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The Morning Record, March 29, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
8 Mad T«v—Ho 192.
•MtoU tkk tbMTj E* iloolyd Mr.^
M«7M mU ebMfM hl« wlU htimt
f»U* to bl* maw M ftpvam bf kla MaUm7. Tba taatioi'w; pt
Idtfht UPOB tb* OhftrtoTCdx wttOMaM (MttoC.wbleh wm aaaittpd ▲mMlMUibOrbdiuaiy Closing
Vf tba
Um( Ibax nat*In on Mbloloo.
Bond DmO.
mmf iftrt unim*.
It b OlM » <M( ttet iBWdiOUlr nabata Saratoc Tbalr ^IJagaa WblU
tUa taattmoy
Kttob TMtlmoaj Porpoaoly kftar Bot«
to matwat-Oaaaaal Otto '^laa of
Majoa oraaaatad tba aaatlar to tba
Bnaarr aa4 OMuar* of ^ boldkara *
tbaMtotac .<•«
>-A«atoalOo rraoartoc"^to Kaka
aad paaiary aad a warraat waa toaaad
Sto UM itoad Witb Popyarata
OatoU WW* tba MmtX* VbUa4 to
aad ^aaad to tba baade of tba abariff
Mot to Ito A«to* M r»« W. far tba arraat of told Batoa. Batwaaa
dwkaato aad dawa baton tba abartt' ^aw York. Mareb to. -Tba Joarmal’e
VhOMMaov to VM4 A«ototo aoald eatek btw Balaa dad bayaad tba | UMlla oomapaadaat nporu that Mae
Kara, to • rM^tlra toon JMttoat bordaraad tba atata aad baa aootia-1^rtbar^dlrtolaa. afiar a raat to tbe
aooaly rotoalaad away. He to deetorad Merilao. bara« tba ad.
We offer
a /upUtoe froM yu«t4M o« tbto otry!
toward MaMoa at 6:S0 thte
Tba dtolortod aoBoaat to faatarday'a
ebonelodovaadtMlbetothawoawbma Borator- Tbp laatadlata objeetira
HD excellent quality
■Ktoaf tba <toarlaaoto boad daalto tbe UtmiKftu* bore fobn to tbeto bnrwto
towa of Boeano. dre
whtob Frad W.
Md ore boldtap up o« the daorart/iWJ bUm aortb of Marilaa Filiplao prlaof
aaUa farr otmo
oemo lifbt
licbt apoa a ipbjaat eiflbafroaadtduM- aad oa wboaa ataVjMara bare tofomad tbe A<
wbtoh hat baaa» adopt
adoptod bj tba Dom- •aala they ban Ualr last effort to that Ayutoaldo will atake a tost yraad
TaffeU Marie
aratolar tba parp»a
o( prajadietoc Ua
ataad at Msloloa. ^ It defeated then be
a affalaat Mr- Majaa.
at less
will ^utt bb resbtabpe.
FAHBirsLZ. rAMvr
U ordar to aaoara tha aztaaaioa of
A Berald Maatls dLipateb eays that
than half value.
a W. M. ■ailway to (toarlaaoto.
Ue yuaboat Layuaat <de Bay attacked
•toaa to Boaor of Hlaa
tba rllUca of Cbartaroli Iwaad booda
. r'Bulacaa.
• to tba aatoaat of tW.ooo. Tbaaa boada
Aaierloana were waondad.
A vary pleasant fanwell aarprlaa
wara otaaaiM^ to ratoa noaay tor tba
The toeuryeata attacked the Asrrlballdlar of a bridca aoroaa Ptoa RIaari party me ylvao last aveatoy at tba eaaa laatercalay at MsrMbr bot wen
toraality, laUroadakl booda Tbay boae of Mtto Aaloa Reyaoldt
tcpulaed witb Sevan lost. Utr lou
waradrliaaaodtoMr. Baald. lataraat Blyhtb atraat to boaor of bar coasto.
at flve killed and fobrtaan wonadal
waa paid apoa tbaaa boada for aotoa MlaeClarib-ll Mootall who baa baaa
Later, (larela, a aat ve yeoaral. cane
tlsa iBiatsoaaO. D. Wood eoat- vlaltloy 1a Ua city aoma Use aad b down from Dtyupto by train with
Moaoad proaaadtora by tajaaetloa to
I to ntora to bar boaaa. OaMO of 1,000 rltleam and t.oou boloiaea aad
raatralD tba payataat of tba totaraat oa various kinds afforded laueb aoinsa- took a>3tlU0B at Marllao. Tbe Hver
tba boada. Aftar tbto data ao lataraat
it for tba yuaala aad that of aakAmerleaai aad loiay a aawapapar waa aapaclally aloe. aaryaaU. Tbe Bontb Uakou volunteers
*'uto»l'Mr. BaalddaalradtoaeU Ua Datleloua nfraabmaoU wan aarvad and Third artillery were tbrowo for
boada aad tba aa»a ware plaaad oo tba
ward The Dakotans ebaryad brilli
narkat. Tba fact that tbara waa paat
antly aercaa tba opaa apsM coat of the
daa totaraat aud that liUffatton to om j •ymeat of all.
railway to tha adya of aoae woodt and
toataaoa bad actually baaa oonsanoad
Ttaoaa praaaal wan: Mr. aad Mn. loal ton killed aad eleven wounded, to
altboafh Bot proaaaatad to Baal tan. Cbarlaa Laacaater. Martto Bordaa.
clndtoy Une lleui
' atoaUoB. ioUrferrad with tba ready Robert aad David Jlckllay, Luclla
Tba third artillery <w tbe riybt of
aala of tba boMto. Mr. Baald tbera- Theobald, May Hoyinyloa. Mtoolaaad Ue railroad ebaryed and loet atoe
fora offered tbaa at a Ubaral diaooaot. Mabel Brows. Will bmlU. Jaaale aad
wonaded, two mortally.
Rraatoally be aaked oaruto paceooi Uraoe Salih, Robert and Con Walter.
Oa tbe left, tbe inturyeato to a
to Cbarieeoto to aid bla to dtopoalay Daa Oaaaieyhaa. W. B. Davia; Blaar trench east of Ue river offered a stub
of tbe atiaa. Mr. Haaldb object to Browa. Arthur Walters. B'.aDvb Uy-' bora ntUlanee. but sorreodarad a'tar
aaniar tba bond* waa to obtato mottry aiaa. Lvooa Hortno. Buyeaa Bsryraves
severe loM. Ninety wounded iiuarto toraatto bull^iof "The loa." the Dob Moryaa. Ray Cbapmaa. dale Horyanla wen cooatod.
railroad hotel at Charlaroto. the erec. ea, Ida D»ity and M. B. BoUay.
Washioytoa. March :*•>.—The foJIowtioB of whtob waa to ooataoeplaUoa at
to( dtopatob waa aest by Ueaarai Otto
that Ubo.
Aatoof tba panooe totaraalad to try".'•sacral Mtcirlhar had seven
tor to prooara a purebaear far tbe Obaap Bataa to Oodiltoo Batarday
ftybttoy yaatarday attornooa beyond
betade wara Mr. Buto. Mr Cn
Marllao. A brUUant ebarya waa made
Mr. Batea aad Hr. Mayaa. At drat
Aerunyaaaato have ^a made for a bv tbe SonU Dakota vol inuersayalstt
they worked todapaadaaUy, bat attarapeclal Into and a nto of PI.35 for Ue the famed troops of Ayuinaldo brouybl
ward, eatarad laio aa acreaweat to
from Maloloa. They npolaed Ue anwork tofetbar aad divide tba aaeouat rouad trip to Cadlllao Saturday alyht,
tbe oocaalon belay Ue hly E. O. T. M. emywIU stonyhtar. Adjutant Uaa.wbtob aalfbt be raallaed oo tha aala of
tloM In that city. To laaan tbe nto Llaatooanta Adamt aad Morrtoto and
tbe boade A eale of tbe boada
aeatloaed a ylvaa anaber anat yo foar anltotad maa of that nyimat
affaetad Baaliy, l>ad C. Taaapla of
Llantonant MeCleltoad
and it b eepeelally dealnd that all wan killed.
’ «raad Rapida aldtof to aaakloy tbe
Hade by Mlablyun Talepboaa Co.
and tweatytwo ealtoted men were
aala. tbe papeboaer batoy aa Baatara Maooabeea aad otben «rbo daaln to yo
for aay elaaa of service dcalrad.
ehali leave their aaaea with Jaaea woaedad. Tbe loee yesterday wae
topitollat Tbe ao*peaaatloa for sakBlrds^l or M. B. HoUay. Tha party aaoatiy oonlned to tbto reytment.
tof tba tola waa tbe dlffaraaoa batwaaa
"The partial destractloa of nUnada.
will leave oa Ua »rW p m. Into, ntba aaoaat paid by tba parabaaar aad
at and of six mootba or ehaaye
which an belay rapidly npalred. Imtba prloa at wbleb Mr. Baald bad tunlay oa aapaelal Into wbaaavar
to aoy class of arrvlca at will.
pedee MacArlbnr'a proyreee. Tbe anptba asna tolas an over.
plaaad tbaa oa tba aarkat.
Talepbone tba manayer to call
ply railway tnlaa have aow neched
Tbto dtoooaat aaoaatod to BS.OOO
aad explain newrataaadoptod by
Marilao aad MacArUnr to pnUlay oa.
aad eraa paldby Mr. Baald to Mr.
the coBpaoy.
Tba Ladiaa' Aid Society of Ua Bap
"Our small yuuboaU an In Ue BnlBataa. Mr. Batea refaaad to pay over tist obnreb vrlll aaat at tba boats of
I'rlver. when ynat
to Mr. Btoa aad bla aaooelataa tba por- Mn. OarUa oa MtoU atmat Uto avaadone yaatarday. They will nliava Ua
tloB doa tba« aad tbia yara rtoa to tbe
praoann on MacArlbnr'e front materaalt of Btoa ea B ttea. fraymeaU of the
Tbon wUI ba a apaclal tosatlay of toUy. Tbe troops an to exoellaot eontaatltoOBy to wbtob eaaa wan eoatotoaad spirits.
A proclsmaUoa
Ra«nlinA YSPhtt
ad to tha Bayle of yaatarday; tba aa- Ue board of adacatioa tb'a avaalay to dltloa
•iyaad by Lana, yeaaral U<blaf of Ua
haSUllllB 186111$,
Mn taatiwoayofaoaaa wltaaeaea belay aonelder tba plaat and apaclSoatiou
laaaryaat fonaa. aincta that all towaa
puryuarty vmUlod
If tbe teatlaooy offered by Ua archltocU tor tba adaad
buiu to wow rwBpieu< mv)" <orvpv*s sdS ssr
to tbIa eaaa wan prletad to fall It
latry aortb
inch of Ua ooaatry
aoi... to
- .«
Mt-nii,« u. r-p.., .ore. Pg.Ipl
abow boyoad a doubt, that Mr. Mayaa avenue school bulldloya.
I ■cterO Bast Oc.. Wm Fstterir, Mecsrvr.
Than will be a weetiny of Ue A. O.
waa oolyallty of aay Inpropar or nao««.i Q.I.
u... u.
U W. wwiybt to K. of P. ball.
profeoatoaal eoadoet.
" sts'buck, Uxr ,
Ilien wUl be a neeUny of tbe car- Third tofaatry has takaa Ua place of |
Whea the aale of tba boada waa eomUa Twaaty-Ulrd infantry at tba front. '
plated the parchaaar deaired a allybt peaton and contneton tbto avaalay
Two battaltoos of tba Twaaty-Ulrd
^aaya to tbe wordtay of tbe boada. in C. 8. P. 8. halt A full
wan brlyadad wlU Ua Orayoa votnnTbeaouocil yraatad bla raqoeat aad to dealnd.
taanaad have saaa seven Sfbtiay.
aew boada to the aa« of Bf&.ooo wan
Jobs Olmaa and BdHb Riley. boU of
Tbe Twaaty-Ulrd to neaUad to
toaoad to take tba place of tba old Wexford, wen naltod la mariiaya yaa
boada. loaainaobaB there waa accrued tarday by Jnstlca Brown.
totereat to the anonat of p3 Twi oa tba
AUirarkenitoeew P»olblv cTsda. Ptsv teto
All alayen of Ua Pint M. G. Sun
work svpvelsuj.
Far a Sss bad room salt at B. L. Carold boada. Ua rlllaye yatoad Ula day school oro reqneatod to meat to Ua
MaBBab. Lsr A Oo. Blech.
tor'a .
aiDoaol by tbe re toaue. And what ebarcb parlors Uto eveatoy at 7:»0
otbaa of aMII yreatar
O'clock to rUeane Bastor masle.
Uac^oatruelloa of tba hotel conWoiWilliam Murphy aad Mn.^. Yoany
plated was aecund, the eame belay
both of Uts city, wen married MonBaiU oooo Uoraatter. At tbe meeltoy
j day enalny by Bev. W. K. Wriybtat
of the oooocil at which tea bondi wen
tbe borne of Mr. aad Mra. Kidder oa
leased aavenJ of Ua auat totsanUal
Bast BiybU atnet
citlaena aad beavy taxpayan wen
Mtos Leona Cb
preaeal aad wen beard to favor of tba
reaololloBB aalboriztoy tbe ra-laane. bookkeeper for L. Corawall. baa nslya^ her paallloa Uera aad aooaptcd
Tba ra-iaana to ao wise affected Ue exarc noi ih
teat of tbe liability of the viUaye. ex- a poalilon with tba IlsmlUoa ClotUay
oepUoy that It eaved tba vlllaya the Oo. 8ba will aasuiaa tba acaitioa
easblar ^d bookbaeper.
accrued totereat aaunattoy to»s.?50.
'lemtotry aad physics olaaaai of
Bot tbe Gayle of yditerday prtoteda
aebool will visit tba aorUara
porUoa of tbe teetlaoay of Mr. Batee.
a exobaaya this
aad by Ua frayateatoiy quotaUaM
ArmsUony wUt axptoin Ua
attetapto to eoaatruet each leetliany
adversely to Mr. Mayae. wbUa If all ayatom to toe atudaaU.
Little Maryurila Bvaas has a aew
Ua lacu bad baaa pobltobed Mr.
Mayua'e true pcaiUoa would ban baea lieadnm bicycle
which aba to jnatly
made elaarly to appear, aad that to ao proud.
tar aa these bridya boada wanoooTbe reynlar moatbly bualaeM
. ecraad Mr. Mayaa waa toft free to deal lay of tbe Presbyterian ebureb will be
wlU tbaaa boada. to buy or aall Uaa bald tbto aveniay at Ue boaaa of Mr.
or take say acUoo be saw 8t ralaUve aad Mra Jobnaoa. two ailea west of
lo^a. jaet tbe tame as aay oUer town. Baa a leave at T o'clock aba>F
Mttoea of tnarlavoto. aad Ual then
was ao breach of Uuai oa bla part.
Vute lor W. J. Mobba for .-City Tnaala tba can Of Batoa ve. Bataa the
etolB was Bwda by Bates that bb oooBayabt
tract to divide tbe fa.poo waa void oa
, tba ynaad of paWto policy aad ba
new Uaa af Sprtoy bak
woat «e tha wttBaaa ataad aad aiaytrr
dallybt tba ladlw. A o
atoi $M Alatortod Ua faota aoaato MaoMartaaiiifaraAli
Snu fweVvase
A large lot of \N’all Paper today from Chicago,
in the better grades—30c to 60c per roll.
Our stock of cheap Wall Papers won’t last long
and we can’t replace the goods at the prices—thanks to
the wall paper trust.
“City Bookstore."
220 Front St.
Mas. 9,12.16. 22itl0e.
&oo^ Sbaiiet.
set sTOT
Wilhelm Bros.
SasltT IboTVTvd
0^ S. 'BstvAa ^ Co.
maeee to^weee «
New Furniture Store
About April I st I will open my store with a new etook
of House Furnishing Goods.
I invite all to give me a call. It will be no trouble to
show goods.
House Furnisher.______201 Corner Union and State $ta.
Tea Taar Caatraets
SabsBfibets May Caacel
Micbieaa Telapbaae Ca.
Traverse City
Bnsipess College
Raw Baats, Sailing Craft
Normal Institute,
A MAN! 4
Quiili, Saw toitliaf, law Maas aif li*k Sijhs
If you wish any of the following courses come and
see us:
Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting, En
glish, Normal Review, Civil SeiVice. \Ve shall have
several special courses for our spring and summer
Normal. Do not go elsewhere when yOu can get
better instruction and more attention right at home.
We invite everyoine to visit ns in the New Munson
TBB vosraro sbooxd. waontDAT. mamob a». im.
I xomraio BSOOBD.
^ V.
iiEpyiuc*N Ticun.
fW jMte (rf U« b«|rcM Ccorl,
a«.*nnin« b. OBAHT of Hgaghtaafar BifMt of ib« BtoM.t'mlMniv.
<X>U »Li B. fcUTTOK of.Wo^ ’
•hrObooU JoAffo. ilUt AoAleUl Clrealt.
rSBD W. HAYBK, of CWlovoU.
IHdlM «< right «r JmMm.
to fo to lor tertotoCorAioff Mr. Mo/m. wA tbo Bogt»
Tho UoAt^ MUmm of ttet
how ««M op oohly oaA loAwoifl hi*
otUhhMrUMM uU oloo«t«y which
•hoold aoh« Uc BofU ood in eoodiA»M hitoh wfU ■ho— Mr. Moyo*
mm U Choricrolh. U WH »h«w
ihot to* oUagod owfol oobUeooUtoiiy
took pl«M aad H M to*n toot to*
BM*u kMw toot rrod motm i* o«
osA ho* 0 r*eord toot wiU
•load to* ctcoaat tcratioy. **«• hg *
ChorUvoto which ohoolA wotoh to* doUf« of har pobUe acrcMU ooA U
to* Ohor»*»o«* «ooD«U whidi ohow^A
tM oFprarol of Mr. Moyoeh oetioM by
hlto *Ulog* ottoroey
Ofur to* tr*MoeUc)*i took plooo. CharlatoU’* hcot- ctiisao* ho** com to to*
tf*f*OM Of Mr. Moyo* ood lo thU >■»»«
_______ ______
oa»pl*ttly exoMcoUag Mr. Moya* fro* ooy aaprof—kMtol dcollag* or of kiy Mfgcotioa
iiy ia OBJ ■>«! oar. If Chorlatoix datehd* Mr. M*>o* to loyoliy
Uto. why oboold to* i. auMrotic eoadidot* ood hU pop*r try to diogroe*
hlw? dtaply beeooto to*y *to to toU
tnoMcUoa o powibU mom .properly
«d. by whKb to prtjodloewotenagaluttoc
It I* to* laB* old trick for wkieh toe
SegU li celedratod. and U will fail
thia Urn* ae It alway* has failed. The
B peblleaDawillaotbe leleeneed by
Thttg M XMg X«kA.
«»lwtoth»«Mg. B* l» M WMg^
MApaUte rpMMd slUsw *h» wBl
A tWgh load of yoB« paopl* froB
mak» » gopA riecH o« iht eoueU.
tot* Mty Aror* oot to lawg L*h* 1m%
Bight to attowA a eorpriao party oa to*
JtMsBoMBn tea Baa of Botar* MhoB B*«or of that pla«a Oaawh
year* and eaperteaee oa to* baaeh of Boale aad rocltatloaa halped ereryoo*
to* Baeorder'seoart.aadfeolBga good
paB a pleaMt ovoalag. Baaldea to*
lawyer had well InforBod epoa legal yooagpoopla (roB tolaM«yaanmhor
natwrs b* will •err* too dty and ifLoogLck* yinag folu werepreeeooaty w*U tor to* nrzt tom. Thb
•ah Iba oeent we* gireo Io honor of
psalthM ta oa* of rTwotlBportoor* aod — »M«av Mia doMr'a birthday aanlOB* la wbito carofsl BaaageBent wr*
lb*oliyalarg*aBonnt of moaey aaaaally. Jedg* Bobert* baa daBocBookloao Amioa Balvo.
atratod that h* «aa pr^id* with wiaT*n Ban Baltb tn too world tor
doa aad taporUalUy gbd hi» oorw <■ Goto, Braiooa Bore*. Cfloare. Balt a
lutoBlortoeomplalBtehMkept aaey Bbewn. Ferer 8or«a, Tottar, Qtaapad |
Banda, CbUblaina. Owna, and aU dhn {
•ggrlered penoaa froBBooadof lro«.
bla Jadge Boberu U tba right mao for
to* Beoorder'a oonrt and there 1* no
doabt of hU cleeiloc.
f r*fund*dT Price U cent* per box- For
•al* by J e. JohBKB aad B. B Wait
I The Lathes
I all say
Vunuw to toe eeeuod ward will re- ft th$ LallB
B«Bber to* ooergy with wbleh B. W.' Mr*. F. M. Ashton has been able to
aeeur* from Oorl Ku.'tt A Co. of
BaaUage looked after their lni«reets
Grand Bapids. a lady of experieoee
when be wu on toe oonneU a few
in millinery work, one of their first
y«oi«ago. The wboi* eity wUl raotember aiao that It wa* Mr. BatUain
Ashton's millinery parlorv
wbo WM InktruneotaMo aeenrUig for
and show them toe latest *iyW In
to* eity toe atoein Are engloe which
bats and bonnets A share of v>nr
baa already paid lor llaell saay tlBO* , patfonag* 1* kindly solicited. Mr*.
over in the lavlng of raiuabla property, i F. M Ashton.
Mr Basting* will bsves good mejirlty. ;
That the ahoea we
are aellins at $1.98
are the beat they
have ever aeen. of
fered for this price.
Fine Shoes.
Kqual to
$2.50 and $3.00
sold in many
From Street
The Foputar. Fp-t<wUte Shoe Horn*
IK MIM. tb* ooning y«ar
ofpabiicimproveneBU. eneb
iba. bridge*, etc-, will denand toe
Mat oar* and to* eacrelaa «4«ood
Jodgmant with toe latcieau of tbeua-1
MU8 Mcrnac. gbay.
payer* nppMwnt In Bind.
Boooia a ^aotleal oun oflargdesperteoee wbo wlU be a aplendM ao
For Mayor.
e aad to* very vUat
^nlsltloB oa toa board of poblle worha.
Vnak XoBawa.
day** attack wUi eaeito toe <
■ar« of every falriniaded dUi*n. h* h* B* Is toa tight Ban fol tbe place aad
D*Boerat or BepoHiean.and a p^er or b« wUl te doeled oext Monday..
pernm who wonld *toop to thU oort of
Bor ritooorto.
Make rougb. red bands I
buying in large quantities and pay bigbest price*.
EvxBi eandtdat* oo to* eitj B*p*bBDdrUagtog Boat bear tb* oodmVmiomFBobbo.
juenoB of tbair own acta. Tbr Den- lieio ticket U Worthy to* votes of the
Carnation Cream—i
w, .i-.
oratle eaadldate in aotborlaing *aob people aad ebonld be elKiad.
rwAadgoof B«eordM^ Oowt.
25c- keep tbem soft and
mlbod* daatroya to* eonSdano* which
ItotlB Maherto.
night otherwla* have been b«Jd in in*
Burprteed Flora Back
wboaaolrM to to* lefty effloaof judge.
Miss Flora Beck of bouto GoIob
•tp**t was tbe victim of a pleasaot
1 We also have for sale landa for good Mrma.
fgr Mmhto Board of Pabll* Works.
Tbe Von Partiaan DoetrtM.
surprtM last evening. About thirty
her friends called iiuexpeeiedly to p_„n. f...
Wben K. 8. Pratt. OeBocrallc easdt
daU for clrenit >«4iga. was ia town help her celebrate berr Ibirthday aanlPdr JasUto of the P«oe,
sry. Tbs evening w^s spent in
Foha Tarty.
Batorday. we noticed on* pecnllarlty
aboet hi* Bon-pariiaan doctrine. It garaM. music and social conversatioo.
appUn only to Bepnblioana Tber* U Many beautiful preseotn war* given
TUeOonpoign Methods
abr Igtdy ao reOKia why any Bepobll- MlB Bock by ber friends. A sumptu
nsDotooerstkcoiiipoicD ho* c
oan sbould vote for Mr. Pratt, and ous sapper was served aud the event
iPBOiMI*. Ithod 10 looo •ootei
there are a namber of reaaons why will be long remembered
iBtoroad Met alghtto* Bogiodred i
D«BoeraU shonld vot* for Fred W. were preeeni.
laundcd to be o tolnaeo-lBct
Msyn*. Bis eiecUon wo«ld be an bon
gBoU Into to* Bcpabllcon c*»4>
ortoCbarUvoUoonnty a* wastoat of
Mrs Ur. A. B. MoUlday. who baa
' vlMh theeatokeelaors sway ood toe
tbe late Jndg* Corbett. As for tb* been very ill at Park Plaee.U now able
wraokag* has oeoB raked of*r. It »Ul
etatement that Mr. Pratt is net a par- to alt up and her recover? will be
pafOBodtoattoetldfuDburited. ioItne. toe reeoed* piove that It it abac- rapid.
iMhd of aoalhllatlag toe eoeaiy. aod
Inlaly faU* as it is not many year*
Story of a Slave.
|k»l to* DcBoeratie caadidaic for
tor aiicmat*
I^be bound hand ana foot for years
^glge i* burUd oadcr to* debru of
wtlal elector.
by tWI claims of disease is the worst
B«B, dWrcputabl*. eenaaUoaal eon
No OB* dente* that Mr Pratt U an form of slsvery.
'*ry. George D. tt ilhsms
abU lawyer: bsl lh*r* are other*, and of Maoebceter. Micb . tells bow sueb a
Tbs Bagi*. toe perkonal orgao of toe Mr. Mayn* eland* wittioot a pen in •lave wss made free, lie sayi: “My
•otoOjrattc caodtdat*. ouutd oot bold toeThlrleento jBdldal cirouit. Wben wife has been so belplem for Are years
tbsi ebe
•be could
In be
gil coy loBg*r. *0 yMtcrday. In lu de*-’ to* vote* are oounlMl oo the night of tioae After Bslng two bottle* of
aeratloa over tbaonUook foriucoodi ! ApHl :id It will be ferand tost nsn; Electric Bilk «. she is wonderfully
able tt do ber own
' Aal* tool paper prtoted »*Teral ooi- Cbsrlsvols
ooenlg Denocrau have
npieme remedy for tegBpe.
io- adopted toe •noo-parttaan’- doctrine
msle disease* <juickly curt* nervou'•Blt and a Motdalous attack upoo lb* and eoted for Fred W. Mayo*, toe Be ness. sleepiessBcB. mrlsncboly, beadasnrtii* ebaraetar of Boo- Bred W. pnbllcsn candldste snd s Charlevoix sebe. backache, (aiuting and d‘uy
•pells. This miracle working medicine
Jjfajmt, to* B«pBblUhB oaadidsw for
is County Herald.
U a godsend to all weak, slel
ckly. r
Mroaitjodga The t':agle <llg* dooii
Bv-ry botU
^|0 a oertaiD boao umMOcuoa whlwh
r John*
For Mentbers Board of Zducaiton
laok place In CharleeoU aereral year*
Tbe Republican ward nominattoo*
gfoaadprlnu a purtkia ofth* leeti'
tot* year are all goo>l and the eandl IttpcrtantUlAdUa
} In a •iiU which woe to*
date* •bould be loyally supported. 1.
Mrs tv. li Lawrence will have tier
0t It and wbirti is e^lalnad In another
is important that tbe member* of tbe
spring mtllloery opening on TbursWISBB Of tbU katte.
dsy. Frids.r and daiurdsy of each
board of edueatUb should be good
In giving toe tesUnony of tbe suit
week. Laditk are especially Invlud
men. Bev. U- Cocblin of tbe Fitib
and elc—riwied. toe Kegic only give* a porward aod Jas. A. Moore of tbe First
Men of it; that portion wbleh wonld
will have DO oppBllioo. therefore they
heat aMwer lU purposes of aisnder.
will go hack on toe board with flying Csgsst XUlisery
point Io toe reproduction,
color*. They are both esoellent men
Mrs W. <1. towrenue has returned
bovover. iseeruln teatlBony of one
from tbe great market* and will dissad wl'l continue toelr good veork,
PnlB wbo was mixed up in toe bond
lb* beeond wsrd Amos E Bingbi
troHOeiloB .referred to. The Eagle,
will Inspire the eoDfldeoovof tbe voierv
I tie* of MllliDi
tewever. does not atatc that toll eaine beoauee be b a man of good edoeaUon
Cordial inviuUon t
VMB Jfi J /non yustlnr cif.-l (* rtiil a futft- and good judgment aod be will make
Mec.yttsi iMvxiusr •</ Uiu (<«rii*i,nv which
a valnabie member of toe board F/a*k
lb* Bsgte make* so mneb of A warrant Frtedrkb will be returned la toe Third
«M Uesed for tbs aneet of Ibis Ban
ward beeaMe be i* toe right man. and
Vatsa oaacbsrgecf perjury prefemd
M. r. Oflatt In tbe Fourth i* aeplendid
byMr-Mayne. No, tbe Bag I* does not
•pesilon this because it would oonfloiely snnibilstc tbelr arganent aod
TllK cleetloB of
Isnv* toam notoing to stand upon.
than nsnal
atundrd with
Than are other portioM of toe uwupsrtnooe. The water work* <iO**t-on
Mooy which was gives la tots euii will eome np for earefol eoMidaration
wblob would throw s d.Seroot light during the eomlog year and oooe but
b trmtrt.
■pwo toe COB*, bit the OeBoeratlc toa moat oaraful men aod men of pub
.Atgos porpoeely omitted It. Wbst He experieM* nnd good judgment
. then wo* the purpose of iBuing toe
ebould be cboean. Ibe Fourth ward
' MudsloM aattB wh:ch appeared is
baa In years gone by been a doobtful
jrwterdsy'* BagWf Just becaeee. hsv- ward. This year It will not be ae. R
ttg found that fair arguBania had J. Fblgbum Ik toe very beet mnn that
I bavt* an option on 50 maobiii*
Inllod U ereaUag a staspedetc toe eonld have been ebeeen in that ward,
because of his former experience on to aod will sell them at $18.50. or
bo dona. The noB-partlaaii fallacy to* oonneU nod his eitcosiv* know drop brad at $21 75.
mi to* teadv appeal taUad aod it ledge of city affair*, especially with
BMhoooaeary to bring toe Eepublicaa to# vraterwork* nuietloa. makca It of
MAMat* UtoAiareoule in ordar to special Intereat to the whole city that
gala by teal maaM votea that could be ■honid be elected.
A good eUieen.
•olbabroogbiover by talrand booce snccessful bus’.nee* man. and public
Hoose FuniiabinK Store. .
spirit uiakB him a valuable man fee
\©w Store, 120 Front Strevt.
Om tol^ the Mecle tailed to note toeel'y.
VM toal to* uanMclion mentioned
«M with toe full kfiowledgs of toe
Box W. W. ttoira baa made a good
Otortevoia ooanuil.
Bi* oMaeetlor , asay r. He has also made a good aiderOtw tU-tamms-i Sbo* Bs—
«lto the moltar was folly known and | man. kavlBg been on the board many
aoeer qacaticBcd. The fact wa. that yettre- He Is familiar with eeery de
$bdd**l waaagood thing for Chari* tail of toe city's buslBCM and bis judg
vols aad OM of tbe elements wb^b led ment WiU be valuable for too city.
M toe cetablUbmeat of toe great Lind Aldarman Montafne has also made a
soy Park toa. whieb brings thousaod* flret-QiaB member snd bis work for to*
a< doUar* to the village every Booth of city during toe pwt two year* enUtlea
him to a re-eleetioa. whieb is awnred.
IdOM arc ae atasurA that toiaking votars n. B Wright ia the Fifth ward has
▼hsUise air sdmliwieese *
WiU rtdiesl* them whoa they eowslder uever acnM the dty la a publie oiStw.
leas srtrseuea «l ustb.
toe Me attnslinw MB th*y wfl] de- hut be W a Baa of good aaaae'and on* aallSstsr. tor *xtreettoB «
^ the AMgM.tnl B.Ato .A.FM whoto/ towgoMc *Ber« wUl be of pstoussd. UMmsbUwMi
D s^l Solid HMilocklimlnr, hiple Flooriig
^ lid SbortWirle Wood.
The Hannah ^ Lay Mercantile Co.
Special Shoe Sale
For Saturday Only.
36 pairs of ladies Chocolate Kid, vesting top
coin toe, lace shoes, eizes 2h to 7, worth $1 50.
SALE PRICE, $1,18,
You need a
New Shirt for Easter Sunday
We have {ust received our complete
line of . shirts, comprising silk front
'Shirts from
75 cents up.
Colored Hadras, Percales, at Our stock is complete in
tached and detached collars grates and mantela Here are
a taw items: Club House grates
and cuffs at
50c up.
$1.75 up.
Mantels, $13 up.
«BIPPLBD fAIFS. :=s.’^!Eir^i:;n:mKHAMicAi
Anttar BMid Woildac ia
bMbud vUh tftptfW.
Mr. Wttwsla
Mil M jMTt •<
u4 Mr*. Wsltan
F. OAlkins Oat* eom«
PraottMl Thonshta.
JBMtio*, !«*•, tt>«
ft t-7Mr«14ebJi w** |iU7- Talked to ToaagKoa Ah lat ■aahantw< oa tbft rftUroftA %ntk wbao •
tea and tha Isapanasoa of tba
fr^ibi txftlft ftftM ftp ftftdAaol/ ft»A bo
XhMitethft CoMwMar •ehool, frM
Tiada—Lwtottha Iwotara OeotaeIforethft cftflftMT eo^i itof it the
Whteh VMfanirow Bamd by • >Uu(^ kM^ed the ek-.ld tf^ -ftod
Tha teat leeUra of Profemor Ormwi '•
fiihftloftHty—Bai te «^>ti 0«ot the ea^ paaeMi over ik The ehild eoaraeoloaed with great aaoeem laai
wa« ukra oet fr«a aader the taader
•<Oraala«mich«eyft A«i«m Belleight. Be thanked the beys tor toelr
aad. with the eaorptioa of a alight
good attendanee aod promlaed them a
eealp wooed, wae oalijeredooaree oo a larger aeala if he waa la
■pea*] to ift* HeestM ftaama.
Aa Ohio d'bUaathrvpiet. who atlpe tba city anotber year. Eobert Waller
UftftiftC, Hieh., Mftreb M.-Straar* Uted that
aaaa be kept aecreh eateoded a vote of thanks to him In holadftHl ftr* the eoadlUoe* theta lltUe gave to tbeeaAo'wiaeat of the Cbaotaohalf of tbe B'gh school aod others that
•etOattMft Ispoer. ^ea AMrmb'.y at CIcvelaad hU eheeh
attended tbe leetnreaOrlopteddepftMUfttefaUdrftftftre Aoftb for 935.mo. Uraoad hat bea^ broken
Tbe last lecture was given by
ir ta Mftd of the foktdHftf care of the -* oaPt.ooo clobhoaee for bo;t ia the
W. F. Calkins
fttftte whM horetl of other aad oaurml
BnglneerUf." At tba vary first be
preteettoft a»d proeUert: and ret If
tbe ne&
Tbe Boatoa Bmrd of Bealvb hae proIher be oot deaf oor b'-lsA bet oolr
and integ
hlbitad apllUsg OB aidowaihe
eripplee their doable oeaceftlir asder
rity. aided by good bealtb and the amftftlstU# techaieftlUice oemtee at a i^Monthonaoentiiry ago a weUag
biUon to saoeeed, makee a good cap
bar to preraai then fmai oeiac fieea boaae wae ereated at the head of Taoh.
ital to start ia life.
the aaiae taadar eare that they »oeld ahee Elver. N. J .endU wae painted
Who are the maebaaleal aagtaewT
ha offered area at Ooldrraler if they for the Stet ttete a waek ago.
Tbe deatgaera. eonatibetora aad auperwen aot hawpend by b»dl>y alliarau.
U being eUrted
vialng engtaerra. who by virtue of
ffeaeter Heald pareeirlof thta an- the United htatea to appr^rlalr tlOO.* talent, edaeation aod'bard work, have
aataral aad aojeet ooaditioa hae la- oou.otd to ftMiet aegfoee to emigrate to reeeh<d high placea in tbetr profeeaian.
wodaoad a bill tookiar to ^ ehaaye Africa.
Beta Mr. Calkins gave inetaacee of
that wOl adait dafomed ehltdrea to
Waldeboro'. Me.. baehWor. while men who etand at tbe bead of tbelr
Ooldwater where at pneoet uoaer the watebiDg beeide tbe eoacb of a elek profeealon. He also said that aecorsey
raieeof the orvaalaatioa of the laaUlUtivc, made three ae.hne pallia ae waa n (lulrcd'in all kinds of mrr^nMal
Mtioa the ataaaceaMot refeaee toad
engineering, where only iDlelllgent
Aeaaler Beald
mit aaeb i
^ellUng bee.
workmanahipeen be seed.
One must be able to keep np with
A petition to t^ueen Victoria, elgned
lettare and there M little doobt that
march W1
of propem. ^. SoeteUiM
t mas- . the lUSIUU
by Sl.OOO Brltlebeobjeeu In tbe Trans
tha bill will pam altbongb It la true
vaal, bee been banded to tbe Hritiab I formed for this parpoae. and good
that avaty aUU Umtlletloa eeeae to
It at Pretoria, praying bar majestj- ebaaical papers most be read.
prefar that eoma other ooe aboold have
to aeenre reform of. tbe abuses from Uea«a thorough knowledge oM^igw
eharge of thi> olaaa of nofortanatea
wbkb the Uatlanders are suffering aod bra, geometr) and mathemstks mutt
Tha Boaae railroad eommiUec bald
eomplalniog that tbelr position la In- be used, for Inoompetant man rarely
a pabUc hearing to eoaeldcr eeverel
have good poaitiou offered itaem.
Ihtperunt railroad bllle thie moralag.
Hroadly speaking, no trade or pro
From Information gathered b y the
Bepnmeatailve Wnerlar'e bill to com
D^artmeoL covering fession is BO eloaeiy latarworen with
pel railroad eompanlee to eopply aeate Agrieoltural
.rlyalloftbe Middle Wtaiem and with our dally Ute as tbst of the metopa«angwa paying fare prodnoed a
Aootbem sUtos. it appears that fruit ebaalcal engineer. Nearly everything
9ta are much below the average, need U tbe result of maebinery made
Bailroad rapmentaUvee ridiculed
ly loealiOea pcavta boria are by latellect aod brains.
tha Idea that any oaeaealty aahted for
each a maaeara. wbieb eaneed Wheeler killed, and old. weak tree* are dying. wall paper, carpets, abinglea. brirk,
toeay: "Tbe one great raainn why Cberrlea. plums and peats have plenty and many other tblnga are made by
ry and tbe marbinee
aorporatione are aasUe to get wbat of sound frolt buds aod may yield a
RMbrrtiM and atiaw 'made by macbiiiisw....Bere Mr. Calkina
they believe to be justice In tbe eourU faircrup.
where the jjryU mode np of the coni' berries arc gr«s>t<^ iojured, but wild carried the audienoe th^e Iron works
mon people lies in thrlr puralstent blarAbcrriea Bhotur'no signs of lijiry |st Brthlebem. the MunUise Salt
——;-----------------: work-, the Oeoeral Elertrlqsl company
AMttgerd of the rlgbUnl demands of
THEY MAO BEEN THERE jet ocbenrctad.v. and other places of
Imecbanleal eouderi-; DOiinmitUng tbe
bat It wae perfectly apparent that tbe ■tew tb. r«sNSr«s-r. w.rst «•«, toe auu>msUc macbiiMd of tbe Oval
Dish aad Ussket lactorice of w eitv.
aympatby of tbe oommlttee
"tVbat are all (bese fanny IHtI
agalhst the bUl and it wae pemo
Another feat. in . engineering
_____ IIII t;nai’iv}
i ;
marks in your wsteb. iNmulii
whr»Vtn!eheapnem of articles iu^e possible.
ter the Ume.
asked tlie briuiit little
lustratlou. one msetaine ib
niiin's lap iikyiag with bis; As an
Whitney's bill to regulate tbe cost of the youDC m
gold tlmepin'
cuts off, threads, Uims
epesUng highways aerocs
“Eh? 1>-I 1-. —, .
ereated oooslderable opposition. Tie man.
ukhic tbe watch from her aod
lUJO cap sen^s In ten hours. t»ne op
nather drelared that fabulous prices
were densanded from toeasbips and ^'T^r^nuJo gtrl’a faibsr look>A at eraior ean)atteud U> s'x
•'harlr> und
un< winked. *
aereas scU for four to eight
ftmd diatrlcUeeckidg to cross railways, Tiiu^ln
hat that be bad never beard «f a rail sns, too.’' be said.
>• the L.
way paying anytblDg for croaaing bifib
-vriil mtir. shiny splrs marks by band they wculd cost twenty five
■ the R lid bad crtiu-apiece. Witbsucb
I tbrsc we iuvade tbe whole woild.
Carton’s bill providing for persopal lx-;’"
time.. cUr' said Ibe liliU
bpecisilratioB is n good thing
snt> in •
msebiuea The whole duld ls too large
ivgulsrty. baan'l
asked the pns ' for one oiiun tu master to tbe bess ad
- pdeacat mode, was placed upon
"Whsi do you
It tied imi< Kiri.
' vanUge. so study to become an expert
•aal passage and passed 7u u> u.
-yrlll insnre aetasi notice in many oai
reniavkHl Vmirtu Cherlcy.
^ •
u u
'Where no netasl noslee Is now given
•What srr vot. lelkiuK about?" tbe
Ca kio. told bow gram
IlUie girl axhed pemisienUy.
! gathered and prepared by mre
•I-IUle glrlh should l>» se«i
tesebinery. also a vivid description
heard." surio-sli-'l her fiitber.
"Twice a yesr,.......................
1 fio'-e
On-'f in me
tlie spriua
spring »u«i
ai.<1 naaiu
ngaln «n
in ibv «d
lots of
chinery. mens work
f lad ••
i Ing to watch tnr wheels go around; of
Orer-oat time. 1 see " said his on-' tow the mscbhiitt invented win.- (.uil-
? 6eufcTS.\ \U\Ds
^ Jnrirte tbe I.H. k -xiv..! i.f tbe wstch ers. from wb.cb cables, bridges, wire
we.-v eight IliMr rt>".nd msrks made by feuersand aiuu.citude of otner tbingt
|S'ld Tht'V veri- nisd- hv pnisiibrok- \re made.
il\ of llif gold when
While in Catw Beet
irv Alger *. I I' <-r. to ieel tlir oustil?
Twenty years from now tbe bqys go
will act apr.j tbe
----------------vided Calm lalo four jaUttary d^rt end of a match In acid siui scnibbed at sp >nslb.« for these tbingv and tbeir ada place In tbe iP'lil If
Adjt lien Cocblnkaa
^, thought of the gimwy-fno-d
-“1 bv rasile the Ins;- If the metal
pat all of the voluntecra otli of Cnbai. . bubbled and frothed slightly whm macniaiais.
by April ss.
|,h, arid t»u- bed tl the . ase waa Oot
A boy ebooslng.p>eeliaaieal efiglaeer
a profdwlon mast be stroag
Tba Meiiaaa CoUma>ok»n-. is a«aln
and the loan was refnaed.
;bare a fair .docation, especially In
in active sute af eruption. Lava la'
* ' mathematics, famliarwitbtbeprineipdaring from the araler in a great
• j pirw of meebamol drawing aod wlU>riama. Tbecolamaof writeomsuer
- ling to work. He will reeieve a good
la tened to a height of several hundred
dralTrom pravtical experienoe.
teat Tbe lavs m poaring down the
! year ia generally spentaroand the shop
aUea «f the akoaaUlB aod into the cal;? V idolng work on tbe drill press and erUvaUd valley below, deatroylng tbe
atopaand aaaUng tba inbabitante to
rands.afu-r which be rapidly ndvanocailia, of eoorse, depends upon faimaelf.
•aa in terror. Tbe emptloo is bccmiTnere u'p'enly
*f»h for good men
paaled by freqneav eartbiioake shocks.
{who have tbe abliity and sanUtidbof
Aa expedition id srarcb for Androe.l \
ladvancemcot In them.
tba iauwpid aetwoaut, who eurtad
’ Tbe dealgDer In tbe maebiolal trade
avpyage to the north pilelnabaUdon. I s / /y.
maai be especially qaallfied for It.
aad has never been beard from, will i
wblcb bcoowMs an art.
atort fitun Eamla la May.
There is no need of a boy not obtain
Tbe mall ayaUm of Porto Eico
ing an education in America among all
ba eowdoctad aa though tbe islaod
schools nod collies, world of
and papers, if he so desires. By
The FUlpino rebels have
prmed with tbe belief that If espiored
at 4a revlrri
lean ap agalost tbe wbeel groanlse,
^y would be shot, (U-w
when - Hocake Clem—Tea. de mIrUtar dons ' waiting for some
e to do tbe pnabIhvy were figbUng tbe Hpanlards Bat uik eo murb It look half an hour to
"■ ' M :A p-.
i M. calkm. elo.ed bis addr^s I,
tba Arnrr^mns. even when chared
--------------------------'.peaklofi of the past ientary wiib the
fighUng. they seem to be more ready
Vole for W. J. Bobbs tor City Treu- prospret of ndvaocement la iwo.
toallow lAiaue-vmtobetakea. Hik
Tbe Boys' band rendered very plengwill probably be followed vvfj teos by
ing Si I -ctions before and after tbe
thrir dahannmrnt.
Vote fur Lorin Eobaru for Judge of
!. Illinois the abenring of
shaap by amchinm-y is ardviag a grcai Baoorder'a Ooan
Sltgast BUUury.
aareem. Tep.mm sre easily abeariog ^
ks Pearl Tacksberry baa a full
lOM abnep a day aod getting nad nvarw line of Spring bsU wblcb witi
For a tfk parlor salt at H t> Chrter'a
igbt tbe ladies. A cordial InriUnge of half s pound of wool more from
anob absep than when smeared la the
«Uwny. Fifuen iboasand thaep an Bagut XUUfitry.
In the ihedt sod the t<«t will eoetlanel
** Lswrenev has rttum<4 ^friBg BtsaeU.
aatti all are sbcMed
1 Itw* the great markf is ami will disLaditn wUl be daligfaiad with thej
play at her opening Thorsday. Krf.
Uust styles shows by MIm
Mn. Mau. WatlM of Wintersot. Ky. | day and Haturdny tbe mesa elegaat
who was married .'hile quite yooag. is
bonoeU in the lateatstylesofmllltoatoa mother of foerteaa chiidrea. Hbe ^ ry. Oordlsl inritattoa to ladtos. ssi-at{
E^very Farmer
Large stock of up-to date Farm Implements and Vehicles
jnst received in car load lots, consisting of
Road Wagons,
Platform Wagons,
Lumber Wagons,
Binders, ’
Hay Rakes,
Grain Drills,
Wheel Harrows,
Float Harrows,
Spiketooth Harrows
Our Prices and Quality of Goods are Right.
Give us a call and we will prove all to your own satisfaction.
I'ravcrsc City. Mich.
Cor. Csss and Bute Streets.
Telephune AS.
Magnificent Display Bastor Xilltaery :
ai 4 BJegant Dreat tfooda.
The Boston 6ior* this morning will |
present a magnificent scene, from tbe |
great display windows to every dr-;
partmenl In tbe eatabllsbmrnk Tbe'
display of goods of all kinds and the;
artislie arrangement of delicate and >
rich fabrics show tbe talent of a mas-,
ter trimmer and Mr Stone has exbib-1
Itod the ttxk Id a way to atlmci the’
eye and delight tbe observer.
Tbe Easter milllnerr window U a
dream of beauty with iu artistic army
with pretty ribbons, and stylish bon-'
neU. In the millinery department it
it like a fairy bower and tbe arrange-,
meat of ribbont beautifully festooned,
forming a gorgeous canopy, ia one of]
the preltiealeffecu ever seen in Trav-;
erne City. Tbe department Is Bl .ed;
with atiractlona tor ladies find tbe eo-'
tire store sbowe a fine appearance in
every department, parlleulari* In the,
dry goods and dress goods departmenU
Tbe Spring opening begins this mom- .
ing and tbe big store will be a favorite
rceorl for tbe ladies for the remaindir
of the week.
But wc do believe in signs when they are
so convincing as those which point to the
increasing dcmantl for-our "BKST" hour.
Important Katiers lor Volors to Oon
Eiutoh Ekihiho:—In order that voters 6to8._,..
6 to 8............ 66c
of our city aod county may exercM
6i to 12
Tbelr right to vote at tbe coming 8 to 12 ....
12i to2 ....$1.16
spring election. I tbink it would be l2to2^ .. $1 16
wise for yon through the columns of
2i to6 .......... $1.25
your paper to call tbeir attenUon to 21 to 6 ........ $126
article seven. sr.-tifiD 1. of the c-jnsti
tuiioD of this state which providM that
voters who have taken out their first
.lust a {ilnin attiry. will. no fftiH V frillr. Our wIkhiI sliovB are
papers must beome full ciiixetr, in or Jneiitiv. It till- lniil ihtil V'lii ' nil i."’t
i:«-t for tintlo- iiioni-y.
derttasttbvy msy exercise tbeir right
to vole St tbe coiolcg spring cler’.kn.
Tb< Isw provides that only thoMvolers who took out tbeir first papers
nrevloaa to May stb. I'd!?, will be or
areeoUlled to vole witoont tbeir
aeoond pepeta.
It i* impartant that votera should
underctsnd what is requtred of them
that they may qns; fy tbemselves and Columbia Chainlet->. Ladies’ ur Gent’s........................$75 00
not lose tbeir vote. Important matlcn Columl.ia Chain.............................................
of tbs kind sbcnld not be neglected.
Hanfordft- Laflies’ and Gents........................................ $86.00
JvUK A. Lokajk.i h.
135 From SliMl.
A. .S. I■•RV.'WA.^. 1‘i actical Shoe .Man.
Mra K.tcb E. Wilimms, Miss Beas
Dongberty and Mlae Kiltie Arebboldof
Elk Bapids. were In tbe city os a absppiagax edl ion yestei4sy.
Bev. fi. tsslsbery will leave today to
attend the au Dual conference of Evangelieal eburebea at Ada.
He will bei
away two weeks.
Misa Mary Kemt of Mt. Pleasant, ar
rived In Ue city yesterday to Uke!
apoalUonwitb F. G. Heumamr the!
LmM- UeUnaa, formerly of this city.:
itnow of Milwaukee, is tbe gueatoft
bis brotoer. Harry Uetman.
Vedettes. (Ladies’
Gent’s.. :..........• • •'..............$26.00. '
We have each of these handsome biercles In
stock. Look them over before you buy .
Johnson’s Drug Store,
Travvrge City__________
The Blue Label Like ThisL
K.H. Eoaeof Sbennan. was in the;
city ycvierdsy
ir»'V»vi -cXi
usy City, ^naw and coidwater. Atjand a jiure smoke.
the latter piaee he was one of tbe atUnion men earn K<x>d wages for honest labor.
tomeys in a lawsuit.
— ................... .
Neal Monroe passed through tbe city !
yesterday on his way booie to Elk Bap-1
Ids after having spest tbe winter at
St. Angustlne. Florida.
J. B. Ware. seereUtytM tbeClllaeas
tar prioea than anywhere else.
Telapbone Oo , of Oraad Rtoid*
Maaagnr O. A. Boyee are totoaoltj
Vote lor W.J.Bobbe tor aty Ttoa^
i. H. E. GIBBS, i
PnwUoiU Knyole BnUdw ! •" “-h- «.
Bafiow la a Uat Of tka baplsg wsd aaU*
fiv i«r *ir «t HI
iitiXtfvA. »
uri^ ivr Ki V
•iaa* JMaa«7 I, ?0 hTjm bar* bees
reeeiied at tbe Stsu ladMtrtal Mhocl
Mere isanUe sew Uwa
r b«fOr* la
lie Meter;.
Ur. OtMB of BosMT eUtw UmI
or hie hese laid ala etn »er daj tor
A- Brews Orsvea,
wall kaews «
worher, te dead
atler a few da^ iUaaaa frosi
■esia. LeHthaatwewstba^Mr.
Ofsve'a wife asd babj' died.
The sewaat eehaise wkleh la belsf
wefhsd es the Mlehifaa tenser la lor
aaMothaffeatteaeasrepermlaalas to
tsab sp a tew alvsa sa the terserb
bsrsa asd tesaaa. aad thee ask the sa—>*"*lsf rraatsrto atfs aa afraa■sat sot u tear dowa the alcaa ter
alss^daya. Three Bostha atlsrward
the tenter who was aUspla esoafh to
pat hiasaMtotha paper U sotlBed
that bla aote at steetp days, tor t3i0.
At Jaekaas Mia. Marp Harr. a«ad
ahoat 7t pasra. a«i toned dead at
heehoBS at II o'clock Taeadap Born
imt aaphpsiatsd bp aoal raa. dh<
ilrad aloseaad wbcs aba ratlrad at
Blrkt aha Uft the top of the alo*e part.
)p Opes asd the drafts abnt off tifffat.
The doctor asld aba bad beea dead Bre
ar ala boaia wbea ten aA
Dr D. U. Kraea aad site. lir. Lorelta
Kisn. with ibeir Ur»a ehUdrea. hare
Utl BatUe Creek tor Kaw York, tkei
to l^osdos, Bafiasd, where tbep are to
hare eharve of the Brat aaaltsrlnm
erer IsaUtoted la that oltp. Tbe
ttsriatn baa beea erected bp tbe faBoea
WaaeeU teallp of donth AfrltB, who
hoasBC iBBcaaelp weslthp bp dlaBosd Blaet. and who heeomlsff eonrerted to Herealb Dap AdreeUsB.
e to that cttp and a
at the aaBltarlBB Dr Kraaoea Wee
eela will be the bualsi a atanarer. Or,
Kim sad wife ware amoap the oldest
of the aaelUrlna pbpalelaoa la BatUe
Creeh asd are widelp knowa aad are
Dr iKialaa C, qerrlaad. ooe of the
popolar pbpaielaoa at the HatUa Creek
nsaltsrlaB. baa left ter Boaolnla.
Where she will hare charge of the
branch eaatUriBDeatobnabed Is Uiat
dtp. aad which ia beooinlag rarp pop
alar as a resort for ooDiuBplIras froa
the Uaited Btetea.
A eouple of Deckerrllle atea went to
the polls to role at tbe reeeot Tillage
aleoUoo. Tbelr ballots were refused
os the ground that Ibep were sot
ABorlesB eiUaeiui. Tbep were deterBlaed that tuep ware golag to roU.
howerer, so tbep procnied a rig aad
eel out for the eonatp eeat. There
thap secured aainraUxhUoe pspera aad
got back bosa la Ume to caat tbe Brat
roteof tbslrU<
Brerp trala which airlraa froia iha
east at PorUaad. Oragoa. brlaga baadrada of people who bare tekeo adrastags of low rsisB from Bt. lhal to tbe
PaalBr ooaat. Rightp-twe MIebIgaa
BOB left orsr the Boalbere HaolBo ter
HlaaoB, Ool.. where tbep will engage la
laBbarlag. Aaothar part; of one bandrsdarrired froB Mlehlgha, and Tt of
thnae will go to Oallternla.
A. B Kean of Tort Bumn has dle- ouearad tbat.--l.ltUe deads of kindasM"
hriag rarp fair flaaaclal ratursa oacaaiasallr Borarsl paara ago Jobe C.
Uilpla. whose buue was lo Toroata.
WM sagared in buelaeaa ia Besatford.
Oat Uae tell during hie aUp there
aBallpoi r^ed throagbuat the town
aad eltiseaa of the plsoe were terror
•trlehes. Ullpia eonld aot lesre the
plhce. and beWd wltboni a hose, was
refp Bueb afraid that if be ooslcacled
>thadtaeaee he would be carried off U>
apealhueeato die. Be ooaSded bis
fesra to Mr. Keaa. a Beebaaic, with
whom be bad a slight aoiualnteDce,
sod tbe Utter agreed to aarae hl« aad
prorlde fami a bone If be was attacked
with tbe dieeaee Borlunately. Uilpin
escaped cnoiagloa, aod hbortlp after;
inft the town This was pesra ago. and i
Mr K<«u bad abcul tergolleo the In*
uideal. wi.ea be was aotiBed last week
that bp the w.H of Mr Ullpia, who bad
rnceat.p died at Turiinlo. be bad been
- be^ueatlKit the sum ©fBS.ws-oulof the
fau.iHj<> left bp tbe daceaaed. Ur. Kean
fa aow enplorrd at the Uraad Trunk
ebops IB Tort Buron.
■esiarksbU Aeeees.
Hia Mkhaet Curtsio, Tlelafleld. Ill .
isabeetba statenx-Dt that she caught
cold, which eeuled on her luoga; she
was Ueal -d for a iiiuaUi bp her farailp
nhpalclan. but grew worse Be told
B. Banda * Oa tbs Bopalar <
asd •asUsBSB'a 1
Oooda Xmpoi
fipesMag of elotblag. geaB farsUhisg goods, asd kiadrsd war^. whaft
tsa Batter wiUi Besda? Brarpbodp la
tbUpartof ibeeoBDtrp.kaowa Besda
sow sod tbep ksow Uut be baa the
oobblaat. sasteat and beat atoekad
atets ia all sorthars Mlahigan. ThU
u the oalp store U lbs a«;tioe wbieb
dlapUpr aa eatlrelp oaw atock. No
old goods to work off on aa eaanapectlagpabtlc. bat ap to-date goods fro«
tea aakara of teatalOA Tsa wall drsaaod Baa dallgbu la kaowisg that bU
ciotblsg ta teabioaable aa wtil aaof tba
baaiqaalitp. Ba llk« to know that
bU ouat la properip eat asd a Ibrfaet
fit. Ha U anra of Uuaa a
bapa bU elotblag at Kaada’a TbU
Btora U tbs leader of teabloaa and
a la the region
•apa aa floe a atock of new aad
,bU goods. For neck wear thap
offar lha atoat eomplate llaa la ths cup
slip BP U atplaa aad aaaortBaat te
w largaai daalara la tba grant el
Brarp Botbsr wsata bar bop t.
batter draeeed Uaa ber aalgbbor'a
te waau lo aeiaei hia waarwbaia aba knows aba will
-- ______ ipon bp aalaaiaea who are la
apspetbp with ber waate- Staa also
waau to know that aba baa tbe cbolee
of tbe beat stoeb la town aad-where
there are no ebop arora aad out of
•Iple goods to be worked off opc-a ker.
At Beada'a motbara Bod wbat thrp
want. Tbep find
aa elegaal stock and a fall aeaorKneot
Workingnen want the bast lorbe bad
r a IllUa Boaep. 1
Benda, wbo keeps
worklegman'a clothing in town, bulu
for Baadap aod aniu lor workdapa
KrcrptblDg durable
Ur waau to wear tbe latrat atplc
bat aad popular tie. Be finds tbem at
Benda's, where I >w prices aad fair
dealing la new goods bare aided la
bnlldlag ap a great bntleeet A Bsa
will Bake a aUiske if ba lareau la
elotblag or fumlabinga wUboat first
ooaanlMag Beads aad oamiDleg tala
floe stork of aaw geode. Kterp deparv
it la stocked with op t^tete |K«da
aad this U tbe oalp atoreT____
with aa abeulntelp oaw stock oomlaed
with old go^ wbieb bare lalo upon
tbe ehalrae tor pean awaiting aa Idcuatouerwbo U at tba warep of
oea wbuaa onlp desire Bmp be to work
off old stock. Comaaodeeeii. Beodah
Oo.. Lesdera of Faabloa. ist FrMt
•tredl. A. V. Frtodilch block. Trarerae
MraW. U. Uwreace will hare ber
eprtsg Bltllsarp opening oe Theredsp. rnaap and Batardair of UiU
wnkb. LaAiae a*s eapeataflp larited
to taMst the lataat atpUa and ale-
Hitt <
Undertaker's Goodsl
in this Judicial Circuil.
bo ‘ies.
This is nsuallj let to'the lowest bidder.
was let at this asylum for $1.50 for those sent to
Aon A rbor and $2-00 for those buried here.
grave alone costs thi oatrictor
$3.00.; Is itnot
fair to presume that this loss is made up from those
who have mouey to pay.
Orfiar Oooklag.
Flrat class BeaUabd Inaebaa aarrad
at the Qneaa Clip Bestearaat. reopened, aod rcadp for boelaasA &9V-r'
It is customary to send
poses of unclaimed bodies unless tb.* medical super
intendent has lieen instructed otherwise prior to the
B. J. Moiwan, Propr.
death'of the patient.
ian rrrr,
r TrowM aaKlriarBt. iwrrfui. -kli-ouoe
•alp rrllablr Mark eaaaaaf Harr a iNUirp
BTlUra ai oar« bt B. w Sollnp a acrarp.
Come to tbU ccle sod It wUl 4o you
Tima gfren oa all Mlaa.
Free Ut^arse to my pitrons at Sirtton’s
and vicinity, in care of John Deuster.
oftrea era TouarUrr black, SIS rruel atraat.
TVlr|ibaec Ho Suu
Stock of Undertakers’ Goods at Maple City,
pSlhsE^kl^. -PlKsa. basM aad
in care of Ryker & Chance.
r-\a. A H
uoLUOAV. an
JXl lor atUa OBcm. Oltr'Opcra
T^B. A.J.aOOTT. VM*rlabrjburB*oii. Grad1./ualMf OntaHo VrirrlLarp CoUver Trca»
dUraaa* af all daMMlIr anlmaU bp lb«
Ulr«I auJ lo-al airih.>di>.
Siwrlsl aUrtilllUl
................ rss:
I) au«ndrd In '■llj op rooMPf
paii'p ll'rrp. Trlrpbou''Hu 1
r aiieot slaa.
fast llt.W.
Or. Baepar, ilrrraoUIr blark,
U-|Ulre at
M*.'/,;;-/;,";--siiii" e-j; -ss
.an;, tieearuodairari.
. Oa* loor
on Huaik Cedar .i
«-alt pa)
Bata read]
aeabere oa ISm airrai
>ai BMaeBoarr.
W^rldePalr 1‘nBtua Tailor K|uate. Makr
>..ur oea dre.. al.lle learelas Wa-led,
BSeal. In a«er> Iowa nurtb ol llraod Bapld>.
I.) Hre K If U (I. KlUrr. Bui Si. Tra>er>r
ICn r X A*t'AB
ILU nil TftAUK -S a
proinauia. M) apple, oume rtarn.
oiber trull, all i-eaHuu. S<~eJ buUdior*.
irode r..r
•ell lur two Ib.ed. lU •aloe or eill trod-
wiabee to ai.ojueee to all ber frleada
aad enstorrera that though abe baa
DO special fiapa teropecioga. abe wU!
abuw arer'i dap during the season
a compl .tr Hoe of bau, hooaeU and
other m .I'lorrp atplee aa good, prioea
a* lew 111 npwbere la Trarerae C-«p
Iter trlAPirr la now ta tbe dtp trim,
lulag i^ter the latest palteroa. Tunr
Batraoegr U klodly eoHclted. Mr*.
K M Aa'.toD, Trereme C4tp. M'eh..
h: Fri>a^ aueal. oppoalie tVbttlng
324 Union St.
Kool Mluib.ireel
C H -TraiU
tM tl
■C*Oli DALa-A S<«J olde 1
P rbrep
laqulr* v> Mro 8
31s TJnioo street
Both 'pboaes No. 43.
sshssss »»sss««
Tlealaaf 4aaBrt«r«a<
Oltl.lB agarl m
j: .fSi: !!!«“ 'ff H
~ ■BSBieaatBBi'i b'bbbbVbb
Residence over store il l
SSSSSSSS*w«*sSSS«.-» wow
The Encyclopedia Britannica
The Pilot
knows jui-Utow lo steer a vessel to
bring it safely through the shoals
and out into the open. Just so the
Eru-yclopa-dia Britannica is the one
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voyage of life. One cannot so
- teachings
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Itt tells til
the mistakes men have made;
how otlR-rs havesucceededandwhyi
An intelligent man gets good from
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the roiks they ran against.
>ery .presencef Cof the EncycloThe very
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A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor
tunity for successful home study and development as this master
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The complete set (TJilrty Large Octavo Volumes);
No. I—New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Ed^ Extra Qualitv High
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First payment. One DolUr (H.oo) arid Three Dollan (•}«>) per
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No. a-H^Muroccci^arbled Edges. Extra Quality High Machine Finish
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First payment. Three Dollars (t}-oo) and Ph-e Dollars (l$oo) per
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A reduction of 10^ Is granted by paying cash within 30 days after the-
The King of Reference Works
SZSfi KBSS.fifi befiS
>g------- a.
.................................IB8BB llfllf
!^|aaDaaa.oooaoftB.*DOD eaeea
i:£SkBSS8S«8fi±NfifiSa 88ESa
;F ;=a—
Lor«J braei-k trala
. doaana al ll;4t a n.
arrtrM at WBD B.a*.
ha* parlor oar to Oraae Baplda
Trale iaarl^ Traroraa Oilp at I
O. h. UUBEAT.Araai
aL. Lonawix
KWWOOOO. a AT. A..Oraat Baatte
luisnit UD lOETaEiSTEU LL
all:SBoclaek aa
’ 4 iriLi
I 4 It
r.e P M. Depot
Ar OookM^OI-B Lw
4 b>
4 to
4 to
.»a>{ tee
Copra Uh**
» u
•IU1« at*
10 0» t »
\tl\ 12
: 10 10^ « la
I0 47;.«SS
•lg» »«ai
> II ool e»
■horwaa-a MUI
Lakr Abb
Co«ar Baa
Trarorar nip
loot 4 M
»M 4 aa
•» 4* •! 14
| •• 40 *1 41
| 0 IA f
West Michigan.
dtp Bookalon. BMOte for Nwik-aB Mlehkraa.
311 Front Street
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
II •>, thi. i. the
to ««l il Uooe "gUt .odp^pllj.
Eausding ud Ulhe Toroiiw of .11 kfo.i* C.U ui
in. ol whMl.. A goerf UoeS wheeU to tent
10 U 4 U
ni!*GMSiMT r««em-. *br prfillaea #1
rhaPTlac tkr tiae «r atwir trala* as Ibalr
- Foi further iulorinatioii call oe Holley 4 Coauable,
______________________ sTelephone 192
Grind Kipids t Indim K. N.
Telephone 92.
Ba*« juKt arrirtd with a ear lobd of
ffue horM«. aod find mpaeU foodlng too
muDj- and want to let avme of tbem go.
&o head of boraea of all aizea asd
; lumbM- wagnna.
l-aeati-aaopp Uip aurrey.
! aeat extenaloD tonoarrlage.
I seat platform wagoo. eanopr top.
1 road wagon, with top. good aa aaw.
t ooea bnrg>e«.
Hagle top bugg
! TlTlITiilsTr
paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too,
that the entire Thirty Volumes with a 6uide and an elegant Oak
Book Case, will be delivered when the first payment is made.
You will be surprised wIkh \ <ju k-arn the
J./ t-Bl>rr<llp. oarrlcKue,
r« oOkrr IlK.linddrora IIW.
Lsdiaa will ba delighted with
lateat atplec '
Tackaberrp. w
line of elegaiil
At Pioneer
_ Livery Stable,
the remains of patients to the contractor who dis
n, at Lee. Bpaelal
inch better at preaeak Her little
grandaoB.Benrp Hebatterlp'n lllUa bop.
U BOW rarp elek with tppbold terer
and bot lliUe bopea areentertelaed ter
hia recorarp. Mr*. Scbetterlp. dangbter of daoaaeed. died abont sli weeka
Norses. Coat,
Nuggiss, Wsgois.
2-Seat Sstrers, 2-$ett
Single Buggies.
Bull Platform Wagoes.
Especially low prices on asylam undertaking.
Bnt wo have not the contract to dispose of nneUimed
1 o'clock,
Joslloe of tbe Teaor -W. M. Halrd.
He bool iDSpeetor- Hproo Hbarp.
Member Board of Beriew- Uaorge
,CeaaUb1ea-Kd. Moore. Bop Hbug. 1.
Lace, Ibm Heelep.
T A. THOHraON. II. U OBaatak
1. A HUUkw Hloek. Hoere.au. II
to«p, m. Taiatdmea.U______
Tbe Death Meeord.
'pgAIMBU Munas-Mlaa latallr Bi.lresb. a
X fraduaia uf >k« UalTarallp Beapual, Abb
William B. buehaa. died at kU borne Arbor,
elll re^od te raUa for eoralas. Bl
OB tbe Pealoanla Moadap night of a Saatrert ffe it
moaU. Daoaaeed was St pesrn of T AOiae-Ur.iriaaI dreaa Baklar doaa at
or addrau Ml»
Xj Ihrir bi.Bi-a Inquire
li .
age and an old pioneer of this region, MrhaCrld'sdreat Bakins
nklnc perlora. MM4t Baal
baring come bare 4C pesn ago wbaa
raa a bop 8 pasta old. Basldaa a
wlta and two aosa, ha laarac an aged
telber, tbraa brolhare asd ibrM eistera
Tba fanaral will tsbn plsoe loworrow
Bornlsg at 10:W o'clock from tbe
houas Will & Aadaiwoa will bare
charge of tba foseral.
Mrs Itacban. wite of tbe deceased
Larse fTrerk
rereel brrrIpUW BUrrer
baa baas rarp low with pnaumoaia bnl
4 00
1 K
lAWrreaetll. Oo Block>s____________
Wbitewatar OiUaiaa- MoB'oaUona
8operrUor-J. U. Bloodgood.
aerk Treaaurer.-rbaa. Will.
Coniaiaaluoer of lllgbwapa-Will
unre her. Her drugglil auggested Dr
Ktag'a Kew Diaoororp (orCouaunptiob.
•be Wight a butUe aad te her delight
tenad hraaelf beaefltod froB tbe first
dona. Hbe oontinued Ite oae and after
isking ail bolUre. found herself aooad
aad well; now does ber own bo usework, aod U as well aa she erer was
10 ek trial bolUea of tbU Orest Diaeorerp at the drug atorea of 8. K. Wait
II 00
mj »e.
MRS. H. E. GIBBS o«,o...r4ir££cr&
■•T«aiC*r • d««st«v,
“STMtor Ek^t Pprvir J. McCb»'
bcr. ”
■ Nortb batots sssa. *Hs •
kartlrr. fur b« rtntck CMk.Ns is 188*
vilbuut » dciiUr i<> bw nsute. but cbuck
rDll uf law aud driaTuiittatiiA. Ha had
SD office Id a tkacb that hadn't mon
than (10 Wurth «>f loniber in il all hdd^
hl.-C'Diutirr. bowrTrr. fawckUoi down «•
Work ID that ahauiy
Utauiy and xa*« ibcfelkiw* with
ni-«» jnat
Bod<M««m«Dts from liMdlng Oitls«a>^ of Ohdrlevolz. Inclad- a* iu«. b u« ■» tb^ ^^u
nud u
utiuo M a
in( OlM»y. D«a«1ng
of Oh.r«<»
ih|M-tuD all
BopabllcMkO&ndidatotorOlroult Judgo—Facufor Voters; over thr Mau. lu «a> ]u>t the aurt ut
toOooelder Hon. Fred W. Xdyye n Knn of Honeety/’dS^’TiJVirtt *ju.tV^
ha be wvrktid btf>r whro be was aftat
AblUty, and Hlffb Morel Ohereoter.
! tba 'bliDdiiic itf.<i>rieu.rA--
A* thr canifiaign <lraw* to a
voter* are paying more
attention to the meriu of the resj^ciive candidates and con
sidering rw«»uu»
reasoUts why
aeiiy viicy
they shouid
aiikfulu vote iw*
tor w«iv
one v»iiw»<»*v
candidate v.
iUd. itn InTMitiuu of kVof<«Mr
the Other. In the contest for Circuit judge much has been j. j. udiluauel uf Yurkabirs coUef*.
igUnd, hna joet becD ahinitsaid and done to attract attehtijhn to the Republican
ted to u>e
the !twi«
nwiw wi
ailk waoDtsetareTB (or
Democratic candidates, Between the two there are dmerenvtheir
their jadtrueDc
jodtriueDA a
A mKfvotr cunuiniBa
« bqimi (u«u u k.-i4 nt s«e •
ces to be noted. Hon. l-'red Wl.Mayhe is the candidate of
the Republican party, nominate^ by a convention of leading
dtizensof four counties. Chosen because of his thorough
6iness for so important a positic'n; recognized as one of the
leading lawyers in the circuit. aLd indeed, fully the equal of
any other, not exceiiting the LtcinoL-ratic candidate. - The
delegation from Charlevoix st(H,d solidly by. him until he
. was nominated, Antrim went solid on the nominating balltu.
l^elanau county gave eight of 11 votes for him.mosft of them
vWi,.g tc,rMayDe(or5, Ullots.- Grand Travnr« ^«un,y
fell into line and when it was seen that the local candidate
lould not get it. the result was endorsed with true Kepublican unanimity and enthusiasm.
Mr. Mayne was received
hunLt The u.p of the rwierruir ««•
ur«^*ed uo «d euditM'L'iidTd lious.
Thu leUiiu Ufdew aud
*i«da The
apiiaraiu. u>aid to
jiUmiuk oI
wub euij.tv uut»
ttu.mm y«i.u of thread a da> as
dram* aud Bu».iuii
fume* u( (tiruialdehyde iu j
for aeVeral hxur*. after wliieh
«i>l walar l'yd*>iiux malt* i ii r..>jairnl. i* added Ui the lltjuid y;. latiu at Iho
buKiUDlDg—Wunbiiiiftou Mtar
■•4a Wairr Hahlaa.
There ha«
i-Ue«M nu tlir oiatkal
I' a ]>iriahie ahd ludividual a«la watat
I {(eueratur Do'Wrcer Ibau a |>iui > haoi^ iwKue Udllu. '
I ^t'ular with
<oi diii.v ill :he llM|<l»w It* iniue W is
rm uiiiHtalKee where
the ortliun' y jierat
e«l water in m.l eaally id.Um..Me
ba* H vant hffld ..1 umdiilm
a. il»a|.(duahililyt.i euilifl^^’tii&E aluoe.
ae. UtidtT
cwDtlitixu* where it DL^tyaafe b;driuk
. >i-nr WMU-r attai it biu bees boiled.
; U'lhd walnr I* alwarniflat. but v iib
: thin niiujik- ooulriVBU>.¥. kiiii]-*.' lu ita
I ai'i-iiviili.-u; you <-au ^hHr.;e it with
TVU.iiH acid KAA .mU by addiUK a
uu.iti loZeUk'e Nit'e It a xoda. aellzeroT
vKhy ebarai-tn The caiiaMaaod gmt
sereANtry foe varla>uat>ux the water U
ear*i«d to aiuall ilcvl iieUuta ~»w
Yolk Juarsal
. -‘ V.
Republican Candidate lor judge. Thirteenth
Judicial t.'ircuit.
Ever Burned Out
the VAla* of
with that confidence which Republicans of his legal learning,
- ability and ediucation inspire.
1 le is knoWn to be a citizen
and an attorney, which every .voter could conscientiously t ote
. for.
The l>emocrais came forward with a candidate named
at a Democratic convention. Not a non-partisan convention
but an unqualified Democratic convention without Populist or
free silver frills. The Democratic managers, however, recog
nizing that they could not elect a Democrat without Republi
can votes, mounted their candidate upon an improvised non
David Smith having retir
partisan platform in direct antagonism tu the pur|>oses of
their convention. Then they boldly appealed for Republi ed from the firm of Smith,
and formed a partner-j
can votes to elect him. ' They argue that he has no superior
ship with Geo. Lather, thej
in any party and that every Republican would make a grave
new firm is now preparevl to|
mistake by not voting for him. The absurdity of this con
make contracts for all kinds
tention is amusing. They even go so far as to attack the of building.
characierof Mr. M tyne. and drag into the contest a matt* r
which has no connection withthe political situation whatever.
A private matter without the suggestion of anything to re
flect u|K>n the honesty of Mr. Mayne. Vet they make use of
Kstimates furnished for all
It to further their own (>oHtical ends and to bring Mr. Mayne
into disrepute. The I>eiiUKTatic press even desccjided to in. kinds of brick and frame
^ suit, not only towards’ihe Rcpublicaa. candidate but the ed
itor of this }vai>er and the editor of the Orand Traverse
MeraUI. Not satisfied with following the e.xample of this
pajver in carrying on a clean campaign, without disreputable i
methods or jiersonalilies. a course was adopted which meet.s
the resentment of all gootl citizens, and made friends for Mr. E fjere SHlOkBr kflOWS
11 h
I.; tiAimn
I. kn VI
i* \1-kK.n**
Mayne. l-'iit
Mayne was not .....
so .....II
well ”E;
known in this county as his oppom-iit and upon this the I 'em-, E
. .
l: - •»
iK:rats relie<f to give force to,theirnon pariisan plq^.
Now, E 600* ClgSt D)f SIHOKIflg 1!
however, the arguments of the Democrats have lieen prav- E
' tically exhausted and as a final desjieraie effort the Demo- E
cratic managers have puldished a pathetic apjveal for Repub- =
lican votes, with the faithful promise that if the -Democratic =
candidate h* elected the I democrats will not claim is as a E
}>arty victory. This sort of argument for votes wilt not iup E
impress Repul^icans favorably. 1‘ariicularly as the Demo- E
cratic candidaM'is a pronounced 1 democrat of the most vig- E
orous t> j*«, ahd for thirty years has been arrayed against the E
Republican ^vafty and his hOn-ttaru>,un_edorts haw ulways ^
lieen ilirec’.etl in favor of Dcimx-rats.
In m’kiiin^ the attacks against the character of^Hon
ITed. W. Mayne the Rf.coki> lias published several endorse- E
menis from his own 'joinmunity. where he has practiced law ^
690Ced6ll tO be ttlH 3
for 17 years, after ftnUhing a classical education and gradual- E ~
' "' '
ing from the law department of the .\nn .\rbin- university. E bSSt.
where he has h,-Id responsible public oflicc for many years E
made by
. and where he is still esteemed as one of the leading citizens/ ;
a lawyer of more than the average ability and a citizen ofj
It givesTyou a good
idea of the perfect fit,
elegant design and su
perb tailoring put into
the fine line SPRING
TROUSERS we have
just received.
Are all Trousers
Alike to You?
>. $
They'shouldn’t be
lt requires skill and no
little labor to SHAPE
a pair of Trousers.
Anyone can cut a pair
after a pattern—it’s the
skill used in pressing
ours'that makes them
^Id,, their. shape so
long. ,
New Firm
and Builders.
20 Teats Eipeiience.
liatber & Smith,
fitttnl Cootnetors
Diamond J
These endorsements were printed in the country edition;
. 1 Continued to eigh^h^Avage-l
Bold bj sU dMlcra.
Below We Give You
An Idea of Some Numbers:
576—Two colors, brown raixej goods—splendid pant for
general business wear—bought cheap; sold An ftft
cheap...... ..............................................
602—dray check Cassiinere-.will look well with
any eoataml vest—-good weight,good wearers
An rn
387—Fancy Stripe Worsted—will weai eipial to
tour dollar goods—noat pattern......................
An yr
245--t^tripe Worsted, gray and white—a handsome [lattcru—compares well with much higher An nn
l>rioed goods....................................................... ^0 UU
272---Similar to above—guaranteed as to wear—all of
above are perfectly tailored and elegantly ^ An rn
VU vlU
254—Fine Stripe Worsted-—same pattern as $4.50 and
$5,00 goods—a handsome pant, good enough An jjA
for any purpose.................................................
Vw uU
' '
We have made extra room for our very large
stock purchased for our Pant Departaient. Give
us a call and see the goods for yourselves.
Hamilton Clothing Company.
N. B.—Pants as low as 60c.
iraospaous ottwaMi.
growth or \h» •••iMM or
itte o««r th*
i< th« o«M wd 11» iM?
fl«—m tf6»wttk »
------gPwfto^ Uatea »U«m
ottH •Sftif*. Witk IkM* tMUMM 1 »Md c*rri« tk« kMd rf
Uon or* MMcioMd wMOl
; *»«a*U0H te«o hoM aod* la tbo
Md .SeiMt •mtioym. Pfod B«oi«^ ;«*Mo h/ »k« D*-ocr»vic
tootUtkcodoltkokokoopud h(9. , aUw pon». Tfc. fool I* Uo Dmooood ohUdroB dcporiiDMU. drohi* ' mIo of UteklvM Urow doom ik«ir
iMJtor kM obortoof Um poaW on. , luofoo frteodo Uto TOW. roi »d»kUUk(
.—“■ jiiir
Udr<«».d diocli* of Jioikio*
lo, i.»u loroioikioofc Oc t«oii«ii-uai.« ii»y •
•oof• VuroMhtac* Ad«0|lh'KM«rj ’
wfcUo AofiMl Hoobm io olfoidbiooi Uomoeroio. Hut iBvrdc.
M poelfy them the, hove pot oi the
•d Om of TrovoiM 0117% «ooi rc^ ;»«>•»«■« iitUo on»tfcla< doynuni.............................................
iookkofior ibo loUonof deport' Otoa ol the etroicht D,
________ .... ____ _
.. io*»V WlihUi*e»loo*l»o force coo- the oM Iboplee l oloa titlver Hr,oa
* cootie- There b a queatloo ae lo th<
W 0«\lMrO^
,«« ood ^
eol IccaJil, of ihb II woeld cerloini, be
• •M-ool,11, lor iw«.l,
.^wUrioff >o poW>c potroooc^ ^
lUecal for ao, pari, to amoate tba;
_ Uot leacU of liw. he ooruiol, l ‘**J'
Md Ur. UillUiei. v.coeiu of an, other part,, i'erbape.
bowtver. tbb b eimplv a loan to be re
*»d their tatcfril, ood pa(>- turned in idou. bat it le aomewbat cob- ^
%l--------cooel eorele ohoo elcoe of |
futinc ibb year. W the old-line Demo^
- Vrtik
j^u. ehu a>one maoc
aawtltaawthctkmplM I'nioo e»'«i.r
pan,, who were allowed no hana ts
Trarw Oiy for o period oorcrioc ' the oieottoo lo the Mete Moote. «0i
Ur Hooiiltoa
iMol, flee peon ood U wi^l loke b«i
• fUooe toeldc kte bi, etore to dewui
VoU for Hon. K W.
j| Troeeree Cly M iber.
tinlo Idol he hoe koea koeoceoial ood bepobi
nit J1 dco.
~ioo>w oou . e eioeoeiuci
IfeM booorokU dMlion »•> op lo-dot* ______
~ ' IM bio'v 1, w he ••
jpttr*- ood cluM touch vlih the l b, occ
An li
Mil olovblof morheU hove broofhi' leuow tbol the CUie >.» ooseeotk.1 --ken poaaeaaionofonaof tkeeuburban
The Lamson
and Hubbard Hat
,0, I Which we show here has been a great favorite with
^7TT»... ,.~igood dressers ever since we first introduced it here.
pPMpvil, to hie boelocae.
jMfO of koetle io buildio( op o »ub
pteUot houee boro bronchi rUh reWf€» to the Homiiwui raolhlof Co.
•■C 00 ropid hoe bcoo Ue loerooao Ihot
pvo raoB hoe entdooU, booa oddod
•Bd otoehe lorcol, loeroooed.
Tbd irode of thle woU koowo ood
jnpilT etore le oot ooottoed Vo Tro*mm Olt,. but b ehteodod tbroiifb oeeCnl oooolleo io oorUtero Mtehlc«h.
Vtan the Bomilton Clothinc Co. boe
Hir— hooiro oe the loodore in doth!•* Md CooUeaeo'e forobhlof C«>do.
Thte b 0 record of which tew mm
ho*e~moiio ood Ur. Uomiltoo boe Wi
hoDored becoM of bb (rood cllUeo
ebip. boaomUe bomoMe atetbode doi
floe penoool ^uoliibe It b oo woo
der. then that the buelaeee of which b>
lotbbportof theetotc. And lo moioUlniac the reputotton of hie bohincee
Ur. Bemilioo hoe mode the BomUtoti
Cloibtnc Oo oeokolonUolitclbbleaod
iMlllon W Boke oo oSort to oocoro popnbr mdinc place.
CMItlrnr* rooov. ood Aooll, ke euc
MffT-* is leoolof o room fliiO foot
Vate for Boo. V. W. Uh,ne lor Oir
the roor of K. UcNomorob ohoe cult jodee.
olOTO which odjoloe the cloihloc
A Queouon df Lefolit,.
ilcro. Thb oddlUonot room ollorde
Ae ever, volar who hoe woubod the
fthddt WO tool oddilloul ehelf room
uocree of polltleol pertlee lo the etote
Ictiitr ooBieroue oeatre eouotore for
tbb eprloc hoowe. there wop no coll
Iko dl^, of good* Mow thb b the
|«r(oot etothtoc ood feoUamoo'e for- ford foeloo Demorcotle ooavcaUoa.
•tohloccoodc eeublbhfoeot io north- Hie coll woe for a einicht oul-ood-ont
mm Ubhlfon. The new port wUl be UemoorolK ooovcotioa lor the oominodpenvori lorvely to ebUdroo'e olothloc. tioo of oondidetcS. tor the
mrke of Ooldwalar. The, depart » 801X10 fOUr OF fiVO yOErS OgO.
-Dlac lor the oouou,. and re
'.urn ever, nicht lo rcoatthare. Thera
ere eeveml hundred In the flock.
We challenge anyone to produce a hat at the
contains as many good points.
Perfection of fit ,as comfortable on the head as a
.^earing qualities equal to a Dunlap, style
. w n.,.. ®'a,. of block always original, and adapted to the require
ments of a great number of customers.
. - ------- -
Real Estate Eichangeli
CMt luMut PiflfM}
Odd the etoek ooatolne the lorceet ood bcaehnndlorrec«abofthennlvMU,.iA°'=lB<<‘°K »*" lito in^k Ueicb^
CM*t ot^plete line of clothinc tnr
)d«onll«e«orehoon In thbeootlonof the judlobl conventioo io thb circnlt' over what I have to offer bdforc bujlnctko'ethto. Ur. Bomlltoo b mohtnc e
Cpnolol eflort In tbb direction and tbU
Johnton Block.
olrcM, beoome o popnUr reeori were not recotoieed in an, wa,. The »• ropt Hlrcet.
were made b, the old
Sr UtUe men.
Tho main floor, which b fVslw, fret time dlmon-pure Democratic I
U -----------'
it, thea, —•—
that ibe ---------Democratic
Id Aimcntione,
dimentione, it
b aivioeo
divided ioh
loto> uvpaitdeport- , How
HMie. Oo the aMl tide an clevaM
evrie* the
IdrcofWckol c*Blb-men'a turniebinc
HOddeb dbplaycii
Tbie deparimeoi
aManda to tbe arohwa, leadlac to the
•hUdfwn’e depariinrnt- On the eai
Uda. eoulb ill the arcbwa,. a large
•imcc b devoted to men't pantt
hanv, lurnienioge
'fha oeatre of the main floor ie given
*dple ,outlie and men'e euiu.
Mptaideol the etore it devoted to
kdifl. oa^. valbet aad kindred geode
Thdbaecmenl under thb entire floor]
Mdtdlne reeorved euwbe of ever, kind
•c ceede carried in tbe etore aad wbeti
the ahelvee up eialra are emptied new
gaode are on hand to Qll them, eo that
a U never a lack of c
gt «p-to-datc weariag apparel for tbe
■an or b>, wbo deatiw* to dreea
fdahiodabi, end well.
The rouui up euir« b JTrT<) fe«t In
abe and U eet apart for overjoat*. fur
winter The tailoring
dafdrtment ie abo oo tbie floor.
•o rapid aa* been the iacreaee that
Mr Bamtlioo b hgnrfng W build e
Wf iMnijfht I4.0II0 rolls just beftHtr ihr
hptak addition on the rear abonl fort,
dMt deep
trust raisfil pri«;fls «>o piT ten'l. The tinest
With thb brief deeeriptlon it will be
line o(.iXi;(p |>auerns in the dty. }‘rit'es
Man tbat Ur. Hamilton bae built up •
wbii-b ahowk a kuixwae ool,
1-4 lit taoc per roll. No trouble tt> show
attdined b, honmble metbodk and
Blrbl attCDUon hi the neede of hie I
samples, l.ook all around, but don't buy
John R. Santo, |
GtMial InsaiMM.
City Bookstore
All combined in this unequalled hat at the price-
Stocl has bees doubled in the past three months-Knew
Our New Addition
to our Floor Space
departmeat has been added.
Wall Paper!
Idbaat at,lre and moat eervirablv
at iwicaa which are reaeonable and
' within every man'* reach.
The ofli le of the atore u in oourec of
rOMOdeling. it hat been enlarged and
pppelded with all Ibe appolnUnenU
ddMWarj la eo eeieoklve a- baelucee.
Ur. Bamilton will have a prlva'e of
ffaofnmiehed up etalre. where be can
the ■era eaell, and eonvenientl, look
After hb priraw aad pablb iatenaU
Permari, tbe Arm wacknown at HamUtM A UiUikan. J. W. Util kaa^nd
uiiiil you sve what we hate.
Ten Cent
This will be ojrened Saturday, April isl.
and occupy the west half'of our store un
til a separate building can t>e secured
gethm about ei ,oare ago, Ur. Hamil |
Mti manartng the uletbiag departmeei
Adfl Mr. UUbkea tbe dr, goude end
of Ik The bukineae grew eo feet tbat it
WM naeceear, to eeparate tboM dupart■adta, eo the partnerehip wm dmeoived and two eiparate eeut>n>bmeou
hdva been run, aitbenrh tbe, are eon
dpeled wl<b verb other b, a largearcb
WA, where the < Abnu yoin
d haab of a euick ouupaa, and one ol!
the aommeedable featuree introduumt |
WAB togive au interevt in tbe bueibcv* ‘
leaemeofaM long-wied aud eflicieut
Adployae, tnuk giving them a renewe.,
iaeentiv* to esert ever, eflort io de
ealoptag tba miulMee. H U Bracken.
!■ men, ,uam. wat plaoed ia the poa>
aim od aeuM'aet manager and ha>
nk>T»» of the men't enlt and ovareoat
dapartMak ruea. H dharmpa pee
Stock will consist of thousands, of articles
usually sold for 15 to 15c each.
We buy
these goods in connnetion with the larg
est retailers in Chicago, direct from ihe
factories and gel car-load rates on our
purchases—Come in at our opening ,
Curtaios, Picture Priiinea, Books. Sta.
tionary and Sporting ,Goods at lowest
prices consistent with tirst-dass goods.
220 Front Street
Was made partly to allow us more room‘ for hats—
This is a Stock on which we have always prided our
selves, and now that caps are again being superseded
by hats, our line of the latter will be nearly doubled
this spring.
The same firm who placed on the market our
famous three dollar stiff hat, are this season making
some handsome novelties in soft hats, new in both
design and colors. We have the exclusive sale of
them in this section.
Two or three other large eastern hat manufact
urers are well represented in our stock. When our
goods are all in Jhey will challenge the admiration of
every hat customer.
Some novelties in imported goods. Hats made
especially for comfort.
Handsome things in children’s hats.
•Ml April. «bU« ihefi
m Vietorte wUi W
■■pnM £«rmW. wbo
«u w I------- eJ«M. eoM thM,
.,wi« 7. U
M«M moDlh
M.' t..»i,.«.ri«. u<< it.> »»i*.*i. • .-«»uu»« w utc , .
»UMu Uwlf , u.,
»rMtor (teum ol Pmu B*lbU>M
bMordMdUe •dapllos la Cate
„ ■ < i.
tn «t k«t.««).____^I'.l »»,«„«*» ,
o.budo«MU«rat«b iiuM
omm a
kaltMPce. »ad tkcMiriMBeoH-d tbe
jy.^. -'fy*-;?:*
mamtj. lpiM«f te« larrMi iowbo,''* “>' i»tei*. ■«
borl«>laf April 1. • free dellrery will
o,.„. ,..o.
March 29, 30 and 31
«'li !•
*- -I
-^*. ^;^*a
tL. ..omh.i.u.
to. ui .klV.r^UTM.VKt'i^DflVu^lV^Vi'iMrl'iVVJ'T!
AtcbiMToKiuBk KiMtee. an eiteirteua.-M ku« kuaday u. a
deal wllA l»o uknowa sea
- .ai„kaa,.d.
ault. K<
Orar jo •»»■•. a* •
i»f»“* -« • '-kfi
o,itti>.««adM«iiitw'.r«rn.i i-> ib-i>«i.i.iurr>h»ii
bat ralaaed
or Ui« aaotiva for I
« ol IK
.• <'f ll.la
raaale Ortea. a Cbiea«o teby
fro« tba rffreU
reU of a oaadie prick Two i K^rtwTlwn'
araaki afo tba
ebUd'a aiotbor laid bar 1
ba ebUd'B
la a frathar
kaard tba lolaat aaraaailBC. aad apoa
ala( bar fooad that a ao«Jla
.l^i’kata wrluarurprlBtnl
U)l.«.tl.««..'il. 'Au'M
.UKiJijji^obI rtlaUM lo bbull. PrlbllM
^.“: ..„
bd-^/Tllui ••
lb ILk. I.WBIXf
________ ____
“bf *>M w, {"[i;
•UMwaa la tba baddlaf bad paaa- r.r‘';rbrr?..tT:ir.‘:t *.br-"---------
II 'M lb u.lb'
b liC rsavb^ I
'M • ub.lllllll.tf.
TL.- k*ll-*l
‘V'.u. aud
. .j: nup.-.
r..ot4b lobar, »
^'^^ra'urdi^ uTuH lii.Hi'dlau .R
T brtrht kolll.M lUM •!.- LmI
tratad the baby’a bMk- batoral da/a i r?
** '*
iatar tba child eaa^bt oold la tba
woaad. aad tba ipaaoiaMlioa cauaad
Toauoad bb. tloa> ulanitl* but tk. r.eaUib
I Ik. MbU >4 MU-klCba. IcMUtc lo Ur. bit Loi
llbiollrd or Uib o,oau b»4 Uoub. o( ItW.*
., .kail ."I >- aarll
itaaof ibi-huuot yi<l.l(ak. Ttwl Uir fullui
Tba popa la aMaall/ falaiaf aUoacth
tt'oawWtWUb .oA.IIIbtloaot ikl.OUlr h,
be k»mt U kaibOi p>.|«.bnl Ikbl I. i.e .bf. Ik*'
Baaau wall aad bU naalailij U aa cRbCt
I <UI Wb Mbl'l a-jtlki'd Ikbl Ibr Lb«l
................................ "
briebt aa atar. Ur. Uppoal and t're. Maiaot llli kiM kMWebtd b lolkt r Mbrbotlkrl*J“
................. ...
Th. at*w*l,*ll Obd!.M.Kllus JaJI.
aaa.«4u.>«i >■■ ik. Cuanliuii-M. of
» H.i. ol ibicifkllkiorbrl. ..1 «bl.k Ik. n-viot. tkribo
«■ Maxooal rlaUad hla bolloM tel- •a
j.kbll.'l.ulbat tlr.'.ll >ud(r. Wko .k.:! k.'ld Ml; ‘bBcb lorklrr*. ol >1* T.*r-. bbd i.blll kl- •Ui'.b*. ■’
tarda/and espraaaed tba rraatcat natiafaetioa at bla ooadlUott.
la« i libtlloo of lo'.lr tk*a ob' • tr.'bll .o4ai* 1* LkTkViii; rr1*111. ...the lloiu UU • for
.bilkU bl.:il..lb bl.l.a Ih. .Ill of Jbii..li II Ol
AnatraliabMU adrluM recai
Bcaired by >
ni-.a.*... hr ik. k.-»*Uk*< lloib* of Haioru-O , w*>
bUbbiid *bj fbiui )o.ii. Ib. .Ir> on u. whl. i
- WarrtMo ooaulo aa«n
«wa of a]
*“■ “
>b. 'iwi; £SK?»jwa.“as So. 7;/- rSiTSTiSSS^ass?
Tb. 0..U0 boi 1.0
baada aad a portloo at tba «areaaa
hrmefat to tba H/dn •/ maaeain
Vota for Bbo. F. W
dr;«rwlard I.) Ik.
i**uC ol >uwri!*.ri
b'^***" ..f bbf
k. bWro**« o. M lo re£* .. fo
k*e i> b 1
Tke UbIk Ullb.
»riM Cbbiri. lb uOe Ibi. nurdi
Ma/aa for Cir- ■ |;:Xiit:".u
-------------------------------- ------------
.mi*«tbbu» i.o.bir. kodUrJ—.aoi..i»r.i.bboti-..i.
4in. birf-k IbU-l
ir lb tbr u|a*r lobib bib U k-I.l.k,'**lkolll.4 bb
jii Ike ud pib
rb.amrrie Ii.kii. abd M> o. ikf rfr. uli laddr •>
lb .It ; Ik. jaiU-i.i . ll.-un l. atikk b*l4 J.abl, Ibbltiol,.
|:Lur.r?.’Ta",.-.-.. .............................
Mobl.ipbl .-.bit. of .lillaod .blorraal
We extvn<l to vourst lf and triemis a mojtt
cordial invitation to visit us on thealiov; dates
and inspect OUT ma^rnificent slock of NKW
jjcneral slock, tht- latest weaves, jtailerns and makes in the greatest varieties at
values unapproachable.
We arfe showing unusual values In Not chics
and riaiii'EfT^ts. New IM.iids. spU-iiilid \\dues,
.It 7, S. t \ i.?r per \ard. Wool ami Silk Novel*
lifv some sojnchvs wide, J5c iku- >ard. 45 inch
all wool Serk!<‘s, ,;9C per yard.
\ big range of patterns of Trimming Silk and Waist
and ^oc per >'ard
.An immense line ol ne
new Wash I'abrics consisting of
ns, 1I>imil
(lomcsiii and iiii]>uri<.i.-d Idnghains,
ami Orgamlios, I’lain .ind Fancy Welts.
4-4 heavy MailriasTc 4-4 good Percale
The largest ami most elaborate stock
we ha\e ever shown.
I’aUerits the very
newest ami as usual our piicrs are the very
lowest. Mattings from n>c up.
.Ml wool idling Ingrains .it ;>c. Brussels from ?oi up.
from I Sc up-
< >ur past
week s bu*
siness has
been a hum
mer. Special s.tte roniimies tor another week
Stock still complete. Our priic et|mv.i)ent
cost of material.
Don’t waste your time, buy
your muslins of us.
' i.oui ii
At Oopamiab a kDall wrack occarred |
. 'k.
0* Ika Asa Arbor railroad at •> o'eloch ;* Li.*.:, Tka.yrfrib.<oon UbH. at a«rb*rbi roi. ^ i.io. |•l-bi..»*l.»l
... II '..-Ik-r b4-abl>'-> ’k*l «M.oo.t|ibIl
•aada/ .oralaf at,a aldlaf ai^bl
7r..r^^ blaiB*oJ..o-i,i
ikall^ .»M..llli..l l» ll.. ..-..pi.
.wialai.rT Iki ruau al <1. .'.nllbt. ’ . >-. I.o-.d .4.'lo SIM U'
Hllaaaaat. A anow plow in pakoiiw :S'.”\.*7illVr7i..'M..“V:'
.rtk u. b. , d.) lo April .11 lb. loar Ob. lbobM.B.1 . l«lil '.
r ofl . of
ti. .1 bla. i> ..I..* bM Ikat Ikr .o. n.|ar>
We show great values in
this departm e n 1.
-.nits are well
of aiai.
Ladies' Silk Capes, trimnied will) lace and teids
•ad lb. aren.aa,r;o•.rv:.■‘H.:n^^”‘^'••v?•■^■.“'^:;‘‘!;^?^^^^^
loaded rraigbi
i-d sn.o:i"i.'i <•, Us aa.ia>.t>.>*i.van.ioii.A,
.A. tr.«.. mi
Ml.. a .utlal.l.
.utiai.i. >-m f-u 11.
rn, 1.10.0 of .*>■ or .M
l.lbor) , lor or *«al*.l laM *ri. a.loo ..l.al.l tb* aau> *.o*Sil
r* .l.a'i . B..1H aka .l ■*' prlstnl apoo III. idk.'lali.all'll oraR.l'
bald . l..tl.lo. ar K-Il-I.d -> lb* a. t. i>. >>
n.«. bbo wari.i.Wb
Jr r IklRTklT .UWU a*
ll o»
To •-■oura » Oomplaca Art of ibr
Sae/elopadla Sritaoaioa
from $2,00 op.
..oil .P.H. U.
osbM bllbUi rail c ...rt> Ml"
' .b.-h -dlM. I
■<.. hal.ol.akall ’• loiuMlMl.
Boll/A Uooaabid are tffrriolt tbe|'*;T.’‘lr ik. ..p...... ..u
p«blie a floe cbanca to tacura ihc Rai
i . rn.»i,r t.»
aelapcdia Brilaoniea, ooMplale la .....................
Uilriy aoparb ooiaro «<daK«a-' Tbia la
atudca tba recant kuf^lcBeai of Htreolnnaa of parlleular iatarrei to Amrr
4 >1.
. e
Cbildreo's Jackets from$t.20op.
iubd>.a*B..a rr.iyli..U >.I lab
7ki» I.'l*' a- ■ ■' III-. l.•»W■r.
Th'lortU of bald alb.ll.ib bill Iw ■
.Mid •'Wtl..l. d.o
friiw >..*1, u rlui'k
Skill firi'vi^^ii. Ibb .,»rro.
ladies' all vool Covert Spriog
Jackets from $3.00 op
'Sni.r.S' "ir;!,'..,-.
For a abort liBe tbit ktendaRl work, . ..
.... _____
u oBurod at Vi par crai I ua* tben ll waa *“
•old by a loadiiw tibloaffu Uall.v Faper irV;,uJl;;t’.'Xil a.-^r:’J Mroi
i ►.iin...«.i
S..iini..a*i ..
1 .|.ub.i.
i.u'b.i. .use...
.dS(... .i..
p. a. pr,..oi..i f.« .................................I bir...!
•ad 00 ralwr tarau
*>•.>• . *kdU-xl1b.*V
aad lB>r.il..ols. ..
.rf tko anl.ti
i,. ii.atai.rlk W b .1
k. Kfu.rd1oM.uHa
^ ' *■....
Koc/cOoprdla Itrll-M-L-,
Itrlteoakw t.
IS uu
h.. <: Tk.«.fb ,f .b.k .obi.iv ..v**<—1 «... .s.,.,.1.1 ........ ...
nbtbUiou ID U.............................
!•/ .t Couueble's slorc, 'bdi.i., Mrsu....... i.- • --ik .* u.. .u.yii . .yt.
j,. ,o.. irmb « »ru
d Ibe/ wll
iKlad UikboW It Waay ;r.'H.^‘t?uJ:T“'l.s.V“,.Mrl?.''.i.rfbi''.‘'.'“;?'?J^ ....... . . .
if yi>i
tnooicoouf in panun .
Orcbt Off rr to Btdaarorark.
I. 1M>
Ladies' Skirls from $1.00 op.
ii..n r~..pM*o ........ .b.1 M-k *».. oa.oT. *. • .'J'
wrila tbam. and tbey
od you by oiaU full rparlii-utark obont I d.. lM.sdMd.rb
■■ •'
e work and the' r»real offer of ll.*
•bora enlarpriaiDA 11
only a limited nuab
aver, aad if latari-kuid you sbiutd in
eeetifatc at onoe.
Ustlot cf XMtiBg' 91 BearAt cf la^u
.••01S....I in. MpMSo-bbd
man ibddbaaad i***!.<•.«« Uu- Ma.-r ak.ii
_.,,aur. ..fllrMs.................................. -
Tfco e...
.1 Iblerbofuu- .lr^.:i
'I' a mara <1
I Mui. n« Maf -.B ItM. at.. “ -1*1 lb IjuO .bp.
lad tnai ealMble pap
"•». and .. r»
na Ur knterrIpUoa U
b rrcelred
unltl i*'k/kl*
duly I. IR'.M. ttairiaen week* In
lOlaa of ten TOplM to i^nrrpersoDi
person i for ’
renty pa«m
fry work fur leas Uao
Uae • uent'a eoiiv
>I| *1. ,.bl .rf ,d» T .1 lb.
' .L..l,n...,l1 .bddrbuf
.bdSrbuf .s. L tbI. Mi...d|sl.-. -.n.
•tier Is only to Hu b ffan KndraV
.. .I.sl U.O.' Ik.if
k.it ribrsi.i.r
e-.. bsifl i'..it
lor the sole putpusi-^of
ornre for
.~'.rd asd Hb. 'liid
I M. '
luat cooerntlfD., tei
•etomplikb tfab every endeavorer in
Ua aute oufbl to be thoroopbly poat- '
od. not only recaniinc Ue . oneenllcMi'
plana but aUo Ue world wide Kodcar |
or work
ToaUlIforUaramiat in'thU work,
toad yoor namik and Ue tea eaoU u
I Holley at Ua City
ba wUI
- aoa
aetbatthat tba paper* are rireieed.
Uaa appdial
aoBir one from yokr socle-1
lo callI Uara erar.v Kaurdai
bem Ue* can b.
yoar neeiinf Don't bum tbl* remark
able eSar. aad naad yoar Baatea at
fur III
wawr*”* si’
r-.—l.-l il .•
r.'..-l..r. i.ol
N'< end of iirw
ilesigns arul tfilurtng'..
Our prices .ir<e
nnappmai luible.
roll « rood strong while baik-wali |iapt i', praflfy degill, full S \;iids, would l»e « iu-rt|» .il 1h
A iume from'an elegant assortment of 1 iliinme
gg Mica anal < •ills, wihilii
i big bargain .it tk . tiili Border ’< jier yard
.\n elrgaui line ol tme «-mbos-,ed high art W all I'ap
iuld be
;tt I tc
•r roil.
iglvT gradf-. .lie beautiful beimi.l lii-nription
Must !
I to be apjireciatcil.
- ............. . ■,rS"5’{"Vr^
; »•
-rue Cbriailan Ba-IE^J
the latest shmlesand l>esi
brokeaawlicbalaodard and afrai*bi|J;;^j;^‘**2rir7uV»iI“d^^
Ik.' o I
^Hibllr^'ab.f yfr. ’biii'«- Jt''k»'*J.i
trala foil iwed aoon after waa ditebad ,
''i'*i' “W“"‘ ' l£’
The aogloe turnedm orrr,
tba ............
iM.?i!VT.!i'ii -ik;
j‘n.* -ill
o>. ■ 1 loiarlaf
.o IM>
oooo' . -........ - »—
». I.ib.i.iVlt;..,:*'.V’..
.o< ..... o. -o ■
ijaitaaariofi ly
aata ware brohep up.
laiiored, fif
io.» i.
_. ..
. WBr.1
t»aaMpr«ki -rr™ .
I,. lerVMbMd «*|.l
,U| P»-...IU1 bipMi
’’‘’"7’"'.““ll'''’"ill-is .""il'lele.imi
Is If
S.1 Udti.
I'kib 4<ib da. ..I Mar. I. !•
ais-.b a
i;i. SCSI.
I have for sale a fine lot of
2'6f fixt of ^hclvi^g' lilkd with m-w
up-lo'dalv footwear, 'i'his tleparl---------menl runs on ineth<Kls t*> please vou.
Honest giM>ds at price« within reach of all siyit-'
iip-to date. <hir stock is fresh and, assortment
Tty oor fcn's and Women's
41.28 up-to-date Solid Shoes.
Tip our Cork-loner ladies Tri-On-Fa
42 50 Shae.
Caotiaa XsUea.
Tstkr Wsl toim ef IM I'll, st Trs.p.M
Vilj. iirssd Trsirrs' raunii. Muki^sa
Vub sir Srrbl.r eoirasd Iksi ai Ike dsurrsl
clwtius k. Is- u*id iBia* err ssrdbuf ifc.
d* Ikr ftral Huu4.> .n apn|. HM- Ikrir . ill le
e'ArMd lorikr skuk- oil; lb* Isls.nlt.b Sswrt
------ .M*v..b •» .btMwieiu ;o«i.]iigan—f»ne
ov ine cdeapMM I INFRY
of thi-cheapI e<t in ih.* wj-fi..__ »h..
the state—the most skillful
to execute
workmanship of high art.
«M*f’UI ttrs.br.1
IWm oil. *1*.. k.,id,-.p.i „ .^sf (*r sir
«ned* SI SSM »r.i*M. >b* IsikiBlaa uswrrt,
And FArm Mares
To be seen at Cutler's Barn.
VouarrslM. kri.k.
First class stock lor choice selection of
animals ai
at reasonaoie
reasonable prices
prices ana
'ot»si skb-rk-fbT-omrrvvprrib good work
wwttt. tAuiiuHis
SZSS!'.J”,easy terms Look these over and profit by
iV:-------- ;tnl8 fine chance.
'Trsveri* Olty
Cutler's Barn, Cniou St
W e moil earnestly solicit y our iasjnecliod of our sjiriog arrivals. Our
clothing this season is wdl tailored, patterns and styles well selected, even to the
cheape.st. We offer most marvelous bargains in men’s'suits.
• ^
A sjrecial bargain J"0 men's all .wool sprang suits, well *iiiade. each $3.5».\
Chihlren’s suits fnun 75c up. Children's knee pants from, 15c uj>
Men's wool
|»auls (no ^boddy) fi;om 75c up.
Our stor8 will Ne ii fell trim on above dates. Music eveuiags.
The Boston Store,
IH* MDUUia m»OOM). W»PMaPAT.MA»OH »9, ft»e.
HZominued /rom fifth |>age-]
wmiaw I
-<4 the Kh..• OKI' last week, but that the public may have a bet<er_oj»M<*rtunity tb consider them they are printed again
Jay and issut^ lo the city suWrilwrs. So man can question ;
,t *E«e evidences of good-will, (onfulence ami c-steem.
. «ome from meh high in public, professional and religious life
tn from of mr bowi. *ub
, and as such wiU have weight with the voters whose' interests,
'.are u> keep upon the judicial bench men of honesty, integrity' himr' i inquired or a naure.
.'tefty puriKfte and a legal knowledge and ability which
.iaspire the public: with the dignity of the judiciary, and invite | - Tak« bta up tb« mad a pim and
-.^t trust which must be reposed in a man who occupies a i«**“'*' *»
'••U’bat am they •altlns for nowr
fotitton where the interests of the people require justice to' | *emur«d.
.fee dispensed with wisdom and imjiartiality. Such a man isj " Tbw'r* a-waiiifi on Squir*- wuiFred W. Mayne, and in voting for hint the voter will endorse
^ose qualities which they seek in a wise and able judge and I su burryin* do*.n ibe •tmet.
r«l.ich Mr. Mayme pos^sses in an eminent degree.
Voters are invited to carefully consider these words of, waa for an ottuai or u»a law m a eaaa
‘of ibU hind.
^praise and confidence for the Kepublican candidate:
To the Citizens of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit-A
-vccent issue of the Charlevoix Democrat indirectly and by
one day riding acroaa a comyicj^D adja: iaipticalion attacked the character of the Hon. I-redcrick \V- j
>»u preaerem «b.u heoyertooh
r.Hayne. the Republican randitlale for judge of the
|g bi).
NO. 1.- A few pieces and part pieces
26c Novelty Dress Goods, to close at
“ •Yea.' wai tbe cool reply.' he went
Op to the bvuae alUr tbe rope.' “
fMaiais mlcraeM Mis
iTtcImt i cisttnr it skill
I______ t lllSiMSS.
t le ba MoppInK om ts
mua Kentucky town um day last
aoinibar," aald a Columbua travelltni
Sian to ina yeuierday. "uben
of man brouebt tn a nicro wbo bad
fclUad a whlia nan dunug a quarrel
lie bad
bad u»i< captui^d
19o yard.
NO 2. -Anothpr lot of 60c Suitings,
while they last, for...................................
he ***°1 aa^uou
>r aoflSe.piliii^centh judirial circuit. In Charlevoix county where Mr. they rode on in aiieum lor
Mayn- .. Uoan this „„ius. attack »ill do him i,o harm. I™t
JO onJer that the voters of this circuit who are not personally it dr..piu>d u> lu kneta.
,-»cquainte«l with Mr. Mayne may know the professional, inor-1.
^ ‘»>e mutier with yoot
. ,
. • . 1
, t. ■
1 ■
- - •
r korret
»il» lord.hlp The emal and social slanditrg.m which he is held in this vicinity, we. i*rraai«sl lenam remarked by way ot
.she physicians and dentists of Charlevoix, irrespective of,
M>« ti. aieed always act'■jarty affiliations, do hereby rcpreschl to the people of said ^ found******
*** ***”* *
ctrcuil that we has'^e been acquainted with the Hon. Fred-] a momeni later, to ibt tenant'e aat*
«ick W. Mayne for rnttny years', that hia reputation and | {.'“J”
'character for honest.y. integrity, morality and good citizen-'by.
•akip stand uninlpcachcd: that in his |,rivate and professions 11.
" '"Pr™:.! m. i.»«ic.ra tpst
. _v
1 1 I •
• L<
be at once drove>.^t«reain by Which
-Be he IS most highly esteemed by Ins neighbors irres|>ective jhe aecured tbe lenihi^B ■ -- ■---■-a '
political Udiefs. and that by reason of .Kis legal attain-‘a exchange r^ bu own Una ■_____
-e«U..a»d high moral character he is eminently fittetl lor the ““’S
all '
3iigh oflice to which he*has been nominated by his party, and I home, and *’•
' came to • amull i
■ that he is receiving the loyal and enthusiastic support of
: lAudlord’a new nag immedtau-ly balk- !
.ilepublican party in Charlevoix county. '
ied. A drive home wlib 'Bkw apura
Charlevoix, Michigan. March 20. iSc>q.
brought It again lo Us Lncea.
37o yard.
“Hello! What's up now? There'a
no gama herr." aaid his lordship.
u -M'a «a
good for«flali aa 'ee is for ganiit.”
I. B.Tiiir.rp'. M. IV.
K. If. Wi. Ks. 1). D.S..
l•n.^^K W. l,r:l-rr Ki, M. !>..
I, A. An.n. D. fVS.
ilvi I'rdi.pil.iHfc
“1 believe that you u»i-d to know
Mra. lirown. did you noiT" naked tba J
:new woman.
I "BrowB? Urown?" returned the oldfaabloned vtumaa thmightfiilly.
; don't aoem to place bar. Wbal Urn
Brown was it? '
the, “lira, -.ary UehUalx-I Brown.” anw oiuan. “Ob. you
the'iw«r«<i (be
I'he Hon. J'Vetlerick W. Mayne. having received
eiibminatiim as judge of the I'hirteenth judicial circuit by
publtian convention held at
a' Traverse City on the
’ ?th
’ day
------- March last.
last, we. the undersigned,
undersi ned. member;
members of the common l^red".b“*o7d-rrr:
of Charlevoix
j^n j recall bar. Hut |1»
„ ,norry *«
' .village,
, r. .. do..hereby
, express to the voters
; Ij don't
4M this circuit our conlidence in his integnty and ability and her juat the aame."
■ecomiiiend him to the voters a;? being in evert’ rcsjiect em i “Sorry for her!" exclaimed the new
iaently qualified for the high office to which he has \>een
"Wby we you wrry
“A widow alwaya baa my aympatby.H. Nii iKii-s, I'resident.
replied Ihe old-faablooed woman.
H. S. Haksha.
"A widow! " cried the new woman.
^Nfby. ahe lan'l a widow."
I'. G. Hihks.
"Then more than ever am 1 aorry
H. Hkiifoki), »
for bar," relumed" Ibe old-faahloned
<i. \'an Au-sm'Ku.
woman. **! don't ibink Uere U any
Ki.mokk E. Mi'imSk, I rustecs.
thing more pitiful than a woman wbo
36-inch Percale, no cheap trashy stuff,
but good quality, and fine line of
Ilf .Salutml HlXwry,
“Wc tnzy :ram vomcihlng from Uie
re<«( fn»igiit''caot iT.-nlure that Uvea."
vald fpc > Al ef) f-'p .rk« ' Mow. there'a
the *hliv|v.ike It iCHrhr* ua that one
nwy l-e lang-hrad-Hl without leing go->d
fur anything tni earth."—Chicago TrlbIirlpal Pay lUII.
roll In B'lStoa bat '
ISK-'CT to 111 • j
The mumcipiii,f»y
Provident Life
and Trust Company
• all Hbiludctphlu
KodueArai p<.|lvM a •px IaU^
Wrilv lur leroi.
Levi T. IVuuillizUiD, Distrit l .\gt.
fpaiviv Clij.MIrblcaa.
A-U.i-nsviT lt li,l>..fV y. * Rtmwis
H. i>. KraiU- nl I'lioinau. sriih r.iaautiiBC phy• Inlsti, sad lurv—»•. aad vn-f>*>i'«al tursaw
Tb'rI.riyir.t isstiltsriuni la Ibv wnrM; a plarr lof
toUihr ris.a Afv yen Mvk and _d'.»
................................................................................................... ^—
d«T)d the court over which he presides. 1
-We unite in making this staiemem to show that ife fully
v-adorse the can^dacy
Mr. Mayne.y'
W,_H . McCartney, Sup^ranAte Mmistcr M. E.Ch.
A. F. Naclek. Pastor M. Fu church.
lOc, 15o, 18o, 20o, 22c, to 40c yard.
Colored Dimities and Piques.
A beautiful new line of these goods now
on sale. Ask to see these goods............
12^0,15o, 18c, and 25c yard.
We positively show the finest line ot
wool carpets in Travers City. This is no
idle talk. Investigate this statement.
We want your carpet trade. Let us
quote you prices. We will not allow
anyone to sell cheaper than we do.
Solid Worth"
TliD tresco" Corset.
Many Kinds
Of Belts Worn.
But the one that la alwaya In demand and
can ba dspaoded upon la the good leather
belt, and we have many new and handacme dealg^s.
onlj plAoe In ibe city where yoo «u
I. etflped
Will be the leading white goods for
Shirt Waists'and Skirts this ssason ;
We have laid them in at the old price,
and are in poeition to quote you the
following low prices on them...............
It poaMMes a dlfferant faatura from
Wc the imdersigm-d. Ministers of the (h^pcl of Cliarle ibs'l 'SrodlWqu'»»I«>bS*ii>»i
^ix. Michigan, are )>ersonaIly well acquainted with the Hon.
any othar coraet
la dlaconnecUd at the waiat Una and
Wcdrick W. Mayne of Charlevoi.x. Michiu
‘having known him for several years. Hy reason of his legal
can not poaaibly braak.
itgh moral character, we consnler
-learning and high
consi«ler nim
him en
eminentIs perfectly comfortable.
ly qualified
lo fill the jgFsition of Circuit Jutlgeof the Thir
lalifiA giant in strength, and is sold on iu
ternth Judicial Cirtiiit lo which high and honorable ottife he, ^ ^ ^
merit only.
aspires. If electetl ^ir. Mliyne will bring to the bench those |
I I ( I |■>^^*Vd'0S
Price $100.
.-quaJitifs of mind which will enable him to ileicrminc wisely
. ___——------------•
49c yard.
at 5o yard.
NEW CALICO—3c, 4o, 6o yard.
NEW GINQHAMS-5C, 6c, 7c, 10c,
to 40c yard.
White Piques, Cords and Welts
la aahamed of her hiiiliand."
*'Bui aha lao't aabamed ot her butT o the Voters of the Thirteenth Jubiiial Circuit—The band.
“Then why doM abe Inalat upon be^
afcemocratic press, not satisfied with the prospects of success!
mown aa Urn Alary MeblUbtl
the non-partisanship theory, are now attacking the char Brown?"
acter of the Hon. b redrick \V, Mayne. republican candidate
lor Judge of the Thirteenth luditial Circuit. To the voters
; desire to say that we have beeh acquainted with Mr.
Mayne for twenty years anti ujiwards; that.duringall this time
k has enjoyed anti now enjoj's the confidence of the entire com•nunity in which he resitles; that he sustains the reputation of
an honest man and a true citizen: that his professional repiiSation ami his private character stand unimi>eached; that by'
reason of .his long exfKrrience and his success at the bar, as
well as his Iqgsil learning and high mtiral I'haractrr. he is
eminently well ^ualiticd to dischage the tluties of the high
•fhee to which he has l>cen nominated by his party uith hon«r .to h'imseU and to the |>rople of this judicial Circuit, and
.■e do indiirse ami commend him to the voters as iHnng in
tvery w.iy v orthv uf ytnir confidence and your ballots,
; fharlci oix 'lichiiigan. March 20, i.Stjq.
A. J. Sikono. Juilge of Probate
Okji i.k. Sheriff
I'^KASk A. Kanvon. Vountv Clerk
WiM.i.xM j. WKikt:i.. Tmlcr Sheriff
|oiiN \Vakh. County 'rreasurer.
\Vm. 1.. Pii.KMiv, Register of Dcctls.
J. M. Hakkis, Prosecuting .Attornay.
C. I'". Hi 1.1. Circuiit Conrt Com'r.
NO. 3-Big line new Coverts. Baize,
Hair Line Stripes. Checks, and
Novelty Suitings. This is an excellent
line, for.........................................................
■ BeUateetlM
' .eopOTly
Ulerle's N>« Simp,
We have a few WINTER CAPES TO CLOSE, and here are the ^^-1
1 lot SI 98 1 lot $2 89. We also have a few Jackets that are going for f f ^ Jo
ioma of ?h«e mt ans come at once. Juat recs-ived, a full line of very atyllah and i
able Shirt Waiau, from 60c to $166
8 Mad T«v—Ho 192.
•MtoU tkk tbMTj E* iloolyd Mr.^
M«7M mU ebMfM hl« wlU htimt
f»U* to bl* maw M ftpvam bf kla MaUm7. Tba taatioi'w; pt
Idtfht UPOB tb* OhftrtoTCdx wttOMaM (MttoC.wbleh wm aaaittpd ▲mMlMUibOrbdiuaiy Closing
Vf tba
Um( Ibax nat*In on Mbloloo.
Bond DmO.
mmf iftrt unim*.
It b OlM » <M( ttet iBWdiOUlr nabata Saratoc Tbalr ^IJagaa WblU
tUa taattmoy
Kttob TMtlmoaj Porpoaoly kftar Bot«
to matwat-Oaaaaal Otto '^laa of
Majoa oraaaatad tba aaatlar to tba
Bnaarr aa4 OMuar* of ^ boldkara *
tbaMtotac .<•«
>-A«atoalOo rraoartoc"^to Kaka
aad paaiary aad a warraat waa toaaad
Sto UM itoad Witb Popyarata
OatoU WW* tba MmtX* VbUa4 to
aad ^aaad to tba baade of tba abariff
Mot to Ito A«to* M r»« W. far tba arraat of told Batoa. Batwaaa
dwkaato aad dawa baton tba abartt' ^aw York. Mareb to. -Tba Joarmal’e
VhOMMaov to VM4 A«ototo aoald eatek btw Balaa dad bayaad tba | UMlla oomapaadaat nporu that Mae
Kara, to • rM^tlra toon JMttoat bordaraad tba atata aad baa aootia-1^rtbar^dlrtolaa. afiar a raat to tbe
aooaly rotoalaad away. He to deetorad Merilao. bara« tba ad.
We offer
a /upUtoe froM yu«t4M o« tbto otry!
toward MaMoa at 6:S0 thte
Tba dtolortod aoBoaat to faatarday'a
ebonelodovaadtMlbetothawoawbma Borator- Tbp laatadlata objeetira
HD excellent quality
■Ktoaf tba <toarlaaoto boad daalto tbe UtmiKftu* bore fobn to tbeto bnrwto
towa of Boeano. dre
whtob Frad W.
Md ore boldtap up o« the daorart/iWJ bUm aortb of Marilaa Filiplao prlaof
aaUa farr otmo
oemo lifbt
licbt apoa a ipbjaat eiflbafroaadtduM- aad oa wboaa ataVjMara bare tofomad tbe A<
wbtoh hat baaa» adopt
adoptod bj tba Dom- •aala they ban Ualr last effort to that Ayutoaldo will atake a tost yraad
TaffeU Marie
aratolar tba parp»a
o( prajadietoc Ua
ataad at Msloloa. ^ It defeated then be
a affalaat Mr- Majaa.
at less
will ^utt bb resbtabpe.
FAHBirsLZ. rAMvr
U ordar to aaoara tha aztaaaioa of
A Berald Maatls dLipateb eays that
than half value.
a W. M. ■ailway to (toarlaaoto.
Ue yuaboat Layuaat <de Bay attacked
•toaa to Boaor of Hlaa
tba rllUca of Cbartaroli Iwaad booda
. r'Bulacaa.
• to tba aatoaat of tW.ooo. Tbaaa boada
Aaierloana were waondad.
A vary pleasant fanwell aarprlaa
wara otaaaiM^ to ratoa noaay tor tba
The toeuryeata attacked the Asrrlballdlar of a bridca aoroaa Ptoa RIaari party me ylvao last aveatoy at tba eaaa laatercalay at MsrMbr bot wen
toraality, laUroadakl booda Tbay boae of Mtto Aaloa Reyaoldt
tcpulaed witb Sevan lost. Utr lou
waradrliaaaodtoMr. Baald. lataraat Blyhtb atraat to boaor of bar coasto.
at flve killed and fobrtaan wonadal
waa paid apoa tbaaa boada for aotoa MlaeClarib-ll Mootall who baa baaa
Later, (larela, a aat ve yeoaral. cane
tlsa iBiatsoaaO. D. Wood eoat- vlaltloy 1a Ua city aoma Use aad b down from Dtyupto by train with
Moaoad proaaadtora by tajaaetloa to
I to ntora to bar boaaa. OaMO of 1,000 rltleam and t.oou boloiaea aad
raatralD tba payataat of tba totaraat oa various kinds afforded laueb aoinsa- took a>3tlU0B at Marllao. Tbe Hver
tba boada. Aftar tbto data ao lataraat
it for tba yuaala aad that of aakAmerleaai aad loiay a aawapapar waa aapaclally aloe. aaryaaU. Tbe Bontb Uakou volunteers
*'uto»l'Mr. BaalddaalradtoaeU Ua Datleloua nfraabmaoU wan aarvad and Third artillery were tbrowo for
boada aad tba aa»a ware plaaad oo tba
ward The Dakotans ebaryad brilli
narkat. Tba fact that tbara waa paat
antly aercaa tba opaa apsM coat of the
daa totaraat aud that liUffatton to om j •ymeat of all.
railway to tha adya of aoae woodt and
toataaoa bad actually baaa oonsanoad
Ttaoaa praaaal wan: Mr. aad Mn. loal ton killed aad eleven wounded, to
altboafh Bot proaaaatad to Baal tan. Cbarlaa Laacaater. Martto Bordaa.
clndtoy Une lleui
' atoaUoB. ioUrferrad with tba ready Robert aad David Jlckllay, Luclla
Tba third artillery <w tbe riybt of
aala of tba boMto. Mr. Baald tbera- Theobald, May Hoyinyloa. Mtoolaaad Ue railroad ebaryed and loet atoe
fora offered tbaa at a Ubaral diaooaot. Mabel Brows. Will bmlU. Jaaale aad
wonaded, two mortally.
Rraatoally be aaked oaruto paceooi Uraoe Salih, Robert and Con Walter.
Oa tbe left, tbe inturyeato to a
to Cbarieeoto to aid bla to dtopoalay Daa Oaaaieyhaa. W. B. Davia; Blaar trench east of Ue river offered a stub
of tbe atiaa. Mr. Haaldb object to Browa. Arthur Walters. B'.aDvb Uy-' bora ntUlanee. but sorreodarad a'tar
aaniar tba bond* waa to obtato mottry aiaa. Lvooa Hortno. Buyeaa Bsryraves
severe loM. Ninety wounded iiuarto toraatto bull^iof "The loa." the Dob Moryaa. Ray Cbapmaa. dale Horyanla wen cooatod.
railroad hotel at Charlaroto. the erec. ea, Ida D»ity and M. B. BoUay.
Washioytoa. March :*•>.—The foJIowtioB of whtob waa to ooataoeplaUoa at
to( dtopatob waa aest by Ueaarai Otto
that Ubo.
Aatoof tba panooe totaraalad to try".'•sacral Mtcirlhar had seven
tor to prooara a purebaear far tbe Obaap Bataa to Oodiltoo Batarday
ftybttoy yaatarday attornooa beyond
betade wara Mr. Buto. Mr Cn
Marllao. A brUUant ebarya waa made
Mr. Batea aad Hr. Mayaa. At drat
Aerunyaaaato have ^a made for a bv tbe SonU Dakota vol inuersayalstt
they worked todapaadaaUy, bat attarapeclal Into and a nto of PI.35 for Ue the famed troops of Ayuinaldo brouybl
ward, eatarad laio aa acreaweat to
from Maloloa. They npolaed Ue anwork tofetbar aad divide tba aaeouat rouad trip to Cadlllao Saturday alyht,
tbe oocaalon belay Ue hly E. O. T. M. emywIU stonyhtar. Adjutant Uaa.wbtob aalfbt be raallaed oo tha aala of
tloM In that city. To laaan tbe nto Llaatooanta Adamt aad Morrtoto and
tbe boade A eale of tbe boada
aeatloaed a ylvaa anaber anat yo foar anltotad maa of that nyimat
affaetad Baaliy, l>ad C. Taaapla of
Llantonant MeCleltoad
and it b eepeelally dealnd that all wan killed.
’ «raad Rapida aldtof to aaakloy tbe
Hade by Mlablyun Talepboaa Co.
and tweatytwo ealtoted men were
aala. tbe papeboaer batoy aa Baatara Maooabeea aad otben «rbo daaln to yo
for aay elaaa of service dcalrad.
ehali leave their aaaea with Jaaea woaedad. Tbe loee yesterday wae
topitollat Tbe ao*peaaatloa for sakBlrds^l or M. B. HoUay. Tha party aaoatiy oonlned to tbto reytment.
tof tba tola waa tbe dlffaraaoa batwaaa
"The partial destractloa of nUnada.
will leave oa Ua »rW p m. Into, ntba aaoaat paid by tba parabaaar aad
at and of six mootba or ehaaye
which an belay rapidly npalred. Imtba prloa at wbleb Mr. Baald bad tunlay oa aapaelal Into wbaaavar
to aoy class of arrvlca at will.
pedee MacArlbnr'a proyreee. Tbe anptba asna tolas an over.
plaaad tbaa oa tba aarkat.
Talepbone tba manayer to call
ply railway tnlaa have aow neched
Tbto dtoooaat aaoaatod to BS.OOO
aad explain newrataaadoptod by
Marilao aad MacArUnr to pnUlay oa.
aad eraa paldby Mr. Baald to Mr.
the coBpaoy.
Tba Ladiaa' Aid Society of Ua Bap
"Our small yuuboaU an In Ue BnlBataa. Mr. Batea refaaad to pay over tist obnreb vrlll aaat at tba boats of
I'rlver. when ynat
to Mr. Btoa aad bla aaooelataa tba por- Mn. OarUa oa MtoU atmat Uto avaadone yaatarday. They will nliava Ua
tloB doa tba« aad tbia yara rtoa to tbe
praoann on MacArlbnr'e front materaalt of Btoa ea B ttea. fraymeaU of the
Tbon wUI ba a apaclal tosatlay of toUy. Tbe troops an to exoellaot eontaatltoOBy to wbtob eaaa wan eoatotoaad spirits.
A proclsmaUoa
Ra«nlinA YSPhtt
ad to tha Bayle of yaatarday; tba aa- Ue board of adacatioa tb'a avaalay to dltloa
•iyaad by Lana, yeaaral U<blaf of Ua
haSUllllB 186111$,
Mn taatiwoayofaoaaa wltaaeaea belay aonelder tba plaat and apaclSoatiou
laaaryaat fonaa. aincta that all towaa
puryuarty vmUlod
If tbe teatlaooy offered by Ua archltocU tor tba adaad
buiu to wow rwBpieu< mv)" <orvpv*s sdS ssr
to tbIa eaaa wan prletad to fall It
latry aortb
inch of Ua ooaatry
aoi... to
- .«
Mt-nii,« u. r-p.., .ore. Pg.Ipl
abow boyoad a doubt, that Mr. Mayaa avenue school bulldloya.
I ■cterO Bast Oc.. Wm Fstterir, Mecsrvr.
Than will be a weetiny of Ue A. O.
waa oolyallty of aay Inpropar or nao««.i Q.I.
u... u.
U W. wwiybt to K. of P. ball.
profeoatoaal eoadoet.
" sts'buck, Uxr ,
Ilien wUl be a neeUny of tbe car- Third tofaatry has takaa Ua place of |
Whea the aale of tba boada waa eomUa Twaaty-Ulrd infantry at tba front. '
plated the parchaaar deaired a allybt peaton and contneton tbto avaalay
Two battaltoos of tba Twaaty-Ulrd
^aaya to tbe wordtay of tbe boada. in C. 8. P. 8. halt A full
wan brlyadad wlU Ua Orayoa votnnTbeaouocil yraatad bla raqoeat aad to dealnd.
taanaad have saaa seven Sfbtiay.
aew boada to the aa« of Bf&.ooo wan
Jobs Olmaa and BdHb Riley. boU of
Tbe Twaaty-Ulrd to neaUad to
toaoad to take tba place of tba old Wexford, wen naltod la mariiaya yaa
boada. loaainaobaB there waa accrued tarday by Jnstlca Brown.
totereat to the anonat of p3 Twi oa tba
AUirarkenitoeew P»olblv cTsda. Ptsv teto
All alayen of Ua Pint M. G. Sun
work svpvelsuj.
Far a Sss bad room salt at B. L. Carold boada. Ua rlllaye yatoad Ula day school oro reqneatod to meat to Ua
MaBBab. Lsr A Oo. Blech.
tor'a .
aiDoaol by tbe re toaue. And what ebarcb parlors Uto eveatoy at 7:»0
otbaa of aMII yreatar
O'clock to rUeane Bastor masle.
Uac^oatruelloa of tba hotel conWoiWilliam Murphy aad Mn.^. Yoany
plated was aecund, the eame belay
both of Uts city, wen married MonBaiU oooo Uoraatter. At tbe meeltoy
j day enalny by Bev. W. K. Wriybtat
of the oooocil at which tea bondi wen
tbe borne of Mr. aad Mra. Kidder oa
leased aavenJ of Ua auat totsanUal
Bast BiybU atnet
citlaena aad beavy taxpayan wen
Mtos Leona Cb
preaeal aad wen beard to favor of tba
reaololloBB aalboriztoy tbe ra-laane. bookkeeper for L. Corawall. baa nslya^ her paallloa Uera aad aooaptcd
Tba ra-iaana to ao wise affected Ue exarc noi ih
teat of tbe liability of the viUaye. ex- a poalilon with tba IlsmlUoa ClotUay
oepUoy that It eaved tba vlllaya the Oo. 8ba will aasuiaa tba acaitioa
easblar ^d bookbaeper.
accrued totereat aaunattoy to»s.?50.
'lemtotry aad physics olaaaai of
Bot tbe Gayle of yditerday prtoteda
aebool will visit tba aorUara
porUoa of tbe teetlaoay of Mr. Batee.
a exobaaya this
aad by Ua frayateatoiy quotaUaM
ArmsUony wUt axptoin Ua
attetapto to eoaatruet each leetliany
adversely to Mr. Mayae. wbUa If all ayatom to toe atudaaU.
Little Maryurila Bvaas has a aew
Ua lacu bad baaa pobltobed Mr.
Mayua'e true pcaiUoa would ban baea lieadnm bicycle
which aba to jnatly
made elaarly to appear, aad that to ao proud.
tar aa these bridya boada wanoooTbe reynlar moatbly bualaeM
. ecraad Mr. Mayaa waa toft free to deal lay of tbe Presbyterian ebureb will be
wlU tbaaa boada. to buy or aall Uaa bald tbto aveniay at Ue boaaa of Mr.
or take say acUoo be saw 8t ralaUve aad Mra Jobnaoa. two ailea west of
lo^a. jaet tbe tame as aay oUer town. Baa a leave at T o'clock aba>F
Mttoea of tnarlavoto. aad Ual then
was ao breach of Uuai oa bla part.
Vute lor W. J. Mobba for .-City Tnaala tba can Of Batoa ve. Bataa the
etolB was Bwda by Bates that bb oooBayabt
tract to divide tbe fa.poo waa void oa
, tba ynaad of paWto policy aad ba
new Uaa af Sprtoy bak
woat «e tha wttBaaa ataad aad aiaytrr
dallybt tba ladlw. A o
atoi $M Alatortod Ua faota aoaato MaoMartaaiiifaraAli
Snu fweVvase
A large lot of \N’all Paper today from Chicago,
in the better grades—30c to 60c per roll.
Our stock of cheap Wall Papers won’t last long
and we can’t replace the goods at the prices—thanks to
the wall paper trust.
“City Bookstore."
220 Front St.
Mas. 9,12.16. 22itl0e.
&oo^ Sbaiiet.
set sTOT
Wilhelm Bros.
SasltT IboTVTvd
0^ S. 'BstvAa ^ Co.
maeee to^weee «
New Furniture Store
About April I st I will open my store with a new etook
of House Furnishing Goods.
I invite all to give me a call. It will be no trouble to
show goods.
House Furnisher.______201 Corner Union and State $ta.
Tea Taar Caatraets
SabsBfibets May Caacel
Micbieaa Telapbaae Ca.
Traverse City
Bnsipess College
Raw Baats, Sailing Craft
Normal Institute,
A MAN! 4
Quiili, Saw toitliaf, law Maas aif li*k Sijhs
If you wish any of the following courses come and
see us:
Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting, En
glish, Normal Review, Civil SeiVice. \Ve shall have
several special courses for our spring and summer
Normal. Do not go elsewhere when yOu can get
better instruction and more attention right at home.
We invite everyoine to visit ns in the New Munson
TBB vosraro sbooxd. waontDAT. mamob a». im.
I xomraio BSOOBD.
^ V.
iiEpyiuc*N Ticun.
fW jMte (rf U« b«|rcM Ccorl,
a«.*nnin« b. OBAHT of Hgaghtaafar BifMt of ib« BtoM.t'mlMniv.
<X>U »Li B. fcUTTOK of.Wo^ ’
•hrObooU JoAffo. ilUt AoAleUl Clrealt.
rSBD W. HAYBK, of CWlovoU.
IHdlM «< right «r JmMm.
to fo to lor tertotoCorAioff Mr. Mo/m. wA tbo Bogt»
Tho UoAt^ MUmm of ttet
how ««M op oohly oaA loAwoifl hi*
otUhhMrUMM uU oloo«t«y which
•hoold aoh« Uc BofU ood in eoodiA»M hitoh wfU ■ho— Mr. Moyo*
mm U Choricrolh. U WH »h«w
ihot to* oUagod owfol oobUeooUtoiiy
took pl«M aad H M to*n toot to*
BM*u kMw toot rrod motm i* o«
osA ho* 0 r*eord toot wiU
•load to* ctcoaat tcratioy. **«• hg *
ChorUvoto which ohoolA wotoh to* doUf« of har pobUe acrcMU ooA U
to* Ohor»*»o«* «ooD«U whidi ohow^A
tM oFprarol of Mr. Moyoeh oetioM by
hlto *Ulog* ottoroey
Ofur to* tr*MoeUc)*i took plooo. CharlatoU’* hcot- ctiisao* ho** com to to*
tf*f*OM Of Mr. Moyo* ood lo thU >■»»«
_______ ______
oa»pl*ttly exoMcoUag Mr. Moya* fro* ooy aaprof—kMtol dcollag* or of kiy Mfgcotioa
iiy ia OBJ ■>«! oar. If Chorlatoix datehd* Mr. M*>o* to loyoliy
Uto. why oboold to* i. auMrotic eoadidot* ood hU pop*r try to diogroe*
hlw? dtaply beeooto to*y *to to toU
tnoMcUoa o powibU mom .properly
«d. by whKb to prtjodloewotenagaluttoc
It I* to* laB* old trick for wkieh toe
SegU li celedratod. and U will fail
thia Urn* ae It alway* has failed. The
B peblleaDawillaotbe leleeneed by
Thttg M XMg X«kA.
«»lwtoth»«Mg. B* l» M WMg^
MApaUte rpMMd slUsw *h» wBl
A tWgh load of yoB« paopl* froB
mak» » gopA riecH o« iht eoueU.
tot* Mty Aror* oot to lawg L*h* 1m%
Bight to attowA a eorpriao party oa to*
JtMsBoMBn tea Baa of Botar* MhoB B*«or of that pla«a Oaawh
year* and eaperteaee oa to* baaeh of Boale aad rocltatloaa halped ereryoo*
to* Baeorder'seoart.aadfeolBga good
paB a pleaMt ovoalag. Baaldea to*
lawyer had well InforBod epoa legal yooagpoopla (roB tolaM«yaanmhor
natwrs b* will •err* too dty and ifLoogLck* yinag folu werepreeeooaty w*U tor to* nrzt tom. Thb
•ah Iba oeent we* gireo Io honor of
psalthM ta oa* of rTwotlBportoor* aod — »M«av Mia doMr'a birthday aanlOB* la wbito carofsl BaaageBent wr*
lb*oliyalarg*aBonnt of moaey aaaaally. Jedg* Bobert* baa daBocBookloao Amioa Balvo.
atratod that h* «aa pr^id* with wiaT*n Ban Baltb tn too world tor
doa aad taporUalUy gbd hi» oorw <■ Goto, Braiooa Bore*. Cfloare. Balt a
lutoBlortoeomplalBtehMkept aaey Bbewn. Ferer 8or«a, Tottar, Qtaapad |
Banda, CbUblaina. Owna, and aU dhn {
•ggrlered penoaa froBBooadof lro«.
bla Jadge Boberu U tba right mao for
to* Beoorder'a oonrt and there 1* no
doabt of hU cleeiloc.
f r*fund*dT Price U cent* per box- For
•al* by J e. JohBKB aad B. B Wait
I The Lathes
I all say
Vunuw to toe eeeuod ward will re- ft th$ LallB
B«Bber to* ooergy with wbleh B. W.' Mr*. F. M. Ashton has been able to
aeeur* from Oorl Ku.'tt A Co. of
BaaUage looked after their lni«reets
Grand Bapids. a lady of experieoee
when be wu on toe oonneU a few
in millinery work, one of their first
y«oi«ago. The wboi* eity wUl raotember aiao that It wa* Mr. BatUain
Ashton's millinery parlorv
wbo WM InktruneotaMo aeenrUig for
and show them toe latest *iyW In
to* eity toe atoein Are engloe which
bats and bonnets A share of v>nr
baa already paid lor llaell saay tlBO* , patfonag* 1* kindly solicited. Mr*.
over in the lavlng of raiuabla property, i F. M Ashton.
Mr Basting* will bsves good mejirlty. ;
That the ahoea we
are aellins at $1.98
are the beat they
have ever aeen. of
fered for this price.
Fine Shoes.
Kqual to
$2.50 and $3.00
sold in many
From Street
The Foputar. Fp-t<wUte Shoe Horn*
IK MIM. tb* ooning y«ar
ofpabiicimproveneBU. eneb
iba. bridge*, etc-, will denand toe
Mat oar* and to* eacrelaa «4«ood
Jodgmant with toe latcieau of tbeua-1
MU8 Mcrnac. gbay.
payer* nppMwnt In Bind.
Boooia a ^aotleal oun oflargdesperteoee wbo wlU be a aplendM ao
For Mayor.
e aad to* very vUat
^nlsltloB oa toa board of poblle worha.
Vnak XoBawa.
day** attack wUi eaeito toe <
■ar« of every falriniaded dUi*n. h* h* B* Is toa tight Ban fol tbe place aad
D*Boerat or BepoHiean.and a p^er or b« wUl te doeled oext Monday..
pernm who wonld *toop to thU oort of
Bor ritooorto.
Make rougb. red bands I
buying in large quantities and pay bigbest price*.
EvxBi eandtdat* oo to* eitj B*p*bBDdrUagtog Boat bear tb* oodmVmiomFBobbo.
juenoB of tbair own acta. Tbr Den- lieio ticket U Worthy to* votes of the
Carnation Cream—i
w, .i-.
oratle eaadldate in aotborlaing *aob people aad ebonld be elKiad.
rwAadgoof B«eordM^ Oowt.
25c- keep tbem soft and
mlbod* daatroya to* eonSdano* which
ItotlB Maherto.
night otherwla* have been b«Jd in in*
Burprteed Flora Back
wboaaolrM to to* lefty effloaof judge.
Miss Flora Beck of bouto GoIob
•tp**t was tbe victim of a pleasaot
1 We also have for sale landa for good Mrma.
fgr Mmhto Board of Pabll* Works.
Tbe Von Partiaan DoetrtM.
surprtM last evening. About thirty
her friends called iiuexpeeiedly to p_„n. f...
Wben K. 8. Pratt. OeBocrallc easdt
daU for clrenit >«4iga. was ia town help her celebrate berr Ibirthday aanlPdr JasUto of the P«oe,
sry. Tbs evening w^s spent in
Foha Tarty.
Batorday. we noticed on* pecnllarlty
aboet hi* Bon-pariiaan doctrine. It garaM. music and social conversatioo.
appUn only to Bepnblioana Tber* U Many beautiful preseotn war* given
TUeOonpoign Methods
abr Igtdy ao reOKia why any Bepobll- MlB Bock by ber friends. A sumptu
nsDotooerstkcoiiipoicD ho* c
oan sbould vote for Mr. Pratt, and ous sapper was served aud the event
iPBOiMI*. Ithod 10 looo •ootei
there are a namber of reaaons why will be long remembered
iBtoroad Met alghtto* Bogiodred i
D«BoeraU shonld vot* for Fred W. were preeeni.
laundcd to be o tolnaeo-lBct
Msyn*. Bis eiecUon wo«ld be an bon
gBoU Into to* Bcpabllcon c*»4>
ortoCbarUvoUoonnty a* wastoat of
Mrs Ur. A. B. MoUlday. who baa
' vlMh theeatokeelaors sway ood toe
tbe late Jndg* Corbett. As for tb* been very ill at Park Plaee.U now able
wraokag* has oeoB raked of*r. It »Ul
etatement that Mr. Pratt is net a par- to alt up and her recover? will be
pafOBodtoattoetldfuDburited. ioItne. toe reeoed* piove that It it abac- rapid.
iMhd of aoalhllatlag toe eoeaiy. aod
Inlaly faU* as it is not many year*
Story of a Slave.
|k»l to* DcBoeratie caadidaic for
tor aiicmat*
I^be bound hand ana foot for years
^glge i* burUd oadcr to* debru of
wtlal elector.
by tWI claims of disease is the worst
B«B, dWrcputabl*. eenaaUoaal eon
No OB* dente* that Mr Pratt U an form of slsvery.
'*ry. George D. tt ilhsms
abU lawyer: bsl lh*r* are other*, and of Maoebceter. Micb . tells bow sueb a
Tbs Bagi*. toe perkonal orgao of toe Mr. Mayn* eland* wittioot a pen in •lave wss made free, lie sayi: “My
•otoOjrattc caodtdat*. ouutd oot bold toeThlrleento jBdldal cirouit. Wben wife has been so belplem for Are years
tbsi ebe
•be could
In be
gil coy loBg*r. *0 yMtcrday. In lu de*-’ to* vote* are oounlMl oo the night of tioae After Bslng two bottle* of
aeratloa over tbaonUook foriucoodi ! ApHl :id It will be ferand tost nsn; Electric Bilk «. she is wonderfully
able tt do ber own
' Aal* tool paper prtoted »*Teral ooi- Cbsrlsvols
ooenlg Denocrau have
npieme remedy for tegBpe.
io- adopted toe •noo-parttaan’- doctrine
msle disease* <juickly curt* nervou'•Blt and a Motdalous attack upoo lb* and eoted for Fred W. Mayo*, toe Be ness. sleepiessBcB. mrlsncboly, beadasnrtii* ebaraetar of Boo- Bred W. pnbllcsn candldste snd s Charlevoix sebe. backache, (aiuting and d‘uy
•pells. This miracle working medicine
Jjfajmt, to* B«pBblUhB oaadidsw for
is County Herald.
U a godsend to all weak, slel
ckly. r
Mroaitjodga The t':agle <llg* dooii
Bv-ry botU
^|0 a oertaiD boao umMOcuoa whlwh
r John*
For Mentbers Board of Zducaiton
laok place In CharleeoU aereral year*
Tbe Republican ward nominattoo*
gfoaadprlnu a purtkia ofth* leeti'
tot* year are all goo>l and the eandl IttpcrtantUlAdUa
} In a •iiU which woe to*
date* •bould be loyally supported. 1.
Mrs tv. li Lawrence will have tier
0t It and wbirti is e^lalnad In another
is important that tbe member* of tbe
spring mtllloery opening on TbursWISBB Of tbU katte.
dsy. Frids.r and daiurdsy of each
board of edueatUb should be good
In giving toe tesUnony of tbe suit
week. Laditk are especially Invlud
men. Bev. U- Cocblin of tbe Fitib
and elc—riwied. toe Kegic only give* a porward aod Jas. A. Moore of tbe First
Men of it; that portion wbleh wonld
will have DO oppBllioo. therefore they
heat aMwer lU purposes of aisnder.
will go hack on toe board with flying Csgsst XUlisery
point Io toe reproduction,
color*. They are both esoellent men
Mrs W. <1. towrenue has returned
bovover. iseeruln teatlBony of one
from tbe great market* and will dissad wl'l continue toelr good veork,
PnlB wbo was mixed up in toe bond
lb* beeond wsrd Amos E Bingbi
troHOeiloB .referred to. The Eagle,
will Inspire the eoDfldeoovof tbe voierv
I tie* of MllliDi
tewever. does not atatc that toll eaine beoauee be b a man of good edoeaUon
Cordial inviuUon t
VMB Jfi J /non yustlnr cif.-l (* rtiil a futft- and good judgment aod be will make
Mec.yttsi iMvxiusr •</ Uiu (<«rii*i,nv which
a valnabie member of toe board F/a*k
lb* Bsgte make* so mneb of A warrant Frtedrkb will be returned la toe Third
«M Uesed for tbs aneet of Ibis Ban
ward beeaMe be i* toe right man. and
Vatsa oaacbsrgecf perjury prefemd
M. r. Oflatt In tbe Fourth i* aeplendid
byMr-Mayne. No, tbe Bag I* does not
•pesilon this because it would oonfloiely snnibilstc tbelr arganent aod
TllK cleetloB of
Isnv* toam notoing to stand upon.
than nsnal
atundrd with
Than are other portioM of toe uwupsrtnooe. The water work* <iO**t-on
Mooy which was gives la tots euii will eome np for earefol eoMidaration
wblob would throw s d.Seroot light during the eomlog year and oooe but
b trmtrt.
■pwo toe COB*, bit the OeBoeratlc toa moat oaraful men aod men of pub
.Atgos porpoeely omitted It. Wbst He experieM* nnd good judgment
. then wo* the purpose of iBuing toe
ebould be cboean. Ibe Fourth ward
' MudsloM aattB wh:ch appeared is
baa In years gone by been a doobtful
jrwterdsy'* BagWf Just becaeee. hsv- ward. This year It will not be ae. R
ttg found that fair arguBania had J. Fblgbum Ik toe very beet mnn that
I bavt* an option on 50 maobiii*
Inllod U ereaUag a staspedetc toe eonld have been ebeeen in that ward,
because of his former experience on to aod will sell them at $18.50. or
bo dona. The noB-partlaaii fallacy to* oonneU nod his eitcosiv* know drop brad at $21 75.
mi to* teadv appeal taUad aod it ledge of city affair*, especially with
BMhoooaeary to bring toe Eepublicaa to# vraterwork* nuietloa. makca It of
MAMat* UtoAiareoule in ordar to special Intereat to the whole city that
gala by teal maaM votea that could be ■honid be elected.
A good eUieen.
•olbabroogbiover by talrand booce snccessful bus’.nee* man. and public
Hoose FuniiabinK Store. .
spirit uiakB him a valuable man fee
\©w Store, 120 Front Strevt.
Om tol^ the Mecle tailed to note toeel'y.
VM toal to* uanMclion mentioned
«M with toe full kfiowledgs of toe
Box W. W. ttoira baa made a good
Otortevoia ooanuil.
Bi* oMaeetlor , asay r. He has also made a good aiderOtw tU-tamms-i Sbo* Bs—
«lto the moltar was folly known and | man. kavlBg been on the board many
aoeer qacaticBcd. The fact wa. that yettre- He Is familiar with eeery de
$bdd**l waaagood thing for Chari* tail of toe city's buslBCM and bis judg
vols aad OM of tbe elements wb^b led ment WiU be valuable for too city.
M toe cetablUbmeat of toe great Lind Aldarman Montafne has also made a
soy Park toa. whieb brings thousaod* flret-QiaB member snd bis work for to*
a< doUar* to the village every Booth of city during toe pwt two year* enUtlea
him to a re-eleetioa. whieb is awnred.
IdOM arc ae atasurA that toiaking votars n. B Wright ia the Fifth ward has
▼hsUise air sdmliwieese *
WiU rtdiesl* them whoa they eowslder uever acnM the dty la a publie oiStw.
leas srtrseuea «l ustb.
toe Me attnslinw MB th*y wfl] de- hut be W a Baa of good aaaae'and on* aallSstsr. tor *xtreettoB «
^ the AMgM.tnl B.Ato .A.FM whoto/ towgoMc *Ber« wUl be of pstoussd. UMmsbUwMi
D s^l Solid HMilocklimlnr, hiple Flooriig
^ lid SbortWirle Wood.
The Hannah ^ Lay Mercantile Co.
Special Shoe Sale
For Saturday Only.
36 pairs of ladies Chocolate Kid, vesting top
coin toe, lace shoes, eizes 2h to 7, worth $1 50.
SALE PRICE, $1,18,
You need a
New Shirt for Easter Sunday
We have {ust received our complete
line of . shirts, comprising silk front
'Shirts from
75 cents up.
Colored Hadras, Percales, at Our stock is complete in
tached and detached collars grates and mantela Here are
a taw items: Club House grates
and cuffs at
50c up.
$1.75 up.
Mantels, $13 up.
«BIPPLBD fAIFS. :=s.’^!Eir^i:;n:mKHAMicAi
Anttar BMid Woildac ia
bMbud vUh tftptfW.
Mr. Wttwsla
Mil M jMTt •<
u4 Mr*. Wsltan
F. OAlkins Oat* eom«
PraottMl Thonshta.
JBMtio*, !«*•, tt>«
ft t-7Mr«14ebJi w** |iU7- Talked to ToaagKoa Ah lat ■aahantw< oa tbft rftUroftA %ntk wbao •
tea and tha Isapanasoa of tba
fr^ibi txftlft ftftM ftp ftftdAaol/ ft»A bo
XhMitethft CoMwMar •ehool, frM
Tiada—Lwtottha Iwotara OeotaeIforethft cftflftMT eo^i itof it the
Whteh VMfanirow Bamd by • >Uu(^ kM^ed the ek-.ld tf^ -ftod
Tha teat leeUra of Profemor Ormwi '•
fiihftloftHty—Bai te «^>ti 0«ot the ea^ paaeMi over ik The ehild eoaraeoloaed with great aaoeem laai
wa« ukra oet fr«a aader the taader
•<Oraala«mich«eyft A«i«m Belleight. Be thanked the beys tor toelr
aad. with the eaorptioa of a alight
good attendanee aod promlaed them a
eealp wooed, wae oalijeredooaree oo a larger aeala if he waa la
■pea*] to ift* HeestM ftaama.
Aa Ohio d'bUaathrvpiet. who atlpe tba city anotber year. Eobert Waller
UftftiftC, Hieh., Mftreb M.-Straar* Uted that
aaaa be kept aecreh eateoded a vote of thanks to him In holadftHl ftr* the eoadlUoe* theta lltUe gave to tbeeaAo'wiaeat of the Cbaotaohalf of tbe B'gh school aod others that
•etOattMft Ispoer. ^ea AMrmb'.y at CIcvelaad hU eheeh
attended tbe leetnreaOrlopteddepftMUfttefaUdrftftftre Aoftb for 935.mo. Uraoad hat bea^ broken
Tbe last lecture was given by
ir ta Mftd of the foktdHftf care of the -* oaPt.ooo clobhoaee for bo;t ia the
W. F. Calkins
fttftte whM horetl of other aad oaurml
BnglneerUf." At tba vary first be
preteettoft a»d proeUert: and ret If
tbe ne&
Tbe Boatoa Bmrd of Bealvb hae proIher be oot deaf oor b'-lsA bet oolr
and integ
hlbitad apllUsg OB aidowaihe
eripplee their doable oeaceftlir asder
rity. aided by good bealtb and the amftftlstU# techaieftlUice oemtee at a i^Monthonaoentiiry ago a weUag
biUon to saoeeed, makee a good cap
bar to preraai then fmai oeiac fieea boaae wae ereated at the head of Taoh.
ital to start ia life.
the aaiae taadar eare that they »oeld ahee Elver. N. J .endU wae painted
Who are the maebaaleal aagtaewT
ha offered area at Ooldrraler if they for the Stet ttete a waek ago.
Tbe deatgaera. eonatibetora aad auperwen aot hawpend by b»dl>y alliarau.
U being eUrted
vialng engtaerra. who by virtue of
ffeaeter Heald pareeirlof thta an- the United htatea to appr^rlalr tlOO.* talent, edaeation aod'bard work, have
aataral aad aojeet ooaditioa hae la- oou.otd to ftMiet aegfoee to emigrate to reeeh<d high placea in tbetr profeeaian.
wodaoad a bill tookiar to ^ ehaaye Africa.
Beta Mr. Calkins gave inetaacee of
that wOl adait dafomed ehltdrea to
Waldeboro'. Me.. baehWor. while men who etand at tbe bead of tbelr
Ooldwater where at pneoet uoaer the watebiDg beeide tbe eoacb of a elek profeealon. He also said that aecorsey
raieeof the orvaalaatioa of the laaUlUtivc, made three ae.hne pallia ae waa n (lulrcd'in all kinds of mrr^nMal
Mtioa the ataaaceaMot refeaee toad
engineering, where only iDlelllgent
Aeaaler Beald
mit aaeb i
^ellUng bee.
workmanahipeen be seed.
One must be able to keep np with
A petition to t^ueen Victoria, elgned
lettare and there M little doobt that
march W1
of propem. ^. SoeteUiM
t mas- . the lUSIUU
by Sl.OOO Brltlebeobjeeu In tbe Trans
tha bill will pam altbongb It la true
vaal, bee been banded to tbe Hritiab I formed for this parpoae. and good
that avaty aUU Umtlletloa eeeae to
It at Pretoria, praying bar majestj- ebaaical papers most be read.
prefar that eoma other ooe aboold have
to aeenre reform of. tbe abuses from Uea«a thorough knowledge oM^igw
eharge of thi> olaaa of nofortanatea
wbkb the Uatlanders are suffering aod bra, geometr) and mathemstks mutt
Tha Boaae railroad eommiUec bald
eomplalniog that tbelr position la In- be used, for Inoompetant man rarely
a pabUc hearing to eoaeldcr eeverel
have good poaitiou offered itaem.
Ihtperunt railroad bllle thie moralag.
Hroadly speaking, no trade or pro
From Information gathered b y the
Bepnmeatailve Wnerlar'e bill to com
D^artmeoL covering fession is BO eloaeiy latarworen with
pel railroad eompanlee to eopply aeate Agrieoltural
.rlyalloftbe Middle Wtaiem and with our dally Ute as tbst of the metopa«angwa paying fare prodnoed a
Aootbem sUtos. it appears that fruit ebaalcal engineer. Nearly everything
9ta are much below the average, need U tbe result of maebinery made
Bailroad rapmentaUvee ridiculed
ly loealiOea pcavta boria are by latellect aod brains.
tha Idea that any oaeaealty aahted for
each a maaeara. wbieb eaneed Wheeler killed, and old. weak tree* are dying. wall paper, carpets, abinglea. brirk,
toeay: "Tbe one great raainn why Cberrlea. plums and peats have plenty and many other tblnga are made by
ry and tbe marbinee
aorporatione are aasUe to get wbat of sound frolt buds aod may yield a
RMbrrtiM and atiaw 'made by macbiiiisw....Bere Mr. Calkina
they believe to be justice In tbe eourU faircrup.
where the jjryU mode np of the coni' berries arc gr«s>t<^ iojured, but wild carried the audienoe th^e Iron works
mon people lies in thrlr puralstent blarAbcrriea Bhotur'no signs of lijiry |st Brthlebem. the MunUise Salt
——;-----------------: work-, the Oeoeral Elertrlqsl company
AMttgerd of the rlgbUnl demands of
THEY MAO BEEN THERE jet ocbenrctad.v. and other places of
Imecbanleal eouderi-; DOiinmitUng tbe
bat It wae perfectly apparent that tbe ■tew tb. r«sNSr«s-r. w.rst «•«, toe auu>msUc macbiiMd of tbe Oval
Dish aad Ussket lactorice of w eitv.
aympatby of tbe oommlttee
"tVbat are all (bese fanny IHtI
agalhst the bUl and it wae pemo
Another feat. in . engineering
_____ IIII t;nai’iv}
i ;
marks in your wsteb. iNmulii
whr»Vtn!eheapnem of articles iu^e possible.
ter the Ume.
asked tlie briuiit little
lustratlou. one msetaine ib
niiin's lap iikyiag with bis; As an
Whitney's bill to regulate tbe cost of the youDC m
gold tlmepin'
cuts off, threads, Uims
epesUng highways aerocs
“Eh? 1>-I 1-. —, .
ereated oooslderable opposition. Tie man.
ukhic tbe watch from her aod
lUJO cap sen^s In ten hours. t»ne op
nather drelared that fabulous prices
were densanded from toeasbips and ^'T^r^nuJo gtrl’a faibsr look>A at eraior ean)atteud U> s'x
•'harlr> und
un< winked. *
aereas scU for four to eight
ftmd diatrlcUeeckidg to cross railways, Tiiu^ln
hat that be bad never beard «f a rail sns, too.’' be said.
>• the L.
way paying anytblDg for croaaing bifib
-vriil mtir. shiny splrs marks by band they wculd cost twenty five
■ the R lid bad crtiu-apiece. Witbsucb
I tbrsc we iuvade tbe whole woild.
Carton’s bill providing for persopal lx-;’"
time.. cUr' said Ibe liliU
bpecisilratioB is n good thing
snt> in •
msebiuea The whole duld ls too large
ivgulsrty. baan'l
asked the pns ' for one oiiun tu master to tbe bess ad
- pdeacat mode, was placed upon
"Whsi do you
It tied imi< Kiri.
' vanUge. so study to become an expert
•aal passage and passed 7u u> u.
-yrlll insnre aetasi notice in many oai
reniavkHl Vmirtu Cherlcy.
^ •
u u
'Where no netasl noslee Is now given
•What srr vot. lelkiuK about?" tbe
Ca kio. told bow gram
IlUie girl axhed pemisienUy.
! gathered and prepared by mre
•I-IUle glrlh should l>» se«i
tesebinery. also a vivid description
heard." surio-sli-'l her fiitber.
"Twice a yesr,.......................
1 fio'-e
On-'f in me
tlie spriua
spring »u«i
ai.<1 naaiu
ngaln «n
in ibv «d
lots of
chinery. mens work
f lad ••
i Ing to watch tnr wheels go around; of
Orer-oat time. 1 see " said his on-' tow the mscbhiitt invented win.- (.uil-
? 6eufcTS.\ \U\Ds
^ Jnrirte tbe I.H. k -xiv..! i.f tbe wstch ers. from wb.cb cables, bridges, wire
we.-v eight IliMr rt>".nd msrks made by feuersand aiuu.citude of otner tbingt
|S'ld Tht'V veri- nisd- hv pnisiibrok- \re made.
il\ of llif gold when
While in Catw Beet
irv Alger *. I I' <-r. to ieel tlir oustil?
Twenty years from now tbe bqys go
will act apr.j tbe
----------------vided Calm lalo four jaUttary d^rt end of a match In acid siui scnibbed at sp >nslb.« for these tbingv and tbeir ada place In tbe iP'lil If
Adjt lien Cocblnkaa
^, thought of the gimwy-fno-d
-“1 bv rasile the Ins;- If the metal
pat all of the voluntecra otli of Cnbai. . bubbled and frothed slightly whm macniaiais.
by April ss.
|,h, arid t»u- bed tl the . ase waa Oot
A boy ebooslng.p>eeliaaieal efiglaeer
a profdwlon mast be stroag
Tba Meiiaaa CoUma>ok»n-. is a«aln
and the loan was refnaed.
;bare a fair .docation, especially In
in active sute af eruption. Lava la'
* ' mathematics, famliarwitbtbeprineipdaring from the araler in a great
• j pirw of meebamol drawing aod wlU>riama. Tbecolamaof writeomsuer
- ling to work. He will reeieve a good
la tened to a height of several hundred
dralTrom pravtical experienoe.
teat Tbe lavs m poaring down the
! year ia generally spentaroand the shop
aUea «f the akoaaUlB aod into the cal;? V idolng work on tbe drill press and erUvaUd valley below, deatroylng tbe
atopaand aaaUng tba inbabitante to
rands.afu-r which be rapidly ndvanocailia, of eoorse, depends upon faimaelf.
•aa in terror. Tbe emptloo is bccmiTnere u'p'enly
*f»h for good men
paaled by freqneav eartbiioake shocks.
{who have tbe abliity and sanUtidbof
Aa expedition id srarcb for Androe.l \
ladvancemcot In them.
tba iauwpid aetwoaut, who eurtad
’ Tbe dealgDer In tbe maebiolal trade
avpyage to the north pilelnabaUdon. I s / /y.
maai be especially qaallfied for It.
aad has never been beard from, will i
wblcb bcoowMs an art.
atort fitun Eamla la May.
There is no need of a boy not obtain
Tbe mall ayaUm of Porto Eico
ing an education in America among all
ba eowdoctad aa though tbe islaod
schools nod collies, world of
and papers, if he so desires. By
The FUlpino rebels have
prmed with tbe belief that If espiored
at 4a revlrri
lean ap agalost tbe wbeel groanlse,
^y would be shot, (U-w
when - Hocake Clem—Tea. de mIrUtar dons ' waiting for some
e to do tbe pnabIhvy were figbUng tbe Hpanlards Bat uik eo murb It look half an hour to
"■ ' M :A p-.
i M. calkm. elo.ed bis addr^s I,
tba Arnrr^mns. even when chared
--------------------------'.peaklofi of the past ientary wiib the
fighUng. they seem to be more ready
Vole for W. J. Bobbs tor City Treu- prospret of ndvaocement la iwo.
toallow lAiaue-vmtobetakea. Hik
Tbe Boys' band rendered very plengwill probably be followed vvfj teos by
ing Si I -ctions before and after tbe
thrir dahannmrnt.
Vote fur Lorin Eobaru for Judge of
!. Illinois the abenring of
shaap by amchinm-y is ardviag a grcai Baoorder'a Ooan
Sltgast BUUury.
aareem. Tep.mm sre easily abeariog ^
ks Pearl Tacksberry baa a full
lOM abnep a day aod getting nad nvarw line of Spring bsU wblcb witi
For a tfk parlor salt at H t> Chrter'a
igbt tbe ladies. A cordial InriUnge of half s pound of wool more from
anob absep than when smeared la the
«Uwny. Fifuen iboasand thaep an Bagut XUUfitry.
In the ihedt sod the t<«t will eoetlanel
** Lswrenev has rttum<4 ^friBg BtsaeU.
aatti all are sbcMed
1 Itw* the great markf is ami will disLaditn wUl be daligfaiad with thej
play at her opening Thorsday. Krf.
Uust styles shows by MIm
Mn. Mau. WatlM of Wintersot. Ky. | day and Haturdny tbe mesa elegaat
who was married .'hile quite yooag. is
bonoeU in the lateatstylesofmllltoatoa mother of foerteaa chiidrea. Hbe ^ ry. Oordlsl inritattoa to ladtos. ssi-at{
E^very Farmer
Large stock of up-to date Farm Implements and Vehicles
jnst received in car load lots, consisting of
Road Wagons,
Platform Wagons,
Lumber Wagons,
Binders, ’
Hay Rakes,
Grain Drills,
Wheel Harrows,
Float Harrows,
Spiketooth Harrows
Our Prices and Quality of Goods are Right.
Give us a call and we will prove all to your own satisfaction.
I'ravcrsc City. Mich.
Cor. Csss and Bute Streets.
Telephune AS.
Magnificent Display Bastor Xilltaery :
ai 4 BJegant Dreat tfooda.
The Boston 6ior* this morning will |
present a magnificent scene, from tbe |
great display windows to every dr-;
partmenl In tbe eatabllsbmrnk Tbe'
display of goods of all kinds and the;
artislie arrangement of delicate and >
rich fabrics show tbe talent of a mas-,
ter trimmer and Mr Stone has exbib-1
Itod the ttxk Id a way to atlmci the’
eye and delight tbe observer.
Tbe Easter milllnerr window U a
dream of beauty with iu artistic army
with pretty ribbons, and stylish bon-'
neU. In the millinery department it
it like a fairy bower and tbe arrange-,
meat of ribbont beautifully festooned,
forming a gorgeous canopy, ia one of]
the preltiealeffecu ever seen in Trav-;
erne City. Tbe department Is Bl .ed;
with atiractlona tor ladies find tbe eo-'
tire store sbowe a fine appearance in
every department, parlleulari* In the,
dry goods and dress goods departmenU
Tbe Spring opening begins this mom- .
ing and tbe big store will be a favorite
rceorl for tbe ladies for the remaindir
of the week.
But wc do believe in signs when they are
so convincing as those which point to the
increasing dcmantl for-our "BKST" hour.
Important Katiers lor Volors to Oon
Eiutoh Ekihiho:—In order that voters 6to8._,..
6 to 8............ 66c
of our city aod county may exercM
6i to 12
Tbelr right to vote at tbe coming 8 to 12 ....
12i to2 ....$1.16
spring election. I tbink it would be l2to2^ .. $1 16
wise for yon through the columns of
2i to6 .......... $1.25
your paper to call tbeir attenUon to 21 to 6 ........ $126
article seven. sr.-tifiD 1. of the c-jnsti
tuiioD of this state which providM that
voters who have taken out their first
.lust a {ilnin attiry. will. no fftiH V frillr. Our wIkhiI sliovB are
papers must beome full ciiixetr, in or Jneiitiv. It till- lniil ihtil V'lii ' nil i."’t
i:«-t for tintlo- iiioni-y.
derttasttbvy msy exercise tbeir right
to vole St tbe coiolcg spring cler’.kn.
Tb< Isw provides that only thoMvolers who took out tbeir first papers
nrevloaa to May stb. I'd!?, will be or
areeoUlled to vole witoont tbeir
aeoond pepeta.
It i* impartant that votera should
underctsnd what is requtred of them
that they may qns; fy tbemselves and Columbia Chainlet->. Ladies’ ur Gent’s........................$75 00
not lose tbeir vote. Important matlcn Columl.ia Chain.............................................
of tbs kind sbcnld not be neglected.
Hanfordft- Laflies’ and Gents........................................ $86.00
JvUK A. Lokajk.i h.
135 From SliMl.
A. .S. I■•RV.'WA.^. 1‘i actical Shoe .Man.
Mra K.tcb E. Wilimms, Miss Beas
Dongberty and Mlae Kiltie Arebboldof
Elk Bapids. were In tbe city os a absppiagax edl ion yestei4sy.
Bev. fi. tsslsbery will leave today to
attend the au Dual conference of Evangelieal eburebea at Ada.
He will bei
away two weeks.
Misa Mary Kemt of Mt. Pleasant, ar
rived In Ue city yesterday to Uke!
apoalUonwitb F. G. Heumamr the!
LmM- UeUnaa, formerly of this city.:
itnow of Milwaukee, is tbe gueatoft
bis brotoer. Harry Uetman.
Vedettes. (Ladies’
Gent’s.. :..........• • •'..............$26.00. '
We have each of these handsome biercles In
stock. Look them over before you buy .
Johnson’s Drug Store,
Travvrge City__________
The Blue Label Like ThisL
K.H. Eoaeof Sbennan. was in the;
city ycvierdsy
ir»'V»vi -cXi
usy City, ^naw and coidwater. Atjand a jiure smoke.
the latter piaee he was one of tbe atUnion men earn K<x>d wages for honest labor.
tomeys in a lawsuit.
— ................... .
Neal Monroe passed through tbe city !
yesterday on his way booie to Elk Bap-1
Ids after having spest tbe winter at
St. Angustlne. Florida.
J. B. Ware. seereUtytM tbeClllaeas
tar prioea than anywhere else.
Telapbone Oo , of Oraad Rtoid*
Maaagnr O. A. Boyee are totoaoltj
Vote lor W.J.Bobbe tor aty Ttoa^
i. H. E. GIBBS, i
PnwUoiU Knyole BnUdw ! •" “-h- «.
Bafiow la a Uat Of tka baplsg wsd aaU*
fiv i«r *ir «t HI
iitiXtfvA. »
uri^ ivr Ki V
•iaa* JMaa«7 I, ?0 hTjm bar* bees
reeeiied at tbe Stsu ladMtrtal Mhocl
Mere isanUe sew Uwa
r b«fOr* la
lie Meter;.
Ur. OtMB of BosMT eUtw UmI
or hie hese laid ala etn »er daj tor
A- Brews Orsvea,
wall kaews «
worher, te dead
atler a few da^ iUaaaa frosi
■esia. LeHthaatwewstba^Mr.
Ofsve'a wife asd babj' died.
The sewaat eehaise wkleh la belsf
wefhsd es the Mlehifaa tenser la lor
aaMothaffeatteaeasrepermlaalas to
tsab sp a tew alvsa sa the terserb
bsrsa asd tesaaa. aad thee ask the sa—>*"*lsf rraatsrto atfs aa afraa■sat sot u tear dowa the alcaa ter
alss^daya. Three Bostha atlsrward
the tenter who was aUspla esoafh to
pat hiasaMtotha paper U sotlBed
that bla aote at steetp days, tor t3i0.
At Jaekaas Mia. Marp Harr. a«ad
ahoat 7t pasra. a«i toned dead at
heehoBS at II o'clock Taeadap Born
imt aaphpsiatsd bp aoal raa. dh<
ilrad aloseaad wbcs aba ratlrad at
Blrkt aha Uft the top of the alo*e part.
)p Opes asd the drafts abnt off tifffat.
The doctor asld aba bad beea dead Bre
ar ala boaia wbea ten aA
Dr D. U. Kraea aad site. lir. Lorelta
Kisn. with ibeir Ur»a ehUdrea. hare
Utl BatUe Creek tor Kaw York, tkei
to l^osdos, Bafiasd, where tbep are to
hare eharve of the Brat aaaltsrlnm
erer IsaUtoted la that oltp. Tbe
ttsriatn baa beea erected bp tbe faBoea
WaaeeU teallp of donth AfrltB, who
hoasBC iBBcaaelp weslthp bp dlaBosd Blaet. and who heeomlsff eonrerted to Herealb Dap AdreeUsB.
e to that cttp and a
at the aaBltarlBB Dr Kraaoea Wee
eela will be the bualsi a atanarer. Or,
Kim sad wife ware amoap the oldest
of the aaelUrlna pbpalelaoa la BatUe
Creeh asd are widelp knowa aad are
Dr iKialaa C, qerrlaad. ooe of the
popolar pbpaielaoa at the HatUa Creek
nsaltsrlaB. baa left ter Boaolnla.
Where she will hare charge of the
branch eaatUriBDeatobnabed Is Uiat
dtp. aad which ia beooinlag rarp pop
alar as a resort for ooDiuBplIras froa
the Uaited Btetea.
A eouple of Deckerrllle atea went to
the polls to role at tbe reeeot Tillage
aleoUoo. Tbelr ballots were refused
os the ground that Ibep were sot
ABorlesB eiUaeiui. Tbep were deterBlaed that tuep ware golag to roU.
howerer, so tbep procnied a rig aad
eel out for the eonatp eeat. There
thap secured aainraUxhUoe pspera aad
got back bosa la Ume to caat tbe Brat
roteof tbslrU<
Brerp trala which airlraa froia iha
east at PorUaad. Oragoa. brlaga baadrada of people who bare tekeo adrastags of low rsisB from Bt. lhal to tbe
PaalBr ooaat. Rightp-twe MIebIgaa
BOB left orsr the Boalbere HaolBo ter
HlaaoB, Ool.. where tbep will engage la
laBbarlag. Aaothar part; of one bandrsdarrired froB Mlehlgha, and Tt of
thnae will go to Oallternla.
A. B Kean of Tort Bumn has dle- ouearad tbat.--l.ltUe deads of kindasM"
hriag rarp fair flaaaclal ratursa oacaaiasallr Borarsl paara ago Jobe C.
Uilpla. whose buue was lo Toroata.
WM sagared in buelaeaa ia Besatford.
Oat Uae tell during hie aUp there
aBallpoi r^ed throagbuat the town
aad eltiseaa of the plsoe were terror
•trlehes. Ullpia eonld aot lesre the
plhce. and beWd wltboni a hose, was
refp Bueb afraid that if be ooslcacled
>thadtaeaee he would be carried off U>
apealhueeato die. Be ooaSded bis
fesra to Mr. Keaa. a Beebaaic, with
whom be bad a slight aoiualnteDce,
sod tbe Utter agreed to aarae hl« aad
prorlde fami a bone If be was attacked
with tbe dieeaee Borlunately. Uilpin
escaped cnoiagloa, aod hbortlp after;
inft the town This was pesra ago. and i
Mr K<«u bad abcul tergolleo the In*
uideal. wi.ea be was aotiBed last week
that bp the w.H of Mr Ullpia, who bad
rnceat.p died at Turiinlo. be bad been
- be^ueatlKit the sum ©fBS.ws-oulof the
fau.iHj<> left bp tbe daceaaed. Ur. Kean
fa aow enplorrd at the Uraad Trunk
ebops IB Tort Buron.
■esiarksbU Aeeees.
Hia Mkhaet Curtsio, Tlelafleld. Ill .
isabeetba statenx-Dt that she caught
cold, which eeuled on her luoga; she
was Ueal -d for a iiiuaUi bp her farailp
nhpalclan. but grew worse Be told
B. Banda * Oa tbs Bopalar <
asd •asUsBSB'a 1
Oooda Xmpoi
fipesMag of elotblag. geaB farsUhisg goods, asd kiadrsd war^. whaft
tsa Batter wiUi Besda? Brarpbodp la
tbUpartof ibeeoBDtrp.kaowa Besda
sow sod tbep ksow Uut be baa the
oobblaat. sasteat and beat atoekad
atets ia all sorthars Mlahigan. ThU
u the oalp store U lbs a«;tioe wbieb
dlapUpr aa eatlrelp oaw atock. No
old goods to work off on aa eaanapectlagpabtlc. bat ap to-date goods fro«
tea aakara of teatalOA Tsa wall drsaaod Baa dallgbu la kaowisg that bU
ciotblsg ta teabioaable aa wtil aaof tba
baaiqaalitp. Ba llk« to know that
bU ouat la properip eat asd a Ibrfaet
fit. Ha U anra of Uuaa a
bapa bU elotblag at Kaada’a TbU
Btora U tbs leader of teabloaa and
a la the region
•apa aa floe a atock of new aad
,bU goods. For neck wear thap
offar lha atoat eomplate llaa la ths cup
slip BP U atplaa aad aaaortBaat te
w largaai daalara la tba grant el
Brarp Botbsr wsata bar bop t.
batter draeeed Uaa ber aalgbbor'a
te waau lo aeiaei hia waarwbaia aba knows aba will
-- ______ ipon bp aalaaiaea who are la
apspetbp with ber waate- Staa also
waau to know that aba baa tbe cbolee
of tbe beat stoeb la town aad-where
there are no ebop arora aad out of
•Iple goods to be worked off opc-a ker.
At Beada'a motbara Bod wbat thrp
want. Tbep find
aa elegaal stock and a fall aeaorKneot
Workingnen want the bast lorbe bad
r a IllUa Boaep. 1
Benda, wbo keeps
worklegman'a clothing in town, bulu
for Baadap aod aniu lor workdapa
KrcrptblDg durable
Ur waau to wear tbe latrat atplc
bat aad popular tie. Be finds tbem at
Benda's, where I >w prices aad fair
dealing la new goods bare aided la
bnlldlag ap a great bntleeet A Bsa
will Bake a aUiske if ba lareau la
elotblag or fumlabinga wUboat first
ooaanlMag Beads aad oamiDleg tala
floe stork of aaw geode. Kterp deparv
it la stocked with op t^tete |K«da
aad this U tbe oalp atoreT____
with aa abeulntelp oaw stock oomlaed
with old go^ wbieb bare lalo upon
tbe ehalrae tor pean awaiting aa Idcuatouerwbo U at tba warep of
oea wbuaa onlp desire Bmp be to work
off old stock. Comaaodeeeii. Beodah
Oo.. Lesdera of Faabloa. ist FrMt
•tredl. A. V. Frtodilch block. Trarerae
MraW. U. Uwreace will hare ber
eprtsg Bltllsarp opening oe Theredsp. rnaap and Batardair of UiU
wnkb. LaAiae a*s eapeataflp larited
to taMst the lataat atpUa and ale-
Hitt <
Undertaker's Goodsl
in this Judicial Circuil.
bo ‘ies.
This is nsuallj let to'the lowest bidder.
was let at this asylum for $1.50 for those sent to
Aon A rbor and $2-00 for those buried here.
grave alone costs thi oatrictor
$3.00.; Is itnot
fair to presume that this loss is made up from those
who have mouey to pay.
Orfiar Oooklag.
Flrat class BeaUabd Inaebaa aarrad
at the Qneaa Clip Bestearaat. reopened, aod rcadp for boelaasA &9V-r'
It is customary to send
poses of unclaimed bodies unless tb.* medical super
intendent has lieen instructed otherwise prior to the
B. J. Moiwan, Propr.
death'of the patient.
ian rrrr,
r TrowM aaKlriarBt. iwrrfui. -kli-ouoe
•alp rrllablr Mark eaaaaaf Harr a iNUirp
BTlUra ai oar« bt B. w Sollnp a acrarp.
Come to tbU ccle sod It wUl 4o you
Tima gfren oa all Mlaa.
Free Ut^arse to my pitrons at Sirtton’s
and vicinity, in care of John Deuster.
oftrea era TouarUrr black, SIS rruel atraat.
TVlr|ibaec Ho Suu
Stock of Undertakers’ Goods at Maple City,
pSlhsE^kl^. -PlKsa. basM aad
in care of Ryker & Chance.
r-\a. A H
uoLUOAV. an
JXl lor atUa OBcm. Oltr'Opcra
T^B. A.J.aOOTT. VM*rlabrjburB*oii. Grad1./ualMf OntaHo VrirrlLarp CoUver Trca»
dUraaa* af all daMMlIr anlmaU bp lb«
Ulr«I auJ lo-al airih.>di>.
Siwrlsl aUrtilllUl
................ rss:
I) au«ndrd In '■llj op rooMPf
paii'p ll'rrp. Trlrpbou''Hu 1
r aiieot slaa.
fast llt.W.
Or. Baepar, ilrrraoUIr blark,
U-|Ulre at
M*.'/,;;-/;,";--siiii" e-j; -ss
.an;, tieearuodairari.
. Oa* loor
on Huaik Cedar .i
«-alt pa)
Bata read]
aeabere oa ISm airrai
>ai BMaeBoarr.
W^rldePalr 1‘nBtua Tailor K|uate. Makr
>..ur oea dre.. al.lle learelas Wa-led,
BSeal. In a«er> Iowa nurtb ol llraod Bapld>.
I.) Hre K If U (I. KlUrr. Bui Si. Tra>er>r
ICn r X A*t'AB
ILU nil TftAUK -S a
proinauia. M) apple, oume rtarn.
oiber trull, all i-eaHuu. S<~eJ buUdior*.
irode r..r
•ell lur two Ib.ed. lU •aloe or eill trod-
wiabee to ai.ojueee to all ber frleada
aad enstorrera that though abe baa
DO special fiapa teropecioga. abe wU!
abuw arer'i dap during the season
a compl .tr Hoe of bau, hooaeU and
other m .I'lorrp atplee aa good, prioea
a* lew 111 npwbere la Trarerae C-«p
Iter trlAPirr la now ta tbe dtp trim,
lulag i^ter the latest palteroa. Tunr
Batraoegr U klodly eoHclted. Mr*.
K M Aa'.toD, Trereme C4tp. M'eh..
h: Fri>a^ aueal. oppoalie tVbttlng
324 Union St.
Kool Mluib.ireel
C H -TraiU
tM tl
■C*Oli DALa-A S<«J olde 1
P rbrep
laqulr* v> Mro 8
31s TJnioo street
Both 'pboaes No. 43.
sshssss »»sss««
Tlealaaf 4aaBrt«r«a<
Oltl.lB agarl m
j: .fSi: !!!«“ 'ff H
~ ■BSBieaatBBi'i b'bbbbVbb
Residence over store il l
SSSSSSSS*w«*sSSS«.-» wow
The Encyclopedia Britannica
The Pilot
knows jui-Utow lo steer a vessel to
bring it safely through the shoals
and out into the open. Just so the
Eru-yclopa-dia Britannica is the one
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voyage of life. One cannot so
- teachings
if its
are follow^.
Itt tells til
the mistakes men have made;
how otlR-rs havesucceededandwhyi
An intelligent man gets good from
the experiences of other: and
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clear of th
the roiks they ran against.
>ery .presencef Cof the EncycloThe very
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A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor
tunity for successful home study and development as this master
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The complete set (TJilrty Large Octavo Volumes);
No. I—New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Ed^ Extra Qualitv High
Machine Pmish Bm>k Pmr. Iis.eo
First payment. One DolUr (H.oo) arid Three Dollan (•}«>) per
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No. a-H^Muroccci^arbled Edges. Extra Quality High Machine Finish
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No. 1-^W. Ta" Coter, Marbled Edges, Extra QuaUty High Machine Finish
First payment. Three Dollars (t}-oo) and Ph-e Dollars (l$oo) per
month thereafter.
A reduction of 10^ Is granted by paying cash within 30 days after the-
The King of Reference Works
SZSfi KBSS.fifi befiS
>g------- a.
.................................IB8BB llfllf
!^|aaDaaa.oooaoftB.*DOD eaeea
i:£SkBSS8S«8fi±NfifiSa 88ESa
;F ;=a—
Lor«J braei-k trala
. doaana al ll;4t a n.
arrtrM at WBD B.a*.
ha* parlor oar to Oraae Baplda
Trale iaarl^ Traroraa Oilp at I
O. h. UUBEAT.Araai
aL. Lonawix
KWWOOOO. a AT. A..Oraat Baatte
luisnit UD lOETaEiSTEU LL
all:SBoclaek aa
’ 4 iriLi
I 4 It
r.e P M. Depot
Ar OookM^OI-B Lw
4 b>
4 to
4 to
.»a>{ tee
Copra Uh**
» u
•IU1« at*
10 0» t »
\tl\ 12
: 10 10^ « la
I0 47;.«SS
•lg» »«ai
> II ool e»
■horwaa-a MUI
Lakr Abb
Co«ar Baa
Trarorar nip
loot 4 M
»M 4 aa
•» 4* •! 14
| •• 40 *1 41
| 0 IA f
West Michigan.
dtp Bookalon. BMOte for Nwik-aB Mlehkraa.
311 Front Street
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
II •>, thi. i. the
to ««l il Uooe "gUt .odp^pllj.
Eausding ud Ulhe Toroiiw of .11 kfo.i* C.U ui
in. ol whMl.. A goerf UoeS wheeU to tent
10 U 4 U
ni!*GMSiMT r««em-. *br prfillaea #1
rhaPTlac tkr tiae «r atwir trala* as Ibalr
- Foi further iulorinatioii call oe Holley 4 Coauable,
______________________ sTelephone 192
Grind Kipids t Indim K. N.
Telephone 92.
Ba*« juKt arrirtd with a ear lobd of
ffue horM«. aod find mpaeU foodlng too
muDj- and want to let avme of tbem go.
&o head of boraea of all aizea asd
; lumbM- wagnna.
l-aeati-aaopp Uip aurrey.
! aeat extenaloD tonoarrlage.
I seat platform wagoo. eanopr top.
1 road wagon, with top. good aa aaw.
t ooea bnrg>e«.
Hagle top bugg
! TlTlITiilsTr
paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too,
that the entire Thirty Volumes with a 6uide and an elegant Oak
Book Case, will be delivered when the first payment is made.
You will be surprised wIkh \ <ju k-arn the
J./ t-Bl>rr<llp. oarrlcKue,
r« oOkrr IlK.linddrora IIW.
Lsdiaa will ba delighted with
lateat atplec '
Tackaberrp. w
line of elegaiil
At Pioneer
_ Livery Stable,
the remains of patients to the contractor who dis
n, at Lee. Bpaelal
inch better at preaeak Her little
grandaoB.Benrp Hebatterlp'n lllUa bop.
U BOW rarp elek with tppbold terer
and bot lliUe bopea areentertelaed ter
hia recorarp. Mr*. Scbetterlp. dangbter of daoaaeed. died abont sli weeka
Norses. Coat,
Nuggiss, Wsgois.
2-Seat Sstrers, 2-$ett
Single Buggies.
Bull Platform Wagoes.
Especially low prices on asylam undertaking.
Bnt wo have not the contract to dispose of nneUimed
1 o'clock,
Joslloe of tbe Teaor -W. M. Halrd.
He bool iDSpeetor- Hproo Hbarp.
Member Board of Beriew- Uaorge
,CeaaUb1ea-Kd. Moore. Bop Hbug. 1.
Lace, Ibm Heelep.
T A. THOHraON. II. U OBaatak
1. A HUUkw Hloek. Hoere.au. II
to«p, m. Taiatdmea.U______
Tbe Death Meeord.
'pgAIMBU Munas-Mlaa latallr Bi.lresb. a
X fraduaia uf >k« UalTarallp Beapual, Abb
William B. buehaa. died at kU borne Arbor,
elll re^od te raUa for eoralas. Bl
OB tbe Pealoanla Moadap night of a Saatrert ffe it
moaU. Daoaaeed was St pesrn of T AOiae-Ur.iriaaI dreaa Baklar doaa at
or addrau Ml»
Xj Ihrir bi.Bi-a Inquire
li .
age and an old pioneer of this region, MrhaCrld'sdreat Bakins
nklnc perlora. MM4t Baal
baring come bare 4C pesn ago wbaa
raa a bop 8 pasta old. Basldaa a
wlta and two aosa, ha laarac an aged
telber, tbraa brolhare asd ibrM eistera
Tba fanaral will tsbn plsoe loworrow
Bornlsg at 10:W o'clock from tbe
houas Will & Aadaiwoa will bare
charge of tba foseral.
Mrs Itacban. wite of tbe deceased
Larse fTrerk
rereel brrrIpUW BUrrer
baa baas rarp low with pnaumoaia bnl
4 00
1 K
lAWrreaetll. Oo Block>s____________
Wbitewatar OiUaiaa- MoB'oaUona
8operrUor-J. U. Bloodgood.
aerk Treaaurer.-rbaa. Will.
Coniaiaaluoer of lllgbwapa-Will
unre her. Her drugglil auggested Dr
Ktag'a Kew Diaoororp (orCouaunptiob.
•be Wight a butUe aad te her delight
tenad hraaelf beaefltod froB tbe first
dona. Hbe oontinued Ite oae and after
isking ail bolUre. found herself aooad
aad well; now does ber own bo usework, aod U as well aa she erer was
10 ek trial bolUea of tbU Orest Diaeorerp at the drug atorea of 8. K. Wait
II 00
mj »e.
MRS. H. E. GIBBS o«,o...r4ir££cr&
■•T«aiC*r • d««st«v,
“STMtor Ek^t Pprvir J. McCb»'
bcr. ”
■ Nortb batots sssa. *Hs •
kartlrr. fur b« rtntck CMk.Ns is 188*
vilbuut » dciiUr i<> bw nsute. but cbuck
rDll uf law aud driaTuiittatiiA. Ha had
SD office Id a tkacb that hadn't mon
than (10 Wurth «>f loniber in il all hdd^
hl.-C'Diutirr. bowrTrr. fawckUoi down «•
Work ID that ahauiy
Utauiy and xa*« ibcfelkiw* with
ni-«» jnat
Bod<M««m«Dts from liMdlng Oitls«a>^ of Ohdrlevolz. Inclad- a* iu«. b u« ■» tb^ ^^u
nud u
utiuo M a
in( OlM»y. D«a«1ng
of Oh.r«<»
ih|M-tuD all
BopabllcMkO&ndidatotorOlroult Judgo—Facufor Voters; over thr Mau. lu «a> ]u>t the aurt ut
toOooelder Hon. Fred W. Xdyye n Knn of Honeety/’dS^’TiJVirtt *ju.tV^
ha be wvrktid btf>r whro be was aftat
AblUty, and Hlffb Morel Ohereoter.
! tba 'bliDdiiic itf.<i>rieu.rA--
A* thr canifiaign <lraw* to a
voter* are paying more
attention to the meriu of the resj^ciive candidates and con
sidering rw«»uu»
reasoUts why
aeiiy viicy
they shouid
aiikfulu vote iw*
tor w«iv
one v»iiw»<»*v
candidate v.
iUd. itn InTMitiuu of kVof<«Mr
the Other. In the contest for Circuit judge much has been j. j. udiluauel uf Yurkabirs coUef*.
igUnd, hna joet becD ahinitsaid and done to attract attehtijhn to the Republican
ted to u>e
the !twi«
nwiw wi
ailk waoDtsetareTB (or
Democratic candidates, Between the two there are dmerenvtheir
their jadtrueDc
jodtriueDA a
A mKfvotr cunuiniBa
« bqimi (u«u u k.-i4 nt s«e •
ces to be noted. Hon. l-'red Wl.Mayhe is the candidate of
the Republican party, nominate^ by a convention of leading
dtizensof four counties. Chosen because of his thorough
6iness for so important a positic'n; recognized as one of the
leading lawyers in the circuit. aLd indeed, fully the equal of
any other, not exceiiting the LtcinoL-ratic candidate. - The
delegation from Charlevoix st(H,d solidly by. him until he
. was nominated, Antrim went solid on the nominating balltu.
l^elanau county gave eight of 11 votes for him.mosft of them
vWi,.g tc,rMayDe(or5, Ullots.- Grand Travnr« ^«un,y
fell into line and when it was seen that the local candidate
lould not get it. the result was endorsed with true Kepublican unanimity and enthusiasm.
Mr. Mayne was received
hunLt The u.p of the rwierruir ««•
ur«^*ed uo «d euditM'L'iidTd lious.
Thu leUiiu Ufdew aud
*i«da The
apiiaraiu. u>aid to
jiUmiuk oI
wub euij.tv uut»
ttu.mm y«i.u of thread a da> as
dram* aud Bu».iuii
fume* u( (tiruialdehyde iu j
for aeVeral hxur*. after wliieh
«i>l walar l'yd*>iiux malt* i ii r..>jairnl. i* added Ui the lltjuid y;. latiu at Iho
buKiUDlDg—Wunbiiiiftou Mtar
■•4a Wairr Hahlaa.
There ha«
i-Ue«M nu tlir oiatkal
I' a ]>iriahie ahd ludividual a«la watat
I {(eueratur Do'Wrcer Ibau a |>iui > haoi^ iwKue Udllu. '
I ^t'ular with
<oi diii.v ill :he llM|<l»w It* iniue W is
rm uiiiHtalKee where
the ortliun' y jierat
e«l water in m.l eaally id.Um..Me
ba* H vant hffld ..1 umdiilm
a. il»a|.(duahililyt.i euilifl^^’tii&E aluoe.
ae. UtidtT
cwDtlitixu* where it DL^tyaafe b;driuk
. >i-nr WMU-r attai it biu bees boiled.
; U'lhd walnr I* alwarniflat. but v iib
: thin niiujik- ooulriVBU>.¥. kiiii]-*.' lu ita
I ai'i-iiviili.-u; you <-au ^hHr.;e it with
TVU.iiH acid KAA .mU by addiUK a
uu.iti loZeUk'e Nit'e It a xoda. aellzeroT
vKhy ebarai-tn The caiiaMaaod gmt
sereANtry foe varla>uat>ux the water U
ear*i«d to aiuall ilcvl iieUuta ~»w
Yolk Juarsal
. -‘ V.
Republican Candidate lor judge. Thirteenth
Judicial t.'ircuit.
Ever Burned Out
the VAla* of
with that confidence which Republicans of his legal learning,
- ability and ediucation inspire.
1 le is knoWn to be a citizen
and an attorney, which every .voter could conscientiously t ote
. for.
The l>emocrais came forward with a candidate named
at a Democratic convention. Not a non-partisan convention
but an unqualified Democratic convention without Populist or
free silver frills. The Democratic managers, however, recog
nizing that they could not elect a Democrat without Republi
can votes, mounted their candidate upon an improvised non
David Smith having retir
partisan platform in direct antagonism tu the pur|>oses of
their convention. Then they boldly appealed for Republi ed from the firm of Smith,
and formed a partner-j
can votes to elect him. ' They argue that he has no superior
ship with Geo. Lather, thej
in any party and that every Republican would make a grave
new firm is now preparevl to|
mistake by not voting for him. The absurdity of this con
make contracts for all kinds
tention is amusing. They even go so far as to attack the of building.
characierof Mr. M tyne. and drag into the contest a matt* r
which has no connection withthe political situation whatever.
A private matter without the suggestion of anything to re
flect u|K>n the honesty of Mr. Mayne. Vet they make use of
Kstimates furnished for all
It to further their own (>oHtical ends and to bring Mr. Mayne
into disrepute. The I>eiiUKTatic press even desccjided to in. kinds of brick and frame
^ suit, not only towards’ihe Rcpublicaa. candidate but the ed
itor of this }vai>er and the editor of the Orand Traverse
MeraUI. Not satisfied with following the e.xample of this
pajver in carrying on a clean campaign, without disreputable i
methods or jiersonalilies. a course was adopted which meet.s
the resentment of all gootl citizens, and made friends for Mr. E fjere SHlOkBr kflOWS
11 h
I.; tiAimn
I. kn VI
i* \1-kK.n**
Mayne. l-'iit
Mayne was not .....
so .....II
well ”E;
known in this county as his oppom-iit and upon this the I 'em-, E
. .
l: - •»
iK:rats relie<f to give force to,theirnon pariisan plq^.
Now, E 600* ClgSt D)f SIHOKIflg 1!
however, the arguments of the Democrats have lieen prav- E
' tically exhausted and as a final desjieraie effort the Demo- E
cratic managers have puldished a pathetic apjveal for Repub- =
lican votes, with the faithful promise that if the -Democratic =
candidate h* elected the I democrats will not claim is as a E
}>arty victory. This sort of argument for votes wilt not iup E
impress Repul^icans favorably. 1‘ariicularly as the Demo- E
cratic candidaM'is a pronounced 1 democrat of the most vig- E
orous t> j*«, ahd for thirty years has been arrayed against the E
Republican ^vafty and his hOn-ttaru>,un_edorts haw ulways ^
lieen ilirec’.etl in favor of Dcimx-rats.
In m’kiiin^ the attacks against the character of^Hon
ITed. W. Mayne the Rf.coki> lias published several endorse- E
menis from his own 'joinmunity. where he has practiced law ^
690Ced6ll tO be ttlH 3
for 17 years, after ftnUhing a classical education and gradual- E ~
' "' '
ing from the law department of the .\nn .\rbin- university. E bSSt.
where he has h,-Id responsible public oflicc for many years E
made by
. and where he is still esteemed as one of the leading citizens/ ;
a lawyer of more than the average ability and a citizen ofj
It givesTyou a good
idea of the perfect fit,
elegant design and su
perb tailoring put into
the fine line SPRING
TROUSERS we have
just received.
Are all Trousers
Alike to You?
>. $
They'shouldn’t be
lt requires skill and no
little labor to SHAPE
a pair of Trousers.
Anyone can cut a pair
after a pattern—it’s the
skill used in pressing
ours'that makes them
^Id,, their. shape so
long. ,
New Firm
and Builders.
20 Teats Eipeiience.
liatber & Smith,
fitttnl Cootnetors
Diamond J
These endorsements were printed in the country edition;
. 1 Continued to eigh^h^Avage-l
Bold bj sU dMlcra.
Below We Give You
An Idea of Some Numbers:
576—Two colors, brown raixej goods—splendid pant for
general business wear—bought cheap; sold An ftft
cheap...... ..............................................
602—dray check Cassiinere-.will look well with
any eoataml vest—-good weight,good wearers
An rn
387—Fancy Stripe Worsted—will weai eipial to
tour dollar goods—noat pattern......................
An yr
245--t^tripe Worsted, gray and white—a handsome [lattcru—compares well with much higher An nn
l>rioed goods....................................................... ^0 UU
272---Similar to above—guaranteed as to wear—all of
above are perfectly tailored and elegantly ^ An rn
VU vlU
254—Fine Stripe Worsted-—same pattern as $4.50 and
$5,00 goods—a handsome pant, good enough An jjA
for any purpose.................................................
Vw uU
' '
We have made extra room for our very large
stock purchased for our Pant Departaient. Give
us a call and see the goods for yourselves.
Hamilton Clothing Company.
N. B.—Pants as low as 60c.
iraospaous ottwaMi.
growth or \h» •••iMM or
itte o««r th*
i< th« o«M wd 11» iM?
fl«—m tf6»wttk »
------gPwfto^ Uatea »U«m
ottH •Sftif*. Witk IkM* tMUMM 1 »Md c*rri« tk« kMd rf
Uon or* MMcioMd wMOl
; *»«a*U0H te«o hoM aod* la tbo
Md .SeiMt •mtioym. Pfod B«oi«^ ;«*Mo h/ »k« D*-ocr»vic
tootUtkcodoltkokokoopud h(9. , aUw pon». Tfc. fool I* Uo Dmooood ohUdroB dcporiiDMU. drohi* ' mIo of UteklvM Urow doom ik«ir
iMJtor kM obortoof Um poaW on. , luofoo frteodo Uto TOW. roi »d»kUUk(
.—“■ jiiir
Udr<«».d diocli* of Jioikio*
lo, i.»u loroioikioofc Oc t«oii«ii-uai.« ii»y •
•oof• VuroMhtac* Ad«0|lh'KM«rj ’
wfcUo AofiMl Hoobm io olfoidbiooi Uomoeroio. Hut iBvrdc.
M poelfy them the, hove pot oi the
•d Om of TrovoiM 0117% «ooi rc^ ;»«>•»«■« iitUo on»tfcla< doynuni.............................................
iookkofior ibo loUonof deport' Otoa ol the etroicht D,
________ .... ____ _
.. io*»V WlihUi*e»loo*l»o force coo- the oM Iboplee l oloa titlver Hr,oa
* cootie- There b a queatloo ae lo th<
W 0«\lMrO^
,«« ood ^
eol IccaJil, of ihb II woeld cerloini, be
• •M-ool,11, lor iw«.l,
.^wUrioff >o poW>c potroooc^ ^
lUecal for ao, pari, to amoate tba;
_ Uot leacU of liw. he ooruiol, l ‘**J'
Md Ur. UillUiei. v.coeiu of an, other part,, i'erbape.
bowtver. tbb b eimplv a loan to be re
*»d their tatcfril, ood pa(>- turned in idou. bat it le aomewbat cob- ^
%l--------cooel eorele ohoo elcoe of |
futinc ibb year. W the old-line Demo^
- Vrtik
j^u. ehu a>one maoc
aawtltaawthctkmplM I'nioo e»'«i.r
pan,, who were allowed no hana ts
Trarw Oiy for o period oorcrioc ' the oieottoo lo the Mete Moote. «0i
Ur Hooiiltoa
iMol, flee peon ood U wi^l loke b«i
• fUooe toeldc kte bi, etore to dewui
VoU for Hon. K W.
j| Troeeree Cly M iber.
tinlo Idol he hoe koea koeoceoial ood bepobi
nit J1 dco.
~ioo>w oou . e eioeoeiuci
IfeM booorokU dMlion »•> op lo-dot* ______
~ ' IM bio'v 1, w he ••
jpttr*- ood cluM touch vlih the l b, occ
An li
Mil olovblof morheU hove broofhi' leuow tbol the CUie >.» ooseeotk.1 --ken poaaeaaionofonaof tkeeuburban
The Lamson
and Hubbard Hat
,0, I Which we show here has been a great favorite with
^7TT»... ,.~igood dressers ever since we first introduced it here.
pPMpvil, to hie boelocae.
jMfO of koetle io buildio( op o »ub
pteUot houee boro bronchi rUh reWf€» to the Homiiwui raolhlof Co.
•■C 00 ropid hoe bcoo Ue loerooao Ihot
pvo raoB hoe entdooU, booa oddod
•Bd otoehe lorcol, loeroooed.
Tbd irode of thle woU koowo ood
jnpilT etore le oot ooottoed Vo Tro*mm Olt,. but b ehteodod tbroiifb oeeCnl oooolleo io oorUtero Mtehlc«h.
Vtan the Bomilton Clothinc Co. boe
Hir— hooiro oe the loodore in doth!•* Md CooUeaeo'e forobhlof C«>do.
Thte b 0 record of which tew mm
ho*e~moiio ood Ur. Uomiltoo boe Wi
hoDored becoM of bb (rood cllUeo
ebip. boaomUe bomoMe atetbode doi
floe penoool ^uoliibe It b oo woo
der. then that the buelaeee of which b>
lotbbportof theetotc. And lo moioUlniac the reputotton of hie bohincee
Ur. Bemilioo hoe mode the BomUtoti
Cloibtnc Oo oeokolonUolitclbbleaod
iMlllon W Boke oo oSort to oocoro popnbr mdinc place.
CMItlrnr* rooov. ood Aooll, ke euc
MffT-* is leoolof o room fliiO foot
Vate for Boo. V. W. Uh,ne lor Oir
the roor of K. UcNomorob ohoe cult jodee.
olOTO which odjoloe the cloihloc
A Queouon df Lefolit,.
ilcro. Thb oddlUonot room ollorde
Ae ever, volar who hoe woubod the
fthddt WO tool oddilloul ehelf room
uocree of polltleol pertlee lo the etote
Ictiitr ooBieroue oeatre eouotore for
tbb eprloc hoowe. there wop no coll
Iko dl^, of good* Mow thb b the
|«r(oot etothtoc ood feoUamoo'e for- ford foeloo Demorcotle ooavcaUoa.
•tohloccoodc eeublbhfoeot io north- Hie coll woe for a einicht oul-ood-ont
mm Ubhlfon. The new port wUl be UemoorolK ooovcotioa lor the oominodpenvori lorvely to ebUdroo'e olothloc. tioo of oondidetcS. tor the
mrke of Ooldwalar. The, depart » 801X10 fOUr OF fiVO yOErS OgO.
-Dlac lor the oouou,. and re
'.urn ever, nicht lo rcoatthare. Thera
ere eeveml hundred In the flock.
We challenge anyone to produce a hat at the
contains as many good points.
Perfection of fit ,as comfortable on the head as a
.^earing qualities equal to a Dunlap, style
. w n.,.. ®'a,. of block always original, and adapted to the require
ments of a great number of customers.
. - ------- -
Real Estate Eichangeli
CMt luMut PiflfM}
Odd the etoek ooatolne the lorceet ood bcaehnndlorrec«abofthennlvMU,.iA°'=lB<<‘°K »*" lito in^k Ueicb^
CM*t ot^plete line of clothinc tnr
)d«onll«e«orehoon In thbeootlonof the judlobl conventioo io thb circnlt' over what I have to offer bdforc bujlnctko'ethto. Ur. Bomlltoo b mohtnc e
Cpnolol eflort In tbb direction and tbU
Johnton Block.
olrcM, beoome o popnUr reeori were not recotoieed in an, wa,. The »• ropt Hlrcet.
were made b, the old
Sr UtUe men.
Tho main floor, which b fVslw, fret time dlmon-pure Democratic I
U -----------'
it, thea, —•—
that ibe ---------Democratic
Id Aimcntione,
dimentione, it
b aivioeo
divided ioh
loto> uvpaitdeport- , How
HMie. Oo the aMl tide an clevaM
evrie* the
IdrcofWckol c*Blb-men'a turniebinc
HOddeb dbplaycii
Tbie deparimeoi
aManda to tbe arohwa, leadlac to the
•hUdfwn’e depariinrnt- On the eai
Uda. eoulb ill the arcbwa,. a large
•imcc b devoted to men't pantt
hanv, lurnienioge
'fha oeatre of the main floor ie given
*dple ,outlie and men'e euiu.
Mptaideol the etore it devoted to
kdifl. oa^. valbet aad kindred geode
Thdbaecmenl under thb entire floor]
Mdtdlne reeorved euwbe of ever, kind
•c ceede carried in tbe etore aad wbeti
the ahelvee up eialra are emptied new
gaode are on hand to Qll them, eo that
a U never a lack of c
gt «p-to-datc weariag apparel for tbe
■an or b>, wbo deatiw* to dreea
fdahiodabi, end well.
The rouui up euir« b JTrT<) fe«t In
abe and U eet apart for overjoat*. fur
winter The tailoring
dafdrtment ie abo oo tbie floor.
•o rapid aa* been the iacreaee that
Mr Bamtlioo b hgnrfng W build e
Wf iMnijfht I4.0II0 rolls just beftHtr ihr
hptak addition on the rear abonl fort,
dMt deep
trust raisfil pri«;fls «>o piT ten'l. The tinest
With thb brief deeeriptlon it will be
line o(.iXi;(p |>auerns in the dty. }‘rit'es
Man tbat Ur. Hamilton bae built up •
wbii-b ahowk a kuixwae ool,
1-4 lit taoc per roll. No trouble tt> show
attdined b, honmble metbodk and
Blrbl attCDUon hi the neede of hie I
samples, l.ook all around, but don't buy
John R. Santo, |
GtMial InsaiMM.
City Bookstore
All combined in this unequalled hat at the price-
Stocl has bees doubled in the past three months-Knew
Our New Addition
to our Floor Space
departmeat has been added.
Wall Paper!
Idbaat at,lre and moat eervirablv
at iwicaa which are reaeonable and
' within every man'* reach.
The ofli le of the atore u in oourec of
rOMOdeling. it hat been enlarged and
pppelded with all Ibe appolnUnenU
ddMWarj la eo eeieoklve a- baelucee.
Ur. Bamilton will have a prlva'e of
ffaofnmiehed up etalre. where be can
the ■era eaell, and eonvenientl, look
After hb priraw aad pablb iatenaU
Permari, tbe Arm wacknown at HamUtM A UiUikan. J. W. Util kaa^nd
uiiiil you sve what we hate.
Ten Cent
This will be ojrened Saturday, April isl.
and occupy the west half'of our store un
til a separate building can t>e secured
gethm about ei ,oare ago, Ur. Hamil |
Mti manartng the uletbiag departmeei
Adfl Mr. UUbkea tbe dr, goude end
of Ik The bukineae grew eo feet tbat it
WM naeceear, to eeparate tboM dupart■adta, eo the partnerehip wm dmeoived and two eiparate eeut>n>bmeou
hdva been run, aitbenrh tbe, are eon
dpeled wl<b verb other b, a largearcb
WA, where the < Abnu yoin
d haab of a euick ouupaa, and one ol!
the aommeedable featuree introduumt |
WAB togive au interevt in tbe bueibcv* ‘
leaemeofaM long-wied aud eflicieut
Adployae, tnuk giving them a renewe.,
iaeentiv* to esert ever, eflort io de
ealoptag tba miulMee. H U Bracken.
!■ men, ,uam. wat plaoed ia the poa>
aim od aeuM'aet manager and ha>
nk>T»» of the men't enlt and ovareoat
dapartMak ruea. H dharmpa pee
Stock will consist of thousands, of articles
usually sold for 15 to 15c each.
We buy
these goods in connnetion with the larg
est retailers in Chicago, direct from ihe
factories and gel car-load rates on our
purchases—Come in at our opening ,
Curtaios, Picture Priiinea, Books. Sta.
tionary and Sporting ,Goods at lowest
prices consistent with tirst-dass goods.
220 Front Street
Was made partly to allow us more room‘ for hats—
This is a Stock on which we have always prided our
selves, and now that caps are again being superseded
by hats, our line of the latter will be nearly doubled
this spring.
The same firm who placed on the market our
famous three dollar stiff hat, are this season making
some handsome novelties in soft hats, new in both
design and colors. We have the exclusive sale of
them in this section.
Two or three other large eastern hat manufact
urers are well represented in our stock. When our
goods are all in Jhey will challenge the admiration of
every hat customer.
Some novelties in imported goods. Hats made
especially for comfort.
Handsome things in children’s hats.
•Ml April. «bU« ihefi
m Vietorte wUi W
■■pnM £«rmW. wbo
«u w I------- eJ«M. eoM thM,
.,wi« 7. U
M«M moDlh
M.' t..»i,.«.ri«. u<< it.> »»i*.*i. • .-«»uu»« w utc , .
»UMu Uwlf , u.,
»rMtor (teum ol Pmu B*lbU>M
bMordMdUe •dapllos la Cate
„ ■ < i.
tn «t k«t.««).____^I'.l »»,«„«*» ,
o.budo«MU«rat«b iiuM
omm a
kaltMPce. »ad tkcMiriMBeoH-d tbe
jy.^. -'fy*-;?:*
mamtj. lpiM«f te« larrMi iowbo,''* “>' i»tei*. ■«
borl«>laf April 1. • free dellrery will
o,.„. ,..o.
March 29, 30 and 31
«'li !•
*- -I
-^*. ^;^*a
tL. ..omh.i.u.
to. ui .klV.r^UTM.VKt'i^DflVu^lV^Vi'iMrl'iVVJ'T!
AtcbiMToKiuBk KiMtee. an eiteirteua.-M ku« kuaday u. a
deal wllA l»o uknowa sea
- .ai„kaa,.d.
ault. K<
Orar jo •»»■•. a* •
i»f»“* -« • '-kfi
o,itti>.««adM«iiitw'.r«rn.i i-> ib-i>«i.i.iurr>h»ii
bat ralaaed
or Ui« aaotiva for I
« ol IK
.• <'f ll.la
raaale Ortea. a Cbiea«o teby
fro« tba rffreU
reU of a oaadie prick Two i K^rtwTlwn'
araaki afo tba
ebUd'a aiotbor laid bar 1
ba ebUd'B
la a frathar
kaard tba lolaat aaraaailBC. aad apoa
ala( bar fooad that a ao«Jla
.l^i’kata wrluarurprlBtnl
U)l.«.tl.««..'il. 'Au'M
.UKiJijji^obI rtlaUM lo bbull. PrlbllM
^.“: ..„
bd-^/Tllui ••
lb ILk. I.WBIXf
________ ____
“bf *>M w, {"[i;
•UMwaa la tba baddlaf bad paaa- r.r‘';rbrr?..tT:ir.‘:t *.br-"---------
II 'M lb u.lb'
b liC rsavb^ I
'M • ub.lllllll.tf.
TL.- k*ll-*l
‘V'.u. aud
. .j: nup.-.
r..ot4b lobar, »
^'^^ra'urdi^ uTuH lii.Hi'dlau .R
T brtrht kolll.M lUM •!.- LmI
tratad the baby’a bMk- batoral da/a i r?
** '*
iatar tba child eaa^bt oold la tba
woaad. aad tba ipaaoiaMlioa cauaad
Toauoad bb. tloa> ulanitl* but tk. r.eaUib
I Ik. MbU >4 MU-klCba. IcMUtc lo Ur. bit Loi
llbiollrd or Uib o,oau b»4 Uoub. o( ItW.*
., .kail ."I >- aarll
itaaof ibi-huuot yi<l.l(ak. Ttwl Uir fullui
Tba popa la aMaall/ falaiaf aUoacth
tt'oawWtWUb .oA.IIIbtloaot ikl.OUlr h,
be k»mt U kaibOi p>.|«.bnl Ikbl I. i.e .bf. Ik*'
Baaau wall aad bU naalailij U aa cRbCt
I <UI Wb Mbl'l a-jtlki'd Ikbl Ibr Lb«l
................................ "
briebt aa atar. Ur. Uppoal and t're. Maiaot llli kiM kMWebtd b lolkt r Mbrbotlkrl*J“
................. ...
Th. at*w*l,*ll Obd!.M.Kllus JaJI.
aaa.«4u.>«i >■■ ik. Cuanliuii-M. of
» H.i. ol ibicifkllkiorbrl. ..1 «bl.k Ik. n-viot. tkribo
«■ Maxooal rlaUad hla bolloM tel- •a
j.kbll.'l.ulbat tlr.'.ll >ud(r. Wko .k.:! k.'ld Ml; ‘bBcb lorklrr*. ol >1* T.*r-. bbd i.blll kl- •Ui'.b*. ■’
tarda/and espraaaed tba rraatcat natiafaetioa at bla ooadlUott.
la« i libtlloo of lo'.lr tk*a ob' • tr.'bll .o4ai* 1* LkTkViii; rr1*111. ...the lloiu UU • for
.bilkU bl.:il..lb bl.l.a Ih. .Ill of Jbii..li II Ol
AnatraliabMU adrluM recai
Bcaired by >
ni-.a.*... hr ik. k.-»*Uk*< lloib* of Haioru-O , w*>
bUbbiid *bj fbiui )o.ii. Ib. .Ir> on u. whl. i
- WarrtMo ooaulo aa«n
«wa of a]
*“■ “
>b. 'iwi; £SK?»jwa.“as So. 7;/- rSiTSTiSSS^ass?
Tb. 0..U0 boi 1.0
baada aad a portloo at tba «areaaa
hrmefat to tba H/dn •/ maaeain
Vota for Bbo. F. W
dr;«rwlard I.) Ik.
i**uC ol >uwri!*.ri
b'^***" ..f bbf
k. bWro**« o. M lo re£* .. fo
k*e i> b 1
Tke UbIk Ullb.
»riM Cbbiri. lb uOe Ibi. nurdi
Ma/aa for Cir- ■ |;:Xiit:".u
-------------------------------- ------------
.mi*«tbbu» i.o.bir. kodUrJ—.aoi..i»r.i.bboti-..i.
4in. birf-k IbU-l
ir lb tbr u|a*r lobib bib U k-I.l.k,'**lkolll.4 bb
jii Ike ud pib
rb.amrrie Ii.kii. abd M> o. ikf rfr. uli laddr •>
lb .It ; Ik. jaiU-i.i . ll.-un l. atikk b*l4 J.abl, Ibbltiol,.
|:Lur.r?.’Ta",.-.-.. .............................
Mobl.ipbl .-.bit. of .lillaod .blorraal
We extvn<l to vourst lf and triemis a mojtt
cordial invitation to visit us on thealiov; dates
and inspect OUT ma^rnificent slock of NKW
jjcneral slock, tht- latest weaves, jtailerns and makes in the greatest varieties at
values unapproachable.
We arfe showing unusual values In Not chics
and riaiii'EfT^ts. New IM.iids. spU-iiilid \\dues,
.It 7, S. t \ i.?r per \ard. Wool ami Silk Novel*
lifv some sojnchvs wide, J5c iku- >ard. 45 inch
all wool Serk!<‘s, ,;9C per yard.
\ big range of patterns of Trimming Silk and Waist
and ^oc per >'ard
.An immense line ol ne
new Wash I'abrics consisting of
ns, 1I>imil
(lomcsiii and iiii]>uri<.i.-d Idnghains,
ami Orgamlios, I’lain .ind Fancy Welts.
4-4 heavy MailriasTc 4-4 good Percale
The largest ami most elaborate stock
we ha\e ever shown.
I’aUerits the very
newest ami as usual our piicrs are the very
lowest. Mattings from n>c up.
.Ml wool idling Ingrains .it ;>c. Brussels from ?oi up.
from I Sc up-
< >ur past
week s bu*
siness has
been a hum
mer. Special s.tte roniimies tor another week
Stock still complete. Our priic et|mv.i)ent
cost of material.
Don’t waste your time, buy
your muslins of us.
' i.oui ii
At Oopamiab a kDall wrack occarred |
. 'k.
0* Ika Asa Arbor railroad at •> o'eloch ;* Li.*.:, Tka.yrfrib.<oon UbH. at a«rb*rbi roi. ^ i.io. |•l-bi..»*l.»l
... II '..-Ik-r b4-abl>'-> ’k*l «M.oo.t|ibIl
•aada/ .oralaf at,a aldlaf ai^bl
7r..r^^ blaiB*oJ..o-i,i
ikall^ .»M..llli..l l» ll.. ..-..pi.
.wialai.rT Iki ruau al <1. .'.nllbt. ’ . >-. I.o-.d .4.'lo SIM U'
Hllaaaaat. A anow plow in pakoiiw :S'.”\.*7illVr7i..'M..“V:'
.rtk u. b. , d.) lo April .11 lb. loar Ob. lbobM.B.1 . l«lil '.
r ofl . of
ti. .1 bla. i> ..I..* bM Ikat Ikr .o. n.|ar>
We show great values in
this departm e n 1.
-.nits are well
of aiai.
Ladies' Silk Capes, trimnied will) lace and teids
•ad lb. aren.aa,r;o•.rv:.■‘H.:n^^”‘^'••v?•■^■.“'^:;‘‘!;^?^^^^^
loaded rraigbi
i-d sn.o:i"i.'i <•, Us aa.ia>.t>.>*i.van.ioii.A,
.A. tr.«.. mi
Ml.. a .utlal.l.
.utiai.i. >-m f-u 11.
rn, 1.10.0 of .*>■ or .M
l.lbor) , lor or *«al*.l laM *ri. a.loo ..l.al.l tb* aau> *.o*Sil
r* .l.a'i . B..1H aka .l ■*' prlstnl apoo III. idk.'lali.all'll oraR.l'
bald . l..tl.lo. ar K-Il-I.d -> lb* a. t. i>. >>
n.«. bbo wari.i.Wb
Jr r IklRTklT .UWU a*
ll o»
To •-■oura » Oomplaca Art of ibr
Sae/elopadla Sritaoaioa
from $2,00 op.
..oil .P.H. U.
osbM bllbUi rail c ...rt> Ml"
' .b.-h -dlM. I
■<.. hal.ol.akall ’• loiuMlMl.
Boll/A Uooaabid are tffrriolt tbe|'*;T.’‘lr ik. ..p...... ..u
p«blie a floe cbanca to tacura ihc Rai
i . rn.»i,r t.»
aelapcdia Brilaoniea, ooMplale la .....................
Uilriy aoparb ooiaro «<daK«a-' Tbia la
atudca tba recant kuf^lcBeai of Htreolnnaa of parlleular iatarrei to Amrr
4 >1.
. e
Cbildreo's Jackets from$t.20op.
iubd>.a*B..a rr.iyli..U >.I lab
7ki» I.'l*' a- ■ ■' III-. l.•»W■r.
Th'lortU of bald alb.ll.ib bill Iw ■
.Mid •'Wtl..l. d.o
friiw >..*1, u rlui'k
Skill firi'vi^^ii. Ibb .,»rro.
ladies' all vool Covert Spriog
Jackets from $3.00 op
'Sni.r.S' "ir;!,'..,-.
For a abort liBe tbit ktendaRl work, . ..
.... _____
u oBurod at Vi par crai I ua* tben ll waa *“
•old by a loadiiw tibloaffu Uall.v Faper irV;,uJl;;t’.'Xil a.-^r:’J Mroi
i ►.iin...«.i
S..iini..a*i ..
1 .|.ub.i.
i.u'b.i. .use...
.dS(... .i..
p. a. pr,..oi..i f.« .................................I bir...!
•ad 00 ralwr tarau
*>•.>• . *kdU-xl1b.*V
aad lB>r.il..ols. ..
.rf tko anl.ti
i,. ii.atai.rlk W b .1
k. Kfu.rd1oM.uHa
^ ' *■....
Koc/cOoprdla Itrll-M-L-,
Itrlteoakw t.
IS uu
h.. <: Tk.«.fb ,f .b.k .obi.iv ..v**<—1 «... .s.,.,.1.1 ........ ...
nbtbUiou ID U.............................
!•/ .t Couueble's slorc, 'bdi.i., Mrsu....... i.- • --ik .* u.. .u.yii . .yt.
j,. ,o.. irmb « »ru
d Ibe/ wll
iKlad UikboW It Waay ;r.'H.^‘t?uJ:T“'l.s.V“,.Mrl?.''.i.rfbi''.‘'.'“;?'?J^ ....... . . .
if yi>i
tnooicoouf in panun .
Orcbt Off rr to Btdaarorark.
I. 1M>
Ladies' Skirls from $1.00 op.
ii..n r~..pM*o ........ .b.1 M-k *».. oa.oT. *. • .'J'
wrila tbam. and tbey
od you by oiaU full rparlii-utark obont I d.. lM.sdMd.rb
■■ •'
e work and the' r»real offer of ll.*
•bora enlarpriaiDA 11
only a limited nuab
aver, aad if latari-kuid you sbiutd in
eeetifatc at onoe.
Ustlot cf XMtiBg' 91 BearAt cf la^u
.••01S....I in. MpMSo-bbd
man ibddbaaad i***!.<•.«« Uu- Ma.-r ak.ii
_.,,aur. ..fllrMs.................................. -
Tfco e...
.1 Iblerbofuu- .lr^.:i
'I' a mara <1
I Mui. n« Maf -.B ItM. at.. “ -1*1 lb IjuO .bp.
lad tnai ealMble pap
"•». and .. r»
na Ur knterrIpUoa U
b rrcelred
unltl i*'k/kl*
duly I. IR'.M. ttairiaen week* In
lOlaa of ten TOplM to i^nrrpersoDi
person i for ’
renty pa«m
fry work fur leas Uao
Uae • uent'a eoiiv
>I| *1. ,.bl .rf ,d» T .1 lb.
' .L..l,n...,l1 .bddrbuf
.bdSrbuf .s. L tbI. Mi...d|sl.-. -.n.
•tier Is only to Hu b ffan KndraV
.. .I.sl U.O.' Ik.if
k.it ribrsi.i.r
e-.. bsifl i'..it
lor the sole putpusi-^of
ornre for
.~'.rd asd Hb. 'liid
I M. '
luat cooerntlfD., tei
•etomplikb tfab every endeavorer in
Ua aute oufbl to be thoroopbly poat- '
od. not only recaniinc Ue . oneenllcMi'
plana but aUo Ue world wide Kodcar |
or work
ToaUlIforUaramiat in'thU work,
toad yoor namik and Ue tea eaoU u
I Holley at Ua City
ba wUI
- aoa
aetbatthat tba paper* are rireieed.
Uaa appdial
aoBir one from yokr socle-1
lo callI Uara erar.v Kaurdai
bem Ue* can b.
yoar neeiinf Don't bum tbl* remark
able eSar. aad naad yoar Baatea at
fur III
wawr*”* si’
r-.—l.-l il .•
r.'..-l..r. i.ol
N'< end of iirw
ilesigns arul tfilurtng'..
Our prices .ir<e
nnappmai luible.
roll « rood strong while baik-wali |iapt i', praflfy degill, full S \;iids, would l»e « iu-rt|» .il 1h
A iume from'an elegant assortment of 1 iliinme
gg Mica anal < •ills, wihilii
i big bargain .it tk . tiili Border ’< jier yard
.\n elrgaui line ol tme «-mbos-,ed high art W all I'ap
iuld be
;tt I tc
•r roil.
iglvT gradf-. .lie beautiful beimi.l lii-nription
Must !
I to be apjireciatcil.
- ............. . ■,rS"5’{"Vr^
; »•
-rue Cbriailan Ba-IE^J
the latest shmlesand l>esi
brokeaawlicbalaodard and afrai*bi|J;;^j;^‘**2rir7uV»iI“d^^
Ik.' o I
^Hibllr^'ab.f yfr. ’biii'«- Jt''k»'*J.i
trala foil iwed aoon after waa ditebad ,
''i'*i' “W“"‘ ' l£’
The aogloe turnedm orrr,
tba ............
iM.?i!VT.!i'ii -ik;
j‘n.* -ill
o>. ■ 1 loiarlaf
.o IM>
oooo' . -........ - »—
». I.ib.i.iVlt;..,:*'.V’..
.o< ..... o. -o ■
ijaitaaariofi ly
aata ware brohep up.
laiiored, fif
io.» i.
_. ..
. WBr.1
t»aaMpr«ki -rr™ .
I,. lerVMbMd «*|.l
,U| P»-...IU1 bipMi
’’‘’"7’"'.““ll'''’"ill-is .""il'lele.imi
Is If
S.1 Udti.
I'kib 4<ib da. ..I Mar. I. !•
ais-.b a
i;i. SCSI.
I have for sale a fine lot of
2'6f fixt of ^hclvi^g' lilkd with m-w
up-lo'dalv footwear, 'i'his tleparl---------menl runs on ineth<Kls t*> please vou.
Honest giM>ds at price« within reach of all siyit-'
iip-to date. <hir stock is fresh and, assortment
Tty oor fcn's and Women's
41.28 up-to-date Solid Shoes.
Tip our Cork-loner ladies Tri-On-Fa
42 50 Shae.
Caotiaa XsUea.
Tstkr Wsl toim ef IM I'll, st Trs.p.M
Vilj. iirssd Trsirrs' raunii. Muki^sa
Vub sir Srrbl.r eoirasd Iksi ai Ike dsurrsl
clwtius k. Is- u*id iBia* err ssrdbuf ifc.
d* Ikr ftral Huu4.> .n apn|. HM- Ikrir . ill le
e'ArMd lorikr skuk- oil; lb* Isls.nlt.b Sswrt
------ .M*v..b •» .btMwieiu ;o«i.]iigan—f»ne
ov ine cdeapMM I INFRY
of thi-cheapI e<t in ih.* wj-fi..__ »h..
the state—the most skillful
to execute
workmanship of high art.
«M*f’UI ttrs.br.1
IWm oil. *1*.. k.,id,-.p.i „ .^sf (*r sir
«ned* SI SSM »r.i*M. >b* IsikiBlaa uswrrt,
And FArm Mares
To be seen at Cutler's Barn.
VouarrslM. kri.k.
First class stock lor choice selection of
animals ai
at reasonaoie
reasonable prices
prices ana
'ot»si skb-rk-fbT-omrrvvprrib good work
wwttt. tAuiiuHis
SZSS!'.J”,easy terms Look these over and profit by
iV:-------- ;tnl8 fine chance.
'Trsveri* Olty
Cutler's Barn, Cniou St
W e moil earnestly solicit y our iasjnecliod of our sjiriog arrivals. Our
clothing this season is wdl tailored, patterns and styles well selected, even to the
cheape.st. We offer most marvelous bargains in men’s'suits.
• ^
A sjrecial bargain J"0 men's all .wool sprang suits, well *iiiade. each $3.5».\
Chihlren’s suits fnun 75c up. Children's knee pants from, 15c uj>
Men's wool
|»auls (no ^boddy) fi;om 75c up.
Our stor8 will Ne ii fell trim on above dates. Music eveuiags.
The Boston Store,
IH* MDUUia m»OOM). W»PMaPAT.MA»OH »9, ft»e.
HZominued /rom fifth |>age-]
wmiaw I
-<4 the Kh..• OKI' last week, but that the public may have a bet<er_oj»M<*rtunity tb consider them they are printed again
Jay and issut^ lo the city suWrilwrs. So man can question ;
,t *E«e evidences of good-will, (onfulence ami c-steem.
. «ome from meh high in public, professional and religious life
tn from of mr bowi. *ub
, and as such wiU have weight with the voters whose' interests,
'.are u> keep upon the judicial bench men of honesty, integrity' himr' i inquired or a naure.
.'tefty puriKfte and a legal knowledge and ability which
.iaspire the public: with the dignity of the judiciary, and invite | - Tak« bta up tb« mad a pim and
-.^t trust which must be reposed in a man who occupies a i«**“'*' *»
'••U’bat am they •altlns for nowr
fotitton where the interests of the people require justice to' | *emur«d.
.fee dispensed with wisdom and imjiartiality. Such a man isj " Tbw'r* a-waiiifi on Squir*- wuiFred W. Mayne, and in voting for hint the voter will endorse
^ose qualities which they seek in a wise and able judge and I su burryin* do*.n ibe •tmet.
r«l.ich Mr. Mayme pos^sses in an eminent degree.
Voters are invited to carefully consider these words of, waa for an ottuai or u»a law m a eaaa
‘of ibU hind.
^praise and confidence for the Kepublican candidate:
To the Citizens of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit-A
-vccent issue of the Charlevoix Democrat indirectly and by
one day riding acroaa a comyicj^D adja: iaipticalion attacked the character of the Hon. I-redcrick \V- j
>»u preaerem «b.u heoyertooh
r.Hayne. the Republican randitlale for judge of the
|g bi).
NO. 1.- A few pieces and part pieces
26c Novelty Dress Goods, to close at
“ •Yea.' wai tbe cool reply.' he went
Op to the bvuae alUr tbe rope.' “
fMaiais mlcraeM Mis
iTtcImt i cisttnr it skill
I______ t lllSiMSS.
t le ba MoppInK om ts
mua Kentucky town um day last
aoinibar," aald a Columbua travelltni
Sian to ina yeuierday. "uben
of man brouebt tn a nicro wbo bad
fclUad a whlia nan dunug a quarrel
lie bad
bad u»i< captui^d
19o yard.
NO 2. -Anothpr lot of 60c Suitings,
while they last, for...................................
he ***°1 aa^uou
>r aoflSe.piliii^centh judirial circuit. In Charlevoix county where Mr. they rode on in aiieum lor
Mayn- .. Uoan this „„ius. attack »ill do him i,o harm. I™t
JO onJer that the voters of this circuit who are not personally it dr..piu>d u> lu kneta.
,-»cquainte«l with Mr. Mayne may know the professional, inor-1.
^ ‘»>e mutier with yoot
. ,
. • . 1
, t. ■
1 ■
- - •
r korret
»il» lord.hlp The emal and social slanditrg.m which he is held in this vicinity, we. i*rraai«sl lenam remarked by way ot
.she physicians and dentists of Charlevoix, irrespective of,
M>« ti. aieed always act'■jarty affiliations, do hereby rcpreschl to the people of said ^ found******
*** ***”* *
ctrcuil that we has'^e been acquainted with the Hon. Fred-] a momeni later, to ibt tenant'e aat*
«ick W. Mayne for rnttny years', that hia reputation and | {.'“J”
'character for honest.y. integrity, morality and good citizen-'by.
•akip stand uninlpcachcd: that in his |,rivate and professions 11.
" '"Pr™:.! m. i.»«ic.ra tpst
. _v
1 1 I •
• L<
be at once drove>.^t«reain by Which
-Be he IS most highly esteemed by Ins neighbors irres|>ective jhe aecured tbe lenihi^B ■ -- ■---■-a '
political Udiefs. and that by reason of .Kis legal attain-‘a exchange r^ bu own Una ■_____
-e«U..a»d high moral character he is eminently fittetl lor the ““’S
all '
3iigh oflice to which he*has been nominated by his party, and I home, and *’•
' came to • amull i
■ that he is receiving the loyal and enthusiastic support of
: lAudlord’a new nag immedtau-ly balk- !
.ilepublican party in Charlevoix county. '
ied. A drive home wlib 'Bkw apura
Charlevoix, Michigan. March 20. iSc>q.
brought It again lo Us Lncea.
37o yard.
“Hello! What's up now? There'a
no gama herr." aaid his lordship.
u -M'a «a
good for«flali aa 'ee is for ganiit.”
I. B.Tiiir.rp'. M. IV.
K. If. Wi. Ks. 1). D.S..
l•n.^^K W. l,r:l-rr Ki, M. !>..
I, A. An.n. D. fVS.
ilvi I'rdi.pil.iHfc
“1 believe that you u»i-d to know
Mra. lirown. did you noiT" naked tba J
:new woman.
I "BrowB? Urown?" returned the oldfaabloned vtumaa thmightfiilly.
; don't aoem to place bar. Wbal Urn
Brown was it? '
the, “lira, -.ary UehUalx-I Brown.” anw oiuan. “Ob. you
the'iw«r«<i (be
I'he Hon. J'Vetlerick W. Mayne. having received
eiibminatiim as judge of the I'hirteenth judicial circuit by
publtian convention held at
a' Traverse City on the
’ ?th
’ day
------- March last.
last, we. the undersigned,
undersi ned. member;
members of the common l^red".b“*o7d-rrr:
of Charlevoix
j^n j recall bar. Hut |1»
„ ,norry *«
' .village,
, r. .. do..hereby
, express to the voters
; Ij don't
4M this circuit our conlidence in his integnty and ability and her juat the aame."
■ecomiiiend him to the voters a;? being in evert’ rcsjiect em i “Sorry for her!" exclaimed the new
iaently qualified for the high office to which he has \>een
"Wby we you wrry
“A widow alwaya baa my aympatby.H. Nii iKii-s, I'resident.
replied Ihe old-faablooed woman.
H. S. Haksha.
"A widow! " cried the new woman.
^Nfby. ahe lan'l a widow."
I'. G. Hihks.
"Then more than ever am 1 aorry
H. Hkiifoki), »
for bar," relumed" Ibe old-faahloned
<i. \'an Au-sm'Ku.
woman. **! don't ibink Uere U any
Ki.mokk E. Mi'imSk, I rustecs.
thing more pitiful than a woman wbo
36-inch Percale, no cheap trashy stuff,
but good quality, and fine line of
Ilf .Salutml HlXwry,
“Wc tnzy :ram vomcihlng from Uie
re<«( fn»igiit''caot iT.-nlure that Uvea."
vald fpc > Al ef) f-'p .rk« ' Mow. there'a
the *hliv|v.ike It iCHrhr* ua that one
nwy l-e lang-hrad-Hl without leing go->d
fur anything tni earth."—Chicago TrlbIirlpal Pay lUII.
roll In B'lStoa bat '
ISK-'CT to 111 • j
The mumcipiii,f»y
Provident Life
and Trust Company
• all Hbiludctphlu
KodueArai p<.|lvM a •px IaU^
Wrilv lur leroi.
Levi T. IVuuillizUiD, Distrit l .\gt.
fpaiviv Clij.MIrblcaa.
A-U.i-nsviT lt li,l>..fV y. * Rtmwis
H. i>. KraiU- nl I'lioinau. sriih r.iaautiiBC phy• Inlsti, sad lurv—»•. aad vn-f>*>i'«al tursaw
Tb'rI.riyir.t isstiltsriuni la Ibv wnrM; a plarr lof
toUihr ris.a Afv yen Mvk and _d'.»
................................................................................................... ^—
d«T)d the court over which he presides. 1
-We unite in making this staiemem to show that ife fully
v-adorse the can^dacy
Mr. Mayne.y'
W,_H . McCartney, Sup^ranAte Mmistcr M. E.Ch.
A. F. Naclek. Pastor M. Fu church.
lOc, 15o, 18o, 20o, 22c, to 40c yard.
Colored Dimities and Piques.
A beautiful new line of these goods now
on sale. Ask to see these goods............
12^0,15o, 18c, and 25c yard.
We positively show the finest line ot
wool carpets in Travers City. This is no
idle talk. Investigate this statement.
We want your carpet trade. Let us
quote you prices. We will not allow
anyone to sell cheaper than we do.
Solid Worth"
TliD tresco" Corset.
Many Kinds
Of Belts Worn.
But the one that la alwaya In demand and
can ba dspaoded upon la the good leather
belt, and we have many new and handacme dealg^s.
onlj plAoe In ibe city where yoo «u
I. etflped
Will be the leading white goods for
Shirt Waists'and Skirts this ssason ;
We have laid them in at the old price,
and are in poeition to quote you the
following low prices on them...............
It poaMMes a dlfferant faatura from
Wc the imdersigm-d. Ministers of the (h^pcl of Cliarle ibs'l 'SrodlWqu'»»I«>bS*ii>»i
^ix. Michigan, are )>ersonaIly well acquainted with the Hon.
any othar coraet
la dlaconnecUd at the waiat Una and
Wcdrick W. Mayne of Charlevoi.x. Michiu
‘having known him for several years. Hy reason of his legal
can not poaaibly braak.
itgh moral character, we consnler
-learning and high
consi«ler nim
him en
eminentIs perfectly comfortable.
ly qualified
lo fill the jgFsition of Circuit Jutlgeof the Thir
lalifiA giant in strength, and is sold on iu
ternth Judicial Cirtiiit lo which high and honorable ottife he, ^ ^ ^
merit only.
aspires. If electetl ^ir. Mliyne will bring to the bench those |
I I ( I |■>^^*Vd'0S
Price $100.
.-quaJitifs of mind which will enable him to ileicrminc wisely
. ___——------------•
49c yard.
at 5o yard.
NEW CALICO—3c, 4o, 6o yard.
NEW GINQHAMS-5C, 6c, 7c, 10c,
to 40c yard.
White Piques, Cords and Welts
la aahamed of her hiiiliand."
*'Bui aha lao't aabamed ot her butT o the Voters of the Thirteenth Jubiiial Circuit—The band.
“Then why doM abe Inalat upon be^
afcemocratic press, not satisfied with the prospects of success!
mown aa Urn Alary MeblUbtl
the non-partisanship theory, are now attacking the char Brown?"
acter of the Hon. b redrick \V, Mayne. republican candidate
lor Judge of the Thirteenth luditial Circuit. To the voters
; desire to say that we have beeh acquainted with Mr.
Mayne for twenty years anti ujiwards; that.duringall this time
k has enjoyed anti now enjoj's the confidence of the entire com•nunity in which he resitles; that he sustains the reputation of
an honest man and a true citizen: that his professional repiiSation ami his private character stand unimi>eached; that by'
reason of .his long exfKrrience and his success at the bar, as
well as his Iqgsil learning and high mtiral I'haractrr. he is
eminently well ^ualiticd to dischage the tluties of the high
•fhee to which he has l>cen nominated by his party uith hon«r .to h'imseU and to the |>rople of this judicial Circuit, and
.■e do indiirse ami commend him to the voters as iHnng in
tvery w.iy v orthv uf ytnir confidence and your ballots,
; fharlci oix 'lichiiigan. March 20, i.Stjq.
A. J. Sikono. Juilge of Probate
Okji i.k. Sheriff
I'^KASk A. Kanvon. Vountv Clerk
WiM.i.xM j. WKikt:i.. Tmlcr Sheriff
|oiiN \Vakh. County 'rreasurer.
\Vm. 1.. Pii.KMiv, Register of Dcctls.
J. M. Hakkis, Prosecuting .Attornay.
C. I'". Hi 1.1. Circuiit Conrt Com'r.
NO. 3-Big line new Coverts. Baize,
Hair Line Stripes. Checks, and
Novelty Suitings. This is an excellent
line, for.........................................................
■ BeUateetlM
' .eopOTly
Ulerle's N>« Simp,
We have a few WINTER CAPES TO CLOSE, and here are the ^^-1
1 lot SI 98 1 lot $2 89. We also have a few Jackets that are going for f f ^ Jo
ioma of ?h«e mt ans come at once. Juat recs-ived, a full line of very atyllah and i
able Shirt Waiau, from 60c to $166
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.