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The Morning Record, November 15, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
WiMrMboatoof Aruiftalde la
a Parfaet Bnlfma.
Wumtn m PtgaytroM
taMie ia Mppon <f ■eXUlajrWMblMWa. D. C. Sor
1.—att— of lUtoal hmdw aod Bk
bBB««tota rotleom Ttowm a MB-
tab faU.
oalt rrobi
' ••Ewykodr b wtbflad U Kaaaaa,’
BUM Wkaa OaoMi Wluatam A%- mid Hr. Brbiow, >'hath wltk looal aaateM tka Towm of aoUa4a-Ko). dUbaa aad Us foU«7
ToaoaaH asoraslactoaifoka a Lwaa SUM VhUa LwA ImMS of dbsoawai to Ust sauiryi
aor. lor that asMor. aayohsn la ths
» wTcc»-.a »,*«-D»a ‘ehaf-o* Wwi. with ths pa
M^u* wj tte( aaraa ki
HsbfMka. wbsrs Brjaa has spool
I lalo ths
hUtad aad thaao wooaAcd la Goaaral sMthstfylBf to I
Whaataak dayboak atlask thb
people ths prlaeiplas. U Ihsrs bs any,
taaoothsWwBOfaoUads. »hbh was of aatl-iBparialbB. aBU-axpaasioa.
auhhonly dsfaatad. Aftar a hsasy aadaaU creTythlag that ooadaeasto
prespartty aad tha gaaaral weltara of
1 rui- thseoaatry.
ths worla. hotsaiyai
•Thsrs baMg dsmaad for ersiyplaos wofs eoaatsd la ths traasha.
Maaila. Hot. 14.—Tbs vhsraahOBis Ihiag that ths Katoas tarBsrs raba
Of Afslaaldo. hb army sad osMaat b ] thb year, aad they ars saUsBsd. The
a fsrfsst sslfcaa. Gsasral Otb has BOBS eoadlUoa sxbis srsrywhers
throaghoat ths west, as far as I could
laarasd that Ar...........................
Chbsaptlal sss. Mobody wants a.ohaags. aad
to Boacaboof. gMag as ths raasoo for wtMn HeKialsy staads brfora tha paoths Slap, ths aosaaltary ooadlUon of plslar la-slssttoa nsxl fall hs wUl
VhHsa Ubsapaossd that ths isad- MnBaad ths rou of crsry ladastrioas
an of ths iasacraettoa who ars aot al- Ban is that arstlon.*'
vaady at Boacahooc ars rstrsaUac to
that plaos, thoofh whsB thsy Isft TbrUs. whathar thsy ars tratslln* wlih
ths aiaay. Hew maay ooldbtv ars ahls
to hold b«olh«. sbd whstbsr ths Hspnrtsd Vrsck af tha Warahlp
tadM or troops hats got hsyood Osa«al Uwtsa<B Uas ars all aokaowa
praWsM Itbhopsd. hewstor. that
-T—^ WbsatoB has eSsotsd a Jaaa
Hao with Osasral Yoaag. torwlaff a
OMdsb from Baa IbMaa to Baa Isidro.
•sHMl l*vtm has «.M0 aaa aad
«bbag«l Whtataa i.too. a saaU tcros
tasmttalsoaaay aUsa. hat It aeaI hy whtah tha
h of tha Aaarbaas
» a ths lasar*
•Hila TbslaMor sxpseisd
•fNBowly.asthsydld tioa Mailla
taBagala Ths nUplaaB tboaght U
lathis for tbs
_ ^wsy ta ths aad whbk prattled
at»ywhaa aad tha aUdsa lataabb
MiPBadsthaaatItaaaleogths Uaa of
•slbtal Toadr's aoreh. wha had hsea
loU that ths Aasrlsaas wars sooflosd
to ths sabarho of HaaUa. Tbs saajsr*
Ityef aaUta wslsoas ths aray sathostaatlsally, bat soas who hats haaa
datadsd by swrlas of Aaorbaa oraal
tba bids la twaapa.
Tha taaargrab hats rosasssd thsir
aatttity U Cbtla protioos aad ars
thiaatsatac aa athsk oa laaa YosdCalaabalB thsir
asaal tashloa. Kightly ths fasillads
Mlwssa ths aarlaas aad leo lasar.
paats who hats acala satrsashsd
tolar-'— oa Us blhaas hstwssa
•Prits aad Notsla b plainly hoard la
kaaUaftoa. No*. It.—A dbpatsh raatotad at tha war
B that Ha] Jobs A. Locan of
«M Tbtrty*thlrd tolnntaor Infaatry.
«M klUsd la a Bpht U Lasoa.
kb battalloa lab aetloa. Bs
was a aaa af ths lata Osn. Jobs A.
UBaaotmiabsaafTHra. Logaa now
araaldsatot Wsshlaftoa. Hs Isatss
a Widow aad two ehUdraa who at
praaaat ars rsaidiag at TonagstM.
Phariastaa hy
Baaalat oa
Manila. Mo*. 14-Hows has ]sst
kssa raoslTSd that ths Usitsd Bistss
today by going 00 a rsaf.
• Vlgan
OP a hUdaa roof. wHh thlr»y-«rs
toiteMaal watot OB hath aldsB Bhs.
wwbad har Bsaktaary far two days
aadalghtotaMyiagtogsAaBoat, bat.
atyphoaaarbtag. tha eraw *ras 4
psusd to Bhs to thsir boaB aad sask
rafigs oa a asaU anal ftrs bUsb away.
Tbs natl*« ars trlaadly- Llsatsaant
MeDoaald aad a nBBbsr of sailors put
oB In a aBall boat aad rsaebsd ths
Oalbe. whkh broaghi thSB to Manila.
Tbs gaaboat Bslsaa has bssu dbpatohsd to krlagaway ths «ew.
ThsCbarlsstoa had bssa SBploysd
erabiag off tbs north eosst of Lam,
Ths OharlsstoB was tbs vessel whieh
I of Ouaa aa bar way to
jolB AdMlral Oewoy. whow aho aapportsd with rffl <lsasy la ths eapiors of
Hanlta. Sho oarrlod a o(«w of uo
MS. with thirty Hx amriaoa
Ths CharlsstoB was a protoslad
erabsr, bsllt ot tbs bast stasl pUtas
la Ban Pransbeo, ths kssl bslng '
is lir. Bhs had a “ '
l.TMtoaa Bar length was lit tost,
bsaa terty-sU fsot. asaa draaghi
______ w feat sovsa laebea. 8bs had a
protsetod stosl deck two or three
Bhs was propsUad by twin serswe,
propsUsd by twsu sets of eoapound
•■glam. Bbshad six single headed
bollata ^ two Bssb with aUttary
topa. Ber eoaatag tower was pmtsetsd by two-iaeh arsor.
Ttarsms Olty Md lake Aaa Odd
BsUstod to bs Bsarty Badsd.
WashlAgtoa. D. a. Mot.
SMBb at the trssanry dsparUssat to
day aa tbs doaoela) slinaUM la Msw
York toads It aura ihaa atb'
thars will bsao parcbass of totem
awat koada tor tbs psrpose of wslistl^ ths tlcktasas ot Boasy. la fsct.
a pcslUte sUtebsat to that sfleet
oUalnad from a high oSesr of the
tnssary dspartossoL
la modlBestloa of thb
I mid that In eise the sltaatloa
grew so naoh worse as to tbrsatsa
Baab<Ttal dbsatsr ths Irsasory adaiabbatioa wonld aot hmiuts to hoy
hSBdato ths sstsst ofto.OOO.OOO or
BM.«0o.<B0, aad porbapa aora. Ths
apiBlaa U otoelal elrabs b tsry stooag
bawstsr. that thb BMasars wUl aot ba
Last svsaiagths •
psrforasd that aads tha 1. O. O. P.
lodgss of Travsras Otty aad Lake Aaa
oas orgaalMtlea. A very large rsprssboU froB ths two lodges latsrsstsd aod troa other lodgas In surroaadlBK towns was pnfmnx, and participatsd in ths evralag's festivitlss.
A. U. Brown. dsputyOraad Matter.
too Odd KsUows aad
U all.w
Bebskahtr « preasat. Incladiag vis1 Morthport,
JUplda. toUUaaubarg. Monroe
Usntre. Lake Ann. OadlUac and Btaa
Two Man la vhs City iBst Might
dtoUaad ta Mars Bssa Mold ap.
it was mportsd I9 Rlfbt Wi
Biaysos that two bob warn la ths elty
iMt night who slalBsd to have bosa
ksld ap aad tebhod aaar doloa. Tbsy
aadslaqaliyaato ...................... .. fanaMdara tohaeatka rabbsto broaght
toitoHu. vMteMdtotoly drasa bato,
But I4tUe Dkx&kfa Is OkOBcd
in 1 .nriyiviltb
Orbb BaM to Bs XBpmdIag Bstwssa
Maaria and Japan.
.LoBdoa, Mo*. 14—A dbpatsh to
Oalsslb aswe agsaey troB dhaaghai
saysthsralatioasof Bassiaaad Japan
have alBont
by Japaab refmal to allow BoBla to
Larg* Mjnsbers aad Besrotly Db-lj ----------Msaloa of the sea froat ia
. harbor. Ootea. now held by
ftmeral Tkieatons to Bnseato Blx' ths Japasme goveraBmt. bat Isaesd
Magllsh Oftesn If Osneral Whito by ths Onreaa aathorltias for a term to
yean to KoMla.
A>oss Mot Bslsass a Spy.
Pekbi. Mo*. 14.—Te-Ckoa-ra, at ths
PtstorBarlubuig. Mo*. It.—ltboft- mtraass of Toatiag 1^. was formnUy
stoUy slawd that the long mags beai- opsasd to torsiga bads yeaterday.Thb
bardamt of Ladyamltk with heavy bthsfiiet port opsasd la ths aatlr. bat without ear- torslga provlaes ot Baaaain
loas da Bags.
Loudon. Mo*. 14 -A dlspaUh to ths TBVVTdOftft Lira AMO LMTTBBB
Staudard froB Lodymmith. dated Mo*.
&. reiterates ths sioriss of provioBsly BsTlswad Tastsid^ By the .Book
reported svsnb and confirms the sUtsBsvlrw Clab.
that ths boBbardBsnt of ths
Tbs Book RsvUw Olab met yostartowa has saased Uuls dassaga. On day aftsraooa with Mra J. A.
Mo* «ths Basra only
ssrsa shsUs Moatsgaa aad ths ladbe aa]oysd
aad thsy saassd ao dasa^ Tbs eordelightful sassloa.
raspoadsnt ooatianss: *'Tbs Inaeti*- Ufa aad UUsro 'was read by Mia. J.
Ity of Ue Bosb b lasxplleabls. Do- L Gibbs. After tbs rsadlag tbs rsmalaspits tbs fast that ws ars sat off troa dsr of ths aftsrsooB waasasat la social
all soBBnnleatioa (thara b ao sspla- p'sasures aad the dbsaaaloa of a leaptaatioB aa to bow thb dbpat^
rh) oar basra of sappHsa ba«s
A heavy mow aad rain storB aeooBhsad sparsd froB tha
iaaess of ths ataga. But ws know panlsd by galas to wind, esasing loss
quits snoagb of Its disooBtorta Bread ot Ufa aad damage to ah^plag. prsvallod in ths Barltlms previneas 1aad
b thins shUllngs a leaf.”
Tha aaasonhlp again lapoasa four
garding s*anb In Beuth AMea. Tbto.lBsks Isyal Xatobb
& seat cigar.
a of troops whso laadsd 1
aakaowa. Ab
to tos aarlisr arrivals, saya: ”Bsglaftar raglBsat lands aad ranltoM
ap ths eoastry. Tbs asa do aot aaow
aad ths oft wrs have
tha vagasal Idaa bf whors they ars
galag. TbsothB aight a aaval brtgads
am Hipped Mtota. Alaeat lastaatly
ate- toadlag ths brigade dbappsarad
as U h had as«v exbtad "
Tbsraportofa heavy boathardasat
at Ladyaalth 00 Mo*, s whleh was
beard bUss away, does sot tmd to taUses ths anxiety.
caps Town says that
Blau Sserstary Bslte has '
thatOsnsial Whits Immsd lately rs:>
asapaoasdspy. N.tttaaMarua. who U
eonfiosd U Ladyuaitb. ooa|dlag hb
for the
aad even
ith a threat to exseau alx
if it were possiblei
Brltiah ofiosra. OssareJ Builsr replied
goodness knows it
aseordiag to tbs spsetol dbpatsh. that
aaUtled to rataia ths atan aaUl
woaldonly be lost time
bs should raadsr a mtbfaeiory aeo
to try it.
you; CAN’T
Mlehigas •torch Oo. ChlpplBg targu
ftaastlUss to tka
TbbBQratag ths Mbklgm Btarek
Oo. wlU soBplets ths loading of a
of IM barrab of etarah for sUpassat to
Boston. Two earlaada have already
bssa shipped,
thb date satU
tbs potato crop b sxhaastod ths eompaay will ship a ear load a day- The
etaiah ahippsd la barrab b assd ter
lufaetariag purpoam Ths "North
titar PoUto Flour.” put ap la taBall
paekagsu. b fwoparsd sxprsMly lor
Booking purpeaas aad b dsolarad to bs
ths finest is ths market. Ths looal
groesse are earryiag ths ealiaary prodoet In their storka
hs SOBPUT btolsrm that ths fac
tory wUl run aboat five months on potntoea Afur ths potatoss are need ap
ths faetory will work oa wheat starch.
Bbvatote wUl bs bnUt thb winter to
teeUltsU ths baadllag oliwhsat.
PkU C. Baasr sutsd that the quality
sf the stat«b oblaicsd from the Grand
Traverse potatoes ta of ths very best
and the psrosoUgs of starch mueb
Bads thsir first lavsstlgaUoas to tbs
built to stand all kinds
of usage from all kinds
of boys and in all kinds
of weather.
Oor large stock of Htrfidaj Goods will begin to
arrive this week.
Among them are
1400 volumes
of new books
comprising a'choice assortment of the brightest and
best direct from the bindery—some arc in novel and
rare bindings, all are neat and serviceable—It is said
“Taste in Reading is as Individual as^e's Dyspep
sia." Well, we satisfy all “tastes’ with the assort
ment of reading matter that is coming.
Want to renew your subscription to any
magazine? Let us send it in for you. We take sub
scriptions t > all magazines and newspapers published.
890-883 Front Strmt
BENDA & CO-Fashionable Outfitters
"Re* liie of fieis' Uiioo Snits SI.SO $2.00"
Orest $10. $18, $16 Overooataand‘Z««ro’Ulstera
lens’ Reefers
Boj’s Reefen g i
If it don't pay to trade where all tbe gooda are
fre^ and new, would we do aocb a splendid;
ffRk mti Befi
ui m iraj
kib nUtH
Many men of many minds
Want overcoats of many kinds.
They’ll find ’em here: booeet overcoeta for elmoat evt‘ry
About the only kinde you won’t find h«re are the
reliable qnaliti<>«, aod badly Uilored kinda.
We have smooth and rongb fabrica, brown, bine, black, tan;
mtiafying in style and fit; mtisfying in trimmings aod tailoring;
satiafaction gDarantaed in mrtioe; $6b0 aad up.
$1.25 AND $1.50
Bslph OoniiAblA Jr., Kanafer.
Here the aeeortment ia large and no question about qual.ity—Then too, the prices ary aa low as good fore can be manu
Our shorn mak? comeagaiD caatomers
Death ofLsoa A Bsltk.
Mswa haa isaefasd thb oily of ths
death cf Leon 8- Saith la the Ohio
Btato Paalteatbry: Bbagad BBther,
hepalsM paralytic, rsaldec la thb
gBllh was aa sxamplary yoaag
la early Uxa. bat hb love of dra« and
sesbty wraaght hb dowafalL Bs bogan working ths draft game la Itot,
ssearlag S3.4U oa ebvsriy forged
drafts, 8s was at last eaaght wUb
attamptlag to cash a draft at Port
Be wee sent to lonb for 8 years, hut
was paroUsd two yetoa ago. Be weal
wroag agala. however, aad at ths time
of hb death was ssrrtag a three years
VIU CbU at Ma^lBh Parts.
iinlTT- tor ths theft of a boras aad
BirBlsghsB. Mo*. 14.—Ths Past
__________ _____
. It has rmaoa to bslisvs that
To »BUd a ruts Maridoasa
visit of a aaval sqaatooa
Daltod Btataa has bssa arranged, but
Joha B. Baate haa parehaasd two
adds that ths dstslb aad tlas at tbs •aatj bsatad loto m Sixth sbast,
vHit ais aot kaewa as yab
Bo wUl «
iMks layal bteto
a imldmes on tha>«pariy a
» amt sigar. Tv eals at TatauV
After ths slsstloa of oftoeia and attaadant asrsBoataa, a aamptooni
baoqast was sprmd. of whito o*s
too partook.
Ths foUowlsg oftseia
Tbs Tbsasary Dspartnsat looks te lor the saw organlmttoa:
a totorabla shaaga la ths Msw York
MoMs Orand-Toey Tboiw
a s tortnlgbt Oas oftVice Grand—Aloaro Pox.
ear said haaoaldsaOy hsilstad ths
Bow of
back to ths Boat, woald
ParaanaBt Sserslary- B. I. Davb.
hwtasooa. for tbs rsaaoa that ths
Trsaaarar-J. U. Monroa.
aawsi whlsh ssUsd ths Bonsy West
««a dimppsartag with ths taU sat
*; •
1.120 I
another consignment of those
A promioeat New York
mid the meral oee of the tele
phone had made the task of effic‘0U7 fleeting life sod propriyty
iveriO per cent, easier.
Telepooning in osae of 6re, ac
cident or bni^larr
recogn<£^1 1neoeMty.
Every' rell regulated ■
Have yoQ
your homs?
‘Velvet’ Shoes
Tbera baa been anch a demand for tbeae sboee that wa
have been forced to re-order.
An ezaainattoa of three gooda will oonrinee you they
' sed 0
on sale here.
are the beat eboe for tbe money ever placed
pnrehaaing ebewbere.
Every lady ebould see them before! pur
All eizee and widths—price $3 60.
Front Street
McNamara block
THM momtfiiro
MOBvnro jtsooAO,
TBATtssx orrr. •
«■•. T. Baiw i«x> j. W. HAnnf. W. BAnn. B4»»cr
BATStAC IB 0«r >»w FoMtWiODA.
Tk« ActiDiAllioB of ibe TAlubla l»« b7 tbe
»P—1 Bp TMt
for AiscricAa m
twprlMABd iBfBOBUy. And tbe new
Mcrltory preeecu eplcndU opportan
itiM for tArn>m And Uvcnton of irri
0nlum) ■Aobloery. Tb« priniUrc
VMbode prAcUeed hj ibe BAtireA
fie* WAP to modnn wajb in plAoUnc
And bArvMtlnr. And It U only a qnw
lion of A Abort Use when AtnerMAn*
vlUUiradaoe new^llfe into mrriottJ
Mnl pnnolu In tbe lelAode Utelp acfAlrod. UtUe bee been done bj mnn
to Isprore wbnl BAtnre bee prorided
i» tbe fbUipplBCA. Porto Bioo. Bawa)!
WAsnsDAir. tfovann ift
0. B. Braatben Iowa clerk of Sattoni
wee in tbe ci'p laet nlgbi.
Mn. W. U. Beno bae retnrned to her
ke*e la HaneeloDa alter a rlalt with
Kka Baltb of tbU dtp.
h. B. WArtnp wae in CkdiUac peeter4*7riank eaztoa baa ceAe to Watwood.
VASlT Cw Dodce it la Orand BApide
toget nloDswith
tbe cbenpeot ginde of Fontitore (or ThnakkRinag *bi
poa ran get n fint dun oct
et n....................
At the price 1 offer
I have a large stix k of first claaa good# ami they an* a bat
I like to aell, for tbey make frietida and mean large eolea, and
large aalea mean low pi ices.
J. W. Slater,
ISO Front St
Odt. 1. UM -Ob! bnt It waa rough
laat night, and wa oould not alnp a
wink. Wa bad bard work to keep o«raelvea In beo, and some aciBally wen
thrown out.
At breakfnat we did have a Ume.
AbonllOoefnaatetogeiber. We got
our “grob” In large pane and ooffee
pote. put it on a batch and wen about
to di»b It qot, when tbe boat got in tbe
troBgb of tbe aea. aod pUed at all np
trgetber. men. potatoee. ooffee. meat
Bemcmber tbe 8. Y. P. U. concert
tbi* evening.
There wilt be a regular meeting of
tbe N. A. S. E. tomorrow cveuing.
Laet evening Jnatiee Brown united
1 marriage Birnle B. Thayer of Urawa
and Mim MatUe Boat of Monroe CenGeorge W. Lardle bought 1,000 bu*bel* of potatoee yesterday.
Sam Benda U In receipt of a fine
aeal cigar case from bU fafffkr. who
Uvea in Xanmbnrg. Germany.
A Marriage license baa been iesued to
Daniel Blodgett and Kathleen Beecham. both of Willlamtburg.
Potttoee brought ii eenU In tbe local
market yeeterday.
Ckeeter A. Wmiams of Keyaione and
Jeoepbine Travb ot Gnwn.'bave been
ilmnsed to nmrry.
J W. Slater made a CBriooa diacovery yesterday. He was driving aontbeast of town os tbe etate rosd when ke
toand A quantity ot Arbuiut in full
bloom. Be plucked aome. and now turn
tbe lorlty of a bocqtiet of arbutua in
Itiaannonnoedmat Ue M. A N E
Practical Embalmers
, '\kc ^DUUN f^EDV*
North Star
Potato Flour
Manufactured by the Michiijan Starch Co
of this city and made expressly for food
from the finest selected slock grown in
GrandTraverse Region, which has been
made famous by the superiority and excel
lency of its |>ptaCoes. 11 is better adapted for
culinar>' purposes than the best com starch
Sow'i TUt.
-A Txcax. Wboleeale Droggiets.
'^Xiue, KiMBAS A Manvui, Wbole•Ale Drugglaia,, 1Toledo, a
- BAUb lAUrrh Cure le takes Utersal
Ig. Astisg dlroeUy npos tbe blood asd
mnson* eurfsee of tbe ayetesi. Price
tie. per bottle. Sold by all DrsgglaU.
TSBtUBOnlaU aro tree.
BnUb ffamlly PUb are tbe beev
H tfr »T~*.
bMt ceogti remedy on ear^ am a cnid
^Mcdsyiftakenintiam. »udWcU.
318 Union Street.
New Table
Turkey red damask makes one of the
best kinds. Begins at 30c the yard up to
the very best. Got all qualities of white
goods loo.
Ladies’ Hose ^
OU Debl left peetordap for Pitte-
We offer One Bunderd Dollan Beanrd for anp eaee of OatAirb that a
^ be cored~bp Ball'e OatArrh Oara.
^ J.Chkjibi ACo.. Prop., Toledo.
We. tbe BUderairned,
BUderaiCMd. bava
have fa
1. Obenep for tbe laat it peart, and beLora him perfeeUp booorable in all
tneinae wanmetloee and Anasolallp
and Funeral Directors
A good one for
one cent, an
other for two cents, a dandy for a nickle.
a hem stitched for five cents, a 6ne linen
and an extra lot of it is for live cents. We have a line of l>eau1.50.,
necessaiy, More so later ties from 50c
on. Buy now when you can get^ a good
arc made now all ready to
selection. Good can't-frceie*mc Comfort
ers for 75c. A much heavier quality lined
lots of work and the 81x90 size costs you
t^ith good cotton batting for 1.35. If you
50c. Got em 90x90 for 65c.
want to make your own buy the ‘James
Hillow slips ready to use 43x56 for J2}4c.
town batting at a shilling a roll
A good bed spread all hemmed ready
A good fleeced linto use,' for 50c. The celebrated Bates
quilt, 73x90 inches. The best quilt ever An all wool hose for 15c. The newest
offered for a dollar.
thing, the fancy striped for 35c. An extra
Hut up in one pound boxes at loc the
Tbe Veaer Woolen allle burned
fonterdAp. Tbe fire etarted in an upper
•terp. where tone of dry wool 1
plored bp apontaoeoa eoabietUa
House Furnishing Store.
Both Telephones, No. 43.
makt, Bibere we will put on atiil
more. Tbe Jape put tbe coal Into email
baekeU mat will bold a peek, and then
fall into line,aad the baekets an pagaed from one to abotbor. men, women
and ”klda,”; aad allaa black acyeur
We have }net pstsed ibe traaeport.
Morgan City. wbiBhretroek a rock and
aonk reoeotly. wlibla about 100 feat of
the base ot a monniala. Onlp one of
the eoldlen with which the waa loaded
dnwaed. She eank eo that about
fl foet of her maate wa* above the
Wa arrived at Nagaaeld, Japan, Sept.
t7. aad atarad than two dapa.
It U a
nice mue plaoe, but not. ao large aa
Yokabama The people an about tba
t'p) top, bravy carrirtr. awelt
ivera. dooble shaped
abaped top,
rope stnodarda. rope ib&aldinga on comerK, for 417.7.«.
A fine heavy quarter eawed golden cek ext> nuon table
— rope lege to malrb side*
board, for |9.7f>.
Six Dice
nice higb
bign bai*k.
bai'k. aohd
aolld golden oak, nicely c
enrved nnd
bended. brac4> nrme. <-ane seat dining ebaira for |7 fiO.
makes yoo
yon an outfit for tS5.00 ihat would eont yon
i nis maxee
>4-v‘'0aDym here else, aad will laat yon a lifetime nnd ie nice
enough for any bouse.
iTtMCmlhsiCms 1
Mrpriee bee eontbt a looUold In tbe
prodAOtloo of encAT, in UawaU And .r. Ml p.m.nl-'d MPOlb. a. biU.J ” KpalaMP. L.bj....dC4.ddU.glotbtr irave^ City hope in onr
OibA, And in wtaleb AmcrtcAn OApItAl them wUb a whip aeroaa tbe back, and
eompany. All me reel an acattered
A«4 improreinenu be*A Airendp ac- tbap fairly pell. I. Of courae it la very
cruel, bnt they have been gniltj and through me Tblrty-avroth, aod we
when mepan eoeamped.
Ibe AiAple uporu of
new poe- they muat be panlcbcd for tbeircrimaa.
Tbap have ;qoeer ^bcuaca, with' the We laat MW them at ManllaOWloBA Are cbicflp eiWAr. ocSee. toWe oan bear tbe flfiog from our
bMAOAnd frvlte in Cube And Porto Boor two feat bigber than tba door
Tbsp cat Bitting on tbla ftoor, wim prrsent uamp, and laat night we eaw
ftlK, And rioe, lobAooo And bemp
ibelr fnnnp lltUa- chcjp atleka. They bouaea burning that bad been fl-ed
IhA PbUlppineA Tbe qnAlliT And
They tall na that wa will move nearer
twt of tbMo enn be increeAod
tbe alaoaleep oa tbe floor. OBvrrplb^ U
tbe enemy eoon. bat tbe date le
iAbor Mvinf derleee wbiob ABorlenne vary neat, and the atrwu are all *tane
wlU inUodBOA- WhAn paaoa to enilre paved. Tbey are aprlnkled bp a man
We have nice tent* nnd plenty of
Ip mtored to the lelAnde tkeir ferUiltp who earrlea-tba wawr in two b^ palla.
dome of tba boja from the boat got room. We have good “grab''aad have
VlU beeoM deroloped to a vreAtor
4ifKO And tbe AaerloAB AcrioBliorAl ooma Japa' pipes aad opium and had a fallen in wim a aloe lot of bopa. We
have good vfllcera. and an well plraaed
tptAAd VAnkoe Inrontar waieeanAo.*e amoke. About a doacn of them bad to
be cnrricd..to -the ship. They were ao far. All ^ ua an walk
Bone of u* have beard from Travenc
Tbe oondiUon in wbtcb ocflee reAob- Torv moob BurpiUcd at tba t fleet of
«• oar parte ebowi tbnt moeh Ktrbt tba drug andido not eara for anp more C1.J yet. Send, oa tome paper*, will
you? Give my beet wlBhea to *11.
bo dose with Ubor>eArinf mAoblnerp
WlUJ*M J. Nhuhkr.
Wa left Yokabama at 4:S0 tbU morn
to taprore lie qoAlltp And rednoe ite
Company K. Tbiriyaeventta United
Tbe rr«nt edrencee ande bp the ing. September <0. where we have tak
Bofiteb loe pUntArB of Crplon And !n- en on Uo tone ot eoal. and an going to Statw Voluntqer Infantry. Manila. P.I.
41a point tbe waj in Porto Rleo. Cube
•nd tbe PbllipplniH. Allot wbleh ofler
itrt* ATAoe ABiable tor o IT«e-rrowUig.
And tbe PbUipplDM. ruled bp VAokee
bcAlne, OAB BodoBbiedlp eopplp oil the
riot needed bp tbu coontrp.
It U not to be I xpceud tbet AaeiiOnnUborwlll uhe the piece of tbe
■Otiree’^AccueUaied to tbe tropicAl
^oUaAto. Vnt Aaorienn eioaple end
pnOne will(trAln tbe netire And teneb
to peHora bit work t fiieientlp end
trltb proflt.i2 And tbe ‘
iMUnet of tbe Americnn will tree our
|T(>pi<)Al peaeaioni of tbe erlU of
AbMSiee owaorebip. froa which
MforAl iaportnnt Urltieb eoloniee ore
}net eaerslBff. TbeAaerioAn epetea
#( lAnd~Unnr«. which eneoBruece eaell
beldinti. ehoold be Applied ei promptIp oe cxUtiDp oondtUone And a }oet ren^t for reeled intereeU will permit.
Then tbe Yonkee fArmer And tbe
Tnnkee inventor will not onlp beneSt
tboatelree. bnt olao will rAiee the peo. pie of onr new paeeeeelone to a decree
Of ptoAperiip each aa tbey bare never
)a^n. Tbe.proeeee wUl neooanrllp
W Alow, bot the reBBlU will be abld-
>. tin pMe end e. ffee potA. 8oM roOvend la pnpAriv for a two-aOe
of the bopa ware eemed (eUcbUp) bM MtaMkn on the branch ttet ranchet
Pb. 7. ibober Wittee k ^ Bn
MaAUa,Oe«. e. lw#-We (o» ahej Tnerewlllbea inralnr aeetlec of
perteneeiOiTrAeereeOftyBoye In
butairbl of tee PiiUlpptnae Oei. *. tbe Boyal Xetebbora tbia eftwneon at
and Oct. • we were anchored la MnnUa , o*oloA la Moatern* Ball.
7apan and Philippinae.
At e:M at niebt. m
The foUowInc la a letter jaat received
bop* were prepar.oc
•.o» W
^or bed and meet tbla afternoon at siw with Wra.
by neof»e Dafofwa* hh eeeiin.Wa. 3.
w. re alrcedp In bed, a call came Bradlop oa Union atreet;
Bhober. one of tbe brpa who left here
W.'liamE Tsvior and Amelia OetWita the r>oTB>ta vnliaU^ b> < apAio froa »borv f r a> to oi'me A' ooec. . We
OoloMl Uaidner'e reel Unded. (oi our ciin> ai t in me "irer, both of Kmcalep. ba«o been Umoraine, and walked about W rod*, eeneed to wed. when toep ordered a* to alack araa
A man Dame^^Taptor bad bfa foot
Yokabaaa. 7apM, drpl. M. leM
DeerCoaain:—We have joat arrived and lie on the rroaad and aleeo. In alipbUy i< jered veaierdap in a pecaliar
la thli cltTiafwr a very plMaant trip, tbe aominf we were ordered to pre manner Be we* brlnflDf a load of
pniAtoee to town when be fell off aad
in tbe -»ei" We were at baa Pranebo^
Bat I ae»t tel) poa aoaetUAC of tbe tbe 1 ad ran over bia foot. Tbe boot
abaet a week, aod left there depk t.
We wert U dapa on tbe water, and bad elvp ot lUnilA- It te aurraaoded by a waa raiaed. bat the toot waa not bad p
A lew qelie eevere Btorae. that aade
lam ai
Tba Bopal Nelybbore will
AllotBaaoreor leeeeeeaiek. Three were beaaufel diy. w to bow
rvcalar aetalon tbi* a(i
t.«oOola.onboard. and eoo.e .early
*» •«»« aotnow,
died froa eeaalcknma They are look-i«* «*• •«««
««ablin» away,
-i Hoclwn. b.ll. .11 o'.b»k .h..,.
Th. MU-i-awy S<^ie»y rf
inr P»»WT
Baptlat eborob «ill meet mia afterThere are le eaeea of aeaalce on bmid. I of mem have Iron bare aeroa* Um-«
nooo with Mra B'aolep.
W. lUaanl J.p.aK.pi, >4. Ta. Jan I a»”.
nok .. naan lo,
n.l«»Tl..r I *• —
"W- ”
8. W Cramer, tfdry |
n, ..r, pinna, pnpla. „blOoa. |
”>““">>'»• ,™P‘“ ”»■
Cadillac, will erect a tbree-eiory
u. Jp na n Inn. Th.y :
~J'aiw ba. Ip.lai
m«lipnlku.ainJp. n«p.oIU»a.|“'‘''‘'"«'J. Vp.npian.jpl tb.n brick .block. tOsltt feet.
n.U.p..a. lilU. Bp. I .a, n p.,a|h.i«anbnrf. n.a....lb«n.ln Un
Merohp A Oifc^na arc boUdiar a
nn. ppa..mUpb ..U, .b.p,.
Tb.j a... Tprj.l.. kpnn, n. n. I Vb, ameblpi 1. U.. Uiy wn nrrl- eaw m'l) at Cedillac', to have a Oarlaad
band mtU. with a capacity of M,ooo a
pn.,pIU.paa..ll.,Ui.nnlnnTapj!aiya«l W. anrean u tk. Pnlp dav.
bina ai4m«l.n n . mup tn> whnl“■>
un..ppTO<l J p.Un pp
pdnn. ud pull ..n hn-j Ippd. i'b--”np. Tan. np ^nhnl tbm
rb.jn.lpOn.nnl nua U»».
>" * dnaOda, nla.
IbPj kpep nlllai V. JP. a. con. nd i >bro«a ,h. m.d. W. mn p n.i.j
Hd. i> U..14 nru4.Tb.j
-u4»Tbep wUl
.U1 :n. I '»• “<
Out of 18 Id oar...........- wim pon «11 ever tbt city for tea eenia. ' '
..d r., IPP. n.ln> n uj Un,, ' pl.J«i pp4 .. tb...d nald
A> ,a. pnna U»j h... 1 or 10 —. I "-a 5-1 ... m- 1. Cpmpnj
pirtg Cough, i
bllebed up and grinding grain.--------- ‘Iblr^-acvcnm infantry. Staplm and:
TcItKlB and Ino
stand* by me-aide, and if any of tbom I
quartera on Uuadalupe range.
iV tauXtiq
for all kinds of
knitting and in all
manner of colors. We're sellii^ it for a
nickle a skein. Home made mittens and
stockihgs“the kind gradma made'’art the
warmest kind. You can hli in many a
minute these evenings by , using Saxony
Saxony Yam
kS sw cwl.
tOUTSb \>VtTt 8 A TtAWB ^BT 8UC^ A CU\
% Uw bVwqU
*omt 0^ rtte cVrtte»\T)TS88
^ Wt
tsTt yaW
V\*» mPB»
I J. W. iMilliken'. |
grade cashmere for 50c. Two of the finnt
lines of hose on the market at 75c and i J^p.
Ladies’ Underwear;suns at
19c the
garment and they're good goods. Our
union suits—The kind that fits—sell at
50c the suit. The better grades sell for
75c, 1.00 and 2.00.
m KOMmiB ««oo«p w«D>raBDAT, aOTXinaii le, lags
Hffi lEWnmCN
-I doB't aee." said tbe maid of aO
Padhmttob Barneai •anda; ^ . work tboagbtfnli;. "what makes tbe llclit* put to all tb<- myal rt-Ktden.es.
* *; missus so nose. 8beV geWn- more
Jolm 1. Wllilaiii of RlclmMiod. Va..
Pratt; Bdiff a at Battoaa
i man- ooreaiiunatile ever; dap. Now, l-as dvcB that city gitsvCHiu for a huaI 1 hadn't done a thing, not a thing, an’ pltaU
^ 1 pet Kbe got so mad she could bardlp
Mrs. Ulcfaard ('mker deHares that
Tbeaew OcagragaUabal ehai
“ S|sak. Of course ererpliodp iftoowa bIm- wni never pi-rtuli her aona to enter
Wwr «r HM»t'«t m i*r« «tir Sattobs Bap was dedicated Banda;
pou tan'l leave tiiln durln’ tbe week rnddics.
Tbt baaUar MMOB, proper, opeaod
ioes. The
wltboiit a little aater to 'em to keep
,Mlss Imngvne t’omer. a .wmpuser of
«pBMplekiMip »l'b fe«r bts bIM WBBbpBer. O Ooebila. 0-ber oarw
i pm )><)mbcr lialUdB. dlwl nsenily to New
(be CbIm I
Ui*e beiBf U'Bl
WM.B. « n« • . ' • ere pp B r.-r. ii<3S biekOreB of N-wthVol k to jsiverty.
Oedwirrtae. bwMmibIIp b)e« hn. pert, Oaos of Maple Cl'p. Bod D-rlne
Mrs. IvWItt r. SuydeV. wbo Is to gt>
usslh-nl mi««l.maixio t'onnu Kne
taniMOBtoB Saodoy «bile hoaUef ofCbioBgo. Tbe biatorp of the ehareh ’ud Ih-out of the wav. un'left it iberv.
wilt uki- :lih her a lurtable
WOllMi Konib of MeBO»l««B pUoed wasgttea bjB J- Peck. Urn <dark of The nett .by I tK.ii.-.-d it ua« teskm’
* *'"***
* ’‘l">ke to iiilasus sboui IL eieaiulwat.
kb r«a OB the doeh Bftor b boaUBf ex- theebBreh.
Til.- rmted Ktogers of BrisAIyn have
p^diUon BBd rMBieed b eb*rr>- of tbot
Tblk U.. 0,1, Eo,ll.h V~-.lv
lo U.O
William to eoai|«>se a
to tke bnoBi. Be ms; dts.
KeBt cbarch at Sattoo’e Bap. bad tta erigto siorvrwMii.’ says I.
I n.i-e to
n-nden-d at tls-lr aoug om•f-Denuid fned sis rsbMtked shot to a small Baadap
—_— ----------- with Ibai
----- -'
-j- osap j te>i next pear.
-aractog ctreamstaaoes. It ■*“*
.b.wBsUlrs. me foilowiu’
U.iy Kanvr. «L.w hiislwnd diet! re
W«Ble;^MsUitWMB-. sped 14. (sts]l;
j to •_______
»lie lia>-n t batdiy Iseu 'i'll ,, iiilv l» i
' '
iitorff ttosp. s Msek was dacidsd
a canreh,
Th.-> n-so oiir.aiB.Hial.le: \\^~,ood
BBlto tlrtof Bcw BseoroU. west Bceto wbleb bp amsjoritproisof all iDieraaP How
to know a lot of Ii.t w.ln- xir Jalues :
two weoko 0(0 on B boBllnr trip. ad ^ to be CoagregaUooal
ter dii->M-s was lu tbal miukr
Md word ws* reoeierd si '-b borne
Taecbarcbwas witboot a boilding
thM be WBi ibM sad killed ob bBodp; or regalar place of meeting, aad the;
nai.ll Vv
and I>.-jm» niiB
('harlt.v-lB rvliu'lon wIiIj Iib coat e
a> M-lowi .Kmiuiisloui-r at Byra.-use,
.to the woods.
bardlp tboaght tbemselrea able to
N. Y.
ds Pbw Pbw. (AsrisB BoteBBi Kbb- balld. Aboat a pear ago the; began to
4b;, while oni boptlrp, sbot b robbll aolleitcabaeriptloBa The raspuate of
A verp aad ace'dent bspnt-nc-d at tbr
thj. MnnU I NoLLAn^ Ro. kvH
^''^Ulle S* I*1>S*1 tniVI-ls an.Uttd
.oi.ll.- luoktug for v..uMd reloBdIne bis (BO BBd rMUspbb the people I Sauons B.p. aod Inends
bomrof Lou s Decker of Manic Tbe
•rm OBI tbe end of tbe (bb It was oe- to O.V. vd •!>..«. a„ .....V,..
i-ra ..ouiiinn children were oat at the bera dotor
eUenuIl; dUcLotved and part of ibo
tbe m»t should uoi Is- i.lmm-d
d for imlttux c.
^e little Hop bad a fvrk
rUlaga ails.
lOBd of sbot lodped in his ricbl fore
Dpnn wbl.-h a eorusta-k bad .-aaght
A hill.- clH n<-v<-r lias kmi iiisity doll* aod WkB trpiag to whip It cff. when
arm wbleb will Is; him op for seeeral cbBrebe Id tbe Uraad rrarerae region.
The ehorcb to frame, interior to Andaw..maiii..-ver Uasuiomau>-dulmoBito.
h‘« little srv-B pear old sister stumbled
hrmera all over tba ooBtbwestem flnlehedtooak.aDdaeatodwiUebaire.
aad fell toward tbe tines la sarb a
portloB of the state are ^raestl; bop- and floe Slone basement. In the basemanner .ha- a t<nr entered her epr
tog tor a trosi to kill oot the HeMlan meat will be tbe fgritace room and tbr
and wrat Into her brain. She died
4;, wbirb Is now dsmagtog the wheat caBiflo-abed for dandap Bch'iol and aoHerriiie f.s.llMill |iluyi-ix the labalm- almrst iasisrUv.
The (ivllUsHl.
Tbe plekle fselor; st BolUnd has L U. Wbaeler. of Omena
■rii.n- Is tilws>-B rts.tii at il.e toj.—
been a big tblnc fi.r tbe 'a'm«ra of tbr eontractor was Mr. Anderson of
prolutldy ls-<-iiiiM- III.- e\|a-ri<-m'<-d travatocloit; tbe past aeaaoti. baring paid Sattoas Bap. Total ooat of the tier {>n-f<-i> a hiu.T ls.-nb.
OBttto.ooo al reed; for caeambera. to ' cbarch eseeededtl.COD. The balidlng
Ji«t alK.iH tlie Him- you is-sia
matoea, apples and eaBiiflower. be- eoelitp makes a grant of 9400. Tbe Iliitik, yonr i'ii|< ..f I
« IB coluc
has been raised: fliuv to run «ive* It s-iriti;^.
BidBs wbleb tnere Is anotbbr papment bsiaaee.
The fcatlK'n. <1« liol
•f npwards of SM.OOO to be made to toleg raised at tbe dedicatioa aerviea.
a beautlfn. ehareb frae of debt, and
lo ooe of tbe atorea at Moread
WlH-li a Kiri Ii
e 1..T llioUgl
haattog etore that baa-baea to ooBito- wUh to expires tbelr thanks to all who
■OBB Bsa for over fort; peara.
bavealded inaoeompltobingtbUresall.
him and ibv
Measrs. fiopt and Gannett of Battone lime be to .-oaiiiiK.
aat ap la less, and has rematoad there
A girl u<-v«-r lNait-v..B a luan when
to the same aioee erar alaca, aad is in Bap aapplied the palpit with a flae
Blbla Much oredlt to dne to the an- •»''
h. r be tou t w«nl.y of l.. r
•pparanU; ae good eoDdUton aa erer.
Tbe little aoB of Mr. WelllagUm of erg. Of the psator. Rev, Devl^
Adrian, wbu fell off a bed reoanU; bae
larteen new mepibera were raealved i.od her '
irulh.-^’hlraKo Dsllp
at tbe Banda; aventng eervlea.
diedof Uaiijariea.
The culp note of mdaese was that
BeCier •• RvBBsta Reutesi.
■A wood tanUae la llbal; to ooear la
A c-nlorod lusu van brforr
tola well wooded eeetloB. aapa tbe Ben Mra. Cadham, who has labored ao long
Tr> a
a'a Banner. Men are searee and no for a Cbarch. aad her aoa Bap. were rnlii-d fWatw .x.iiri In I’hlto.leli.lila i»of----OM Will eui wood wbea the; eaa fled •otlivtogto enjip the reaiisaUaa of »ruil>‘. .-harK.il vlili b.hih- liifna-tlon
<i>uum-I end the
wwk atUmberlng. Blxt; eenu a cord their hopea.
Judgv HBidgued IUuj)>l.>ll U raraou to
M offered for entUng 16-lneb wood and
defend hUu. The Ko'ermu.eil bv tbs
pUntg of work.
I.-Btlm..uy of m-v.-wl vlin.-BBt-s eeub▲boat
ID o’clock Baoda; algbi
------------liBb.-O a BtiiiQK >vne agaliiBt tbe doProgramln-Btoutorg's VpdarOifae- fendsm. Ti.r iearu.il .i>un»rt for «be
bb BbkQowb man tras killed
n * Boo .
"Now Baiuli.. Rive pour
• lAv
the Ann Arbor railws; pards
HerrIckV make, nsd get eallion of Prof. 0. S. Bont.
venlon of tlilr affolr " Tlii-"imiD and
•oath ffrankfort b; a frelgbl train.
Tto following to tbe program of the brother" lu.kiil wlw ami .lalirl.al aud
Prom paie a f nad oi him u is lodleatooooor,ub.,lno U>o«l-t io Svlo.
"'I""' f■««
, _
. "ItoBs, ill tli.K' y.-ntr'iir.*ii«muiiv I
ad that bis name U rrank Terwelllgar.
■rg’s Grand aader tbe aa^leee of
i^.„ah T.-r me to laBis bead was srrartd from his bodp.
e B. Y. P U.. and directed bp Prof, hiaiu ii.-uiiul." Apiekfd team of football plapera
StAeret^. J
$2.50 Kid
from Port Horoo dafeaud Bi. Clair
tnam ^ a score of tt to o Satarda;
bfiamoon. YoBog Morrell, one of 8b
Oalrb plspria. was ii Jared to the flnt
half and is oot expeeled lo lire,
wns Bbooascloaeatthe lastinformatioB
raeslred. Alter his Ipjar; his garaaU atoppad the'gama
Tbe Bollandere of Kalamaaoo are
aameetsjmpathlaeta of the Boer* and
from the flrst of tbe South African
' Mtrables hare bean girlng tbe Brglieh
•lawbenerer oeeaeloo rffered. The;
held a large!;
pad propoM to raadar flaanetol aid.
Tbe fund alreadp raised am
At Detour on Bands; th; three
«f Mra Esle Orr. aged a. e aad peara.
were bamad to death in a flr« which
originated to their home. Tbe mdtber.
a widow, was aivsp at the time,
bops being Sa charge of their grandmother, who. however, escaped
After'twelve peara’ ligItaUob the
title of vs PoatmaaterOeberal Don M.
Dlekiasoa of Oetroii, to Btromi
Inland, to the Bt Clair rlvar, wbieh
eongrrss attempted to dedicate as a
battonal park, has beeo declared valid.
The cable of the Michigan Telephone
eompanp: which, lies beneath
waters o' the straits, to sboai sis mUes
IS UngU). weighs five tons to the mile
bbd contatos twentp oondoctora Bach
eondactat to
of email copper wire to inaare graatar
ffaxlbilitp and thus leanen tbe sbaarin
of a etreait being broken. The oataide of tbe cable is covered with an
•mour of No gauge steel irlre. Thle
aaUe was eoUed oa a aeow aad towad
bp a tog and was laid to a UtOe . ..
aix bonrs A cbanael is dradgad at
aacb side where tbe laadlng to made,
aad the cable thus insnred from bti*g
damaged bp a veeeel going nabore
Atherwtoa. After the cable vras laid
it was teated and toand to work perfastlp. The ooat of this cabla waa
orar flts.ooo. It was made h; the
WMtora Electric eompanp of Ckieage
aad rapreaaats aU that aapart know,
ladga aad experieaoe eaa prodaee to
eaMe making. Next^rlng a almilar
flbWa to to to laid totwaaa Bt. Igaaee
Rag Time..
.Rasa. 1
TraewseOUpBehooIofMaaicO oheatra Fsck* EopaUafasti
Violins—Mlaaea Blanche Baroam, Bvai dent c-rar. Poraale at Ta«man’s.
ale Falgbom. Nlto >logbee. Maud
Coopton. Della Mahtoek. Brrni.-e I,
_________________________ 1.
Robertoon ana Master FVank Wa!CoroeU-Mastor Claude McDonald.
Btrl Rogera.
Ptono-Uimaara P.uad,
Violin Bolo—Oaralval of Venice with
VariatloPB.................................. Psglatoi
Mr C. B Horst.
Bam Bolo-"The Dap is Bndett
Mr. C. P. aoBtor.
Tria Overtare.
Misars White, Barnam and Mr. HmeL
(al "la Jane”....................... DeKovea
,b) "itotor,’-..................................oS.-.to
(Cl "Storm the Night Adof&tog '
Mn C. B. Hoial.
Goeea dtp gaartot
Daet. Poloaatoe...................... .. .Cbopto
Uto Mattel
Mica Josefa Wilhelm
Vocal Bolo-Bapaedle Hoagrosle
ogram oommeaoaa al 6:U aharp.
Brava BiploiacB.
Uke Staalpp and Livtogstoee. hmad
It harder to ovareome Malaria. Pever
aad AgM, and Tppboid dtoeaae germs
than savaga canaibals: bet tboaaands
have foaad that Bleetrte Bittwe Is a
-- ._ j for all; :____
If poa have ckUls with fever,
aches to back of neck and bead, and
tired, wora-oai faaliaga. a trial wlU
. _
poa of ih
their merit. W. A.
UI-. wntoe;
--M; obUlered for move than a pear with
ebilto and fever. th« 'l
- _____bottlea of
Blaetrto Blttore oared them.”
” Onlp SO
cetoa. Trp thorn. Gaaiastoad.
1. HoU
bj Jaa e. JohMoa and B. B. Wait,
Xade Tooag Again.
"One of Dr. King's Nsw Ule PlUs
each night tor two waaka hat pat me
TbutaglTlii Jkj beonto) Salw
la mp ’Ueai' again” wriiea D. B. Taraar of Dempeeptowa.
Tbep'ta the
beat to the world tor.th« Llrer, Btomach and Bowels.
Paretp vegamhla. wltbto IM aailas of acUtog
andoae-lhlrd fare. Betara limit
Merer gripa Oalp rte at Jas. O. John- oae at
Dec. L
16 1TU
non’s aad B. E. Walt’s drag stocaa.
T« Om ■ ObM im Om ’omy.
Take Wanier’* W-hile Wine of Tsr Svrov
the best coogb mmedp «a earth. » an. ,
Kjjnball Piises aii Orgaas
are need
need aad endoraad
endovaad to the leadl^
ktoaa eva^hara . Ho. m Proat
St. N. B. Sltoag. a ABagar. 7m ft
Frank Friedrich
118 yront Street
The B()s,ton Store
Thifl department fau zDAde most wondeiTdl etridee
this BeasoQ. Our sAles almost double themselvee over
last seasoa’s business—principally due to our anxiety
to please.
We employ hi^h class workmanajilp—we bu; the
most and the best materials We owin hence sell our
goods as close and closer than any other millinery
house in the state.
We believe the eeason has advanced far enough to
unload the.snrplus stock, as our rules srs not to carry
over any s'l^ck for the second season
We Have Placed on Sale Today
all our Panern HatsAlso those made In >
iop,at prices that
ire Uwer Than Cost of Material.
In addltiou to this spedat offer ws have divided
moat of our street hsU. consisUng of Tsm Orowns,
Bough Biders. Walking Hats and Sailors, into three
dlstloct lots, and have out the prices deep. Prices
being na higher nor lower—60. 76 and 98c—many are
worth double.
See display In our west window.
We CMPiT a fail llac mfU* ’
The McCall
Bazar Patterns.
I Oc. lout HIOHH. I So.
-FsshIvHi Bbrtos Vailed Free..
; The
Leading Makes
of Overcoats!
Stein-Bloch Go.
and Hart,
Schaffner & Marx
Produce msoy novelties In Overcosta and Ulsters that are exclus
ive — Othera may be content to
either imitate tashiona brought
out' by above houses, or follow
al. ng year after year with pnte.
tically nb change in the atyle and
make-up of their garments.
Stein-BM Overcoats
This year are so entirely new In design that all good
dressera wh.> anticipate purcbaalng should see them—
See them anywsy-tt will be time well sprot-Tfae
new shades of gray' overcoatings bearing the SteinBloch label are well repreeented In our stock.
Hart, Scliaffaer & Maix
Did a good thing when they designed >Warmbacks'’—
No ulster ever had such a sale, and what’s more the
sale is going to increase from year to year, for who
would have a‘-cold back” when for the fame money
they may have a “WarmbackP” Aak to see them.
We Have No Monopoly
Of the good thing* In overcoats Our late Invcices con
tain a complete line of light and dark colors. "TOP
COATS” for boy's, ages eev«n to 10 The boys should
see them.
Hamilton Clotliing Co.
What a Dollar Will Do
Tht re are few people free from this disease, which develops .
when negle--ted, into aeriius. and man> tim^-s
incurable conditions.
G. n. SNOW. M. D., Specialisi
1 Has Wen remarkably, eucceasful In the treatment of catarrh. Hibs .
metluxls are the reenU of extenaive study and experience in this field,
and will be found lo cive greal relief t-i ail, and in the mijority of
caiH-s a enre. For ».ne dollar he will furnish one month’s treatment
for any ease of n«eal. throat or bronchial caUrrh, including all servioee and all medicinee mjaired.
The doctor also treats all chronic disesses.and diseases of women,
aa well as dtoeases of the eye. ear. nose and throat. He baa been
Irery aucci wfull in treating cancer and asthma.
Blasses Scleatificallir Tined. Teeth eitracied without pain, 2Sc.
Office in Hynllton A MUHken Block, Oass Street Bntrsnew
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
-Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is coming. Now is the time
to place your orders for
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 3.
Traverse City, JiKch.
TBB itoBvnia>xooKi», wBtvsiibA'k, tfovltitra& is. itim
bmuxA ‘VieiDi
ttve "MJciAA. I
ltWMC«i.-UUrMaoa«<wd»t Ber)ia
MU OmBu; m< Urmi
«pprpvBl 0< the Ust«c4
Vhieh fluaoB. wttb fiu cxMptkM
TbmIU. tmomm Sen----- --—
vrophM7«(B ,
«B •rill be the rrBT« of the BdtUk KmPl*«• Tbe He» York revere irere e» •
•Me lekeriUMB tee te the leM Oar>
■eUw Veaiderkat •( o«v tl,«W.OW
^Md * federel Uhulleaoe Us.
the «rer reveeee eei. e< orer t>.700.e0o.
Tbe tetei eea ie thrae Ubm ^e
•aeeet of Mr. VeederhUt'e po‘iUe be^•eete.
BeajMtU Teach, wtfe aad daairbter
MMi Wialfred Teach, of Kufc Felle.
lU,. hate eoupleUd e drite to a twoborae earrer troo> UUoole to Ueteiw
toery. M^L.a aietaBee of S.OM Hllae.
Thep toft Reek raUe, OB JoM It. Tbe
4rita.toeledto( etopa. wee^Mde ee
ferae Allooaa. Pe-. to fwr weekt.
They tratetod ea aa aterafe of forty
Mitoeaday. Tkeyearrleda Unt aed
•tore with them aad eamped to tbe
AUevhaBtoi aaUl lato to tbe talL
The ateamer St. IrOM brian «ew»
that tbooMada of khUta Chrtotlaae are
•ytof from famtoe to the Ohe Kiaar
ProTtoofc Cblaa, aortb of Yoyia. Tbe
lead theca U raelalmed from tbe eea
•feyaeyatemof dlkea. aad te thickly
IMpaUted. Last eamiaer tbto rertoa
area tbrtoe tleited hr floode. deetroytoi
thoauBdi of botaee aad eaUreiy rale
iMttheeotMi erop. Tbe people are
, rodaeed to the toet ea^ramltUa. hattoit
ioae>C« phOMi
elotbiar aad
trrtfltof Maay bate dtod of etortatioa, aad. with the approaeb of wtoter,
able mMWUtloB baa beeooM worae. The
Ceatral flhtoa Praabytoilaa MMoa le
■tipeall^ to tie trieade throt^oat the
•erorUtorthaaep«>pto. «czXi^D
t>r. ttoyda, the rapreeeatoUte to
• of the Ibaaataal Ootarameat.
to Prutdaat Kraforh amerttoa
beloHT to Maftoad. the latter will pay
• prtea tor them ttetwOlaatOBad the
Oea. WUllam Ladtow. taUttotr fot•mor of Seraaa. who le at hie borne to
-Vlodbtoc. L. L. »ya the fraataat drawtoaek to tbe laerotemaat of tbe On
toUH to their lllitacaey.
Yatal tadlaaa. aear Bacam. Met..
toataklUedaa AtaeHeaa aamed Ket
tUloa, oteraeer e( a raa^^aadwoud
•d a Oermaa tamed RMalek. -ble eaa
m( the eaeretarr of tbe aaty. to|aald to
toe a hopeleu totalld. She to eoflorior
toflu palmotoary troabU. aad wlU be
•akao to Ootorado tor tbe wtotar.^»
Mia. Oeoite HUtooa. who baa faUra
toatrtoSe,MO.eM. aayeabewUlaae tbe
Maoaat to protidtof bOBoe tor frieadimapeopla
•Tbe oapleetoa ofja aitrorlyeufae
eraiem at OlbaoabarK, Ohio, owaed by
ibe Btooetea Powder Oe-. btow tbe
4rtow. BeaOwd.tato email btta. The
team aad wafoa ebatad bU tato. Ser
teas damare waa doae to baUdiafe la
Vodlboa-Pa, at tbe eMraaoe of Teetlaf lake, wa« formally opeaed to for•lea tiade Moaday. Thw to tbe Bret
toortfipeeed to the aaU-toraicn pro*iBoe of Hnaam.
A moeemeat baa beea >Urted to
badi tbe ramalaa of Jobe Peal
Joaee to tbe Ualted Stotoe |ead tolar
them to drliaetoa oemetery. OoeerfOi
•wlU be aUed to appropriate faadt for
able parpoae at ibe eomtof aeaeloa.
JobaPeal Joau. who waa tbe earal
hero of tbe war for todepeBdeaee. wae
•a dmertoaa by .adopUoa. Be died
abroad, aad bit ruUaf plaoe bad beea
aakaowa utU reeea^. wbea hie
^re, plalaly ourked. waa loeated to
ooe of tbe eeMlertoa of Parle. Ambaaudor Porter bee formally aoUArd
•Ue aute departoMot of tbe Aedlaf of
tbe rrare. The plan to to aead one of
the Baeet waiebipa of tbe Amerieaa
navy to Praaoe to brine back the re. aalae. aad relator them to Arltoftoa.
etith tbe tall bemon dae aa admiral.
Baeb a faaeral weald be a fteat aaitoaal eraaC
A Oerman paalUre expedittoa to tbe
• Oamerooae reeenUy ebutieed a tribe of
rabeUloae eaaalbato wbo bad bariared
> aeearal tradlac eUUoaa at aad'aear
KriM. TbeOermaaecbaaadtheaaUTta
lato tbe baab.kimar too It waa
tooned. aeoordtof to tbe ceptato of tbe
Volka. tharaamhen of the eUto were
decaplUlcd. tbelr heade betof alack
OB polae to tbe totortor. to atrike terror
»e tbe tobabluau
Oelllac AWV hr «Ua«
Cr—i»e LM. ad Talk.
TmI* to rahIU
UlM Adeto rifiunvon bee for tbe
n wae eiiiiDC to one of tbe betele
at tbe oppolap of remlTal week. ae*» part year been rwopnloM a* a profreBionel bMBiy to KapUad. A prufeeerml year* a*o.” uid e reteran deieoBlooal beauty aetle ber pbotoprapbe
tire, '■when I bap|N-oed to aoilre e
writ-dreeeed Btou easased to trimmine bto flnter aalto. Be naed a peculler, email eteel iaeirument. aome.
thinc like a pair of nlpiiera, aad one
would bare aald at a ctoace that It
wae eome new kind of wanlcBre tool.
1 took a aecood look at ike tblnp aud
made a meotal pbotoprapb of tbe fare
of tbe oemer. Early that ereniag 1
aew blm aantilerins down 8t. Cbarlee
etreet to a point where the crowd wae
pretty denae. aad I made it my buaiaeaa to foUow on beblad. He elided
Into tbe crowd, mopped, and aeemed
to be eaamiQliic the tope of the buildInye on tbe opponlie aide of Canal
■trret. At ble elbow waa a portly gvutleman of proeperuoi appearance, and
all aroubd the people were ae ibl. k a»
aardlnee In a box. la a aiomeni my aad derieca aa toreme iberefrent. Mite
man mored on and I preaai-d foraard Clenatone woo tbe beaoty prlae et (be
and glanced down at tbe )H>rtl,\ gt-u- Bomb Kewlnpton. Loadon. cooteet
tlemao'a r.-at. Juat a> I expec ted, bla tbto year.
walrb cbalo waa danKltog. and while
Oalr nea ■aa4T«e WarBa.
tbe watch Itaelf waa In^bla pocket all
tight enough, an exitenalre Maooulc
Some one bea asked to tbe Times'
charm bad been <-ui off at ibi- eud Saturday Keeiew wbat . to meam by
near the buiionluile. In two Juni|w I tbe aUtement “that au ordinary man
liad the fellow and collared hiui juat can converse with a rocabulary of
aa be waa In tbe act of culling a dia only 500 words." Tbe KortnlgbUy Bemond locket. He waa bohJIug Ibe elcd elew some nine year* ago aald that
Dipper In Ibe palm of bla rlgbi bui«l. “the number of worda to uae among
and with an almuai luiiH-n-epilldc ui<e tbe Ruaalan peaaaniry did not exceed
tiun be could doe.- iltelr pJtwerful Jiiwe from IW to 20U." Tbb ■taiement we
and cut tbrougb ibe bearleei gold abonld deem tocorrect However, we
Unka made. Weiklug wlib aucb a loqJ hare an authority wbo writes that “a
to B crowd waa like fluding money la Bmtalau t>eaaiiot b rertwee whe^ be
tbe Btrret. aud if I hadn't aiojtpiil blm has a rucabtibt? of fruui SUU to 400
where I did .1 dare nay be would bare word*."
It baa been ataied over and over
gathered In eereral tbouaaud doUara'
wprlb of plunder before dark. He ea> again Ibat In Kugibb there are SKI.t bond and aklp- 000 word*, aud Ibe pbllUogcr . adds
. _
'I aure of hb III- (bat tbb large number to (he acenmu(le game when I aaw him oalng bto lailon of outuy cAituriea. and that
nlppera on hb oalla at tbe hotel, but noitalng Itoc that number could “bare
tbe laatrament waa peculiar, and. lie- ] been kept oxcepi through me toflualdca. It bad a 'ciooked' look. Tbai'a . ence of Ilieraitire.’' Now. it Ir highly
aa peer aa I can come to It to tbe pouible ibat Ibe Engitob worda. by
a-onla. There la aomethlng that at-1 au adopilre proceM and natural
ranara. will not dimlalah. bnt inc-reaw.
doo't car* buw tonocent Ita general ap Are we to. Include In the»e 2Sa«Ul
pearance mpy be. I Wouldn't mlalake worda dialectic Bagllab? Somebody
a Jimmy for a crowbar, even If A bad aaka. “Doea aaybody know all tbeee
my eyet abut.**—New Orleans Times- 2ao.000 wordar- Could tbe learned ed-Deawctai.
itor of tbe Oolury Dictionary glrr na
tbe meaning of (betu alD Sbakeapere'a count of worda abowa 15.U00,
and of tbeae MiO or 000 are bboblete.
A Cblaamau. ao we are told, paaaea a
largeat brflllani eumlnaileo wb.-o be b the
straw bal ever made. It conabta of poaaeinor of P.Oiai wordk.
tflnNew York you can uae with dta■Jumbo" plait an In.-b wide. Nearly
, rrimlaailont.OOnarordayouare exceed' Ingly well-to-do to your lingual poeI M-aaiona. Ttiai exceedingly aound an.
j tboriiy Kk.-ai aald when conllniug
j bimar^ to p^ary worda be tackled
tome tO..Va>. Hr found there were 4.■ (XII of IVutoiilr origin. r..«tai I'ren.-b.
:>.T4M> l^tio. «ai tireek and ItVi of t'cl^ tic and .uber a.iurceR. “If. therefore.
' we <-«ufliie our attenilcui to that por
tion of Etglbh wbh-h U Teiil.mlc. we
Und that Engilab pm|.er conabta of 4.1 otto ln.tci.en.1eni worda."
-I Milton, we msy remark, waa aitla100 yarda bad tajm naed before tbe
worda. N.-verlhcli-aa.
bit ™ compMK.
-re-k ot „ „
, awioii.rj biirt t»r ih.
Wocblni .r iroblbt
,„a., „ „„„ h.„
A F*e»to. aaak. Bfir.
American Inveoiora of auake itorlee
must look to their laurela: tbe educated
Bengali baa ent.-re.l Into competition.
and. jndgtog fr.HU the aample given to
good faltb l-y a native paiwr at (tol
be will U-hart to beet. S..me
lime ta.-k tbe lovely ^lighter of a
weallhy Zemln.Ur waa bitten by a coand died In tbe courae of a few
Aa ber retnatos were l.elnc conveyed
to the (liiuge* for aepultun-. a paaalng
patrlan4i .«r r.-..-tvod roelu pr.>|Kw.-.l
that be <ili.iul.l
aU.iWe.1 to exi«Tlmobt with iVRua. llalion. At b.-. lN.re
high reputation aa a profeaaor of <>c.
,-.n...mnl n., W U™ ob.
,.l«Pd 11..,- -wri™. .M .rier pm,
^ .1,1,
merebania and the abopa of antOcere
»<• *">»
««“•■» of area, tooto, and
«^»er*tiow. of which no mention la
Wbat could Johnfound In books.
•*»«< «eatn and Ita mauj
app1l«ilon«» Take the one topic dec‘rirHy- A balf-^nlury a^ the whole
^ b„,
foar yaaia ago. wbea she eelled with
Ibe Friend* ebarub et Traveree City.
Bar toflacaee la tbe caaee of praottoal ObrtoUaaity wee great,
aeter waa aatformly ebeertel
anly felt
able, aad bar loae wtU be keenly
by e host of Menda.
ttree. none tbe worse for ber little adxeatiu*. -
_____________ M-
a. A.Psrk. BBCaiTWst
^^AJtTBD-Srwral b.-lghl aaS baeset py
er*sam: ae> beak lasaruve
It is Baloly
Deatalew Cenpuy. Drpt X Cbteace.
doctors aearly seat Was.
Mnllea of
’ ' ' au, O . to an early
sarly mv«. All
-•Id be bed e fetal leag trocble and
Bat be was
urged to try Dr. Eiag's New Dtocovery
•or CooBumptlon.
After taktog Av*
botUee be was entirely cored. It to poalllvely guArutead to core all dtoetece
K TbraaV Cheat aad Langs, loclndiag
Congbs. Oolda, La Grippe. Paeumonla,
Rroncbilto. Astbmv Hay Fever. Croep,
Wbooplng OoQgb. Me aad •! 00 Trial
botUes 10 eta at Jee. Q. Jobnaoa't and
d. B Wait's dreg aterea.
for th_ ........
If takes tboT^
.'.-hlv and to time, it will cure a cane
24 hours, and fo- tbe oougb that lol•ww La Grippe 1'. «.ever fdls to give
Hof. Prioo. SSc and 50c.
ICa a simple n
« kidscya. Yon need
. - not
. contnlt
By asking yooTscIf
yooisctf three qaestions
mn detennine
...mine wbctom or not yont
ineys are deranged.
'irst: "Uaveyon backscbe'or weak,
tome bM^kf"
. Second; "Do you bsv* diffically to
annstiDg or a too ireqncat deeite le
Third: "Arc tbo* depoait* like brick
dost ie tbe aria* after it bet sUwd lorj
twcoty-hmr booraf"
In its esrty atogm kidney die
tcodily cured by a few bom
m's Kidney-Li'
Pills, a
Mr. Imiab MsaigoM. patotar. Watertown, N. Y.. wnus: "I have had *
Mt died out of tbe land.” Wbat |
v«ry bad CMc ot kidney sSvctioa for
------ lime,
and doctored in vein antll
we cannot nndentand la why uiakes-, |f y^a can't be brilliant, be at Iea*t •"toe
eommltred more atrocities when oc- industfloas. and watdi always for the Dr. A.
*■ W. Chase's Kidoey-Livci PUto
rail odenee waa to Ita prime than an. ch,nce which to'
western ctrtlixatlon.—London
Mdtior Beea Woadera.
•very n
MdItorW. V. Barry of Lextoftoa. Globe.
Be «
Teaa., la axplortof Mammoth Oare.
If you have kldan dlsfie, yon caa
II OMtod
«<mtiaeted a aerare cam of PUee
b. to..,- h.
A.^ eteimrwus prvuoi/
ue cavra *o take Dr. Cbaw's tidaet-Uver PiUs
•To prove by lo*e,“ be cried
•aiek enre
eora i
tbroafb aatoo Baoklea'e
*rom tbe firm $25 that be earned. ta--»tb peHect MUcnce tUl wbat hfa
perately. “let
' “ ‘
otberwe ■
many weekt I bar* scarcely
Jnriea. t>
in Bleep, during bow many
Inly t.
eaten only----Wallit.
n&ere. wltbanlmpertowgteiore.ab*
Money to Ameri« la a* Important u*t toagm ol Brighfa titema Oi
sraved blui to aUeace.
as quinine to tbe African Jun^*. Don’t Cbaae's Kidney-Liver PIU*
<lrill gl**
“StstlsUca prove aetbtogr abe aald equasder your qntolnc. A tew gxmlna tba new eiguc aad aUngth,and mshe
Ab. but ^ a eoU ^etuml Ilwu mrad up ai* bettnr than MM.-New than stM8g.SmMiy and
One pill
Tbaabvlrtof ere at Cblambla ball,
8«e. tB. Bill M ewm. MaaM by
- ~ • •
desipiB and faa^
woods with new decoratiooB
Keep these in mind whea
dowm town and call in onr
Jewelery store to look tbens
:r. We have many new
thin^ in jewtlry also.
-Six Fr gbtfal Feilai
pp„,.... .. .p.
h.^. «.n of . rep.U. I.r «... ^
8. B Welt.
,p,j„ „ , p...
Tfintst Bslle, Sc Cigir
BecanK we put into them tbe beat
tobacco, tod we do not use bDj
theaeoie^aad an old Maad et tbe ■
------------------ :—;----------- - artificial flavor—j“»t clean, porg
family, read a tribute to tbe sweet life 1 F'^ia#* mat wae*******^
** .*rm> tobacco. Thia i^vee you a wboleand beenUfnl cbnreeter of tbe depert-1
•ome, enjoyable aoK^e at au ecaa>
ed. R -f. Jooee preached a eermoa
lical price,
from the teaV "Aad Ood shall wipe
yonr dealer for them.
away ell tears from tbelr eyes, end
there shall be ao ewre death, neither
sorrow nor erytof, neither afaall that*
-Toanellar BtoMi
tl4 Front Street
be any more pain, for tbe fonner thing*
are passed away "
Tbt honorary pall bcarm were
a of the glT^TlOK Wi
OkrtoUan Bodeaw aociety or peraonal
trlenda l^y were Mtoaee Floy Theo •po aXHT-Up^' pan Sirell^ oa IIbo^
bald. Leoaoea Nichols. Lorena PeaDtagton. Edna Joaw, Loelle Toeobald ______________________________________
aad Oraoe Olara. Tbe pall bearer* 11?°* —
w«te Oliver W»ten. Fred Dago. Cyrus ooBsiiTateT'
Btodbaw. Wayne Water*. Bd Krito,
lasalrc et C. a. DeeSny. M<
end Roy Bei
««. Bk« «. tb. Lov I
told to real to tbe JXL ptoHseuuaUMier us Late am
y lot there.
■oa axLX OBItBAr-OeeS twbbU Cm A4.
rato Mtsmt
WeUs.P. O. Bet Ke. UC m-tf
Oo . ladlaaa. Aagast 11. 1X74. and re
. tins, a g. BUtor.
moved to tbto etatn wMa a aamll eblld.
8be WH eunverted la IMS at Long
Itoke ander the mlatotry ot Bar. K
Bwele. ud bee ever Mace beea e fattbtal follower of bei Master. Bba was a BS la tM
O yverto ett. aeywbtv^weyr-1
member of the Metbodtot eb«teh aatll
,ir tbelr dt^nlUona.
Bseki Royal Xafuto
^ ,pc*1mlary might be called a perfi cent elgar. For aale at Tbtmea's.
ldlo«yocT*ay. which In cultured
persona variea with the Individual.
The anperlor Intelligence la abown to
the aelectlon of the worda naed and in
the nh-ety of handUag Ibem.—New
York Timew_______________
u«i, rH..4s.
^nd ft They am DUeBped Use the
Hnaaell I/>we!1 t.ad a tube
World’* Oreatest Kidney Cure
ui?". rS.”!.
Z.eMtoM«« W tb Toaehiuc.
Otn moa'ee Traterday.
Yesterday artemooa tbe rematoe of
MUe Amende Z mm«rmeB were geeUy , ttonee to o ho for weekw
Wbat man ha* dnoe
laid to r<«t in tbe Long Inke
but the troiitde to be won't do
near tbe old home of (be tamUy.
I A man's
oateilmrw run* to tbe
Tbe feeeral'eervtoe was bold at tbe contrary-a woman's
always x)oe*.
Friente ebureh to tbto elty. tbe aoaee
A good deal of (be ao-caUed ctrwm of
aetof Biled wUb tbe Mends of tbe de society la Dotblug but skluinw-d inllk.
parted. Lovely dnl tribatoa la mat
Raya an oM bachelor: "A wife to an
profaMon decked tbe eeeket. eepeeial- atiacbmrni that makes a man bustle."
A man's fare to apt to he his mtoly bmeUfai ptoee* bdtof pneantod
I7 tbe Chrtotlaa Eadeavor eodety ot foriune the Urst time be tries to abate
whIA deceased waa a membm aad tbe
Tea Years In a KeoneT I* tbe title
Jankweoeisty of wbleb aba wae ao of a new hook. Cen It he tbe antbor
to a man wbo went to tbe docn>-Cblvine waa eondaolad by I
cage Dally News.
Barolsy Jilonea, MtoMed by Bee. Jos
Mra. Jeftrtoa, Mtaa Beloaa. Mr. BMm
and Mr Peuntogtoa aang tbiwe dt Mim
it Caeorlte bymna. An apaAU-Yeaeeauto.erMnoM. wsirti
proprtote Chapter was read by Ber. ■pOB
r Sto4 rewoBa WrtH ar eaU M y«*Uh
Joaiab Poontoffton. and a teaeblBff Csni , AaavU. Hlet,
; evt U IriRps hi 24 iMre.
^omno PMtAGRAPa^
When aOence feHs H isn't
fly broken.
Some men R|>e«k tbdr minds end
eome women apeak a tot more.
It to atrauge tmt tme that today imt'
be ycaterday toworrow.
L-WAMTlasars-esofaaykladtB Bnt
n eeapaatw or to buy s besM, let er
01 oo Alin e atiWsrll room* f esd t.
.Utoa*.Wcek.TrannvCl>y. SH-Uae
Have Yon Seen The . .
Special Offer
this week in the Variety Store. If not why not. There
is money in it for any family who Deed the kind of roods
we sell. Note our special prices in the followinr goods.
Step in and see our 5 and lo.^ot bargains.
Gaps Mkdssneers 6oe ptir; p'ntos S l-2o
•Boh; tumblers 1 1-So seeh; lamp ohtmneys 2c; batter bowls, with cover, 6e
each; cellnlold pictare framea 6e each;
eteel granite dippere«Uc; granite weeh
beains 80.
Wateb-for Spaciil largiias Dariag tin Ofatiag WnL
We trust that you will bear in mind that our intro
duction is to your interest.
The Variety Store,
Om flew net et SUBbvfs Opn Boise.
226 Front Bt.
The reaaoa that then ia
8Dc)i a demaDd for our *bocp
ip brcuuM they are actually
worth tbo priM we aik for
then. They are aot ak>oe
Rood lookiug. atyiiab abooB,
but they give ao^ thorough
aatiafaction that oDoe a coatoner porebaaea a pair it always lesvea a pleaaaiit rtoollection of tbe atore.
r“ Try onr aboaa, they are tbe TeouU of over 20 years practical
experieoce in shoe malong. Here are our prifias in warm lined
80c, 87c, 95c, tl.tS, $1.40, tl.68
and hig ber Juiced if yoQ want thm.
186 Front Strast
The Praotioal Bhoa Kan
MdJLX&tt'ISdbiyD WabaKfttj^-joa^Snilit i6. \H^
Thn* WM ta oRbMtn bdHad k
•men of |wlmA Nnw tbar wore pUyi^bttBff “L« Pnh>aa“ with • Biyatlcal MeiH. UaWM wri; fnw
hms Jlnsh!. DoQy looked down at Ibe.
freot boiK-b of meg In ber lap. They
Th«t ruB wonU-iteMk r»i
e that momlBC-wllh Vertion
|a hen wju. crow in the
pierce'# card. She wai no looser there
In tbe heated baU of her city borne,
It U pr>rttm> lu me.
U l>It> <tr«r mile
wttb Boh. dew old itnpld. Umoma
■ HM Wttk M «
Bob. by her aide. It waa nMoaUebt.
« Dn.
-te'tyoa ■■■*
and abe felt the air of a aammer nl(bt
on bar fare. They bad ieta daoclRf
l( t. Bnctmu la Be.
U Itait <taBT Uiit* roB.
and now they could bear tbe atraisa of
•Foraver and Forever." In tbe U«bt
from a window none one waa aiandins before ber. BU voice waa low
tbla coaatry. It Laa uradnatej many
and 'be waa alnstBs tbe word# of tbe
Ta JJii*
el»oj Maine •» waltz, "O bid me hope to'eall tbee
(amooa s«-d and womm. Prof. Allrn.
m Jewendani of liihan Allen, wbo wa> llie Jour Ital» «-«» ouly ■Boll»T of mine, forever and ferever.at Ita ImJ witb bU dauKbti^. now mart'* iiBB 8lark »a» «lw caterer.
Sbr could remember all tbat be Mid
Mne. Alberti of Xew YTork City, rre- Ilk iiuiK-bbxirl. hia waiter, bla mIu-J that olsbt at Creenbriar. and abe re
•t«J <-owMi-ral>le eonaleroaUoo amoiiB alomwl*. ao.1 lila l.1ll» w. nUrom b-uae membered that abe had lanybed at
him. Yea. abe bad Unshed, and now
JuliDB the m*a«.n Tbe
abe waa ylad. Uf courae. be aald tbe
aame tbUiBa to Alice Avery tbe next
^gtrU. AnotliiT tiavher Bare leaaon.'.u
w«-.-h. Alice went up there to the
tbe lanruacee lu wiuueu. and I*n>f. bind It al every bouw life to
apriusa Jnat after Dolly Came borne.
Alien adrertlaeJ a aerlea of levlu^w
Tbe mao at the door came ovej and.
uuld N- one bmK. uir-ndluc t>anT.
1^ a “female l.vcenm aur.“
a handful of lettera to l>oUy.'
Truui bla poal be could M-e Ibe table
He blted the lars.-at ball In ihe pla-.t^ 111 H e diainK room and be knew fmni ■Theae came la tbe afternoon mail."
•nd pot tii-keia on aale. rp to lbl> the beiirbt of tin- cumttea that it
be aald.
time there bad nerer U>en a female m-ariy «. Tbe men would be comln*
“You can read thoae. Bob." abe aald
a. .be tn.MH] hi-r companion a pile of
lecturer In ibai part. or. fur thai uiai
ter. In any pan of tbe atate. Tbe day
:ain>idy aotiH*n In louf fur wrap. .mall envelope.. Fbe knew thcr were
after t^ Im-turea were bllli^ tbe ae;
f aalHiiB for ihclr .arriasei. ami rexreu and am-h ihlnsa. There waa
lectmen of tbe tnwn entered a pnH.".t. pirla ill {.leiiin- bat. nud tmUInc atika one lante letter, iioatmarked AHanit.
and Prof. Allen found that be roiild allp]M-d ibrouBb tbe throut Into the aiid directed lu a ammr. maw-ullne
not fM tbe ball. Next be tried to eit- druainB-n..m- A aw.-et-fared yoitur baud. Bob waa bu.y with the "r«Me tbe acbonlbonae. but tbla wsa alii alilte ebiffuu. wllb ber arma tilela." at> abe op<-oed IL
•0 refnaed. Juat about ibla time be
-Ijcar Mi»a Dolly." It ran. •'I wanie<l
dlaeorered that the railroad autboritb-.
to ai-nd tbi. leii.-r with tbe m»-H. hut
bad been pnTalied u]K>n to aee ibai
dill rot care to ri.k it to Ihe cardeaay aroman In bivenib-r.
tbe train la-arlui the b«.-tunT ab.ml.l
m-a. of the nori.t- Of cour»-. 1 am
a llr.1 boa: to wK iety.
not atop at the aiatlon ibat day.
woliiaii !»>■ her aid.- aa. aim yonUB luivnMiUble In luy dlwippotiiiuieot In
Tbla aroiiM^I tbe |in.feei«ur-» wntib. euouRb to f.-«d old a-li.-u'nieD aiopiu-d not EclHne up to your •«-om!uif out.'
Be hired all tbe fvebiclea he <'<>iil<l. Id make pretty a|H-e. |ie. to ber daueb- but. If I may- h de|H-oda entirely up
from bugalea lu bayrack*. and Mi..
Ura. Il..we fob that liavink.* on your aii.wrr tu tbla—I aball ei.nie
Allen went to tbe iiext town and blre.1 d.-biitniite dausbier wna altnimt
lip duriiiB the bolldaya. 1 don't knpw
a ball.
ttndliiL' tbe llr.1 wbli.- Imira. Tbe whi-iber MIm .Avery liaa annmificed
ri«n tbe «lay of tbe lecture lUe imlii
D t\» r«- arrtvIuL' now ; the ebler oma tbe fact or not but abe la eniWKed to
a|>ed ibroncli iIh- town, a Idi-b «-a. iml.v
Hii- .voinii: ri-lluu. Irom Hie iml tiiy rou-.ln. By the way. we l.iib liave
a llaB .tatlou. deiplie the truntlr eii-ally relurorr<->l'b> on.- or ta-u .-»tu Ibe aame name Tbe.v will be parried
deavur. uf tbe fribale atar to bare It . uli.1... ,N.-ar Hie d.«ir wuK a creal. tbe la.t uf Dei-i-ml>er, and 1 am to be
Btopp.-.!- Al tbe next alatli.n. toowever. I.niad'.l«ml.l.-n-<l atli.-U-ie. aiipi>uni>d the be«i man—If you will let me come
rreeled by blindred. of perllitb- bl-.mle ninu a-flb a »vud- ntd aay to you wljft I tried ao bard to
make you iiniler.tnnd iaat .ummer—“
Mona wbo bad i.inie lu from luib*. detil air.
Bob n-aebed up to atraisbt.n a can
around. The attuaibm wa. etidiilu..!.
The lilB fellow kept aaylnp: “.Vow,
the yoiinx aulnan .taken in tbe J:ill Kinit. don't iKdi and b-uve me alone. dle In Ibe aconi-e above them. He
and tin- b•.•lH^>•. a-hlcb an. on urt. an.
e.ltine more Imiidaaud feer-t-very abook hla head at the face reflected In
driirrred. It waa a Jtreat .urreaa la iiilnuie. I'll ao«w bo like Hial chap wo the mirror and murmured. “.Not In my
Hue. Not In in.v llne."
qdie »r many placanl. put up by lom
to read alwut In I.atlu
Iiolly looked Up Into bla face aniltile vllbieer. tiixH-lalmliij;:
iM.itii-iliiUB nr oilu-r. Now you ai.-ak
h.E. but lie knew that the llsbt In ber
"A b>« aill crow In Ibe town bull
I. not for blm.-Xew- Orieana
1 of Hdii: Iwn't lu .....y .......
Tin- bHdiirer baa alarny. aald Hint
•Well, b.-n- cm-.. Be .-an-fuf Ibm'l Tlmea4»eDioeral.
tbla effort ald<-d her gn-atly at the U- kick'ibul Janllnlere. if II .toe. ba|4>en
fleary Ran* CHt
tponlnk of ber career, wbicb K.bi.t '■
■ lie In .VOIII line." uM Klnc.
Ynii may have heard of tbe telfone of tbe proudeat cbapicra In tbe udTbe Bin lin.l untU-iil Ibe lAo.
craph l^q.-rainr who. durios a aUck
ranceuient irf .Uuericau women. Unallied n-fiwuHnBly al ibe Me fellow.
d<<alred to Imitow- a
lecturer wa. Mlaa Julia Ward, noa- lUe Her mind went tia.k to the day. a
reneralde Jiillu War.1 llo»e.-&ttur. week iM-fotv. when .b.- bad a-en bim clEaretle from a fellow-worker on the
day KreuiuE
He wa.n*t to Ma.-k l.nui.lelotb »|i|M>alie aide of Ihe n>oni and belne
ibeli. In.l.-nd, Id. hair buns In lone too Uxy to a«k for it n-b-jn-aphed bla
Oaeea t lelorla-. rmH».
black .irlliL-. over Ida eyi-.; H«-re waa n-que.t by wa.v of Clib-aBi* and Ran
Cneen Vb-inria dlallkc. i.>|d Rtent. a nal atreak a.ma. one dii-i-k
She l-'ranelaco and had Hie article toaaed
anede Kb**.-., actlllelal tlunerK. and Hi.- had .e.-u idui niimliiL- ..\.-r a fl.-ld over to btui lu a .burl lime bv bla
odor of fur..
tna.'k.srwIHi w-ldl.. Hii.-k wbll.- a yell- liroiber o|M'mt<ir. wbo had a aeiiac of
Il.f nlln>. aHi.-U abe tinda It advl>- iue mob of nieu In raiivn.. Ja.'k.-i. humor aa well aa a packase of cljraraUe U> UM- an liir»Blilto.
tried to .l..|. Idm. Th.-u. aft.-r tbe same etie._wiya Bie riuclnuttl Koqaln-r.
cuuniea. of llaluHirul. or tb<- dii.-biw
.Spm|KM «iT—noHilUB In lartlcular—
I In allk bat. and iii.'ii iii
of Intm-UKl.-r. The latter la one of b. r kw'i-ai.-n- ba.l tlfi.-.l l.iiii lileh «gi tb.-ir nnb-.-. it tf eb-ctrli-lty—I heard a
uuuMfouk Htlea.
abixMK-rw. and tin- hIu.I.- air raus wllb driiBBlai "'ll of a Hub- wcurrence tn
When mi-mhera of tbe <llie<-n'a fam- c-li<t>m f.ir 111. •■vdl.-ae
Hi. aiinji the other llay.
tly or any Cenuaii rrlailv.-. tl.ii |.ni.
Ho waa alone and pultliic up a preNo*- I..- oil. U.wins wdi-mld.V Im-.
dun ami i.-cupy BiieklnKbuin |iala-e. fore Mr.- Howe. The neM lulliute lie aerlption .lieblod bis birue )>ariliion
~by Invliailon.'' lb>-y puy tbelr-lnard formx Tda huiidn-d band.. .HUd renieiii- •.•-ns-n when a .tyll.bly dreaaod wotnJuat like taimmon folka In a firai cbi
tx-re.! oulv the our that held 'a Utile aii i-nieml and a.ko<l with aome ex
tvldi.- ebived pnitu In Ita -.ipme elaap. citement for tbe telephone.
“«i»een'a hoiinty’* coara Vh-ioHa <ui
He en.i-<iuc«><l her In front of It and
-Mia. Ibdly.VJiyrb wa-lu.l Id. fa.-.- in
an arerase Tl.oUU a year. Tin- qu. cii. honor of Hi.-i-vi-nt, Ha«l Id. balr. iil. returned io hla work.
when alie arm tbr<-«- aufrreliiua n>
She iitok off h<-r Bluvea, ranf np
Kins explained. Tlieu be u<l<b->l;
molber who bad slveu Ulnb to ibnv ■•tVell. take .-an- of .t..urself. old man,*' “cejilnil.'' and N-san;
—_-17P ----- Ktre«<. Ye*, yea. Mr.
and burrbil a.nMia tbe n..iu lu ai.-ak
Henry \Ve*-k-i‘t . Yea. yea. He's at So.
ly" wuuUl
Jfaib l.niL-lied uii.-i'nirorinbly and ----- ibvkmim airo<‘t. Yiak» Ubt lx
Her umji-aiy
aji-.iy wa. n.-i-ntly
. pn*a<-uic>l
Mr. Wev-korr
wllb BKai by an Indian ebb-f
chief of llm
bl. i-ollar. “Ikolly.
Then h--r vol.i- liardencil.
tab ('oluiubla. duulitb-» a. a tbauk
"Hcur.t. «hy did you tell me you
ferlUB for Hu- K.ixai he pHvnily n- my dear child." aald -Mra Howe
eeired fur Ibe iXl.iaat It.li be lin.1 i<ivat l>e tired aiaiuliUB here ao Ioub- went tu I'blladi'lphla Tbunulay uIbIxY
a-au^bt and ludd. The .|uevu atdca.-w - Mr Field., won't you iiik- her out to WhutY Nil. you dhl not. I know U-iodaed Ibe kIH by letter. ai.'uui]wn<<-<l the dlninu-nMim and i.'el ber a eitp of ter IXon't you aland there and lie
i-offee or .iiiui-tblncy
me like Ibat! No. I won't! Wlial do
by an cUKravlni; of beno-lf and tu
Hob tliaiikeil her with ft ra)ihm>u.
for iM- Bin In the telephone
pb-ai. of .U.H-p'a wool.
look, iiitii the two diaapi.-iinil on ibeir^ office? You ju.l attend
There l» aald to lie only one man w-li
the dlniuB nniui. 'J lii-r.- at one |ei ber alone! I'm In a dnis
baa ever >lare<l to make a Joke In ib
eml of tbe iftble wa. a liuip lookliu; They’re not lUtenInc at all. I want
•r ibiBlniid. 'I b.
. .
> trlaliiiian. aiiil firl nIHi iiale yelloa- hair and loo.e ao explanatUm. No. lnde«-d. I will not
one Iliue tutor in the royal ramily. I't.
clovi-. on her thin anna lu front of wait till you i-ome borne to-olirbtr By
cuwlnf tbe Intidelity and bel.-r.K|i-\
her uerea Urv-e namov.-tr and an nn-HV u,ai Huie you'll have batched up-a
of .boemak.-r. a. a HiM. be mM. -..ii
i.f ei,)Mi. She had U-1-n i.uiriUB ehoeo- line «orr and bnwBlii «!’ a coople of
. couM hardly exi.-it a .laa-iM»k-r i
late and tea for the Iaat ten yeara. and pruiea to .wear to It. Mra. WalUce
believe lu ib«* Imuionalli) of Hie w.bwiia emwiue old la the aervlrv. Tbe’uj-,, her huaband aaw you at tbe
lauul.i Her uiaj<-.ly elij.‘.v«l Itte
ilver caDdelahra at eliM-rendof tbe | <.iub Tliuraday nl*bt. and Ibat yog
and laUBbed heanily over It.
Tbe queen la Hu- ]K>a«e.«>r of iitie <i
taMa-prondly ln-ld up the half-burned ^ werv foins out to pUy poker all night.
the beai-toned piaiioa In rlit- worl.l I
h pinl
p<iik i-andb-a with
pink aliBilea. and the ;
so. he lan'l! He'a a very nice
I. a tnaBUlfl.vni tieofEiatui. mad.- n
of pli
qIhio. aparj-m „opj, obliged to Llm.
Amlatyua wood. Then- an- In all u
kleil I tbeir llglli. The ralier. hur- You wonidu't dan* do anyiblng of ih.vt
piauua In her varioii. palai-e..
Ke,! here and there. brlticltiE Iti platea
What? You won't, eb’! Well.
-«!_jial8rt and Icea. ITelly Birla In | r
„ the lieuniv wax over and
W.»>a ArekliM^t..
(Inllity drea-ea ai-rved Hu jm-iia aland- you'll Ulk wbeo you get home! Hero
AnblHinire la Hii- bobby of an Tr
crvaalnB nuuiWof wouieu an.l am-m. tuE alamt Hie n.im. Wh<n lutllv and wait a moiueiii. Don't .hut offiriliia mueh-la-ruflled paid
Hum- an- 1‘rili.-.-.-- Henry of lluli. :i
pink -Hk ru.b-al tu Hii'Ui with a .mile fla.h
U-rB and Hu- Mur.-bb.iu-i-. of Xall.bnty
Ihnt -.heni-d .ill her dluijih-a.
lively l^UI
nh. iHdi: yon n- j-liiiply t«crf«-ct. 1
___ . «uiH'rini.-ud.-.l It. biilMbia wuuiial to talk to yi when 1 eaiue lu.
Hi-nr.t of Halt.-nl.-rB iiinn-.l 1-ul Hu n- wentwi ii »uy i-ei.ph-. My
M. Jnlea i!aml>on. ibe Kn-nch amber aiieniloii to Hie Imt.rovein.-ttt-. at
OatMirae. lurluillne ib.- In-llaii i-alo-n dear, .viiur dn-.- la a dn-jim' And ttasaador at Waahlorton. wbon nai
th-we noH-.! 1 wa*
ftill.v l:ile
rame prominently before tbe publie
U> the addition, mad.- to Balmoral
rlfc-bl out hen-. I lu>|ie 1
Hf®* till- peaii- nt-BiiHallonx bcla-eeii .Auierrood Wlo. Mr. l ielil
..plin:......... ha and Spain, received 111. Omt n-al
. Hu- laai n-ailni
Bhid .VO i-oUld laliue." .he ntlli-d ott. MUrt up tbe ladder of promotion'
_ -- I b.i-luiud.
"How 1: Ibe sprained knu-? M'e wen- tbruuBb ilie aelxure of bla uoa
Prin..-.. Ib-Btrbe liilieril. luall ao proud Of yon la«t Tburada.v. wa. In the laticr part of .Hu- reigd of
an-hHe.llliv fn.lii Hu- prln.-e
Napoleon 111. M. Gambon bad always
who madi- de*lKl<. for WliippluBbam Ibrlly. what do you atti>|i
tbi. momliiB? I nc
cm U]> to aer Alice
^ n-puhllcan and edited a Paria
rburrb ami* .u|.-rvlaed alteration-.
,V\erj You know .be
Bm-klncbaui |uila..- an.l ..il.er r...........................
Na|>oleon levied a lax whicli
>'e« York la.t ubrbt. V
reald.-u.v. The prince wa. al«i urv
republican, reaented and M. Uaiubon
ly Intcn-Kied In the lietier bou.iuu
niatiaed It
1 a. lllegaL When tbe
tlie working
•■uUector eame to him the future amhla name 1. Vernon Piem-. Didn't you ,.„^dor n lua.il to pay and hid auH,
a. aa.i.MMi Wma..
meet a Mr. ru-ni- from Ailaoia ov>*r few Tulnablea as be pusoeiwo-1
One of the few -'advan.-ed'' women there at fbe apringar )
be kept tbe <i>w. wbicb be couldn'.
amouB the ro)wl ladle, of tb-rnui.y li
Dobr knew per face wa. hot and bide, and tbe offielala aelzed and sold
1‘rtncea. Tbere~- .»f Bavaria, danub.ei
cov.-r the tax. Tbe repobllcana
of ITlnre l.uli|«.l"l. n-Bi-ni of Uavara fiiiHied. Sbe biH>ed Ibib wouldn't no II lu COVi
tice It. -Y'ea, I think w>." .be aald. U7- maJe a i
abuut it aud Mand hU wife. ib<- .kn-hduebi-.. Aneuof Au»irtaTn.«-»ny
Tii.- prin.--'
inr to amlle.
rataed and auot:
wbo mlBht lie a later e.|IH.iu of i
KllxatN-lb of **Tannhatt»-r." U an lu
orary mrinber of tbe tloyal Kavarl
bU -oppo
Araaemv of 8eJen«-e. a luu.b-ian of
Creat abllliy. and a clever writi-r. o lio
M-ml. ber hooka ont to the world i nder the iwB name of Th. von Haver
ftbe ha. lived In BuMla. abe baa dch.-<l
amou tbe bixioric rain, of Troy, and
haunted tbe tnyatertout
Wllb tbe social expericnii- of two aea••Sotmj ." a
Bomb Anieric*. Two ..
aubs to her aimunt. Sbe amibil and fob desben- proveAa. £>ey letla yog
known worka are “Retaeelndmrke-aud trlauved up •* Bob. and abuwed all ber dafs books In de ninnin' brtwka. but
Bkitain ana ItiuaUnd’* and “SelN-o dlmp'aa again.
don't you 'magtne yon'a gwinter icii
dMi P.AakrHa“ B&oka aaM l» be reThe fnotbaU playar lad DaUy tn • yob fdocathw folk' Ik nwimalk’."^
WMklnkkd Mt Ik •« ataMk. VMhl^lSk
■• M».Wdr.
Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
$160 000
l3 the amount paid to members from January 1st, 1809, to Hovember 1st, 1899. $4.888.78 of the above sum was paid to mem
bers In Traverse City and vicinity during the’ above period.
This record should convince all that in order to be safely
protected it is best for you to carry your
Accident 1 Sickness Insurance
Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse City
Since January 1st, 1898.
Alter reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that Y on sbould carry accident and sickness insurance, call at
my office over Johnson's drug store, and information will 'be
furoished by competent clerks.
Bend a postal card and we will mail you particulara
Do not wait for some one to call on you—thke tbe insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
AP LY TO. . .
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent.
Braacli Office, Roam I. Jahasea ItacL
Tratarsa Citf, licMtu
tai UManxti lUtoeib. wabaubiv. HovuiUfe a iw
tiBinun THE VE8AIIDit&
c III! M»—
e* »?iM
! Pig Tail i
Wanted 1 Havana
John F. On &^Go. I Smoker!
A watA dial |tm made br a akin<iarAMi partlm b>Ye c«iM d«wa H
fal opecaa** has la place ed Ita hour
frMD clMlral Um(«. Tb«>7 must
be«>B of fmiorat omMTentv l» ■arkaaBhoaette afures repraeattog
aaa’a Ufa from the ^ctmdk to tt
8oIh»('* ftmotui canlrni on tbr Pala, llor. and Is tb«- iph-odld bortl at Tm- *ra»e- The chief character ahowa Is
a babe to arms at 1 o'dock. Be pto, cvltun. of which Hotaco •!«»*».
■ae* tn he laachaa the school aae.
' "•
It w»« the Oriit Ladr Hollaod. a
Bt«b to the etir,tbe waada «a» be
woman, who eo■ade a rerltable Brin* room for the te«aln«l reiT *t'l--hdldU at Btdlahd
. If b»rj elaea haee not been
^j,e dm half of the cenlnry.
1 to gire
the apot
the prlracy
In EngUod the faabVeaeiian bUnds. apUt bamU*.. jon of garden-party giTing. Her sueor rood cnrtalBi are chtap and approLadr Mary Fox. laat BarooeM
prlaie. and are mach more Hfectire Holland, has left a great name In the
than cartaloa of awning material, aa
birorv of the last part of this
they admit of a free ctrmlati.in of air. «nirtng o-ntnrr.
«Iorious Indeed
An excellrst rartaln may be made were h.T pern.-’decu lo ih.-*-lofriy i
from a good grade of matting, bound pirdens at Keiislndno whieii .\ddtaoB
occnraly ni top and bottom.
lored m> d<-Hrii and wboite suiely
aoTiM naTiaurna»aaBa«Mti
For floor eorertoga, matting, fiber ima. t) >i>d •-h.-Moui avenue* Itav.-orrrraga. art aqnarea. Japaoeoe Jute and .uaduwed uU that England Iwd kuuwn
entum rags give a good variety. Bat- of great in<-u nnd lurdv women for
tan. wUlow and bamboo fnniltore U n^Hy
yeaiv Happily, for the
the Ughtoat. coolaat and mow appro- priftt-ai g.nemik.n. l.ady llche«er
prlate to a;g>earmocc. Not only are ,
^p «be tlme-bouored traditions
Chaim and aetieca dealrabir. bm tables, i
ij.,uuprt bouse,
aunda. rack# for booka and papeta.
yu..,.,, vi. t.,rU and Frince Albert
ttaUer. nor m
and fonebes are to groat demand In < o«w»lonally gave a garden j»any at
Bran, par dosen..........
enoniry placea and there to no reason wualsor. hut It is'the prluwss of
Applaa-Cnlto aad wlndfalto. We per
why they mny not be nsed to cities aa Waltw who baa n-uderod the garden
» ibo.
arelL Ctublona abonld be pienurm.
plenufol. pan
p«„y , popular ItisiHutlon aU ore^ibe
Poiatoea. eaUa. (Mtotalgap Starch
t 8 o-clotA. At » he g ■ to college:
^ Bilk and ktavlly embroidered af- lai,^'
Oo . 1 aeeotdin^ to onolUy. lo tte.
_ind. The |i
at 10 he loses hU mother; at 11 he to
talm am a horror to anch a place. Cm- ,]) „>rts aiitl
tonnaa. denima and bright cotton gtsMli .p.ir
iuj,H,ra. w ib>- >-uUectlc>n greatly aged: at 12. he la decrepit,
preying for death. The figures of tbe
make the right eon of covers for pi- bad to U- tunu>d out toi« the oiwa.
aaaa ctublona. and they abonld be m < with tbe toi|>|iU-st result llnw ebarm
bright greena. rtsU and bloes. so as to ludy mmuiutsl tbuM MarlU.mugli appear only at tbe proper bonra. la
g it.^Buoww. awwsy e
form gay blu of color ngatosi the bouse ganl.-u i*riies are. all who have
growing elnea ahd aoft-eolored willow i an,.i,a..,| ,|.eiu »vlll gladly lesilfv.
ssSecsTo^wtlBg. in V
You m‘rb'also>e- me abbat kioring
fumttnre. A table mutt he on baud. ' go more ••ourusms bust and buetess
|«IBB IMSt aANCa-RsMS leww Vbss e*n.
your wheel FREE f< r tbe einler
' PIOBIM setOsBenl. Anh*! SUralJew.
holding a big dark-covered bowl ror j
u,e nll-|mputor prince aud
No betwr enstneliag tMt oara.
rntll tbe day of ber marrtgtb the
ilj reUsM* Work eeapway. Bsvs s pa:key
tbe hardy aummer blossoms, and Its , princess, lu the past few years tbe
Step lo and UIW it ever.
rtMeo St OB*-s
a. W assUsg's scssej.
cover of tinea mast be spntlituilr fresb. Qumn has ci'cu two or three
Jn the-drawen of this tal.lc may 1-e ! m„ib ganl. j. |iarti.-s at Ilucklngbam pet Of ber mother, bnt the bonr tbst
UwT or Bigsi rolls
locked writing material or fancy work ' ,Mijace. to w lii.-b nil the world and *uii- sees ber pat Into a palanquin, abut ap
to prows hr. io.BrU IM: Nonair eaoelleni FoUto Falp. whtoh it 111 Union Ktrcel.
and many a task wM.-ii would be dull -^rv bare tos-u luvlti-d. much to all tbe light and carried to ber bnahand's srw.m _ _____
anurely dlgmtabto by eatUe, botwts
and obnoxious In tbe bouse becomes a wurid dnd siiiulry M d.-llglii.
bouse, changes all that was happiness rtk J M WILagLOI. pkrsteus a.
veritable pleasum in this br<-ety nook.
andbociand wbieb we will alwayt
Orsdusieet Vi Irvtsltx e( eei
Into misery, saga tbe Milwaukee 8en- XJ
oawss se* IVwselk- blesk. Tit f
' Tk» thsIlSK t>Uh Uatdsatw
A screen to kei-p off waudert^ ray>
farntob to a sweet Otato. to now
ttoel She becomea from that momeni TsVpaeorW
OIrls have dlMnvered no new
af annllgbl
(o shield from too strong
sale at oar factory.
tbe Uttle stove of ber motber-to-tow.
Winds la indispensable and Is Ih*! dour ■-atcnnliiiiii-niH this summer.
Tbe prtoe for which we will’sell tbb
a eonsmi<-ietl on tbe folding prin Itss the ..|s-ii sir . linOug dlsh_sui>i>ers upon whom sbe has to wait band nnd
ciple and corerrd with etnbroldi-ivd may be s« .■.-usiil. r.-d. They are v.-ry foot whose lightest word Is tow. and D sprrisluu rVT. rsr. a—sed’^stto ert- feed to order to totrodnee It will'b>
-to-pbeor.WiMro. W. Off- eoneldereblj leae than bait the eoet odenlBU or linens, which may he re js>pulsr ............. .. and certainly an- a who tegebes her what dlsbea ber has.
tbe same amount of feed ataS< «oamoved when soiled and washed. CM- plcamiiit end to a inooiiligtit l•l-'.v•'le hand ill^ best and bow abe Is to pivneee lanterns are pretty in color elfect trip or siraw-ride. There are uiiiiiy pare them. A kind motber-ln-tow to
talned to all wheat bren and midd
ITnw Ofllc*. Varirhsm RWA
and may be llgtatod at nigbs with ex- dcllclous/aml duiiicy dishes which may a thing seldom. If ever, met with, and
eeltont results. »oid tbe center of tbe Iv pn-iufnsl on the cluiiltig tHsh. and
_ _ SOUJDAV. fTSdsi
In order to Intredoee tbto feed wirrr^iy pare Is ' sssOD 1
roof a big Japanese toniem may lie every Ian- is not content*-*! wUh a sujs ■rarely does sbe give (be little bride
wUl Mil it Is a praest-d sUte at IS eenu
aoapeoded. with tontems swung to the per of hs-s. fniliK. ami i-akt-s after ib*
a bnadred. Tbto feed it Ut'ealngfand
or ber boatatnd tbe glri aces little
vigorous eti-rclse *if hh-ycllsg. Thes.tip of oacb rib.
When one does not vrant to Invest In ehaflug dish dlsle-s, bo*vi-v«T. do Dot do or nothing. Sbe cannoi complain to OtsrewBUIr Oo BXsek^______________ __________ cattle ane borate prefer tbtoffeed
r trsiB-a kil Travc
bin of tbe cruelty of his mother, for
new llgbt-welgbt fiimitnre. old woo<lSI U«. apssis potatoes and other feeds, and It to
be would never by any chance take
-neb shape that it can be hauled in
•a cbalra. tables and couches may Im>
treated to a coat of willow gn-eu. soft d*M>r eult-rtaiuiio'iils. hut only uiake it her part. He senda to to her tbe por
barreU. bon wagons, etc . and can
tonwB or yellow, or oven white enauiel isissihle to h:i*e- .-im-Uier anil more suls tion of fo*)d be wishes cooked for bim
shipped to ear load lota. Basbel e
patotr Tttl*. Bm: plea fnrntobed free of ebanre.
ktantl.-il IVUCM-. The dialing dlslu-s self, her and tbe cblMrea and when li fto c. non
to ready sbe places It npon a lacg*‘ r-------- i
ustM on sm h IS I'ssions an- usually ib
ordinary tin ■■m-s wbldi answer I he ptoiier and It to sent to bis room. He
OSes la HanlHoc
I ggpupticlyss 111 :
There 1s nothing totaerently wrong In ptirfs’H-. In ev. ry wny. and nl«o have eats all be fancies of It and then It to
aw>s.tto It s.B„ I
bring fasblonahle; there to nothing the advnumci ..f Is-ing mu>h llghier. tent back to her. and she and the
Op.iB. TsIsptKWr.h
Traverse ('ity. MirJi
vulgar In living nnd aciiug . a valuuhh- <-.msid*-riiiii>ii uhi-u nil sup- c-lill<ir>ni sit upon tbe floor and eat
- ■» SO sod ax w
whatetvr laJeft.
modlsbly. But In the raablunaMes of
-aS>p.*lAU). <
Tbe girls are married as young as
tbe world there frednently gets to Is- a
three years of age. and should a lliil*a kind of condiwcenaioD of maiim-r
IB atm ToBsrUer
which fa not abort of Insolence. Arul
Give them a call.
tU* sbftswn-d prottpUv dsv or
die sbe to called a widow and
St: m-n.sei
the qoeer thing about this fasblonalde
423 N Elmwood Av#.
never marry again. Marrlril life Is
tesolence Is that tbooe who are less
bard, bat far harder and more aad U
taabiobable'ADd move In t|utoier
ib>- lot of s widow, for abe to consid
Ctoa of society pni up with If Isy-ause
ered disgraced aad degraded
they do not know how to nvumt It In
I eat only tbe very coarsest
2 ii
klML To resent It any oilu-r wny
food, and one day In two weeks sbe
would be uklng too much noth-e to
It and tberefom the kind of lns»len*-e
to wMcb I allyide goes unn-huked iiuother women, and sbe . must never
Youahould wee
tU It becomt-s a second nature, in
dress ber hair, never sleep npon a be«l
manner tbla insiilence u dlspiayid vaand never wear any jet^ry.
rlonaty. It shows Its^plaliilv hv n
A ptoee of matting upon tbe bard
look through a lorgnette, by a dlLitlon
fl*Mir eouipHaes (be coneb of a widow,
af the nostrils, hy an elevation of th*and someilznrt even tbe atrip of mat
bead tm tbe cbln la nndnly adran*-ed.
ii«-ss Is denied her: no matter bow cold
and by a careless turning nnwv a*
the night may be tbe Is allowed nu
thongb tbe object of tbe Insolen*-*- was
eovering except tbe tbto garment that
,aoi pivoent or not even in cxisiemv.
she has worn daring tbe day. 8be
It can hardly be aaid that these are
L. L. A. Bnlldliic
oridenceo of tbe grand manm-r abh-ta
la anppooed to be soltlTst.il In high
ouieu fur ber-lo do no: sbe may bare
aoclety: they are only InsoleDi defense,
been a balf-caste woman, but upon
O.L ixv**w*v*nn • nv s o-...,.-, from or offeases toward su]>|HM»d lumlng a widow even tbe lowca*
farioev who have tbe temeritv to get
servants may order ber to do work
botwlzt tbe wind and high nabltliy.
that to distaateful to them, and no
Y%ey knrt. however, and so tbe fashw'owao to -ibe bouse may even apeak
toaablea coltlvau an art which makes
a word of cumfort or pity to her. Any
them powerful to assert tbemiielves
woman who so for forgeu beraetf aa
while patting ouulderv to wbnr fasbleoablea consider tbelr proper ptoi'v.—'
show the allghleat kindness to a
John GUfflCf Speed m Criterion.
widow to supposed to Infallibly become
w Iduw bernelf before hwg. So^ bar.
Trawm> Cj » UK m
liarous behavior la bard to underaUnA
Ar lira bavl4s . ~ e*p »
Japan Is a
L» UnJ Rmpld>. i S |. uand yet tbi^ widows take tbelr mtoDrlniil
in r».p m
r conrUblps a
>b1e lot os a matter of contve. not
lu SSp.iB
aarriad on among tbe elite of tbeir aoeven baring tbe aplrti to rebel
<K>nni Notmi
clriy eomea to na from this far-away
Its Injustice.
In certain districts, in houses where
to twddea a dangblar of marriageable
Ar Of4 fcspM.
« 9UAM
A reinnied mtoelonarr. giring aom«
Lt Ord aspids
T ki
Traveling csix- of plaid cloth, with ac*-uunt of bis experience to Jamaica, SucoeMAre to Ti«Teree Olty Lumber Oo
age, an empty Oowet-pot Is enclrded
and loop-* and butby a string and snspended from a baUils of ploln >
•ays tbmi be was once called npon to
window or a veranda. Instead of iwr- luua.—Itrouklvii r.*igli'
aa'^bitrator between a «*■!» oiod
Lt TTW.trrmr Cj.
I l>i
* >t
anndea by moonlight and oib<-r deli
wife who bad bad a violent qnarrri.
Ar BIk bapMs
t <»
cate ways of making an Impmtslno It
Tbe toi*-*i fad with the ulm-fasb.
The c*>uple eeme to tbe mieelonary'a
to eClQnene for tbe Japanese lover to ionahic to the iiliwn.-** of th*- »-uvri**pe.
apapproach tbe dwelling of bla sweet We have g-m.- hi*i-k to th*- da.vs of the
heart bearing some choice plant In his olden tlim-i*. wto-ii thi- ritl nafers and INilnted for a prayer meeting to be held
hand, which be reveivnily procc-dv to
th*- sealing w.vx and tli*- roId*-d |ia|>er lo tbe ebapri In Ibe mtoalonar7*e doorplant to tbe empty vase. TbU ubes
were all that cusiiim-demand^ or yard.
ptoce when be to fully aware that
Tbe man and bla wife both began ro
km-w. Tb>- niiKlern or riH'all**d fssbmother and dangbier ate at home.
biQ has KU>Miiiii(*-tl the daintiest tlniTbU act of placing a plant In the
flower-pot |s equivalent «o a formal ! ed wafer-- ■*> imil*-h the pa]>**r. h<-ll*>- g*>ing so fast and fnrlonaly and tbelr
■pTopoaol to the tody of bis cbolc*-. The irep*'. rcliln's egg him-, ceriili'an. Ilia*-, tempers rising until (bey finally
fawn or <'p-am. for the niucltoged Sap to Mows and fought natll tbe mtooloalover having settled the plant of bla
of ttiwenri-l»iH-. tine niiisi wrli*- on a sry was for*<ed to use all bto strength
mind. reUres. and tbe tody to free to
act na abe pleases. If be U the right Mg sheet If It to a letter; on the smsUee in »>paniiDc them.
He succeedi-d to calming them, anti
man. she ukea every cane of his gift, six*- for u<>t<-s. luvliatlous. He., fold
waters K and tends it can-fuUy wiih and senL ami (h*‘n m wafer mat In- indue***! ilH-ni to remain to- prayer
« «> « w'l*
Atitt* «a
r,.r ....r.
or II... «-l •
AlOT . 1.,b. b.a I—i .in,
bee own bands, that all may s-e ihat •
thadoBor to accepted as a sniinr. Hat
s..D>..,im., in. |..rCT B I..W«1 lit,
„„ ,
U he la not tbe favorite, or tf the stem
wn.mniwn tk, man who
patentn oblect. the poor plant-U tore cn. c-kwl nai. or cn, dainty anoartop
tmn the vase, and tbe next morulug wklok not ,„n a ontiooa no.i.nan n.d ck, dimndt, wlik kU wit.
riu «l •! M
Itoa limp and withered on the veranda would tniuhle to dally With, and Uieo. and oilA iTlefiy
>M M
If wtoMxl. lb*-seal and waf.-r ms.r be i
ns^e fought a good figbL”
ar to the path U-low.
:5c Straight:
Suenssgrs to
Trarerse Ciif Urnibet Co.
Trarerse City,
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
Preny near time
to thiak about haviag your
Bicycle Enameled
Mii'-:. £.“ss2,'.s;sw!-=:ts:
Cnill Kipms t liiim R. I
p.^;o“;^ p‘r‘srA' KS^rr*."?s
The Michigan Starch Co.
Morse Bros., Haase Paiaiars
Fire Insurance
E. W. Hastings
John R. Santo,
Seaeral lisiraace.
- -
SWantAds Fire Insurance.
West Michigan.
*“ „E,-
Good Horses!
fr.Ti.rd fr ratjiriu 1'.':'
..k,o,o,.,...k,.n, o„,'-wko_wa.
mintotah- might be given atren^b
M Just enough cold water to cover. I
Next day add half a pint more water:
Bfid tbe thinly peeled rind of a lemon,
............................. - •
cycle of th.- envelope to
yon Intend to adopt tbto
eendlng tetter*, be snre i
—T to aufilclent weight
iroey. aad when yon r
mlad.’'^)eirolt Free Ptum.
K* Masteshs to AHasoa.
No matter bow hot It la oa tbe dm.
en« of ArtooBs and aontbera Callforato-A^ aometlaM tbe tbermamecer
goes up to 110 and UO to Cba
yaa never bear •( a aanaQaBa.
I ^11 have a carload of Fine
Horses, from Indiana, here on Wed
nesday, Nov. 16th.
Wait for these before buying.
Get the best horse you ever had fot
a reasonable price.
See them at Brodhagen’s bam
next Wednesday.
Ikifls's HI
taoke Ams
r«dse Baa
l-j,. ..
to (s «a 41
4*1 I4S
WiMrMboatoof Aruiftalde la
a Parfaet Bnlfma.
Wumtn m PtgaytroM
taMie ia Mppon <f ■eXUlajrWMblMWa. D. C. Sor
1.—att— of lUtoal hmdw aod Bk
bBB««tota rotleom Ttowm a MB-
tab faU.
oalt rrobi
' ••Ewykodr b wtbflad U Kaaaaa,’
BUM Wkaa OaoMi Wluatam A%- mid Hr. Brbiow, >'hath wltk looal aaateM tka Towm of aoUa4a-Ko). dUbaa aad Us foU«7
ToaoaaH asoraslactoaifoka a Lwaa SUM VhUa LwA ImMS of dbsoawai to Ust sauiryi
aor. lor that asMor. aayohsn la ths
» wTcc»-.a »,*«-D»a ‘ehaf-o* Wwi. with ths pa
M^u* wj tte( aaraa ki
HsbfMka. wbsrs Brjaa has spool
I lalo ths
hUtad aad thaao wooaAcd la Goaaral sMthstfylBf to I
Whaataak dayboak atlask thb
people ths prlaeiplas. U Ihsrs bs any,
taaoothsWwBOfaoUads. »hbh was of aatl-iBparialbB. aBU-axpaasioa.
auhhonly dsfaatad. Aftar a hsasy aadaaU creTythlag that ooadaeasto
prespartty aad tha gaaaral weltara of
1 rui- thseoaatry.
ths worla. hotsaiyai
•Thsrs baMg dsmaad for ersiyplaos wofs eoaatsd la ths traasha.
Maaila. Hot. 14.—Tbs vhsraahOBis Ihiag that ths Katoas tarBsrs raba
Of Afslaaldo. hb army sad osMaat b ] thb year, aad they ars saUsBsd. The
a fsrfsst sslfcaa. Gsasral Otb has BOBS eoadlUoa sxbis srsrywhers
throaghoat ths west, as far as I could
laarasd that Ar...........................
Chbsaptlal sss. Mobody wants a.ohaags. aad
to Boacaboof. gMag as ths raasoo for wtMn HeKialsy staads brfora tha paoths Slap, ths aosaaltary ooadlUon of plslar la-slssttoa nsxl fall hs wUl
VhHsa Ubsapaossd that ths isad- MnBaad ths rou of crsry ladastrioas
an of ths iasacraettoa who ars aot al- Ban is that arstlon.*'
vaady at Boacahooc ars rstrsaUac to
that plaos, thoofh whsB thsy Isft TbrUs. whathar thsy ars tratslln* wlih
ths aiaay. Hew maay ooldbtv ars ahls
to hold b«olh«. sbd whstbsr ths Hspnrtsd Vrsck af tha Warahlp
tadM or troops hats got hsyood Osa«al Uwtsa<B Uas ars all aokaowa
praWsM Itbhopsd. hewstor. that
-T—^ WbsatoB has eSsotsd a Jaaa
Hao with Osasral Yoaag. torwlaff a
OMdsb from Baa IbMaa to Baa Isidro.
•sHMl l*vtm has «.M0 aaa aad
«bbag«l Whtataa i.too. a saaU tcros
tasmttalsoaaay aUsa. hat It aeaI hy whtah tha
h of tha Aaarbaas
» a ths lasar*
•Hila TbslaMor sxpseisd
•fNBowly.asthsydld tioa Mailla
taBagala Ths nUplaaB tboaght U
lathis for tbs
_ ^wsy ta ths aad whbk prattled
at»ywhaa aad tha aUdsa lataabb
MiPBadsthaaatItaaaleogths Uaa of
•slbtal Toadr's aoreh. wha had hsea
loU that ths Aasrlsaas wars sooflosd
to ths sabarho of HaaUa. Tbs saajsr*
Ityef aaUta wslsoas ths aray sathostaatlsally, bat soas who hats haaa
datadsd by swrlas of Aaorbaa oraal
tba bids la twaapa.
Tha taaargrab hats rosasssd thsir
aatttity U Cbtla protioos aad ars
thiaatsatac aa athsk oa laaa YosdCalaabalB thsir
asaal tashloa. Kightly ths fasillads
Mlwssa ths aarlaas aad leo lasar.
paats who hats acala satrsashsd
tolar-'— oa Us blhaas hstwssa
•Prits aad Notsla b plainly hoard la
kaaUaftoa. No*. It.—A dbpatsh raatotad at tha war
B that Ha] Jobs A. Locan of
«M Tbtrty*thlrd tolnntaor Infaatry.
«M klUsd la a Bpht U Lasoa.
kb battalloa lab aetloa. Bs
was a aaa af ths lata Osn. Jobs A.
UBaaotmiabsaafTHra. Logaa now
araaldsatot Wsshlaftoa. Hs Isatss
a Widow aad two ehUdraa who at
praaaat ars rsaidiag at TonagstM.
Phariastaa hy
Baaalat oa
Manila. Mo*. 14-Hows has ]sst
kssa raoslTSd that ths Usitsd Bistss
today by going 00 a rsaf.
• Vlgan
OP a hUdaa roof. wHh thlr»y-«rs
toiteMaal watot OB hath aldsB Bhs.
wwbad har Bsaktaary far two days
aadalghtotaMyiagtogsAaBoat, bat.
atyphoaaarbtag. tha eraw *ras 4
psusd to Bhs to thsir boaB aad sask
rafigs oa a asaU anal ftrs bUsb away.
Tbs natl*« ars trlaadly- Llsatsaant
MeDoaald aad a nBBbsr of sailors put
oB In a aBall boat aad rsaebsd ths
Oalbe. whkh broaghi thSB to Manila.
Tbs gaaboat Bslsaa has bssu dbpatohsd to krlagaway ths «ew.
ThsCbarlsstoa had bssa SBploysd
erabiag off tbs north eosst of Lam,
Ths OharlsstoB was tbs vessel whieh
I of Ouaa aa bar way to
jolB AdMlral Oewoy. whow aho aapportsd with rffl <lsasy la ths eapiors of
Hanlta. Sho oarrlod a o(«w of uo
MS. with thirty Hx amriaoa
Ths CharlsstoB was a protoslad
erabsr, bsllt ot tbs bast stasl pUtas
la Ban Pransbeo, ths kssl bslng '
is lir. Bhs had a “ '
l.TMtoaa Bar length was lit tost,
bsaa terty-sU fsot. asaa draaghi
______ w feat sovsa laebea. 8bs had a
protsetod stosl deck two or three
Bhs was propsUad by twin serswe,
propsUsd by twsu sets of eoapound
•■glam. Bbshad six single headed
bollata ^ two Bssb with aUttary
topa. Ber eoaatag tower was pmtsetsd by two-iaeh arsor.
Ttarsms Olty Md lake Aaa Odd
BsUstod to bs Bsarty Badsd.
WashlAgtoa. D. a. Mot.
SMBb at the trssanry dsparUssat to
day aa tbs doaoela) slinaUM la Msw
York toads It aura ihaa atb'
thars will bsao parcbass of totem
awat koada tor tbs psrpose of wslistl^ ths tlcktasas ot Boasy. la fsct.
a pcslUte sUtebsat to that sfleet
oUalnad from a high oSesr of the
tnssary dspartossoL
la modlBestloa of thb
I mid that In eise the sltaatloa
grew so naoh worse as to tbrsatsa
Baab<Ttal dbsatsr ths Irsasory adaiabbatioa wonld aot hmiuts to hoy
hSBdato ths sstsst ofto.OOO.OOO or
BM.«0o.<B0, aad porbapa aora. Ths
apiBlaa U otoelal elrabs b tsry stooag
bawstsr. that thb BMasars wUl aot ba
Last svsaiagths •
psrforasd that aads tha 1. O. O. P.
lodgss of Travsras Otty aad Lake Aaa
oas orgaalMtlea. A very large rsprssboU froB ths two lodges latsrsstsd aod troa other lodgas In surroaadlBK towns was pnfmnx, and participatsd in ths evralag's festivitlss.
A. U. Brown. dsputyOraad Matter.
too Odd KsUows aad
U all.w
Bebskahtr « preasat. Incladiag vis1 Morthport,
JUplda. toUUaaubarg. Monroe
Usntre. Lake Ann. OadlUac and Btaa
Two Man la vhs City iBst Might
dtoUaad ta Mars Bssa Mold ap.
it was mportsd I9 Rlfbt Wi
Biaysos that two bob warn la ths elty
iMt night who slalBsd to have bosa
ksld ap aad tebhod aaar doloa. Tbsy
aadslaqaliyaato ...................... .. fanaMdara tohaeatka rabbsto broaght
toitoHu. vMteMdtotoly drasa bato,
But I4tUe Dkx&kfa Is OkOBcd
in 1 .nriyiviltb
Orbb BaM to Bs XBpmdIag Bstwssa
Maaria and Japan.
.LoBdoa, Mo*. 14—A dbpatsh to
Oalsslb aswe agsaey troB dhaaghai
saysthsralatioasof Bassiaaad Japan
have alBont
by Japaab refmal to allow BoBla to
Larg* Mjnsbers aad Besrotly Db-lj ----------Msaloa of the sea froat ia
. harbor. Ootea. now held by
ftmeral Tkieatons to Bnseato Blx' ths Japasme goveraBmt. bat Isaesd
Magllsh Oftesn If Osneral Whito by ths Onreaa aathorltias for a term to
yean to KoMla.
A>oss Mot Bslsass a Spy.
Pekbi. Mo*. 14.—Te-Ckoa-ra, at ths
PtstorBarlubuig. Mo*. It.—ltboft- mtraass of Toatiag 1^. was formnUy
stoUy slawd that the long mags beai- opsasd to torsiga bads yeaterday.Thb
bardamt of Ladyamltk with heavy bthsfiiet port opsasd la ths aatlr. bat without ear- torslga provlaes ot Baaaain
loas da Bags.
Loudon. Mo*. 14 -A dlspaUh to ths TBVVTdOftft Lira AMO LMTTBBB
Staudard froB Lodymmith. dated Mo*.
&. reiterates ths sioriss of provioBsly BsTlswad Tastsid^ By the .Book
reported svsnb and confirms the sUtsBsvlrw Clab.
that ths boBbardBsnt of ths
Tbs Book RsvUw Olab met yostartowa has saased Uuls dassaga. On day aftsraooa with Mra J. A.
Mo* «ths Basra only
ssrsa shsUs Moatsgaa aad ths ladbe aa]oysd
aad thsy saassd ao dasa^ Tbs eordelightful sassloa.
raspoadsnt ooatianss: *'Tbs Inaeti*- Ufa aad UUsro 'was read by Mia. J.
Ity of Ue Bosb b lasxplleabls. Do- L Gibbs. After tbs rsadlag tbs rsmalaspits tbs fast that ws ars sat off troa dsr of ths aftsrsooB waasasat la social
all soBBnnleatioa (thara b ao sspla- p'sasures aad the dbsaaaloa of a leaptaatioB aa to bow thb dbpat^
rh) oar basra of sappHsa ba«s
A heavy mow aad rain storB aeooBhsad sparsd froB tha
iaaess of ths ataga. But ws know panlsd by galas to wind, esasing loss
quits snoagb of Its disooBtorta Bread ot Ufa aad damage to ah^plag. prsvallod in ths Barltlms previneas 1aad
b thins shUllngs a leaf.”
Tha aaasonhlp again lapoasa four
garding s*anb In Beuth AMea. Tbto.lBsks Isyal Xatobb
& seat cigar.
a of troops whso laadsd 1
aakaowa. Ab
to tos aarlisr arrivals, saya: ”Bsglaftar raglBsat lands aad ranltoM
ap ths eoastry. Tbs asa do aot aaow
aad ths oft wrs have
tha vagasal Idaa bf whors they ars
galag. TbsothB aight a aaval brtgads
am Hipped Mtota. Alaeat lastaatly
ate- toadlag ths brigade dbappsarad
as U h had as«v exbtad "
Tbsraportofa heavy boathardasat
at Ladyaalth 00 Mo*, s whleh was
beard bUss away, does sot tmd to taUses ths anxiety.
caps Town says that
Blau Sserstary Bslte has '
thatOsnsial Whits Immsd lately rs:>
asapaoasdspy. N.tttaaMarua. who U
eonfiosd U Ladyuaitb. ooa|dlag hb
for the
aad even
ith a threat to exseau alx
if it were possiblei
Brltiah ofiosra. OssareJ Builsr replied
goodness knows it
aseordiag to tbs spsetol dbpatsh. that
aaUtled to rataia ths atan aaUl
woaldonly be lost time
bs should raadsr a mtbfaeiory aeo
to try it.
you; CAN’T
Mlehigas •torch Oo. ChlpplBg targu
ftaastlUss to tka
TbbBQratag ths Mbklgm Btarek
Oo. wlU soBplets ths loading of a
of IM barrab of etarah for sUpassat to
Boston. Two earlaada have already
bssa shipped,
thb date satU
tbs potato crop b sxhaastod ths eompaay will ship a ear load a day- The
etaiah ahippsd la barrab b assd ter
lufaetariag purpoam Ths "North
titar PoUto Flour.” put ap la taBall
paekagsu. b fwoparsd sxprsMly lor
Booking purpeaas aad b dsolarad to bs
ths finest is ths market. Ths looal
groesse are earryiag ths ealiaary prodoet In their storka
hs SOBPUT btolsrm that ths fac
tory wUl run aboat five months on potntoea Afur ths potatoss are need ap
ths faetory will work oa wheat starch.
Bbvatote wUl bs bnUt thb winter to
teeUltsU ths baadllag oliwhsat.
PkU C. Baasr sutsd that the quality
sf the stat«b oblaicsd from the Grand
Traverse potatoes ta of ths very best
and the psrosoUgs of starch mueb
Bads thsir first lavsstlgaUoas to tbs
built to stand all kinds
of usage from all kinds
of boys and in all kinds
of weather.
Oor large stock of Htrfidaj Goods will begin to
arrive this week.
Among them are
1400 volumes
of new books
comprising a'choice assortment of the brightest and
best direct from the bindery—some arc in novel and
rare bindings, all are neat and serviceable—It is said
“Taste in Reading is as Individual as^e's Dyspep
sia." Well, we satisfy all “tastes’ with the assort
ment of reading matter that is coming.
Want to renew your subscription to any
magazine? Let us send it in for you. We take sub
scriptions t > all magazines and newspapers published.
890-883 Front Strmt
BENDA & CO-Fashionable Outfitters
"Re* liie of fieis' Uiioo Snits SI.SO $2.00"
Orest $10. $18, $16 Overooataand‘Z««ro’Ulstera
lens’ Reefers
Boj’s Reefen g i
If it don't pay to trade where all tbe gooda are
fre^ and new, would we do aocb a splendid;
ffRk mti Befi
ui m iraj
kib nUtH
Many men of many minds
Want overcoats of many kinds.
They’ll find ’em here: booeet overcoeta for elmoat evt‘ry
About the only kinde you won’t find h«re are the
reliable qnaliti<>«, aod badly Uilored kinda.
We have smooth and rongb fabrica, brown, bine, black, tan;
mtiafying in style and fit; mtisfying in trimmings aod tailoring;
satiafaction gDarantaed in mrtioe; $6b0 aad up.
$1.25 AND $1.50
Bslph OoniiAblA Jr., Kanafer.
Here the aeeortment ia large and no question about qual.ity—Then too, the prices ary aa low as good fore can be manu
Our shorn mak? comeagaiD caatomers
Death ofLsoa A Bsltk.
Mswa haa isaefasd thb oily of ths
death cf Leon 8- Saith la the Ohio
Btato Paalteatbry: Bbagad BBther,
hepalsM paralytic, rsaldec la thb
gBllh was aa sxamplary yoaag
la early Uxa. bat hb love of dra« and
sesbty wraaght hb dowafalL Bs bogan working ths draft game la Itot,
ssearlag S3.4U oa ebvsriy forged
drafts, 8s was at last eaaght wUb
attamptlag to cash a draft at Port
Be wee sent to lonb for 8 years, hut
was paroUsd two yetoa ago. Be weal
wroag agala. however, aad at ths time
of hb death was ssrrtag a three years
VIU CbU at Ma^lBh Parts.
iinlTT- tor ths theft of a boras aad
BirBlsghsB. Mo*. 14.—Ths Past
__________ _____
. It has rmaoa to bslisvs that
To »BUd a ruts Maridoasa
visit of a aaval sqaatooa
Daltod Btataa has bssa arranged, but
Joha B. Baate haa parehaasd two
adds that ths dstslb aad tlas at tbs •aatj bsatad loto m Sixth sbast,
vHit ais aot kaewa as yab
Bo wUl «
iMks layal bteto
a imldmes on tha>«pariy a
» amt sigar. Tv eals at TatauV
After ths slsstloa of oftoeia and attaadant asrsBoataa, a aamptooni
baoqast was sprmd. of whito o*s
too partook.
Ths foUowlsg oftseia
Tbs Tbsasary Dspartnsat looks te lor the saw organlmttoa:
a totorabla shaaga la ths Msw York
MoMs Orand-Toey Tboiw
a s tortnlgbt Oas oftVice Grand—Aloaro Pox.
ear said haaoaldsaOy hsilstad ths
Bow of
back to ths Boat, woald
ParaanaBt Sserslary- B. I. Davb.
hwtasooa. for tbs rsaaoa that ths
Trsaaarar-J. U. Monroa.
aawsi whlsh ssUsd ths Bonsy West
««a dimppsartag with ths taU sat
*; •
1.120 I
another consignment of those
A promioeat New York
mid the meral oee of the tele
phone had made the task of effic‘0U7 fleeting life sod propriyty
iveriO per cent, easier.
Telepooning in osae of 6re, ac
cident or bni^larr
recogn<£^1 1neoeMty.
Every' rell regulated ■
Have yoQ
your homs?
‘Velvet’ Shoes
Tbera baa been anch a demand for tbeae sboee that wa
have been forced to re-order.
An ezaainattoa of three gooda will oonrinee you they
' sed 0
on sale here.
are the beat eboe for tbe money ever placed
pnrehaaing ebewbere.
Every lady ebould see them before! pur
All eizee and widths—price $3 60.
Front Street
McNamara block
THM momtfiiro
MOBvnro jtsooAO,
TBATtssx orrr. •
«■•. T. Baiw i«x> j. W. HAnnf. W. BAnn. B4»»cr
BATStAC IB 0«r >»w FoMtWiODA.
Tk« ActiDiAllioB of ibe TAlubla l»« b7 tbe
»P—1 Bp TMt
for AiscricAa m
twprlMABd iBfBOBUy. And tbe new
Mcrltory preeecu eplcndU opportan
itiM for tArn>m And Uvcnton of irri
0nlum) ■Aobloery. Tb« priniUrc
VMbode prAcUeed hj ibe BAtireA
fie* WAP to modnn wajb in plAoUnc
And bArvMtlnr. And It U only a qnw
lion of A Abort Use when AtnerMAn*
vlUUiradaoe new^llfe into mrriottJ
Mnl pnnolu In tbe lelAode Utelp acfAlrod. UtUe bee been done bj mnn
to Isprore wbnl BAtnre bee prorided
i» tbe fbUipplBCA. Porto Bioo. Bawa)!
WAsnsDAir. tfovann ift
0. B. Braatben Iowa clerk of Sattoni
wee in tbe ci'p laet nlgbi.
Mn. W. U. Beno bae retnrned to her
ke*e la HaneeloDa alter a rlalt with
Kka Baltb of tbU dtp.
h. B. WArtnp wae in CkdiUac peeter4*7riank eaztoa baa ceAe to Watwood.
VASlT Cw Dodce it la Orand BApide
toget nloDswith
tbe cbenpeot ginde of Fontitore (or ThnakkRinag *bi
poa ran get n fint dun oct
et n....................
At the price 1 offer
I have a large stix k of first claaa good# ami they an* a bat
I like to aell, for tbey make frietida and mean large eolea, and
large aalea mean low pi ices.
J. W. Slater,
ISO Front St
Odt. 1. UM -Ob! bnt It waa rough
laat night, and wa oould not alnp a
wink. Wa bad bard work to keep o«raelvea In beo, and some aciBally wen
thrown out.
At breakfnat we did have a Ume.
AbonllOoefnaatetogeiber. We got
our “grob” In large pane and ooffee
pote. put it on a batch and wen about
to di»b It qot, when tbe boat got in tbe
troBgb of tbe aea. aod pUed at all np
trgetber. men. potatoee. ooffee. meat
Bemcmber tbe 8. Y. P. U. concert
tbi* evening.
There wilt be a regular meeting of
tbe N. A. S. E. tomorrow cveuing.
Laet evening Jnatiee Brown united
1 marriage Birnle B. Thayer of Urawa
and Mim MatUe Boat of Monroe CenGeorge W. Lardle bought 1,000 bu*bel* of potatoee yesterday.
Sam Benda U In receipt of a fine
aeal cigar case from bU fafffkr. who
Uvea in Xanmbnrg. Germany.
A Marriage license baa been iesued to
Daniel Blodgett and Kathleen Beecham. both of Willlamtburg.
Potttoee brought ii eenU In tbe local
market yeeterday.
Ckeeter A. Wmiams of Keyaione and
Jeoepbine Travb ot Gnwn.'bave been
ilmnsed to nmrry.
J W. Slater made a CBriooa diacovery yesterday. He was driving aontbeast of town os tbe etate rosd when ke
toand A quantity ot Arbuiut in full
bloom. Be plucked aome. and now turn
tbe lorlty of a bocqtiet of arbutua in
Itiaannonnoedmat Ue M. A N E
Practical Embalmers
, '\kc ^DUUN f^EDV*
North Star
Potato Flour
Manufactured by the Michiijan Starch Co
of this city and made expressly for food
from the finest selected slock grown in
GrandTraverse Region, which has been
made famous by the superiority and excel
lency of its |>ptaCoes. 11 is better adapted for
culinar>' purposes than the best com starch
Sow'i TUt.
-A Txcax. Wboleeale Droggiets.
'^Xiue, KiMBAS A Manvui, Wbole•Ale Drugglaia,, 1Toledo, a
- BAUb lAUrrh Cure le takes Utersal
Ig. Astisg dlroeUy npos tbe blood asd
mnson* eurfsee of tbe ayetesi. Price
tie. per bottle. Sold by all DrsgglaU.
TSBtUBOnlaU aro tree.
BnUb ffamlly PUb are tbe beev
H tfr »T~*.
bMt ceogti remedy on ear^ am a cnid
^Mcdsyiftakenintiam. »udWcU.
318 Union Street.
New Table
Turkey red damask makes one of the
best kinds. Begins at 30c the yard up to
the very best. Got all qualities of white
goods loo.
Ladies’ Hose ^
OU Debl left peetordap for Pitte-
We offer One Bunderd Dollan Beanrd for anp eaee of OatAirb that a
^ be cored~bp Ball'e OatArrh Oara.
^ J.Chkjibi ACo.. Prop., Toledo.
We. tbe BUderairned,
BUderaiCMd. bava
have fa
1. Obenep for tbe laat it peart, and beLora him perfeeUp booorable in all
tneinae wanmetloee and Anasolallp
and Funeral Directors
A good one for
one cent, an
other for two cents, a dandy for a nickle.
a hem stitched for five cents, a 6ne linen
and an extra lot of it is for live cents. We have a line of l>eau1.50.,
necessaiy, More so later ties from 50c
on. Buy now when you can get^ a good
arc made now all ready to
selection. Good can't-frceie*mc Comfort
ers for 75c. A much heavier quality lined
lots of work and the 81x90 size costs you
t^ith good cotton batting for 1.35. If you
50c. Got em 90x90 for 65c.
want to make your own buy the ‘James
Hillow slips ready to use 43x56 for J2}4c.
town batting at a shilling a roll
A good bed spread all hemmed ready
A good fleeced linto use,' for 50c. The celebrated Bates
quilt, 73x90 inches. The best quilt ever An all wool hose for 15c. The newest
offered for a dollar.
thing, the fancy striped for 35c. An extra
Hut up in one pound boxes at loc the
Tbe Veaer Woolen allle burned
fonterdAp. Tbe fire etarted in an upper
•terp. where tone of dry wool 1
plored bp apontaoeoa eoabietUa
House Furnishing Store.
Both Telephones, No. 43.
makt, Bibere we will put on atiil
more. Tbe Jape put tbe coal Into email
baekeU mat will bold a peek, and then
fall into line,aad the baekets an pagaed from one to abotbor. men, women
and ”klda,”; aad allaa black acyeur
We have }net pstsed ibe traaeport.
Morgan City. wbiBhretroek a rock and
aonk reoeotly. wlibla about 100 feat of
the base ot a monniala. Onlp one of
the eoldlen with which the waa loaded
dnwaed. She eank eo that about
fl foet of her maate wa* above the
Wa arrived at Nagaaeld, Japan, Sept.
t7. aad atarad than two dapa.
It U a
nice mue plaoe, but not. ao large aa
Yokabama The people an about tba
t'p) top, bravy carrirtr. awelt
ivera. dooble shaped
abaped top,
rope stnodarda. rope ib&aldinga on comerK, for 417.7.«.
A fine heavy quarter eawed golden cek ext> nuon table
— rope lege to malrb side*
board, for |9.7f>.
Six Dice
nice higb
bign bai*k.
bai'k. aohd
aolld golden oak, nicely c
enrved nnd
bended. brac4> nrme. <-ane seat dining ebaira for |7 fiO.
makes yoo
yon an outfit for tS5.00 ihat would eont yon
i nis maxee
>4-v‘'0aDym here else, aad will laat yon a lifetime nnd ie nice
enough for any bouse.
iTtMCmlhsiCms 1
Mrpriee bee eontbt a looUold In tbe
prodAOtloo of encAT, in UawaU And .r. Ml p.m.nl-'d MPOlb. a. biU.J ” KpalaMP. L.bj....dC4.ddU.glotbtr irave^ City hope in onr
OibA, And in wtaleb AmcrtcAn OApItAl them wUb a whip aeroaa tbe back, and
eompany. All me reel an acattered
A«4 improreinenu be*A Airendp ac- tbap fairly pell. I. Of courae it la very
cruel, bnt they have been gniltj and through me Tblrty-avroth, aod we
when mepan eoeamped.
Ibe AiAple uporu of
new poe- they muat be panlcbcd for tbeircrimaa.
Tbap have ;qoeer ^bcuaca, with' the We laat MW them at ManllaOWloBA Are cbicflp eiWAr. ocSee. toWe oan bear tbe flfiog from our
bMAOAnd frvlte in Cube And Porto Boor two feat bigber than tba door
Tbsp cat Bitting on tbla ftoor, wim prrsent uamp, and laat night we eaw
ftlK, And rioe, lobAooo And bemp
ibelr fnnnp lltUa- chcjp atleka. They bouaea burning that bad been fl-ed
IhA PbUlppineA Tbe qnAlliT And
They tall na that wa will move nearer
twt of tbMo enn be increeAod
tbe alaoaleep oa tbe floor. OBvrrplb^ U
tbe enemy eoon. bat tbe date le
iAbor Mvinf derleee wbiob ABorlenne vary neat, and the atrwu are all *tane
wlU inUodBOA- WhAn paaoa to enilre paved. Tbey are aprlnkled bp a man
We have nice tent* nnd plenty of
Ip mtored to the lelAnde tkeir ferUiltp who earrlea-tba wawr in two b^ palla.
dome of tba boja from the boat got room. We have good “grab''aad have
VlU beeoM deroloped to a vreAtor
4ifKO And tbe AaerloAB AcrioBliorAl ooma Japa' pipes aad opium and had a fallen in wim a aloe lot of bopa. We
have good vfllcera. and an well plraaed
tptAAd VAnkoe Inrontar waieeanAo.*e amoke. About a doacn of them bad to
be cnrricd..to -the ship. They were ao far. All ^ ua an walk
Bone of u* have beard from Travenc
Tbe oondiUon in wbtcb ocflee reAob- Torv moob BurpiUcd at tba t fleet of
«• oar parte ebowi tbnt moeh Ktrbt tba drug andido not eara for anp more C1.J yet. Send, oa tome paper*, will
you? Give my beet wlBhea to *11.
bo dose with Ubor>eArinf mAoblnerp
WlUJ*M J. Nhuhkr.
Wa left Yokabama at 4:S0 tbU morn
to taprore lie qoAlltp And rednoe ite
Company K. Tbiriyaeventta United
Tbe rr«nt edrencee ande bp the ing. September <0. where we have tak
Bofiteb loe pUntArB of Crplon And !n- en on Uo tone ot eoal. and an going to Statw Voluntqer Infantry. Manila. P.I.
41a point tbe waj in Porto Rleo. Cube
•nd tbe PbllipplniH. Allot wbleh ofler
itrt* ATAoe ABiable tor o IT«e-rrowUig.
And tbe PbUipplDM. ruled bp VAokee
bcAlne, OAB BodoBbiedlp eopplp oil the
riot needed bp tbu coontrp.
It U not to be I xpceud tbet AaeiiOnnUborwlll uhe the piece of tbe
■Otiree’^AccueUaied to tbe tropicAl
^oUaAto. Vnt Aaorienn eioaple end
pnOne will(trAln tbe netire And teneb
to peHora bit work t fiieientlp end
trltb proflt.i2 And tbe ‘
iMUnet of tbe Americnn will tree our
|T(>pi<)Al peaeaioni of tbe erlU of
AbMSiee owaorebip. froa which
MforAl iaportnnt Urltieb eoloniee ore
}net eaerslBff. TbeAaerioAn epetea
#( lAnd~Unnr«. which eneoBruece eaell
beldinti. ehoold be Applied ei promptIp oe cxUtiDp oondtUone And a }oet ren^t for reeled intereeU will permit.
Then tbe Yonkee fArmer And tbe
Tnnkee inventor will not onlp beneSt
tboatelree. bnt olao will rAiee the peo. pie of onr new paeeeeelone to a decree
Of ptoAperiip each aa tbey bare never
)a^n. Tbe.proeeee wUl neooanrllp
W Alow, bot the reBBlU will be abld-
>. tin pMe end e. ffee potA. 8oM roOvend la pnpAriv for a two-aOe
of the bopa ware eemed (eUcbUp) bM MtaMkn on the branch ttet ranchet
Pb. 7. ibober Wittee k ^ Bn
MaAUa,Oe«. e. lw#-We (o» ahej Tnerewlllbea inralnr aeetlec of
perteneeiOiTrAeereeOftyBoye In
butairbl of tee PiiUlpptnae Oei. *. tbe Boyal Xetebbora tbia eftwneon at
and Oct. • we were anchored la MnnUa , o*oloA la Moatern* Ball.
7apan and Philippinae.
At e:M at niebt. m
The foUowInc la a letter jaat received
bop* were prepar.oc
•.o» W
^or bed and meet tbla afternoon at siw with Wra.
by neof»e Dafofwa* hh eeeiin.Wa. 3.
w. re alrcedp In bed, a call came Bradlop oa Union atreet;
Bhober. one of tbe brpa who left here
W.'liamE Tsvior and Amelia OetWita the r>oTB>ta vnliaU^ b> < apAio froa »borv f r a> to oi'me A' ooec. . We
OoloMl Uaidner'e reel Unded. (oi our ciin> ai t in me "irer, both of Kmcalep. ba«o been Umoraine, and walked about W rod*, eeneed to wed. when toep ordered a* to alack araa
A man Dame^^Taptor bad bfa foot
Yokabaaa. 7apM, drpl. M. leM
DeerCoaain:—We have joat arrived and lie on the rroaad and aleeo. In alipbUy i< jered veaierdap in a pecaliar
la thli cltTiafwr a very plMaant trip, tbe aominf we were ordered to pre manner Be we* brlnflDf a load of
pniAtoee to town when be fell off aad
in tbe -»ei" We were at baa Pranebo^
Bat I ae»t tel) poa aoaetUAC of tbe tbe 1 ad ran over bia foot. Tbe boot
abaet a week, aod left there depk t.
We wert U dapa on tbe water, and bad elvp ot lUnilA- It te aurraaoded by a waa raiaed. bat the toot waa not bad p
A lew qelie eevere Btorae. that aade
lam ai
Tba Bopal Nelybbore will
AllotBaaoreor leeeeeeaiek. Three were beaaufel diy. w to bow
rvcalar aetalon tbi* a(i
t.«oOola.onboard. and eoo.e .early
*» •«»« aotnow,
died froa eeaalcknma They are look-i«* «*• •«««
««ablin» away,
-i Hoclwn. b.ll. .11 o'.b»k .h..,.
Th. MU-i-awy S<^ie»y rf
inr P»»WT
Baptlat eborob «ill meet mia afterThere are le eaeea of aeaalce on bmid. I of mem have Iron bare aeroa* Um-«
nooo with Mra B'aolep.
W. lUaanl J.p.aK.pi, >4. Ta. Jan I a»”.
nok .. naan lo,
n.l«»Tl..r I *• —
"W- ”
8. W Cramer, tfdry |
n, ..r, pinna, pnpla. „blOoa. |
”>““">>'»• ,™P‘“ ”»■
Cadillac, will erect a tbree-eiory
u. Jp na n Inn. Th.y :
~J'aiw ba. Ip.lai
m«lipnlku.ainJp. n«p.oIU»a.|“'‘''‘'"«'J. Vp.npian.jpl tb.n brick .block. tOsltt feet.
n.U.p..a. lilU. Bp. I .a, n p.,a|h.i«anbnrf. n.a....lb«n.ln Un
Merohp A Oifc^na arc boUdiar a
nn. ppa..mUpb ..U, .b.p,.
Tb.j a... Tprj.l.. kpnn, n. n. I Vb, ameblpi 1. U.. Uiy wn nrrl- eaw m'l) at Cedillac', to have a Oarlaad
band mtU. with a capacity of M,ooo a
pn.,pIU.paa..ll.,Ui.nnlnnTapj!aiya«l W. anrean u tk. Pnlp dav.
bina ai4m«l.n n . mup tn> whnl“■>
un..ppTO<l J p.Un pp
pdnn. ud pull ..n hn-j Ippd. i'b--”np. Tan. np ^nhnl tbm
rb.jn.lpOn.nnl nua U»».
>" * dnaOda, nla.
IbPj kpep nlllai V. JP. a. con. nd i >bro«a ,h. m.d. W. mn p n.i.j
Hd. i> U..14 nru4.Tb.j
-u4»Tbep wUl
.U1 :n. I '»• “<
Out of 18 Id oar...........- wim pon «11 ever tbt city for tea eenia. ' '
..d r., IPP. n.ln> n uj Un,, ' pl.J«i pp4 .. tb...d nald
A> ,a. pnna U»j h... 1 or 10 —. I "-a 5-1 ... m- 1. Cpmpnj
pirtg Cough, i
bllebed up and grinding grain.--------- ‘Iblr^-acvcnm infantry. Staplm and:
TcItKlB and Ino
stand* by me-aide, and if any of tbom I
quartera on Uuadalupe range.
iV tauXtiq
for all kinds of
knitting and in all
manner of colors. We're sellii^ it for a
nickle a skein. Home made mittens and
stockihgs“the kind gradma made'’art the
warmest kind. You can hli in many a
minute these evenings by , using Saxony
Saxony Yam
kS sw cwl.
tOUTSb \>VtTt 8 A TtAWB ^BT 8UC^ A CU\
% Uw bVwqU
*omt 0^ rtte cVrtte»\T)TS88
^ Wt
tsTt yaW
V\*» mPB»
I J. W. iMilliken'. |
grade cashmere for 50c. Two of the finnt
lines of hose on the market at 75c and i J^p.
Ladies’ Underwear;suns at
19c the
garment and they're good goods. Our
union suits—The kind that fits—sell at
50c the suit. The better grades sell for
75c, 1.00 and 2.00.
m KOMmiB ««oo«p w«D>raBDAT, aOTXinaii le, lags
Hffi lEWnmCN
-I doB't aee." said tbe maid of aO
Padhmttob Barneai •anda; ^ . work tboagbtfnli;. "what makes tbe llclit* put to all tb<- myal rt-Ktden.es.
* *; missus so nose. 8beV geWn- more
Jolm 1. Wllilaiii of RlclmMiod. Va..
Pratt; Bdiff a at Battoaa
i man- ooreaiiunatile ever; dap. Now, l-as dvcB that city gitsvCHiu for a huaI 1 hadn't done a thing, not a thing, an’ pltaU
^ 1 pet Kbe got so mad she could bardlp
Mrs. Ulcfaard ('mker deHares that
Tbeaew OcagragaUabal ehai
“ S|sak. Of course ererpliodp iftoowa bIm- wni never pi-rtuli her aona to enter
Wwr «r HM»t'«t m i*r« «tir Sattobs Bap was dedicated Banda;
pou tan'l leave tiiln durln’ tbe week rnddics.
Tbt baaUar MMOB, proper, opeaod
ioes. The
wltboiit a little aater to 'em to keep
,Mlss Imngvne t’omer. a .wmpuser of
«pBMplekiMip »l'b fe«r bts bIM WBBbpBer. O Ooebila. 0-ber oarw
i pm )><)mbcr lialUdB. dlwl nsenily to New
(be CbIm I
Ui*e beiBf U'Bl
WM.B. « n« • . ' • ere pp B r.-r. ii<3S biekOreB of N-wthVol k to jsiverty.
Oedwirrtae. bwMmibIIp b)e« hn. pert, Oaos of Maple Cl'p. Bod D-rlne
Mrs. IvWItt r. SuydeV. wbo Is to gt>
usslh-nl mi««l.maixio t'onnu Kne
taniMOBtoB Saodoy «bile hoaUef ofCbioBgo. Tbe biatorp of the ehareh ’ud Ih-out of the wav. un'left it iberv.
wilt uki- :lih her a lurtable
WOllMi Konib of MeBO»l««B pUoed wasgttea bjB J- Peck. Urn <dark of The nett .by I tK.ii.-.-d it ua« teskm’
* *'"***
* ’‘l">ke to iiilasus sboui IL eieaiulwat.
kb r«a OB the doeh Bftor b boaUBf ex- theebBreh.
Til.- rmted Ktogers of BrisAIyn have
p^diUon BBd rMBieed b eb*rr>- of tbot
Tblk U.. 0,1, Eo,ll.h V~-.lv
lo U.O
William to eoai|«>se a
to tke bnoBi. Be ms; dts.
KeBt cbarch at Sattoo’e Bap. bad tta erigto siorvrwMii.’ says I.
I n.i-e to
n-nden-d at tls-lr aoug om•f-Denuid fned sis rsbMtked shot to a small Baadap
—_— ----------- with Ibai
----- -'
-j- osap j te>i next pear.
-aractog ctreamstaaoes. It ■*“*
.b.wBsUlrs. me foilowiu’
U.iy Kanvr. «L.w hiislwnd diet! re
W«Ble;^MsUitWMB-. sped 14. (sts]l;
j to •_______
»lie lia>-n t batdiy Iseu 'i'll ,, iiilv l» i
' '
iitorff ttosp. s Msek was dacidsd
a canreh,
Th.-> n-so oiir.aiB.Hial.le: \\^~,ood
BBlto tlrtof Bcw BseoroU. west Bceto wbleb bp amsjoritproisof all iDieraaP How
to know a lot of Ii.t w.ln- xir Jalues :
two weoko 0(0 on B boBllnr trip. ad ^ to be CoagregaUooal
ter dii->M-s was lu tbal miukr
Md word ws* reoeierd si '-b borne
Taecbarcbwas witboot a boilding
thM be WBi ibM sad killed ob bBodp; or regalar place of meeting, aad the;
nai.ll Vv
and I>.-jm» niiB
('harlt.v-lB rvliu'lon wIiIj Iib coat e
a> M-lowi .Kmiuiisloui-r at Byra.-use,
.to the woods.
bardlp tboaght tbemselrea able to
N. Y.
ds Pbw Pbw. (AsrisB BoteBBi Kbb- balld. Aboat a pear ago the; began to
4b;, while oni boptlrp, sbot b robbll aolleitcabaeriptloBa The raspuate of
A verp aad ace'dent bspnt-nc-d at tbr
thj. MnnU I NoLLAn^ Ro. kvH
^''^Ulle S* I*1>S*1 tniVI-ls an.Uttd
.oi.ll.- luoktug for v..uMd reloBdIne bis (BO BBd rMUspbb the people I Sauons B.p. aod Inends
bomrof Lou s Decker of Manic Tbe
•rm OBI tbe end of tbe (bb It was oe- to O.V. vd •!>..«. a„ .....V,..
i-ra ..ouiiinn children were oat at the bera dotor
eUenuIl; dUcLotved and part of ibo
tbe m»t should uoi Is- i.lmm-d
d for imlttux c.
^e little Hop bad a fvrk
rUlaga ails.
lOBd of sbot lodped in his ricbl fore
Dpnn wbl.-h a eorusta-k bad .-aaght
A hill.- clH n<-v<-r lias kmi iiisity doll* aod WkB trpiag to whip It cff. when
arm wbleb will Is; him op for seeeral cbBrebe Id tbe Uraad rrarerae region.
The ehorcb to frame, interior to Andaw..maiii..-ver Uasuiomau>-dulmoBito.
h‘« little srv-B pear old sister stumbled
hrmera all over tba ooBtbwestem flnlehedtooak.aDdaeatodwiUebaire.
aad fell toward tbe tines la sarb a
portloB of the state are ^raestl; bop- and floe Slone basement. In the basemanner .ha- a t<nr entered her epr
tog tor a trosi to kill oot the HeMlan meat will be tbe fgritace room and tbr
and wrat Into her brain. She died
4;, wbirb Is now dsmagtog the wheat caBiflo-abed for dandap Bch'iol and aoHerriiie f.s.llMill |iluyi-ix the labalm- almrst iasisrUv.
The (ivllUsHl.
Tbe plekle fselor; st BolUnd has L U. Wbaeler. of Omena
■rii.n- Is tilws>-B rts.tii at il.e toj.—
been a big tblnc fi.r tbe 'a'm«ra of tbr eontractor was Mr. Anderson of
prolutldy ls-<-iiiiM- III.- e\|a-ri<-m'<-d travatocloit; tbe past aeaaoti. baring paid Sattoas Bap. Total ooat of the tier {>n-f<-i> a hiu.T ls.-nb.
OBttto.ooo al reed; for caeambera. to ' cbarch eseeededtl.COD. The balidlng
Ji«t alK.iH tlie Him- you is-sia
matoea, apples and eaBiiflower. be- eoelitp makes a grant of 9400. Tbe Iliitik, yonr i'ii|< ..f I
« IB coluc
has been raised: fliuv to run «ive* It s-iriti;^.
BidBs wbleb tnere Is anotbbr papment bsiaaee.
The fcatlK'n. <1« liol
•f npwards of SM.OOO to be made to toleg raised at tbe dedicatioa aerviea.
a beautlfn. ehareb frae of debt, and
lo ooe of tbe atorea at Moread
WlH-li a Kiri Ii
e 1..T llioUgl
haattog etore that baa-baea to ooBito- wUh to expires tbelr thanks to all who
■OBB Bsa for over fort; peara.
bavealded inaoeompltobingtbUresall.
him and ibv
Measrs. fiopt and Gannett of Battone lime be to .-oaiiiiK.
aat ap la less, and has rematoad there
A girl u<-v«-r lNait-v..B a luan when
to the same aioee erar alaca, aad is in Bap aapplied the palpit with a flae
Blbla Much oredlt to dne to the an- •»''
h. r be tou t w«nl.y of l.. r
•pparanU; ae good eoDdUton aa erer.
Tbe little aoB of Mr. WelllagUm of erg. Of the psator. Rev, Devl^
Adrian, wbu fell off a bed reoanU; bae
larteen new mepibera were raealved i.od her '
irulh.-^’hlraKo Dsllp
at tbe Banda; aventng eervlea.
diedof Uaiijariea.
The culp note of mdaese was that
BeCier •• RvBBsta Reutesi.
■A wood tanUae la llbal; to ooear la
A c-nlorod lusu van brforr
tola well wooded eeetloB. aapa tbe Ben Mra. Cadham, who has labored ao long
Tr> a
a'a Banner. Men are searee and no for a Cbarch. aad her aoa Bap. were rnlii-d fWatw .x.iiri In I’hlto.leli.lila i»of----OM Will eui wood wbea the; eaa fled •otlivtogto enjip the reaiisaUaa of »ruil>‘. .-harK.il vlili b.hih- liifna-tlon
<i>uum-I end the
wwk atUmberlng. Blxt; eenu a cord their hopea.
Judgv HBidgued IUuj)>l.>ll U raraou to
M offered for entUng 16-lneb wood and
defend hUu. The Ko'ermu.eil bv tbs
pUntg of work.
I.-Btlm..uy of m-v.-wl vlin.-BBt-s eeub▲boat
ID o’clock Baoda; algbi
------------liBb.-O a BtiiiQK >vne agaliiBt tbe doProgramln-Btoutorg's VpdarOifae- fendsm. Ti.r iearu.il .i>un»rt for «be
bb BbkQowb man tras killed
n * Boo .
"Now Baiuli.. Rive pour
• lAv
the Ann Arbor railws; pards
HerrIckV make, nsd get eallion of Prof. 0. S. Bont.
venlon of tlilr affolr " Tlii-"imiD and
•oath ffrankfort b; a frelgbl train.
Tto following to tbe program of the brother" lu.kiil wlw ami .lalirl.al aud
Prom paie a f nad oi him u is lodleatooooor,ub.,lno U>o«l-t io Svlo.
"'I""' f■««
, _
. "ItoBs, ill tli.K' y.-ntr'iir.*ii«muiiv I
ad that bis name U rrank Terwelllgar.
■rg’s Grand aader tbe aa^leee of
i^.„ah T.-r me to laBis bead was srrartd from his bodp.
e B. Y. P U.. and directed bp Prof, hiaiu ii.-uiiul." Apiekfd team of football plapera
StAeret^. J
$2.50 Kid
from Port Horoo dafeaud Bi. Clair
tnam ^ a score of tt to o Satarda;
bfiamoon. YoBog Morrell, one of 8b
Oalrb plspria. was ii Jared to the flnt
half and is oot expeeled lo lire,
wns Bbooascloaeatthe lastinformatioB
raeslred. Alter his Ipjar; his garaaU atoppad the'gama
Tbe Bollandere of Kalamaaoo are
aameetsjmpathlaeta of the Boer* and
from the flrst of tbe South African
' Mtrables hare bean girlng tbe Brglieh
•lawbenerer oeeaeloo rffered. The;
held a large!;
pad propoM to raadar flaanetol aid.
Tbe fund alreadp raised am
At Detour on Bands; th; three
«f Mra Esle Orr. aged a. e aad peara.
were bamad to death in a flr« which
originated to their home. Tbe mdtber.
a widow, was aivsp at the time,
bops being Sa charge of their grandmother, who. however, escaped
After'twelve peara’ ligItaUob the
title of vs PoatmaaterOeberal Don M.
Dlekiasoa of Oetroii, to Btromi
Inland, to the Bt Clair rlvar, wbieh
eongrrss attempted to dedicate as a
battonal park, has beeo declared valid.
The cable of the Michigan Telephone
eompanp: which, lies beneath
waters o' the straits, to sboai sis mUes
IS UngU). weighs five tons to the mile
bbd contatos twentp oondoctora Bach
eondactat to
of email copper wire to inaare graatar
ffaxlbilitp and thus leanen tbe sbaarin
of a etreait being broken. The oataide of tbe cable is covered with an
•mour of No gauge steel irlre. Thle
aaUe was eoUed oa a aeow aad towad
bp a tog and was laid to a UtOe . ..
aix bonrs A cbanael is dradgad at
aacb side where tbe laadlng to made,
aad the cable thus insnred from bti*g
damaged bp a veeeel going nabore
Atherwtoa. After the cable vras laid
it was teated and toand to work perfastlp. The ooat of this cabla waa
orar flts.ooo. It was made h; the
WMtora Electric eompanp of Ckieage
aad rapreaaats aU that aapart know,
ladga aad experieaoe eaa prodaee to
eaMe making. Next^rlng a almilar
flbWa to to to laid totwaaa Bt. Igaaee
Rag Time..
.Rasa. 1
TraewseOUpBehooIofMaaicO oheatra Fsck* EopaUafasti
Violins—Mlaaea Blanche Baroam, Bvai dent c-rar. Poraale at Ta«man’s.
ale Falgbom. Nlto >logbee. Maud
Coopton. Della Mahtoek. Brrni.-e I,
_________________________ 1.
Robertoon ana Master FVank Wa!CoroeU-Mastor Claude McDonald.
Btrl Rogera.
Ptono-Uimaara P.uad,
Violin Bolo—Oaralval of Venice with
VariatloPB.................................. Psglatoi
Mr C. B Horst.
Bam Bolo-"The Dap is Bndett
Mr. C. P. aoBtor.
Tria Overtare.
Misars White, Barnam and Mr. HmeL
(al "la Jane”....................... DeKovea
,b) "itotor,’-..................................oS.-.to
(Cl "Storm the Night Adof&tog '
Mn C. B. Hoial.
Goeea dtp gaartot
Daet. Poloaatoe...................... .. .Cbopto
Uto Mattel
Mica Josefa Wilhelm
Vocal Bolo-Bapaedle Hoagrosle
ogram oommeaoaa al 6:U aharp.
Brava BiploiacB.
Uke Staalpp and Livtogstoee. hmad
It harder to ovareome Malaria. Pever
aad AgM, and Tppboid dtoeaae germs
than savaga canaibals: bet tboaaands
have foaad that Bleetrte Bittwe Is a
-- ._ j for all; :____
If poa have ckUls with fever,
aches to back of neck and bead, and
tired, wora-oai faaliaga. a trial wlU
. _
poa of ih
their merit. W. A.
UI-. wntoe;
--M; obUlered for move than a pear with
ebilto and fever. th« 'l
- _____bottlea of
Blaetrto Blttore oared them.”
” Onlp SO
cetoa. Trp thorn. Gaaiastoad.
1. HoU
bj Jaa e. JohMoa and B. B. Wait,
Xade Tooag Again.
"One of Dr. King's Nsw Ule PlUs
each night tor two waaka hat pat me
TbutaglTlii Jkj beonto) Salw
la mp ’Ueai' again” wriiea D. B. Taraar of Dempeeptowa.
Tbep'ta the
beat to the world tor.th« Llrer, Btomach and Bowels.
Paretp vegamhla. wltbto IM aailas of acUtog
andoae-lhlrd fare. Betara limit
Merer gripa Oalp rte at Jas. O. John- oae at
Dec. L
16 1TU
non’s aad B. E. Walt’s drag stocaa.
T« Om ■ ObM im Om ’omy.
Take Wanier’* W-hile Wine of Tsr Svrov
the best coogb mmedp «a earth. » an. ,
Kjjnball Piises aii Orgaas
are need
need aad endoraad
endovaad to the leadl^
ktoaa eva^hara . Ho. m Proat
St. N. B. Sltoag. a ABagar. 7m ft
Frank Friedrich
118 yront Street
The B()s,ton Store
Thifl department fau zDAde most wondeiTdl etridee
this BeasoQ. Our sAles almost double themselvee over
last seasoa’s business—principally due to our anxiety
to please.
We employ hi^h class workmanajilp—we bu; the
most and the best materials We owin hence sell our
goods as close and closer than any other millinery
house in the state.
We believe the eeason has advanced far enough to
unload the.snrplus stock, as our rules srs not to carry
over any s'l^ck for the second season
We Have Placed on Sale Today
all our Panern HatsAlso those made In >
iop,at prices that
ire Uwer Than Cost of Material.
In addltiou to this spedat offer ws have divided
moat of our street hsU. consisUng of Tsm Orowns,
Bough Biders. Walking Hats and Sailors, into three
dlstloct lots, and have out the prices deep. Prices
being na higher nor lower—60. 76 and 98c—many are
worth double.
See display In our west window.
We CMPiT a fail llac mfU* ’
The McCall
Bazar Patterns.
I Oc. lout HIOHH. I So.
-FsshIvHi Bbrtos Vailed Free..
; The
Leading Makes
of Overcoats!
Stein-Bloch Go.
and Hart,
Schaffner & Marx
Produce msoy novelties In Overcosta and Ulsters that are exclus
ive — Othera may be content to
either imitate tashiona brought
out' by above houses, or follow
al. ng year after year with pnte.
tically nb change in the atyle and
make-up of their garments.
Stein-BM Overcoats
This year are so entirely new In design that all good
dressera wh.> anticipate purcbaalng should see them—
See them anywsy-tt will be time well sprot-Tfae
new shades of gray' overcoatings bearing the SteinBloch label are well repreeented In our stock.
Hart, Scliaffaer & Maix
Did a good thing when they designed >Warmbacks'’—
No ulster ever had such a sale, and what’s more the
sale is going to increase from year to year, for who
would have a‘-cold back” when for the fame money
they may have a “WarmbackP” Aak to see them.
We Have No Monopoly
Of the good thing* In overcoats Our late Invcices con
tain a complete line of light and dark colors. "TOP
COATS” for boy's, ages eev«n to 10 The boys should
see them.
Hamilton Clotliing Co.
What a Dollar Will Do
Tht re are few people free from this disease, which develops .
when negle--ted, into aeriius. and man> tim^-s
incurable conditions.
G. n. SNOW. M. D., Specialisi
1 Has Wen remarkably, eucceasful In the treatment of catarrh. Hibs .
metluxls are the reenU of extenaive study and experience in this field,
and will be found lo cive greal relief t-i ail, and in the mijority of
caiH-s a enre. For ».ne dollar he will furnish one month’s treatment
for any ease of n«eal. throat or bronchial caUrrh, including all servioee and all medicinee mjaired.
The doctor also treats all chronic disesses.and diseases of women,
aa well as dtoeases of the eye. ear. nose and throat. He baa been
Irery aucci wfull in treating cancer and asthma.
Blasses Scleatificallir Tined. Teeth eitracied without pain, 2Sc.
Office in Hynllton A MUHken Block, Oass Street Bntrsnew
J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
-Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is coming. Now is the time
to place your orders for
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 3.
Traverse City, JiKch.
TBB itoBvnia>xooKi», wBtvsiibA'k, tfovltitra& is. itim
bmuxA ‘VieiDi
ttve "MJciAA. I
ltWMC«i.-UUrMaoa«<wd»t Ber)ia
MU OmBu; m< Urmi
«pprpvBl 0< the Ust«c4
Vhieh fluaoB. wttb fiu cxMptkM
TbmIU. tmomm Sen----- --—
vrophM7«(B ,
«B •rill be the rrBT« of the BdtUk KmPl*«• Tbe He» York revere irere e» •
•Me lekeriUMB tee te the leM Oar>
■eUw Veaiderkat •( o«v tl,«W.OW
^Md * federel Uhulleaoe Us.
the «rer reveeee eei. e< orer t>.700.e0o.
Tbe tetei eea ie thrae Ubm ^e
•aeeet of Mr. VeederhUt'e po‘iUe be^•eete.
BeajMtU Teach, wtfe aad daairbter
MMi Wialfred Teach, of Kufc Felle.
lU,. hate eoupleUd e drite to a twoborae earrer troo> UUoole to Ueteiw
toery. M^L.a aietaBee of S.OM Hllae.
Thep toft Reek raUe, OB JoM It. Tbe
4rita.toeledto( etopa. wee^Mde ee
ferae Allooaa. Pe-. to fwr weekt.
They tratetod ea aa aterafe of forty
Mitoeaday. Tkeyearrleda Unt aed
•tore with them aad eamped to tbe
AUevhaBtoi aaUl lato to tbe talL
The ateamer St. IrOM brian «ew»
that tbooMada of khUta Chrtotlaae are
•ytof from famtoe to the Ohe Kiaar
ProTtoofc Cblaa, aortb of Yoyia. Tbe
lead theca U raelalmed from tbe eea
•feyaeyatemof dlkea. aad te thickly
IMpaUted. Last eamiaer tbto rertoa
area tbrtoe tleited hr floode. deetroytoi
thoauBdi of botaee aad eaUreiy rale
iMttheeotMi erop. Tbe people are
, rodaeed to the toet ea^ramltUa. hattoit
ioae>C« phOMi
elotbiar aad
trrtfltof Maay bate dtod of etortatioa, aad. with the approaeb of wtoter,
able mMWUtloB baa beeooM worae. The
Ceatral flhtoa Praabytoilaa MMoa le
■tipeall^ to tie trieade throt^oat the
•erorUtorthaaep«>pto. «czXi^D
t>r. ttoyda, the rapreeeatoUte to
• of the Ibaaataal Ootarameat.
to Prutdaat Kraforh amerttoa
beloHT to Maftoad. the latter will pay
• prtea tor them ttetwOlaatOBad the
Oea. WUllam Ladtow. taUttotr fot•mor of Seraaa. who le at hie borne to
-Vlodbtoc. L. L. »ya the fraataat drawtoaek to tbe laerotemaat of tbe On
toUH to their lllitacaey.
Yatal tadlaaa. aear Bacam. Met..
toataklUedaa AtaeHeaa aamed Ket
tUloa, oteraeer e( a raa^^aadwoud
•d a Oermaa tamed RMalek. -ble eaa
m( the eaeretarr of tbe aaty. to|aald to
toe a hopeleu totalld. She to eoflorior
toflu palmotoary troabU. aad wlU be
•akao to Ootorado tor tbe wtotar.^»
Mia. Oeoite HUtooa. who baa faUra
toatrtoSe,MO.eM. aayeabewUlaae tbe
Maoaat to protidtof bOBoe tor frieadimapeopla
•Tbe oapleetoa ofja aitrorlyeufae
eraiem at OlbaoabarK, Ohio, owaed by
ibe Btooetea Powder Oe-. btow tbe
4rtow. BeaOwd.tato email btta. The
team aad wafoa ebatad bU tato. Ser
teas damare waa doae to baUdiafe la
Vodlboa-Pa, at tbe eMraaoe of Teetlaf lake, wa« formally opeaed to for•lea tiade Moaday. Thw to tbe Bret
toortfipeeed to the aaU-toraicn pro*iBoe of Hnaam.
A moeemeat baa beea >Urted to
badi tbe ramalaa of Jobe Peal
Joaee to tbe Ualted Stotoe |ead tolar
them to drliaetoa oemetery. OoeerfOi
•wlU be aUed to appropriate faadt for
able parpoae at ibe eomtof aeaeloa.
JobaPeal Joau. who waa tbe earal
hero of tbe war for todepeBdeaee. wae
•a dmertoaa by .adopUoa. Be died
abroad, aad bit ruUaf plaoe bad beea
aakaowa utU reeea^. wbea hie
^re, plalaly ourked. waa loeated to
ooe of tbe eeMlertoa of Parle. Ambaaudor Porter bee formally aoUArd
•Ue aute departoMot of tbe Aedlaf of
tbe rrare. The plan to to aead one of
the Baeet waiebipa of tbe Amerieaa
navy to Praaoe to brine back the re. aalae. aad relator them to Arltoftoa.
etith tbe tall bemon dae aa admiral.
Baeb a faaeral weald be a fteat aaitoaal eraaC
A Oerman paalUre expedittoa to tbe
• Oamerooae reeenUy ebutieed a tribe of
rabeUloae eaaalbato wbo bad bariared
> aeearal tradlac eUUoaa at aad'aear
KriM. TbeOermaaecbaaadtheaaUTta
lato tbe baab.kimar too It waa
tooned. aeoordtof to tbe ceptato of tbe
Volka. tharaamhen of the eUto were
decaplUlcd. tbelr heade betof alack
OB polae to tbe totortor. to atrike terror
»e tbe tobabluau
Oelllac AWV hr «Ua«
Cr—i»e LM. ad Talk.
TmI* to rahIU
UlM Adeto rifiunvon bee for tbe
n wae eiiiiDC to one of tbe betele
at tbe oppolap of remlTal week. ae*» part year been rwopnloM a* a profreBionel bMBiy to KapUad. A prufeeerml year* a*o.” uid e reteran deieoBlooal beauty aetle ber pbotoprapbe
tire, '■when I bap|N-oed to aoilre e
writ-dreeeed Btou easased to trimmine bto flnter aalto. Be naed a peculler, email eteel iaeirument. aome.
thinc like a pair of nlpiiera, aad one
would bare aald at a ctoace that It
wae eome new kind of wanlcBre tool.
1 took a aecood look at ike tblnp aud
made a meotal pbotoprapb of tbe fare
of tbe oemer. Early that ereniag 1
aew blm aantilerins down 8t. Cbarlee
etreet to a point where the crowd wae
pretty denae. aad I made it my buaiaeaa to foUow on beblad. He elided
Into tbe crowd, mopped, and aeemed
to be eaamiQliic the tope of the buildInye on tbe opponlie aide of Canal
■trret. At ble elbow waa a portly gvutleman of proeperuoi appearance, and
all aroubd the people were ae ibl. k a»
aardlnee In a box. la a aiomeni my aad derieca aa toreme iberefrent. Mite
man mored on and I preaai-d foraard Clenatone woo tbe beaoty prlae et (be
and glanced down at tbe )H>rtl,\ gt-u- Bomb Kewlnpton. Loadon. cooteet
tlemao'a r.-at. Juat a> I expec ted, bla tbto year.
walrb cbalo waa danKltog. and while
Oalr nea ■aa4T«e WarBa.
tbe watch Itaelf waa In^bla pocket all
tight enough, an exitenalre Maooulc
Some one bea asked to tbe Times'
charm bad been <-ui off at ibi- eud Saturday Keeiew wbat . to meam by
near the buiionluile. In two Juni|w I tbe aUtement “that au ordinary man
liad the fellow and collared hiui juat can converse with a rocabulary of
aa be waa In tbe act of culling a dia only 500 words." Tbe KortnlgbUy Bemond locket. He waa bohJIug Ibe elcd elew some nine year* ago aald that
Dipper In Ibe palm of bla rlgbi bui«l. “the number of worda to uae among
and with an almuai luiiH-n-epilldc ui<e tbe Ruaalan peaaaniry did not exceed
tiun be could doe.- iltelr pJtwerful Jiiwe from IW to 20U." Tbb ■taiement we
and cut tbrougb ibe bearleei gold abonld deem tocorrect However, we
Unka made. Weiklug wlib aucb a loqJ hare an authority wbo writes that “a
to B crowd waa like fluding money la Bmtalau t>eaaiiot b rertwee whe^ be
tbe Btrret. aud if I hadn't aiojtpiil blm has a rucabtibt? of fruui SUU to 400
where I did .1 dare nay be would bare word*."
It baa been ataied over and over
gathered In eereral tbouaaud doUara'
wprlb of plunder before dark. He ea> again Ibat In Kugibb there are SKI.t bond and aklp- 000 word*, aud Ibe pbllUogcr . adds
. _
'I aure of hb III- (bat tbb large number to (he acenmu(le game when I aaw him oalng bto lailon of outuy cAituriea. and that
nlppera on hb oalla at tbe hotel, but noitalng Itoc that number could “bare
tbe laatrament waa peculiar, and. lie- ] been kept oxcepi through me toflualdca. It bad a 'ciooked' look. Tbai'a . ence of Ilieraitire.’' Now. it Ir highly
aa peer aa I can come to It to tbe pouible ibat Ibe Engitob worda. by
a-onla. There la aomethlng that at-1 au adopilre proceM and natural
ranara. will not dimlalah. bnt inc-reaw.
doo't car* buw tonocent Ita general ap Are we to. Include In the»e 2Sa«Ul
pearance mpy be. I Wouldn't mlalake worda dialectic Bagllab? Somebody
a Jimmy for a crowbar, even If A bad aaka. “Doea aaybody know all tbeee
my eyet abut.**—New Orleans Times- 2ao.000 wordar- Could tbe learned ed-Deawctai.
itor of tbe Oolury Dictionary glrr na
tbe meaning of (betu alD Sbakeapere'a count of worda abowa 15.U00,
and of tbeae MiO or 000 are bboblete.
A Cblaamau. ao we are told, paaaea a
largeat brflllani eumlnaileo wb.-o be b the
straw bal ever made. It conabta of poaaeinor of P.Oiai wordk.
tflnNew York you can uae with dta■Jumbo" plait an In.-b wide. Nearly
, rrimlaailont.OOnarordayouare exceed' Ingly well-to-do to your lingual poeI M-aaiona. Ttiai exceedingly aound an.
j tboriiy Kk.-ai aald when conllniug
j bimar^ to p^ary worda be tackled
tome tO..Va>. Hr found there were 4.■ (XII of IVutoiilr origin. r..«tai I'ren.-b.
:>.T4M> l^tio. «ai tireek and ItVi of t'cl^ tic and .uber a.iurceR. “If. therefore.
' we <-«ufliie our attenilcui to that por
tion of Etglbh wbh-h U Teiil.mlc. we
Und that Engilab pm|.er conabta of 4.1 otto ln.tci.en.1eni worda."
-I Milton, we msy remark, waa aitla100 yarda bad tajm naed before tbe
worda. N.-verlhcli-aa.
bit ™ compMK.
-re-k ot „ „
, awioii.rj biirt t»r ih.
Wocblni .r iroblbt
,„a., „ „„„ h.„
A F*e»to. aaak. Bfir.
American Inveoiora of auake itorlee
must look to their laurela: tbe educated
Bengali baa ent.-re.l Into competition.
and. jndgtog fr.HU the aample given to
good faltb l-y a native paiwr at (tol
be will U-hart to beet. S..me
lime ta.-k tbe lovely ^lighter of a
weallhy Zemln.Ur waa bitten by a coand died In tbe courae of a few
Aa ber retnatos were l.elnc conveyed
to the (liiuge* for aepultun-. a paaalng
patrlan4i .«r r.-..-tvod roelu pr.>|Kw.-.l
that be <ili.iul.l
aU.iWe.1 to exi«Tlmobt with iVRua. llalion. At b.-. lN.re
high reputation aa a profeaaor of <>c.
,-.n...mnl n., W U™ ob.
,.l«Pd 11..,- -wri™. .M .rier pm,
^ .1,1,
merebania and the abopa of antOcere
»<• *">»
««“•■» of area, tooto, and
«^»er*tiow. of which no mention la
Wbat could Johnfound In books.
•*»«< «eatn and Ita mauj
app1l«ilon«» Take the one topic dec‘rirHy- A balf-^nlury a^ the whole
^ b„,
foar yaaia ago. wbea she eelled with
Ibe Friend* ebarub et Traveree City.
Bar toflacaee la tbe caaee of praottoal ObrtoUaaity wee great,
aeter waa aatformly ebeertel
anly felt
able, aad bar loae wtU be keenly
by e host of Menda.
ttree. none tbe worse for ber little adxeatiu*. -
_____________ M-
a. A.Psrk. BBCaiTWst
^^AJtTBD-Srwral b.-lghl aaS baeset py
er*sam: ae> beak lasaruve
It is Baloly
Deatalew Cenpuy. Drpt X Cbteace.
doctors aearly seat Was.
Mnllea of
’ ' ' au, O . to an early
sarly mv«. All
-•Id be bed e fetal leag trocble and
Bat be was
urged to try Dr. Eiag's New Dtocovery
•or CooBumptlon.
After taktog Av*
botUee be was entirely cored. It to poalllvely guArutead to core all dtoetece
K TbraaV Cheat aad Langs, loclndiag
Congbs. Oolda, La Grippe. Paeumonla,
Rroncbilto. Astbmv Hay Fever. Croep,
Wbooplng OoQgb. Me aad •! 00 Trial
botUes 10 eta at Jee. Q. Jobnaoa't and
d. B Wait's dreg aterea.
for th_ ........
If takes tboT^
.'.-hlv and to time, it will cure a cane
24 hours, and fo- tbe oougb that lol•ww La Grippe 1'. «.ever fdls to give
Hof. Prioo. SSc and 50c.
ICa a simple n
« kidscya. Yon need
. - not
. contnlt
By asking yooTscIf
yooisctf three qaestions
mn detennine
...mine wbctom or not yont
ineys are deranged.
'irst: "Uaveyon backscbe'or weak,
tome bM^kf"
. Second; "Do you bsv* diffically to
annstiDg or a too ireqncat deeite le
Third: "Arc tbo* depoait* like brick
dost ie tbe aria* after it bet sUwd lorj
twcoty-hmr booraf"
In its esrty atogm kidney die
tcodily cured by a few bom
m's Kidney-Li'
Pills, a
Mr. Imiab MsaigoM. patotar. Watertown, N. Y.. wnus: "I have had *
Mt died out of tbe land.” Wbat |
v«ry bad CMc ot kidney sSvctioa for
------ lime,
and doctored in vein antll
we cannot nndentand la why uiakes-, |f y^a can't be brilliant, be at Iea*t •"toe
eommltred more atrocities when oc- industfloas. and watdi always for the Dr. A.
*■ W. Chase's Kidoey-Livci PUto
rail odenee waa to Ita prime than an. ch,nce which to'
western ctrtlixatlon.—London
Mdtior Beea Woadera.
•very n
MdItorW. V. Barry of Lextoftoa. Globe.
Be «
Teaa., la axplortof Mammoth Oare.
If you have kldan dlsfie, yon caa
II OMtod
«<mtiaeted a aerare cam of PUee
b. to..,- h.
A.^ eteimrwus prvuoi/
ue cavra *o take Dr. Cbaw's tidaet-Uver PiUs
•To prove by lo*e,“ be cried
•aiek enre
eora i
tbroafb aatoo Baoklea'e
*rom tbe firm $25 that be earned. ta--»tb peHect MUcnce tUl wbat hfa
perately. “let
' “ ‘
otberwe ■
many weekt I bar* scarcely
Jnriea. t>
in Bleep, during bow many
Inly t.
eaten only----Wallit.
n&ere. wltbanlmpertowgteiore.ab*
Money to Ameri« la a* Important u*t toagm ol Brighfa titema Oi
sraved blui to aUeace.
as quinine to tbe African Jun^*. Don’t Cbaae's Kidney-Liver PIU*
<lrill gl**
“StstlsUca prove aetbtogr abe aald equasder your qntolnc. A tew gxmlna tba new eiguc aad aUngth,and mshe
Ab. but ^ a eoU ^etuml Ilwu mrad up ai* bettnr than MM.-New than stM8g.SmMiy and
One pill
Tbaabvlrtof ere at Cblambla ball,
8«e. tB. Bill M ewm. MaaM by
- ~ • •
desipiB and faa^
woods with new decoratiooB
Keep these in mind whea
dowm town and call in onr
Jewelery store to look tbens
:r. We have many new
thin^ in jewtlry also.
-Six Fr gbtfal Feilai
pp„,.... .. .p.
h.^. «.n of . rep.U. I.r «... ^
8. B Welt.
,p,j„ „ , p...
Tfintst Bslle, Sc Cigir
BecanK we put into them tbe beat
tobacco, tod we do not use bDj
theaeoie^aad an old Maad et tbe ■
------------------ :—;----------- - artificial flavor—j“»t clean, porg
family, read a tribute to tbe sweet life 1 F'^ia#* mat wae*******^
** .*rm> tobacco. Thia i^vee you a wboleand beenUfnl cbnreeter of tbe depert-1
•ome, enjoyable aoK^e at au ecaa>
ed. R -f. Jooee preached a eermoa
lical price,
from the teaV "Aad Ood shall wipe
yonr dealer for them.
away ell tears from tbelr eyes, end
there shall be ao ewre death, neither
sorrow nor erytof, neither afaall that*
-Toanellar BtoMi
tl4 Front Street
be any more pain, for tbe fonner thing*
are passed away "
Tbt honorary pall bcarm were
a of the glT^TlOK Wi
OkrtoUan Bodeaw aociety or peraonal
trlenda l^y were Mtoaee Floy Theo •po aXHT-Up^' pan Sirell^ oa IIbo^
bald. Leoaoea Nichols. Lorena PeaDtagton. Edna Joaw, Loelle Toeobald ______________________________________
aad Oraoe Olara. Tbe pall bearer* 11?°* —
w«te Oliver W»ten. Fred Dago. Cyrus ooBsiiTateT'
Btodbaw. Wayne Water*. Bd Krito,
lasalrc et C. a. DeeSny. M<
end Roy Bei
««. Bk« «. tb. Lov I
told to real to tbe JXL ptoHseuuaUMier us Late am
y lot there.
■oa axLX OBItBAr-OeeS twbbU Cm A4.
rato Mtsmt
WeUs.P. O. Bet Ke. UC m-tf
Oo . ladlaaa. Aagast 11. 1X74. and re
. tins, a g. BUtor.
moved to tbto etatn wMa a aamll eblld.
8be WH eunverted la IMS at Long
Itoke ander the mlatotry ot Bar. K
Bwele. ud bee ever Mace beea e fattbtal follower of bei Master. Bba was a BS la tM
O yverto ett. aeywbtv^weyr-1
member of the Metbodtot eb«teh aatll
,ir tbelr dt^nlUona.
Bseki Royal Xafuto
^ ,pc*1mlary might be called a perfi cent elgar. For aale at Tbtmea's.
ldlo«yocT*ay. which In cultured
persona variea with the Individual.
The anperlor Intelligence la abown to
the aelectlon of the worda naed and in
the nh-ety of handUag Ibem.—New
York Timew_______________
u«i, rH..4s.
^nd ft They am DUeBped Use the
Hnaaell I/>we!1 t.ad a tube
World’* Oreatest Kidney Cure
ui?". rS.”!.
Z.eMtoM«« W tb Toaehiuc.
Otn moa'ee Traterday.
Yesterday artemooa tbe rematoe of
MUe Amende Z mm«rmeB were geeUy , ttonee to o ho for weekw
Wbat man ha* dnoe
laid to r<«t in tbe Long Inke
but the troiitde to be won't do
near tbe old home of (be tamUy.
I A man's
oateilmrw run* to tbe
Tbe feeeral'eervtoe was bold at tbe contrary-a woman's
always x)oe*.
Friente ebureh to tbto elty. tbe aoaee
A good deal of (be ao-caUed ctrwm of
aetof Biled wUb tbe Mends of tbe de society la Dotblug but skluinw-d inllk.
parted. Lovely dnl tribatoa la mat
Raya an oM bachelor: "A wife to an
profaMon decked tbe eeeket. eepeeial- atiacbmrni that makes a man bustle."
A man's fare to apt to he his mtoly bmeUfai ptoee* bdtof pneantod
I7 tbe Chrtotlaa Eadeavor eodety ot foriune the Urst time be tries to abate
whIA deceased waa a membm aad tbe
Tea Years In a KeoneT I* tbe title
Jankweoeisty of wbleb aba wae ao of a new hook. Cen It he tbe antbor
to a man wbo went to tbe docn>-Cblvine waa eondaolad by I
cage Dally News.
Barolsy Jilonea, MtoMed by Bee. Jos
Mra. Jeftrtoa, Mtaa Beloaa. Mr. BMm
and Mr Peuntogtoa aang tbiwe dt Mim
it Caeorlte bymna. An apaAU-Yeaeeauto.erMnoM. wsirti
proprtote Chapter was read by Ber. ■pOB
r Sto4 rewoBa WrtH ar eaU M y«*Uh
Joaiab Poontoffton. and a teaeblBff Csni , AaavU. Hlet,
; evt U IriRps hi 24 iMre.
^omno PMtAGRAPa^
When aOence feHs H isn't
fly broken.
Some men R|>e«k tbdr minds end
eome women apeak a tot more.
It to atrauge tmt tme that today imt'
be ycaterday toworrow.
L-WAMTlasars-esofaaykladtB Bnt
n eeapaatw or to buy s besM, let er
01 oo Alin e atiWsrll room* f esd t.
.Utoa*.Wcek.TrannvCl>y. SH-Uae
Have Yon Seen The . .
Special Offer
this week in the Variety Store. If not why not. There
is money in it for any family who Deed the kind of roods
we sell. Note our special prices in the followinr goods.
Step in and see our 5 and lo.^ot bargains.
Gaps Mkdssneers 6oe ptir; p'ntos S l-2o
•Boh; tumblers 1 1-So seeh; lamp ohtmneys 2c; batter bowls, with cover, 6e
each; cellnlold pictare framea 6e each;
eteel granite dippere«Uc; granite weeh
beains 80.
Wateb-for Spaciil largiias Dariag tin Ofatiag WnL
We trust that you will bear in mind that our intro
duction is to your interest.
The Variety Store,
Om flew net et SUBbvfs Opn Boise.
226 Front Bt.
The reaaoa that then ia
8Dc)i a demaDd for our *bocp
ip brcuuM they are actually
worth tbo priM we aik for
then. They are aot ak>oe
Rood lookiug. atyiiab abooB,
but they give ao^ thorough
aatiafaction that oDoe a coatoner porebaaea a pair it always lesvea a pleaaaiit rtoollection of tbe atore.
r“ Try onr aboaa, they are tbe TeouU of over 20 years practical
experieoce in shoe malong. Here are our prifias in warm lined
80c, 87c, 95c, tl.tS, $1.40, tl.68
and hig ber Juiced if yoQ want thm.
186 Front Strast
The Praotioal Bhoa Kan
MdJLX&tt'ISdbiyD WabaKfttj^-joa^Snilit i6. \H^
Thn* WM ta oRbMtn bdHad k
•men of |wlmA Nnw tbar wore pUyi^bttBff “L« Pnh>aa“ with • Biyatlcal MeiH. UaWM wri; fnw
hms Jlnsh!. DoQy looked down at Ibe.
freot boiK-b of meg In ber lap. They
Th«t ruB wonU-iteMk r»i
e that momlBC-wllh Vertion
|a hen wju. crow in the
pierce'# card. She wai no looser there
In tbe heated baU of her city borne,
It U pr>rttm> lu me.
U l>It> <tr«r mile
wttb Boh. dew old itnpld. Umoma
■ HM Wttk M «
Bob. by her aide. It waa nMoaUebt.
« Dn.
-te'tyoa ■■■*
and abe felt the air of a aammer nl(bt
on bar fare. They bad ieta daoclRf
l( t. Bnctmu la Be.
U Itait <taBT Uiit* roB.
and now they could bear tbe atraisa of
•Foraver and Forever." In tbe U«bt
from a window none one waa aiandins before ber. BU voice waa low
tbla coaatry. It Laa uradnatej many
and 'be waa alnstBs tbe word# of tbe
Ta JJii*
el»oj Maine •» waltz, "O bid me hope to'eall tbee
(amooa s«-d and womm. Prof. Allrn.
m Jewendani of liihan Allen, wbo wa> llie Jour Ital» «-«» ouly ■Boll»T of mine, forever and ferever.at Ita ImJ witb bU dauKbti^. now mart'* iiBB 8lark »a» «lw caterer.
Sbr could remember all tbat be Mid
Mne. Alberti of Xew YTork City, rre- Ilk iiuiK-bbxirl. hia waiter, bla mIu-J that olsbt at Creenbriar. and abe re
•t«J <-owMi-ral>le eonaleroaUoo amoiiB alomwl*. ao.1 lila l.1ll» w. nUrom b-uae membered that abe had lanybed at
him. Yea. abe bad Unshed, and now
JuliDB the m*a«.n Tbe
abe waa ylad. Uf courae. be aald tbe
aame tbUiBa to Alice Avery tbe next
^gtrU. AnotliiT tiavher Bare leaaon.'.u
w«-.-h. Alice went up there to the
tbe lanruacee lu wiuueu. and I*n>f. bind It al every bouw life to
apriusa Jnat after Dolly Came borne.
Alien adrertlaeJ a aerlea of levlu^w
Tbe mao at the door came ovej and.
uuld N- one bmK. uir-ndluc t>anT.
1^ a “female l.vcenm aur.“
a handful of lettera to l>oUy.'
Truui bla poal be could M-e Ibe table
He blted the lars.-at ball In ihe pla-.t^ 111 H e diainK room and be knew fmni ■Theae came la tbe afternoon mail."
•nd pot tii-keia on aale. rp to lbl> the beiirbt of tin- cumttea that it
be aald.
time there bad nerer U>en a female m-ariy «. Tbe men would be comln*
“You can read thoae. Bob." abe aald
a. .be tn.MH] hi-r companion a pile of
lecturer In ibai part. or. fur thai uiai
ter. In any pan of tbe atate. Tbe day
:ain>idy aotiH*n In louf fur wrap. .mall envelope.. Fbe knew thcr were
after t^ Im-turea were bllli^ tbe ae;
f aalHiiB for ihclr .arriasei. ami rexreu and am-h ihlnsa. There waa
lectmen of tbe tnwn entered a pnH.".t. pirla ill {.leiiin- bat. nud tmUInc atika one lante letter, iioatmarked AHanit.
and Prof. Allen found that be roiild allp]M-d ibrouBb tbe throut Into the aiid directed lu a ammr. maw-ullne
not fM tbe ball. Next be tried to eit- druainB-n..m- A aw.-et-fared yoitur baud. Bob waa bu.y with the "r«Me tbe acbonlbonae. but tbla wsa alii alilte ebiffuu. wllb ber arma tilela." at> abe op<-oed IL
•0 refnaed. Juat about ibla time be
-Ijcar Mi»a Dolly." It ran. •'I wanie<l
dlaeorered that the railroad autboritb-.
to ai-nd tbi. leii.-r with tbe m»-H. hut
bad been pnTalied u]K>n to aee ibai
dill rot care to ri.k it to Ihe cardeaay aroman In bivenib-r.
tbe train la-arlui the b«.-tunT ab.ml.l
m-a. of the nori.t- Of cour»-. 1 am
a llr.1 boa: to wK iety.
not atop at the aiatlon ibat day.
woliiaii !»>■ her aid.- aa. aim yonUB luivnMiUble In luy dlwippotiiiuieot In
Tbla aroiiM^I tbe |in.feei«ur-» wntib. euouRb to f.-«d old a-li.-u'nieD aiopiu-d not EclHne up to your •«-om!uif out.'
Be hired all tbe fvebiclea he <'<>iil<l. Id make pretty a|H-e. |ie. to ber daueb- but. If I may- h de|H-oda entirely up
from bugalea lu bayrack*. and Mi..
Ura. Il..we fob that liavink.* on your aii.wrr tu tbla—I aball ei.nie
Allen went to tbe iiext town and blre.1 d.-biitniite dausbier wna altnimt
lip duriiiB the bolldaya. 1 don't knpw
a ball.
ttndliiL' tbe llr.1 wbli.- Imira. Tbe whi-iber MIm .Avery liaa annmificed
ri«n tbe «lay of tbe lecture lUe imlii
D t\» r«- arrtvIuL' now ; the ebler oma tbe fact or not but abe la eniWKed to
a|>ed ibroncli iIh- town, a Idi-b «-a. iml.v
Hii- .voinii: ri-lluu. Irom Hie iml tiiy rou-.ln. By the way. we l.iib liave
a llaB .tatlou. deiplie the truntlr eii-ally relurorr<->l'b> on.- or ta-u .-»tu Ibe aame name Tbe.v will be parried
deavur. uf tbe fribale atar to bare It . uli.1... ,N.-ar Hie d.«ir wuK a creal. tbe la.t uf Dei-i-ml>er, and 1 am to be
Btopp.-.!- Al tbe next alatli.n. toowever. I.niad'.l«ml.l.-n-<l atli.-U-ie. aiipi>uni>d the be«i man—If you will let me come
rreeled by blindred. of perllitb- bl-.mle ninu a-flb a »vud- ntd aay to you wljft I tried ao bard to
make you iiniler.tnnd iaat .ummer—“
Mona wbo bad i.inie lu from luib*. detil air.
Bob n-aebed up to atraisbt.n a can
around. The attuaibm wa. etidiilu..!.
The lilB fellow kept aaylnp: “.Vow,
the yoiinx aulnan .taken in tbe J:ill Kinit. don't iKdi and b-uve me alone. dle In Ibe aconi-e above them. He
and tin- b•.•lH^>•. a-hlcb an. on urt. an.
e.ltine more Imiidaaud feer-t-very abook hla head at the face reflected In
driirrred. It waa a Jtreat .urreaa la iiilnuie. I'll ao«w bo like Hial chap wo the mirror and murmured. “.Not In my
Hue. Not In in.v llne."
qdie »r many placanl. put up by lom
to read alwut In I.atlu
Iiolly looked Up Into bla face aniltile vllbieer. tiixH-lalmliij;:
iM.itii-iliiUB nr oilu-r. Now you ai.-ak
h.E. but lie knew that the llsbt In ber
"A b>« aill crow In Ibe town bull
I. not for blm.-Xew- Orieana
1 of Hdii: Iwn't lu .....y .......
Tin- bHdiirer baa alarny. aald Hint
•Well, b.-n- cm-.. Be .-an-fuf Ibm'l Tlmea4»eDioeral.
tbla effort ald<-d her gn-atly at the U- kick'ibul Janllnlere. if II .toe. ba|4>en
fleary Ran* CHt
tponlnk of ber career, wbicb K.bi.t '■
■ lie In .VOIII line." uM Klnc.
Ynii may have heard of tbe telfone of tbe proudeat cbapicra In tbe udTbe Bin lin.l untU-iil Ibe lAo.
craph l^q.-rainr who. durios a aUck
ranceuient irf .Uuericau women. Unallied n-fiwuHnBly al ibe Me fellow.
d<<alred to Imitow- a
lecturer wa. Mlaa Julia Ward, noa- lUe Her mind went tia.k to the day. a
reneralde Jiillu War.1 llo»e.-&ttur. week iM-fotv. when .b.- bad a-en bim clEaretle from a fellow-worker on the
day KreuiuE
He wa.n*t to Ma.-k l.nui.lelotb »|i|M>alie aide of Ihe n>oni and belne
ibeli. In.l.-nd, Id. hair buns In lone too Uxy to a«k for it n-b-jn-aphed bla
Oaeea t lelorla-. rmH».
black .irlliL-. over Ida eyi-.; H«-re waa n-que.t by wa.v of Clib-aBi* and Ran
Cneen Vb-inria dlallkc. i.>|d Rtent. a nal atreak a.ma. one dii-i-k
She l-'ranelaco and had Hie article toaaed
anede Kb**.-., actlllelal tlunerK. and Hi.- had .e.-u idui niimliiL- ..\.-r a fl.-ld over to btui lu a .burl lime bv bla
odor of fur..
tna.'k.srwIHi w-ldl.. Hii.-k wbll.- a yell- liroiber o|M'mt<ir. wbo had a aeiiac of
Il.f nlln>. aHi.-U abe tinda It advl>- iue mob of nieu In raiivn.. Ja.'k.-i. humor aa well aa a packase of cljraraUe U> UM- an liir»Blilto.
tried to .l..|. Idm. Th.-u. aft.-r tbe same etie._wiya Bie riuclnuttl Koqaln-r.
cuuniea. of llaluHirul. or tb<- dii.-biw
.Spm|KM «iT—noHilUB In lartlcular—
I In allk bat. and iii.'ii iii
of Intm-UKl.-r. The latter la one of b. r kw'i-ai.-n- ba.l tlfi.-.l l.iiii lileh «gi tb.-ir nnb-.-. it tf eb-ctrli-lty—I heard a
uuuMfouk Htlea.
abixMK-rw. and tin- hIu.I.- air raus wllb driiBBlai "'ll of a Hub- wcurrence tn
When mi-mhera of tbe <llie<-n'a fam- c-li<t>m f.ir 111. •■vdl.-ae
Hi. aiinji the other llay.
tly or any Cenuaii rrlailv.-. tl.ii |.ni.
Ho waa alone and pultliic up a preNo*- I..- oil. U.wins wdi-mld.V Im-.
dun ami i.-cupy BiieklnKbuin |iala-e. fore Mr.- Howe. The neM lulliute lie aerlption .lieblod bis birue )>ariliion
~by Invliailon.'' lb>-y puy tbelr-lnard formx Tda huiidn-d band.. .HUd renieiii- •.•-ns-n when a .tyll.bly dreaaod wotnJuat like taimmon folka In a firai cbi
tx-re.! oulv the our that held 'a Utile aii i-nieml and a.ko<l with aome ex
tvldi.- ebived pnitu In Ita -.ipme elaap. citement for tbe telephone.
“«i»een'a hoiinty’* coara Vh-ioHa <ui
He en.i-<iuc«><l her In front of It and
-Mia. Ibdly.VJiyrb wa-lu.l Id. fa.-.- in
an arerase Tl.oUU a year. Tin- qu. cii. honor of Hi.-i-vi-nt, Ha«l Id. balr. iil. returned io hla work.
when alie arm tbr<-«- aufrreliiua n>
She iitok off h<-r Bluvea, ranf np
Kins explained. Tlieu be u<l<b->l;
molber who bad slveu Ulnb to ibnv ■•tVell. take .-an- of .t..urself. old man,*' “cejilnil.'' and N-san;
—_-17P ----- Ktre«<. Ye*, yea. Mr.
and burrbil a.nMia tbe n..iu lu ai.-ak
Henry \Ve*-k-i‘t . Yea. yea. He's at So.
ly" wuuUl
Jfaib l.niL-lied uii.-i'nirorinbly and ----- ibvkmim airo<‘t. Yiak» Ubt lx
Her umji-aiy
aji-.iy wa. n.-i-ntly
. pn*a<-uic>l
Mr. Wev-korr
wllb BKai by an Indian ebb-f
chief of llm
bl. i-ollar. “Ikolly.
Then h--r vol.i- liardencil.
tab ('oluiubla. duulitb-» a. a tbauk
"Hcur.t. «hy did you tell me you
ferlUB for Hu- K.ixai he pHvnily n- my dear child." aald -Mra Howe
eeired fur Ibe iXl.iaat It.li be lin.1 i<ivat l>e tired aiaiuliUB here ao Ioub- went tu I'blladi'lphla Tbunulay uIbIxY
a-au^bt and ludd. The .|uevu atdca.-w - Mr Field., won't you iiik- her out to WhutY Nil. you dhl not. I know U-iodaed Ibe kIH by letter. ai.'uui]wn<<-<l the dlninu-nMim and i.'el ber a eitp of ter IXon't you aland there and lie
i-offee or .iiiui-tblncy
me like Ibat! No. I won't! Wlial do
by an cUKravlni; of beno-lf and tu
Hob tliaiikeil her with ft ra)ihm>u.
for iM- Bin In the telephone
pb-ai. of .U.H-p'a wool.
look, iiitii the two diaapi.-iinil on ibeir^ office? You ju.l attend
There l» aald to lie only one man w-li
the dlniuB nniui. 'J lii-r.- at one |ei ber alone! I'm In a dnis
baa ever >lare<l to make a Joke In ib
eml of tbe iftble wa. a liuip lookliu; They’re not lUtenInc at all. I want
•r ibiBlniid. 'I b.
. .
> trlaliiiian. aiiil firl nIHi iiale yelloa- hair and loo.e ao explanatUm. No. lnde«-d. I will not
one Iliue tutor in the royal ramily. I't.
clovi-. on her thin anna lu front of wait till you i-ome borne to-olirbtr By
cuwlnf tbe Intidelity and bel.-r.K|i-\
her uerea Urv-e namov.-tr and an nn-HV u,ai Huie you'll have batched up-a
of .boemak.-r. a. a HiM. be mM. -..ii
i.f ei,)Mi. She had U-1-n i.uiriUB ehoeo- line «orr and bnwBlii «!’ a coople of
. couM hardly exi.-it a .laa-iM»k-r i
late and tea for the Iaat ten yeara. and pruiea to .wear to It. Mra. WalUce
believe lu ib«* Imuionalli) of Hie w.bwiia emwiue old la the aervlrv. Tbe’uj-,, her huaband aaw you at tbe
lauul.i Her uiaj<-.ly elij.‘.v«l Itte
ilver caDdelahra at eliM-rendof tbe | <.iub Tliuraday nl*bt. and Ibat yog
and laUBbed heanily over It.
Tbe queen la Hu- ]K>a«e.«>r of iitie <i
taMa-prondly ln-ld up the half-burned ^ werv foins out to pUy poker all night.
the beai-toned piaiioa In rlit- worl.l I
h pinl
p<iik i-andb-a with
pink aliBilea. and the ;
so. he lan'l! He'a a very nice
I. a tnaBUlfl.vni tieofEiatui. mad.- n
of pli
qIhio. aparj-m „opj, obliged to Llm.
Amlatyua wood. Then- an- In all u
kleil I tbeir llglli. The ralier. hur- You wonidu't dan* do anyiblng of ih.vt
piauua In her varioii. palai-e..
Ke,! here and there. brlticltiE Iti platea
What? You won't, eb’! Well.
-«!_jial8rt and Icea. ITelly Birla In | r
„ the lieuniv wax over and
W.»>a ArekliM^t..
(Inllity drea-ea ai-rved Hu jm-iia aland- you'll Ulk wbeo you get home! Hero
AnblHinire la Hii- bobby of an Tr
crvaalnB nuuiWof wouieu an.l am-m. tuE alamt Hie n.im. Wh<n lutllv and wait a moiueiii. Don't .hut offiriliia mueh-la-ruflled paid
Hum- an- 1‘rili.-.-.-- Henry of lluli. :i
pink -Hk ru.b-al tu Hii'Ui with a .mile fla.h
U-rB and Hu- Mur.-bb.iu-i-. of Xall.bnty
Ihnt -.heni-d .ill her dluijih-a.
lively l^UI
nh. iHdi: yon n- j-liiiply t«crf«-ct. 1
___ . «uiH'rini.-ud.-.l It. biilMbia wuuiial to talk to yi when 1 eaiue lu.
Hi-nr.t of Halt.-nl.-rB iiinn-.l 1-ul Hu n- wentwi ii »uy i-ei.ph-. My
M. Jnlea i!aml>on. ibe Kn-nch amber aiieniloii to Hie Imt.rovein.-ttt-. at
OatMirae. lurluillne ib.- In-llaii i-alo-n dear, .viiur dn-.- la a dn-jim' And ttasaador at Waahlorton. wbon nai
th-we noH-.! 1 wa*
ftill.v l:ile
rame prominently before tbe publie
U> the addition, mad.- to Balmoral
rlfc-bl out hen-. I lu>|ie 1
Hf®* till- peaii- nt-BiiHallonx bcla-eeii .Auierrood Wlo. Mr. l ielil
..plin:......... ha and Spain, received 111. Omt n-al
. Hu- laai n-ailni
Bhid .VO i-oUld laliue." .he ntlli-d ott. MUrt up tbe ladder of promotion'
_ -- I b.i-luiud.
"How 1: Ibe sprained knu-? M'e wen- tbruuBb ilie aelxure of bla uoa
Prin..-.. Ib-Btrbe liilieril. luall ao proud Of yon la«t Tburada.v. wa. In the laticr part of .Hu- reigd of
an-hHe.llliv fn.lii Hu- prln.-e
Napoleon 111. M. Gambon bad always
who madi- de*lKl<. for WliippluBbam Ibrlly. what do you atti>|i
tbi. momliiB? I nc
cm U]> to aer Alice
^ n-puhllcan and edited a Paria
rburrb ami* .u|.-rvlaed alteration-.
,V\erj You know .be
Bm-klncbaui |uila..- an.l ..il.er r...........................
Na|>oleon levied a lax whicli
>'e« York la.t ubrbt. V
reald.-u.v. The prince wa. al«i urv
republican, reaented and M. Uaiubon
ly Intcn-Kied In the lietier bou.iuu
niatiaed It
1 a. lllegaL When tbe
tlie working
•■uUector eame to him the future amhla name 1. Vernon Piem-. Didn't you ,.„^dor n lua.il to pay and hid auH,
a. aa.i.MMi Wma..
meet a Mr. ru-ni- from Ailaoia ov>*r few Tulnablea as be pusoeiwo-1
One of the few -'advan.-ed'' women there at fbe apringar )
be kept tbe <i>w. wbicb be couldn'.
amouB the ro)wl ladle, of tb-rnui.y li
Dobr knew per face wa. hot and bide, and tbe offielala aelzed and sold
1‘rtncea. Tbere~- .»f Bavaria, danub.ei
cov.-r the tax. Tbe repobllcana
of ITlnre l.uli|«.l"l. n-Bi-ni of Uavara fiiiHied. Sbe biH>ed Ibib wouldn't no II lu COVi
tice It. -Y'ea, I think w>." .be aald. U7- maJe a i
abuut it aud Mand hU wife. ib<- .kn-hduebi-.. Aneuof Au»irtaTn.«-»ny
Tii.- prin.--'
inr to amlle.
rataed and auot:
wbo mlBht lie a later e.|IH.iu of i
KllxatN-lb of **Tannhatt»-r." U an lu
orary mrinber of tbe tloyal Kavarl
bU -oppo
Araaemv of 8eJen«-e. a luu.b-ian of
Creat abllliy. and a clever writi-r. o lio
M-ml. ber hooka ont to the world i nder the iwB name of Th. von Haver
ftbe ha. lived In BuMla. abe baa dch.-<l
amou tbe bixioric rain, of Troy, and
haunted tbe tnyatertout
Wllb tbe social expericnii- of two aea••Sotmj ." a
Bomb Anieric*. Two ..
aubs to her aimunt. Sbe amibil and fob desben- proveAa. £>ey letla yog
known worka are “Retaeelndmrke-aud trlauved up •* Bob. and abuwed all ber dafs books In de ninnin' brtwka. but
Bkitain ana ItiuaUnd’* and “SelN-o dlmp'aa again.
don't you 'magtne yon'a gwinter icii
dMi P.AakrHa“ B&oka aaM l» be reThe fnotbaU playar lad DaUy tn • yob fdocathw folk' Ik nwimalk’."^
WMklnkkd Mt Ik •« ataMk. VMhl^lSk
■• M».Wdr.
Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
$160 000
l3 the amount paid to members from January 1st, 1809, to Hovember 1st, 1899. $4.888.78 of the above sum was paid to mem
bers In Traverse City and vicinity during the’ above period.
This record should convince all that in order to be safely
protected it is best for you to carry your
Accident 1 Sickness Insurance
Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse City
Since January 1st, 1898.
Alter reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that Y on sbould carry accident and sickness insurance, call at
my office over Johnson's drug store, and information will 'be
furoished by competent clerks.
Bend a postal card and we will mail you particulara
Do not wait for some one to call on you—thke tbe insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
AP LY TO. . .
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent.
Braacli Office, Roam I. Jahasea ItacL
Tratarsa Citf, licMtu
tai UManxti lUtoeib. wabaubiv. HovuiUfe a iw
tiBinun THE VE8AIIDit&
c III! M»—
e* »?iM
! Pig Tail i
Wanted 1 Havana
John F. On &^Go. I Smoker!
A watA dial |tm made br a akin<iarAMi partlm b>Ye c«iM d«wa H
fal opecaa** has la place ed Ita hour
frMD clMlral Um(«. Tb«>7 must
be«>B of fmiorat omMTentv l» ■arkaaBhoaette afures repraeattog
aaa’a Ufa from the ^ctmdk to tt
8oIh»('* ftmotui canlrni on tbr Pala, llor. and Is tb«- iph-odld bortl at Tm- *ra»e- The chief character ahowa Is
a babe to arms at 1 o'dock. Be pto, cvltun. of which Hotaco •!«»*».
■ae* tn he laachaa the school aae.
' "•
It w»« the Oriit Ladr Hollaod. a
Bt«b to the etir,tbe waada «a» be
woman, who eo■ade a rerltable Brin* room for the te«aln«l reiT *t'l--hdldU at Btdlahd
. If b»rj elaea haee not been
^j,e dm half of the cenlnry.
1 to gire
the apot
the prlracy
In EngUod the faabVeaeiian bUnds. apUt bamU*.. jon of garden-party giTing. Her sueor rood cnrtalBi are chtap and approLadr Mary Fox. laat BarooeM
prlaie. and are mach more Hfectire Holland, has left a great name In the
than cartaloa of awning material, aa
birorv of the last part of this
they admit of a free ctrmlati.in of air. «nirtng o-ntnrr.
«Iorious Indeed
An excellrst rartaln may be made were h.T pern.-’decu lo ih.-*-lofriy i
from a good grade of matting, bound pirdens at Keiislndno whieii .\ddtaoB
occnraly ni top and bottom.
lored m> d<-Hrii and wboite suiely
aoTiM naTiaurna»aaBa«Mti
For floor eorertoga, matting, fiber ima. t) >i>d •-h.-Moui avenue* Itav.-orrrraga. art aqnarea. Japaoeoe Jute and .uaduwed uU that England Iwd kuuwn
entum rags give a good variety. Bat- of great in<-u nnd lurdv women for
tan. wUlow and bamboo fnniltore U n^Hy
yeaiv Happily, for the
the Ughtoat. coolaat and mow appro- priftt-ai g.nemik.n. l.ady llche«er
prlate to a;g>earmocc. Not only are ,
^p «be tlme-bouored traditions
Chaim and aetieca dealrabir. bm tables, i
ij.,uuprt bouse,
aunda. rack# for booka and papeta.
yu..,.,, vi. t.,rU and Frince Albert
ttaUer. nor m
and fonebes are to groat demand In < o«w»lonally gave a garden j»any at
Bran, par dosen..........
enoniry placea and there to no reason wualsor. hut It is'the prluwss of
Applaa-Cnlto aad wlndfalto. We per
why they mny not be nsed to cities aa Waltw who baa n-uderod the garden
» ibo.
arelL Ctublona abonld be pienurm.
plenufol. pan
p«„y , popular ItisiHutlon aU ore^ibe
Poiatoea. eaUa. (Mtotalgap Starch
t 8 o-clotA. At » he g ■ to college:
^ Bilk and ktavlly embroidered af- lai,^'
Oo . 1 aeeotdin^ to onolUy. lo tte.
_ind. The |i
at 10 he loses hU mother; at 11 he to
talm am a horror to anch a place. Cm- ,]) „>rts aiitl
tonnaa. denima and bright cotton gtsMli .p.ir
iuj,H,ra. w ib>- >-uUectlc>n greatly aged: at 12. he la decrepit,
preying for death. The figures of tbe
make the right eon of covers for pi- bad to U- tunu>d out toi« the oiwa.
aaaa ctublona. and they abonld be m < with tbe toi|>|iU-st result llnw ebarm
bright greena. rtsU and bloes. so as to ludy mmuiutsl tbuM MarlU.mugli appear only at tbe proper bonra. la
g it.^Buoww. awwsy e
form gay blu of color ngatosi the bouse ganl.-u i*riies are. all who have
growing elnea ahd aoft-eolored willow i an,.i,a..,| ,|.eiu »vlll gladly lesilfv.
ssSecsTo^wtlBg. in V
You m‘rb'also>e- me abbat kioring
fumttnre. A table mutt he on baud. ' go more ••ourusms bust and buetess
|«IBB IMSt aANCa-RsMS leww Vbss e*n.
your wheel FREE f< r tbe einler
' PIOBIM setOsBenl. Anh*! SUralJew.
holding a big dark-covered bowl ror j
u,e nll-|mputor prince aud
No betwr enstneliag tMt oara.
rntll tbe day of ber marrtgtb the
ilj reUsM* Work eeapway. Bsvs s pa:key
tbe hardy aummer blossoms, and Its , princess, lu the past few years tbe
Step lo and UIW it ever.
rtMeo St OB*-s
a. W assUsg's scssej.
cover of tinea mast be spntlituilr fresb. Qumn has ci'cu two or three
Jn the-drawen of this tal.lc may 1-e ! m„ib ganl. j. |iarti.-s at Ilucklngbam pet Of ber mother, bnt the bonr tbst
UwT or Bigsi rolls
locked writing material or fancy work ' ,Mijace. to w lii.-b nil the world and *uii- sees ber pat Into a palanquin, abut ap
to prows hr. io.BrU IM: Nonair eaoelleni FoUto Falp. whtoh it 111 Union Ktrcel.
and many a task wM.-ii would be dull -^rv bare tos-u luvlti-d. much to all tbe light and carried to ber bnahand's srw.m _ _____
anurely dlgmtabto by eatUe, botwts
and obnoxious In tbe bouse becomes a wurid dnd siiiulry M d.-llglii.
bouse, changes all that was happiness rtk J M WILagLOI. pkrsteus a.
veritable pleasum in this br<-ety nook.
andbociand wbieb we will alwayt
Orsdusieet Vi Irvtsltx e( eei
Into misery, saga tbe Milwaukee 8en- XJ
oawss se* IVwselk- blesk. Tit f
' Tk» thsIlSK t>Uh Uatdsatw
A screen to kei-p off waudert^ ray>
farntob to a sweet Otato. to now
ttoel She becomea from that momeni TsVpaeorW
OIrls have dlMnvered no new
af annllgbl
(o shield from too strong
sale at oar factory.
tbe Uttle stove of ber motber-to-tow.
Winds la indispensable and Is Ih*! dour ■-atcnnliiiiii-niH this summer.
Tbe prtoe for which we will’sell tbb
a eonsmi<-ietl on tbe folding prin Itss the ..|s-ii sir . linOug dlsh_sui>i>ers upon whom sbe has to wait band nnd
ciple and corerrd with etnbroldi-ivd may be s« .■.-usiil. r.-d. They are v.-ry foot whose lightest word Is tow. and D sprrisluu rVT. rsr. a—sed’^stto ert- feed to order to totrodnee It will'b>
-to-pbeor.WiMro. W. Off- eoneldereblj leae than bait the eoet odenlBU or linens, which may he re js>pulsr ............. .. and certainly an- a who tegebes her what dlsbea ber has.
tbe same amount of feed ataS< «oamoved when soiled and washed. CM- plcamiiit end to a inooiiligtit l•l-'.v•'le hand ill^ best and bow abe Is to pivneee lanterns are pretty in color elfect trip or siraw-ride. There are uiiiiiy pare them. A kind motber-ln-tow to
talned to all wheat bren and midd
ITnw Ofllc*. Varirhsm RWA
and may be llgtatod at nigbs with ex- dcllclous/aml duiiicy dishes which may a thing seldom. If ever, met with, and
eeltont results. »oid tbe center of tbe Iv pn-iufnsl on the cluiiltig tHsh. and
_ _ SOUJDAV. fTSdsi
In order to Intredoee tbto feed wirrr^iy pare Is ' sssOD 1
roof a big Japanese toniem may lie every Ian- is not content*-*! wUh a sujs ■rarely does sbe give (be little bride
wUl Mil it Is a praest-d sUte at IS eenu
aoapeoded. with tontems swung to the per of hs-s. fniliK. ami i-akt-s after ib*
a bnadred. Tbto feed it Ut'ealngfand
or ber boatatnd tbe glri aces little
vigorous eti-rclse *if hh-ycllsg. Thes.tip of oacb rib.
When one does not vrant to Invest In ehaflug dish dlsle-s, bo*vi-v«T. do Dot do or nothing. Sbe cannoi complain to OtsrewBUIr Oo BXsek^______________ __________ cattle ane borate prefer tbtoffeed
r trsiB-a kil Travc
bin of tbe cruelty of his mother, for
new llgbt-welgbt fiimitnre. old woo<lSI U«. apssis potatoes and other feeds, and It to
be would never by any chance take
-neb shape that it can be hauled in
•a cbalra. tables and couches may Im>
treated to a coat of willow gn-eu. soft d*M>r eult-rtaiuiio'iils. hut only uiake it her part. He senda to to her tbe por
barreU. bon wagons, etc . and can
tonwB or yellow, or oven white enauiel isissihle to h:i*e- .-im-Uier anil more suls tion of fo*)d be wishes cooked for bim
shipped to ear load lota. Basbel e
patotr Tttl*. Bm: plea fnrntobed free of ebanre.
ktantl.-il IVUCM-. The dialing dlslu-s self, her and tbe cblMrea and when li fto c. non
to ready sbe places It npon a lacg*‘ r-------- i
ustM on sm h IS I'ssions an- usually ib
ordinary tin ■■m-s wbldi answer I he ptoiier and It to sent to bis room. He
OSes la HanlHoc
I ggpupticlyss 111 :
There 1s nothing totaerently wrong In ptirfs’H-. In ev. ry wny. and nl«o have eats all be fancies of It and then It to
aw>s.tto It s.B„ I
bring fasblonahle; there to nothing the advnumci ..f Is-ing mu>h llghier. tent back to her. and she and the
Op.iB. TsIsptKWr.h
Traverse ('ity. MirJi
vulgar In living nnd aciiug . a valuuhh- <-.msid*-riiiii>ii uhi-u nil sup- c-lill<ir>ni sit upon tbe floor and eat
- ■» SO sod ax w
whatetvr laJeft.
modlsbly. But In the raablunaMes of
-aS>p.*lAU). <
Tbe girls are married as young as
tbe world there frednently gets to Is- a
three years of age. and should a lliil*a kind of condiwcenaioD of maiim-r
IB atm ToBsrUer
which fa not abort of Insolence. Arul
Give them a call.
tU* sbftswn-d prottpUv dsv or
die sbe to called a widow and
St: m-n.sei
the qoeer thing about this fasblonalde
423 N Elmwood Av#.
never marry again. Marrlril life Is
tesolence Is that tbooe who are less
bard, bat far harder and more aad U
taabiobable'ADd move In t|utoier
ib>- lot of s widow, for abe to consid
Ctoa of society pni up with If Isy-ause
ered disgraced aad degraded
they do not know how to nvumt It In
I eat only tbe very coarsest
2 ii
klML To resent It any oilu-r wny
food, and one day In two weeks sbe
would be uklng too much noth-e to
It and tberefom the kind of lns»len*-e
to wMcb I allyide goes unn-huked iiuother women, and sbe . must never
Youahould wee
tU It becomt-s a second nature, in
dress ber hair, never sleep npon a be«l
manner tbla insiilence u dlspiayid vaand never wear any jet^ry.
rlonaty. It shows Its^plaliilv hv n
A ptoee of matting upon tbe bard
look through a lorgnette, by a dlLitlon
fl*Mir eouipHaes (be coneb of a widow,
af the nostrils, hy an elevation of th*and someilznrt even tbe atrip of mat
bead tm tbe cbln la nndnly adran*-ed.
ii«-ss Is denied her: no matter bow cold
and by a careless turning nnwv a*
the night may be tbe Is allowed nu
thongb tbe object of tbe Insolen*-*- was
eovering except tbe tbto garment that
,aoi pivoent or not even in cxisiemv.
she has worn daring tbe day. 8be
It can hardly be aaid that these are
L. L. A. Bnlldliic
oridenceo of tbe grand manm-r abh-ta
la anppooed to be soltlTst.il In high
ouieu fur ber-lo do no: sbe may bare
aoclety: they are only InsoleDi defense,
been a balf-caste woman, but upon
O.L ixv**w*v*nn • nv s o-...,.-, from or offeases toward su]>|HM»d lumlng a widow even tbe lowca*
farioev who have tbe temeritv to get
servants may order ber to do work
botwlzt tbe wind and high nabltliy.
that to distaateful to them, and no
Y%ey knrt. however, and so tbe fashw'owao to -ibe bouse may even apeak
toaablea coltlvau an art which makes
a word of cumfort or pity to her. Any
them powerful to assert tbemiielves
woman who so for forgeu beraetf aa
while patting ouulderv to wbnr fasbleoablea consider tbelr proper ptoi'v.—'
show the allghleat kindness to a
John GUfflCf Speed m Criterion.
widow to supposed to Infallibly become
w Iduw bernelf before hwg. So^ bar.
Trawm> Cj » UK m
liarous behavior la bard to underaUnA
Ar lira bavl4s . ~ e*p »
Japan Is a
L» UnJ Rmpld>. i S |. uand yet tbi^ widows take tbelr mtoDrlniil
in r».p m
r conrUblps a
>b1e lot os a matter of contve. not
lu SSp.iB
aarriad on among tbe elite of tbeir aoeven baring tbe aplrti to rebel
<K>nni Notmi
clriy eomea to na from this far-away
Its Injustice.
In certain districts, in houses where
to twddea a dangblar of marriageable
Ar Of4 fcspM.
« 9UAM
A reinnied mtoelonarr. giring aom«
Lt Ord aspids
T ki
Traveling csix- of plaid cloth, with ac*-uunt of bis experience to Jamaica, SucoeMAre to Ti«Teree Olty Lumber Oo
age, an empty Oowet-pot Is enclrded
and loop-* and butby a string and snspended from a baUils of ploln >
•ays tbmi be was once called npon to
window or a veranda. Instead of iwr- luua.—Itrouklvii r.*igli'
aa'^bitrator between a «*■!» oiod
Lt TTW.trrmr Cj.
I l>i
* >t
anndea by moonlight and oib<-r deli
wife who bad bad a violent qnarrri.
Ar BIk bapMs
t <»
cate ways of making an Impmtslno It
Tbe toi*-*i fad with the ulm-fasb.
The c*>uple eeme to tbe mieelonary'a
to eClQnene for tbe Japanese lover to ionahic to the iiliwn.-** of th*- »-uvri**pe.
apapproach tbe dwelling of bla sweet We have g-m.- hi*i-k to th*- da.vs of the
heart bearing some choice plant In his olden tlim-i*. wto-ii thi- ritl nafers and INilnted for a prayer meeting to be held
hand, which be reveivnily procc-dv to
th*- sealing w.vx and tli*- roId*-d |ia|>er lo tbe ebapri In Ibe mtoalonar7*e doorplant to tbe empty vase. TbU ubes
were all that cusiiim-demand^ or yard.
ptoce when be to fully aware that
Tbe man and bla wife both began ro
km-w. Tb>- niiKlern or riH'all**d fssbmother and dangbier ate at home.
biQ has KU>Miiiii(*-tl the daintiest tlniTbU act of placing a plant In the
flower-pot |s equivalent «o a formal ! ed wafer-- ■*> imil*-h the pa]>**r. h<-ll*>- g*>ing so fast and fnrlonaly and tbelr
■pTopoaol to the tody of bis cbolc*-. The irep*'. rcliln's egg him-, ceriili'an. Ilia*-, tempers rising until (bey finally
fawn or <'p-am. for the niucltoged Sap to Mows and fought natll tbe mtooloalover having settled the plant of bla
of ttiwenri-l»iH-. tine niiisi wrli*- on a sry was for*<ed to use all bto strength
mind. reUres. and tbe tody to free to
act na abe pleases. If be U the right Mg sheet If It to a letter; on the smsUee in »>paniiDc them.
He succeedi-d to calming them, anti
man. she ukea every cane of his gift, six*- for u<>t<-s. luvliatlous. He., fold
waters K and tends it can-fuUy wiih and senL ami (h*‘n m wafer mat In- indue***! ilH-ni to remain to- prayer
« «> « w'l*
Atitt* «a
r,.r ....r.
or II... «-l •
AlOT . 1.,b. b.a I—i .in,
bee own bands, that all may s-e ihat •
thadoBor to accepted as a sniinr. Hat
s..D>..,im., in. |..rCT B I..W«1 lit,
„„ ,
U he la not tbe favorite, or tf the stem
wn.mniwn tk, man who
patentn oblect. the poor plant-U tore cn. c-kwl nai. or cn, dainty anoartop
tmn the vase, and tbe next morulug wklok not ,„n a ontiooa no.i.nan n.d ck, dimndt, wlik kU wit.
riu «l •! M
Itoa limp and withered on the veranda would tniuhle to dally With, and Uieo. and oilA iTlefiy
>M M
If wtoMxl. lb*-seal and waf.-r ms.r be i
ns^e fought a good figbL”
ar to the path U-low.
:5c Straight:
Suenssgrs to
Trarerse Ciif Urnibet Co.
Trarerse City,
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
Preny near time
to thiak about haviag your
Bicycle Enameled
Mii'-:. £.“ss2,'.s;sw!-=:ts:
Cnill Kipms t liiim R. I
p.^;o“;^ p‘r‘srA' KS^rr*."?s
The Michigan Starch Co.
Morse Bros., Haase Paiaiars
Fire Insurance
E. W. Hastings
John R. Santo,
Seaeral lisiraace.
- -
SWantAds Fire Insurance.
West Michigan.
*“ „E,-
Good Horses!
fr.Ti.rd fr ratjiriu 1'.':'
..k,o,o,.,...k,.n, o„,'-wko_wa.
mintotah- might be given atren^b
M Just enough cold water to cover. I
Next day add half a pint more water:
Bfid tbe thinly peeled rind of a lemon,
............................. - •
cycle of th.- envelope to
yon Intend to adopt tbto
eendlng tetter*, be snre i
—T to aufilclent weight
iroey. aad when yon r
mlad.’'^)eirolt Free Ptum.
K* Masteshs to AHasoa.
No matter bow hot It la oa tbe dm.
en« of ArtooBs and aontbera Callforato-A^ aometlaM tbe tbermamecer
goes up to 110 and UO to Cba
yaa never bear •( a aanaQaBa.
I ^11 have a carload of Fine
Horses, from Indiana, here on Wed
nesday, Nov. 16th.
Wait for these before buying.
Get the best horse you ever had fot
a reasonable price.
See them at Brodhagen’s bam
next Wednesday.
Ikifls's HI
taoke Ams
r«dse Baa
l-j,. ..
to (s «a 41
4*1 I4S
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