The Morning Record, October 10, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 10, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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10 TIME wisno.


oorpe. aeaatora. eonprawnau aad otbB
larltotf paaata. Wbaa Praaldeat MeCUley threw tba Arat trowelfal of
Injiuv«AtA in LoBoa Qrowlag Barter oa tba uplifted block of liaaatoae aad proBoaaced the eoraanloaa
aet. oaa of the moat aouble patbarinpa
eear la Cbleapo lookod oa.
J adpa Koblaaat. ek^roiab of the eoB
Body of tba SaeBy Attaekad TwentyBittoa on caraBoaiaa, latitriaead Saw
nfty tntoatry Bat Wm
I ratazy Oapc. the praaUlap o&rar of iba
Baek by AttUlary-Baasrml i
Tba aaeratary Bade aa laaplriap
OoBBUnd Kat Btronr Oppaaitton
Tba praaldaat than
Oa Waj to KofAata Saada^-:-


Good Reading

Oecaee of Oiraree B«aed aad VaA
lastaat Marrlapa Idoaaaa iMoa
Lola Objpaator
A tew daya apo
Oarpaatar and
ronm •uadUy Appraaek. Kdwnrd Wood of Wexford, eeaarad
m to Bary. Wbaa tba Ueaaaa w
lap lb* VnattMa-Briltak Ttw^a
“HABTI** A story of the Cuban war
Id by Ooaaty CUrk Na.wton. that
•aM to ka la Mtfoa to lUka ofidnl AUad oat tba Heaiai with tba
I paa that ba bad aead JoM • aa«
MaatM«d oa Atoaaat «r May bafOra la ^patap a daeraa of divocee W
correspond with the latest research 6c
Baa of LoU Ckrpaalar ea. HaihUn
. la Aatoal KtotnittM.
Baamy Vaa Boated.
baada of Arabltoet Oobb. The apCbrpaatar. Ba had Joet aipaad tba
“THE LAMPLIOHTEES’’jVery faranatiog 6c
Uadoa. Qet.Tka two Boar ro- daeraa and without laylap dowa kla
Maalla. OoL «.-lbia aftoraeoa a
««tU the pradpakUaa ha*a at Uat atewa tMr haada paa tiled eat tba IkBoaa wbkb parbody of laaarpaati waa aaaa aaar ’^^
Last week we had a sale on ladies' pocket books
ky daouadlap a daaltoatloa of Brttiah litt^ MfB Oarpnatarto Barry apala. LaloBa eharab. fear BUaa from tbai*^*“"' of Bortar aad threw it oa
at 2Sc. Saturday we unpacked the largest line of
tawatloaa, la tarva coarayiaf a tkraaL
faaae of the atooa. Tba band
heart of Maalla. ‘^ay opaaad Arc.
Tba darMad waa frasad dorlap tba
fine p(Kket books ever opened up in the city, (all
the bsUeU faUlap oBonp the taate of
lattar part of tka waak aad U BOW aaU
battbeehaen of tba crowda ^Boat
the Twaaty-Afth lafaatry. TbeAi
empty) In Seal, Russia and Kid-the latest colors
to ka la tka banda of tba boaa povaraloed tba tranebea aad replied drowaad tba sarle.
sba^s and tnmminjfs. Prices range from 50c to
aaaat,aadaraply la aapaetad by tba
Tbe BllUary. naral aad drle parade
ata raapaot i.MO yarda. The laaar$4.50 each. Only a few of a kind but a large assortBto*« la abort ordar.
CoaaoU Ordtn 80Q.000 F««t paau Tolleyad. whUe the ABarieaae tble afternoon wae rarlewad by Praai•aaday paaaad wltboat oaart acta,
oeed artUlery. AfteAo hoark Apht. daat MoKialey, Saaor MarlMnl. BlaleOf MAtorlAl
kat both tba Traaaaaal aad BriUab
Oee Amerl- ter of fareipa aftain la Maxioo. Pras
troopa waia aeUaaly oa tba i
lar Laariar of Canada aad other dieoaa
wee woaaded.
Abort Beaaioa/Laet Blpbt at Wbleb
toward taa troatlan all day.
Tbe day
Waeblnptoa. Oct.
tba BriUab troopa are aow ia a poaiOipdra from Qeooral OUs statea that the traas- aad Ue lisa of Barab
290-223 Front Street
Baiph Ot^Able Jr., ManA«Ar.
tka to oaaka a Btitap dafeaae at aaarly
portladlaaa tailed from Manila yea- WiU epectstore at every
aay part of tba botdar. The Boon ere
Aldenaaa Oerrleoo did the hoabra at terday wltbltorty-three ofBean and 619 •paoa. Tbe parade waa led by a bat­
allapad to ba diaaatiaflad oa aaeoaat of the aaatlap of the oooaeU Uet oipbL Boa of tka T<
talion of police. Follosrinp
tbadalayaad iboaa at tba froat are The eaerpatie aldarmaD from the Fifth last Tolooteers to leare the ialand, alao Mexleaa band of forty-eipht pieces aad
oapar for aetloa. aad aot paUlac It ward bae raoaatly tabea a wife aad be 100 paaeral aprlaoDen. General Otis and Aaerieea bead of sixty pieces.
And Use to ooBplala of a bad ooa- deairad ble frieade to koow aad appre- made the of yaater- preoedlBp Ue ebief marabal. Gen.
u VTcry mu IhM
Wesley Merritt aad bis staff Tbe pa
elate hie bapplnaaa. Wbea the Boetinp: Aphilap:
Eaporti bora aay that atay ba?a
ailed to order tbere were eloeten' -General ■iebwaa with bii odaBB of radewas arranped in nine diviaioae
left tba front and ratamad to tbelr of ox-Alderaian Jahraac' aew bread of I.7M sen of tbe Tblrteentb infantry, a and included tbe turelpu pneats. pov
taraa dlaroatod. aad it la aaapaetad Gate Poet eipara neatly arraapad la tin bsttalloB ol tbe Koorteeatb ialaatry ernmebl ofllciale. Union and Confed­
that tbaaa diapraatiad aolriU may
erate veteraas. Billtla, aeval battalion,
opoB tbe deak of the Bayor aad caralry and ^wtillery
forea tba leaden aot to aaka an at- aad dark, tbe aldarBco'e table aatf left Baeoor yeeterdsy mornlnp and fraternal ordara. labor unions and
took la force bat to allow the pant-ap tbe raportora' desk. Aldennaa Gsirid to Novdeta. ^He aaoonnter- poUUeal clubs.
warlike aplril to be apaat Is raids.
eoapratalated warsly aad tbe ed beaey oppoalUoa at Old Carite and
(koriaa of Boar brutality coaUaaa. meellap waa opeaed aoder happy beyond, but drove the eacBy, cnptnr.
Tba MalU corraapoodaBt at Cape aaeplera.
- ■
lap two pons and inflicUnp eonaiderlu-tboy're
\frj gbod fer vbe low, pn«r
TbaapaolAeparpoaeof tba BeeUap aUedamipa HUeaanalUae are Cap­ Praeideat Will Kshe-Fary Abort Atop
of the Booth Afrlcaa laapaa, at Kra- wee to aet apoa the reeoBBeauatloa tain BaSord of theTbirloenlb infaatiy.
at KalsBsseo.
paradrop. wbaa about to leaea, waa of tbe board of public works repardlap killed; Captain McGrath of tbe Foarth
Cbleapo. Ojt. & —Tbe proprsm for
kiekad to death, aad woauti aad ohil- tbe pnrcbaeeofMoim feetof eidewalk cavalry, eerlodtly .wounded, and ten
the preeideoi's train whnn pasvtap
drau ratupaea ware kept la eold oan lasber. The oome^Htoe on etioeta and enlleted i
The eolnmn
oa aide traek.e for boon, esaainp tbeia walks raportoa favorably u^n the wae entaiinp Bitario this Borniop and throupb MictiipaoOcL IT is as Mlows;
Leave Cbleapo by Ue Mleblgan Central
preai eaSeriap IroB etareatloa. aad proposition and
BaaUop with alipht oppoeitlon Tbe
m Front Stre.t
F»bion.blo Oulfittort
at ::S0 p. m and arrive at Ktlmazoo at
that the Boen are reeortlap
Mardof nnblle works be aatborlsed to navy vgaule and marlnee at Ckvite
Leave Kalamazoo at 7;I0 and arSpnaleh trick of poiaoolnp too aprlnpn p„pehaee tbe «aantity snppcsted at j Bade a demonstraUon oa NwleU
rive at Jackeon at V o'clock. Lrave
aad tbe water the refapea Wak.
'iT soper itaonsaad for ronph lambn yesierday while General Schi?&-adekaon by the Lake Shore at »:1
The ArakWabop of Cape Towa aaya aad <6 to for droMod plankinp. Aldar- vanoad at Ue as'me tlBa Troopa at
and arrive at Toledo at ll;S0.
hb owo ooBvlotloB le that the only Bsn Oreiliek, who le aa expert la aaoh iBoa altaeted tbe Insnrpeau at San
praoUeal aolatioa le aa Afrlkaadar aatura declared that Ue parebaae of Nieholat. two Bitae net of Ueclty and
bond, and eyapatblsee with tbe appeal Ue Baterlal at Ue prieee aamed would drove them troa eroae roadc Uore.
to Sraper to yield to Baplaadk olalnu be a wise inveatBeat. The ooancll Uea Fonr mea were sllphtly wounded. The
aad to'aproe on an Inquiry Into the adopted the report of Ue ooBaitteo anemy left elx bodies on Ue Aeld."
Craanhiaaona Ave yaara....................... and Ui b an; of works wUI make a
■aye farther that the real, daaper of oootract with John Tsper. wkoae Ap.

Several large shipments received this week
patBaaant peaoa la tbe Traaavaal U
res were quoted aa above.
V from promioeut eastern manufacturers—choice styles
iallltary ollparchy which le wholly out
Upon requect of Ue board of aai
of eyBpatby with BrlUeh iaetUnUoas. vUore,' Alderman Lardle broupht
f —late effects—correct in every way. Low priced for
ParllBent is anBBoaed tor Got- IT to tbe matter of sewer oonnectlona sriU
( the qualities. »1,85 to I25.00.
XmpreulTA Oeremoay.
dieeaM, aa Baltoar'a tetter- to ble aap- Ueaew eoart hoiue. It wae auted
portoneald. -Battera of tbe pnveet that an eipbt iaeb eewar extended
BepieeaauUvra of
labile BOB
on BoardBan avenue eonU to Ue
Three OovarrmenU Penlcipated in
The 81. JamcB Garatte is already alley aorU of Waeblapuuialreei. wlU
forpoaaUap troabla arislap from wbleb UeeonneeUon would bare to be
Cbioapo'eBip FaUvelTeetardsy.
ABarleaa aad
powara made, aad the Batter srae referred '
Chkapo. O.SI s -Surrounded by ata
The man who makee a hit in a—
raoopaUlap the belllperaaer of tba UeooBBlttoeea aewera wiU powi
whopuldeUert.oloaaUe ralaUm* of basinees/u the man who iathorBoon and In^U that while ooae of to set.
Ue povernBcot* aad la Ue preeenca lOUhly ^ ""T—’
tba powaraevar raenpaliOd tbe TraaaCity Attorney Dodfe cent la a ew
of Uoueaada ot spMtatore,; Praeideat
If you don't hat-e a telephone
Buoleatloo raUUve to Ue petitioa for MeKInley Ux -' formally laid Ue people are liable to think that you
nal etatae of aneb a
a rabaU oa Ue Uxea of Mr. Tuttle. corner atone
’.he mapniAeent new are alow.
le la tlsa of war
BeoalledattoaUoatbat'Ue only pro- federal bulldinf-.a Cbleapo. Tbtoveat
They will probable
vlaton In Ue charter which could re­ wae Ue~ci.' >iop feature of Ue
think that you are
Tbe Gazette aaeerta Uat tba power
late to remlttlap taxee ooatemplated weeks' celeb'xt >a aarklnp Ue annual
even slower than you
■oat laiamtad le Portupa', and faara eueb aetloa where public latereete i
obaarvaace of<Aioapo day. Leap be­
tbai If Portnral allowe the Brltlab
Mr, H. H. Sheeta who r^]>reaent6 one of the oldest and
Involved and he ooold And nothlnp
fore Ue boor f. r Ue oereBoniee. Ue
Nnlxvlv wants to
BM Delapoa Bay ae a baea of opara- Uorislnp Ue eonneU to roBl| taxee to stroeu earrooDdiop Ue block on which
reliable Fur Factories iu Uiia country, will be wit.j oa.
deal with people who
tloae apaiael the Tranevaal, tbe Boare a private lodivldual. Tbe fact that
are behind the timee
Blpbt make raprieals In which oe
vlrinal If note declared etate of
Every window in tbe paUy decorated
would exiet between Portapal aad tbe
any dllfereooa. The remedy for eneb aky eerapereanrrouDdlap It svas Ukea
BenU Afrioaa Bepubllo.
caeca srae an
board of advaaUpe of. Bven on Ue steel gird­
It farther eitee Ue feet that
of Ue federal bulldlnp itself'were
review which held eeaeloae jMt few
Oraape Frae Bute,wbleb U a aovoralpn
of veatareeoBr curBueb
power. aalUap • wiU Ue Boere roetlAed before maa, Umee, and alter ioalty eeekera
of all kindaJwiUJbe shown. It is needless to say that this'liine
eoaplloatae tbe lepal poalUqa, aad will
Id Ue anple formed by Ue eouU and
a reaolntion providlnp
in the kitchen
aSord Ue Enropeaa powere jesUAoa- for the ramlttlnp of tbe exoem in tax west wlnps of Ue federal building at
repreaenta tbe highest standard of excellence in style. ({Qslity
tioB for raoopaUlap Ue Boere ae
forand workmanship at attractive prices. ' You are i-ordially invit» adopted. Mr. TulUe'ei
front of Ue Cuion Leapne elub.revlewed to examine same on above dates at
A good calico dress, full
U deeiars Uat-Amarlea wUl at leael
lap staade were erected for the accom­
modation of distlapnisbed visitors, in- width and length.
ba atrletly aeatral.
a mletaka
Belative to Ua petition for Ue two
skimped but the price.
X lipbu at Ue Miebipan StarU fee- party from. Mexico; Premier Laurler
tory. Aldermaa Garriaon aald Uat oom- and OUST Canadian hotobtea; memben
of Ue MeKInley cabinet and diploiEaUc
Beoena Owaare of Ue Balldlop They
reaolutton wae paaed aome time apo
Kow Oocnpy. AdJoUlap
p that no more arc llpbtt
. StreBBaptaeHoBM
plaeed unUl after November let.
d sraa
Uat aeeount action svas deferred naOl
ad yuterday Boralap. by which Arraa Ue aext Bcetlap.
A Cole baooBe osraara of Ue baUdlap
Tble brenpbt oat a dlaenmloa
oooapled by USB. aa a plaabiap baal- lap Ue lipbu at railroad
e contrary to tbe {
nan, adjglatap Ua Oau atreat anpiae
tbe charter. AlderBan Haatlapn
' bodU. Tba Ana baa operated Ue baala protaat, aUtinp that Ue city
aeB aavaral ycara nadar a laaee which entered
wae paylnp for half a dozaa lipbu
weald have expired aaxt May. They wbleb abould be paid for by Ue rail­
faava beea dolap a pood beaUaM aad road ooapanUa Tbo Batter srae rohave bonpkt of S. G Deeproe Ue aa- farred to Ue ooBBlttea oa li^tlnp fer
tlraeoaeern. laoladlap tools, Axtaras Inveotlpatloa.
int of the loop aaetlnpi a
aad baUdlnp. Tbe eoaeldaraUan
OMtomary wlU the oonqeO it waa
Sow is tha time to buy your full and wlntar
Different from all other
Bl.MO- They wlU ooatiane Ue pluBb- decided to bc^in tbe cmBmc hereafter
Inatcad of A aa baratotera.
footwMT. BFArythlng you ne%d cad be found
lap, etaaB ItUsp and beatiap baalaaae
The best aboe aold any
at tba UBO aUad aad isprova tbe AldarBea HaaUnpa. QarrIaoB had
OrMUek voted “no” on Ub moUoa.
At onr store.
kalldlap to provide additloaat taeOl- daolariap ttet the hour was too aa^.
t^Most atyliah woman’s
ii« fer a prowiap baslaeB. TbU U a
We here pleoed on eele fbr thie week 48 pein
Thlaabla pieoa ol property aad Ua Atb
of Udfee button tboee, formerly eold for $1JM
tea kaUt ap a tbitvlap kaalnan.
^Ueaaato Mr. Moody le tbe pound
maatto. knt baa aevar bad time to
end $1.60-tliey to At Bbo.
oatab BBlkaaaad dopn. LaatTtorJ. B.

Bo«ra D«muid Dtolmration of

The D.C, Cook Go’s Series.



It’S the Same Low Price
For One and All.





5 See Us
j For Furs.



I Furs^

Monday and Tuesday, Oct 9 and 10,




J. -W. Milliken.




KtKitniu Idl
OM BlUacd w h^MSad Io'mmAI
at OolauWa Hall. Tandby aetolap. «te G A W. K. By. to aoakttaaa Ik*
OetokvM. JokaMAAIkotoanteatea. HsatykodylMTlud. UV

Alfred V. Friedrich,
Popular Shoe House.

EldBtn Wul M SlB

Fur Garments
and Small Furs





See oar WATX&PBOOF SEOS ibr iwAitt _
$8.50 bays it.



THB MOmnrG lttOOU>, TUaSXfAT, OOTOBn 10.18to.
m Moxrara xsoobd.
tmATSMBomr, •


tMft. % Ba»

J. W. Biwm

#.«. BAnn: editor




a or OMree «iaBtod
Bp Jadge Kapne Tee
B.i.giMd ReO.ihe Oowt ?-lUw
ing Preeedent BetebHabed bp the
ZbU ^odge Oorbett In Xdqnor



3\. ")SA\c\v^TV

new walk oa Waat Front atreet
la alBoat eoBpleted to Blmwood areana. There U a atrip between the Weet
Front etreet bridge end Oek atreet pet
(Obe bnutand a thortdtataneefarther
weet. which It nearlp completed.
daranee •■reiliek bat built a new
iralkat'jtoeal to hit prapertp on the
Waat dida.
Prof. C. B. Horat U
ingihe pnpila who plap
(he piano and rlolh In the dehool of
Mnale. The daee will begin at
Satndap evening and it free to all pupUa of the achool. He will begin a free
aide reading elaae Wedueadap at 5 p. b
for all pnpila In-the violin and piano
U to be
free aiKT
tnia uto
oe tree
fa all pnpila.

ing a buvier Ane than 1 Intend to In.
Slot, not beeauM of thla one particnlar
violation, bnt on accoiuit of tbe gener­
al repntalion which -pon, Mr. Ellii.
have for violating the liquor law; but I
rullti that tbia being the dm caac
coming before me. U will be ooniidered
u I aball Impou a penaltp that I can follow in tbe other
conntiea of thla circuit.
-In invoaligatlng tbe reeorda of mp
rdeceaaor. Judge Corbett. I flod tbat
after he bad tborongblp conaldered tb *
eonditiona tbat obtained, be wu uni
formlp in the habit of impoaing a pen
aHp of 8fip dollar* for the Aral offenae.
and, were it not for tbia well eatab,
.u i..
^ ’ * P**'*'*'^ ebonld. and psr^
than I now intend."
Under the new regiatrnUon Inw php.
Mr. Bill* prompUp etepped np to the
. aldana nhonld eend a oopp of their reg. clerk'* deck and paid the Ane.
Uvntioo to the aecretarp of the Board
Chaneerp mattere wia oeenpp the
afB^traUoa in-Medlelne. Lanatng atteatioa of ^e court todap.
Prof. i. W. Cliffe engaged the FbnnXX)MB BT JOHN TBOLBT.
•alB atp quartet of the “On the Snwa.
d Otnamnnt a( Bnnunlt
of Ooart Bonu Tnwer Tuterdap.

YuUrdap John Toolep. wbo did the
elaUngof the roof of the new oonn
bonaa. plaoed the metal Aalal npon
the apex of the tower. Tbe ornament
wu Mt ufelp and greaUp improvdd
the appeaianee of the bnilding. Mr.
Toolep adjutod It nna«toled. Tbe
Wear; of BxperimenUng.
enmmiLof the lower to ISO feet above
With nalvea. anppoaltonee and olnt- the gronnd. bnt the height did not
■MStannd dreading a anrgical opera- hinder Mr. Tookp from performing hto
Alen bnedreda have taraed to Dr. A. W. difficult tuk qnieklp and properlp.
Ohau'a Oiotment and fonnd in It an
ahoolntc core for pilea Tbe Arat apA Strange Will.
oUef from the terriWu that (ot Dr. A. W. Chau, bp
hleb he ut the price ef Dr. A. W.
CbaM** Kidnep-Liver Pill* at 85 cento a
n« making it poeelble for euffer_
n and women to ob'-ain the
world'* greatut kidnep core at a price
reacbofall.- Prove their wonwithin r
derfnl effleienep If pou b
have backache,
are ued and endoreed bp the ludlng
kldn^ dtoeue. liver
iidnuevetywhera.■ So. l»Fitm

•t.«. B.«rasg.n
Rto plau. This quartet won maop
|nmlnni of pratoe (or their See work
Batnrdap night and manp of their
aoagi Can be beard again often.

XirabBtl Piaaos ami Organs



OM On* Tmt.

drcnlt oourt reeonvened peeteidap Kaaon Work of So ith Vsion Strort
owr Cttn>t*»o». aornlng, and ebaueerp aatten
•ridga Hea Itoveloped a Oraak
taken np. Several dlvoree aolU
aot Galled for >n Cooiraot
diapoacd of and decreca granted. whUe
It bu bun diaeoTcred that the aotealiaonp wu taken In eoae oibeta
abatBent of the Union xirm bridge ia
that are aot aa pat eoBpleted.
A M tM fwna— ax Tr»««w Oily.
tracked on tbe euty^ed U U claim­
d of. that of Jamw B Beebe ra ed that the wood wJlPa aeriapBlr hfHera M. Brabe. The gronod of divorce feetedon eecount of tfae defect.
tna Md Steel Sxporte.
Alderman Smith ezwlaed tbe crack
waa ernaltp aod adolterp. A decree
wae granted. A new caec waa p«t on pcaterdap afurnoon and bla eoncli
Vlt^ (Hd IliMioo. Kortbport Md olbti the calendar, that of Caroline J. Bintbat H waa not a uriooa defedi.
the b»7 •horw ion^< nep va. HiraB Rlnnep. the ooBplalnt although an BDdeairable condition. It
with tko urntw woriM
wwti bdng extreme ernelir.
to evident that the mortar work bad
n U bMOBo interMUd 1b tfae Iran wd
anffielentip drp before the
A ^naber of chaac rp
nnpleted. aod teatin- np waa taken Ailing in of tbe aooth approach
Tab rAlM of IroB wd atMl and iheir
I othem. BlU M VanFleat waa brgnn. WbetbernijLan imperfo
■HaofMtBrM •xportod durliir Aaffu* granted e divorce from Elmar B Van- that wUI affect the atrengtfa of the
aniut Fleet OB the ground of erneltp and bridge wUi be deiermlned npon a clour
for tb« eorrMpaoaiBCVBOi>))i of im.
tovuUgatloD. Tbe bridge bu not pet
TSo oxporto of oteel rail* iaeroued 7.Megdallna Clark waa granted a Hi- bun acupted bp tbe board of public
}00 tOM In the faeo of an ineroai
voree from Cbaa A. Clark, on the worka.
|N>i«0 of •« poMOB. Up to the esd
grannda of extreme erneltp, daaertion.
Auz^U tberofor*. lh« neaiadraawe non-anpport and peraonal violi
fa tha prioe of iron and atoel ha< ea- Clark ia rcatra^cd from' marriage for Ajreoted Upon Complaint of KpriU
•rtad no dapmaalaf lEflaeoea oa aa- one pear.
nrta. Tba valiia of Iran and Btaal asd
DcMrtloD and nen-enpport wna the
Blwpn Hill wu brought to thia dtp
gronnd on which the eonrt granted a
Sheriff Simpuo from
loot AbtbM aaeaodad hj the deeree of divoree to BeUe Wood, 'tram
WUliamtburg. Be
ralaa of all iaporu of tboae ooibbi
her hoaband. If orrla Wood.
Jutlee Brown'i- conn on a a^oua
•taa dorinc the dm aicbi naootha
In n oew caae that waa pat on the
thlarear. That U aoBelhinf to be
deodar. Winnie HoIHa w Horace charge preferred bp one Mprtle
prood-of. It Boat notI be
be loreotteo. HoUia. a deeree waa granted on the TfaompaoD of WilUamabnrg. Uil
the complainant have lived for
howarer. that Boat of ithe Anc
gronod of erneltp and non-anpport.
atoAUordera aiade
The cue of Allen PbiUpe vn. Anna B. Imcubnband and wife, a aort of
(ha baaU of the lower prleea. 6ieel PhiUpa. a deeree wu granted on the Mremonp having bun performed bp a
nan wbo It ia aatd. had no right to
ralla cannot ba puehaaed now for SS3 grooodtofdeeerUon.
perform anp Icnl oeremonp. After
a (on, which waa all that wu paid on
Teetlmonp wu taken In the eau of
(ha ararace for
aaat alwoad
nna Barbara Daw ve. laaac F. Daw, thep had Uved tognlher for ume Ume.
it wu abown that there bad bun no
■esth before laat. ’'The raloe of
the ebarge being extreme erneltp. and
legal marriage, and Hlil dtoappeared.
poru of iron and auel and their ■
lit with intent to ktU. The
sfactarae for the ftnt eifffai BMBtha of wu not flniahed. T%U ult Involvm a
Hill wunoteuilp apprehended, bp
•htopaarle •, while for the matUr of allBoop that Wiu probablp be
the officera. Sheriff Slmpaon followed
OOCToapoBdlBC Bontha of laat pear It Mttled out ot.eonrt.
him from WUllamabnrg to Mabel, then
Seateaeee were lapoaed in the erimto Barker Cruk. and Anallp to Central
loaleueelnwhieh.gnUt wu thown.
Itoke where he wu arruled
Aaron Wemra wu given one pur at
Hill waived examination and wu
hard Ubiw in lonlgr’ Herbert Part­
OadrreH.‘ran»re< thka city, died
bonnd over to the Clrenit court In the
poatardap while on a rteit to aifford. ridge received the eame centenee.
of »30O________ ^
Elbert O. EllU wu deed »so. whi^i
Mra, Taraer waa with him.
wu paM. When Mr. EHU. on notion
A- K. Kilpatriek baa reeelfod an InFred I*ratt. proeeenUng attorcraiir of penaloa froB tt to tlfla
nep, wu called npon bp the jndga to Board of BdueaUon Ttoited^teboo:
■teodnpand roMlve the eenleooe of
Addttlou With Archuect.
The r O. 0. T- hare arranged for an the court. Wr. Footer areee aod In a
Yuterdap afternoon tbe memben of
«jawr aupper. froB ( to 6 o'clock dat- brief epeecb naked tbe court to be an
■rdap eTenlnf. A abort propraB will leoleni with Mr. Bllla ae poeeJble. u tbe board of edueeUon vlaited tbe new
achool additlona in compaop with Arch
ihU wu the Am time be had
itect Moore, wbo wu abacol from tbe
Bert L- Jobnaon of WiUlaBabnrp and been before tbe eonrt charged with citr when tbe prevloua inspection wu
yrlaaaaa B Johnaon of Allcpan oonn'p anp Infraction of tbe law.
made. 706 work which bu been proware 11 ^aaaed to wad peate^ap.
At the cloce of Mr. Focter'e remmrka noonced unaatUfactorp bp tbe board
Thera will ba two more dnndap ca- Judge Mapneaaid: - I deeire. lo thla
gone carefullp overlain and a re­
onraion thU ■eiaon ao hlanlalee, on clam of ctau. to adopt In tbii rirenit a port will be made at tbe meeting Wed
that will reatrain tbe I-tjuor neidap night.
(ha M. A N. B. B. B . dondav. October
dealcTB from violating the law; at the
f tth. and tiondap, Ocloher $vth.
time 1 wiah to reoogniM bp a
The Portia club will mee> with Mra.
WUtBM thla afternooa at ::30, aharp. amaller penaltp, thou who have euduvered at all Ubm «o keep within
MWtael Baphaal and Loolac Aniwa
the law. I believe it will further the
uue of good order to recogntce a man
who bu never been arruled and
It la expected that a rapradoetlon of whoee record ia good bp Impooing a.
\s tD\vA\ . mos\ cvtTig ofvt
the Dewap parade will be plren at the leeaer Ane than in the oau of one who
VitciMope entertalosent toBorrow
mus\ Vkoe. M 4ots Ttrt
u reputedip violated tbe law.
•fCBlng. Tbe'record baa been tcle••In thla particular cau. from what I
fveti Vo ^ 0^ xDooV. ^ (00&
fiaphad for. and will probablp be
bavelurned of the cicenmatanoM. 1
bare toniebt.
caVvco vs nto&\ stxvVnbVo. M
believe J would be juatlied In Impoe-

nee River" coapanp. to fnrniab aeveral
I for reprodncUoo in the
BAtooe grand era
. PhUSher-

tCh.lis ±8 ch Tjoaix^y.


Fsrtrld^ sad Xoaro MmA.

us ^OT

Bnrpriaad bp Mmnbat* of Bto Coagragatkm and Other Fricnda
Lmet evening aigbtp or
friend* of Bev. W. T. Woodbonu took
ptwemeion of the panonage, coming
very nnexpeetedlp and eaucing great
BorpriM to tae putor’* houaeholA
After tbe Aiat *nrprl*e however. Mr.
and Mra Woedhocu rallied and enter­
tained their gneeta verp plcaaantlp. It
wu not loeg nntU tbe gneeU remi
their holt tbat it wu hto thirtp-aixtb
birthday and celebratod the oecarioii
inthemaatettingmanaerpouibla A
beauUfnl Aoral tribnu of earnatiotie
and raeca vru preeented after which
the gneau with Mr. Bngbe* u apokeaman, preaented a box miaining ume
thing more •nbetantial in the form of
eiiver eoins lo tbe value of Ssn. The
mlnUter replied in a manaer which
fnllp revealed an appreciation of theli

■ h 'llil

■ Vo. X800

Antiqne or


Only $8.75
VO. eawe-e

Golden Oak or Ksbosanj


Lsrsest Une of Rock­
ers in the stste.

I'io Front St 1. ¥. SLATER'S House FuruisUnS Store

! fruit were i
and tbe balance of therveoingw
devoUd to ■ mnsle. ruiution* a
eoeial oonverution.
Mre. Levi T. Penniogtoo reiarned.
peeterdap from a week vidt with Mr.
and Mra J. A. Pennington at Lake




Job Oonldn*t Mave Stood it.
If he'd had Itching PHe*. Thep're
terrtblp aaboplog: bnt Kurkten'* Arnice Salve will enre
cure tbe
-ra** of
Pile* on earth. It b
For Injurie*. Pain* or Bodi’p BrnpUon* '
U'* the-beat salve Id the «nr]<l. Price
8.1c a bo*. Cure gnaraniwd. Sold bp i
Jaa O. JohnK>n and 8. E. Wait, drug-


Going to draw
Up a deed
or makf a Will or'give a llill
of Sale or Summon a Jum'or
Discharge a Mortgage,
want the blanks that are ab*
srtlutely correct ard esjiecially so if you want to make a
copy of a paper already on
record. 'I be Richmond &
Backus Co’s blanks are made
“according to law." \Ve cary
a full line of them and sell
them for 00c tbe quite. It
may be you pay a few cents
more a quire for them, but
•'they’re always tl^e same."
Use no other

as much to-day as'they are
needed were in the days
of "Tom BroiPn’’only they’re
more attractive. More tab­
lets. pencils and supplies are
used then ever. Finest line
of Sc tablets, attractive cov­
ers and . good paper.
can use our 5c pencils up to
the last inch. All the school
bookn used in the citj^ and
district schools, carried in
stock, Penholders. Erasers.
Rulers. Ruling Pens. Inks,
Foolscap. Legalcap. Letterbeads and all kinds of writing papers.

fttkV Afv& VAhVft.
\)0tl CATt

'■ '■1


You Wear
Pingree t Smith






no longer need-to say "what

in all sizes to fit all makes of

will I do for my soup today."

men: Fleece-lined Cotton—


Fleece-lined Wool—Medicat-

place in a suitable dish—add

ed—Swits Conde—Geisha—
Union Suits—Jersey Ribbed
—Lansing Union Suits—25c
buys a single article for a
small man, 50c buys a goo<l
article for a bigger mao.

ladies $3.00 Shoe
Too Ret the proper etyle and
vnlne received — No ’better

A boon to the housewife-

These are the kinds we cary



pint and a half.of boiling
water—heat' all thoroughly
and serve.


loB—Tomato—Mock Turtle
and Vegetable.

Come in ten

Better goods, more money

cent cans.

up to $6.00 the suit.

enough good thick soup for


are the finest goods made.

One can makes

a family of six.

shoe is sold in this city—A
shoe with a record—sold oni;
by the



Jlld Reliebie
Shoe Mae—^

Frank Friedrich

The HanDah & Lay HercaDtile Go.


RD, TPB8DAT, OOTOBBlt 10. 1880


I Saperrtoora PleMad with the



a&M «{

•maittee Pi«»wttr S^ort to tobBit to BoBtl-ABMot Poid Oot
thw» For Abo«t 8aS.MKe.Tb bo.
OoBpletcd Aboat Cbriatmaa.

Men’s Fine Neckwear

atWtedMtar.Mwo^tt Oo.. wm
AwisUy abot Md irUM Sudkj
lorottbc ten* booM of AJ« Pnu.
•«a BOB (Mt of OoptBlch. Be and a
WtM the foil BWtiar
tbe baord
io PraubfnBary
ot nparrlMn «m eoUad to ordar at «
wa*7*iCbtaad»er«Jatt Bartiac—
Of tor o'clock jrMBixUp ^uraoon irtrj bcb• do/b bmtwbwutedorbawaeloai.r —ku
proBou 'tWc wa» ooUilfir

kept.good ie the patent
air tight package. Fsee aad
tea cent Buea. Avoid imitatioaa..

teoelr Or ,
Meirpt to propota for boaiooM cod
■aeuiT coMMav.
MBTieacL oiaeuiT
kborU7af .er roll coil tbc board look *
t pleaaaat change of diet—
roecMfor cOBOittM work aaUl tkia
UriMds'afb^ W^rw*
Tb« eoBBiUee oo baUdiii(« cad
tlj want to (be oSm
oflbeconaip clerk, where tbav bb(
tWMly ainstaa before tba Uiila fellir
Arehileet Prall, anperLfiteDdect of tbe
W. R. Fletcher and fnwily bavngota died.saw eonoij cDon honae. and tbep
Tbe remaioa will be teken to St
to Chtea*!a
C B. A'wood ha« rctoraed to Ua Johna for bnrial.
thaa anp other iMUtaUon of the kind
oauncUoB of tbe bclldkag ao far aa h->ma in Loa AngaM, Cal. Be wm
In Miebigan. In addition two Bod<
' theworkhatprogreaardainecthaprev a companled^y bia^e'a mother.Mm
•awBiila are in eonraa of oroetioe lout meeting of the board. The eoa- b <• >-irleh.
A large number gathered la tW
in tba .vl'.laga tor tbe oomlng Tenrb alllee will aake a fora\1 report lo .J- A. Lamager left on a boaineB
Conrrecaticual church Sunday ever,trio to Culdwaier yaa*.erdny.
the board of what hM been
Dr J. A. Snyder baa gone on a boat, Itig for the monthly song service. Theoapllabed.
was lid hr the chorus cbol
^oartora In tha vidaltj of Orralal lake.
Soon after the ad}oamacpt
tha M- nm trip to Kalamazoo. Be was ac­
cot the
and tbe old bymns were greatly atiBonita O0-, the pnat aaabon, did not gat tire board gathered at tbe new eoantp companied by bu eon Stanley.
**•7 be oarij aa nannl owing to tbe da- bnildlng to make a formalI InapecuU.
Mra. Donald MeDonald of Bmpiro ia i ved.
Betidea the bymns. several cbsrm
oalopmaat of'a new Aehlng rronnd-llia Tber were joined then bp
•r Mr. pJnll
____ Id tbe city riaiang frienda.
log apeeial nonben were given »y
Bataie river hna been noted for /eara and the eoamittee on..b«Udinfa and
Rev. a T. SiOBi baa g-<De on a two
Mias Morgan. Miss Klancbe Buerntu
•anAnatrontaMna. Tbla fail larga gronnda aad tbe whole bodp went over wreka; vaeaUon to Minoeaota.
Mrs Racbantand Mr. White, Prof
aehootaot pickenl aad auballoege tbe eimetnre In a aiaole icapeotlon
Roy Uarringtoo of Cadillac, spent Rorst and Mrs. Horai. All were greatMonday in thmclty vitliing frienda.
bagna to ms np the river froa Lake from baaeaeDt to tower.
Tbe singing of Mrs Borat, who sang
N. E Degan, aUUon agent at Lake
m^lgna.eaeklogapewning beda. and John KpMlka nad Architect Prall ezfor tbe first time io Ibis city, was es
rare aport waa made b/ the flaberaen plained tbe progreee of tbe wae aod. Ann. waa in the.cUy yeaterdav.
LrrI T. Pcnnlpgton apent Jianday in peelallydeiigbtful. She has a sweet
for a few dapa the latter part of 8apl- the variooa ebangea wblek tbe eomvo^ee and a cbsrning manoer.
oabor. Partridge and qnall are verp alltee bad fonnd necceearp, and tbe Like Ann. tbe gaeat of bin brother.
, "*■
Thr ofleriog
“ ■
taken for tbe pipe
C. L. Dean aod family, of Waterloo, ' organ fund
pUaitp throngboat Beotia 000017 thh membera were uaanimont In exprea'
• are preaent in Inrga alone of eatiafacUon ova tbe work ot Iowa, are 4n tbe city vialting the fam- '
tbe oommittoe and tbe bniiding a fa
Bon. Perry Haocah left yesterday:
■■Bigbtp.twoehlldra > from tbe Cold' a It ba prograeed.
for thr fall teeUval St Clilcago.
watB atate aebool.
Oontrae'tor Medlmnd realved tbe
P. U. Henmann left last n<gbt
rhepwcBM, ntaendad tbe BUladaie board and coortanalp replied to tbe
trip to Central Labe.
B I. Dsvia and M. B. Qriffiib w
AnOrldaaallbpp baa bade atroag
U)t and wak. While apon Lansing last evening as delegate!
ibrire to pUp paauaaa. bat be baa andminor detaila nil of tbe aembera
danlp gotten over it. To aake tbe did not qolte agree, in a general way Grand Traverae Lodge. No. 300, to tbe
Koeampmenl Of tbe I O O. F.
gaBa naltatic be got a lot oTbla motb they all appeared highly Bliafied with
Pbll C. bluer of the Mlefalgao Stareb
ar% old love lettera ontoftbe beroan
Co. retnraed yesterday from Chicago.
nad dktrlbnted ibea among the aelghTba eomalUee baa nntboriiad tbe
A. U Joyce came back from a trip to
bora Ba Botha-aad a aUppa enrod payment of r.Qia.W on the contract
him ot all rnrtha dcclra to plap tbb ainee tba new arrangement at tba Grand Raplda aad Detroit last aveoing.
prevlottt mMtIng. which added to
Dr. Noyes of tbe aiylnm returned
No More RhaumetisM.
The goaalpa of BUg<ewap are having abont gu.soo previonaly ezpendad.
Iwt evening from Detroit
ip^vireautr*^ from rferonan dallgbtfvl tlaa dlacoBing tbe Utat makea a total outlay to date of aanrly
Itaa, hot sot m*
Dr B. B. Andeieon arrived In town tUm. Hlieint-d
tie tvneiu. add
nenantlon. wkkb la tbe marriage of While aome entna have
It mtvB opali
lut night from Canada.
>f(Mrn KiDf,
Mm tetberine Oon. a widow 7g y^n found neeoaanry tba committee beUevea
and niy wife bepma luiac iU Tbb xmt
■Mdiriue baa. apparvnUy. dnvvo aJf tbe
M. to Aoal Smith, a gap widower ot that tbe building can be completed «
polwtn out or her ayslem. abd baa lertaltilv
oalp 60 enmmera-and an equal
I*. I'lubtbe amount of the appropriation,
Ins. Nnrin .M>lne1on. Maw.
ha of wintem
Yoong Mows-Boy Who Came Hue
vary near It. Tbe appropriation w
•■tuHvufUa-Seri ••s»«omac li. I.ivef and K lo­
Oeage Bnmpbap of Lodi, nad B. 630.000 for tbe building and t-VOOCi
irol.l l.ydni«l«a. -J6c. and6
Last MontlhF^om 8t. Johns
Flaaal^ of Michigan Center, regia for forniabing. It waa feared laat fall
Jobn P. Langan, 13 years old. died
taadatthe Amerian bonae at Ann that It would be Impoaaible to cor.
Arbor Batordap night. Afler reliritig pletethe building for anything near last eveoing atmut » o'.slock, at tie
lotbalrroom thep blew out tbe ga* tbe appropriation but careful manage heme r^f his sister Mrs. Frank Carr’r,
Randclpii street, of nbecmoula
nod Landlord Stoebla foond them an menl. together with tbe close attenUon
boor afterward in a nearlj axpbpzlai of the oommittoe. baa accompHabed Re came here on tae escnralon, August
from .St.,) >bn«. and bat been deliver­
od andltlon.
eonaiderable and it la quite probable ing pspc's for C. E. Taytir -<f the City
A woman at Kalamaioo wa annop that wben tbe atmeiore la compi
ad bp tbe crying of Per baby, aad gave the Uznayera will be quite aatliSed News SiBBd. R,k mother came Issl
eveoingsnri arrived hrr>- oolr xbo t
tbe mile Me ten dropa of landannm to w:tb the Inveatmeot.
qnlatit. ^en abe <ri>nderad U per.
Tbe extra amount involved In the
bapa abe hadn't made tbe doae a little
c^angea which Die committee found it
too large .and bottled after a phyalelar. neceeaary to make have coat ahon:
wboaoooeeded by in aaving $1 400.' or tbiaamcuot63tu waa spent
tba baby from being fArever quieted.
knmmaA toVttt
^noA |
In making tbe raat and west entranrra
with atone arcbea to conform with the
VtTv^XVv aoA tDkA\K. M » aVV j ^
main entrancr.Tbe cellinga were found
tvbetoo low according to tbe O'igtnal
Fifteenth Annunl OonvenUon of tbe plana, so tbe committoc eauaod a foot
caVico Ataaa ^ot ^fit.
to oe adde>l to tbe height of the room«.
Blnvenib Slairict W. C. T. U. will
ata coat of about 63M The change
Meet In Tbia City Today.
Today will tee aoma of tbe moat In the quality of tha brick from that
prominent temperance workera among originally Intruded by the architect
the women of tbit part of tbe tute to onnaed an additional expense of Mih.
there bare been iocldeDtala
eonventlon aaaeDblrd. The eleventh
dlatriet of the Womant'a Chrlitlan amountlogtoabonlSOO. Tbracebangea
Temperance Union will bold tu fif. the committee found neceatary, and lo
looking over tbe building tbe board
tbpOpenlng aenlon beginnlV^.blt'’lf- expreeaM ihemaelves as aattaSed with
temooo. Severtl prominent workera what the committee had done, and It
from abroad will E-e pBaent,*an
ia grobablethai the action of tbe com­
gatB laet
conveniio. ...... mittee will be approved In regular seecontiDoe till Thursday evening. l'.>!- aion.
lowlng la the progra- ' ■Indge Mayue and Circuit Court Sten­
Bieeotive Board k
ographer J. E. Uenoeraoa joined the
board OD tbe gronnda later li» tbe after­
f;oo. flevotional Service—Scripture, noon and weot Urongb tbe building.
prayer, praiae. teatimony—led by Mrs.
These gentlemen were greatly interest­
Etta Whitman,
S:ou. Saatlog Convention.
ed in the arrangement of tbe eonrtroom
Bent of eoramitteei—Credent
and ibe rooms intended for the
Where a ojgar ia made U a
tbe judge, clerk aad tbe jury rooms.
matter of conaiderable weight to
Both ezprcaaed tbemselree highly
Memorial bonr-P. J. Howard.
smokers, and it ie to
BeeiUtion. -Tve Crept la with
and de- them we speak.
Mother." Mary E. Beaton.
dared the building a great credit to tbe
Our work rooms are clean,
Judge Mayne auggeated that
light and pleaaant.
Should Do and How v
We Sboald Do U.” aome fitting dedieatiou ceremony be ar­
pur stock is clean, finely car­
Mn-NettM M. Wnltoi
ranged upon the completion of tbe
MiBeaUnanona km
Adjonm- building, and that the Chief Joatlce of ed and fragrant.
Oar workmen are n«‘at, skillthe Supreme court of the aute be In­
fal and efficient, osing tbe beet of
vited to aesiit in tbe dedication.
Maalc in cbnrga <K Dr. G. A. BotliContractor Medlaud stated that
These things make oar cigars
expected to have the building ftniabed
bv Cbriaunas
farorite brands. with eo many
A. Bready. M B. church.
While lheb_.._
Welcome—InI -behal
of tB-r city, finished state tbe__________ ____ ____ men.
-Mayor Fruk Hlamllioi
la behalf of it will be a good one. and if preaeni.
the cbnreha. Rev. W, T. Woodfaouae. algns hold out it will be a aouree of
In behalf of the Ualona. Central. Mra. grallfioatinn that the eonntr baa se­
|Urrey OurUa, WUlard. Mrm. Ada R. cured good reanlu from what at one
time appeared very unpromiaing.
“ “» dUebarr*
«»'«*•»»• «*•
Tbe naa Head 00I7 tflowi bLb■Ba aBi MveraUeredawoeb.
1W Uult towB of Alba lo Antrla
wutj. laoboet U»e binrMt|da«e of iu
iaebMla.tbeatoU. The local brooB
kaadic fanorj baa baaa aolarfad and
(Bpmadtbe paat

i3?TUf?E’s CUR^

Tbe ktect ideas from Xifw York's most prQ«re8siTe mskeie.
The »ew
End Puffis-In rid cobrings and
embrotdrred ends, very dressy^mlk-and satin lined,
are in fact made to retail at 7,5c, bat we make them 60c
Pour-ln-HMfta-plain and fancy embroidered ends in
onginal designs, also fancy stripes- - h'..................... 60c
Club Zlaa in fancy slripee and polka dots................. 860.60e
Bows of every de»cription-plsin aod ' bat wings" 86o. 60c

Men’s Fine Gloves.

swell lot of fenoine Xocha Glove,, (ilk


Silk ibedV«;;^;
Gloves oe.e.1

In Collars and Cuffs

r need only say that we keap.the luteal
CJnett, Peaibody 4 Co.—ao better goods in country
for style, boish and long wear, at the price, o


Men’s Fine Hosiery


e* Man’s Colored Shirts
Wool Sweaters
An elegant line in red, bine, black, green....................$1 ^ np

Underwear For Men

Extra Hue qnalitiss.
A'l wool union suite.................................................
All wool esnifry........................................... ............ ...........
W right's Health wool fleeced ...........................................flSc op
Unshrinkable silk and wool................................................ psc
Pure camels hair....................................... .
fl 76





5. MD. KlWVVkeft.

j Jtf

Where It’s 3Iade

p.’Ss-,.-Lvrx”‘^" AS.-St

Boapenae Ma, Franc J. W. Stono
and Mra Paanle Manning, Potoakay.

A Tboosaod ToagMa.
Could not expr«B tbe raptore of An­
Addroaa, Bee. Bnrelay Jones. ••The nie E. Springer, of PnlladelphU. when
Devil's Flint Mill.-*
Dr. Kln^a Bew Dlacovery cored her of
M^e. OoUection. Adjonni^t.
a backing cough that for many yaara
bad made tlfe a burden. Sbe aayx: -AtCard ofTbnaka
" other remedies and doctors

Aaat and I can now alaep aocndly,
i can scarcely ramrmber do. I feel like aoundiag lu
oughout tba L'nlvaraa." Dr.
'laaovtrp 1*
la 7"
jsklrfl^^ - I,
tor —. lug-a
laa ot tks tbroek ebart or
cure uU traablH
.latga. Pries 60c
600 009
61. ____ ______
Max it'UA FaBsasT.
10 eta at Jaa. G. Jebaaoo'a aad (•. B.
Ma aim Mba J. W. lawia * Walt's

thaaka to the mem
- Trot. Bo. ri.nnd t

' Kill'ISKl/nlijTlj Dr."lTu."rrt. !

Gan Post, stnieht lOc
Oianood i, 3 foi--2Se
Traverse Belle—OSc

Sold by sU deslera


Tonnelicr Block


.......-,lb CUBtOlOXf fbj.

DR. SPI«NErs'VX,'J:;jar,f:

Dress pants that are made
by Hart, Schaffner & Marx’
or Roseuwald & Weil are
are sure to have proper dimensions-noft cut out like
so much lumber, same size
all the way down. Look at
this cut then come here and
see the genuine article. A fine assortment of black dress pants—-also
fancy stripes in fine worsteds, $3 00
to $6.50.


This time it’s pants for the work^ Ingmen, made for both wear and
- looks—OARHAETT (union made) —
BBEKSHIEE PANTS-both warranted in every respect.
Here^s the famous Berkshire war^ rant; ''Warranted not to rip, ahd we
pUl pay you 18o for each suspenderbutton that comes off, 60c If the
waistband ripe, or a new pair If they
rip elsewhere within sixty days after the date of sale.’
Prices $2.00, $2.26, $2.60. $2.76.



Two Facts About


WiralM Mle(T»nk7 >• ^
. betweM U* Ucbi
The ttwU« at tha voinnl^ «f
VertMoa h»?e rotai to oooJar ibc de«rw of dbrtor of Uw oo Adaurol
TU DoBtoeborarbud bM omarod
•o bold mooMor MOttan in Ow priaetpal Onaa eltlM to proUBt »fa\a»X.
mv in UM l^wunal. It bn* Mni
CroBtlnCB to Qobbb WUbolBlaa. "bb
«ba briffbUBt rBOTBOBBtotiTB of that
teoibar natloB now bo cntollp triad”.
Tormtial falna ara raporwd tobaTO
oeoBirod to tba Balarno dialrict of
ftoly. Tba raUwayt ara toterropted
MdmBob daat^ baa bsaa doaa to
^ropartp- lUay Uwa ara alao bald to
hara baao loot.
Admiral Dawaj aiiU raeaiva a
aratobtiom tba maaleipaUto of ~

Anbuckles’ Coffee

K haa eat the atamtard of quality for all oompetitors for the laat thirty years. The strong. est daim any competitor can make Is that his coffee le "Juet ae go^ as Arbuckles'.”


N0.7A NelMleno Sprint
Tape Mounuro.
Silly lorlMe loec

MBMofSelebar »L

til to
to 7»


« OB
I 7t
1 M


An Album of llluotratod

BUeer plsleasnmir ilieisu H
Natural NIatory.
nnyrolereC leniirve M Ann
pMipeM OB reeeipi sT S v
besuly sn.i rsrSy.
fless sisma set »i slaaa.
teres <-jt Croui wrsppere of Ueai
i-paU es reeelpt ef U
Atturtm ItoMed (.-Ofce.
esM p
.......... tools-

- i;r.TOr-

«n 9B4^

gpis;:i 1

*“-------■— of Ur. sssfssp Msa» aat
■alsree m Iruoi etsppen of.
e> lluuM l^cOcs.

A^lw-Culla sad wtodfaUt. Me par

___aumptlaai Cora-WarMr'a'^
White Win# of Tbp •yrapt ^

Meet peel.] pesY.pelt es rer.
-- -


1 tp»» lloeMraCcI

coach remedv on earth, curesa cold .
in onv day if taken in dam.' StndMeia.

re ^ Ar- ' I

An Ota Baek «t U« feltoag liil aN ba tsM pMt-paU h raaa!»<
lla2eMlpcMtKeilimpw« W Bgtitom Ml trea
Me. 84 A ONE NIGHT WreTCav. sn< two dbrretvu Dei
Mum-, t.} -t'. u M.S1 III '

AI-UIAIS. A niiKO i-ruvukiocMur-

JMo. or THE 8UNNY8IDE ,«>00^ BOOK-



E CITY OF^REAOFUL NiOMT. set v«b« tt



No. 61
T«ta FIrat Prayor.


J^XEYTO U>AK A^^l^mooel


jef e eest

. ^

diffrrrs-r tb Ibrir wrirki. end Ibrf
uvlBit. Ibey srr m>uod lb
euJl iTTui^it.

Ostilr. l>.n.rri.»oe<*. Iuun>. Besrs Tweis.

iM^sre'***■* *"''''*'*'

'* '"VFH4 eat
»11 etUrr cis. «baiy«. beroree. sod eutrey. «iw
*r* O) Thl. I'Utbl 1. s. rbrs|. em »a» rvrr
frrrd is Ibla roiiuiry SPd viH bvsr lo»l»rtl
It you err touklog tor s rrsl bersoln ru»r i
.rrms r».b or «ood »v
O. Loir narrr. Artsr. Mir


n kWj fmiurr..l«t.r ni
>d 1" IP. tue uos.UoO ibret
relpt of *J seat pesi.
ear .amp ss4 tele- poM-pmM ee reeetpl ertrs



s.r.; .s.'-'i-i.-ri

No. 6B. Noah'f Ark.


Sinr-rn>.1u>r. rvrr <4t<
n l«S«5'-.

W P.rroleep. •

^IRL WANTEO-For prarrsl I
LT ooly r««pri«n hrlp -uuIm;
t-ousr-Hoior Hr.J. R.Ueedy



No. 63
I No. 64. ABaBketofBoautlOB.
Two la Company.
I a msceincrsl I-Mur* or lueM Oy Heul or ' t
• Tbrnniinei

> eE?rr-pirAssBi
^rKKI-HED KITOMH 1-------- ------- V raom .irret rslrsbre. rlrrinr liirbi, b
sod trlry*unr. Apply si IITLsm siren ^

wrsHen of Attucslm HoosM l ot

burkk- K-e-Hcf l uCtv

iVTEO-A rood Udy mk ai

No. 66
A Pocket Mirror I ,
anO Comb.

Pin Book
^)l< «AUE CHEAP-: osb
C tonlTf. «IDdo« ■
rrcilrr fshlee. -Inyir
uBSlIhrsilU eiein
rm. A.s ■■ ■ “

I o^ri”r>s><e
I vsiri) i'ise
('oonncof' I ebi.b
noppnpcp I ■Mt
BO sl-KKOf


-esblonao eirrrt



^ITTHKN UIKL .*1.1.1.- ..■pl. .> —


TZ foane le eaeB L'otfee, set viUi racB
purriiseer bet bou^M
tbr •leobtora
.. ..rburkloBraa
Um Cireruoo* prteted U
_________________________ macCitrerrlladlaUieUA

Lucb».n« Wndtib..l_____________________ ”'**
l’U*t-^i»Ttrudv Mioti


a AkE PkUfTEn O)


Tbt Beyt- Band
will make a record for the phonegraph grand at the vUoeeype
leeype ientat-:
tainment tomorrow

T« Gve m Com k> Om Da>.
rake U tmer * White Wine of Tar S« n:;
•he beat cough rciticdy on earth,

Hustling! Hustling!


is6 r»Bt ttiMt.

raAonoAL shoe xah


The styles and patterns
of our


wTr aaue-'


Moaoy (or tht Deer iImsc a.
Deer bnntert are already tMnrtng
lioeutcf and getting ready for tbe tea- Tbe Litter Team will Play a Botum
Oame Here Thursday.
which opens the 8th of SoYember
Tbe following bavr already secured liBen'das Twirlert went to Kiogtleyi^
iiuaday^ played the team at that {
r. raiier. loteriocnen; imyio utyt, place, beating them, with a big score,
Ssirmit cut; Cbtrirt McLain. Bendon;
U. K. Wyokoep. Kiogsley: F K. Smith to the credit of each, owing to tbe{
roughoea of the ground*. The score j
and a E iMoi, Tr»Yrr*e CUT.
wsb iv to 20
Bismarck's Iroo Merve
A retam game bat been arranged.
Wat tbe result of bit tpleudld
the two teams will croet baU on 1
IndomltAble willI and
Iremendont cn
orgy are not sand where Stomach. Twelfth street grounds Thuredty
Liver. Eidnej
tf'.emooD. at 2:30
order. If you want tbeee ^
sore, and tbe
and the euceeca they bring. i
King's New Life PUlt- Only :
John While of Solon vrat in the city
at James O-Johnaon't and &E

I have jnat Rot bach from Chica?.
Ro. and there are about 4.000 paire of
factory sampte aboea following—they
will be heie in a day or »o.
mtm tiumt fwn> puwiu.
_he mnae of Brothorhood. to oae of
1 have bought tbe entire rtock of
the few great poawt that the clcatoM
B shoe aamples, which have been made
wean of the oontnry.have piiyducodM
la It Mr. Markham voleee a
fall's trade, from B. P. Smith
opUmlam that it st owe mora Im.
& Son, of Chicago, for 33 1-S per
pretalva and more convtoetog than the
BOtat of hopelewMt and deapalr that
thuB fsotory cost {wioo
oharaetarise The Man with the Boa.
.^Tbey conaiat from ahoea for a babe
AttbeaamettoM he uobly teto forth
the prladplM of that nnlvanal brathwto
river boot.
hood whl^ eayr.
witj tote u btghsr itea b>tvius whwv TUuw
We^wiil aell them at ptiee* aooordingly.
Watch our advertlfemento—it wiU pay yon if you are in need of
uybonmi. H yo. do or not, toU yo”
r— I. MUl .W,.


No. 76
Lady’B Bolt BuokU.

•• be rsmeC U >M

wave atniek Galltornia Snnday
A b>t wi
r roaa to a blgb
potoW lo the city the maalmnn untpantiure WM BS.9. At Sonoma It ragiatorad between tot nod US ia the
It the 1
. tinaaa It will endanger the grape crop
te tbatoonntry.
Pomlbly a diploivatic offioar of the
United Statea may have to be employed
to collaet a lawyer'e fee tor an as-praeIdent. The fee Involved. II It reported.
U tba gSSO.OOO promtoad by the praemniVaneraelangoveroment to BenjaMtn Barrtoon for earvioaa at legal oona•el for the rapoblic before the Parto arbltomtlon commUtion- If the inaarreetkwtolavrlnlD Vaoeinela. the obliga­
tion tof the praeeding admlnUtration
Bty b« rapadUted. In tbit enm '
nay be neoetaary to toke tUpa to ool4eet It at a debt of honor.
Tbit year't corn crop will bo one'of
bbe Urgett to our bUtory. The toUl
yriald. It itattlmatod, will be between
twanty-lhraeond twenty-bve hundred
niUlons of bntbelt. Toere will bb
plenty for manutacluring and feeding.
Md we will have all the corn to tell
bfiat anybody wantt to buy. The blgb
prleea offered fer-maata wUl inoltoa the
farmeta to nta tbelr arop for feeding

wm ^

Qaar Pork par bbl. new..............
Dear Pork
Short Oat Ark.....................

The best CofTee le Arbuckles’. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles'.
The right thing Is to Insist on having Arbuckles'.

Araffon. Spain. U daad.
Tba kakar fa tokaoB anotbor daeraa
a«ainat cambltoy to tba army and will
VonUh oflioera tor dlareirardtoc ordera
■falMt aztravacant llvto(.
At San Frabelaao the tranaport Vic­
tor ia bains loaded with tana of
railroad Iron for «aa on tba sovams
eonaunctod for Manila.
At Conatantinople Djarid Bcyaon of
Halil ftifat Paaba. tba ffran^ viator,
•vaa aMBBtoatod on tba UalaU bridge
Munday by an Albanian, who Arad font
• hoUfroma revolver. The murderer

falleiatobelllamtoatad by
•laetrielty daring the eoiatog Bnffalo
expoalUon. The Idea It to erect a
•wiat of tall poletotr both the Amaii,eu and Canadian aides of "the river.
On top of them will be placed aaareb
Ucbtn. ana the oolort of the ligbti
which ara thrown on the talla will be
motuiantly ehanced. Are llgbu will
mlto be placed to the Cave of tbe
Wtodt. which will give to the water
which fall- to front of It a weird
itooapborutcent color. The cnrrant to
te beobuined from the falU itself.
The celebruUon of the Chicago anti
featlval b^an to earneat Satnrday
might with the arrival of Preeldant
MoKtoley and tbe maabara of
etbtoat. Vioe Pretldant Marltcal
Maxico and party and Sir Wilfred
Laartar. premier of Canada, with other
Canadian Doublet. That night also
aha drat of the terlea of paradca and
bunqaeu were held and from then
mnill yeaurdty butlnew will have been
praetieally suspended and tbe city
given up to theeelebruUon of tbe feetieai.
Bobbed the Orave.
AatarUing incident it narratad
rated by
John Oliver of Pblladelpbia. at follows:
-1 wat toan awful eondilioD. My akin
was almoatjrellow, cyetannkan.tongue
eoated. pain oonttonally to back and
•idea, no appeUto. growing weaker day
by day. Three phytlclant had given
me up Then I waa •dvtoad to aae
■lectrte Biitart;
Biitart: to my great joy, the
firet botUe made a decided improve.
»enL I eonUnuod their nae M thraa
WMkmand am now a wall man. 1
haow they robbad the grave of anotbor
e'xUm.” No one should full to tn
them. Ctoly Me. ruaranteed. at Jat. O.
Johnaonh and S. fc. Walft drug ttoraa.
■dwto ■arkham'B Poam The Hnaa of

mnn>aw aaSM.
Mow to B IMt d< tba buiar and bbU-

* t****"!'

r ju.i akvi
Cur Baok>vurv

W IIIC v>An. aavurB*— .

nDC«Iloo E. H ArirB.roo
» Co Blefk.Trmara* < lt>



49c Calico Dress
are neat and tasty.
Tbe value is in them,

J. W. Millikcn.

C. H. SNOW, lilL Do Specialist Potatoes
Has Located in Traverse City at Hotel Whiting.

To Farmers aad Potato Shippers

Medicine Freel Services Free!
Teeth Eitracted Wlthoel Paio Free.
Be makes a speetolty of treating, ebroule and lingering diseaiss. priTnte ,dtossss of woman, diseases of the eye, ear. nose and tbroaL
Tbe doeuw has had a large experience to general pracUee-as well as in spee*1 work, and has euiwd many eaeea to tbe past of Asthma. Oartarruh. Brea.bltls. OomBmptioa. Oaneer. Tumom of all kinds. Chronic Diarrhoea, Bpllcpey.
Insanity. Goltra. (big neekl Rheuinsttom of all forma. Piles, Loco Motor Ataxia.
- -■ lorms of dyphUla. diseases of the Brato, Spine and Nervons system, dtoeesss
M Stood. Skin, dfscaass of the Stomach, Liver and bowala, dtoeaaas of the
ci. In dtoeanen of women htoupedal Bpedffea and syetem of treatsseat. reItoveeand euiuaevery caM. No^Mr how obattoate jonr case, do not despair
Too will £d the doctorb methods and WeatiMut different and eupertor to
anything you have ever tried.
temraet eured without matOaUng the eye. CMs eyee eto^btouad.
hto aserlbe
tor one week's treatment. rSBB OF 0BAB6K.
And he will also extract taath. gratia, aatng hto new tonal auseetHetie. wUeh
lakes tha operation palalma andla the mtmx at auythtog yet ~~


Owing to the unusual largo per•ntage of culls and aomerchaut.
able poUtoos this seaaon, we have
decided in order to make a market
for eame, to run our factory on aa
many of tbia grade of potatoea aa
we can obtain.
Our factory, which has a capacity of 10,000 bushels of potatoea
per day, ia now complete and we
are ready to take all the cull po­
tatoes that are offered us. tor
which we will pay their full valoe.
Bare ^

poUtoe^and write tia for quote*

Tkelichieu Starch Cl.
TnTttie aty. ICioh.


fU mounts i^n». wupat. eoiom la. \m


fttttki Momm


tmcn OF ottitMWfiUL
• •

wmM b


tM Ways at rs**Mtag ■

far. M. H. naMBs. T7mlts4 »uim

FMtsu tbw» «• BM ss mU «sour
b tor s booknu^ s^ tbs Ks«
(Jonrmsl of tbs
Crea tbs latiwtaw «r borgisn Is tM* ToU Tslsfispb. in
In b
B ’co
^ many to- «1
«sl Aa«octoUoa.
April 15. 18W. Irrt
tostiy u tbcf* Is sbNsd sad tbsi
staaecs thsy forest to rsmovs tb« coosldmd tbs two kind* of powder
SMT bs tb« RSaoB wmr tttSN SK> SM wbsa tbsy bass riitiibsd rssans tbs pasd on board-rtbe brown prUmatkktt* swh wMtdsrfsI TSBlts twih for
That to tbs rssaon wby as sad lbs bcm
*»»»»?• s^ tbs klstUesI A*e. In tbs brown,
ink of
A Hbrsriss ^
aoias of tbr rrsla. sis asbomsd. aU
la vtdeh tho ssIwUas of tbs Bank
tbl. thine tbr otlwr day. ^
a^tomd srs stasod. It Is oos of tbs
isrfwt te tbs world. Tbs fosadatlos.
.-I conid atM* B ‘Bwsam with tba
atoty^ fast below tbs saoei IsssL Is tmasrtblin I hBSS found in oar ^.of the *hlp. and 1. iBWwbml Irs bU of eoacfots twMty foot tbiok. booka
«tlci.B lariade muktods
«» ^bs ameoa. -isin^aB*. 4t
Aboso tbto is s Iska asrea fost dssp. of bllU. erocery bllto. su bUU and tbs «»«»»*• *Urbt conyeBtion. wh rii paa*.
aU shoes tbst tbiU ptotes of iron. llks- bairns fancT and .idaln and «
The •iDoksks. powHiirisny Bsanfactoiod to rostst both or^n^f and
of <*«• <“« P«d««>
-Hebt sinoant
"s«d^ and B.Trt.^^irb.tters
•«»be. or rather baslnsaa la ibs
calore s>»~. of wbl<b make one Maab
■ Ibiebsrye of a torpe
traacs ftos sboes woald tnA a alnllock, of hair. W« of laes. •“»««- Cartoonk ^ ea* lonn* In
Isr bad of coecrats, • alaUar Uks and droa*
___________ ’be b^b. and wbea the Utter
siaUar pUlaa of team. Tbs walU am *ha««l-tnk. pearil. .-myonand ops^ _l» ebanyed to esrboa dloxWe!
Impanstrabta. wbOs tbs doors ars obs watsr^lor aketrbes; po.isl order* and ^ m effect, were noted fioin ihU
foot tbiefc. welch loar tons *dU sod posuss sUmp*: sod 1 bare aUo s After a anait>er of dUebarcs* «bs
am asda abaoistatr asdrifiabls.
' dri^banan*w. wbleb I found is s ‘**^bs bsroaie baay with tbs fonie*
Mr. W. W. Aslotb eslasblm are book on .arfery. borrowed by s »sdl- .
‘bis powder snd there to
d la tbs oOes of tba Pan MsU Oa- «»]
pioWbly. a. I bear they • •»!bt tbpach arid atnell. It to ei.
Bscu ta oos of tbs moat miaarkaUe carry all aoru of aomnsy tbtoffs Uout |»^y Irrttatlnc to U mocow insm.
atraac roo»a svsr smeted. It to atssi with tbsm.

'buuch no asrtou* trouble rs.
throachoat and eoesred with half an | -Pbotoempbt. too. dears tUtfsIy la
«hrn the deck, ais wa*hrf
Ucb of solid conemts. Tbs door. al«» my coQsctlon. I oacs foaod an to.ur- d**® after the Bring kas.ceasrd. tbta
of iolia stasl. walebs orsr two ton* ancs poltcy la a book, but It wa* SU pauea awsy.
After tbs battle of Bsntto^ them
and has tbs sost raBSrfcsbIs UcK anlekly cUlmed.
of Baaai. lonsUtor
wbkbtbstacswBltyof Obsbbbsssrsr
~lt to pomly tbs remit of sbasat- wsm asTSral
and eye tndaimoaUoii*; tbens were not
- - n
^ eaka. ' ml ' ‘
---------. A psmoa deeply .engros-1
i book and anddsnly called , ^’topllcstrd and ylrided at once to
wbas wo are tidd that Mr. Asto^ loeki sway from It would dresmlngly pot ^“Pl* treatment A few were deaf,
ap sboat MO.000.000 worth of ealu-, bto hand oat tad take ibe dr*t ‘b«ta i
e a* a bookmark, then go I *bsy aU mcorered by tbe use of Inbtoo and money In this room.
.11 aboni h
,B.- away and forget all
Tbs Imperial Ottesaan bank. Con-'
Tb* i baUUon* and poUtserttlng. Only two
• observed In which Ibere
stantlBotda. had a marrsiena atsri fort time allowed for borrowing tbs book
!s yaar
yaam aefc”rt'ia'ballt
blight s«p[rs on that or the day follow, was rupture of tbs membrana tymbam hTusoms
----------------------------------------------"*"‘sarinc rock and on tbs bi« “d probably a member of the panl. Ueiv there was am pain: but
npim a waterbsarlag
t U. rack. roiu>Utlon I. .> #m,eloir- family
lunU. might
ml,bt <-t*oally
.■..o.lir pick
pl.k tb*
tb. volnme tbe patlenta .-omplalnrd of Unnlins.
The doctor alatsd that he was hims Tbs bslgbl la PP
asif slightly deaf as a rsanli of that
onr Iblrtr-.!. t~t l«<tb ttrlj-ia. I
oI ...mlblb, ib. Ibt.n.t.
sngagemeni. When a guu 1* Bred
Tb.l -Tb. m-lrlb, ol.rk .1 tb.
feot and width twaaty-four
feet Tbs
there to a fevltng of a sudden blow,
atssi walla am aurronndsd by maaonrr
tpamory i
retnmed books In tbe pnw. soweihlng like tbe blow fmm a bar
ata cooersts ala feet thick Ibrongbnnt |P*b**
borrower, bat whether of Iron. Wltb tbe small giuu this Is
while Ibe whole eomprtosa ssariy thir­
tbU U always done largely depeods
ty toM of Btssl. ■
more heavy, Home romplaliied
upon tb* humor of tbe aaalalaai- la
a cruab tvturnrd volumas are told of general muscular soreness after the
battle. The two oaae* of perforation
aside for fntare esamlnatloB
•• j **Tbe artful advertlaer raaaot let occurred In tbe vicinity of th* right-lowb <pUy) tbe TlrglMto.- Tbe purlSomebody Inrii gun. In hla opinion ibc deafueas
was Ibe result of Ibe Irritailoo of the
tana did. Indeod. forbid aU Amo«-msni , '■ •» ««■«
throat, primarily, this pmluriug a
OB tbe Sabbath, m-oaact Quean EUta. betb'a autats agaln« tbe dlampaUbls '
“ anybody etoea .one. not ibat closure of Ibc Eustachian tuU-; a sub­
sequent h.-ary discharge wonld force
.. ,b....
b^:: In Ibe m.-mbrana tympani. thus fore,
lug oui a euisll amount of air. which
Dg pleasant aay* at last *uc<'eeded In stopping blm."
could noi rvium and heoc.e the drum
Notes snd Qnarles. Tbs orgaa was In
would be somewhat reuacted
tbosa days used not In tbe saiBS way
While Ibe hotel r«i>arier was talk­ alight desfuein. result. ,
ns now. sitbsr la EngUnd or abroad.
,p . leading
i,*dlng «re«tern
srestem |>olltl
Tbomaa Maes of Ombrldge. who wsa
In him lo <wu
' ally a yonng maa wearing eery demon.
mlastar tbe coogrsgBtkm atug a psalm traUe* riotbes paamd aUng the lobby, tweed suK. “tud I guess they are
tan* accompanlrd by the orgaa a rua- , -English. 1 gueU " ventured the m- pretty ueariy right. 1 was In Bosion
tom which be bad heard of nowhere poner. '
the qiher we.-k for thn-e days, and
slat. That cnatom la now nnisscsal; , -cn't tell about that.’ r,*plled tbe when ready to de|mrt 1 took my grip
bat tbe ordinary use of tbe organ In wcateroer. 'Tm' not )uctgtog «« nu’ b and wa^^ out of tbs'hotel
tbe ITTb esntary was to add bmilaney now on appearances as I did. and I'll a tUrnght .If the blit, nidn't the < lerk
lo tbo vocal muale song by tbe rtmtr. tell you why. Several y.-ar* ago I wa-. aay anything? .Not a word..They don't
and sll posalble embeUtobmeni by Ibo m Nice enjoying Ibe Blvlem winter. Jump onto a man all of a siiddeu over
Bond, nna seams to bsvs been cm- and one day a chap rsme lo town
there. I had half an hour lo wall
pairtaloona on
I n pairr of pairtaioona
that were ■ tbe de|K>i. aud I wa* strolling anmii.l
Tbs paritans objected to tbst style Uuder than a doc barking when you a* cooienied as you pl.wu- when a
Of sacred music: sod so tbould we oht^lpep^
atrangcr timidly walk.-d op
Jsrt If tl were besrd now. Tbe result
■" »*• aic aud wanted to know ir 1 had
wsa s blind tags which M to the de^ u«-for
iHue In Bo*ion. 1 wa*
BtraetloB of several cathedral onran*. mm Iwcatiee l set him down for Kng- *»tber duup1u».hI. but replied that
and tea law .that all organs
|tob. and ! didn't like anytbl
anything English 1 bsd. Tlien be asked me If I bad
ana abooM he i^b.
all right. I told him
---------- .. ----------—..— and ..
aa thla to esiwctolly If li wore panti
has snausuy
gniduaUy those. He ..••
didn't *oem to
<■ .•catch on to It was hang-up. Tb.-n he awlich.-d
popolas knowledge. It has
the paritans bnyl»^
bnyl^^y f»>J>
for a day or two.
i. h
hut the sec- off on Hic weather for s minute, aud
developed a legend that1 th*
came Bcroaa ,n
, »odden It struck me that w*
objaeted to all miwlr. and that tb* ait
plare around the cor.
a„ before. When I
tras problbltsd daring th* common- him In a little
they kept giwKi Ameiicnn
put It to
t him be aald that my face also
waaltb. ffevetal mosical hlstorton*
ilsky ani where tw
had a
have aiaisd or Implied ao mneh. but ft' galliher of
la aa abaolate and anqaaUBed falae- lo*
of his remarks he ]um|»d onto the
'•Why.. jyou were around tbe Blank
Tbo praettee of asvalar music was In Eugllsh good and hard for sotnrihlng hotel a gwri deal during my *Uy."
had'lwH-n doing at the *'»•
Af- , -'-Y.-*. I was.- he replied
. . _ or .\aU or some place-er
'Aud you ore Just gettlug awavT
where the ann neeer *ets. and I na^l^
“ 'Ub. DU. 1—1 belong there, yon
and told him good for
tag puritan* were among tbe Iwai ,
Jid lYhoirtt wW.~ " " ' know, and I came down to a»k y«u
amateura of tb* Bay. And they were I '■•But.' sav* I. pnuled, T thought
Bot oxceptlona. Mlltoa. la "Areopagl- j you were one of them.'
j " A favor? What to ItT
ties* (IBMl. writing In purtun Ixm-I "Tn. tiot.'aay* W.
-'Id-Id like to borrow |9 of yon
doa aar* that lulea. vtollna and aul-1 “'Ain’t you. ivallyr My* I.
to pay your hotel bllir
Sap. were
MM to
(p. be
Ka found
r« -In
-la every
t'- T®
"Well. If I waao'l knocked ootr
boBSa." Only tbe qnakm objected to
motac to Itoelf: and tbe art waa flourdetsctlv*. of course, and h* was tryliblng doling tbs ritmmonwsaltt-.wben Ttrlii out'
- -Oh. by Jove, themr aay* be. riap- l®s «o make It dead-euy for me. Just
sbODl uolhv bow coDSldersis of my feel,
hi*• teg.
let. '1.CT
'l.el tie
tte tell you
to® wbote reign of Gtaories 1.
them. I iwhl tIH for them In Bt. Pi^ul. lugs! i felt ao tbaukfnl In cme
.toy. they wouMn’t stand *nd so mean In another
and. by JImlny.
SsivS ainy Taatw
.for. them
____ In that
that town al •«
* right back to the hotel. 1 walked up
Here It s record of sisty yesrf
»throw them
lee for
tor qnsea
qneen and
sad country
coontry that would
tto difflealt to excel though each an J*?«»e ovri he« to wriar ibem ota
^ .apologle*. hut before I
atasrBoB will probably bring to light Le-r
other splMdld records of long service i -Since that affair.- concluded the at me and said:
jeta Cblalett oT Ftymoatb Joined lbs * WMteraer.
r. -I
“I am not so sure ....................................................
that It Is
" -Ah! It to Mr. Johnson! Glad to
mwtn«h royal marines In the spring of tbe apparel that <V>th oft proclaim tbe M>e you. Mr. Jobnson. Will you have
, Ib, JU.TOin.,U»,.a««.rn
to Iw. ha* very poeih-sUy rw
-WsKhlngton Edenlng Star.
atari,- said Mr. Johnson, "and I shall
year later be took part in tbs bomMsrHM TiM.rte'P Sea. .
®cref get
over feeling grateful to
bartanent and captnre of Bydon. andet
The wife of the duke of Connaught, thoae botri JH^.ple. It wa* all »o easy
Sir Chartaa Napier, and la tbe op.<ra.
ttoos at 8t.
St. Jean d-Acr*.
d'Acre, and aoou
of Queen Victoria’* son*, ha* a »®« n»w »*"» gvnte*L you know, and
after was ordered off to tbe weal coast i
wit and s gift of caricature. She though 1 tried to make myself brileve
- Africa.
— --^ Prtnrea* loulse Margaret of that 1 *a* a hotel beat I couldn't do
wltb BOO slavea■ on board were cap- rniMda. and I* relaied to Emperor It-"
tared. and then bis ship, tbe Actason. WlUtam oMJeroiany. Rhe and her two [
«. wv
ItaylM ratrlMum.
waa Boat borne In IMS to pay off. Two •latan —-iirp tralnpA accnrUlns to the *
yean tbia later this, veteran waa
dered'lo tbe North American suilon.
where be taw fortber stimng aervlce, l-'rom her earliest Infancy she Imbibed they rejw-ated Macaulay * "Horatlu*.*
I -Woald three soldiers nowadays."
Md la snhaeqneat ptars waa afloat In tbe miliiarT spirit.
The duke «>r I'Ainjanght wen to Ber- ' be asked, -be llkriy to bold a bridge
varions part* of tbe world. He waa
to attiaid the wedding of tbe girl Anlnst a whole armyT
pramelod to aergeanL and In ISOO waa Itn
-chum" of Prlnre** Ixiulae. who was
. ..
bors answered.
dtacharged on pensloa. and
alMy net ebon! to Bad other waritk*
Within two daya of galo- sagement soon followed. IMocesa •®P»c“ he <-omiouedlioatoe was barely 18 and bar flanev
"-No. air." aahl tbe cUas.
waa ten y*ar* older. Sbe had great: "Wonld three Seoiehatenr
Tber again dlaaented.
Bampton. ata In tbe foUowlag year conversational poweia and brightness
favorite la Berlin. . -Would three Irtohmenr.
Jolaed tbe pmunent staff of tbe 1st and wa* a general
ac««s ofi PruMla
A* a prince**
Prataa IMncess
-Ptra.^. tjr." taouted on* exdtablt
. wltb whom
Utti* fellow, "on* Irishman would ds
tbit bora aoMtor aareta
of »15aWf» a* a dovw.
iroa*. .,r-_co^in Uaxaslne
•ta waa Awataad tb*
tasffaL Now. at tb* «od of bto days.
V la nsttbg from botb aaliartag sod

I by ffralaaga
—*—1 tava.

Tin Btst M Hitk.

■ tber* are two ways of getting
tbe (NffkmNy. one by Inaerttog tbe
required Itm In-the froat braadib.
L. K. A imroA
wbleb I* Tory apt to show, ibe other
to cnnnlngly taaeft on* In tbe hem of
Tb«i« 1* a dlfforence of
opialOB between tbe wearer ata tbe
maker of dremea oa tbto aU-iaqnnant
question. The riialalaine «on>«« to Ibe
. while
SS^^tgoH cnnn»..i00to»M
other aeceaasry
Ibe pocket bandkerehtof !• locked up
In tbe alcvTe. Tbe word* pocket bataFainlin. nrt»rting nod alio*
kercblef and porketbook wUl bare to
be chafed If tbto' goes on. tor they
r^Otom*.OIirO*et* withoBt gas, eblofom or «ttier.
are desilaed tor anywhere bat to tbe
T«nns cash.
pocket. Cbatelalae hag* do not appear
to have a very great aacveaa. possibly CcaM*Altr~''oto«v
stoceWVe—*------- ••
because they are ao easy a prey to the
Ooraer Proot ata Qsm Btreata.
ptedaioty rlimra, bat dalMy chine allk r. w
rfswies BMms • •*< i"*
bags, atnug to th* wrist by cord, are
Betal* Block.
to b* seeo St gay gstb*riags someUuwa. Tbe Jspanra* woman make*
C. C. Legter. Manager.
her pocket In ber broad girdle, a Chi­
naman In bia long aleevra. biit where
MOrTilT. taatiM at
the fntuiv pocket of American women
It to be remains to be sren.


lags, wbsn Ibaj ai* giaat tovarltaa.


.bom bo. oU.r Moo«’o obU-


_ ^

. .

SiiiaitMi tor 10 jun-





aiMJ *rp

Vtor* Betel. Bsmo *0.
.o..o_,., JtMw a opeeteHt.

B£SB2B8«R80SC9^ :S8Sl

SreitistOfAII Prize FightSv

Nlniwr t-ree®®**!^*

Rtproductil 8i Edison's Uttsi
i.iMSt O'*-*-We* *toes*c
' Impnned liuscope.
Gifoo Is Perfect Is The Host
Pefeitel Electric Effects c-'uio
Could Make Possible. ,

Realistic Is life.
The fight waa d*tojod from 9;S0 U>
West Michigan.
■. irals fce«perter«e» I* OreaS
seO •it'plo* ‘••r

michine.stlicbed clolb
Kitay* a* iudicaied In tbe lUusirail.o.
The, c-ullsr Is book.-.' and trimmed
with two large Uuiiuus.
The qureu of Belgium I* a devoted
loeer ot animal*, and to always
to act In their defense In any .-nae
Of cruelly which comes to hsr noil.e.
On an imeiiMely hot day la*i summer
she Doili-ed a dog drawing a milk
and It* peasani owuer along tbe high
toad bnnieriug tbe royal park of I.aekeo. The poor dog was utterly exbaualed. bill liU fnt«treaa iiwtead of
.having pMy at llie sight of fals (uiuilug
and stralniug. l>eat Wm merril.wsl.v.
Juai a* she wa* Hum cmeUv urgiug
him on. lb.' quevu In her pon.r HuiMdrove oiii of the park. and. taking In
the state of affairs at a ghn.-e. sbe
alighted fni«i her earriag.- and severe­
ly repnuiHuded the wonisn In Flemtoh.
Rhe Iben lU-DI her aervaui to tbe vaiille
to feieb water for the poor dog. aud
having tD*lvii.d on the peasant woman
g<nitng out of the .-art sod walking,
she herw-If stood in the road and
watched the milk cart till It had dis­
appeared from sight. Then her maj­
esty re-entered her «wrrtag* aud pro.-eeded on her drive. It was noted that
the milkwoman aesraed quite udcod
sHou* of tlte qneen'a~ dignity, for she
gnimlded <-o(Mldcnbly at U-lng intwfered with In her cruelty But though
she gmn>M.d she dared not disobey
rbe comtaaod* of the dog’s proie^-tor.

I0:M by the opralor In order to have a'l
arvangoaento lor ife teppodncOon per
feet to ovary detoll. The Edison AmerCompany reoroducliic the Meue
with a •«> model machlo* and there to
No FHckeriOR. No Tiring The Eye*.
Realistic ns life, tncli Move Ecr

PM 1

'rtl'S—-c. ‘ .a--|




oomo Noan.

ills" I '■

Admiwion 85c.
Don’t Forget The DAto.


11 to

Tbe Modero Woodmen
of ImeticaCbeapeat taturanee to tbe wo-ld-• 50 per SI.000 (at th* average age of
-»ber*hlA>6 years.) Youage* now
thanI at hirou.
Per capita ooat of man^ioeoH —
oenia-Cheapml in the world.
Loweei average death rato^Bg in
ise* but e.Jt per l.OOO mambora



Ar BlkBepM*

Lv Bk SmM> ;
Ar TrewtwCp I ____


unsm UD KwnKisna li.
To lAk* egeei WedecMlAr.



•lltoOe'etoe* m-M

kbeu. X«n

teUow> Jn». IlSv to* - >-'* cri


atlu In two cupfuls of cold water _
til thoroughly dliaolved and add about
two enpfuto of granulated aagar to It.
with the aante amount of boiling wat­
er. Place on tbe stove, adding 'the
Julcv of two lemon*. Rtialn through a
wet napkin. |ioDr Inio ibdividmtl-Jelly
aaedds and set on the Ice till Arm.
tlfwt a teaspoon In bot water and
aroop out the center of each mold.
leaving'uot mote than half the thiekthe bottom and aldea. After
thla to done soak iwo-ihtrd* of a l>ox
of plain gelailD lo half a cup of cold
water and beat until dissolved. To
pint of whipped i-nwni add a cupful
of pnlveriaed sugar and stmln tbe dto0 half an inch of ttw
top and w ben the cream is net meh
the Jelly which waa taken from liie
center and nu up molds. Oanitob with
whipped .-ream when ready to serve
ata turn out upon Individual pUte*.

Lingerie rvvm.
Moltiiodtouns fans.
Deddedly chic neckwear.
Maave. white ata piak. piwaOlng
Saab** Rwivaarlag. Mpedally for
the Wtl* oE«a.
Mohair glace., panlcnlarly dtatable
for traveling gowns.
ible novelty.
white lUqi
trimmed with hands of whHa. or oent
lac*. ov«r colarta ribbon.
I to England by ber father.
y blue ata white foolard coo
______ ____ brother, and tbe rTeddlng
_ ^
prufupely garaltuivd with la.-e
Etaellno has a tbooiy for
occarred In Rt. George'* eba^ WindT*”. -Annt
and rochtog of white
aor. with tb* sani ceremony that at. reforming tbe world.
leaded tbe wedding: of’tbe^-Washable string
hy th* thoaWales. Tbe dnke and duchfoa to-day
"Motbrta aagbt ta ornbawg* cblllire at Bagshot. twelre miles from dren.'
ffeu panaota.
dtag rooBiry la
-What good would tbst doT"
b Usally Ught

It Is asM tbst aoms BXnxoOD serve
a( lata la Italy, tb* eattlvatka of
trbleh baa bssn abaaBottod bscawe of
■atarta. aia l* be fftvaloped by
- - LAtatatbto lUJi^ I. OoiUc Wto. T1»J

Good for 15Dajs


11^ I I if '■


»g»l • 40
» »: 4 10

MAOlvwe Xtag

* *' * It

r«ls Mm

• 10 • •*»
mm » »


Uirt IB ««««*■».
In cut ilM U M (UtHt It.
* cerdlsUy


Id » e ^

LnA* Aba
04^ See

tt> Jo.*

uTT“w*il Itl-Sel DuSfWt IMsb
HmC OeasiU. Treverw rty.
ocepi asedBf. w aeA Mb »«e4* 40 rtoato

Gas Lamp$2.00....

el ehsv*


r"«- “

w*/» *


PriaRedRcedtoCloaOBllot GolmbiiuiLoiiCuuiiiJi


cBo employ for Bicycle
Repairing. Quick work.


m Data* fftraat.

John R. Santo,
Guetil lisiitiA

TvaveeaeCttV. Btok


’ ’ssr.saa,—"
..Dentist.. ~

«a»*p »k»a Fleint.______







_x'Jlh KOMfrao MOOBB, TOMPAT. OOtOBM 10,1a



> aad Mm W«MI^
« At* Tmj 0«M*m

OfthdBaudarMMMlIOM Mlba 9ltr

*■?(«. I aee.*' aald tba darmatok
of your cyabnwa arema to ba
a Utlla baetiar lhaa tba otbar. Tban
to a latn of It. too. that la white, bot
that tan U- tlyed tba aama cok

ftkaeec—t of tba abaaaei of tba
proiddMi bad etark a»d aavoral i
baao of tba Board of Bdmattna. tb
batM bald BMtambarMtb.ww Bd}gai«.
od aatU Oetobor i. l»M.
A.W. Sntan.

-OotxJ laadr nrUlmad tbr caller.
-I doo t want it d.rad.
kiUatl."-Chltago TTlbOBa.

) C Morri

■MAlW aad br
taulM than a
Mao7 an- dlatlartlr prrtty
»l«» r«M«- Tbeir «o»p>nh>oa ar*
WIT «ltew. bol tbHr fa*T# cramlSr
tMctljr ^Btad aad an powtk-nd. a
hart llM aronad tbc Mvk abovlnii tba
art stofia and nainr* br.
Claa Baaaty. froB a Japanna aUiKlpa***, eooalata ia a loog. wal fan.
—-*•1 raatarcai. all------- -*

Maplac allfctUr opward. i
aaMotb black balA
ara granfut.

biKk. aar.

alitvaffh tbe at;li>


tbalr dma prerMita Ibeir walking
wUb aaa»; tbelr fadl and band* an
dcIlratWr fomad aad ibrlr maniiera

aavAr «f
“Whao a goang aws taaa Bard bU af.
facUooa Bixn a mSidiB «f aultald*
ataadtag. br dTctan* bl* lo»r by faa.
taalng a branrb of a nrtaln ahrob to
tba botiar of tbr damaH'* iwmia If
the braaeb hr stflacird tbr ault la nJmrd: if it b* ampird ao la tba anit
ar." At tba lima of tba marflaga tb*
brtdagroom *««d* fHvaaBt* to hla brida
aa coolly aa hla tnaana will allow.
wUrt aba iaiiBMlIataiy offara to bar
pareAk io arkaowladgmani of tbalr
bladoaaa la lafaDc-y aad of tba palaa
beatetrad npoa bar adacatlco.
n»a wadding lakat plan ia tba era■lag. Tba brida to dnmaad la a long.
Mbita Bltk •‘klBooo** and vbita rail
•■d aba aad bar fatura bMbaad *lt
lunog aacb otbai oo tba floor.
•abha are pland alooa by: oa tba ona
t» a battla with two apouta: a botito
•f Mke aad cope; m tba otter labia a
trea algalfylag
•trvofth of tba brUagroom: a plum
iraw-otgalfylng lb« baauiy of ilia
brtda; aad. laatly. a Mark aiaadlng on
t life and
i. daaind by tbaai bolb.
tba marrlaga faaat aocb gaaai In turn
drloka Ihraa enp* of tha aaka. and tintwoApoutad
kaltla. alao cuniainluf
aaka. to put to the menllw of the brtda
aad brtdagnxiiD aharaataly by two
•naadaala aignlfylng that thry
. aban togalbar joya aad aomw*. Tha
brida karpi bar »H1 all bar Ufa. and ai

AdJoarMd raniar maattay of Board
.r BdlMbiioO bold iB
- Oetobor i. igag.
NaottBf waa eallad to ordv by
rr.4ia lUaallioo. PioaldoMk
Hoaeat. MembM MoSaU. Moore.
H^t,Kriai '
^iooMaoftaalrofbUr mooriag'

tta4 to bar bmhand aad bto panata:
wbao widowMl. to bar non.

ITw CMtegar narar haa iim. many plllowi for bar hatemoHo, roii.-ba*. pi.
■wii. etc., bat aba aotnailmn <x>mpialBa that lhay ana auhjat-lad to *u<-b
bard uaaga during tta aummar that
tbay an cotnidately worn out by ih.autnma. and aarb apHag aha ba* to
lay la a Daw aiook. aa'ya tba Naw York
Oommerrdal Adrarilaar.
X* faatliara
•ad dewp arv aittenalva bar ciwliii.ii
Mem to a baary drain on bar puna
•very naaaon.

Tbla year aba la golog

to try a naw expertmant.) Her
BoorvMigfaher aonfldad to. ber that *b>>
grew tbr -featban" for ber pillow* In
Her pillow*
t Wad with
ebirkaa winga
b«t Witt ooft.
tbe catUlto when ibry
■too tarn to ailk and duff and can ..
oaed for pillow fllUng. Tba milkwaad
poda Bbould be gatberad io tba au.
tomn. put In papar Ug* and bang up
to dry. Tnay will bnr« open lK-f..n*
tbe winter I* ovi-r aad t-an ba made up
Into pillow* early In tba aprlDg. Till*
tMown to Ilka apun allk. All that I*
■toMOry to to bang iIh- Ibtotlaa whan
gatbeied ( tha
where they ran real undtotiirhad and
dry to the
Tbay will t
Into nllk
t wllboni any otbar help than


A«ricu Mkal ud Sn(ial luUUte »f Hsl^n, ikk.



tv J*4-trlTlg. T3?^Tnsne 01»y,


Ito««™phy I

that It llkaly to (-tiaoga tba
will*- faca of a itmtiaaut.'’—Chicago



Oct. 12.1899.

OAee Moan froB 0 a. ax. to •

-*Ttiat anonymou* latter
trai-aii to a woman.*'
tt'bat made them think a woman
wrote tty






Sept. 14,
man aeeane

Mr. Probert that to euU open aad i

Bcacestfnlly yonra.
B. Muutu:, Snpt
Itv. Mieh, Sept- U, isys.
B.*«rd of CduoiUi.n
(>f TVncrrw <4fp. Mlehltnm.
UaimAaaii:—1 nave carefully exan
toed-the B' ravroud avenue aebool bnild
lag aad Bed .the ai
tbe plana and ap
heaameMooBpleledai ..
F. B. Mooea. Snpt'
Moved by Mr. CoebUa that the comwatoaUoabarwMlvedaad placed oa

Borne Baked U-v>d*. Orden aolleited.

Pbone 133

Motioa carried.
O.- ObC£.3, lltw.
7b tAe M.munifJe a*inl .>f BdHmrhm
of TVurerw t 'ilv. iM. AI</u«.
UKsrn.xaxx: We. yMr eominlttee
way# and maana. rMpeetfnlly report
that we have exatnineo tbe folio* ing

my Brat >aar In ihi»' oB». J
antborixad only to 16ok up each o
.llmueyaa ineldentiy .-aiae under

New desigife and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind whi
down town and call in our
Jewclery store to look them
over. jWe have many new
thinjfs in jewelry also.

L-if^od to my altontioD: ^ d^^g^ihi
laet year my antbority
iltod, and 1 conid look ap <mee
ancy only when epaciallv aotl
-toao by the aaperlRtcndani
of the eebool i-bildren who were in
my r:


^ant offieer who to raqoirad to de
bto entire time to tba dntiet of
oftice. and who baa full


Traailag that tkaee eoggeetlon* may
receive inch conaidorailoo ae they may
merit, I am, yonr obed.euc *ervai

We buy Eggs, 16c a dozH.
Gacil Dairy Butter. IT-I8c.
We sell
im Coifee-lllbstorSI.

Ft-Xn-UKB D Hah.i:i

. . for extra work acd the I
of Arm* A Oole, of $io!.63 for plnmiag,
Motion carried.
Mr Cxihlin that tbe Cily

loV ri;«-

CTerk and City Trea*ur«r he notified to
oey no more money to Wllw)n A Irwin

IK Base villa wboulho
Iw Bapiawber. ..
1UIIVS at «p.
pleat BeoavlU* aceael li<
aX a Ley ■aiceaill* Oo.
___ wrlato
AO«ar. pa
1. C. Kaoehoi
JoBb Proban

Hiram Cook,

t.w »

Motion carried
Moved by Mr Hovt that tbe com
-111- - -1-.U U.a o»cb
»ap*r>Dtendeat be anthorixed toaeenre New Store, New Maneon Blk.










amended by tl
&t DU
present bill f
«0 DU
u u. regular meeting.
7T ai
Motion carried


Of Mankind Pnaaibla to OtrtaUb


■aai that haa a*'


sijjs'ssr’"'“■ ELEGKNT

. ing that my aultanritv
Umitod. and ware not *low in
advantage of that faut.
perienoe ia
' '
lO ihto
eonoaciionD. 1



IO begin bto
--------------------------- »t of tbe ttuu.
year, tbeae ehlldrca can all be looke
up aad be made to attend eebool jai
BO ranch eooner and with no grei
of Ubor oa tbe part of tb
truant oBicer.

I would next aug^ttbal tbe truant
oflioar be employed for tbe eebool year
and reqoirod to devote bto entire time
to tte dutiae of
o*<^ Tna
territory to be covered, to au iJfr and
Mirad by Mr. Moore tbat|tbe aatiee
■henamber of ehlldien to be looked
be reoelv^aad placed oa
aftor ao great, that it will I believe,
lotion carrieA
r.-qulra the entire I'me aad aiienUou
of uae peraon to properly attend to this
important braaeb of oar edoeat ona'
Vilu. MICA.
and tbe lacrMaed beceBt
tlBKTUnKx:-! baveearefnlly exatu
Boardman avenue eebool
bnlldiag and find tbe name to comply
1 would aleusoggeet that the truant
with the plana and •pcc-ifloaUoni pre­
Jftlser be given full aulborily. and that
pared for tbe mma by me. and hereby
aeoept tbe eame aa completed and mt
Yonn etc.
Maxi.v C. Dutioa
Dated Oct t.riew.

Fire Insurance.

b W mrubd a Boa. oa.Ii^’f« toe


L. A. Bnlldin?.

a*Hs-.a°.t53 ■8SKjQv.U'iSiSS184SS13S~


tU.:OTTMAS ac.

~------------------- Tg
palslawlr IDial
tear, turn


WW.W of W



traalaroi a. p^u'nBwr
-ariCBaaC Buropc.

Oocblln that tbe
oted leave of
iM^day la tbe moatb of October.


PUwr. PaMMtAOa.«

Motioe to Tbxpaytn.
■otto* I* heiwto Kime that tb* tai reU* for
Ur TO.toeilM of >cjM^a^ city tax* -aadoaart*

Motioe CarriH.

-«t«l again,
-be oCfanad

aapau Oc-toher l*i a
apoaalty aft per .
^ed In any atvIemtJi
t Jartnm^eon. ’

^ on* tocala

DtitCUABOl'ta EAS.4ei



I Id ulJ
Ko rt

Caeca aa* eei-raaveadca
ACdrea*. with paatao.


I will have a car load of horses
here on Wednesday, Qct. 11. They
will weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and will be a fine lot.
If you want a good horse at a
reasonable price call for

423 N Nlmwood Ave.


«* ihoac *ho*v aab .
x r«la*4 both wlad
> tor ataor, aaetaty


Morse Bros.. House Paiitors

Mtigaie as t
:ltioD of the B.a
avMor eehoolbnl’dlngatid
bnl’dlngaod If lame

•ot eaitotaelory, to laiimel tbe AmmlMn Foundry A Pnrasee Oo. to put
eame U a eaaJtory eondicioa at onee.
............. - carried


ASritBCt BKtar ail arga

Olve them a calL

Hi bapld* Srbaol PuraiK

net« to aoma prtwpect of earrings
comlag la again. Soma women are
■cry fond of tbene aeml-barlMrie
Moreorer, people wbu
ought to know aay tbal wearing earPlngi baa a dlctlnctly advanugeon* ef.
mma tba Mght. Tbt doebae* «f

MoUoo oarried.
Cily TrMBurer'a report for Boath of
Aarvat. im, was proooBtad aad OM
floyl. d. •

DRS. B. S. & CO.
*M ameatamA ^eilDlii m.Mormerty pf l«*w Yaab. aag .ew irf m.

aoM tbr
aotuebody would put a ctomp on tba
IntaruailoaaJ political
altoatkia aad
bold It BtlU for a few mlautia.'’

mldaat MlUoa eoUeetad la SopUmoar
aiooaaUng to giH 79, labnratiry feta
oo lociad BiDoanting to M.OO aad book*
told amountlag to PltM, were pie•'ll had DO daie."-Cblfugo Ra*-ortt.
aeated. Mooed by Mr. Moore that tbe
n.l.-ag.. tllrl - .Vow that wa are enbimfrooiMeMra. WiNoo A lrwia. wto
^ru o' eap^teadeni be 'reoelred
guge.1. tell me ‘mly. to ibera-anytbiag
are «Mor <\>iuiact wUb yonr bosor- aad placed on flia
ID your |u*i life that you bare raetun
aole bod.r w- make eertaio
Motion caiTlrd.
10 !*• avbaiaed of?
^'rr'Kk'-i rauaira opos tbe I
71. tOe HoitoraUt Board of fduaukm ^
('hl.-ngo Youth Itarting.
I -rennot
afWBe aebool balldladr. of tbia city, the
Trment CUp. MtOtigan:
tall n ilr. I uuce Ibouglit for aliiHwl a
of OM bsodrodbad aaroatam aad
UiuiiAucxr By virtue of poar
week tbal 1 loied a 8i. |.«ma.gtrL•
thadollark. for
•iDiBi.-&t. 1 boTo. for tbe peel two Cbli-agu Hally .Wwa
work aad
d labor
partormod aad motor
v.-en, aiv-c
iabad la Uthlag aad plaaalerlag aatd Bim
Bimwood aToaoa aebool balldIn my eeUmetion tbU to e very im
portaat tffiee. aad one to wbieb are
•'i' n.-mcdr equal* WaBVRb'u Whitk
Yon are alao farthw aoUflad that
• i.sT: OK l AK SviU P fur iLi* icrritbaroogb

aald JobB^tTo^baa aa^y Mplat
Uomatlc maaaer:. and
eoa my aap
hly and io llnw, ii will i-utv a .
tbla poslUoa baa brought to
t aebool bnUdlag, in
hours, and lie- the cuugb that
ettenUon aome facto which, perhana.
.us La (iripiiu 1-, never fail* t*> t
alao aoder oontraei with yonr •nay bare ea.ap.«l the uotloe of aoma of
boBorable- bod* to make eertain ImUiellbarty
> aad repalraapon aald bnUdDra. B. 8. fk Co. Coming.
In the Brat place I would1 auggan
Tua Dra H 8. A Co. are beeomtnr
__ ____________ B Probert fbr Ute eama -a
well and favorably knowa la oar eoi
large aun of ^ey from Mid WUaoa A
that It to hardly neeeaoary to
. tbe eaaot amount being‘^uu
■aretofure it ha* been eua
more tban menUoa tbe date of tbeir
kaowB k> him at tbia lime. bat tba.
tomary to wall until aftor the aebool oomlng to laeure a large crowd at tbe
I lobwUl
lobwlU W
be ^y'oomplatod
to avail tbemeelvca of tbeir»en
' a few daye, when t
thara fc
nuking tlie appointment But there U remarkalile ekill. Tboee who are indue aad
lag _ tborefor
of two bvadred aad oae and a large oember of echool children who enrabla are frankly told ao. Many who
for yean and have
. been
twenty Ive oae-baadredtha doUarm.
eill not Bttaad aebool at tbe
------- by their frlenda
Yon are tbmefore hereby
-nnleea they are looked
. lelana are epeedily aad perma­
to retain oat of the aaoni
lant now di
after. There to another clam of cbild- nently reatored to bealtb. To tboae
who have become dtooonragnd we
Irwin. M tbe eoBtraeta a
utQe tban la a a«ib
liUb'le mvnnor' for would eay. by all mean* vtolt tboee
’.cDdiogaehoo], and
hare doctora and obtoin tbeir opinion of yon
to be looked np ana reported to tbe if you have not alread
already dooi
.e ao. They
director oMha loor. and provided for make tbeir vtolt to Tn..
Maklt C. Doboa.
four weeks and invito
by that offlom. Wore they can aitond
Dated Bepl. it law.
A iu there to aaotber claaa
t. 8;
n —n-* dn not nndentand that we
Oc-- 13. between 1• am.*
have adopted tha free text book ayetai
One day only
*na therefore do not eeod tbalr eblh

Minn- a They make pUlow* to dr-iam
•weat dream* on.
nnriap and detden are ohaop. »arTlcaahla
aahla and atghlly fabric* for aiini.
ner curtain* and pUlow*. They «mia
In rarioo* color*, and ran ba adorned
and they can Hiand a gn-et many liB^d
knoeka before they loac tbalr feather*.
•f«M Apple OMert.
A slmpla and datldoua dcn»cn that
la poMltda with tba Bm graati aiqdaa
la made from half a docen Urge
Three an cored and quartcrad aiul |.tit
tato A Mucapan with ten-ly water
eeougb to i-oear ttem.
TJvcy obonld
be cooked alowlj. and when teinl.-r
pteaaed while bot tbrmtgfa a iHaec nud
ewaetaaad to uwe. The yolk* of tliiva
egge wall beaten are reedy at thU um.
rnant and liaaieo luto tba bot pur.v.
wklcb to rrtomad for an Inatant Jo Umraage aflarward. Tba ralximv to then
pot Into tcfoouada glaMra aad la aarved
when aotd with whipped cream ami a
CASdlrd rberry baapi^ on the top <>r
eech. ft may ba praaard into porce­
lain ogga cup*, tba baa tec whltea of
tbe egge pot on' >P end tbe < u|>* w-i In
- tbe even for a n iDi-nt to broetL li I*


,t BunonibuthtB^iOJnitt/Mdueaikm
Tromra* C'Wg. NIcAIimh;
UaxTiAHKa;—laaira ooatod by Mr.

ber daatb ll U Inirlad with bar a*
ittrood. Tha chli-f duty of a Jbsmi
womaa aD ^ life to ohadlann-wMI.■•uaarrlrd. to bar paranla; whan mar.

o be reoalri
Hawlo be wnplored aa traaai.

CHMltMin uf Enaiiatioi Fm uf Strictir CufMntial

at Brodhagen’s Bam



Your winter's wood
at once to insure de­
livery. WE Have


Hemlock lomber ia all ■


^ »:v

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