken, wm more troopa an aeat. Qeaenl Bul
aUo aanoaoeed on tke etoek cxehaaye. let wUI nmala la oharye of tbe Natal
tbo amoadmoat lo oabraltted to tbo Iilaattribatod to tbe tallnnofaome eampalya.
With the « hill taken off the pricea.*^Our overooata and
people at the aeit epriBy or aatuma enotomen U nepood to eallo for addlIt U expected that Oeneral KItebeoer
nUtera are p.;rf.-ct garments—are right njrto tbe minute in
Uoaal amrylM made aaoeemry by the
111 eommaod the mala army of ismade.of dependable materia's, and are rightly priced.
“It «U1 be readily obaerred. therr- neentdecllaee. Tbe firm bM not yet vmIob, of wbleb Oeaeral Gataere’e
The greaU fit stock in town is here—This month we’ll
foe*, tbat the ealllnf of a epoetal era- amde a otawmmit.
f ^11 you overcoats, ulsters and suite at ten per cent, diaooant
force u at presect tbe npreaentetive.
aieo at thto time makm It pomlble to
Tbe two fallorm had a dloMtrans ItUnotkaowa yet whether Oeneral
f from our already low prices. C««nie aud look.
•aaot eqaal tanatloa lawo two yean effect OB tbe etoek market.
Meibaen wUl attempt to advance
aoeoMT than if tbU apeelal eoeatoa were
Kimberley or withdraw to Oranye
•ot eonreaed
River peodlay tbe Inanycratloo of a
“It eeeme to me tbat tbe aariay la
new eampalya. Tke latter msve eeeme
taamdarlaythoMtwoyaan. by tboM
moet orobable, M tie ipesdlny of re
who are now paylaf owre than tbolr Boaay Trade on tbo Paeifte Demoado beUlon in Cape Colony make* hU un
Bora Batoaaln PaeUiUM For
aban, tally lorUfim tbo ozpenM of tbo
ion with Oeneral French only prndent.
iromioent New York official
praooat opoeUl oomlea, wbleb will bo
. The newt of Grmt Brltala'e tremeohe general use of the tele• aboat two eaata on oaeh H.aoeia ralao
Taeoma. Warii.. Dee. U -EeporU of done pnparatlooc aoay spar the Boon phone had made the task of effic) of proportT ••
wheat aad lamber from Payet Bound late Mrioue ayyreaoloa before the ently protecting life and properly
After ntarriay to tbo neommoada- an belny ynatly deereaaod by tbe tre- fneb BrltUh troope arrive, but thue over 50 per cent, easier.
tlOM of Uonraon BeyUy. Croowell,
d for pblpe tbronyboat far they have abowa no deelre to atTelephoning in caae of fire, ac
Lam aad Wlaaae in tbo •
tbe world. Taeoma MMaton co
ttek iatreaebed fonea, while tho cident or burglary I
tboeqaaliittioa of Unoa. the fonraor. tea earyom ot wbmt. with only
Just received for the Holiday Trade.
BritUb dUMten have baen eaaoad by recogniz*^ oeoeeeity.
reeeeli la eiybt to earry It darlay the just tbat tfalay.
Every well regulat
next two mnntbr.
AH tbe iadiratlont aow point to tbe
ed boueebotd baa a
loayer for debate, but for eoeryetle
Tbe lamber eltwUea lo maeb worse beyfoBlay of a yreat eampalya late lo
aetion, m It hm boea ander ooaelderaowiny to iomoBM demand from tbe Jaaaaty. Meantime, LadyamltboAim
IPlave you one in
Additional supply of Fine Preseots
Moa to ai yoan.
Orient, Uowail. Soatb Ameriee, Aaa- berley aad Mafeklay matt watt Tbelr
your homeF
“Toa will reeall tbat dariay tbe iMt
in GOLD PINS with beautiful set*
»» ,r II. iini. »wtialla And Europe. Maaayer Palmer oitnaUon U perUoaa. but aeoordicy to
all aeooaaU there U no aerioui danyor
tbat famine will be added to tbelr
Gold and Silver novelties for Christ
M.ooo.ooo foot of fir other aufferiaya.
Joint reeoluiloB, proridlny for tbe
mimlon to tbe eeople of as
carry It TbU wonld make foriT
totbceon«UtBtIOBBBder which Uwe
areraye caryoea.
oonld be enacted taxiny rallroade aad
fllllay fifteea bly orden tor EnyUnd.
other eorponte property npoa ite value
Beported Tbat PbilippLae Inouiffente
AualralU and'Soatb Africa. Re aaya
instead of epeelflcally apea yroee carnby Promlaent Anti
tbe BuMlan yorernment U Uyiny to
laya, wa« fnmed. TbU Joint rmoluplaM aa order for P.oon.ooo feet for
Man paseed tbe boaee. reoelnd tbe
delivery at Vladlvoatoek next aprlay.
New York, Dec.' II.—The Her<ld‘e
Biemeory two-tblrde «o‘.e. and
The ChlBOBOai
■a an af- orreepoodesl la Manila in a dUpatcb
Kske uo Qp.la.datv Cbrlotoia.
aeat lo tbe aeaate oe June C, tonrteea
ter 10,OOO.W 1feet for delivery
prvQvot lov a ladf.
to bU paper tays that amray tbe numdays before tbe loyialature
Bbaaybal, bat no mill dare take orden erona valoable records of the icauryent
oar clexaift a»w lleot Lalvmt •>}>
lay baelaeea. It wm nferrod to tbe
I Poet Office Building
Ira-dcolxii.-aU coloro-all pHr«»,
proper eommtUee In tbe eenate. Wby beeanae of tonnaye aeareiiy and hlyh yovernment which have boeu eaptend
it tailed of patmyo la tbat branch ot
letten which ladieate tbat Ayalatba loyUla‘4in U a matter of eoi.Jie- laryer order lo la elyht for nllroad
work In Nortbsra Cblaa, with delivery aldo hM bad tbo Mtlve moral oapport
wt wUieUlhrm at l»«oat (Wmit
ton. It U claimed tbat the aoMndirllkuar odor dvidrod, Thr; aro
mmt WM an axeoodlayly Important at Tloa Tala. Ibit praepeetive order of prominent aoU-expansioaUU in tbe
ro(B(fa>«. n >UI con roQ BoU.
DaitedBteteo. Oeneral OtU wUl to
oaa, aad tbat than wm aot outteleat ooaaUteoftim and ear balldlay
to look orrr the Uoo. al
ward these pa^en to tko war departiUaa. darlay tbo elooloy days of tho
The mllU are aaylay olyhty ahtUlaya
BomloB. to yin It tbo oanfal eoasidora tea oa ahlpmeate to Limrp^. or $fO
atloa wbleb lu ImporUbee moriMd.
Dted In QlovarvUla.
“WbatOTormay ban boon Itaa mo atbonaaodfeeV The pnaeat altaatlon
M. B. Boll«g./*aMivad a telacraa
lima of tbo mom bon of tbo ooaau, tbo U tlkaly to be ft^lowod by a abarp adla lamber prtom.
It U
ytba daattaofbU
prommt oporial eomlon affords thorn an
epportaalty to ylvo tbo oabjeet matter noted that tbo Weyerbaaoor syndicate
ot tbo rooolatioa aad amoadmoat tall bM made Ito bly parehase of Waohlay
aad aapnjadleod eoaaldoraMea.
“1 am awan tbat then an membon moat of tbo wOTld'a yroatmt demand PmtBay
for lamber;_________________
of both bnaebm of tbo leyleUtun who
An nUter natil row bavaama Benda'a
Patent '‘Z-ro*' DUtera. SIO.OO. tll.OO,
btiloeo tbat oorporatlone, now payUy
We've a line of bsby'a footwear tbat we’d be ^ad to ’
fiIJ«i.»lA00. If TOO do you'Draapaolfie taxes npoa earaiaya eboald aot
ahow youyrai lu Tha baal draaaara and aome
hotaxad apoa tbe amcoood ealae of
Fine Kid Moccaeina................................................26c
teoir proporty. TbUbelUf may bedae Adaaaaa of Tea Per Oeat. In Pay of
Bow XacUad Oottoe
oal^^k^your back warm, bat tbe
to differiay caaoea I ballem. bewFine Fleece Lined Mocedaina................................ S5o
amr. tbat U they will lay aoida tbolr
Tfao^ delicate little soft eole, fpr trimmed ehoee are
ponoaal ooBvletloBa la tbo matter aad
Bootoa, Doe. fl.—Tbo advance of 10
- 8..
- . Ibarefofa
S. Banda A0o..of
the tame aa yeVe sold before at 75c, price now 50c.
boyaidod by tbo expnoood wfabm of poroMklaeraym want late effeettoTtavaiM City, wm awarded the
tbodr ecaoMtaoala. tbo Joiatmaolatka dav la many oottea manataetarlay
wiUbopaoaod by botk koam aad am* eitim aad Iowm of How Baylaad. SratailtOasm
Tho lacrimi affoeto tram 70.000 to
AUriua, all •
•Ibooampalya to laxaMoa atxatl7ft,00*
trada Aak te aaa'-(ham. BamUten
(SetklBy Company.
: Ui*alaa,aadtoc«MllanMoar«aar-'
Thlok Of BeildA.
Mims lb«
OmiM UtUM V»oa Oor»(r»UoM
WUl Von ThM
Ik* OoM
Special Sales Mondaf, 3:00 p. m.
Red Slippers
Its All Right If Bought al Beoda's
The leading Shoes Hoase
Public guarfliana
Cold Weather
Elegant Silverware
Wait’s Drug Store.
Small Shoes
Small Feet
6ive KLVtvuU
Small Prices
AmottMT XoT«by th* OonnoU
■M. T. mum AMD J. W. Hamm
1. W. Bun. Mltor wd Miimfr.
IiMt Hiffht.
to VivpM* ODBUMt
VUk BiGiMiry Pr»-
Mafan tin food mom deBdoos aad ¥
Tiam—Vesth tUMt AK X<‘fht
PeUUonOkBMd* PoBtrovmy, Sal Is Ike Tleioltj ot Bvt Bijrhtk «(r««l He wrote one Inur b''B« befors lesvpeittiCkBei the coaseit<<vtbe reappoint- lo( Sas Fnaeieeo, ssd another after
the lUUei Voi T*l SatUed.
meotof an'rht watebaas io that *1-1 reoeltinr MasUo. Hie death woe doe to
The iwUtloa tor m we I<rt>l <» the ciolrj. aod roqaeeMd the reepsolet- t/pbold fever. Be woe 19 j-eon old.
of Tenth and Cnee nreeto woe | neat of I'leJ t'ellea Tee petition
Mrs. Stem will leave Thnrada.v for
theooeaalon of tone eontroverej at, woa eeferred t:; the <Msiniite« on po- New York to make arrasiremenU for
ehoHy h~me
tbe neetloc of the ooanell loet nicht. I Uee.
j b inKiog
The eomn.ltee of menbera of 5>i. j The oonmlltee on vreye and nepea
Froneia efcnrch woa prvaept to watch reeomneoded that tbe aa«M,unfolrn Thick ef Secu Tbeae daya.
thecoaraeof ereou nod when ibeir' tbe peraoaal property .if H. H Olbba be
petitioa woe granted by a vlve vose | rednced H> a baaia of 0i percent on a
vote they fella degree of aalUfaction avalvvioo, oe It had been oase^a
beeaoae of the apparent eore with 'ed to the ful value, .The recommendwhich the natter went tfaringh. They a Jon woe'od-'pied.
were dcatined to dUapp intmeot. bow-, r.ie co'iiiu.t’.i-e co 8re end water reever, later la tbe ov -. ng, when the' commeniled granurg the peti'ton pf
.hi, „o-nl„g:
. J.,.o n.i—n . , ,.1,,^, hi.
. dj Fru'it street. Tbe ricommendati-.c
city lagrowiog. our property inu reeu
the cbarler provi let tl'al any meaaure w..t ad,-pici
c valuable every daf and |
A He! man M'ditaguc, cralradb
luitniL'.ci on ornii.atie-t., >,u8m>ttc<i
Oo. oI U.h hlij .hh.id h. .h-rlhllj
* J '■
Tpe matter waa revived when a nt- ‘r‘f‘of the drg or.Hnai ve for a e.-aii
Some by ine lokpayera. At a!) evenu
lutioBwaapreaentwlpn.viiing that tbe
llwinevmcon toraclton»v>
iMt nigbt'a esperienee den.oQttratea
4igol ailnalcd at the corner of Wa»,b
meeting. The otdinance U ^
the aeecaeUy of an ioeroaae in tbe
inguinalfcei and Oarheia avcLuc be'
*« ifdan« with the etato ^
ry, SiI.,T,-MS. i,r Si'v. T-Nov. I
removed ai... i^laced at tbe cornet of
TenihandCaaa atree'ta. Tbia rvaolu
in the eveeiitg Mayor Hamil
Stome <if uiiy Jihr.i, in any
tioD waa defeated. Then a mo-lon «a»
offered that the petit.00 ter a light on ’ "''■'’■i
•‘•'■wdance withai^ kiii<l tif
iImiI yon
Ooelerror in the Hands of
^ Tenth be r.
making provb^om*- b'v w<-Utiir, y..ii i-ftti liiitl 'j-m
.ferred to the committee on lighting,
^ at (?Hnm-lt’s.
th« Police.
Tbia motion prerailed. At tbia l.me it j "»*'
' »> «w each for killing d. gr il.
-------------IwaadiacoveredlhallhepecviouaaeUoi: *''d IS pc--eni rf tbe lie taea Iramd I
Clark bheiman and W. W. Faircblld i of the peiltion woa illegal, therefore! The appointment waa csr.flroied.
bond of orie MeUarry
eoDmitteewill'look the matter np
, with J. If. UnellmabU I ai auu ty in
d Tough ChnisOtrn—One of Thru
in tbe dUenaaiOB on the reaoluticn j P
late Antoine S.vder. woa
I MmU. h nil," pr.s,.in—N.-vvr
Btopt is Jnil.
Alderman Uarrlaon objfcied vigorooaly I
“ the lieeoae commltie*-*
1 niitij the fit, we ll att.-nd U> ^
If aneh avnnta os ooenred Inal nlgbl aod eeored the aldermen who bad de ^ The 6re cbkf wat aoM-or;*rd to
WsUsnb In thla city, law abiding eltl- fMt«i aevenl prtlUona for new Hghu '
not to cxoeeo S.’i.
soaa wlU not fan] onolona to be on tbt bat Who were enger to grant tbU pe ! th«
The board of public work* reporlrd
•ttnnt nftnr dork. Two attemptod Ullon. He declared that tbe
bold-npa It the reeord few loet night, tee hod eeverol petition* in band but that the new l'i>lonaUeet bridge eoei
Front Sirtvi.
and although neither woa enooeeafol were'handioapped by the aarae men ohoot to.4&U->(liewbicb 1* about Mmi
they bronght lorror to the vletlma ood who favored granting tbe llgblmen- lew than the original eatimate.
Tbe atotement-of the board of public
■ay oanae nervonsnena to othem who Uoned. Alderman Baatlng* oleo opore nompelled to be out alona after poned the notion, declaring that tl c worka called for an expenditure of
fight on •arfirld aveone wa* badly S3SI.SG, which we* ordered paid aeeor
needed and many more were needed ding to the variona claim*.
Abent nine cretoek loet evening
Xjn cveuUof ioat ntcht is theenateod
Mgfeat that a nlgbl waUbwan u bad
ly needed la that cod of tbe etiy. The
^Uon prvaeavod to the cooaJl laei
jdgbl. olBoet atmuhabcoDkly with Uir
W, C. & B, A.
and Opticians.
y W. C. « B. A. fANNETT |
nlso He argued that tka price paid
Clark Shennas won retarring to I
teou. two man ntlamptod toaicae him by the city for *treel lighting
Mor tka Q. B A I. track on Railrwod low,Ahat many mom IlgbU eM
avaaso. Ooa of them wotprompUy netobUahedODd he wonld not favor Eoy Btorra. a Traverae City Soldier
moving the light.In qneailoc. Bni be
in Xxsile. Stricken by
Bharmon ttorted np the atreet on did favor granting the petition.
Alderman Montague *totod thnt he
the ms when he fell down In the mid__
Newt reached tbe city yenferday that
4)a of the atronl. With the two men would dppoee with at) hi* Infiaesoe any
alone on hU heeU he wne sol long In pelitlon'lo ImvenM the public ex^na^ Roy Storr., of the 3rd Begnlaru. died
raining hie feet end etorled tor of lighting. He did not think the Oar-i *'***“”••
Cborlw Pnlge ■ renidenoe on the earner Sold avenue light waa needed ana he j'*'"® throorh a ditpateb aebl
pt State itreet and Batlroad avenue OOtt*lder.ditprtwr to movelttotbe ««•> Otla. giving a li*l of deatha.
Young Slorra, wbo left with lb<
nrkteb be reached In eafetr. altbongh corner of Onaa and 'Tenib where a light
the two men followed him to tbe very wa* needed moeh more. In hi* nrgn- cruiu that were eullated here la*i
beisggeetcd that the dlffienlty September, wo* at work on tbe fml(
«onr. Bnperinuodept Walloee, who
heard* at Mr. Paige'* reeldence and W might be overoomc nnd the petition farm.of Judge Rimade'l at tbe time o'
' nege in tbe location of hU eollatmen': H* wo* - Ub Harvey
W. ralrchlld alw) oaw the two mes
light* oa CkMelroeC Decker, aleo of thi* city.
otMr Mr. Sherman. It teneedleeeto
Slorra' hom* waa near Kummlt City
■W Br. Sherman wp* thonkfal be did Tbe light at the north end of the brld(e
OOt gel Into their banda, and he U sat- might be moved to the comer of Cat*
liind If he sever he* to repeal the ex- and Stoto. Thnt at tbe aoutk end of
the bridge to the eomer of Bghth, and !
After ihl* cxeltemrat hod abated th* Ninth atreet ligbl to Tenthnireet. |
Mr. Falmhlid aurted tor hi* home oe Ihna giving ;bctter satbfaellos al ;
thaeonorof Stole and Boaesireeto. around Beferitog to tbe ligbKat tbe j
When foat aercee the O. B. A I. track Mmlb end of the bridge he eaid that'
. •• Stole atreet two men atepped out when on ordinance wo* poaaed eompe;- '
from behind on engine tbnt waa atond ling the ranwaj'compaalm tocetobiUh '
_ Whooping Cough. Aethmo,
log there and ■tarled to follow Ugbto nt eroe*ing* tbe llghtot Unt end :
mchitlB end Irw^lent
kito- Of eonroe being eomewhatei- of tbe bridge would be replaced.
Kenyon wo* probonuevd
Mind from the former odveotnre he
kept bte eyes open tor event*. Tbe Id bla oppoeiUon to any ebangee in the :
two toon, who were atrang robnat Ugbto In tbe Kounh ward, e* tbry!
fellowa. were wntkliig very rapidly, oa were very aatisfoetory as placed. There
aw Mr. Kalrehlld.
Soon be noiioed woe oonaldemblr animated dlaciwaioo,!
there wa* only one following on tbe i bit the oommlttee on Ilgbtlrg will,
>tle with the problem and eodeavor ,
walk. Being ab»piclou* be glonoed
nronnd and aaw one «f the fellovrn on to ■allafy everybidy.
Anolber Iraportont matter to le
J TVit ^MAN i^EMEoT^
Ikegroetattbe ntdrof tbewnik wUhio
ten feet «f bitn. He any* he did not dlapoaed of wa* tbe matter of tbe nreteeary legal formula looking to furiLer '
stop to aec what be looked like
look to hi* heel*. Tbvy both
drflalte atepa in the water work* nut
after him and tUloeed him clear to ter. Tbe following reeolotion w*».;
Ui home when he turned hla dos oa
>e broth adopted:
Beaulved, T lat the «rater eork* comInlttee bemotore appointed by thla
council tp eonfer with H. D. Campbell
_ n kept an eye
natheelrerv Soon Ue men were dm- relative to tbe purchaae by eaid city t f
severed on the comer of Front and tbe exlaling water work* plant and
Ooa atreeto. At they turned down ayatem. owned by him or H D Camp
Oona they eneountered Ctatef Bennie and bell A Sooa. or otbers. be and te ber, by
sight solloe Urayaor- 'They aUrted to inatraeted to prepare in wrUiog. a
formal oontroct with aald H. D Camp
run, but Bennie ehowrd hli
sprinter sad quickly opnet one
____ bell tl Sooa, or tbe owner or owner*
between tbe etorea of Barney Anderaon thereof, to anbmlt the queetlon of tbe
ood a B. Bongbey A Co. Tbe fellow prioe Vo be fixed sod paid for mid
wns eelud by Umyaon and taken to the water worka plant and ayvtom, to ikrce
nrbltra<or* tor tbelr deierminatlon. in
Tbe other eetaped, but '
known nnd1 wlUI be orreuted 1
aeeordance with tbe report ai d reeom
mendatloe of mid eommiltoe. preeeoln* orreetod nton bean tbe name of ed to and adopted by thte oonncil. at a
XMsgmnn. and boa as nnaavOTy repnto meeUng thereof held Deoember 4-.h
tim- Tbeona who tamped U Grant lf»9:andfarthar. that aoid oommlttee
BsmoU. who le more known than lov- bstoatmeted to preteat cold oontroet
sd nmesg the pollen. B* *ma aentone- w^ prepered. to mid H. D OompbeU
nd ecNM ti*M ago to flve yenrs to Mar- A Son*, or the owner or owner* there
of, for their examlnatlow and approval,
and that inch eontmet. togetber with
the vedervtonding and eonelnaloon or-1
is M "PUifre<sptci^”Aidtlt€ bed
rived at between sold oommlttee and
euaw 4
H. D. Oampbell A Sono. or the. sSee fortSe memy
owner or owner* of eold plant afore-J pvt on ber foet.-’~hee*as« they coM
Fold t>esr tor Bit Leg.
mid. be resorted to Ibte connell. with' met* to mjJie tbdti xqy mfirr toxi^ of
B. D. Blanton of 'Thaekervitla: Titx.. all omventnnt 4i»toh. for each oo-, JJM shoes.
a tv
two yeora
p ..............................
i over $M0.<» t
Uoa erthte oosnea may deem odrieIs
They sre hotsstOy mod* shoes And
tor* te earn a Bnnslng Sore ee hte leg. able.
Then they woatod to.ent it rff. but he
AldcrmeBBoattagtand Lsrdleoaat. so meff hslAitctd. thst they mon'f
•■red It with one box of Uecklen'i the only negotlen voMo.
“fwi oher,"
Amlea Solve. Onoronieed cure for
City Trmonrer Worxbwg raemn-’
Sold by Joa G.
mended thnt the wnnut for the nolMS pretty MS d pktare JI
of the imeMmaiu to newer di^
trtet number i be extended dnring the
Seery hunbaod wonta ose-every
wife woato kv hiMkMd to have owe ------ of eelleetlon of state and eoanty
BmUios CAotktog Oampn«y.
0«.n ud
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Ueadquerters for Christmas Present*,
Will AtiJcrson
K.ilph AndcrMtii
and Embalmers
Both Telephones. No 4».
318 I’niun Street
Is The Choosinge
Especially if the stock is varied and quantity
large. Great inroads have been made in our Holiday
Goods, but there's enough yet for the great crowds
of “week before Christmas" shoppers.
c|^tk*m mnto^^
But onr stock is complete.
The largest assortment of
Christmas goods erer shown
—Everything in fumiture-iparlor suits, easy chairs, leaxher chairs and rockers, easels, screens, art squares,
decorated rugs, parlor lamps, onyx stahd.s. For child
ren tve have loads and loads of iTice and usefui things
that win p’ecse and last them for years.
Half The Ptesiire W Ciiimi
The Time
Is Getting Short..;
XTO. 9011-3— Fan« Reed
i ~ Rocker, jnst in time for
a present—only $2.4S.
Has tons of Christmas Candies to fill the
is the mecca of all shoppers.
“little- onos” stockings or to fill Christmas
the little people and there are toys an<l
bags, sell at 5c the pound, other grades at
games galore aj 5c. loc. and 35c.
Sc. qc and loc.
name them aM here, come and see them.
Children like the stitk
Hcgin with
candy, that sells at IOC the pound.
1 he
Some of the quaintest and queerest things
finest of Chocolate Creams at .;oc,
ever niad^*.
The china
cut glass and
etl nuts al i.;c; : pounds for a quarter.
silver are beautiful bejond description
Peanuts at loc.
and the finest piece* are being selected.
Pigs — Dates — Apples
s-Oranges—Lcmoift—are the “after din
You can s|iend a single dollar or lliree or
ner necessities” buy theift now, they may
four or si\ or eleven.
be gone later.
Silver novelties at 25c.
Some people make their own cardies
A host of Sterling
Linger for a mo-
meni>t Hook Counter there you’ll find the
Yoi?ll need confectioner's sugar;, sells at
dandiest bindings at 22c, 28c. 35c.
8c the pound.
for boys and giris from 8 to 14 years, sell
Make the best candies.
Christmas candles for the chriMmas at 33c and 60c.
“Mr. Dooley ’ would like
trees or for the home sell at 15c the box
to amuse some one at 1.25.
of 18, 24 or 56 candles.
Fellow” can be owned for 1.50.
sc each.
the pair.
The twisted at
The hand decorated sell at 35c
“The Other
Harum” will cure tbe "bluest fit of blues*'
for 1.20.
.•^•nT.UdioUMaf rsQraodU
idcUzwaiBMBtlBf iotl.OM m.
WbM Mn PmI MmUmt of MmI*
popalatku of Mlebic
r oho foud ~ ,
•r .U- tho iMl
•I oea*M WM a.ns.m
b nu of UxaUoo BPOB all proyhMlBf apoaroBUj bm aBSoauod dorciMBt IhBi
,h.. |»yiM
my U tbc StBU. UMDl
l«r tbo aifhl by tbo ted dMboa
WidetosM. U ererS per eeei
Hl:bty»B rvllroed property • trorlh
«rorth a*
railroad property Id
>«r mile
mewed rel
ied apoo BBOb a
baeleof raloe Ot't^eeot. ibe r*Ueut« woBld OBT tue
oar taxM
________ _______ aute world ,rowl*liilbU
W) dasneoisnitim
MBf Btilted
Btittbd for ehtBcia
bolte. No jBisoBBtlBr
MlBBeBoU teele of oMto.cd reloe »*«»,
they world
'rat per
per «l,r>
wobIH pay
pey «
•« sew.
work. >dtod «a. B«d look >«»f
-------- .
•ooqre Xr»te H«« tad^M Omth by •
^fthlterya Vlll be iMad by •aaftr
VoDta HwlrocML
Lyaaaob far a Coataat ioTaka
_ J. W 8 roab wo»l»«d a toioftma Uto
FlaaeU Kaatotaa
Tbe Saalor Lyoaaai brid a baaUeaa
■Mteiac yaatorday after aebool aad
_ - -. he had bera ffaaaaeted eoaaidarabte biuUieaa All
WSUed. While at work at the paper
f« thadebate with the
mllla. teiay eoaatnieied at MnakeeoB. FrMkUa elab of Manbtea. were aettlrd
IrwiB fell from a atariac aad teoke bla aadlbepopil* a>pr«aa«d tbalrihaBh.
teibebaa aeaa sea who eiotribaiod
The oewa cane aa a terrible ebock to )
“*Wrtal la tbe deoora
Facilities For
tte,™a,m^relatirea ia thUoliy.idla oot mS?
Him Aaa<e IrwlB. a abler of tbe de-! debate: it wee oot held for tbatooreeaeed.lefifarMuakeeoBSatBrday.aadi^:**““®f'”
P^le bb idem of
tbetwootberaUlera,MraJ. W. Straub
They alw>
ley. left today.
Uaiair a .Dwew, both from a popalar
Twobroihera, John and Will, aaw '
Mt baoiiieaa teae. fell down etalra aa i^T.eo ia*e«; aad upoo the tVueoa»<n
oa waa ruauaif d.>oafr jaao oflljeaad . Wie of aawwMd raloe me.ru per Ur Irwin Tki..»-^
. tor rr»nk!iB c.ob t'> another C'.nlpai
atraclc hU head OB the aiooe walk at iBile|.yr,5')3 }Sj 4s ua-a
ibe foot of the etaira. He Ipat a yreat ' “Kiit ereu admui'nf
adjiitVor that »uob
»»'''•*» ib»y were prepariay Jrkod. aa they rsprek^d a doire be
dral of t-lood aad waa Uhrobose and I tiati« are mUIeadfo*.
praciiac ' *®
-Irle.dfof. aod rraoiiac
dowji b-'o remora to anollie' iK*
“* reoeinap a c-ha.i n^'e
ooi eapeeud to reeoebr.
,ihat aaaeMini-at
afsa artnal raah ra'.u? pa’‘i“f
parlof »>>r
t>>e buildloj
buiklB*. The yonnr man
to aaoth-t
W.U,.o-.K..terdropp«deadoaUato-‘‘-'J'~“'‘ IU.Uk.-pi.
In -*>.he paymea, by tSe
the ■ mp-eiV;
„e„Brf vs one an., .n ../.tlfk!: . debate
‘ ?’‘^‘“barr
Kreel. Ago Arbor. a.tBU.T ereolog
«»* ’«* »*«« '
Lyr -»m iru.u.U
The dfOea»ad wa. ao old wildier l/e'**’*'■ »*>ry now p.r. I w .uid cate-in U •**»*
be remorrd. when t‘,e *»be place ab^ot *thr mddle of the
waaBamarriedaodahont tto year, of. *
^ bo tho i-ktoue to p*.>- bjard. brottr fhmupo aud be fell. «jrr.>nd
.r oofiK-hi.-.!. Tie pr<I trai ajrala
teas, .irik nglwo .V,sr!te be’ow la .nrka
apoolot a
iJwacW. waa aceUentally
a lof. He 'plated .a» yuBi
yue ,
ayaUwt a ritook of ■! orii
on. an
and |a
way koocked U dawo with
le above j
^olt. -
hi» left arm and bU nrchj
"You bare b«*eB orok.ir. d for locrea • ' H-rrarvd waa
jeara of ajc an'* v
ly 1a*aa t-T the aperopriatl .n» paaand j married. Tn.-tuner*! will b.‘ bel.l
I Ih- laat
! Muah.-k-OB
rao(fr>n -i.
ffw itara for a
place in ManiklF^
orKiu:B.< *uor*o
ci..k, I..., K-,h,-K„,
»!! Elks f
----- —
• The iue.-!loeof 1. .Cii .N >
..f ..l...
Hsve Fu chaacd
Eeuil (.It rha'Inleiuati.r. a. P-.1. :ii).
Qaantity of.R-ai Ueeful Ar-teles
Aaaociatv.n last ••'rpuiny wa» lary..
atteuileci. .S-een new ni.-;uUi« «.,r.
to b.t Dtair buted h-iaiuse.
laHiated ami many m-.re nam-.s r-.*.
Tbe Cbriaimaa yifi
iiUrt of : ea'.rd app.r.uk- f«r memb. r.fiii.. oPi
Traerrs*-City Lsiye .So 383 li 1' «
uiaytterm of «j»
Blka have coeertd tbe Held p'elty well '
J. Maynard.
dorlay the past few weeka anj al- ^ Kirat.dent—A.
*io» preaileui—B .p L iudoo
Ihoorbalt the member, have not yet
Second vice p.'eaidenl—Miaa Uatlc
'd those la nerd, already a larye ,
number of packagte arc 10 pfep»P.Uoo.;a,**f""' °* •f«™lary-Mra. Mabel
and it U
Is be
hr ieref
ierrl that
that faw if
any needy I K naneist secreury—L fiacoe.
little folk, have been ovrriooke^.Wnile I ’I'rrakurer—Frank Trude.
tbe liitk oaee have been the eapeeial ’ liuide-ThPO .Soyder.
tiuar.liar.—L A. HubbrII.
care of the E:ka tbU year, a anmter of
Urievantecommi'tee-W. H Bradley.
older persons in dealitnte eircuiDaU|>% I’eler Sandelman. Ileorye Xararre.
oee aod families la want will be caned
Truatna-Ik J Keddy. Charles Mllte,
'"hare are BOt many really deatl- Mias Jessie Uilmore.
tote families in Traverse CUy oonaidvrTO
Iny Iw tlsc, but amony tbuae who an
in need tbe Elks have fonsd places to J. W. Slater Will Oive Away Z>olla,
bestow their charily to good ndvaa
Cabs, Sle-ybs. ate.
Uye. Tbe followlc^ articlea have
%very child should have a preacDt for
BlrcBdy bees apporUoned where they
Christmas and I expect there are a few
wUl do the moat yood:
In town even lo there yood timfs, thit
tiW pairs of rnbbera. 3fi pairs shoea, are ool able to buy them, so I tbonyhi
ta cape. 85 suite S loads wood. S ladies' I would do a litUe lo) make
tbe 1UU«
Jwkeu. 8 overcoats. 00 pairs hose. 78
yards dram y<^s. 8 akirts. 0 hoods, e
8 bst>d alelyhs. :
pairs mlttena 3» lulu uederwesr. S
There is no string tied to thit.all I a»b
heatlny stoves. 10 bnsheU potahira
is for tbe ladies c f some std so.-ielv te
The membecs who bsve not rcporied esll and yet them aod deliver* them to
be ones they think moat worthy. It b
are requested to no so si once.
W. B. Urobbeim. formerly of Lylao
lot mnch bnt It wilt make SQ ilule to »
la ta tbe city onI bla way from Skilll
Tbe above list indicate, that nary happy Cbrikimss morniry
« llyhlatetl
i«Bs atatloD, SO mllea from P
little folks aad aoma biy fulka, too, J. W. 8t.*Tt:K'8 House Furnisblny Store.
:ry. loMIlwauk-e.
He emTform- will be made happy by tbe antlerrd
erly auUooed on North Maaitn
breihreo ChrUi mas momley. In addi
waa traatfertad.......................
In September.
tion to tbe above there will be many
Ttere will tea meertay of Calform articles of Bse and ornament to And
New oeskwt r by express st S Beeibeir way into tbe stockinys of the
da A Co.'a
lUlla folks in poor families.
Thefaawl of John ' SchaUd
of ihla eeciioa. Tbe rnaeral w
Heprcaeetetlvcsdf Sersnton School Of [
markable la that it was the Brat
It to oe
Arc Real
tsiored and Re lulizrd. a
ear la the family of the dreeaereed. »l
Enyiaeeriny WUl Leave Today.
body 'lied with New Life
thoaybhe wa. nearly loo years‘0^.
BBd Viyor. b> Uslny
This mornlay a aebool of enylneerlnc
B-yhi ehlldrea and to mad-hlldree
wefepreeeai. Bev Coebhn preached
>rerouirnl y-.v-
--i^ with bla'------“
P»-W. ---------_________
le earryiay hia clolbioy ia I
nayntaharenf eetra taxation luadi
Nearly half ae aer« of heavily
tim-1 Brceaaary
arceaaai by the rer^ni war
.vlly tiro-1
tered eoii%t the north end of the
raoyrj Itlaelaoweli for youtj rem-mter
of aaod bilia looaiiy
wo a. ‘’booder
‘’booder^ ’bat there are only three »tau« tn i'.»
Moeataioa. plied h-yha
ITaloa In whleh railr.wd. pay aperifi:
aboreof Lake Micblyat
(aiea npoD yroaa caruinya "
ahip of O vert. Van Boren oouoty. waa
tore looae by the fury of the win i
Taaaday aed aiid aereral rod. dona the
faee of the mouateiea.
Trampa are blamed lor a fire which
daairoyed'lbe barna of JoboD Snyt
Snyder.. Solid Bepobilcan Vote ^aat aadKl.vea
Bear lonta. with to..................................
©rmccrau Voted In iu Favor—
00 bn.brU of yrAib.
to tobt of bay
b aad twC boraee.
Tbe Vote Waa IM to 160
Marshall elalmi to have the oaly
Waahlayion. 0. C Dec IH-The vote
and uoderteker ia
©0 tbe eafrracy bill today called OBt a
heavy atteodanee la the hoBaa. It waa
aa iaterMUny aeaaioB. and atlll more
•ntereaUar lo the Bepablicaa when
aad bit throat waa ao badly tom that tteapsaker aonouaoad that the blil
b.dpa^ te a vote of iPOtolM.
<^lltae. oaate ao opera bouaa. aad a Every Bepnbllcan voted for the bill.
projast U BOW afoot to oryaoUe a .lock
oomtpaay of looai haalaeaa Bteaaad altlThe Demoerata who voted for It were
aaaa aad balld oaa
^prem-otetlve. Claytoa of New Y^rk
Oeeny of Marvlaal Uriyya of New
N t. WyckoB of KiofBl^ m
city yaaterday.
a L Walla aad wife of Lake Aoa. Rappert of New York. Seadder of New
®' Maa.achd.etW, UnBN la the city. They atteaded the
erhll of New York add Wilaoa of
B^aleal oolMre aihiblUoa laatavM New
Mnb Rata Ta^t of Qlaa Uai
TialUny Miaa Bthol Oibbe of
Bifbth atTML
Mra A A. MeOoy weat to Cedar Boa
yevtteday for a few days vialt with her
in Ttectlemcn’s Furnishings as wd!
Ulsters and
(E So Ptock'can be more complete, for
ours contains the latest products of the
largest manufacturers in Men’s andCbildren's goods—a call at our store at this
lime will afford pleasure and profit to
you and satisfaction to us.
Think of Benda.
Mlaa Ida Plekard of Letaad. _
IraOordoa left for Peuwkey reaterlUr^t^bBBltteaa tor tha Potato Imple^
of customers for Holiday Xovo;tu.s
as the stajile articles of
PfllCTUi CHMin i* >
*l»«llBf fa Mav
WE ARE STIil OFfEflIHfi___
Ethel Caw t. .l.ltioy reUtIve.
la Oaaada. Mbe ta aoeompaated by ber
MlaaMioale Beiloer ie aaeWUey in
ilative of the Bnylneeriny Sidiool at i
Bauit. Mlaa Tlllte McNeil of Cfalea^.
at ScrantoD, Pa. and hasI been in
ia tbe ;' Tf servoa'i vsbsi>-.|ion wrre belter u
S. L. Ilea made a baalaeaa trip to
I drr*(n ■ - ■
city for
Kalkaaka yea terday.
' lime, but news of Us ' Z r*(o».|, the nuiiihrre o> iomne sod
prr«..o, hu .0. oe., peOlieteO be j dee, J.
Mra. JobD Uelaioab la vlaltiay
wed yesterday!
........... —kna*d to esuM it would bsve esusod a crowd of , an-l nvr-.u. prwiriliou.
frieada la Maaiaiee
'. Hatley, a buaiaea. maa of MaaBiuiun* snd pri>lr»-ions) men would
The school honae reoeetiy burned at disinterested eurloaityseekrra to crowd
aa la the c'lv ycaienlay.
mpire.w,. Insured la tbe Karmsrs' > the car aod interfere with the work. ' Sfl,!;!
Jamaa-Mililkea dr., haayoae to Laaa Hniual,
inaerabee belay ob the
If wberp he U aeJerk ia
>a tbe auUonery buildlny and pstn on iu contemu
which will close tbe worb in ffl^rity : tt.ett »ork, »,.mI women would not Iw
Oilef of I'o.rce Beoule aasltted an-old
nert oua sml mSec ihe
Harry- Kneelaad la borne frna the man lo hia home in Ps. Paw yester-, The ear has been near tbe C. A W M
Ayricoliural Oolleye. for the holiday
>i«>- '~i'i
D. a Day aed faatlir of Olen Havea, monev sioten uLi
o“l •»“ have taken a sbtwt you n-u-' u,.iiii»ii ....j rm-otr the ws.icd
are at Park Place Tory druee over
i)r. A W Cbase'e Nrrxe
cootkcof lectures
tores 00 Ihesu'j w
Haeday on a Sanu Claue exhlblUoa.
and llUol I'l'j*
ihe yre*te»i teslois.
TheeeSool of enyiaeerfny li
■Twrivelioemeoareinihcrity from ented by i--------Mra J. W Straab .ad Mra Ueotye
(ivrv knn*i, ;o nusletn sc.enre They
. Irinr the lines of the
D-teoh. repalrinr
MeUjaaid Mi
______ ./part "*■ “®‘
oot h.»e tbey ib*
Mlchlyan Telspbune Co. A. B. Clarke of tbe tqulpmenl. <.f the car.
to attend the
a imr^alivc, but rer teothar.
rir foremaa.
Ueoeye Irwin.
a perfect locomotive abcsi four feet in “7»' *‘i
S B. Harsh, formerly of Bates, hss lenytb. which is operate
,led-either by I
Good l imber Bale.
y I Pill, are prep.red from the fvvor
onrebaaed the Harsha farm te^h if ateam or elec irielly. Tbe school teaeb
the city.
esby eorrespundenceaod has at present 1 ", ,„,u
There will be a repnlar review of iM.oou pupUs in »ll oonnirtea of the
tlmbrrou TOo a-r
eivtliied world. '
raeeise Bay Tent IS« at 7;Jo
Bad MayflMd tOiroahip. f,>r 17,430.
fter- the nominsiioo^^
j watery blw. 1 and exbausled oer
'U wilt be served
Coffee and Tea Btednlt.
Fnet Baved His Itife.
reyuUr t.TWIIIWt
IrcatmcBt Vwith I •
A cordial inviutloa it extended to'conpleielv
Brave Men Fall
IWvU of HowenM. 0..lSi^h^V__
B friybtfnl death. For two year, a aeVictims to stomaeh.'liver and kidney r"F“"
liny Ihe coipuwln to tbe blood.
t luny tronbls .
mublce as well as women, and all feel
•Bd crcMine new eerve force, they 611'
tbe body pttb eew life aod vigor, cod I
b* h dieeaw from the evetem. Tl
--------- e and tired. UeUees. ran
gaevs work iboat the rwulu ol
1 "Uyave inatani
Chaec’e Nerve and Blood Pille, Yon I
tasted span
cac rely alwolntelv on tbeir rtetoralirc
dwlnlcnrae . 'S for 35
provee .UU-. uyr "Electric B-ttirc arc jnet
Fifty cenu at >
fte power to ears aU Throau Cneat and
all dea^ or by mail os ^ipi of
LaBytrodblaa Price 50e and |100.
prkc. bv 1)1. A. W. Cbaae Medlriac
■vary bouieynaMUed. Trial b„ttlns
Tbe Nobby UBfB
b every box of
30c atJna. G Johnson's nnd G '
Iteyesulsewill befoBDd portrait and
fac-atmile aignaiure of Or. A. W. *
Oholea planaa, Jmi tha tblny
Obriatans ptfte. at tha etndte of Mlaa
WteBBB Onnnty Ati*.
'■•“P ' I'i".... .
1» I>'l lop, .N-o. 1............................................
ii|w, witli n
G<x«l biz, .l pliiin
plnin him}! ffHit.-j- RoMr-te at!"
Huitvr dish.ts s.|HHr.- awd rt.uml.......... .............................
"7«“n !■; .s'.T ;Ti'
B.Hiilif.1 p,,l,.r liiu.p, .ill, pioU. ,„d
burmTi w.'.rik'
n..o,........ ' ''.v
The Variety Store,
One ,W ,.,t of Slei.l»rtV Gr..J (>,. ™.Hmee, F™| Sire. 1
J. w,-u;s.;=~'u“rtlS *»
Tbink ot Benda.
.IT .Um. ...k
'Wbnn wiU
*Hm te wwdyf
‘When are v B oi mfpy oar w»j *••
--------- --- -. of Mr. Wblt.v'ite
the marhat for enll aed Said run
Sotetoaa for wbteh they ere payisy
^ bixbcat prices. Tbey are *uJ
haylny wbatt foy which they era ^t with a i^mwp hook, and y«- my
WtBy marhei pt^ AU ooadttlnaa
of damaged wheat.bonyhi. for which
they WUl pay accord Iny lo qcaU'y.
fcSffiiri!??..?” 1. tk,
Think Of Bend*.
' PBiteni nnU) I Ump
Sidewalk Lumber in all alaee.
A Carload Selected From Indiana Stock, Just
Becked By
• teTr>T».01t7L<unt»raa
»•« on But. «w,t
Tk«M*M«f M
8n4*7 br • tarrlfte vjeloM. wbleb did
1 »■■»■! dMn«c». d«ll(«7lAC «M7
boWM U MoaiaWqM.
At Loadoa U* eoart mv* ibm h»*«
teMd U* toll««iar MUOUOM
"Tb* HTMfMMto a*d« tor U*
d*putm frOB Wiwtoor hM
I Mtil ktur ChrlatnM
M. «mlA| 1C tb« prwiBt Btcto of kflUn
U Hoatb Afrlco. tbe 411MB !• ttnwllUa«
tcbckt • (TMt dbuse* fro* Lob
doc.’Ofletot tram ahow that th« M-ton
redd or* BhitMaMt IrOB tb»
alM at OrtpoU OrMk raMl*«l
oBaltar «m the rlebwt la tbe world'*
alalac Uttorr. It wUl b* ictUod for
ca*ba*l*ofM.M7 a too. or noo.OM
for tb* ahlpBoal. Th* nchaat recorded
aUpBMt atar Bade prior to t£la waa
<roB tha aaa* loath laral of the I*abaUa. It caaalatcd of 47 tea* aad wa*
worth «!.»»a tea. Th* ora bod7 la
thi* laval la *o rleh that fraat dlBealtp
-4a eapirkaead la iadaalar aaMltar
owaare to treat it. Ballroaas rafaae
Idle It
doable tarUr aad apaelal lalaaaa froB
By choosing any other
cigar than
Barnum & EarPs
Rare Bareiias
For Christmas...
BSOS Shoe Ston, loidij,
Titsdij tid fedHsdu eieilMs
^j^eal enrroandiop* have npon the
Think jof Benda.
Fire lasuraace Office
1 iS
Applae-Cnm- and wtndfalla, lOc per
Fire Insurance.
John R. Santo,
Gueril listraacc.
Travore* CttV. MU
Heal* at rr^lar bonre. Short order
eooklnp at all Urnee. dap rr nifbL
Opntcm sei^-ed in all Atple*.
Under Tonncllrr Blcck.
A Keen. Clear Brain.
■it. dmfrieto____________
Thrnkof BeAda.
Best lot ever brought to Trav
erse City. I will have here on Dec
ember 20, a carload of the best
horses from Indiana. Before buy
ing call and see them.
Brodhanen’s Barn, State St.
For a Christmas Gift
What is prettier or more appropriate thaa
an article of Jewelry from onr assortment
The same old prices prevail—as low as ever.
Very fine
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks, Silverware, Opti*
cal Goods. Pins, Opera Glasses.
Allwerk«tbl<kMi p
r rrodt. PIM «•>
■k b epMlbllr.
Fluh. ?nr ud Sul C»pt
Deairable artlclra tor p
•altkiB poo
poMi ai modri
e price*—l*lu«hb*p»
. ..............
-ice*—Plnibbapt 50c.
TSe. «1.S
HamiUoa Clutbicp Oompanp.
r. 6
HowOffIre Hbrkhu
Think of Benda.
for a Cbrintmas presrnt for yoar
little onen—it buu anytliiiisj yot
badeeaniaAbolBc. tllProaiSi.
itb. To
TYR' R B. MH4CM1 p*r«i>>an ood onrVMB
U OSee Prlraliraa eiock. Day oralfht cbUa
biwbdod 10 prowp-ly- Pbooco. BtU Ilf: North«ra.lS.
r\R. J N. WILHELM, pbroidbo bsd OBrcooB,
OMmo DevToaDvlm btoek. nf Froal olToot,
l^AMLT a OODOS, AtMVMy bbd eoaboolJXL lor bi tbV. OMom, Otly Opera BOBM Btt.
T^R. W E. *W, a, Hoob. xeoeral practice blw
XJ epeelbUnueTC.ear. Boeeeod pesllo artbbrydleraera, .MA'pboee. W: New. tW. OSlee Opera Booee Block.
pxBO.B.CROaa. Attera*7ba*Oeobaellar*l
Ur tow MaweyMlobb. OStoao. OuyOpor*
Txa. A. m. BOLLIOAT, t**e<toW Torwto
l/CBtvwoar. oneetahamaaaBUt.'Phob-
■n c. OaaaRT.Attevwor. BpaelaJalteMlea
X'. to PrwbMe pvaeito*. Son • *b« U
MMObBtUe Oe. Block.
TanreerUl be*
Oolnmblan Hall Feat Side, OB Friday TTr H. POSTEB. AMorw* M Law. eporioi
Hnsle bp Helm A
81* 10-t S
0. SJ£ESi“—
<S. Maad Si. im.and Jaanarp l, twn.
Good tfhtetnra nnUl Jaanarp *. leoo.
Pes—yuwM 1—Ti Ttmrmtri
at E. W. Hastings’
Kswomds BaU-
time.” Oalmaae' Blnatle floor Vanlab.
Think of Benda.
Think of Benda.
Tt em U MpH ii 24 Iran.
Get po*r Wepol* re-eaameled for
»i SO. Fber ooat work, anv eae eoI«
o*. oaa five pon aap eiyle of omamaatatioB. Aleo aap kind of repair
work neaUp aad . promptlp Aoa*.
At Lederie'e Blopel^Bhop.
A Mistake
Prof. Flpna follewed with a leetore
on phpeieal culture. _
Be epoke of what
tbU work bad dona for bU
ila. aad
that we keep wall Inete
baviep the doctor irp t maken* well
Be erpe* the seed of MBperau
. _ that
..jt averp hour of dlmipaat* that mn^ from tb* end of
lioa eat*
Ufa He elated that it a man were In
•feet phpeieal eondlUon, It weald be
poaeible tor him to coteb the moit
deadip diaeaae on earth. He ended bv
pivlap a varletp of praeUeal eoppeeUoBi tor the malntenanee *f health
and pbpnieal pra * and eirenptb.
Oa ue whole, the enurtalomeat
waaneaeoeesfaloBe. It le aocredit to
• •e“«»Vof rratifleatlen
Twaalp-Five Tear* of SofTerlaf.
to Prof FIpnn. aad three wbeee ehUdHr.. T. V. Baldlnfar of i|7 Clinton ran took part In the drUla have jaet
inee to feci proad.
atreet, Detroit, write*: -Dr. Cbaaeb
Olnlmeat la a tdeMiBf. U cored me of
tlOO Sewird. $100.
lUhlof pilM mrtcrit pear* of **ff srlof
porlnf whieh Ume I trlrd doctor*'
; readers of this paper w
U^tmeat and manp kind* of olnt- pirated to learn that there U at Itaet
meat* wliboat rreolt.’' Dr. Cbaee'e one dreaded dieeato that telenee ha*
Olntmeot foaraoteed to care pllm, beea able to core in all lu etapea, and
cccema, and ail «kin ironbiee. Miernu. that I* eatarreb. Hall'i Catarmh Cure
ail dmrvUU or Dr. A. W. Cbaae Bed. le tbe onlp poaitive
Co.. Boflalo, N V. Sample box tree medical fmtomiip.
for atamp__________ ~
eonctltotioDal diieaae. rcqni:
tUtDtiona] treaimmi. Uall'i Cbtarrab
>« Bm
Cure U token intornallp, eetinp direct^ f« to 7<) daHof thk week ••Zero” ip upon the blood and mocnone ear
Uleicn foat ts &0 s Bead* A Co. face* of tbe epetem. thereby deeiroylop
tbe fonadaUon of the disease, and pivInp the patient stfenpth by baUdinp
np the conelUnliOB and amistinp natare In driep iu work. Tb* proprieaneh faith in ita enmtlve
No rrmilO^- equala WaILVCR'K W
1 hite
----------- offer one bnndred
r T
..ab Syki i* for ihle U-rri- dollar*
for aap case that it fall* to
fataldbeaae. If taken
:en tbor^ enm.
llrt of tonUmonlala
ouffbtp aud in Ume, It will cure a oa«e .Add
ill M boon, and f<>> the ouufh that lolluw*lB Grippe 1'. never taUa to fiv*
toUoL Price. 2Sc and SOe.
the beat.
You Will Make
Think ot Benda.
Oaltad Sutaa MlaUter Bowoa infOTB* th* atate dapannent that fraat
diairearprarail* 1b Paiala. 1b eoaeaqiieoee Of thahifh price of bread. B*
aa;a tbe altaatloB 1* frowlnc worae
crBTdap aad that the proapecta are
that th* poor wUl be face to fao* with
aiartratiea darlnf tbe entire winter.
Aiaarleaa Biaaloaariea eannot obUiabraad eao«f b tor their earranu or for
th* aehool aad hnpltale ander their
car*. Mlalatar Bowan aaka that th*
oltMtlBB b* Bade kpown to the ABeriaaa paopl*. with Um eafcaatloB that
coBtribBtlooa of aoaap b* aaat b7
draft OB the Imperial bank of Parala
at Teheran, made pOTabla to th* or
der at R*«. Uwia r. BBclatTB. aaalorj
- ABaiiean BlBloaarp, who will bm it
tor the relief of tbe enfferlaf poor.
At MlebolaarUto. Kj.. three amaU
chUdroB of Mr. and Hr*, damnal Re7aolda Bf*d 6. » and 1 7*ai« raapecUer.
17. were berned to daath Sondap. Thep
bad been locked In tbe hosae while
Mr. and Mr*. Repnolda wareoB a eiilt
to a aelfbbor. Tbe parent* retsmed
in tla* to aee the hoaae eollapar.
Jaste* Keoaedp, a miner eidploped
OB tbe Silver Qaaen of Ocrap. Ool.,
carried oter a Sre-hnedred-foot ellS to
death Satnrdap ntfbt, and bU eompaoIon. 4tff Bnfle, bad a Barrow eaeam
belof eared onlp bp eoapeBaloo In a
birbplaetbat wltbatood tbeaboekof
tbeenowellde Both men were walk Jadldonilp, and aald that It I* leBoltclp
iBf to tbrlr work over a narrow trail eaaler to preeerve tbe health than to
eeareeip two feet wide. Hearing tb* reetore it after it le loot.
olldeeoBiac thop triad to raa before
Bar. D. Coehlln epoke of the relation
lU path, bat were too alow. Bafl* between pbpaieal enltoraaad the moral
wee atripped of bia clothlnf. bat olber- and relipioni life. Be said Uiat the
of tbe bodp has at mneb
At Oreeawlcb. Conn., rather than eat
down eOBW baadaome ehade tree* of
tbe maple aad elm varletp. WUlUm M.
Seeker be* eaerlfioed a Ss.ooo bouee.
Mr. Decker poroheaed propertp on
which wea tb* boat*, a abort Um* *fo.
Be daalred to erect a'
dwelliac there, and had an offer of a
larpe aam for the hoaae If U eonid be
moved a.wap. Tbe bailaiac wa* aarfoanded bp ireea, aod Mr. Decker r*.
fBeed, at thep woeld have to be cot
dowo. The baildinf baa beea tom
dowaaadHr. Deeker will apead m.
dinr a Inew ooe. bat th*
on In beUdInr
tree* will reimala.
Tbke Wamer'i White Wioe of Tbr
Of A Paiheinrb Bahp- whtt wtU Jw beri coopb remedp oo carih. » et*
be prmaatod at Bldaberpb Oraad da
Satardap evaalap. Dee. se. It H Mid
that never ha* a eomedp beea piw
A oood deal out be bought with A
with Bor* derided ^proval bp both
dolUr end a beU if yoa get into
BatortalalBKlxUbltlea la ttalobB»> pram aad pebUe or atlaUada moe*
enmpliiTi eneeeei It le a abrtetlp hiphetaad iMt Hlffbt U Wh\A SAooi
elaM BMioal eomedp.
ObUdraa Aeqelttrd ThaamleeaA^
Which in
Daniel T. Arthnr hM atranped erith
Blrablp-lBatr«eUT* Talha ob'PI^
r. Daniel ProbBaa wbarehp tbe
aleal TreinlBf.
former wUl star William Morrla In
Tboaa who aatlclpatad a treat la tbe
“Th* Advenure of Ladp Umala."
We have a tablf of
phpeieal ealtar* axhlbltloa irl««B bp
whieh eojsped a proaperoaa nut In
Fancy Article*, inclodtng
th* pepiU of th* sebool eedar the diLondon and a eeaeon in New York at
^▼er No^ltles
rectloa of Prof. Flpaa. warp not dlMpthe Lpeenm Theatre. Hr. Horrie
Bohemia Wars
pointed. And th* eatertalBBeat
the star In “Onder th* Bad Bobe,"
Bot oalp Utareetlnc bat laetneUva as 'Tbe Lost Paradis*’' etc. This attrac
well, and pave manp aa idea of the tion wUl be aeen In Travoee dtp Mrlp
Papper and Halt Sets
r oer on ioaked—a*
work done in tkl* Itae in th* dtp la Janaarp.
m * EtUvonh. I
ratal wed* hr Bnv
wankM. TBU aawete oa ratal. WUl m
aehool* of which thep knew bat litUa
BaaraMUnlraae mor* laB.J. Motvaa.
Cat Olaae Plooea
Tb* laelemeot weather kept
SpworU Lcapne Ofimm.
a BOn*E-A |«od tawIlT Crtnax bane
swap who wonld otharwla* have been
to Cad a kew« far iW vtslrr to
At th« meetlnp of th* Bpwwtb.> lb* UM*waau
tor hU -k.«p." benlre et Thao T
and dozens of other nice things
thare, bat thcr* wae a pood andleoe*
Lwp** of tb* Pint Hethodlst eh
marked down to one third their
tb* eertaU
at th* ehnreh parlon Isat evenlap the
valoe to close then oot.
np aad dlaeioaed tbe UtUe daee oa tbe f lUowiap oBocm ww* elected;
It*s Up-To>Oate.
etape readp tor tb* drill.
Preeldent-H. A. Uohb.
pwn MAU-Mara wU q^k.^wr e»* ^Ir <rf
The flret drlU pivea was bp the
Pint Vice President—Hra. L. Brepp.
«*lrtlSS^6£*‘A“^tr*fwr lew^ITx'or
ebildraa ehoaen from the klnderpartan.
Beeood Vies Prerident-Hr*. John
Thep went tbroopb th* exerelaen with BlphUnd.
an aeearedp that waa
Third Vlee Pr«ldent-HU* Bdlth
ildertnp bow poonp thep are aad the Atkia*
Munson Block.
verp limited time that thep have had
Fourth Vie* Preeldeot-Hra. C. B.
earltbvv. larolMk.
"• *will beve on exhibition at
.1 Wood
After tbU followed la order drill* bp
H*er*top.-Hr. C. B. OrltteadOB..
tbe four priaelpal achooU In the dip.
Treaanrer-Hr. WoolfotU
The drUI of the pnplla from the Central
Orpenlst—Him Flora Caldwell.
rr-Uouw aad Aral riau ba
aehool oaUed oat a heartp roand of
“THB HOLBCK8 Acetylene
■ward. I» Beet Mlaih vlrraUehen-Plopd Beech. Rowland Donprreetrd lae, Free Simm*.
Gac Generator’'
Par (vneral bouervi
a* heartllp. a* waa *iio Boaromao aveTba teaebei* In the Oak Park
Shoulder Dleloeaud.
w and U loel
TriORSAUC—evra-a r
C Ial dltpirueln
aehool are welt np oa thia work, and
Hn. C. B. Green had the Blafortan* to
HOMBf.SENTY Aectplenc Gat Co
the Injanetlon to "ke^ poor ape on
l^R SALE OR RENT-aiora IraUdlac and tO
Oak Park" waa not a vain on*. The
S. B Souem. Ae(t.
hMi IM. Ma. il7. Dolae rarwl. or
at the home of her danphtor. Hn. Ida s
Johnson Block.
work of each of tb* aehooU we* exedAverp. where she reatdm. She
leat, bat U there we* aap eholoe. it
plaplBp with Hn. Averp'* danpl
.... A9ra-.
waa Ip favor of the Oek Park poplle.
•arCMerr •
when ebe lost her balaaoeand fell from
P« rrarr BalunUr BtxkU i. O. Jri
their drill waa with almoat th* preolathe ehair, witb the reenlt etotod.
ion of a machine, pel verp preoefnl.
T^OR RXNT-Varr drain
HarUn attonded.
lor u>-r or ceeuva
After tbe drill, the winner of tbe ban
t. miBialeeIrrat.
ner for th* term that haabeen oondnetTravarMOttp
nrtRM MONKY~Td loan ai«pvr rani oa
Iraprnrvd Tarrarae Oltr pra(ienr 1«
below U a Hat ot the bnrlap and aellThe eont«*t waa a verp doe* one. The
of Hlaa Bnebee of th* FUtb
prada la the Central aehool aad that of
A.T. Brau.
Him Taplor of tbe third prade In tb*
Dak Park eehool were the doeaet In
/“TaRinrMAB PRRVRirTB-Bn-rT keaeakw^
er lo rlir or raniotrr who will eall at IB
the point of eeore. the latter wlnatnp
Ban raiora
HleU owra.
Kran. oa orbvIerT Dm. I*ih. will
boaetlllod loaChv. law prrerol—ooe aklck
bp bet one potnb
0 abo* to her MoDdi. B.
After the banner had been awarded
a aerlee of abort, pmetloal talk* were
U>AM-Oe rltr or
I'odrrMod a raler.
1 la Atm
tke ftrat. apeaktap of this form of
pbpeloal enUnre from the ataadpolni
of the wbool. Be ap<S(e In the hlpheet
tarmeoftbe apeUm and Ita worklnp
and drew a atroap bontraet between
thU epstoB of Optical enltn^ and
Dr. A. U. Bollldap followed In a
helpfni tolk from tbeptaptidaa'a etaadpoint, a* spoke of the helpfnlnea* of
Bi-nno EArasor TKAVUsx'aTY
L. L A. BuUding
pbpeloal Ualninp when earried on
rU Physietl
Uultors Drill.
WMIs Wlm «f Tar
the ma*B bOA BblUnra'* dlaoMee a epeelbtto. 0«beet oonpb mnedp oa earth, enre* a rau.j
riM Wed tveaten
In one dap if token in dae. BandMcta
T<kE. R. a. noon, OSoe to oew TeeeeMar
Sob* verp haadaoae poo^ for amall
bup* arr* three to ten—beanUfoUp IvttMto rsiman.
wDvea and dved-Me. Sl.SS to «1 so
farmen are mnaentod to hriapstoaw
farbHtpT^ HamUtoa Oolblap
to ap bam tor baddlac.
Mat Ptobo bad Ortaa. 1
BBie in axeltoBfa. J. a Jaanw.
bad at
New Goods and New Fixtures
In my store
.. .217 Front Street.
Of course 1 am. Right you are,nothin^; better than n nice pair of
comfortablo, warm sl:oee and
Of course you have hea-d <d oar
Special Low Price Sale
For The Holiday Week.
W. UwBys hold the prioee domi oa
everything in the footwear line, but now
we have placed on ule Holiday Slipper*
and Warm Sfaoae for Men and Women
for the following prioea, and beat them
if yon can.
iohn F. Ott & Co.
Irannt Chi laobir Co.
^'innisaChi, ■ - WeUgoi
worth tLOOfor...
Women's low o
.$ 65
Women's low beever elippera.'hir trimmed, worth $1.25 for...l
Women’# Juliets, high ent, fnr trimmed, worth $1.75 for........ r 1,16
Women'* Juliets.fox for trimmad,diamond botton, worih $2 for 1.48
Women'* bearer and congress shoes, worth $1.50 for................
Men’s beaver sboea, worth $2.50 for................................................ 1^
We have no room here to deecribe ^11 the special bargains we
offw for the Holiday week. Ton arei cordially invited to see them
whether yon buy or not:
Practical Shoe Man
I3S Front Street
TWrf Year-No. 819
I pingree;^ssagb
XMkdto MleUfu L«ri^toM
B«sslhi8tl<» 0t Tm« %h» Tkmf
Jfcs Qgwnwr Psw« tt* tlMsUoi
•lly, kM boM ooollBBaUy oood«eud
to- iko port tknw yBBTB. By
Moo BMl pony plodfto. Md by
■uJsrhiM tbo aicaiflMOB of wbid) m
OM eu dlopBU. tbo pooplo of UlOblCM
kon pUlBly todleotod tbolr o^loo
BBd wMh IB
tBUofine, B preoldOBUolMa*
polfB. BBd of 7t,C«7 iB tbo (b11 Of IBM.
tbo pooplo doelBnd, with ma oapbaolo
wbleb OBBOot bo rBlaoBld. that ope
toaoo OB oBTBlBn of roUrood BBd
rporato proporty okoald bo
•boliakod. BBd bU pr^orty uaod aliko
poo lU BOUBl OMb TBlBO.”
Tbo fororoor ntorod to tbo pUak
la tko pUUora of tbo BepobllcBB
, . , ._____ . f tbo AMtlBOOB bUl BBd
plodcUr tho party to reform Ib tbo
dlfooMoBof oompoUlBr tko paymoBt
of tbolr jBBtobBnof tBzoe by railroBdo.
lOoatlaaod OB third poco.]
Rtsiun an
A New Bible
Game of Cards
Zxumanae Army Will go to
8oath AMoa.
BoeoatSoavy Xmoo San Sparred
War OfSelBla to yi^roao Aetloa—
—Great aMtsUnce in atodyiiff
Srportod Tbot Ballway Saar Mod
the new TeaUment - Children
dor Slror Boa Boaa l>oAtn^~
too yonna to re«d can play—
BamorTkat CUaberloy Bad iBrKach card ia a beaoUfuT artoraadorod
Xltebtj-pe from eventa in Chriat’a
BpteUX ■wrtw-A-ry -Ufcwl
Life—price 60c.
eaor aad Bobarto to Coamaod.
«Md of BMnraUe
Game of Flag«-Each one
Loodoo, Dee, ll-Mon otarUlaf
UMlaf. Dm l«-Botk btuohM of
represeata s different nation-aowo eoiDoo from Moddor Elnr today,
tko UftoUtof* eoovoood ot
very iutereating—iic.
bBt wBoeoafirmod It U oUtod In as,
pOTMkaec to Um eoU of Oorereor PlsBBoSelal diopateh that tbo Boon ban
fFM for • ^oeUl ■Moloo Tho roU
blown op tbe railway a abort dUuaeo
ooU of Ua kooM Obowod 71 M«b««
Would be more *
Fibre itot SUlioneiy. aqnare, aaaorted tinto........................ lOc
Bortb of tbo poalt'oa bow ooeopled by
pNMt. Tboauol eoanUtoM t
BiaaeU CaiTOt Mweeiiera at................ ..........................
ad. and tbat
tko MOftU ud hboM ootifled oo«h body
*ecaoKPt to aell at tbat price,
a dooperate naUtaaee will bo made to
tbot tbo oibar wm io oaotoo sod »
100 games Bt rstelle—a good game for................................ .10c
farther advanoe of the BritUb la tbat
ooBmlUoe of tb« smte ood
booMwoltod opoB tba reroraorud
The war oSso wm beoeiyed today by
won DcUdod tkot hU aMMr« woold Intanse Sxolt«m«nt on Stock
men who offered tbemeolveo m voloabo rood/ to Mbcoil oi 8:>0. Both
teore in tbo Baulb African Mrviee
Axchanfo YMtwaay.
boom took 0 riBiM uUI tbo Uao
Sevonl raylmente of volcnteen have
830-283 Front -'rot
Btlph OoimabI> Jr„ Mua(W.
than a nice pair of
^odAod. Wkoa tke oomIom won nbeen offered by their ooloneU who an
ooBod Um Uawner Mat 1b kto meo- ClcarlBar Boaeo Pool Caate to tko Beo>
eayer to yo to tbe front. Ibe rnmor tbat
Mfo. tko BotaotoBeo of whl^ wm m
OB9 W>>b OObrlaca ot $10.000,000- Kimberley bM onrrendorod U denied
Two Beary PaUaroa Beportod on and tbat then U no iDdloaUon of oaeh We have pretty
."TotkoScoBtoBBd Boom Of Roproa move.
‘•Yob hsn baa oallod toffotkerlB
Loadoa, Dm. II—Baylaad U now
Now York, Doe. 18-Than wm Ib■BBoUl OMdoa by proelBMtioo toeostbo atook market tborooybly arooeed. AH berreoarree.
FOm MEXI and young MSN.
•IdM UM BBbaMOB of »B
tadmaat. thb^urBooo. with hoary doellam. a strony foroe of yeomaary, other
or amoBdoMBU to tbo <
partially roliond near the moBBted volnateen. all her available for men, women and cbildrou at
Saspefidffi 2.'>c to 2,r.o Fuel Shlrti .70c to 1.50 FuejVirti 3.00 to 6.00
which wUl permit the ooBCtmoBt of cIoM. whoa biddlac for money wao eoloBlal troopa, and a strony dIvUloa of
BMlffj • 10c to 7r>c liPM Callm 2 for 25c Hl^fiMM 75.-to 1.60
Uwi that will protido for tbo eqaal 1 CO. by the offerisy of PIO.000.000 by mitiUa an ordered to the seat of war.
Whiu SUfti 50c to 1.50 Um Ciflt. Pff Mir 25c WorktUSUm'25ctolN)
M"**” of all property by the aoooM tho elaarlDC kosM pool tbroByb J. P. Field Manbal Lord Roberts wUI to m
10c to 2.IKI BaMkffckicb -7c t.. T5c FlltSMtl T.notolS.'OO
BMBt Of tko aamo at lie 4ak nloa.
eommaader-ln-eblef. and Ooaeral Lord
UatfffVttf 25c to 5.0Q Iflfliffi
“1 doom tko oooMlOB an ontraordla25c to 8.2.7 ZmUlitffi 450tol600
Tbo Prodaea Baobaato Tnut i
KHoboaor, who beoamo famon* at
UbMIu 50c to fVUU EMGI0TM 50c to 2 25 Fill TrNun 2.00 to 6.00
ary oaa. The larqaality of onr ayotam paey today eloaod Ho doon- A aotlco Ebartoam, will aooompony him m oocCViaUn
25e to H.OO Seoul Ghra 25c to 50c lavliKBiti 1.00to3.00
of taaaMoa U ao r«*l knd ao manlfoot pootod on tho door of tho eompaay'a ond la oommaad.
in many nice ttylea. Call here ami
tbat Imaudlala ttopo okeold bo ukoa ofiooroado: “Tho board of dlnoton
Ttre Gln« 25c to 75c IOffluiCMl25cto2.00
Tboae otarUlny orden wen Imnad by we'll abow you many uaefol prea- CoIIKiQmi 25c to 3 .00
to remedy It. I rofret tko laeoana- of tho Pradaoo Bcobaayo Traot •
lowaroffite iMt nlyht. They moaa
ioBoe aad ozposoa of a opoeUI anoloB. paar hare deemed It beet In the later- tbat almoet tbe whole etnaytb of tbe euta.
Tlif nub is on! Store open e.err eve It dosen't ooot a cant
Bat It M Bppanat, that. It tho wMkeo eeta of Ite depoelton end otoekbcldm BrItUh empln wUI be Buoy Into Sonth
more to purehaaa from lbs best .tors in Trevsre^ namaly:
«f a nry larya majority ol the people! to paapend pBLyoaeata pe«Mii»y a road- Africa.
of tho alato aro anUtlad to rMpoet. a. jMtmoBto of lU affalra. A tpeelal oomTbe mobilUtUon of the trooae will
bomIob U fmporatin at oomo mlttea eompoaed of Edwin Oonld. C. P. be paehed with the yreateet potaible
------- -----------------—.-------------------------J
time prior to tbo fell oloetlon of l»00. | Armationy. Ooorco B. Bldtrell. Bf ward epeod.aedtbefMteet abipo from tbe
•Thb lo 00 bocaBM tho pooplo baro | A. Mabor aad Frank Bralaard bm boon
be need
i whhsh will boot- appointed by tbe board of direeton to to harry tbe foroee lo the Cape. It U
foelaalla briarlar aboot equlltyof Uke oharye of the property and affeiro calculated that these re-enforoemonU
tuatloB. IthMboanelaarlylodleated of tbe eomptay and an la paoimloa will beyia te'idach Boalh Africa la
by tho anpromo ooart of tho eUte that thereof for the beard of dlroolon.*’ ^ about five weaks. MeanUme tbe orly•BOh loffMlatloa eaanot bo oaaetod onTbe eaapentlon of tbe firm of Henry Inal eampalya will be abandoued uaiil
U1 tho ooaoUtotloa te ameadod. The Allen A Oe.. baakere and broken, wm more troopa an aeat. Qeaenl Bul
aUo aanoaoeed on tke etoek cxehaaye. let wUI nmala la oharye of tbe Natal
tbo amoadmoat lo oabraltted to tbo Iilaattribatod to tbe tallnnofaome eampalya.
With the « hill taken off the pricea.*^Our overooata and
people at the aeit epriBy or aatuma enotomen U nepood to eallo for addlIt U expected that Oeneral KItebeoer
nUtera are p.;rf.-ct garments—are right njrto tbe minute in
Uoaal amrylM made aaoeemry by the
111 eommaod the mala army of ismade.of dependable materia's, and are rightly priced.
“It «U1 be readily obaerred. therr- neentdecllaee. Tbe firm bM not yet vmIob, of wbleb Oeaeral Gataere’e
The greaU fit stock in town is here—This month we’ll
foe*, tbat the ealllnf of a epoetal era- amde a otawmmit.
f ^11 you overcoats, ulsters and suite at ten per cent, diaooant
force u at presect tbe npreaentetive.
aieo at thto time makm It pomlble to
Tbe two fallorm had a dloMtrans ItUnotkaowa yet whether Oeneral
f from our already low prices. C««nie aud look.
•aaot eqaal tanatloa lawo two yean effect OB tbe etoek market.
Meibaen wUl attempt to advance
aoeoMT than if tbU apeelal eoeatoa were
Kimberley or withdraw to Oranye
•ot eonreaed
River peodlay tbe Inanycratloo of a
“It eeeme to me tbat tbe aariay la
new eampalya. Tke latter msve eeeme
taamdarlaythoMtwoyaan. by tboM
moet orobable, M tie ipesdlny of re
who are now paylaf owre than tbolr Boaay Trade on tbo Paeifte Demoado beUlon in Cape Colony make* hU un
Bora Batoaaln PaeUiUM For
aban, tally lorUfim tbo ozpenM of tbo
ion with Oeneral French only prndent.
iromioent New York official
praooat opoeUl oomlea, wbleb will bo
. The newt of Grmt Brltala'e tremeohe general use of the tele• aboat two eaata on oaeh H.aoeia ralao
Taeoma. Warii.. Dee. U -EeporU of done pnparatlooc aoay spar the Boon phone had made the task of effic) of proportT ••
wheat aad lamber from Payet Bound late Mrioue ayyreaoloa before the ently protecting life and properly
After ntarriay to tbo neommoada- an belny ynatly deereaaod by tbe tre- fneb BrltUh troope arrive, but thue over 50 per cent, easier.
tlOM of Uonraon BeyUy. Croowell,
d for pblpe tbronyboat far they have abowa no deelre to atTelephoning in caae of fire, ac
Lam aad Wlaaae in tbo •
tbe world. Taeoma MMaton co
ttek iatreaebed fonea, while tho cident or burglary I
tboeqaaliittioa of Unoa. the fonraor. tea earyom ot wbmt. with only
Just received for the Holiday Trade.
BritUb dUMten have baen eaaoad by recogniz*^ oeoeeeity.
reeeeli la eiybt to earry It darlay the just tbat tfalay.
Every well regulat
next two mnntbr.
AH tbe iadiratlont aow point to tbe
ed boueebotd baa a
loayer for debate, but for eoeryetle
Tbe lamber eltwUea lo maeb worse beyfoBlay of a yreat eampalya late lo
aetion, m It hm boea ander ooaelderaowiny to iomoBM demand from tbe Jaaaaty. Meantime, LadyamltboAim
IPlave you one in
Additional supply of Fine Preseots
Moa to ai yoan.
Orient, Uowail. Soatb Ameriee, Aaa- berley aad Mafeklay matt watt Tbelr
your homeF
“Toa will reeall tbat dariay tbe iMt
in GOLD PINS with beautiful set*
»» ,r II. iini. »wtialla And Europe. Maaayer Palmer oitnaUon U perUoaa. but aeoordicy to
all aeooaaU there U no aerioui danyor
tbat famine will be added to tbelr
Gold and Silver novelties for Christ
M.ooo.ooo foot of fir other aufferiaya.
Joint reeoluiloB, proridlny for tbe
mimlon to tbe eeople of as
carry It TbU wonld make foriT
totbceon«UtBtIOBBBder which Uwe
areraye caryoea.
oonld be enacted taxiny rallroade aad
fllllay fifteea bly orden tor EnyUnd.
other eorponte property npoa ite value
Beported Tbat PbilippLae Inouiffente
AualralU and'Soatb Africa. Re aaya
instead of epeelflcally apea yroee carnby Promlaent Anti
tbe BuMlan yorernment U Uyiny to
laya, wa« fnmed. TbU Joint rmoluplaM aa order for P.oon.ooo feet for
Man paseed tbe boaee. reoelnd tbe
delivery at Vladlvoatoek next aprlay.
New York, Dec.' II.—The Her<ld‘e
Biemeory two-tblrde «o‘.e. and
The ChlBOBOai
■a an af- orreepoodesl la Manila in a dUpatcb
Kske uo Qp.la.datv Cbrlotoia.
aeat lo tbe aeaate oe June C, tonrteea
ter 10,OOO.W 1feet for delivery
prvQvot lov a ladf.
to bU paper tays that amray tbe numdays before tbe loyialature
Bbaaybal, bat no mill dare take orden erona valoable records of the icauryent
oar clexaift a»w lleot Lalvmt •>}>
lay baelaeea. It wm nferrod to tbe
I Poet Office Building
Ira-dcolxii.-aU coloro-all pHr«»,
proper eommtUee In tbe eenate. Wby beeanae of tonnaye aeareiiy and hlyh yovernment which have boeu eaptend
it tailed of patmyo la tbat branch ot
letten which ladieate tbat Ayalatba loyUla‘4in U a matter of eoi.Jie- laryer order lo la elyht for nllroad
work In Nortbsra Cblaa, with delivery aldo hM bad tbo Mtlve moral oapport
wt wUieUlhrm at l»«oat (Wmit
ton. It U claimed tbat the aoMndirllkuar odor dvidrod, Thr; aro
mmt WM an axeoodlayly Important at Tloa Tala. Ibit praepeetive order of prominent aoU-expansioaUU in tbe
ro(B(fa>«. n >UI con roQ BoU.
DaitedBteteo. Oeneral OtU wUl to
oaa, aad tbat than wm aot outteleat ooaaUteoftim and ear balldlay
to look orrr the Uoo. al
ward these pa^en to tko war departiUaa. darlay tbo elooloy days of tho
The mllU are aaylay olyhty ahtUlaya
BomloB. to yin It tbo oanfal eoasidora tea oa ahlpmeate to Limrp^. or $fO
atloa wbleb lu ImporUbee moriMd.
Dted In QlovarvUla.
“WbatOTormay ban boon Itaa mo atbonaaodfeeV The pnaeat altaatlon
M. B. Boll«g./*aMivad a telacraa
lima of tbo mom bon of tbo ooaau, tbo U tlkaly to be ft^lowod by a abarp adla lamber prtom.
It U
ytba daattaofbU
prommt oporial eomlon affords thorn an
epportaalty to ylvo tbo oabjeet matter noted that tbo Weyerbaaoor syndicate
ot tbo rooolatioa aad amoadmoat tall bM made Ito bly parehase of Waohlay
aad aapnjadleod eoaaldoraMea.
“1 am awan tbat then an membon moat of tbo wOTld'a yroatmt demand PmtBay
for lamber;_________________
of both bnaebm of tbo leyleUtun who
An nUter natil row bavaama Benda'a
Patent '‘Z-ro*' DUtera. SIO.OO. tll.OO,
btiloeo tbat oorporatlone, now payUy
We've a line of bsby'a footwear tbat we’d be ^ad to ’
fiIJ«i.»lA00. If TOO do you'Draapaolfie taxes npoa earaiaya eboald aot
ahow youyrai lu Tha baal draaaara and aome
hotaxad apoa tbe amcoood ealae of
Fine Kid Moccaeina................................................26c
teoir proporty. TbUbelUf may bedae Adaaaaa of Tea Per Oeat. In Pay of
Bow XacUad Oottoe
oal^^k^your back warm, bat tbe
to differiay caaoea I ballem. bewFine Fleece Lined Mocedaina................................ S5o
amr. tbat U they will lay aoida tbolr
Tfao^ delicate little soft eole, fpr trimmed ehoee are
ponoaal ooBvletloBa la tbo matter aad
Bootoa, Doe. fl.—Tbo advance of 10
- 8..
- . Ibarefofa
S. Banda A0o..of
the tame aa yeVe sold before at 75c, price now 50c.
boyaidod by tbo expnoood wfabm of poroMklaeraym want late effeettoTtavaiM City, wm awarded the
tbodr ecaoMtaoala. tbo Joiatmaolatka dav la many oottea manataetarlay
wiUbopaoaod by botk koam aad am* eitim aad Iowm of How Baylaad. SratailtOasm
Tho lacrimi affoeto tram 70.000 to
AUriua, all •
•Ibooampalya to laxaMoa atxatl7ft,00*
trada Aak te aaa'-(ham. BamUten
(SetklBy Company.
: Ui*alaa,aadtoc«MllanMoar«aar-'
Thlok Of BeildA.
Mims lb«
OmiM UtUM V»oa Oor»(r»UoM
WUl Von ThM
Ik* OoM
Special Sales Mondaf, 3:00 p. m.
Red Slippers
Its All Right If Bought al Beoda's
The leading Shoes Hoase
Public guarfliana
Cold Weather
Elegant Silverware
Wait’s Drug Store.
Small Shoes
Small Feet
6ive KLVtvuU
Small Prices
AmottMT XoT«by th* OonnoU
■M. T. mum AMD J. W. Hamm
1. W. Bun. Mltor wd Miimfr.
IiMt Hiffht.
to VivpM* ODBUMt
VUk BiGiMiry Pr»-
Mafan tin food mom deBdoos aad ¥
Tiam—Vesth tUMt AK X<‘fht
PeUUonOkBMd* PoBtrovmy, Sal Is Ike Tleioltj ot Bvt Bijrhtk «(r««l He wrote one Inur b''B« befors lesvpeittiCkBei the coaseit<<vtbe reappoint- lo( Sas Fnaeieeo, ssd another after
the lUUei Voi T*l SatUed.
meotof an'rht watebaas io that *1-1 reoeltinr MasUo. Hie death woe doe to
The iwUtloa tor m we I<rt>l <» the ciolrj. aod roqaeeMd the reepsolet- t/pbold fever. Be woe 19 j-eon old.
of Tenth and Cnee nreeto woe | neat of I'leJ t'ellea Tee petition
Mrs. Stem will leave Thnrada.v for
theooeaalon of tone eontroverej at, woa eeferred t:; the <Msiniite« on po- New York to make arrasiremenU for
ehoHy h~me
tbe neetloc of the ooanell loet nicht. I Uee.
j b inKiog
The eomn.ltee of menbera of 5>i. j The oonmlltee on vreye and nepea
Froneia efcnrch woa prvaept to watch reeomneoded that tbe aa«M,unfolrn Thick ef Secu Tbeae daya.
thecoaraeof ereou nod when ibeir' tbe peraoaal property .if H. H Olbba be
petitioa woe granted by a vlve vose | rednced H> a baaia of 0i percent on a
vote they fella degree of aalUfaction avalvvioo, oe It had been oase^a
beeaoae of the apparent eore with 'ed to the ful value, .The recommendwhich the natter went tfaringh. They a Jon woe'od-'pied.
were dcatined to dUapp intmeot. bow-, r.ie co'iiiu.t’.i-e co 8re end water reever, later la tbe ov -. ng, when the' commeniled granurg the peti'ton pf
.hi, „o-nl„g:
. J.,.o n.i—n . , ,.1,,^, hi.
. dj Fru'it street. Tbe ricommendati-.c
city lagrowiog. our property inu reeu
the cbarler provi let tl'al any meaaure w..t ad,-pici
c valuable every daf and |
A He! man M'ditaguc, cralradb
luitniL'.ci on ornii.atie-t., >,u8m>ttc<i
Oo. oI U.h hlij .hh.id h. .h-rlhllj
* J '■
Tpe matter waa revived when a nt- ‘r‘f‘of the drg or.Hnai ve for a e.-aii
Some by ine lokpayera. At a!) evenu
lutioBwaapreaentwlpn.viiing that tbe
llwinevmcon toraclton»v>
iMt nigbt'a esperienee den.oQttratea
4igol ailnalcd at the corner of Wa»,b
meeting. The otdinance U ^
the aeecaeUy of an ioeroaae in tbe
inguinalfcei and Oarheia avcLuc be'
*« ifdan« with the etato ^
ry, SiI.,T,-MS. i,r Si'v. T-Nov. I
removed ai... i^laced at tbe cornet of
TenihandCaaa atree'ta. Tbia rvaolu
in the eveeiitg Mayor Hamil
Stome <if uiiy Jihr.i, in any
tioD waa defeated. Then a mo-lon «a»
offered that the petit.00 ter a light on ’ "''■'’■i
•‘•'■wdance withai^ kiii<l tif
iImiI yon
Ooelerror in the Hands of
^ Tenth be r.
making provb^om*- b'v w<-Utiir, y..ii i-ftti liiitl 'j-m
.ferred to the committee on lighting,
^ at (?Hnm-lt’s.
th« Police.
Tbia motion prerailed. At tbia l.me it j "»*'
' »> «w each for killing d. gr il.
-------------IwaadiacoveredlhallhepecviouaaeUoi: *''d IS pc--eni rf tbe lie taea Iramd I
Clark bheiman and W. W. Faircblld i of the peiltion woa illegal, therefore! The appointment waa csr.flroied.
bond of orie MeUarry
eoDmitteewill'look the matter np
, with J. If. UnellmabU I ai auu ty in
d Tough ChnisOtrn—One of Thru
in tbe dUenaaiOB on the reaoluticn j P
late Antoine S.vder. woa
I MmU. h nil," pr.s,.in—N.-vvr
Btopt is Jnil.
Alderman Uarrlaon objfcied vigorooaly I
“ the lieeoae commltie*-*
1 niitij the fit, we ll att.-nd U> ^
If aneh avnnta os ooenred Inal nlgbl aod eeored the aldermen who bad de ^ The 6re cbkf wat aoM-or;*rd to
WsUsnb In thla city, law abiding eltl- fMt«i aevenl prtlUona for new Hghu '
not to cxoeeo S.’i.
soaa wlU not fan] onolona to be on tbt bat Who were enger to grant tbU pe ! th«
The board of public work* reporlrd
•ttnnt nftnr dork. Two attemptod Ullon. He declared that tbe
bold-npa It the reeord few loet night, tee hod eeverol petition* in band but that the new l'i>lonaUeet bridge eoei
Front Sirtvi.
and although neither woa enooeeafol were'handioapped by the aarae men ohoot to.4&U->(liewbicb 1* about Mmi
they bronght lorror to the vletlma ood who favored granting tbe llgblmen- lew than the original eatimate.
Tbe atotement-of the board of public
■ay oanae nervonsnena to othem who Uoned. Alderman Baatlng* oleo opore nompelled to be out alona after poned the notion, declaring that tl c worka called for an expenditure of
fight on •arfirld aveone wa* badly S3SI.SG, which we* ordered paid aeeor
needed and many more were needed ding to the variona claim*.
Abent nine cretoek loet evening
Xjn cveuUof ioat ntcht is theenateod
Mgfeat that a nlgbl waUbwan u bad
ly needed la that cod of tbe etiy. The
^Uon prvaeavod to the cooaJl laei
jdgbl. olBoet atmuhabcoDkly with Uir
W, C. & B, A.
and Opticians.
y W. C. « B. A. fANNETT |
nlso He argued that tka price paid
Clark Shennas won retarring to I
teou. two man ntlamptod toaicae him by the city for *treel lighting
Mor tka Q. B A I. track on Railrwod low,Ahat many mom IlgbU eM
avaaso. Ooa of them wotprompUy netobUahedODd he wonld not favor Eoy Btorra. a Traverae City Soldier
moving the light.In qneailoc. Bni be
in Xxsile. Stricken by
Bharmon ttorted np the atreet on did favor granting the petition.
Alderman Montague *totod thnt he
the ms when he fell down In the mid__
Newt reached tbe city yenferday that
4)a of the atronl. With the two men would dppoee with at) hi* Infiaesoe any
alone on hU heeU he wne sol long In pelitlon'lo ImvenM the public ex^na^ Roy Storr., of the 3rd Begnlaru. died
raining hie feet end etorled tor of lighting. He did not think the Oar-i *'***“”••
Cborlw Pnlge ■ renidenoe on the earner Sold avenue light waa needed ana he j'*'"® throorh a ditpateb aebl
pt State itreet and Batlroad avenue OOtt*lder.ditprtwr to movelttotbe ««•> Otla. giving a li*l of deatha.
Young Slorra, wbo left with lb<
nrkteb be reached In eafetr. altbongh corner of Onaa and 'Tenib where a light
the two men followed him to tbe very wa* needed moeh more. In hi* nrgn- cruiu that were eullated here la*i
beisggeetcd that the dlffienlty September, wo* at work on tbe fml(
«onr. Bnperinuodept Walloee, who
heard* at Mr. Paige'* reeldence and W might be overoomc nnd the petition farm.of Judge Rimade'l at tbe time o'
' nege in tbe location of hU eollatmen': H* wo* - Ub Harvey
W. ralrchlld alw) oaw the two mes
light* oa CkMelroeC Decker, aleo of thi* city.
otMr Mr. Sherman. It teneedleeeto
Slorra' hom* waa near Kummlt City
■W Br. Sherman wp* thonkfal be did Tbe light at the north end of the brld(e
OOt gel Into their banda, and he U sat- might be moved to the comer of Cat*
liind If he sever he* to repeal the ex- and Stoto. Thnt at tbe aoutk end of
the bridge to the eomer of Bghth, and !
After ihl* cxeltemrat hod abated th* Ninth atreet ligbl to Tenthnireet. |
Mr. Falmhlid aurted tor hi* home oe Ihna giving ;bctter satbfaellos al ;
thaeonorof Stole and Boaesireeto. around Beferitog to tbe ligbKat tbe j
When foat aercee the O. B. A I. track Mmlb end of the bridge he eaid that'
. •• Stole atreet two men atepped out when on ordinance wo* poaaed eompe;- '
from behind on engine tbnt waa atond ling the ranwaj'compaalm tocetobiUh '
_ Whooping Cough. Aethmo,
log there and ■tarled to follow Ugbto nt eroe*ing* tbe llghtot Unt end :
mchitlB end Irw^lent
kito- Of eonroe being eomewhatei- of tbe bridge would be replaced.
Kenyon wo* probonuevd
Mind from the former odveotnre he
kept bte eyes open tor event*. Tbe Id bla oppoeiUon to any ebangee in the :
two toon, who were atrang robnat Ugbto In tbe Kounh ward, e* tbry!
fellowa. were wntkliig very rapidly, oa were very aatisfoetory as placed. There
aw Mr. Kalrehlld.
Soon be noiioed woe oonaldemblr animated dlaciwaioo,!
there wa* only one following on tbe i bit the oommlttee on Ilgbtlrg will,
>tle with the problem and eodeavor ,
walk. Being ab»piclou* be glonoed
nronnd and aaw one «f the fellovrn on to ■allafy everybidy.
Anolber Iraportont matter to le
J TVit ^MAN i^EMEoT^
Ikegroetattbe ntdrof tbewnik wUhio
ten feet «f bitn. He any* he did not dlapoaed of wa* tbe matter of tbe nreteeary legal formula looking to furiLer '
stop to aec what be looked like
look to hi* heel*. Tbvy both
drflalte atepa in the water work* nut
after him and tUloeed him clear to ter. Tbe following reeolotion w*».;
Ui home when he turned hla dos oa
>e broth adopted:
Beaulved, T lat the «rater eork* comInlttee bemotore appointed by thla
council tp eonfer with H. D. Campbell
_ n kept an eye
natheelrerv Soon Ue men were dm- relative to tbe purchaae by eaid city t f
severed on the comer of Front and tbe exlaling water work* plant and
Ooa atreeto. At they turned down ayatem. owned by him or H D Camp
Oona they eneountered Ctatef Bennie and bell A Sooa. or otbers. be and te ber, by
sight solloe Urayaor- 'They aUrted to inatraeted to prepare in wrUiog. a
formal oontroct with aald H. D Camp
run, but Bennie ehowrd hli
sprinter sad quickly opnet one
____ bell tl Sooa, or tbe owner or owner*
between tbe etorea of Barney Anderaon thereof, to anbmlt the queetlon of tbe
ood a B. Bongbey A Co. Tbe fellow prioe Vo be fixed sod paid for mid
wns eelud by Umyaon and taken to the water worka plant and ayvtom, to ikrce
nrbltra<or* tor tbelr deierminatlon. in
Tbe other eetaped, but '
known nnd1 wlUI be orreuted 1
aeeordance with tbe report ai d reeom
mendatloe of mid eommiltoe. preeeoln* orreetod nton bean tbe name of ed to and adopted by thte oonncil. at a
XMsgmnn. and boa as nnaavOTy repnto meeUng thereof held Deoember 4-.h
tim- Tbeona who tamped U Grant lf»9:andfarthar. that aoid oommlttee
BsmoU. who le more known than lov- bstoatmeted to preteat cold oontroet
sd nmesg the pollen. B* *ma aentone- w^ prepered. to mid H. D OompbeU
nd ecNM ti*M ago to flve yenrs to Mar- A Son*, or the owner or owner* there
of, for their examlnatlow and approval,
and that inch eontmet. togetber with
the vedervtonding and eonelnaloon or-1
is M "PUifre<sptci^”Aidtlt€ bed
rived at between sold oommlttee and
euaw 4
H. D. Oampbell A Sono. or the. sSee fortSe memy
owner or owner* of eold plant afore-J pvt on ber foet.-’~hee*as« they coM
Fold t>esr tor Bit Leg.
mid. be resorted to Ibte connell. with' met* to mjJie tbdti xqy mfirr toxi^ of
B. D. Blanton of 'Thaekervitla: Titx.. all omventnnt 4i»toh. for each oo-, JJM shoes.
a tv
two yeora
p ..............................
i over $M0.<» t
Uoa erthte oosnea may deem odrieIs
They sre hotsstOy mod* shoes And
tor* te earn a Bnnslng Sore ee hte leg. able.
Then they woatod to.ent it rff. but he
AldcrmeBBoattagtand Lsrdleoaat. so meff hslAitctd. thst they mon'f
•■red It with one box of Uecklen'i the only negotlen voMo.
“fwi oher,"
Amlea Solve. Onoronieed cure for
City Trmonrer Worxbwg raemn-’
Sold by Joa G.
mended thnt the wnnut for the nolMS pretty MS d pktare JI
of the imeMmaiu to newer di^
trtet number i be extended dnring the
Seery hunbaod wonta ose-every
wife woato kv hiMkMd to have owe ------ of eelleetlon of state and eoanty
BmUios CAotktog Oampn«y.
0«.n ud
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Ueadquerters for Christmas Present*,
Will AtiJcrson
K.ilph AndcrMtii
and Embalmers
Both Telephones. No 4».
318 I’niun Street
Is The Choosinge
Especially if the stock is varied and quantity
large. Great inroads have been made in our Holiday
Goods, but there's enough yet for the great crowds
of “week before Christmas" shoppers.
c|^tk*m mnto^^
But onr stock is complete.
The largest assortment of
Christmas goods erer shown
—Everything in fumiture-iparlor suits, easy chairs, leaxher chairs and rockers, easels, screens, art squares,
decorated rugs, parlor lamps, onyx stahd.s. For child
ren tve have loads and loads of iTice and usefui things
that win p’ecse and last them for years.
Half The Ptesiire W Ciiimi
The Time
Is Getting Short..;
XTO. 9011-3— Fan« Reed
i ~ Rocker, jnst in time for
a present—only $2.4S.
Has tons of Christmas Candies to fill the
is the mecca of all shoppers.
“little- onos” stockings or to fill Christmas
the little people and there are toys an<l
bags, sell at 5c the pound, other grades at
games galore aj 5c. loc. and 35c.
Sc. qc and loc.
name them aM here, come and see them.
Children like the stitk
Hcgin with
candy, that sells at IOC the pound.
1 he
Some of the quaintest and queerest things
finest of Chocolate Creams at .;oc,
ever niad^*.
The china
cut glass and
etl nuts al i.;c; : pounds for a quarter.
silver are beautiful bejond description
Peanuts at loc.
and the finest piece* are being selected.
Pigs — Dates — Apples
s-Oranges—Lcmoift—are the “after din
You can s|iend a single dollar or lliree or
ner necessities” buy theift now, they may
four or si\ or eleven.
be gone later.
Silver novelties at 25c.
Some people make their own cardies
A host of Sterling
Linger for a mo-
meni>t Hook Counter there you’ll find the
Yoi?ll need confectioner's sugar;, sells at
dandiest bindings at 22c, 28c. 35c.
8c the pound.
for boys and giris from 8 to 14 years, sell
Make the best candies.
Christmas candles for the chriMmas at 33c and 60c.
“Mr. Dooley ’ would like
trees or for the home sell at 15c the box
to amuse some one at 1.25.
of 18, 24 or 56 candles.
Fellow” can be owned for 1.50.
sc each.
the pair.
The twisted at
The hand decorated sell at 35c
“The Other
Harum” will cure tbe "bluest fit of blues*'
for 1.20.
.•^•nT.UdioUMaf rsQraodU
idcUzwaiBMBtlBf iotl.OM m.
WbM Mn PmI MmUmt of MmI*
popalatku of Mlebic
r oho foud ~ ,
•r .U- tho iMl
•I oea*M WM a.ns.m
b nu of UxaUoo BPOB all proyhMlBf apoaroBUj bm aBSoauod dorciMBt IhBi
,h.. |»yiM
my U tbc StBU. UMDl
l«r tbo aifhl by tbo ted dMboa
WidetosM. U ererS per eeei
Hl:bty»B rvllroed property • trorlh
«rorth a*
railroad property Id
>«r mile
mewed rel
ied apoo BBOb a
baeleof raloe Ot't^eeot. ibe r*Ueut« woBld OBT tue
oar taxM
________ _______ aute world ,rowl*liilbU
W) dasneoisnitim
MBf Btilted
Btittbd for ehtBcia
bolte. No jBisoBBtlBr
MlBBeBoU teele of oMto.cd reloe »*«»,
they world
'rat per
per «l,r>
wobIH pay
pey «
•« sew.
work. >dtod «a. B«d look >«»f
-------- .
•ooqre Xr»te H«« tad^M Omth by •
^fthlterya Vlll be iMad by •aaftr
VoDta HwlrocML
Lyaaaob far a Coataat ioTaka
_ J. W 8 roab wo»l»«d a toioftma Uto
FlaaeU Kaatotaa
Tbe Saalor Lyoaaai brid a baaUeaa
■Mteiac yaatorday after aebool aad
_ - -. he had bera ffaaaaeted eoaaidarabte biuUieaa All
WSUed. While at work at the paper
f« thadebate with the
mllla. teiay eoaatnieied at MnakeeoB. FrMkUa elab of Manbtea. were aettlrd
IrwiB fell from a atariac aad teoke bla aadlbepopil* a>pr«aa«d tbalrihaBh.
teibebaa aeaa sea who eiotribaiod
The oewa cane aa a terrible ebock to )
“*Wrtal la tbe deoora
Facilities For
tte,™a,m^relatirea ia thUoliy.idla oot mS?
Him Aaa<e IrwlB. a abler of tbe de-! debate: it wee oot held for tbatooreeaeed.lefifarMuakeeoBSatBrday.aadi^:**““®f'”
P^le bb idem of
tbetwootberaUlera,MraJ. W. Straub
They alw>
ley. left today.
Uaiair a .Dwew, both from a popalar
Twobroihera, John and Will, aaw '
Mt baoiiieaa teae. fell down etalra aa i^T.eo ia*e«; aad upoo the tVueoa»<n
oa waa ruauaif d.>oafr jaao oflljeaad . Wie of aawwMd raloe me.ru per Ur Irwin Tki..»-^
. tor rr»nk!iB c.ob t'> another C'.nlpai
atraclc hU head OB the aiooe walk at iBile|.yr,5')3 }Sj 4s ua-a
ibe foot of the etaira. He Ipat a yreat ' “Kiit ereu admui'nf
adjiitVor that »uob
»»'''•*» ib»y were prepariay Jrkod. aa they rsprek^d a doire be
dral of t-lood aad waa Uhrobose and I tiati« are mUIeadfo*.
praciiac ' *®
-Irle.dfof. aod rraoiiac
dowji b-'o remora to anollie' iK*
“* reoeinap a c-ha.i n^'e
ooi eapeeud to reeoebr.
,ihat aaaeMini-at
afsa artnal raah ra'.u? pa’‘i“f
parlof »>>r
t>>e buildloj
buiklB*. The yonnr man
to aaoth-t
W.U,.o-.K..terdropp«deadoaUato-‘‘-'J'~“'‘ IU.Uk.-pi.
In -*>.he paymea, by tSe
the ■ mp-eiV;
„e„Brf vs one an., .n ../.tlfk!: . debate
‘ ?’‘^‘“barr
Kreel. Ago Arbor. a.tBU.T ereolog
«»* ’«* »*«« '
Lyr -»m iru.u.U
The dfOea»ad wa. ao old wildier l/e'**’*'■ »*>ry now p.r. I w .uid cate-in U •**»*
be remorrd. when t‘,e *»be place ab^ot *thr mddle of the
waaBamarriedaodahont tto year, of. *
^ bo tho i-ktoue to p*.>- bjard. brottr fhmupo aud be fell. «jrr.>nd
.r oofiK-hi.-.!. Tie pr<I trai ajrala
teas, .irik nglwo .V,sr!te be’ow la .nrka
apoolot a
iJwacW. waa aceUentally
a lof. He 'plated .a» yuBi
yue ,
ayaUwt a ritook of ■! orii
on. an
and |a
way koocked U dawo with
le above j
^olt. -
hi» left arm and bU nrchj
"You bare b«*eB orok.ir. d for locrea • ' H-rrarvd waa
jeara of ajc an'* v
ly 1a*aa t-T the aperopriatl .n» paaand j married. Tn.-tuner*! will b.‘ bel.l
I Ih- laat
! Muah.-k-OB
rao(fr>n -i.
ffw itara for a
place in ManiklF^
orKiu:B.< *uor*o
ci..k, I..., K-,h,-K„,
»!! Elks f
----- —
• The iue.-!loeof 1. .Cii .N >
..f ..l...
Hsve Fu chaacd
Eeuil (.It rha'Inleiuati.r. a. P-.1. :ii).
Qaantity of.R-ai Ueeful Ar-teles
Aaaociatv.n last ••'rpuiny wa» lary..
atteuileci. .S-een new ni.-;uUi« «.,r.
to b.t Dtair buted h-iaiuse.
laHiated ami many m-.re nam-.s r-.*.
Tbe Cbriaimaa yifi
iiUrt of : ea'.rd app.r.uk- f«r memb. r.fiii.. oPi
Traerrs*-City Lsiye .So 383 li 1' «
uiaytterm of «j»
Blka have coeertd tbe Held p'elty well '
J. Maynard.
dorlay the past few weeka anj al- ^ Kirat.dent—A.
*io» preaileui—B .p L iudoo
Ihoorbalt the member, have not yet
Second vice p.'eaidenl—Miaa Uatlc
'd those la nerd, already a larye ,
number of packagte arc 10 pfep»P.Uoo.;a,**f""' °* •f«™lary-Mra. Mabel
and it U
Is be
hr ieref
ierrl that
that faw if
any needy I K naneist secreury—L fiacoe.
little folk, have been ovrriooke^.Wnile I ’I'rrakurer—Frank Trude.
tbe liitk oaee have been the eapeeial ’ liuide-ThPO .Soyder.
tiuar.liar.—L A. HubbrII.
care of the E:ka tbU year, a anmter of
Urievantecommi'tee-W. H Bradley.
older persons in dealitnte eircuiDaU|>% I’eler Sandelman. Ileorye Xararre.
oee aod families la want will be caned
Truatna-Ik J Keddy. Charles Mllte,
'"hare are BOt many really deatl- Mias Jessie Uilmore.
tote families in Traverse CUy oonaidvrTO
Iny Iw tlsc, but amony tbuae who an
in need tbe Elks have fonsd places to J. W. Slater Will Oive Away Z>olla,
bestow their charily to good ndvaa
Cabs, Sle-ybs. ate.
Uye. Tbe followlc^ articlea have
%very child should have a preacDt for
BlrcBdy bees apporUoned where they
Christmas and I expect there are a few
wUl do the moat yood:
In town even lo there yood timfs, thit
tiW pairs of rnbbera. 3fi pairs shoea, are ool able to buy them, so I tbonyhi
ta cape. 85 suite S loads wood. S ladies' I would do a litUe lo) make
tbe 1UU«
Jwkeu. 8 overcoats. 00 pairs hose. 78
yards dram y<^s. 8 akirts. 0 hoods, e
8 bst>d alelyhs. :
pairs mlttena 3» lulu uederwesr. S
There is no string tied to thit.all I a»b
heatlny stoves. 10 bnsheU potahira
is for tbe ladies c f some std so.-ielv te
The membecs who bsve not rcporied esll and yet them aod deliver* them to
be ones they think moat worthy. It b
are requested to no so si once.
W. B. Urobbeim. formerly of Lylao
lot mnch bnt It wilt make SQ ilule to »
la ta tbe city onI bla way from Skilll
Tbe above list indicate, that nary happy Cbrikimss morniry
« llyhlatetl
i«Bs atatloD, SO mllea from P
little folks aad aoma biy fulka, too, J. W. 8t.*Tt:K'8 House Furnisblny Store.
:ry. loMIlwauk-e.
He emTform- will be made happy by tbe antlerrd
erly auUooed on North Maaitn
breihreo ChrUi mas momley. In addi
waa traatfertad.......................
In September.
tion to tbe above there will be many
Ttere will tea meertay of Calform articles of Bse and ornament to And
New oeskwt r by express st S Beeibeir way into tbe stockinys of the
da A Co.'a
lUlla folks in poor families.
Thefaawl of John ' SchaUd
of ihla eeciioa. Tbe rnaeral w
Heprcaeetetlvcsdf Sersnton School Of [
markable la that it was the Brat
It to oe
Arc Real
tsiored and Re lulizrd. a
ear la the family of the dreeaereed. »l
Enyiaeeriny WUl Leave Today.
body 'lied with New Life
thoaybhe wa. nearly loo years‘0^.
BBd Viyor. b> Uslny
This mornlay a aebool of enylneerlnc
B-yhi ehlldrea and to mad-hlldree
wefepreeeai. Bev Coebhn preached
>rerouirnl y-.v-
--i^ with bla'------“
P»-W. ---------_________
le earryiay hia clolbioy ia I
nayntaharenf eetra taxation luadi
Nearly half ae aer« of heavily
tim-1 Brceaaary
arceaaai by the rer^ni war
.vlly tiro-1
tered eoii%t the north end of the
raoyrj Itlaelaoweli for youtj rem-mter
of aaod bilia looaiiy
wo a. ‘’booder
‘’booder^ ’bat there are only three »tau« tn i'.»
Moeataioa. plied h-yha
ITaloa In whleh railr.wd. pay aperifi:
aboreof Lake Micblyat
(aiea npoD yroaa caruinya "
ahip of O vert. Van Boren oouoty. waa
tore looae by the fury of the win i
Taaaday aed aiid aereral rod. dona the
faee of the mouateiea.
Trampa are blamed lor a fire which
daairoyed'lbe barna of JoboD Snyt
Snyder.. Solid Bepobilcan Vote ^aat aadKl.vea
Bear lonta. with to..................................
©rmccrau Voted In iu Favor—
00 bn.brU of yrAib.
to tobt of bay
b aad twC boraee.
Tbe Vote Waa IM to 160
Marshall elalmi to have the oaly
Waahlayion. 0. C Dec IH-The vote
and uoderteker ia
©0 tbe eafrracy bill today called OBt a
heavy atteodanee la the hoBaa. It waa
aa iaterMUny aeaaioB. and atlll more
•ntereaUar lo the Bepablicaa when
aad bit throat waa ao badly tom that tteapsaker aonouaoad that the blil
b.dpa^ te a vote of iPOtolM.
<^lltae. oaate ao opera bouaa. aad a Every Bepnbllcan voted for the bill.
projast U BOW afoot to oryaoUe a .lock
oomtpaay of looai haalaeaa Bteaaad altlThe Demoerata who voted for It were
aaaa aad balld oaa
^prem-otetlve. Claytoa of New Y^rk
Oeeny of Marvlaal Uriyya of New
N t. WyckoB of KiofBl^ m
city yaaterday.
a L Walla aad wife of Lake Aoa. Rappert of New York. Seadder of New
®' Maa.achd.etW, UnBN la the city. They atteaded the
erhll of New York add Wilaoa of
B^aleal oolMre aihiblUoa laatavM New
Mnb Rata Ta^t of Qlaa Uai
TialUny Miaa Bthol Oibbe of
Bifbth atTML
Mra A A. MeOoy weat to Cedar Boa
yevtteday for a few days vialt with her
in Ttectlemcn’s Furnishings as wd!
Ulsters and
(E So Ptock'can be more complete, for
ours contains the latest products of the
largest manufacturers in Men’s andCbildren's goods—a call at our store at this
lime will afford pleasure and profit to
you and satisfaction to us.
Think of Benda.
Mlaa Ida Plekard of Letaad. _
IraOordoa left for Peuwkey reaterlUr^t^bBBltteaa tor tha Potato Imple^
of customers for Holiday Xovo;tu.s
as the stajile articles of
PfllCTUi CHMin i* >
*l»«llBf fa Mav
WE ARE STIil OFfEflIHfi___
Ethel Caw t. .l.ltioy reUtIve.
la Oaaada. Mbe ta aoeompaated by ber
MlaaMioale Beiloer ie aaeWUey in
ilative of the Bnylneeriny Sidiool at i
Bauit. Mlaa Tlllte McNeil of Cfalea^.
at ScrantoD, Pa. and hasI been in
ia tbe ;' Tf servoa'i vsbsi>-.|ion wrre belter u
S. L. Ilea made a baalaeaa trip to
I drr*(n ■ - ■
city for
Kalkaaka yea terday.
' lime, but news of Us ' Z r*(o».|, the nuiiihrre o> iomne sod
prr«..o, hu .0. oe., peOlieteO be j dee, J.
Mra. JobD Uelaioab la vlaltiay
wed yesterday!
........... —kna*d to esuM it would bsve esusod a crowd of , an-l nvr-.u. prwiriliou.
frieada la Maaiaiee
'. Hatley, a buaiaea. maa of MaaBiuiun* snd pri>lr»-ions) men would
The school honae reoeetiy burned at disinterested eurloaityseekrra to crowd
aa la the c'lv ycaienlay.
mpire.w,. Insured la tbe Karmsrs' > the car aod interfere with the work. ' Sfl,!;!
Jamaa-Mililkea dr., haayoae to Laaa Hniual,
inaerabee belay ob the
If wberp he U aeJerk ia
>a tbe auUonery buildlny and pstn on iu contemu
which will close tbe worb in ffl^rity : tt.ett »ork, »,.mI women would not Iw
Oilef of I'o.rce Beoule aasltted an-old
nert oua sml mSec ihe
Harry- Kneelaad la borne frna the man lo hia home in Ps. Paw yester-, The ear has been near tbe C. A W M
Ayricoliural Oolleye. for the holiday
>i«>- '~i'i
D. a Day aed faatlir of Olen Havea, monev sioten uLi
o“l •»“ have taken a sbtwt you n-u-' u,.iiii»ii ....j rm-otr the ws.icd
are at Park Place Tory druee over
i)r. A W Cbase'e Nrrxe
cootkcof lectures
tores 00 Ihesu'j w
Haeday on a Sanu Claue exhlblUoa.
and llUol I'l'j*
ihe yre*te»i teslois.
TheeeSool of enyiaeerfny li
■Twrivelioemeoareinihcrity from ented by i--------Mra J. W Straab .ad Mra Ueotye
(ivrv knn*i, ;o nusletn sc.enre They
. Irinr the lines of the
D-teoh. repalrinr
MeUjaaid Mi
______ ./part "*■ “®‘
oot h.»e tbey ib*
Mlchlyan Telspbune Co. A. B. Clarke of tbe tqulpmenl. <.f the car.
to attend the
a imr^alivc, but rer teothar.
rir foremaa.
Ueoeye Irwin.
a perfect locomotive abcsi four feet in “7»' *‘i
S B. Harsh, formerly of Bates, hss lenytb. which is operate
,led-either by I
Good l imber Bale.
y I Pill, are prep.red from the fvvor
onrebaaed the Harsha farm te^h if ateam or elec irielly. Tbe school teaeb
the city.
esby eorrespundenceaod has at present 1 ", ,„,u
There will be a repnlar review of iM.oou pupUs in »ll oonnirtea of the
tlmbrrou TOo a-r
eivtliied world. '
raeeise Bay Tent IS« at 7;Jo
Bad MayflMd tOiroahip. f,>r 17,430.
fter- the nominsiioo^^
j watery blw. 1 and exbausled oer
'U wilt be served
Coffee and Tea Btednlt.
Fnet Baved His Itife.
reyuUr t.TWIIIWt
IrcatmcBt Vwith I •
A cordial inviutloa it extended to'conpleielv
Brave Men Fall
IWvU of HowenM. 0..lSi^h^V__
B friybtfnl death. For two year, a aeVictims to stomaeh.'liver and kidney r"F“"
liny Ihe coipuwln to tbe blood.
t luny tronbls .
mublce as well as women, and all feel
•Bd crcMine new eerve force, they 611'
tbe body pttb eew life aod vigor, cod I
b* h dieeaw from the evetem. Tl
--------- e and tired. UeUees. ran
gaevs work iboat the rwulu ol
1 "Uyave inatani
Chaec’e Nerve and Blood Pille, Yon I
tasted span
cac rely alwolntelv on tbeir rtetoralirc
dwlnlcnrae . 'S for 35
provee .UU-. uyr "Electric B-ttirc arc jnet
Fifty cenu at >
fte power to ears aU Throau Cneat and
all dea^ or by mail os ^ipi of
LaBytrodblaa Price 50e and |100.
prkc. bv 1)1. A. W. Cbaae Medlriac
■vary bouieynaMUed. Trial b„ttlns
Tbe Nobby UBfB
b every box of
30c atJna. G Johnson's nnd G '
Iteyesulsewill befoBDd portrait and
fac-atmile aignaiure of Or. A. W. *
Oholea planaa, Jmi tha tblny
Obriatans ptfte. at tha etndte of Mlaa
WteBBB Onnnty Ati*.
'■•“P ' I'i".... .
1» I>'l lop, .N-o. 1............................................
ii|w, witli n
G<x«l biz, .l pliiin
plnin him}! ffHit.-j- RoMr-te at!"
Huitvr dish.ts s.|HHr.- awd rt.uml.......... .............................
"7«“n !■; .s'.T ;Ti'
B.Hiilif.1 p,,l,.r liiu.p, .ill, pioU. ,„d
burmTi w.'.rik'
n..o,........ ' ''.v
The Variety Store,
One ,W ,.,t of Slei.l»rtV Gr..J (>,. ™.Hmee, F™| Sire. 1
J. w,-u;s.;=~'u“rtlS *»
Tbink ot Benda.
.IT .Um. ...k
'Wbnn wiU
*Hm te wwdyf
‘When are v B oi mfpy oar w»j *••
--------- --- -. of Mr. Wblt.v'ite
the marhat for enll aed Said run
Sotetoaa for wbteh they ere payisy
^ bixbcat prices. Tbey are *uJ
haylny wbatt foy which they era ^t with a i^mwp hook, and y«- my
WtBy marhei pt^ AU ooadttlnaa
of damaged wheat.bonyhi. for which
they WUl pay accord Iny lo qcaU'y.
fcSffiiri!??..?” 1. tk,
Think Of Bend*.
' PBiteni nnU) I Ump
Sidewalk Lumber in all alaee.
A Carload Selected From Indiana Stock, Just
Becked By
• teTr>T».01t7L<unt»raa
»•« on But. «w,t
Tk«M*M«f M
8n4*7 br • tarrlfte vjeloM. wbleb did
1 »■■»■! dMn«c». d«ll(«7lAC «M7
boWM U MoaiaWqM.
At Loadoa U* eoart mv* ibm h»*«
teMd U* toll««iar MUOUOM
"Tb* HTMfMMto a*d« tor U*
d*putm frOB Wiwtoor hM
I Mtil ktur ChrlatnM
M. «mlA| 1C tb« prwiBt Btcto of kflUn
U Hoatb Afrlco. tbe 411MB !• ttnwllUa«
tcbckt • (TMt dbuse* fro* Lob
doc.’Ofletot tram ahow that th« M-ton
redd or* BhitMaMt IrOB tb»
alM at OrtpoU OrMk raMl*«l
oBaltar «m the rlebwt la tbe world'*
alalac Uttorr. It wUl b* ictUod for
ca*ba*l*ofM.M7 a too. or noo.OM
for tb* ahlpBoal. Th* nchaat recorded
aUpBMt atar Bade prior to t£la waa
<roB tha aaa* loath laral of the I*abaUa. It caaalatcd of 47 tea* aad wa*
worth «!.»»a tea. Th* ora bod7 la
thi* laval la *o rleh that fraat dlBealtp
-4a eapirkaead la iadaalar aaMltar
owaare to treat it. Ballroaas rafaae
Idle It
doable tarUr aad apaelal lalaaaa froB
By choosing any other
cigar than
Barnum & EarPs
Rare Bareiias
For Christmas...
BSOS Shoe Ston, loidij,
Titsdij tid fedHsdu eieilMs
^j^eal enrroandiop* have npon the
Think jof Benda.
Fire lasuraace Office
1 iS
Applae-Cnm- and wtndfalla, lOc per
Fire Insurance.
John R. Santo,
Gueril listraacc.
Travore* CttV. MU
Heal* at rr^lar bonre. Short order
eooklnp at all Urnee. dap rr nifbL
Opntcm sei^-ed in all Atple*.
Under Tonncllrr Blcck.
A Keen. Clear Brain.
■it. dmfrieto____________
Thrnkof BeAda.
Best lot ever brought to Trav
erse City. I will have here on Dec
ember 20, a carload of the best
horses from Indiana. Before buy
ing call and see them.
Brodhanen’s Barn, State St.
For a Christmas Gift
What is prettier or more appropriate thaa
an article of Jewelry from onr assortment
The same old prices prevail—as low as ever.
Very fine
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks, Silverware, Opti*
cal Goods. Pins, Opera Glasses.
Allwerk«tbl<kMi p
r rrodt. PIM «•>
■k b epMlbllr.
Fluh. ?nr ud Sul C»pt
Deairable artlclra tor p
•altkiB poo
poMi ai modri
e price*—l*lu«hb*p»
. ..............
-ice*—Plnibbapt 50c.
TSe. «1.S
HamiUoa Clutbicp Oompanp.
r. 6
HowOffIre Hbrkhu
Think of Benda.
for a Cbrintmas presrnt for yoar
little onen—it buu anytliiiisj yot
badeeaniaAbolBc. tllProaiSi.
itb. To
TYR' R B. MH4CM1 p*r«i>>an ood onrVMB
U OSee Prlraliraa eiock. Day oralfht cbUa
biwbdod 10 prowp-ly- Pbooco. BtU Ilf: North«ra.lS.
r\R. J N. WILHELM, pbroidbo bsd OBrcooB,
OMmo DevToaDvlm btoek. nf Froal olToot,
l^AMLT a OODOS, AtMVMy bbd eoaboolJXL lor bi tbV. OMom, Otly Opera BOBM Btt.
T^R. W E. *W, a, Hoob. xeoeral practice blw
XJ epeelbUnueTC.ear. Boeeeod pesllo artbbrydleraera, .MA'pboee. W: New. tW. OSlee Opera Booee Block.
pxBO.B.CROaa. Attera*7ba*Oeobaellar*l
Ur tow MaweyMlobb. OStoao. OuyOpor*
Txa. A. m. BOLLIOAT, t**e<toW Torwto
l/CBtvwoar. oneetahamaaaBUt.'Phob-
■n c. OaaaRT.Attevwor. BpaelaJalteMlea
X'. to PrwbMe pvaeito*. Son • *b« U
MMObBtUe Oe. Block.
TanreerUl be*
Oolnmblan Hall Feat Side, OB Friday TTr H. POSTEB. AMorw* M Law. eporioi
Hnsle bp Helm A
81* 10-t S
0. SJ£ESi“—
<S. Maad Si. im.and Jaanarp l, twn.
Good tfhtetnra nnUl Jaanarp *. leoo.
Pes—yuwM 1—Ti Ttmrmtri
at E. W. Hastings’
Kswomds BaU-
time.” Oalmaae' Blnatle floor Vanlab.
Think of Benda.
Think of Benda.
Tt em U MpH ii 24 Iran.
Get po*r Wepol* re-eaameled for
»i SO. Fber ooat work, anv eae eoI«
o*. oaa five pon aap eiyle of omamaatatioB. Aleo aap kind of repair
work neaUp aad . promptlp Aoa*.
At Lederie'e Blopel^Bhop.
A Mistake
Prof. Flpna follewed with a leetore
on phpeieal culture. _
Be epoke of what
tbU work bad dona for bU
ila. aad
that we keep wall Inete
baviep the doctor irp t maken* well
Be erpe* the seed of MBperau
. _ that
..jt averp hour of dlmipaat* that mn^ from tb* end of
lioa eat*
Ufa He elated that it a man were In
•feet phpeieal eondlUon, It weald be
poaeible tor him to coteb the moit
deadip diaeaae on earth. He ended bv
pivlap a varletp of praeUeal eoppeeUoBi tor the malntenanee *f health
and pbpnieal pra * and eirenptb.
Oa ue whole, the enurtalomeat
waaneaeoeesfaloBe. It le aocredit to
• •e“«»Vof rratifleatlen
Twaalp-Five Tear* of SofTerlaf.
to Prof FIpnn. aad three wbeee ehUdHr.. T. V. Baldlnfar of i|7 Clinton ran took part In the drUla have jaet
inee to feci proad.
atreet, Detroit, write*: -Dr. Cbaaeb
Olnlmeat la a tdeMiBf. U cored me of
tlOO Sewird. $100.
lUhlof pilM mrtcrit pear* of **ff srlof
porlnf whieh Ume I trlrd doctor*'
; readers of this paper w
U^tmeat and manp kind* of olnt- pirated to learn that there U at Itaet
meat* wliboat rreolt.’' Dr. Cbaee'e one dreaded dieeato that telenee ha*
Olntmeot foaraoteed to care pllm, beea able to core in all lu etapea, and
cccema, and ail «kin ironbiee. Miernu. that I* eatarreb. Hall'i Catarmh Cure
ail dmrvUU or Dr. A. W. Cbaae Bed. le tbe onlp poaitive
Co.. Boflalo, N V. Sample box tree medical fmtomiip.
for atamp__________ ~
eonctltotioDal diieaae. rcqni:
tUtDtiona] treaimmi. Uall'i Cbtarrab
>« Bm
Cure U token intornallp, eetinp direct^ f« to 7<) daHof thk week ••Zero” ip upon the blood and mocnone ear
Uleicn foat ts &0 s Bead* A Co. face* of tbe epetem. thereby deeiroylop
tbe fonadaUon of the disease, and pivInp the patient stfenpth by baUdinp
np the conelUnliOB and amistinp natare In driep iu work. Tb* proprieaneh faith in ita enmtlve
No rrmilO^- equala WaILVCR'K W
1 hite
----------- offer one bnndred
r T
..ab Syki i* for ihle U-rri- dollar*
for aap case that it fall* to
fataldbeaae. If taken
:en tbor^ enm.
llrt of tonUmonlala
ouffbtp aud in Ume, It will cure a oa«e .Add
ill M boon, and f<>> the ouufh that lolluw*lB Grippe 1'. never taUa to fiv*
toUoL Price. 2Sc and SOe.
the beat.
You Will Make
Think ot Benda.
Oaltad Sutaa MlaUter Bowoa infOTB* th* atate dapannent that fraat
diairearprarail* 1b Paiala. 1b eoaeaqiieoee Of thahifh price of bread. B*
aa;a tbe altaatloB 1* frowlnc worae
crBTdap aad that the proapecta are
that th* poor wUl be face to fao* with
aiartratiea darlnf tbe entire winter.
Aiaarleaa Biaaloaariea eannot obUiabraad eao«f b tor their earranu or for
th* aehool aad hnpltale ander their
car*. Mlalatar Bowan aaka that th*
oltMtlBB b* Bade kpown to the ABeriaaa paopl*. with Um eafcaatloB that
coBtribBtlooa of aoaap b* aaat b7
draft OB the Imperial bank of Parala
at Teheran, made pOTabla to th* or
der at R*«. Uwia r. BBclatTB. aaalorj
- ABaiiean BlBloaarp, who will bm it
tor the relief of tbe enfferlaf poor.
At MlebolaarUto. Kj.. three amaU
chUdroB of Mr. and Hr*, damnal Re7aolda Bf*d 6. » and 1 7*ai« raapecUer.
17. were berned to daath Sondap. Thep
bad been locked In tbe hosae while
Mr. and Mr*. Repnolda wareoB a eiilt
to a aelfbbor. Tbe parent* retsmed
in tla* to aee the hoaae eollapar.
Jaste* Keoaedp, a miner eidploped
OB tbe Silver Qaaen of Ocrap. Ool.,
carried oter a Sre-hnedred-foot ellS to
death Satnrdap ntfbt, and bU eompaoIon. 4tff Bnfle, bad a Barrow eaeam
belof eared onlp bp eoapeBaloo In a
birbplaetbat wltbatood tbeaboekof
tbeenowellde Both men were walk Jadldonilp, and aald that It I* leBoltclp
iBf to tbrlr work over a narrow trail eaaler to preeerve tbe health than to
eeareeip two feet wide. Hearing tb* reetore it after it le loot.
olldeeoBiac thop triad to raa before
Bar. D. Coehlln epoke of the relation
lU path, bat were too alow. Bafl* between pbpaieal enltoraaad the moral
wee atripped of bia clothlnf. bat olber- and relipioni life. Be said Uiat the
of tbe bodp has at mneb
At Oreeawlcb. Conn., rather than eat
down eOBW baadaome ehade tree* of
tbe maple aad elm varletp. WUlUm M.
Seeker be* eaerlfioed a Ss.ooo bouee.
Mr. Decker poroheaed propertp on
which wea tb* boat*, a abort Um* *fo.
Be daalred to erect a'
dwelliac there, and had an offer of a
larpe aam for the hoaae If U eonid be
moved a.wap. Tbe bailaiac wa* aarfoanded bp ireea, aod Mr. Decker r*.
fBeed, at thep woeld have to be cot
dowo. The baildinf baa beea tom
dowaaadHr. Deeker will apead m.
dinr a Inew ooe. bat th*
on In beUdInr
tree* will reimala.
Tbke Wamer'i White Wioe of Tbr
Of A Paiheinrb Bahp- whtt wtU Jw beri coopb remedp oo carih. » et*
be prmaatod at Bldaberpb Oraad da
Satardap evaalap. Dee. se. It H Mid
that never ha* a eomedp beea piw
A oood deal out be bought with A
with Bor* derided ^proval bp both
dolUr end a beU if yoa get into
BatortalalBKlxUbltlea la ttalobB»> pram aad pebUe or atlaUada moe*
enmpliiTi eneeeei It le a abrtetlp hiphetaad iMt Hlffbt U Wh\A SAooi
elaM BMioal eomedp.
ObUdraa Aeqelttrd ThaamleeaA^
Which in
Daniel T. Arthnr hM atranped erith
Blrablp-lBatr«eUT* Talha ob'PI^
r. Daniel ProbBaa wbarehp tbe
aleal TreinlBf.
former wUl star William Morrla In
Tboaa who aatlclpatad a treat la tbe
“Th* Advenure of Ladp Umala."
We have a tablf of
phpeieal ealtar* axhlbltloa irl««B bp
whieh eojsped a proaperoaa nut In
Fancy Article*, inclodtng
th* pepiU of th* sebool eedar the diLondon and a eeaeon in New York at
^▼er No^ltles
rectloa of Prof. Flpaa. warp not dlMpthe Lpeenm Theatre. Hr. Horrie
Bohemia Wars
pointed. And th* eatertalBBeat
the star In “Onder th* Bad Bobe,"
Bot oalp Utareetlnc bat laetneUva as 'Tbe Lost Paradis*’' etc. This attrac
well, and pave manp aa idea of the tion wUl be aeen In Travoee dtp Mrlp
Papper and Halt Sets
r oer on ioaked—a*
work done in tkl* Itae in th* dtp la Janaarp.
m * EtUvonh. I
ratal wed* hr Bnv
wankM. TBU aawete oa ratal. WUl m
aehool* of which thep knew bat litUa
BaaraMUnlraae mor* laB.J. Motvaa.
Cat Olaae Plooea
Tb* laelemeot weather kept
SpworU Lcapne Ofimm.
a BOn*E-A |«od tawIlT Crtnax bane
swap who wonld otharwla* have been
to Cad a kew« far iW vtslrr to
At th« meetlnp of th* Bpwwtb.> lb* UM*waau
tor hU -k.«p." benlre et Thao T
and dozens of other nice things
thare, bat thcr* wae a pood andleoe*
Lwp** of tb* Pint Hethodlst eh
marked down to one third their
tb* eertaU
at th* ehnreh parlon Isat evenlap the
valoe to close then oot.
np aad dlaeioaed tbe UtUe daee oa tbe f lUowiap oBocm ww* elected;
It*s Up-To>Oate.
etape readp tor tb* drill.
Preeldent-H. A. Uohb.
pwn MAU-Mara wU q^k.^wr e»* ^Ir <rf
The flret drlU pivea was bp the
Pint Vice President—Hra. L. Brepp.
«*lrtlSS^6£*‘A“^tr*fwr lew^ITx'or
ebildraa ehoaen from the klnderpartan.
Beeood Vies Prerident-Hr*. John
Thep went tbroopb th* exerelaen with BlphUnd.
an aeearedp that waa
Third Vlee Pr«ldent-HU* Bdlth
ildertnp bow poonp thep are aad the Atkia*
Munson Block.
verp limited time that thep have had
Fourth Vie* Preeldeot-Hra. C. B.
earltbvv. larolMk.
"• *will beve on exhibition at
.1 Wood
After tbU followed la order drill* bp
H*er*top.-Hr. C. B. OrltteadOB..
tbe four priaelpal achooU In the dip.
Treaanrer-Hr. WoolfotU
The drUI of the pnplla from the Central
Orpenlst—Him Flora Caldwell.
rr-Uouw aad Aral riau ba
aehool oaUed oat a heartp roand of
“THB HOLBCK8 Acetylene
■ward. I» Beet Mlaih vlrraUehen-Plopd Beech. Rowland Donprreetrd lae, Free Simm*.
Gac Generator’'
Par (vneral bouervi
a* heartllp. a* waa *iio Boaromao aveTba teaebei* In the Oak Park
Shoulder Dleloeaud.
w and U loel
TriORSAUC—evra-a r
C Ial dltpirueln
aehool are welt np oa thia work, and
Hn. C. B. Green had the Blafortan* to
HOMBf.SENTY Aectplenc Gat Co
the Injanetlon to "ke^ poor ape on
l^R SALE OR RENT-aiora IraUdlac and tO
Oak Park" waa not a vain on*. The
S. B Souem. Ae(t.
hMi IM. Ma. il7. Dolae rarwl. or
at the home of her danphtor. Hn. Ida s
Johnson Block.
work of each of tb* aehooU we* exedAverp. where she reatdm. She
leat, bat U there we* aap eholoe. it
plaplBp with Hn. Averp'* danpl
.... A9ra-.
waa Ip favor of the Oek Park poplle.
•arCMerr •
when ebe lost her balaaoeand fell from
P« rrarr BalunUr BtxkU i. O. Jri
their drill waa with almoat th* preolathe ehair, witb the reenlt etotod.
ion of a machine, pel verp preoefnl.
T^OR RXNT-Varr drain
HarUn attonded.
lor u>-r or ceeuva
After tbe drill, the winner of tbe ban
t. miBialeeIrrat.
ner for th* term that haabeen oondnetTravarMOttp
nrtRM MONKY~Td loan ai«pvr rani oa
Iraprnrvd Tarrarae Oltr pra(ienr 1«
below U a Hat ot the bnrlap and aellThe eont«*t waa a verp doe* one. The
of Hlaa Bnebee of th* FUtb
prada la the Central aehool aad that of
A.T. Brau.
Him Taplor of tbe third prade In tb*
Dak Park eehool were the doeaet In
/“TaRinrMAB PRRVRirTB-Bn-rT keaeakw^
er lo rlir or raniotrr who will eall at IB
the point of eeore. the latter wlnatnp
Ban raiora
HleU owra.
Kran. oa orbvIerT Dm. I*ih. will
boaetlllod loaChv. law prrerol—ooe aklck
bp bet one potnb
0 abo* to her MoDdi. B.
After the banner had been awarded
a aerlee of abort, pmetloal talk* were
U>AM-Oe rltr or
I'odrrMod a raler.
1 la Atm
tke ftrat. apeaktap of this form of
pbpeloal enUnre from the ataadpolni
of the wbool. Be ap<S(e In the hlpheet
tarmeoftbe apeUm and Ita worklnp
and drew a atroap bontraet between
thU epstoB of Optical enltn^ and
Dr. A. U. Bollldap followed In a
helpfni tolk from tbeptaptidaa'a etaadpoint, a* spoke of the helpfnlnea* of
Bi-nno EArasor TKAVUsx'aTY
L. L A. BuUding
pbpeloal Ualninp when earried on
rU Physietl
Uultors Drill.
WMIs Wlm «f Tar
the ma*B bOA BblUnra'* dlaoMee a epeelbtto. 0«beet oonpb mnedp oa earth, enre* a rau.j
riM Wed tveaten
In one dap if token in dae. BandMcta
T<kE. R. a. noon, OSoe to oew TeeeeMar
Sob* verp haadaoae poo^ for amall
bup* arr* three to ten—beanUfoUp IvttMto rsiman.
wDvea and dved-Me. Sl.SS to «1 so
farmen are mnaentod to hriapstoaw
farbHtpT^ HamUtoa Oolblap
to ap bam tor baddlac.
Mat Ptobo bad Ortaa. 1
BBie in axeltoBfa. J. a Jaanw.
bad at
New Goods and New Fixtures
In my store
.. .217 Front Street.
Of course 1 am. Right you are,nothin^; better than n nice pair of
comfortablo, warm sl:oee and
Of course you have hea-d <d oar
Special Low Price Sale
For The Holiday Week.
W. UwBys hold the prioee domi oa
everything in the footwear line, but now
we have placed on ule Holiday Slipper*
and Warm Sfaoae for Men and Women
for the following prioea, and beat them
if yon can.
iohn F. Ott & Co.
Irannt Chi laobir Co.
^'innisaChi, ■ - WeUgoi
worth tLOOfor...
Women's low o
.$ 65
Women's low beever elippera.'hir trimmed, worth $1.25 for...l
Women’# Juliets, high ent, fnr trimmed, worth $1.75 for........ r 1,16
Women'* Juliets.fox for trimmad,diamond botton, worih $2 for 1.48
Women'* bearer and congress shoes, worth $1.50 for................
Men’s beaver sboea, worth $2.50 for................................................ 1^
We have no room here to deecribe ^11 the special bargains we
offw for the Holiday week. Ton arei cordially invited to see them
whether yon buy or not:
Practical Shoe Man
I3S Front Street
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