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The Morning Record, July 18, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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i7/;Art nm
TEA^^;B8E crrr,
tgmri ass
high, thesdat, jelt is, uss.
, • roller,
! m4 bmU be btwcbl ebe*Hr- After
-OOBBSU ImUiw to r»TUo ;nii£‘ClSr«
Ml»r.pio.«t»tlon of
iB the BCMtlM tbe
for WhMlmoa.
mtOAtlOB At Ifanflo
Mriu of Um two roUM will be loottwl
law u4 4«Aolu oetios Ukas Ut«. It
War Com
Iker vm rrobab> Sa*a I
BUo a rro'.eet
’ WMlbeMnUaeotof tbe board that a
Setter thaa Walfea to aide 0&.-’ roller wae aa abeolate oiewatij ter tbe. Afslaat Bifid Praaa OaMoreblpIt of tbe
Vreat 8troot to bo Zsyeverd Wltb
They leaae a Sifslllosat Bute
dt tbla potat la order tbat there bo
(Mabed Bto»o~>ew Bead BoUar
by War of Boac Zoof-OlalBi
so aaaeeeoeaiT delaj. It waa dai
VUl be Patabaaod Bood #b|
»rsa Beporta sia Bappraaud SaroB Mtlas. that wbaa tba maatioff adjoarsad it be aaUl aaat Ucsdap eras*
poaaly by Orseral Otta.
tioae Oaiaed 10 Otasd Bapida.
lad- .
Maalla, July XI. rla Boat Eoof, July
. atrlev
dor eoeoldorable BpBhathj at Iho Meet- ■eadadtbe larlaf of lataral aewere 17.—Tba ooaataatly '
Of the praaa oenaoiahlp troB 31 aan
laf of tba dtp ooaaoll laai olffbt. asd eoaaeetlaf tho 4
•hUa barotofore a etroaaoaa eSort bae Mb’ool wHd^ with thi Wabatar aila. wbich baa pravaatwl tba csbUsf
baM Mdo to kaep ridera of wbaala oS •traetaewar, aad -oa Webeter etraet to tbv L aliad SUtea of aajshhif that
ivdectxtfieial aawa, hue
tha walba, tho aoBtlMst of the aldar- troB Praakllo to Walllartoa
MOS ie BOW that the whoeliaeB aioet la ibU ooBBeeilaD la Ofdar to avoid de ad la a aaltad affjrt oa tbe part of the
ba protoeted a^ their rlfbu wpeeted. U7. CU7 Clerk Blekerd eacreeted that eorraapoadaou bare to aaeura aa abataIt la sot the parpoae of theooaaeU, the Intareatad property owsaie be aaea Baat of the rlfor of the oaMorablp.
Tba InitlaUra waa takaa a atoi
hewavrr. to take back wbat they bare at oaae to aaa If they woald each be
orditsed la tUe ooeaaetloa. bet raalle- wUllar to pay tbalr prpportloaau ehare ar> asd raaaltad la the fratolaf of a
atataBeat wbleb waa pixaeaied 00
isf that whaalBaa Baat be earad for of tba rxpcnae. without tba
thoro U a diepoeltioa to. aaubllah hi- baiac Bade. Then tbe autter of plaae Jaly e toUesaralOtU wliha reqnaat for
JwalaaloA to talafrapb It to tbe
ayele pathe for thalr oaaoaaieaee. asd aad apacldoatloae. advartlalae.
waa broafbt op and U waa acraad that United BtatM. Iba o
will bo lahea to auCke tba lot of the the board of pabllc worka aboald Bake eo aakad to be allowed to cable their
va papera all tbe faeU aad d Btba aaewaary prrparatloaa proridad by
ayalUt eaaler to bear.
erant pbaaaa of avaaU aa they traaaUdewalka too. oaBe la for eoatJderplrad berr, Afur two loay iatarvlawa
aWa atuattoa. aad AlderBtn Bi
OUa be flcml'y ptomlaad
aa('wModwarB la deelariac tbat there
wae so aae la aeomaltteeOf the eoaa- raatioa of lha clerk. Tkie wae deoid- ffreaur libariy, ayraeiay to pam all
Batter that he miybt ooatider aoi dri
ell MBsiar the etroeu of tbe city la ed by the geeeaiary boUoo.
•ul to the iaterseu of the Uolud
aaaroh of dafeeUve walka aal
refaraoae to tbe deliaqaaat taxea
fiOB ihe'oooneU to rebuild or repair reported tbroofb error, afleatiaf lou SUUa Oaaaral OUa appolatad GaptheB are obeyed Tble nattar. bow- 1 aad I of block e of WUbrlm'a addi tala Graaa of hla etaff ae caaaor.
ThaaUUBeatof the oorraapoadani
aver, will ba left with the board of tion. asd of property oa tbe ooraer of
peblleworkajo aae that the ordare of ElBwood aeeaac aad Jrffefeoeareaar, MTi: “W. baliava that owiay to
tbe eoaaeU are ooBplled with wlthoot Barllaad-e addltioa. C.ty dttoraey official dUpatehae froa Maalla Bade
farther delay or to build tbe walkiat Dodfe reported that -he had learaad pabllc at Waabiaytoo tbe people of
the elty'e expeaae aad eharire the u- troB tbe aadltor raaaral that tbe lame the Uaitad fluue hare not raeaJvad a
paaae araloa the property owaaia U for 1H9S bad boea paid. He wae astbor- oorraet lapraaeiM of the eltoaUoa
la the t-bmppiaae: that tbaaa dleihalrtaaaa
iaed to make a proper adjaat
patebea have preaantad aa ultra opU
kalaolB Wlanle waarraatad parBia- tbe Batter.
alosho lay a eamaot .walk at hla reelTba BtataBaat of tho board of public mUuc view that U not abarsd by tbe
yaaeral offiaer* la the fl Id.
daaae property oa HU*e etraeL
rOoBUaaad oa third pafo ]
'■WabalUvethat tba dlapatehae UIba blayela path aaftaatloa obb#
norrectiyrapraaealtheaxlaUay boadlfroB a paUtioB (tob T. D. MeBaaea,
Uoua amoay the FUlplnoa io reapaot to
h. B. B-aekaa, Tom SharaiaB, O. P.,
Oarrar and othata. aakinp tba eoaacll ▲U Blade of Teaoela la Bamaad aad ttaedteaeaUos aad damoral'xatloa raenlUayfroa the ABoricaa caapatya
toeaubliah a bicycle path oa Pioat
Baalaaaa la OraaUy laaad to tbe biiyaad ebusetar of tbelr
atraet from Unloa etraet to Bl
sray. TCc believe that tbe dUpstebra
avaaae. There *rai a
anr in the daclaratioa that tba eltoa
fiaat tba paUUonat oaaa. bat CHy
AUorsoy Dodfatboufbt there Bifbt traSe up te^ldinsBer baataraxaead- Uoa U well in band and that tbe laha 1^ reatrletloiu wbieb woald pra- ed tba cxpaolatioea of the moat ma- aurractloa can be apaadily ended with
out a yraaUy loereaaad foioa.
aaat a portloa of the atraaU brief aat yalaa vaaerl owaara
Bataa have Uvaaead aatU tba hlyh- think that tba ie>iaeUy of tba Kiliplao
salda tor apodSe parpoaaa Be waa
aakad to look into tba Batter tboroofk- eat flyara paid la tbla daeada hai beea parpoae U andcreetisatad aad Uai tba
Bkteueau BOB uafouDdad tbat tbe volXy asd aOTiM tbe ooasell ae to how tar
Wayea of laborere aad othata have unuera aae wiiiiny u> eoyeye la furthey ooald fo la tbu dlraetloa.
Aldaraaa Oarriaoa. who hae baea •aaa laereaaed froa IS to «S par coat, ther aarviee.
tbe Best aealdaoaa U bU ifforu to and every hour of dayllybt 1a Beaded
"Tba'oaaeorabip baa compelled
problblt tbe aae of tbe walkeby wbml- aad aaad. The daBaada of labor naiooa parUcIpau in tbU aiareprateaUUoa by
mas aatlraly. waa particularly eayar to io every caoc have either baea yrsated axclelay or alieriny tbeuaeontrovarted
aaake aoBe prorieloa lor tbe oooranlof faeU in the plea, ae GenTboeaaada of toaaof coal aad oaryo orulOUa buiutad. that they would
oaaa of blorole ridera, 'who, be aryuad
olofaaatly had rifbu which oofbi to apoa earyaof iron ore await traaai
alXTB the people at hose or bare tbe
baraapaeiad. Bd advlaad placlof a UtioB to aad froB mlaea and porta
people of the Ualted SUtea by tba
Tba ebaayad tactlB of tbe rallroada
ipyar of fraral aad other aaltabla praporsUesaea Torloui'Blraata, rolllnf it alone preraat aa accDBalatioa of yrata
'The euuBeat makaa tbe followiac
Aows ihorourbiy aad allowiaff tbe at the upper lake porta If depaadani apaelfledebaryat: ■■ProhlblUon of r«lU there would ba a lack of too parU;anppreMfOBof the full raporttol
wbaaie to do tbe rant. Bala tain lay that
la a little while azeellaat bicycle path< BayatoearryUtoaaatama&d toralya Held opataUoae la tbe event of tailnre
aeald be Bade la tbla way. All of tbe
and tbe naabert of heat
Boau that were loalBy moaay a year in tbe Held: tbe ayeumatle Blnlalta*
aldariaan favored aoae action la tbla
dlraetloa. Aldanaaa Kanyoa tbonybt ayo are bow payiny tbair owaara larya lioire of the naval operaUona, and -the
dlrldandt and sany w 11 more tbaa pay
I makloy tba
for thamaelvaa thU year. dtaaBeia of
proTlelooaaDd providlay i
to the e-ubliahad patha. aboald ba the SOO-foot claaa. oonelderad out of
The eUUBeat U ^lyned by tba 'oorI—ad. Tbe BBtiar waa flaaUy refer date, will pay ss to ss per oaat. proflu eapondaaU of the Chleayo Baeord,
red to tbe aoBBlttae oa atraala aad by No*. 13. Bvaa the- aawU inmbcr Chloayo Tribune. N«w York Sun, Now
walka ->>tb power to act.
acbooaara are is yraaldeatand.
York Berald.'the Aaaooiaud Fraaa and
From now aatU tba claaa of naviya- tbe Serippa-McBaa aaaoeUUon. It wa
A petiUoa far a walk oa the
akda of duu etraet batwaaa Ullberl tldh there will be aotblay bot nub la forwarded to Bony Eony by boat b
ssd Boaa atraaU. waa raferrad to the tbe lake batineM. Every boor will be evade the caaaora.
OOitBlttaa OB etroeu aad walka.
Ue4« and tbare wUI be ao Bua»■ F BAUaT-8 ABP1B4TZ0MS.
A petiUoa from raeldaau far t^ daya or holldaya.
fravallny. yi^tay. aad carblay of
That far the loaaca froa dkaater
WasU Xejor BoyatoB'e Place aa Boai
Beat Btybth alroat from Uatoa
have bean axeeadlnyly amaU. aad Uu
of B O. T K.
Bifhth etraet brldye wae raferrad to
todaUUae profubla to the
'T'HE next three WMka are .usuallj tbe dullest of
The wet.
ther. baa
clear ' our
stock of
aboea anj
oxford a.
so, not to
uadarwiitera ae to
WlaaU Pfufar aad Tmt
KcOoy Married Taaurday.
very happy, waddlay took plaaa
yaaUrday at noon at tbe boau of the
paraou of the bride. Mr. aad Mra. 4.
W. Pftafar. aoe Webatar aUaat. The
prlaeipala wart Bluer W. McCoy and
MlB WlBBla Pflafar. BoU> are wall
known aad vary popular la Ttavaraa
City, aad whUa tba Bsndaya waa a
plea Beat aarpriaa to the (naade of both
they will all ba ylad to axtaod the
couple the
• •
Uoae. Tbe
by Bev. WUey K. Wrirht. aad
lately aftorward the happy pair
the c ty m the tt:«e tnUa for tba aoath
OB Uair waddlay tear.
The yrooB la oaa of the Boya' Bead
aad U equally popular audhy the lo
cal faaalaru of feat horaaa. belay aa affletaat trslsar aad driver of
Ba baa bean dolay lha Miehlyas elroalt with 4. T. Baaaaht trottor. L. C.
K.. aad altar the nulay aeaeoa ba will
take a poaitkw aa trataar on s Isiye
atodi tsTB.
Port Hama. 4aly 17.-Tbe nlavaath
bleanlal review of the Knlyfau of Mae•beaa. which wlU be attaaded by delein the Daloa. will nadoobtadly be the
Boat iBsortani in tba bleiory of tbe
ABooy -tbe faatorea
which wUl to a yraat axteat detanniae
the future Baaayemaat of Ue order k
the aleetioa of offiwra. Them ware
ruBon of a treea havlay baea (ffeetad
Maior Boyatoa aad tba farew
ofD. F. Markay. who waatt Ma>or
Boystos’a plaae, by which Mijor Boyatoa kta baytmaa Ufa office aad ba
rellavod of tbe maaayeBaat of affalra.
Bet it k arldant that the major doeaa't
take kindly to tbla.
Savaml haadrad dalayutee have ar
rived. Tba Lsdiaa of the Mao
wUl bold tbelr eoevaatloB at the mma
time. Both eoavesUoaa wlU oonveBa
tOBonow. At Pisa Brora park 500
---tbamof UuaalfarBraak am aa-
' that aha patttloa for the c^lay of
■01 atraet be daaiad. Tbb
JayasaM Aattoa waa ako adapted..
Cape asd aaneata. Dataty AaMyaa.
Ihk aoBBlttaa alao
atte lae asd Me The FaBoat.
lha tBprovamist «d Froat etraat trou
Dafaa atraet ts Boarduea avaaaa with
arsebed atosa. alao that aa
nad rMlar, of about a tosa, ba purahaadaurisy party
sdSremQ B. Bovhay aaaotdlay to
Tbamday avenlay 4aly sc_________
fan pmpoattlos to the aoaaeU. Aldarasd aaka wUl ba aervad. Pmt. MarIMS Baatlsya wm la favor of tba ha
«aatb<a ereffiaatra wlU tarakh msMe.
Badsaad is prlaa- KowSSdS.
AdBkalBs u aaau a aoaala.
lt of tba atraav alao the parBaMiLTox CLoma Co.
«hsM Of a tsUar. bat ba sdvMad the Japntoi
SMsaU to defer ordarisy
to ev SaitB at S7.M.
BaHLXM Ct oc«nn'Co.
Ihia will relieve na of tbe reguUr faU hiab-keep our n
busy and give yon the haoefit of rock bottom prices
goods OTW
snd to
clton np oor Block of broken
lot*, we are baring a great
'"“e- -e tnroed out
ye^ty-we pnde onnelvea cm tbe artiatic combinations,
style and workmaaabip. Bring down yonr plctnrea and let oa
give yon an estimate.
B.lph Oonn.bl. Jr., Urnn.^.
It’s a sure thing that it paj-s to trade
Hot only every lOth bat, loth cap, 10th
tie, 10th handkerchief. 10th sweater,
lOtb collar. lOih eait of nnderwear
10th belt, etc, bat
Every 10th Pair of Pants
Goes Free.
Yoq are inrited to call and
we will ebow j*on pood bargaine in your site of shoes
We can aare j-oo from 50
ceota to a dollar a pair ou
many aboea.
Dill Too See the New Neckweat?
Alfred Y, Freidricli.
Faeblonablc Outflttare. lu Fnai btmet.
Bathlay Traoka. 15. ts. 50c.
It Pay* To Trade Here.
I New Idea Fashion Sheets
—August iesne—Hew Idea k'attema-Au^t
etylea-How here-Faehlon Bheete Free-Any Hew
a Idea Patteni, 10c.
Four thooeand pattemajln atock. '
Big bnainesa enterpriacfi
are made poeaible by the faot
tbat time and apace can now
be practically annihilated.
A tplephone in tbe office or v
home, saves the one thing,
wbich if lost can never be
Where Is
The Markham Black?
-rit IS looted in the busiest parCof Trarerse City—
on Front street—betveeen the stores of J. A. Monta
gue and A. A; McCoy & &n.
And in the Markham Block is lofcated the
Rlchigan Talephoae Co.
Jilmos’ Hinia Gigir
the proper ooBialttaa with p
sat. Aldaraua Kanyoa made a atroay
sryaBaat ta favor of the
atatlay that la wat waalkv the water
ats^lay la the etraet
The ooBseU
Aid »et feel espowared toaupply boau
for tha aaa of tba rcaldania of that aaeUos, ao tba etraet wUl be laprovad.
teioh Hill aakad Ua ooaaeU for
leattM ta the Batter of aataeoBaal of
her property. lUUny tbat Bora valaaMe property adjolaiay bar praBleaa
WM taxed lam thaa bar awa. Tba
maUar waa retarrad to the eaBBittaa
aa wayaaad a
sob atraaU and walka
dtheyranilayof the paUIks tor a walk oa tba north aide of
Sixth Btraai and thalr raeonBaadatloe
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
Gate Post
...Jaat Out..
Headgnarters of The W. w! Kiiball Co.
The piano that is used liy more families in thia
vicinity than any other piano made
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and the finest display ot pianos and organa
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instmments, mnslcial me^andise and popular sheet music.
5^ Marliham Block
First Class Haiaet Cigar,
EDOd Size,
Eicelleat Qaalit;,
INewThiignfortt Caltiiatiag,
tsk roar Dealer for Them.
K. E. Strong, Manager
Simple Facts
Whan wn say wn ham tha baat laidlaa’
'Tonneller Block.
Fin Insurance.
ZaL. A.Bnfldii«.
Sboa In tba oltr for *8.00 and «a00Onforda; atlSS, 60. 7tc, *1.00, *186.
*160 and *8 00. Haw Una of BUppata
Parker BroSa
TH« uoxnixa xboobs. ttosdat, nn.T ib. isea.
VKATX&es cmr. • lacmohji
Ea»tSvbbubseald. '
«k* Ita put* Oo»pMy.
B*vl**^ <B*4* it dlfiesH to borrow
■Mt* fro* tbit Ud*. »od frwakly r»U*
tU rmUt white tW* «dbbU7 beciM
•hip froth eroo* tor whUb Borop* wQl
rma ioto debt."
T. B*m AXO 3. w. Eaxto
r. W. B*n». Sdiw Md ll**cv-
Ferry Bannah Leant of the
Ocoth ofaa Old Friend, Aged
iOl Tea*.
Rm. Perry Hannah hae r*elred a
copy of the Adrertiaer, of North Kaat,
Pa., the towa U whleh.be lired when %
boy. annonncUg tbe death of “Aent
NellU Weed," an mUmable o:d lady
aged 102 years and ^r*e month*. When
a boy. after tbe oeatb^ Ua parenu.
Mr. Haanab waa a member of tbe famOy of Mra Weed, rrbo waa highly re
spected and boaored In that locality.
A WontUC 10 The •o«U.
Mra Weed was ibe .oldmt peian U
WUcomU ooia*e8tt
Brie eonnty at tbe time of her death.
•pCB the Loaltrllle Oonrier Jonrwl't
MllaoUof Brytnls the followlof la*
HfirtlBf end lodd etyle:
•KUsdidpte Bryu OMOot ctoit too
•Volyos the tooth. Hie ooti-eopM- ramilic* of Xembere Frrpering for
«i0B Idete eoofliet with the bop* .of
ihOtbUhloc people of, Uut e«tUoo,
Who bore been looklnf oot oply to the
w^owd NU»rt(o»(»iio>. bnt to the
pebet, Md to the Orleol. for pouibie
bnde eormoetloae.
The LooitrlUe
OosrUr-Joorvol bee eoanded 4 woralnir
loU* Soelh ofolnet tbe .mieleulliw
iO|ihienr of tbe »po*t]e of 16 to l, who
U t^lty to coDjorc eoppon by inrelftiiBf oftaaet tbe policy of reulolof
podtloa U tbe Pallippine UUodt.
ronowttbe oommercUl elUeUoo ood
••OooelderUf lhe*UUfi. tww UU
pgaelbU tbot ony tboocbtfol eltlmo cf
tho Oolt tutee thmiid Ueuo wi^ p*'
tittrt to the ▼tporUre of » pollUeoI
. pdfntver wbo. blind to their eUltne
pponthinhU* people, wonld *t np
' bfblaet then • hnddle of belr-eplIttUf
’ theort* oboot the Monroe doctrine bad
*ibeOasetitaUoaof tbe United Sut*.
What aboald wo think of JeflerMh If.
IpMribr the praotloal adranta(M,be
had, on iTonadi cf CoaetlUtional or
elhor eerapl*. loot the cbanoh to bay
iKmleUaa from Nopoleonr • • •The
VlohoUebntUar op Uke a teUeeope.
i pad. Ihnraffb the osaUor end one oan
poo fartbor than Jtfferw* *w tbroncb
Ittoiargar. ManUaMnotae tar from
IWwblnirton under taodem eoadltloa*.
* •• Vow Orleaae waa in Jeaoiaoa*a day:
, OaUienuo waa harder to reach at the
I dat* of the Oladwlea pnrchaae. Brery
I foar tbo world growa ainaUer. Yet tke
* Oal| aulea of tbe Bontb, nogro-rlddon
pad IsporerUbed, hare atood apart,
' holpiw. aeelng tbe narrowing atream
, nniu paea them by, and. jnai at a great
'poaanonUetU offered tbea. none a
I irobp of penny trnmpeien to toot tbe
pidaoBl about‘the eonaentof tbegor' praad’->who* antbor did not ooneldar
I }t Whaa tbe anlargwneal of hla oenawy
irao tflrdlred—and to drone about eon' fUtatloaal forma, which bare at
|1«0 atood agalael the expanding detlm or the practical neede of a people
•••wUaily antorprlalng and progrMIlya. '
* oTbe eonib It awakening to a real
UatiOB of the fact that it mut bare
. fouaaree In order to derelop la keep,^witb the progre* of the north,
woat and eaet It U making etrennona
pfforU to wU a almre of tba grain
. Irade of the north and went by tbdi
tbg a flow of frmgbt down tbe Mlaeladlppi rirer, and by raU to Oalrmton
gad Other gulf porta. lu energy In
|bla dlraeUoo la felt at the Atlantic
poaatporti. which hare rlewed with
pUglrUgt the steady growth of tke
aomcneroe of the acaporu on Ue gulf.
9«vaa Mr WatierMn well aaya. ‘the
gulf atat* are In a pocket,' and of
thaauueon tae eaeiero eeaboard of
ike United Sutea, they ‘are furthermt
gway from tbe eeniert of trade and
^ouy.' Looking wmlward. howerer,
they bare a more promiaing poaitlon.
and with a ablp canal oonnecUag the
Uulf of Mexico with the Pttiflc ocean
Ibey wonld be able to participate with
gdrantage in tbe eommer* that ie
ppeead «p by tbe traaaiatbmian water*
way. Tble la why tbe eoutb ahonld be
U taror of tbe oxlating policy in regard
W tbe PbUlppln*. Tbe United dut*
pbonld plaee Iteelf in poalUen to eeenre
iH abare of the boalna* Incident to tbe
|gptd derelopment of C^ine and tbe
PrldBt. and the Gulf autee abonld not
'«In the way of their own
IMpatlon U tbe commercial derel
ist of tbe Paolfle and tbe 'far
Our Prwpirlty,
Fleaean*. B<crcnlloeaWabrpZ.ake.
The mem here cf the Oetonary Club
nn preparing to enjoy the adranug*
offered by tbrlr pretty and eomforuble elnb htmae on the ehore of Carp
and by next week the entire elnb
wUl be eetUcd In the dob house for n
aoawn of rest nod iw^tlon. The
famQUaofC. M- Parker nod W. J.
Bobbe are already there and B. D.
Oamnbell U alad on tbe ground ntlendIng to the wnnte and comfort of the
other membera Mre. Cbmpbell will go
over a UtUe Uter. Tbe famlU* of AW. Jahrana. 8. L. It*. O. P. Camr,
and M. B. Oetea wUI j->ln the other*
the latter part of the week. All of the
ibere will remaU at tbe rtnort for
eome time the ladiee remalnUg aU the
Ume and the genUemen returning to
the city at frcqnent UterraU to attend
to bnilnew.
Tbe families of Aldermrn Oook and
QreUlck. wUl locate in UnU not far
from the Oetonary olnV bonne and
other fammed will soon be located In
mme loenUty. which tobeccminga
p^nlar mtreai
Bertha Urban Baa Ber B gbt Band
BaAiy Lacarated.
Bertha Urban, wbo te bnt eight yeare
old. bad her right hand badly bltUo
by a dog at ber home on the weal aide
laet evening. She wne immediately
taken to Dr. Martin, who dremd the
wound. The band wae badly laoerated
and two large bcl* were made by tbe
dog. The mUe girl will be deprUed
of the nae of ber hand for some time.
^Keep Cool
and Save Labor
^ ^^Anseivnnr Plate
Mdes UK fcxMl niora delkious and V
Quick Meal, Blue Flame
Wickless, Oil
or Gasoline Stove.
Walter Downer, wb-> wm Tbongbt to
Oermelae Brea. XaeiUnte a Branch
XJvaryai Vi-ah ta-want*.
OermaUc Brae. wlU open tkelr
Unneb livery bare at Ne-ab ta-wnnu
today with , abont alx home and as
many rigs in u«e. It has been tbe
eutomof this firm
have a barn at
that place every enmmer and this year
the livery will be open for about two
montba John ' Burnham will have
charge of the .barn.
be Deed, Heard yromatUn'atb.
Waller Oswner. eon ot Mr. and Mrs.
Downer, reeldiag on tbe comer of
Front and Spmee aueeu. baa at Uat
bean heard ot after fourteen year* abeencu from home. Fourteen yeare ago
Uat December be left borne with uie
avowed Intention of retureltg at
Cbruimaa Ume. but when Cbraimaa
be was still ataaent and tb^pbrenu began to worry about him. Fin
ally fool pUy waa aospeeted and when
a year bad rolled by all bopee oi
aealtg him again bad vantaked.
letter baa been received by the family
from Mrs. E. U. Umig. ot liO First
Avenue. Dolnlh, auytog that {Walter
at ber home very UL Teeurday a
tel^rram was received eaylng that be
belter bet unlem be Improves
greaUy the parenU will leave fsr
Dd nth to see him. DurUg, hla wan
dcriogi arooed the country be cnllaied
e regnUr |army and served nine
I. after which be received an bon
oiuble dlacbarge.
Wp bare n (al] line of Cmoline Store* from S3
np—tin Stovf-fcfn'tn il op. We aeli on easy nay‘TifoU—n little rn«u sad n little at a time—loo
bare them )>akl fi>r nnd do not know how it bap>
eiortoua Bewa.
Com* from Dr. U. B. Oarglle. of
Washita, I. T. Ue wn»*: --Four boltlm of Electric Bit .a* bu eared Mra
of cerofala, which bad mused
-.. „ . It suffering for years. Trrri.blc aor* would brmk out on her beau
and face, and Ue beat doeiora eouid
give po bely: but ber enre u complitr
and hef healU U excellent." This
•hows wbat thonmnda have ye
that Bleeir.c Bitter* U tUe beat
ler known
known. It'* Ue *1
for ecxem*. tetter, *lt rbenu
oleera, boils aad running aurw.
Btimulat* liver, kidneys and boweU.
;pels tuiaons. bvl* dlgmilon. bolldi.
uptbestrengU Only to cenu. Sold
by Johnson and Walt, druggists. (Gns'
anieed ) _______ ;_________
New biore
■ House Furnisher
120 From Street.
Hr* James Dixon Btung by an Insect
*cdv maker onulde^of^^troU aad
Uc Inseiona cream almond* now be
With FaUfnl Besnlta.
log made are tbe very b
best Uat can ^
Mra. James Dixon of Biate atioel la
aoftering fre.m a caae cf poUonlng
which auggeaU a viait from the mneh
talked of kFaBlngbug. Mra. Dixon waa
OoUera. AUealoro The ^
sMng •>y an la^t of acme sort Uat
Thursday, and tor a few days, thought
oothirgofiu But ber face began to
Long Panta. Lot* to elo* chwcswell until It waa deemed edvUableto
BaniLnw CLftmiv,: Co.
cull la a obysleiai;
Dr. Martin w
imoned and treaud tbe ease. Mra.
Dixon's taee waa badly swollen Salnrday night and all day Sandny. It
atlU swollen last evebing, although
not quite so bad. Upon one ot ber Ups
Mra. Dixon bean tbe mark of a alUg
'which differ* from tbe deeerlpiion of
tbe wounds left by Ibeao-calledkUting
bug. but the eflecu are somewhat aimtUr to these deecrlbed In tbe eneee U
which Ue celebrated Insect has' flgni
While Mrs. Dixon entered conelderable paU from theeUng It la Uongbt
that there will be no mote aei Iona reanlta.
Alf details of the profession looked after in a professional manner.
: Ro. 318 DdIm Stmt
Both Thoseo
? ■
Xh*8aetalnedoa Ua. Froparty
H. 8 Heaney A Son Waa SA.OOO.
•uu Board of ChariU* and OortecUona.
Dr. Arthur LeUnd Worden, member
of tbe Bute Board of CcrrcctloM end
ChariU*. la U Ue city. Ue gu*i *f
It Munson and Ue oUer
members of Ua boara will be here to
day to eonsnU wiU Ue *ylnm anUorItlm U Rgard to Ue new buildings
anUorlted by Ue late legUiatnre.
The amoani of Ue appraprUtlon was
TbeloMon tbe building and aeed
wekofN^B. Keeney A Sjns, oemcioned by Ue fire a abort time ago. wu
adjusted ymterday. Ue total amount
being about St.ooa. of which about
S9«0 waa loia on Ue building. Ue
lainderoB etock. The inaurau* <
trrled by six companl*. of which Jno.
B. Santo is Ue agent. Tbe work ot
ropeiring tbe bnUding will baglo at
. One ot Ue membera of tbe Arm
bare to aaaiat in Ue adiiaiment, c
pUmeoted Ue fire department very
highly for their effi :ient work in
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. ^ena Peteraon tlnguiablngUe blurt wiUoet greater
July 17. a son.
Bora-;to Mr. and Mrs. Am* Wood
of SevenU atrwt. July 16. n aon.
Bay 8:koficld b* accepted a pMition
At Ue Fr.iand’a aoertwly HeeUtg
wiU Germaine Broa.
Tbe Junior Worker* of tlrace churck
will hold a meeting InUe lecture
Tbe following anperlnlendenu
next TbnrwUy night nt 7 o'clock:
appointed' at Ue Friends' m*tTbe C. A W. M. road aold 161 exenr- ting Saturday:
cion tieketa for Ue north and aouU
Bvangellatic Superintendent—J
Prank and A. B Bunnett and famlTemperon* Soperintendant—Le
IlMandMn. J. tL Bennett and 1^0 Pennlngt^.
hlldrenenUyedatrip to Long Lake
Mlmlonnry Bnp*rinteadent-M*Un
B Wilhelm, Bob OaldwMI. Dr. RowSapertotendent Jonl* Rodrovor
ley and Tony Noroiny left ymUnUy Work—Amanda Zimueerman.
for Bear Creek where they wlU enjoy
uHlay School Work
imping and flsblng.
Tbe Travecue Bay Sewing Clre'e fclll
lie E. Work—Myrtla
met with Mrs. B. Brietol at ber
I if6 Beat MlnU atnet, this attemoon Buutdn.
at I:»0.
There will be a regaUr mMUng of
Ue Odd FeUewe 1* Ibelr lodge rosma
Ula evening. Work in Ue Aral degree
win be given aad a full aitendanwV^*
It u probable Uak a number of Ueatre parttet from eurroasdlag tow*
wfll eome U to Ue OanadUn JnMUe
ooocert UU ovenlng.
George Oaroe’ livery ba» U receiving
a baodeeme o»t ofapaUt and
Ive lettering.
Everybody should make It a point to
attend Uc flrat regular bs* ball
of Ue aeaaon Wedoeoday and Thnrwlny
> Ue BnaUeiu and MaaiatM
■act from an article
(row Dcn'e BnUw la ot apeelal eigBifleaaoe;
••Beeanae ermy pK»pwt pleaaea, it U
lha right time to watch more cloaMy
(v Mgsa of tronble. But It la not
fortbamwbeoltacTOlumeof bnaine*
ft tui per cent. Urgw than Uat year
gadTS.&laignrtban 18M. the beat of
gU yeare axoept tbe Uat. or when faUptm eonUnue tbe amallmt ever known Y. F. S. O B. Hooniigbt 1
‘There will be a moonlight exeuralon
er Whan the export* of ataplea begU to
' fmprm materUUy. or when rallr^ around Uc Island' Friday evening, os
bastnnm Is by far tbe bmt.eTer known, tbe Colombia, given nnder Ue ansple*
gr when New York banker* a«pear U of Uc T. V. a. a B. of Ue Coagregstional ckureb, tor Ue beneflt ot Uc
tntmnntloMl opnratlena. itatealngb
organ fund. Tub tare will be 9Sc.
BaeiUn Inquiry and nnderuklug
ile^eag loan.
Bran the ladaatrial lorehMc» Tha moos wlU Wat the
tnU and Ue ride WlU be a dMigbttnl
BtigntM UeUent to
oanal, Ue largmt of' esa.
The ladiMof UeJ. C D. society wHl
give a dan* In Colombia ball Thi
day evenleg at which time i* cn
and cake wUlbe*rved. Mnrtaugb'a
wCl furnish mnale for
oeeaaioD. ’
The htO.OUU.MK, bteyem least, whl
has been all but eompleted. baa go
to pieoe
_ to Information :
mired at Andetnon.Ind. Tbe caeicrn
banken fimU^ tbe oonearn withdrew
bemn* of a hitch In Ue final eoMolid-
It’s Passing Strange
Th^ so many of the merchants complain -of
'•July the dull mq^nth,” “July usually tbe dullest tron'h
of the year," “Just to keep busy this dull monih."——'
We have no inch thing as “dull month” in our vocab^
nlary—we're busy all the time—we are the veritable
‘ bee hive of industry" of Northern Michigan.
We don’t offer “special bargains for this month
only." We are giving you bargains every day of the
year. Our goods are bought by those who have
studied tbe markets for years, and who always an*
ticipate tbe fluctuations, thus saving you many dol
lars when our prices are compared with others.'
'Each department has received enormous ad
ditions during this so-called “dnlt month." filling
them with the best bought stock of merchandise un
der one roof outside of Grand Rapids or Detroit.
This is a statement fully borne out by a look through
our mammoth establishment.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
^Hand-Made Process
brw.*.________ ___ _____
U iitt. «a<M c/ch«Bka' .
lo. 43
^4.;TH« MOMrnro «oo«d
•j|»»»«iMi»i auutuKjk«>'
»&&te Stems
*‘=Tttt fishtik.
lupY ifc ims
Tb« ougic aonKtUag ty wliicb Mt. Robert H.
Wni Xaftyetta, Jgy Praaer amd Brace Seery UtOe O ^ Who Vl'.l Take Ber
rOontiaaed trow Sret pU* \
Fo«*mr ebaoge, i yooog goof, okio ioto Vid
Bchoeeld Wfiu of thru Sneri-. .»
t* Vraak'Prtodneh Bay Baee
works aaked (or Biot ~0 (or the atrcet
Kid is bi, lecrot .\ny other tooaor in tbe
» l»y nttad with a Fa*r <d V»d
•«« to PWhtptow.
would glwily give i. lortnoe to know thi.
MltoaMatiaftoAit to ecrer thel**>*^- »«
*«»■ Maaito. «»•
i oecret. It wont be «Jd, Then- no b- oo
^ JolyStdwlUbeao era in the ddl
B«rlM» eoU «wl«n teve tiM iM, wpeneeoftheapeeial cdaualuea wboi day. MayM-im
- e It to Grand Espids to io^eet street i
Bwt « or
rpa Moasue Bac. hUtory of Trarersr City h will be a
prtoe pf hftrd eoml st u ».
oao-Tbtoto Ibeflrat cbaaee we hare
tony to be remrmhe ed by three
improeemeate, were avowed.
A two jot oiA <mU battwriar «<>
Ibe special toamittee wfa'ch etolud ■bad to let yoo know where and how:
rnakOnwIofCamdM. b*d • battl*
space j Friedrich -i!r«ieSry we^of
Oread Rapids reported aa (allows:
------------------------------------•ritt • Tsuiauakc. The wake wm rie- To the aaayor and eominoo eoaneU of'
we hare aaen \ that ooare to hto store that day with a
» toll yoa w^at we
Ivieu aad the ealt aiar di«.
I or keen throng slnea>o«''
ln<to-oo- andral at j
V.ci K-d sJipfwra. trwwiUea
OB the
traae ’
“ “ cpportoeiiy that only coicaa
; Jackaoa to the hotae of aa^iwr »eb
That u not of Mr. Foenierrr’a tannage. At the rate tliinja
^^>broary 1 opUI Ba«h fl J.y B
Itoillama. BeaidM the Nembn^. a rew
are ifptnR the whole «hoe wearing vorU will aocn
' of aaocftaiaia(
r.^ parueoiarab.>ai the kind
Wrtodtoal hw Bade Ita ar^Mrawc the sat]-eta of road halloit...__ _
fi'crahw fiole™
“«eat, handaomeat, moet iaating
laare|shjp tehraary l» with typhoid freer,
U's al! the same
Mdarthaeapthmof *'FIf P»pB.'- lu tmprttT'insnto. aeirer«.eic..
I He was afterward Uhen with the
ItoBdto are eerj appareeU All tjpeaet- to report as totlowi;
For a abort lime we-are making a apet-ial effort to get the
I. ehisa doll, wax
-Toat 0300 their arrieal at Graad_____ ,_________ .....
Hat. edUiar. ele.. to done hj &oj Rsp:ds they were met Oy n*-or i
Iwnailooalliyeo'.no m-pe firmenta of thu leather before the people of Traverse City.
“^ "*'*‘^ **" “*
i)atok. le years old.
He^'s rep^eaeouiire. iS. F. V i«'«! tor 94tb of Bay at this plaea 3e I oiv; Im feet bith «iil b> fliud perfectAt tbe same time we aUsll have ctunpeteot p-K>ple in onr
r^ri .f w 1 L^-,
““»t »e accompaoSed
The easeof;lfn Joho Edyett, who Uoniei: escorted to \Ue city ball. | to well n >w aad ready to r^n.i
albfv to tracb the ladiea ard children bow to keep ^eir aboea
owner, (or If they were orrmitnumbers of the eipMooe.>Dneil ds'y.
to asff/rlar with bydropheWa, to. cx- where
looking like new, 'till too worn to wear. There ia no charge
were la wai ‘loir to take dT at oooe to I
i We loft Maolla tor the front « | Uke the eotireViv^^rto iet them
eitiBff aoeh atCrathNi at Lake*lH«. aae all elaaaes of street ao<<
Vlci UreMioff and Viet Poliah were made by Mr. Rob.
VMUrday ab« had oo far i
ert H. F^rderer, lo place with wean*ra of h
hia shoes, a pr«a«-v.
moroinr. or come when yoa
roe <can.
al exaseioatloo wat made of Ii been
beeo tbrooeh
tbrooyb a nod
food deal of marchlnw
marehlof .• !■> toe “ormof.
alive and dreaaer Dt*rfectly soitst] for ihe porptAe.
from her recent attack of this barrihle
differeatelaases of 4»sremeot. rouers. I.lt aeh.i... *Tk.
..... ^
IXui't forget DOLL’S DAY.
___ , SatniSayVloly 22. Every
malady ae to be allowed the (reedoaof MO*nrtlor**i«b^'o?Uyl5?
to of dolls
her hoata aliboorh she U in a ratfamal < by osa of rollert. erosbed atoM
etooe. and.
to get I
Fridsy. A onmber of the boys
by Robert H. Foerderer
atota of Bled
Bind only for a few miDoics r>^*r].
A ao Bet-<od4 of cos
that day
It will coat them nothing.
etreet repair m
i rare as toe reason foe bto injury too
•t a tine. When .in ber rirbt mind
The commlti
she beFsplUfnlly to be killed. Pby. BIBS eoaelosloo tbst the j
Scyt Suits
alcians My she say tasre another at. h done by ^e'“
Lmg Paou
Espids officials bad resolted la ‘ W.ll Ltfayette has been 111 for some
tok within foar weeks
Ixxu-TiiN Ciureivt. Co
K.rlnr them one of toe best oared | time with chills and ferer bet did not
,. Erldeneeof arobbery ot'ihe Halted d'lss In the BtaU. The opportunity Ix,^
THe Old. E-»l±al>Xs.
Aoeldeat Xuanrance Pays.
Ntatae mail has bean disooreeed at
Hoited diates
KIlea In the ahape of« Mo. } larrc ster »ee toe rarloet classes of w«rk dons «»Pl«red i
approred methods will, |ey wbleb we all biyVy prise. Oarlast
Uaihar mall aaek which was foned
Dkar hiK-PirSM accept iny thanks
tore, be of jr«st sarinf raloe to bstUe was on BhT
Bsr ta
sa wbap
wbep toe were
near the waat bank of tbc'dt. Josapfa ■s •vhen otr work berlnt
for I13U in full payment lor my Injury.
.1 will take pleasure in Cwmmeuuiug
rltar yaatarday. Tba p< orb wm ripp^ .The cimmltiee were also of the Irhrinir San BcGill for Ballnaf. - Wt
ir eoBMny to my men and all nththrocirb the oaatar aad otharwtoa cpioloo tost as soon as our sew water
■ ho with to carry acc dent and
mslns aae be laid, which work shonld at Sso BcOIll and Company A
aieknesa protoction toat nrotecta.
Tx'a-w-earse City, M±oliajga,n..
AtJaekaco. Waltar Rry BaUcy. a
Yonre very truly.
Fax-va hs\rox.
■tBbar cf Company H. Tblrty-flral
irk; t
itll this work to aoooa- fonpht hard antll t o'clock in toe after .
-----------. 'Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms witb
HiehlfBB. died Saturday from IrJ tries
pllsbad _________
taoeirad tbaKonrthof July, a ptoiol riiy toe oondiltan of our bnsinesa noon. Two-men were killed In Cob
>s.ineiockCoiiatu. Aiieoiom The
batbs have byen addul, makinjf it one of tbe most
loaded with a hlaok carlridpa bainf itrasis by toe nse ">1 r>^arel and panyMtosvardtbe close of toe enFamous.
Comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. . Address for
exploded c osa to bto body..
ernsbad stone In seeb quantities and rarement and fourteen woendrd.
other information
our eompany tbe first Uentesant and emn Alttwit.
Tharoant falllnc of a meteor at ways as will both Improve and not
lose to t-w rreat an exieat toe oost of
George McLeMah employM toe bMt
Allcfan hat raised ao ImpDrtant 1^ mme when permanent work to beruu. tsro privates srere wounded. Company
casdy maker outaide of iMteott
UeU ' auu
A eaplured twenty prisoneru and
gaaatloe. Some of the parties interWl-Atotoiaviawli would be advis
toe lutaiOBS crMmalm
runs; 7 Eemm^na. 1 J spaneae and 19
eatad hare bean to BatUa Creak aeak- able to pave toe way for perm tneot
Mansers. They also capsored a larre
should uy
_ tof an attorney aal Ural edrioa. The work. A road roller to a aeeeasary adj met to street mskinf and with onr amoupt of ammuniUott.
I V nan npon when farm the meteor fall present stone crusber good work
About 400 ins^eoU srere killed
olalBt^ whUa the t«o nan who mw oe done for any kiod of service
The c m-altiee would also report- and wounded in to-* fi;b*.
It atrlke the fronod and who took poaEednoed In Price.
..wo.- NowfiSvWill Lafayette cot a belt, gold watch
Maaloa of )he aerial rtoltoe claim It m that from Ihetr observaUoas brie*
Bauiltus ‘‘Lormsn To. i
psvemeote for uur
onr vusism
bnslnee* portions.
and aiiver vbaln from one of the eapCbdrowa. ItwUl ha daeidad In the
y for our least traveled
ooarto. It to a qaeation that a
I be the proper pavo- tolns who was killed in the enrarilsclly.
eaiaed hafora. '
The former otethod east the city of
Company A went ont •ooutluc yes
IbrnlUra bnyan at Orand Rtpids
Orand Rsptds for each Indlvldnal prop
hare aeeepiad the new eoale of prlect erty holder about »4 00 per runntac terday and enecseded in e^turing sev Appijr le Mr*, r.liMaaoe. «i«Sina
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
whteh to 10 to S5 per emt blfher for all foot, the ssooad about $S.OO par ronninr en nioe bOTsea and eaddlco.
s dklo, x^^taInr toe cost of a fifty foot lot
We ace all watching for home papers
alaiaaa of goods and are^bsylng freely.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
iudlvidnst property holder and letters wbleh have been veryocar
A Broneon widow hsa eoctemfolly
•SpO.OO fit brick, and 1100 OO for mscad- since we came here.
Will received
• and one eon
Id every csxe this expeuditure
letter from.Mr. McCoy and Prster has Mrm. A“irLr^. I^w!!>'l
Inside of a year. 8be to n
for e____________________
received a tew Iniera. I have also re
laltoreUrtior a matrimonial bni
ceived some letters one or two of them
At Milford John Dickerlnr of the wholeeome surroundiars.
The committee are under obllratloas
PleiMnt VelUy eloe& t.
» Mayor Ferry. Secretary Bnoter. and were addreeaed to Port Suelllnr. bowWe base not reoeived any pay
Stroar Jotney ealf one week old tost to m*mbereof the Oommon Cooeell (or
since Imvlng Fort Snelllng bnt expect
-14 inobes blrh. and 14 Lnebes lonr from toe nensoal oourteelee abown ns.
>me In July.
toe tip of toe taE
It welRks K
O. p. CxilVBA
Bicjde Saddle—Guarant^d for three years—
ooafinqd to quarters now vritb
TOLOtN-Oe rr*l
M>s- rfasi,-*. tmnev t
Nmf Warren. F. Uaka'a honsa wsa
SpecUl Uimmlttee. aiokoets but hope to get out in a few
nuivr, lX>rr<niiai,
Look at them whether you .need one or not.
hoToad Saturday. The old lady atap
The mall carrleiq Mked that they be days. We are all happy and coateuted
pad on a mateh.
$S 00 or $10.00 will buy a goo^ second-hand bi
exenead from toereatrietloBB of toe: and hope to bear from our friends soonYvnra
AtCamden. Btndolph Kayaey, a lad aldewalks In deliverinr and eolleetitir
cycle—S*:i5 will boy the best new wheel on the
It years of are. fell frm a load of hay mall with their bltydee. The nqeeat
Co. A 3-d luf. U. .S A . Manila P. &
' «poa the tinea of a pitchfork.
The was refiured to the eommltiae on or*
market—Come and see my display before goisi;
Unea pleroed torotirb hto body aad be dlnanoM.
Tbe Tfaifo rms Are Here.
Has U a er.tleal oondiUoa
Alderman Wrlgbt asked that WoodC. Ltae.auto r«lortot. will apaad a
lore avenge, aoutb from Elrbtb etreet
Tbe new uniforBS for the Hnstlere
monto or more at Sarlnaw axaminlnc he excluded from tbe sidewalk prohibl- have bean reoeived g\ toe (3ty Book- iloD. Apply lo Mr. Pa»u
toe roolortesl featarea of that loeallty. t'on^for srfaeelmen In that loea'ity as elore and one of them it now Baj blnrt-i.
HVVr-A ta-/of.n.<.br.t front roc
Be thinks carbonate of Iron one of toe tbe Btreeu tbermbouU are utterly imcxhtbltloa
«auJoor-halfbii.rkeAo(orrar; Plo«<
mineral rasourcea toa| ahon’.d be watch pamlble almost at all times far wbMla. wtadow of toe store.
The ■ snlla
-Aa.lrroo 47Mate orim
ed for by coal dri'lers.
This wes alao referred to toe commit are toe Mme style as tbe old ones
Plalnwetl ha« a child of wbleh freat
white, trimmed with green, green cape
Tbe oiatter of the eoustrustion of and Btoekings They are very attracttolafsaraoxpeclad. WUllam Howard
One Might:
uo MWt.
toe drayman. U toe aeeento aoir of bto cement walks, toe materials used, etc., toe ns fsrms aul will msK! a fine ap iBcth pW^^y *'
paraata, and baa seven sons, so that bis
broached by Alderman Bastlurs. appMranee during tbe game with
IT10KX>T- Su.*raim‘, Froat .trrM ar*t
aaranto eblld to toe asrpatb eon of toe with toe sncreeuoa that a formuU be MantotM Wednesday and Tbuiuday.
X Aoorraoi <» Bueh-,- * Rmlioru^'* flnif
■lorr. Inqntro of Julluo •trlnbrre.
Mvanto eon. Perhapa there to not an- established by toe council, to beadbnipoK B»LE*-:q ai-r-it la c>ak«ooi. no-Uy Ib- I
other aueh a lad In toe aute.
ed to by al) property ownera. A mo■Hters Star Keeting
F.nRagcment of
provoC. a frv iroo^ TUI-lot lo ufterml for
AtOoldwater. Bra W. Prlos esme Uon that an ordlnaooe'be adopted proIIKI
There will be a regular meeting of
-W- tl.
near kUlleF her Itulet-yMr-old danrb- vldlnr tbe neceeaary rerulatJoD. was toe Eattera Sur Chapter tola evening. «aJw X W. BaallKK*.
Ur. White psaslut from toe kitchen carried. In this connection City Clerk Tbe meeting will be called at 7 o'clock -C«OR8ALX-Aim>djraod Wmlac farsarr.
lo an ad j tlnlny room, earry^ ■ a very Bickerd stated toet bnlldert of walks eharp. so m to allow the members lo
abarp knife, bar dan^ter ciame nian- bad a bad habit of telUnc property attoed .toe entertainment In Stein- T^RSALl-Too Urur 4
lorfroB an oppcalte direction.
In' owners tUt they could build tbeJr ee- hog's Grand If they desire- Memben •C ^u^takra oat of our •
Beet workmsosliip money
come way the lltUerirl ran nrainst the: meut walks and secure pennimlon from are nrged to be prompt.
can employ for Bicycle
• Srtum
■harp Instrument, euttlnr a fearful the council aftersrarda
Tbe eocueil
Repairing, (^uick work.
fash in her throat. The little rirl wUl
tola praeUee and decided
■urprieed Bpragae Pratt.
i;tOR8ALe-Orrxrbaufr for •
rpoorer altbonrh toe aeu- will always that pennlBion mutt be asked before
X' poo<tra>kW»<lr«k.|roodM
Sprague Pratt was happily surprised ply 01 BkmaooBIrr.
work to commenced on euch walks.
m Union Streek
hy toe Esgle offiee employee Saturday
evenlog at HiUcresU tbe~un.taaion tetoe street sprinklere only worked m
.oapcoprii from k in nuraiocantll r larr.«lug toe oelebratiou of Mr. Pratt's
iJr Broa.,i:;i Vroot airwi. up^aira.
faraa tne raOraad la tbeeMt end aad
birthday- Tbe evening was spent In
wlUappearat Stelnbe^'s Grand
also devoted eonalderable attention to
playing games sod la the rendtLn
These anrtvaUed sU
•Inkltag toe etreeu between Belu
Fli( }«in tficr c( Cfttt Brflili.
have toured toroufhont Great Brit ner'e lumber plica, where It was not of mnaleal Mloeiioaa by different a
ain. Osaads and the Halted Smtes and needed, while atrneia beyond toe rail hers of the eompany.
have an cetabltohad ropa'Atkm extead- road where apriakllng was badly need■tahtk. Orsbt.
Sera Tmti Toe tf Cuatt.
tar tor the past twenty yeara Their •d were neglected. This matter being
fine orehesun of solotoB wlU be heard wltota toe jurtedieUon of the b^ of
in a Ane eboeert prorram. The i
pubUc weakt no aeUon was taken.
beaded by MIm D. Un- ‘
derfnl eopraao alarer. r-Tbe Black Mel
Tbe board adjournod to bmi next
derwood, known as
Both 'Pbooea. 64.
ba,'' has a UaoUfnI votes of pbslooman- Monday atght.
alraafs and of astoatohinr parity.
The stoat amlsant 4lvtaas of the connSdRowood 1a Popular.
FOB SJkJLE] try salts ta praise of their axeallost
Bdgewood with tu waU deaerved
Mten^smest wbleh deearvm a spies- reputation (or boeiritaUty ItAOM pop.
^ laespUoB br onr peopU. TiekeU ular toaa erer tola year. The pretty
IS eeVtS
Boyal Psrsgon Mala
a J. MORGAN, Proprietor.
bow oa mIs at the bos ofioa
eottage resort baa already nearly fifty
0^ Sft\ms\. I
Frank Friedrich.
Park Place Hotel!
M S.'i!
Gjas Lamp--
Price Reduced to Close Dot Lot
lee I
Jubilee Singers
and Imperial Orchestra.)
20th- SE^N'-20th
Hopkins Bros.
Dave PiskaU'a Mlostrel a«rnirnUon
drew a food slxad andUace at the City
Opera Hoase last ovaniar bnt toe bill
pul oa'by too eompany wm not op to
thastaadard aad Ihosrk some ware
ptMsadalhrrtBBmbarlalt the bouse
helen lito play wne ovar. Some of toe
^eeialtfMiraro rood aad deaerved applaase bat olhcn ware cS the pooraet
t OifwAZaab
Oaoire MeLaltaa ampIoy« the heat
eaady maker outaide of DetreM aad
«Se laceioat cream almoade now hpJ lafmada are thavnry beat that osa
i ha
made Bverybody should try.
geeeu and every day new faoea arr
Men which are quite apt ta be tooM of
old friends of the ruMrt
Among the lataet arriviH are the
IlMM.Value aad Clairs PrwUy, who
are tiia guMfe of Mr. and^Cra. H. Cush
man at thair ooey eottage.
Bd. Shumwayand toe MImm Mhiaway of Chleage, are renewing arquatataaee with frlands of otosraeBBan.
Mrs. Hibbard aad son also of Cblchgoareapendiac aoaie Msm at Bdgw
•monglMt avontare arrivals wore
Ipa. Pathar. Mn. VWm and MIm
Hlnehmaa of Detrelv who wQl stay (ok
(be nmaiader o( the acaaen.
1 (wo-aaat extearioo tap Chntaga. ..
‘The Black Melba’
j QttATUtie-Two baas Boloista and
Properly served in a neat din. tenor aoloist.
ing room.
Don’t miss this--it is a grand!
■T^rS4g"^2o'V.«..«. *•*" • faH liMrtCBirfectiDaerif
Cfiuses sweet sleep, restores
rsded looks, listens weary
minds and bAlds up tbe
body. It braces; h ghres
you rim and bounce.
I rsMioB ouggv, guoa oroar. avo.w.
1 Top Buggy, all tagood ahapo. SM oa
1 Road Wagon, good m aaw. SSXOO.
‘ ' BbM WhgO
Olgsn of Bweiy Kind
Provident Life
ONVMMtaMn-a She. SUM
and Trust Company
of PMUadalphta.
|tari T. Pennington, District Agt
Special^^cea, SB and 50e;ebil^
Seats oa sale it tbe Box Office
Telephone 112.
--------- —mil III ihiilLiL._L
TrautMOhy. iBS^
feeneT«.\ IiCctss
0^ ttve ADoAd. j
MiUUMopawd tbc7 <
, brdhrfcl
Rul Hiatt, taciinwrs,
Trateis, Mgaej Uaiers.
Two Facts About
Ai^uckles’ Coffee
H haa SM ttM Btanidanl of quality for all competitora for the last thirty years. The atrona. eat claim any oompetitoroan make Is that his coffee Is “Just as good as Arbucklet'.”
mtU Md CitMfM hSTB bMB d«u«7«d
**d MB7 pervoo* bow kMp B riaff of
«bU BitMod th«ir wall* to paw am
*k*m fraa tbalr nvafaB
Tbay «•
BrplBrtocXIamlaMa tba mUa ud
mbU buu taka pUoa Blrbtlp. OBa pv<
«QB oftan eBiehlair from »00 to 400.
Wb«r« tba BBBUa ontwl oaw tba (tbm
Chop UBTa B pbo^botaaoMt p’ow b7
wrbieh tbap cbo ba tracad.
<o«Bd tbaraprUiklaaBUoB thaa,w;bieb
•tUla tbam Blawt isatBBtlp.
At Mlnatarr**- Asdraw J. Bbb*
■BOBd. wjfa of B Cfoaar, ia erttUBlly III
•a tba f«aaJi of bBTioff baan Ultaa bp
• tBrBDtBlB, wbiak wBa ia b boaab -of
Tba craBtara faatanad llaalf
BobariBdaz tafar Bad iaflietad aar««Ibitad Mta. BBBmoBdtBiaiodBad
Aw haabBB^ CBlIad b doetar who aaAartBlaa bataaBllbope of bar raeorarp.
AmartoBn aatarpriaa asd aaarKp Bra
AUcaad (or tba oatbreak of peliow fa*^ ta SbbUbao that 'Arat appaarad
»aMM>r tba BBliraa, Ibaa apraad to tba
Brooot tbera.
Paaaaa^an ratoratac
iCroaa tba Cabas dtp wp too maeb
AaaU H belnf diaplapad la tba raforna«loB tbar*. Bbd that tba Amarioao Idaa
of dolnr a Mag at ooea U plap^nr aad
Aaroe with tba old IntUtntlooa of Caba
madartha bpaoAb ratflnib. asd iselaastallp ■UrrlBC up all tba bid pallow
faaar faraM that ba*a lain oBdAlorbad
IB tba aoU ao leov. Tba eotapUlfit troa
AMlnaM BtB who hB*av baas tbaia A
that AmarkBB oontraeMk hB*a tom np
tiB-atraata ia that dtp wlfboat raffard
40 aaaaoB dr d aatic coBdltlcaa. aad
ibua aaeartbad tba latant boibad of
ydlow fa*ar.
Klac Oaorn of Toara. wboaa afforta
«o aaeara a wif« wara the talk of two
«MtUB«BUatawBODtht aco. baa at
taat aaeeaalad. bA brlda balof Prioeaw
t.a*Ala. aad tiot Prfaeeaa Offa whom
AadntdadaradtobebA cbdea.
•Alp BAart ware aataaabad bp the
colApaaofafallarpraaolUarfroB aa
Mrtbqaaka. oaar Baroa. WaatpblUa,
A ftpbt bdtwaaa an AbpBlnlao lioa
BBd bpasAh ball at Bonbalx, FraBor,
-draw a bif croWd at bipb prloaa, bet
aha lAo rafpaad to flpht afUr tba Brat
paaiape. la which be tore off onaof the
Aail'a ean aad waa forad aaveral tlBaa
is raura. Tba dIaaappoAlad andiaaea
abaa bceaiaa rlotoaa.
Tidal wa*aa bam eaaaad praat daaj«a to oropa la the Caroilea lalaada'
The drot^ht A atm tarrlbla A Uie
vaatoral eosairp of New Booth Walaa
Fiftp par eaot 0 tba atoek' A dead.
Cood drara, BcW leaMC for l ,__
• itb prieUera t pcaia. bak]<M w
aala- Baate (orrmparBoatb Low
The beat Coffee I* Arbuckles’’. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles’.
The right thing ie to Insist on having Arbuckles'.
ate ». t». il. tOaerm aU aadar ealtivauou, 400 bearlar trait Uaea.rood
breiaa aad bars, food iprlar water.
41, bUm troB dtp. Pnoa. SSOO.
FObtiALE-dtl—to aeraa on
at>are t u.Uea aortb ai BaptAt
•ort. 40 rods aloar tba abora- Stt 00
per aera. Will aall S orlO aeraa
FOE SALE—cu—Lot I block t. Waat
Front atraet. betiraaa Cedar
FOE SALE-fiSZ-FaiB 100 acres IH .
Biles went of citp. VO aerca aadar
eulUtatAa. lU beariav appir. pear
aad plaa trees, two barsa. uuc lost
bBll^ saw wiadmili aad well, water
pipes to bams, all aecessar> aheda,
poultrp boose, psrds and good drainage, fiaa aaw Bodem boose.
4 borsrs, J4 cows, b
A decMs area,
onec^hnibet «ad
| * Tsi
I ^
;Ns. S4 A ON£ NIOhT MVaTCRT. eedl
Meort.l. -'itK-Lj.itu ••
Arorsts. A njiT'.o pmvwsm.'
0 secncTS ami
Iskre li.e
j racist
trs,'ss of kaovrMdae. sad wUI
tefouDO .... ............. .........
i'SSr ““-.iitrx.t.i.Sis;;-,... H
No. Ol
The rirst Prapor.
UN »radpwi.«f Artacto’ leitM Ceflaa
iveoeos>cieiNa;si^bldi*:y uafutioformsuoni
rapren.'l Me. 90 THE ClTYO* OBtAOFUL HiOHT. s
led CoOes. .
ArtwcUss' HMsted
hr KiovsKO Kiruk.
No. P8
Tho First Ktaa
NosM. Neah’aArtu
beau. rsmsA, Herr Him
Price. *3110.
I Ineniy-loor
oecri pMed
I Ks'riy rlas
from riibrr
I mtt rreeirac
I «b«c trine
rtbw »af1 al tM CeBe*
IT nW be atelflU w •
*. swaSiaaiHManA
.................Itbrecb llrmUluatTBIrdaiid drorrKmdlb t
.IbaM A dreolaUar la Berlin a re
port that Emparor WlllAm A aboat to
TzaaoroaOtip market.
abare off the Boatacbe wb^eb baa
1 where he A attending the fan: t
below A a lAt of the bnrlag aud aall----------loar boaa tba admiration aad danpaU
Mrs. J. A Moatagoa ai d aoa O raid j
lag prieaa of paatardap for grocer.
g n. bbosk. sttarMy sc; cat
»f all Garaanp.
will go 10 Bap View todap attar wblcb ' Mra. T. J. HaBdeiaOB asd MAa Oraee
Bopt. B. Beo^mla Aadrawa of the tbap 4*111 tppnd 1
pJEB INSl’RAKCt-Rst** lew IbSS ew.
ikb *AU
sBLLiaa rsiOB.
Chlearo pablAacbeoli. baa bad bU Ufa AAaloa eolUgc.
laaarecMorBIO.OOufortba baoafltof
E. C. Cbaa.forasao of the Bessie Baopwaion tnpd for taacberv
naroSea. Baotoola. was in tba dip a*Uit
MIb Etu O N«il has agala taken bar
AtU>Ddoa.Badpard EipUnr'a ripht peat.
phfklclsti so* •orrvwt
Hiedrtet aiorK. DororairairalU
Re* S'd Hr. E Rs«b ef K^.wwV.i***'^'®’***!!®*!*^™^**"**^^ ■
tbamb baa baas bitAn bp a dor Bad A
to prcmplIyH., PSooro. BcU lEg; Kcnk.
0.-SU of B *. » Sii-ibr r t*"'wmlc* Tscstlon.
ooaaidarablp Ififlaaad. Be earrlea bla
Lanlholt bat gone K
•rBAaaUar.bat It ia not tboupbi peaterosp.
Uia-J. T.Stranband Mra. Oaa
«> **" *acaUon from Wll
abai tba lajarp wm baia aerlou eo
belB Broa. atom.
1*' I Ttirpkoar No tUO________________
Amiottc arc *AiUng la Muskegon.
Dr. Uapdar and famllp apeat Snndap
At Lobdon a marAtraA Satutdap orfrom Port Hnrbn where be aueadad
la Elngalap.
dared tba deatraetioo of 14 Ana of
rturaad '•»* Omtal eon*antloD.
Doff McDonald aad fsml,.,, ..._____
viwrei of
»^C^us~C^i. N-W Bawd' d Prato
•atardap ftoa a week's «nlt la Peun-1
Sargml of Boston A ia MapBald TAlting with Mrs. J- L. Glbba.
Bii' n
»atUe fataraoB*B Tmp.
LiltUe HatUa Petaraoa aaArtalaad 17
of bar little frlaada at bar btma on
VTabaAr alraat peaUrdap aftarBoan.
CroB three W half paat aaeaa. Tba
obUdraa aojrpad tba afynooa with
paaiaa and awinrinr 6o tba laws.
MBoaade, eaadp aad eake '
Tba followiar were wasanL BattA
.. WlnaA Baker.
Oraoa Vaaderrorl. Esther YasAb, BVnamam YaaAb. Mada Schoolcraft. LosAe
Oomlon, B*a Bmltb. JnlA Kallnp. Lncp
Kdlap. Lpla Shorter. Uopd BalU.
Carl Pataraon. Bmda Paass, B
mallA. Margaret Smith.
•ting <
corr. oats, bsp, p.Utoes. 10 acres
flca«r«*e. Ton lara A kaowo as
toeiVeidoefi tansor Blllslda dalrp;
baiidings alone coat o*er P4.biW, good
aoil, and a gold mloe for aomc oaa.
PriM for all. M.OOO.
^ bare a parchaaer for rasidcaee bt^waen Park and Franklin oa Wasbingtoa or diate atreeta. Most be mod
em sod St reasoDsble prt^
POE SiLE-CU-Htme and lot. coraar
of BIdoooo a*eoae mod SuiUi atnat.
t rooB bouae. good bam, we.i, aa*cral (rail and oraaBcnUl trees,
smslt fralt sod good gardea TbA
U a large lot aod big propertp for
sBsIi paice—Price pwo
FoESaLe—«<A—bw>« of ae«4 1 ae El.
-----------a A good frame bouse I------16xE4
wlibwiogaUfomAbad. Wind mill
and ireli. water plMi fnm wall to
bonae. EOu bearing apple, pluB, cbereg
trees. Usm E4x00 Fsrm all impro*ad, laps I'S miles aortb of WlllAmsbnrg Oft Elk Espidsroad Frier.tl.500.
FOE SALE-ei5-M« >, of ta k sre 17.
town EC north 11 weev 4U aerns, St
acres nndar ealUralion. good bam.
... _ . ^
«i of ArbockM' HoBSied toe
The plamia A raclnp at Hoof K-»p.
Aben baler >e deatba daUp aad Banp
-Bawcaaaa. The dAaaaa A eosBaad to
ttba AaUtlcbaarta**.
TbaUaioB Btaasiablp Oo'a leUr-Al•ad llnar, Oaba, foaodarad ataeawhiA
ea a *opara tros Grepiaoalb to Daaadla. aad the craw of twaatp.dz waa
loat. TbadAaater wai dec to o*artoadlBir tba aaaaal.
tA S bare a uliaBt that waau aloBBof
MOO oB Boe-parAhabie peraoBal proportp. TBlaetitOQ. Will r>*a »bord
bcoaa BBd e per eeflU latcraW, WIU
pap ball is six moathf. baUsaa is
alaa BoBlba Hartiea are teBperata,
indaMioBa. ia pro&tabla bsilnsM.
aad aaperu at tbclr trade.
’ - -«i»-U>t 14 bik H. K4-
MAS RtfTbrtp of Fife Lake and Ni“
Ana was In the
stndeaA m tba Bnalsam OoHage.
.„„dlnr cnnrt at Uka Clip.
Frod BacbUl waat to Grand Rapids , m1~ B-airtee Ftw. -f CV-tm A In
. tba elip, the goast of Hl>« Bprsgoa.
Mrs. W. C Eellp of HssUngt. A »»• |
---------------------------Itlsg the faasilp of bsr son. Wb. W. '
Tht FosTth st Sksgaap
Kallp of BtaA atraab
CV-as. O. earner baa written n letter
Ralph CossabU went to Grand Rap lobAparaaA from Skagnnp. Alaska,
on bA ws* to the EloBdlkc. Ha stataa
ids paatardap ^taraoon.
Oondantor Jobs McDonnar aad wifa ^tbn4 ba apj-vpad aa antbnaUftA eelabradon of tba Fonrtb of Jel* tbaraaad
left paatardap for beaaaba'Ior a
inaeted to eontinne hU jemraap bp
waak-a rAlt.
41. tba line from Skngwnp baring
MAs tdsBapt aaddaaghter of Hol jnntttartad to operataland are rAltlng ralatlTB la tbs dtp.
BaokAM Amiea Balaa.
Mr. and Mra B. & Hall, left pBUrTka EtasT Bsatb la tba world for
pnp for TAW Side to *Alt at tbnlr ans- ObB. BraAB, Sores. Olsan. Salt
aa. Mr. Ball wtU aiap bot a Rbana. Farar Boraa. Tattar. Cbappad
bnt Mra
anpaeA'ta Banda. ObUblalaa. Ooms. aad all Skin
Brsptlaas. aad podU«alp amrw PUb,
remain two montba
— M nar^aired.^^t A gaaiaataed
Vadnr aad Onttnr wurinad a
partp of ponag ladAa for a pteaA trtp
a br d. G. J
to Ms-ab-ta-waata todap.
Aood Tiaaa is Obarlaaolx.
TbaataaaarOolaBbUearriad abont
S%9 pamaagan to Cbarlavols Snadap.
tba Boat of them baiag Bamban of tba
«. M. B. A. bp whom the asanrsAs
eras gl*aa. Tba Bops' Band west
J. M. Larkins has goat to Taiado to Ofsat BaigUai
•laagto fnniAb goad Bank aad. arIBBd to noma basAem Bstlara
Bamiltoy CioTazira Co.
rlelag at Cbarlaeols, tba partp wu raMra Mike Utasp and Fraae Ongc
«al«ad with cbaraotarAUe eordlaUtg
aaiopad Snadap at Bap VAw.
Bad plaaaant graattaga. Beaepbodp
Fend Hmator of the BamUtoa dothtSM Traeena Clip bad a good tlBa.
lag nOBpaap. AoBjoglag hA aannal
B. Meatagns has goas to Oraad Bap- rnr^artHaak.
John R. Santo,
Gutnl lisiniet.
Wbaav old, par
Ho. 1. oarba.
par 1
Oom. par bn...
I that, too,-bp n Indp U UA • •SfiJiUSSt------------------------------------------MasABbadbra
eosBtrp. "DAaaaafasteaad iueloteb. IY a.TBOnPMMH
«.*M II ara. 1
B npoa her aad for aare: pears she 1- A MUElwa HUra
withstood iu aaearrat Aata. bnt har!>«»«P-»- Ttobrai T
▼Ital drgaas ware nadarBAad aad
daalb aeemad ImmAaat. For three
montba aba aoogbad tncaBao
conldaot alaap- Sb^flnall^^
A Mra LaAar
Tbiw wtltaa W.
C BamnAk A Oa. of Sbalbg. S. C
■Srial bottiaa 1$ ataattbadiw*
8. R. Walt aad J. G. Tobaaon.
larMaatOeaadil. Benrpbottl
The bUad Bight SM ,
■aw OAoa, Barfekaa Blo^
FOE bALE-ciC-40 acre farm fonr
miles north of Elk Bapids, 500 fralt
Wcoi 3 pears old. ssall fraaia bonas.
S5 acres nnder cnltlration.
FuE&ALE-et7—WBtSOacrea, lot I,
sec 7, EH, 10, Aps on sbora road.
Peninsula, orebari tOaraie trnea. 00
cberrp trees. 150 pear, plaint, paaeb.
Price tllOO'
FOE SALE-600—Fire acre lotos Oare. Price S500.
Lou le and to. blq^ 1.
Perrp Unnnab'a aeoood add. oornar
Eobemia and UA streau Price
FOESALE—604—K.k'ofsw i, sec E4,
E5—11—about 65 acres solid tim
ber. bardwood. balssm.cedar swamp.
Soqte cedar tsken out.
FOB SALE-6U7 Uroeerr stock tbA
dtp intoicesbooit',00.
FOE 8ALE-5Vt-Bouae and lot oa
Webstar St. Seren rooms nloalp flaIsbed. good well water, fruit and ormental trees, large lot, 66xE00, small
bam. Price tv50
FOB SALE—5»6-i0 acres os PeninsnA
miles from citp. 140U apple, plum.
s>» m
cberrp and paaeb
teb Itrees, all bearing,
AarpanterHlll, fine*
finest location oa PeainsuUiwUt
------------- part citp propertp.
Pnretl,500FOE SALE-S6S—Hobbs and lot. Qarfi-ld avenue $650.
FOB SALE-567-Dwelllsg. Webster
straeu 10 rooms ti.600. Basp papmenu
Ft)E SALE—SpE-NAtp acre farm,
good balldiDgs. gS.tSO.
FOR SALB-57t-Uood frame bonae
and eight aeraa of land, situated
abont one mile from center of citp.
bouse 14 X !4, sA rooms A bonae.
FOB SALE-5»0-Bonaeand lot. Union
atraak An rooms, sAoe fonndatAn and stone basemenL bompleA
wants f^
few bnndred dollars U
place on 'personal
'peraonsl propai
propertp Anna
Will guai^tae all loana
WE bare a-eHent who wanU $1300 oa
flour mills. hoAls. grooerp Blocks,
gmersl stocks, boot and shoe stocks,
farms, timber land, raoant lota, pat
ent ri<bts: A tact, wa bs*e almcat
anptblng pon wank aad at aeJlIng
prieaa. Alwaps plenaad A 1
. Will
beat to
A suit poQpos- Aliral^
fill do onr tat
rtndp A show pon wbat we’*e got A
aall. Wa forgot A mention tlmt wa
bare 40 aeraa of Aa floeat Potters^’
Clap A the world. VeA A 7S
feat deep and oorers Ae whole A
edge of 40, Apa wtAA 75 feat of E.
B . nndarlpiag AA bed of cAp A a
ledge of tad apd whlA Bad atoaa
TbA A Ae moat raluabla bad of cAp
A the United Sutaa Ham rafniiiil
$10,000 for ik It WtU nnp oapltalAu
A Aventlgaie AAaa Ann A plmtp
of marl adjaoani M ik Price.
Tba abora ara
bargalaa, and caa
ba bongbt oA a
tcram. Wa bare
bargalaa L______
Ooma aad aae as if pee ws
taj^onr property wiA ns 11
OnrofBesA at $11 Front streak ap
ttalra Yen will see onr siga at tba
bottom Of atairsrap. Goapatalis, tax«
A lafk taka first door to right; e«r
sign A alo^nlde Aa door. We nm ant
on Ae gra^ floor, at laaat oaroBAa
Aa'k Wa are. flgnratia^ apmUag.
Sefar as baring Aa Argasi lAtand
bast bargain: we are atrieUp In Ik
We work aU tba time, wa can nU pov
bW^Waat <x>u» ofntalra BIgbnrgains at top of aUri. first doer A
i7/;Art nm
TEA^^;B8E crrr,
tgmri ass
high, thesdat, jelt is, uss.
, • roller,
! m4 bmU be btwcbl ebe*Hr- After
-OOBBSU ImUiw to r»TUo ;nii£‘ClSr«
Ml»r.pio.«t»tlon of
iB the BCMtlM tbe
for WhMlmoa.
mtOAtlOB At Ifanflo
Mriu of Um two roUM will be loottwl
law u4 4«Aolu oetios Ukas Ut«. It
War Com
Iker vm rrobab> Sa*a I
BUo a rro'.eet
’ WMlbeMnUaeotof tbe board that a
Setter thaa Walfea to aide 0&.-’ roller wae aa abeolate oiewatij ter tbe. Afslaat Bifid Praaa OaMoreblpIt of tbe
Vreat 8troot to bo Zsyeverd Wltb
They leaae a Sifslllosat Bute
dt tbla potat la order tbat there bo
(Mabed Bto»o~>ew Bead BoUar
by War of Boac Zoof-OlalBi
so aaaeeeoeaiT delaj. It waa dai
VUl be Patabaaod Bood #b|
»rsa Beporta sia Bappraaud SaroB Mtlas. that wbaa tba maatioff adjoarsad it be aaUl aaat Ucsdap eras*
poaaly by Orseral Otta.
tioae Oaiaed 10 Otasd Bapida.
lad- .
Maalla, July XI. rla Boat Eoof, July
. atrlev
dor eoeoldorable BpBhathj at Iho Meet- ■eadadtbe larlaf of lataral aewere 17.—Tba ooaataatly '
Of the praaa oenaoiahlp troB 31 aan
laf of tba dtp ooaaoll laai olffbt. asd eoaaeetlaf tho 4
•hUa barotofore a etroaaoaa eSort bae Mb’ool wHd^ with thi Wabatar aila. wbich baa pravaatwl tba csbUsf
baM Mdo to kaep ridera of wbaala oS •traetaewar, aad -oa Webeter etraet to tbv L aliad SUtea of aajshhif that
ivdectxtfieial aawa, hue
tha walba, tho aoBtlMst of the aldar- troB Praakllo to Walllartoa
MOS ie BOW that the whoeliaeB aioet la ibU ooBBeeilaD la Ofdar to avoid de ad la a aaltad affjrt oa tbe part of the
ba protoeted a^ their rlfbu wpeeted. U7. CU7 Clerk Blekerd eacreeted that eorraapoadaou bare to aaeura aa abataIt la sot the parpoae of theooaaeU, the Intareatad property owsaie be aaea Baat of the rlfor of the oaMorablp.
Tba InitlaUra waa takaa a atoi
hewavrr. to take back wbat they bare at oaae to aaa If they woald each be
orditsed la tUe ooeaaetloa. bet raalle- wUllar to pay tbalr prpportloaau ehare ar> asd raaaltad la the fratolaf of a
atataBeat wbleb waa pixaeaied 00
isf that whaalBaa Baat be earad for of tba rxpcnae. without tba
thoro U a diepoeltioa to. aaubllah hi- baiac Bade. Then tbe autter of plaae Jaly e toUesaralOtU wliha reqnaat for
JwalaaloA to talafrapb It to tbe
ayele pathe for thalr oaaoaaieaee. asd aad apacldoatloae. advartlalae.
waa broafbt op and U waa acraad that United BtatM. Iba o
will bo lahea to auCke tba lot of the the board of pabllc worka aboald Bake eo aakad to be allowed to cable their
va papera all tbe faeU aad d Btba aaewaary prrparatloaa proridad by
ayalUt eaaler to bear.
erant pbaaaa of avaaU aa they traaaUdewalka too. oaBe la for eoatJderplrad berr, Afur two loay iatarvlawa
aWa atuattoa. aad AlderBtn Bi
OUa be flcml'y ptomlaad
aa('wModwarB la deelariac tbat there
wae so aae la aeomaltteeOf the eoaa- raatioa of lha clerk. Tkie wae deoid- ffreaur libariy, ayraeiay to pam all
Batter that he miybt ooatider aoi dri
ell MBsiar the etroeu of tbe city la ed by the geeeaiary boUoo.
•ul to the iaterseu of the Uolud
aaaroh of dafeeUve walka aal
refaraoae to tbe deliaqaaat taxea
fiOB ihe'oooneU to rebuild or repair reported tbroofb error, afleatiaf lou SUUa Oaaaral OUa appolatad GaptheB are obeyed Tble nattar. bow- 1 aad I of block e of WUbrlm'a addi tala Graaa of hla etaff ae caaaor.
ThaaUUBeatof the oorraapoadani
aver, will ba left with the board of tion. asd of property oa tbe ooraer of
peblleworkajo aae that the ordare of ElBwood aeeaac aad Jrffefeoeareaar, MTi: “W. baliava that owiay to
tbe eoaaeU are ooBplled with wlthoot Barllaad-e addltioa. C.ty dttoraey official dUpatehae froa Maalla Bade
farther delay or to build tbe walkiat Dodfe reported that -he had learaad pabllc at Waabiaytoo tbe people of
the elty'e expeaae aad eharire the u- troB tbe aadltor raaaral that tbe lame the Uaitad fluue hare not raeaJvad a
paaae araloa the property owaaia U for 1H9S bad boea paid. He wae astbor- oorraet lapraaeiM of the eltoaUoa
la the t-bmppiaae: that tbaaa dleihalrtaaaa
iaed to make a proper adjaat
patebea have preaantad aa ultra opU
kalaolB Wlanle waarraatad parBia- tbe Batter.
alosho lay a eamaot .walk at hla reelTba BtataBaat of tho board of public mUuc view that U not abarsd by tbe
yaaeral offiaer* la the fl Id.
daaae property oa HU*e etraeL
rOoBUaaad oa third pafo ]
'■WabalUvethat tba dlapatehae UIba blayela path aaftaatloa obb#
norrectiyrapraaealtheaxlaUay boadlfroB a paUtioB (tob T. D. MeBaaea,
Uoua amoay the FUlplnoa io reapaot to
h. B. B-aekaa, Tom SharaiaB, O. P.,
Oarrar and othata. aakinp tba eoaacll ▲U Blade of Teaoela la Bamaad aad ttaedteaeaUos aad damoral'xatloa raenlUayfroa the ABoricaa caapatya
toeaubliah a bicycle path oa Pioat
Baalaaaa la OraaUy laaad to tbe biiyaad ebusetar of tbelr
atraet from Unloa etraet to Bl
sray. TCc believe that tbe dUpstebra
avaaae. There *rai a
anr in the daclaratioa that tba eltoa
fiaat tba paUUonat oaaa. bat CHy
AUorsoy Dodfatboufbt there Bifbt traSe up te^ldinsBer baataraxaead- Uoa U well in band and that tbe laha 1^ reatrletloiu wbieb woald pra- ed tba cxpaolatioea of the moat ma- aurractloa can be apaadily ended with
out a yraaUy loereaaad foioa.
aaat a portloa of the atraaU brief aat yalaa vaaerl owaara
Bataa have Uvaaead aatU tba hlyh- think that tba ie>iaeUy of tba Kiliplao
salda tor apodSe parpoaaa Be waa
aakad to look into tba Batter tboroofk- eat flyara paid la tbla daeada hai beea parpoae U andcreetisatad aad Uai tba
Bkteueau BOB uafouDdad tbat tbe volXy asd aOTiM tbe ooasell ae to how tar
Wayea of laborere aad othata have unuera aae wiiiiny u> eoyeye la furthey ooald fo la tbu dlraetloa.
Aldaraaa Oarriaoa. who hae baea •aaa laereaaed froa IS to «S par coat, ther aarviee.
tbe Best aealdaoaa U bU ifforu to and every hour of dayllybt 1a Beaded
"Tba'oaaeorabip baa compelled
problblt tbe aae of tbe walkeby wbml- aad aaad. The daBaada of labor naiooa parUcIpau in tbU aiareprateaUUoa by
mas aatlraly. waa particularly eayar to io every caoc have either baea yrsated axclelay or alieriny tbeuaeontrovarted
aaake aoBe prorieloa lor tbe oooranlof faeU in the plea, ae GenTboeaaada of toaaof coal aad oaryo orulOUa buiutad. that they would
oaaa of blorole ridera, 'who, be aryuad
olofaaatly had rifbu which oofbi to apoa earyaof iron ore await traaai
alXTB the people at hose or bare tbe
baraapaeiad. Bd advlaad placlof a UtioB to aad froB mlaea and porta
people of the Ualted SUtea by tba
Tba ebaayad tactlB of tbe rallroada
ipyar of fraral aad other aaltabla praporsUesaea Torloui'Blraata, rolllnf it alone preraat aa accDBalatioa of yrata
'The euuBeat makaa tbe followiac
Aows ihorourbiy aad allowiaff tbe at the upper lake porta If depaadani apaelfledebaryat: ■■ProhlblUon of r«lU there would ba a lack of too parU;anppreMfOBof the full raporttol
wbaaie to do tbe rant. Bala tain lay that
la a little while azeellaat bicycle path< BayatoearryUtoaaatama&d toralya Held opataUoae la tbe event of tailnre
aeald be Bade la tbla way. All of tbe
and tbe naabert of heat
Boau that were loalBy moaay a year in tbe Held: tbe ayeumatle Blnlalta*
aldariaan favored aoae action la tbla
dlraetloa. Aldanaaa Kanyoa tbonybt ayo are bow payiny tbair owaara larya lioire of the naval operaUona, and -the
dlrldandt and sany w 11 more tbaa pay
I makloy tba
for thamaelvaa thU year. dtaaBeia of
proTlelooaaDd providlay i
to the e-ubliahad patha. aboald ba the SOO-foot claaa. oonelderad out of
The eUUBeat U ^lyned by tba 'oorI—ad. Tbe BBtiar waa flaaUy refer date, will pay ss to ss per oaat. proflu eapondaaU of the Chleayo Baeord,
red to tbe aoBBlttae oa atraala aad by No*. 13. Bvaa the- aawU inmbcr Chloayo Tribune. N«w York Sun, Now
walka ->>tb power to act.
acbooaara are is yraaldeatand.
York Berald.'the Aaaooiaud Fraaa and
From now aatU tba claaa of naviya- tbe Serippa-McBaa aaaoeUUon. It wa
A petiUoa far a walk oa the
akda of duu etraet batwaaa Ullberl tldh there will be aotblay bot nub la forwarded to Bony Eony by boat b
ssd Boaa atraaU. waa raferrad to the tbe lake batineM. Every boor will be evade the caaaora.
OOitBlttaa OB etroeu aad walka.
Ue4« and tbare wUI be ao Bua»■ F BAUaT-8 ABP1B4TZ0MS.
A petiUoa from raeldaau far t^ daya or holldaya.
fravallny. yi^tay. aad carblay of
That far the loaaca froa dkaater
WasU Xejor BoyatoB'e Place aa Boai
Beat Btybth alroat from Uatoa
have bean axeeadlnyly amaU. aad Uu
of B O. T K.
Bifhth etraet brldye wae raferrad to
todaUUae profubla to the
'T'HE next three WMka are .usuallj tbe dullest of
The wet.
ther. baa
clear ' our
stock of
aboea anj
oxford a.
so, not to
uadarwiitera ae to
WlaaU Pfufar aad Tmt
KcOoy Married Taaurday.
very happy, waddlay took plaaa
yaaUrday at noon at tbe boau of the
paraou of the bride. Mr. aad Mra. 4.
W. Pftafar. aoe Webatar aUaat. The
prlaeipala wart Bluer W. McCoy and
MlB WlBBla Pflafar. BoU> are wall
known aad vary popular la Ttavaraa
City, aad whUa tba Bsndaya waa a
plea Beat aarpriaa to the (naade of both
they will all ba ylad to axtaod the
couple the
• •
Uoae. Tbe
by Bev. WUey K. Wrirht. aad
lately aftorward the happy pair
the c ty m the tt:«e tnUa for tba aoath
OB Uair waddlay tear.
The yrooB la oaa of the Boya' Bead
aad U equally popular audhy the lo
cal faaalaru of feat horaaa. belay aa affletaat trslsar aad driver of
Ba baa bean dolay lha Miehlyas elroalt with 4. T. Baaaaht trottor. L. C.
K.. aad altar the nulay aeaeoa ba will
take a poaitkw aa trataar on s Isiye
atodi tsTB.
Port Hama. 4aly 17.-Tbe nlavaath
bleanlal review of the Knlyfau of Mae•beaa. which wlU be attaaded by delein the Daloa. will nadoobtadly be the
Boat iBsortani in tba bleiory of tbe
ABooy -tbe faatorea
which wUl to a yraat axteat detanniae
the future Baaayemaat of Ue order k
the aleetioa of offiwra. Them ware
ruBon of a treea havlay baea (ffeetad
Maior Boyatoa aad tba farew
ofD. F. Markay. who waatt Ma>or
Boystos’a plaae, by which Mijor Boyatoa kta baytmaa Ufa office aad ba
rellavod of tbe maaayeBaat of affalra.
Bet it k arldant that the major doeaa't
take kindly to tbla.
Savaml haadrad dalayutee have ar
rived. Tba Lsdiaa of the Mao
wUl bold tbelr eoevaatloB at the mma
time. Both eoavesUoaa wlU oonveBa
tOBonow. At Pisa Brora park 500
---tbamof UuaalfarBraak am aa-
' that aha patttloa for the c^lay of
■01 atraet be daaiad. Tbb
JayasaM Aattoa waa ako adapted..
Cape asd aaneata. Dataty AaMyaa.
Ihk aoBBlttaa alao
atte lae asd Me The FaBoat.
lha tBprovamist «d Froat etraat trou
Dafaa atraet ts Boarduea avaaaa with
arsebed atosa. alao that aa
nad rMlar, of about a tosa, ba purahaadaurisy party
sdSremQ B. Bovhay aaaotdlay to
Tbamday avenlay 4aly sc_________
fan pmpoattlos to the aoaaeU. Aldarasd aaka wUl ba aervad. Pmt. MarIMS Baatlsya wm la favor of tba ha
«aatb<a ereffiaatra wlU tarakh msMe.
Badsaad is prlaa- KowSSdS.
AdBkalBs u aaau a aoaala.
lt of tba atraav alao the parBaMiLTox CLoma Co.
«hsM Of a tsUar. bat ba sdvMad the Japntoi
SMsaU to defer ordarisy
to ev SaitB at S7.M.
BaHLXM Ct oc«nn'Co.
Ihia will relieve na of tbe reguUr faU hiab-keep our n
busy and give yon the haoefit of rock bottom prices
goods OTW
snd to
clton np oor Block of broken
lot*, we are baring a great
'"“e- -e tnroed out
ye^ty-we pnde onnelvea cm tbe artiatic combinations,
style and workmaaabip. Bring down yonr plctnrea and let oa
give yon an estimate.
B.lph Oonn.bl. Jr., Urnn.^.
It’s a sure thing that it paj-s to trade
Hot only every lOth bat, loth cap, 10th
tie, 10th handkerchief. 10th sweater,
lOtb collar. lOih eait of nnderwear
10th belt, etc, bat
Every 10th Pair of Pants
Goes Free.
Yoq are inrited to call and
we will ebow j*on pood bargaine in your site of shoes
We can aare j-oo from 50
ceota to a dollar a pair ou
many aboea.
Dill Too See the New Neckweat?
Alfred Y, Freidricli.
Faeblonablc Outflttare. lu Fnai btmet.
Bathlay Traoka. 15. ts. 50c.
It Pay* To Trade Here.
I New Idea Fashion Sheets
—August iesne—Hew Idea k'attema-Au^t
etylea-How here-Faehlon Bheete Free-Any Hew
a Idea Patteni, 10c.
Four thooeand pattemajln atock. '
Big bnainesa enterpriacfi
are made poeaible by the faot
tbat time and apace can now
be practically annihilated.
A tplephone in tbe office or v
home, saves the one thing,
wbich if lost can never be
Where Is
The Markham Black?
-rit IS looted in the busiest parCof Trarerse City—
on Front street—betveeen the stores of J. A. Monta
gue and A. A; McCoy & &n.
And in the Markham Block is lofcated the
Rlchigan Talephoae Co.
Jilmos’ Hinia Gigir
the proper ooBialttaa with p
sat. Aldaraua Kanyoa made a atroay
sryaBaat ta favor of the
atatlay that la wat waalkv the water
ats^lay la the etraet
The ooBseU
Aid »et feel espowared toaupply boau
for tha aaa of tba rcaldania of that aaeUos, ao tba etraet wUl be laprovad.
teioh Hill aakad Ua ooaaeU for
leattM ta the Batter of aataeoBaal of
her property. lUUny tbat Bora valaaMe property adjolaiay bar praBleaa
WM taxed lam thaa bar awa. Tba
maUar waa retarrad to the eaBBittaa
aa wayaaad a
sob atraaU and walka
dtheyranilayof the paUIks tor a walk oa tba north aide of
Sixth Btraai and thalr raeonBaadatloe
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
Gate Post
...Jaat Out..
Headgnarters of The W. w! Kiiball Co.
The piano that is used liy more families in thia
vicinity than any other piano made
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and the finest display ot pianos and organa
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instmments, mnslcial me^andise and popular sheet music.
5^ Marliham Block
First Class Haiaet Cigar,
EDOd Size,
Eicelleat Qaalit;,
INewThiignfortt Caltiiatiag,
tsk roar Dealer for Them.
K. E. Strong, Manager
Simple Facts
Whan wn say wn ham tha baat laidlaa’
'Tonneller Block.
Fin Insurance.
ZaL. A.Bnfldii«.
Sboa In tba oltr for *8.00 and «a00Onforda; atlSS, 60. 7tc, *1.00, *186.
*160 and *8 00. Haw Una of BUppata
Parker BroSa
TH« uoxnixa xboobs. ttosdat, nn.T ib. isea.
VKATX&es cmr. • lacmohji
Ea»tSvbbubseald. '
«k* Ita put* Oo»pMy.
B*vl**^ <B*4* it dlfiesH to borrow
■Mt* fro* tbit Ud*. »od frwakly r»U*
tU rmUt white tW* «dbbU7 beciM
•hip froth eroo* tor whUb Borop* wQl
rma ioto debt."
T. B*m AXO 3. w. Eaxto
r. W. B*n». Sdiw Md ll**cv-
Ferry Bannah Leant of the
Ocoth ofaa Old Friend, Aged
iOl Tea*.
Rm. Perry Hannah hae r*elred a
copy of the Adrertiaer, of North Kaat,
Pa., the towa U whleh.be lired when %
boy. annonncUg tbe death of “Aent
NellU Weed," an mUmable o:d lady
aged 102 years and ^r*e month*. When
a boy. after tbe oeatb^ Ua parenu.
Mr. Haanab waa a member of tbe famOy of Mra Weed, rrbo waa highly re
spected and boaored In that locality.
A WontUC 10 The •o«U.
Mra Weed was ibe .oldmt peian U
WUcomU ooia*e8tt
Brie eonnty at tbe time of her death.
•pCB the Loaltrllle Oonrier Jonrwl't
MllaoUof Brytnls the followlof la*
HfirtlBf end lodd etyle:
•KUsdidpte Bryu OMOot ctoit too
•Volyos the tooth. Hie ooti-eopM- ramilic* of Xembere Frrpering for
«i0B Idete eoofliet with the bop* .of
ihOtbUhloc people of, Uut e«tUoo,
Who bore been looklnf oot oply to the
w^owd NU»rt(o»(»iio>. bnt to the
pebet, Md to the Orleol. for pouibie
bnde eormoetloae.
The LooitrlUe
OosrUr-Joorvol bee eoanded 4 woralnir
loU* Soelh ofolnet tbe .mieleulliw
iO|ihienr of tbe »po*t]e of 16 to l, who
U t^lty to coDjorc eoppon by inrelftiiBf oftaaet tbe policy of reulolof
podtloa U tbe Pallippine UUodt.
ronowttbe oommercUl elUeUoo ood
••OooelderUf lhe*UUfi. tww UU
pgaelbU tbot ony tboocbtfol eltlmo cf
tho Oolt tutee thmiid Ueuo wi^ p*'
tittrt to the ▼tporUre of » pollUeoI
. pdfntver wbo. blind to their eUltne
pponthinhU* people, wonld *t np
' bfblaet then • hnddle of belr-eplIttUf
’ theort* oboot the Monroe doctrine bad
*ibeOasetitaUoaof tbe United Sut*.
What aboald wo think of JeflerMh If.
IpMribr the praotloal adranta(M,be
had, on iTonadi cf CoaetlUtional or
elhor eerapl*. loot the cbanoh to bay
iKmleUaa from Nopoleonr • • •The
VlohoUebntUar op Uke a teUeeope.
i pad. Ihnraffb the osaUor end one oan
poo fartbor than Jtfferw* *w tbroncb
Ittoiargar. ManUaMnotae tar from
IWwblnirton under taodem eoadltloa*.
* •• Vow Orleaae waa in Jeaoiaoa*a day:
, OaUienuo waa harder to reach at the
I dat* of the Oladwlea pnrchaae. Brery
I foar tbo world growa ainaUer. Yet tke
* Oal| aulea of tbe Bontb, nogro-rlddon
pad IsporerUbed, hare atood apart,
' holpiw. aeelng tbe narrowing atream
, nniu paea them by, and. jnai at a great
'poaanonUetU offered tbea. none a
I irobp of penny trnmpeien to toot tbe
pidaoBl about‘the eonaentof tbegor' praad’->who* antbor did not ooneldar
I }t Whaa tbe anlargwneal of hla oenawy
irao tflrdlred—and to drone about eon' fUtatloaal forma, which bare at
|1«0 atood agalael the expanding detlm or the practical neede of a people
•••wUaily antorprlalng and progrMIlya. '
* oTbe eonib It awakening to a real
UatiOB of the fact that it mut bare
. fouaaree In order to derelop la keep,^witb the progre* of the north,
woat and eaet It U making etrennona
pfforU to wU a almre of tba grain
. Irade of the north and went by tbdi
tbg a flow of frmgbt down tbe Mlaeladlppi rirer, and by raU to Oalrmton
gad Other gulf porta. lu energy In
|bla dlraeUoo la felt at the Atlantic
poaatporti. which hare rlewed with
pUglrUgt the steady growth of tke
aomcneroe of the acaporu on Ue gulf.
9«vaa Mr WatierMn well aaya. ‘the
gulf atat* are In a pocket,' and of
thaauueon tae eaeiero eeaboard of
ike United Sutea, they ‘are furthermt
gway from tbe eeniert of trade and
^ouy.' Looking wmlward. howerer,
they bare a more promiaing poaitlon.
and with a ablp canal oonnecUag the
Uulf of Mexico with the Pttiflc ocean
Ibey wonld be able to participate with
gdrantage in tbe eommer* that ie
ppeead «p by tbe traaaiatbmian water*
way. Tble la why tbe eoutb ahonld be
U taror of tbe oxlating policy in regard
W tbe PbUlppln*. Tbe United dut*
pbonld plaee Iteelf in poalUen to eeenre
iH abare of the boalna* Incident to tbe
|gptd derelopment of C^ine and tbe
PrldBt. and the Gulf autee abonld not
'«In the way of their own
IMpatlon U tbe commercial derel
ist of tbe Paolfle and tbe 'far
Our Prwpirlty,
Fleaean*. B<crcnlloeaWabrpZ.ake.
The mem here cf the Oetonary Club
nn preparing to enjoy the adranug*
offered by tbrlr pretty and eomforuble elnb htmae on the ehore of Carp
and by next week the entire elnb
wUl be eetUcd In the dob house for n
aoawn of rest nod iw^tlon. The
famQUaofC. M- Parker nod W. J.
Bobbe are already there and B. D.
Oamnbell U alad on tbe ground ntlendIng to the wnnte and comfort of the
other membera Mre. Cbmpbell will go
over a UtUe Uter. Tbe famlU* of AW. Jahrana. 8. L. It*. O. P. Camr,
and M. B. Oetea wUI j->ln the other*
the latter part of the week. All of the
ibere will remaU at tbe rtnort for
eome time the ladiee remalnUg aU the
Ume and the genUemen returning to
the city at frcqnent UterraU to attend
to bnilnew.
Tbe families of Aldermrn Oook and
QreUlck. wUl locate in UnU not far
from the Oetonary olnV bonne and
other fammed will soon be located In
mme loenUty. which tobeccminga
p^nlar mtreai
Bertha Urban Baa Ber B gbt Band
BaAiy Lacarated.
Bertha Urban, wbo te bnt eight yeare
old. bad her right hand badly bltUo
by a dog at ber home on the weal aide
laet evening. She wne immediately
taken to Dr. Martin, who dremd the
wound. The band wae badly laoerated
and two large bcl* were made by tbe
dog. The mUe girl will be deprUed
of the nae of ber hand for some time.
^Keep Cool
and Save Labor
^ ^^Anseivnnr Plate
Mdes UK fcxMl niora delkious and V
Quick Meal, Blue Flame
Wickless, Oil
or Gasoline Stove.
Walter Downer, wb-> wm Tbongbt to
Oermelae Brea. XaeiUnte a Branch
XJvaryai Vi-ah ta-want*.
OermaUc Brae. wlU open tkelr
Unneb livery bare at Ne-ab ta-wnnu
today with , abont alx home and as
many rigs in u«e. It has been tbe
eutomof this firm
have a barn at
that place every enmmer and this year
the livery will be open for about two
montba John ' Burnham will have
charge of the .barn.
be Deed, Heard yromatUn'atb.
Waller Oswner. eon ot Mr. and Mrs.
Downer, reeldiag on tbe comer of
Front and Spmee aueeu. baa at Uat
bean heard ot after fourteen year* abeencu from home. Fourteen yeare ago
Uat December be left borne with uie
avowed Intention of retureltg at
Cbruimaa Ume. but when Cbraimaa
be was still ataaent and tb^pbrenu began to worry about him. Fin
ally fool pUy waa aospeeted and when
a year bad rolled by all bopee oi
aealtg him again bad vantaked.
letter baa been received by the family
from Mrs. E. U. Umig. ot liO First
Avenue. Dolnlh, auytog that {Walter
at ber home very UL Teeurday a
tel^rram was received eaylng that be
belter bet unlem be Improves
greaUy the parenU will leave fsr
Dd nth to see him. DurUg, hla wan
dcriogi arooed the country be cnllaied
e regnUr |army and served nine
I. after which be received an bon
oiuble dlacbarge.
Wp bare n (al] line of Cmoline Store* from S3
np—tin Stovf-fcfn'tn il op. We aeli on easy nay‘TifoU—n little rn«u sad n little at a time—loo
bare them )>akl fi>r nnd do not know how it bap>
eiortoua Bewa.
Com* from Dr. U. B. Oarglle. of
Washita, I. T. Ue wn»*: --Four boltlm of Electric Bit .a* bu eared Mra
of cerofala, which bad mused
-.. „ . It suffering for years. Trrri.blc aor* would brmk out on her beau
and face, and Ue beat doeiora eouid
give po bely: but ber enre u complitr
and hef healU U excellent." This
•hows wbat thonmnda have ye
that Bleeir.c Bitter* U tUe beat
ler known
known. It'* Ue *1
for ecxem*. tetter, *lt rbenu
oleera, boils aad running aurw.
Btimulat* liver, kidneys and boweU.
;pels tuiaons. bvl* dlgmilon. bolldi.
uptbestrengU Only to cenu. Sold
by Johnson and Walt, druggists. (Gns'
anieed ) _______ ;_________
New biore
■ House Furnisher
120 From Street.
Hr* James Dixon Btung by an Insect
*cdv maker onulde^of^^troU aad
Uc Inseiona cream almond* now be
With FaUfnl Besnlta.
log made are tbe very b
best Uat can ^
Mra. James Dixon of Biate atioel la
aoftering fre.m a caae cf poUonlng
which auggeaU a viait from the mneh
talked of kFaBlngbug. Mra. Dixon waa
OoUera. AUealoro The ^
sMng •>y an la^t of acme sort Uat
Thursday, and tor a few days, thought
oothirgofiu But ber face began to
Long Panta. Lot* to elo* chwcswell until It waa deemed edvUableto
BaniLnw CLftmiv,: Co.
cull la a obysleiai;
Dr. Martin w
imoned and treaud tbe ease. Mra.
Dixon's taee waa badly swollen Salnrday night and all day Sandny. It
atlU swollen last evebing, although
not quite so bad. Upon one ot ber Ups
Mra. Dixon bean tbe mark of a alUg
'which differ* from tbe deeerlpiion of
tbe wounds left by Ibeao-calledkUting
bug. but the eflecu are somewhat aimtUr to these deecrlbed In tbe eneee U
which Ue celebrated Insect has' flgni
While Mrs. Dixon entered conelderable paU from theeUng It la Uongbt
that there will be no mote aei Iona reanlta.
Alf details of the profession looked after in a professional manner.
: Ro. 318 DdIm Stmt
Both Thoseo
? ■
Xh*8aetalnedoa Ua. Froparty
H. 8 Heaney A Son Waa SA.OOO.
•uu Board of ChariU* and OortecUona.
Dr. Arthur LeUnd Worden, member
of tbe Bute Board of CcrrcctloM end
ChariU*. la U Ue city. Ue gu*i *f
It Munson and Ue oUer
members of Ua boara will be here to
day to eonsnU wiU Ue *ylnm anUorItlm U Rgard to Ue new buildings
anUorlted by Ue late legUiatnre.
The amoani of Ue appraprUtlon was
TbeloMon tbe building and aeed
wekofN^B. Keeney A Sjns, oemcioned by Ue fire a abort time ago. wu
adjusted ymterday. Ue total amount
being about St.ooa. of which about
S9«0 waa loia on Ue building. Ue
lainderoB etock. The inaurau* <
trrled by six companl*. of which Jno.
B. Santo is Ue agent. Tbe work ot
ropeiring tbe bnUding will baglo at
. One ot Ue membera of tbe Arm
bare to aaaiat in Ue adiiaiment, c
pUmeoted Ue fire department very
highly for their effi :ient work in
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. ^ena Peteraon tlnguiablngUe blurt wiUoet greater
July 17. a son.
Bora-;to Mr. and Mrs. Am* Wood
of SevenU atrwt. July 16. n aon.
Bay 8:koficld b* accepted a pMition
At Ue Fr.iand’a aoertwly HeeUtg
wiU Germaine Broa.
Tbe Junior Worker* of tlrace churck
will hold a meeting InUe lecture
Tbe following anperlnlendenu
next TbnrwUy night nt 7 o'clock:
appointed' at Ue Friends' m*tTbe C. A W. M. road aold 161 exenr- ting Saturday:
cion tieketa for Ue north and aouU
Bvangellatic Superintendent—J
Prank and A. B Bunnett and famlTemperon* Soperintendant—Le
IlMandMn. J. tL Bennett and 1^0 Pennlngt^.
hlldrenenUyedatrip to Long Lake
Mlmlonnry Bnp*rinteadent-M*Un
B Wilhelm, Bob OaldwMI. Dr. RowSapertotendent Jonl* Rodrovor
ley and Tony Noroiny left ymUnUy Work—Amanda Zimueerman.
for Bear Creek where they wlU enjoy
uHlay School Work
imping and flsblng.
Tbe Travecue Bay Sewing Clre'e fclll
lie E. Work—Myrtla
met with Mrs. B. Brietol at ber
I if6 Beat MlnU atnet, this attemoon Buutdn.
at I:»0.
There will be a regaUr mMUng of
Ue Odd FeUewe 1* Ibelr lodge rosma
Ula evening. Work in Ue Aral degree
win be given aad a full aitendanwV^*
It u probable Uak a number of Ueatre parttet from eurroasdlag tow*
wfll eome U to Ue OanadUn JnMUe
ooocert UU ovenlng.
George Oaroe’ livery ba» U receiving
a baodeeme o»t ofapaUt and
Ive lettering.
Everybody should make It a point to
attend Uc flrat regular bs* ball
of Ue aeaaon Wedoeoday and Thnrwlny
> Ue BnaUeiu and MaaiatM
■act from an article
(row Dcn'e BnUw la ot apeelal eigBifleaaoe;
••Beeanae ermy pK»pwt pleaaea, it U
lha right time to watch more cloaMy
(v Mgsa of tronble. But It la not
fortbamwbeoltacTOlumeof bnaine*
ft tui per cent. Urgw than Uat year
gadTS.&laignrtban 18M. the beat of
gU yeare axoept tbe Uat. or when faUptm eonUnue tbe amallmt ever known Y. F. S. O B. Hooniigbt 1
‘There will be a moonlight exeuralon
er Whan the export* of ataplea begU to
' fmprm materUUy. or when rallr^ around Uc Island' Friday evening, os
bastnnm Is by far tbe bmt.eTer known, tbe Colombia, given nnder Ue ansple*
gr when New York banker* a«pear U of Uc T. V. a. a B. of Ue Coagregstional ckureb, tor Ue beneflt ot Uc
tntmnntloMl opnratlena. itatealngb
organ fund. Tub tare will be 9Sc.
BaeiUn Inquiry and nnderuklug
ile^eag loan.
Bran the ladaatrial lorehMc» Tha moos wlU Wat the
tnU and Ue ride WlU be a dMigbttnl
BtigntM UeUent to
oanal, Ue largmt of' esa.
The ladiMof UeJ. C D. society wHl
give a dan* In Colombia ball Thi
day evenleg at which time i* cn
and cake wUlbe*rved. Mnrtaugb'a
wCl furnish mnale for
oeeaaioD. ’
The htO.OUU.MK, bteyem least, whl
has been all but eompleted. baa go
to pieoe
_ to Information :
mired at Andetnon.Ind. Tbe caeicrn
banken fimU^ tbe oonearn withdrew
bemn* of a hitch In Ue final eoMolid-
It’s Passing Strange
Th^ so many of the merchants complain -of
'•July the dull mq^nth,” “July usually tbe dullest tron'h
of the year," “Just to keep busy this dull monih."——'
We have no inch thing as “dull month” in our vocab^
nlary—we're busy all the time—we are the veritable
‘ bee hive of industry" of Northern Michigan.
We don’t offer “special bargains for this month
only." We are giving you bargains every day of the
year. Our goods are bought by those who have
studied tbe markets for years, and who always an*
ticipate tbe fluctuations, thus saving you many dol
lars when our prices are compared with others.'
'Each department has received enormous ad
ditions during this so-called “dnlt month." filling
them with the best bought stock of merchandise un
der one roof outside of Grand Rapids or Detroit.
This is a statement fully borne out by a look through
our mammoth establishment.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
^Hand-Made Process
brw.*.________ ___ _____
U iitt. «a<M c/ch«Bka' .
lo. 43
^4.;TH« MOMrnro «oo«d
•j|»»»«iMi»i auutuKjk«>'
»&&te Stems
*‘=Tttt fishtik.
lupY ifc ims
Tb« ougic aonKtUag ty wliicb Mt. Robert H.
Wni Xaftyetta, Jgy Praaer amd Brace Seery UtOe O ^ Who Vl'.l Take Ber
rOontiaaed trow Sret pU* \
Fo«*mr ebaoge, i yooog goof, okio ioto Vid
Bchoeeld Wfiu of thru Sneri-. .»
t* Vraak'Prtodneh Bay Baee
works aaked (or Biot ~0 (or the atrcet
Kid is bi, lecrot .\ny other tooaor in tbe
» l»y nttad with a Fa*r <d V»d
•«« to PWhtptow.
would glwily give i. lortnoe to know thi.
MltoaMatiaftoAit to ecrer thel**>*^- »«
*«»■ Maaito. «»•
i oecret. It wont be «Jd, Then- no b- oo
^ JolyStdwlUbeao era in the ddl
B«rlM» eoU «wl«n teve tiM iM, wpeneeoftheapeeial cdaualuea wboi day. MayM-im
- e It to Grand Espids to io^eet street i
Bwt « or
rpa Moasue Bac. hUtory of Trarersr City h will be a
prtoe pf hftrd eoml st u ».
oao-Tbtoto Ibeflrat cbaaee we hare
tony to be remrmhe ed by three
improeemeate, were avowed.
A two jot oiA <mU battwriar «<>
Ibe special toamittee wfa'ch etolud ■bad to let yoo know where and how:
rnakOnwIofCamdM. b*d • battl*
space j Friedrich -i!r«ieSry we^of
Oread Rapids reported aa (allows:
------------------------------------•ritt • Tsuiauakc. The wake wm rie- To the aaayor and eominoo eoaneU of'
we hare aaen \ that ooare to hto store that day with a
» toll yoa w^at we
Ivieu aad the ealt aiar di«.
I or keen throng slnea>o«''
ln<to-oo- andral at j
V.ci K-d sJipfwra. trwwiUea
OB the
traae ’
“ “ cpportoeiiy that only coicaa
; Jackaoa to the hotae of aa^iwr »eb
That u not of Mr. Foenierrr’a tannage. At the rate tliinja
^^>broary 1 opUI Ba«h fl J.y B
Itoillama. BeaidM the Nembn^. a rew
are ifptnR the whole «hoe wearing vorU will aocn
' of aaocftaiaia(
r.^ parueoiarab.>ai the kind
Wrtodtoal hw Bade Ita ar^Mrawc the sat]-eta of road halloit...__ _
fi'crahw fiole™
“«eat, handaomeat, moet iaating
laare|shjp tehraary l» with typhoid freer,
U's al! the same
Mdarthaeapthmof *'FIf P»pB.'- lu tmprttT'insnto. aeirer«.eic..
I He was afterward Uhen with the
ItoBdto are eerj appareeU All tjpeaet- to report as totlowi;
For a abort lime we-are making a apet-ial effort to get the
I. ehisa doll, wax
-Toat 0300 their arrieal at Graad_____ ,_________ .....
Hat. edUiar. ele.. to done hj &oj Rsp:ds they were met Oy n*-or i
Iwnailooalliyeo'.no m-pe firmenta of thu leather before the people of Traverse City.
“^ "*'*‘^ **" “*
i)atok. le years old.
He^'s rep^eaeouiire. iS. F. V i«'«! tor 94tb of Bay at this plaea 3e I oiv; Im feet bith «iil b> fliud perfectAt tbe same time we aUsll have ctunpeteot p-K>ple in onr
r^ri .f w 1 L^-,
““»t »e accompaoSed
The easeof;lfn Joho Edyett, who Uoniei: escorted to \Ue city ball. | to well n >w aad ready to r^n.i
albfv to tracb the ladiea ard children bow to keep ^eir aboea
owner, (or If they were orrmitnumbers of the eipMooe.>Dneil ds'y.
to asff/rlar with bydropheWa, to. cx- where
looking like new, 'till too worn to wear. There ia no charge
were la wai ‘loir to take dT at oooe to I
i We loft Maolla tor the front « | Uke the eotireViv^^rto iet them
eitiBff aoeh atCrathNi at Lake*lH«. aae all elaaaes of street ao<<
Vlci UreMioff and Viet Poliah were made by Mr. Rob.
VMUrday ab« had oo far i
ert H. F^rderer, lo place with wean*ra of h
hia shoes, a pr«a«-v.
moroinr. or come when yoa
roe <can.
al exaseioatloo wat made of Ii been
beeo tbrooeh
tbrooyb a nod
food deal of marchlnw
marehlof .• !■> toe “ormof.
alive and dreaaer Dt*rfectly soitst] for ihe porptAe.
from her recent attack of this barrihle
differeatelaases of 4»sremeot. rouers. I.lt aeh.i... *Tk.
..... ^
IXui't forget DOLL’S DAY.
___ , SatniSayVloly 22. Every
malady ae to be allowed the (reedoaof MO*nrtlor**i«b^'o?Uyl5?
to of dolls
her hoata aliboorh she U in a ratfamal < by osa of rollert. erosbed atoM
etooe. and.
to get I
Fridsy. A onmber of the boys
by Robert H. Foerderer
atota of Bled
Bind only for a few miDoics r>^*r].
A ao Bet-<od4 of cos
that day
It will coat them nothing.
etreet repair m
i rare as toe reason foe bto injury too
•t a tine. When .in ber rirbt mind
The commlti
she beFsplUfnlly to be killed. Pby. BIBS eoaelosloo tbst the j
Scyt Suits
alcians My she say tasre another at. h done by ^e'“
Lmg Paou
Espids officials bad resolted la ‘ W.ll Ltfayette has been 111 for some
tok within foar weeks
Ixxu-TiiN Ciureivt. Co
K.rlnr them one of toe best oared | time with chills and ferer bet did not
,. Erldeneeof arobbery ot'ihe Halted d'lss In the BtaU. The opportunity Ix,^
THe Old. E-»l±al>Xs.
Aoeldeat Xuanrance Pays.
Ntatae mail has bean disooreeed at
Hoited diates
KIlea In the ahape of« Mo. } larrc ster »ee toe rarloet classes of w«rk dons «»Pl«red i
approred methods will, |ey wbleb we all biyVy prise. Oarlast
Uaihar mall aaek which was foned
Dkar hiK-PirSM accept iny thanks
tore, be of jr«st sarinf raloe to bstUe was on BhT
Bsr ta
sa wbap
wbep toe were
near the waat bank of tbc'dt. Josapfa ■s •vhen otr work berlnt
for I13U in full payment lor my Injury.
.1 will take pleasure in Cwmmeuuiug
rltar yaatarday. Tba p< orb wm ripp^ .The cimmltiee were also of the Irhrinir San BcGill for Ballnaf. - Wt
ir eoBMny to my men and all nththrocirb the oaatar aad otharwtoa cpioloo tost as soon as our sew water
■ ho with to carry acc dent and
mslns aae be laid, which work shonld at Sso BcOIll and Company A
aieknesa protoction toat nrotecta.
Tx'a-w-earse City, M±oliajga,n..
AtJaekaco. Waltar Rry BaUcy. a
Yonre very truly.
Fax-va hs\rox.
■tBbar cf Company H. Tblrty-flral
irk; t
itll this work to aoooa- fonpht hard antll t o'clock in toe after .
-----------. 'Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms witb
HiehlfBB. died Saturday from IrJ tries
pllsbad _________
taoeirad tbaKonrthof July, a ptoiol riiy toe oondiltan of our bnsinesa noon. Two-men were killed In Cob
>s.ineiockCoiiatu. Aiieoiom The
batbs have byen addul, makinjf it one of tbe most
loaded with a hlaok carlridpa bainf itrasis by toe nse ">1 r>^arel and panyMtosvardtbe close of toe enFamous.
Comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. . Address for
exploded c osa to bto body..
ernsbad stone In seeb quantities and rarement and fourteen woendrd.
other information
our eompany tbe first Uentesant and emn Alttwit.
Tharoant falllnc of a meteor at ways as will both Improve and not
lose to t-w rreat an exieat toe oost of
George McLeMah employM toe bMt
Allcfan hat raised ao ImpDrtant 1^ mme when permanent work to beruu. tsro privates srere wounded. Company
casdy maker outaide of iMteott
UeU ' auu
A eaplured twenty prisoneru and
gaaatloe. Some of the parties interWl-Atotoiaviawli would be advis
toe lutaiOBS crMmalm
runs; 7 Eemm^na. 1 J spaneae and 19
eatad hare bean to BatUa Creak aeak- able to pave toe way for perm tneot
Mansers. They also capsored a larre
should uy
_ tof an attorney aal Ural edrioa. The work. A road roller to a aeeeasary adj met to street mskinf and with onr amoupt of ammuniUott.
I V nan npon when farm the meteor fall present stone crusber good work
About 400 ins^eoU srere killed
olalBt^ whUa the t«o nan who mw oe done for any kiod of service
The c m-altiee would also report- and wounded in to-* fi;b*.
It atrlke the fronod and who took poaEednoed In Price.
..wo.- NowfiSvWill Lafayette cot a belt, gold watch
Maaloa of )he aerial rtoltoe claim It m that from Ihetr observaUoas brie*
Bauiltus ‘‘Lormsn To. i
psvemeote for uur
onr vusism
bnslnee* portions.
and aiiver vbaln from one of the eapCbdrowa. ItwUl ha daeidad In the
y for our least traveled
ooarto. It to a qaeation that a
I be the proper pavo- tolns who was killed in the enrarilsclly.
eaiaed hafora. '
The former otethod east the city of
Company A went ont •ooutluc yes
IbrnlUra bnyan at Orand Rtpids
Orand Rsptds for each Indlvldnal prop
hare aeeepiad the new eoale of prlect erty holder about »4 00 per runntac terday and enecseded in e^turing sev Appijr le Mr*, r.liMaaoe. «i«Sina
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
whteh to 10 to S5 per emt blfher for all foot, the ssooad about $S.OO par ronninr en nioe bOTsea and eaddlco.
s dklo, x^^taInr toe cost of a fifty foot lot
We ace all watching for home papers
alaiaaa of goods and are^bsylng freely.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
iudlvidnst property holder and letters wbleh have been veryocar
A Broneon widow hsa eoctemfolly
•SpO.OO fit brick, and 1100 OO for mscad- since we came here.
Will received
• and one eon
Id every csxe this expeuditure
letter from.Mr. McCoy and Prster has Mrm. A“irLr^. I^w!!>'l
Inside of a year. 8be to n
for e____________________
received a tew Iniera. I have also re
laltoreUrtior a matrimonial bni
ceived some letters one or two of them
At Milford John Dickerlnr of the wholeeome surroundiars.
The committee are under obllratloas
PleiMnt VelUy eloe& t.
» Mayor Ferry. Secretary Bnoter. and were addreeaed to Port Suelllnr. bowWe base not reoeived any pay
Stroar Jotney ealf one week old tost to m*mbereof the Oommon Cooeell (or
since Imvlng Fort Snelllng bnt expect
-14 inobes blrh. and 14 Lnebes lonr from toe nensoal oourteelee abown ns.
>me In July.
toe tip of toe taE
It welRks K
O. p. CxilVBA
Bicjde Saddle—Guarant^d for three years—
ooafinqd to quarters now vritb
TOLOtN-Oe rr*l
M>s- rfasi,-*. tmnev t
Nmf Warren. F. Uaka'a honsa wsa
SpecUl Uimmlttee. aiokoets but hope to get out in a few
nuivr, lX>rr<niiai,
Look at them whether you .need one or not.
hoToad Saturday. The old lady atap
The mall carrleiq Mked that they be days. We are all happy and coateuted
pad on a mateh.
$S 00 or $10.00 will buy a goo^ second-hand bi
exenead from toereatrietloBB of toe: and hope to bear from our friends soonYvnra
AtCamden. Btndolph Kayaey, a lad aldewalks In deliverinr and eolleetitir
cycle—S*:i5 will boy the best new wheel on the
It years of are. fell frm a load of hay mall with their bltydee. The nqeeat
Co. A 3-d luf. U. .S A . Manila P. &
' «poa the tinea of a pitchfork.
The was refiured to the eommltiae on or*
market—Come and see my display before goisi;
Unea pleroed torotirb hto body aad be dlnanoM.
Tbe Tfaifo rms Are Here.
Has U a er.tleal oondiUoa
Alderman Wrlgbt asked that WoodC. Ltae.auto r«lortot. will apaad a
lore avenge, aoutb from Elrbtb etreet
Tbe new uniforBS for the Hnstlere
monto or more at Sarlnaw axaminlnc he excluded from tbe sidewalk prohibl- have bean reoeived g\ toe (3ty Book- iloD. Apply lo Mr. Pa»u
toe roolortesl featarea of that loeallty. t'on^for srfaeelmen In that loea'ity as elore and one of them it now Baj blnrt-i.
HVVr-A ta-/of.n.<.br.t front roc
Be thinks carbonate of Iron one of toe tbe Btreeu tbermbouU are utterly imcxhtbltloa
«auJoor-halfbii.rkeAo(orrar; Plo«<
mineral rasourcea toa| ahon’.d be watch pamlble almost at all times far wbMla. wtadow of toe store.
The ■ snlla
-Aa.lrroo 47Mate orim
ed for by coal dri'lers.
This wes alao referred to toe commit are toe Mme style as tbe old ones
Plalnwetl ha« a child of wbleh freat
white, trimmed with green, green cape
Tbe oiatter of the eoustrustion of and Btoekings They are very attracttolafsaraoxpeclad. WUllam Howard
One Might:
uo MWt.
toe drayman. U toe aeeento aoir of bto cement walks, toe materials used, etc., toe ns fsrms aul will msK! a fine ap iBcth pW^^y *'
paraata, and baa seven sons, so that bis
broached by Alderman Bastlurs. appMranee during tbe game with
IT10KX>T- Su.*raim‘, Froat .trrM ar*t
aaranto eblld to toe asrpatb eon of toe with toe sncreeuoa that a formuU be MantotM Wednesday and Tbuiuday.
X Aoorraoi <» Bueh-,- * Rmlioru^'* flnif
■lorr. Inqntro of Julluo •trlnbrre.
Mvanto eon. Perhapa there to not an- established by toe council, to beadbnipoK B»LE*-:q ai-r-it la c>ak«ooi. no-Uy Ib- I
other aueh a lad In toe aute.
ed to by al) property ownera. A mo■Hters Star Keeting
F.nRagcment of
provoC. a frv iroo^ TUI-lot lo ufterml for
AtOoldwater. Bra W. Prlos esme Uon that an ordlnaooe'be adopted proIIKI
There will be a regular meeting of
-W- tl.
near kUlleF her Itulet-yMr-old danrb- vldlnr tbe neceeaary rerulatJoD. was toe Eattera Sur Chapter tola evening. «aJw X W. BaallKK*.
Ur. White psaslut from toe kitchen carried. In this connection City Clerk Tbe meeting will be called at 7 o'clock -C«OR8ALX-Aim>djraod Wmlac farsarr.
lo an ad j tlnlny room, earry^ ■ a very Bickerd stated toet bnlldert of walks eharp. so m to allow the members lo
abarp knife, bar dan^ter ciame nian- bad a bad habit of telUnc property attoed .toe entertainment In Stein- T^RSALl-Too Urur 4
lorfroB an oppcalte direction.
In' owners tUt they could build tbeJr ee- hog's Grand If they desire- Memben •C ^u^takra oat of our •
Beet workmsosliip money
come way the lltUerirl ran nrainst the: meut walks and secure pennimlon from are nrged to be prompt.
can employ for Bicycle
• Srtum
■harp Instrument, euttlnr a fearful the council aftersrarda
Tbe eocueil
Repairing, (^uick work.
fash in her throat. The little rirl wUl
tola praeUee and decided
■urprieed Bpragae Pratt.
i;tOR8ALe-Orrxrbaufr for •
rpoorer altbonrh toe aeu- will always that pennlBion mutt be asked before
X' poo<tra>kW»<lr«k.|roodM
Sprague Pratt was happily surprised ply 01 BkmaooBIrr.
work to commenced on euch walks.
m Union Streek
hy toe Esgle offiee employee Saturday
evenlog at HiUcresU tbe~un.taaion tetoe street sprinklere only worked m
.oapcoprii from k in nuraiocantll r larr.«lug toe oelebratiou of Mr. Pratt's
iJr Broa.,i:;i Vroot airwi. up^aira.
faraa tne raOraad la tbeeMt end aad
birthday- Tbe evening was spent In
wlUappearat Stelnbe^'s Grand
also devoted eonalderable attention to
playing games sod la the rendtLn
These anrtvaUed sU
•Inkltag toe etreeu between Belu
Fli( }«in tficr c( Cfttt Brflili.
have toured toroufhont Great Brit ner'e lumber plica, where It was not of mnaleal Mloeiioaa by different a
ain. Osaads and the Halted Smtes and needed, while atrneia beyond toe rail hers of the eompany.
have an cetabltohad ropa'Atkm extead- road where apriakllng was badly need■tahtk. Orsbt.
Sera Tmti Toe tf Cuatt.
tar tor the past twenty yeara Their •d were neglected. This matter being
fine orehesun of solotoB wlU be heard wltota toe jurtedieUon of the b^ of
in a Ane eboeert prorram. The i
pubUc weakt no aeUon was taken.
beaded by MIm D. Un- ‘
derfnl eopraao alarer. r-Tbe Black Mel
Tbe board adjournod to bmi next
derwood, known as
Both 'Pbooea. 64.
ba,'' has a UaoUfnI votes of pbslooman- Monday atght.
alraafs and of astoatohinr parity.
The stoat amlsant 4lvtaas of the connSdRowood 1a Popular.
FOB SJkJLE] try salts ta praise of their axeallost
Bdgewood with tu waU deaerved
Mten^smest wbleh deearvm a spies- reputation (or boeiritaUty ItAOM pop.
^ laespUoB br onr peopU. TiekeU ular toaa erer tola year. The pretty
IS eeVtS
Boyal Psrsgon Mala
a J. MORGAN, Proprietor.
bow oa mIs at the bos ofioa
eottage resort baa already nearly fifty
0^ Sft\ms\. I
Frank Friedrich.
Park Place Hotel!
M S.'i!
Gjas Lamp--
Price Reduced to Close Dot Lot
lee I
Jubilee Singers
and Imperial Orchestra.)
20th- SE^N'-20th
Hopkins Bros.
Dave PiskaU'a Mlostrel a«rnirnUon
drew a food slxad andUace at the City
Opera Hoase last ovaniar bnt toe bill
pul oa'by too eompany wm not op to
thastaadard aad Ihosrk some ware
ptMsadalhrrtBBmbarlalt the bouse
helen lito play wne ovar. Some of toe
^eeialtfMiraro rood aad deaerved applaase bat olhcn ware cS the pooraet
t OifwAZaab
Oaoire MeLaltaa ampIoy« the heat
eaady maker outaide of DetreM aad
«Se laceioat cream almoade now hpJ lafmada are thavnry beat that osa
i ha
made Bverybody should try.
geeeu and every day new faoea arr
Men which are quite apt ta be tooM of
old friends of the ruMrt
Among the lataet arriviH are the
IlMM.Value aad Clairs PrwUy, who
are tiia guMfe of Mr. and^Cra. H. Cush
man at thair ooey eottage.
Bd. Shumwayand toe MImm Mhiaway of Chleage, are renewing arquatataaee with frlands of otosraeBBan.
Mrs. Hibbard aad son also of Cblchgoareapendiac aoaie Msm at Bdgw
•monglMt avontare arrivals wore
Ipa. Pathar. Mn. VWm and MIm
Hlnehmaa of Detrelv who wQl stay (ok
(be nmaiader o( the acaaen.
1 (wo-aaat extearioo tap Chntaga. ..
‘The Black Melba’
j QttATUtie-Two baas Boloista and
Properly served in a neat din. tenor aoloist.
ing room.
Don’t miss this--it is a grand!
■T^rS4g"^2o'V.«..«. *•*" • faH liMrtCBirfectiDaerif
Cfiuses sweet sleep, restores
rsded looks, listens weary
minds and bAlds up tbe
body. It braces; h ghres
you rim and bounce.
I rsMioB ouggv, guoa oroar. avo.w.
1 Top Buggy, all tagood ahapo. SM oa
1 Road Wagon, good m aaw. SSXOO.
‘ ' BbM WhgO
Olgsn of Bweiy Kind
Provident Life
ONVMMtaMn-a She. SUM
and Trust Company
of PMUadalphta.
|tari T. Pennington, District Agt
Special^^cea, SB and 50e;ebil^
Seats oa sale it tbe Box Office
Telephone 112.
--------- —mil III ihiilLiL._L
TrautMOhy. iBS^
feeneT«.\ IiCctss
0^ ttve ADoAd. j
MiUUMopawd tbc7 <
, brdhrfcl
Rul Hiatt, taciinwrs,
Trateis, Mgaej Uaiers.
Two Facts About
Ai^uckles’ Coffee
H haa SM ttM Btanidanl of quality for all competitora for the last thirty years. The atrona. eat claim any oompetitoroan make Is that his coffee Is “Just as good as Arbucklet'.”
mtU Md CitMfM hSTB bMB d«u«7«d
**d MB7 pervoo* bow kMp B riaff of
«bU BitMod th«ir wall* to paw am
*k*m fraa tbalr nvafaB
Tbay «•
BrplBrtocXIamlaMa tba mUa ud
mbU buu taka pUoa Blrbtlp. OBa pv<
«QB oftan eBiehlair from »00 to 400.
Wb«r« tba BBBUa ontwl oaw tba (tbm
Chop UBTa B pbo^botaaoMt p’ow b7
wrbieh tbap cbo ba tracad.
<o«Bd tbaraprUiklaaBUoB thaa,w;bieb
•tUla tbam Blawt isatBBtlp.
At Mlnatarr**- Asdraw J. Bbb*
■BOBd. wjfa of B Cfoaar, ia erttUBlly III
•a tba f«aaJi of bBTioff baan Ultaa bp
• tBrBDtBlB, wbiak wBa ia b boaab -of
Tba craBtara faatanad llaalf
BobariBdaz tafar Bad iaflietad aar««Ibitad Mta. BBBmoBdtBiaiodBad
Aw haabBB^ CBlIad b doetar who aaAartBlaa bataaBllbope of bar raeorarp.
AmartoBn aatarpriaa asd aaarKp Bra
AUcaad (or tba oatbreak of peliow fa*^ ta SbbUbao that 'Arat appaarad
»aMM>r tba BBliraa, Ibaa apraad to tba
Brooot tbera.
Paaaaa^an ratoratac
iCroaa tba Cabas dtp wp too maeb
AaaU H belnf diaplapad la tba raforna«loB tbar*. Bbd that tba Amarioao Idaa
of dolnr a Mag at ooea U plap^nr aad
Aaroe with tba old IntUtntlooa of Caba
madartha bpaoAb ratflnib. asd iselaastallp ■UrrlBC up all tba bid pallow
faaar faraM that ba*a lain oBdAlorbad
IB tba aoU ao leov. Tba eotapUlfit troa
AMlnaM BtB who hB*av baas tbaia A
that AmarkBB oontraeMk hB*a tom np
tiB-atraata ia that dtp wlfboat raffard
40 aaaaoB dr d aatic coBdltlcaa. aad
ibua aaeartbad tba latant boibad of
ydlow fa*ar.
Klac Oaorn of Toara. wboaa afforta
«o aaeara a wif« wara the talk of two
«MtUB«BUatawBODtht aco. baa at
taat aaeeaalad. bA brlda balof Prioeaw
t.a*Ala. aad tiot Prfaeeaa Offa whom
AadntdadaradtobebA cbdea.
•Alp BAart ware aataaabad bp the
colApaaofafallarpraaolUarfroB aa
Mrtbqaaka. oaar Baroa. WaatpblUa,
A ftpbt bdtwaaa an AbpBlnlao lioa
BBd bpasAh ball at Bonbalx, FraBor,
-draw a bif croWd at bipb prloaa, bet
aha lAo rafpaad to flpht afUr tba Brat
paaiape. la which be tore off onaof the
Aail'a ean aad waa forad aaveral tlBaa
is raura. Tba dIaaappoAlad andiaaea
abaa bceaiaa rlotoaa.
Tidal wa*aa bam eaaaad praat daaj«a to oropa la the Caroilea lalaada'
The drot^ht A atm tarrlbla A Uie
vaatoral eosairp of New Booth Walaa
Fiftp par eaot 0 tba atoek' A dead.
Cood drara, BcW leaMC for l ,__
• itb prieUera t pcaia. bak]<M w
aala- Baate (orrmparBoatb Low
The beat Coffee I* Arbuckles’’. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles’.
The right thing ie to Insist on having Arbuckles'.
ate ». t». il. tOaerm aU aadar ealtivauou, 400 bearlar trait Uaea.rood
breiaa aad bars, food iprlar water.
41, bUm troB dtp. Pnoa. SSOO.
FObtiALE-dtl—to aeraa on
at>are t u.Uea aortb ai BaptAt
•ort. 40 rods aloar tba abora- Stt 00
per aera. Will aall S orlO aeraa
FOE SALE—cu—Lot I block t. Waat
Front atraet. betiraaa Cedar
FOE SALE-fiSZ-FaiB 100 acres IH .
Biles went of citp. VO aerca aadar
eulUtatAa. lU beariav appir. pear
aad plaa trees, two barsa. uuc lost
bBll^ saw wiadmili aad well, water
pipes to bams, all aecessar> aheda,
poultrp boose, psrds and good drainage, fiaa aaw Bodem boose.
4 borsrs, J4 cows, b
A decMs area,
onec^hnibet «ad
| * Tsi
I ^
;Ns. S4 A ON£ NIOhT MVaTCRT. eedl
Meort.l. -'itK-Lj.itu ••
Arorsts. A njiT'.o pmvwsm.'
0 secncTS ami
Iskre li.e
j racist
trs,'ss of kaovrMdae. sad wUI
tefouDO .... ............. .........
i'SSr ““-.iitrx.t.i.Sis;;-,... H
No. Ol
The rirst Prapor.
UN »radpwi.«f Artacto’ leitM Ceflaa
iveoeos>cieiNa;si^bldi*:y uafutioformsuoni
rapren.'l Me. 90 THE ClTYO* OBtAOFUL HiOHT. s
led CoOes. .
ArtwcUss' HMsted
hr KiovsKO Kiruk.
No. P8
Tho First Ktaa
NosM. Neah’aArtu
beau. rsmsA, Herr Him
Price. *3110.
I Ineniy-loor
oecri pMed
I Ks'riy rlas
from riibrr
I mtt rreeirac
I «b«c trine
rtbw »af1 al tM CeBe*
IT nW be atelflU w •
*. swaSiaaiHManA
.................Itbrecb llrmUluatTBIrdaiid drorrKmdlb t
.IbaM A dreolaUar la Berlin a re
port that Emparor WlllAm A aboat to
TzaaoroaOtip market.
abare off the Boatacbe wb^eb baa
1 where he A attending the fan: t
below A a lAt of the bnrlag aud aall----------loar boaa tba admiration aad danpaU
Mrs. J. A Moatagoa ai d aoa O raid j
lag prieaa of paatardap for grocer.
g n. bbosk. sttarMy sc; cat
»f all Garaanp.
will go 10 Bap View todap attar wblcb ' Mra. T. J. HaBdeiaOB asd MAa Oraee
Bopt. B. Beo^mla Aadrawa of the tbap 4*111 tppnd 1
pJEB INSl’RAKCt-Rst** lew IbSS ew.
ikb *AU
sBLLiaa rsiOB.
Chlearo pablAacbeoli. baa bad bU Ufa AAaloa eolUgc.
laaarecMorBIO.OOufortba baoafltof
E. C. Cbaa.forasao of the Bessie Baopwaion tnpd for taacberv
naroSea. Baotoola. was in tba dip a*Uit
MIb Etu O N«il has agala taken bar
AtU>Ddoa.Badpard EipUnr'a ripht peat.
phfklclsti so* •orrvwt
Hiedrtet aiorK. DororairairalU
Re* S'd Hr. E Rs«b ef K^.wwV.i***'^'®’***!!®*!*^™^**"**^^ ■
tbamb baa baas bitAn bp a dor Bad A
to prcmplIyH., PSooro. BcU lEg; Kcnk.
0.-SU of B *. » Sii-ibr r t*"'wmlc* Tscstlon.
ooaaidarablp Ififlaaad. Be earrlea bla
Lanlholt bat gone K
•rBAaaUar.bat It ia not tboupbi peaterosp.
Uia-J. T.Stranband Mra. Oaa
«> **" *acaUon from Wll
abai tba lajarp wm baia aerlou eo
belB Broa. atom.
1*' I Ttirpkoar No tUO________________
Amiottc arc *AiUng la Muskegon.
Dr. Uapdar and famllp apeat Snndap
At Lobdon a marAtraA Satutdap orfrom Port Hnrbn where be aueadad
la Elngalap.
dared tba deatraetioo of 14 Ana of
rturaad '•»* Omtal eon*antloD.
Doff McDonald aad fsml,.,, ..._____
viwrei of
»^C^us~C^i. N-W Bawd' d Prato
•atardap ftoa a week's «nlt la Peun-1
Sargml of Boston A ia MapBald TAlting with Mrs. J- L. Glbba.
Bii' n
»atUe fataraoB*B Tmp.
LiltUe HatUa Petaraoa aaArtalaad 17
of bar little frlaada at bar btma on
VTabaAr alraat peaUrdap aftarBoan.
CroB three W half paat aaeaa. Tba
obUdraa aojrpad tba afynooa with
paaiaa and awinrinr 6o tba laws.
MBoaade, eaadp aad eake '
Tba followiar were wasanL BattA
.. WlnaA Baker.
Oraoa Vaaderrorl. Esther YasAb, BVnamam YaaAb. Mada Schoolcraft. LosAe
Oomlon, B*a Bmltb. JnlA Kallnp. Lncp
Kdlap. Lpla Shorter. Uopd BalU.
Carl Pataraon. Bmda Paass, B
mallA. Margaret Smith.
•ting <
corr. oats, bsp, p.Utoes. 10 acres
flca«r«*e. Ton lara A kaowo as
toeiVeidoefi tansor Blllslda dalrp;
baiidings alone coat o*er P4.biW, good
aoil, and a gold mloe for aomc oaa.
PriM for all. M.OOO.
^ bare a parchaaer for rasidcaee bt^waen Park and Franklin oa Wasbingtoa or diate atreeta. Most be mod
em sod St reasoDsble prt^
POE SiLE-CU-Htme and lot. coraar
of BIdoooo a*eoae mod SuiUi atnat.
t rooB bouae. good bam, we.i, aa*cral (rail and oraaBcnUl trees,
smslt fralt sod good gardea TbA
U a large lot aod big propertp for
sBsIi paice—Price pwo
FoESaLe—«<A—bw>« of ae«4 1 ae El.
-----------a A good frame bouse I------16xE4
wlibwiogaUfomAbad. Wind mill
and ireli. water plMi fnm wall to
bonae. EOu bearing apple, pluB, cbereg
trees. Usm E4x00 Fsrm all impro*ad, laps I'S miles aortb of WlllAmsbnrg Oft Elk Espidsroad Frier.tl.500.
FOE SALE-ei5-M« >, of ta k sre 17.
town EC north 11 weev 4U aerns, St
acres nndar ealUralion. good bam.
... _ . ^
«i of ArbockM' HoBSied toe
The plamia A raclnp at Hoof K-»p.
Aben baler >e deatba daUp aad Banp
-Bawcaaaa. The dAaaaa A eosBaad to
ttba AaUtlcbaarta**.
TbaUaioB Btaasiablp Oo'a leUr-Al•ad llnar, Oaba, foaodarad ataeawhiA
ea a *opara tros Grepiaoalb to Daaadla. aad the craw of twaatp.dz waa
loat. TbadAaater wai dec to o*artoadlBir tba aaaaal.
tA S bare a uliaBt that waau aloBBof
MOO oB Boe-parAhabie peraoBal proportp. TBlaetitOQ. Will r>*a »bord
bcoaa BBd e per eeflU latcraW, WIU
pap ball is six moathf. baUsaa is
alaa BoBlba Hartiea are teBperata,
indaMioBa. ia pro&tabla bsilnsM.
aad aaperu at tbclr trade.
’ - -«i»-U>t 14 bik H. K4-
MAS RtfTbrtp of Fife Lake and Ni“
Ana was In the
stndeaA m tba Bnalsam OoHage.
.„„dlnr cnnrt at Uka Clip.
Frod BacbUl waat to Grand Rapids , m1~ B-airtee Ftw. -f CV-tm A In
. tba elip, the goast of Hl>« Bprsgoa.
Mrs. W. C Eellp of HssUngt. A »»• |
---------------------------Itlsg the faasilp of bsr son. Wb. W. '
Tht FosTth st Sksgaap
Kallp of BtaA atraab
CV-as. O. earner baa written n letter
Ralph CossabU went to Grand Rap lobAparaaA from Skagnnp. Alaska,
on bA ws* to the EloBdlkc. Ha stataa
ids paatardap ^taraoon.
Oondantor Jobs McDonnar aad wifa ^tbn4 ba apj-vpad aa antbnaUftA eelabradon of tba Fonrtb of Jel* tbaraaad
left paatardap for beaaaba'Ior a
inaeted to eontinne hU jemraap bp
waak-a rAlt.
41. tba line from Skngwnp baring
MAs tdsBapt aaddaaghter of Hol jnntttartad to operataland are rAltlng ralatlTB la tbs dtp.
BaokAM Amiea Balaa.
Mr. and Mra B. & Hall, left pBUrTka EtasT Bsatb la tba world for
pnp for TAW Side to *Alt at tbnlr ans- ObB. BraAB, Sores. Olsan. Salt
aa. Mr. Ball wtU aiap bot a Rbana. Farar Boraa. Tattar. Cbappad
bnt Mra
anpaeA'ta Banda. ObUblalaa. Ooms. aad all Skin
Brsptlaas. aad podU«alp amrw PUb,
remain two montba
— M nar^aired.^^t A gaaiaataed
Vadnr aad Onttnr wurinad a
partp of ponag ladAa for a pteaA trtp
a br d. G. J
to Ms-ab-ta-waata todap.
Aood Tiaaa is Obarlaaolx.
TbaataaaarOolaBbUearriad abont
S%9 pamaagan to Cbarlavols Snadap.
tba Boat of them baiag Bamban of tba
«. M. B. A. bp whom the asanrsAs
eras gl*aa. Tba Bops' Band west
J. M. Larkins has goat to Taiado to Ofsat BaigUai
•laagto fnniAb goad Bank aad. arIBBd to noma basAem Bstlara
Bamiltoy CioTazira Co.
rlelag at Cbarlaeols, tba partp wu raMra Mike Utasp and Fraae Ongc
«al«ad with cbaraotarAUe eordlaUtg
aaiopad Snadap at Bap VAw.
Bad plaaaant graattaga. Beaepbodp
Fend Hmator of the BamUtoa dothtSM Traeena Clip bad a good tlBa.
lag nOBpaap. AoBjoglag hA aannal
B. Meatagns has goas to Oraad Bap- rnr^artHaak.
John R. Santo,
Gutnl lisiniet.
Wbaav old, par
Ho. 1. oarba.
par 1
Oom. par bn...
I that, too,-bp n Indp U UA • •SfiJiUSSt------------------------------------------MasABbadbra
eosBtrp. "DAaaaafasteaad iueloteb. IY a.TBOnPMMH
«.*M II ara. 1
B npoa her aad for aare: pears she 1- A MUElwa HUra
withstood iu aaearrat Aata. bnt har!>«»«P-»- Ttobrai T
▼Ital drgaas ware nadarBAad aad
daalb aeemad ImmAaat. For three
montba aba aoogbad tncaBao
conldaot alaap- Sb^flnall^^
A Mra LaAar
Tbiw wtltaa W.
C BamnAk A Oa. of Sbalbg. S. C
■Srial bottiaa 1$ ataattbadiw*
8. R. Walt aad J. G. Tobaaon.
larMaatOeaadil. Benrpbottl
The bUad Bight SM ,
■aw OAoa, Barfekaa Blo^
FOE bALE-ciC-40 acre farm fonr
miles north of Elk Bapids, 500 fralt
Wcoi 3 pears old. ssall fraaia bonas.
S5 acres nnder cnltlration.
FuE&ALE-et7—WBtSOacrea, lot I,
sec 7, EH, 10, Aps on sbora road.
Peninsula, orebari tOaraie trnea. 00
cberrp trees. 150 pear, plaint, paaeb.
Price tllOO'
FOE SALE-600—Fire acre lotos Oare. Price S500.
Lou le and to. blq^ 1.
Perrp Unnnab'a aeoood add. oornar
Eobemia and UA streau Price
FOESALE—604—K.k'ofsw i, sec E4,
E5—11—about 65 acres solid tim
ber. bardwood. balssm.cedar swamp.
Soqte cedar tsken out.
FOB SALE-6U7 Uroeerr stock tbA
dtp intoicesbooit',00.
FOE 8ALE-5Vt-Bouae and lot oa
Webstar St. Seren rooms nloalp flaIsbed. good well water, fruit and ormental trees, large lot, 66xE00, small
bam. Price tv50
FOB SALE—5»6-i0 acres os PeninsnA
miles from citp. 140U apple, plum.
s>» m
cberrp and paaeb
teb Itrees, all bearing,
AarpanterHlll, fine*
finest location oa PeainsuUiwUt
------------- part citp propertp.
Pnretl,500FOE SALE-S6S—Hobbs and lot. Qarfi-ld avenue $650.
FOB SALE-567-Dwelllsg. Webster
straeu 10 rooms ti.600. Basp papmenu
Ft)E SALE—SpE-NAtp acre farm,
good balldiDgs. gS.tSO.
FOR SALB-57t-Uood frame bonae
and eight aeraa of land, situated
abont one mile from center of citp.
bouse 14 X !4, sA rooms A bonae.
FOB SALE-5»0-Bonaeand lot. Union
atraak An rooms, sAoe fonndatAn and stone basemenL bompleA
wants f^
few bnndred dollars U
place on 'personal
'peraonsl propai
propertp Anna
Will guai^tae all loana
WE bare a-eHent who wanU $1300 oa
flour mills. hoAls. grooerp Blocks,
gmersl stocks, boot and shoe stocks,
farms, timber land, raoant lota, pat
ent ri<bts: A tact, wa bs*e almcat
anptblng pon wank aad at aeJlIng
prieaa. Alwaps plenaad A 1
. Will
beat to
A suit poQpos- Aliral^
fill do onr tat
rtndp A show pon wbat we’*e got A
aall. Wa forgot A mention tlmt wa
bare 40 aeraa of Aa floeat Potters^’
Clap A the world. VeA A 7S
feat deep and oorers Ae whole A
edge of 40, Apa wtAA 75 feat of E.
B . nndarlpiag AA bed of cAp A a
ledge of tad apd whlA Bad atoaa
TbA A Ae moat raluabla bad of cAp
A the United Sutaa Ham rafniiiil
$10,000 for ik It WtU nnp oapltalAu
A Aventlgaie AAaa Ann A plmtp
of marl adjaoani M ik Price.
Tba abora ara
bargalaa, and caa
ba bongbt oA a
tcram. Wa bare
bargalaa L______
Ooma aad aae as if pee ws
taj^onr property wiA ns 11
OnrofBesA at $11 Front streak ap
ttalra Yen will see onr siga at tba
bottom Of atairsrap. Goapatalis, tax«
A lafk taka first door to right; e«r
sign A alo^nlde Aa door. We nm ant
on Ae gra^ floor, at laaat oaroBAa
Aa'k Wa are. flgnratia^ apmUag.
Sefar as baring Aa Argasi lAtand
bast bargain: we are atrieUp In Ik
We work aU tba time, wa can nU pov
bW^Waat <x>u» ofntalra BIgbnrgains at top of aUri. first doer A
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