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The Morning Record, January 24, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Un 401 VOm DAT.
PIM. to tko axtMOhle
JadteUl Oinait.
Biff Improremants by MlchlWBikliVtaa. 4b*. n -TW wmSOmi
ffAB T«l«phOB« OO.
WlUBiCBtkokmMMtiBC w kMmM-
taarttMal VtaetaMio**• miui te tk« mw«7 «r th*
■Wii< mt»rm Ti-‘^ AkoatJUks
VMi Balto
CndlM Vaprwad-
tMk ja4C«klp ler tha Sixth Jedfe■1 dJoMet. eoaprtBlBt OUo. iMBdiBUIr «pe* it. prBBMtftUM to hla.
Fi noi.olBrr of BMU WUtkuB B. D>r
«m be BpiMlBtod to the pUM erMtod.
Ikii wUl fin Ohio tktMarmlt jedteBkl«* Tko oppolatMBt U for UlB Md
p*7B*a*lM7 0f SA.OM.
pl.fBMBBt. to TtOBMM Oltp SpBto.-»M«taMtY»*WoUM^^
Bomb, Job. tl —Tk. TtIboDB MbUbBm b roport that bo ItoIiBB wonblp
wQ! Bkortlr toko pOMMoloa of bom.
poUtoa tko CktsoB* oaoBt. preteblp
ia tko Mifbborbead of PeCkUL
kMBMaao Xiao u TcIm of Otatoa
•oaoBttoa of tko Wt*tar-KB*r
FortaoM Hade.
Tboobm, WoBk-, 4bb. *».-Tho pio.
doetfroBOM of Doaialoa Crook U pro*■itUBC of CkM- 4. OllddM. AmCBob- iof tb. BOBMtloB of tb. wlotor Bt Do»n
Bosioa OupltAUsts Sseure •^4bbmW. C-Pt
BOB. UlsoseomBsBoBBDBBBadrqeBl. 4oho a iof Eldorado. DorotopmeoU abow that
I loot boU. ud VsloAbls Hatua Propsrty MIIU. Dorid A I
Berk. B»d Pr«)riek A. PorbM.
eirbtr-S*. cIbIbx. oxteadlor cicht aad
«•(• bMdlod »boet ftr. to Im polou
oao-balf mllM. will prodaeo fu.oootot;
VUlB*T.OMtnlorTBi«Bki. Wot.1
ptoted tkolr toer of iaopeetlon ol tko tSOO.OOO oa<di before thej are worked ’
Wtbta B»d BxelMir. WankBnMj
pMlBBttlB. lo tboir prtcBte car.
oot Domlsloo olalau are aolUer at
4or mr Ik ^
MVk.t, Mlwt»rtTU»«e. For WktaA
Will Par
partT rrpreeoau „oo.«8 aad orer. tboir valae bariaf
tMMltdoMtb. polM el tk« flouetel
•S.SOODOO m SpMlab Oold.
tkeKBMeaao aew Mpltal lorntod la j u«wed thl. wiator.
^ eo.iM(el.l oltMUpa. kv kreorkt
Mtdilraofor the derrlopmaat of Uo| domIbIob aad Eldorado tofoiker
Bootba Mbit. Into tk. BorkM lo m w
prodoeo »ie,000,000. aad CSO.OOO.Madorlut itUopewi too Mpliollito bo. Md« » *riU« offM Br*t.A throack the eUto. Mr. Oliddra j
ia the proaldoat of tbo eaUr# oratOM, ooo more will eoaio from Bobbobb. ;
W« for tk. roeotmiied 1m. en to l» ofCI.t00.000 U SpMlBh r>U lor tb.
Infalxautee. and Mr. Forbea la Bunker. Bear. Snlpbor. All Gold. Gold
Sob 4om doek> Bad
«MM.tr*dla« MlatkoFMt.
itaemaaforol tba Mleblfta
Bottom, and tbelr ulhutariM and
TM OTOWd. waroMoraom !■ bro- A Oo.. the baakert wko are BfoalB for
bearr atoekboldora la the orkM»' ottMOMd IB ib. fOltMlM «f tkO tba Spoalob oeraora of tbs proportr raalntiomaad ibU te tba Cnt Uaa braaebea. The Urtolproduellonof CM,tb. Btaadlap of thB
000,000 will be double that of laat yw
•MkUfB. OMUffe
The output of beoebm tbrourbont tbe
>----- BOBtBd a BOllee that U ooald not MBDboraof tbearadleau. hare detorajatOM. Maaarer Btiry of tbo loeal dUtriet i* ulM weaderfal. Maay beach
for tradBB la odd lota, Blao^ to oloBB with tbo oSar, aad ropeaehaara eaoortod tbe partp tbroarb
prorlap richer than
^ ovtar *o *be oaoTMOBB boalaoM la raBBOtBilTiit of tbB BobIob people will tbo oitrMd tba loeal aravom «
bitItc la Baraaa bj WodBoadar t
cUlm* directly below themhaadrod Bhara Iota. Tko brokara f*aaad BufpMUeaa
There U leaa alckneae U Dawaon tba*
Mllr rofaaod atop loaa ortara. m tto/ atoaMor.
iaaMdlbat tbo aradkaU
for a yrar paab Typboid baa aearly
..... i.r»iu. •<
la maar wapa- The diaappeared.
The boapitaU oeauln
tndlac wa* aopreMdealod la roloMO triad to aoean tbo 1mm ol tbo doeke
ed apoo Boa. Parry Baa- forty ecurvy eaiea Several doi.n "un.
______ ___
aad rapldltr of flnetatloaa. Ebotmobb
kad aeeBBilatodlprrhapoiatbaBiostMlublepariof tb. ub aad OBjoyed a fvr momeau elait derfeei” applied to American Coasvl
.laved tb. perpoa. of tbelr eUlt.
McCook in December fjr aid to pet out___■ tb. fa.orabl. baah ateU- pTop.rtr. bat tbe owaara. wbo for tb. aad
Tb. aaw iauro.1 ti bow reprowated
fcide. BekadaofuBda with which ta
'aMorl^ “»y
bMt part are Hpaaiardt aBalooa
la tba Mlcbifaa eompaay-a board of
aid them, but la writlnp to Warhlupton
•( a VaBdwWU dMl with Cbleapo A Ura to tboir mother eonatry. were obly of aa
XortbwMtora belaf tbo lacenllroa-Tho wUllap to make aaytbtaf mm aa akao•aetatloM the fint hal'f boer wore tbe lalo eale of ik. property.
Tbe dock., of wkkh 8n are of atocl.
aad heartily eo-opente with tba c
Elondlken arrired here today brinplac
Tb# market eooa broke oo llqolde- aad ihewanhoiiae. bablad tbem.whlck
advieeo to Drc. sa.
ttoaaodabortaelliac.butecala weat are of atroeleral bImI with
aad ladeatrectlble. are dav tbaa aay beluf rapidly dotermiaed. Due im
«p otfoi^ly ta tbe attvaouB.
rain tbe Ualt- portant feature b>tnp tbe eeubllahalmilar (roap of b
ed Staloa. With tbe exeeptioa of tba inr of tbe Dortberu dlririon ol tb.
email boldlar* ol tb. Bapla fcrrlaa aad
oompany. laeludlnp th.eutlre upper Apnlna’do May Area 1 Hie XepreaenW. WBtkiaa of Oraad Kapida. a few Importan. tbe 8aa 4oae oompaay peniBaula. with a raaeral aupvtaton.
toUeeend Block FeaccMefoowaa all tbe private water rlfbu m deut'a oSa. and taeadquarMn at Mar
BadaPlaoeol BobpmtlaUaoa Forever.
tbe dty aide of tbe bey. a fact wbleb
London. 4ac. 83.—The miplao Jrnta
pl*M it praeUemlly a moaepoly ol tbo - Tkladlvlaloa aewooBalateef twentyWMhlBFtoo. laa. M.-The aoeretary waraboeae aad doekia* bulBeaa la tbe Bve exebaapee aad oier t.OOO ankecrib- here ba> reeelvrd dUpatebee eayiep
«f wv bM oaapleMd tbo
olty. Two-tblrda of tba elty’« water
All the cxehanpe* will be con- that If Apqnelllo. Apuln«1do'e envoy I
I VO uoder* frost la tbe property of tbe maalelpallOf Iks
neMed topether by tbe leap di.taaee Waabiaptob. I. not received wUhln
a la WaahiortM
er aute. aod tbo trmaafeT wlU wipe Ueea to Chlcapo. Detroit aad alt tele- few.dsya. Apaloaldo will rvcall bim to
Manila and kuvpeod reialluns with Ibe
forer«mePt of tbo territortee aenalred |
^Tbe derelopmeol will b. of a ktricUy Coiled States, -‘tba. removiopai
darlaf lb. war or oecapled by it»
permaneot ebaraeter. and the beat that portaot medioD for arrivinpat a p
Oalted 8ulM loroM. TB.perw»Bl|
-------------------------caabeeaUblUtacd to provide for per ful UDderstaodlnp "
«C||T TQ y||J
fect loop dlaUoo. and exebaap. eeronP. K.BBw!y. of Krliefootaloe, O.:
lU lUL A4ll.iim.
vice. Tbe company w.ll purebaM land
Omrtla Guild of MaaaachiuetU. aad a.
aad erect e bultdlap el Maiqnatu
^ already been aaponneed. Cbviea Al. Thnaaptoa'a UafortaaBU Kaatal for tbelr division auperiutend.Bt'i I«cal X.»dpe BoyaUy Entertained but
AffliaOea Developed
tons Bay Brothers.
W. WaUiBioftiraod Rapid*. M.eh.
headquarter* and Ic-ctl exebanpe. The
Up to ibta polBl the aoeretary aad
La«t Dlpbt waa arei letter oeearioe
troand Traverse City
Al. Tbompeoa. eoa of Mr. and Mn.
the aitaiaot aoeretary bate under.
e«-we<titcblnpapar*tw. <«'•
Modern W.v.lm.o of
takM ibemaalrce to deal with tba ad- C. U.TbompMD oflfl Elmwood
and the con.trictlon of .rveral copper r America. loiUatory work wa. conferMlalalratloB of la.alar affair*, but the nue. aed brother of Mn. P. R- Good* meullie
clrcniu \n
to me
llie uppi..r
upper prnin.;
upon one cen.Hdav^
in. o.w oflie circnii*
pruio* , r«i
- - --r--------------— by -------<|aeetlooa Inwlevd have become eo Vieh. wai adjadyed Ineane yeaterday aiila. Grand Rapide and ether p,.inu
■amerou* aod oomplloated that It baa allerpooB aud tak.a to the aryinm by ofth.latata.
vi-lviop member* of
atata. Tbe enUre
entire upper penla-;
bOM found abeotutely necmaaty U call Sheriff HlmpMO and L-oder*herlff aula will
ooilete. one tv #
e !'*>®
!'<>« order who drerj over from Sutlot*
will have three oolleta.
for aaaiatasco.
__ ..aoee. Uennmlpee
M*nr.mloee and
aod Milwaukee'
Milwaukee! !>■.▼»•-»Tbbeomalaaloa win deal with tb.
Early in tbe m
ilnp the bBfortu.,^^ Cbicapr..
via Mecklnaw '| ••-**
l‘wa* nearly II o’clewk before the
kMtowal of f.’BochlM* and ooaeerioi>-« weramoetudwl. Bat afterlopedalpnaof vio-l^jj
Tiaverae City, another via !
atona; tb. dUUibnlJoo of money* to be Iruee and were m.Blal aflllRtloD aod ; Bay City I Oetenlt. Sanlt Sle. Mari* i " ard» a fine b*nq let wa* wrved at tb*
Meat la paWle .ftBproeomenl and all bbactinv ;m«l'-<(daaaddUrupliopof will be
lei-ted with Dolroll via .St-) 0"“* freelanau by Uaudl-ird B airnm.
other tr,;«bte*Mne laann that bare tb.doatMiiraii....-rm'r - .’tbefamily Ipoacand Mackioaw Ciiy. The Uland It wa* a royal (ea*l aud flf|j-6vc aal
anaea aed are likely to ariae In Caba. for a while. The mrmber. . ' ' - fam. of Mackinac will ele-> be ooacTected down l > the richly ladra tabira.
ImM u !».. ih.
^ ,,,
Porto Rico and the pblllpplaea.
Trvverve City Woodmen folly demSheriff HimpMn was
nnvtratod tbelr cordial er.teruinlnp
.ub-marine eablca. Thla quality of
beiep able to pD to tbe We»tmde Im- btewill alM be naed between SU Ip- qaalitie. and when the vtoitor* drove
medlauly Ue sheriff aani Uudemberiff naoe and Mackinaw City. Kamber 3
>e they catrlei
Mralton who wae j-ilned by, Chief of copper wire will be uwd between all aion of theie Traverae City b
topenu of BiaVi Board «sy As Acl*<>U3e R.unle- When the ilHiwrv v-;
The convet*ation
qulrml to ^aaa oa Aedtcal
Tlie ie'llaTTiBiuber uf the aerie* of
WM'prcpared to
rived the youap a
I northwaatem of tbe
aubdee bim and
Lanelup. 4an. si —lo view of tb. ro- {^ attempt to cn_____________ l_____________________
e«al experience with the Grand Rapids |
One of tb* ImprovemenU
decided op. morrow
eveolop. ,1.tbe *T,k
Tbe rw
Medical college uud the 81. Lnkt'* heu j
sot loaded, and with on which will beaett Trarenm City will bopio at 8 p. m. tbarp aod .top at
pltal atNilM-lbeeiMe board of
u tbe extenaloa of a rnaume
U prepariop a bill prorkdlnp that eo in- when be turned to 00001“
around r—1*,...
Leelanau eoooty c
Tba flaoft caakiap
sUtatioe aball 1j.bc medical eertlfteaiM throws at Chk
lap with Frankfort nod b
Is one of the ebt.t elameuta ia the
•r diploma, la Mlchlpan anleee approv- tb. faec, but without aerioua reoulta. eaienaioe will inclnd* tbe Hue now
md by tbe repeaU of tbe auw medleal Tbeo tb. yoonp maa spraup Uroupb a ronalap tbronpb B‘apbam to Sottoa* ijneen City Eettaqmnt.
oaamiBlap board. If tb. bill provldlnp Moond story window to tb. prMsd, Bay and take In Omeaa. Kortkport.
totkelaUar board akall heMina a law. sprolalap on. of bla anklM In U* drop. Lelaad. Glen Harea aad Empire. ThU
lswbkbk«earried tb. aaab-wltb blu. Improvement was deemed of tbe preai>
TtLAQAAFA TO DAWBOATil. ofiMra. kowew. Boon came np eat Importance te ibla territory byt
with him and in roaUUnp tbe boy drew Proaldent Ollddan aad be eteted to the
Prr^oet to AaiablliT Um at a Ooat
ahallewitb which Mr. Moulim wa* Bacons that It would be eontraeted
of f700,000.
aliphUy wounded In tte band.
as tbe weather wUl perjMtMP
Utlawp, Oat.. 4aa. 11.—Immodlat*.
Tb* offllMad youop- maa waa takoa
Jyoa tbo lalan af tbo premier from M S«aGy M poaaiWe by tUoSoer* aad
Waabtnptoo the oabUet wUl oaoatdar Maroyad to lb* Jail where be wt
tbe advltabllUy *f aaktsp parliament Staoed la the care of Bberiff blmpaon
for aa approprlatlM to build a tala- and Dr. AnderoM aaoMMed lo look Tiro Baadrvd Au Arbor Tniokoru
Made by Michigan Teleprapb line to Dawaoa, N- W. T.. M a. attar bU iajurlM. whldi. forUsataly
Deoasd Advanop.
pboue Compaay for any
federol work. At proMUt tbo pururn-' wore alipkt. Bom after Or. Oeraer
Frauktort. Mlek.. 4an. St.—Two
•Ml Uleprapk eyotem exteoda ta
class of service desired.
buadrod toaokera at tbo Ann Arbor
GuMuelle. le tb* CkrlbM dlatrlet af Or. AadaiMa and It wm deiennlaod
road's warebouM atruek tbh merntop
BriUab Columbia.
tbai tbe aaeatal oondiUon of tbe palisat foraa Inaraa** of wapM from 18 to M
From gaetnelle over tb. old Waato* reqalTMl truatMOit to tba aiylam.
oeataas bMr. Several bnudred oai*
Uoma room to Tbleprnpb crock aad
The yoonp man t* If yaw of ape
At tbe end of sie mooths
tbisr* to Daweou tbe dktaao* la abMt and baa auSarod to a almilar manaar of Boar are Mod w» awaltlf rsmeeaL
or change to say class.of
.I.H0 mllaa. Competaat clrotriaiaa. before. LmI aprtop be waa aent to
» aad BaaquoL
poveramral tbo aaylum, but hla OM. butop a eery
service at will.
t ff?tO,OM to •Ud OM M wBs allowed to po homo.
CharlM SoMbaa and Mary Eabout,
Telephone the mana
atb ef tkta city, were united to marger, Jobe Barry, to cfll
Gus Ruff, wbo baa boaa omployotl by rlapu yeaterday morntop Id fit. Fraaol*
Frod Beriitol for aevnral yean iwUl okarcA by Rae. Pr. Baav. Adame*
and explaifl aew rates
leave for Grand Rapid* this mor«l4p to aad weddtof banqnet was plvpn laat
adopted by the company.
Bm tbe« at lb* BosM Store.
atraapo to«art a aaloae at BoyM 4blU evantnp to tb* ball oa fiooowd street te
■Mpaay with 4o* Meek. Bl* fAsM the Mew^ of tbe yownr aMpta
A buluf Bltod by Fred Brown, one of TtoBnpa'toAd *«fw Aed the party
AstMd la tb* bMt t
J|«w York 4o». n -TkootoA te*d% iuftodojbM Mve.tr OfwaU^ to tko
^ kMoir e< tk. MBkooci- 'IW. forc*
MM UVM akiek utU immUt >
UUBM Hon to iMpMtlM BM
FeatureTil Tiir Coilricts
Sibsciibifs MiTXaneil
lit*, w,.:';
Blair’s Tablets
Hinsdill Tablets
Acme Tablets
Hurd’s Tablets
Reynold’s Tablets
Pencil Tablets
Ink Tablets
“City •Bookstore.'*
I 220 Front St.
Ifs An Exlraordinary Sale
Beesnae of ridicnloosly low prion weVe put on every Jacket
anJ <l!ape in tbe stock—all of this season's manoiactare—To
olodo out by FebroAiy 1st Desirable aud stylish Rarments
for ladies, misaea and children.
See Our East Window For Prices.
PTCIUDCDO'C'''®*'***’'' ‘'■■y
Aod Clothing House.
We Place
f Pingree & Smith,
Selz, Schwab & Co.,
Nettleton and Rindge
f Make of foot- I
f)ff you get your money's
{ wear at.........
Not old stoek~not old styles.
^ 118 Front Street.
The Old Reliable Shoe Maa
aa-te a uerq
\.\ue 0^
'Kcmj &vtvo^vamS“\Oc
'Heia YdaicTas C-VotVvs—\5c.
Z\rA to the tleVi.
TVS Hojqraro hsoobx. tubsdat, javdast m. 16m
TtManaSopa M Bert fcelHar Bra.
fbrtflto'UaC* VIM.. Oa. B. M O. S.
MoMwa BoooM AMD oca rawno:—
T Hash amb X. W. 1
Aa we UMa b«« tor MaaOa la a *»w
dapa wo tbonrbt parhapa par (riaoda
aad aantadM woald Ilka to bear Cm
« baton wa Uara. Wa ara Mjapiar
rood bMltb at pTMi. aseapt a eold,
wbUbtiaaeaw rarp aav *or«i Wa.
Back aoldlar baa ban prondad with a
bM I feat foor. t UM wide aad 1 faot
4aop,withatUlattbatopvlthBU daforoBaUtraek. Wa areals
lowad to til tbaaa boaa* wlU wbaW
aver wa wlab. raoapt wbat mak« ap
“baaap narabtar ardar.”
Oar taoaM ware ablppad lodap. aUo
aU oar oBaan’ rood*;wbleh Fraaar aad
I waradatalUd to haadU. wbUa Wld
Wnm U Wt»« ku4r*4 «r ikriM Lafapatta waa oo hlo trat roard datp.
knandMlUtowof d«U*n «MkfMr,
Wa ba** good omoaf* o*ar Oowpaap
«r«M. »««1» M do>b( >«t tkM«« A aad all Ua bopaipeah *erp birblp of
M MlirTii MB kBSMUf to for•Ifm Ikift tor dolaf e«r import pad m- dUbaa have all baaa
port Mrrrlaf. To giro AmtIom* » waaow on our owa BP dl*bl
f*------- 10 ecMBMie tor Uatckrtrlof. each aoldlar la bit
a dUb *
tmotor Bmu
Tba rerlaaaat baa baaa paid for /aafKfmo h»<« ooUod la lairodadat 14m- aarp aad Pabrurp.Tha soat of Ua bopa
Itaal WU* U oMk bTMoh ot trmgrtm. ha*a laU U a food aapplp of thlar*
vWek It la baliavad wUl Ui paabad for oar trip aerou Ua ••poad " Wa
Ikmcfa at tba praaMt taMioa. Tba trara It wlU taka aboat M dapa W
aiaba tba trip, aad I aappoaa ahara wlU
UUihMMM aaMfaUy
m ^ta. aad. la tba tichi of Uia faet M a taw of aa that wnt waatU aaa
that mora Um t«M«9 mUUoaaofdot- aaltpark.
Ian ara auaaUy paU oat to tbair
Tba 'trd lafaatrp go.ro a faiawall
parabiat abipa, la om torn or as- daaaa. at tk Paul Uat ToaaUp oroaiag.
atbor. br tba roraraMBta of Bafopr- U-ITU. aad w* bad Ua ^aaaaraof
U BMator BaBoa-a bUl auau tba for- maatlar Bilap 8wnr* of Traraiao Oltp.
•Ifaor falrlp oa tba grommi. la ordar
asad *arp alee to moat aa old ao» flva oar abipa a fair ebaaea, tbaa It
Wa fo bp Ua wap of New York, aad
If wa aadeiatood rlckt, Ue MaaaaobaTn aabladaat eat of all
■atUwlUearrp a* from Jaiaap Otp U
IB* Valtad Htataa from tba PblUppiaa* Ua Pbllipptaaa
fla Uadoa. Affalaaldo. tba laaarrrat
HopUrr oor friaada ara aa happp ud
' ^laf.'aaaooaaaa that If bU rapraaeata- Btaoud aa wa. wa in*a poa for a
abort tta»a
Larrarm, Paanaan Scwunmijj.
Three Haaaah BIfla Bapa
tain Affalool^ oad tba Ualtod biaUa
lalaiBltalp bloakad. It aaeata arfdaai
Iba otbar aatroM Of Ua altioH
Oaa of tBUoao Bapla Bioaoer* Takoa
Wbo oaar tboafht that tba
par vltb Bpala would arur briar »• to
Hanaaa Mark, oaa ot Laelaaaa eoao■•ab a paaaT 8em*ibtac mu*t ba doaa,
tp*a ploaoera, died taadap aooe at bla
W tba btf oblat wtU doaona daoMf
boM at Battou ttap. Oaoaaaad
> roan of ara aad had ban U1 for
Tn Caltad but** aaaau baa p*
A* Mil apprapriaUnr PlIS.OUU.cMO for MBO tiB*. ^a Ibofoa a wlU. toar
I aad a boat of frload*
tba Maatraetkia of tba Ktcaan
paaal, tbaa uarklac aarw ara la laf- to Boora bb daaU.
Tba faaaral will be bald thb BOrolaUtl** bUtorp. ThU U oae of Uc
lar at 11 o'eloek frosBa*. Maakaud'e
p«t iBporteat Baaaam wbteb
eb W. It Andaraoa bae ebaifa.
gftt baea praiaatafl to coafTrai
llmldtbaboaaapaaatba Mil aaa
■aUailona to abratata tba Qaj
Oari V. Hoodp of HbbbIi dtp was la
S^wer traaip ba acoompllataad aoi
Hr (oibapraaaat plaa. tba tlallad
tliItT wUl acnirol a watarwap wblab
•til rarolatkMsUa marltlma lataraau IpBborBaa. wmi a r«**t at Ua Wblw
Hr Uka ocBBtrp. wbUa tba loaf aad Ur peaurdap.
B. 8 HaU waa aaUad U Waablarm
^araroai tr>p aroaad tba bora wUl
Hatardapoa bMUen
Atloraap Prod Mapae of ObarU*olB
b la tba eltp. Uoklar attar bb pro*BOOH rOB ETBBTBOOT.
paeta for the BapaMleaa aontai
Bad ara Larplp Btwadad.
Tba rarlral maatlBg at tba PraabpMriaa ohureb laal alrbt wai oae of Ibo
•eat aoBl-tUrrlar of tba aariaa. aad aa
laaptrlar aarmoa waa praacbad bP
W. K- Wrigku Toaicbt tba aarBoo
•lUbabpaat. J.C. Carmaa.
It baa baaa tbonrht bp aona that,
tba MW Prmbpioriaa ebarab woaU
•at ba larra eaoorb to aoooBBO
Itelarr* otuodaae*. but there loaaMt*
tlf oapaoltpof-MiotiltM aad If more
atiMd arr*ar*uob»a ara loade faw aa
•wftow BaaUar aaob alrbt la tba
Tbare will be a aaetlar of tba paalan of tba oitp at * o'eloek tbi* a**ataf. pro*loo* to tba rvr«lar aarrloo-
taaead M. B ebareb wUi aaraa a tea
«Mt oapoar la roraalan- hall, tba pro
aaada to ba davotad to a aaw carpot for
tba abarob.
ItofiMor Oiawa baa alraadp Uaaed
M» ttebat* for tba poaor aua'a laetara
rearaa- Tba ftrat laetara wUl ba r>roa
Wrdaaadap atrht oa tba Ural profaarlm bp B H Pratk The iMWtaa will
M*a pUca la LIbrarp halt
TW* will bo a baalaaM ataa'a prapatbaboare of
flMdl o'eloek. All baMaeaa nn an
At Ue BMB'a BMtUr U tba PmbpiHlas ebmrob itaadap atunwn It aa*
to sak Ue baaUaas oaea to
•kaa l^lr ■torea at aovea o’eloek to a*
tP(i*aUalraaplop*a plnlp of Uae
tPMt^ ua rerival aeaUara at Ua
Ttea arha baea Mt pat aaeared anb
lor tba rT~‘i----------- M -Dr. Jckpll aad
Mr. Bpda- at 8l*Uberr'* Oraod
•ICbl ahoald eaU atUa botn.ttoa nrtp, «r talapbooa 111. for ania
■arep Porkis* raUrard Uat alrbt
tram Oraad Baplda. wbara be ba* bora
' rprarvaralBoaUe.laaralartbaoaadp
■nhlar trada Be b onieapUtUr
gobm Ulo bualam bare.
TbarawUl baa rt«aUr maotla,
Iba laatera 8tar Ub analar M frU
W. C. Bail wnt to Port Haroa pntardap wbara ba wlU attaad Ua Oraad
Lodra. F-. A A. M. Us wnt aa a delarate froB Travam Oitp Utdr*. Na
Mra. W. C. Baldn b etolUar friaada
at Uraad Baplda
Min Mprtle Ooraen baa reUnied
•r borne ta OopaBbb. after *bllUr
WlU U W. OannUrbaa aad foBiIp ot
PifU atraal.
Burtoo V. Peak of Polo. IH:. la elaltlar iB tba eltp.
A- L. Jopee returaad last qlr*t
Oraad Baplda
OeaatorJ. W. Mllllkea went to tMOrraoaot Baad Oaaee Wd Bapper.
La*l alrbt Ue Oreeeeat baad oor
pleUd arraoraBOab for Uatr t*a ent
sapper aad daaclpr partp to
Thaiadap craaUr la Poreatera' baU.
Tba BoUara of tba hops ara takUr
bold aad the tapper will be fallp ae
rood If aot better Uaa tbe oae rina
New Year*.
8«ppar wUl bo Ua
oniB aad a ticket to Ue daan wUl Uelade aappar- Bobart Price. Hiat CapItoU Vadar aad Bam CboBbarlaU will
■appar will be aeread troB 4 o'eloek
U the afteraeoB aaUl attar Ua daaeata
otan to be baarrp-
^ If you bmro uny to mU eomopoBd wltli tho
TntToru City Ltmbor Oo. Wo howo alao
▲ eooo XOTBUVT.
Mba JobaalBr-Daa'lltMab J«bbBrod. O. T erawb^ Xwotara Ooana tot •oal.BknrrUi da*'an d* fUab ob Ua
Toaar Mao Highlp OoBnaadM.
Mowin Bauoa»r-i'daalfa
Maad tba apirit aad MtarprUa a Pro- bank wba' ba an :
laaaor Urawa,' ta arraarloT a ,«.l„ Waaklp. __________
of fraa
M mtmtm
a praetiMI baalaaaa topica. It U a!
'^•.ffariar bumaaitp ahoold be sai
It U Ua rirbt diraeUoo. aad
p lad WlU e*arp bno* pnalbU for ti
r. It b WlU p)i
plraaaro w* pabU*
U wore tbaa a btBlaaaa relUf.
10 oerllft Ui
’alUwlar: “Tki
rba poaar ®ao who U aBt* a ierribla aaffetw froB Vollo
iHiee for o*rr alx b DUa-aadwi
bltloa* to loara all that ralalaa to
d bp *OBe of Ur I
affaira. asp r*amUp be ooaatad
eitp aad aU lo
apoB aa aaplrlar to blrber Ideal* tbaa •«]). q irdrurcbt.
(oare'p qaallfpier bloaolf for a *uc- trie bltun: aad aftkr Ukiar two botoetafal baalaaaa oaraer. Tba aBblUoa tie* 1 wa* eellrelp
eailrrlp eared. I i
*urr In reeoBB<wUeh lB^b Ub uW
vu.u,. !..-.P0B *uS(>riDr Irw l"b^ Urritp at Ub. earrln bla raaladp. 1 aa rraiei-nv *oof*.
WlU It tbe dealre to ealUvato hbbeat M. A. Bomtp- Leslartoa. Kr " Mold
E. Wall aad J. G. Joki md. orug-pow,'era aad talaat* la Ue dlraeUoo o{
wbataear toed* to good Mtiw^p.
WlUlaUboUp. ta ap JadrmaaV we
ba*a a boat of aaeb poaar loro: aad I
aBoara Uat ib«aa loetaraa will ba of
aaeb a prodUeal aatora aod ralaa. that
10 a Aaa tea eaai aappar.BoUiar romala* lo aaaare UelraneMaPLT C. Dotma.
\^eii you are i-ead> 1.
There b probablf ao oUer pUp la
asbuaoe. that baa a doable eharaoUr
Wbare the two parU are eo wldelp dP.
feraBt.a*U-Dr.Jabpllaad Ur. Upde >
The two portrapab—that of Dr Jek.eP,
tbe reatlaaap, kiadtp la every wa. —
aad that of Ur Upde. tbe deaoai a
ibaalac. wbaae aaia daalra b to kUI
aad deauop—are ao ablp carried oat bp
Ur. W. U. UarUraa, that bb work «aa
tralp ba *ald U ba wooderfol. Bahaa
po aaparior ia Ue part be preaeata
The avral of U«*lorp baaebapood
Bound Hemlock Lumber,
Kaple rtoorinB,
Short Kaple Wood.
UdIs For Saii-Siiitiblo For Farms.
. bjewAugfestioe_
<«Diamond J *
or ^Traverse Belle”
Sold bp all dralaia.
Uade bp
10c.a quart
We can save You
Lot of Money
p on Bedroom Suits
and Chaire. We cad furnish your
house ooiD|^lfU. 00 easy payments
House Famisfaim; Store.
New Store. r20 Front Street.
248 Front fitnot
blllbrd louraaBeat lo eaoabt of s j
arrta* of als paaaa ibb weak bp a ctaea I
twalra pbpera. waa bapua la*t aipbt!
la C 8. Oavb' billiard parlor. Tba eontacuata laal alpkt were Alee dtalaberp
aed Bert Krllep. tba latter wlaafap
out bp a close aoora of 100 to M polota.
Ibe klk wlBoer* will plep a •erica of
Uroe pamea aest week.
licbigu AccMcdI issiiditioB.
If they ache—get a bot
tle of Rose's Cora Cure
-- ISc — and take them
out—It don’t make the
foot sorw.
H. S L Co's. BEST lElL
Best in name and quality on the market.
a Ue t»U aa anaouaevd tbrocpb Beadle Bid.
r Saodap.
Manor KaloBU.1*00 tbiak of Ua
:‘,Blanie Your
What tba Paske
X. O. O. T. Dbtr
Tba dbtrict orttadlaatioa of tba Good
Irmplara will eoavaoa Uw afteroooa
at two o'eloek la Oraopa ball.
Obtriet TPdiplar ^v. Gnx []. Har
per of Uraad Kapldl wUI be praeeel
aad eoaler tba deprae. Alt tabordlpau mvBbrra ta pood auadlap a
plUe to.Ue dbtrtet dapfae. A pli
lisa baa baaa amUped for Ue avaalap.
All! O 0. TbabopldatUad. .
Aaoibc* Dcw one for tS»8 U tbe t»p
mare Madpv. » STi* She U hr L'Empwenr. win of Alcyon.
ky Meen
Mil) mat bioerr of all deaeriptioos, inelndiai; two engin i,wt worka, carriAge and aawa. A oom|deto ^9
aaw nill plant for sale.
Tbe loeiaraof Eapeoe V Deba.aadcr
be aaspiraa «f Ue CIpar Uakera'.
A. W. JAHRAUS. Toaislief 6ImL
all other people—Uoaa who ara aot
eUaaod a* theatre roara, each a* alabtrre. aldarlp people, aad Ua nanp
wbo paeallp eppoae Ua Ueatra, alao
po to wluaa* a plap of Ub ordar.
« of Ur. Barttpaa aad
esaable conpaap. at SUlaber*'.
Oraad tbb eraalBg, will ba wlueiacd
bp aa iBBeaae apdleaer. aa iadicatod'
bp tba advaoee eale.
sss5Sa“i-=?':‘t,? :ri-issr“
SranisU. I
I Onyx Tables
and Jardinieres. |
We are having a special sale on Onyx ^
; Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks ^
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beauti- ^
fles a room more than a handsome Onyx Table ^
and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op- 3
portunity to secure one or both at prices un- ^
heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices ^
from $2,60 up.
Sarlisb BBtUs Ebepi
Nerred cwraatlp at Ua 1
mnun' ball taalcbt.
Buning Logs!
Makes tliB food fWM defickws Md w
Tba Haearaa of Grip.
That Bodara aooorre. Ua Grip, pel- bvltotr WlU t»rrt out uj ihctrtiwaii; eMi^
•oo* U* ab with lb taul rerau. M laatfrawwbaim kaw st ibe btiLcW. aTd
Uat no boa* U aafa froa lu ravar**. ■■uw V> tbr Uleklna Aacldast iMnna
bat BulUtad** bare foaad a aara prw Uan *» MU-.V It U> fir «o. !•«■ I.
taeiin aralaet Ub danreroae maladp
U Dr. KUr'* N*k Dueorer*. Wbn IbW r 117 «r« kaw arv«r kvard k e«BpUlai of uopoa leal a eoreaete lo poor boaaa aad S‘.L‘!T?’.y*‘* **
>« *>*w all l«attliBk>*
BBtelw. have ebUb
__ aad
freer. wlU
t. Mia
acre Uroav
nla la the bna ot tba
baad. ratarrbal
Thai apapua*
aad a aubbora eoark poa aap baow poa have Ua
Orlp. aad Uaipoa aaad Dr. Kiajrb New
Dbewp- ItwUI prompUp ear* Ua
^ -• ......................
rd aei?
braara. bUl Ue dl
aad p^
eeattba dreaded after efl.cU
Btladp. Price &0 eb aad li.oo> iKi^p
a. r Sei-rr
back If aot cared. A tflal bottle
Chu« Paiuxac.
at ^dror elora* ^f 8. B- Wait ai
TkltnraiM! UvBl-i
Ut. *«w>t. WuitW In bn.
ooonpM Turltsry.
of tsar Utfa b>M1 Mate. TUa Wiu ONE WAY TO COLLECT SILLS,
raaaautmtawoi r to U« tka Wr ..
• ------pUMha a« I
n, -Mew
B-. B *.
ae« te vary 111 wttb
t aad te Tkara, laotaad of roaac mm. tkar •«Hm tiWnMB of u* B*y CMm mn .
WUltea K»
1 triad tt »:».raair.
B «MiM ta ttolMoj. Ha WM trM m4 iMd.
A Marorlte —aiaa had a proMai*
------------------- ■ AfkaMkaPafod la tka lartetna for | bofa ara aoMldatably karv
«bara»aal of
amloa of tba tak ' -l w^tea kkot a wa kM ^ tatra- Um that aka wm tolar te dte »-«t ^ ^ uae of Qrara ovad *a a aioall
- fivkarfa.
» lutur. 1 tklak. of fl7 or ao. It
teao prarialef for o ainrd aaaaoa Tka' daead lato Uia laftelatara to f^oal tka
ImpcMUOt to aaka hiB pv
ftttwwao tay tka Mtoreraaeat of tkte|bMat7oa BovUak a^anaaa.” aatd a
_________ :■______A-A
It. 00 I aa«a*ad ik«aarrleta of a prouy
te..^lkllltkO^ koatam -rtacU-:^„o«eteI to tk. Aactaa* Ha-^ ataaaadlBtwowoobBwaadaad.
aod alylUb girl. I teat kar around to
a aad oaabla tkair ecMpaV ■
ara -lU tka aaOUdwUoooatraata^AW U wild kUoOca Ha waa ooL She eaXIad
llota to fatal
ther of tka km for kla iinn—
Vary eat booBllea tka paat paar. Tka aiaio ataia Ha waa atlll out. hat. aotklag
tafia to ka kald dariaf tka waak to taw foopla raaliia tka kotkor that Uli pafakaekoarhalfof tkakotko ooaa- dauoiad. ake autde tka tklid and tka
toortk calL Tka toonb iisie Da
Mkaaottoa rtfardlaf tka aoaraa to ba booal7 lawaaaaraaa. aot to
yiiaad *kaa tka bUlaowat of ta
tkaoxfewawblahlabf ao a
b- 2:,“^ “*
U. W U»
ooaaidetabla la rofard to tka Uttar dia baadad beeaaaa e< teek of laMat
*"lMk her*. Hr. Qrara.' told Ikt
f Hodoak, vaatoatto ooBaldaralkML. wkiU tka ax^dltara
apla of yaara
,wUl atake a propoaiUon (o you.
ralof. aa<
kMaetbaaa aafieteaUj klfh U tkia
Ca^AldarBaa BanaH Ktrk. fatw If^ou will
pay flra cents a day on
OOM OMaM faU aod broka kla laf
eooBtj to baooaaa aUralaf. la
of Ua|ar Joka P. KM, Thirty-«^--^li bill 1 will call rneb day aad col
tka klf. Ba «aa aaabla to fat to tka tka aaifhbortof ooBOtUa larfe aataa of
lect that anouai nniit yoa bare paid
a kUlod I
koaia aad aot tataf akia to uka Ub- BMaer kara baas aipoadad. wkiek
in fua'
dny afiMwooei by n brick blewa down
oalf kaard ka Uf oapoaad to a drtWaf eoold hara baao aaad to taaek katior
noo the alaettae
llfbt poww .tatfry U
*■“ *
“<• “>• Irtrl left tka ofTbaaparrow la eaafal U
apparenUy crawfallan. The next
■a ao la
If laacoto that nia karsfal to
day .sbe did aot call at bU olBce. but
crops, aad aa food te kaewn to ham
lake did call at kU bouac. Tka door
anaaa froai tka efforta towards tta axBbrway VarraatU Injary.
was epenad by tha servant.
aftardUd from tka hart aad i
lerainalioB. WkMaUwte fooad lo|
Barsoy Vkrroat. oaiploytd no tM-l “ !• Mr. Oman Ur aakod iha youni
A Oeroaaa Baa had a f aa food wkieb raanlt lo kami rather tkaa rood, It.
ka lataadad to alack with fak arat tkonld ba ropoalod.’'
aprlaf. bat ha wea't do It aow. Moakrata oadarmUad tka da« wblek kata
berv«„ duly reported the call of tb.
tka water of tka pood back frooi tka
iim oaiQ tka olhar daf tka wkaia
booaty Uw. Tke total oMat of boon
oae of |ha wife. The neat day when Ue younc
tktaf fara wajr, aad la a faw Blaataa ty paid oat U that aooaty ^
lofa fall ofl -tka alatfb. carrytaf Par- woman acain calird tka wife hung over
Ibara waa Blfktf litUa pood Ufv
raatwiiklL HIs face waa badly saab- Ue basisiers, taklaf a peep at tbs
Aa old OBO M jrara of Bfa waadorod
At Bay City it k reported oa food ad and be waa aacoMcloaa for ow an »l>«t <« bar own arconnL Tbe yoani
iatotba Hotal BiaholUa Uat Batorda/ aatkority that F- W. Wbaaler U aboat bonr.
I votban asked If Mr. Green was In.
alfbt aod waa lodfad aad fad oror »«b____________________________________ I "’No, ma'am.' answered the aerrani.
daf by Baoafor aona. Hia bom la
'but bli wife U' Tbe wife bad told
Lyiaii %ooar: ka kaa ao pmsaarot
icred tba girl.
koaa aad apaada Ml of kla waodar'Why. bu Mr. Green a wifer
tafaroaad tkaotato. Hit pkyaieal eon'The wife, banglag over tbe banis
dtUoo la
pale an<l
tfa. Oaa feator* of hlai
gasped for air. while the girl, seem
ka la MariBf tka
ingly very mueb confused and distress
tkrao or fear hate
ta on bla bead.
ed at ter discovery, went on down tbe
akU for all araaoaa. Whoa he soara a
At Athena, a atroae eeismlc dlatarbeteps and Into the streei.
It la Im
aoaairy aeko^ keoaa ka will drrota , aaee waa fait Sanday mornliijr aboat
passible to say )ust wba: bappeord at
•neb labor in eiaaring tka rood of #:jo o’clock vbroagbont tbe Pelopoa- Lregfallow NaUoaal MemorUl smecU that bouse that nigbt, wbeUier pokert
etoaea, weeds, eta. eo aa to aSnrd tka 1 aeast (tka aoatkorn part of tbe king- Uon formed for tbe pnrpoae of erect and curling tongs were burled or tbe
akUdreo a good playgreand. -Doraad! dom of Ureeee) eapaelally la the toott- ing a atatae of tbe poet la Wubingloa. funiliure tern from lu (ouadatiens and
tsof tke penlnaaU. bns iMoed an appeal to tbe pnbUe for flung audlr about, or tbe roof raised
skyward; but one thing 1 do koosit—
At ft Iganoa Sttufday tka bay ore- Alltbeb
e ta aecomp'lak tthU
M in tke town of PhUatn.
the next day Green promptly paid Uc
aanud tke appaaraane of a buy iitUa in tbe departmaai of Mewsata. oa the po a
> e-Mwittee <
And tba girl dtann tall at hU
•Uy. It la taiokly dotted with fi*k Ionian eoasi. hare been daawfed aad •U.ooo win be neided ta procure a 117.
oBce for It either. He came around
nkaoUaa, aad tke men artth dug msom tbe inbabltante are now camplofoal aialoe worthy of tbe pewt and tbe alts
. ranked back and fcMtb picking op the lo the aabortaa. Two rilUfea la the The Baallett contribatioo will be wel•ah aad bring tbM nakore. Pareh of Tldnlty of Ptallaire
Urge alsa la tha principal eaten, aad _____ _____ _ r people
Elchrlew. III., an earthquake
are eaagbt with a book aad line. They Ujured. Tke villagra of Eyparlreia | shock was felt Satnrdey et 1 o'elerk
rae ttr«l Ktrvatee.
Elevaiors or lifts, u they are called
■all for If earn par doses, and the Sab- aad Staae were also praetUany 4e- ’ Tbe vibratiou luted for eereral mlanrmoa bare been making from S! to SS Biroyed. thoagh it U aot known u yet' alee. A rearing eoand aeeompaaled in ^gland. are now considered Indis
pensable In high buildings, bet oa Ue
n day aaob tba put
whether there were eay eicUmi there ] tbe ebook.
Buropun cootlneot they are but ael- At Ana Arbw It la reported oa good Mneb damage ta property was done at ( There wu a violent atarm tbroogb- dom fonnd. even in Ue better botela
antkorfy that tbe Sigma Pbl freteratiy Nararino. a suport sis mllu oortk of I out Hoglaad Friday sight, aocotnps This Is the more enrprlslng since the
«M of tba oulaat aad baai of tba Oreek Modon and eosotaereble leu it report-1 nied by aerioni Soods ta Wales. Th- Invention orlglnaied In central Europe.
UUw BoeUUaa. will erect a Qneebapter ed from Calamata. capital of tbe de-1 river Towy. la South Wales, everflow- Tbe earliest meilion of the elevator li
kootaiatke ImmadUta fntore. Tliey partuest of Mcaunta, near tbe heed led. a brid^ jru dutroyed aad many made in a letter of Napoleun I. address
already own a large lot la a good Iocs- of the golf of Kuroa. The ebook wu eatue were drowned. The obaanvl ed to bU wile, tbe An-bdiicbess Maria
(ina. a-d w 11. it ta aa d. mU part of It evidently felt In the dtatrlet of Xante, leorviee wu supeoled a»d ibrccti Louise He write* to her thst. when
aad oaa the money for a new baildUg. capital of the Ionian telaad of Uet i baktal mailt btve not arrived the-e. In SeboenbruDD. tben tbe summer resi
dence of tbe' Austrian emperor, near
bat Uue
Tke ehaptor konaa Is lo eost soma tio.Vienna, he need the -chaise voianta"
property there.' Many slighter akocks
•00. aad will. It areeiad. be o
(tying chair) In that castle, ablrh hsd
Orery nspact Datroll alumni will kelp bare oeearred daring Uw day mad to
PERSONALITIESbeen construi-lad (br Empress Marla
ta the bonding.
Tbereu. to uve her the annoyaDcc ol
' ^y“*“ .*■
Bad Asa people have trm belief in aad vlllagre tire afretd ta return ta
cIlmblDg up tbe long flight or stairs. It
tka Idea that wearing aulpbur U tba U..,
T,. ..U,o„Ui'.-J.-rS,-"”’ ”
consisted of a small square room,
■boea will prereot grip, so tka whole lag all in tbelr power ta furntab tent*
sumptuously furnlsbed with hsnglngi
J<dm Baker, wbn
and auppiiea.
town ta treailing aronnd on
tv-flnt Illinoi* dk«irl in the lower of red silk, and suspended by strung
rope*, with rountamalghu. so tbst It
Wife beaiiaf will pAikably aot ba a
There hu been fresh flgkUar In tke bouB. taoow totolly-biind.*
Senator Hanna while in Washington could be pulled up or let down wiU
popalar paatima lo /Us* ooaoty for Congo ttate. between tbe Beigtaa
great esse in a shaft built for (be pur
awblU. Uoa man who ladalfad U It troope and rebels, the former having frrqnentlv s;wniL* tbe evening at the pose ibout 1760. The great Corsican
resideoceuf VicePretadent Hobart|day
waa flran fl*a yaan U tbaataio prioon.
meatioua that wbrn be first entered tbs
Ing cards.
Pretty aooa Sprinf Lake. U Ottawa while olBw > killed.
-flying chair" be was asked for his
The late Charl-r* D Jamb of Lonis- weight snd tbst of bta two
oooaty. will oome to be considered an
A Terre Hanta lad., apeelal uys: ville wa* for,r tim-tns.v.w
It city
probsbly In order to employ tbe proper
mnlnehy spot Blfbteen penoaa bare rode Sam bu decided w bare red. | and spent 'iiirKt .d bi> own f.irtn
ghtt. since it was dlfllcult
been drowned there In tbe naat
while aad blue mall wagons (or oae in | adding ta tbe city 's |ic:rk systeui.
for tbe operators to slop at the right
IheciUea of tke oouniry. A carrtege j Tbe UtaSenabir Momll of Venuont point ualeitf weights were about even.
At Muslnfon tbe jary In tbe Byrnes aad boggy company Im bu bees , bad u a fav.ante st.cy that «l hit mnA aimllar elevator was built la tba
warder caee reme In at 10 o'clock (Ut- awarded a contrect for t» wqgooe to»“r,’rin«ly asked what rastle of Duke Cbarlat of Lorraine
b, J.l, I. Tb». ..vob. ' 'k-r
it. VOT.«b Ib, about the same time, but tbls oae waa
aiday moralof and rendered a rerdlct b.
for the elUea In Ohio. Indiana.,
of manalaufbter.
The drfeodanu
simpler, ronsisiliig only of a chair on
Leri Z- Is-iter has sent his snn-inpUtfors.
MlekaclJ R.miea. was charted with Mlehigan. Wtaeoaain. Minhaaou. llil-i
nbooUny P. Leslie Parser oe Ike eeensome omciai ininnar ctuaks. raM-b ul
tOf of October Slat last dariof tbe call
'“»l whlrit wirf. it* elsUjreto enibroid.ey.
Mosquitoes, it is to be presumed, ex
of a Hallowe'en par^t hU reeldeaec., ta the spec flaatJons Ua rnSBieg MI ^
ist for some useful service, but what it
There It oertalnly eometbinf wroof' *•
■**’“ body bl^
WuyAwIt: pixrrttoHigistsfind ials.rd SBlisbnry'r
Is known only To entomulogtsts To
ta Miebifea ihU year. Here llts weU “«>
*Mo tbe —*
e msyorliy of people there ta ao inferaleog toward tbe end ol January, nod Ue screen* red. Tbe rear aad will be i,
itiim regarding them ao wricome as
*•— —r grsdually being
yet Uere bu nut been a alagie report solid bias »iU gold leaf Isttarleg ol I'
1 *<«al amlul
that tke push buds hare been kLled. "C. S Mall."
[ i» very largi*
Tke AtkdM Tlaue eays that the re
__ The nial.raal ttrandfalbre of tbe late
r who
ligion perilna of tbe Indian eommnn- abort intervals M ^ Bird Cotaman eoWrl tL-,;r?e E Waring w., J,*a
Ify near there hu a anique way ol fnrnaoe plant at OwnwaU. Pa.. Satnr- j Burgm-. aitkitort .rf the flynt New Yuck abound to know hu« tbelr departure
‘ taming tke angodly noble red
day night Baildings were ahakaa | city pom^xmee and in 17k» owe of the can be expedited,
tberlgkidireettae. They aeod an In- aad many window paoaa broken | ori^nal 18 Mu-hmus of Tatmnanv Hall potash, saya a medical paper, can 'll*
vitaUoa te kirn te be preeeet at n pray Uroagkoat tke town. Tbe twin tar- \ (X>k»el Waring atruogly raseabled kta used agaiDH them with deadly effect
UlBBie parts uf Ue crystal are sufll
er muUag ea eaek a data, aad t( be oaeea wore mack damaged and tke
fieoi for the purpuoe. One particle Is
don't show ap they appolat tke aest lens was keaty Of the many baa1AM of aolaUoB. if distributed in
muUng at kta booee. Tken he ku to dmds of worklngmea, no oaa was aari- aommeiv. lunr lavnorri. or t<a
will reodor Ue development
face tte mnaie or lay eat la Ike eeld »os hart. alUoagh a aembar •■Hand
Btbri. Briva and Arebrlle Hoch.
-hetrethr. of larvae Inpoaslbis. wblle a hudful
forest tin a very tete hour. They gen sligkt -injirica Tbe eg^ooieoa were funr siiOerw
^rw Year's day.
of permanganate will oxidise a tenby U* moltee metal aaiiog ita j ^
erally gel kla.
arc all farotm and tha acre swamp, kill Its embryo insect*,
way eat of - suck and e«tartagua;i;;5;;;6„”;i‘
At Mackinaw Oty m
and' keep It free from organic mauer
tke Mb ta tke aUklta ehtfUng akont. aadar pH. wkere it came ta eootact; That*«
Tbe pea withwhu-h«.wwith Wkitb Uurereor Hnoae- for thirty days at a eoet of iS cents.
of New Y.rfk rigaed the oath of Tbe tame authority Informs qs that
tbe trapsler siuuter Bto. Marie dta net Hh water.
AtSL Petaretairg. Ueamal Mlckaal I o»ce was kept l>y Ur govwtior himself only two snd s half bouri arc required
vuatare across hatorday nigot with Ue
BoakiS tha dtaitagwiabed
dtaitantabed Bamtan ' 1» was Ur one w-hu-b Oeoeral Pahnee (or a moaqolto to develop frem iu first
DaluU. SouibhhoreAAUaaUe
gar trotn.
who ujnstructad Ue Tiaua- hod tuwd dnriP-r the riril war Tbe Bi- ■tage, a speck reseuMlng cholera bac
bla OB triticlr tbe oath we« takes was teria. to ita active and venoBoas ma
Snpt. W. H. FitUogh of Bay City-a OnapI.tea railway, ta dtad.
rreorated to Mr* Raoarvplt
etaetrle light ayuem. bad a aarrow asAt Totade. Okie, Mrs- & J. MoCalCcJoael r W BUiw. Ur weU kaon-a
capa from electrocution lata Friday loogb, wtia of a weU kaewn man of J BurU ILimoari uilliobaire. wbo owns
algki. Be wu working at Ue awltak- Uat city. commHlod aaieUa aad at-1 half tbe town of Uacua and a fancy
To remember a f*ce. as a peraon It
board wkeit. in some manner, ba form
kUl her family of Uree. farm near by. cm wbh-fc •luO.OOO i* to called, the rule ta not dlScult to fol
od a elreail wiU kta kaada. reoalvlig ektldrea. Tba wemaa was aadeabtad-; be eijs-advd tba eomiag season, was low. Pick out toinv feature or ptonthe faU force of Ua dynamo. Tba ly Inaaaa Foar of tka eklidrea were
to tbr- W the other day afta larity by which you cun diatingutab
■heok ksoeked Mr ntUngb frem Ue taSM vloIaaUy Ul. kaelag eatre dis- haring tmmad a must ereditablamsami- that face or pereoo frem all other fa< es
or parsons and aatodau Ue name wiU
ehalr oo which be wu standlag. aad aaaed meat. Ooa child died ttetnrday
No two
ruiiivd kla nneonaeiou (or IS mia- afieraeoa. aad Ua meUer attempted i Sematar Otaadlrr aad Iveoatar TUI- Uat feature or pecallartty.
eouctvnacre* or figure* are alike, and
atea. Bta bands vrare palnfally bnmad
it ta br noting bow Uey diSar owe
at Ua petal of costact wUh Ue twitch- wore la a eriUeal eaoaitloa. a dose of, ft„u*d at Ue --a. ».hu ^
frem OBoUer that yoa will romamlMr
keafd. knt oUerwtae ka vru natajor- earbelie aetd. Ska was prereatad by ^
paeptata Ua henaa bat ata^alippod
Joka Aadwacm, aa Alpaaa tarmar. aw«y aad ww fessd tetar
r tai
taila dying <
vkOe •rOTk.iaahtekerau eanr two
9eTV6Ta\'Kt\»s S\cms
SVeaxtedL “BTom SxiergaiWe |
Tbe year of’99 trill figow ai tbe beginamg of • D** «■ in
oor eynen of oseR;lMiiduiBt;~-a syatepi to be veknoed by tbe
Ewy JuDuy ABd J„l, , .Je wai be
op io iu loU oopAA-aot o loot- -oiA,k.oo|- or • window dwpl.J ol A hAinUpIl of TOxi. wbik high prin. p™„U op tbriv.
“ AA* copopm, wLk-l, ta brim pnKikod by p»py.
• Wo bepio tbta dARuiry with
Of Overcoats and Ulsters,
Capes and Jackets, Furs,
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
In itg entirvlr, earpatting io actoal bargain giving any sale
eve r atteniptwl in tor Unud Traverae region.
A genetal mark
down ff8m tbe cbea|>ret to the higher gradea of winter gooda
No two prirewor blind 6gurea.bat we baee marked in plain
hguBM gveiy item to actual cost and many below ouat of prodm-tinn. direct from the factory tb coneuiger, as we never add
a middle^BD profit to uor cuaL SboakJ too afaeUio from thia
great upportunily lo buy gemds'yet eeaeonable cheaper than tbe
average uierebaut?
Should yon in tbe leant degree doobt our
All we aak Is pereonsl inspection, which will auun
convince you of l arfbc-iieft inlei tion^Money refunded or merchsndine e»hsngBd wttii*
n s leastnable.time.
Front StPiwt.
Over ifHi 8 *» and better bonreare
uwtMd in San FratH-iso*
Searly l.-MW men are'al work ca W
Clark'i, ut-w trurting txnck in New
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
> fire*.
Uvtf r.V) borree are nowqnartered nt
the Jewett cuvvrvd track. wiU mure
y< t ta IMUIr.
loppli',1 bnrwa hara bom barred
fnuu the vpeedway <m Bloc Hill areSe. Boetoa
The Atueriran turf vOH|.TreB has de
rided tli.vt Nannie L's Sister is Dot ■
|iro)«v uiinie ft>r a mare
Tb,' lu-w -uiKliod pAvfunnre Lob
S]>raku<-. SiLM'*. i» emt of Molly
H|>ra;rei-. tbe dutn of S L. 8 ;18.\
Thu Brlp,-bt\rip«I Driving associatioo.
K’sHbinglon. isni.ws nteuiber of the
Ngtionul TrotiW »o*c«.latjoa '
Tb>- fskt lucinhf filly paUiine, sistre
Mi«* Hit;,, t! :t;l- . by J J Aodiibon.
wa> uoce naiDfd atlcr ttiwy Fitzgerald.
The baud
•nog danghter ct
(^araet WilkHaend tSojiraDo. which had
taxn chrUtcUi-u t'l-ntralli,. has bad Imr
• -•tue ctatuei-d to Ilaw Silk.
ont<if iHA-«-a Mi'rts last srestm Uei
pacer no3D<iw(K>i. S
wim uz *
flrxta Tlie m-u id Br>-twood will he ^
cani]iaiire<*l iu the
Ibis year
lj*«ve Sami.lepA. who is wintering —, .
most intarreliiig play, veer pre
sented In this or any aUer eoonti^
Dr. Jetfll aid Mr. Hfde.
A thrillieg scnaalloo from beginBing ta oaa—a pley oncewHeMaed to be remimbered forevor.
The cauiarnt actor.
W.H. Hanigaa
wbree. *^0.(4. at n-vi-tand. taye she
ta as good ua rh-' i-i-i-r was and that abe
will be BCTm iu the X 10 ctaaiwa next eeo-
Be* BO kupritor iu tke pnrtreyal
of tbis great pan. Hit IranedormaUontare wrird. atorUI^ and
Seiisattooal Drsma
wm be teen at U« Open homm
i Seflalfli’s Wife
msde over three tboasiitd cafit la
was utTcriy exhAusted in the spring
and kept her bed almost aU aunuaer
Tuesday. Jan.24r
PriOM: B6, 36, 60c.
Seats ttow oa sale at box rSea.
'vxxoasw xas.
Hsd she svstetnsticsUy taken
night and mnfatag every day, abe
would hare been strengthened, sustained and oocirisbed, so (hat at
the end of the seamm, taslead of
betag vtaallr d^letM aad ready w
dte. abe weald dooktteaa bare keen
p^ae^ 'UMi*s^v5m
poreSMavetwHeiwmaklwmuaeHM sow-
Banjo Instruction.
•B. CtuaberUn, Box 167.
MoSjnSO a»OOWT,Tt?»8PAT. JAJnJAitT >4. H».
Wtat «af* Ok metMr te ukid.
■ »v Cm k atrapta.
^5«it requires patience.
bres IfiTMtod br * »McbiBU
a*m*6 Dtoft. ud' k hM tft tabTe pro«BMd veadnfBl rebiili*.
U k putkokrir TbJwbk Ib tnattag nropta OC «bon kght. a dlMwe
for vbkb M Mcdy had bees fouad
hitbem. <x««ct tbr wrartng of gU*M.
Tb* ta«nw»rnt roakou prlDcipaUj «(
cu be to^^Tbrt-
-tU ntm May H.« B«n Wtd.»i ,
*^*7cw-tbat tb pUtbd* hu
DxMtofn -
AM Itwae
^ ^ a brottl eriM And! beaidaa that.
babaBnQBcac7.->dla(lata Ufa..
Bbo-Weto yoo woaadod atSaattagar
Ba—No. 1 waa woandad at Waabtar
*'tta—Why. bow ceaM that bo?
Bo-I waa woaaded la my raalty.
Toa aob 1 tmilod to gat tbo luomotti I
expectad.-Chicago >
point where the a
-— ■•
retef*D thkf-Uker.
distant day.
Tbe c
.CebUTlUe «Ik.) SetJoMi BMfc. who
^Si fobbeu of ■ Michel cooulol^
fciniii to tbe ealoe of >IU.<Ui. «blle
Mother grip was aubaUtnted ta lu
Gores ViMHediGine
nTk aaataoiMO ixtracMaBT.
id*wltab'lN»eli^ liarllugtun. preahleui ng* k rrqnired. Tbia k a matter to
-of tbi- Wet t'ta-t.T •I’a.) liank. wa* be determined by tbe ocallat. Tbe
rebb<-<l ofia aat.bel eonialnlng AVi.ieiO preaaure can be calcukicd to a i
J hiB way borne
la raah. *lle »a«
i-aied to tbe rail
- pallent
Mllent never auffera any
from 1*blta.M|.lita
I feet on an old ... tbe end of a few mtautae, eight or
>e old
lU ordinarily, be feela a allgbt fatigue.
Tbe ^—......-------------------maaaagliig la '
Thla taatnuneot k above all applliotrfyoafe. Hut b.'dM not know
waa ta aiore for him. In Ibe tMt In able to myopia, whieb la tbe moat
n In
ta black,
btack. senetal
il of
front V'Sm aat a woman
e aU affectloua of ibe eye.
tbe eye la dc*forme«l In
Sy the way. It k marly alwaya a worn- in thia dl
' tliat tbe nya
an In blark who k <v>n<vTOed ta tbeae surb a manner
having i««.d
swindling affalra Hut to continue.
from ohjecia
. rj
and tbe TryataUm“The lady, for abe had all the ap- tbrougb'lbr^corma
through Ibe «
- nil their Image too far lu front
retina and do not taBm-m* tbe
deniiy ainrraaeu
to prodi
i- wIikIow ofdlc--------------------dear taiprvaalun.
Tbe iiiaaaagtag
Ha,Oard« X. H A t E- X- Txk-
dlaai^HHUtcd ta vh-w of tbe terms laid
Utk. ______
u In said—hirh
fs-.ta lima :
i Patoeager eraitis leave Traveree Glty
“ ■Wbi-rraa. I. IP nJainlb tirlffln. taiv H 35 a m and i:40 p. m. Paseenger
lag thorotigb dlagtw for m.mey ron t■aiTl■a^^♦eat Travereeaty U:00 aaldi-ratiuua ta niairimonkl projecu
snd d:3S p. m. Making connertione
and enu-rtnlnlng a blgb na|e-*i
| Sbermao ia Mill twice each week day
matrimonial afferllon and "-I' llT-1 ** aad from ' Honor on tbe Platte River
wi!! and tentaim-nt
b-joal freight traloa leave at «:00 a.
m each week day and on Tueaday and
Fridavwill run to Cedar City on the
(lien Arbor Brnneh.
AU gooda ta be
•hipped tnuH be deliver^ not later
.cr.,k,zr- syzr;
Smman wa« n«l auvi-rted until long In Akimter wbik
, afP-rwatU, for latrtor Itarilngi.m m-ver enough «“
j“’" * » *
bacio Jitri.' and -Jtlappy wnilanis.aince
|H-u!l.nle I have
-rA'"" '-’' S 'V
cntly tin
s- I d:» 1-r
uiy tvrlilnt which I
vhv diK-iare n> be a ci«Hi-ll to
I «ill-l do
clan-that niy wm l» that the j>uiu of|
ImmlPed Ili»..i«4li<t be timi.T the.
prwvlslotis klaii-d divided nnioug
etc., prvvulisl .•mh shall.
aiandliig ihc temptat 0 1 ^vc n-l ID'
her wav. r.-oinln true to li.-r luiUri— wtch the gen'
a to
man she ti.-« lovingly proft
I'nmt aU apiiearamve It Is evldi-ul tliat
ll*r.v 1bate ixlsted from i
Ibr eliol.v of her beurt.
familiar wllh tlie
■ w.-lPi are feini'l,
travel alone. In ••arly
itmsouiuou for |MH>|ile
»- hol'-s. niid whlk
,|„ — 1... 11,0 tnrt
I..." niitl her.- i.ir
the auperlulend |l,
(SI rta.iv. .1 l» th, -Id of some t-lialri
. and other iiaraplHniihilla. bow Ihsiitf to
some wi-n- TtHsivt-red After
Itarilngtnn wsa nmde the
delllll. Ihc. llvi-s of olhera ».-n- uilr-
iaiel»-l wlthgrf.iao.
‘Ylm- of lla-
ai-iihvual.v saved.
«bev aalehelT^H-nr that differ, d In
../sltllw on a sU^lf r-K-k
some rvUKsl* fri-m the .me als.ve.
,M,iufaI welt sluy fi-el l/li.w tbe
The sp.itie<l vlitliii was despull.-d of
„r ,pe .-arih. Th.-fv was no
the will, and ilie walls Iw'* ®L*7" lug is-n- wHrutar and of aoUd ns-k.
A eoiifeilerate
“ *?"' 11..- animal luid no means of «M-a!.e
itside. anil cunningly
aiolen ,-t,t„„,t ,.,mBtii-c. By the use nf
- . ibe
•' stalrn
o him. wt
trallBP was passed' to
while lUe
was r.-ll.-v.sl from
vnauspev-ttiig trav.-l.T did not dlseover
kkloaa until some time aftarward.
aliiiailon ta a atarrlng ctaigmon.
•I Werklag r-s»la
In the winter aenann e
who go «o
10 that |mrt
In India all .-nlllngn t
laik.T. aird
baker's son becomes
uV that bis SOB afler him. and ao onB frt
SSmei*. Weamsblp'doeto-............
- —— 'io’^'ViYlom
to gem-i
“tai,“ay";iThe censn..
M tbe weetwani voyage I
m^bv^Bom of b..wever. reveals some more atartltag
wan rompelled w uae
mao; ganona oi vMiitms than that ^
of tbe maker
makvi of
«.._urd voyage
______ __
tgianu from Plurt^
States an* beat*-^
.. and «.ve ta a faf.ik^
■ arMkd ?l«Tuiv Dol^
two or three jeArt - ' -*
. ra-w «. iwrk to lb.dr b«»f»^
e of A haihroom.
When they to
- they
carry ••“•rr-u
tbelrbea handkerchief or
longings ib-d
tamm.d tale a hag. wnen iney y.
Baal they bare a g.s«l trunk, and aom»ttaMSAcviraloi them.
Te People of Alklklmd enwclally
'bo beg with thf-ai
I -Unttereis !
John R. Santo,
Gtieitl lasiriiM.
leana kidney troa blea, b
arrb. dkafnees. in
;b*a, ua.—------------------------ (act e
_ilment too nnaterouk M mention, men
and women auffer from can be cored In
a ahurt time and permanently by Prof.
llrLemar. np-atairf 3i:. S t'nlonatreel
Traveree City.
Here a«^hile after 11
weeks In kanktae- Cases can be treated bv writing; send letter with parlienlars-Bntirely new method of diagnosing
yonr ease, cvrreclly abowing weaknrasea. location and duration of dkeaae
Erery perwm I t-^atcan have private
insU-BcUoDa frea. how to be their O'
doctor, and keep themselvea and fa
•n &:<i
p A. Mm-ni
sr.S-IA'Bb* CAKDS.
sx.™r" •,'s
nmti of her
nii.l d.-cUiv ibiJi
auall ta iM-r ..
ibl. <
r£SEB f BBB aaiB
■ ,Trm,x,..ifn!iiTi¥rr
• health fre- few cents per
- •
itb your doctor,
not rail aad get
my circular and fre«r advine. I hai
little tiffin for talka wltb^cnri^dty
Everybody call,
ea dally,
_ dkraaea
_ _
of mr n and women
eonfldentiaUy vacated.
treated. permaaeoUy
cnred.and wasted orgaoamade stronger
than ever in a abort time, every one
can treat tbemeelvee peivntaly. Have
reliable rvfereneu and standing
pent bu»ioe«
taBp-na. 8an,..jChicago ...
OBoe hoars. P a.
|„.r.-Py ord-r Bos-rBWv._________________________ | sih street. Detroit.
t^aCrlp^ eared in t or three treat-‘■j
the said sum or-uma
«l .hiisH
,r shan-s dnll
o/brst <
.*r«d h.pp,T dorir.
fanv idade we1
.. _ shall U- given
eqtml sltan-s.'
The buitdn^ tbo iiMl diUars then
falls to
ta Mrs. Austin, who. I Is-ll.-vo
e only one amoug the wltliln
couta.- wldih
tuouey lM?<|U.-Blh.-d.
West AlicliigaD.
T*hia ad appeet* evary other day.
tl«.r.~m. The r. st-of the fortune w
divld.sl• amung
- _ ^;«bo
that Mrw. Morlry. a «
n ootma, *Mort.e7 smi r<,u.^!tsmsln of bis. got a goo.1 sl.sr^ M U» .. u*. oaie-s. city Oper. nossr Wk
istn PsyXhk Mlta.
Mine. Oel.*inar A tmlhfol and reliable medium, la now ta your city.
Thia lady has many taallmoniak from
eliksall aroand yoo of boataeaaaud
nil kiada of Important mattara and ocearreneea peculiar ta Uvea of people
ihM 1 waa true to you. d.-ar."
which has been done aneeeaafnliy
ibrongb her advice. She gtvea past
Ah English war .
___ _
. --—~ I and more aocroatalT and adriee on
Cuban iirlwta sent for a talkir to in
I. ‘a i?S£Kk“'
ti^^t All AflAliu ta life both private And buMhim a suit of cloibea. bol on the
rival of the man of tbe a^ra tl^ taiiTJ tSU-m-TX_________________ n^taat loaaea. eta. You
!dtaa few daya. however, the taltor t atkaarwt
anin appeared on the scene wita tbe
, a‘YJ!,'SK:ary^‘~~»'r
ddhowp-ra At funeralsrfuneials," whlh- a
2 Vwh-r.
_ ,,
__ JIT
aa <lJt77 i*o
imldlcly announce tbat
. ..
dUnricta one floda. besldee
the ordinary profeartona ll.«0 tarn.
tom pUyeru. forty-live
makeru of
for IdoU.
IdoU. W
—moat curious
Utateva of lioraea
It^ being worn ta London now with _
much pride.
___ __
---------Ef. cw
ptrearnrj to step to be tiuaported W sale. BwivbaHali.'f
e rail la 2b Itirbes. and tbe gauge U
made of ateeL and teeifd ta 800 pounds ^
The dkmeler of tbe drivtag
.. .
^hi of -w.
tbtmie engine ta about «0 pounds and
n» on a rail ihrM-qoartera o' tart.wiuarv. It windrow I#CMB.
wnatals'ag two pofuona.
Itew Methods
■ iss'ss:-:
pfopV of Kunnw and those of Amerl
by conti
o. f. OABVKR. AgMt
ekl party Jan.
hSi^‘taai°nr?(>e wlU be uopk-eaatitly
tSallanlly 1h> got up rmm
I form. The preaaur...........
rsUM? n-leaxd hU f<K>tb<a,
grip, while ptarin
at«i. The arbi-ni<'
womao tairv''dowD effect of n'fraction.
■wYndow wbile api*an-nily
neridBU aiOaral WelU.
In Its Taking, and Uius
Tbe naiuial welta In the
minute or
t for the work of pan of Alarbua connty a^
.-ii-t.ff t« lour t-rm* In
Uan. Th- w oman, epi-ai(urgolli'ii. wae nlwi sect -'
and not to l>e u|H,m-d until now waa at- j
tacbed. That <v>dh-ll K la now my,
■ waa too n
Ewer Burned OntT
Grud Bipids & liiUmi R. K
ii?nr;:k^eiir“;i;rri:gr:nd srtb^'____ ____
og away,
a a Wrlaklod
- mnaed Mka WalkJoagi’
[t'beraalf In tba minor aa eba
^ledtbeflnt coat of pettyr to tbe
Zeama In bee ebaaka "tnia la■ iwbat
Bicycle Riders.
joUowed blm from j.ta.e to pkee.
out and week in. lie became acMUiUm-j
rA with tbe baUte of hk Inieoded ■
am. wben tbe opporttine_ mo- j
tueni arrtred ta tbe
bad to do wa« to pUie hU rtnpir ^Ip
orbiwe tbe aairbel runtalutag tbe raluatdea bad been before.
"*o moeb for Uiai eaae. I.el ine tall j
ron ata.ul another, niueb rfererer with
the earepiluo lha* the awlndlere were |
appn lMHKled
d etui tbv wl
... -
dred tbuuiwnd In alx montba.
erideiioe of an loHct to daecira.
Oaai.ould coDilDoe In posMOalon of tbe
troll Trlbona
BMktaaa Arataa Salra.
aa loux aa abe
ried: and
Bud In tbe
tl event of tbe marriage Tm Biot BaXTX ta tbe wo 1 (or
of one. ber abare aboidd be aqtuUly dl- Ab«a Cl BiMi Sorea. Clean
Any of the Bannab Blfleaor Company
rld«! among tbe reot.
«m. Toeof Stwoa, Tattar,
Tattar. libaKi^
M boya wh“ wkb to make appltaattan
The aeven widowa walked oul of tbe
_ ___ Ida. ChllbUtaa.
Coma, and aU^^
for extra pey or penaiona will be anpf*? Broptioaa. and poalU»ol» ooraa Waa
piled with blanka (or that porpoae or DO parroqairwJ. U la
ivived j>»-r»-nii>tory onlera to
Pa to glee parfact aatktacttan or uemag
alleiillona Tbe eeventh. a .good look- Curded. Prtoa Weaniaparbaa Fur
the oontrary. bnl come and aee ter
aod „iebr J. O-Johnaoaaad 8. ■ Wall.
tag young maj with brightl ey.*
boueat coonienance. eaUed <» Mra
^“"gwantoc all my work to be
DoiwUaa with what wault we hare
and If It doea not prove ao I make tt
Tbe k* other widowa watabed bar! >o-a»Ura-ball tonight.
'‘sM ta Ull • o'elodi every evantag
Th^ i^iT'wllib^^ wMld.'*fJ ber Oampuy X ■MOtlxli. 65 eesU.
abare would then lall to them. Tbe. There are a lew of tbe *kat week bol one before tbe alx
mootba bad paaaed. Ueuben Aoatta
_________ _
waa boay ta the ahop wblatling at bk
tor esoaata each.
like to
Made plain and common
work, to tag 10 be merry, though bo
_ .•iret,
Firet, 1 take tbe
the germa
germ of dkeaae
had k>»t twenty pounda alnue be loat
from all paru of tbe ayataca at one
tala lure.
and eating up tbe vitality of
ebartih will give tan cent anpper ta pain and
Ue toraed and aaw Mra Dooglaaa
ForMtan' hall Wodoemlay evening, tbonaandi
atattdlug ta tbe doorway.
Jan. ». Benett of tbe ebnreh.
-Iteuben. 1 abad not take
Tvaverea Ctty. M»A
make rood the clrealatlon. W* have
then put all iSte eystam Into a cleansed
tapper mASuu*.
and ta some-----Creeeent Band w.H hay anoUter
asitable medi----- —
elal party Jan. :
help to enrleb the blood, and tone any
married and
ako a Ane i«n e<
weak organa t)ui
In a day or two. acvonling to DollOca. UoB. the heira would bear from tbe
I [Bltll liflBMBS BB
else used (ailed.
I eiceutor.
Oft TOV Bktll
Hv way of treatment all eee at once
Mra. AuetlD. Ute Mra Doogkaa. was
city Beataaiant. T. C. u U the only real method to take out
1 auimiioiMd with ibc rval. They fuuml, cgniog u tbe proprietor.
gemw of dtaeaee Brat: then apply, re•
letly the name company preaent as ^
au>ratlvca if needed and not dren^r^ ilie fontn r rvadliig.
ayttem with medicine.
eA codIrii to the will read alx months
I earc not what yon- aUmefflTare. or
aaid tbe em-viilor. "then aeahd
.Creeeent Band will bye
bow loog aunding. If possible at all
I. 21) ta Foreaiera’
ZSoaiJ. What «krer dcTlcee the profMinrr* awlndU-r vIH reoort to ta,
.;tfiCer to faaien on bl« Intended pref. ‘
.Abd »el. while tlw olotrartlng of ope ■
-«rtp and the aulartliuUng of anoint,
Sar aeeiD a difthtili lualtcr at Bnt
ntanco. neTenbeleaa «'ben r»> eetnrnite iliai tbe iWef ma^ hare wai«-bed
retaly attempted
It to iMf. f"
---------' tbe bnttoB.
I- ] The
of tbe <H
n tatadanr.
tooebM a bottoo whhb eontrok U>e ___
I two tube*. He CM keep exact atMW., count of tbe pnwosre excc^M bj .
1 any wwshtoety. bat U
br ite owMCb and tbal'a
«»£&•:■= “3
' *^lw?oDnSe cooU bftoer
Two bnndnd tbeiMtad doltav
• - to ve M CM
" sHij
H. U
-Beohwi—Bh* her
«B* -w«nr
Ont of the Oeverest Tricks
Known to the Professtonal
.ZTL .
tbe cbristMlng
>wn Prince;
priDCej Ra
Robaa been Icit ta the
cm*. EUxabeth. log------,rek. by ber gran^tb^
Met areakNy.
all BtricUy eonfldenUal. Tboac llvtag
out of tbe city, aead stamped eavelc^ea
lor tarma, loadlngi can be glroa with
lock of hair aad Ume of Urth. The
moat primtaent people ooaianll her in
all rilka OB bualneoa. eta. Ba^ for a
abort tima. All lovltad to call aad gat
eirenlan. Cotaca here from Manktae
where abe baa been for the paat ekva
weehaand where abe mat with woodartnl anooem. Boar* 9 a. aa. toB
p.m. OaU ovar «t« Soath Union Bknat.
All atka abe vkiu k bar reliable re
liable referwoe. Uattafaetkja o
eyrefnnded. Sanday'a 10 a. ».
a. Dnri^ the peats weeks them
baa bees 1b Traveraa CStysbe baa done
an oxtanaSva baainena. and wtU remain
becoanlQJas. St
Tbk ad
2^i£^h«ttan with Ibe nerve 1
Sm*. spplrteRrwy.ikabae.
mk taUMKSSM.
y XUOB.amsi.TrertrMOtt
" ““’"■“-SS.’rsSiSTiU,
unsiiE UD nuraEisnii t l
•Ila iS "SsT
3|;g ~ass:“
ill -m
•si^i -^r
«Ki« *4<r
;;s is
a » am
WWWMAJi. Agsau „ .
Un 401 VOm DAT.
PIM. to tko axtMOhle
JadteUl Oinait.
Biff Improremants by MlchlWBikliVtaa. 4b*. n -TW wmSOmi
ffAB T«l«phOB« OO.
WlUBiCBtkokmMMtiBC w kMmM-
taarttMal VtaetaMio**• miui te tk« mw«7 «r th*
■Wii< mt»rm Ti-‘^ AkoatJUks
VMi Balto
CndlM Vaprwad-
tMk ja4C«klp ler tha Sixth Jedfe■1 dJoMet. eoaprtBlBt OUo. iMBdiBUIr «pe* it. prBBMtftUM to hla.
Fi noi.olBrr of BMU WUtkuB B. D>r
«m be BpiMlBtod to the pUM erMtod.
Ikii wUl fin Ohio tktMarmlt jedteBkl«* Tko oppolatMBt U for UlB Md
p*7B*a*lM7 0f SA.OM.
pl.fBMBBt. to TtOBMM Oltp SpBto.-»M«taMtY»*WoUM^^
Bomb, Job. tl —Tk. TtIboDB MbUbBm b roport that bo ItoIiBB wonblp
wQ! Bkortlr toko pOMMoloa of bom.
poUtoa tko CktsoB* oaoBt. preteblp
ia tko Mifbborbead of PeCkUL
kMBMaao Xiao u TcIm of Otatoa
•oaoBttoa of tko Wt*tar-KB*r
FortaoM Hade.
Tboobm, WoBk-, 4bb. *».-Tho pio.
doetfroBOM of Doaialoa Crook U pro*■itUBC of CkM- 4. OllddM. AmCBob- iof tb. BOBMtloB of tb. wlotor Bt Do»n
Bosioa OupltAUsts Sseure •^4bbmW. C-Pt
BOB. UlsoseomBsBoBBDBBBadrqeBl. 4oho a iof Eldorado. DorotopmeoU abow that
I loot boU. ud VsloAbls Hatua Propsrty MIIU. Dorid A I
Berk. B»d Pr«)riek A. PorbM.
eirbtr-S*. cIbIbx. oxteadlor cicht aad
«•(• bMdlod »boet ftr. to Im polou
oao-balf mllM. will prodaeo fu.oootot;
VUlB*T.OMtnlorTBi«Bki. Wot.1
ptoted tkolr toer of iaopeetlon ol tko tSOO.OOO oa<di before thej are worked ’
Wtbta B»d BxelMir. WankBnMj
pMlBBttlB. lo tboir prtcBte car.
oot Domlsloo olalau are aolUer at
4or mr Ik ^
MVk.t, Mlwt»rtTU»«e. For WktaA
Will Par
partT rrpreeoau „oo.«8 aad orer. tboir valae bariaf
tMMltdoMtb. polM el tk« flouetel
•S.SOODOO m SpMlab Oold.
tkeKBMeaao aew Mpltal lorntod la j u«wed thl. wiator.
^ eo.iM(el.l oltMUpa. kv kreorkt
Mtdilraofor the derrlopmaat of Uo| domIbIob aad Eldorado tofoiker
Bootba Mbit. Into tk. BorkM lo m w
prodoeo »ie,000,000. aad CSO.OOO.Madorlut itUopewi too Mpliollito bo. Md« » *riU« offM Br*t.A throack the eUto. Mr. Oliddra j
ia the proaldoat of tbo eaUr# oratOM, ooo more will eoaio from Bobbobb. ;
W« for tk. roeotmiied 1m. en to l» ofCI.t00.000 U SpMlBh r>U lor tb.
Infalxautee. and Mr. Forbea la Bunker. Bear. Snlpbor. All Gold. Gold
Sob 4om doek> Bad
«MM.tr*dla« MlatkoFMt.
itaemaaforol tba Mleblfta
Bottom, and tbelr ulhutariM and
TM OTOWd. waroMoraom !■ bro- A Oo.. the baakert wko are BfoalB for
bearr atoekboldora la the orkM»' ottMOMd IB ib. fOltMlM «f tkO tba Spoalob oeraora of tbs proportr raalntiomaad ibU te tba Cnt Uaa braaebea. The Urtolproduellonof CM,tb. Btaadlap of thB
000,000 will be double that of laat yw
•MkUfB. OMUffe
The output of beoebm tbrourbont tbe
>----- BOBtBd a BOllee that U ooald not MBDboraof tbearadleau. hare detorajatOM. Maaarer Btiry of tbo loeal dUtriet i* ulM weaderfal. Maay beach
for tradBB la odd lota, Blao^ to oloBB with tbo oSar, aad ropeaehaara eaoortod tbe partp tbroarb
prorlap richer than
^ ovtar *o *be oaoTMOBB boalaoM la raBBOtBilTiit of tbB BobIob people will tbo oitrMd tba loeal aravom «
bitItc la Baraaa bj WodBoadar t
cUlm* directly below themhaadrod Bhara Iota. Tko brokara f*aaad BufpMUeaa
There U leaa alckneae U Dawaon tba*
Mllr rofaaod atop loaa ortara. m tto/ atoaMor.
iaaMdlbat tbo aradkaU
for a yrar paab Typboid baa aearly
..... i.r»iu. •<
la maar wapa- The diaappeared.
The boapitaU oeauln
tndlac wa* aopreMdealod la roloMO triad to aoean tbo 1mm ol tbo doeke
ed apoo Boa. Parry Baa- forty ecurvy eaiea Several doi.n "un.
______ ___
aad rapldltr of flnetatloaa. Ebotmobb
kad aeeBBilatodlprrhapoiatbaBiostMlublepariof tb. ub aad OBjoyed a fvr momeau elait derfeei” applied to American Coasvl
.laved tb. perpoa. of tbelr eUlt.
McCook in December fjr aid to pet out___■ tb. fa.orabl. baah ateU- pTop.rtr. bat tbe owaara. wbo for tb. aad
Tb. aaw iauro.1 ti bow reprowated
fcide. BekadaofuBda with which ta
'aMorl^ “»y
bMt part are Hpaaiardt aBalooa
la tba Mlcbifaa eompaay-a board of
aid them, but la writlnp to Warhlupton
•( a VaBdwWU dMl with Cbleapo A Ura to tboir mother eonatry. were obly of aa
XortbwMtora belaf tbo lacenllroa-Tho wUllap to make aaytbtaf mm aa akao•aetatloM the fint hal'f boer wore tbe lalo eale of ik. property.
Tbe dock., of wkkh 8n are of atocl.
aad heartily eo-opente with tba c
Elondlken arrired here today brinplac
Tb# market eooa broke oo llqolde- aad ihewanhoiiae. bablad tbem.whlck
advieeo to Drc. sa.
ttoaaodabortaelliac.butecala weat are of atroeleral bImI with
aad ladeatrectlble. are dav tbaa aay beluf rapidly dotermiaed. Due im
«p otfoi^ly ta tbe attvaouB.
rain tbe Ualt- portant feature b>tnp tbe eeubllahalmilar (roap of b
ed Staloa. With tbe exeeptioa of tba inr of tbe Dortberu dlririon ol tb.
email boldlar* ol tb. Bapla fcrrlaa aad
oompany. laeludlnp th.eutlre upper Apnlna’do May Area 1 Hie XepreaenW. WBtkiaa of Oraad Kapida. a few Importan. tbe 8aa 4oae oompaay peniBaula. with a raaeral aupvtaton.
toUeeend Block FeaccMefoowaa all tbe private water rlfbu m deut'a oSa. and taeadquarMn at Mar
BadaPlaoeol BobpmtlaUaoa Forever.
tbe dty aide of tbe bey. a fact wbleb
London. 4ac. 83.—The miplao Jrnta
pl*M it praeUemlly a moaepoly ol tbo - Tkladlvlaloa aewooBalateef twentyWMhlBFtoo. laa. M.-The aoeretary waraboeae aad doekia* bulBeaa la tbe Bve exebaapee aad oier t.OOO ankecrib- here ba> reeelvrd dUpatebee eayiep
«f wv bM oaapleMd tbo
olty. Two-tblrda of tba elty’« water
All the cxehanpe* will be con- that If Apqnelllo. Apuln«1do'e envoy I
I VO uoder* frost la tbe property of tbe maalelpallOf Iks
neMed topether by tbe leap di.taaee Waabiaptob. I. not received wUhln
a la WaahiortM
er aute. aod tbo trmaafeT wlU wipe Ueea to Chlcapo. Detroit aad alt tele- few.dsya. Apaloaldo will rvcall bim to
Manila and kuvpeod reialluns with Ibe
forer«mePt of tbo territortee aenalred |
^Tbe derelopmeol will b. of a ktricUy Coiled States, -‘tba. removiopai
darlaf lb. war or oecapled by it»
permaneot ebaraeter. and the beat that portaot medioD for arrivinpat a p
Oalted 8ulM loroM. TB.perw»Bl|
-------------------------caabeeaUblUtacd to provide for per ful UDderstaodlnp "
«C||T TQ y||J
fect loop dlaUoo. and exebaap. eeronP. K.BBw!y. of Krliefootaloe, O.:
lU lUL A4ll.iim.
vice. Tbe company w.ll purebaM land
Omrtla Guild of MaaaachiuetU. aad a.
aad erect e bultdlap el Maiqnatu
^ already been aaponneed. Cbviea Al. Thnaaptoa'a UafortaaBU Kaatal for tbelr division auperiutend.Bt'i I«cal X.»dpe BoyaUy Entertained but
AffliaOea Developed
tons Bay Brothers.
W. WaUiBioftiraod Rapid*. M.eh.
headquarter* and Ic-ctl exebanpe. The
Up to ibta polBl the aoeretary aad
La«t Dlpbt waa arei letter oeearioe
troand Traverse City
Al. Tbompeoa. eoa of Mr. and Mn.
the aitaiaot aoeretary bate under.
e«-we<titcblnpapar*tw. <«'•
Modern W.v.lm.o of
takM ibemaalrce to deal with tba ad- C. U.TbompMD oflfl Elmwood
and the con.trictlon of .rveral copper r America. loiUatory work wa. conferMlalalratloB of la.alar affair*, but the nue. aed brother of Mn. P. R- Good* meullie
clrcniu \n
to me
llie uppi..r
upper prnin.;
upon one cen.Hdav^
in. o.w oflie circnii*
pruio* , r«i
- - --r--------------— by -------<|aeetlooa Inwlevd have become eo Vieh. wai adjadyed Ineane yeaterday aiila. Grand Rapide and ether p,.inu
■amerou* aod oomplloated that It baa allerpooB aud tak.a to the aryinm by ofth.latata.
vi-lviop member* of
atata. Tbe enUre
entire upper penla-;
bOM found abeotutely necmaaty U call Sheriff HlmpMO and L-oder*herlff aula will
ooilete. one tv #
e !'*>®
!'<>« order who drerj over from Sutlot*
will have three oolleta.
for aaaiatasco.
__ ..aoee. Uennmlpee
M*nr.mloee and
aod Milwaukee'
Milwaukee! !>■.▼»•-»Tbbeomalaaloa win deal with tb.
Early in tbe m
ilnp the bBfortu.,^^ Cbicapr..
via Mecklnaw '| ••-**
l‘wa* nearly II o’clewk before the
kMtowal of f.’BochlM* and ooaeerioi>-« weramoetudwl. Bat afterlopedalpnaof vio-l^jj
Tiaverae City, another via !
atona; tb. dUUibnlJoo of money* to be Iruee and were m.Blal aflllRtloD aod ; Bay City I Oetenlt. Sanlt Sle. Mari* i " ard» a fine b*nq let wa* wrved at tb*
Meat la paWle .ftBproeomenl and all bbactinv ;m«l'-<(daaaddUrupliopof will be
lei-ted with Dolroll via .St-) 0"“* freelanau by Uaudl-ird B airnm.
other tr,;«bte*Mne laann that bare tb.doatMiiraii....-rm'r - .’tbefamily Ipoacand Mackioaw Ciiy. The Uland It wa* a royal (ea*l aud flf|j-6vc aal
anaea aed are likely to ariae In Caba. for a while. The mrmber. . ' ' - fam. of Mackinac will ele-> be ooacTected down l > the richly ladra tabira.
ImM u !».. ih.
^ ,,,
Porto Rico and the pblllpplaea.
Trvverve City Woodmen folly demSheriff HimpMn was
nnvtratod tbelr cordial er.teruinlnp
.ub-marine eablca. Thla quality of
beiep able to pD to tbe We»tmde Im- btewill alM be naed between SU Ip- qaalitie. and when the vtoitor* drove
medlauly Ue sheriff aani Uudemberiff naoe and Mackinaw City. Kamber 3
>e they catrlei
Mralton who wae j-ilned by, Chief of copper wire will be uwd between all aion of theie Traverae City b
topenu of BiaVi Board «sy As Acl*<>U3e R.unle- When the ilHiwrv v-;
The convet*ation
qulrml to ^aaa oa Aedtcal
Tlie ie'llaTTiBiuber uf the aerie* of
WM'prcpared to
rived the youap a
I northwaatem of tbe
aubdee bim and
Lanelup. 4an. si —lo view of tb. ro- {^ attempt to cn_____________ l_____________________
e«al experience with the Grand Rapids |
One of tb* ImprovemenU
decided op. morrow
eveolop. ,1.tbe *T,k
Tbe rw
Medical college uud the 81. Lnkt'* heu j
sot loaded, and with on which will beaett Trarenm City will bopio at 8 p. m. tbarp aod .top at
pltal atNilM-lbeeiMe board of
u tbe extenaloa of a rnaume
U prepariop a bill prorkdlnp that eo in- when be turned to 00001“
around r—1*,...
Leelanau eoooty c
Tba flaoft caakiap
sUtatioe aball 1j.bc medical eertlfteaiM throws at Chk
lap with Frankfort nod b
Is one of the ebt.t elameuta ia the
•r diploma, la Mlchlpan anleee approv- tb. faec, but without aerioua reoulta. eaienaioe will inclnd* tbe Hue now
md by tbe repeaU of tbe auw medleal Tbeo tb. yoonp maa spraup Uroupb a ronalap tbronpb B‘apbam to Sottoa* ijneen City Eettaqmnt.
oaamiBlap board. If tb. bill provldlnp Moond story window to tb. prMsd, Bay and take In Omeaa. Kortkport.
totkelaUar board akall heMina a law. sprolalap on. of bla anklM In U* drop. Lelaad. Glen Harea aad Empire. ThU
lswbkbk«earried tb. aaab-wltb blu. Improvement was deemed of tbe preai>
TtLAQAAFA TO DAWBOATil. ofiMra. kowew. Boon came np eat Importance te ibla territory byt
with him and in roaUUnp tbe boy drew Proaldent Ollddan aad be eteted to the
Prr^oet to AaiablliT Um at a Ooat
ahallewitb which Mr. Moulim wa* Bacons that It would be eontraeted
of f700,000.
aliphUy wounded In tte band.
as tbe weather wUl perjMtMP
Utlawp, Oat.. 4aa. 11.—Immodlat*.
Tb* offllMad youop- maa waa takoa
Jyoa tbo lalan af tbo premier from M S«aGy M poaaiWe by tUoSoer* aad
Waabtnptoo the oabUet wUl oaoatdar Maroyad to lb* Jail where be wt
tbe advltabllUy *f aaktsp parliament Staoed la the care of Bberiff blmpaon
for aa approprlatlM to build a tala- and Dr. AnderoM aaoMMed lo look Tiro Baadrvd Au Arbor Tniokoru
Made by Michigan Teleprapb line to Dawaoa, N- W. T.. M a. attar bU iajurlM. whldi. forUsataly
Deoasd Advanop.
pboue Compaay for any
federol work. At proMUt tbo pururn-' wore alipkt. Bom after Or. Oeraer
Frauktort. Mlek.. 4an. St.—Two
•Ml Uleprapk eyotem exteoda ta
class of service desired.
buadrod toaokera at tbo Ann Arbor
GuMuelle. le tb* CkrlbM dlatrlet af Or. AadaiMa and It wm deiennlaod
road's warebouM atruek tbh merntop
BriUab Columbia.
tbai tbe aaeatal oondiUon of tbe palisat foraa Inaraa** of wapM from 18 to M
From gaetnelle over tb. old Waato* reqalTMl truatMOit to tba aiylam.
oeataas bMr. Several bnudred oai*
Uoma room to Tbleprnpb crock aad
The yoonp man t* If yaw of ape
At tbe end of sie mooths
tbisr* to Daweou tbe dktaao* la abMt and baa auSarod to a almilar manaar of Boar are Mod w» awaltlf rsmeeaL
or change to say class.of
.I.H0 mllaa. Competaat clrotriaiaa. before. LmI aprtop be waa aent to
» aad BaaquoL
poveramral tbo aaylum, but hla OM. butop a eery
service at will.
t ff?tO,OM to •Ud OM M wBs allowed to po homo.
CharlM SoMbaa and Mary Eabout,
Telephone the mana
atb ef tkta city, were united to marger, Jobe Barry, to cfll
Gus Ruff, wbo baa boaa omployotl by rlapu yeaterday morntop Id fit. Fraaol*
Frod Beriitol for aevnral yean iwUl okarcA by Rae. Pr. Baav. Adame*
and explaifl aew rates
leave for Grand Rapid* this mor«l4p to aad weddtof banqnet was plvpn laat
adopted by the company.
Bm tbe« at lb* BosM Store.
atraapo to«art a aaloae at BoyM 4blU evantnp to tb* ball oa fiooowd street te
■Mpaay with 4o* Meek. Bl* fAsM the Mew^ of tbe yownr aMpta
A buluf Bltod by Fred Brown, one of TtoBnpa'toAd *«fw Aed the party
AstMd la tb* bMt t
J|«w York 4o». n -TkootoA te*d% iuftodojbM Mve.tr OfwaU^ to tko
^ kMoir e< tk. MBkooci- 'IW. forc*
MM UVM akiek utU immUt >
UUBM Hon to iMpMtlM BM
FeatureTil Tiir Coilricts
Sibsciibifs MiTXaneil
lit*, w,.:';
Blair’s Tablets
Hinsdill Tablets
Acme Tablets
Hurd’s Tablets
Reynold’s Tablets
Pencil Tablets
Ink Tablets
“City •Bookstore.'*
I 220 Front St.
Ifs An Exlraordinary Sale
Beesnae of ridicnloosly low prion weVe put on every Jacket
anJ <l!ape in tbe stock—all of this season's manoiactare—To
olodo out by FebroAiy 1st Desirable aud stylish Rarments
for ladies, misaea and children.
See Our East Window For Prices.
PTCIUDCDO'C'''®*'***’'' ‘'■■y
Aod Clothing House.
We Place
f Pingree & Smith,
Selz, Schwab & Co.,
Nettleton and Rindge
f Make of foot- I
f)ff you get your money's
{ wear at.........
Not old stoek~not old styles.
^ 118 Front Street.
The Old Reliable Shoe Maa
aa-te a uerq
\.\ue 0^
'Kcmj &vtvo^vamS“\Oc
'Heia YdaicTas C-VotVvs—\5c.
Z\rA to the tleVi.
TVS Hojqraro hsoobx. tubsdat, javdast m. 16m
TtManaSopa M Bert fcelHar Bra.
fbrtflto'UaC* VIM.. Oa. B. M O. S.
MoMwa BoooM AMD oca rawno:—
T Hash amb X. W. 1
Aa we UMa b«« tor MaaOa la a *»w
dapa wo tbonrbt parhapa par (riaoda
aad aantadM woald Ilka to bear Cm
« baton wa Uara. Wa ara Mjapiar
rood bMltb at pTMi. aseapt a eold,
wbUbtiaaeaw rarp aav *or«i Wa.
Back aoldlar baa ban prondad with a
bM I feat foor. t UM wide aad 1 faot
4aop,withatUlattbatopvlthBU daforoBaUtraek. Wa areals
lowad to til tbaaa boaa* wlU wbaW
aver wa wlab. raoapt wbat mak« ap
“baaap narabtar ardar.”
Oar taoaM ware ablppad lodap. aUo
aU oar oBaan’ rood*;wbleh Fraaar aad
I waradatalUd to haadU. wbUa Wld
Wnm U Wt»« ku4r*4 «r ikriM Lafapatta waa oo hlo trat roard datp.
knandMlUtowof d«U*n «MkfMr,
Wa ba** good omoaf* o*ar Oowpaap
«r«M. »««1» M do>b( >«t tkM«« A aad all Ua bopaipeah *erp birblp of
M MlirTii MB kBSMUf to for•Ifm Ikift tor dolaf e«r import pad m- dUbaa have all baaa
port Mrrrlaf. To giro AmtIom* » waaow on our owa BP dl*bl
f*------- 10 ecMBMie tor Uatckrtrlof. each aoldlar la bit
a dUb *
tmotor Bmu
Tba rerlaaaat baa baaa paid for /aafKfmo h»<« ooUod la lairodadat 14m- aarp aad Pabrurp.Tha soat of Ua bopa
Itaal WU* U oMk bTMoh ot trmgrtm. ha*a laU U a food aapplp of thlar*
vWek It la baliavad wUl Ui paabad for oar trip aerou Ua ••poad " Wa
Ikmcfa at tba praaMt taMioa. Tba trara It wlU taka aboat M dapa W
aiaba tba trip, aad I aappoaa ahara wlU
UUihMMM aaMfaUy
m ^ta. aad. la tba tichi of Uia faet M a taw of aa that wnt waatU aaa
that mora Um t«M«9 mUUoaaofdot- aaltpark.
Ian ara auaaUy paU oat to tbair
Tba 'trd lafaatrp go.ro a faiawall
parabiat abipa, la om torn or as- daaaa. at tk Paul Uat ToaaUp oroaiag.
atbor. br tba roraraMBta of Bafopr- U-ITU. aad w* bad Ua ^aaaaraof
U BMator BaBoa-a bUl auau tba for- maatlar Bilap 8wnr* of Traraiao Oltp.
•Ifaor falrlp oa tba grommi. la ordar
asad *arp alee to moat aa old ao» flva oar abipa a fair ebaaea, tbaa It
Wa fo bp Ua wap of New York, aad
If wa aadeiatood rlckt, Ue MaaaaobaTn aabladaat eat of all
■atUwlUearrp a* from Jaiaap Otp U
IB* Valtad Htataa from tba PblUppiaa* Ua Pbllipptaaa
fla Uadoa. Affalaaldo. tba laaarrrat
HopUrr oor friaada ara aa happp ud
' ^laf.'aaaooaaaa that If bU rapraaeata- Btaoud aa wa. wa in*a poa for a
abort tta»a
Larrarm, Paanaan Scwunmijj.
Three Haaaah BIfla Bapa
tain Affalool^ oad tba Ualtod biaUa
lalaiBltalp bloakad. It aaeata arfdaai
Iba otbar aatroM Of Ua altioH
Oaa of tBUoao Bapla Bioaoer* Takoa
Wbo oaar tboafht that tba
par vltb Bpala would arur briar »• to
Hanaaa Mark, oaa ot Laelaaaa eoao■•ab a paaaT 8em*ibtac mu*t ba doaa,
tp*a ploaoera, died taadap aooe at bla
W tba btf oblat wtU doaona daoMf
boM at Battou ttap. Oaoaaaad
> roan of ara aad had ban U1 for
Tn Caltad but** aaaau baa p*
A* Mil apprapriaUnr PlIS.OUU.cMO for MBO tiB*. ^a Ibofoa a wlU. toar
I aad a boat of frload*
tba Maatraetkia of tba Ktcaan
paaal, tbaa uarklac aarw ara la laf- to Boora bb daaU.
Tba faaaral will be bald thb BOrolaUtl** bUtorp. ThU U oae of Uc
lar at 11 o'eloek frosBa*. Maakaud'e
p«t iBporteat Baaaam wbteb
eb W. It Andaraoa bae ebaifa.
gftt baea praiaatafl to coafTrai
llmldtbaboaaapaaatba Mil aaa
■aUailona to abratata tba Qaj
Oari V. Hoodp of HbbbIi dtp was la
S^wer traaip ba acoompllataad aoi
Hr (oibapraaaat plaa. tba tlallad
tliItT wUl acnirol a watarwap wblab
•til rarolatkMsUa marltlma lataraau IpBborBaa. wmi a r«**t at Ua Wblw
Hr Uka ocBBtrp. wbUa tba loaf aad Ur peaurdap.
B. 8 HaU waa aaUad U Waablarm
^araroai tr>p aroaad tba bora wUl
Hatardapoa bMUen
Atloraap Prod Mapae of ObarU*olB
b la tba eltp. Uoklar attar bb pro*BOOH rOB ETBBTBOOT.
paeta for the BapaMleaa aontai
Bad ara Larplp Btwadad.
Tba rarlral maatlBg at tba PraabpMriaa ohureb laal alrbt wai oae of Ibo
•eat aoBl-tUrrlar of tba aariaa. aad aa
laaptrlar aarmoa waa praacbad bP
W. K- Wrigku Toaicbt tba aarBoo
•lUbabpaat. J.C. Carmaa.
It baa baaa tbonrht bp aona that,
tba MW Prmbpioriaa ebarab woaU
•at ba larra eaoorb to aoooBBO
Itelarr* otuodaae*. but there loaaMt*
tlf oapaoltpof-MiotiltM aad If more
atiMd arr*ar*uob»a ara loade faw aa
•wftow BaaUar aaob alrbt la tba
Tbare will be a aaetlar of tba paalan of tba oitp at * o'eloek tbi* a**ataf. pro*loo* to tba rvr«lar aarrloo-
taaead M. B ebareb wUi aaraa a tea
«Mt oapoar la roraalan- hall, tba pro
aaada to ba davotad to a aaw carpot for
tba abarob.
ItofiMor Oiawa baa alraadp Uaaed
M» ttebat* for tba poaor aua'a laetara
rearaa- Tba ftrat laetara wUl ba r>roa
Wrdaaadap atrht oa tba Ural profaarlm bp B H Pratk The iMWtaa will
M*a pUca la LIbrarp halt
TW* will bo a baalaaM ataa'a prapatbaboare of
flMdl o'eloek. All baMaeaa nn an
At Ue BMB'a BMtUr U tba PmbpiHlas ebmrob itaadap atunwn It aa*
to sak Ue baaUaas oaea to
•kaa l^lr ■torea at aovea o’eloek to a*
tP(i*aUalraaplop*a plnlp of Uae
tPMt^ ua rerival aeaUara at Ua
Ttea arha baea Mt pat aaeared anb
lor tba rT~‘i----------- M -Dr. Jckpll aad
Mr. Bpda- at 8l*Uberr'* Oraod
•ICbl ahoald eaU atUa botn.ttoa nrtp, «r talapbooa 111. for ania
■arep Porkis* raUrard Uat alrbt
tram Oraad Baplda. wbara be ba* bora
' rprarvaralBoaUe.laaralartbaoaadp
■nhlar trada Be b onieapUtUr
gobm Ulo bualam bare.
TbarawUl baa rt«aUr maotla,
Iba laatera 8tar Ub analar M frU
W. C. Bail wnt to Port Haroa pntardap wbara ba wlU attaad Ua Oraad
Lodra. F-. A A. M. Us wnt aa a delarate froB Travam Oitp Utdr*. Na
Mra. W. C. Baldn b etolUar friaada
at Uraad Baplda
Min Mprtle Ooraen baa reUnied
•r borne ta OopaBbb. after *bllUr
WlU U W. OannUrbaa aad foBiIp ot
PifU atraal.
Burtoo V. Peak of Polo. IH:. la elaltlar iB tba eltp.
A- L. Jopee returaad last qlr*t
Oraad Baplda
OeaatorJ. W. Mllllkea went to tMOrraoaot Baad Oaaee Wd Bapper.
La*l alrbt Ue Oreeeeat baad oor
pleUd arraoraBOab for Uatr t*a ent
sapper aad daaclpr partp to
Thaiadap craaUr la Poreatera' baU.
Tba BoUara of tba hops ara takUr
bold aad the tapper will be fallp ae
rood If aot better Uaa tbe oae rina
New Year*.
8«ppar wUl bo Ua
oniB aad a ticket to Ue daan wUl Uelade aappar- Bobart Price. Hiat CapItoU Vadar aad Bam CboBbarlaU will
■appar will be aeread troB 4 o'eloek
U the afteraeoB aaUl attar Ua daaeata
otan to be baarrp-
^ If you bmro uny to mU eomopoBd wltli tho
TntToru City Ltmbor Oo. Wo howo alao
▲ eooo XOTBUVT.
Mba JobaalBr-Daa'lltMab J«bbBrod. O. T erawb^ Xwotara Ooana tot •oal.BknrrUi da*'an d* fUab ob Ua
Toaar Mao Highlp OoBnaadM.
Mowin Bauoa»r-i'daalfa
Maad tba apirit aad MtarprUa a Pro- bank wba' ba an :
laaaor Urawa,' ta arraarloT a ,«.l„ Waaklp. __________
of fraa
M mtmtm
a praetiMI baalaaaa topica. It U a!
'^•.ffariar bumaaitp ahoold be sai
It U Ua rirbt diraeUoo. aad
p lad WlU e*arp bno* pnalbU for ti
r. It b WlU p)i
plraaaro w* pabU*
U wore tbaa a btBlaaaa relUf.
10 oerllft Ui
’alUwlar: “Tki
rba poaar ®ao who U aBt* a ierribla aaffetw froB Vollo
iHiee for o*rr alx b DUa-aadwi
bltloa* to loara all that ralalaa to
d bp *OBe of Ur I
affaira. asp r*amUp be ooaatad
eitp aad aU lo
apoB aa aaplrlar to blrber Ideal* tbaa •«]). q irdrurcbt.
(oare'p qaallfpier bloaolf for a *uc- trie bltun: aad aftkr Ukiar two botoetafal baalaaaa oaraer. Tba aBblUoa tie* 1 wa* eellrelp
eailrrlp eared. I i
*urr In reeoBB<wUeh lB^b Ub uW
vu.u,. !..-.P0B *uS(>riDr Irw l"b^ Urritp at Ub. earrln bla raaladp. 1 aa rraiei-nv *oof*.
WlU It tbe dealre to ealUvato hbbeat M. A. Bomtp- Leslartoa. Kr " Mold
E. Wall aad J. G. Joki md. orug-pow,'era aad talaat* la Ue dlraeUoo o{
wbataear toed* to good Mtiw^p.
WlUlaUboUp. ta ap JadrmaaV we
ba*a a boat of aaeb poaar loro: aad I
aBoara Uat ib«aa loetaraa will ba of
aaeb a prodUeal aatora aod ralaa. that
10 a Aaa tea eaai aappar.BoUiar romala* lo aaaare UelraneMaPLT C. Dotma.
\^eii you are i-ead> 1.
There b probablf ao oUer pUp la
asbuaoe. that baa a doable eharaoUr
Wbare the two parU are eo wldelp dP.
feraBt.a*U-Dr.Jabpllaad Ur. Upde >
The two portrapab—that of Dr Jek.eP,
tbe reatlaaap, kiadtp la every wa. —
aad that of Ur Upde. tbe deaoai a
ibaalac. wbaae aaia daalra b to kUI
aad deauop—are ao ablp carried oat bp
Ur. W. U. UarUraa, that bb work «aa
tralp ba *ald U ba wooderfol. Bahaa
po aaparior ia Ue part be preaeata
The avral of U«*lorp baaebapood
Bound Hemlock Lumber,
Kaple rtoorinB,
Short Kaple Wood.
UdIs For Saii-Siiitiblo For Farms.
. bjewAugfestioe_
<«Diamond J *
or ^Traverse Belle”
Sold bp all dralaia.
Uade bp
10c.a quart
We can save You
Lot of Money
p on Bedroom Suits
and Chaire. We cad furnish your
house ooiD|^lfU. 00 easy payments
House Famisfaim; Store.
New Store. r20 Front Street.
248 Front fitnot
blllbrd louraaBeat lo eaoabt of s j
arrta* of als paaaa ibb weak bp a ctaea I
twalra pbpera. waa bapua la*t aipbt!
la C 8. Oavb' billiard parlor. Tba eontacuata laal alpkt were Alee dtalaberp
aed Bert Krllep. tba latter wlaafap
out bp a close aoora of 100 to M polota.
Ibe klk wlBoer* will plep a •erica of
Uroe pamea aest week.
licbigu AccMcdI issiiditioB.
If they ache—get a bot
tle of Rose's Cora Cure
-- ISc — and take them
out—It don’t make the
foot sorw.
H. S L Co's. BEST lElL
Best in name and quality on the market.
a Ue t»U aa anaouaevd tbrocpb Beadle Bid.
r Saodap.
Manor KaloBU.1*00 tbiak of Ua
:‘,Blanie Your
What tba Paske
X. O. O. T. Dbtr
Tba dbtrict orttadlaatioa of tba Good
Irmplara will eoavaoa Uw afteroooa
at two o'eloek la Oraopa ball.
Obtriet TPdiplar ^v. Gnx []. Har
per of Uraad Kapldl wUI be praeeel
aad eoaler tba deprae. Alt tabordlpau mvBbrra ta pood auadlap a
plUe to.Ue dbtrtet dapfae. A pli
lisa baa baaa amUped for Ue avaalap.
All! O 0. TbabopldatUad. .
Aaoibc* Dcw one for tS»8 U tbe t»p
mare Madpv. » STi* She U hr L'Empwenr. win of Alcyon.
ky Meen
Mil) mat bioerr of all deaeriptioos, inelndiai; two engin i,wt worka, carriAge and aawa. A oom|deto ^9
aaw nill plant for sale.
Tbe loeiaraof Eapeoe V Deba.aadcr
be aaspiraa «f Ue CIpar Uakera'.
A. W. JAHRAUS. Toaislief 6ImL
all other people—Uoaa who ara aot
eUaaod a* theatre roara, each a* alabtrre. aldarlp people, aad Ua nanp
wbo paeallp eppoae Ua Ueatra, alao
po to wluaa* a plap of Ub ordar.
« of Ur. Barttpaa aad
esaable conpaap. at SUlaber*'.
Oraad tbb eraalBg, will ba wlueiacd
bp aa iBBeaae apdleaer. aa iadicatod'
bp tba advaoee eale.
sss5Sa“i-=?':‘t,? :ri-issr“
SranisU. I
I Onyx Tables
and Jardinieres. |
We are having a special sale on Onyx ^
; Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks ^
—some of them going at cost. Nothing beauti- ^
fles a room more than a handsome Onyx Table ^
and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op- 3
portunity to secure one or both at prices un- ^
heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices ^
from $2,60 up.
Sarlisb BBtUs Ebepi
Nerred cwraatlp at Ua 1
mnun' ball taalcbt.
Buning Logs!
Makes tliB food fWM defickws Md w
Tba Haearaa of Grip.
That Bodara aooorre. Ua Grip, pel- bvltotr WlU t»rrt out uj ihctrtiwaii; eMi^
•oo* U* ab with lb taul rerau. M laatfrawwbaim kaw st ibe btiLcW. aTd
Uat no boa* U aafa froa lu ravar**. ■■uw V> tbr Uleklna Aacldast iMnna
bat BulUtad** bare foaad a aara prw Uan *» MU-.V It U> fir «o. !•«■ I.
taeiin aralaet Ub danreroae maladp
U Dr. KUr'* N*k Dueorer*. Wbn IbW r 117 «r« kaw arv«r kvard k e«BpUlai of uopoa leal a eoreaete lo poor boaaa aad S‘.L‘!T?’.y*‘* **
>« *>*w all l«attliBk>*
BBtelw. have ebUb
__ aad
freer. wlU
t. Mia
acre Uroav
nla la the bna ot tba
baad. ratarrbal
Thai apapua*
aad a aubbora eoark poa aap baow poa have Ua
Orlp. aad Uaipoa aaad Dr. Kiajrb New
Dbewp- ItwUI prompUp ear* Ua
^ -• ......................
rd aei?
braara. bUl Ue dl
aad p^
eeattba dreaded after efl.cU
Btladp. Price &0 eb aad li.oo> iKi^p
a. r Sei-rr
back If aot cared. A tflal bottle
Chu« Paiuxac.
at ^dror elora* ^f 8. B- Wait ai
TkltnraiM! UvBl-i
Ut. *«w>t. WuitW In bn.
ooonpM Turltsry.
of tsar Utfa b>M1 Mate. TUa Wiu ONE WAY TO COLLECT SILLS,
raaaautmtawoi r to U« tka Wr ..
• ------pUMha a« I
n, -Mew
B-. B *.
ae« te vary 111 wttb
t aad te Tkara, laotaad of roaac mm. tkar •«Hm tiWnMB of u* B*y CMm mn .
WUltea K»
1 triad tt »:».raair.
B «MiM ta ttolMoj. Ha WM trM m4 iMd.
A Marorlte —aiaa had a proMai*
------------------- ■ AfkaMkaPafod la tka lartetna for | bofa ara aoMldatably karv
«bara»aal of
amloa of tba tak ' -l w^tea kkot a wa kM ^ tatra- Um that aka wm tolar te dte »-«t ^ ^ uae of Qrara ovad *a a aioall
- fivkarfa.
» lutur. 1 tklak. of fl7 or ao. It
teao prarialef for o ainrd aaaaoa Tka' daead lato Uia laftelatara to f^oal tka
ImpcMUOt to aaka hiB pv
ftttwwao tay tka Mtoreraaeat of tkte|bMat7oa BovUak a^anaaa.” aatd a
_________ :■______A-A
It. 00 I aa«a*ad ik«aarrleta of a prouy
te..^lkllltkO^ koatam -rtacU-:^„o«eteI to tk. Aactaa* Ha-^ ataaaadlBtwowoobBwaadaad.
aod alylUb girl. I teat kar around to
a aad oaabla tkair ecMpaV ■
ara -lU tka aaOUdwUoooatraata^AW U wild kUoOca Ha waa ooL She eaXIad
llota to fatal
ther of tka km for kla iinn—
Vary eat booBllea tka paat paar. Tka aiaio ataia Ha waa atlll out. hat. aotklag
tafia to ka kald dariaf tka waak to taw foopla raaliia tka kotkor that Uli pafakaekoarhalfof tkakotko ooaa- dauoiad. ake autde tka tklid and tka
toortk calL Tka toonb iisie Da
Mkaaottoa rtfardlaf tka aoaraa to ba booal7 lawaaaaraaa. aot to
yiiaad *kaa tka bUlaowat of ta
tkaoxfewawblahlabf ao a
b- 2:,“^ “*
U. W U»
ooaaidetabla la rofard to tka Uttar dia baadad beeaaaa e< teek of laMat
*"lMk her*. Hr. Qrara.' told Ikt
f Hodoak, vaatoatto ooBaldaralkML. wkiU tka ax^dltara
apla of yaara
,wUl atake a propoaiUon (o you.
ralof. aa<
kMaetbaaa aafieteaUj klfh U tkia
Ca^AldarBaa BanaH Ktrk. fatw If^ou will
pay flra cents a day on
OOM OMaM faU aod broka kla laf
eooBtj to baooaaa aUralaf. la
of Ua|ar Joka P. KM, Thirty-«^--^li bill 1 will call rneb day aad col
tka klf. Ba «aa aaabla to fat to tka tka aaifhbortof ooBOtUa larfe aataa of
lect that anouai nniit yoa bare paid
a kUlod I
koaia aad aot tataf akia to uka Ub- BMaer kara baas aipoadad. wkiek
in fua'
dny afiMwooei by n brick blewa down
oalf kaard ka Uf oapoaad to a drtWaf eoold hara baao aaad to taaek katior
noo the alaettae
llfbt poww .tatfry U
*■“ *
“<• “>• Irtrl left tka ofTbaaparrow la eaafal U
apparenUy crawfallan. The next
■a ao la
If laacoto that nia karsfal to
day .sbe did aot call at bU olBce. but
crops, aad aa food te kaewn to ham
lake did call at kU bouac. Tka door
anaaa froai tka efforta towards tta axBbrway VarraatU Injary.
was epenad by tha servant.
aftardUd from tka hart aad i
lerainalioB. WkMaUwte fooad lo|
Barsoy Vkrroat. oaiploytd no tM-l “ !• Mr. Oman Ur aakod iha youni
A Oeroaaa Baa had a f aa food wkieb raanlt lo kami rather tkaa rood, It.
ka lataadad to alack with fak arat tkonld ba ropoalod.’'
aprlaf. bat ha wea't do It aow. Moakrata oadarmUad tka da« wblek kata
berv«„ duly reported the call of tb.
tka water of tka pood back frooi tka
iim oaiQ tka olhar daf tka wkaia
booaty Uw. Tke total oMat of boon
oae of |ha wife. The neat day when Ue younc
tktaf fara wajr, aad la a faw Blaataa ty paid oat U that aooaty ^
lofa fall ofl -tka alatfb. carrytaf Par- woman acain calird tka wife hung over
Ibara waa Blfktf litUa pood Ufv
raatwiiklL HIs face waa badly saab- Ue basisiers, taklaf a peep at tbs
Aa old OBO M jrara of Bfa waadorod
At Bay City it k reported oa food ad and be waa aacoMcloaa for ow an »l>«t <« bar own arconnL Tbe yoani
iatotba Hotal BiaholUa Uat Batorda/ aatkority that F- W. Wbaaler U aboat bonr.
I votban asked If Mr. Green was In.
alfbt aod waa lodfad aad fad oror »«b____________________________________ I "’No, ma'am.' answered the aerrani.
daf by Baoafor aona. Hia bom la
'but bli wife U' Tbe wife bad told
Lyiaii %ooar: ka kaa ao pmsaarot
icred tba girl.
koaa aad apaada Ml of kla waodar'Why. bu Mr. Green a wifer
tafaroaad tkaotato. Hit pkyaieal eon'The wife, banglag over tbe banis
dtUoo la
pale an<l
tfa. Oaa feator* of hlai
gasped for air. while the girl, seem
ka la MariBf tka
ingly very mueb confused and distress
tkrao or fear hate
ta on bla bead.
ed at ter discovery, went on down tbe
akU for all araaoaa. Whoa he soara a
At Athena, a atroae eeismlc dlatarbeteps and Into the streei.
It la Im
aoaairy aeko^ keoaa ka will drrota , aaee waa fait Sanday mornliijr aboat
passible to say )ust wba: bappeord at
•neb labor in eiaaring tka rood of #:jo o’clock vbroagbont tbe Pelopoa- Lregfallow NaUoaal MemorUl smecU that bouse that nigbt, wbeUier pokert
etoaea, weeds, eta. eo aa to aSnrd tka 1 aeast (tka aoatkorn part of tbe king- Uon formed for tbe pnrpoae of erect and curling tongs were burled or tbe
akUdreo a good playgreand. -Doraad! dom of Ureeee) eapaelally la the toott- ing a atatae of tbe poet la Wubingloa. funiliure tern from lu (ouadatiens and
tsof tke penlnaaU. bns iMoed an appeal to tbe pnbUe for flung audlr about, or tbe roof raised
skyward; but one thing 1 do koosit—
At ft Iganoa Sttufday tka bay ore- Alltbeb
e ta aecomp'lak tthU
M in tke town of PhUatn.
the next day Green promptly paid Uc
aanud tke appaaraane of a buy iitUa in tbe departmaai of Mewsata. oa the po a
> e-Mwittee <
And tba girl dtann tall at hU
•Uy. It la taiokly dotted with fi*k Ionian eoasi. hare been daawfed aad •U.ooo win be neided ta procure a 117.
oBce for It either. He came around
nkaoUaa, aad tke men artth dug msom tbe inbabltante are now camplofoal aialoe worthy of tbe pewt and tbe alts
. ranked back and fcMtb picking op the lo the aabortaa. Two rilUfea la the The Baallett contribatioo will be wel•ah aad bring tbM nakore. Pareh of Tldnlty of Ptallaire
Urge alsa la tha principal eaten, aad _____ _____ _ r people
Elchrlew. III., an earthquake
are eaagbt with a book aad line. They Ujured. Tke villagra of Eyparlreia | shock was felt Satnrdey et 1 o'elerk
rae ttr«l Ktrvatee.
Elevaiors or lifts, u they are called
■all for If earn par doses, and the Sab- aad Staae were also praetUany 4e- ’ Tbe vibratiou luted for eereral mlanrmoa bare been making from S! to SS Biroyed. thoagh it U aot known u yet' alee. A rearing eoand aeeompaaled in ^gland. are now considered Indis
pensable In high buildings, bet oa Ue
n day aaob tba put
whether there were eay eicUmi there ] tbe ebook.
Buropun cootlneot they are but ael- At Ana Arbw It la reported oa good Mneb damage ta property was done at ( There wu a violent atarm tbroogb- dom fonnd. even in Ue better botela
antkorfy that tbe Sigma Pbl freteratiy Nararino. a suport sis mllu oortk of I out Hoglaad Friday sight, aocotnps This Is the more enrprlslng since the
«M of tba oulaat aad baai of tba Oreek Modon and eosotaereble leu it report-1 nied by aerioni Soods ta Wales. Th- Invention orlglnaied In central Europe.
UUw BoeUUaa. will erect a Qneebapter ed from Calamata. capital of tbe de-1 river Towy. la South Wales, everflow- Tbe earliest meilion of the elevator li
kootaiatke ImmadUta fntore. Tliey partuest of Mcaunta, near tbe heed led. a brid^ jru dutroyed aad many made in a letter of Napoleun I. address
already own a large lot la a good Iocs- of the golf of Kuroa. The ebook wu eatue were drowned. The obaanvl ed to bU wile, tbe An-bdiicbess Maria
(ina. a-d w 11. it ta aa d. mU part of It evidently felt In the dtatrlet of Xante, leorviee wu supeoled a»d ibrccti Louise He write* to her thst. when
aad oaa the money for a new baildUg. capital of the Ionian telaad of Uet i baktal mailt btve not arrived the-e. In SeboenbruDD. tben tbe summer resi
dence of tbe' Austrian emperor, near
bat Uue
Tke ehaptor konaa Is lo eost soma tio.Vienna, he need the -chaise voianta"
property there.' Many slighter akocks
•00. aad will. It areeiad. be o
(tying chair) In that castle, ablrh hsd
Orery nspact Datroll alumni will kelp bare oeearred daring Uw day mad to
PERSONALITIESbeen construi-lad (br Empress Marla
ta the bonding.
Tbereu. to uve her the annoyaDcc ol
' ^y“*“ .*■
Bad Asa people have trm belief in aad vlllagre tire afretd ta return ta
cIlmblDg up tbe long flight or stairs. It
tka Idea that wearing aulpbur U tba U..,
T,. ..U,o„Ui'.-J.-rS,-"”’ ”
consisted of a small square room,
■boea will prereot grip, so tka whole lag all in tbelr power ta furntab tent*
sumptuously furnlsbed with hsnglngi
J<dm Baker, wbn
and auppiiea.
town ta treailing aronnd on
tv-flnt Illinoi* dk«irl in the lower of red silk, and suspended by strung
rope*, with rountamalghu. so tbst It
Wife beaiiaf will pAikably aot ba a
There hu been fresh flgkUar In tke bouB. taoow totolly-biind.*
Senator Hanna while in Washington could be pulled up or let down wiU
popalar paatima lo /Us* ooaoty for Congo ttate. between tbe Beigtaa
great esse in a shaft built for (be pur
awblU. Uoa man who ladalfad U It troope and rebels, the former having frrqnentlv s;wniL* tbe evening at the pose ibout 1760. The great Corsican
resideoceuf VicePretadent Hobart|day
waa flran fl*a yaan U tbaataio prioon.
meatioua that wbrn be first entered tbs
Ing cards.
Pretty aooa Sprinf Lake. U Ottawa while olBw > killed.
-flying chair" be was asked for his
The late Charl-r* D Jamb of Lonis- weight snd tbst of bta two
oooaty. will oome to be considered an
A Terre Hanta lad., apeelal uys: ville wa* for,r tim-tns.v.w
It city
probsbly In order to employ tbe proper
mnlnehy spot Blfbteen penoaa bare rode Sam bu decided w bare red. | and spent 'iiirKt .d bi> own f.irtn
ghtt. since it was dlfllcult
been drowned there In tbe naat
while aad blue mall wagons (or oae in | adding ta tbe city 's |ic:rk systeui.
for tbe operators to slop at the right
IheciUea of tke oouniry. A carrtege j Tbe UtaSenabir Momll of Venuont point ualeitf weights were about even.
At Muslnfon tbe jary In tbe Byrnes aad boggy company Im bu bees , bad u a fav.ante st.cy that «l hit mnA aimllar elevator was built la tba
warder caee reme In at 10 o'clock (Ut- awarded a contrect for t» wqgooe to»“r,’rin«ly asked what rastle of Duke Cbarlat of Lorraine
b, J.l, I. Tb». ..vob. ' 'k-r
it. VOT.«b Ib, about the same time, but tbls oae waa
aiday moralof and rendered a rerdlct b.
for the elUea In Ohio. Indiana.,
of manalaufbter.
The drfeodanu
simpler, ronsisiliig only of a chair on
Leri Z- Is-iter has sent his snn-inpUtfors.
MlekaclJ R.miea. was charted with Mlehigan. Wtaeoaain. Minhaaou. llil-i
nbooUny P. Leslie Parser oe Ike eeensome omciai ininnar ctuaks. raM-b ul
tOf of October Slat last dariof tbe call
'“»l whlrit wirf. it* elsUjreto enibroid.ey.
Mosquitoes, it is to be presumed, ex
of a Hallowe'en par^t hU reeldeaec., ta the spec flaatJons Ua rnSBieg MI ^
ist for some useful service, but what it
There It oertalnly eometbinf wroof' *•
■**’“ body bl^
WuyAwIt: pixrrttoHigistsfind ials.rd SBlisbnry'r
Is known only To entomulogtsts To
ta Miebifea ihU year. Here llts weU “«>
*Mo tbe —*
e msyorliy of people there ta ao inferaleog toward tbe end ol January, nod Ue screen* red. Tbe rear aad will be i,
itiim regarding them ao wricome as
*•— —r grsdually being
yet Uere bu nut been a alagie report solid bias »iU gold leaf Isttarleg ol I'
1 *<«al amlul
that tke push buds hare been kLled. "C. S Mall."
[ i» very largi*
Tke AtkdM Tlaue eays that the re
__ The nial.raal ttrandfalbre of tbe late
r who
ligion perilna of tbe Indian eommnn- abort intervals M ^ Bird Cotaman eoWrl tL-,;r?e E Waring w., J,*a
Ify near there hu a anique way ol fnrnaoe plant at OwnwaU. Pa.. Satnr- j Burgm-. aitkitort .rf the flynt New Yuck abound to know hu« tbelr departure
‘ taming tke angodly noble red
day night Baildings were ahakaa | city pom^xmee and in 17k» owe of the can be expedited,
tberlgkidireettae. They aeod an In- aad many window paoaa broken | ori^nal 18 Mu-hmus of Tatmnanv Hall potash, saya a medical paper, can 'll*
vitaUoa te kirn te be preeeet at n pray Uroagkoat tke town. Tbe twin tar- \ (X>k»el Waring atruogly raseabled kta used agaiDH them with deadly effect
UlBBie parts uf Ue crystal are sufll
er muUag ea eaek a data, aad t( be oaeea wore mack damaged and tke
fieoi for the purpuoe. One particle Is
don't show ap they appolat tke aest lens was keaty Of the many baa1AM of aolaUoB. if distributed in
muUng at kta booee. Tken he ku to dmds of worklngmea, no oaa was aari- aommeiv. lunr lavnorri. or t<a
will reodor Ue development
face tte mnaie or lay eat la Ike eeld »os hart. alUoagh a aembar •■Hand
Btbri. Briva and Arebrlle Hoch.
-hetrethr. of larvae Inpoaslbis. wblle a hudful
forest tin a very tete hour. They gen sligkt -injirica Tbe eg^ooieoa were funr siiOerw
^rw Year's day.
of permanganate will oxidise a tenby U* moltee metal aaiiog ita j ^
erally gel kla.
arc all farotm and tha acre swamp, kill Its embryo insect*,
way eat of - suck and e«tartagua;i;;5;;;6„”;i‘
At Mackinaw Oty m
and' keep It free from organic mauer
tke Mb ta tke aUklta ehtfUng akont. aadar pH. wkere it came ta eootact; That*«
Tbe pea withwhu-h«.wwith Wkitb Uurereor Hnoae- for thirty days at a eoet of iS cents.
of New Y.rfk rigaed the oath of Tbe tame authority Informs qs that
tbe trapsler siuuter Bto. Marie dta net Hh water.
AtSL Petaretairg. Ueamal Mlckaal I o»ce was kept l>y Ur govwtior himself only two snd s half bouri arc required
vuatare across hatorday nigot with Ue
BoakiS tha dtaitagwiabed
dtaitantabed Bamtan ' 1» was Ur one w-hu-b Oeoeral Pahnee (or a moaqolto to develop frem iu first
DaluU. SouibhhoreAAUaaUe
gar trotn.
who ujnstructad Ue Tiaua- hod tuwd dnriP-r the riril war Tbe Bi- ■tage, a speck reseuMlng cholera bac
bla OB triticlr tbe oath we« takes was teria. to ita active and venoBoas ma
Snpt. W. H. FitUogh of Bay City-a OnapI.tea railway, ta dtad.
rreorated to Mr* Raoarvplt
etaetrle light ayuem. bad a aarrow asAt Totade. Okie, Mrs- & J. MoCalCcJoael r W BUiw. Ur weU kaon-a
capa from electrocution lata Friday loogb, wtia of a weU kaewn man of J BurU ILimoari uilliobaire. wbo owns
algki. Be wu working at Ue awltak- Uat city. commHlod aaieUa aad at-1 half tbe town of Uacua and a fancy
To remember a f*ce. as a peraon It
board wkeit. in some manner, ba form
kUl her family of Uree. farm near by. cm wbh-fc •luO.OOO i* to called, the rule ta not dlScult to fol
od a elreail wiU kta kaada. reoalvlig ektldrea. Tba wemaa was aadeabtad-; be eijs-advd tba eomiag season, was low. Pick out toinv feature or ptonthe faU force of Ua dynamo. Tba ly Inaaaa Foar of tka eklidrea were
to tbr- W the other day afta larity by which you cun diatingutab
■heok ksoeked Mr ntUngb frem Ue taSM vloIaaUy Ul. kaelag eatre dis- haring tmmad a must ereditablamsami- that face or pereoo frem all other fa< es
or parsons and aatodau Ue name wiU
ehalr oo which be wu standlag. aad aaaed meat. Ooa child died ttetnrday
No two
ruiiivd kla nneonaeiou (or IS mia- afieraeoa. aad Ua meUer attempted i Sematar Otaadlrr aad Iveoatar TUI- Uat feature or pecallartty.
eouctvnacre* or figure* are alike, and
atea. Bta bands vrare palnfally bnmad
it ta br noting bow Uey diSar owe
at Ua petal of costact wUh Ue twitch- wore la a eriUeal eaoaitloa. a dose of, ft„u*d at Ue --a. ».hu ^
frem OBoUer that yoa will romamlMr
keafd. knt oUerwtae ka vru natajor- earbelie aetd. Ska was prereatad by ^
paeptata Ua henaa bat ata^alippod
Joka Aadwacm, aa Alpaaa tarmar. aw«y aad ww fessd tetar
r tai
taila dying <
vkOe •rOTk.iaahtekerau eanr two
9eTV6Ta\'Kt\»s S\cms
SVeaxtedL “BTom SxiergaiWe |
Tbe year of’99 trill figow ai tbe beginamg of • D** «■ in
oor eynen of oseR;lMiiduiBt;~-a syatepi to be veknoed by tbe
Ewy JuDuy ABd J„l, , .Je wai be
op io iu loU oopAA-aot o loot- -oiA,k.oo|- or • window dwpl.J ol A hAinUpIl of TOxi. wbik high prin. p™„U op tbriv.
“ AA* copopm, wLk-l, ta brim pnKikod by p»py.
• Wo bepio tbta dARuiry with
Of Overcoats and Ulsters,
Capes and Jackets, Furs,
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
In itg entirvlr, earpatting io actoal bargain giving any sale
eve r atteniptwl in tor Unud Traverae region.
A genetal mark
down ff8m tbe cbea|>ret to the higher gradea of winter gooda
No two prirewor blind 6gurea.bat we baee marked in plain
hguBM gveiy item to actual cost and many below ouat of prodm-tinn. direct from the factory tb coneuiger, as we never add
a middle^BD profit to uor cuaL SboakJ too afaeUio from thia
great upportunily lo buy gemds'yet eeaeonable cheaper than tbe
average uierebaut?
Should yon in tbe leant degree doobt our
All we aak Is pereonsl inspection, which will auun
convince you of l arfbc-iieft inlei tion^Money refunded or merchsndine e»hsngBd wttii*
n s leastnable.time.
Front StPiwt.
Over ifHi 8 *» and better bonreare
uwtMd in San FratH-iso*
Searly l.-MW men are'al work ca W
Clark'i, ut-w trurting txnck in New
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
> fire*.
Uvtf r.V) borree are nowqnartered nt
the Jewett cuvvrvd track. wiU mure
y< t ta IMUIr.
loppli',1 bnrwa hara bom barred
fnuu the vpeedway <m Bloc Hill areSe. Boetoa
The Atueriran turf vOH|.TreB has de
rided tli.vt Nannie L's Sister is Dot ■
|iro)«v uiinie ft>r a mare
Tb,' lu-w -uiKliod pAvfunnre Lob
S]>raku<-. SiLM'*. i» emt of Molly
H|>ra;rei-. tbe dutn of S L. 8 ;18.\
Thu Brlp,-bt\rip«I Driving associatioo.
K’sHbinglon. isni.ws nteuiber of the
Ngtionul TrotiW »o*c«.latjoa '
Tb>- fskt lucinhf filly paUiine, sistre
Mi«* Hit;,, t! :t;l- . by J J Aodiibon.
wa> uoce naiDfd atlcr ttiwy Fitzgerald.
The baud
•nog danghter ct
(^araet WilkHaend tSojiraDo. which had
taxn chrUtcUi-u t'l-ntralli,. has bad Imr
• -•tue ctatuei-d to Ilaw Silk.
ont<if iHA-«-a Mi'rts last srestm Uei
pacer no3D<iw(K>i. S
wim uz *
flrxta Tlie m-u id Br>-twood will he ^
cani]iaiire<*l iu the
Ibis year
lj*«ve Sami.lepA. who is wintering —, .
most intarreliiig play, veer pre
sented In this or any aUer eoonti^
Dr. Jetfll aid Mr. Hfde.
A thrillieg scnaalloo from beginBing ta oaa—a pley oncewHeMaed to be remimbered forevor.
The cauiarnt actor.
W.H. Hanigaa
wbree. *^0.(4. at n-vi-tand. taye she
ta as good ua rh-' i-i-i-r was and that abe
will be BCTm iu the X 10 ctaaiwa next eeo-
Be* BO kupritor iu tke pnrtreyal
of tbis great pan. Hit IranedormaUontare wrird. atorUI^ and
Seiisattooal Drsma
wm be teen at U« Open homm
i Seflalfli’s Wife
msde over three tboasiitd cafit la
was utTcriy exhAusted in the spring
and kept her bed almost aU aunuaer
Tuesday. Jan.24r
PriOM: B6, 36, 60c.
Seats ttow oa sale at box rSea.
'vxxoasw xas.
Hsd she svstetnsticsUy taken
night and mnfatag every day, abe
would hare been strengthened, sustained and oocirisbed, so (hat at
the end of the seamm, taslead of
betag vtaallr d^letM aad ready w
dte. abe weald dooktteaa bare keen
p^ae^ 'UMi*s^v5m
poreSMavetwHeiwmaklwmuaeHM sow-
Banjo Instruction.
•B. CtuaberUn, Box 167.
MoSjnSO a»OOWT,Tt?»8PAT. JAJnJAitT >4. H».
Wtat «af* Ok metMr te ukid.
■ »v Cm k atrapta.
^5«it requires patience.
bres IfiTMtod br * »McbiBU
a*m*6 Dtoft. ud' k hM tft tabTe pro«BMd veadnfBl rebiili*.
U k putkokrir TbJwbk Ib tnattag nropta OC «bon kght. a dlMwe
for vbkb M Mcdy had bees fouad
hitbem. <x««ct tbr wrartng of gU*M.
Tb* ta«nw»rnt roakou prlDcipaUj «(
cu be to^^Tbrt-
-tU ntm May H.« B«n Wtd.»i ,
*^*7cw-tbat tb pUtbd* hu
DxMtofn -
AM Itwae
^ ^ a brottl eriM And! beaidaa that.
babaBnQBcac7.->dla(lata Ufa..
Bbo-Weto yoo woaadod atSaattagar
Ba—No. 1 waa woandad at Waabtar
*'tta—Why. bow ceaM that bo?
Bo-I waa woaaded la my raalty.
Toa aob 1 tmilod to gat tbo luomotti I
expectad.-Chicago >
point where the a
-— ■•
retef*D thkf-Uker.
distant day.
Tbe c
.CebUTlUe «Ik.) SetJoMi BMfc. who
^Si fobbeu of ■ Michel cooulol^
fciniii to tbe ealoe of >IU.<Ui. «blle
Mother grip was aubaUtnted ta lu
Gores ViMHediGine
nTk aaataoiMO ixtracMaBT.
id*wltab'lN»eli^ liarllugtun. preahleui ng* k rrqnired. Tbia k a matter to
-of tbi- Wet t'ta-t.T •I’a.) liank. wa* be determined by tbe ocallat. Tbe
rebb<-<l ofia aat.bel eonialnlng AVi.ieiO preaaure can be calcukicd to a i
J hiB way borne
la raah. *lle »a«
i-aied to tbe rail
- pallent
Mllent never auffera any
from 1*blta.M|.lita
I feet on an old ... tbe end of a few mtautae, eight or
>e old
lU ordinarily, be feela a allgbt fatigue.
Tbe ^—......-------------------maaaagliig la '
Thla taatnuneot k above all applliotrfyoafe. Hut b.'dM not know
waa ta aiore for him. In Ibe tMt In able to myopia, whieb la tbe moat
n In
ta black,
btack. senetal
il of
front V'Sm aat a woman
e aU affectloua of ibe eye.
tbe eye la dc*forme«l In
Sy the way. It k marly alwaya a worn- in thia dl
' tliat tbe nya
an In blark who k <v>n<vTOed ta tbeae surb a manner
having i««.d
swindling affalra Hut to continue.
from ohjecia
. rj
and tbe TryataUm“The lady, for abe had all the ap- tbrougb'lbr^corma
through Ibe «
- nil their Image too far lu front
retina and do not taBm-m* tbe
deniiy ainrraaeu
to prodi
i- wIikIow ofdlc--------------------dear taiprvaalun.
Tbe iiiaaaagtag
Ha,Oard« X. H A t E- X- Txk-
dlaai^HHUtcd ta vh-w of tbe terms laid
Utk. ______
u In said—hirh
fs-.ta lima :
i Patoeager eraitis leave Traveree Glty
“ ■Wbi-rraa. I. IP nJainlb tirlffln. taiv H 35 a m and i:40 p. m. Paseenger
lag thorotigb dlagtw for m.mey ron t■aiTl■a^^♦eat Travereeaty U:00 aaldi-ratiuua ta niairimonkl projecu
snd d:3S p. m. Making connertione
and enu-rtnlnlng a blgb na|e-*i
| Sbermao ia Mill twice each week day
matrimonial afferllon and "-I' llT-1 ** aad from ' Honor on tbe Platte River
wi!! and tentaim-nt
b-joal freight traloa leave at «:00 a.
m each week day and on Tueaday and
Fridavwill run to Cedar City on the
(lien Arbor Brnneh.
AU gooda ta be
•hipped tnuH be deliver^ not later
.cr.,k,zr- syzr;
Smman wa« n«l auvi-rted until long In Akimter wbik
, afP-rwatU, for latrtor Itarilngi.m m-ver enough «“
j“’" * » *
bacio Jitri.' and -Jtlappy wnilanis.aince
|H-u!l.nle I have
-rA'"" '-’' S 'V
cntly tin
s- I d:» 1-r
uiy tvrlilnt which I
vhv diK-iare n> be a ci«Hi-ll to
I «ill-l do
clan-that niy wm l» that the j>uiu of|
ImmlPed Ili»..i«4li<t be timi.T the.
prwvlslotis klaii-d divided nnioug
etc., prvvulisl .•mh shall.
aiandliig ihc temptat 0 1 ^vc n-l ID'
her wav. r.-oinln true to li.-r luiUri— wtch the gen'
a to
man she ti.-« lovingly proft
I'nmt aU apiiearamve It Is evldi-ul tliat
ll*r.v 1bate ixlsted from i
Ibr eliol.v of her beurt.
familiar wllh tlie
■ w.-lPi are feini'l,
travel alone. In ••arly
itmsouiuou for |MH>|ile
»- hol'-s. niid whlk
,|„ — 1... 11,0 tnrt
I..." niitl her.- i.ir
the auperlulend |l,
(SI rta.iv. .1 l» th, -Id of some t-lialri
. and other iiaraplHniihilla. bow Ihsiitf to
some wi-n- TtHsivt-red After
Itarilngtnn wsa nmde the
delllll. Ihc. llvi-s of olhera ».-n- uilr-
iaiel»-l wlthgrf.iao.
‘Ylm- of lla-
ai-iihvual.v saved.
«bev aalehelT^H-nr that differ, d In
../sltllw on a sU^lf r-K-k
some rvUKsl* fri-m the .me als.ve.
,M,iufaI welt sluy fi-el l/li.w tbe
The sp.itie<l vlitliii was despull.-d of
„r ,pe .-arih. Th.-fv was no
the will, and ilie walls Iw'* ®L*7" lug is-n- wHrutar and of aoUd ns-k.
A eoiifeilerate
“ *?"' 11..- animal luid no means of «M-a!.e
itside. anil cunningly
aiolen ,-t,t„„,t ,.,mBtii-c. By the use nf
- . ibe
•' stalrn
o him. wt
trallBP was passed' to
while lUe
was r.-ll.-v.sl from
vnauspev-ttiig trav.-l.T did not dlseover
kkloaa until some time aftarward.
aliiiailon ta a atarrlng ctaigmon.
•I Werklag r-s»la
In the winter aenann e
who go «o
10 that |mrt
In India all .-nlllngn t
laik.T. aird
baker's son becomes
uV that bis SOB afler him. and ao onB frt
SSmei*. Weamsblp'doeto-............
- —— 'io’^'ViYlom
to gem-i
“tai,“ay";iThe censn..
M tbe weetwani voyage I
m^bv^Bom of b..wever. reveals some more atartltag
wan rompelled w uae
mao; ganona oi vMiitms than that ^
of tbe maker
makvi of
«.._urd voyage
______ __
tgianu from Plurt^
States an* beat*-^
.. and «.ve ta a faf.ik^
■ arMkd ?l«Tuiv Dol^
two or three jeArt - ' -*
. ra-w «. iwrk to lb.dr b«»f»^
e of A haihroom.
When they to
- they
carry ••“•rr-u
tbelrbea handkerchief or
longings ib-d
tamm.d tale a hag. wnen iney y.
Baal they bare a g.s«l trunk, and aom»ttaMSAcviraloi them.
Te People of Alklklmd enwclally
'bo beg with thf-ai
I -Unttereis !
John R. Santo,
Gtieitl lasiriiM.
leana kidney troa blea, b
arrb. dkafnees. in
;b*a, ua.—------------------------ (act e
_ilment too nnaterouk M mention, men
and women auffer from can be cored In
a ahurt time and permanently by Prof.
llrLemar. np-atairf 3i:. S t'nlonatreel
Traveree City.
Here a«^hile after 11
weeks In kanktae- Cases can be treated bv writing; send letter with parlienlars-Bntirely new method of diagnosing
yonr ease, cvrreclly abowing weaknrasea. location and duration of dkeaae
Erery perwm I t-^atcan have private
insU-BcUoDa frea. how to be their O'
doctor, and keep themselvea and fa
•n &:<i
p A. Mm-ni
sr.S-IA'Bb* CAKDS.
sx.™r" •,'s
nmti of her
nii.l d.-cUiv ibiJi
auall ta iM-r ..
ibl. <
r£SEB f BBB aaiB
■ ,Trm,x,..ifn!iiTi¥rr
• health fre- few cents per
- •
itb your doctor,
not rail aad get
my circular and fre«r advine. I hai
little tiffin for talka wltb^cnri^dty
Everybody call,
ea dally,
_ dkraaea
_ _
of mr n and women
eonfldentiaUy vacated.
treated. permaaeoUy
cnred.and wasted orgaoamade stronger
than ever in a abort time, every one
can treat tbemeelvee peivntaly. Have
reliable rvfereneu and standing
pent bu»ioe«
taBp-na. 8an,..jChicago ...
OBoe hoars. P a.
|„.r.-Py ord-r Bos-rBWv._________________________ | sih street. Detroit.
t^aCrlp^ eared in t or three treat-‘■j
the said sum or-uma
«l .hiisH
,r shan-s dnll
o/brst <
.*r«d h.pp,T dorir.
fanv idade we1
.. _ shall U- given
eqtml sltan-s.'
The buitdn^ tbo iiMl diUars then
falls to
ta Mrs. Austin, who. I Is-ll.-vo
e only one amoug the wltliln
couta.- wldih
tuouey lM?<|U.-Blh.-d.
West AlicliigaD.
T*hia ad appeet* evary other day.
tl«.r.~m. The r. st-of the fortune w
divld.sl• amung
- _ ^;«bo
that Mrw. Morlry. a «
n ootma, *Mort.e7 smi r<,u.^!tsmsln of bis. got a goo.1 sl.sr^ M U» .. u*. oaie-s. city Oper. nossr Wk
istn PsyXhk Mlta.
Mine. Oel.*inar A tmlhfol and reliable medium, la now ta your city.
Thia lady has many taallmoniak from
eliksall aroand yoo of boataeaaaud
nil kiada of Important mattara and ocearreneea peculiar ta Uvea of people
ihM 1 waa true to you. d.-ar."
which has been done aneeeaafnliy
ibrongb her advice. She gtvea past
Ah English war .
___ _
. --—~ I and more aocroatalT and adriee on
Cuban iirlwta sent for a talkir to in
I. ‘a i?S£Kk“'
ti^^t All AflAliu ta life both private And buMhim a suit of cloibea. bol on the
rival of the man of tbe a^ra tl^ taiiTJ tSU-m-TX_________________ n^taat loaaea. eta. You
!dtaa few daya. however, the taltor t atkaarwt
anin appeared on the scene wita tbe
, a‘YJ!,'SK:ary^‘~~»'r
ddhowp-ra At funeralsrfuneials," whlh- a
2 Vwh-r.
_ ,,
__ JIT
aa <lJt77 i*o
imldlcly announce tbat
. ..
dUnricta one floda. besldee
the ordinary profeartona ll.«0 tarn.
tom pUyeru. forty-live
makeru of
for IdoU.
IdoU. W
—moat curious
Utateva of lioraea
It^ being worn ta London now with _
much pride.
___ __
---------Ef. cw
ptrearnrj to step to be tiuaported W sale. BwivbaHali.'f
e rail la 2b Itirbes. and tbe gauge U
made of ateeL and teeifd ta 800 pounds ^
The dkmeler of tbe drivtag
.. .
^hi of -w.
tbtmie engine ta about «0 pounds and
n» on a rail ihrM-qoartera o' tart.wiuarv. It windrow I#CMB.
wnatals'ag two pofuona.
Itew Methods
■ iss'ss:-:
pfopV of Kunnw and those of Amerl
by conti
o. f. OABVKR. AgMt
ekl party Jan.
hSi^‘taai°nr?(>e wlU be uopk-eaatitly
tSallanlly 1h> got up rmm
I form. The preaaur...........
rsUM? n-leaxd hU f<K>tb<a,
grip, while ptarin
at«i. The arbi-ni<'
womao tairv''dowD effect of n'fraction.
■wYndow wbile api*an-nily
neridBU aiOaral WelU.
In Its Taking, and Uius
Tbe naiuial welta In the
minute or
t for the work of pan of Alarbua connty a^
.-ii-t.ff t« lour t-rm* In
Uan. Th- w oman, epi-ai(urgolli'ii. wae nlwi sect -'
and not to l>e u|H,m-d until now waa at- j
tacbed. That <v>dh-ll K la now my,
■ waa too n
Ewer Burned OntT
Grud Bipids & liiUmi R. K
ii?nr;:k^eiir“;i;rri:gr:nd srtb^'____ ____
og away,
a a Wrlaklod
- mnaed Mka WalkJoagi’
[t'beraalf In tba minor aa eba
^ledtbeflnt coat of pettyr to tbe
Zeama In bee ebaaka "tnia la■ iwbat
Bicycle Riders.
joUowed blm from j.ta.e to pkee.
out and week in. lie became acMUiUm-j
rA with tbe baUte of hk Inieoded ■
am. wben tbe opporttine_ mo- j
tueni arrtred ta tbe
bad to do wa« to pUie hU rtnpir ^Ip
orbiwe tbe aairbel runtalutag tbe raluatdea bad been before.
"*o moeb for Uiai eaae. I.el ine tall j
ron ata.ul another, niueb rfererer with
the earepiluo lha* the awlndlere were |
appn lMHKled
d etui tbv wl
... -
dred tbuuiwnd In alx montba.
erideiioe of an loHct to daecira.
Oaai.ould coDilDoe In posMOalon of tbe
troll Trlbona
BMktaaa Arataa Salra.
aa loux aa abe
ried: and
Bud In tbe
tl event of tbe marriage Tm Biot BaXTX ta tbe wo 1 (or
of one. ber abare aboidd be aqtuUly dl- Ab«a Cl BiMi Sorea. Clean
Any of the Bannab Blfleaor Company
rld«! among tbe reot.
«m. Toeof Stwoa, Tattar,
Tattar. libaKi^
M boya wh“ wkb to make appltaattan
The aeven widowa walked oul of tbe
_ ___ Ida. ChllbUtaa.
Coma, and aU^^
for extra pey or penaiona will be anpf*? Broptioaa. and poalU»ol» ooraa Waa
piled with blanka (or that porpoae or DO parroqairwJ. U la
ivived j>»-r»-nii>tory onlera to
Pa to glee parfact aatktacttan or uemag
alleiillona Tbe eeventh. a .good look- Curded. Prtoa Weaniaparbaa Fur
the oontrary. bnl come and aee ter
aod „iebr J. O-Johnaoaaad 8. ■ Wall.
tag young maj with brightl ey.*
boueat coonienance. eaUed <» Mra
^“"gwantoc all my work to be
DoiwUaa with what wault we hare
and If It doea not prove ao I make tt
Tbe k* other widowa watabed bar! >o-a»Ura-ball tonight.
'‘sM ta Ull • o'elodi every evantag
Th^ i^iT'wllib^^ wMld.'*fJ ber Oampuy X ■MOtlxli. 65 eesU.
abare would then lall to them. Tbe. There are a lew of tbe *kat week bol one before tbe alx
mootba bad paaaed. Ueuben Aoatta
_________ _
waa boay ta the ahop wblatling at bk
tor esoaata each.
like to
Made plain and common
work, to tag 10 be merry, though bo
_ .•iret,
Firet, 1 take tbe
the germa
germ of dkeaae
had k>»t twenty pounda alnue be loat
from all paru of tbe ayataca at one
tala lure.
and eating up tbe vitality of
ebartih will give tan cent anpper ta pain and
Ue toraed and aaw Mra Dooglaaa
ForMtan' hall Wodoemlay evening, tbonaandi
atattdlug ta tbe doorway.
Jan. ». Benett of tbe ebnreh.
-Iteuben. 1 abad not take
Tvaverea Ctty. M»A
make rood the clrealatlon. W* have
then put all iSte eystam Into a cleansed
tapper mASuu*.
and ta some-----Creeeent Band w.H hay anoUter
asitable medi----- —
elal party Jan. :
help to enrleb the blood, and tone any
married and
ako a Ane i«n e<
weak organa t)ui
In a day or two. acvonling to DollOca. UoB. the heira would bear from tbe
I [Bltll liflBMBS BB
else used (ailed.
I eiceutor.
Oft TOV Bktll
Hv way of treatment all eee at once
Mra. AuetlD. Ute Mra Doogkaa. was
city Beataaiant. T. C. u U the only real method to take out
1 auimiioiMd with ibc rval. They fuuml, cgniog u tbe proprietor.
gemw of dtaeaee Brat: then apply, re•
letly the name company preaent as ^
au>ratlvca if needed and not dren^r^ ilie fontn r rvadliig.
ayttem with medicine.
eA codIrii to the will read alx months
I earc not what yon- aUmefflTare. or
aaid tbe em-viilor. "then aeahd
.Creeeent Band will bye
bow loog aunding. If possible at all
I. 21) ta Foreaiera’
ZSoaiJ. What «krer dcTlcee the profMinrr* awlndU-r vIH reoort to ta,
.;tfiCer to faaien on bl« Intended pref. ‘
.Abd »el. while tlw olotrartlng of ope ■
-«rtp and the aulartliuUng of anoint,
Sar aeeiD a difthtili lualtcr at Bnt
ntanco. neTenbeleaa «'ben r»> eetnrnite iliai tbe iWef ma^ hare wai«-bed
retaly attempted
It to iMf. f"
---------' tbe bnttoB.
I- ] The
of tbe <H
n tatadanr.
tooebM a bottoo whhb eontrok U>e ___
I two tube*. He CM keep exact atMW., count of tbe pnwosre excc^M bj .
1 any wwshtoety. bat U
br ite owMCb and tbal'a
«»£&•:■= “3
' *^lw?oDnSe cooU bftoer
Two bnndnd tbeiMtad doltav
• - to ve M CM
" sHij
H. U
-Beohwi—Bh* her
«B* -w«nr
Ont of the Oeverest Tricks
Known to the Professtonal
.ZTL .
tbe cbristMlng
>wn Prince;
priDCej Ra
Robaa been Icit ta the
cm*. EUxabeth. log------,rek. by ber gran^tb^
Met areakNy.
all BtricUy eonfldenUal. Tboac llvtag
out of tbe city, aead stamped eavelc^ea
lor tarma, loadlngi can be glroa with
lock of hair aad Ume of Urth. The
moat primtaent people ooaianll her in
all rilka OB bualneoa. eta. Ba^ for a
abort tima. All lovltad to call aad gat
eirenlan. Cotaca here from Manktae
where abe baa been for the paat ekva
weehaand where abe mat with woodartnl anooem. Boar* 9 a. aa. toB
p.m. OaU ovar «t« Soath Union Bknat.
All atka abe vkiu k bar reliable re
liable referwoe. Uattafaetkja o
eyrefnnded. Sanday'a 10 a. ».
a. Dnri^ the peats weeks them
baa bees 1b Traveraa CStysbe baa done
an oxtanaSva baainena. and wtU remain
becoanlQJas. St
Tbk ad
2^i£^h«ttan with Ibe nerve 1
Sm*. spplrteRrwy.ikabae.
mk taUMKSSM.
y XUOB.amsi.TrertrMOtt
" ““’"■“-SS.’rsSiSTiU,
unsiiE UD nuraEisnii t l
•Ila iS "SsT
3|;g ~ass:“
ill -m
•si^i -^r
«Ki« *4<r
;;s is
a » am
WWWMAJi. Agsau „ .
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.