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The Morning Record, March 25, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
1 Tmt-No 889
V—iM of BUU^ InotdtaUons
Four FaiMM Orvnaiad ta » IlMkphia
▲Uint Fim<U.
WiU . Kake
Stand at Halabon.
Maaphla. Taaa . M»r«b <4 Fmir
'( at laMt I'M! thMrlln ia » dr#
ttorlea of latimidaUoa br AruiaalAo
r boaaa thU
Md Bmm OonmittM Will at Mra. Nolan's 1
aad ValM Beporta of Vic'once to
TWU tkm-lUrq««lto Will 0« aioratar. aad it U f««r«d t»at atill aa’ othnr, boa'dtrr pnrisbad. ftnvaral other
tedaoa Babela to Ftebt-Batieea
tlM «•« OtoW WCITBUI I
> iBBataa ot the boaae irara aerioBaly laWaaiTiaf ortbeBtrac«>«*aA FatUa
tAUrr BiU JUm
to Aaertoaa Boidlaia.
The dead are: Mra. Cbaala, ateaoaa« LaM <m tta TaMa.
rrepbei for Bradrtraet'a acraej. E07
Manila. Maioh at.—Two Spaalah
Ohaola. ared to; Chaatar Chapla. afod priaonar. who eaeapad Ires Polo to tba
tABalBf. March as —Mkblcaa'a SoSoiith.
laaa .m eiaJt the l nl.er.lt, at Aaa,
„v«owa *o».n la aUalaf a*i Uaea of tba Eaaaaa refiiaeat. report
that U« Plllplaoa bare eoaeeatrated
Arbor apOB iBTitatloa of
, u I. feared that .He pertebed.
Anffall Whlob waa aooaptad.yraterda, .
_____ __ .«>»'«•
.Tor'e rteaowapbU
^olo. Tbe,
<mChaa»barUW.re«dotlo.. I.T -bleb , „
t.dlT burned about tbe head. 1
that «il, Aruln.ldn'. bodrra.rd
the daU of thriunhet wae fixed lor,
*• •* BeloSa and that the rebel trader,
I. ileep^or in a >
April 7. bat wllboat pa, or w'lMca.
by t’be 'oiaekllooof;*'*^^*^ intend to »uhe tbelr forTba IcflalaUva aalarr bill
— —
and loond
her bed
all -____
ablaxe._ i°» » flrbt at Malabon. If de
aaothar torala, ow by tba Hooeo.,
tbroorb a window ,to tbr ' **»*«*• '» *• Marled, tba ret'bela4«tend
and B^ooaaTaraltim«aa«aadrd.aodfloan,|^„„j_
to tbr ewawp. and
dbflrnrrd and then kaockad o»t’.^al^aed iBtoraaHa^>'“*
of tk* rin,bf ayoUofSO yea. to »»';jori*a.
,**olea ia the front, brl'eyln,r tb^abr
ibuloinen'. ebarnu will erert bnll^.
aa,*.. Tbrre U email pribabliiy of!'*
the two and a quarter ralUion people
bo|r. preatly outnumber tbr nfl ■■
of tba ataU acrcela, to plre them a!
vAllLu VuEiBnlLUi
.jin their hand.. a*lary while they'ara unable to arree j
------------j Tbr Kpenierd* here corroborated the
aa to bow they abail Uke It- The b II jUaa a Wna Taam nnd Fnrm nlufiva cf food eborU^ amon^ ibr rrhae. boaerer, raeonelderad aad laid
impiemen S.
cbluntrere and Twmi v
Flelabaaer'e bl 1 to prereat the adui^
'aeeond re^ular.'Tdarcbed to tbr from
tarattoD of rrouod feed with oat bull* Baraof John SebuBchal Toull,»a-^today. The Third and itr.enteuib
pi-i-d IhT -------Sbrpberd'a bill recatroy<^ by Fira Loot Mifht- Baar^ , recimeate have diremberked from the
aUiinc the oaaehlaer, for acquirla,
L-m Wtlh Wo loeuraace.
| Sherman Omera! OiU'b.i,»de etrueV
t«x tltlra wae paeaed by a rote of 10 to
John Keh.nck.r. ham, twrlre mile. !
aad an earl,
0 after bain, amended in oommlttee of
aontb of town wae totally de.tro»edJ “°T‘'
the whole, flonee bill • by Chweer
Our store will present a different appearanci:
The entire west side will b„* devoted to a new
line—a sure winner.
To make the necessary room we are slashing
prices on books.
Look at this:
DICKBN8. 16 ▼olome*, cloth
8HAK£8PBABb'7 FOlomrs, duck
8C0TT'8 W0BS8.18 volumes, half BotaU
SCOTT'S WUBK8.12 volumes, cloth
THACK'EHT. 10 volume*, cloth
QUO VADI8. cloth.
Pall the caril
aad |ioa
Mu.'i br M>ld in 4
liaire a Ruffle.
HIILEY & “City
the popular
Linen Saie
The Newland is the swellest out'—Kracefu.) in
• ?-liajH-,.finest in quality and jK'rf. ction f*f make-^comJ es in all the new c«>lors---pr:ce is ^1.50. ^2.5iL $3.00.
• |ii iTum
frafi-rtia' eomp>->lei paM ••.•m«,r77 In
The oleomarirerlre bill p*.afHl the
1o.k»« «ed veeeieed a2."7T.071 4n mortu
*ei atehy a fOUr of -17 to I The ernate
ary a*»-r*«rieat».
ttjtifirmed the pomimtloB of J. 1). Caa
The f-e’erpal a-ko-iken-'* of Michi
well, of lUy City, for atat« »all.
gan alone bk*e tM 3-.c.‘ fw>liclea. repreln»paetorlof two yaara from Jan
’ I aentiniT Sfu Stk ^flo in forre
___ _ _________
mj .^1,. ik.i«.
Itok. .Hrt T~n.ll, TWlnl Ik. km.
potad altea, haa uaani»ou»ly rrportad
tha Marqaauv bill. wUhnat amand-
„ ,..d.r Rk. fc, A.loklk.
Sdl™. Tk. led mi
a.K.k.. ol Ik. K.w
l-rodo*. Ok . Ik. ‘
„„ „
Mathiak Mowera, an old pioneer of
Blmlra townabip. died yettarday of
Coaaldaratlun of the hi'l for the ra- lua, trouble near Lake Ana. Deoeaaad
. paa1 of the eb'wed fi»h aewaoo Haw baa ' wa* T-: yean of aye and lr**ea a wife.
led fiy two week* by the two aonk and a daughter. The funeral
■onat*. ao the Mua<ora oaa atad^ the I will be held Sunday mornlnfr from the
qur«<ioe a HtUe more.
| Oriatt chureh
Kolb bonw* adjjnroed to V p m.
Monday alyht.
oyatera alwaya on band at
a raytaar
FiratelaM meai*ana luocn** aarraa ) ^.T^TIT
•t ch* guMB -Jity Rmtaamat. »».
M at IWa raatawMl. •»-«
ppaaad aad read, tor haitaaai u» il'
Fushionali'f i )uifiui;rs
• ^-m.ww4kw*
-aa •••• ^ -wa •
C^lcl 3 icy clew
Made Like New.
If you warn » «ur ot,t wh-^; i„ l^bk a%i;<>-s1 a« n.- r li-iiitf It Vo B. K. Oibba,
:a’l me up by 'i‘!» mt- Sd- llfl. and 1 w.il call an-i^i-t your wbecl.
,, III repair.
re|i*ir. ena-H-l
an-1 'decorate it'^np todat-. f >r a’itti>-exi>enke. rteU
and kee aamplea of eaemello,.
31'.' I'niop
ion St . •ipp'>i.;lc> r \ W M depot
H. E. GIBBS. Proprietor
Ten Tear Contracts
A Puzzler!
Made by Michigan 'IV’cprioae Co.
for any claae of »-ryice doilred.
Subscribers May Caacel
end of fcix moniha or c-hanpe
to any r'aea of kervice at will.
Telephone the manager to call
and exp'ain new rate* adopted by
the company.
It puz/lcs many to under*
stand how we can sell tbe '
finest of footwear at such
low Tiricc-s. Come in and
we win vxplain how we do
it. Y<*u need no longer pay ,
snch exorbitant prices for
good, reliable shoes.
Michigan Telephone Ce.
Gasoline Yachts, -Row Roars, Sailing Craft
'We are satisfied
small profits and quick sales.
ProvidcHt Llfc
No finer stock of footwear Was evef received in the
and Trust (.onipany city than that we are now sh.'win^r^
if 1‘hiHiavlphia
Men's 'tne Vici Kid Sho-8, latent t0 9S. fiU“8t stock, black
'and tuup, worth $453, lor $325. Sdcns la VesUog Tops,
T. Prnniii^T .n.
Aifl worth $500 for $3 60.
Tr»,Tr~< ■!.. V;. b.g.t,_______ ,
Goodyear Welt tjalf skin shoes, superior stock, latest
toes. $2.00 to $2 50. worth ft om $3 CO lo $3 60.
Our cheapt-r lines are r, cord breakers,
.kl. l-«mr i.u J-.1 1. ..Id 1.1.
pul ik« comBliu. Id Ik. wkkl.
ll.«,ii.ii.fc...oklfc.««m"'- ik.iK,.„„
to»llo. .1 Ik. prop«.d k.w .Ul. .... ]
„l«,k«l. Tk. oim.lU—«.«!.«■ j
It’s well to remember that (vervlliinj; is new in
f this store. No old stock to work oil.
) thylnnlaakylumin»te«d of bayla, { Bsalad to C'dar &«n b, A V*tBai
them iraokferrad M heratofora from]
for Vhlob Ba Meaelfed•llA.eff.
nm oi.» u,lum 1. ..Ick 111. c lull:
New Caps for men, Ixty's and children,, in Eo• jrlish plaitls and French strijies. ’3c
I ^. “-.1..nb ,,i
jOTial bint, the Wll wa* uaryed loto;.,^^^^ of fl.q vC? ip Ih* amount of, “loaldo’* army It i* belieyed that
fanUatlc khapea and finally all *'1^'| 1(m*« ipnireed.
I after Oeaeral Oil* baa
the eaaetin, clauae ktrlchen out. Only; The eley^ ■o-Met,l aak'x-iatlnnk of • next blow the InturfreBl, army, aa an ;
after the mnat heroic effort did Mr. j
.iprlnr ! orranlzatlon, will cea^ to exlat. The
le the hou*e to refuae to', the year and had in force ................
,he doe I new movement, it i* undemtood. will
oernunr and yaci>mmti the bill to »•»* j rf the year 4*
the nnmWr of pol.lbea
lead-and watar attack.
jjint commlttne on labor atsd .agricol- tel.* which rwaned to be in force beingr! Ihoujh the Da»y’a part will not be partore.
: tieutarly prominent <>eneral mi* Has
The frkternkl a»«rylaHoB. of M'cHi-iProcuced .ihineen «runboaU formerly!
„ pract‘Ckl riemoti«1ra'ion o. __
populariiy c.f tl..i fr.-eluach wa* pieen.Vkii a-d •••Her ««,tek aoinc hukln-k« i
k.v the Spanikh jr..»crniu«nt. and
wiicn Ri-pre- here wio« 47 l«t o Heie*.
lieie*. havir,:
havirya face ’ Tkcae will play an imp-’TtBDt part in
4a the lobby of tbe hoo-41 when
-arntaltte l)*.vl-i»fC:iat<-o. t*h. ik ihr »»'’ie of yikn.son. du-iap the tear.
pretldrnt Of a i-he«be faitory, pis-hetil-. Tlie t>tim'b'-r of tv lloiea of rhf« ebarne- .........................
ed a hurre 'heeke for free dikthbulinn ' 4-r in foeoe a> tb»
of (he r*ar wa'
220 Front St.
j Hat Elegance! j
Tr. hr«d of e.ttle . fine teem
0,.lr„.b UbJl., oI lb. b«.«.om.
; b.V.. lb .
I„„ ..d
atlltaeoa reoaral laxatwo announoe. .
^ oumberof nej» term Imnie"here be nrei.. ui.<l Irianilf m '
Ibbllb. public b^rlbO
.,p,,t„,'lcb.rulOli, H, p.,c ihc .lu.c,l,.„j
prnridliv tor the'Uxatluo of all cor ,
n«n other bor.e wa
*11 ih- lof •-u itim
he pnwb-'ine.l rcb.’ard'nit the !«iMir,'riit '
pnratlotik In tb« ktawi on the pl*u al
badly burard.
pr.i»eat empl -Ted relaUee W bkoke,
rrril iinlU the forro*. and told rnuarksbU- t>U>ri>-A • f
Tbs tJ'.- wa»
Will baylu la Rrpr««poUtire I’all
the .TOe'ty tod decej.'i.ui pr». ::i'i1 l-y
'I Ijllb-rt-jr
intfrior waa *11
aU »ip'lbr-’
ablaro «ll*i
und when tbr
' A^uii’al.tii *Md bit aMihiani li-aiUrTh«r<a*y rreolof. Apfil .1 It U«.|
diMVbeyr^ fhry'
boieid1 ,h,i
that ibi.
tbl. b.ii
bill .111
will .iir.pl
auraci a-.
1 order U> keep up
l.rpe Duuibpr of cirparplinb rrpn..rtt |
, f-. hop.
’'"'“rr.-.U. n
UllTl.wbo.r> lplrr«lrf Iblbb.b..
' Tb,,. .r-, .rr..r.llPB, l„ 'lor-rpn.
,r Jrlr.1 ol .1
V.l.arl.. b-l.r,.
,»ll .rb b,,p
... „ I.. i .pr„pl.. .rrnrd w.lh M.u.-., ...I
Ttam .1 ,l.„io.,'dl..,«..lob lb lb. ,
_Hbb»...o.l.rlb. r..r.l.ll..
i K..lp«to.., brl.... U.bll. .,.d
by Moore (if St Ciair whtub. after re-.
eiti.e,ap«cltlaallyyarioua larfe appro-1
'irlaUoaaatked'forat IbU aemioo l>y:
I and ihr idra of iud.-p -.DdsaiM. Thrv
moni than halfs aaore of aU** laatl
I ary firhlios •imply oadyr fear of death
totloea. daelarad a Bacaaal’y for fullerj
I BaporU
Valenc e
Buaiaeaa of Life and FraUraal
laformatioa aad aothoriMxl the wayeH
aaya the people recoyulze there I* i
« lu ylait the vari-j
' hope battlicg ayaiokt the Americaof.
*ur laaUUitloBB. The Juakal waa Sualliaaalnr. March 24 —laauranee Com- j but they dare aot refu«e to fi,ht. H<ly parmiliad by a rote of &t to 21.
mlraioner Oarapb-'l ha« ia.ued a pre-j belierea that the iaaurrection will colThe Uoow Copied a ooeurryol re*- Itmlnary re|K>rt fthnwinr the bukiseiw 1 lapee wbea the Amerlaau troopa adolutloa looklas Vo the earllMt poaalble Irauaacled iaMlehlran iMt year by tbeiraDce. amaahla, the luiunteat force
OomplelloD and dellyar, of the coplea life iBkuraaee enmpant** which were | and expoaios Arolaaldo'e falae atoriea
authorized in traoaaet bnaineM in the i of rietoriea.
aad oouBty ofieere of the aUte. ao that ■•ate. The anrrevate bu«loeM ftf
nf thei
the ' The people bare
hare beeareduced
jnUleea may not be decidinc eaiiea up- nid Hoe compan’e*
to tlarery by tae aatire leader*.
Valoo law* lone *toc« ebaafred. amraded PnlU-W iwued. BV>7<ri.?U3: poHcicp ia | eacia'* story ik o mfirmnd by erery per.1__ |i
or rapaalrd.
force ItryemHer .11. SI44 T2J.-V2:; premi-1
*on ..^.....1..^
eacaplur Stab
in to our llnea. 'Hie AmerA good illualratloD of what may bapraceiribd.
lna«e* in > >cap» are reel c emaaeipxtlnfr the
pea a* a rrenll Of a lluio
: f„rred. |i rik ii:. Tompared with iha ^’»e* from tyranny worae .than thatof
ed ia thceommliteeof the whole "la
4he prey'oo. year ihere la'8p*‘«llye to R-preaeatatly* Croaby'k
i„creu«i „f a2.4.«.,fi«T in the' ft la uoderkt..od that within a week
itceatlD* borae aboara.
•»’>»'<* j »n,nopi of,^'i-iek Ukued. go IM Uii in 1 or tea daya‘Seneral Oiit will be able
to amend, to apply only to horara that
«mooni of poHeW in force, ati:. to heelp the norement which Aa
$4 90
1 46
6 StO
6 40
4 30
14 oenta
String.,. Imperials, etc.
Derby and Soft
Hats, Some desirable new things.
coats at prices to suit all purses.
Spring Over-
New Spring Goods arriving daily. Call and
a$k to see them and learn wbat p6>ple are weariog
for the coining summer.
The Famous
Shoe for
Thar are comfortahle.
The; are the ladies choice.
TTX Hossnra
MOEBllfO UOOBP. klUCM. ABdUtopApvwiUwbalt to;
IM rMtet wh*4A» lAo A»»»* Ak«M te [
MA AOMAtad bjr • *«>ffof«k utAcoaiotie <
' TBATKMK orrr. . «iohioa]i ■firit whleA AboaU mw oet«r lato a I
polltloAl eoAlroTAray. Or whattaar j
aoeh tAcUaa to«mtda iMMMbla «iu-1
mm ata Aot worth; tea naaotmeot |
W. BAna. AA4)
eiiitaa. ao BAttrr what ma ba the;
#, W. Bajisaa. ICdiior kbd Mamcw eoaplraioa ol hia oolitcA
AliUea bara aot '
thU pApar. bat tba eontaat tct Judge
baa baaa aoedaatad alOBg tba lisaa
wbieb kboald
» rapauble a
pa oar.
Om OiMBuroA
Tba Damocratie orgao baa aoagbt to
witrrflaeUoaa opoa the booeaty. ta
A. ia.Ft«0»AUMi
— - - - i tarrlta and charaatar of Boa. Krad W. ;
j Mayna. by rrprodueUoaa from aaotber
I “ Trawrae
I p*p^, TbeJSapubliean oADd^data baa
______ jriaao Ab..»e'‘theaa alaodc
tioDA and bia blgb moral cbaraetar an 1
1 mtaaat fltaaaa for tba offira of Judgr
Ciarlero.A. lacloding the clergy, the
couaty ofBciala. tbe aillage oeancil and
Bor Joatica of tbe buprrve U url,
the pbyaiclaoa of the rlUage. al%3 citl '
AAODIOB H. UEANI of Uoagbtoa. laa* prumlD^otamPOg‘l><mocrau and
, Kepo'lidAOtalfba. Hen« tba BdJ'oni*
xsoobs satukdat, kabcb as. laeo
Shoe Up
The Boys.
the food mor« deTfcioifS and
wIl^-w behard.ibatth.baat Inu-aaU
ol tba ;
OOIe HICNHt B. I)KAK of W^laaaw,
by tba elevOOL. BU a. ht: r IPS of.WayBA
with our
^Salamander Shoes
’ UbrtB XJeckar Bad a Banow Baeape
From Banoua Injury.
Cbria Decker, as employee at tbe
; Trarerac City Lumber COmpauy'a aaw
. mill, sarruwly aacapcd aerioui injury
’ Xhuraday afternoon. While working
' beaide a trimming y>blr tbe alerre <-f
h;a coat caugbi and waa wound up ia
tbe machinery. A few altgbt bniiiea
and a badly torn coat are tbe rt-aulu.
They are as near waterproof and fire
proof as leather can be made.
Hundreds of boys and youths wear
them-and are always well shod.
Bucklana Arnioa Baire,
Tkk But Balvb is tbe world tor
Cute, Bruiaee, horce, I'..-era, Salt
• Kbesm. Ferer Borea. Tetttr, ChapT^
Banda. Cbiiblalna. Corna. ai d ati
Bmpiiosb. and poaitireiy -urra Pilaa.
or so par reqi
to give perfec
feci aatUfaevioi; or money
refusdea. Price IScenU p- rboa. For
O. JoheacB anri.K «■ w»‘t
Price is ?t>1.50 and $1.2$.
tics of Mr. Uayaa to tbe cffloa' of cir-;
cult judge.
Wbea tbe Eagle aaaaru that tba peo
BbrChKMUdadge. 1»tb Jadieial Circuit.
Front Street.
Tliv Popular. I'p-to^dnle Shoe llouM
ple wii: Dot be daoeired. It aaya truly,
IBBD W. M A YM£. of CharlaroU.
and we Brnily beliere that aneb Isault- [
log taetioa aa adopted yeaterday by Ibal
fct Oooaty OommUaloaar of Seboola.
p*per.wlll moat tbe oopdemoallon they ,
Iraerea asd tbat when tba rutaa ura
oonsted it will ba funod tbat Fred W. ;
Mayoe baa boas elected by iDteUlgeol|
For Mayor.
rotara who .reaent alanderoua
' tbe Trarerae Ctty Krpubitcana ahould |
Fraak BamiUoa.
palgs metboda.
anpporl the nemocralic candidate, who
For CUy Oark,
reaidea at tbat place. It la a poor rule
Almos W. Btekard.
Tka airODQOna efforla tbat an being that won't work b. th wuya in polit'ce.
For rreaAurar,
made by fricnda of Mr. Pratt to aecure and if Iblalaareaaon why Tra»erae
Make- rough, red hands i
pay highest prices.
«iU.BBd. Bobba.
bia election to tbe bench Is thladta county Beupblii-aoa abuuld aole for
Mr. I'ratt. it U j-MAv^aa good a reaaon
tiiel baa atu
For Judge of BeAorder’a Court.
' why tbe few IVreoe^aj*
have here^
Loris Bobetta.
airoog Kepublicao dialricl they can ! kbnnld »ote for .1 udge Hbyne ao aa to
2Sc—keep them soft and ' For School laapector.
only hope to aneoeed with tbe aid of iaecure the judge for Cbai^erolx-Kaat |
0. B. IKckeray
Kepublicao *otaa. Tbeae they hope to .-l.wdan Enterpriae.
Fat Mambar Itoard of Public Worka, aecaro wUb tbeir cry of oon-parllaac
We alao hate for aale landa for good farma.
Foaepb Boos.
Biealy Licatadm^
ahip. Now. really, what doea thia
For JuaUea of the Paaor.
W J Kent ami family.^bo left
wail amuutrt to. la it not juat aa
Jobs Varly.
reaaonable to expect tbe Demoerala to here aome vime ago, are now nicely Bemllt* Bid
aote for Mr. Mayne aa for tbe Bepubl.. I icalad Id their new borne in KreretC
Bo. l>foepttoB Cannot Win'
rite for Mr. Pratt? U’aa pour Waahlngton.
Tba Demoeratlc campaign leaden rule of DUD-parliaanabip tbat won't t llay llrown. wbu accompaniird ibcin.
bara axbauaied their material tor legi work both wayi It'a true Mr. Pratt i has been very fortunate in aecuriug a
timate anrument and acek to inflOeDCc
Dominated flral, but at a l>rmo-* |x«>itlon
largrai aboe bouae in
i the cii>. ^ay arrived there on MonTOiara by UDworiby metboda. A<-cord cratlc courenllos, called aa aucb.
: day morninir and went to work on tbe
tag to the Kagle. Uepublicana all* or.r uji'tbr usual furbelowa of pop
following Thursday, lie writes that
tba Tblrieenth judicial circuit arc J and free allrerliea. If they bad
tlir-iw Igreat a deaire aa they now manifot Kvi-rett i* a city aitu lar to ibih
s *e.
tamb.tog all over tbemaeli
ibcrt- tba aireeia are paved and
tbalr Influence and votes lor vbe l».-an>-j for a noD-partiaan eleclion they atari- ;
ratic caudidaie for judge. And inlitdoul very atrong Indeed. Tbe fact! they have a atreelcar Hoc.
* giving voice to itaumaOng atateoieiiujia. they have not gut the randidatel
< .o
tba Eagle accuaes the R»...tici. and''agamai Mr IVait that ibev booed at.<U
Bto y ol a-M.ave
Carnation Cream -
and Short Maple Wood.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
TbeRKfiii) mabea no apologlea in:tb every.way. one wbo ia acknow. j „f Manch«-»ier. Mich . tella how such a
Aaclaring tbat ib« Kagle ia laboring | Icdged t*. be at the headjof bia profrs- s’ave waamadefrer He saya
..to-....u.., -j; XT::,; to'",’'K
repeaU that .the Ik-iiij.; the p»iiioo of circuit judge, and who I
t„.„ b .ulofc of
cntlc leaden bare oauaed falae reporu; will be an honor to the bescb and tbe H'ectrie llittera. ahe ia nondt-rfully
bo be elrvulaled *.o the effect that eer < diatrlcl over which be preaidta.—Ceo- improved aod able t-> do tu-r
«rk '■ rbla aiipreine remedy for fetAlp leading Republioasa in Traverae tral Lake Torch.
tnab- diaeaae* •[■lickly cures nervou'Olty were quietly wotbing in the in
o<ta aleepiraaneaa. im Iinclioly. head
Ci.Hi Aih indivlduala. aahamed to voice ache. baekacbe, falollng and diuy
toraala of the Ueoweralic candidate for
jadge. Tbe oamea bring uaed ^n tbia scir aentiisenu regarding theaoming apella - This miracle working znediciue
aigeaturea. is a godsend tn all weak, sickly, ruo
eOBBetlloD lead tbe Kx<x>nii to|pru-{election over tbeir
. .
-down people Kv rr bottle cuarane aa delibe- have receuUy ■ lUgbt
Influenoe the
Orly .Mi . enta. Sold bt l.>hi-aoD
rale falacboods. uttered to lulluria-c' votrra Ibrougb the Ragle over the .t Wait, i'rtiggiaja '
Bapsbhcas voica for the Itciuocraiic tline-worn aom de pluoir
aasdldate and- w b.ui tbe •llgUeai
There waa a long ffuaiun In
and gel a ninf of oysters at Pete a
aniborily. It baa leen freely reported [ «*>ai pap.-r yetlerday thus aigned
• r>s» tf
tbatlbeBdllorof the Orand Traverae,'" ‘>'v opinion of the Rw-ki. that a
la who!
who!lT"*’'‘ llepubllean
Lepubllean will not deacend u>,IBaee
BaraW waa one of the Uepublicana
waa working fur tbe Uemocravi j noini-'
! Tonight at Foreaten.’ ball. Silvers
Tbla ia ami
, and tboae who, hU arnilroctu over hU own name^ academy.________ ___ __
know tbe editor of tbe Uerald wilt at^ Tbe Ri<oKi< euuld print many columns ;0p«B &U Higbt '
t'it.r IReataurant. Firfct
aaea aee that tbe (ffort of tbe Itemo-. of tbla sort of aluff. under iclltioos | -phe• ij-tcrn t-it.r
tk order cooking
. aigsalam, nut flattering to DeinuciatUcrate la nurcly for the purpoae of
ecndldatca. bat otberwiae. Hut tfaih
leading vou-ra.
Is an editorial yeaterday in wbl,irh'' paper wUl print no cumninoicalioa .of
tbe Eagle tclla of the awful nlsraptiun ;aoy nature wbaiwer, unless tbe writer
iB tbe Kepublioan taDka. the foliowing >k willing to algo hla name to It. If a
man baa anything to any through tbe
UeoeplioD cannot win Klectloo day columns of a oewapaper, and hla aen-'^
will prove where the truth ia. Tbe timenu are worthy of public coni idera- j
aotarabould be tiu« to bia owncon- tluD tbe public baa a right to know |
vletloDi, and not be deceived or misled
.papered! *•“»
'*'** lateUiBent* • ^ >N
Wtbrlgbi teadeia of tbe modem prcaa will not
fur a meaa of pottage
jbe ioduenoed by artlelea to which tba
Tba men whou have <
auibor la aahamed to attach hU name.
?Ola for Edwin
"iwin S
S. Pratt will not be deladed or m
D s'ed by
b tbe eutamenua of
Thb Traverae Hay Eagle ia trying to
1 will aland aa a
make capital for tta candidate by the
prove tbeae cry that If Mr. Mayne u elected TravWe have four aa tfood $12 carof a partiaan ^reaa falae arae City will loae tbe Judge and hence
whan they try 0 mlaleau
riagee aa ware ever obown, and one
lalma th t only D.imocraU
You Want To Buy a Wheal?
here y«»u
Saturday, March 25
We will offer for sale in our bicycle department
Ten Elegant Up-to-date 1899 Bicycles
Baby Carriages!
iraib ia alwaya
It will be aaen by tbe latter part of
tbM ^noUUoB that tba editor of tba
fcgl* kad baooma leal in tba ma<M of
MM aUagad aignaent and Inanlilng
TMa Bbcuno baa maiatainad a dignidamsAsor during all tbla eamfMfga and baa ratrainad from anlag
•Balm langaaga altbar toward
Pamntic nominaa or tbe Baglm
IMi paper baa andarerwl by fair
gnaa to UflaaM public auUsmt in
<baor Pf 8m. Frad W. Magna .baoaaa
g< bl* tborpugb quAlltatiou for tba
«#M *t judge, and without caUng
I tba op-
fWing eandidata. It bna atrlron to ba
iilr and tolndnlga in'coly Icffitlaata
•Vfuiaot for tba anligbunnant of tbe
Tba Bagla daaeanda below tba level
«< Mm jrarnaUam and tasorta to in■•It towarda tbe aditoia of tba Bcc«fu>
fur $12.50. Take jronr choice of
the five tbia week for $10.95.
the michigin
$22.00 Each.
ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION I $s.ftO-^j^urcboice*^f the four for
Bagtoa iu aaeood year of aalata
Strong Oo-Cart for $2.85.
Cnrriagea from $3.76 up'
Hoone 1'’nmiahiDR Htore.
New Store. 120 Front Street.
It baa b
It baa opeMd np nwra territory.
This is a chance of your life to buy a good
wheel for a little money.
They are a better wheel than you could buy
A&d Itft Imt &et iMst
r age. that oarer eloaed iU
' wltb an unpaid claim
I reeaivad proofa oo fu
acvBU waawd ta aaaerapMd
bavaglrao tbeir raadara eoly fair and,
fMMbta •rguma.i. a*d »>t pewIMI|U tlcMt AlMllUll.
ttMd deeapttoo, aa tba Bagla ao boldly ^ Agency Dept.
o.t.-..— utob.
iwiawii tm akailBii »aki-
‘aaS'C^ "
three years ago for $66.00.
Remember, only $22.00, and there are only
ten of them.
'««d wttb Oo««» !■ «oiort ■•««>>
rt«^ kr «Bk«^r7 » fold •wt «l THE CHINESE CHOPSTICK.
rcr ibrwid. U » »r»iB«t*d all rpond
--------■' '
I «lUk » W«*d bud trf ■miu *»llf OD * Vmiml
» bK*
AH*»»e«)MeO*t*OFBfl£AOCIiU*T itk* mm. ud
poJnwd Up«l«. lb* 1
^ wttb
|JBP« p*rt»ot bhtco ■t*' proloiifed Itt- i
of A»Utlc “~“'
to epbuleu Both l»(wu bad epbuleu
«iip|wgrf lo be •» •trwof •" l>a]•» emhfolderU like tb« bolero bnd ________
Aateirkm, ooe mlfht hbTe imafto^•dfbd wllb while bWln Beowtib ttie ad tbbt ao uaefu) a derlre aa tbe
boloo !• b klbd of waliicobt (om.i-- bUniile tlu>|wilcka would have beotiivd
Tbeee two atk-kb. held to
»t lurrew atltched pleete of iloea bua
band, and ku<>«D to China aa
I’blebcieaBee laeenlon alter- one
-baateneraof nlnit>letoda."ar-.- certalnoftllbc Thl« ••iMi'uai ,t» upcB down ip tbe inoat uaefnl. the moat erouoinn puiDtcd tndea- l(bl and the moat elBileiit derkt f«
A dtBO« diOM. Of M*ek MUB IB tM
float ud rat
trtoeiMe «rl« la B*de 10 ooe pl«« laocns edged vita i aTiieit 01 wbiia
purpoae ever luveowd by man.
(fOB top to bottoB. The eklrt U vorr c.tln cooiet rlbiion. Ktenibata U u a TbroUEbout that vast Aala reclon. emrluae btodug
a pupubitlun
toOf 0)1 rowoo. oart bu b iroln. Toa front of *r«en atay v<
.. 'rot.
.... to
—------------------- ----------- of SiKMMat.Oikl.
The oack
back trimtrim- the
the chopaUck
chopeUck 1. ii^* ba a aubeiltute
‘ •■—upper pan forma b fourreou. 3»e ,,^u. aet rertiraiiv Ibe
fS.. I.
„„„ u
•to. It. tro^lTO U. u» <TO»1 .U.
.t.. -o,u .I.
. TOll <to,.
tot ““f.s;
I to blond laea tumoTer rolUr edeed wiUi .
th. Ck, .h. .tTOl .„. U„T U>d lb.
laid OB lb* anUB. whUb widena Krad> Val>rn(len&eA Tbe back of tbe
be dtfolero
rri>alt«r o»e thU devk'*- »D Ibe
BBlip, fsrB<tt« as aproo to the akin. || enitrely compoacd of narrow pleats form of Iroo, kof bamboo and deliTbla BproB I* edged with neb Biobrold- <rLe walatUand Is.of velvet like loi
Tbe bsiuhoo rlibiMikit was known
Bt> la cbebillc spangled wltb jet. »a front, cloaelp lileaied. but noriioniaiip,
the term of flowers attached Dp Urtg* nnd faetena In front with a eiraas In China lOOO B. i‘., au.1 aborUp after
braacbae eat out and laid oat burkle. Ibe alevvee. wbirh are of tUla date tbe Irol? form was .levlaed..
Tbelr uae la one of great aulluuiiy In
Vlfltc BbUB. The aidee asd back of cbmers. like the aklrt. are flat, and Jauau. aa allesied >>>' refon-mv* to It
(be akin an tnmmed with aunliar nre trtmemd at the abouldera with In the au<'U-ut r>.corda of that (onntrp.
smbroidarp. Round tbe tiouoni runa •iticbcd pleata. Koiind tbe wrUU are One may m-arrh In vain for the trace
a narrow niebe of black eatin.
! pointed cuSe of tbe velvet, emt.rotd. of any obji^^t to tbe nature of a rbopTba agCMge to eat low and followed ered like tbe bolero and edged with it. atlck In Crmtral of Duutb America.
I Knitting needltw of wood are found In
la (be eutre both to front and bablna. .•ub « broad band of white aetiu.
'the work baakela aaaorlat«.d with
and encloaea tbe abouidera.
It au
TI-1.-I V*l.tl
IVruviun niuinluiee, but Ibe
partactlp, to (be form of a cult
Another /coetume la of violet velvet. ' auHeiit
cbopaiick baa not l»vu fouml. <’urto mada to BM piece with the akirb The skirt Is eceordlng to (be pA-vell- louB pottery testa f.ir tbe vbopaikka
Tbe cbuUle and jet -mbrolcerr » top fw-liloi, quite light tn the upper are exbuniid In Japan, but-even tbls
aonltoaed over tbe bodlre formlnc .to part and expanding Into tbe form of-a enduring: (•■Btliiiouj
l•■Btllllou> of Ito
in early tie
a«e to tba btoad tan oniamant t be plurneau at the boitom It to
. be reveab-d to n.i*V>uuiry
back U ambroldarad all over to the ircmt. from ibe wair'band
0.rn.rM* All«,t-r;^
aeatre of tba decollete la e lar«e tiut> ground. Tbe lower pan Is irlmmnd
ligMtor la nut au Simrtlv.
tartip bow of blank aaita. oraamenl- vim two sloped nouo«« of velvet.
He buB not a elngb- wriu
«d wttb cbenllto and )e( aver white
in (be bark and dlmto.xhing in
Mtto to Ue aama atple aa tba rant of , «tdib gradually to tbe front Bacb of
I.-*" be tuimnl Ue u cowardly.
bl<l»>ua. He la neltber
them la edgrd wun a narrow atrip of
even res|M.<-titli)r In a|n.
cloth to match, and the upperilKWl ,
„ not even amuslDg
DMige >«B PMttMM.
‘tba patUeoat to of pink roaelaaf etd- flounces la hebded with a narrow hand I ,rrumM|ue In Ida niigM.nltnesa. for
of the aatiie cloth, on Ibe rroaa.
j g brute a lirute umiualttlcd-be to
or of a varp d^leata abada It naa
Tbe corsage la made with baaqiiea. waya w. lnte:iM-ly real that c
W watotband. being net on e atmple
and aver It la a abort bolero comp'is.>a alirlnk* fn.it Idui with luatblug: and
tape, to aulte flat beblad, asd to made
ol three pleata overlapping. Tbe *a- » touch ai Hf* . xtH-ua.. while In hi
la flt very cloeelp bp being taken to pela are of mauve cloth, cut up and I'p^kc-e r.onld s-eiii cutloualy oot v
at tbe sldca and back. Tbe prevailing.
(ashlos o^flat dreeeea baa entirely embroidered with chenille and narrow j ‘7,7;i* strong. Oh.N,
atea.lfii.i gitr.e of a fr.s..
dobe away wUb ndged petticoaiA iba tore, the fniiii ta a <lrap.-<1 and ctossupper part reacmblea a tourrean poke. ed fichu of Bky blue.fhlna cr-i*-. las- ..lun alllgai..r* wlck.-d eyes.' with
odd verihul pupil* fixed full u|e
Mow wbleb to a abaped flouaca ai> lened In the centre w-tih a^w of vlo- |
let velvet, ihf lapel* xre rooiiuued | cu y..ur own. am! the ■Iguifiraoce of
epaulets, and ' the expre**ioo "evU eye" and tbe myMihteia I
, by|>noti*m
vn^olliti le-blnd la a tur- st.-rl.s.
ami lioo.l<H.i*ui will liXn-a.Illy und.
arioti. ihe neck
«t<KNl. for bis hrullali. \uw.TclleKa, i
Cling 1* of theH aam^matsrla
nim-blng >tare la slniyiy blood, i-bllfichu, enclicled wltb-two rolls of vlo.
let velvet, fastened on each aide with
/^loglcally. the all^stor helougs
rryatal and gold buttona. Tbe ba^ue. the genu* cnH'.MllIu*. aii.l he ha* all
ol tbnie cvtniage itescend n» far a* the the hldcouslies* of ihfli Lu^ly. Uck•hips Tbe front 1* o|*-n. sliowing tbe llig fu.iaew hat'It* bl<H.<lllanniic-*s. altho I though the •Aim-rl.'«u slligator i* <urupper purl of the shirt,
„r,p i ulvoroii* hy imi.ir, and o,-a*lol>al1y
basque* are cdgtHl wliii a r
of vlolel clolb. The walRlbsnd. whi.-h: ' cannlhiiln*llc. Snl.-ilt *|KWkltig. h«w.
ever, the Woe slligutor i* much le*a
1* of bright mauve cloth, la narrow ilstigerons than hi* ivlsilie* of the
and equal In witlih all roimd. and
ohl w-orlil.
ambroidcred like the lapt-l* und ep*u- h-KS cot^g
Igta The I.I.CT.-S ..t velvet, are tiiu.ned at the ehouioers with narrow
ailirhd plcuta of tbe aume luaicriut.
They nre quite tight a'fd wltboui any
■ Tho hat mad.- U. ...im.i. l.- ibc
eoatjTue l* ol violet felt, the brim
turued up on each *lde sod faced on
tbe under aide wiui ve'vet to match.
The crow u. whh-h i« amall. h enctrci«d
vriih a drapery of the ssTue velvet,
fixed In Ibe centre in front with -a
SUaaa buckis.
Some of the hat* seen at-a-fashiftnable mllllner a tn the Rue de la Pair
are extremely original. The one of
V'l(ll*i'I.K CuyjiK TKRSTl.t
tbeae represented la a toque, with me
-tlire one IO..V.H doxvn li|*d) tbe
crown wide at the base und dimlnlsbr (larts and thmk* thedi another
tng to width tfi the top it la nind.- of
taebad to the upper pan.
daep pototad todeuiatloni
X ecru embroid*
turtle up all round and 1* shaped i
I aeMuui falling to
rnerw. Ui ornamented *
It is apllt
e bottom, earl and la trlomied with a twist of cx
1 .-..xiiity. K
UiTOW Bouncing a
tiUIlIV llllu TO.-. w„bj;
* g.-iiilti.nu la the th.-r of tw-.-nt to vary full «
II.' Udhlr.’ii.
i.f wbuiu
d ralker tong.
now llvtug
Twiwv «*dv CwXaHM.
i‘ .-hihlivii t
rag.- <
Thti eoatuma »a of bread crust col. '
(caibera a
lU-ped V
ered cloth, tailor made, 1 he aklrt flu ehlnchllto
graiMlfathcr of Hi.'. iN-rw.ii*. But tbla
Cloaely to tbe figure In tbe fourreau
la oot tb.- full «-xl-iil of hi* otfaprllig.
atyto. tbe fuilnMa baginaing baU way
for he b«H thiriy-tivv greai-gran.ldown and gradually Increaatng. Tba
.•hll.lr.-u. S.. It will I*- *.-.-11 that Mr.
■klrt la not very wide at the bottom,
Ohaudh-r RtaiKU imterruiiillh-* of tts:
sot exoaeding four meirea. U to trim_ ai<hhVm.-Qt rar-ly .-.lunlled, U
n-rtninly la n..i i«ralh-l.-d when the
toed round tbe boitom With two atlcb.
fact I* <*>u*hl.-red that tbe ineiulH-rs
ad >■«"** cot round to .the oastre to
Uls large family are all living.
troai asd abowing the bottom of tba
akin. Tba upparmoat ta edgad with
ra* 4iaav *( ta> i>v*ii.
a narrow trimming of red velvet, tbe
K<AeD-gec—tbe game of the devtl^
bottom band forming an edging to Ue
IsUraced In China to romoie antiquity.
Ttie "devir la mt<tr of two tin .-one*,
Tbe lacket. wbleb la abort, flu the
connected al ihtir api.-e* aud bored for
Bgnre parfectly and forma a coraagr.
Tbe production nf a hummitif aound.
Tbe baaqne U abaped parfectly flat
Tbla son of al»uiil.-c«<k the player
asd tight over tbe akin, and cornea
ihrowa and calcbe* on a etrlng kept
down balow the btpa. Tbe Jaekat taataut on two atick* held to either band.
' iaaa down tbe left aide, and baa two
A good player can throw U forty feet
towa ot bora buttons to mateta tba
to Ihe a'lr. Tbe akili demanded 1*
alotb aa that of Ue jaeket and bngreater than that required by battle
MBth Utm am iapeU ot rad velvet,
dore and 8huuleiXK.-k, It ba» been
vkteh axtend twn centimetres beyond
played both In France and Belgium. In
tbe edge. Tbe baaque U roanded at tba
the latter country it wa* »o favored
bettoto to front nnd leavea Ue eentre
aome yeara ago that regular matebu*
of tba akin quite open, it la edged
got up at the echool*.
ViU rad velvnl. and aa ImltaUon
valethand, oompoaed of a band of
fUla al to* TWaUa Plv.
elotb. baa a almtlar edgtng.
Another la of velvet, with tbe brim
lie of tbe laelw fly. ao ileadly
tnrned down to front and beblnd. Tbe
.TtaiUeg Mr—.
hor*e. ox ami d-ig. hs« bAeli
ciimmiti.-e of Ibe Bri
Tbla ooaiume it of greralah gray
drapery of velvet U. Ic.ynl oc^ety n iiTeci oih.-r
cubmera. Intanded to be worn wbUe
iitxjy ba* ImC-11 found.
_ completely toaich Ibe feK. lb tbe cnotre of tbe
paytogvtolta Tbe __
HUtp ln««-ct 1* pla.xli
wori.l'a ■d.-veloiw.ent,
plant or gatber. Tbe width only bn- Engliab point laeb. in a double frilling I«to P"” *«»
lb Ula nleat
pleat ar*
ar« •***fllaa atebt half way down, and devel- abaped Uke a fan. In
TO.,.,. TO.U.
ope gradually, bnt to increaaed round
... TOUB b, . U..PTO
»blCh “■*
mas rmaod the alden and beblad. it the
‘ ‘ edge of the hrito.
la s round toque, wora
to wider beblad than at tbe aidee aad
dwladlea away to noihtog in front os on Ibe hark of tbe bead, abow.tqt tb«
«Mb BlAt of Ue apron Tbla fionnew is hair aU round, b-jt enrloriog Ue bead
Beafied wltb five raws ot etiicblng. behind. I'be crown la of pink Vcirei
Tba aklrt oproa down tbe centre over draped IrreguUrly and rather low.'
a aarrow apron of velvqi to maiota the The brim ta of astrskban. wldani la
» <a
cashmere. compoeM of narrow pienia
ai ID cne
a« VWT clue* logetber. giving Ue el- •‘‘•P*
• dlsd.-m. The hat la flbtt of ribbed velvet.
Tbe apron U mented in iront wlih a large chllfwu.*
edged with fire rajn of atlicbtog oa roeeUe^r pink velvet fafaed wiu a
tbe eashmern. which tnra round at Ue •>•*7
bottoa e« each aids aad n
4 tbs edga «f the flooMA
m oonagt to a bolero of grasotob
Bflkwt Uk» thn aaraa. tmkntA
' V L. _
r;v:,rr S;.r
S*«M Tmm aMbiiU <e Oewee WhMi
Tbe bAarlor of p«v»e »• ««»wda
wonld make an totereattog amdy of
lisrif. In an ordtoarp crowd (be maI etiquette, and tbe rest
•eem to forget all they ever knew;
only iboae «bo are poaaeaeed of mt'
tural poUleu<«s and unfailing good na
ture are aaved from becoming aavsgea
under anoh clrcumatoce*. Of coniwe
It la onpleaaant fur peoptc' of refined
~"nre to be brought Into veep doee
itart with tbe ruder populace, and
It very freqoenilp happeaia that tbe
very uues wbo have had moat training
to conrteey are tbe meet diugreeable
when to tbe midat of a crowd. Tbe
nerves of the rumnion people are lees
enaily disturbed, and tbe phyalml dlaromfons rumuion to crowd* are not
greater than they are acmatomed to
in ordtoary dally Ufe. V'nleae you can
be sure of bearing yourself with
courtray and guod bumor. you should
avoid crowd* f.
ly. you
wltb bird* that are nut all of your
own fine feather, yuar aim abould be
to reejiect tbe light* of viber* witbout
n-linquUljlug your ow n. Yt>u are not a
dour umu to allow youracU to be
iraiupled upon, without rctuouatrance:
i:ur yet a cur, t<> aiiarl and «uap at
those who. perbaiw. through uu fault
of their «»u. eucioaeh' ui*ou you too
rluM-ly. Kn-u to the blgluwt elrckw
l>eople are apt to lose their beitda to
*ay uuihtog of Ibelr brariA when
uaaaed to large nnmlier*. a* witneaa
the frays tliat an- reported to Uke
pb.w aiuuug the fiilr ••genllewotuen"
who attend the quc-i-u a drawing room.
Of c.mrHe. ev«.ry one la awiirc that
unihT the name of ••i.*a' wc often
drink a U-i-erngewtitrliba*uuac|nalDtance with -4>e real leaf. Rut Ulcru are
M-veral "uws" which are not trauduleui iiiauuiMciutv*, though they are not
laade of the loaves.
Ill .MMurltlu*. for itisisnce. they
make lea of the leave* of ao orebid.
In IVrii iliev ««*-'tik male, a tea nwoe
fnmi a n«i .' - «|h-c1.-* of holl.v. The
.M>v**Itilati* iiinki- a tea fruiu tbe
leav.-s of tbe ca1ba ediilla. wbh-h baa
buvIi Mimiilnlliig •(iiiilitie* that eVen
a h.-if or two <>r it i-he».-<l toi* aU tbe
n->iviug ■'(Teeix^ of '(be clip that
.•h«*-r*." and ihii* l» uued valmible to
traeeh-r* The Tii-.m..m*u« an- aatd
to !-• Ho- h:ippy p..«o-o*ir» of DO hua
than a hundred suli'.tliute* for tea:
white tb.- Toqklue*.- have le.va of
(heir own iiiaik- ol iM-rll--*. h-urea:
w'tx-d* nod Iwrk of
In Sumatra
C..1T1V leave* are lDfu*ed In the tea|K>t. and Ihe n-*uU 1* said to be au
«-x«-« Uein beverage.
•ilou -1 a cbec-k fur
.ame ln>o
............................... him a gn-ai deal of
anxh-iy. and for a long imie be could
not iiiiitter up c<"-raKe to have It cash
ed. Kioally i'O a V'l- «'• town, be aum(iiot-xl up iK-rve ecmigh. aud. Strolling
into the hank. pi-M-ui<-<l tbe obeck.
riu- teller gIniK-ed ai It haatlly. nad
llien. after the tashloii of hi* kind,
bniviuely ask.-d: 'Whiil denomluatlour* •■Luiheraii. col dura It! Hut
whai * tliat g<il tew do Wltb UT' as
hruwiiu'ly replleii ilu- old farmer. Vo
the great a*ioiil*hment of tbe bank
vtitcial. it reiiuliv<l several mlnuli-s'
exidiiualhiu Is-fore the telh-r eould get
tl.e old man to uiuler«land bl* ques(Ion. and then the hitter look hi*
in.-iiev iind depsru-il. with aunory
KI.,\\K derogatory to liatik* lu geuerai.
• A* hig a* a Whale" might Im- rather
Mliall, H* tliere i* a *|>.s-h-* of (he eela.v«n genu* burdlv ihixv feet long
Nor dio-* the •kp.c»*iou "a* awkard
.is a cral" apply on. some of tbe South
id there
iNhtiid*.i. ffor a erai
!a*t a* an avertree* with the
-BM- of n *cb<"*l!
does "thi- lm«y
i*y little
bee Imlag I.h.»ur"
pro'- .-uch abliilug
lyery. It
tbiT.- I* no wiiii.-r
then-, ihi-r.- 1* IK- ii.*-«-»*lt,v for Iny*iig III a Ht’.re of b.HM-y. and degeuerat.-N into a ilioroughhn-d loafer.
vsll.-y*. uu*t remain uDlobablisble
iniil’The'pe*i atiall
been •dcaui.yed.
ivTOiaead ittm < **>.
From **.al I* m.iain.-d ihr mcnn* of
pro.luclng ..«.-r -((A' cl.a.l.-. ..f colora. a
ffwi variety of pi'rfuiu.-*. eipkwtve
ageuiA varioUM add* anil medlduea.
i,TO.TOii.-aAaa aaliB MeeharlB. frnlt
Alrim'* Largv I
... dlBtli
fre*h water lake In the world. Afrh.-xplurers l>eglii to think that lAkc Vic
toria Nyauxa la larger. Superior
.xjvera-SlJhxt rqiutre mllea and N.vanu
has been .r.-.lit.*l wltb 30.1100. but re.vet uxpluraiioi * l.ave discovered a
h th.-rt.. upkti'.wii I..I.V on It* aouUtera
Khl.' nhi'-b to 11K-I--H--B It* known area
a* tu make It a
whether It ta
not larger than Su|H-rior. Ihiller exitkiratlous and uior.- r
inusi be mad.-, bow-i-v.i l*i..u can U- reachi-d.
1 the'";
Emr sMkw tatws i
- OiB!
CUnr P«% par bW. saw............
par fc'."!'.'.!!!
now. H L. * Oo. fleu............
Rpsflo«r. B. L.*OcKBas(...
MaaL B.L.*Qa.Baok.............
road. E----------B. L. A On. Beak.............
•«S|E {MlcigatbrsMUHjt
Diamond J
Onto par b« (
par bn., old.
Potntona.par bm.
i *'•
I narca o» manwa cm oaai
HTbsat. old, par b«.................
Whaak oew. parha..*............
Oata, No. 1. per ba.(new)...
Hutter, png B..........................
Bggs. par dosaa............................
Potatoaa. par bn............................
It la very bard to stead Idly by and
aae oar dear onm aaffnr while awauiog
the arrival of tba doe'or. Ao Albany.
N Y.. dairyman called at a drag store
for a doctor to come and aeebUchhd.
then very sick with cronp Not fladlog the doctor la. he left word lor him
; Irt Mtiailei w bt tin
I '
Congfa Remedy, wh ch he hi ,
the doctor aboutd
give aoma rrliel
arrive. In a fex hoars hinch better. The drug
gist. Mr. Otto S<-hu;a. aaya the lamilp
has aince recomm.rdrd Chamberl
New Firm
and Builders.
Sold by all dealara.
Land Ff Sals!
Tr»*rr*»C iy: rov _
and plenty of water. 4D acres nortbof ri’y. 80 acres of iimbnr Und
13 miles aouib of cUv. 40 acres aUni
7 mile* i.nrih*rr*t of city, and I have
wev-ral pleo-a in Weaf-rd eonnly. It
y-u want to buy some land I can sell It
to you at term* ao tob ran bay It aa
cheap as yoo e»n bny fro
* *
11 werX.ol aK*e*'^po.*iblejrr*n* Plaa gel
naimali. b*T * Oe toeeb
David Smith having retir
ed from the 6'm of Smith MDII Ktpilll i iDdlUl HI.
Bros., and f«>rmcd a partner
tr*i-*tV a
ship with Geo. Lalher, the » ■rmaleas <new firm is now pre[*ared to i 'UBSSB SBBEflEfl SSfl tl
ana.** aawaaa* *** ■*
make contracts for all kinds ", SfifSii Sr.F«3SS srs AS
:! ^1..« - vw X - gw —»
ol building.
1 *.****.***<•«#< aaawaaawa
20 Tears Eiperience.
Estimates furnished for all
kinds of brick and frame
Lather & Smith,
Geaenl Costnetofs
Ever Burned Out
If ao
ki ow
the valne ol
•j « aaaaaaaaaaawwaaa eaaaa
^ £SSES£ilfi«S8fi<fid£a B8I8«
John K. Santo
Geaeral lastranct.
A B. snxBtT. M. D., IVWI-^. E. w. anavvy
H. IX. Snident PhytlcUB. with oosxultiag phy
cxhlhiilAD recently
Were lils.'.-d UB view tbe
valuahk- «(siupa In Uu^ world—a penny
twu|H-uoy Mauriilu*. Only
Ihn-e Kpecimeu* of the 1S48
Ins *iaiii]>a are known to ezind ibe
tbe mark
market value of tbe two
ilhlt.-d at Birmingham
la ne.500.
ry lieloi-e
lieloi'e -- a llulsli
111(18101] collector.
9 hwued
tiiem for tbe eXQlbt^luo.
*arrl<r* tro* PrloUvr. MeeKInav
Cli,cli.i>*tl.Cl.lr*pj. Ur*oU RapMa I AD a ■■
Trala airlvv* trvn Bh-anseS, Pi. warn*
UPtFuU.OraoS K^.da.IXOwm.
Tr.lc lf«»1«.g Tr*v»r*e CUy M U:UaW
**» parlor car lo ')r*o0 BapIS*
Trslu Iraooc Trs'-rar City al SAp.a.ba
parlor car u> urao4 Uapl4a
Tralolearla* Travr—CUy *« 4 » p. m. b*
-Iwprr (raw OraaC UapM* w CBIratB.
c L i^>o«wovn o^ o**IiiV^'«v^J5-m-—e.
West Michigan
Lv.TrararaaOlty atVa-n............. IBBrA
At. Elk naaid*-... >10*.a.............. ■■V.X
Li.Elkbaplda.... am*.n.............. ItoVA
Ar.Tea^rae City. • It*ji............... 4 Ur.a
OBO. Dl ■AVnfSesaitfpM^AgMlt,*’''
OraeS n«ww* axeb
srk properl.T and prompt
BatlafacUon goaranleed. at
uiisrtt in lotTiusnii l l
Inisrie's New Shop,
(bay Tara la tka t.-fl.
auluier hoys in Manila aay that
'mnlarda and uativea tbere In
ly turn to tbe left Instead of
I *id.-wi
' aequently i
are oumenxM accMenial odllaloi>0* with Al
"He *ald he wanted to consult me
prlvaiely on s matter of viul Importsn.-e (u hi* future and of coun '
thought It wax a prupo*al."
|i*« UiitiNi til vvjteMifl
is aatleAwl that the growth of stmtn nmlartal eoll.to tmtter tbs*
emctlrftv* 8* 8 piwventlve of malarls.
. .m.
Balowkn11H0(tkab«Tt>rwnd anH. |
00 to Oak Helghtnr eheapu In the eUy.
r Ula for your toterrat to look
'hnt I have to offer before bnyiag-
iioasiiro i^«i> >Ati;iH>AT. liABdri M. i«M
**It'a 9«Mr—DM 10 Mr A I
UmiMlkM AMl uur )»Tfuriu
ttr' Mid A tMDUMfl-lkl UAValrf aA uM
Al,tWI>ulAlaUiruUirrAiKtaL -'I waa la
iMHutarl baldwibSrr ibBaa KramiK-u
tal kan arrrrUuiiR 1 l>Ad ak«K »tUi
Inutodlag a UKMtaMUd aud mid dol
-Two facta tbat
pacallar to Mora foiki.- aald an caBailor of the nafy. "ara. Aral, that only
about ona-hAlf of tba aan-o'-war'a
Maa in oar aarrloa or in any. otter aar▼lea. In fact, know bow to awtm. aud.
aarond. that abarka are tba muR cow
ardly of all Ufing rrcaiuraa II U odd
that ao larae a proponlon of ib* na»al,
oallora don't know bo* lo aalm. bui
il U probably due u tba fact ibai a
areal numbar of our man-o-aar'a
man nowadaya coma from tbe lotarlor
of tbe country, wBete there U on aaiar
for ibem to laarn how to .wlm In
tbe old aaty—and I put all of my aertloe In in tba old naty. au caUed-'ibe
man who eoaldnt awlm waa. a» ao-m
aa Ibe fact waa dla<-uteird b> In.
maiea. Incoiitlnenil) efauiked utei lie
aide when .wimmiug iail wani. ami ke
>U1I bad to (WlOi. Of eourae, llie u-'U
wouldn't lai a fallow, wlm dioai
know bow 10 ^wl(D droiAi Iwfore ilieu
eye». tiul i bey would «>e to ii liulfimule a bard aUb ai iba art of .wimmiDR before ibey picbad bim up. It ii<
didn't eureead to awimmiUK (be br«
UBie, oterlMwrd be would an lh<- ve,)
neat time ail handa took a pluuae >-ve-r
ifae .tile at awimminR cnll. and lou.
all of the men aervin* on the uM llnof packet, bei-ame awlmmere >-<-*ore
(bey left the aertlce It U r<irlM>1.l>n
to ibruw.a noD-awiiumer lino il>- «.i< r
now. but 1 Ibink ii would l-e . go. d
ibiBR If tbe praciJiM ware atlll ionliniied The oBcer. of tbe .fiiii. to
day Inalat upon ibe apprenltce l.d.
learning to ewim. but they let ibe itun.wlmmera aaiung the newly i-i'TulKd
landaiueo go atunjE wlibixji learoinR
Tberr have baen numerou. drowning
Incldeiiu In «nr navy witl.in ir«-"ni
yearn, nwlag to (be inabiliiy of tueu
wbn were nl liei a no- elcr|<rnl Millor.
in Hie eae> an of
”A. lu Ibe cuwaydIlneM of ahark*.
that fact 1. well known among men
who have been mueJi to ae« In xuuthei n
waleiw Infmleil by niuii-entcre The
flcrieal mnn-nxer (ha( rici bullieci a
b into ncilliK B>
Will get nut of Jhe
acaway in mlgbo big biinr If a .wtmDier. nolU'log llic xiiHi'k’. amiroach.
»e(H up a uolay apla.bing. A abark I.
;n deadly fnar of any uurt of living
llcing Ibal aplanbrw id Ibe water. Iiowu
amoug tlic South .Sea UUnde tbe ua(Ivea neier go in aea bathing alone,
but nlwaya In panie. of ball a doaen
or Ml. in order ibai tliey may make ibe
greatexi hubbub In Ibe water, and ibiia
m-are tbe abark. away. Onie in a
while.a (no ventureeoiue awinimer
.rhioiig (heM> o'.llve. ftmllHlily de
lacbee hiiii.cir iniui bi. awimmlng
nariy and nionieiitarlly furaeia to keep
up bl. .pla.biug 'I'bcu iherw b> a au-1lien »wl«b. and Hit lunn-eaOT ivme. up
i.-llealb blni like n tla.h and 'gidiblea
1 kAd uflni UM-blali) cak'DUt««l Pliub
wbat I Abuald ikj lu caaa a butel tl>
vfclcb 1 waa a KBot atunild
WBUlita I waa K»iiiir lu Iw tbr cool«• baadcd taaA wilhiua radioauf luanr
MiUa If tb« Orr idHHiU br<«A Ml in
tka nilddla id iL« niKtii wbiU 1 waa in
bad. 1 inUtxM lo net n|> very cuuU}'
•pM Mnn awakenad. drlilantr^' alip
m ABnAfii clulbtaK lo k>wp me <mt uf
MAhAAdBoT Ike polliw o|>id uaIubk
■r BpVMraMw. KH m> UHmej and tben
Hck A|' inj HmwI laloakle aaiu|4r rata
AAdUwiabaa In wbirfa 1 bad
ATticlea «d ciuUubx in mrreM iaw and
walk Mt. kaivuin tk* nai of im K«ar
•oUkr ill chauaa upun Ike fire luinK
aqark-bad On la) waj ihronxh tbo cxjt
fldon. in oaae 1 mat up wilb any la-au
tltsL auppJiraltDR maidem ir any
Mid. lAcapablr women. I bad il aU pic
Mnd bow I would drup iny twu im|ti
And (Akr tbeiu down the wclkuw atrnr
onaa. one on earb arm. proaRBlinn a
bank and iMplriuK tperiacle aa i
Miriad rraan Ike caldron of ftame
-Wall wbalAiavpeDadT Lackily for
ma. 1 bad a Ibird atury Irani room in
tba Baldwin Tbr fire bruha oat in tba
baaaaoBi pk«|i kiward a u'ckwk in tba
•orvinc i tnuird luiuriuoaly until
aboii a duaau eacina* w«ra ibrowiUK
Araama on iba ktwer piiriiou of Aim
■tractnra Wbes I waa in the middle of
a draaui that I wat atandiUR lu fitint of
a lot of Ur atoiM on a Rreat boaineet
. tbotrncbftn. tbrowinR <-r»qaet balU
Ibroagb boRa plaU Riaaa wind»w»-it
waa Ibr amaabinR Rbua <l<>wu bekiw
Uiai Rut uw inm tbat lUaln <d dream ins—1 woke up Tbe Riare in my rt»>in
waa AomelblnR lamiuoot Uid I alowly
atniicb. aay lu mywU. ‘Here a tbat k>UR
waited for dre. Amt it'a up to me l<> be
tbe man of tbe honr and the real t IiIdk T
-Not mneb did I' 1 jnat bo|>|ird u|>
Uka a man wjM ttadt a family of rtipii
pada in bia bed 1 RrtbUd a |«tr ..i
ynbbm that were lyiUR aloniodde iny
%id and pot tbriu uli Ihi- wtoiiR fret
fiainRall tbe time iluinKlbe {•erfurin
ABor, a rnallalU' eabiuiion of a man
nbdertolnR a awaiup cbill
Then 1
analtbad a mackinu^b tbat 1 bad
Iknwn Of army trunk on cuioinR in tbe
■Ifbt bofun and folded it after cunaid '
Arabia dIflIenUy. uwinR t- tuy
•tpaeaiea < Ic.i W^a|i|u,r*.
WambUBRa. ofer my pyjama. Then I
Some of the toluirr.i Imimrted from
raachad for a hat. and of rourae it «u.
about my Itirk lo Ret the worat bat J Huuiatiii (ur making the wrap|M-ra of
owoed OBI of half a dinen eratlered over clgara ha. a curlou.ly ape> kled apponr
lu the rninda of errulu buyera
(III. marking U cUduu-e.ibai the cigar
hu. 4 Sumatra wrapp<-i
Such li not
alwa.o ilie caae. for the anful manufa. iurei ha. learned how to apoi
American loliaci'o aniflcally. and ba
|d^ it up in order lo o[>ea the dteir oivaaloiially doe* >0 iti b> > leier a man
R uo to il and took it akuiR ner lhal Ibr uoiiiltlaied ru.iuuiur uevor
auipecu Ibe trick.
the Uaat eumieijBeutlal----- ^ —
Sumatra I. a lliilch poP4iraalua. and
bad. oae that I n>ukl vny eatily ti
the .|H>ltlug of the tobacco ralaed lu
ataptBBiid with cuuipareii with tboM< Ibai laland baa been unde the aub)eci
tbat I loai Jewelryi kbneyT Imdat 1 uf inveMtlRBlIun by I’rufMaur ib-yerwan'l IbiBklBR any mure .d ibeui lock, uf the Amalerdom Academy uf
tMaii 1 IraBtically unk. ked and un S> lenceo. Thlk learned man presented
hatred that dour of mine than I waa >d
the Acadeiuy a lew wreki ago a pa
tiklBR a latlktm befnre breakfaat In tiM per In which be aei torih ti.e rrwulis uf
mumlBR and mnioR lU the n.atb pide bis inquiry.^ lie deM-rlbad a ' living,
I jnat wanted to Rei out. that tail Tlie fluid cooURioii." which ba dn-larea Si
balb were Allad with aiuoke I f.imi.I.
tbe dbeaiie
Tbia disor
b«t after ten yeara of tiopinuR aiuiunl- der. aleu known -is tbe mosaic diaivuu
lyat tba Baldwin. Rrn.nlly in ibe aau.e of tobao-u IcBte.. may be inoculated
TOODi. I knew tbe tialrway. and Um into h.altby pUma by Injis-ting into
fonu down lu the lobby |•rrtty w>U tbr atem. near a bud. sap prwaaed from
and 1 jou put my free Itand over my Infected plant.
Tbe active vlru.
■WBtb and maa and made the nndi
paaaea completely through (be porre of
very dense porcelain, aud can rten
panatraie Into aga: by dISu.ion. tberefore il cannot be a "conugium flxum"
in tba usual aeaae. but It mual ba fluid.
Soar hallway I'd b.ve pirked 'em up
Out of (be tobaoco plant it raiiirai.ba
ena in aach arm amt. penuUtinR tbnu
•o RMtly naeilc up HRnm>i mv uiackiii made tu multiply. I'Ui In the dlridlng
of the leaf-riidiiiieiiu and tbe
toah. bafr oarmtl lle-ui liiutupbanlly
down tba auirt and uui luio ifap aUetd ■uerlaii'ina of tba bud. I( mulUplIas
and nndw tbe briaolaivb of beaVru^ud It rely and over a groat euent.
drop of the porcelain flu rale
all tbati No i wiHildn i bhve It.
frtOfoM end Rrewtome l.> bate k> ouu can render all the laanw uf iiie lufM-ttiM iV but I'd y««l Itave teiieit at them t>d plant entirely cuvarvd with spou.
• te follow my route and then bare k. pi and Ibe tap of tbaaa leavw would ba
an RfttinR ofer temior) inrtelf I fell auSetant for the contagion of an untbe Aral AlRbl id tlaira. Iruu> t.<p limiied number of baaJthy planu.
to bottom, then piukni myavir up with
AM wad Meeh.wl.M
tba ona idea uf Retiiuu ••m. «nmp<-ied
10 tba bead of Ibe ar<-i>mi liitcbt id aijura
A new portiere ta deaigned to obviate
and tall down Omae I lu .m tbe fltR Iba necaasliy of ppsblug aside tbe
fine of tbe lobby, and in i»o mure ~v- drapery when you enter a roun from
■onda I waa In Ibe 0Ui«t When, a tew tbe outside. The rail may be rerunMlnntaa later. 1 redeited u|.in my !.«• gular or aemi-vircular, and the rluge
and tba caneral bamtlkr obarm-ter .d are conuecied wiib a spring hidden In
aiy conduct did I want i>i r<> hack and s tube, wbb b. in turn, le Aved on ona
aide of Ibe door
Tbe a<-t of opeulnig
the door BCiustes tba meebaniam. and
Ibe curuiu la drawn aside, on releas
t Nu|ie I waaninb-ultualalid ing your bold on tbe door the spring
thoM in iba atewel and «gnre bow I d causes It lo shut, and at tbe same lima
paConi tbe next Uiue I c>s Mwilaity rreloras the runain to its regular poaicaaebt-" - WaabinRt.41 star
Ab iBaeriBkta*.
fere Warer I. tlliie.
wlanbaL dues your bii.liaud get auRiT
A well-known aelentlat aaya tbat tbe
VSaa be Ulk yuii to wake biiu early
true >vilor of pure waiei Is blue, and
••4 yon don t do
It a vMraiieriatlc of tbe t^“Ko, dent He know. Ibai I know be
ler liseir and/U nut due to reflevtlcni
from tbe nur/aca uor from suspende.1
lAkr Geneva la aa exampl.... iii’il Babil paitlclus
!ir blue ft pure water.
bnvim-. ...oul baibiw
Wa are today wbai we were an-os
toaMdtodri yr<triibi.> and tbe day bw
ten-l^maa Abtw.u
There Is no truth wbstaver In tbe be
lief ihsi any one fnUiag into the nan
twa are In the Uermau Bmpif* neccMarUy rtsas nte ainhaiUm tkmm
dkaM aNtOMsmaa balangum larMb- bMKw drsMtag-
_ -Why aho^ we MBiryf Ma MdA.
I Mte to tktac my pa
HM M f
as he oMtd be.
Amd 1 VpMad that be ma*
to tall av ma
Tnieo 1 gtornma up » be a moa W Ute
to be Ubt pa.
i twed to think atody*e ma
When abe got aaityeil down
■Wm always s paaed to Mink bla pa <
TVaa the
man to urer*.
B« fuMs my ma don't Utak that wmr.
Not f«ry hard, barus
She seeoi. to have so mneb to ny
Atrtnot the ibNiiRs be duaa.
OM ,.1 I » »n,«*bou-U ul ii.ll.
and dried to bulM a aled.
And puny soon 1 banged my Mumb.
aud Moms! bow n Wad!
I bopped around there .00 OM foW.
but u didn't atop a Ui.
I thougbt I'd wwaar aad bm
tf uiai'd -iDBke it qum
O' oonrw. ma bwd me iMttn’ to.
Ami than aba come and orted.
-And (Old ma 1 bad grlevad bar ao
Awl buRied B>e to her MdaT
And »ald Me wlobed that she waf dred
Ami ta her grava before
8be beard me aay wtaas 1 bad biM\^
1 I had up and sworw
pB. be eweart tbBt
Umea,'* 1 aaawered me. end tben
She cried ooine more, and gold ate
hoped I never would oraIb!
-N« when igittobeaiiMoaablcaB
And Me asy«: "No. becut Old NIckTI
Rk him by and by."
And r»ee 1 tried to chew, and. goaT
Bui didn't 1 faal bad.
d ran Me rried more worae tbai
tteo m^
,nd both of us waa..^.
d thr«.
tbr«. wben t wte\ld out fli
he kndl
knell there on tbe ftnpr,
Andd net me if I'd prumme
d never Mew no more. '
"Well. pa. be ehewa.“ 1jlnya to ma.
and ao. wheo I'm n-^n.
Crowod up AS big na he la. the^;U bei
you that I ran!
And ma she ssfd Me hopes I wont
cbew. even when I'm big.
“Bfius." Me Mys. "s man tbat doaa
iB'no(hbig but a pig”
It'a nlwnya that way when 1 aay
That I wojirfd like to grow
Ti. be a man Hka pa, aome day—
She hopre 1 won't. >«u kbow—
And 1 wonder if ibey're nllthat wnyf
I wooder If vour ma
Would rutber have you always stay
.S.1 diflcpeui from your paf
—Cleveinnd Leader.
Mrne. Keramicr's life was made «p of
SD-many Invldeou (hat tu tie hMef m
making n report of 11 b u be superflctal. but oUll w« venture UicattempL
At tbe age <S ttrteeo Me marriw-kL
KeoBtuler, a w«tnny baokei. ngrd it
Tim relation between ifaetn waa a
ntiariRc one. (o say lAe leasL It waa
rharacierixed by ayutual kindness and
respert by her psreriul fuDduess on bU
part, by flllnl regard un bers, so much
an lliat the theury btw been tnalnUlned
ihol they were father and cbild--a thejry wbtob the nieBKihw abundanUy I4>Cuta.
Uireojjg WpltaJity. their houae.
nodar ihT iViMulaie s»d the ElTplre.
Hunaparle, aod others of much
oota. l.uclea lAiiuaparte.becuaMa deep
ly euamoured ol Mme Heoatuler's
tiesnty. and writm her very wiM and
etuptd prxitrMisUoos of his leva but
otewu with no rrepocMM!
bimweir oSng her a piBiiiao at court,
and berauaeatae will not mwept k hataa
her very ronMally. and hanUbea her
tnim i'arls A further excuse for bM
dotag so Is (hat her bouse ia a resort
Nw peraoos boadle to tbe pwammeot.
Owing lo Mme Hscamler’s unpopulartty wMh *
1. tbe government rm
:iMM to aadat bar buMaod in bla biMuesa eiratts. and coosequenUy bis fort
une suBere wre. k.
Tbe change of clrriimmanrew follow,
ing up(« (bo in 'ery m.tily borne. A>ur.
tag her bansshnieni soe viatu Romeb
1 wbicb abe does not Uke. Returning to
I Paris at the Restoratkon. sbe beconea
i acqnsdnted with (be Duke of Welllp|^
' too. who wrttea noUa to bar In miaer^ able hVnicb. and thlnklnc to pleasa
\ bar. asya uf Napoleon; "I hare giraa
I him a good beaU^." Wben be rtmen
I again he U refuaed admoMre; bar
aatiosin] pride wm atrooger Man her
psrnotml dtallka.
{ In Me sick roocu of Ume. de 8M
abe amhea tbe if giiMriunni of Chataaubrtaod. an acqualntaoce whieb
ahortly rtp«M laao an taUmacy that
dxiMBs bar more joy and more uobappU
Base than any other For thirty yean
abe is davoted to bU bappMosa Hln
.oiPMpJiidetica wltb ber ta unaOnlsd in
amount, and affords an exoaUnm oppoRuaUy for audylng tbe inner Ufe of
Bhta aelflM, imiable. axncetag nma «C
omat undoubtad geolua
I A aecoud reveiae of fortune bapponI tag III iHiy. Mme Recamier leavw ber
bushand aud reilrwe to tbs Abbaye-aox.
Beds and itiere, with brief except!cu^
•p«mda,(berv4natadei otberUfe. Hare
abe gntheni about ber ber beat frtaade^
aud Pv«s a life that would be quint bat
itet the vanity of M Cbnieanbitanid
mu« be conUnoally fad. and tboae who
nre dtapoMl to toad k muat be tnvftsd
I'ouwtaotly «o meet Mta. In UM. kUtI Uaeu de Mocamorency dien. and nftar
rtaad more Man ow hM
Itet Cl
mb Bftar
btatawnwny. S
aftar tbe
tte death
daMfe «g
I Mn VMa ta IMt te boM bar ta BdMffl
The Blue Label Like This!
tr t* my taklac rare ad yoo. It aaOtoda
iB MWol to yoB. I BM fMM to ttve
ta (ho OBMA bouae wtta yom Tba
world. 1 am amata^ wtO do jtmUea to
tba piB'ity of oar MeodMtp- and mac«0B Moytbtaf that wUl render tbe tank
-.of maklnR yoo In yoor oM aie bapp:^
and cOBofortAble-^Bore ewy tor ma.
If we were youngor 1 ofaould m beol(Me. but acerpi with )oy tbe ri«bt to.
acaSfi____ ,
GoMecrBte my Ufe to you. Years and
klndMM bara given me thta rlgbi Is on every box of Union Made Cigars-Insist on cigar*
Lot na change nothing tn so perfect an made under this label and you will be sure of good v*lue
On the fourth of Jul.v. ISrl. amid tbe and a pure smoke.
Itiuwlen of another revolution. Chat
eaubriand dire, and Mme. Kecamler is
tern good wngM for honeat labor.
left tanely enough. She surrlTM him
liM than a year. It I. ume for her to
go. Her tour bast fnpDd>^ Mme. de
Staal. MooUDOreocy. Bailsnche. and
sre gone 4
dies iio the IMhh ot May.
"By an excepHoD. " wtairb Mme Lenormaot ennoot help regarding as a
IMt tarur of Heaven. 'Mme. Reesmier'a
(eaiurm Maumed In drub a surprising
baauly." 'Her expreaelon wrs soRaUr
and grave: abe looked like n beaupful Jl .o, thU la th- p1k» to
it doi„. n..ht and promptly. Bepairiilx
•rtatoe: there wi» no rootrarttoo. nor
Enameling and Uthe Turning of alitiu.ia. Cail in^ad aee mj^
were there any w rinklee. and neTcr ba*
of whriels
ffooil lias of w-btH*!* tu lent.
tbr majasiy of ibe Isrt sleep been at, tended with so much grsce and tweetuera. Asketeh by Aciklles Dererta has
preserved the memory of tbta remark
able iHreumnUare."
Mme. Recamier couMed among her
friends n bast of men and women of
wCtose nffecdon sbe wraa Justly proud.
Among these there were, besides those
we bare already mentioned. Benjamin
OonsUiM. Prince Augivtiw of Pna<ais.
The New Werner EdtUon at
tbe Qiteen Horteosr, Mme Sweii-bliie.
and tbe wife ot Murat.
(X nil her
friendsblTw tbai wkb lialhiTu-be so-ras
I to ua Ibe leau to be regmied Mattbleu d« Moaimomtcy I would have
bean nearly m beautiful, but Moottuor.
, eocy bad a wtfe who nuild noi have
' enjoyed the sdorntlou WviaheU by ber
; buabnnd on nnotber ibnii )>cr.ielf.
; Cfaatenulirlnnd's fnewtahip wax Uw
'grasping nod Imperative, sod aliaough
M dotgidaoi lM>(iered plni. K li> fwr lera
were the dosing words of an address, by Abraham UncoltL He
UaiiH^i than iiellanrhe's. wbicb wm
realized that parents are responsible, in a degree, for what tbdr
always geMIc soil rc«i>e.trul. while k
children become. It you have children, study their individual
mmle coostund deotsndx on Mme Recafflier's Adeiity not k> hlBMelf. but to
tendencies and place the best
'her own bighes; views of life sod charpossible educational advantages
n- ler. Of all her friendHlilpK tbe one
beiore them. A way has been
least worthy of the unnM' was ihni of
providtM in the New Werner Ediwhich Augiiisu* Piiore uf Psti.'sca. was
tion^dl the Encyclopedia Britan*
I the object With s view of lusirylng
nio«, complete in thirty volumes.
I tbis tnan. she wi\se U> her liiukuiud
The he.sT thoughts on all subjects
' asking a dlrixvr Uui his fcelmgs in
in the tnstoryof man are treasur
the inauer souo i-outiueicd ber desire.
ed ihiTv
A systematic study ot
With this exeeptUm it wse only friend,
liii> work is equal to any college
strip (i>n< this wiHiuiu-bad lo nice hNw
iouisc. Algebra, Anatomy, Arch*
this sbe. bad f geiLiiSi .\nd she'was
ilecturo. Building, Electricity,
Political Economy, are a few of
Heuve's that "she brougbl ihe art of
its articles which liave been adopieJ b^ Yale, Harvard and
friendship to pi-rfe. tkin "
Columbia colleges. Thb- shows in what esteem it is held by the
Her power tu luOuem-c men and wo
highest educators in the land. JuM now you can secure the
men wws Indesd remarkable
bosuiy must have been aJmuat nilrei UI.
ouB. and was doMilsss even to the laot
tbe mesnaof ber iiMtatIte stroke But
though beauty nmkre adtnirer*. u t* not
aulBcieiri to make frleuds
tben." asks MIm 1-urwtsr. "was (he se
cret of her Influence—■
and tl»e balance in small monthly payinents. The entire Thirty
"U lay tn the subtle |x>w«r of a marVokun<*s witli a Guide and an elegant Oak Book Otse, wiu be
vellous tncL Tlris tart had its roots
delivered wlien the first p.iymeiii is made.
deep In ber nature It was s part and
parxwl uf bcCMrir tbr dlslInKUtabed
Tftecomjrirtc set (Thirty Lafgp Octavo VMiraes):
trait lu • rare .ouiblnwtum of iiuslKlw.
T'txxign nurtured and rljtened by evp-Tluih-e. It was uo< tbe ogsjMlug uf art.
mmm tbere^'f'
(•i-w) and Three DoUan (IjM) per
Iter suivcMNes wen- Ibe iriumph of im
No. »—^EMinix\..>j^arbleJ Kdtes. Extra QuMty High
pulse rather ttisu of dr<lini In order
tu please, sbe did nol study cbarwcler.
mo'ti'*t/’7 Tt"'’
DoUars (U-oo) per
Bbe dinned 11. KseuH alive tu uu(ward Influciuwa and losing In-psrt. her
owu persunwlliy wbeu coming In cootucl with that <d oibcrs. she readily
roSth t^r^r"
and Five DoUan ($500) per
adapted jerMrll tu ihvir uKKXts. and her
npprebunsioa was quick if uot pro
found "
Mine Recamier was not creative save
1n tery lluiiied degree, bui Me was ap.
Ssirie-lieiire ban told a
s for NortS»*a Mlcbigan.
great drtsi of ber sevre- when he saya
Me Itatened "aver scducl(on.~ But to
read her mesnulrs ts 10 be <mr>lDced
ihbi rtlll more credH Mould go to her
real kindness of bmri sod genUetiesa
of dlignalilan. Bhc bad wealU and
bosuty and grace, but st«ve three, and
hwludtng On-m. Me had mrodnere. Ho
It was that she could nut b«Up tasclnatkuc mec and women. Her power was
(uinvoidsble. Bui k % very cartnin
Ibai not ooe woman In a tbounnud
would bare uoed It. <« the whole. vHb
more (Msemkio and wkn lam of foglIM prida
relephone 192
311 Front Street
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs'.^
Special Offer
The Encyclopjedia Britahhica
“Give Your Boys a Ounce”
Encyclopaedia Britannica
for One Dollar Cash
Foi funhei igfgrmaiion call on Holleif i Conaable.
WWy MsrVMt V
A young lady who ta preuy waU
known In Cleveland aocleiy recently
had as a vltator a Mtas Legge of BuSato Mb* Legge Is s vweei. beautiful
gkl. and her Cleveland friend Uded to
make ber rtalt s plesaaat one. but aba.,
only pniOy eucceedrtl in dufng no.
"I'm aorry. Alice." Me girl wtio bad
done tbe entsrtattkhkg. aaki when tbe
other CM twady to return home. *^t
you are determined to go back ao aoon
Whatblteiitatler. anywayr You don't
oam to have bad a good Ume at aU."
"Ob. 1 know It." Mtas LagRe regliad;
"bni -It bsant been rtmr fault, dear.
I'll never goawwy (rocn home ngnln un
til I'm married "
"Why. whntevtr put noeb an Idea
M that ta your tend, you dear Mule
“Well" tbe Buffalo girl Mid. "even
time I am Introducvd to aay oae ba
alvrajra kooks blank tor sbout a minute
aud then oayn; 'I didn't qnUe 'calcb
yourMBM. 'What It la. plMser Whan
1 gel morrtad and bavv s new game I
amy teal like getoc otu among Btfaagsm. b«l until Man I aball otay ilgfet
Monad otera paopla know naa"
iMk—I dooT ese why you caU bar
• «<Mar girl tarn baeaum aba told yon
wbaa y«u pragOMd.
I have just brought in a car
load of the finest farm and draft
horses ever shown jn this region.
Come to my bam and take
your choice of a fine horse at a
price to suit your purs&
SUte Street
TrsvarM Olty, Mcik.
THE iroavnfo uoomD. saturoat. karos sb, ieb9
T»f G. 1. (I. IS PBOSPtSOBS. i;;::;
” •’•^1
la 4ri*la« i»em tiu r—^
yaaMrday Mr. LmU
fr«k Aaeaal Bapait Showa laoraaaad iBBitatnl >111 614 Si. or » >7 per aeat.:
Uk# aak CMlar*
iMTMwd ri.-,
daw tfaekaawrlte Blilian
Satalaca—Saar laBpcvTtMSH
or IS U per rent, oad ^ terpiat
aloaa U> B ifa»o-»d.
. , Jo.
ontob. «»1.
jw„ Uor«»iKI.s.I« » «H. ..ri
Jot Klaaats *w Ukta alek ar*ia
fMiecaty aooa «iik cbllU at>a'erw
Tot aoaaal reporl of' tk# C.R-Al.^oeot.
^ Ototral
Berkart tab
II aod-------.........................
la totUt U> oUeed
to kit dotita la : for Ike yrtw..
eadtdprekat! bOtowol
At Oraod Uatoa Bllttk B **“’“^'rraok rrWdrtek takotaiore.
_______^aj {rtpors 0l Ike ooadlUoo of
j pared aod ibeaocreiary <jf ibt
oaplojtd at twUfkw
>MO bj- iktO'aod; ^
i.w'k B-Me«h«OD». U teodinr
M>odinc «coplet lo'»a»l»W •aoy Improeemeou ooeded
Tbt Bo U-^le Wkitt C «6 set with
ood o«*rv Tke[oBdiBCroie*plaUon.
loC to tod It os eel'
When be otealiaBt Ike Traeena City,
U«. ^PBce of tbe prooperou* coodUloo of-'A brooch be tar* ike ooBdllioo of Ike
»r..d Iol.o.rt
kralthyroad aad Ue iodlcatioat of! bridpet r«|olred ptrtlcuUr alteavloo
. . b.
I f redual aod eootUioal prootk aw lo ; dorioe the year io.t ended, two bflM
KtarCaro.Ckar:etJw|ula. alomoer.!
watterwokly Uija.ed byaro'li..f .
Ion bat Ven leated toMr. !
jn e.ery tutem.nl.
rebuilt and three repaired Ourtag the
IM Uitior vat broatn and be tit-. ' «»*»dltb, of Urand Ktp.et. vno exg( H.iubui* pre-joomlog y.ar It w i: be oeceaiary
r the Bjard'
’“^^’llteou the rep.rtof the board of dlrrc- ibe bridge at Mtykeld
d lournal injorica. UevUUlke
menu, and fit the boul up. m good
grwt ‘ quo rlecr to be replaced and tbei will
itnn and tunonare.^ that
ly dia.
c la the purchtte «f Uct.
Wt Cadlllae. tkP throe-year old too
m Heary Kngero. an employe of Wil
laale eaady uiokera.
juttpurcbated I,
|i i7A..w’.-.............
.-i7. leaelng
winter hat
been a
pbea. oi'nal
vew VWbJ w
...... • —•
-----------— ■
' POX Brot, ia their taw will, wa» terl<* |
, adneborwand oewdrlieery aagJa.
l« The one^ Kug'and. wiihabro-mt :.i warm
oaaly burned AOrdagb the Ignition of i
I ...v
.......... .....................
SVrU Mcm%
0^ bt<Xzrt%\, J
«>ma paper with vbloh be vat plaj l
Jamet ..ckery of
! intereti on the debt i» gieen at fsiw. ,dayt and then toddeo pen-dt of froti
I fervja atenue are ibe proud parenU of; ,.„y
„d tn, otker charge* to Income A'a conf <inei>ee the death rate bat
M.>rk of ^emndtilDg
.. .b
------------------ and
«*»| Ih. «u..r a„. .»> p.i li 1. bi.! »'■"* “•
. »•" "I «»"'
A. vowpared vUh-incroawof ludte*r/t t;.o»y inwl lh»'
,e prv.ioutTear the gritt earnlogt, reporU .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b.b,b.:..Ajl «kA
, and «u_*
vben ..completed
the K..iMlnw
buildiqg will
___ ________________
------ '
aibitdetk. bettuck a wet tpongc in
^ be cvcupiod by tteorge Uwatkint' meat
Ue eame pocket, forgelUng aU about
tba lime tbera. The tieam began to market
C. C Vaoderpool arrleed ywlerday
oooe out In tueb eolumee that the
neared teacher thought towethiag watt from (’oldwaurto.uke a poeition at
oaSrein the youngaur'a pocket, andI lilerk la tbr Bot. I Columbia.
9 vill be a tpecUl meeting of
patUag la her haad abe eaugbt bold of
' the Cnrpentrre'local union, next WedUa lime nod pulled It out.
bwband was bnrnad, and Ue retull neaday errolng in C ». IV S. ball The;
vat a erven iectun ftr the boy on bit bu.ldUigctwUaciorBaodearpeniert oftbe
Only^e housewife, who has a family to look after,
the household duties to perform, the ser\ants to
Mita Alice Kellb of WebaUr aireel
At Maruball. the Ualeenla borne for
Aged and Indigent woman will be com huareoeUed a 6oe new Kimoall piano,
direct, the planning of the meals, the marketing,
pleted by next tall, work to l>*gin tbv tbe gift of her parenu
and a hundred and one other things to occupy her
•prlng. The borne vaa founded by DulMIm Aarab Hrall of Weal BIgbtb
mind and demand her attention during the day,
oanla Oally. u reatdaot of Marengo, elreet. Uahlr to be out agala after a
knows what a terrible
mber, lyttt. leaelng a I ^
vbodlpd II
strain all this is on mind
bequetl of MiT.uuo in blit will for the
Miae Allima Cstc^ fa
and body, and what an
aeme. ^’ruper aUp* bare been Ukeo.
ul near ^xti
of a Kibool
aapeclal bill baring bwn paaead by the
immense amount of en
l^ialaiura. Tbe bequealka* luvrcaaed
ergy and vitality a suc
to.»ll.U(JU during tbe laai four year*.
cessful performance of
d toiaiaegi^.i
W 0 Nrleon of Uelaad in in the city,
these duties rcauire. Is
by eubeciiplion. The buildiug will
hick Scbomberg of Ubod Harbor ia
it any wonder,then, that
located Ju*i eaat of karaball In li
ren|o Tillage, and it can be lighted by In the city
many good wives have
electricity aad rec-elre tbe beneflu of
more work to do than
city water. Tbe ri<iaif«meuu for ad- Hay yceier.lay.
they have strength to
Senator .1. W Miltiken came up tr. w
mlmlOB arc that thu applicant
pciform? They find it
baretiu pn party, no on.- n-cpoi
>.e L»i..lng in*te»eping
impossible to give their
for bet care and be .in year* «U1 or
B. M siMih’ld came over from ManAn aduiliuncc fi-e of •Uki 1* charged, ton y.-*t««iay to *pubd Sunday with
household the attention that it
that to go to tbe treaanry.
hi* family.
should have. They must have
Cadillac wll. hare a new opera
Mr*, tl.. [lolbrrg and daughter idu
aijSistance, and
bouae. to be lueatcA at tbe i-urucr of will goto t'harlev.iix Monday to loln
Harrik and Hlbley aireeta. Tbe kituc Mr Uoiberg.
- tore will be :<«lt« ftwi aud w>l be
Ml** N.-r.y Koo/eobc.-k -.>t Frauktorl, *
after the oio*l apprureil piao*. with ik tbe goee. of MU* Mary Ue/>ele of;
. ilreat i-lrvla, pai.iaet, box.* and gal- 401 tVcHt Ninth kireet. .
lariee—weUopoUtiBU tn Svrry feature
Mr. aiui Mr*. Harv.-y Avv.x
It will be of brick and atone Urougb- leave thi. uM-rning for Uelr ue* home 1
will do more for them than any
in .Nea tiriraok
Tbe local emergimcy oommitwe alj ^r* K A. Ilalrea ill g.> U- ^.rand ,
other tonic they can take or
KalawaxiM.. wfalcb came Into ^xUtenew-ihi* morning to join her Lu* ;
anv other help they can get. It
at Uiecloae of Ue vvarlakl kummer fjr j bxiid Hr* Uaire he* beeu •pending
servant, for it increases your
Ue purpoke of oarii^ fur kick »ol.lier* |
tinier with IhV lemliy of her:
own powers. Just tr>- it for yourself.
on their return, ba* *40.1 on band •'I’b ] brother. T T hate.
wblub It intended to pay doctor billal Harry Kneeland returned ia*t nightt
to that Buiouut iui-urred in tbeir reiirf I
ibe Agru-i-miral t o leg.- at l.*n 1
work Since Ue legialature uiaie an ,tngaud will apeud h!* ten day* va-* ;
appruprialion lately fur Uiv v«ry pur OOB with bi* parenu. Or. aud Mr* i
puac Uc oummturr baa dvcidcii lu turn J. Kneeland.
tbr bill*over t.i Ifar pniper auUi-rili.'«
Ml** MiUbie WmhI ha* re'u.ued fn.u.
S «5 *-SI* Ss *«•«;to'br paid fiutu till* fuud. aud UM- the ln-lr.iil and ('lev.-••nd wli.-ieUe pur
tiiHi fur uUi.-r purpoMr*
cWed.pr.iig mi.ii-.ery.
At Hattie Creek Sarah AC Huiuwy
wife ut IIk' fai«-.a* uM abo!ilu>in*t Oic gu--»t of Si« fide. -S.. K S i-.ju.Braalu* Hui.ri. Jinl Tbunulay afur0." Umt'ii Strvtl
BOOoallUeagv.^t’‘i yrara
Shi- Da*
.lohu Leukfduf Alol Sfanog. .tr.
lived there aluue l*i'- Sue aud her
buaband eunduried Ue celebratril no.
lu*t l*ar.ii-d Oiat bi» Iwp -.nu-r* ar.
dergruuD-l r*li-» *y ataUuu ip that oil>
] l.ring at-Hukkeg.-n Mr i.euatd b»* ^
before tlie war, wbeie fugitive klave*
not *(vi) or lieard from bi» *l*ter* tiiice ,
were aecreu-d and put ou ibcir way
he enliatcd at Mukkegan in
^ V-ki\4komt itete Vxsve
wt ^ot
M 'S^Vso sonve S\iedaV "Ptvws.
____ _
A Faithful Assistant
T>0 TV0\ Wbt\ MTvVU \>ie \aS\ AAift Vb Wt A\\tTtV0«Tt. \0T
TOt V«^tT \v\Utv4\Vltm. awi A\
VbbbTtV TA\t 9\ »V»,
owT imtAbTist s\otV. \Vtt VtAs triXV bt bome’s^v»\
£ ^ToVtw- tomt batVa.
W. iMilliken.
liul we do liflievv in signs, wbeti lliev are
so coiivineing as those which pi»inl to the
iUcreaMtig deinaml fop onr "IIKST
. At Aibiou Mary Keeve*. a High
nehnol pupil, tried to commit auioidr BMt EalUmere Oytten
at tVU-'* rcatauranl
by the murpbioe route in achool Thur*day morning Some time ago it was
nolioed that abe aud agirl named Uar
vey were apendlAg money rvckica*!'
variuu* city grenn boukc* and elaewhere, and it wn* proved that that (be I
monev waa alolen Irvm tbe girl'kl
Maober. Tbediagruce waa too much I
WriM I
for the Beeve* girl and abe look acTcrali EVERYBODY
large doam. of morpolne wbUe alltlng i
atMrdekk. bbe will probably live.
No Trouble to Sell
Umugc yulck, a young farmer living! Qir C
north of Holly, baa begun auU aguinat j O C. C
tbe vUlnge for $M.(kM). Ue waa in
bleyole nceldcnt on the atreet one even
ing lael ewmmnr and aaaulaed a frae
tarad tkuU and Inal one eye.
geaaral auppoalUoa then waa Uat he
ran into another bleyelUt, but be
elaima that be waa tbrowa agaiaat an
At Bmlth'a Creak W. Baaalke, an old
nnldier, becaaa vblenUy lain we becaaae bin appHeatlos lor a paaatoa wan
n)eetnd. Me will ba takw to tbe aayturn at Kontlan.
W. W. MUlar'i bone which to driven
m bto delivery alelgh ran away lent
evening wiu CbarleaUetobnl. wbiln be
waa dallvering groeerlea. Tbn animal
atartnd on douu Unloa atreat aad after
tBralng tbe corner at Bigbtk atreet.
tbe aleigb eolllded wltfan tren aad atoppod but tbe bone ran on. Tbe driver
w« qalte badly abakw up but aala>nd.
TM alaigb waa demoltobed. Ibe
bane wae captured later bat tbi* to no
MW npmleaoe lor him. ae ba ba* giv-
Saturday will be the Last Day
Of the auit on sal-. Oo that day rale will be
from 1 p. tn. to 3 30 p m. only
The Entire Stock Uf The Fair
Tclephtmt- No. -r.
Auction! Auction! Auction!
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cufib, Hats,::^ap8, Boots
and Shoes.
3 to 16 years sizes—$1.25 to $3.50.
Rmember, People, this AucUoa Sale is a ohanoe of a
Ufh-time to bny good, Staple Merchandise at Auetioa. It
will alao pay marchanta to attend this aale. Remamhar tkM
antlre etoek mnat be aold in 10 daya Memewbsa the plae^
Boy’s Suits worth from $2 00 to $6.00—
Bnmian calf
He., M aad
ud Mack
UMk *u.
and vlei kid. with veatiBg. ailk
___ ____
on tbe
_ now
Oratoben laet
band eewed nroenea, Imltatioa tipped,
nickel boon aad eyelela. Tbto eboe to
for the yoM men who want eaaof'-
tie lhaatu.
iS.PITUl,ni Pnednlftnlii.
lit Vfuait ^raet.
Will be sold at Auction to the highest bidder
Nothing reserved everything must
be sold out in 10 days
From one hundred and fifty to two hund
BroMh Block.
red choice bargains left—Examine them.
Hamilton ClotlilngCo.
844 BTont Street,
I every afternoon at 8«) p. m- and at
700 p. m. aharp, but’fo^
nnd from Mnnb tl to
H. B.-TW Storu flxtom, Sbolvun. OnuntMU. Mlmeu. D»k. etc . for Mto,
nx KOBxaia Bxooxp. aitrpxnAT,jiAxaB a», uw.
' &««ver«V tlevst
Xatro4»o*4 tm luomUoa w« tb*
■nnwl 9t eiSM >• 4 «m « ■■cbm.
Th« Ulcfl«'
i'lrivM iMlevealBf ks Moouto*
f* j ^
Bo»h*r 4 of tb*
M- B.
• T>*(blifor»UL^ul«ti»«><SJ^r«^;8ud»y tebool. wm » f rMtf ■■ocwi,
■rtUoot claetlag ■ xaecMW U» t alt«d |
,oc4»Uy Md liiiMeixkly. A r«rf
a>Mk>r WtalMi i^e Md appr«elktif« »>dlMo« "*» I
;, At IIU!o»tl C*»Ur.‘Ihlo. AuaC K*tle , pr**«jl M»d ihe rKMipW amcmawd W
fir"*!------dlad Tbunda; 4( tbe (tip. | aboot WS
„m |.u jM/a. 4he «m the oldeet
A cbarniac piaao m>)o hj BIm Jom«oMa U the WotthB'k Belief C.rpt ia plnae Veder *ra* U>e ftret aumber oa
-the UaUed huua
»be profFem had ^ luHowed by eel-
Uneeda Biscuit
Fresh, crisp and dainty.
When Un^da Biscuit
mn r.uni»c *o Tluini^llk O*.. oor..l, cnupcal ol
«.» J.k7l yiU«l,ll.r«»l»nl.k ,»|Cy,pk.ll. li~rc»“
^eted the preeldeaf* cutter, aad,WiB*a*.
]Um ■■■ o' the b*rk ThfelU. the lr»l; The Howard brother* faeored *rtlh
> do Ule hoBor. wae preaeatet to Mr. AaBdoUa aod guitar duela
Tbetiigglei faoiUy troca Pui»pkla
HMlRidae. VrriBOBl la which there
Ibe Mieeloaary aad wile reported
amrdered la Sierra Leoae. Weet dfrUa. tertaiaed with a chapter from tbeir
an beliered to haee been UaUed llTca. Thi»otn»letedof«oelc. redla-
Whenever you are hungry.
tioaa aad oomlc dialogue*.
» rweatly
The following youag ladiee from
Mew Orleau iteo uoiued to eaow clBBk 4, were the ecompllebed daegbthat whea the batry etom atruch lt j^„/ Mi—a Marie U.«..n, Cora Miller.
reeahUy it fouad iterlf omaUe to eom-;
Haioee, Mien:* Uubbell. BBe
pel oitaeoe U> eboeel of! their *1^®-' hr*ton. Mona rthield*. Bertha HrieWl.
walbe. for waatof a loedl »«»*»“«•, ana HotehUa, May I'eok. Opal Uobb.
to tkat eSeet The deelred ordlaaace:
li^rdBer. Leaa Wollul. Ida I>jI- ]
M BOW eapeeted la abort order hl j^^y
in. Lottie Cook
Look aod
tb.ngk it *ay act be aeoeeury to ea-1
fone it for half a ceatury.
| *fc,i,able family.
The manual report of the departineot j pui*«rix -d rjro aurrueaded by aweet
of Itidiaa affair*, juat iakued. abowa'
of cow wa* acrved a* rcfreab
that. ooBUary to penerhl belief, the' mgai.
Indian populiUou of Oaoada ti* iocreaa-j
----------------------- —•
Where Uneeda Biscuit
populaU'iB ia*i year U gitea at loo.wi.;
----------- -j
aghioet uv.tvi for the preceding year. I g|j^ Margaret Xoudoa Intrcduced |
Because good digestion waits on appetite.
Wherever you are.
Uneeda Biscuit
Th. k.ui;(|(um0TfBs OF IITERITURE.
e Ohaitaiod Social
, lala great atralu lor food aod
aamuBltioa. He baa only d.ouo Sght-.
One of the moat unliiuepertie* of the
lag men aa^ i.ooo rebel*, while be la
aocial aeaaon to-ik place last creuiug at i
baaipered by aoeoormoaafoUowiag of
the borne of Mr. and Mra. William |
WMUea and children. Maey of hia folLoudon, on WeaCB'ghth etreel. Tbeiri
lowera are anklou* to deecrt.
dauKbler. Ulaa Margaret Ljudou. ea-1 —
CMpUin T. L Mualonof the eolua- terialacd aU.ul taculy lire
toereugineera, Urepurledtobare
i fri,nd* in honor of her birthday aoniThe aouthern cumady dram
PO..r.l I. ILr ,™ r«,..o, lb. Ku.n.l , ____,
jtbe Suaanei.- K vcr." which waa pred.
h.ibo,. lb. 1«»The rooiidenla of inrilalion* were laentrd in SU-Inberg'a Urand la*’night
. U»B of the keyboard uaed to deairoy , •ijueKted to represent the title of^naa bugi-ly W j .jed by a largeaudi' the Maine
•••'-b«,*b>k—either by Jrcas or in loau-lence. Tiie pjAy la one l-J appeal to
'lAe friphtfol epidemic of typhoid;
The Wea was fully arpreeiaU-d, j „Bc a lendereai aym'patk.v aod the
, , IB Pu^tlphia
I'liUadtlpliia u-^u«d
u'jau*^ by im-L_____________
iui-i earned ont. and
the dliT
rimt eoMuuie*_; .b.,...,
axaging was ex.ellent.
............. . Special.^.-^-eoe
, pure waUT. Ibe r\^crtolih are la « »o,|, i.<,n,j,»rcd wi- 1 w:lh thu rariou* ry *-arc reali»m;lo the aouthern ■« • ci«a
Alltay e-odilic.n alin *\ beyond b»-l.cf. I work* of lUoiHute and prlacipai char- *n.l liie c.imp*nv was a Biie’.v balanced
The bottoms of IwaiUb arecoterod with 1
- ai'»-r.-g*tion'' irach individual eharao».«lui»y o. ai> tiliKd with uojiiou* organ-;
oincr llis'.iuEs and Winified u-r »ak t-i.-elleiKly pn-iravi-d aid ex
tarns, a isuigli-iarcated mixture of Ud- J Kuller, aa "The Workers,' carried off cept .'iiai histri..me ta.ent " bdiaplaj
•SeeUrdayV Litl e Bia»-
The Sre drparlmeat
y.-aierday morning to vx'lngo«ah al
h ate in the old tigle building « n
K»at t*-Hint street The Ure ongical.'o
fivui a defective cUininev The dam
age »!. mW am -uut to *;f> WiUi»m
. .. . .Vucj-i oe t^
;p«*j jy i;orj
e dye 'wt-rs' •
Veil! uwl bi- lu'Crrupied
prKlu.,,., .silt .r
. n'
th-.1 nr-
dead d*h. Tbe reaervuinr have not'
xrophS* Wing two clogaut pieturt k , piae la a thread ol teuder aentiiuent
bes-o cleaued for yeara and the water <jf
hay aod Ihi-p-i insula road.
Inflmarred bv eoar»e cietueptt which,
ia nearly a* black aa tar
The gcnllemaii's piiz?. a Iwautifol jofiea tpoil a really good production, j'i.io'
Ib eiew of the deatruelioo by tire of i bound eolome of ila.-au'y'a work* wa* : The dialect was correct aod the ceive r. 1 ef
. tbe Wlndaor ho'bi 1. Mow York city.that awarded to Tom Wilhelm, who was jacene* admirably depicted. Tbe plot of
• dreaaed aa • Huckleberry h'inii." The the play lio'is the audieneo with thrill. ;
j,. g Wait, druggist
the queation of the exila and fire
ling interest and the climaxea. whil ■
oapeant London botela and uaasiouk books reprvaented were:
The Pathfinder -Umis Webber.
i intenae. are not impoaslble ajtuailons.
will bf brought before the London
Huckleberry PioB—Tout Wiihciiu
I No part was uverdoue and the work of
coasty eouoeil-
.AH. BKUWN. suoiner snu ISo
A marble block weighing aooiething
tjjeen of Hearts-Lulu fa kin*.
iproval TEe Fountain C.ty aegrOjQ. i*«
over loo.ooo pounds, baa been aucceahA How of Orange Ribbon-Ed Tbtrlby quartet.
mposed of fine voiwa. ren-, **
tally reoi-.TOd from a noarry at Marble
dered a SCI ies of melodies in tbe third ; |^iKB iNrit'i
A Uopeteik Caae- K-ljel Oibba,
am: <hk . and started oa lu way to
act and it waa with d.fti oUy that they *
An Endless Chain-Cora I'lereon.
Mew Y.irk. Tbe marble U almost pure
were finally eoabled I
R.iae la Bloom—Iterlba'Hurley.
white'and measure* -J7 feel f iocbea
low the p'ay to go o_. -- -----------Tbe Deeralayer- Win Bennie
Imc by 4 ft«el » lacbe# wide, and U be
-STOi Or..,.
The Lilac Sunbinnei-Mias Baesett. .«ir«i Tru»d.u
lieved to be tbe largest block quarried
Blaaaoms. " aad for an encore gave "Aa oni -vs iw« Tuoun.or wuea. si« rruui sirvei.
The Koatman-Alvla Smith.
ta muAeru limea.
^ *!?‘ The Workem-Urace Uaatluga and tbe Sun Went Itown." Id tbe last act
«ume Egyptian boaU made of cedar.
Mias .-IV.------Stella Mayhew rendered---a------fl=e :-^7.
Winifred Kut er.
W'» wei.1 of .ae rir mua r«r ?ooillj««»
^bably 111 os.* some 4 job year* ago.
character sketch. Altogether the at ,uow.
ia»fd .J tvusi.w Kaim.in.ua
Hen Hur—Urace Corbett.
have been found buried near tbe banka
traction -as one of theWtof the kind ^
bi.wke. Pb.ms. a.ww and uf
Lsaib'a Tale* from Shakeapeare—
of tbe Mile. And furtiiab an Interealiag
seen here in a long lime and the com
h. <-«.»«. *,t..roe, s-.c i
David Jlvkling.
prow! of the power of that wood
m. Wu iiSI.-e^. onj itprrs
The Original Kell-Ueorge Chase.
withataod the ravage* of time.
dience regretfully
Song* of Seven Scaa—AUco Wail.
- - - - - -watched
- . the cloaing I ?”'**'**^‘
A walnut tree was cut down last
Oliver Twlat ,-Hilda drawn.
laomie. M. Suit abonld be commended j p«. *^^^^ a‘*^i;Ut>Ay rrauu.^^^
week in th» Wood*' farm ia Wabash
Locke', llumau L'adcr.tandiog-- for hU choice of a opiipany in auch a
------------------Uounty. in.t . which measured w feet in Flora Caldwell
creditable production.
|/-vilbbkt a uatw.auon>*>> (tpec>»^»>
-Vr «eui.oataPr..i.u-pTacUve. K4Mm>»aa<
circumfereuc* at the base aod tin feet
A Sad Miata'ue—Herbert Somera.
I lo.Hnr.oii> l..,BI.« >i _ ___ ________
ho the flnl limb.
Eaat Bay Ti ket
Heavenly Twin*—-Margaret Louden
HufUngion. a anburb af Btvaton. a and Nellie l.ardie.
vbclK.at Bav -Republican
tvBiarkablc rural borough, but fifteen
Under Two Flags-NiUHughee.
-eaicrday the following nomioaiK-n*
fotle* from Us^tun tXimm'Hj. relebraird
The Whim R «.e-MaePieraon.
- t wer.-m .de lor lowoahip oKcerv:
«hr KiOlli aunivjraaryof Ito fl-*l*eU'«Making a newapaper waa anothero. Chandler.
*wotons..nday. Mar -b 1'.'
lu popu- novel feature of ruUrtainmenV
; Ucik--L A Thompson,
lation has lu-reased only Ihtrly-nineln
At about U to o'clock the gocai* . ^^^..urer-Kdwlo Black
the—far of Ointy-aixyea.^ Although
uV.ea aid ;
lull term-K’-.,^ M
KK tn •
k» near a great city. lhr|il*-e »»»*■'.*• treated to dainty rcfrcabmeols pre-i^i^^ H uck''
■ VV , *:i«.u.<.a.ix»t.ilw..
a., tent, in appearaacec u*a-ffrown |
J.vtu.; of the peace, to fi.l vacanevb*‘^«iviit
j Afiet this game* took the lead and
I'be ti-*ir tawn oM.iberty in Ih-kalb | nieafs (»r amuM-isent were aerap^l'y; t\,nimiss-i«er ol higbviaTi.—W
- tsuiply ^•-po.. has bi-en *lm->»t wiped funhes mitig as the dcmsnd.
^ .hemsphya cycl'me whjeh sw.-pi; Loudon proved U> be an ex«ilent bcwl-J
inspe-lor—David Kiynsh.
| x , a. tmiMPSON. M I- ■
over It T'.ursdav night. Tree* were iear and it Waa a laic hour before the,
p,„rd of revi.a -iohn N.
UF-'ooU-d sihI houMw dfstroyrd in all | c-n.panv dlsp.-raca
A baoos.uue go d fourtade.
i «-'
The Christian ehun-llt a;wa-cband chain w-av p.-wwoied Mar-; .coustahlta Charlta Seldon. Frank
baitd«»U‘r brick alriR-turo. wa* blown • garet by her parents.
Weathers, Fhilip Feigtr, Chris Lam- g mB.ir--»'^"i'
'«nple.>ev Mu fauULes are reported........... ............... ........
T si>iKs iv-mn/
Uujlitf. Solid leather, Low Pricesend Rig hi Styles
fa.KT. SlT"JXV ^
UUVe s\n?es ^
ave so wo)lw ttvts
Bemartmni* Beaoua.
■ bill, for Chamberlain'*
WillC.une la teacher. A couple |!^7gh IWmedy Mver'wia“to Mr*“‘“lt Y^IHL WAST«t>-wui t*f •«
Mia. Mivha'-U'arUln. I'lainfieid. 111., which
of alelgh load. «>» Joung gmopledrova ,^
makw Ute aUtemeot that ahe caught
; and worth—D. 6 Mearkle, Generali---------------------------------------- ---------------— 1
*0ld. which settled on her Inaga: she fiowB from the city to attoud.
inch ; Merchant and Fbrmer. Mattie.
mas tmated for a month by her family
Bustob lUore
physician, but grew worse. He mid
b, U.. .udl»«.
^ S’.Srtou"'’-''''
bet ahe aas a h.'pi l<«a victim of con- ,»J.;.d
.Vh.ul. Wtou~r. bo-...,.l. — d^Kto.- ___________ __
BumnUou and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. found that onWo! the leama wa* miaa-;
Ifii.g'B Sew l>iaeoverv forOoBsumptioB. lag.
...^ _____
An Inv^iigation
showed that Ue ,
.„a lunebea eerved
• ah^Wtht a bou'e and «rher delight
They were
at the i^een City £e«
duund herself ben. filed from the first.
T" * J
opened and ready for busitu
Shi ooPllnued iu use and after. covereid uyer and one ofthcJi
uking .1* boiUea. found heiaelt aound i touad to bd quite aetere.y cut.
•t.,1 writ; now does her own bouse-.
^q^Ked Kobody v _
,DI-W .
at Queen City restaurant.
Just re-; xtai
opened aad remodeled b7 F- C. Cook.' Jv p'vk
Fine order cooking.
Lv at the drug atoraa of S. B. Walt «> kRe c‘V ®“
A W M. iratu.
J.'l JiAaeon Utrge botUra SO
-------------------- -----OpnAlllflght
|*aiu uA gM& baud
The Queen City Mentonrant. First'■
Teut LbUm
atDueenCUy revtaarauv Juat rcotoH order eooU^ nad Hina Innebea. I po|
^hlnr to leu-n »be mHllnery Wade
opcoed and mmudalad by F. ^0^ •
. „u „..
The Old Reliable
118 Front Street.
.Blaml *'■KKiti.ot peraonom. nearly all:
„ „r .
We bate saved • many doctor billv grom *»»-».
1. is.v.rsH^«l*t bomo.
i Oopleaaaht Mxpener c< of a IravaiB*
--------------- .. ■ ■----------------------‘ •
City Oompaov at Beltner. ;Cough Uvtoe.iy in our home. We keep'
■The roll, rt sutea U Inadlag Ureal j
to Britner • holt;.-open all the time
iue and
suu •
•* henueu • '
Levi T. IVnnington wea
Britalu lu tbe race for the worldb com
r mvaelf iwgin , W .
aat night and del
"Bdueational Foi
<•' :
?l\io \TV fD^s afv4 ’(1^^^^C0T4S.
afv4 'va tDlhXXs w Xabfi ^Wvrt
or miVvauX
Tnew Vow
50c to SV.50
6xt Sa\o
Sa.Wr4aia ^onv-vw^.
1 Tmt-No 889
V—iM of BUU^ InotdtaUons
Four FaiMM Orvnaiad ta » IlMkphia
▲Uint Fim<U.
WiU . Kake
Stand at Halabon.
Maaphla. Taaa . M»r«b <4 Fmir
'( at laMt I'M! thMrlln ia » dr#
ttorlea of latimidaUoa br AruiaalAo
r boaaa thU
Md Bmm OonmittM Will at Mra. Nolan's 1
aad ValM Beporta of Vic'once to
TWU tkm-lUrq««lto Will 0« aioratar. aad it U f««r«d t»at atill aa’ othnr, boa'dtrr pnrisbad. ftnvaral other
tedaoa Babela to Ftebt-Batieea
tlM «•« OtoW WCITBUI I
> iBBataa ot the boaae irara aerioBaly laWaaiTiaf ortbeBtrac«>«*aA FatUa
tAUrr BiU JUm
to Aaertoaa Boidlaia.
The dead are: Mra. Cbaala, ateaoaa« LaM <m tta TaMa.
rrepbei for Bradrtraet'a acraej. E07
Manila. Maioh at.—Two Spaalah
Ohaola. ared to; Chaatar Chapla. afod priaonar. who eaeapad Ires Polo to tba
tABalBf. March as —Mkblcaa'a SoSoiith.
laaa .m eiaJt the l nl.er.lt, at Aaa,
„v«owa *o».n la aUalaf a*i Uaea of tba Eaaaaa refiiaeat. report
that U« Plllplaoa bare eoaeeatrated
Arbor apOB iBTitatloa of
, u I. feared that .He pertebed.
Anffall Whlob waa aooaptad.yraterda, .
_____ __ .«>»'«•
.Tor'e rteaowapbU
^olo. Tbe,
<mChaa»barUW.re«dotlo.. I.T -bleb , „
t.dlT burned about tbe head. 1
that «il, Aruln.ldn'. bodrra.rd
the daU of thriunhet wae fixed lor,
*• •* BeloSa and that the rebel trader,
I. ileep^or in a >
April 7. bat wllboat pa, or w'lMca.
by t’be 'oiaekllooof;*'*^^*^ intend to »uhe tbelr forTba IcflalaUva aalarr bill
— —
and loond
her bed
all -____
ablaxe._ i°» » flrbt at Malabon. If de
aaothar torala, ow by tba Hooeo.,
tbroorb a window ,to tbr ' **»*«*• '» *• Marled, tba ret'bela4«tend
and B^ooaaTaraltim«aa«aadrd.aodfloan,|^„„j_
to tbr ewawp. and
dbflrnrrd and then kaockad o»t’.^al^aed iBtoraaHa^>'“*
of tk* rin,bf ayoUofSO yea. to »»';jori*a.
,**olea ia the front, brl'eyln,r tb^abr
ibuloinen'. ebarnu will erert bnll^.
aa,*.. Tbrre U email pribabliiy of!'*
the two and a quarter ralUion people
bo|r. preatly outnumber tbr nfl ■■
of tba ataU acrcela, to plre them a!
vAllLu VuEiBnlLUi
.jin their hand.. a*lary while they'ara unable to arree j
------------j Tbr Kpenierd* here corroborated the
aa to bow they abail Uke It- The b II jUaa a Wna Taam nnd Fnrm nlufiva cf food eborU^ amon^ ibr rrhae. boaerer, raeonelderad aad laid
impiemen S.
cbluntrere and Twmi v
Flelabaaer'e bl 1 to prereat the adui^
'aeeond re^ular.'Tdarcbed to tbr from
tarattoD of rrouod feed with oat bull* Baraof John SebuBchal Toull,»a-^today. The Third and itr.enteuib
pi-i-d IhT -------Sbrpberd'a bill recatroy<^ by Fira Loot Mifht- Baar^ , recimeate have diremberked from the
aUiinc the oaaehlaer, for acquirla,
L-m Wtlh Wo loeuraace.
| Sherman Omera! OiU'b.i,»de etrueV
t«x tltlra wae paeaed by a rote of 10 to
John Keh.nck.r. ham, twrlre mile. !
aad an earl,
0 after bain, amended in oommlttee of
aontb of town wae totally de.tro»edJ “°T‘'
the whole, flonee bill • by Chweer
Our store will present a different appearanci:
The entire west side will b„* devoted to a new
line—a sure winner.
To make the necessary room we are slashing
prices on books.
Look at this:
DICKBN8. 16 ▼olome*, cloth
8HAK£8PBABb'7 FOlomrs, duck
8C0TT'8 W0BS8.18 volumes, half BotaU
SCOTT'S WUBK8.12 volumes, cloth
THACK'EHT. 10 volume*, cloth
QUO VADI8. cloth.
Pall the caril
aad |ioa
Mu.'i br M>ld in 4
liaire a Ruffle.
HIILEY & “City
the popular
Linen Saie
The Newland is the swellest out'—Kracefu.) in
• ?-liajH-,.finest in quality and jK'rf. ction f*f make-^comJ es in all the new c«>lors---pr:ce is ^1.50. ^2.5iL $3.00.
• |ii iTum
frafi-rtia' eomp>->lei paM ••.•m«,r77 In
The oleomarirerlre bill p*.afHl the
1o.k»« «ed veeeieed a2."7T.071 4n mortu
*ei atehy a fOUr of -17 to I The ernate
ary a*»-r*«rieat».
ttjtifirmed the pomimtloB of J. 1). Caa
The f-e’erpal a-ko-iken-'* of Michi
well, of lUy City, for atat« »all.
gan alone bk*e tM 3-.c.‘ fw>liclea. repreln»paetorlof two yaara from Jan
’ I aentiniT Sfu Stk ^flo in forre
___ _ _________
mj .^1,. ik.i«.
Itok. .Hrt T~n.ll, TWlnl Ik. km.
potad altea, haa uaani»ou»ly rrportad
tha Marqaauv bill. wUhnat amand-
„ ,..d.r Rk. fc, A.loklk.
Sdl™. Tk. led mi
a.K.k.. ol Ik. K.w
l-rodo*. Ok . Ik. ‘
„„ „
Mathiak Mowera, an old pioneer of
Blmlra townabip. died yettarday of
Coaaldaratlun of the hi'l for the ra- lua, trouble near Lake Ana. Deoeaaad
. paa1 of the eb'wed fi»h aewaoo Haw baa ' wa* T-: yean of aye and lr**ea a wife.
led fiy two week* by the two aonk and a daughter. The funeral
■onat*. ao the Mua<ora oaa atad^ the I will be held Sunday mornlnfr from the
qur«<ioe a HtUe more.
| Oriatt chureh
Kolb bonw* adjjnroed to V p m.
Monday alyht.
oyatera alwaya on band at
a raytaar
FiratelaM meai*ana luocn** aarraa ) ^.T^TIT
•t ch* guMB -Jity Rmtaamat. »».
M at IWa raatawMl. •»-«
ppaaad aad read, tor haitaaai u» il'
Fushionali'f i )uifiui;rs
• ^-m.ww4kw*
-aa •••• ^ -wa •
C^lcl 3 icy clew
Made Like New.
If you warn » «ur ot,t wh-^; i„ l^bk a%i;<>-s1 a« n.- r li-iiitf It Vo B. K. Oibba,
:a’l me up by 'i‘!» mt- Sd- llfl. and 1 w.il call an-i^i-t your wbecl.
,, III repair.
re|i*ir. ena-H-l
an-1 'decorate it'^np todat-. f >r a’itti>-exi>enke. rteU
and kee aamplea of eaemello,.
31'.' I'niop
ion St . •ipp'>i.;lc> r \ W M depot
H. E. GIBBS. Proprietor
Ten Tear Contracts
A Puzzler!
Made by Michigan 'IV’cprioae Co.
for any claae of »-ryice doilred.
Subscribers May Caacel
end of fcix moniha or c-hanpe
to any r'aea of kervice at will.
Telephone the manager to call
and exp'ain new rate* adopted by
the company.
It puz/lcs many to under*
stand how we can sell tbe '
finest of footwear at such
low Tiricc-s. Come in and
we win vxplain how we do
it. Y<*u need no longer pay ,
snch exorbitant prices for
good, reliable shoes.
Michigan Telephone Ce.
Gasoline Yachts, -Row Roars, Sailing Craft
'We are satisfied
small profits and quick sales.
ProvidcHt Llfc
No finer stock of footwear Was evef received in the
and Trust (.onipany city than that we are now sh.'win^r^
if 1‘hiHiavlphia
Men's 'tne Vici Kid Sho-8, latent t0 9S. fiU“8t stock, black
'and tuup, worth $453, lor $325. Sdcns la VesUog Tops,
T. Prnniii^T .n.
Aifl worth $500 for $3 60.
Tr»,Tr~< ■!.. V;. b.g.t,_______ ,
Goodyear Welt tjalf skin shoes, superior stock, latest
toes. $2.00 to $2 50. worth ft om $3 CO lo $3 60.
Our cheapt-r lines are r, cord breakers,
.kl. l-«mr i.u J-.1 1. ..Id 1.1.
pul ik« comBliu. Id Ik. wkkl.
ll.«,ii.ii.fc...oklfc.««m"'- ik.iK,.„„
to»llo. .1 Ik. prop«.d k.w .Ul. .... ]
„l«,k«l. Tk. oim.lU—«.«!.«■ j
It’s well to remember that (vervlliinj; is new in
f this store. No old stock to work oil.
) thylnnlaakylumin»te«d of bayla, { Bsalad to C'dar &«n b, A V*tBai
them iraokferrad M heratofora from]
for Vhlob Ba Meaelfed•llA.eff.
nm oi.» u,lum 1. ..Ick 111. c lull:
New Caps for men, Ixty's and children,, in Eo• jrlish plaitls and French strijies. ’3c
I ^. “-.1..nb ,,i
jOTial bint, the Wll wa* uaryed loto;.,^^^^ of fl.q vC? ip Ih* amount of, “loaldo’* army It i* belieyed that
fanUatlc khapea and finally all *'1^'| 1(m*« ipnireed.
I after Oeaeral Oil* baa
the eaaetin, clauae ktrlchen out. Only; The eley^ ■o-Met,l aak'x-iatlnnk of • next blow the InturfreBl, army, aa an ;
after the mnat heroic effort did Mr. j
.iprlnr ! orranlzatlon, will cea^ to exlat. The
le the hou*e to refuae to', the year and had in force ................
,he doe I new movement, it i* undemtood. will
oernunr and yaci>mmti the bill to »•»* j rf the year 4*
the nnmWr of pol.lbea
lead-and watar attack.
jjint commlttne on labor atsd .agricol- tel.* which rwaned to be in force beingr! Ihoujh the Da»y’a part will not be partore.
: tieutarly prominent <>eneral mi* Has
The frkternkl a»«rylaHoB. of M'cHi-iProcuced .ihineen «runboaU formerly!
„ pract‘Ckl riemoti«1ra'ion o. __
populariiy c.f tl..i fr.-eluach wa* pieen.Vkii a-d •••Her ««,tek aoinc hukln-k« i
k.v the Spanikh jr..»crniu«nt. and
wiicn Ri-pre- here wio« 47 l«t o Heie*.
lieie*. havir,:
havirya face ’ Tkcae will play an imp-’TtBDt part in
4a the lobby of tbe hoo-41 when
-arntaltte l)*.vl-i»fC:iat<-o. t*h. ik ihr »»'’ie of yikn.son. du-iap the tear.
pretldrnt Of a i-he«be faitory, pis-hetil-. Tlie t>tim'b'-r of tv lloiea of rhf« ebarne- .........................
ed a hurre 'heeke for free dikthbulinn ' 4-r in foeoe a> tb»
of (he r*ar wa'
220 Front St.
j Hat Elegance! j
Tr. hr«d of e.ttle . fine teem
0,.lr„.b UbJl., oI lb. b«.«.om.
; b.V.. lb .
I„„ ..d
atlltaeoa reoaral laxatwo announoe. .
^ oumberof nej» term Imnie"here be nrei.. ui.<l Irianilf m '
Ibbllb. public b^rlbO
.,p,,t„,'lcb.rulOli, H, p.,c ihc .lu.c,l,.„j
prnridliv tor the'Uxatluo of all cor ,
n«n other bor.e wa
*11 ih- lof •-u itim
he pnwb-'ine.l rcb.’ard'nit the !«iMir,'riit '
pnratlotik In tb« ktawi on the pl*u al
badly burard.
pr.i»eat empl -Ted relaUee W bkoke,
rrril iinlU the forro*. and told rnuarksbU- t>U>ri>-A • f
Tbs tJ'.- wa»
Will baylu la Rrpr««poUtire I’all
the .TOe'ty tod decej.'i.ui pr». ::i'i1 l-y
'I Ijllb-rt-jr
intfrior waa *11
aU »ip'lbr-’
ablaro «ll*i
und when tbr
' A^uii’al.tii *Md bit aMihiani li-aiUrTh«r<a*y rreolof. Apfil .1 It U«.|
diMVbeyr^ fhry'
boieid1 ,h,i
that ibi.
tbl. b.ii
bill .111
will .iir.pl
auraci a-.
1 order U> keep up
l.rpe Duuibpr of cirparplinb rrpn..rtt |
, f-. hop.
’'"'“rr.-.U. n
UllTl.wbo.r> lplrr«lrf Iblbb.b..
' Tb,,. .r-, .rr..r.llPB, l„ 'lor-rpn.
,r Jrlr.1 ol .1
V.l.arl.. b-l.r,.
,»ll .rb b,,p
... „ I.. i .pr„pl.. .rrnrd w.lh M.u.-., ...I
Ttam .1 ,l.„io.,'dl..,«..lob lb lb. ,
_Hbb»...o.l.rlb. r..r.l.ll..
i K..lp«to.., brl.... U.bll. .,.d
by Moore (if St Ciair whtub. after re-.
eiti.e,ap«cltlaallyyarioua larfe appro-1
'irlaUoaaatked'forat IbU aemioo l>y:
I and ihr idra of iud.-p -.DdsaiM. Thrv
moni than halfs aaore of aU** laatl
I ary firhlios •imply oadyr fear of death
totloea. daelarad a Bacaaal’y for fullerj
I BaporU
Valenc e
Buaiaeaa of Life and FraUraal
laformatioa aad aothoriMxl the wayeH
aaya the people recoyulze there I* i
« lu ylait the vari-j
' hope battlicg ayaiokt the Americaof.
*ur laaUUitloBB. The Juakal waa Sualliaaalnr. March 24 —laauranee Com- j but they dare aot refu«e to fi,ht. H<ly parmiliad by a rote of &t to 21.
mlraioner Oarapb-'l ha« ia.ued a pre-j belierea that the iaaurrection will colThe Uoow Copied a ooeurryol re*- Itmlnary re|K>rt fthnwinr the bukiseiw 1 lapee wbea the Amerlaau troopa adolutloa looklas Vo the earllMt poaalble Irauaacled iaMlehlran iMt year by tbeiraDce. amaahla, the luiunteat force
OomplelloD and dellyar, of the coplea life iBkuraaee enmpant** which were | and expoaios Arolaaldo'e falae atoriea
authorized in traoaaet bnaineM in the i of rietoriea.
aad oouBty ofieere of the aUte. ao that ■•ate. The anrrevate bu«loeM ftf
nf thei
the ' The people bare
hare beeareduced
jnUleea may not be decidinc eaiiea up- nid Hoe compan’e*
to tlarery by tae aatire leader*.
Valoo law* lone *toc« ebaafred. amraded PnlU-W iwued. BV>7<ri.?U3: poHcicp ia | eacia'* story ik o mfirmnd by erery per.1__ |i
or rapaalrd.
force ItryemHer .11. SI44 T2J.-V2:; premi-1
*on ..^.....1..^
eacaplur Stab
in to our llnea. 'Hie AmerA good illualratloD of what may bapraceiribd.
lna«e* in > >cap» are reel c emaaeipxtlnfr the
pea a* a rrenll Of a lluio
: f„rred. |i rik ii:. Tompared with iha ^’»e* from tyranny worae .than thatof
ed ia thceommliteeof the whole "la
4he prey'oo. year ihere la'8p*‘«llye to R-preaeatatly* Croaby'k
i„creu«i „f a2.4.«.,fi«T in the' ft la uoderkt..od that within a week
itceatlD* borae aboara.
•»’>»'<* j »n,nopi of,^'i-iek Ukued. go IM Uii in 1 or tea daya‘Seneral Oiit will be able
to amend, to apply only to horara that
«mooni of poHeW in force, ati:. to heelp the norement which Aa
$4 90
1 46
6 StO
6 40
4 30
14 oenta
String.,. Imperials, etc.
Derby and Soft
Hats, Some desirable new things.
coats at prices to suit all purses.
Spring Over-
New Spring Goods arriving daily. Call and
a$k to see them and learn wbat p6>ple are weariog
for the coining summer.
The Famous
Shoe for
Thar are comfortahle.
The; are the ladies choice.
TTX Hossnra
MOEBllfO UOOBP. klUCM. ABdUtopApvwiUwbalt to;
IM rMtet wh*4A» lAo A»»»* Ak«M te [
MA AOMAtad bjr • *«>ffof«k utAcoaiotie <
' TBATKMK orrr. . «iohioa]i ■firit whleA AboaU mw oet«r lato a I
polltloAl eoAlroTAray. Or whattaar j
aoeh tAcUaa to«mtda iMMMbla «iu-1
mm ata Aot worth; tea naaotmeot |
W. BAna. AA4)
eiiitaa. ao BAttrr what ma ba the;
#, W. Bajisaa. ICdiior kbd Mamcw eoaplraioa ol hia oolitcA
AliUea bara aot '
thU pApar. bat tba eontaat tct Judge
baa baaa aoedaatad alOBg tba lisaa
wbieb kboald
» rapauble a
pa oar.
Om OiMBuroA
Tba Damocratie orgao baa aoagbt to
witrrflaeUoaa opoa the booeaty. ta
A. ia.Ft«0»AUMi
— - - - i tarrlta and charaatar of Boa. Krad W. ;
j Mayna. by rrprodueUoaa from aaotber
I “ Trawrae
I p*p^, TbeJSapubliean oADd^data baa
______ jriaao Ab..»e'‘theaa alaodc
tioDA and bia blgb moral cbaraetar an 1
1 mtaaat fltaaaa for tba offira of Judgr
Ciarlero.A. lacloding the clergy, the
couaty ofBciala. tbe aillage oeancil and
Bor Joatica of tbe buprrve U url,
the pbyaiclaoa of the rlUage. al%3 citl '
AAODIOB H. UEANI of Uoagbtoa. laa* prumlD^otamPOg‘l><mocrau and
, Kepo'lidAOtalfba. Hen« tba BdJ'oni*
xsoobs satukdat, kabcb as. laeo
Shoe Up
The Boys.
the food mor« deTfcioifS and
wIl^-w behard.ibatth.baat Inu-aaU
ol tba ;
OOIe HICNHt B. I)KAK of W^laaaw,
by tba elevOOL. BU a. ht: r IPS of.WayBA
with our
^Salamander Shoes
’ UbrtB XJeckar Bad a Banow Baeape
From Banoua Injury.
Cbria Decker, as employee at tbe
; Trarerac City Lumber COmpauy'a aaw
. mill, sarruwly aacapcd aerioui injury
’ Xhuraday afternoon. While working
' beaide a trimming y>blr tbe alerre <-f
h;a coat caugbi and waa wound up ia
tbe machinery. A few altgbt bniiiea
and a badly torn coat are tbe rt-aulu.
They are as near waterproof and fire
proof as leather can be made.
Hundreds of boys and youths wear
them-and are always well shod.
Bucklana Arnioa Baire,
Tkk But Balvb is tbe world tor
Cute, Bruiaee, horce, I'..-era, Salt
• Kbesm. Ferer Borea. Tetttr, ChapT^
Banda. Cbiiblalna. Corna. ai d ati
Bmpiiosb. and poaitireiy -urra Pilaa.
or so par reqi
to give perfec
feci aatUfaevioi; or money
refusdea. Price IScenU p- rboa. For
O. JoheacB anri.K «■ w»‘t
Price is ?t>1.50 and $1.2$.
tics of Mr. Uayaa to tbe cffloa' of cir-;
cult judge.
Wbea tbe Eagle aaaaru that tba peo
BbrChKMUdadge. 1»tb Jadieial Circuit.
Front Street.
Tliv Popular. I'p-to^dnle Shoe llouM
ple wii: Dot be daoeired. It aaya truly,
IBBD W. M A YM£. of CharlaroU.
and we Brnily beliere that aneb Isault- [
log taetioa aa adopted yeaterday by Ibal
fct Oooaty OommUaloaar of Seboola.
p*per.wlll moat tbe oopdemoallon they ,
Iraerea asd tbat when tba rutaa ura
oonsted it will ba funod tbat Fred W. ;
Mayoe baa boas elected by iDteUlgeol|
For Mayor.
rotara who .reaent alanderoua
' tbe Trarerae Ctty Krpubitcana ahould |
Fraak BamiUoa.
palgs metboda.
anpporl the nemocralic candidate, who
For CUy Oark,
reaidea at tbat place. It la a poor rule
Almos W. Btekard.
Tka airODQOna efforla tbat an being that won't work b. th wuya in polit'ce.
For rreaAurar,
made by fricnda of Mr. Pratt to aecure and if Iblalaareaaon why Tra»erae
Make- rough, red hands i
pay highest prices.
«iU.BBd. Bobba.
bia election to tbe bench Is thladta county Beupblii-aoa abuuld aole for
Mr. I'ratt. it U j-MAv^aa good a reaaon
tiiel baa atu
For Judge of BeAorder’a Court.
' why tbe few IVreoe^aj*
have here^
Loris Bobetta.
airoog Kepublicao dialricl they can ! kbnnld »ote for .1 udge Hbyne ao aa to
2Sc—keep them soft and ' For School laapector.
only hope to aneoeed with tbe aid of iaecure the judge for Cbai^erolx-Kaat |
0. B. IKckeray
Kepublicao *otaa. Tbeae they hope to .-l.wdan Enterpriae.
Fat Mambar Itoard of Public Worka, aecaro wUb tbeir cry of oon-parllaac
We alao hate for aale landa for good farma.
Foaepb Boos.
Biealy Licatadm^
ahip. Now. really, what doea thia
For JuaUea of the Paaor.
W J Kent ami family.^bo left
wail amuutrt to. la it not juat aa
Jobs Varly.
reaaonable to expect tbe Demoerala to here aome vime ago, are now nicely Bemllt* Bid
aote for Mr. Mayne aa for tbe Bepubl.. I icalad Id their new borne in KreretC
Bo. l>foepttoB Cannot Win'
rite for Mr. Pratt? U’aa pour Waahlngton.
Tba Demoeratlc campaign leaden rule of DUD-parliaanabip tbat won't t llay llrown. wbu accompaniird ibcin.
bara axbauaied their material tor legi work both wayi It'a true Mr. Pratt i has been very fortunate in aecuriug a
timate anrument and acek to inflOeDCc
Dominated flral, but at a l>rmo-* |x«>itlon
largrai aboe bouae in
i the cii>. ^ay arrived there on MonTOiara by UDworiby metboda. A<-cord cratlc courenllos, called aa aucb.
: day morninir and went to work on tbe
tag to the Kagle. Uepublicana all* or.r uji'tbr usual furbelowa of pop
following Thursday, lie writes that
tba Tblrieenth judicial circuit arc J and free allrerliea. If they bad
tlir-iw Igreat a deaire aa they now manifot Kvi-rett i* a city aitu lar to ibih
s *e.
tamb.tog all over tbemaeli
ibcrt- tba aireeia are paved and
tbalr Influence and votes lor vbe l».-an>-j for a noD-partiaan eleclion they atari- ;
ratic caudidaie for judge. And inlitdoul very atrong Indeed. Tbe fact! they have a atreelcar Hoc.
* giving voice to itaumaOng atateoieiiujia. they have not gut the randidatel
< .o
tba Eagle accuaes the R»...tici. and''agamai Mr IVait that ibev booed at.<U
Bto y ol a-M.ave
Carnation Cream -
and Short Maple Wood.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
TbeRKfiii) mabea no apologlea in:tb every.way. one wbo ia acknow. j „f Manch«-»ier. Mich . tella how such a
Aaclaring tbat ib« Kagle ia laboring | Icdged t*. be at the headjof bia profrs- s’ave waamadefrer He saya
..to-....u.., -j; XT::,; to'",’'K
repeaU that .the Ik-iiij.; the p»iiioo of circuit judge, and who I
t„.„ b .ulofc of
cntlc leaden bare oauaed falae reporu; will be an honor to the bescb and tbe H'ectrie llittera. ahe ia nondt-rfully
bo be elrvulaled *.o the effect that eer < diatrlcl over which be preaidta.—Ceo- improved aod able t-> do tu-r
«rk '■ rbla aiipreine remedy for fetAlp leading Republioasa in Traverae tral Lake Torch.
tnab- diaeaae* •[■lickly cures nervou'Olty were quietly wotbing in the in
o<ta aleepiraaneaa. im Iinclioly. head
Ci.Hi Aih indivlduala. aahamed to voice ache. baekacbe, falollng and diuy
toraala of the Ueoweralic candidate for
jadge. Tbe oamea bring uaed ^n tbia scir aentiisenu regarding theaoming apella - This miracle working znediciue
aigeaturea. is a godsend tn all weak, sickly, ruo
eOBBetlloD lead tbe Kx<x>nii to|pru-{election over tbeir
. .
-down people Kv rr bottle cuarane aa delibe- have receuUy ■ lUgbt
Influenoe the
Orly .Mi . enta. Sold bt l.>hi-aoD
rale falacboods. uttered to lulluria-c' votrra Ibrougb the Ragle over the .t Wait, i'rtiggiaja '
Bapsbhcas voica for the Itciuocraiic tline-worn aom de pluoir
aasdldate and- w b.ui tbe •llgUeai
There waa a long ffuaiun In
and gel a ninf of oysters at Pete a
aniborily. It baa leen freely reported [ «*>ai pap.-r yetlerday thus aigned
• r>s» tf
tbatlbeBdllorof the Orand Traverae,'" ‘>'v opinion of the Rw-ki. that a
la who!
who!lT"*’'‘ llepubllean
Lepubllean will not deacend u>,IBaee
BaraW waa one of the Uepublicana
waa working fur tbe Uemocravi j noini-'
! Tonight at Foreaten.’ ball. Silvers
Tbla ia ami
, and tboae who, hU arnilroctu over hU own name^ academy.________ ___ __
know tbe editor of tbe Uerald wilt at^ Tbe Ri<oKi< euuld print many columns ;0p«B &U Higbt '
t'it.r IReataurant. Firfct
aaea aee that tbe (ffort of tbe Itemo-. of tbla sort of aluff. under iclltioos | -phe• ij-tcrn t-it.r
tk order cooking
. aigsalam, nut flattering to DeinuciatUcrate la nurcly for the purpoae of
ecndldatca. bat otberwiae. Hut tfaih
leading vou-ra.
Is an editorial yeaterday in wbl,irh'' paper wUl print no cumninoicalioa .of
tbe Eagle tclla of the awful nlsraptiun ;aoy nature wbaiwer, unless tbe writer
iB tbe Kepublioan taDka. the foliowing >k willing to algo hla name to It. If a
man baa anything to any through tbe
UeoeplioD cannot win Klectloo day columns of a oewapaper, and hla aen-'^
will prove where the truth ia. Tbe timenu are worthy of public coni idera- j
aotarabould be tiu« to bia owncon- tluD tbe public baa a right to know |
vletloDi, and not be deceived or misled
.papered! *•“»
'*'** lateUiBent* • ^ >N
Wtbrlgbi teadeia of tbe modem prcaa will not
fur a meaa of pottage
jbe ioduenoed by artlelea to which tba
Tba men whou have <
auibor la aahamed to attach hU name.
?Ola for Edwin
"iwin S
S. Pratt will not be deladed or m
D s'ed by
b tbe eutamenua of
Thb Traverae Hay Eagle ia trying to
1 will aland aa a
make capital for tta candidate by the
prove tbeae cry that If Mr. Mayne u elected TravWe have four aa tfood $12 carof a partiaan ^reaa falae arae City will loae tbe Judge and hence
whan they try 0 mlaleau
riagee aa ware ever obown, and one
lalma th t only D.imocraU
You Want To Buy a Wheal?
here y«»u
Saturday, March 25
We will offer for sale in our bicycle department
Ten Elegant Up-to-date 1899 Bicycles
Baby Carriages!
iraib ia alwaya
It will be aaen by tbe latter part of
tbM ^noUUoB that tba editor of tba
fcgl* kad baooma leal in tba ma<M of
MM aUagad aignaent and Inanlilng
TMa Bbcuno baa maiatainad a dignidamsAsor during all tbla eamfMfga and baa ratrainad from anlag
•Balm langaaga altbar toward
Pamntic nominaa or tbe Baglm
IMi paper baa andarerwl by fair
gnaa to UflaaM public auUsmt in
<baor Pf 8m. Frad W. Magna .baoaaa
g< bl* tborpugb quAlltatiou for tba
«#M *t judge, and without caUng
I tba op-
fWing eandidata. It bna atrlron to ba
iilr and tolndnlga in'coly Icffitlaata
•Vfuiaot for tba anligbunnant of tbe
Tba Bagla daaeanda below tba level
«< Mm jrarnaUam and tasorta to in■•It towarda tbe aditoia of tba Bcc«fu>
fur $12.50. Take jronr choice of
the five tbia week for $10.95.
the michigin
$22.00 Each.
ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION I $s.ftO-^j^urcboice*^f the four for
Bagtoa iu aaeood year of aalata
Strong Oo-Cart for $2.85.
Cnrriagea from $3.76 up'
Hoone 1'’nmiahiDR Htore.
New Store. 120 Front Street.
It baa b
It baa opeMd np nwra territory.
This is a chance of your life to buy a good
wheel for a little money.
They are a better wheel than you could buy
A&d Itft Imt &et iMst
r age. that oarer eloaed iU
' wltb an unpaid claim
I reeaivad proofa oo fu
acvBU waawd ta aaaerapMd
bavaglrao tbeir raadara eoly fair and,
fMMbta •rguma.i. a*d »>t pewIMI|U tlcMt AlMllUll.
ttMd deeapttoo, aa tba Bagla ao boldly ^ Agency Dept.
o.t.-..— utob.
iwiawii tm akailBii »aki-
‘aaS'C^ "
three years ago for $66.00.
Remember, only $22.00, and there are only
ten of them.
'««d wttb Oo««» !■ «oiort ■•««>>
rt«^ kr «Bk«^r7 » fold •wt «l THE CHINESE CHOPSTICK.
rcr ibrwid. U » »r»iB«t*d all rpond
--------■' '
I «lUk » W«*d bud trf ■miu *»llf OD * Vmiml
» bK*
AH*»»e«)MeO*t*OFBfl£AOCIiU*T itk* mm. ud
poJnwd Up«l«. lb* 1
^ wttb
|JBP« p*rt»ot bhtco ■t*' proloiifed Itt- i
of A»Utlc “~“'
to epbuleu Both l»(wu bad epbuleu
«iip|wgrf lo be •» •trwof •" l>a]•» emhfolderU like tb« bolero bnd ________
Aateirkm, ooe mlfht hbTe imafto^•dfbd wllb while bWln Beowtib ttie ad tbbt ao uaefu) a derlre aa tbe
boloo !• b klbd of waliicobt (om.i-- bUniile tlu>|wilcka would have beotiivd
Tbeee two atk-kb. held to
»t lurrew atltched pleete of iloea bua
band, and ku<>«D to China aa
I’blebcieaBee laeenlon alter- one
-baateneraof nlnit>letoda."ar-.- certalnoftllbc Thl« ••iMi'uai ,t» upcB down ip tbe inoat uaefnl. the moat erouoinn puiDtcd tndea- l(bl and the moat elBileiit derkt f«
A dtBO« diOM. Of M*ek MUB IB tM
float ud rat
trtoeiMe «rl« la B*de 10 ooe pl«« laocns edged vita i aTiieit 01 wbiia
purpoae ever luveowd by man.
(fOB top to bottoB. The eklrt U vorr c.tln cooiet rlbiion. Ktenibata U u a TbroUEbout that vast Aala reclon. emrluae btodug
a pupubitlun
toOf 0)1 rowoo. oart bu b iroln. Toa front of *r«en atay v<
.. 'rot.
.... to
—------------------- ----------- of SiKMMat.Oikl.
The oack
back trimtrim- the
the chopaUck
chopeUck 1. ii^* ba a aubeiltute
‘ •■—upper pan forma b fourreou. 3»e ,,^u. aet rertiraiiv Ibe
fS.. I.
„„„ u
•to. It. tro^lTO U. u» <TO»1 .U.
.t.. -o,u .I.
. TOll <to,.
tot ““f.s;
I to blond laea tumoTer rolUr edeed wiUi .
th. Ck, .h. .tTOl .„. U„T U>d lb.
laid OB lb* anUB. whUb widena Krad> Val>rn(len&eA Tbe back of tbe
be dtfolero
rri>alt«r o»e thU devk'*- »D Ibe
BBlip, fsrB<tt« as aproo to the akin. || enitrely compoacd of narrow pleats form of Iroo, kof bamboo and deliTbla BproB I* edged with neb Biobrold- <rLe walatUand Is.of velvet like loi
Tbe bsiuhoo rlibiMikit was known
Bt> la cbebillc spangled wltb jet. »a front, cloaelp lileaied. but noriioniaiip,
the term of flowers attached Dp Urtg* nnd faetena In front with a eiraas In China lOOO B. i‘., au.1 aborUp after
braacbae eat out and laid oat burkle. Ibe alevvee. wbirh are of tUla date tbe Irol? form was .levlaed..
Tbelr uae la one of great aulluuiiy In
Vlfltc BbUB. The aidee asd back of cbmers. like the aklrt. are flat, and Jauau. aa allesied >>>' refon-mv* to It
(be akin an tnmmed with aunliar nre trtmemd at the abouldera with In the au<'U-ut r>.corda of that (onntrp.
smbroidarp. Round tbe tiouoni runa •iticbcd pleata. Koiind tbe wrUU are One may m-arrh In vain for the trace
a narrow niebe of black eatin.
! pointed cuSe of tbe velvet, emt.rotd. of any obji^^t to tbe nature of a rbopTba agCMge to eat low and followed ered like tbe bolero and edged with it. atlck In Crmtral of Duutb America.
I Knitting needltw of wood are found In
la (be eutre both to front and bablna. .•ub « broad band of white aetiu.
'the work baakela aaaorlat«.d with
and encloaea tbe abouidera.
It au
TI-1.-I V*l.tl
IVruviun niuinluiee, but Ibe
partactlp, to (be form of a cult
Another /coetume la of violet velvet. ' auHeiit
cbopaiick baa not l»vu fouml. <’urto mada to BM piece with the akirb The skirt Is eceordlng to (be pA-vell- louB pottery testa f.ir tbe vbopaikka
Tbe cbuUle and jet -mbrolcerr » top fw-liloi, quite light tn the upper are exbuniid In Japan, but-even tbls
aonltoaed over tbe bodlre formlnc .to part and expanding Into tbe form of-a enduring: (•■Btliiiouj
l•■Btllllou> of Ito
in early tie
a«e to tba btoad tan oniamant t be plurneau at the boitom It to
. be reveab-d to n.i*V>uuiry
back U ambroldarad all over to the ircmt. from ibe wair'band
0.rn.rM* All«,t-r;^
aeatre of tba decollete la e lar«e tiut> ground. Tbe lower pan Is irlmmnd
ligMtor la nut au Simrtlv.
tartip bow of blank aaita. oraamenl- vim two sloped nouo«« of velvet.
He buB not a elngb- wriu
«d wttb cbenllto and )e( aver white
in (be bark and dlmto.xhing in
Mtto to Ue aama atple aa tba rant of , «tdib gradually to tbe front Bacb of
I.-*" be tuimnl Ue u cowardly.
bl<l»>ua. He la neltber
them la edgrd wun a narrow atrip of
even res|M.<-titli)r In a|n.
cloth to match, and the upperilKWl ,
„ not even amuslDg
DMige >«B PMttMM.
‘tba patUeoat to of pink roaelaaf etd- flounces la hebded with a narrow hand I ,rrumM|ue In Ida niigM.nltnesa. for
of the aatiie cloth, on Ibe rroaa.
j g brute a lirute umiualttlcd-be to
or of a varp d^leata abada It naa
Tbe corsage la made with baaqiiea. waya w. lnte:iM-ly real that c
W watotband. being net on e atmple
and aver It la a abort bolero comp'is.>a alirlnk* fn.it Idui with luatblug: and
tape, to aulte flat beblad, asd to made
ol three pleata overlapping. Tbe *a- » touch ai Hf* . xtH-ua.. while In hi
la flt very cloeelp bp being taken to pela are of mauve cloth, cut up and I'p^kc-e r.onld s-eiii cutloualy oot v
at tbe sldca and back. Tbe prevailing.
(ashlos o^flat dreeeea baa entirely embroidered with chenille and narrow j ‘7,7;i* strong. Oh.N,
atea.lfii.i gitr.e of a fr.s..
dobe away wUb ndged petticoaiA iba tore, the fniiii ta a <lrap.-<1 and ctossupper part reacmblea a tourrean poke. ed fichu of Bky blue.fhlna cr-i*-. las- ..lun alllgai..r* wlck.-d eyes.' with
odd verihul pupil* fixed full u|e
Mow wbleb to a abaped flouaca ai> lened In the centre w-tih a^w of vlo- |
let velvet, ihf lapel* xre rooiiuued | cu y..ur own. am! the ■Iguifiraoce of
epaulets, and ' the expre**ioo "evU eye" and tbe myMihteia I
, by|>noti*m
vn^olliti le-blnd la a tur- st.-rl.s.
ami lioo.l<H.i*ui will liXn-a.Illy und.
arioti. ihe neck
«t<KNl. for bis hrullali. \uw.TclleKa, i
Cling 1* of theH aam^matsrla
nim-blng >tare la slniyiy blood, i-bllfichu, enclicled wltb-two rolls of vlo.
let velvet, fastened on each aide with
/^loglcally. the all^stor helougs
rryatal and gold buttona. Tbe ba^ue. the genu* cnH'.MllIu*. aii.l he ha* all
ol tbnie cvtniage itescend n» far a* the the hldcouslies* of ihfli Lu^ly. Uck•hips Tbe front 1* o|*-n. sliowing tbe llig fu.iaew hat'It* bl<H.<lllanniic-*s. altho I though the •Aim-rl.'«u slligator i* <urupper purl of the shirt,
„r,p i ulvoroii* hy imi.ir, and o,-a*lol>al1y
basque* are cdgtHl wliii a r
of vlolel clolb. The walRlbsnd. whi.-h: ' cannlhiiln*llc. Snl.-ilt *|KWkltig. h«w.
ever, the Woe slligutor i* much le*a
1* of bright mauve cloth, la narrow ilstigerons than hi* ivlsilie* of the
and equal In witlih all roimd. and
ohl w-orlil.
ambroidcred like the lapt-l* und ep*u- h-KS cot^g
Igta The I.I.CT.-S ..t velvet, are tiiu.ned at the ehouioers with narrow
ailirhd plcuta of tbe aume luaicriut.
They nre quite tight a'fd wltboui any
■ Tho hat mad.- U. ...im.i. l.- ibc
eoatjTue l* ol violet felt, the brim
turued up on each *lde sod faced on
tbe under aide wiui ve'vet to match.
The crow u. whh-h i« amall. h enctrci«d
vriih a drapery of the ssTue velvet,
fixed In Ibe centre in front with -a
SUaaa buckis.
Some of the hat* seen at-a-fashiftnable mllllner a tn the Rue de la Pair
are extremely original. The one of
V'l(ll*i'I.K CuyjiK TKRSTl.t
tbeae represented la a toque, with me
-tlire one IO..V.H doxvn li|*d) tbe
crown wide at the base und dimlnlsbr (larts and thmk* thedi another
tng to width tfi the top it la nind.- of
taebad to the upper pan.
daep pototad todeuiatloni
X ecru embroid*
turtle up all round and 1* shaped i
I aeMuui falling to
rnerw. Ui ornamented *
It is apllt
e bottom, earl and la trlomied with a twist of cx
1 .-..xiiity. K
UiTOW Bouncing a
tiUIlIV llllu TO.-. w„bj;
* g.-iiilti.nu la the th.-r of tw-.-nt to vary full «
II.' Udhlr.’ii.
i.f wbuiu
d ralker tong.
now llvtug
Twiwv «*dv CwXaHM.
i‘ .-hihlivii t
rag.- <
Thti eoatuma »a of bread crust col. '
(caibera a
lU-ped V
ered cloth, tailor made, 1 he aklrt flu ehlnchllto
graiMlfathcr of Hi.'. iN-rw.ii*. But tbla
Cloaely to tbe figure In tbe fourreau
la oot tb.- full «-xl-iil of hi* otfaprllig.
atyto. tbe fuilnMa baginaing baU way
for he b«H thiriy-tivv greai-gran.ldown and gradually Increaatng. Tba
.•hll.lr.-u. S.. It will I*- *.-.-11 that Mr.
■klrt la not very wide at the bottom,
Ohaudh-r RtaiKU imterruiiillh-* of tts:
sot exoaeding four meirea. U to trim_ ai<hhVm.-Qt rar-ly .-.lunlled, U
n-rtninly la n..i i«ralh-l.-d when the
toed round tbe boitom With two atlcb.
fact I* <*>u*hl.-red that tbe ineiulH-rs
ad >■«"** cot round to .the oastre to
Uls large family are all living.
troai asd abowing the bottom of tba
akin. Tba upparmoat ta edgad with
ra* 4iaav *( ta> i>v*ii.
a narrow trimming of red velvet, tbe
K<AeD-gec—tbe game of the devtl^
bottom band forming an edging to Ue
IsUraced In China to romoie antiquity.
Ttie "devir la mt<tr of two tin .-one*,
Tbe lacket. wbleb la abort, flu the
connected al ihtir api.-e* aud bored for
Bgnre parfectly and forma a coraagr.
Tbe production nf a hummitif aound.
Tbe baaqne U abaped parfectly flat
Tbla son of al»uiil.-c«<k the player
asd tight over tbe akin, and cornea
ihrowa and calcbe* on a etrlng kept
down balow the btpa. Tbe Jaekat taataut on two atick* held to either band.
' iaaa down tbe left aide, and baa two
A good player can throw U forty feet
towa ot bora buttons to mateta tba
to Ihe a'lr. Tbe akili demanded 1*
alotb aa that of Ue jaeket and bngreater than that required by battle
MBth Utm am iapeU ot rad velvet,
dore and 8huuleiXK.-k, It ba» been
vkteh axtend twn centimetres beyond
played both In France and Belgium. In
tbe edge. Tbe baaque U roanded at tba
the latter country it wa* »o favored
bettoto to front nnd leavea Ue eentre
aome yeara ago that regular matebu*
of tba akin quite open, it la edged
got up at the echool*.
ViU rad velvnl. and aa ImltaUon
valethand, oompoaed of a band of
fUla al to* TWaUa Plv.
elotb. baa a almtlar edgtng.
Another la of velvet, with tbe brim
lie of tbe laelw fly. ao ileadly
tnrned down to front and beblnd. Tbe
.TtaiUeg Mr—.
hor*e. ox ami d-ig. hs« bAeli
ciimmiti.-e of Ibe Bri
Tbla ooaiume it of greralah gray
drapery of velvet U. Ic.ynl oc^ety n iiTeci oih.-r
cubmera. Intanded to be worn wbUe
iitxjy ba* ImC-11 found.
_ completely toaich Ibe feK. lb tbe cnotre of tbe
paytogvtolta Tbe __
HUtp ln««-ct 1* pla.xli
wori.l'a ■d.-veloiw.ent,
plant or gatber. Tbe width only bn- Engliab point laeb. in a double frilling I«to P"” *«»
lb Ula nleat
pleat ar*
ar« •***fllaa atebt half way down, and devel- abaped Uke a fan. In
TO.,.,. TO.U.
ope gradually, bnt to increaaed round
... TOUB b, . U..PTO
»blCh “■*
mas rmaod the alden and beblad. it the
‘ ‘ edge of the hrito.
la s round toque, wora
to wider beblad than at tbe aidee aad
dwladlea away to noihtog in front os on Ibe hark of tbe bead, abow.tqt tb«
«Mb BlAt of Ue apron Tbla fionnew is hair aU round, b-jt enrloriog Ue bead
Beafied wltb five raws ot etiicblng. behind. I'be crown la of pink Vcirei
Tba aklrt oproa down tbe centre over draped IrreguUrly and rather low.'
a aarrow apron of velvqi to maiota the The brim ta of astrskban. wldani la
» <a
cashmere. compoeM of narrow pienia
ai ID cne
a« VWT clue* logetber. giving Ue el- •‘‘•P*
• dlsd.-m. The hat la flbtt of ribbed velvet.
Tbe apron U mented in iront wlih a large chllfwu.*
edged with fire rajn of atlicbtog oa roeeUe^r pink velvet fafaed wiu a
tbe eashmern. which tnra round at Ue •>•*7
bottoa e« each aids aad n
4 tbs edga «f the flooMA
m oonagt to a bolero of grasotob
Bflkwt Uk» thn aaraa. tmkntA
' V L. _
r;v:,rr S;.r
S*«M Tmm aMbiiU <e Oewee WhMi
Tbe bAarlor of p«v»e »• ««»wda
wonld make an totereattog amdy of
lisrif. In an ordtoarp crowd (be maI etiquette, and tbe rest
•eem to forget all they ever knew;
only iboae «bo are poaaeaeed of mt'
tural poUleu<«s and unfailing good na
ture are aaved from becoming aavsgea
under anoh clrcumatoce*. Of coniwe
It la onpleaaant fur peoptc' of refined
~"nre to be brought Into veep doee
itart with tbe ruder populace, and
It very freqoenilp happeaia that tbe
very uues wbo have had moat training
to conrteey are tbe meet diugreeable
when to tbe midat of a crowd. Tbe
nerves of the rumnion people are lees
enaily disturbed, and tbe phyalml dlaromfons rumuion to crowd* are not
greater than they are acmatomed to
in ordtoary dally Ufe. V'nleae you can
be sure of bearing yourself with
courtray and guod bumor. you should
avoid crowd* f.
ly. you
wltb bird* that are nut all of your
own fine feather, yuar aim abould be
to reejiect tbe light* of viber* witbout
n-linquUljlug your ow n. Yt>u are not a
dour umu to allow youracU to be
iraiupled upon, without rctuouatrance:
i:ur yet a cur, t<> aiiarl and «uap at
those who. perbaiw. through uu fault
of their «»u. eucioaeh' ui*ou you too
rluM-ly. Kn-u to the blgluwt elrckw
l>eople are apt to lose their beitda to
*ay uuihtog of Ibelr brariA when
uaaaed to large nnmlier*. a* witneaa
the frays tliat an- reported to Uke
pb.w aiuuug the fiilr ••genllewotuen"
who attend the quc-i-u a drawing room.
Of c.mrHe. ev«.ry one la awiirc that
unihT the name of ••i.*a' wc often
drink a U-i-erngewtitrliba*uuac|nalDtance with -4>e real leaf. Rut Ulcru are
M-veral "uws" which are not trauduleui iiiauuiMciutv*, though they are not
laade of the loaves.
Ill .MMurltlu*. for itisisnce. they
make lea of the leave* of ao orebid.
In IVrii iliev ««*-'tik male, a tea nwoe
fnmi a n«i .' - «|h-c1.-* of holl.v. The
.M>v**Itilati* iiinki- a tea fruiu tbe
leav.-s of tbe ca1ba ediilla. wbh-h baa
buvIi Mimiilnlliig •(iiiilitie* that eVen
a h.-if or two <>r it i-he».-<l toi* aU tbe
n->iviug ■'(Teeix^ of '(be clip that
.•h«*-r*." and ihii* l» uued valmible to
traeeh-r* The Tii-.m..m*u« an- aatd
to !-• Ho- h:ippy p..«o-o*ir» of DO hua
than a hundred suli'.tliute* for tea:
white tb.- Toqklue*.- have le.va of
(heir own iiiaik- ol iM-rll--*. h-urea:
w'tx-d* nod Iwrk of
In Sumatra
C..1T1V leave* are lDfu*ed In the tea|K>t. and Ihe n-*uU 1* said to be au
«-x«-« Uein beverage.
•ilou -1 a cbec-k fur
.ame ln>o
............................... him a gn-ai deal of
anxh-iy. and for a long imie be could
not iiiiitter up c<"-raKe to have It cash
ed. Kioally i'O a V'l- «'• town, be aum(iiot-xl up iK-rve ecmigh. aud. Strolling
into the hank. pi-M-ui<-<l tbe obeck.
riu- teller gIniK-ed ai It haatlly. nad
llien. after the tashloii of hi* kind,
bniviuely ask.-d: 'Whiil denomluatlour* •■Luiheraii. col dura It! Hut
whai * tliat g<il tew do Wltb UT' as
hruwiiu'ly replleii ilu- old farmer. Vo
the great a*ioiil*hment of tbe bank
vtitcial. it reiiuliv<l several mlnuli-s'
exidiiualhiu Is-fore the telh-r eould get
tl.e old man to uiuler«land bl* ques(Ion. and then the hitter look hi*
in.-iiev iind depsru-il. with aunory
KI.,\\K derogatory to liatik* lu geuerai.
• A* hig a* a Whale" might Im- rather
Mliall, H* tliere i* a *|>.s-h-* of (he eela.v«n genu* burdlv ihixv feet long
Nor dio-* the •kp.c»*iou "a* awkard
.is a cral" apply on. some of tbe South
id there
iNhtiid*.i. ffor a erai
!a*t a* an avertree* with the
-BM- of n *cb<"*l!
does "thi- lm«y
i*y little
bee Imlag I.h.»ur"
pro'- .-uch abliilug
lyery. It
tbiT.- I* no wiiii.-r
then-, ihi-r.- 1* IK- ii.*-«-»*lt,v for Iny*iig III a Ht’.re of b.HM-y. and degeuerat.-N into a ilioroughhn-d loafer.
vsll.-y*. uu*t remain uDlobablisble
iniil’The'pe*i atiall
been •dcaui.yed.
ivTOiaead ittm < **>.
From **.al I* m.iain.-d ihr mcnn* of
pro.luclng ..«.-r -((A' cl.a.l.-. ..f colora. a
ffwi variety of pi'rfuiu.-*. eipkwtve
ageuiA varioUM add* anil medlduea.
i,TO.TOii.-aAaa aaliB MeeharlB. frnlt
Alrim'* Largv I
... dlBtli
fre*h water lake In the world. Afrh.-xplurers l>eglii to think that lAkc Vic
toria Nyauxa la larger. Superior
.xjvera-SlJhxt rqiutre mllea and N.vanu
has been .r.-.lit.*l wltb 30.1100. but re.vet uxpluraiioi * l.ave discovered a
h th.-rt.. upkti'.wii I..I.V on It* aouUtera
Khl.' nhi'-b to 11K-I--H--B It* known area
a* tu make It a
whether It ta
not larger than Su|H-rior. Ihiller exitkiratlous and uior.- r
inusi be mad.-, bow-i-v.i l*i..u can U- reachi-d.
1 the'";
Emr sMkw tatws i
- OiB!
CUnr P«% par bW. saw............
par fc'."!'.'.!!!
now. H L. * Oo. fleu............
Rpsflo«r. B. L.*OcKBas(...
MaaL B.L.*Qa.Baok.............
road. E----------B. L. A On. Beak.............
•«S|E {MlcigatbrsMUHjt
Diamond J
Onto par b« (
par bn., old.
Potntona.par bm.
i *'•
I narca o» manwa cm oaai
HTbsat. old, par b«.................
Whaak oew. parha..*............
Oata, No. 1. per ba.(new)...
Hutter, png B..........................
Bggs. par dosaa............................
Potatoaa. par bn............................
It la very bard to stead Idly by and
aae oar dear onm aaffnr while awauiog
the arrival of tba doe'or. Ao Albany.
N Y.. dairyman called at a drag store
for a doctor to come and aeebUchhd.
then very sick with cronp Not fladlog the doctor la. he left word lor him
; Irt Mtiailei w bt tin
I '
Congfa Remedy, wh ch he hi ,
the doctor aboutd
give aoma rrliel
arrive. In a fex hoars hinch better. The drug
gist. Mr. Otto S<-hu;a. aaya the lamilp
has aince recomm.rdrd Chamberl
New Firm
and Builders.
Sold by all dealara.
Land Ff Sals!
Tr»*rr*»C iy: rov _
and plenty of water. 4D acres nortbof ri’y. 80 acres of iimbnr Und
13 miles aouib of cUv. 40 acres aUni
7 mile* i.nrih*rr*t of city, and I have
wev-ral pleo-a in Weaf-rd eonnly. It
y-u want to buy some land I can sell It
to you at term* ao tob ran bay It aa
cheap as yoo e»n bny fro
* *
11 werX.ol aK*e*'^po.*iblejrr*n* Plaa gel
naimali. b*T * Oe toeeb
David Smith having retir
ed from the 6'm of Smith MDII Ktpilll i iDdlUl HI.
Bros., and f«>rmcd a partner
tr*i-*tV a
ship with Geo. Lalher, the » ■rmaleas <new firm is now pre[*ared to i 'UBSSB SBBEflEfl SSfl tl
ana.** aawaaa* *** ■*
make contracts for all kinds ", SfifSii Sr.F«3SS srs AS
:! ^1..« - vw X - gw —»
ol building.
1 *.****.***<•«#< aaawaaawa
20 Tears Eiperience.
Estimates furnished for all
kinds of brick and frame
Lather & Smith,
Geaenl Costnetofs
Ever Burned Out
If ao
ki ow
the valne ol
•j « aaaaaaaaaaawwaaa eaaaa
^ £SSES£ilfi«S8fi<fid£a B8I8«
John K. Santo
Geaeral lastranct.
A B. snxBtT. M. D., IVWI-^. E. w. anavvy
H. IX. Snident PhytlcUB. with oosxultiag phy
cxhlhiilAD recently
Were lils.'.-d UB view tbe
valuahk- «(siupa In Uu^ world—a penny
twu|H-uoy Mauriilu*. Only
Ihn-e Kpecimeu* of the 1S48
Ins *iaiii]>a are known to ezind ibe
tbe mark
market value of tbe two
ilhlt.-d at Birmingham
la ne.500.
ry lieloi-e
lieloi'e -- a llulsli
111(18101] collector.
9 hwued
tiiem for tbe eXQlbt^luo.
*arrl<r* tro* PrloUvr. MeeKInav
Cli,cli.i>*tl.Cl.lr*pj. Ur*oU RapMa I AD a ■■
Trala airlvv* trvn Bh-anseS, Pi. warn*
UPtFuU.OraoS K^.da.IXOwm.
Tr.lc lf«»1«.g Tr*v»r*e CUy M U:UaW
**» parlor car lo ')r*o0 BapIS*
Trslu Iraooc Trs'-rar City al SAp.a.ba
parlor car u> urao4 Uapl4a
Tralolearla* Travr—CUy *« 4 » p. m. b*
-Iwprr (raw OraaC UapM* w CBIratB.
c L i^>o«wovn o^ o**IiiV^'«v^J5-m-—e.
West Michigan
Lv.TrararaaOlty atVa-n............. IBBrA
At. Elk naaid*-... >10*.a.............. ■■V.X
Li.Elkbaplda.... am*.n.............. ItoVA
Ar.Tea^rae City. • It*ji............... 4 Ur.a
OBO. Dl ■AVnfSesaitfpM^AgMlt,*’''
OraeS n«ww* axeb
srk properl.T and prompt
BatlafacUon goaranleed. at
uiisrtt in lotTiusnii l l
Inisrie's New Shop,
(bay Tara la tka t.-fl.
auluier hoys in Manila aay that
'mnlarda and uativea tbere In
ly turn to tbe left Instead of
I *id.-wi
' aequently i
are oumenxM accMenial odllaloi>0* with Al
"He *ald he wanted to consult me
prlvaiely on s matter of viul Importsn.-e (u hi* future and of coun '
thought It wax a prupo*al."
|i*« UiitiNi til vvjteMifl
is aatleAwl that the growth of stmtn nmlartal eoll.to tmtter tbs*
emctlrftv* 8* 8 piwventlve of malarls.
. .m.
Balowkn11H0(tkab«Tt>rwnd anH. |
00 to Oak Helghtnr eheapu In the eUy.
r Ula for your toterrat to look
'hnt I have to offer before bnyiag-
iioasiiro i^«i> >Ati;iH>AT. liABdri M. i«M
**It'a 9«Mr—DM 10 Mr A I
UmiMlkM AMl uur )»Tfuriu
ttr' Mid A tMDUMfl-lkl UAValrf aA uM
Al,tWI>ulAlaUiruUirrAiKtaL -'I waa la
iMHutarl baldwibSrr ibBaa KramiK-u
tal kan arrrrUuiiR 1 l>Ad ak«K »tUi
Inutodlag a UKMtaMUd aud mid dol
-Two facta tbat
pacallar to Mora foiki.- aald an caBailor of the nafy. "ara. Aral, that only
about ona-hAlf of tba aan-o'-war'a
Maa in oar aarrloa or in any. otter aar▼lea. In fact, know bow to awtm. aud.
aarond. that abarka are tba muR cow
ardly of all Ufing rrcaiuraa II U odd
that ao larae a proponlon of ib* na»al,
oallora don't know bo* lo aalm. bui
il U probably due u tba fact ibai a
areal numbar of our man-o-aar'a
man nowadaya coma from tbe lotarlor
of tbe country, wBete there U on aaiar
for ibem to laarn how to .wlm In
tbe old aaty—and I put all of my aertloe In in tba old naty. au caUed-'ibe
man who eoaldnt awlm waa. a» ao-m
aa Ibe fact waa dla<-uteird b> In.
maiea. Incoiitlnenil) efauiked utei lie
aide when .wimmiug iail wani. ami ke
>U1I bad to (WlOi. Of eourae, llie u-'U
wouldn't lai a fallow, wlm dioai
know bow 10 ^wl(D droiAi Iwfore ilieu
eye». tiul i bey would «>e to ii liulfimule a bard aUb ai iba art of .wimmiDR before ibey picbad bim up. It ii<
didn't eureead to awimmiUK (be br«
UBie, oterlMwrd be would an lh<- ve,)
neat time ail handa took a pluuae >-ve-r
ifae .tile at awimminR cnll. and lou.
all of the men aervin* on the uM llnof packet, bei-ame awlmmere >-<-*ore
(bey left the aertlce It U r<irlM>1.l>n
to ibruw.a noD-awiiumer lino il>- «.i< r
now. but 1 Ibink ii would l-e . go. d
ibiBR If tbe praciJiM ware atlll ionliniied The oBcer. of tbe .fiiii. to
day Inalat upon ibe apprenltce l.d.
learning to ewim. but they let ibe itun.wlmmera aaiung the newly i-i'TulKd
landaiueo go atunjE wlibixji learoinR
Tberr have baen numerou. drowning
Incldeiiu In «nr navy witl.in ir«-"ni
yearn, nwlag to (be inabiliiy of tueu
wbn were nl liei a no- elcr|<rnl Millor.
in Hie eae> an of
”A. lu Ibe cuwaydIlneM of ahark*.
that fact 1. well known among men
who have been mueJi to ae« In xuuthei n
waleiw Infmleil by niuii-entcre The
flcrieal mnn-nxer (ha( rici bullieci a
b into ncilliK B>
Will get nut of Jhe
acaway in mlgbo big biinr If a .wtmDier. nolU'log llic xiiHi'k’. amiroach.
»e(H up a uolay apla.bing. A abark I.
;n deadly fnar of any uurt of living
llcing Ibal aplanbrw id Ibe water. Iiowu
amoug tlic South .Sea UUnde tbe ua(Ivea neier go in aea bathing alone,
but nlwaya In panie. of ball a doaen
or Ml. in order ibai tliey may make ibe
greatexi hubbub In Ibe water, and ibiia
m-are tbe abark. away. Onie in a
while.a (no ventureeoiue awinimer
.rhioiig (heM> o'.llve. ftmllHlily de
lacbee hiiii.cir iniui bi. awimmlng
nariy and nionieiitarlly furaeia to keep
up bl. .pla.biug 'I'bcu iherw b> a au-1lien »wl«b. and Hit lunn-eaOT ivme. up
i.-llealb blni like n tla.h and 'gidiblea
1 kAd uflni UM-blali) cak'DUt««l Pliub
wbat I Abuald ikj lu caaa a butel tl>
vfclcb 1 waa a KBot atunild
WBUlita I waa K»iiiir lu Iw tbr cool«• baadcd taaA wilhiua radioauf luanr
MiUa If tb« Orr idHHiU br<«A Ml in
tka nilddla id iL« niKtii wbiU 1 waa in
bad. 1 inUtxM lo net n|> very cuuU}'
•pM Mnn awakenad. drlilantr^' alip
m ABnAfii clulbtaK lo k>wp me <mt uf
MAhAAdBoT Ike polliw o|>id uaIubk
■r BpVMraMw. KH m> UHmej and tben
Hck A|' inj HmwI laloakle aaiu|4r rata
AAdUwiabaa In wbirfa 1 bad
ATticlea «d ciuUubx in mrreM iaw and
walk Mt. kaivuin tk* nai of im K«ar
•oUkr ill chauaa upun Ike fire luinK
aqark-bad On la) waj ihronxh tbo cxjt
fldon. in oaae 1 mat up wilb any la-au
tltsL auppJiraltDR maidem ir any
Mid. lAcapablr women. I bad il aU pic
Mnd bow I would drup iny twu im|ti
And (Akr tbeiu down the wclkuw atrnr
onaa. one on earb arm. proaRBlinn a
bank and iMplriuK tperiacle aa i
Miriad rraan Ike caldron of ftame
-Wall wbalAiavpeDadT Lackily for
ma. 1 bad a Ibird atury Irani room in
tba Baldwin Tbr fire bruha oat in tba
baaaaoBi pk«|i kiward a u'ckwk in tba
•orvinc i tnuird luiuriuoaly until
aboii a duaau eacina* w«ra ibrowiUK
Araama on iba ktwer piiriiou of Aim
■tractnra Wbes I waa in the middle of
a draaui that I wat atandiUR lu fitint of
a lot of Ur atoiM on a Rreat boaineet
. tbotrncbftn. tbrowinR <-r»qaet balU
Ibroagb boRa plaU Riaaa wind»w»-it
waa Ibr amaabinR Rbua <l<>wu bekiw
Uiai Rut uw inm tbat lUaln <d dream ins—1 woke up Tbe Riare in my rt»>in
waa AomelblnR lamiuoot Uid I alowly
atniicb. aay lu mywU. ‘Here a tbat k>UR
waited for dre. Amt it'a up to me l<> be
tbe man of tbe honr and the real t IiIdk T
-Not mneb did I' 1 jnat bo|>|ird u|>
Uka a man wjM ttadt a family of rtipii
pada in bia bed 1 RrtbUd a |«tr ..i
ynbbm that were lyiUR aloniodde iny
%id and pot tbriu uli Ihi- wtoiiR fret
fiainRall tbe time iluinKlbe {•erfurin
ABor, a rnallalU' eabiuiion of a man
nbdertolnR a awaiup cbill
Then 1
analtbad a mackinu^b tbat 1 bad
Iknwn Of army trunk on cuioinR in tbe
■Ifbt bofun and folded it after cunaid '
Arabia dIflIenUy. uwinR t- tuy
•tpaeaiea < Ic.i W^a|i|u,r*.
WambUBRa. ofer my pyjama. Then I
Some of the toluirr.i Imimrted from
raachad for a hat. and of rourae it «u.
about my Itirk lo Ret the worat bat J Huuiatiii (ur making the wrap|M-ra of
owoed OBI of half a dinen eratlered over clgara ha. a curlou.ly ape> kled apponr
lu the rninda of errulu buyera
(III. marking U cUduu-e.ibai the cigar
hu. 4 Sumatra wrapp<-i
Such li not
alwa.o ilie caae. for the anful manufa. iurei ha. learned how to apoi
American loliaci'o aniflcally. and ba
|d^ it up in order lo o[>ea the dteir oivaaloiially doe* >0 iti b> > leier a man
R uo to il and took it akuiR ner lhal Ibr uoiiiltlaied ru.iuuiur uevor
auipecu Ibe trick.
the Uaat eumieijBeutlal----- ^ —
Sumatra I. a lliilch poP4iraalua. and
bad. oae that I n>ukl vny eatily ti
the .|H>ltlug of the tobacco ralaed lu
ataptBBiid with cuuipareii with tboM< Ibai laland baa been unde the aub)eci
tbat I loai Jewelryi kbneyT Imdat 1 uf inveMtlRBlIun by I’rufMaur ib-yerwan'l IbiBklBR any mure .d ibeui lock, uf the Amalerdom Academy uf
tMaii 1 IraBtically unk. ked and un S> lenceo. Thlk learned man presented
hatred that dour of mine than I waa >d
the Acadeiuy a lew wreki ago a pa
tiklBR a latlktm befnre breakfaat In tiM per In which be aei torih ti.e rrwulis uf
mumlBR and mnioR lU the n.atb pide bis inquiry.^ lie deM-rlbad a ' living,
I jnat wanted to Rei out. that tail Tlie fluid cooURioii." which ba dn-larea Si
balb were Allad with aiuoke I f.imi.I.
tbe dbeaiie
Tbia disor
b«t after ten yeara of tiopinuR aiuiunl- der. aleu known -is tbe mosaic diaivuu
lyat tba Baldwin. Rrn.nlly in ibe aau.e of tobao-u IcBte.. may be inoculated
TOODi. I knew tbe tialrway. and Um into h.altby pUma by Injis-ting into
fonu down lu the lobby |•rrtty w>U tbr atem. near a bud. sap prwaaed from
and 1 jou put my free Itand over my Infected plant.
Tbe active vlru.
■WBtb and maa and made the nndi
paaaea completely through (be porre of
very dense porcelain, aud can rten
panatraie Into aga: by dISu.ion. tberefore il cannot be a "conugium flxum"
in tba usual aeaae. but It mual ba fluid.
Soar hallway I'd b.ve pirked 'em up
Out of (be tobaoco plant it raiiirai.ba
ena in aach arm amt. penuUtinR tbnu
•o RMtly naeilc up HRnm>i mv uiackiii made tu multiply. I'Ui In the dlridlng
of the leaf-riidiiiieiiu and tbe
toah. bafr oarmtl lle-ui liiutupbanlly
down tba auirt and uui luio ifap aUetd ■uerlaii'ina of tba bud. I( mulUplIas
and nndw tbe briaolaivb of beaVru^ud It rely and over a groat euent.
drop of the porcelain flu rale
all tbati No i wiHildn i bhve It.
frtOfoM end Rrewtome l.> bate k> ouu can render all the laanw uf iiie lufM-ttiM iV but I'd y««l Itave teiieit at them t>d plant entirely cuvarvd with spou.
• te follow my route and then bare k. pi and Ibe tap of tbaaa leavw would ba
an RfttinR ofer temior) inrtelf I fell auSetant for the contagion of an untbe Aral AlRbl id tlaira. Iruu> t.<p limiied number of baaJthy planu.
to bottom, then piukni myavir up with
AM wad Meeh.wl.M
tba ona idea uf Retiiuu ••m. «nmp<-ied
10 tba bead of Ibe ar<-i>mi liitcbt id aijura
A new portiere ta deaigned to obviate
and tall down Omae I lu .m tbe fltR Iba necaasliy of ppsblug aside tbe
fine of tbe lobby, and in i»o mure ~v- drapery when you enter a roun from
■onda I waa In Ibe 0Ui«t When, a tew tbe outside. The rail may be rerunMlnntaa later. 1 redeited u|.in my !.«• gular or aemi-vircular, and the rluge
and tba caneral bamtlkr obarm-ter .d are conuecied wiib a spring hidden In
aiy conduct did I want i>i r<> hack and s tube, wbb b. in turn, le Aved on ona
aide of Ibe door
Tbe a<-t of opeulnig
the door BCiustes tba meebaniam. and
Ibe curuiu la drawn aside, on releas
t Nu|ie I waaninb-ultualalid ing your bold on tbe door the spring
thoM in iba atewel and «gnre bow I d causes It lo shut, and at tbe same lima
paConi tbe next Uiue I c>s Mwilaity rreloras the runain to its regular poaicaaebt-" - WaabinRt.41 star
Ab iBaeriBkta*.
fere Warer I. tlliie.
wlanbaL dues your bii.liaud get auRiT
A well-known aelentlat aaya tbat tbe
VSaa be Ulk yuii to wake biiu early
true >vilor of pure waiei Is blue, and
••4 yon don t do
It a vMraiieriatlc of tbe t^“Ko, dent He know. Ibai I know be
ler liseir and/U nut due to reflevtlcni
from tbe nur/aca uor from suspende.1
lAkr Geneva la aa exampl.... iii’il Babil paitlclus
!ir blue ft pure water.
bnvim-. ...oul baibiw
Wa are today wbai we were an-os
toaMdtodri yr<triibi.> and tbe day bw
ten-l^maa Abtw.u
There Is no truth wbstaver In tbe be
lief ihsi any one fnUiag into the nan
twa are In the Uermau Bmpif* neccMarUy rtsas nte ainhaiUm tkmm
dkaM aNtOMsmaa balangum larMb- bMKw drsMtag-
_ -Why aho^ we MBiryf Ma MdA.
I Mte to tktac my pa
HM M f
as he oMtd be.
Amd 1 VpMad that be ma*
to tall av ma
Tnieo 1 gtornma up » be a moa W Ute
to be Ubt pa.
i twed to think atody*e ma
When abe got aaityeil down
■Wm always s paaed to Mink bla pa <
TVaa the
man to urer*.
B« fuMs my ma don't Utak that wmr.
Not f«ry hard, barus
She seeoi. to have so mneb to ny
Atrtnot the ibNiiRs be duaa.
OM ,.1 I » »n,«*bou-U ul ii.ll.
and dried to bulM a aled.
And puny soon 1 banged my Mumb.
aud Moms! bow n Wad!
I bopped around there .00 OM foW.
but u didn't atop a Ui.
I thougbt I'd wwaar aad bm
tf uiai'd -iDBke it qum
O' oonrw. ma bwd me iMttn’ to.
Ami than aba come and orted.
-And (Old ma 1 bad grlevad bar ao
Awl buRied B>e to her MdaT
And »ald Me wlobed that she waf dred
Ami ta her grava before
8be beard me aay wtaas 1 bad biM\^
1 I had up and sworw
pB. be eweart tbBt
Umea,'* 1 aaawered me. end tben
She cried ooine more, and gold ate
hoped I never would oraIb!
-N« when igittobeaiiMoaablcaB
And Me asy«: "No. becut Old NIckTI
Rk him by and by."
And r»ee 1 tried to chew, and. goaT
Bui didn't 1 faal bad.
d ran Me rried more worae tbai
tteo m^
,nd both of us waa..^.
d thr«.
tbr«. wben t wte\ld out fli
he kndl
knell there on tbe ftnpr,
Andd net me if I'd prumme
d never Mew no more. '
"Well. pa. be ehewa.“ 1jlnya to ma.
and ao. wheo I'm n-^n.
Crowod up AS big na he la. the^;U bei
you that I ran!
And ma she ssfd Me hopes I wont
cbew. even when I'm big.
“Bfius." Me Mys. "s man tbat doaa
iB'no(hbig but a pig”
It'a nlwnya that way when 1 aay
That I wojirfd like to grow
Ti. be a man Hka pa, aome day—
She hopre 1 won't. >«u kbow—
And 1 wonder if ibey're nllthat wnyf
I wooder If vour ma
Would rutber have you always stay
.S.1 diflcpeui from your paf
—Cleveinnd Leader.
Mrne. Keramicr's life was made «p of
SD-many Invldeou (hat tu tie hMef m
making n report of 11 b u be superflctal. but oUll w« venture UicattempL
At tbe age <S ttrteeo Me marriw-kL
KeoBtuler, a w«tnny baokei. ngrd it
Tim relation between ifaetn waa a
ntiariRc one. (o say lAe leasL It waa
rharacierixed by ayutual kindness and
respert by her psreriul fuDduess on bU
part, by flllnl regard un bers, so much
an lliat the theury btw been tnalnUlned
ihol they were father and cbild--a thejry wbtob the nieBKihw abundanUy I4>Cuta.
Uireojjg WpltaJity. their houae.
nodar ihT iViMulaie s»d the ElTplre.
Hunaparle, aod others of much
oota. l.uclea lAiiuaparte.becuaMa deep
ly euamoured ol Mme Heoatuler's
tiesnty. and writm her very wiM and
etuptd prxitrMisUoos of his leva but
otewu with no rrepocMM!
bimweir oSng her a piBiiiao at court,
and berauaeatae will not mwept k hataa
her very ronMally. and hanUbea her
tnim i'arls A further excuse for bM
dotag so Is (hat her bouse ia a resort
Nw peraoos boadle to tbe pwammeot.
Owing lo Mme Hscamler’s unpopulartty wMh *
1. tbe government rm
:iMM to aadat bar buMaod in bla biMuesa eiratts. and coosequenUy bis fort
une suBere wre. k.
Tbe change of clrriimmanrew follow,
ing up(« (bo in 'ery m.tily borne. A>ur.
tag her bansshnieni soe viatu Romeb
1 wbicb abe does not Uke. Returning to
I Paris at the Restoratkon. sbe beconea
i acqnsdnted with (be Duke of Welllp|^
' too. who wrttea noUa to bar In miaer^ able hVnicb. and thlnklnc to pleasa
\ bar. asya uf Napoleon; "I hare giraa
I him a good beaU^." Wben be rtmen
I again he U refuaed admoMre; bar
aatiosin] pride wm atrooger Man her
psrnotml dtallka.
{ In Me sick roocu of Ume. de 8M
abe amhea tbe if giiMriunni of Chataaubrtaod. an acqualntaoce whieb
ahortly rtp«M laao an taUmacy that
dxiMBs bar more joy and more uobappU
Base than any other For thirty yean
abe is davoted to bU bappMosa Hln
.oiPMpJiidetica wltb ber ta unaOnlsd in
amount, and affords an exoaUnm oppoRuaUy for audylng tbe inner Ufe of
Bhta aelflM, imiable. axncetag nma «C
omat undoubtad geolua
I A aecoud reveiae of fortune bapponI tag III iHiy. Mme Recamier leavw ber
bushand aud reilrwe to tbs Abbaye-aox.
Beds and itiere, with brief except!cu^
•p«mda,(berv4natadei otberUfe. Hare
abe gntheni about ber ber beat frtaade^
aud Pv«s a life that would be quint bat
itet the vanity of M Cbnieanbitanid
mu« be conUnoally fad. and tboae who
nre dtapoMl to toad k muat be tnvftsd
I'ouwtaotly «o meet Mta. In UM. kUtI Uaeu de Mocamorency dien. and nftar
rtaad more Man ow hM
Itet Cl
mb Bftar
btatawnwny. S
aftar tbe
tte death
daMfe «g
I Mn VMa ta IMt te boM bar ta BdMffl
The Blue Label Like This!
tr t* my taklac rare ad yoo. It aaOtoda
iB MWol to yoB. I BM fMM to ttve
ta (ho OBMA bouae wtta yom Tba
world. 1 am amata^ wtO do jtmUea to
tba piB'ity of oar MeodMtp- and mac«0B Moytbtaf that wUl render tbe tank
-.of maklnR yoo In yoor oM aie bapp:^
and cOBofortAble-^Bore ewy tor ma.
If we were youngor 1 ofaould m beol(Me. but acerpi with )oy tbe ri«bt to.
acaSfi____ ,
GoMecrBte my Ufe to you. Years and
klndMM bara given me thta rlgbi Is on every box of Union Made Cigars-Insist on cigar*
Lot na change nothing tn so perfect an made under this label and you will be sure of good v*lue
On the fourth of Jul.v. ISrl. amid tbe and a pure smoke.
Itiuwlen of another revolution. Chat
eaubriand dire, and Mme. Kecamler is
tern good wngM for honeat labor.
left tanely enough. She surrlTM him
liM than a year. It I. ume for her to
go. Her tour bast fnpDd>^ Mme. de
Staal. MooUDOreocy. Bailsnche. and
sre gone 4
dies iio the IMhh ot May.
"By an excepHoD. " wtairb Mme Lenormaot ennoot help regarding as a
IMt tarur of Heaven. 'Mme. Reesmier'a
(eaiurm Maumed In drub a surprising
baauly." 'Her expreaelon wrs soRaUr
and grave: abe looked like n beaupful Jl .o, thU la th- p1k» to
it doi„. n..ht and promptly. Bepairiilx
•rtatoe: there wi» no rootrarttoo. nor
Enameling and Uthe Turning of alitiu.ia. Cail in^ad aee mj^
were there any w rinklee. and neTcr ba*
of whriels
ffooil lias of w-btH*!* tu lent.
tbr majasiy of ibe Isrt sleep been at, tended with so much grsce and tweetuera. Asketeh by Aciklles Dererta has
preserved the memory of tbta remark
able iHreumnUare."
Mme. Recamier couMed among her
friends n bast of men and women of
wCtose nffecdon sbe wraa Justly proud.
Among these there were, besides those
we bare already mentioned. Benjamin
OonsUiM. Prince Augivtiw of Pna<ais.
The New Werner EdtUon at
tbe Qiteen Horteosr, Mme Sweii-bliie.
and tbe wife ot Murat.
(X nil her
friendsblTw tbai wkb lialhiTu-be so-ras
I to ua Ibe leau to be regmied Mattbleu d« Moaimomtcy I would have
bean nearly m beautiful, but Moottuor.
, eocy bad a wtfe who nuild noi have
' enjoyed the sdorntlou WviaheU by ber
; buabnnd on nnotber ibnii )>cr.ielf.
; Cfaatenulirlnnd's fnewtahip wax Uw
'grasping nod Imperative, sod aliaough
M dotgidaoi lM>(iered plni. K li> fwr lera
were the dosing words of an address, by Abraham UncoltL He
UaiiH^i than iiellanrhe's. wbicb wm
realized that parents are responsible, in a degree, for what tbdr
always geMIc soil rc«i>e.trul. while k
children become. It you have children, study their individual
mmle coostund deotsndx on Mme Recafflier's Adeiity not k> hlBMelf. but to
tendencies and place the best
'her own bighes; views of life sod charpossible educational advantages
n- ler. Of all her friendHlilpK tbe one
beiore them. A way has been
least worthy of the unnM' was ihni of
providtM in the New Werner Ediwhich Augiiisu* Piiore uf Psti.'sca. was
tion^dl the Encyclopedia Britan*
I the object With s view of lusirylng
nio«, complete in thirty volumes.
I tbis tnan. she wi\se U> her liiukuiud
The he.sT thoughts on all subjects
' asking a dlrixvr Uui his fcelmgs in
in the tnstoryof man are treasur
the inauer souo i-outiueicd ber desire.
ed ihiTv
A systematic study ot
With this exeeptUm it wse only friend,
liii> work is equal to any college
strip (i>n< this wiHiuiu-bad lo nice hNw
iouisc. Algebra, Anatomy, Arch*
this sbe. bad f geiLiiSi .\nd she'was
ilecturo. Building, Electricity,
Political Economy, are a few of
Heuve's that "she brougbl ihe art of
its articles which liave been adopieJ b^ Yale, Harvard and
friendship to pi-rfe. tkin "
Columbia colleges. Thb- shows in what esteem it is held by the
Her power tu luOuem-c men and wo
highest educators in the land. JuM now you can secure the
men wws Indesd remarkable
bosuiy must have been aJmuat nilrei UI.
ouB. and was doMilsss even to the laot
tbe mesnaof ber iiMtatIte stroke But
though beauty nmkre adtnirer*. u t* not
aulBcieiri to make frleuds
tben." asks MIm 1-urwtsr. "was (he se
cret of her Influence—■
and tl»e balance in small monthly payinents. The entire Thirty
"U lay tn the subtle |x>w«r of a marVokun<*s witli a Guide and an elegant Oak Book Otse, wiu be
vellous tncL Tlris tart had its roots
delivered wlien the first p.iymeiii is made.
deep In ber nature It was s part and
parxwl uf bcCMrir tbr dlslInKUtabed
Tftecomjrirtc set (Thirty Lafgp Octavo VMiraes):
trait lu • rare .ouiblnwtum of iiuslKlw.
T'txxign nurtured and rljtened by evp-Tluih-e. It was uo< tbe ogsjMlug uf art.
mmm tbere^'f'
(•i-w) and Three DoUan (IjM) per
Iter suivcMNes wen- Ibe iriumph of im
No. »—^EMinix\..>j^arbleJ Kdtes. Extra QuMty High
pulse rather ttisu of dr<lini In order
tu please, sbe did nol study cbarwcler.
mo'ti'*t/’7 Tt"'’
DoUars (U-oo) per
Bbe dinned 11. KseuH alive tu uu(ward Influciuwa and losing In-psrt. her
owu persunwlliy wbeu coming In cootucl with that <d oibcrs. she readily
roSth t^r^r"
and Five DoUan ($500) per
adapted jerMrll tu ihvir uKKXts. and her
npprebunsioa was quick if uot pro
found "
Mine Recamier was not creative save
1n tery lluiiied degree, bui Me was ap.
Ssirie-lieiire ban told a
s for NortS»*a Mlcbigan.
great drtsi of ber sevre- when he saya
Me Itatened "aver scducl(on.~ But to
read her mesnulrs ts 10 be <mr>lDced
ihbi rtlll more credH Mould go to her
real kindness of bmri sod genUetiesa
of dlignalilan. Bhc bad wealU and
bosuty and grace, but st«ve three, and
hwludtng On-m. Me had mrodnere. Ho
It was that she could nut b«Up tasclnatkuc mec and women. Her power was
(uinvoidsble. Bui k % very cartnin
Ibai not ooe woman In a tbounnud
would bare uoed It. <« the whole. vHb
more (Msemkio and wkn lam of foglIM prida
relephone 192
311 Front Street
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs'.^
Special Offer
The Encyclopjedia Britahhica
“Give Your Boys a Ounce”
Encyclopaedia Britannica
for One Dollar Cash
Foi funhei igfgrmaiion call on Holleif i Conaable.
WWy MsrVMt V
A young lady who ta preuy waU
known In Cleveland aocleiy recently
had as a vltator a Mtas Legge of BuSato Mb* Legge Is s vweei. beautiful
gkl. and her Cleveland friend Uded to
make ber rtalt s plesaaat one. but aba.,
only pniOy eucceedrtl in dufng no.
"I'm aorry. Alice." Me girl wtio bad
done tbe entsrtattkhkg. aaki when tbe
other CM twady to return home. *^t
you are determined to go back ao aoon
Whatblteiitatler. anywayr You don't
oam to have bad a good Ume at aU."
"Ob. 1 know It." Mtas LagRe regliad;
"bni -It bsant been rtmr fault, dear.
I'll never goawwy (rocn home ngnln un
til I'm married "
"Why. whntevtr put noeb an Idea
M that ta your tend, you dear Mule
“Well" tbe Buffalo girl Mid. "even
time I am Introducvd to aay oae ba
alvrajra kooks blank tor sbout a minute
aud then oayn; 'I didn't qnUe 'calcb
yourMBM. 'What It la. plMser Whan
1 gel morrtad and bavv s new game I
amy teal like getoc otu among Btfaagsm. b«l until Man I aball otay ilgfet
Monad otera paopla know naa"
iMk—I dooT ese why you caU bar
• «<Mar girl tarn baeaum aba told yon
wbaa y«u pragOMd.
I have just brought in a car
load of the finest farm and draft
horses ever shown jn this region.
Come to my bam and take
your choice of a fine horse at a
price to suit your purs&
SUte Street
TrsvarM Olty, Mcik.
THE iroavnfo uoomD. saturoat. karos sb, ieb9
T»f G. 1. (I. IS PBOSPtSOBS. i;;::;
” •’•^1
la 4ri*la« i»em tiu r—^
yaaMrday Mr. LmU
fr«k Aaeaal Bapait Showa laoraaaad iBBitatnl >111 614 Si. or » >7 per aeat.:
Uk# aak CMlar*
iMTMwd ri.-,
daw tfaekaawrlte Blilian
Satalaca—Saar laBpcvTtMSH
or IS U per rent, oad ^ terpiat
aloaa U> B ifa»o-»d.
. , Jo.
ontob. «»1.
jw„ Uor«»iKI.s.I« » «H. ..ri
Jot Klaaats *w Ukta alek ar*ia
fMiecaty aooa «iik cbllU at>a'erw
Tot aoaaal reporl of' tk# C.R-Al.^oeot.
^ Ototral
Berkart tab
II aod-------.........................
la totUt U> oUeed
to kit dotita la : for Ike yrtw..
eadtdprekat! bOtowol
At Oraod Uatoa Bllttk B **“’“^'rraok rrWdrtek takotaiore.
_______^aj {rtpors 0l Ike ooadlUoo of
j pared aod ibeaocreiary <jf ibt
oaplojtd at twUfkw
>MO bj- iktO'aod; ^
i.w'k B-Me«h«OD». U teodinr
M>odinc «coplet lo'»a»l»W •aoy Improeemeou ooeded
Tbt Bo U-^le Wkitt C «6 set with
ood o«*rv Tke[oBdiBCroie*plaUon.
loC to tod It os eel'
When be otealiaBt Ike Traeena City,
U«. ^PBce of tbe prooperou* coodUloo of-'A brooch be tar* ike ooBdllioo of Ike
»r..d Iol.o.rt
kralthyroad aad Ue iodlcatioat of! bridpet r«|olred ptrtlcuUr alteavloo
. . b.
I f redual aod eootUioal prootk aw lo ; dorioe the year io.t ended, two bflM
KtarCaro.Ckar:etJw|ula. alomoer.!
watterwokly Uija.ed byaro'li..f .
Ion bat Ven leated toMr. !
jn e.ery tutem.nl.
rebuilt and three repaired Ourtag the
IM Uitior vat broatn and be tit-. ' «»*»dltb, of Urand Ktp.et. vno exg( H.iubui* pre-joomlog y.ar It w i: be oeceaiary
r the Bjard'
’“^^’llteou the rep.rtof the board of dlrrc- ibe bridge at Mtykeld
d lournal injorica. UevUUlke
menu, and fit the boul up. m good
grwt ‘ quo rlecr to be replaced and tbei will
itnn and tunonare.^ that
ly dia.
c la the purchtte «f Uct.
Wt Cadlllae. tkP throe-year old too
m Heary Kngero. an employe of Wil
laale eaady uiokera.
juttpurcbated I,
|i i7A..w’.-.............
.-i7. leaelng
winter hat
been a
pbea. oi'nal
vew VWbJ w
...... • —•
-----------— ■
' POX Brot, ia their taw will, wa» terl<* |
, adneborwand oewdrlieery aagJa.
l« The one^ Kug'and. wiihabro-mt :.i warm
oaaly burned AOrdagb the Ignition of i
I ...v
.......... .....................
SVrU Mcm%
0^ bt<Xzrt%\, J
«>ma paper with vbloh be vat plaj l
Jamet ..ckery of
! intereti on the debt i» gieen at fsiw. ,dayt and then toddeo pen-dt of froti
I fervja atenue are ibe proud parenU of; ,.„y
„d tn, otker charge* to Income A'a conf <inei>ee the death rate bat
M.>rk of ^emndtilDg
.. .b
------------------ and
«*»| Ih. «u..r a„. .»> p.i li 1. bi.! »'■"* “•
. »•" "I «»"'
A. vowpared vUh-incroawof ludte*r/t t;.o»y inwl lh»'
,e prv.ioutTear the gritt earnlogt, reporU .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b.b,b.:..Ajl «kA
, and «u_*
vben ..completed
the K..iMlnw
buildiqg will
___ ________________
------ '
aibitdetk. bettuck a wet tpongc in
^ be cvcupiod by tteorge Uwatkint' meat
Ue eame pocket, forgelUng aU about
tba lime tbera. The tieam began to market
C. C Vaoderpool arrleed ywlerday
oooe out In tueb eolumee that the
neared teacher thought towethiag watt from (’oldwaurto.uke a poeition at
oaSrein the youngaur'a pocket, andI lilerk la tbr Bot. I Columbia.
9 vill be a tpecUl meeting of
patUag la her haad abe eaugbt bold of
' the Cnrpentrre'local union, next WedUa lime nod pulled It out.
bwband was bnrnad, and Ue retull neaday errolng in C ». IV S. ball The;
vat a erven iectun ftr the boy on bit bu.ldUigctwUaciorBaodearpeniert oftbe
Only^e housewife, who has a family to look after,
the household duties to perform, the ser\ants to
Mita Alice Kellb of WebaUr aireel
At Maruball. the Ualeenla borne for
Aged and Indigent woman will be com huareoeUed a 6oe new Kimoall piano,
direct, the planning of the meals, the marketing,
pleted by next tall, work to l>*gin tbv tbe gift of her parenu
and a hundred and one other things to occupy her
•prlng. The borne vaa founded by DulMIm Aarab Hrall of Weal BIgbtb
mind and demand her attention during the day,
oanla Oally. u reatdaot of Marengo, elreet. Uahlr to be out agala after a
knows what a terrible
mber, lyttt. leaelng a I ^
vbodlpd II
strain all this is on mind
bequetl of MiT.uuo in blit will for the
Miae Allima Cstc^ fa
and body, and what an
aeme. ^’ruper aUp* bare been Ukeo.
ul near ^xti
of a Kibool
aapeclal bill baring bwn paaead by the
immense amount of en
l^ialaiura. Tbe bequealka* luvrcaaed
ergy and vitality a suc
to.»ll.U(JU during tbe laai four year*.
cessful performance of
d toiaiaegi^.i
W 0 Nrleon of Uelaad in in the city,
these duties rcauire. Is
by eubeciiplion. The buildiug will
hick Scbomberg of Ubod Harbor ia
it any wonder,then, that
located Ju*i eaat of karaball In li
ren|o Tillage, and it can be lighted by In the city
many good wives have
electricity aad rec-elre tbe beneflu of
more work to do than
city water. Tbe ri<iaif«meuu for ad- Hay yceier.lay.
they have strength to
Senator .1. W Miltiken came up tr. w
mlmlOB arc that thu applicant
pciform? They find it
baretiu pn party, no on.- n-cpoi
>.e L»i..lng in*te»eping
impossible to give their
for bet care and be .in year* «U1 or
B. M siMih’ld came over from ManAn aduiliuncc fi-e of •Uki 1* charged, ton y.-*t««iay to *pubd Sunday with
household the attention that it
that to go to tbe treaanry.
hi* family.
should have. They must have
Cadillac wll. hare a new opera
Mr*, tl.. [lolbrrg and daughter idu
aijSistance, and
bouae. to be lueatcA at tbe i-urucr of will goto t'harlev.iix Monday to loln
Harrik and Hlbley aireeta. Tbe kituc Mr Uoiberg.
- tore will be :<«lt« ftwi aud w>l be
Ml** N.-r.y Koo/eobc.-k -.>t Frauktorl, *
after the oio*l apprureil piao*. with ik tbe goee. of MU* Mary Ue/>ele of;
. ilreat i-lrvla, pai.iaet, box.* and gal- 401 tVcHt Ninth kireet. .
lariee—weUopoUtiBU tn Svrry feature
Mr. aiui Mr*. Harv.-y Avv.x
It will be of brick and atone Urougb- leave thi. uM-rning for Uelr ue* home 1
will do more for them than any
in .Nea tiriraok
Tbe local emergimcy oommitwe alj ^r* K A. Ilalrea ill g.> U- ^.rand ,
other tonic they can take or
KalawaxiM.. wfalcb came Into ^xUtenew-ihi* morning to join her Lu* ;
anv other help they can get. It
at Uiecloae of Ue vvarlakl kummer fjr j bxiid Hr* Uaire he* beeu •pending
servant, for it increases your
Ue purpoke of oarii^ fur kick »ol.lier* |
tinier with IhV lemliy of her:
own powers. Just tr>- it for yourself.
on their return, ba* *40.1 on band •'I’b ] brother. T T hate.
wblub It intended to pay doctor billal Harry Kneeland returned ia*t nightt
to that Buiouut iui-urred in tbeir reiirf I
ibe Agru-i-miral t o leg.- at l.*n 1
work Since Ue legialature uiaie an ,tngaud will apeud h!* ten day* va-* ;
appruprialion lately fur Uiv v«ry pur OOB with bi* parenu. Or. aud Mr* i
puac Uc oummturr baa dvcidcii lu turn J. Kneeland.
tbr bill*over t.i Ifar pniper auUi-rili.'«
Ml** MiUbie WmhI ha* re'u.ued fn.u.
S «5 *-SI* Ss *«•«;to'br paid fiutu till* fuud. aud UM- the ln-lr.iil and ('lev.-••nd wli.-ieUe pur
tiiHi fur uUi.-r purpoMr*
cWed.pr.iig mi.ii-.ery.
At Hattie Creek Sarah AC Huiuwy
wife ut IIk' fai«-.a* uM abo!ilu>in*t Oic gu--»t of Si« fide. -S.. K S i-.ju.Braalu* Hui.ri. Jinl Tbunulay afur0." Umt'ii Strvtl
BOOoallUeagv.^t’‘i yrara
Shi- Da*
.lohu Leukfduf Alol Sfanog. .tr.
lived there aluue l*i'- Sue aud her
buaband eunduried Ue celebratril no.
lu*t l*ar.ii-d Oiat bi» Iwp -.nu-r* ar.
dergruuD-l r*li-» *y ataUuu ip that oil>
] l.ring at-Hukkeg.-n Mr i.euatd b»* ^
before tlie war, wbeie fugitive klave*
not *(vi) or lieard from bi» *l*ter* tiiice ,
were aecreu-d and put ou ibcir way
he enliatcd at Mukkegan in
^ V-ki\4komt itete Vxsve
wt ^ot
M 'S^Vso sonve S\iedaV "Ptvws.
____ _
A Faithful Assistant
T>0 TV0\ Wbt\ MTvVU \>ie \aS\ AAift Vb Wt A\\tTtV0«Tt. \0T
TOt V«^tT \v\Utv4\Vltm. awi A\
VbbbTtV TA\t 9\ »V»,
owT imtAbTist s\otV. \Vtt VtAs triXV bt bome’s^v»\
£ ^ToVtw- tomt batVa.
W. iMilliken.
liul we do liflievv in signs, wbeti lliev are
so coiivineing as those which pi»inl to the
iUcreaMtig deinaml fop onr "IIKST
. At Aibiou Mary Keeve*. a High
nehnol pupil, tried to commit auioidr BMt EalUmere Oytten
at tVU-'* rcatauranl
by the murpbioe route in achool Thur*day morning Some time ago it was
nolioed that abe aud agirl named Uar
vey were apendlAg money rvckica*!'
variuu* city grenn boukc* and elaewhere, and it wn* proved that that (be I
monev waa alolen Irvm tbe girl'kl
Maober. Tbediagruce waa too much I
WriM I
for the Beeve* girl and abe look acTcrali EVERYBODY
large doam. of morpolne wbUe alltlng i
atMrdekk. bbe will probably live.
No Trouble to Sell
Umugc yulck, a young farmer living! Qir C
north of Holly, baa begun auU aguinat j O C. C
tbe vUlnge for $M.(kM). Ue waa in
bleyole nceldcnt on the atreet one even
ing lael ewmmnr and aaaulaed a frae
tarad tkuU and Inal one eye.
geaaral auppoalUoa then waa Uat he
ran into another bleyelUt, but be
elaima that be waa tbrowa agaiaat an
At Bmlth'a Creak W. Baaalke, an old
nnldier, becaaa vblenUy lain we becaaae bin appHeatlos lor a paaatoa wan
n)eetnd. Me will ba takw to tbe aayturn at Kontlan.
W. W. MUlar'i bone which to driven
m bto delivery alelgh ran away lent
evening wiu CbarleaUetobnl. wbiln be
waa dallvering groeerlea. Tbn animal
atartnd on douu Unloa atreat aad after
tBralng tbe corner at Bigbtk atreet.
tbe aleigb eolllded wltfan tren aad atoppod but tbe bone ran on. Tbe driver
w« qalte badly abakw up but aala>nd.
TM alaigb waa demoltobed. Ibe
bane wae captured later bat tbi* to no
MW npmleaoe lor him. ae ba ba* giv-
Saturday will be the Last Day
Of the auit on sal-. Oo that day rale will be
from 1 p. tn. to 3 30 p m. only
The Entire Stock Uf The Fair
Tclephtmt- No. -r.
Auction! Auction! Auction!
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cufib, Hats,::^ap8, Boots
and Shoes.
3 to 16 years sizes—$1.25 to $3.50.
Rmember, People, this AucUoa Sale is a ohanoe of a
Ufh-time to bny good, Staple Merchandise at Auetioa. It
will alao pay marchanta to attend this aale. Remamhar tkM
antlre etoek mnat be aold in 10 daya Memewbsa the plae^
Boy’s Suits worth from $2 00 to $6.00—
Bnmian calf
He., M aad
ud Mack
UMk *u.
and vlei kid. with veatiBg. ailk
___ ____
on tbe
_ now
Oratoben laet
band eewed nroenea, Imltatioa tipped,
nickel boon aad eyelela. Tbto eboe to
for the yoM men who want eaaof'-
tie lhaatu.
iS.PITUl,ni Pnednlftnlii.
lit Vfuait ^raet.
Will be sold at Auction to the highest bidder
Nothing reserved everything must
be sold out in 10 days
From one hundred and fifty to two hund
BroMh Block.
red choice bargains left—Examine them.
Hamilton ClotlilngCo.
844 BTont Street,
I every afternoon at 8«) p. m- and at
700 p. m. aharp, but’fo^
nnd from Mnnb tl to
H. B.-TW Storu flxtom, Sbolvun. OnuntMU. Mlmeu. D»k. etc . for Mto,
nx KOBxaia Bxooxp. aitrpxnAT,jiAxaB a», uw.
' &««ver«V tlevst
Xatro4»o*4 tm luomUoa w« tb*
■nnwl 9t eiSM >• 4 «m « ■■cbm.
Th« Ulcfl«'
i'lrivM iMlevealBf ks Moouto*
f* j ^
Bo»h*r 4 of tb*
M- B.
• T>*(blifor»UL^ul«ti»«><SJ^r«^;8ud»y tebool. wm » f rMtf ■■ocwi,
■rtUoot claetlag ■ xaecMW U» t alt«d |
,oc4»Uy Md liiiMeixkly. A r«rf
a>Mk>r WtalMi i^e Md appr«elktif« »>dlMo« "*» I
;, At IIU!o»tl C*»Ur.‘Ihlo. AuaC K*tle , pr**«jl M»d ihe rKMipW amcmawd W
fir"*!------dlad Tbunda; 4( tbe (tip. | aboot WS
„m |.u jM/a. 4he «m the oldeet
A cbarniac piaao m>)o hj BIm Jom«oMa U the WotthB'k Belief C.rpt ia plnae Veder *ra* U>e ftret aumber oa
-the UaUed huua
»be profFem had ^ luHowed by eel-
Uneeda Biscuit
Fresh, crisp and dainty.
When Un^da Biscuit
mn r.uni»c *o Tluini^llk O*.. oor..l, cnupcal ol
«.» J.k7l yiU«l,ll.r«»l»nl.k ,»|Cy,pk.ll. li~rc»“
^eted the preeldeaf* cutter, aad,WiB*a*.
]Um ■■■ o' the b*rk ThfelU. the lr»l; The Howard brother* faeored *rtlh
> do Ule hoBor. wae preaeatet to Mr. AaBdoUa aod guitar duela
Tbetiigglei faoiUy troca Pui»pkla
HMlRidae. VrriBOBl la which there
Ibe Mieeloaary aad wile reported
amrdered la Sierra Leoae. Weet dfrUa. tertaiaed with a chapter from tbeir
an beliered to haee been UaUed llTca. Thi»otn»letedof«oelc. redla-
Whenever you are hungry.
tioaa aad oomlc dialogue*.
» rweatly
The following youag ladiee from
Mew Orleau iteo uoiued to eaow clBBk 4, were the ecompllebed daegbthat whea the batry etom atruch lt j^„/ Mi—a Marie U.«..n, Cora Miller.
reeahUy it fouad iterlf omaUe to eom-;
Haioee, Mien:* Uubbell. BBe
pel oitaeoe U> eboeel of! their *1^®-' hr*ton. Mona rthield*. Bertha HrieWl.
walbe. for waatof a loedl »«»*»“«•, ana HotehUa, May I'eok. Opal Uobb.
to tkat eSeet The deelred ordlaaace:
li^rdBer. Leaa Wollul. Ida I>jI- ]
M BOW eapeeted la abort order hl j^^y
in. Lottie Cook
Look aod
tb.ngk it *ay act be aeoeeury to ea-1
fone it for half a ceatury.
| *fc,i,able family.
The manual report of the departineot j pui*«rix -d rjro aurrueaded by aweet
of Itidiaa affair*, juat iakued. abowa'
of cow wa* acrved a* rcfreab
that. ooBUary to penerhl belief, the' mgai.
Indian populiUou of Oaoada ti* iocreaa-j
----------------------- —•
Where Uneeda Biscuit
populaU'iB ia*i year U gitea at loo.wi.;
----------- -j
aghioet uv.tvi for the preceding year. I g|j^ Margaret Xoudoa Intrcduced |
Because good digestion waits on appetite.
Wherever you are.
Uneeda Biscuit
Th. k.ui;(|(um0TfBs OF IITERITURE.
e Ohaitaiod Social
, lala great atralu lor food aod
aamuBltioa. He baa only d.ouo Sght-.
One of the moat unliiuepertie* of the
lag men aa^ i.ooo rebel*, while be la
aocial aeaaon to-ik place last creuiug at i
baaipered by aoeoormoaafoUowiag of
the borne of Mr. and Mra. William |
WMUea and children. Maey of hia folLoudon, on WeaCB'ghth etreel. Tbeiri
lowera are anklou* to deecrt.
dauKbler. Ulaa Margaret Ljudou. ea-1 —
CMpUin T. L Mualonof the eolua- terialacd aU.ul taculy lire
toereugineera, Urepurledtobare
i fri,nd* in honor of her birthday aoniThe aouthern cumady dram
PO..r.l I. ILr ,™ r«,..o, lb. Ku.n.l , ____,
jtbe Suaanei.- K vcr." which waa pred.
h.ibo,. lb. 1«»The rooiidenla of inrilalion* were laentrd in SU-Inberg'a Urand la*’night
. U»B of the keyboard uaed to deairoy , •ijueKted to represent the title of^naa bugi-ly W j .jed by a largeaudi' the Maine
•••'-b«,*b>k—either by Jrcas or in loau-lence. Tiie pjAy la one l-J appeal to
'lAe friphtfol epidemic of typhoid;
The Wea was fully arpreeiaU-d, j „Bc a lendereai aym'patk.v aod the
, , IB Pu^tlphia
I'liUadtlpliia u-^u«d
u'jau*^ by im-L_____________
iui-i earned ont. and
the dliT
rimt eoMuuie*_; .b.,...,
axaging was ex.ellent.
............. . Special.^.-^-eoe
, pure waUT. Ibe r\^crtolih are la « »o,|, i.<,n,j,»rcd wi- 1 w:lh thu rariou* ry *-arc reali»m;lo the aouthern ■« • ci«a
Alltay e-odilic.n alin *\ beyond b»-l.cf. I work* of lUoiHute and prlacipai char- *n.l liie c.imp*nv was a Biie’.v balanced
The bottoms of IwaiUb arecoterod with 1
- ai'»-r.-g*tion'' irach individual eharao».«lui»y o. ai> tiliKd with uojiiou* organ-;
oincr llis'.iuEs and Winified u-r »ak t-i.-elleiKly pn-iravi-d aid ex
tarns, a isuigli-iarcated mixture of Ud- J Kuller, aa "The Workers,' carried off cept .'iiai histri..me ta.ent " bdiaplaj
•SeeUrdayV Litl e Bia»-
The Sre drparlmeat
y.-aierday morning to vx'lngo«ah al
h ate in the old tigle building « n
K»at t*-Hint street The Ure ongical.'o
fivui a defective cUininev The dam
age »!. mW am -uut to *;f> WiUi»m
. .. . .Vucj-i oe t^
;p«*j jy i;orj
e dye 'wt-rs' •
Veil! uwl bi- lu'Crrupied
prKlu.,,., .silt .r
. n'
th-.1 nr-
dead d*h. Tbe reaervuinr have not'
xrophS* Wing two clogaut pieturt k , piae la a thread ol teuder aentiiuent
bes-o cleaued for yeara and the water <jf
hay aod Ihi-p-i insula road.
Inflmarred bv eoar»e cietueptt which,
ia nearly a* black aa tar
The gcnllemaii's piiz?. a Iwautifol jofiea tpoil a really good production, j'i.io'
Ib eiew of the deatruelioo by tire of i bound eolome of ila.-au'y'a work* wa* : The dialect was correct aod the ceive r. 1 ef
. tbe Wlndaor ho'bi 1. Mow York city.that awarded to Tom Wilhelm, who was jacene* admirably depicted. Tbe plot of
• dreaaed aa • Huckleberry h'inii." The the play lio'is the audieneo with thrill. ;
j,. g Wait, druggist
the queation of the exila and fire
ling interest and the climaxea. whil ■
oapeant London botela and uaasiouk books reprvaented were:
The Pathfinder -Umis Webber.
i intenae. are not impoaslble ajtuailons.
will bf brought before the London
Huckleberry PioB—Tout Wiihciiu
I No part was uverdoue and the work of
coasty eouoeil-
.AH. BKUWN. suoiner snu ISo
A marble block weighing aooiething
tjjeen of Hearts-Lulu fa kin*.
iproval TEe Fountain C.ty aegrOjQ. i*«
over loo.ooo pounds, baa been aucceahA How of Orange Ribbon-Ed Tbtrlby quartet.
mposed of fine voiwa. ren-, **
tally reoi-.TOd from a noarry at Marble
dered a SCI ies of melodies in tbe third ; |^iKB iNrit'i
A Uopeteik Caae- K-ljel Oibba,
am: <hk . and started oa lu way to
act and it waa with d.fti oUy that they *
An Endless Chain-Cora I'lereon.
Mew Y.irk. Tbe marble U almost pure
were finally eoabled I
R.iae la Bloom—Iterlba'Hurley.
white'and measure* -J7 feel f iocbea
low the p'ay to go o_. -- -----------Tbe Deeralayer- Win Bennie
Imc by 4 ft«el » lacbe# wide, and U be
-STOi Or..,.
The Lilac Sunbinnei-Mias Baesett. .«ir«i Tru»d.u
lieved to be tbe largest block quarried
Blaaaoms. " aad for an encore gave "Aa oni -vs iw« Tuoun.or wuea. si« rruui sirvei.
The Koatman-Alvla Smith.
ta muAeru limea.
^ *!?‘ The Workem-Urace Uaatluga and tbe Sun Went Itown." Id tbe last act
«ume Egyptian boaU made of cedar.
Mias .-IV.------Stella Mayhew rendered---a------fl=e :-^7.
Winifred Kut er.
W'» wei.1 of .ae rir mua r«r ?ooillj««»
^bably 111 os.* some 4 job year* ago.
character sketch. Altogether the at ,uow.
ia»fd .J tvusi.w Kaim.in.ua
Hen Hur—Urace Corbett.
have been found buried near tbe banka
traction -as one of theWtof the kind ^
bi.wke. Pb.ms. a.ww and uf
Lsaib'a Tale* from Shakeapeare—
of tbe Mile. And furtiiab an Interealiag
seen here in a long lime and the com
h. <-«.»«. *,t..roe, s-.c i
David Jlvkling.
prow! of the power of that wood
m. Wu iiSI.-e^. onj itprrs
The Original Kell-Ueorge Chase.
withataod the ravage* of time.
dience regretfully
Song* of Seven Scaa—AUco Wail.
- - - - - -watched
- . the cloaing I ?”'**'**^‘
A walnut tree was cut down last
Oliver Twlat ,-Hilda drawn.
laomie. M. Suit abonld be commended j p«. *^^^^ a‘*^i;Ut>Ay rrauu.^^^
week in th» Wood*' farm ia Wabash
Locke', llumau L'adcr.tandiog-- for hU choice of a opiipany in auch a
------------------Uounty. in.t . which measured w feet in Flora Caldwell
creditable production.
|/-vilbbkt a uatw.auon>*>> (tpec>»^»>
-Vr «eui.oataPr..i.u-pTacUve. K4Mm>»aa<
circumfereuc* at the base aod tin feet
A Sad Miata'ue—Herbert Somera.
I lo.Hnr.oii> l..,BI.« >i _ ___ ________
ho the flnl limb.
Eaat Bay Ti ket
Heavenly Twin*—-Margaret Louden
HufUngion. a anburb af Btvaton. a and Nellie l.ardie.
vbclK.at Bav -Republican
tvBiarkablc rural borough, but fifteen
Under Two Flags-NiUHughee.
-eaicrday the following nomioaiK-n*
fotle* from Us^tun tXimm'Hj. relebraird
The Whim R «.e-MaePieraon.
- t wer.-m .de lor lowoahip oKcerv:
«hr KiOlli aunivjraaryof Ito fl-*l*eU'«Making a newapaper waa anothero. Chandler.
*wotons..nday. Mar -b 1'.'
lu popu- novel feature of ruUrtainmenV
; Ucik--L A Thompson,
lation has lu-reased only Ihtrly-nineln
At about U to o'clock the gocai* . ^^^..urer-Kdwlo Black
the—far of Ointy-aixyea.^ Although
uV.ea aid ;
lull term-K’-.,^ M
KK tn •
k» near a great city. lhr|il*-e »»»*■'.*• treated to dainty rcfrcabmeols pre-i^i^^ H uck''
■ VV , *:i«.u.<.a.ix»t.ilw..
a., tent, in appearaacec u*a-ffrown |
J.vtu.; of the peace, to fi.l vacanevb*‘^«iviit
j Afiet this game* took the lead and
I'be ti-*ir tawn oM.iberty in Ih-kalb | nieafs (»r amuM-isent were aerap^l'y; t\,nimiss-i«er ol higbviaTi.—W
- tsuiply ^•-po.. has bi-en *lm->»t wiped funhes mitig as the dcmsnd.
^ .hemsphya cycl'me whjeh sw.-pi; Loudon proved U> be an ex«ilent bcwl-J
inspe-lor—David Kiynsh.
| x , a. tmiMPSON. M I- ■
over It T'.ursdav night. Tree* were iear and it Waa a laic hour before the,
p,„rd of revi.a -iohn N.
UF-'ooU-d sihI houMw dfstroyrd in all | c-n.panv dlsp.-raca
A baoos.uue go d fourtade.
i «-'
The Christian ehun-llt a;wa-cband chain w-av p.-wwoied Mar-; .coustahlta Charlta Seldon. Frank
baitd«»U‘r brick alriR-turo. wa* blown • garet by her parents.
Weathers, Fhilip Feigtr, Chris Lam- g mB.ir--»'^"i'
'«nple.>ev Mu fauULes are reported........... ............... ........
T si>iKs iv-mn/
Uujlitf. Solid leather, Low Pricesend Rig hi Styles
fa.KT. SlT"JXV ^
UUVe s\n?es ^
ave so wo)lw ttvts
Bemartmni* Beaoua.
■ bill, for Chamberlain'*
WillC.une la teacher. A couple |!^7gh IWmedy Mver'wia“to Mr*“‘“lt Y^IHL WAST«t>-wui t*f •«
Mia. Mivha'-U'arUln. I'lainfieid. 111., which
of alelgh load. «>» Joung gmopledrova ,^
makw Ute aUtemeot that ahe caught
; and worth—D. 6 Mearkle, Generali---------------------------------------- ---------------— 1
*0ld. which settled on her Inaga: she fiowB from the city to attoud.
inch ; Merchant and Fbrmer. Mattie.
mas tmated for a month by her family
Bustob lUore
physician, but grew worse. He mid
b, U.. .udl»«.
^ S’.Srtou"'’-''''
bet ahe aas a h.'pi l<«a victim of con- ,»J.;.d
.Vh.ul. Wtou~r. bo-...,.l. — d^Kto.- ___________ __
BumnUou and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. found that onWo! the leama wa* miaa-;
Ifii.g'B Sew l>iaeoverv forOoBsumptioB. lag.
...^ _____
An Inv^iigation
showed that Ue ,
.„a lunebea eerved
• ah^Wtht a bou'e and «rher delight
They were
at the i^een City £e«
duund herself ben. filed from the first.
T" * J
opened and ready for busitu
Shi ooPllnued iu use and after. covereid uyer and one ofthcJi
uking .1* boiUea. found heiaelt aound i touad to bd quite aetere.y cut.
•t.,1 writ; now does her own bouse-.
^q^Ked Kobody v _
,DI-W .
at Queen City restaurant.
Just re-; xtai
opened aad remodeled b7 F- C. Cook.' Jv p'vk
Fine order cooking.
Lv at the drug atoraa of S. B. Walt «> kRe c‘V ®“
A W M. iratu.
J.'l JiAaeon Utrge botUra SO
-------------------- -----OpnAlllflght
|*aiu uA gM& baud
The Queen City Mentonrant. First'■
Teut LbUm
atDueenCUy revtaarauv Juat rcotoH order eooU^ nad Hina Innebea. I po|
^hlnr to leu-n »be mHllnery Wade
opcoed and mmudalad by F. ^0^ •
. „u „..
The Old Reliable
118 Front Street.
.Blaml *'■KKiti.ot peraonom. nearly all:
„ „r .
We bate saved • many doctor billv grom *»»-».
1. is.v.rsH^«l*t bomo.
i Oopleaaaht Mxpener c< of a IravaiB*
--------------- .. ■ ■----------------------‘ •
City Oompaov at Beltner. ;Cough Uvtoe.iy in our home. We keep'
■The roll, rt sutea U Inadlag Ureal j
to Britner • holt;.-open all the time
iue and
suu •
•* henueu • '
Levi T. IVnnington wea
Britalu lu tbe race for the worldb com
r mvaelf iwgin , W .
aat night and del
"Bdueational Foi
<•' :
?l\io \TV fD^s afv4 ’(1^^^^C0T4S.
afv4 'va tDlhXXs w Xabfi ^Wvrt
or miVvauX
Tnew Vow
50c to SV.50
6xt Sa\o
Sa.Wr4aia ^onv-vw^.
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