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The Morning Record, September 15, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
lUid T«*r—Ho 78S
Xm ik» Xadavtri*! Ooi
ainxA coB
T 0 MM M BimMmI
AM «n*M» Aar oom-mmoo
WMUof oo.D. C.lMtUFoaMr. n OvfMaar 3. B.
mO Wffl H. ttnfti VMklatMa. W
Ik* rnsMaat 7mVM til Fmm m* Bwm7 *• ^
MM*7. lb. HaIm* kM Wn
Ala*te tor ivo roar* aa4 far* ik*
WW^tk* OwMm* Oo«- arMliikl bti *MM «a tk* altaattoa
ntt tiMU»«fOTa A«l9«ntoc-»r7tk* *MBr
. B*«*U*d(or*
•tttMM MbooolaoMd kr Ckalmaa
*■ —
Uea*. ajoprdtar M Br. Farr. •«« to
k* rotarrod witkoat loadlac or dabau
tk* moUoa tartaaUy d*T*loped tk*
•trUa a*i«**a tk* foetiOM for *ad
tftimi tk* WMt*. Vortoiu *p**>i*r«
mlj ttfoA tb»i tk* iMolotloo
MkModad t**Uo« •^r——tk* «osalM** to b* B*d* by tk* d*l»tiOM •ach *tat*. Tk* a
vaUad. n to 1«.
OoraraM ktkWoa of W«*t Vlfrlnta.
tkat H «r** aafair to Mad
tk* d*l*cau* br **«b * raaoloUoo.
Tk* d*b*tt oa**d war* tad drl«r»la*
«l*M0rlaa for raoorattlo*. aroa
•fory part of tk* boo**Bt^JoMnor Lae* of Mleklfao
■ItM* wltkoBt raadlaf or dobata meaai
tkat otaay * w*U etaaot eflort woold
ta to *1*00 la tk* kaad* of tk* oo«
MitM*. *ad “*la*F th* *U*r of d*atk "
Taylor of tadlaaa. Prlao* of T«xa* aad
OaUlM of iniaot*. w*r* al*» board.
Both pro-tra*t p*o»l* aad tall* w*r*
tearfal, It *ooa booaa* *Tld*at. tk»l
oa* *M* or .tk* otk«r woald **ear*
eoatrel aad btad tk* mlaonty
lafOt wbkb they
Edward B***waur, adltor of tk*
OB*h* ka*. woa applaaM by dBiUrlac
that tk* wooflt of tk* L-*lMd But**
had th* eoorao of tk*lr o*artrtioaa
Oeekra* wm to k*«* *pok*a toolrkt,
t k* b* allowed to
piafinnl Bryaa. addlof tkat U ka*
baaa kb aaMtloa atae* l*M to B**t
tk* fru *UrB «r»tor tae* to tao* aad
pis blB down to bard faeU aad food
Tka **bj*cl of tk* pap*r* today wa*
tk* tariff Uww)B Pardy of tk* N*w
York TkHff B*foru «lub, Byros W.
Bolt of tk* R*w Earlaadork Fiw*
Trad* elob. aad Boratle W. 8*yBo*r
of tk* Cbkac« CfaroDlel*. attaebad tk*
tariff *• tk* foaurer of tnuta John
r flma't- of lUlaol* apok* la bakalf
of tk* protoeUoabt* aad oailad forth *
■tors of Blarl«l kluM aad Mplaa**
by daelarfag that It wm a bear* aaa
wbo. afur tk* eaparUao* of tk* iMt
f*w ytmrt. would adraeau tk* policy
of <M* trod*.
OoToraor PtayrM will »ddr«** tk*
I OB -'Troit* aad OoBbluIkM**-toalfhk
TE* Or*** for Wbleb Kra TioU
Bo(u* WM rimed Taeurday.
Bob* tlB* *cn
WM «ao**d oa U* ooeaaloa of tk* arrMt aad trial of Ur*. O'BrlM aoonaad
af taklar <lw«n fr«B tb* e*B*tMy.
ta tb* trial It appaarad tkat tbatu of
tbb klad had b**e yolar oa tor *ob*
Who* Mr*. Olrtaa wm ooarletad.
•k* iBplloaud a aalfhbor. who wm
anMUd aad triad la Jadf* KabarU'
ooart ytaurday. Tb* weaiaa b Mra
VUla Boom* of EmI Blybik atioat. aad
tb* trial iMolud la b*r aoprletloa.
Sk* WM ftaad lio Tt aad ooau Tboayb
tb* oaM WM * el*ar om. Ur*. Boom*
^1.1^ tkat ak* did BOt *t*al tk* Brw*
an. but WM ik«« wb«a Ura O'Brlaa
aMl* ibttr A* Ura O'BrUa aad* th*
wb*a *k* WM triad, tk*
oa* of lb*B mmi b* at
k *t«aUaf M tkb aalaraUy
Ik* rMaatmaat of tk* paepl*
MOro tka* a tbaft of tk* aaau mafiilMd* would Mually. Tb* rury wer«t
Mruofaualiac b •Wallnr troa th*
ffaad. t* th* *yM of <b* paepto.
Oritlelsms of PofpIbq Tn
Cbom Oopp Fooling.
Tb* FrrMb Frup* Veltad ta OaaoaD*tat tb* For*«B f earaalbta U
tk* DrurfM ABalr.
Parb. 8*0'. l«—Tb* bltur crlUeba*
oftb* foralrn pr*a oa tb* PrayfM
rardtatat Bmsu bar* ooa* b(
tk* Fruaeb p«>pta with erMbtay
Tb* rault b *OB*wbat •tartliay. Tb*
Fraacb paopl* raainl* that tb*y
•taadtaf i* U* aoBUBpi of tb*
world, aad tb* ruHotioa bM brouybta
war* of aayur. Tb* attoeka of
forulyu pr*a bar* *ua wd to u*lu tb*
pto>pl* of *U partir* 1* FrUB**—Dreyf*MTd**Qd aotl-DreyfMord*. NaUoa
alba aad B*pabUeaa*-*c*la*l
baud *B*sy. tb*
Tk* Frooefa pr*** tar** *p tk* eriU«»t—I* Bad* by th* pr*** of forabra
eooatrlo* eoaearalac tk* Droyfo*
diet. Tk* Matla, rtoUatly D.-ayfaaai^,
poor* o«t • eoloma of Fr*oeb wrath
ayalMt U* faralyaM* to- wbat
Ura* •* luMrtiaacat taUftar**** la
Fraaeb affair*.
Xoclaad Mow Haa pTMldtat
Krofar’a Anawar.
I* tbo Kaad* of tk* Killury LoadM*
—Iw OoBUat a* T*t Vakaowa to
tbcFablte But Bald to b* B*IU**rLeedoa. Sapt. H -Tb* Traacrualb
reply to tb* iMt aoU of Ooloalal SreieUry ChaBborlala bM beea reo*ir*d.
Ita aator*Uy*l aakoowa. Tb* A*aoetated Pru** b lafonaad that Bothlay
will be ylree out at prueaat by tb* oel*
oataloBw. Tb* Boer reply
Fbld Uarebal Lord Wolulay. wbo taaedlatoly toBaoead Oea. 8lr Oeory*
Stewart WblU. V C.. foraer qaarUr
aMtar yeecral. aaf
of tk* Brttbb foroM la MaUl
South Atrleaa adrle** eoalleued
aoat eealleUay tbb afteraoaa reyardiay tb* teaor of Prualdaat Cruyar'i
>*r. Th* Poat. la lu aeeead *diUoa. priaua •peeial from PtaUnaartubury.aaylay that tb* reply b
cuical. loqaaeloH aad blMpbeaona''
Tb* Uaaebaaur euardtaB-B eorteapoadaat at Gap* Towe ulayraph* that tk*
outlook b of tk* ylooa',e*t eharMtar.
Tb* Cbp* Town pap*>« Ueauelr**
lak* a a«e bopaf^
Uoa. bMtay thatr b*lt*f oa U* preb
by Pruldeai Eray«r
ot U* trUDck
CbaabMlata'i lateat dbpateb.
they adali tkat it b iapeaalbl* to
l*ara or foraabadow Eruyerb atUtud*
toward tb* ■■itrulaty of Ural BHtata. wbieb. after all. b *UU tb* aata
BloeatoBWle. Oraayc Ftm But*,
Sept 14 —Uaabar* of tb* read of tb*
Oraay* Fra* BUU bar* b**a aoUffed
b* ready to as extraordtaary to*Uoa at a aunneat'* aotle* Tbe Baryb
ar* of tb* O-aar* FrM SUU bar* aet
aad alnrtr* raaoluttaM to lUad ahoalda t* akoaldar with tba Tramaraai ta
of boatUltba
•aabtarb /otal Brakaa 1
P*ta*k*y. Sept. 14 —LmI
proeeeettay Attoraay Outara waraad
tk* alot aaokta* aaaayer. aad b* kM
•ow MM*d tk* arraat af Laur Uorrb
BECBPnOB TO RAOBBUaad Am Eaaal for
a yaabUay
Tb* OoatnvuUaaal CkrUtUa BaTb* Jitat WM loaaUd aaar tki
«**r*r EoeiatT to Bauttela Tb*M balp'* auarur* la a laadlay batal. aad.
Tb* Cbrtetiaa B*d«a*or aoelaty of meerwUkoata^^^ aalUay
b Uu
tb* OnffMffaboaal okarok will fir* a
,—m to Ik* UmM aad papa* af uapbad ta Fatoabey. altboayb pokar
tka Blyb aekoal tkb « Mtay. A Baa jotau bar* baaa aaaaroa* for jMfU.
“ ■—
■ i
aij^pbU ttaa b uzaaeud.
of aaay af tb* BMUrataoM af art
tb*. •“'•—yallarlaoft
laadtay yauana
______ Boom aad Part* ta th* SurButM.ay*i4 to Ib^ api«adld Item rtak aatartaiaaaev City Opara BoaM
uabooM froa.
frao .Pjlaa* f*^
----- fra
Sapt. u.
a _______
------ . AEaadaAOD. »
jiSitUm ta 1A* Uoa af aataal
OT«r Myatoiious Dimppwr*
ABOB of KIbb Bodlpa
Lrfi Ba Boa* at Aldaraaa Koatar*rt Friday Aftaraaa*. aad Ba*
»*t B*M B**a BMm Bo Trap* of
Hm Wb**aaboaM-On*Mt Fmiu
a*d M to Bar Fata.
t**Ua« of A^eaM ta Alaaka Out *o
OUMfo, Oiot. K -TW
Ub* Uary BadJaa. far aaay y*ara a
UMlt dbpata. B* told tk* prBldaat .*ab*r
of tk* koaaakold of B. Hoat«ltk WOUm» wtrt B««* of Bow 0^• tkat ta Ataakb aad tk* *ortkw**i tb* ar*«. Mwatary. tr«a*ar«r aad r*a«ral
iMWiaikookolr. TW* w»» • froU paopl* ar* Bra oa tkb pabj -ot. *ad ar* aiaayar of ik* Baasab A Lay Ua
talUac off U Ua ■uwiilii** of koU oppeaad to may >
caatila Oo.. bM dbappaared froa b«r
Mt Mom tk* kOM* • r**ol«tlo* _
tf^MAkr' CLVkrrot HWmiI. tor
The Season Is With (Is
Goes noch fartber than
fsbe •tatemsBL It bH tltraya bepo oar stm to follow
an boosst boiitieM policy.
Wbeo yoa rssd s sUtemeat
io this or any other ipace
yon can dspead opoo ita bp.
ing tbe truth sod beiog ao,
if tra say so. We bare a line
kia* aad all aBorUio dbeorar bar
wbMaabaati m tau bare baaa faUl*.
Op to aa aarlT boor tkb anrulay ao
bee* bad b**B toaad.
For Mreral yaar* Ub* Eudlaa bM
beaaaaployad m eaaktar ta th* dry
food* departaaat ta tk* Baaaab A
Uy UarcaaUl* Oo'*
Sb« bad two or tkra* day* reaatatay
of a raoatie* troa bar datta*. aad
about Ibru* o'clock Friday aftaraooa
tato th* altttay rooa of bar koau
wkar* ware Urv Uoatayue. herdaoybUr. aad oa* or two otka ladlw. aad
in new
Maooacad tkat ak* wm yotay to Elk
and correct
Bapidc to rbli a trtaad aad alykt oot
b* back aalil Uoaday aoratay. It wm
ctUl two or taru* boun to train tiac
Pretty fitter* and splendid
aad ckc aid ebe weald auka a call
apoa a lady Crlaad ta Mwa. wkoM
wearers. They would be
ylrua. Bba apoapead m
■old eleenbere for 91.73
aaaal aad ta ao way rselted
and 93.00, bat here they
aarroaa Ptaaaaot yeod-bya* war*
are only
ebaayad m the paiaed out at
th* front tfoor aad down tb* *t*pa It
•b* BlarUd down
tb* walk yotay west. Tbb wm tb* iMt I
tkat WM **M of bar. aad tk* an*t'
dlllyeat aad •aarchlay taqolrin bar*
failed to dbeorer wbat became ot k*r
from Uat noaaat. No alarm wm
faltwkeaab* d4 aot ratara Uoaday
loralay. m It wocld not bar* bMB at
allraaarkablelfak*hadeoaclud*d to
reaalaatBlk Btpld* a day or two
lopyar than Brat anaonaead. but wbeo
ah* bad not retaraad yaatarday aad ao
word from bar had reaebed bar friaad*
bare. Ur. Uoctayu* Ulepboaed b*r
friend at Elk Btpid* aad wm ahoekad
aad alarmed to laaru that ah* bad aet
baec there at all. Dpea Inquiry of tb*
frtaad up a wbea *h* aid *b* woald
call before learley tb* city, oa Friday.
fertbar lamed that aba bad
aot baq aeea by bar oo that day or at
any Umk *luce. laqulria at aU tb*
railroad •utiePa ta tb* city ellelud no
taforautkoB laadlay up to a elu*
(Atafof Poll** Beouia. Bbarlff Slmpaoa aod tb-'- aaipuatt are maklay
erpry cfl irv but tb* tael remaiaa. that
the moment ti* left tb* booa* ta*t
Friday aft*'o»o* tb* dropped earn
pleteiy eat or*iybt aad kaowlady* of
When you ccoaider this fact,
don’t you tbiok you are mieUkcD
^ WM (oond upon examlBatloa of when you uy you “doo'! need •
room that 'b« bad Ukeu no cloth- telephone io your home."
lay except wiki WM worn at the time.
Wbat you have mo«t precioae in
there, and in the event
She bad Irf * - «iaablc yotd watch and the world is tbe
artay which >»* wm aocuctomed to
of accident or daneoatu->.iy. Thee* war* both
ger yon would need
rift* from U- aad Ura UoaUyua Bb*
it even more at your
home than at your
may hare bad money, m her pocketbook bM eoi beaa touud. She ctUl
office .^ad that ia
Myine a good deal.
bM a baudeoBM credit ou the book* of
tb* UereaaUle Company, belay the uaa portion of her aalarr m caahier.
All letuii aad paper* that would nat
urally bav* been found la her room
bav* evldeetly been dmtroyed. m
Dotklay of thl* eharaeur bM been
Ula Budtaa. wb* U 11 yean old. bM
bad a pl«a*aat borne la tbe family of
Ur Uoauyu* to the pMt 18 yearu.
Her ototber died when cb* wm a child,
and Ur aad Ura Uoatayue ya*« bar a
boa* BurfatburU *Ull Itatay. and
ta, wauadentaad. tvorktay ta oa* of
Backtay A DouylM’ lumbur camp* ta
UaateteeoouB^. Word wm aant him
iMt alyht.
Ulw Ooodmaa. the yoaay lady trtaad
at Elk Bapida. whom UlM Bodtau uald
yotay to rtalt. wm at pa*
Iba* a iMldsat of thb city, aad ab* 1*
yreatJy alarmad at lb* dlaappearaaea
of bar trtamd.
Ula* Budlea-e mother bad. at an*
tlma, beaa treated for mental dPtarbaad n P poartbta that Utm Uary
may hav* waadarad off wbU* raffartay
from a tasporary attaek of a lik* aa-
Fine Kid
$1.60 per pair.
Wbaa w» iDMi bare a Uulc artlAatal AmA aad
Pubapa yea aat by a
rood Ire iMt arybl aad wopdarad bow w laaMPM
tba coMfort of tb* roopp for the lopy wtaur mrm^
taya. Oar way ii to borer tboM waUc wltt aiM
new wail papm. Tbara la ao btay taat m cbaayM the appear.
aaM of Ik* whota boPM m briyhA tarty wall papar-W* aapaeked
a.aao rail* ytrtiUy.
*totb*r way p to fram* ep *om* pktoiM—It daa’t oo*t —
aoHparep with th* ptaaear* yoc dartea
The Latest Craze
1* to eat out poetm- pietut«a-ib*y pmt aofchtay-tkmi briny tb*« to «
aad w* will Moust tb*m oa ctltabl* mat board to tro*e tc ap to U*
tob. Theybfiyhunae*
crfuily, aad at a trUtay a
OoM* ta aad *M oaru—U wiU ylr* yoa tb* idap.
990-223 Front Street
Bntph Oonnabls Jr., Muug«r.
We Think
we've a right to a good deal of jonr trade—snd vs
, probably get it, to<A if you make it a point to look
around a bit, but
Don't Buy
unUll you have seen tbs only eotiis atock of
Men’s Boy’s and Children’s
clotkliiy. hata. cap* aad funUbtas* at
New Fall Sulla
Pajiijlar Shoe House.
■MUu TtKiikon Co
Thao Traverse Belle
The Favorite Sc Cigar
Is betomiag popalar, too.
Biggest aid hast IDceatcioai
tor the price.
UP* BudlM I
mambarof tb*b
always took * Map iataren U lb* work
of tb* yoaay people'* aoelety of bar
I «arrtod ao bayyay* wbatwbaa *h« taft tk* koM*. Bk*
P ratk«r sllybt of «yur* aad wore a
dark Wui dreea, a macktetoak wUk a
up*, aad kad OB a wklt* ultar kat.
reported lata tart
alykt tkat HP* Budtaa wm *e*B ou tba
Boatk Sta* Friday afUraeam U tkP
P trw* It mut k*v* baaa after *k* left
abeat 1 o’alocfc. TWUmP
aaUfhtemaaad may land to m lualta.
U^sTat IbiMaa'A
of aU
A. W. Jahraus
rm DnrEAXe wosx.
On account of Hebrew Holiday, “Day of
Atonement." Will open Friday morning at 7 o'clock.
Balikbii Dry Oooda Oarp*t aad ClotUay Boi
To tell you to keep your eye
on our great
.Special Shoe Sale.,
For Friday and Saturday we will pat oo sale several
hundred pair of shoes at nearly half price.
Here are a few of them:
Ken's Isos snd ooagrsss $8.00 sbos.. $1.19
Ksn's $8.60 shoe for..................................$148
Womsn'B $8 60 shoe for............................ $1.10
Women’s $1.60 oxfords for.................... eSc
Women’s strep ssndsls. worth $1.26 . 6Bc
Boy's snd girls shoes for 00,60. 75c- worth
$1.60, every psir of them.
It P Impotolbta to dm our kheu JiuUe* os paper—they mu*t be examtaed to be appreeiatod. therufer* we earaasUy rrq<3««t *»*ry oa* faUruttod ta footwear to eaU at our •peetal »bo* *ale Friday aad Smtarday
136 Front Street
Prsotiosl Shoe Msn
This Space
belongs to
Parker Bros.
If yon wlsli saything in the shoe Uas
yon esn ssws money by pnrehssing it st
oar store.
McHuBv. Bik Parker Bros.
yirm MOj^^rntO mmoO»P.^y»II)AT. >BPT»ltBWy
fmm MVJUlIJiu
VAATSBSiorrr. ■
CftAVD n4TAu ua4u>.
BATM 4» J. W. mAMX*M.
Merit of
, #. W.JUmo. Bdiur m4
■« M IM
A 9trang
M«r •an.xT.
A OBU frolly wwC*H Hob *I*m
Chi 8ekra«4«r l>U «M 6dl rtih IkAt laot Blfbt at too boa* t f too brtdob
panwta. Mr. bH Mra O Oroto. Tba
byBM 0MbTk* HM of CHI SduoHH of Noctk
llB, la too praaoBM of m cooato. toa» ^_____ oK-Wa~UW..I
porV oHfrH <rtib
Bade Arebio
M«M.-to»i# aBd MaBd; Re^rdins in« woiKierfui
riMOod oCortof Cor oolo (Uk bolo«____
IH rtr*
br ta«. WM trtod la ; OfOtoH kH'moC •»« wlfo lUUUj
»H eoortof JaoUoaOafo la tlBWoOd. O.'.tTaB w*» '.rxSteina'd and Moir>»|.
, MeSiff bf*. lo-''
Hbrtodor »h Honkt lo %bo ellj br l TH roo« wm W-CadorSbvitr Browa aad arr)(aH oa wUl> eorokUoao.
a warraaiowora oat by GaBo-WardB«! The* ham
toatoara pota'
Alfred Oodtof of ChartoooU.
' BapWb
aod oUar ooBtoara
oztoadod woddiat toot afur whlto
Aral Bade toty win rotaro >o tbie city.
ayo wbM too obarfo i
Dr. Cb0MN€HBiBc«t to m afawlou
« bio OWB
BprlBR Bmco OMvoto LeavUC
ire lor pileo, aad has orrv brra
ilxaaoo. aad too date of trial wm
A« too iDland »ar*u from Spr«» ,B»wa ta fail to cart tbe worto foraw
AMd for yoourday A. V. BaBUar.
tbu toftenep dioeoae. whkk boo
_ eoBBiy
oa«h depart . for tootr dlfl,iroBt of
prooeeatlBC aturaov of too
boArd Bcdicol toil! lot opra.
Tbu oaittucDi Boy loead tatbor
toroBf to perooDi wbo (to aot ksow ibe
Biperlor bmiu of Dr. CbaM** Oiatlor too defaodaat.
fo*-*rably >BOBL, bat it u perfectly Gur. oad ca>
It WMohowatoat all tboAohoAofht prwood with too city aod l<o
>rocd by tbo proieful tcBimoey of
bT Mr Bebreodor who taken lo aoUof boopitallty and all lea«« aaytaj: "Pll .joaooBd* e( Btoc asd woaoa wbo hart
____ w..._
--TraT- bcca cored by it after year* of oafimoR
boro afaia boi
le«al Boab. and wbo* too eaoo wool
4Bd after trylnp many preporslion* and
too lary. it took tbom bet twenty min
caaauIttDp tbe brot doctor* in rafa.
All wbo bore okipped at Bprtac
Ao booat droRRlM will alwen rreoBaioo to doeldo that toar* bad boos bo
U<aca tool toeraaelreo ladobtod to Mim. mead Ur. A. W Chaor'* Ointarol o*
oiolBtlOB of to* law.
dbelUy, too laadUdy. for bar kiadnao. tbe bat ron>r<tr lor pilo. Ho knowt
tbe motl (killful pbyttciaot eadortr
biapiiality asd aor . (T >n to cntMtala. that
it. and know* Irote wul hi* ciutwurte
toll falm tbai It w tbo ooly
Wb Boltoar^ faoiW7 »t*ru affBln g gh dcbool I-yooamo Buci OMeora.
r and abtolalr care ioi
tola Bomtoc afm a two day* abalj ^to too aonior aad Junior Lyeeamo
d,.,. «,>d b, .b. Ibbbklbl bl U.b
MW faida. Tko Tt*raroo City l***
^j,,mho1 aad oloclod cfBjara
WorkB roplaaod U wlto a now oao|
Mooootor Tko Boaloto •peratloD will core, bat tbal
way—tbo cracl cipeniiTc. •loDgetoD*
tocir bw
Proat dootroyod too oraaborry crop ■
way- Dr. Cha>eS Oiatnieat cura by
of D. C IdOBcb at Walto* WodBOoday
tt> mtplcol oooibiDR and balleir inBn
BicbV The marob lo a larre aad ralrace. It i* Ibo only errtaia mad poorOB'ced care, jo CCDU a box. at ell
aableoao. aomo of too
toe plaau
plaaU bolBf
Vice Prooldeat—Wiaolfred PaUer
dalorv or Dr A W. Cbaa MrdiclM
ImportMfroB Cape Cod. Mean Tbe
Secretary—Greco Corbett.
Company, Buffalo. N. V.
d to too berry crop, aad I Tbo Jualori hold ibolr BeotloR i
will probably amoaat to aboat *4,0oo. : ooiB d*e aad cboM tbo loUowlacEdward Ollroy ^f Warlord, died' Preoidoni—LobIo B.rdaall.
yoourday at too boBO of bUooa. Paal
Vice Praatdont-Hetca StoaW
Gilroy at CopoBloh. Ho U too fatoor
hecroiary—Carrie Karl.
of Mra U C. bktnaer. formorly Mary
Botarialameat tot DeloRatoa
OUroy. wbo to well roBOBbored aa a
Tar oomamter oa eotrrwlBMlBt for
dark to too paatoAoaMr. aad Mra Pfaak Hopper Uft yoa ibo omiac dioGUt eoLoeatloa
Urday oa the CbarUrols for Ckleafo CtrUuta KadMoor woald eanooUy
TboT bare llrwl at Acme for thirty aok tbot all peroono. wbetbar Badeae■na »( awami poolMs CTM*. riM «•
yMra aad are do* ob tbalr way to uPcro or act. ibai will eauruia dalewort a soorlallr
Baa Fraaeloeo where they will make yeioe. hand tbot.' aaiaoo to MUo Alk<
Mow OBea Marbbom Biocb.
toalr borne wlto toolr daa(bUr wbo Jouarr. ehairmaa. or to M. B. HtUry.
to ripectod that
roMtly rotaraod froB AaotraUa. Mra iboMcretory.
Ldur. a al|Ur of Mra. Hopper, aoeom larro aamber of drlrpatro will be proa
paalod toem, aod will rooeala la Haa ear aad too asual Gorca City boapllalIty bo extoaded to all tar riaitoto.
•> 1
ClM> ■
OcFVuaoB rnaasK bM H
ttoklMtoH of bolTf a raadldaw for
pa^of DoUHtho U •'oal oftpolUloa.
Moba*lll BOt raa lor najor. aad
that bo iblBko hobao bad bio abaro
H both ell; aad oiau . ftleoa.
fern* WoBAMoan boUerro la «mteliif bU advertlaiH “> BOoapHOft.
p. mmU; sadb a eoouael wlvb tb«
PMtedBlabla RooOTd for a wbolo pac#
^ B j»r tor $luo.WiC.
7. Bsarmaa. «bo bao beec
>ftB'“~f aoM tlBe al Ba; Vi«fr. ba>
P,«wMd to itao eiv;.
1. L. BaUb bao loao lo Ulaod for a
to* toiya^
AUorao; Ooalur ol Kalaaaooo. *ao
to too eli; rootarda;.
Hn. W U C Miiebcll of Baol ba;.
^ ratBTBod frua bar aortboru Ulp' |>uk Bloaroo *oBl l« Baplro jaM*«B7 *bor« bo *U1 do OOBO palaUss
tor too oirool fair
Mia Jaul* Ulm bao roMrood troB
Bow York oBd euroland, whoro too
Ho boon nomec too paoi flro woebo.
BUowHtb Hale of Cbl«H<>- K *lalUoc
bU parcBU darlnr bio two wooko racaPw«7 Boldoworto. wbo bao an obHllbBl poalUoB oa iba eoact at
jpt«yv, Vb . li lb too elt; v1b>Ubcf.iBo bao jaoi r«eo«crrd froB
pbtaeb of t;pbold foTor.
Mra. f WoBdoror bM rctaniod
Hr bOBO iB UraBd Bapido Sbe bao
boM too nHl of b' T Peek oad UbUj of WaoblBrtos iixroi Vbo pool
Mr*. Dr. tfblrlM of OaBorillo. CHa
da, la TtolUDr al too boBo of Mro A
B. Bra*o tor a low <ia;a
Mr- aad Mta. Wallaeo Moll of Now
1»*- 'baoo reinraed boBO
•hor a («o wreko vloU In too di; wUb
dourro Porur of Majbald. wao Is too
«U; ^urdaj.
K. K. borood *OBl to Potoabo; ob
BBblBoao yootorday.
B B Barko, toe bardwaro Borebaat
0t Maple Cliy. *m Ib tolo city oa boat
•MB yoatofday.
Hto Qlbbo OMBO apl froB May&eld
^MUrday OB totolBOOB.
C. B. Atwood ol Leo Anfoloo. Cal , lo
tH raoet of Mra. R- Ooodrlto||r». C. W. Joyoo baa foM to Oraod
^•ptoa to }olB bor bnobHd., wbo bao
Hm tooro tor oose Ubo.
O. B- Vaodervon bM ratarood frOB
IHVPH pcolwA*!^ Bo WM oeeoBby bti wifr. wbo bM booa rlollUd Bl Bmi Jordan. CbarUools aad l‘eCMbH
Jobs UwBJider bM rotarned from a
oMlI to bio old homo where bo wao
HlUd by toe otrooo UIbom of bio
Bm. and Mra J. Poaalacton retaraod
pMWrdaT from a oloii wlto toolr oon
Bi Lako Ana.
Joka Uran«ar wU! loaro today Cor a
Bbort bMlBoao trip to Bla(bam.
MlB Bortoa Uaokell bM arrirod fro®
O . and will bo iriBBor for
Mia MIqdU LAwreaer acaia thto fall.
Jo JTd'^^Trsii H si
Bdltark Awful PUphL
r M. Hlppiao. Editor Aeaeca vll’a.
Hawe. WM affiieted for «earo with Plot
toat BO doctor or remedy helped aati
H tried Back'oa'o Aralea Halro. tbo
boot la too *or'id. Bo wrtua. two bt-Boo
wbAliy cared bim. Infallible tor Pllea.
OMe^MwaooaA. toly BM toU kp
3 a. Jokwao* BBd E B. Wait, dntp-
a set of thf so Ho.
1660 Golden Oak diuIrg chain. We have
them. Tables and sidebeards to match, that
cei tanly makes a pretty dining room set.
Gome in and make
your selection now for
we esn suit any taste
or any size pu-se on dining chain,;tables.
sideboards or china closets.
J. W. SLATER'S House Fnmisliiiig Store
120 Front Street. Traverse City,
John R. Santo.
Genial lisDraece.
Tbo barp* Plotobor arrtood yaateoday
Boralof aad loaded with lumbar moaafactared by Wm Boltaor. lor Cbica
PiOMaat BarptiM Party
TbeoteaBor Ooiambla will raa aa
aiearoloa to dattoM Bay Baaday. Tbo
weatorr pormUiioA a laryo crowd U
iBUadlar to pe Tbe boat Imtoo boro
at »:3b daaday saoralac aod Sattoao
B-yatI:00 la tOe aftoraoon Brarybrdy aboula Uke adrmataRO of tbto oaeurolo*. M too aMOoa to aoarly ooor.
A BOW eroooiDA Bao boon built oa
OaM eiroot croaolac Proat
Tbo roof ol Prokop Eyaalka'ofrooory
■tore to bdav taprorod with a frmb
eoai of ooak
,! tic m,i.d. s..a.j'
oabool are to Boot at too ebareb to
BOCTow at V:30 abarp. where buMO wlU
b.pr...M,dK.~n,., U»n,U,.b, rid.
Obo of tbe plraMetrotoocialereaiaof
too oooooB oeearod Wadaoaday orre.lap at to* rfotooBoc of Hr. oad Hr>
l'*in Bobba. About twenty of their
frloadb dropped la ro'y oaoer, bob ous
y and Wt-k fall pooeeatoa of the
boos*. Bucb to tbo iurpriae of Hr
and Mrs Uubba Lipbt refreal ttie'-iwere aerrt'J and a r*ry de,ipbvfnl lime
wat enj -red by
P<B't for Boon Ester*.
FrankfaM. Mich , Srpt M -Twelre
handnd l-uaSol* of peache* were ship
p'd today tjbdtoaton This la the 8r*t
of tbr If.uoo basbela which
P*"i“ >*”
tbto oouaty.
Id S. l.^d
N. -
,i„d the ci.chotiir tin • ill rl.p. r
fully tril you whrth^r b*- i» m rr .mt,
K Ultrr. wbrrr hr 1* «nd whrti hr wil
bo bo. k, la fan. uboui .a} kiad
«»--°»*»oa dcirrU.
JaaUeo Browa aalwd John Prato of
ttoplMw and Uara Stoao of laterloebea la Barrlapo yatorday aftor-
------- ----------
“A Cappenter
Is Known By His Work.”
The better the tools he uses tile better the work
turned out. We pride ourselves on hav
ing the best selected stock of
ern Michigan.
zr, r'.r;r
The ordlaaaco prokidtiac the rwliar
of wboelo oa oidowalko oapirao tomor '
Tbto doM aot TTT- that all
walks can bo rlddea opo*. bat mily
tooootoat wore alloood before too
a. K Uibba to bolidtap on oddlUoa
laxtt wlto Iroa roof and aidiap to hia
bicycle repair ataop m Froat otirct
Whoopipip Couph. J
The bMomeet which to isxlt. to larpe ,
Broricnttl* anO IncIplerM
OBoopb for bicycle Baaafaciarlap;
aad power ploak Tbe old baildlap
will olao be pot la Arei ciMo obape.
Rrtaeaber to* lootaro oa ChruUaa
Sel*nce by Jndpe Rwin. tbto eroaiap
StiOlBberp-a Graod Ererybody in
Titod B'Tkt o'clock
Tberaidaaeeof J. H McGjopb bM ;
boea imoroeed with a fraab eoat of
Tko SameW it ibo Aaylaa
h,, *onu> MMEty
Uot BlRbi ihoSarrUka, who ope to PAlDL
7 Caret tW<a\ a*A \uwa 4\at
AU aa aarafomeat at toe City Opera
PeUMatz'B. toe proprtour of toe;
Ar>ayi^ 25.
Bow toalrbi. rare <uo of toolr fa bowliap alley, bad too stofortaae to I
MOB* oaunalaBoata at too aayteB brotoe bto Aa««n
Mvoroly yooterebtpol. The proc»»“ **■
ABreat Work.
too by all who wore preaeoA Or J
Tbe Poreatma *aj ryed a «My plaoeTbe aleom of ib* rat I'brory of tbr
D. Maaaoo opoaka of It ta too hlrboot
oBt eoclal dance at their boll Uot l> ttob Matcum c< aia-n oa* end a half
m. ioa bocks. y*t It baa been said that
A Powder MIU Xzplaaloa
After too repalor work of Trarena
; room for earreat referenee
BoBoroo oTerytblac la olebt. oo do City Teat No.
toalpbt, refreobtost la worth reodinp
diMtle mlaoral pUlo. bat both are
lU wm be Mrred A pood taAomt
IneyelopediB Britaaa ea to juev
Bipbty dauperoa* No aeed to dena
aa tbe dtotllled eeeeaee of
mlu year body when Dr. Kiap'o Now
UCo HIU do tbo work oo eaaily aad
The Bapttot ob«oa choir are
^ toto“pr^t''^:
pMttctly. Careo Headacbo, Coaotlpaqaatod to Btoet U toe ebareb parlor* t,>b wUI ba.e at yoar commoad aproat
UcB. Ouly
eeeta at J O. Johai
toto erealap. lor practice
; i-oreboase of knowledpe
BPd 8. B. Walfi drop otoreo.
At Sooth Horea. lAara. too tbroo
yoH old danphur of Hr. aad Mta. John
PaUraoD, wee feedtap ibo cblckoao a
to* dayoapo. whoa a prala of ewa,
wbtek aho wm oboUiap. Aew taU her
BUto aad throat. Phyolelaao
Boatop u roBtoro It. Wedaooday ako
choked to do*tb. too prala owoUlap ia
bor throat._________________
Chasa’s Giriimeni
» K Wouldn't
I Ycu Like..
Plane Talk
Hammer points.
Why not huve the best tools it is
possible to pet when you make your
living by lh»m? Our planes are matle of
the proper wood and right way of the
grain. Jark plane sells lor <>5c. smooth
plane for <>tV. with all sizes to seket
< * lality- temper of bteel“Shape—
leng'l, >>f handle - all these points save
time, and that’s money.
Sell yon a
hammer that will drive a nail for 8c.
anuth-r kind sells for SOc lasts you a
year. If other kinds are wanted look
our .'0 sizes.
Saws sharp?
We sell the kind that don't chip or
lurn the edge.
The weight is right,
the handles selected and properly fitted.
(.lOt a goi-Kl one for T'k up to the very
best. Carry every kind you can think
How annoying if your saws peed
continuil sharpening.
Ge^ the kind
that stay sharp, at lea>t a day. We
sell the "stay sharp kind". Good hand
saw 50c. rip saw SOc
Forty kinds to
saw with.
Levels correct?
Bit-of advice.
No getting along without one. but
they must be correct. Don’t cost any
more to get a reliable one. One kind
takes half a dollar to bny. another style
f3 00. you can stop anywhere between.
Bits are little things, don't cost
much, but are wonderfully useful, if of
a la:ting quality. A 3-l‘> sells for ISc.
Jennings patent 1 4 in. for 20c. Every
size ever used.
-r Braces-Goodness.
TbeL.C.E A. held a »«T'Mj >y |
aUc bmUm at toeir boll Wedaeoday f„r » i mited i ate at eiooed'np’y
e**alnp. Delteloaa refroabBeDto were prU-ee oad easy lera* of poyi
•eroedoad a poaerol pood tioM wm
eboeld aot Uil to oeii on <
Mjoyod by all. Moxic and ooBpe were
store.swbo will -.akepleaenre ia showa port «f the •oealap'a oatertoUBeaL tap him toe work oad aopolylap b
Aboat JO were preoMtTbe L C- B. A will BMt with Mr*.
BoMo of Oak Pork Boxi Tkaraday.
raiB ia oiway
WUl Oraad epeat yMierday at Loop
k we take plea
cLsoa. oar arttot. b Diorr end do
Oalraol OrotpbtoB Bettor
elpnrr. roaI •will dad toJeat p.rea on
ly to tae few None of her kind bo.
Cokmei Crelpbto*. wbo wm atrkkoa
loyrd la a city ondrr
wlto pondy*^* WeHcodAy. epeBi a
JO.OOO UbobHoBto.
8be wilt ■
fairly good day yeatorday. oad wm
plCMMi to I Mt yo« dviBg
reatl^ well Bp to I o'clock tola mor*Tn Borrox BruaK.
Our braces grip with tbe tenacity
of a bull dog. Never drop your bit out
of the reach after the hole is bored.
You can pay 25c for one kind or any
amount to $:130.
How many times a day do you
"square ' your work? Never counted!
Most imyiortant tool yoa have. Tbea
buy the !>e5t. On the square we’re
got everything ever needed from
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
tKM MOnitnia Mtonap. pu&Ax.nunasn u. iM
S\tiU Mena
tlGaiTUV USlt
Vamr fce’<fty
• la«ka
Tba roddtf od a troodao abip la aa«poma of the aulk and tba kaoklac.
wbkk ara au yotaed loaatkar aa to fara
te affaol a aiapla piaea. Tba eoaplata
taddet la oopparod.
voma. and tben. baalika keiaf pcaetlcally all lu ooa plaoa. U baa that appaaraacr alio.
Tka italk ii tba part to oklek.ara at
tacked tka (untlea or pi»o*a by wbtek
tka roddio u aa^podad aad bald ia
plaoa. tbm poias tbroogb ayaa aac la
tba >bip'a aterkpoat. Tba fUtk----------
»ff Bmplda. Mwk.. Sap. 14 -Tkto
•w 41(ar d»7 at tka ao]ul««' aad aail9f- mBbw. Md tka k>(c«( ipj tkat
tka ttxaa *f«r nw. U la aa>l—wd
trtm tto «Mk
«b« »
ttai IS.OOO <vunraar« ker« fro« all
ttM toy ta kh« bosM is the 4r7tef
var vaia part of tka atata. Tba
vhM W toU hM4 *m mpom m pH* <
wwa la raiU daeoraiad aad tilad vttk
•tMM* 14 iMt WIOV.
of t« o wara. who ara aa*
TkMMi wM «mU kMwa ‘
tkakaak «d tka Hrar Jaat
»kMt lk« UkM
aoalk od tka elt^. la --Ckap klfer.*
Atk\Ucy^, aw»
ar«l is Tka diatlaraiakad caaat ad tka Mf. iu bead ii bolted a oap to wkick are at
fmn, MI fiw » kon». »klek kka wm Oaaatal A'rar, aaau troa Qraad Ea^ tacked tba topee by tuaajM of whteh tba
tMlacdM fraa
w«- Ida oa tka aarly tsala, aeerapaatad ^ (odder U cootrulled. Tka backlnp la tba
dtrkijl- AfV» k*r te’l ak« wm eoae'- Ka^ar C W. Watkiaa. CkptaU Belkaar. bUda part of tba rodder.
he let tba yreaier Mtalb oooiaa oo
«M ud
a’lcktlr Ooioaal Jadd. Ooloaal Tua.
tba Mlk. aad the greftiaai atcala ol all
Clddof ZoaSa. WiUtaa lTMi«ar aad eoiuet OQ the bead of tba atalk. tba
4 MorWr MU kM ftll k* »uu of
rodder bead, wbara It ii bald. Tba
todalfwco la tka UtoUe proeardiar
Uaaaral Alcar waa ylaaa a fraat ra- ■talk u mada ot tba wood iaa« likely
haava aa akarlaartsc aawly Baarrlad i eaptioa oa bla arrival kara. A daiavk' to ataod tba atrala. caradally aeiaoaad,
aeaplaa. wklek aaaw to ka aapaalally j tioa baadad by Mayor Piaroa mat klia. KwiKl. wall •eoaooad cak. wblla tba
yo^lariatka aoBBiry Ha waa par-1 took tka tiaitora in oarrlayaa, drora backing » mada of aproea or bard piaa.
Tba italk !• of a (Ingle, nltd. maauee
liaipaUar la aaek aa aflalr tka otkar ; tba« Uroa«k tka atraeSf eat to iaapeet
Hoat u aa uak tree and Indeed
•Ifbt aad araa ladaatrloaa’y driac off tka eaar. tbaa to tka kotal and tbaa of tba <Hmaa«it«* uf a •mall oak.
a toy aaoBoa aa hia part la tka aolaa- to tka raria*iii( atakd. 0*«r tka<*a- KMuelbioR tbal a mao cab pin bii faith
.aakiar- 4 foa>> «aa too alo« for blak traaea to the aaeanpaeat la a kiy arck to. If be cab baea bub iu hoe wood,
aaka triad to toaek >ff tka eanaoe haarlny Id ararrnok lattara. -Kkop while ib« baokiog or blade la. like
wttk a Mtek. aad tka tklaff azplodad j Alyar.
Jaat laaWa lone Itaea of «at- oiBoy laudars woodea maata, belit up.
aad dtatroyod kla ayaaiatit.
aKkar aide of tka roada. ollk It woold bediScalt if not iiapaMbla
■ «ar IfllUbl S S. Ha-e*v a f >natr, flaga and kaa^a. atood at atiaotiOB acd to Bud treea that woald yield plank*
big eooagb tor tb« porpoaa m a
waadHv ar kmwa from Rar nttr.wbeee vtaerod aotbaslaatloally aa Algar waa piece, aad tbe bailt op tmekiog. mada <
ha bad been wt'b a load
ai>pl«>. and | drima tbroagb.
ol piece* of wlected wood, caa wuily ba ,
wbea aknat a mnee*<tof M’diaad waa' Tbere waa an cv«b gra
n»<le of ample mreagib to wltbstasd
thrown from bH
_ by mnn’nw atraboe wbra ba caoia back, rankt ba- I any uraiu tbal will be broagbt apoo it
*iatt a dt‘eh. and h<* naeir
Ibg torokea and tba maa. gathMad to I Ai to tbe Italk. etaot aad solid a* tbe
Mra. Z W. WblttaiDi-w of iflddla- groapa, waiyad tbrir hau aad abaartd oak way be, lb« bead may be twisted
by tbe force of a iremeodoBa blow from
yllle, wbn waa ■•rack *>a nghtning abd klgf^aahapaaaad.
a Wave npuO tbe niddet. ur. ouder tbe
badly Irjired na S.pt. « U raaovnHnr
The only formal e»aot of iba wonlepeatad (train* of long o«e. tba bead
•be baa an menllectlne of tba aecidaai. lag waa tba parade of old aad yoaag way rplli. and no make ibe (talk naeor of tba ry*ata praoadlag Ik
aoldlan. tka raliat aorpa aad tarmcm lem. Tb«a ibe rodder U takea uot and
toapeeior Oaaaral Marab. of tba atata Inearriagaa UaaamJ 4Jgar, with bared Bitad witb a urw (talk A (oilabla stick
troooa, lb aa Intaryiaw at Oraad
atond ia iroat of Ika reyiewlag la aelectad and worked duwu I
ftap*4a. aaya that a aambar nf ccm. ataad and waa agaia ekaerad by tba proper tiw and form, and very probably ;
paalaa have l"a‘ Iwtanwt la mimary pamlag aoldlara. 4t tba hotel Gnawai Ibe old baekuig i> CMcbed to il Tba '
■attetn alnea tSa war, and that anlimi Alger bald aa laforaal reeaptiob aad life of a rudder (talk woald probably i
be If to 14 ytare Tbe backiag might
tbaa <aV> a •'raea tbay wUI bnaraomnib- akook hand* with the old aoldlan.
la*t a* loag a* tbe ahip.—-New Vork'
Ibf drop H> intimataa that a nambar bad ao eoBfarabam of aide talka wi b Son.
ofeompae<M»aybamDaiamdnnt Ba aoy one abd aimply aoeibed glad to ba
aaTi tba military board (a a’raady pr*. among them aad they to bafa bim
Ortgtuslly. clocks had only tbe boar \
pafad for aaotbar atata eaoampmaat tbara. tieboral Alger d«Uy«wd aa adhand, but tbe mlbule was addal later. ,
dram tbia aharaooa.
beramr fashioDablr (o make I
Onnrge W Gey. arealdent <'f the 0-l*l
dials as drcoratlre as pustilbla.
Oablaet C' . nn» n* tb* fnandarn of ib«
Bnrbry 4 O'y flo , *"il rn« n« rhn mm
yrkn baa dear meat to glya Or>nd
Rapida Ita farnltare pre^mlaeace.
At PraaeeU Mn. A'aa Camaroa oelabeatad her ainaty-aietb
Tnaaday. Bba b»«pi tba booaa of bar
The army gram w m. wbieb foe tka
pMt moBtb baa bwh
Hawnt la Ouenm. baa made Ita aeaekraaaa la Bk J-wapb. Maey wera di«.
boyarod e« the coarib'-:a«> lawn. The
past Is a grwwi w«rm. a apaeiaa of the
eommob tomato worm, only mark
■maUer. ant) deatmvs the gram r<m*a
Jaat order the sorf%re nf the genond.
At B-cbmtar. Ckarle- Ward of B«rl
raw. a eamenter. la Obe of the r>eUr"‘.
R-tebrntar A Romeo aleeir'c road, fe’l
from tbe traaael which ereama thr
Cnad Trunk railroad and raoelyad InJarlm which may aroee fatal
Tbme win be ala J«p«oe
at tbe Ualeenltv of Mleblgao tkla
r-Henld pradicta
aa early fa'I In tbe priee of aalt. ow|ap
te the largely loereaaed prodaetloa of
tbU Mleblgan atapla ryoent’y!
Tbe Page woyea wire fenoe factory
at Adrian ba> Vaeo c'-mprlied to e'«»e
for want of wire; a direct egect of tbe
A yonag college gradnata becai bk
datira aa teacher in tba Atbea* aehoel
when It twaned for the year Monday
m-tmlng. bat be II a m be bad tired
of the Jcb. ao be d‘amMed tbe pnplK
paekbd hie gris and took the nest
traia for borne la the aattcro part of
the atata.
St Aatbory-s aebool for faebli
rd girl* will be opened M the rt«eptioB of panlUat Natar«i*b. Rail
(wnaty. 0:lober 1
la ender tbe
maeagemeat of the Catholic Siatarbood.
State SapeHatendeot of PaMle la
itraettoa Jtaon B Bammood baa pre
pared a new eompiiatloo of the acbonl
Uwa or the atata with an eatirely new
ret of references.
ML Plaaaaat baa sow ooe of the bmt
ratar auppllas in the state Six large
a >wlog walls were yasterdsy moraiug
eaaaactad with tbe msia watar pipe.
bai deome and new
wbieb we invite the ladies to]
Oar stork of jewelry
I have receivedd a supply
of tbe loseloos Fetoskey uem mcloo( of wbieb
Ibava the ezel
telusive local agency.
Le«T« o-ders at tbe store, cor:
Park aad Froat street. Gao. MeLel
laa. 73S—tf—!
Tbe World's Fair reports which ware
•Btly pabllabed by tbe sta'e ara
441 to 44-4 east Front street.
ready for diatril
------------------ _ — EaarThaPlwSeloi
does not provide for say m-thod of
,aag by Mabel Soolt Sarrlck. aad
distnbatioB the repor's will be seat tol per ei,vjr eloeutioaary rendlUoB* '
any person who msy -r—j
apply for
Surrlck eptartatameai Ftk
■— them
—— ' Ihp Surrlck
■end the aeceanary tea cea's fori eeeniag
they will be seat by — ' '
Tba BrsToryot Vassa
Thi Alatkaa Jnntf
ia the tin rick
Waa grandly sbowa by Mrs. John
marksd feulure of great laterrst
Dowling of Batl«r. Pa., la a three
itaeh pbotogrsab takea from oSoisl
yaars’straggle with a msllgsat stomaegativea. while tbe preueatatloa on
ed distraasiag
the canvas will be absotaiely perfect
attacks of bsuaeu aad ladlgeaUoo.
eaUoo. All
the deacnp^lkms vivid. At City
tailed to relieve
»r uatll she
ra Boaae Friday evrulbg, Sept.
triad Blaetrk Bittara. tfttf
taking It
Auspices of Buiam Stab ti
t(ro mowtbii she wrote:
oemts general admission, tttacread
wholly csrud and can
aayUiag. It
aaata U««nu
la trs -y a grand tonic Cor Ibc whole
qratem aa I gained la weight and teal
b atmger aiboa ttalag It." It bids
0. A W. K-CbAsga of TfaM. Bapt. 14
dlffuatioB. euTM dyapep^ Improvas
Traiaa ticatb—Leave Traverse aig*,
U:M a. m . i:St p. m. and tiU p. m:
I ForKortb—ip. m., S:40 p. «. a»d
B. Walt's drug ai
is tbe
Marson Block.
'.1^:: . ►
•t- Ir.- ;• -
Ii ■ 11,
Frank Friedrich.
118 FroDt Strfet.
iTM IT? (M (SDM fN eu.
Tm oat aHoH U M VllkMI IL
11 lbs for $1.00
Where 1 will be e'essed to *« all my
:rs and mscy
rrw ooea. In
rrA>se<< grocery stock sad better facUi
Star (ircK-ery
Is the kind that sells most this
season. .Never before have we
shown such a
- Made lor ■• rtif**- Tjiteat
atvie laala- A $3 CO shoe
—Yon tivl them c{ thr old.
n liAble^bbue
jle.abcM lubn.
Wr .* tot
Barnum & Earl.
Compogjie Shoe
It la sale. aurv. reltablc
finest in Ibis f>art of tbe state. 1 am BOW aelt'ed ip my Qae new store.
enteruicer*. City
<.>»•<« Bouse.
Sept. IS Btgaged by Beaters Star
lodge. TickeU 2S ceata. Reserved
acuta >s eentt.
OyiUn is «B]r StyltI Pave reeeived a
oysters aad am pre
' restauraat
them in anv style at
the Hotel ffpli
73!-*f o
Every Udy
ah iiid see the Piagre*
; Why Doat Tou
.f tb^Vv“;t^'lr^;.*^•r:^rby’•8 iJoil the woodmen?
Tbt Put That tba SuTick I
bave flvra -unfa iksa t.OOO eater
Ismenta under
fl-st-claks (ocietlaa. ctata'aS* aa*
Jinjer Wayfer
Tbe great (uroMu of Oamberlaii
<>Hc. CheVru aad Diarrhoe* R*medv
iraatmeat of bowel rosplalbta b*s
Promlaebt Vi-giata Bditar Bad
biwaa Up but Was Brought Back R. Walt and » C Tbompam.
to Perfect Bealtb by Obamberlals'a
Oollc, Obolara abd Diarrhoea Rama,
dy—Ra*4 Hia Bd:torial.
Pn.m the Times. BllUdale. Va.
I (Sffeeml with diarrhoea for a long
time aad thought I was pad belog earI bad spent so much time aad
ley aod (uS-red ao moeb m-aery
ibat 1 bad almoal decided to g re up all
hope of recorery and aweit ike result.
Hat BotielDg the a<^Tert aemeat ol
CbamberlBiB'aColie. Cholera and Darrboea Remedy abd also (ome teetimosial* (taiiag b'w eomc woaderlai
ears* bad bees wrought by iblaremw'jided to try U After takiag a few
We have just
deaea 1 was aat-rely well of that
bleKSDt stuck of ibe mwt :
tr.-able. sad 1 wish to (tale fnrlber tmy reader* sod fello* suffe s tba^ 1 am
beautiful art work Id Dainty |
a bale aad bearty man k day and fe*l
sa well as I ever dirt la my Ufa —O. B.
China ever displavr-d in the!
Moo-a. Sold by S E Walt aod C. T
ci*y. .-'There
are aeveral
B 0. B. P. Bawdatiob.
Rceolyed. that waastaad to tbapraa*
earibaa<sf -r t>eir -murteoas t-aatmeat and k>nr|iy m btioo* of the uoi
m-*<tiag rx.w in s«waioo aof of the
leg • f -or eoBveatioD. aad that
It tala
U.U remilution be aeal to a
cjpy of
Committae oo rewdatinsa.
Pus B. B roBsu.!..
Mbs. BsarHA Airk.
H. B. Hau.*!
Pass them around
whenever you will.
The plate comes back
for another fill.
Everybody asks for
As at present. U'e call special attention to the ‘ADLER’
brand as one of the best in the
Ever)- garment bearing their
label is guaranteed to be made
in a fir« class manner and to
be absolutely free from cotton
—and we stand ready to make
good any loss arising from in
ferior materials or workmanship.
The Boston Store
Opening of
Dressmaking Parlors.
Mrs. L'>ui«.o Pfarninschmidt. our artistic drefs
a'4«l bui' muKt r has ju-t rt-lurntd from New York,
and wi I le ready to r-ceive tbe ladies of Traverse
Ciu in .'ur drtsMiiakirg parlors with a carefully selectid line of
patterns. Sbe will be pleased to
give rou a i the information in regard to styles aod
thi new iileas.
In connection with the above we cal! your spec
ial attention to out
The a'><Ttoicnl i>; urequa’cd in this vicinity—
rg the la’e>l >tv'es and weaves from the best dot r
4«». 1______ 1__________f..l
mestic and foreign markets, We have been careful
not to bring any
Imported black silk and wool crepons. imported
camels hair cbeviots, imported heather mixtures, zibeline plaids, golf suitings. Marlboro Venetians, can
vas weaves, in [ilain an«l broken checks, and a hund
red other styles ton numerous to mention
We cordially invite inspection, whether you wish
to purchase or not.
The Boston Store,
Good Hardwood in StovA LesgtbA.
AlBO Poor Foot XAplA Slaba And BdglngR.
Brick Block KEN WANTED.
Traverse City Lumber Cfl.
i»i;MCduww wacomu, mau>ATe,9mt*WMWm» w.f
Gas Lamp-- ’’^-^.ngsiiesar-
Mm M a IBt •« «hn bu^ %
ta M
haaaJaMadded the taOpwlac Hat of
roha Wkfwiar.
& t(. Bacar. IOMWm
Ba M.
m. Trarla, raaid)
«n MUlm wm Mnek kj Ucklmath atraoc Ba n.
sl^ m4 ^ kOM M AlM-bt wk.
B*caryatraat. No w.
thaOwwaoralMrWMktww AIm»u»vll. aeee M
Bafbaa A Boakafr. tSS Beat Braat OrsJI. Mr* Ueh
kM Md (ov pmiM kUl«d kr Um M atraat. Be *01.
plaitM «rf b«r kcAkr dvisf U* mmb
W .
Siarcb Factory. HC Bay atraat. Ba Ser>b*e4.
advei^ 'etm.
Ononaa W. Barr.
1W rtM of Ika ri««n lkl«Mk, Bw
C. A W. M. JaaeUoa.Ba 17.
•■4 Tru> kM floodad >p»«- Awtria.
John Borria BorrlaTllla
A Voed to Botbera
__ Bn Whm nf Tmr
Motbara of ehlldraa affeelad with bat coorh temedy on c«tb, oarca a cold
iWkar wvw* •*(»• alcar tk* Lak• IBU laonedsyifuhcnBtime. BandWda
tate«Mtkaadn«aa kafataaSoi
tka laad aad eraakad aarafal vaMla
^ for mre. boys and ahlUren. u
aaiaotie to aay form aad my ^
«ttk tkair earfOM. Tkaarawacaa
aaoaaddratly to the baU aa to the
arttk ikatr U*« Vy aaklac tkalr war adalt The vmt eaeeaB that bM at
tended Ita aae ta tka traatBwtof eolda
SITSnrBkd 0ABD8aad eroap baa woe lor It Ua apanwal
pralaa It kaa iwaalTad tkroarkoai
kaa iBTiated a ajataB of wlrakaa tal- aad
tka Dalled Sutaa and aaay loralpa
a«n«b7 wkkb. ka claim, ia parfaetlj laada For aala by 8 B Walt and P.
aaaaaaafaL Soaaa Um Uat waak. "
C TkOBpaoa
raaiaoa aara. ka aaat a maaara to bU
Twii>.<.». ir.i—.
acaat la a Hula aowa M milaa awaj.
1 ha*« r«aclr>d a aapply of tbc la*c^osbtoek. Fboern._____________
Ba lawr raeclTod aeo|i70( ika aiiiafa
i< aa Petoekey Urn Baloaa of wbick
tkfoarb tka roaioSoa aactlj aa ka
I have the eselaaira local afaaey.
L-*ve ordera at tba aiorc, coraer
Mat It. laaladlat « Bwtaka U the
Park ai»/< Front atraot- Oco. Belie]• taMllB
*iath«kter«< Sway
I 71
C :"“.Tia;-sS’S.T5E'=s.
-Baada.'* la the etkar way of aaylaf
-Perfect Clothlrr "
kr tka Tarktab rwafamal. ArmalaM ara alao refoaad parslta to aaal• B A L Aaaaal Bacarsioaffaia to Reaaia.
BaeoraioB to RlekBoad Sept. Mlb S5.
Tka old OambU laad ailaa, eoMonEaearaion to Detroit. $5.
Kxeaialea to Cbleapo 8S. OcL Srd.
iBf vkiab than kaaa boaa Waditkm
amaf tka paopla of Soatk Mtaaoarl
Oe aecoeat of Street Fair at Cadillac
aad aoatkara Athaaaaa. kaa baaa dlaha B. A N B R B. wUI aaU ticketa
comad la Faltoa eoaaty, Atkaaaaa. It oo
Sapt. 11. II. U aad IStk. rot
-laalaliaad. Two proapaeton oa the limit Sept letk. at SI 4S mead trip
B. W Crmaeaeif, Airt.
farm of Ckaa Waakam: afiar
F. A. Mrrenu., O P. AfV
dowB a faw fact, atraek a ladder,
wUch lad ikes into aa old eavara that
ibar aar la rlcb la laad.
1 bare rloaed ay lea cream parloia
A erclcaa awopt orar Ban
altera eacceacrall aMaoa ef libera]
patrooad*. for wblea I thank my eoaWcdaaadar alrkt. Beaaaa wan blowa
toiaera. I have done this to make
dowa aad otkaia wata aaroofad. The
room for mw fooda, aa X have laatom racod tka wkola airht. Ho Uvaa
craaaad «y aloek throwteat, aaware loat, k«t kaary dasafa waa
padally my atoek of aWUoMry.
]Mt taealved a afaw frank, clear
M paklle aad arirata propartr. trait
lot of ache<d aapallee. direct from
Md codar traea Tbc caaeawap waa
the factory, atrk'ly op-to-datr,
kadl7 lujarad and tka r>w»
which I am aare wtll plaaae yoo.
Wkaa yoo are la need of anythlac la
mj Uae. }nat roBawbw I'm la tba
Tkareara li.Mfi i
raea with a atrletly Irvt-claB sleek,
tf yea bay oaoa yon arc care to come
(ba Praaidie la dan Fiaaelaco. Thte
1 alao have tba choioca- Uae
iaeladaa HO raoatta. «0 oaBoaU. 1ST
of coofaeUrmary ta the city. Call and
is the rafalar farrtaoa. appraxlmtalj
aoa Ba Ton are alwaya welacimi
A.tM eolaataar lataatry oo tka way
tka PhUippdaaa aad appraaimt
405 Daion ^
a.OM Boraratarsad froB tka talaada
Pkiic Pinies,
T« 0mt9 m C«M In Obs Owy.
Take Warner's Vl'hite Wttw of Ttr Smiy
the best coogb remedy on earth. S6 aa<
V ceota.
Tbcra are aavaataea aott coal ahafB
la operation la the atnSc. With the
odoapiton of the ahafta at Jackaon aad
Ooraana they are all ta the Saflnaw
valley. Dariaf the month of Aacnst
l.OM Ben ware at work la tka Blnaa
of tka atato, aad If akUlod ml
ooald ba employed ».m man eenld
eaMly be kept at work la tba ladantiy
From now until Oct 1, we
will make a liberal reduction
on 22 karat gold crowns, por
celain crowns, bridge work
lUUcn t
ptodacad la iwo.
and all kinds of plate work.
U9m9U%rif^hUUm, This work we guarantee first
No remedy eqoals WasirxB'B Warn class in cr«T respect
WiKS or Tam Sybcp for this terribleatM fatal diaeaae. If takes tborRemember—This offer is
ooj^ly and In tim it will core n cnee
InM so^ nod torBkccourh that fol good for above dates only.
lows La Grippe It never taUa to give
Original painless methods.
relief. Prtoe. SSc nnd SOc.
O—r r.wt Md Cm. 8NMtt,
'[C. C. Late. Ibc.g.r.
Drrvera farniahed if desired.
Everytiiing in fint-claM ahape.
Tie^smw irOB ■scsiasw sm iiiissn.
TWs Imvlac at U:U a w. km eSnlr ear
Smnsa s> TliU a. a. bi
le TiSas Tie Kste tesT.
, REED CITY SiHTABlDI Chicago •- —A—
A. harnnirt.tl. D . PfvvT. A W. 8reem
■ n. D.. BaatOni PbTtloisa. vUk eoetslust skr
detssi ssd tamvpst.
----- -—------ '----------
West Michigan.
. U . ^ F Y ttj V£
Real Eelin, leetioaeers,
TraCais, MoaaT Isaaars.
We have SI.IHIO to Place oa
poad first real estate sacur:S5,!SS“-’
itj. let one seaine this that_______________
WIU l«sv« sbool 8rpi 1
ear office.
sedeblMras'a dIasMM s mpvcislir.
A fisdrr
FOR SALB-fite-Larra modera bonse.
Fifth su. 10 rooms, all larra.; baU.
taroaee.sawereoaasctloas.fialshad la I
oak down stalra-banialshcd la cherry
all new; act ij iiu all Salsbed. bat
win complete whsp cold Prieell.400,
A t. will (Iva their anaaal
FOR SALE—C5T-N E. •« of
Richmond oa Baptember
*fl 11. layaabont rs Biimof lake la----------------->----------------------------,
Leelaaaa aoaaty; good laad aad
___ Mlh. and to> Detroit aad Chica(0
Chlcaro oee
,ace waekUtar. O.-tober Id. Tickaia wUl
hardwood timber: wUl sell tor S5
____ ______
acre. Price SMO
and Detroit, and SB 00
FORSALE-855-TwoloUon Seventh ChQdren
noder 11 yeaia, half rate
kai will re eold
eweet thUNldeof Dirieioa; sbont 7 7?*ke“
oordeof baUdLBretoaeonlou.Priea. Maedrtnaw Ody to Bl( Replds. lalive, rood for ratorn on ragalar
each, pies
lae fee toa days
FOE BALE- 654-Small bonce and *TJ***?*“^V*
I.T,. 1,.—I.ruu.
hoBe Price 1300
be riven: One via F. A P. M. R. R.
FOR SALE-«S»-Boese and lot. State
° • ®street cleee to e'hool rood T rooB ^ A If. R y frem Oraad Rapida For
hoose; well; alltelshre. Price. SMO Chime® «he ro^wlll be via Viekabarr
FOR SALE—651—Boose aad lot State and the Grand Treak eyetem
,1^1 Si* rooote .T Saihre; ^
wall water. Prim. $650
matioa. apply to O. R. A I. ticket
-650—Floe modera home;
L.. Lockwood.
barn. aU
O P. A T. A
complete. Pries. SI 500.
FOR SALE-64fi-Ftne modem home;
11 room*, all comolete; bath, sewer
coaaeetloats. tern, shade and ornamentel trem- Price. Sl.AOO
FOR SALE—64T—Two (ood loU on
Btrbth etreet; siMof-lots MilOO ft.
«*cb; level. Price, cecb, S300.
FOR SALB-645-Finc Bodern boaae;
S larre rooms, bath, fnniace, lot
50x165. Bias Iswo city water; s com
plete heme at email prioa. la gvoi
FOR SALE—655—Hard
a^iare^ Bxoorslon Sams to Cbiongo
•TTTANTWD-rsr* « l*»»
W c-rllAoi bouev nskve. •
ar rvesce tor wUlac-bsr* oto
Thto ekaaev la wertfe rear ui>«
u*>< IS
C*1 ;"ir sli! 1
Ttl It
t Orr. •spsrtoiH«4
C«OKBALa-A aeed taUlas
V lies aad O
V. niVniKHLAlt. Af«
Boalnam i
son HD TRIP.
MsaIs and berth extra.
FOB°^V^S-Large lot on State BerthS $i 006ach Waj.
—r»w. rru^
FOR SALE—615—FIm large booae
and lot. ooreerof Madteon and Randolptx. Prim fPOO
AU of the above property can be
bonght os ceay terms, and all are good
iBvmtBente. Alwaya call on u tor
WiU do oar bmt
hostlo. Alwaya ready f jr b
Tickets onmle Thnn. Sept. lA
Yoc vtu M ear Mcb
to* botiow ot ■
btesmer leaves Tnverae City every
Snoday and Thonday.
scum wm m eon co. s-ki;
MUia*e.t7. casm* o> s IHstlM. T
W« wwt aU toe
■I—liei b<x MAS* ai bMtoa of Min
Wade Bros.
Rre liisuraiHie.
L. £4.A.Bnlldfnc.
to* Saato mrrCar urapi eoadar.
FVoJ;.-- ------
on.. Bmp.,
Northern Mich.
Transportation Go. ColmnbiiudLoiiGiiiiniiifi
6ih aad L'eloB etreet new oecapied by}
New York etore. Large balldlag and I
large coraer lot. Olli Edge Properly
at low price Price SI.OOO
siTKatS'S w‘,re;"
cmaX-OortroA. Itlaew «
ilis^ IRJi: !.S____
OK)-I«B.ra..O. p....
To Mnft ud Qlolo, OH 3.
W oer-os WAsta YTOIB «r CbM
J^bl^-rk^ IcstbOT
B X Olbbe. Prop.
... Via G. R. & I.
T« uctMri, sehBb* m UIBIK Utl Nmuiim LL
se« rv< tvvsrd.
ber of uoe cvnagen. 1 am now
prepared to do an esUnsiTe livery
Domnena in addition to feeding and
inng for tenma.
ail lareav uoat eon um»t
Fries Me andSl.OO QeaiaatMA Trial ISBMM HV.
botUaa lOe at a. E Wait and J. O.
Johnson Drv( Storm-
emotm, .twwTw
Now Is
Your Chance!
I have jut ftdded a fine hack,
sevnial roomv two- and throksaat-
BndarM Orethb A«onlca
0.1, .
tr. «.blH J •
arrMoan. of San AaMrnlo. Tax., to
a dowa whan asBaad by Asthma,
wrttaa klo mlaarr ' _» oftaa so (rent
I bapndared the afOSlM
Dr. Klar's New DieeoveTy
ofd . .
ftr Oonoamptlan wholly eared him.
_____________ It the only
) for Aethm aa weU ee
1. ..Mnl—1W.1H
.wrap—V(K rvevrsi
Anonal low rate exenrmioa to above
-SIS nfui-«v
poiaU with bettor aecvice thie year.
Special train will lea»e Traverne CSly '^iaL wsktkd-rw rre»r*j
at 0:40 a B. aad ma to O'aad Rapids vT _«r*‘.........
wlthont a stop aonth of Maalauc Qroaslaf. eaeept at White Cload tor laach.
Special vfforu will be made to fnralab plySlUlV«S?i‘*“''“
.Bplv •««'l'-r room lo eoacbes aad to
The Blfla. 1U-. "Every Satwday."
•peaka thoa of (he aatcrtalamvat to ba
rlvea (onicht at the OHv Opera Bonaa
aader tka aaapicaa of tka Esatarn Star:
•■The Sarrlek aatortalaaMOta at tba
Conrnoatlonal ehnreh. which opened
Tbareday aad cloaca thia eveaiac. ore
-I I b- I
hlfhly artUtk aad vary eatertalalnd
Tba viewa are aa fine aa any ever aeen th\td>
la Blfln. and are admirably handled. fnll panlcnla
Tbwe la aa Inflalu variety; historic.
Uaal, patheUe. hamorona. etc. Mia.
Sarrlek la a moat taleatod artiat of
llty. Bern
•mte Fair at Oraad B^ids.
Sm. her alarlat very plca^.aad her
plaao aecompaalBcaU alayed with adBlrable taaU. Aa a w^ole the profn
faraiahaa a deUfbtfnI ovaainr14 IS te.ii IS
FHliiH Pirtiet,
lie FiiniIs.
wtedfallA SOe par
aad awaitlac Baatrr oat.
Voyeo^B^^Usl tSe Hu»Uj^|
The aebodl tn»teaa of Prtnoaloa
1 have taoelvrd a aapply of tbc loseIbA. are
loan Petoakey 0cm melooa of wbteh
1 have ibe exelasiva local afeacy. ^^A»rTEl>-^^ *lri »• »or* W
akeat a Oakaa koy. wkOB aa arsy
***_________ TW if.
odlear broarht koBa with his tron
Oaka. Tbo Oakaa atartad to ackool to
day writk tka white ckUdraa. wbaa tka
verm v^.*^virsl aSM «
(ha withdrawal of S'- Inaapthil Tbanpaas
dbalr ehlldraa if the loroIrnB' waa parJoho WbMUr. lie CslM.*!.
mluad to attend aakaol. They elalB
—rw nMrel SmswopS
ha BBBt r> UKtha naevo ackool. Tbs
>. X B aciUcr. amnw^v
traatMO withdraw tka Oakaa tmporartly.
A apedal dlapatck from Borne aaya
“V^EST Michigan R’y."
tka pope la ooly aaffartad from a oold.
gT^VlW oa
aaaeeompaaled by fever, bat aa a prosn.v^'*
will b( ft?CB If rvicrMA IS44I aaal*«L TBir
cactloaarv Baaaora his aadlaaoea have
JACK* OH ...........................$i00
keaa tcB^orarily
LA CB08SE......................... fS.OO
i; :• ;
Best workmuBhip money
ran empkiy for Btcycls
Bspniring. Qoick w«k.
Fi "-------for the tollowteg and
nny mere too nomerons to mention:
Bm nt 118 Wmt Front street,
saw; CM on fUU atrrei with aU
modon tmprovameata SJ600; one os
ttxtk. StTtO; one on Waat Froot. SMOO;
oM re Flflk. Inego koam tlcW: kosaa
lot lotUM fv with Tf boartag
re. wmt ssd aretk of Front
(.Siooa; orereSai
B. L. A On- Bleak
Lmn Tvaevn* Olv
Ssomt Bar
. JB
Steamer Onekama
Oapt. J. U. Xmoxy.
Leave Old Mlrnkm..
Arrive BkRaWW...
Lanre nk BaST..
Arrive Old MiaMre .
Lanes Old lOMre ..
Arrive Klk BuMa..
Leave Elk lefba...
Arrive OMICMre..
■Fas wfll laava tka______________ _
Mock. Botel WhMng and Park PMaa
at t:M p. m. •Baa wfU alao aouaet
with boat at n-JO a B. FraHrerirfll
MatSM Haad re Taaafaya Thom
lUid T«*r—Ho 78S
Xm ik» Xadavtri*! Ooi
ainxA coB
T 0 MM M BimMmI
AM «n*M» Aar oom-mmoo
WMUof oo.D. C.lMtUFoaMr. n OvfMaar 3. B.
mO Wffl H. ttnfti VMklatMa. W
Ik* rnsMaat 7mVM til Fmm m* Bwm7 *• ^
MM*7. lb. HaIm* kM Wn
Ala*te tor ivo roar* aa4 far* ik*
WW^tk* OwMm* Oo«- arMliikl bti *MM «a tk* altaattoa
ntt tiMU»«fOTa A«l9«ntoc-»r7tk* *MBr
. B*«*U*d(or*
•tttMM MbooolaoMd kr Ckalmaa
*■ —
Uea*. ajoprdtar M Br. Farr. •«« to
k* rotarrod witkoat loadlac or dabau
tk* moUoa tartaaUy d*T*loped tk*
•trUa a*i«**a tk* foetiOM for *ad
tftimi tk* WMt*. Vortoiu *p**>i*r«
mlj ttfoA tb»i tk* iMolotloo
MkModad t**Uo« •^r——tk* «osalM** to b* B*d* by tk* d*l»tiOM •ach *tat*. Tk* a
vaUad. n to 1«.
OoraraM ktkWoa of W«*t Vlfrlnta.
tkat H «r** aafair to Mad
tk* d*l*cau* br **«b * raaoloUoo.
Tk* d*b*tt oa**d war* tad drl«r»la*
«l*M0rlaa for raoorattlo*. aroa
•fory part of tk* boo**Bt^JoMnor Lae* of Mleklfao
■ItM* wltkoBt raadlaf or dobata meaai
tkat otaay * w*U etaaot eflort woold
ta to *1*00 la tk* kaad* of tk* oo«
MitM*. *ad “*la*F th* *U*r of d*atk "
Taylor of tadlaaa. Prlao* of T«xa* aad
OaUlM of iniaot*. w*r* al*» board.
Both pro-tra*t p*o»l* aad tall* w*r*
tearfal, It *ooa booaa* *Tld*at. tk»l
oa* *M* or .tk* otk«r woald **ear*
eoatrel aad btad tk* mlaonty
lafOt wbkb they
Edward B***waur, adltor of tk*
OB*h* ka*. woa applaaM by dBiUrlac
that tk* wooflt of tk* L-*lMd But**
had th* eoorao of tk*lr o*artrtioaa
Oeekra* wm to k*«* *pok*a toolrkt,
t k* b* allowed to
piafinnl Bryaa. addlof tkat U ka*
baaa kb aaMtloa atae* l*M to B**t
tk* fru *UrB «r»tor tae* to tao* aad
pis blB down to bard faeU aad food
Tka **bj*cl of tk* pap*r* today wa*
tk* tariff Uww)B Pardy of tk* N*w
York TkHff B*foru «lub, Byros W.
Bolt of tk* R*w Earlaadork Fiw*
Trad* elob. aad Boratle W. 8*yBo*r
of tk* Cbkac« CfaroDlel*. attaebad tk*
tariff *• tk* foaurer of tnuta John
r flma't- of lUlaol* apok* la bakalf
of tk* protoeUoabt* aad oailad forth *
■tors of Blarl«l kluM aad Mplaa**
by daelarfag that It wm a bear* aaa
wbo. afur tk* eaparUao* of tk* iMt
f*w ytmrt. would adraeau tk* policy
of <M* trod*.
OoToraor PtayrM will »ddr«** tk*
I OB -'Troit* aad OoBbluIkM**-toalfhk
TE* Or*** for Wbleb Kra TioU
Bo(u* WM rimed Taeurday.
Bob* tlB* *cn
WM «ao**d oa U* ooeaaloa of tk* arrMt aad trial of Ur*. O'BrlM aoonaad
af taklar <lw«n fr«B tb* e*B*tMy.
ta tb* trial It appaarad tkat tbatu of
tbb klad had b**e yolar oa tor *ob*
Who* Mr*. Olrtaa wm ooarletad.
•k* iBplloaud a aalfhbor. who wm
anMUd aad triad la Jadf* KabarU'
ooart ytaurday. Tb* weaiaa b Mra
VUla Boom* of EmI Blybik atioat. aad
tb* trial iMolud la b*r aoprletloa.
Sk* WM ftaad lio Tt aad ooau Tboayb
tb* oaM WM * el*ar om. Ur*. Boom*
^1.1^ tkat ak* did BOt *t*al tk* Brw*
an. but WM ik«« wb«a Ura O'Brlaa
aMl* ibttr A* Ura O'BrUa aad* th*
wb*a *k* WM triad, tk*
oa* of lb*B mmi b* at
k *t«aUaf M tkb aalaraUy
Ik* rMaatmaat of tk* paepl*
MOro tka* a tbaft of tk* aaau mafiilMd* would Mually. Tb* rury wer«t
Mruofaualiac b •Wallnr troa th*
ffaad. t* th* *yM of <b* paepto.
Oritlelsms of PofpIbq Tn
Cbom Oopp Fooling.
Tb* FrrMb Frup* Veltad ta OaaoaD*tat tb* For*«B f earaalbta U
tk* DrurfM ABalr.
Parb. 8*0'. l«—Tb* bltur crlUeba*
oftb* foralrn pr*a oa tb* PrayfM
rardtatat Bmsu bar* ooa* b(
tk* Fruaeb p«>pta with erMbtay
Tb* rault b *OB*wbat •tartliay. Tb*
Fraacb paopl* raainl* that tb*y
•taadtaf i* U* aoBUBpi of tb*
world, aad tb* ruHotioa bM brouybta
war* of aayur. Tb* attoeka of
forulyu pr*a bar* *ua wd to u*lu tb*
pto>pl* of *U partir* 1* FrUB**—Dreyf*MTd**Qd aotl-DreyfMord*. NaUoa
alba aad B*pabUeaa*-*c*la*l
baud *B*sy. tb*
Tk* Frooefa pr*** tar** *p tk* eriU«»t—I* Bad* by th* pr*** of forabra
eooatrlo* eoaearalac tk* Droyfo*
diet. Tk* Matla, rtoUatly D.-ayfaaai^,
poor* o«t • eoloma of Fr*oeb wrath
ayalMt U* faralyaM* to- wbat
Ura* •* luMrtiaacat taUftar**** la
Fraaeb affair*.
Xoclaad Mow Haa pTMldtat
Krofar’a Anawar.
I* tbo Kaad* of tk* Killury LoadM*
—Iw OoBUat a* T*t Vakaowa to
tbcFablte But Bald to b* B*IU**rLeedoa. Sapt. H -Tb* Traacrualb
reply to tb* iMt aoU of Ooloalal SreieUry ChaBborlala bM beea reo*ir*d.
Ita aator*Uy*l aakoowa. Tb* A*aoetated Pru** b lafonaad that Bothlay
will be ylree out at prueaat by tb* oel*
oataloBw. Tb* Boer reply
Fbld Uarebal Lord Wolulay. wbo taaedlatoly toBaoead Oea. 8lr Oeory*
Stewart WblU. V C.. foraer qaarUr
aMtar yeecral. aaf
of tk* Brttbb foroM la MaUl
South Atrleaa adrle** eoalleued
aoat eealleUay tbb afteraoaa reyardiay tb* teaor of Prualdaat Cruyar'i
>*r. Th* Poat. la lu aeeead *diUoa. priaua •peeial from PtaUnaartubury.aaylay that tb* reply b
cuical. loqaaeloH aad blMpbeaona''
Tb* Uaaebaaur euardtaB-B eorteapoadaat at Gap* Towe ulayraph* that tk*
outlook b of tk* ylooa',e*t eharMtar.
Tb* Cbp* Town pap*>« Ueauelr**
lak* a a«e bopaf^
Uoa. bMtay thatr b*lt*f oa U* preb
by Pruldeai Eray«r
ot U* trUDck
CbaabMlata'i lateat dbpateb.
they adali tkat it b iapeaalbl* to
l*ara or foraabadow Eruyerb atUtud*
toward tb* ■■itrulaty of Ural BHtata. wbieb. after all. b *UU tb* aata
BloeatoBWle. Oraayc Ftm But*,
Sept 14 —Uaabar* of tb* read of tb*
Oraay* Fra* BUU bar* b**a aoUffed
b* ready to as extraordtaary to*Uoa at a aunneat'* aotle* Tbe Baryb
ar* of tb* O-aar* FrM SUU bar* aet
aad alnrtr* raaoluttaM to lUad ahoalda t* akoaldar with tba Tramaraai ta
of boatUltba
•aabtarb /otal Brakaa 1
P*ta*k*y. Sept. 14 —LmI
proeeeettay Attoraay Outara waraad
tk* alot aaokta* aaaayer. aad b* kM
•ow MM*d tk* arraat af Laur Uorrb
BECBPnOB TO RAOBBUaad Am Eaaal for
a yaabUay
Tb* OoatnvuUaaal CkrUtUa BaTb* Jitat WM loaaUd aaar tki
«**r*r EoeiatT to Bauttela Tb*M balp'* auarur* la a laadlay batal. aad.
Tb* Cbrtetiaa B*d«a*or aoelaty of meerwUkoata^^^ aalUay
b Uu
tb* OnffMffaboaal okarok will fir* a
,—m to Ik* UmM aad papa* af uapbad ta Fatoabey. altboayb pokar
tka Blyb aekoal tkb « Mtay. A Baa jotau bar* baaa aaaaroa* for jMfU.
“ ■—
■ i
aij^pbU ttaa b uzaaeud.
of aaay af tb* BMUrataoM af art
tb*. •“'•—yallarlaoft
laadtay yauana
______ Boom aad Part* ta th* SurButM.ay*i4 to Ib^ api«adld Item rtak aatartaiaaaev City Opara BoaM
uabooM froa.
frao .Pjlaa* f*^
----- fra
Sapt. u.
a _______
------ . AEaadaAOD. »
jiSitUm ta 1A* Uoa af aataal
OT«r Myatoiious Dimppwr*
ABOB of KIbb Bodlpa
Lrfi Ba Boa* at Aldaraaa Koatar*rt Friday Aftaraaa*. aad Ba*
»*t B*M B**a BMm Bo Trap* of
Hm Wb**aaboaM-On*Mt Fmiu
a*d M to Bar Fata.
t**Ua« of A^eaM ta Alaaka Out *o
OUMfo, Oiot. K -TW
Ub* Uary BadJaa. far aaay y*ara a
UMlt dbpata. B* told tk* prBldaat .*ab*r
of tk* koaaakold of B. Hoat«ltk WOUm» wtrt B««* of Bow 0^• tkat ta Ataakb aad tk* *ortkw**i tb* ar*«. Mwatary. tr«a*ar«r aad r*a«ral
iMWiaikookolr. TW* w»» • froU paopl* ar* Bra oa tkb pabj -ot. *ad ar* aiaayar of ik* Baasab A Lay Ua
talUac off U Ua ■uwiilii** of koU oppeaad to may >
caatila Oo.. bM dbappaared froa b«r
Mt Mom tk* kOM* • r**ol«tlo* _
tf^MAkr' CLVkrrot HWmiI. tor
The Season Is With (Is
Goes noch fartber than
fsbe •tatemsBL It bH tltraya bepo oar stm to follow
an boosst boiitieM policy.
Wbeo yoa rssd s sUtemeat
io this or any other ipace
yon can dspead opoo ita bp.
ing tbe truth sod beiog ao,
if tra say so. We bare a line
kia* aad all aBorUio dbeorar bar
wbMaabaati m tau bare baaa faUl*.
Op to aa aarlT boor tkb anrulay ao
bee* bad b**B toaad.
For Mreral yaar* Ub* Eudlaa bM
beaaaaployad m eaaktar ta th* dry
food* departaaat ta tk* Baaaab A
Uy UarcaaUl* Oo'*
Sb« bad two or tkra* day* reaatatay
of a raoatie* troa bar datta*. aad
about Ibru* o'clock Friday aftaraooa
tato th* altttay rooa of bar koau
wkar* ware Urv Uoatayue. herdaoybUr. aad oa* or two otka ladlw. aad
in new
Maooacad tkat ak* wm yotay to Elk
and correct
Bapidc to rbli a trtaad aad alykt oot
b* back aalil Uoaday aoratay. It wm
ctUl two or taru* boun to train tiac
Pretty fitter* and splendid
aad ckc aid ebe weald auka a call
apoa a lady Crlaad ta Mwa. wkoM
wearers. They would be
ylrua. Bba apoapead m
■old eleenbere for 91.73
aaaal aad ta ao way rselted
and 93.00, bat here they
aarroaa Ptaaaaot yeod-bya* war*
are only
ebaayad m the paiaed out at
th* front tfoor aad down tb* *t*pa It
•b* BlarUd down
tb* walk yotay west. Tbb wm tb* iMt I
tkat WM **M of bar. aad tk* an*t'
dlllyeat aad •aarchlay taqolrin bar*
failed to dbeorer wbat became ot k*r
from Uat noaaat. No alarm wm
faltwkeaab* d4 aot ratara Uoaday
loralay. m It wocld not bar* bMB at
allraaarkablelfak*hadeoaclud*d to
reaalaatBlk Btpld* a day or two
lopyar than Brat anaonaead. but wbeo
ah* bad not retaraad yaatarday aad ao
word from bar had reaebed bar friaad*
bare. Ur. Uoctayu* Ulepboaed b*r
friend at Elk Btpid* aad wm ahoekad
aad alarmed to laaru that ah* bad aet
baec there at all. Dpea Inquiry of tb*
frtaad up a wbea *h* aid *b* woald
call before learley tb* city, oa Friday.
fertbar lamed that aba bad
aot baq aeea by bar oo that day or at
any Umk *luce. laqulria at aU tb*
railroad •utiePa ta tb* city ellelud no
taforautkoB laadlay up to a elu*
(Atafof Poll** Beouia. Bbarlff Slmpaoa aod tb-'- aaipuatt are maklay
erpry cfl irv but tb* tael remaiaa. that
the moment ti* left tb* booa* ta*t
Friday aft*'o»o* tb* dropped earn
pleteiy eat or*iybt aad kaowlady* of
When you ccoaider this fact,
don’t you tbiok you are mieUkcD
^ WM (oond upon examlBatloa of when you uy you “doo'! need •
room that 'b« bad Ukeu no cloth- telephone io your home."
lay except wiki WM worn at the time.
Wbat you have mo«t precioae in
there, and in the event
She bad Irf * - «iaablc yotd watch and the world is tbe
artay which >»* wm aocuctomed to
of accident or daneoatu->.iy. Thee* war* both
ger yon would need
rift* from U- aad Ura UoaUyua Bb*
it even more at your
home than at your
may hare bad money, m her pocketbook bM eoi beaa touud. She ctUl
office .^ad that ia
Myine a good deal.
bM a baudeoBM credit ou the book* of
tb* UereaaUle Company, belay the uaa portion of her aalarr m caahier.
All letuii aad paper* that would nat
urally bav* been found la her room
bav* evldeetly been dmtroyed. m
Dotklay of thl* eharaeur bM been
Ula Budtaa. wb* U 11 yean old. bM
bad a pl«a*aat borne la tbe family of
Ur Uoauyu* to the pMt 18 yearu.
Her ototber died when cb* wm a child,
and Ur aad Ura Uoatayue ya*« bar a
boa* BurfatburU *Ull Itatay. and
ta, wauadentaad. tvorktay ta oa* of
Backtay A DouylM’ lumbur camp* ta
UaateteeoouB^. Word wm aant him
iMt alyht.
Ulw Ooodmaa. the yoaay lady trtaad
at Elk Bapida. whom UlM Bodtau uald
yotay to rtalt. wm at pa*
Iba* a iMldsat of thb city, aad ab* 1*
yreatJy alarmad at lb* dlaappearaaea
of bar trtamd.
Ula* Budlea-e mother bad. at an*
tlma, beaa treated for mental dPtarbaad n P poartbta that Utm Uary
may hav* waadarad off wbU* raffartay
from a tasporary attaek of a lik* aa-
Fine Kid
$1.60 per pair.
Wbaa w» iDMi bare a Uulc artlAatal AmA aad
Pubapa yea aat by a
rood Ire iMt arybl aad wopdarad bow w laaMPM
tba coMfort of tb* roopp for the lopy wtaur mrm^
taya. Oar way ii to borer tboM waUc wltt aiM
new wail papm. Tbara la ao btay taat m cbaayM the appear.
aaM of Ik* whota boPM m briyhA tarty wall papar-W* aapaeked
a.aao rail* ytrtiUy.
*totb*r way p to fram* ep *om* pktoiM—It daa’t oo*t —
aoHparep with th* ptaaear* yoc dartea
The Latest Craze
1* to eat out poetm- pietut«a-ib*y pmt aofchtay-tkmi briny tb*« to «
aad w* will Moust tb*m oa ctltabl* mat board to tro*e tc ap to U*
tob. Theybfiyhunae*
crfuily, aad at a trUtay a
OoM* ta aad *M oaru—U wiU ylr* yoa tb* idap.
990-223 Front Street
Bntph Oonnabls Jr., Muug«r.
We Think
we've a right to a good deal of jonr trade—snd vs
, probably get it, to<A if you make it a point to look
around a bit, but
Don't Buy
unUll you have seen tbs only eotiis atock of
Men’s Boy’s and Children’s
clotkliiy. hata. cap* aad funUbtas* at
New Fall Sulla
Pajiijlar Shoe House.
■MUu TtKiikon Co
Thao Traverse Belle
The Favorite Sc Cigar
Is betomiag popalar, too.
Biggest aid hast IDceatcioai
tor the price.
UP* BudlM I
mambarof tb*b
always took * Map iataren U lb* work
of tb* yoaay people'* aoelety of bar
I «arrtod ao bayyay* wbatwbaa *h« taft tk* koM*. Bk*
P ratk«r sllybt of «yur* aad wore a
dark Wui dreea, a macktetoak wUk a
up*, aad kad OB a wklt* ultar kat.
reported lata tart
alykt tkat HP* Budtaa wm *e*B ou tba
Boatk Sta* Friday afUraeam U tkP
P trw* It mut k*v* baaa after *k* left
abeat 1 o’alocfc. TWUmP
aaUfhtemaaad may land to m lualta.
U^sTat IbiMaa'A
of aU
A. W. Jahraus
rm DnrEAXe wosx.
On account of Hebrew Holiday, “Day of
Atonement." Will open Friday morning at 7 o'clock.
Balikbii Dry Oooda Oarp*t aad ClotUay Boi
To tell you to keep your eye
on our great
.Special Shoe Sale.,
For Friday and Saturday we will pat oo sale several
hundred pair of shoes at nearly half price.
Here are a few of them:
Ken's Isos snd ooagrsss $8.00 sbos.. $1.19
Ksn's $8.60 shoe for..................................$148
Womsn'B $8 60 shoe for............................ $1.10
Women’s $1.60 oxfords for.................... eSc
Women’s strep ssndsls. worth $1.26 . 6Bc
Boy's snd girls shoes for 00,60. 75c- worth
$1.60, every psir of them.
It P Impotolbta to dm our kheu JiuUe* os paper—they mu*t be examtaed to be appreeiatod. therufer* we earaasUy rrq<3««t *»*ry oa* faUruttod ta footwear to eaU at our •peetal »bo* *ale Friday aad Smtarday
136 Front Street
Prsotiosl Shoe Msn
This Space
belongs to
Parker Bros.
If yon wlsli saything in the shoe Uas
yon esn ssws money by pnrehssing it st
oar store.
McHuBv. Bik Parker Bros.
yirm MOj^^rntO mmoO»P.^y»II)AT. >BPT»ltBWy
fmm MVJUlIJiu
VAATSBSiorrr. ■
CftAVD n4TAu ua4u>.
BATM 4» J. W. mAMX*M.
Merit of
, #. W.JUmo. Bdiur m4
■« M IM
A 9trang
M«r •an.xT.
A OBU frolly wwC*H Hob *I*m
Chi 8ekra«4«r l>U «M 6dl rtih IkAt laot Blfbt at too boa* t f too brtdob
panwta. Mr. bH Mra O Oroto. Tba
byBM 0MbTk* HM of CHI SduoHH of Noctk
llB, la too praaoBM of m cooato. toa» ^_____ oK-Wa~UW..I
porV oHfrH <rtib
Bade Arebio
M«M.-to»i# aBd MaBd; Re^rdins in« woiKierfui
riMOod oCortof Cor oolo (Uk bolo«____
IH rtr*
br ta«. WM trtod la ; OfOtoH kH'moC •»« wlfo lUUUj
»H eoortof JaoUoaOafo la tlBWoOd. O.'.tTaB w*» '.rxSteina'd and Moir>»|.
, MeSiff bf*. lo-''
Hbrtodor »h Honkt lo %bo ellj br l TH roo« wm W-CadorSbvitr Browa aad arr)(aH oa wUl> eorokUoao.
a warraaiowora oat by GaBo-WardB«! The* ham
toatoara pota'
Alfred Oodtof of ChartoooU.
' BapWb
aod oUar ooBtoara
oztoadod woddiat toot afur whlto
Aral Bade toty win rotaro >o tbie city.
ayo wbM too obarfo i
Dr. Cb0MN€HBiBc«t to m afawlou
« bio OWB
BprlBR Bmco OMvoto LeavUC
ire lor pileo, aad has orrv brra
ilxaaoo. aad too date of trial wm
A« too iDland »ar*u from Spr«» ,B»wa ta fail to cart tbe worto foraw
AMd for yoourday A. V. BaBUar.
tbu toftenep dioeoae. whkk boo
_ eoBBiy
oa«h depart . for tootr dlfl,iroBt of
prooeeatlBC aturaov of too
boArd Bcdicol toil! lot opra.
Tbu oaittucDi Boy loead tatbor
toroBf to perooDi wbo (to aot ksow ibe
Biperlor bmiu of Dr. CbaM** Oiatlor too defaodaat.
fo*-*rably >BOBL, bat it u perfectly Gur. oad ca>
It WMohowatoat all tboAohoAofht prwood with too city aod l<o
>rocd by tbo proieful tcBimoey of
bT Mr Bebreodor who taken lo aoUof boopitallty and all lea«« aaytaj: "Pll .joaooBd* e( Btoc asd woaoa wbo hart
____ w..._
--TraT- bcca cored by it after year* of oafimoR
boro afaia boi
le«al Boab. and wbo* too eaoo wool
4Bd after trylnp many preporslion* and
too lary. it took tbom bet twenty min
caaauIttDp tbe brot doctor* in rafa.
All wbo bore okipped at Bprtac
Ao booat droRRlM will alwen rreoBaioo to doeldo that toar* bad boos bo
U<aca tool toeraaelreo ladobtod to Mim. mead Ur. A. W Chaor'* Ointarol o*
oiolBtlOB of to* law.
dbelUy, too laadUdy. for bar kiadnao. tbe bat ron>r<tr lor pilo. Ho knowt
tbe motl (killful pbyttciaot eadortr
biapiiality asd aor . (T >n to cntMtala. that
it. and know* Irote wul hi* ciutwurte
toll falm tbai It w tbo ooly
Wb Boltoar^ faoiW7 »t*ru affBln g gh dcbool I-yooamo Buci OMeora.
r and abtolalr care ioi
tola Bomtoc afm a two day* abalj ^to too aonior aad Junior Lyeeamo
d,.,. «,>d b, .b. Ibbbklbl bl U.b
MW faida. Tko Tt*raroo City l***
^j,,mho1 aad oloclod cfBjara
WorkB roplaaod U wlto a now oao|
Mooootor Tko Boaloto •peratloD will core, bat tbal
way—tbo cracl cipeniiTc. •loDgetoD*
tocir bw
Proat dootroyod too oraaborry crop ■
way- Dr. Cha>eS Oiatnieat cura by
of D. C IdOBcb at Walto* WodBOoday
tt> mtplcol oooibiDR and balleir inBn
BicbV The marob lo a larre aad ralrace. It i* Ibo only errtaia mad poorOB'ced care, jo CCDU a box. at ell
aableoao. aomo of too
toe plaau
plaaU bolBf
Vice Prooldeat—Wiaolfred PaUer
dalorv or Dr A W. Cbaa MrdiclM
ImportMfroB Cape Cod. Mean Tbe
Secretary—Greco Corbett.
Company, Buffalo. N. V.
d to too berry crop, aad I Tbo Jualori hold ibolr BeotloR i
will probably amoaat to aboat *4,0oo. : ooiB d*e aad cboM tbo loUowlacEdward Ollroy ^f Warlord, died' Preoidoni—LobIo B.rdaall.
yoourday at too boBO of bUooa. Paal
Vice Praatdont-Hetca StoaW
Gilroy at CopoBloh. Ho U too fatoor
hecroiary—Carrie Karl.
of Mra U C. bktnaer. formorly Mary
Botarialameat tot DeloRatoa
OUroy. wbo to well roBOBbored aa a
Tar oomamter oa eotrrwlBMlBt for
dark to too paatoAoaMr. aad Mra Pfaak Hopper Uft yoa ibo omiac dioGUt eoLoeatloa
Urday oa the CbarUrols for Ckleafo CtrUuta KadMoor woald eanooUy
TboT bare llrwl at Acme for thirty aok tbot all peroono. wbetbar Badeae■na »( awami poolMs CTM*. riM «•
yMra aad are do* ob tbalr way to uPcro or act. ibai will eauruia dalewort a soorlallr
Baa Fraaeloeo where they will make yeioe. hand tbot.' aaiaoo to MUo Alk<
Mow OBea Marbbom Biocb.
toalr borne wlto toolr daa(bUr wbo Jouarr. ehairmaa. or to M. B. HtUry.
to ripectod that
roMtly rotaraod froB AaotraUa. Mra iboMcretory.
Ldur. a al|Ur of Mra. Hopper, aoeom larro aamber of drlrpatro will be proa
paalod toem, aod will rooeala la Haa ear aad too asual Gorca City boapllalIty bo extoaded to all tar riaitoto.
•> 1
ClM> ■
OcFVuaoB rnaasK bM H
ttoklMtoH of bolTf a raadldaw for
pa^of DoUHtho U •'oal oftpolUloa.
Moba*lll BOt raa lor najor. aad
that bo iblBko hobao bad bio abaro
H both ell; aad oiau . ftleoa.
fern* WoBAMoan boUerro la «mteliif bU advertlaiH “> BOoapHOft.
p. mmU; sadb a eoouael wlvb tb«
PMtedBlabla RooOTd for a wbolo pac#
^ B j»r tor $luo.WiC.
7. Bsarmaa. «bo bao beec
>ftB'“~f aoM tlBe al Ba; Vi«fr. ba>
P,«wMd to itao eiv;.
1. L. BaUb bao loao lo Ulaod for a
to* toiya^
AUorao; Ooalur ol Kalaaaooo. *ao
to too eli; rootarda;.
Hn. W U C Miiebcll of Baol ba;.
^ ratBTBod frua bar aortboru Ulp' |>uk Bloaroo *oBl l« Baplro jaM*«B7 *bor« bo *U1 do OOBO palaUss
tor too oirool fair
Mia Jaul* Ulm bao roMrood troB
Bow York oBd euroland, whoro too
Ho boon nomec too paoi flro woebo.
BUowHtb Hale of Cbl«H<>- K *lalUoc
bU parcBU darlnr bio two wooko racaPw«7 Boldoworto. wbo bao an obHllbBl poalUoB oa iba eoact at
jpt«yv, Vb . li lb too elt; v1b>Ubcf.iBo bao jaoi r«eo«crrd froB
pbtaeb of t;pbold foTor.
Mra. f WoBdoror bM rctaniod
Hr bOBO iB UraBd Bapido Sbe bao
boM too nHl of b' T Peek oad UbUj of WaoblBrtos iixroi Vbo pool
Mr*. Dr. tfblrlM of OaBorillo. CHa
da, la TtolUDr al too boBo of Mro A
B. Bra*o tor a low <ia;a
Mr- aad Mta. Wallaeo Moll of Now
1»*- 'baoo reinraed boBO
•hor a («o wreko vloU In too di; wUb
dourro Porur of Majbald. wao Is too
«U; ^urdaj.
K. K. borood *OBl to Potoabo; ob
BBblBoao yootorday.
B B Barko, toe bardwaro Borebaat
0t Maple Cliy. *m Ib tolo city oa boat
•MB yoatofday.
Hto Qlbbo OMBO apl froB May&eld
^MUrday OB totolBOOB.
C. B. Atwood ol Leo Anfoloo. Cal , lo
tH raoet of Mra. R- Ooodrlto||r». C. W. Joyoo baa foM to Oraod
^•ptoa to }olB bor bnobHd., wbo bao
Hm tooro tor oose Ubo.
O. B- Vaodervon bM ratarood frOB
IHVPH pcolwA*!^ Bo WM oeeoBby bti wifr. wbo bM booa rlollUd Bl Bmi Jordan. CbarUools aad l‘eCMbH
Jobs UwBJider bM rotarned from a
oMlI to bio old homo where bo wao
HlUd by toe otrooo UIbom of bio
Bm. and Mra J. Poaalacton retaraod
pMWrdaT from a oloii wlto toolr oon
Bi Lako Ana.
Joka Uran«ar wU! loaro today Cor a
Bbort bMlBoao trip to Bla(bam.
MlB Bortoa Uaokell bM arrirod fro®
O . and will bo iriBBor for
Mia MIqdU LAwreaer acaia thto fall.
Jo JTd'^^Trsii H si
Bdltark Awful PUphL
r M. Hlppiao. Editor Aeaeca vll’a.
Hawe. WM affiieted for «earo with Plot
toat BO doctor or remedy helped aati
H tried Back'oa'o Aralea Halro. tbo
boot la too *or'id. Bo wrtua. two bt-Boo
wbAliy cared bim. Infallible tor Pllea.
OMe^MwaooaA. toly BM toU kp
3 a. Jokwao* BBd E B. Wait, dntp-
a set of thf so Ho.
1660 Golden Oak diuIrg chain. We have
them. Tables and sidebeards to match, that
cei tanly makes a pretty dining room set.
Gome in and make
your selection now for
we esn suit any taste
or any size pu-se on dining chain,;tables.
sideboards or china closets.
J. W. SLATER'S House Fnmisliiiig Store
120 Front Street. Traverse City,
John R. Santo.
Genial lisDraece.
Tbo barp* Plotobor arrtood yaateoday
Boralof aad loaded with lumbar moaafactared by Wm Boltaor. lor Cbica
PiOMaat BarptiM Party
TbeoteaBor Ooiambla will raa aa
aiearoloa to dattoM Bay Baaday. Tbo
weatorr pormUiioA a laryo crowd U
iBUadlar to pe Tbe boat Imtoo boro
at »:3b daaday saoralac aod Sattoao
B-yatI:00 la tOe aftoraoon Brarybrdy aboula Uke adrmataRO of tbto oaeurolo*. M too aMOoa to aoarly ooor.
A BOW eroooiDA Bao boon built oa
OaM eiroot croaolac Proat
Tbo roof ol Prokop Eyaalka'ofrooory
■tore to bdav taprorod with a frmb
eoai of ooak
,! tic m,i.d. s..a.j'
oabool are to Boot at too ebareb to
BOCTow at V:30 abarp. where buMO wlU
b.pr...M,dK.~n,., U»n,U,.b, rid.
Obo of tbe plraMetrotoocialereaiaof
too oooooB oeearod Wadaoaday orre.lap at to* rfotooBoc of Hr. oad Hr>
l'*in Bobba. About twenty of their
frloadb dropped la ro'y oaoer, bob ous
y and Wt-k fall pooeeatoa of the
boos*. Bucb to tbo iurpriae of Hr
and Mrs Uubba Lipbt refreal ttie'-iwere aerrt'J and a r*ry de,ipbvfnl lime
wat enj -red by
P<B't for Boon Ester*.
FrankfaM. Mich , Srpt M -Twelre
handnd l-uaSol* of peache* were ship
p'd today tjbdtoaton This la the 8r*t
of tbr If.uoo basbela which
P*"i“ >*”
tbto oouaty.
Id S. l.^d
N. -
,i„d the ci.chotiir tin • ill rl.p. r
fully tril you whrth^r b*- i» m rr .mt,
K Ultrr. wbrrr hr 1* «nd whrti hr wil
bo bo. k, la fan. uboui .a} kiad
«»--°»*»oa dcirrU.
JaaUeo Browa aalwd John Prato of
ttoplMw and Uara Stoao of laterloebea la Barrlapo yatorday aftor-
------- ----------
“A Cappenter
Is Known By His Work.”
The better the tools he uses tile better the work
turned out. We pride ourselves on hav
ing the best selected stock of
ern Michigan.
zr, r'.r;r
The ordlaaaco prokidtiac the rwliar
of wboelo oa oidowalko oapirao tomor '
Tbto doM aot TTT- that all
walks can bo rlddea opo*. bat mily
tooootoat wore alloood before too
a. K Uibba to bolidtap on oddlUoa
laxtt wlto Iroa roof and aidiap to hia
bicycle repair ataop m Froat otirct
Whoopipip Couph. J
The bMomeet which to isxlt. to larpe ,
Broricnttl* anO IncIplerM
OBoopb for bicycle Baaafaciarlap;
aad power ploak Tbe old baildlap
will olao be pot la Arei ciMo obape.
Rrtaeaber to* lootaro oa ChruUaa
Sel*nce by Jndpe Rwin. tbto eroaiap
StiOlBberp-a Graod Ererybody in
Titod B'Tkt o'clock
Tberaidaaeeof J. H McGjopb bM ;
boea imoroeed with a fraab eoat of
Tko SameW it ibo Aaylaa
h,, *onu> MMEty
Uot BlRbi ihoSarrUka, who ope to PAlDL
7 Caret tW<a\ a*A \uwa 4\at
AU aa aarafomeat at toe City Opera
PeUMatz'B. toe proprtour of toe;
Ar>ayi^ 25.
Bow toalrbi. rare <uo of toolr fa bowliap alley, bad too stofortaae to I
MOB* oaunalaBoata at too aayteB brotoe bto Aa««n
Mvoroly yooterebtpol. The proc»»“ **■
ABreat Work.
too by all who wore preaeoA Or J
Tbe Poreatma *aj ryed a «My plaoeTbe aleom of ib* rat I'brory of tbr
D. Maaaoo opoaka of It ta too hlrboot
oBt eoclal dance at their boll Uot l> ttob Matcum c< aia-n oa* end a half
m. ioa bocks. y*t It baa been said that
A Powder MIU Xzplaaloa
After too repalor work of Trarena
; room for earreat referenee
BoBoroo oTerytblac la olebt. oo do City Teat No.
toalpbt, refreobtost la worth reodinp
diMtle mlaoral pUlo. bat both are
lU wm be Mrred A pood taAomt
IneyelopediB Britaaa ea to juev
Bipbty dauperoa* No aeed to dena
aa tbe dtotllled eeeeaee of
mlu year body when Dr. Kiap'o Now
UCo HIU do tbo work oo eaaily aad
The Bapttot ob«oa choir are
^ toto“pr^t''^:
pMttctly. Careo Headacbo, Coaotlpaqaatod to Btoet U toe ebareb parlor* t,>b wUI ba.e at yoar commoad aproat
UcB. Ouly
eeeta at J O. Johai
toto erealap. lor practice
; i-oreboase of knowledpe
BPd 8. B. Walfi drop otoreo.
At Sooth Horea. lAara. too tbroo
yoH old danphur of Hr. aad Mta. John
PaUraoD, wee feedtap ibo cblckoao a
to* dayoapo. whoa a prala of ewa,
wbtek aho wm oboUiap. Aew taU her
BUto aad throat. Phyolelaao
Boatop u roBtoro It. Wedaooday ako
choked to do*tb. too prala owoUlap ia
bor throat._________________
Chasa’s Giriimeni
» K Wouldn't
I Ycu Like..
Plane Talk
Hammer points.
Why not huve the best tools it is
possible to pet when you make your
living by lh»m? Our planes are matle of
the proper wood and right way of the
grain. Jark plane sells lor <>5c. smooth
plane for <>tV. with all sizes to seket
< * lality- temper of bteel“Shape—
leng'l, >>f handle - all these points save
time, and that’s money.
Sell yon a
hammer that will drive a nail for 8c.
anuth-r kind sells for SOc lasts you a
year. If other kinds are wanted look
our .'0 sizes.
Saws sharp?
We sell the kind that don't chip or
lurn the edge.
The weight is right,
the handles selected and properly fitted.
(.lOt a goi-Kl one for T'k up to the very
best. Carry every kind you can think
How annoying if your saws peed
continuil sharpening.
Ge^ the kind
that stay sharp, at lea>t a day. We
sell the "stay sharp kind". Good hand
saw 50c. rip saw SOc
Forty kinds to
saw with.
Levels correct?
Bit-of advice.
No getting along without one. but
they must be correct. Don’t cost any
more to get a reliable one. One kind
takes half a dollar to bny. another style
f3 00. you can stop anywhere between.
Bits are little things, don't cost
much, but are wonderfully useful, if of
a la:ting quality. A 3-l‘> sells for ISc.
Jennings patent 1 4 in. for 20c. Every
size ever used.
-r Braces-Goodness.
TbeL.C.E A. held a »«T'Mj >y |
aUc bmUm at toeir boll Wedaeoday f„r » i mited i ate at eiooed'np’y
e**alnp. Delteloaa refroabBeDto were prU-ee oad easy lera* of poyi
•eroedoad a poaerol pood tioM wm
eboeld aot Uil to oeii on <
Mjoyod by all. Moxic and ooBpe were
store.swbo will -.akepleaenre ia showa port «f the •oealap'a oatertoUBeaL tap him toe work oad aopolylap b
Aboat JO were preoMtTbe L C- B. A will BMt with Mr*.
BoMo of Oak Pork Boxi Tkaraday.
raiB ia oiway
WUl Oraad epeat yMierday at Loop
k we take plea
cLsoa. oar arttot. b Diorr end do
Oalraol OrotpbtoB Bettor
elpnrr. roaI •will dad toJeat p.rea on
ly to tae few None of her kind bo.
Cokmei Crelpbto*. wbo wm atrkkoa
loyrd la a city ondrr
wlto pondy*^* WeHcodAy. epeBi a
JO.OOO UbobHoBto.
8be wilt ■
fairly good day yeatorday. oad wm
plCMMi to I Mt yo« dviBg
reatl^ well Bp to I o'clock tola mor*Tn Borrox BruaK.
Our braces grip with tbe tenacity
of a bull dog. Never drop your bit out
of the reach after the hole is bored.
You can pay 25c for one kind or any
amount to $:130.
How many times a day do you
"square ' your work? Never counted!
Most imyiortant tool yoa have. Tbea
buy the !>e5t. On the square we’re
got everything ever needed from
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
tKM MOnitnia Mtonap. pu&Ax.nunasn u. iM
S\tiU Mena
tlGaiTUV USlt
Vamr fce’<fty
• la«ka
Tba roddtf od a troodao abip la aa«poma of the aulk and tba kaoklac.
wbkk ara au yotaed loaatkar aa to fara
te affaol a aiapla piaea. Tba eoaplata
taddet la oopparod.
voma. and tben. baalika keiaf pcaetlcally all lu ooa plaoa. U baa that appaaraacr alio.
Tka italk ii tba part to oklek.ara at
tacked tka (untlea or pi»o*a by wbtek
tka roddio u aa^podad aad bald ia
plaoa. tbm poias tbroogb ayaa aac la
tba >bip'a aterkpoat. Tba fUtk----------
»ff Bmplda. Mwk.. Sap. 14 -Tkto
•w 41(ar d»7 at tka ao]ul««' aad aail9f- mBbw. Md tka k>(c«( ipj tkat
tka ttxaa *f«r nw. U la aa>l—wd
trtm tto «Mk
«b« »
ttai IS.OOO <vunraar« ker« fro« all
ttM toy ta kh« bosM is the 4r7tef
var vaia part of tka atata. Tba
vhM W toU hM4 *m mpom m pH* <
wwa la raiU daeoraiad aad tilad vttk
•tMM* 14 iMt WIOV.
of t« o wara. who ara aa*
TkMMi wM «mU kMwa ‘
tkakaak «d tka Hrar Jaat
»kMt lk« UkM
aoalk od tka elt^. la --Ckap klfer.*
Atk\Ucy^, aw»
ar«l is Tka diatlaraiakad caaat ad tka Mf. iu bead ii bolted a oap to wkick are at
fmn, MI fiw » kon». »klek kka wm Oaaatal A'rar, aaau troa Qraad Ea^ tacked tba topee by tuaajM of whteh tba
tMlacdM fraa
w«- Ida oa tka aarly tsala, aeerapaatad ^ (odder U cootrulled. Tka backlnp la tba
dtrkijl- AfV» k*r te’l ak« wm eoae'- Ka^ar C W. Watkiaa. CkptaU Belkaar. bUda part of tba rodder.
he let tba yreaier Mtalb oooiaa oo
«M ud
a’lcktlr Ooioaal Jadd. Ooloaal Tua.
tba Mlk. aad the greftiaai atcala ol all
Clddof ZoaSa. WiUtaa lTMi«ar aad eoiuet OQ the bead of tba atalk. tba
4 MorWr MU kM ftll k* »uu of
rodder bead, wbara It ii bald. Tba
todalfwco la tka UtoUe proeardiar
Uaaaral Alcar waa ylaaa a fraat ra- ■talk u mada ot tba wood iaa« likely
haava aa akarlaartsc aawly Baarrlad i eaptioa oa bla arrival kara. A daiavk' to ataod tba atrala. caradally aeiaoaad,
aeaplaa. wklek aaaw to ka aapaalally j tioa baadad by Mayor Piaroa mat klia. KwiKl. wall •eoaooad cak. wblla tba
yo^lariatka aoBBiry Ha waa par-1 took tka tiaitora in oarrlayaa, drora backing » mada of aproea or bard piaa.
Tba italk !• of a (Ingle, nltd. maauee
liaipaUar la aaek aa aflalr tka otkar ; tba« Uroa«k tka atraeSf eat to iaapeet
Hoat u aa uak tree and Indeed
•Ifbt aad araa ladaatrloaa’y driac off tka eaar. tbaa to tka kotal and tbaa of tba <Hmaa«it«* uf a •mall oak.
a toy aaoBoa aa hia part la tka aolaa- to tka raria*iii( atakd. 0*«r tka<*a- KMuelbioR tbal a mao cab pin bii faith
.aakiar- 4 foa>> «aa too alo« for blak traaea to the aaeanpaeat la a kiy arck to. If be cab baea bub iu hoe wood,
aaka triad to toaek >ff tka eanaoe haarlny Id ararrnok lattara. -Kkop while ib« baokiog or blade la. like
wttk a Mtek. aad tka tklaff azplodad j Alyar.
Jaat laaWa lone Itaea of «at- oiBoy laudars woodea maata, belit up.
aad dtatroyod kla ayaaiatit.
aKkar aide of tka roada. ollk It woold bediScalt if not iiapaMbla
■ «ar IfllUbl S S. Ha-e*v a f >natr, flaga and kaa^a. atood at atiaotiOB acd to Bud treea that woald yield plank*
big eooagb tor tb« porpoaa m a
waadHv ar kmwa from Rar nttr.wbeee vtaerod aotbaslaatloally aa Algar waa piece, aad tbe bailt op tmekiog. mada <
ha bad been wt'b a load
ai>pl«>. and | drima tbroagb.
ol piece* of wlected wood, caa wuily ba ,
wbea aknat a mnee*<tof M’diaad waa' Tbere waa an cv«b gra
n»<le of ample mreagib to wltbstasd
thrown from bH
_ by mnn’nw atraboe wbra ba caoia back, rankt ba- I any uraiu tbal will be broagbt apoo it
*iatt a dt‘eh. and h<* naeir
Ibg torokea and tba maa. gathMad to I Ai to tbe Italk. etaot aad solid a* tbe
Mra. Z W. WblttaiDi-w of iflddla- groapa, waiyad tbrir hau aad abaartd oak way be, lb« bead may be twisted
by tbe force of a iremeodoBa blow from
yllle, wbn waa ■•rack *>a nghtning abd klgf^aahapaaaad.
a Wave npuO tbe niddet. ur. ouder tbe
badly Irjired na S.pt. « U raaovnHnr
The only formal e»aot of iba wonlepeatad (train* of long o«e. tba bead
•be baa an menllectlne of tba aecidaai. lag waa tba parade of old aad yoaag way rplli. and no make ibe (talk naeor of tba ry*ata praoadlag Ik
aoldlan. tka raliat aorpa aad tarmcm lem. Tb«a ibe rodder U takea uot and
toapeeior Oaaaral Marab. of tba atata Inearriagaa UaaamJ 4Jgar, with bared Bitad witb a urw (talk A (oilabla stick
troooa, lb aa Intaryiaw at Oraad
atond ia iroat of Ika reyiewlag la aelectad and worked duwu I
ftap*4a. aaya that a aambar nf ccm. ataad and waa agaia ekaerad by tba proper tiw and form, and very probably ;
paalaa have l"a‘ Iwtanwt la mimary pamlag aoldlara. 4t tba hotel Gnawai Ibe old baekuig i> CMcbed to il Tba '
■attetn alnea tSa war, and that anlimi Alger bald aa laforaal reeaptiob aad life of a rudder (talk woald probably i
be If to 14 ytare Tbe backiag might
tbaa <aV> a •'raea tbay wUI bnaraomnib- akook hand* with the old aoldlan.
la*t a* loag a* tbe ahip.—-New Vork'
Ibf drop H> intimataa that a nambar bad ao eoBfarabam of aide talka wi b Son.
ofeompae<M»aybamDaiamdnnt Ba aoy one abd aimply aoeibed glad to ba
aaTi tba military board (a a’raady pr*. among them aad they to bafa bim
Ortgtuslly. clocks had only tbe boar \
pafad for aaotbar atata eaoampmaat tbara. tieboral Alger d«Uy«wd aa adhand, but tbe mlbule was addal later. ,
dram tbia aharaooa.
beramr fashioDablr (o make I
Onnrge W Gey. arealdent <'f the 0-l*l
dials as drcoratlre as pustilbla.
Oablaet C' . nn» n* tb* fnandarn of ib«
Bnrbry 4 O'y flo , *"il rn« n« rhn mm
yrkn baa dear meat to glya Or>nd
Rapida Ita farnltare pre^mlaeace.
At PraaeeU Mn. A'aa Camaroa oelabeatad her ainaty-aietb
Tnaaday. Bba b»«pi tba booaa of bar
The army gram w m. wbieb foe tka
pMt moBtb baa bwh
Hawnt la Ouenm. baa made Ita aeaekraaaa la Bk J-wapb. Maey wera di«.
boyarod e« the coarib'-:a«> lawn. The
past Is a grwwi w«rm. a apaeiaa of the
eommob tomato worm, only mark
■maUer. ant) deatmvs the gram r<m*a
Jaat order the sorf%re nf the genond.
At B-cbmtar. Ckarle- Ward of B«rl
raw. a eamenter. la Obe of the r>eUr"‘.
R-tebrntar A Romeo aleeir'c road, fe’l
from tbe traaael which ereama thr
Cnad Trunk railroad and raoelyad InJarlm which may aroee fatal
Tbme win be ala J«p«oe
at tbe Ualeenltv of Mleblgao tkla
r-Henld pradicta
aa early fa'I In tbe priee of aalt. ow|ap
te the largely loereaaed prodaetloa of
tbU Mleblgan atapla ryoent’y!
Tbe Page woyea wire fenoe factory
at Adrian ba> Vaeo c'-mprlied to e'«»e
for want of wire; a direct egect of tbe
A yonag college gradnata becai bk
datira aa teacher in tba Atbea* aehoel
when It twaned for the year Monday
m-tmlng. bat be II a m be bad tired
of the Jcb. ao be d‘amMed tbe pnplK
paekbd hie gris and took the nest
traia for borne la the aattcro part of
the atata.
St Aatbory-s aebool for faebli
rd girl* will be opened M the rt«eptioB of panlUat Natar«i*b. Rail
(wnaty. 0:lober 1
la ender tbe
maeagemeat of the Catholic Siatarbood.
State SapeHatendeot of PaMle la
itraettoa Jtaon B Bammood baa pre
pared a new eompiiatloo of the acbonl
Uwa or the atata with an eatirely new
ret of references.
ML Plaaaaat baa sow ooe of the bmt
ratar auppllas in the state Six large
a >wlog walls were yasterdsy moraiug
eaaaactad with tbe msia watar pipe.
bai deome and new
wbieb we invite the ladies to]
Oar stork of jewelry
I have receivedd a supply
of tbe loseloos Fetoskey uem mcloo( of wbieb
Ibava the ezel
telusive local agency.
Le«T« o-ders at tbe store, cor:
Park aad Froat street. Gao. MeLel
laa. 73S—tf—!
Tbe World's Fair reports which ware
•Btly pabllabed by tbe sta'e ara
441 to 44-4 east Front street.
ready for diatril
------------------ _ — EaarThaPlwSeloi
does not provide for say m-thod of
,aag by Mabel Soolt Sarrlck. aad
distnbatioB the repor's will be seat tol per ei,vjr eloeutioaary rendlUoB* '
any person who msy -r—j
apply for
Surrlck eptartatameai Ftk
■— them
—— ' Ihp Surrlck
■end the aeceanary tea cea's fori eeeniag
they will be seat by — ' '
Tba BrsToryot Vassa
Thi Alatkaa Jnntf
ia the tin rick
Waa grandly sbowa by Mrs. John
marksd feulure of great laterrst
Dowling of Batl«r. Pa., la a three
itaeh pbotogrsab takea from oSoisl
yaars’straggle with a msllgsat stomaegativea. while tbe preueatatloa on
ed distraasiag
the canvas will be absotaiely perfect
attacks of bsuaeu aad ladlgeaUoo.
eaUoo. All
the deacnp^lkms vivid. At City
tailed to relieve
»r uatll she
ra Boaae Friday evrulbg, Sept.
triad Blaetrk Bittara. tfttf
taking It
Auspices of Buiam Stab ti
t(ro mowtbii she wrote:
oemts general admission, tttacread
wholly csrud and can
aayUiag. It
aaata U««nu
la trs -y a grand tonic Cor Ibc whole
qratem aa I gained la weight and teal
b atmger aiboa ttalag It." It bids
0. A W. K-CbAsga of TfaM. Bapt. 14
dlffuatioB. euTM dyapep^ Improvas
Traiaa ticatb—Leave Traverse aig*,
U:M a. m . i:St p. m. and tiU p. m:
I ForKortb—ip. m., S:40 p. «. a»d
B. Walt's drug ai
is tbe
Marson Block.
'.1^:: . ►
•t- Ir.- ;• -
Ii ■ 11,
Frank Friedrich.
118 FroDt Strfet.
iTM IT? (M (SDM fN eu.
Tm oat aHoH U M VllkMI IL
11 lbs for $1.00
Where 1 will be e'essed to *« all my
:rs and mscy
rrw ooea. In
rrA>se<< grocery stock sad better facUi
Star (ircK-ery
Is the kind that sells most this
season. .Never before have we
shown such a
- Made lor ■• rtif**- Tjiteat
atvie laala- A $3 CO shoe
—Yon tivl them c{ thr old.
n liAble^bbue
jle.abcM lubn.
Wr .* tot
Barnum & Earl.
Compogjie Shoe
It la sale. aurv. reltablc
finest in Ibis f>art of tbe state. 1 am BOW aelt'ed ip my Qae new store.
enteruicer*. City
<.>»•<« Bouse.
Sept. IS Btgaged by Beaters Star
lodge. TickeU 2S ceata. Reserved
acuta >s eentt.
OyiUn is «B]r StyltI Pave reeeived a
oysters aad am pre
' restauraat
them in anv style at
the Hotel ffpli
73!-*f o
Every Udy
ah iiid see the Piagre*
; Why Doat Tou
.f tb^Vv“;t^'lr^;.*^•r:^rby’•8 iJoil the woodmen?
Tbt Put That tba SuTick I
bave flvra -unfa iksa t.OOO eater
Ismenta under
fl-st-claks (ocietlaa. ctata'aS* aa*
Jinjer Wayfer
Tbe great (uroMu of Oamberlaii
<>Hc. CheVru aad Diarrhoe* R*medv
iraatmeat of bowel rosplalbta b*s
Promlaebt Vi-giata Bditar Bad
biwaa Up but Was Brought Back R. Walt and » C Tbompam.
to Perfect Bealtb by Obamberlals'a
Oollc, Obolara abd Diarrhoea Rama,
dy—Ra*4 Hia Bd:torial.
Pn.m the Times. BllUdale. Va.
I (Sffeeml with diarrhoea for a long
time aad thought I was pad belog earI bad spent so much time aad
ley aod (uS-red ao moeb m-aery
ibat 1 bad almoal decided to g re up all
hope of recorery and aweit ike result.
Hat BotielDg the a<^Tert aemeat ol
CbamberlBiB'aColie. Cholera and Darrboea Remedy abd also (ome teetimosial* (taiiag b'w eomc woaderlai
ears* bad bees wrought by iblaremw'jided to try U After takiag a few
We have just
deaea 1 was aat-rely well of that
bleKSDt stuck of ibe mwt :
tr.-able. sad 1 wish to (tale fnrlber tmy reader* sod fello* suffe s tba^ 1 am
beautiful art work Id Dainty |
a bale aad bearty man k day and fe*l
sa well as I ever dirt la my Ufa —O. B.
China ever displavr-d in the!
Moo-a. Sold by S E Walt aod C. T
ci*y. .-'There
are aeveral
B 0. B. P. Bawdatiob.
Rceolyed. that waastaad to tbapraa*
earibaa<sf -r t>eir -murteoas t-aatmeat and k>nr|iy m btioo* of the uoi
m-*<tiag rx.w in s«waioo aof of the
leg • f -or eoBveatioD. aad that
It tala
U.U remilution be aeal to a
cjpy of
Committae oo rewdatinsa.
Pus B. B roBsu.!..
Mbs. BsarHA Airk.
H. B. Hau.*!
Pass them around
whenever you will.
The plate comes back
for another fill.
Everybody asks for
As at present. U'e call special attention to the ‘ADLER’
brand as one of the best in the
Ever)- garment bearing their
label is guaranteed to be made
in a fir« class manner and to
be absolutely free from cotton
—and we stand ready to make
good any loss arising from in
ferior materials or workmanship.
The Boston Store
Opening of
Dressmaking Parlors.
Mrs. L'>ui«.o Pfarninschmidt. our artistic drefs
a'4«l bui' muKt r has ju-t rt-lurntd from New York,
and wi I le ready to r-ceive tbe ladies of Traverse
Ciu in .'ur drtsMiiakirg parlors with a carefully selectid line of
patterns. Sbe will be pleased to
give rou a i the information in regard to styles aod
thi new iileas.
In connection with the above we cal! your spec
ial attention to out
The a'><Ttoicnl i>; urequa’cd in this vicinity—
rg the la’e>l >tv'es and weaves from the best dot r
4«». 1______ 1__________f..l
mestic and foreign markets, We have been careful
not to bring any
Imported black silk and wool crepons. imported
camels hair cbeviots, imported heather mixtures, zibeline plaids, golf suitings. Marlboro Venetians, can
vas weaves, in [ilain an«l broken checks, and a hund
red other styles ton numerous to mention
We cordially invite inspection, whether you wish
to purchase or not.
The Boston Store,
Good Hardwood in StovA LesgtbA.
AlBO Poor Foot XAplA Slaba And BdglngR.
Brick Block KEN WANTED.
Traverse City Lumber Cfl.
i»i;MCduww wacomu, mau>ATe,9mt*WMWm» w.f
Gas Lamp-- ’’^-^.ngsiiesar-
Mm M a IBt •« «hn bu^ %
ta M
haaaJaMadded the taOpwlac Hat of
roha Wkfwiar.
& t(. Bacar. IOMWm
Ba M.
m. Trarla, raaid)
«n MUlm wm Mnek kj Ucklmath atraoc Ba n.
sl^ m4 ^ kOM M AlM-bt wk.
B*caryatraat. No w.
thaOwwaoralMrWMktww AIm»u»vll. aeee M
Bafbaa A Boakafr. tSS Beat Braat OrsJI. Mr* Ueh
kM Md (ov pmiM kUl«d kr Um M atraat. Be *01.
plaitM «rf b«r kcAkr dvisf U* mmb
W .
Siarcb Factory. HC Bay atraat. Ba Ser>b*e4.
advei^ 'etm.
Ononaa W. Barr.
1W rtM of Ika ri««n lkl«Mk, Bw
C. A W. M. JaaeUoa.Ba 17.
•■4 Tru> kM floodad >p»«- Awtria.
John Borria BorrlaTllla
A Voed to Botbera
__ Bn Whm nf Tmr
Motbara of ehlldraa affeelad with bat coorh temedy on c«tb, oarca a cold
iWkar wvw* •*(»• alcar tk* Lak• IBU laonedsyifuhcnBtime. BandWda
tate«Mtkaadn«aa kafataaSoi
tka laad aad eraakad aarafal vaMla
^ for mre. boys and ahlUren. u
aaiaotie to aay form aad my ^
«ttk tkair earfOM. Tkaarawacaa
aaoaaddratly to the baU aa to the
arttk ikatr U*« Vy aaklac tkalr war adalt The vmt eaeeaB that bM at
tended Ita aae ta tka traatBwtof eolda
SITSnrBkd 0ABD8aad eroap baa woe lor It Ua apanwal
pralaa It kaa iwaalTad tkroarkoai
kaa iBTiated a ajataB of wlrakaa tal- aad
tka Dalled Sutaa and aaay loralpa
a«n«b7 wkkb. ka claim, ia parfaetlj laada For aala by 8 B Walt and P.
aaaaaaafaL Soaaa Um Uat waak. "
C TkOBpaoa
raaiaoa aara. ka aaat a maaara to bU
Twii>.<.». ir.i—.
acaat la a Hula aowa M milaa awaj.
1 ha*« r«aclr>d a aapply of tbc la*c^osbtoek. Fboern._____________
Ba lawr raeclTod aeo|i70( ika aiiiafa
i< aa Petoekey Urn Baloaa of wbick
tkfoarb tka roaioSoa aactlj aa ka
I have the eselaaira local afaaey.
L-*ve ordera at tba aiorc, coraer
Mat It. laaladlat « Bwtaka U the
Park ai»/< Front atraot- Oco. Belie]• taMllB
*iath«kter«< Sway
I 71
C :"“.Tia;-sS’S.T5E'=s.
-Baada.'* la the etkar way of aaylaf
-Perfect Clothlrr "
kr tka Tarktab rwafamal. ArmalaM ara alao refoaad parslta to aaal• B A L Aaaaal Bacarsioaffaia to Reaaia.
BaeoraioB to RlekBoad Sept. Mlb S5.
Tka old OambU laad ailaa, eoMonEaearaion to Detroit. $5.
Kxeaialea to Cbleapo 8S. OcL Srd.
iBf vkiab than kaaa boaa Waditkm
amaf tka paopla of Soatk Mtaaoarl
Oe aecoeat of Street Fair at Cadillac
aad aoatkara Athaaaaa. kaa baaa dlaha B. A N B R B. wUI aaU ticketa
comad la Faltoa eoaaty, Atkaaaaa. It oo
Sapt. 11. II. U aad IStk. rot
-laalaliaad. Two proapaeton oa the limit Sept letk. at SI 4S mead trip
B. W Crmaeaeif, Airt.
farm of Ckaa Waakam: afiar
F. A. Mrrenu., O P. AfV
dowB a faw fact, atraek a ladder,
wUch lad ikes into aa old eavara that
ibar aar la rlcb la laad.
1 bare rloaed ay lea cream parloia
A erclcaa awopt orar Ban
altera eacceacrall aMaoa ef libera]
patrooad*. for wblea I thank my eoaWcdaaadar alrkt. Beaaaa wan blowa
toiaera. I have done this to make
dowa aad otkaia wata aaroofad. The
room for mw fooda, aa X have laatom racod tka wkola airht. Ho Uvaa
craaaad «y aloek throwteat, aaware loat, k«t kaary dasafa waa
padally my atoek of aWUoMry.
]Mt taealved a afaw frank, clear
M paklle aad arirata propartr. trait
lot of ache<d aapallee. direct from
Md codar traea Tbc caaeawap waa
the factory, atrk'ly op-to-datr,
kadl7 lujarad and tka r>w»
which I am aare wtll plaaae yoo.
Wkaa yoo are la need of anythlac la
mj Uae. }nat roBawbw I'm la tba
Tkareara li.Mfi i
raea with a atrletly Irvt-claB sleek,
tf yea bay oaoa yon arc care to come
(ba Praaidie la dan Fiaaelaco. Thte
1 alao have tba choioca- Uae
iaeladaa HO raoatta. «0 oaBoaU. 1ST
of coofaeUrmary ta the city. Call and
is the rafalar farrtaoa. appraxlmtalj
aoa Ba Ton are alwaya welacimi
A.tM eolaataar lataatry oo tka way
tka PhUippdaaa aad appraaimt
405 Daion ^
a.OM Boraratarsad froB tka talaada
Pkiic Pinies,
T« 0mt9 m C«M In Obs Owy.
Take Warner's Vl'hite Wttw of Ttr Smiy
the best coogb remedy on earth. S6 aa<
V ceota.
Tbcra are aavaataea aott coal ahafB
la operation la the atnSc. With the
odoapiton of the ahafta at Jackaon aad
Ooraana they are all ta the Saflnaw
valley. Dariaf the month of Aacnst
l.OM Ben ware at work la tka Blnaa
of tka atato, aad If akUlod ml
ooald ba employed ».m man eenld
eaMly be kept at work la tba ladantiy
From now until Oct 1, we
will make a liberal reduction
on 22 karat gold crowns, por
celain crowns, bridge work
lUUcn t
ptodacad la iwo.
and all kinds of plate work.
U9m9U%rif^hUUm, This work we guarantee first
No remedy eqoals WasirxB'B Warn class in cr«T respect
WiKS or Tam Sybcp for this terribleatM fatal diaeaae. If takes tborRemember—This offer is
ooj^ly and In tim it will core n cnee
InM so^ nod torBkccourh that fol good for above dates only.
lows La Grippe It never taUa to give
Original painless methods.
relief. Prtoe. SSc nnd SOc.
O—r r.wt Md Cm. 8NMtt,
'[C. C. Late. Ibc.g.r.
Drrvera farniahed if desired.
Everytiiing in fint-claM ahape.
Tie^smw irOB ■scsiasw sm iiiissn.
TWs Imvlac at U:U a w. km eSnlr ear
Smnsa s> TliU a. a. bi
le TiSas Tie Kste tesT.
, REED CITY SiHTABlDI Chicago •- —A—
A. harnnirt.tl. D . PfvvT. A W. 8reem
■ n. D.. BaatOni PbTtloisa. vUk eoetslust skr
detssi ssd tamvpst.
----- -—------ '----------
West Michigan.
. U . ^ F Y ttj V£
Real Eelin, leetioaeers,
TraCais, MoaaT Isaaars.
We have SI.IHIO to Place oa
poad first real estate sacur:S5,!SS“-’
itj. let one seaine this that_______________
WIU l«sv« sbool 8rpi 1
ear office.
sedeblMras'a dIasMM s mpvcislir.
A fisdrr
FOR SALB-fite-Larra modera bonse.
Fifth su. 10 rooms, all larra.; baU.
taroaee.sawereoaasctloas.fialshad la I
oak down stalra-banialshcd la cherry
all new; act ij iiu all Salsbed. bat
win complete whsp cold Prieell.400,
A t. will (Iva their anaaal
FOR SALE—C5T-N E. •« of
Richmond oa Baptember
*fl 11. layaabont rs Biimof lake la----------------->----------------------------,
Leelaaaa aoaaty; good laad aad
___ Mlh. and to> Detroit aad Chica(0
Chlcaro oee
,ace waekUtar. O.-tober Id. Tickaia wUl
hardwood timber: wUl sell tor S5
____ ______
acre. Price SMO
and Detroit, and SB 00
FORSALE-855-TwoloUon Seventh ChQdren
noder 11 yeaia, half rate
kai will re eold
eweet thUNldeof Dirieioa; sbont 7 7?*ke“
oordeof baUdLBretoaeonlou.Priea. Maedrtnaw Ody to Bl( Replds. lalive, rood for ratorn on ragalar
each, pies
lae fee toa days
FOE BALE- 654-Small bonce and *TJ***?*“^V*
I.T,. 1,.—I.ruu.
hoBe Price 1300
be riven: One via F. A P. M. R. R.
FOR SALE-«S»-Boese and lot. State
° • ®street cleee to e'hool rood T rooB ^ A If. R y frem Oraad Rapida For
hoose; well; alltelshre. Price. SMO Chime® «he ro^wlll be via Viekabarr
FOR SALE—651—Boose aad lot State and the Grand Treak eyetem
,1^1 Si* rooote .T Saihre; ^
wall water. Prim. $650
matioa. apply to O. R. A I. ticket
-650—Floe modera home;
L.. Lockwood.
barn. aU
O P. A T. A
complete. Pries. SI 500.
FOR SALE-64fi-Ftne modem home;
11 room*, all comolete; bath, sewer
coaaeetloats. tern, shade and ornamentel trem- Price. Sl.AOO
FOR SALE—64T—Two (ood loU on
Btrbth etreet; siMof-lots MilOO ft.
«*cb; level. Price, cecb, S300.
FOR SALB-645-Finc Bodern boaae;
S larre rooms, bath, fnniace, lot
50x165. Bias Iswo city water; s com
plete heme at email prioa. la gvoi
FOR SALE—655—Hard
a^iare^ Bxoorslon Sams to Cbiongo
•TTTANTWD-rsr* « l*»»
W c-rllAoi bouev nskve. •
ar rvesce tor wUlac-bsr* oto
Thto ekaaev la wertfe rear ui>«
u*>< IS
C*1 ;"ir sli! 1
Ttl It
t Orr. •spsrtoiH«4
C«OKBALa-A aeed taUlas
V lies aad O
V. niVniKHLAlt. Af«
Boalnam i
son HD TRIP.
MsaIs and berth extra.
FOB°^V^S-Large lot on State BerthS $i 006ach Waj.
—r»w. rru^
FOR SALE—615—FIm large booae
and lot. ooreerof Madteon and Randolptx. Prim fPOO
AU of the above property can be
bonght os ceay terms, and all are good
iBvmtBente. Alwaya call on u tor
WiU do oar bmt
hostlo. Alwaya ready f jr b
Tickets onmle Thnn. Sept. lA
Yoc vtu M ear Mcb
to* botiow ot ■
btesmer leaves Tnverae City every
Snoday and Thonday.
scum wm m eon co. s-ki;
MUia*e.t7. casm* o> s IHstlM. T
W« wwt aU toe
■I—liei b<x MAS* ai bMtoa of Min
Wade Bros.
Rre liisuraiHie.
L. £4.A.Bnlldfnc.
to* Saato mrrCar urapi eoadar.
FVoJ;.-- ------
on.. Bmp.,
Northern Mich.
Transportation Go. ColmnbiiudLoiiGiiiiniiifi
6ih aad L'eloB etreet new oecapied by}
New York etore. Large balldlag and I
large coraer lot. Olli Edge Properly
at low price Price SI.OOO
siTKatS'S w‘,re;"
cmaX-OortroA. Itlaew «
ilis^ IRJi: !.S____
OK)-I«B.ra..O. p....
To Mnft ud Qlolo, OH 3.
W oer-os WAsta YTOIB «r CbM
J^bl^-rk^ IcstbOT
B X Olbbe. Prop.
... Via G. R. & I.
T« uctMri, sehBb* m UIBIK Utl Nmuiim LL
se« rv< tvvsrd.
ber of uoe cvnagen. 1 am now
prepared to do an esUnsiTe livery
Domnena in addition to feeding and
inng for tenma.
ail lareav uoat eon um»t
Fries Me andSl.OO QeaiaatMA Trial ISBMM HV.
botUaa lOe at a. E Wait and J. O.
Johnson Drv( Storm-
emotm, .twwTw
Now Is
Your Chance!
I have jut ftdded a fine hack,
sevnial roomv two- and throksaat-
BndarM Orethb A«onlca
0.1, .
tr. «.blH J •
arrMoan. of San AaMrnlo. Tax., to
a dowa whan asBaad by Asthma,
wrttaa klo mlaarr ' _» oftaa so (rent
I bapndared the afOSlM
Dr. Klar's New DieeoveTy
ofd . .
ftr Oonoamptlan wholly eared him.
_____________ It the only
) for Aethm aa weU ee
1. ..Mnl—1W.1H
.wrap—V(K rvevrsi
Anonal low rate exenrmioa to above
-SIS nfui-«v
poiaU with bettor aecvice thie year.
Special train will lea»e Traverne CSly '^iaL wsktkd-rw rre»r*j
at 0:40 a B. aad ma to O'aad Rapids vT _«r*‘.........
wlthont a stop aonth of Maalauc Qroaslaf. eaeept at White Cload tor laach.
Special vfforu will be made to fnralab plySlUlV«S?i‘*“''“
.Bplv •««'l'-r room lo eoacbes aad to
The Blfla. 1U-. "Every Satwday."
•peaka thoa of (he aatcrtalamvat to ba
rlvea (onicht at the OHv Opera Bonaa
aader tka aaapicaa of tka Esatarn Star:
•■The Sarrlek aatortalaaMOta at tba
Conrnoatlonal ehnreh. which opened
Tbareday aad cloaca thia eveaiac. ore
-I I b- I
hlfhly artUtk aad vary eatertalalnd
Tba viewa are aa fine aa any ever aeen th\td>
la Blfln. and are admirably handled. fnll panlcnla
Tbwe la aa Inflalu variety; historic.
Uaal, patheUe. hamorona. etc. Mia.
Sarrlek la a moat taleatod artiat of
llty. Bern
•mte Fair at Oraad B^ids.
Sm. her alarlat very plca^.aad her
plaao aecompaalBcaU alayed with adBlrable taaU. Aa a w^ole the profn
faraiahaa a deUfbtfnI ovaainr14 IS te.ii IS
FHliiH Pirtiet,
lie FiiniIs.
wtedfallA SOe par
aad awaitlac Baatrr oat.
Voyeo^B^^Usl tSe Hu»Uj^|
The aebodl tn»teaa of Prtnoaloa
1 have taoelvrd a aapply of tbc loseIbA. are
loan Petoakey 0cm melooa of wbteh
1 have ibe exelasiva local afeacy. ^^A»rTEl>-^^ *lri »• »or* W
akeat a Oakaa koy. wkOB aa arsy
***_________ TW if.
odlear broarht koBa with his tron
Oaka. Tbo Oakaa atartad to ackool to
day writk tka white ckUdraa. wbaa tka
verm v^.*^virsl aSM «
(ha withdrawal of S'- Inaapthil Tbanpaas
dbalr ehlldraa if the loroIrnB' waa parJoho WbMUr. lie CslM.*!.
mluad to attend aakaol. They elalB
—rw nMrel SmswopS
ha BBBt r> UKtha naevo ackool. Tbs
>. X B aciUcr. amnw^v
traatMO withdraw tka Oakaa tmporartly.
A apedal dlapatck from Borne aaya
“V^EST Michigan R’y."
tka pope la ooly aaffartad from a oold.
gT^VlW oa
aaaeeompaaled by fever, bat aa a prosn.v^'*
will b( ft?CB If rvicrMA IS44I aaal*«L TBir
cactloaarv Baaaora his aadlaaoea have
JACK* OH ...........................$i00
keaa tcB^orarily
LA CB08SE......................... fS.OO
i; :• ;
Best workmuBhip money
ran empkiy for Btcycls
Bspniring. Qoick w«k.
Fi "-------for the tollowteg and
nny mere too nomerons to mention:
Bm nt 118 Wmt Front street,
saw; CM on fUU atrrei with aU
modon tmprovameata SJ600; one os
ttxtk. StTtO; one on Waat Froot. SMOO;
oM re Flflk. Inego koam tlcW: kosaa
lot lotUM fv with Tf boartag
re. wmt ssd aretk of Front
(.Siooa; orereSai
B. L. A On- Bleak
Lmn Tvaevn* Olv
Ssomt Bar
. JB
Steamer Onekama
Oapt. J. U. Xmoxy.
Leave Old Mlrnkm..
Arrive BkRaWW...
Lanre nk BaST..
Arrive Old MiaMre .
Lanes Old lOMre ..
Arrive Klk BuMa..
Leave Elk lefba...
Arrive OMICMre..
■Fas wfll laava tka______________ _
Mock. Botel WhMng and Park PMaa
at t:M p. m. •Baa wfU alao aouaet
with boat at n-JO a B. FraHrerirfll
MatSM Haad re Taaafaya Thom
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.