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The Morning Record, July 04, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Thiid Tetr^Ko. 676
ed for neb rsDeriee. eneopt
oeuAV asBXLuox ePMAot.
written perabeioa of tbe chief of po
'The Bmperor end H • PeMnet nre
lice. Tbe ordlnesce wee peeeed to go
Into rffeet Is twenty dejpo.
Orretly Aiermed.
BiejrelM Mum Tak* the StrMt Leter Aldermen Eeeunre oSwed e Ten More Vegreea Beported
Teeame. WsUl. Jely 3.-J»pes«ee
moUenrirlnr permieelon to WUliea
la Eomaar Tima.
pepera recalled by etcemer yeeterdey
Marrnl to open bb ebootlar feUeiT
my tbet the Coreen rebelUoa hne eetodee. in Tiew of tbe peoebione of the
iweUowrd np In tbe Kecinc Bresoe nmed etertlioc propwUoae Tbe
The motion
Bieer in Stebt of Beecnlsit Xerty— ^ iperor end cebiMt ere Iboroerbly
i^oTima «im4 i«v» iMapoMd
elermed. The Jepname prem bb
The Totnl X.me of L'te Key Boeeb
» to beeplnr
■ for tbentmablee in
M-VMuWu" •*«*
»«> berber ebope elceed on Sandeye wee
Xhtr^—Property Lon Bxpeeted to
Oort Hm« Xm* DMbte Oriclasl pneented end with tbe Bnndey proBench Kotlwne Then $8,000,000.
biUUee clenM wee edopted.
Dellee. Tenee. Jely S.-Tenfleare
Aldermen Wriebt beliered the etete
rtMtfar of tb«
>w aompeUinr berber ebope to beep
**6^ I
OfUtUe BneU Osr
the Bretoe flood i
elceed on Bandey wee eneoMtlmUcnel
bed tekn refafe in tbe body of e '
e et^ind to tbe
Detroit, Jaly a -Uavid Oermtkel,
WM • aiipartttoo oo Um port of Uc ooesai tbet tbe Supreme eonrt bed term weron end were flaetlof belplewered B yeeia. an inmate of tbe Proteeto b«n7 boM «od ret tbelr held tbet tbe lew wm oonet-.tnlionel. 1y eeeenl mile* from lead,
party on mfufrom Oeltnrtead Beeme tenl Oepben eeylam. fell from a thirdflretrerla rmij for tbe Xlsortb. Tbe
9rlcbt dbenemd tbe qneetlon
■ury window tbie merninr end brake
pttblie blMlMrt WM Mft B«lMWd. bow.
hbneek. Be died elrnoat IneUnUy.
«««r Md before »:>0 tbe 'deeki were
wreekiiw it end drowniey
«l«red Mid »
deel of JmeOfjMit edopt. bnt hie
I tbe only ncfnUee
Pially Sebelenbipa
crery one of iu
wiA bod been dene-, It «m » little vote. .
rood for any or ell member of a family
Two other nenroee were drowned
tbe eoueU ^aber; bet
Serttnl old
I in force anIn any eoarm la the Boainem Oollme,
yeeterdey e few mllea from Calvert,
•Ortetline perbofe (be M-eendle power. dertbe
for liny doUere. OeU tea will be
iMeedeeeentUmp orer tbe nUerBen'e
end Jeaoo Tarner. 14 yeere old. wee
offered and thcee for JqU. 1S99 If
adopted, emoor them:
mtermted. cell or write C E. Dockteble will brMe ep ud five • acre
drowned neer.tbe town in tbe afternoon
BeleUre to tbe conduct of mloone.
erey. proprietor
- fitrisi
beeltbp Ulealutlon. It
beee ^)
bile etrarelinf to yet Into Calvert,
Beletire to aee of etmte tor eei
be replied withe new one. bnt tbe
after floetlay 00 e baneb of drift for
Belatiee to prltate dralne. Alao an or
spirit of oeoBoar whleb prerelle wm dinance repealloc ell tbe old riUnre nearly ebrbt mllea.
The wetera of tbe Bimsoe end
probeMr prerent eny roekleee ezpep.
dllnree for loeerUe et preeent.
triba -ertm eppmr to be at a etendeUll.
Mayor Bemilton appointed Allen.
There wee one thln^ of nnlTerrtl Inend I -tbe retntell U over tbe w»tcn
Smith eepecielpolieemta to eeree at
will recede, bat tbe Indleetioni are for
temt wbieb bM been benrinf Are for
tbe cell of tbe chief of police He elm
rain. Tbe river U feUin
s lonr tleee bet tbe commlttet
eportnted M. Vlcton. Jay Speorel.
dlaeOMBedee bold deeb end pteeWeoo. end tbet li tbe etronrcit ray of
Wllliem Aekermtn.C W. Athlon, B.
•Bted e bicTde orduenM which b eel Leayworibr -end A. H. Bennett to hope for the lower valley, rt
L Mayor Meredith of Calvert.
esleted to do ewey with farther eonaeree apon cell. eleo. Tbeee letter be
troTorep. After nontbe at dellbereappointed at e prerlou mMtinf, bat
ttoo. okjMtirta. crlUeieae. enrre*- for tbe Foortb only.
•nweaty o twenty-five
UoM end klebe tbe eomalttee reported
mllea dowa tbe river from Calvert. 1'
The city clerk eeked tbet eUlUiir
Feera ere frit Tor tbe oefety of a
tbe old ordlneMO wlU e eincle
beade mlybt aee the eoaocil roome to
WBV Tbe emiodaient b ebort bat
laire naober of white end black~reerBtore tbelr inetraacnla today when not
tte rwolM wiU be terMeblnr. ' Tbe
denu of Uet eection-aAt preeent
in nee. The re^aeat wm yranted, aebWe’re Bflling Ladies' Fim
oortrtlttee effrtod ea eaendneet proeeUmete of leet nlrbt tbet tWrty
j <et to tbe permieelon of tbe chief of
Siloed, band turn, new atyle
more livee have been ioet le not too
biUted from ell welka la the city
toee—new goods—dboes Ibat
TbUooaeladed the bneloew of the
ebe IIU dey e< May tc tbe Utb day of
divert le etlll leoleted except for a
neion end tbe board edj lamed.
othera retail at $3 and $3.60,
Baplambor eepb ye^. Ami Un. emendlonndletanee telephone.' ItieeeUmat«d tbe ordlnence wee ederteo onenled that UIrty livee were Ioet. It wUI
be Mverel deye before Ue reel eitneOerrteon wm ebenat. nine be woald
Uon mn be Iraraed. An catimeU of
. We're aeltiog Ladire' Fine
bate an} >yed tbe felldty oT heeiafl ble 1 ^
Ue property Iom pUtm Ue total el
I the 8Ut-t
Sboea—ourfaniotu Bar^sin
ennet idem tally emtelned.
ss.000.000. Tbit ineladee Ue demece
Parperted to Knee Been |XaAe.
Tbe board Of ^aeetUm wm r^ted
to rellroede, wbieb exeeedc enyUlar
Shoes, at
Drc'arlnB He Wm Xtoqaotad.
■ to move tbe Oak Perk pri
ever before known la Ue euti.
mary balldlnff to tbe eorner of Barlow,
DetitMt. Jaly * —A very different
end Center atrmu near Boeaevllle.
pkme U pal apoa tbe Alfer-PincTee FLBBT WKJ.MOtKK*t DKWBY.
A petilkw for a eramwatk emt of tbe noliflcel ailaeUea ainee the Bovernm
•eOMnty^ Lon; BenlmeStory Sent
Q. B. A I. trecka and wmt of Hope Imt ntrkt tmaed a letter In
Kodhorein the city eqnal
Oat rrom Mtwpan.
M felae end
atraet. wmrraated.
tbMn, eren at a much 'higher
Wmblngtoo. it ■*.. Jnly 3 —Secreterr
Tbe board of edooalion mked for the porported ietervlew with blm la Cblprice Try a pair and be
CcmttraeUoB of a lateral mwer to eoa- cafo M pablbhed la all tbe lerre paevonisr that Here
para in the eoaoUr. Tbe ffovernor notraUia Ue stery mnt oat from
bsppyInc with tbe mala mwer and the retbe leanaefe attrib- Newport tbet Rjer Admiral Senpeon'i
, Wc bare redneed tbe price
Bled to blm ead Ue i
rqaedren would be eent to tbe Axoret
qawt WM irrentod.
What We
Are Mng....
We extend the “glad hand” to sll ^i8itomCto o«r
city. We will UM you oo well that yon] willj^come again.
While here look OTor onr -
“the beat « erer offered for 73c. «id a stock
f airly tj
<^^48c to $4.7S.
Wc give fre< ^ enuvenir -Dewer" fan todnv
** Th City Book store^
Uelpk Cf^i.Ur. Jr. Mui
5. BENDA & CO.
Fa hionable Outfitter^
Our Price $2.50.
C. E Marray mked to be relieved He ebernce the reoortera with wilfnlly
meet tbe Olympia, with Admiral \
on oar. Hen’e Fine Vici Kid
from conatraettaf a new walk adjacent mieqootieir blm end
and eeoort Ue AdShoes from $2.50 to
to ble premlem becaam be eapected to loyalty to Preeideal McKinley, alee lirel and kle Btrtblp to New York.
pat In a eonorete walk m aoon m be denlee Uet be la the eeadidete fer Ue
Ztlnerarr of Sampeoa'e Sqaedran.
eoald eeeare tbe neoemary men. Tble ^eemlutlon for tbe praeideney. fie beNewport. B. 1.. July »—Admiral
Uevec Uet Ue ettitnde of Ue new*,
reqaeat WM frented.
Sempeon bet revlaed Ue lUoerary for
The tremarer reported a faelenee of pepera of Ue emt U tc create entecoaUe remainder of Ueeamraer eraleeof
And eleime were ordered tem effaimt Oeneral Alyer end force
Ue North AUentlc eqaadron and the
pbid to tbe amoont of S3.S7V Ml There blm eat of Ue cabinet. Tbe followiny
prnrram le now m followt: Leeve
wm eonalderable dbeamlon le referd leUeeabaUBce of Ur letter writlei
Newport for PorUmoaU. N. H.. Friday
loallowlnge bill of 3. A. Moore for to Secretary Alfer
efiernooB. Jnly 7. toaeb at Bockport.
f»e for a borm mower end one of
It did not aeem to me neceeiary to
and arrive at Portamoath on
JallaeCempbell for SZm es for a bnee deny Ue Inlerriew. I wmld
July 10; leave PprUmoaU Jaly IJ; ar
rive it any tboorht whatevei
and eprlnklor. Tbeee blllt a
rive at PorUand. Me.. Jnly 14; leave
by Mr. Pyboa of tbe board of'
noiforUeftcl tbet it u made Ue
Portland Jnly 17; arrive at Newport
tbe erflelei mentioned belnr for perk bmle of a petty end meeamplrtted at
Jaly tU; leave Newport affaln on Anf.
porpome Alderatan Moniera« nade tack opon yon. The interview le a for Bar Harbor. Me.
. ^^
a atrong .jujeettoa afalnet allowlnf pare febrioetion. There U net eelnrle
It Psys To Trade Here
tbe bill* at (bU time becaoee tbe eentenee In it which wm epoken by me.
1 k I cot been bnraekt op before U le Ue invention of a reporter who
. VonPlatUn LmceOamp. Barne.
tbe CDBoell committee of which be U
may or mey not have been eetlof npon
member. Tbe erticlee ebonld neee
hie chief.
X>amber aad Home.
eerily be paid for from tbe perk faed,
"1 heveatdifferent I
Bjyne City, Mich.. July 3-Lumber
nod after eome dUeaealoa it wm de- my opinion of tbe nee■eeltT for Ue eampa. barne and elx dwelliDfe. owned
eldad -to refer tbe cletme to tbe Joint
byti Von Plattan, located eiffbt mile*
perk oommlUee of tbe boeriUf edacaWiU Uoaeande of othera la t£e met of Uie place, were totally detion ead tbe oooneU fer eadiUof.
itry, dleapprored of U. I voted f jt etroyed by flr« at 3 o'clock Satarday.
Tbe etatemeat of tbe board ofpab- McKinley and 1 have bad no eaaee tbe oceapante barely eacaplng wiU i
Ue-worka called for eb expendiure ot whatever to rerret it. if be le a candi Ueir livee. Between 730,000 and 300, •(7717. Oae item in tke
date affala I will ukeplemarc In triv- 000, feet of logi. 200 corde of hark,
inf him my eapport.
elelfbe and all lamberiny nteneiU alec
"I am well mtla&ed Ual Ue attack horned. Tae lone In bqtwean flt.ooo
City Clerk euted wm eboat flPOO. ead npon Ue war department u noUlnr and K.m; no Inearanea.
aboal two In exceee of tbe apeeUl ea- bat a coanlbffly conceived plot tc ereAABOM KBKBJIVTibuBLB.
. IT—— After eome diecaealon tbe aU a vacancy to ba fllle4 by a New
amoant WM ordered paid end a epee- York pollUclan. Of eoaree it U not
m meaeiment ordered for tbe amoant aorprielnp Uat Senator McMillan and Obargad WIU Theft by David B.
Inencem of tbe eriflael aiiemment. 'me too' Senator Bu’rrowa have Joined
tbe olty to pay one-tblrd of the amoant.
Aaron Mamrw wm broaffht to Uie
to dlaeradlt
Made by Michigan Telephoae Oo.
Tbe ortrlnel mllmato for tbe work and defame Ue war department
city yeeterdey moralnr by Sheriff
for any elaae of eerviee deaired.
arm tSTt. Bnt City Bcfflnmr Nortbrnp
-far M Uc ‘allerad aUiaM' Simpaon cbai^ with larceny from
Wntad tbet the eddidoael coat wm
with yon le eoDoerned, I can Irealy David Wynooop, of Einfeley He
totbeedveaeein coat materiel ead to and frankly eay Uat nene bm been WM hrooirbt befewe Jaetioe Brown and
antra -work occmloned by coadiUom mada Ae yoa are already aware,
plMd not gaUty U tbe charge. He
at and of eix monthe or change'
mot axpeeted.
■ bound over anUl Taeoday morn
to any claM of aarrlce at wlU.
almply proffered my eapport In year
' AldermnBMontaffM.cbairmeaoftbe candidacy for United 8i
ing at • o'rioek u await tarUer trlel.'
Teleobone Ue nmnager to call
mirhtfnrtb and only wanted to kao* wbeUer yoa Tbe charge Bgalnat blm Uforlanaarl aad explain newratea adopted by
Ue eompaov.
the ramalader of U
la favor of an nmendmmt u Ue from Ua etere of Wynooop at EingaHie .latter
awore oat a
CDaaUutlon of Ue pniud Statm ley.
mi WM Ue eloaed
paeb pm a '
permlttlnf the elecUm of United warrant
aam te wbeela cm walka, from May II Jsutm aeantora by direct voU of Ue aeatlon. The articlce charged m|
toneptemaer i»-, *»• oramanm vrm,p,^s. fwm »lad to be adriaad by Btolaa are a fleb reel, revolver axd
dayaafwr I y«n ttabt yoa favored iba imtrictfonot UrMtroUing boeka
The ball aakad for amoanUd to $700
' 'traata.' bat naltber of Uom Ulnffa
wm made tbe eeadltk»a of my cap- aad baiag aaabla to fanlab Ua reb ~ u«. ■€•
Itabmwt of abooMaff faUariat marty”1 have Bot. and never did eaterUin
lp.ra«Ma.alc..wmoS«raa.' Tbaorir- leramoteat lateaticn of beecmiaca
taal nr**—— povMm Uat no ebaof candidate far Ue prmldeacy. The
$1.00 a Month
immediately ___
l^paUmyaboaldbaloeaiadon Front Btcry la only aaotbar iavpatian
parade-ba on ba^
.■Matt betwaaa Union ana Park etrmt
t wOl eapply flaa to f«r Ua anaan
ImatmmUnta prtlOcn wm roaMvad
t $l.M par menu, or $1.00 par monU
aaklattBrUaiapmlcf Ula law aad ruteiTMykaiy.
at toe Tr^tjiye^madt^yijfy
SbanultinUa amendaianl proviAea
atiart mantioMd ahaU ba alaa-
Alfred V.
Popular Shoe Hoose.
Eteryboilif celebrates today.
B*rfore you go home, come io nod aee
the grand raloi'a we're offering in
nea -y all the lines we hauilie.
Par iculerl;ly, we call vour attention
to o;ir sale of SDI7 fAISTS it HALF PUCL
We Will Move
Aboul the lOlh of Ju^ To tVe elegant large store in the Martham Block—
129 Front Street-Busiest ceotre of the city.
We will have more room to display the best
pianos in the world—
The Kimball.
The new store will be elegantly arranged for an
exhibition of the Kimball Pianos and Organs. '
700 people in this vicinity are using them, be
cause they recogoize the superior merits of the
Talking Machines. Sheet Music. Musical Mer• chandise of every description.
^Feature J 235 Front Street
J,. STRONG, Moolgor
Ten Tear Coniracts
Sobscribers Mai Caocel
Micblgao Telephoie Co.
Beginning Today
and Continuing Until July 6th..
We will make epeolal prloee on Ladiesy
Kisses*. Qe&tiemen*s aad Boy'u
Hew Une of Ladles’ SUpilBre and Stamp
Sandals just reoelved.
Try tbs Jolla Marlows Bboe^flnest for tbe
Parker Bros.
> as Mossno bsoobo.
n&TXiuccmr. •
twTtUacBMdy tor tht »lt&cinwatattos KAd tba Ol^f Al>
fdy Ihfocfd.
cn. T Bai«>
i. W. pjjnn9-
M. W. HAJnnw. Bdltbr ud Mbbicm'.
r MiTieiciM Cttr.
Td Foanb tbte ycbr baa • apeeiaX
aDfmileuee. LmX jmr at tlili Um
«vaoldlen were eayaced tc a dri
aM atraytle before Saal afo aid
Oawcy wae boldla« Maslla wltb bU
ynat naval vcaaeU; wblie tbe world
WMas«Md aitbedcein>eticD of CcrTara'e fleet. Tbe naUon wa» too bu»y
reanlu and tbi. ewilinr
avaau wbleb qakklj foilow< d one
oiber kept the natton’ loo buij to laflalfa iB palriotie dratoaeiratloBe to
any great exteab Tbla y«ar tblnya
are different and tbe natloB will bbIio
la «ae mlgbiy bnrat of patrktle eatbaalaam Boioalyla eomicrmmtloB
of tbe birth ofllberty bat In meoiory
of tbe great acblevctBcaU of onr arm;
and navy, which baa brosgh*. oew
•CMlona ooderOld Glory end awept
drbai Ibc Anericas coaUBent the lyfanay of Spala. Tbereforv, we have
rcaaoB to let onraeiTca loelM tad rrjolee
. la a two-fold blcular. aad tbe throaga
. which aeaeBble wltbla Bar gatee ar«
cbeerfally received to J>la la a deauW'
alratioB of patriotic loyally to Aaicri'
oaa hcroUm aad tree laatltaOoai.
Tax bicycle ordlaaece haa Anally
boea adopted, bot wbetber it wUl aieet
with favor la a cjacaUca to be deter
alaed by the ridcra of
auy afB a bardahip for aaay
to bn prohibited tbe dm of tbe ^walkr
da log tbe taaB.er moaibi.’ bot
IbU aeeaa ts be the only way tbe
oomalttoe can regulate tbe
of tbe walkt by eyclUta without
oacrpacblng upon the rigbu ofpede’
triaae who have prior righu. Tbe or
dlaaaoa baa another invr.ti It wit)
•orve to teruattw ridere to bm
■trtPU eirlualvely, agalnat tb» litre
wbta the walke will be pN hIbIted Ue
year round
SUaj Selcffatib WUl 8o FroaBnrv
te Detroit.
The great ieteraaileaal C. B. eoavaetioB in Detroit tbla week will at
tract aaay of tbe energetic woxkera
Iroa tbie city and vlolalty. U. B. Hol
ley, dIairletaeercterT of tbeEleveatb
dlatiiet, wlU go tbla evcaing aad take
with falB bia big exhibit of aoBvenlm,
wbiea te eempiled Troa eollecUone
Area alt over tbe world where IheeoOlaty la known. Mr. Holley'a owa ex
hibit U an extraordinary collaetioa
tai very valuable, and hit appolnv
■eat aa aaparintendeot of the exhibit
pi ibe oonvenUon baa brought bln
■way flne colleeUooa froa aaay loal-
Mia Bata, Bute Junior Superln|pBdent.-wlli alao leave tonight.
MMe Gertrude Upragne will leave te«onow morning and will repreaeal
dho BadMvor Tidlngn, tbe organ of the
ppMaty for the mh dUtrlct.
'Thedelegata who win etart fro*
- hdrn at e:tQ,to*orraw Bomtng are Mr.
ppd Mm C. J. EbnerrltelU Vogleany.
hfattte MUlar, George Hoyt, Boy
Thoapeon. Levi Pennlngtoa, Hattie L
VrpUa, city: Ethelyn Getchel wUl reyraat the 1‘rtabyterian aoelety aad
^■a ffetchel the eoclety at Neal.
Mlaea Norton, Payton and Cbrr.who
hrtaow apendlag tneir vaeaaoaa at
•heir rapeetive hema. will Jain the
Txavora City delegatee In Detroit.
John Boott of Maple City and Mia
/oynt of Otaena will go m
^va ol the Leelaaan eounty aalon.
Othm from tbla city not dolegaten.
Bat vlaltoru. will be Prof. C. E Bent
^0. A.Bagbea
The woman who la lovely la
Jam and temper will alwaj*
'WMide, bat one who would be
h aiimoUte mnt keep her beali.
ith. If
Ipwnfc. elekly aad aU run down, ebe
•^boaervoun aad irritable. Ifeheaaa
Bleetrte Bi«mu la the bmt
la tha world to lugalate
llw aad ‘ tdneya aad to
avUy the Ueod. t glTa* atroag
Md looking, oharmlng woman of a
fu-«*wB tavaUd. \0aly Me atJobaBOah aad Waifa drag etona
PnECB BontwfU Mae* today for
TMirreat eeUkatian U on. Itbe4. IB eff•e^ whn
oo »U ib« Ilsw «wrln» t *•
Mokes the food more deTidnis and kbolei
ei(j dikcuryad Uodared* ot pw«ear«n. Tbe oobUsobI Brriale iodleeted •• tmMMe crowd for U>d»y end
laat night tae botele
BatterlM. T. Blaekborn. 0«aa and C. I
their capacity. The early arrival*
Novak. W. Snlfka.
----------- -gave an Ida of the wthualaam to be
Prof Eydorba. aont in bia aeoept-:
let loae here today and the nuabera
abowed that tbca who ranwi early anee of the poeiiloa aa principal <fi
iatended to get ia on the ground floor. tbe High aebool. He alao'eeat a} Bennee, July S.—Maitma Labcri and
Baperlatendent D«mahge. ooun**} for Oreyfaa who
Tbe ttrau were thronged all the
afumoon and iMre wu excitement Boro atatlng that be wUl be glad to I had a long coafereoee with Madame
and patriotic demoaatraUoea no 01 ■work in Traveree City tbe next »ebool Dreyfiu yeeterday, viaited Captain
dayligni dawned today. The hotel*
«. * .V s -,n «n -r-....
did a landittee bnainca* and many
., th. co.n
who eould Mt get aeeommodaOoa* lu tkk.u o, U>.
-l» „,.u.loI.«W.h«l~..Dr.jI«.l.™
the pabiic hoatelriee found cxmlorUin UuUU. u,
. UmCu.,.*..,
a meature, in the bay mow* of the «l.hU,.tumdUi. lam.
rr.l.«d dll
livery bam* and otner placet more or
will b. 11 «. ll.l»d »
! U.. h.,pd.h,p .d»r Dr. J-™ r»h
I „ D.-..1'. i,l.od.
D>rjl.. r.o .lord
The eelebraUon ha* been we-1 adver- morom, Uhlh Ol J.lr OUi. U
‘u,„ h. kd,» .oihlm r.w.rwh.,
Used and Tra*er*e City «JU today *ee propl.«olrr.m
• »r.
trhlo wUl rotorti ^
Id ,i,is
UD. r.it*
cltT ab
dh ;.____ ^
^ ......
the largealcrowd In ha. hbtery, anlna j Uod^ay
Wedoeaday eveoinf.
i mange had a
the elemcate abonid prevent.The attrac
lot the proeec
igt af th. wart of Cas
tion* UU year wUi eclipae all previou*
; cation In
efforta and tbe enetgeue work of the
varioo* commltiec* hae already borne Barry and Ben Oardnar and John
Vandervora Broke the Fiah Iaw.
Loub PUeber. a Coldwat-rr boy of in,
good fruit. Everybody Jikea to eome
____ ____ __ ______ , while aUempilng to baar.i a train at
to Xraverae City becau*e the hMpltallty
Maay iron- flihermei
of tbe city U well known and tbe cn- B-gllgeutofUtelnyegardto caichleg' Chicago, ftll .under tbe rare and had
terpnte of tbe local bnclneH men b trout under t.^e regulation leoRtb and , hb feet eimbed ao that It oeceteiuted
recogalxedaa up-to-date. And every a* a i-Mult a number of arretta have
been made by Deputy Game Warden
body Ukia to oome to a live town.
Tbe eimmtiteee bave endeavered to Mark Craw.
Barry and Bert Gardner were before
arrange a teriee of-gamM pnd vartou*
feature* tor the parpoae of making tbe Jcatlee Brown yeatrroav te amwer tbe
day on* .of pleaaore to every man, |«ba'ge made by the ifflier and each
floed tG and $4 25 vu*U which
woman aad child who come, and the
mault will abow how well their work paid, making an aggregate RU 5u.
John Vaudervorn of Paradiae townbaa been done.
ahip was before Juatiee Verly toenswer
a aimiUr charge. Be waa required te
Tbe atramer Charlevoix arrived in uvy «V 2»Jpr hi* eflenee.
In tbe city Sunday, on her Aral trip as
Howard Oiltey who live* near Hogeeueceeeor to Ue Petoakey. Bbe bad
h*'-k lake, was arretted vvUb the other
large cargo on‘ board, l4eladiog
ibree but having uo money with which
taoraee for Blrury J. Morgan. Tbe to psy a fine he agreed to report fur
boat wUl be here again on her return trial today, after being duly identlfitd.
trip on Tfaumday. .
Deputy C.-aw l* making a vigurou*
M.llard Breggrode in fnis Wexford campaign against those who disregard
au Us wheel yesterday, a diataaee of the law regalatiog t'oul fishing and
2i> mile*, te spend tbe Fourth with his ihnse who appreciate the preftcrck
Von cf tbe ape:kled trout in this
The American Expreda Oo. baa open atatewlll encourage every effort to
ed tbelF Bimoier cfticca at Ne-ob-U- punbh (ffenders.
wanta, Sutton* Uay.Omeoa and NoriboortJ. B. Miller, wko waa a boepital
Oreatlag BavJe Aming Oaoadian
■teward in tbe Tbirvr-flrat Michigan
Towns and On* Flaoe la In
la tee late war, Is in the rlty and wH.
turn out with Company ,M In tbe pa
rade today.
tjifcbac. July «■--Hush Ares have be< n
The Travera* City Muel* Co. yea- dlaatirous In this province for the la't
terd>y reueind • rarload of o^n* for two day* At llratidi-invrr. where ihr
tbe new store In the llrotvh block.
Immensv pulp wotks.owned prim-iptHy
The post 1 file* will be open today hy Uenrral Algrr are localid. a oMp
conveyor wae tlcati-oycc, tojclhcr wliii
aeven unill nlu* a m. abd
•''VIC cars of (VI I b"1onglng,t<> ihr
three ubtll four p m. There will be a Itowcr LnarctitUn .railway
railway and s'lme
lornlng delivery mad* by tbe carrier*. t'l< graph poles. The d*mi
mage cannot
Tbe Miaalooary Society of the Bap- at nrwscot be a^c-r•ained.
The town of Garthby vra* entirely 1
tiel ebnreh will accept an invitation to
rrd and <00 petaons rendered '
meet with Mr*. Gibb* at Mayfleld Wed-'
«s. The loaa te ••n.ooo, with
neaday. McmberawHI leave here bn
Mlichell. on the Inter
the 11:1^ trnln and return on tbe
way, It bumlag, but will
Tbe fare for the round trip will be Go
partly saved.
centa Let all go who poeeibly can.
HI* lar# Wa# Baved.
There will be no meeting of Traveree
Hr. J. E Lilly, a promineet citlsen
Bay Tent ible evening.
of Hannibal, Mo . lately bad a wonder- j
A new eeaeh baa been received In: ful deliverauce from a frightful death.:
in telling of it be says: "I was taken;
tbladty for the twe of tbe M. A N. E. with Typhoid Fever, that ran iaio i,
onla. My tongs haHccad. I
weak 1 eooidn't tit up la bed.
Born.to Mr. and Mra WIUI* Blleby. a
New DiteO'rry. Oac
,»ai botUe
Tb* barge Z. O. Slmmont bat tbe
relief. I coGtinned
oed to us*
dock loading with lamber aad alab*
and now am well aod strong. I can't
for Milwaukea
say too much In Its prutee." This atarlUng of the Woman'* Home velloui meoielne is tbe surmi and
aad Foreign Mimlonary society of the cnlckeai core | in tbe world for all
Tbraat and Lung Trouble. Regular
Congregational .ehnreh will be held •Ixc* 50 Mate and 81.00. Trial botGe
pext Wednmday afternoon at tbe heme free at Joboapn's aad Walt's Drug
of Mr*. Lora Tbe aubjeet. "Africa." ‘iterea, every bottle guaranteed.
wlllbedbcaeaed oader tbelaadwaUp
As rshiUtisa
of Mr*. Hoyt.
If it» wait a first class, gaod Ricycle to ride the 4th, on
that ;ao cao depaad an, come In aid baj aa
No Better Bicycle Made, ■
and we sell them for $25.0<\ -$35dXl and $40,00—We
have the "WORLD" also.
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
3Sre-oo- S1iore-120 E’lOXLt St.
All details of the profession looked after in a pro
fessional manner.
Ro. m iiDioo smet
BoU) ’PboDes
You count the number of windows and give ue
tbe sizes pf them. 'We'll show you the most
complete line of all widths of the beet hand
made Opaques. We'll make them in a firstclass manner, and hang them in .the bai-gaih,
and we’ll charge you so little for the job, you’ll
be so surprised you'll want some made tor the
rest of the house.
The eteamer Columbia will gtv* exrv—dirldlng proflu with
en 00 that day on bate—
euraio^ en the bay every kenr laday
> — panta —suite— Hsmtlton
Tbe member* of tbe Cig*rm»kereL'Uoo are rcqueated te meet et A. W.
Jabrene dgar elore at It o'clock, aharp fionath^agforthaglrli.
aa' cream ailk mit
today, to prepare fer tbe parade.
Phil. C. Beuer. of Ue MIehigaa
Btereh Oo.. baa
Fhmegmph SspyUH
wb«r« he completed' tba purebaam of
Tbe W. W. Kimball Co.. *35 Front
streeV have raeelved a large aupply
WiUte Pat
arriyad in the city
yeeterday from Maatetec. He te
thte U tha oaly plant In eortham
loeuted In Oiund Bapids, rvpraaratlag
Michigan where a full npply of
a mntual Inantunca eompuy.
pleoaa can be proeurad.
Mr. and Mra. W. C. Nelaon of
m In the cdty ymterday punhaalng Something iDr tha glrlt
flrvworka for th* hoya.
Mteaee'eraamallkmUte, at the PaI'ma for only 10 eante.
Ward BBra*,, formerly of Ibte elly
but now with the e. A. Maxwell Oo. In
Chleego. te tn tha city on e weekk va*atiou.
A. H. Niekola of Grand Bepida te in
^ city to vlalt hit wife who te apaadlag tba aamasar with Mtea Qariaad.
J. F. FUrdma of tbe firm of White
A FalrahOd t4 Boyaeair, tela tha city
toepeod tha Fourth with hte baother,
w. W. PalnhUd.
We are no good a* iolUeia. bat If you
Miu. Ltehy aad daagbtera of are looking te atrietly high grade work
In rmy and nU lima* of tb* lonaortel
9prtgg^.Mo..*regamteo! Mm. C
e yoa will rurety h* plaaaad
hU^wk^ou will rceaiv* from
PR>LC.EBocMvm leave te thatmt Ikte moraing. Ha .wOl ratun
Jnly ibth.
Bndab Twlrten ww a vmy _
•Uad game Sunday afterwaia tem tha
Weal Bda Bine by a aeora of II te «. PriM. traa ue to ,1.00-wltb cr .
Barber Shop
Pictures In Frames™
Pictures Unframed-and the Framing of Pictures
are all Our SpecialtiesWe make a business of it, and can serve you to
your entire eattsfaction. Our new mouldings
are beauties—every one of them. Those half
inch In rustic, black and gold, green and white
purple and gilt, or those Inch wide black with
either white or gilt beading, and so on through
—Over two hundred style* We can plekse the
most exacting.
Th« Hamiab & Lay Mratile Co.
SlC8*«t Fourth of Joly Oelobratlos Brar Known In Hoith>
•rn Michigan-Orand VUitary and Tradaa Oiaplay —
O^ttanmplao Parade—Exciting Street Oamea, Bicycle
Baoee and .Aquatic Bporta — Balloon Aeoeneion, Ball
Oamee and Kagnlfleent Fireworka
; feewsV 'KevD&
oY ttve "VDoHi; |
-Old Dbc1« Jed” ecB'nay en
* eo«»rnl v»
u Bwlabewt
GfMd Mxt rridaj eroalne.
emriT^UpM^Uasd here » fla« bead
•ad • ooaeert orehMUa. Tbelr
be lh« foBBlMn Dodds, as old lady, who was ; eei of feony ereais. Tbelr comiar at
Tisitiag Mr Pergnsos of Pon B<^,' eech a eeasoaable time lesUlee a
Oat., waalmraed todeatblsataightby !cR»wde4 hoaae. 8aeb attraeuone as
the raptoaloa of a lamp wbicb she wss ■ tbeae always meet with popalar Uror.
*«w Sicycle Danop.
~l b.nbpp„l.«.U»lr«,b..U tor ,b,. . K«l.r Pi„lW.
•Wfwogsns!* SSSBBSS
I July 4th
o»pl„ b
Ue e*Mt of bMUlaLec.
. wheeU togetber eo ss to m the Uem as j At Lmdjo last week mirsthso 1.000 eafe as one wheel woeld be. This dr|t9esolwsrm»«rUl aet folter w«s aloe is made with the inteaUaa cf al- '
,forwarded Iram lbs Wj^w.eb -loib lowieg two riders, wishing to ride tan- i
«M0 •. ■-aetoiar of
byC9»paoy*l.mh Miebtoa Voles. yard to Bontb Africa.
lAett. m do so wlihont either bnying
teen, »t reeideoee of Caoi. J. V. Uelatoeb, Ko. sm Hum etnet.
Many petite were injured In a taU* renting one.
AQ d*r loa(-R«e«pUoa of rleltcreat irale«»sd b«-. by beoCe^d eamailtece wsyaeeidentat Wlnif*rd. In ChssMr-' —.
eilre, BtgUnl A
Us n left I
IberaU*. Another freight train e*l ‘
---- ------- ZI---------------------PmatTT «<n^ Uosi
: mAtrm>-,P>MrT«o.li.
tbe wreck,
vv rin, fo-TrsTSf—Bfs^h
•too ^ ■—At
fee toeg Cleb groasd*. i/bicb are tbrosea opea, free te ell.
tbrosyboet tbe day. Tbe eporu •>■ l oootlet of the foHo-Hg:
others. Tpwsrd of * i cars wet
lei>^ foot yacbu. S alle tHeogulir rmae, }«tTr:<e, W: *d priee.-t
•ad-L.rge ••mag <aaoe. 3 ail. ooenr.
u yeehte. let
prl*'. »1 40.
TheWniM river Uiompshyre and ' —-“II_____________________
•rd—SiuU eullag «mw aates bet«eea t«o nciag'caarei of tbaA. C. A. c.ii.b
■neereAent. Hritt. «i.
Bocksageory. Taey are there snout dsj
bsTr at ksu-Rpos-r bi»]
1 ooo stroag ana the band, of wnieb o’d : —
^______ ;________ fl!'’
4th—P^dltog ceaoee. use qearter mile aad taro. Prise. •! &0.
»tb—Pole coswei. WeJicisg oo grrMed p Je orer the weler. Prise. •! SO
Sowoie Is kbe leader, nnmben folly 1,^ 1Twomre o.vU.-i
•tb—L'ptet reoi, cse-tlgbib ttllearc-vsd bixy. 'prier. tl.Hi.
000. There are at tbe dance nearly all ’ -M, 'Si-U^kSlreSSri^'tS.''"^^
7th-C.otoe» reoB. ooetamUeie to be comp ete.y ci jtaed be eatarleg water. lOO the bad Ind ans from th* Oskott re>-'
. feet frocs'poiat cf eUtrt to finUb. Priii. It JO,
firvailonwb aretroable brejfers Tne , F°*^U'L7VM[r^*S
•tb-DiTmecontmla-feeiof water, arilclee on brttMt. each bf which will danec b gan Tbors 1 ly night and c - be a oris*.
tinned to thresdays w.ihoutfo^ re»t * T»«ii bv
•Ih—Bwlmbalng n«e. ISO feet. etarUag Isom besrh aad Isnlog baoy and rew.Mr. W,H from W..M B,rk. it.
(ornleg. Prise.
AJI eeirles free. -N'oUfy J. A.
•:t0a m.
Gea. IlBBry. Hamden of Madison.
; lOtOOa.
—Bseebtll gam« at Twrlftb s.r-et gr.soitdt. betwi I tbe Grand Wia. wbibas ju«t been -l-cted deEapids Drmwat Mam and tbe Traserse City Busaen. Ado tion charged oartment com-ntoder of tor Grand
to grouds and grand sued.
Army of tbe R-publie lor %bat euM.
colonel of tfi« fl-il W. .j»i«in -aealry. fr im whl-^S a deisii -t( IS) m-n itnb
I0«) A m.—preen, front of Broheb block. Front e
_ ______ _ under C.Ionel Hsmdoi. ean.drel J<f
mengbenof ftsecebeeand PiresinTorders. Not leas than t.t in so on n aide.
Bsmnel U Cleans. Ms'k Taaia, and
1st p-ixf. ft; lad prise. 91
Vb’l •
10:U-Plsir.oo.oerCassao4 Frontsireeu Whee btrrow raon. Mot len than bit family wUl go to S e -t -n.
in London be ba- b m much benrO-ed
C»«V» start Isiprita. St &«. ,Sn 1 pr!t •. tl; »1 pr.s*. Si ceau
I0;l0-Plae*. Frimt ask Union sTreeu, Sack race. Not less than fire to start. by the treatm^of a Swedish d'-ttor. ijtn KK.ST-mu
Uip-U .^.si; ad. SI: al.5c)ceaf.
and be le now H'ttg to a remote i./vn
»to.»-. Iiiimm.l
IO:«4-Bci«-.«n Front ana «MU-»tr«.t. on I nlon. TS yards running race.'not in Sweden t) take Ar r >g Hsr Swdtsh
lens than Arc to sUrt. I>i pMs ■, lit; 31. Si; 3 t, so centa.
Urt»—Place. Unlnn street U-tMe-n bereoui tnd Kigbtb street*, boys’race on
Thesoc'a'isto organ 2>4 d'amstrs•WIU. age 10 to Ifiymrs Biys to furnish atilt-. Uipri..si; 8d. Tli;; 3d. lions Maf|As;r'n ll-t«s-is (o L>g« and
SOc. Mot loM than fife tosurt
In Alra*. aga'net the eI«?tors’ refo-on
bin. There w-re no —rinos di orders
ev-ept S'. Alwt. where tbs o>Use
10:IOM)d Boutb UaloD street, as follows:
ebargel with drawn swards. w>niding
Ipt-Boad race, open to ererybody. Ficm Seventh to Sisteentb street ard 10 psfuons
retom, 1st pr.se, It; Id urise. H: Id prise, St.
A* Paris Charles V<otor CherbnUez.
tpd-B. ju’ rand race, open to nil boys IS years old or under. From Sevenib novelist, literary aid art crife. ail
• street to srxiaenth street and return. 1st prise. S3; 31 prise,‘s; 3d prise 81. m*mWof tho French aeale-uy.
lrd—81ow race. op*n to everybody.. From biveotb street to B:gbtb elreet. 1st Ss'nrday In his seveollnih rear.
prise. 8$: Id prise. 81.
F-f*een oersnnta-e remrlel to have
Bnirtee to br made with C. B Bale, cbs’rmsu eommlttee.
bsen drowned in a biating aeoMent at
PwlJbeM. 0amlv5ni‘'ire, Wa’ea.
A (iermanbitolK At.noo in giM dn«t
F^eo td rs.L^rCSdUlM*^
I;00-Thls parade wt l star, promptly at l:oo o cloek from comer rnlon .nd i
*’“Vler'e tabln at Cans N >m'. In i-if m oo-w.-m-v.
Ik*, was arrea*.i4 hy
Front streeu and will proceed eastoo Front to ttoardmso a’coue. Boardmsn *’’*
avenue to Sute. SUM to Wellington. Wellington to Washington. Washing ‘
' ’
ton to Roardmsa avenue, Boardmsn avenue to Sui». dUM to Cam. Csss to
Eighth, Eighth to Union, aadif fonol practlcs-le -ill go s'mth on Union to ed him.
Biahoo John p Newman, of the
a point that Will enable tbe parade to double on Itself, tons giving those
Meibodiat E>ia*:aoa1 cHorth. whote
S«UM-hoW rwmK
wboUke part an opportnnUy to see tbe ert're pageant. Then go
FiiapY Afret and disband.
epiacopat reaideneA Is In 'tan Pranc'aoo' <> vm-r '.urn fnuB >■ IB wur.scx
%*. Ss-t Inr. U .l>Un>o.2II Pruiik -in
.ylight fireworks and hot air bsHoon aaoenslons lor the children imme- ’a criticall.v ill at bla
tlrol lor..rbl
dlaMly afwr tbe parade, on Front etreet, near tbe Pouw Implement Co 'a toffo
•Dorifelf 'pssmroifsetorr.
A aortbern syndicate reeentW off .r- £i
e-Hxi i<>w<
^.oBo.<<irntnt.Nutf Md Ba>
ed Mra J-fferem Divla m.oni for her loB slrrri. rrs
'rack medneti
frtt at different poinla on tbe streets.
l:00-Seoonil game of bsM ball at Che Twelfth sMoe.t groaada betweea tbe home at Rea -volr, Mies., but she feared OLOoroiTriT -rarap tor rasa. mils.
Grand Bapida Drmocrais and tbe HnsUera. Admission eharand to gmanda that tbev seonld torn tbe e1ace to bna>- SJ tsio.mar.l >l(« rierin/. rrsak 1
I account In some war so ebe refna
and grand sUnd.
the off.r.
Niw the MIs.lta’opi
*:00-tSrard Balloon aacenslon by Mlsa Ha >«1 Belmont, one of the famous Belmooiblstera. T.,1* wilt take place jm*. west oi tbe - nae ball par-, on IStb ebapMr. Dsughtera of the oe • Cnnfed•ireef. Miss Belmont will ascend wuU her great balloon .1,00<. feel or more eraer. baa been given an option on tbe
Mrs. Davie trill
• while riding her biryfcie. BhewilltbenentloieefromUiebalJoouaadde- hlatorlc bomestra-*.
sell ts the ebapt r for Kf-.OOO.
ncend with a paraehuM. sim monuMd on her bicycle and. when within 300
crar Wa)flrld. Whsi
It Sart
yua *o-. Vranl
An order baa been baaed to the gov- C
er ioofeet from the ground, will attempt to release herself from tbe bley:-tf.
ele. letting that drop to tbe gronnd while she springs to the parachbu and ernore of EngUah prisons to the effect
TPyur WAXTiDsuia-erotanyktB.I In Crst
that all convicts anderroing penal aer- A
descends with tdet.
rUos roauaslcaor to bay a house, lot owltQde who have not pamed tbe third
■Undard is edneatinn moat be relieved
taHALLbOVVK-ABdeStwtloiaa IHaW st
from labor one hour daily, to be devot O
Vlll arUrbrap. fraiik PrMneb
If the wind U ant loo atrdng MUs Belmont expeeu ho drop wltbiu the clrele of
ed to inetrucUon noUl the convict ta
the level fidd from which she ascends, and she nepseially cautions all perptOB S4U~<^k or icsiallBrats. 7) aor lou
able to pam the examination.
o kar from UH.Irr the wheel and paraebuM ae the deeoands, otherwise
Prof George T. Ladd oftbe Yale nnl- and BoarWwet* w4 'Baoilai.^a^^!'
eome one might beteriously hurt as one or the other drope to the ground
of the baadBomrai lesa la Ibr ataolr plat Ub
veralty pbilieopby departmeat. will etmIdlaeoiiBi tar al) eaab. laqulrv at Kacuu
from eo great a beigbt.
leave New Haven in a few days to be -mreofTfcoaT. Br—
gin a leetnre toor la Japan. oa InvitaT:8^'Band Coneert. eloelog^ith a splendid dli|p1
_________ tioa of tbe Japanese imperial ednoation
wUl be eel off Bear Murchig’s blacksmith shop, facing aeoib. Tbe beet point sariety Prom Japsin Prof. Ladd will
borne Trqnirr
addreea el' Mias
flebnfield'a dm
Ireasmaking parlors, ttl
of view will be on tbe south bank of tbe river near Bon. Perry Bannab's rca- Journey to lod'a. where be will Iretnre
««S F.a»t VVvnt• r..tn.tf
to etadents in ibe great cUlea, al tbe
uoivecsltice prineipal'y
His Inetar-e
ffonrth nf July Votee
ren who InUad to uke partehonld be In India wUl be mnetiy on rallglea.
------ '
0^ oav S\jedaV
Aquatic Sports.
SaU 0TvT){l\)LsVva
Street Games.
SI SOS Vim Vtm StVisti. to art VtsiUU Vo oomt
01 \V\» Wis 4n-tot no VoM moio- oTToiutmtiVs Vo
CATh ^OT a\\ \\vt ^a4» 0^ toxm btvA eouTiVrii. atv4 tv<A qo
tDt\>voft\ OUT dvTtTtM tWYcBT-but b-oVA »Aq AqAVTv, tome
J, W. Milliken.i
: assAAssssssis aaaaa aaaaaaaaa»
Bicycle Races.
206 Front St.
• «•
Grand Street Pageant and Parade.
Caution to the Public.
The Herald Building. 13} I^t
wlU be EaeevUve CommIttM Beadqaarters aad Bnrenn of lotormatlon
B the gronnde at U:3o o'clock.
1 luckjf Numbei-Remember It.
Business and Pleasure Combined.
Fun for all-.-Don't miss it.
See small bills.
Prizes for all comiretitots.
If you forger the street number,Remember the name.
Hamiiton Clothing Co.
Lif quality cuts any figure
le 80( a cheap Mth Extract, Bade
tar temporary eelc. It hee been
before tbe public lor yesra, and
has grown In favor as a food end a
Btld stimuteni, recommeaded by
leading pbyalclaae throH^onl Iba
up (
footwear—we don’t spring F-\KE sales on onr cuslomers—When we adrertise anything you will get valne
received —Yoa can’t get something for nothing.
We want your inspection, and will name prices at
onr store that down any so-caljed snap sales in this
city—We have served our trade in reliable shoes for 16
years, and the pe^le ought to be convinced by this
time who tbe Old Keliable Shoe Man is.
Make no mistake.
At All Drug Stores
MB. £Tduruu
We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear In This City...
IS oa tbe bay will be
imade by the Traverse Vey line of
W. R C, will receive visiting *^2. ^
^ieaand chlldreD at Ladles' Ubraiy
Ball, on Front etreet, where an oppormme^ks Mnarly rialsbed.
tnnlty will be glt^n amthen and lltUe
provn^nnu to the Oaitaalie
Cemetery which
noder -e^ay
ileh have bm noder-e^ay
for the paet few weeks have bens aboot
nf the city srill keep
eompletod with tbe exeeptlon of the
all day and all viaii ralalog of tbe crom at tbe loop tn tbe
on vUl be made cord'uily welnome. mala road. TbU wUl be raleed la a
May of them famishing tablte aad tew daye and whea done the ceaiiery
nhalre for eattag Inaehea. .
It n very fine
Jerome Wllhelm'e work In thT’i!^^
AU chUdmn over eevea ynara old. 1*^ne ha haa
seorked effeoUvely to e
the Mty aad
tostae aad aoanyrrareeordlally larited taey a eradlt to Bt. KraanM ehnnh.
80 Jola In tbe great panda Tbs gatkBakcr-KeOonear BnpUala.
ari^ plaee wUl he Bear the oomer of
Traat and Unioa etneta, oa nad adDeoaard Q. Baker aad MMa Anaa
Walag the old OnUer property. Sept. MdDMonr of thm aHr mn Baniad Baa- Bern. Prof. Cobb aad aaaMtanu srlU day atlamooe atAo'nlaek la «ba Catbhave tbe ears of the nbildraa.
Brnry oUe chareh. Father Banar oOetaUag.
AUd who Jotae la the par»da wUl be Beth are local raaldeste nad sraU
fl«« a tUg whM Bay be kapt aad kaasra.
•arrlad heaM. Tbe parnda *01 etart
They left yeatarday te the aottih b«
KMipUy at oae o'cloah, aad all nhU- wtlt eoaa ratarm.
Aftet morning parabe.
Ow, MX
^ko\>5^ Anv5l<5^
X18 yarosTt B«z<«e«
■W'\X3Ta'b\xx'ar Sloo^
TEB moumro rboobd. tuesdat. jult 4; isae.
1 Ai«L]«.AjiLMrAiiu«u«u«uiu
I SVateiftems
hydrepaekto aad la owMT haakadto
boot tv ton.
Kra >. H. Kallay of Holloway, waa
nportoddaad Friday. «ba bad bate
~wtog fram %mmcr a toag whlU.
larattou won hogua to toy her
inAwtt\. j
4w«rm IP «t «r i«nar«r w IP X
At Wkltuavc, »i lb« «pmU1 tachpnr «iMluU(« rMMU7 b«ld th«v.
PPM alatk rrad* papU* wrou tba
tpc»«U»UoB. Md »tl pawd
B»rr«7 Baan. fi It yatf>:
Vnte CWT*1U ardd 1«. ud Owf
Jtekwa, «Cdd 1«. IteM an protaBty
Ah* /MDc**t audMU la tb« apa wlio
I able to talk
tad noegaUe hor frtonda
Two Facts About
Aibuckles’ Coffee ^
It hat set the standard of quality for all competitors for the last thirty years. The strong*
.eat claim any competitor can make Is that his coffee Is ‘^ust as good as Arbuckles’.”
Mr. lanae Mltchall of L>wuU b In the
dty tbliiag with bb danghtor. Mn.
W. H-Clarlt.
Mte Bartka Brbtol of teat Hlatb
alfuethaagoMtoMaabtn when ake
will vbit for •ome'tMna
Mbi Julia SweoMy aad Mba BIU
Hamilton of Fife Laks am la tka city,
tke gmaab of Mba Mattie Lyuaa
Loub aad ^raak Dempaey wko bavu
bran worklag np aortk pneeed tkfough
tke eby yesterday on tkalr way tothalr
home to Manbtoe:
Bd. Kewtoa b oaafiaod to hb boM
Mra. C. U. Sherwood aad ekUdrea
kara gone to Brie. Pa., for a vUH of
aevoral werlA.
Mra. Charlaa Halataad ot Maakagte
b to tba city for a faw daya’ vblv after
ker MS'a B^togu to Maabtee.
D. B. Wy neoop of ElagMoy bln the
4oteO«rBi7. oc*d~l Tmt*. ot Oormm. fall off a load of ka7. aod breka
' fcp ohooldar aad fraeprad two vamteaa BawUldla.
A Urra eaUla raaah la to bo «ttb>
tiahad la loaeoaoBBt/. .A faw waaka
^aMUhloeoapMf pnrebaaad t ow
paaa of toad fov allaa fraa that r|llae* «B «opa araak. U kaa baaa
teaaad |o aad >M baad of paaoir eattla
ataalraadr naataf o«p tka irael.
PTtea tte ladutiT U wall aadar mj
«hara will ba l.ooo ealUe oa tba nock.
A akaapraaeblaalBoto^ba aUrtad In
tkateoaat/. Tbara u a «radt daal of
'land ifc loaaoc -naty wpdaUy adaptod
far raacblDf purpoata. U U aorarad
. 'aad^ rleb cra^Md clorar and' bM
Bev. Dr. Bready
Stuigb hae ra-vpjIUUefomt. Aatbla U the fim turned to tab borne, after vblllag with
wPU a raneh in tkat aeeUoo of ibe bb brother. Ber J A Breedy of thb
mm*, tba aantnrata to ba watched city.
wlU latoraat. If it U aneeaaafal. tbara
Mr. and Mra B.U. R^yoeof Mnake•pUAeafraatdaal mora land taken gon are in tke city, tke gueeb ot Mr.
iV tortbaaaBa parpoaa.
aoo Mra. W. F. Oalkina.
Mba Clara Pkeipe kaa retnrned to
''An aoeldeat report reoaiTed by tba
>r of rallroada at Lanaing bar borne to Petoekey, after vuitlag
with bar brother, (tooege lAelpe.
^paatarftay, atataat'iat on Anna tt.
Min Sadb Metiee aod Mra. Bemna
Okkafo A KortbwMiem train atnick a
A ao-yoar-old girl who waa playing on have gone to Kalkaaka to rbit a couple
-«te tpok naar the bridge orar tba Ba- of week#.
Allen Warren and wife ot St. Loub
«anabO riaar- **1ka train atruek bar."
tba report, "and Id can paaaad re vbiUag at the home of Ueir ekil. ^ar bar.bni being oiaar of tba wbeela. draa.J. M. Blakaeleeand wife of toe
•wba waa only allgkUy bmlaad on tba Wckaier atraek
A. .L Tldball aad wife and Frank
% le-yaar^ girl of tba Indian In- Sbaanoa of Bepid City, are the guaeu
datorlal aebool la la tba aonnty Jail at at Mr. aad Mra. Blakniae of Webater
•ft Plnaaanl. haring oonfaaaad to aat- atreet.
Mr. George Soyder of SalamatM b
tba baUdlng now oaad for
Cte glrU' donatory aad offic*. Tba vbltlng kb eon Dr. J. A. Snyder.
Mr. aad Mra. D. MeClary of Cedar
«flra waapntoQt Anotbar attarapt to
■bam tba boildinga waa made Sunday. City, aad-chreeeoae Clare. Denald and
eoPaa tba laundry waa aared after a .Leon are vbltlng the family otJ. J.
terd dl iti. A bey U anapeotad. No Bakar.
Dan Bound, wko bae been at Central
meraam baea baaa made, but the girl
will be held there pending an Inreell- Lake worklag on the Torch, b In town
pattoa by an ledlao agent at Waetalag- ter the Fourth.
Herbert Somere arrirad In the city
tew. when it U thought that the myatmrj of tba Bra ot June 14. whan tba yeetitrday from Petoekey to epead the
mam bnlldlag burned, may be aolead. Fourth.
•Wge Burke, of Toronto. Cbnada, b
rraak and Charley titnai of Albion.
MWrbed ibU week from an intereeV In tbe city, the gneet cTf hb brother,
knee Borke. teg winter'# ontlng aod trapping exPollipL BlrdaodM-u AngutU Bitpodidoo. October M leat they went
Cate U. J. Wood'a hnaUagoamp.tkirly bee. both ot Urawa. were married yeaterday afternboa by Juaiiee Brown
mllea north ot MaaUtique. and re•borUy after tbraa o'clock. Ibe young
aaainad there until leet week. They
people will make Urawn their fnlure
werr twelve mile# tram anyiettler and
Aid aoteeea peraoa until they cane
Mr. and Mra. Joaepb Stelmel and
•BitbUweek. Tbe enow wti See fpei
family of Suttone Bay, will arrive in
deep all winter, and they could eltit
toe city today for a abort vbit with
•balr trape only by wearing aaow Min Boae Sbadek of Sontb I'nion
abeea. The mercury elood 4& degrew aireev/
tefowaero. Thay rapert that arolrca
H. PatUnglU of Saboelcraft. baa ar
aeofO rery nummoua, and that three rived in the city to attend to bniii
p-obably killed Htty deer within fire
S. n. VMburg of Summit City, b
mlUH ot their camp during tba winter. atopplag at tbe Hotel Odlumbla
‘ aad that the woUee are doing more tc
D. J. Warren, of Wniiamaburg. b in
matarwloate the deer than all the tbe city.
bniden la the etate.
B. M. Melvin of Wexford, b in Ue
aoHgbtoa will apead •O'l.ouo
aammer in Improrlng bar atreeU and
O C. Hamlin and A. B.| Copley of
water eyelem.
Wexford, ara la tke city to epead tbe
Mra. Sarah Tagne of ConttanUae. U day.
akaeUlogbutlneae woman. She runt
Hugh Miller of Eapid City, b tegbm bar her ebop. working at a ebalr her. tered at tbe Hotel Oolnmbb.
aelt. aad alec rnat a cigar factory.
Clare Hntoblne of Bapid City, b to
At BomeojCharlae Klllmora died fron to town.
Len Urwa aad B. Weuvur of Fife
hteeffeeu of a doee of parlt groen.
aakeo InuatUmally. at bit home tbarr. Inke, are In the city.
Mr. arri Ur. tv. K. BortgenofA)
■ e lived alone- He
«c yaara old. •
den art ■■■ ■ - n «>. »pend tbe P. urtb.
vatoran of the olrll war.
..... wife .M
Jfert Klbhe b the firal Ooldwator b^
%m araw a wlnalng card for the Peru aad Mr. (i u.o auil •ife of Uiauii baparrived ynterday ea route to
MpmlUoB He baa been noUfied bj
__________________. _
«te Troy Laundry Machine Qo- of Chi- Pouch.
BDukleas Arnica BalvA
p e^o, tnat he will hare charge of the
Tn Baer Batm in tbe world tor
whlblltn I’arb made by that oomJila, Bruton. Soroe, Oleara, Salt
Bbenm, Fever Sorea. Tetter. Obamed
LtUly a large party of erippled Haoda. OhUblalnx. Oorna, aod all fiVto
traatpi worked Vernon on the etaaHty ■rnptiaax, and poalUvaly eurae Pllea.
rmeket qnlie encceeafnlly. and when or no par reqalrud. It to gnarantaed
AhrOB«k with their take went to the leglve narfact aatbfaetlon m- aaoaay
•uAndadT Prise lleeau par boS. For
-nllcood aad nimbly etught oa toa eala br J- O. JoUnaon aad S. ■ Walt
ffaet morlng train, dcaplte the feet that
ttep bad been nalngoaaee aad orntebee Fan far •verybo&y
Ctalld'edrume, with atieka. only
e^Ue bagging.
eeatt at tbe Famoav.
Tte tboneand dellan U a pretty
pmA abed Mil for oae man to pay to
Vouce. .
Is lbs saner of appUrailca lar 'thr aattlea«i
oof hotel for hlmaelf, hot tbat'e about
Cbarle- T- Wricbk.
Ta« board ofpardocu
«te Bgare whieh repreaeab tba aum srUl heU a pvWk.- asrUar al ths folloo
lag aased flares lur,toe paraeas ot taklag
bebal of the raoelpta whbh L. Q. Oil- Meiiaway latbleoaw. ti U hoped tkai ^
key tea paid for hoard at tha^Bnrdiek foraoBsharlBf kocoledgeof toclaru la toke
raov elllccwe belorr toe tioaiUBBd aid tkea
Aeme to Kalamaeoo. ' Be baa hwn taamrlag al a frofor dswrailaaiusi of ton
Marly a atoady boarder tbara for oeer •altar.
' The board srin meal al lb* Park Place botaj,
la irmeirTIb a P-yaar^d aoa of BaCtaewObarff. of the Miohlgaa aagar
fartwy. waa torrlhly injured by
weplealMof a giant fireeneker.
Itet *f wra Mown out and bb right
Ante M badly latetotod that it b
■aeowary to ampntato two fingora.
•eate ttee age a dog |Mt aaotber
balotebiff to a tareaar naar Oxter< aad about two veake alnee the
meraaref the lattar deg ebot it. fearteg M woe about to go- aad.
•eia teatb^howteur. tha deg bad Alttea a cow. aad laa weak ibe
pan to develop aambtahable aigua of
Tia'vrss City ooTsesday July II; at Aral aa
Wadassday.Joly it..at tot PrUelpal HoteL
kea*salaosin.ursdsy. July IL Tbl> Is a Bailar ofpohUr latoroei aad to* hoard of pardeas
■a*l doftel epca to* atunae for lalormatlo
ratottod W to* asertu o( toU tfhUga»w>
hoard vUl be grateful for ouch IMormaUeo.
S(Mw to OoBtnefam.
The best Coffee Is Arbuckles'. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles’.
The right thing is to Insist on haring Arbuckles’.
M4cn« al I
Unfurl Old Glory ! Let The Eagle Scream!
Whalber w« do any business or not, but we will be on band and wide-awake to
serve all patrons'- bat want a pair of sboes.
□Dlxe HBargalu Sale
Of tbe McNamara etock. bought at 60c on the dollar U still on and selUng at half
price, an diets of new goods just received, and tbe prices are 20 .to 26 per cent less
than regular prices.
It is just six weeks Since we bought the stock aad the sales have been far above
our expectaUone. Wo have done our best to give the citizens of TraveMe City and sur
rounding country genuine bargains and first-class goods, and thank them a'l for tbe
liberal patronage we have received and fiatter otirselves that our efforts in that dlreoUon have been apprecUted.
Wo are here to stay, and our motto will always bs “the best goods at the lowest
AUtOB W. kU-K!
Ootk e( Board of Psbtic V
808 Front Street
THI UitUk IMEAkfiXli.
TnrtnMOitr Khitow
ffCsfirsha camdb.
balow la a Uat ef tha hoylaff Md MUMer
inr prtoaa of paatorday for ffraeartoa.
Ho n*48 tka «atk ud •he left him.
TravEloras e'riorfc «om. OvmMo tbero
VM attcr aUeM« tbra («Be the woail
C C Phrv.'Vbo wma with tbe Hod.
of &M7 feeUippe. The &<« of Heostr rsllsto*
MB Bay company IS yearn, and who
ValKh tewBshtp were Mt o« for vain
baa be«« around tbe bead amten or
pernde. The; mvnnt baHnrM.
the Ottawa for a motto tonm pertod.
“A t*rHfi( hnuerlng enste at the
doora, the oae levH with the ;ard at- to ■ mine of Inumtlag InfurmatluD
•»♦ »• •••*-*
Urkn} 8r«i. The jailer koAed ool c« all mattera peruiDlng to game or
from a aa«li window in the old iwf. wild life. He taw me lookiag at a
««HX ■«: -Hbr kl.*»»d Itr
hart tepee and aald that the Indian
It had been need for aiH-h
toes*, tl*
v* tMi
^ wopJoy for Bicycle
•TVe arant Martin." cried a volr^k name for It wai aaohabgan. and that
Bephiriiig. Quick work.
■nod wv know tj^arretica lan't here. the apeclmen come from l«ke AnidplmtogOpen the door or throw oot the keyA" thanlplmtog"1 had to get
of them for the
~1 can't do It" abonted the jaUer.
' * wv*. Bf Ike eye sa* «
Ill Uatonfftiaet.
jjWe'll flfbt n oni! He'a my Uood •how." he aald. *tond I went to an
CtmUitii 8*4 IW wmr* to MX.
Indian named Peeshabbo and told him
Tkov* I liW II uflM.
With a afeat about the aaaanlt on to give me hto. reewbabbo ftjd: ‘How
tbe door besan. Tbe prltonera-abova tbe biases am I going to Im^or
Ibe doiiAron were wUd with ' tanor. rest of tbe winierr -1 aald: -Oh. man.
ye'll make a new otic.’ -Bat
What wonU-tm n mob dot
"Menr b« (Tied, "help me to barri- ped any hark.' aaja he. -Never you
tore 1s « BMowK
ende tbU door! The aherlff wlU come. mind,- anya 1; -Fee got to have It.' and
wllb that I look it. and here It U."
/T ILitAwl- A OaTM. AtMTStyii. naseislst
We mnai fain lime."
Mr. I-arr esptolned that the harit
—AIUbu OmUsUM.
II took a food many mlhnua to paaa
tba barrtradevaad to chop In tbe henry tepees are owil by Uie Indiana on tbeli
door farther W It took more to winter banting tripa. They are made
B tCws^
-assiesne asla2s by
wrench and rbbp and pall out the cell Id sommer from tbe hark of Urge
A freak of fcotooe
* ***** “*“**• «■*• wooched to hlrt-bes. sewed together to aectlons
BlnMt ud B««t
measoring about 3 feet by IS test. Tb.].olc ftamswort of the ie|a-c la erected BMtBmASada.
tioid at three eeato a kwf at the
and the hark bent around,before It
FsImv Bakery. FuU itoa of troeeriea.
baa dried. BO that It will ukr the prop,
er Bbape. The free ends.of the bark
Xeduoed Eaien-O. B. ft 1. M 8.
a>-(iluns are protected and kept from
is. Baal
eonanuallyafmld.andUiahelptoMhi.yi A down hand* laid hoM on the •plUUng by light strips of wood, op.- oaU. U. Twaebers’ AeeoclaUoa. CtocloB 1. Hs.
haodad leaebliw. The sheriff advertla-, crvurbltif fleure. li waa dragjced. haul on either side, which are attached by
KntgbU of At. John. Clevelami, O.
ed to the papera of lOe auic for a
«fvW. forced up the atalra. out ■ewing.
Unitoa itoctety C. E. OobvmUoo.
Seven of theee SsiS bark aectlons Detruit, Mieb.
n and *ovem.wa. a Imcitefa *“’“ **^
-Hiring him up! Hereto a rope: are used 111 the conatnictlon of the
Epwo.lt League National Ooovenagency
t Ftorasca Early to. BlverQuk-trrantlOD,
loOisnapolto, lod
World's Bicybie Meet. Montreal.
a womanto ahriek-owfuL hli camp tbe seeUana are made into
Wercs.-illrO. 3
The abertff atared at her wten be
btood-curdilng-rang out once, agato. light roll* f..r ('ODvenienre In carrytoB. fimd fu Thm Cuts.
met ber af the mllruMl atorton.
agalb. The crowd feU bark. "lJoo.1 In eredlng tbe te|>ee tbe bottom •-<■
believed she iMd oot Wp well
Uori: Whal did lids meanr
ttoo to put In place Brat, aud two of
Rla Impulse was to take ber iato
tbe rulto are commonly required
Arst eating boum and f.-eJ ber np a
i-uod. It waa reach an.und. Afterward the other
Uttle. Ml,.- waa too much of a tody for “
trm>r«trl(«cu woman- •eetbsis M wound around tbe nm«that. and he bundM
tall- *ba|--d fiAlnewurk np to within
boggy to awkward silence.
, r_n-1I •*«
* —•
suit of ^uiwcs.
Kloreacr ImDroesil xi ni»i>h in ■
—■ »w
----- —«/>
short dlatanre of tbe p««k. The top
St kbriMwi ^i^e^irNa*. pme ato.
days :hat he waa aurt- about Uie esI-L
•boui.Mod to aiuong them to left o|wn fur tbe escape of smoke
l..*K f ^.^tL•K^l<»N
Mew OlBos. Markham Block.
tog He care her ihe plrca iff iteak
horw-men, ibe burly aberiff at Tbe upper sr.-ti0Ds top over tbe iow.T.
Via. Cblcago .1 A'esi MIehlghn railsliiagle fasblun. and all the seami
Deal the bow aj his tuoai deiUhii. at-■*d.
dWgcnally with referemv to a
Icatloii. Wbeo be gn w leas sby b*
July 4 •!» * St boc fare rateR-mra
tb-al Him-, to such a way at to abed
looked IDIO her face and mel 1b oiy IS Bs ensiop to Augnst it f de"Are ye ni.-u? TT(,ls woman ha* sav water perfectly.
•tesdlrsl pair of eye* be had ever seen.
r. H Rate fri'pi TYsverse Cltv »T on.
Tbe sewing la dou* with
Tbe alieriff knew humanity. He luufc- ed my bi.nor.*' be cried. "Off baoda.
T •’-<» lesved.Sua. m . li:4>ip. m 4:3U
•d at ber. and felt that wbeu be was Ttoank Ood. Martin Is safe. He Is uu Waitnp to nuide frum Ibe
>. ns. a:rm p m.
obliged lu gn away at night be could murderer. The negro 1 tmeked to apnice ireew. pulled bnt by the w-om.-n
Arrive Brlroit 4:01 p m., }oii5 p. m.,
Ws are doing besinvt at the mm
aieef.. kMwlng ibal ibe ukl melber Bear Swamp tivday Is the man. Hr and lK>ibd till sofiened. The i.rowii M&a. m.. ll:4ua m.
Uautf, Trs»er»e IHj.
old eund with new Aataresaud di-Ucato WUly haw a atay and i-wiu bad the old man's vmteh and money. bark .veering to riihNsI off, an.1
For sballle. gu bonier'
rouU aiilll Into auliabb- slsea f..r
Aprcisl low ram to poima in Canada
One day be took ber Into Ibe Jail. It
Ing. Wanup will keep for yearn, anil •nd New York have been mada f
wa« a fearful place. One aiory wa* ow*. The sheriff carried a limp form It to tougher than n»*Ms-wiMHl. Whi'i. letcoii. Ask agents for full info,
> will gtye yoa onr cloee attontwe
above groudd. •
w.'.«rT^, ’,ri'
*>•* lavished wanted for uw all that to uiTcmry to inn.
to onr best to pienee yon.
<:»u« BaMAVKi. II F, .
to Ihniw It Into water, and It N-ci.nica
le other, a rrrlisl.le dungeon, au a while prlMiner. to bi-r aiUiv. kueli and pllahb-and easily work.il.-Foreat an.l
mao cuaOned for a capital offense, lie kissed the fe«t of the poor lltUe guv- SUvan^
was the SUB of a wealthy faruwr an.l
•are again prepared to deliver le
Tbciv la a better jail now. bnl__
accused of Ibe murder of boib falti.-r
I parts of tbe ritv. Our prices wll
ftotee yiwra ago, when Ilr. Cnlcb
and mollier on the evtdenee that be people of tbe cooniy have not yet ask
be aa low aa any offered.
bad bad a dispute with them the day ed for a Niter sheriff than tbe
ton, now htohop of lavudon. wa* hleliwh<-e
before tbe foul deud.
op 4,f IVicrNirunirii. be got Into
vermilou on s train with a pameng.-i
Jobowm Martin's wna the strongest.
Both -Phones. 94.
eiw W
-srTt>s>v towek.
TVwvwrw* atr. KleU
•im.le cell of u
who lulstiMik him for a enrate. atnl
MMhsO or arim l•slsllBg.
lowed to aee no
t one. and Ihe
» allowed
Ttoe Ini.-re«!lng procest by which who
aberiff bliiiaelf carrlMl him his foo<l.
nlwten.-c of bto ronipanbm. veto, talk* ■
I* palmed WB*
On the day tbe aberiff showed Flor «-ribed
ed of uotblns that he did not adorn.
I iiBvo a full line uf Bucket*
l^riy U,™,), ,1.,. jui u,.
j,y. Kml.rl.-k
t. ,ui»,
By aud liy llie.pasiM-nger dlm-oTfrid
liie Jaocr. a Wan with a settled, alun- nul the nuirrUgv of hi* aged mollier that the curate «-n« gidiig to travel
cirecrackerA, Set Pieoee, Torborti^k. I'lp.lIy.ne anerlffWthe RnL Harriet *k Hcacb ItogTrs. «: a runte on w-hl.-h N- vetohed to Mud
and worj-thiug with which
r down the dart, close suirway. Henry HicbsrdA.n K.igen. the spirit- hla own liiggag.-, he himself Junrney
tog on another to meet It tot.-r.
asked the curate If be wonld mlud
A litlef■ liy 3
lid FINreu<-e
ocx-u.t to
Iu the
the far
far pm to evMeiur. Hbe wrote ah,- 1
111 the meaiiliuie -cume U> uiy
lookinff after It. and Hien.
^ . and
tbe If Mge. l-aiiMd before a long yeam.-d for a picture of i
•enilng. h<- thought It wtoeai to knot
lure aud Kct Ihe
Urred grstlT*. and clUd. to a vol.e mother deeased. One “Tentog
to w-bom It sms that be wa* alii.u
B. J. MOEOAN, Propr.
I Inlrvi*! bto |to
your neyr Jailer.
. A elewn cauva. was put on the eaiu-l
"liy th«- way.
Moren.e sunotL Some one crawled and many cut il,.wers of many colura me to ask you. air. but are yvo n.
to the bsr*.
-For tbe love of Ood, Torrence, bow
The light* to Ibe room were Inrtj.-d
-•M cU. as a matter of fact. 1 am
tong to Ibis tu UalT’
low. Moon aon. almost inaudible mu- a curate.”,
-There 1* uolhtog new UiU momlng. an- was beard.
Place jour ordcru early for the
beard. Ur.
Ur. H.«erw
Bugera. on a
•Dh." aald the genttoman. "yon at*
John. I have to to- away i.te to-nIgM. lounge, went .Into a trance. Tbe st.lrii a vl.ar or a rertorr
• No." be said. The fact la I am
and aupisT.
Rogfia aud vtuod nmr the easel, in»L I have nut a bcneBce." .
'^***^»»**“*y Moiber shadowy shsp.. took
By tbai lime the iiiguirer _ ..
dim form. Tbe spirit artist dlpj-sl
coming aoinewlial nerrou* abuni hi*
'onier Frt^t aud l*ark Streets,
"Ml« Florvm-e.- be luld. «Imaai brush ton. the rsai-. to which the fl.iw- p..nn«aut.-au. aud so witb aome d.-gmgo over t» Beriln lowhHilp after a era were and drawing the bn“h over •r jMilnt N- Mid;
opposib- Hotel Columbia
man; l eatiuot be bo.-k befum uihl tbe oaura* rapidly luttoled a iiortrall
"Well, sir, but what air your
night 1 waniyoutoUkutwtcM Uar of Mr*. Bew. b H.igen.'os.INt. It waa
rjMu whU-b the gentleman luid:
“ .
a apU-ndld likeness. In N-HullfiiMirlglii
"WelL the fact to. 1 am a btoh.>p."
Ah hour Uter he was goue. and abc colura. and was completed in IS mto••And whal btohopT*
bad the key and bis lusirucWona
i utf*.
-Tlie Walmp of Peter
kllM Itoriy was rvafftog aloud Jam ' Ftvderirk Itearh t.-atlfled hi* mother
, before dinner, wbl-n the servaai came bad a spirti i.l. iww of beroelf. wlri
lu Irti ber .am,-t«e wanu-d tu see her. ilw Bhade of Ileary Ward Beecher
Any one who to going to aecldent.
She found a ruogb wan to the hall, standing behind ber.
ally upwl a buat ..r tumble off a .I.M-k
Bc^ous and ■•■kward.
j -Beecher • my guMIng aplrlt." she would Iwnf ebiKwe some oilier plsi-.B J. JMUKGAN. Froprinior.
• -They aay sherifTs gone over to Ber told her sun.
Ti^-^oarse C‘±%ZT, Miola^axL.
than ('oniwall. Iluaato and BoN-inlu.
Un. mlaa . How tong wUl be have
-Were yoti ever at a aeaDCt*r was There to a strung BDilpsihy to rvacu
*ak."d Mr; Beach.
PlstfoMo Wagon. 3 sodU. all ts good
dn.wulng mao which still Un
"A few booro,- r^M Florence. . "Oh. yea," he aald. “At one s.-an,<e
wder. pric ASS («.
gem In parts of the wori.l.
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
the air waa full of heads that would
1 twu-aeat rKtention top Carriage,
Tlie asheniinn of Bohemia thinks
ewiy painted, price $4S lu.
The man looked at b<T. and whiqier „od ye* or no to a\ .luesilon asked
private baths have been added, makinfi^ it one of the most
that if be snatches a db.wnlnc
1 FbneioD Buggy, goud order. A4uJu
od dnickly.
them. One head i
hotels "in Northern Michigan. Address for
“I'm a iriendof his'n. I <vr^ to till «“nie of Naney-i
-“‘T gvi
take away hi* lurk' In Ashing and
1 Road Wsgon. good as nsw, ASS.ou.
rates and other information
him all UcValgb lowusbip's lomlng lu- name. Home
r JumiHil
OKireover. drv.wB bim at tbe Aral opLumber Wagon*.
' alglit after Manin. The,
table atnl grabbed a bend
lend; the llghl.
Oow to tradr fur a p my.'
The l.tea that the wali.r qtiriis ara
•on aN.ui 7 o'clock ibai utgbt aud nol masks. 1 showed the mask pf Nan.-y
half a mile from the fanu."
to my mother, and told her ab« waa taking loll when a peraon to drowned
prevail* to ronsIderaMe extent out of
Fhireiiee Early fell aa awful chill N-Ing bumhagged. Mbe did
. Evrop.'. The Plameae drend the Pnak.
at ber bean. Then ibe strang. kind U*'Ve me."
j or water spirit. Ibal selsiw twtlierfB.-e of the aberiff lame before her.------------------------and aMAXELIHO
hasstoa Newssaera.
' "nd drag* them to hto dw.>mng. The
M'ltb an effon sbe replied:
There ha* never exlst.d a polltleal
Indian* have the Mine Nil
Tf you have a boroe and knoi
The Chlueiw are ri-luctani to save a
‘ -rito---------- -------tor
any wbera elan.
........ ................ p»„.. ,rv«.
Ikun't tow a
ate. Bring him here; 1 will keen tbe
Iradlilon. Ibe g..vernmeut of that the aplrlt of a person who has
man nutll he ivmrw."
the .oar only allow* the publlratton of met death to this way contlnnea to
Mbe went u> dinner calmly, iibd af- ®''** **“••> *•
wery respect agre.^ hover over the surfa.e of tbe watet
terward* gathered np aome deJkacle*
optoloba Iq untH It ba* rnused th.- death of a fel
Praotlcftl Bicycle Bnflder IK Union 84
and adde.1 them to the meal for Mar7»*-» of ffNut Imis.ri low-crvalun- by the same fate. Thereand Bftpairer.
tto. She ibrew a light shawl over her ’f.w ,T^m. -1*. .T ' “'f*-"**tT f«n-•‘'‘•‘“•“•n *'bo attempts to nohead.
ebher to excite or to calm poWk .g,ln- rue anolh.T fn.in drowning I* suit.
The Jailer wa. to the hallway when“■
•bv weni Itown thy atviu. Hv tookvd
,uua tor iniiaon-. to
raiM- fram
om II* wauderint* by the aacTK* «.rr4.tuF a.wiD«i1
.*_______ «>VW»pnj*-r» Msldpoly madv
tIAcv of^anuthw llfp lo ukv'lu tteew.
the grating.
ihv Koks^an
Mvr Aav.
iwd It and tbnui into it tbv liaskvL Cbauvlntot party. IN- RdiwiId Inn
EU»el-That itotratabto Mn. 1
A hand i<«k It.
IT of thv mtol^-°©"'wav'
mtolstry of .
“Bat yuor dtonvr." ahv aald tmtiy. *»1 «*»v Hyn OlHiolHava. ■ Tbr Aral •aid that I luoliiil M.
nhen 1 havvaumvihlBg loaay to roll" **>“'“ ovwapapvr datos from ib*
Mand-How pvrteoliy a
tvMTMte Mil «t«Mr It to
Gas Lamp-S2.00....
Price BedicalteClw tot Lot
^:= i
Lunch Counter
W. l,SI53.*£Aag“ •"
o. iijsffis.;
The Tienei Bakenr.
For Ihe Fourth.
M n in lit SSI bum
Hopkins Bros.
Arch and Bert
John R. Santo,
Eeierel lisgraice.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
Best Ice Cream
aid Ice Cream Soda.
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
-Geo. B. McLeilatt, Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
arriving every week.
Park Place Hotel!
H. E. GIIilTS.
-Tbb, will 117 lb ab. JO. riOT, lb.
Mboa-Abooi m. o,.r.-Loba„. i,,.
*11 .o-.i.b,.- c^aw. biapi,.
•r aoi gnUty. If I aaw ytm. will you
bNM was I*vier ibv Uwwt. who
glv* yonralf «p to Sheriff TonoM ®**‘ •«««*< «Ik 8t. . rrterabnrr
mt KagtssA
>1~».•««*«««■ of tbv poprta-
Beat^iread in the city—tc
e loaf;
SforlOc. Oookiea. 8c doxwn.
If yon like to eet good, sweet honfe
iDhde breed go to
413 Union Street.
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
iiBii cm iwajn^
k6«kat.t kwo«P. vamoM, ivvt t. im..
IUS7 *r r«B bAT« MW tto ta»o-
JlIttllD’ iltUi dgU
Gate Post
15 cats
Pro|>erly aorred io a neat disiag room.
Jllsgifill liieof CoifKtigaer;
Wa.de Bros., City
Opera House
and Tuesday
K>mr. Tirtdlr fTM. ud Dre-looktiic
pUiou. bnrlDc in blPotijln«-tla»* » Hcb
■ rMM*
July 3rd Attd 4«h
FOB BAUC—MTM toad, toi of
profoilna «f »nr»»7'Pon>** ** ta^’enrood wood timbar. paalnanla la
Olgua of a»MT Kind
like Aelictt UUw
Loogltoke:tMraaaatr«ud. Priee
Tbry lift their thick oral tearga and
grhicb tfea fraxOa Uoaaoma weU above tba agrerp
Of th* TOO a
FOB SAL*—6»—florae ud taro lots
nytl pOm* }b
N mM to COD' of the water, but ket^be bear? and
slOld Mkmioo. 1ft rods from doek.
Horae 16a*4. wing lIsM. torg* barn.
tala, tba preMOt amparor cwttsta ODCColeci poda half, and often wholly
in B B«W Bad tBllllBd
Ht^rt^rrata for •« pat month.
hlMoU. for hia pdrau aae. vlUi a
form the aecondary otBce of ponebea
wHa of 20 TOoma on Uie flrvi floor «f for earrylnx aiiBienanre from place to
FOB SALIC—000-Good airall horar,
tto boUdlas orartookinx tlM 8ehV>M place in tbelr tovlnpa. The roota are
<S acres gronnd. Gnrield nvenue.
Pr.ee H'U
Iflao. TbaM rMOU warn on» laNib- leaf. ape. halr-Uke. daik brown, and
Fob SAI.R-eob—Five ner* lot on UnrttiA br. TnitM tba Ornau aod --------- - alnple plant floatlnf
daabUaan tbla tact bad macb to Oo toverted often weirdly ouggeating the
........ ...
wltb tba cbolea of tba a»p»or. who brad of a droimed gill Prom among
iYnry Hrannh*# teenod ndd.
-1, n A. BnUdlng.
liobemto nnd kith atirat. Priee
im baw at xraat palm to rrcaerre tbeae coploua finer ruoia. which drink
tb^ w aawbw poMtbla ia-.tbcir or- In tbe pleofs food from tbe water,
'OESALB-flia-ltO-ncrn tors fonr
ewdKtob. CaHka tba ramaln- there nhoota out here and them a long
mllaa north of vilkaga of Aldan na C
BeAutifuIly illustmUsI aonca, elA W M K
tba palaea. tba ampeiw'a prl* er and thicker rraner, or tap. of deli
PCktitly pt^rkrityiii by tine BbTPop'
cate cream coUr.
▼ata rnotoa am aimpir tboocb ardaUTbe single flowers arc more Uly-llke
ixiB gALB-sns-sn-nere farm, good ticon view* — Imte Hpenalliat —
caUr fanilabad. comfort tatbcr tbaa than hraclnthlne; bat they grow
Nos s> c-ArpLsl>e.sW)-t ■llw lenk ssd
(mme bowse, good bnm. good or. MarveloaB AorobAtic Fe>uta.
of Tro»ero» Clij Train arrl»»« Ittm
toznrp-lielnf tba dominant character- rac«m«. and the iblckeat cliiaurt Jus
ebnrd. well wnter. StoHvUbiggewt Shorn ever givna for the
_____ -nwci’i a> aw a « toaw* *:»» p lo.
latte. Tba same may be aald of bla tify the name. I have often eonnti-d
lace of Orswn. Prio>. fll.ft -O.
ToniMlier Block.
“ ■“'"SVS.'S.SK.o.
FORSALfl-MM—NH.ofaw b see U. priceapannast la «w aew patoee at Pota- from 12 to 20 belU on one atali. 'nie
Popttlar pricra will prevail.
U—11—abont Aft seres sulld tlm
A«» tba aBmaer reaiduce of the im petals are six In nnmber from each
ber. bardsrood. baltam.eedar swamp
parl^ tamllf. batwacn which pUce calyx-fragile, abecr. with rarely t>eau
Some oedar tiken oak
and Barlln be apenda Btoat of bla time tlful reining* of deeper porple ujk.d
FORSALB-wrft-oK otsel, and aw’*
arboa not ttavaUbf. The flrat apart- Ibe prevailing tavender. The ttpi-erof ae<«. sec 35, Town St north. 13
mant to tba cmpai^a anlte of Toomt moat petal of each bloom, standing In
Bberman. ex
at the myal patoee U the andleece a natural position, hat In Its ceuter a
property. Price
A. A sm*rr. M. U . l-mp-r. K. W. amass.
Pbyu'tea. »U> euomlUSC
cAambar. the walla of wblcb are cov- gulden eye. wltb radiate poaeock blue
Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years— FOB SAL*—West 180 ft M corner
arnd wltb rrtaa allk and bras with marklDga Incircllng It. Thla peculiar-.
s pUmsSt
Bigtathst and Uarfirld ave.. large U> lour.sd D»0<lk-clui. An m,l<* saSdleptetana portraying arenta la the life Iiy adds greatly to the b**autj uf tl
Look at them whether you need one or not.
mnc-sli n>
anon's mamram to
boawe. bric* f..i»n*UoD.
af Ftadartck {I. Patatog from the flowers Rerioua ebarg'-a are U h
■ail a.-tot««iMa(«Umm>rkMaM pwada
$800 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand bi
aadteaea chamber one entem the em- brought wltb more and more lm|M.
'r^ty stock this
cycle-$*25 will buy the best new wheel on the
peror'a prtvate atndy. with tta mag- tunity against tbe -yaierbyacluth.
nlflenbt* painted calUnga dating from and leglaUilon has been invoki-d u----market—Come and see my display before going
tba baglnnlng of the eighteenth een- tiian oDC«- to clear tbe PL John's
Webetrr sv Srvrn rooms aieely finelsewhere.
tobed. good well water, fruit ana ortaiy, and Ita araUa covered with pic- them. They are l»i>edlug navlgatlun
menial tn-r*. large lot. C6i30U. small
tarn of tba Datch acbool framed in 16 euch an extent that anuther step
V'swpil) aiieaded V
b*m. Price toso
sf£*’intpf^v, ^
btortt wood. Seneatb tbe atndy U tbe «-m put tbe stale In arm* agaUisi
FOB SALK—ftvo 10 acre*on Pealm
a HTARBi'ca
tpwtol abbtotMT. a Urge room with them, aa kUasacbusotia la against the
liles fro » city, lauu apple, pi
daearaUeam, and beyond arc gypsy moth. It la urged that m.thlng
«rh treoa,
trees, all bearing
cherry aod peaeh
tbe bedrtMm and dicaaing room, bttng abort of total exterailnatlsn will •erte
Carperier Uili, floMt loralion on Pen
with plctnrea and Incidentt is the em- any good purpose: for they multiply
ioanlsi wU uke part city prupirty.
petor’a travela.
with amaslng rapidity, and the,den#.aaS •asanaw at sraiasai T) awes
laraa eight m am*al
Panetaally. both to aommer and closteri ran guVckly congregate
ouv.is eS^Joaeins.lM.
kbooi »xi.
winter, tbe emperor rtoca at 0 o'clock massea ao Ibh-k and extenalve
TM Catobrated SpsaUUsts. ForwMrly of N«w Vorkijind now of era
_____ .
Price flifto
and dona tbe onltom of a rneetan greatly to reiard a boat's pmci
FOB BALB—ftvt—lie fret on West
< tanmnL aave on extraordinary occa- Boatmen Qnd them tbe mtwl formtda.
F'ront street. 3U0 feet dera- vacanC
alosa. when rccodne to Ud to tbe Im- tie foe they have to encounter In this
gnon bnilding sent. Pnee flt'ii
me&M wardrabea. wheiv hang bnnWIU. ra AT
ftNlB SALB—SK3—81 acres eight mile*
mild climate.
drad of onlfomsa both German and
east of city, imi.oiio feet bemiuck.
11 to ■awdoth Mltlng."' to truth,
foreign. mtiUary and naral. together down the placid ain-am. Iietwt-eii
cooslderable gond hardwood, racopo
mtilng. Priee HftA
arttb dvUton’a acUre of all ktodt.
beautiful banka perpetually verdant
FOB iiALB~ftAS-Hous«and lot. Gar
(act. tba oaiy. garment aald to
with palm, palmetto. lauiil»oo, wUd
fi.-ldavenna flASo
waatUg tbeee to a dreeelng gown,
OttM Honrs (rem 8 n. m. to 6 p. m
oleander. cba|iarral<> of laurel, and
(-MR KALE—set—Dwellisg, WebMer
artlde of rtdtbing wblcb tbe Hoben- other semi iruphal Hura, until our re*,
street. lU roams 31.AOU. bay pajaailng
sailaena abbor.
After breakfaai
ael encounteia a denae gre»-n Island of
wttb tbe eupreaa. tbe emperor pfo- tbe roving plants. New iWMenio-rs
FOR KAL*-SC9-F<wtv atee farm.
oeeda abonly after T o'clock to wortt. alare amtaed to see Uie boat pushing
good tnuMings. or-bard. H.ftW
.oltbM to bla atndy or la tbe raadlagFOR SALK—571—Forty sere farm.
straight against what apiieara to tln-m
good bnildlnga. every '
•oom sdMbtog. The maaa of work
a bit of Isud in the btrram. wlille old
vbleb bo hka daUy to get through may Florida mreli-r* look on with undi-r
acre farm.
ha Mtlmated from the fact that
Btandlug. but Interest. It Mcma novel.
MIR SALB-S7J-Uood frame house
Indeed, to plow one's way ttirioich
Ux-ae diifUtig laland*. watch them
•benton-milr from centAr of city,
parts and sink, and then reap|«ear and
tecviowa with mtnlitera and other
hnime Hs34. six rooms In bcMse.
fiOicttonarlea. aodlenoea to be granted, rennllc liehlnd the vessel. Tto-y do.
to very troth, •'bob up sereuel.v:" for
F'UR SAl.E—&7ft—Uoo.eal^d lot corner
and depotatloiii to be received from
K «r and Stale streeia. lot 54 x IAS
varioua parta of ibe empire. Mliether they seem utterly unhurt.by the piia.
sago of ihe bi-arii-st steamer across
to Berlin or Potadam. tbe whole morn
scUR »
ing la apent at work, except for aahqrt
S=EStg2Sa!S£*S* _
aerea limber. Sisi.ixai soft ■ |m. KWi
drive or etroU with tbe empma. and
rock elm- inooup basawowi.
aftaa far on.In ike.aftemooo the cm- the ca'ilahi'a tmi>er gone, and the
maple tt S'vi
pator may atlll be found tramucting tteerKumn augry as a bonist.—Lealle'a
F'UB SALK—ftwi-BoiiM and Inull'ilor
the affaire of atatc. Lunch U at S Wsskly.
atreeU un rooma. aioue »• nudalion aod atrae baaement. n.mplrtr
•'dock, and to ihla meal the cbildren
TU* -Phy.tr U
aro admitted. In the aftemoau. If tbe
tnm r-raad KaAMa. CMelU^
Fuk KALK-Two hundred vacant lota oati.ftiM
preaasre of work it nut too greav tbe
11 down, fll a month
enperor vltlts the bead* of depart- from the cltitchrs of the s|M>culMlrc
FX»B 8Al.K-5r-a-Bifbty acre farm
o PWi rnmimm.
atwa. geaemla and mlnleiera. aind bnllder. ibougb It trcnis atraug,' that
la-tru<t aod
dtornaae* atatc affalra wltb them until the rescue should have to N- i-ffr<-U-d.
Tralo lra>wic at
Walbx 10 t.raad KapM„
• o'clock, when be generally Sim-k fur as a last pcsouroe. by tbs trusuv* of
SA LR —5U1 —Ni Diev aei
has rbalrrar
Traio leating at II It a
•.'■anUge drive. At « be U again at the London Parochial eharitles, aays
four raiiea ooutb r>f city, aeveoij WalKio I- T<-l.-dorta H» <1
Inreara WalTraill Ira t •» ■• •• ai lia*
n. fral
. wbldi on ordinary pccae'ona the Loudon' Globe. No doubt tbe
too inOhtra,.*.Clarluiia . I.Mi*<lUr. iadtas•daartera of ab boar. After study of botany draemw encuumgekm tbnwRW
log rai U> Uraad
tpendk aome time with
dlraar beg tpei
ment. but we should hardly haw'
0U4rae. and then retnma to work till thought that It t-amr under the heailsUble, boggy shed, oim crib.
UWaWOOBQ.P gT.A .Orae-t
10 or 10:30, at which hour he niually »ng of a parochial charity. To crliletoe
pooHry house and y«rd; ^ bearinr
MUma to bad. Wbeo trarellng the tlix Cleans by which the garden. Iiave
amptror allowa biraaelf no rotaxaiioo.
been aavefl. however. I» bot looking
hut writn ]uet aa if be were at home,
hugglf*. rleighs. cu’te'. one spaa
gift horse Id tbe mouth: for of Ihe U*ubt-rara, two acta bameaa, two cow*,
and when he revlewa hto troope he It
efll Uiere can k>e no doiibt whatever.
two ciivra. eight abeep. thirty-five
Often In the saddle from 5 In the momIt to true that tbe “Phyalc Garden**
aerea bay. aevra arm com. five acm
tag rant 2 o'clock in tbe aftemuon.
had losig outlived Ita origlual pnrprac.
poiatoea. three aerea wheat, fonr
I^acy boor which he ^90 spare from
When Sir Uai.a Sloaur pnwentM it in
wiack or fion attandknee at military
JT2I to the Apoth,-.-#rtc*' company hr
. bott^ I
•r otbar tunclloaB. tbe emitcror apruda
n anon. gt.
thought, no doubt, that be was provid
vttb bla irire and dilldrcn. for he li ing them with the mean- of }H-rf>vllnc
The above are all b4rgatos.%nd can
above all tblnga a family man. loving tbelr profeaslunal attainim-ni* for nil
bla borne and leading a life which In lime. But tbe utodem physician has
Its simplicity and activity may weU Ilitle nerd tu go hunting alxiura gar
airaa aa a high exampi
mpU to bla sub- den for "slroi'h-s” to cure dl*<-BSc«. au<I
Tba Host Buceuaafu; and
of Hanklnd Poaaibla to Obtain.
ao^he "in>y*^:ardcu" at Chelm-a has
TMwoai ewarbaadtevorabl
gtndnally dolthcd to t)>c |H>*ltlun of
■aoe- upoo tS« laMM ac.cUBe V'»
HLmvp Dl~-a.
Big Boatka ago • bacbelor-s cinb one of tboec thlni^Whlch gnld<-s to
•tea rveriwbete
runMeanI.eudon.dcscrlU' as “well worth a rts
wna fonnad in Alameda. CaL. by'
no <)w >o>in< ao<) treatise atoeaara asd <
bottom of ataleway- lonpataim.
It.” but which, neverlhele**. iiotxNly
aioal al
mleft. Uke fi-at d< >r to right; ”U'
number nf tbe nnmarrtod men of
Vioar, Tbroai a»d Luaga.'^^pW^
vtolla. l.'nfortunalely. too. a physic
sign to alongside the oor. Wr are nrt
aity, who eomblnad to resist
garden cannot be
on the grooad floor, i 1 least nar olboe
atoaraa «f the fair aaldrns of tbe exiw-ndltiire. and a
isn't. Wc
automraltr aud to abet usd etscoungo ade pai
So far as having tbe larguat
heal bargsiiu: we are strictly in
•na anoihar to keeping ont of tbe tolls
We work all the time, we can sell yonr
•t matrimony. As anon as tbe object Stoatoe's garden, the .tpothr<-nriiV ao.
pmperty. wr eao give vou-bargulna
of tba club became knoam Use Uvea of clety naturally became desirous of getMake no mistake tn ofBeer Bcmembet to!ariM*UurtL«'
vats oraaaay 'h'atova'*trJM*st'mra
(tug rid of what bad prov.-d to l*> a
tta membeta were
big sign at bottom of staira. Big bar
r.A encuu.
rial oatmcltm was their lot. and they white elephant. Happily. Its aale for “Al5ajSAi«^A*B poairmi ouBff
gains at top of sulra. fimt docw to
building has been pvsT|K>ncd by tbe
did not evaa escape with that,
YOUNQ AND MIDDLE tbe right afur you tom to left at head
were actually persecuted by those doctolon of tbe trusieca of the London
of the utalrv
whom their conduct had made hostile. I’arw-hlal ebariUea to expend the occ- _____
The Hub received a letter ilgned The eraary iHOO yearly.
Young lAdleo of Alameda," stating
Wber* hato Coma PMiM.
that tha membera had gone to tumec- ' Almonds are found lo Asia. Barbary
]W aoU
A mlDd
eaaary trouble la organtolng against and Morocco, liiose we get arv Im
Cnpkd'a wllen. *s none of the young ported from MaUga.
ooniD uorr a
Indtas wonlA tsave them as a gift.
Cocuannts eumr from the East In
*T^re are otbem." the letter stated. dlea. the Weal Indl»-a. and the islands
-Who aiv rat only able to tace rare of of the Paclflc near the equator,
'sUrasdl ttCGl'AKA*m
Omt MsHraaiu-a tbot Mma
tha»aelv«s. bnt provide for a wife at2ratotrra^toi'
._____ ervo. P
Haxrl nuts grow In Eurojte. Rnsila.
•o. It to doubtful If a member of tba Asia. North Africa, aud North Amer
BaebeioPa Hub caovdo either.” After ica. Filbi-ns arc n apeclet of haacl
•lx nBOOtbs «f aoch bamltlatlng expert- nuts that grow In Greece,
TMaUrnd Air adwlAMmM tm atorium gam
' A M jiO-l>r_y_M'All
eater the proud ralrit of the Alameda
Uk-kory not* atv an American prod
.1 amu -ttara.
Bacbelor’a club was brokm aed they uct and wt export them in Urge
PUtCHAROINQ EAlto e«rM la evwr '
AHsralned to capUntote. Tbey wlU numbera to Europe, wbelv they ar»*
meet for a fkrewaU banaoet at wbl
fi.ncd good eating. Pecans betong to
aoch toasts as “Tts not well 10 live tbt hickory family.
onalrakowUl toalvea retoouaiwlasSU toaltfe I
alone." "All the worW loves n lover.”
pistachio nuts conic from Syria, and
-rUey're nfttr me.” and *'l.«l'a kiss (he Greeks were very fond of them. rriS^IUuiarraath ^ WeuUi, gl.tac polaauoai ato
CbMtanta form a portion of the daHy
and mnk« up” wlU be
o( PMIadalpUaThen to* club wlU dtoaolw. and the food of iha MedlterraneaD utiuoa.
raaewawm pHtriaa a kraelalsr.
toemban hope that the (air mx win though to America they arv Dot
amraat to receive tbelr nurradgr. ' crowd Into flour, hn are eaten alnLm T: PeoiriBgtaB, OiMrict A«L
4Mr agpartrace ahenU U a wandas | ply aa ouu.
•f ether
to the
Fire Insuranlie.
SilVBF Brotos
First Class Haiau Clear,
Coad Sira,
Specialty Show
Eicailaat Daainr.
EterrthtM.m ud DMHit*-
I tsk Tour Dealer for Them.
Gggd Bass
asd Pickerel Fishiig
ECUPSE ions IM mT u
Bast Prat SU
CoDsaliatioB aod Eiamioatiaa Free and Strictli Coefideitial.
crut Ktpui < iNiau «.».
DRS. B. S. Sc CO.
Ijnmcui ledicil .iuiil Surgical loM at InsktgoD, Idi
July 7,1899.
211 Float St.
Chicago —
West Michigan.
Secaail Flaai.
srsmssrtSisSTSi. oTfX'STffSrtft..
NS. I. S. t CO. nilATE «H IN, IKKCH, M.
The laat laana «f tba Loodra dtato
SJ-FilfS J
Provident Life
and Trust Company
Thiid Tetr^Ko. 676
ed for neb rsDeriee. eneopt
oeuAV asBXLuox ePMAot.
written perabeioa of tbe chief of po
'The Bmperor end H • PeMnet nre
lice. Tbe ordlnesce wee peeeed to go
Into rffeet Is twenty dejpo.
Orretly Aiermed.
BiejrelM Mum Tak* the StrMt Leter Aldermen Eeeunre oSwed e Ten More Vegreea Beported
Teeame. WsUl. Jely 3.-J»pes«ee
moUenrirlnr permieelon to WUliea
la Eomaar Tima.
pepera recalled by etcemer yeeterdey
Marrnl to open bb ebootlar feUeiT
my tbet the Coreen rebelUoa hne eetodee. in Tiew of tbe peoebione of the
iweUowrd np In tbe Kecinc Bresoe nmed etertlioc propwUoae Tbe
The motion
Bieer in Stebt of Beecnlsit Xerty— ^ iperor end cebiMt ere Iboroerbly
i^oTima «im4 i«v» iMapoMd
elermed. The Jepname prem bb
The Totnl X.me of L'te Key Boeeb
» to beeplnr
■ for tbentmablee in
M-VMuWu" •*«*
»«> berber ebope elceed on Sandeye wee
Xhtr^—Property Lon Bxpeeted to
Oort Hm« Xm* DMbte Oriclasl pneented end with tbe Bnndey proBench Kotlwne Then $8,000,000.
biUUee clenM wee edopted.
Dellee. Tenee. Jely S.-Tenfleare
Aldermen Wriebt beliered the etete
rtMtfar of tb«
>w aompeUinr berber ebope to beep
**6^ I
OfUtUe BneU Osr
the Bretoe flood i
elceed on Bandey wee eneoMtlmUcnel
bed tekn refafe in tbe body of e '
e et^ind to tbe
Detroit, Jaly a -Uavid Oermtkel,
WM • aiipartttoo oo Um port of Uc ooesai tbet tbe Supreme eonrt bed term weron end were flaetlof belplewered B yeeia. an inmate of tbe Proteeto b«n7 boM «od ret tbelr held tbet tbe lew wm oonet-.tnlionel. 1y eeeenl mile* from lead,
party on mfufrom Oeltnrtead Beeme tenl Oepben eeylam. fell from a thirdflretrerla rmij for tbe Xlsortb. Tbe
9rlcbt dbenemd tbe qneetlon
■ury window tbie merninr end brake
pttblie blMlMrt WM Mft B«lMWd. bow.
hbneek. Be died elrnoat IneUnUy.
«««r Md before »:>0 tbe 'deeki were
wreekiiw it end drowniey
«l«red Mid »
deel of JmeOfjMit edopt. bnt hie
I tbe only ncfnUee
Pially Sebelenbipa
crery one of iu
wiA bod been dene-, It «m » little vote. .
rood for any or ell member of a family
Two other nenroee were drowned
tbe eoueU ^aber; bet
Serttnl old
I in force anIn any eoarm la the Boainem Oollme,
yeeterdey e few mllea from Calvert,
•Ortetline perbofe (be M-eendle power. dertbe
for liny doUere. OeU tea will be
iMeedeeeentUmp orer tbe nUerBen'e
end Jeaoo Tarner. 14 yeere old. wee
offered and thcee for JqU. 1S99 If
adopted, emoor them:
mtermted. cell or write C E. Dockteble will brMe ep ud five • acre
drowned neer.tbe town in tbe afternoon
BeleUre to tbe conduct of mloone.
erey. proprietor
- fitrisi
beeltbp Ulealutlon. It
beee ^)
bile etrarelinf to yet Into Calvert,
Beletire to aee of etmte tor eei
be replied withe new one. bnt tbe
after floetlay 00 e baneb of drift for
Belatiee to prltate dralne. Alao an or
spirit of oeoBoar whleb prerelle wm dinance repealloc ell tbe old riUnre nearly ebrbt mllea.
The wetera of tbe Bimsoe end
probeMr prerent eny roekleee ezpep.
dllnree for loeerUe et preeent.
triba -ertm eppmr to be at a etendeUll.
Mayor Bemilton appointed Allen.
There wee one thln^ of nnlTerrtl Inend I -tbe retntell U over tbe w»tcn
Smith eepecielpolieemta to eeree at
will recede, bat tbe Indleetioni are for
temt wbieb bM been benrinf Are for
tbe cell of tbe chief of police He elm
rain. Tbe river U feUin
s lonr tleee bet tbe commlttet
eportnted M. Vlcton. Jay Speorel.
dlaeOMBedee bold deeb end pteeWeoo. end tbet li tbe etronrcit ray of
Wllliem Aekermtn.C W. Athlon, B.
•Bted e bicTde orduenM which b eel Leayworibr -end A. H. Bennett to hope for the lower valley, rt
L Mayor Meredith of Calvert.
esleted to do ewey with farther eonaeree apon cell. eleo. Tbeee letter be
troTorep. After nontbe at dellbereappointed at e prerlou mMtinf, bat
ttoo. okjMtirta. crlUeieae. enrre*- for tbe Foortb only.
•nweaty o twenty-five
UoM end klebe tbe eomalttee reported
mllea dowa tbe river from Calvert. 1'
The city clerk eeked tbet eUlUiir
Feera ere frit Tor tbe oefety of a
tbe old ordlneMO wlU e eincle
beade mlybt aee the eoaocil roome to
WBV Tbe emiodaient b ebort bat
laire naober of white end black~reerBtore tbelr inetraacnla today when not
tte rwolM wiU be terMeblnr. ' Tbe
denu of Uet eection-aAt preeent
in nee. The re^aeat wm yranted, aebWe’re Bflling Ladies' Fim
oortrtlttee effrtod ea eaendneet proeeUmete of leet nlrbt tbet tWrty
j <et to tbe permieelon of tbe chief of
Siloed, band turn, new atyle
more livee have been ioet le not too
biUted from ell welka la the city
toee—new goods—dboes Ibat
TbUooaeladed the bneloew of the
ebe IIU dey e< May tc tbe Utb day of
divert le etlll leoleted except for a
neion end tbe board edj lamed.
othera retail at $3 and $3.60,
Baplambor eepb ye^. Ami Un. emendlonndletanee telephone.' ItieeeUmat«d tbe ordlnence wee ederteo onenled that UIrty livee were Ioet. It wUI
be Mverel deye before Ue reel eitneOerrteon wm ebenat. nine be woald
Uon mn be Iraraed. An catimeU of
. We're aeltiog Ladire' Fine
bate an} >yed tbe felldty oT heeiafl ble 1 ^
Ue property Iom pUtm Ue total el
I the 8Ut-t
Sboea—ourfaniotu Bar^sin
ennet idem tally emtelned.
ss.000.000. Tbit ineladee Ue demece
Parperted to Knee Been |XaAe.
Tbe board Of ^aeetUm wm r^ted
to rellroede, wbieb exeeedc enyUlar
Shoes, at
Drc'arlnB He Wm Xtoqaotad.
■ to move tbe Oak Perk pri
ever before known la Ue euti.
mary balldlnff to tbe eorner of Barlow,
DetitMt. Jaly * —A very different
end Center atrmu near Boeaevllle.
pkme U pal apoa tbe Alfer-PincTee FLBBT WKJ.MOtKK*t DKWBY.
A petilkw for a eramwatk emt of tbe noliflcel ailaeUea ainee the Bovernm
•eOMnty^ Lon; BenlmeStory Sent
Q. B. A I. trecka and wmt of Hope Imt ntrkt tmaed a letter In
Kodhorein the city eqnal
Oat rrom Mtwpan.
M felae end
atraet. wmrraated.
tbMn, eren at a much 'higher
Wmblngtoo. it ■*.. Jnly 3 —Secreterr
Tbe board of edooalion mked for the porported ietervlew with blm la Cblprice Try a pair and be
CcmttraeUoB of a lateral mwer to eoa- cafo M pablbhed la all tbe lerre paevonisr that Here
para in the eoaoUr. Tbe ffovernor notraUia Ue stery mnt oat from
bsppyInc with tbe mala mwer and the retbe leanaefe attrib- Newport tbet Rjer Admiral Senpeon'i
, Wc bare redneed tbe price
Bled to blm ead Ue i
rqaedren would be eent to tbe Axoret
qawt WM irrentod.
What We
Are Mng....
We extend the “glad hand” to sll ^i8itomCto o«r
city. We will UM you oo well that yon] willj^come again.
While here look OTor onr -
“the beat « erer offered for 73c. «id a stock
f airly tj
<^^48c to $4.7S.
Wc give fre< ^ enuvenir -Dewer" fan todnv
** Th City Book store^
Uelpk Cf^i.Ur. Jr. Mui
5. BENDA & CO.
Fa hionable Outfitter^
Our Price $2.50.
C. E Marray mked to be relieved He ebernce the reoortera with wilfnlly
meet tbe Olympia, with Admiral \
on oar. Hen’e Fine Vici Kid
from conatraettaf a new walk adjacent mieqootieir blm end
and eeoort Ue AdShoes from $2.50 to
to ble premlem becaam be eapected to loyalty to Preeideal McKinley, alee lirel and kle Btrtblp to New York.
pat In a eonorete walk m aoon m be denlee Uet be la the eeadidete fer Ue
Ztlnerarr of Sampeoa'e Sqaedran.
eoald eeeare tbe neoemary men. Tble ^eemlutlon for tbe praeideney. fie beNewport. B. 1.. July »—Admiral
Uevec Uet Ue ettitnde of Ue new*,
reqaeat WM frented.
Sempeon bet revlaed Ue lUoerary for
The tremarer reported a faelenee of pepera of Ue emt U tc create entecoaUe remainder of Ueeamraer eraleeof
And eleime were ordered tem effaimt Oeneral Alyer end force
Ue North AUentlc eqaadron and the
pbid to tbe amoont of S3.S7V Ml There blm eat of Ue cabinet. Tbe followiny
prnrram le now m followt: Leeve
wm eonalderable dbeamlon le referd leUeeabaUBce of Ur letter writlei
Newport for PorUmoaU. N. H.. Friday
loallowlnge bill of 3. A. Moore for to Secretary Alfer
efiernooB. Jnly 7. toaeb at Bockport.
f»e for a borm mower end one of
It did not aeem to me neceeiary to
and arrive at Portamoath on
JallaeCempbell for SZm es for a bnee deny Ue Inlerriew. I wmld
July 10; leave PprUmoaU Jaly IJ; ar
rive it any tboorht whatevei
and eprlnklor. Tbeee blllt a
rive at PorUand. Me.. Jnly 14; leave
by Mr. Pyboa of tbe board of'
noiforUeftcl tbet it u made Ue
Portland Jnly 17; arrive at Newport
tbe erflelei mentioned belnr for perk bmle of a petty end meeamplrtted at
Jaly tU; leave Newport affaln on Anf.
porpome Alderatan Moniera« nade tack opon yon. The interview le a for Bar Harbor. Me.
. ^^
a atrong .jujeettoa afalnet allowlnf pare febrioetion. There U net eelnrle
It Psys To Trade Here
tbe bill* at (bU time becaoee tbe eentenee In it which wm epoken by me.
1 k I cot been bnraekt op before U le Ue invention of a reporter who
. VonPlatUn LmceOamp. Barne.
tbe CDBoell committee of which be U
may or mey not have been eetlof npon
member. Tbe erticlee ebonld neee
hie chief.
X>amber aad Home.
eerily be paid for from tbe perk faed,
"1 heveatdifferent I
Bjyne City, Mich.. July 3-Lumber
nod after eome dUeaealoa it wm de- my opinion of tbe nee■eeltT for Ue eampa. barne and elx dwelliDfe. owned
eldad -to refer tbe cletme to tbe Joint
byti Von Plattan, located eiffbt mile*
perk oommlUee of tbe boeriUf edacaWiU Uoaeande of othera la t£e met of Uie place, were totally detion ead tbe oooneU fer eadiUof.
itry, dleapprored of U. I voted f jt etroyed by flr« at 3 o'clock Satarday.
Tbe etatemeat of tbe board ofpab- McKinley and 1 have bad no eaaee tbe oceapante barely eacaplng wiU i
Ue-worka called for eb expendiure ot whatever to rerret it. if be le a candi Ueir livee. Between 730,000 and 300, •(7717. Oae item in tke
date affala I will ukeplemarc In triv- 000, feet of logi. 200 corde of hark,
inf him my eapport.
elelfbe and all lamberiny nteneiU alec
"I am well mtla&ed Ual Ue attack horned. Tae lone In bqtwean flt.ooo
City Clerk euted wm eboat flPOO. ead npon Ue war department u noUlnr and K.m; no Inearanea.
aboal two In exceee of tbe apeeUl ea- bat a coanlbffly conceived plot tc ereAABOM KBKBJIVTibuBLB.
. IT—— After eome diecaealon tbe aU a vacancy to ba fllle4 by a New
amoant WM ordered paid end a epee- York pollUclan. Of eoaree it U not
m meaeiment ordered for tbe amoant aorprielnp Uat Senator McMillan and Obargad WIU Theft by David B.
Inencem of tbe eriflael aiiemment. 'me too' Senator Bu’rrowa have Joined
tbe olty to pay one-tblrd of the amoant.
Aaron Mamrw wm broaffht to Uie
to dlaeradlt
Made by Michigan Telephoae Oo.
Tbe ortrlnel mllmato for tbe work and defame Ue war department
city yeeterdey moralnr by Sheriff
for any elaae of eerviee deaired.
arm tSTt. Bnt City Bcfflnmr Nortbrnp
-far M Uc ‘allerad aUiaM' Simpaon cbai^ with larceny from
Wntad tbet the eddidoael coat wm
with yon le eoDoerned, I can Irealy David Wynooop, of Einfeley He
totbeedveaeein coat materiel ead to and frankly eay Uat nene bm been WM hrooirbt befewe Jaetioe Brown and
antra -work occmloned by coadiUom mada Ae yoa are already aware,
plMd not gaUty U tbe charge. He
at and of eix monthe or change'
mot axpeeted.
■ bound over anUl Taeoday morn
to any claM of aarrlce at wlU.
almply proffered my eapport In year
' AldermnBMontaffM.cbairmeaoftbe candidacy for United 8i
ing at • o'rioek u await tarUer trlel.'
Teleobone Ue nmnager to call
mirhtfnrtb and only wanted to kao* wbeUer yoa Tbe charge Bgalnat blm Uforlanaarl aad explain newratea adopted by
Ue eompaov.
the ramalader of U
la favor of an nmendmmt u Ue from Ua etere of Wynooop at EingaHie .latter
awore oat a
CDaaUutlon of Ue pniud Statm ley.
mi WM Ue eloaed
paeb pm a '
permlttlnf the elecUm of United warrant
aam te wbeela cm walka, from May II Jsutm aeantora by direct voU of Ue aeatlon. The articlce charged m|
toneptemaer i»-, *»• oramanm vrm,p,^s. fwm »lad to be adriaad by Btolaa are a fleb reel, revolver axd
dayaafwr I y«n ttabt yoa favored iba imtrictfonot UrMtroUing boeka
The ball aakad for amoanUd to $700
' 'traata.' bat naltber of Uom Ulnffa
wm made tbe eeadltk»a of my cap- aad baiag aaabla to fanlab Ua reb ~ u«. ■€•
Itabmwt of abooMaff faUariat marty”1 have Bot. and never did eaterUin
lp.ra«Ma.alc..wmoS«raa.' Tbaorir- leramoteat lateaticn of beecmiaca
taal nr**—— povMm Uat no ebaof candidate far Ue prmldeacy. The
$1.00 a Month
immediately ___
l^paUmyaboaldbaloeaiadon Front Btcry la only aaotbar iavpatian
parade-ba on ba^
.■Matt betwaaa Union ana Park etrmt
t wOl eapply flaa to f«r Ua anaan
ImatmmUnta prtlOcn wm roaMvad
t $l.M par menu, or $1.00 par monU
aaklattBrUaiapmlcf Ula law aad ruteiTMykaiy.
at toe Tr^tjiye^madt^yijfy
SbanultinUa amendaianl proviAea
atiart mantioMd ahaU ba alaa-
Alfred V.
Popular Shoe Hoose.
Eteryboilif celebrates today.
B*rfore you go home, come io nod aee
the grand raloi'a we're offering in
nea -y all the lines we hauilie.
Par iculerl;ly, we call vour attention
to o;ir sale of SDI7 fAISTS it HALF PUCL
We Will Move
Aboul the lOlh of Ju^ To tVe elegant large store in the Martham Block—
129 Front Street-Busiest ceotre of the city.
We will have more room to display the best
pianos in the world—
The Kimball.
The new store will be elegantly arranged for an
exhibition of the Kimball Pianos and Organs. '
700 people in this vicinity are using them, be
cause they recogoize the superior merits of the
Talking Machines. Sheet Music. Musical Mer• chandise of every description.
^Feature J 235 Front Street
J,. STRONG, Moolgor
Ten Tear Coniracts
Sobscribers Mai Caocel
Micblgao Telephoie Co.
Beginning Today
and Continuing Until July 6th..
We will make epeolal prloee on Ladiesy
Kisses*. Qe&tiemen*s aad Boy'u
Hew Une of Ladles’ SUpilBre and Stamp
Sandals just reoelved.
Try tbs Jolla Marlows Bboe^flnest for tbe
Parker Bros.
> as Mossno bsoobo.
n&TXiuccmr. •
twTtUacBMdy tor tht »lt&cinwatattos KAd tba Ol^f Al>
fdy Ihfocfd.
cn. T Bai«>
i. W. pjjnn9-
M. W. HAJnnw. Bdltbr ud Mbbicm'.
r MiTieiciM Cttr.
Td Foanb tbte ycbr baa • apeeiaX
aDfmileuee. LmX jmr at tlili Um
«vaoldlen were eayaced tc a dri
aM atraytle before Saal afo aid
Oawcy wae boldla« Maslla wltb bU
ynat naval vcaaeU; wblie tbe world
WMas«Md aitbedcein>eticD of CcrTara'e fleet. Tbe naUon wa» too bu»y
reanlu and tbi. ewilinr
avaau wbleb qakklj foilow< d one
oiber kept the natton’ loo buij to laflalfa iB palriotie dratoaeiratloBe to
any great exteab Tbla y«ar tblnya
are different and tbe natloB will bbIio
la «ae mlgbiy bnrat of patrktle eatbaalaam Boioalyla eomicrmmtloB
of tbe birth ofllberty bat In meoiory
of tbe great acblevctBcaU of onr arm;
and navy, which baa brosgh*. oew
•CMlona ooderOld Glory end awept
drbai Ibc Anericas coaUBent the lyfanay of Spala. Tbereforv, we have
rcaaoB to let onraeiTca loelM tad rrjolee
. la a two-fold blcular. aad tbe throaga
. which aeaeBble wltbla Bar gatee ar«
cbeerfally received to J>la la a deauW'
alratioB of patriotic loyally to Aaicri'
oaa hcroUm aad tree laatltaOoai.
Tax bicycle ordlaaece haa Anally
boea adopted, bot wbetber it wUl aieet
with favor la a cjacaUca to be deter
alaed by the ridcra of
auy afB a bardahip for aaay
to bn prohibited tbe dm of tbe ^walkr
da log tbe taaB.er moaibi.’ bot
IbU aeeaa ts be the only way tbe
oomalttoe can regulate tbe
of tbe walkt by eyclUta without
oacrpacblng upon the rigbu ofpede’
triaae who have prior righu. Tbe or
dlaaaoa baa another invr.ti It wit)
•orve to teruattw ridere to bm
■trtPU eirlualvely, agalnat tb» litre
wbta the walke will be pN hIbIted Ue
year round
SUaj Selcffatib WUl 8o FroaBnrv
te Detroit.
The great ieteraaileaal C. B. eoavaetioB in Detroit tbla week will at
tract aaay of tbe energetic woxkera
Iroa tbie city and vlolalty. U. B. Hol
ley, dIairletaeercterT of tbeEleveatb
dlatiiet, wlU go tbla evcaing aad take
with falB bia big exhibit of aoBvenlm,
wbiea te eempiled Troa eollecUone
Area alt over tbe world where IheeoOlaty la known. Mr. Holley'a owa ex
hibit U an extraordinary collaetioa
tai very valuable, and hit appolnv
■eat aa aaparintendeot of the exhibit
pi ibe oonvenUon baa brought bln
■way flne colleeUooa froa aaay loal-
Mia Bata, Bute Junior Superln|pBdent.-wlli alao leave tonight.
MMe Gertrude Upragne will leave te«onow morning and will repreaeal
dho BadMvor Tidlngn, tbe organ of the
ppMaty for the mh dUtrlct.
'Thedelegata who win etart fro*
- hdrn at e:tQ,to*orraw Bomtng are Mr.
ppd Mm C. J. EbnerrltelU Vogleany.
hfattte MUlar, George Hoyt, Boy
Thoapeon. Levi Pennlngtoa, Hattie L
VrpUa, city: Ethelyn Getchel wUl reyraat the 1‘rtabyterian aoelety aad
^■a ffetchel the eoclety at Neal.
Mlaea Norton, Payton and Cbrr.who
hrtaow apendlag tneir vaeaaoaa at
•heir rapeetive hema. will Jain the
Txavora City delegatee In Detroit.
John Boott of Maple City and Mia
/oynt of Otaena will go m
^va ol the Leelaaan eounty aalon.
Othm from tbla city not dolegaten.
Bat vlaltoru. will be Prof. C. E Bent
^0. A.Bagbea
The woman who la lovely la
Jam and temper will alwaj*
'WMide, bat one who would be
h aiimoUte mnt keep her beali.
ith. If
Ipwnfc. elekly aad aU run down, ebe
•^boaervoun aad irritable. Ifeheaaa
Bleetrte Bi«mu la the bmt
la tha world to lugalate
llw aad ‘ tdneya aad to
avUy the Ueod. t glTa* atroag
Md looking, oharmlng woman of a
fu-«*wB tavaUd. \0aly Me atJobaBOah aad Waifa drag etona
PnECB BontwfU Mae* today for
TMirreat eeUkatian U on. Itbe4. IB eff•e^ whn
oo »U ib« Ilsw «wrln» t *•
Mokes the food more deTidnis and kbolei
ei(j dikcuryad Uodared* ot pw«ear«n. Tbe oobUsobI Brriale iodleeted •• tmMMe crowd for U>d»y end
laat night tae botele
BatterlM. T. Blaekborn. 0«aa and C. I
their capacity. The early arrival*
Novak. W. Snlfka.
----------- -gave an Ida of the wthualaam to be
Prof Eydorba. aont in bia aeoept-:
let loae here today and the nuabera
abowed that tbca who ranwi early anee of the poeiiloa aa principal <fi
iatended to get ia on the ground floor. tbe High aebool. He alao'eeat a} Bennee, July S.—Maitma Labcri and
Baperlatendent D«mahge. ooun**} for Oreyfaa who
Tbe ttrau were thronged all the
afumoon and iMre wu excitement Boro atatlng that be wUl be glad to I had a long coafereoee with Madame
and patriotic demoaatraUoea no 01 ■work in Traveree City tbe next »ebool Dreyfiu yeeterday, viaited Captain
dayligni dawned today. The hotel*
«. * .V s -,n «n -r-....
did a landittee bnainca* and many
., th. co.n
who eould Mt get aeeommodaOoa* lu tkk.u o, U>.
-l» „,.u.loI.«W.h«l~..Dr.jI«.l.™
the pabiic hoatelriee found cxmlorUin UuUU. u,
. UmCu.,.*..,
a meature, in the bay mow* of the «l.hU,.tumdUi. lam.
rr.l.«d dll
livery bam* and otner placet more or
will b. 11 «. ll.l»d »
! U.. h.,pd.h,p .d»r Dr. J-™ r»h
I „ D.-..1'. i,l.od.
D>rjl.. r.o .lord
The eelebraUon ha* been we-1 adver- morom, Uhlh Ol J.lr OUi. U
‘u,„ h. kd,» .oihlm r.w.rwh.,
Used and Tra*er*e City «JU today *ee propl.«olrr.m
• »r.
trhlo wUl rotorti ^
Id ,i,is
UD. r.it*
cltT ab
dh ;.____ ^
^ ......
the largealcrowd In ha. hbtery, anlna j Uod^ay
Wedoeaday eveoinf.
i mange had a
the elemcate abonid prevent.The attrac
lot the proeec
igt af th. wart of Cas
tion* UU year wUi eclipae all previou*
; cation In
efforta and tbe enetgeue work of the
varioo* commltiec* hae already borne Barry and Ben Oardnar and John
Vandervora Broke the Fiah Iaw.
Loub PUeber. a Coldwat-rr boy of in,
good fruit. Everybody Jikea to eome
____ ____ __ ______ , while aUempilng to baar.i a train at
to Xraverae City becau*e the hMpltallty
Maay iron- flihermei
of tbe city U well known and tbe cn- B-gllgeutofUtelnyegardto caichleg' Chicago, ftll .under tbe rare and had
terpnte of tbe local bnclneH men b trout under t.^e regulation leoRtb and , hb feet eimbed ao that It oeceteiuted
recogalxedaa up-to-date. And every a* a i-Mult a number of arretta have
been made by Deputy Game Warden
body Ukia to oome to a live town.
Tbe eimmtiteee bave endeavered to Mark Craw.
Barry and Bert Gardner were before
arrange a teriee of-gamM pnd vartou*
feature* tor the parpoae of making tbe Jcatlee Brown yeatrroav te amwer tbe
day on* .of pleaaore to every man, |«ba'ge made by the ifflier and each
floed tG and $4 25 vu*U which
woman aad child who come, and the
mault will abow how well their work paid, making an aggregate RU 5u.
John Vaudervorn of Paradiae townbaa been done.
ahip was before Juatiee Verly toenswer
a aimiUr charge. Be waa required te
Tbe atramer Charlevoix arrived in uvy «V 2»Jpr hi* eflenee.
In tbe city Sunday, on her Aral trip as
Howard Oiltey who live* near Hogeeueceeeor to Ue Petoakey. Bbe bad
h*'-k lake, was arretted vvUb the other
large cargo on‘ board, l4eladiog
ibree but having uo money with which
taoraee for Blrury J. Morgan. Tbe to psy a fine he agreed to report fur
boat wUl be here again on her return trial today, after being duly identlfitd.
trip on Tfaumday. .
Deputy C.-aw l* making a vigurou*
M.llard Breggrode in fnis Wexford campaign against those who disregard
au Us wheel yesterday, a diataaee of the law regalatiog t'oul fishing and
2i> mile*, te spend tbe Fourth with his ihnse who appreciate the preftcrck
Von cf tbe ape:kled trout in this
The American Expreda Oo. baa open atatewlll encourage every effort to
ed tbelF Bimoier cfticca at Ne-ob-U- punbh (ffenders.
wanta, Sutton* Uay.Omeoa and NoriboortJ. B. Miller, wko waa a boepital
Oreatlag BavJe Aming Oaoadian
■teward in tbe Tbirvr-flrat Michigan
Towns and On* Flaoe la In
la tee late war, Is in the rlty and wH.
turn out with Company ,M In tbe pa
rade today.
tjifcbac. July «■--Hush Ares have be< n
The Travera* City Muel* Co. yea- dlaatirous In this province for the la't
terd>y reueind • rarload of o^n* for two day* At llratidi-invrr. where ihr
tbe new store In the llrotvh block.
Immensv pulp wotks.owned prim-iptHy
The post 1 file* will be open today hy Uenrral Algrr are localid. a oMp
conveyor wae tlcati-oycc, tojclhcr wliii
aeven unill nlu* a m. abd
•''VIC cars of (VI I b"1onglng,t<> ihr
three ubtll four p m. There will be a Itowcr LnarctitUn .railway
railway and s'lme
lornlng delivery mad* by tbe carrier*. t'l< graph poles. The d*mi
mage cannot
Tbe Miaalooary Society of the Bap- at nrwscot be a^c-r•ained.
The town of Garthby vra* entirely 1
tiel ebnreh will accept an invitation to
rrd and <00 petaons rendered '
meet with Mr*. Gibb* at Mayfleld Wed-'
«s. The loaa te ••n.ooo, with
neaday. McmberawHI leave here bn
Mlichell. on the Inter
the 11:1^ trnln and return on tbe
way, It bumlag, but will
Tbe fare for the round trip will be Go
partly saved.
centa Let all go who poeeibly can.
HI* lar# Wa# Baved.
There will be no meeting of Traveree
Hr. J. E Lilly, a promineet citlsen
Bay Tent ible evening.
of Hannibal, Mo . lately bad a wonder- j
A new eeaeh baa been received In: ful deliverauce from a frightful death.:
in telling of it be says: "I was taken;
tbladty for the twe of tbe M. A N. E. with Typhoid Fever, that ran iaio i,
onla. My tongs haHccad. I
weak 1 eooidn't tit up la bed.
Born.to Mr. and Mra WIUI* Blleby. a
New DiteO'rry. Oac
,»ai botUe
Tb* barge Z. O. Slmmont bat tbe
relief. I coGtinned
oed to us*
dock loading with lamber aad alab*
and now am well aod strong. I can't
for Milwaukea
say too much In Its prutee." This atarlUng of the Woman'* Home velloui meoielne is tbe surmi and
aad Foreign Mimlonary society of the cnlckeai core | in tbe world for all
Tbraat and Lung Trouble. Regular
Congregational .ehnreh will be held •Ixc* 50 Mate and 81.00. Trial botGe
pext Wednmday afternoon at tbe heme free at Joboapn's aad Walt's Drug
of Mr*. Lora Tbe aubjeet. "Africa." ‘iterea, every bottle guaranteed.
wlllbedbcaeaed oader tbelaadwaUp
As rshiUtisa
of Mr*. Hoyt.
If it» wait a first class, gaod Ricycle to ride the 4th, on
that ;ao cao depaad an, come In aid baj aa
No Better Bicycle Made, ■
and we sell them for $25.0<\ -$35dXl and $40,00—We
have the "WORLD" also.
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
3Sre-oo- S1iore-120 E’lOXLt St.
All details of the profession looked after in a pro
fessional manner.
Ro. m iiDioo smet
BoU) ’PboDes
You count the number of windows and give ue
tbe sizes pf them. 'We'll show you the most
complete line of all widths of the beet hand
made Opaques. We'll make them in a firstclass manner, and hang them in .the bai-gaih,
and we’ll charge you so little for the job, you’ll
be so surprised you'll want some made tor the
rest of the house.
The eteamer Columbia will gtv* exrv—dirldlng proflu with
en 00 that day on bate—
euraio^ en the bay every kenr laday
> — panta —suite— Hsmtlton
Tbe member* of tbe Cig*rm»kereL'Uoo are rcqueated te meet et A. W.
Jabrene dgar elore at It o'clock, aharp fionath^agforthaglrli.
aa' cream ailk mit
today, to prepare fer tbe parade.
Phil. C. Beuer. of Ue MIehigaa
Btereh Oo.. baa
Fhmegmph SspyUH
wb«r« he completed' tba purebaam of
Tbe W. W. Kimball Co.. *35 Front
streeV have raeelved a large aupply
WiUte Pat
arriyad in the city
yeeterday from Maatetec. He te
thte U tha oaly plant In eortham
loeuted In Oiund Bapids, rvpraaratlag
Michigan where a full npply of
a mntual Inantunca eompuy.
pleoaa can be proeurad.
Mr. and Mra. W. C. Nelaon of
m In the cdty ymterday punhaalng Something iDr tha glrlt
flrvworka for th* hoya.
Mteaee'eraamallkmUte, at the PaI'ma for only 10 eante.
Ward BBra*,, formerly of Ibte elly
but now with the e. A. Maxwell Oo. In
Chleego. te tn tha city on e weekk va*atiou.
A. H. Niekola of Grand Bepida te in
^ city to vlalt hit wife who te apaadlag tba aamasar with Mtea Qariaad.
J. F. FUrdma of tbe firm of White
A FalrahOd t4 Boyaeair, tela tha city
toepeod tha Fourth with hte baother,
w. W. PalnhUd.
We are no good a* iolUeia. bat If you
Miu. Ltehy aad daagbtera of are looking te atrietly high grade work
In rmy and nU lima* of tb* lonaortel
9prtgg^.Mo..*regamteo! Mm. C
e yoa will rurety h* plaaaad
hU^wk^ou will rceaiv* from
PR>LC.EBocMvm leave te thatmt Ikte moraing. Ha .wOl ratun
Jnly ibth.
Bndab Twlrten ww a vmy _
•Uad game Sunday afterwaia tem tha
Weal Bda Bine by a aeora of II te «. PriM. traa ue to ,1.00-wltb cr .
Barber Shop
Pictures In Frames™
Pictures Unframed-and the Framing of Pictures
are all Our SpecialtiesWe make a business of it, and can serve you to
your entire eattsfaction. Our new mouldings
are beauties—every one of them. Those half
inch In rustic, black and gold, green and white
purple and gilt, or those Inch wide black with
either white or gilt beading, and so on through
—Over two hundred style* We can plekse the
most exacting.
Th« Hamiab & Lay Mratile Co.
SlC8*«t Fourth of Joly Oelobratlos Brar Known In Hoith>
•rn Michigan-Orand VUitary and Tradaa Oiaplay —
O^ttanmplao Parade—Exciting Street Oamea, Bicycle
Baoee and .Aquatic Bporta — Balloon Aeoeneion, Ball
Oamee and Kagnlfleent Fireworka
; feewsV 'KevD&
oY ttve "VDoHi; |
-Old Dbc1« Jed” ecB'nay en
* eo«»rnl v»
u Bwlabewt
GfMd Mxt rridaj eroalne.
emriT^UpM^Uasd here » fla« bead
•ad • ooaeert orehMUa. Tbelr
be lh« foBBlMn Dodds, as old lady, who was ; eei of feony ereais. Tbelr comiar at
Tisitiag Mr Pergnsos of Pon B<^,' eech a eeasoaable time lesUlee a
Oat., waalmraed todeatblsataightby !cR»wde4 hoaae. 8aeb attraeuone as
the raptoaloa of a lamp wbicb she wss ■ tbeae always meet with popalar Uror.
*«w Sicycle Danop.
~l b.nbpp„l.«.U»lr«,b..U tor ,b,. . K«l.r Pi„lW.
•Wfwogsns!* SSSBBSS
I July 4th
o»pl„ b
Ue e*Mt of bMUlaLec.
. wheeU togetber eo ss to m the Uem as j At Lmdjo last week mirsthso 1.000 eafe as one wheel woeld be. This dr|t9esolwsrm»«rUl aet folter w«s aloe is made with the inteaUaa cf al- '
,forwarded Iram lbs Wj^w.eb -loib lowieg two riders, wishing to ride tan- i
«M0 •. ■-aetoiar of
byC9»paoy*l.mh Miebtoa Voles. yard to Bontb Africa.
lAett. m do so wlihont either bnying
teen, »t reeideoee of Caoi. J. V. Uelatoeb, Ko. sm Hum etnet.
Many petite were injured In a taU* renting one.
AQ d*r loa(-R«e«pUoa of rleltcreat irale«»sd b«-. by beoCe^d eamailtece wsyaeeidentat Wlnif*rd. In ChssMr-' —.
eilre, BtgUnl A
Us n left I
IberaU*. Another freight train e*l ‘
---- ------- ZI---------------------PmatTT «<n^ Uosi
: mAtrm>-,P>MrT«o.li.
tbe wreck,
vv rin, fo-TrsTSf—Bfs^h
•too ^ ■—At
fee toeg Cleb groasd*. i/bicb are tbrosea opea, free te ell.
tbrosyboet tbe day. Tbe eporu •>■ l oootlet of the foHo-Hg:
others. Tpwsrd of * i cars wet
lei>^ foot yacbu. S alle tHeogulir rmae, }«tTr:<e, W: *d priee.-t
•ad-L.rge ••mag <aaoe. 3 ail. ooenr.
u yeehte. let
prl*'. »1 40.
TheWniM river Uiompshyre and ' —-“II_____________________
•rd—SiuU eullag «mw aates bet«eea t«o nciag'caarei of tbaA. C. A. c.ii.b
■neereAent. Hritt. «i.
Bocksageory. Taey are there snout dsj
bsTr at ksu-Rpos-r bi»]
1 ooo stroag ana the band, of wnieb o’d : —
^______ ;________ fl!'’
4th—P^dltog ceaoee. use qearter mile aad taro. Prise. •! &0.
»tb—Pole coswei. WeJicisg oo grrMed p Je orer the weler. Prise. •! SO
Sowoie Is kbe leader, nnmben folly 1,^ 1Twomre o.vU.-i
•tb—L'ptet reoi, cse-tlgbib ttllearc-vsd bixy. 'prier. tl.Hi.
000. There are at tbe dance nearly all ’ -M, 'Si-U^kSlreSSri^'tS.''"^^
7th-C.otoe» reoB. ooetamUeie to be comp ete.y ci jtaed be eatarleg water. lOO the bad Ind ans from th* Oskott re>-'
. feet frocs'poiat cf eUtrt to finUb. Priii. It JO,
firvailonwb aretroable brejfers Tne , F°*^U'L7VM[r^*S
•tb-DiTmecontmla-feeiof water, arilclee on brttMt. each bf which will danec b gan Tbors 1 ly night and c - be a oris*.
tinned to thresdays w.ihoutfo^ re»t * T»«ii bv
•Ih—Bwlmbalng n«e. ISO feet. etarUag Isom besrh aad Isnlog baoy and rew.Mr. W,H from W..M B,rk. it.
(ornleg. Prise.
AJI eeirles free. -N'oUfy J. A.
•:t0a m.
Gea. IlBBry. Hamden of Madison.
; lOtOOa.
—Bseebtll gam« at Twrlftb s.r-et gr.soitdt. betwi I tbe Grand Wia. wbibas ju«t been -l-cted deEapids Drmwat Mam and tbe Traserse City Busaen. Ado tion charged oartment com-ntoder of tor Grand
to grouds and grand sued.
Army of tbe R-publie lor %bat euM.
colonel of tfi« fl-il W. .j»i«in -aealry. fr im whl-^S a deisii -t( IS) m-n itnb
I0«) A m.—preen, front of Broheb block. Front e
_ ______ _ under C.Ionel Hsmdoi. ean.drel J<f
mengbenof ftsecebeeand PiresinTorders. Not leas than t.t in so on n aide.
Bsmnel U Cleans. Ms'k Taaia, and
1st p-ixf. ft; lad prise. 91
Vb’l •
10:U-Plsir.oo.oerCassao4 Frontsireeu Whee btrrow raon. Mot len than bit family wUl go to S e -t -n.
in London be ba- b m much benrO-ed
C»«V» start Isiprita. St &«. ,Sn 1 pr!t •. tl; »1 pr.s*. Si ceau
I0;l0-Plae*. Frimt ask Union sTreeu, Sack race. Not less than fire to start. by the treatm^of a Swedish d'-ttor. ijtn KK.ST-mu
Uip-U .^.si; ad. SI: al.5c)ceaf.
and be le now H'ttg to a remote i./vn
»to.»-. Iiiimm.l
IO:«4-Bci«-.«n Front ana «MU-»tr«.t. on I nlon. TS yards running race.'not in Sweden t) take Ar r >g Hsr Swdtsh
lens than Arc to sUrt. I>i pMs ■, lit; 31. Si; 3 t, so centa.
Urt»—Place. Unlnn street U-tMe-n bereoui tnd Kigbtb street*, boys’race on
Thesoc'a'isto organ 2>4 d'amstrs•WIU. age 10 to Ifiymrs Biys to furnish atilt-. Uipri..si; 8d. Tli;; 3d. lions Maf|As;r'n ll-t«s-is (o L>g« and
SOc. Mot loM than fife tosurt
In Alra*. aga'net the eI«?tors’ refo-on
bin. There w-re no —rinos di orders
ev-ept S'. Alwt. where tbs o>Use
10:IOM)d Boutb UaloD street, as follows:
ebargel with drawn swards. w>niding
Ipt-Boad race, open to ererybody. Ficm Seventh to Sisteentb street ard 10 psfuons
retom, 1st pr.se, It; Id urise. H: Id prise, St.
A* Paris Charles V<otor CherbnUez.
tpd-B. ju’ rand race, open to nil boys IS years old or under. From Sevenib novelist, literary aid art crife. ail
• street to srxiaenth street and return. 1st prise. S3; 31 prise,‘s; 3d prise 81. m*mWof tho French aeale-uy.
lrd—81ow race. op*n to everybody.. From biveotb street to B:gbtb elreet. 1st Ss'nrday In his seveollnih rear.
prise. 8$: Id prise. 81.
F-f*een oersnnta-e remrlel to have
Bnirtee to br made with C. B Bale, cbs’rmsu eommlttee.
bsen drowned in a biating aeoMent at
PwlJbeM. 0amlv5ni‘'ire, Wa’ea.
A (iermanbitolK At.noo in giM dn«t
F^eo td rs.L^rCSdUlM*^
I;00-Thls parade wt l star, promptly at l:oo o cloek from comer rnlon .nd i
*’“Vler'e tabln at Cans N >m'. In i-if m oo-w.-m-v.
Ik*, was arrea*.i4 hy
Front streeu and will proceed eastoo Front to ttoardmso a’coue. Boardmsn *’’*
avenue to Sute. SUM to Wellington. Wellington to Washington. Washing ‘
' ’
ton to Roardmsa avenue, Boardmsn avenue to Sui». dUM to Cam. Csss to
Eighth, Eighth to Union, aadif fonol practlcs-le -ill go s'mth on Union to ed him.
Biahoo John p Newman, of the
a point that Will enable tbe parade to double on Itself, tons giving those
Meibodiat E>ia*:aoa1 cHorth. whote
S«UM-hoW rwmK
wboUke part an opportnnUy to see tbe ert're pageant. Then go
FiiapY Afret and disband.
epiacopat reaideneA Is In 'tan Pranc'aoo' <> vm-r '.urn fnuB >■ IB wur.scx
%*. Ss-t Inr. U .l>Un>o.2II Pruiik -in
.ylight fireworks and hot air bsHoon aaoenslons lor the children imme- ’a criticall.v ill at bla
tlrol lor..rbl
dlaMly afwr tbe parade, on Front etreet, near tbe Pouw Implement Co 'a toffo
•Dorifelf 'pssmroifsetorr.
A aortbern syndicate reeentW off .r- £i
e-Hxi i<>w<
^.oBo.<<irntnt.Nutf Md Ba>
ed Mra J-fferem Divla m.oni for her loB slrrri. rrs
'rack medneti
frtt at different poinla on tbe streets.
l:00-Seoonil game of bsM ball at Che Twelfth sMoe.t groaada betweea tbe home at Rea -volr, Mies., but she feared OLOoroiTriT -rarap tor rasa. mils.
Grand Bapida Drmocrais and tbe HnsUera. Admission eharand to gmanda that tbev seonld torn tbe e1ace to bna>- SJ tsio.mar.l >l(« rierin/. rrsak 1
I account In some war so ebe refna
and grand sUnd.
the off.r.
Niw the MIs.lta’opi
*:00-tSrard Balloon aacenslon by Mlsa Ha >«1 Belmont, one of the famous Belmooiblstera. T.,1* wilt take place jm*. west oi tbe - nae ball par-, on IStb ebapMr. Dsughtera of the oe • Cnnfed•ireef. Miss Belmont will ascend wuU her great balloon .1,00<. feel or more eraer. baa been given an option on tbe
Mrs. Davie trill
• while riding her biryfcie. BhewilltbenentloieefromUiebalJoouaadde- hlatorlc bomestra-*.
sell ts the ebapt r for Kf-.OOO.
ncend with a paraehuM. sim monuMd on her bicycle and. when within 300
crar Wa)flrld. Whsi
It Sart
yua *o-. Vranl
An order baa been baaed to the gov- C
er ioofeet from the ground, will attempt to release herself from tbe bley:-tf.
ele. letting that drop to tbe gronnd while she springs to the parachbu and ernore of EngUah prisons to the effect
TPyur WAXTiDsuia-erotanyktB.I In Crst
that all convicts anderroing penal aer- A
descends with tdet.
rUos roauaslcaor to bay a house, lot owltQde who have not pamed tbe third
■Undard is edneatinn moat be relieved
taHALLbOVVK-ABdeStwtloiaa IHaW st
from labor one hour daily, to be devot O
Vlll arUrbrap. fraiik PrMneb
If the wind U ant loo atrdng MUs Belmont expeeu ho drop wltbiu the clrele of
ed to inetrucUon noUl the convict ta
the level fidd from which she ascends, and she nepseially cautions all perptOB S4U~<^k or icsiallBrats. 7) aor lou
able to pam the examination.
o kar from UH.Irr the wheel and paraebuM ae the deeoands, otherwise
Prof George T. Ladd oftbe Yale nnl- and BoarWwet* w4 'Baoilai.^a^^!'
eome one might beteriously hurt as one or the other drope to the ground
of the baadBomrai lesa la Ibr ataolr plat Ub
veralty pbilieopby departmeat. will etmIdlaeoiiBi tar al) eaab. laqulrv at Kacuu
from eo great a beigbt.
leave New Haven in a few days to be -mreofTfcoaT. Br—
gin a leetnre toor la Japan. oa InvitaT:8^'Band Coneert. eloelog^ith a splendid dli|p1
_________ tioa of tbe Japanese imperial ednoation
wUl be eel off Bear Murchig’s blacksmith shop, facing aeoib. Tbe beet point sariety Prom Japsin Prof. Ladd will
borne Trqnirr
addreea el' Mias
flebnfield'a dm
Ireasmaking parlors, ttl
of view will be on tbe south bank of tbe river near Bon. Perry Bannab's rca- Journey to lod'a. where be will Iretnre
««S F.a»t VVvnt• r..tn.tf
to etadents in ibe great cUlea, al tbe
uoivecsltice prineipal'y
His Inetar-e
ffonrth nf July Votee
ren who InUad to uke partehonld be In India wUl be mnetiy on rallglea.
------ '
0^ oav S\jedaV
Aquatic Sports.
SaU 0TvT){l\)LsVva
Street Games.
SI SOS Vim Vtm StVisti. to art VtsiUU Vo oomt
01 \V\» Wis 4n-tot no VoM moio- oTToiutmtiVs Vo
CATh ^OT a\\ \\vt ^a4» 0^ toxm btvA eouTiVrii. atv4 tv<A qo
tDt\>voft\ OUT dvTtTtM tWYcBT-but b-oVA »Aq AqAVTv, tome
J, W. Milliken.i
: assAAssssssis aaaaa aaaaaaaaa»
Bicycle Races.
206 Front St.
• «•
Grand Street Pageant and Parade.
Caution to the Public.
The Herald Building. 13} I^t
wlU be EaeevUve CommIttM Beadqaarters aad Bnrenn of lotormatlon
B the gronnde at U:3o o'clock.
1 luckjf Numbei-Remember It.
Business and Pleasure Combined.
Fun for all-.-Don't miss it.
See small bills.
Prizes for all comiretitots.
If you forger the street number,Remember the name.
Hamiiton Clothing Co.
Lif quality cuts any figure
le 80( a cheap Mth Extract, Bade
tar temporary eelc. It hee been
before tbe public lor yesra, and
has grown In favor as a food end a
Btld stimuteni, recommeaded by
leading pbyalclaae throH^onl Iba
up (
footwear—we don’t spring F-\KE sales on onr cuslomers—When we adrertise anything you will get valne
received —Yoa can’t get something for nothing.
We want your inspection, and will name prices at
onr store that down any so-caljed snap sales in this
city—We have served our trade in reliable shoes for 16
years, and the pe^le ought to be convinced by this
time who tbe Old Keliable Shoe Man is.
Make no mistake.
At All Drug Stores
MB. £Tduruu
We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear In This City...
IS oa tbe bay will be
imade by the Traverse Vey line of
W. R C, will receive visiting *^2. ^
^ieaand chlldreD at Ladles' Ubraiy
Ball, on Front etreet, where an oppormme^ks Mnarly rialsbed.
tnnlty will be glt^n amthen and lltUe
provn^nnu to the Oaitaalie
Cemetery which
noder -e^ay
ileh have bm noder-e^ay
for the paet few weeks have bens aboot
nf the city srill keep
eompletod with tbe exeeptlon of the
all day and all viaii ralalog of tbe crom at tbe loop tn tbe
on vUl be made cord'uily welnome. mala road. TbU wUl be raleed la a
May of them famishing tablte aad tew daye and whea done the ceaiiery
nhalre for eattag Inaehea. .
It n very fine
Jerome Wllhelm'e work In thT’i!^^
AU chUdmn over eevea ynara old. 1*^ne ha haa
seorked effeoUvely to e
the Mty aad
tostae aad aoanyrrareeordlally larited taey a eradlt to Bt. KraanM ehnnh.
80 Jola In tbe great panda Tbs gatkBakcr-KeOonear BnpUala.
ari^ plaee wUl he Bear the oomer of
Traat and Unioa etneta, oa nad adDeoaard Q. Baker aad MMa Anaa
Walag the old OnUer property. Sept. MdDMonr of thm aHr mn Baniad Baa- Bern. Prof. Cobb aad aaaMtanu srlU day atlamooe atAo'nlaek la «ba Catbhave tbe ears of the nbildraa.
Brnry oUe chareh. Father Banar oOetaUag.
AUd who Jotae la the par»da wUl be Beth are local raaldeste nad sraU
fl«« a tUg whM Bay be kapt aad kaasra.
•arrlad heaM. Tbe parnda *01 etart
They left yeatarday te the aottih b«
KMipUy at oae o'cloah, aad all nhU- wtlt eoaa ratarm.
Aftet morning parabe.
Ow, MX
^ko\>5^ Anv5l<5^
X18 yarosTt B«z<«e«
■W'\X3Ta'b\xx'ar Sloo^
TEB moumro rboobd. tuesdat. jult 4; isae.
1 Ai«L]«.AjiLMrAiiu«u«u«uiu
I SVateiftems
hydrepaekto aad la owMT haakadto
boot tv ton.
Kra >. H. Kallay of Holloway, waa
nportoddaad Friday. «ba bad bate
~wtog fram %mmcr a toag whlU.
larattou won hogua to toy her
inAwtt\. j
4w«rm IP «t «r i«nar«r w IP X
At Wkltuavc, »i lb« «pmU1 tachpnr «iMluU(« rMMU7 b«ld th«v.
PPM alatk rrad* papU* wrou tba
tpc»«U»UoB. Md »tl pawd
B»rr«7 Baan. fi It yatf>:
Vnte CWT*1U ardd 1«. ud Owf
Jtekwa, «Cdd 1«. IteM an protaBty
Ah* /MDc**t audMU la tb« apa wlio
I able to talk
tad noegaUe hor frtonda
Two Facts About
Aibuckles’ Coffee ^
It hat set the standard of quality for all competitors for the last thirty years. The strong*
.eat claim any competitor can make Is that his coffee Is ‘^ust as good as Arbuckles’.”
Mr. lanae Mltchall of L>wuU b In the
dty tbliiag with bb danghtor. Mn.
W. H-Clarlt.
Mte Bartka Brbtol of teat Hlatb
alfuethaagoMtoMaabtn when ake
will vbit for •ome'tMna
Mbi Julia SweoMy aad Mba BIU
Hamilton of Fife Laks am la tka city,
tke gmaab of Mba Mattie Lyuaa
Loub aad ^raak Dempaey wko bavu
bran worklag np aortk pneeed tkfough
tke eby yesterday on tkalr way tothalr
home to Manbtoe:
Bd. Kewtoa b oaafiaod to hb boM
Mra. C. U. Sherwood aad ekUdrea
kara gone to Brie. Pa., for a vUH of
aevoral werlA.
Mra. Charlaa Halataad ot Maakagte
b to tba city for a faw daya’ vblv after
ker MS'a B^togu to Maabtee.
D. B. Wy neoop of ElagMoy bln the
4oteO«rBi7. oc*d~l Tmt*. ot Oormm. fall off a load of ka7. aod breka
' fcp ohooldar aad fraeprad two vamteaa BawUldla.
A Urra eaUla raaah la to bo «ttb>
tiahad la loaeoaoBBt/. .A faw waaka
^aMUhloeoapMf pnrebaaad t ow
paaa of toad fov allaa fraa that r|llae* «B «opa araak. U kaa baaa
teaaad |o aad >M baad of paaoir eattla
ataalraadr naataf o«p tka irael.
PTtea tte ladutiT U wall aadar mj
«hara will ba l.ooo ealUe oa tba nock.
A akaapraaeblaalBoto^ba aUrtad In
tkateoaat/. Tbara u a «radt daal of
'land ifc loaaoc -naty wpdaUy adaptod
far raacblDf purpoata. U U aorarad
. 'aad^ rleb cra^Md clorar and' bM
Bev. Dr. Bready
Stuigb hae ra-vpjIUUefomt. Aatbla U the fim turned to tab borne, after vblllag with
wPU a raneh in tkat aeeUoo of ibe bb brother. Ber J A Breedy of thb
mm*, tba aantnrata to ba watched city.
wlU latoraat. If it U aneeaaafal. tbara
Mr. and Mra B.U. R^yoeof Mnake•pUAeafraatdaal mora land taken gon are in tke city, tke gueeb ot Mr.
iV tortbaaaBa parpoaa.
aoo Mra. W. F. Oalkina.
Mba Clara Pkeipe kaa retnrned to
''An aoeldeat report reoaiTed by tba
>r of rallroada at Lanaing bar borne to Petoekey, after vuitlag
with bar brother, (tooege lAelpe.
^paatarftay, atataat'iat on Anna tt.
Min Sadb Metiee aod Mra. Bemna
Okkafo A KortbwMiem train atnick a
A ao-yoar-old girl who waa playing on have gone to Kalkaaka to rbit a couple
-«te tpok naar the bridge orar tba Ba- of week#.
Allen Warren and wife ot St. Loub
«anabO riaar- **1ka train atruek bar."
tba report, "and Id can paaaad re vbiUag at the home of Ueir ekil. ^ar bar.bni being oiaar of tba wbeela. draa.J. M. Blakaeleeand wife of toe
•wba waa only allgkUy bmlaad on tba Wckaier atraek
A. .L Tldball aad wife and Frank
% le-yaar^ girl of tba Indian In- Sbaanoa of Bepid City, are the guaeu
datorlal aebool la la tba aonnty Jail at at Mr. aad Mra. Blakniae of Webater
•ft Plnaaanl. haring oonfaaaad to aat- atreet.
Mr. George Soyder of SalamatM b
tba baUdlng now oaad for
Cte glrU' donatory aad offic*. Tba vbltlng kb eon Dr. J. A. Snyder.
Mr. aad Mra. D. MeClary of Cedar
«flra waapntoQt Anotbar attarapt to
■bam tba boildinga waa made Sunday. City, aad-chreeeoae Clare. Denald and
eoPaa tba laundry waa aared after a .Leon are vbltlng the family otJ. J.
terd dl iti. A bey U anapeotad. No Bakar.
Dan Bound, wko bae been at Central
meraam baea baaa made, but the girl
will be held there pending an Inreell- Lake worklag on the Torch, b In town
pattoa by an ledlao agent at Waetalag- ter the Fourth.
Herbert Somere arrirad In the city
tew. when it U thought that the myatmrj of tba Bra ot June 14. whan tba yeetitrday from Petoekey to epead the
mam bnlldlag burned, may be aolead. Fourth.
•Wge Burke, of Toronto. Cbnada, b
rraak and Charley titnai of Albion.
MWrbed ibU week from an intereeV In tbe city, the gneet cTf hb brother,
knee Borke. teg winter'# ontlng aod trapping exPollipL BlrdaodM-u AngutU Bitpodidoo. October M leat they went
Cate U. J. Wood'a hnaUagoamp.tkirly bee. both ot Urawa. were married yeaterday afternboa by Juaiiee Brown
mllea north ot MaaUtique. and re•borUy after tbraa o'clock. Ibe young
aaainad there until leet week. They
people will make Urawn their fnlure
werr twelve mile# tram anyiettler and
Aid aoteeea peraoa until they cane
Mr. and Mra. Joaepb Stelmel and
•BitbUweek. Tbe enow wti See fpei
family of Suttone Bay, will arrive in
deep all winter, and they could eltit
toe city today for a abort vbit with
•balr trape only by wearing aaow Min Boae Sbadek of Sontb I'nion
abeea. The mercury elood 4& degrew aireev/
tefowaero. Thay rapert that arolrca
H. PatUnglU of Saboelcraft. baa ar
aeofO rery nummoua, and that three rived in the city to attend to bniii
p-obably killed Htty deer within fire
S. n. VMburg of Summit City, b
mlUH ot their camp during tba winter. atopplag at tbe Hotel Odlumbla
‘ aad that the woUee are doing more tc
D. J. Warren, of Wniiamaburg. b in
matarwloate the deer than all the tbe city.
bniden la the etate.
B. M. Melvin of Wexford, b in Ue
aoHgbtoa will apead •O'l.ouo
aammer in Improrlng bar atreeU and
O C. Hamlin and A. B.| Copley of
water eyelem.
Wexford, ara la tke city to epead tbe
Mra. Sarah Tagne of ConttanUae. U day.
akaeUlogbutlneae woman. She runt
Hugh Miller of Eapid City, b tegbm bar her ebop. working at a ebalr her. tered at tbe Hotel Oolnmbb.
aelt. aad alec rnat a cigar factory.
Clare Hntoblne of Bapid City, b to
At BomeojCharlae Klllmora died fron to town.
Len Urwa aad B. Weuvur of Fife
hteeffeeu of a doee of parlt groen.
aakeo InuatUmally. at bit home tbarr. Inke, are In the city.
Mr. arri Ur. tv. K. BortgenofA)
■ e lived alone- He
«c yaara old. •
den art ■■■ ■ - n «>. »pend tbe P. urtb.
vatoran of the olrll war.
..... wife .M
Jfert Klbhe b the firal Ooldwator b^
%m araw a wlnalng card for the Peru aad Mr. (i u.o auil •ife of Uiauii baparrived ynterday ea route to
MpmlUoB He baa been noUfied bj
__________________. _
«te Troy Laundry Machine Qo- of Chi- Pouch.
BDukleas Arnica BalvA
p e^o, tnat he will hare charge of the
Tn Baer Batm in tbe world tor
whlblltn I’arb made by that oomJila, Bruton. Soroe, Oleara, Salt
Bbenm, Fever Sorea. Tetter. Obamed
LtUly a large party of erippled Haoda. OhUblalnx. Oorna, aod all fiVto
traatpi worked Vernon on the etaaHty ■rnptiaax, and poalUvaly eurae Pllea.
rmeket qnlie encceeafnlly. and when or no par reqalrud. It to gnarantaed
AhrOB«k with their take went to the leglve narfact aatbfaetlon m- aaoaay
•uAndadT Prise lleeau par boS. For
-nllcood aad nimbly etught oa toa eala br J- O. JoUnaon aad S. ■ Walt
ffaet morlng train, dcaplte the feet that
ttep bad been nalngoaaee aad orntebee Fan far •verybo&y
Ctalld'edrume, with atieka. only
e^Ue bagging.
eeatt at tbe Famoav.
Tte tboneand dellan U a pretty
pmA abed Mil for oae man to pay to
Vouce. .
Is lbs saner of appUrailca lar 'thr aattlea«i
oof hotel for hlmaelf, hot tbat'e about
Cbarle- T- Wricbk.
Ta« board ofpardocu
«te Bgare whieh repreaeab tba aum srUl heU a pvWk.- asrUar al ths folloo
lag aased flares lur,toe paraeas ot taklag
bebal of the raoelpta whbh L. Q. Oil- Meiiaway latbleoaw. ti U hoped tkai ^
key tea paid for hoard at tha^Bnrdiek foraoBsharlBf kocoledgeof toclaru la toke
raov elllccwe belorr toe tioaiUBBd aid tkea
Aeme to Kalamaeoo. ' Be baa hwn taamrlag al a frofor dswrailaaiusi of ton
Marly a atoady boarder tbara for oeer •altar.
' The board srin meal al lb* Park Place botaj,
la irmeirTIb a P-yaar^d aoa of BaCtaewObarff. of the Miohlgaa aagar
fartwy. waa torrlhly injured by
weplealMof a giant fireeneker.
Itet *f wra Mown out and bb right
Ante M badly latetotod that it b
■aeowary to ampntato two fingora.
•eate ttee age a dog |Mt aaotber
balotebiff to a tareaar naar Oxter< aad about two veake alnee the
meraaref the lattar deg ebot it. fearteg M woe about to go- aad.
•eia teatb^howteur. tha deg bad Alttea a cow. aad laa weak ibe
pan to develop aambtahable aigua of
Tia'vrss City ooTsesday July II; at Aral aa
Wadassday.Joly it..at tot PrUelpal HoteL
kea*salaosin.ursdsy. July IL Tbl> Is a Bailar ofpohUr latoroei aad to* hoard of pardeas
■a*l doftel epca to* atunae for lalormatlo
ratottod W to* asertu o( toU tfhUga»w>
hoard vUl be grateful for ouch IMormaUeo.
S(Mw to OoBtnefam.
The best Coffee Is Arbuckles'. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles’.
The right thing is to Insist on haring Arbuckles’.
M4cn« al I
Unfurl Old Glory ! Let The Eagle Scream!
Whalber w« do any business or not, but we will be on band and wide-awake to
serve all patrons'- bat want a pair of sboes.
□Dlxe HBargalu Sale
Of tbe McNamara etock. bought at 60c on the dollar U still on and selUng at half
price, an diets of new goods just received, and tbe prices are 20 .to 26 per cent less
than regular prices.
It is just six weeks Since we bought the stock aad the sales have been far above
our expectaUone. Wo have done our best to give the citizens of TraveMe City and sur
rounding country genuine bargains and first-class goods, and thank them a'l for tbe
liberal patronage we have received and fiatter otirselves that our efforts in that dlreoUon have been apprecUted.
Wo are here to stay, and our motto will always bs “the best goods at the lowest
AUtOB W. kU-K!
Ootk e( Board of Psbtic V
808 Front Street
THI UitUk IMEAkfiXli.
TnrtnMOitr Khitow
ffCsfirsha camdb.
balow la a Uat ef tha hoylaff Md MUMer
inr prtoaa of paatorday for ffraeartoa.
Ho n*48 tka «atk ud •he left him.
TravEloras e'riorfc «om. OvmMo tbero
VM attcr aUeM« tbra («Be the woail
C C Phrv.'Vbo wma with tbe Hod.
of &M7 feeUippe. The &<« of Heostr rsllsto*
MB Bay company IS yearn, and who
ValKh tewBshtp were Mt o« for vain
baa be«« around tbe bead amten or
pernde. The; mvnnt baHnrM.
the Ottawa for a motto tonm pertod.
“A t*rHfi( hnuerlng enste at the
doora, the oae levH with the ;ard at- to ■ mine of Inumtlag InfurmatluD
•»♦ »• •••*-*
Urkn} 8r«i. The jailer koAed ool c« all mattera peruiDlng to game or
from a aa«li window in the old iwf. wild life. He taw me lookiag at a
««HX ■«: -Hbr kl.*»»d Itr
hart tepee and aald that the Indian
It had been need for aiH-h
toes*, tl*
v* tMi
^ wopJoy for Bicycle
•TVe arant Martin." cried a volr^k name for It wai aaohabgan. and that
Bephiriiig. Quick work.
■nod wv know tj^arretica lan't here. the apeclmen come from l«ke AnidplmtogOpen the door or throw oot the keyA" thanlplmtog"1 had to get
of them for the
~1 can't do It" abonted the jaUer.
' * wv*. Bf Ike eye sa* «
Ill Uatonfftiaet.
jjWe'll flfbt n oni! He'a my Uood •how." he aald. *tond I went to an
CtmUitii 8*4 IW wmr* to MX.
Indian named Peeshabbo and told him
Tkov* I liW II uflM.
With a afeat about the aaaanlt on to give me hto. reewbabbo ftjd: ‘How
tbe door besan. Tbe prltonera-abova tbe biases am I going to Im^or
Ibe doiiAron were wUd with ' tanor. rest of tbe winierr -1 aald: -Oh. man.
ye'll make a new otic.’ -Bat
What wonU-tm n mob dot
"Menr b« (Tied, "help me to barri- ped any hark.' aaja he. -Never you
tore 1s « BMowK
ende tbU door! The aherlff wlU come. mind,- anya 1; -Fee got to have It.' and
wllb that I look it. and here It U."
/T ILitAwl- A OaTM. AtMTStyii. naseislst
We mnai fain lime."
Mr. I-arr esptolned that the harit
—AIUbu OmUsUM.
II took a food many mlhnua to paaa
tba barrtradevaad to chop In tbe henry tepees are owil by Uie Indiana on tbeli
door farther W It took more to winter banting tripa. They are made
B tCws^
-assiesne asla2s by
wrench and rbbp and pall out the cell Id sommer from tbe hark of Urge
A freak of fcotooe
* ***** “*“**• «■*• wooched to hlrt-bes. sewed together to aectlons
BlnMt ud B««t
measoring about 3 feet by IS test. Tb.].olc ftamswort of the ie|a-c la erected BMtBmASada.
tioid at three eeato a kwf at the
and the hark bent around,before It
FsImv Bakery. FuU itoa of troeeriea.
baa dried. BO that It will ukr the prop,
er Bbape. The free ends.of the bark
Xeduoed Eaien-O. B. ft 1. M 8.
a>-(iluns are protected and kept from
is. Baal
eonanuallyafmld.andUiahelptoMhi.yi A down hand* laid hoM on the •plUUng by light strips of wood, op.- oaU. U. Twaebers’ AeeoclaUoa. CtocloB 1. Hs.
haodad leaebliw. The sheriff advertla-, crvurbltif fleure. li waa dragjced. haul on either side, which are attached by
KntgbU of At. John. Clevelami, O.
ed to the papera of lOe auic for a
«fvW. forced up the atalra. out ■ewing.
Unitoa itoctety C. E. OobvmUoo.
Seven of theee SsiS bark aectlons Detruit, Mieb.
n and *ovem.wa. a Imcitefa *“’“ **^
-Hiring him up! Hereto a rope: are used 111 the conatnictlon of the
Epwo.lt League National Ooovenagency
t Ftorasca Early to. BlverQuk-trrantlOD,
loOisnapolto, lod
World's Bicybie Meet. Montreal.
a womanto ahriek-owfuL hli camp tbe seeUana are made into
Wercs.-illrO. 3
The abertff atared at her wten be
btood-curdilng-rang out once, agato. light roll* f..r ('ODvenienre In carrytoB. fimd fu Thm Cuts.
met ber af the mllruMl atorton.
agalb. The crowd feU bark. "lJoo.1 In eredlng tbe te|>ee tbe bottom •-<■
believed she iMd oot Wp well
Uori: Whal did lids meanr
ttoo to put In place Brat, aud two of
Rla Impulse was to take ber iato
tbe rulto are commonly required
Arst eating boum and f.-eJ ber np a
i-uod. It waa reach an.und. Afterward the other
Uttle. Ml,.- waa too much of a tody for “
trm>r«trl(«cu woman- •eetbsis M wound around tbe nm«that. and he bundM
tall- *ba|--d fiAlnewurk np to within
boggy to awkward silence.
, r_n-1I •*«
* —•
suit of ^uiwcs.
Kloreacr ImDroesil xi ni»i>h in ■
—■ »w
----- —«/>
short dlatanre of tbe p««k. The top
St kbriMwi ^i^e^irNa*. pme ato.
days :hat he waa aurt- about Uie esI-L
•boui.Mod to aiuong them to left o|wn fur tbe escape of smoke
l..*K f ^.^tL•K^l<»N
Mew OlBos. Markham Block.
tog He care her ihe plrca iff iteak
horw-men, ibe burly aberiff at Tbe upper sr.-ti0Ds top over tbe iow.T.
Via. Cblcago .1 A'esi MIehlghn railsliiagle fasblun. and all the seami
Deal the bow aj his tuoai deiUhii. at-■*d.
dWgcnally with referemv to a
Icatloii. Wbeo be gn w leas sby b*
July 4 •!» * St boc fare rateR-mra
tb-al Him-, to such a way at to abed
looked IDIO her face and mel 1b oiy IS Bs ensiop to Augnst it f de"Are ye ni.-u? TT(,ls woman ha* sav water perfectly.
•tesdlrsl pair of eye* be had ever seen.
r. H Rate fri'pi TYsverse Cltv »T on.
Tbe sewing la dou* with
Tbe alieriff knew humanity. He luufc- ed my bi.nor.*' be cried. "Off baoda.
T •’-<» lesved.Sua. m . li:4>ip. m 4:3U
•d at ber. and felt that wbeu be was Ttoank Ood. Martin Is safe. He Is uu Waitnp to nuide frum Ibe
>. ns. a:rm p m.
obliged lu gn away at night be could murderer. The negro 1 tmeked to apnice ireew. pulled bnt by the w-om.-n
Arrive Brlroit 4:01 p m., }oii5 p. m.,
Ws are doing besinvt at the mm
aieef.. kMwlng ibal ibe ukl melber Bear Swamp tivday Is the man. Hr and lK>ibd till sofiened. The i.rowii M&a. m.. ll:4ua m.
Uautf, Trs»er»e IHj.
old eund with new Aataresaud di-Ucato WUly haw a atay and i-wiu bad the old man's vmteh and money. bark .veering to riihNsI off, an.1
For sballle. gu bonier'
rouU aiilll Into auliabb- slsea f..r
Aprcisl low ram to poima in Canada
One day be took ber Into Ibe Jail. It
Ing. Wanup will keep for yearn, anil •nd New York have been mada f
wa« a fearful place. One aiory wa* ow*. The sheriff carried a limp form It to tougher than n»*Ms-wiMHl. Whi'i. letcoii. Ask agents for full info,
> will gtye yoa onr cloee attontwe
above groudd. •
w.'.«rT^, ’,ri'
*>•* lavished wanted for uw all that to uiTcmry to inn.
to onr best to pienee yon.
<:»u« BaMAVKi. II F, .
to Ihniw It Into water, and It N-ci.nica
le other, a rrrlisl.le dungeon, au a while prlMiner. to bi-r aiUiv. kueli and pllahb-and easily work.il.-Foreat an.l
mao cuaOned for a capital offense, lie kissed the fe«t of the poor lltUe guv- SUvan^
was the SUB of a wealthy faruwr an.l
•are again prepared to deliver le
Tbciv la a better jail now. bnl__
accused of Ibe murder of boib falti.-r
I parts of tbe ritv. Our prices wll
ftotee yiwra ago, when Ilr. Cnlcb
and mollier on the evtdenee that be people of tbe cooniy have not yet ask
be aa low aa any offered.
bad bad a dispute with them the day ed for a Niter sheriff than tbe
ton, now htohop of lavudon. wa* hleliwh<-e
before tbe foul deud.
op 4,f IVicrNirunirii. be got Into
vermilou on s train with a pameng.-i
Jobowm Martin's wna the strongest.
Both -Phones. 94.
eiw W
-srTt>s>v towek.
TVwvwrw* atr. KleU
•im.le cell of u
who lulstiMik him for a enrate. atnl
MMhsO or arim l•slsllBg.
lowed to aee no
t one. and Ihe
» allowed
Ttoe Ini.-re«!lng procest by which who
aberiff bliiiaelf carrlMl him his foo<l.
nlwten.-c of bto ronipanbm. veto, talk* ■
I* palmed WB*
On the day tbe aberiff showed Flor «-ribed
ed of uotblns that he did not adorn.
I iiBvo a full line uf Bucket*
l^riy U,™,), ,1.,. jui u,.
j,y. Kml.rl.-k
t. ,ui»,
By aud liy llie.pasiM-nger dlm-oTfrid
liie Jaocr. a Wan with a settled, alun- nul the nuirrUgv of hi* aged mollier that the curate «-n« gidiig to travel
cirecrackerA, Set Pieoee, Torborti^k. I'lp.lIy.ne anerlffWthe RnL Harriet *k Hcacb ItogTrs. «: a runte on w-hl.-h N- vetohed to Mud
and worj-thiug with which
r down the dart, close suirway. Henry HicbsrdA.n K.igen. the spirit- hla own liiggag.-, he himself Junrney
tog on another to meet It tot.-r.
asked the curate If be wonld mlud
A litlef■ liy 3
lid FINreu<-e
ocx-u.t to
Iu the
the far
far pm to evMeiur. Hbe wrote ah,- 1
111 the meaiiliuie -cume U> uiy
lookinff after It. and Hien.
^ . and
tbe If Mge. l-aiiMd before a long yeam.-d for a picture of i
•enilng. h<- thought It wtoeai to knot
lure aud Kct Ihe
Urred grstlT*. and clUd. to a vol.e mother deeased. One “Tentog
to w-bom It sms that be wa* alii.u
B. J. MOEOAN, Propr.
I Inlrvi*! bto |to
your neyr Jailer.
. A elewn cauva. was put on the eaiu-l
"liy th«- way.
Moren.e sunotL Some one crawled and many cut il,.wers of many colura me to ask you. air. but are yvo n.
to the bsr*.
-For tbe love of Ood, Torrence, bow
The light* to Ibe room were Inrtj.-d
-•M cU. as a matter of fact. 1 am
tong to Ibis tu UalT’
low. Moon aon. almost inaudible mu- a curate.”,
-There 1* uolhtog new UiU momlng. an- was beard.
Place jour ordcru early for the
beard. Ur.
Ur. H.«erw
Bugera. on a
•Dh." aald the genttoman. "yon at*
John. I have to to- away i.te to-nIgM. lounge, went .Into a trance. Tbe st.lrii a vl.ar or a rertorr
• No." be said. The fact la I am
and aupisT.
Rogfia aud vtuod nmr the easel, in»L I have nut a bcneBce." .
'^***^»»**“*y Moiber shadowy shsp.. took
By tbai lime the iiiguirer _ ..
dim form. Tbe spirit artist dlpj-sl
coming aoinewlial nerrou* abuni hi*
'onier Frt^t aud l*ark Streets,
"Ml« Florvm-e.- be luld. «Imaai brush ton. the rsai-. to which the fl.iw- p..nn«aut.-au. aud so witb aome d.-gmgo over t» Beriln lowhHilp after a era were and drawing the bn“h over •r jMilnt N- Mid;
opposib- Hotel Columbia
man; l eatiuot be bo.-k befum uihl tbe oaura* rapidly luttoled a iiortrall
"Well, sir, but what air your
night 1 waniyoutoUkutwtcM Uar of Mr*. Bew. b H.igen.'os.INt. It waa
rjMu whU-b the gentleman luid:
“ .
a apU-ndld likeness. In N-HullfiiMirlglii
"WelL the fact to. 1 am a btoh.>p."
Ah hour Uter he was goue. and abc colura. and was completed in IS mto••And whal btohopT*
bad the key and bis lusirucWona
i utf*.
-Tlie Walmp of Peter
kllM Itoriy was rvafftog aloud Jam ' Ftvderirk Itearh t.-atlfled hi* mother
, before dinner, wbl-n the servaai came bad a spirti i.l. iww of beroelf. wlri
lu Irti ber .am,-t«e wanu-d tu see her. ilw Bhade of Ileary Ward Beecher
Any one who to going to aecldent.
She found a ruogb wan to the hall, standing behind ber.
ally upwl a buat ..r tumble off a .I.M-k
Bc^ous and ■•■kward.
j -Beecher • my guMIng aplrlt." she would Iwnf ebiKwe some oilier plsi-.B J. JMUKGAN. Froprinior.
• -They aay sherifTs gone over to Ber told her sun.
Ti^-^oarse C‘±%ZT, Miola^axL.
than ('oniwall. Iluaato and BoN-inlu.
Un. mlaa . How tong wUl be have
-Were yoti ever at a aeaDCt*r was There to a strung BDilpsihy to rvacu
*ak."d Mr; Beach.
PlstfoMo Wagon. 3 sodU. all ts good
dn.wulng mao which still Un
"A few booro,- r^M Florence. . "Oh. yea," he aald. “At one s.-an,<e
wder. pric ASS («.
gem In parts of the wori.l.
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
the air waa full of heads that would
1 twu-aeat rKtention top Carriage,
Tlie asheniinn of Bohemia thinks
ewiy painted, price $4S lu.
The man looked at b<T. and whiqier „od ye* or no to a\ .luesilon asked
private baths have been added, makinfi^ it one of the most
that if be snatches a db.wnlnc
1 FbneioD Buggy, goud order. A4uJu
od dnickly.
them. One head i
hotels "in Northern Michigan. Address for
“I'm a iriendof his'n. I <vr^ to till «“nie of Naney-i
-“‘T gvi
take away hi* lurk' In Ashing and
1 Road Wsgon. good as nsw, ASS.ou.
rates and other information
him all UcValgb lowusbip's lomlng lu- name. Home
r JumiHil
OKireover. drv.wB bim at tbe Aral opLumber Wagon*.
' alglit after Manin. The,
table atnl grabbed a bend
lend; the llghl.
Oow to tradr fur a p my.'
The l.tea that the wali.r qtiriis ara
•on aN.ui 7 o'clock ibai utgbt aud nol masks. 1 showed the mask pf Nan.-y
half a mile from the fanu."
to my mother, and told her ab« waa taking loll when a peraon to drowned
prevail* to ronsIderaMe extent out of
Fhireiiee Early fell aa awful chill N-Ing bumhagged. Mbe did
. Evrop.'. The Plameae drend the Pnak.
at ber bean. Then ibe strang. kind U*'Ve me."
j or water spirit. Ibal selsiw twtlierfB.-e of the aberiff lame before her.------------------------and aMAXELIHO
hasstoa Newssaera.
' "nd drag* them to hto dw.>mng. The
M'ltb an effon sbe replied:
There ha* never exlst.d a polltleal
Indian* have the Mine Nil
Tf you have a boroe and knoi
The Chlueiw are ri-luctani to save a
‘ -rito---------- -------tor
any wbera elan.
........ ................ p»„.. ,rv«.
Ikun't tow a
ate. Bring him here; 1 will keen tbe
Iradlilon. Ibe g..vernmeut of that the aplrlt of a person who has
man nutll he ivmrw."
the .oar only allow* the publlratton of met death to this way contlnnea to
Mbe went u> dinner calmly, iibd af- ®''** **“••> *•
wery respect agre.^ hover over the surfa.e of tbe watet
terward* gathered np aome deJkacle*
optoloba Iq untH It ba* rnused th.- death of a fel
Praotlcftl Bicycle Bnflder IK Union 84
and adde.1 them to the meal for Mar7»*-» of ffNut Imis.ri low-crvalun- by the same fate. Thereand Bftpairer.
tto. She ibrew a light shawl over her ’f.w ,T^m. -1*. .T ' “'f*-"**tT f«n-•‘'‘•‘“•“•n *'bo attempts to nohead.
ebher to excite or to calm poWk .g,ln- rue anolh.T fn.in drowning I* suit.
The Jailer wa. to the hallway when“■
•bv weni Itown thy atviu. Hv tookvd
,uua tor iniiaon-. to
raiM- fram
om II* wauderint* by the aacTK* «.rr4.tuF a.wiD«i1
.*_______ «>VW»pnj*-r» Msldpoly madv
tIAcv of^anuthw llfp lo ukv'lu tteew.
the grating.
ihv Koks^an
Mvr Aav.
iwd It and tbnui into it tbv liaskvL Cbauvlntot party. IN- RdiwiId Inn
EU»el-That itotratabto Mn. 1
A hand i<«k It.
IT of thv mtol^-°©"'wav'
mtolstry of .
“Bat yuor dtonvr." ahv aald tmtiy. *»1 «*»v Hyn OlHiolHava. ■ Tbr Aral •aid that I luoliiil M.
nhen 1 havvaumvihlBg loaay to roll" **>“'“ ovwapapvr datos from ib*
Mand-How pvrteoliy a
tvMTMte Mil «t«Mr It to
Gas Lamp-S2.00....
Price BedicalteClw tot Lot
^:= i
Lunch Counter
W. l,SI53.*£Aag“ •"
o. iijsffis.;
The Tienei Bakenr.
For Ihe Fourth.
M n in lit SSI bum
Hopkins Bros.
Arch and Bert
John R. Santo,
Eeierel lisgraice.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
Best Ice Cream
aid Ice Cream Soda.
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
-Geo. B. McLeilatt, Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
arriving every week.
Park Place Hotel!
H. E. GIIilTS.
-Tbb, will 117 lb ab. JO. riOT, lb.
Mboa-Abooi m. o,.r.-Loba„. i,,.
*11 .o-.i.b,.- c^aw. biapi,.
•r aoi gnUty. If I aaw ytm. will you
bNM was I*vier ibv Uwwt. who
glv* yonralf «p to Sheriff TonoM ®**‘ •«««*< «Ik 8t. . rrterabnrr
mt KagtssA
>1~».•««*«««■ of tbv poprta-
Beat^iread in the city—tc
e loaf;
SforlOc. Oookiea. 8c doxwn.
If yon like to eet good, sweet honfe
iDhde breed go to
413 Union Street.
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
iiBii cm iwajn^
k6«kat.t kwo«P. vamoM, ivvt t. im..
IUS7 *r r«B bAT« MW tto ta»o-
JlIttllD’ iltUi dgU
Gate Post
15 cats
Pro|>erly aorred io a neat disiag room.
Jllsgifill liieof CoifKtigaer;
Wa.de Bros., City
Opera House
and Tuesday
K>mr. Tirtdlr fTM. ud Dre-looktiic
pUiou. bnrlDc in blPotijln«-tla»* » Hcb
■ rMM*
July 3rd Attd 4«h
FOB BAUC—MTM toad, toi of
profoilna «f »nr»»7'Pon>** ** ta^’enrood wood timbar. paalnanla la
Olgua of a»MT Kind
like Aelictt UUw
Loogltoke:tMraaaatr«ud. Priee
Tbry lift their thick oral tearga and
grhicb tfea fraxOa Uoaaoma weU above tba agrerp
Of th* TOO a
FOB SAL*—6»—florae ud taro lots
nytl pOm* }b
N mM to COD' of the water, but ket^be bear? and
slOld Mkmioo. 1ft rods from doek.
Horae 16a*4. wing lIsM. torg* barn.
tala, tba preMOt amparor cwttsta ODCColeci poda half, and often wholly
in B B«W Bad tBllllBd
Ht^rt^rrata for •« pat month.
hlMoU. for hia pdrau aae. vlUi a
form the aecondary otBce of ponebea
wHa of 20 TOoma on Uie flrvi floor «f for earrylnx aiiBienanre from place to
FOB SALIC—000-Good airall horar,
tto boUdlas orartookinx tlM 8ehV>M place in tbelr tovlnpa. The roota are
<S acres gronnd. Gnrield nvenue.
Pr.ee H'U
Iflao. TbaM rMOU warn on» laNib- leaf. ape. halr-Uke. daik brown, and
Fob SAI.R-eob—Five ner* lot on UnrttiA br. TnitM tba Ornau aod --------- - alnple plant floatlnf
daabUaan tbla tact bad macb to Oo toverted often weirdly ouggeating the
........ ...
wltb tba cbolea of tba a»p»or. who brad of a droimed gill Prom among
iYnry Hrannh*# teenod ndd.
-1, n A. BnUdlng.
liobemto nnd kith atirat. Priee
im baw at xraat palm to rrcaerre tbeae coploua finer ruoia. which drink
tb^ w aawbw poMtbla ia-.tbcir or- In tbe pleofs food from tbe water,
'OESALB-flia-ltO-ncrn tors fonr
ewdKtob. CaHka tba ramaln- there nhoota out here and them a long
mllaa north of vilkaga of Aldan na C
BeAutifuIly illustmUsI aonca, elA W M K
tba palaea. tba ampeiw'a prl* er and thicker rraner, or tap. of deli
PCktitly pt^rkrityiii by tine BbTPop'
cate cream coUr.
▼ata rnotoa am aimpir tboocb ardaUTbe single flowers arc more Uly-llke
ixiB gALB-sns-sn-nere farm, good ticon view* — Imte Hpenalliat —
caUr fanilabad. comfort tatbcr tbaa than hraclnthlne; bat they grow
Nos s> c-ArpLsl>e.sW)-t ■llw lenk ssd
(mme bowse, good bnm. good or. MarveloaB AorobAtic Fe>uta.
of Tro»ero» Clij Train arrl»»« Ittm
toznrp-lielnf tba dominant character- rac«m«. and the iblckeat cliiaurt Jus
ebnrd. well wnter. StoHvUbiggewt Shorn ever givna for the
_____ -nwci’i a> aw a « toaw* *:»» p lo.
latte. Tba same may be aald of bla tify the name. I have often eonnti-d
lace of Orswn. Prio>. fll.ft -O.
ToniMlier Block.
“ ■“'"SVS.'S.SK.o.
FORSALfl-MM—NH.ofaw b see U. priceapannast la «w aew patoee at Pota- from 12 to 20 belU on one atali. 'nie
Popttlar pricra will prevail.
U—11—abont Aft seres sulld tlm
A«» tba aBmaer reaiduce of the im petals are six In nnmber from each
ber. bardsrood. baltam.eedar swamp
parl^ tamllf. batwacn which pUce calyx-fragile, abecr. with rarely t>eau
Some oedar tiken oak
and Barlln be apenda Btoat of bla time tlful reining* of deeper porple ujk.d
FORSALB-wrft-oK otsel, and aw’*
arboa not ttavaUbf. The flrat apart- Ibe prevailing tavender. The ttpi-erof ae<«. sec 35, Town St north. 13
mant to tba cmpai^a anlte of Toomt moat petal of each bloom, standing In
Bberman. ex
at the myal patoee U the andleece a natural position, hat In Its ceuter a
property. Price
A. A sm*rr. M. U . l-mp-r. K. W. amass.
Pbyu'tea. »U> euomlUSC
cAambar. the walla of wblcb are cov- gulden eye. wltb radiate poaeock blue
Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years— FOB SAL*—West 180 ft M corner
arnd wltb rrtaa allk and bras with marklDga Incircllng It. Thla peculiar-.
s pUmsSt
Bigtathst and Uarfirld ave.. large U> lour.sd D»0<lk-clui. An m,l<* saSdleptetana portraying arenta la the life Iiy adds greatly to the b**autj uf tl
Look at them whether you need one or not.
mnc-sli n>
anon's mamram to
boawe. bric* f..i»n*UoD.
af Ftadartck {I. Patatog from the flowers Rerioua ebarg'-a are U h
■ail a.-tot««iMa(«Umm>rkMaM pwada
$800 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand bi
aadteaea chamber one entem the em- brought wltb more and more lm|M.
'r^ty stock this
cycle-$*25 will buy the best new wheel on the
peror'a prtvate atndy. with tta mag- tunity against tbe -yaierbyacluth.
nlflenbt* painted calUnga dating from and leglaUilon has been invoki-d u----market—Come and see my display before going
tba baglnnlng of the eighteenth een- tiian oDC«- to clear tbe PL John's
Webetrr sv Srvrn rooms aieely finelsewhere.
tobed. good well water, fruit ana ortaiy, and Ita araUa covered with pic- them. They are l»i>edlug navlgatlun
menial tn-r*. large lot. C6i30U. small
tarn of tba Datch acbool framed in 16 euch an extent that anuther step
V'swpil) aiieaded V
b*m. Price toso
sf£*’intpf^v, ^
btortt wood. Seneatb tbe atndy U tbe «-m put tbe stale In arm* agaUisi
FOB SALK—ftvo 10 acre*on Pealm
a HTARBi'ca
tpwtol abbtotMT. a Urge room with them, aa kUasacbusotia la against the
liles fro » city, lauu apple, pi
daearaUeam, and beyond arc gypsy moth. It la urged that m.thlng
«rh treoa,
trees, all bearing
cherry aod peaeh
tbe bedrtMm and dicaaing room, bttng abort of total exterailnatlsn will •erte
Carperier Uili, floMt loralion on Pen
with plctnrea and Incidentt is the em- any good purpose: for they multiply
ioanlsi wU uke part city prupirty.
petor’a travela.
with amaslng rapidity, and the,den#.aaS •asanaw at sraiasai T) awes
laraa eight m am*al
Panetaally. both to aommer and closteri ran guVckly congregate
ouv.is eS^Joaeins.lM.
kbooi »xi.
winter, tbe emperor rtoca at 0 o'clock massea ao Ibh-k and extenalve
TM Catobrated SpsaUUsts. ForwMrly of N«w Vorkijind now of era
_____ .
Price flifto
and dona tbe onltom of a rneetan greatly to reiard a boat's pmci
FOB BALB—ftvt—lie fret on West
< tanmnL aave on extraordinary occa- Boatmen Qnd them tbe mtwl formtda.
F'ront street. 3U0 feet dera- vacanC
alosa. when rccodne to Ud to tbe Im- tie foe they have to encounter In this
gnon bnilding sent. Pnee flt'ii
me&M wardrabea. wheiv hang bnnWIU. ra AT
ftNlB SALB—SK3—81 acres eight mile*
mild climate.
drad of onlfomsa both German and
east of city, imi.oiio feet bemiuck.
11 to ■awdoth Mltlng."' to truth,
foreign. mtiUary and naral. together down the placid ain-am. Iietwt-eii
cooslderable gond hardwood, racopo
mtilng. Priee HftA
arttb dvUton’a acUre of all ktodt.
beautiful banka perpetually verdant
FOB iiALB~ftAS-Hous«and lot. Gar
(act. tba oaiy. garment aald to
with palm, palmetto. lauiil»oo, wUd
fi.-ldavenna flASo
waatUg tbeee to a dreeelng gown,
OttM Honrs (rem 8 n. m. to 6 p. m
oleander. cba|iarral<> of laurel, and
(-MR KALE—set—Dwellisg, WebMer
artlde of rtdtbing wblcb tbe Hoben- other semi iruphal Hura, until our re*,
street. lU roams 31.AOU. bay pajaailng
sailaena abbor.
After breakfaai
ael encounteia a denae gre»-n Island of
wttb tbe eupreaa. tbe emperor pfo- tbe roving plants. New iWMenio-rs
FOR KAL*-SC9-F<wtv atee farm.
oeeda abonly after T o'clock to wortt. alare amtaed to see Uie boat pushing
good tnuMings. or-bard. H.ftW
.oltbM to bla atndy or la tbe raadlagFOR SALK—571—Forty sere farm.
straight against what apiieara to tln-m
good bnildlnga. every '
•oom sdMbtog. The maaa of work
a bit of Isud in the btrram. wlille old
vbleb bo hka daUy to get through may Florida mreli-r* look on with undi-r
acre farm.
ha Mtlmated from the fact that
Btandlug. but Interest. It Mcma novel.
MIR SALB-S7J-Uood frame house
Indeed, to plow one's way ttirioich
Ux-ae diifUtig laland*. watch them
•benton-milr from centAr of city,
parts and sink, and then reap|«ear and
tecviowa with mtnlitera and other
hnime Hs34. six rooms In bcMse.
fiOicttonarlea. aodlenoea to be granted, rennllc liehlnd the vessel. Tto-y do.
to very troth, •'bob up sereuel.v:" for
F'UR SAl.E—&7ft—Uoo.eal^d lot corner
and depotatloiii to be received from
K «r and Stale streeia. lot 54 x IAS
varioua parta of ibe empire. Mliether they seem utterly unhurt.by the piia.
sago of ihe bi-arii-st steamer across
to Berlin or Potadam. tbe whole morn
scUR »
ing la apent at work, except for aahqrt
S=EStg2Sa!S£*S* _
aerea limber. Sisi.ixai soft ■ |m. KWi
drive or etroU with tbe empma. and
rock elm- inooup basawowi.
aftaa far on.In ike.aftemooo the cm- the ca'ilahi'a tmi>er gone, and the
maple tt S'vi
pator may atlll be found tramucting tteerKumn augry as a bonist.—Lealle'a
F'UB SALK—ftwi-BoiiM and Inull'ilor
the affaire of atatc. Lunch U at S Wsskly.
atreeU un rooma. aioue »• nudalion aod atrae baaement. n.mplrtr
•'dock, and to ihla meal the cbildren
TU* -Phy.tr U
aro admitted. In the aftemoau. If tbe
tnm r-raad KaAMa. CMelU^
Fuk KALK-Two hundred vacant lota oati.ftiM
preaasre of work it nut too greav tbe
11 down, fll a month
enperor vltlts the bead* of depart- from the cltitchrs of the s|M>culMlrc
FX»B 8Al.K-5r-a-Bifbty acre farm
o PWi rnmimm.
atwa. geaemla and mlnleiera. aind bnllder. ibougb It trcnis atraug,' that
la-tru<t aod
dtornaae* atatc affalra wltb them until the rescue should have to N- i-ffr<-U-d.
Tralo lra>wic at
Walbx 10 t.raad KapM„
• o'clock, when be generally Sim-k fur as a last pcsouroe. by tbs trusuv* of
SA LR —5U1 —Ni Diev aei
has rbalrrar
Traio leating at II It a
•.'■anUge drive. At « be U again at the London Parochial eharitles, aays
four raiiea ooutb r>f city, aeveoij WalKio I- T<-l.-dorta H» <1
Inreara WalTraill Ira t •» ■• •• ai lia*
n. fral
. wbldi on ordinary pccae'ona the Loudon' Globe. No doubt tbe
too inOhtra,.*.Clarluiia . I.Mi*<lUr. iadtas•daartera of ab boar. After study of botany draemw encuumgekm tbnwRW
log rai U> Uraad
tpendk aome time with
dlraar beg tpei
ment. but we should hardly haw'
0U4rae. and then retnma to work till thought that It t-amr under the heailsUble, boggy shed, oim crib.
UWaWOOBQ.P gT.A .Orae-t
10 or 10:30, at which hour he niually »ng of a parochial charity. To crliletoe
pooHry house and y«rd; ^ bearinr
MUma to bad. Wbeo trarellng the tlix Cleans by which the garden. Iiave
amptror allowa biraaelf no rotaxaiioo.
been aavefl. however. I» bot looking
hut writn ]uet aa if be were at home,
hugglf*. rleighs. cu’te'. one spaa
gift horse Id tbe mouth: for of Ihe U*ubt-rara, two acta bameaa, two cow*,
and when he revlewa hto troope he It
efll Uiere can k>e no doiibt whatever.
two ciivra. eight abeep. thirty-five
Often In the saddle from 5 In the momIt to true that tbe “Phyalc Garden**
aerea bay. aevra arm com. five acm
tag rant 2 o'clock in tbe aftemuon.
had losig outlived Ita origlual pnrprac.
poiatoea. three aerea wheat, fonr
I^acy boor which he ^90 spare from
When Sir Uai.a Sloaur pnwentM it in
wiack or fion attandknee at military
JT2I to the Apoth,-.-#rtc*' company hr
. bott^ I
•r otbar tunclloaB. tbe emitcror apruda
n anon. gt.
thought, no doubt, that be was provid
vttb bla irire and dilldrcn. for he li ing them with the mean- of }H-rf>vllnc
The above are all b4rgatos.%nd can
above all tblnga a family man. loving tbelr profeaslunal attainim-ni* for nil
bla borne and leading a life which In lime. But tbe utodem physician has
Its simplicity and activity may weU Ilitle nerd tu go hunting alxiura gar
airaa aa a high exampi
mpU to bla sub- den for "slroi'h-s” to cure dl*<-BSc«. au<I
Tba Host Buceuaafu; and
of Hanklnd Poaaibla to Obtain.
ao^he "in>y*^:ardcu" at Chelm-a has
TMwoai ewarbaadtevorabl
gtndnally dolthcd to t)>c |H>*ltlun of
■aoe- upoo tS« laMM ac.cUBe V'»
HLmvp Dl~-a.
Big Boatka ago • bacbelor-s cinb one of tboec thlni^Whlch gnld<-s to
•tea rveriwbete
runMeanI.eudon.dcscrlU' as “well worth a rts
wna fonnad in Alameda. CaL. by'
no <)w >o>in< ao<) treatise atoeaara asd <
bottom of ataleway- lonpataim.
It.” but which, neverlhele**. iiotxNly
aioal al
mleft. Uke fi-at d< >r to right; ”U'
number nf tbe nnmarrtod men of
Vioar, Tbroai a»d Luaga.'^^pW^
vtolla. l.'nfortunalely. too. a physic
sign to alongside the oor. Wr are nrt
aity, who eomblnad to resist
garden cannot be
on the grooad floor, i 1 least nar olboe
atoaraa «f the fair aaldrns of tbe exiw-ndltiire. and a
isn't. Wc
automraltr aud to abet usd etscoungo ade pai
So far as having tbe larguat
heal bargsiiu: we are strictly in
•na anoihar to keeping ont of tbe tolls
We work all the time, we can sell yonr
•t matrimony. As anon as tbe object Stoatoe's garden, the .tpothr<-nriiV ao.
pmperty. wr eao give vou-bargulna
of tba club became knoam Use Uvea of clety naturally became desirous of getMake no mistake tn ofBeer Bcmembet to!ariM*UurtL«'
vats oraaaay 'h'atova'*trJM*st'mra
(tug rid of what bad prov.-d to l*> a
tta membeta were
big sign at bottom of staira. Big bar
r.A encuu.
rial oatmcltm was their lot. and they white elephant. Happily. Its aale for “Al5ajSAi«^A*B poairmi ouBff
gains at top of sulra. fimt docw to
building has been pvsT|K>ncd by tbe
did not evaa escape with that,
YOUNQ AND MIDDLE tbe right afur you tom to left at head
were actually persecuted by those doctolon of tbe trusieca of the London
of the utalrv
whom their conduct had made hostile. I’arw-hlal ebariUea to expend the occ- _____
The Hub received a letter ilgned The eraary iHOO yearly.
Young lAdleo of Alameda," stating
Wber* hato Coma PMiM.
that tha membera had gone to tumec- ' Almonds are found lo Asia. Barbary
]W aoU
A mlDd
eaaary trouble la organtolng against and Morocco, liiose we get arv Im
Cnpkd'a wllen. *s none of the young ported from MaUga.
ooniD uorr a
Indtas wonlA tsave them as a gift.
Cocuannts eumr from the East In
*T^re are otbem." the letter stated. dlea. the Weal Indl»-a. and the islands
-Who aiv rat only able to tace rare of of the Paclflc near the equator,
'sUrasdl ttCGl'AKA*m
Omt MsHraaiu-a tbot Mma
tha»aelv«s. bnt provide for a wife at2ratotrra^toi'
._____ ervo. P
Haxrl nuts grow In Eurojte. Rnsila.
•o. It to doubtful If a member of tba Asia. North Africa, aud North Amer
BaebeioPa Hub caovdo either.” After ica. Filbi-ns arc n apeclet of haacl
•lx nBOOtbs «f aoch bamltlatlng expert- nuts that grow In Greece,
TMaUrnd Air adwlAMmM tm atorium gam
' A M jiO-l>r_y_M'All
eater the proud ralrit of the Alameda
Uk-kory not* atv an American prod
.1 amu -ttara.
Bacbelor’a club was brokm aed they uct and wt export them in Urge
PUtCHAROINQ EAlto e«rM la evwr '
AHsralned to capUntote. Tbey wlU numbera to Europe, wbelv they ar»*
meet for a fkrewaU banaoet at wbl
fi.ncd good eating. Pecans betong to
aoch toasts as “Tts not well 10 live tbt hickory family.
onalrakowUl toalvea retoouaiwlasSU toaltfe I
alone." "All the worW loves n lover.”
pistachio nuts conic from Syria, and
-rUey're nfttr me.” and *'l.«l'a kiss (he Greeks were very fond of them. rriS^IUuiarraath ^ WeuUi, gl.tac polaauoai ato
CbMtanta form a portion of the daHy
and mnk« up” wlU be
o( PMIadalpUaThen to* club wlU dtoaolw. and the food of iha MedlterraneaD utiuoa.
raaewawm pHtriaa a kraelalsr.
toemban hope that the (air mx win though to America they arv Dot
amraat to receive tbelr nurradgr. ' crowd Into flour, hn are eaten alnLm T: PeoiriBgtaB, OiMrict A«L
4Mr agpartrace ahenU U a wandas | ply aa ouu.
•f ether
to the
Fire Insuranlie.
SilVBF Brotos
First Class Haiau Clear,
Coad Sira,
Specialty Show
Eicailaat Daainr.
EterrthtM.m ud DMHit*-
I tsk Tour Dealer for Them.
Gggd Bass
asd Pickerel Fishiig
ECUPSE ions IM mT u
Bast Prat SU
CoDsaliatioB aod Eiamioatiaa Free and Strictli Coefideitial.
crut Ktpui < iNiau «.».
DRS. B. S. Sc CO.
Ijnmcui ledicil .iuiil Surgical loM at InsktgoD, Idi
July 7,1899.
211 Float St.
Chicago —
West Michigan.
Secaail Flaai.
srsmssrtSisSTSi. oTfX'STffSrtft..
NS. I. S. t CO. nilATE «H IN, IKKCH, M.
The laat laana «f tba Loodra dtato
SJ-FilfS J
Provident Life
and Trust Company
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