The Morning Record, June 14, 1899

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The Morning Record, June 14, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TWiiMn znn



u Hahaadrttaa
tha oaomr with haaey la«. Oar
aaltla waraaosa thlny.* Tba I
raaia la thla aoathar* aaatlMi
FlBAl Adjoanment Plx«d for
AsartfiAnj EurprlMd
Mbb. Bot Moteatod BBtU thac thnalaM
attaek, la atn^ tatoo^oo
«!• YMttrdmy.
ataMwaaattaaadaBd.lB Totrast. It
ladoabtlal If they wUl aaka a farther
Lagmlaiaia WlUBwf
I WUek OobUbm<
iBn leUt-Baal Bagar Baasty Ptaad
• BwAlj
yif* Wtam
a « turn
al Oaa half Oaat ^ Ponad Xala-



AUtmptimg to «M MgmMOlOo.
KmIU. Jkm II,—Tk« flfkUnc tt
Lm n>M eoaUaMd boilf »ll d*/ today. 0«MHkl. U««M oaU«4 <«t Ua m>
111* foraa af moo. aa4 at • s'alaak
ka«w oalyabla W poah tba laaarfaaia
back M* fv*a t« tho Ot^to i*ror.
whm tkof art aMiweM.





Wimri M

Man war. aad Mvylag a lax of 1 • of a
mlU far tha mm. npfRtpeinlag the
namof BW.OOO

“You're Not So Wann’’

tataa. gl.voa
Travaraa City aaylam. SKl.«Mb
Sohool tordMf. RTi.oii.
Crlmlaallaaaaaaaylam.tlO.eoa '

In one of onr cool, eas; hammocks»*and
it won't break yon to own one either.

A close woven
Colored Hammock

T. Smary of Bay OHy.eonaaetad with
thaKaUoaalMllUag aad Bvapoeatlng;
eompaay. of that city waa la town yettard^ looking aftar tha porchaaa of a
Laaalag. Jaaa it—Tha aaaata con- atodi of petatoaa. Ba waa. howaear,
carved oa tha honaa raaoletloa to nd- uaaawaaaarut ta hla ailaaloa aad taft
II with ffaal adjoatameat Ua diy Mat avaalag without baying i
Tha beet angar bonaty waa made oaaTha tea dapartment waa eallad oat j
half cant par pooad with ay
propriatloa par year aad *all other to yaatanUy moralag to axtiagulah a flra
In tha raaldaaae of Frank Mullen oa '
ba paid oat of tha ganaral fuad.
r of Btgbth atreet and BoardTha govaraor tlgnad tha aaoloal hill
j phoaa aad Talagraph Tax BUI PaM-

4>pr«priaUoa BUM Pl^
I^Thlhd Two Cowas and Left
.ViPaaaad la tha BaaaMg
Lea^ In Ite Wake.

toniU WM atORB AlBOBt Wiped
Wow MkAmmt esd nraBduB Oat
SBlateBoe-JUByXJaMtert aad
SaBdradt aarioMlp Injarad.

St- Paal, Jaaa II.—WvtM Wlaooea^ acT'MlTaly- TUf atunpud tc als haa baaa rUilad by oaa of tha vary
aad »oatdaatraeUveeyeloBaa
ian U»a Uft «aak af tti# AmorKmo
itnopo. TU Amortmm iem la cgaair iB tha hlatory of tha Miaalaalppl vaUay.
fatlTelr aattmatad at alaty. Tha bat^ Tha daad are Bombarad by haadrada
aad tha roll of tha injured will oontaia
Oaaanl t>*wloB atexpaetedlr atlrrad naora thee half a thoaeaBd Baakea.New
«p OM of tba llTaUaat aafareoieBta of KlehatoadaBd UraBda^a were alBoai
Ua war. Tba Ataarieaa Said rana wiped oat of azlataaae by tha wlad.
wara aojafad ta tba flrat artUlary doal
The eyeloae atroek St. Croix ooaaty
afaibat a PiUploo battary coaeaaled la aboatti o'clock laat avealoc aad waa
a Jurla. Two «>ai>aolea of the twaa- tan-lbiy awift la aoooapliablnc iU
ty-4rat lafaatry wart aaarly .aPTOoad- deadly work. It made abort-work of
ad by a larf* body of iBaarcaala. bnt
Btaad. ooa of tka oldaat aad
tha ABariea&a eiit tbalr way ost with
towaa la the ataia. IVa
added to tha work of deatraotloo.
baavy liwa.
Oaaaral Lawtos thla Bcraloy took a
A Diapatch reporter who baa juttrebattaUoaafUta Foortaoalh rariaaaot. tumad from Mew Biehmoad plaoaa the
twoosspastaa of thaTwaaty-flnt rerl numberof tornado vicUmi at SOU and
mant to looata ^rabal battary. Twh the Injured about l.lKHi. Ue aaya taat
r>aa of tha Sixth artlllary aad four of the enUre popaUiioo of S.&uu only a
befonad anburt. The town
ataooyarda dlalaDoe.
waa aliaaat deairoyed.
Next to New Kichatond moat of the
Tharebala had a larca' ffua from
wbleb tb*y wa-a flrlnf hoaia-Bada too- daraacedone by tbaatorm waa at'Hud.
and La Ctom. In the Tlnlalty of
Utar. loadad with oaila. Tha rebala'
ahootlBf waa aaeorata. Tbaflratlolof of the Brat named place the tornado
eaoiatar b«nt directly to front of aad cloud buret deatroyed wlrea and
Sooti'ainte'.wtharahattared Ua lac hayataeka and unroofed rceldencre,
hama aad outbulldincu all aloac the
pclrata of the f
_____ ilry traveraad wat aa bad at U path At La Croaae >t waa the worei
peaalblelo luiacln*. beinx mainly a i aiorta known in aevenlaan y<
Ufoon of mud aad frln^ taankx river roae ao rapid^ laal too perauna
Wbaa Ike flcbtinc opened the Ameii* were arivnn trom their homea.
At Maakato. MIbb.. aix Inchca of
oaaa were attacked by kiddea riflemen
on all aldaa. even the amlcoa. or ••friend­ rayifelL WlBona.<MinB..Spai;(a, Wia.
ly" ntliv^, in the bouaai of the town, aad othetr towaa In tha adjoininc terrltcry are partly under water and
bacan abooUnc into ibalr rear.
The compeniaa of the TwcntyBral mnebdamac* haa been done, ralrbaull.
rec"B«i>t- akirmiablnc alone the beach, Uiun., tltroy. Viola. Uockton and
with amlco C«i<i<*' found apparently Tumah alao aufferadaeterely, and have
a handful »f rabeU. who retreated. ibokaine alary of flooded oeliaraand
Tha men of the Twentyftrat followed. ■traeu: heavy damage waa done cropa
Suddenty the rabala opened a' terretle and handreda of oatUc were
Are from tha aldea and rear. The aol- There were numeroua waabouU on the'
diara withdrew to the waterb cdc«. mUroadf. bndeea are gone and wire
ftadlnc what akclter 'Jiey cauM. and comoiunicauoD la paralyzed.
were picked off rapidly After their
New Bicumood. Wia.. June 13 —One
ammunition waa nearly exbaaated. the hundred and aerenty-Bve were kilted
companiea af tha Twealyffrit nlrtox- and lou were wounded la laat nicht'a
ad. but tiaoeral lAwion daahed down tomada according to the eatlmata of
aad rallied the men.
eaaual-jea Tceeivedat II o'clock today
The little ffeoap made a
by Manager Soott of the Omaha mad.
stand. Oepera! Lawton, Major Starr.
u,. the ......u.
The atoru atruck
Omaha .v^
Uauunanta Dmovan and Uonnelly | H<mrdmaa and followed the track to
taking the rlflaa from tha wounded | j,ew B.chmond. It hiaaed through
;n and firing at the enemy, bringing New Hlchmo^ from aoutb to north
down aome rebel aharpahoolera. Final­ and leveled fhe center of.the city. The
ly ihelr eartridgM were all gone and people were penned in phu aeorce were
they.were foroed to break through the buried alive.
onemy'a flank, carrying their woonded
Un the atreet from tUe depot, aurlto the mam body of troopa.
ingwith Baal & Co.% atare. Uroogh
Lieutenant Donovan, wboae lc« waa to the Hotel Nieolei oa both aldea of
broken. fioundereU a mile through the the itreet every bntldiog i» gone. Only
bog. after leading hU men in face of a the moat Incomplete Informalloo of
greatly aupenor force.
the killed and wounded U yet obuinUeaeral Lawton eeaaed fighting anU) able.
rainforcamenU were brought up. Two
batuUona of the Fourteenth regiment
aad one battalioB of the Ninth hurried
to the front, and ihii afternoon the 'Panned tha WmI Point BxamlnaUoa
hatUe waa reanmed.
and Will be Admitted tnto the
The Mooadoock anchored elooe to
United Butaa Military Academy.
ahore and her gnaa pounded the rebeU
Hon W. W. Smith received a tele­
oontlnuonsly. whi e the amallcr warg a1cmg the ahore.poarcd graphic. diapatch laat cTCDlng fiom
Boland Bougbton. who left a abort
bal^^U fifrom tkelr rapid fire gaaa.


1= b.
.... Ito. U«,™i
rti.1 r.—1 oi lb. Fii.pibo
...I.J. L...'
Prfro d. T...... rftooIlb.l“"““‘
D.m:,=™i.r.. toUu lb.
bbd U.biiil.d ... .bUbb«
»bb wb. I. >,d did lb. .1111, U S.I. 1
~ . bbdtt.
bb.oI'. cnl>. Tb. u,-| «o,.i„.
. ■.mbtt ol
“■ Tblrl.-Ib.rlb .Mltblb.b
“1, --"d ib lb. C.b..
Cuwbl. wi. wbiib« .1 Apilbbldo'.'—P“«“ -iib-oib«r T,.™... Ciiy
b«-i,..rtM. Io. lb. p..|».tbl«.lb||,d».'r—Ul ..bol.lrf b,
lb. ,Jll.I. AluioWdo'. d« , Cooen^oa. Hnl.b Io. U.. IV«. Polol
lor 1. .Koi.lo* boo .loopoioiod bio,., •.'“‘•■.blp ood bl. Mobd. .,11 b. d.
Bo booU, oodo,...r.d lo .01.1 oooo- i
>" ‘.t oI b.. oorao. 1, po».
oooond. B.T lblOT««d obd Loo. |
.bobuboliob wbiob U .old lo
dn. o .OTOl..., doclorioF Ibol b.. "F —diffl.oilb
wonld shout any owe who oppoaed bitn.,
— ---------------------I
In the altercation that enaned Luna
waa atabbed with the gnard'a bayonet.

Be died ahorUy afterward. Colonel
in the OaM Had to i
Eoman. of Luna's staff, rushed to the j
Bemaln In JaU.
naeseofhia chief, but Neyiaaaidto! CBarlotie. June IJ.-Jay Prindie. a
^<re diapoaed of him also.
i oontraetor aad builder, thla momtog
Thedeakhof Lana la looked upon by I ^twed the aneat of hla wife and,
a maioiitv of the FUlplnoa aa an unfiis-: Chafes E Kiplinger. Ball was fnrnT \
ilabedby Biplloger. but Mr*. Prlndle
.. -w. ...
iwaannibietogetbai’. It it aUeged
Washington, June J».-Tbe follow, j p^ndU went away yesterday and tSd
tng cablegram baa been reoefvod from hla wife that he wonld be nxnc a week.

the enemy In atromg eouenehinonta at,a1i:j to prepare the bodies of Mb
theeroaalngof the Seapou river i irlaoldlenfor ahlpmcmt home.

With pillow and inserted stretchers, in fact QQ/%
ererything bot the shade..................... ...... OOL


We hsTs them fivm 48c to $4 60.

Olasa Tumblers........................ 6 for lOo


Tha hoaaa thla moralag voted ananidone however.
moaaiy to adjure on tha >4th with all
work to atop on tha llth.
Taa approprlativn klUa ppMad by the I
anata ware rwelved aad coaenrrad In
** *be Fam,
and go to the govwaor for hie algoa-!



::;^;|Special Hammock

The oppowenu of the bent tagar
bounty will effer a oompromUa to the
bill by making the bounty one-half
neat per pound and lhc..bel^ of beeia
to be B« -.'S. provided the far^era pay
the factory no rebate.



bvaidee it cods uo mure—in many
oot ss much—to
vrear our high grade clothing^ haU. caps, fUrniahinfl
eU-. tiiao you have to pay for tliuisy
• ae •is offered
isy duff.
duff, such
Sec our men's fine auiu at IT it. gv ».
See our ••Newlnnd" Hau at ti iki.
oi. gt fv


124 Front Stroet


Full aizts witli j>ilIo» xml 111
iui-li balancf nidt-s io nil t-iiU
ore, for

Bcleci your 4th of July outfit from stocks of
questionable age when you know i>erfectly
well that ours is the

Only Entire New Stock in Traverse Cj^

Sulberland-a bill to provide for the ,
labeling of proeem buttor vAa paMcd -j

Saver'aaoti-uu*t bill waa made a
apecial order for tVedueaday atU:Si)p.
m. Alaw Croaby amsndiag banking
lawz. Wa«ar oU blil. Chamberlain
ameodlng the fi.b aad game lavra.


-i| Those who Inov vhii ii meaas to dross velhtVdVhereT

>r bill to tax telephone, tale-;
graph and axpreaa eompanlea. raoom- ,|a____
leaded that the bill be paaaad aa 11,11111*
waa received from the aenate and attar|MUI aaii
s debate the bill waa paaacd. The
aenate changed the rate of tax
a compaxlna from fire to three per

FleMchauer'amaUon to recall t^a bill j
of Burch for opening aaioout on the j
Fourth of Jalybeeauae heaald It bad
been reported that money had been |
uaedtoaecuro itapaaaage. and it ahould I
bereeallsdaoaatoclear the akirta <f,
the boaae. ThU. Bnrch branded aa a |
Th« motioif floally prevailed by.a
vote of
to to. .




SaYings‘Bank Bazaar.:

A. V. Friedrich Block


----- ---------- !for Today—


$1.00 a .Month

will paaa the aeuxie with the same
I will supple fine ice for the
rates as the Wagar bill and that the at per miioih,
will not concur and thus leave if paid In advance.
the matter where It now aundawith
the Merriinan law io force
Although i
me argoijhat it vrill not be ic force j P**®"*"
itll the Supreme court declare* the
Atkinson bill uQcoaatilutsooal.



Crash Skirl

Ladies’ White
Pique Skirts —well fashioned, well
made—a low price $1.25. but for today only you can buy them at............

See the special prices oil l.adivn' Soils.


C. W. MerriilrS Co.

The governor sent U> the bouae ^la
vetooftaetl A-K builun nod Loyal
L^ion badge bill. Vri <e0 on grounds
tbat.tbe bi'i aid to ooll'-cl the
ti. A B. puai dneirs^d it would not, be
right to debar ma^. worthy soldiers
from wearing the badges br bottona,
they not being able to pay iboae doea.
The bill was laid on iht UbU after reconaidcrlng the ode by which it
Uuaklrk muved
ao&orize the
slate board cl anditoru
allow all
claiuii of the weatuer bureau tor bul­
letins, which lays over one day under
the rule*
ThdMmbers wei« notifieo that all
doeumenu and bouka belonging to the
state library must be retorned foot
days before adjournment.

Ten Tear Contracts
Made by Michigan Telephone Co.
tor any ciaaa of service deeired.

Subscribers May Cancel

The following oills pawed the aenate
late laat eight on tblnl rvadlug aod go
back to the house, thence to the govFor appropriations:
Dairy and food cooimisaioaer.
Horticultural society, |3.<vu.
bUte library. $i:i
Soldiers relief for the '' er- wl

at end of aix months or change
to any class of service at will
Telenhoae the manager to estt
and expLaln^ew rateaadopted by
the b-ompanv.

Mlchigaa Telepbcne Co. '

Dollar Sale
Over 300 imira of PlogrBe A
Smith maks- s>f fine


Don’t Get HotJust Keep Keel
—Not nt'cc.«sary to bathe in ice water, but just put
on one of those Kool Irish Linen Suits, for men, we
are sellinjr

Reduced to $3,50 and $4.50Wool serge skeleton coal&Jhnd vest.,..
............................. . ........$3 60 and $4 00
Choice of single gingham coaU. to close at..........39c
Sateen coats. sj>ecial............................... 89c
Alpaca Coals..................................................... $l 60
Try one of our summer light colored, up-to-date,
nobby pattern y^bl>-jits. for the extraordin­
ary low price of............................. ........$4 76
Others equlvently bb chMp
Be in the swim by wearing one of those nobby crash.
.-.^traw or fur swell hats, a'lso caps.
Ladies’—might partake of cream soda io moderation.
F to help yt>u keep cool, but the results are only
' temporary.
A dress made out of our light fancy Swiss lawns
has a .suggestion of jK-rmanent coolness
alx>nt It. rich-and fluffy,.per yar<L..........8 l-2c
Gumpire Dimities, per yard...... ............,.............6c
Lace stripe Dimities, per yard..’............................. 8c
Elegant French Lawns, per yard......................... lOc
Fine Silks, suitable for waists, etc., per yard...
................... ............... 16,18, 26, 89 and 60c

New York Panem Hats at almost 1-2 price '
ii our Millinery Department.

In brokon xizee. This U Ieg‘ ibitu i price, aud yon kuorg the
make. Many other
makes at a ent in pric-e that will aave
you from'ioVj 50 jwr cent.

Summer wear, of every description at tremendously
cut prices. Yours Respectfully.


The Boston Store

J. 18 Front StrMt.

The Old BeUable Shoe Xbd


TBB Momvno BBOOSD. WSDVSSDAY, JUn 14. 1899.
(gmm KOBjnjio


fMMB met Ke(in»« non bosut

l■iM^lnfemr, *


fn*. T. Batb a» I. w. BAxnx.
/. V. BAxra. BdUor ud Mu—w-

___ tsjr.
Cirt OncruTOK.

it •> tb* ra
■ Mb. MM

« M ft—UM Okr,

Ut*MB ifl tt« PhllipplMB.
—««y Md TJr*. u y«*t«dV*
jsyvtaBM of G«aer»i L«wMi'*eetBpMtf fMfor»B7tbioc.- TboBMlTW.
IB—itooithafMtttei th«r %f ooBfMOoU; tolnc driven bneli. conUttae to
A»» M a«jreaal»e eplrit which on
* »•* Urf*r ar«j «—eobdoe. Whi
•h* iMOTenU mbUbm to ret the
erantoniMihehaadeof the AmcriMB troop*, there *Mm* little pnapect
lor the end. wblrh wm prMlletad
MMthe efoVow-thah the legtalAtore hM decided
tewepend bwlaeee <m the l«th end
Bfleet»teal edjonrslnent on the tttb.
It a*7 he renaaoeblj- expected that
’ MBCB babinea* wlU be aceomplixhed
hatween now end Pridey then darlnj
|v. peat month. In the meeotime the
fonnet will have Ua band* full eifttiBf bill* which ahoald bare been die*
pnaed of a month *fo.r

W. K. •penoer, liate O.
4mt. Warmtr Oreeied and JUocBl Xn«MTorer* Beard Able Addreea.
••In Uniea there t* direnctb.” That
fjA adac«
forcibly proven laat
^Mlac in the OonrrecaUoaal.ebnreh
erh«W. K. Bpeneer O. U.. of Alma
B^lcfa. State a B. Preeldent,
laadmad a rwepUon In the chniL-b
^BTlon by the C. B. aoeletie* of the
oHyAaneon aa poaaible after Mr. SpeoBV** arrival tn the city be waaoooAneted to the church by Mia* Mabel
Matea, State Junior
evhare he wa* froetod by a larje congreretiw. aaaembled In a union meet
Bav. 0. Ooeblln. paaioroftheebureh.
pcoaldad over the meetinr. The openlar prayer waa delivered by Uev. halehery and abortly afterward Dr. Spenper ene lotroduced by Kev. W. K.
Wrlpht ae aiate preaidaal of the Cbrlatian Kedaavetr Society In Mlchifan.
Betook for bU aubjecl. •Tmnafig•nd Life" Ukeo from the eecond vetae
Bf the twelfth chapter of the Botnana.
BM addrea* waa moat forcible and elo<
and at the oompletiou of It hi*
kMrarB were ImpTwaod with tbe fact
they bad beard one of tbe beat
Breaker* io tbeautj ot Mlebifan.
Mot only la bl* peraonal etylc meet
piMaant but In ihonpht and lorie be
^ few eupertora. Mnaical featuree
wall delivered dorinr the meetla* by eevnral local artlata. Mr. Parka
anap -Dream et Paradiae’' in a pleaalng
a^le and Bobari Price played a very
aentty e^lection on tbe vtulin. tl. B
White, aceompanted by Mia. Deaprea
aa th* piano, played a weU iwceived
aaUo nolo, a churn* choir, with raetDbeen picked fr^ lu the different C. E
•Mletlee In the city ffnve exoelleni enleriAlnmenk
iBmedlatcV efter the aervlee an adjoarament waa takan ta tha parlora
whara a reception waa ten
~tpenni~ by tha Badeavoinn.
t^fhi rafreabmanta. oonaltUof of
laihdBade and wafen were aerted and
Ike evealnff apent in treneml
Xbe parlor* were deeontad In a very
MUy way with flower*, huntinc an#
a AM oolieetkw of C. E. I
awaed hy M. B. HoUey. who ha* been
p,b‘~y th* ooUecUoa for ten year*,
laeladed in IhU coUectlon were novel
IlM et all kind* pertnlnlnc to paat
M«tt connected with Chriatlan KnAaafor wwk in all paru of thi* oonhiry
0ad aweral lomifn oonntrtea.
Ur. Spenoar leavea thi* momlnr for
Ai-e noUc«e where be ’will manme

A amrUlnff ineideot of which Mr.
An Ollv^of Philadelphia, waa the
i* narrated bv him a* follow*:
to a moat drcMlful condition
re* annk.almoatt yallow. eyt
Ay akin--------------m.tonrua eoatdd. peln oontin
laek and aide*, no
.------------■— weaker day by day. T:
la had riven me up. Pivtn
,, • friend adviaed tryiaf -Blec. Jitter*.- and tr my rreat )oy ud
nriae, the ftrat bottle made a decided
1 oonunued their uae
' three week*, and am aow a weU
a. I know they aaved my life, and
>bed the mve of another vktim.’
D. jobaeOB'a Drue Storea.


Bff—imuig HOTura.
»tftmir <

mitteOB Vaktac

I Have Moved

IrmTUM Olty^ Biff Hotel
It—ante Vow Attrsettoniu

Praterntioaa for the Bourth ot Jnly
eelehvntiea are ffolaff monily and
bnally on and new feauiroe are beinc
AtenRW.OOOliinoStR^ldtertte oonaidered daily. The eoo-.raetlor the
to Add to tha Oeafon nn< Oenvoo' Mr balleou event le which ibeBolmoat
and a biiye'A will fiMra chiefly.
loao* <A •naoto—Wew aarpeM. Both
I in mid-air. hat bsea elreed. and Uere
will he two famat of ball belwaoB
One of the thlaffB whlMi leavea a laattt team ot Orand Bapid*. and
inc UuprwMoii npoo tbe tnneiaat vlaiter in any
U tm hotel acocmmodi■u b a very
tteaa. and in thia rerard Tmvofne
e b expectimportant one and v
need not fearthe criUdami of her ad to Uriah cenerons qBantltiea of
national eolorvabont their prembea.
OMOftheheotboteU tohefoandte
Bnntlv and flairs erOl be la *creat daaa of Mictalraa is tbe Park Place. And
mand.^t the local merebaau will ha
Trseene City can bo«» that our beat
able l<^npply aU oomen if ordera ara
teWl ftonda nmo— the very beet i a plaeeddarly,
e««7 record, except perhaps, aa to
.1 embel................................. .. day afternoon in J. A. Montnc«*'*atom
nztorior. The Park Place thie year and armnred a prorram to be ealried
______ ___
aeerieaof ImprovearnDt*
There will he a SU foot yacht
which add to the comfort aod ooareacanoe mm. upset ram. canoe ram
ot the honae in a manoerthat
In tippy eanom, poia walklnc coatml.
will he fully appreciated ly the iravel- awimminf
and divine
lAf poblle and aU fnaata of tbe hotel.
Thr pritei
be riven hare not been
ThU eprtac about hw been
drc’drd upon In eo
ction w!
■pent upon tbe interior and tbe cbaafe*
.vTonybt are worthy of more than paa*
Inc notice. Tha office has been eom
pleialy overhanled. a Ule floor added,
Bnchlena Arnica Salve.
new and artlaile paper pot npon the
Taa BxsT SaLvx In the worU tor
wnlUandaatael oaiUac put in plane Cab. Bm:t«e. Sorae. Cleera. Salt
of the old plaator arranircment. The Rheum. Fever Boras. Tetter. Chappec
deeoraUoaa are taitohil. and seventy Sandk.Ctallblalna. Oorna. and all Skis
SninUona, and pos-ilvely cure* Plleu.
it lipbu add a pretty effect
par required. It b rttarunteed
to tbe enUrc improvement. The wash torivv perfect uatUfactiou
room. ad}olnlnc..bu also been nnodel- -efundM. iMoe tl Ceuta per box. Fi
O. JobnariB aod S. K tV^lt
ed and hot aod oold water provided.
The hallway from the ontrasoe haa
»ma in for Its abare of chanpe. bat the
moat attractive ana notienble tranaf
niilioe down stair* la the Improvema
of the parlor*. The two email room*
which were formerly asst of the larrr
parlor, have been Mtlraly removed,
thus maklay $the parlor much larper
and oflerlnc an attractive view of the
pretty lawn east of the bulldlnp. Here
the yarfloer haa>. been RCttinr tn hb
flne work, nnttl Ue lawn preeenu
spot of natural beauty pleasant to look
upon. Flowere, shrubbery and foUape
add to the effect and fn m tbe parlor*
It chanpe from tbe
the view bav
old arranffemeoL Tbe parlor* are car­
peted with the flnml quality of Eo.val
Wilton velvet and Use same material
covers tbe floor of the hallway.
A marked chance haa been made In
the annex. tTwanty-lwoaulU of two
rooms each have been provided with
modern and well appointed bath rooms
lavatories, twlth hot and cold
water and every anpolniment for ctmfort aod oonvenlenoe. The plumbirc
work was dooe|under tbe aoperloteodenoe of Cbarlee Pierce, foreman of tke
plumblny department of tbe Bannab
Lay Mercantlle-Co., and while arlUtloally done |lt b a an atasUal job
whicn cannot be excelled by the m-at
expensive plumbloR hoaio* In the
larfer cilie*.
Tbe rooms in tbe annex have also
been provided with the same carpet at
ibat in tbe parlors, and each room ha*
and papered,and
.Vnicrka’s favorite
every room In the house b provided
pi ima donna
with a handsome aeereiary eontalnicR
t.y a kuoerb coKrir of
aiationery for the aceommodaiion of
known Ani*£ituii uribthio
Rueata. Tbe Imprqmmentt are up to
a clinU-r mnaicafphMram. i-Midate and calculate to impreai the
--ludlDr with a porhi^u of thr
paironeot the bouie with tbe pain*
praod orefa,
takan to properly care for the travelloR puhlte.
The Bannah A Lay Mercantile Co.
farobbed S.iOO yards of Royal WUton
velvet carpel, which wa* laid by Tony
lunelb. In addition to the Imprpvemenu mentioned tbe annex hae been
with Are eeeapea.
The Park Plam now prmente attrucaiii.iIxaiOD llrkrt«, T
Ilona which tew taoteb in oonkem
MichiRsn poiiew. if any. and Landlord
laldao haa reason to teal proud of tbe
oateiry over which he prwide*.

If Ydd Want a GodiI BIcycId

to the new

Tonnelier Block

—One yon oma dcpcad upon wbee you wtArt


a journey, sad ikA bmk down,

Bit\' an " Eagle.”

My new store vill be <»e of tbe
finest in the oity nnd will bsw
every conrenience tor tbe tlisplay
of goods and tbe soenrste and rapid omnpoonding of preecriptioaa.
1 will be {ilessed to receive the
public in niy new qoAilert with­
in a few dsyA

"F. C. Thompson
Successor to Bose i Sod.

Ths strongest whssl msds—886. $36,840.
Onsnuttesd to stend nsy roAd.

J. W. Slater, House Furnisher

Jthmis’ Hutiiii Cljp

Gate Post


Park Place Hotel!
Tjra-rr&jcae C±-by,

First Class Havana Cigar,
Goorl Size,
{Eicellent Quality,
'^OPERA HOUSE ARewThiag Worth Crtltivating.
Ask Tout Dealer for Them.

Mopdij ETeniae, Jpae 19

ITo'w'St>ox«—120 raron-tSt.

Newly papered, painted and carpeted—Roofns with
private baths have been addetl. making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Addresis for
rates and other information

*•*■!*“*■ Adtertise Your lauts Kn.
Tonnelier Slock.

Louise Brehany
and Opera Concerts



Louise Brehany


The most comfortable clothiog for general


wear are tbe Crash Suits—they're neat, nobby,
stylish, and beet of all, cool—'We can fit tbe
biggest man and the smallest man./
A full lino of

sizes of White



Trousers and White Duck 'Vests.

Bad Wimad In the Abdomen by a j
Piece of XdclBR.
Dr. I. A. Thompaon rutnmed from ;
Uten Baven yeoterday. where ha was
called to five aurfleal atteniion to
Cbas B Uoodale who waaaerionaty Injimdln the saw mill of D B. Day. Tbe
phyaleUn found that Mr. Uoodale bad
I Injured by u atrlpof edflacwbich
thrown from tbe elrealar saw with
Rreat form, tbe sharp eod lUikiat him
In tbe abdomen. Infllctlnc u bud Ruab
uad uariuR a large wound from woleb
the inlmtinea protuHad.
Dr. Tbomp'
am exercb^ all hi* profamlonal akUl
and dressed tbe wound.
Be steted
that the patient wa* doing well when
be left Ulen Haves, although tbe
wound b U duagurons me. MbsAgnm
Aiooduleaod Mr*. Tbomaa BiteboeV,
sbten of tbe Icjored man want to Oles
H >rcB yesterday to aasbt in the cure oi
their brother.

Skeleton Coats and Vests for all sizes of


_ Ifiyoufgo without a vest, wesr a belt—
everything to please-lengtb, color, style, and

Bfi! hrt-ftcl in Ihe oilj~lc a loftf:
A Thousand Tonene*
3 for 10c. Cookiea. fee doxrD.
Could sol expreaa th* rapture of
Annie E. Bnringer. of llJS Howard - If you likf to eat good, eweet lioi
I>hiludulphla. Fa., whan she found
made bread go to
D Kingb Kew Dbcoveiy for CoaanmptloD bad oomplately eared her of that
hacking eough that lor many year* had
«qvA* life a burden. All other remedies
and dociot* could give her no help, but
tbe aavk of tbU Royal Core—"it toon DR. HIQQiNS. DENTIST
removed tbe pain In my cheat and 1
now sleep aoundlT. aomethlng 1
•eureely remember doing
before 1
prabm tbrongboui
like sounding
wUI every one who

41:} I'nion Street.



The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Campany

THU Moaroo EBOOBP. WPyBftDAT. JUVB 14, 1699.
itMd tkrwV
to kUl UaMlf •mnl iimm.
TW tklnHovtk msmJ Twnim ti
U« TwM(f-*Ulh meUtvt tateatry
wUl b* bald M IiteM OB Ju« U. Mb)
» Om. HmbobIi «om eouMBdtd tbb
ip^KK^ifrwnfranva !”■**<■*■* ^ ^ fMlotrtaf ««tdi: >‘i
kMmgrmX raapBet aod aBtoB» for tb«
Xaar BbMIb Ooak. BwjMiiB 9mridbWB Bad mm of Bx«tri—bIbb dtotoato«m WM eBBfbi by » U»b <rbll« Mb
ratobBd in tbB flBld M tbB TwontyMif dowB B ttw. Bk BkBll WM eroBbBiatb lftoblo*> "
•d Bad bk BeadlUaB to mtIom
VanoBnaroBad Lawtoa Bad Hart­
' WbBl TBMwblBd XoBb’B Brh M
ford wbo bb«b CMC ta far aafv bad
wb—to pBMBd tknmrb Slim Uu otbar
raialac tbto yaar art aeiatwbat dtoeoarday. BBd did Bot teU to Bsdu Ub ouiacad. Tbar plaatad tba aaad loo dorp
Mlt/ Of pBdBBtriBBB ITBBBtBlly. TbO Bad ba«B bad to raplBat aoBrly tbair
•BOBpBBt of lb* bOMC M wbB^
WbOla BWMfI.
Mbmibbb of LoCBMpoft. lad., wbo wm ib« Iwrry rerloa* Bonb,
•bUhar b* toM BBCb yaBr. B« tlroi

I ^hU Mem&


la Hto boBM wblto BBfBrBd iB ptoklB<
JUsordlac *o tba Sbalby HaraU tba
fablbfrowari of Oaaaw ooanty wbo
««l badf tbair trata aftar tba aacaro
Mid waalbar of rabraary aow raaliaa
IlMtbay madia aarioat and aoiUy
■Irtdba. A (area parecBtaca of Iba
pdMb orebarda tbrOBCko«{ tba oooatf
ara apparaady
r irom ibc
froBBi of Uat wlatar aad aoma frail
will ba fcibarad from farorad loea
Uoaa. bat Iboaa traaa wbleb warn ao
clrocouly ulmmad arc abowlaf bat
llniaalcS|Of lita. and It to beiiarad
tbat In ^y
tbay hare baao
Amacred Creea boc c ,ma to tba Newa

aad t.ouo year* old. aad to dead,
tbore to no danfer tbat It will yet oot
aad maabey with tba arc Uybu and
r*t Soaked and Ito wtaya aiafed aad
ba a aatoaoee. Tba horrid eld iblac to
a raal aearmbeat, held la aoeb bleb eateoaa by tba aaolaet ByypUaaa, and U»
Ceaatae.tee* to toaUded by the
moaeoB euthoriitoa at Cairo,
wbera the boc eama from.
tooad le a Buiomy eoBi by a friend
of tbe N'ewa and j*at arrired from tbe
land of tbe Pbaraob* Itiaa food tblap
that tbe bee to dead for Bore reaaona
tbaa one- la any ermii It U ae latereaUay. rare and
Ud there area‘t many of ibem
layarotad leaae la tba eppar paalaao.
la. It toaolorod MifU bad been doaed
with parU yreoa wbea a baby,
tbe bock It ta oovarad joat like a bMtle
aad oa Ibe ua<tor aldearebleroylypbl
of tbe name of the klay. wboaa friend
U Wi* -Soo Hewa
Bear Maatos, W tJ. Watoon oat 1
bemloek tree oa cretloa T. Coltan
where be ba* a bam j^tb. f<om wbicb
be taok ta foor.foot eato of bark. He
aad two other* eat aed peeled IS eordt
of bark la twoaadtbroa^uartar* day*.
A Bmdiay maa baa far asme time
aaelf. aad wbea almo*t ready to
move late it a friaed who aaw it liked
U ao well tbat ke Inqeliod wbat br
woaid take for it. Hot llktoiy to re
face poiat blank to aoll It. tbe oweer
planed aaaJoaoa It away abore iu
wortb. tbloklny to di*eoamye the
woold-bo parehaaor la tbat way. Tbe
latlm, however, promptly took him up
aad baadad over a check for tbe
awut, aad tbaa tbe owner eonldn't
bad VIS. belac a man of bto word.
At Maatotoe, the Mercy boaplul. ia
IIMO- wUlfuralab.jaartan far Invalid
aatlor*. The aarfeoa yeneral of tbe
United Btatea bee iiitde amoyetneou
Mr madtoal aUeodanoe to be furatobed
by aa actlef aaautaot anryeon, Mvrey
boapUal to furatob tjuarterk. aubal*.
tease, nuraiiiy and medlelaea at
eoaU a day..
At Por} Baron. Hr*. William Breeie
baebeonfa IllBaalU far ayear or more
Laai weak *ae had a atraaye keoeailoa
la ber left thoalder and with ber band
fait a tbarp poiai. A doctor wa* cal led
who removed a cambric neodlr. alto
taklay away the Boarce of all her
pbyaleal dtocomfort. Tba lady reraomberv tbatabe need, while eewlnf.
to bold piua aad naedlee In ber mooth
aad ooe Biybl poealbly have been
ewal lowed.
At Bead City, Jay Raodalt, a yonay
married ama attempted to com-ait euldde Monday. A ballet from hie revolvmlodyed la bto eaoulder do:ny ao
aertoae Ujury. llto wife left him
eome time eyo. alleyiny aoa-eapport
Be called oa ber Moaday aad ber refaaal 'fa retnro wae fallowed by Ua
Ocrlay a raoeat atorm Uybialay
^o^U* bouae of a farmer m W^.h
a towBkUip. heui.AC oo , .-u o„.u.
ad the fur alt off a cat without kimaf
Ue animal. Then, w If Uat were not
eao«yb.Ue fluid tipped ably bole tn
U« floor tiybt where Uebadiy aoared
pom WM ataadlay, letUay bar very eaaareeaoaioaely dowa to Ue yronad beaaaU tbe hooee.
Ndeoa Vaa Baeklrk of rilet wm
]D0 Tkarae’Ul. JuM 1 :i. Ua wae bora la
Bova tfaoUa. Bto baarlay to yoed. be
read* wlUeat ylaeaee. aad bit mind to
eeryaear. Be iwmembera wai Ue
ararof l«lt. wbaa an older broUer
■tooybt bto own klaenaan e* eapuia of ,
tba Americaa army. Ue bae been a
mbar of Ue Bapttol church TS year*.
He bM alway* p.'lded blmeeJf oa hie
ymatalreayt'i. aadppfa Ufm yean
aye bad a etaadioy offer fa throw any
maa M yaara yoaayer Uafl bioMlf,
bat feoad ao lakor*.
itoUrWardef Laaaiay. to mtoalay

' aad toWPMMd fa barn klUad blmaelf.



WooU Save Oapiorod OSbadtsf >fabamaa Bat Had Ho

wm be Bfraa oa tba OolsmbU To
morrow Hlfbt Vadw tba bii.
•ploao or tba eraaeaat Baad.
Tm flrat moMlicbt axeafaloo oo tba
bay tbii aeaaoB will ba fimm by Ua
imbto lemmitFw alcbt. aaf^rlerolx wbera aba baa been ftWy
..oa baa
wiu be
tbtoarealac or toaaorrow. TbU will
afford a baa opptutaaity lor a refraabt^bi|> OK fac bay aad co^ mnalc
add to the pleMure of Ibe erca



Tba Lob toe Brebaay t^raad Open
aod-Otteart coiopaay are boobed to
appear at btaiaberc’a Graad, Hoaday.
Joae ibU. la U>e Leatoe Brabaay
Company we bare ooe of the beet aad
moat auixseaafnl coaeert attractlooi la
Aateriea.iand tbay arc tech ea aboald
attract Wrraat boner, aot oalr of bdtiela8a,<
all wbo oao appraetote
pood. D^atar moele. euac by apiradid
tbe eoB-

reportar bad taa plaaaara
pf .miIbc MfB. Naai. tbadapoty
wardan of Loof Labe, wbo maoe ao
^ atuoipl 10 arraal TtoUlora
.f tba law oa Loaf Laba. ttotorda/
■talemeot that ha* From tbecraad opera. "Martba
crealacbaaa mada tbat tbe two men who were will be a flse treat to bear It. a
render •The
apaarlac d»b tawed Mrs. Nealb boat bear Lauiae Brebaay rend
L**t Boee of Sommer." which to la
in Uto
aabore aad tbea pal tholr owa boat
ira. Tbe
Tbe tale
aale of «a«aU for
on ttaeir wscoo. aald,
aaid food by and left, |
will open at Ue boi ofllor
tonoiaiaJI eorreci
ibatabeanw the lichto 00 ibe lake,
took ber eon. wbo la eooauble, with
bar. and went la paraeli. Tbe usn
did not want fa yive ap and wbea told
tbat Uey ware vtolatlay the law. made
aome wordy raatolaoee. bol daatl.r.
threw away their apear.
Hra. Neel
apraay iafa Ueir boat and told Ue
etable fa taka her boat aad aeenre Ua
apear. wbicb be did. Bbe Uaa aecored
UefiUlay ")Bck’'and Ue mea rowed
fa abore, Ue ooat'abla remalalny la
Mr*. Near* boat, but tbia wae not Id
faw of Ur oUer boat. Mr* Neel drelaree If ahe bad had her baadeoff*
•be woold have aeeared b^U men. Ae
It wae Uay offered fa raaaom UeIr
■•Jeclr*' by peyiny her »M. The offer
wee Indlynaatiy rejected. It wm ):4.*
a m. wbea Ue boat reached the laadioy.
Mra Neal dectarea abe to yolay to

The Ul:le Fellaws Warn tu Celehraiu the 4th,

juil waul 10 be Well Fiiieil Put.

All Our Fine “Juvenile Suits”
For Ages 3 to 8 Years Will Close
Kead the descriptions and discounts^

FIRST LOT CONTAINSBlue Cheviot*. i«d braid and cord trimming -Brows plaid caMimero,
whit« cord trimmiogfl, very protty effoct—rise gray cusimere, fancy
cord trimming—Idgbt gray caflslmero, green braid trimming, handeome effect- All of above have fancy veaU. daintily trimmed to
match coat—Many others not mentioned are in this lot-Blue Serge
very durable.

to buy.

in Lony Lake, and It look* very mocb
M If eba woold aneoeed.

We won't aliot
u*—we dare not To tend you away
dUeatiaped. fa cheat a cuttomrr I* u,
kill a buiiaree. Ifyua doa t want fa
buy we bey you to iook.eWe want fa
Heat ■oeday to be Ob»
pirate you—tell u» when wf fail. Yon
of Drparfad Bretbara Decorated.
can brine a aoor baryala back looxir
row tVe plrdye yoD onr honor fa f'vr
Tba anaul memorial awrvioea c
Traverae Olty Lodya No TJ. K. of K- you your moory't worth. 1‘ermaurDt
- . ,___ !-•*□
onlyocome frsto tatitdrd
wlll be held peat Beaday afurnoon at buyera. Br lore of your own oiiad t>ei o'clock la btelaberya (Irand Opera fore you make e krlrciion. The bueineae that pruepert U that which pleaer*
Ueeut.tomrr. nyoucaeirll u* bow
Bvv. P i. BtUbrook of Wrmontvj
better we tbeil obrv ...
will deliver Ue Mrmon and from hie j blot.
I'e will thank any cuitom'rr to
•'w to iffip'uve our trrvlcc. Wr
worth baaflay. At tbe clreu of Ue .rllUic Inf.thoee'or the loweti price
• ■— them-........................
’F you deceived for
1... tt.A Lf..... •
aouompantod by
Ue Boje'Baad. __...
will , hundredf
Tbe (jueliiy of <*
march to tbe cemetery where Ue'
ar<i ii.e method
. CUkI
lembera will he'"’''*"
< nrt H.r., t, ..
I poTChMluK tbe flret pair of *hoet of
‘ beet footwear
beveral lodyoB from Meatotee. Vefae-1 aad'lowMi’THc.l” ^
key. Cbarelevoix, BJiairw, Central | Repairlof done while you wait.
Lake. Maa'faa and Kalkaeka. are «
peeled fa be la tbe city fa attead Ue
Practical .Shoe Man.

Former Price S3.00 to $3.50, to Close at S2.35.

SECOND LOT CONTAINSHandsome gray tricot, black cord trimm'ng. one of the prettiest
suits sold this year- Gray plaid cassimere, red trimming, (anty vest
—(fray caasimere, beautiful gooda, with black allk face—Bed tricot,
black Bilk face, a decided novelty—Electric blue tricot, silk face, very
nobby- Blue Se^e, no better wearing goods, very dressy—Brown
Plaids, silk face, handsome vesta—Blue Serge, white cord trimming,
vtry dainty.


t. S. FRrMlN,

Former Price S3.50 to $5.00, to Close at $3.00.
This will be the greatest children’s clothing event of the season-not
simply a few styles to get rid of. but a large line to select from—larger than any
other you have ever seen in this region—on which we give you the bene6t of a

Popular Dress
and Skirt Fabrics!- HAMILTON CLOTHING CO.

great reduction right in season—not going to wait until the season is entirely
closed as is Usual with merchants in such cases. See our window full, then step
inside and be still more astuni&hed—All this season's suits.

&lTVvei CTaU—


aVV Wt VflA&.\A^

CO\OT&. Tt^U-

Vat ttVca \ftt......................................................

frXet \be laavi
■PVetMt CotJ*—
Otvt VoV "Pvqut CotAa Vtv mVota. rt^uVAt
vVte l&e ............................... ............

TrVee \be ijarA

0*.^ot4 e.Vol\v8One VoV fia^ori CVaVlttrT^VaT ytVet 2bt

SvicVaX TrVee \9e laard
■Ktmbmher oat 'MluaVVa "WaitTmtaT
SaVt, cemTaeaeVat SaVurda^ buae \1VV.

s.XD.mvvvW I


Gas Lamp--

Price Rediced to Close Ool LoL
Brtt workmanabip money
can employ for Bicycle
Bopairing. Quick work.

Abk any of the 700 persons using
this instrument, in this region, and they
will all testify to its merits------ --------

Ml L'aloB Street.

Perfect In Tone
Elegant In Finish
Finest Workmanship •

Help Furnished...
■•tfc vkolr OM Irwkir. It wtll row )eu
waklwwnwr ywir luwr uiwv
Itt* it
ro* wUh hvlb cl key Orvcnplwi* vr w IrigrU
ol Ubc. and f «UI dv mr «m*i ko >urt>»* ii Ik

Bt-patation Itackod by tbe gmteat moedeiana.

' Laborers Wanted!

Factory Prices!

I Vkul-tafarvr, el all kind*, m chkrrrk
lulkkk >;t«aUPB> fsrtslkbnl. i faraUk brl,.
ordterr^^sl iwn. ol tbr kfatc. BkMnk.bcwUl** kod tbk Urm.

W. W. KiaiBALL CO.
235 Front Street

Cb.FmU WnBl

TiavwaaOV. Mtoklco*.



N. E. STRONG, Naiaeer ^

THB Aoxvnro RBOOmP, W»PHK81>AY. Jtrgg 14.1B»a.

Ite-ActetetteW.u.’-AMtan to
•BtUwk. la Wyftac. li to t« «toai«4
an aad wye— etf 1« Ikfti tean m
MfMM Wiu pMWbly b* kUlad. m as
«CmUM aoM «f rxMfb ridM vlU a»
Tk« aamy lar U« MbaariM
Tblnb Tin araMn^nTirT
Uaiu« SiaiM by «r^ ctf tb« Amcm.
«M pcaaUaaUy acuapUiiA yau^W.
wkaa tha etbU-layl^ ataawiAly. «(■
aaala,aasf lata Saw To4.

■arwaa Kaw PMabaryed Vteearma
■armaa Maw ww befof* Jadye Boh>
arte yeetwday aad a dw of » aad
I ad dl u tmpeeed. or tw dv« <*
m.lar alelattolt the law. r^ardtoy
thadMihmya of Ifaarma withta the
dtylimtia Maw ww arrwtad on com>
ilatot ot Ooaatoble C. W. Aahton who
mnda a eomotolat abortly attar tha of• wJawt. Maaa, althoayh ha
didaotdaay drug wUhto the Itouta
tot plead yaOty of ahoattoy qeail,
which ia aaothar effaaaa to tha eyaa o(
taw. todHaeltofthedaahewaatahw to tha coaety jail where ha wUl vepow at tha eoaaty'a ayp—« to tha


ww tiaportad frwa OiarteanU
Ttoadaaaae aula to the Bratony
oaeart will b«yto thla aooa 'U it
e-towk to wbaecfbere aad at It o*elaek
pmorrow won to all othofi.
1W yoyf baad after praettoa toot
foatoy eei^aded Tiaak Say to hwtor
toMlmBoari riahor. The baad played
etiow at the eatraaee to
Feteb leetaaraat. aad the boaerad
yroom paaael tbe elyaia.
daBatorMimkeabraaideacewea «aeatid by Mr. Coawble and family yaeteiday. Mre. Ooawble will laara tar
Uadlaytoa toetortaw to a rtolt.

SKmaOHir BniMM.
to a Hat ed tha tootoy and ana

jsjsrjicrsisr'srsr WILLS. ANDERSON
M to:


« M



WhMber are m'a ftolaat
The (roof of a patb ia ito wd. Be M
Abniws HarUMS. iba olAaal aaaeriae who looka to the cooclaaioa of tba
aaa ia Twlado. te 4aaA. ayad rt. Ha
ia foDowtog- Many a Sowmed
raa Ua flfat ai «aar baiwaaa Ibat city
M. C. Oodft waa aaUad to Latoad path laeda toapr^pice. Tba broad
aad CUaaUad. Ha waa ao< ad tba lyaatotday Vy Ctreatt aoart baaiaaaa
All details of the profession looked after in a pro­
way. to tba aborulybtod eye. at timaa
baai kaawa laka aaftalaa aad at vart|p«m fairer than tbe way that ia
Ha will latara today.
aw Um bad ebaifa ad tha Uffto «aaatniybtnnd nartvw. Bet tba ewdtaeta.
fessional nuinner.
Mra. A. J. Djyto aad Mn. J. V. ■</..
ala aa tba lakaa.
wbatend aie wa yutoyt—WUliaa
tettabwiUaoto Biaaaala thto attoEUia
Opaa tha, ai#aanaaa at aa airly
alaadaiSalia. U.. Joba Katloy aad
Mia. WUUaai IHaoa waa to towp
tewlly took rofuya to ibair aalUr. bat yaturday, apaadlag tha day with tal/MeasU
Bnya a alee hammock. Bettor on*
AU kto^ and alaea. at prtoaa to' eult
H taaa oaly a rataatorai.
you want them. At tbe Pamoua
you. At the Famoua
thay earn ap ayato. Aa laalaat latar
Mra. r. OarroU of Waahtoyton atraet
a ayalaaa dawoUtbad tba boata. kUUay weat to Dana, lad., yaatoidny.
■allay, hla wifiT aad l»-yaar-eld
W. K. Bpaaoar. D. D. of Alma, M
If you un Bt them. At the Famoea.
aw. Tbair daaybtor. a«ad
tha yeaat of Bar. W. K- Wright.
■ediMad Mataa-O. ■. * L B. ■.
rrad Brown will y« to hM howa In
vAatoatoaatwtakaaWr oolaay at Ouayo today for a waakb alatt with
^Itoiional Feaoe Jubllaa, Waahtoyton.
Bicycle Saddle—Guaraoteed for three years—
aid aaldlara—Maa aad I'M—^ trlaada and ralaUraa.
Look at Ibem whether you need one or not.
Mule Teaebara’AtooelnUon. Clnetobatof oryaalMd by Paal Vaadartort.
Louie Webber will leare today to
atl. O.
or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand bi­
ktat ibaU. A. R. Detroit, where ba will rUlt trlaada to
Bunday. June to'-Eiu Baplda. Leave
Kniybto of su Joha, Clavaland. O.
TboBwada prtodpaUy from tha waat a month.
Traveree City at 10:15 a. m. Bale* to.
cycle—$25 will buy the best new wheel on the
iltod Society C. E Ooavaatloi
Germao Picnic at Elk Bapida. OM-lSi. Detroit. Mtoh.
aad aoatb. bara alcaiftad tbair totaamarket—Come
and see my display before going
AUU Walt will laare today to a rtaKpworth League Natioa
tloa ot Jototor tha aebaoia.
it to Jaekaon aad Laalia.
4ua, toumiaiiv.ia,
Indlanapolto. tuu.
Ai Boaiar. Kaa, a radral teat waa
Mr. and Mra. C. 0. Bolton of Urand
orld'a Bicycle Meet. Montreal.
wrcckad by a cyclone and a woman fa Baplda. are atopplny at Woodbine CoVtafly tojarad.
uya for a abort iwort aaaaon.
___ B CBIKXba CAKPa.
About so yonny people rare Bay Ulff'
Frank Krledrleb waa In Cadillac yeaI BSIOWN. Aucrevr an-: 0«ue.'..yr«
yinaaad bla bnda a cbarlTarl,
torday aUandtoy to oil inapeetioB buaiWanionya. O. T.
Uiyylna ordered
them away and one at tba paity Bred a
171X1 INHl'KAUre-UrniVA towrr tkav nrrr
Mr. and Mrp. W. J. MUU of Hlk Bap­
T pTvmpi •rnirm-al. iwlul auestHH,.
abotyuo point blank at iba bride, in- lda, were to tbe city for a abort »toy
Oiilj tvIiaUI* *Wck roaPAir lt»«» a jwli*-}
vritk>aat ou<-« br X. W AaMUNr'v aevaej.
twuny lojoriea from which aha died ya«torday. They left for Grand Bapida
In an hour. ' Tba yroom and tba bride'a later.
youac brother ware alao aJiybUy injnrG B. Aekbrman of- Empire, ia to tha
city on buatoaaa.
___ _
UaelatlaaibaBbavu aatiUnr SpanIf you want any to THE
W. Dunn of Kinyalay, to In tha Icily
Guod hardtvoiMl in stove lengths.
Ian war clalma with tba earlona atalea. irenaaetiny buaincaa.
.Msu four foot maple slabs and edgings.
IMiio belay the dial and reoalrUiytiet,WUliam Bey of Oadillae, waa to the
Ktrtiona of Ulinola' claim lor city yeatorday for a abort time. - gga
BM7 3M ware nald up ter fuller Infoi^
ALD yet ordera in early.
mea Disoo of Hamilum'a alore.waa
forced to lay off yaatoday owing to
Martin Melr. tha rich old man mur­ Ulneaa.
dered by robban in bta boma to Cblcaasd^NAMELlNO
F A. Mltobell of Manlatea. ia in tbe
yo. nad oonaaelad bta monay to an old city.
I ennfcive you the bmt to Ire had. Bette-- facil-.lica lo
H. ( Ri-wa. AitQfBer aad O
turn emt work: better mechanica to do the work; bel­
Mre. Mary Stuart U Ttaitlny her ala
ter pHoM tbun-unywbere elae.
baeentyaeeea oarloadaof ayrlcnlturtor. Mn. George
al impiamnnuare now on tbair way
Front tfael.
Trleph.M.r Su *
tf«u tba I’Dltaddutaa to tba AryenCali ar up
Miaa Jennie Wolfe arrte.-d 1aat eeentlne Ucpubliv tor the new hareati.
iuy from Aon Arbor fif a eialt.. She
SIS Urioo St
Moat of inemaraharieatoraand threah
baa been apendi^ aouie time toatudy
iny macbtnra.
and Eepairer.
toy for a nuree at tbai piacef
i'ne ofUcial trial of the I'nlud Stataa
Mra. John Van Sireum of ICalamnaoo
“ *m5.t
batUo-abip lueaiuarye haa bean poettana returned boma niter n eiait wllb
We are again prepareda to deli-rer lee
ponwl until Auyuat.
in all pa<-u of (be <-ity Jlur prices will
Mr. and Mru Wilkopot ^Imwood.
iian'nSlevr}. T--lepBua« Uo 3.
A mammotb •t.ouo.ouo hotel te to be
Mra. T. A. Uitcbeuck and Mtaa Aynea be aa low aa any offered. \
H. FOfVTRB. Aturrow #( Law. BpwUI
er>.ctod on tba tile of the burned Hald Uoodnla bare gone to (lien Uaean t
aatMtWjo ( titlaa.
w iu Hotel nt San KranciMm.
with Charlea (loodalc who waa injured
Hotb ’Phones, yt.
^ W.-jet
By aeata of tba blyb aehool at Uarar- there Monday.
ly. Mma-.all the teteber* aad pupU* of
t TUU. Bmj
Boob 3. Ba
' '
''that aehool will nervattcr
bonaeia and
Tbe purtiUon at tba rear of tbe now
I. kHlVk***^’* " h
weather. Tne youny women appeared vacant aiore next to tba City Hooktotp-iu. '
an the atreeU of Berarlr laat Thuraday alore to being tom out and a t aad lu
yrvaiter I
tar the ftrat Ume to oid-atyla band year cent atore eeubltabed in oonnectioo 4U*,«ftpfbwa~^P^lWr «»a<la. Ha# a
FOR SALE—Sil'.-UouM and lot. Gar
Miaa * la
«eld avenue. S-iS-iL
■ rrr>i.i>SoC..
of many colon aad pattarna and creat­ with tbe preaeal atore under tbe
FOR SALK-W—Dwelliay. Wrhaier
MewOffioe. Mmrkbarn Block:
ed a great
uyemani of Ralph Uonnabla.
street. 10 rooma. Al.iuui. Easy
Ob aooouutof tba u
There wilt ba a apeoial meeUny of
1-UK 8ALE-'h*—Fortr
.to New Meaico, aheep ate dying by tbe Tnveree Bay Sewtoy Cirvle.sTbunaay
-. «vol
TAVTKSI-.t l-r.fc-n« )
good bn-.dings, orchard. 'b3.b(s-.
aftomooo at I 3>>. at the borne of Mra.
FOR SALK-r.?;-Forty acre farm,
At Kuutown. Fa-. Mrp. Wmiatu Cbaa- Fauat. tlW^Stote atreet. AU mem*
good buildings., every convenience.
row.,-., ayiiiu., aged 7ti yeara. while walking bera are re^ueated to be preaent. prv
.nr'.Tn' '
SALE^5T7-Ninty acre farm.
In her sarden. fell heavily on an iron pared for Work.
1 Pl«>l,e tl-: 'hv.r...
. .inir.^1good buildtogs. >3.tS(l.
-rake, tbe t^th of which were turned
E-ti-r lloU«-.T%». r
Tbe Woman'a Home and Foreign
IFOR bALE—575—(iood frame bonae.
upward. Theaharp.t.on potou eutor- i miaaionary aoeiaty of tbe I'onynyaand eight acres of iam). situated
l(BST-^.e;sA»d ar
her body, inllictiny injarlea from Itional ebureb will mecHwiih Mra. J.
I about one mile from center ot city.
house 14x34. tlx roouis in bouse.
which ahe died.
IG. Jobnaon on Stole atraet. at 3 o'clocu
Tba Francb arntoer. Soffran. I--**** . tnii afternoon The aubject will be.
FuK HALE—5T5-~ House sod lot coruvr
iona, which waa begun on January »• |-Home miaaiona.- Mra. «. J. Ham- Warafeara Hloak.
^yvarae CItp. HlaS
Roseaad btate streets, iot 54x1*5
will be launched on July -s. Thla to „ond. leader. A cordial -invitoUon
a,i'(i.iv r to*UXLS(-BKAP-Flr.t flsM >-i-. FOR (iAL*~5TS- ooc buadr-sl sixv
L-. T. c.rssn. 4tr^«.-i.
tbe drat ooeaaion on which a
J> .DIM,., API
extended to all the ladiee to be preaacres
thik importance has been built to ao eni.
^IHL «ASTSl»-Pu.ltN.t.
abort a time—six mentha. twenty (taya
Mr. andMra.CbnrleeTrevia are the
mayte Sc.soo.
hVR bALE-toU-U<
lot ^on
.^ikuneioy eompletely Hritiab worka. pareata of a girl who arrived bunVniou street, seveu rooms, coaipku.
Eiiyland will aoon have freah applet, dny
;nt and atece foihcdi
The funeral awioea of thepaw Mra.
all the yvnf ^and. aa abipmenu *re
heyiisnlng to arrive from tbe Cape of ^ c. Lake will be held at ::3U o'clock old aland «
ludaGood Hope. Theec reach England jutt {tuii afternoon, from the reaideace on
a»wsUi .sf Wsva tofrsa
iPpieto. '
tion aa
when the Northern hemiapbere apple* 1 u»tee aireew Rev. W. F. Woodbouto
$1 )M>
beooine poor and are kuperior to tboee , «r.U o&isiate.
We will give you our cloae attention
pre^rved ia cold storage.
j . Mra. J. W. Fatohln will enurtoin and do our best lo p.eaac you.
~ ht>R bkLE-5-.*-Eighiy acre farm. ,
Ttaee'.mtree at Fort Meigs, made! the executive board of the Woman'a
one mi.e from gcAsl ^
famous by the i-ampaign of WilUsm [ club Wednesday evening at T:S(i. The
Henry Harriaon against tbe Indians. | meettog la devoted u« buatoeea.
acre farm,
city, sevealy
haafaVien. and tbe apot is not now | -There wiU be a meeting of the Maca under cultivation.. frame house.
' 1-..T sfc-l
marked. A J effort will be made to: t*r Horeeehoera'AteociaUon at Angus
slvue .....yru.,* 1 - M • .11
erect a memorial tablet to mark ibc ' jlcColl'e abop thU evening at » o'clock.
cellar, good well water, fraujc Lara. .msa srnJii.v-STEAM----- —
Mj|45. Stone baseiaeui f
place where the tree Stood.
j Rev. A-A. W*U of O.d
Miealon wUl |^ wT A I "> "V^ I
hotiesialKe, buggy sbed.
Squads of (tsage Indian pollee have | preach at the CongregaUonal church j I
.A ^ \ II
Y !
poultry bouse and yard. Mi bearing _________________________
driven aevera'. hundred s<|uatwrs fr^u next Bunday in honor of the Travers* 1
.^pple treY-s. several cherry trees. -- -----------—
theOeage Indian reaervutloo. In the' City lodge of Foraatota. who will be to '
ghlliirBl iBitlKlrviRE
small frail, blunder. P


h. SIS DUn 8M




Kisi FTttt SL

zr^^MRS. H. E. GIBBS



Hard clrcdiMi. UIU, BmU dniUUH. U;,





H. E. GIBBS, i





lOc esch; 3 foi 25t









John R. Santo,
Genem Insuraaet.



BED. GANE, Prot.

iHit Tt in tbe SUM barbers.


Arch ana Bert



ua... T.rrlwrr. u.


property and crops.
A nine pound girl was hbra to Mr.
Cheater P. Comeliua. a full-blood la- and Mrs. Chariee Ueaagl. of Waet ElaeAlan of the Oneida reemvalioo. aad enth aireel. bunday.
H s. Gertrude dmilh. an m-eompliahed ; P- EUworth of ?U Weal Eighth
while girl, of DaiUngton. Wia., were : elreei ia happy over the amvai of a
fine baby boy Friday la*t.
mamed laat week.
Nearly isooCubaa eoldiere have been
BilUe Biggins tbe fast horae driver
paid I9 the I'nitod Stotoa army pay- for B. J. Alorgun was' happily laarrled
to Mlm Anderson at tbe home of tbe
atpsters to Havana prorlnM thus tar.
Bghl hundred Japnaeee workmen bride's pareau at Oaekama a week ago
am now employed to track work tm bunday.
George W. Gilbert, living sear
n the euwe of Washington
railwaya to
Gviait. died Monday at tbe advaaeed
aad Oregon.
At WeaeenHato to Germany a 1 s-year- age of TO years. The funeral wiU be
eld shop gtri oommlu^ enieide after heldut l:3<i this altemoon from the
being Otamieeed on acconnt of a trill- liome. Mr. Gilbert waa one of the plotog theft. and her is-year-old aietor, aeera of Grand Traverue county, cornStowed her on aeeoant of the die-, tog to ih« regx^ 8S years ago.
followed nor on aocwmi
Fletcher of the Hotel Colgruee.


Upwiatlj k
Wurk call*,
tbrrit} liwit-

Ladlrs- mirt V* » SB,] Am
O delKsred aarwbrrv

Kvo Phan. H*.
Laundry nt (le Xs>i EirOli >i<

Wir snU


u eru.r.

in ta. ssodv and '


O Ljmii Ti1m«






U ANT Jhvurs

Uspnlr vvrk


... iUTi™


Fire Insurance!
L.I.. A. BuUdia«.



'H,rH and Picterel FIshiig
acres hay. seveu scree corn, fiv,^ acres
poUtoea. three acrca wheel, four
acres oaU. balance cultivated Und
river bottom black muck. Price if
token soon. h3.«o.



Proident Life
and Trust Company

Tbe above a-e all bargains, aad can
be bought on easy torma. We have
thousands of donxrs worth of other
barga as in farm and city property.
Come and soe us if yoo want to buy.
Hat your properly with
If you wafit

of PhiUdkJpbia.

Levi T.-PeDOiii«ton.4>irtrict
VtMVcrs* Ci O. lUektcaa.

ciml di«>-ouni >o* ai
oS.-r u! Tb.x T Bl

deatrtog rtriMmilrlng done at their
totiulre or addrcM at
leld'a dreeemakteg parierns. 441«-tf
445 Baet Fnmt eireet.

m csr|. L.>r. «.si
mj Trs




XhsaoluuoB Votiee.

1 Th^Armuf HsmJir. AMUlaran.lagto
' uU<sU. all vvTsotis
u,g anid Ormntvrv
lUr.ltlllav. strccC


SfiCOndROOM OaledisaeA^

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